CABINET-MAKERS’ bonbon BOOK OF PRICES, AND designs of CABINET-WORK, CALCULATED FOE THE CONVENIENCE OF CABINET-MAKERS IN GENEM.AE s WHEREBY THE PRICE OF EXECUTING ANY PIECE OF WORK, MAY BE EASILY FOUND. illustrated with tifenty^nine copper plates, CONTAINING ABOVE TWO HUNDRED VARIOUS DESIGNSj , INTENDED AS A GUIDE TOWARDS THE PRICES; for which REASON THEY HAVE NO PLATES OF THtr WORK, THAT BEING WHAT ALMOST ANY ONE M VY SE^ THE ASSISTANCE OF A DRAWING. SETTLE WILHOU Tn II the third edition, with additions. ?Lontion> printed by c. barber, 15, fleet.street; for THE LONDON SOCIETY OF CABlNFT-\r s and sold at THE BULL AND AXE, ST. JOHN’S STREET GRPat " at the TOETTMD.AEMi, LOHG-LANE, W EST-SMITH FU LD E ET J A» INTRODUCTION. A HE flattering reception this book has met with ^ clearest proof of its impartiality, and the rapid sale of the Second Ec i lo , comprising one thousand copies, with the daily demanc s or more, du^d the London Cabinet Makers to publish a Third Ed.t.on rn which the Errata of the former are corrected ; also, since the first publication of this book, the various changes in the Cabinet Branch, has rendered a Sup- plement to it highly necessary, which will be published as soon as the re- gular prices of the different pieces of work not inserted in Ae Secon tl, L be selected ; and many articles in the First Edition of this worfc not being clear enough to prevent different constructions eing pu on both by journeymen and their employers, as their different interests migh suggest, which has been the cause of frequent, and, in some cases, almos irreconcileable disputes betwixt them ; in order, therefore, to Feve"t as much as possible, the like evil occurring in future, it is requested that bo parties will be particular in making themselves acquainted with the follow- general explanation : All kinds of drawer work in single carcases, or any work to represent the same, to measure on the carcase ; and all work with double carcases to measure the bottom one, both for length and width. A bookcase, when made to stand on a secretary, to measure only its own length ; libraries, on the bottom part. a 2. SnAML' * introduction. Shamming of drawer fronts, the price of which is given in a table, is settled exclusive of putting on brass work ; nor is the nuts or lock plates to be let into any work in the start except the fronts of secretary or furniture drawers the fall of a bureau, ladies’ or gentlemen’s dressing tables, or writing fire screens; all drawers in chamber, card, or work tables, and the a et I awei m pier and sideboard tables, or those on the inside of doors m all work whatever, to start without locks ; and when a secretary drawer IS introduced into any piece of work, deduct the price of the drawers took ou or Its reception, then add the price of the secretary drawer. Tables, of all denominations and descriptions whatever, to be mea- suied on the tops for both length and width, and to start, except otherwise mentioned m the preamble, with plain Marlbro’ legs, and without castors; ose on pillai and daws without plates on the’bottoms. str- plinthing, therming, pannelling, or putting corner ings in different sorts of legs and claws, veneering, planting on, and woiking astragals of different descriptions, cross-banding, &c., except in some particular cases, and there the price is given, were made to prevent a repetition of inserting the prices they contain in the different pieces of work leyweie i e y to occur m, and likewise to prevent as much as possible, m those cases, all references, except a general one ; it is, therefore, re- quested when the price of any article of the above description is wanting e workman will be careful in examining the table, as all the prices of the c ifferent articles that could be thought of are inserted in them. INDEX B B. ASON-Stand - - - - , inclosed - - - - — , corner, as in plate 12, fig. 1. •, ditto, inclosed, as in plate IS, Bedstead, Press , Talde, No. I. - , ditto. No. S. — ■ , Toilet Table * , Bureau Library - - fig. 2. Bidets - Portable - - - - Travelling, as in plate 2d, fig. 3. Bookcase , Counting-house , Library, straight front , ditto, as in plate L Bottle Tray . - - - Bottle C'arrier, square , ditto, hexagon - , Case, No. 1. — , ditto, No. 2- - , ditto. No, 3* - Brass V^ork, putting on ditto - Bureau - Bu tier’s Tray - - » Cabinet, straight front C. b Page 163 164 I6d 166 38 40 41 42 43 rdici. 184 18 d 186 44 46 47 49 204 20d 206 244 24d 246 26d 28 213 52 Cabinet, 2 INDEX. Cabinet, serpentine, as in plate, 24. Caddy, No. 1, square - - _ - — — , No. 2, ditto double - - _ ■ , No. 3, hexagon - , No. 4, double hexagon - - » , No. 3, octagon - , No. 6, double octagon - - - •, No. 7, pointed circle - - . , No. 8, double ditto - _ . , No. 9, oval - - - - - No. 10, double oval - - - Card Table, square - - . . ■ , circular - - - - _ , canted and round corner , quarter-round corner - - . , ovalo corner - - Celleret, No. 1, square - - - - Celleret, No. 2. - - - _ , hexagon ----- , octagon - - - - - , oblong octagon - « - , ovalo, No. 1. - , ditto. No. 2. - Counting-house Desk, single - - _ ; , double - - - - . Cylinder-fall Writing Table - - - Desk Wash-hand Stand, No. I. - No. 2, as in plate 23, fig. 1. • Netting Case, as in plate 17, fig. 4. Chamber Table - - ■' Horse - - - - _ Clothes Horse - folding ditto - - Clothes Press, low - - . _ _ ■ , common - , round front - - - - , with wings, as in plate 3. - . D. Dining Tables ----- . Page 34 - 229 - 230 231 - ^htd. - 232 - ibid. - 233 - ibid. - ibid. - 234 - 96 - 98 - 99 - 100 - 101 - 196 - 197 - 198 - 199 - 200 - 201 - 203 “ 188 - 190 - 36 - 39 - 173 - 176 - 244 - 103 - 208 - ibid. - 209 - 32 - S3 - 34 36 148 Dining INDEX. Dining Tables, half round - - - - , Horseshoe as in plate 19, fig. 2. , Pillar and Claw - - _ « Dispensary, upright, No 1. , « - - , No. 9. ----- - — , folding. No. 3. - ■ , ditto, No. 4 and 5, - - - - • , No. 6. - - - - - - Double Chest • , round front - - - . - Dressing Chest, common - - - - • , round front - - . . - — , serpentine ----- , with straight wings, as in plate 20, fig. 1 ■ , with ogee wings, as in plate 20, fig. 2. » French Commode, as in plate 10, fig. 4. ■ •, knee-hole ------ • , ditto, round front - - - - ■ , serpentine - - - - - Dressing Box and Glass - - Dumb Waiter F. Fire Screen, folding - , . * , ■ •, Horse Frames and Doors for Recesses - - . Furniture Drawer, particulars of - - Q Gentleman’s Wnting Table as in plate *21, • • Social Table, as in plate 22, fig. 1 . ' Writing Fire Screen - _ _ _ ■ - Dressing Stand, as in plate 9, fig. 2. - Dressing Table - - - - . Harlequin Table, as in plate 10,' fig l.’ - Inkstands, No 1, 2, and 3. -* - b 2 3 Page 130 131 132 247 248 ibid. S49 230 30 31 1 3 3 8 9 10 11 12 14 214 236 211 210 231 20 78 102 84 172 173 89 237 Ink 4 INDEX.- Page Ink Stand, French, No I. - - - - - - 23S ' , ditto, No. 2, - - - - - 239 , Black Tambour, as in plate 17? fig. 2. - - - ibid. , Mahogany, ditto - - - - - - - 242 , Cylinder, as in plate ditto - - - <- 24a , Mahogany, ditto - - - - - - - 241 , veneer’d, and Dressing Drawer - - - - - 243. K. Knife Tray ------ - - J « 217 — Case ----- - — - - 223 — directions for - - - - - - - - 227 Vase, No- 1. - - - - - ibid. ditto, No. 2 and 3- - - - - - 22S No. 4. - - - - - - - - - 229* L. Lady’s Writing Fire Screen - - - - - - 82 Screen Writing Table - - - - ibid,. Lady’s Cabinet, as in plate 23, fig. 2. i- - - . - 85 Work Table, asm plate 23, fig- 2. - - - 87 Work Stand - - - - . - - 237 Dressing Table, No. 1. - - •r - 135 ditto. No. 2. - - - - - - - 136 as in plate 11, fig. 2. - — - - 138 Rudd as in plate 4, fig. 2. - - - - 16T Dressing Stand, as in plate 9, fig. 1. - - - - 139 Writing Box - - - - 237 Libiary W ruing Table, with Tambour Top - - - - 63 Library Writing Table, No. 1. -. — - 68 — — , knee hole. No. 2. - - - - - - TO ■ , ditto serpentine. No. 3. - — - - ' 72; , circular - - - - •• - - 73 , kidr,ey, No. 1. - - - — - 75 ■ , kidney knee-hole, as in plate 22, fig. 2. - - - 76 Lobby Chest ------ 13 , round front - - - - - - — . 16 ■ — , serpentine ----- - - - 18 Loo Table - - - - - - . — - - . 133 Medicine INDEX. M. Medicine Chest - - ■ " Mounts for Pole Fire Screens - Moving Library or Book Stand, No. 1. ditto, No. 2. - - - Music Stand, as in plate 25, %. 1. . N. Night Stool - - - - - — Table, No. 1. , No. 2. , sliding fronts - O. Oval Cistern ----- Tea Tray, No. 1 . - , No. 2. - - “ - Page - 250 212 - 260 - 261 186 - 179 180 182 183 - 203 - 206 - 207 P. Pedestals and Vases Pediments - - - - - Peir Table, straight front, inclosed ------ Peir Table, with a break - - , ditto, inclosed ------ -- , round front , ditto, inclosed -------- • , circular ------ --- — , ditto, inclosed -------- , with ovalo corners ------- , ditto, inclosed ------ - , with circular middle and hollow ends, as in plate 10, fig. 2, left-hand end - -- -- -- - ■, with ogee ends, as in plate 10, fig, 2, right-hand end - Pembroke Table - , on pillar and claws - - - - - , universal or sliding flap ------ Pillar and Claw Table - -- -- -- - 145 254 105 107 108 109 111 112 114 115 116 117 119 91 259 94 154 Pole ^ INDEX. Pole and Stands, as in plate 18, fie-. 3. - Portable Desk, Is^o. 1. - , No. 2 and 3. - - . . , No. 4. - - . . _ , as in plate 17, fio-. i. Pot Cupboard - , corner - - - , - . Plate Car rier Page 21 1 219 - 221 222 226 - 177 - 175 - 256 Rising-flap Writing Table Round Pail - - - Rudd Dressing Chest 80 - 204 162 Satin Wood, Extras for ditto and otlier hard wood - - . Secretary Drawer Secretary - , round front - , serpentine front Sideboard Table, straight front - — Celleret - Table, round front Celleret, as in plate 2, fig. 2. Table, serpentine front Celleret, as in plate 4, fig. 1. - Table, circular front Celleret, as in plate 5, fig. 1 . - - - . " Table, ovalo corner ______ Celleret - Table, with an eliptic middle and hollow on each sjde - Celleret, as in plate 3, fig. 2, right-hand end Table, with an eliptic middle and ogee ends - - - Celleret, as in plate 5 , fig. 2, left-hand end - - _ 1 able, with a hollow middle and astragal on each side - Celleret - - . _ . . Table, with an eliptic middle, and hollow on each side to the back - Screen Dressing Glass, as in plate 18 fig. 4. 263 22 24 25 27 120 122 124 126 128 129 J30 131 133 134 135 137 138 139 141 142 143 - 216 Shaving INDEX. Shaving Stand, as In plate 12, fig. 3. - . , with canted corners, as in plate 2d, fig. 4 . — , with hollow corners, as in ditto - — , half-round, as in plate 12, fig. 4. Sliding Fire Screen - - ’ _ Strong Travelling Box - T. Table Desk Tambour Writing Table, No. 1. , No. 2. - - - . . , . — , Desk ----- 1 Tops for Cylinder and Tambour Tables Tea Chest - - - * , oval - Travelling Desk 1 Tripod Bottom for a Face Screen - 1 " Flower or Candle Stand Urn Stand, square - - . ' . — , oval ------ , serpentine - - - _ , 7 Page 167 169 170 171 2d9 222 187 60 61 62 65 235 236 224 213 214 193 194 193 Wainscot, Deductions flush Beads, round Frames for Fackina* Window Blind Work Table, square , oval W. for ditto and Deal, and Extras for Cedar Doois, Mortice Clamping, and Cornice anri hollow sides Writing lable, as in plate 13. fig. 3 or ends 264 217 191 192 25S 79 CONTENTS CONTENTS OF THE TABLES. Tables. 1 The Price of working ^Jouldings, at per foot. 2 Ditto the top Edge of Claws, for Horse Eire Screens and Music Stands, each. 3 Ditto for Screen Desk and Dressing Glass. 4 Ditto for Dining and Loo Tables. 3 Ditto on the Fronts of Tripod Standards. 6 Veneering and working Mouldings on Legs and Stump Feet. 7 The Price -of Pannelling the top Edge and Sides of Screen and Table Claws, and therming ditto. 8 Ditto Tripod Fire Screen and Candle Standards. 9 Ditto Pilaster Legs, Stump feet, &c. 10 Veneering and stringing Claws and Tripod Standards. 11 The Price of Claws and Standards, extra from No. 1. 12 Therming Legs. 13 Pannelling. 14 Forming Ovals or Circles, with Strings. 13 Forming .Pannels on Card, Pier, or Pembroke Table Rails-Veneer- :ing .Reeds for Tambour Tables— Plinthing Table Legs and Claws. 16 r Cross Bandings, and forming Square Pannels with Strings. 17 Cross Banding Ovals or Circles. 15 Fluting. 19 Veneering on Flush Doors, Ends, &c. 20 Ditto, with Ovals, &c. 21 Planting on Astragals. 22 Bookcase Doors. 23 Ditto, ditto. 24 Shaming Drawer Fronts. The THE CABINET-MAKERS’ ilontion BOOK OF PRICES. A DRESSING CHEST. ^T^HREE feet long, four drawers in ditto, cock-beaded astragaTor stone moulding on the edge of the top or the edge veneer’d, and a string in the upper corner, fast plinth, or common brackets - - EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length, down to 2 feet 6 inches Ditto, above 2 feet 8 inches high - - - - - Each drawer, more or less - Slipping drawer sides, and plowing bottoms in, each drawer Munting in each bottom Half ditto under the bottom ------ Each partition, more or less - - - - - - Lining each ditto -------- A front edge under the top or slider, or above the base moulding - A frize under the top moulding veneer’d cross-way, with astragal at foot B s, d. 0 18 0 0 0 6 0 0 4 0 2 6 0 0 5 0 0 4 0 0 2 0 0 7 0 0 1 0 0 4 0 1 8 Glueing £. 1. d. Glueing up ends, top, or drawer fronts, either solid or to veneer on, at per joint Cutting down stuff for ditto, each cut - Clamping the top end-way to appeal as solid •• Veneering the top Eaph joint in the veneer " A string in the lower corner of the top, at per foot Veneering each end ------- Each joint in the veneer ------- Veneering drawer fronts, each ------ Each butt joint in the veneer Colouring and polishing inside of drawer fronts, each Veneering partition edges askew or cross-way, extra per foot Ditto with king, tulip, or any other hard wood, at per foot extra - - - - - Veneering the plinth straight-way Ditto cross-way Blocking the brackets with inch stuff, cross’d - - • A loose frame for plinth, or brackets - - - - Ditto, when French feet French feet, or solid French brackets - - - - Veneering each side of French brackets - - - - Ditto common brackets, each side Cross-banding ditto, each side - - - - - Cross-banding French feet, or any other part — See table of Banding. A bead round the bottom of carcase or base moulding - An astragal ditto - - - - r - A slider square clamp’d, solid or lip’d for cloth, cock beaded Miter clamping ditto, each miter extra - - - - A slider with one pannel, lip’d for cloth - - - • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C C C 0 ( 0 I 0 0 | 0 8 1 0 0 6 0 1 0 10 0 3 0 6 0 4 0 1 0 1 0 If 1 0 1 4 0 6 1 0 1 8 3 0 0 3 0 2 1 0 0 9 1 0 1 9 0 0 6 0 2 3 Each Each extra paiinel - A slider with one pannel, bead and flush - - - Each extra pannel A framed slider, with a flap square clamp d, and lip d for cloth - A horse under ditto A bottom to ditto Veneering a plain slider ------ Ditto the framing, when a flap ^ - Lining the slider with cloth ------ Ditto the flap For lopers to the slider or drawers — Furniture Drawer, Framed back, each pannel A munting in plain back - - - - “ When made with three drawers, each inch in the drawers above eight inches deep ------ Oiling and polishing 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A ROUND-FRONT DRESSING CHEST, Three feet long, four drawers in ditto, cock beaded, astra- gal or stone moulding on the edge of the top, or the edge veneer’d and a string in the upper corner, French feet or common brackets ----- ~ EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less in length - Ditto above 2 feet 8 inches high - - - ' ' Eliptic sweep, extra from round front - - » - Each drawer, more or less Each partition, more or less ------ B 9 s. d. 0 7 3 0 0 10 4 0 0 10 0 6 0 8 0 9 0 8 0 4 0 6 0 4 0 3 0 S 1 6 0 0 0 7 0 0 5 0 2 0 0 3 4 0 0 9 A front 4 A front edge under the top or slider - - - • Lining each partition, cross-way - - - • - Slipping drawer sides, anS plowing bottoms in, each drawer Hunting in each bottom ------ Half ditto under the bottom A frize under the top moulding, veneer’d cross-way, with an astragal at foot ------- Glueing up ends or top, either solid or to veneer on, at per joint Cutting down stuff for ditto, each cut - - - - Sawing drawer fronts out of 2-inch stuff, each cut Ditto 3-inch --------- Glueing up ditto, each joint ------ Clamping the top end-way to appear as solid Veneering the top - - - - - - Each joint in the veneer ------- A string in the lower corner of the top, at per foot Veneering each end - - - - - - - Each joint in the veneer Veneering drawer fronts outside, each - - . - Ditto inside - Each butt joint in the veneer ------ If cross-way, each joint ------- If but 3 drawers in height, for veneering each front outside Ditto inside - -- -- -- -- Colouring and polishing inside of drawer fronts^ each Veneering partition edges askew or cross-way, extra per foot Ditto with king, tulip, or any other hard wood, at per foot extra - - - Blocking the brackets with inch stuff cross’d - - . o Solid French brackets V'^eneering each side of ditto s. cl, 0 0 5 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 01 - 0 0 1 0 0 H 0 0 II 0 0 8 0 1 0 0 0 6 0 0 1 0 0 10 0 0 3 0 0 II 0 0 7 0 0 5 0 0 2 0 1 1 0 0 8 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 6 0 2 0 0 0 3 Cross h|h nM 5 Cross- banding each side of ditto - - . - _ Cross-banding French feet or any other part — Table of Semdins. O A bead round the bottom of the carcase or base moulding - An astragal ditto - A loose frame for French or common brackets - . _ Ditto for French feet A slider square clamp’d, solid or lip’d for cloth, cock beaded Mitre clamping ditto, each miter extra _ _ . . A slider with one pannel lip’d for cloth - - - . Each extra pannel - A slider, with one pannel bead and flush - - - - Each extra pannel ______ A framed slider, with a flap square clamp’d and lip’d for cloth A horse under ditto _ A bottom to ditto - - Veneering a plain slider _ Ditto the framing, when a flap Lining the slider with cloth Ditto the flap - - Framed back, each pannel A munting in plain back - - . , When made with three drawers, each inch in the drawers above eight inches deep - Oiling and polishing - _ . . _ A SERPENTINE DRESSING CHEST, Three feet long, four drawers in ditto, cock beaded, asti'a- gal or stone moulding on the edge of the top, or the edge veneer’d and a string in the upper corner, French feet or common brackets £, s.. d. 0 1 0 0 0 10 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 I 8 0 2 3 0 0 6 0 2 9 0 0 7 0 3 6 0 0 10 0 4 6 0 0 10 0 0 6 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 8 0 0 4 0 0 6 0 0 4 0 0 4 0 0 8 1 17 0 Extras. 6 EXTRAS. (£, • s» c?»' Each inch, more or less, in length - - - - ‘ Ditto above 2 feet 8 inches high . . - - - Each drawer, more or less A front edge under the top or slider . - - - - Each partition, more or less ------ Lining each ditto cross-way - - Slipping drawer sides, and plowing bottoms in, each drawer Munting in each drawer - - - Half ditto under the bottom ------ A frize under the top moulding veneered cross-way with an astragal at foot - -- -- - - - Glueing up ends or top, either solid or to veneer on, at per joint - -- -- -- -- Cutting down stuff for ditto, each cut - - - - Sawing drawer fronts out of 2"inch stuff, each cut Ditto 3-inch --------- Glueing up ditto, each joint ------ Clamping the top end-way, to appear as solid - - - Veneering the top -------- Each joint in the veneer ------- A string in the lower corner of the top - - - - Veneering each end ------- Each joint in the veneer - ~ - - Veneering drawer fronts outside, each . . - . Ditto inside - - - - - - " ’ - Each butt joint in the veneer ------- If cross-way, each joint ------- When but 3 drawers in height, for veneering each front outside - -- ------- Ditto inside - -- -- -- -- 0 1 0 0 0 6 0 3 9 0 0 6 0 0 10 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 2 0 2 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 H 0 0 2 0 0 8 0 1 0 0 0 6 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 3 0 1 1 0 0 8 0 0 6 0 0 2 0 1 3 0 0 9 Colour- 7 Colouring and polishing inside of drawer fronts, each Veneering partition edges askew or cross-way, extra per foot Ditto with king, tulip, or any other hard wood, at per foot, extra Blocking the brackets with inch stuff cross’d Solid French brackets Veneering each side of ditto - - - - - Cross-banding each side of ditto " ” ' Cross-banding French feet or any other part — table of Bunding. A loose frame for French or common brackets. - Ditto for French feet - - - " A bead round the bottom of the carcase or base moulding An astragal ditto ------ Canted corners ------- If continued through the top moulding and brackets Gothic columns, extra from canted corners _ - - Sweeping the ends of top half serpentine, when the ends are straight - -- -- -- “ For setting the ends bevelling “ Hollow ends at the front edges - Sweeping the ends and top half serpentine and plain veneer- ing ditto - -- -- -- A slider square clamp’d, solid, or lip’d for cloth, cock beaded Miter clamping ditto, each miter extra - - - - A slider with 1 pannel lip’d for cloth . - - - Each extra pannel A slider with 1 pannel, bead and flush - ^ " Each extra pannel - - - - ” A framed slider, with a flap square clamp d and Iip d tor cloth 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c 0 0 c c c c s, d. 0 H 0 H O 2 0 6 2 0 0 3 1 0 1 3 1 9 1 2 1 6 3 6 6 0 2 0 1 0 3 0 I 6 0 I 10 0 I 2 9 I 0 6 ) 3 3 ) 0 7 ) 4 0 ) 0 10 ) 6 0 A horse 8 A horse under ditto A bottom to ditto - Veneering a plain slider Ditto the framing, when a flap - Lining the slider with doth Ditto the flap - Frame back, each pannel A munting in plain back - When made with three drawers, above eight inches deep Oiling and polishing a€. S. d. 0 0 10 -006 - - - 0 0 8 0 0 9 - 0 0 8 0 0 4 0 0 6 - 0 0 4 each inch in the drawers 0 0 5 - - - 0 0 8 A SERPENTINE DRESSING CHEST, With straight Wings— in Plate ^0, Fig. I, Four feet long, four drawers in the middle, and four ditto in each wing, cock beaded, astragal or Stone moulding on the edge of the top, or the edge veneer’d, and a string in the upper corner, on common brackets - - - - EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length Ditto above 2 feet 8 inches high Each drawer, more or less, in the middle - Each partition, more or less - Each drawer in the wings, more or less Each partition - - - 0 1 0 0 0 8 0 3 3 0 0 7 0 2 0 0 0 6 Lining 9 Lining each partition cross- way - - - - . Veneering the top- - Each joint in the veneer Veneering each serpentine-drawer front - - . . Ditto inside - Veneering each straight drawer front - - - . Veneering partition edges askew or cross-way, straight part per foot - -- Ditto sweep part Ditto with king, tulip, or any other hard wood, at per foot - . | P®" - - - - [ sweep part - - - - » A string in the lower corner of the top - - - _ If cupboards in the wings — For the price of ditto, see Library Writing Table, No. II. tor the pi ice of work not inserted here — See Serpentine and Straight front Dressing Chest » Oiling and polishing - A SERPENTINE DRESSING CHEST, ‘With Ogee Ends — as in Plate ^0, Fig. 2, Thi ee feet long in front, and five at back, astragal or stone moulding on the edge of the top, or the edge veneered, and a string in the upper corner, four drawers in fi'ont, cock beaded, a cupboard in each end, one shelf in ditto, veneer d top, front, and ends, on taper stump feet Each inch, more or less, in front Ditto at the back EXTRAS. f- s. d. 0 0 1 0 1 4 0 0 S 0 1 0 0 0 7 0 0 ^ 0 0 I 0 0 1 0 0 H 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 16 4 10 0 0 1 0 0 0 4 Ditto K|N 10 Ditto above two feet eight inches high , - - - Veneering drawer fronts inside, each . - - - Ditto inside of doors, each ------ Each extra shelf in the cupboard A string in the lower corner of top - - - - - If any other sort of stump feet — See Plate and Table of ditto. For the price of any other work in front or top — See Table of ditto. For the price of slider, or any other work not inserted here — See Serpentine Dressing Chest. Oiling and polishing " A FRENCH COMMODE DRESSING CHEST, as in Plate 10, Fig. 4, Three feet long, veneer’d top, front, and ends, three drawers in ditto, cock beaded, the drawer fronts to fit the sweep of the ends, astragal or stone moulding on the edge of the top, or the edge veneer^l, and a string in the upper corner, on French feet or common brackets - - - 3 10 0 EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length r Ditto above two feet eight inches high Each drawer, more - Each partition, more _ _ - Lining ditto, each - - A string in the lower corner of the top 1 0 0 7 5 0 0 10 0 1 1 0 If £. s. d. 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 1 3 0 0 6 0 1 0 0 1 6 £. s. d* If the front is com moded both ways, to be extra - -16 0 For the price of any other work not inserted here— Ser- pentine Dresshig Chest * Oiling and polishing . w - - r. - - 0 1 0 A KNEE-HOLE DRESSING CHEST, Three feet long, one long and six short drawers in ditto, cock beaded, astragal or stone moulding on the edge of the top, or the edge veneerM, and a string in the upper corner, fast plinth, or six common brackets - EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length ^ Ditto above two feet eight inches high - - - - Each long drawer, more or less . - - - - Each short ditto - -- -- -- - Each long partition, more or less - - - - - Each short ditto - -- -- -- - Lining ditto cross-way, each - Veneering each long drawer front Ditto each short - -- -- -- - Veneering partition edges askew or cross-way, per foot exta A cupboard in the knee hole, with a flat pannei door, pan- nel plow’d in, the plinth or base moulding return’d round ditto ---------- For any work in ditto— Couniinghouse Bookcase . A frame in the knee liole to receive the door - - - c 9 1 10 0 0 0 9 0 0 4 0 2 6 0 2 0 0 0 7 0 0 5 0 0 1 0 0 6 0 0 4 0 0 I 0 5 6 0 1 6 Veneer- 12 Veneering ditto or door frame, each - - Ditto cross-way, each Veneering the pannel - An astragal round the carcase, under the top drawer - Two extra brackets in the knee hole - - - . . French feet or solid French brackets at six corners Two ditto in the knee hole, extra ^ , A bead round the bottom of carcase or base moulding An astragal round ditto - For the price of any work not inserted here— Dressms- Chest. Oiling and polishing * . £. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A KUUJS'U-FRONT KNEE-HOLE DRESSING CHEST, cock^*beVi°T’ tirawers in ditto, ton f ^ ‘he edge of top, or the edge veneer’d, and a string i„ the upper corner, s.x French feet, or common b.ackets - ' p , extras. ii-ach inch, more or less, in length - . . _ Ditto, above two feet eight inches high - - . ' I If the front is made eliptic, extra - . . Each long drawer, more or less - . _ ^ Each short ditto ~ - C Each long partition, more or less - . ^ d. 0 9 1 1 0 6 I 0 I 0 3 0 1 0 1 6 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 10 0 5 2 0 3 4 2 8 0 9 Each 13 <£• s. d. Each short ditto - - - - - - - - 006 Lining ditto cross-way, each - - - - - - 001 Sawing long drawer fronts out of two-inch stuff, each cut - 0 0 1 Ditto, each short - - OOOf Sawing long drawer fronts out of three-inch stuff, each cut 0 0 If Ditto, each short - - - - - - _ - 000| Glueing up long drawer fronts, each joint - - - 0 0 If Ditto, each short - - - - - - - - OOOf Veneering each long drawer front - - - - - 0011 Ditto inside - - - - - - - - - 007 Veneering each short drawer front 0 06 Ditto inside - - - - - _ _ . - 003 Veneering partition edges askew or cross-way, per foot extra 0 0 1 For cupboard in knee hole — Straight front Knee-hole Dressing Chest. If sweep-front door, extra 014 Ditto frame to receive the door, extra - - - - 0 0 8 A bead round the bottom of the carcase or base moulding 0 17 An astragal ditto - - - _ - . _ - 0 2 2 Solid French brackets at six corners - - - - 0 3 0 Two ditto in the knee hole, extra - - - - - 010 An astragal round the carcase under the top-drawer - - 0 1 2 Foi the pi ice of work not inserted here— Hound-front Dressing Chest. Oiling and polishing - - . . . _ . 010 A SER- n|h Hh A SERPENTINE KNEE-HOLE DRESSING CHEST, Three feet long, with one long and six short drawers in £. s. d. ditto, cock beaded, astragal or »tone moulding on the edge of the top, or the edge veneer’d, and a string in the upper corner, six French feet, or common brackets - 2 12 0 EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length ----- Ditto, above two feet eight inches high Each long drawer., more or less ------ Each short ditto Each long partition, more or less Each short ditto - - - - - - Lining each partition cross- way Sawing long drawer fronts out of two-inch stuff, each cut Ditto, each short Sawing long drawer fronts out of three-inch stuff, each cut Ditto, each short - - - Glueing up long drawer fronts, at per joint - - - Ditto short ditto - - - - - - Veneering long drawer fronts, each - - - - - Ditto inside - - - - - - - - - Veneering each short drawer front _ - - - - Ditto inside - -- -- -- -- Veneering partition edges askew or cross-way, per foot extra An astragal round the carcase under the top drawer A bead round the bottom of the carcase or base moulding An astragal ditto - 0 I 2 0 0 6 0 3 9 0 2 8 0 0 10 0 0 6 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 | 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 Oi 0 1 1 0 0 8 0 0 6 0 0 4 0 0 1 0 1 6 0 1 7 0 2 2 For ►'H 15 £. s. d. For the price of cupboard in the knee hole — See Straight- front Knee-hole Dressing Chest, Sweep-front door, extra - Ditto, the frame to receive the door, extra - - _ Solid French brackets at six corners - - - - - Two extra ditto in the knee hole . _ _ _ . For the price of work not inserted here — See Serpentine Dressing Chest. Oiling and polishing ------ 0 1 4 0 0 8 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 A LOBBY CHEST, Three feet six inches long, three long and two short drawers in ditto, cock beaded, astragal or stone moulding on the edge of the top, or the edge veneer’d, and a string in the upper corner, fast plinth, or common brackets - - 1 6 O EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length Ditto, above three feet six inches higfh - - _ - Each long drawer, more or less - Each short ditto - Each inch in depth of drawer more than ten - - - Each partition, more or less - Lining ditto cross-way, each Slipping drawer sides and plowing bottoms in, each drawer Munting in each bottom ------- Half ditto under the bottom ------ A front edge under the top or above the base moulding 0 0 7 0 0 3 0 2 9 0 2 3 0 0 3 0 0 71 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 4 00 2 0 0 4 A frize 16 A frize under the top moulding, veneer’d cross-way, until an astragal at foot - Glueing up ends, top, or drawer ft'onts, either solid or to veneer on, at per joint ------- Cutting down stuff for ditto, each cut - - - , Clamping the top end-way, to appear as solid - - . Veneering the top - -- -- -- - Each joint in the veneer ------- A string in the lower corner of the top, per foot Veneering each end -------- Each joint in the veneer ------- Veneering long drawer fronts, each - - - - - Ditto each short - -- -- -- - Each butt joint in the veneer ------ Colouring and polishing drawer fronts inside, each Veneering partition edges askew or cross-way, per foot extra Ditto with king, tulip, or any other hard wood, at per foot Making this chest in two pieces - - - - - For the price of any other work — See Dressing Chest. Oiling and polishing - - £. s. d. 0 1 10 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 1 2 0 0 7 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 4 0 0 8 0 0 6 0 0 4 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 4 0 0 Oil ROUND-FRONT LOBBY CHEST, Three feet six inches long, three long and two short drawers in ditto, cock beaded, astragal or stone moulding on the edge of the top, or the edge veneer’d, and a string in the upper corner, French feet, or common brackets - - - - - - - - -1150 EXTRAS. 17 EXTRAS. <£• s. Each inch, more or less, in length 0 0 Ditto, above three feet six inches high - - - -00 Eliptic sweep, extra from round front - - “ - 0 2 If a break at each end, and lined up for pilasters - - 0 6 For the price of pilasters — See Straight-front Library ^ bottom d. 9 6 6 0 part. Each long drawer, more or less - - - - - Each short ditto - -- -- -- - Each inch in depth of drawer more than ten - - - Each partition, more or less ------ Lining each ditto cross-way - - - - - - Slipping drawer sides, and plowing bottoms in, each drawer blunting in each bottom - - Half ditto under the bottom ------ A front edge under the top ------ A frize under the top moulding veneered cross-way, with an astragal at foot ------- Ditto, when pilasters ------- Glueing up ends or top, either sold or to veneer on, at per joint Sawing down stuff for ditto, each cut - - - Sawing long drawer fronts out of two-inch stuff, each cut Ditto each short Sawing long drawer fronts out of three inch stuff, each cut - Ditto each short - -- -- -- - Glueing up long drawer fronts, each joint - - - Ditto each short •* - - - Veneering the top - - - Each joint in the veneer - 0 3 10 0 2 9 0 0 4 0 0 9 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 2 2 0 2 10 0 0 1 0 0 0 | 0 0 1 0 0 Ot 0 0 1 - 1 - 0 0 Oa 0 0 1 | 0 0 Oa 4 0 1 2 0 0 7 A string D 18 A string in the lower corner of the top, per foot Veneering each end Each joint in the veneer Veneering each long drawer front - - - , . Each short ditto- Veneering long drawer front inside, each - - - . Ditto each short ^ . Each butt joint in the veneer - - . . . , Veneering partition edges askew or cross-way, per foot extra Ditto with king tulip, or any other hard wood, at per foot - For the price of other work not inserted here — See Hound- Front Di'essing Chest. Oiling and polishing A SERPENTINE LOBBY CHEST, Three feet six inches long, three long and two short drawers in ditto, cock-beaded, astragal or stone moulding on the edge of the top, or the edge veneer’d, and a string in the upper corner, French feet^ or common brackets EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length - Ditto above three feet six inches high Each long drawer, more or less Each short ditto - - - . . Each inch in deptli of drawer more than ten Each partition, more or less - - « £. s. d. 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 4 0 1 1 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 U 0 0 2 0 0 11 2 9 0 0 11 0 0 6 0 4 6 0 3 2 0 0 5 0 0 10 Lining 19 Lining each ditto^iay ------ Slipping drawer sides, and plowing bottoms in, each drawer Munting in each bottom ------- Half ditto under the botom ------ A front edge under the t>p ------ A frize under the top noulding, veneer’d cross-way, with an astragal at foot ------- Glueing up ends or top, tither solid or to veneer on, at per joint ---------- Cutting down stuff for citto, each cut - - - - Sawing long draw^er fronts out of two inch stuff, each cut Ditto, each short - - - Sawing long drawer fronts out of three-inch stuff, each cut Ditto, each short -------- Glueing up long drawer fronts, each joint - - - Ditto, each short ------ Veneering the top - Each joint in the veneer String in the lower corner of the top , - - _ Veneering each end ------- Each joint in the veneer ------ Veneering each long drawer front - - - - - Ditto each short - Each butt joint in the veneer ------ Veneering partition edges askew or cross- way, per foot extra Veneering long drawer fronts inside, each _ - - Ditto each short - -- -- -- - For the price of other work not inserted here— Serpentine Dressing Chest, Oiling and polishing ------- 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 2 0 0 6 0 2 6 0 0 1 0 0 Of 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 I 0 1 2 0 0 7 0 0 10 0 1 0 0 0 4 0 1 3 0 0 9 0 0 6 0 0 1 0 0 9 0 0 7 0 1 0 D 2 PAR. nJh P\RTICULARS OF A FURNITURE DRAWER. Each square hole, formed by partitions the depth of the drawer Each partition for rings, combs, &c. that are shallow - 0 A glass frame hing’d to a sliding piece - - - - 0 A horse behind ditto -------0 Framing the sliding piece ~ 0 A frame for the glass to fall into ----- 0 Making the glass frame, or piece the frame is hing’d to, fit a sweep front -0 A straight-front drawer under the glass - - - - o A sweep front ditto -.-----0 A drawer in the end for ink, sand, and wafers - - - 0 A hollow for pins or pens .----- o Each square loose cover 0 Ditto to fit a sweep front - - - . - - - “0 Rounding or champhering each cover - - - - o Veneering each cover - - - - - - - 0 Hinging each ditto Putting a lock on ditto - 0 Putting thin stuff inside holes, to form a rabbit for cover each side Each square box without a top ------ 0 Ditto to fit the sweep of front ------ 0 Price of covers to ditto as above. Rabbiting the top, and fixing one part fast, the other part hing’d to ditto - - - - - - - - 0 A square box, with the top cut off, and a rim inside ditto 0 Ditto to fit a sweep front -------0 s. d. 0 3l 0 2 4 0 0 10 0 4 1 4 0 4 1 0 1 6 3 0 0 4 0 4 0 6 0 3 0 1 0 3 0 3 l 0 1 1 0 2 0 0 8 T 8 2 8 21 An empty lift-out - -- -- -- - Each hole in ditto form’d by partitions - - - - Each false bottom under rings, combs, or lift-out If made to tilt A plain comb tray - -- -- -- - Each finger hole in ditto ------- Scolloping the edges ------- Rabbiting the bottom on ditto ------ If made with a drawer to ditto ------ A square pincushion board, with a moulding round ditto A frame for ditto - - - - - An oval ditto, and preparations A square brush top -------- An oval ditto, and preparations A plain slider, square clamp’d A flap to ditto ---- - A horse to ditto - -- -- -- - A bottom under ditto ------- Hinging the flap with a bead and band round ditto IMaking the slider to fit the inside of round front Ditto serpentine Lining the slider with cloth Ditto when a flap - -- - - -- - Lopers to support drawer ------ Lining inside of drawer with bead stuff . - - - Ditto, when round front ------- Ditto, when serpentine ~ For the price of glueing colour’d wood on partition edges ^See Secretary Drawer^ Cross-banding, &c . — See Table of ditto. Every inch above three feet in the length of drawer £. s. d. 0 0 9 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 4 0 1 3 0 0 1 0 0 4 0 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 6 0 0 10 0 2 0 0 0 6 0 2 0 0 2 6 0 1 0 0 0 10 0 0 6 0 0 9 0 0 4 0 0 6 0 0 9 0 1 0 0 4 0 0 0 8 0 0 10 0 i 0 0 0 2 SECRE- 22 A SECRETARY DRAWER, Three feet six inches long, front cock beaded, six small drawers, and six letter holes inside - - - . (£• s» 1 0 d. 0 EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length Each small drawer, more or less Slipping each ditto - w Putting in partition for ink, sand, and wafers - - - A hollow for pens - -- -- -- - Each letter hole, more or less ------ Each space for books or paper ------ Each plain arch - -- -- -- - Each circular arch, with a string in the sweep part Ditto, with a cock bead ------- Lining up the ends with thin stuff to receive the inside work Ditto the bottom - -- -- -- - A plain prospect door ------- Hanging ditto on the miter ------ Each solid flap to enclose drawers or letter holes, hing’d on the edge - -- -- -- -- If hing’d as secretary-drawer front - - Square clamping each flap ------ Veneering each flap - - - - Miter clamping ditto, each miter extra - - - - A plain tambour to enclose the centre part of the inside, to run right and left ------- Veneering each small drawer front or prospect door 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 8 0 0 4 0 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 4 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 1 6 0 0 6 0 2 9 0 3 9 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 6 0 6 0 0 0 H If N|l-t N|H N|H 23 If a small drawer front represents two in length - - - Ditto in width - A string round the outside of drawer front or prospect door, or letting in ditto to form a square pannel, each Letting a string in a prospect door to form a pannel with circular top A sliding prospect, the pilaster drawer to take out behind Each pilaster drawer in front, with plain flutes Counter flutes, extra - Glueing black, white, or other veneer, on the edges of par- titions, each space round the drawers or letter holes - A triple string, each space Veneeiing the fiont and standing board, or banding ditto for cloth - Lining ditto with cloth - A slider inside drawer, with a flap, horse, and bottom - Veneering the drawer front outside Laying ditto in two pieces - _ . . _ Making ditto round front, and filling up the inside of front extra ’ Ditto serpentine _ _ _ _ A flap withinside the front, hingM - - . . Square clamping ditto _ A drawer in the hollow of front - , , A flap inside ditto, hingM _ „ ^ Veneering round front drawer outside - . . Ditto serpentine _ _ _ _ Laying the veneer of round front drawer in two pieces Ditto serpentine ditto - _ . . Hinging front with dolphin hinges, extra . T For the price of cross-banding, Scc.—See Tables. Sm 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0b 0 2 6 0 1 9 0 0 6 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 9 0 6 6 0 0 9 0 1 o 0 6 6 0 7 6 0 1 6 0 0 3 0 1 9 0 0 9 0 1 2 0 1 4 0 1 4 0 1 6 0 0 6 A SECRE^ 24 A SECRETARY, £. S. d. Three feet six inches long, six small drawers, and six letter holes inside, the drawer front cock beaded, two flat- pannePd doors under ditto, pannels plow’d in, one book shelf inside, astragal or stone moulding on the edge of the top, or the edge veneer’d, and a string in the upper cor- ner, on plinth or common brackets - _ - - EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length - - - - - Each clothes-press shelf - Each front to ditto For the price of extra work in ditto — See Clothes Press. Glueing up ends, top, drawer front, or pannels, either solid or to veneer on, at per joint _ - - - - Cutting down stuff for ditto, each cut _ - - - Veneering top - - - Ditto each end Each joint in the veneer of top _ - - - - Ditto in the veneer of end ------ Veneering the top, when a bookcase - _ - - Veneering the door frames ------ Ditto cross-way, extra ------- Veneering the pannels ------- Each joint in the veneer ------- Veneering the drawer front outside _ - - - - For extra work in ditto — See Secretary Drawer. Veneering partition edges askew or cross-way, per foot extra 2 2 0 0 0 9 0 1 8 0 0 6 0 0 1 0 0 Oi 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 6 0 0 6 0 0 9 2 0 7 4 0 0 1 An An astragal round the carcase, above or below the doore A frize veneer’d cross-way, with an astragal at foot, under the top moulding ------- Each long drawer inside of doors, scratch beaded Each short ditto - -- -- -- - Cock beading each long drawer, extra - - - - Ditto each short - -- -- -- - Each partition - -- -- -- - Lining ditto cross-way, each - Veneering drawer fronts — See Lobby Chest. French feet, French brackets, or other work in carcase See Di'essmg Chest. Oiling and polishing - A ROUND-FRONT SECRETARY, Three feet six inches long, the drawer front cock beaded, six small drawers and six letter holes, straight inside, two flat- pannel’d doors under ditto, the framing plow’d and pannels bent in, one book shelf inside, astragal or stone moulding on the edge of the top, or the edge veneer’d, and a string in the upper corner, French feet or common brackets EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length - - - - _ Each clothes-press shelf - - Each front to ditto - For the price of extra work in shelves — See Clothes Press. JJ. s. d. 0 i 0 0 2 0 0 2 4 0 I II 0 0 5 0 0 4 0 0 r 0 0 1 0 0 11 2 16 6 0 0 11 0 2 2 0 0 9 £ Veneer- 26 <£• Veneering the door frames long-way - - - - 0 Ditto cross-way " - 0 Glueing up the pannels to the sweep, at per joint - - 0 Veneering ditto, each --0 Veneering the drawer front outside - - - - - 0 For the price of extra work in ditto See Secretary Drawer. Veneering partition edges askew or cross-wa^^, per foot extra 0 An astragal round the carcase, above or below the doors - 0 A frize under the top moulding veneer’d cross-way, with an astragal at foot - Each long drawer inside the doors, scratch beaded - - 0 Each short ditto - - - - - - - -0 Cock beading each long drawer front, extra - - - o Ditto each short - -- -- -- -O Each partition -0 Lining ditto cross-way, each ------ 0 Veneering drawer fronts, &c. See Round-front Lobby Chest. For any extra \VQrk in carcase - — S ee Rgmd-froni Dressing Chest. Oiling and polishing s. d. 3 0 4 O' 0 9 1 9 1 9 0 11 1 9 9 9 3 9 9 4 0 8 0 6 0 9 0 1 0 11 A SER- 27 A SERPENTINE-FRONT SECRETARY, j£> Three feet six inches long, the drawer front cock beaded six small drawers and six letter holes inside, two flat-pan- nel doors, or ditto glued up and clamped, one book shelf inside, astragal or stone moulding on the edge of the top, or the edge veneerM, and a string in the upper corner, French feet or common brackets ^ EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length - - - - - Each clothes-press shelf, with or without a front For the price of extra work in shelves — See Clothes press. Veneering the door frames long-way - Ditto cross-way Veneering the pannels, each - - - - - Veneering the drawer front outside . - - - - For the price of extra work in ditto — See Secretary Drau)er. Veneering the partition edges askew or cross-way, per foot extra - - - An astragal round the carcase above orl>elow the doors A frize under the top moulding veneer’d cross-way, and an astragal at foot - -- -- -- - Each long drawer inside the doors, scratch beaded Each short ditto Cock beading each long drawer front, extra Ditto each short - -- -- -- - Each partition ------- E 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 s. cl. U 0 1 2 3 6 3 10 4 * 9 1 8 1 4 0 H 1 6 2 6 3 8 2 6 0 10 0 8 0 10 Lining 28 Lining ditto cross-way - - _ - ^ , Veneering drawer fronts, ends, See.— See Serpentine front Lobby Chest. For extra work in carcase — See Serpentine Dressing Chest. Oiling and polishing A BUREAU, Two feet eight inches long, four drawers in ditto, cock beaded, six small drawers and six letter holes inside, on plinth or common brackets - - - - ^ - EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length - - - « _ Each long drawer, more or less - . . _ . Each short drawer - Each partition, more or less Lining ditto cross- way, each Slipping drawer sides and plowing bottoms in, each drawer Munting in each bottom - Half ditto under the bottom Glueing up ends, top, fall, or drawer fronts, either solid or to veneer on, at per joint - Cutting down stuff for ditto, each cut - - - - Squaie clamping the fall either solid or to veneer on - - Miter clamping ditto, each miter extra - - - _ Veneering the fall, each side Mitering the veneer to represent clamps - - » - £. s. d. 0 0 I 0 1 0 1 12 0 0 0 9 0 2 6 0 2 0 0 0 7 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 6 0 0 9 0 0 9 Veneer- Veneering the top - Veneering long drawer fronts, each ----- Ditto each short - -- -- -- - Each butt joint in the veneer ------ Each joint in the veneer of fall, top, or drawer fronts - Veneering partition edges askew or cross-way, per foot extra Veneering the standing board ------ Veneering the fall and standing board to receive cloth, or sinking ditto out of the solid - - - - - Lining ditto with cloth - - _ _ Veneering the ends outside, each ----- Each joint in the veneer Veneering the inside of ends and up the slopes A pair of flat-panncl doors in place of the three lower drawers, with three clothes shelves inside, extra from drawers - Each front to ditto -------- For the price of extra work in ditto— .See Clothes Press. Veneering the door frames - Ditto cross-way, extra - Veneering the pannels - - - Each joint in the veneer - -• - - - . FmmM back, each panncl ------ If the top rail of ditto is the depth of the inside, or an inner back, extra --------- Hunting in a plain back For the price of extra work inside — Secretory Drower. For the price of French feet, French brackets, or other work not inserted here — Dressing Chest. Oiling and polishing £. s. d. 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 6 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 5 4 0 0 6 0 0 11 DOUBLE 30 A DOUBLE CHEST, Three feet six inches long, six feet four inches high to the £, s. d, top of the cornice, six long and two short drawers in ditto, cock beaded, on plinth or common brackets - - -240 EXTRAS. Each inch more or less, in length Ditto in height - -- -- -- - Each long drawer, more or less . - - - - Each short ditto - Each inch in the depth of drawers more than ten Each partition, more or less ------ Lining ditto cross-way, each - - , - Slipping drawer sides and plowing bottoms in, each drawer Munting in drawer bottoms, each - - - - - Half ditto under the bottom For the price of veneering drawer fronts, ends, &c . — See Lobby Chest, Veneering partition edges askew or cross-way, per foot extra Ditto with king, tulip, or any other hard wood, at per foot An ovalo in the front corners of the upper carcase Canting the corners ------- Gothic columns, extra from canted corners - - - Loose cornice frame - - - - - - “ False top to ditto - -- -- -- - Veneering the frize cross way, and an astragal at foot of ditto Ditto when a Gothic cornice ------ Loose frame for surbase moulding - - - - - Ditto for plinth or brackets ------ Ditto for French feet - - - - ■ 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 2 9 0 2 3 0 0 3 0 0 71 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 U 0 2 0 0 3 6 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 8 0 2 0 0 2 3 0 0 9 0 1 0 0 1 8 Canting 31 £. s. d. Cantinaf cornice frame and cornice broke round ditto - - 0 1 6 Breaking the astragal and frize round - - - - 0 0 6 For the price of French feet, French brackets, slider, or other work not inserted here — See Dressing Chest. For the price of Gothic cornice, dentil, fascia, or cross- mouldings, &c . — See Tables of Ditto, Oiling and polishing 018 A ROUND-FRONT DOUBLE CHEST, Three feet six inches long, six feet four inches high to the top of the cornice, six long and two short drawers in ditto, cock beaded, on French feet, or common brackets - -- -- -- -- EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length - - - - - Ditto in height - Each long drawer, more or less - - - - - Each short ditto - -- -- -- - Each inch in depth of drawer more than ten - - - Each partition, more or less - . - Lining ditto cross way, each ------ For the price of glueing up drawer fronts or ends, and ve- neering ditto— Round front Lobby Chest. Veneering partition edges askew or cross- way, per foot extra Loose frame for cornice or plinth - - - - - Ditto for surbase - -- -- -- - Veneering the frize, with an astragal at foot of ditto Ditto, when Gothic cornice ------ 0 1 4 0 0 4 0 3 10 0 2 9 0 0 4 0 0 9 0 0 I 0 0 1 0 1 6 0 Oil 0 2 3 0 2 6 For N|H 32 £. d. For the price of other work — See Straight-front Double Chest. Oiling and polishing A LOW CLOTHES PRESS, Four feet long, in one carcase, two flat-pannel’d doors, pannels plow’d in, three clothes shelves inside, two short drawers at bottom, cock beaded, astragal round the car- case between the doors and drawers, astragal or stone moulding on the edge of the top, on plinth or common brackets - - - - " ■ " EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length _ - - - - Ditto above four feet high Each shelf front Veneering the top - - - " " “ Each joint in the veneer of ditto _ . - - - A^eneering ends, each ------- Each joint in the veneer - _ _ _ - For the price of other work not inserted here — See Clothes Press, Oiling and polishing ------- 0 1 1 14 0 0 0 9 0 0 4 0 0 6 0 1 6 0 0 8 0 1 2 0 0 6 0 1 2 A CLOTHES 33 A CLOTHES PRESS, £. Four feet long, six feet six inches high to the top of the cornice, two flat pannelM doors, pannels plow’d in, and five shelves in the upper part, one long and two short drawers in the lower part, cock beaded, on plinth or common brackets --------5 EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length ----- 0 Ditto in height Each long drawer, more or less 0 Each short ditto Each partition, more or less ------ o Lining ditto cross-way, each - 0 Each shelf, more or less - -- -- -- 0 Each shelf front - -- -- ---0 If any of the shelves arc made deeper than six inches, each inch extra - -- -- -- -- 0 Rabbiting the sides of shelves, and slipping the bottoms, each shelf • - - - - - - Slipping draw^er or shelf sides, and plowing bottoms in, each drawer or shelf extra 0 hi anting in each bottom - - - - - - 0 Half ditto under the bottom ------ 0 If the slips for shelves to run on are cross-way, each slip extra -------- - - 0 If the shelves are made of cedar, each shelf extra - - C Each piece across the carcase to stay the ends - - - C Glueing up ends, drawer fronts, or pannels, either solid or to veneer on, at per joint ------ c 10 6 1 0 0 3 3 0 2 6 0 8 0 1 1 9 0 6 0 1 | 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 2 0 1 0 6 0 6 0 1 F Cutting 34 Cutting down stuff for ditto, each cut - - - . Putting in the pannels with a bead behind _ Veneering the upper ends, each - - - _ _ Each joint in the veneer - - ^ _ Veneering the lower ends, each - - . _ _ Each joint in the veneer Veneering the pannels, each Each joint in the veneer - Veneering door frames straight - - - _ _ Ditto cross-way, extra Veneering each long drawer front - - - _ « Ditto each short - Each butt joint in the veneer Veneering partition edges askew or cross-way, per foot extra Ditto with king, tulip, or any other hard wood, at per foot For the price of extra work on dooi*s-— Doors for Recesses. For any other work in carcase — See Dressing or Double Chest. Oiling and polishing A ROUND-FRONT CLOTHES PRESS, Four feet long, six feet six inches high to the top of the cornice, two flat-pannePd doors, the framing plow^I, and the pannels bent into ditto, five shelves in the upper 'part, one long and two short drawers in the lower part, cock beaded) on French feet or common brackets £ s» d. 0 0 0 i 0 1 0 0 I 2 0 0 5 0 0 9 0 0 3 0 1 0 0 0 6 0 2 3 0 1 6 0 0 9 0 0 6 0 0 4 0 0 Ji 0 0 11 0 2 0 3 15 0 Extras. 35 EXTRAS; Each inch, more or less, in length ----- - Ditto in height - -- -- -- - Each long drawer, more or less - - - - - Each short ditto - -- -- --- Each partition, more or less ------ Lining ditto cross-way, each - - - - - - Each shelf, more or less Each front to ditto Veneering each shelf front ------ Veneering each long drawer front - - - - - Ditto each short - -- -- -- - Veneering door frames long-way - Ditto cross-way, extra ------- Glueing up the pannels to the sweep, at per joint Veneering sweep pannels, each - . - - - Veneering partition edges askew or cross-way, per foot extra Doors glued up, and clampM, considered the same as those described in the preamble. For the price of work not inserted here — See Chthes PresSy Round-Jront Lobby Chesty or Double Chest, Oiling and polishing ------- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 s, 1 0 4 3 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 3 1 0 1 0 d. 4 4 2 0 10 1 3 9 4 3 9 3 6 2 6 ll 0 2 0 F 2 A WING 36 A WING CLOTHES PRESS, As in Plate 5. Six feet eight inches long, six feet nine inches high to the top of the cornice, two flat-pannel’cl doors to the upper carcase of middle part, pannels plow’d in, six clothes shelves inside ditto, two long and two short drawers in the lower part, cock beaded, the wing doors to open from top to bottom, with two pannels in each, plow’d in, four fast shelves inside one wing, turn’d pegs in the other, loose cornice, fram’d back to the top and bottom of middle part, fast plinth -------- EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length - - - - “ Ditto in height - -- -- -- - Glueing up the ends of middle part, drawer fronts, or pan- nels, at per joint ------- Cutting down stuff for ditto, each cut Glueing up the ends of wings, at per joint - - - Cutting down stuff for ditto, each cut - - - ■ Putting in the pannels with a bead behind, each pair Veneering each long drawer front . - - - - Ditto each short - -- -- -- Each butt joint in the veneer “■ Veneering door frames of middle part long-way - - - Ditto cross-way, extra ------- Veneering door frames of wings long-way - - “ " Ditto cross-way - - - Veneering each long pannel Ditto each short - -- -- -- - Each joint in the veneer ------- Sm 5 16 0 0 1 3 0 0 6 0 0 1 0 0 Of 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 9 0 0 6 0 0 4 0 2 3 0 1 6 0 4 0 0 6 6 0 1 0 0 0 9 0 0 6 A^eneer- 37 Veneering the outside ends of wings, each - - - Each joint in the veneer, the whole length - Ditto, when the veneer is laid in two pieces - , - Veneering the breaks of middle carcase _ - - - Veneering frize, with an astragal at foot of ditto Ditto, when a Gothic cornice - Each j up joint in the surbase ------ Eraming the lower part of wing doors, solid, or veneering ditto, to represent three sham drawers, cock beaded, each door, extra If drawers in the lower part of wings, deduct for lower framing each door Each drawer in the wings ------ Each partition - -- -- -- - Lining ditto cross-way - Each bracket in the top part of wings or center, to turn with a rule joint to receive the clothes pegs . - - Arms for gowns hung with swivels, each - - - If doors to the lower part of middle carcase, deduct for drawers and partitions as above. Cleaning the inside of carcase - - - - - For the price of doors — See Recess Doors. A loose frame for the plinth - Each plain pilaster on the stiles of wing doors Each false end to receive pilaster - - - - - Fixing pilasters on ditto, each - . - - _ Veneering each pilaster ------- Ditto cross- way, extra ------- Veneering the edges of ditto, each edge - - - - A small moulding, miter’d at top and bottom, to form a cap and base, each pilaster ------ s. d. 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 6 0 1 0 0 3 9 0 4 3 0 1 0 0 2 6 0 1 6 0 2 0 0 0 5 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 6 0 1 6 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 1 4 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 3 0 0 6 Mitering 38 Mitering a fillet round the pilaster to form a pannel, each Ditto a small moulding - For pilasters to the top and bottom of middle part, and breaking mouldings round ditto — See Straight-front Li- brary, Fram’d backs to the wings, each pannel - - - . For the price of other work not inserted here — See Clothes Press, Oiling and polishing , . A PRESS BEDSTEAD, Four feet long, six feet nine inches high to the top of the cornice, two doors, with two flat pannels in each, pannels plow’d in, or the front fram’d in one, and hing’d under the cornice, one drawer at the bottom, cock beaded, two framed backs, with two pannels in each, on plinth or common brackets EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length - - - - - Ditto in height - Each short drawer - Framing the bottom part of doors, solid, or veneering ditto to represent two drawers on each door, cock beaded A flap at the bottom of the front, hing’d to let clqwn or made to take off - Square clamping ditto £• s, d. 0 1 0 0 1 6 0 0 6 0 3 6 2 2 0 0 0 8 00 3 Q 2 5 0 3 4 0 2 0 0 0 6 Veneering 39 Veneering each long diMwcr front - , - . _ Ditto each short - Making the ends to open in the middle _ _ _ Ditto to open at the back, and gibbets to support the cornice Hinging the door on the miter to fold against the ends Square clamping the ends, each clamp - _ . _ Miter clamping ditto, each miter extra « Jlinging the front under the cornice, the hinges not to shew in front - Veneering the door frames long-way - - - - . Ditto cross-way, extra - Veneering each upper pannel ------ Ditto each lower - Each joint in the veneer - Veneering the frize, with an astngal at the foot of ditto Ditto when a Gothic cornice Making the above to represent a clothes press, with a sur- base moulding round the carcase ----- If the end of surbase moulding is cross- way, extra Each jup joint in the surbase ------ Putting in the pannels, with a b^ad behind, each pair When the front is made in one with oval or glass doors, three- pence in a shilling to be reckened irl advance upon all the extra work, from flat pannels o' square sash. For the price of French feet or brackets — See Dressing Chest. Oiling and polishing ------- A plain Bedstead, with swing feet, and a rail fram’d be- tween - - - - __ A straining rail to ditto - Temporary posts, turn d, and fixel into the sides with screws and plates - --. £. s, fig. 1, extra from straight Circular top, as in plate 7» fig. 2, extra from straight £. s. d. 0 0 8 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 3 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 4 3 0 1 6 0 3 0 0 0 lx 0 0 2 0 0 10 0 0 1 0 0 0 | 0 0 9 0 0 4 0 2 2 0 1 6 0 1 0 0 0 6 0 1 9 0 2 0 0 0 6 1 0 0 0 16 0 An 46 An eliptic top Each sliding candle board FramM back, each pannel Hunting in a plain back For the price of extra work Oiling and polishing doors — See Tables of ditto. £. s. d. 0 17 6 0 1 0 0 0 6 0 0 4 0 0 9 A COUNTING-HOUSE BOOK-CASE, Three feet long, and three feet high to the top of the cornice, the ends nine inches wide, two flat panneFd doors, the pannels plow’d in - - EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length or height - - - Ditto in width of ends ------- Each joint in the ends or pannels - - - - - Cutting down stuff for ditto, each cut - _ - - Veneering each end - Each joint in the veneer Veneering each pannel - Each joint in the veneer ------- Veneering door frames long' way _ Ditto cross-way, extra ------- Loose cornice frame ______ Veneering the frize cross-way, with astragal at foot - Ditto when a Gothic cornice For the price of Gothic cornice, dentil, oy Table of ditto. 0 13 6 0 0 4 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 Oi 0 0 9 0 0 4 0 1 0 0 0 6 0 2 2 0 1 6 0 1 0 0 1 9 0 2 0 Letting 47 Letting in quarter stuff for fluting, extra from veneering frize - -- -- -- -- - Each partition or shelf across the book-case . - « Each upright ditto for books ------ Scolloping ditto, each ------- Each letter hole Each plain arch - Each drawer not exceeding twelve inches long or three in- ches deep --------- Each ditto more than twelve and not exceeding eighteen inches Each ditto above eighteen inches long - - - » Each inch more than three in depth ---- Slipping each drawer ------- FramM back, each pannel - - - M unting in a plain back - Oiling and polishing ------- £. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 s, d, 0 6 0 8 0 5 0 2 0 4 0 1 1 0 1 3 1 6 0 2 0 1 0 6 0 4 0 9 A STRAIGHT-FRONT LIBRARY BOOK-CASE, Five feet long, and eight feet high to the top of the cornice, the lower ends one foot eight inches wide, the upper ditto ten inches wide, two sash doors to tiie upper part, six squares in each, two flat-pan neFd doors to the lower part, pannels plow\l in, an upright partition in each carcase, groov d on both sides, six shelves in the upper and two ditto in the lower part, fram^l backs, six pan- nels, and fast plinth - - - - „ _ - 3120 Extras. H)h UlH 48 EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length Ditto in height or width of ends, upper or lower part Each extra carcase in the top part - - - - - Ditto in the lower part ------- No charge to be made for more than three carcases in each part. If fix’d frames for curtians, deduct the price of doors, then add for each frame Plain pilasters glued on the stiles of doors or frames of the upper part, each pilaster ------ Ditto on the lower doors or frames, each - - - - False ends to receive pilasters, either upper or lower part, each end - -- -- -- -- Fixing plain pilasters to the upper ends, each - - - Ditto on the lower ends, each - - - - - Veneering pilasters of upper part long-way, each Ditto lower part, each ------- Veneering ditto cross- way, extra each - - - - Veneering each edge of ditto ------ Mitering a small moulding round the top and bottom form a cap and base, each pilaster .--- A moulding miter’d round, to forma pannel, each pilaster Breaking the plinth round the pilasters, each miter Each extra miter in the surbase - - - - - Each ditto in the moulding under the upper doors A loose cornice frame ------- Veneering the frize cross-way, and an astragal at foot, per foot Ditto, when a Gothic cornice - - - - - e£*. 0 0 0 0 to 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c c c c c c c s, d. 1 3 0 6 2 9 2 3 2 0 0 9 0 6 2 0 1 0 0 9 0 4. 0 3 0 4 0 2 0 6 1 0 0 3 0 1 0 1 1 4 0 4 0 4i A frize 4 w)w 49 A frize under the surbase moulding, with an astragal at foot, per foot - - - • ■ * Breaking ditto round pilasters, each miter - - « Each extra miter in the cornice when broke round the pi- lasters Ditto the astragal - • - - “ * " “ Veneering the plinth long- way, per foot - - , - Ditto cross-way, per foot - - For the price of drawers in the lower part, extra doors, backs, shelves, or any other work not inserted here — Sec Library with Breaks. Oiling and polishing, at per foot in length - - - £. 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 A LIBRARY BOOK-CASE, as in Plate 1 , Six feet long, eight feet high to the top of the cornice, the middle ends of lower part one foot seven inches wide, the middle ends of upper part one foot two inches wide, square sash doors to the upper part, six squares in each flat-pannel’d doors to the lower part, pannels plow’d in, the lower part made in one carcase, three clothes shelves in the center, and one book shelf in each wing, the up- per part made in three, with nine book shelves in ditto, fram’d backs and fast plinth - ^ - EXTRAS Each inch less to five feet in length - - - • • Each inch more in length - - - - ^ - H 0 0 s» d, 0 3 0 1 | 0 6 0 Oi 0 2 0 3 0 7 15 0 1 6 1 6 Each 50 Each inch, more or less, in height Ditto in the width of middle ends, either top or bottom carcase Making the lower part in three carcases - - . _ Each joint in the upper outside ends - - _ _ Each ditto more than one in the upper inside ends Each joint in the lower outside ends - - Each ditto more than two in the lower inside ends Cutting down stuff for ditto, each cut - - . _ Veneering each end Each joint in the veneer of upper ends - - - . Ditto in the veneer of lower ends - - - . . Veneering door frames long-way, each pair - - Ditto cross-way on the upper frames, each pair extra - Ditto cross-way on the lower frames, each pair extra - Veneering each pannel in bottom part - Each joint in the veneer of ditto - - . Veneering each pannel for top part Each joint in ditto Veneering the top long-way, per foot in length = Ditto cross-way Veneering the breaks of middle carcases, each break - If drawers in the wings of lower part in place of doors, de- duct for each cupboard - - . Each outside drawer in the wings, cock beaded - Each partition - Lining ditto cross-way, each When drawers in the center part as above, deduct for doors Ditto for each shelf - Each long drawer in the center part Each shert ditto - - _ JB s, d, 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 4 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 6 0 0 4 0 2 4 0 1 6 0 1 0 0 0 9 0 0 6 0 i 0 0 0 9 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 4 0 3 0 0 2 3 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 8 0 0 1 8 0 2 9 0 2 3 Each h|n 51 Each partition - Each long drawer within the doors of middle part, scratch beaded - - Cock beading ditto, extra Each short drawer in the center or in the wings, scratch beaded Cock beading ditto - 4 - - Each joint in drawer fronts or pannels, either solid or to ve- neer on - - Cutting down stuff for ditto, each cut - - _ . Slipping drawer sides and plowing bottoms in, each drawer Hunting in bottoms, each Half ditto under the bottom ------ Veneering each long drawer front - - - - - Ditto each short - r Each butt joint in the veneer - - - Veneering the partition edges askew or cross-way, at per foot extra - -- -- -- -- Ditto with king, tulip, or any other hard wood - - - For the price of extra work in shelves, &c , — See Clothes Press. An upright partition in the upper middle part, plain groov’d on both sides - - - - - - - Ditto in the lower part ------- For the price of any other sort of grooving or extra shelves — ■ See Book-case. A loose frame for the plinth ------ Veneering the plinth long-way, per foot - - _ - Ditto cross-way, per foot ------ A loose frame for the surbase moulding - - - - A veneer’d frize below the surbase moulding, with an as- tragal at foot, per foot - H 2 JC. s. d. 0 0 n 0 2 i 0 0 6 0 i U 0 0 4 0 0 1 0 0 Of 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 2 0 0 8 0 0 6 0 0 4 0 0 I 0 0 1 0 3 6 026 0 3 0 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 3f Veneer-- 52 Veneering the frize under the cornice, with astragal at foot, per foot - -- -- -- -- Ditto, when a Gothic cornice ------ For the price of Gothic cornice, dentil, or fascia— -/See Table of ditto. Letting in quarter stuff for fluting, extra from veneering the frize - -- -- -- -- An astragal round the front and ends of lower part, when a drawer above the doors ------ If only on the middle part ------ No extra carcases more than three in each part to be charg’d for, only add for each extra door - - - - - If framed backs to extra carcases, each pannel - - - Mitering beads round the framing of backs, each pannel The top and bottom part of this library, as first described, considered of equal value when divided for the work- men, and all extras may be added to each part sepa- rate ; the bottom part to start in that case three feet high. Oiling and polishing, at per foot in length £- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A STRAIGHT-FRONT CABINET, Four feet long, five feet high to the top of the cornice, in two carcases, two inner ends and four flat-pannel’d doors to the upper part, pannels plow’d in, two ditto to the wings of the lower part, and one drawer in the center, the lower ends fourteen inches wide, the upper ends seven inches, on taper stump feet - - - 5 . d. 0 4 0 6 1 0 1 9 0 9 4 0 0 6 0 3 0 % 8 0 Extras. n|h 53 EXTRAS. £, s. d. Each inch, more or less, in length, when as above - Ditto, when drawers within the wing doors of the upper or lower part Ditto, when drawers in the wings of both parts - Ditto, in width of ends of each carcase, when empty Ditto, the upper part, when drawers Ditto, the lower part, when drawers - - - Ditto, in height, when empty . - - - - Ditto, when drawers, or groov’d for shelves Plain grooving the ends for shelves, each side For the price of extra grooving — See Book-case. If the inside is fitted up with small drawers, Scc.-See Counting-house Book-case. Each shelf in the upper part ------ Ditto in the lower part When no door to the wings, deduct for door and cleaning cupboard, each Each drawer in the wings ------ Each partition - Each extra drawer in the center - _ - - - Each partition - Lining ditto cross way, each - - - - Slipping drawer sides and plowing bottoms in, each drawer Glueing up ends, drawer fronts, or pannels, either solid or to veneer on, at per joint * Cuttino; down stuff for ditto, each cut - - - - Veneering each drawer front in the wings Ditto in the center part - - > - - - - Each butt joint in the veneer - — - - - 0 0 10 0 1 1 0 1 5 0 0 4 0 0 9 0 0 6 0 0 5 00 8 0 0 6 0 0 ^ 0 0 6 0 5 0 0 2 0 0 0 5 0 2 6 0 0 6 0 0 I 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 6 0 0 4 Veneer- nH 54 Venerlng partition edges askew or cross-way, per foot extra Ditto with king, tulip, or any other hard wood, at per foot upper - « - - - lower - - - - - Veneering the ends, each Veneering the door frames long- way, each pair - - - Ditto cross-way Veneering the pannels, each Each joint in the veneer ------- Framing the ends of the wings - - » - - Lining up ditto to guide the drawers - For the pric^ of pilasters, and breaking mouldings round ditto — See Siraight-front Library, Veneering the frize, with an astragal at foot - -^For the price of arch — See No. 1 Celleret Sideboard. Fram’d backs, each pannel For the price of banding, &c . — See Tables of ditto. Oiling and polishing, at per foot A SERPENTINE-FRONT CABINET, as in Plate 24 , Four feet long, five feet high to the top of the cornice, in two carcases, two inner ends, and four flat-pannel doors to the upper part, the framing plow\l and pannels bent in, two ditto to the wings of the lower part, and one drawer in the center, j^ndth of lower ends fourteen inches, ditto the upper ends §even inches, on taper stump feet £• s. d. 0 0 1 0 0 ll 0 0 6 0 0 8 0 2 0 0 3 6 0 0 8 0 0 6 0 12 0 0 16 0 2 0 0 0 6 0 0 6 4 16 0 Extras. 55 EXTRAS. Each inch, more or lesss, in length, when as above - Ditto, when drawers in the wings of the upper or lower part - Ditto, when drawers in the wings of both parts - For the price of width of ends — See Straight-front Cabinet, Ditto in height, when empty Ditto when drawers, or groov’d for shelves - - - Plain grooving the ends for shelves, each side’ - - _ For the price of extra grooving — See Book-case, For the price of htting up the inside with straight-front small drawers, See. — See Counting-house Book-case. Each shelf in the upper part^ to the sweep of the front, with a bead on each edge, or rounded - - _ Ditto in the lower part Working a hollow on the edge of ditto, each extra When no door to the wings, deduct for door and cleaning cupboard, each Each drawer in the wings Each partition - Each extra drawer in the center Each partition Lining ditto cross-way, each Sawing long drawer front out of two-inch stuff, each cut - Ditto each short - Sawing long drawer front out of three-inch stuff, each cut Ditto each short - Glueing up long drawer front, at per joint * . . Ditto each short ditto - - _ . Veneering each drawer front in the wings - - . _ Ditto in the center part • ^ _ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 s. d. 1 3 1 8 2 1 0 7 1 0 0 6 0 7 0 8 0 2 7 0 2 8 0 6 3 3 0 8 0 I 0 I 0 01 0 1 | 0 0 | 0 11 0 Of 0 6 0 10 Each 56 0 0 5 Each butt joint in the veneer ------ Veneering partition edges askew or cross-way, per foot extra Ditto with king, tulip, or any other hard wood, at per foot extra --- -- Glueing up the pannels to the sweep, at per joint Veneering ditto, each ------- Veneering the door frames long-way, each pair - - - Ditto cross-way, extra Veneering the frize, with an astragal at foot For the price of extra work — See Straight-front Cabinet^ or Tables of ditto. Oiling and polishing, at per foot . - - - - A CYLINDER-FALL WRITING TABLE, Three feet long, one drawer in front, cock-beaded, three small drawers, three sham ditto, and six letter holes in- side, the edge of the top and sweep parts of ends moulded or veneer’d cross- way, plain taper legs, and an astragal round the bottom of the frame _ _ - - - EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length If two short drawers in place of a long one, extra Two short drawers under ditto to form a knee-hole, draweis and extra framing ------- Slipping drawer sides and plowing bottoms in, each drawer 0 0 If 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 6 0 2 6 0 0 6 2 110 0 0 9 0 2 3 0 9 0 o 0 3 Munting 4 57 Munting in drawer bottom - - - ~ . Half ditto under the bottom ^ A plain arch - For extra work in ditto— Celleret Sideboard, No. 1. Veneering long drawer front Ditto each short - - - Each butt joint in the veneer - - Veneering partition edges askew or cross-way, per foot extra Ditto with king, tulip, or any other hard wood, at per foot Veneering the top - Ditto the ends, each Ditto, when a knee hole - Veneering the fall outside - - . . Ditto inside - . _ . Each corner string round the top, per foot Corner string round the cylinder, per foot Each ditto on the sweep part of ends - - » Hollow and two beads or stone moulding on the front standing board, and continued on the ends - If continued on the back, extra - - . , Veneering ditto cross-way, with a string on each side - Ditto, if continued on the back, extra A small astragal or bead at the lower edge of the standii boaid, and continued on the ends - Veneering the frize cross-way, at per foot - ' Ditto with king tulip, or any other hard wood, at per foi Each slider in the ends, square clamp’d - , , Making the standing board to slide . . ^ ] A flap in ditto, square clamp’d - - . . A horse to ditto _ A bottom under ditto - , I s. d. 0 0 4. 0 0 2 0 1 3 0 0 6 0 0 5 0 0 4. 0 0 1 0 0 1 | 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 10 0 3 0 0 I 9 0 0 1 0 0 II 0 0 3 0 1 9 0 0 6 0 2 0 0 0 9 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 If 0 1 9 0 1 0 0 2 3 0 0 10 0 0 6 Veneer- 58 Veneering the slider for cloth to be set against cleaningup, when solid. Lining the slider with cloth Ditto, when a flap - - - - “ * - " Veneering a plain slider - Ditto the framing, when a flap - Fixing two pieces on the sides of slider, scollop’d in front, to form a tray - -- -- -- - For the price of extra work in slider — See Dressing Chest. An astragal on the back to cover the joint at the rabbit Fixing the legs with iron squares, or screws and plates A plain cove in front to sham a drawer above the fall '- Each extra sham, with a string _ - - - - A drawer in ditto the whole length - - - - - Each extra drawer in the length Cross-banding the cove with a single string on on side, at per foot Each miter, extra - Making the fall to work with tambour, extra - - - Making the fall to work with No. 1 . Irons, as in plate Ditto No. 2. and filling up the inside for ditto “ " “ Making the slider to draw out with lopers - - - - For the price of extra work inside — See Secretary Drawer. Sawing out each leg - - - For the price of cross-banding, extra work in legs, &c. — See Tables oj' ditto Oiling and polishing ------- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 s, d. 0 9 1 1 0 10 1 0 0 9 1 0 2 6 .5 0 0 4 3 O 2 3 0 3 0 0 9 0 5 0 12 0 3 0 0 1 1 a A CYLINDER- 59 A CYLINDER-FALL DESK, Three feet long, three; drawers in front, cock beaded, three small drawers, three sham ditto, and six lettei holes inside, the edge of the top and sweep part of the ends moulded or veneer’d cross-way, standing board made to slide, on plinth or common brackets - - - - EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length - - - - - Each extra long drawer - - - - " " ’ Each partition If two short drawers in place of a long one, extra Each joint in the ends, top, or drawer fronts, either solid or to veneer on, at per joint Cutting down stuff for ditto, each cut Veneering each long drawer front - - - - - Ditto each short Each butt joint in the veneer ------ Veneering the ends, each ------ Each joint in the veneer ------ Fram’d back, each pannel Munting in a plain back - Eor the price of extra work in the carcase— Dressing Chest. For the price of work not inserted here— Cylinder-fall Table., or Tables of ditto. Oiling and polishing £, s. d. 2 IS 0 0 1 0 0 2 6 0 0 7 0 2 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 4 0 0 6 0 0 4 5 4 0 1 2 l « No. I. 60 No. r. TAMBOUR WRITING TABLE, Three feet long, two feet two inches wide, one drawer in fiont, cock beaded, the edge of the top aid s weep part of the ends moulded or veneer’d cross-war, plain taper legs, and an astragal round the bottom of thefranie - EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length - - - ^ ^ Ditto in width When a top and bottom are groov’d into the ends to receive inside work A case for the inside work _ _ _ _ _ Each drawer in ditto Each letter hole in ditto _______ Each plain arch > Foi the price of any extra work in ditto See Secretarij Drawer. Making the standing board to slide - - . . . I'lxmg a piece to the back edge of the standing board to sham three drawers _ _ _ _ For the price of extra work in slider — CnUnier-fall Writing Table. Making this table in two pieces - - _ - An astragal round the front and ends of the carcase to break thejoint - _ _ _ _ If continued on the back, extra <£ * St 1 10 6 0 0 9 0 0 6 0 2 3 0 2 9 O 1 0 0 0 4 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 4 0 0 1 0 0 0 4 A small I 61 A small astragal or bead on thte lower edge of the standing- board, and continued on the ends of the carcase, to form a frize - _ __ _ __ Veneering the frize cross-way, at per foot - - - . For the price of extra work See Cylinder-fall Wtiting Table. Oiling and polishing No, II. tambour writing table, Three feet long, two feet two inches wide, reeds from front to back, one long drawer in front, cock beaded, one sham ditto on the back, the edge of the ends moulded or veneer’d cross-way, an inner back fix’d to the standing board, plain taper legs, and an astragal round the bottom of the frame - - . _ _ EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length Ditto in width _ _ _ _ _ All extra bottom to hide the reeds _ . _ . , Each corner string round the sweep part of the ends - Veneering the standing board for cloth, set against cleanino- up, when solid. ^ A case for the inside to receive drawers on both sides - Each drawer in ditto - - . Each letter hole - - _ £* s. d. 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 U 0 0 0 9 0 0 6 0 1 0 0 0 u 4 6 1 0 0 4i Each 62 c£*. 5. d, 0 0 li Each plain arch - - For the price of extra work in ditto See Secretary Drawer, For the price of other work not inserted here-^5ee Cylmder Jail Writing Table, Oiling and polishing A TAMBOUR DESK, Three feet long, three drawers in front, cock beaded, standing board made to slide, three small drawers, three sham ditto, and six letter holes inside, the edge of the top and sweep part of the ends moulded or veneer d cross- way, fast plinth or common brackets » - - - EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length - - * * Each extra long drawer If two short drawers in place of a long one, extra For the price of extra work — Cylinder Jail Desk and Table, Oiling and polishing ------- f 8 0 0 1 3 0 2 6 0 2 3 0 1 3 A LIBRARY 63 A LIBRARY WRITING TABLE, With Tambour Top, Three feet six inches long, two feet six inches wide, in three carcases, one long and six short drawers in front, cock beaded, reeds from front to back, the sweep part of the ends and edge of the standing board moulded or veneer’d cross-way, an astragal round the upper carcase to break the joint, on fast plinth _ - - - EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length or width ^ - Each extra long drawer ------- Each short drawer, more or less _ _ - - - Each partition, more or less Lining ditto cross-way, each Veneering each long drawer front, or sham ditto Ditto each short - -- -- -- - For the price of sham drawers by string or bead — See Table of ditto. Veneering partitions askew or cross-way, at per foot extra - Ditto with king, tulip, or any other hard wood, at per foot extra ---------- Veneering the upper part of the back Ditto each wing Veneering the back of the wings to represent doors, each pannel or frame Ditto the framing cross-way, each - - - - - Veneering the plinth long-way, per foot - - - ^ Ditto cross-way - -- -- -- For the price of extra work on doors — See Table of dittos £, s. d. 3 12 0 0 1 0 0 2 9 0 2 3 0 0 5 0 0 1 0 0 8 0 0 5 0 0 1 0 0 If 0 0 6 0 0 9 0 0 9 0 1 3 0 02 0 0 3 <£. s. d» Each cupboard in the wings, with a flat panned’d door, the pannel plow’d in---- - - - . A case for the inside of cupboard - - - - . For the price of work inside ditto — See Counting-house Book- case. If drawers inside the doors, exceeding three inches deep, scratch beaded, each drawer Each slide in the ends, square clampM - - _ . For the price of extra work in ditto — Dressing Chest. Veneering each lower end ------ f outside - - - _ . Uitto upper ends, each | Each joint in the veneer - - - - - _ » Returning the plinth on the back - - - - - Ditto the astrao’al O Ditto the moulding on the standing board - - - . If the tambour lifts up from each front, and turns down under a flap top in the middle, extra - - - « Veneering the top Each case for inside work _______ For the price of drawers, &c . — See Secretary Drawer. Each inch, more or less, in length, when a double front If made with a top as Tambour Desk, without inside, deduct Each door over the drawers in the wings, or in the knee hole, with a flat pannel, the pannel plow’d in - - A frame to receive the door in the knee hole Each extra miter in the plinth, when a door in the knee hole - . - - . A bottom to the cupboard Oiling and polishing, when a single front - . - _ Ditto, when a double front - - - . - 0 5 6 0 1 9 0 1 9 0 2 6 0 1 0 0 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 3 0 1 6 0 0 6 0 0 8 0 5 6 0 0 10 0 2 9 0 1 4 0 5 0 0 4 0 0 1 6 0 0 3 0 1 0 0 1 6 0 2 0 TOPS 65 TOPS FOR TAMBOUR OR CYLINDER-FALL WRITING TABLES. A SOLID TOP, three feet long, three inches and a half high, one drawer in ditto, the top lap dovetail'd down, a moulding on the front and ends of the bottom If two drawers in the length - ^ - If three drawers in the length Each extra inch in length ------ Ditto in height Each extra long drawer Each partition If two extra drawers in the length If three ditto An astragal or stone moulding on the front and ends of the top - Ditto on the back, top, or bottom moulding, extra - Veneering the top - -- -- -- - Ditto long drawer fronts, each » . - - - Ditto short drawer fronts, each - - - - - Veneering the back -------- Ditto the ends, each ------- Veneering partition edges askew or cross-way, per foot extra Ditto with king, tulip, or any other hard wood, at per foot If the above is made with a cove front, when one drawer Each drawer in a cove front, extra from straight If the ends of the carcase is cov'd, extra - - - - Veneering long drawer in cov'd front “ Ditto cross-way - -- -t--- K 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c s» 6 6 8 0 9 3 0 2 0 3 2 0 0 6 3 6 6 0 0 10 0 5 0 8 0 6 0 3 0 4 0 2 0 1 0 IX 9 0 0 6 2 0 1 3 2 0 When 66 c£. When two or more drawers in length, each - - , q Ditto cross-way, each - - - - - - - 0 Veneering each end - -.--..q Ditto cross-way - .q Corner string on the straight part of the top, per foot - 0 Ditto up the corners of the cove, each - - - - 0 Cross-banding a cove front, with a single string on one side, per foot Ditto the sweep part of the ends of the carcase, when the front is cov’d - - - - - - - - 0 Ditto, when the front and ends are cov’d r - - - 0 Cross-banding straight part — See Table of ditto. Each miter - -- -- - - -- o A TOP, as in plate 13, fig. 1, right hand end, three drawers in ditto, veneer’d top, solid front, plain back - 1 Each extra drawer with square ends - - - - o Each extra partition - 0 Making either end of drawer front to fit the sweep of the ends - - - -0 Veneering the front «------o Ditto the back - -- -- - - -o Veneering partition edges askew or Cross-way, per foot extra 0 Ditto with king, tulip, or any other hard wood, at per foot 0 Corner strings round the top, each ----- o Ditto across the ends, each o Cross-banding the sweep part of the drawers, with a single string on one side, at per foot ----- o Ditto the sweep part of the ends, or top of the carcase - 0 Ditto the straight part of the ends 0 s, d, 0 8 0 11 0 6 0 8 0 1 0 2 0 3f 0 7 0 9 0 0 | 5 0 1 6 0 6 0 6 1 6 .0 9 0 1 0 II 0 11 0 1 0 7 0 4 0 3 Cros^ 67 o£’. s, d. Cross-banding the straight part — See Table of ditto. Each miter - - *r OOOf A TOP, as in plate 14, %. 1, veneered top, front, and ends Veneering partition edges askew or cross-way, per foot extra Ditto with king, tulip, or any other hard woodj at per foot { sweep part of ends - ditto middle part straight part - - ^ Cross-banding the top or straight part of drawer fronts — See Table of ditto. Ditto the ends of the drawers, with a single string on one side, per foot - - - Ditto the sweep part of the ends of carcase - - - Ditto the straight part of the ends - - - . . Each miter - - - - - , , . . For the price of glass frame and standards — See Dressing- box Glass. 1 8 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 $ 0 0 3 0 0 6 0 0 1 0 0 7 0 0 6 0 0 3 0 0 0 A TOP, as in plate 14, fig. 2, right-hand end, seven draw- ers in ditto, the top veneerM, front and ends solid, plain back - Each extfa drawer, with square ends Making either end of drawer front to fit the sweep of the ends Veneering the front - Ditto the back - - Ditto the ends, each - \eneeiing partition edges askew or cross-way, per foot extra Ditto with king, tulip, or any other hard wood, at per foot Each corner string on the top / ’ - - I straight part per foot K 2 I 13 0 0 1 6 0 0 6 0 2 4 0 0 10 6 0 s' 0 0 1 0 0 If 0 0 8 0 6 1 Cross- 68 £• s, - d* Cross-banding the ends or straight part of drawer fronts — See Table of ditto. Ditto the ends of the drawers, per foot - ^ - Ditto the sweep part of the top • - « - • Ditto the straight part Each miter 0 0 7 0 0 4 0 0 3 0 0 Of No. L A LIBRARY WRITING TABLE, Four feet long, two feet six inches wide, three drawers in front, cock beaded, plain back, framing six inches deep, plain Marlbro^ legs - EXTRAS. Each inch longer or wider ------ Ditto in depth of framing ------ Each slider in the ends, square clamp’d - - - - For the price of extra work in ditto — See Dressing Chest. Glueing up the top, either solid or to veneer on, at per joint Cutting down staff for ditto, each cut - - - - Mitering stuff for a moulding round the top - - - Working an astragal or stone moulding on the edge of the top, at per foot -------- Clamping the top to appear as solid - - - - - Framing the top, with two pannels Each extra pannel Lipping the top for cloth, to be set against cleaning up a solid top. 0 18 9 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 1 2 0 4 4 9 1 0 3 1 3 4 10 Lining 69 Lining the top with cloth - Ditto with leather - Polishing ditto - A^eneering the top, at per foot in length - - - - Each joint in the veneer of ditto _ , « - « If a long drawer is introduced in place of three short ones, deduct When ditto is made with double front to draw out either way, extra A long drawer in the back Each short drawer, more or less, in back or front Slipping drawer sides and plowing bottoms in, each drawer Veneering long drawer front ------ Ditto each short Each butt joint in the veneer Veneering partition edges askew or cross-way, at per foot extra ---------- Ditto with king, tulip, or any other hard wood, at per foot Veneering the end rails, each ------ Astragal round the bottom of the frame - - - . If made with a knee hole, when one front, for extra framing Ditto, when double front • - - - - - An astragal round the frame, when a knee hole A plain arch in the knee hole ------ For the price of extra work in ditto — See Celleret Sideboard, No. K 0 0 0 0 0 s. 1 1 1 0 0 d. 0 6 O 6 10 0 3 9 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 5 5 2 1 0 0 3 3 8 4> 4 > 1 If 4 > 9 0 6 4 3 Sawing out the legs, each - - - - - Tapering ditto, each side . - - - - For the price of extra work in legs — See Tables of ditto. Oiling and polishing, when the top is lin’d Ditto, when the top is solid or yeneer’d 0 0 0 0 0 Q 0 0 9 0 I 0 No. IL n|h ♦N A KNEE-HOLE LIBRARY WRITING TABLE, Four feet long, two feet wide, nine drawers in front, cock of), s, c?. beaded, astragal or stone moulding on the edge of the top, on fast plinth or common brackets - - - -280 EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length or width Making ditto in three carcases ------ If fastenM together with iron plates, putting on each plate Each drawer, more or less - Each partition Lining ditto cross-way, each ------ Slipping drawer sides, and plowing bottoms in, each drawer Glueing up ends or drawer fronts, either solid or to veneer on, at per joint Ditto the top Cutting down stuff for xlitto, each cut - - - • For any extra work in top — See No. I. Veneering drawer fronts, each . - - - . Veneering partition edges askew or cross-way, at per foot extra ---------- Ditto with king, tulip, or any other hard wood, at per foot Veneering the ends, each ------- Each joint in the veneer ------- Framing the ends with one flat pannel, each end Each extra pannel - - - - - Veneering the back of the wings, each - Ditto the plinth long-way, per dot - - - - _ Ditto cross-way - -- -- -- - 0 0 9 0 2 6 0 0 3 0 2 3 0 0 6 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 2 9 0 1 0 0 0 9 0 0 2 0 0 3 Ditto n £. Ditto to represent doors, each pannel or frame - - 0 Veneering the framing cross-way, each _ - - - o For the price of extra work on doors — See Table of ditto. Each cupboard in the wings, with a flat-pannelM door, the pannel plow’d in-------0 A case for the inside of the cupboard - - - - 0 For the price of work inside ditto — See Counting-House Bools’- case. If drawers inside the doors exceeding three inches deep, scratch beaded, each drawer - - - ^ - 0 An astragal round a single front - - - - . o Ditto, when a double front ------ o A flap, one foot six inches long, five inches wide, supported by a brass stay, the back part of the top cut to receive the same - - - - - - - 0 A flap, hing’d to the back part of the top, with a rule joint, supported by two lopers ------ o If the top is fram’d as the slider of a tambour table, and a flap with a horse and bottom to ditto - - - - 0 If three-quarter stuff is miter’d round on the flat of the top, with a hollow under the outer edge of ditto, and an extra solid top, hinged in front, supported with a horse behind If the ends and front rails are rabbitted, and a thin top fitted in to ditto, with a hollow miter’d round the inside, (as in shaving stand) and an extra solid top, hing’d in front. supported by a horse behind - - - - - 0 A lipping to cover the joint of the hollow - - - o. A square frame in addition to the above, the whole size of the top, and an extra horse to make a double rise, extra, - 0 Working a hollow on the edge of ditto - - - « o s. d, 0 9 1 3 6 6 1 9 1 9 1 3 1 9 2 6 4 0 6 0 8 6 8 - 0 1 0 6 6 0 9 Brass. 72 s» Brass steps, and the feet of the horse tipM with ditto, to be paid for extra. Oiling and polishing, when a single front - - « •0 14- Ditto, when a double front - - • - • - 0110 No. III. A SERPENTINE KNEE-HOLE LIBRARY, WRITING-TABLE, Four feet long, two feet wide, nine drawers in front, cock beaded, an astragal or stone moulding on the edge of the top, on fast plinth - «. - - • - 31.50 EXTRAS Each inch, more or less, in length or width - • * Making ditto in three carcases - - - . . Each drawer, more or less Each partition - Lining ditto cross-way, each Veneering drawer fronts, each Venering partition edges askew or cross-way, per foot extra Ditto with king, tulip, or any other hard wood, at per foot Sweeping the ends half serpentine, and plain veneering ditto When both fronts are made serpentine, with three drawers in the length, and a cupboard in each wing of one front, the other front as in the preamble, extra - - » Sweeping the ends serpentine, as in plate 2, fig. i, plain veneer’d - 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 2 9 0 0 7 0 0 1 0 0 7 0 0 II 0 0 2 0 10 6 I 6 6 0 19 0 For For the price of canted corners or columns — See Serpentine Dressing Chest, An astragal on the front and ends of the carcase, when the ends are straight Ditto, when the ends are half serpentine - - - , Ditto, when a double front and straight ends Ditto, when serpentine ends - - - - Each extra miter, when canted corners - - - - Sawino" drawer fronts out of two-inch stuff, each cut - O Ditto three-inch stuff - Glueing up ditto, at per joint For the price of extra work — See No. 2. Oiling and polishing, when a single front - - - - Ditto, wjien a double front 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A CIRCULAR LIBRARY WRITING TABLE, Three feet six inches diameter, four drawers in ditto to run in square, ^ and four sham ditto, cock beaded, the top to turn round on a pillar and three claws, and fasten^l to ditto a wedge through the top of the pillar ; claws as No. 1, Plate of, ditto EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in diameter, up to four feet - - 0 Each inch above four feet in ditto - - r - - 0 Glueing up the top or bottom, at per joint - _ _ o Cutting down stuff for ditto, each cut - - - - o Rounding the edge of the top ------ o L s. d. 2 4 2 10 3 4 3 10 0 Oi 0 Oi 0 Of 0 01 1 4 1 10 13 6 0 9 ' 1 0 0 1 ' 0 0 ' 0 9 Veneeiv 74 Veneering the edge of ditto, per foot - . - - ("orner strings round ditto, per foot - - - - Astragal or stone moulding on the edge of the top, per foot - ]>andlng the top for cloth, to be set against cleaning up. A string between the band and cloth - _ - - Lining the top with cloth - - - - Ditto with leather - Polishing ditto - - - - - - - . Framing the top or bottom, with four square pannels - Ditto, when fram’d flush on both sides, extra - - - An astragal round the bottom of tlie carcase - - - 11’ made with angle drawers in place of sham ditto, deduct for each sham drawer ------ Each angle drawer - - - - - - - Each guide to ditto Each quadrant drawer - - - - - V^eneering drawer fronts, or sham ditto, each - « - If cross-way, each joint extra Each extra claw - -- -- -- - For the price of other sort of claws — See Table of ditto. A pedestal, sixteen inches square, a door to ditto hing’d on the miter, one fix’d shelf inside, on fast plinth, extra from pillar and claws ------- Fixing the top to ditto with a center pin - - Clamping the door, square clamps - - - - - Miter clamping ditto, each miter extra - - - - Veneering the pedestal, each side . - _ . - Each drawer inside the door, scratch beaded - Sawing drawer front out of two-inch stuff, each cut - Glueing up ditto, each joint ------ Each partition - - - - £• s, d, 0 0 11 0 0 U 0 0 21 0 1 0 0 I 3 0 20 0 0 0 | 0 0 1 0 0 6 Lining 75 Lining ditto cross-way, each - - - - If three drawers in front in place of door Each extra drawer - - , . - . Veneering drawer fronts, each - - - - A partition above each real drawer in the top part For the prices of framingjthe door — See Pedestal. If this table is made oval, to be extra Oiling and polishing, when on pillar and claws - Ditto, when a pedestal - - - - - No. I. A KIDNEY LIBRARY WRITING TABLE, Three feet six inches long, one foot eight inches wide, framing four inches deep, the rail veneerTl, four plain Marlbro* legs EXTRAS* Each inch longer or wider When a drawer in ditto ------- Ditto in depth of framing ------ A long drawer in front ------- If three ditto in length - Each drawer in the end - - - Glueing up the top, either solid or to veneer on, at per joint Cutting down stuff for ditto each cut - - - - Veneering the top - - - - - - - - Each joint in the veneer ------- An astragal or stone moulding on the edge of the top - L 2 £. s. d. 0 0 1 0 4 0 0 2 3 0 0 5 0 0 6 0 6 0 0 0 10 0 1 2 1 1 0 0 0 4 0 0 6 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 110 0 4 6 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 3 0 0 7 0 3 0 Veneer- 76 Veneering the edge cross-way, atpei foot — * 0 s, 0 d. If Corner strings on the top, at per foot - 0 0 1| Lipping the tojp for cloth - - - - 0 1 0 Lining ditto with cloth - - - - - - 0 1 0 Ditto with leather — ■ 0 9 0 Polishing ditk) - * - 0 1 0 Framing the top, with a flap, horse, and bottom 0 5 & Lipping the flap for cloth set against cleauirg up a Lining the flap with cloth - - • - solid flap. 0 0 4 Dittto with leather ----- - 0 0 6 An astraoral round the bottom of the frame, when the legs o are flush 0 3 6 Each miter in ditto, when the legs project - 0 . 0 0| Sawing out each leg - - 0 0 01 Tapering ditto, each side - - - 0 0 Of For the price of extra work in legs — See Table of ditto. Oiling and polishing, when the top is lin’d - - - 0 0 9 Ditto, when the top is solid - - - - - 0 1 0 No. II. A KNEE-HOLE KIDNEY LIBRARY WRITING TABLE, as in Plate 29, Fig, 2, Four feet long, two feet wide, veneer’d front and ends, four drawers in each wing, and one ditto above the knee hole, cock beaded, an astragal round the bottom of the carcase, on eight taper stump feet - - - - - 520 Extras.. HIM 77 EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, i n length . - - - - Ditto in width - ^ ---- Making ditto in three carcases - - - - - An astragal to break the joint of the carcases Working an astragal or stone moulding on the edge of the toj) - Lining up the top - Veneering the top For the price of glueing up the top, &c. See No. 1. Each drawer, more or less ' Each partition Lining ditto cross-way, each ------ Sawing drawer front out of two-inch stuff, each cut - Glueing up ditto, each joint ------ Veneering partition edges askew or cross-way, per foot extra Ditto with king, tulip, or any other hard wood, at per foot A frize under the top moulding, veneer’d cross-way, with an astragal at foot - For the price of pilasters— Straight -Jront Library. Bfeakifif the astragal round pilasters, cacli miter Ditto the frize and astragal ------ Ditto the base moulding ------- A plinth round the bottom, in place of stump feet If broke round the pilasters, each miter - - ■ - Lining up the ends, when pilasters, to guide the drawers, each wing - -- -- -- Each joint more than two in the veneer of the ends Each sham door on the wings, the framing veneer’d long- way ---------- Ditto cross-way £. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 s. d. 1 3 1 0 4 0 4 0 4 6 2 0 1 9 3 9 0 7 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 2 6 0 0 0i 0 1 0 1 6 0 0 3 1 6 1 0 1 6 2 3 Eacli- 78 I’.adi Clipboard in the wings Ditto in the back - A case for the inside of cupboard - - - . _ i'oi the price ol work in ditto — See Counting-house Book-case. Hinging part of the flap to a part of the front moulding, to make a book-rest - A sliding frame to ditto, to run either way Making the flap to rise with four stems, as shewfi in plate For the price of slider in drawer or lopers — See Furniture D ranker. For the price of cross-banding, Sec.— See Tables of ditto. Oiling and polishing a£. s. d. 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 3 0 0 3 3 0 4 6 0 13 0 0 3 0 A GENTLEMAN’S WRITING TABLE, as in Plate 31 , Foiii feet six inches long two feet six inches wide, made as either end, a cupboard in each, hollow part veneer’d front and top, the back veneer’d cross-way, on plain taper legs - EXTRAS. Each inch more or less in length - - . , . Ditto in width - Veneering partition edges askew or cross-way, at per foot extra - Ditto with king, tulip, or any other hard wood, at per foot A front edge between the top moulding and drawers 8 0 0 0 1 6 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 0 Lipping NfH 79 £. s, d. Lipping the standing board for cloth, to be set against clean- ing up when solid. A flap, horse, and bottom in ditto - - - - - 040 If the top moulding is continued down the sweep part, when made as right hand end - - - _ - 040 Making part of the top of the wings or back to rise, with a horse and bottom to ditto, each - - - - - 04S Sawing out each leg - - - - - - - 001 For the price of cross-banding, extra work in legs, &c. iS'e- Each joint in the veneer ------- Veneering the front - - - - - - Each butt joint in the veneer ------ Veneering the end rails, each ------ Ditto the back rail - - - Making the frame to form a knee hole, and the front of the drawer to sham two shdrt ditto under the upper front A plain arch Eor the price of extra work in ditto — See No. 1. Celleret Sideboard. For the price of extra work inside — See Secretary and Fur- niture Drawers. Sawing out each leg ------- Oiling and polishing ------- A RISING-TOP WRITING TABLE, One foot ten inches long, one foot four inches wide, fram- ing four inches deep, one drawer in ditto, cock beaded, the top supported by a horse, plain taper legs, and an astragal round the bottom of the frame - - - - £. s. d» 0 0 I 0 0 1 0 0 9 0 0 8 0 0 6 0 1 3 0 0 6 0 1 0 0 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 8 0 5 6 0 1 3 0 0 1 O 0 10 0 12 0 Extras* 81 EXTRAS, Each inch, more or less, in length or width Ditto in depth of framing • - . _ Each extra drawer - - - _ . Fitting up the drawer for ink, sand, and wafers Veneering each drawer front straight- way - Ditto each end or back rail - - _ . If cross-way, each joint extra - - . . Glueing up the top, at per joint Square clamping ditto - - - . . Miter clamping ditto, each miter extra Mitering stuff for a moulding round the top Working an astragal or stone moulding on the edge top, or veneering ditto cross-way, and a string upper corner A string in the lower corner of the top, per foot Framing the top with one pannel - . _ . Lipping the top for cloth to be set against Lining the top with cloth Ditto with leather - Polishing ditto - Each slider in the ends, square damp'd A frame under the top, and an extra horse to ble rise A book-rest, with pins and sockets - - _ . Each inch longer, when a double rise - - . . For the price of extra work in legs— Tables of ditto. Oiling and polishing _ _ _ _ _ * Sm 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 2 3 0 0 8 0 0 4 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 9 0 1 O 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 6 0 0 9 0 0 6 0 1 6 0 4 0 0 1 0 0 0 4 0 0 6 A LADY'S 82 A LADY’S SCREEN WRITOG TABLE, One foot six inches long, one foot four inches wide, framing £. s. four inches deep, one drawer in ditto, cock beaded, astra- gal or stone moulding on the edge of the top. or the edge veneer’d, and a string in the upper corner, the screen to slide in a groove through the top between the back legs, plain taper legs, and an astragal round the bottom of the frame - - - - " " - - 012 EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length or width - - - 0 0 Ditto in depth of framing - -- - --OO Each extra drawer ----- - - -02 Fitting up the drawer for ink, sand, and wafers - - 0 0 Each plain slider - - - - - - - -Oj Lipping the top for cloth set against cleaning up. Veneering the top - -- -- -- -00 Lining the top with cloth - -- - - -00 Ditto with leather > -------00 Polishing ditto - - - - - - - - 00 Veneering the fronts, &c . — See Rising-top Writing Table, Oiling and polishing - - - - - - -0 0 One foot six inches long, the standards three inches wide, the corners square, a reading flap, square clamp’d, or a straining frame, with a bead miter’d round, a horse to- ditto, the flap or frame hing’d either to the top or bottom, a book-rest, and plain back, claws as No. 1 in plate of ditto - - - - - - - - - - 016 6 3 3 3 8 6 9 6 9 6 b A LADY’S WRITING FIRE SCREEN, 83 EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length or width . - - o Making the reading part to rise with part of the top, and a frame behind for the horse to rest in - - - - 0 An ovalo or bead on the corners of the top and standards, either inside or outs ide - _ _ - _ - 0 Each corner string on the standards or rails, per foot - 0 A shelf, hingM and supported by two SS - - - - 0 A fix’d case, fitted up for ink, sand, pens, and wafers - 0 A hollow in ditto for the pens ------ 0 If the case is made to lift out, with a handle to ditto - 0 If two jointed stays to support the flap when it lets down - 0 A plain shelf inside, with a rim on the front - - - o Scolloping the edge of the rim - - - - - 0 When made with a reading flap and horse on one side, and a writing flap to turn down on the other, with an inner back to ditto, extra Miter clamping the flaps, each miter extra . - - o Veneering the flaps, each side . - - - - o Ditto the standards and rails, each side _ - - - o Ditto each edge - -- -- -- -0 Veneering the edges cross-way, per foot - - - - 0 Ditto with king, tulip, or any other hard wood, at per foot 0 Framing the flaps with one pannel, each flap - - - o Making ditto with two flat-pannel’d doors below, and a plain back, as in plate 18, fig. 2, extra - - _ - o Framing the back with two pannels to match the doors - 0 Veneering tlie door frames long- way, each pair - - - 0 Ditto cross- way, or on the back, when fram’d - - - 0 Veneering each pannel -------0 Lining the flap with cloth ‘ 0 M 2 ?. d. 0 4 , 3 6 0 6 0 1 0 10 2 0 0 4 2 6 1 0 0 6 0 3 6 0 0 6 0 9 0 3 0 2 0 1 0 11 1 0 6 6 3 6 1 6 2 6 0 4 0 6 For For the price of cross-banding, &c — See Tables of ditto. Oiling and polishing - Ditto, when doors in the bottom part - - . A GENTLEMAN^S WRITING FIRE SCREEN, Two feet six inches long, the standards six inches wide, a straight top, the corners square, nine drawers and twelve letter holes inside, the flap to turn down, supported by quadrants, two flat-pannefd doors below, one shelf inside ditto, plain back, claws as No. 1 plate of ditto - - 2 EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length or width - - - Making ditto with around top, as in plate 18, fig. 1 An ovalo, or bead on the corners of the standards, either inside or outside _ _ _ _ _ Square clamping the flap Miter clamping, ditto, each miter extra - - - - Veneering the flap, each side - Each joint in the veneer . Veneering the edge of the flap cross-way ---- Veneering the door frames long- way - - _ > Ditto cross-way - Veneering the pannels, each Veneering a flat top - Ditto round top Veneering the standards outside, each _ - _ Ditto the edges, each - Ditto cross-way, per foot Ditto with king, tulip, or any other hard wood, per foot 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 p s, d» 0 6 0 9 8 0 0 6 4 0 0 6 0 6 0 6 1 0 0 6 0 6 1 9 2 9 0 6 0 6 0 8 0 8 0 2 0 1 0 I Each corner string on the standards or rails, per foot - Lipping the flap for cloth, set against cleaning up. Lining the flap with cloth - - - - A drawer in front, between the flap and doors, partition included If two drawers in the length ------ Veneering each long, drawer front - - - - - Ditto each short - -- -- -- - Each butt joint in the veneer ------ Each extra shelf inside the lower part - - - - - Fram’d back, when the edges of the framing is left square, each pannel - -- -- -- - Ditto, when the edges are stuck with an ovalo - - - Ditto, when bead and flush ------ For the price of extra work inside — See Secretary Drawer. Cross banding, &c. — See Tables of ditto. Oiling and polishing ------- £. s. d. 0 0 1 0 0 8 0 2 3 0 3 9 0 0 6 0 0 4 0 0 3 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 10 0 1 0 0 1 0 A LADY’S CABINET, as in Plate 23 , Fig. 2 . Two feet six inches long, one foot six inches from front to back, framing four inches deep, one drawer in ditto, cock beaded, a flap nine inches wide hing’d to the front with card-table hinges, supported by two lopers to draw out at the top of the legs, a case on the back part nine inches wide and nine inches high, a cupboard at each end, plain doors to ditto, the center part open, flat top, plain taper legs, and an astragal round the bottom of the frame - Extras- 86 EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length or width - - • Ditto in depth of framing Square clamping the flap or doors, each - - - . Miter clamping ditto, each miter extra _ - - . Veneering the flap - Ditto the drawer front ------- Each butt joint in the veneer - - - - - . Veneering the end rails, each ------ Ditto the back rail - - - - - Ditto the doors, each - Veneering the edges and uprights _ _ _ - - Ditto askew or cross- way, at per foot ---•*• Ditto with king, tulip, or any other hard wood, at per foot Veneering the ends of cupboard, each _ - . - Ditto the back, either side ------ If two drawers in the length in place of a long one, extra " Veneering each short drawer front - - - - - Each extra miter in the astragal, when the legs project AVhen the end and back rise above the top to form a book shelf - -- -- -- -- - When a straight top, four inches wide, and the ends square Making the top round, extra ------ Ditto serpentine, as in plate ------ Veneering each top, when flat - - „ - - Each break in the top of the case _ - - - - An astragal or stone moulding round ditto _ - - Each extra miter in ditto, when breaks - - - - Each corner string, per foot ------ Ditto, when serpentine ------- For the price of work in cupboards — See Secrelartj Draieer, s, d. 0 0 5 0 0 3 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 1 0 0 If 0 0 3 0 0 6 0 1 9 0 0 4 0 0 Of 0 1 6 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 6 0 0 2 0 0 9 0 0 02 4 0 0 1 0 0 1 Sweep- 87 Sweeping the ends hollow, as in plate - - - - Veneering the edge of ditto cross-way - - - - Corner strings in ditto, each - - - - - A flap square clamp’d, to draw out from under the top, and hing’d to let down to inclose the front, extra from doors Veneering ditto - Lipping the top and flap for cloth, set against cleaning up. Lining ditto with cloth - - - Oiling and polishing 0 0 4 0 0 4 0 0 1 0 2 o' 0 0 6 0 0 9 0 0 10 A LADY’S WORK TABLE, as in Plate 25 ," Fig. 2 , One foot six inches long, one foot two inches wide, fram- ing four inches deep, one drawer in ditto, cock beaded, plain taper legs, the top part eight inches and a half wide, and eight inches deep, made to take off, one long and two short drawers in ditto, and a plain tray top - - - 0 16 0 EXTRAS IN THE LOWER PART. Each inch, more or less, in length - - - Ditto in width _ - - - Ditto in depth of framing - Astragal at the bottom of the frame - - - Ditto, when continued on the back - - - Each extra drawer in depth - - - - If two short drawers in place of one long one, extra Veneering each long drawer front . - - 0 0 3 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 8 0 0 10 0 2 0 0 1 3 0 0 5 Ditto W(M 88 Ditto each short - - If cross-way, each joint extra Veneering the end rails, when one drawer in depth, each - Ditto the back rail If cross-way, each joint extra - - - . . Veneering the end rails, when two drawers in depth, each ^ Ditto the back rail - - - - Cross-way, each joint extra Veneering the top - Each joint in the veneer An astragal or stone moulding on the edge of the top, or the edge veneerM with a string in the upper corner A string in the lower corner of the top, per foot Springing the legs one way, each leg - - . - Ditto both ways, as in plate Veneering the legs, when sprung one way, each - « Ditto, when sprung both ways - Each corner string in the legs when sprung - « ^ For the price of stretcher — Oval Work Table, EXTRAS IN THE UPPER PART. Each inch, more or less, in length - - - _ _ Sweeping the back edge of the top - - . . _ Veneering the long drawer front - - - - . Ditto each short - Ditto cross-way, each joint extra - - - . . "Veneering partition edges askew or cross-way, at per foot extra Ditto, with king, tulip, or any other bard wood, at per foot extra Veneering the top £* s, d, 0 0 3 0 0 I 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 2 0 0 9 0 0 4 0 0 8 0 0 I 0 0 4 0 0 10 0 0 9 0 0 11 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 6 0 0 4 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 .5 Each 89 Each joint in the veneer ------- Veneerino' either side of the ends, each - - - - o Ditto the back If cross-way, each joint extra ------ Letting a band in on the edge of the ends and back, to form a triple string when the ends are sweep’d as i-n plate, and the back straight - Ditto, when a serpentine back ~ - - - - Ditto, when scollop’d, as in plate - - - - . Veneering the edge of the ends and back cross-way Ditto, when a serpentine pr round back - _- - - Ditto, when scollop’d^ as in plate, extra - . - - Each corner string round the ends and back - - - Ditto, when a serpentine back - - Ditto, when scollop’d, as in plate - - - Glueing up the handle in four thicknesses - - - - Veneering ditto, each side ------ Veneering and rounding top or bottom edges, each The top and bottom part to be considered of equal value as in the start, when divided for the workmen.. Oiling and polishing - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 s. d* 0 4 0 3 0 5 0 li 2 0 2 6 3 . 0 1 9 2 3 1 0 1 0 1 2 2 0 1 4 0 6 0 6 0 6 A HARLEQUIN TABLE, as in Plate 10, Fig. 1, Two feet two inches- long, one foot nine inches from back to front, three- feet high, folding tops and taper’d legs, a writing flap in the top-, square clamp’d, with a horse un- der ditto, the harlequin to rise with springs, seven draw- ers and four letter holes inside, one drawer and one sham ditto in front, cock beaded, a cupboard below with hollow tambour to run right and left, and an astragal on the edge of the bottom - 360 N Extras. 90 EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length or width Making the harlequin to rise with weights - Casting the weights - - . Making the above round front, extra Ditto serpentine « - . Each extra drawer in a straight front - Ditto in a round front Ditto in a serpentine Veneering straight front, when one drawer - - Ditto each extra drawer - - - - - Veneering round front, when orie drawer Ditto each extra drawer - - - - - Veneering serpentine front, when one drawer - - . Each extra drawer - - - - - - - - Veneering the end or back, each - - - - , Ditto the tops - - - - - - • * Veneering the top of the harlequin - - - - . For the price of txtra work in the harlequin — See Secretary Drawer. For work inside of drawer, &c . — See Furniture Drawer. A pair of door frames for wire work in place of tambour Veneering door frames long-way - - _ _ . Ditto cross-way - - - - - Putting in silk curtains, each door - - - - . Ditto back boards, each Each flap in the folding tops, hing’d, and a bolt on ditto ‘ - Square clamping ditto - Miter clamping ditto, each miter extra - - - . A lock to ditto in place of a bolt - r - - - £, s, d, 0 0 9 0 2 6 0 0 9 0 7 0 0 10 0 0 2 6 0 3 3 0 3 9 0 13 0 0 6 0 1 6 0 0 7 0 2 0 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 1 0 0 0 6 0 3 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 6 0 1 3 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 3 Sweeping 91 Sweeping the edge of flaps to a round or serpentine front, each flap - - For the price of cross-banding, See. — See Tables of ditto. Oiling and polishing JB, s. d. A PEMBROKE TABLE, Two feet three inches long on the bed, by three feet when open, one fly on each side, the framing four inches and a half deep, one drawer, scratch beaded, square edge to the top, and plain Marlbro^ legs - - - - - EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length Ditto in widtli - -- -- - - - Ditto in depth of framing ------- Rounding or canting the corners of the flap - - - Ditto with quarter round corners - - - Ditto with ovalo corners - Sweeping the top oval or eliptic - , - - - Ditto serpentine - Rounding the edge of a square top - - - - - Ditto an oval, eliptic, canted,, or round corner top Ditto a quarter round corner top - - - - - Ditto an ovalo corner top ------- Ditto a serpentine top ------ Rounding the edge with one square, when a square top Ditto an oval, eliptic, canted, or round corner top Ditto a quarter round corner top - - - . Ditto an ovalo corner top ------ Ditto a serpentine top - - - - - - N 2 0 10 6 0 0 92 An astragal, or hollow and twp beads on the edge of a stjuare top - - - - - - - . - > Ditto an oval, eliptic, canted, or round corner top Ditto a quarter round corner top - - _ , Ditto an ovalo corner top Ditto a serpentine top Bevelling the edge of an oval top, when solid Veneering the edge of a square or canted top, per foot Ditto with king, tulip, or any other hard wood - Veneering the edge of an oval, eliptic, or round corner top, per foot - Ditto with king, tulip, or any other hard wood Veneering the edge* of a serpentine top, per foot Ditto with king, tulip, or any other hard wood Veneering the edge of an oval top when bevePd, per foot Crossing the joint, each - - - _ _ . . Each corner string round a square or canted corner top, per foot Sawing out and glueing up ditto, each A^enecring the end rails of a square frame A^eneering sweep end rails Ditto cross-way, each joint extra Glueing up the top, at per joint £. s. d. 0 1 4 0 1 9 0 2 2 0 2 8 0 2 7 0 0 4 0 0 1 0 0 If 0 0 If 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 I| 0 0 2 0 02 Ditto round a serpentine top, per foot Staining the edge of the top Ditto the joints - - - - Sweeping the end rails Ditto an oval, eliptic, round} ovalo, or quarter round corner top 0 0 2l 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 11 0 0 1 0 0 If 0 0 6 0 0 6 02 0 0 0 3 0 0 6 0 0 8 0 0 1 0 0 1 Cutting 93 Cutting down stuff for ditto, each cut - - . , Clamping the bed crossway ------ Ditto the flap, each clamp Veneering the top -------- Each joint in the veneer ------- Veneering the flaps inside, each - , » - • Each extra fly-------*- Each extra drawer in a square frame, scratch beaded Cock-beading ditto -------- A corner string in ditto ------- Each extra ditto in a sweep’d frame, scratch beaded - Cock-beading ditto -------- A corner string in ditto ------- For the price, of work inside the drawer — See Furniture Drawer, If cannisters . — See Tea Chest. Astragal round the bottom of a square frame - - - Ditto when sweep’d end rails ------ Each extra miter in ditto when the legs project - - - If sunk into the legs, extra ------ Making the bed to slide when a draft or backgammon board Letting in the squares for drafts - - - - - Ditto points for backgammon ------ Making a folding frame for ditto - - - - - Sawing out each leg Tapering ditto each side - - - - For the price of extra work in legs — See Tables of ditto. If made with framing below to receive wire work and cur- tains with a door at one end, extra « - - - Putting in the wire, each pannel - - - - - Ditto curtains, each £* s. d. 0 0 0 | 0 0 8 0 0 3 0 2 6 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 7 0 I 10 0 0 4 0 0 S 0 2 4 0 0 5 0 0 4 0 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 5 0 0 3 6 0 2 6 - 0 . 2 0 ’000 0 0 01 0 12 0 0 0 8 0 0 3 Veneer- # 94 Veneering each frame long way - * - Ditto cross- way - - If rhade -with a pair of hollow doors, when the drawer front rs straight -------- Dffto, when the drawer fi'ont is made hollow - If the opposite'end is made to sham hollow doors, when the drawer front is straight - - - - - Ditto, when the drawer front is hollow - - . A turned stretcher to fix in center-bit holes by a pin at each end - -- -- -- -- If fitted to the legs and fix’d with stretcher plates Champhering a stretcher to appear octagon, or square re- vers’d A flat stretcher, sweep’d sides and ends - For the price of cross-banding, &c. — See Tables of ditto. Oiling and polishing - - - - — £. s, d, 0 1 0 0 1 4 1 1 0 1 5 0 0 7 0 0 9 0 0 0 9 0 I 3 0 1 4 0 2 0 0 0 9 An tJNIVERSAL or SLIDING-FLAP PEMBROKE TABLE, Three feet long on the bed, three feet nine inches wide when open, framing four inches deep, the flaps to slide under the bed, supported by two lopers each when open, square edge to the top, plain taper legs, and an astragal lound the bottom of the frame - - « * « 1 .8 0 EXTRAS Each inch more less, in length or width - Ditto when the top is fram’d - - - Ditto in depth of framing - - - 0 0 4 0 0 5 - - 0 0 3 Clamping Clamping the bed, t^quare clamps Ditto the flaps, each Miter clamping ditto, each miter extra - - - Glueing up the bed or flaps, either solid or to veneer on, each joint Cutting down stuff for ditto, each cut - - ^ « Veneering the bed - -- -- -- - Ditto the flaps, each ------- Each joint in the veneer ------- Framing the bed with two pannels flush on the top side, the framing miter’d at the corners - Ditto the flaps with one pannel, each - . - , Each extra pannel in the bed or flaps - - - - Veneering the pannels on either side - - - - - Each plate let in across the bed . - - - - Each bolt to keep the flaps level with the bed - - - Veneering the edge of the top, at per foot - - - - Corner strings on the edge of the top, per foot - - A hollow under the edge of the flaps - - « - A plain drawer - -- -- -- Ditto on each side, or one with a double front to run either way --------- If two short drawers in the length - - - - - Veneering each long drawer front - - - - - Ditto each short - - - - - - - - Veneering the end rails long-way, each - - - - If cross-way, each joint extra ------ A plain slider in the drawer, square clamp’d and lip’d for cloth ---------- Ditto when a double-front drawer - - - Lining the slider with cloth ------ For the price of extra work in slider — See Dressing Chest, c£ » Sm d, 0 0 8 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 0. 1 0 0 0 0 1 6 0 0 9 0 0 6 0 S 6 0 3 9 0 1 6 0 3 0 0 0 6 0 0 4 0 0 1 0 0 I 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 6 0 0 3 0 0 0 6 0 0 4 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 2 3 0 3 3 0 0 6 For 96 j£, s, d. For the price of work inside the drawer — See Furniture Drainer. Sawing out each leg Tapering ditto, each side Each extra miter in the astragal, when the legs project Sinking the astragal into the legs - - _ O O o For the price of cross-banding, extra work in legs, &c. See Tables oj' ditto. Oiling and polishing 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 1 3 A SQUARE CARD TABLE, Two feet six inches long, one jfly foot, square edge to the top, plain Marlbro’ legs 0 7 6 EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length A n extra fly foot An astragal on the bottom of the front and end rails, or scol- loping ditto - - - . - . . ^ If continued on the back rail, extra - . . . Each extra miter in ditto, when the legs project » Rounding the edge of the top . An astragal, or hollow and two beads on the edge of the top Glueing up the tops, either solid or to veneer on, at per joint Cutting down stuff for ditto, each cut - - _ , Square clamping the top, each clamp - _ - . Mitering stuff round ditto for a moulding - - _ - Veneering the tops, each side Each joint in the veneer 0 0 3 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 1 6 0 0 1 0 * 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 0 0 0 9 0 0 6 Veneer- 97 Veneering the edge of the tops cross-way, per foot Each cornerstring in ditto, per foot - - - - » Veneering the front and end rails - - - - « Ditto the back rail - If cross-way, each joint extra - ^ . Lipping the top to receive cloth to be set against cleaning up. Sinking a solid top for cloth - - - - Lining ditto with cloth When the workman does not lay the cloth, but is required to clean the band after - Sinking the top each fly rail Folding frame extra Sawing out the legs, each - Ditto the joint rail Tapering legs, each side ------ Rounding the front legs and the corner of the tops Making a serpentine front to the above, with straight end rails - Sweeping the ends of the top serpentine - - . . Sweeping the end rails half serpentine - - - - Veneering the front rail Ditto each end rail _ _ . _ If cross-way, each joint extra Veneering the edge of serpentine top, per foot - - - Each corner string on the front and ends of ditto per foot Ditto on the back, per foot ------ A string between the band and cloth - - - - - An astragal or hollow and two beads on the edge of the top, when straight ends Ditto, when the ends are half serpentine - . - - Folding frame to ditto ------- 0 I 2 0 0 10 o 98 £, s. d. For the price of cross-banding, extra work in legs, &c. — See Tables of ditto. Oiling and polishing, when lin’d Ditto, when sojid or veneer’d A CIRCULAR CARD TABLE, Three feet long, one fly foot, scpiare edge to the tops, plain Marlbro’ legs “ " " “ EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length An extra fly foot - - - - - - - “ An astragal round the bottom of the rail, when the legs are flush - -- -- -- -- If continued on the back rail, extra - - Each extra miter when the legs project ---- Rounding the edge of the top - - - * An astragal, or hollow and two beads on the edge of ditto Glueing 'up the top, either solid or to veneer on, 'at per joint Cutting down stuff for ditto, each cut - - - - Clamping the top to appear as solid, each clamp Veneering the tops, each side Each joint, in the veneer - A^eneering the edge of the top cross-way, at per foot - Each corner string in the sweep part, per foot . - - Ditto on the back, per foot Lipping the top for cloth set against cleaning up. Sinking a solid top for. cloth ------ Lining ditto with cloth 0 0 6 0 8 0 10 6 0 0 3 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 1 9 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 9 0 0 6 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 2 0 0 10 AVhcli 99 When the workman does not lay the cloth, but is required to clean the band after - A string between the band and cloth Working a hollow on the edge of the under top - Staining ditto - Veneering the rail long-way Ditto the back rail - If cross-way, each joint extra A drawer in front - - “ " Sawing out each leg Ditto the joint rail r Tapering legs, each side If made eliptic, extra - - " " , For the price of cross-banding. See.— -See Tables of ditto. Oiling and polishing, when lin’d - - “ “ Ditto, when solid or veneer’d - • - - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A CARD TABLE, with CANTED CORNER, solid, square edge to the tops, one fly foot, plain Marlbio legs A plain drawer in front - - Veneering the front and end rails _ - - A string betwixt the band and cloth - - - " An astragal on the bottom of the frame _ - - - For the price of banding — See Table of ditto. All other extras to be paid for as Circular Card Table. A CARD TABLE, with ROUND CORNER, solid, the front legs placed in the center of the corner, square edge to the tops, one fly foot, plain Marlbro’ legs - - - o 2 s. 0 3 0 9 0 4 0 4 0 10 0 5 0 1 d 0 0 01 0 0 ’ 0 0 1 0 0 6 0 8 10 6 3 3 1 2 1 0 1 0 0 II 0 A plain 100 A plain drawer in front . - An astragal on the bottom of the frame . . ^ Veneering the front and end rails - - . " All other extras to be paid for as Circular Card Table. s. d. 0 3 9 0 I 0 0 I 0 A CARD TABLE, with Quarter Round Corners, Three feet long, straight middle and end rails, solid top square edge to ditto, veneci-’d rails, one fly foot, plain MarlbiV legs . ^ ’ r EXTRAS. iiacn inch, more or less, in length - - - . An astragal round the bottom of the rail - - . If continued on the back, extra - - - . " Each extra miter when the legs project - - - . Glueing up the top either solid or to veneer on, at per joint Cutting down stuff for ditto, each cut , f ^weep part, per foot eneering the edge of the tops,< straight part, ditto Leach break - Corner strings in ditto I' straight part, per foot < end and sweep part, ditto Leach break - - . Lipping the inside for cloth Sinking a solid top for cloth - Lining ditto with cloth . A string between the band and doth - , J " Q 13 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 1 0 0 6 0 1 6 0 0 10 0 1 0 3 6 3 0 1 0 3 0 Working N|h< m|h 101 Working a hollow on the under edge of the lower top A drawer in the front Fitting up inside of ditto for backgammon - - , A draft board to slide under the bottom of ditto l^or the price of extra work — See Square or Circulcir Card Tables. Oiling and polishing, when the tops are lin’d - Ditto when solid or veneer’d £. s. d. 0 I 0 0 3 3 0 3 6 0 3 0 0 0 7 0 0 9 A CARD TABLE, with Ovalo Corners^ Three feet long, straight middle and end rails, the corners and front rail veneer’d, one fly foot, square edge to the tops, four plain Marlbro’ legs - - - « ^ EXTRAS., Each inch, more or less, in length - An astragal round the bottom of the frame- If continued on the back rail, extra -- Each extra miter, when the legs project Two extra leg's - - _ _ Veneering the edge of the tops. Each corner string r straight part, per foot j sweep part, ditto - ^ each break { sweep part, per foot straight part, ditto each break » - Lipping the inside for cloth Lining the tops with cloth A string between the band and cloth 0 0 3 0 1 10 0 0 3 0 0 0i 0 2 6 0 0 1 0 0 11 0 0 2 0 0 li 0 0 1 0 0 1 O 1 0 0 I 0 0 1 2 Working 102 Working an astragal or hollow and two beads on the edge of the tops - - - - " " " A hollow on the under edge of the lower top Veneering the end rails, each Ditto the back rail " A drawer in the front ------- Fitting up inside of ditto for backgammon A draft board to slide under the bottom of ditto For the price of any extra work — See Square and Circular Card Tables. Oiling and polishing, when the tops are lin'd - , - Ditto, when solid or veneer’d £> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A GENTLEMAN’S SOCIAL TABLE, as in Plate 22, Fig. 1> Four feet long, the rail two inches and a half wide, ve- neer’d all round, solid top, square edge to ditto, four plain taper legs, a pillar and claw stand in the hollow part, the top of ditto turn’d to receive the bottom of a tin or copper cylinder, two feet over and made to turn round, a mahogany top fitted into the cylinder, and cut to receive five tin bottle cases, the claws as in No. 1 plate of ditto EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length - Putting on pieces to form brackets on each side of the legs - Rounding the edge of the top ------ 4- 6 1 4 0 2 0 .5 3 3 3 6 5 0 0 S 0 10 8 ‘ 0 0 0 6 0 1 0 0 0 9 Astragal 103 £• s. Astragal on the bottom of the rail Each extra miter in ditto, when the legs project Framing the top of the stand with a square pannel, flush on both sides - - Screwing a bead round the edge of the loose top of the cy- linder - - - - - - “ Each extra hole to receive, a bottle case . - When the table is made separate, and as described in the preamble, deduct for the cylinder and stand - - - Each extra inch in diameter ------ For the price of extra work in legs or claws, &c. See Tables of ditto. - Oiling and polishing the table_ - ~ “ Ditto the stand - - - - 0 3 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 d. 6 Oi 6 0 6 0 2 6 4 A CHAMBER TABLE, Two feet six indies long, the framing four inches deep, plain Marlbro’ legs, square edge to the top - - - - extras. Each inch, more or less, in length - - Ditto, when a drawer - - - - - " “ Ditto in depth of framing Each drawer the length of the frame, cock beaded Each extra drawer, ditto ------- When more than -one in length, each - - - • Veneering the front rail ------- Veneering each long drawer front - - - - ■ Ditto each short drawer front ----- Each butt joint in the veneer - - - - - 0 3 Q 0 0 H 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 2 6 0 2 3 0 2 0 00 4 00 6 0 0 4 0 0 4 Veneer- 104 extra Veneering the end rails, If cross-way, each joint Glueing up the top, at ^ Cutting down stuff for ditto, each cut - - _ , Square clamping the top Miter clamping ditto, each miter extra - - - * Mitering stuff round for a moulding - Working a moulding on the front and ends of the top, or veneering the edge of ditto, with a string in the upper corner, per foot - A string in the lower corner of the top, j^r foot Veneering the top - Each joint in the veneer - - - _ _ An astragal round the bottom of the frame - - ^ If made with a circular front, extra - A drawer in ditto the whole length of the frame - - . O Each extra drawer, when more than one in length If made with an eliptic front A drawer in ditto the whole length - Each extra drawer, when more than one in lens-th O Veneering the front rail A^enecring each long drawer front - - _ « - Ditto each short - A moulding on the front and ends of the top, or veneering the edge of ditto, with a string in the upper corner', per foot Ditto, each break at the end ------ If made with a serpentine front, extra - - - _ A drawer in ditto, the length of the frame - - - - Each extra drawer, when more than one in the length O A moulding on the front and ends of the top, or veneering the edge of ditto, \yth a string in the upper corner, per foot A string in tiie lower corner of the top, per foot - - - e£^. S. d, 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 I 0 0 Of 0 0 8 0 0 6 0 0 9 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 9 0 0 6 0 0 9 0 1 6 0 3 0 0 2 6 0 1 10 0 3 4 0 2 8 0 0 6 0 0 8 0 0 3 0 0 2 0 0 4 0 2 4 0 3 3 0 2 6 0 0 3l 0 0 1^ Roundin1M W- 114 A CIRCULAR I^XLOS’D PIER TABLE, £. s. Three feet six inches long, two doors in tlie middle part, glued up and clamp’d, one sham ditto at each end, a fast shelf inside, the front veneer’d all flush, edge ofthe top square, an astragal on the edge of the bottom, on taper stump feet 93 EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length - - - _ -00 Eliptic sweep, extra ""-“"--02 A wide rail under the top moulding with an astragal at foot , - - 0 3 For the price of glueing up the top, veneering and mould- ing ditto — See the preceding Table. Each inner end, when drawers within the doors in the middle -----....qj Deduct for the shelf -01 Each drawer not exceeding nine inches deep, scratch beaded 0 3 Cock-beading ditto - .qq Each inch deeper Each partition Veneering each drawer front q 0 A cupboard in either end. in place of sham doors - - 0 3 Each shelf in ditto - _ ^ Each shelf in the middle part ’-----00 If drawers in the middle, in place of doors, deduct for doors and shelf - 014 Then add for drawers and partitions as above. d. 0 8 0 Q S 6 0 6 4 7 9 0 s 9 6 Sawing 115 X, s. d. Sawing oat drawer fronts, and glueing up ditto — See Uorind-ft'ont Dressing Chesi. If made for japanning, deduct ------ For the price of pilasters — See lonjer Part of Straight front Library. Fram’d back, each pannel For the price of cross-banding, extra work in legs, &c. — • See Tables of ditto. Oiling and polishing - - - - - - _ A PIER TABLE, with Ovalo Corners, Three feet long, one foot six inches wide, straight middle and end rails, the corners and front rail veneer’d, the edge of the top square, four plain Marlbro’ legs - EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length or width --- Each inch above four in depth of framing - . - - An astragal on the bottom of the frame - - - _ Each extra miter in ditto, when the legs legs project - Glueing up the top, at per joint Cutting down stuff for ditto, each cut - - - - - Lining up the top, at per foot in length - - . . Veneering the top, at per foot in length - - - . Each joint in the veneer, per foot - - - - - Q 2 0 5 0 0 0 6 0 1 3 0 12 0 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 I 10 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 3 0 0 2 Veneer- hN 116 Each corner string, per foot - . r straight part Veneering the edge of the top, at per foot j sweep ditto ^ each break straight part sweep ditto each break Working an astragal, or hollow and two beads on the edge the top Veneering the end rails, each - . - - - A plain shelf, sweep as the rail, and fixed with plates If low rails, framed into the legs - - - - Two extra legs ------- A drawer between the front legs - - - - If two in the length ------ Sawing out each leg ------ Tapering ditto, each side - - - - - For the price of extra work in legs — See Tables of diito^ Oiling and polishing - of £. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 An INCLOS’D PIER TABLE, with Ovalo Ends AND Straight Middle, Three feet six inches long, one foot six inches wir less, in length or width - - ,0 0 For the price of glueing up the top, &c. — See the preceding Table. Veneering the ends, each ------ - 01 A drawer in the front ---- ---03 Veneering ditto - - - - - - - - 00 If the upper part of the ends are veneer’d long-way, when to sham a drawer front, each extra - - - - 0 0 Two extra legs, with end rails to ditto - - - - 0 8 A cupboard in either end ---- - - -03 Each shelf in ditto --------00 For the price' of cross-banding, extra work in doors, &c.-^ See Tables of ditto. Oiling and polishing - A PIER TABLE, with Circular Middle and Hollow Ends, asm Plate 10, Fig. 2, Left-hand endj Three feet six inches long, one foot six inches wide, two doors in the middle part glued up and clamp’d, one sham ditto at each end, a fast shelfinside, the front veneer’d all flush, the edge of the top square, an astragal on the edge of the bottom, on taper stump feet - - - 2 8 d. 6 9 3 6 r 0 0 5 6 0 Extras » 118 EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length or width - - - An astragal or hollow and two beads on the edge of the top A small stone moulding on the edge of the top, with a frize and astragal at foot - - - - . A wide rail under the top, with an astragal at bottom of ditto Glueing up the top, at per joint - - - Cutting down stuff for ditto, each cut - - - - Lining up the top, at per foot in length - - - - Veneering the top, at per foot in length - - - . Each joint in the veneer, per foot - - - Veneering the edge of the top, at per foot - - - . - Each corner string on the front and ends, per foot Ditto on the back, at per foot Each cupboard in the ends in place of sham door - Each shelf in ditto _ _ _ _ _ If inner ends, drawers, &c. in the middle — See Circular Inclosed Pier Table, For the price of cross-banding, &c. — See Tables of ditto. Oiling and polishing £, s. d. 0 0 6 0 .2 0 0 4 6 0 3 6 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 3 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 3 6 0 0 3 0 1 6 A PIER n|h Hh n|hi 119 A PIER TABLE, with Circular Middlf, anu Ogee E XDS, as in Plate 10, Fig. 2, Right-hand end^ £. Three feet six inches long, one foot eight inches wide in the center, two doors in the middle glued up and clampM, a fast shelf inside, the front and ends veneer’d, the edge of the top square, an astragal on the edge of the bottom on taper stump feet - EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length or width > - - o Each cupboard in the ends in place of sham door - - 0 Each shelf in ditto - An astragal or hollow and two beads on the edge of the top 0 A small stone moulding, with a frize and astragal at foot - 0 A wide rail under the top, with an astragal at foot of ditto 0 Glueing up the top, at per joint - - ... o Cutting down stuff for ditto, each cut - . . . q Lining up the top, at per foot in length - - - - o Veneering the top, per foot in length - . . . o Each joint in the veneer, per foot - .... q Veneering the edge of the top, at per foot - . - o Corner strings on front and ends, per foot - - - . o Ditto on the back, per foot o If draweis, &c., in the middle — Circular Inclosed Pier Table. s. 12 0 4 0 2 6 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 d. 0 8 0 5 6 0 s I 01 4 31 2 li n 1 For 120 «£. s. d. Fertile price of cross-banding, &c . — See Tables of ditto. Oiling and polishing A STRAIGHT-FRONT SIDEBOARD TABLE, Four feet six inches long, two feet six inches wide framing five inches deep, the edge of the top square, four plain Marlbro’ legs, and an astragal round the bottom of the frame - -- -- -- -- EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length or width - - - Ditto in depth of framing ------ Glueing up the top, at per joint - - - - - Cuttino- down stuff for ditto, each cut - - - - Glueing up a solid top, each joint, at per foot in length Lining up the top, at per foot in length - - Lining the ends of top on the miter, . to appear as solid, extra - - - - - - - - - Veneering the top, at per foot in le'ngth - - - - Ditto the edge, at per foot - - - - - ” Ditto each break - -- -- -- - Each corner string on the top, at per foot - - Each ditto in the breaks - - - - Canting the front corners of the top - - - - - Ditto the legs, each ---- Rounding the front corners of the top . « - - 1 0 0 10 0 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 5 0 1 0 0 0 6 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 6 1 0 0 3 0 0 H 0 0 6 A tablet 121 A plain tablet on the rail A lipping round ditto to form a pannel - - - - A small moulding ditto - - Breaking the tablet below the rail Each extra miter in moulding or lipping, when broke - Veneering ditto' -------- A butt joint in the veneer A tablet drawer - - - -- -- - Each break in the top A drawer the whole length of the frame, cock beaded If two in the length If three ditto If four ditto - When drawers as above, each extra inch in length Veneering the rails long-way, per foot - - - Ditto when drawers, each drawer extra - - - - Ditto cross-way, each joint extra - - - - - Two extra legs, when without drawers - - Ditto when fram’d to receive drawers - - - - When the middle legs project their whole thickness, for legs and extra framing " - If made with an eliptic middle, sweeping the rail and top - Ditto, when a drawer is introduced - _ - - A^eneering the eliptic part ------ Ditto, when a drawer A small stone moulding on the edge of the top, with a frize and astragal at bottom of ditto, at pei foot Ditto, when an eliptic middle, the sweep part, at per foot Erfch miter more than two ------ Rabbiting in a moulding when a veneer’d top, the same price as when solid. A hollow or torus round the top of the frame, when the legs are flush, per foot - - - " Each extra miter, when the legs project - - - R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 s, d. 0 9 0 6 0 9 0 2 0 0 ^ 0 4 0 3 3 6 0 4 4 6 6 6 8 6 10 0 0 o 0 2 0 2 0 1 2 6 3 9 4 6 4 0 9 0 0 10 1 0 0 0 8 0 3 0 2 0 1 Ditto / 122 Ditto, when an eliptic middle, sweep part - - - - o A torus moulding, with a hollow at foot, round the top of the frame, per foot - -- -- -- 0 Ditto, when an eliptic middle, sweep part . - ^ o Each extra miter in the astragal at the bottom of the frame 0 Rounding the edge of a solid or veneer’d top - - 0 Ditto when breaks, each break extra - - - - o Letting in each plate for rods - - - - . - 0 A flap at the back hung with a rule joint, and supported with two brackets - ------0 Every three inches exceeding four feet six indies in length 0 Veneering ditto, at per foot in length i. . 0 Sawing out the legs, each - - - - - - 0 Tapering ditto, each side ------ o For the price of extra work in legs — See Tables of ditto. Oiling and polishing, at per foot in length - - - o 0 4 0 3 0 6 0 0 | 0 6 0 2 0 3 5 6 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 A STRAIGHT-FRONT CELLERET SIDEBOARD, J'ive feet long, two feet six inches wide, the framing fifteen inches deep, a deep drawer at one end prepared for the plumber, a plain drawer or cupboard at the other end, a shallow ditto in the middle, edge of the top square, four plain Marlbro’ legs, and an astragal round the bottom of the frame - - - - - - - - -190 EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in lenorth or width - - - 0 0 6 Ditto in depth of framing - - - ^ - - 006 For the price of glueing up the top, veneering ditto, &c. — See the preceding Table. Partitioning with mahogany mitered, or any other wmrk — See Square Celleret. 2 A bead 123 S, d. A bead miterM round the inside of the drawer to cover the edge of the lead - - - If two drawers in place of a deep one, extra partition included An extra drawer above the celleret ----- A pot cupboard in the end, cock beaded . - - - Hinging the front, to let down, and fixing a quadrant to support ditto - -- -- -- - An eliptic middle drawer, extra from straight - - An extra drawer in depth, in the middle of a straight front Ditto, when eliptic - - - - - Two extra legs - - - - - Veneering the front - - - - Veneering each drawer above three in ditto Ditto the end rails, each - - -. - Ditto each middle rail or back in the knee hole A loose cistern for bottles - - - - A small ditto to wash glasses in - - A plain straight-front arch - - - Veneering ditto - - ” A plain eliptic arch - ' Veneering ditto _ « - - - A corner string round the bottom of a straight-front arch A triple string or cock bead round ditto A string up the ends of ditto, and continued along the top A cock bead, ditto A corner string round the bottom of an eliptic arch - A triple string or cock bead round ditto - - - A string up the ends of ditto, and continued along the top A cock bead or triple string, ditto - - - - Veneering the bottom edge of a straight-front arch Ditto a sweep-front arch ------ Each pannel in the arch, formed by a single string Ditto by a double string - - - - - Ditto by a triple string ------ R S 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c 0 0 0 c c ( ( ( 0 6 2 6 3 0 2 6 1 9 5 6 3 3 5 0 2 6 3 0 0 6 0 8 0 6 2 6 1 6 1 6 0 6 3 0 1 0 0 4 0 10 0 4 0 6 0 6 1 3 ' 0 6 0 8 I 0 4 I 0 8 I 0 5 I 0 6 i 0 7 Letting 124 jt Letting in a fan or pannel, each - - - - - Ditto, when eliptic - - - Making a pannel of veneer, and letting ditto into a straight front, with a single string round - - - - - Ditto an eliptic front - - - - - Each extra string round ditto - A plate drawer, with the arch to draw out, extra from fixed arch - -- -- -- -- Ditto, when an eliptic middle - - - - - When the front of the drawers are made to stand two or three inches behind the arch, and the space filled up even on the top side - - - Ditto, when an eliptic front Wlien the f ront is hing’d to fall down within the arch, extra When an eliptic ditto for filling up inside - - - - Veneering plate drawer front - - - . - - Ditto when eliptic - - - - Ditto the top, when the front stands within the arch - A slider on the back part of the drawer - - - - Oiling and polishing, at per foot in length - . - - A ROUND-FRONT SIDEBOARD TABLE, With Straight Ends Four feet six inches long, two feet six inches wide, framing five inches deep, the front rail veneer’d, the edge of the top square, four plain Marlbro’ legs, and an astragal round the bottom of the frame - _ - - - EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length or width - - - Ditto in depth of framing !. s. d, 0 0 4 0 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 1 0 5 6 0 6 6 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 3 0 0 2 6 0 0 8 0 0 11 0 0 4 0 1 9 0 0 3 0 15 0 0 0 4 0 0 5 When 125 When made eliptic, with the legs to stand either bevel or square Making the end rails half eliptic, with the astragal broke round ditto Glueing up the top, at per joint - - - - - Cutting clown stuff for ditto, each cut - - , - Glueing up a solid top, each joint at per foot in length Lining up the top, at per foot in length - - Lining the ends of the top on the miter tO' appear as solid, extra - Each break in the top - - - - - * - Veneering the top, at per foot in length - - - - r sweep part - Veneering the edge of ditto, atperfootf ^ . >=> o ’ r I straight part Ditto when breaks, each break extra • - r sweep part Corner strings on the top, at per foot straight part - Each ditto in the breaks - - - - ~ ~ - Rounding the edge of the top ------ Ditto when breaks, each break extra _ - - - A small stone moulding on the edge of the top, with a frize and astragal at the bottom of fstraight part ditto, at per foot - - - - Each extra miter, when the legs project - - - - A hollow or torus round the top of the frame, when the legs are flush, sweep part, per foot - Ditto straight,part ' ~ ~ A torus moulding with a hollow at foot, sweep part, per foot Ditto straight part - - - - - - Each extra miter, when the legs project . - - - Ditto in the astragal at the bottom of the frame - - - A tablet on the rail - - - - - “ - - Veneering ditto •• - - - s. d. 0 1 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 Of 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 1 5 0 4 6 w I 1 H 1 I 0 8 0 2 0 7 0 6i 0 0 a 0 2 0 2 0 4 0 3 0 1 0 0 0 11 0 6 Each 126 £. Each butt joint in the veneer - - - - - - 0 A tablet drawer - - . - - - - - 0 When made with tliree drawers, each end drawer - - 0 Two extra legs, not bevel’d - - - - - 0 Ditto, when bevePd - - - - - - - 0 Two extra legs fram’d to receive drawers - - - - o When the middle legs project their whole thickness, for legs - 0 - 0 - 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 of and extra framing - - Veneering the end rails, each ----- Ditto cross -way, each joint extra - - - - A cupboard in the end rail, with a plain door Hollowing out the end rails, each - - - , An astragal on ditto extra - - - , . Sawing out the legs, each - - - - - Tapering ditto, each side ----- For the price of extra work in legs, &c. — See Tables ditto. Oiling and polishing, at per foot in length A ROUND FRONT CELLERET SIDEBOARD, as in Plate 2, Fig. 2, Five feet long, two feet six inches wide, framing fifteen inches deep, the front veneer’d, a deep drawer at one end prepared for the plumber, a plain drawer or cup- board at the other end, a shallow ditto in the middle, four plain Marlbro’ legs, and an astragal round the bot- tom of the frame - -.----2 s. d, 0 4 4 0 4 0 2 6 3 0 4 0 4 6 0 4 0 1 2 6 0 2 0 4 0 1 0 0 0 3 2 0 Extras. 127 EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length or width - - - Ditto in depth of framing - - When made eliptic - -- -- -- - For the price of glueing up the top, veneering ditto, &c. — < See the preceding Thhle, If two drawers in place of a deep one, extra partition in- cluded ------ - - - An extra drawer above the celleret drawer, rail included An extra drawer in depth in the middle _ - - - Sawing drawer fronts out of two-inch stuff, each cut - Ditto three-inch stuff, each cut - - - - - Glueing up ditto, at per joint Two extra legs - -- -- -- - A plain arch, veneer’d ------- For the price of plate drawer, or extra work in arch See Straight -front Celleret Sideboard. Veneering deep drawer fronts, or cupboard doois inside, each Ditto shallow drawers, each Veneering each drawer more than three in front - - - Mitering bead stuff round the inside of drawer to cover the edge of the lead - A loose cistern for bottles, to fit the sweep of the front Ditto when the drawer front is straight inside - - - A small ditto to wash glasses in - - - " " Ditto, when the drawer front is straight inside . - - For the price of pot cupboard, &c. — See Straightfront Cel- leret Sideboard. Oiling and polishing, at per foot in length - - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 s. di 0 6 0 6 3 0 3 0 4 0 4 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 6 3 0 0 8 0 4 0 - 8 0 8 3 6 3 0 2 0 1 9 0 4 ASER- ■►iw 128 A SERPENTINE-FRONT SIDEBOARD TABLE, Four feet six inches long, two feet six inches wide, framing £. s, d. five inches deep, front rail veneered, edge of the top si^uare, four plain Marlbro’ legs, and an astragal round the bottom of the frame - - - - ~ "0170 EXTRAS Each inch, more or less, in length or width - - . Ditto in depth of framing For the price of glueing up the top, veneering ditto, &c. — ' See Hound-front Sideboard Table, A hollow or torus round the top of the frame, sweep part, per foot Ditto straight part - - - - - A torus moulding, with a hollow at foot - Ditto straight part - - - A small stone moulding on the edge of the top, with a veneer’d frize, and an astra- gal at bottom of ditto, at per foot - Canting the front corners of the top - Each extra miter in the frize - - - Rounding ditto - Making the ends of the top half serpentine, when canted corners Ditto, when round corners Sweeping the end rails and top half serpentine - - - A hollow or torus under the top, when serpentine end rails A torus mouldmg round ditto, with a hollow at foot - Veneering the end rails, when half serpentine _ . - Two extra legs ^ [sweep part I straight part - 0 0 4 0 0 4 0 0 4 0 0 2 0 0 51 0 0 3 0 0 8 0 0 5 | 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 6 0 1 0 0 1 3 0 6 0 0 4 9 0 7 0 0 1 4 0 2 6 For 129 £ s» (/. For the price of drawers or cupboard, Scc.^See Round- fi'ont Sideboard Table. Oiling and polishing, at per foot in length - - - 0 0 3 A SERPENTINE- FRONT CELLERET SIDEBOARD as in Plate 4, Fig. I , Five feet long, two feet six ihches wide, framing fifteen inches deep, veneer'd front, a deep drawer at one end prepared for the plumber, a plain drawer or cupboard at the other end, a shallow drawer in the middle, four plain Marlbro' legs, and an astragal round the bottom of the frame EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length or width - - Ditto in depth of framing - - Sweeping the end rails and top half serpentine - If two drawers in place of a deep one, rail included - A drawer above the celleret, rail included - - - , An extra drawer in depth in the middle - - - . Two extra legs - A plain arch veneer’d - - . _ _ _ A cupboard in the knee hole, with tambour front, either hollow or round, to run right and left ... Ditto a straight-front cupboard s 2 6 0 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 10 6 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 4 0 0 2 6 0,2 3 0 10 6 0 9 0 For 130 s. d. For the price of a plate drawer, or extra work in arch— See Straight-front Celleret Sideboard, For glueing up drawer fronts, veneering ditto inside, and loose cisterns — See Roundfront Celleret Sideboard. For the price of mouldings on the top, &c . — See the pre- ceding Table. Oiling and polishing, at per foot in length - - - 0 0 4 A CIRCULAR SIDEBOARD TABLE Four feet six inches long, framing five inches deep, the rail veneer’d, the edge of the top square, four plain Marlbro’ legs, and an astragal round the bottom of the frame 0 Id O EXTRAS. Each inch more or less, in length - - - Ditto in depth of framing - If made eliptic,, extra Glueing up the top, at perjoint - - - Cutting down stuff for ditto, each cut . - - Glueing up a solid top, eachjoint, at perfoot in length Lining up the top, at per foot i a length - - •= Veneering ditto, at per foot in length - - - Ditto the edge, at per foot ----- { straight part - sweep part Rounding the edge of the top - . - - - P 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Of 0 Q 1 0 0 d 0 0 d 0 0 11 0 0 1 0 0 U 0 0 8 A small 4 6 6 2 131 £• d. A small stone moulding on the edge of the top, with a frize veneerM cross- way, and an astragal at the bottom of ditto, at per foot A hollow or torus moulding, ditto, per foot - - - A torus, with a hollow at foot, ditto . - - - A drawer between the two front legs Sawing out the legs, each Tapering ditto, each side ------ For the price of extra work in legs, &c . — See Tables of ditto. Oiling and polishing, at per foot in length A CIRCULAR CELLERT SIDEBOARD, as in Plate 5, Fig. 1, Five feet long, the framing fifteen inches deep, two deep drawers, one prepared for the plumber, the other plain, a shallow angle ditto in the middle, a cupboard in each corner, veneer’d front, four plain Marlbro’ legs, and an astragal round the bottom of the frame - - - - EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length Ditto in depth of framing ------ If made eliptic, extra For the price of glueing up the top, veneering ditto, &c— See the preceding Table, s 2 7 31 5 0 1 Of 3 0 8 6 0 Two 132 •£. s. d, 0 5 0 0 2 6 Two extra legs in front Ditto in the back - If the .nicldle drawer is made to run in square, and tlie end drawers to answer ditto, extra - _ _ If two drawers in place of a deep one, when an angle middle drawer - . _ ^ Ditto when the middle drawer is square - . ! ’ If the fronts are made to overhang the sides, each end in the deep drawers _ Each shallow ditto - - - . If without cupboards in the corners, deduct for each - A plain arch veneer’d - - _ > Eor the price of a plate drawer, or extra work in arch— See Straight-front Celleret Sideboard. A loose cistern for bottles, when an angle drawer in the middle - - - - . Ditto, when the front is straight inside - - - . Ditto when the middle drawer is square - - ^th^^^^'d^ir^ glasses in when an angle drawer in Ditto when the front is straight inside Ditto, when the middle drawer is square - - . Sawing drawer fronts out of two-inch stuff, each cut ’ Ditto, three-inch _ _ _ __ Glueing up drawer fronts, at per joint - . . . Sawing out the legs, each - - _ Tapering ditto, each side For the price of extra work in legs, &c.— Tables of ditto. filing and polishing, at per foot in length 2 0 3 0 3 6 1 0 0 8 1 6 2 6 3 6 3 0 4 6 2 0 1 9 2 9 0 0 | 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 Of 0 5 ( ASIDE- 133 A SIDEBOARD TABLE, with Ovalo Corners, J Four feet six inches long, two feet six inches wide, framing five inches deep, veneer’d front, six plain Mailbro legs, and an astragal round the bottom of the frame i EXTRAS. Each inch,, more or less, in length or width Ditto in depth of framing - - - - . If the corners are made eliptic, extra Glueing up the top, at per joint - - - Cutting down stuff for ditto, each cut - - - Glueing up a solid top, each joint, at per foot in length Lining up the top, at per foot in length - - - Veneering ditto, at per foot in length - , _ { sweep part, per foot - straight part, ditto each break - - - r sweep part, per foot Each corner string j straight part, ditto- - - _ ^ each break - ^ . A hollow or torus under the top - - . . A toras moulding round ditto, with a hollow at foot - A drawer in the middle - . If two in the length - An eliptic or serpentine middle - - When a drawer in ditto - - . _ 0 0 4 0 0 4 0 1 6 0 0 2 0 0 01 0 0 1 0 0 5 0 0 6 0 0 11 0 0 I 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 3 6 0 4 6 0 3 9 0 6 0 0 4 0 0 9 0 When 134 When two in the length ------ A hollow or torus under the top, when eliptic middle - A torus moulding, with a hollow at foot, ditto - _ - A hollow or torus, when serpentine middle _ - . A toms, with a hollow at foot - Each drawer or cupboard in the ovalo corners - - - Sawing out the legs, each ------ Tapering ditto, each side ------ For the price of extra work in legs, &c . — See Tables of ditto. Oiling and polishing, at per foot in length - - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A CELLERET SIDEBOARD, with Ovalo Corners Five feet long, two feet six inches wide, framing fifteen inches deep, veneer’d front, a drawer at one corner prepared for the plumber, a plain drawer or cupboard at the other, a shallow ditto in the middle, six plain Marl- bro’ legs, and an astragal round tlie bottom of the frame 2 EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length or width - - - o Ditto in depth of framing - - - - - - 0 If the corners are made eliptic, extra _ - - - 0 For the price of glueing up the top, veneering ditto, 8^c. — • See the preceding Table. If an angle middle drawer, and the end drawers square to answer ditto, extra - - - - ~ - 0 s. d. 12 6 4 3 6 3 4 6 6 0 6 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 15 0 0 6 0 6 4 0 2 0 If 135 If two drawers in place of a deep one - - - - A veneer’d pannel on the end of the ovalo corners, when the drawers are not the whole size of ditto - - • For the price of an extra drawer in the middle and arch — See Straight-front Celkret Sideboard. A loose cistern for bottles, when the middle drawer is square Ditto, when an angle middle drawer - ^ - A small ditto to wash glasses in, when the middle drawer is square Ditto when an angle middle drawer - - * Sawing out the legs, each Tapering ditto each side For the price of extra work in legs, &c.- See Tables of ditto. Oiling and polishing,, at per foot in length 0 2 6 0 0 4 A SIDEBOARD TABLE, with Eliptic Middle, AND Eliptic Hollow on each Side, Four feet six inches long, two feet six inches wide, framing five inches deep, veneer’d front rails, edge of the top square, six plain Marlbro’ legs, and an astragal round ; the Bottom of the frame - - - - - - 1 Extras. 136 extras. Each inch, more or less, in length or "width Ditto in depth of framino" - « - Glueing up the top, at per joint - - _ Cutting down stuff for ditto, each cut Glueing up a solid top, each joint, at per foot in length Lining up the top, at per foot in length - - _ Veneering ditto, at per foot in length ^ f straight part, per foot - \ eneering the edge of ditto j sweep part, ditto - t each break - r straight part, per foot Corner strings in dittoj sweep part, ditto t each break _ - _ A small stone moulding on the edge of^ the top, with a veneer’d frize and an astragal at the bottom of ditto, at per part foot each break A hollow or torus under the top - _ _ - _ A torus moulding, with a hollow at foot, ditto - - _ A drawer in the middle - If two in the length O Each end drawer - Sawing out the legs, each Tapering ditto, each side Eor the juice of extra work in legs, &c . — See Tables oj' ditto. Oiling and polishing at per foot in length - - - - £. s. d. 0 0 4 0 0 4 0 0 2 0 0 0 | 0 0 1 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 9 0 0 6 0 0 6 0^6 0 7 6 0 5 0 0 8 6 0 4 3 0 0 1 0 0 01 0 0 3 A CEL- ♦•I- nH 137 A CELLERET SIDEBOARD, with Eliptic Middle, AXD Eliptic Hollow ox each Side, as in Plate 5, Fig. 2, Right-hand end^ Five feet long, two feet six inches wide, framing one foot £, s. d, three inches deep, veneerM front, edge of the top square a deep drawer at one end prepared for the plumber, a plain drawer or cupboard at the other end, a shallow ditto in the middle, six plain Marlbro’ legs, and an astragal round the bottom of the frame - - - - - 300 EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length or width « - , Ditto in depth of framing - For the price of glueing up the top, veneering ditto, &c. — See the preceding Table, If two drawers in place of a deep one, partition included An extra drawer above the celleret - - - - - An extra drawer in depth in the middle - - - - Sawing drawer fronts out of two-inch stuff, each cut - Ditto three-inch stuff, each cut - _ - - - Glueing up ditto, at per joint ------ A plain arch, veneer’d - For the price of a plate drawer, or extra work in arch — • See Straight-front Celleret Sideboard. Veneering each drawer more than three in the front Veneering deep drawer fronts, or cupboard door, inside, each Ditto shallow drawers, each ------ T 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 3 3 0 4 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 4 0 0 0 9 0 0 9 0 0 3 A loose 138 A loose cistern for bottles to fit the sweep - Ditto when the drawer front is straight inside A small ditto to wash glasses in to fit the sweep Ditto, when the drawer front is straight inside - Oiling and polishing, at per foot in length A SIDEBOx\RD TABLE, with Eliptic Middle, and Ogee on each Side, Fom feet six inches long, two feet six inches wide, framing five inches deep, veneer’d front rails, six plain Marlbro’ legs, and an astragal round the bottom of the frame - - EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length or width - - - Ditto in depth of framing - Glueing up the top, each joint Cutting down stuff for ditto, each cut - - - . Glueing up a solid top, each joint, at per foot in length Lining up the top, at per foot in length - - - . Veneering the top, at per foot in length - - . _ Veneering the edge of ditto, at per foot ( " [ straight part - Veneering each break - - . _ Each corner string in the ogee or eliptic part, per foot s. (I. 0 4 6 0 3 0 0 g 6 0 1 9 0 0 4 1 10 0 0 0 4 0 0 3 0 0 2 0 0 0 | 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 6 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 I Each 139 £. Each ditto in tlie breaks - - - - Ditto on the straight part, at per foot A small stone moulding on the edge of the top, with a veneeer’d frize, and an [ astragal at the bottom of ditto, at per ( foot - - - - - - -J Each break . - - . - - A hollow or torus under the top A torus moulding, with a hollow at foot - A drawer in the middle - sweep part straight part - If two in the length -------- Each end drawer - -- -- -- - Sawing out the legs, each ------ Tapering ditto, each side - ------ For the price of extra work in legs, &c . — See Tables of ditto. Oiling and polishing, at per foot in length 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 s. d. 0 1 0 1 0 10 0 0 6 6 0 8 3 5 0 8 6 5 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 A CELLERET SIDEBOARD, With an Eliptic Middle, and Ogee on each Side, as in Plate 3, Fig. 3, Left-hand End^ Five feet long, two feet six inches wide, framing one foot three inches deep, veneer’d front, a deep drawer at one end prepared for the plumber, a plain drawer or cupboard at the other end, a shallow ditto in the middle, six plain Marlbro’ legs, and an astragal round the bottom of the frame -- - - 360 T 3 Extras. 140 EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length or width - - - Ditto in depth of framing For the price of glueing up the top, veneering ditto, See. — See the preceding Table. If two drawers in place of a deep one, partition included A drawer above the celleret An extra drawer in depth in the middle - - - . - Sawing drawer fronts out of two-inch stuff, each cut - Ditto three-inch stuff, each cut - - - - . Glueing up ditto, each joint Veneering each drawer more than three in the front Veneering deep drawer fronts, or cupboard door inside, each Ditto shallow drawers, each - A plain arch, veneer’d - For the price of extra work in ditto — See Straight-front CeUeret Sideboard. A loose cistern for bottles to fit the sweep - - - - A small ditto to wash glasses in - - - - - Oiling and polishing, at per foot in length - - - - £. s. d. 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 3 6 0 4 6 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 5 0 4 0 0 6 0 0 3 6 0 0 4 A SIDE- ♦■Iw A SIDEBOARD TABLE, WITH MoLLOW ISllDDLE, AND Astragal on each Side, £. s, d. Four feet six indies long*, two feet six indies wide at tlie astragal part, framing five indies deep, veneer’d front rails, six plain Marlbro’ legs, and an astragal round the bottom of the frame 180 EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length or width - Ditto in depth of framing ------- If the sweeps are eliptic ------ Glueing up the top, at per joint - - - - - Cutting down stuff for ditto, each cut - - - - Glueing up a solid top, each joint, at per foot in length Lining up the top, at per foot in length - - - - Veneering the top, at per foot in length - _ - - { sweep part straight part - Each break Corner strings in the top, at per foot Each break - A small stone moulding on the edge of A the top, with a veneer’d frize, and an 1 sweep part astragal at the bottom of ditto, at per [ straight part - foot - - - Each break ^ - sweep part - straight part - 0 0 4 0 0 5 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 I 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 9 0 0 5 0 0 6 A hollow 142 A hollow or torus under the top - - - . _ A torus moulding with a hollow at foot, ditto - - - A drawer in the middle ------ Each end ditto - -- -- -- - Sawing out the legs, each ------ Tapering ditto, each side ----„- For the price of extra work in legs, SiC.-^See Tables of ditto. Oiling and polishing, at per foot in length - - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 s, 6 7 5 4 0 0 d. 6 6 0 3 1 0 0 0 3 A CELLERET SIDEBOARD, with Hollow Middle, AKD Astragal on each Side^ Five feet long, two feet six inches wide at the astragal part, framing fifteen inches deep, veneer’d front, a drawer at one end prepared for the plumber, a plain drawer or cupboard at the other end, a shallow ditto in the middle, six plain Marlbro’ legs, and an astragal round the bottom of the frame - - - - - - - - :gl9 0 EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length or width Ditto in depth of framing - If made with eliptic sweeps - For the price of glueing up the top veneering ditto. See the preceding Table. 1 &c.- 0 0 6 0 0 a 0 4 0 If Wji-I 143 £. If two drawers in place of a deep one, partition included - 0 An extra drawer above the celleret ----- 0 An extra drawer in depth in the middle - - - - 0 When a square is left on the ends of the drawers to form a part of the break --------0 Sawing drawer fronts out ot two-inch stuff, each cut - - 0 Ditto, three-inch - - - - - - - 0 Glueing up ditto, each joint o A plain arch veneer’d, when circular hollow - _ - o Ditto, when eliptic hollow o For the price of plate, drawer, extra work in arch, &c. — See Straight -front Celleret Sideboard. Veneering each drawer more than three in front - - - (> Veneering deep drawer fronts or cupboard door inside, each 0 Ditto shallow drawers, each - - - - - - 0 A loose cistern for bottles to fit the sweep - - - - o A small ditto to wash glasses in - - . - - o Oiling and polishing, at per foot in length - - - o s. d. 3 3 4 3 5 0 5 0 0 0 | 0 1 0 1 3 0 4 0 1 0 0 9 0 6 4 0 2 6 0 4 A SIDEBOARD TABLE, with an eliptic Middle, AND Hollow on each Side to the Back, Five feet long, two feet six inches wide, framing five inches deep, veneer’d rails, edge of the top square, four plain Marlbro’ legs, and an astragal round the bottom of the frame - - - - - . - - -110 0 Extras. 144 EXTRAS, Each Inch, more or less, in length or width - - - Ditto in depth of framing ------- If made with two short end rails, tenon^l into the back legs, and dovetail’d into the end of the hollow rails - Two extra legs, when ditto A drawer in the middle part -• Glueing up the top, at per joint - - - - - Cutting down stuff for ditto, each cut _ _ - - Glueing up a solid top, each joint at per foot in length Lining up the top, at per foot in length - - - Veneering the top, at per foot in length ---_ Veneering the edge of ditto, at per foot - - - - Each break - -- -- -- -- Each corner string in the sweep part, at per foot Ditto on the back edge . - Each break - -- -- -- -- A small* stone moulding on the edge of the top, with a ve- neer’d frize, and an astragal at the bottom of ditto, at per foot Each break A hollow or torus under the top _ - - , - A torus moulding, with a hollow at foot - - - - Sawing out the legs, each - - - - Tapering ditto, each side - - - - For the price of extra work in legs, &c . — See Tables of ditto, piling and polishing, at per foot in length - - £. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 s. d. 0 4 0 5 2 6 2 6 5 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 5 0 6 0 1| 0 1 0 1| 0 1 0 1 0 9 0 6 6 0 7 0 0 1 0 Oi 0 3 4 PEDESTAL nH 145 A PEDESTAL Three feet in height, one foot four inches square, a flat- jC. s, d. pannel’d door in front, a moulding on the edge of the top on fast plinth - - - - - - - 0 12 0 EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length or width - - - 0 0 3 Ditto in height - - - - - - - - 002 A drawer at the lx>ttom for a heater - - - - 0 19 Lining the inside of the pedestal with tin - - - - 0 3 6 Ditto when a drawer - - - - - - - 046 Each single rack for plates, with square bars, or the front and back rails notclfd - - - - - - - 026 Each double ditto - - - - - - - - 040 If the bars in the racks are cut out to fit the plates, each bar extra - - - ..--009 Covering the bars with baize or leather, each single rack - o 1 3 Ditto, each double rack - - - - - - - 026 A celleret drawer at the bottom, prepared for the plumber, or a plate drawer lin’d with baize inside of the door - - 0 4 0 hlaking the front plinth to draw out with the celleret drawer - -- -- - - 016 Putting on rollers, each pair - - - - - - 004 Each plain drawer inside - - - - - - - 020 Each inch more than seven in depth of ditto - - - 0 0 2 Each partition - - - - - . - - 006 Lining each ditto cross-way - -- - -001 A shelf in the top for a pot - - - - - - 008 A plain door to ditto, hing’d to fall down - - - - 0 1 4 Square clamping ditto - - - - - - - 006 Miter clamping ditto, each miter extra - - - - 0 0 6 A reed or tambour door - - - - - - 029 u Each 146 Each partition inside to hide the tambour - - - - Each drawer above the door - Glueing up the top, ends, or drawer fronts at per joint Cutting ’down stuff for ditto, each cut - - - - Lining up the top - _ Veneering the top - If veneer’d in quarters straight-way - - - - - Ditto cross-way - Veneering the edge of ditto, at per foot - - - _ A small stone moulding on the edge of the top, with a ve- neer’d frize and an astragal at the bottom of ditto, at per foot - Veneering the ends, each Each joint in ditto Framing the ends with one flat pannel, each end Ditto with two pannels Veneering the framing straight-way when one pannel, each frame - - - - - - - - . _ Ditto cross -way - Veneering the framing straight- way, when two pannels Ditto, when the middle rail is miter’d at the corners - If cross-M'ay - Veneering each pannel ------- If two in a frame, each frame extra - - - - - Veneering each drawer front - - - - French feet, or solid French brackets - - - « Veneering each side of brackets - - - . - Plain taper stump feet, extra from a plinth --- A loose frame for the feet - - - An astragal round the carcase abve the doors - For the price of pilasters — See Straight-front Library, £. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 s, d, 0 4 2 3 0 1 0 0 0 6 0 8 1 6 2 0 0 1 0 6 1 0 0 4 2 9 3 9 1 0 1 6 1 3 1 9 2 0 0 9 0 3 0 6 2 0 0 3 0 6 1 0 0 9 Sweeping 147 Sweeping the front, with the pannel bent in - - - If made eliptic, extra ------ Each sweep-front drawer above the door « - - , A sweep-front celleret drawer ------ A reed or tambour door to a pot cupboard in a sweep front For the price of loose cisterns — See Straighi or Round-front Celleret Sideboard. Fram’d back, each pannel ------ Oiling and polishing - - - - - s. d. 0 6 0 0 2 0 0 2 9 0 6 0 0 3 6 0 0 6 0 0 9 A plain Square Plinth for a vase to stand on, the edge and top of ditto veneer’d, the veneer on the top miter’d A plain cove plinth for ditto, the top veneer’d - - - Veneering the cove ------- Each corner string in a square plinth - , - - Ditto on the foot of a cov’d jdinth - Ditto up the corners of the cove - - - - - Veneering the cove cross-way, each side extra - - - Cross banding the top and bottom part of the cove, at per foot - - Ditto up the corners, at per foot - - - , . 0 2 0 0 8 0 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 1 0 0 0 31 0 0 8 A VASE, (glued up for the turner) twelve joints in ditto, with a solid top and bottom ------ Each extra joint - -- -- -- - Each joint in the top of the vase - Ditto in the bottom of the vase Glueing up the top or bottom of the vase in thicknesses, each joint - -- -- -- -- A square cov’d bottom ------- u 2 0 6 0 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 4 . 0 0 3 0 3 6 Veneering 148 £. 5. d. Veneering the vase, twelve joints in ditto, with or with- out a string, each joint - - - - - - 010 Each extra joint - - - - - - - - 010 If the strings up the joints are continued into the frize, with circular tops to ditto, each joint extra - - - - 0 0 3 Putting in a tongue of wood or brass on the top edge of the vase, the groove for ditto to be prepared by the turner - 0 0 6 Veneering the frize at the top of the vase - - - - 0 1 6 Putting^dn quarter stuff for fluting, the turner to prepare the groove for ditto - - - - - - - - 019 For the price of fluting — See Table of ditto. An astragal round the top and bottom of the frize long-way, each - - - - - - - - - - 016 Ditto cross-way, the turner to prepare the groove and work the moulding - - - - - “ * - 010 A triple string round ditto, each - - - - - 010 Putting in stuff for a moulding in the body of the vase, the turner to prepare the groove and work the moulding - 0 2 0 Fixing the vase to the pedestal - - - - - - 010 Oiling and polishing ditto - - - - - - 006 A DINING TABLE, With one or two flaps to ditto hung with mlc or square joints, four plain Marlbro^ legs, one fly on each side, the length and width added together, at per foot - - - 0 1 2 Extras. EX IRAS. £ s. d. Each extra fly leg - Each extra fix’d leg Rounding the corners of the flaps, each corner - Sweeping the flaps either serpentine or circular, each - Making the top oval Astragal on the bottom of the frame, when the legs are flush Each extra miter when the legs project _ - - - When the astragal is miter’d round the legs only, each leg - Scolloping the end rails Veneering ditto long-way Ditto the back or joint rails, each - - - - - If cross-way, each joint extra ------ Veneering the bed or flaps, each per foot in length Veneering the edge of ditto cross-way, at per foot Crossing each joint -------- Rounding the edge of the top, at per foot - - - Working an astragal on the edge of ditto, at per foot Ditto, when oval or circular top - - - - - Ditto, when serpentine ------- Sawing out joint rails, each ------ Ditto each leg Tapering ditto, each side ------ For the price of extra work in legs, &c. — See Tables of 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 3 0 8 1 6 0 8 0 0 | 0 3 0 6 0 6 0 6 0 1 0 d 0 1 0 1 0 0 | 0 0 3 0 4 0 1 0 Oi 0 ditto. If two or more tables are made to join together with tongues and mortices, each joint - - - - - - If with spring and staple fastenings, each spring extra Ditto with hinge and button fastenings, each hinge or but- ton extra - ^ Each move by strap hinges - - - - Oiling and polishing, at per foot as in the start - 0 0 6 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 1 0 0 0 H A HALF- A HALF-ROUND DINING TABLE, Four feet long, veneer’d rail, plain Marlbro’ legs - - £. 0 s. 11 d. 0 EXTRAS. Each inch more in length - . - . O % - - 0 0 2 If made eliptic, extra - - - 0 1 0 A flap, with one fly leg to ditto - - - 0 4 0 An extra fly leg ------ — - 0 1 0 Each inch, more or less in the length of the flap - - 0 0 1 Sweeping the flap half round - - - - - - 0 0 8 An astragal round the bottom of the rail, when the legs flush - -- -- -- -- are 0 0 10 Each extra miter when the legs project - - 0 0 Oi Scolloping the lower edge of the rail - - - - . 0 0 9 Veneering the top or flap, each per foot in length - - 0 0 6 Veneering the edge of ditto cross-way, at per foot - - 0 0 If Rounding the edge, at per foot - - - - - 0 0 Of Working an astragal on the edge of ditto, at per foot - - 0 0 n Oiling and polishing the bed, at per foot in length - - 0 0 H Ditto the flap, per foot ----- - - 0 0 1 A FLAP, four feet long, with one fly leg, and two ditto fix’d to a rail hing’d to the under side of the flap - 0 6 0 Each inch, more or less, in length - 0 0 1 An extra fly- - - - - 0 1 0 Rounding the front corners, each - - - 0 0 S Cutting hJh 151 St clt Cutting ditto half round - - - - - - - 008 Oiling and polishing, at per foot in length - - - 0 0 1 1 A FLAP, four feet long, a top to ditto three inches wide, hung with a rule joint to the flap, two fram’d brackets to support ditto, to fix against a wall - - - - 0 7 0 Extras as above. f I I ^ i j A HORSESHOE DINING TABLE, as in Plate 19, Fig. 2, Seven feet long, two feet six inches wide, veneer’d rail, the flaps supported either way, as shewn in fig. 1, plain taper legs, and an astragal round the bottom of the rail 2 6 0 EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length or width - 0 0 6 Each extra miter in the astragal when the legs project - 0 0 0| Working an astragal on the edge of the top, at per foot - 0 0 2l Sawing out each leg - For the price of extra work in legs — See Tables of ditto. 0 0 Oi Oiling and polishing ------ - 0 2 0 A PILLAR- 152 A PILLAR-AND-CLAW DINING TABLE, Four feet long, two feet wide, solid block screw’d to the top, three claws, as No. 1. Table of ditto - - - EXTRAS. Each inch wider or longer ------ An extra claw -- ------- Sawing out each claw - Making the top to turn up with single clamps - - - Ditto with double clamps, fram’d Each extra cross rail ------- Cutting the top half round ------ A flap to ditto, twelve inches wide - - - - - Each inch more in length or width - Each loper to support ditto - - ’ " Ditto, when made to run in a box - - - - - For the price of strap hinges or fastenings — See Dining Table. Veneering each top, at per foot in length - - - - For veneering the flap-— Dining Tables. { sweep part straight part - { sweep part straight part - An astragal or two beads and hollow on the edge of the top, at per foot - -- -- -- -- Sinking a solid top to receive a border, I straight part - three inches wide, at per foot - - J sweep part Ditto every inch above three inches wide - - - - For the price of border — See liable of Banding. 0 0 6 0 0 2l 0 0 0 | 0 0 1 0 0 0 | Each V. 153 Each frame, three inches deep, fix’d on the under side of the top, with a fly to support the flap - - - - Each extra fly - -- -- -- - Double catches, extra For the price of glueing up and veneering the block Loo Table. For extra work in claws — See Table of ditto. Oiling and polishing each table, add the length and width together, at per foot ------- Each flap, ditto - -- -- -- - ■See s. d. A LOO TABLE, Four feet diameter, square edge to the top, single clamps solid block, three claws as No. 1 . Table of ditto 0 110 EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in diameter An extra claw ------- Sawing out the claws, each Each joint in a solid top, per foot - - - Ditto, when for veneering or lining - - - Cutting down stuff for ditto, each cut Letting in dovetail pieces to Secure the joints, each Veneering the top, per foot in diameter Each joint in the veneer, per foot . - - Lipping the top for cloth, set against cleaning up. Veneering the edge of the top, at per foot - Each corner string, at per foot « - _ A string between the band and cloth, per foot - X An astragal, or two beads and hollow on the edge of the top, at per foot - Letiing in each dish, when turnM - - - . . A lipping round each dish Working out each dish ------- Lining the top, when plain Ditto when dishes, each dish extra - - - - . Glueing up a block in two thicknesses, not exceeding twelve inches square - -- -- -- - Each extra two inches each way - - - - - When glued up in three thicknesses, add half the above price. Veneering a block twelve inches square and under Every four inches extra each way - - - - - Double catches, extra- Oiling and polishing, Avhen a linkl top - - - - Ditto when solid or venee’rd - . £• s. d. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 8 0 6 3 6 Oi A PILLAR- AND- CLAW TABLE, Two feet three inches diameter, solid block, edge of the top square, three claws as No. 1 . Table of ditto EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in diameter - - - . Sawing out each claw Glueing up a solid top, each joint, per foot - Ditto to veneer on, each joint Cutting down stuff for ditto each cut - - - - Veneering tlie top - _ - Ditto every three inches extra in diameter - - - . 0 5 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 of Each N|H Each joint in the veneer If veneer’d in quarters, each joint extra - - • - Veneering the edge of the top, at per foot - - - - Each corner string on ditto, at per foot - - . . Astragal or stone moulding on the edge of the top, at per foot For the price of extra work in claws — See Table of ditto. If only one of these, extra - - - - - Oiling and polishing - - - ^ A LADY’S DRESSING TABLE No. I. Two feet long, one foot five inches wide, a flat top to ditto, a glass frame hing’d to a sliding piece, and four loose covers inside, plain Marlbro’ legs, and an astragal round the bottom of the frame EXTRAS. Each inch longer or wider Each inch above five in depth of framing - - - - Glueing up the top, either solid or to veneer on, at per joint Square clamping the top Miter clamping ditto, each miter extra - Veneering the top - - - . Each joint in the veneer Veneering the front or back rail, each - - . . Ditto each end rail - _ - . . . . . An astragal or stone moulding on the edge of the top, or veneering ditto, with a string in the upper corner A string in the lower corner of the top, per foot X 2 £. s* d, 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 11 0 0 li 0 0 2 | 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 18 0 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 8 0 0 6 0 0 10 0 0 6 0 0 4 0 0 2 0 0 9 0 0 1 Sweeping >entine, when a square frame If made with a round front, extra - - - - - Ditto eliptic, the legs to form the break - - - - Ditto serpentine - -- -- -- - Ditto when the end rails are half serpentine - - - An astragal or stone moulding on the edge of a serpentine top - A hollow and two beads, ditto ------ Veneering the edge of a serpentine top, when canted corners --------- Ditto, when round corners ------ Each corner string round a serpentine top - - - - Veneering serpentine front rail ------ Ditto end rails, each - - - A spring quadrant to support the top - - - - Sawing out the legs, each cut ------ Tapering ditto, each side ------- For the price of shelf or stretcher — Pembroke or Work Table. For the price of extra work inside — See Furniture Drawer. Oiling and polishing - - - - - - - A LADY’S DRESSING TABLE, No. IL Two feet six inches long, one foot six inches wide framin five inches deep, a glass frame hing’d to a sliding pie and four loose covers inside, folding tops, plain Marlbro' legs, and an astragal round the bottom of the frame Extkas. »v|w Hh EXTRAS Each inch longer or wider ------ Ditto in depth of framing ■ Ditto, when veneer’d Each long drawer - - Each short ditto - - Each front rail, and lining the ends to guide the drawers If fram’d with inner ends to form a knee hole, extra - A plain arch A plain slider, square clamp’d ------ Veneering each long drawer front - - - - - Ditto each short - -- -- -- - If cross-way, each joint extra For veneering the rails — See No. 1. Veneering the rails in the knee hole, each - - - - When made with three tops, the middle one hing’d to the back - Veneering the tops, each Corner string round ditto, per foot - - - - - Each joint rail in the ends to support the tops - - - Hinging the tops with HL hinges Making the above round front, when without drawers Ditto, when three tops ------- Each long drawer in ditto Each short ditto A plain arch Veneering each long drawer front - - - “ Ditto each short Making oitto serpentine front, when without drawers Each long drawer in ditto - - - ‘ Each short ditto <£• 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 s. d. 0 4 0 3 0 4 2 3 1 9 0 8 3 0 1 0 1 6 0 6 0 4 0 1 0 3 4 0 0 6 0 1 1 3 1 0 5 0 9 0 3 3 2 3 1 9 0 8 I 0 6 7 0 I 3 8 ) 2 4 Veneer- Veneering each long drawer front - . . _ Ditto each short A corner string round serpentine top - - . Sawing out the legs, each cut - - - - . 7 apering ditto, each side - - ‘ - For the price of extra work inside—^ee Furniture Drawer. Oiling and polishing A LADY’S DRESSING TABLE, an in Plate 1 1 , Fig. 2, Two feet nine inches long, one foot eight inches wide, six drawers, and five sham ditto in front, a flap top, the edge of ditto moulded or veneer’d cross-way, and a string in the upper corner, a glass frame hing’d to a sliding piece, and four loose covers inside EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length or width - - . A flat tea-chest top - A flap inside ditto, square clamp’d - - i' - ^ Two glass frames to slide between the ends, and turn upon swivels Making ditto to raise with weights, each frame - - - Casting the weights, each pair - . . . . Veneering the ends, each Ditto the front - „ _ _ . • s. dl, 0 0 11 0 0 7 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 3 3 0 0 0 9 0 3 6 0 2 6 1 6 0 0 2 0 0 0 9 0 0 9 0 5 0 Making NH hH Making ditto round front, extra A flat tea-chest top to ditto - _ . A flap inside a round-front top, square clamp’d Veneering a round-front - _ . Making ditto serpentine front - - - A flat tea-chest top to ditto _ _ - A flap inside ditto, square clamp’d Veneering the front, when serpentine Veneering the top - A string in the lower corner of the top, f c ^ i round ditto per toot - - - - - serpentiue ditto Veneering partition edges askew straight part or cross-way, at per foot - J round or serpentine ditto Ditto with king, tulip, or other 1 straight part hard wood, at per foot - For the price of extra work inside Cross-banding, &c . — See Tables of ditto. Oiling and polishing - - - J round or serpentine ditto ■See Furniture Draxirer, A LADY’S DRESSING STAND, as in Plate 9, Fig. I, One foot eight inches square, folding tops, two drawers, and two sham ditto in front, a square bidet at one end supported by two drop feet, a glass frame hing’d to a sliding piece, and four loose covers inside, plain taper legs, and an astragal round the bottom of the frame <£. s. d, 0 10 0 0 5 6 0 3 0 0 7 0 1 0 0 0 6 6 0 3 3 0 8 0 0 1 0 0 0 I 0 0 11 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 1 6 1 12 0 Extras, nIh nH £. s. Each inch, more or less, in length or width - - - 0 0 Fitting lip the drawer for a bason and four cups - - - 0 2 A hollow round the inside of ditto - - - - -01 A flap to cover the bason, hingM to the back of the drawer 0 1 A cistern behind to receive the water from the bason drawer 0 3 A sweep bidet, and the top edges of the drawer shap’d to ditto, extra - -- -- -^-0 2 Veneering the front - - - - - - - 02 Ditto the ends or back, each - - - - - - 00 Making ditto round front, extra - - - " - 0 8 Ditto serpentine - - - - - “ - 016 V^eneering round front - - - - - - - 04 Ditto serpentine - -- -- ---05 Veneering the tops ,---.---01 { straight part - *00 round ditto - * 0 0 serpentine ditto * 0 0 For the price of extra work inside — See Furniture Drawer. Saw'ing out each leg ------ Oilincr and polishins: ------ O 1 o d. 6 4 0 0 0 6 6 9 0 0 6 0 0 1 n 2 Oi 0 A RUDD, OR LADY’S DRESSING TABLE, as in Plate 4, Fig. 2, Three feet four inches long, two feet wide, three draw- ers in front, a glass frame hing’d to each end drawer, and supported by quadrants, a moulding on the edge of the top, plain Marlbro’ legs, and an astragal round the bot- tom of the frame EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length or width - _ > Ditto each inch above nine in depth of framing - . . Glueing up the top, at per joint - - - - « Cutting down stuff for ditto, each cut - . . . Clamping the top cross-way - Veneering the top, per foot in length - - - _ Each joint in the veneer, per foot - - . > . Veneering the front straight-way - - , - \ Ditto the end rails, each - - - . ^ . Cross-way, eachjoint extra If made with two short drawers to form a knee hole, extra - Veneering the front when a knee hole - - - . Veneering the inner rails when a knee hole A plain arch - - - - _ , For the price of extra work in arch — See Straight-front Cel~ leret Sideboard. Quadrant boxes to the end drawers - _ - _ If made with around front, without a knee hole - Ditto serpentine _____ Y . s. d ^ 3 3 0 0 0 10 0 0 6 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 I 3 0 0 3 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 5 0 0 1 Oil 0 0 3 0 0 0 8 0 1 3 0 5 0 0 10 0 0 16 0 hJakinof Making ditto round front, when a knee hole - - Ditto serpentine - -- -- -- - Sawing out the legs, each - - - - Tapering ditto, each side ------ Fixing the legs with iron squares, or screws and plates For the price of work inside the drawers — See Furniture Drawer. Oiling and polishing .------ £• s. 0 13 0 19 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 d. 0 0 1 oi 6 3 A RUDD DRESSING CHEST, Three feet six inches long, three short drawers and glass frames, as in Rudd Table, two long drawers under ditto, the edge of the top moulded or veneer’cl, and a string in the upper corner, on plinth or common brackets - - 3 1,5 0 EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length - - - - - 0 10 Each extra long drawer - - - - - - - o ^ 9 Each partition - - - - - - - - 007 Lining each partition cross-way - - - - - 001 Slipping the drawer sides, and plowing the bottoms in, each drawer - - - - - - - - - 003 Each munting - - - - - - " - 004 Half ditto under the bottom - - - - - - 002 Glueing up drawer fronts, ends, or top, either solid or to veneer on, each joint ------- Cutting Cutting clown stuff for ditto, each cut - - • - Veneering the upper drawer fronts and edge of the glasses Veneering each long drawer front ----- Veneering partition edges askew -or cross-way, at per foot - Ditto with king, tulip, or any other hard wood, at per foot Veneering each end - Each joint in the veneer of ditto - - - - - Veneering the top - - - • * Each joint in the veneer - A stiing in the lower corner of the top, per foot Quadrant boxes to the end drawers For the price of inside work — See Furniture Drazmr. A glass made to slide under the furniture drawer, with a horse hing’d to the back, for the convenience of placing on the table - If made with a round front - - *■ *" ’ “ Ditto serpentine For the price of French feet or French brackets— See Dress- ing Chest. Fram’d back, each pannel - - " - - - M unting in a plain back - Oiling and polishing ------- X, s. d. 0 0 0 | 0 2 0 0 0 8 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 4 0 1 6 0 0 7 0 0 1 0 i 0 0 7 0 0 16 0 1 3 0 0 0 6 0 0 4 0 1 6 A BASON STAND, Twelve inches square, a drawer in ditto scratch beaded, two holes for cups, and a lipping on the top - “ ** Y 2 Extras. NjM 164 j EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, each way - - Each extra cup hole - Cutting out the bason hole - - - An astragal on the top in place of lipping - An ovalo on the edge of the under top Each extra drawer - - - Cock beading each drawer - . . Scolloping the rails, each - - - - Astragal round the bottom of the frame A plain stretcher - Folding tops If a single stand, to be extra - - . Oiling and polishing _ - . - £ s, d. - 0 0 2 - 0 0 1| 0 0 4 - 0 0 2 0 0 4 - 0 1 9 -004 - 0 0 II - 0 0 8 - 0 0 9 - 0 4 6 - 0 0 6 - 0 0 3 An inclosed BASON STAND, One foot two inches square, framing one foot four inches deep, folding tops, a plain door, and one drawer scratch beaded - - -- . -0140 EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, each way - Ditto in depth of framing Each extra drawer - An extra door - 0 0 2 | 0 0 3 0 1 9 0 1 O Clamping 165 Clamping the door, square clamps Ditto, when two, each door Miter clamping ditto, each miter extra - - - _ Cock beadincf each drawer or door - - - . . O Glueing up the ends or back, either solid or to veneer on, each joint Veneering the front long-way - - - - - Ditto cross-way, with a joint up the middle - - . Veneering each extra drawer ------ Veneering the tops -------- Ditto each end or back rail ------ An astragal round the bottom of the framing - - - Scolloping the rails, each ------- A reed door, extra -------- Making ditto to run both ways extra - - - - Each inner end -------- An upright partition to divide the cupboard _ - - A plain stretcher - -- -- -- - For the price of a Night Stool or Bidet — See Shaving Stand. Oiling and polishing ------- A CORNER BASON STAND, as in Plate 1 2, Fig. 1 The ends one foot three inches from front to back, one real and two sham drawers, with a string round ditto, two holes for cups, the top rail scolloped, or to sham a drawer, yeneerkl front ------- s. d. 0 0 6 0 0 4 0 0 6 0 0 4 0 0 1 0 1 6 0 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 10 0 0 5 0 0 8 0 0 1 | 0 1 9 0 0 9 0 0 3 0 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 6 0 13 0 Extras. 166 Each inch, more or less ----- - . Each extra sham drawer ------- Cock-beading the drawer or sham ditto, extra from string, each ---- - - -- -- Makina: the wash boards to fold down - . . - Letting a string into the edge of the scollop’d part of ditto Each shelf in the corner of the wash boards A hollow round the top ------- An extra cup hole ------- Cutting out the bason hole ------ Veneering the front cross-way, each joint extra --- An astragal round the bottom of the framing - - . If inclos’d between the top and bottom rails, with two doors in front or one ditto, with a sham on each side If ditto is made with reed doors in front - - - - A stretcher, as in plate - - If a single one, to be extra ------ Oiling and polishing c£. s, (L 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 1 0 1 6 0 1 0 0 0 4 0 1 0 0 0 1 i 0 0 4 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 8 0 0 S 6 0 0 10 0 1 0 0 0 6 A CORNER INCLOS’D BASON STAND, asm Plate 12. Fig 2. The ends one foot three inches from front to back, solid tops to fold down, one plain door, and a sham ditto on each side formed by a string, three sham drawers above ditto, veneer’d front, one shelf inside, on French feet - 1 10 0 EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less - Veneering the sham drawer fronts cross-way, each joint 0 0 9 0 0 1 Cock- 167 £. Cock-beading ditto, each - - - - - - - 0 An astragal round the bottom - - • - - - 0 For the price of cross-banding, or extra work on doors — > See Tables of ditto. Oiling and polishing - - ----“0 A SHAVING STAND, as in T late 12, Fig. 3, One foot four inches square, folding tops, one real drawer, one sham ditto, and a plain door in front, scratch beaded, two holes for cups, a glass frame behind to rise with a rack and spring, and swing on center screws, the framing one foot four inches deep ------ EXTRAS. Each inch more or less, each waj^ - - - - . Ditto in depth of framing ------ Each extra drawer -------- An extra door - -- -- -- - Cock beading each drawer or door - - - - - Square clamping the door ------ Ditto, when two doors, each ------ Miter clamping ditto, each miter extra - - - - Veneering the front long-way ------ Ditto cross-way, with a joint up the middle - - Veneering the tops Ditto each end or back Veneering each extra drawer front - - - - ■ A reed door - 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 s, d, 0 1 1 0 0 9 1 0 0 3 0 3. 1 1 O' 0 4 0 6 0 4 0 6 1 6 2 0 O‘d0 o’ 6 0 3 1 9 If 168 If made to run both ways, extra - - , . . Each inner end _ _ _ _ - - . _ An upright partition to divide the cupboard A hollow round the inside top Hinging the glass frame, with a foot and rail behind - Making the glass to rise with weights Casting the weights If the legs are hollow’d out for the weights Each extra cup hole - Cutting the hole for the bason Each square case for a water bottle - - - _ . Blocking ditto inside - A round bottle case, the mould to be provided for the work- man Ditto, three inches deep, for a tumbler - - - . A till and cover at the back of the bason - - - - Hinging the tops with HL hinges - An astragal round the bottom of the framing - - - Scolloping the rails, each ------ A square bidet drawer, with a drop foot - - - - Ditto fram’d, with four taper legs - - _ - , Filling up the drawer to receive a sweep pan _ - - Shaping the sides to ditto ------- Making ditto to drliw out with lopers either on the sides or bottom - - - . A night stool in the front, with a drop foot, or the front feet cut - A plain flap to ditto, hing’d to the back - - - - Square clamping ditto - Miter clamping ditto, each miter extra ---_ Veneering the front of a night stool - - Making the above round front ------ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 s. d. 0 9 0 3 0 8 1 3 1 3 2 0 0 9 3 0 0 0 4 1 0 0 6 1 3 0 10 1 0 1 0 0 8 0 If 5 0 6 6 1 3 1 3 4 6 3 0 1 0 0 6 0 6 0 6 7 0 Each 169 £. s. Ditto eliptic, extra * ^ ^ ^ Each break formM by the legs 0 1 Each extra drawer in ditto - - - ’ " - 02 Veneering a round front long-way - - - - — 0 2 Ditto cross-way, with joint up the middle - - - 0 2 A night stool in ditto - - -----06 Veneering the front of night stool - - - - -00 A reed door in round front - - “ ” * - 02 Oiling and polishing -00 A SHAVING STAND, with Canted Corners, es in Plate One foot seven inches at the back, one foot six inches from back to front, framing one foot four inches deep, one real drawer, one sham ditto, and a plain door in front, a flap top, with an astragal on the edge of ditto, a glass frame to Vise with a rack and spring, four plain Marlbro’ le Fig, 2, One foot ten inches long, one foot eight inches wide, five drawers in front fitted up as follows — one for a >night stool, one for a square bidet to take out of the carcase and stand on four fly feet, one for a bason and two cups, one for a water bottle, the other empty, a glass frame hing’d to a sliding piece and four loose covers inside, a tea- chest top, plain taper legs, and an astragal round the bottom of the framing EXTRAS Each inch, more or less, in length or width A hollow round the inside of the bason drawer A flap to cover the bason, hing’d to the back of the drawer When a sweep’d bidet pan, and the drawer sides shap’d to ditto - - . - - - - - - When the frame for the bidets is made six or seven inches. deep, and swept to the shape of the pan both inside and . out the whole depth, and to draw out with lopers - A flap inside the top sc[uare clamp’d Miter clamping ditto, each miter extra Veneering the front _ > . Ditto the top, ends, or back, each Each jo^nt |n the veneer of the top Ditto in the back or ends Veneering partition edges askew or cross-way, penfoot extra Ditto with king, tulip, or any other hard wood, at per foot Making the above round front ------ Ditto eliptic, extra -------- £, d. 2 6 0 0 0 6 0 1 3 0 1 0 0 2 6 0 13 6 0 1 10 0 0 6 0 3 0 0 0 9 0 0 6 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 9 0 0 2 0 Ditto nIh Ditto serpentine - -- -- -- - Each break formM by the legs - - - - - - Veneering a round front - Ditto a. serpentine front ------- Each corner string on a square ar round front top Ditto on a serpentine top ------- A glass frame inside the top - - A flap on each side of ditto when a straight front, lock^l and hing’d --------- Ditto, when a round or serpentine front - - - - For the price of extra work inside — !^ee Furniture Drawer, Oiling and polishing ------- s. d, 0 16 0 0 1 0 0 4 0 0 6 0 0 0 7 0 0 10 0 3 6 0 3 0 0 3 6 0 0 10 “A GENTLEMAN’S DRESSING TABLE, Two feet nine inches long, erne foot eight inches wide, fi'aming fifteen inches deep, four real drawers, and three sham ditto in front, cock beaded, a flap top, the edge of ditto moulded or veneer’d cross-way, and a string in the upper corner, plain taper legs, and an astragal round the bottom of the frame - - - - - - 2 1 0 EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length or width Ditto in depth of framing A flat tea-chest top - A stay to support the top - - - A quadrant ditto A glass - 0 0 9 - • 0 0 4 « 0 3 6 - 0 0 6 - 0 1 3 174 A glass frame inside the top A flap on each side of ditto, with a lock and hinges Ditto, when a round or serpentine front - - _ - Veneering the front - - - - - - - Ditto the top - - - - - - - Veneering each end rail ------- Ditto the back rail ------- A cupboard under the drawers, with a tambour front to run right and left -------- Each inner end - - - - An astragal round the front and ends on the bottom of the cupboard - -- -- -- - An upright partition in ditto ------ A^eneering the end rails, when a cupboard - - Ditto the back ditto -------- Making the above round front, as in plate 11, fig. 1, with a flap top - - - A flat tea-chest top to ditto ------ Veneering round front ------- Making ditto serpentine, with a flat top - - A flat tea-chest top to ditto - - - - r A^eneering the front, when serpentine - _ - - { straight part - - - - round - - - - - serpentine - - - - For the price of fitting up the inside — Furniture Drawer. Oiling and polishing ------- X. s. d 0 3 6 0 3 0 0 3 6 0 3 6 0 10 0 0 6 0 0 8 0 10 6 0 0 4 0 1 9 0 1 0 0 0 9 0 1 0 0 9 0 0 3 6 0 4 0 0 16 0 0 6 6 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 H 0 0 2 0 1 3 A CYLINDER 175 A CYLINDER-FALL WASH-HAND TABLE, No. I £. Two feet long, one foot ten inches wide, framing one foot seven inches deep, one real and two sham drawers in front, cock beaded, a cistern inside the fall, the middle of ditto made to answer the sweep of the bason, a water drawer to draw out at one end, the top hing’d at the back, a moulding on the edge of ditto, two holes for cups inside, the fall fix’d to quadrant pieces hung with center hinges, an astragal belowditto and round the bottom of the framing, on plain taper legs - - - - . 2 EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length or width - - Ditto in depth of framing ' If the top is in tw^o pieces, and hing’d at each end A glass frame behind to rise with a rack and spring Ditto with a horse behind ------ Each extra cup hole Each square case for a bottle not exceeding two inches deep Each extra drawer -------- Each partition - Lining ditto cross-way, each - - Glueing reeds on the fall ------- Veneering the fall - - - - - - - - Ditto the top, ends, back, or drawer fronts, each Veneering partition edges askew or cross-w^ay, at per foot - Ditto with king, tulip, or any other hard wood, at per foot 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A 10 0 0 6 0 3 0 9 6 0 7 3 0 If 0 6 2 3 0 6 0 1 5 0 9 6 0 6 0 1 0 1 night 176 s. d. A night stool in front, with a drop foot, or the front legs cut to draw out - - 056 For the price of a bidet — See Shaving Stand. For extra work in fall, &c. — See Cijlinder-f all Writing Table, Oiling and polishing - - - - - . -.013 A CYLINDER-FALL WASH-HAND TABLE, No. II. as in Plate 23, Fig. 1, Two feet long, one foot ten inches wide, two real drawers and one sham ditto ia front, cock beaded, work inside the fall as in No. 1, on xomraon brackets - - - 2 15 0 EXTRAS. . Each inch, more or less, in length or width - - - French feet, or solid French brackets - - - . Veneering each side of brackets - - - - - Cross banding ditto, each side ------ Veneering each end ------ - Each joint in the veneer - A night stool in front, with a drop foot to ditto - - - If made to draw out, with part of the French feet or brackets - For the price of veneering the fronts or top, extra work inside, &c. — See No. 1. 0 0 6 0 2 0 0 0 3 0 10 0 1 0 0 0 4 0 5 6 07 6 Fram’d 177 Fram’d back, each pannel Oiling and polishing - - - 0 0 A POT CUPBOARD, One foot two inches square, the framing twelve inches deep, a door in front, scratch beaded, flat top, a moulding on the edge of ditto, or the edge veneerM, and a string in the upper corner, plain MaiibiV legs - - - - EXTRAS. Each inch longer or wider ------ Ditto in depth of framing Clamping the door, square clamps - - - - - Miter clamping ditto, each miter extra _ - - - When made without a door, deduct - . - - - A reed door, extra - - - Veneering the front long-way ------ Ditto cross-way, with ajoint up the middle - - - Each drawer in front . Veneering each ditto Cock-beading drawer fronts or door, each --- Ifa string round ditto, each - - - Veneering the top - -- -- -- - Ditto each end or back ------- A rim groov’d in round the top - - - - - Beveling ditto - -- -- -- - An astragal on the edge ------ If a tray top, and patras turn’d on the top of the legs, extra A A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 s, d. 0 6 1 4 6 0 b 2 0 3 0 6 0 6 1 3 1 9 0 8 1 0 1 9 0 3 0 4 0 3 0 6 0 4 0 6 0 3 0 6 1 0 Ditto 178 o£, s. d. Ditto, with hollow comers, and the legs reduced outside to the thickness of the rail An ovalo on the corners of the legs - - - - - Ditto, when the square is continued on the top of the rails, extra - - - - - - - Scolloping the top edge of the rails, each - - - - Ditto the bottom edge, or an astragal round the framing Each handle hole in the top or end - - - - _ Canting the legs, each - - - - - If the door is made to turn down with a quadrant If the door is hing’d to slide under the top - - - If made with a round front, extra - Ditto eliptic - - - - - - Veneering the front long-way - - - - - A reed door, extra •- - - Each drawer in a round front Wneering cacli drawer front - - . --- A string in the lower corner of the top, each side* Ditto in each break - - - - - - - - If the front is made serpentine, extra - - - - - Ditto when reed doors - - - - - _ - Veneering the front . - . - - - Each drawer in ditto - - - - - - - - Veneering each drawer front - “ - A string in the lower comer of the top front Y each end Sawing out the legs, each - - - ■ _ ■ ^ Tapering ditto, each side - - - - - For the price of extra work in legs, &c . — See Tables of dlito. A single one, to be extra - - - Oiling and polishing ------- 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 5 0 6 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 G 7 0 6 0 ...1 G 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 G 0 9 G 6 3 8 2 3 9 8 G G 3 G 3 4 U 1 G 6 6 9- 6 3 I d Of 6- 4 A CIRCU- 179 V A CIRCULAR-FRONT CORNER POT CUPBOARD, TO FIX AGAINST A \TaLL, £. s. d. The sides one foot two inches from back to front, ten inches deep, a solUl dooi' to ditto, an astragal on the front edge of the top and bottom r - EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less - Ditto in depth Clamping the door - A reed door, extra - Veneering the front - A joint up the middle of ditto Veneering the top - Ditto the inside of the door If a single one, to be extra Oiling and polishing 0 7 0 A NIGHT STOOL, One foot four indies square, plain Marlbro’ legs, square ■edge to the top, the bottom of the rails either square or scolIopM - EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length or width Clamping the top, square clamps - - - - - Miter clamping ditto, each miter extra - - - A A 2 0 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 6 0 0 6 Working 180 Working- an astragal on the front and ends of the top - Ditto on the back - Mitering a hollow under the front and ends of the top to lap over the framing - - - - - - - An astragal round the bottom of the framing, when straight rails - Veneering the top - Ditto the rails, each A pair of stumps and elbows to turn up with the top - Sawing out the legs, each Tapering ditto, each side ------- Plowing and tonguing the ends of the loose seats A single one to be extra ------- Oiling and polishing - - . - s. d. 0 0 8 0 0 2 0 0 8 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 4 0 5 0 0 0 Of 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 6 0 0 4 A NIGHT TABLE, No. I. One foot eight inches long, one foot four inches wide, one door in front scratch beaded, a flat top with a moulding on the edge of ditto, or the edge veneer’d and a string in the upper corner, plain Marlbro’ legs, the stool to draw out with part of the front legs - . - - - EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length or width - - - A flap hing’d to a sliding piece, in place of a door An extra door 0 13 0 0 0 3 0 0 8 0 1 0 Clamping o Clamping each door or flap, square clamps - - - Miter clamping ditto, each miter extra - - - - Veneering the front long-way Ditto, when a reed door Ditto cross-way, with a joint up the middle Veneering the top - -- -- -- - Each joint in the veneer ------- A rim groov’d in on the top A reed door, extra - If made to run both ways, extra Each inner end - - - “ “ An upright partition to divide the cupboard - - - When an ovalo is stuck on the inside of the framing in front ---------- Making the above round front, when a pair of solid doors - Ditto, when a reed door ------- Ditto eliptic, extra - Veneering round front long- way - - - - - Ditto cross-way, with a joint up the middle _ - - Ditto, when reed doors ------- If the front is made serpentine, when reed doors Ditto, when a pair of solid doors - - - - - Veneering serpentine front long-way - - - - - Ditto cross- way, with a joint up the middle - - - Plowing and tonguing the ends of the loose seat - Square clamping ditto ------- Sawing out the legs, each For the price of tray top, &c.— /See Poi Cupboard. Oiling and polishing - - - c€ s. d. 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 1 6 0 0 10 0 2 0 0 0 8 0 0 4 0 1 0 0 1 9 0 0 9 0 0 4 0 0 6 0 1 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 2 0 0 1 10 0 2 4 0 1 2 0 9 0 0 10 6 0 2 5 0 2 11 0 0 3 0 0 6 0 0 0 | 0 0 8 A NIGHT 182 A NIGHT TABLE, No. II. Two feet long, the front to represent four drawers, cock beaded, the upper fronts hing’d to the top, the edge of the top moulded, on common brackets - - - - 0 EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length 0 Fixing elbows within the ends ------ 0 A pair of doors to turn under the elbows, extra from the front lifting up with the top ------ 0 Square clamping the top -------0 Ditto the flap or doors, each 0 INIiter clamping ditto, each miter extra _ _ . - o Veneering the top - ----- --0 Each joint in the veneer - Veneering the ends, each - - - - _ - -0 Each joint in the veneer -------0 Veneering the inside of the ends above the seat, each - - 0 Veneering the front --------0 Making the seat to draw out - 0 Ditto, when made on French feet - - _ . - 0 Each drawer above the seat - - - - - - 0 Each partition - - - - - - - - " d Deduct for each sham drawer ------ 0 A pot cupboard above tlie seat, tlie door hing’d to the end 0 An extra door ---------0 Making the front to turn down, supported by a quadrant, extra --- - - -._--0 If made with round front, extra from straight - - * - o s. d. 13 0 0 4 2 0 2 0 0 6 0 4 0 6 0 9 0 6 0 8 0 3 0 4 2 0 2 0 3 0 2 3 0 6 0 7 3 0 1 0 2 0 6 - 6 Ditto Ditto eliptic A drawer in ditto above -tlic seat - - _ . . A’^eneering tlie front - - - _ _ Making the front serpentine A drawer in ditto above the seat - . _ _ - Veneering ditto ------ For the price of French feet or brackets — See Dressing Chest. FramM back, each pannel Oiling and polishing JO . s. d. 0 2 0 0 2 9 0 3 0 0 11 0 0 3 6 ’ 0 4 0 0 0 6 0 0 8 A SLIDING- FRONT NIGHT TABLE, No. III. Two feet long, two feet six inches high, the top hing’d to the back, a moulding on the edge of ditto, . the front to sham three drawers made to slide with weights between double ends down to the height of a close-stool scat, plain Marlbro’ legs - - - - - - _ -160 EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length Square clamping the top or front, each Miter clamping ditto, each miter extra A flap hing’d inside to cover the pan Veneering the front - - - - Ditto the top - Each joint in the veneer - _ - Veneering the end rails, each - Each joint in the veneer of ditto - 0 0 3 - 0 0 6 - 0 0 6 - 0 1 0 0 1 b - 0 0 9 0 0 6 0 0 3 - 0 0 3 Making 184 s, d. flaking ditto round front, extra - - - - - 060 Veneering the front, when round - - - - - 016 Making the front serpentine - - - - - - 080 Veneering ditto - - - - - - - - 020 An astragal round the bottom of a straight front - - - 0 0 9 Ditto, when round front - - - - . - - 0011 Ditto when serpentine - - 012 Sawing out legs, each 000 For the price of extra work in legs, &c . — See Tables of ditto. Oiling and polishing - - - - . . - 00$ BIDETS, A Bidet, lap^d or fram’d together, of two-inch stuff shap’d to the pan inside and outside, the frame veneer’d top edge of ditto cover’d with mahogany, plain Marlbro’ or turn’d legs - 0 7 6 EXTRAS. A cock bead round the bottom of the frame Plain brackets, each - A square box to drop on the bidet, the top made for stuffing Making the ends of the top round Glueing up the rail in two thicknesses - - . . When a spring in the bidet, extra 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 1 6 2 6 6 0 0 A Bidet, (jLy • *T* A Bidet, square outside, the inside shap’d to the pan, the top either solid or for stuffing, made to slide on the frame or two pins at the back of ditto and lock’d in front, the frame of the top lap dovetail’d or veneer’d, plain Marlbro’ legs, the framing four inches deep - - - - A single one of either of these, to be extra If a miter dovetail’d, extra If fram’d out of two-inch beech, extra Plain brackets, each ----- If an earthen pan, extra from tin or copper An astragal round the bottom of the frame - Rounding the corners of ditto - - - - ■ For the price of extra work in legs-— /See Tables of ditto. Oiling and polishing 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 6 6 2 6 3 2 3 A PORTABLE BIDET, The box lap dovetail’d together or veneer’d, turn’d legs to fix with screws and plates, a flat top, with lock and hinges on ditto, the edge of the top rounded EXTRAS. A hollow under the top - - - A tea-chest top to ditto - - - A plinth round the bottom, or an astragal Filling up the inside for a sweep pan - Oiling and polishing - - " B B - 0 0 7 0 1 0 - 0 0 8 0 13 0 0 3 A TRAVEL- 186 A TRAVELLING BIDET, as in Plate 25, Fig. 3, To rise out of a chest, the top hung with slip hinges, the £, j, d. inner ends fram’d flush with the feet inside, the outer ends to fly out with springs to support the bidet when up, two grooves in each end, a pin through each foot to slide in the groove and stop the bidet in, the edge of the top moulded, and a plinth round the bottom - - - 1 0 0 EXTRAS. A drawer in front to run in between the legs of the bidet For the price of fitting up the inside of the drawer— Furniture Drawer. Oiling and polishing - 0 3 0 0 6 A MUSIC OR READING STAND, as in Plate 25^ Fig. 1, I he top one foot eight inches long, one foot two inches wide, an astragal on the edge of ditto, a fram’d bottom fix’d to the pillar, a hollow on the edge of the framing, a horse to support the top, and three claws, as No. 1 . in Plate 29. 0 116 Extras. EXTRAS. Each inch longer or wider Square clamping the top - Miter clamping ditto, each miter extra Candle boards to ditto, each Making the top to rise with a stem and rack Each pannel in the frame - - - - Oiling and polishing . - - - s* d, - 0 0 1 - 0 0 8 - 0 0 6 -006 - 0 4 0 - 0 0 6 . 0 0 6 A TABLE DESK, Two feet long, one foot four inches wide, four inches deep on the back, without a bottom, the top block’d on - - 0 2 6 EXTRAS Each inch, more or less, in length or width - 0 0 1 A bottom to ditto - - - - - - 0 0 9 Hinging the flap - 0 0 6 A lock on ditto - 0 0 6 Covering the flap with cloth ----- - 0 0 3 A Ditto, two feet long, one foot six inches wide, with three drawers and six letter holes inside - - 0 10 0 EX ERAS. Each inch, more or less, in length or width - 0 0 2 Clamping the flap, square clamps _ - . - - 0 0 8 Miter clamping ditto, each miter extra - - - 0 0 6 B B 2 Making 188 Making a case for the^ inside work - - - - - Each drawer in the inside, more or less - - - - Each letter hole, ditto ------- Partitioning the drawer for ink, sand, and wafers Making ditto to draw out at the end, extra - - - For the price of arches or extra work inside — See Secretary Drawer. A single one of either of these, to be extra - - - Oiling and polishing A COUNTING-HOUSE DESK, Three feet six inches long, two feet four inches wide one flap to ditto, square damp’d, three small drawers and six letter holes inside, the desk to overhang the frame - 1 0 0 EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length or width - - - Rabbiting the frame to receive the desk, and working a hol- low round ditto - -- -- -- - An extra flap, square clamp’d - - Miter clamping ditto, each miter extra - - ^ - A middle end inside - Each case for the inside work ------ For the price of extra work inside — See Secretary Drawer. Working an astragal on the front and ends of the top, per foot x\ ledge on the top, the edge of ditto rounded - - - Ditto, when continued down the slopes - - - - 0 0 4 £. s. d. An astragal on the edge of ditto, when on the top only - 0 0 9 Ditto, when continued down the slopes - - - - 0 1 0 Bannister railing on the flat part of the top, at per foot - 0 16 Ditto on the slopes - - - - - " ■" - 020 Each slider in the ends of the frame, square clamp’d - - 0 2 0 For the price of extra work in ditto — See Dressing Chest. Framing the bottom of the desk with two pannels, flush - 0 2 0 Each extra pannel - - - - - - " - 010 If the framing is beaded, each pannel extra - - - 0 0 3 Each stretcher more than one - - - - - - 009 Putting the frame together with bed screws, each screw - 0 0 2 If made without a frame, deduct for a frame three feet six inches long and under - - - - ~ * - 046 Every six inches extra - - - • ~ “ - 0 04 Sawing out each leg or rail - - - * " - OOIt Making two pedestals for the desk to stand on, not exceeding two feet in length, four drawers in each, on fast plinth - 118 0 Each inch above two feet in length - - - - - 0 0 6 The price of the frame to be deducted as above. Slipping the drawer sides, and plowing the bottoms in, each drawer - - - - - - - ■ - 003 Each drawer more or less - - - - ^ - - 023 Each partition - - - - - - - -006 Veneering each drawer front - - - - - - 006 Ditto the ends, each - - - - - - - 012 Each joint ditto - - - - - - - 004 Oiling and polishing, at per foot in length, when on a frame -- - - -- -- - - 002 Ditto, when on pedestals - - - - - - 004 A DOUBLE 190 A DOUBLE COUNTING-HOUSE DESK, Four feet long, three feet eight inches wide, one flap oii each side square clamp’d, three drawers, and six letter holes within each flap ------- EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length or width - - - Rabbiting the frame to receive the desk, and working a moulding on ditto ------- An astragal on the front and ends of the top, per foot - Each extra flap, square clamp’d - - - - - Miter clamping the flaps, each miter extra - - - Each inner end - -- -- -- - Each case for the inside work ------ For the price of extra work in ditto — See Secretary Drawer. Each slider in the ends of the frame, square clamp’d - For the price of extra work in ditto — See Dressing Chest. Each flap at the end, hing’d and supported with a bracket - A slope end, without a flap ------ A flap to ditto, square clamp’d - - - - - For the price of railing on the top, and panneling the bot- tom — See the preceding Desk. If made without a frame, deduct for a frame four feet Iona; and under - - - --- Every extra six inches Two pedestals for the desk to stand on, not exceeding two feet long, with eight drawers in each, or four drawers to draw out on each side, cock beaded, fast plinth or common brackets -------- Each inch above two feet long £• s. d. 2 0 0 0 0 6 0 2 9 0 4 6 0 8 0 0 3 6 0 6 0 0 0 4 3 8 0 0 0 9 Each 191 £> Each drawer more or less ---- - ..q Ditto, if made to draw out on each side - - - - o Each partition ---------O Veneering the drawer fronts, each - - - - - 0 Ditto each end - o Each joint in ditto - - - - - - - -0 Veneering the plinth long-way, per foot - - - - 0 Ditto cross-way - -- ,..--0 If four pedestals for ditto, four drawers in each, the plinth continued all round, or common brackets - - _ 3 Framing the ends or backs, with one pannel, each - - 0 Each extra pannel - A cupboard at the end between the pedestals, with a flat- panneFd door - -- -- -- «0 A case for the inside of cupboard ----- 0 For the price of work inside ditto — S>ee Counting-House Bookcase. Oiling and polishing, at per foot in length, when on a frame ------- - - -0 Ditto, when on pedestals - - - -0 A SQUARE WORK TABLE, Two feet long, one foot four inches wide, edge of the top square, plain Marlbro’ legs 0 EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length or width, when solid - 0 Ditto, when veneer’d ---..--0 A drawer in ditto - - - - - - -0 s. d, 2 3 4 6 0 6 0 6 1 9 0 4 0 2 0 3 12 0 2 9 1 0 6 6 1 9 0 4 0 8 3 0 0 1 0 I 2 3 Each 192 Each inch extra when a drawer ------ An astragal or stone moulding on the edge of the top - An astragal round the frame Lower rails to ditto ------- Glueing up the top, either solid or to veneer on, each joint Veneering the top -------- Each joint in the veneer ------- Veneering the long rails, each - Ditto the short rails, each ------ Veneering the front, when a drawer - - - - - A string round the drawer front - _ - - - A cock bead, ditto -------- If the top is hing^l, and a lock and bottom to ditto Rounding the corners of the top - - _ - - Cutting the top oval - Ditto serpentine Sawing out the legs, each ------ Tapering ditto, each side - For the price of extra work in legs — See Tables qfdiito, A single one to be extra ------ Oiling and polishing 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 c c ( An oval work TABLE, One foot six inches long, the rail two inches deep and ve* neerM^ square edge to the top, plain Marlbro’ legs ■ s. d, 0 2 0 10 0 8 0 9 0 . 1 0 9 0 6 0 3 0 2 0 5 0 3 0 4 3 0 a 4 0 6 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 4 ) 6 6 Exiras 193 EXTRAS. Each inch more in length Ditto in the depth of the rail Veneering the top - *■ - A braes rim screw on the edge of the top - - - - Veneering the edge, or working an astragal on ditto - Each corner string on the top ------ An astragal round the bottom of the rail, when the legs are flush ---------- Ditto when the legs project^ - - - “ A drawer in ditto --- - Each drawer more than one ------ Each extra inch when drawers ------ A bottom, when drawers ------ A plain shelf sweep’d, and fixM with stretcher plates - A ditto with a cross stretcher to support it - - - A rim groovM in on ditto each side - - - - - Hinging the top, with a lock and a loose bottom prepared for a silk bag Ditto when a fix^d bottom ------ When the legs are sprung one way, as in fig. 1, plate 12 Sawing out the legs, each ------ Tapering ditto, each side ------- For the price of extra work in legs — See Tables of ditto, A single one, to be extra ------ Oiling and polishing ------- A SQUARE URN STAND, Plain taper legs, a rim groov’d in or rabbited on the top, a slider for the tea-pot to stand on, the edge of the top and rim rounded - c c £. s. d. 0 0 5 0 0 9 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 1 0 0 0 6 0 I 0 0 2 0 0 3 6 0 2 9 0 0 4 0 0 6 0 1 2 0 1 8 00 4 0 2 3 0 3 0 0 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 4 0 4 3 Extras 194 EXTRAS. Veneering the rails - ------- Ditto, when cross-way - - - - Ditto the top - Glueing white or black on the edge of the rim - - - Ditto a triple string -------- Ditto a cross band -------- Scolloping tlie edge of the rim - - - - - Glueing black or white on the edge of a scollop’d rim Ditto a triple string - Ditto a cross band - - A black or white veneer to cover the joint of the top when rabbited on - An astragal or triple string ditto - - - - _ An astragal on the bottom of the frame - - . . Scolloping the edge of the rails - _ - - - A plain stretcher - Sawing out the legs, each ------ For the price of extra work in legs — See Tables of ditto. A single one, to be extra ------ Oiling and polishing ------ £. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AN OVAL URN STAND, Veneer’d rail, a rim groov’d into the top or flush outside, and a veneer to cover the joint, the edge of the rim and top rounded, a slider for the tea-pot to stand on, plain taper legs - -- -- -- -- O EXTRAS. Veneering the top - -._-_-o Glueing white or black on the edge of the rim - - - o A s. d. 0 4 0 6 0 3 0 4 0 6 0 8 0 8 0 8 0 10 1 0 0 4 0 6 0 8 0 6 0 8 0 01 0 9 0 3 8 0 0 3 0 5 triple 195 A triple string ditto A cross-band ditto - - - - * Scolloping the edge of the rim ------ Glueing black or white on ditto - - - - - Ditto a triple string - - - - - Ditto a cross band - -- -- -- - A triple string round the bottom of the rail, when the legs are flush - -- -- -- -- Ditto, when the legs project - Scolloping the bottom edge of the rail A corner string round the rail, when scollop’d - . - A plain rising stretcher _------ If the sweep is broke with a square, round, or hollow, each break - -- Glueing up a stretcher in three thicknesses - - Letting a string in the edge of a plain sweep’d stretcher Each break, extra - Sawing out the legs, each ------ For the price of extra work in legs, &c . — See Tables of ditto, A single one, to be extra ------- Oiling and polishing ------- A SERPENTINE URN STAND, Plain taper legs, a slider for the tea-pot to stand on, a rim groov’d into the top, the edge of the top and rim rounded c c 2 £, s, d, 0 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 1 0 0 1 3 0 0 9 0 1 9 0 0 9 0 13 0 1 4 0 0 $ 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 If 0 0 Of 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 10 6 Exiras. 196 EXTRAS. Veneering the rails ------ Ditto tiie top - A black or white veneer on the edge of the rim - A triple string, ditto - - - - - A cross band ------- Scolloping the rim ------ A black or white veneer on the edge of a scbllop^l rim A triple string A cross band -------. Triple string round the bottom of the rails - Scolloping the rails ------- A corner string round the rails when scollop’d - For the price of a stretcher- — S-ee Oval Um Stand, Sawing out each leg For the price of extra work in legs — Sve Tables of ditto, A single one to be extra ------ Oiling and polishing A SQUARE CELLERET, No. I. Ten inches square, lap dovetail’d together, the corners rounded, or an ovalo stuck on ditto, the inside partitioned for four bottles, a flat top with a hollow under ditto, with lock and hinges on ditto, the bottom to project to form a plinth - £,• s, d, 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 0 6 0 0 9 0 1 O 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 1 2 0 1 8 0 1 2 0 0 9 0 1 8 0 0 0^ 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 7 6 Extras. 197 EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length or width - , - Each extra bottle hole ------- Liiiins: each hole with baize If mahogany partitions, six inches deep, each hole Every two inches in depth of the partition - - - - A tea-chest top, extra - - - - - Glueing up the sides or top, each joint - - - - Veneering ditto, each Each corner string on ditto, per foot - - - - Lipping the top and bottom where cut open - - - Putting on commom brackets ------ For the price of French feet or French brackets — See Dres- smg Chest. A frame for the case to stand on, one foot two inches high with taper legs - -- -- -- - Veneering the rails -------- An astragal round the bottom of the frame - - - - Sawing out the legs, each For the price of extra work in legs, &c. — Tables of ditto. A single one to be extra ------- Oiling and polishing - A CELLERET, No. II. Eleven inches square, partitioned for four botrles, a flat top,, with a hollow miter’d under ditto to lap over the front and ends, a lipping to cover the lead, the sides fram’d into Marlbro’ legs, champher’d inside the whole lengih, and an astragal round the bottom of the framing - - - £. s. d. 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 1 6 0 0 1 0 0 4 0 0 1 0 0 8 0 2 0 0 3 6 0 0 6 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 3 0 9 6 Extkas. h|h 198 EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, each way 0 Each extra bottle hole - Lining each hole with baize - 0 If maiiogany partitions, six inches deep, each hole extra - 0 Every two inches in depth of the partitions - _ - 0 A tea-chest top - - 0 Glueing up the sides or top, each joint - - - - o Veneering ditto, each - -- -- - _q Each corner string, per foot - - - - - - 0 A bead round the inside to cover the edge of the lead - - 0 A single one to be extra - Oiling and polishing --------0 A HEXAGON CELLERET, To hold seven bottles, the joints plow’d and tongued, a lipping on the edge of each part where cut open, the top rabbited in and an ovalo stuck on the corner, the stand made of an inch board with a moulding on the edge of ditto, plain taper legs block’d to the stand, slips miter’d round ditto to receive the bottom of the celleret - - 0 EXTRAS. If made with three hoops and not tongu’d - Ditto, when veneer’d - - " Glueing up each side, at per joint s, d, 0 21 0 2 0 3 0 2 0 Of 1 9 0 1 0 6 0 1 0 6 0 6 0 4 14 0 3 0 4 0 0 01 Ditto 199 Ditto the top --------- If the carcase is dovetail key\l ------ Veneer i no: each side - Ditto, when the veneer is miter’d - - - - - Veneering the top, each side - Each joint in the veneer ------- Mitering the veneer of top in six pieces - - - - A single string between the joints - - - - - A corner string round the top - Ditto down the angles, each • - Acock bead round the top, extra from lipping -_- Veneering the rim of the top inside - - - . _ A bead round the inside to cover the edge of the lead - Each plain bracket in the angle of the legs - - _ A frame lap’d together of inch-and-a-half stuff, extra Veneering the frame, each side An astragal round the bottom edge of the frame Sawing out each leg For the price of extra work in legs — See Tables of ditto, A single one, to be extra ------ Oiling and polishing ------- — — gSs * An. octagon CELLERET, To hold nine bottles — ( Other particidars are described in Hexagon Celleret) ------- £ s» d. 0 0 1 0 1 6 0 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 6 0 0 3 0 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 6 0 0 1 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 8 0 0 2 0 1 6 0 0 If 0 0 9 0 0 Or 0 0 9 0 0 6 0 18 0 Extras. Hr* 200 EXTRAS. Ifwith three hoops, and not tongued - > . Ditto, when veneer’d If the carcase is dovetail key’d - - - - . A^eneering the top with eight pieces - - - > A single string between the joints - - . . A corner string round the top - - - . . A cock bead round the top, extra from lipping - Veneering the rim of the top inside - _ _ _ A bead round the inside to cover the edge of the lead A frame lap’d together of inch-and-a-half stuff, extra - An astragal round the bottom of the frame - . _ For the price of extra v^ovk-^See Hexagon Celleref. A single one, to be extra - - _ > _ Oiling and polishing - An oblong OCTAGON CELLERET, To hold twelve bottles, the rest of the preamble as in Hexa' gon Celleret EXTRAS. When made with three hoops Ditto, when veneer’d - _ - Dovetail-keying the carcase together £• s: d. 0 4 0 0 5 4 0 2 0 0 2 6 0 0 4 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 10 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 6 1 . 0 0 0 4 6 0 6 0 0 2 0 Veneering 201 Veneering the carcase Ditto the top, each side Veneering the rim of the top inside - . - - - A cock bead round the top, extra from lipping - If the top is made to project, and a moulding on the edge of ditto extra from rabbited in A frame lap^d together of inch-and-a-half stuff, extia - An astragal round the bottom of the frame - For the price of extra Celleret, A single one, to be extra Oiling and polishing work — See Hexagon or Octagon £. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 An oval CELLERET, No. I. Two feet long, one foot four inches wide, the staves glued up, the bottom groov’d in, the top dowel’d on and a moulding on the edge of ditto, or rabbited in and an. ovalo stuck on the corner, a scratch bead on the top where it opens, the stand made of inch stuff, a quarter- round on the corner of ditto, and a rim to receive the celleret, plain taper legs block’d behind to the stand EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length or width - - . Ditto, when veneer’d ------- Plowing and tonguing the staves together, each stave - Each tongue groov’d in where cut open - - - If made with three hoops - - - - - - 0 0 0 0 0 s . d. 3 0 0 8 0 9 0 9 1 6 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 6 2 0 0 4 0 5 0 2 0 10 3 0 Ditto, D D 202 £• Ditto, when venecrM - Veneering the carcase q Ditto the top - Each joint in the veneer of the top - - _ « _ q Each corner string on the top, per foot - - . - o Veneering the rim of the top inside o \eneering the inside of the carcase the depth of the lock, to cover the edge of the lead 0 Lipping on each part where cut open - - . . q A cock bead on the edge of the top, extra - - . . o A frame glued up in three thicknesses and veneer’d, and rabbited to receive the celleret, a quarter-round on the edge of ditto, and a cock bead round the bottom of the frame, extra - q When the frame is made for the carcase to slip within, and the legs cut down, and a cross stretcher dovetail’d on to ditto for the carcase to rest even with the bottom of the frame If the frame is made to stand bevelling - - - _ o An astragal round the frame, extra from a cock bead - - 0 An inch-and-quarter bottom rabbited and screw’d into the carcase, the feet fram’d into ditto and block’d behind, and an astragal round the bottom, considered the same as a common stand in the preamble. When solid pilasters to break the joints in the veneering, the same as when veneer’d all round. Breaking the astragal round pilasters, each miter extra - 0 Sawing out legs, each - -q For the price of fluting — Table of ditto. A single one to be extra Oiling and polishing - -- -- -- o d. 4 6 6 0 0 9 0 4 0 U 1 3 2 0 1 6 0 6 4 0 4 0 1 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 8 An 203 An oval CELLERET, No. II. £, s. dk Two feet long, one foot six inches wide, glued up in thicknesses and fram’d into the legs, the outside veneer’d and an astragal round the bottom, a lipping on the top and bottom where cut open, the rim of the top inside veneer’d ------ EXTRAS Each inch, more or less, in length or width If made to stand bevelling For other extras — See Oval Celleret, Sawing out each leg - - - - Oiling and polishing . - - - An oval cistern, Two feet long, one foot six inches wide, eight inches deep, the staves glued up, the bottom plow’d in, a rabbit in the inside to receive the lead, the top edge rounded, a stand to ditto as in Oval Celleret - - - 0 12 0 -EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length or width - 0 0 s Ditto in depth --«---- - 0 0 6 If hoops on ditto, each ------ - 0 1 0 An astragal on the top edge - - 0 2 3 Staple handles fix’d on the top edge - - - - 0 0 6 D D 2 Cleaning - 0 0 4 - 0 10 0 - 0 0 Oi - 0 0 8 204 £. s. Cleaning up the inside, extra from rabbiting for the lead - 0 0 For other extras — See Oval Celleret. A single one to be extra -------01 Oiling and polishing - - - - - - - 00 A ROUND PAIL, Thirteen inches diameter, one foot deep, outside measure, three brass hoops on ditto, common handles fix’d through the top hoop EXTRAS. Each inch deeper or wider Staple handles or bade ----- “ A single one to be extra Oiling and polishing - - A BOTTLE TRAY, To hold two bottles, a partition across the middle, the ends cut to receive the neck of the bottles - - - 0 3 EXTRAS. If mpde to hold more than two bottles each hole - - -00 Fitting in hollow blocks to hold the body of the bottles, each 0 0 d, 6 0 6 0 3 6 0 3 3 4 9 If 205 If with angle blocks, each An astragal on the edge of each side, end, or partition, when straight - - * - Ditto on the edge of the bottom Lipping the bottom for cloth Linino; ditto with cloth ------- Lining each hole - - - - ~ A plinth round the bottom Putting on a metal handle ------ A single one to be extra ------ Oiling and polishing - o6’. d, 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 4 0 0 3 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 6 0 0 3 0 0 6 0 0 3 A SQUARE BOTTLE CARRIER, To hold four bottles upright, the edge of the bottom and rim rounded - - - - - - - - 033 EXTRAS. Each extra bottle hole - - - Fixing a metal handle - . - Lipping the bottom for cloth - Lining ditto wfth cloth - - - A single one to be extra - - - Oiling and polishing - - - - 0 0 7 - 0 0 3 -003 - 0 0 2 - 0 0 6 - 0 0 3 A HEX- 206 A HEXAGON BOTTLE CARRIER, Miter’d together and key’d, a turn’d pillar in the middle, a jointed brass handle at the top, the edges of the bottom and rim rounded -------- EXTRAS. If made to hold more than six bottles, each extra hole Alahogany partitions miter’d each hole extra - - - Lipping the bottom for cloth ------ Lining ditto with cloth ------- Lining the bottle holes with cloth, each - - - , An atragalon the edge of therin; - - - _ . Ditto on the bottom ------- A plinth round the bottom - - - A single one to be extra ------ Oiling and polishing An OVAL TEA TRAY, No. I. Two feet long, a solid bottom and plain rim - - - EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length If made with a rim three quarters of an inch each way, ve- neer’d on each side, a small bead in the top corner, and rounded inside, extra from, a common rim - - - Glueing up the bottom, at per joint ---- A'eneering ditto - -- -- -- - Each joint in the veneer - - - - 0 6 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 0 6 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 6 0 0 4 0 0 9 0 0 8 0 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 8 0 0 6 Veneering tHlN 207 Veneering the edge of a plain rim - - - A triple string on ditto A cross-band ditto, per foot « - - - . Scolloping the rim ------- Veneering the edge of ditto , - - - A triple string on ditto - - - - - A cross band, per foot . - - - - When the rim is screw’d on the outside, and a triple round ditto -------- A cross band, with a string on each side, extra - Staining the edge of the bottom - - - - Grooving in pieces to make the bottom straight, each Letting on a pair of metal handles - _ - - Making and fixing a pair of wood ditto - - - Grooving the bottom for the edge of the cloth Lipping the bottom for cloth - - - - - Lining ditto with cloth ------ A single one, to be extra ------ Oiling and polishing ------ string piece £, s. d. 0 0 6 0 0 10 0 0 2 0 0 10 0 Oil 0 13 0 0 31 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 6 0 0 4 0 10 0 0 3 An OVAL TEA TRAY, No. II. Two feet long, the rim jointed up cross-way, two brass hoops round ditto, the bottom groov’d in - - - EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length - - - - - For the price of extra work — See No. 1. A single one, to be extra - Oiling and polishing - - - - - 0 7 6 0 0 3 0 A CHAMBER A CHAMBER HORSE, With boards for three heights of springs, a bead to project round the top of the lower framing, and a moulding round where the horse drops into - - - - - EXTRAS. Each extra board If frames in place of boards, each frame extra - - - A sliding foot board, with a foot to support ditto If a bracket on each side ------- Turning the springs, each - - - - ^ - Fixing the springs and girth-webbing, each height Filling up the top board for a hollow seat - - - - If made with a high back, a straight top to ditto If the front legs continue to the height of the back, and a rail on each side fram’d into ditto - Sawing out the legs and elbows, each - - Veneering the low rails ------- Oiling and polishing - - Ditto, when a back A CHAMBER CLOTHES HORSE, Three feet square and under, three rails in ditto, on com inon ogee feet - £. s. d. 0 10 0 0 0 6 0 0 9 0 2 6 0 0 6 0 0 2 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 5 0 0 1 6 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 4 0 0 6 0 2 6 Exiras. EXTRAS. s. Each inch, higher or wider -00 Each extra rail - - - -----00 Quirk beading the standards and top edge of the rails - -00 If brackets at the bottom of the standards - - - -00 If four claws, as No. 1, Table of ditto - - - -01 A single one to be extra -------00 Oiling and polishing - - - - - - - 00 A FOLDING CHAMBER CLOTFIES HORSE, Two leaves to ditto, three feet high, and four feet wide when open, three rails in each leaf - EXTRAS. Each extra leaf _-- - Each inch higher or wider, per leaf . . - - Each extra rail - - - -- - -- Half claws on the four standards, fixM - - - - If with two swing claws to the front, and two half ditto fix’d to the back standards ------ A single one, to be extra Oiling and polishing ------- d. 1 4 8 6 0 4 9 6 6 1 4 9 0 6 4 £ £ A HORSE 210 A HORSE FIRE SCREEN, Three feet high and twenty inches wide, straight rails, a quirk bead or quarter round on the inner edge of the frame, claws as No. 1. Table of ditto EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in height or width - - . Sweeping the rails, when a bead round the frame Ditto, when a quarter round orovalo on the framing Putting on the tammy with braid, each side - - . Covering the tacks with mahogany - Ditto, when sweep rails Ditto when to shew a square - - _ . * _ If groov’d to lap over the frame, with a bead on the edge of ditto, when straight rails Ditto, when sweep’d rails and a bead on the edge of the framinof - - . _ Ditto, when a quarter round on the fi'aming If made to run in T grooves, extra - - - , . Ifan oval is introduced into the sliding frame Ditto a vase - A bead round an oval frame ______ Ditto round a vase - A eneering the frame long-way, each side - - - . Ditto cross-way, each side - For the price of cross-banding, extra work in claws, &c. — - See Tables of ditto, A single one to be extra ______ Oiling and polishing - . S, dim 0 8 0 ©OS 0 1 6 0 2 0 0 0 6 0 ] 0 0 1 6 a 1 6 0 I 6 0 2 6 0 2 9 0 1 6 0 2 0 0 2 6 0 0 6 0 0 9 0 2 0 0 2 6 0 1 0 0 0 4 A FOLD- 211 A FOLDING FIRE SCREEN, Three feet six inches high, one foot eight inches wide, one pannel in esch leaf, with a rabbit to leceive the tammy, and a bead stuck on the inside of the rails and standards s. 0 66 EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in width or height Each extra pannel Making the pannels to slide, each - - - “ , “ If made to slide through the top rail, each - - - Putting on the tammy ot shalloon with braid on each side of each pannel If beads in place of braid, each side of each pannel - A single one to be extra - - - - " Oiling and polishing 0 0 0 0 A POLE AND STAND, No. I. as in Plate 18, Fig. 3, The block three steps high, plain taper pedestal, and square pole - EXTRAS. Mitering each step - - - - Each extra step Veneering each step -------- Corner strings round ditto, each - - - - - Each string in the pole, at per foot - - - - - E E 9 0 4 0 212 For the price of pannels on therming— 5ee Table of ditto. Oiling and polishing - A solid triangular bottom, square edge to ditto, on three turn’d feet Sweeping each side ___ Veneering the edges - Ditto when sweep’d Ditto the top When morticed or glued up in two thicknesses - - - Each hole in ditto - Plain taper feet, each - Therming ditto, with one square, each - - - . Each corner string round the top - _ _ . . Working a hollow on the edge of ditto - - - . A groove for lead - „ A single one, to be extra _ _ _ A pole screen to stand on three claws, the claw as No. 1. Table of ditto, the pillar and pole turn’d - - _ Sawing out claws, each For the price of extra work in claws— iSce Table of ditto. A single one, to be extra - - ' - Oiling and polishing 0 0 6 0 2 6 0 0 1 0 0 4 0 0 3 MOUNTS FOR POLE FIRE SCREENS. Making a square straining frame Each side more than four, extra 0 1 6 0 0 2 A bead m- 4 - 213 A bead round a sc[uarc frame Ditto on each extra side- Mitering stuff round a square frame, an astragal on each edsfe of ditto - Ditto on each extra side - If groov’d to clip the frame, each side extra - - _ A square frame, with an astragal or cross-band on the front, and a bead behind, to receive the straining frame - Each extra side - Making an oval or vase-pattern straining frame - If breaks in the vase, as in plate 18, fig. 3, extra A bead round an oval frame - - - Ditto round a vase pattern . . . _ . An oval frame, veneer’d on the front, or an astragal and a bead behind to keep in the straining frame - - _ A vase -pattern ditto ------- If breaks in ditto extra ------ Veneering or working an astragal on the back edge of an oval frame - -- -- -- -- Ditto on a vase pattern ------- Each corner string round an oval frame - - - _ Ditto round a vase-pattern Each break - -- -- -- -- A single one, to be extra ------- <£. s. d, 0 0 6 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 0 3 0 0 3 9 0 0 9 A TRIPOn BOTTOM for a FACE SCREEN, With a stretcher and plain top, solid pole, claws as No. 1. in Table oi ditto - -- -- -- - 0 0 214 For extra work in claws — See Table of ditto. A single one, to be extra - - - Oiling and polishing - - - ■ £* s, d. 0 0 6 0 0 2 A TRIPOD FLOWER or CANDLE STAND, With a plain top, one shelf or stretcher, the standards as No. 1. Table of ditto - - - - - - - 0.50 EXTRAS. Each extra shelf or stretcher - - - .p - - Grooving a rim into the top or shelf, each - Working a quarter- round on the edge of a plain top - Ditto, when broke round the standards - - - - For the price of extra work in the standards — See Table of ditto. When made to stand on four legs . - - - - A single one, to be extra ------- Oiling and polishing - 0 A DRESSING BOX and GLASS, One foot two inches long, eight inches wide, one drawer in ditto, scratch beaded, plain brackets, a square glass frame veneer’d cross-way, and straight standards _ - - 0 6 0 Extras. EXTRAS. Each inch longer or wider Ogee brackets - Veneering the front - Ditto the top _ _ _ _ Ditto the ends, each - - - Each extra drawer - Veneering each extra drawer front An oval glass frame _ _ _ A vase-pattern ditto - « - Making the standards to fit an oval or vase-pattern frame Veneering the standards cross-way - - - _ Each corner string round a square frame - - . Ditto round an oval frame . Ditto round a vase Sweeping the front of the box round - Ditto serpentine _ _ _ _ _ Veneering a round front Ditto serpentine - Canting the comers, and hollowing the front of the ends Veneering the hollow ends, each - - . . A corner string on the front and ends of a square box - Ditto on a round front - Ditto on a serpentine - - - . . A corner string at the back - - - . . Each string up the corners - - . . , A cock bead round the bottom of a square box - Ditto on a round front Ditto on a serpentine ----- For the price of cross-banding, Sic.—See Table, of ditto. £. s, d. 0 0 2 0 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 4 0 0 2 0 1 3 0 0 2 0 0 8 0 1 0 0 0 9 0 0 4 0 0 4 0 0 6 0 0 9 0 1 9 0 2 3 0 0 6 0 0 9 0 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 1 0 0 I 0 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 6 A single 1 0 0 4 . A single one to be extra --- - - - - 0 Oiling and polishing A SCREEN DRESSING-GLASS FRAME, as in Plate 18, Fig. 4, The inside of the glass frame two feet six inches long, one foot six inches wide, the back fram’d with four flat pan- nels, the weights cast by the plumber, claws as in No. I, Table of ditto, common castors on ditto - - - -110 EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length or width . - _ Read or ovalo on the standards and rails _ - - - Veneering the standards, each side - . - - - Ditto the rails, each ------- Corner strings round ditto, at per foot - - - - Making and fixing a plain handle on the top of the glass frame - --------- Each extra hole in ditto ------- A shelf supported with brackets - - - _ - Each pin tray Candle boards, each ------ Making the frame to swing - If hung with tambour - - - , - 0 0 3 0 1 3 0 0 4 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 11 0 1 0 0 1 3 0 0 6 0 2 0 0 4 0 If If the glass is matle to swing, and not to rise, deduct For the price of extra work in See Table of ditto. Oiling and polishing A WINDOW BLIND, Three feet long, two feet wide, with beads behind EXTRAS. Each inch more in length or width - - - - Putting in the canvas A pair of folding blinds, size as above _ - _ Each frame more than tw^o ----- Putting in the canvas, each frame ■ ’ " Hanging stiles to ditto ------ Fitting iii and hanging to be paid for agreeable to time. A KNIFE TRAY, Square, a partition in the middle, a hand hole in ditto, or a brass handle let on, the edges of the sides and bottom rounded EXTRAS If made bevelling - -- -- -- - Working an astragal on the edge of the sides, each F F £. s. d, 0 6 0 0 0 6 0 2 6 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 4 3 0 2 0 0 0 4 0 0 9 0 2 6 0 I 0 0 0 1 Scolloping nH 218 A BUTLER'S TRAY, Two feet long, twenty inches wide, two hand holes in ditto, the edge of the rim and bottom rounded - Scolloping each side - - _ Each partition more than one Rabbiting the bottom to receive the rim A single one to be extra - - _ Oiling and polishing - . . EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length or width Each extra hand hole . An astragal on the edge of the rim or bottom If made with a low front, extra An astragal on the edge when alow front If made with a round front, extra An astragal on the edge of a round front - Ditto when a low front - - _ _ Making ditto with a serpentine front - An astragal on the edge of a serpentine front Ditto when a low front An astragal on the edge of the bottom, when round fron Ditto when serpentine front « _ _ _ ^ Rabbiting the bottom to receive the rim of a square tn Ditto when round front - - - - _ . Ditto when serpentine - - - - » <£. s. d. 0 0 2 009 004 0 0 6 0 0 2 0 2 6 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 8 0 I 2 0 1 4 0 0 11 0 1 6 0 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 6 007 009 Each 219 Each brass plate* on the corners - - . - Letting in ditto, each extra - - - . Cleaning ditto level with the wood, each - A lipping on the under side of the bottom for cloth Lining ditto with cloth - - - - . Grooving the bottom to receive the‘tdge of the cloth A lipping of cloth on the bottom - - - A single one, to be extra - - - - - Oiling and polishing ----- c£. s. d, 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 8 0 0 4 0 0 3 0 0 2 0 0 6 - 0 0 3 A PORTABLE WRITING DESK, No. I. All solid, eighteen inches long, ten inches wide, and six inches deep, lap-dovetail’d together, with a bevel drawer, the drawer partitionetl off for ink, sand, and wafers extras. Each inch more in length or width - _ - . Ditto in depth - - _ _ _ Square clamping the flap - Each miter, extra - Veneering outside - - . . _ Plinth round the bottom - - _ . Lipping round the bottom or flap to receive the cloth - I utting a black or white bead up the corners and round the top - - . ^ _ Lining the writing part of the desk with clotli - F p 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 1 6 0 0 6 0 0 4 0 0 8 0 0 4 Ditto 220 Ditto the bottom - Veneering the flap - -- -- -- - A'eneering the inside of the top ------ Making a moulding for a book rest, and letting in a brass riser ---------- Stain’d hollow for pens - - • - W afer box to lift out - , A cover at the end of the hollow to tilt up - - - - A cover on the bevel - Each square hole in a drawer or lift, form’d by partitions - Glueing black, white, or any other veneer, on the partition edges, each hole -------- A powder box, with a solid sliding top - - - - If the top is glued up in three thicknesses, extra from a solid top - - If the top is hung with hinges, extra from a solid sliding top - An empty lift-out, the ends squar’d from the bottom edge A ditto, with the sides bevel’d both ways to make it all of a # depth ---------- Each shap’d partition in a lift-out . _ - - - A glass frame, 8 inches by 6 or less, with a straight band - If the band is cross-way, extra ------ A string in the corners - - - - A place for a round box or tumbler - - - • - A spring drawer, whe"n the spring is prepar’d - _ - AVhen a box is made for curling irons, &c. with a spring drawer at bottom, to go in at the back of ditto in place of a tin box - -- -- -- -- For brass wmrk — See Strong Box. £. s. (1. 0 0 2 0 0 6 0 0 4 0 0 9 0 0 5 0 0 4 0 0 4 0 0 3 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 1 8 0 0 10 0 0 3 0 0 9 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 1 2 0 4 6 Cross 0 221 Cross banding and other extras — See Tables of ditto. A single one to be extra - - - - ~ Oiling and polishing - - - - - £, s, d, 0 1 9 0 0 4 A PORTABLE WRITING DESK, No. II. Square drawer, twelve inches long, eight inches and a half wide, five inches deep, with two flaps, partitioned olf for ‘ink and sand, the hollow for pens in the middle, the , 1 • . - - - 0 10 0 drawer plain - EXTRAS. Veneering ditto - -- -- -- - Other extras — See Portable Desk, No. 1. Oiling and polishing A PORTABLE WRITING DESK, No. III. Square drawer, eighteen inches long, ten inches wide, six inches deep, with two flaps, bottles at top, with wafer box and hollow for pens, the drawer plain - - * 0 19 6 Extras. 222 EXTRAS. A lock on the flap- A cross partition - tor the price ofother extra work— No. 1. Oilmg and polishing - - - - . A PORTABLE DESK, No. IV. Squaie drawer, twenty-one inches long, eleven inches wide, »ix inches deep, bottles at top, with wafer box and hollow oi pens, partition to lift up between the hollow and bot- tles, a lock on the flap, the drawer plain - . . Forextras-^>5 1, With no drawer, three boxes with the covers hing’d, the hollow for pens, ink, and sand, to lift out, under the lift- out for razors, is a comb tray, a glass frame and one scollop’d partition ------- EXTRAS. If a spring diawer under the soap glass - - - For brass work — See Strong Travelling Box. Oiling and polishing - - - A KNIFE CASE, For three dozen of knives, forks, or spoons, all solid, the front serpentine in the middle, and a hollow on each side 0 6 1 10 0 0 2 0 0 0 4 0 8 6 G G Extras. 226 EXTRAS. Hingingthe top and putting on the linkplate - - - Every half dozen, extra - A pair of carvers and a gravy sj30on - - - _ Beading the corners of the case and round the top If the sides are commoded, extra from straight sides - Plain pilasters, each For fluting— Tables of ditto. If the front is astragal in the middle, and a hollow on eacli side - If the sides of the front are Ogee, the middle astragal, or astra- gal reverse Letting in a star - Banding the top, the front shap’d as the start, straight sides Ditto if the sides are commoded ----- Ditto if the front is Ogee and astragal - - - - Banding the fronts— Tables of ditto. Plinthing the bottom, when straight sides - - - - Ditto when commode sides Plain Ogee brackets - Veneering the case - Ditto if the sides are commoded - - - - - Ditto if the front is astragal in the middle and Ogee sides A single one to be extra Oiling and polishing £, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 d. 0 8 0 8 0 5 1 2 3 6 0 6 2 6 S 0 0 4 2 0 3 0 3 6 0 9 1 0 1 0 3 0 3 9 3 4 1 0 0 2 DISSECTION DISSECTION OF A CASE A VASE KNIFE CASE For three dozen of knives, forks, or spoons, sixteen joints in the body and the same in the top, the top to rise with a square stem, the plinth square, and the bottom of ditto lin^d with cloth - EXTRAS. Every dozen more than three ------ Putting on a lock - -- -- - -- Cross banding the rivet, with a white rim round the edge of the steps, per foot ------- Oiling and polishing Turning up a three-dozen case and all under For every dozen more than three Turning up with commode sides _ _ - Ditto, if the front is astragal middle and Ogee sides Cleaning up, cutting open, and lipping the case Putting an inside lock on - Making a plain bottom - Making the rivit, putting string in ditto, and £ d. 0 2 0 0 0 2i 0 3 2 0 1 3 0 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 3 | 0 2 9 1 9 0 0 2 6 0 0 6 0 0 3 0 0 6 A VASE 228 A VASE KNIFE CASE, No. II. For three dozen knives, forks, or spoons, plain veneer’d, twelve joints, a string in each joint, ^beaded round the hollow at top and the square part of the plinth, the bottom lin’d with cloth ----- r, 1 A VASE KNIFE CASE, No. III. For three dozen knives, forks, or spoons, plain veneer’d, twelve joints, with ogee brackets, a string in the round of ihe Ogee, a cross band round the top of the square of the plinth, a ditto round the body of the vase under the cutting open, and a ditto round the top of the hollow in the head -2 EXTRAS. If the frize (or above the cutting to the hollow) is pan- nel’d in four square pannels, with a cross band round each pannel, the whole 0 s, d. 18 0 1 6 2 8 A VASE 229 A VASE KNIFE CASE, No. IV. £. s, d. For three dozen knives, forks, or spoons, plain \’^neer'd, the inside and outside turned, the outside canted in twelve- cants and veneer’d, a string in the corner of each cant, the plinth to form an octagon, cross banded on the top; the rest of the case banded as No. 3 . - - - - 240 A SQUARE CADDY, No. I. Four inches and a half long, three inches and a half wide, and four inches and a half high, plain veneer’d, beaded up the corners and round the top, black plinth or string round the bottom, the cutting open lip’d ; one doubter in the inside of the caddy, and both sides of the doubter lin’d with tin foil, the carcase braded together - - 0 2 3 EXTRAS. If the carcase is dovetail’d together - - - - - 003 Cleaning the inside of the top, and putting a white bead round, extra from lin’d with tin foil - . - - 0 0 1 If the top of the doubter is champher’d, extra from lin’d with tin foil - - - - - - - - 001 Letting 230 :m’ ■ Letting in a string in the doubter, each side - - - Lining the inside with lead ------ Letting in an oval or shell three inches long - - - Every inch longer ------ - Cross banding, &c. — See Tables of Ditto. If beaded cross-way, to be as banding. Lining the bottoms with cloth, per dozen - - - If less than six of these, to be each extra - - - If only one - If the caddies are veneer’d with king, tulip, yew, snake, or any other hard wood, to be extra in the shilling on the start price --------- £. s, d. 0 a 0 0 0 1 0 0 s 0 0 Ot 0 0 6 0 0 3 0 1 0 0 0 H No. II. A Square Double CADDY, seven inches and a half long, four inches and a half wide, and five inches high, the carcase braded together, two doubters ; the rest as No. I. 0 3 3 EXTRAS. If the carcase is dovetail’d . _ - Each inch longer Blocking up the doubters flush with the top Lining with lead, extra from tin foil Lining - 0 0 3 - 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 2 JB. s. d. Lining the bottoms with cloth, per dozen - - - - 0010 It less than six of these, to be extra each - - - - 0 0 3 If a single one - - - _ . . _ - 010 Other extras — SeeJ^o. 1. No. III. AVeneerM Hexagon CADDY, six inches and a half long, three inches and three-eights wide, and four inches and a half high, beaded up the corners and round the top ; one doubter — See No. 1. EXTRAS. Champhering the doubter Lining with lead - - - . Other extras — See No. 1. 0 0 2 0 0 2 No. IV. A Double Hexagon CADDY, eight inclies and a half long, four inches and a half wide, and five inches deep ; two doubters — tyee No. 1. - EXTRAS. If lined with lead - Champhering the doubters 0 0 3 - 0 0 21 If 232 j£, s. d. # If the inside of the top is cleaned, and a white bead round, extra from lin’d with tin foil Other extras — See No. 1. 0 0 No. V. c d octci^on CADDY, five inches long, three inches and three-eights wide, and four inches and a haff high, one doubter ; the rest as No, 1 . - - - , _ q Lining with lead For other extras — See No. I. EXTRAS. 3 0 0 0 2 No. VI. A double octagon CADDY, seven inches and a half long, four inches and a half wide, and five inches high, two doubters, (the rest as No. 1 .) EXTRAS. Lining with lead - String in the doubters, each side Lining the bottoms with cloth, per dozen - For other extras — See No. 1. 4 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 233 No. VII. A plain veneer’d pointed circular CADDY, six inches long, three inches and three-eighths wide, and four inches and a half high, one doubter, the rest of the preamble as No. 1 EXTRAS. Lining with lead - A string in the doubter ------- For extra work — See No, 1 . No. VIII. A pointed circular DOUBLE CADDY, eight inches long, four inches Avide, and five inches high ; two doubters — the rest of the preamble as No. I, If any of these caddies are made for fillagree, to be the same as veneer’d. For extras — See 1:^0. 1. No. IX. An oval CADDY, six inches long, three inches and three- eighths wide, and four inches and a half hisrh, veneer’d the long way, a string in the top and bottom corners, the bottom groov’d for cloth, a bead round the inside of the top - - - _ > . H H s, d, o 3 4 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 4 4 0 4 3 Extras, 234 EXTRAS. £. s. If veneerM cross- way, with curls - - - - - 0 G If with yew-tree --------00 A string in the doubter - - - - - - - 00 If a single one --------0 1 For extra work — See No, 1. and the Table of Banding, No. X. An oval DOUBLE CADDY, seven inches and three-quar- ters long, four inches and a half wide, and five inches high; two doubters — For the rest of the preamble see No. 9. - EXTRAS. Veneering cross-way, with curls ------ Ditto with yew-tree ------- Lining the bottom with cloth, per dozen « - - A string in each doubter ------ If a single one - For other extras — as above. d. 3 6 4 0 S 4 9 0 5 0 A TEA 235 A TEA CHEST, ' £ s. d. Ten inches long, five inches and a half wide by five inches and a half deep, veneer’d, a flat top^ the cutting open lip’d, beaded up the corners and round the top, the car- carse braded together - - - - - - - 050 EXTRAS. If the carcase is dovetail’d together Each inch, more ar less, in length - - - - - Wood lining - -- -- -- -- Each hole, with a doubter, and lin’d with tin foil A cover, with a hole cut to receive the sugar bason Blocking ditto to the circle, and lining ditto with cloth Making a case for the sugar bason to lift out, the inside of ditto shaped to the circle, top part veneer’d and miter’d, inside lin’d with cloth ------ Putting a string round the circle - - - « - Ditto in the corners of the case ------ Each cannister with a flat sliding top - - - - Each ditto with a flat top, hing’d Each ditto with an oval top, a plain veneer on the square part, the top of the oval hing’d - - - - - If the veneer is miter’d on the square part - - - - If beaded - Banding the top of the oval - - - _ _ A corner string round ditto Plain lining the inside of the lid A bead round ditto Letting an oval in the top to cover the nuts of the handle - H H 2 0 0 4 0 0 2 0 0 6 0 0 8 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 2 9 0 3 0 0 3 6 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 7 0 0 2 | 0 0 4 0 0 3 0 0 2 Banding wH 236 Banding — See Table of ditto. If less than three of these, to be each extra Oiling and polishing - - _ . s» dt 0 0 6 0 0 2 An oval TEA-CHEST, Eight inches and a half long, five inches and a half wide, and five inches and a half high, veneer’d the long-way, a string in the top and bottom corners, the bottom groov’d for cloth, the inside of the top and the rim of ditto ve- neer’d, a lining one inch and a half down in the bottom part, stands up to form a bead and steady the top, two cannisters made to the sweep in three thicknesses, the top of the cannisters flat and hing’d, and the inside of ditto lin’d with tin foil EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length - - - - - If veneer’d cross-way with curls - - > . . A cover with hole cut to receive a susfar-bason - - _ Blocking ditto to the circle, and lining with cloth Making a case for the sugar-bason to lift out, the inside shap’d to the circle, the outside to fit the sweep, top part veneer’d and miter’d - If the bason is oval, the case to be extra - - - _ Half oval tops to the cannisters, each - - _ « Banding — See Table of ditto. Making cauls for the cannisters to be paid for extra. If a single one, to be extra - - - 14 0 0 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 6 0 0 ;5 0 1 6 0 0 6 0 0 9 0 2 0 INK- 237 INK-STANDS, No. I. A Black Ink-stand, seven inches long, with two glasses Each inch more in length - Each hole more than three - - - - If less than three of these stands, to be each extra * s» 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 11 0 0 2 No. II. A DRAWER INK-STAND, seven inches long, with two glasses - - - - - - - - 020 EXTRAS. Each inch more in length - - - - - 002| Each hole more than three - - - - - - 001^ Putting on a handle - - - - - - - - 003 If less than four of these, to be each extra - - - - 0 0 6 If a single one - - - - - - - - - 010 No. III. A Black OVAL INK-STAND, seven inches long, five in- ches wide, two glasses and two hollows, with round ends, the top of the stand all plain -014 Extras. 238 EXTRAS. Each inch more in length ------- If sunk to shew a cock bead round the edge - - . Each glass more than two ----- ^ Putting on a handle If less than three of these, to be each extra - - - N. B. Staining and polishing black ink-stands included in the start. FRENCH INK-^TANDS. No. I. Nine inches and a half long, six inches and a half wide, and an inch and a half deep, dovetail’d together, bottom braded on, shews a bead round, astragal on the top edge, a flat to hold three glasses, a scratch bead round the top edge of ditto - EXTRAS. If less than three of these, to be each extra - - - If only one - . . St d» 0 0 9 0 0 6 0 0 11 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 3 0 0 0 6 0 1 0 No. 2&9 A French INK -STAND, nine inches and a half long, six inches and a quarter wide, two inches and three-eighths deep, dovetailed together, bottom braded on, shews a bead round, an astragal on the top edge, a flat to hold three glasses, with a scratch bead round the top edge of ditto, a drawer in front seven-eighths deep s, (i. 4 0 EXTRAS. Each inch more in length If two flaps hing’d, one between the flat and the back, the other between the flat and the front, each flap Putting a lock on the drawer or flaps - - - - Each extra glass Putting on a handle - - " “ " If less than three of these, each extra - - - - - If only one 0 0 3 0 0 9 0 0 4 0 0 1 | 0 0 3 0 0 6 0 1 0 A BLACK TAMBOUR INK -STAND, as in Plate 17, Fig, 2. Seven inches and a half long, five inches and a half wide, and four inches and a half high, miter-dovetail’d toge- ther, with a drawer, the hollows stuck through - -070 Extras. 240 EXTRAS. Each inch more in length, width, or depth - - . Putting on a lock - Working a hollow between the scratch beads on the ends, front, and back, to be extra - Each hole more than three Altering each hole to fit a glass after the ink-stand is made If the tambour top is made of any other wood than lime tree, to be extra - If less than three of these, to be each extra - ^ _ £• s. d, 0 0 3 0 0 6 0 0 8 0 0 11 0 0 1 0 0 6 0 0 6 A BLACK CYLINDER STAND, as in P/afe 17, Fig. 4, Ten inches and a half long, nine inches and a half wide, and five inches and three-eighths deep, with partitions in the drawer for three glasses, two small drawers in the inside - . - 0 10 6 EXTRAS. Each inch, more or less, in length, width, or depth - Each black cover in the drawer - - If a hollow Between the scratch beads on the edge of the front and ends - - - _ _ If two extra glasses in the drawer, and filling up to repre- sent a cock bead round tlie holes - - - - _ If less than three of these, to be each extra - - - _ 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 8 0 1 0 0 0 8 A MAHO- 241 A MAHOGANY TAMBOUR INK-STAND, as in Plate 17? F'ig^ 4, X* All solid, ten inches and a half long, nine inches wide, five inches and a quarter deep, miter dovetail’d together, the tambour to be of the same wood as the rest of the work — See the preceding Stand for the Pi'eamble - - - 0 EXTRAS. Each inch in length, width or depth - - - - 0 If the tambour is blue and white beads . _ - - 0 If ditto has king- wood mouldings cross- way, and white beads ----------0 Veneering the carcase -------0 If made with a solid cylinder in place of tambour - - - 0 A^eneering the cylinder - -- -- -- 0 If a flap to cover the paper, hing’d ----- 0 Banding — See Table of ditto, A single one to be extra -------0 Oiling and polishing s. d. 10 0 0 6 1 6 4 0 1 3 9 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 4 A MAIIO- 242 i A MAHOGANY TAMBOUR INK-STAND, as in Plate 17? Fig. 2, All solid, ten inches and a half long, eight inches and a half wide, and five inches deep _ - - - - <£• 0 EXTRAS. Each inch more in length, width, or depth - - If the tambour has blue and white beads - - - . If ditto has king-wood mouldings cross-way, and white beads ---------- A single one to be extra ------- Oiling and polishing - 0 0 0 0 0 d. 9 0 0 6 2 6 7 0 1 0 0 4 A VENEERED \ VENEER'D TAMBOUR INK-STAND and DRESSING CASE, as in Plate 17, Fig. 4, « » £. s. a. Ten inches and a half long, nine inches and a quarter wide, and five inches and three quarters deep, the tam- bour opens by a knob instead of drawing up by the drawer, the drawer in front plain, with a glass frame the size of the drawer, one of the small drawers parti- tion’d off for ink, sand, and wafers - - - - 0 16 6 EXTRAS. If veneer’d with yew-tree, extra - - - * " If the glass frame is veneer’d with ditto - ^ - If the tambour has blue and white beads - ~ If ditto has king-wood moulding cross-way and white beads Banding — See Table of ditto. Oiling and polishing 0 1 6 0 0 4 0 1 6 0 4 0 0 0 4 I l 2 A CYLIN- 244 A CYLINDER NETTING CASE, as in Plate 17, Fig. 4, Ten indies and a half long, eight inches and a quarter wide, and six inches and a half deep, two drawers iii front, the bottom drawer empty, a lock on ditto, the bolt of which shoots through a brass plate so as to lock both drawers, the outside veneer^], a plinth round the bottom, with a thick lipping to receive lead and cloth ; the upper drawer in front fitted up with a swing-work flame, a reel at the end, and six holes for small barrels ; in the inside of the case one long and two short drawers, the long fitted for ink, sand, and wafers, the left top drawer for three bobbins, the right empty - - - EXTRAS. If the inside of the work drawer is lin’d with stain’d paper - If ditto is lin’d wih satin Cross-banding — See Tables of ditto. Oiling and polishing A BOTTLE CASE, No. I. Three inches and a half long, three inches and a quarter wide, and four inches and three quarters high, veneer’d, beaded up the corners and round the top, the inside par- tition’d off to hold four bottles, the bottom of the case lin’d with cloth £* s. d. 1 2 6 0 1 O 0 1 6 0 0 6 0 3 3 Extras. 245 - EXTRAS. Each inch in length, width, or depth, up to six inches Each extra hole form’d by partitions - - - _ If less than six of these, to be each extra - - _ If only two, each £, s. d, - 0 0 2 - 0 0 3 - 0 0 3 - 0 0 9 No. II. A plain solid BOTTLE CASE, seven inches and a half long, six inches wide, and five inches deep, lap-dovetaiPd to- gether, and the corners rounded, the bottom glued on, and projects over the sides to form a plinth, the inside partitioned off to hold eight bottles, cup, and funnel, with solid partitions EXTRAS Each inch more in length, width, or depth - ^ « Veneering ditto all over Beading the corners If the case is made with a sliding end Each drawer within the sliding end - - - - . Each drawer in front Putting a lock on ditto - - Each slider over the drawers - Each square hole formed by partitions - - , _ Each round hole - Lining each hole with cloth 0 3 3 0 0 3 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 1 6 0 0 9 0 1 0 0 0 4 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 3 0 0 3 Glueing £. s, d: Glueing black, white, or any other veneer on the edge of partitions, each hole ------- A cushion for the inside of the top - - - - - A sino-le one to be extra - O Oiling and polishing ------- No. III. A plain solid BOTTLE CASE, (preamble as No. 2,) nine inches long, nine inches wide, and eight inches deep, to hold nine bottler EXTRAS. Each inch more in length, width, or depth Veneeering ditto - Beading the corners - If the partitions are half-inch thick, edged with black or white, and bored to receive cup and funnel Lining each hole with baize A single one to be extra - Oiling and polishing 1 6 6 2 6 4 0 8 0 3 6 3 247 An upright dispensary, No. I. All solid, ten inches and a half long, eight inches from back to front, and thirteen inches high, on brackets, with plain doors, seven drawers in front, the two top drawers with four sliding covers in each, the middle ditto fitted up to hold a pestle and mortar, the two bottom drawers to hold four cups each ; inclosed with- in the doors are places partitioned off to hold four- teen bottles, four bottles in the top, with a place in front for a tile, and in the back of ditto for scales and weights £, d. 1 1 0 EXTRAS. Each inch more in length, width, or depth Staining the partition edges - - - Veneering all over ----- Beading the corners Clamping the doors and top, square clamps Framing the doors and top bead and flush - If the corners are work’d with a double bead Plinth round the bottom flush with the carcase A lift-out to hold the scales and top - - - - - Each drawer - - - - Each sham ditto - - - Slipping each drawer Each square hole in a drawer - Each slide in ditto - - - Each round hole - - - weights. with a sliding 248 If a single one - Oiling and polishing - _ . An upright DISPENSARY, No. II. Ali solid, eight inches long, seven inches and a quarter from back to front, and nine inches and a half high, two drawers in front, one to hold four cups, the other three sliding covers, within the doors are partitions for eleven bottles, the top partitioned off for four bottles, a place at the back of the top for a tile, a base put round and cut to shew brackets For extras — See No. 1. A FOLDING DISPENSARY, No. III. All solid, ten inches long, seven inches wide, and eleven inches high, lap dovetail’d together, top fast, bottom braded on, and projects over the carcase to form a plinth, foul drawers in front empty, and places for six bottles, at the back are places for four bottles inclosed by a slider, in each wing are places for six bottles - - . _ s, d. 0 1 6 0 0 3 0 15 0 0 13 6 For extras — See No. 1 A FOLD- ■249 A FOLDING DISPENSARY, No. IV. All solid, ten inches long, seven inches wide, and thirteen inches high, lap-dovetail’d together, the top fast, the bot- tom braded on, and to project over the carcase to form a plinth, five drawers in front empty, and places for six bottles, at the back are places for nine bottles inclosed by a slider, in each wing are places for nine bottles For extras — See No. 1. A FOLDING DISPENSARY, No. V. All solid, eight inches and a quarter long, eight inches and a quarter wide, and eight inches and a half deep, lap- dovetaifd together, and the Jap rounded, the top rab- bited on, and rounded the thickness of the lap, the bottom braded on, to project over the sides to form a plinth, the top to lift up, and the cutting open of the top and wings lip’d, the inside of the body and wings partitioned off for sixteen bottles, six drawers inside, two of them in the body and ^two in each wing, the inside of the drawers empty For extras — See No. I. £, s, d. 0 17 6 ’ 1 3 0 K K A FOLD- 250 A FOLDING DISPENSARY, No. VI. c£\ s, ^ AH solid, twelve inches long, twelve inches wide, and twelve inches deep, lap-dovetaiPd together, and the corners rounded, to fold in the middle; in the inside front of each cacase are places for six bottles inclosed by a slider; under the sliders of each carcase are seven draw- ers ; in the right hand bottom are places for nine bottles, pestle and mortar, with a small drawer to pull out at the end for scales and weights ; at the back of each carcase are places for four bottles inclosed by a slider - - T 7 6 For extras ' — See lSo,. K A MEDICINE CHEST, Two feet long^ fifteen inches wide, and twenty inches deep, folding wings, the top to lift up; in the top of the carcase are places for twelve quart bottles and twenty-four pint ditto, twelve of which are seen in front by shap’d holes ; uderneath ditto are nine drawers, the four top drawers have a slider in each, the bottom drawers the whole length, fitted up for six gallipots, two sets of pestles and mortars, pallet knife, &c. ; in the right wing are places for sixteen pint bottles, in the- left wing places for eight quart bottles; a slider over the bottom drawer to run in the carcase, the slider lin’d with cloth - - - - 2 7 0 Extras^ 251 EXTRAS. A frame for ditto fourteen inches high, taper feet Oiling and polishing - - - , - FRAMES AND DOORS for RECESSES. A Pair of FRAMES, three feet square and under, to re- ceive wire work, an ovalo stuck on the inner edge - EXTRAS. Each inch higher or wider - - - Fixing in the wire work, each door - - - - - Beads behind ditto, each door ------ Fixing curtains, each door ------ Back boards to ditto, each ------ Oiling and polishing, each pair -.---- A Pair of FRAMES, without pannels, or mouldings, three feet square and under ------ EXTRAS. Each inch higher or wider - - - - - Filling up the corners to receive a circular-top pannel - Ditto to receive oval on diamond pannels - - - Ditto, when miter’d at the corners, each miter - Plowing and tonguing the miters, each - - - K K 2 a £/ . S» 0 4 6 0 0 6 0 4 6 0 0 1 0 0 8 0 0 6 0 0 4 0 0 9 0 0 3 0 4 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 O a 0 0 0 4 0 0 H Glueing 252 Glueing- in a veneer to make a rabbit for the pannels, each pair - Sinking a rabbit for the pannel, and working a quarter round, or hollow round the framing, each pair Ditto, when a circular top An astragal to project, bent round ditto - - _ _ A black and white ditto, to project - - - _ _ If faint rounded, in place of astragal - - _ . Veneering the frames long- way - Ditto cross-way - A pair of solid pannels Glueing up ditto, each joint Veneering the pannels, each Each joint in ditto - Oiling and polishing - A pair of solid DOORS, three feet square, clamp’d at each end, and a slip glued on each edge - - - - EXTRAS. Each inch higher or wider Miter clamping ditto, each miter _____ Glueing up the doors, at per joint Cutting down stuff for ditto, each cut - - - . Veneering each door, each side - - - . _ Each joint in the veneer If a pair of oval pannels in solid doors, a single string bent round the inside of the oval to make a rabbit, the pannels to stand back, put in with a bead behind _ _ . If a triple string bent round the inside of the oval For the price of astragal or veneering, &c. — See the precede ing Frames. 0 0 6 0 4 0 0^0 0 6 a A pair A Pair of DOORS, three feet square and under, one pannel in each door pIowM in, and an ovalo on the inner edge of the framing, or the pannels rabbited and Jet in flush - - - - _ extras. Eacli inch higher or wider - - . . Mitering the framing in the front, each comer - Eacli extra pannel - - - . Raising the pannels, each - - _ _ Putting in the pannels from-the bade, Avith a bead behind- each An ovalo or neck moulding glued round the inside of the traming, extra - _ _ Circular corners, with an ovalo, hollow, or quLter ^ound; urn (I, and miter d into the framing, each corner - Working the moulding on each corner Glueing an astragal on the framing to break the joint of the pannel when square corners Ditto, when hollow corners Veneering the door frames long-way - - " ' Ditto cross- way - _ _ Veneering the pannels, each - . . ^ Each joint in the veneer - _ . Glueing up the pannels, each joint Oiling and polishing - ^ ^ A FRAME to receive a door, three feet long, and one f SIX inches wide, a bead stuck round the inner edge . •£ • N 262 A flap eleven inches wide, scratch beaded, and hing’d to turn down, supported with joint stays - - - _ Ditto with quadrants, the ends lin’d to receive ditto, extra Cock beading the flap - - _ - Square clamping ditto Each miter extra Lipping the inside for cloth Lining ditto with cloth - lor inside work — See Secretary Drawer. If made to stand on a frame, a hollow rounjil the edge of ditto to receive the carcase, to be the same as stump feet. If ditto to receive the stump feet, extra from being fix’d into the bottom - - - Fram’d back, each pannel - If an ovalo is stuck on the framing, to be extra each pannel Veneering the ends, each side - - - Ditto the top or shelves, each side - - - - , Ditto each long drawer front or sham - - - « Ditto each short drawer front or sham - . Veneering door frames long- way, when under one foot six inches high Ditto cross-way - Ditto long-way, when above one foot six inches hjo-l^^ » Ditto cross-way - Veneering each pannel under one foot six inches long - Ditto above one foot six inches lonsr ----- o Veneering the flap outside Ditto the edges of end, top, bottom, or shel ves, at per foot Ditto with king, tulip, or any other hard wood, at per foot Ditto if the ends are hollow’d out at each shelf, each hollow <£. s, d, 0 6 6 0 2 0 0 0 5 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 6 0 2 0 0 0 6 0 0 4 0 0 9 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 4 0 1 8 0 2 8 0 2 2 0 3 8 0 0 6 0 1 0 0 0 9 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Veneering NM hl|H 263 Veneering the top of the ends, when scollop’d with an ogee - Ditto the top of the back, when round or serpentine, at per foot - - - - { straight ’part _ - . sweep part - _ . If the ends are hollow’d out at each shelf, each corner string in the hollow - Each corner string on the top of the ends, when scollop’d with an 02 :ee - . o When the ends are made twenty inches deep, and the back put up the middle to form a double stand, as described in the preamble - The length, height, and width, in that case, to be double. All other extras as above. Oiling and polishing, when a single front - - . Ditto, when a double - tJtj • s* 0 0 4 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 | 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 14 0 0 0 8 0 1 0 EXTRA PRICES for Satin and other Woods. All work, either solid, or veneer’d with satin or Manilla wood, to be extra in the pound from mahogany, calcu- lated with all the work on it, except banding - - 0 2 6 Safico or Havannah ditto - - - - _ _ - 030 King, tulip, rose, purple, snake, zebra, Alexandria, panella, yew, maple, &c. ditto 0 4 0 The 264 The joints in the above to be paid for the same as in maho- gany. £, s, d. All wainscot work to start scratch beaded. — For ditto, de- duct in the pound from mahogany - - - -020 Deal, ditto ditto - - - - - - -026 Work made for japanning of soft mahogany, to be the same as wainscot. Cedar clothes shelves or drawers, to be extra from wain- scot or mahogany, each - - - " When the inside furniture or secretary drawer, &c. is made of cedar, to be extra in the shilling _ . - - When mahogany is miter’d on the out edge of doors, to shew a quirk bead in front, or black or white to shew a corner string, per foot ------ Fach miter - -- -- -- -- Flush beads or drawers of black, wliite, or satin wood, to be the same as mahogany cock beads. A cornice frame, made to take to pieces for packing, for book-cases, &c. extra ------- Ditto for a library, &c. ------- Cmmmon and miter clamping, when ihorticed to be double the price of clamping with a groove. 0 0 6 0 0 2 0 0 i 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 THE f 265 THE PRICE OF PUTTING ON BRASS WORK. s. d. Common castors, each - - - 0 0 1 Letting in the plate of ditto - - - 0 0 oi Socket castors, when the legs are taper’d to fit in, per set 0 0 6 Ditto when the legs are shoulder’d - - - 0 0 6 Ditto on table claws, each castor - - - 0 0 2i Ditto on No. 5, as in Plate 29 - - - 0 0 3 When the castor has a strap to screw on the under side of the claw, each castor extra - - - - 0 0 1 Letting in the strap - - - 0 0 1 Iron or brass rollers, at per pair - - - 0 0 r> o Fitting on a drawer lock - - - - 0 0 3 Ditto a box lock - - - - - - 0 0 6 , Letting in the plate of ditto - - - 0 0 I Common handles or rings, each - - 0 0 1 Letting in the nuts, each - - - 0 0 Oi Lifting handles, each pair - - - 0 0 6 Socket rings, each - - - - 0 0 2 Pendant rings each - - - - 0 0 Ot Letting in escutcheons, each - - - 0 0 1 Each brass or iron corner plate - - - - 0 0 1 Ditto letting in and cleaning level with the wood - 0 0 3 . Letting in four iron pins and plates to fasten book shelves or other work together - - - - 0 1 0 Fixing on center quadrants, each - - - 0 1 3 Jointed stays each - - - - - - 0 0 6 Letting in plates for rods on the top of sideboard. See. , each plate - - - - - - - 0 0 3 A triangis M M 266 A triangle on a pillar- and-claw table - - - - - Ditto, when four claws ------- Letting in a triangle plate, the sides not exceeding four inches long Ditto when four claws - - - - - Each inch in length when triangles, extra - - .Ditto, when four claws - jt* s, d. 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 8 0 0 1 0 0 ll 267 EXTRAS OMITTED A PLINTH to a round-front dressing chest, extra from French feet or common brackets ------- Ditto serpentine - -- -- -- - Ditto with straight wings, as in Plate 20, fig. I. - Ditto with ogee ends, as in Plate 20, fig. 2, extra from stump feet - -- -- -- -- - Veneering of plinths on straight work long-way, per foot Ditto cross-way --------- Ditto round fronts long-way ------ Ditto cross- way - -- -- -- - Ditto serpentine long-way Ditto cross- way - - - - - In lady’s work table, page 87, making a solid handle to same as when glued up in thicknesses. Pier table, with breaks page 107, each extra inch in width An astragal on the bottom of the frame of a round-front chamber table - -- Ditto serpentine chamber or card table _ - - - Each extra miter, when the legs project - - - . When the edges of tables, &c., are veneer’d, or lip’d for cloth with king, tulip, or any other hard wood, to be extra per foot from mahogany, except the piece of work is made of the same - - -- -- -- -- When the partitions in the inside of a secretary drawer are made to slide in miter grooves, each grove extra Ditto the upi'ight partitions in counlmg-house bookcase, each groove s» ^ • 0 9 1 0 1 6 4 0 0 2 0 3 0 2f 0 3i 0 3 0 4 0 3 1 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 The 268 s. d. The working mouldings under the tops of pier tables to be the same price as those in sideboards. When the flaps of Pembroke tables are rounded at the corners^ the banding of the flaps in that case to be paid the same as circular. Ditto in card and pier tables, the front and ends to be paid as circular. ' ~ Colouring and polishing drawer’bottoms, each - - - 0 2 Lining drawer bottoms ^yith blue paper, each - - , - 0 1 1- When the inside of bookcase doors, with straight bars, are fiiled up with a triple string, to be half the price of filling up ditto with cross-band, extra from mahogany astragals. Ditto all kinds of sweep insides to be the same as planting on the astragals. Polishing the outside of any work with hard wax to be double the price of oil polishing. Ditto with turpentine and wax to be half the price extra from oil polishing. Moulds aiid cauls to be provided for the . workman, or paid for accord! hg to time. The planting on of brass mouldings to be paid according to time. ' Filling the holes in drawer fronts, &c. ditto. Reducing or lining up slabs, ditto» The Price of working Mouldings., &c. at per Foot. The measurement on cir- cular work to trace the sweep. (I. On Straight On Circular On Circular On Serpen tin e On Circula r On Serpentine Each miter in cornice. . . 5 Work. Round -work Hollow- Work. Top S, as ir Tbps, as in Ditto in base, surbase, or top mouldings H work plate 7 ,fig. 2 . plate 7 , fig. I . Long Cross L ,ong. Cross- Long- Cross- Long- Cross- Losg. Cross Long. Cross- way. way. way« way. way. way. way , way. way. way. way. way. Cornice as in plate 29 d. s d. . d S d . d d. . d • S . d L. d . J' . d .'1. d s. d. 6 1 0 1 2 1 8 1 6 2 0 1 4 1 9 |l 7 2 I 9 2 3 Base, surbase, and top mould- ings, as iu plate 3 0 6 0 7 0 10 0 9 1 0 0 8 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Each extra hollow, round, oi ogee member in cornice, base, surbase, or top mould- I 0 2 0 2i 0 1 3i 0 3i 0 4i 0 3 0 4 0 3i 0 0 41 0 Each square ditto oi 0 1 0 U 0 11 0 H 0 0 li 0 2i 0 2 0 21 0 2i 0 21 Cutting gothic cornice, and glueing on drops 7 0 7 0 9 0 9 0 10 0 10 0 9i 0 9i 0 11 0 11 I 0 1 I Block dentil 31 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 4i 0 0 0 4| 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 6i 0 0 Eye dentil 4 0 0 0 4i 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 71 0 0 Fret dentil 4 0 0 0 4i 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 3 10 0 0 0 11 0 0 Glueing up different colour’d woods, to represent block dentils 6 0 0 0 ^i 0 0 , 3 7 3 0 3 3 0 3 8 3 0 3 81 ) 0 Ditto fret dentils .... j ’ *1 8 0 0 3 3 0 ) 9 3 0 ) ) 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 j( 3 0 A fascia in the cornice, with i j a single string on one side . 3 3 3i;'( 1 3 3i( 3 4 ( ) 4 3 4i( 3 '1.5< 3 3 3i|( 3 3i( 3 6 |( ) 6 Each extra strina: .... o • • • ♦ , O' 3 0 !o 1 0i( 3 0 0 1 0i( 3 0 ( 3 oi|( 3 0 ( oi!( 1 3 0 ( 3 1 j( 3 0 Glueing a memberof different colour’d wood, in cornice or mouldings . li( ) 0 ( ) 2 C ) 0 ( 2iC ) 0 c ) 2i( 3 0 (. 3i( ) 0 C ) 0 No.''2. The Price of working Mouldings on the Top Edge of Claws for Horse Fire Screens and Music Stands. I T t t ( 'aint ounding he top dge of laws, .acli . A^orking wo beads )n ditto. !)itto twoj’ oeadsand 1 hollow 3r round. Fwo j leads and double lollow. A toad- lack moulding without }eads. Ditto with beads. Ditto with a hollow on each side. Working thtee reeds on the front edge of claw. Each ex- tra reed. d. d. d. S. d. s. d. J. d. d. No. 1. Oi u 3k 4i 4i 0 6 0 7i 0 6 11 2. Oi u 31 5 6i 0 6i 0 8 0 6 2 3. Oi u 4 0 7 0 8i 0 7 2i 4. Oi 4 ^i 0 7 0 8i 0 7 2i 5. Oi ll 4 5i 0 7 0 8i 0 6 2 6. u 2 7 71 0 91 0 111 0 8 2i 7. u 2i Si 9 0 Hi 1 11 0 10 3 8. 2 21 81 10 101 1 li 1 6 1 0 3i 9. 2 7 9 9i 0 111 1 ll 1 0 3i 10. 0 0 7 91 10 1 01 1 3 1 0 3i 11. 0 0 7 91 10 li 01 1 3 1 0 3i 12. 0 0 7 91 10 1 01 1 3 1 0 3i # No. 8. The Price of working Mouldings on the Top Edge of Claws for Screen Desk and Dressing Glasses. Faint rounding the upper edge of claws, each. Working two beads on ditto. Ditto two beads and a hollow or round. Two beadsand a double hollow. A toad- back moulding without beads. Ditto with beads. Ditto with a hollow on each side. Working three reeds on the top edge of claws. Each ex- tra reed. No. 1. d. u d. 3i d. <51 s. d. 0 6i /. d. 0 61 0 8 i. d. 0 91 /. d. 0 7 d, -21 2. 31 0 7 0 71 0 81 0 10 0 8 3. 1 1 31 6 0 71 1 ^ [ 0 9 0 101 0 9 2.1 4. ll 3i 6 0 7l N 1 p 1 0 9 0 101 0 9 6, 11 3| 6 0 71 0 7l 0 9 o O 0 8 2| 6. li 4 7| 0 9 P 1 o 0 Ml 1 u 0 10 3i 7. 2 81 0 lOi 0 11 1 11 1 31 1 0 3| 8. H lOi 1 0 1 01 1 31 1 8 1 2 4f 9. u 4 9 0 11 0 111 1 H 1 31 1 0 3| 10. 0 0 9 0 111 1 0 1 21 1 5 1 0 31 11. 0 0 9 0 m 1 0 1 21 1 3 1 0 31 12. 0 0 9 0 111 1 0 1 21 1 3 1 0 31 No. 4. The Price of working Mouldings on the Top Edge of Claws for Dining or Loo Tables. W hen an ogee is work’d on theflum] of No. 5, extra 3d. Faint rounding the top edge of claws, each. Working two beads on ditto. Ditto twe beads and a round or hollow. Two beads anc 'dauble hollow. A toad- back moulding without beads. Ditto with beads. joitto with a hollow on each side. Workin three reeds on the top edge of claw. Each ex- tra reed. No. 1. d. d. r. d. 0 8i s. d, 0 9i 4 S. d. 0 9^ r. d. 0 11 r. d. 1 Oi d. 0 10 d, 3k 2. 21 0 8i 0 10 0 10| 0 111 1 1 0 11 3i 3. 2i 0 9 0 10| 0 lOi 1 0 1 If 1 0 3i 4. 2i 61 0 9 0 lOl 0 10| 1 0 I li 1 0 3i 3. 2i 6| 0 9 0 lOi 0 10| 1 0 1 U 0 11 31 6. 7 0 10| 1 0 1 01 r 21 1 41 1 1 41 7. 3 7i 0 -Ilf 1 If 1 2 1 4| 1 61 1 3 4| 8. 7i 1 U 1 3 1 31 1 6i 1 11 1 3 9. 2i 7 1 0 1 2 1 21 1 4i 1 61 1 3 ^1 10. 0 0 i 0 1 2f 1 3 1 31 I 8 1 3 31 11. 0 0 1 0 1 2f 1 3 1 Af 1 8 1 3 <51 12. 0 0 0 i 21 I 3 31 8 3 3l When the moulding is flopped at the bottom of the claws^ each flop extra, d. when in the round part i Ditto, when in the hollow part ••••....,,,.,2 Ditto, reeds, each reed * * No. 5. The Price of working Mouldings on the Front of Tripod Standards. 'aint rounding the front of stand- ards each. ^uirk bead- ng, orwork- ng a small lollow on the 'ront corners each bead or lollow. Two oeads andi a faint tiollow. Two )eads and a faint round. An astra- gal. An astra- gal and hollow on each side. A toad- back moulding without beads at the cor- ner. Ditto with beads. forking two reeds up the front of standards each. Each ex- tra reed. Fire- Screen Standards. d. S. d. r. d. s. d. S. d. S, d. S. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. No. 1. 1 0 0 4 0 4 0 8 0 11 0 6 0 8 0 4 0 2 2. 1 0 It 0 44 0 41 0 8 0 11 0 6 0 8 0 4 0 2 3. H 0 24 0 6 0 6 0 11 1 3 0 0 111 0 6 0 3 4. 1 0 ll 0 44 0 44 0 8 0 11 0 6 0 8 0 4 0 2 6. 1 0 1 1 i2 0 34 0 34 0 7 0 10 0 6 0 7 0 3 0 14 6. 1 0 14 0 44 44 0 8 0 11 0 6 0 8 0 4 0 2 8. 1:^ 0 24 0 6 0 6 0 11 1 3 0 84 0 114 0 6 0 3 9. 2 0 3 0 8 0 8 1 1 1 6 0 10 1 0 0 9 0 44 Flower or Candle Standards. No. 1. 2 0 2 0 3i 0 ^4 0 11 1 3 0 8 0 10 0 6 0 3 2. 2i 0 3 0 74 0 1 3 1 8 0 1 1 1 2 0 8 0 4 3. 3i 0 3 0 10 0 10 1 8 2 4 1 34 1 84 I 0 0 6 4. 0 6 1 0 1 0 2 0 2 10 1 6 2 0 1 1 f 64 No. 6. The Price of Veneering and working iMoiiIdings on Legs and Stump Feet. When the moulding is stop’d either at top or bottom, each stop ex- d. tra 1 Ditto the reeds, each reed extra Oi When legs are turn^l with a swell, each reed extra 0 ^ Stump Feet Ce.'Ieret oi Cistern Legs. Work. Table Legs jcard, Pern jbroke, or Chambsr- . Table Legs i i -■Celliret, jbideboaid, ;Or Dining- Table Legs 1 1 Sideboard and Pier- .iTable Legs. Beading the corners, each corner d. 0| d. Of * 1 o ! d. Oi d. Of Working two beads and a hol- low on Marlbro’ legs, each side 1 li o 2| 3i Si Ditto on taper’d legs, each side li 11 2i 4 Two beads and two hollows on Marlbro’ legs, each side . . u U 2i 3i 4 Ditto on taper’d legs, each side 21 3 4 Working a toad back moulding on Marlbro’ legs, each side u li 3i Ditto on taper’d legs, each side 2 ~ 4 3 4 4-i Reeding Marlbro’ legs with three reeds on a side, each side H Si 2 4 4i 3 Ditto on taper’d legs, each side 4i 5 7 Each extra reed on Marlbro’ legs Of Of 1 * 1 i li 2 Ditto on taper’d legs, or each reed on turn’d legs . .... 0| 1 If U 91 2i Veneering ditto long-wav each side ... 1 1 1 2 2 4 2i Ditto cross- way, each side 1 T 2 3 3 1 oc j 1 I 4 Each corner string .... o •••••* 0i 4 1 li li li li No. 7. The Price of Pannelllng the Top Edge and Sides of Screen or Ta- ble Claws, each Pannel, and Therming ditto, as in Plate 29. ' Forming a pannel with a fingle firing on the sides of claws. Making and let- ting in a pannel, without string. Each string round th pannel. Sinking pannel about an eighth 0 an inch deep on the sides of claws. a Ditto, about a quarter o f three- 8 th deep, wit a hollow and one Square. Sinking panne* r about an s eighth of 1 an inch deep on the top 0 claws. aiDitto, about a quarter o ihree-Sth deep, wit a hollow "and one square. r s Therm- t ing claws as in plate. Moulding ,ithe top of claws,, as in Plate. No. 1. t. d. |o 5 1. J. 0 10 J. d. 0 2 s. d. 0 6 d. 1 2 f. d. 0 5 J. d. 0 11 s. d, 0 5 /. 0 1 2. jo 6 1 0 0 2 0 8 1 5 0 6 I 1 0 6 0 Oz ♦ 8, 0 6 1 1 0 2 0 9 1 7 0 7 1 3 0 7 0 11 4. 0 7i 1 2 0 S 0 10 1 10 0 7 1 3 0 8 0 2 6. 0 5 0 10 0 2 0 6 1 2 0 6 1 0 0 9 0 3 6. 1 0 1 9 9 4 1 2 2 6 0 8 1 3 1 1 9 St 7. 3 11 1 6 ( ) 3 1 0 2 3 9 10 I 8 9 0 ( ) 0 8. 0 1 9 ( ) 4 2 2 6 1 0 10 ( ) 0 ( ) 0 9. jc 71 2 C ) 3 C ) 10 10 j( ) 9 7 ( ) 0 C 0 If any of the above pannels are made with astragal, hollow, or Gothic tops or bottoms, &c., &c.— See the difference betwixt square or any of the before-mentioned tops and bottoms in Ta- ble Legs or Pilasters. If the plinth of the Therms is work’d hollow, as the curv’d line No. 8. The Price of Pannelling the front Edge and Sides of Tripod Fire Screen and Candle Standards, as in Plate 29. Pannelling the stumps of feel See Tables of ditto. Forming a pannel with a single string on the side ' of stand- ards, each side. Making an letting in a pannel, without a string. d ■ Each string round ditto. Sinking a pan lel about an eighth of an mch deep on the sides ol standards, eac side. Ditto on the jfront edge a of stand- jards. Fire-Screen Sandards. s, d. S. d. S. d. . s, d. d. No. 1. . . 0 7 0 10 0 3 0 10 0 6 2. ....... 0 8 •9 0 11 0 3 0 11 0 1 1 j 3 0 10 1 1 0 3i 1 I 0 8 4 0 Si 1 0 0 3i 1 0 0 7 5 0 1 0 9 0 1 HN f ot 0 9 0 5 6 0 1 1 1 0 0 4 1 O' 0 1 - 1 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 10 1 1 0 3f 1 1 0 8 9 1 0 1 4 0 A 1 4 0 10 Flower or Candle Standards. No. 1 0 9 0 0 Each string 0 extra 4 1 0 0 8 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 3 I 0 1 1 3 . . 1 4 0 0 0 7 1 6 1 1 4 1 6 0 0 0 8 2 0 1 2 No. 9. A Table of pannelling Pilasters, Legs, Stump Feet, See. Sinking a pannel about one- eighth of an inch deep. Ditto, hollow- ed, at the Gdes. Sinking a pan- nel about a quarter deep, a hollow and one fquare work’d on the tides. Ditto, with a hollow and two squares. Sinking a pan- nel about a quarter or three- eighths deep, a quirk ogee work’d on the tides. Form- ing a pannel with a long band. Ditto, with a tiring on each tide. Forming a pannel, with crofs band. Ditto, with a tiring on each side. Each extra tiring. d. d. s, d. d. S. d. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. d. A square pannel, 4 inches long and under 41 0 6 0 7 0 8 4$ 0 0 6 0 7 I A pannel, with a hol- low or round top and bottom . . . 6i 0 8i 0 10 1 01 7| 0 9 0 7\ 0 91 1 Ditto, with an astra- gal top, and hollow or round bottom . H 7i 0 10? 1 01 1 2i 9 0 Hi 0 91 1 0 u Ditto, with an astra- gal top and bottom 4 0 III 1 H 1 11 1 2 1 0 1 3 ll A pannel, with hol- low corners .... 4i 1 01 1 3 1 10 1 1 0 10-1 1 H If Ditto, with a Gothic top and hollow bottom 5 10 1 1 1 31 1 6 11 1 2 1 0 1 3 If A diamond or canted corner pannel . . . 4 8 0 101 1 Oi 1 n 0 10 0 8 1 0\ u An oval pannel . . 4 7 0 9 104 1 0 8 0 10 0 8 0 10 1 Every inches er . . two long. o|d. Every 2 inches longer , . . i|d. Every 3 inches longer • . id. Every z longer. inches . id. No. 10. The Price of Veneering and Stringing Claws and Iripod Standards. Horse Fire-Screen or Music-stand Claws. Tripod Fire Screen Standards. Flower or Cand Standards. le V in to 0 lo w c eneer- g p (id 'e claws D ng- cr ay, w ich. ea V in li tto c ofs- lo ay, w ch. e fi eneer- g the des of C aws c ng- v\ ay, e ich fi de. lltto ro-fs- ray, E ach c de. f i f fl ach a orner 1 ring. V e Veneer- ng the ront of and- rds 5ng- fay, ach. Jitto rofs- vay, ach. /eneer- ng the ides of tand- rds ong- vay, ach. Ditto crofs way,- each. Each corner firing Veneer- ing the front of ftand- ards long- way, each. Ditto crofs- way, each. Veneer- ing the fides of fiand- ards long- way, each. Ditto crofs- way, each. Each corner firing. 1 No. 1. d. 3| d. 2 dm 3 t/. H d. 3 d. 4 d. 2f d. 3i d. 2 d, 4 d. 6 d. 4 d. d, 4 2. 3 4 2 3 2 3j 4x 2i 3i 2 3 6 4 2 6 5 3. 3 4 2 3 2 4i 21 3| 3 8 9 3f 7 7 4. 3 4 2 3 2 3 4 3 4 2 9 10 6 7i 9 5. 2 2 3 H 2l 21 3i H 0 0 0 0 0 6. 4f n 3| n 3 4 3 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 7. 6i 7^ \ 2X 3i 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 7 8 2| 3^ 1 3 4l 3^ 2l 31 3 0 0 0 0 0 9 . 6 - 7 2 3 3- 1 6 7 3| 4^ : 4 0 0 0 0 0 No. 11, Tlie Price of Claws and Standards, extra from No. 1, as in Plate 29. For horfe Forfcreen Far pillar For fire fcreeni Each de{k and and claw, Each ex- For tri- Each ex- flower Each and (Tiuflc extra drefling- Each ex- dining, or tra claw. pod fire tra ftand- or extra {lands. clavY. glafs. tra claw. loo tables. fcreens. ard. candle flandard. Itands . d. s. X. s, d. s. d. S. d. d. s. d. d. s. /. No. 1. 0 0 10 0 0 1 H 0 0 i 6 0 0 9 0 1 0 2. 1 0 11 0 n I 21 0 9 1 7 2 0 11 4 1 4 3. 2 1 0 0 Si 1 31 0 10 1 8 3 1 0 10 1 10 4. 1 H 0 7 1 5 0 11 1 91 2 0 11 10 2 0 5. 3 1 H 0 6i 1 41 0 11 1 9 3 1 0 0 0 0 6. 6 1 0 10 1 8 1 2i 2 01 1 2 0 0 0 7. 6 1 11 0 10 1 8 1 21 2 01 7 1 4 0 0 0 8. 6 1 4 0 10 1 8 1 2 *01 7 1 4 0 0 0 9. 4 1 2 0 8 1 6 1 1 1 11 9 1 6 0 0 0 10. 6 1 4 0 lOi 1 81 1 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 11. 7 1 5 0 III 1 91 1 4 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 12, 11 1 10 1 4i 2 2i 1 9 2 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 No. 12. The Price of Tlierming Legs, as in Plate Stump feet, each. Celleret Legs, each. Card, Pembroke, [Dining, [The Price ot Chamber, or Work Sideboard, Thermingin the Table Legs, each. & Pier table'Neck, as in iLegs, eachJpiate. S. d. S, d. 1 S. d. s. d. d. No. f. 0 4 0 6 1 ^ 6 0 7 0 3 2 0 3 0 6 0 7 0 8 0 31 3. 0 of 0 6i 0 7i 0 8i 0 7 4 0 7 0 8 0 9 0 10 0 9 6 0 7 0 8 0 9 0 10 0 9 6 . 0 9 0 10 0 11 1 0 1 3 7 0 8 0 9 0 10 0 11 0 0 8 0 7 0 S A 0 9 0 10 0 0 9. ...... 0 9 0 10 0 11 1 0 0 0 10 0 10 0 11 1 0 1 1 0 0 11 0 10 0 11 1 0 1 1 0 0 12 1 3 1 4 1 5. 1 6 0 0 13 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 3 0 0 14 1 1 Sf 1 1 3f 0 0 lo 1 3 1 1 1 6 1 6 0 0 16 1 1 3 i 1 6 1 7 1 8 0 a If No. I, 2, 3, and 4, are hollow’d at the bottom, as the curve line in No. i, to be extra each leg, i-|d. When the legs are therin’d at the top only, the tapering to be paid for exXtra-, A Table of Pannelling. Forming an oval pannel, with a fingle firing, 4 inches long d. Pilasters, Legs,Stump Feet, &c. On the Top Edge of Table or Screen- Claws, &c. and under 3? Each extra firing i Making and letting in an oval pannel, 4 inches long and under, without a firing .... 3^ Each firing round ditto i Form- ing a jannel, with a (Ingle (tring. lach extra (Iting. Vlaking and let- ting in a panel, without a Arif^ Each ftring round ditto. Form- ing a pagnel, with a (ingle ftring. Sach extra tring. Making and let- ting in a pannel, without a ftring. Bach tfing round ditto. d. d. d. 4 d. d. d. d. A square pannel, 4 inches Iona: and under 0 3 1 3 1 4i Ik 41 u A pannel, with a hollow or round top and bottom . . 4 1 4 1 Si li Si u Ditto, with an astragal top and hollow bottom 5 li 5 H 6i H 6i Ditto, with an astragal top and bottom 5\ H 5i It 6i H 7 u A pannel, with hollow corners 5 H 6 li 6k U H A pannel, with a Gothic top and hollow bottom .... 5\ U 5i li 6i 1 7 H Octagon or diamond pannel 4 l| 1 4 li 5k li 4i li Every 3 inches longer, only Ditto, when a pannel . when formed by a string Old. .... Oid. Every 2 inches long- er, when formed by a string only . Old, Ditto, when a pan- nel 1^* No. 14 . The Price of forming Ovals or Circles by Strings. Dn Straight or Flat-work. jon Hoi low or' ^ound’ Work. In treble strings, when the middle one is the eighth of an inch wide and above, to be consider’d as banding. A Angle ftring. A dou- jle ^r'lng. A triple Aring. When he tri- jle Iring Drojedls ind is aint round- ed, ex- tra. A Angle hing. A dou- ble ftring. A triple l;ring. When the tri- )le tring )roje6ls and is faint round ed, ex- tra. Four inches long and under, each d. 34 d. 44 d. 6 d. 3 d. 6 d. 6 d., 8 d. 4 5 From 4 inches to 6 inches long, each 4i 5i 64 4 6 7 9 From 6 inches to 1 foot, at per foot of string 3 34 4i 24 44 5 6 5 From 1 foot to 1 foot 6 inches 21 3 31 31 44 51 24 From 1 foot 6 inches to 2 feet 2 24 31 14 3 34 44 2 From 2 feet to 2 feet 6 inches U 21 3 U 24 3 4 11 Ditto above 2 feet 6 inches long u 2 2i 1 2 24 34 14 When let into solid work, to be extra per foot Id. No. 15 The Price of forming Pannels with strings, on Card, Pembroke, or Pier- Table Rails. On Square frames. On circular frames. A Angle firing. Fach extra firing. A Angle firing. Each extra ftring. Each square pannel, 1 foot 8 inches long d. 6 d. It d. 6 1—1 Each pannel, with round ends If 7i Ditto, with canted corners 7 2 9 21 Ditto, with hollow corners 8 10 Ditto, with astragal ends 9 2f 11 Every three inches longer, each string Old. The Price of Veneering Reeds for Tam- hour Tables, &c. If reeds are glued up in two thickneffes, of dif- ferent colour’d woods, to be the fame as cor- i rer firings. 1 Long- way. Crofs- way. With king,tu- iip, or other hard wood* extra. Ir ve- neer’d crofs- way,and hol- low’d. Each reed, at per 1 foot in length. d. d. 0| Oi 01 0| Each string, at per foot in length . . Id. When the reeds are veneer’d cross- wny and hollow’d, extra per foot Id. The Price of Plinthing Table Legs and Claws. TableLegf, or Stump Feet, each. Table Claws. d. d. Plinthing with a plain veneer . . . 2f 3 Ditto, miter’d at the corners .... 4 Each string above or below the plinth . . 0| 0| Plinthing legs with mouldings, as in Plate, considered the same as 'rherming. When different colour’d wood is glued on the plinths for mouldino's, each plinth extra {(/, No. 16 . TABLES OF BANDING. Crofs or long banding the fronts of circular or ferpentine work with one ftring, at per foot - - 3d. Banding in folid work, to be extra per foot - - - o}d. Ditto on fweep id. On Straight Work. Band- ing l-ng- way, with a fingle ftring on one fide, at oerfoot. Half an inch wide and under _ _ - . From half to one inch inch d. From one inch to two inches _ - - - From two inches to three inches - - ■ Ditto, with 2 ftring on both Tides. Crofs- band- ing, with a fingle filing on one fide, at per foot. d. 2 1 3l St Ditto, with a tring on both fides. d. 3l si Each miter or butt joint in long band ■ ing. d. of Si 4r Each inch above three in width of long band - - of Ditto crofs band ---------- of Each extra ftringon either fide ol theband, at perfoot of On Oval, Oircuiao or Serpentine Tops* All oval or circular tops under two feet long to be extra per foot - - - ifd. iHalf an inch wide and under - - - Band- ing long crofs way, with a fingle ftring on one fide, at perfeo* Ditto, «itb a tring m both ides. d. 4 From half an inch to one inch - - - - From one inch to two inches - - - - 4i 4? From two inches to three inches wide - Eioh miter. d. si si d. of Each inch above three in the width - ^ Each extra ftring on either fide of the band, }er foot- ----- f Forming fquarc Panncls by Strings on Doors, Drawer Fronts, &c. either ftraight or fweep Work, per foot. ■ With a firgle firing. With a double firing. With a triple ftring. When I he triple Iring pro- e6ls, and is faint rou nd- ed, ex-i tra. d. d. d. d. Each pannel that mea- fures two feet of ftring and under - 4 5 6 2 Each extra foot of ft ring of 1 I Each round or canted corner - _ - - I li of Each hollow corner - li 2i of Each half circle - 4 2 si of Each double round corner - - - - 2 ■^2 4 I Each double hollow corner _ - - - 2I 3 5 r Cross. Banding Flollow and Round Corners. With- out a firing With a ingle It ing in one ide. 1 With a c ingle 1 ftring . m each ! ide. Vlth a ouble ring n each ide. d. d. d. d. 'Each round corner - ^i 2 3 Each hollow corner, 1 exclufive of the mi- j ters - - - - - 2 3 si 4i Each half circle, ex- clufive of miters ^ 2 si 4i Sf Each double round corner, including the miter - - - - - 4 5 6 7 Each double hollov. corner, inducing on. miter - - - - 5 6 7 No. 17. The Price of Cross or Long Banding Oval or Circle Pannels. Banding an oval 4 inches long and un- der, a single string Dn Flat Work, with a single String on one Side. On Hollow or R a fingle String ound W on each ork, iide. on each side - 9cl. Ditto from four in- ches to six inches long lid. lair an I nch wide 1 md un- i ler. I 'rom air an nch to 1 nch. 'rom 1 1 nch to r a ind a i lalf. i 'rom I 1 nd a i lalf to £ a nches. iaif an nch wide I nd un- er. ’'rom 1 lalf an i nch to I a nch. 1 'rom 1 1 nch to I a nd a i lalf. > 'rom I nd a air to z nches. d. d. d. d. d. d. f. d. s, d* From 6 inches to 1 foot long, at per foot 7 7\ 11 Ill 1 0 1 01 From 1 foot to 1 foot 6 inches 7 7i 8 101 11 0 111 1 0 From 1 foot 6 inches to 2 feet - - - - 6 7 10 101 0 11 0 111 From 2 feet to 2 feet 6 inches 6 6i 7 91 10 0 0 0 11 From 2 feet 6 inches to 3 feet — - - 5 6 6i 9 91 0 10 0 lOl Ditto above 3 fee long ------ 5 5i 6 9 |0 9- 1 \0 10 When a fingle ft ring on each fide, to be extra per foot i^c If let into folid work, to be extra per foot - - i 2 Wav’d ovals or circles, as in Plate 7 , Fig. i. Right-hand door, to be double the price. Ditto, if as in Plate I, right-hand middle door, each ^ ' Each extra firing on either fide, per foot ----- 1. miter extra No. 18 A TABLE OF FLUTING. Common flutes on turn’d legs, to be extra per dozen - - - i\d. Ditto, all above fix inches long, extra per flute o\d. Common Flutes. 1 [nlaid Flutes in Table Legs, ters, &c. Frizes, Pilaf. [nlaid Flutes in Pillars, turn’c &c. Table Legs, Crofa- way. vray. Coun- er 'lutes. Straight. Taper’d. Dimi- niih’d. Straight. Taper’d When turn’d with a fwell. When lhaded, ■to be extra. d. d. r. d. r. d. S, d. f. d. s. d. s. d. d. One inch and a half long and under, at per dozen 4 5 0 0 10 I 0 0 0 0 II I 1 0 0 s From I inch and a half to 3 inches - - - - - 5 6 0 I 0 I 2 0 0 I I I 3 0 0 si From 3 inches to 4 and a half ------ 6 7 0 I 2 I 4 0 0 I 3 I 3 0 0 6 From 4 and a half to 6 inches - - - - - 7 8 0 I 4 I 6 0 0 I 5 I 7 0 0 61 From 6 inches to 10 inches, at per flute ------ I 2 0 2 0 2i 0 3 0 2| 0 3 0 3 t From 10 inches to i inches ----- foot 2 li ^2 0 2I 0 3 0 3 t 0 3 0 3 t 0 4 1 From I foot 2 inches to 6 inches - - - - I foot 3 0 3 0 3l 0 4 0 3l 0 4 0 4 j li From I foot 6 inches to 10 inches - - - - I foot 3 t 0 3 t 0 4 0 4| 0 4 0 4l 0 3 From I foot 10 inches to 2 feet 2 inches - - - - - 2 4 0 4 0 4 t 0 5 0 4I 0 5 0 From 2 feet 2 inches to 6 inches - - - - 2 feet 2^ -*4 4 t 0 4I 0 5 0 5l 0 5 0 0 6 2 From 2 feet 6 inches to 10 inches - - - - 2 feet 5 0 S 0 5 t 0 6 0 0 6 0 6| From 2 feet 10 inches to 3 feet 2 inches 2| 0 5I 0 6 0 6| 0 6 0 6i 0 7 From 3 feet 2 inches to 6 inches - - - 3 feet 3 6 0 6 0 61 0 7 "0 6 \ 0 7 0 7i From 3 feet 6 inches to 3 feet 10 inches 61 0 6| 0 7 0 7^ 0 7 0 7 t 0 8 3 From 3 feet 10 inches to 4 feet 2 inches ------ 3 t 7 0 7 0 7 i 0 8 0 7 i 0 8 0 8] 3 i No. 19 . The Price of Veneering on Flush Doors, Ends, &c, with Square and Hollow- Corners. ( Double hollow or dou- ble round corners on] )n all kinds of( Straight or Flat Work. 3n the middle part] of an Eliptic or other faint Sweeps. On the quick part ofj an Eliptic Sweep, circular or hollow. On all kind of Ser- pentine Work. ftraight work, to be extra each corner i\d Ditto on fweep - ^d. I If the veneer on thei framing is crofs-way, ' on ftraight work, to* be extra each joint id. 1' Ditto on fweep - i\d:^ ’repar- ng and aying own he ve. leer for hepan- lel. Q^uar- ering uploDg- way, to repre- ent the framing when quare corners. j 3iuar- ering jp long- ivay, to epre- ent the '.ames, when lollow, round, ar can- ed cor- ners. ^repar- ng and aying lown the ve- neer for he pan- ne!. Quar- tering UplORg- way, to repre- fent the frames, when fquare corners. 3itto, when lollow, round, or can- ted cor- ners. ’repar- ng and aying down the ve- neer for thepan- nel. Quar- tering up long, way, to epre- fent the' Framing when fquare corners. )itto when lollow, round, or can. ted cor- ners. ^repar- ng and aying iown the ve- neer for he pan- ne!. Quar- tering up long- way, to repre- | fent the, framing' when fquare cornets. Ditto, when lollow, round, or can- ted cor- ners. 1 f. d}\ s, 'd} s. d. S. d. S. d. s. d. d. s. d. s. d^ s. d. /. d. s. d. Six inches longj and under ~ " “j 0 2 0 4 0 10 0 3 0 8 1 4 0 5 0 10 1 6 0 8 1 0 1 5 From 6 inches to 1 foot - - - - - 0 4 0 6 1 0 0 6 lOi 1 6i 0 8| •or 1 8| 111 1 3 1 7f r'rom 1 foot to 1 foot 6 inches - - 0 08 1 4 0 10 ‘ ' 2 0 1 1 1 4 2 2 1 4 1 6 2 1 From 1 foot 6 in- ches to 2 feet - 0 9 0 10 1 6 1 2 1 3i 2 2i 1 5 1 Si 2 4 1 8 1 81 2 3 From 2 feet to 2 feet 6 inches - - 0 11 1 0 1 8 1 4 1 6 2 5 1 7 1 9 2 7 1 10 1 11 2 6 From 2 feet 6 in- ches to 3 feet - 1 0 1 M 1 9k 1 6 1 8 2 7 1 9 1 11 2 9 2 0 2 1 2 8 From 3 feet to feet 6 inches - 1 3 l 3 1 11 1 1 8 1 10 2 9 1 11 2 1 i 2 11 2 2 2 3 2 10 From 3 feet 6 in dies to 4 feet 1 3 1 -i] -2 0^ 1 11 2 0 j2 11 2 2 2 3 3 1 2 5 2 5 3 0 No. 20. The Price of preparing and laying Ovals on Flush Work, and Quartering up clitto.^ c If the Veneer on the Fram- )n all kinds ofC Straight or Flat Work. the middle part ( of an eliptic or other faint Sweeps. 3n the quick part ofj an eliptic fwcep, On all kinc circular, or hollow, pentine V s of Ser- /ork. ing is crofs- - way, to be S extra each joint - - id.' haping nd laying ach oval to orm a pan- ic!. gartering ]p ditto ong-way. Jhaping nd laying •ach oval to brm a pan- nel. Quartering jp ditto ong-way. Shaping md laying |( ;ach oval to brm a pan- ne!. 1; ^Quartering jp ditto ong-way. Shaping and aying each aval to brm a pan- ne!. gartering ip ditto ong-way. s. d. s. d. 1 S. d. s. d. S. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. Six inches long and .under - 0 4 0 6 0 6 0 10 0 8 1 0 0 9 1 6 From six inches to one foot 0 7 0 8 0 9 1 Ol 0 111 1 3 1 01 1 9 From 1 foot to 1 foot 6 inches 0 10 0 10| 1 H 1 3i I 4l 1 61 1 51 2 01 From 1 foot 6 inches to 2 feet - - 1 1 1 H 1 4 1 7 1 7 1 10 1 8 2 4 From 2 feet to 2 feet 6 inches - - 1 1 5\ 1 91 1 ill 2 01 2 21 2 11 2 8i From 2 feet 6 inches to 3 feet ■ 1 7 1 101 2 0 2 6 2 3 2 8 2 4 3 2 From 3 feel to 3 feet inches - 1 lOl 2 41 2 3l 2 111 2 61 3 21 2 7 3 81 From 3 fee 6 inche to 4 fee t 3 t 2 2 3 0 2 8 3 7 2 11 3 10 3 0 4 2 The Price of planting Astragals on Doors, Drawer Fronts, Ends, &c. Double hoi- 1^ low, or double! round corners,'^ tobeextraeach'c corner - i-jd.j n ftraight C fljt work, h ith fqaare r orners, r )Itto with ollow or ound cor> 1 ers. ] Dn circular 1 r hollow 1 weeps, quare cor- lers. Ditto with lollow or ound cor- lers. 3n ferpen- Ditto with ine work, hollow or /vith fquate round cor- :orners. jners. Dval aftra- ;als on Iraight or tat-work. On circular or hollow weeps. On ferpen* dne work. s. d. S. d. s, d. S. d. s» d. s, d. S, , s. d» S, One foot long and under - 0 5 1 1 0 8 1 6 0 10 1 10 1 4 1 10 2 1 From 1 foot to 1 foot 6 inches 0 7 1 3 1 0 1 10 1 3 2 3 1 9 2 6 2 10 From 1 foot 6 inches to 2 feet - 0 9 1 5 1 4 2 2 1 8 CO 2 3 3 4 3 11 From 2 feet to 2 feet 6 inches - - 0 10 1 6 1 6 2 4 1 11 2 11 2 6 4 0 4 9 From 2 feet 6 inches ,.tp 3 feet - 0 n 1 7 1 8 2 6 2 1 3 11 2 1 8 '4 4 3 8 in-om 3 feet to 3 feet 6 inches - 1 0 1 8 1 10 2 8 2 31 3 3i 1 2 10 00 i 6 0 From 3 feel 6 inchej to 4 feel 1 1 1 9 2 0 2 10 2 6 3 6 3 2 5 1 6 8 Fi om 4 fee to 4 feet ( inches - t 3 - 1 2 1 10 2 2 3 0 2 8 3 8 3 6 6 3 7 4 No. 22. «f Doors extra from Square Sash, for Libraries Boo^s^ ^ — ^ 1 up ti Plate Plate 16. Plate 1 . 5, with straight bars across ■- j Fr Filling up the in- Price of work w fide when the tur- ing the aftra- ilr ner works the fweep, gals, each pair, fir aftragals, each pair.j n iling up the infide th a crofs-band and ing on each edge, » igle firing round the fide of the framing. S, f f. J s, a £. s. c 1, 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 0 13 0 c 0 0 0 IS 0 0 14 0 iC 0 0 0 19 0 0 9 0 c 2 0 0 13 0 0 10 6 ( ) 2 0 0 14 6 0 8 0 ( ) 1 9 0 11 6 ' 0 9 6 3 1 9 0 13 0 ' - 0 12 0 3 3 C 0 17 6 . 0 14 0 0 4 c 1 1 0 15 0 0 4 0 1 2 0 - 0 14 0 0 4 0 1 1 0 - 0 19 0 0 5 4 1 8 0 - 1 0 0 0 6 0 1 9 0 19 0 0 5 4 1 8 0 - 0 14 0 0 4 0 1 1 0 - 0 19 0 0 5 4 1 8 0 - 1 3 6 0 6 8 1 12 6 - 0 19 0 0 5 4 1 8 0 - 0 14 0 0 0 C 0 19 0 - 1 1 0 0 6 C 1 7 0 . 1 5 0 0 5 1 15 0 . 1 8 0 0 8 ( ) 2 2 0 - i 1 0 p 6 ( ) 1 10 0 - 1 8 0 0 8 ( 3 2 2 0 - 1 1 0 0 7 3 1 10 0 10 0 0 9 4r 2 2 6 - 1 7 4 0 10 S 2 13 4 1 0 0 5 6 1 9 0 - 1 5 0 0 7 0 1 14 6 - 1 8 0 lo 8 ol 2 2 b with a band and ftring on each fide. , • .t, Grooving ftraight aftragals to receive the rabbit, to be extra 2d. in the (hilling. Ditto fweep aftragals, 3d. in the (hilling. >.»»« Wi» • 1 ;/ i. tltf , i. 'it ^ ^ i No. 23. Price of Doors, extra from Square Sash, for Libraries, Boolccases, Sic, 'illingup theinfide, ivhen the turner works the aftraga), each pair. Price of work- ngthea{traga)s, lach pair. 'iiling up the infidt vith a crufs band and tring on each edge, a ingle firing round the nfide of the framing. No. £• J. d. s. d. s. d. Plats 26. 1 - 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 18 0 -2, with circles - - - - 0 14 0 0 3 0 0 18 0 ditto, if ovals - - - 0 16 0 0 6 6 1 2 0 3 -- 0 17 0 0 6 1 3 6 4 1 0 0 0 4 0 1 6 0 6 1 0 0 0 6 6 1 8 0 6 1 10 0 0 3 0 2 2 6 7 - - 1 1 0 0 6 6 1 10 0 8 1 1 0 0 6 0 1 7 0 9 1 \6 0 0 11 0 2 7 0 10 1 9 0 0 8 4 2 0 0 11 - 0 17 0 0 4 0 1 3 0 12 1 8 0 0 8 0 2 1 0 Plate 2 ^ 7 . 1 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 17 0 2 1 6 0 0 3 0 1 13 0 3 0 19 0 0 6 4 1 8 0 4 - - 0 19 6 0 6 0 1 3 6 5 ------ - 0 19 0 0 4 6 1 7 0 6 1 1 0 0 6 0 1 8 0 7 ------ - • 1 4 0 0 9 0 1 13 6 8 ------ - 0 16 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 9 1 12 0 0 10 8 2 4 0 10 1 13 0 0 10 0 2 7 0 11 ------ - 1 1 0 0 3 0 1 7 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0^ - 1 4 0 0 3 6 1 11 6 Plate 7 . fig. 1, left-hand door - 0 12 0 0 3 4 0 18 0 Ditto, right-hand door - - 1 6 0 0 6 0 1 8 6 fig. 2, left-hand door - - 1 1 0 p 6 0 1 11 6 Ditto, right-hand door - - 1 2 0 |o 6 0 1 1 1 6 j. d. A pair of falh doors, fix fquares in each - - Each exrrafquare -------03 Eilling up the infide with a crofs band and firing, each fquaie _---------o 3 When made without a book. cafe, to be two-pence per inch each way, above three feetfquare. Mitering the framing in front each corner - - ----04 Veneering the framing long-way, each pair Ditto crofs-way - - - - -- -- 3 6 No. 24 . The Price of Shamming Drawer Fronts. On ftraight or flat work, with a fcratch- oead. Ditto on round work. Ditto on erpentlne oi dollow- work. With a cock bead on (Iraight or riat-work. Ditto on round- work. Ditto on Ter- pentine or hollow- work. White holly or fa tin - wood cock beads to be extra. Eight inches long and under - - - d. 2 d. d,^ 2f d. 4 d. 5 s. d, 0 7 d. 0| From 8 inches to 1 foot - - - - - 21 41 0 71 Of From 1 foot to 1 foot 6 inches — 2l 3 3f 5 6 0 8 1 From 1 foot 6 in- ches to 2 feet - 21 3f 7 00 o 1 From 2 feet to 2 feet 6 inches - - 3 3i 4i 6 71 0 9 If From 2 feet 6 in- ches to 3 feet - 31 4 4f 6i 8 0 10 2 From 3 feet to 3 feet 6 inches - - 3f 4f 31 7 9 0 11 From 3 feet 6 in- ches to 4 feet - 4 5 5i 71 10 1 0 3 When shams are formed by strings, for the j)rice of ditto see lable of Pannelling with Strings. C. Barber, Printer, Tjf, FUet Street, tonJon.