Prints and DR AtviNGs for irsoNs, pennant, ^c. BOOKS of PRINTS and PORTFOLIOS. ' , A C A T A-L 6 G tJ E or A LARGE COLLECTION OP PRIJVTS AND BR^WIJ^GS^ and many, very x^ncommon PORTRAITS: CkoMWELL between the Pillars; King Charles I. after V^n Dyck, by Sir Robert Strange j the Etchihg, principally coiledied to illuftrate Mr. Pennant’s Loncten, and the Rev. Mr. Lyfons’s Environs ; Drawings by Sandby, Nicholfon, Varley, &c. AMONG THE BOOKS ARE, • The G^Ile^ de Florence ; RidingePs Huntings ; Martyn’s Didfionafy of Natural Hiftory coloured, &c. which will be sold by auction. By Mr. RICtiARDSON, AT rilS HOUSE, No. 31, Corner of Villters-Street iri the Strand*, ^^TuEeDAY, Dec. 1804, and Three foUohoing Day AT TWELVE o’clock^ To be viewed on Moiiday previous to the Sale. Catalogues to tehad. Price Sixpence, bf Mr. Richardson, No. 31 , St7'and. { of Prints, Books, &c. purchafed in Town or Countryi or scl^ by Aultion-^^Moncy advanced op Property intendtd for P'iblio Sale. CONDITIONS OF SALE. L The higheft Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any Difpute arifes between two or more Bidders, the Lot fo difputed ftiall be immediately put up again and re-fold. II. NoPerfon to advance lefs than 6d. ; above One Pound One Shilling; above Five Pounds 2s. 6d.; and fo in Pro- portion. III. The Purchafers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, in Part of Payment of the Purchafe-inoney ; in Default of which, the Lot or Lots fo purchafed to be immediately put up again and re-fold, IV. The Lots to be taken away, with all Faults, at the Buyer’s Expence, within Three Days after the Conclufion of the Sale ; and the Remainder of the Purchafe-money to be abfolutely paid on or before Delivery. V. Upon Failure of complying with the above Condi- tions, the Money depofited in Part of Payment fliall be forfeited ; and all Lots uncleared within the Time afore- faid (hall be re-fold by public or private Sale, and the Deficiency (if any) attending fuch Re-fale fhall be made good by the Defaulters at this Sale, Gentlemen who cannot attend the Sale, may have their Commiffions faithfully executed by their humble Servant, W. Richardson. f 0 . 4 ; m A CATALOGUE, kc. Firft Day’s Sale. Portraits to illujtrate the Rev. Mr. Ly forts’ Envi- rons of London, 8(c. 1.0T 1 ^^JlNE— -Henry V. and family ; Marriage of Henry VI by Grignion, &c. 2 Eight— (^leen Elizabeth, by Pafs, James 1. by Payncj &c, 3 Three — (^een Ann ; Queen Caroline, by Vertue, &c. ^^^4 T wo — King Charles 1. by De Jode^ and Henrietta iVlaria, ' whole length, by Gunfl: S Two— Charles I. and Henrietta Maria, by Suyderhoof, ^ ^ Jine Four— by Houbraken, Ann of Cleves, Catherine Howard, &c. . 7 Five — King George 11. by Faber, Ditto by Houfton, proofs C^eeh Caroline, &6. v Five— King Charles L by Beckett, William III. hf Faithorm^ George I. by Smith, &c. 4^9 Twelve— Kings, by Heath, Sherwiny Trotter, &c. ^ (^o T wo-v^Charles 11. and Queen Catharine, by Blootelingy i68r) One — King George tl. whole length, aftgr Pine, by Dickinfon, fcarce B % , ^ e V-? ^ A- V ■( 2 ) f $ ‘9 Jl '0 13 7 '^ 14 - f # 15 16 J 7 ^.4 18 19 20 4*^ 21 2> 22 4*^ 23 Tl 24 - 1,4 25 26 - 27 4*4 29 7-4 30 W 31 ^ u*o 4 *033 One — James 11. by Vanderbanc, i6S^^ fine Eight — Henry Earl Holland, Pat' ick Earl of Brentforl, G. Earl of Shrewfbury, Lord Herbert of Gherbury^ by Walker, &c, Twelve — James, Duke of Monmouth, &c. Seven — -Edv*^ard Earl of Devonfhire, James Duke of Hamilton^ Horace Lord Vere, by Vertue, &c. Sevei'—Duke of Buckingham, by Captain Baillie, Robert Eail of Warwick, John, FirfI: Earl of Clare, &c. Nine — Thane’s Autographs, Lord Sheifield, &c. Eight — Henry Earl of Southampton, by Sharp, Robert Ead of Saffe'X, Dudley Lord North, &c. Two — John Lord Bclafyfe, by R» W'hite, and Philip Earl of Pembroke, by Lcmbart Two — Horace Earl of Orford, by M’iVrdell, private plate ^ and Charles Ma’quis of .Rockingham, byHoufton Five — Noel Farl of Gauiiborough, by Faber, Lord Har- rington, by ditto. Lord North and Grey, by Simon, &c, Three-^Lord Hardwicke, by Faber, Earl of Northin^gton, by ivPArdell, and the Right Ilonpur able Henry Pei^ ham, by Houfton lAur — Henry Duke of Bucclcugh, by Dixon; Phiiipi t^arl of Chefteifield, by Brooks ; Earl lArcy, &c. Four— Lord Lyttleton, by Dunkarton ; Eaii of Chclter- field, by Simon, &c. Four — Edward Earl of Clarendon, by Johnfon ; John ^ ^ Earl of Mar, &c. ^ Four — James Duke of Ormond, by Simon, W. A. Earl \ of Albemarle, by Faber, &c. ^ Six“John Earl of Carbery, by Faber, &c, ^ \ Three— F'rom Sir J. Reynolds, William Duke ofDevon-*^’ 'A ihirc, by Faber; Lord Camden, by Haid, proofs and Hugh Earl of Northumberland, by R'ifher Four — Ditto Lord .Lewifham, by Spilfbury ; Francis Earl ^ ^ of Hertford, by Watts; Vifeount Duncannon, Grozer, proofs &c. Six— Lord Fairfax, &c. by Houbraken Six — Robert Earl of Leicefter, &c. by ditto Eight — Duke of Wharton, by Vertue; Earl of Bath, by Martin; Charles Earl of Peterborough, &c* Three — Thomas Earl of Dorfet, by Vertue; Thomas Duke of Leeds, by White; and Vifccunt GrandiiTon, ’ by Gunft ^ A One — Henry Duke of Beaufort, by Picart, feara '* One — Ditto on India paper^ ditto 4 3^ One— Lord Heathfield, by Bartolozzi ( 3 ■) One— Hepry, Earl of Bathurft, by Watfon, fine , ^^38 Five— 'Admirals Sir Charles Wager, Sir Jcjbn Leake^ ^ ^ Sir John Jennings, by Faber, &e. ^^ 39 Three — Captain Thomas Baillie, by Watfon, proof y Sir Charles Wager, &c. 40 Two— Sir Philip Flonywood, by M^Ardell, and Gene- ral Columbine, with his Lady, by Faber, &c. 41 Three —General IretoDv&c. Houbraken '' 42 Twenty — from Pine’s Tapeftry Two — Sir Hugh Pallifer, by J. R. Smith; and General * ^ Monckton ■ “ 44 Seven — Sir Francis Drake, &c. ' — Oliver Cromwell, after R. Walker, fcarce \ m ^46 Ten — Sir Thomas Nott, Richard Burbadge, N. Field, 44 47 Five — Sir G. Villiers, proof-, Cowley, proof he. •.A48 Twelve — Mr. Hooie; Crayle Crayle, Efq. ; Dr. Prieft- ley, he. lA 49 Eleven — Dr, Fothergill, &c. -4450 Six— Sir Thomas Podlei; Sir Kenelm DIgby, byVorftj Sir Ralph Winwood, he. Ten— Sir Thomas Armftrong, 1684; Dr. Scarborough, &c. 44 52 Five — rPym, by Glover; Prefident Bradfhaw ; Colonel ' Lilborne, &c. 53 Four — Mr. Gay; Jacob Tonfon, by Faber; Mr. Pope, , ^ by White, &c. ^•054 Four — -Sir John Hill; Colley Cibber, by Filher; Hei- ^ degger, by Faber, &c. ^ Five — Sir John Vanbrugh, by Simon, &c. Five-^Sir John Barnard, Wiikes, &c. A. ^57 Eleven — Gay, Locke, 'Pope, Steel, &c. Ten— John Clark, &c. Seven — George Edwards, and the T radefcantes, by Hollar ^ ^60 Two — Sir William Burrel, and Francis Child, Efq. ^<>61 T wo — Sir Benjamin Rudyard, by Payne; and Sir John Pettus, by VV. Sherwin 62 Four— Jofeph Gulfton, Efq. by Watfon; V/illiam King, by M^Ardell, &c. -■^^•#63 Four — Nathaniel Oldham, by Faber, &c. 64 Five — 'Richard Mead, M. D, by Baron; William Penn, ^ by Hall, &c. Four — Sir William Chambers, by V, Green ; M^Ardell, by Earlom, &c. /$'4^6 One— Sir John Dick, whole length, by Tomkins, B 2 ( ^ ) V* p $h n4 //# U ,n i'9 ho it‘0 to- 6 9 h n ^o — h’9 fi yh TO fO ^V f;7 ‘T}uee — John Thornton, Efq. after Gainfborough ; Y.^ Burgefs, Efq. after Romney, by Jones, private plat - &c. A 68 One— Bibye and Mary Lake, by R. White, private plate^ ^ 69 Onoi—Robert 3 'Iy In Avchiteft, by Vangelifte, y?^?rr^ 1^-^ 70 One * — Sir Thomas Coventry^ Lord Keeper, ditto ^ ’ 7 1 One — Mathias de Lobel^ ditto ^ ^ ^ 72 One — Sir George Walter^ whole length, by Paper, ditto \ ^ 73 One — Sir Nicholas Carew^ of Beddington, by Fab: r, ditto ' 74 One — Andrew Drummond, Efq. by Watlon, ditto 75 i )ne — -Sir James Harlngton, by Faithorne, fine andjearc^ . • ^ 76 Five— Sir James Montague, by Vertue; Robert Price j Alexander Denton, by ditto, &c. 77 Five — Sir William Jones, by W. Sherwin ; Sir Henry k* L Hobart, by Pafs; J. Vaughan, by R. White, &c. 78 On^ — Judge Willis, alter Gainfbo: ough, by Heath, ^ ^ 79 One— Dawkin and Wood, hj Hall * 80 One — M r. Kemble in Coriolanus, by Earlom, fine proof 81 th^ # 4 ^ ■4 - 4 0 m Five-^Samuel Greatheed, Efq. by Houfton, ; Hon William Murray, by Bafire, &c. 82 Six — Sir Nicholas Crifpe, Sir Nicholas Carew, &c. 83 Twelve — Artifts, from Walpole’s Painters, &c. 84 Seventeen — Ditto 85 Thirteen — -Ditto 85 Twenty ~one-r-Portraits various 87 Eight— Edmund Trench, by R. White; Tim Crufo, George Herbert, by ditto, &c. 88 Six — Stephen Duck, J. du Bourdieu, by Van Somer, &G.^ 89 Seven— Edmund Grindall, by Vertue, &c, 90 Ten“B;ilrop Juxon, &c. k gi Five — Richard Bufby, by R. White, John Lightfoot, ^ by ditto, Richard Alleftry, by Logan, &c. 92 Six — Founders, by Fabcr^ &c. * ' ^3 Three — M, A. deDominus, by Delff, Apchblfliop Laud,^* ^ and N. Lockyer, by Hollar ^ ^ 94 S'x — Blfhop Kint:, by Pafs, &c. oc Twelve — FJamftead, Samuel Brewor ; Offspring, Black- . j all, &c. ' ' 96 Thr:e — Bilhop Atterbury, Bifhop Hoadly, after gajth, &c. Jt ' 97 Five— by Vertue ; Swift, Strype, &c, 98 Foar—Andrew Kippis, by Barvolozzi, &c. , 99 One — The Rev* Robert Lumley Lloyd^ by Faber, ficarce ^ joo One— Henry Compton, Bi (hop of London, by Beckett, ditto 'S ' ( 5 ) ?oi 102 4.|> 103 y .0 104 105 107 f 108 ji-a 109 $-0 kk ”1 vk >12 1 13 X^o 5. A 115 iV-o Four— -Thomas, Bifhop of Rochen:er, by Smith, Richr ard Ofbaldtlfon, by M^Ardell, &c. Three— Talbot Bifhop of Durham; Archb'fhop Corn- wallis, by Fiilier, and Seeker, by M^Ardell Five— Thomas Pocock, A. M, by Faber; H, H. Riby Gomes 'de Mefquita, by Faber, &c. Two — Samuel Parr, by Jones, and the Rev. Mr* Ma- dan, wir> Mr. de Coef logon, by Watfon Five — Mifs Vane, &c. Six — Vifeoantefs Duncannon, by Barrolozzi, &c. Eighi — T.ady Arabella Stuart, by Bafiie; Adary, Coun*- tefs D wager of Warwick, by White, &c. Three — Mrs Oldfield,! by Simon; Lifabetta du Parc, by Faber, &c. Four — by Faber, from the Houfe of fcarce Three — Lady Effex Finch, by Browne; Frances, Countefs of Portland, by ditto; and the Countefs of Northumberland, by ditto Three — the Duchefs of Mazarine, by Watfon ; Duchefs of Monmouth, by Vander Vaart, and Duchefs of Port- land, by Hollar ' Three— Lady North and Grey, by Simon ; Lady Of- born, and Mjary Countefs of Derwentwater Three — Lady Byron, by Hogarth; Countefs Berkeley, by Faber, &c. Four— Lady Torrington, by Smith, &c. Three — Duchefs of Ormond, by Smith, &c. Four — from Sir J. Reyn-dds: Elizabeth, Countefs of No thumberland, whole length, by Houfton, 5tC. Two — IVIargaret Smith, and the Countefs of Carlifle, by Gunft Nine — Remarkable Charafters Topographical. [19 Eleven— Window of St. Margaret, &c* [20 Forty — Middlefex [21 Six — ^Bridge at Sion, &c. [22 Six — Houfe at Kenfington, Saxy^s Yew Tree, &c, [23 Eleven — in Kent [24 Twenty — Lambeth Palace, &c. T wo — Bears- Den Hall, and Lairibeth Houfe, by Lodge, &c. fcarce 126 Eleven — rCarfhalton Houfe, P7 Twenty— The Green-Dale Oak, near Welbeck, &c* ( 6 ) 1 28 Sixteen— Antiquities, by Carter i'C I2g Twcnty-feven— for Pennant’s London 130 Eighteen — by Hollar, &c. Six — from Tombs in Surry, >,|/l32 Parcel — Ornaments, &c, after Kent I133 Forty — Views in Rome, &c. by Perelle, Sic, , 134 Eighty-feven — Les Glorieufes Conqueftes de Louis le Grand ^•^^35 — the Ancient Walls of Conftantinople, ^<>136 Fifteen — Views, &c. by B. Green j.^137 Twenty-feven — Heads, by ditto f * End of the Firji Day's Sale. V \ Second Day’s Sale. C ' - PRINTS VARIOUS, Lot 1 Eleven— -Various 2 Twenty-feven — Hiftorical, Luyken 3 IVelve — Ditto 4 Eight — Perelle, &c. 5 Eight — Views in Wales, by Black 6 Twenty-eight — Churches, by King y Sixty-fix — Caftles in Brabant, &c. Ia'O 8 Seventeen — Views in London 9 Eleven — Etchings of x\nimals, by Reinhart, fine Six— Military, after Rigaud y-oii Thirteen — Churches, by Toms Six — Colleges, by Booker, &c. Nine— Topographical Stour Head, by Vivares^ &c, J.414 Thirteen — Ditto, by Rooker, &c. Seventeen — Hiftorical, by Le Clerc, &c. ( 7 ) ^•/j lb Six— Military, by Bunbury f0>Oil I"wo — Hiftorical, of King Charles 11 . by Mathartl Two — Hamburg, on 3 Sheets, fcarce ; and a View of Schevelin, after Ryfdael, by Le Bas One — Landfeape^ with Cattle Boy^ with^ Bagpipes^ by Bergham, fine and fcarce nh 20 One — Horfes, by P. Potter, ib$2^Jine 2i Eight — Views in Derbyfliire and StafFordfliire, by Vi- ^ vares, &c. Six — The Giants Caufeway, by Vivares, &c. 3' I '<>23 Eleven — Views of Longford Houfe^ by N. Teates^ i^c^ very rare S'O'i&f, Five — Shipping, by R. Short Six — Views, by’ Woollett, fine (jfi'zb Six — Dock Yards, by Milton and Canot flP‘02y Two — Views, Old Somerfet Houfe, after Mofs, by Jukes, Five— 'rinmouth Caftle; Kenelworth Caftle, by Vi- vares, &c. , 4-/>29 Four — Views in Yorkftiire, by Ditto ^^^30 Eight — by Buck, he. PORTPvAITS. 3 ^ Two.^ — Frederick, King of Bohemia, by Delff; and George, Duke of Albemarle i-l> 3 ^ — Roger Baepn, in a Title Page ; Richard Brown- low, by Crofs, &c. Two— Sir John Fortefeue, by Faithorne; and Sir Edmond Bury Godfrey, by Vanderbanc, fcarce ^'fr 34 Seven— William Trembii, by V'ertue; Patin, by Ma- fon, he. yh 35 Ten — General Monk, by Gay wood ; Que^n of Scots, ' by Houbraken, &c. tO'h 3 ^ — Greenhill the Painter., a Drawing Three — Cardinal Pole, after Raphael ; Edward Reynolds, by Loggan, &c. Two — Queen Eii^^abeth, ret. 48. fol.; and Mary Q^ieen of Scots, whole lengthy 'eHx-tx Vignon One — Charles, Earl of Dechf^ by Thompfon^ variation in the Head, h J*r>40 Two— Oliver Cromwell, j.^41 One— Ditt6, in Armour, rope from the Clouds round his Neck, fine and fcarce ( » ) 4 ^ Jr ch -hi/hop Laui^ with a View of his Execiftioit/ . by C, de Pafs, rare Jf - 43 — Walter Curie, Blfhop of Winchefter, by T. C^q\\\ fine and fear ce 44 One — WifUam Lord Ruffe f at; 44, 1683, by E, Lut- trell, rare 4 -^ 45 O: e — ^BiOjop Haclcet, by Faithornc, fine /- 0:;e~’ '"i^to, unfinifhed proof, curious ^ /. T wo~Gufcaviis Adolphus, and Chriftiana of Sweden, whole length, by Soutma'*, /t'^48 One — F d ward. Earl of Ciarenclon, by Loggan, foJf ^9 Two— King Charks IL and William Duke of New- calti^, on horuback, after Dieperfboeck, 50 Three— by Smith, ' ir Robert Clayton; Mrs. Arabella Hunt, &c. fine 5 ^ Four — Kino Charles I. by Simon; Sir Thomas Chalo- ner, by Earlom, &c. 52 Two — Lady Brandon, by Smith; and Madam Jane Long, by R. Tompfon, jcarce lt*i> 53 Two— 'Fhe Dueheis of Monrncuih with her two Sons, and the Daughters of the Earl of Ranelagh, by Smith, fine proof 54 Two — from Sir Joihua Reynolds;' Vifeountefs Crofbie ; by W. Dicke: fon, pne a proof 55 — Biihop Burnet, by Smith, fine and fcarce ti h 56 C)ne — Henry Compton, Biiliop of Londoii, by Beckett, ditto "2- ^ O 57 One — Lady Lorne^ by Browne, fine and rare is f} 58 Four — Chriftiana, Queen of Sweden, &c. 59 Sixty-nine — Portraits from Larrey’s Kiftory of England,* fine imprejfisns V i O One Hundred and Seventy —Portraits of Artijls^ hy Hou^ braken and Tanje^ moftly proofs, on 73 plates, 100 Du Frefnoy on Painting, by Dryden — — /■6 10 1 Effay on Landfcapes, &c. Le Peintre Cotiver^y and oiie other ■ 17 S'? 1790 1770 1792 1786 1732 1677 t-S 102 Walker’s Excurfion through Flanders, &c. 103 Bl itifil Zoology, illuftrated by plates — 104 Les Amours de Daphnis et Chloe, avec fg. — 7*^7 3^05 Darell’s Hiftory of Dover Court, plates •— 106 Dale’s Harwich and Dover Court, plates — - Mufai Joviani Irriagines, a Theobaldi, Muller 108 Leflaeo de Origine Scotorum, cum fig. 1 09 Baft wick’s utter Routing the Whole Army of Inde- * pendents, with his portrait^ whole lengthy In armout^ by Crofs 1686 - % lf no Emblems, after Vander Venne, by Matham, fine fii VoxXAfon\xm^ with curious ivodd cuts i486 f-o 1 12 Cumberland’s Thoughts on Outline Sculpture, &c, plates ^ 1796 f t> 1 13 Newcombe’s Hiftory of the Abbey of St. Alban, 1795 yfi 1 14 Pittori da Vafari, with portraits — igoi /- io-O 1 1 5 Grofe’s Military Antiquities, fine plates / .^^^116 Tomkins’sTour to the Ifle of Wight, with 80 fine views S '0 117 Rathborne’s Surveyor, with portraits, by Delaiam and Pafs — - 1616 ^' 8 Forty — Portraits if.o 9 Fifty-two— Ditto *■ Ik 10 Sixty— Ditto /If ^ li Fifty— Ditto JS'-0l2 Forty — Ditto 2-^13 Sixty/. two— Ditto Thirty-flit — Defrochers, ^c, {■•6 *5 Ninety — Portraits 2-0 J6 Fifty feven— Ditto 17 Sixty- fix— Ditto |8 Fifty-four— Ditto C i iM Forty-pight---MclanchtQri^^^^^ JLar^e parcel EnglDfh anS Fqrdgh 1*4121 Sixty-four— Roman Empeio s, &c. 22 Twelve — Anna, Princefs q( Ruffia, by Wagner, &c. 2 23 T wenty-fourr—by Van Sichein 24 Twenty-five— Juftus Lipfius, &c. 25 Sixteen^Louis (^inze, $cc. 26 Forty— Portraits ^ 2,7 Thirty-feven— Ditto 28 Eighteen— St Gregory, &c ^ 4*^ 29 Thirty-one-r-^Robfert Junius, &£:/ • 30 Twenty-feven— Portraits ^ ^ 6 3* Ten — Robert Juniiis, by Vifjcber, &c. '?w?^32 Seven— Prince of Conde, 3 cc. V, ^33^Xwenty-ieyen-^ - " 4' 634 Twenty- on>~afr er Stotharcl, &c. ; 2 ' ^35 Sixteen— •?. Tefta, &c. 4-^36 Thirteen — Waterloo, Alrneloven, &c. 4*637 T wenty oi)e*^Painters - ' - - A638 F ifteen — Portraits, orie a ■ />^39 Twenty three— Old Drawings Six — Hiftoryof King Charles I, &c. ^•64^ Six — Prince Mannce, C. Trcmp,&c; ^.(^42 Piorty-two— Antient Armour //. ^43 Thirty — Shells and Infe£ls coloured 1*444 Elghty-fivc- — Hiftorical, Luyken — Founders Ten— Cromwell, Falrfax,j&c. Four — May, &c^ %!) 48 T wo — from the Houfe of Yvery, by Faber 49 Eight — Spinqla, &c. Eighteen — Views of Colleges, with Portraits of the f'ounders 4(> 51 Sixteen — Bielby Porteus, &c. 4*0 5i Two — King William III. by White, &c. ///.^ 53 Six — The Wfndfor Beauties, after P. Lely, by Watfonj^ proofs 1*454 Two — After Titian, J'^SS Six— W ood Cuts, &e. S^d Seven — Ffiftorical Etchings /• 0 57 i'hrec— Proceffion, by Hollar 2 ' ^58 Twenty— John Banning, &c* 59 Se en — ^Illuftrious Heads, Houbraken Eighteen — Cardinal Beaton, &c. 4661 One — Duke Schomberg,by Gribelin,^«r and rare fU^^bz Twenty— Loyalifts, fine ( ‘3 ) /|‘|63 Eight— From the Heeroloogia /O - 164 Eight— -llluftrious Heads, Houbraken and Vertuc 7^65 T\yenty-feven — ^by Kilian, &g. y O t 56 Seventeen— after Van Dyck U-o — 5 67 T en— ditto 68 El^'ven — Nantiieil, &c. F our — John Gunning, Sir J^hn Hill, &c. fine /-070 Five— -Arthur Man waring, by Simon, &c, Thre -^ 3 ifliop‘Stricklai:^ by Pabe 5&Ci ^-^72 Seven — Founders, by Faber, &c. — Algernon Sidney, James Thynne, by W. Faith* orn-, &c. X'h 74 Three; — Lord Newport, &c fhS 75 Three— Sir John Coke, by G. White J Mitford Crow^ by Smith, &c. f'O y6 Eight— Queen Henrietta Maria, &c, 7 '^ 77 Twelve; — Baron de Lamboy, &c. /L< 7 y 8 Twenty-two— by DelfF. &c. fine A G 79 Eight — by Edelinck, &c. $'G 8 o Seven — Nantueil, &c. y^ 8 i Fourteen — Sir Walter Raleigh, &€♦ ^'(J82 Fern— Romaine, Whitfield, &c ^•^83 One— Anthony IN^afon, by himfelf S -0 84 One— Kin^ James L in Hat and Feather, four Englifh VQxkSy fold hy P, Stent^ fcarce /<^'/85 One— Prmcfefs Eilzabeth, an Angel drawing a veil frorti her face, hj Gay wood^ fine and fcarce n-0 86 Two— Robert Abbot, by Delaram, with variations, curious %>i One— Bifliop Parry, by Dickfon, fine and fcarce f /^-Q 88 One — The Committee^ with the Portrait of Ifaac Pen^ ningtoHy the original Print, with the defcription, extra fine and rare /'/ 3 'f >89 One^ — Walter Curie, Bifliop of Winchefter, by T, Cecill, very fine and fcarce 90 One — Duke of Buckingham, by DelfF, fine 91 One— Henry, Duke of Gioucefter, by Van Dglen /-/Z'^92 One — Edward, Earl of Worcefter, by Simon Pais, rare 4 '^93 One — Alderman Leateby Payne, very fine and rare ?.V4*^94 One — Lord Fairfax^ in armour, in an oval, very rare and fine /• //'^95 One — John Pordage, by Faithorne, rare and f^ne /S-G^(> One — David, iLarl of Glafg ow, by Sm’tb,^;?2^ and rar 4 One — Tobias Venner, by Faithorne, / v and rare /. te.o^ On^^Leonard Willan^ by fine and rare ( ) / 2 * lOi 'Two — Henry Earl of Monmouth, and Sir Henry SpeU man., by Faithorne, 102 One — ^John Howfon, Bifliop of Durham, four Engliflj Verfes, by M. Droefliout, fine and rare (?*6 103 One — Cardinal Hov/ard, by Noblin, fine hnprejfion 104 Two — Thom;^s Thynne, Efq. by Brown , and fcarce 'n*C 105 Two— Sir Francis and Sir Horace Vere, by Faithorne, ^ fine c 106 Four— rjeremiam Rich, fine and fcarce //' 6 207 One— Prince Rupert, by Tompfon, fine and fcarce ^^*0 108 One — Prince Rupert, by Blooteling, fcarde 109 One — Sir James Turner, by R. White, and fcarce 4'6 no One — Captain John Smith, by S. Pafs, ditto ! • Tii One — The Battayle of Nafbye, with the Portrait of Fairfax, fcarce Two — Lord Sommers, the Etching, Sic, fcarce ^ ^ ^ 1 1 3 One — Oliver Cromwell^ between the Pillars^ by Faith omty extra rare Topographical. I 1 14 Seventy-feven— Views, by Tomkins, to the Ii(lc of Wight, the Etchings Twenty-four— Views in London, &c. Twenty-five — from Harding’t Shakefpeare, &c. 115 116 1 0 117 I18 4-6 *20 121 i !'-0 123 • U 'O 124 ^'§125 n-6 12^ ^‘9 127 /tf 6 128 g 0 129 ~ 130 2*0 131 11 % 133 Seventy-five— Views, various Large Parcel, by Wigftead Eighteen — Grofe’s Antiquities Thirty — Cathedrals, by Harris, tmprejjions Nineteen — Wilfden Church, &c. Thirty-two— in the Environs of Londpn, proofs Twenty-one— Smith’s London Thirty — Environs of London, proofs Twenty-one — Views in London, by Rooker, &c^ Parcel— Views in Leicefter Two — Tuke’s Map of York on four Sheets T wo — Ditto Parcel — Views in Leicefter Six — after Gainfborough, &c. by Browne, Two— Pair of Views on the Thames F^ur — The Times of the Day, by BroWne, proofs Four— Ditto— impre[fions / ( 15 ) r 134 T went7-eight— for London, &c; 6 * 6 135 Five — Etchings, by Browne ^ 136 Two — ‘after Gainfborough, 137 Seven~Various U^O 138 Parcel of Maps ^ End of the Third Daf Sate. Fourth Day’s Sale. r lot ^■O I K Parcel, various f' k 'i- Nine— “Illuftrious Heads f hfy Z Twenty — Portraits ^•O 4 Twenty-one — Sir W. Paulet, &g. / ^ ^ Q h Twenty-four — Englifli Portraits, various 6 Twenty— King Charles 1 . &c. f 7 Ninc-s— Ditto, bypaithorne, ?>k. fine ^ C f\ 8 T wenty-five— Bilhop Pearfon, &c. ' .9 Eleven-.-Bifliop Hopkins, &c. Forty-fix — Kings, by Vertue, &c. fill Howitt’s Animalsj &e. f0l2 Sixteen-^Literary Men ^13 Twenty— Charles, Earl of Orrery, &c. Twenty.four— Dryden ; Milton, &c. tkfiS Six— Lord Hardwick, by, Baron > the Court Warming- pan, &c. Six-Curious Title Pages ; James Yorke, of Lincoln, &{c, ^•017 Twenty-one — ditto. Sir Richard Baker, Sec, yki^ Seven — Portraits in wood, Clufius, Ortelius, Stc, fine Thirteen — Alexander Rofs, Sec. Seven — Bilhop King, by Pafs, Sec. ' ' - <■ Sixteen— Bifhop Patrick, by R. White, Sec, . . 2^23 /5-^24 /0.a 26 SO'2-^ S-oig ^4Zo pozi /4-032 3'(fZZ ?'634 Sozs ^'636 k'VZl *- 4'^3° /‘^39 L'9 40 4*44* 4<^42 7f43^ y-A44 5»-^*45 /f -4 46 47 S-o<^ ^>L\g ^*«;o //•/ <{T y* ^-^.4^3 L-olii ( 16 ) tleVen — Moliere, &c. Eleven~Cardinal Fleurvr &c. E!evtr— Sir Philip Sidney, by Vertue, &c. IVo— Sir George Mackenzie, by Vand^rbanC, and An- drew Scott, jcarce Three — Dr. Everard, hc.fcara Tbirty-twr-i^by Harding Twenty-two~L)itto Eighteen-— Richard Cromwell, &c* Twenty-foL* ^Scripture Subjedts, after Stothardy by Bar^ t6lo%%i^ fffr. Thirty-eight— 'Etchings, &c. various maftefs Twenty-one*— Views and Monuments, by Hollar, Fourteen-— Portraits, Matthew Tindall, &c. Seventeen — various Eight-s-by Gardiner^* &c. . Nineteen— after Stothard, by Bariolozzi^ Eighteen — Sir Robert Hitcham, &c. Six — Mrs. Conwai Hackett, &c. by Smith Fifteen-— -Oliver Cromwell, &C-. Ten— Lady Jane Gray, &c. Ten— bir William Meredith, &c. Eight — Artift Jamefon, &c. Four — Titus Oates, Fuller, ^c. Twelve— Painters, by Hondius, Thr&f^King Charles IL touching fot the- Bvily by R;- White,yr^fr^ Four— Equeftrian Portraits ; Henry IV. &c. curious Three— Durant, F. White, by Cockfon, and Arthur Hilderfam, fcarce Four — Vignets, by Bartolozzi, after Lady D. Beauderk^ proofs Three — Sir William CornwalJyes, by Cecill, &c. fine and rare Five — Bolton, by Faithorne j William Bridge, by Hobnes^ fine, &c. Five — ^Sylvanes Morgan, by Gaywoody i*fc, ^ Seven— after Lady D, Beaucierk, by Bartclozzi, &c. proofs in colours . - • Eight— Execution cf Jefuits Oldcorn, &c. by Bouttats^ ^c^ fine and fcarce . - Three — 'Robert Scott, &c. curioits One-- Admiral dc Ruyter^ .by Roman De Hooghe, fcarce:. ^ One — Oliver Cromwell, with a ferpent’s Tail, compofcd of Money, Fairfax prefenting him a Crdv/h, curioui%- Three-^Hiftofical, by Roman De Hcogltc, &c. f'/ 58 Five— Sir Philip Sidney, at the BattW^of Zeuthen, after Mortimer S9 Three— after Van DyCk, one a proof, by Pontius, fine Two— John Pordage, Five — Oliver Cromwell on Horfcback; G.eprge, ]Earl of Cumberland, by Vaughan, &c. fcarce Seven— George Wharton, by Faithorne, &c. fine Two- — Henrietta Maria, by Gunft^and Frances, Du- / ^ chefs of Suffolk, &c. by Vertue 64 One — The five Bifhops, Farrar, &c. by R. White, fine Two — Bifhop Morton, and Hacket, by ‘Faithorne, //•^86 One —George Walker, by Vanderbanc, ^ery fine Five— Bifhop fine ' cf-/)68 Three— Ufher, by Glover, and George ditto ' h o hc) Three— Bifhop Atterbufy,^ one ^ 4 ^ 70 Nine— by Kilian,. Sandrart, &c. 8*0 71 Seven— by De Leu, &c. one a proof Twenty-one — Artifts > proofs on pc^er . , ij . _ /• 6 ^ T wenty*feyen— Views in Holland 5 - (J too F,purteeo— Views by Tomkinsi • , 7.^ io-i Fourtpen-^Vievfrs in the Eaft Indies, after Hodges, by ' ' Pouncy, &c. • ^ ^•47 ,102 Twenty-*— Views in the E^ft Indies Sixty-two-^Views by ^jeriari 164 ToMfteen^^iewsj, various . • ... .- i )’0 Five— Views of Weymouth, Bath, by Haffell ^ ' f • if O 10$ One— V iew of I'emplc Ba/j With the Heads of T 0 w^*- LEY and FtETGHfiR, 1746, rar^ ^'wioy Four- — View of Scarborough, by Kip and Haynes io8 One— Drawing, View of . , ^^•^109 Twenty-five— Churches in London iio Four— St. Paul’s J • 9 m One — Wonders upn the Water during the unparallelle^ Frofi Vipon the Thaines, 1683-4, with Defcriptiortj extra rare /• 112 One— Ditto, London’s Admiration, with View of Arundel Hcfufe, EJJex Buildings, Scc, rare J ■ jj.Lf . 11 ^ One— Ditto, “Wonders on the Deep,” with Vievr oF London Bridge, &c. very rare BOOKS OF PRINTS, &c. 9-0 114 9.4 115 4-6 -rib s-t H /{■O 5*<7 »I9 t’d 120 i^h 122 1123 X'b 124 Eighty-one— Portraits, fine tmprejfiom Reformers^ &c. by Hondius, ditto 'Two Books 'pf Mifcellaneous ^ri Edwards’s Studies from "Nature Cries of Venice, on 60 Plates Shakefpearean Mufeum, 6 Numb^ Art of Fencing, and others FRAMED AND GL. King George II. by Houfton, an( Pitt T wo — Cleopatra and Magdalen, I Two— Paintings in Oil, Fruh an( Cricket . Players, and a Print of carved frame :1F .I . Eno of the Sail.