PRACTICAL TREATISE ON THE ART OF MASONRY AND STONE-CUTTING. WITH NUMEROUS DIAGRAMS. A PRACTICAL TREATISE THE ART OF MASONRY STONE-CUTTING: ©otttatntng the Construction of PROFILES OP ARCHES, " VERTICAL CONIC VAULTS, HEMISPHERIC NICHES, CYLINDRO-CYLINDRIC ARCHES, HEMISPHERIC DOMES, RIGHT ARCHES, CYLINDRIC GROINS, OBLIQUE ARCHES, AND GOTHIC CEILINGS : ESSENTIAL TO ENGINEERS, ARCHITECTS, AND STONE-MASONS, EACH ARTICLE BEING PRECEDED BY THE REQUISITE INFORMATION IN PLANE AND SOLID GEOMETRY: ILLUSTRATED BY NUMEROUS DIAGRAMS ON FORTY-THREE ELEGANTLY ENGRAVED PLATES. By peter NICHOLSON, Esq. ARCHITECT AND ENGINEER; AUTHOR OF THE « BUILDER'S NEW DIRECTOR," " THE CARPENTER'S GUIDE," AND OTHER WORKS ON PRACTICAL SUBJECTS. ' THE THIBD EDITION. LONDON: PRINTED FOR JAMES MAYNARD, PANTON STREET, HAYMARKET, 1835. Co/VS TH , A/S3 /83S ■ f THE GETTY CENTER LIBRARY PREFACE. It is rather surprising that, notwithstanding the number and magnitude of our public edifices exe- cuted in stone, and the numerous Treatises which have been published on the art of Carpentry in this and other countries, no work on the Principles of Masonry has yet appeared in England, except one on Stone-cutting by General Vallancey, pub- lished in London in 1766. The General, though he has not avowed it, has copied the diagrams and references from a very able French work on the subject by De la Rue. This English publication was intended to consist of five parts, yet only one has been given to the Public; and that without inserting the most valuable of the precepts and observations which are in the original work. And this is more surprising, when we consider that no department in the art of building affords so great a scope for ingenuity, or needs so much an exten- sive knowledge of the best aids of Geometry, as the Art of Stone-cutting. vi PREFACE. To be able to direct the operations of Stone Masonry, taken in the full extent of the Art, re- quires the most profound mathematical researches, and a greater combination of scientific and prac- tical knowledge, than all the other executive branches in the range of architectural science. It is not the intention of the Author in this undertaking to give a complete Treatise on Ma- sonry, nor even on Stone-cutting, as such a pro- duction would far exceed his prescribed limits; but to produce such a Work as he hopes will be found of the most essential service in the art treated of, in regard both to the methods employed and the examples adduced ; most of those in the French publications being such as the English workman would never meet with in the course of his practice. As the art of Masonry requires a considerable knowledge both of Plane and Solid Geometry, such Problems have been introduced in Practical Geo- metry, as respect the positions of lines and points ; and in Solid Geometry are shewn the properties arising from the intersection of lines and planes PREFACE. vii with each other ; and also the construction of trehedrals under various circumstances. To enable the workman to construct the plans and elevations of the various forms of arches or vaults, as much of descriptive Geometry and Projection is introduced, as will be found necessary to conduct him through the most difficult undertakings. The several branches are so arranged, that those subjects which are subsequent are made to depend on those which have preceded them; and as the most obvious methods are not always the most eligible for practice, there are given in se- veral instances, for the more ready information of the student, the methods which are best calculated to explain the principles ; and from, these, others are deduced, still more convenient and expeditious for practice. The Author has availed himself of the useful precepts and observations which are given in the most valuable French publications on the Art of Stone-cutting ; but, except in one or two instances, he has neither followed their methods, nor adopted their examples, for the reasons before alluded to: Vlll PREFACE. he also thinks it necessary to observe, that this Treatise contains several constructions, and many methods which are nowhere else to be found. The numerous examples chosen are correctly displayed on forty-three elegantly-engraved Plates, and are not subjects of mere curiosity and specu- lation, but of elegance and utility, necessary to be known by all persons engaged in the construction of Cathedrals, Churches, Bridges, Mansions, and other large Works. To conclude : the following Work is the first and only one in English on the Art of Stone- cutting ; and as such a publication has been long and greatly desired, the Author indulges the hope, from the experience he has had in treating prac- tically, other subjects intimately connected with the present, that the contents of this Volume will be found important, the instructions and diagrams be easily understood, and that his labours will not be in vain, nor disappoint the expectations of the Reader. P. N. 1832. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. PRACTICAL GEOMETRY, ADAPTED TO MASONRY AND STONE-CUTTING. SECTION 1. On the position of Lines and Points. — p. 1. SECTION II. On the species, nature, and construction of Curi e Lines. — p. 6. - SECTION III. Of the positions of Lines and Planes, and the properties arising from their intersections. — p. 10. SECTION IV. Of the right sections of Arches or Vaults. — p. 11. SECTION V. On the nature and construction of Trekedrals. — p. 15. SECTION VI. On the projection of a Straight Line bent upon a cylindric surface, and the method of drawing a Tangent to such a projection. — p. 20. vi CONTENTS. CHAPTER II. THE GEOMETRY OF PLANS AND ELEVATIONS, ADAPTED TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF ARCHES AND VAULTS. SECTION I. Preliminary principles of Projection. — p, 22. SECTION n. On the def elopements of the Surfaces of Solids.— p. 32. CHAPTER III. CONSTRUCTION OF THE MOULDS FOR HORIZONTAL CYLINDRETIC VAULTS, EITHER TERMINATING RIGHTLY OR OBLIQUELY, UP01< PLANE OR CYLINDRICAL WALLS, WITH THE JOINTS OF THE COURSES EITHER IN THE DIRECTION OF THE VAULT, PERPENDICULAR TO THE FACES, OR IN SPIRAL COURSES. SECTION I. Definitions of JSIasonry, Walls, Vaults, ^x.—p. 35. SECTION II. On oblique Arches. — p. 39. SECTION III. A circular Arch in a circular Wall. — p. 60. SECTION IV. A conic Arch in a cylindric Wall. — p. 62. CHAPTER IV. CONSTRUCTION OF THE MOULDS FOR SPHERICAL NICHES, BOTH WITH RA- DIATING AND HORIZONTAL JOINTS, IN STRAIGHT WALLS. P. 66. SECTION I. Examples of Niches, with radiating joints, in straight walls, as in Plate XXIV.— p. 67. SECTION II. Examples of Niches in straight walls with horizontal courses, as in Plate XXVII.—p. 69. CONTENTS. Vii CHAPTER V. CONSTRUCTION OF THE MOULDS, AND roRMATION OF THE STONES, FOR DOMES UPON CIRCULAR PLANES, AS IN PLATE XXX. On the Constri/ction of Spherical Dumes—p. 72. CHAPTER VI. CONSTRUCTION OF CIRCULAR ROOFS, OF WHICH THE EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR SURFACES ARE CONICAL AND CONCENTRIC WITH EACH OTHER.— p. 85. CHAPTER VII. CONSTRUCTION OF THE MOULDS, AND FORMATION OF THE STONES, FOR RECTANGULAR GROINED VAULTS. Construction of Groined Vaults, with Cylindretic Surfaces p. 87. CHAPTER VIII. CONSTRUCTION OF THE STONES FOR GOTHIC VAULTS, IN RECTANGULAR COMPARTMENTS UPON THE PLAN. Groined Arches, springing from Polygonal Pillars.— p. 91. CHAPTER IX. THE MANNER OF FINDING THE SECTIONS OF RAKING MOULDINGS.— P. 95. CHAPTER X. CONSTRUCTION OF A LINTEL, OR AN ARCHITRAVE, IN THREE OR MORE PARTS, OVER AN OPENING, AND THE STEPS OF A STAIR, OVER AN AREA. P. 97. r CHAPTER XI. OF WATERLOO BRIDGE.— P. 99. A PRACTICAL TREATISE, &c. &c. CHAPTER I. PRACTICAL GEOMETRY, ADAPTED TO MASONRY AND STONE-CUTTING. SECTION I. ON THE POSITION OF LINES AND POINTS. As the construction of every complex object in nature consists of certain combinations of the simple operations of geometry ; and as positions cannot be understood without angles and parallel lines, it will be necessary to treat of the practical part of this science, at least as far as the operations of the positions of lines and points are concerned, in order to render the constructions and the language of geometry familiar to the student in their applications to the principles of Masonry. PROBLEM I. From a given point in a given straight line to draw a perpendicular. Plate I. Let AB, fig. 1 , be a given straight line, and c the given point. In AB take two equal distances, cd and ce. From Among the numerous orders of curve lines, the parabolic affords the most easy means of computing its ordinates and tangents, which will be found necessary in ascertaining the rise and inclination of the road- way in all points of the curve, from either extreme to the centre of the bridge. The base of an arc is that upon which the arc is supposed to stand ; and the highest point of an arc is that in which a straight line parallel to the base would meet the curve, without the possibility of coming within the area included by the curve and its base, and tliis point is called the summit of the arc. As the curves employed in building are generally sym- metrical, therefore they are equal and similar on each side CH. I.] MASONRY AND STONE-CUTTING. 7 of the summit, and their areas are equal and similar on each side of the perpendicular from the middle of the base. PROBLEM I. To describe a semi-ellipse upon the transverse axis. Plate II. Let Ka, fig. \, be the axis major, and let BC bisecting Aa perpendicularly in the point C, be the semi-conjugate axis. Upon the straight edge mi of a rule, mark the point m at or near one of its ends, and the point I at a distance ; from m equal to BC, the semi- conjugate axis ; an 41 arc BCA. From the point B, with the radii B/, B^, B^, &c. describe the arcs fi; gk, hi, &c. meeting the serai-circular arc BCA, in the points i, k, I, &c. and draw the straight lines Bi, Hk, Bl, &c. Then, ABC being the angle of the impost, ABj will be the angle of the joints at the junction of the first and second ring-stones ; AB/t the angle of the joints at the ■ junction of the second and third ring-stones ; AB/ will be the angle of the joints at the junction of the third and fourth ring-stones, &c. To apply the moulds for cutting any one of the ring-stones, or to form the solid angles made by the face, the two beds and the soffit of the stone, which being done will form that ring-stone. —For instance, let it be required to form the third ring-stone :— We have given the plain angle 2ya, figure 2, which is a side, and the plane angle AB/t, Jig. 3, another adjacent side ; also the angle ztu,^\vhich. is the inclination ^ of these two sides, to construct the solid angle. This can be easily done by working the bed of the stone corrresponding to the joint 2y on the ^oftitfig. 2 ; then work the narrow side of the stone, from which the soffit is to be formed, first as a plane surface, making an angle ztu, with the bed first wrought ; place the surface of the mould abed. Jig. 4, upon the narrow side of the stone, which is to form the soffit, so that the edge ab may be upon the arris of the stone ; then by the edge be, draw a line ; again upon the wrought side which is intended for the bed, apply the angle ABk,^g. 3, so that the line AB may be upon the arris, and the point B upon the same point that b was applied ; then by the leg Bk, Avhich is supposed to be upon the surface of the bed, draw a line ; we have only to cut away the superfluous stone on the outside of the two lines on the bed and on the soffit ; and thus we shall form a complete trehedral; the plane soffit of the stone being gauged to its breadth, and the mould 2ed3, Jig. 1, being applied upon the last wrought side, so that the points d, e, may be upon the points of the stone to which b and c were applied ; then drawing a line by the edge f?3, and cutting away the superfluous stone between the two lines on the front, and on the plane of the soffit, will form the upper bed of the stone. This will be made sufficiently evident by a developement of the soffit, the two beds, and the front of the ring-stone. Make an equal and simi- lar parallelogram abed, Jig. 4, to that of 2y33,^g-. 2. Make the angles abe, dcg,fig. 4, respectively equal to the angles ABk, ABl,Jg. 3 ; then be being equal to de,Jig. 1, apply the mould 2de3, so that the points d, e may be upon bc,Jig. 4, and draw the front of the stone bcki,Jg. 4, and simi- larly draw ad7nl. Make be equal to bi, eg equal to ck, and draw e/and gh parallel to ba or cd, and this will complete the developement. A complete model of the stone will instantly be formed, by revolving 4^ A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON [CH. III. the four sides abef, bcki, cdhg, dalm, upon the four lines ha, be, cd, da as axes, until e coincide with i, k with g, h with m, and I with/. We have here made use of the developement of the intrados in the construction of the solid angles, as being easily comprehended. The ring- stones might, however, have been formed by the angle of the joints, which is one side of a trehedral ; one of the angles of the face mould, which is the other adjacent side ; and the inclination of these two sides ; so that we shall have here also two sides and the contained angle, to construct the solid angle of the trehedral. As an example, let it again be required to construct the third ring-stone. To find the angle which the face of the third ring-stone makes with the bed in the second joint : we have here given the two legs ABC, CB2,/g'.3, of a right-angled trehedral, to find the angle which the hypotenuse makes with the side CB2 : this being found, will be the inchnation of the face-mould, 2ded, Jig. 1. and ABk,Jig. 3. Therefore, in this case work the bed of the stone first, then the face, to the angle of inclination thus found. Upon the arris apply the leg AB of the joint-mould A'Bk,^fig. 3, so that the side Bk may be upon the bed, and draw a straight hue on the bed by the edge Bk ; next apply the mould 2de3, so that the arc d2 may be upon the arris, and the point d upon the same point of the arris to which the point B was ap- plied, and the chord de upon the face ; then draAV a line on the face of the stone, by the leg de ; and work off the superfluous stone, and the face will be exhibited. Fig. 5, shows the stone as wrought. From Avhat has been said, it is evident that if one of the solid angles of a ring-stone be formed of an oblique arch in a straight wall, the re- maining solid angle may be formed without the use of the trehedral. Thus, for instance, suppose the solid angle which is formed be made by the surface of the soffit, the bed, and the face of the arch — we have only to guage the soflit to its breadth, and apply the head-mould upon the face of the stone ; then by working off the superfluous stone between these lines, another solid angle will be formed by the surface of the soflit, the upper bed of the stone, and the face of the arch. And since the angle of the joints is the same in the lower and upper beds of any two ring-stones that come in contact with each other, the same angle of the joints will do for both, so that in fact, if this be carried from one ring-stone to another, the arch may be executed without any joint mould. This mode would, however, not only be inconvenient, but liable to very great inaccuracy. It would be inconvenient, as it is necessary to work one stone before another, so that only one workman could be employed in the construction of the arch. It would be liable to inaccuracy when the CH. III.] MASONRY AND STONE-CUTTING. 43 number of ring-stones are many, for then any small error would be liable to be multiplied or transmitted from one stone to another. Besides, it is satisfactory to have a mould to apply, in order to examine the work in its progress. What has been now observed, with regard to the oblique arch in a straight wall, and with respect to the angle on the edges of the point, will apply to every arch of which the intrados is a cylindric or cylindroi- dic surface. In the construction of any object it is always desirable to have two different methods, as one may always be a proof or check to the other. Besides, though these methods may be equally true in principle, one of them may be often liable to greater inaccuracy in its construction than the other. PROBLEM II. To construct the moulds for a cylindretic oblique ar^\ terminating upon the face of a wall in a plane at obliq|p>:' STlT^ angles to the springing plane of the vault, so that the cours- / ,, ing joints may be in planes parallel to the ruUer lines of the < intrados of the vault. Let the vertical plane of projection be perpendicular to the axis of the intrados, and it will therefore be also perpendicular to all the joints of which their planes are parallel to the axis : hence The vertical projection of the intrados will be a curve equal and simi- lar to the curve of the right section of the intrados. The vertical projections of the coursing joints will bo radiant straight lines, intersecting the curve lined projection of the intrados. The vertical projections of all the joints which are in vertical planes pa- rallel to the axis, will be straight lines perpendicular to the ground line. The vertical projection of all the joints m, horizontal planes, will be straight lines parallel to the ground-line. Moreover the vertical projections of the intersections of planes which are parallel to the axis will be points. The horizontal projections of the planes of the coursing joints, and of all the intersections of the planes of all joints which are parallel to the axis, will be straight lines perpendicular to the ground-line. And because the axis of the archant is perpendicular to the vertical plane, the vertical projections of the intrados, and of the joints which are parallel to the axis, will have the same position to one another, as the curve and other lines in the right section which are formed by the joints in planes parallel to the axis. A PRACTICAL TllEATISE ON [CH. III. All sections which are perpendicular to the horizon, will have straight lines for their horizontal projections. The length of any inclined line will be to the length of its projection, as the radius is to the cosine of the line's inclination to the plane of projection. We shall suppose that the stones which constitute the intrados of the archant, have not fewer than three, nor more than four, of their faces that intersect the intrados. The stones which form the face of the archant, when they do not reach the rear of the vault, have three of their faces which intersect the intrados, and three at least which intersect the face. We shall call all these surfaces ^vhich intersect the intrados, or face of the archant, the retreating sides of joints of the stones; and the surface of any stone which forms a part of the intrados, the douelle of the stone. When the stones do not reach from the front to the rear of the intrados of an archant, they are arranged in rows, in such a manner, that the stones which constitute any one of the rows, have as many of their re- treating sides as there are stones in the row, in one continued surface, and the opposite retreating sides of all the stones in another continued surface, while the heads form a portion of the intrados extending from front to rear of the vault, and the remaining retreating sides of the stones either come in contact, or are connected together by mortar. Every such row of stones is called a course of vaulting. One course may be joined to another by bringing their adjacent conti- nued surfaces in contact ; but they are generally cemented with mortar, which is called the coursing Joint, and as this cementing substance should be as thin as possible, and of an equal thickness, we shall suppose that the coursing joints intersect the intrados in lines, extending from front to rear of the vault, we shall call these lines the coursing lines of the in- trados. In this example, as the vertical projection of the intrados, and of the joints which are in planes parallel to the axis, are identical in all respects to the lines of the right section, the dimensions between every two cor- responding points being equal in both, we may therefore substitute at once the right section for the vertical projection, placing the right sec- tion upon the ground-line UV. Plate XI. Let No. 1 be the right section placed in the situation of the vertical plane projection upon the ground-line UV, the curve-line COC being the vertical projection of the intrados, AD, BF, CH, the projections of the vertical projection coursing joints, meeting the projec- tion of the intrados in the points A, B, C. Of these radiant lines CH is the projection of the springing. The line BF meets the line FG pa- rallel, and EF perpendicular to the ground-line UV. The extradns CH. III.} MASONRY AND STONE-CUTTING. 45 ZEDY of this Bection is a straight line parallel to the ground-Una. As this right section of this vault is symmetrical, we shaO only describe one half, the other will be understood by the same rules. Let rs, No. 2, be the trace of the vertical face of the wall on the hori- zontal plane of projection, making a given angle with the ground-line UVj and let uv and rs, be the traces of the inclined face of the wall ; the inclination of this face being given by a right section of the wall. Let FAAn, No. 3, be the right section of the wall, of which All, the base, is equal to the shortest distance between the two traces uv and rs. No. 2, of the faces of the wall. The line IIF of this section, is the section of the vertical face, and AA, that of the inclined face of the wall. This section FAAIl, No. 3, is so situated, that the base line AH is perpendicular to the traces uv, rs, of the faces of the wall. No. 2, the point n being in the line rs or sr prolonged, therefore the point A in the line uv, or in vu prolonged, and Fir being perpendicular to AH will be in the same straight line with the horizontal trace rs of the vertical face of the wall. In order to obtain the projection of the intersection of the intrados and of the joints which are in planes parallel to the axis of the intrados witii the inclined face of the wall ; we must find the projection of every line in this inclined face made by the intersection of a horizontal plane passing through every point in the right section which is formed by every two lines in its construction. For this purpose it will be necessary to find the horizontal projection of eTery point of the lines where the intersections of the planes parallel to tihe axis meet the inclined face of the wall. To proceed : — Take all the heights of the points of the right section, and apply them respectively from the point FT in the line ITF No. 3 ; through these points draw lines parallel to AIT, so that each line may meet the sloping line A A. From each of the points in the line A A draw lines parallel to the horizontal trace uv, No. 2, and lines being drawn from the corre- sponding points of the right section will give the points required by the intersection of the two systems of parallel lines- Thus to find the horizontal projection of the intersection of any parti- culair line which is parallel to the axis with the inclined face of the wall, this line being given by its intersecting point in the right section. No. 1 ; this point being the intersection of one of the coursing lines, viz. the first A from the middle of the section. No. 1. Draw Aa perpendicular to the ground-line, and transfer the height KA of the point A, No. 1, upon the line IIF, No. 3, from II to ]. Draw 1-2 parallel to IIA, AA meeting PQ in 2. From 2 draw 2a parallel 46 A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON [CH. III. to either of the horizontal traces uv, or rs. No. 2, and the point a (No. 2) is the horizontal projection of the extremity of the coursing line of the intrados which passes through the point A of the right section. In the same manner may be found the projections 6 and c of the in- tersections of the coursing joints of the intrados, with the face of the archant, and also those of the intersections of the planes parallel to the axis; the projections of these points being exhibited by Italic letters corresponding to these of the Roman in the right section. To find the developement of the intrados or soffit of the arch. Parallel to the ground-line in No. 2, draw the regulating line in the horizontal plane of projection^ intersecting the projections aa', bb' ,cc', &c. of the coursing joint-lines in the points a, fi, y, &c. In any convenient situation, No. 4^ draw the line VW, and in VW take any convenient point o. In oV make oa equal to OA, No. \, the half-chord of the arc of the section of the key-course ; and in No. 4, make a^, fiy, &c. equal to the succeeding chords AB, BC, &c. No. I, of the sections of the courses in intrados. Through the points a, (i,y, No. 4, draw the lines aa', bb', cc', perpen- dicular to YW, and make aa, (ib, yc, respectively equal to aa, fib, yc. No. 2, as also aa', fib', yc, No. 4, equal to aa', fib', yc', No. 2. In No. 4, join ab, be, on the one side, and db', b'c, on the other ; then aa'b'b, bb'c'c, will be the chord-planes of the soffits of the courses of the stones on each side of the key-course. The figures of the chord-planes of the right-hand side of the arch being found in the same manner, will give the entire developement of the intrados by joining the corresponding ends of the chord plane of the key- course. Through any convenient point V, No. 4, in the line VW, draw ac' per- pendicular to VW, and prolong WV to D. Make VD equal to AD, No. 1, and through D, No. 4, draw dd' parallel to ac. In ac, No. 4, make Va, Va', respectively equal to aa, aa', No. 2, and make Dd, Dd', No. 4, respectively equal to \d, \d' , No. 2. Join ad, ad', then will aa'd'd. No. 4, be the side or figure of the coursing joint corresponding with the line AD, No. 1. In the same manner the remaining figures bb'f'f, cc'h'h, Avill be found, as also the remaining figures of the coursing-joints on the right-hand side. Then the figures of the moulds for the course of stones, of which the right section is a figure equal and similar to ABFED, No. 1, are No. 1, and adb'b, aa'd'd, bb'f'f. No. 4. All the stones are wrought to the form of right prisms before the heads in the front and rear of the CH. III.] MASONRY AND STONE-CUTTING. 47 arch are formed, then the moulds of the upper and lower beds are ap- pliedj and their figures are drawn upon the surfaces of the coursing- jointSj so as to give the intersections of the coursing-joints with the face of the arch. In the course of stones, on the left hand next to the key-course adb'b. No. 4j is the chord-figure of the intrados, aa'd'd. No. 4, the upper bed, and bb'f 'f the lower bed. ; To find any point in the oblique face of the arch. Let the point to be found be the point corresponding to the point A. The place of the point A in the oblique line AA, No. 3, is at the point 2, and its place upon the projection No. 2, is at a. Draw AY perpendi- cular Av, or to uv, and in AY make A2, equal to A2 in A A. From the point 2, in AY, draw 2p parallel to uv, and draw ap perpendicular to uv, and the point p will in the curve of the oblique face of the arch. In the same manner will be found the points i, q, See in the curve of the oblique face of the arch, as also all other points, by first finding their projections as at No. 2, and the heights of these points upon the ob- lique line AA, No. 3, and then transferring the points thus found upon the perpendicular AY. Through the points found in the perpendicular AY, draw lines parallel to uv, to intersect with lines drawn perpendicu- lar to uv from the projections of the points to be found in No. 2, and the points of intersection of every two lines, will be the points in the oblique face of the arch, corresponding to those in the section, No. 1. The curve thus found in the oblique face of the arch will be an oblique curve ; therefore the line uv will not be an axis, but a diameter. To find the direction of any joint in the oblique face of the arch, the plane of the joint being perpendicular to the springing plane of the arch. Suppose, for instance, the plane passing through LT in the elevation No. 1, perpendicular to UV. Find the projection t and I in the hori- zontal plane of projection of the points represented by T and L in the vertical plane of projection, and find the point i in the curve of the oblique face of the arch, corresponding to the point T in the vertical plane of projection ; then joining the points I and i, the straight line li will be the position of the joint in a plane perpendicular to the springing plane of the intrados of the arch. Plate XII. The diagram in this plate exhibits the construction of an arch of the same species as that in the preceding plate ; but here the 4>S A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON [CH. III. figure of the curve in the oblique face of the arch, is a given symmetrical figure, and therefore the right section of the arch is an oblique curve, which is exactly the reverse of that in the immediately preceding plate. PROBLEM III. To construct an oblique arch for a canal with a cylin- dric intrados, so that the sides of the coursing joints may be in planes which intersect each other in straight lines per- pendicular to the two faces of the arch, and parallel to the horizon, and that the planes of the coursing joints may make equal angles with each other : — Plate XIII. Let ABCD be the plane of the arch ; AD and BC being the plans of the faces, and AB, DC, the plans of the springing lines of the intrados of the arch parallel to the line of direction of the canal. Find the middle point e of the parallelogram ABCD, and draw ef per- pendicular to AD or BC. Through any convenient point f in ef draw GH perpendicular to ef, and from the point / with a radius equal to half of AD or BC, describe the semi-circumference ikl meeting GH in i and /. Divide the circumference ikl from i into as many equal parts as the coursing joints are intended to be in number : for example, let it be divided into nine equal parts, il, 12, 23, &c. Draw the tangent QR pa- rallel to GH, and from /, and through the points 1, 2, 3, &c. of division, draw the straight lines, fm,fn,fo, fp, &c. meeting QR in the points m, n, 0, p. Through e draw st parallel to AB or DC, and draw ms, nu, ow, py, perpendicular to GH, meeting si in the points s, u, w, y. Make ez, ex, ev, et, equal respectively to ey, ew, eu, et. Prolong CD to meet ef in y, and prolong/e and AB to meet each other in the point /3 ; then with the two diameters st and /3y describe the ellipse sfity, and with the two diameters uv and fty describe the ellipse vfivy, and so on ; then the portions of these curves comprised between the lines AD and BC, will be the plans of the coursing joints. The method which has now been shown for finding the joint lines of the intrados of the arch is quite satisfactory as to the principle, since it exhibits the plans of the complete sections of the cylinder by the cutting planes of the joints to the several angles of inclination. We shall show how the joint lines of the intrados themselves may be found, as depend- ing upon the plans of the joints. To find the plane curves for the joints of the intrados : Having found the conjugate diameter fty, and the semi-conjugate cs, CH. III.] MASONRY AND STONE-CTUTTING. 49 as also the semi-conjugate diameters eu, erv, eyi, plate XIV, as has been shown in the immediately preceding plate, procteed in the following man- ner. Draw at, uv, wx, yz, perpendicular to es, and make st, uv, wx, yz, each equal to the radius of the semi-circle ikl. Join et, evj'ex, ez. Draw ss, nu', WW, yy , perpendicular to /3y or /3/ ; and from the point e as a centre, with the radii et, ev, ex, ez, describe the arcs is', vu', xw' , zy'. Join es, eu', ew, ey . With the diameters es , eit, etv, ey', and with their common conjugate /3y, describe the semi-ellipsis ^s'y, fiu'y, (3w'y', fiy'y, &c. then the por- tions of these curves contained between the lines BC and AD will be the curve lines of the joints required. In order to describe the curve lines of the joints of the intrados, the conjugate diameters of the plans must be founcd. The operation by the following method is very convenient in finding the plans of the joint- lines of the intrados, but it does not afford the nneans of finding the joint- lines themselves, and therefore is but of little mse in the construction of the moulds. Let ABCD;,^o-. 2, plate XIII, be the plan, wihich is a parallelogram as before. Divide AB into any number of equal psarts, as, for example, into four, at the points 1, 2, 3, and draw the lines la, 2/3, 3y, parallel to BC or AD, meeting DC in the points a, 13, y, and let % be the ground-line of the elevation ; then AD, \a, 2/3, 3y, BC, the plans of semi-cir- cular sections of the intrados, and are each parallel to the ground-line hg, the elevations of these plans will be semi-cir-cles. These elevations being described, let efg be the elevation to the plan BC, Mm the elevation to the plan 2/3 in the miiddle, between the plans BC and AD of the semi-circular sections of the cylinder. Let c be the centre of the semi-circular arc Mm, and divide ithe semi-circular arc Mm into as many equal parts as there are intended to be courses in the arch ; for example, let the number of courses be nine, and therefore the semi- circular arc Mm must be divided into nine eq[ual parts, in the points 1,2, 3, &c. - /'Z'J From the centre Ij-St 3, &c. and through the points of division r , draw lines which will be the elevations of the joints, ai,nd let pt be one of these lines, intersecting the five semi-circles in the points p, q, r, s, t. Draw the lines pu, qv, rw, sx, ty, perpendicular to the g;round-line hg, intersect- ing the plans AD, 1«, 2/3, 37, BC, in the poin ts u, v, w, x, y, and the line uvrvxy being drawn, will be the correct plan of the joint required. In the same manjier the plans of the remaining joints may be found. E 50 A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON [CH. III. In the Supplement to the Encyclopedia Britannica, arti- cle Stone Masonry, (page 569, Plate CXVIII. fig. 28. T. Tredgold delin.) a method in order to effect the finding of the plan here shown, is there intended to be accomplish- ed ; whence the following description and diagram are verb- ally copied. " When a road crosses a canal in an oblique direction, the bridge is often made oblique. When the angle does not vary more than 10 or 12 degrees from a right angle, the arch-stones may be formed as already de- scribed; but in cases of greater obliquity, a different principle of con- struction is necessary. These cases should, however, be avoided when- ever it is possible ; as however solid the construction of an oblique arch may be in reality, it has neither the apparent solidity nor fitness which ought to characterise a useful and pleasing object. " An oblique arch may be constructed on the principle of its being a right arch of a larger span, as is shown in^^. 2, plate VI ; or inj/%. 1, plate XV, of this work. " Let ABCD be the plan, and EFGH the corresponding points in the elevation : in this elevation the dotted lines show the parts which would not be seen. " The joints of the arch are supposed to be divided upon the middle section, and therefore drawn to the mean centre K, which corresponds to the point I on the plan. " Divide AD into any number of equal parts, as at 1, 2, 3, &c. and transferring these points to the elevation, describe the arch belonging to each point, and also draw the parallel lines 11, 22, &c. on the plan. " To find the mould for the arris of any joint, as a, draw ab parallel to the base line EF : and from a, as a centre, transfer the distances of the points, where the arches cut the joint, to the line ab. Then let fall perpendiculars from the points in the line ab, to the lines 11, 22, &c. in the plan, whence we find a, m, n, o, p, in the curve of the mould for the arris of the joint a. The mould for any other joint may be found in the same manner. The ends of the arch-stones will be square to the j9ints ; and pcde wiU be the mould for one end, and actZ/the mould for the other end. It will be of some advantage in working the arch-stones to ob^rve, that the arch-stone being in its place, the soffit should be every where perfectly straight, in a direction parallel to the horizon." Whoever is the author of this article on stone-masonry CH, III.] MASONRY AND STONE-CUTTING. 51 just now quoted from the work alluded to, he is chargeable with a description and representation which will lead the reader to an erroneous construction of finding the plans, or the arrises of the joints as he calls them. We will defy the writer, or even Mr. Tredgold who affixes his name as draughtsman to the plate, to demonstrate the truth of the method there described. After all, this method only divides the curve of the mid- dle section, which is parallel to the front and rear faces, into equal parts, and the plane passing through the semi-circular arc into straight lines perpendicular to the curve ; but in order to have the surfaces which form the sides of the joints in the front and rear faces perpendicular to the curve, and at the same time perpendicular to each face, proceed according to the following method, 2, plate XV. Let lad be the plan of one pier, and ycfthe plan of the other pier, ad and c/ being the plans or horizontal sections of tHe springing lines of the intrados ; also, let LF be the ground-line parallel to the planes of the front and rear elevations. Describe the live semi-circles in the elevation as before, ABC being that in the front, DEP that in the rear, and GHI that belonging to the middle section. Divide the semi-circular arc GHI into the number of equal parts re- quired, and let the points of division be 1, 2, 3, &c. Through the points 1, 2, 3, &c. draw the straight lines \o, 2*, 3U, &c. radiating to the cen- tre of the semi-circular arc ABC intersecting the curve ABC in the points N, R, T, and the lines NO, RS, TU, will be the joint lines of the face, and will be perpendicular to the curve line ABC. In the straight line ac, which is the plan of the face of the arc, take a part zn for the joint in the direction NO of the elevation, and let the hues IN, 2R, 3T, intersect the semi-circular arc between the parallel sections ABC and DEF in the points a, /3, y, &c. Let the points u and V be in the straight line ac. Make nu and uv respectively equal to Na, al, and draw uw and vx perpendicular to zv. Divide ad into as many equal parts as the thickness of the arch is divided into equal parts by the planes of the semi-circular arcs which are parallel to the planes of the front and rear faces ; that is, divide ad into four equal parts, and let ak, ag, be two of those parts in succession, and E 2 52 A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON [CH. III. draw ktv and gx parallel to oc ; then, n, w, x, will be three points in the curve, which is the intersection of the plane of the curving joint and the cylindric surface, forming the intrados ; and thus we might find as many points as we please, by increasing the number of equi-distant sections. This gives the first joint next in succession to the springing AD. In the same manner all the other coursing joints will be found as at No. 2, No. 3, No. 4, &c. Observations on the preceding methods : — The most simple construction of an oblique arch with a cylindrical in- trados, is that where the sides of the coursing joints are in planes inter- secting the intrados perpendicularly in straight lines, as in the first example ; but when the arch is very oblique, the coursing joints inter- sect the planes of the two vertical faces in very oblique angles. It has been shown that when the sides of the coursing joints are in planes perpendicular to the front and rear faces, these planes cut the intrados very obliquely, except at the middle section, or in the best method in the curve of the front and rear. It therefore appears, that in an oblique arch, in order that the surfaces of the coursing joints may intersect both the intracjps, and the face of the arch perpendicularly, the sides of the coursing joints cannot be in planes. In order that every arch may be the strongest possible, a straight line passing through any point of the surface of a joint perpendicularly to the intrados, ought to have all its intermediate points between the point through which it passes ; and the intrados, in the surface of the side of the coursing joint ; and in order that the stones may be reduced to their form in the easiest manner possible, the surfaces should be uniform ; and the forms of the stones should be similar solids, and the solids similarly situated. To obtain these desirable objects will not be possible where the faces of the arch are plane surfaces ; however, even in this case, the joints may be so formed by uniform helical surfaces, that they will intersect the intrados perpendicularly in every point, and the faces of the arch perpendicularly in two points of the curve. This mode of executing a bridge renders the construction much stronger than when the joints of it are parallel to the horizon. Since in this last case, the angles of the beds and the faces are so acute upon one side, that the points of the ring-stones are very liable to be broken, or even to be fractured in large masses. For, though the gravitating force acts perpendicularly to the horizon ; yet, notwithstanding, when one body presses upon the surface of another. I CH. III.] MASONRY AND STONE-CUTTING. 53 the faces act upon eaclh other in straight lines perpendicularly to their surfaces. Hence a riglut-angled solid will resist equally upon all points of its surface. From this consideration, we are induced to give a preference to the construction with spirad joints, though attended with greater difficulty in the execution. PROBLEM IV. To execute a briidge upon an oblique plan, with spiral joints rising nearly perpendicular to the plane of the sides. Fig. \, plate XVI, is the plan of a bevel bridge ; Jig. 2, the elevation of the same, as the two faces of the obtuse angle are shown ; the joints of the intrados descend from thie face of the arch in such a manner, that supposing the lines ab, a'b', a"b",^^g. 1, to be the joints of the intrados, meeting the curve of the intersectiom of the face of the arch and intrados in the points b, b', b", &c. then the jo)ints ba, b'a', b"a", &c. are as nearly perpendicular to the curve bb'b"b"' as ptossible for the construction to admit of, supposing the joints to be all paralilel to each other. By making the joints of the intrados all parallel to (each other, all the intermediate arch-stones will have the same section when cut by a plane at right angles to the arris- line of the bed and intr-ados of the arch ; therefore, if the intermediate arch-stones are equal in length, the upper and lower beds must be the same winding surfaces, and consequently must all coincide with each other, and all the end-jorints must be equal and similar surfaces, and thus all the arch-stones may be equal and similar bodies. The most considerable; obliquity of the joints in the intrados is at those two parts of the curve where it meets the horizon. The obliquity of the intradosal joints, at the crown of the arch, is considerably less than at the horizon ; but in the middle of that portion of the curve, between the crown and the hori2zon on each side, the intradosal joints are exactly perpendicular to the horiizon. Had it not been for tluese deviations, the execution of this arch would have been extremely eaisy, and very few constructive lines would have been necessary. This arch, however, nnight be executed so that all the intradosal joints would be perpendicular tto the curve-line of the face and intrados ; but this position would hawe caused such a diversity in the form of the stones as to increase the Uabour in a very great degree, and, consequently, to render the execution very expensive ; and not only so, but as the joints would have been out of ;a parallel, their effect would have been very un- 54s A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON [CH. III. sightly. A succession of equal figures, similarly formed, has a most im- posing eifect on the eye of the spectator. The laws of perspective pro- duce on the imagination a most fascinating variety, the figure only varying by imperceptible degrees, which yet in the remote parts produces a great change. There is still another method in which the greater part of the diffi- culty may be removed without impairing the strength of the arch ; this manner is to form the ring-stones so that the joints in the intrados may be perpendicular to the curve forming its edge ; the intermediate por- tion of the intrados to be filled in with arch-stones, which have their soflSt-joints parallel to the horizon. This disposition of the joints might not be so pleasant to the eye, but, if well executed, it could not be dis- agreeable. If the ends were made to form spirals, as in Jig. 3, and a wall erected above the arch, as this wall could only be made to coincide in three points at most with the face of the arch, no regular form of work could be introduced so as to connect the wall to the ring-stones. To form the developement of the intrados of the oblique arch, with spiral or winding joints, and thence to find the plan of the developement or intrados. Let AC, plate XVII, be the inner diameter of the face of the ring- stones; upon AC describe the semi-circular arc ABC, and find its deve- lopement upon the straight line AD. Draw the straight lines AG and DI perpendicular to AD. In AG take any point M, and draw ML, making the angle AML equal to the angle of the bevel of the bridge, meeting CH in the point L. Draw La perpendicular to AG', meeting AG in a. Prolong La to meet DI in Q, and draw ON parallel to LM, so that the distance between LM and ON may comprise the breadth of the bridge. Let ON meet CH in O, and AG in N ; then will LMNO be the plan of the bridge. Find the developement MPQSRN upon the straight line AG', the curve MPQ being the developement of the arc insisting on ML, and NRS the deve- lopement of the curve line upon NO. Draw MQ, and divide MQ into as many equal parts as there are in- tended to be arch-stones, which we shaU here suppose to be fifteen ; hence there will be a ring-stone in the middle, and the number of ring- stones will be equal on each side of the middle one ; let P be the middle point of the line MQ, and let a, b, c, &c. be the points of division on one side of P, and d,b',c, &c. the points of division on the other side. CH. III.] MASONRY AND STONE-CUTTING. 55 Through the middle point P draw the straight line WX. Through the points a, b, c, &c. draw the lines do, ep, fq, &c. parallel to WX, meeting the curve MQ in the points k. I, m, &c. and the curve NS in the points o, p, q, &c. ; also through the points d, b', c, &c. draw the lines d'd, e'p, fq, &c. parallel to WX, meeting the curve MQ in the points U, I, Tti, &c., and the curve NS in the points o, p, q, &c. ; then ao, Ip, mq, &c. ; also do', I'p, ffi'g", &c. will be the joint lines on the in- trados of the arch ; the heading joints are marked on the developement at right angles to these joints. The curves on the plan are projected by means of Problem 1, Ch. I. Sec. VI. Thus, d g r'lB the seat of the developement do; e h s the seat of the developement e p, &c. Now as all the intermediate arch-stones are equal and similar, it will only be necessary to show how one of the stones may be formed. For this purpose, let uvwx be the developement of the soffit. Draw vy parallel to MN or QS. Run a straight draught vt/ diagonally upon the intrados of the stone, making an angle uyv with the edge uy, or ux, of the soffit. Draw ua and w/3 perpendicular to vy. Make two moulds Z,Z to the arc ABC, so that their chords may be equal ; then cut two draughts ua and fim so as to coincide with the convex edges of the two moulds Z,Z, while the straight edges of the two moulds Z,Z are out of winding. That is, apply the moulds Z,Z at the same time; the one upon the line ua, and the other upon the line and sink a cavity or draught under each line ; so that, after one or more trials, the convex edge may coincide with the bottom of each draught ; and that the point marked upon each circular edge may coincide with the bottom of the draught vy ; and that the two chord-lines of each circular mould may be in the same plane, that is in workman's terms out of winding or out of twist. The remaining superfluous part may be worked off as directed by two straight edges, and thus the cylindric surface of the soffit of the stone will be formed. The longitudinal spiral joints may be formed by means of the bevel at y, where it is applied to the section of one of the arch-stones : but before the heading joints and beds are wrought, a pliable or flexible mould uvtvx must be made, and bent to the convexity of the surface, so that the line vy may coincide with the bottom of the straight draught first wrought. In applying the mould y, the curved edge must be laid along the line ua or firv ; and in directions parallel to these lines ; and several draughts 56 A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON [CH. III. must be wrought on the spiral bed^ so as to coincide with the straight edge and the angular with the line vw, or ux. Having shown the developement of the intrados and its projection, it will be proper to show how the cui-ves are projected, and more particularly as it will not only show the application of Problem 1, Ch. J, Section VI, but also the positions of the sections of the cylinder, in order to find the proper moulds. Let the line AF, Plate XVIII, the edge of the triangle AEF, be the developement of one of the longitudinal joints, and let HG at right an- gles AF be the developement of one of the lines of direction of the head- ing joints ; then, as the projection of all the longitudinal lines is equal and similar, and the projection of the heading joints is equal and similar, one curve of each being obtained, and a mould formed thereto, each series of curves may be drawn by means of its proper mould. Divide the arc ABC into any number of equal parts at the points 1, 2, 3, &c., and the straight line AF into the same number of equal parts at the points 1, 2, 3, &c. ; but it will be most convenient to divide each into as many equal parts as the ring-stones are in number, which in this example are fifteen. From the points 1, 2- 3, 0¥,Jig. 1, which the axis makes with the plane of the face of the arch. Again in Jig. 3, draw ef perpendicular to ab, intersecting ab in the point a. Draw cd perpendicular to eb, and ce perpendicular to cf. Make ce equal to cd, and join ea ; then will the angle eafhe the inclination of the curved surface of the cylindric intrados, and the face of the ring-stones. We have now ascertained two sides, and the contained angle of a tre- hedral; in order to find the remaining parts, the third side of this trehedral is the angle of the joints of the intrados and face of the arch, by applying the proper curved moulds to the angular point ; it is, however, rather unfavourable to our purpose, that the angle abd^fig. 2, is a right angle, and that the angles IJt and ljs,jig. J, differ but in a very small degree from right angles. As from this circumstance the principle cannot be made evident, we shall therefore suppose, that these angles have at least a certain degree of obliquity. In Jigs. 4 and 5, let ABC equal to angle lft,Jig. 1, and ABD,>-^*.4 and 6, equal to the angle abd,fig. 2 : thus, in Jigs. 4 and 5, draw De, intersect- ing AB in/, or producing Be to meet AB in/. At the point /in the '60 A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON [CH. III. straight line efin Jig. 5, make the angle efg equal to the angle eac,Jig, S; or in^^-. 4, make the angle efg equal to the supplement of the angle eaf. In Jigs. 4 and 5, draw ek perpendicular to BC, meeting BC in i, or BC produced in i. Draw eg perpendicular to ef, and eh to eK. Make eh equal to eg, and join hi Make iK equal to ih, and join BK ; then will the angle CBK be the angle of the joints of the intrados and face of the arch. When each of the given sides is a right angle, then tlie remaining side of the trehedral will be the same as the contained augle ; that is, the angle of the joints of the intrados and face of the arch, will be the same as the angle eaf. Jig. 3. In this case, no lines are necessary in order to discover the angle of the joints. In order to apply the angle CBK, one of the lines which applies to the face must be straight, and the curved edge shown by the bevel at D of the preceding plate must be so applied, that the other leg of the bevel may be a tangent to the curve at the angular point B, and this will com- plete what is necessary in the construction of an oblique arch with spiral joints. SECTION III. A CIRCULAR ARCH IN A CIRCULAR WALL. PROBLEM I. To execute a semi-cylindric arch in a cylindric wall, supposing the axes of the two cylinders to intersect each other. Given the two diameters of the wall, and the diame- ter of the cylindric arch, and the number of arch-stones. Fig. \, plate XXI. From any point o with the ra(dius of the inner circle of the wall describe the circle ABC, or as much of it as may be ne- cessary ; and from the same point o, with the radius of the exterior face of the wall describe the circle DEP, or as much of it as may be found convenient. Apply the chord AB equal to the width of the arcb, and draw DA and EB perpendicular to AB or DE ; then ABED willl be the plan of the cylindric arch. Draw op perpendicular to AB, and draw tv perpendicuilar to op. From the point p as a centre, with the radius of the intrados; of the arch (de- scribe the semi-circular arc,^r* ; and from the same poinit p, with the la- dius of the extrados, describe the semi-circular arc iuv. Divide the trc qrs into as manv equal parts as the arch-stonos are intendled to be in nun- CH. III.] MASONRY AND STONE-CUTTING. 61 ber, that is, here into nine equal parts. From the centre p, draw lines through the points of division to meet the curve tuv ; and these lines will be the elevation of the joints ; and the joints, together with the in- tradosal and extradosal arcs, will complete the elevation of the arch. Find the developement, Jig. 2, as in fig. 3, plate IX, and the parallel equi-distant lines to the same number as the joints in the elevation, will be the joints of the soffits of the stones ; and the surfaces comprehended by the parallel lines, and the edges of the developements, will be the moulds for shaping the soffits of the stones. In Jig. 3. Let AB be equal to the diameter of the external cylinder. Draw AC and BD each perpendicular to AB. Bisect AB in p, from which describe the intradosal and extradosal arcs, and draw the joints as in fig. 1. Produce the joints to meet AC or BD, in the point e, /, g. Sec. ; then it is evident that since every section of a cylinder is an ellipse, the lines pA, pe, pfi, pg, &c. are the semi-transverse axis of the curves, which form the joints in the face of the arch, and that these curves have a common semi-conjugate axis equal to half the diameter of the cylinder. Therefore, upon any indefinite straight line pQ,fig. 4, set off the semi- axis pA, pe, pfi, pg, &c. and draw pB perpendicular to pQ. From p, with the radius pA, describe an arc AB. On the semi-axes pe and pB, describe the quadrantal curve of an ellipse ; in the same manner describe the quadrantal curves /B, gB, &c. Make pq equal to pg, fig. 3, and in Jig.A^ draw qt parallel to pB, intersect the curves AB, eB,/B, &c. in the points i, k, I, Sec. ; then him, hkn, hlo, &c. are the bevels to be applied in forming the angles of the joints ; viz. the bevel hiin is that of the impost, the straight side hi being applied upon the soffit or infirados ; and the curved part im horizontally to the curve of the exterior side of the wall : the point k, of the bevil hkn. Jig. 4, applies to the point k, _Jig. 3, so that kh may coincide with the joint upon the intrados, and the curved edge kn,Jig. 4, upon the face hi, fig. 3 ; and so on. As to the angles which the beds of the stones make with the intrados, they are all equal, and may be found from the elevation svyx, fig. 1 ; which is the same as a section of one of the arch-stones perpendicular to any one of the joints on the soffits. • The faces of the stones must be wrought by a straight edge, by per- pendicular lines. The first thing to be done is to work one of the beds ; secondly, work the intrados — at first as a plane surface at an angle sxtf, or ^^"^tjig- 1 ; then gauge off the bed of the soffit, and work the other bed of the stone by the angle vsx or i/xs ; then apply the proper soffit, 1, 2, or 3, fig. 2 ; and lastly, the two moulds in fig. 4. 62 A PEACTICAL TREATISE ON [CH. III. SECTION IV. A CONIC ARCH IN A CYLINDRIC WALL. PROBLEM I. To execute a semi-conic arch in a cylindric wall, sup- posing the vertex of the cone to meet the axis of the cylinder. Given the interior and exterior diameters of the wall, the length of the axis of the cone, and the diameter of its base. Example I. From the point o, plate XXII, with the radius of the interior sur- face of the wall describe the arc ABC, and from the same point o, with the radius of the exterior surface, describe the arc DEP, and the area between the arcs ABC and DEF will contain the plan of the wall. Draw any line op, and make op equal to the length of the axis of the cone. Through p draw tv perpendicular to op. From p as a centre, with the radius of the base of the cone, describe the semi-circle qrs meeting tv in the points q and s. Divide the arc qrs into as many equal parts as the arch-stones are to be in number, that is, in this example, into nine equal parts. Through the points of division draw the joint lines, which will of course radiate from the centre p. The extradosal line tuv is here de- scribed, as we here suppose the cone to be of an equal thickness, and con- sequently the axis of the exterior cone longer than that of the interior. From the points 1, 2, 3, &c. where the lower ends of the joints of the arch-stones meet the intradosal arc, draw lines perpendicular to tv, meet- ing tv in the points i, k, I, m, &c. From these points draw lines to the vertex of the cone at o, meeting the arc DE of plan of the wall under the arch, in the points a, b, c, d, &c. Draw the lines ae, hf, eg, dh, &c., pa- rallel to the chord DE, to meet op in the points e,f, g, k, &c. and let DE meet op in rv. In Jig. 2, draw the straight line AB, in which take the point p near the middle of it, and make pA, pB, each equal to the radius of the exterior surface of the cyHndric wall. Through the points A and B draw fg,fg, perpendicular to AB. From the point p aa a centre, with any radius, describe a semi-circular CH. III.] MASONRY ANT) STONE-CUTTING. 63 arc, and divide it into nine equal parts as before. Through the points of division draw the radiating lines to meet fg in the points e, /, g, &c. From^g. 1 transfer the distances Ew, ae, bf, eg, &c. to pq, pr, ps, pt, &c. on each side of the point p. Draw the perpendiculars rk, si, tm, &c. to AB, vi^hich wiU intersect with the radials pe, pf, pg, See. in the points k, I, m, &c. ; through the points k, I, m, &c. on each side draw a curve, and this curve will be the elevation of the intrados of the arch. Fig. 3 exhibits another method by which the heights of the points k, I, m, might have been found. This method is as foUows : — Upon a straight line ah, and from the point a make ah', ac, ad, ae, &c. and a/ respectively- equal to 01, ok, ol, Sic.Jig. 1. In Jig. 3, draw the straight lines bgyck, di, ek, fo, perpendicular to ab. Make bg, ch, di, ek, respectively equal to the heights i\, k'i, Z3, m4. Draw the straight lines ag, ah, ai, ak, inter- secting /o in the points I, m, n, o. Injig. 2, make rk, si, tm, un, respectively equal to fl,fm,fn,fo,Jig. 2 ; and thus the points k, I, m, &c. are found by a different method;, which is more accurate for ascertaining the points near the top, as the radials and the perpendiculars intersect more and more obliquely as they approach the summit. In some line pQ,Jig. 4, make pA, pe, pf, pg, &c. equal to pA, pe, pf, pg, Sic.Jig. 2. Draw perpendicular topQ. From p with the radius pk, describe the arc AB. With the several semi-axes pe, jt)B ; pf, pQ ; pg, pB, &c. describe the quadrantal elliptic curves enB,foB, &c. Draw Bm parallel to AQ. Make the angle Bpt equal to the angle PEop,Jig. 1 ; and let i, k, I, &c. be the points where pt intersects the curves AB, eB, fB, Sec. Then the bevels of the joints are him, hkn, hlo, &c. Now, if EBCF, Jig. 1, be the developement of the intrados, with the joints drawn on it, we shall have the soffits of the stones. In^g. 5, draw ab and ac at a right angle Avith each other. Make ab equal to the radius of the base of the cone, and ac equal to the length of its axis. Join be. From a, with the radius ab, describe an arc, dbe. Make bd, equal to the chord of the intrados of one of the arch- stones. Produce be to any point f, and dxawfg perpendicular to ab, meeting ab in g. Draw gi perpendicular to be, and gh parallel to be. Make gh equal to gf, and join hi ; then hig is the angle which the soffits of the stones, when wrought as planes, make with the beds. Example II. To construct an arch in a cylindric wall, of which arch the intrados is a uniform conic surface, so that the axes of 64. A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON [CH. III. conic and cylindric surfaces may meet or intersect each other. In Jig. I, which is the plan and elevation of the arch, the elevation be- ing above, and the plan below as usual, let AD be considered as the ground-line, and ABD the elevation of the base of the cone, which base is supposed to be a tangent plane to the surface of the wall ; let bd, pa- rallel to the ground-line AD, be the half plan of the base of the cone ; a'b'c'kgf the plan of the cylindric face of the wall ; and d'rmlk the plan of the intersections of the conic and the intermediate cylindric surfaces which terminate the interior of the aperture of the arch. First, to find the elevation of the intersections of the cylindric face of the wall and the conic surface of the intrados. Having divided the semi- circular arc DBA, into the equal parts Dl', 2'3', &c. at the points 1', 2', 3', &c., draw the connecting lines Hd, I'l, 2'2, 3'3, &c. meeting hd in the points in d,\,2, 3, &c. Draw be perpendicular to hd, and make he equal to the axis of the conic surface. Draw the straight lines de, Ic, 2c, &c. meeting the plan of the face of the wall in the points/, g, h, and draw the connecting lines /F,gG, /«H, &c. intersecting the lines FC, GC, HC, &c. in the points F, G, H, &c. A sufficient number of points being found in the same manner, through these points draw the curve EBF, and the curve EBF will be the eleva- tion of the line of intersection of the conic and cylindrical surfaces re- quired. To find the elevation of the intersection of the conic surface with the intermediate concentric cylindric surface. Let the arc d'rh be the plan of this concentric cylindric surface, having the same centre as the arc d b' f, which is the plan of the cylindric surface of the wall ; and let the straight lines dc, Ic, 2c, 8zc. meet the arc drk in the points k, I, vi, &c. ; then, if connectants be drawn from the points k, I, m, to the elevation to meet the radial lines, we shall thus obtain the elevations K, L, M, of the corre- sponding points. Let us now suppose that a suflicient number of points are thus found, and the curve UK drawn through these points ; then UK will be the elevation of the intersection of the conic and cylindric surfaces required. Let us now construct a mould for one of the joints, suppose for the second joint UX, in the elevation. Draw the connectants Um, Vu, Ww, X:r, meeting the line db prolonged in the points u,v,w, x', and prolong the connectants Vu, Vd, Ww, &c. to meet the plan of the exterior cylindric surface of the wall, in the points d, b', c ; and the connectant Xx to meet It' - CH. III.] MASONRY AND STONE-CUTTING. 65 the plan of the intermediate cylindric surface in the point d' , and the plan est of the inner cylindric surface on the point e. Suppose No, 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4, to be the figures of the moulds of the first, second, third, and fourth joints from the springing-line ; and as it is proposed to find the figure of the joint. No. 2, draw the straight line ux, No. 2, and in ux take vn, wx, respectively equal to UV, VW, WX, in the elevation,/^. 1. Draw in No. 2, ua, vb, rvc, xe, perpendi- cular to ux, and make ua, vb, wc, xd, xe, respectively equal to ua, vb', wc, xd', xe, on the plan,/^. 1. Through the points a, b, c, No. 2, draw a por- tion of an ellipse, and we shall have the edge of the joint that meets the surface of the wall. Draw the straight line cd, No. 2, and this straight line will be the intersection of the joint and the conic surface ; the por- tion de. No. 2, will be the section of the inner cylindric surface. The remaining lines of the figure of the mould will be found in the same manner, and thus we shall have the complete figure, No. 2, of the mould. Fig. 2, exhibits the developement of the soffit of the horizontal cylin- dritic surface next to the aperture, upon the supposition that the face of the ring-stones are first wrought in horizontal lines from the curve EBP, to meet the inner horizontal cylindritic surface, and afterwards reduced to the conic form. The breadth of the stones in this develope- ment are not equal, but increase from each extreme to the middle. The mould for the springing-stone is the same as the plan of the jamb. It Avill be necessary to work the arch-stones into prisms, of which the ends are the sections of the stones in the right section of the arch, viz. the same as the compartments adjacent to the curve in the elevation. The prisms being formed, draw the figure of the soffit of the stone upon the surface intended for the same. Then apply the joint-mould upon each face of the stone intended for the joint, and draw the figure of the joints ; then reduce the end of the stone which is to form a part of the face of the arch in such a manner that when the arch-stone is placed in the position which it is to occupy, or in a similar situation, a straight edge, applied in a horizontal position, may have all its points in contact with the surface of the face of the stone now formed. The face being thus formed, the conic surface must also be formed by means of a straight edge, in such a manner that all points of the straight edge must coincide with the surface when the straight edge is directed to the centre of the cone. F 66 A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON [ClI. IV. CHAPTER IV. CONSTRUCTION OF THE MOULDS FOR SPHERICAL NICHES, BOTH WITH RADIATING AND HORIZONTAL JOINTS, IN STRAIGHT WALLS. When niches are small, the spherical heads are gene- rally constructed with radiating joints meeting in a straight line, which passes through the centre of the sphere perpen- dicularly to the surface of the wall, when the wall is straight; but when it is erected upon a circular plan, the line of common intersection of all the planes of the joints is a horizontal line tending to the axis of the cylindric wall. Niches of large dimensions will be more conveniently con- structed in horizontal courses, than with joints which meet in the centre of the spheric head ; since in the latter, the length and breadth of the stones are always proportional to the diameter or radius of the sphere, and therefore when the diameter is great, the stones would be difficult to procure. The construction of niches depend also upon the nature and position of the surface from which they are recessed ; viz. a spherical niche may be made in a straight wall, either vertical or inclined ; or it may be constructed in a circular wall, or a spherical surface, such as a dome. This subject, therefore, naturally divides itself under several heads or branches; the principal are, a spherical niche in a straight wall, with radiating joints ; a spherical niche in a straight wall, in horizontal courses ; a spherical niche in a circular wail, with radiating joints ; a spherical niche in a circular wall, in horizontal courses ; and, a sphe- j^cal iiiclie in a spherical surface or dome. CH. IV.] MASONRY AND STONE-CUTTING. 67 SECTION I. EXAMPLES OF NICHES, WITH RADIATING JOINTS, IN STRAIGHT WALLS, AS IN PLATE XXIV. Niches of very small dimensions will be easily con- structed in two equal cubical stones, hollowed out to the spherical surface, with one vertical joint ; the portion of the spherical surface, formed by both stones, being one fourth of the entire surface of the sphere. Fig. I, plate XXV., is the elevation, 2, the plan, and Jig. 3, the^^-. ' " tical section perpendicular to the face of the straight wall of such a mche.^^^ r£-r^''£ The first operation is to square the stone ; viz. to bring the heii«J-(if-^ ^ , each stone to a plane surface, then the vertical joints and the upper as^ ^ ,y lower beds to plane surfaces at right angles with the surface which forms ' . the head. The two stones as hollowed out are shown at Nos. 3 and 4. To show how they are wrought, we will commence with one of the stones after being brought to the cubical form. Let this stone be No. 3. In the solid angle of the stone formed by the head, the vertical joint and the lower bed meeting in the point p, apply the quadrantal mould. No. 2, upon each side, so that the angular point of the two radiants may coin- cide with the point />, and one of the radiants upon the arris of the stone which joins the point p ; then if the face of the quadrantal mould coincide with the surface of the stone, the other radiant line will also coincide, because the angle of the mould, and all the angles of the faces of the stone, are right angles. By this means we obtain by drawing round the curved edge of the mould, the three quadrantal arcs ahc, agli, and c'lh. The superfluous stone being cut away, the spherical surface will be formed by trial of the mould. No. 2. Fig. 1, plate XXVI., is the elevation, and Jig. 2, the plan of a niche in a straight wall. The elevation, 1, not only shows the number of stoj^^s which must be odd, and the number of radiating joints which must in consequence be one less than the number of stones, but also the thic^^ness «f these stones, and the moulds for forming the heads and opposite sides. F 2 68 A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON [CH. IV. The head of the niche being spherical, makes it a surface of revolution. It follows therefore, that the sections through the joints are equal and similar figures ; hence, if all the joints were of one length, one mould would be sufficient for the whole ; but since in this example, they are of diflferent lengths, every two joint moulds will have a common part ; and thus if the mould for the longest joint be found, each of the other moulds will only be a part of the mould thus found. In order to ascertain the mould for each joint, the longest being AD, %. 1, extending from the centre to the extremity of the stone upon one side of the plan, the next longest is AF, extending from the centre to the extremity of the keystone, and the shortest AG. Upon PQ, Jig. 1, make AF equal to AF", and AG equal to AG'. Perpendicular to PQ draw T)d, ¥f, Gg, meeting the front line RS of the plan Jig. 2, in the points d,J, g, intersecting the back line of the stone in the points m, n, o : then will hikedm be the mould for the first stone raised upon the plan, hikefn the mould for the joint on each side of the keystone, kikego the mould for the first stone above the springing line. These moulds are shown separately at I, II, III, and identified by similar letters. Nos. 1, 2, 3, exhibit the first, second, and third stones of the niche as if wrought to the form of the spherical surface ; No. 3 being the key- stone ; therefore the two remaining stones are wrought in a reverse order to the stones exhibited at No. 1, and No. II. The first part of the operation is to work the stones into a wedge-like form, so that the right sections of these stones may correspond to the figures formed by the radiations of the joints to the centre A, fig. \, and by the horizontal and vertical joints of the stones adjacent to those which form the niche ; for this purpose, two moulds for each head will be necessary, viz. one whole mould must be made for each stone, and one mould for the part within the circle, which will apply to every stone, in order to form the extent of the part within the recess : thus a mould formed to the sectoral frustrum EE'K'K in the elevation, 1, will apply alike to all stones as will be shown presently. The next thing is to form the moulds K'KDSG', K"K'G'TF" anc K"K"F"F" of the heads, the application of these moulds is as follows : — Having wrought the under bed, the head and back of each stone, anc having formed a draught next to the edge of the bed, upon the side which is to lie ipon the cylindric part in the centre, at a right angle with the head, apply the mould K'KDSG', Jig. 1, upon the head of the stone, I'fc. i, so that the straight edge KD may be close upon the bed o: the stone, and draw by the other edges of the mould ; thus applied the CH. IV.] MASONRY AND STONE-CUTTING. 69 figure r'rdsg ; and, in the same line rd, close to the bed, apply the mould K'KEE', Jig. 1 , and by the other edges of this mould draw the figure r'ree. Apply the mould K'KDSG', to the opposite, or parallel side of the stone, close to the bed, and draw a similar and equal figure as was done by the same mould when it was applied to the head ; this done, work the upper bed of the stone. Proceed in like manner with the stones exhibited at No. 2 and No. 3, and similarly with the stones on the left-hand side of the arch ; the stones No. 1 and No. 2, answering to those on the right hand of the key- stone. In order to show the application of the moulds marked I. II. III. at the bottom of the plate, taken from the plan. Jig. 2 ; the mould I. ap- plies to the under bed of the stone. No. 1 ; the next mould II. applies upon the upper bed of No. 1, and upon the under bed of No. 2 ; and the mould III. applies upon the upper bed of No. 2, and upon each side of the keystone. No. 3. As every arch has both a right and left-hand side, and as every joint is formed by the surfaces of two stones, every mould has four applications, one on each of the four stones. In order to render these applications of the moulds I. II. III. as clear as possible, the corresponding situations of the points marked upon each stone by each respective mould, are marked by similar letters to those on the moulds I. II. III. or their correspondents on the plan, fig. 2, viz. on the under bed of the stone. No. 1, will be found the letters h, i, k, e, d, m, as in the mould I. ; upon the under bed of No. 2, will be found h', i', k', e , g, o ; as also upon the upper bed, of No. 1, i', k', e, g, and upon the right hand side of the keystone, No. 3, will be found the letters k", i", k", e",f", «", as also similar letters upon the upper bed. No. 2, to those of the mould III. SECTION II. E.vamples of Niches in straight Walls with horizontal Courses, as in Plate XXVII. Plate XXVIII. Let Jig. I represent a niche with horiz ontal courses. No. I being the elevation, exhibiting three arch-stones on each side of the key-stone, and No. 2 the plan, consisting of two stones, making to- gether a semicircle, each being one quadrant. 70 A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON [CH. IV. The heads of the stones in the wall, on the right-hand side of the arch, which also form a portion of the concave surface, are ABCDE, FDCGHI, HGKLM, and the Icey-stone JkKKL. Round each of these figures cir- cumscribe a rectangle, so that two sides may be parallel and two per- 'pendicular to the horizon : thus round the head of the stone ABODE circumscribe the rectangle ANOE', round the figure FDCGHI, the head of the second stone, circumscribe the rectangle PQRI, &c. Draw the straight lines am, and ai, jig. 2, No. 1 , forming a right angle with each other ; from the point a as a centre, with the radius TC,fig. J, describe the arc cc, meeting the lines am and ai in the points c,c'. Let the quadrangular figure hgfe, No. 1, be considered as the upper bed of a stone, which, as well as the lower bed, is wrought smooth, tliese two surfaces being parallel planes at a distance from each other equal to the line AE or NO, Jig. 1. Moreover, let mcc'ikl be considered as a mould made to the figure before described and laid flat on the upper bed of the stone in its true position, the points c,c' of the mould being brought as near to the side he as will just leave a sufficient quantity of stone, in order to work it complete. By the edges of the mould thus placed draw the curve cc , the straight lines cm and c'i, and the rough edges ik and ml. Perpendicular to the upper bed, and along the arc cc', cut the stone so as to form a surface perpendicular to the upper bed, and the surface thus formed will necessarily be cylindric ; through each of the straight lines cm and c'i, cut a surface perpendicular to the said upper bed, and these surfaces will be the planes of the vertical joints, and will be at a right angle with each other ; then with a guage, of which the head is made to the cylindric surface, and which is set to the distance OD, Jig. 1, No. 1, draw the curve line dd on the upper bed of the stone. Upon the lower bed of the stone, with the guage set to the distance NB, draw the arc bb'. The thickness of the stone is exhibited at No. 2, Jig. 2, the upper bed being represented by the line Jir, and the lower bed by the line qti, so that 7ir and qu are parallel lines, the distance between them being equal to the thickness of the stone, viz. equal to AFj, Jig. 1, No. J. Lastly, with a plane or common guage set to the distance NC, Jig. 1, No. 1, draw the line cc on the cylindric surface, .y?^. 2, No. 1. Now, in Jig. 2, the line dd', No. 2, represents the arc dd', No. 1 ; cc'. No. 2, represents the arc cc, No. 1 ; and bb'. No. 2, represents the arc bb. No. 1 : so that the stone must be cut away between the line dd' on the upper bed, and cc on the cylindric surface, by means of a straight edge, so as to form a conic surface ; this may be done by setting a bevel CH. IV.] MASONRY AND STONE-CUTTING. 71 to the angle EBC,^g. 1, No. 1. The conic surface thus formed will be one side of the joint within tlie spheric surface. Agaiuj cut away the stone between the line cc on the cylindric sur- face, and the arc bb' before drawn on the lower bed by means of the cur- ved bevel shown at A, Jig. 1, No. 2, so as to form a spherical surface. This may be done in the most complete manner, by applying the straight side of the curved bevel B,Jig. 1, No. 2, to the under bed of the stone, so as to be perpendicular to the curve ; then, if the curved edge coincide at all points, the surface between these lines will be spherical, and will form that portion of the head of the Niche which is contained on the stone. In the same manner all the other stones may be cut to the form re- quired. Fig. 3 exhibits the stone in the middle of the second course, anijg. 4, the stone on the left of the same course in the angle, which last stone is only half of the stone represented hy Jig. 3. Fig. 5 exhibits the left-hand stone of the third course, and^g. 6, the keystone, which is wrought into the frustrum of a cone to a given height in order to agree with the circular courses ; and to prevent any tendency of the keystone from coming out of its place, the upper part is cut into the frustrum of a pyramid. Plate XXIX, Jig. 1, represents a spheric headed niche in a straight wall with four arch-stones on each side of the keystone, and therefore, also, with four horizontal courses ; and as the joints are broken, if we begin the first course with four whole stones, as exhibited on the plan. No. 2, the next course will consist of three whole stones and two half stones in one in each angle. As the stones are here in this example projected on the plan as well as on the eltvation, the elevation. No. l,not only exhibits the number of courses, but the number of stones also in each course. Fig. 1 represents a spheric headed niche in four courses besides the keystone. It may be observed once for all, that the greater the dimensions of a niche, the greater must also be the number of courses in the height. The principles for cutting the stones of these niches, is the same as has already been explained for Plate XXVIII. 72 A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON [CH. V. CHAPTER V. CONSTRUCTION OF THE MOULDS, AND FORMATION OF THE STONES, FOR DOMES UPON CIRCULAR PLANES. AS IN PLATE XXX. ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF SPHERICAL DOMES. Since walls and vaults are generally built in horizontal courses, the sides of the coursing joints in spherical domes are the surfaces of right cones, having one common vortex m the centre of the spheric surface, and one common axis ; hence the conic surfaces will terminate upon the spheric surface in horizontal circles : again, because the joints be- tween any two stones of any course are in vertical planes passing through the centre of the spheric surface, the planes passing through all the joints between every two stones of every course will intersect each other in one common vertical straight line, passing through the centre of the spheric surface. ^ The line in which all the planes which pass through the vertical joints intersect, is called the axis of the dome. Because a straight line drawn through the centre of a spheric surface, perpendicular to any plane cutting the spheric surface, will intersect the cutting plane in the centre of the circle of which the circumference is the common section of the plane and spheric surface, the axis of the dome will intersect all the circles parallel to the horizon in their centre. The circumference of the horizontal circle, which passes through the centre of the spheric surface, is called the equa- CH. v.] MASONRY AND STONE-CUTTING. 7B torial circumference, and any portion of this circumference is called an equatorial arc. The circumferences of circles, which are parallel to the equatorial circle, are called parallels of altitude, and any portions of these circumferences are called arcs of the paral- lels of altitude. The intersection of the axis, and the spheric surface, is called the pole of the dome^ The arcs between the pole and the base of the dome, of the circles formed on the spheric surface by the planes which pass along the axis, are called meridians, and any portions of these meridians are called meridianal arcs. The conical surfaces of the coursing-joints terminate upon the spheric surface of the dome in the parallels of altitude, and the surfaces of the vertical joints terminate in the meridional arcs. Hence in domes, where the extrados and intrados are concentric spheric surfaces, two apparent sides of each stone contained by two meridional arcs, and the < arcs of two parallel circles are spheric rectangles, the two sides which form the vertical joints are equal and similar frus- trums of circular sectors, and the other two sides forming the beds are frustrums of sectors of conic surfaces. In the execution of domes, since the courses are placed upon conical beds which terminate upon the curved sur- faces in the circumferences of horizontal circles, they are comprised between horizontal planes, and therefore may be said to be horizontal. Hence the general principle of forming the stones of a niche constructed in horizontal courses may likewise be applied in the construction of domes. Each of the stones of a course is first formed into six such faces as will be most convenient for drawing the lines which form the arrises between the real faces. Two of 74 A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON [CII. V. these preparatory faces are formed into uniform concentric cylindric surfaces, passing through the most extreme points of the axal section of the course in which the stone is in- tended to be placed, the axis of the dome being the common axis of the two cylindric surfaces of every course. Two of the other surfaces are so formed as to be in plans perpendicular to the axis of the dome, and to pass through the most extreme points of the axal or right section of the course, as was the case with the two cylindric surfaces. The extreme distance of the two remaining surfaces depends upon the number of stones in the course. These surfaces are in planes passing through the axis, and are therefore perpendicular to the other two planes. As these planes, which pass through the axis, form the vertical joints, they remain permanent, and undergo no alteration except in the boundary, which is reduced to the figure of the axal section of the course. In order to find the terminating lines of the last and per- manent faces, draw the figure of the section of the course upon one of the two vertical joints in its proper position, then two of the corners of the mould will be in the two cylindric surfaces, one point in the one, and the other in the other, and the two remaining corners of the mould will be in the two surfaces which are perpendicular to the axis, one point pf the mould being in the one plane surface, and the other point in the other plane surface. Draw a line on each of the cylindric surfaces through the point where the axal section meets the surface parallel to one of the circular edges, and the line thus drawn on each of the cylindric surfaces will be the arc of a circle in a plane perpendicular to the axis of the two cylindric surfaces, and will be equal and similar to each of the edges of the cylin- dric surface to which it is parallel ; but in the first course of a hemispheric dome, there will be no intermediate line on CII. v.] MASONRY AND STONP]-CUTTING. 75 the convex side, since the circular arc terminating the lower edge, will also be the arris line of the convex spheric surface and the lower bed of the stone, which, in this course, is a plane surface. In all the intermediate courses of the dome between the summit and the first course, the line drawn on the convex cylindric surface will be the arris line between the convex spheric surface, and the convex conic surface which forms the lower bed of the stone ; and in ail the courses from the base to the summit, the line drawn on concave cylindric surface will be the arris line between the concave conic sur- face forming the upper bed, and the concave spheric surface of the stone, which concave surface will form a portion of the interior surface of the dome. On the upper plane surface of each stone to be wrought for the first course, draw a line parallel to one of the cir- cular edges ; but in each of the stones for the interme- diate courses between the first course and the key-stone at the summit, draw a line on each of the planes which are perpendicular to the axis parallel to either of the edges of the face upon which the line is made through the com- mon point in the vertical plane of the joint and the hori- zontal plane, then the line drawn on the top of every stone will be the arris line between the convex spheric, and the concave conic surfaces to be formed, and the line drawn on the under side of any stone in each of the inter- mediate courses will be the arris between the convex conic and the concave spheric surfaces to be formed ; that is be- tween the surfaces which will form the lower bed and a portion of the interior surface of the dome. Draw the form of the section of the course upon the plane of the other joint, so that the corners of the quadrila- teral figure thus drawn, may agree with the four lines drawn on the two cylindric, and on the two parallel plane surfaces. 76 A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON [CH. Y. Lastly, reduce the stone to its ultimate figure by cutting away the parts between every two adjacent lines which are to form the arrises between every two adjacent surfaces, until each surface acquire its desired form. Each of the spherical surfaces must be tried with a circular edged rule, in such a manner that the plane of curve must in every application be perpendicular to each of the arris lines, the mould for the convex spheric surface being concave on the trying edge which must be a por- tion of the convex side of the section, jig. 1, and the mould for the concave side convex on the trying edge, and a portion of the concave arc forming the inside of the sec- tion. The two conical surfaces of the beds, and the two plane surfaces of the vertical joints, must be each tried with a straight edge, in such a manner that the trying edge must always be so placed as to be in a plane perpendicular to each of the circular terminating arcs ; so that the surfaces between these arcs must always be prominent until the trying edge coincide with the two circular edges, and every intermediate point of the trying edge with the surface. Vlate XXX.lfJig. 1. Let Abcdef . ... Y, be the exterior curve of the section divided into the equal parts Xb, be, cd, &c. at the points b, c, &c. so that each of the chords Ab, he, cd, &c. may be equal to the breadth of the stones in each of the circular courses ; also let ghij'kl .... X, be the inner curve of the section, divided likewise into the equal arcs gh, hi, ij, &c.. by the radiating lines bi, ci. Sec. ; hence Abkg is a right section of the first course ; and, therefore, the figure of the joint at each end of every stone in the first course ; likewise bcih is the right section of the second course ; and, therefore, the figure of the joint at each end of every stone in the second course. Since the entire exterior curve of the axal section of the dome is divided into equal parts alike from the base on each side of the section ; and since the exterior and interior sides of the section are each a semi- circular arc, and described from the same centre ; and since the dividing CH. v.] MASONRY AND STONE-CUTTING. 77 lines bh, ci, &c. radiate to this centre^ all the sections of the courses, and the boundaries of the vertical joints will be equal and similar figures ; and, therefore, a mould made to the figure of the section of any course will serve for the vertical joints of all the stones. Fig. 2 exhibits one-fourth part of the plan of the convex side of the dome, showing the number of courses, and the number of stones in each quarter-course, there being three stones of equal length in each quarter- course. In the first or bottom course, mnop is the plan of the convex side of one of the stones, and mndf the plan of the concave side of the same stone ; and, in the second course, qrst is the plan of the convex side of one of the stones, and qrsi is the plan of the concave side of the same stone ; so that in the first course mndp is the figure of the top and bot- tom of one of the ring-stones, /;o is the intermediate line on the top, and mn that on the bottom, and so on for the remaining stones. All the stones of any course being equal and similar solids, and alike situated, the same mould which serves to execute any stone of any one course will serve to execute every stone of that course ; but every course must have a different set of moulds from those of another, except the figures of the vertical joints, which will be all found by one mould, as has been already observed. The reader, who has a competent knowledge of the construction of niches in horizontal courses, will not be at any great loss to understand the construction of domes ; or if the construction of domes is well under- stood, he cannot be at any loss to comprehend the construction of niches ; however, as there are many observations respecting the construction of domes that do not apply to niches, particularly as the dome in the pre- sent article has two apparent sides, in order to prevent the reader from wasting his time in referring to both articles, we shall here conduct him through the formation of one of the stones in the first two courses, the figure of the stones in the remaining courses being found in a similar manner. \r\Jig. 1 draw AD perpendicular to the ground-line AY, and through h draw BC also perpendicular to the ground-line AY. Now AB as well as being upon the ground-line, therefore to complete the rectangle ABCD, so as to circumscribe the section A6%, and to have two vertical and two horizontal sides, draw through the point h the remaining side DC parallel to AY. The rectangle ABCD is the section of a circular course of stone, or that of a ring contained by two vertical concentric uniform cylindric sur- faces and by two horizontal plane rings, the radius of the concave cylin- 78 A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON [CH. V. dric surface being aB, and the radius of the convex cylindric surface being oA, and the height of the ring being AD or BC. Make a mould to the plan of one of the stones in the first course, that is, to 7nnop,Jig. 2. From any point ij, Jig. 3, with a radius zm, jig, 2, or the radSus rtA, fg. 1, describe the arc mn. Make the arc mn,fig. 3, equal to the arc 7nn,Jig. 2, and draw the lines mu and nv radiating to the point ij. Again, from the centre y, and with the radius aB, Jig. 1, describe the arc vu. Make a face-mould to mnvu, and this mould will serve for dra-wimg the figure of the two horizontal surfaces of each stone in the first or bottom. To cut one of the stones in the first course to the required form : — Reduce the stone from one of the sides till the surface becomes a plane. Apply the mould made to the figure mnvu on this surface, whi ch is one of the two horizontal faces, and having drawn the figure of tlie mould, reduce the stone so as to form three of the arris lines of the faces, which are to be vertical, and these arrises will be square to the face ail- ready wrought. On each of the three arrises thus formed, set the heiglit of the stone from the plane surface already made ; reduce the substan ce till the surface becomes a plane parallel to that first formed. Apply then the face mould mnvu, upon the plane surface last wrought, so that three points of the mould may join the corresponding points in the meeting of the three arrises, and having drawn the figure of the mould upon the second formed face, run a draught on the outside of each line upon each of the intermediate surfaces from each of the parallel faces. So that there will be four draughts receding from the face first formed, and four receding from the face last formed, and that upon the whole, including the two draughts upon each side of each of the four perpendicular arrises, there will be sixteen in all. The two draughts along the edges of the convex cylindric surface to be formed, must be tried with a concave circular rule, made to the form of the arc mn,Jig. 2, and the two draughts along the edges of the con- cave cvlindric surface, must be tried with a convex circular rule made to the form of the arc po,fig. 2. Moreover, the two draughts which are made along each of the edges of each opposite intermediate plane surface, must be tried with a straight edge. Having regularly formed the draughts, so that the circular and straight edges of each of the three rules may coincide in all points with the bot- tom surface of each respective draught, and with the arris line at each CH. v.] MASONRY AND STONE-CUTTING. 79 extremity, the workman may then cut away the superfluous parts of the stone, as far as he can discern to be just prominent, or something raised above the four draughts, bordering the four edges of each of these sur- faces. The rough part of the operation being done, each of the four interme- diate faces maybe brought to a smooth surface and to the required form, by means of a common square ; the face of coincidence of the stock, or thick leg, being applied upoii one of the two parallel faces, and the thin leg, called the blade, to the surface of the stone, in the act of reducing, until it has acquired the figure desired, or the two cylindric surfaces may also be tried, by means of circular edged rules, the edge of each rule being placed so as to be parallel to one of the parallel faces ; a concave circular edge being applied upon the convex side, and a convex circular edge upon the concave side. The six faces which contain the solid being thus formed, we shall now proceed to find the upper arris : — for this purpose apply the mould made to the form mnop, fig. 2, upon the top of the stone drawn by the means of the mould mnvu^fig. 3. Suppose mnvu, fig, 3, to be the figure drawn on the top of the stone itself, by means of the mould made to 7nnvu ; and mnop, fig. 3, to be the mould made from mnop, fig. 2. Lay the edge mn,fig. 2, upon the edge mn^ fig. 3, on the top of the stone, so that the equal circular arcs may coincide in all their points ; and draw the line op along the concave edge of the mould, and op will be the arris line of the spherical and conical surfaces which are yet to be formed. Let the rectangle mnnm ,fig. 4, be the elevation of the convex cylin- dric surface of the same stone, projected on a plane parallel to each of the chords of the circular arcs, and to one of the straight arrises of this surface ; the straight line vin representing the upper circular edge, mm , nn the two vertical arrises ; so that the convex spherical surface is terminated at the top by the arc op, and at the bottom by the arc n'm'. Let the rectangle nmmrt',fig. 5, be the elevation of the concave cylin- dric face projected on a plane, parallel to one of the chords of one of the circular boundaries, and to one of the straight-lined boundaries of this face ; then the upper and lower planes will be projected into the parallel lines nm, n'm'. Therefore all the lines of each of these three planes will be projected upon the lines nm, n'm', and as the rectilineal figure formed by the two chords and the two straight lines is parallel to the plane of projection, it will be projected into an equal and similar figure ; there- 80 A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON [CH. V. fore the projected figure is a rectangle, and the sides nm, nun are equal to each other, and to the chords of the two circular arcs ; and the lin^es mm, nn are each equal to the height of the hollow cylinder, or equal to the distance between the parallel planes. Hence the concave surface will be projected also into a rectangle, and the middle of the chords of the arcs terminating the parallel edgies of the concave surface upon the middle of the chords of the arcs, ter- minating two of the opposite edges of the convex surface, as also the two opposite parallel straight-lined sides in the height of the solid, will be projected into straight lines equi-distant from the projections of tbe corresponding lines in the height of the solid on the convex side. Therefore, the straight lines nri, mm, vv', uii, are all equal to the height of the hollow cylindric solid, or equal to the distance between the parallel planes and the distance between the lines nn', vv, equal to the distance between the lines mm', uu'. To form the common termination between the upper conical and the lower spherical surfaces, let vv', uu, represent the concave cylindric surface ; and, therefore vv, uu', will represent the opposite circular arcs, which terminate two of the sides of this concavity. Upon this surface draw the line v" u, parallel to the circular edge vu, on the top at the distance hC, fig. 1, and the line v", u will be the arris now required between the concave conic surface at the top, and the concave spheric surface. These two surfaces being as yet to be formed. To form the remaining and common termination of the concave spherical surface, and the lower or level bed of the stone : — Draw a cir- cular arc on the level surface, underneath parallel to the circular, to the circular edge on the lower edge of the concave cylindric surface, and this line will be the remaining arris required. The two cylindric surfaces, and the upper plane surface, are entirely cut away ; but the intermediate line drawn on the top, and that drawn on each cylindric surface, remain, as well as the outer edge of the lower- bed. To form the intermediate faces of the stone, into the two upper and lower conical beds, aud into the two apparent concave and convex spherical surfaces -.—Reduce each side of the solid as near to the required surface as possible, so that all the intermediate parts between the ar- rises or lines drawn on the former faces, may be prominent. Suppose then, that we proceed to finish the stone required to be formed, in the following order : first, by proceeding with the convex spherical surface ; secondly, the upper concave conical surface ; thirdly and lastly, the concave spherical surface. Having approached as nearly CII. v.] MASONUY AND STONE-CUTTING. 81 to the required surfaces as can be done with safety, the upper conical concave surface will be reduced to its ultimate form by cutting away the substance carefully, so that the surface between the two arris lines may at last coincide with all the points of a straight edge applied perpendicu- larly to the two arrises. The convex spherical face will be formed ultimately by cutting the substance of the stone carefully, so that the surface between the arris- line on the top, and the circular convex arris-line on the outside of the lower bed, may at last agree with all the points of the circular concave edge of the rule made to a portion of the aic . Abed, Jig. 1, of the section of the dome. This circular-edged rule must be frequently applied ; and in each application the plane of the arc must be perpendicular to the surface, gradually approaching to its required sphericity. To form the concave surface of the upper bed of the stone, reduce the solid by carefully cutting parts away, so as at length the surface between the upper arris and the intermediate line drawn on the inside formerly concave, may coincide with all the points of a straight edge applied perpendicularly to the upper ^rris-line from any point of this arris. The concave spherical surface will be formed in the same manner as the convex spherical surface already supposed to be formed, with this dif- ference, that the circular edge which proves the sphericity, by trial must be convex instead of being concave. This convex surface lies between the lower arris, terminating the upper conic bed, and the inner arris of the lower bed. As to the lower bed it is already formed, being part of the plane sur- face, formerly one of the ends of the hollow cylinder, in a plane perpen- dicular to the common axis ; and as to the ends forming the vertical joints, they were at first formed in making the hollow cylindric solid ; so that one of the stones in the lower course is now finished. One of the stones in the second course being first formed into the frustrum of a cylindric wedge, as was done with the stone formed for the first course, the several faces which contain this solid are as follow : — qrxtv. Jig. 3, represents the plane truncated sector forming the top, st being the arris-line between the spheric surface on the convex side of si, and the conic surface in the concave side of ; qrr'q', fig. 6, the convex cylindric surface, q"r" the arris between the convex spheric and the con- vex conic surfaces, and rq ; in page 41, line 13, after x tu, insert fig. 2 ; and in line 36, in ^ B i, instead of i, write I ; in page 49, line 33, for 1, 2, 3, write c ; and for c before the last word, write 1, 2, 3 ; in page 50, line 31, instead of a, after the vrordfiTid, write u ; in page 51, line 1 6, after plan, insert fig. 2 ; in page 63, line 24, forPEo p, write PoE; and in line 32, after bd, write b e; in page 76, hne 28, in bi write h in place of i ; in page 87, hne 3, instead of ground, write groined j in page 92, line 34, inhyz C, for x write N ; and inline 38, in gi, write j instead ofi; in page 93, line 1, in gi, write j for i ; and in page 96, Une 5, in a rywritejfor r. GLOSSARY OF TECHNICAL TERMS USED IN THIS TREATISE. A. Abscissa, a right line which bisects all the ordinates of a curve. Acute, any sharp edge. Acute angle, an angle less than a right angle. Angle, the space contained between two right lines which meet each other in a point, but which are not both in the same right line. Angle of the joint lines, the angle made on either of the beds of a stone comprised between the face of an arch and the intrados. Arc, any small portion of a curve ; but in a circle, an arc is any portion of the circumference. Arch, in masonry, a mass of wedge-formed stones, supported at the extremities by abutments, and supporting each other by their mutual pressure. Arch-stone, one of the stones of an arch. Architrave, the lowest part of an entablature, and that which rests upon the columns. Arris, the line in Avhich two surfaces meet. Axal plane, a plane passing along the axis. In domes, all the axal planes are perpendicular to the horizon. Axal section, the section of a body through its axis. Axis of a curve, a right line which bisects all the ordinates. Axis of a cone, a right line passing from the vertex to the centre of the base. Axis of a cylinder, a right line passing through the solid from the centre of one of the circular ends to the centre of the other. Axis of a dome, a right line perpendicular to the horizon, passing through the centre of its base. H 3 102 GLOSSARY. B. Base, the lower line of a figure, or the lowest face of a solid. Base line, the line upon which a figure is su])posed to stand. Base of a cone, the circular end opposite the vertex. Base of a cylinder, either of the two circular ends. Base of a prism, either of the parallel ends. Base of a pyramid, the figure Av^hich is joined at the vertices of its angles to the summit by straight lines separating every two of the sides. Battering wall, a wall of which the upper part of the surface falls within the base. Beds of a stone in walling, those horizontal faces v/hich form the sides of the joints. Bevel bridge, a bridge in which the axes of the cylindretic surface is not at right angles to the face. Bisect, to divide any thing into two equal parts. Bridge upon an oblique plan, see bevel bridge. C. Canted, a prismatic body. Canted bow windoiv, a window which has three or more upright faces. Catenarian curve, the form of the iron chain which supports the road- way in suspension bridges. Centre, a mould for supporting an arch in its progress of building. Centre of a figure, the point, through which a straight line may be drawn in any direction which will divide tlie figure into two equal parts. Centre of a circle, the point from which all right lines being drawn, to points in the line surrounding the figure, are equal. Centre of an ellipse, the point through which any diameter must pass. Chord, a straight line drawn from any point of an arc to any other point of that arc. Circle, a plane figure of which its boundary is every where at an equal distance from a point witliin its surface, called its centre. Circular arc, any portion of the circumference of a circle- Circular arch, an arch of which the profile is a portion of the circum- ference of a circle, not exceeding the half. Circular roofs, all roofs upon a circular plan are so called. Circular course, a course or row of stones in a circular wall. Cii cular edges, those edges of a stone where two surfaces meet in the arc of a circle. Circular pilan, a plan of which the exterior or interior edges are the circumferences of circles of any portions of them. GLOSSARY. 108 Circular wall, a wall built upon a circular plan. Circumference, the curve line which bounds the area of a circle. Close curve, that which encloses a space. Common axis, an axis which equally belongs to two or several things, as the axis of a spherical dome belongs to all the vertical great circles of the sphere. Common section, when two or more lines or surfaces all meet in the same line or point, the line or point is called the common section. Common vertex, is the point in which two or more plain angles or sur- faces meet each other. Concave surface, that in which, if any two points whatever be taken, and if a straight line stretched out between them cannot meet the sur- face in any intermediate point, the side of the surface on which the line is extended is called the concave surface, and the other is the convex sur- face. Concentric circles, are those that have the same centre. Concentric conical surfaces, are those which hav^e the same axis. Concentric cylindric surfaces, are those that have the same axis. Concentric spherical surfaces, are those that have the same centre. Conic arch, the arch of a circular headed aperture, applied over splayed jambs as in doors and windows. Conic parabola, that parabola which is one of tiie three conic sections. Cotiic sections, are the plane figures made by cutting a cone, which do not include the triangle nor the circle. These three sections are the ellipse, parabola, and hyperbola. Conic surface, is the surface of a piece of masonry presenting the whole or a portion of the surface of a cone. In the construction of domes and tapering buildings upon a circular plan, the beds of every joint are fre- quently conic surfaces. Conic wall, a battering wall built upon a circular plan, of which wall the line of batter is a straight line. Conjugate diameter, is the term applied to the least axis of an ellipse, being the shortest of all the diameters of this curve. Construction, a drawing or building performed by certain rules, and is the result of the operations by which it Avas made to exist. Convex surface, see concave surface. Convex co7iical face, the convex surface of a cone. Convex cylindrical face, the convex surface of a cylinder. Course of stones, a row of stones generally placed on a level bed. Tha stones round the face and intrados of au arch, are also called a course of stones. 104 GLOSSARY. Coursing johit, the joint between two courses of stones. Coursing joint lines, the edges of the coursing joints in the face of the work. Curved edge, a mould with one of its edges curved, in order to draw a curve line on the surface of a stone, or to ascertain its concavity or con- vexity. Curve line, a concave or convex line. Curve lined joints, those joints which meet curved surfaces. Curved surface, is that which is concave or convex, see concave. Cylindretic oblique arch, an arch of which the axis of the surface is not perpendicular to the face. Cylindrical inlrados, is the intrados of an arch, of which the surface is that of a cylinder, or a portion of a cylindrical surface. Cylindrical spiral, a spiral on the surface of a cylinder. Cylindrical surface, is the whole or a portion of the surface of a cylinder. Cylindrical wall, a vertical wall on a circular plan. Cylindroidic wall, a wall of which the surface is the whole or a portion of the surface of a cylindroid. D. Design, a scheme or drawing, of something intended to be constructed of stone or other material, as, the design of a house, the design of a bridge. Sec. Developable surface, such as can be extended upon a plane, the sur- faces of prisms, cylinders, and cones are developable surfaces. Developement, the extension of a surface upon a plane, so that every point of the surface may coincide with the plane. Diagram, any scheme or geometrical construction of a proposition. Dimensions, such measures of extension as will be sufficient to ascertain the superfices or solidity of a body, or to construct a surface or solid. Double curvature, a curve of which its parts cannot be brought into one plane. Double ordinate, two equal ordinates of a curve in a right line, separated by another right line called the abscissa. Douelle, the surface of a stone, intended to be that which is to form a portion of the intrados of an arch. Draught, a grove, or rebat, sunk in a stone for the purpose of directing its reduction to the required surface. E. Ellipse, a close curve -which may be divided into two equal and similar GLOSSARY. 105 parts by a diameter drawn in any direction : moreover the semi-ellipse, terminated by either axis, may be divided into two synrmetrical parts. Elliptic arc, any small portion of the curve of an ellipse. Equatorial circumference of a dome, the circumference at the base of a hemispheric dome. Equilateral triangle, one having three equal sides. Exterior cylindric surface, the curved surface of a cylinder, whether solid or hollow. Extrados, the outer surface of an arch. Extradosal arc, the outer curve of the section of an arch. F. Focus is one of the two points to which a string may be fixed, so as to describe the curve of an ellipse. Foot, an extension containing twelve inches. Figtire, any area enclosed on all sides. l " ' Figures of the faces of a stone, the two beds, the face or faces, and the vertical joint or joints. G. Geometry, the science which explains, and the art which shows, the construction of lines, angles, plane figures, and solids. Geometrical elevation, an orthographical projection of an object of which the surfaces are plane figures, either parallel or perpendicular to the plane of projection. Gothic arch, an arch of which the two sides of the intrados meet in a point or line at the summit. Gothic isosceles arch, a pointed symmetrical arch, of which the spring- ing lines are in the same level. Ground line, the straight line upon which the vertical plane of projection is placed. H. Heading, the vertical side of a stone perpendicular to the face. Heading Joint, the thin stratum of mortar comprised between the ver- tical surfaces of two adjacent stones. Helix, a spiral winding round the surface of a cylinder. Horizontal Joint, the same as the bed. Horizontal plane of projection, the plane which contains the plan of an object, or its horizontal projection. 106 GLOSSARY. Horizontal projection of an object, the same as the plan of the ob- ject. Horizontal trace, the intersection of any plane^ and the horizontal plane of projection. Hyi^erhola, an open curve being one of the three conic sections of ^hicli the curve will ever meet a certain right line. Hypotenuse, the longest side of a right angled triangle. I. Inclination, the angle contained between a line and a plane^ or between two planes. W Irregular, a term expressing the inequality of the sides and angles of a body. Intersection, the point on which two lines meet or cut each other ; the line in which two surfaces cut or meet each other. Intrados, the inner curve of an arch. Intradosal curve, the inner cu^Je of the profile of an arch. Intradosal Joints, those joints which are seen in the intrados of an arch. J. Joiyits of a stohe, the mortar comprehended between the adjacent sides of two stones and the face of the work. K. Key course, the horizontal range of stones in the summit of a vaults in which the course is placed. Key-stone, the stone which appears in the front and in the summit of an arch. L. Leg of a right-angled triangle, one of the three sides which contain the right angle. Leg of a trehedral angle, is either of the two planes of a right trehedral angle, which contains the right angle. Line in space, any line of which the projectioji is required, but not in the plane of projection. Litie of hatter, the line of section made b^ plane and the surface of battering wall, the plane being perpendicular both to the surface of the wall and to the horizon. Lintel, the stone which extends over the aperture of a door or window. GLOSSAUr. 107 M. Masonry, the art of constructing buildings of stone. Meridians, are the curves on the surface ^of a dome made in vertical planes. Meridional arc, a portion of the meridional curve of a dome. Meridional joint, the vertical joint of a vault of which the horizont^||p| sections are all circles. N. Normal, a right line perpendicular to a curve. O. \^^^ ( Oblique angles, adjacent angles of which their line of separation is not perpendicular to the base. Oblique arch, a cylindretic arch of which the axis is not perpendicular to the face. Oblique bridge, a bridge which crossWra river, and of ^jj|iici|^the faces of the arch are not perpendicular to the direction of the stream. Oblique cylindfier, a cylinder of which the axis is not perpendicular to the circular ends. Oblique cylindroid, a cylindroid in which the axis is not perpendicular to the two bases. Oblique plan, a parallelogramatic plan of which the sides are not at right angles. fj^ Obi ique trehedrd^f a trehedral of which the angles contained by any two of its faces are not a right angle. Open curve, that which does not enclose an area. Ordinate, a right line comprised between a curve and its abscessa, and is parallel to a tangent at the extremity of this abscessa. P. Parabola, an open curve, being one of the three conic sections, of which both of its branches may be extended infinitely without ever meet- ing. " Parallel right li7ies, are those which can never meet. Parallelogram, a quadrilateral figure of which the opposite sides are equal and parallel. Parallels, the same as parallel right 'lines. Parameter, the ordinate of a conic section, which passes through the focus perpendicular to the axis. . 108 GLOSSARY. Perpendicular, a right line perpendicular to another right line or to a surface. Perpendicular surface, a surface perpendicular to a right line, or to a plane. Plane, a surface in which all the points of a right line will coincide. Plane angles, those drawn upon a plane surface. Plane curve, that which has all its parts in one plane. Plane wall, a wall of which the surface is a plane. Plane of projection, the plane on which an object is to be represented. Pole of a dome, the summit or upper extremity of the axis. Position, the situation in which one thing is placed in respect of another. Prism, a solid bounded on the sides by parallelograms, and on the two remaining faces, by polygonal figures in parallel planes. Problem, a proposition which proposes something to be done. Projectant, the distance of a point from its projection. Projection^ the art of finding the representation of a point, line, surface, or solid. Proportion, the parts of two things so that the whole of the one may be to any one of its parts as the whole of the other is to its corresponding part. Q. Quadrant, the fourth part of a circle. Quantity of batter, the angular distance between the plumb-line and the line of batter. R. Radius, a right line, of which if one end be fixed in a certain point, the other, if moved round, may be made to coincide with all the points of another line, or with the points of a surface. Radius of a circle, is any right line drawn from the centre to the cir- cumference. Radius of a cylinder, the radius of the circle which is the profile of the cylinder. Radius of a sphere, the right line extending from the centre to the surface. Radius of curvature, the radius of a circle which has the same curvature as the curve at the point to which this radius belongs. Radiating joints, those joints which tend to a centre. Raking mouldings, moulding which run in an inclined position. Rear line, a line on the back part of any thing. GLOSSAHY. 109 Regulating line, a line which fixes the position of other lines. Retreating sides of the Joints, those which recede from the surface*. Right angle, an angle of ninety degrees. Right arch, an arch of which the intrados is perpendicular to the face. Right cone, that of which its axis is perpendicular to the base. Right section, the section of a body at right angles to the axis. Right trehedral, a trehedral having one of its angles a right angle. Ring-stones, the stones which appear in the face and intrados of an arch. Ruler surface, a curved surface on which two parallel straight lines may be drawn through any two given points. S. Section, the figure, formed by cutting a solid by a plane. Segment, the part of a surface or solid containing the upper extremity or summit. Segment of a circle, a portion of the circle contained by an arc and its chord. Segment of an ellipse, a portion of an ellipse contained by a part of the curve and its chord. Segment of a cylinder, a portion cut off by a plane parallel to the axis. Semi-axis major, the longest diameter of an ellipse. Semi-axis minor, the shortest diameter of an ellipse. Semi-parameter, half the parameter, or the focal ordinate. Semi-cylinder, the half of a cylinder contained by the curved surface and a plane passing along the axis. Semi-cylindric surface, the whole or a portion of the surface of a cylin^ der. Severies, the compartments of grained ceilings. Similar Jigures or bodies, those which are of the same shape. Soffit, the under surface of any part of a ceiling. Soffit joints f those joints which appear on the under surface. Solid, any body whatever. Solid angles, angles in which three or more surfaces all meet in one point. Solid geometry, tlie consideration of the properties and construction of solids. Solid of revohition, that which may be generated round an axis. Spherical dome, a dome having a spherical surface. Spherical niche, a niche of which the surface of the head is spherical. Spherical triangle, a triangle of which the surface is spherical. 110 GLOSSARY. Spiral curves, those consisting of one or more revolutions. Spiral joints, those joints Avhich run in a spiral line. Spiral surface, a ruler surface, of which the direction of the straight lines tend to an axis, such are the soffits of winding stairs. Splayed, a bevelled jamb. Springing plane of an arch or vault, the plane from which the first arch-stones rise. Squaring a stone, is the form to which it is made in order to apply the moulds, so as to obtain its ultimate form as inserted in the building. Stone-cutting, the art of reducing stones to their intended form. Straight edge, a rule with a straight edge for trying a surface. Straight vaults, those which have their axis straight. Straight walls, those which have plane surfaces. Surface of revolution, such as may be generated round an axis. Surmounted arch, an arch or vault of greater height thaa half its width. T. Tallus line, the battering line of a wall. Tangeiit, a straight line which touches a curve without being able to cut it. Tangent plane, a plane which touches a curved surface without being able to cut it. Third proportional, the fourth term of four proportionals, when the two middle terms are equal ; it is called a third proportional. Traces of a plane, the intersections of an oblique plane with the hori- zontal and vertical planes of projection. • Transverse axis, the longest diameter of an ellipse. Trehedral, a solid angle consisting of three plane angles. Triangle, a figure consisting of three equal sides. Trying edge, the edge of a rule for trying a given surface. U. Uniform conic surface, the surface of a right cone- Uniform cylindric surface, the surface of a right cylinder. Upper bed of a stone, the side of the stone which comes in contact v/ith that above it. V. Vault, a concave ceiling. Vertex, the summit of any thing. Vertex of a cone, the point in which the surface ends. GLOSSARY. Ill Vertical angle, the opposite angle. Vertical of a hatier, the perpendicular distance. Vertical plane, a plane perpendicular to the horizon. Vertical plane of projection, the plane on which the elevation is made. Vertical projectant, the distance of a point from its projection, in the horizontal plane of projection. Vertical projection, the elevation of an object. Vertical trace, the trace of a plane in the vertical plane of projection. Vertical ivall, an upright wall. W. Wall in talbis, a battering wall. Winding joints, spiral joints. THE END. LONDON rUlNTED »Y S. AND U. BENTLEY. DORSET STREET. CHAP » 1 , Iig.t:> irlirlson. drhn. flute C HAF » III, Tiff./. Tlate 10. CHAr o in. flatc 12. CHAT, HI » flate 13. Fu,.2. Tlate /S. ■hoi son deXin . 'TLcuto.ig. CHAF.TI, Tlufe Jf CHAFolTI o TLale JJ. CMAFoTjlini. CHAPoIX. flalT 3(1