& 0~-> I LJ ’f'/o?/c ;»u i- (x.eY~ dt.*9r>, /844 . - -1 f I i Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2018 with funding from Getty Research Institute \ . S « https ://arc h i ve. o rg/d etai I s/catal og u eof val u aOOc h ri_8 3 33/2 , , ,/y ? si / /%, ,'sAss .., & 3 ‘ 0 ? *- ** l t?~r c y \_ ■ / / a_ *y y r t) L> Si- ,/ it v //’,. &-», , s* > ^ <7U - C > u yy a y yy ^ 3 * 2 -i e- y /\s yy. y / V yy yy * ' x? crm **. X/ X'V & > ys . /y -r fc> P sy „ y v ^y - s? S t si. i c ^ *y* *- «x »_ v , >j-cj /y’/ ,y '/■ V?9 X si -C-S Xx» ',0s s,'S s s^'/ / /, tsy * O «j<" *y <-> s* ^ 3 r/j J //fs* J? ^ ^ * s^si-'r^y sj' 1 273 s^'3*-* s^t sy X--' ss 7 y /xzt 0-s-r- lS , X*. ✓ yy /3*_^ > yy ^ y /^/ 7x£ *= x s Sz-^s. *PsS7s /Sj ^ SS& / xnr - <<3 - /;T - /, y Xry • r/^* y n^y c/i-s ^ y ^ y ? ^y y?y > %/7//.. /fs/ / iS2 ^ ^y6 '£s? / 3 si / 3X ^c■ 3^Si ysa y/i ss'^ Si- y V- A ,. t / /fpy y/,A ^ /■ ^ ^ ^ ^ Os* ss *--*- 2 . yy*-> > ^ /• sy^s*--- s< / y y, ^ ^ ^ / s~7/t x> j ^ >-. -' ^ y yy ^ ^ y 4 /> • ^ ^, «- yy ^ ^ z ^/0s2 -s , y y y yyy ✓ y ' x '^y /y; • / . y / x' *^x y^/ yi/ 7 lx / ^y. 1 s*i- *-r-, *7o'si x>-> x y x>> t x^ / /y., x ^ y x tx i y7i- i x x' y ^ yy ^/ y >' y/^/^ ^ a.- y/ r / - ? yyyL' '3?3 y-^yxx/ t--y^, 73'- / yyy / _ yy c '-y _ v_ ' y^« 3"s-yyf^ -77^ ^3 sis7 7/7 0 's s 3s ss /s /y 3 o~- O'* *’ * yo y x ,s yk. s/St y X L. y ^ y^, x. cx yC < .px 1 / } y-ss yy ' //y y s. s s7> 7 s ..j/s+ -0 d xx / /3 ssis xv ^ »/• X X" X > , i y «-/- y , ^y / y^y yx^r v / y^?? s- /•-■' *■/' •/" *- //^ZA>^s- yt, Z £ /, / s' / f s A-z^cs/s 2 ' ■ //<7 Z 2^/ a e^/zz / /°/, , <, Z/ ^¥a*-/S 2 f /ft? 2. //fir ~ / /yit^'r/r-e-S / 2 / /f^Z --- ‘2?r y -■*// c/^ y *'/** * r*.'/ // / r *■ 2/ /-. y «- '9^4 *.// £ . Z2a 2 - 3^5 y c'7;,.,\ r y, '•*■ ' * - * s A /' * / y y y. Z/Z~* fil aZ/ZZ c y* * r */ •—' d^y^fi /* 2/a / Zf A * /fa 2 - 3#"#' S /X- /. * / t.^ 32$,/ft 2 -325 fi2 A * - A^ S Stas, 2q 3 /ft2. 7 / - J/JS 333 - 3*f 7 y>. s 7r 2 - —- ,<> tT'Zt C c . s y/u.' / <»> 4 /y c- >• <• > yy >»< ^ r'?»-» fi2 6 z-e si/ , ys ^ /Zt^.y/rzy t/'*--*t2. >// /2d2.~3^yZ 1 i * m * I , ALSO, A QUANTITY of UNFINISHED PICTURES , THE PROPERTY OP „ A CENTLEM &N, well known to the Vertu, // / ' / *./ la rcc> K IN THIS COLLECTION WILL BE FOUND MANY PICTURES DESERVING THE PARTICULAR ATTENTION OF THE CONNOISSEURS; ‘ x and also, A LARGE QUANTITY of PICTURE FRAMES. 1801 Dec. UCV WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. CHRISTIE, At his Great Room, Pall Mall, On Friday , December 11, 1801, and following Day , AT TWELVE O’CLOCK. To be Viewed, and Catalogues had at the Rainbow Coffee Houfe, Cornhill, and in Pall Mall leapd5> £>54 <;h CONDITIONS of SALE as USUAL. 1) V A Catalogue, &c. Firft Day’s Sale, FRIDAY, DECEMBER the 11th, 1801. A / - - s ~ / - 0 - 7 ^ - x? - /

* fl lf <7 >* ^ Six Heads, various Five, Hiftorical| 7 »/-^< Four, Ditto t (cy**** Five, Ditto Six Heads /P 2 rtr& Five, Hiftorical Six Landfcapes Five Portraits Two, Converfations and Two Fruit and Flowers */£ cY ' / • - rt er> r*j‘S t - POLYGRAPHIC COPIES. - y - * /3 - /Z *5 16 *7 i8 *9 Head of a Magdalen and 29 Ditto, unfinifhed Twenty-five Heads, fome fini filed Twenty-four Ditto SforYfiYc'/ts Ten Ditto, finifhed , rt / - / - £> - / ~/o - // - - /2 - - /Z - " ys - -/4 - - /& - - /A - /$ - - yA - *- - /A / — o - 2 ~A- y - /4 / -// /-/- / - 2 - -/?- ' - /.- / -£>- y - y, - <^Canaletti - Mompert and Brughel - P. Queft & Brackenburgh - Brydel. _ - D. Teniers — ^Goeverts and Morius — Greuze _ Mompert and Brughell D. Teniers _ D. Ryckaert — Mompert and Brughell P. Brughell — 4 r 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 5° 5 1 52 53 A pair of Views in Venice Mules in a Landfcape _ A Pair of Landfcapes Peafants quarrelling, and a convention _ A pair of Landfcapes with Figures _._. Peafants at Cards and companion, after -- An Italian Landfcape with Ruins, and a Peafants Houfe, with Cattle-— A Converfation, after __ . A Snow Piece---- A Village Surgeon -----. The Interior of a Peafants Houfe- A Landfcape with Rocks and Figures-- A Landfcape and Figures -_ , y/Zir-e/ c~r ^ /— yaps a or S- ZPs r A ? OS t/yy,,- y Sj riSt~ Cf 'r /lo-ZA oTTctO *22 cr> Z-rzAS * A- SJ Or c-o^rc e Zycrzr eZ—’ / / o ^ 'S / v • / - A - / - .3 - ' - //- y / " " - ^ _ 5 '-* / Ciuido — t^E. Quelhms — - Sim. Da Pefaro — /^Rubens — - Vanloyr — 2 -- Tho. Wyck —* /A . o.T.uca Cangiagior — // «. ohuca Giordano • — '9 '9 // s 4-/4 - <>Yalcntini / •— - Peter dc Cortona / — /J . toMic Angelo / - / - Italian , — / / - Hogartn ~ ~ // - Paid VeroncTe /-//./- __ /o. & Ycnetiano 6 70 7* 7 * 73 83 84 85 86 87 88 - 89 9 * f 4 J .54 55 5 6 57 58 59 60 6 t 62 63 64 65 66 -67. 68 69 The Nativity, on Copper --:— A Froft Piece, View in Holland A Spanilh Lady and Gentleman _ Head of a Clergyman-- The Death of Adonis - __ /• 0 0 : < Chrift and the Woman of Samaria — Venus and Satyr-- A Landfcapc and Figures —_ A Ditto wirh Ruins Two Ditto with Figures _ Two Landfcapes S ’ / o , 4 v.£ >2 .i t 0/ 1*' t-tl’// /s/f-t 1///4 i A’ +■./■ *Se *r j Two Battle Pieces, and a Piece of Archrte&nTS' The Annunciation ■- - - Architecture and Figures, and a Flock of Sheep- Two, Hiftorical ——---*-— The Repofo, after, and the Virgin and Child, witf» Saints - - —• -- - //^ 4 ?)ici j, ^ A Landfcapc with many Figures Venus nouiilhing Love — 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 The Deity in the Clouds, and one other A Military Exercife of Turkilh Cavalry, a curious iuterefting Picture —-L- - A Landfcape with Deer, a warm Evening Scene _ Head of Lucretia-.— - A< FlptVjjifh Family -:- —- < , r/u /J t*7 vi’/t A Sufannah and the Elders Si. GeoTge «nd St. Margaret, after Tire Nativity __ ' _ A Landfcape, with a Stag Hunt Tarquin and Lucretia - ----- —--- St. Luke pointing, the Virgin and Infant Chritf in* the Clouds, attended by Angels, a capital Picture Peter Denying Chrill -.-.— . —— - Saints Baptizing an Infidel Dead Clirilt with Mary, Ac. S ---—. Danae in the Golden Shower ■ d/xes/c / ' - /) J&t / i\ n >/,- V/ /' 6'& * • /- ;? .. /- / >* t 7 /ci>. .JO¬ SS- -//- u.. 9 - 3 , *4 J uido — al. Caftelli -r-~ 6 Paul Veronefe —* /La Fage — - Polidore — - Ditto — - Trevifani & G. de laNotte 106. 99 100 301 102 103 104 105- Chrift and the.Two A,poftles at Emaus, and a Land- fcape, after irr^--— -——--—" ~ The Aurora, a high finifhed Copy, after- The,Angel appearing to Agar . - 4 —-— 4 - / / / 3 0.-0 107 / . . G IPS 6 -'^,109 no. - S — - S-S -■ A — 33 - in 112 m 114 it 15 ii6 ; A whole length Portrait of a Venetian. Senator The Difcovery of Califla Four Freezes, very fpirited Ditto - — ; -—•-?-—>— Chrift in t.he Garden, anda Magdalen A large gilt Picture Frame, nearly new A large French Frame -rt—-- Nine large Frames -~4—- —-- Two gilt Frames-- Eight Frames ——c-— — Four Ditto - ^-- /Jl yt^y c/j(j iTtjic/ , J.0 S? fiJ /3 /' ’ ( \ - S/r -■> 33^oi s r> <' o' iD i: .;j. - ic End of the Firft Day’s Said. iflT .V «• r . o?.:;oT ! •• iv/ ' it) ,n j .nit. i' 0^ o‘ :C1 : .13 vr . !' Oj iQ no3dJ*vJn» iT r : . 18 ri£1 A ,iucl-. *n>x' F c ; A AX [ 6 ] Second Day’s Sale, SATURDAY, DECEMBER the 12 th, * 8 oi. ■T ■*-- 4 .- 5 ’ O' ron D Italian 6 Titian fi V.f . .. ' fa —- Italian as A // /.. 0 - A - /A - .3 .. /2 . /Z. ~ A - Titiart • •Pouffin 2 . 3 -— 5 — 6 7 ■' 8 -9 PICTURES. 1 Four, Hiflorical - -- Venus, after, and one other Four, Hiflorical ••- Four,' Ditto L — ,— Four Landfcapes Three, Hiflorical oTyflens Two Portraits, and one, Hiflorical The Death of Germanicus, after Bacchus and Ariadne, large Two, Hiflorical', Ditto-- David and Bethfheba -— __ //ycr# /£># ( A 4/v* t - a t ?/ o£ - //£r/Y -//, / ■/ ■- Ahs/- —-— 10 11 _12 A curious Antique Pidlurc --13 - 14 C3t. A-£s-cjr - Alfd -LL __ i rpt _15 - /. 3 2 * y- / -y *- A- /- c?_Ruggenberg — / 5 ~— Van der Does — — Horemans — r — Carinkletti — /Zb erbyfti — . /2 . <^Mofnpert and' Brughel J 2 - ^Van Harp — ./S'— Wildens — Steenwyck and Old Frank — Vanderneer — - Sr- Wildens — 3.~- Neveu — • / Two of Peacocks and Poultry, a Pair --- (fefe<-o . - y fe e.-/r 'IS , —■—- -— /bat J t sj/" _ t- //y r 7 I'm S/rrafe —— ssfez. ifr/t y two Z/g/rrfefef- «- y. A Man’s Portrait and a Lady’s Ditto *—--- Two Sketches for Ceilings-- Salmacis and Hermaphrodite —-- 1 —~— The Portrait of Gafper de Crayer and a Cupid Fortune Tellers, and Companion --—■—— An Incantation---—~~—* The Death; of Brutus, and one other —-- 7-' 2 ■ 2 b a//t sfe i 2 *- Van Dyck Balkan ov/t > f.: i vr t jT - ,. j 5 ~- - A. Schiavone //.. // Paul Veronefe 9 - /J? - /•Guido • /Z ,,/Z. - Luca Giordano 2 T”. -5/ - Guido — r n 7 « 73 74 75 Bacchanalian Boys, aitvthe Stile of The Laft J udgment -—— A Female Head ■ TT T ^ iU/i nC/tre* t s//+l /Qj /da 76 : :77 78 79 80 81 A Man fmoaking, the Original, from which the / f'//rir 22 e*''ti Polygraphics were copied The Nativity The Portrait; of Tilborg, with his Wife and Family Madona and Child-—----——-« 90 /&e *"z/fz Two Heads, one an oval-—- , — 7 - ; tt Nymphs repofing —~ 7 L / /&rzi*i2^in+ 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 9 1 92 93 94 95 The Portrait of t u ^ beautiful Cinfi that was Ravifhed ; by .hety Ffthei|, - for, which he was thjr^w-n from the Houfe Top by her Mother and dalhed to Pieces /c J The Head .of a Drago Man, and-ra very ctifious Fragment, Payt/of a Wall, at Rome]-— -— % ’ Three Antique Enamells-—--—-r Three Wax Models-- --—•— —— Head of a Madona, fmall The Portraits of two eminent Meo A Land Storm, a capital Pidlure._- Venus Couchante ■*-—-- A Landfcape with Hiftorical Figures —- The Death of Sophonefba-- Sufannah and the Elders V if • Z?t J P2 e-/Z ZZ/l /dT-ji + '7 i The Portrait of Paul Veronefe^ very capital Flora and Cupid, a (ketch __ _ _ The Portrait of Lord Cromwell____ A Mufical Converfation, a capital high finilhed Pidlure , • /d tf*'**.' 1 r /+ /Cff t Pci 1 t I 9 6 97 - 98 99 100 101 Belifarius after, prefumed to be Painted by Murillio Noah Entering the Arc, a large and capital Pidlure of 'PttcnJaJPr the Matter The Refurredlion, capital-•— PCc-z/t, Sufanna and the Elders, a fine Pidlure of the Maher } Lucretia, a capital Pidlure - _ _ —1 — 102 A large and capital Pidlure pf the Rape of Helen, _ finely Compofed and richly Coloured- A Whole Length Figure of St. Sebaftian, the well known Original Pidlure from the Palais Royale FINIS. J. Smccton, Printer, 148, St. Martin's Lane.