BIBLIOTHECA SPLENDIDISSIMA. A CATALOGUE OF THE Duplicates of the two libraries OF R. H. A. RENNET,' Esq. AND OF THE LATE Rithard Bull, of Ongar, Essex, Esq t To which is added } The Library of another Gentleman. The whole comprehending a very fine Collection of English County History, Antiquities, Classics, Poetry, Chemistry, Medical, Divinity, Natural History, Natural and Experimental Philosophy, Voyages and Travels, Miscellanies, and Books of Prints. Amongst which are the following, Montfaucon 1’Antiquite Explique, and the Monarchic Francois, loth large paper, russia, folio-, a complete set of Dugdale’s Works, Lat. and Eng. russia, folio; Chauncey’s Hertfordshire ; Blomefield’s Norfolk, folio-, Buffon Histoire Natural, 14voh d: ■» plicate plates, coloured, 4 to ; together with a great number equal .y valuable, too numerous to be specified in this Place. N. B. The Books in general are in the finest condition, and bound in different coloured morocco. WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By LEIGH and S. SOTHEBY, n ' L Booksellers, at their House, No. 145, Strand, opposite Catherine Street, On Thursday, March 8, 1810, and Seven fol¬ lowing Days, (Sunday excepted) at 12 o’Clock. be viewed on Monday, March 5th, to the Time of Sale^ and Catalogues (Price 6d.) to. be had at the Place of Sale, CONDITIONS OF SALE, I. THE higheft Bidder to be the Buyer ; and if any DiSput© arifes between two or more Bidders, the Lot so dis¬ puted fhall be immediately put up again and re-fold. II. No Perfon to advance lefs than 6d.; above One Pound' is.; above Five Pounds, 2S. 6d. and fo in Proportion. III. The Purchafers to give in their Names and Places of abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, in Part of Payment of the Purchafe-money ; in Default of which the Lot or Lots fo purchafed to be immediately put up again and re-fold. IV. The Lots to be taken away, with all Faults, at the Buyer’s Expence, within three Days after the Conclu- fion of the Sale; and the Remainder of the Purchafe- money to be absolutely paid on or before Delivery. V. The Books are prefumed to be perfect, unlefs otherwife exprefied; but if upon collating, at the Place of Sale, any Should prove imperfedf, the Purchafers will be at Liberty to take or rejedt them. VI. Upon Failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money depofited in Part of Payment {hall be for¬ feited ; and all Lots uncleared within the Time afore- faid fhall he re-fold by public or private Sale, and the Deficiency (if any) on fuch Re-Sale, {hall be made good by the Defaulters at this Sale. Gentlemen who cannot attend the Sale may have their Commiffions faithfully executed by their humble Servants, Leigh and S. Sotheby, 145, Stranjo. A CATALOGUE, &c. Firft Day’s Sale. OCTAVO et INRA. tOT 1 2 ^lDAMS (Geo.) on Electricity, plates -l“fl 3 2 Adams’ (Geo.) Astronomical and Geographical Essays and Use of the Globes, plates -- 1789 3 Addison’s Anecdotes, Memoirs, &c. -- 1/97 4 l’Agriculture Simplifiee selon les Regies des Anciens, Par. 1769 5 'Ainsworth’s Eng. Lat. Lat. Eng. Dictionary, by Morell, 1785 6 -Dictionary Abridg’d, by Morell — 1794 ^ Alexandri ab Alexandra Genialium Dierum, red morocco, gilt leaves, 3 tom. — — Lug. Bat, 3 8 Alien Priories (Account of) map, 2 vol. — 1779 9 l’Ame des Betes, wants title 10 America (Account of the European Settlements in) map, 2 vol. 1777 11 Ames’Catalogue of English Heads --- 17*47 12 Ammianus Marcellinus, Ernesti - Lips. 1 773 13 Amusement Philosophique sur le Language des Betes, Haye, 1739 14 Anderson (James) on Agriculture and Rural Affairs, plates , 3 vol. 1798 15 Andrews (John) to a Young Gentleman setting out for France 1784 16 Annales de la Vertu, 3 tom. - Par. 1781 17 Anquetil, Louis XIV. sa Cour, et le Regent, 4 tom. ib. 1789 18 Apuleii Opera, a Pricseo -- Goudce, 1650 B ( 2 ) ig Arbuthnot on Air - ——- 1/51 20 -Aliments —-- ■ ■ 1756 21 Archer’s (J.) SerMotfs, 4 vol. 1st vol. wants title, 1801, 1804 22 Aretino (Ragionamenti di) con la Puttana Erranje Cosmopoli, 1660 23 Ariosto, Qslando Furioso, con fig. plates by Bartolozzi and, others, with additional plates, 4 torn. Birmingham, by Baskerville, 1773 24 Aschatni Epistol x, frontispiece - Or on. 1703 25 Bacon’s (Lord) Wisdonie of the Ancients, by Sir Arthur Gorges ———• - 1658 . 2o Baffo (le Poesie di Giorgio) - 177 1 27 Bailey’s Etymological English Dictionary, 2 vol. 1726, 17 2 7 23 --- English Dictionary, by Harwood - 179® 2C) Baker’s Employment for the MierOsedpe, plates 1753 SO - (Henry) Microscope made easy, plates 1754 31 --(Wynnl Reports of the Dublin Agricultural Society, plates, 2 vol. - Duhlin, 1 765 , 1771 32 Barthelemi’s Travels of Anacharsis in Greece, abridged, map and plates - -- 1798 33 Bassorapierre (Memoires de), 2 tom. Cologne , 1665' 34 Bath Contest (the) - -- 1769 35 -(Historical and Descriptive Account of) and its Environs 1802 36 Baurne Chymie Experrmentale et Raisonnee, avec fig. 3 tom. Par. 1773 37 Bearde Essais'd’Agriculture — IJambourg, 1/6S' 38 Beattie on the Immutability of Truth -— Edinb. 1 771 39 Beattie,, or the Progress of Genius, a Poem, plates 1797 40 Resume Elements'de Pharmacie -- Par, 1784 41 Beaumont’s (Madam le Prince de) Young Misse’s Magazine, 2 vol. - "- " 1776 42 Becket (J. B.) on Electricity - Bristol, 17?3 43 Bell s Edition of Shakespeare’s Plays, from the Prompt Books, plates, large paper, 9 vol. -— 1774 44 Belloste, le Chirurgien d’Hopital, 2 tom. Par. 1733, 1734 .45 Belsham’s (T.) Reply to Wilberforce’s View of the prevailing Religious System of professed Christians -— 1 798 46 Bergman Opuscules Chymiques et Physiques, par de MorVeau, avec fig. 2 tom. - a Dijon, 17 SG 47 Berlin (Histoire Secrete de la Cour de), 2 tom. 178 Q 48 Bertholon de 1’Electncite des Meteors, avec fg. 2 tom. Par. 1/8 7 49 Betterton’s (Tho.) History of the English Stage, head, 1741 50 Beeverell, ies Deiices cfe la Grand Bretagne, et de ITrlande, avec fg. 8 tom. - a Leide, 1727 .51 Bewlev on Air, 1791 -—Priestley’s Lectures on Experimental Philosophy - - 179-4- 52 Bijoux Indiscrets (les) avec fg. 2 tom. au Mor.oviolapa, 53 -- --— 2 tom. en 1, ib. » ( 3 ) 54 Bionis et Moschi Opera, Gr. Lat. ab Heskin, red morocco gilt leaves — - Oxon. 17*48 55 Bisset’s Essay on the Medical Constitution of Great Britain, 1762 56 Blacken’s Pocket Farrier —« — 1737 57 Blanchard’s Physical Dictionary - 1726 58 Blount’s (T.) Glossographia, or Dictionary o£ Hard Words, 1681 5g Bocace (Contes et Nouvelles de), 2 tom. a la Have, 1/32 60 Bonaparte's Reverie, a Poetical Romance — 1800 6 1 Bonnet, la Palingenesie Phdosophique, 2 tom. Genev. 1769 f>2 Bonnycastle’s Introduction to Astronorpy, plates 1737 63 Bos’ Antiquities of Greece, by Percival Stockdale 1772 64 Bouhours Maniere de B.ien Penser-- Amst. ] 70 a 65 BouilJet sur 1’Anasarque, les de Poitrine, da Peri- carde, &c. -- a Beziers, 1765 66 Boullanger de la Cause et des Phenomenes de l’Electricite, avec fig. 2 tom. eh 1 , gilt leaves -- Par. 1750 67 Bourdaloue (Sermons par), 14 tom, — Anvers, 1734 68 Bowles Introduction a l’Histoire Naturelle et a la Geographic Physique de 1'Espagne, traduite par de Flavigny, Par. 1776 69 Boyer’s French Grammar - 1776 70 Bracken’s Farriery Improved, 2 vol. -- 1769 71 Bradley’s Botanical Dictionary, 2 vol. - 1728 72 -Country Gentleman and Farmer’s Monthly Director 1727 73 -—.--r- Bradley’s Survey of Ancient Husbandry and Gar¬ dening, plates -- -- 1725 74 BrantOme (Oeuvres de), 15 tom. — a la H ave, 1740 75 Brookes’ (R.) General Gazetteer, maps — 179 ! 76 Brumfield s Chirurgical Observations and Cases, plates, 2 vol. 1773 77 Bruce’s (John) First Principles of Philosophy Edinl 178 I 78 Brydone’s Tour through Sicily and Malta, 2 vol. 1773 79 ----- 17/3 80 Buchan's Domestic Medicine --— ] 793 81 Buchner’s Method of making Deaf Persons to hear, 1770 — Way to prolong Life—Chalibert on the Gutta Serena, 1774—Rowley on the principal Diseases of the Eyes, 1773 82 Buckingham’s Works (Villiers Duke of), 2 vol. 1775 83 Burke’s (Edmund) Works, 8 vol -- 1301 84 Burke on the French Revolution, 1790 —His Appeal from the Old to the New Whigs, 1791-—His Answer to Objections} on his French Revolution - 1791 85 Burke on the Sublime and Beautiful -- 178 “ 86 Burrell’s (Lady) Poems and Thyir.briad, 3 vol. 1793, 1794 87 Burnett’s (Bp ) Life and Death of Lord Rochester, Benvkk , 88 Barn’s Justice of the Peace, 4 vol. --— 177 Q @9 Burrow (Rob.) on Divine Providence — —« B 2 ( 4 ) gO Butler’s Hudibras, by Grey, plates, by Hogarth, 2 vol. Cambridge, 1744 9 1 Caesaris Commentaria, var. a Montano, map Amst. 1661 93 Campbell’s Lives of the British Admirals, by Berkenhout, maps and frontispieces, 4 vol. - 1781 93 Capeceiatro, Istoria della Gitta, e Regno di Napoli, 2 tom. Napoli, 1724 §4 Cappe’s (Newcome) Discourses on the Providence and Go¬ vernment of God — — 1795 95 Careri (Gemelli) Voyage du Tour du Monde, avecfg. 6 tom. Par. 1727 90 Carnot, Ijleponse .— -- ] 799 97 Castel Traite de Physique, 2 tom. — Par. ]J24 98 Castiglione del Cortegiano — Vineg. ap. Aid. \54J 99 Catalogue of Sir Wm. Musgrave’s British Portraits, interleaved with prices, Purchasers Names, and Amount of the Sale, 1800 100 ---— of General Dormer’s Library, priced 1764 101 -of Strange’s Library, impf. - 1801 102 -of Croft’s Library, priced 1783 103 --of Dr. Askew’s Library, priced -1775 104 -of Dr. Mead’s Library, priced - 1754 105 -of Bernard’s Prints and Books of Prints, priced, 1798 —Catalogue of Sir Wm. Musgrave’s British Portraits, partially priced -- - ISOO 106 -of Pinelli’s Library - 17 S 9 107 -of Bridges’ Library, priced, russia ■— 1725 108 --s (Various) of Prints-1801, &c. 10 9 -of Rogers’ Prints and Books of Prints, 1799—Cata¬ logue of Prints, Drawings and illustrated Books, partially priced - - ] 800 110 --s, viz. of a Selection of Books, partially priced, 1798 —Ot the Orlean’s Italian Pictures, 1798—Antiquarian Prints, Proofs by Woollett, &c. 1799—Of Topographical Prints and Drawings in England and Wales, 1795 —Of Drawings, Prints aud Books of Prints which belonged to Sir Joshua Reynolds, 1798, &c. 111 Catalogues of Prints, viz. —Lord Bute’s, 1 794—Topogra¬ phical Prints and Drawings in England and Wales, 1795 , &c. &c. 112 Catalogue of Sir James Winter Lake’s British Portraits and Plistoric Prints - - 1808 113 -of Dr. Askew’s Library, priced, red morocco, 1775 114 --of Prints, Books of Prints, &c. selected from the Cabinets of Baron Van Coehoorn, M. Vosmaer, partially priced - -■ 1 S 02 115 --of the Drawings of John Duke of Argyle, 179 s—. Catalogue of Dr. Farmer’s Library - 1798 llQ Baron van Coehoorn’s Prints, Drawings, Books of Prints (Catalogue of), priced —•-— 1802 i\7 1 18 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 120 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 1.37 138 ( 5 ) Museum Meadianum, priced and Purchasers Names 1755 Bibliotheca Askewiana, large paper - 17/5 Catalogue of Topham Beauclerk's Library — 1781 -Croft’s Library — — 1733 Cavallo on Electricity, plates - 1777 - -2 vol. - 17^6 Cellarii Geographia Antiqua, a Patrick, maps Land. 1731 Cellini’s (Benvenuto) Lifeof Himself, by Nugent, 2 vol. 1771 de la Chambre’s Art how to know Men, by Davis, frontis¬ piece - - - 1665 Chamfort (Oeuvres de) 4 tom. -- Par. I'An 3 Character and Manners of the French, 2 vol. 1769 Chardin Voiage en Perse et aux Indes Orientales, avecjig. Amst. lut>5 de la Chaussee Oeuvres - Par. 1 735 le Chef d’Oeuvre d'un Inconu — Haye, 17 14 Chesterfield’s (Lord) Letters to his Son, 4 vol. 1775 Chirac and Fizes’ Chirurgical Dissertations —• 1750 Chronological History of the Air, 2 vol. - 1 7-4^ Cibber’s (Colley) Dramatic Works, 5 vol. — 1777 Cicero de Finibus, Davisii — Cantab. 1741- Clare’s Introduction to Trade and Business — 1758 Clarendon’s (Lord) History of the Rebellion, with Life, large paper, without the heads, 8 vol. Oxf. l/OJ Clery (M.) Journal pendant la Captivite de Louis XVI. 1798 QUARTO. -4" £39 Addison’s Works, head, 4 vol. Birm. by Baslierville, 176 t 1.40 -— Collection of Anecdotes, Ac. Ac. — 17q3 441 Agricola's Husbandry and Gardening, by Bradley, plates 1721 -f 142 Ames’Typographical Antiquities — 1749 143 Anderson’s (/Eneas) British Embassy in China in 1792 , 3 , 4 , 1795 - 4 - 144 Anson’s Voyage round the World, map and plates, large paper — — — 1/48 145 -, myps and plates, large paper 1749 146 Astley’s (T.) Collection of Voyages and Travels, 4 vol. plates 1745 147 Augustini Geramx, a Gronovio, cum fig. Amst. 1085 148 Bacon’s Works, head, 5 vol. — — 1778 149 Bailey’s (William) Advancement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce - - 1782 150 Barrow’s Travels in China and his Voyage to Cochin China, Ac. &c. map and plates col. hoards, uncut. 2 vol. 1806 J51 Benewowsky (Count de) Memoirs and Travels of, written by Himself, 2 vol. head —-- 1790 ( 6 ) 15 2 Bernardino Trattato delle Piante e Imagini de Sacri Edifizi di Terra Santa, con, fig. -— In Firenza, 1020 N. 13. Tiit figures by Collot, scarce. See Note. 153 Blith’s Survey o' Husbandry, engraved title and plates 1053 154 Boate’s (Gerard) Natural History of Ireland, may and plates Buhl. !/2@ 15.5 Boerhaave Elementa Chemise, cum, fig- 2 tom. L. Bag. 1732 f 156 Eolingoroke’s Works, by Mallett, 5 vol. - 1/54 157 Bower’s History of the Popes, 7 vol. — 1750 158 Boyer’s Fr. Eng Eng Fr. Dictionary, 2 vol. Land. 1756 15C) --French and English Dictionary - 1764 •f.JSO Boyle’s Works, with Life by Birch, head, russia, 6 vol. 1772 • l 6 l Brand’s History of Newcastle upon Tyne, plates, 2 vol, 1789 162 Brooke’s Workes (Fuik Lord) - 1 633 -f 163 Burney’s General History of Music, plates by Bavtolozzi, 4 vol. — — — 1776 164 Caesaris Commentaria, Oudendorpii, cum fig . Lug. Bat. et Rotterod. 1/37 165 Cambridge’s War in India, from 1750 to I 76 U, maps, plans, &c. large paper — — 1761 > 166 Campbell’s Political Survey of Britain, large paper, russia, 2 vol. — — — 1774 167 Canini Images des Heros de 1’Antiquite, avecfig. par Picarb Amst. 1731 168 Carbognana (C. Cav. C. de) Descrizione dello Stato presente di Constantinopoli vedute - Bass. 1794 169 Cardonnel’s Picturesque Antiquities of Scotland, plates 1793 170 Castigiione’s Courtier, Ital. Eng. head — 1743 171 Catalogue of Sir James Winter Lake’s British Portraits and Historic Prints, priced •- 1808 •f 172 Cheron’s Guns 173 Chesterfield’s (Lord) Miscellaneous Works, by Maty, por¬ traits, 2 vol. -- - 1777 1 74 Chevalier’s Description of the Plain of Troy, by Dalzel, ' maps - - Edinb. 1791 175 Ciccarelli, le Vite degli Imperatori R.omani, con fig. Rom , 1590 176 Ciceronis Opera Omnia, Oliveti, 9 tom. Parisiis, 1740 1/7 Clark’s (Dr. E. D.) Tomb of Alexander, a Dissertation on < the Sarcophagus brought from Alexandria, plates, Caml. 1805 I/'S Comines (Memoires de Philippe de) par Gedefroy et du Fresnoy, avec portraits, 4 tom, - Bond. 1747 179 Complete Farmer (the) plates - -— 1769 ( 7 ) FOLIO. 3 80 Anderson’s Genealogical Tables, wants title -f- 151 Ashmole’s (Elias) Institutions and Older of the Garter, plates ly Hollar - — 16/2 / 182 Atkvns’ (Sir Rob.) antient and present State of Gloucester¬ shire, plates, large taper, russia, border oj gold 1/68 183 Braun’s View of the principal Cities of the Wot Id, coloured, 6 vol. imperfect 184 Bacon’s (Francis) Works, with Life by Mallett, 3 vol. 1/53 185 Baldwin’s (Geo Augustus) Universal Biography, maps 3 86 Bartoli (Pietro) Colonna Trajana — da Rossi, 187 Bellay (Martin du) Memoires - Par. 15/1 188 Bellorii (Pietri) Veteres Arcus Augustorum, &c. imperfect Romce, 169 O 1 89 Bembo (Pietro Card.) Opere, Charta Grande, 2 tom. Venez. l/ 2 £> 1 90 Bentivoglio (Card.) Opere - Parigi, 1645 191 Bianconi (Lod.) Descrizione, dei Cincti porticolarmente di quello di Caracalla, con figure - Roma, 1789 1 92 Boissardi (Jani Jac.) Antiquitates Topographiae Romanae, 3 tom. multis fguris -- Francef. 1627 1 93 Bleau (Jean) Grand Atlas, the maps and plates coloured and illuminated, 12 tom.---1663 -b m Borlase’s (W.) Natural History and Antiquities of Cornwall, plales, 2 vol. uniform, extra Oxford, 1754, 58 195 le Brun (Corneille) Voyages par la Moscovie, en Perse efc aux Indes Orientales, avec planches, 2 tom. vellum, mar¬ ble leaves --- Arnst. 1718 194 Burgher’s (Gott. August.) Leonora, by W. R. Spencer, with Designs by Lady Diana Beauclerc - 3796 197 Bur- itt (W.) cn the New Testament --- 1749 198 Burnet’s (Bp.) History of his own Time, 2 vol. 1/24 J 99 Csesar’s Commentaries, by Edmonds, title wanting 200 -by Duncan, cuts Tonson, 1753 4 201 Camden’s (Will.) Britannia, by Gibson, maps and plates, % vol. 'russia - - 177 % 202 Cantemir’s (Demetrius) History of the Othman Empire, by Tindall - —- 1734 203 Canterbury and York (an Accurate Description and History of) plates - - 1754 204 Carter’s (S.) Antient Sculpture and Painting, 2 vol. in 1 , 1786 205 Cave’s (William) Lives and Martyrdoms of the Apostles* plates ——-— —— 1716 ( 8 ) Second Day's Sale, OCTAVO et INFRA. tor 20/ CZ^LEVELAND (Histoire de) Fils Naturelle de Cromwell, 4 tom. -- - Amst. 1757 2 Gb Collier’s Essays on the .Scriptures of the Old Testament, 2 vol. — — High-Wycombe, 1791 20C) Collins’ (Arthur) Peerage of England, arms, 4 vol. 1735 210 Coiquhoun on the Police of the Metropolis 1/97 211 Companion in a Tour round Southampton, Southampton, 1801 21.2 Compleat English Farmer - 1771 213 Concerts of Antient Music, frontispiece ——- 1799 214 Congreve’s Works, head and plates , 2 vol, ■—■ 1788 215 Corneille (Theatre de Pierre) avecJig. 12 tom. 1764 21ti Coronelli, Memoires, Historiques et Geographiques du Ro- yaume de la Moree, without plates — Amst. ■ 108(5 217 Cotes’ Hydrostatical and Pneumatical Lectures, by Smith, plates - - 173b 210 Cotton’s (Charles) Planter’s Manualj jrontispiece 1675 219 Court Register (the) and Statesman’s Remembrancer 1782 220 Cowley’a Works, plates, 8 vol. -- 1707 —1708- 221 Crebilion l’Ecumoire, Histoire Japonoise, 2 tom. Amst.1^43 222 Cumberland's (Bp.) Law of Nature abridged, by Tyrrell, 169 b ^23 Curiosites (les) de Paris, Versailles, Marly, See. avec t /ig. 2 tom. - -- Par. lybO f 224 Curtis’ Botanical Magazine, plates coloured, 26 vol. in 13, 179 O, &c. and from No. 250 to 267 inclusive, and Indexes to the first 20 vol.- 1805, See, 226 Dampier’s Voyages, maps and plates, 4 vol. — 1729 { 9 ) 327 Decyphering, and of Writing in Cypher, with an Harmonic Alphabet (Treatise on the) published by Philip Thickness^ 1773 22S Delafond Lemons de Physique Experimentale, avec fg. 3 tom - - Par. 17 67 22g Delices (les) de 1’Espagne et du Portugal, avec fg 5 tom. Leide, 17 0 7 230 Denman’s (Dr. T) Aphorisms - 17^3 231 Denman’s Tracts oh Midwifery - 1 /S 6 232 Denon’s Travels in Upper and Lower Egypt, by Kendal, maps and plates, 2 vol. - 1802 233 Derham’s Physico-Theology - 1732 234 Descrizione di Roma Antica, con fig. 2 tom. in Roma, ! 7 J 9 235 Dibdin’s (Charles) History of the Stage, 5 vol. 1800 .236 Dickson (Adam) on Agriculture, plates, 2 vol. Edinb. U65, 1/ 69 237 Dictionary of Chemistry, from the French, plates, 3 vol.l 776 238 -- of Fabulous History- Carnan, 1788 239 Dictionnaire de Chirurgie, 2 tom.- Par. 1 777 Historique, 9 tom. d’Amour — Caen et Lyon, 1739 Osnalrug, 17-J1 -- Gcographique, Historique et Politique de la Suisse, without map, 2 tom. en 1 Genev. et Lausanne, \776 ---Geographique Portatif de la France, map, 4 tom. ■>- -- Par. 1705 -Anti-Philosophique, 2 tom. en \ Avignon, 1709 -du Citoyen, ou Abrege Historique du Com¬ merce, 2 tom. --- Par. 176 1 240 241 242 ■ 243 244 245 246 24 7 248 24Q 250 251 Dictionarium Rusticum, Urbanicum et Botanicum 252 - 2 vol. Portatif comprenantla Geographie, et l’Histoirp Universelle, &c. &c. &c. 8 tom. Avignon, 1760 -Historique des Cultes Religieux, 5 torq. par. -- de Physique Portatif, avec fg. 2 tom. . Avignon, -- Domgstique Portatif, 3 tom. Par. --— Portatif du Cultivateur, 2 tom. Par. 1 711 1 767 i/Q9 1770 1717 - plates, 1726 253 Diogenes Laertius, Gr. Lat. a Longoiio, red morocco, gill leaves, 2 tom. Curice Regnitianee, ap Joan. Ernest. Schultz, et Puttnerum, 254 Dionis’Course of Chirurgical Operations, plates 1733 255 -Chirurgical Operations, plates -- 1733 256 Discourse (a) of Fish and Fish-Ponds -1713 257 Disney’s Life and Writings of Dr. Jortin-- 1/92 258 -- Sermons, 2 vol. —- - 1793 0 C 10 ) 25g Dobson on Fixed Air, by Falconer, 1787—Kirwan’s Esti¬ mate of the Temperature of different Latitudes 1787 350-- 1787 20'1 -—»- 1787 —Adams on Vi¬ sion, plate, 1789—Bennet on Electricity, plates Derby, 1789 ■f- 262 Dodington’s (Bubb) Diary, by Penruddocke Wyndham Salisbury, 1784 263 -from 174 . 8-9 to 1 / 61 , by Pen¬ ruddocke Wyndham ■j- 204 Dodsley’s Collection of Poems, 6 vol, -- 2ti5-Fugitive Pieces, 2 vol. —— 266 Dossie’s Memoirs of Agriculture, 2 vol.-- 267 le Dran Observations de Chirurgerie, 2 tom. Par. 268 -Operations in Surgery, by Gataker, plates 2 t>9 Duclos sur les Moeurs de ce Siecle-- Par. 1784 1758 1765 176'8 1731 1768 1772 270 Duhamel de la Conservation des Grains, avec_flg. Par. 1753 271 ■—>-Culture des Terres, avec Jig. 6 tom. Paris, 1753, fS'c. 271*-Elemens d'Agriculture, Jig. 2 tom. Par. 1/62 272 273 274 2/5 -- Elements of Agriculture, by Miller, plates, 2 vol - - 1764 Dutens sur 1’Origine des Decouvertes attributes aux Mo- dernes, 2 tom. en 1 - Par. 1766 -(Oeuvres Melees de M. L.) — Gcnev. 1784 Dutour sur les differens Mouvemens de la Matiere Electrique, avec Jig. - - Par. 176 Q 2 76 Echard, Dictionnaire Geographique Portatif, tradpit par Vos- gien - —— Par. 1772 ,277 278 279 280 281 2 S 2 Eachavd’s Works -Gazetteer gien -:— -- Par. 1734 -1705 - 1724 -Roman History 1/96 Edinburgh Medical Essays, plates, 6 vol. Echnb. 1733 Ehrmann Essai d’un Alt de Fusion a l’Aide de l’Air du Feu, ou Air Vital, traduit par de Fontallard, avec Lavoisier sur le meme Sujet, avec planches Strasbourg, 1787 Elegiac Verses to the Memory of the Rev. Henry Stebbing, %vith head -——-<— 1791 Elemens de Chyrnie, 3 tom. -- a Dijon, 1 777 Ellis' Chiltern and Vale Farming Voyage to Hudson’s Bay, chart and plates 2S4 235 286 287 England’s Gazetteer, 3 vol 288 289 29 0 291 297 Erdeswicke’s Survey of Staffordshire, map l’Esprit (de) --- -- Essays, plates --- - --on Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Essai sur la Lecture — Par. 1748 1751 1717 1759 1716 by a Farmer, Edinh. 1775 Lyon, 1/65 ( 11 ) 293 les Etrefnnes de la St. Jean, a Troyes, 1/42—Relation Ga« lante et Funeste, de l’Histoire d’une Demoiselle qui a glisse pour &tre epousee, Amsl. 1743—Oudot, Miseys oil le Visage qui Predit, a Troyes, 1/44, large paper, ivith head of Mr. or Me. Oudot Eunuchism Displayed, describing all the different sorts of Eunuchs ’ - - 171 S Eustathius de Ismeniae et Ismenes Amoribus, Gr. Lat. a Gaulmino - Lut. Par. 1618 Farces (a collection of) 4 vol. -- Edinl. 1782 Farley’s (John) Art of Cookery - 1787 Farmer’s (the) Letters to the People of England on Husban¬ dry, Sec. plates, 2 vol. -* 1768 ---- Guide in Hiring and Stocking Farms, by the Author of the Farmer’s Letters, plates, 2 vol. 1770 -(Hugh) on Miracles - 1771 —--- on the Demoniacs - ] 775 on the Nature and Design of Christ’s Temp- 294 295 206 2 97 298 2 99 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 30Q 310 311 312 313 314 315 310 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 tation in the Wilderness—His Answer to Worthington on the Demoniacks---- 1778 Faust (les Avanture- da Docteur) et sa Descente aux Enfers, avec Jig. - - Amst. 1 798 Fcine'.on, les Avantures de T 6 lemaque, edit. Stereotype, 2 tom. - - Par. An. VII. 1775 1790 1/90 Fenning’s Guide to Practical Arithmetic Fenton’s (Richard) Poems, 2 vol. in 1 Ferber Manuel du Mindralogiste, traduit par Mongez Par. Ferguson’s Introduction to Electricity', plates — Fermier (le Bon)- a Lille, Fielding’s Voyage to Lisbon - Fisher’s (Geo.) Arithmetick 1784 1770 1707 1755 1748 Fontenelle de la Pluralite des Mondes, avec fig. Haye, 1/24 -(Oeuvres de) frontispieces, 0 tom. Amst. 1754 Fourcroy Histoire Naturelle et de Chimie, 2 tom. Par. 1/82 -Mdmoires et Observations de Chimie, avec fig. Par. l "84 Fragments of Original Letters from Charlotte Elizabeth Du¬ chess of Orleans, to the Duke of B—W— ; from 17 15 to 1720 , 2 vol. - - 179 O Gale’s (Tho.) Chirurgerie, black letter Land, by Ron land Hull, 1503 Garengeot des Operations de Chirurgie, avec fig. 3 tom. Par. 1731 Garth’s Dispensary, a Poem, plates — Tonson, 17 13 Gay’s Poems, plates, 2 vol. -— 1762 Gazetteer of France, map, 3 vol.-179 ' Gellert, Chimie Metaliurgique, avec. fig. 2 tom, Par. 1 / 5 * C. 2 ( 12 ) 324 Gemelli, Giro del Mondo, con Jig. 9 tom. Venezia, 1719 325 Gennes (de) Voyage fait en l6t)5, 6, 7, aux Cotes d’Afrique, avec Jig. - - Amst. 1699 326 Gentleman’s Guide in his Tour through France 327 -Recreation in Hunting, Hawking, Fowling, and Fishing, 'plates - - 1686 328 Geographic..1 Dictionary, maps -- Peacock, 3793 829 Gilpin (Wm,) on Picturesque Beauty, plates, 2 vol. 1786 3 ,0 Girard, la Vie du Due d’Espernon, 4 torn. Amst. 1736 3.5 1 Godwin’s Political Justice, 2 vol, 179^ 532 Goldoni (’e Commedie del) 10 tom. in Pesaro. 1 753 353 Goldsmith’s Roman History, 2 vol. - 17/0 334 ---*-abridged, plates 1/83 . 3.35 Gordon’s (Patrick) Geographical Grammar — 1693 330 Guurville (Memoires de) 2 tom. en 1 Maastricht, 1782 3 ty-- 2 tom. - Par. 1724 338 Graham’s (Dr. J.) State of Medical and Chirurgical Practice exhibited -- - 1779 339 Grammaire Framboise et Italienne — a Lyon, 1/44 -f- 340 Granger’s Biographical History of England, 4 vol. 1775 341 Groenvelt on the Revolution in France - 1792 342 Guer (J. A.) Systeme de Telliamed, 2 tom. Amst. 1748 343 Guischardt, Memoires Tvl iiitaires sur les Grecs et les Ro- raains, avec planches, 2 tdm. —— a Lyon , 1760 QUARTO. -J- 344 Cook’s Second Voyage round the World, maps, charts , por¬ traits, and views of places, first edition, 2 vol. 1777 J 345 -and Ring’s Voyage to the Pacific Ocean, maps, charts, portraits, and views of places, russia, 3 vol. 1784 346 Countriman s Recreation in Planting, Grading and Gardening with the Expert Gardener, and Art of Angling 1654 347 Craven s (Lady) Journey through the Crimea to Constanti¬ nople, map and plates - - 17S9 348 Bairymple’s (Sir John) Memoirs of Great Britain and Ire¬ land, 2 vol. russia - - 1771 349 Darwin’s Botanic Garden, plates, 2 parts in 1 179 I 350 Davanzat on Coins, byToland - 1696 351 Daviia Historia delle Civili di Francia, 2 torn. Land. 1755 352 d’Eon (Lettres, M moires. See. dli Chevalier) Lond. 1764 353 Deventer sur le Manuel des Accouchemens, avec fig. Par. 1734 354 D.ogenes Laertius, Gr Lat. Meibomii, cum fig 2 tom. Amst. 1692 355 Dimm’s (Major) Narrative of the Campaign in India in 1 • l, mats, plans, and view -- .1798 356 Diurnal of Parliament,. 1642, 1646, 164/, 1648 ( 13 ) >57 Dixon’s Voyage round the World, map and plates lfsgi 35S Dacarell’s "(Dr. A. C.) Series of- 200 Anglo-Galic Coins* plates --— - 1757 359 Duhamel du Monceau (M.) Traite des Arbres et Arbustes, figures, 2 vol. - Par. 1755 -Physique des Arbres, figures, 2 vol. - 4 - Par. 1753 SGO 36l 362 363 364 -des Semis et Plantations des Ar¬ bres, et de leur Culture, figures •- Par 1 76 O --de 1'Exploitation des Bois, fi¬ gures, 2 vol. - - Par. -- du Transport, de la Conserva¬ tion et de la Force des Bois, figures — Par. 1767 Ellis’ (Wra.) Practical Farmer; or, Hertfordshire Husband¬ man, 1732 —Blith’s Survey of Husbandry, I 649 —Wol- fius’ Discovery of the Multiplication of Corn, 1734 —■ Switzer on the True Cythisus of ti e Ancients ] 731 365 Encyclopaedia, 156 parts of LetterPress, and 21 vol. of plates, regular 366 Estienne (Charles) et Jean Liebault, Maison Rustique, et Jean de Clamorgan, la Cliassedu Loup Pour Jacques Du-Puys, 1589 • 4 - 367 Evelyn’s Silva, by Hunter, portrait by Bartolozzi, and plates - - York, 1776 368 Fenelon. les Avantures de Telemaque, avec fig. Amst. 1/34 369 de Per (N.) Histoire des Hois de France, 65 portraits, &c. 370 Fontana (Felix) sur les Poisons et sur le Corps Animal, fi * gures. 2 vol. - - Flor. 1781 371 Garnett’s (Dr. T.) Observations on a Tour through the High¬ lands, and part of the Western Isles of Scotland, 2 vol, plates - - 1 SCO 372 Gay’s Poems, 2 vol. in 1 —-- 1720 373 Giannone Istoria di Napoli, 4 tom. — Ilaia, 1753 Y- 374 Gibbon’s Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, with his Miscellaneous Works, by Lord Sheffield, 8 vol. uniform 17 / 6 —1796 375 Glebe, Tythes, and Casual Profitts (Abstract of the) belong¬ ing to the Parsonages and Vicarages in London and its Li berties. Anno 1636, Ms. 376 Googe’s (Barnabv) Husbandry, black letter — J6l4 377 Grose's Antiquities of England and Wales, plates, plans, large and thick paper, russia, border of gold t marbled leaves, 4 vol. -h 378 Gough’s British Topography, plates, 2 vol. 379 Guarini (Battista) Lettere - 380 ——-—t-Opere, 4voL* --- Peiiet. Verona, 1773 1780 154.Q 1737 381 Guicciardini la Historia d’ltalia, 2 tom Vineg'm ap. Giolilo, 1563 ( !4 ) 382 Guicciardini Istoria d’ltalia, 4 tom. Friloufg, 177 5- Jvote. The Portraits in these Volumes luere copied by Charles Gore, Esq. from Drawings taken from the original Pictures, at Monte Dragone Frascati, belonging to Prince Borghese. 383 Guthrie's Modern Geography, maps ■—— 1/80 -f~ 384 Hardwick’s (Lord) State Papers, 2 vol. -■ 1778 385 ------ 1778 386 Harleian Misceliany, 8 vol. --— 1753- FOLIO. 387 de Caus (Salomon) la Perspective, avec le Raison des ora- bres et Mirroirs, fgures, Land. 1612 —le Meme, Institu¬ tion Harmonique - Francfort, 10 'lfl f- 388 Chambers’ (E,) Cyclopaedia, or Dictionary of Arts and Sci¬ ences, with Supplement, plates, 4 vol.- 1751 389 Chardin’s (Sir John) Trauels into Persia, and the East Indies, cuts - - IO 91 39 0 Chauncey’s (Sir Henry) Historical Antiquities of Hertford¬ shire, head and plates, russia, marble leaves 17 OO f 39 I Chaucer’s (Geoffrey) Works, by John Urry, with life, large paper - - Lintot, 1721 392 Cbauvreau, Francois Divers Sujets Remarquables tirez de l’Histoire Grecque, imperfect - - Paris, 393 Chomel (Noel) Dictionnaire Oeconomiquc, pardela Marre, 3 vol. - — 7 — Paris, 1 767 394 Cbronicke van de Hertoghen van Brabant, Jiguris JO'Ot) 395 Cluveri Sicilia Antiqua, imperfect —• Eng. Bat. 396 Common Sense, or Englishman’s Journal, 1737 to 1741 397 Cowper (William) on the Muscles of the Human Body, plates, large paper - 1/24 398 Dalton’s (Richard) Antiquities and Views in Greece and Egypt, plates imperfect - 1791 399 Dapper’s (d’Olf) Africa, German, plates Amst. 1068 400 --Asia and Arabia, in German, plates Amst. 1 68 401 -Archipel, in German, plates Amst. 1688 402 ---Description de l’Afrique, avec planches Amst. 10S6 403 ■— ■ ■■ - — --— Description de 1’Archipel, avec planches ib. 1703 404 Dart’s (John) History and Antiquities of Canterbury, plates- ib 1726 405 .-Westmonasterium, or History and Antiquities of Westminster Abbey, plates, 2 vol. bound by Johnson 406 Dempsteri Monumenta Etrusca, fguris, imperfect 407 Dictionnaire de l’Academie Fran^oise, 2 tom. Paris, 1/62 ( 15 ) 408 Ducarel’s (Doctor) Anglo Norman Antiquities, plates 1767 409 —--considered in a Tour through part of Normandy, plates, russia 1767 410 du Halde Description Geographique, Historique, Chronologi- que. Politique et Physique de l'Empire de la Chine et de la Tartarie Cliinoise, avec planches, 4 tom. Paris, 173 S Third Day’s Sale, OCTAVO ET INFRA. LOT 411 412 413 414 415 4- V- FL .ALE (Sir Matthew) on the Magnet- Hale’s (Stephen) Vegetable Staticks, plates, 2 vol. ---Philosophical Experiments — Vegetable Staticks, plates, 2 vol. 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 Idas 1727 3739 1731 on Ventilators, plates, 1/43—Saul's Ac¬ count of the Barometer, l /35—Hodgson’s Introduction to Chronology -- - 1747 Hale’s (Mrs.) Poetical Attempts - 1800 Hale (Compleat Body of Husbandry, collected from the Pa¬ pers of Thomas) plates, 4 vol - 1/5S Harris (Gualt.) de Morbis Acutis Infantum Land. 1705 -Dissertationes Medicae et Chirargicae, iAl/25 Harris” (John) Use of the Globes -- 1725 -(Joseph) Use of the Globes and Orrery, plates 1757 -(James) Three Treatises - j 744 -Hermes — — 175 I ■U .425 ■+- 423 t 4 27 428 ————---—» and other Works, 4 vol. uniform. 177U&C. -Philosophical Arrangements 1775 -Inquiries, head 1731 Harte’s Essays on Husbandry, plates —- 1734 Hartley (David) on Man, 2 vol. -- 1740 ( 16 ) 42 9 430 431 432 433 434 435 430 437 438 43g 440 441 442 443 Hayiey’s Poems and Plays, 6 vol. --—• 178S Hauksbee’s Physico-Mechanical Experiments, plates 1 / 19 He'oreux (la Republique des) avec jig. 3 tom. Amst. 1705 Helian Dictionnaire du Diagnostic- Par. 1771 Hesse’s (the Prince of) Memoirs of the Campaign of 1783, Fr. and Eng. ---* 178C> Higgins (Bryan) on Calcareous Cements, 1780 —Bryan Hig¬ gins on Lights, vol 1 st -— 177® -on Bishop Burnet’s History of his Own Tiroes,! 727 History of England, Question and Answer —- 1729 ~-— -in a series of Letters, 2 voh 1770 —-<-in Letters from a Nobleman to his Son, 2 vol. France, Question and Answer ■— the Intrigues of Priests and- Nuns, with Custom House for Sin, plates ■ -Pompey the Little Histoire de l’Electricite, 3 tom. 1803 1759 Rome’s 1740 1752 Pm. J 752 444 44 5 446 447 448 4-ip. 450 45! 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 4.6 7 Hoi we IPs (J. Z.) Historical Events Relative to the Provinces of Bengal, qnd the Empire of Indostan, plates, 3 parts in 1 vol. - ■»- 1766 , &c. •-India Tracts, frontispiece —-— 1774 Home’s (Francis) Medical Facts and Experiments, and his Principles of Agriculture and Vegetation — 1759 —1 - (Henry) Gentleman Farmer, plates Edinl. 1776 Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey, by Pope, frontispieces , 2 voh Suttaiyij 1805'—1806 Homeri Ilias, Gr. Lat. a Maittaire, 2 tom. bond. 1747 Horace, Lat. Eng. by Watson, 2 voh 1741 —1/43 1727 I766 - 1790 Yorft, 1777 - - 1750 — • Loud. 1732 Par. 1749 —— 1760 Comedy 1/9.5 1779 Houghton’s Husbandry and Trade improved, 4 vol Howell’s Medulla Historic Anglicanae, plates Hoyle’s Games, by Charles Jones Hunter’s A.) Georgical Essays, plates Huxham on Fevers —- -cle Aere, 2 tom. - Jallabert sur 1’Electricite - James on Canine Madness — Jerningham’s (Edw.) Welch Heiress, Ingen-Housz on Vegetables, plate — sur divers Gbjets de Physique, avec fg. Par. 1785 Ingram’s (Dale) Cases and Observations in Surgery, plates 1/51 Johnson’s Dictionary of the English Language, 2 vol. 1778 1794 1766 1/67 1781 1781 Rasselas, Prince of Ahissinia, Idler, 2 vol. - Lives of English Poets, 4 vol. ■ 4 vol. rob ( If ) ■468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 '<77 4/8 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 483 480 49 O 401 4y2 493 Johnson’s Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia, plates, large papei Whittingham, 1801 Jortin on the Truth of the Christian Religion — 1752 Journees Physiques, 2 tom. —— Lyon, 1761 Itinerario d’ltalia, di Scotto, con Jig. in Roma, 17^7 - con fig. — -“ Rom. Kennedy’s Description of the Curiosities in Wilton House, Salisbury, 1/58-^—Statutes and Pules of the British Mu¬ seum -———— - 1759 Ken nett’s Antiquities of Rome, plates, large paper 1754 Kent’s Hints to Gentlemen of Landed Property 17/5 Kentish Traveller’s Companion, from London to Margate, Dover, and Canterbury, map of the road King’s Heathen Gods and Heroes, plates Kir wan's Elements of Mineralogy Lacombe Dictionnaire Portatif des Beaux-Arts Par. Ladvocat Dictionnaire Hisiorique, 2 tom. Par. - -- et Bibiiographique Porta¬ tif, 3 tom. —— -- Par 1777 1779 1745 1784 1766 1761 tif, 3 tom. — Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life — (Bp.) Theory of Religion Cambridge, 494 495 Par. 1777 ■-'s Historical and Biographical Dictionary, by Cathe¬ rine Colli gnon, 4 vol, - Cambridge, 1799 la Hontan (de) Voyages dans l’Amerique Septentrionale, avec cartes et Jig. 3 torn. - Amst. 1705—1/04 Lavoisier Opuscules Physiques et Chymiques, avec Jig. Pur. 1 774 Law’s Theory of Religion —--- 1759 17 6T 1774 - 1720 1 770 Life of George Anne Bellamy, by herself, 6 vol. in 3 1/85 Lindsey’s Apology for resigning the Vicarage of Catterick, with Sequel, 2 vol. - 1774—1770’ - Catechist, 1st part, 178 I—Examination of Ro¬ binson of Cambridge’s I lea for the Divinity of Jesus Christ, 1785—H. Taylor’s Answer to a late View of the Internal Evidence of the Christian Religion — 177 7 - View of the State of the Unitarian Doctrine and Worship - • ■ • >- - ■ - ■ . 1783 - Examination of Robinson of Cambridge's Plea for Lemery’s Course of Chymistry Leybourn’s (Wm.) Trader’s sure Guide the Divinity of Jesus Christ, 17 S 9 —James Gifford’s Elu¬ cidation of the Unity of God ——— 1/86 496 -—- Vindiciae Priestleianae, 2 voh in 1 1783 497 Lisle’s (Edw.) Husbandry, 2 vol. ——— 1757 498 la Liturgia, morocco, gilt leaves —-- 1757 499 Lizancour (le Pretendant, ou Perkin faux due d’York, par la Paix de) 3 tom. - a Cologne, 1716 D ( 13 ) 500 Locke’s Works, Q vol. - ~—— 1/94 .501 de Lolme’s Constitution of England, large paper 1 775 502 Londres, plan, 3 tom. - Lausanne, 177° 503 Lovett's Electrical Philosopher, plates , Worcester, 1/74 — 1 Adair Crawford on Animal Heat - 1779 504 Low til’s (Bp-) Introduction to English Grammar , fine paper 1/87 505 Lucreee, Lat. Fr. par Coutures, 2 tom. ■— Par. 10 g 2 506 Lucrezio della Natura delle Cose, di Marchetti, con Jig. red morocco , gilt leaves, 2 tom. —-—- Amst. 1 754 507 Macbride’s Experimental Essays, plates - 17/6 508 Magasin des Adolescentes, 4 tom.- Load. lJOO 500 Magazine of Fashions, 2 vol. and 25 Nos. plates coloured j;gs —1806 510 Malebranche Traite de Morale, 2 tom. en 1 Rotterod. '\6 84 .511 - --de la Recherche de la Verite, 4 tom. Par.17^9 512 Marmontel, Contes'Moraux, 3 tom. — Par. 1/66 513 Martialis Epigrammata, notis Var. a Smids Amst. 1701 514 Maskelyne oh the Transit of Venus over the Sun’s Disk on the 3d of June, 1769 , Loud. 1768 —Greaves’Origine of English Weights and Measures, 1 706 —Arbuthnot’s Useful¬ ness of Mathematical Learning, 1701 —Webster’s Descrip¬ tion and Use of a Case ot Pocket-Instruments, plates, 1768 —Berkeley’s Siris-— — 1/44 515 Mason (John) on Self-Knowledge, frontispiece 1 7Q 1 516 Masse (Voyages et Avantures de Jacques) a BoOrdcanx, 1710 517 Maty’s (Paul Henry) Sermons - 178S 518 Maupertuis (Oeuvres de) 4 tom.- a Lyon, 1756 519 Mauriceau’s Diseases of Women with Child, by Chamber- len, plates - - Ip55 520 Mawe’s Gardener’s Kalendar, frontispiece — 1782 521 Maxwell’s Select Transactions of the Society for the Im¬ provement of Agriculture in Scotland, plate Edinb. 1743 522 Medals (Knowledge of) - l6t)7 523 Memoires de M. D. L. R. - a Cologne, 1662 524.-*— par la Societe Oeconomique de Berne, 2 tom. I 7 O 7 525 Mentelle Cosmographie Eicmentaire, avec planches et cartes Par 1781 526 Metastasio. (Opere di) con fig. russia, gilt leaves, 12 tom. Parigi, 1780 52/ Metbode Abregee et Facile pour apprendre la Geographic, maps .- ——— Par. 1770 .528 Millies’Elements of Surgery, plates -- 1746 520 Miller’s (Philip) Gardener’s Kalendar, plates 1765 530 Millot Elemens de PHistoire d’Angleterre, 3 tom. Par. 1769 531 Mills’ (John) System of Practical Husbandry, plates, 5 vol, 1762 .332 Minutes of the Society far. Philosophical Experiments dnd Conversations -—- -- 1795 ( 19 ) 533 l’Atni des Hommes, ou Traite de la Population, 6 tom. Avignon, 1?6'2 534 Mirabeau, Systeme de la Nature, 2 tom. Land. 1770 535 - (Lettres Originales de) Recueiliies, par Manuel, 4 torn. - - Par. ]/()2 53 6 Mirror (the) 3 vol. - -»- 1782 537 les MoeurG - - a Leyde, 1760 538 Mole (Tho.) on Repentance - 1/76 53y -’s (Tho ) Case of a Dissent from the.Civil Establisment, and Sermon, 1782 —Lardner’s four Discourses upon Phi - lippians II. 5—11, Lona. 1784, &c. &c. 540 Money Masters all Things; or, Satyi'ical Poems l 6 gS 541 Montagu’s (I.ady Mary Wortley) Works, two portraits of her, 5 vol. - - 1803' 542 Monthly Review enlarged, from January 1790 to December" 1807, 54 vol. - ’- 1730 -/• 543 Montague’s (Lady Mary Wortley) Letters, 4 vol 1 7(53— 1707 544 Montausier (Memoires de Mons. le Due de) 2 tom en 1 Rotterdam, 1731 545 Montpensier (Memoires de Mademoiselle de) 7 tom. Load. 1748 546 --- 8 tom. Maesiric/it, 1/76 QUARTO. 547 Hartlib’s Legacy of Husbandry, and his Tracts 1655 548 Hawkesworth’s Collection of Voyages, by Byron, Wallis, Carteret, and Cook, maps and plates, russia, 3 vol. 1773 549 Haym del Tesoro Britannico, Overo il Museo Nummario, 2 tom. large paper in Londra per Giacob Tonson, 1719 A- 550 Herbert of Cherbury (Life ot Lord) frontispiece 1770 551 Herbinius de Cataractis, cum Jig - Amsf 1 G 7 S 552 Histoire et Memoire de l’Acaddmie Royale des Sciences, - 1666 — 99 , 11 vol in 14, Par 1733—Godin (M.) Table Alphabetique, 1 - 666 , 40, 5 vol.—Prix, J 737 , 40, 3 vol. —Machines, 6 vol.— Histoire de l’Academie Royale des Sciences, 1609 , 1772 (1709 wanting) 76 vol 1702 , 1776 —Mairan,’ Traite de l’Aurore Boreale, 1733—Elements de la Geometrie de l’lnfini, 1727 —Suite, i; 20 —Pieces, 1750—Memoires de Mathematique et de Physique, vol. 1 , 1750, together 109 vol. 553 Hodges’ (Wm.) Travels in India, map and plates 1793 554 Homer, translated by Pope, 6 vol. - 1725 555 Hooke’s Cutlerian Lectures, plates -- 1679 556 Horse Houghing Husbandry - 1731 557 Hume’s Historv of England, 6 vol. ——_ 1762 D 2 ( 20 ) 358 Hutton’s (Dr. C.) Mathematical and Philosophical Dictionary, vol. 1, part 1, plates - 1795 559 Johnson’s English Dictionary, 2 vol. head l u Barlolottzi, 1 7 85 500 Irwin’s (Eyies) Adventures in a Voyage up the lied Sea, maps and cuts - - 1780 561 Istoria del Tremoto delle Calabrie in Napoli, 1/84 562 Justini Historia, Delphini - Parishs, 1 £>77 563 Latium (a Description of) plates —-—— 1805 564 Leas (Andre) le Costume, Peuples de I'Antiquite, par Martini, avec LVII. Estampes ■— aDresde, 17 s5 565 Lewis’ (W.) Philosophical Commerce of Arts, plates 1 765 566 -Experimental History of the Materia Medica, by Aikin -»- -r-r— 1784 357 Littleton’s Lat’n and English Dictionary -- 3735 568 Liyii Kjstoria, a Crevier, 6 tom.-? Parishs, 1735 569 Lucatii Pharsalja, Bentleii Strawlerry-Mhl, 1760 570 de Luc Recherches sur les Modifications de 1 Atmosphere, avec .fig: 2 tom. -— Qeneu. 1772 573 Ludlow's Memoirs, russia ■- 3771 5J2 Lydii Syntagma de Re Militari nec non de Jure Jurando Dis* sertatio Philologica, a Van Til, cum Jig. Dordraci, 1698 5/3 Lyttelton’s (Lord) Works, russia, 5. vol. 1767 —-1775 5/4 Macartney’s (Lord) Embassy to China, plates separate, 3 vol. 1797 575 Machiavelli Opere, di Baretti, 3 tom. Lon/l. 1772 576 MacqUer’s (M.) Dictionary of Chemistry-1773 577 Macquer (M.) Dictionnaire de Chimie, 2 vol. Paris, l "]"]8 J-51 8 Madox's History of the Exchequer, 2 vol. —, 1769 5"9 Marquerite. de Valois, lloyne de Navarre (princesse) PHep- taineron dcs Nouvelles de, gilt leaves Paris, pour G'dles Cities, 1560 5S0 Markham’s (Geo.) Englishman, Husbandman, and Pleasures of Princes, or Art of Angling --—- 1635 581 *-Tracts, viz Way to get Wealth, 106'Q i—Country Contentments, 1664—English Housewife, l6'64—Farewell, to Husbandry, 166 - 1 —New' Orchard and Garden • - - 1 665 582 Mascrier Description de l’Egypte, map and plates Par. 1/35 583 Matheimtique Universelle - Par. 1/28 5(14 Maariceau des Maladies des Femmes Grosses, avec Jig. 2 tom. -- - Par. 3712 555 Mead’s Medical Works, head - i/02 55 6 Memoires pour serviral’Histoire de France et de Bourgogne, contenant un Journal de Paris, sous les Regnes de Charles VI. et de Charles VII. --- Paris , 1 / 29 ( 21 ) FOLIO. 587 Dunn’s (Samuel) Atlas of the Mundane System 1706 -f 5 B 8 Edmondson’s (Joseph) Complete Body of Heraldry, 2 voL in 1 , marble leaves - 1760 589 l’Estrange’s (Roger) Observator, 2 vol. -1684 500 Fog’s Journall, 1728 to 1733 original editim 591 Froissart (Jean) l’Histoire et Cromque, 2 tom. in 1 Lyon Tcurnes, 1559 592 German Armorial Bearings, plates Fran,of. l66l 593 Goltzii (Huberto) Numismata Graeciae et As has Minores, f- guris, imperfect - - ! 6-i4 594 Gorii (Francis) Dactyliotlieca Smithiana, 2 torn.' imperfect Venet. 1767 595 Gnicciardin (Loys) Histoire de toutes les Pais Bas, avec cartes, imperfect - Amst. lot3 59 S Handel’s Opera, or Roxana, or Alexander f 597 Harris’ (John) History of Kent, with Kip's views, large pa¬ per — - - - 1719 398 - - Collection of Voyages and Travels, maps and plates, 2 vol. ' - -— • 1744 f 599 Hasted’s (Edward) History of Kent, maps and plates, 4 vol. russia, marble leaves - Can'erb. 1773 600 Horneri Opera, Greece, morocco, 2 tom. Glasgow, Foiclis, 175 f» ■f 601 Hutchins’ (John) History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset, maps and plates, 2 vol. russia, warble leaves, s 774 002 Homer’s Iliad translated and illustrated, by J- Ggilby, large paper -— - 160 O 603 - by Pope, 6 vol. -1715 604 Hondti (Jud.) Nova ct Aecurata I tali* Descriptio, fgtiris, imperfect - - Amst. 1626 605 Imperfect Books, various 606 Johnson’s (Cape. Charles) History of hn) Complete Steward, 2 vol. 1761 6 lg Morgan on Electricity, plates, 2 vol. Norwich , 1 794 620 Mortimer’s Husbandry, 2 vol. - 1761 621 -Every Man his own Broker - 1765 622 Morveau, Lavoisier, Bertholet, et de Fourcroy Methode de Nomenclature Chimique - Par. 1787 623- Motteville (Madame de) Histoire d’Anne d’Autriche, 6 tom. Amst. 1/50 624 le Moyen de Parvenir 625 —-, 2 tom. ■—— a Chinan, 62.6 Museara Rusticurn et Commercial, plates, 6 vol. ]766 627 Necker, de 1’Administration des Finances de la France, 3 tom. 1784 628 Nerai’r et .Melhoe, 2 tom. 629 Newton, Labelye, &c. Coins, Weights and Measures, Ancient and Modern 630 Nicholson’s (W.) First Principles of Chemistry, plates, I’/QO 631 Ninon de l’Enclos (Lettres de) -- Dublin, 1777 632 Nollet Idee Generale d’un Cours de Physique Experimentale Par 1738 633 —-Lemons de Physique Experimentale, avec Jig. 6 tom. ib. 1749 634 —-sur 1’Electrlcitd, avec Jig. 5 tom. — ib. 1753 635 - 2 tom. — ib. 1/bO 636 North American and West Indian Gazetteer, maps 1776 637 Nourjahad (History of) ■— — 1767 638 Novelliero Italiano, 4 tom. ——■ Venez. 1754 ( 23 ) 63g Observations de la Physique — Par. 1719 {}40 l’Oratear. Recueil de Pieces Choisies tires des meilleurs Auteurs Francois -— bond. 641 Overbeke dell’, Antica Roma, tradotta di Rolli, con fig. ib. 1739 642 Ovid’s Metamorphoses, by Garth, plates, 2 vol. 1751 043 Ozanam Cours de Mathcmatique, avecjig. 2 tom. Par. I6y3 6'44-Recreations Mathematiques et Physiques, avec Jig. 2 tom. -— - ib. 16c>4 6-15 Paine’s (Thomas) Decline and Fall of the English System of Finance with Ralph Broome’s Observations on it 1796 646 Pages Voyages autour du Monde, avec Jig. 2 tom. Par. 1782 64“ Palmer’s (S.) Non-conformist’s Memorial, heads, 2 vol 177-5 648 -(John) Reply to Priestley’s Philosophical Necessity, 1770—Priestley’s Defence of it, in Reply to Palmer, 1/79 —Palmer’s Appendix to his Reply, 1/80—Priestley’s second Defence, 178O—Jacob Bryant’s Address to Priestley on his Philosophical Necessity, 17SO—Priestley’s Answer to Bryant - - 3 780 649 Pamphlets, imperfect Books, &c. a Parcel of 050 Paris, Plan de, on canvas, coloured - 1764 651 Paterson’s Roads ot Great Britain, 2 vol. 652 -- Roads in England and Wales-1794 653 Pattullo sur 1’ Amelioration des Terres, avecjig. Par. 1759 654 Payne’s (Wm.) Introduction to Geometry — 1/68 055 Poulet sur les Maladies Epizootiques, primiere partie Par. 1775 656 Pauw (de) Recherches Philosopbiques sur les Americains, 3 tom. - - Berlin, 17/0 657 -Egyptiens et les Chinois, 2 tom. - Amst. 1773 65S - Grecs, 2 tom. Berlin, 17S8 659 Percival’s (Tho.) Philosophical, Medical and Experimental Essays, with Appendix - 3 776 600 Percival (Tho.) on the Poison of Lead - 1784 601 Perehxe Histoirede Henry le Grand, 2 tom. en 1, Par. 1749 662 Perrault Essais de Physique, avec Jig. 2 tom. ib. loSO 663 Petit (Jean-Louis) des Maladies des Os, 2 tom. ib. 1723 664 Phse-'ri Fabulse, a Lsurenlio, cum Jig. Amst. 1667 665 Piganiol de la Force Description de la France, avec Intro¬ duction, maps, 15 tom. — Par. 1752, 1753 666 Hndar’s (Peter) Works, head, 4 vol. — 1794, 1796 667 Piozzi’s Anecdotes of Dr. Johnson - 3 786 ■f~ 668 - (Mrs.) Letters to and from Dr. Johnson, 2 vol. 1788 669 - Journey through France, Italy and Germany. 2vol. -- - - 1789 670 Pliny’s Letters, by Melmoth, 2 vol. - 3 743 671 Plutarch’s Lives, by Langhorne, 6 vol. - 1778 67'J Poetical Sketch (a) of the Revolutions that have happened in the Natural History of our Planet, Eng. Ital, Loud. 1736 ( 24 ) e;3 674 6"5 ($76 §77 67 3 §79 680 681 C'S2 033 684 685 0’S6 68 7, 688 6 S 9 690 691 692 6t)3 694 605 696 §97 Poet:? (Works of the English) with Prefaces, Biographical and Critical, by Dr. Johnson, 68 vol.-1779 Pompadour (Memoires de Made de), 2 tom. Liege, 1/66 Potter’s Antiquities of Greece, plates, 2 vol. 1795 Pott’s (Perciva!) Chirurgical Works, plates, 4 vol. 1771 II Libro delle Preghiere Publiche, secondo l’uso della Chiesa Anglicana — - Lond. 1/33 Price’s (Rich.) Sermons on the Christian Doctrine, &c. 1787 Review of the principal Questions and Diffi¬ culties in Morals - - 1769 ----Four Dissertations, on Providence, Prayer, 1777 rc. Priestley and Bp. Horsley (Controversy between) on Priest¬ ley’s Corruptions of Christianity - 1783 -Letters to a Philosophical Unbeliever, 2 vol. 1 78 O -Discourses at Philadelphia on the Evidences of Revealed Religion 1796 - Examination of Reid, Beattie and Oswald 1775 Appeal to the Public on the Riots at Birmingham, 1 -—- ~1791 Discourses on the Evidences of Revealed Religion 1794 History of the Christian Church, 2 vol. 1 /yO 2 vol. Corruptions of Christianity, 2 vol. 1782 ■ --Early Opinions concerning Jesus Christ, 4 vol. -- - -- 1/86 ■ -Letters against Madan and Burn, 179 O—His Let¬ ters to Burke on his Reflections on the French Revolution 1 79 1 ■ -- Sermons, with his History of the Sufferings of Lewis de Marolies and Isaac le Ferre on the Repeal of the Edict of Nantz---— 1788 -and other Tracts — 1764, &c. -- Two Discourses on Habitual Devotion and on the Duty of not living to Ourselves, 1782 —Sketch of the Con¬ troversy between Priestley and his Opponents—Bell on the Communion and Lord’s Supper, 17 SO -Letters to the Jews, Dr. Horne, Dr. Price, Park- hurst, Dr. Geddcs, &c. — 1786, 1 7S/, 1788 -— Sermons — —— U 87 -- on Matter and Spirit, frontispiece — 1777 -and Price on the Doctrine of Materialism and Phi¬ losophical Necessity — ■— 1778 898 ---’s Theological Repository, 6 vol. 700 - J773 Forms of Prayer and other Offices for the Unita¬ rian Societies - -- 1783 ——Lc-tters to Bp. Horsley, fee. — 1786 701 ( 25 ) 702 Priestley’s History and present State of Electricity, plates, 2 vol. - —- 1//5 703 -Tracts- 178 I, &c. 704 -on Air, plates, 5 vol. - l/7 5 > & c - 705 -’s Institution of Moses compared with those ot the Hindoos - Northumberland, 17 ! 9 706 Pringle on the Diseases of the Army - 1775 707 Prior's (Matt.) Poetical Works, plate, crown 8 vo, 2 vol. 17?9 70S -1779 708 *Procter’s (Percival) Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, plates, 4 vol. _ - - 1774 709 Prologues and Epilogues (Collection of), 4 vol. 1779 710 Protde (le Nouveau) ou le Moine Avanturier, Haarlem, 1/40 •—l'Anti Therese, ou Juliette Philosophe, a la Haye, I 75 O 711 Pufrendorff’s Introduction to History, by Sayer, 2 vol. 1748 712 Punctuation (an Essay on) 1791 713 Quincy’s^Medicinal Dictionary 1743 714 Rabutin (Histoire Amoureuse de Gaules, par le Comte de Bussi), 5 tom. - - 1754 715 Memoires du Comte de Bussy Rabu'in, 3 tom. Amst. 1731 716 Rackstrow’s Experiments on Electricity, 1748—Description of the Air Pump, plate, 1 750—Description of the double Microscope made by Sterrop, plate 717 Radcliffe’s (Ann) Mysteries of Udolpho, a Romance, 4 vol, 1794 718 Raleigh’s (Sir W.) Cabinet Council Discabineted, head, 1(358 719 Ramsay’s Travels of Cyrus, frontispieces, 2 vol. 1728 720 Randall’s Semi Virgilian Husbandry, plates — 1764 /21 Rapin and Tindal’s History of England abridged, heads and monuments, 3 vol. * — -— 1747 722 Read’s Practice of Chirurgery - 1687 723 Read (John) on the Spontaneous Electricity of the Earth and Atmosphere - - 1793 724 Reaumur Art de Faire Eclorre et d’elever des Oiseaux Do- mestique, avec fig. 2 tom. en 1 — Par. 1 75 1 725 Reflexions sur le Bonheur et Malheur en Lotteries, Amst. 1696 726 Regnard (Oeuvres de), 4 tom. - Par. 1778 727 Regnault’s Philosophical Conversations, by Dale, plates, 3 vol. 1731 728 de Re Rustica, or Repository for select Papers on Agriculture, Arts and Manufactures, 2 vol. - 1769 729 Richards’ (John) Gentleman’s Steward and Tenants of Ma¬ nors instructed, 1730—Wheeler’s Modern Druid, or In¬ structions for the better Culture of Young Oaks, Mss. notes, 1747—System of Agriculture —- 1755 "30 Robertson’s History of Scotland, 2 vol. —• 1761 731 -• — 177S 732 Robinson (Memoirs of Mrs.) 4 vol. -—- 1801 733 Rochefoucauld, Maximes et Rdflexiops Morale, red morocco , silt leaves — —_ Amst. I 78 I E ( 26 ’) 734 Rochester’s (Lord) Works, plates, 2 vol. in 1 1/57 735 Rogers’ three Year sT ravels over England and Wales, map, 1697 736 Roilin Histoire Roraaine, g tom. — Par. 1/37 737 Roma (le Cose Maravigliose dell Citta di), impf. Rom. 1022 738 Roman History abridged, Quest, and Answ. from the French, by T. Brown - - 1722 739 Rousseau (J. J.) la Nouvelle Heloise, avec Jig. 3 tom. impf. Amst. 1773 -—- (Juge de Jean Jacques) 178 O 740 Rozier sur la Physique, sur l’Histoire Naturfelle et stir'lea Arts, ai)ec planches, 18 tom. en Q - Par. 1762 741 Rueneuve(de) surf Agriculture etle Jardinage, 2 tom. ib. lfl 2 742 Rural Oeconomy by the Author of the Farmer’s Letters, 1770 743 -Improvements — — 1775 744 Rutherford’s (James) Dissertations on Bible Principles, 1794 745 Gil Bias di Santillano, tratta dal Giulio Monti, 4 tom. Venezia, 1732 746 Saint-Pierre’s Studies of Nature, by Hunter , frontispiece and plates, 5 vol. - - 175)6 747 Sales’ Koran, plates, 2 vol. — Bath, 1 7Q5 748 Salmon’s (N.) Evenings of Southill -- 1806 749 Sauri Cours de Physique Experimenfale et Theorique, avec Jig. 4 tom. —■ - Par. 1777 QUARTO. 750 Michaelis (M.) Questions proposees a’une Societe de Savants^ qui par ordre de la Majeste Danoise font le Voyage de PArabie — - Amst 1774 751 Moliere (Oeuvres de), avec Jig. white calf) morocco lacks, gilt leaves, 6 tom. --- Par. 1 734 752 le Moniteur, 4 vol. — - 1792 753 Montesquieu (Oeuvres de), maps, large paper, 3 tom. Land. 1767 *54 Murphy and Bluck’s Views of the Lakes, No. 1. 755. Musschenbroek, Flssai de Physique, par Massuet, planches, 2 vol. - -- Leyden, 1739 756 --—- trad, par P. Massuet, portrait et planches, 2 vol. in 1 -- ib. 1/51 757 Newton’s (And ) Letter to Lord Apsley on the Case of Martha Sophia Swordfeger -•-*- 17/1 758 Nicolaus (Johan.) de Sepuldhris Hebrgeorum, cum Jig. Lug. Bat 1706 759 Nieuwentyt’s Religious Philosopher, by Desaguliers, 2 vol. plates ' -- --- 1 724 76 0 Numismata Pembrochise Comes - 1746 761 Occo Numismatum Impp. Romanorum a Pompeio Magna ad Heraclium -1 Aug , Find. 1601 ( 27 ) 762 d’Orleans (Pere) Histoire des Revolutions d’Angleterre, 3 voh Par. 1694 763 Ossian’s Fingal, and other Poems, by Macpherson 1/62 764 Ovidii Opera, Delphini, 4 tom. - Lugcliin, 1689 765 Pamphlets and odd. Nos. ( 19 ) various 766 Pamphlets ( 26 )—Arts and Sciences, &c. by Sir John Pringle and others 767 Pausanias, traduit par Gedoyn, maps arid plates, 2 tom. Par. 1731 -J~ 76 8 Pennant’s Tours in Scotland, in 1769 , 1772 , plates , 3 vol. Warrington, Chester, London, 1774, 1776 —Tour in Wales, plates, 1 773> Land. 1778—Journey from Chester to London, plates, Land. 1782 —London, plates. Load, 1790 — russia, 6 vol. uniform ■»/* 769 - Tour from Downing to Alston Moor, plates, 1801 770 - - (Tho.) Tour from Downing to Alston Moor, plates - - 1801 77 1 - (T.) Journey from London to the Isle of Wight, 2 vol .plates —•— - . 1801 772 - 773 Journey from London to the Isle of Wight, maps and plates, 2 vol — — 1801 — : - (T.) Tour from Alstou-Moor to Harrowgate and Brimham Crags, plates --— 1804 774 Petronii Arbitri Satyricon, Burmanni, 2 tom- Amst. 1743 775 Petravca (le Rime del) per Castelvetro Basil, 1582 776 Pbasnix of these late Times (the) or the Life of Master Henry Welby, who lived at, his House in Grub Street forty foure Yeares, and was never s'eene by any, aged eighty foure, frontispiece with portrait, wants title, 16-3/5 777 rhilosophie Rurale, ou Economie generale et-politique de 1’Agriculture — —• Amst. i 673 778 Phipps’ (Const. J.) Voyage towards the North Pole, 1773 , ?nap and plates, hoards, uncut - 1 7/4 7/9 —--Vovage to the North Pole, chart and plates, russia, 1774 780 Pinto’s ( Essay on Circulation and Credit, by Baggs; 1 77 T 781 Plauti Comosdiae, Delphini, russia, 2 tom. Parisiis, 1 6/9 782 Plinii Epistolae, Longolii - Amst. 1/34 783 Polybe (Histoire de) par Folard, avec fig. 6 tom. Par. 172 j 784 Portlock’s Voyage round the World, head, map, plates, J 789 785 - maps and plates, russip. 1789 786 Pradel (Sr. de) Theatre d’Agriculture Lyon, 1675 787 Priestley’s (Dr. J.) Harmony of the Evangelists in Greek, with Dissertations in English -- ] 777 788 -- - Lectures on History, and general Policy, Birm. 1 7 83 789 --- -- Harmony of the Evangelists, map, 178 Q E 2 ( 25 } FOLIO. 7gQ Manning’s (Rev. Owen) History and Antiquities of the County of Surrey, continued by Bray, plates, large paper, vol. 1st - -- 1804 791 Mege’s (Greg.) French Dictionary -- 1788 792 Military History of Prince Eugene of Savoy, and John Duke of Marlborough, plates, by du Bose, illustrated with portraits of the Duke, ly Smith and others, 2 vol. in 1 large paper - - 1/36 793 Minsheu (John) Dictionarie in Spanish and English ^ London, Bollfant, 1599 794 Moll’s (Herman) Collection of Maps — 1724 795 Montfaucon, Antiquities Expliquees, 5 tom. imperfect 796 Montfaucon (Bernard de) les Monumens de la Monarchie Franjoise, avec planches, 5 tom. large paper, Paris, 1729 797 de Montfaucon (Bernard) l’Antiquitee Eupliquee avec le Supplement, representee en figures, very fine impressions of the plates, russia, marble leaves, 5 tom. Par. 1729 ,1724 798 Morant’s (Philip) Plistory and Antiquities of Essex, plates and maps, large paper, 2 vol. russia, marble leaves, 1768 799 de la Motraye’s Travels through Europe, Asia and into part of Africa, cuts and maps, 3 vol. — 1723 800 Nicolson’s (W.) English, Scotch and Irish Historical Libra¬ ries - -- 1736 801 The Observators from 1702 to 9 , 9 vol.- 1703 802 Qgilby’s (John) Embassy to Japan, plates — 1670 f- 803 ---Embassy to China, plates — 1669 804 --Asia, plates - 1673 805 -Africa, plates, large paper — 1761 806 Panvinii, Onuphii, Fasti et Triumphi Roma, figuris, chart. max. - - 1557 SO? Patini (Carol.) Imperatorum Romanorum Numismata, figuris Paris, Cramoisy, 1696 808 Perry’s (Charles) View of the Levant, plates 1743 8 0 9 le Pitture Antiche d’Ecolano, imperfect Napol. 1757 -f~ 810 Prior’s ( ) Poems, large paper - -— 171 S 811 Rotuli Parliamenfaria 1278 to 1503, 6 vol. 812 de Saint-Auben (Jean) Histoire de la Ville de Lyon, Lyon, 1666 . 813 Scheuchzer (Jean Jaques) Physique Sacree, imperfect, 8 tom. 1732 814 Sidney (Sir Philip) Countess of Pembrooke’s Arcadia 1671 815 Spencer's (Edmond) Works, with Life-1679 816 Spotwood’s (John) History of the Church of Scotland, head by Hollar ——— 1668 [ 29 ] Fifth Day’s Sale. / 1 LOT Si 7 818 8ig S20 821 822 823 824 825 826 'f 827 828 82g 830 831 832 833 -t 834 * 835 836 83 7 OCTAVO et INFRA. X W Sauvage deTai'ti aux Fran 9 ais Lond. 1//0 Scheele Memoires de Chymie, 2 tom. Dijon, 1 /S5 Select Essays on Husbandry - Edinb. 1767 Senecae Tragcediae et Syri Mi mi, a Grutero, red morocco, gilt leaves - ap. Commel, 1 604 Sevigne (Lettres de Madame de) 2 tom. h'aye, 1726 - 9 tom. Jmst. 1//5 --- (Letters of the Marchioness de) 7 vol. 1 S 01 - (Lettres de Madame de) 10 tom. Par. 1801 Shaftesbury’s (Lord) Characteristicks, 3 vol. — 1737 -—---3 vol. russia Binning, by Baskerville, 1773 Shakespeare’s Works, by Theobald, head and plates, 8 vol. - plates, 8 vol. Dramatic Works, plates, 20 vol. Bell, 1757 1773 1788 — with Ayacough’s Index, 3 vol. Stockdale, V/QQ --- Plays and Poems, by Malone, 11 vol. 1790 -Life by Rowe, vignettes, 1 'ussia, 8 vol. Bensley, for Wynne and Scholey, 1803 Sharp (Sam.) on the Operations of Surgery, plates 1761 Sherlock’s (Bp.) Sermons, 4 vol. - 1/56 Shirley’s (James) Poems, head by Marshall —• 1646 Sigaud de la Fond Description et Usage d’un Cabinet de Phy¬ sique Experimentale, avec fig. 2 tom. Par. 1775 Sigaud de la Fonde Elemens de Physique, avec fig. 4 tom. Par. 1771 ( so ) 838 Sigaud de la Fond sur differentes Especes d’Air, avec Jig. Par 1770 839 Simon (Memoires de Mons. le Due de S.) avec Supplement, 7 tom. - Land. 178 S— 17 S 9 840 Siret et Sivrac Elemens de la Grammaire Anglaise Land. ]794 S41 Smith (James) on Fluxions, 1737—Desaguliers on Electri¬ city, 1742—Freke on the Cause of Electricity, 1747— Watson on the Nature and Property of Electricity, 1746 >—Robert Douglas on Animal Heat 1747—Thomas Prior on Tar Water, 1746 —Flansteed on Earthquakes, 1750— the best Mine above Ground, i. e. Agriculture 1739 842 -’s (Adam) Theory of Moral Sentiments 1761 843 -(Charlotte) Elegiac Sonnets and Poems, plates 1789 844 Smollet’s Travels through France and Italy, 2 vol. 1766 845 Sopha (le) Conte Moral, 2 tom. en 1 - 1620 846 --—- 2 tom. -- 1620 847 Spectator, 8 vol. 1753—Tatler, 4 vol. 1764—Guardian, 2 vol. 1756 —Rambler, 4 vol 1763 —Adventurer, 4 vol, 1702 —World, 4 vol. 1763 —Connoisseur, 4 vol. 1761 — Humourist, 2 vol. 1741, together 32 vol uniform 848 Spectator, Tatler, and Guardian, 14 vol. uniform 1797 849 Staai (Oeuvres de Madame de) 2 tom Maes trick t, 1783 850 Stanyan’s Grecian History, map, 2 vol. -- 1751 851 --- - 1751 852 ---—— and plates, 2 vol. 1774 853. Statutes relative to the Sewers 1776 854 Steele’s (Eliz.) Memoirs of Mrs Baddeley, 6 vol. in 3 1787 p- 855 Sterne’s Tristram Shandy, 8 vol. in 4 1760 p 856 —-- Sermons, 7 v 'ol. —- 1771 _y. 857 -- Sentimental Journey, 2 vol. 1771 858 Stevenson’s Defence of Lindsej' against Burgh 1778 859 Stillingfleet’s Tracts relating to Natural History, &c. plates 1762 860 Stockdale’s Trial for a Libel on the House of Commons, 179 O 861 Swift’s Works, 4 vol. - Dublin, 1735 862 *-Letters, by Hawkgsworth and Deane Swift, 6 vol. 1766—1768 .863 System of Agriculture -- 1755 864 -or Easy Method of Growing Rich, 1755—Francis Home's Principles of Agriculture and Ve¬ getation - -- Edinb. 865 Tablettes Plistoriques, Genealogiques e,t Chronologiques, 4 tom. - -—■—* Par. 1749 866 Tanzai et Neadarne, Histoire Japonoise, 2 tom. en 1 a Pekin, 1734 867 Tasso, la Gerusalemm.e Liberate, con Jig. white calf, gilt leaves, 2 tom. - — Parigi, 1771 $68 Terrentii Varronis, opera Omnia, russia, gilt leaves Amst. 1623 ( 31 ) 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 8 77 878 Testament (the true Doctrine of the New) Thomson’s Tables of Interest - Thousand Notable Things (a) Tomlins on Wills and Codicils - Tonke’s Pantheon, plates 177 1 1/94 1786 1/93 1741 17 62 879 880 881 8S2 883 834 885 88 6 88 7 888 889 890 89 1 892 893 894 895 8 g 6 y-897 t- 89s 899 900 901 902 903 904 005 906 Tournefort’s Voyage to the Levant, plates, 3 vol. Tour through Great Britain, 4 vol, - Tott (Memoires du Baron del 3 tom. en 2 Maestricht, 1785 Tracts, Political, viz. Thoughts on the late Transactions at Falkland’s Islands, 17/1 — Tickle’s Anticipation, 1778— Prince on Civil Liberty - 1773 -on Agriculture and Gardening, with Catalogue of I /69 '75 4 1/79 1/39 1 7 86 17 >2 1760 1707 English Authors on the same Subjects 79 Traveller’s Companion through the Netherlands, Hague , 1 Treatise on Various kind Gases Trowell on Husbandry, Gardening, &c.-- Trusler’s London Adviser and Guide - Tull’s Horse Hoeing Husbandry, plates -- Van Swieten’s Commentaries on Boerhaave, 14 vol. de la Vauguison’s Practice of Surgery, plates LTdney’s Prints and Library (Catalogue of Robert) priced, 1802 Veiley Hi stoire de France, 24 tom.- Par. 1763 Veneroni’s Italian Master -- 1778 Veneroni, Ma : tre Italien -— Amst. 169 O Venus Unmasked ; or, an Inquiry into the Nature and Origin of the Passion of Love, 2 vol. in I -1759 Recueil des Figures, GroUpes, &c de Versailles Par. 1694 Universal Magazine, vol. 1 to 29 inclusive 1747 —01 Voltaire (Teatro del Signor di) Otom. in Venezia , 1781 Wailly Principes de la Langue Framboise Par. 1767 Walker’s English and Latin Phrases - 1695 Wallerius Elemens d’ Agriculture, Physique et Cbyrgique Tver don, 1766 Walpole’s Royal and Noble Authors, 2 vol. Dodsiey, 1759 -Anecdotes of Painting in England, 4 vol.- 17S0 Warner’s (Joseph) Cases in Surgery - I 76 O Watson’s (Wm.) Nature and Properties of Electricity, with Sequel, plate, L746—Freke’s Cause of Electricity, with Appendix, 1746—Benj. Martin on Electricity, with Sup¬ plement, 1746—Benj. Wilson on Electricity, 174 6 —*• 1747 1787 1/99 Hodgson’s Introduction to Chronology -(Bp.) Chemical Essays, 5 vol. - Apology for the Bible Werther, traduit de l’Allemand, 2 tom. en l Maestricht, 1 7/6 Wesley’s History of the Old and New Testament, in Verse, cuts, by Sturt, 3 vol. - 1/16 West’s Guide to the Lakes, frontispiece and map 1784 Wheler’s (Sir Geo.) Account of the Churches of the Primi¬ tive Christians —— --- 1689 ( 32 ) gO/ AVhichcot’s Select Sermons, see note —— 3695 gQg-Sermons, 4woi. -- 1/02 909 White’s (Charles) Cases in Surgery, with Aikin on the Liga¬ tures oi Arteries, platen - 1770 91 0 Wilkins’ (Bp.) Mathematical and Philosophical Works, head 1/08 gil Wilks, Comedian (Life of Robert) 1732—Apology for the Lite of T— C—, Comedian, being a Proper Sequel to Colley Cibber’S Apology - 1740 012 Memoirs of Mrs. Williams, 2 vol. - 1770 9 ;3 Wilson’s (Geo.) Course of Chymistry, plates ■ — 1721 gi'4 Wilson (,Benj.) on Electricity, plates -- 1~52 9 .X 0 Winchester’s (Elhanan) two Sermons, 1703^—John "Willi- son’s two Sermons—a Prophecy of the French Revolution j 793 ' 01 t> Winckler de 1’Electricite, avec fig. •- Par. 1746) 917 -- Par. 1748 9.18 —--’s Elements of Natural Philosophy, plates, 2 vol. 1757 919 Wiseman’s Surgery, 2 vol. - 1719 -Jx 920 Wottonianae Reliquiae, heads of Lord Essex, Villiers Duke of Buckingham, and Charles I. -1051 021 Wraxall’s Memoirs of the Courts of Berlin, Dresden, War¬ saw. and Vienna, in 1777, 8, and 9 , 2 vol. — 1799 922 Wynciham's (Henry Penruddocke) Picture of the Isle of Wight - - 1 794 ~f~ g23 Young’s (Arthur) six Months Tour through the North of England, plates, 4 vol -- 1771 024-Annals of Agriculture, plates, 13 vcd. 1784 925 Apollonius Rhodius, Gr. Lat. notis Var. ab Hoelzlino, yellow morocco-, gilt leaves -- Lug. Bat. 1641 926 Auli Gellii Noctes Atticae, Gronovii Bug. Bat. 1(587 027 Aurelius Victor, notis Var. Pitisii Traj. ad Rhen. l 6 c )6 928 --—--- Bug. Bat. et Amst. IC 17 Q 929 Ausonii Opera, notis Var Graevii - Amst. 1671 g .10 Boethii Consolationis Philosophiae, notis Var. Lug. Bat. 16 . 71 031 Catonis Disticha, Gr Lat. notis Var. Arntzenii, Amst.lp54 Q32 Catullus, Tibullus et Propertius, notis Var. Traj. ad Rhen. 1680 933 Ciceronis Epistolae ad Familiares, notis Var. Gronovii, 2 tom. - - Amst. 1677 034 Clauaiani Opera, notis Var. Heinsii ■— Amst. <665 035 Horatii Opera, notis-Var. Schrevelii Lug. Bat. 1663 936 Justini Histona, notis Var. Graevii Lug. Bat. 1701 937 Livii Flistoria, notis Var. Gronovii, 3 tom. Amst. 1679 93 S Lucanus de Bello Civili, notis Var. Schrevelii Lug. Bat. 1058 ., 939 Lucius Floras, notis Var. Graevii, 3 tom. ini Amst. 170 % ( 33 ) 040 Ovidii Opera Omnia, notis Var, Cnippingii, cum Jig. 3 tom.' Amst. 1702 041 Petronii Arbitri Satyricon, Var, ab Hadrianidie, gilt leaves Amst. 1669 Q42 Plinii Epistolae, notis Var. Veenhusii Lug. Bat. 1669 943 Polybii Historia, Gr. Lat. notis Var. Ernesti, 3 tom. 944 Quintus Curtius, notis Var. Biancardi Amst. ap. Elz. 1673 945 -Freinshemii, cum jig. Lug. Bat. 1696 946 - Lug. Bat. 1696 947 Sallustii Opera, notis Var. - Lug. Bat. 1677 94S Senecae Tragoediae, notis Var. Gronovii Amst. l 6'£2 949 Statii Opera, notis Var. Veenhuseni Lug. Bat. 1671 940 Suetonii Historia, notis Var. Schiidii Lug. Bat. et Rotterod. 1 66 / 951 --Opera, notis Var. Pitisci, 2 tom. Rben.ldQO 952 Terentii Comoediae, notis Var. Amst. et Lug. Bat. 1686 953 ---Westerhovii, red morocco, gilt leaves - ——■ Hag. Com. 1732 QUARTO. 954 Quintus Curtius, Delphini - Parisiis, 16/8 955 Rabelais (Oeuvres de) par Duchat, avec Jig. 3 tom. Amst. 1/41 956 Rapin Histoire d’Angleterre, Abrege, 3 tom. ala Hope, 1730 957 de Real, la Science du Gouvernement, 8 tom. Aix-la-Chdpelle, et Amst. 1764 958 Robertson’s History of Scotland, 2 vol. -1/59 y-959 —■-—-; America, maps, 2 vol. 1777 960 Roscoe’s (Wni) Life and Pontificate of Leo X. portraits „ cSf c. 4 vol. large paper, beards, uncut Liv. 1805 961 Rousseau (M.) Qiluvres Dlverses, 2 vol. Tonson, 1723 962 Ruyschii (Fr.) Opera Omnia, figuris — Amst. 4 721 963 Sallustii Opera, Havercampi, 2 tom. —• Amst. 1/42 964 Scheffer’s Toast, an Heroick Poem, by O, Donald Dublin, 1747 fj®5 Scum (the) Uppermost, when the Middlesex Porridge-Pet boils Over ! ! with an Admonitory Nod to a Blind Horse, plates, 1802—Resolutions of the Society for Parliamen¬ tary Reform, 1792—Coade’s Gallery, or. Exhibition of Artificial Stone - —•— 1/19 See Note. 4-966 Sidney’s (Algernon) Works - l/6'2 907 Silius Italicus, Drakenborchi Traj. ad Rhen. 1717 968 Sommers’ (Lord) Tracts, 16 vol. —- 1748 F 1/34 ( 34 ) 569 Sprat’s (Bishop) History of the Royal Society 970 Stosch’s (Baron) Gems, in German, vol. 1, plates Numbers. 1 797 971 Stuart’s (Andrew) Letter to the East India Directors, res¬ pecting the cunduct of Brigadier-General James Stuart, at Madras - - 1778 -/• 973 Sully’s Memoirs, by Mrs. Lennox, 3 vol. — 1701 973 Swinburne’s (Henry) Travels through Spain, map and plates 1/79 974 Taciti Opera, Gronovii, 2 tom. Trqj. Bat. 1721 975 Terentii Comcediae Sex, Westerhovii, 2 tom. Hag.Com .1726 976 Tooke’s (J. H.) Diversions of Pulley, 2 vol. 1798—1805 977 TorriCellii Lezioni Accademiche — in Firenze, 1715 978 Tournefort (Pitton de) Relation d’un Voyage du Levant, plans, Jigures, &c. 2 vol. —*— Par. 171 7 979 Tracts: viz. Satyr against Hypocrites, 1055—the Day of the Lord, or Israel's Return, 1054—Mystery of the two junto’s, Presbyterian ahd Independent, 1047—Conside¬ rations about the Pacification of the Church of England, •—Parellelismus nov-antiqui Erroris Pelagi-arminiani, 1020 -—the Laws Discovery, 1053—Oppositions to the Word of God, by Peter de Moulin, 1010 —Dr. Westfeild’s Ser¬ mon, 10-11—Good of Peace, and Ill of War, a Sermon, by Ephraim Udal, 1042—Letter of Advice to some in Scotland, 1001—Eikon E. Piste in Vindication of the Eikon Basilike, in Answer to Eikon Alethine 1049 98 0 --Journal of the Proceedings of the Lords Com¬ missioners of both Nations in the Treaty of Union, 1700 ■—Johnson’s Argument, proving that the Abrogation of James II. was according to the Constitution of the En¬ glish Government, 1092—a List of Gentlemen who voted against Mr. Steele’s Expulsion, with Mr. Steele’s Apology, &c. wants title, and part of dedication 981 Tyson’s (Dr. E ) Anatomy of a Pigmie, plates 1099 982 Valerius Maximus, Torrenii - Leidce, 1720 ' §83 Veneroni, Dictionaire Francoise, Italien Fen. 1709 984 Vertot (l’Abbe de) Histoire des Chevaliers de Malte, carte et portraits , 4 vol. -- Paris, 1720 985 Vocabulario della Crusca, 5 tom, — Venezia, 17-11 g80 Warburton’s (John) Vallum Romanum, map oj the Walls, i£lc. and plates - —-— 1753 QS7--- map and plates, 17 53 988 Warton’s (Thomas) History of English Poetry, russia, 3 vol. - - 1774 989 ---3 vol. 1775 99 0 Watson’s History of Philip II of Spain, 2 vol. 1777 991 Wiegieb’s Chemistry, by Hopson -- 1789 992 Winslow’s Anatomy, by Douglas, plates, 2 vol. In 1 1703 993 AVit and Loyalty revived, in a collection of Satyrs, by Cowley, t 35 ) Berkenhead, Wraxall, and Butler, 1680—Nine Satyrs, or Moral Poems - - 1/03 QQ4 Wraxall's Memoirs of the Courts of Berlin, Dresden, War¬ saw, and Vienna, 2 vol. 8vo. very neatly inlaid in a large quarto she, with 86 additional portraits, views, iff c. un¬ bound —■-- - 180 6 QQ5 Wright’s Louthiana; or, an Introduction to the Antiquities of Ireland, plates 1J58 QQ6 Xenophon de Cyri Institutione et Expeditione, Gr. Lat. Hutchinson!, 2 tom. - Oxon. 1727 —1/35 997 Young’s (Arthur) Course of Experimental Agriculture, 2 vol. 1770 FOLIO. 998 Statues dans le Jardin de Schonbrunn, Executee en Marbre, by Gvil. Beyer - _ Wien. -4* 999 de Stosch (Philippe) Gemmae Antiquae Celatae, Lat. et Fr. cum f.guris, par Picart - Amst. Picart. 1724 1000 Stukeley’s (William) Itinerarium Curiosum, plates, imper¬ fect - - 1 724 1001 The Tatler and Spectator, 2 vol. in 1 , original edition 1002 Tavernier’s(John Bapt.)Voyages, englished by Phillips 1670 1003 Theatrum Statuum Regiae Celsitudinis Sabaudiae Ducis, Pedemontii principis Cypri Regis, 2 tom cum figuris Amst. Bleau. 1682 1004 Thulden (Theod. van) les Travaux d’Ldisse 1653 1005 Tristan (Jean) Commentaires Plistoriques de l’Empire Ro- rnain, 3 tom. - Paris, 1644 1006 Vaillant (J.) Historia Ptolemaeofum Egypt! Regum, fgures Amst. 1701 1007 Vedute degli avanzi del Monumenti Antichi delle dueSicilie, imperfect - - Rome, 1/94 1008 Vertot’s (Abbe) History of the Knights of Malta, 2 vol. heads --— - 1728 1009 Vertue’s (George) Heads for Rapin’s History of England —Houbraken’s Heads of Illustrious Persons, with Lives by Birch, large paper, bound in 1 vol. in russia, very fine impressions, with some few of the original de¬ signs, by Gravelot - 1 743 1010 Videl (Louis) Histoire de la Vie du Connestable de Lesdi- guieres --— - Paris, 1638 1011 Virgilii Opera, per John Obilby, large paper, plates by Hollar and Bomb art - London, 1658 1012 Voyage Pittoresque de la Greece, avec planches, russia Paris, 1782 1013 Wheelerls (George) Journey into Greece, cuts 1682 .1014 ---<——- 1682 ( 56 ) 1015 Wiseman’s (Richard) Chirurgical Treatises, large paper, morocco, gilt leaves - 1676 f 1016 Wood’s Ruins of Palkyra and Balbec, plates, sheets 1753 1017 Worlidge’s (J.) Husbandry ■— - 10/5 Sixth Day’s Sale. OCTAVO et INFRA. 1018 TeRENTII Comoediae -— Amst. ap. Wesst. 1019 Juvenalis et Persii Satyrse — — —• ib. 1735 1020 Arrests d’Am ours, green morocco, gilt leaves, Rouen, 15S7 1021 Marets (l’Ariane de Mons. des) avec fig. yellow morocco, gilt leaves, 2 tom. a Leyden chez Francois de Heger (El%.) 1644 3022 Regnier (Oeuvres de) gilt leaves, 2 tom-. Land. 178 Q 1023 les Dames dans leur Naturel, ou la Galanterie sans Fa$on, sous le Regne du Grand Alcandre, a Cologne chez Marleau, 1686 1024 Recueil de diverses Pieces, servans a 1’Histoire de Henry III. Roy de France et de Pologne, - ib. 1602 1025 Cocaii (Merlini) Poete Macaronicorum, wood cuts, ruled, green morocco, gilt leaves, Tusculani apud Lttcum Be~ nacensum, Alexander Peganimis, 1521 1026 Scotch Rogue (the) frontispiece, 2 parts — 1706 , 1718 1027 French Rogue (the’) or the Life of Mons. Ragoue 1 C 94 1028 Lettres d’Amour d’une Religieuse Portugaise, frontispieces, 2 tom. —— - - - Land. 1760 10 29 Milton’s Poetical Works, plates, blue morocco, gilt leaves, 4 vol. in 2 -- -- --- -- Edinb. 1779 f 1030 Butler’s Posthumous Works, 3 vol. - - - ■ 1717 1031 les Fees Gontes des Contes, avec fig, —— Amst, ( 37 ) 1032 Histoire Facetieuses et Moralles — Leyden, 1 66g 1033 Doni (la Libraria del) - Vineg. ap. Giolito, 1550 1034 Piratas de la America --- -- Col. A'grip. 1682 1035 Lucius Florus -- - Lug. Bnt. ap. Eh. 1047 1030 Racine (Oeuvres de Jean) red morocco, gilt leaves, 5 tom. Par. ap.- Didot l'Aine, 1 784 .1037 St. Diedier, la Ville et la Republique de Venise, red mo¬ rocco, gilt leaves - - Amst. ap-. Eh. 1680 1038 Elegantiores Praestantium Virorum Satyrse, 2 tom. Lug Bat. 1005 1039 Hygini Fabulas Lug. Bat. et Amst. ap. Gaasbekios, 1670 1040 Recueil de Divers Rondeaux, 2 tom. en 1 — Par. 1050 1041 l’Elite des Poesies Heroiques et Gaillardes de ce Terns 1042 Horatii Opera, a Bond--- Load. 10/8 1043 Virgilii Opera, Farnabii -- Amst. ap. Blaeu, 1050 1044 Cervantes (Nouvelles de) avecfig. 1 tom. - 1723 1045 Horatii Opera, Juvenalis et Persii Satirae, blue morocco, gilt leaves, uniform , large paper, 2 tom. Lutet. ap. Rob. Steph. 1013, 1014, l 6 i 6 1046 Ramsay, les Voyages de Cyrus, gilt leaves, 2 tom. Par. 1 "53 1047 Hamilton Memoires de Grammont, 2 tom. Loncl 1776 1048 Fabliaux et Contes des Poetes Franqois des XII. XIIIi XIV. et XVes Siecles, red morocco, gilt leaves, 3 tom. Par. 1766 1049 Valle (Viaggi di Pietro della) blue morocco, gilt and mar¬ bled 1 leaves, 4 tom. -- - Bologna, 1077 1050 Epigrammata et Poematia Vetera, rariss. blue morocco, gilt ■ leaves, - -- Par. apud Nicolaum Gillium, 15g0 1051 Montaigne (les Essais de) russia, g. 1. 2 tom. Par. 160 g < 1052 Horace, Lat. et Eng. Prose, by Smart, 2 vol. Dull. 1793 1053 Juvenalis et Persii Satyrse - Load. ap. Field, 1015 1054 Overbury (Sir Tho ) His Wile-- 1004 1055 Marot (Oeuvres de Clement) tres rare, 0 tom. a la LI. 1731 1050 Aretin (la Bibliotheque d’) - a Cologne, 1057 Recueil des plus belles Pieces des Poetes Franqois, depuis Villon jusqu’a Benserade, 6 tom. Lamoniana, Par. 1753 1058 Horace, Lat. Eng. Prose, by Smart, 2 vol. -- isoi 10 59 Scelta di Sonetti, e Canzoni de' pin eccellenti Rimator d’ogni Secolo, compilata da Agostini Gobbi, 5 tom. Venezia, 1739 1000 le Tresor du Parnasse, ou le plus Joli des Recueils, 6 tom. Land. 1762 1001 Plinii Epistolae et Panegyricus, a Maittaire, cum indice. Land 1722 1002 Covent Garden Drollery, or a Collection of Choice Songs, Poems, &c. collected by R. B. - - 1672 1003 Curious Amusements - ■- -- 1714 1004 Voiture (Lettres et autres Oeuvres de) 2 tom. Amst. 1/09 1065 les Yeux, le Nez, et les Tetons, frontispieces, Amst. 1/35, 1/30* 1/34 ( 58 ) 1086 Historia (della Notab'sle et Famosa) de i Felici Amori de-l Delfino di Francia, et di Angelina Loria, green morocco , gilt leaves, 4 tom. -- - in Fenelia, 1609 IO 67 Contes a rire, et Avantures Piaisantes, ou Recreations Fran¬ coises, avec fig. red morocco, gilt leaves, 2 tom. a Cologne c/iez Roger Bontemps, 1 /22 10(58 Patin (Lettres Choisies de Guy) 2 tom.- Par. 16c)3 JO 69 Recveil General des Caquets de la l’Acouchee — 1623 10/0 Witt’s Recreations for Ingenious Head-peeces - y or, a Plea¬ sant Grove for their Wits to Walk in ; Epigrams, Epi¬ taphs, Fancies, Fantasticks ; engraved, title, wood cuts , nhsia, gilt leaves -• - ——. - 1654 10/1 Spanish Amusements; or, the Adventures of the Courtezan Seniora Rufina, called, the Pole-cat of Seville, jroutis- piece -------- i .727 10/2 Daphnis et Chloe (les Amours Pastorales de) avec Jig. ele¬ gantly bound in white calf, inlaid, gilt leaves 1731 1073 Camoens (la Lusiade du) traduit par de Castera avec fig. 3 tom. - -- - - - Par. 1735 1074 Jeannin (les Negotiations de) 4 tom. -r Amsb. l6g$. 10/5 Wollstonecraft’s (Mary) Posthumous Works, with Godwin’s Memoirs of her, head, 5 vol. uniform - 1 7QS 1076 Jezennemours, Roman-Dramatique, 2 tom. Amst 1776 1077 Desormeaux Histoire de la Maison de Mpntmorenci, 5 tom. Par. 1764 1073 Quinault (le Theatre de) avec fig. 5 tom. —■— il. 1739 10/0 Montluc (Commentaires de Blaise de) 4 tom. ib. 1760 1080 Bysshe’s Art of English Poetry, 2 vol. —- —■ — 171-4 I0S1 Perse et de Juvenal (Satires de) Lat. Fr. par Tarteron, Par. 1729 1082 Condillac, la Logique —■ — -— Maestricht , 1792 1083 Croce (Opere Var. di Giulio Cesare) 4 tom. Bolog. 1623, ike. 1084 Linguet Theatre Espagnol, 4 tom. — — Par. 1770 1085 Selects e Profanis Scriptoribus Historiae — Dull. 178 ! 1086 le Pay san Perverti, avec Jig, 4 tom. -— a la Plaie, 1776 QUARTO. 1087 Strahlenberg’s Description of Russia, Siberia and Tartary, plates — — —■ — — — — •—• 1736 1088 Vill.ani Histoire de Suoi Tempi, 2 vol. en ], Giunti, 1559 10 89 Bromley’s British Portraits — — — — — 1793 1090 Chandler’s Travels in Greece, uncut — —■ — 1764 10 91 Swetnam’s Arraignment of Lewd Women, blue morocco, gilt leaves — •— — ■— — — ■— — 16)5 1092 Guazzo’s Civile Conversation, translated by G. Pettie and Barth. Young, h. 1. russia, Loud, by Tlio. East , 1586 ( 39 ) ;0Q3 Parkhurstii (Joliannis) Ludicra sive Epigrammata Juvenilia,, Lond. ap. Dayuvi, 1573 IO 94 Giustino Historico nelle Historie di Trogo Pompeo, tradotto per Porcacchi, red mor. g. 1. Viveg. ap. Giolito, 1561 1005 Lawrence (Wm.) on Marriage, engraved title, 1680—His Right of Primogeniture in Succession to the Kingdoms of England, Scotland and Ireland — — — l68i 1096 le Pois (Antoine) sur les Medalles et Graveures Antiques, principalement Romaines, avecJig. Par. par Patis.\5jg 10 97 Anacreonte, Gr. Lat. Ital. red morocco, g. 1. in Venez. 1736 1 098 Menestrier Traite des Tournois, Joustes, Carousels, et au~ tres Spectacles Publics — — — — Lyon, 1674 10 99 Montesquieu (Oeuvres de) 3 tom. — — Land. 1/6/ 1 100 Struys Voyages en Moscovie, en Tartarie, aux Indes, et en d’autres pays Etrangers, avec Jig. ■— — Amst. 16SJ. 1101 Homed Opera, Gr. Lat. aClarke, russia, gilt leaves, 2 tom. Lond. 1739, 1740 1102 Cepede (de la) Histoire Naturelle des Quadrupedes, Ovi- pares et des Serpens, avec fig. Hue morocco, gilt leaves , 2 tom. — — — — — — — Par. 17 S 8 1103 Zinanni degli Uccelii, con Jig. yellow morocco, gilt leaves, Venezia, 1737 1104 Reaumur Histoire des Insectes, avec Jig. 6 tom. Par de I'Imprimerie Roy ale, 1734 1105 Winkelmann Storia delle Arti del Disegno presso gli Anti¬ chi, con Jig. 3 tom — — — —. in Roma, 1783 } 106 Vaillant Numismata Itnperatorum Romanorum, 3 tom. Rom. 1743 1107 Grellman on the Gipsies, by Raper — — — 1787 1108 Pilkington’s Dictionary of Painters, russia — — 17/0 1 lOt) Vieyra’s Port. Eng. Eng. Port. Dictionary, russia, 2 vol. 1773 1110 Bossuet sur 1’Histoire Universclle — — Par. 1/33 1111 Euripides, translated by Potter, 2 vol. — — — 178 I 1112 Longus, les Amours Pastorales de Daphnis et de Chloe, double traduction du Grec en Francois de M. Amiot et d’un Anonime, avec Jig. grand papier, red morocco, gilt leaves — — — — — — — Par. 1757 1113 Ray Histoire Naturelle des Oiseaux, traduit et augments par M. Salerne, avec fig. colorees, red morocco, gilt leaves — — — — — — — Par. 1767 1114 Wood on the Genius and Writings of Homer, plates 1775 3 115 Barclay’s Apology for the Quakers, Rinn. ly Baskerv. )/65 111 6 Caylus Recueil d’Antiquites Egyptiennes, Etrusques, Grec- ques et Romaines, avec fig. green morocco, gilt leaves, 7 tom. — — — — — — - Par. 1761 1117 Horatii Opera, a Gesnero et Zeimio —- Glasguce, 3 79 Q 1118 Whitehurst on the Formation of the Earth, plates 1786 1119 Macartney’s (Lord) Embassy to China, by Sir Geo. Staun¬ ton, plates separate, 3Wol. — — — —. 179 s 1120 Walker’s Lectures on Natural Philosophy, plates 1790 ( 40 ) 1121 Aristotelis de Poetica Liber, Gr. Lat. a Tyrwhitt, large pa* per, green mor. gilt leaves, ly Rog. Payne, Oxon. 179-4 1122 Boileau (Oeuvres de) green morocco, gilt leaves, 2 tom. Par. ap. Didot I'Aine, I /89 1123 Hayley’s Life of Milton — — — — —- 1796 FOLIO. 1124 Isocrates, Grace, epitio pkinceps, red morocco, gilt leaves, ruled with red lines, a very fine and fair copy, 1534 (olim Liber Count Macartney) ap. Aldum 1125 Motraye, (de la) Voyages en Europe, Asie et Afrique, avec fig. 2 tom. — — — — — a la Haye, 1/2" 1126 Olearius et Mandelslo Voyages en Moscovie, Tartarie, Perse et lades Orientales, traduit par WicqUefort, avec fig. 4 tom. en 2, uniform •— — -— a Leide, 1719 1127 Burnet’s (Bp.) History of his Own Time, large paper, white calf border of gold, 2 vol. — — — 1724 1128 Douglas’ Nenia Btitannica, plates coloured, large paper, Hue morocco, gilt leaves — ■— — Lond. 1793 1129 King’s (Daniel) Vale-Royall of England, or the County Pa¬ latine of Chester illustrated, plates, &c. ly Plollar 1656 1130 Hakluyt’s (Richard) Voyages, hi. letter — — 1589' 1131 Philipott’s (T.) Kent surveyed and illustrated, by J. Phili- pott — — — — — — — Lynn, 177(1 1132 Plott’s (Dr. R.) Natural History of Staffordshire, map and views — — — — — —■ — Oxford, 1686 11.33 Sornner and Battely’s Antiquities of Canterbury, maps and views - -- - - - 1/03 1134 Sowerby’s (James) Coloured Figures of English Fungi or Mushrooms, 3 vol. --- -- 1797, 1803 ~h 1135 Thoroton’s (Dr. R.) Antiquities of Nottinghamshire, maps , views and portraits, ly Hollar and others - 1677 1136 Leycester’s (Sir Peter) Historical Antiquities concerning Great Britain and Ireland, with Remarks concerning Cheshire, arms, tS'c. russia extra, marl led leaves, ] 6/3 -A 1137 Borlase’s (Dr. W.) Antiquities of Cornwall, map and plates 1769 1138 Parkin’s (the Rev. C.) History and Antiquities of the Bo¬ rough of King’s Lynn, map, russia — Lynn, 1762 -/« 1139 Wright’s (James) History and Antiquities of the County of Rutland, map and plates — — — — 1684 1140 Stukeley’s (Dr. W.) Stonehenge restored, and Abury, 2voh plates, russia extra, marbled leaves - 1740, 43 ~j~ 1141 Ashmole’s (Elias) Institution of the Order of the Garter, plates ly Hollar and others, elegantly bound, russia, gilt ( « ) H42 Burton’s (Win.) Description of Leicestershire, large paper, map and arms, russia — — — —• Lynn, 1777 1143 Gunton’s (Dr. Symon) History of the Church of Peter- burgh, large paper, plates - -- 1680 1144 Leigh’s (Dr. Charles) Natural History of Lancashire, Che¬ shire, and the Peak in Derbyshire, large paper, map and plates — — — — — — Oxford, 1700 1145 Pyne’s (W. H.) Costume of Great Britain, plates coloured, russia, marbled leaves — — — —- —• 1808 1146 Fittler’s (James) Scotia depicta, russia, marbled leaves 1804 1147 Smith, Byrne and Ernes’ Select Views in Italy — 1792 1148 Dugdale’s (Sir William) Snmmons to Parliament 1685— Short View of the Troubles, portrait, Ox. 1681—'His¬ tory of Imbanking and Draining, maps, 1662—Imbank- ing and Draining, by Cole, 1772—Antiquities of War¬ wickshire, head, map, and plates by Hollar, 1 656—An¬ tiquities of Warwickshire, by Dr. Thomas, 2 vol. 1730 —History of St. Paul’s, head, and plates by Hollar, 1658—History of St. Paul’s, by Dr. Maynard, head, and plates by Hollar, 1716—Baronage of England, 2 vol. 1675—Origines Juridiciales, portrait by Hollar, 1666— Origines Juridiciales, Portraits of Sir J.Fortescue—Judge Littleton—Judge Dyer—Chief Justice Anderson, by Faithorne—Lord Bacon, by Fan Houe—Sir Henry Ho¬ bart, by S. Passe—Francis Moore, by Faithorne—Sir JF. Jones, by Sherwin—Lord Littleton, by IFhite — Lord Coke, by Payne and IFhite—John Selden , by Burghers—and Judge Littleton, whole length, 1671.— Origines Juridiciales, portraits, 16SQ—Monasticon An- glicanum, per R. Dodsworth et G. Dugdale, 4 vol. plates by Hollar, 1655-73-82-83—Monasticon Anglicanum, with Stevens’ Continuation, 4 vol. plates, 1693 -l/lS- 22-23—Selden’s Discourse of the Office of Lord Chan¬ cellor, by Dugdale ; and Dugdale’s Usage in bearing Arms, three portraits, 1677-32, both 8vo. inlay eel in folio size, ruled, together 23 vol. uniformly bound by Kalthoeber and others, russia extra, gilt leaves, a very fine set G ( *2 ) Seventh Day's Sale. OCTAVO ET INFRA. LOT 1149 JRLoWE’s (Nicholas) Poetical Works, head and plates, 1720 1150 le Siege de Calais, Nouvelle Historiqup, 2 tom. Haye, 1739 1151 Atom (History and Adventures of an), 2 vol. 176'9- 1152 Jordan Voyage Litteraire en France, en Apgleterre et en Hollarlde en 1733 - a la H&ye, 1735 1153 Testamentum (Novum) Graecum, Curcellaei Apist. 1735 3 154 Williamson’s (J.) Military Arrangement, 2 vol, ill 1, 17Q1 1 155 Vega Carpio (dp Lope de) la Herrfiqsura de Angelica, gilt leaves — •— en Barcelona, 1004- 1156 les Soirees Amusantes, 3 tom. n- Aunt. 1787 1157 Select Trials at the Old Bailey, frontispieces, 4 vol. 1742 .1158 Reide’s (Tho.) Military Discipline —— 1795 1159 Sewardls (Wm. Wenmap) Hibernian Gazetteer, D.uhlAJS 9 110Q Arriano, tradotto per Pietro Lauro — fein t. 1543 1104 Choix. dps Memoires Secrets, poqr sfervir a lTJistoire de la Republiqtie des Lettres depuis 1762, Jusqqes 1785, 2 tom. — - Load. 17SS 3102 Imirce, ou la Fille de la Nature- Loiul. 177O 1103 Diogene Laertio (le Vite di Filosofi di) Vineg. ap. Vavgris, 1545 1164 Virgilii Opera, green morocco, gilt leaves Par. ap. Didot, Ann. VII . 1165 Horatii Opera, gr. mor. gilt leaves, Par. ap. Didot, 1800 .1106 Anacreon, Gr. Lat. a Barnesio, heads - - Lond. 1774 1167 Cleveland’s (John) Works, with Life, head - - 1687 1168 Persii Satyrae, a Bond — Par. ap. Cramoisy, 1644 1169 Mortimer’s (Tho.) Student’s Pocket Dictionary — 1789 1 I/O Boyse’s Pantheon, by Cooke, plates - -■ I/87 ( « ) *i?i Pigault-Lebrun, Mon Oncle Thomas, frontispieces, 4 tom, Par. U/2 Thucydide (Histoire do) par d’Ablancourf, map, 3 tom. Amst. 1/13 I *7'3 Vi'fgite, Lat. Fr. par Catron, avecfig. 6 tom. Par. 17H> 1174 Somaize, le Grand Dictionary des PretieuSes, PlistoriquC, Poetique, See. 2 tom. en 1 - Par. 1661 11/5 Behn’s (Mrs.) Plhys, head, 2 vol. --- tflQ 11/6 Tavernier (Voyages dfe)’ enTurquie, en Perse, et aux Indes, av'ec fig. 3 tom. - -- Utrecht, 1712 1177 Saint-Pierre, Etudes de la Nature, avec fig. 4 tom. Par. 1793 1178 Blyenburgii Cento Ethicus ex variis Poetis, Lug. Bat. 1599 2179 Karamsin’s Travels from Moscow through Prussia, Ger¬ many, Switzerland, France and England, head, map and plates, 3 vol. ---- 1833 2180 Vida de Joao de Barros, por Manoel Sever! ni de Faria e Indice Geral das Quatro DecadaS du sua Asia, Lisb. 17/8 1181 Commentaries do Grande Afonso Dalboquerque, map, 4 tom'. — — ■— —- — — — Lisboa, 1774- 1182 Bafros e de Diogo de Couto (da Asia de Joah. de) rhap, 1(5 tom, —- — —- — —• —■ Lisboa, IJ7& II S3 Fresnoy’s Art of Painting, by Dryden — — — 171(5 1184 Ady6 on Courts Martial - — — 178t) F1S5 Edgeworth’s (Maria) Popular Tales, 3 vol. - 1804 118t) Montose, oU le Libdrtin par Fatalite, 4 tom. - 1793 1187 Poems (a Collection of State) ^- - 1705 1188 Virgilii Opera, Delpbini - — Land. 1722 1189 Da Vinci on Painting, plates — — — 1721 1190 Terentii Com cedi se, DelpIiiaL -- Lond. 1731 1191 Parker’s (Bp.) History of h^T)wn Times, by Newlin 1727 U92 Tracts-, viz. Merry Land Display’d, &c. Baih, 1741—Bat¬ tledore for Miss in her Teens, 1757—An Epistle from Tully in the Shades to Orator Macklin in Covent Gar¬ den — — — — — — 1755 1193 Blackstone’s Commentaries, circuit binding, 4 vol. 1783 1194 Tractsviz. Life and Actions of Lewis Dominique Car¬ touche, who'was broke alive upon the Wheel, at Paris, Nov. 28, 1721—Nature of Slavery among flip Moots, 1721—Life of Christopher Layfer, executed' for High Treason, 1725—‘Narrative of the Murder attenibt&if oai the Body of EtTward Crispe, Esq. by Arundel Coke, Esq; Barrister 4 at Law, and John Woodburn, a 1 Laboutet 1 , 1722'—Account of the Robberies committed by James Catrick, John Malhoni, and their Accomplices, ih Dub¬ lin, Cork, Sec. Stc. 1722—Wilson’s Account of the Robberies committed by John Hawkins, George Symp- son, and their Accomplices.—The Highland Rogue, or the Memorable Actions of Robert Mac-Gregor, called B.ob-Roy, 1/23—Account of the great Eclipse of the G 2 < ** ) Sun, which will be visible in England in 1724, Lond. 1723—Intrigues of the Conclave at the chusing of a Pope, 1/24—Prophetical Observations occasioned by the New Comet, 1723 H95 Houstan’s (Jamies) Works, gilt leaves -. 1753 1196 Home’s (Francis) Principles of Agriculture and Vegetation 1762 1197 Anson’s Voyage round the World, by Pascoe Thomas 1745 ligs Paschal’s Life and Letters, 2 vol. - 1744 ligg Horatii Opera, a Zeunio — ■— •—• Lipsice, 1788 1200 Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, with Glossary, by Tyrrwhytt, russia, gilt leaves, 5 vol. — — — 1775, 1778 1201 Tracts-, viz. William Gilpin’s Life of Bernard Gilpin, head , 1753—Rimius’ Rise and Progress of the Herrnhuters, 1753—Stinstra’s Letter against Fanaticism, 1753— Whitefield’s Letter to Zinzendorf, 1753, gilt leaves 1202 Clairon (Memoires d’Hyppolite) head •— Ann. VII. 1203 Theatre of the late War in the Netherlands, map and plates -— -- - 175(> 1204 Lucain (la Pharsale de) par Marmontel, 2 tom. Par. 1766 1205 Grove’s Lives of the Earls and Dukes of Devonshire', head, 1764 1206 Bancroft’s Natural History of Guiana --- 1769 120/ Parker’s (Rob.) Military Transactions in Ireland and Flan¬ ders, from 1683 to 1718 — — — — — 1747 1208 Statii Opera, Notis variorum, a Veenhuseno, Lug. Bat. 1671 1209 Phillips’ (Teresia Constantia) Apology for her Conduct, 3 vol. —- -- - - 1748 1210 Trials; viz. Catherine Nairn and Patrick Ogilvie for In- sest and Murder, 1765—Captain Gambier for Crim. Con. with Admiral Knowles’ Lady, 1757—of Major General Monckton, 1704 1211 Virgil’s Georgies, Lat. Eng. by Martyr, plates — 1746 3 212 History of the War between Great Britain, France and Spain, commencing 175s to its Conclusion in 1763, 2 vol. — — — — —• — 1763 1213 Boileau (Oeuvres de) par de Saint-Marc, 5 tom. Amst. 1772 1214 Simps’ Military Guide - -- 1776 1215 Warton’s (Thomas) Life and Literary Remains of Dean Bathurst -- -- —-- 1761 1216 Spallanzani's Natural History of Animals and Vegetables, plates, 2 vol. - - -- 1784 L2i; Brodrick’s History of the War in the Netherlands, plans of , towns and battles, large paper } 2 vol. — 1732 ( 45 ) QUARTO. 1218 Cervantes Vida y Hechos del Don Quixote de la Mancha, con Jig. blue morocco, gilt leaves, 4 tom. (Lord Carte¬ ret's edition) - in Londres por Tonson, 1738 1219 Perouse (de la) Voyage autour du Monde, plates separate,' 5 tom. - - Par. ] 797 1220 Pilkington’s Dictionary of Painters - 1798 1221 Fenelon, les Avantures de Teldmaque, avec Jig. large pa¬ per, green morocco, gilt leaves, 2 tom. two sets oj' cuts, Par. cle l'Imprimerie de Monsieur, 1785 1222 Pufendorff Histoire de l'Univers, par de Grace, maps, large paper, red morocco, gilt leaves, 8 tom. Par. ] 753 1223 Buffon Histoire Naturelle, with duplicate plates coloured, avec Jig. 14 tom. Paris de l' Imprimerie Roy ale, 177-f—1/77 1224 Aikin’s (Dr. J.) Description of the Country from 30 to *!Q Miles round Manchester, J3 plates, russia ] 795 1225 Delille (l’Abbe) les Jardins, Poeme, morocco, gilt leaves 1 SOI 1226 Pote’s (J.) History and Antiquities of Windsor, cuts Eton, 17^9 1227 Boys’ (Wm.) Collection for a History of Sandwich, plates, russia - - Canterbury, 179 2 1228 Throsby’s (John) History and Antiquities of Leicester, plates -- - Leic. 1791 1229 Martine’s (Geo.) Reliquiae Divi Andreae, or State of the See of St. Andrew’s, plates — St. And. 1797 1230 Throsby’s (J.) select Views in Leicestershire, 2 vol. russia 1790 1231 Williams’ (David) History of Monmouthshire, Views by Gardnor and Hill - —— 1/90' 1232 Gough’s (Rich ) British Topography, 2 vol. plates 1760 1233 Hutchinson’s (W.) View of Northumberland, 2 vol. plates. 177S 1234 Andrews’ (H.) Botanist’s Repository, plates coloured, 7 vol. morocco, gilt leaves, and Nos. 102 to lu9 inclusive 1235 Nichols’ (J.) History and Antiquities of the Parish of Lam¬ beth, plates - - 1/S6 1236 Gillingwater’s (Edmund) Historical Account of Lowestoft, in Suffolk 1237 Cardonnel’s (Adam de) Picturesque Antiquities of Scotland, morocco, gilt leaves -- ■ 1802 1238 West’s (Tho.) Antiquities of Furness, plates 1774 1239 Newcomb’s (P.) History of the Abbey of St. Alban, map, and additional plates —— -- J79H ( *6 ) 1240 Denne's (the ReV. S.) Historical Particulars of Lambeth Pa* rish and Palace - —■— 1795 1241 Parsons’ (P.) Monuments and Painted Glass, of upwards of JOO Churches, chiefly in the East of Kent, additional plates - - Cant. 1794 1242 Martin’s (Tho.) History of the Town of Thetford, plates, rkssid -- - ' 1779 1243 Kenneths (White) Parochial Antiquities of Ambrosden, Burcester, Ac. in the Counties of Oxford and Bucks, plates - - Ox. 1695 r 1244 Lewis-’ (John) History of the Isle of Tenet, plates, map torn -—-—i - 1723 f' 1245 Madox’s (Tho.) History and Antiquities of the Exchequer, 2 vok russia - - 1769 1246 Barry’s History of the Orkney Island's, by Headrick, russia 1808 1247 Harwood’s (the Rev. T.) History and Antiquities of the Church and City of Lichfield- Gloc. 1806 1248 Herbert’s- (W.) Antiquities of the Inns of Court and Chan¬ cery, plates - - 1804 1-249 Whitaker’s (Dr. T. D.) History of the Parish of Whalley, and Honor of Clitheroe, map, portraits, &c. russia 1806 1250 Meyrick’s (S. It) History and Antiquities of the County of Cardigan, plates - -— 1810 1251 Reading Abbey (33 Views, &c. of) russia 1805 1252 Yates’ {the Rev. R.) Illustration of the Monastic History and Antiquities of the Town and Abbey of St. Edmund’s Bury, plates - --- 1805 1253 Hutchinson’s (W.)- History and Antiquities of the County Palatine of Durham, 3 vol. portraits and plates 1785 1-254 Girtin’s (J.) Ecclesiastical Topography—100 Views of Churches in the Environs of London,, vol. 1, hoards FOLIO. ¥255 Pontcppidan’s History of Norway, plates, hound in white calf --- "- 1755 1-256 PoGocke’s Travels, 2 vol. in brown calf, by Herring, 174-3 I-257 Voyages d’Oiearius et de Mandelso en Muscovie Tartarie, Ac. 4 tom. en 2, avcc fgures -— A'mst. 1/27 1258 Hackluyt’s Voyages, with the Voyage to Cadiz, 3 vol. two last leaves Mss. - - - \5QS- —1600 4259 Knox’s History of Ceylon, plates, hound by Herring, in blue morocco, gilt leaves - -— 1680 1-260 Bickham’s (George) British Monarchy, many additional plates --- 17 40 ( « ) Dart’s (John) History and Antiquities of the Abbey Church of St. Peter Westminster, plates, 2 vol. russia, gilt leaves 1202 -Cathedral Church of Canterbury, plates, russia, gilt leaves f/20 1203 Blomefield’s (Francis) History of Norfolk, by Parkin, 5 vol. maps and plates, russia extra, an uncut copy, 1 / 29—75 1204 Chauncy’s (Sir Henry) History of Hertfordshire, map and plates -/~1205 Drake’s (Francis) History and Antiquities of the City of York, plates 1730 ■ /- 1200 Hutchins’ (John) History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset, 2 vol. map and palates, russia extra, marbled leaves 17/4 1207 du Halde’s (P. J. B.) Description of China, 2 vol. plates separate, russia —- - 1737 1208 le Brun (M.) Galerie des Peintres Flamands, Hollandais, et Allemands, 3 vol. in 2, russia, marbled leaves Par. 1792 —96 ~i- 1269 Peck’s (Fr.) Annals of Stanford, large paper, plates 1727 1270 Flasted’s (Edward) History and Topographical Survey of Kent, maps and plates, '4 vol. russia Cant. 1778— 79 1271 Rudder’s (Samuel) Flistory of Gloucestershire, map, views, ts’c. russia, marbled leaves - Cir. 1779 1272 Andrews’ (H. C.) coloured Engravings of Heaths, with Descriptions in Lat. and Eng. 2 vol. morocco extra, gilt leaves, and No. 49 to 67 inclusive, unbound, 1802, &c. 1273 Atkyns’ (Sir Robert) Ancient and Present State of Glouces¬ tershire, maps and views - 1708 1274 Bigland’s (Ralph) Historical, Monumental, and Genealogi¬ cal Collections relative to the County of Gloucester, plates, 2 vol. in 1 - I79I—92 1273 Sandby’s (Paul) Views in England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland (Boydell’s edition) 2 vol. elegantly bound, green » morocco, gilt leaves - --—■— 1783 1270 Bridges’ (John) History and Antiquities of Northampton¬ shire, additional portrait of Devereux Knightley, by Smith, and Views, 2 vol. - Oxford, 1791 12 77 Fontaine (J. de la) Fables, figures, 4 vol. russia Paris, 1755—59 1278 Douglas’ (the Rev. J.) Nenia Britannica, plates, russia, mar¬ bled leaves - -1793 sC 1279 Morant’s (Philip) History and Antiquities of Essex, 2 vol. maps and plates, russia -- — 1708 I2S0 Picart (B.).Temple des Muses, orne de 00 tableaux, mo¬ rocco, gilt leaves --— Amsi. 1733 1281 Nattes (J. C.) Bath, illustrated by a Series of Views, from the Drawings of, 1800—Romantic and Picturesque See- ( « ) nery of England and Wales, from the Drawings of ?« J. de Loatherbourg, 1805, russia extra, marbled leaves 1282 Serres’ (D. and J. T.) Liber Nauticus, and Instructor in the Art of Marine Drawing, 41 plates , russia extra 1805 1283 Nichols’ (John) History and Antiquities of the County of Leicester, 5 vol plates, large paper, russia, gilt leaves 1795, &c. 1284 Nash’s (T.) History of Worcestershire, 2 vol, large paper, plates, russia extra, marbled leaves 1781—82 Eighth Day's Sale. OCTAVO ET INFRA. 2.0 T. 1285 Du-MESNIL (Memoires de Marie Frampoise) en Re* ponse aux Memoires d’Hyppolite Clairon Par. An. VII. 1286 Bell (Maior Tho.) on Military first Principles 1770 1287 Cachet (cles Lettres de) et des Prisons d’Etat, 2 tom. en 1 Hambourg, 1782 1288 Simes’Military Medley —— -- 1?68 1280 Mason’s English Garden, a Poem, notes by Burgh York, 1783 1200 Imison’s Elements of Science and Art, plates, 2 vol. 1803 1201 Dryden’s Miscellaneous Works, by Derrick, 4 vol. Tonson, 1760 1292 Locbee on Castrametation, plates - 1778 1294 Campbell’s Hermippus Redevivus, or, the Sage’s Triumph over Old Age and the Grave - 17/1 1205 Liverpool’s (Lord) Collection of Treaties of Peace, &c. from 1648 to 1/34, 3 vol. — •— 1784 1206 Clairac’s Eield Engineer, by Muller, plates — 1773 ( *9 ) 1297 Mailer’s Attack and Defence of Fortified Places, by Land* mann, plates - -- 1791 1298 Priestley on the Riots in Birmingham Birmingham, 1.791 1299 Landmann’s Elements of Tacticks, plates — 1/87 1300 Chisholm on the Malignant Fever in the West Indian Islands, in 1793 and 1794 - « ■- ■■ 1795 1301 Gent-z’s State of Europe before and after the French Revo¬ lution, translated by Herries - 1803 1302 Another Copy- -- 1804 1303 Virgilii Opera, in usum Scholarum •— Land. 1793 1304 Lindsay’s (Colin) Military Miscellany, 2 vol. 1793 1305 Bernard’s (Rev. James) Excellence of the Christian Reli¬ gion, by Peter Bernard - York, 1793 130S Dryden’s Miscellaneous Prose Works, with Life and Notes, by Malone, 4 vol. - 1800 1307 Campbell’s translation of the four Gospels, 4 vol. Aberdeen, 1803 130S d’Antoni on Gun-Powder, Fire-Arms, and the Service of Artillery in Time of War, by Thomson, plates 1789 1309 Baker’s Biographia Dramatica, 2 .vol. -1782 1310 Annual Register (the New) for 1799- 1800 J311 Raynal's Philosophical and Political History of the East and West Indies, by Justamond, maps 8 vol. 1787 1312 Barthelemy’s Travels of Anacharsis in Greece, maps sepa¬ rate, 8 vol. - - 1794 1313 Granger’s Biographical History of England, 4 vol. 177a 1314 Pope’s Works, and Homer, plates, 20 vol. uniform 1770—17OO 1315 Maurice's Indian Antiquities, map and plates, 8 vol. 1794 1310 Prevost (Oeuvres Choisies de l’Abbe) avec Jig. 39 tom. Amst. 1783 1317 Virgilii Opera, accedunt Tabulae Geographicae, et Index Maittair;anus, 2 tom. --— Qxon. 1795 13 IS Putter’s History of the Political Constitution of the Germa¬ nic Empire, by Dornford, large paper, russia, 3 vol. 1790 1319 Cowley’s Works, by Aikin, large paper, 3 vol. 1802 1320 Sallustii Opera, ab Homero, large paper, red morocco, gilt leaves - - Lond. 1789 1321 Caesaris (Julii) Opera Omnia, ab Homero, maps and plates, large paper, red morocco, gilt leaves, 2 tom. Lond.l/QO 1322 Butler’s Hudibras, by Grey, plates, large paper, blue mo¬ rocco, gilt leaves, 2 vol. - Bens ley, 1799 1323 Holy Bible, by Reeves, large paper, blue morocco, gilt leaves, 9 vol. - - 1802 1324 Shakspeare’s Works, with Glossary, royal octavo, blue mo¬ rocco, gilt leaves, 7 vol. * —-1797 1325 Parcel of Pamphlets FI ( 50 ) 1326 R. M’s Voyage to Buenos Ayres, red morocco, gilt leaves 171$ 1327 Hunter’s Poems, large paper, portrait and plates 1805 1328 History of Birds, plates, green morocco, gilt leaves London, 1745 1329 la Muse Folastre - Rouen, J6l5 1330 Hawkins’ Complete Angler, first edition, plates, green morocco, gilt leaves - 1760 1331 Cicero’s Complaint, in Italian and English —r 1800 1332 Ellis’ Specimens of English Poets, 3 vol. red morocco, gilt leaves - -- 1801 1333 Percy’s Ballads, 3 vol. red morocco, gilt leaves 1794 1334 Dampier’s Collection of Voyages, 4 vol. russia, gilt leaves 1729 1335 Voyage de l’Empereur de la Chine dans laTartarie, red mo¬ rocco, gilt leaves -- Paris, 1695 1336 Tragedie di Dolce --7 Vinegia, 1560 3 337 Voyage to the North -- —— l'706 3 338 Moore’s Travels in Africa, plates, uncut —■ 173$1 1339 Man of Feeling, plates, red morocco, gilt leaves 1800 1340 Voyages de Chardin en Perse, avec Jigures, 10 tom. blue ■morocco, gilt leaves - Amst. \y\ i 1341 Cockburn’s Journey over Land-1735 13 42 Ellis’ Voyage to Hudson’s Bay, large paper, bound by Johnson - —-— 1648 1343 Milton’s Paradise Lost - Tonson, 1711 1344 Ashmole’s (Elias) Antiquities of Berkshire, map, additional portrait, views, &c. 3 vol. russia, gilt leaves 1719 1345 Aubrey’s (John) Natural History and Antiquities of Surrey, head, additional views, and portraits, with his Miscel¬ lanies, and Life, 6 vol. —-, 1718—21 1346 Willis’ (Browne) Notitia Parliamentaria, 3 vol. Ms. notes, elegantly bound, russia, gilt leaves 1 /3()—60 1347 Kirby’s (John) Suffolk Traveller, large paper, maps, and additional views, elegantly bound, russia, gilt leaves, 1/64 33-18 Miller’s (George) Description of the Cathedral Church of Ely, plates, russia *- - 1807 1349 Spwerby's (James) English Eotany, with coloured plates, 26 vol. morocco, gilt leaves - -1/9Q—1808 1350 Hay’s (Alex.) History of Chichester, additional plates, half bound, russia back, &c. uncut - 1804 2351 Hunter’s (Wm ) Travels through France, Turkey, and Hungary, to Vienna, 2 vol. large paper, myp, and plates coloured, elegantly bound, green morocco, gilt leaves - - 1803 2352 Book of Common Prayer, Holy Bible, and New Testament, plates, ruled with red lines, elegantly inlaid in old mo¬ rocco, leaves gilt and painted London , by Barker ,1662 1353 Missale Romqnuin, Mss.'on vellum, initials coloured 1 QUARTO. 1354 Englefield’s (Sir Henry) Walk through Southampton, large taper, first edition Southampton, 1 S 01 1355 Jenkins’ History of Exeter, largest paper, Exeter, 1806 N. B. Only twelve Copies Printed. ' 1356 Pennant’s London, large paper, uncut, illustated, 1790 1354*Book of Common Prayer, Holy Bible, and New Testa¬ ment, (Vide 3d Chapter of Genesis, verse VII.) London, by Barker, 1606 1355 *Willis' (Browne) Survey of Cathedrals and Parochiale An- glicanum, additional arms in the last, 3 vol. in 2, ele¬ gantly bound, russia, gilt leaves — 2 727—33 1356 *Warner’s (Richard) Collections for the History of Hamp¬ shire, and Hampshire from the Domes-day Book, map and plates, 7 vol. in 6 - 1789 , &c. 1357 Coxe’s (Wm.) Historical Tour in Monmouthshire, with Views, by Sir R. C. Hoare, 2 vol. russia 1801 1368 Rousseau (J. J.) CEuvres, figures, 18 vol. large paper, elegantly hound, russia, gilt leaves Paris et Didot, 1 793, &c. J359 Archaeojogia—Wardrobe of Edward I. and Collection of Ordinances, &c. of the Royal Household in divers Reigns, plates, 17 vol. - 1779 —9° 1360 Collinson’s (the Rev. J.) History and Antiquities of the County of Somerset, 3 vol. map and plates, printed on writing paper, morocco, gilt leaves Bath, 1791 - 136 1 Howlett’s (Barth.) selection of Views in the County of Lin¬ coln, map and plates, large paper, elegantly bound, russia, gilt leaves - 1805 J 362 Nichols’ (John) Bibliotheca Topographies Britannica, p/ote, 8 vol. russia - - ] 79 O 1363 Blomefield’s (Francis) Essay towards a Topographical His¬ tory of the County of Norfolk, 9 vol. plates 1805 1364 Miller’s (Dr. E.) History and Antiquities of Doncaster, and its Vicinity, with Anecdotes of Eminent Men, map and plates, russia, marbled leaves - Done. 1365 Warner’s (the Rev. R.) History of Bath, plates Bath, 1801 1366 Grose’s (Francis) History and Antiquities of England, Scot¬ land, Ireland, Military Antiquities, and Darell’s Anti¬ quities of Dover Castle, 13 vol. large paper, except the last, first impressions of the plates, with several additio¬ nal small views, &c. placed in their order, russia extra, marbled leaves - — 1773 —1801 13 67 Bentham’s (James) History and Antiquities of the Cathe¬ dral Church of Ely, plates --- Camb. 1771 H 2 P - ~ ° / -7 /o ~ 0 / y ^ A - ' • & 7 . j 71 J ) 92 ://* 0 — $ 1 :/O' 0 A- '7 ■ — J7,'A'0 J f 2' /* 0 ?. S'' o -'/Li.z-o > 2 - r- o rf/ ( 52 ) 3 - a- 2, 2*/I,-* f:/Z -v 1368 Home’s select Views in Mysore, with Historical Descrip¬ tions, morocco , gi/t leaves - 1794 |", 6 g Delille (Jacques) l’Homme des Champs, ou les Georgiques Francoises, figures, morocco extra, gilt leaves Strasbourg, Levrault, 1802 I. 37 .O Delille (Jacques) Paradis perdu, trad. par. Fr. et Ang.Ji- gures, 3 vol. morocco extra, gilt leaves Paris, Giguat et Michaud,, 1805 1371 Eastall’s (W. D.) History of the Antiquities of the Town 1 and Church of Southwell, in the County of Notting¬ ham, large paper, plates _- 1787 13/2 Nicolson and Burn’s History and Antiquities of the Coun¬ ties of Westmorland and Cumberland, 2 vol. map, 1777 1373 Green’s (Valentine) History and Antiquities of tne City, and Suburbs of Worcester, 2 vol. in 1 , additional plates, russia - - 1796 - 1374 Brand’s (John) History and Antiquities of Newcastle-upon- Tyne, map and plates, 2 vol. russia extra, marbled leaves - -- 1789 1375 Throsby’s (John) History and Antiquities of Nottingham, plates, russia extra, marbled leaves —»— 1/95 j 376 Tomkins’ (Charles) Tour to the Isle of Wight, 80 views, 2 vol, russia, marbled leaves -- 1796 13/7 Whitaker's (Dr. T. D.) History and Antiquities of theDea- nery of Craven, in the County of York, plates, russia extra, marbled leaves - 1805 J 378 Graves’ (the Rev. J.) History of Cleveland, in the North Riding of the County of York, map and plates, russia extra, marbled leaves - Carlisle, 1808 13/9 Strutt’s (Joseph) Vievv^of the Man ners. Cus toms. Arms, Habits, &c. of the Inhabitants of EnglantFT vol.A 775 ■—Chronicle of England, 2 vol. 1777 —Reg al and Ec ¬ clesiastical Antiquities, 1793 —Bio grap hical" D ictionar y of Engravers , 2 vol."" 3/85 —Dress and TYa bits of the People of England, 2 vol. 1796 —and Sports and Pas- times of the People, 1801, 11 vol, all with plates 1380 Adolphus’ (John) British Cabinet of Portraits, with Biogra¬ phical Memoirs, morocco, gilt leaves — U99 1381 Pinkerton’s (John) Scotish Gallery of Portraits, morocco, gilt leaves, extra --—»- 1799 J 3&2 Smith’s (J. T.) Antiquities of Westminster, large paper, coloured plates, russia extra, marbled leaves 180/ 1383 Henry’s Family Bible, by Burder and EJugbes, 15 Nos, maps and plates - -- 1SO 9 1384 Andrews’ (H. C.) Geraniums 20 Nos. and Rozes 16 Nos. plates coloured - - " -- 1805 1385 Microcosm of London (Ackermann’s) No. 1 to 7 inclusive, plates coloured: 1386 Lysons’ (D. and S.) Magna Britannica, vol, 1 , and vol. 2 , part, large paper, plates —— 180S 26 ’ 2 ? .•/ ( 53 ) 1387 Britton’s (John) Architectural Antiquities of Great Britain,- 18 Nos. plates - 1805, &c, 1388 Cooper’s (George) Architectural Reliques, part 1 ancl 2,1807 1389 Wilkinson’s (R.) Antique Remains from the Parish of Saitn Martin Outwich, plates -- 1 797 1390 Gallery of Fashion, 5 vol. plates coloured. 1794— 9^ — 1 ■£/ 1391 Storer and Greig’s Views of London and its Environs, the original etchings and proofs ________-4 fit : '/4 FOLIO. 1392 Gough’s (Richard) Sepulchral Monuments in Great Britain, plates, 5 vol. russia extra, gill leaves 1/86'— gi$ 1393 Shaw’s (the Rev. S.) History and Antiquities of Stafford¬ shire, 2 vol. maps and plates, large paper, hoards, un¬ cut - -" 1/pS—1801 1394 Manning and Bray’s History and Antiquities of the County of Surry, map, and many additional views, vol. 1, 1804 1395 Bible (Macxlin’s edition) 6' vol. plates, russia extra, marlled leaves - 1800 1396 Hume’s History of England (Bowyek’s edition) 10 vol. plates, russia extra, gilt leaves -— 180tr 1397 Chamberlaine’s (John) Imitations of Holbein’s Drawings in the Collection of his Majesty, superbly bound, morocco, gilt leaves - - 17 g 2 1398 Pennant’s (Tho.) Account of London, 2 vol. large paper, boards, uncut, with several additional portraits, views, &c. - - 1805 1399 Houbraken and Vertue’s Heads of Illustrious Persons of Great Britain, with their Lives and Characters, by Dr. T. 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