'w 1'' iilfH 1 0 ^l^-r ■if ''- J'!: JB '^K- Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2020 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/domesdaybookorgrOOunse_0 I •'ST' - '-'I ■J^i* ^ i 0^ I be BuezvY Scmvey- o^ 0 tbeC QH^aeROB A.D.MLXXXVI FJA'nwaTo 0){)>NA,N^K 5UKVKY OFFU'E ,YMrrHAMn'^A\' COLOjF|£L :.F^ 1.) J R HCTO . M DCCC LX I >’;tcli.eJ, h'f G.it (jartiuli ot the Ordmincr 'urvi’y IJIf’irc. I -i . / i- . J >o £ - .■■iv'lr'%' TV 1/ - ■ S^' ik - ? • ♦ fjH •> I ^3 » - » -. -v^ •'•> r t V o, .j i ^ ilK' »«• 4^ f •r k . Kt ) ^ ■•'V. ■ iT -T «► V ■ ’--^JVS ■V' #* - # J IP 1. '!^ 4? w Q J m INTRODUCTION. Domesday Book, or the Great Survey of Engdand, was made Ijy order of William the Conqueror, A.D. 1086. It is contained in two volumes, the first of which is a folio of 760 pages, of the exact same size as this copy, the second is of the size of a large octavo of 900 pages. These volumes contain the Census of the Kingdom, made up from Returns from each County of England, excepting the four northern counties, viz:— Northumherland, Cumherland, Westmoreland, and Durham. The Book of Exeter and the Book of Ely are of the same date, and no doubt copied from the same returns as Domesday Book itself, but they contain more details than are given in Domesday. Tiie Book of Winchester was made A.D. 1148. Boldon Book, containing returns for the County of Durham, was made A .D. 1183. These five Books, with valuable Indexes and very interesting explanatory In¬ troductions, have been published in four folio volumes in modern type, but with all the contractions in the original. The two first volumes contain the Great Domesday, and were published in 1783. The other four Books were published in 1816 in the third and fourth volumes, by order of the Royal Commissioners who were appointed for the purpose ot carrying into execution the measures recommended l^y the House ot Commons respecting tht Public Records of the Kingdom, and under the immediate direction of Sir Henry Ellis, late Principal Librarian of the British Museum, to whom we are indebted for tlie valuable introductions and indexes. To these Introductions, and to .Hie en¬ larged General Introduction published separately in two octavo vohunes in 1833, by the same author, I must refer those who desire to have more detailed information respecting Domesday Book than it is my object in these few prehnimary remarks to enter upon. The following remarkable passage from the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle is taken from the Translation by Mr. Benjamin Thorpe, publislied under tlm direction of the Right Hon. the Master of the Rolls.—Yol. H. (Translation) pp. 18o, 18 . - V D MLXXXV. In this year men declared, and for sooth said, that Cnnt King of Itenmark, son of Kin<. ‘^ein, hitherwaJd, and .ould .in this land ^^lth the anl ot Robert Count of hlanders; n ^ ___ » 1 . •/» IT^I_ ■\X’'n I,.-.-.-.-. K riT hn( ;£»’ in because When William King of England who was then .csidin Xoinrindv—because lie owned both England and Normandy,—was apiinzed o( tins, be went into England w.tI so lirW an amy of horsemen and foot, from France and from Ilrittany. as never before bad sought tins a d so ilim men wondered how this land conid feed all that army, lint the Itmg cansed the army to la- distributed through all this land among his vassals : and they fed the each accoii ing o le mcasui s it ml Ind nmn had great affliction this year; and (he king cansed the land about ^ so that if his foes should land, they might not have whereon they might so readily seize, but when '■><- (v" n was iufk ed h. som^^^^ his foes were hindered, and could not further their expeditton, he let some ol the iiiMiiiipiiiiiiii and his earls; and-though I may narrate some.hat very narrowly holder of land in England, in land or in cattle and how mu h eveii-it is shame he caused it to be traced out, that there was not one single hide that was not set to tell, though it seemed to him no shame o do--an ox, no a con noi a s.ine, down in his writ. And all the writings were brought to him aftei.aids. For the execution of the SiirA^ey, Commissioners called King’s Justiciaries, or Legati Ilegis, ^Yere appointed to go into each county, these Commissioners, or to (juote from Sir II. Ellis, p. 21:— The Inquisitors, it appears, upon the oaths of the Sheriffs, the Lords of each Manor, the Presbyters of (‘very Church, the llevcs of every Hundred, the Pailiffs and six Villans of every village, were to enquire into the name of the ])lace, who held it in the time of King Edward, who was the present possessor, how many hides in the INIanor, how many carrncatcs in demesne, how many homagers, how many villans, how many cotarii, how many servi, what tree-men, how many tenants in socage, what quantity of wood, how much meadow and pasture, Avhat mills and fish-ponds, how much added or taken away, what the gi’oss value in King Edward’s time, Avhat the present value, and how much each free-man or soch-man had or has. All this Avas to be triply estimated : first, as the estate Avas held in the time of the Confessor; then, as it was bestOAved by King M'illiam; and thirdly, as its value stood at the formation of the Survey. The jurors Avere moreover to state Avhether any advance could be made in the value.” As regards the measures of land in Domesday, “The truth” Sir II. Ellis saA’S “ seems to be that a hide, a yardland, a knight’s fee, (fee., contained no certain number of acres, but varied iu different places,” but it has been described to be “ as much as Avas suflicient to the cultivation of one plough, Avhence our term of plough-land.” “ The (hirucata, Avhich is also to be interpreted tbe plough-land, Avas as much arable as could be managed Avith one plough and the beasts belonging thereto in a year; haAung meadow, pasture, and houses for the house-holders and cattle belonging to it;” and it appears that “the hide AV'as the measure of land in the Canifessor’s reign, the carucate that to Avhich it Avas reduced by the Conqueror’s neAv standard.” Tlie Hide is generally supposed to be equal to 120 acres. IMoiiey is generally estimated as at thirty times its present value. In the year 1855 I introduced Photography for the purpose of making accurate reductions of the Ordnance plans from the larger to the smaller scales required, and by ^yhich a saving of upwards of £2000 a-year is effected. In 1859 we improved and adapted the Chromo-carbon process to our require¬ ments in such a way that the I’hotographs could be at once transferred to the waxed surface of a copper plate to guide the engraver, or to plates of zinc or to stone for ])rinting as by the ordinary methods—and as we generally use zinc plates, I named this art riioto-zincography. To Captain A. de C. Scott, li.E., who has charge of this branch of the work, and to Corporal Eider, E.E., who is employed on it, we are chiefly indebted for this success. In an interview with the Eight Hon. W. E. Gladstone, Chancellor of the Exchequer, he asked my opinion as to the applicability of this art to the copying of some of our ancient MS. records, and I at once expressed my belief that we could produce fac-similes of them at a very trifling cost. But with the view of testing this, I had a small deed of the time of Edward the first copied and printed by this })rocess, and with the sanction of the Eight Hon. Lord Herbert of Lea, Secretary of State for War, copies of it were bound up with my annual Eeport of the Progress of the Ordnance Survey to the 31st December 1859, which has been presented to both Houses of Parliament. Having established the fact that Photo-zincography is applicable for the purpose of producing any number of copies of ancient MSS., the Lords of the Treasury, with the concurrence of the Eight Hon. Sir John Eomilly, Master of the Eolls, directed me to copy that part of Domesday Book which relates to Cornwall; and the publication of that part having excited great interest, and a desire for the con¬ tinuance of the publication of the work county by county, having been very generally expressed, I have been directed to bring out this volume, Avhich will be followed by the i)ublication of the parts relating to several other counties, the gentlemen of which have guaranteed to take from fifty to 250 copies. Idle Messrs. Vaclier & Sons, of Parliament-street, have published the text of the Cornwall Domesday “ in extenso,” of the exact same size as the original, and arranged to correspond j)age for page and line for line with the fac-simile. This is a very judicious arrangement, and should be adopted for every county. In examining copies made by Photo-zincography, it mu.st always be remem¬ bered that the original document is not even handled or touched by the copyist, each leaf of the book is placed in succession before the camera by the officer from the Public Eecord Office, in whose charge it constantly remains, and sometimes after an exposure of only twenty seconds, the perfect copy is taken, and we require no furtlier reference to the original. I have placed in juxtaposition a copy of some paragraphs from the original maimscript, and a copy of the same paragraphs from the edition of 1783, to which i have added a translation made by Mr. Burtt of the Public Pecord Office, in whose chaige tlie book has been whilst the copying was in progress. — ® Ttti.c .xt. i^n .;vni. Inr fiaticy utU:.:sx vi. cory lu v.uiHa cjutfcj; tuj.uttt. ut^r'>£3Cii .cJXt- 7vIll. futf horaf. jtrr fittncyenV bu)^ {ur(^n\ Sub oTwanc^ innf uiitbf ylofif, ml . ,xl. car? pafla ai yecun itmiK Situa milLc i>orc! ItV-nTaf tuieiKiiftwtcr pcl.h^.^^rea^ HmiUr? tXif LCib. ^ j^nrX' ^ ejnCaipam. "lilf ilBem htytK . i»Vl4fr ^*7^*^*^ 4^ (bi tti Sitiui lltflr'aupc^yl ^vitti <7- ocS!-jEnuo; Eiu«in’T3:ytfyB^.t.^i«n& jjatuir. ^ T CO In FfLEI f.tenet eps Lundonije . xl . hiclas. ^ » 1 1 — . . *) f'Rt *1 1 ra . e . xl. caruc . Ad dnium ptin. xiii. hidce.7liiii, car. ^ *7 ^ ^ ' ' Int franc 7 uik.xxvi . car .7 x . plus pols fieri. Ibi v.uiffi qrq^.T.hida.7 xiTi.uifti quifq| de . i .uirg. 7 xxxiiii .ulil.qrq^ dim uirg.7 xxii.cot de dirn hida. 7 VIII.^cot de fuis hortis.Int francigcn 7 qlda burg I.undoii. XXI11. hid de tra uiiio'^ . Sub eis mane^'f inr uiMos 7 bord .x::x un.Ptu.XL .car.Pafta ad •necim uilloe .De dimid gurgite.x.fol.Silua mille pore. 7 xvn .den. In toiis ualentijs ualet XL.lib.qdo recep fiinilit. r.R.EfL. lib.Hoc CO full & eft de epifeopatn. •XXL lERRA ALBERICI DE VER. OsFLFESTJNE HFND ccA lbericvs de uer ten de epo conftantienfi Chenesit. jP X. hid ie defd.Tra. e. x.cai. Ibi in dnio funt. 1 in, car. 7 vilti hht v.car .7 vi .pot fieri.Ibi .xii . uiiii . qfq^ . i .uirg. 7 vi.uiiti de.iii .uirg.Pbr dim uirg.7 vii.ferui.Ptu.ii. car.Palta ad pecan uillx. Silua. cc . pore.7 iir.Arpenu uinete . In totis ualent ual. x .lib.C^e receppvi .lib. T.R.E X .lib.Hoc CO renuit Eduuin teign regis.E.7 uende potiiir. TRANSLATION. I’age 3 The land of the Bishop of London. In Fuleham the Bishop of London holds forty hides. The land is forty carucates. To the demesne pertain tliirteen hides, and there are four ploughs. Between tlie free-born and the villani there are twenty-six ploughs and there might he ten more. There are five villani each of whom (have) one hide, and thirteen villani each of -whom (have) one virgate, and thirty four villani each of whom (have) half-a-virgate, and twenty-two cotarii Avith half-a-hide, and eight cotarii Avith their OAvn gardens. BetAveen the free-horn and certain burgesses of London (there are) twenty-three hides of the land of the \dllani. Lnder these live^ tliirty-one villani and bordarii. MeadoAv for forty ploughs. Pasture for the cattle of the ville. From half the Aveir ten shillings. Wood for a thousand pigs, and seventeen pence. With all its profits it is Avorth forty ])ounds, and as much Avlieii lie received it. In the time of King EdAA'ard fifty pounds. This manoi aaus and is belonging to the Bishoprick. ^^********** Page 9 XXI. The land of Aubrey de Ver, Osulvestanc Hundred. Anbrev de Ver holds of the Bishop of Coutance Clienesit. (Kensington)._ It is assessed for ten hides. The land is ten carucates. There are in demesne four carucates and the villani have five ploughs and there nugdit be six. There are tAvelve villani each (having) one virgate, and six villani (having) flu'et' virgiites. A pruyt (has) half-a-virgate, and (there are) seven servi. MeadoAv for tAvo ploughs. _ Pasture for the cattle of the aiI e. AVood for tAvo hundred pigs, and three arpents of vineyard. With all its profits it is Avorth ten pounds AA’lien he received it six pounds. In the time of King Edward ten pounds. Ldwin a thane of King EdA\au held this manor and miglit sell it. It will be observed tliat a red line is run tlirongli the names of places, and this is also sometimes done to the names of j^ersons, and to paragraphs to which it is desired to direct particular attention. Tins is pccnliar to Domesday Book, and is equivalent to the modern method of nnderlining a passage for the same purpose. Tlie old letters in the title page have been copied from letters in Domesday Book itself. The woodcuts represent the manner in which Domesday Book was bound, and the chest in which it was forimnly kept, these have been copied by the Anastatic process from a woodcnt in the Illustrated London News. The Photographs were taken by 2nd Corporal Eider, and Sappers Cousens and Preston, of the Eoyal Engineers, and transferred to zinc by IMr. Appel, of the Ordnance Survey. In Sir Henry Ellis’ Introdnction to Domesday, an estimate for ]^nblishing a fac-simile of the work in 1767 is given at i)age 359; it amoimts to £18,443 12s., and the time for executing the work is estimated at five years. This estimate does not include the cost of supervision, and therefore the work, if it had been executed, wonld certainly have cost the Government not less than £20,000. The folio edition of 1783 was printed with types made expressly for the purpose in 1768, but Sir H. Ellis tells ns— “ It was not, however, till after 1770 that the work was actually coniTncnced. It was completed early in 1783, having hecn ten years in passing through the press. The type with which itw'as executed w as destroyed in the tire which consumed IMr. Nichols’ printing-office in the month of February, 1808.” The cost of this edition is said to have been £38,000, and the cost of a cojty of the work so great that very few persons could afford to purchase one, but by the ap])lication of Photo-zincography to copying and printing MSS., and by publishing the work in parts, any one can now procure at a trifling cost, an exact fac-simile of the part of the original MS. in which he may be more particularly interested, and whilst the public is gratified by this. Her Majesty’s Government will not be put to the cost of a single shilling for the production of the work. IIENllY JAMES, Colonel lloyal Engineers. Director of the Ordnance Survey, and Southampton, 6th February, 1862. Topographical Depot of the War Office. I’nnted by Sapper James R. Fogarty, IFF,, at tlio Ordnance Survey Office, Southampton. 1 » . 1 . cJLrtwii\ieni. ■lU IxtnSon/Carkrtiiaa, Aj funom. .'sjv ijay^ccLX Vi 8)cjtlun^. -CjilComcf Comef .J3C. C)<3iffnV cU;-anncuilc^, JC IpiuXj^ cb Ucrteftu( iajrco*!. •XVj i^jjz^xtw. XV\j^jt>epiir tluTtSiif, A'Jti b •^’^^tUeLmuf jiliuf Ar^faJj-. ■jKX b Sa-ttfbctnc. OOciXlbcjicuT l>e ‘vcj". •xc») Kinnal|iuf xx:nil\enrum ^ n ( fOfnraflU- y H. xxvifiikcL /7 CUm 4 p lTll 5 £ls£ ir I H aruirec'. 'octicr ^tH.5 ^ I >tif V -iiAneitn^ejLirjie. {^-qa ujt I tutr7 *V. i^ljutr' ipc fevX/ ftmittr't fewriS* tr |*DC.jwc. cor* «|ut|*cjl4u^ "^Jnnu htny ».oSolu, A.^ {:>cLSarnc fe ut* Iti f% fe.t. in. mtUzEf.Vt. Ijt^fyAirn.Jtuu^ ii.ln5;7;^i* tufli cj{<^\ l?tAA*7:xv.utttt,aiin i. ;si. uiifci. ittTi uii^7;xv<.1wri^ tti {lint' •Tctt. Cinf. 7ii. feii. ]ljt.i.tnoLjv itu. fdt'. 7 ^oi. i. c. pajhtia |j 4 KaniX . ntlW. SiluA , CCCC. jjln^juf tialenutt tiAux^. 1 . R.?. ;x:L. Ill. 1 ") <^^ 4 ncpu -cinatr Sni^a»i^A^ . Jl^ u v» i \ ^ ttnir'. L . A?tticpr 4 gSie£^. ptu C. jaar.Tfe.e.b^ cAf. 4ma ^Ttin .;wc.l>iie* 7 ill (ut^.tuj. carnc^"- ^v. vjT jicfi* Ittr Jt^c c.ar.V.xvt. plnT Ill pl’f. i.liAi.^tti. tmWf. Vi.liiA" y (til eif inAn^.Vii.li»7cf. ili .^ciji. utHi qfij; litm ViK^TOC '>JUj. Uilj[i (jfip diir. u 7 x1 Vui. ut(t uit^.^TCiu.mtt ilt .ini.liy.Vti. ccfrdc ni. acnf.^jt. fcjtii. p.^a ^ isecnn tiilt. StW . tnA . |tT tx?ar uAlermtf udl A Vi. l^. y^iW^^v.telLE. bc.te.l a)*intr' -ten L«uu;« dnf c|ua YvtX^ pirr uiaup Bvrruiif, jxni u Iti 1:)Ac^>)7^k^-x^ncc^ G*HflViJ?^ein4n tieruiIIi.ai.ISr bcr2i(^X>Xx3i.*i~ cAr^ -^tli ejVa. ui&f cxi .t. CAT 4^TEn T|a. 7nij. cA.^^iotXCi:f * fimtlarrT.Lt. . fat. 70 c V. car. 4S> ^ccttn^UilIer.VT^V.foliiL StuiA ^ Icr'Ttcrer (ti£ e:|w. v. ji.ut^ 'C^.'lfe.c-ttij* cat. jn'5twij.t.cA»‘^7Lu{ti.tt(»cij^’ mep fitni canonic jiur ^ ^omrr Aare -rucnlerc cut uoiiaxr bcetma ept.T.( n^. £. Canonici d* pault Tcnuc|^ 11 . Ii ^7 dtm ■ d& dai'Ca meat |tio. J ^ oitru{ O " > Tcna. utr t. tnoUn de::^ppe iomv rua,7alr uttt' WcUn/li^4. |islA.viu.f^. K.o^n Ten im liil.7;\:v.lorA ^.Tc.acnf. tcd;ii^.rcLi. Silua.lx. ■porct pajla a^|?ccun ^1^* ^ni' tom uaLet7 tx-.fc^. ffxep {imiltc: AftA.C. (ob^T t^anexja tm ^idi* epT tn Snio. iie q t^A • futt uuim^ '?n»ot*muf.tn a“> £rtxlenhcJ>er. J||n udLi'rsneo ^Snuulp* Ae 1^0.111. iir car- u-af^ 7 iu, -^ ah ^utlLt TErnr c^ (iTtAc^tifif cjw Iwi^munfi exeij^m cstt^i jjAojjbfajX I(n-it.^dri" ie.V. dlf. 71* cjv^ (tfAur taler.V8 “p fnrutici T|..£r' L» Kun^x’^'mwrr E* ^ uiuuf 7 rvtyrojuj^. 'Jne^ mj^. h>i.t. uilt aij£ ‘T^'ttnutc tn^tnio.^ir «j[»a C • J|n TWific^ Attune ^ "ifW^ .t.Mrfo cai^ uj£.^.fal, fou^ fitntt.'t Stn^ iyxnc^mxenatc ViC/tlEf tT) 5^ .T^ L 6 • ^ eati^iiiUa. Ttne^ dc c^^t.mAituji yec^^milnr! f; ^ juiroM .tXE' 'Jjn &L^uSLi -xzne^JdMim . mAm c^iaAtc^d^. AOVmicr IwnikmiMr 'irx.z •^.aatut!^]^ hnmm i^n .;««*. intr jraneV wS^.yc vt. cary pW*peKTfm. fct V,luUi 7^**^* ^"Aa de.L ttir^* utj.u&, ^fip Wtt/ uvyf^pccti . oor 4 earm^^imf uMafytat^^QOCan, pcu.^xL. CAt^» pafiat pttW ud^.'ieitmiV ^jyxx:.^x.(rc.! lr>‘-rmirtolatatf aalcr yLX^^oj^rea^ (trt\iixC‘ T-K*Er^ L.{t^. vt> junr^l’ eji" dt ct^i^<^stv• «itU.-towr cj^ L^ifSontf. ^flor jim* (tw* ^<. utdt n ^ pj|« laif^uilLi -rEn^cAt) 'irxisJ.cxx^^ A^^smttjpan^.tti.tiSc'. 7 ifct Itinr.n. car*^ Vttth- it- <:xt‘ 7 ~oax pnr ftm. ISt.Vrt^, utili. ^.1-1111^^7 jri ‘^a^r ie-V.i£^;xvi.ai>r^it-fenu.pm C- caK 4 ^ pecun mlie- Siltia-cX.iJon^ u-at.Vitf. IS.c^ yzc£^ i^ac A -zniuej^ cdiunta £^ pauL in XS. X. jlt icufau a^, xencr cxrtiyrncnf ipdukhcj^ fuirr.Ml.mtft V5* tiiia.^dftr^ utf^' ^tlua-c. ^an/. iypx lula-xw- Cft.^a tecep 7^. f<»f, Jlnea^^utlLi'cciierGucn can eontmtxu:^, € - -cencnc cononia S^' pault , piV fc ic|wt 5 eiar fi^. Tta. far* ^iii. <21^7^11. po~amf uAxrttnf ajter.xt. i^. •7 C 4 £*xiti»ratlu iSftrmo canmmiZL-.^inio niL I7 tnottcp'^futr ^^ntca utfxu- r.L£. cxnovnu *rta .t . in 1. cir In Snw-1». car^7 dmycAt ^VW car7 p«jcc^ ^en. 1 fn .;>cu. luHt - qfcjf fle-i. uirr "jTc.ta&i .^e utrflfi- S^ua. C- (nr imu ujilttCjxjoc. t®®p. ftmtlnr . 71 E.- iTIj. (*: hfjc< Sh Jufc TlA.E^m in^nio cotifniicot:. jKufpnere^ 7 Enet 8 ia 2 >tilpcanonu"p.Ti.X»XiTm^^ e*t. car rdim.jht in^nK? -i- G\r.76cunt7;w.^f tk ^pxn^Wnc-^ fii c4r»tfn^7 Vii. €(j^ Jti’ctwf tiaidsw^r- aat»pcl*f<»C rccc^* ffimtK^ ocm {w'7c|tinSnwflrpa«lA. Ir^t.r'fe jjaakii.W -^ra., •csir ^ 3tn>' jk.^. i* CAT^ jJdcefr tcfi* lit. f ti. uilfi' ie^.uutf^ ^ Ijccut/uA.^'sS^ u^ytwiujr^ U^cwRT7 ulcers ^ pJtuU. Itieai tulLf trwijjfi Ji^^tuc^^ Itn.itii.a dfc qxenie^iiit atwn^t)^rr^.7iui.k>)iJ7^«. cof! n -r|at4ali2/ 700(5- C^*^Ao i^ecepTm^ilii^Llt^ErTi |uuk* Jin lleacmie'1?m?caiioma^pauI<^-n^^ J^.ii. oaryiW ep'ilwT^.^m &nt^ acf^^ixja ix£ *tR£/7cL.iy2'. Kjx uoxtrr^utec/m MW ^ puufi. Tn b<5cun! ^tja uSlu^/udetr lyc> idAUtt^U£&r^tn into jjc^ ^ pouk ao ^S 6 ^ >4 E . xene^ oafioir^ jp .uv Utis .Ul, csis^j^tr40,r]tkt fttnt^^uumi ^Txr^h^cj^ Jpi^^ ccn^\tf3^xodi lulerl, v-{il oio rcce^. fitniic^T^ t.E. (H. \y$c^ iXciXt^yi3u:ss:^ tn ^ |>aut, CmioniajST pauU ^Tfc iS po^^cx coc/ X ^ t. fiurjdti^TmMer. 7 tJr» kiuds . caLnJk.e tetf cjut paiwtt. ^Tjtt laoift^^ia^ m ^nw ^C4i^ ^ pauti. T3encfl canon if pauU.^Tc. "TtyiaA. V7(. cif/ ^ntu jpnn -V • 71. ca^ nr .^. car- jk ♦Vm. ufiti ^c.tiXtilt iXor3^ ^ pm. A* cai*i^ palish pastille, te.t. Taocu-int inTacdf uatlVutfe-^^o ^tacep fimtlt^.l^O* V^iiU i^.i, orSuctitt7a£*r'inSiwp<^pauU. tfisvlvEsaaefe ^ . tncT^ In Ww^baplr W jutr^ep/ tir inw f^>etl?4.‘^^cfetnonaSgftt. Tn fiio ti$Ua "cen Eaimaj^Xit .t>^ ai-ti. car^ ^itt fu^ifinWo-^i ♦ cor? StUu.c^ pofc^ »ccun? Ik -mt. ^rpenw poutJ^^Lmr! Jn'ajofujimc^u^.!^ iwp .IxJcXf-TKt fcT^ua«r7Uca^tn^ci3a 5p6Vs.l. T32nafe£irpE']^tan«Xi^*^.«i* cAf( car*?^?&( t^-t.cap^Talia- per jwn. teri^a.utTy!7!*icrtn Sflua- <^fatr^jtfc-so£f^ tiiX . Ci.^io iwpXnnlt TAE'^c.lct. ^ eaJ^uitU, xen’^ Lann peuTEt fub aH^c* u kSa it xfa. S iin c!tri% iti *aW ^ujff.VVelw h^Sixmukmt^AAmtP^iAcec^m 5»‘perkt* In ^pd^ii)fUrr ^ fitl|-ecfet! faun' liO^. c 3 f^;w,idt‘Maf ^f. Siltu, ja». I j. ^em ^um^. utj.iereiUlytU pocc<»r.It^.X^ |'Bccp.fimi!l.R..E.*^.l^Xoc^ iXeuopyiMec 'm iiuo Tcn^^ ^jecrt-jp Vti.t>t^’:^.Vi. rc''7m<)Un-SeMf^* \yxx\c'V{^^wn^uixc!yTm ^ejtwW. In W c3Ay\t^ lubAfefe' y • H. W/ ^jn m Cbin^7*^»<^ uiiti {>rfr.Vi-mr V. 4*1^6^ 7l . uit^t Jittuux^ ^e ^iil!^ ^UU. Jbinc4-t«1>a yt * utr£v*7^^^*<5*^^ Silueu. ecc- jwn:? paj^a retcp'fimilirtTAA, X lA. twe S> uu^utr^ Ucot" ^ir; Smii^^ii» j.uiili. \t.\SyUrj ^As.ttu utnv*^ffii. Crsry «i-{crtiu jtiuu moUn Ar.tuu>i7u»^^' J>ru.t. )tJC 4 p. Ijmi.'r a.Eryii.1^. l:)oc5p futc;7.cirfSiM« .7i{tf.e.f. jl»t. tu utHi Ac Sttn Atn/ df; - car-^attU.i.car, Lbt.V'wtttl.cjC^' ^ Ain) ^f^'.t»au^^ 7 krutufc. 4 % Attn aretu^ Jxtj)^ cot^t.fq^pca.ti.Uw. z>tluct- wtCU porefT^e- KAC bi 'arof uMem/ uat^Vw. t;^.5cAnrcs^-iHnAiri‘7^ I)JcS uotir^ LUec in Snw ec<6 ^ ‘^■'TTFBLRii scT^iNi-dn’is t^EopNtE R.m6

cwi,uiitt Sc4.a!i3> 7 jSt .III. ntcimt .Sc mtUc Jn^Lul^. ^^- 70 C.dr: papaTiS pecan uttlu: SttiU cjlm^^^Tut>orc^yl- mn^^nwaf ua£m^ u^.^cc. Cw .5oo tcc€p.pc4u^i7^R.£.^;^ ii^. Tcnufr cm \^&^k:b>7in%cc ^ |7tKr£|A4r^c1>5 4cl?i3^;«)c.^ npiJciJarAarrXacnA^Oiir li^TnobtfeailcrXiiA' , , c l T ^ 7i Hn i>aH ^ x i7i hE6ERd)lN6ES j»i ( WwtStiUBfe . Ba4niM94*Aerea^. fcAcfttiS'. tr^uucxt \h Snuj.tuUzbc. tbt.c.u car. ^v^^ 1 ?^w.cair.lb<.ti.utHi AeAt^lt. yuuiHT AcAmiT amrycrX4c;t^ jA. haijnvw^ tufcl 11 . ^4jt.^^^3TOC

amirfei^inpsfct be VI Siu Wr^arl )‘e^.t yc^xmutt' m^. Tfm ^6Efa) Cofonfe. R ocsp^cayr\(;^ -oat m t)*itoru^‘ V Jiny. lla.i* c3p ^yUn.^- I^ut n ^ A H Wfc fr g^ ^i W fe^[ HofeW^ -t> uiCf in^.J ie.i- Mr^.jtu uittt %c.vu^. 7^u t. i>>< ^yomtf fU^^TEn m bcrmo^^M^n^-t-Ini t^ecfi fjt ualurc^ uolec/. 7 ^icraitv pLO^ £ji^uolunr. UlijiKJ ttceD itiColK^Xut* ucuct. ty. € g^a I » Vo .X- i>t^ XUiy^ 7 0tEne^ Af: camm ^ ■Ttae .V^. cap; ^n Sni?.* »* cirnnv 7 attfi bnrau. -7m. ■^<70^ fieri, lln t^r^tn> %,ypen. ui^ ^(c^unji ux^^.litti. utHi otir 0irfK‘7u-^^7iIn (urtu.Hi.c^^uS^ bnc-ui.^cop: [In -Sri.utth. cffcj; oe.i.ui^^alit.uK.V^ tt.any. p^r.7;v •[Kjftt4fe |ianc^^ 3ttua mtllc pc 4 .t> ; 'xe nutc Vlp xeum.f^.i. ^|?<>mrc'<3e'a? jka:rEai^u4X'iTt; Atwoi d(c tL4^SS.^.«i. ft; T^.c-ii. oca/ m Gjlcba tiBi n |i*nr.X^£.Go§um ‘xanutc^^unxi, 7 pt fufE.tmr cat^.y 1 1.p. fet .Vi. uAi 'he. t .\y^.yAit .u.S6.|.^^|.uii^7‘i^^*E>' ic.ii.ui^.^uti.hjfii ^c.yc,A^!ut.cin^ pcu-iiy.car^ pa^4tl pmin u:t^«SiIuA cc.yjrc^ InxuaftalEnc uai.inj.ti. 3ci^]Xcep.{imtP.”ER.E.*^vi-li^, coxfaxuwXoin.ti$. WfcAi^c uij^ Vtuuar^t jti^,y5lluuitf.t.^^m.utt^tv vn|i Vm^epc pocucr 1^00 uweft>c Tnoftton^Tcner in Ldte^n.InJaf* ^TOuuu o&atTr) n-y vii-cor. pcu.i-ca^cutn. pj^ < 56 pecun^uil^ i 3 jia. woutcI. ft^-X^pecfp t^anct^xcrtuir pjisar^eSzari^ fobaB^e'Se ^efbw fimtP.7.R.9.*^^.fjuic -zenutef ilufnc lyoAiti^ ^ CetTE(l. 7 p>currmW^cqxr<:j^\wtuc^^ OlLiSo sppnftca.e in Cbenecone ct> 6?intt*r’uJnti^wc.TU.6. Sacau taceGorr in Stanef. ^|!n Bcti^tar-tm^ilclE'c<>T^ l>i^.'^.e-t.car.%i fn ditn car jbi.t.uittjr.vai*ac! 7<^Ja mtlEfmn^ tni. pm.t -Ikju. pafJa aipccun^ l^anc -qatenutr G^jim (luTcatie .^peram/ mbe^ce fji iwlurr.X-cia ucurr/ucccm (AxAb^. <^|p ^t^fr^ulrTetiL <{i ciJtn^^^Tai. fe^ •V' ^ *0En i {3 fcS^jS. ■'^-e. Vti.caf. ■/alu i^crc yoflrftm* Itt fir W ”7 II* 11 f * CiJti ^lii * IX i*^^*i*ac^ |U|la a2> Stlua |JiEminr £^cj^ -aa^. Bv* v« pT£8.W^)^7£&Efl\lHEw' '' ic AVtnnetxtUx.tEn'- V;uj* cor^ tn <^u>.V. W.71B1 famrU'cat' ViHx xi*riy V?. ^. 7tii|, uiK. itc- u mr^.^Aii jxiii|. W^«»nutn^! xjc.i. <^. Jtno. 'W-fxit.bcbajiC sfu. (^. InTQSurualetTt/ uat. Vm-lx^. yCb<> ]*&:*:^* Vt-ldi'T^^-E^TCU'ti^. 1^ oc^'ixenua/ cjnuaTTrp^ ai;{iDini £ybi^ cu AT ea^ter 17c fwnr umuf/trwnuuf, Dojiat Jw> pt2^ru-m|tti^4j ^.ut* UB_^annu'St (irmx 7 ^<>^r»ii)ttc ^mvenua/ (ie funr .m^* 7 Uttit c^ -^iHT ^ Xmt(mi^ii^ « eft rawoa janna/t^riSep^ii. {&. ^r) \) tLi^-txjn K,a4uC^'’ OaifF^t-Vi^’ ykim^- .1. car. Paj^ bccun7.Tm.Vn! item ab fc|}€r. ^ ^ ^.fot. 50 cr 6 cep. 7 ^IL£;;X»c.r<>t.l^.i«''-^ ajA (?£tl7Utr. n ^jeutr ua^C ^ciiicettc^jJxf Uo Leutn??? I«4a- ^jN[ p|Cti>aix-asrl GwJtfpVmannxiulLt.^^^^.tix^ fe Vitti ^nr. Vt-caj^ii. caf^poff (ien*|(7t lirnry yi.uftt.x-l^^alxi. Atm\ nMix.\}tti.c^((^ A.uttoj^ ^alxi.Viii. <^;^im ^pa^ai' becun! S iltta« CC‘ Uofcl'* Jn -tzmrtxalcrrr uat^.pc pi/... la^r^ l)oc&-amuecA^Lrps^^^ •7 4 ^Tipt u^.70c.fct.X>e car!7 t^H A.yi. 0x^7 u^oti^.^oT^x ujJ^Tuxrct.S^^ )*eccp. fmitUcY.^. r<^. (>anc Tenure &r»m 7 ue»^ ^jotrr* |»i 1 ?^ j 4yy^<47*^. ren /? Atm! ^*’7 Arm'^'prtejt; ^en- fcx.mutSt ber "^AxnS (>1^4.711. Ciirtyi. ^rlua • .TA-o^nrC ty-cp^t^ ^ Ot reccp'.‘.>:. fot.T^R. E .xL 0 !. bTxnu^ tt. Co^uWhoiy- canrnic jute ^pauU. ti.WMnitr^ pjcurr tnAe |kccpr <^uolutr: fv jorr xin^in n^cmxv Aatc ^ ^ ^ j n cS tutU-ren Ante'’Se Attn ^*ccep^'f*^.£' fimiltc* E)aTtc 'xpa'ttntiTT A't^'bc.Xirtf^rt l^aUt(orT.tip^jcuar ♦acnae ^tnrcT Iwmaa. ^ V.|i. c 4 r.^t^< cjtip Sc'.Etjn xiii|^*7^A>otA^' pkxttr . < 23 tr! pa|^faA pcrnul^. Siliia-7tE’*pwi! ^ jf^Tooc. fxti ScVpex^^fitnft^.T L£ 7 G<,r<>r. Iiancti'^ Uidj'..)U - foc^. Tw A(^an ]. 1 ). v.ac- bfclft)£TbHE trir Getip Seman/^,?ccrv tt.; 70 C tji- car. In Vrui.^cvt.^t^* 711 x 1 . car^Vxtti ^ (inr.;XXlt- c^". (fji un^tuttrdr. x.A». 7 alti .tiuqfcf; htm tulU Ar.i. ^Attn t»i'm^7tT-Vf^.V.ixi. ui»m. 7 nt(.Vnii qfe Ar.V 4^t /-A * 71111. botU.rjfo; ^‘jiac./ixxl.c^^.uij.ac.^ra 'iiut.atB Ar.i. W tiifj^^titj.renti. fei.t.moL,,^ Gj* rAt^' pto .pocQu car. 770c V* fiit Aefu^ plof, papa aAp‘x • Sil^‘b.mAmpere*77*^^E^^Vt'caAcaT ftU^ ppaj^tx- In-GJaf txalmr ujP.^.l^, 70 c.ltkl-£v.£ 7 pct.(A >7 A)rc 5 ) ^ txtiur?^ Xiaar K.£‘ li^\>oc0f laox^^iacccunaBereM^/ oii uccar cOijnef. 7 r appciarzt at aun^rr .^ ^0^lsi£j4lA£ W Gcijf 2vr xoaneuilU^xwcAn^ fr Ax^.^ ^Tja. 70c till. uitj^Toe.WA Ae.t.^xS^i.ttir^^ y arT^|u^. V ptAtt Ae;M, W. cp 4 fp-ncnu» K.£. OCt^ Ifm^tefUltlluOtbER.. ^^1^ wet ^ S T^ j [ <6 t « cU£ . f V \~ V ^ / ^ K» ^ f f cai^^is.S/otuxJ ii.trulo/.ti-CS?^- jfai tnaii^.^i,.t«*j. wot IwafuS; -^c.tran? ^e^.^i.4^joirz |>tu*^i.c7 t4^. |tji*w»{*ui^ 2ie'-t»l7^4-yiilii*itf|.<^fE^ injut^^ Sc yS?-5^.it. ''Vji^:A jui l>cc^xlI^^. Imr^anxltxjct. Mij. lxD.XiL>)fecei>r hifflrKfc^ 'xeri' yJun^.J^iot BeroJt' wSnt«uu0lU.7iM.r<>NM‘4iSe".fi.a*i^ "Jit* u»Sx^c-i. UJ . uinyi^i.cot aot-7«.fert»i.'^ptu.ii.iott. iufbt ai ^utUc- (m/ -anil ojtt. ui.ti^-^C^^rEC^-*^j^Ui/.T- ^.E/v/i-txlJr5cioc S) 'seniur &Vfri>warain.w.Tlo cowtxiriTCial^t^xt. |7oai^ uKT^c cut uAitrcyu- {<>iH-venae^~tu)‘\iiL UaefAaori(^ |ucp- » |»4rtUif^ ■(:"iaFr JhCc^ exticemu.. ^ ^ Ttt^jtuzme-xcn ^atcf‘Sc mucalcnr/^^^lc^ ana m. i^2xx '"’5^ Tna.'e.i* caj*/ Hiw^cAr* 7 t>on^ ^ei7-*h>t.t.u^trie'.t.tu»! . ai tseewtt banc-q^'xenuer.u-fo^- b^)erA:2onffUe^.twn aen^^ W g ^ 1 1 > <^aWtcd Wiai Sm€S i)Ctoj>Afc> Aep V- < I»t funr-J)7i* I rr^ fiai a^'n a^htic -^. |v|f fejt. Ibi teUu-ui^.^] ai^ Ae^iw^on^! T^Qiii- uiK Sm/ut^ 7vc- <»c/ fiana^^^cLtan ''^Ucuf.titi.iiiS/^ |la!f^wiI«q^^>tan-Stiiarrna»^ wt/ 7; fti.ii. wvUni Jp:x>oc<^-U^ fedt^ 'Trx-ic 70c V* car^l n iniSey^Mi-c.i. uxY^.J^K^. uittt dc-uMt& 7 AAti^rhnt ^cp SeStfnmt^ pcu.tii.<»r^7C*^.|U^aAjjec? utUc- ue (a^nff7 *ti2unr wa mtHc cc- fow- lin-aTafuaW^tU^ TCit.Xii-^^ ftet^^ kiMi.lw.T.&^6. pO-xty^J^- l')occD Tcnunr GoSa. cowiflifla.- *I^lL.t. * 1 ^ P^BE5.ri Ges^NOia. Gepion -itn ti.mo m. >e ft&o ti. c^^7tbt furic.m.cai^ lii.iM- utHi n <>7u.iori ^iTcn^ ianc ]‘ece^ -‘'^x:l. fot.Tl Bi.£71'. Ci, r^oc ^xentm/ Xtuum^ tv Tto^ € ‘ ua&^otuoji'cai uotutr". ~ln b«i^ot"nc banJ^xo/ Htoj^elFicBuT^mGcpvn tt.WTrae.i. car- ti* duty caf/^w.^^w/-poeA^er*.. Ibi.t. ojcrt S>tLuJ.-p(XK.Pcrf^^^ ^tlo |7xm: b^i^o-c^-tcnott^ ^uf^cuf no \-eimtf)t .-j ueri^ ^aaitcf cm. ootunr^- ^ aoBERTi 4n^oN- -Os w e stAHeI^w jo|V a^:iftC^ ^jramxen ^|‘^.iiii.T>tiniSntenW. ^^.e-*ii- car- 7*i* (itretr). tm iin^utHf ^7c»i*j.ac/ ^ aituf ic^ I. uiceocw?. t.1^.7 ltt>m ^ iin? ^ydirf) uii^ Sffua.^.nwb***^-^ uit fot. 5ci> yeccp.'Ttwtln^Cl-f l^cc £t xemirc' c^nemS paulx. jjjturr uenSe ctti aobocitlfc E- li^dor^or^ -pejiam fc titer Sefcepp. Ot W-tuu titJf fuTtt/ n> .Ittl. ac -E^' c|uen ejamrSn t- R.E' <^f ocoipaarr hu^ ^ iepJQxf .TEpnt» turii! ^r»1Wc*iwprie1^uny Rayi/ i^dncT^'xwtutcSlme^ fe ViClu4^7u£r^i7orjr cjfcp tttm^^mt. c^.a2 pai.it.4nc tfe^.u.cAU-m'^Sa cljAaye^iw»o S -fc tc» C. uen^ ^daitrcuiuoiutr. Ep' Ljnid:r< •JcC'iri^EKK^EvOBtfcn bUlMM- ^ Epnli trkmtaf^ xerAcrdo.Ttst .^.v* -j < 1)1 .c.<. car• Vitfittn:^. Ill). xxStiHX ^1‘Uir^h ini^utSti Atn) uu}fori ^.i* un^^iiucjtr- jnxoaf j'cc^r^xl. Vi' oc &~cenutc i>3)i liufoc^ •cenutr te l)eial5i. 7 uen&^ |) i7^iCtTt7« fiUt Ai4'»cvlfi4)eW)oift«€l>W r«*m.e.tti-car Itt TOC ^ uiw.7v?tt|. tutti UI^7tl.CL'*l/J ui. aHjcim'^ uin^. (ntoaTtuIenr tiai^-70.^^.5cc-t|aaie/' ^ j nurr At^f" t)^ 13 *^* ^ ‘7 aeiibe 7 5artriHnac;p 'jwr^T^KPJtNbtTtCocomss^ MWeaHtM^ fuffcoiuckt^^^ irtTbaf V* . -^ibt {tmr.ti. car- l^nr.Tcti* C^ tewunr ^aUef ccwef . joc|lTf Kaijt^ tUit>osif(x Wa • SyLy tU ^ T^ M V- BtbcuaxmeoSiir^i^- Vitti t)»w.i. car. t&t.atuu& Aedim^uit^yiu^cot^ clc.ii* ac^j. fowf. pU‘t* car pap:aa^pc^ta£^» Silua-^-pcTi^^ Dr^^ai^.tii.5c«^liiixmftialenc^u4a r5^‘E';7ucn£fe .gwinr; .. de ^^'WS^e^Tser/ Atiteue^n >XaiErna/) /Act^ 0 ^ ScSitn t)^iitt.ljdir. f- n fihu pm .1114- Ki'Kt pafei ji ltit^»j5i»t ujt^ujh^ l7^c*c^TEnutrAtl^n.fe Utm^.7acn1rV|xiatfr. bc>l)ac.-Cja- Ocn^l^Wtriarmcaite Qai7^iiftt^£uL)uiir -rjarKinait^mf^mu l*^C ^ Awr 1^5^ fm^TOlvffiSftr' |nW^bej 7 < ^ a t^^e tct Xtume m Gt'cncpr^ 7ittif) car ^n-rtfeiw.^'qa c-rram cenmr loirtc Uauwu.j/Moft^ pmutr. oil uo * 4 * ■ ■ > i r ■ ■'» '» ®' '• • t J*. y . f S i. >p t. ’*1 ) •r t A, ' ■ ;■ ^ • /-'i .<>y /.I' •. ' * rV''' ' i ' f ; ? ; 1 •> • ' ► . . ', K . -r /• ■ - 6. » ■r-. 7 j' .* '^ • Vfc: "i * ' !i , , / V ■