O ^T^LOOXJE / in OLD ENGLISH SILVER PLATE,' MINIATURES, BOXES, &c. THE PEOPEKTY OF A GENTLEMAN; AND (Drnammtitl & ®scful Wilber ^3 late. GOLD WATCHES, BOXES, ETUIS, FANS, MINIATURES, BIJOUTERIE AND OBJECTS OF VERTU, FROM NUMEROUS SOURCES; A COLLECTION OF ENGLISH GOLD & SILVER COINS AND MEDALS, &c.: WHICH SEtll be Solb bu Auction bu Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, at THKIH GTtEA V ROOMS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On MONDAY, JULY 26, 1897, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed Friday and Saturday preceding, and Catalogues bad, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Street, St. James's Square, S. \V. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s, 5 and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more,, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be takon away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Chkistie, Manson and Wgods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. On MONDAY, JULY 26, 1897, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. ENGLISH COINS. GOLD. 7 , 0 1 Elizabeth Pound Sovereign, m.m. Woolpack , 2 1 y t 0 2 James I. “Fine” Sovereign, m.m. Woolpack - X ? ' p 3 James I. “ Laurel ” or Unite, m.m. Trefoil, usual type ' # ^ Charles I. Tower Unite, m.m. Bell; Half-Unite, m.m. Cross on steps; Quarter Unite, m.m. Tun 2" 3 5 Guineas of Charles II., 1679, and William and,Mary, US 9-the C? latter fine ' *" ' jfi Py 6 Guineas of George I, 1725, and George III. fine ayfit^Oyry^y z 0 7 Spade Guinea, 1798, of George III .— vein / , , „ 8 George III. Garter Guinea, 1813, and Half-Gm^jf^O^ Third of Guinea, 1804 /j- c0 George 1Y. Double Sovereign, by Merlin and PistrucciAX23, with^ inscribed edge— very fine ^ fi■ ? , &\0 Charles III. of Spain Piece of Eight Scudi, 1772 C /j <_ 1 11 Turkish Pound and smaller pieces (5) ; Spanish Scudo 1792 South Indian Star Pagoda ; and a Fanam - !) r. o 4 SILVER. fl2 / ft CP 12 Elizabeth Crown, m.m. I., Shilling, Threepence and milled Six- P'P ' ™—j’it-t n—— — — Y., 1551, and Shilling ; Msxy pence ; Edward VI. Crown, m.m. Groat; and Philip and Mary Shilling —some well preserved S ^ yjy 0 13 James I. Crown, second coinage, m.m. Trefoil, and Shilling, first coinage; Charles I. Exeter Crown. 1645, m.m. Castle ; and Tower Sb Half-Crown, m.m. Triangle, and Shilling, m.m. Crown —some well preserved & 4 24 29 Maundy Money of various dates and denominations, from to Victoria (45) ; and a few Eoman Denarii (9) English and Foreign Coins, various, including a Thaler of Ferdi¬ nand II. of Germany; Perth Groat of Eobert III. (Scotland); Groats of Edward IV. and Henry VIII.; York Sixpence of William III., 1697; Marriage Jetton of Charles I. and Henrietta Maria; false Shilling of Cromwell; and other y pieces 43 Copper. —English Coins, various, including Farthings of Charles II. /p qvatvok, &c., Anne, 1714— fine; and George 1., 1724— some fine ^39 ? A small coin cabinet Gold. —James I. Unite, m.m. Castle; 'and another, of Charles Anchor (holed) 2 - James I. “ Laurel,” m.m. Eose 1 - James I. Half-Crown, m.m. Grapes; and a Eyal, 1555, of Mary Queen of Scots— latter very rare, but poor 2 - Guineas of Charles II., 1679, and William and Mary, 1691, with elephant and castle under bust — Guineas of Anne, 1714, and George I., 1715 — Guineas of George I., 1723, and George II., 1759 — George II. young head Two-Guinea, 1738— fine — Louis dit aux Lunettes, 1726, of Louis XV. Quarter- 34 >.) o \z 36 Guinea of George III., 1762 ; and a Portuguese 400-Eeis piece of Joseph 1.—the first in mint state •> - George III. Shield Half-Guinea, 1786; and a George II. Crown (silver), 1746, with “Lima ” under bust— both fine 2 Silver. —English and Foreign Coins, various, in poor state, weight 12 oz. Queen Anne Crown, Half-Crown and Shilling; Dollar ol O Charles IV. of Spain; Moorish “Ounce” Piece; U.S.A. Dimes //LOa&U* 1820, 1823 ; and various other English and Foreign Coins, &c. (64 oz.) ; and various English, Colonial and foreign Coinsand Tokens, including a few brass coin weights, white metal medals, Ac. (77) 107 6 30 . o I Military Group of the Order of the Bath (C.B.), with gold o swivel bar and buckle; Peninsular Medal, with five clasps for Martinique, Yittoria, St. Sebastian, Nivelle, Nive; Waterloo medal (silver swivel bar and buckle) ; Order of St. Anne of Bussia, with gold swivel bar and buckle; and a miniature Waterloo medal —a very fine and interesting group of decora¬ tions and medals belonging to and worn by Major It. Macdonald, 1st Royal Scots, and of great rarity 5 A relative and clansman of this gallant officer (Lieut.-Col. Macdonald) was in this famous regiment in the Expedition to St. Lucia in 1803 47 0 , o (f. 48 49 ^ 50 3,0 51 Sixteen miniatures of Indian Princes—on ivory, in four frames An oblong box, of Dresden enamel, painted with garden scenes an figures on white ground A circular Vernis-Martin snuff-box, with a scene from ‘ Le mariage de Figaro ’ in relief; and a horn box, carved with a steeplechase ^ A pack of sixty-five old French playing cards, printed with Roman Jr -- soldiers, classical and other figures and emblems, and coloured; and an old Milanese pack of thirty-nine cards, coloured —said to have belonaed to Queen Caroline j /} l x & 52 53 i . 61 // /O , O 62 /' f i 0 63 A' // 'b 61 /rV*,0 65 T i (y , ° 66 Z./JL. C 1 A /* ,o 68 J/, ^ & 69 / i. 0-, o 70 JA Jr JA THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN. A Louis XVI. circular box, of red Vernis-Martin, with stripes in gold A? > and with engraved gold mount A circular box, of light tortoiseshell, inlaid with silver and gold ; ana a tortoiseshell and gold picque single opera glass A flat tortoiseshell box, inlaid with figures, &c. in engraved mother- o -pearl and gold; and an oblong box, of tortoiseshell and silver picque, inlaid with pearl Two tortoiseshell and gold picque needle-cases A \ ernis-Martin needle-case, painted with poultry and other birds on gold ground; and a circular shagreen case, silver mounted A miniature portrait of a young lady— signed —in oval gold locket ^ with opal enamel back and hair A) trf' Portrait of a lady—in oval locket with border of pastes and ribbon loop, and a French miniature of a lady—in circular frame with y? / border of small pastes 2 fAA A silv er punch-bowl, chased with a farm scene and inlaid with a coin' of Charles III. of Spain; and a pierced gravy-spoon, with lon<; round wooden handle A Set of I our Silver Table Candlesticks, on vase-shaped stems P and hexagonal-shaped feet, chased with shells and scrolls in relief, and gadroon borders, 1769 /n/. M An old Sheffield plated argyle, on gadroon foot 0 SILVER —At per Oz. oz. 71 A pair of pierced threaded-pattern asparagus-tongs 5 72 A pair of fiddle-pattern salad-servers . . . 9 73 A toast-rack ; and a wine-funnel . . 11 74 An oval tea-pot, engraved with vases, festoons and ai^besque ornament —York hall mark, circa 1770 . . y/3 14 75 A Pair of Vase-Shaped Canisters and Covers, repousse with spiral and beaded ornament, branches of foliage- x Ac.—1764-5 .12 70 A Vase-Shaped Coffee-Pot, repousse with spiral and wave ornament, and with gadroon border—1763 . //O 31 77 A plain milk-jug, on three feet .... 10 78 A plain saucepan—1767 ; and a tripod stand, with lamp &Z. 14 79 A plain sauce-boat, on three feet, with upright scroll handle , —1761 ; and a smaller ditto, nearly similar . //•D 12 80 A pair of large sauce-boats, nearly similar—1769 . ///& 26 81 A Circular Salver, with raised shell, gadroon and scroll border—13 in. cliam .—1762 . . . //<*• 82 Another, with shell and scroll border, the centre chased— 14 in. diam .—1754 ..... Another, with shaped gadroon border chased with flowers in relief, the centre decorated with flat chasing—15 in. diam .—1766 ..... *y/0 A William III. Small Library Candlestick, on vase¬ shaped stem and octagonal foot, with fluted and corded borders—1695 ..... . ^ 5 A Plain Chamber Candlestick, with flat vase-shajfed ^ , handle, engraved with an earl’s coronet, arms and mottq^. 7 86 An epergne, on vine-branch stem and triangular plinth, bearing cut-glass centre-dish and branches with nozzles, for lights or three smaller cut glass dishes . /tJ 88 Small Silver-Gilt Tea-Pot, partly fluted and chased with bands of acanthus foliage, the spout chased as a terminal female figure— Leeuwarden, early 18 th cen- . . Z/3L 9 dwf. 83 81 85 87 A tury 18 1 o 15 — 8 15 IQ /V 16 8 6 ^_* 30 18 41 11 44 4* 8 yA— 7 J p-j-o 98 the reverse— Augsburg, 17 th century A tazza, on stem and foot of agate and silver, repousse with masks_ fruit and other ornament in the style of the 16th century ' 11 ^7 & 99 A horn cup, mounted with handle, rim, foot, and pierced bands of silver, engraved with hunting scenes and coats-of-arms,— 17 th century f AiN' r 100 A Gothic chalice, with plain silver-gilt bowl, on hexagonal-sbapeu stem and foot of metal-gilt, with large knop, inlaid with nine small circular niello plaques with sacred subjects and emblems, on groundwork of foliage and arabesque ornament An flat / chasing—1 hth century DIFFERENT PROPERTIES. SILVER —At per Oz. oz. diet. 22 15 101 A Pair of Queen Anne Table Candlesticks, on plain baluster stems and octagonal-shaped feet—1703 AJA From the Collection of Her Grace Caroline , Duchess of Montrose 101a A Set of Three Tea-Caddies, of shaped oblong form, with gadroon borders, beaded ornament at the angles and flower branch knobs, on pierced scroll and foliage feet—1770 .84 9 In mahogany caslcet mounted with silver handle 102 A set of three circular entree-dishes and covers, with gadroon borders and twisted serpent handles . , ^.106 2 hr 11 103 A circular waiter, with beaded border—8^ in. diarn. A, 104 An oval two-handled tea-tray, chased and engraved wnh flowers—28J in. long . . . lAA* 133 105 Six threaded and shell-pattern table-spoons; twelve dessert-spoons; twelve tea-spoons; and a pair of 18 A* jfyu'. sugar-tongs 106 A two-handled oviform vase-shaped tea-urn, on squ, plinth with beaded borders—1784 In old leather case 16 >- /J 107 Twelve small dessert-knives and forks, with mother-o’- o pearl handles —all at 12 oz dwt. 108 A pair of fiddle-pattern sauce-ladles; six tea-spoons; a sugar-sifter; four salt-spoons ; two mustard-spoons; four other salt and mustard-spoons; a beaded pre¬ serve-spoon ; a pair of sugar-tongs ; a pair of king’s- pattern sugar-tongs ; and a feathered-edge ditto 109 A silver-gilt Russian ladle, engraved with inscription ; six plain ditto silver tea-spoons ; and a chased silver-gilt goblet ....... yr o 12 110 A pair of small Norwegian beakers, with frosted grtfund i and a small French beaker. . . . /A* 5 111 A pap-boat; and a wine-funnel .... 5 15 0 0 ftZ.C 112 A pair of library fluted column candlesticks, on square feet with beaded borders—1783 —all at 113 A Pair of Table Candlesticks, on round stems and feet, repousse with honeysuckle ornament, ribbons and ✓ drapery— Sheffield, 1793 —all at PLATED. / CS , & 114 A luncheon set, comprising sandwich-box, plate, goblet, pepper and salt box, silver-mounted glass flask, knife and fork —in leatherQ. / case - j. ^ , to 115 A coffee-pot, sugar-basin and cream-jug, partly fluted and with 7- 2 /, ’ ^ /? beaded borders /f ^ 116 An oak liqueur-barrel, mounted on truck ; a taper stand ; andtwo y pairs of chased snuffers iJtZ&ru 117 An epergne, on open vase-shaped stem and octagonal-shtqied foot, with gadroon borders, bearing cut-glass dish rris*- FINIS. London: Printed by Wm. Clowes Sc Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross.