IAJoVexhibition of VJjLx AMERICAN ART THE JUNI OK ART PATRONS OF AMERICA The Milch Galleries AMERICAN PAINTINGS AND SCULPTURE Special Exhibition Throughout the Season NOW CURRENT: The Third Annual Exhibition of Sculpture by American Artists, for The House, The Garde?i and The Grounds. May 2 to JO iU Ui 8 West 57th Street New York City STUDIOS OF FAMOUS ARTISTS No. 1. The above photograph shows the studio of Edwin R. Blashfield, President of the National Academy. The safest decisions are made by the "old man nntth the scythe" THE artist who uses Devoe Devoe has been making quality Colors takes advantage of the paints. 166 years of experience hardest, most searching test any and the traditions of quality so product can undergo— that of long a career have engendered Father Time. go j nto tne making of Devoe Since pre-Revolutionary days, Artists' Oil Colors. DEVOE ARTISTS MATERIALS Manufactured by Devoe & Raynolds Co.,Inc New York Chicago The Folsom Galleries ■ 'mmm AUTUMNAL FIELDS By Bruce Crane The Best Examples of GEORGE H. BOGERT BRUCE CRANE EMIL CARLSEX HENRY G. DEARTH LOUIS P. DESSAR ARTHUR B. DAVIES TRUMAN E. FAS SETT CHILDE HASSAM JONAS LIE JANE PETERSON W. H. SINGER, Jr. R. M. SHURTLEFF J. A. WEIR GUY WIGGINS 104 WEST FIFTY SEVENTH STREET Charles of London OLD ENGLISH INTERIORS WORKS OF ART New York: 2 W. 56th Street London: 27-29 Brook St. W Jacques Seligmann & Co. [INCORPORATED] 705 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK Jacques Seligmann & Fils 57 RUE ST. DOMINIQUE (Ancien Palais Sagan) PARIS JOHN E. D. TRASK FORMERLY MANAGER OF THE PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS AND CHIEF OF THE FINE ARTS DEPARTMENT OF THE SAN FRANCISCO EXPOSITION, 1915 INVITES CONSULTATION BY COLLECTORS OF PAINTINGS AND SCULPTURE AND THOSE CONSIDERING THE PLACING OF IMPORTANT ORDERS THERE ARE ALWAYS INTERESTING PAINTINGS AND A FEW CAREFULLY SELECTED BRONZES TO BE SEEN AT 52 EAST 53rd STREET, NEW YORK. TELEPHONE. PLAZA 4047. Admission by card only THE JUNIOR ART PATRONS OF AMERICA ACKNOWLEDGE THE COURTESY OF MANY PRIVATE COLLECTORS AND OF THE FOLLOWING ESTABLISHMENTS, WHO BY THEIR GENEROUS CO- OPERATION HAVE MADE THIS EXHIBITION POSSIBLE: M. KNOEDLER & CO. FREDERICK KEPPEL & CO. EHRICH GALLERY ARTHUR H. HARLOW & CO. ARLINGTON GALLERY FERARGIL GALLERY MACBETH GALLERY AINSLEE GALLERY DANIEL GALLERY KENNEDY & CO. E. WEYHE IT IS REGRETTED THAT THE POLICY OF TWO DEALERS WHO CONTROL THE WORK OF SEVERAL DISTINGUISHED ARTISTS HAS PREVENTED THESE ARTISTS BEING ADEQUATELY REPRESENTED. WE ACKNOWLEDGE WITH DEEP GRATITUDE THE ASSISTANCE OF MRS. GORDON W. ABBOTT MISS MABEL SATTERLEE MR. and MRS. ALFRED BOSSOM MR. EGMONT ARENS WITHOUT WHOSE HELP THE LABOR OF THIS ENTERPRISE MIGHT NOT HAVE BEEN ACCOMPLISHED. THE CENTER GALLERY HAS BEEN ARRANGED BY RUBY ROSS GOODNOW, OF WANAMAKERS. CATALOGUE BY THE FLYING STAG PRESS, 27 WEST 8th STREET, NEW YORK THOMAS SULLY: George Washington on Horseback 1921 T^ETROSTECTIVS SXHimiTIO^ of zjt MERICAN eyfRT OF tM'liS. *SfL Century English Portraits Modern Paintings and Sculpture at SCOTT & FOWLES NEW GALLERIES: 667 FIFTH AVENUE nUDENSINT L^CQalleries ES ir>J Modern Paintings 45 WEST 44th STREET NEW YORK From a Crayon Drawing by Rockwell Kent, Junior SO IN ALL CERTAINTY THE MOST THAT CAN BE DONE FOR THE CHILD IN ART, BEYOND A LITTLE ENCOURAGEMENT— AND PLENTY OF PAPER AND CHALK AND COLORED PENCILS— IS TO MAKE HIS LIFE A THING OF JOYS. —FROM THE MODERN SCHOOL, JANUARY, 1918. BINNEY &> SMITH COMPANY 8l Fulton Street New York MAKERS OF GOLD MEDAL CRAYONS AND CHALK FOR EVERY USE MAY BE PROCURED FROM DEALERS EVERYWHERE MARY MOWBRAY CLARKE RUTH McCALL The Sunwise Turn, A Modern Book Shop Inc. Telephone, Murray Hill 2590 51 EAST 44th STREET, NEW YORK YALE CLUB BUILDING In a spirit of hearty co-operation with and a keen appreciation of the aims and the ideals of the Junior Art League, The Sunwise Turn, Inc., wishes to call attention to the inter-relation of all forms of art and especially to emphasize the close connection be- tween printed word and painted symbol. For language is the coin current of our realm and it is through its medium as guide and interpreter that most of us come to a true realization of the more intangible forms of expression. There is a common tendency to see first with the ear but by listening aright to the teachings of the great voices of the past and of the present the scales will soon drop from our eyes and our vision be made direct and discerning. For this purpose familiarity with the following books will be of indispensable service. AESTHETICS FLIGHT OF THE DRAGON BENEDETTO CROCE LAWRENCE BIN YON DANCE OF SIVA THE SENSE OF BEAUTY ANANDA COOMARASWAMY GEORGE SANTAYANA ART THREE LECTURES IN AESTHETICS CLIVE BELL BERNARD BOSANQUET VISION AND DESIGN THE FINE ARTS ROGER FRY BALDWIN BROWN ESTABLISHED 1818 CORNER OF CATHERINE & CHERRY STREETS MADISON AVENUE COR. FORTY-FOURTH STREET NEW YORK Telephone Murray Hill 8800 This is a complete Establishment operated continuously for more than ONE HUNDRED YEARS under the same name and still in the control of the Direct Descendants of the Founder We specialize in the Outfitting of Men and Boys from Head to Foot with Garments and Accessories for Every Requirement of Day or Evening Wear Dress, Business, Travel or Sport Illustrated Catalogue on Request NEWPORT BOSTON Tremontcor. Boylston 220 Bellevue Avenue E. WEYHE 710 LEXINGTON AVENUE [BETWEEN 57th AND 58th STREETS] NEW YORK ART BOOKS IN ALL LANGUAGES BOOKS ON MODERN ART, ARCHITECTURE, COSTUMES, TEX- TILES; FINE BINDINGS; RARE OLD COOKERY BOOKS; FLOWER PRINTS AND COLORED AQUATINT VIEWS. PRINTS BY AMERICAN ARTISTS ETCHINGS, LITHOGRAPHS AND WOODCUTS BY ARTHUR B. DAVIES, ROCKWELL KENT, J. J. LANKES, JOHN MARIN, JEROME MYERS. WALTER PACH, BOARDMAN ROBINSON, RUDOLPH RUZICKA, JOHN SLOAN, MAURICE STERNE, MAX WEBER, AND MAHONRI YOUNG. MODERN PRINTS GAUGUIN, GOYA, PISSARRO, REDON, RENOIR, RODIN, TOULOUSE-LAUTREC, AND WHISTLER. Catalogues sent on request. Kennedy & Company Fine Old and Modern E TCHINGS At Moderate Prices 613 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK Brown-Robertson Company, Inc. PUBLISHERS AND SPECIAL AGENTS AMERICAN ETCHINGS, WOOD BLOCK PRINTS, LITHOGRAPHS, ETC. FINE REPRODUCTIONS. COLORED AND UNCOLORED, OF FAMOUS AMERICAN PAINTINGS 415 MADISON AVENUE NEW YORK We shall be pleased to add your name to our invitation list for current exhibitions PAINTER-GRAVERS OF AMERICA EXHIBITION MAY 12th to JUNE 1st O'Brien, Adamson & Burke Interior Decorators 154 EAST SIXTY-FIRST STREET FORMERLY AT 2 A EAST FORTY-SIXTH STREET TELEPHONE: PLAZA 5894 SUMMER SHOP: FISHER'S ISLAND o SCULPTURE by NANNA MATHEWS BRYANT KINGORE GALLERIES 668 FIFTH AVENUE [AT S.1rd STREET] 18 6a?f 50*Sfrcct- ;.'\y\ farinQ Sr Patrick's Cirhrdral L; PruiyorK-)u^>l You are invited to visit the ever-chang- ing exhibits of beautiful interiors which occupy this entire building. Here we have assembled the largest collection of hand made furniture and accessories in America. Decoration • Antiquities • Furniture John Levy Galleries High Class Paintings Ancient and Modem NEW YORK: 559 Fifth Avenue PARIS: 28 Place Vendome Open Evenings 717 Stuyvesant WASHINGTON SQUARE BOOK SHOP Under the Sign of the FLYING STAG 27 W. 8th ST. NEW YORK Established Telephone 1873 7484 Murray Hill GEO. F. OF 274 MADISON AVENUE NEW YORK [BET. 39th and 40th STREETS] Formerly at 3 East 28th Street Picture Frames The Mounting of Large Architec- tural Drawings and Stretching of Parchment Diplomas and Old Manuscripts a specialty. Re framing. Re gilding, Repairing and Packing "If It 's Art, If sin The Art News" Have you seen a copy of the American &rt Jletosi (PEYTON BOSWELL, Editor) under its new management? It fias been ENLARGED ENLIVENED LIBERALIZED It is the world's only "newspaper of the arts." It prints art news from everywhere and is indispensible to every lover of the beau- tiful and to every artist. Let your subscription begin with the current number. Fill in and mail the blank below. Date AMERICAN ART NEWS CO., Inc. 786 Sixth Avenue, New York. Enclosed please find Four Dollars for which send "The American Art News" for one year to Name Street and No. City and State L. A. DUBERNET Eugene E. Thierry, Proprietor FRAMES PICTURE & DISPLAY MATS : PASSE-PARTOUTS MINIATURE AND PHOTO FRAMES AND CASES CONVEX GLASSES AND MINIATURE GLASSES ARTISTIC FRAMING A SPECIALTY The "D^SCOFE" For viewing autochromes or any transparency picture 44 EAST 8th STREET NEW YORK CITY Telephone : Spring 6283 Dreher & Co. 507 WEST FORTY-THIRD STREET Telephone: Longacre 3515 MAKER OF George Bellows C harles Daniel Samuel Halpert Frank D. Hutchins Rockwell Kent AMES FOR Leon Kroll Robert Reid Charles J. Reissel Henry Reuterthal Albert Sterner FRENCH & CO. 6 East 56th Street NEW YORK WORKS OF ART, ANTIQUE TAPESTRIES, FURNITURE, TEXTILES AND DECORATIONS The CENTURT Magazine a?id the Re?iaissa?ice of America?i Illustration UXDKR the guidance of Richard Watson Gilder and Alexander \V. Drake the Century Magazine, during the early years of illustrative art in America, established itself as the recognized leader and created a tradition which has long been dear to all lovers of the graphic arts. Such men as Abbey and Pennell were Century contributors, and a proper estimate was given to black and white drawings. In those days the halftone hail not opened an easy door to haste and slackness, and illustration was really an art. Believing that so precious a heritage cannot be neglected, the Century Maga- zine is now again to raise its banner of graphic leadership with the assured and ready cooperation of public and artists alike. You will find in the Century— in addition to distinguished fiction and stim- ulating articles on world affairs -illustrations and decorations of a high quality, beautifully reproduced in black and white. The CE N TURT Maga z in e Telephone : 8440 Plaza MISS SWIFT Interior uet o? atiofi 11 E. 55th ST. NEW YORK ELSIE COBB WILSON Empire Sofa, green and gold — Empire Flower Stands, black and gold — Directoire Panel, one of a set of four INTERIOR DECORATIONS : ANTIQUES 33 EAST 57th STREET WASHINGTON, D. C. NEW YORK CITY 808 SEVENTEENTH ST., N. W. FERARGIL Specializing American Artists GALLERIES in works by TWACHTMAN WEIR RYDER ROBINSON DAVIES CARLSEN HASSAM 607 FIFTH AVE., at 49th Street, NEW YORK HIGH CLASS OLD PAINTINGS AND WORKS OF ART TAPESTRIES AND FURNITURE W ildenstein & Co, 647 Fifth Ave. 57 Rue La Boetie NEW YORK PARIS Established 1842 Arthur Tooth f Sons LIMITED 709 FIFTH AVENUE 155 NEW BOND STREET LONDON : Arlington Galleries MODERN PAINTINGS OF HIGH QUALITY 274 MADISON AVENUE AT 40th STREET NEW YORK INNESS PAINTINGS AINSLIE GALLERY 615 Fifth Avenue at 50th Street Estab. 1867 Phone 7510 Circle W. S. Budworth & Son PACKERS, MOVERS AND SHIPPERS OF PAINTINGS AND SCULPTURE Collecting and Forwarding for Exhibitions a Specialty 424 WEST 52nd STREET NEW YORK ESTABLISHED 1888 Henry Schultheis Co. PAINTINGS ETCHINGS MEZZOTINTS PRINTS FRAMING 142 FULTON ST. NEAR BROADWAY D. B. BUTLER & CO. Picture Frames of All Periods Art Importers — Old Portraits Relined and Restored Dutch, French and Italian Decorative Paintings Madison Chambers, 601 Madison Avenue New York (Between 57th and 58th Streets) THE ARTS THE ARTS IS NOW RECOGNIZED AS THE PREMIER ART MAGAZINE OF AMERICA. NO OTHER MAGAZINE HAS SUCH A WEALTH OF REPRODUCTIONS OR SUCH COMMENT ON ART TWO DOLLARS A YEAR (SEVEN NUMBERS) Hamilton Easter Field EAGLE BUILDING BROOKLYN, NEW YORK Established 1886 Incorporated 1918 Artists Packing & Shipping Co. Exhibition Agents MOVERS PACKERS SHIPPERS of WORKS OF ART 139 WEST 54th STREET, NEW YORK Telephone: Circle 1149 1 1. W. MILLS, Pres. & Genl. Mgr. WILDERNESS A JOURNAL OF QUIET ADVENTURE IN ALASKA By ROCKWELL KENT Quarto. 235 Pages. 45 Illustrations by the Author. Handsomely Bound. At All Booksellers, Six Dollars NEW YORK: ~ „ t-»t T'T^ t a n r o n^-M<- LONDON: 2 West 45th Street Q. P. Plj AM & SONS 24 Bedford Street Just West of 5th Ave. Strand A Great Association to Promote Love of Beauty A SUBSCRIBER for Arts & Decoration becomes a member of a large and powerful national group whose members recognize that cultural development is the final dividend of financial success. The only magazine of all the arts and the recognized authority, it treats of art, not as a special cult, but as a general dispensation for all who love beauty. By reason of its quality and the subscribers it has attracted "the most beautiful and most interesting magazine published" has become the greatest single force in creating an appreciation for art, and in ad- vancing artistic standards. Five dollars a year ARTS & DECORATION 50 WEST 47th STREET NEW YORK CITY ^KARNAK" WILTON CARPETS AND RUGS America s Finest Products In the "Karnak" Wilton a new standard of excellence and value has been established. The extraordinary durability and luxurious appearance of this splendid weave are not equalled by any other Floor Covering of the kind made in America. The Carpets are made 27 in. and 36 in. wide, plain and figured effects. The Rugs are made in all regular sizes from 22 l / 2 in. x 36 in. to 11 ft. 3 in. x 15 ft. "Karnak" Rugs and Carpets are guaranteed. In the Persian designs, the soft colors of rare Oriental weaves have been reproduced with remarkable fidelity. MARTINI TEMPERA COLORS It is not a question of how long you have been making color nor how extensively you advertise it, for a color is only as good as the materials used in making it. The suc- cess of our tempera colors is due to the con- fidence the American artist Iws that we do not sell adulterated colors nor substitutes. SOLE UNITED STATES DISTRIBUTORS FAVOR, RUHL &> CO. NEW YORK BOSTON CHICAGO ^li^lBfflMB^HlF INSTITUTE 3 3125 01378 1915 WEIMAR COLORS Known the IV or Id Over For Tempera or Oil CAMBRIDGE OIL COLORS SOLE MAKERS MADDERTON & CO., Ltd., Loughton, Essex, England DISTRIBUTORS New York E. H. & A. C. FRIEDRICHS CO 169 W. 57th St. St. Louis ERKF.R BROS 608 Olive St. Chicago FAVOR. RUHL & CO 425 So. Wabash Ave. Cincinnati W. TRAXEL . 132 W. 4th St. Boston FROST & ADAMS CO 25 Arch St. Philadelphia H. M. TAWS 920 Arch St. Baltimore HIRSHBERG CO 418 No. Howard St. Detroit MULTI-COLOR CO 629 Woodward Ave. San Francisco RABJOHN & MORCOM ... 230 Post St. Pittsburgh B. K. ELLIOTT & CO. .... 126 Sixth Street Cleveland , . . B. K. ELLIOTT St CO 737 Prospect Ave. Send for Descriptive Booklet ARTISTS BRUSH & COLOR CORP. 169 WEST 57th STREET NEW YORK CITY