0 Italiano & Ingleje ,
3 H n Florio, and
i. augmented by himfelfc
houfand Words , and
V 0 C AB 0 L A7\J 0 Italiano &lngleje ,
Formerly Compiled by J o h n F l o r i o, and
fince his laft Edition, nAnno i<5ii. augmented by himfelfc
in His life time, with many thouland Words, and
Thu sc an
e dicationi, incapric¬
ciati & {travolti dall’ amore fvijcerato che portano
alle loro opere & fatiche {degneod indegne che ji
fiano ) o fi mettono a gonfiarle con fiampanate e girandole di lodi che
nolla finifcono mai, o pure dall’ altro canto fi mettono ad innalzare
da là del ter%) cielo la Ufiafata, Q a f at0 > Virtù &‘Prodezze
de Tatrom a cui dedicano cotali operila, infinocchiandoli per tut¬
ta^ t Epiflola con fioretti gli piu sfoggiati che fcrfi fi p off ano
ricercare dagli più intimi ripoftigh della ’Pletorica , con penfiere
di accreditare tanto maggiormente dette lor opere, done che al
contrario, bene fpeffo gl’ ifiefii Patroni a cui vengono dedicate
ne refiano stomacati , per non dire, affatto fcandalispati • ho-
ra per me tanto, ho voluto sfuggire in quejla mia ‘ Dedications
a z e /’
Epiftola Dedicatoria.
e l' un e / altro di tjuejìi ejlrcmi , quello per non dare nella \Tbilautia ,
queflo per non dare nell' Adulati , ne } benché baierei totuto(j& anche /eri'
ga vermi eccef of ingolfarmi in un Delago d’ Elogi/ della loro HonO'
rat.""!' Compagnia, A in generale, inquanto all' Antichità , Opulenta,
Splcndidegga, Adagmfcenga, & infieme il gran Rinome che ha per tut -
: ta L'Italia cr il Levante ( motivo riguardevole che ni ha Jpinto a
fare quefla Dcdicatione ) come in particolare -, di moltifimi Soggetti
me ; itevoli che ji truovano in e fa, ma che ferve ì Sfori fi fuole in -
' dorare l oro medefmo, ampi, s indorano gli sluccbt & i metalli di baffa
. lega, però non dirò altro, foto che alla buona di Dio que/la coppia di
Vocabolarij, quale che ella fi fa , /duplice e fobietta, a’ Seniori &
Aniiani della loro Honor at. fomp.' J vieti dedicata per fua maggior
[ Autorità & *Hpp 0 gg ! o, ri più Cjiovani Vien raccomandata per foro
mazzior utile e commodity.
Dal di loro Servitore
i Burnii™-
T O R R I A M O.
Their mod Honoured Friend,
S I % J
HE great- Care and Paines which j
Sig. r ' G l o : T o r r i a n o hath ta- j
ken in fetting forth the following
Work, hath juftly entitled him to
| a Right of making his particular Dedication
thereof; which he hath done, To the Right
worfiiipful Company of the T urky Merchants, |
! whereof you are a worthy Member : But the ;
| intered we have in the Copy ( as from the time
of our purchafe of it, wee ever intended) wee ;
here mod humbly offer to Your Self e.
For to whom can we more fitly prefent a Diftio-
nary of a Forraigne, andefpecially the Italian j
Tongue, then to You, by whofe favours, j
and ready complyance,at all times, with our Oc- j
cafions, our affaires have had their Foundation,
and are dill carryed on in Forraigne Parts but
principally in T h at C o u n t r e. y.
b Sir, ;
Sir, This Volume would fwell to too big
a bulk, if this Epiftle did containe but the Ca¬
talogue of the Obligations, which in the fenes
of feverall years You have heaped uponus;
the fcnfe whereof hath hitherto been confin’d
! within the bounds of ourowne Breafts. VVe
befeech you give us now leave to make publica¬
tion of them to all the World, and to be fo
juft as to endeavour, that not only in England,
but in the Parts Beyond Sea, where
your Correfpondcnts have daily experience of
our Engagements to You, there may be perpe¬
tual! Monuments of our acknowledgments of
them; and that our Gratitude may travell as farr
; as the ufe of this Book will carry it. VVe con-
felTc thefe are but meane returncs for fo great
Courtefies, but being the effects ofourgratefull
difpofitions and refpe&s, wee hope may linde
Acceptance with you, which is onely aimed at
in this Dedication, By
Your most Humble,
and mott T^eJjjeUfull
John Martin.
James Allestry.
Thomas Dicas.
HEN the Rarities of Italy (that Paradife of Art and Nature.,
that Academy and Garden of the World) dodayly call
fo many of the Englifh Nation, and Forraigners, from
all parts into it, when its excellent Books do travel! into
all Nations and find Univerfall Efteem • and when all
Merchants that traffique into the Felwi^mufl: Trade by that
Language, it would be fuperfluous for me by a Studied
' Difcourfe to invite any to the Learning theieof : And the ufe of a Dictionary,
i in order to its attaining, is fo obvious to all underftandings, that it would
; be impertinent to demonflrate its neceifity ; lfhall therefore only give the
j Peruferan Account,infliort,ofthis prefent Edition.
In the Year 1611. John Florio fet forth a fecond Edition of his
' Italian and Englijl? Dictionary , which for Variety of Words was far more
j Copious then any extant in the World at that time. 1 his, notwithftanding
! being defective, and other Dictionaries and Italian Authors coming to his
Hands, he collected out of them an Addition of many thoufitnd Words
; and Phrafes, relating to Arts , Sciences, and Exerciles ; intending (ifhehad
lived) a third Edition, which he left behind him ina very fair Manufcript,
perfected and ready for the Preffe.
This Manulcript I have diligently perufed , and in very many places fup-
plyedjOttc of the generally approved Dictionary of the Accademici della Cru/ca,
and feverall others that have been let forth fincc his death. I have likewife
much corrected the Englifh Interpretations, and (where there was caufe)
reduced them to their genuine fenle,as they are now ufed in thefe Modern
: Times. There wanted yet a Dictionary Englifh and Italian which 1 have
! compiled by my owne induftry, and added to it feverall Proverbs and In-
! ftruCtions
t udtions for che learning of the Language ; So that I question not butnow
: [ ' ! ’ w 1 , , : t ie mo ^ compleat Italian-Engltjh-DiStionixy that ever yet hath
i ^ en puDliined, and that all iuch as fhail apply themfelves to the Study of
) tins Noble i ongue, will find in it all neceflary helps, and expected Satil-
Uvuon For my own part,I fhail account thefe my Labours well employed,
\ 1 A la ‘‘ be accepted by the Englifli Nation, for whole ler vice I have fipent
r i v. gieatelt part,of my time,and to whom 1 fhail perpetually be,
A mojl Humble and
dexoted Servant,
Gio: Torriano,
An Advertifement.
WhenfoeVer this After fine * is placed before any word, it fighifies, either that all
\ fuch words are not to be found in M Florio's laft Edition of his Diliionary } or that
there is an alteration and addition in their Interpretations : But theje After fines (by J
oxer fight) infoine whole Letters, and Very many places, are omitted ■ Of which the |
; Reader is defired to take notice, and to judge of the Additions in this Dikionary as upon .
pernfall he fiali find just caufe and Q{eafon.
Italian and Englilli Tongues.
A The firft Letter and vowcK of
the Alphabet.
A. A fignor prepofition of the
* Dative cafe ', To, unto, at,
at the, to the > as, Si cornò a
cafa fua, he went to his houfe.
A. A fign or prepofition of the Accufative
Cafe, in lieu of Per, for, for to, through.
A. A fign or prepofition of the Ablative cafe,
namely commino after a verb of privation,as
Tògliere, Rubbire, &c. from, away from.
A. Preceding the Infinitive mood of all verbs,
fignifies, To do, to aft, or effe ft the vertue or
purpofe of the verb, as a bere., to drink, a
véndere, to fell.
A. In lieu of Circa or Inc'itc&fbeing placed be¬
fore any number or Noun numerali, as thus ,
èrano a dièci, they were about ten-
A. in (lead of By, as thus, Veggéndolì con¬
tornare a Gorhi, feeing themfelvts wafted
by the Goths. A cénto a cénto, by hundreds
and hundreds. A permiflìóne e làfcia, by
permiffion and leave.
A. In lieu of According,unto,after the manner.
A modo mio, after,or according to my man¬
ner. dènti fatti a bifeheri.
A. Being joyned to the Article la, and placed
before any feminine Noun of calling or pro-
fcjfion, becomes an Adverb of quality, of fi-
militude,orprofeffion j as thus, Alla Fran-
céfe, after the French manner or fafhion 5
allaSoldaca,5o«/dic>'-/;ifec3 alla fantaftica,
A. In ftcad of At. Giuocare a carte, a dadi o
fcàcchi, to play at cards, at dice, or
A. In lieu of, In the. In : as, a nóme del Rè,
is the name of the Njng j a grandiflime
fchicre, in very great troupi.
A. In place of On, or upon, as lui và a cavallo,
he goes on horfeback', a crédito, upon credit.
A. In ftcad of with or by, as commandare a
bachctca, to command with a controlling 1
ftajfe or rod ì a forza, with, or by force 3
riceuiitoa grandiflimo honóre, received
with vtry great honour.
A. In ftcad of After,as a pòchi dì, a few days
after ; oggi a otto, domane a otto, eight
days brace ? eight days after to morrow.
A fomtimes an Expletive,as mifero a me,
dolènte a me.
A. For untili, as dolènte a morte, grieving
untili death •
* A. For towards, or a gainfl,as, a tramontana,
towards the North.
*A. In the (pace of, as a due méd, within two
Ab, vfed by good authors before thefe four
words, Amico, Efpétto, Etèrno, Initio,
from, of.
Ab abate, To ama\c or to aftomfh, alfo to loy-
tcr idi y up and down.
A bacare, abbacare, To number or cgft accampi
by Arilbmcticii j fymet; to pry into, or to
feelt out with heed and diligence j alfo to
range or roam up and down as an uncertain
Abachiére, Abachifta,Abbachiére, an Arith¬
metician', by met: an idle loiterer and ranger
up and down.
A-bachécca, adv. with a wand or commanding
rod of authority. Look Commandare a ba¬
Abacchiàre, Abbacchiare, as, Batacchiare,
to ft rife with a ftajfe.
Abacinaménto, Abacinanza, A daipling, a
glimmering or blearing of the fight or eyes.
Abacinàre, To blinde , to darle, to blear, to
dimme, to glimmer ones fight or eyes', the
met: is taken from Bacile or Bacino, for in
ancient times they ufed to burn out mens eyes
with making them to look into a bright and
burning bafon.
Abdcio, Abacióre, Seated Northward. Look
'Abaco, The art of Anthmetick, alfo a counter
or compting-boord, alfo a Merchants book
of accampi s, or a fhop-boowherein all
reckonings are regiftred, alfo a writing desks
a little casket or cabinet to keep money or
writings in,alfo a quadrant,a bafic or fiquare
of a pillar below, which may ferve to fit up¬
on ', by met: acheffe-boord, or a pair of play¬
Abaculi, Cafting-counters, cafiing-rnndles.
A.-bada, Abadalucco, adv. at a bay,at a flay,
with cxpeftation,as it were in hope and long¬
ing J or.
Abadàre, Abadaluccare, To keep at a bay, to
hold in delay , to put off' with delays and
hope > alfo to (lay, to attend or wait on.
Alfo as Badare.
Abadéffa, An Abbcffe, a Lady of an Abby.
A bade, as Rinoceróce.
Abadia, Abbadia, An Abby.
Abadiale, Abbot-like, Abbeffie-like.
Abagliaggine, Abagliaménto, Abaglio,Aba-
glióre, is properly the blindnejfe, the da%ilmg
or blearing which the Sun caufcth in his eyes
that fixeth them upon the fame.
Abagliàre, as Abacinàre, T0 blinde, but pro¬
perly with or by the Sun,or by the fire,
Abaglicvole, That may be da\eled.
Abài, Abàia, Abaiaménti, Barkings, hayings,
queftings or bowlings of dogs by mci: ma¬
licious railings, envious de tra ft tons, fioblifh
fcoldings,vain tittle-tattles or pratings.
Abaidre, To bark, to bay, toqueft, or howl as
a dog or a fox j by met: to prat tie,to rail or
de.traft from, to jcold at, to brag or boaft
Abaiàre alia Luntu, To bark at the Moon J by
met: to [pend ones breath vainly.
Abaiatóre, A bar fer, a qucfler. a howler i by
met; a pratler, a rader, adetraftor,aboa-
A-bali Ila càrca, adv. with a full charged crofs -
bowc j by met: with might and main.
Abaloccàre, as Baloccare, To gas^e or loiter
A-balócco, as A-bàda, At a fldnd.
Abalordiménto, as Balordia, Giddinejfe in
the head j by met: fimplicity of wit.
Abalordire, as Balordire, To make giddy, or
Abalroàre, as Balroàre, paróla marinarésca.
Abambagiàre, To bumba fie, to (luffe or quilt
with bumbafte j by met: to [often.
Abambire, as Bombire, To dote, or becomè a
childe again.
* Abampare, as A vampate, To blatte.
Abainpófo, as Avampófo, J 1 1 anftng,flaming.
A bandière fpiegace, ady. with cnfigncsdif-
Abandonaménto, A for faking, an abandoning,
a cafting off.
Abandonàre, Toforfiake,to abandon, to ref life,
to leave , to caft off.
Abandonàrfi, For a man abjcftly or aMarfcdly
to abandon or forfait himfelf.
Abandonataménte, ad v. ft endlong, r a fitly, or
in forfak.cn manner abandonataménte
amàre/fervire, to love o , r ferve without rea»
fon or judgement, not regarding any other
thing in the world.
Abandonatiflimo, Utterly caft off, wholly or
mofl forfakch.
Abandonacóre, Aforfaker, an abandoncr.
Abandonévole, To be abandoned orforfaken.
Abandóno, A for faking j In abandóno, adv.
in forfaken or unicgardcd manner, carde fly,
at random.
Ab-antico, adv. of old, of yore, hi ancient
times, from antiquity.
Abarbagliamcnto, Abarbàglio, at Abagli-
iggine, blindneffe.
Abirbagliàre,icinare,fo bùìiefe.
Abbacio, as Abacio.
'Abbaco, as 'Abaco.
AbBàda,/»J A-bada, at a flay.
Abbadarc, ii5 A badare, to flay, lo allcndon.
AbbadclTa, an Àèbcjfe.
Abbadia, an Abby.
Abbadone, an Htbrcro word fignifying a DC-
Abbagliaggine, Abbagliaménto, Abbaglio,
Abbagliare, as Abaglijggin e,bHndnefie.
Abbai, Abbaiamento , as Abai, barkings,
Abbaiare, as Abaiare, to bark or howl as a
Abballare , as Imballare , to make up mto
Abbalordhnénto, as Balordia , giddinrjjc in
the bead, or fimpliciij.
Abbalordire, as Balordire, to make giddy, or
AbbambagiàrCjdi Abambagiiie.
Abba'mp. rejtfi Avampdre, to lU^e, or flame.
A bband onare, as Abandonare, c H.
Abbarbagliare, as Abagli.ire,/ e/' the
Abbarbicare, as A barbicai e.
* Abbarcare, to heap, to ama [fie , or to pile
trp together', namely corn into flack* or ricks',
look Barca.
Abbardare, as A bardare.
Abbare, ufedfor Àbaiàre.
Abbaiamento, Abarramento;
Abbarcare, to banc, to embane, to borne ado.
Abbaruffaménto, a bicker nig or falling toge¬
ther to blows ; alfo a lugging, a towing,
or a ruffling', al fo a fc or thing, a.findgmg
orfmojring wlb fire.
Abbaruffare, io bicker or go together. by the
tares i alfo to torvi? or tug ; alfo tofcorch or
blote with fiie.
Abbaflagginc,Abba (laménto, Abbaffagióne,
an abafitig , a dtbafing, a bringing tow, a de-
Abballare to abafcjokbafc,to humble or bend
o< (loop low',, alfo to decline? to fubmit,to
Abbaflcvole, that may be abajed, depreffed ,
bumbled or brought low.
Abbàtto, adv. below, beneath.
Abballatimene©, abaflardisfing', by met: an
adulterating , or degenerating.
Abbaftardircj difeo, dito, lo baftardife i by
men to adulterate, to corrupt fiinde, to de¬
generate. .
Abbaltionàre, to embaflion , io enfi once, to
entrench, to emblock.
Abbaftioncvolc, that may be cnfconccd , en- i
trenched,or block'd in.
Abbatacchi ire,
alfo the boughs, the [pngs, the i kfhes, the
hedges, Or aiiy thing elfe that a Deer bang
hunted beats down in rvfhing through
*Abbeccare, to prtk orbili up,ns birds or
chickens do coin, alfo to cram or put into
ones beak res buds do their young ones.
Abbelliamomi, as Abbigliamenti.
AbbeclLre, as Abbigliare, to apparrcll.
Abbelliménto, dn embeU.fh'.ng , a beautifying,
an adorning', alfo as Bellétto 3 by met; a
foollingup of ones trtmdc.
Abbellire, lifeo, lito, Abbellire, toembell'fh,
to beautifie,to deck, to make fair, to decore,
by met: to footh up fiduly.
Abbeluard.irc, to embul wark, to enfi once, to
block in, to forti fie with bulwarks.
Abbend.ire, at Bendare, to binde.
Abbcntare, to refi, to be, or make quiet ns tt
were through joy and gl adne fi.
Abberfare, toajpc-gc, to b; (piinkle.
Abbcrfacióne, abcfprivkfittg, an afperging.
Abbergare, alfo to make drowfic \
or flecpy , its too much wine tifith to of,
alfo to put ones month to any vefiel fidlpj :
liquor and drink * little-
* Abbéveraticcio, the remainder of any drink
which a nun leaves in his cup or p.t.
Abbeverato ,watred or made to drink.
Abbeveratolo, a watering place, namely for
catte!, a hough for cattel or hens to drink
alfo a cage-pot.
Abbiadare, to provender or feed with oats,
namely a horfic.
Abbiadato, provcndre'd or fed with oats.
Abbiancbire, as Bianchire, to whiten.
* Àbbicaménco, an efldblifh ng or fitting to¬
gether fafl and firmly ', alfo a heaping toge¬
ther as hay-cocks-
* Abbicare, to tflablifh or fettle faff, to heap
together at hay-cocks, at [lacks of com, as
pules of wcod.
A* be-ce, the Alphabet or Crifs- trofie rciv of
letters, or an A B C bock for children to
Abbiendo,/or Havéndo, having.
AbbientAre, to enable, to make capable or fit
fir', alfo to view and ni: had to wifi) for
what one vicweih.
Abbiènte, able for, capable, fit} alfo rich in
wealth ; al Jo viewing and infhing for
Abbicttare, to abjeft, to vìi fie, to rejeft.
Abbie-iione, Abbietciidine, abjection,vilily,
or bafenefs of fiate or coinage.
A bbigiare, to make or become grey.
Abbigliamenti, raiments, apparcRings , clo¬
things, attirings , ornaments, fumijhments,
ve fitments.
Abbigliare, fa arty, to attire, to apparel, to
clothe, to adorn , to digbt, to deck-
Abbiofciaggine, tiremejs, faint-heartednefs,
dejcClion, fdintnefs.
AbbiofcLre, Abbiofcire, fcifco, feito, to
over-tire, to become weak or unable to
Abbiofciito, Abbiolcito, over-tired, unable
to Hand,} aimed, de idled m mmdt or body.
Abbilognarc, to need, o, to be needful .
Abbisognato, flood in need.
A'-hiiagno, need, orneaffil).
Abbi fognalo, needy, ncceffiloM.
A obi Hire, to predi state, to overwhelm, to en¬
gulf h, to finkor thioiv down os into hell.
Abbillo, an “byfie, agulph, a buttami fie pit ,
a deep gathering together oj waters, alfo hell
tt ftlj.
Abbitutmvc, to c'mcnt, to be pitch j look
* Abbo, ea Maggio, 1 have.
Abboccamento, a meeting of mouth to mouth
or face to face, by met: an tuta parly or
freaking together.
Abboccare, to meet mouth to mouth, or face
to face, to inter parly or meet to jpe. k toge-
thei i alfo to er,mouth, or toemb-U, alfo
to )oyn mouth to mouth', allo 10 fiU up to
the mouth.
Abboccato cane, a well fa fining deg.
Abboccato vino, wine that is fleafmg to the
mouth òr t afte.
Abboccatoio, the mouth of any thing, namely
of a pot or limbeck-
Abboccattire, a broker ora dAyes-man, one
1 hat bungs ma: io (peak f* Ce 10 fi ice -
A bbocconarr, f 0 trofici, to bite, to mince or
fh ed in mammock* °< bui* bits.
* Abboiamemo, Abboio, amongfl hunters it
is the laft gafp or en. buffing of a deer, nr
when be mg wiiry he turns him to the
hounds, md, holds them at a bay.
Abboilire, lifco, lito, to abulifh, to abrogate,
to cancel, to difiatul.
Abbollicicne, an abohfir.ng an abrogation, a
cancelling, a difanullmg-
Abbominabile, Abbominàndo, Abbominé-
vole, Abbominófo, abominable, louthfdme,
d trftable.
Abbominamcnro, Abbominàma , Abbo-
minatióne, Abbominio, abomination.
Abbominarc, to abhor, to loath, to deleft , to
have in abomination ; alfo to accufc.
Abbdnacci \r e, to calm, to appeafe, to dfiw.-ge,
properly faid of the fea : look Bcn.-ccia.
Abbonacci to, calmed, appealed, affwaged.
Abbonscciévole, that may be calmed.
Abbonaménto, Abbonimento, a calming ;
alfo a making or becoming good m ript.
Abbonare, Abbonire, mko, nito, to make
O' become good, rip c orfiafin blc.
Abbonévo'e , that m*y be made or become
good, feafunable , or good, or ripe.
Abbondante, Abbondévole, Abbondalo,
abounding, abundant, plentaus.
Abbondantemente, Abbondevoi ménte. Ab-
bondofaménte , adv. abundantly , piente -
Abbon- j
Abbondantiffimo, r,10ft abundant or plcnti-
Abbondanza, Abbondamelo, Abbondo,
plenty, abundance, fiore 5 the wo t A is ufed
in "Florence and Venice for the Magi-
(irate, 1 hat hath the charge to provide for
provifion of corn and bread.
Abbondanziére , one that hath the charge
and care to look unto , to over fee and
pro vide for (lore of vittuals in a camp or
city , and that there be plenty of provflon, a
vittuaUi r.
Abbondare, ft? abound or to have plenty.
Abborbonàrlì , divenire di Cafa Bor-
* A bbord are, to board or graph with a fhip 5
aljo to fai!or come near the fiore.
Abbórdo, a ( hip-boord , near thè fiore.
* Abborracciaménto, Abbonaménto : Look
Barra, any (luffing or quilting', by met; a
patching or clouting ", alfo a mumbling in
(peecb ', alfo a bung drunker tipfte.
* Abborracciare , Abbottare, to Iti fica or
(luff with Bórra} alfo to patch or botch
anything', alfa to falter in (pei eh, as we^
fay to clip the K m gs Englfi } alfo to quaff
or tipple fquarte } alfo vale, mangiare fénza
diftiiizione e lónza riguardo j affo per
fare alaina cola lènza diligénzù e cautèla
per la frétta.
Abborrire, ufed affo for toffray , to draggle
up and down as one amarci and confu-
Abborracciatóre, Abborratóre, a ftuffec or
quitter, by met: a botcher, a dottier, a
jout r 3 1 Ifo to objeure : Look Buio.
Abbuonire> nifeo, nito, as Abbonire, to
make, or become good.
Abburactaménto, a boulting of meal.
Abburattire, to boult meal.
Abburattare uno, to beat, to bang, to fwad¬
dle, to nb-bafte, to curry , or cudgell one.
Abburattalo, a boulter, a boulting-tub.
Abdicare, to abdicate , to ferfake, to rejett, to
refufe , to caff off 3 aljo to dffanull , or to
Abdicatane, an abdication, a for faking , a re -
jetting’, affo a difanulling or abrogation-
Abdomen, the outward part of the belly be¬
tween tbc navcll and privities, and which
covercth all the entrails 3 affo the fat or
{earn of a Sow , that is found between the
flank and the body.
Abdtito, led, removed or carried away 3 affo
lawlefl, or exempt from laws.
* A-bccco , adv. front , as it were bill to
A B E C E, the A b c or Chrifs-crofs row »
Abecedirc, Abedire, to alphabet, to Abe, to
learn or fay ones Chrifs-crofs row.
Abecedario, Abedirio, a teacher or learner
of Abe 3 affo an Abe-book i by met: young)
or unta ugbt,child/ fi.
Abediflimóne, a ferpent of tbc ffyadc of
j A-b:IP igto, adv. leifircly, at fair leifure.
* A bell* agio a’ ni3Ì pitti, Pro r.foft and fair,
in dangers or foul wayes, No bafte to hang
true men ,
A-bel dilètto, adv, at good plcafure.
A-bel dóno, adv- of free gift.
A-bel giuoco, adv. with fair play.
A-bclla pótta, A bel Audio, auv. expreffy,
purpofelyffor the vay nonce .
Abellme, ha^pUoi (mad nuts.
I * A-bello fgu.,rio, adv. fo at cafe that one '
may look well and J.if y about him.
; A benché, adv. although, huwbeit.
j A- be nd el le, with bendlets in armory.
'Abentire, as Abbentire.
I Abence, departing or going away.
Abénto, ufcdfo) Attènto.
‘Aberrare, ufed for Albergare, to har¬
Aberrare , as Abberrare, to go affray, or wan¬
der up nd down.
A-berto lotto, adv. fcotfree , as we fay, ftdlers
fare, meat, drink, and money.
Ab-cipcrto, adv, by proof or experience»
Abell jne, a ffmde of blueffi (lone, which
bung once heated keeps bis heat /even dayes
* Ab. tiia, a grove,a wood,a forre (l or thicket
of Fine-trees.
Abc:e, Abéco,//;e Firre-treeor wood .
* Ab ctérno, adv. from all eternity.
A bezzo, olio di abézzo.
Abiurare , to abjure, to forfwcar, to deny
with an oath,
Abgiuratióne, an abjuring, a fo>[wearing.
Abhorrévo e, as Abborrévole, to be ab¬
A bhorrire, as Abborrire, to abhor.
*Abiadago, a farm, a copy-hold, ahoufe or
tenement wuh fonte lands about it in the
* Abib, the name of a moneti) among the
Hebrews, which began by the Moon in
Abiccar e,as Abbiccire.
A bid, the Chrifs-crofs row, the ABC.
Abietcaménce, adv. abjettly , bafclj.
Abiettire , to abjett , to contemn , to out-
Abiettatióne, Abiettióne, abjeftnefi, vilc-
nefs, bafinffs afflate, of heart or miadc.
Abiètto, abjett, abjetted, vile, outcaff.
Abiga, ivy, ot gound-frankmcenfe.
Abigire, to twine about as Ivy doth.
'Abile, able,fufficient ,< f power.
Abiléo, a kjnde of tin firn fl {punge.
* A bilire, Iifco, lito, as Abilitare,
Abilità, ability, ablcncfs,power.
A bilicare, to enable, to give power unto.
Ab-initio, adv. from t he beginning,
A-biotco, Mézzo a ghiacéte.
A-bildóflb , as A-bardóffo, adv. barc-
Abili arc, as Abbiffire, profondire, to over¬
whelm, to JwaUow up in an infinite depth ,
to throw down to the bottom 3 by met: to
deffroy and mine, utterly 3 affo as Nabif-
A biffo, as Abbi flo.
Abifto, as Abeftóne.
Abitàbile, Abitcvole , inhabitable, dweU-
Abiticolo, Abitinza, Abicacióne, Abitig-
gio, Abicaménto, Abituro, an habitation ,
a dwelling-place.
Abitante, inhabitant , dwelling,a dweller.
B z Abitirej
Abitare, to dwell, to inhibit, to worn.
Abitativo, that may be dwelt in.
Abitatóre, an inhabiter, a dweller.
Abitatrice, a fie-dweller.
Abité!lo, the dim: of H.ibito.
'Abito, as H bito, with all bn pats.
Abituile, habituall, proceeding from an habit
or difpofition.
Abitualità, an habitude , or anaccuftomed dif-
Abituare, to habituate , to accuftome, ordif-
pofc unto.
Abituato-, accuftomed untoby longhabit.
Abitudine, Abitualità.
Abituro, eti Hàbi.uro, adweU'mgplace.
Abjuràre, as Abgiurare, to forfwcar.
Abjuratióne, as Abgiuratióne.
- Ablarióne, an ablation , a taking fom •
Ab!a:ivaménte,adv. ablatively.
Ablativo, cblativc/y, implying a taking foni.
Abiuro, removed, or tatyn away by force.
Ablu.iòne, an ablution, or waffling clean a-
Abneg. -c, to deny, to renounce.
A bn e gat ione, a denying, an abjuring.
A-bóc I a, ad v. by mouthy by wo d of mouth.
A-bocca a-bócca, adv mouth to rnoutb.
'A-bócca baciata, adv. as eafic astoty(]' e
wnh mouthy with pleafure and thank 1 >
alfa to leave off with kjfftng and not to be
able to 50 further.
A-bócca dólce, adv. with a fweet mouth 3 by
me:.' with pleafure and delight.
A*bócca pièna, adv. will' a ]ull mouth.
A boccate, <« Abboccare, &c.
Abócco, a finite of coyn or weight.
A-boccóne, adv. by bits or motfcls.
Abolativo: Look Vèrme.
Abolire, /wAbbolire, to abolifh.
Abolitone, as Abbolicione.
Aboila, a Senators long and grave ve [lure or
furred robe, ufed anciently by Ityngs raid
* A bollire , as Bollare, to brandy to feal , to
A-bómba, is properly the place where chil¬
dren bide them fives when they play at
King by your leave 3 fomc properly call it
alfo Gióftra prigionèraj by met: a mans
home or naturali dwelling - place 3 alfo ufed
in that fenfeas ivc fty , Home again, home
again market it done 5 ufd alfo for foamed
cr laid in fteep 3 it IS alfo proverbially ufed
and fpotyn of thofc, that in hard enterpri-
fs are not difmaid, but keep their wits
about them.
Abombare, to (leep or lay in folk •* Look A-
Abominando, Abominiti*!, Abominare,
Abominévole, as Abballinando , with
all its derivatives.
Abonare, Abonire, as Abbonire, &c. to
make good.
Abondante, Abondanza as Abbondante.
Abondare, as Abbondare, &c.
Abordare, as Abbordare, to come near unto 3
alfo to lay a ffjip aboord.
A bórdo, as Abbórdo.
Aborrire, as Abbonare.
Abortire, as Abbortare,e>'f. to be born be¬
fore the due time.
Abortivo, as Abbonivo, &c. brought forth
Abofimire, as Bofimare.
Abotare, to vow or promi fe unto.
A-bòtta, adv. made or fefhioncd like the back
of a Toad, as fame corflcts or bicaft plates
be : Look Tirire a-bótea.
Abortimre, as Abbottinire, &c. to rob } to
feik far booty.
Abozzire, **s Abbozzare, &c. to roueh-
•A-b: àccia, adv. with arms} alfo by yards
or eUs.
-A-braccia a-briccia, adv. with arms in
A-braccia apèrte, adv. A-braccia quadre,
with open or unfolded aims.
A braghe, adv. made with a b ■ ccch as feme of
I our pieces of Q.dnancc are.
f A bra mo, a fi(h called a Breathe-
! A-brano, A-bràno a-brano, adv. bymm-
1 mocks, or picCi-mcal.
I Abr enuzzo, as Abrcmintio.
■ Abrcvildjo, as Zimbèllo.
f Abricócchi, Abiicóccoli, Apricoetyph/mt.
A-bnglia fciólta, adv. ii.-.k,idled!] 3 by end:
with full (peed, loofely , car ehfly.
Abriolo, a Jutffng Canary- bird.
Abrifticàrc, as Abbruftare, to fcorcb.
A bracare, toma ke or become koarfe 3 alfo to
fnon 3 alfo to bray as an Affé.
A bròcca , aJv. ftudded or fafhioncd lity
finds: Look Bròcca. Nemico a-brócca,
a mortal enemy , as wefiy, from the lance to
the boettyn.
Abrodicco, ftnug and (price, fine and neat }
tnmd up for htly-dayts.
f Abrogare, to abrogate , to abolifb, to repeal,
to dtfanull.
Abrogai ione, an abohJhmcM, an abrogating, a
A broniincio, hath been ufed for a whirr et on
the ear, or any other diftaftefull means to be
rid of one whofc company we City not, as
one would fay , a rejecting or c a ft ing off] a
Jack - ums entertainment.
Abroliina, a tyr.de of wilde vine.
A bruttino, a tynde ef black grape.
Abrotano, the herb Southernwood.
Abruciirc, Abrugiire , as Abbruciare, to
A-bruno, adv. moitmng!y,tn black.
Abruótino, as Abrorano.
A brìi tea, any wilde vine or grape.
Abntfcjre, as Abbrunare, to make orbe -
come fharp.
Ab.-ufciare, its Abbrutci.ire, to bum.
AbiwUtrc, as Abb.uftarc , to findge, to
A bruttare, as Abbrunare, to defile, to pollute.
Ab ultamente, adv. abruptly, out of order,
without due emerfe.
Abi unióne, an abrupt breaking off.
A bi liceo, abrupt, nut of courfe.
• A blentare, to cbfent out of the way.
Abtente, abfent , out of the way.
A bfenza, abfence.
Abside, the point wherein any Planet is fur-
theft from the earth.
Abode fupréma , the light ft point of any
Abside infima,//.;? [owefl point of any Planet.
Absintio, bitter wormwood 3 alfo a tynde of
precious ft one.
Abfinchino , made , or tafting of worm¬
Absice, a tynde of precious f ione .
A boleto, abolifli d, left off, out of ufe.
A bi:,l:o, at A licito, abfolvcd, acquitted.
Ablólvere, as A Hoi vere, to abfolve , to ac¬
Abiolutaménte, adv. abfoluteiy.
Abulutióne, as Affolutióne, anabfolving,
an acquitting, o- - difcharging.
Abbino, as Aflokito, abfolutc 3 alfo ab-
'Abiono,diffonant, untuned.
Abfcrbere, as Affotbire, to fup up.
Abfotdicà, as Ablurdicà, anabfudity,groff-
Abfórdo, as Affiir do,abfurd, foohfb.
Attorto, ab fort, fwallowcd or glutted up.
AbllenerCj/o ab ft am, to firbear.
* Abftcnio, an nbftiwnt men.
Abu èrgere, to wipe away, to clcanfe.
AbfterUóne, abjlerfion , wiping,fenuring.
A bff ers i vo ,abftcrfi 1 e, poweifull to /coinè.
Abff ménte, abftinent,fo,bearing.
Abftinénza, abftmcm, forbearing:
Abftrarre, to abftrafi. to draw prom.
Abllrattione, abftraclion.
A bff rutto, abftraCltd 3 alfo an AbftraCt.
Abituilo, abftiitfc, fee, et, inward, wrapt in
obfeunty, da*k and my [lie all.
A biòndamente, adv. abfmdly, unordcly. foo-
Ablurdicà, abfurdity. inconvenience,unreafon-
cb!e dealing fotvfhij.
Ablurdo, abfurd, again ft rcafon,fottiflj.
A-bucciuolo, adv. Look Inneffarc.
A-buona derrata, adv. good cheap.
A-buóna lima, adv. rn a lucky time of tbc
Moon, in a good time.
■ A-buóna ragióne, ad w. upon good reafon.
A buòn bardito, adv. cheap, good cheap.
A-buon cóncio, adv. handfomely, conveni¬
ently, with love and good htyng
A-buon cónto, adv. m part of payment, to¬
ward the reckoning.
A-buon giuoco, adv. by fquare and fair
* A-buon óra , A-buon otta, adv- timely,
early, betimes.
A- buon mercato, adv. very good cheap.
■ A-buon partito, adv. at a go:dpuff, ongood
terms or conditions , in good plight.
* A-buon p.iffo, adv. faft, a good pace.
'A-buon rèndere, adv. you (hall have as
good as you bring,l will do as much for you.
* A-buon termine , adv. in, or upon good
terms, at a good paff.
A burattare, to houli or fi ft meal.
A bufare, to abufc, tomifordcr , to convert to a
wrong ufe.
Abuscvole, that may beabufed.
Abuhone, an abufc,ormifu(i/ig of, a diforder-
ly or improperly bcffowing of any ih'-ng.
Abulivamcnte , adv. abufively , diforderly,
c lean from v c right ufe , or fen/e of.
Abusivo, abufivc, improper.
A btilo, abufc,mifordcr 3 alfo difufc, the lea¬
ving off' a cuftome.
Ab tifo, a ày. from ufe or cuftome.
Abuzzigo, a buzzard, a puttocty a tyte,a
A-caccia, a hunting, a chafmg, a driving, a
bavety.ng, a fowling.
Ac icia , a fhrub called an Egyptian thorn j
fometatyit for a thorny plant, that bear et h
great timber 3 ufed alfo for a certain juyee
made of apples and other things.
Academia, an Academy, an Vnwcrfily, a
place where Studies a>e profeffed.
A cadenzante, an Academian , an Vniverfity
Ac3dcmico, Academical! 3 alfo a (Indent in
cm Vniverfiij.
• A-cafiffo, adv. abundantly , enough and to
are, Gods plenty.
A-cagióne, by, or upon oc caff on.
- Acagni, Acanzi, Adventu,ers or voluntary
fouldiers, which onely to get themfe/ves ho¬
nour go to the wars upon their own charges,
and commonly ferve on horfe-back , and
which among the Turty are of great ac-
■ A-calca, adv. ctoudingly, tbiongmgly, thick
and threefold.
A-cildi òcchi. Piagnere a-caldi òcchi, to
weep immoderately.
• Acali, a tynde of Canoa in Mexico.
A-calzóppo, adv. hoppingly, styppingly,jump¬
ing on one foot.
- Acallire, lifco,lito, to grow hard as brawn
or a com 5 by met: to harden, or maty a
cuftome of.
A-cambio, adv. mutually, by exchange.
A-c.-.mera locanda, adv. in, or at an hired
A-c.,mpo apèrto, adv. at large, inthe open
field 3 alfo m open view of all.
A-campo métterli, vale Accamparli, ovéro
Andare a campo, totale the field, to pitch
à tent.
Acaninofcriidl, dogged, cmnfih j alfio a little
cawer or cafling-bottle. ' ,
Aca'n'o, Sea-holy, o ' (is fame fay Licorice.
Acancay'ola, an indrument that Chirurgions
nfc to pull out bones with.
Acancc, herb Grounfwett , dlfio'a dumb grafi-
' lìop\>er V alfio a làmia or S'ufeirt-bird.
* Aednthio, a fende of fifih full of fharp
Acanthiccne,,*fc thi(lh-‘ma(lifec.
Aednthio, the Erafell-trce, or wood.
Acdncica, a fende of gumme. -
Acantida, as Acante.
Acanto', Be ars- fool, Bcais-ùrcèch, Brailli -
Wifill. ' '
A-canto, adv. clofie unto, fide to fide.
Acanzi: Acagni.
* ATcajiéllo, zdv.precifcly,to ayèry hair.
A cannóne, a fende of honey gathered with -
out firn olfi.
A-c.ipo, adv. at the head, end or conclnfion 3
alfa again, or anew.
* A-cApo all’ in giù, ad v.with the head down¬
ward, topfie-1 hi vie.
* A-cApo all’in fu, adv. A-capo érto, A-
c.ipo ritto, adv. with the head upright by
met: looking aloft, or with an undaunted
or upright countenance.
A-c. po baffo, A-edpo chino, adv. with the
head bending >, by met: (looping, reve¬
* A-cApo piedi, adv. up fide down, topfic-
* A-capo ugnaimo, adv. at the beginning
of every year.
A-capriecto, adv. humoroufly, toyifhly.
A caremónde, the root of OflMrJmc.
Acariondgrio, herb Ofijimirfine.
* A-cdrric niida, adv .nafedfejarcly.
Acarno, a fca-fifh with a great bead, and
ficaia fhining like gold.
A-caro , clear, acciptable 3 alfio a fe v ^ c °f
grub, mite, or worm.
Acaro, A catóne, Gow or wilde Myrtle,whofic
branches are indivifiblc.
A-carta a-carta , adv. leaf by leaf r card by
* A-cAvee (copèrte, adv. in view, publicity,
as one not afbamed to fihew his game.
A-c.ifa, adv. at home, home.
A-cafAccio, adv. by ill chance, by frange
A-cafo, adv. by chance, by hap.
AcAta, Ac.ue, an Agath- (lone.
A-catafafsio, adv. in huddling manner.
AcAtia, AcaZ.a, as Acacia.
; A-cat- ivo partito , ady. in bad plight or
A-cavalcione, ad v.Jiradlingly.
A-cavalicre , adv. lepre à cavai litre, A
hare found fitting : Look Cavaliere.
A-cavallo, adv. on hórfii-back , mounted
A-cavallo a cavallo, adv. in pofle haftc, a
/hatch and away ; alfio a certain point of
war or march, that 7r limpet ter s found in
giving a fiuddin alarum.
' A-caufa, A-caufa che, adv. bccaufic that.
A-cautèla, adv. with caution, warily.
'Acca, the letter or afpiration H.
Accademia, as Academia, &c.
Accadere , to happen, to befall, to come to
?#• ,
Accadévole, that might befall or happen.
Accadimento, an accident, or chance.
Accaduto, hapned, befallen.
Accattare , as Accettare , Arraffare, to
fnatcb , to take away by force, to wrefil
Accagionare, as Occafionare, as Scagio¬
nare, to accufe.
Accagliare, to curdle as milk.
Accagliò lb, cicrdy , fiuUofi curds.
Accalappiare, as Chiappiate, to enfiare.
Accaldre, as Calare, to defend, or come
Accaldare J as Scaldare , to heat , to
Accalmare*, as Calmare, to calm, to
Accalorimi Are, as Calomnidre , to accnfic
fi fly and malicioirfly.
Accambiare, as Cambiare', to exchange.
* Accaminare, as Incimindre, tojetinthe
~w ay.
Accampanare, to fifhion Hk c a bell.
Accampanato, fiijhiuncd life a be U.
Accampare, to encamp, to beleaguer, to pitch
a camp or field j alfio to place a Coat upon
a fie d or Scutcheon.
Accanaldre, to ch'ai, mcK, to tnch.mncU, to
gutter, to chamfic.
A'ccanalattira, a channelling, a guttering, a
Accanare, Accaneggiare, Accanire, nifeo,
niro, to make or become dogged or curri fh j
alfio to enrage as a mad dug j alfio to bait
with dugs or Jet dogs upon one by met: to
become cier(l or chUrlifih,
A ccaneggiaco, madded, enraged with ali¬
Accanelldre, to cyruintond.
Accanito, endogged, mu<> 'y , enraged as a
mad dng , become cu-rifih.
Accanare, Accaneggiare, to cane, to encane,
to grow lo a cane or reed 3 by met : to p ick
with a cane, a reed or a goad , aljo to glut
or (ill up to the throat.
Accanto, a linnet or Sis fen-bird , or (as
fonie fay) a Gold-finch.
I Accan'onare, as Cantondre.
Accantonato, as Cantonato.
! Accantonare, as Cantonière.
Accappacciato, entangled in bufine fi, bufied
in mindc and body.
* Accapare, to, afe hold of, or ficifie upon.
Accapere, to cull or to cboofie .
Accaptffrare, Accapezzate, as Capeftrare,
to tic with a halter, to cnfnarc.
Accapigliare , as Accappigliare, to pluck
one another by the hair.
* Accapitolare, to reduce or divide into heads
or chapters ', alfio lo capitulate j ■ alfa to
meet together and confiult in the Chapter-
houfic of finn c CathedraU Church 3 al jo to
few the batk of a book iVlt ^ certain pieces
of leather to ninfe it hold ftrbng.
Accaponare, to mafe a capon 3 by met; to
- Accappare, to atchicvc or bring to pafis al-
alfio to muffile with a cap or cloak > a ìf ° 10
cap or cloak : Look Cappa : aljo to catch,
to [natch, to Jcific upon, or to tafebold
Accapparizzonare,?0 caparifion a horfie.
Accappiare, to tic with a (tiding fenot 5 by
met: to intricate, to intangle.
Accappiatura, a [tiding or miming feiot 5 by
met: anenfinaring or entrarne ding.
Accappigliamento, Accapigliatiira, adrefi-
fing Or entreffing of a womans hair of her
head 5 alfio all a womans hair bound up to¬
gether in one lace or riband 5 by met: a
tugging , a toufeng, o> pulling by the hair of
tki head.
Accappigliare, to drefific or binde up a womans
hair of her head, to cbcvcll 3 alfo to tug, to
10uetc, or take hold of the hair j by met: to
fall together by the ears or hair.
Accappucciare, to grow round or headed life
a Cabbage 3 alfe to hood.
Accappucciato pound or hard life a Cabbage j
aljo hooded?
Accappucciata lamica, a Cabbage Lettuce.
Accappricciare vale propriaménte quél
difpiacére, che genera lo ftrépito di due
piètre ftroppicciate inficine,o quélio ftrj-
dere di coltèllo, che in tagliare ò vallare
t’accapriccia tutto.
Accapricciarlì, to become capricious, intake
afiudden toy , mood or humour in ones head’,
alfio to look ftaringly or affrighted till ones
hair (land on end through {ear.
Accarezzaménto, any cbirifhing, loving cn-
tcrtainm.nt, or mafeng much of.
Accarezzare, to che, :fh, to filandifh, to mafe
much of to entertain lovingly both in aft ion
* Accarezzev'ole, eh eri fifing, full of fende
and friendly entertainment.
Accarierare, to teach a horfc to career.
* Accarnare, Accarnne, nifeo, nito, to in¬
carnate, toàìftefh , to glow flefhy, by met;
to enter a dog, lofhfh a dog , to train up in
blood i alfio to fict on, to egg ■ r biffe on', alfio
to tafe Jq(l hold on the fiefih with any
Accarno, as Acarno.
Accantonare, to fiowfie, to marie, or drrjfie
fifij with vinegar, fpice , and fiweet herbs
Jor 10 be eaten cold, for to mafe it eat crifp,
as they do Carps in Italy.
Accartocciare, as Incartocciare, to put into
a Cartòccio.
4 Accafamentaro, a brofer or a dealer in
' Accaiaménto, a houfing, a marriage, a
jcyning of houfc to houfe.
Accafare, to build or (lore with houfes, to
joyn houfic to houfe 3 alfio to houfic or lodge 3
h met: to marry, to ally houfic to houfe.
Accafato, hnufed, ftored with hoifes 5 alfo
married into fiome houfe.
Accalcare, at Accadére, to befall.
* Accafciaménco, a/quafiring: Look Ac¬
Acc.ffciare, Accaftidr e,tofquàfh,to fiqueer^e,
to dafib or bruifie together 5 aljo to mike or
become flat as a cake -, al'o to fiqtiat in fal¬
ling i alfio to grow c, ;%cd, weak or faint m
any part of the boxy th. ough age or fii few fi,,
at fio to cheefic or become chccfic, of Ca¬
lcio .
Acta.ca-brighe, as Carta-brighe, a bufiebo¬
dy, a maker of trouble.
Accatca-lingua, apurebaffir of audience j al¬
fio a fcout,a fenditeli, or one that in time of
•war is fent out to learn fiome news.
Accasaménto, Accattatila, Accarteria, Ac¬
catto, any purebafe,getting or fihifiting fio >5
alfio an obtaining or a borrowing, namely a
legger ly bori owing', the Spaniards ufie it for
* Accatta-pane, a getter of, a Jhifiter for
Accattare ito get, to acquire, or (hifit for by
hook °e crook, by begging and borrowing, to
get ones victuals by begging f rom door to
door i alfio to finde', alfio to obtain by en¬
Accattare inpréftito, to get by borrowing, to
Accattarrarej/o become rheumatic fe
Accattatolo, Accaparrato, as Catarrófo,
Accattaftdre, as Cataftarc, to pile , to heap
Accattatóre , a getter, a Jhifiter, a bor¬
Accdtta-tózzi, a legger of ficraps , a Jhifiter
for pieces of meat.
Accatto, Accatti, as Accasaménto, a get¬
ting, borrowing, or (hifiling for-
Acc3ttitia, a fende offurminty-gn/ts, err poor
mans pottage, given to legger s.
Accactivdre, to captivate, to enthrall.
Accavalciare, tonde ftradlingas boyes do on
their hobby-horfies.
Accavallare, to horfie , to fit, to mount, or t afe
. horfie'.
borfc j by met: to mount or brack Otd-\ Accefsibile, acccffible, approve b.ible.
nance. 1 Acce {Tunc, an addition, an acctffim, an aug-
Aceavallato,fc0r/cd, mounted on borfc-bac^ > mentation j alfo acctffe or coming unto.
aljo bracked. 1 Accefsivo, acctffive, approachable.
Accavigliare, AccavicchLre , at Cavie- - Aecéflb, an acceffe or approach unto-, alfo
chiare, to pig o< pin n. on increafe or augmentation ; by met: a fit,
Accavicchiacòre, as Cavicchiatóre, a pinner a qualm, or an atceJJ'e of an Ague or any
or pegger. other fillfftefsy alfo an eleffion of Popes fo
Accccag s ine, Accecaménto, Acceca, iòne, called, tb..t is, when in the Conclave a man
Accecala, a blinding, a d>pnvwg of : vebofc name was not witten, noi given up,
fight ; alfo by met: fraud, dee it. is fuddenly found to have the two thuds of
• Accecare, to blinde or deprive of. unwritten v aces : Look Adoratone.
Accecatnce piffìóne, a raging pa fi on. Acceffòre, acccjjoiy, or confi nting unto.
Accedere , cèdo, cedei, ceduto, c^ffo, to Accefforiamcnte, adv. acccfforily, by bis own
approach or bave acaffe unto} alfo lo af- feeking.
fenr unto. Accedono, accejjoiy, conferring, accidentali,
Aca-ffare, as Ct ffare, alfo to buffe or bcake making ore by chance,
as a hng,nr bcafts ufe lo do j alfotofnatcb »Accetta,.; Tw>billo> Axc.
with ibi teeth ■ Accettàbile, Accettévole, acceptable .
Acceff j, a taking by thcfnout 5 alfo a buffing Accettabolo, the pan or bollowntfj'e wherein
of beak to b buckle- bone tumeth j aljo a juglers box
Ac. égia, a wood-cock i f ome ta k e lt f oy a 07 P ouc h', alfo a kind: of muficall influì-
Moo- neri. meat j alfo a certain dry mtafure.
A (.cele anzi, Acceleracióne, celerity, balìe , Accecante, accepting,receiving.
truck freed. - Accettànza, Acceccagióne,Accettaménto,
Accelera c,to haflen , to m.'k freed. Accettatone , Accettevolczza , Accet-
• Accelerai re, a ha finer ,, a Jpucaer. itone, ary acceptation or receiving, accepta
Accend i e, cifro, cito, to near or reduce to b (neffc,atakjngin good part of arty thing
ags or tatters. { hat is off. red rgivin.
- Alenare una dònna, to ibi urna wcncb Accettare, to acc.pt , to receive , or take a
hift'.iy. thing being offered or given j alfo to ap-
• AccenJénte, enkindling. prove of.
Accendere, cendo, celi, réfo , to enkindle, - Accertare l’invito, to accept any invita¬
to enfiarne, to light or fetm fir . ; by met: tion 5 by met: to fee the vie at any play,
tr p omke or gfuti ; in Florence it is ufed namey a Primero.
for in curfi, to bonne, to forcar or chafe out- Acct ttatore, by met: by Accbetevole, that may be quilted, (li Hod, or
fonie fign or woid to glance at anything bvfijr.
a forte of) by (pcech or affion. Acchiappare, to catch or fife on by the hips,
Accensibile, as Acccndevoie, that may be hand),or buttock ’> by met: to catch fud-
ei.k ndled or Jet on fire. daily or overtake in twining j the wo id is
Accenle, Accéfe, be did cntyndlc. taken from Chiappe.
Accenfuine, a felting on fi.e. * Acchiédere, as Chièdere, to require.
Accénfo, enkmdled,inflamed, lightedor fet Acchiniggine, Acchinatióne, as Inchina¬
li fire j alfo fucb a one as is appointed in tone, a bowing , or jhoping , or bending
the place of a dead man, an affici, an ad- unto.
m mi fir at err. Accbinare, as Inchinare, to bow, to make
Accentare, Accentuare , to accent, to give (loop, to depreffe, affo to yield unto.
due found to any letter or wa d. Acchinéa, a haclpney-nag.
Accento, theraifingor fallmgof the voice in * Acchincvole, as Inchinévole, inclinable,
pronunciation, an accent over any letter to bent or given unto.
giz e it us due and eight found. ' * Accbmo, inclinedunto alfo bending down -
Accerchiare, Acccrchiellàre, to hoop, ton- ward j alfobrougbt low.
dele, to compafs about. Acchiocciato ,become lufiy and Pruning, as
Accerchicvolc ,tbat may be hooped j alfo com- a reck ’mg hen about her chickens.
paffable. ’ Acchiudere, as Chiùdere, to fhut j alfo to
Accérrimo, crutUL, fell, moody. conclude, or rcfolve upon a bujmfje.
Accertamento, Accertànza, Accertatone, • AcchwCióae, a {hutting or locking
an afjurance, a h' anant, a Certificate. Acciaia axe, an adds , a hatchet, a chip-axc,
Accertare, to afccriain, to affuic, to warrant, a clw[pi-g fafe, alfo a pu!e-axe , or a
to fecure. ba:tlc-axe i alfo any binde of yarn o< (pin -
Acce: cèllo, as Acertéllo, a kmde of Hank, nhg to be woven.
a savenous b'hd. ' Acciabattare, as Ciabattare, far che che aia
Accerto, adv. certainly, verity. alla gròfl'a, e lenza diligenzia, to do a
Accervire, vitto, vico, to heap or huddle up thing botchixgly or bunglmg'y.
together. * Acciabactatòre, as Ciabattare , a Coblcr,
Accc'vo, any b ap or round mafie. or mender of old fhoes.
• Accefaménte, adv.u. den-lj, buminglj. Acciaccare , to jpoil, tobavock, todeflroy, to
Acceio, enkindled, ftt on fi>e. fquafh, toJ<]utc\e or br nife, to {lamp or punne
■ Accellare, loceaftfom doing, tonfi. ma morScr ', alfo to offer fome affiont or
fudden injury upon odds and advantage i
alfo to raife fome falfe (lander or accuja -
tion agsinfi one with purpofe to fhar/.e or
bui t him ; alfo to betome boggifi erfwhujb:
Look Ciacco.
Acciacco, bavock, froil, fquafbwg, [lamp¬
ing, punning j alfo an affiont, an injury,
or outrage offered upon odds or advantage ;
aljo a falfe report or accufaiion r ai fed of
fome body, with intention to hurt or fiwne
Acciuffare, as Acciuffare, to take hold on
wiih the murale or teeth.
Acciàio, Accialc, Acciaro, ficel or refined
Acd&hre, to fleet.
■ ACcialino, Accivòlo, Accialolino, a fieel
to flrikc fine wi-ball', alfo a lung round
piece of fled in a weo.,dcn handle , that
butcher swear at thiir gr die to whet their
knives j aljo the fwiv d of a chain.
Acciapinàre, to miche, to crinch, to fiteak m
fome comer, and with pouting lips to {hew
angt r oi difeententment j and as an Ape
being beaten to gnm with his teeth.
Acciare, to skean up yarn, alfo to hatch or
chop with an axe.
Acciarpa adv. botcheilyffoutcrly.
-Accia piménto, any bote- ing or colling.
* Acciarpare, vàie comminciàre a fare una
còfa bene, e poi finirla male, to botch , to
Accicati izzàre, as Cicatrizzare, to bring
to a skin, to heal up to a fear .
Accidentale, Accidentàrio, accidentali, ca-
Juall .
Accidentalità, accidentally, cafualty.
Accidentalméntc , adv. accidentally, ca-
Accidente, is properly that, which fometimts
is fnund m the jubjtft,and fometimesnot,
without any coiYuption of the fame, an ac¬
cident, a chance, a cafualty > alfo a fudden
fit of an ague err Od er fickncjs.
Accidia, jZo//;, la^ncffe, litherntffe, tediouf-
ntff of well-doing.
Accidiófo, Accidiaco, 'Accidofweaiy with
weUdomg, full of floth and lithcincffe.
A cciecài c, to dep-ivc of fight, to blinde .
Accecatone, Acciecàggine, Accecamén¬
to, Acciecarùra, a blinding.
Accieftàre, as Acciuffare, io /c^e/w/d by the
Accigliàre, to feel a Pig'ons eyes } by met:
to look flarmgly or fon ningly.
' Accigliato , Jeelcd as a Pigeons eye J by
met: one that for difdam or melancholy
looks ftid aownward.
4 Accigner e,as Accingere, to gird, to make
ready to do fometbing.
AccimarCj as Cimare j alfo to clip or pare j
by met: to trim or prankup ', alfo for one to
gird, to tuck up, or prepare bimfelf earncftly
for any affiori,
Accimatòre, as Cimatóre, a fheercr, clipper
or Jhavcr.
Acciaiatura, as Cimatura, a [hcering of wool¬
len clothes.
Accincignare , to tuck a Z avment ^ }at **
over-long, or to tucknp ones clothes to fave
them fern dirt.
* Accincignato, tucked up, girt up.
Accingere, cingo, cinti, cinto, to gird or
gi die about’, alfo for one to iow\e and
pepare htmjilffor any affion.
'Accino, a grape-Pone, a gram of any berry,
the k c '7uli e f * n y f rult » a fi° a Ciatte or
Sweep to draw up any weight j alfo the
wheel of a well wherein the chain gocth.
Accinófo ,Juli of grains, or feeds, and kernels ,
as grapes or goof themes arc.
Accinto, girt about , tuikt up alfo prepared
for any affion.
Acciò, as Acciocbòj8dv./Zwz,t0 the end that.
•Accio, a certain addition to pofitive Nouns,
much u/cd of Italians to dettai from the
worth, and fet forth the bafenejfe andug-
lineffc of that which it properly fi&iifies 5
ns huòmo, a /«/z«,Huomaccio, a pitifuU,
contemptible fellow'. Cavallo, a horfc,
Cavallaccio, a filthy jade, &c.
Accioccare, to tajfcU, to tuff, of flake %
flow 3 alfo to reduce into tuffs or Locks as
they do woott, flax, or hairs j alfo to put
a band full of wood or flax upon a diflaff j
alfo to catch a/ tug by a luff or lock of hair',
alfo to cackle as a ben : Look Ciòcca 3 by
met: to becomeboarfe with (peaking,
Acciochè, adv. to the end that.
Acciochc-dunquc: Accio-dunque, adv. to
the end therefore,
Acciochc-talhóra, adv. that at any time.
Acciocché viole, alaude of the fairefl and
fwceteft double Violets.
Acciò fra-tanto , adv. that in the mean
* Accidie, a I fonde of Pears.
Acciónej fuch another addition to anypofilFve
Noun, as 'Accio, to make the fame tonx-
preffe an extraordinary bugeneffe, or unmea-
tntajurable, tmhandjomc, or filthy propor¬
tion , Huomaccióne, an wbandfome r lub¬
berly fellow 3 Donnaccióne, Villanciòne,
Polcroncióne, &c.
Accipenféro, a fonde of fijb whofe fcalcs,
contrary to other fifhes, turn towards bis
headland fwimmeth againfl the flream 5
fame take it for the S t urge on, the Stucr, or
the Elops
Accircondarc, as Circondare, toencompajjc
Accirire, rifeo, rito ,?0 dight or drcjjcvp, to
fet in order.
Accinto, flighted or dreffed up.
Accifmàre, to moleft, to vex,to trouble, to af¬
flati 3 alfo to become oblimene, headftrong ,
or wilfull j alfo to Jhare and divide c-
q natty , when the cboofer may take his
Accifmatiòne, tnolcflation, -vexation -, alfo
obflinacy 5 alfo an equall divifion or
Accitare, as Citare, tacite, to fummon, to
warn to appear »
Accitatiòne, as Ci tallóne, a fumtnons or
warning to appear.
Acciratóre, as Citatóre, a Summoncr.
* Attraccare, to dally, to trifle.
» Acciiicche, trifles , toyes, dandlings.
Acciuffare,ro catch or take hold of by the fnout
or mirale ; alfo to catch by the forelocks :
Look Ciuffo.
Acciuga , the little fìfh called Ancbioves, or
the Sprat', alfo a fonde of minfed meat 5
alfo a fonde of fruit.
* Accivilire,.lifco, lito, to civilize, to make or
become civili.
Acciviménto, an achievement, or bringing to
1 paffe 3 alfo a furnifiling or flonng with',
alfo a bartering.
Accivire, vifco, vito, to atchieve or bring to
pa(fc, to get or attain unto 5 alfo to furnifh
or (lore with’, alfo to truck, to barter one
thing for another, or ware for ware.
* Accivito, achieved, brought to paffe affo
trucked or bartered 3 alfo flored with : Look
'Ellere accivito.
» Acclamante, claming, or calling unto.
Acclamare, to call aloud unto, to cry out, to
Acclama; iòne, acclamation , a loud calling
Ac cl in ante, inclining unto.
Acclinare,ro cnchne or bend unto.
A cclinatióne,' iitclination unto.
A celino, enchncd orient unto.
Acclinare, to bend, or pitch downward as an
Acclività, a bending downward , as of an
Aedi vo, down, bending, ftccpy down as an
high hill.
Accabahlta, as Bai iff a, a (ling.
Accoccare, to fliefo to cleave or faflen unto 3
alfo to nock, to fet an arrow in the nock •
Look Còcca j by met: to put a jeft, or
fatten a trick upon one, as we fay, to ma\e
one fwallow a gudgeon.
* Accoccarla a qualcuno, vale beffarli di chi
penfò beffar re, o fare arroflire chi penlò
ingannar te.
Accoccatila, a (licfoing or cleaving unto, a
noefong by mena trick or jefl put upon
Accoccolàre, to covare, to fquat down clofe
to the ground.
Accodardire, difeo, dito, to mafo a coward,
to cowardly.
Accodare, to tayle, to faflen a tayle unto.
Accodunanzajrtn Aficmbly, a Congregation.
Accodunare, to aflcmblc one by one.
«Accogliènza, Accogliménto, a de men¬
tir at ion of loving fondncjje and hearty af¬
fection, a friendly embracing or entertain¬
ment of a friend or ftranger, either in
words or aClion alfo a confluence or ga¬
thering together.
Accògliere, còlgo, còlG, còlto, to gather or
cotteCl 3 by met: to receive or entertain a
(franger or friend with demonflrations of
true love and friendly welcome 3 alfo to
come near, or approach unto.
* Accogliticcio, already gathered, or that may
be gathered together m hafle and without
* Accogliere, a gatherer together.
* Accoiàre, to become sfom, leather or hide,
to wear with Leather', by met: to be¬
come hard and untraClable as wet lea¬
ther, which fiirvnfoth in, and ferve th tono
'Accola, a Sea fwaUow, a Sea-bat.
Accoiàre, teglew unto or together.
Accola; iccio,glewifh, clammy.
Accolcgàre, to colleague or combine , and bind
Accoliciccia gente, people gathered together
pell-mell, or confujcdly.
Accoliticciare, to gather together pell-mell,
or tumultuoufly.
Accòlito, as Acòlito.
Accotonare , to put a chaiint about ones
Accollare, to hugg,to coll, to embrace or bang
about ones neefo
Accollata, Accollatura, a hugging or colling
about ones neefo
Accolpàre, as Incolpare, to blame, to ac-
Accolpato, as Incolpato, blamed, ac-
Accòlta, as Raccòlta, a gathering or af-
femblingtngethcr, a collection.
Accoltellare, to fence, to fight, to hack or fet
upon with any cuttingweapon.
Accoltellata, a fight, a wound, or hurt with
any cutting weapon.
Accoltellatóre , a fighter, a toffe-blade, a
fwafli-bucfoer,a roijier, d fencer, orfword-
Accòlto, as Raccòlto, gathered together.
Accomanda, Accomamiagióne, Accoman-
datióne , Accomandici, Accomàndita,
a recommending or bequeathing unto 5 alfo
as confégna depòfuo, & dare in Acco¬
màndita , te mine mercantile, vale dare
ad alcun monéta, perche è la traffichi non
obligàndoiia maggior Còmma. Anche fi
dice, avére, & pigliare in accomàndita.
Alfo protection.
Accomandato, committed to the trufl of.
Accomandare,Raccomandare, to recom¬
mend, or commit to the trufl of any mxn 3
alfo to tyc, binde , or mafo fafl unto.
Accombiatare, Accomiatare, to difmiffe, or
give leave to depart 3 alfo to ask leave to
Accomicare, to accompany, or affidate as a
part a for.
Accominezzire, to unite or conjoyu together
in, or by the middle.
Accomodàbile, Accomodévole , ac com mo-
dablc, that may be accommodated.
Accomodamento, Accomodatone, any ac¬
commodating, or felling of a bufmeffe 5 alfo
a lending umo.
A ccomodare, to accommodate, to beflow up¬
on, to place or difpofc 3 alfo to lend unto.
Accomodo , adv. commodioufly, cafe fully,
conveniently, aptly, fill).
* Accompjgna-nomc, ufed for a Pronoun.
Accompagnare , to accompany, to officiate,
to yofo together.
Accompagnatóre , he that doth accom¬
Accompagnatura, Accompagnaménto, ar.
officiating, an accompanying.
- Accomparàre, to compare together.
■ Accompiaccre,fo give plcafure or fatisfaCiion
unto, to plcafure.
Accompirc, pifeo, pito, to accomplifb, fini (h,
fulfill, perform.
’Accomunànza , a mafomg or becoming com¬
mon with or unto.
Accomunare, to mafo or become common
with or unto.
» Accomunévole , that may be made com¬
* Acconcézza, handfomnefle, comelineffe, ac¬
qui fite dr effing, grace full dight ing.
* Acconciàbile, Acconcévole, that may be
amended , repaired or dreffed.
’ Acconciaménte , adv. handfomely, aptly,
fitly, in good order.
Acconciaménco, Acconciatila, any mend¬
ing, dreffmpr or repairing.
’Acconciatura di cefta , a womans head-
attire or dr effing.
Accóncia-pélle, a Tanner, a Currier, a Lea¬
Acconciare, to d/effe, to menci, to repair, to
re firm, or bring into good order, to mafo
handfome 3 alfo to give in marriage 3 alfo
to place in the fervicc of one.
» Acconciarli , for a man to fettle, to pre- 1
pare, to dr effe, orto reconcile himfetf.
* Acconciarli dell’ ànima, for a man to fet¬
tle his confcience, and prepare his foul for '
Accóncia- ftdgni, a mender of Pewter 5 alfo
a Tin for.
Acconciatóre, a mender, a duffer.
Acconciacrice, a woman-drefjer.
- Acconcimàre, as Concimare , to dreffe ,
prepare, or mafo handfome.
* Acconcime, as Concime 3 by met: any re¬
pairing or dr effing.
* Accóncio, fub. Profit, commodity, gain,
Accóncio, adjeff. as Cóncio, mended,dreft,
put in good order.
’ Acconciflimo, the fuper: of Cóncio, mofl
* Accondirionàre, to condition.
Accóne, d fifh, in Latine Agonus.
- Acconfacevole, well befitting or fui ting.
* Acconfacevolézza , Acconfaciménco, as
Confacevolézza, an aptneffe or fuitablc-
* Acconfàre, ^Confàre, to mafo or do a
thing together 5 alfo to become well.
Acconfcnciénte, confentingunto.
Acconfentiménto, a confcnt, an affent.
Acconfcntke, tifeo, tito, to affent unto.
t Accecaménto, Accontànzi acquaintance 3
alfo an accompt or reckoning.
Acconcire, to acquaint, Of meet with ’, alfo
to accompi t or put in the number.
Accontato, acquainted 5 alfo accompted.
Accontentare, to give content unto.
Accontevole, acquaint able ', alfo accomft
Acconto, an intimate familiar friend or ac¬
quaintance $ alfo as A - buon cónto.
Acconvemrc, as Convenire, to ajjcmblc or
come together, to meet -with.
Accoppare, as Coppare, to 4 ill , or fytotk on
the head.
Accoppiare, Accopulàie, as Copulare, to
couple , toyofy together.
Accoppiamento, Accoppiatura, a Coupling
with , unto, or together.
• Accoraggiàre, to encourage, to hearten-
Accorare, Accuorare, to grieve or vex at
the very heart i alfo fometimes to hearten,
to encourage, to put metal into one.
■ Accorataggine, Accoratezza, grief ^vexa¬
tion, or forrow of the heart, hearty paf-
fion i alfo blubbering , throbbing, panting,
or fobbing, drawn from the heart.
•Accorato, touch'd, grieved , vexed or af-
fliiled at the heart.
Accorciaménto, Accorciatura, a fhortning,
a curtailing, an abridgement.
Accorciare, to fhoiun, to diminifij.
Accorcitvole, that may be (hortned.
• Accordabile, accordarle, agreeable.
Accordaménto, Accordami, an accord,an
agreement, an atonement, a tuning.
Accordante, according, agreeing.
Accordare, to accord, to agree, to atone ', alfo
to tune an Inftrument .
» Accordare co’l fornirò, to agree with the
balder ; by met . - to have no need of bread,
to be well to live j alfo to leave the world,
to die, and have no longer need.
•Accordataménce, adv. agreeingly, anoni¬
mo u fly.
- Accordatóre, anaccorder, one that accord-
etb > alfo a tuner.
Accordellatino, a fynde of corded err firiped
(luff worn in doublets.
Accordò vole, accordablc , tunable.
Accòrdo, any accord nr agreement.
Accorgere, córgo,córli, córto, to perceive err
be aw arc of
Accorgimento, warineffe, fore fight, circum-
(peftton, vigilancy.
• Accori, Acqua di accori 0 finocchi.
A ceornarc, fa horn.
Accórre, as Accògliere, to gather toge¬
Accórrere, to run, err have ret ourfe unto.
Accórri, helps, afjiftanccs.
Accorri huómo, Hue and cry for help.
Accorciare, to rowl up one within ano¬
Accortaméme, adv. warily,hceddy,circum-
Accortamene, a fhortning, a cutting flmt,
an abridgement.
Accortare, toJhorten, to cut [hart.
Accortézza, as Accorgiménto, warineffe ,
» Accortinaggi, as Cortinaggio, the Curtains
of a bed.
i»Accortinare, as Collinare, to hang Cur¬
tains upon.
Accòrto, aware of, or perceived j alfowa-
ry, forefecing , circumffccl, heedy, well ad-
vifed, wily.
Accomodare , as Corrucciire, to an-
Accorruccioio, Accorruccicvole, as Cor-
rucciofo, Wixtbfull, fubjeft to anger.
Accofciare , Accollare , to thigh, to joyn
thigh to thigh, to fit cowring down,or with
legs ac coffe, as Tailors, women or Turl^s do
when they eat : Lool[ Còlerà.
Aecoftubilc, Accoftevole, accofiable, ap-
approachable j by met: familiar, converfa- 1 Accumulaménto, Accumulanza, Accumu¬
la. latióne , an heaping together.
Accortamene, Accodata, Accollatura, an Accumulatóre, anheaper, anboordcr up.
accofling, an approaching, a joyrungorco- Accuoiare, as Accoiare, to become sfyn or
tning near unto, .is it were rib to rib, or fide leather, to cover • with leather,
to fide : Loolf Córta. Accuorare, as Accorare, to grieve, to zex at
Accollante, accofting, approachable, fami- the heart,
miliar , eafieto have acciffc unto, or to be Accupare, as Occupare, to occupy, to ufi,w
acquainted with i alfo wine that is brìi ^ P°II c ffi, tobufie,to imploy.
and well rtHflnng, thafiwill allure men to Accupatióne, as Occupatene, bufine ffr, im-
drinlt it. ploy mem, an occupation.
Accoft;ire, to accoft, to approach unto, to fide , Accusatóre, as Occupatóre, an occupier, a
to come near, to aboordor coafl along by, as poffeffor, an ufurper.
it ppereribtorib : of Córta. Accurare, to care for with diligent curio-
Accoftiare : Loel^ Accofciare. fity.
Accoft iataménce, adv. cowringly, in cover » Accurataménte, adv. cufmfly, exaflly, di-
ing manner , lying or fitting on the ligently.
ground. Accuratezza, exaft emofily , curious dili-
Accófto , adv. near , (loft by , fide to geme.
fide. > Accurato, curieufly exaCl, warily precife,
Accoftolato d’una galera, as Cdflcro d’una mofl diligent.
g a 'cra. Accurbare, Accurvare, to curb, to bend, to
Accoftumanzs, Accoftumatézzs, as Co- mafy croofyd, tocroofy
ftumatézzaj alfo as Coftume , zft or Accertare , toflmten, to abridge.
Cufìome. Aocùfa, Acculatone, Accuiaménto, an ac-
Accoftumare, to accuflome, to enure J alfo to cufation, an appeacbmg, an information
nurture or bring up in good manners. made againft-
Accoftumatamente, adv. cuftomarily , ufu- Acculatole, Accufévole, accufab’.e.
ally', alfo mannerly, civilly. Accufarc, toaccufe, to appcach, to complain
Accoltumaro, accuflomed , wont, ufed', of, inform againfi, chagc with a crime,
alfo well nurtured, full of good man- Acculati vo , the Accufativc Cafe , actu¬
ners. fitlg.
Accortumévole, accuftomablc i Acculato ,accuftd, complained of alfoaguil-
Accotonare, to cotten,to fet a nap upon. ty per Jon.
• Accotonato, cottoned, napped , thrum - Accuiatóre, an accufer, plaintiff, Informer,
mcd. fault-finder. 1
Accovacciolare, to go into a Cave or Den. - Accufaerio, that accufeth or coniainetb ac-
Accovare, at Covare, to brood, fit on, or cufation.
covare over as a Hm over her eggs and chic - • Accufatrice, a worn on-accufer.
kens. A cedane mele, a fynde of untiious honey.
Accoverare, as Ricuperare, to recover. Acenfare, to let for rent, or in fee-farm to
Accozzaménto, Accozzatila, an enter- farm.
fhocfyng,or fronting or butting together, a Acenfo, in fee-farm,
fitting together. A-centinaia, A-cénto, by hundreds.
Accozzare, to fhoefy to butt, to font as Acephali, certain Hereticfyfo callcd,bccaufe
rams do ', alfo to joyn or fit together. they were without Author, head or brain,
Accreditanza, as Credito, credit, trufi. for fo much as they aferibed unto Chnft but
Accreditare, to become, to mafy, to bring into one oncly operation , and one will.
credit or reputation. Aceràie, fynde of great frails without
Accrcfcénza, an encreafe, an augmentation. harms.
Accréfcere , to inercafe, to accrue, to am - Acerbamente, adv. Jharply , fowrely, eager -
fifa- m Ijialfo unripe, not come to the full growth',
Accrefcévole, increa fable, accruable, that alfo obflinau/y.
may be augmented. Acerbare, Accrbire, Acervirc, to make
Accrefcimento, an mere a fir. g. fowre, to jharpen, to ex affante-
Accreicitivo, that hath the quality to in' ■ Acerbétto , fomewhat tart or fow,e i by
crcafe. met: ptevifh, froward-
Accrcfcitóre, m. Accrefcitrice, f. an in- Acerbézza, Acerbità, fowrtnefic, tartmffe,
creafer, augmenter, an amplifier , an en- fharpaeffe, eagerneffe j alfo cruelty,
larger. Acerbiffimo, moft fowre.
Accrefciuio, tncreafed, accrued, augmented. Acèrbo, Acéruo, fowre, tart, fhaip, eager j
Accrefpare, as Increfpàre, to criff or curl, to by met: green or unripe alfo bitter and
wrinfye, or com raft together. fever e-
Accreftare, as Increftare, to ceefl by met: A-cérco , A-cércbio , in circling manner,
to be proud, haughty, or high-minded. round about.
Aecreftiménto, as Acciefciménto, an in - * 'Acero, the Maple tree or wood.
creafing. _ Acérra , navicella dóve i facerdóti téngono
- Accrivellare , as Crivellare, to fife or l’incénfo.
fiaife. Acèrrimo, moft eager, furly, Jbarp, fierce or
AccxiveWxto, fifted ', alfo full of holes lify a fell.
fieve ', by met: haefy full of holes. Acertéllo, as Ghéppio, a fynde of Hawl^
Accroftare, as Incroltire, to grow or bring err ravenous bird.
to a cruft. A cérco, Accerto, certainly.
Accubiarc, to couple or leajh, as dugs- Accrvire, as Acerbare, to mafy fowre.
Accuirc, ifeo, ito, to (barpen, to mafy Acetino, a fynde of naturati Borax afidi*
fhatp. Pbyficfy
. Acculare, to fit en ones bum $ by met: to Acetabulo, as Acccttàbelo.
bring or be brought to that paffe, that one Acetare, Acetire,tifco, cito, to mafy or be-
can go no further j among hunters, to bring come zineger, to grow fowre.
a wildc Bear to that pinch, that he u forced A cetane, ail manner of winter-fall ads , or
to fet him down upon hu breech, and fo de- any thing tifi fypt in vinegcr-
find himfclf from men and dogs. Acciaro, vineger-mafyr or filler .
• Accumulare, Accumare, to amaffe,toac- Aceto, vintger, aleger.
cumulate, to heap o> hoord up. Acetófa, A cecofclla, fowrell or forili.
AcetoGtà, the quality of v'mger.
Acetólo j full of fowrencjjc , tafting of vi -
neger .
Acbante, as Acànte.
A-clic ? to what ? to what cud ? at what ?
where to ?
A-chc egli è déntro ? In cr out ? faft or
loofe ?
A-chc egli c fuóra ? or in ?
A-chc effetto ? A clic propósto ? A
che line ? to what purpofc ? to what
end ?
A che fare ? what to do ?
A che guifa ? A-chc mòdo ? how ? in what
manner ?
Achemcne j Acheménide, Achemenidóne,
an herb of the, colour of Amber, which (as
fome write ) being cafl into an Army or
Camp, will mal^e the Souldieis to be in
fear, and run away as difmaid } and the
powder of whofc.root being mixed with
any liquor, and by day given to male-
f attor s to drinli , it will malie them the
night following to conjcjjc what they
have done, by the f range imaginations
they have of the fear of their Gods.
A-chc damo ? How is it with its ? How
goes the world ? In what (late are
we ?
* Achecare j as Acchetare , to quiet , to
Achéte, a linde of Grafhopper that fings very
f stili.
Achéto, hufht, f ilt, quiet.
A-chi ? to whom ? at whom? whom to?
'Achia, the Mullet ffh-
A-chi amata , aJv. at call, within Call, at
hand, within bearing.
* A-chiapp6ne, adv. as it were crecpingly on
ones buttocks.
< A-chigfa in campanile, adv. a frange way
in jumbling of a wench.
Achillèa, hob Yarrow, AU-heal, Nofc-blecd,
or Milfoilc-
Achillèe, images of nailed men wrefling or
Achinéa, a Haclfficy Nag-
A-chiccdole, adv. as A lumaca, fnail-wifc,
as a pair of fairs.
Achinare, as Acchinare, lo bend or bow
Acbmo j as Acchmo, enc lined , bowed,
Achirade, nóme di hérba , a binde of
A-chi tócca ? on whom lights it? whofc lot
or turn is it ?
A-cbi tocca Tuo danno, at bispcrill be it on
whom it lights.
A-cbiunque, to whom fever.
A-chiunque mòdo, bowfoever.
A-chiulì ócihi, blindfold, hoodwin^.
Aciaccare, AciàccojW* Acciaccate, to (foil,
to defray.
Addio, A dale, as Acciaio, feel.
Acialare, as Acciaiare, to feel.
Accialino, as Acciaivólo, a feel to (tribe
Acciavattdre, as Ciabattale, to botch, patch,
m bungle.
Acicula, a Horn-ffh, a Hoin-batb.
> Acidale-pei e, a binde of Pears .
Aciddlia lampa.
Acidari, a Babylonion hat j as Cidari.
Addire, difeo, dito, as Acetare, to mope or
become fowre.
Acidità, Acidézza, as Acetofità, (Jjarpncffc,
'Acido, as Acetófo, fha-p, fowre.
Acidula, a binde of water, that as wine,
mabes them dumb l ^ at dfvnb of it.
‘ A'cic, the edge or point of any weapon',
ab"o the front of an Army or of a Bat¬
Aciliaca, an Ague proceeding of corruption
of humours.
* A-ciélo apèrto, adv. in the open aire, in the
A-cilófto , Andare a ciloft’o , to go fteep,
fiori, fart, or fyfe.
Acilóne, the maft òr acorn of the H'ulver or
Ilex tree.
Acime, adv. by tops, wrought with tops or
A'cino, as A'ccino, a grape-f one ; alfo an
herb libe B a fill , that nevtr beareth
Acinólo, as Accinófo, full of grains oY Jfccy-
A-cinta, A-cintola, adv. idly, as one holding
his thumbs under his girdle.
Acipenfero, as Accipenléro, a binde of fifh,
fome tabe it for a Sturgeon.
A-circa, adv. about, concerning•
* Acirologia, an improper fpecch or deferì-
ption j as one fhould fay, thefe ears flaw him,
and thefe eyes heard him .
'A co, as 'Ago, a needle.
* A-còda ri tea, adv. with an up or (tiff-(land¬
ing tail i idef -
A-códa di róndine, adv. libe a Swallows
tail } alfo a binde oj enchafing of fones in
Acolaito, a prodigali:, riotous , lecherous,
fwaggeiing companion.
- Acolito, a rcfolutc man , one that will not
be brought from an opinion, heady, he-id-
ftrong, ftu'oborn, (lif-nccbcd ; alfo he that
miniflcrs to the Pricft while ft he fayetb
Majfc ; alfo he that hath the change to Light
and (et up the lamps or candles in a Chirrch,
or that beeps Church-lights.
A-cóla, adv- glcwifhly, wrought or faftened
with glow.
A-cólpo difpada, adv. with theftrobeof a
Sword or Rapier .
A-comco, adv. with a binde of wide fkeves,
as the Senators of Venice life to wear.
A-compagma, in company or confort , as
A-comparare, to compare together.
A-comparatione, in companfon.
A-compallo, adv. levili, made by compaffc,
or by line and meafure.
A-compiaciménto , A-ccmpiacénza , adv.
at will and plea fire .
Adempiménto, adv. fully, at fall, in com¬
pitai manner .
A-compitare, to (peli , or read diflinclly.
A- compito, ad v. JpcUingly , diftinttly, jyllablc
by fyllablc.
A-cóncio, adv. as A-buon cóncio, hand-
A-concorrénzi, adv. in competency .
A-confórto, adv. at the perfwaflnn.
Aconiàrejizi Coniare alfo to bdhty in Ar¬
mo' y.
Acóniij billeliesin Armoiy.
Acònito , wolvts-bane , or Libbards-
A-confciénza ritta , adv. with an up¬
right confciencc 5 by metaph: A-còda
» A contemplatone, adv. at therequefl, or
for fome bodies fube.
< Acóntia, a binde of blasting St arre or fiery
impreflinn in the Aire , that (habe'h or
brandijheth like a Spcarc or Dart with
great fwiftneffe j alfo a binde of ve-y
fwift-glidmg Serpent o[ a greemfh co¬
lour , which the Latines call Jaculum,
for fo much as from off any high tree he
will dart and fling himfelfc upon any
be a ft he feeth to pajjc by him , and be¬
ing on the ground , if he meet with any
refiftance,hc will fiddenly twinebimfclf fo
faft about the body of his adv erf ary, that
he blUeth him.
A-conto, adv. as A-buon cónto in part of
paimcnt. *
A-contradio, A-contrario, A-contrapélo,
adv ro the contrary, againft the hair or
byajje , arfieverfie.
A'copo, A'copa, abrade of ‘flotte ufed Ply-
flcally alfo a binde of herb ; alfo a Me¬
dicine, a Piai ft er or an Ointment to cure
wearmefje or feeblencffe of the body.
A cornaggine, as Accorataggine , grief,
vexation or fmow alfo a fob from the
heart .
» A-córda, adv. by line and meafure .
A còrna, the Thi ft le Mars-blood.
A-cornétto, adv. a binde of inoculating.
Acoro, the frveet Cane , or (as fome fay )
the great Ga/ingale or falfe Calamus.
A-coróna : Loc\ Tagliare arbori.
- A-corpo a-corpo, adv. body to body.
A-córpo di cavallo, bodied 1^ a horfe 5 alfo
within the length of a horfe■
» A-córfa, adv. on the fpitrté or full (peed, :
* Acorr’-huomo, adv. Hue ami cry for
A-coitell.. zzo, adv. Véfte de dònna con
màniche a-cortcllàzzo.
A-cólla , adv. fulling, flanb-wife , near e
Acoltdre, as Accollare, to come near unto.
*A-coltdta, adv. by, or near ones fide.
A-cotrui- tempo, adv. in this mans time.
Acovare, as Covare, to hatch, to brood, to
covare over.
- A-cóvo, adv. hatching alfo fitting in her
form as a Hare doth.
Acqua, any Iftnde of water.
* Acqu’abbóndo, water abounding.
* Acqua ardènte , burning water, A quii-
* Acqua-bollènte , boiling, or fealding wa¬
- Acqua-benedctt3, Holy-water.
■ Acqua-corrènte, running water.
■ Acqua-corsia, running tauter.
Acqua- d’A'ngioli, a binde of flweet water.
Acqua di fiume, river water.
Acqua di latte, clarified whey.
Acqua di màr e, Sca-watcr j alfe Sca-watcr
Acqua di véna, fpring-water.
Acqua-d’odóre , Acqua-odorófa , fweet-
fmeUing water.
Acqua-d’órgio, Acqua-orgiàta, barley-wa-
Acqua-ferrata, Smitbs-watcr, wherein iron
bath been quenched.
» Acqua-irolat3, Refe-water.
Acqua- fòrte. Aqua-fort is, ftrong-tfrtter.
Acqua-maéftra , the Mother of Saltpeter,
Mafler- water.
Acqua-mamle, an Ewer or (pout-pot to give
water with.
* Acqua-marina, Sea-water j alfo a pre¬
cious (lone, called a Berill or Sca-water-
Acqua-mòrta, any dead, (landing or [till wa¬
ter, any (landing pòol by met: a clofc, a
fly or a lurking fellow, as we fay, a ft ill
Aqua-nànfa, fweet-wafking water.
* Acqua-odorófa, oderiferous water.
Acqua-orgiàta, as Acqua-d’órgic.
Acqua-pioggiana,Acqua-piovàna, any rain¬
- Acqua perpetua , Acqua-quéta, Acqua*
ftante,^ Acqua-móna, (landing water.
Acqua-rófa, any binde of Rofe-water.
Acqua-fama, Holy-waer.
* Acqua-ftillàta, Acqua-ftillaticcia, anydi-
ftiUed watcis, namely ftrong- waters .
Acqua vite, water of life, Aqua-viti «
A equa-vi va, running fpring- water.
Acquagliàre, to curdle as milb .
C_ A caua-
Acquagliófo, curdy, full of curds.
Acquàia, as Acquàzza, apiafro / puddle of
Acquàio, Acquato, a common fewer, a gutlc,
or fink to convey water away, any wa-
tenjh place', at Jo a great Cl [tern (or wa¬
le, 3 alfo by met: the South wind, for that
it bringeth rain.
Acquaivoie, water-bubbles,blifters, or wind-
galls full of water 3 namely m fome horfls,
Acquaivoie herbe , all maimer of herbs or
weedsgiowtng by or in the water.
Acquaivólo, ns Acquarvólo.
Acquare, to water.
Acquarella, any little water, brook or rivu¬
let ; alfo any thin walcnfr matter running
from fores.
•Acquarèllo, Acquarvólo, Acquiro, Ac¬
querello, alimac of chink made of wa¬
ter put into the prejfcd grapes , after the
wine is prefjed out 3 alfo an ewer or (pout-
pot to give water withy alfo that which
Painters cull wafh or w at ef colours-
Acquarono, watcrifr, lafting of tlx water !
living in the water, horn under Aquarius.
Acqua io, one of the Twelve Signer in the
Zoil ack, called Aquarius.
Acquarvólo, a water-man, a water-bearer j
alfo as Acquarèllo 5 alfo as Acqua
Acquaftnno, Acquàtile , Acquatico, Ac¬
quaiolo, Acquarvólo, Acquaticcio, Ac¬
quatto, that is bed, that liveth, or
g'Oivclh in the water , that it of the na¬
ture, quality or tafie cf water i alfowa-
verifh, plaflri, fenny, moor.fr , or mcift , or
full of water.
Acquarèllo., a frode of frefr-water ffr 3
alfo as Acquarèllo.
Acquatico,/?* Acquafhmo.
Acquattane, 4 watering, an inundation of
Acquato, Watered, as Acquarèllo.
Acquattate, Quatcàre, to fquat err cowre
• Acquattato, fquatted down.
Acquazzare, to rain or fhowrc down with
vioUnce, and therewithall to overflow the
fields , and caufc land- floods, (loughs or
- Acquazzo , Acquazzóne, Acquàrio, a
land-flood, a deep plafh, fl mgh or puddle
of water 3 alfo a great ram or violent
flinwrc caufing fome inundation > alfo a
fmk where waters are cad.
Acqu3Zzóìo, pl.ifby, wattrifr.
'Acque d’ un cavallo , wind-galls in a
Acquedótto, Acquidóccio, Acquidótto, a
water-conduit or pipe.
A'cqueo, watery, watcrifr, water-bred , of
the nature, quality or tafie oj watery alfo
Acquério : Look Acquazzo.
Acquerèllo, a drink made of grapes after they
a e prefed. a fatali or thin wine.
Acquetare, Acquietare, Acquiéfcerc, èieo,
ct'céi, efciuto, Acromànte.
Acromàtici, libri d’Aiiflóciie.
• Acroinancia, lpécic di Divinatióne.
-Acromco, Acronido , Acronicamémo,
voce Agronòmica,ciò c diremo principio
della nòtte.
A cròmi 0, a pa t of the (haul dee- blade m a
man, bunching out , which rcceivnh the
milfrmes into it.
• Acronifmo.
Acróre , as Acrezza.
• Acróitichi, con che gli Antichi dicévano
lunghe fenténze.
• AcrotétOjformàto fu l’impófie, ed Acro-
téri de frontifpicii.
Acròme, as Agi urne, &c.
- A die, afrindeof black cherries.
Aculia, as Agi glia, &c. an Obelufr
A-cuijto whom, whom to.
Acuino, a Horn-ftfr, a Horn-back.
Acuire, ìfco, ito, te make (harp pointed.
Acuità, as Acutezza, frarpnejje.
Aculeàre, to prick ft iT1 g-
Aculeo, a (ling, a pack.
» A*cuIo-*fcopéiro, A-cu!o-a!zàto,adv. bare-
ars'd , bj m c.: franteli(ly, with open tail.
Acume, frarpnejje 0} witor fight .
Acuminare, to make or become (harp-point id',
alfo to whet cr fra)pen ones wit 5 aljo to
fet in full view of all.
A-cuore, adv. to heart, by iole, by heart.
Acuraco, as Accurato, accurate, ve>y ex¬
Acutamente, adv. acutely, frarply, wit¬
A cut’- angele, a frarp angle or corner.
Acutare, to make frarp pointed.
Acutezza, acute, frarpnrfje, vivacity of
fight, fubtilty of wit, ms afro taken for
vi oh nee.
Acuto, acute, frarp pointed, by met: mge-
motts, witty, politick , fibule 3 it is al ft
taken fo, a malignant and violent dif¬
Ad, 4 P repofuionof the Dative Cafe , unto,
or tu', aljo before any Infinitive Mood b,-
girming with a vowed, to, for , for-, to as
Adamare, to love, for to love.
- Ad-acconcio, adv. handfomly, flatly, con-
venienity, opportunely.
Adacquatile, that maybe watered.
Adacquamento, the watering of grounds.
Adacquare, to water grounds or gardens,
metaphorically it is a/Jigned to tears.
Adacquato, watered, having plenty of
Adaduncphófio, a precious ft one that hath ;
its name of the Kjdmys.
Adagiare , to eafe , to flttle at cafe, to
accommodate or (it with ncceffaries, afro
from et ime s to loiter.
Adagiaumcnte , adv. eafily 5 as Ada-
Adagio , adv. at cafe , hifurely, fair and
gb, or a witty
Saying \ alfo a cunvcnitncy of any thing,
- Ad alcun conto, adv. by any means, afro
by no meant.
Adamante , an Adamant-ftom J ufld afro
for a Diamond.
Adamintida, an Ierb in Armenia, that
nafrs Lions, ifu be Uni near ibim, to
lofi then ftrtngtb, and fall to the ground
will? their jaivs wide «pin.
Adamantino, adamant,ne, diamanline J by
met: ft cm, hard-hearted, inexorable.
Ad-ambc mani, adv. with both hands', by
met: m ve, ygood carucft.
Adami, a flnde if Ducks or irigeons.
A-danàri lecchi, adv. with ready chitfr
with ready money.
Adana, as Adena, as Adéllo.
A-danda, adv. a frmdeof dividing in Aiitlt-
Adàre , to be aware of or circumfrecl, to
fo free, to forccaft.
Adàrca, a certain beaftthat liveth in wa¬
re, fr places i alfe a kmdc rf Cane or Reed
called Calemàchne.
Ad-arma-còllo , with armed neck ; afro in
bawdifre manner , 04 nun wear belts or
sk-i frs over their frouldcrs and under one
arm 3 afro hugging or coding about the neck
very bard.
Ad-artc,adv. expnfly,purpofely.
Adafpràre, as In3lprire, to cxa(bcrate.
Ad-alTai, adv. by much, by Jarre , much
Adafiiàre, Adattare, to fp:te,rovex, tou ge
or provoke', afro to (hive or contend , toemy.
Adaithmcnro, A d'a ft io, Adàfto, fpite, ; an¬
con j vexation, flrife, contention , envy.
A-data p, eféntium,/rM0 thispreflnl date.
A (fattaménte, adv. aptly , fitly, Jut ably.
Adst amento, anaptmfrr, fitnejfe, or futc-
klencjjc unto any thing.
Adattare, to adapt or fit unto, to futt one
thing with another.
Adactatióne, Adattazione, a fitting or fa¬
ting unto.
Adatto, apt, jilted unto, prepared for.
Adberfare, to (prinltfe , to ajpergc, to be¬
Adberfacióne, a fprinkfing* a {p eY & in li a
'Adda, nóme di radice, the name of a
Adda ce, a fonde of Roe-buck hi Africa.
Addagiare, as Adagiare, to cafe, to fettle , to
Addanaiato, moneyed, full of money j alfoas
Indanaiato, jfotted, (pedaled-
Addire, as Adire, to perceive, or be aware
of j alfo to become well or be fitting 3 alfo
to be addiCtcd unto.
Addato , finable, beftemed , fitted j alfo ad-
dr tied or given unto.
Addebolire, lifeo, lito, to enfeeble , to wea¬
Addecimare, as Decimare, to tithe, to take
the Tenth.
Addegnare, to make worthy , to dignifie > as
Degnare, to daign.
Addémmo, as Avedémmo, we forefaw.
Add empimento, an accompli foment.
Addempire, pifeo, pito, to accomphfh, to
AddenfaraéntOj a condcnfing.
Addeniarc, to thicken, to condenfe.
Addentare , to catch hold of, to feife upon
with ones teeth, to bite, to pinch , or bite
with the teeth as a Dog doth, a Deer, ora
Hare 5 alfo to pinch, or fiiip with pincers or
/nippers > by met: to indent any work 5 al¬
to engrail or indent in armory.
* Addentato, toothed,bitten', pinched or feifed
upon with teeth 3 alfo fiupped or pinched',
alfo'indented or engrailed > alfo made in¬
denture-wife. Arma addentata, an en¬
grailed coat of arms.
v Addentellare, Adente\\àre,tounderprop,to
undcrjhore, to fupport, or bear up any thing 3
among Mafons or Bricklayers it is properly
to leave /tones or ends of pieces of Timber,
jutting out in unfinifhed buildings,that they
may the eaficr be continued and fini/hed 3
alfo to lace with F landers bone-lace.
Addentellate pox 6 \c,fnappi(b,mordant, quip¬
ping, (harp words.
Addentellato, underpropped, widcrfbored,
alfo outfitting as an unfinifhed building j
alfo laced with bone-lace.
Addefcare, as Ad efedre, &c. to bait,to en-
* Addeftare, to awaken or rew^e up.
* Addeftrare, the word is eompo/cd of De-
ftriére, and fignifies properly to wait or at¬
tend about the fervicc of Princes when they
ride j others will bave it to come from Dé-
ftra, the right band, and to fignificto place,
to be or go on the right hand of one j by
met: handfomelyto fit , or with dexterity to
accommodate unto ; a!fo to ficond, to ap¬
plaud, or to footb up ones humour 3 alfo to
tame or bring one to his bent and pleafure, to
teach, to inftruCt.
Addeftratóre, one that attended), waitetb or
goeth by a Prince or Noblemans fide as his
Addì, A-dì, adv. in, or on the dayes.
Addiacciate, to freeze, to become ice 3 by
met: to be mm with cold .
Addje&ivo, an AdjeClivc.
Addietro, adv. behindc,backward.
* Addiraanda, Addimandagióne , Addi-
mandanza, Addimandita, Addimanda-
ménto, a demand , a queftion , a petition.
Addimandance, as Domandante, an asker,
a travet, a petitioner.
Addimandare, as Domandare, to a Addicamene, a pomtingwith ones finger.
Additare, to point at with ones finger, to
fisew or demonflrate any thifig.
Addicatóre, one that points with the finger, or
(heweth any thing.
Additévole, that may be pointed at.
Additiónc, Addizzióne, an addition, an ad¬
junct, an augmentation.
Addito, adv. to be pointed at, at ga\e, in
view of all.
* Additto, addicted,given unto.
■ Addiveniméne , as Avvenimento , a
chance, a hap.
* Addivenire, as Avvenire, to come by chance ,
or to happen, to fall òut unexpectedly.
Addobbamene, Addobbo, an enrobing ,
cofily raiment, ornament , clighting , furni¬
ture or fetting forth.
Addobbare, to array, to dight , to adorn with
robes , furniture or coftly (luff: Look A-
Addocchiare, to eye, to view weU, to ga^
upon, to fix ones eye upon.
■ Addogare, to divide into panes or parti¬
tions, as fome arms or banners be : Look
- Addogato, paned or divided with long par¬
titions of /overall colours or (luffs, as arms
or curtains be.
Addogliare , Addolorare , to aggrieve, to
addoloratelo afflict with grief.
Addolcamene, Addolciménto, an appea-
fing, a making milde, a fwcctning.
Addolcare, Addolciare, Addolcire, eifeo,
cito, to fweitcn, tu mitigate, make milde,
to quali fie, to appeafe.
- Addolorévole, Addolorófo, dolorous, fuU
of dolour or pain.
Addolorare, to grieve, to make forrowfuU,
to breed pain.
Addomànda, Addomandagióne , Addo-
mandaménto , Addomandanza, Addo-
mandica, as Addimanda, a craving, an
asking a queftion.
Addomandànte, ^Domandante, aerava,
an asktr.
Addomandatrice , the feminine of Addo-
Addomandare, ^Domandare, to ask, or
Addosnenicare, to Sunday, to become Sun¬
day', by met: to trim and dreffe up for
Sun dayes.
Addombrare, as Adombrare, ovafhadorv,
to fhade, to fhadow, to give a fludow to any
Addomefticare, as Domefticare, to make
Addomefiic.ibile, as Domefticàbile, apt or
fit to be made tame.
Addonare, Adonadi , for one to vex or fret himfelf
through rage and anger.
Ad-oncia, adv. by ounces or inches.
* Adóne, a fifh that hath a loud voice, and
(Iccpcth on dry land , of a yellow colour , be-
Jpeclrfed all oyer with fair green (pots 3
alfa the name Adonis 3 called alfo Efo-
Adoneftare, to mal^e honejl 3 by met: by
fome colourable pretence to cxcufe a foul
Adórno, the Adonis- flower.
* Adonizziic 3 to play the wantoti, as Ado¬
Ad-ónta, adv. in fright or reproach.
Adontare, to fhame , to put to fbame,to wrong,
to injure.
Adontato, flhamed, reproached.
Adoperaménto, Adoperatone, Adopra-
ménto, any uflng , occupying, or employ¬
Adoperante , Adoprante, uflng or occupy¬
ing 3 alfo that ufelb or occupied).
Adoperare, Adoprare, to life, to occupy, or
imploy in any work 3 in fig: neut; pali: to
be imployed, to labour.
Adoperando, Adoprévolc, that maybeufed
or fcta-woil j.
Adopcratóre, Adopratóre , an occupier, a
Adoppiare, as Addoppiare, as Alloppiare,
to give Opium to mal^e one (lecp.
Adoppiato, occupied 3 alfo as Alloppiato,
laid afleep with Opium.
A-dóppio, adv. doubly,twofold.
Adoprare, as Adoperare, to malic life of, to
apply to.
Adbóra ad bora, adv. hour by hour.
•Adorabile, worthy to be adored.
>Adoraménto, Adoranza, Adoratone, ado¬
ration or woifhip, with action orgefiure full
of humility and devotion.
Adorando, Adorévole , Adoranvo, to be
adored or w or flapped with humility and de¬
-Adorare, is properly to reverence with aft s
and gefheres full of humility and devo¬
* Adoratone, as Adoraménto j alfo an ele¬
ction of Popes in the Conclave: which is
when two parts of three of the prefent Car¬
dinals (lay not for a Scrutiny, but with one
voice and corninone onfent, they all go and
falute fome one Cardinali there prefent, and
kneeling down before him, nominate, falute
and adore him as Pope : Look Accettò.
Adoratóre, an adorn, a worjhipper.
Adorbaggihe, blindneffc.
Adorbare, to blinde, to make blinde.
Ad-órbo, adv. blindly, as a blinde man 3 by
met: avrete (ly , hand over head.
Adorcàre, to grub up the earth.
Ad óreo, the glory and honour belonging to Corn
* Adoréa, red■ bearded wheat.
* Adornaménto, Adornatura, Adornézza,
any ornament , adorning, flighting , trim¬
ming, cmbelhfhmcnt, or fetting forth.
Adorévole, to be adored.
Adorezzare, as Oreggiàre.
Adormenrare, as Addormentare, to bring to
Adornaménto, an ornament.
Adornatamente, adv. adomcdly, trimly, with
Adornare, to adorn, to trim , to (light, to em¬
boli fh, or fairly [et forth.
* Adornato, Adorno, adorned, trimmed ,
fairly fet forth, embelhjhed •
Adornatore,^ trimmer,a dighter. Adornatura.
Adorncvole, adornablc, to be adorned.
Adottare , as Addofiare, to lay on ones
Adóilojadv.dj Ad dótto, on,or upon ones back,
what one hath about ones body 3 by met:
in ones minde.
Adottaménto, Adottatone, Adoctióne, as
Addottatene, an adopting.
Adottare, as Addoctare, to adopt , to take
one for his childe.
Adottivo, the perfon adopted.
Adottorare, as Addottorare, to take or give
the degree of a Doti or.
Adectrinare, as Addottrinare, to cndoctrine,
to inftrud.
Adoprare, as Adoperare, to life, to occupy or
employ in any wo>k 3 t; fig: neut; pall: to
be employed, to labour.
Adrachne, as Arachnen.
* Adraftia, the inevitable Law of Fate, or
Revenger of arrogance and infvlence.
A-dricto, A-drittiira , as A-dirmo, forth¬
right, levell , or point-blank.
Adrizzare, as Adirizzare, to dinCt,addie(Je,
raife up, to ftraigbteu.
# Adro, as 'Atro, blad^, fwarthy.
A-diia, A-due, Ad no, by two and two.
Adudre, to double two and two.
Ad vedérli, as Avvedérli ,to be aware.
Advenntio, as Avventitio, a (hanger, one
that is come to a place.
Advénto, an Advent, a coming unto, the time
of Advent.
Ad verbialméntc, adv. adverbially »
Ad vérbio, an Adverb.
Adverfario, an adverfr/y.
Adverlità, adverflty.
-Advérfo, a dverfe, contrary.
Aduggere, as Adluiggere, to fwallow with
Aduggiare, as Adduggiàre, to meilien, to
make humid 3 alfo to charm or to fore-
fpeak, to overfhadow.
Aduggiófo, as Adduggiófo, humid, fuM of
moillnefe 3 alfo full of charms i alfo as
Uggiolo ,fhady.
Ad vicinare, as Avvicinare, to bringnear, to
fet nigh..
Advilire, as Avvilire, to vilifle, to abafe, to
deprefle or biing one low.
Advincere, as Avvincere , to binde or tye
Advjnto, as Avvinco, bound, tycd fafl.
Adulanza, as Adulatone, adulation, flat¬
tery, blanflifhment, fawning.
Adulat e, to flatter, 10 bland (I), to claw back,
to fawn upon, to cog withull .
Adulataméme, adv. flatteringly.
Adulatóre, a flatterci, a claw-hack-
Adulatòrio, full of flattery.
Adulndcej a flattering woman.
- Adulévole, that may be flattered.
Adulta, a woman marriageable.
Adulterabile, Adulcerévole, adulterai,le.
Adulteramente, adv. adulteronfi).
Adulterarla , Adulteratióne , Adultera-
ménto, adulteration 5 by met: falflfying of
any thing.
Adulterare, te adulterate, to commit adulte¬
ry', by met: to corrupt and falflfle.
Adulterino,^»?» in adultery.
Adultèrio, adultly, uncleanneffe of life, for¬
nication of married man ot woman.
Adultero, Adulteratóre, an adulterer.
Adulto, a young man marriageable by law.
Ad-una, adv. with, together , in company',
alfo at once 5 alfo by one.
Ad una ad-una, one by one.
Adunaménto, Adunanza, Adunata, Adu¬
natone , a gathering of one by one, an
Adunare, to gather one by one, toafj'emble.
Ad-una vóce, adv. with one voice or conferit,
With full agreement.
Aduncire, to bend or make crooked.
Adunco , crooked, bending as an Ragles
* Adun«vole, that maybe aflembled.
Adunghiare, to feifeon with ones claws,
Ad- iino ad-uno, adv. one by one •
Adunque, adv. then, therefore.
Ad-un tràteo, adv. at once, at a 6aft.
A-duo a-duo, adv. by two and two.
Advocire, as Avvocare.
Advocaco, as Avvocato.
A-duólo, adv. in mourning manner.
* Aduréme, hardening, obdurating, or grow¬
ing hard from.
* Adame, ritto, rito, to hai den.
’ Adurico, hardened, obdwrated.
Ad-ulanza, ad-iifo, adv. according to ufe.
Adufàre, to accuftome, to enure.
Adattare, Adulliars, to fcorch , to parch.
Aduttibiie, that may be parched or Jcorchcd.
Aduftióne, parching, fcorching.
Aduftivo, aduftivc, burning , parching.
Adatto, adu(t,ftorched, parched.
Aducco, as Adotto, induced or brought unto 3
alfo a He aged or produced.
Aè, as Ha, Oh 3 an exclamation.
Aélio, a kinde of Hawk'
A elio, the name of a Dog 3 Tempefl, or whirl-
wind-, orAélla.
Aerate, to aire , to weather.
1 Aere , the element Aire 3 by met; the afleCt ,
the countenance, or cheer in the face of man
or woman 5 alfo a k-nde of wood good
to make oars with.
Aèreo 3 airy, of the aire .
Aeróide, a precious (tone of a iky-colour .
Aeróne, a Herron.
Acromance, a Diviner by the idre.
Aeromancia, Divination by the aire.
Aerófo, airy, full of aire ; by met; checrfull
in afpe£l , full of countenance.
* Aefcaméntp, as Adeicaménco, any baiting,
by met: any mticement or allurement.
- Aefcare, as Adefcare, to bait a hook', by
mec: to intice, to allure.
Actite, a (lone found in an Eagles nefl 5 ufed
alfo for Borax.
'Afa, a foultiy or faint heat, when the Sun is
overcaft with clouds, prefagmg fome lin¬
fe afov able weather ', by met: tcdioufncfjc or
wearinefle of time, or moleflation and anxi¬
ety of minde.
Afaca, the Pulfe called Vetches or Fetches.
A-faccia a-iaccia 3 adv. face to face, over
A-tame, adv. by famine or hunger.
* Afànno, as Affanno, denvedof A'fa.
A-fare ? Afarelia, Is it fop then do your
A- fatica, adv. hardly , with much labour.
’ A-fatOj pi operly faid of all fruits or graffe,
that being nipped with froft or hindreel by
excefflve beat, cannot come to any perfe¬
ction or naturali goodneffe.
Afato,adv. at all adventure, as it happens,
by chance.
A-fatto, adv. wholly and altogether .
A-fatuzzo, as Aftettatiizzo.
A-fc, A-féde, adv. in good faith.
■ Afcréli, as Aftercli, a figure in Khetorick
which taketh a letter or fyllable from the
beginning of a word.
A-fèrri, adv. a word encouraging others, as
one would fay,To it luftily , (Inke, grapple
and f'ear not 3 alfo elafe grappled and at
handy blows.
A-fèrro, adv. to the fword.
A-férro di cavallo : Look Briglia.
A-fèrro e fuòco, adv. to fire and fword.
A féliolo, adv. a kinde of engreiffìng .
A-fettónc, adv. leaf-woik, foliadgc.
A-fétte, adv. by flices, by collops.
- Affa, asAfa, thence Affanno.
Affabile , affable, courteous , gracious,
__ nitide \
mil de m ctmverfation .
Aft'abilire, lifco, lito, to make or become af¬
fable or courteous.
Affabilità, affability, Ifindc courteftc.
Agibilmente, adv. coihtcoufly, with affabi¬
■ A ffacccndàre, to embufie with affairs.
Affaccendato, embufied with affairs.
Affaccia aftaccia,adv. faceto face.
Affacciare, to face, to (hew ones face, to
come before ones face, to bring or come face
to face j to outface 5 alfa to appear or (hew
bimfelf out of farne plate or window.
Affacciataménte, adv. ^Sfacciatamente.
Affacciato, as Sfacciato, impudent, frame-
Affacchinarli, fa become a porter 3 by met:
to become a drudge or of baje condition.
AftacendAre, as Affaccendare, to embufie
with affairs.
Afficendato , as Affaccendato , embufied
with affairs.
Affacere, as Affare.
* A dicevole, gracious and fccmJy.
- A ffacevolezza, gracious or feemly comcli -
Affagianir e, to en-pbeafant by met: to be¬
come a minion.
Affaiciic, is propt’ly when a horfc (lops and
ftayes upon hu hinder parts.
Affaldare, dj Faldare.
Affaldatur3, as Faldatiira.
Affiliare, as Fallare.
Affamare, to fami fa, to (larve.
Affamatico, greedy, as hunger-ft arved.
* A ft'a m a to, famtftjtd, ftarved.
* Affarryuuzzo, a poor ftarveltng, afamifacd
wretch, a hungry body $ by met: a lean face,
a withered countenance.
Affangire, to bemire, to bemud.
Affannare, to enfarow, to grieve, to molcfl
or perplex in made : Look 'Afa.
* Affannato ,fuU of perplexity , farrowfull,
prieved in minde.
Affannatóre, a perplexcr,a farrow- caufer.
Affanno , vexation, trouble, or perplexity of
minde: Look At a.
* Affannóne, one that without caufc will caie
and trouble himfclf with other mens mat¬
Affannófo, fall of farrow and perplexity.
A ffirdellàre, to cnfardle or truffe up.
Affare,nome, any affairs or employment, bu-
fintffe or negotiation alfa for a mans cflate
and conditura.
Affare, verbo, as (Tonfare, to be fitting, to
agree with, to match , to make compa¬
rt fan.
■ Affarli, to befaem, or fate well together.
Affannare, as Infarinate, fpnnkled with
Affafciare, as Falciare, to fwathe, to binde
T •
Affjfcinamcnto, Affafcinatióne, as Fafci-
natióne, bewitching with the eye or with
an evil look •
Affafcinate, as Fafcinare, to bewitch with
the eye. %
Affafgianare, as Affagianàrc, toempheafanr,
by met: to become a minion.
Affafteilàre, as Affardellare, to enfardle or
truffe up.
Affaffidire, as Faftidire, to anger, to be te¬
dious or troublefome.
Affilare, as Fatare, to appoint to Fate, to
Affatica, adv. hardly, with much ado-
Affaticaménto, Aft'aticanza, bodily labour,
laborioufacffe, pains taking.
A fiancante, laborious , labour mg.
Affaticare, to labour , to toil, to take pains.
A ffaticato, labour cd, wearied with pain.
Affacichévolc, labtur/ome, that may be la¬
Affaticófo, laborious, full of pain and labour.
Affàcocchiamento, Aftàtucchiiménto, Af-
facuramentOjU charming or bewitching.
Aft'at occhiare, Aftàtucchiare, Affacurare, to
bewitch, to charm.
Aftatocchiatore, Affacucchiacóre, Affatura-
tóre, a Sorcerer, a witch.
Affatocchiéra, Aftatucchiera, Affaturicra, a
Soccer effe, a Witch.
Aftatocchiévole , Affatucchicvole, Affatu-
rc vole, bewttchable, enchant able.
Affatto affatto, adv. wholly, altogether.
Affatucchiaménti , bcwitcbings , enchant¬
Aflazzonamento, as Raffazzonaménto.
Affazzonare ,cu Raffazzonare.
Afte, Affede, adv. in good faiih.
Affebbrare, to fall fickof tn Ague.
Affidare, to truft, to affi:, to plight faith and
troth , to enfeoff, or commit tots ufi, or in-
fa effee.
Afferei!, a figure in Rhetorick, which taketh
a letter or fyllable from the beginning of a
Affermagióne, Afterm.mza, Affcrmatióne,
an affirmation 3 alfa an affixing unto-
Affermare, to affirm ; alfa to affix unto.
Affermacaménte , Affermativamente, adv.
Affermativo, affhmative.
* Affermatóre, an a (firmer.
* A ftermazióne, as Affermagióne , an af¬
- Aftermevole, affirmable.
Afferrante, graplnig or clinching’, by met: a
hoife far fornice or for battcU.
A Serramento, a putting in irons.
’Affertilire, to make or become fertile or
Afferrare , to graple with, to graft?, to clinch,
to gripe or fai fa on violentlyj by met: to
arrive to a place, or to a bat bone.
A ffettare, to affi ft or de fire ; alfa tofaew af¬
fa flat ion 5 alfa to imitate curioufly.
Affettare, to flue, to cut in faces or coUops :
Lo<\ Fétte.
Affettatamente, adv. with curious affiflation,
with anxiety.
Affettatióne , affiflation, a defi/e of that
which Nature hath not given.
Affettato, affi fled, defatted', al fao full of af¬
fé flation in fpeech, in gefture or habits.
I Aftettatiizzo, Affettatolo, a nicely conceited
1 fellow, an overweening or too much affé fled
man, an effimmate gull.
A 8 eaevo\e, affldable , to be affé fled.
Affetrionàre , to affifltonate, to beat good
will unto.
Affetcionaciffimo, mn(l afftflionnied.
Affettionàto, affeflionate, addicted.
Affettióne, affiliion, as Affetto, an ea-neft
longing afici a thing 3 alfa good will or afa
Affettivo, aff.fiive. affittale.
Affètto, affi fi, affiflion, a motive, a leve , a
dtfpofition, a paffjon, or good wiU unto.
Affetto, afflflcd, inclined, addiflcd ordijpo-
fed unto.
Affettuofamcnte, adv. affiflionately.
Affettuofiffimamente. moff affiflionately.
Affcttuófo , full of affiftum to follow the
difpofitum and p affi on of another, affi SI to¬
nate, beatinggoed will.
'Affia, 'Affa, a Inde of fijh.
' Affiaccaménto, as Fiacchezza-
• Aifiaccàre, Affacciane? as Fiaccare, to
tire, to weaken.
• Affiammagióne, an inflammation,
• Affiammare, to enfiarne.
• Affiammaco, eu flamed.
• Affianza, a letting for fee.
■ A ffiare, to fee-farm 3 alfa to fee.
Affiarare, to breathe, to draw breath.
1 • Affiato,/rtV, let for fee,fee-fa,mcd.
Affibbiagli, a buckfe, a latchet.
Affbbiaménto, Affibbiatura, any buckling
0, cla(ping,alatchr,jg.
Affibbiare, to buckle, to latchet.
■ Affibbiatolo, that part which buckles, or a
buckling infhumcnr.
A fiaccare, to affix unto.
Affidànza , afflane e, truft j a!fao «(furante,
fauretifiùp, bail, mainpnfae.
Affidare, to affic, to truft unto, toaffurc, to
bail, or be fur tty far.
•Affido, allied by an undirtfi line, or a ba¬
ft ard.
Affiebolire, to enfeeble.
Affielire, hlco, lito, to ciigail, to cnbiiter.
A ffiemre, mfco, nito, to become hay.
Affievolire, lifco,lito, to enfeeble.
Affic voi ezara, fecblcneffc, debility.
Affiggere, figgo, fifli, fiflb, 10 affix unto.
• A ffigliàre, to adopt as a proper childe.
Affiorare, as Raffigurare.
Affilare, to fain or reduce to thread 3 alfa to
grinde or Jet an eetgeupon any cutting wea¬
pon or tool 5 alfa to put into files.
Affilato , or made thread-, aljomade Jharp
and keen', alfa put into files or ranks i aljo
ftraight as a line.
Affilanira, a (pinning, a tlrreading 3 alfa a
grinding fbirp 5 ujed al fao far a girdle.
Affilettare, to entrameli, toaifnare, to catch
in a net', alfaoto ffueada fifhersnet, or lay
it ab, oad to d>y .
Affinaménto , a refining > alfao a ceafing or
giving over.
Affinare, Affimre, to refine, toceafae from or
give over 3 alfaoto grinde m feta (harp edge
upon anytooL
Affinatóre, a Refiner alfao a Shear-gnnder.
Affinemóndo, adv. to the worlds end.
• A ffinchc, A ffine, to the end that.
•Affine, Affino, an ally , a kinfaman by
marriage, by bobtail, or by affinity.
• Affimre, nifco, mto, ro fini Jh, to end.
• Affinità, affinity , alliance by bobtail or mar¬
■ Affiocaménto , as Fafcinatióne 3 alfao
hoar fen, ffe in (peaking.
• Affiocare, as Fafcinare 3 alfao to make or
become hoarfae 3 alfa as Fioccare.
• Affiocatóre, as Fafcinatóre.
Affioccaménte , adv. pell-mell, thick and
threefold, as fanow doth Jail -, alfao dteop-
Affioccare, as Fioccare.
Affirm are, to affirm, to affix unto.
Affirmatióne, as A ffermaemne.
Affilaménto, an affixing unto.
Affidare, to affix unto.
Affiffióne, an affixing unto.
Afflilo, affixed or faaftned unto 3 alfao a thing
fixt to another, an affix.
Affittagióne , Affittanza, Affittatone, as
Affittaiòlo, Affittarvólo, Affittatórc, Af-
fittuàle, as Fittatóre.
Affittare, as Ficcare.
Affittévole, Afficcuàle, rentable, that may be
rented, demifacd, letten, or farmed.
Affitti , rents, revenues, profits of lands or
Affitto, adv. by, or for rent, in face-farm.
Affittuario, of, or belonging to demifamg,
farming, letting, or renting of lands.
Affiubare, Affibbiare, to buckle, to latchet,
to clajp.
Affibbile, affiablc, that may be blown, brea¬
thed, hifpired,err filled with wind.
.Afflare, to wjpire, to breathe in, or fill with
Afflato, breath or wind 3 al/o a breathing or
•Amato dallo Spirito Santo, infpired by
the Holy Choft.
Affliggere, fliggo, fliffi, fficco, to afflici .
_ Afflittone ,
Aftìittiónc, affli [lion, vexation, croffcs, grief
of mindc.
Afflittivo, afflittiti") that afflitteti? 3 fill of
Afflitto, afflitted, malefic d.
* Afflofciare, as Flofciàre.
* Affluenza , flowing unto , confluence j by
met; abundance or plenty -
Affluente, flowing unto , confluent.
Affluire, ileo, ito, to flow unto 5 by met :to
abound in wealth.
- Affluitiidine, confluence.
Affocare, as Affocare, as Focate,
Affocaticcio, fiery 3 fubjcot to be ft on
Affocato, rfr Infocato.
A^ffodillo, Affodéllo, the Daff'odill flower.
Affogagginc, Affogaménto, a (lifting, a fmo-
thiring j alfo a drowning.
Affogare, to ftifle, to fmother , to deprive of
breath, to choke? alfo to drown.
Affogare di fete x to cholic with thirft.
Affogare nella canapa, a phrafe among Cut-
* purfes, that is, to be (lifted in bmp, or
Affogare una fanciulla, that is, to marry a
Maid ill.
Affogarli nc’móccijprov: fpoJfcn of fuch as
arc utterly dejetted in any leaft trouble or
A foggiare, to fafbion or accnftome unto.
Affollare, to blow, to pant, to gajp 3 the met:
is taken from Folle, as Follare.
Affollarli, to throng, preffe , or haften.
Affoltaménto, A Abitata, a thronging or hud-
ling up in heaps,
Affolcita di parole, a thick hudling up of
A Abitare, to grow or make, or become thick or
bufhy, to crowd or thruft, or heap up thick
together: Fólto ; by met: to haften,
or to (peak hudlingly, thick andfaft.
Affondaménto, Affondatióne, a finfling, a
plunging or whelming to the bottomc.
Affondare, £0 fink or plunge to the bottomc.
Affondere, as Fondere.
Affóndo, adv. to the very bottomc.
* Affare flare, to cn fore ft, to m afe or become a
Aftbril'mo, as Aphorifmo.
Afford rare, to truffe or tuck up-
Afforrificare, as Fortificare.
■ Affortificacione, as Fortifìcatióne.
Afforza, adv. by force , perforce, forcibly.
Afforzamcnco, an enforcement: a reinforce¬
Afforzare, to force, tocompell, to re-in force
or fortific with new forces, to gather or
addc ft length unto.
Affofcare, as Infofcare : Look Fófco.
Affollaménto, as Infoffaménto, any ditch¬
ing or entrenching, a mating about.
Affollare, as Info flare, to caditeli, to en¬
trench , to mole about : Look Follò.
■ Affollato, enditebed, moled about,intrench
ed, diked-
'Affla, 'Afra, a binde of fifh.
Affracallare, as Fracafiare.
* Affralire, lifco, lico, to deprive of naturali
(Ircngth or vigour, to weaken-
Affralito, enfeebled, deprived of naturali
* Affrancaménto, Afflancatióne, anenfean-
chiflng or giving of liberty unto : Look Af¬
■ Affrancare, to cn franchi fe, to free, to fet at
liberty ; alfo to take courage or heart of
grafìe ; alfo to hearten or encourage others 3
alfo to ta^c or give the (lari to a horfe in the
beginning of a race.
"■ A frangere, Affragnere, to break , A in¬
fringe, as Frangere ; alfo as Affralire.
Affranto, as Franto, flatted, craved.
A ffrantiira, a breaking, a frattion, a erasing.
Aftrappare, as Frappare.
- Affi atarli, to become a Frier.
Affratellanza, as Fratellanza.
Affratellar fi, to become as brethren.
Affreddagióne, as Infrcddagióne.
Affreddare, as Infreddare.
Aftreddato, that hath taken cold.
• A Arenaménto, a bridling, a embing.
Affienare, to bridle, to curb.
■ Affrenévole, that may be bridled or curbed-
Affi eno, adv. bridled, in awe, in fear.
Affréfco, Painters wafh or water-colours.
• Affrcctaménto, Aftiettànza, a haftnmg, a
Affrettare, Affrezzare, Aftrezzolare, to
haften, to makebafle or [peed, to hie.
Affrettatamente, adv. ha fitly.
Aftrectófo, Affrezzolófo, hafty.
Affrica, coldlcfìè , or ever hot.
• A ffricani, a \indc of dainty figs.
Affrico, the Sonthweft and by Weft wind.
Aftrico-Auftro, the wind Soutbweft and by
Affricógna, a fluide of flowrc and bitter
AffViógno, a fort of grape.
Aff ictellare, to fry as fritters.
Affrittióne, as Afflittióne.
• Afflitto ,ufed for Afflitto.
Aff ollare, Affrollne, as Frollare.
Affiodifciàco , a (ione, which being once
heated , keepeth his beat [even dayes
Affrontare, to font, to confront , to affront, to
come or bring face to face 5 alfo to encoun¬
ter, to butt or jhock together 3 alfo to af¬
front, to outface, boldly to cheat, tocunny-
catcbj or fetch one over, to ajjault inju-
Affi ornatóre, an affronter, an out facer, an
infilling companion, a canter, a cheater, a
bold loufentr.
Aftrónte, adv. front, face to face , over a-
gainft j alfo in regard, or in eomparijon.
• Affiamo, Affrontagióne, Aftrentaménto,
Affrontata, a fronting , a confronting i
affo an affront, an infnìùng part , an inin¬
nows felting upon one 5 alfo aho'd impu¬
dent cheating of one, a coney-catching trick 5
among hunters it is taken for the fill of a
Deer when he is fo emboffed that he can go
no fir thee , and that without reftftance
the hounds fall upon him.
Affrufl are, to fufh, to break 0f fiver in
pieces 5 alfo as Frullare.
Affruffo, adv. by fhivrrs, fmfbingly, piece¬
Aiflu firare, as Fruftrare.
Aftumare, Affumicare, to befmokc,tn fume,
to d-ry or blote in the fmokc as Bacon or
Bio te- herrings.
Affamate, BÌotc-hcr rings, df d Sprats or
Affumicaménto , Affumicatióne , Affumi¬
cata, a bcfmi'king , a fumica lion.
Affuocare, as Affocare.
Affuriare, as Infuriare.
Affilare, to Ipindlc, to make fmall as a (pin-
dlc , to (pin upon (pindles 3 by met; to
fhafi, to (hank-
Aftulellare, Aftufolare, to ftrctch as Cloth-
workers do their clothes upon tenters, 0; as
Painters their canvafe to paint upon ; alfo
as Affufare.
Affulellato, [pun upon a [pindie , ftrctched
hard, made or become Jpiny, fmall or like a
(pindle 5 by met: fprucc, (mug, or neatly
trickt up, as it were a fine (pindle.
- Affufellate gambe, [pindle [hanks.
Affufiare , to (lock ai, y (hooting piece > t0
mow,it Ordnance, to fit any weapon with a-
(lock or ft aff.
* A'fia, a fluide of fifh.
A-fidanza, upon, or in truft.
A-fiacca collo, adv. to the utmefldanger,even
to the breaking of ones neck. ù
A- figura, adv. according to any figure or /imi¬
ti tude’, alfo figure-work.
A-ti la, adv. in files or ranfi, in rows or or¬
ders , as Soul tiers march.
A filare, as Affilare.
A-fil di lpàda, adv. to the edge of the
A-filo , adv. lev ell, by line and mea-
- A-filo a-filo, adv. thread by thread j by
met: cur ion fly, prccifdy.
A-fini-móndo, adv. to the worlds end.
A-fióri, adv. flowery in armory 3 affo flower-
alfo to fnatch, to grate, to gripe or grapple j
by ente. to tiepic with clawing orfcratchmg',
alfo to curry-favour and flatter, to enchain
or imptifen.
* Aggravabile, that may be aggravated.
Aggravarli, to become weighty.
Aggravare, to aggravate, to aggrieve,to ixag-
gerati',alfi to harden as Pharaoh’*/;&Df was.
Aggravio, Aggravaménto , aggravation)
grievance , a burthening.
Aggravófo, grievous, burthenfome.
Aggregaménto, Aggregane, Aggregatio¬
ns A ggregdto, an aggregation , a trooping
or fiochjag together , affembly.
Aggregare, to aggregate, to fiorii or troop to -
Aggreggiare, to enflocl{, to entro op.
* Aggreilìóne, an aggrcffion, an encounter , alfo as
Agucchia, A guglia, Cricchia, or Guglia.
The plurali is 'Agora.
Agoa pómo, Agoda pomello, abeadedpin,
a pin with a head.
Ago da lacchi, a packneedle.
A go- vuòto, an empty needle s lanciar un ago
per haver un pàlo,fo throw away a little jor
have a great deal.
' A-góccia,adv. droppingly, by drops.
■ A-góccia a góccia, drops by drops.
* Agocciare, to drop, to trill.
* A^occiolàre, to drop, to trill.
Ago ge,a trench that Myners make to drain the
waters that they meet withall under ground.
Agognante damma, a Doccmbofl.
Agognanti càni, dogs panting and Tilling out
their tongues with wearinefs.
Agognàre, to wifh, to covet or long for with
great fighing and anxiety', by met: to embofs
as a Deer, or to pant and HU out the tongue
as weary dogs doe.
Agogno, carne (l cork or care of milule,fighing -
ly longing for.
'Agola, afrefh-water fifh like a Herring', forre
take it for the Needle-fifh.
- A-góla liefa, adv* yawningly, with a wide
open throat.
Agolpire, pifeo, pito, to become Fox-like ', by
met: to becomefubtile and crafty.
Agoluppàrc, as Golappàrc.
Agolùppo, as Goluppo,
Agomicciolàre, as Goluppàre.
Agomicciolo, as Goluppo.
- Agomitola-dccia, a yarn-winder.
Agomicolàrc, as Goluppàre.
* Agonàli giuochi, games and plays that were
ailed in Agóne comb ales.
A gone, a place in Rome to ride horficsin, now
caUed Piazza navona itifed alfo for a Camp,
a Battili , a Combat j alfo thefuperlativc of
Ago j alfo m AgoU.
Agonia, as Angonia.
Agoniàre, Agonizzàre, as Angonidre.
Agoniófo, as Angoniófo.
Agoni Ida, a Champion , a publick fighter,
Agonizzànte, as Angonizzdnte.
Agonizzàre, as Angonidre.
Agóno, the fifh' A gola.
Agónta, an ancient Coyn in Italy.
A - gónzo,/? kf in d of broad,wi de, &fide- flecves,
as our Doftors,Aldermen of Lond.Maftcrs of
Arts and chief Citir^ens have to their Gowns.
'Agora. Look Ago.
A gorgogliare, as Gorgogliare.
Agoféllo, as Aguféo.
Agoftàne, Auguft-plums.
Agoftànojrt?? ancient coin of Auguft.ra Ro % me.
Agófto, Aólto, the monetb Augaft.
Agotile, nóme d’uccèllo.
*Agozzét»o,Agozzino, is properly an inward
choice friend,minion, or fervane to a Prince
_ P _ or
or Lord, whom he ufeth as meet, and im¬
ploseti} as an inftrum nt to execute any
WU!( d defign or mifebief be it to cor¬
rupt the Laws, or aft any uni aw full thing',
yea be it to afjault , to badmado, or to mur-
tber any man ; fonte (not undemanding the
propriety of the word ) life it for a Provofi
Mar (ball, a Surveyor of good orders ', fome
others for a Captain over Gaily-(laves, an
Executioner of pun-foments, ora Beadle to
whip folks ,
A gracchiare, ns Gracchiare.
A gradare, Agradne, as Gradire.
A grado, adv. acceptable,in g od worth ergrcc.
Agrimonia, as Agrimonia.
Agranchiare, as Aggranchiare.
• A- grand’ agio,adv. at great cafe ordeifuYC •
Agrandellàre, as Randellare.
A-gran fatica, adv. with much labour.
A-gran giornata, adv. by great journeys.
* A-gran palio, adv. a gnat pace.
A-gran péna, adv. hardly , with much pain .
A-gran pizzo, adv. by a great deal.
A-gran córto, adv. vr-y won:fully.
A*gran vóce, adv. with a loud voice.
Agraria, of or pci taming to lands «> fields.
Agrài ia légge, a Law anciently made in Rome
for the distributing of lands amongtbe people.
Agrario, a fold-man, alfo a favourer of the
Law Agraria.
A-gratia, adv. in grace or favour.
Agratiare,ro grace or favour.
Agranato, graced i afa gracefull-
A graticciare, at Aggraticciare.
A gravaménto, as Aggravaménto.
A gravare, as Aggravare.
Agrài io, as Aggravio.
Acrèdine: Look Agre (lézzi.
Agregàre, as Aggregare.
Agregatiónc,<« Aggregation.
- Agre Ilare, to ma\e or become eager , (harp.
or ( owte , l-ke Vertjuice made of unripe
g-ap s,to enfow/c.
' Agreftaca , Agretti!» , a hfoide of firmi
fawce made of Jowre grapes , (pices and
Crums of bread.
- Agt ilio,' Agtico i of,o , r pertaining to the fields
and count) ey rurali, ru(iicall,clowni(h', tifo
a count)ey Swain,or upland (b man.
- Agrelbzza,Agrédine, Agrezza, eagerrufjc,
(ha-pncjfc, fowri nejfc , tartnejje.
• Agre lima, as Agreilacaj alfo goofeb cnic s.
* Agreftino, fowefo, fomewbat eager.
Agretto, Agréila , unripe grapes j alfo di¬
liger or vertj nice made of Jowre grapes', alfo
e.'ater-cnfjts, iVater-homs, or Nofe-fmart}
by met: a fowrc, eaggr, grim, furly , rude,
clownifl) fUow,alfo grudge, malice, i IL-wiU.
Agre Ho chiaro, clear vert juice.
Agrétto intiéro, unripe grapes, berberries or
goof cherries ufed whole in fawces , or to fet
out difoes.
Agrétto , fomewbat tart or fowefo ’, alfofowrt
wigg or butter-milk } elfo uater-crejfes or
A gn vare, as A sgravare.
Agr.zza: Look Agreftézzj.
'Agrico : Uck Agtéftc.
Agi icola, Agricoltóre,Agricultóre, a plough¬
man, a husbandman, a field man.
Ag icol ura, Agricultura, liHagcfotobandry,
- A-grida, A-grido, adv- with open or full
oy , by a common cryer, by proclamation.
A-gridodi pòpolo, adv. after, or upon the
hue and cry of the people.
Agi f lio, t) c Holly or Hulver tree} alfo the
wyt'- e or ip How c-.lled Park haves, Abra-
bams-ba!m,thc C/uft or Hemp-tree, in La¬
tin. A nws Callus.
Agrimenf 'r , a mcafurer or furveyor of lands
o fields.
g m nii herb Ag imonjor Liver-wort
..I/o giimimy , tartnejje, or foaipnejfe upon
th ton ue.
Agrimonio. tart, an.l biting the longue.
Agrinciàre,iw Aggrinzare.
'Agrio, as Agrétte j aljo the wilde or field
Agrtone, the field or Horfi radifoi alfo a
kinde of Nitre-
■ Agripalma, the herb Mother-wort.
• Agriophagi, people that feed on Panthers or
Agnppa, a child e bo,n with his feet foiward }
aljo a wilde Olive.
- Agrippina, a kinde of meat or fiwcc pro¬
voking lu(l and lechery.
Agrire, rilco, rito, as Agreftare.
• Agrizzire, as Aizzare.
Agro, eager, fowrc, fharp or tart upon the
tongue ', alfo vertjw.ee or alegar > alfo a field
in generali ; alfo the Southwefi wind, as
Garbino j alfo a furly, boifierous, rude,
churlfo, grim, or Jowre looking countenance>
• Agro-dólce, both fweet and Jowre .
Agropparc, ^Aggroppare.
A gròtte, Dogs-gra/Je , Stitch-wort.
■ À-grotéfco, adv. rocky or Imskif-wOtk in
Painting or Mafonry.
Agrottire, as Aggrottare.
Agrétto marino, a bird Ifot a Swan , that
braycth like an Affé.
■ Agrumàre, Aggrumare, as Goluppdrc J by
met: to ferape and hoard up together > alfo
as Aggrottare le ciglia} alfo as Agreftare.
Agrume, a generali name for all fowreneffe,
namely of fruits, herbs and fawcesalfo
as A grettézza } alfo frowning,
Agruzzo, the frounce in a Hawk-
Agruzzolare, to ferape as a Hen doth .
Aguaglianza,<» Agguagliànza.
Aguagliàre, as Agguagliare.
- Aguaiamenco,Aguaio,tf?;j woe or affliction.
- Agualire, «Agitane, as Guaire.
Agualàre, as Agguagliare.
Aguale, equal!, even, match •
* Aguale, adv, now, even now , by and by.
- Aguardare, as Agguarddre.
♦ A guardatura, as Guardatura.
Aguardévole, regai dfill.
* A guatare, vale méttere, éfiere, o ftdre in
cqudto, as Guatare.
* Aguatatóre , as Guatatóre , an infldioits
Scout, one that tietb in ambifo.
• Aguatévole, tnfidious, full of feciet deceits
or ambi foes.
» A guati, tnfidious turnings, wily fcouts, am-
bufoes-, privy fcntinels.
Aguatiare,/0 fqust or cowre down.
Aguazzdre, as Guazzare.
A-guazzaróni, adv. great , wide, long Vene¬
ti an fie eves.
A-guàzzo, adv. wajbor water-colours ', alfo
wading/y', alfo pia finngly.
Agùcchia, Agùglia, in a day. *
Aiato ; Look Andare anco.
- Aiducchi, Soiddicrs among the Hungarians
that ferve on foot, armed with a Co,flet, a
cimila , a Half pi^e , and atongTuilfe or
ftecl Bowc.
'Aire,'Aere, 'Aria, the Aire.
Aierófo, Aerófo, airy, full of aire , bleak.
Aierótta, the breathing or rc[pir-ation of man
or woman.
Aiécca, a Bustards a Puttock , a Glead , alfo
the dim: of 'Aia.
Aigleuco vino, fwcet Holloed wine'.
Aimcj Aye me, alas, welladay.
A-inganno, adv. dcceitfilly , guilefully.
- A-ingégno, wittingly,of fitpurpofe .
'Aio, a follerei- , a breeder, a bringcr up j alfo
a ruler, an overfetrr, a pupils guardian j alfo
one that a man hath trained and brought up
bimfclf, a fofter-childe ', by met: a darling >
a minion, a favourite alfo a Cue\ow-
bird > by met: a long-tongued fellow, one
that blabbcih all he knows.
Aiolo, as Aivólo.
Aióne, Aiato : Look Andare aiato.
A-iófa, as A-giòia, adv.
'Aim,Aire, as 'Aere.
Airomance, a Diviner by the Aire.
Airomantia, Divination by the Aire.
'Airóba ,the crown of a mans bead.
Airóne, a Herron.
• Airófo, airy, bleak, full of atre.
Aiffa, Ai flare ; Look Aizzare.
Aita, as Aiuto, with all the refi.
Aic.io, an Officer in China, who is chief Prefi-
dent of the Conncell of trarre.
A icare : Look A j tatare, &c.
- Aivólo, the dim: oj 'Aiaj alfo a bed or
fquare in a garden.
Aivolare, A idre.
Aivólo, a Ifmde of fowling-net.
A jut a bile, that may be helped.
Ajucante, Aitante, aiding , help full, that aideth
or helped)', by met: a fhifter , one that can
help him/elf.
• Ajutance di camera, a groom or an affifiant
in or of a chamber.
Ajutàre, Aitare, to aid, to help, to fuccottr.
• A jutativo, Aitativo, hclpfull, aidfiU.
Aju cvole, Aitcvole, helpfully that may be
Ajtito, Aita, Ajutamento, all manner of
aid, help, fuccour or affi fi enee.
■ Ajiito di cotti, a fitpp/yof charges, or help
towards maintenance.
Ajutóre, Aiutatóre, a helper , an aider.
Ajutoriare, to help forward.
Aiucório, Aitório, that is fit or apt for help,
hclpfull .
A jutórii, the arm- bones of a man.
Ajutrice, Aitrice, a fhe-helper.
Aizza, Aizzimemo, Aiffa, a biffing or fit¬
ting on of Dogs to fight or bile, by met:
provocation or egging on.
Aizzare, Aitiate, to biffe or fit Dogs on to
fight ', by met: to egg or provoke to anger or
unto revenge.
Aizzatóre, a biffer or fitter on, a provoker.
Aizzóne, He ufi -leek, or Sen green.
Aizzófo, Aizzótto, full of biffing, full of
provocation, revengcfidl.
Al, a fignof the Dative Cafe, to the, unto
the, at the', being after ave- b of privation
it bccometh of 'the Ablative Cafe, f om ,
from of : Look my Rules.
'Ala, the generali name of a flying wing of
any bird or fowl } by met :the flat or flap
of any thing, as the wing of a Doublet, the
brim of a Hat, the finn of a fifh, the broad
or fiat of an Oarc, the float of a 11’ a ter¬
mi U wheel, a fide Troop or tying of Soid¬
dicrs , atfo a large , a common or Guild-
ball', alfo the me afire we call an Ell: the
plurali is Ale or Ali.
'Ala, they ufe to cry for to make way be given
to a Verfonage m a throng, as Room, room.
* Ala d’una Chiefa, the fide lie of a Church.
* Ala di bue, the wing of an Oxe ; by met:
a tale Trencher-man , one that makes no
more of the fhoulder of an Oxe , then of the
wing of a Capon.
A-la, as Alla, namely in the compofingof Ad¬
verbs of quality or fimilitudc , for yon may
ufi either, and what Adverbs you findc not
under A-la, look for them under the head of
A-la, femininely, to the , unto the, at the, at
her, alfo f om the, namely with vcibs of
Alabandino, a Ifmde of precious Ruby or
Carbuncle (lone.
Alabarda, a Halbert.
Alabardate, to [hike or arm with a Halbert.
Alabardaro, a Halbert-maker.
Alabardata, Halberfry.
Alabardica, a Ifmde of whitifij Rofi,
Alabardiere, a Halbertecr.
Alabardma, a little Halbert, alfo a yellow
[lone, which being drunken in powder is an
> Antidote againft Po/fon, but it provoketh
the bloody Flux.
Alaballrino, made of Alabafter.
Alabaftnte, the Onyx-ftonc.
Alabdftro, the Alabafter-(lone ', alfo a kjnde
of white and finning Minerali or Ilone
found in Silver-Mines ttfid in Fhyfick, cal¬
led by Paracclfus, Antimonium.
A lacciare, Allacciare.
Aiace, a meat made of the fpawncof fifhes.
Alacrità, alacrity , minde-gladncffc, chearfnl-
ncjfe of (pirit.
Alida, in Latine Armif 3 .
Alaffio, a fonde of Pomegranate.
Alafia, a fonde of whifllc of a Maflcr , Ca¬
ptain or Mafters-Mate of a fhip to his
Mariners, when he cannot be heard [peak ,
and would thereby command attention, oi
elf ec cafra g from labour.
Alagare, as Allagare.
Alaggio, as 'Aggio j alfo the Ioffe of money
by exchange.
A lagna ,ufid for Germany.
Alamana, an Almane in Mufick.
Alamari, long aglet-buttons.
Alambicare, as Lambicare.
A-lambico, dift/llcd by a Limbeefo
Alamire, a certain tune or found in Mufick.
Alauda, a Lai k, or rather a Bunting.
Alano, a Maftifi-dog, the b,ood of which
came fir ft. out of Albania.
- Alantide, the middle of the three films or
coats , wherein an infant lies wrapped, in the
* A lardar t, to lard, to cnlard.
- Alaqueare, as Allacciare.
Alare, to wing , to fit on wings.
■ Alari, Andirons or Creepers in Chimneys.
Alaria, as Allaria.
Alarii-cavalli, horfmen in a Camp, that ever
keep about the wings of an Army.
Al-arma, as All’arma,
A-lafcio : Look Andare.
Alatìgnéce, nome di Herba.
Alatèrno, a tree like an Olive or Holm-tree.
Alato, winged, having wings ', alfo a fign in
Heaven called Fégato, who is faid to have
had wines.
A-latOj adv. clofe, or near tinto ones fide.
A-.a- vogala Ahf ufiut that this cncouragctb
, Manners to wo by met: the maft
of a (hip, the fluff] the ffaftorthe ffankof
any Banner or long weapon i alfo the ftem at
pedigree of anyboufeoe family.
- 'Albero (l’Amore, a Tree in America of the
height of a lance with a fmooth trunk or
body j yielding no fruit, but certain tuffs of
fair flowers of a fey red colour, having
no ftnell at all.
'Albero di vitalbe Tree of Ife •
'Albero fruttifero, a fruit-bearingTree.
- 'Albero manincónico , call'd the Binta
trilla, a certain Tree growing about Goa,
which never feemeth to have leaves or blof-
fems, but from the fitting of the Sun untili
it rife again in the rmning ifomc have cal¬
led it tb' Difmall Plant o, Tiec.
'Albero marino, The Sca-trec,a monftrous fjh
Alberofo, ftored with, or full of Trees.
Andar per la cima degi’albcri, to pictcnd
more then one ought.
Albiccio, Albérre, Albino, whitifh , minting
to white, fomewhat white.
Albicete, a Ifindcof M il’(h Olives.
• Albichila, w/écf for Abbachila.
■ Albinàzzi, any white grape.
‘ A'lbio, a Hogs trough -, alfo a Smiths trough
that (lands by bis forge with wa‘ r r in it to
quench his hot wo. k <>' J alfo araik to give
cotteli fodder in j alfo a k}idc of ftfh called
in Latine A burnus.
Albi-péde, white-footed.
Albire, biico, bito, to make or become
Albiterati, a k'inde of whitiff fgs.
Albicrare, as Arbitrare.
Albitro, Albitrio, as Arbitrio.
A'Jbo, white, whitifhalfo a Ip.ndt of ffh
called in Latine (Mum or Capuonus >
alfo the white Thorn.
Albogalero , a Hat like a Miter, that Jupi¬
ter* Pnefts were wont to wear jota anebe
captilo bianco che portavano in capo gli
primi iacerdoti ò Flamini creati dà Nu
ma Pompilio.
Alboràre, as Alberare.
Alboràta, as Alberata.
A'lbore, as 'Albero.
Albóre, wh'Uifhneffc , but properly the ftrft
dawn or peep of day.
Alboreto, as Alberéto.
Alboricéllo, as Arbufcèllo.
Albricócc o,an Apncocktrce.
Albuco, the white or Dutch Daffodill,
Abucla , a hftndeof vine.
Albugine, Albume, Albura , any whiteneffe,
namely of a mans eye, or of an egge.
Albuginofo. whitifh, full of whiteneffe.
Albuolo, a wooden tray, or wafhing-bowl
made of one piece, a Pigs■ trough, a knead-
Albufcello, as Arbufcèllo.
Albura: Look Albùgine.
Alburno, the fap, the white or foftc(l pith of
any timber (ubjeft to worm-eatmg J alfo
that whitifl) colour of womens hair, called
an Abuin-colour » alfo a ffh called a Blay
or a Bleak.
Alcacbéngi, and that he makes
his neft with admirable cunefity by ihe Sea-
fidc, and that whiles the Hen fits it u
commonly for nine dayes together voy calm
and fair weather.
Alciónei-giorni, fair,clear,talm,quiet an/l
happy dayes.
Al-conipetco, Al-cofpetto, in the pn fence,
before ones face, in view.
• Al-contmuo, adv. continually.
Al-contrario, Al-convérfo, adv. contrary,
Al*convenévole, adv. conveniently.
• Alcorano, the book of the Turk‘ff} Faws and
Jnftitutions, called the Alcorn», which in
the Turk'fh Tongue ffgnifieth, A CoUtClion
of Laws and Precepts.
Al-córpo di me, by tin b >dy of me.
Alcótica-cifra, ciò e feritta co*i trafpónere
le lettere, come Rafocam , per Cam-
Alcunamente, adv. fome way, in fomc
Alcuna-qualche volta , adv. at fome one
time or other.
Alcuna vòlta, adv. fometimes.
Alcuno, fomc one, fome body.
Alcun-cotanto, adv. any other fo much .
- Alcun’-otta, adv. at fometimes.
• Alcunque, as Qualunque.
Aldarga, a kynde of Target among the Moors
in Harbary.
Al-dafezzo, adv. at /aft, infine, in the end,
when aU n done.
Aidéa, a Village , a Hamlet, a Countny-
Al-dichmo,adv. decliningly.
Al-didencro, adv. inwardly.
Al-didiétro, adv. backward.
Al-difuóri, adv. outwardly.
Al- di lóngo, adv outward, forthright.
Al-Ji lungi, adv. diftantly, forre off.
Al-dimane, adv. the morrow next.
■ Al-diritto, adv. right-on,forthright.
•Al-dirupo, adv. in down-tumbling man¬
Al-di fópra, adv. over and above.
Al*di fólto, adv. underneath.
• Al-difcoperto,adv. dtfcovtredly.
Al-difpctto, adv. in d((pight,maugrc.
Al-diltelo, adv cxttndcdly.
Al-difù, Al-difiifo, adv. over and above.
A'ido, ufed in Lombardy for Odo, I hear.
Alea, an alley, a walking-place .
Alebromante, a Sootbfayer by Bailey-meal
mixed with wheat.
■ Akbromamia, Divination by Barley-meal.
Aléce, Aledia, as Alice.
Alcchialem , a Tariff All-bail or Saluta¬
A let angina,^ mance of (pice,a kind of Pills,
Alcffe, the fi' ft Mere efco letter, at Alfa.
'Alega, as A Iga, Sea-g,a(fi, Rett.
Aiegare, as Allegare.
Alegatione, as Ailegatióne.
- Alcgcrirc, as Alleggerire,
A légge re, as Eleggere.
'Aleggiare, as Aliare.
Aleghcvole, alLageable.
Allegoria, as Allegoria.
Alegoricamente,adv. allegorically.
Alcgorizz.irc,f0#/é Allegories.
■ AI egramente, adv. as Allegramente.
Alegrare, as Allegrare.
Alegrétti, as Allegrétti.
Aiegrezza, as Allegrezza.
- Alcrmnuolo Spagnuólo, a Low Countrey
man SpagnoliegcU-
Alenar e, to give ar lake b,eath, to bring into
breath, to enfiarne a horfe ; alfo as Alle¬
- Alentare, Alentire, tifeo, tiro, to (lac-
A»lénzj, adv. by, or with a Net : Look
Alepàrdo, a Leopard.
Alep e,c kmde of he,bor fifh•
Aléppe, the beginner of all things > alfo the
j fir ft Hebrew letti, .
! All’erta, adv. watchfully, at all advantages,
hcedfully viligant in aU dangers.
*• Aldfì, ulato per grado e giro del Ciclo.
Alefl'andnna,/i/< xanders or great Par fly, fome
take it for Peniwinkle.
Ale Ha re, to boil or ficihe meat.
Aleflipbarmaca, any counter-poifon.
* AlefTitero, an Antidoteagainft poifon.
Ale-lVo, boiled or foddenmeat.
Alcftire, as Allcllire.
* Aletidi, certain Sacrifices fo called.
Aletta, any little wwgi alfo the finnes of
A-letcere di fcatoia,A lettere di fpeciàle,adv.
as plain to be fetn as are the great Letters
upon the Boxes in Apothecaries fijops j by
met; plainly or aloud, that aU may fee,
hear and vend.
Alettério, Aletcório, a certain (lone found in
the maw of a Cock, the Coik-ftone.
* Metto, a Hawks lure.
Alettóridi, certain birds With long bills, living
m Vineyards or Garden-hedges.
Alettorolópho, the herb Cox-comb.
■ Aletroriomant t,a Sootb-fayer by looking into
Akttorioraantia,Di'ciaM0//j by confidering of
CotlfS, or rather their (tones.
Akvàre, Allevare.
Akzznno, the fon ell-colour of a horfe, a
forrell borfe.
'Alfa, the firfl letter of the Greek Alpha¬
'Alfa et Omèga , the firfl and laft Greek
letters j by met: fir ft and laft, beginning
and ending j fo God ts called.
Alfabetàrio, Alfabetico, Alpbabeticall, in
veder of letters.
Alfabèto , an Alphabet , an ABC.
Alfaique, skilfuUin Divine matters, or wife
and learned in Mahomet: Law.
Alfana, a breeding wilde Mare i by met: in
mockage a great woman.
Al- far del giórno, adv. by break err pap of
day, in the morning.
- Al-férmo, adv. aftiiredly.
Alfeftc, a k ‘nde of jiff .
Albére, Alfino, Albero, an Enfign-beartri
alfo a Eifbop at Cbejfc.
Al-fine, adv. finally , in the end.
Alfio , herb Live,-rvort > alfe a Tetter or
Ringworm , alfo a. Spavin in a horfe.
■ Alficomante, a Sootbfayer by Barley-meal.
■ Alfitomantia, Divination by Barley-meal.
Alfonsino ,acertain Coin in Naples .
Altordioj a Ifmdcof venemous Serpent.
'Alga, Sea graffe, Sea-weeds, Reut, Rites 5
alfo Ducli-weed ', alfo Spelt-corn.
Algarada, a fudden inroad or incurfton, alfo
a riotous uproreor tumult.
Algebra, Alghcbra , the Art of figurative
Numbers, an Art confining of Anthmetick
and G eometry together j ufied alfo for the
Art of Bone-fating-
Algebnfta, Alghebnfta, an Arithmetician ;
alfo a Bone-fitter.
Algènte, any fi(h that fee doth upon, orbreedeth
in Sea-weed.
Algènte, cold, chill , [reefing-
Algére, to chill , to freefs through cold.
A 1 -guo, adv. wheeling round.
A [giróne, a Iftndc of Cormorant.
Aigoufmo, the Art of N urn bring, or ufi of
Cyphers by cw ious Arithmetick.
Aìoóio, full of Sea-weed or Rites.
Al gròtto, adv. ingroffc, by great.
* Algiiinmim, as Alnuigghim.
Alguno, ufed for Alcuno.
Alguro, Algurio, Augurio.
Alg urare, as Augurare.
Alguzzino, as Aguzzètto.
Alheppe, for Ale-hè-bbe, he bad wings.
Al-hór’, Al-hóra, Al-bótta, adv. then, ac
that hour or time.
«• 'Ali, the plu: of 'Ala i alfo that which Ar¬
morers call Lamms.
* Ali-apèrte, difllaidin Armory.
* Ali del nàfo, the fides of ones nofe.
'Alia, bath been ufed for 'Ala.
* Alianza,** Allianzs.
Aliare, to wing, to four or hover up and
down in the Aire upon ones wings, as a
Rinvìi doth j by met: to love to feed upon
the wings of any fowl » alfotofneak about
fccrctly or loittringly.
Alibanti, fuch as die for want of radicali
humour or moiftnefte.
A\ibéz, a Jfinde of nourishing herb.
Alibile, nourifhable,nourfhtng', alfo lawfitU
or allowable j affo that may be put to fi-
lencc, or hujht 5 alfo that- may grow pale
through fca> or amazement.
* Alibirc, bifeo, bito, to nourifhor give non-
rifhment unto j alfo 10 malic or become law-
full -, alfo to hu[h or put to filenoe i ufed
alfo for to difcolour or g>ow pale and wan
through fudden fear and amazement ', the
ma: utaken fom Ubbia-
* A libito, nourifhed j alfo made lawful'l ; alfo
put to filence alfo difcolourcd or grown
'Alica, as' Alga.
Alicaitro,l/;e wheat called Far.
Alice, the Pilcher-fifhy alfo a If ride of fi(h-
brinc, pickle or Jowfe.
Alichino, the name of a Devil in Dante, that
is, inclination to vice and fin.
Alicorno , an Unicom } alfo Vnicom-
Alidóre, Alidire,dìfco, dito, to deprive of
humidity , to dry , to unmoiften S by met: to
taint or become ftale, as meat over-long
kept .
* Ardiménto, Alidita, dryneffe, want of
Ali duo, 'Alido, faplijfe, without norrrifhing
moiftnejfc alfo fiale, tainted , fly bitten, as
fiale meat.
- Alleggiare, as Aliare;
Alienabile, alienable , that may be-alie¬
Alienare, Alienigenare, to alien, to alienate,
to c(lrange.
Alienations, Alicnamento, alienation, cflran-
m- . r ■
* A henigéno; an alien, a foramer, a flran-
Alièno, as Alienigeno.
Alierà , aliinde of high furring Eagle, which
alone fixeth his eyes againfi the Sun.
Aliétte, as Alette.
A-liéva, adv. lifingly.
-Alievare, as Allevare,
'Aliga, as 'Alga.
A ligófo, as Algófo.
Alitare, as Allegare.
Aligero, having or bearing wings.
Aligi, Alili, the blew Lilly-flower j alfo a
li/ndc of great Sc a-crab.
Aligófta, a liinde of dainty fi[b.
'Alima, an herb which being eaten k c ^P s onc
a long time from hunger.
Ali marc, a place to [hoot levili or point ■ blank»
alfo as Limare.
Alimentare, to nouvfb , to fuftain, to fi¬
Aliménto, notwfhmcnt, fuftenance.
'Alimo, a kfinde of Sea-wort, brartfifh in
taflej feme take it for Sea-mallows, Job
30. 4.
A limóne, a nourifher, a foftcrcr j ufed alfo
for 'Alima.
Alimònia, as Aliménto.
Alino , a kjnde of Liquor is.
Aliò tti, keels ,f cale sor nine-pins.
* Alipede, a funame of Mcrcmy, as having
wings on his feet.
Alipo, Alipóne, a weed growing on Rocks by
the Sea-fide, like a water-dock.
- Aliqualménte, adv. indifferently , in fume
fort, fo fo.
Aliquame parte, che non mifura il ditto.
Aliquota parte, chc non miliira il liuto.
Aliquóto,/ò»?c or cert can.
Ah i ma, the Water-dock •
Alifo, the blew Flower- de- life.
Alitto, Aliffòne, heib Alhfon j fame take it
for the Wood-rufe.
Alitto, cottixpd m Armory.
Aina, as Alièta.
Alitare, to breathe, to refpire » to pant , to fend
forth breath, to evaporate.
'Alito, breath or rcfpiration.
Aiuòlo,//*//, or having nfliration.
Alivellare, to levcll at, to make even, as
Alivellata, a levelling, an evenneffe.
A livèllo, adv. levcll, point-blank*
Aliiingia, the plant Spikenard.
Al 1 zzare, as Aliare.
Alla, a great or common Town-hall, a Guild¬
hall j alfo the miafurc called an Ell.
Alla , a figli of the Dative Cafe', to her, unto
her, at her, to the,unto the, at the.
Alla, having relation unto Verbs of privation
it bccometh the Ablative Cafe, from her.
Alla, or elfe A' la, being placed before any
attive, pofitivc or prof fiali Noun, it makes
the fame an Adverb of quality , of firrnli-
tude , of proportion, of imitation , of rela-
tion , of manner, or of difeyetion, and is in
that fenfe very often ufed, as in divers fol¬
lowing examples you (hall perceive j And
noie , that at your pleajure you- may ufe the
L either finglc or double, as for example,
A-U Frantele, Alla Fiancél x,hke or after
the French fafhion ', A-la Scolali ica, Alla
Scolaftica, Scholar-like, or after the Scho¬
lars flfhion. Note alfo, that if it be pla¬
ced b fore any word beginning with a
Vowtll it is often, yea mo(l commonly Apo-
ftrophtd, as Ali’ aftamàta, bmgcrly. All*
hóra, then, at that hour, All* ufànza, after
the cuflome, &c.
■' Alla-bada, as A-bada.
- Alla-balorddggi ne, giddily,guUtfhly.
- Alla-barba, before, in difgracc or dcflight
of ones beard, to or at ones beard,
■ Alia-barra, at the barn or barriers.
- Alla-bclla prima, adv. at the very firfl.
Alla buòna, adv. in good meaning fort, do-
A Ila-buon* bòra, adv. in a good hour, in good
- Alla-bufca, adv. at muffe j alfo prolingly or
Alla c 3 piicciófa, adv. fantaftically , humo-
roufly , toyifhly,
Alla-carlòna, adv. plainly,homely, clowni[hly,
AI lacciaménti, lacings, lyings , bindings,faft-
ninfrs unto, entrarne llings ’, by ma; enfia-
rings, ent anglings, enweappings, allure¬
Allacciare, tu lace, to tye unto, to binde togc-
ihcty to fa (lai with fometyings, to knit, to
entrameli', by met: to enfiare, to entangle,
to enwrap, to allure, orto wtnde in with
Allacciiriela, to prefume, have a good opinion
of hirnfelf.
Alla-cérca, adv. infearcbor purfuit.
Alla-china, adv. bending down, decimingly,
Itoopingly , crowchingly.
Alla-cicca, adv. blindly, blindfold.
Alla-confiifa, confufedly, pell-mell.
Alla-copérta , adv. covertly, in bugger-
Alla-cortcfe, adv. courtcoufy.
AlU-cróce, by the Croffc.
Alla-disfila, Alla-disttlaca, adv.ftraglingty,
f cutter ingly, tliforderly.
■ Alla-diiobbata, adv. by (lca[tb,filcbingly,a
fHatch and away.
Alla-di:ó(ta,adv. mainly, outright.
Alla-difavediita, adv. at unawares, un-
AJia-difdófla , adv. barebaeltf » without a
Alla-difperata, adv. deflerately.
Alla diltéfi, adv. cxtendcdly ,
Alla-divolgàta,adv vulgarly.
- Alla-dométtica, adv familiarly.
- Alla-dozzenale, adv. after the common fa¬
fhion, by the do\cn.
Alla-facchina, adv. bafcly,pOiterly.
• Alla-fallace, ad w. faUacioufly.
■ All’- aftamàta, ad v,greedily, hungerly .
- A Ila-fiata, adv. at one time or other.
Alla-fila,adv. in files or ranks*
A 11 a-fine, adv. finally, at la ft.
Alla-fin fine, adv. in fine, when all is
Alla fòggia, adv. after the fafhion, like as.
Alla-forcttiéra , adv. after the fafhion of
fir angers.
» A11’- affrontata , adv. in moft impudent
Alla-fuggita,adv. cur fury wife, in running
■ A Ila-furba, adv. cbcatingly, coufeningly.
* Alla-gagliirda, adv. luftily, fittingly,gal-
liard-l k c -
Allagamènto, Allagatane, an overflowing »
alfo a dilating, a (preading
Allagare , to overflow, to cnla\c j by mec:
to extend, or to dilate.
Ali-gemina, adv. damatlfiug-work as they
nfc in Per ft a and Tier kfe upon their [words
and arms*
Alla-ginétta, adv. in fafhion of a Spanifh
Alla-giornàta, adv. daily, day by day.
* Alla-giòttra, adv. at tilt.
Alla-grànde, adv. magnificently , fumptH-
Alla-grótta , Alla-groffolàna , adv. rudely,
grofly, homely, clo van filly-
» All’impazzata , adv. madly , rafhly.
All’infima, a d\. feigned/y, diffcmbltngly.
AlL’ingiu, All'ingiiifo , ady, downward.
Al.’-Inglcic, after the Eiigbfh fafhion.
Ail’ infu, All’-infufo, adv. upwardly.
A!l’-a!ba, adv. by dawn of day.
Alla-le°giéra, adv. lightly, (lightly.
Alla-larga, adv. largely, wi dely, at libcrly.
Alla-libera, adv. fccly, frankly.
- Alladiberalóna, adv. liberally, in prodigali
Alla- lónga, adv. at length.
K Ila-mal hóra, adv. with a mifehief.
Ila-mdno, adv. at band.
♦ Alla-mazza, adv. Look Andare.
AlUmbra, Allhambra, a ftrong bold or Pa¬
lace for a Kjng,
Alla-mefcolaca, adv. pcll-mcU , confufedly,
Aila-minella, adv. a play at Nine-boles, at my
Ladies bole.
Alla-minuca, adv. minfingly, by [mall err
* Alla-moccicóna, adv. floventy, clownifhly.
■ Alla-modcrna, adv. after the late or modern
' Alla-mondana, adv. after tbe worldly fa¬
fhion, abundantly.
■ Alla-mofaica, adv. rub Marquetry woik,
called Mofaickrvo'k-' Look Molaico.
A Ila-imita, adv. mutely , dumbly .
Aila-mutindta, adv. mutmoufly.
Alla-nalda, adv. afte, the ancient fafhion.
Allancdre, to fob, to throb, to blubber, and
to flgh out.
Allanciare, as Lanciare.
Ali'-angiù,3dv. downward.
Ailanguire, as Languire.
• Alla-non pcnfdca , adv. untbougbt upon ,
extempore, fuddcnly.
• All -antica, adv. after the ancient man¬
' Allantóide, as Alantide.
• Alla-pazzéica, adv. after the foolifl) or mad
Alla-peggio, adv. at the wor(l, if the worfl
Alla-penfata, adv. advfcdly, with preme¬
Alla perfine, adv. finally, at la(l.
* All’-apérra, adv. openly, manififtly.
• Alh-piana, adv. plainly , leiftrely.
Allappare, as Lapidare
Allapidatione, as Lapidatióne.
Alla-piu-trilla, adv. if the worfl come.
A Ila-pólla, adv. in wait or attendance.
Alh-prim3, adv. at the fir fi.
Alla-raffa, adv. r)flntgly.
Alla-rdppa , adv. rap and ninne , Higledy-
Alla-rala, adv. fmooth'.y, as it were (haven
or rafed.
Allardare,/o/ard, to enlard.
Alla-redle, adv. redly j alfo royally, magni¬
Alla-recifa, adv. as ricita.
Allarga la mano, an unthrift , a wafle-good,
a fp end-all.
Allargamene, Allargatura, an enlargement,
an enlarging, an amplifying, a dilating.
Allargare, to enlarge, to ampliflc, to dilate, to
' Allargatela mane,*# open ones hand’, by
met: to ufe liberality.
• Allargare la piazza ; by met: to ampli fie the
marks, to bringpUnij.
Allargato , enlarged, ample fed, dilated j by
met; open-handed, frank in giving.
Allaria, abroad in the aire, the herb Sawce-
alonc, or Jack of the wood, it taftes of
Alla-ricifa , adv. cuttingly , fwafhingly,
minfingly -, alfo cart eie fly , hand over
I head.
Alla-;infrefcata,adv. in Autumn time whin
it bcginncibto giowcold.
I • Alla-rimpazz.ua, adv. madly , very rcfhly.
All a-rincontra , adv. front unto , over a-
Alla-rinfula, adr. be Iter-skelter, confufedly,
Alli-ritratra, adv. in retiring manner .
Alla-Romdna, adv. after the Roman fa¬
Ali’-arma, the name of a point of lyarre
founded upon Drum or Trumpet as a
warning unto aims, an Allarum.
Ali-arrabbiata, adv. ragvigly, outragioufly ,
fiercely, in anger.
Alla-rócca , adv. in rout , in broken man¬
Alla—mftica, adv. ruflically,rudifb'y.
Alla-lal valica, adv. wildly, tike a favage
Alla-sbardellata, adv. laiAfi)!y,fwaggeringly,
Alla-sboccata, ad v. impudently, or rafhly in
fpeechi alfo bawdily.
Alla-sbracata , adv. bcaflly , bare-ars’d,
Alla-fcamilcidta, adv. fhamelcfly, as it were
without a fhirt.
Alla-lcapellrata, adv. lcofely,ra(h r y.
Alla-fcatenata, adv. loofely, funoufly, deae¬
rate ly.
Alla-fcavezzona, adv. headlong, loofely, with
Alla-lchiaccia, adv. ruinoufly, infquafhing
Alla-fchiccca, adv. plainly, in good and finecre
Allafciàre, ro flackcn, torcleafc, to loofin >
alfo to let or take by leafe.
Alla-icondefccfa, adv. headlong , in down-
rumbling manner.
of alt.
- Alla-fcrócca , adv. like a Scroccante,
fimi kingly, (hiftingly.
• Alla-lecca, adv. drily, barrenly.
Alla-feconda, adv. in fccondmg or foothing
manner, down the flrcam i alfo the fee oriel
- Alla-sfilata, adv. flraglingly, diforderly.
Alla-sfilazzata, adv. idem.
Alla-sfuggita, adv. curfery, without (lop or
flay, runningly.
Alia-sfuggi.ifca, adv. idem, a fnatcb and
Alla-sgangberdta , adv. loofely , out of
Alla-ficura,adv. fccurcly, fafely, certainly .
Alla-fignorile, adv lordly, lord-like.
• Alla-fópra-mano, hand over head.
Alla-fórda, adv. deafly , not hearing.
Alla-fpenfierAta, adv. carole fly.
Alla-fpaparita, adv. urttrufTd, loofely, with
open breafl.
Alla-fpianacci.ita, adv.plainly, homely, flm-
p'y- .
Alla.fpiattellata, adv. flatly, fo plainly that
the bottom of ibe difh may be fern.
Alla-lpicciolita, adv. flraglingly, as Souldicrs
go a free-booting.
Alla-fpiegdta, adv. difplaycdly.
- Ailafldre, to make or grow weary.
Allaflàro, a herb that yielded) a kmde of bit -
terifh fuga:,-.
Alla-llagluta, adv. haelfmgly, fwafhingly,
Alla-llracca, adv. wearifomely, tired/y.
Allallricare, as Lallricare.
■Alla fudata,adv. unvcihd,openly.
» Arativo, as Ablativo.
Allarmatelo make into Latine ■
Allato, A-lato, adv. elafe, or near unto the
fides ) alfo in comp ari fon.
Alla-todcfca, adv. after the Dutch fa-
■ Alla-travérfa, adv. thwart/y, c/ofly, tra-
Alla-tnlla, adv. fadiy, poorly, wretchedly 5
alfo knavifbly, naugbtiy.
Allattante, Juclfing or giving milk, milking.
Allattare, to mtk, to give fuck, to fed with
milk, to milch.
Alla-cua barba, adv. in flrbt or bi fbioht of
(by beard. * 1
A Ila-Tulliana , adv. eloquently , Tullian-
lfl : -
All -avename, adv. f ut ably, in fcemly man¬
All -avenentej adv. idem. •
• Alla-ventura, adv. at all adventure , bab
or nab.
Alla-vifta, adv. in fight , in view.
Alla-vòlta, adv. towards.
All’- avventata, adv. headlong, furioufly.
• AU’-avviluppata, adv. intricately , cn-
Alla-zemma, adv. as Alla-gcmins.
'Alle, the plu: of Allaj alfo a k'mdc of
Allc-bótte, adv. at handy-cuffs, at blows j
alfe at times, fometimes.
Alleccàre, Alleccbi.ire, to lick or lap with the
tongue, to lick and rv.jfh himflf as a Cat
doth j alfo to fleck or Jmootb j by met: to
flrokc ones beard} alfo to fawn upon, to
flatter, to entice 3 or allure with blzndifb-
Allegamenti, Allecchiaménti, lickings, lap¬
pings-, by met: fawmngs , enticements,
blandtfb merits.
Alle-fiare, adv. at times , at fume times.
Alleficare, to foflcr , tonomfh ; aljoas Al¬
• Allegagióne, Allegatone, Allegaménto,
Allcgànza, an allcaging, a citation, an
allegation J alfo a binding unto or together >
alfo a combination j aljo a fitting ones
teeth on edge.
■ Allegare, to alleagc, to cite 5 alfo to binde
or addreffe unto > alfo to ally, to combine or
to confederate-, alfo to fit ones teeth on edge
by fame fowre tafie 3 alfo to flint at a
certain rate or value ; alfo for young
fruits or buds to knot when the bloQoms
fall off.
■ Allepàti denti, teeth fit on edge.
Allegato, allcaged, cited', a/jo bornd unto ,
combined 0, allied, alfo (limed at a
Alleggerire , rifeo, rito. Alleggiare, to
lighten,to eafe,to di: bun ben.
Alleggerimento, Alleggiamene, a lighten¬
ing, an caflng , a disburdening, a re-
• Allegoria , an all:gory , that is to fay , a
meaning or conceit couched or hidden under
fome veil of words, which literally may
feemto flgnifie fomttbing clfe, a continued
Allegoricamente, adv. allegorically.
Allegriate, Allegnire, to enwood.
• Allegòrico, allfgoricall.
Allegorizzare, to ufe allegories.
Allcgrdggio, Allegranza, an ancient word
ufid for Allegri zza.
Allegramente, acv. gladly,meniy, jocundly,
frolickly , bluhly, joyfully.
Allegrare, to glad, rorcjoyce, to be or mah
merry,to frohek.
Alicgrativo, making mcr,y,gladfomc.
Allegrétti, an herb good in fallati.
Allegrezza, Allcgraggio, Allegranza, Al-
legria, gladruffe, mirth, glee or joy, ly
mett a certain March founded mTrumpet,
Fife or Drum, m figne of Vtfio.y and
iff- ,
Allegrezza di pa a caldo, mirth that lafls
bui a baile time.
- Alle-gnda : Look Andare.
M\egtii,ufed for Oglio di filimo.
I Allégro, glad, merry, jocund, frolick, chea, -
fully blithe y plcafant , jolly.
Alle-guagnélle, an oath that in Tufcany coun¬
trey people ufc to [wear by, importing, By the
holy Gojpcl {as we fay) By the Mafic, or By
our Lady.
Allei j for A lei, to her , unto her, at her.
Alleluia ,Praife to God , God be praifed 3 alfo
the herb wood- farteli.
Alle-màni, adv. at handy-cuffs.
♦ Allenare, Allenire, as Alenare; alfa by
little to become weak and faint for want
of breath } by met: to a ft wage, to appeafe,
to modifie3 to relent.
Allentaménto, Allentane, a (lacking, a
Allentare, Allentire, to (lac^cn, to loofen .
♦ Allentcvole, that may (ladina alfo re-
Addentrata, adv. at the entrance.
♦ Allenzàre, to fwathe about.
Alle-ófle, adv. the game called Cherry-pit*
Alle-póme. Look Póme.
Alle-rifcófi'e, adv. ready to refeue, orlo re¬
lieve, or to be re feued and relieved.
Alle flare, to boil or feet he meat.
Alléflo, boiled or fodden meat.
Allettare, Alleftire, tomaie or become nim¬
ble, fly, quick or full of agility.
Alletto, as Letto.
All’-eftrémo , adv. to the utmofl extre¬
Alle-ftrétte, adv. at handy-gripeSy clofcgrap-
♦ Allecamare, as Letamare.
Alletta, a fi(h called a Mullet.
Allettaménti, Allettanza, Allettatone, al¬
lurements t enticements.
Allettare, to entice or to allure unto.
Allettare, of Lètto, to bed, to bring to bed,
to lay in bed > by met: to beat to the ground ,
as a violent wind or rain doth com or
» F*t Sm
Allettarli , for one to betake himfclf to his
Allettato, enticed, allured.
Allettato, laid in bis bed , bedded , bed-rid i
alfo delighted.
Alletterai, to enlit irate.
Alletterato, enlitcrated-
Allérte, ufed for fheds, (hrowds or (belters,
Allettévole, that may be allured.
‘ Alletto, to bed, abed.
Allevadóre, Allevatóre, a breeder, a foficnr,
a bringcr up.
♦Allevaménto, a rearing , a rdifmg up , a
foflrring, a bringing up.
Allevare, to rear, to raife, to foftcr or bring
Allevato nella bambagia , brought up deli¬
Allevatrice, a fofter-mother » alfo a Mid¬
Alleviaménto, Alleviatióne, an eajìng , a
lightning , a disbwtbening.
Alleviare, to lighten, to disburthen.
Alle-vólce, adv. nowand then,fometimes.
All’-hóra, All*- bòtta* adv. then , at that
‘Alliànza , alliance , kindred by marriage 5
alfo combination or confederation.
Alliària, as Allaria.
Allibile, as Alibile.
♦ Allibiménto. Look Alibire , aftoìùfh-
Allibire, as Alibire, to change colour , and
lofe (peech for fear.
♦ Allibraménto, a booking , a fetting or cn-
tring into a book.
♦ Allibrare, to book, to write, to regifter , to
fetor enter in a book.
♦ Allicentiare, as Licentiare.
♦ Al lice re, to allure unto.
Allicvare, as Allevare.
Allievo, a fofler-cbilde,a fervant or creature 1
that one bath bred and brought up hm-
felf. \
Alligare, as Allegare, &c.
Allignare, to prove according to nature, to fol¬
low kjinne or kmde, but commonly ufed for
to take root, to proffer or thrive well in fow¬
ing or planting.
Allignatone, Allenaménto, Allignarne,
a pro (pero ns thriving, or following of
kinde and nature, namely of plants.
All’-imbràtco, adv. filthily, flutiifhly.
All-impenfata, adv. extempore , without pre¬
All*- improvi fo, idem.
All-Improvifta, idem.
All’-imprcfcia, adv. in hafte , baflily.
All’-imptira, adv. impurely, defilcdly.
AlIMnànzi, a dv. forward.
Alt’- incanto, Al* indento, adv. by a common
Crier, at who gives mo ft.
Ali’-inchiéfte, ad v. enquiringly, in fiearch or
Ali’-incóntro, adv. over againft , oppofite.
Ali’- indiètro, adv. backward.
* All’-indomàni, adv. againft to morrow.
» All’-indritco, adv. right-towards.
All’-infrctta,adv. in hafte, haftily.
AllMnfuria, adv. inftt>y,furioufly.
- All*- ingiù, adv. downward.
Ail’-ingróflb, adv. ingrofs,by the great.
Allinguito, as Linguacciiito.
Ali*-inftànte, adv. at the inftant.
* All’-infù, adv. upward.
* A Ìlionato, as Lionato, cnlioned.
* Alliquidire, as Liquidare,
Allifciare, as Lifciàre.
Allivellare, as Livellàre.
Allivellata^ as Alivellata-
Allividire, as Lividure.
'Allo, 'A-lo, to the, at the.
* Alloccàggine, owhjhnefs, guUiJhnefs•
Allocare, as Allogare.
Allocànda, A-locanda, adv. by hire» hiringlj»
alfo any lodgmgor chamber to be hired.
Alloccàre , to play the owlc j by met: to
fneak up and down in the dark , to play
the gull.
AllóccOjAlócco, an Owlc, a Howlct * by met :
a noddy or fimpleguU,
Allodécta, a young little Lark.
Allodiale cétre, free lands, for which no fer-
vices or fines, or quit-rents are due, and
which arc held from no man but from
God's,freehold lands.
Allodiàre, for an abfolutc Prince to beftow
or give lands in free gift to any man , and
to quit him and his lands of all manner of
rents, fines or duties.
Allodola, a Lark- Lo °k Dare l’allòdola.
Allegagióne , Allogoménto , Allogànza,
a placing i alfo a faming or letting for
Allogare, to place, to fettle, to layup , alfo
to demife , to take or let to farm or for
Allóggia-foreftiérijrt common Inn or lodging-
houfc for ftrangers.
* Alloggiare, to lodge j alfo ( as Souldicrs
fay) to quarter a Camp, to harbour, to
dwell , to abide, to lie or fojoum in any
place, to ho ft or lie in any Inn -, alfo to enter¬
tain or give houft-room unto.
Allogaménto , any lodging or barborough ;
alfo a place where a Camp fets down and
Alléggio, a lodge, a lodging, an hofteU, a har¬
borough , an abiding place , an abode , a
fi and, alfo a houfe or College where Scholars
abide and ftudy , like to the Halls in Ox¬
ford, that have no lands, but all live of
I themfelves and of their own.
A Ilo-indietro, adv. backward.
Allo-ingiù, adv. downward.
All-infu, adv. upward.
* Allo incontro, adv. over againft.
Allongaménto, Allongànza , a lengthening, a
Allongàre, to lengthen, to prolong.
Allongàre la vita, to prolong a mans life J by
met; to be hanged , and to flrctch ones
Alla lónga,adv. at length , along.
Allóngo andare, adv, inlength, inprocefsof
time .
' Allo-ingróflb, adv. ingrofs, by the great.
Allontananza, difiance of place, as longing
or going farre off.
Allontanare, to diftance, to eflong, to go or
remove fane of.
Alloppiare, to opiate, to bring afleep, by art,
by drugs, by pills or potions , as with 0-
* Alloppiato vino, opiated wine.
Alloquibile, that may be (pollen unto.
* Alloquio, a (peech unto anyone.
* Ali-óra, All-ótca, adv. then, at that time.
Ali-óra, albóra, adv. even then, at that veiy
hour 3 alfo as All’aura poetically.
Ali-ordinàrio, adv. after the ordinary fa-
* Allordire, difeo, dito, to dull, tobefot.
Allorino, made of LawreU, of the nature
and quality of LawreU.
Allóra, the LawreU or Bay-tree.
Alloro, A-lóro, to them, at them,
Alio-fcórcio, adv. at the cutting of.
* Allo-ofciiro, adv. in the dark.
~ Allo-fpéfl'o, adv. very often.
Allo-fpropófito, adv. clean from the purpofe
* AU-ottinàtJj adv. obftinately:
* All’-ótta, adv. at that time or hour'.
All -òtta, all’- òtta, adv. a t that very mo¬
Allucciàre, to fix ones eyes and look earnefly
upon a thing with a greedy defire to have
lift it is commonly taken in bad part.
Alludere, ludojliifijlufo, to allude or have
■reference unto 5 alfo to play with or
Allui, A-lui, to him, unto him.
A 11 *-ulti mo, adv. at lafi, finally.
Allumàre, to light, totinde, to kindle, alfo
to aUum , or fieep in aUumi alfo to fix
ones eyes on a thing.
Allumatone, Allunwménto , a lighting, > a
kindling 3 alfo an alhtming.
Allume, as Ahimè.
Alluminare, to iUuminatCy as Luminàre;
alfo to limn in water-colours.
Alluminatone, Alluminatnénto , iUumi-
Alluminatóre, an enlightner.
Alluminolo, fuUof lights.
Allunare, to reduce into the form of a moon,
to change as the Moon, to arch, to bend.
Allungare, as Allongàre,
Alluogàre, as Allogàre.
Ali-ufànza, adv. after the fafhion, according
to the cufiome.
All-ufcita, adv. at the going forth,
Allufingàre, as Luflngàre.
AìiuCióne, allufion or reference unto, an ap¬
plying or aUuding of one thing unto ano¬
- Allusivo, aUufivc, aUuding,
* Alleviare, as Diluviàre.
- Alluvióne, as D/luvióne.
'Alma, ufed for the foul of man.
Almadéu, a ftrange (pirit, that-Nigromants
ufe to cali upon.
Almadia, a little boat or wherry made of the
bark of a trec '
Almagefta, a> much to fay, a* Perfetti the
book of Pcolemeys great Mathematic^ is
fo called.
Almagéfto,;g 3 alfa a fuftcr-father,
the husband of ones nut ft 3 uf d alfo for
fuftenance or nourifhmeìi; alfo cn Alder-
Almocohól, a If nde of Nitre or Borax.
Almoniàca, an Apncoc\-plum.
Almoniàco, an Apricotf tree.
Almofarifato, inSpanifhthe Cuftomcr-fhipof
any place.
AimucdbaUj as Algebra.
Almuccia, a co tain Canonicali habit or re¬
ligions veflure of fu, re worn by Canons.
• Aimugimo, Almiigbim, Algùmmim, the
Almug-irc:, mentioned in the fi. ft of lyings,
xc,i i j and 1 i. it U now adayes urfinown'»
fomc taccio for ,1 Ifnde of Brazil-wood,
Almuchcn, an Arabian word, fignifying, He
that holds the predomination of mam life.
Aina, ike men fare called an Ell.
'Alno, an A Her-tree,
A 1 no-negro, the black Aider-tree-
A o, C)ow-ga,l. cl^e 3 alfo Comfy of the rock.
■ Alobci, certain eminent men and officers
among tbc Tu fib & degree leffe then the
A-locànda. Look Aliocanda.
Aioccdggtne, as Alloccaggine.
Aloccarc, as Alloccare.
Alócco, as Allocco, an Ovale.
Aloè, the bitter drug Aloes.
Aloè cavallino, the cowrfeft kindc of Aloes.
* Aloe deaerino, the fine ft kmdc of Aloes.
Alocrta, any kmdc of I a k-
A-loggia, adv. ufedfor Abbada.
Alogia, want of rcafm, fiuptdity 3 alfo exccfs
in banquet ting or riotous ft aft mg.
» Alogico, unrcrfoiuble , me onfide rate.
Aloliére, forte di uccello grandiliimo.
AJongiarc, as Ailongare.
A-Jong’-andare, adv. m procefsof time.
Alopace, Alopacéia, Alopacera, the herb
foxtail ; alfo a fimde of grape-
• Alopecia, the falling or ft# a ding of a mans
hair though foul clifeafes-. called the Fox-
evil 3 alo a fifi) Called VcVpc-marino, and
of fome Pé fee-/pad a.
A 1 oppiare , as A Doppiare.
Al’-oppoftta, adv. oppofite , again ft.
A-lor feline, at their will and pleafure.
A-lóro, a call ng one to another, as much as to
fay , Take bred.
1 Aiolà, a fi fi) called ir. Rome Laccia, and in
Venice Chiépa 3 fonie fay it is a fade of
Pilchard j fome affirm it lobe a fi ft), that
kj.Uetb the Tunny to fuck a vein in his
A-lo fpiccbio del foie, adv. at the fi, ft peep¬
ing forth of the Sun-
Aióflo, the hob Madder.
A-Io ftendardo, a point of wane founded on
Drum and Trumpet, fo called, bicaufe it cal-
Ictb Sculdiers to the Standard , to their En¬
figli s or Colours.
'Alpi, the inflrumcnt called a Ha,p.
Al- palefe, adv. pubhckly, mamfeftly-
« Al-pdlmo, the play our children call, At (pan-
counter, or at Hand-point.
Al-pari, adv. even hand, alfie.
'Alpe, 'Alpi, Alps or high Mountains in Italy
fo called .
Alpédica pernice, mountain- parti idges.
Al-péggio, adv. at the wdrft.
- Al-pèggio-andare , adv. if ti c very worft
fad out.
Al-per-ulcimo, adv. at the very laft.
AIpcrtie, Alpi (h mountainous, craggy, rocks,
billy, ftcepy.
Alpeilrézza, Alpifimcfs, roeftnefs , rugged-
'Alpbi, the morpbew or flaming of the skin,
alfo a Iftndc of ulceration.
■ Aiphicomance, a Soothfaye? by Com.
- Alpbicomamia, Divination by Corn.
Alpicordo, as Arpicòrdo.
Al-piè, Al-piéde,adv. at the foot.
* Alpigiano, Alpigino, Alpigno , Alpino,
Alpilano, born, bred upon the Alps.
Al-piu, adv. at the moft-
Al-più al-pù, adv. at the very very mo fi.
- Al-piu alto, adv. at thehighefi.
- Al-più baffo, adv. at the very loweft.
Al-pofsibi!e, adv. to the utmoft poffibility.
Al-poftutto, adv. after all is dotte.
A!-prefénte, adv. at this preferir.
Al-primo-tràtco, adv. at the firficafl.
Alquanti, fome few in number.
Alquanto, adv. fomewhat in quantity.
Alquitrana, a kjndc of liquid pitch or tarre.
A 1 - ràdo, adv. rarely, feldomc.
Al-rimpctto, adv. over againft.
Alfe, did freefc or chill.
Al fegréto, zdv.fccretly.
Al-fercno, adv. inthe opinai, e.
A Is i, adv. ufed in Lombardy for Ancóra, alfo.
A 1 ficùro, adv. fecurely, cc, tainly.
Alfidcnie, elves, Cibols.
Alsma, Chickwecd, Dutljwecd.
Alfiofo, cold, chill, fofty.
Al-fómmo,adv. to the very top.
Alfórdio,c fonde of venemous Serpent.
Al-fòbico, adv. Jiiddenly, upon a fudden.
Altabaffo, as Abobaffo.
• Alca-giuftitia, High or Chief Juft ice i in
France it is apowtr to bang and draw, as
many Princes bave.
Alca leva, a kmdc of long fifh or Serpent 3
alfo a play that children ujc fitting at each
end of a long beam or board, which being
placed loofenpon any frame or other thing,
one wtigheth another up and down.
Altaleno, along Maft or beam fixed faft in
tb: ground, with another beam fet acroJJ'e
on the top of it, which being loofe ferveth
to wave up and down, having fomc great
weight at or.e end 3 the Brewers and Dyc-s
ufcfucb in London to draw water out of
the Thames, and call it a Sweep.
* Altamente, adv. highly, deeply.
Altana, a terrace orwafi on the top of any
caftle, houfe, watt or tree.
Akani , certain winds ;ifiag fuddenly out of
the earth, and are commonly on the right
hand of the South between Oftro and Fa¬
Alt.mto, adv. as much more.
Al-tardi, adv./jfe, lately.
Altare, an Altar-, alfo an Oyl-mitt 3 alfo the
name of a figne in Heaven.
Altaréllo, the dim: of Altare 3 alfo fomewhat
• Altazzòfb, Altièro. Jjok Altièro.
Altea, the herb March-mallows.
A Iteluógo, in Latine Colophon.
Alterabile, Alterante, Alterativo, alterable,
fubjcci to alteration.
Alterabilità, Alteramente, Alccrànza, Al¬
teration, alteration , change.
Alteramente, as Alteramente.
Alterare, lo alter, to change.
Altercangéno, b.,b Henbane.
Altercar e, to wrangle, to fquabble, to brawl,
todebatc, orto contend in words.
Altercatiòne, altercatioìi)fquabling , or conten¬
tion in words.
I Altèrco, tbe\hcrb Henbane.
Albeggiare,/o ftateit, to take upon himfelf
in proud or haughty manner.
Alterello, fomewhat high or haughty.
Alccrévole, alterable.
Alcerczza, Alterigia, Altério, pride , hauth-
tinefs,difdain .
Alterità, an othernef r, an inftant of change or
alteration .
Alternamente, Alternatiuamente, by turns ,
by cou,fes,cntcrcbangeably.
Al-einare, to doe by turn or courfes 3 by met:
to waver and be mconftant.
Alternationc, alternation, fucccfflon by turns.
Alternativo, alternative, enterchangeable ,
ftbjcft to alteration.
Altèrno, alternali, enierchangeablc.
■ Altèro, Altcrólo, as Altiero, Alcezzófo.
Alrersi, as Altresì.
Alte zza, height, highncfs.
Althéa, Mar fh mallows.
Alteramente, adv. haughtily , proudly, dif-
Altierczza, as Alterézza, altitude.
Altiero, Altieròfo, haughty , proud , high-
minded, full of di fdam.
Altimetra, a mcafurcr of altitudes or heights
Altimetria, meafurmgoj heights.
A binando, a venemous Serpent.
Aitino, high proceeding from on high.
Alcire, tifeo, tito, to afeend or become
* Altiflimo, moft high.
Altitonante, high thundring.
Abbonare, to thunder from on high.
A 11 itiid ine , altitude, height.
Altizz jfo, fervent in pride.
• 'Alto, high, eminent, aloft 5 alfo deep or pro¬
found-, by met: a conter Alt or counter
ì inor in Mufick J ufd alfo for the main
deep or Sea 5 u]cd alfo for broad, as Pan¬
no-a Ito, broad doth 3 Panno-ballo, nar¬
row-cloth. Look Fare abo.
Abobjcche, a {inde of great Cart.
Alto-baffo, high and low 3 alfo a kindc of
raifed, or high and low wrought Velvet.
Alco-burdo 3 Nave di alto-burdo, a [hip
t w db a Ugh d:(k> a high fh p.
Alto del giórno, high-day, Mid-day,Noon-
[lead, the Sun at the higheft.
A .co-levdre, to advance or raife high.
* 'Alto-locare, to place aloft, to fet high.
• Altoriarc, as Altire.
A l-tòrno, ad v. about j alfo wrought by a Tur¬
ners wheel.
Altovolinte, high flying.
Abovoldrc, to fly high-
Alco-volcnte, high willing.
Alcra-cófa-alciina, adv. any other thing.
Altramente, adv. otberwife-
- Al-tratto delle fini, adv. at the tnd of all.
Altra-vólta, adv. another time.
Altresì, adv, alfo ike, moreover, befides , eft-
fooi s, tfit wife 3 alfo otbei wife-
Abrc-talc, fuch another m quality.
Abrc-tanto, adv. as much more in quan¬
Abrt-VL.be, adv. other times,
'Altri, others, other m n.
Altrice, a nwfe, a fofter-mother.
A brlméntc, adv. otberwife,clfe.
'Altri, fomc and otic,fome 3 as Altri i fuo-
nare, altri à cantare, fome to play, others
u fing.
AVxWo, a Wren.
•Altro, adv, other j ought elfe 3 any other
Abro-alcuno any other.
'Altro che, adv. other then j alfo if not, ex¬
cept, favmgth.it.
Altro-ci vuole, fomething elfe is required.
Alcro-móndo, another world.
Altrónde, adv. from elfe where.
Altróve, adv. elfwbere.
Altrui, others, other mens, toothers, alfa o f
or from others.
Altura, as Altezza.
Al tutto adv. wholly, altogether
Al vaia, a bill, a [cedui, a lie fact,a rear rath,an
Alticcia, a farry little wing.
Alveario, a place where Bee-hives be fatpt.
Alveo, a Bee-hive, alfa the bed or channel of
arunning river, alfa the main pipe of
any water-conduit, alfa the bid fa the wafte
or bottome of a Jkip, alfa a great bathing-
tub, that is covered. I have read it for
Vena-cava, by Met: aJI:edd,acover,a roof,
or Jhel ter.
Al-vérde, to the, or at the green, by Met:
almojl at an end, or almojt confined ; as
ree Jay in Englijh, burning in the Joe fat,
the Mcc: is ta fan from the ancient cujiomc
in Italy, which was to colour the lower
end of their candles green with the ittico
of hearbs, as yet at this day they doe in
Al-vivo, to the quiefi or life.
A-lumaca adv. Jnatlc-wiJc, Scala a-lumàca
a pane of winding-fair cs.
Alum.irc, as Allumare.
Aliarne, any fand of aliarne.
Alarne canno, a fand of allome, that Chy-
mifaufc, which is the afesof the hear b
Bali and salicornia burnt to Cinders.
A lume di rócca , rochc-allomc.
Alarne di piuma, a fand of aliom.
A Iti me Romàno, Roman aliom.
» Alarne Scagliuólo &c. a fand of aliom.
Aluminófa qualità, an allorny quality.
Alumófo, full, or tajiing of allotti.
A-liina prima, at the Jirjl quarter of the
A-luna fecónda, at the facond quarter of the
A-luna piena, at the full Moon.
A-luna té.za , at the third quarter of the
A-luna fcéma, at the valine of the Moon.
A -1 tinga A lungi, adv. Vijlantly, fane of.
A-l tingo andare, ad v. in proccfjc or length
of time,at the long ninne.
Alunno,^ fojtcr-childe, a child fapt for Gods
[afa. A [minar ifl.
Alvo, a wombe, by met: ao rube or fepulchrc,
alfa the naturali channel of a river.
A-luógo e tèmpo, adv. [cafonably, at con¬
venient time and place.
Aiutare, to lute, as lutare, AlchymifticaL
Alutatióne, a luting, a luxation.
A-liitto, A-bnino, A-corótto, A-duólo, A-
lugubre, A-mórto, adv. in mourning
Alzabàra, a fa nd of drug.
Alza, Alzaménto, m Alzata.
Alzana, a hai fa, a rope or cable , for to hai fa,
to hale, to tin or draw boates, barges,
orjbips withall againft the Jiream, al Jo a
Crane or other engine to hoij'c up great
weights or paefa, namely as they ufa in
Alzaniére, a halficr, or he that haleth a barge
or Jhipby a rope, alfa a hai fa or halfier in
a Jkip.
Alzare, to raife, to lift up,to rcarc, to elevate,
to hoi fa, to advance.
Alzare al Cièlo to raife to the heavens, by
met: to commend highly.
Alzare véla. Alzare le véle, to hoi fa failes.
Alzare il banco, by mer: to fatai eafa to
fare well andmafa good ebeare.
Alzare ilgremiàle, pro: to lift up ones apron,
[pollen of a woman with childe, when her
bellic begins too [well, and her clothes
growe to Jhort before.
Alzarci mazzi, proverbially u fad for one to
put up his pipes and be gone.
Alzare le carte, to lift or cut the cxrdes.
Alzare le mani, to lift up ones hands, by met:
to become liberali , or open-handed.
Alzata, a raifang, an elevating, a lifting up
a rearing.
Alzévole, that may be r ai fad, elevated or
lifted up, rear able.
Amàbile, amiable, lovely, to beloved, alfa a
fand of wine in Italy.
Amabilità, amiableneffe, lovclincjfa , ama-
Arnacco, adv. dog-cheap, plenty , alfa feot-
free, at others charges,
Amaccàre as Marcare.
Amadéo, fame pan of a fa) ip.
Anodizzato amadi\cd, by met: affected in
boofaphrafc\, quaint in fpccch.
Amadóre as Amatóre.
Amadriadi wooJ.-Nymphcs.
Amafrpfla, blindncjfc caujcd by the [topping
of the optifa fannew's.
A màglie adv. wrought with ojlct holes litica
Jbin of mailc.
Amagrirc, zwAmagrarc.
Amainàre, to amain, to [rifa; the main yard,
a phrafa among Manners.
A ma lare, to fac fan : to fall fie fa
Amalaticcio, /ic/’/y, erased in health.
A malato, fac fa defaafad.
A-mal-cuóre adv. againft ones heart or good¬
A-mal' in còrpo adv. idem.
* Amalgàme, a mixture of qui c- fai ver with
. other met yah that Alchimifas ufa.
K Amaliàre as Ammaliare.
A-malolténto adv. very hardly, with much
A-mal partirò adv. A-mal-términc, hardly-
bcjicad, in an ill plight or [ate.
* A-inàno alzata adv. with upheaved hands,
by met: fuppliantly.
Amanire nfed far Menare, or Amanire.
A-mancànza didima, in the wane of the
Amanchitide, a fand of [one.
A-mandòiìra , A-mandritta, A-manritta,
adv. on the right hand or fade.
Amandino, a fand of ftone of divers colours,
good againft poifan , which is fail to ma fa:
him victorious, that wearcs it about him,
and tcachcth to interpret drcu-r.es and
Amandola, any fand of Almond.
Amandclara. any meat, p afte, or mil fa: made
of Almonds, Almond-milfa
* A mandolini, young almonds, Almond-
Amandolo, an Almond-tree.
A-mangióme adv. with ioyned hands, fup-
Amaniménti, dreffangs , dightings, prepa¬
Amanire, nifeo, nito, todre[fe,to dighe, to
adorn, to fat forth handfamly, alfa to pre¬
pare and malic ready for ones hand, alfa
to facile upon or lay hands on.
Amanito,wzadc hand farne,alfa laidhands upon
alfo made ready for ones hand.
Amannàre, Amannire, as Ammannàre.
A-manmanca, A-manfiniltra, A-manzan-
ca, adv. on the left hand or fade.
A-mano adv. at hand, readily.
A-mano amano adv. by and by, Anon , alfa
Hand in hand, alfa orderly in ranfa.
A-màno armata adv. withfirong and armed
hand, forcibly.
A-man-picna adv. full-handed , with full
A-man-ialva adv. fafely, without danger.
Amantàre, to enmantle, to enrobe.
Amantélchi fofpiri, lovers hearty fgh's.
Amante, a lover, al fa loving.
Amanticula, a faller of lovers.
Amanticidio, a murthering of lovers,
A mantici rami , [badie or farrc-Jpr eadin?
boughs or branches.
Aiiianulla , the barbe Paler inn , Capon
tane, or Setwall.
Amantino us Amandino.
Amànto, a mantle, an upper-robe.
A-man vuòte adv. empty-handed,
A manu énfi looli Anagnólìi.
Amanza,.! beloved lafjc.il (Jra,Hour,a Mille Is
of ones affettati. 1
A mancino Amaraccolaco Amarantino bit-
tenji), alfa oyleof Marioram.
' Amara co, great facet Marioram.
Amaracoccolàto, oyle of Marioram ,
Amarame, all manner of Bin erne ft.
A malaménte adv. bitterly.
Amaranto, the barb Maudlin alfa the
Flower gentle or Faffcvdoun '
Amaranto tirilo. Gddytcch.QcU wet
or Gods-flower.
A maraviglia adv.marvel on fay,
A-marcia forzo adv. in mojt forcible man¬
ner,injpight of ones heart.
• A-marcio dilpétto ad v.in forced or difpight
of ones heart.
Amare, to love, to a facci heartily, alio tob,
in love.
• Amare mèglio, to to belter, to will) or
have rather.
- Amareggiarne, Amaiczziinre, Amaricante,
..mancciante, A maro. Jarre, abincring,
" W*S bl “" . traeVJb or tajiing ot
Sea-water alfo growler or fiorone to a
Sea,alfo looFwg gnm an( i n„„i, y, mct .
lor,nee::,ig will, c/.-,„■//> world , and
rough deedcs.
Amareggiare, Ammezzire, Amatóre, A-
maricciare, Amai igliare , 10 embitter,
to m.e.e or become bluer or brachili,, to
u,!e bitter or brae file, to look, or
S' v S' 1 ’ w* " Ml grim, to
become churl iff, &c. to life me binali or
A marcila, hca.be Mugmn, or (.If tome fay)
Fever Jew. J
Amarena A marina,.: far.lof-Jlyrp.cherry,8cc.
Amarétto, Amariccio, Amariglio , Ama-
ragnolo, biucrijlg tajiing bluer or brac-
Amarézza, Amaritudine, Amararóre, A-
marulénza, bitternefje by met; Jpight-
fulnefjc. *
A mavégnolo, bitterijb.
A marina, the twig-wuhy or Ofacr, alfo as
A mature, riico, rito, to make or become
A.maritudine lool^ Amarézza.
A maro, bitter, bream,bra, ifajb.
Amaróre loo Amarézza.
A-marcéllo, Lool^ Toccare a-marréllo.
A màrtora j a beafl called a Manin.
Amarulénte, bluer, breamifh, braefajh, by
met: defpightfull ani bitter withall.
Amarulénza , bitternejje , braefajhneffa b)
met: bitterJpighifulnefJe.
Amàtzc loo li Inneftàre.
A màfia as Amanza.
A-mainada adv. Helter-sliclter by troupes.
A-màfì'a adv. by heapes ani badi le.
Amaliare as Ammalare, &c.
A màlici, as Ammaliò.
Amatàco , as Amara co.
» Amatlvo Amatile, lovely, to be loved.
A magnare, to become or growe/morning.
■■■■ Ama'tiida,t/:c Hcmetite or Amaihijt-jionc.
• A matillino^ the Amati ji- colour.
- Amatita, mar fang-[tone, Red-oafar, fame
tafae it for Blacfa-lead.
A matitatóio , a filter or b/a^n quill with a.
Iiccc of red-oatye or black k ai ^ at onc cn ^ ,0
write with all.
Amaciva , Amacióne, alovc-fit, a lovmg-
paffton , a true-loving affdhon.
Amatóre, alov.r, onc that loveth , alfo a
loved Servant to a Miftriffe.
Amatòrio , loving or love-canfing.
Amatrice, a She lover.
A maturare , as Maturare.
A-mazzacchera, adv. inmurlbenng fort 3 in
wnte for to fall.
Amazza-franchi ,as Ammazza-frincbi.
Amazzaméiuo , as Ammazzaménto.
Amazz ire, as Ammazzile.
A mazzata , as Ammazzata.
Amazzatóre ,as Ammazzatóre.
Amazona, an Amazon, which in G.eekfl~
gnifles pap-life , without dug or teat.
Amba , a kind of fuitehkt a big Olive.
Ambage,*?;? ambiguitie orlabbleof words ma¬
king the fence doubtful! , alfo m Ambagh.
Ambagia, Ambafcia , Ambaftia, an ext afte
or paffion of the minde , a qaalme over the
(lomacke with a dixptinefje m the head , or a
(hoitnefe of ones breath , by met. vexation ,
fitting grief.
Ambagiare , Ambafciare, Ambaftiire, to
fall into fomc cxtafie,difmay orfudd.cn paf-
fion, to be dixjfie and lofconcs breath, by
met. to fpe*k doubtfully or go about the bufh
with onc.
Ambagiófo,Ambafciófo,Ambaftiufo,d f a^ureofan Amatbifi -
Ametilto, .is Amaiilto.
A-mezza cala , adv. half waie home, by met :
A-mé zza lama, adr. A-mtzza fpida , at
half f word, by met: tlofe-umo.
Amczzamémo, a dividing in the midlc.alfo a
ripening or a mi Uowing.
A mezzóre, to pane, to {bare, or to divide into
ba/fes or m the middle , alfo to mediate or
deal and go between panie and panic , alfo
to growe ripe or become mcUowc, namely as
Pcarcs. J
Amczzire la via, lo out or divide lite route, to
meet one half waie.
Amezzatóre, a mediator , an umpier.
A-mczz' iria.adv. m the middle retim eloft.
A-mcZZa fpada, as A-mezzalama.
A-mézzo, adv. by or at halfs } in common, be¬
tween two partners , alfo over again ft, alfo
demy in armor ic.
A mezzo tempo, adv. at mid-time, to cove¬
nant for time one as long as another , Alfo
interleafon. J
Amfibio, cen
Ammalare, as Amalare.
* Ammaliaménco , a bewitching,a charm¬
Ammaliare, to bewitch, to charm.
Ammaliatóre, a bcwitcher , a charmer.
Ammaliatrice, a fly-witch-
Ammanaménco, a gathering or reducing into
handfuls , alfo a mafiint ready for ones
* Ammandrare, to reduce into herds or droves’,
aljo to cmpound catted.
Ammanare, Ammanirne, Ammanuire, to
reduce into handfuls as gleaners do corn, or
flax-wives tbeh flax j aljo to prepare and
mafic ready for ones hand ; among man¬
ners it [igni fleth to gather in, to hale or fin fie
feiil fuddcnly
Ammanfarc, to enmilden, to tame.
Ammantare, Ammantellare, to enmantle,to
Ammaniatura, an cnmantling.
Ammantino, a (lone of many colours.
Ammanto, a mantle, an upper-robe.
Ammarcire, as Marcire, to rot,
* Ammaraménto, a rotting.
Ammareggiare, as Amareggiare.
Arnmarginare, as Marginare.
Ammmcare,i« Ramaricare.
Ammarire, to embitter.
» Ammantar fi, to be married,
Ammartellàre, as Martellare.
AmmarteMato, hammered , al(o paffionate in
love or jealoujtc. t.oofi Martèllo.
Amrmfcaràre, at Mifcarare.
Ammafciare, Ammaliare, Ammaflìcchiàre,
to amafle or gather up in heaps.
Ammaliatile , Ammaliévole , that may be
ammajfcd or gathered together.
AmmalTaménto, Ammallàtura, Amm affo,
an ammafje or gathered heap.
Ammallatóre, a hi apre, a gatherer.
Ammafiìcciàre, to mafic or become maffle ; by
met: to enure to all bardncjfc.
Ammalio. Loo fi Amm; flaménco.
• Ammaftinato, become dogged or cur rifa.
Ammaraflate, at Macaflare.
Ammarinare, to grow morning.
Ammattire, to run or fall mad.
Ammattonato, as Mattonato.
■- Ammaturire , Ammaturare, as Matu¬
Ammazza, filli j alfo a fiillcr, namely, being
placed before any Snlfianiivc.
- Ammazza-cam, a fiillcr of dogs > alfo the
herb Dogs-bane.
* Ammazza- franchi, a pie af ani fuit about
Tripoli, dangerous to thoje that eat of it.
» Ammazza-lùpi , « fiillcr of Wolves-, alfo
Ammazzicchera, as Amazzacchera.
Ammazzaménto, a killing, a / laughter.
Ammezzare, to fin fie at the head with a club,
to (lay, to fiill dead, to muethtr.
Ammazzar Icmólcheper ària, to have a
fthifi’ng breath.
Ammazzata, a killing > alfo a (landing flay fi
fliff as one fiey cola j aljo an angling-rod.
Ammazzatóre, a filile, , a murthirer .
Ammazzerai, to ftiffln, to mafie or become
tough, fi iff] or [olid.
Amnuzzolare , lo mafie into bundles or
Ammelàre, to fwceten , to tnboncy.
Ammelato, bon ycd fweetned.
Amme'n, An menno, Amm, So be it.
Ammènda, at Amends.
Ammendare, as Amendare.
Ammendatióne, as Amendaménto.
Ammendévoe, as Amendévole.
Ammentànza, remembrance, memory.
Ammentaie, to niindc, to remember.
* Amménza, memory, mindfu/nefl'e.
Ammc filine, admittance, admtffion.
Ammollo, admitted, allowed.
Amméttere, to admit, to allow .
Ammirabile, admittable.
Ammezzare, as Amczzare.
'Ammi, the Cummin colled Roy all-cummin, or
asJome fay, Ammie , Amcos, Htleges,
- Ammollaménto, a molhjyihg , a foafiing, a
J upp hug, a Joft rung.
Ammollare, Ammollire, to fupple, to mol-
life, to for.fi 11, flap in any liquor 5 a foto
(laefien, to Jè/tcn.
Ammoll. to, Ammollito,/?/^, mollified,
Joofied , (leeped, foftned
* Ammollai vo, apt to m.Mfle.
Ammollici, ae, to mafie 0 become foft, deli¬
cate, tffcmrnatc or wanton. Lo.fi Mol
Ammonacdrfi, fornito become a Mciib or
a Nun.
* Ammoncellàre, to pile up in heaps.
A ormóne, as Hammónio.
Ammoniaco, a juyceor gnmme tb-t comclb ;
j.ini the herb Agasilli , called Ham
mone fi.
Ammombile, admomfhablc.
* Ammorrigióne, Amroniménto, Amaro-
nitióne, admonition, waning.
A minonn e, mico, nito, to adn.oivfh, t.:
Jori warn.
Ammonitóre, aw admomfher.
- Ammonitóiio, as Momrório.
Anrnronitro, a compofition oj Send and Nitre
to mafic glsfits with.
* Ammontare, Ammonticchiare, Ammon-
can. re, Amrnonricare, Ammoncicdlarc,
Ammonticchiare, Aminontoii.ire, Am-
moiiZicchiarc, to amount , to lull up, to
mount , to heap up into heaps 0, Ct cfiy as tiny
do corn or hay, to coi fi up 5" alfo to a fund or
Cl: mb Up any (lairs or hills ; alfo to! ap, to
get upon, or to cove, for to ei.g nice, as all
Jortsnffnur-jootod biafis do-Lr, fi Montare.
Ammo, b.re, ir ir fed with Contagion.
Ammorbidare,Ammorbidire, lo mafie orbe-
come ronfi trr luxuriant as herbs ing: owin',
Loofi Morbidezza.
A muro: c i Io, injcd ous, contagions.
- Ammorfellai e, to mime rato morfets.
* Ammorfcll ; to, minced into me,Jcls.
Ammortaménto,Ammortiménto, a dcad.ng ,
a quenching.
Ammei tare, Amrnor ire, to dead, to ouern h
__ E_z _ 'Ani ,
Ammorzatole , Ammorzevole , quench-
Amtncrzscncntojd^ quenching.
Ammorzare, Ammorciare, Ammortare, to
dead, to quench, to extinguish.
Ammofciamcmo , a langu fling , a droo-
m : r .,
Ammotciare, Ammofcir e, to droop, to faint,
to languijh, as we fay, to wear away.
Ammoltare, Ammortire, tn mu(l, to ripen
as gropes ready to go to the preffe. Loti [
Ammotinaménto, a mutiny.
Ammotinare, to mutiny.
Ammocinofo, mutinous.
- Ammottare, violently to crack and rive a-
!under, as b auches of Trees or (tones of
Rocl(s doe fometimcs, and yet a,e not clean
afundo , but at fome part flick Mo¬
Ammóvere, to move unto.
Ammovi'bilc, moveable unto.
Ammozzicaic, as Sminuzzare.
Ammucchiare , Ammucchieudre , to heap
up Louk Mucchio.
Ammucchio, Ammucchiamento, a heaping
or boarding up.
Ammuflùre, Ammuffire: Look Muffi ; to
become mouldy as bread, or mufiy as
Ammuleco, a little veffcll of glaffe.
Ammanire^ as Munire.
Ammunition, as Municióne.
Atnmurat c, to immure , to wall in.
Ammurcdrc, .w Rimurchiare.
» Ammuricare, to enxoaU, to immure.
Am mu fa mento, an amuftng, a mufmg ', alfo
a mulling.
Ammufarc, to amufe, to mufe , alfo to
Ammu:are, to tranfmute, as Mutare.
Ammucildre, at Mutilare.
Ammutinamento, a mutiny.
Ammulinare, to mutiny, to nbcU.
Ammutinófo, mutinous , rebellious.
Ammutire, Ammutolire, to ma^e or become
mute, dumb, o flint.
Aran Alia, oblivion, forgetfnlncfs*
Amnione, as Aguina.
'Amo, a fifl ng book > a ffo 1 l° ve '
Amodit e,armile of Adder or Snake*
• A-inoJo, ;dv. after the manner.
Amò e, for Amò, he loved.
A-moifcs, adv. as Mofaick-work-
Amo mèglio, Hove rather.
Amolare, as Molare.
Àmómo, our Ladies-rofe, Garden-pepper, or
Rofe of Jcrufaltm.
A monacato, become a Monk•
A-mònce, adv. aloft, on ingb : Look Andar
à mónte.
A-mon:e rovcfcio,adv. topfte-turvie.
Amoraccio, Amorazzo , fitly love or tufi.
• A mordo, a kinde of /mall Coin in Italy.
A morchia, *morcbia:e, as Amiirca.
Amóre, love, l ufi, affcRion.
• Amor’- co-nuto, the (lower Mon^-hood.
• Amóre Dei,adv. gratis, for Gods fake, for
the Ivueof God.
• Amore d’horroldno, Gar diner s-love, Goofe-
(hare, Claver , Clover- graffe.
» Amoreggiaménto,d following tr making of
love with wantonnefs and lull.
Amoreggiare, to play the Ime/, to make love
wantonly, to court with l ufi.
Amorétto, Amorino, an Amorct, a little
Amorévole, Ifmdc, lov'vng, affable.
Amorevolézza , Amorcvoldggine , loving
kindernc/s hninrnejs. Amorevolita.
• Amorevolmente, kindly,lovingly.
Amorifero, love-bringing or bearing.
Amoróio, an ameni us woman', alfo a mans
love, paramour, miffris orfweit■ heart.
Amorofaménte, adv. amoroufty.
Amorofanza, Amorofua, amoroufnefs, lo-
AmorofellojAmorofécto, lovely,gracious, fidi
of loving lovtlmejs.
Amoróio, amorous, full of love ; alfo a wo¬
man s paramour.
Amoeixie, fomethingabout a flip.
A-mórl’o, a-mórfo, adv. bit by bit, by mor-
fds. t
Amortare, Amortire, «w Ammorzare.
A-mórie, adv. to death, mortally.
A-mólca c ieca, a play or [port, where one (its
upon a Iloot hoodwinkt, who being bit by
one of thofe that (land about him , mu[l
guefs who did it, or eljt he mu(l fit (Ull ', it
is ike our hot Cockles.
Amofcir e,as Ammofciire.
Amollante, ufed in mockery for a chief man
or ring-leader of others.
A-mótto, a-mó:to, adv. word by word.
Ampaludare, as Impaludare.
Amparare, as Imparare.
Ampelite, an herb in Syria, that kills the
wo, ms ubbing the veins with it.
Ampelodelma, a vine- binde.
Ampcloprafo, the Porr et or Leek-vine.
AmpelolagriJ, Ampelofencceno, white Bri-
ony ; al/o a binde of wildevine.
Ampérlo, the Berbery tree.
Ampbamerione, a kinde of Quotidian A-
Amphefibcua, Amphisbéna, as Anfefibéna.
Amphibio, any creature that liveth both in
the water and on land.
Amphtbologia,c<7«»^cjr/o» or doubtful mea¬
ning in one or many words.
Amphibológico, equivocali, ambiguous, of a
double fenfeor meaning in wards.
Amphibraco, afoot of a verft, the firft and
third fyllable floit,and the middle long.
Atnphicrrco, the (late of the Moon not yet
come to the half compafs bending on both
Amphicóne, a kinde of precious (ione.
Amphidéo, the head of the wombs mouth.
Amphi!ane,itj Crilocotto.
Ampbiraacro, a kinde of lafcivious verfe ufed
at wanton weddings.
Ampbimalii, certain Mantles [haggie within
and wit l out.
Ampbisbena, as Anfefibéna.
Ampbifiij Amphilcii, thofe people that have
their (badows ca(l on both (ides of them,
as they have that dwell in Zona Torrida,
whofe fladows jomctimcs are North and
fometimcs South.
Amphiteatrica, the ancient name oj Paper
made in Rome.
A mphitcatro, an Amphitheatre.
Amphitióni, an ancient univerfaU M-gi¬
ft mte in Greece.
Amphitrite, the Sea, the main Ocean, the wa¬
tery Ringdomc.
Amphodillo, the Dr.ff odili- flower.
'Amphora, a certain vcffcU or meafure with a
Cane on either fide to hold by, containing
about eight of our gallons} alfo a k}l>dc of
viali or glafs now ufed in Italy to put
fwcet-waters in.
Amphorifmi,/*f Apborifmi.
Ampiamano, adv. full-handed, abundantly.
Ampiaménte, adv. amply,largely.
Ampidre, to ampliate , to enlarge.
Ampiezza, amplenefs, fcope, room .
'Ampio, ample,large, fcopefull.
Amplacée, a kinde of great Pears.
Ampleflare, to hug, to embrace err cell with
love .md affi Rum.
Ampléflì , embijeings, callings, or hugging
with hearty love.
• Ampiianza, Ampliatane, amplenefs, fcope.
Ampliare , Amplcare, to ampliate, to en¬
Amplificatole,//;# may be amplified.
Amplificare, to amplific, to augment.
Amplification, Amplificala, amplifica¬
tion, augmentation, encroafe.
Amplitùdine, amplitude, lai genefs i by met;
flreadmgpowcr or dignity.
'Ampio, ample,fcopefull, large.
Ampo, moreover, more largely.
Ampólla, any thin viali glafs ', by met: a puff,
a bubble, a bU(tcr.
Arapollaree, a kinde of great Pears.
Ampolletta, Ampollina, Ampolluzja, the
dim: of Ampolla.
• Ampolletta da bore, an hour- glafs.
Ampollolaménte, adv. by met: puffingly,
vani-glorio fly, h\e a bubble.
Ampolloso, bublag, puffing, full of winde.
Ampollófe paróle, windy, puffing, lofty, or
bùbling ffneches without fubftawe .
Atnpoiluzzj, a little viaU glafs.
Amputare, to cut and pare away that which is
Amputai iòne, a pa,ing about, or cutting away
of any fuperfluity.
Amucchiare, to heap up together.
A-mùcchio, adv. by heaps, hcapingly.
A-muda, A-mudanza, as A-muta.
Amtlctto, anamulet worn about oneagainfi
plague or charms.
Amulinarc,**/ Mulinare.
Amurca, dregs or gr ounds of oyle.
Amuicar e, to come to dregs m the bottame as
oyle doth.
Amulare, as Ammufare.
A-mufo lecco, adv. as one left with his lips
dry, or as a fifh without water.
A muta, A- mu:anza,adv. by tu, ns,by Courfes,
by 0/dtrly viaffstude.
• Amutare, to entcrmewi alfo to run clofe
together as dogs when they are well for ted
and in their full cry.
•Amutata, an entermewed hawks alfo a
well forted and fullctyof hounds running
clofe together.
Amutire,rtr Ammutire.
An ? Ah Ì what ? how ? A Lombard
'Ana, award ordinarily ufed in all Phyftcians
bills, Jignifying a like quantity of each fe¬
ver all thing.
Ambits, the herb Hofc-tail.
Anabattifta, an Anabaptift.
An 3 campfcnotémo, Anacapiferóte, an bc/b
which bath the virtue if one but touch it,
to make a body to nmimber old forgotten
love, allbough left off for flight or ha¬
Anacaugride, a bird in India , whofe dung
fmellcthas Ambir- guece.
Anacardino, avenemow juyee or oyle found
in, or made of Anacdrdio.
Anacardio, a fliub or tree m India, beating a
fruit like a birds heart, yielding a juyee as
red as blood, of whofe fruit proceedeth a
kinde of honey, that ex ulcer al et b where it
toucheth i fome call it, the Bean of Malata,
or Anacardium.
Anaccare, to flare in the rogues language.
Anachitc, Anacithide, a (lone good againfi
poifon or madnefs fome take it for a kinde
of Diamond ufed by Enchanters in raifing
of (pints.
Anacoréfe, a folit arine fs, an hermitage.
Anacorita, an Anchorite, apcrfiR Hamit.
Anacquare, to fprinklc with water.
Anacrifi, an examination of a matter.
Anacromfmo, an imitation of Anacreon the
Lyric k Poet.
Anacróntici, Verfts devifed by Anacreon ',
Anaci eonticks.
'Anada, 'Anadra }< a Duck, • Mallard.
Anadinoi, Anadrino, any Duckling.
Anadiomène, a funame of Venus, as much
to fay, as Rfing out of the fta.
Anadiplófli 3 , ndoublingof words.
'Anadra,# Duck, a Mallard.
Anadrótci ,young Ducklings-
Anafti .re, to (priii^lc with water.
Anagallide , Anagallo, Urooli-iimc, Sea- j
Anagiri j Anagiróne , Anagiride, an heib
fair in view , but cf a (linking ta(le and
favour,called Bean trifole.
- Anagnófti, overo Amanuénfi, fo called of
Cicero, bccaufe that by Bracbygraphy they
wrote ad Letters or Orations that thy
heard, without omitting any fyllable.
Anagogia, the high or myderious undcrflanding
of the Scriptures or any thing clfe.
Anagogico, full of higher myfferioits undcr-
ftancìing -, alfoproportionable.
Anagogica ftrada, away leading m and out,
or here and there.
* Anagramma, an Anagram, or pretty con¬
ceit framed of the juft letters of ones
< Anaiémmo , a Mathematicall Inflrumcnt
to finde the courfe and elevation of the
Analéffia, a difeafe talfmg away the fenfes
from all parts of the head.
Analèttico, a form of diet to nour’fh one that
is lately recovered from fcknefs.
Analili, re folliti on , determination.
Anal Hco, re follile, determined,
‘Anal 'gare, to analogife , to anfwerin due
proportion, to conform by affinity.
Analogia , conveniency, analogy, proportion,
conformity, corn (pendency.
Analogo, aafw. ring in due proportion, refem-
blance or analogy.
- Anancbicidc, us Anachite.
Ananz : , as Ananli.
An.ipéfticij vnfes with the two fh ft fyllables
fhort and ire lalt long.
Anapélto aculeàco.
Anaphora, a figure in Rhetorick, caUed Re¬
petition -, alfo ninety degrees from the afccn-
dant or enfi ion of ones Nativity , or an
ajeenfion of the Planets fram the cafl by
daily courfe of ih firmament.
Anapolironàto, NeapolUani^cd 5 by met: full
of affittatimi-
Anar Ancia, an Orange-fruit.
Anaràncio, an Orange-tree*
Anarchia, a confufcd Common-wealth, a State
without Head or Govemour, wherein one
is as good as anothe r 5 by mec; rafh liberty,
liccntioufnefs, dijfolutenefs.
Anar co, without Prince or Government J by
met: licentious, irregular, dij] elute.
Anàre, as Narice.
Anafarca, a dr sofìe over the whole body.
Anafare, to nofe, or fmcH unto.
A* nato, adv. by nofe, by fent or fitte U of
the nofe.
Anafpamento, a reeling or winding of yarn.
Anafpdre, to reel orwindc yarn.
» Ansftomosia, a conjunction of two veins in¬
to one, or of an artery and a vein 3 ufed
alfo for a bleeding by a broken vein.
Anathema, a man which in timespafl was
given over to the Devil, or that (lands ac-
curfed,execrated,and excommunicated j an
Anathemizzàre, to anathemi^e, to curfe , to
execrate or give over to the Devil.
Anathemifatióoe, Anathematifmo, a making
or being made accmfed, damned, or execra¬
ble, an anatbematifm .
Anatomia, an anatomy, a feflion of, or look¬
ing into all diflinfl parts of the body.
* Anatòmico, anatomicaU, that tyiowctb aU
the f evirali motions.
Anatomia,*» Ana'omiff.
AnatomizzAre, to anatomise.
'Anatra, a Duck or a Mallard.
Anatrarla , Anatrario , a Hawke that
kids Ducks and Mallards.
'Anca, a haunch , a buttock, a hip j alfo the
ankle or ankle-bone.
» Ancada, lo nave diede dell’ ancàda non de¬
lira con grand* urto.
* Ancaióne, adv. in hip-broken manner.
Ancarélla, the dim: of 'Anca ; alfo tripping¬
ly, or hopping on one leg.
A ncélla, a maiden, adamfiU, a waiting-maid
or woman.
'Anche, 'Anco, as Ancóra.
‘Anche-che, adv. although, albeit.
Ancheggiare, to hip , to haunch 5 among horfe-
men it it when a horfe corvcts with a
quick time , bearing himfelf upon his
Anchióve, thefifh Anchoves.
Anchiródc, Anchiróide, the interior proceffes
of the fhoulder-blade.
Andana, as Alzana.
Anelano, as Anciàno.
Ancianlcà, ancientmfs, feniority.
Ancidere, Ancidare, to (lay, to kid dead.
* Anciditóre, Anàfore, a killer, a (layer.
Anelli, certain fhiclds that the Romans ufed.
when they danced.
Ancilla, as Ancèlla.
» Ancillari, certain Sacrifices that were offered
by Matin fervants.
Ancinélli, as Uncinèlli*
* Ancino,<« Uncino i alfo a water'urchin.
Ancino di péfee, a fijh hook.
Ancióve, Ancióc, the fifh Anchoves.
Ancipite, doubtfuU which part to take, handy
dandy j alfo keen, cutting, fijarp.
Anclude, an anvill j alfo a (Pilchard or Sperlin-
#• . ,
Anco, Ancói, Ancuo, adv. this day , to
'Anco, a certain great weight, the nave of a
wheel i alfo as Ancóra.
* Ancólia,/i?e flower Columbine.
Ancóne, a cornet , an angle, a nook •
Ancóra, Ancor’, 'Anco. 'Anche 3 alfo, be -
fides, moreover, eke, too, with all, alfo a-
gai»,yet , anew.
'A ncora, an anchor for a fhip.
Ancóra-che, Ancorché, adv. although that,
‘Ancoraggio, anchoring', alfo anchorage-
Ancorare, Amoreggiare, to anchor, to ride
at anchor .
Ancoràro, Ancoraio, an anchor, ananchor-
maftcr or maker.
Ancróla, a common punk, a (idle whore, a
filthy jadijh ramp.
Ancude, Ancudine, an anvill.
Ancudinare, to forge on an anvill.
Ancuòjjd v. to d. y, this very day : a Lombard
Anctifa, Anchtifa, herb Orcanet or Alcanet j
alfo the gentle Thifile.
* Andabaufmo, a riotous commotion, a hurly-
* Andaccio, Andazzo, (peaking of fafhitms,
whether of clothes, manners or cufiomes, it
fignifieth afafhion new come up, and judden-
ly received. Look 'Eflere andazzo.
Andaménti, goings, trendings,proceedings.
And ante, going, that goeth > alfo Paffiant in
Andanti, goers, travellers, wandtrers, way¬
Andare, vado or vo, andai, andato, to go,
to wend, to march, to pace.
* Andare a brodétto, vale fare un mefeuglio
o ouazzabuglio in confufióne.
Andare a caccia, al'a càccia, overo in càccia,
to go a hunting.
‘Andàie a cavallo, to ride, to go on horfe-
* Andàre a chiappóne, to go Cowringly, as it
were on ones buttocks.
* Andare a cilóffo. Look Cilcffo.
Andàre a contrafar’ 1 morti j Andàre a fa-
vellàre a’mórti 3 by met: to go fleep.
Andàre a dilètto , a dipòrto, a lói. zzo, a
fpalTo, to go a folacing, a (porting, a
Andat e a fila, to march in order, or ranks, to
go in, or keep the files.
Andare a gàlaj to float upon the water, to go
* Andare a gambe levàte, pro: to fall into
fome hard (tate or condition,
‘Andàre a giróne, pro: for a man to go idly
up and dorm not knowing where.
Andàre a guadagno, pro::u wander or fhift
up and down for gam or hire.
Andàre ad hófte, logo a wayfaring , to go
with a camp,to follow an army.
Andare aiàto, Andàre aióne, to go idly, toy-
teringand gaping up and down.
Andàre a la àia, pro: to lay to pawn, as we
fay, to lay in lavander.
Andàre al bófco, pro: to go to the wood 3 by
mec: to take the diet-din. k fortbeFrcncb-
Andàre alla bufca,/0go a booty-haling, to go
and fhift.
Andàre alla crociàta i by met; to go and
come home by weeping-crofs.
‘Andàre all* altrui mercéde, to go at others
charges 5 by met: to (land to other mens
Andàre alla mazza, to go to the club j by met.
logo to the llaughter.
‘Andare al làl’cio, to go leafhed 3 alfo to be
taken up and h afhed as bad hunters be.
Andàre alla mónta, for cattell in time of
breeding to go to rute, to leaping, to co¬
Andàre all* ofeuro, to go in the dark 3 £jmec:
to walk 171 ignorance.
- Andare alla llagliàta, to go in and out, to
go reelingly and carelefly as a drunken
Andàre a mónte, to fwig and deal the cards
agami by me t: to prove vain and come to
* Andàre a mortagna, to go to death or out of
this world.
And are a ónde, to go waving j by met: to go
m indenture-wife as a drunken man.
* Andàre a parlare a Pilàto, by met; to go be¬
fore a Judge upon life and death.
Andàre a pélo, to go according to the hair
orbyafs 3 by met; to fuccccd according to
Andàre a pifciare, to go make water 5 alfo
the name of agame at cards.
Andare a ripórre 3 by met: for one to go pul
up his p ipes , o r go and hide himfelf.
- Andàre a ricifa 5 by met: to go precifely and
warily about a bufinefs,
’ Andare a riléntej by met: to go cinum(pe6Uy
or fu(piciou(ly to wo>k-
Andàre a ruba.ro go a fettling, a filching or
a free ■ boot ing.
‘ Andàre a ruòta, to go wheeling, to hover in
the aire over ones heads as birds do.
Andàre a fàcco, Andare a faccomanno, to
be ranfack- d, Jatkt or fpoiled , to go to
wrack •
Andare a fchéncioj to go thwartly, fidelingor
* Andàre a fèlla 3 by met: to go to the Clofe-
Andàre a fecónda, to go down the tide.as An¬
dàre a verfo.
Andàre a fcófle, to go (lag gerir g and reeling
as drunken men ao.
Andàre a finidra, to go on the left band', by
met. to mifeany by the way.
Andàre a fóldo, to ferve for pay in war, to go a
‘Andàre a foqualfo , to go to havock ,
to vararti or con fu ft an.
• Andare a ipw aviere, to to ahawkyngor a
Andate a vanga ; by met: to thrive, to fadge
or fuecudwtU.
Andareavela , to fail, to go failing} by met:
to be blown up.
Andare a verfo, to fadge well, to go accor¬
ding to tie tight byafs-, alfo to footh up or
p'.tr’fe ones humour.
Andare a voltolane, to go rowhng.
• Andare s z nzo. Lo>\ Z inzo.
Andare bando , to b. phbkflxd by procla¬
• Andare bene in fu la vita.vale portar bène
la pedona.
•Andare bare olone > to gn hulling up and
down i by met: logo ftaggering.
Andare carpone, to go crawling or creeping on
the ground-
• Andare co’l cèmbalo in colombaia, pro: for
a man to pub (h his own affairs.
- Andare co\ calzare di pi. mao, pto;/t? go
confi.raic’y and with good heed.
• Andare co’l piede di bue, pro: to march
fair aadLifur-.ly, and fafely.
• Andare con le belle ; by met: logo hand-
fnmely to work, to follow his bufinefs with
patience and dexter :ty.
• Andate come la bircia all* incanto, pro: to
go toil as unwillingly as doth a tear to the
- Andate con la pièna, to go with the full
tide > by met: to go with the soft-
And. .re del corpo, for mie to have the ufe of
his b'dy , aid go to (loot.
Andare di male, toga to Spdsboy,to mfcarry,
to go to w-ack fl/
Andar e di trotto, Co go a trotting pace.
• Andare dóve ne Papa ne Imperatóre può
mandare Ambafciatprc > by ma : to go to
Andare dove vanno i favài et i matti > by
met: to go to ones laft home.
■ Andare fallito il penderò, when a mans
purpofe or intent faileth.
Andarcgattolóne, to go groping or fumbling
in tie dark * s Ca!s do.
- Andare erodo, pro: as we fay to look very
big and fem to be angry.
• Andare grattando i piedi 3l!e dipinture,
proverbially (poken of fucb as go up and
down Churches, and prayto tviry Image,
when inwardly they are diffembhng hypo-
Ciitsj to play the Puritan.
] Andare in amóre , to go a caterwawlir.g as \
Cats, to go to rult as Dccr do, to go to
I coupling.
; Andare in Barberi*, to go into Barbarj J by |
! Met. to be laid of the french-pox.
! Andare in béllia j by met: to fall into fu y
! or raging anger.
Andare in bilica, to go a filching, a (hifling,
| ora (ha king-
I - Andi;e in calóre, as Andare in amóre, to
be (alt as a Bitch.
Andare i O. nafau, logo into flefh-hazen J
by met: c go a wenching
> An. arc in cerca, to Jcarch up and down, to
go fa , .
I • Andare in cimbalis, tab- tranjptnted with
} overmuch joy.
| * Andare in Cornovaglia, to go into Corn-
wall J by met; into Cuckolds-haven.
- Andare in Cornovaglia lenza barca j by
met: to be m ;de a Cuckold.
An a c in corib, to go a roving, logo wtn-
d ingor a piracing up and down.
• Andare in dòmo Petri j by met: to go to
p> ‘fui) for ad p ifons are built of ftonc.
Andare inuozzcn3 j by met. to go among
the vulgar fort, as a Ho-fe doth at Li¬
ve y,
- Andare in faicio, logo to wrack and mine ,
Jaid in Latine Pedum ire.
• Andare in cóla materiale, idem.
‘Andare in negócio, idem.
Andare in fréga, to go a catcrwawling 5 by
me ; tolufi beaflly.
Andare in palpcgóne, to go fumbling aad gub
p:ng up and down.
» Andare in paftùra la notte cóme faceva
Andare in pellicceria J by met: to be {lead,
or go to the rack-
Andare in Piccardia, to go into Picardy i by
met: to go and be banged.
• Andare in rótta, to go to rout, to be put to
rout, to be overthrown ho, ft and man.
Andar* in Sincopi ,to fall into diminution} by
met: to fall into a fwoon.
Andare in lliazzo, togo Jharking up and
Andare in fu.chio ,for ones mouth to run
awatcr » by met: to luft for exceedingly ,
namely for Utcbny.
• Andate in traccia , to go tracing.
Andare in vòlta, togo ranging about.
- Andare in z .ccoli per i’afciucio, pro: ft?go
armed where no da, g ow or path.
. Andare per il filo della (inòpia, pro: togo
the right way to work.
• Andare per il móndo , to travcll up and
down the wor Id.
- Andare per la pcfta, to follow the Kjngs
high—way j by met; the zu'gar fsfkion.
. Andare per la pi.ina j by met; to go the
plain Dun[iable- way.
• Andare per filo j by met: for one togo for¬
cedly about any bufinefs.
• Andare piàggia a piaggia, rogo or fail fafely
or clofe to the fiore.
Andare ramengo, to go folitarily or poorly beg¬
ging up and down, ff “lying.
• Andare ratio, pro. to go fncalfutior lik¬
ing up and down.
• Andare t attenuto, togo warily and cijcum-
fpcftly to work.
• nndare fpinto j by met: to go over-proudly
and pr od i gaily alt ned.
• Andare foprale paróle, to go upon other
mins words, to be carried away by fair
• Andare (fretto, to go about any thing fpa-
nngfy or pinchingly.
, Andare capinando, logo a legging.
I Andare temóne, to go gioping, feeling and
fumblng as m the dai k-
‘ Andare vuòto ; by met: for a manto miffe of
his purpofe, a thing to take no tfit ci.
• Andai lene préio alle gridaj by met :ferr one to
believe every idle report.
• Andarli con Dio, ujid proverbially fotone
to run away without leave taking.
- Andarli a i pórre, prova bully ufedof one,
who having lofi his reputation and credit
j may go and hide himfclf or as we fay, go
j and put up his pipes.
- Andata, Andaménto, Andatura, a going,
a manner cf going, a wandering > al jo a dt-
! pinture.
- Andato ,gone, marched, wandered, departed •
Look Andate.
Andature, a goer, a wendet, a t raveller , a
Andazzo. Look Andàccio.
'Andi, as Vadi, let him or her go.
Andirivieni, go and come} al jo a pafportfor
one togo and come i alfo as Fagiolata.
Andivemre, to go and come to and fro.
Andivieni, any going and coming to and
Andito, a path, a way, apaffageor acceffe :
unto ; alfo a porch or portali to en¬
ter at.
'Ando, a valley well peopled, and rich with
Mines or Minerals i jo me have ufeditfor
a rifng hill, that hath neither■ dale or valley
about n.
I » Andogliéri, Antogiiéri, the brow-antlcrs
I or fir It branches of a Dccrs-head.
; Andrachnéno, as Arachnéno.
Andragóne, a virago, a (lota, cr mxnkindc
furious woman.
Andrino, a jadijhblack borfe.
' Andrio, a kinae of vene mo us Serpent.
• Andrògino, Andrògina, of botbfexes, both
man and woman.
- Ancromada , Androdama, Andromante,
Androdamante, a very hard and ponderous
kindc of I ione , bright like fiver, and as
the Adamant draws iron unto it, a kindc of
Andrómeda, a proper name} alfo a certain
(tar in Heaven.
Andrèna, a narrow lane, ar alley and by-way
ina City err Town ; alfo a Jpacc or paffage
between two walls ; alfo a lobby between
other rooms, ferving as a paffage to them j
alfo a chamber with monde of duck.
Anceliare, to ra,ifie or make thin.
Anelante, Anelare, as Anhelante.
Anelatane, <2 breathing , a ri\fbi/ation.
Anelitare, to breathe, to pant, to refpire.
Anelito, mtueall iijpiration.
Ané la, Ancliàre, Anello, Ancllétti, as An-
nella, Anndlare, Annéllo, &c.
Ancmofilace, anob, trver of heavenly rules.
Anemone, Anemonia, Rofepmflty , wind¬
flower, Coquelourds, Paffevelours ; fome
take 11 for wiUc poppy,and fomc othc, sfor
the gentle tliiftlc.
A-nero. ad v. m black or fable colours.
Anelila, any feafon.
Anetivo, made of A net or Dill.
Aneto, Anérho, Anet or Dill.
'Anitra, any kindc of Duck-
Anfanamene, Anfinie , vain toyes of the
minde, fond ravings , idle fancies, do-
Anfanare, Anfaneggiare, Anfanióre,^ fondly
to un e, idly to dote-
- Anfanare a fee co j by mrt: for a man to
toil, to drudge a„d labour .without pro-
Anfanatore, a doler, a fond raver.
-Anfefibénaj Anfisbéna, a vanne us Ser¬
pent with two heads, one before, the other in
his taiL
» Anfibio,
Anfibio , living both in the water and on the
land .
Anfibologia ,as Amphibologia, &c.
» AnSbliltóide/be fifth thin membrane giving
light unto the enfiali me humour-
Anfifcii,*w Amphifcii.
■» Anfitano, a (ione of the vertue of the Ada¬
mant, and malie sgold to grow inguantine.
Anfitrice, as Amphitrne.
'Anfora ,/«'Amphora.
* Anfodéllo, the Daffodil-flower.
AnfoJiglioj as Anfodéllo.
Anfrangere, as Frangere.
Anfrànto, as Frànto, crujhed, broken.
* Anfratto , a breaking or eating in of the land,
as forno violent water s or the Sea caufeth-
Anfrosino, a Sainl-fccrhntg Fryer , an Hypo¬
critical Puritane.
Anfufàglia,ta/f people, as common as fiindlcs.
AngaràiojÀngheraro,^» impofer of taxes, im¬
pofitions, or grievances.
* Angareggiàre , Angariare, Angarizzàre ,
Angheriàre, to compili or to contraine, alfo
to oppreffe with taxes, impofitions or grie¬
Angarie, Angherie, taxes, impofitions, impofls ,
wrongs, or taxations agamftreafon.
' Ange, ufed for 'Angue ,alfa vexeth.
Angeléfco, Angelico, Angelical, Angel-lylic.
Angelica, the hearb Angelica.
■ Angelichczza , Angelicas , the femblance,
nature or quali tic of an Angel.
Angelico, Angelical, Angel'like.
Angelino, alitile Angel, alfa a kind of fine
'Angelo, an Angel, a Mefjengcr of Gud , aljo
the Spirit or Genius that doth attend us.
Angelócto , a kind of Com m England worth
two Italian crowns.
A ngeluzzo, a little Orphan Angel.
' Angénte , vexing , mole [ling, grieving at the
heart, anguifhing.
'Angere,'Ango, ' Anfi/Anto, to vex, to mo-
left , to aggrieve, to angui fh.
Angeròna, a Goddtfs anciently honored among
the Romanes,*; the Goddtfs of Silence.
Angeron.Ui, Sacrifices unto the Goddefs An-
geróna for curing of thefquinancie.
Angherie, as Angarie. ( poflume.
'Anghio,aBoic/ 7 , a cankerous humour, an im-
Anghiórno , The name of a Bird.
Anghiróne, a Hearon.
A ngina,a fqmnancie in the throat, alfo Dodder
or With- binde.
'Angio, anciently ufedfor 'Anzi.
Angioino,/« Angelino, Look Pàlle.
‘'Angiolo, as 'Angelo.
Angióne, an angle, or moke, a corner.
Angióve, Angióe } anchoves.
Angi-pórco,a narrow lane or allie with one en¬
trance and divers windings.
' Anglio, a bile , a blane , a fwolne fore.
Angoella,/# Anguélla.
Angolare, to angle, to comer, a nook.
'Angolo, an angle, a corner, a nook-
Angolófo ,full of angles, nooked.
Angonàra, a bottom, or clue ofyarne.
Angonàre , to wind-up a clue.
Angonia, Àngófcia , Anxietie , vexation of
mind or body , anguijh , perplcxitic, panting
for feare.
Angoniàre, Angonizzdre, Angofcidre, to be
or to fall into agonie , anguijh, or anxiet ie and
vexation of mind or body, to pant, to be per -
plexed for feare , alfo to fight a public
combat. ( anguijh.
Angoniófo, Angofciófo, full of agonie , or
Angonizzànte , Agonizzante , anguijh ng,
langnijhing in agonie , panting for feare, alfo
over tired , tilling out his tongue as a dog , or
embofl, as a deare.
Angonizzdre, Look Angoniàre.
Anngoi igia, Angórdo, as Ingordigia.
Angore, anguijh m the throat with cho^in? !
and (lifting.
Àngófcia, Look Angonia.
*Ango(ciiio,anguijhed,overcome with anguijh.
‘AngcXjUjedfor 'Angolo.
'Angue, any Snake or Adder.
Anguélla, a jijh, in Latin, Lavaronis.
Anguecraménti , wrighngsin and out, tur¬
nings and windings.
Angueccare, to wriggle as a fnafle , to turno.
- Anguetcatóre , a wrigler.
•* Anguifcro, Serpent-bearing,alfo a confteUation
of Sta-, res in the heavens inform of a Serpent,
it jettetb in the morning and betokenetb
temp eft.
* An^uigéno ,engendred of a Serpent.
Anguilla* an Ecl-fifh , an Eel-pout-
Anguillàia, Anguillàra, a pond or place to
keep Eels-in, the Husband men of Italie ufe
to cal Anguillàra a long range or {freight row
of vines ft anding[ingle and aloncfont if there
be more than one, then they call it Pancata ,
it is alfo the name of a ftreet in Flounce.
Anguillata, A nighire,Anighitire, as Impigrire.
Anile, of, or pertaining to age.
Anilita, old-doling-age.
'Anima ,the foulc of a man, beaji or plant, by
met: the pith, the core, the kernel or bift-fub-
Jlance of any thing j namely offruits,aljo a Cut¬
's ace or breaftplate,becaufc itarmeth the heart.
'Anima della edmmera , among gunners,
the Cilinder or hollow of any piece of ord¬
'Anima della canna, Idem.
'Anima del pèzzo, Idem.
'Anima di bottóne, a button mould.
'Anima di créta , Cannonieri ufe it fur a long
barre of iron luted, with clay, fel upright m
the mold, wherein ordnance is caft, our gun¬
ners call it a Nivel or Niwel.
'Anima di fèrro, a barre or crowe of iron, that
gunners ujc in great pieces to put into or
th.ougb the axel-tree , to fimtgthcn the
fame in the carriage.
Anim Avèrtere, Animavvértere, to heed, to
confider, ar regard with diligence.
Animadverfióne, heedy confederation, diligent
regard, aljo a degrading from any digmtic.
Animaiàccio, Animalóne , ary huge, fillhieor
bcaftly creature.
Animale, any livingor breathing Creature,alfo
the vit al part or breathing of any body.
Anir^Ae fentaccfcio, any fitting,jquailing or
groveling creature.
Animalétto, Animalxno, Animalùzzo , the
dim: of Animdle.
Animalità , the ejjence, the life, the spirit or
foul of any living-creature. (thingly.
Animalmente, adv. animaly ,foul-lyke ,brca-
Animdnce, breathing or having a foul , any
living or breathing creature.
• Animariaménte, cowagioufly.
Animare , to enfoul, to give foul, life or jpirit
unto, affo to animate or encourage.
* Animdftico, that coneerneth the foul , li(e
or jpirit.
Animacaménte, adv. with foul and life.
Animatióne, a giving of foni and life unto,alfo
an animating.
Animato, crcatcd-with, or having afoul and
life, alfo animated,alfo hardy or couragious.
Animavvcrfióne, Animadverfióne.
Animèlla, Animèlle, the feeds or kernels of\
any fruit, nut or (lone, namely of reifins ,
grapes, nuts,apples,pea; es or plums,alfo the
bello ws of a pump, Aljo Lamb ftones.
Animèlla di vitella , the burr orfwcct bread of
a breaft of veale, ufed alfo for a caines¬
chi dr on, becaufe it is full of kernels.
'Animo , a mind,a courage, a (pirit, far Ani¬
mo,^ encourage.
Ammortì, bardinefs , couragioufnefs , bold-
daring, ammofiiie,felf-opinion.
Animato , finite fui , couragious,bardie, (lout,
Animacela, a poor filly foul.
Anippa, a tree from whichdiftilleth a water
that in Perù they drink 171 ft ca£ t °f wine-
Anjre, a kind of Indian hearb, that dyers ufe,
'Anifi/Anifo , anife-fecd. ( Thrace.
» Anifta, a kind of drink anciently ufed in
Aniftro, a kind ofvefturc or garment mention¬
ed by Calms.
Anitidn e, a kind oflafting pcares.
'Anitra, a Duck 3 or a widgeu, alfo a Barnacle
hanging upon old jhips.
Anicraro, a keeper or feller ofducks, alfo a wa -
tir-(panici, alfo a kill-duck.
Anitrélla , Anicrina, a duelfln , alfo a teat,
alfo Duck-weed.
Ani rio, the neighing of a horfe.
Anitrire, to neigh us a horfe.
- Anitrócolo, Anirrótco, a young duerni-
A-niÙQ cónto , adv. by no mealies, no waics ,
upon no condition.
A-man mòdo , Idem.
- A-niun pdtto,Idem.
'Anna, The flower which is found in the midjl
ofRofes alfo the name of a woman.
- Annaccdre , among cutpurfcs and Canter sit
fignifleih to [hare a booty equally, {wine.
Annacquare , to water us they do gar dens,or
Annacquato co\ó:Q,wajh or water-colour.
Annaffidre, as Annacqudre.
Annaffiatóio , a watring-pot.
Anndle, annua fyearly.
Annali, Annals, Hiftoricsofyears.
Annalifta, a writcr oj Annals
Annalménre, adv. annually yearly.
Annarinóne, hearbe Calves-fnout.
Anndrc, hath been ufed for Andare, and is
a Neapolitan dialect.
Annafare, to noje orf meli- unto.
Annafpamén'X ) , a reeling or winding ofyarne.
Annafpire, to rccleor windyame.
» Annafpatórej a reelcr or winder ofyarne.
Annata, Annea, aycars time, rents,profit, or
, government, alfa an annuiti:.
A anatomia, as Anatomia, &c.
» Anaci ,as Annata.
Annebbiar ejobtmiji, to overcloud, togrowe
fogg e, by nvec: to blafl fruits , namely Corre .
Annebbiarmo, by me;: a fmug , (pence , effe¬
minate, fweu-fmcllmg mitnard.
Anneenure, anien'ire, Co dtfar.u 1 , or'using
to nothmg.
Annegare, Anneggiire, to dvorene.
Annegati cc to, drowncable, jinking.
Anneghiti re 5 t i feo, ti:o,«« Impigrì e-
Annerare, Annegare, to black, to [mutch, to
mtil[e or become black.
Annoila, all manner of rings, or link} of a
cbainc .
Annclja, cert .vie thin plates,of iron made like
rings , which our gunners call washers,
and ferve to k ec P the pinne of the axel-tree
from wearing the nave.
AnncUaio, Anncliaro , Ànnelliére, a ring-
A nneliàre , to >ing, to curing , by met: to circle
.'T koope-abnit, alfo to link together, alfo to
curie, or crijp as women do their ha-rcs.
Anncliati crini, curled-locks, or frilled
Anne! lètti, all manner of little ,ings or Inks.
Annoilo, any kind of ring.
• Annello eh bólla , afeah-ring.
Annellóni, allocate rings, [peci ally whcrcunio
ropes are faff ned to mow artillery .
Anncmbare, to overcloud, to bcmtft.
» Anncmbico tèmpo, ovnc'oudcd weather.
A nettaménto, a blacing-
A nnerire, Annerire, as Annegrare.
A one flare, to annex or adde unto • ,
Annelfióne, an adding or annexing.
Annoilo, annexed or added unto.
! Annerire, to engraft, to inferi.
i Annoiaménto, Anncilatióne, an cngraffi.ig.
j Ànneftatóre, a gruffer, an engrajfer.
| Annectare ,as Nettare.
, Anncvare, to enfnowe, to overfnowe, to cove,
or fid with fnowe.
Anni ,years, twelve- moneths.
Anniccbiare, as Raniccbiàre, alfo to neighfo
joy and win\e withal with prancing, as
horfes do when they meet with other borfes
err mares.
Annicbilàbile , that m y be brought to nothing
or difanulled.
Annichilale, to annihilate,to diftnul, or bring
to nothing.
j Annichilarli, by met: for a manto bumble
and abafe him-felf lowcly.
Annchilatiónc, adifanuUmg.
Annicolo, of oveyear , a yearling.
Annidare, Annidare , to nell , toroofl’,to
nu\\lc, by met: to (kroud,t o fbiltcr.
Armido,arali, a roofl.
Anniegare, to drtmneor be drowned.
Anmfero, bearing every year.
Annitrire,trito triico, to neigh as aborfe.
Anniverfario , yearly, done, from year to year ,
doneyearly at a cerume time, alfo ayearly
j obit or D enial for the dead.
• Anniverfarii,/ 2 /cb winds as commonly blowc
about me time oft he year, n.imcly about ibe
dog dayes.
A nno, a year, a twelve rxoneth.
Anno Dominile year of our Lord.
Anno Santo, ayear of Jubily.
A nn od le , annual, yearly •
Annobilire, Annobiiitare, to ennoble, to no¬
Annocili, inplaceofCi-C\-kxm\o.
• Annodamento, Annodatone, Annodati -
ra, any knotting or cntemodirg.
Annodare, to knot unto or togeiief.
Annodine , medicines to m k a-patient Jlctpe
by talking from him all fenfe of pain.
Annoia, Annoiamento , AnnoiinztyUJWff/*
ancc, i, kfmnejs, tedtoufnefs.
Annoiare , to annoye, to attediale, to mo!c[l.
• Annoi6io,full of annoyance, noyfetn.
Annoiare, as Nolare.
» A nnolino f m yearling , any thing of oneyacr ,
alfo the name of a bud, alfo a ikind oft. i-
I teht.
Annotti, provifion of Cerne, or other fuflenancc
i for the whole year.
* Annonària legge a law fo called made by
Claudius in Rome.
• Annon:i.ibi\e,that maybe denounced, fherv-
(d orfignified unto by word.
♦ A non : ia nt e, announcing , denouncing, de -
claying by miff age.
Annontiare, to announce , to denounce , to
bring tidings, to declare a meff,age byword
of mouth.
. Annontiata, Annontiatióne , Ammontia¬
mo nto, a denouncing or delivering of any
Meff age or tidings by wired of mouth , alfo a
glad tidings,asyhat was,which the Archan¬
gel Gabriel delivered unto our bltffcd Lady,
alfo the Annuntiation, or Salutation, or our
Lady-day in Lent.
- Annontiatória lèttera, a denouncing or de¬
claring letter.
- Annontiacórc, a meff eriger , a denouncer, or
bringcr of tidings.
Annóntio, Annuncio, ameffage, anembaffa-
ge,aglad tidings.
Annoio, aged, fid of years.
Annotare, to note, tomarkc-
Annotinone, a noting, an annotation.
Annottare, Annotine, to grow night.
Annoiale, annual, yearly.
Annovtllarc, as Novellare.
Annoveilato, full of novels, or talcs.
Annoverare, to number, to tell.
Annoveratione, a numeration.
A nno vertvole, numerable.
Annuale, Annuir io, annual.
Annubnare, as Annebbiare.
Annuii I no, cloudy, nifty, foggy.
Annullabile, dijanullable.
Annullaménto, Annullanza, Annullati due,
a d\fanulling,a fruflrating.
Annuilare,Annu!lire, to dtfanul, to fruflratc,
to bung to nothing.
* Annullare , ci, culai e or round at a tine, as
Annulliti, as Nullità, a nuUitie.
Annumerare, to numbet, to count .
Annunciare, as Annontu r ej ite.
Annuo, annual,yearly.
* Annufarr, ufed for A nnafirc.
» Annuvolare, Annuvo ire , to overcloud.
Ano, a mans triU • hole or fundament ■
Ano Jide, Refl-batrow, Fcttic whin, or (as
fome fay) tamotk-
• A-nóia, adv i kf ome > m annoyance, Havére
à nói 3 , to be weary of.
Andare, at Nolare, to hire.
A-nólo, A nuólo, at hire.
Anòmalo, as Anomolo, irregular , orderlefs.
A-nóme , in the name ofothers.
A-nón j ,adv. at nonne or mid-d>y-
A-noncile, a dv.carelcfly, neglectfully.
A-non cjlcnre, Idem.
A-ncn ralére, Idem.
Aliène, as Anódide.
Anònimo, namclefs, without a name,alfo the
bea, be Bugle or felf beale.
• Anorefsia, quecjin.fs of flomake, want of
appetite, a loathing of meates.
Anormale, as Anomale.
Anotare, as Annotare,
Anotacióne as Annotarfòne.
Anoromia, an Anatomy.
Anqtomifta, an An atomi fi.
Anpbifcii as Amphifcii.
Aniz,jc:pc, liberty, afarre extent.
Anixtc,togafl>e,to pant or breath with difficu’-
moilc with ca,e and labour, orto long and
defire until one be out of breath.
' Anlaròte , a kind of bitte, gum.
• Ar) fata, Anfaiiòne, Anfimenco, apurfirufs,
ajhuitnef; of breath , a cùffie nine in p sating
or rejprration, alfo a dfea/e in the lungs of a
horfe, a broken wind e.
' An fata, a kind of piece of c> dnance or ami¬
Anfciarej as Anfare.
Anfcgnare, as Infegnare.
Anfera, agoofe.
'Anfero, a gander.
Anliarc, as Anfare.
Anfieta, Amia, anxietie, emofilie, alongmg
de fir e , a fon owing or panting care.
Anfima, a kind of great bird, that brayelh
like an Affé, with three feathers in bis wings
like homes, and one on his bead, with which
he dcffoidcth him felf from wtlde bcaftes,
bang fo great and heavic, that he cannot
Anliolo,'Anfio, Anfcio, anxious, full of
anxietie,doubtfully- longing ,ea; cfullyfor; on-
Amo.an Addition to eve,} tenth number above
thirty till you come to Novanta, from Qua¬
ranta, Cinquanta, Sefl'anta,&c.W as the
Enghfh fay of a woman, (be is in hir Tana,
when fhe is above twelve, fo the Italians
(‘’hfbe i* in hir 'Anta, meaning, jh: is
Ancaehate, a kind of Agate-(lone.
Antagomfta, an Ant agoni fi, -an Oppofhe, one
that Houtiy encouMtreth anadverfam.
Amalio, afbmb that bcarcth a frutte like a
Antico , a fruitlefs tree growing in finny
Antartico, the South or Antartikc pole.
Ante, adv. before , alfofooncr o, rather , ufed
much inflead of Anti m compofition of
words, as you may fie m fome wor ds fol-
* 'Ante , a kind ofwilde be a fie in India as big
a> an Affé, with big and large earcS, and ne¬
ther lift like a trumpet •, and which is never
feen to go but by night.
Antecedènte, antecedent, fore-going.
Antecedènza , precedence, prioritie.
Antecedere, to precede o, t.'ke place before.
Ancccfelléntc, preexctUcnt.
* ’Anted pòpoli , as Antimòni.
A ncecdlorc, a prtdectfjor, a foregoer.
Antecorc, Amicujre, a ftomachcr or firepan
to defend the heart,alfo a griping ofthe heart,
the heart binning, alfo a certains clifeafeina
horfes breafl, a breafiplate.
Antecura, egre befo-e hand.
* Antecurire, to tare before-hand.
Antedétto, fore- faide, above-faide.
A ncelius,n monfiruom beali with fo great and
Jharp homes, that with them : t will faw
afundcr and cut down any great tj'ce.
Antelucino, before break of day.
* Antelucénte ,foufhlning.
Ancelucerc, to forejhine.
Antemertere, to put or place before.
Antemeflb, put or placed before.
* Antemurale, as Antimurale.
* Anrenafcénza, a fore-birth.
Anteaafcere, to be bo,re before.
Antenato , borne before.
Antenati, our forefathers or p.cdeceffors.
A neenna, the marne orfaile yard of a (fj/p, by
met: any long pole or fpcare.
Antenéllc, little [laves or picks iofuppoit any
Antenori, a place faine d in H til by Danze,
where traitors aie pimi fhe el , named fooj
Antenor who (as fome [ay) betrayed his
native country Trey.
Antenóti as Pcderécti.
--- A ntepafliti
Antepaflaci, are forcpaffed fathers, |
Anrepaftc, as Ancipafto,
Antepenult imo, iaft ftaving two.
Amphitheatre, an Amphitheatre.
Antepónete, A ntepórre , to place, to pre¬
fer rc 5 tofet, or put-before.
Antcpofìtióne, Àntcponiménto, a prefer- j
■f ingi it fitting or placing before.
Antepófto , preferred , placed, put, or fet
before. 1
Antcprovemre, to become before hand, alfa
to prevent.
Antendc, a buttrefs, or pofitouMcr-fhorc
anything, an under-layer.
Anterióre, prior, antecedent, former in rani
or place.
Anteriorità, prioritie, precedency.
*Antcrót e y fignifieth love,or good will among
men, alfo a bind of bright Amatift flonc.
* Antefcrittione, a fore-writing.
* Antefermo , fore-written.
Antefcrittura, a fore-writing.
Antefignano, Chief or Principali.
Antcfìgnàni, thofe foiildicrs , that march
before the 'fiondarci to fight and defend it.
Antevenire, to come before.
* Anreveniita, a coming before.
Ante venuto, come before, prevented.
Ante vigilia, an evef-evc or vigile .
Anthalio, as Anthcrifco.
Anthéa, as Antia.
Anthedóni, a bind of great Median.
Anthcma, an Anthemeina Church.
Anthcmo , CammomiU , alfo a \ynd of
{/critic thijtlc.
Anthcra, a bind of medicine.
AntUcri cone, the [lem or flalb 0/Afphódc-
io which is good to eat.
Antherifco, Anthrifco , Chervil or fijep-
berds needle.
Anthia, as Antia.
Anthino-m ile, Flower-horde.
’Antho, a bird, which is faid to ben great
enemy r o other birds.
'Anthos, a Gree\ word, but ufed for Rofc-
marie flowers.
'Anti,.?r 'Unte, before both in place, riuih or
time, alfo foonsr or rather, namely in com¬
"Anti, a Grce\ word fignxffmg again fi j opjio-
fitto / or contrariety , and much ufed before
other words, as Antichrifto, anoppofite
or enemy agalnft C'.irifi.
'Anti, a bynd ofbeaftin India of the bigneffe
of an oxe, and very good to be eaten .
Antia , a bind of broad fiat fifh very crafty
and ftiibtle, who neigh etti lib - a. horf:.
Antiàde, as Amiddali.
* Antiandàca, a foregoing.
* Ancianiaci, as Antenati.
Antia ni t x,ancientneff:,fenmitie.
Anciàno, ancient, fenior, alfo an Alderman,
a Senior, an Elder.
Antibachio , a foot of a verfc of three fyllx-
blcs, the two firfi Long, and the laft fhort.
Binticsi,indent,xlfothat.part that is toward
the Ex il.
Anticàglie , allmimer of antiquities or old
monuments , fragments or mines of
buildings. .
Anticamente, a fa.anciently, of yoarfin for¬
mer ages, of old.
* Anci-càmmeri , an outward chamber.
‘Anti -bava, a fore-driveling.
* Anticàne, the name of a Star.
I * Anticapélia, an outward Chap pel.
\ * Anci-cardinale, an Anti- Cardinali.
Amicare , to antiquate , to mafe or become
Anticàro, Anticàio, as Antiquario.
Anticategoria , pleading when one accufetb
the other.
Amicato, antiquated, fetlcd.
Anticatóni 3 boo\s againfi Cato*
Anticcpho, head againfi head.
Ancicéderc, as Antecèdere.
Anticeflore, as AnrecellÓrc.
* Antichézza, antiquities ancicntncffe.
Antichi, ciders, ancient, ancefiors.
* Antichi cfa, an outward Church, alfo an
oppofite Church ..
Ancichi tà, aut-iquitie, ancientncffe.
Antichriftianiti, Antich rifi'Avn : : V.
Antichrifto, an Antichrif.
Antichthcna, ground agxinft "round.
Anticipare , to anticipate., to fore-flail, to
prevent, to fupplant. ■
Anticipatamente , adv. by way of anti cip. t-
. tion or prev'émìòh.
Anricipatiéne , anticipation, prevention ,
fore flailing.
Anticipatore , apreventer, afupplanter.
Anticiricone, Anticirónc , as fefamoidc,
or fefamfno, a fort of corn.
Antico, ancient, old, fenior.
* Anricogniciónc , fore-knowledge t provl-
- denez. ‘ -
Anticoli, as Antiéfi.
* Anticollcgio, an outward Colls dec,
Anticonofccn zt, fore-bnowledge^
* Anticonófcerej toforc-bnow.
* Anticonofcibile, to be forc-tyiQwii.
* Anticonofcitórc, aforc-bjiower.
Anticórrere, to fore -ninne.
* Anticorriérc , Anticorritóre ‘ s a fore¬
* Anticórte, an outward Court, or yard.
Antifona , any part of the earth that is di¬
re 61 ly oppofite, and one againfi another.
Antiftóni popoli , people dwelling on the
eai th directly againfi us where ever we be,
and under on; "Meridian.
* Antidati, afore-dating, an Antidate.
* Anti-cuóre , an impo fiume about the heart
of a horf: alfo a pain about the heart in
* Antidatò, fore-dated, Aitidated .
* Antidetto, fore-faid,fore-told.
* Antidiciménto, afore-telling.
* Antidire, to fore-fay, tofore-tcU.
* Antidifpórre, to fore-diFpyfe.
Antidifpoficiónc, a forc-disfiofition.
* Antidóno , one gift for another, a requi-
’ tall.
* Antidotario,* boob °f antidotes,or treating
of counter -poi fons.
Antidoto, an antidote, a counter-ppifon.
* A nt ii é ne, a bind of lafiing pears.
AntifarmacOjrf Counter-remedie or phi fib-
Anti èli , people dwelling under on; half Me¬
ridian and parallel of libe difiance from
the Equator.
Antifatc, a bind ofblxcb (lone.
* Ancifato, a prede fiination, alfo a còntrary
* Antifona, as Antiphona, &c.
* Ancifommalc, a refifiance againfi for.
tune. ‘
Antifrafi, a figure in Rhetoric where a
word hath a contrarie meaning.
* Antigoni fta, as Antagonifta.
* Ancigrado , a fore-degree , it is ufed al¬
fo for a Lmdgrave, a title òf the German
* Antiguardante, fore-loobf'ng.
* Antiguardare, toforc.loòb-
Antiguàrdia , i vant-guard, a fòre-guard.
AntilcgóiHcna , all manner of contra¬
dictions, alfa Flower-gatherings.
Amile lina , the arte to (pend freely , and to
be contrary to jparing , loob lefina.
Antilclinànte , a liberali j pender , a wxfie-
goodp a Ipeni-aU, loob lclìnàncc.
* Anùlclìnàre , to [pend franbly > to be con¬
trary to a le finance.
* Antilli, Antillida, Ancilliónc, a ìfini of
hearbe libe to lentils.
Antilogia 3 contradiction » gaine-faying.
Àntiméttere, rts Anccmctrcre.
* Antimonia, contrariety ofitwe laws.
* Antimoniàco (pirico , fpiytt of Antimoni <
Antimonio , the minerali Antimonio or Iti .
bium, alfo as IarbaKne,
Anti murale , Antimuro , avant-mure , a
parapet, an utmost wall, a Cpu/tier-fcarp;
Antimuraie , to- vani- mu re , to couitcr-
Antmcpóre, a great grand-child or nephew.
* Antinomàre , 1 Ancinominàre , to fur-
* Antinóme, a fore-name, a fur-name.
* Antinomia , repugnancie o-,- contrarlctic
between two laws.
Antipariftifi, as Cóntrapofitióne.
Antipi fto j fitch difijes ' as arc first ferved-in
at a table, cither for grace or to be fir ft
eaten, alfo a fore-mealc or breabfaft.
Antipare, ? b.: id ofblxcb [tone.
Antipatica, a contrariety i t naturali quali¬
ties, a naturali di jpefition or contrary in¬
clination of maids without knowledge of
Mty can fé, an Antipathic.
Ancipatizzàre , to be contrary in naturali
Antipehrgia , a reciprocali love or mutuali
* A nti pen foménto, a fore-thinb}ng.
* Antipcnfare , to fore-thinb s to premedi¬
Anti pen ftafi , a rcpulfion on every part -
whereby every thing is made more fiyong in '
it felf by the re fir aining of the conti a-
, 7 . •• •
Anripéccc, as Antccóré.
* Amiphona, Antiphonia , the reciprocali
Voices anfweYing one another by twofeve-
rall quires in a Cathcdrall Church , ufed
alfo for an Anthem funghi Churches.
* Antiphonàrio, a boob of Anthems, alfo he
that firfi begins an Anthem.
* Antipodi , the antipodes, fuch as dipeli
under us, and have the foies of their feet
againfi us.
* Antipodio , a furpluffage above weight or
me apice-
Antipórre, as Antepónete.
Antipórca, an éntrie -dor e, a fore-gate.
Antipòrto, an outward porche.
AntiquàgliCjrfr Anticàglie.
Antiquàrc, as Amicare.
Antiquàrio, an antiquarie , one that profef-
feth the fearcb and fi/towledge of antiqui¬
Antiquato, as Anticàro.’
Andquici, antiquitie, oldoefle.
Antiquo, ancient, old, anti be, as Antigo.
Antiquórc, as Ancceorc.
Antiracino, as Antracino.
Antirrino, Antirrinónc , an bccirb, which
as foon as the fcorpion feeth , he lofeth his
ve nome, and be someth fenccleffe, fame will
have it to be the hzarb mutje , or Calves
* Antifàbato, the day before faturday.
* Antifàla, an outward hall, or firfi great
Antifapicnza, fore-wifdome.
Antifcordóne, a bind of gar li b?-
Antisigma , a note whèh two fentences or
ver fits meet of one fame fence in fame
Antilìmite, a figure in rethorib?■
Ancifophifta, an advers fophifier.
Antifpafi, a turning to the contrary way.
Antifpódo , pbifibc or any thing mixt with r .
Spodium , or that hath the quality of
it. t
Ancifta, Antiftide a Prelate or Prefidenc
over facred things, one excelling others.
* Antiftrofc, alternali converfion of two
things, that fomwhat refemble one another.
F ' *Anci-,
Anti'thefi, a figure in Re thorite oppofing one
contrary againft another.
* Antitétnpio, an outward Temple.
Antico/i, a figure in Rhetorics when one
cafe [fends for another.
* Anticrinarii, Antitrinitàrii , Heretics,
that denied the Holy Trinity.
Antivedere, to fotcfee.tagn:Jfe, to be tentare
A nt i vedim é n to ,forc -fight, fore-feeing.
’ Antiveditórc , a fore-fet e.
A nr i veduto, fore-feat.
* Antivrgnénte, fore-coming.
Antivenire, to com; before, to prevent.
* Antivenuta, a fore-cm -« s .
* Antivigilia, an cvcf-evc or vigile.
* Antivifto, fdrefeen.
Anrócci, as Antiélì.
Antcglicri, l° ‘k. Andogliéri.
AntomitajAntonomadc,»/^ that ebangeth
from one find orfex to another.
Antonomasia , a word that without fetting
datum ail) proper name , yet fonte proper
«■me flail be mderflooi, no b, Arma vi-
> rumque catto, Emas u imdcrjtood.
Anto::omoii:ca, an ' ottoniti fli f
Antonomta, the changing from on : [hope or
t'r amtb “ > «< Plk-mms , and fitch
life doc.
Antoppare, as Intoppare.
Amora, Helmet-(lower, or Monkhood.
Antrace, Antradno , Cole-blac , as black
* ‘ff • r '/'” u fi4 alfofor quicfefllvcr.
Antrace, a.fellof venemous impofltme
nvich life a Carbuncle , engendred of gr offe
ana corrupt blood x and very mortali if it be
in t h;Em unci ori c parts.
Aparit.de, àflonc, wherein feem to be
JP l 'fe. offre , caft water on it,it fendletb ,
/>«r it into the fire, it quenchetb,alfo a bind
ofiblac £ blood-ftone.
An mone, the North part of the world , al Co
_ the North wind. 1
Antro, any cave,grott , den, hole , or cavern,
* namely under-ground, or in roefe.
A~tc , a Diviner by rasfing of th;
An uromanti a. Divination by raifing of the
Antropòfago, an eater of men.
^ Antropografia, Defcripnon of men.
Antropografo, a deferiber of men.
Antropologia, anthropologic.
Antropomorfiti, men that thought God to
t ” Ave human; fhape and limbs.
Ancros a , Atrosia , a place where men
live without non, foment.
Antr ofoyfellof caves, caverns or dens.
Anubc, the name of a God among the E-
gyptians. 6
Anugale, Burnet or Pimpcrncll.
Anulare, of or pertaining to a ring , circular
as a ring, alfa a fend of white mixt with
red that painters ufc.
Anulare, dito anulare , a mans finger
* whereon he wemeth a ring.
* Anulófo, as Annulófo.
* A-numero, adv. by tale and number.
A nuolo, adv.-tr h:rc,or to hire, as an hired
borjc or fhio.
A-nuoro, ad v.by fwimming, Cppimimngly.
^ > ; h- fd of water -fruire 0 lì pYcfc
dal Ré quell’ anza per rinovire la
guerra in Lombardia.
A'izare, as Anfàrc.
*AnZ', adv. rather, fooner, but.
Anziano , Anzianità , loolg Anfa¬
'Anzi-che,adv. rather or fooner then, before
Anzi-che, lontano, adv. rather farther.
Anzi-che nò, adv rather fo then not.
Anzi più adv. rather more.
Anzi-naco, firfl or fore-born. '
Anzi-pùre, adv. rather fo then not.
* Anz. venire, to come before.
* Anzi venuto, com: before.
■Anzolo, that part of a bell where to the
clapper bangeth , alfo the name of a fail in
* Aoato, as Ovato.
* Adocchiare, as Adocchiare.
A-òcchio veggènte, by fight and view.
A-occhiétti, adv.with oylet-hples,
A-occhio, adv. by fight or view , loo{ Inne-
* A-ócchio, e cróce, adv. heedilic, looking
every way about.
A-ógni guifa , A-ógni maniera , A-ógni
mòdo, A-ógni patto, adv, every way , by
all means.
A-ólio, adv. wrought in oyle.
Aombràre, as Adom-bràre.
A-óncia, adv. by ounces, by inches.
Aon ei a i e, to weigh by ounces.
Aondare, to wave , io wavie, to waver.
A-onde, adv. wavie , ondie, daucie > or nc-
bidie in armarle .
Aoncftàrc, to /nife honefi.
Aonghiàrc, as Onghiare.
* A-ónta, adv. in fight , in 41 fgrace -
Aontare, as Adontare.
A ornato ,Jhamed, defpighted.
’ Aoperante, as Operarne, &c.
Aoperàre, as Operare, or adoperare.
* A-óra, adv. now, at th/s boure.
" A-ora, a-óra, adv. boure by house. Now
and than.
Aorcare, :o fir angle with a rope.
* A-orécchic té fe, adv. attentively, with
out-Jtretched cars.
* Aorifto, a tenfe in Grce\ of an indefinite
t ime pa ft , between theperfeci and imper-
fefit tcnce.
Aorncllo, a wild Ajh-trce.
Aórno, birdleffr , without birds.
* Aòrta } thc ebkfitfiyr the mother of all ar¬
teries, the root whereof u fa[tfi:d to the
grille-bone of the heart , loo\ Artèria.
‘ Aortamcnto, Aortàre, as Adhortàre.
A-órza, failing with a quarter-wind.
Aorzare, to fail with a quarter-wind.
A-otta, as A -cm, even now.
A-ócto, being put to any day,it mafes it that
day feven night,as Lunedi a otto,on Mon¬
day come feven night, &c.
Apacciarc, to patch, to botch, to clout.
Apace , Dogs-toothe , Dent de ebien , alfo
a fend of tlnflle.
A-paia, adv. by pains or couples.
Apaiàre, to pair or couple together.
A-pali , paly in armory.
Apallottàre, as Palloctare , alfo to roul or
run roundly, to huddle up in hafte , ufed
commonly of a dr un fen mans tongue, that
never (lands (till.
A-pànca, tool/ Rizzarli, a-panca.
A-panciòlle , adv. cheer in boats. Hold belly
A-pànni alzati, adv. filamele fly, as a
whore with her clothes-up.
’ Apara^onàre, as Paragonare.
A-paiagóne, adv- in com. uri fon , alfo to the
utmojl paragon or triad.
A pareggiare, to equaU, to match.
Apa ienza, Apparifcènza.
A-pari frónte, adv face to face, equally.
Aparine, Eritb or Gooft-gr affé.
A-paro, adv. everyhand, hand to hand, alfa :
in compari fon or rcfpecl.
A-paro, a-paro, a dv.by pairs or couples,alfo
hand to hand.
A-parre, adv. a-partc, fever ally.
A-pa;tc, a-parto adv.part by part.
Apartencme, appertaining.
Apar tenenza, appurtenance.
Apartenére, to appertain.
Apartia, the Northcoafior wind.
* A-particc, adv. p-irtic in amorie , alfo by
A-parthe dib^nda, parve per beni.
A-partitc di cróce, pa,-tic per faultier,
A-parucedi :l[cic 3 paràe perf ffc.
A-partitc di pàli» partis per pale.
A-parute di lóp sa,panie per chief.-
* A-panU0j*dv.pttr to voices or to quefiion,
alfo as it were brought into a doubtfuU
q: laudarle, or to bis wits end, and ready to
cmbr.ic; any condition or match.
Aparvólo, as Apiàftra, as Apiàrio.
A-pafci pècora, adv. a way of jujnbling.
A-paflo, adv. by jteps or paces.
A-pàffo, a-pillp, adv. pace by pace, flep by
A-pàlfo lento, adv. with a floe space, leifu.
rely, fofly.
Apathi , men without affettion , never
laughing , never fo, rowing, but e
one countenance.
Apathia, unfcelingncffc or voidafjfc of any
affection .
ò pitico, ufed for Epàtico.
A pàtri, adv. upon bargain or covenant.
A-pacto v-runo, adv. upon no cmiitum.
’Ape, .i Bee,’ Api, Bees.
Apcciare , to bcpitch , to pitch'.
* ad v. at, or to the worfl.
A-pcggio venir cJf the wo,fl com.,
\*r e gS;° r ^ rc j as Peggioràrc.
Apciióte, che Eaflern-wind.
Apòlli, ufed for circumcifed.
A-pclo, adv. even , levcll by the hair.
A-pcna , adv- hardly , fcaycely , with
much adoe , alfo upon pain or for¬
A penare, to pain, to put to pain.
Aptndiare, to bend or dangle down.
A-ptndio, A-pétrdo , A-pcndolóni , adv.
down-hanging, dangling down.
A-pcnncIlo, adv. cunoufly ,exquifitly,
done, or, drawn with a pen fill.
A-penna, adv. in written band.
* A-pénna volante, adv. ha[iily,as tmttcn
with a fwift-running-hand.
* Apcnfarc, as AppcnGre.
A perimento, any opening.
A perire, as Aprire.
Apcr uvo , Apcrtivo, opening or folubile in
operation as fame meats arc.
A-pcrpcndicolo , adv k perpendicularly
A-pcrpuuo, adv. in perpetuity.
* Apcrfiónc,a partition,a dividcncc,a (hare,
a portion.
* Aperta, Apcrtiónc, Apertura , any open
ine , overture, gap or way to enter at, al fi
a breach made by affault > alfo alea ^ m .
[hip, alfo a rupture in a mans cods.
Apertamente, adv. openly, in open view.
Apcrtxftuno /nofl open, or manifefl.
Aperte, open, opened, that is open, confident
or bold ; alfo clear.
Apèrto Mane, overt war, or open hofli-
Apèrto di fótto , burflen or that hath a
rupture in his cods.
* Apertole, a fend of peaches .
A-pcfce fptna , adv. a fend of feameflen
worrfe called, Herring-bone.
* A-j)éfò, adv. by weight.
A-pefo traboccante , adv.. down-weight.
' Apetcnte, earneflly longing , greedily dp-
Apctenza , an earnefl covctivgor longing
greedy de firing.
Ape cere, Ape tire, to have an appetite unto,
to long for, to covet.
ApctibiIe,ApctcvoIe,tfl be longed or wijhpd
| for, alfo favorie to the appetite.
Apftiménto , a. coveting, or- dp fire to
Aperitivo, Apcticófo, favoline, {leafing the i
appetite and. ta/te.
'A pernióne , adv. at the nqrnjl or mftance
Apctitivamcnte, Aptmofamente , adv,
favourly, hmgerly, with a good appetite.
Apetiro, an appetite , a defire, a fioritaci
Aprtitóre, a cove tor, a longer.
Apettare, to breaSl, to fljock, to bo fonìe , to
joyn breaSl to breaSl , amongSI horfemen it
is tafen for a borfe to cary bis bead fo
low, that be touch:tb his breaSl with it.
Apcttato, joyned breaSl to breaSl, breaSlcd,
banging down bis bead upon bis breaSl.
A-pétto, adv- breaSl to breaSl, over againSl,
alfo in refleSl , or in companfon , alfo in
A-pétto a petto, adv- breaSl to breaSl, man
to man, band to band.
A-pèzza, adv. awbile-fmee.
Apt zzare, top'rcc unto.
A-pézzo, adv. by pieces.
A- pézzo-a pèzzo, adv. ptece by piece.
Apbace, as Apace.
Apharàce , a tree that bearetb twice a
Aphercma, the courfeSl Starch-flower.
Aphérefi 3 a figure in Rethofife , tbattafeth
a tetter or a fyliable from the beginning of
a word.
’Aphia 3 as 'Apua.
* Aphrojfl femd °f wiM doppie.
* Aphro di luce, a [tone red and white.
Aphonfmo, an Aphorifm, a brief document,
or fent nee, a generali rule or prefeription
in phifiefe or any other art or fcience.
Aphionitro, the fome of Salpeter.
Aphrofcorodóne, a hand of gar life.
‘'Api, all manner of Bees.
A-piacere,adv.i*r will andpleafure,at fight-,
namely of bills of exchange.
A-piacimento, adv. at will andpleafure.
A p iana vite, a fend of vine.
* A-piano, adv foftly, leifurely.
* A-pian-piano, adv. very flowly.
A-pian-pailb , adv. with a flow pace ,fair
and Leifurely.
Apiaria,ap/<*ce where bees are fept,alfo the
trade of feeping of bees , and mxfeng of
* Apiario, a feeper of bees. Fui to apiario,
by Met : a fnateb and away, or by [tealth,
even as bees flye fuddcnly f om one flower
to another.
* Apiaftra, a fend of green and red bird,
that laves to feed on beefe, called a Mud-
A-piaftra armato , adv. armed at all
Apia (\ro,tbe wild A(h,xlfo the hearb Balm:,
or Balme-gentle.
Apiato, rcfembling Bees or Flies.
Apibre, a fend of wild Buff or Oxe.
Apibiie, a frange be ait, which fome Pagans
took to be a Prophet , and worfhipped 'as a
Apicciare, to enfendle, to fet on fire.
A-picciol pàlio, adv. with a flow pace.
•Apice , a teg orfhicp with a little bead, and
foni: wooll under it’s belly, alfo a Prince
foot-pace,alfo a flay for ones feet,or a foot-
A-p:cco, wrought or hewen and peft with a
piefeaxe, as MilSlones are.
A-piè, A-piédc, adv. on foot , alfo at the
foot, dfo neere unto, at the bottome.
A-piédc-a piede, adv. foot by foot,according
to foot meafure. Gènte a piede , the foot
of an army, alfo at the very bottome of.
A-pic dc afeiutto, adv. dry-foot.
A-piède d'oca , adv. as the foot of a
* A-piena bócca , adv. with a full mouth.
* A-piéna niano, adv. with afullhand -
A-piene véle, adv. with full [pred fails.
A-piéno, adv. fully, throughly, at full.
A-pieno arbitrio, adv. at full free-will.
A-pieno popolo, adv- in view of all men.
A-piè nudo, adv. bare r footed.
* A-piè pari, adv. foot to foot, without ods,
on equail terms.
* A-piè piano, adv. Icvellto the ground.
A-pic feiutto, adv. dry-footed..
A-piè rinomare, to light onfeot.
Apifc- o, Bee-bearing or bringing.
Apigionare, as Pigionarc.
A-pigione, at (ft for rent.
Apivóio, a filile gull, a noddle.
Api lifcoygolden-oare , panned and beaten in
morters before it can be melted.
Apilorta c, as Appiattare.
Apio, as appio.
Apiólo, a fend of green apple.
A-piombino, adv. by line and plummet.
A-p : 6 m bo, ad v. perpendicularly, down-right,
A-pL amidi, adv. piramide s-life, alfoPi/y
in arinone.
Apir nónc, a femd ofPome-granxtc.
Apirócolo , abfurd, not grounded on rea-
Apiróne, unrefined gold-oare , alfo fulpber-
vif, or quick BrimSlonc.
Apiroto, a Ruble or Carbuncle-Hone.
A pillo 3 a black ft one f u tt °f blue veins,
which once heated feepeth his beat (even
days after.
Api tacére, a tree that bearetb Amber.
* A più a più, adv. to the moil orutmoil,
* A-pivolo, adv. as A-bada, but ufed pro¬
verbi ally for wanton dalliance or dc-
A-più modi, adv. many manner of ways.
A-più non póllo , to the utmofl of ones
power and flrength , with might and
A-più póflà, idem.
A-più potére, idem.
A-p ù tempo, adv. for longer time.
A-placito, adv. at will andpleafure.
Aplauderc, as Apphiudere.
ApJaufo, as Applaufo.
Apjific, courfe-rugged Spunte s.
Apocaliflì, a revelation or a vifion.
Apocalitico, that fpeafeth of vifions.
Apocino, Apocino , a bone that repreffeih
the fury of mad dogs , alfo a fend of
* A-poco , with the verb tenére , pgnifies
extream readineffe to do any thing.
A-pi co a pòco , adv. by little and little.
Apòcopi , an abridging of the lail letter or
pliable of a word.
Apocoparc , to cut of} the lafl (liable of a
Apócopo, ufedfor a guelded man.
Apòcrifa, a thing hidden whofc originali is
not feiown , and is not counted Canonicali.
Apoda, a fend of martinet without feet.
Apogèi, winds rifling out of the ground, or
blowing from the Sea to the Land.
Apogèo, that point of Heaven wherein the
Sun or any other Planet is furtheil from
the Centre of the earth, ufed alfo for a
den under the earth.
Apoglicarmi, a certain difeafe in the gums
of teeth of a man.
Apografo, a copie, a draught, an extratt.
Apógrifa, as Apòcrifa.
Apolétto , the greatest fendofTurny-flfb,
alfo apiece of Tunnie called a rana of
Apoliaari, Sacrifices offred to Apòllo , alfo
the weed Henbane.
* Apòllo, Apólline, doth properly flgnify the
Eye of Heaven.
Apologètico difcórfo , an apologeti call
Apologia, an apologi:, an cx'cufc, a purga¬
tion, or defence expreffed in words.
Apologo, a talc , or leffon for good manners,
wherein dumb things are faigned to fpcafe
Apòna , a medicine, that bclpeth without
grief >>r pain.
Apophiadc, certain firings , hanging to the
cntrailes of any creature.
Apopbifi , that part of a bone, which the
An atomi ft s called Prouffes , which is an
out flandmg of fome part of a bone further
than his naturili location or place.
Apoplefua, an apoplexic , that is, an unfen-
fiblcntfe, a numneffe , or tafemg away of a
mans moving,breathing and feeling, a dead
Apoplécica vena , the vein to be opened in
an Apoplexic : but whither of the tongue,or
nofe, or jugulare, or head-vein in the arm,
or in the ancle, is a question-
Apoplèttico, one fub t cft to Apoplexies.
* Aporecico, ever doubting,never certain in
anything, as were the PyrrhonianPhilo-
* Aporia, torment of flint.
Aporogie, certain imprtfflons in the air,fal-
ling or fhoiting of Stars.
* A-pòrte aperte, adv. with wide open
Apoféma, a de co [lion of medicinablc hcarbs
and [pices, ufed as a Syrup.
ApolTelTionarcj to impoffeffe.
A-pólla , adv. exprefly, of fet purpofe, at the
request, fute,or for the fife of, dfo atones
own difpof all, being put with a pronown
poffefflve, as a poftamia fua, tiia , &c.
A-pófta fatta, adv. of fet purpofe and'ap-
poi it mm.
Apoftai e, as Appoltare.
^-poflasia, bac feliding, apoSlafle , rebellion
again Sf God, revolting from one religion to
A pollata , an Apoflate , a rebell againSl
God, a renouncer of his religion.
Apoftatamént-s, adv. life an ApoSiate, alfo
purpofely fet apart.
Apoftatare, to apofate , to rebell againSl
God, to abjure ones profeffed religion.
* ApoHatico, apoSlaticall, rebellious againSl
God, or religion, or reafon.
* A pollati icc , a woman backflider , or a-
Apoftéma, an Impoflume.,
* Apoltemarc, to impoSlumate.
* Apoflematione, an impoSlumation.
* Apoftcmato, impoSlhume.
* Apoftcmófo, lifely to come toanimpo-
Apoftcparnifmo , a cutting away of a bone
with a wound.
A pellicciare, as PollicciarC.
Apofticco, as Pofticcio.
¥ Apoftolàcico , Apollolato , an ApoSlle-
fhip,by Met : Papacie.
ApolloJico , Apoftolicale , ApoSlolhall,
Apoftolizzare , to ApoSloli^e, to preach, to
imitate tbs life of an ApoSHe.
A pòrtolo, an ApoSlle, one that is fent as an
Ambaffador Or a Mcffcnger.
Apóftrofe, Apoflrophe,a figure in Rethoricfe
as when one convertcth his fpeccb from
one partie to another, as from the prefent
to the ab fent, alfo a flgne denoting the
tafemg away of the fir fl or lafl vowell of a
word , whereof the Italians (namely in
verfè) mafe very frequent ufe.
Apoft.ofare, to apoflrophe, that is, with
fome flgne or note to cut off the firfl or lafl
vowell of a word.
* Ap 6 ftumOjprocc\cvolc,approcbablc.
Approcciaménto , any approching.
Approcciarne, approching.
Approcciare , to approebe , to come near
Appròccio, any approch.
Approdaménto, a coining to the fiore, alfo a
boor ding or grapling of [hips.
* Approdare , to come or approdi near 10 the
fiore , alfo to boord or graple as flips in
fight , alfo to come to ones help or refeue
(as feamen fay) to come up to one , look
Pròda 3 affo to do one much good when he
eateth, to avail, loot? Prò , alfo to maty or
become valorous, look Pròde.
Approfittare, to profit or thrive by.
* Approfondare, as Profondare*
Approfumare, as Profumare.
Appropiare, Appropriare , to approdate, to
affirm or put out if all doubt.
Appropiatiónc , Appropriatióne , any ap¬
Appropinquare, to approch.
Appropmquatiónc, App.opinquanza, any
Appropinquévole, approcheable.
* Approportionarc, as Proportionate.
Appropriabile, appropriable.
Appropriare, to appropriate, to maty proper
and cjpeciall unto one.
Appropriatióne, an appropriation.
Approflimamento, an approaching.
Approflimance, approaching.
Approflimarc, to approach.
Approflìmatiòne, any approaching.
ApprofiSmevolc, aporoacbcablc.
Approvabile, approveable, avouchablc.
Approvagiónc , Approvamene , Appro-
▼anza. Approvatone , any approbation ,
or avouching.
Approvare, to approve: to avouch, to allow
of, to maty good and to confirm.
Approvate, an approver, an avoucher .
4 Approbation, as Approvamene,
* Approvcrla, as Approvagiónr,
4 Approvatlflìmo,t jbe/f fort of -
* Approvato,» problem or fentence,alfo, ap¬
proved, hone ft.
Appugnare, as Oppugnare.
Appulcrarc, as Abbellire.
Appulfióne, Appùlfo, a naturali impulfion,
alfo an approaching, an arriving,or coming
in unto.
Appuntaménto, an appointment,a prefixing
cither of time or place, alfo a fet match, an
agreement or compofition between par¬
Appuntare, Appuntaggiarc , to appoint or
prefix any time or place, alfo to compofc or
conclude any match or agreement between
panics , alfo to maty pointed, alfo to fet or
fix ones feet again ft any thing, as a water¬
man doth againfl a firetcher when he
roweth,alfo to under -fiore or flay up with
props , alfo tomar^ èr ob ferve punctually
and precisely, alfo to write or note into any
book or tablets for rcmembrance-faty , by
Met : to be captious in finding faults, orlo
carpe at every trifle, to charge one with
faults , as a monitor , or )pic , to pin
or faften any thing , to fitch any thing
together, to fharpen or maty a point to
any thing.
Appuntare un pezzo, to mount , to bracty
or fet a piece levell.
Appuntatamente, Appuntino , Appunto,
adv. punctually ,point by point, even fo ,
jump, pat , right fo 3 difinftly , cxaftly.
4 Appuntacojwwde into a point or fharp.
Appuntatóre, an appointee , alfo a furvayer
or controulcr , or a preci fe remembrancer ,
rr one who matys things fharp or pointed.
Appuntellare, to underprop , to under- fiore ,
to mckr-fet• £ to under-lay , or to bold
up. f
Appuntino , Appuncarvolo , a nice find-
fault, a carping momus, a pictytbanty
Appunto, look Appuntatamente , alfo the
nick or moment of any time.
Apputidare,Apputidlre, Appuzzare, Ap-
puzzolare, as Apuzzarc.
A-premi fehiena , adv. a tynd of frange
Apréndcre, Aprchéndere, as Apprèn¬
dere, with all it's partes.
Apreflare, Aprcffo, as Apprettare , &C.
Apreriare, Apreizarc, Aprcgiare,^ Ap¬
A-prétio, A-prézzo, adv. at a price , at a
rate, for hire.
Apricità, the Sun-fllining in winter.
Aprico, bleaty or wide open to the Sun.
A-priéghi, at the fute or entreaty of
Aprile, tbemonetb Aprili.
Aprillno, of the rnoneth of Aprili .
A-prima, adv. at fir ft 3 alfo as Priméro.
A-prima fróntc,adv. at the fir fi view.
A-prima giónta, adv. at the fir ft coming.
Aprimene, as Apertura.
Y A-prima filo, adv. at the firfi hand.
* A-primo inchióftro , adv. at the firfi
writing , by Met : at the firfi onfet.
* Aprlna, fiefij or vemipn ofwilde boar.
Aprire, apro, apèrfi , apèrto, to open , to
fet opcnfiy Met : to difplayc , to difclofe 3 to
unfold, togiv:,darc 3 nr mind with mcnj:e,
as aprir la mente, to ope on's mind.
Apritivo, as Aperitivo.
Aprite, an opener.
Apritura, as Apertura.
Apritióne, as Apriménto.
Aprivare, as Apprivare.
Apro, a wild beafi with great tusty , fome
taty it for the wild boar.
Aprònia , a tynd of vine , alfo black
Aproniane,» tymd of plums.
Aproportionftre,»r Proportionate. :
A-proportióne, adv. proportionably .
4 A-propófito,adv. to the purpofe.
A propriare, to appropriate.
Apropriatióne, any appropriation■
Aprofli, anhearb , which is faidtodraw
■ fire unto it, whofe root tymdlcth fire .
Aprògno, the loyne of a wild boar.
A-prova, adv. upon proof or triall , alfo to
the utmofi of ones power, of fet purpofe.
* Apróvo, by or near, a Lombard word.
Apficóne , a fione , which being once hot ,
tyeps his heat feven days after.
Aptóco, a notine without cafe.
apua , Aphiéno, aphia , a tymd of finali
fifh engendred of rain or [bowers , or (as
fome fay) of the Sea-fome, fome write,
that if it be placed near the fire , it ispre-
fently rofied , and fit to be eaten,the Gene-
voifes call it Nonnaca.
Apuntare, as Appuntare.
Apuntlno, Apùnto, as Appunto. ^
Apuzzare , Apuzzolarc , Apucidirc , to
beftintyto fill with flench.
Apuzzellare, to plague , to nnfehief.
A-quadretti,adv. lo\engie in amorie.
A-qualunque mòdo, adv. howfoever .
A-quando, adv. againfi when ?
A-quando, aquando , adv. now and then,
ofherwhile .
F j *A-
A quanto, a quanto, adv. quantity for
quantity, by much and much.
* Aquario, as Acquarlo, &c.
A-quart', A-quartieri, adv. by quarter!.
’ Aquatico, Aquatile, as Acquatico.
* A-quatrino , a-quatrino fi fa il fóldo.
Pro :tbey fay in Englifh,many a little maizes
a great.
Aq iattare, as .Apiattaie.
A-qaattro, adv- two to two, by four and
A-quattr’ occhi , adv. face to face, in out-
loolftng manner,alfo in private.
Aqucic à,watri(hie(Jc.
A-quélJa volta, adv. toward that way.
A-qucllo che, ad v.by that which , as far as,
by that 4
'Aqueo, as ’Acqueo.
A-quefta volta, adv this time, alfo to¬
ward this way.
A-quéfti dì, adv. in thefe days , nowa¬
A-quello, adv. by this.
Aquctarey as Acquetare, &c.
A-guéto , adv. quietly, in quietneffe, as fi¬
A-qui, adv. here, hither, hitherto.
* Aquiccll i, pine-apple grain’s conferred.
Aquidóccio , Aquidócto , a water-con¬
AquifóIio,2r Agrifnlio.
'Aquila , an Eagle,alfo the Eagle-flarre,a'fo
the Eagle-fifih, alfo a Doller-coyne , alfo
the imperiali ftandard.
4 Aquila marina, an Offe fprayed eagle.
Aqu ila ft ro, a bw\\ard.
Aquilègia , Aquilina , Colombine or fet-
4 Aquilia legge, a law in Rome againjl
fraud, forgeries or deceits.
* Aquiliferoj eagle-bearing.
Aquilina pietra , a flotte ; which they fay is
found m an Eagles ne fi , good to facilitate
the birth of children , to re flore womens
mille, and to cure the falling Jlctyieffc.
’ Aquilino ,'Eagle-lHfC , alfb the nature of
an Eagle,alfo the Colombine-colour , alfo
an Eaglet.
Aquilino nafo , a long-beaift or booked
Aquilóne, the North part of the world, alfo
the North-wind , alfo a rare fifh about
Aquilonare, Northerly, Northern.
* Aquilòtto, an Eaglet.
A-quinci, adv. hence from.
A-quInci quindi, adv. hence and thence.
A-quIndi, adv. thence from.
A-quxndi quinci , adv. thence and
A-quivi, adv. thither ward.
A-quivi intórno, adv. there-abouts.
Aquolica, watrifljncQ'c.
Aquófo, watrifh.
‘Ara , an Altar or a fancluary , alfo a (larre
near Scorpio , called the Altar-ftarre, alfo
as Aia.
Arabafcio , a fouldiers jacket or caf-
Arabbiare,; 7 j Arrabbiare.
Arab! fco, Arabian-Hip.
Arabica, Gum-a,abi\e.
Arabice, a Ifind of little dates ,
* Arabile, arable-land.
Arabi Imo, an Arabic^ propriety.
Arabo, an Arabian man or horfe.
Araca, .i Ifind ofvenemous ferpent.
| Araccllc, a Ifind of mufhcorns.
j Arachncn , a ifind of wild tree
j wild Pur flan.
! Aracnoide, a thin sign of the eye.
: Araco, an hearb in Egypt,good to eat.
A-racólta, adv. by collecting together , as
\ barvefi is gotten in, loolf fondre.
* Aragaico, a difeafe in a htrrfes belly, cau-
fing pipings and wringings in his guts ,
making him to fend forth his dung indi-
gefiled and liquid li{e water .
A-i agàtta, adv. fibrivingly as at muffe.
A-ragióne, adv. ratably , according to rea
fon , right , number , weight and mca-
* Aragna, a fpiders w:b , by Met : a net or
Aragnati , a wringing in fomc horfes
* Aragnélle, Aragnétte , Ragnette , Fi
landre , fpiders-fipinnings , cob-webs,
Aragno ,any fpinning-fpider.
* Aragnóidc , a thin andflyining membrane
of tne eye , which fervetb to ;retain the
formes received.
A-ragunata, as A-racólca.
Araldo, a Herauld, an Interpreter,
r raménto, a plowing, or harrowing.
* Aramnim,/^ Oromlfim.
Aranata, a beali in India bearded as a goat,
mouthed and footed as an Ape.
* Arancamcnto , unthriftineffe , riotous
wafling, lavifih !afb:ng-out.
Arancare, to lafih-out riocoufly , to wafts
unthrifely , alfo to s{ud and fhift a-
Arancatore, a. riotous fpend-tbrift,a wajle-
Arancia, Arangia, 4 « Orenge.
Aranciata , Balmegentle.
Arancid.re, Arancirc, arRancIrc.
Arancido, as Rancido.
Arancio, Arangio, an Orenge-tree, or fruit
of the fame.
A-randa, adv-hardly, with much adoe,alfo
txattly to a hair, alfo clofe,faftby # near
anenjt, clofc unto.
Arandcllo, loo\ Randello.
Aranca, the fourth turitele of the eye.
Arane* , a Crab-fifty called Saint Bernard
the Hercmit.
Ai into,that ploughs, or isp’owing.
* Arapire, as Rapire.
Arare, to plough or harrow.
Arasarc, as Rasare.
A-rafegna, as A-ricólta.
A-rafo, adv. plain as ftyaven.
Arafteliarc, as Raftcllare-
A-raftéllo, adv- with labels in armarle.
A-rata, adv. ratably.
* A-rata pert iòne , adv. ratably , fliaring-
Arad', a Ifind of figs.
Aratiónc, plowghing,harrowing, a tilling of
Arativo, arable, plowghable.
Aratolo, a plough, a harrow, alfo a fihallow
flitch in plowghing.
Aratóre, a plough-man , an Acreman , alfo
an Har rower, alfo a Ifind of fifty, which
who bue touchetb, is prcfer.’ly ta\en with
an Ague , and being let go is presently rid
of it.
A ratrare, as Artorare.
Aratro, a plough, a barrow.
* Aratura, as Arat’óne-
* Aravóglicrc, to envoi ve or nule up toge¬
Aizzaménti , Arazzar.e. Arazzi, all
manner of Aras-wor^s , Tapiftries , or
Arazzarc, to hang or fet forth with Tapi¬
ftries or Aras-wor\s.
Arazziere , a ma\er of Aras-wta\s, or of
Arabaeio, a Ifind of courfe woollen fluff.
Arbaleftra, ar Baléftra.
ArbatrafFa , a {wd of xtnemous fer¬
’Arbc, .1 \md of locuft try Graffe-hopper.
'Albero, as 'Albero, &c.
4 ’Arbia.
Arbicócche, apricot-plums.
Aibintio, u fed fu e Labcrlnto.
‘ Aibitrab le, arbitrable.
Arbitrare, to arbitrate , to award, to thin \,
efteem , judge : by Met ; to ween or fup-
po f c ‘,
Arbitrario, arbitrarie.
Arbitration, an arbitrement.
Arbitrato , arbitrated , alfo a compro-
Arbitra óre, an arbitrator, a ludge
Axbitiio , an award , an arbitrement,
Arbitro , an as-bit rotor, an awarder , um¬
pire .
Arboiino, a fifh ca'led a Blea\ j.
Arbori 1 c, as Alberare.
Arborario ,of, or b.longing to trees.
Arboidta, a bower of trees, an Arbour.
Albore, as Albero, &c.
Amoreggiare, as Alberare, to branch.
Arbó; eo, branching, tree-ftireading.
Ai bore to, a grove or thicket of trees.
Aroorifcro, tree or plant-bearing.
Arborófo, branchie, full of trees.
Arbricócolofc an apricoc^-tree.
Arbulcélla , any youngjbrub , Arbufccllo,
Ar bull In a , any wild vine that groweth a-
long other trees.
Ai bufto,Arbulco, Arbufcoio, fhrub,
bramble or brier , alfo ayounggrove , cops
or thicket.
Arbu ftófo,Ai bufcófo, fio r ubbie, bufhie,full
of fhrubs.
A i buco , the Arbut , or Strawberie tree
Area, an Ar\ , alfo a great cheft ,ftandard
or coff er , by Met : a tombe or a vault, alfo
the name of a ftar, alfo a ftyrine , alfo a
Ccrt.nn filone in the botrome of wells placet ‘
for the pre fervati on of water.
Arca di Noe, Noahs ar\, by Met : anaf-
fcmbly wherein are but wife men , as in
Noahs Arif, there were many beafts , and
but eight re a fon able creatures.
Arca, panaria, as Media.
Area foederis, the Arif of the Covenant.
Arodórc, Arcatóre, an archer,a bowman,
a bowyer , by Mel : a double-dealer , a de¬
Arcdite, as Alcaide.
* Arcale , arch;-wife, bow li If e , alfo the
arche of any frame or building, alfo as
Arcamo ,the baclf o - Chine-bone of any crea¬
ture, alfo an\ Rib-bone without flefih, alfo
a fcheleton,a!fo a carcafs or carrion.
Arcanamente, adv. fecretly , in hidden
manner, as are Princes fecrets of State.
Arcangelo, an Arch angeli.
Arcani, the fecrccies or hidden myfleries of
Heaven, or of State , alfo certain hidden
* Arcarci arche or bend as a bow,by Met:
to cheat or ctft^n.
Arcdro, a Bowyer, alfo an Archer , alfo as
Arcata, a (lrol?e > a hurt or fhot with a bow,
alfo abow-fhoot, or di fiance from , alfo
the arching or bending of any thing. j
Arcarórc, as Arcadorc.
Arcato, croolf or bent.
Arcavola , a great gand-mothers mo¬
Aredzza, Arcazzénfl/.rcafe,ffce foul cal¬
led Curlue.
Ar cèlli, any little forcer 9 cheft, coffer , or
trim If, alfo a {indof long fhdl fifh lilfe a
mufcle ,
great grand-fathers fa-
Arcéra, awoodcocfoor. afnipe. .
Archeggiare, as Area re , alfo.to manage or
fooot m a bow , or to bend any thing bow-
Archelaide , a fond of great Dates full of
good liquor.
Archetipo , any originali moduli or. copie ,
a principali type or figure of any origu-
Archcctàca, a hit or touch with an Ar¬
Archetto , any little bow , any fidling-flicf,
by Met : a racket , or faring to catch
Archez.oftina,f/?e hearb Brionie ,alfo a fond
of wild white grape.
A’rchi, the piu :of arco, alfo as arci.
* 'Archi d’un cavallo,;* horfes fore legs.
Archibugiàrc , to fooot, to hit, to hurt, or
foil with any handgun , caliver , pifioll or
Archibugiàro, a gun 3 a caliver , or a musfot
Archibugiaca , a foot with any hand¬
Archibugière,;* barquebuficr,a foot 3 a hand-
Archibugicria, a harquebuferie,the tnusfo-
trie or loofe-foot of a camp.
Archibugiécto , a fmall hand-gun , pifioll ,
dagi or petronell*
Archibugio, Arcobugio, any fond of hand¬
gun big or [mall , as an barquebufo , a
caliver, a musfot, a petronell, or a pijloll ,
fu at for [l called by the Italians by the form
it hath with Arco & Bugio, with Arco,
becaufe the ffoc\ is bending Ufo a bow :
and with Bugio , becaufe the bardi is
hollow, it was alfo at fir ft called Schiop¬
po , by the effe il it wrought , which is to
Sciroppare, whiffa is in Englifo , to burr ft
violently, and with all to mafo a loud
cracfo or ratling-noife , as all fitch pieces
mafo being (hoc off.
* Archibugio a miccio , a fnap-bancc
* Archibùgio da bràccio , a foodting or
* Archibugio da croccola focile, da ruo¬
ta, a barquebwfs 9 a crocfo
* Archibugióne da pófta, a Musfot for a
Archiciócco, Archicióffo, an Artichocfo
Archibùio, as Archibùgio.
Aichiconfracernità, Arciconfraternità, a
chief fraternity or Brother-hood.
* Archid iaconàto, an arch-dei conrie.
Avchidiàcono, an Arch-deacon.
Architi àlcole, a chief di fciplc.
Archid i àvolo, arkarch-divcll.
ArchididàfcoJo, a principali difciple.
Arch idùca, an Archdufo.
Archiducàto, an Archdufodom.
A chiducheffb, an Arcbdutcheffc.
* Archicnsifero, as Arcifpatàrio.
Archiéra, afaifo-hole tofooot out at.
Archiéro, as Arciere, an Archer.
Archigcrénte, a chief in auóloririe arcoun-
trohcr among old men , one that hath the
chiefoverfight of the provi fon of a Prin¬
ces houfooli , alfo one that hath the chief
fur vay or controuling of a Princes
Archilóco, a chief-place or foliation*
Archilogia, any idle pratling.
Archilogo, a chief pratlcr.
Archilóici, a fona of verfes.
Archimandrita, a.chief governor, fitperia-
tender^, prior , or prefident of mnafiicall
prof foWi or. of any felt.
* Archimarcfcalco , a chief Lord Mare-
. Achimia, as Alchimia , by Met : for art or
| labor.
Archimiàre, as Alchimiàcc.
Archimiàto, alchemied, counterfeit*
Archimimo, a chief Comedian.
Archimrfta, as Alchinufta.
* Archintronàto, a chief Intronato.
Arch i pa ft óre , a principali Pa ft or, a chief
Archipendolare, ArchipcnzolàrejW levell
by a plummet , or plumb-line.
• Archipèndolo, Ar'chipcnzolojrt plumb-line
wherewith Carpenters cr Mafons levell
their worfo
Archipiràta, a chief or Arch-pirate.
Archiposia, the onfet of dr in fon g.
Archiprcsbi reràle, arch presbiterali.
Archipresbitoràco , archvresbiterie,the of¬
fice , place or function of an Arch-
Archiprete, an Arch-priefl.
Archipretcria , the order of chief Priefi-
Archifàtrapo, as Arcifàcrapo.
Archi finagógo , a chief ruler in aSyna-
I gogne.
;Archifpatario , Archìfpàto, as Arcifpa-
Archircttàre, Archltetturàre , to build ac¬
cording to the rules of Architecture.
Architétto, an Architect, a builder , a m.t-
fir> or wor fonati in building, alfo belong¬
ing to architecture.
Architettonico , of or pertainingto a ma flee
Carpenter or chief devi far of any wor ^ or
Architettòniche 'Arti , fundament all arts,
or that are the foundation of other
Architettóre, an Architect , a builder-
Architettura, architecture, the art offiram-
mingor building.
* Archircttùrato t framed or built according
•” to the rules of Architecture.
Archithalaflb, a chief Admirallat Sea , a
: Generali of a Fleet.
Architiclivo, Architriclivo , a Marfoall of
a Princes Court, houfooldfor great hall,al¬
fa a majter of a houfhold, alfa a fewer or
chief director of a Princes fe aft or ban¬
Architrave, as Arcotrave.
Archirefcovato, an Archbifoopricfo
Archivéfcovo, an Arcbbifoop.
* Archivo, Archivio , Arcivo , atreafurie
of monuments , a place where ancient re¬
cords or evidences are fopt, a 1 fa a Chan-
ccric, or Exchequer office , the office of a
Mafier of the route , ih ave alfa read it
for the Arches or Spirituali Court.
Archivifta, a Majter of the rouls, a foeper
of ancient records or evidences.
Archi voltare, to bend Ufo a bow , to arch-
roof i to archvault.
Archivòlto , any arch-roof , any arch¬
* ’Arci, 'Archi , a word very much ufed in
compofition of other words to expreffe fame
eminence or fuperioritie above others of
the fame degree , as they fay in Englifo
Arch : you may indifferently ufo either
’Arci or *Archi , and therefore if you find
not fame words under the one , loo\ for
them under the other head ,for , you may
indifferently fay Archivéfcovo , or Ar-
civéfcovo , Archidùca , or Arciduca ,
Arda , a wood-cocfo oy a frtipe.
Arciàdna , an hearb in Egipt good to
Arciàfino, d chef Affa.
Arciàvola , ^ Arcàvola , alfa a Dop-chic-
Arciàvolo,flf Arcàvolo.
■.* Arci bécco, as Stambécco fay Met: Arch-
cuc fold. '
* Arci canoa, dny great or mean pipe,cane or
throat. Tù ménti per l ’arci-canna del¬
la góla, : thou lyefi in thy vary arch¬
Arcichiàro, mo(l dear or manifeft »
Arciócchi, Arciófiì, artichocfo.
Arcidiaconato, an Aycb-deaconrie,
Arcidiacono, an Arch-deacon.
Arcidiàfcolo, a principali di faipfo.
Arcidiavolo, an Arch-divell. ‘ '
Arciduca, an Arcb-dufo.
Arciducale , belonging to an Arcb-dufo*
Arciducàto, an Arch-dnfodom.
Arciduchéffa, an Arcb-dutchcffc.
Arciéro, an archer, a bowman, alfa fitch as
be of n Yfmgs guard of his per fan, becaufe
they were wont to attend and go with
bows, namely in England , alfo a fond of
I drymeafure. -
Arcifanfana, an ill ufi on, a hobgoblin,a robin
j good-fa How , a fpirit in the chimnic-
* oorner , alfa a moefo-begger or a.fcare-
crow. J
Arcifanfanare, to play the hob-goblin > by
Met: to rave fondly, or to play the filly
Arcifanfano , Arcifànfo , an egregious
gull, an archcocfocomb, alfo a chief find-
Arcifelice, mo ft or thrice happy.
Arcifellce buonifsilTi-màflimo, moft hap¬
py 3 good, and chief.
Arci forfante, an Aychvi Uain,or foiavc .
* Arciensxfero, as Arcifpatàrio,
Arcigercme, as Archi gerènte.
* Aicigigànte,rt?r Arch-giant.
Arcigiullàre, an Arch-juglar.
Arcignàre, to lowrc , to sfoul, to pout , to
frown, or bend ones brow.
Arcigno, Arcignófo, lowring, sfowling,
pouting, frowning with ones brows.
Arcigogjolànte, Arcigógolo , an inventer
of unlawful or grievous taxes upon the
people. •
Arcigogolare, to find out or invent grievous
taxes for a Prince upon his poor fub -
Arcigolófo , an Arch-glutton.
Arcigololìtà, Arch-gluttonie.
* Arcilogo, an Arch-pyatlcr.
'Ardo, the Glote cr Clot-buy
Arcionàta, any arch-roof oy vaulted-frame,
alfa the upper-roof of an Oven or
Arcióne, the argon or fadle-bow.
Arcióni, the whole faddlc.
Arcipànca, ufed of Cato far a Prince or chief
of formes or feats , alfa chief fahollar of a
* Arcipécora , a notorious chief [keep or
Ardpirato, an Archpirat.
Arci poltróne, an Arch-poltron or co ward,or
lagie body.
Arcipréflb, a chief Cipro fs-tree, alfa mofi-
Arciprète, an Arch-priefi.
Arci preceda, Arch-priefi hood.
Arciprevcdo, an Arch-priefi.
Arcirodomontada, an arch-bragging.
Arcifagreftàno, a chief fexton.
Arcifàtrapo , a chief Pcere of a Realme or
fiate, a chief Prefident, Ruler, Captain or
States man.
Arcifconvólca puttana , an over-ridden
Arcifinagego, as Archifinagógo.
Arcifpatàrio, Arci fpàto, a Rjngs or Empe-
rours chief Sword-bearer.
Ardila, a fond of chariot or waggon.
Archivefcovàlc, Arcbiepifìopall.
Arcjvefcovàcp, an Archbifijopricfo as Àrci-
ArcivéfcoYo, an Archbifoop.
Ardire, difco, dito, to d.irc.
Arcivifta-, Are ivo, look Archivo,
ArcÌYÓlto, as Archivòlto.
'Arco, any fcnd. ofbow,or arche,alfo a. tor¬
ture ufed in Italie to mafe men con-
v .
Archi, ufed in the plurali for arches.
Arcobaleno, Arcoceléfle, the rayn-bow or
'Arco dell’ 6 fio, the chine, or ridge-bonc of
the baefe
'Arco delia fchìéna , the baefebending of a
Dolfìn or porpis when they roul , as inti¬
mating foul weather.
'Arco bali Croffe,or Stcclfbow,
Arcobugiare, as Archibugidrc.
Arcobugiata, as Archibugiata.
Arcobugitre, us Archibugière.
Arcobugicria, as Archibugieri*,
Arcobuglo, as Archibugio.
Arcoino, bow-life or bending.
Arcolaio, Arcolagio, ’Arcolo , X reel, or
rice for fil\[. or yearn.
Arcolai , by Met : fantaflicall humours ,
r ailing fanfeics, Caffes in the air.
Arconcclli, little arches or bows.
Arcónti , the name of certain Magi fir ate s
that were in Athens ,
Arcóntici , Heretic fey that denied the rc-
f arre (lion of the flefh , and [aid that the
world was made by Princes.
* Arconauti, chief faylcrs , as of tbojc that
went with taf on for the golden Fleece.
Areopago, a chief Senate of the mofl Excel¬
lent men in Athens, and of no certain
ArcojK-ndoIo, as Archipèndolo, alfoa-ffh
called in Latin Zygena.
'Arcora, the Pin : of[ Arco.
Arcòrano, as Alcorano.
Amoreggiare, to bend as a bow , alfa for
one to brety wind above w ' l[ h pain in the
fornici^, tbt A/cr : is to,fen from the
bending or bowing a man ufetb in fitch
a (lions.
Arcotrave, the Architrave or maffer-beam
of arty frame.
Arcotriomfantc, a triumphant arche or pa¬
Arcovólca, any arched vault.
Arcovoltare, tò arche vault-wife.
Arfturo , the name of a (lane by the tail of
Ifrfa Major, called alfa Guardiano dell’
orfa, or Guidatóre del carro , winch
foil owe lb Charles wane , fame call it
Arcuino, bending,bow-life.
Arcuccio, a devife arebt made of thin laths
or hoops, to lay a croffe , a cradle , to feet)
up the cloaths from [mother ine of tb>
child. " 1
Ardca , a Moor-hen , fonte tafe it for a
Hear on.
Ardclia , curiojlty, to fetow other mens af¬
Ardélio, a bufi: body, a medler with other
mens affairs , one that will have an oare
in other mens matters.
Ardènte, ardent, burning, fervent.
Ardencem. ntc, fervently.
* A rd enei Almamente, mofl fervently.
* Ardcnnfsimo, mofl ardent or fervent.
Ardènza, ardertele , burning-heat, ardor ,
fervor, fervendo.
Ardéolo, a Hearonfhawc.
'Ardere, ardo, arlì, arfo, to burn , to be on
fee, alfo by Met : for to burn for love ,
for jealoufy, for anger.
Arditile, that may burn.
j ' Ardiglióne, any linguct ,but properly ,tbe
1 needle of a bucfec.
I Ardiménto, bardineffc , danngneffe , cou-
| rage, flout neffc.
Ardi mento fo , bar die , full of hardineffe,
rafh .,
Ardire, Sub : courage, ffoutnejje , daring-
Arditamente, hardily, daringly.
Ardicéllo, a malapert (aucie fellow.
Arditezza, Arditanza , as Ardiménto.
fit dito, dared, al fo bardic, daring , coura¬
geous, flout, undaunted.
Arditiflimo, miff bold.
Ardo cfa, ardola, .i precious [tone, wherein
arc naturally the pictures of beaffs & birds.
Ardóre, Ardiira, as Ardènza.
\rdu.tà> difficulty, bardnejfe, or uneafindje
to reach unto.
Arduo , difficult, hard, mieafi ’, nr pain¬
full to be attained.
Ardui Ifnno, moff bar dor difficult to ad or
paffe over.
* Ardiira, .'rrarfiira.
'Area, the upper»»f part or fur face of any
tning, the field or ground of any sfetcheon
of armes , alfo a law-word , importing a
mins lx id, or the right he hath unto it,
from the grout.I up to the sfees , alfo the
dim : of'Alt.
*Area circolare^/;? name of a (larve or [igne
in Heaven.
* Arecabi lc,tbat may be reached or brought.
* Arenaménto, a reaching or bringing.
Arecire, to reach or bring.
* Arecatórc, a reach v, \ bringer.
* Aredare, as Arredare.
Arefat to,p.ircbed through hcat,dric-fcorchcd
by the Sunne , alfo Sunnz-tanned.
Arégano, as Origano.
Arcgazza„ a pio:, a wood-pic .
A-remalco, A-rcmoldo, A-rcmulco, look
Arena, any fond or gravcll.
Arenèiceo , any thing breeding or living in
[and or graved, or that is of the quality or
colour of it.
Arenale , a find-pit , a gravell-pit , alfo
fandie ,gravely, or grettic.
Arenaménto, any gravelling or funding.
Arenare, toJdnd, to gravel/, alfo for a [hip
to ninne , to [rife , or flick upon [and sor
fhel ues.
Arendamsrito, the fruits or rents thit any
thing ycildelh, alfo a rendring .
Arcndèirc, to farm, to rent.
Arcndatóre, a farmer, a renter.
Arénderc, as Rèndere.
Arcndévole, as Arrendévole.
Arenaménto, a rendring, ayeilding .
* Arcnella, as Renèlla.
Arénga , an Oration , a fet-fpeach , an ha¬
rangue., alfo a herring-fifh.
Arcngire, to mafe a fct-(p:cch .
Arcngacórc, an Or it or, a fp infer •
* Arenile, as Arenale-
Arevino, as Armelino.
* Arenofità, fandmeffe, grettimffe .
Arenófo, f.indie, gravelly, grettie.
Arénrc, adv. incnjt, elafe by.
Aréola, a Greek weight of two grains.
Arcopagita, a chief Iudge or Senator in
Areopago , fignifies the hill of Mars , on
which the Court or Palace where the Se¬
nators or ludges of Athens met daily,was
A-riquifitión:, adv- at the requefl j fate or
entreaty of.
A-refivérli, adv. xrfivirfiz, contrarie .
Arifta, as Arifta.
Areftire, as Arredare, &C.
A-rctaglio, adv. by retail.
Aret ire, Aretirc , to in-net, to catch in a
net, by Mit : to entangle, to entrameli.
A-réte, net-wrought, net-worfe àlfofrettie
in Ar morie.
Areticare, to v?x or affili in mini.
Arccio,nómc d*h èrba, the name of an bearb t
Arctrare, to retreat, to recoile.
Arétro, adv. behind , backward.
Arezzare, to (hade coolie.
Arézzo, as Rezzo, a coole [hide.
Ar fa falco , a ward uf:d to abjifc firry f:U
’-\rblo, a Biflnp at Cbcffe.
Arfitapo , a kjnd of ancient garment de¬
ferred by Lucilius.
' Argallice, a radifh nr v opart-root.
* A'galio , an inftrument where with a
Cbirurgm fearcbcth the pxjfxges of the
Arganarc , to draw or mount up with a
Crane or any other engine, look 'Arga
Arga nè , Arganèllo , Arganétto, any
crane -, Capfto/t •, w:ndb:ame ; draw -
bearne -, wauling , or mou Umg-cug-u :, tit
mount or remove any great weight , alfo a
Crab or Caffon (as mariners call it) to
weigh ancori with , alfo a truck or fled
with low wheels, alfo a wyre-drawers, or
gald-fmiths bench.
Arg.ua , a broad sfetrf worn by fame chief
men about has arms in ftgne o fimi our.
Arg.icile, a fend of bird , m ich commended
for her rare cunning i/i mafeinn her
Argéma, the white of any creatures eye,Ufa.
a certain difeafe in fume eyes,which being
in the black of the eye is white •> and if u
the white it is black-
Argcmóne, wild-tanye or filver-wort? alfo
as Argéum.
’Argene, as Argine.
Argentale; filverie, li\e fiver.
Argentare, to fiver, to enfflvcr.
Argciitarina, the fiver ffuinavffe.
Argentana , Argenteria , all manner of
fiver-work or plate, alfo a fiver or gold
fmiths ftreet or row of (hops as Cbeapftd:
is hi London , alfo a kind of (ilver-oarc ,
chalk, or white clay gli [ring as fiver.
Argentario, Argentalo, a fi ver - (rnith, tifo
the metall Pin.
Argentata, a fend of lip- fai v , by Met :
white painting for womens faces, alfo as
* Argentato , fiver guilt , or fiver*d
Argentatóre, t flverer.
Algènte, as Algènte.
Argenteo, Argentino, ftlv’rie , life fiver,
fiver-colour, alfo of a fhrill or fiver-
Argentiera, a pi ver -mine \ alfo an) fiver
Argentière, a plver-fmith , i repay of fi¬
ver , a luol{ or monk-keeper , alfo a
feroard,! Caler, or a Claip of lire yiicbin
in a noble mans houfe.
Argentifero, filver-bearing.
tafe it for ffone or Finger-fern , alfo a
fend of fifh. J
Argent ivo, ar Argenteo.’
Argentiamo, moft-flverie, alfo moff clear
or (brill-founding.
Argènto, all manner offiver, ufed alfo for
mony or coyne.
Argènti ,ufed for plate.
4 Argènto di copèlla , the fnelt teff-
Argènto folimato, fublimate.
Argènto wo, quick-fiver or Mercurie.
Argentilo, full of fiver.
’ Argenta, the foam of tried lead.
Argefilao, a furnime given to Pluto.
Arg-ftc, the Northweft, or weftern parts of !
-• the world.
’Arghe , a certain white beaffs [aid to be
faced life a man.
Argilla, Argiglia, Potters-clay.
a r r
Argilloj Affiglio, as Arzcglio.
Aigillófo, mgigliófo, Clayt[h 3 full of clay,
oy Met:: fame ani fertili.
Arginare, to fortifte , to rampante , to banf,
£»• blocl f again (l the furie of waters.
'Argine, Aiginale , n trench , abanf » CL
ramparci , or fortification againfl the fme
of watery.
Argvréfo , full of fences again ft wa¬
Aigiiafp i&i, fou'.diers armed with ftlvcr
Jh-efeis , bad their borfes tra.pt with
Arguite, Argiritino , litharge , or /oi««e 0/
/me, or ftlvcr being tr ei.
Argirodàma, aftlvene predo us-fione.
A: giróne, it hearon-Jhaw.
* argiva, a fumarne of l uno.
Ai givo, a man of Greece.
'A - go , Wat eh full 3 vigilant, clear-ftgbtcd 3
alfo the name of a Stane 3 alfa Argus.
Argoirr, nr Arguire-
* -rtigolaticrc, /i /igfef horfeman 3 one fer-
vingonhorfe bacf witb a Caliver or a
Argólici, as Argonauti.
Argomenta e , to argue 3 to frame Argu¬
ment s-, to d,'flute, to conclude ; alfo to pre¬
pare or fit ones fclffoc any attion or bufi¬
* A; gomcntatiónc , an arguing , a framing
of arguments.
* Argomentatore , an argucr 3 o- diflit-
A)gom£rto,(W argument,aftgne , or reafon >
at fo a fubject or ground to Jpeaf or write
of, evidence , aljo an invention or fafhon, '
an :n\irament,alfo the content s of any boof '
* Argo nemo , ujedfo-c a remedie , alfo a
Argomento davanti ,away ofpleafure be-
* tween man and woman.
* Argoménto della larghezza della Lu¬
na, an A(tronomi call terme.
* Argoménto mèdio, vé o, ó visibile del¬
la larghézza della Juna fìdem.
Argomenrófo , full of arguments , or effe¬
ctual/ to convince.
Argonauti, Aigonàvi, Agòlici, the Noble
Greeks that went with la fon in the Jh'v
called Argos for to conquer the golden
Arguire, Argo! c, to argue, todifputc.
* Aigosino, a Lieutenant of a Galley.
Aigiimc, ufedfor Agrume.
Arguire, nr Argomentare.
Arpuménto, as Argoménto.
Argusélla, a Hom-fifh.
Argutamente, adv. (harply, ccafdly,fubtily,
Arguti zzOjftnrpncffe ofwit.
Argutia, any fio vep or witty conceit j namely
in words , a fubtility of wit.
Argutiflìmo, moft {harp, or witty.
Argutictta, a quaint and witty faying.
Arguto, wittily.crafty 3 craftìly -witty ,n am: -
. ly in words.
'Aria, as 'Aere, the air , the loof or a ca ft of
a bodies face.
Ariadna, the name of a Storce.
Ariamide , Ariunidc , an hearb of a ftre or
flame-colour, which being gathered when
the Sunne is in Leo, touch therewith any
I wood wetted with oyle , it doth pnfently
fet it on a light fire.
j Ariararcha, a Prince of war fare.
A-ribibo, adv. forthright, us it were care-
lefty3 lèggere a-ribibo, to read without
{pelting 3 or any heed and confiderà -
* A-dbdcco, adv. ready to runne over , by
Met :plentcoufty ; enough and to fparc.
Arlcamarc, as Ricamare.
* A-ricamo, adv- wrought embroyderie-
4 A-ricambio, adv. by,or upon re-exchange,
enter-eh angcably.
A-richièda, at the jute , or requeft of
Arie no, a find of Cabidgc-colc.
4 A-riafo,adv. conci fely-, with brevityMin-
A-ricòlta, loof Sonate a-r ‘cólta.
Ar i corda n za , rem embrance.
Aricordare, to remember.
Ar.cordévole, memorable.
niicorùo, remembrance.
A-ricó do d huómo, in mans memory.
A-ricorfó;o,adv. in running or violent man¬
ner , loof Bollire.
'Arida, the whole Element of the Earth.
Aridamente, adv. barrenly , drily.
Aridare, A ridire, to mafe or become barren ,
dric, withered orfapleffe.
Aridézza, Aridità, Arditézza , ftcrility,
dric-barrenne(fc } want of mo:flare.
' Ai-ido, barren, jkrill, f api eff'c,alfo [mail, not
con.fider able.
Aridole, n find of leane drie Dates.
A-ridolìo, adv. loof Cavalcare.
Aridrómada , a precious fione naturally ns
f quare us a dye.
Ariéna, a find of great ftg,growing upon the
tree Pila.
Ariénto, as Argento, &c.
Arientato, or Argentato.
* Arietàre, to ram : to batter walls with an
Ariete, a ram , a tuo , alfo one of the twelve
ftgnes in the Zodiac f , by Met : a f ind of
warlife machine or engine to batter
j walls.
j * Ariète notturno, ufed for Autumne or the
fall of the leaf.
Arictino, rammifh in fìtteli, in tajle * or con¬
dition, alfo born under Aries.
I Aria: ni, the Chitebes called Bamchitches.
A-rictro, adv- baefward, behind.
A-rifufo, adv. refuftngly, alfo enough and to
Angare, (K Irrigare, as Rigàie,
A-rigatta,/oo£ Rigatta.
Arigógoli, us Arzigògoli.
A-rigudrdo,adv.w regard, upon ones guard,
loofingto onesfelf
A-rilento, adv- rclentingly, fine fly, [lowly,
with caution.
A-rilibo, adv. loof Bilibo.
Arimàfpi , people that have but one eye : and
that in their forehead.
Arimética, Arithmetic f.
Arimético, an Arithmetician.
A-rimpétto, adv. over againft.
* A-rimurchio, loof Rimurchiare.
Arinca, a find of Rice Or Ajpelcorn.
A-rincóntro, adv. over againft.
Arina, a Bee-hive.
Arinélla, a wrinflc, aptlcfre.
Arine 11 à"e, to wrinflc , to puef re.
Aringa, as Arénga , us Arringa.
Aringhe fumate, blote or red herrings.
Aringhe fa là re, pitted herrings,
Aringàre, us Arringàre.
Aringatórc, us Arringacóre.
Aringàtore^ as Arrengàto.
* Aringhena, an oratio,i y or fet fpeech made
in fome pulpit or eminent place.
* Aringhiéra , ^ Ringhièra or Roftra.
Aringo, us Arringo,
Ariolàrc ,todivine,to foothfay.
Ariolatióne, foothfaying. Divination.
Ariólo, a footbfayer, a Diviner.
A.riofo, aerie, full of aire.
Adorino, a wren-bird.
A-ripàro, adv. againft, in defence, Sc de-
* A-ripcntàglio, idv.head-long, in car clefs
manner , at all adventure.
A-ripórli, loof Andare.
Anlaro, wafe-robin. Cue foe-pintle.
Arifcliiàrr, us Airifchiàrr.
Arilchio, rtrifigo, us Arr.lchio.
Arifchiófo, Ar.fìgófo, us Airifchiófu.
^ Arifigàrc, as Arrjfchiare.
Arifmccica, Arithmeticf.
Arifmccico, an Arithmetician.
A-rifpétto, adv. in rejpeft, in regard.
Aiifta, Aréfta ,any flj.irp (p:ll,or long prie fie,
namely of a rip j care of com , alfo the
[mail l jh.irp and long ftde-bones of any
ftfh , alfo the ridge of a hbgs bacf 3 or a
hogs-ebine , alfo a find of drinf ufed an¬
ciently among the Thracia is,
Ariftalthéa, a find of Ma: fh-doef.
Ari ftida, an hearb,whicb hath the vertue to
draw jpills out of the fl eft).
Arjftociata, a Government of good men,
or of foif.e few of the chief men m a
Arifbctatico, of or bclongmgto a govern¬
ment of fume few, chief or ?ood men , al¬
fo governed by fome few Nobles or great
Ariftogitóne, a vulnerarie hearb.
Ariftoluchia , Ariftologia, Birth-wort,
Ariftula, the diminutive of Arida.
* Aritagliàre , to retail, 10 fell by retail ùs
Brofers and Hucfslers do.
A-ritàglio, adv. by retail.
Ariihmànce , a Diviner by names and num¬
Adthmanc a , Divination by names and
* Arithmctia , Arithmetic^, the Art of
Adthmécico, an Arithmetician.
Arithmo, any rithme or mectre.
{ A-rj trita» loof Sonate, a-ricóita.
A-ritrófo, adv. sfcwardly,fcowardly,band
over head, topftturvyi
A-riva al mar c,by the Sea-fhorc.
A-rivéfcio, adv. infide outward.
A-riynltolóne, adv. tumblingly.
Arizzàre, us Rizzàre.
Arizzane, Senegrecn, Houfeleef.
Ailalb, an affront, or cheating t rie f put up¬
on one, a fnavijh-pranf.
Arlótta , a ftlthie punf, a harlot.
Arlótrat c , to play the filly Arlòtto , or Ar-
Arlotrcfco , of the quality of Allotto.
Arlòtto , was fometimes the proper name of
a merde, crafty and je fling Prie (l in Ita¬
lie, famous to this day for his many plea-
fant and jesting triefs and pranfs, but
now Arlòtto is ufedfor any filly Pdcft o , r
a fir Iohn lacf-latin , alfo a jloving or
nafty fellow, a glutton.
'Arma, any find of weapon, armes or armor
of offence t or defence , alfo any coat of
armes, that a man givetb for a badge or
cognlfance of his gentry or honour.
* Arma di filo, any weapon with an edge, a
cutting weapon.
* Anna hafìàta,'Arma-afufóne,niy Jlaved
weapon , as an halbard, or a [peace.
* 'Arnia manéfea, any hand-weapon.
* 'Arma partita any partie-coat of armes.
* 'Arma fémplice , any ftmple weapon, or
plain coat of armes.
* Arma-còllo , a gorget, a neef -armor , a.
belt for a f word o ver the [judder.-
* 'Armàdioyiy Armàrio.
Armadura, any find of armor, arming,
weaponing, harnifhing,alf1 the guardes or 1
hilts of a [word or rapier, alfo the guar de
that enfolds the child in the mothers
wombe , by Met : all manner of frames ,
machines or fcaff'olds ufed inmynes un¬
der-ground to feep them from falling, or
things to fupport nets.
G Ar*
Armaio, Armato, Armario, Armadio , an * Armicclla, forry, bafe armes.
armorie , a ( torc-boufc or place where' Armiere, Armiéro , an armourer , alfe the
a.m:s or weapons accept, by Met : a i whole armour of a mans bodie.
clofe-pre[fe,an ambric, a w arder obe-prej'c, Arnn'fcro, armes, bearing or bringing,
or a enpbord. ! Arm g:ro, a bearer or profeffor of arms
Armaiuolo,Armaruólo , Armararo , an' Squire.
armorer -
Armamentario , an armorie, a fiore-houfe
for armes.
* Armaménto , all manner of armes or mu¬
nition for armes, alfo an armorie.
* Armanaco, an Almanack-
Armaniaco, an apricot tree or plum.
Armare, to arm, to weapon, to hrrncffe , to
furnfh with armes, to fence againjt war,
to prop , to fit.
Armare di fuóra , to arm without , or a-
broad , a’fo its Fare chiamazzuóli.
Armare la galera , to arm nr rigagallie,
alfo the nam: of a Cirri ftmajfe-gamc.
Aimaria, Armeria , armorie or the pvofcf-
fion oj' armorie .
Armanfta, Armenia , a Herauld, a pro-
fcfl'or of armorie.
Armata, an arme , but generali V, ufed fora
NavtCyOr Fleet at Sea .
Armata- mano , Armatamente , adv. in
armed manner, by force of armes , with
armed hand.
Armato , armed, weaponed.
Armato di tutto pònto, rmed at all effaics,
in compleat a. mom, cap, a pec.
Armatura, as Armadura.
'Arme, the Flu : o/'Arma,huómo d'arme,
a fouldicr , but especially a light horfeman.
Genre d'a; me, fouldiery.
* 'Arme àuree ,the chief[boulder-bones in a
Armeggiaménto , Armeggiata, Armeg¬
giarla, all manner of arming or weapon-
mg, any exercife at armes, any meeting or
praclifing of armes among knights or foul-
diers, training in arm is.
Armeggiane, Armiggiàre , to praftife
proffie, to exercife, or to follow armes, to
be trained tip in armes, alfo to blarjm
armes, or to [peak of berauldric, by Met :
to [peak idly, and nothing to the purpofe
in \efiing manner, to fir ay from tbe matter
fpo^en of. Tù armeggi , thou art wide
thou art out of the way, thou rave ft ± as
heraulds are faid to d) in Italie.
Armeggiatórc, a profeffor of armes.
* Armeggiata, as Armeggiaménto,
Armeggio, Arieggio, Aimizzo, all man¬
ner of armes, weapons, munition , habilH-
malts of war , tackling or furniture for
[hips or gallies , alfo any figure or co ate ,
that chargcth a scutcheon or field in ar¬
Armclla, Ai meliina, an apricot-plum.
Armcllmo, an H r;n:n, or Hermelin, alfó
Hermin or Erminois in armorie , alfo a
certain coin » in Nap’cs,alfo a pye-colour of
a horfe white and black, alfo an apricot
Armèna, a ifind of venemous ferpent.
Armeniàco, an apricot tree, or plum.
Arménio , a colour called verd azur, alfo
a kind of Jpecified marble.
Armenia o, a Neale [man, a Heardfman , a
Drover, or a Grafier of Cattle.
Armen* aIe»o/V>r belonging to bcards,droves,
of Cattle, alfo a Stallion for marcs.
Arménto-muto, a dumb-hcayd, all fifties.
Armentitio ,as ArmcmàJe.
* Arménto , a heard cr drove of cat¬
* Armemófo , fiored with beards of cat¬
Armeria, as Armaria.
* ArmesmOjjr Ormesino.
Artniggio, Armizzo, ho'k Armeggio.
* Arniiila,;wy bracelet^braccr^r wrijt-band,
alfo the braces or rings wh.rein tbegud-
gions of a wheels fpind:ll turn , alfo the
bracers about pill.rs, alfo a certain infiru-
ment made of hollow circles , that Afiro-
nomers ufe.
* Armi-luft.a, certain farri fees, where the
Roman’s facrificed in bright armour, with
trumpets founding.
Armimi, H.rminois in armorie.
Armipotènte, mifbty in armes.
Arm isa, Armórfc, Mugwort,Mo:hwort,or
( as feme fay ) a kind of coleworts .
Arraóila, hear'} Or age, or Orach.
A rinomante , a diviner by ebferving of the
[boulders of b;a(ts.
Armon amia, divination by obferving the
[boulders ofbeafis.
Arnióne, i Princes or Noblemans great feut-
cbeon of armes, or tbe chief coate of his
ho ufe, alfo a Ifind of coleworts,alfo a kind
of radifh-root.
Armonia, harmonic, accord in mufickfuna-
blcnejfe, concent of founds.
Armomaco,.-! find of fait that Chimi ks ufi,
alfo a find of gum ifiuing from Fenncl-
gcant, alfo an Apricot tree or plum.
Armònico , Armoniófo , Armoni zzante,
harmonious , melodious.
Armonizzare, Armoncgg àtC , to harmo¬
nic, to mak e harm mie.
Armoriacc , a find of black radifh-
* Armikica,ffogo«f in tbe [boulders.
Arnabd, the nam: of a tree in India.
Arnafo, any long vcffell.
'Arne,' .Arnia, ho.ùc-houfes, Bee-hives.
Arncfe, all manner of harm fs , equipage,
munition, furniture or tackling for Sea or
Land , alfo wearing-clothes , alfo an engin
or device.
* Arncfi di góla , all manner of belly-cheer,
or provi [ion for the throat.
Arnióne , the rcims of the back , the ridge
or chine of any beafi , alfo the kid¬
* Arnióne del porcàftro , a Chine of
Arnifio, a kind of Greek wine.
Arnoglófla , rib-wort, l •mbes-tongue , way-
bread, or Piantane the lejfe.
‘Aro, Aréne , 'Aron, Cucko-pintle , wake-
pintle, Pricfis-pintle, fiarch-wurt, ramp,
or Calves-foot , with the root whereof
mixed with flower fame have made
* Aróba, as Arróba.
Arogànre, airog.int, malapert.
Aroginza, arrogando, faucineffe.
Arogaie, as Arrogate-
Arogacióne, as Arrogatone,
Aroggi a r c, as Arrowre.
Aromatdio, an Apothccarie > alfo a Perfu¬
* Aromatan'a , a perfumers fhop, trade j or
Aromac cita, arom id call-quality,a plcafing
f meli, or tafie of [pices.
Aromàtico, Aromatizzante, Aromàco,
aromatic all, fweet-fmelling , fpicic-fra-
grant , alfo {linking or difpleafmgto the
fmcll, applied to perfons, fignifics pcevifh
or fantasie all.
Aromatite , a fione fmclling much ofMyr-
Armévole, that may be armed,alfo the name Aromarzxà'e, to ma\e or become aromati-
of a bird. i call, to fmcll or perfume fweet.
A-rómbo, ad/- masfilcd or locngic in ar¬
Arómato ,/picc ingenerali alfo as Aromà¬
A-rómbrc, adv. in an up-rore.
* A-rompicóllo , adv- rajl/y, bead-long,-n
break-neck manner.
Aronàno, the n m: of a ffh.
Arondella, a f wallow, alfo a fea-bat.
Aréne, look Aro.
A-ninfa, at ruff or trump at Cards.
Arofegarc, Arcfigàrc, ar Rofcgàre.
Aro ft i re, .rr Ai rolti c.
Aroftha , any lòfio.
Arófto , any rode, or rafie J meat.
Arotàrc, Aroteàrc, as Arrotare,
Aroratórc, as Arto- ;-t ire.
Arocolà e, as Rotolare.
A-rorolónt-, adv. in fouling manner.
A-rótto fciJingU 3 gnuólo,adv.MV.'/; a volu¬
ble and fwi ft-running tongue.
* Arólln, in an angry rn v>d.
Arovcllàre, as Arrovellare.
Arovcrrcianiénto, a i, overturning.
AroveiTciarc , as Rive fare.
A-iovérfcio, A-iovcfciónc,A-rovéfcio, A-
roverfeióne, adv. as Anovérfcio.
'Arpa ,any kind of Harp, alfo a Sea-gull,alfo
as Aipàgo.
Arp.igo, i pagóne,Arpegóne , Arpicór.e,
Pipino, .-irpiónc, any /find of great hook,
as an harping hook , a dragging hook , a
we ding-hook, a fl.fh-hook, a pot-hook, a
grubb. r, or ^rubbing-hook , a tenter-hook,
a dorè -hook, an iron-rake.
Arpionare , Arpegàre , Arpicàrc , Arpi-
nàre, Arpionàrc , to hook, 10 drag, in
gruppe, to grubb, to pluck > t0 fircteb with
an ; kind of hook, t0 damm:r up with help
of ho fis, alfo to harrow , to fnatch out of
on s hand fometbing violently.
' Arpéfi, Aipcfctti, barping-irons, bracers,
binders, or iron-clajps to joyn fiones in
Arpia , a monfi.r, called a Harpie.
Arpicare, loo'k Arpagonàre.
Arpicéri, certain guts in any body.
Arpicò: do, r muficall inflrumcntfiikt a Cla-
rigoll, called a Harpers chorde.
Arpicónc, look Arpàgo.
Arpig a, the quality of an Harpie, by Met :
Arpinàre, look Arpagonàre.
Arpino, Arpione , .ir Arpàgo , alfoanan-
diron or rack for broebes , a hinre-
Arpioncclli, the dim: of Arpàgo, namely
little tacks, clajps, or tenter-hooks.
Arpócratc, the God offilence.
Arguàra, as Ayjfctta, alfo a Curine.
Aiguàto, the yellow jaundife , fo called ,be-
c.tufc it is cured with honied wine.
'Arra, an carne fi-pennie , a Gods-pcnnic fi¬
ve n before hand , as a bond upon any bar-
‘ Arrabattcre , to labour vehemently, and
withall to take great caribe and care.
Arrabattàrli , to enneh or fhrug toge¬
A rrebbi óre, to enrage or grow frant\\e.
Arrabbiatamente , adv. tagingly , fran¬
ti kb'
Arrabbiato, ragjng, mad, vext.
* Arradicàto, enrooted, as Radicato.
Arraffare, as Arpagonàre.
Arragiàto, a horfe that hath the laske.
* Arramacciàre, to disbranche, alfo to plafh
down the boughs of trees , alfo to draga
body, through any place of fnow.
* Arramatàre , to ^i// birds with a Ra¬
Arrampàre , Arrampicàre , Arrampinàrc,
Arraiicigliàrc, to ramp , to clamber , to
Arrancare, to go, to trudge or slated, away in
hafle, as Criples or lame men do being pur-
fued, alfo to pull, to grub , to root or pluck
away or from by violence , alfo to
twirle about.
Arrancata, a spudding away in hafle,a vio¬
lent plucking, a twirling about.
Arranda, adv. hardly, fcarccly , alfo as
much as fujfifeth competently.
Arrandeila, as Randello.
Arrandeila re, as Randell are, it fed alfo for
Strozzare, and for Strangolare.
Arrangolare, to dodge anawrangle , to
s\old and prattle , alfo to Curie with vio¬
* Arrangiare, to range, to ar.mge , to fet in
Arrangolo fo, full of wrangling, dodging,
pratling and scolding.
Arrantolófo, as Rantolófo.
Arrappare, Arrappirc, to rapine,or lake a-
way by force.
Arrappaiórc , a rapiner, a violent ta-
k er -
Arraparne c,a rapinerete.
Arrafpàrc, as Rafpàre.
Arrecare, as Arecare.
Arrccatóre, as Arccatóre.
Ar redare, to dight, togarnifh, properly to
rig a fhip with all her ncccffarie equi¬
Arredi , all ncccffiry equipage or tabling for
a flj'p , all manner of ncccffary furni¬
Arredo, as Arredi.
Arrenare, as Arenar c.'
Arrenato ^fandied, gravelled.
Arrenamento , a graveling orfrilfing on
Arrcndaménto, as Arendaroénto.
Arrendere, as Arendare.
Arrendcllare, as Randellare.
Arrèndere, as Render*.
Arrendevole, yeilding, pliable , flexible.
Arrendi, revenues, yei! dings.
Arrendiménto, a rend ing, a yeilding.
A rrendolóne, adv. in hurling manner.
* Arrcpranio, creeping in privily,alfo haled
by fo me Spirit or bag.
Arrequi are, to quiet , to (till.
Arsélo, rendrcd,ycilded, reflored.
* Arrcffoménto 3 an arre (ting, alfo as Ar¬
Arredare, to arrefl , alfo to flay or fettle in
a place , alfo to flay, to re(l or paufc upon,
alfo to Ifeep or detain , alfo to feta lance
in the refi , alfo to decree or doom by law
alfo to ceafefrom or give over.
Arrcfto, an arrèjt , alfo a ftay,al[o a decree
or ordinance concluded and pronounced by
law , alfo a let or impediment.
Arreticare, to cn-nct, io enfiare 3 to entra¬
meli ...
Arreno, furprifed by craft.
Arretrilo, any unfeen pore or hole,any creep¬
ing-in privily,algo haled by violence.
Arretrare, to retreat, to recoile.
Arretratele, to recant.
* Arretrattatióne, a retractation.
Arretro, x&v.Jbac\ward> alfo behind.
Arrezzire, as O nbreggiare-
* ’Arri, a word ufld by Carters to encourage
their horfes to go.
Arribare, as Arrivare.
Arrichire, to enrich, or wax rich.
Arrichirti '-’nto, an enriching.
Arricciacapo, as Capriccio.
Arricciaménto di péli , the flaring or
flandingan end of a mans, hair for fear .
Arricciare, to curie, to frigie, to crifp , alfo
fer a mans hair to brille and fi and. an-
&nd through fuddain fear , alfo to rough-,
cafl with lome or mortar 5 to be an~
§ 7 *
Arricciate vedi ,gallant or rich embroidered
* Arriciato, curled , affrighted , rough¬
en fled, embroidered.
Arricciatura, any crijping or frilling.
Arricignare, as Arcignare,
* Arnergno, as Arcigno.
Arricordanza, remembrance .
Ai ricordare, to remember.
Arricordévole, memorable.
An icordo, a remembrance.
Arridere, to fmile at.
* Arnedare,Arriédi, as Arredale.
* Arrictro, adv. after, behind, backward.
Arringa, a publick fet fpeccb or declaration j
alfo an bening-fifly , alfo an arang.
Arringare , to ma^e an oration or fet speech
in publick , alfo to arange or fet in array ,
, alfo to tilt, or run at tilt.
Arringatóre,fl publick Or at our,alfo a filter,
alfo an ar anger.
Arringhi èra , Arringo , a pulpit or. chair -,
wherein Orations arc made , alfo a tilt-
yard , a balcone of iron.
Arripare, to come to the forre, to bank-
* AirifcfilantCfha^ardmg, jeoparding.
* Arrifchianza, hazard, jeopardie.
Arrifchiare', Arringare, to hazard , to ad¬
Arrifchiato, hazarded, adventured.
* Arri fchievole, hatred able.
Arrjfchio , hazard, in hazard.
Arrifchiofo, full of hazard.
Ardii caro, as Arrifchiato.
* Arriflare, to quandi and content.
* Arrivare , to arrive or come to a place ,
namely to a forre , to come to paffs, alfo to
ovcrta\e on the way or in going , alfo to
over-reach one in dealing.
Arrivata, an arrivali.
* Arrivo > an arrivali 3 alfa clofe o-r by the
Arrizzare,tff Kizzare.
Arróba, a.weight of a quarter of a hundred ,
alfo a find of barred or meafure in
Arrobare, to rob, to (leal.
Arrobinire, Arrubinare , Arrubinirc , to
enrubie , toenruddie , to malic or become
red , li^e to a nibie , by Met : to rubi fie
ones nofe or face with cxce/Jive drink-
Affocare , Arrochiate , Arrochire , Arro-
chisire , to malie or become boarfe hi
Ipcailing , alfo to fnort in ones fleep , pro¬
verbially to have feen the Wolff.
Arrogante, arrogant, prefumptiious.
Arrogantemente, arrogantly.
Arroganza, arrogancie, vaunting-pride.
* Arrogare , 10 arrogate , to prefums over-
Arrogata vóce, a boarfe voice.
Arrogatióne, arrogation , prefmption.
Arrogere , toycild or afford help unto , to
malie good weight , to adjufl differences
or bargains.
Arroginire, as Arruginire.
Àrrogaménto, a help yeilding an adjust¬
Arrollam nto di foldati , an cnrouling
offouldicrs upon the chec\ rod.
Arrollare, to enroide , to register , to ert-
ter upon record , or into the inuSler-
Arrombare, looì^ Rómbo , to fet up Se X-
marlis or beacons for to guide, marti¬
* Arrómpere, as Rómperè.
* Arronca e , as Roncare , as Sarchia'
. re.
Arroncigliare, ^Rondliare.
Arrorare , to bedew , to be firmale, alfo to
bafle rofle-meat ,
Arróre, hath been ufedfor Erróre.
Arrofare, Arruolare, as Arrorai e„ '
ArrolTare, Arrodi e, to malie or become red
or ruddie, alfo to bluflj.
Arrodìménto, Arrofloie, a bluffing.
Arredare, to ,-ofle, to tofle , al jo to fir uggì t
with, alfo to make wind with bouvhs ,
* Arrodarc le mófchc , to drive awa\
Arrofticciana, a tofle, alfo a (lice of rafie-,
meat cut from the fpit, or rather a fidali,
or rafher on the coals.
* Arrofticciarc, to rofle,alfo to tofle,flightly,
alfo to fcorche.
Arrodire, to rofle, alfo to tofle,or broile,alfo
tody up or wither.
ArrolHtaj any tofle.
* Arroft to, roaStcd , cr toflcd 3 or broiled.
Ar ródo, any rofk-ment.
Arrota, Arroto , an addition, a ftpplyor
affi fiance unto others.
* Arrota or Arroto, adv. in wheeling man¬
Arrofare, to malie round as a whcele , alfo ic
wheels or turn round, alfo to grinds or
fet an edge upon with a grinding or whet-
flonc , to refine as it avere with grinding,
alfo to fet ones teeth on edge , alfo to gnafo
with ones teeth , alfo to clip money round
about, by Met : to incenfc , to provole or
. flirre-up unto.
* Arrotato, made round, &c.
Arrotatole, a ^nife orflj are-grinder, alfo a
monie-clippcr, loolf Arrotare.
Arrotatura , .1 grinding.
Arrovellare-, to chafe and fret with rage
and anger, alfo to dodge, to wrangle
and p alt or , alfo to whsele about, or turns
Arroventare , Arrov:nth'e , as Roven¬
Arroversare , Arroveifciarc , Arrove-
feiare, to reverfe, to overturn, to topfle-
. t tir vie,
Arrovcrfciatura, Arrovefciatiira , a rever-
flng , an overturning.
Arr®vcrfc';o, Arroycdcióne , Arrovefcio ,
Arrovcfdonc, adv. ar fever fie , infide
Arrozzire, Arrozzire , lo become jadifh j
rude, ruftHfe, slfttifh -, loo\ Rózza.
Arrubàre, to fie al, to rob, to fllcb.
Arrubinare , Arrubinirc, as Arrobina-
* Anudare, to m i\e or become rude.
Arruffaménto, a ruffling, a tugging, a
toning, a ft rutting , a bri filing, a froun¬
Arruffare , to ruffle, to tou%e, to tug , to
frounce, to bri (t'c , to flruttas a Turkic-
cock, alfo to pimp.
* Arni dato ,ruflcd, &c.
Arruffianare, as Ruffianare.
Arrugare, as Rugare.
* Arrugia, a ifind of digging or werifing
uni e r-ground in filver-myncs.
Armgiadare, to bedew, to bcfprinklc.
Arruginire,nifco,nito, to enrufl .
Arruginófoj ruflic, full of raft.
Arruosarc, as Arrorare.
Arruotare, as Arrotare.
Arruóco, adv. in wheeling manner.
* Arrudichire, as Ruft icóre.
* Arruvidare, Arruvidirc , to make or be¬
come rough or. barfly.
Arfaguangc, the name of an be orb.
Arfenale , a publike flore-boufc for all
kind of munition of wane , as well
for Land, as for Sea , alfo a place where
warlike exercifss are pr affi fed, an Arfe-
' nail. ■
Ars jnico, Arsinìcó , arflùke , Ratsbane ,
orpin, by Met : a mxke-flrife , an Incen¬
G *
Arféno, the white Mandrake •
Arabile, that may be burnt.
Arficc.arc, to parch, to fcorch , to fudge, to
tar.n: in (be Sunne.
4 Arficciaturc, any fcorching , fudging, or
Arsiccio y fabjeftto fcorching or parching,
affo aduft , or burnt.
4 Arsilo,?/;; inani bu !\j of a fb:p or gallic dif-
fu /(bed of all things.
Arsilio, an apple-tree.
Arsiti co, as Arlenico.
Arfinei . : certain x.tire or ornament about
womens heads.
* 'Arsio, a /find of jlrottf wine.
Arfionàre, to blaft or mill-dew.
Arfiónc, Arsii. bu, mng,alfo a blafiing
or planet-fcil^ing , al fo a mill-dew.
Ar ivo, burning , fcortching.
'Arfis, the raifing of the voice infnging or
’Arfo, burnt or coif timed with fire.
Aisura, as Arfiónc , alfo a Callcnture or a
Ai furare, as Arfionare.
* Artabi, a men /'uve of drie things, contain¬
ing nine Englifij gallons.
' Artabati, its Aftémi,or Adórni.
4 Artagorcaménte, adr. fìrangely , beyond
all admiration.
Attamente, Artataménte, idvJby arte , ac-
cordingto arte , alfo pincbtngly , in f ecit
Ariane fpade,.i ifind of Diveli fj character ,
that Negromants life.
4 Aitare , to maJ^c or become narrow or
fretti to pinch.
Artato inganno, artificiali deceit.
'Arte, any Jfnd of art, fcicnce , trade, pro¬
feti on,or occupation, alfo a whole bodic or
Campanie of any one trade in a Cittie or
corporation , among fifhers it is ufedfor a
ware to ft ay or catch fijh in.
* ’Arte bacchectena,jtt arte or s\ill of mea-
furing with a filek or wand, as Afirono-
mevs doe.
4 Arce magna , 'Arte di far ragióne , the
arte of Arithmetic^, or true c a fling of ac¬
'Arte metrica, the arte of menfaring.
* 'Arte tabachincfca, the arte of uawderic
or pandcrifmc.
Artefice, an artificer , a profcjfor of any arte,
a tradef-man , a man of an occupa¬
Artéfice minóre, a \ind of hornet.
Arteficiàlc, Artificiale, artificiali.
Artificiatamente, Arteficiofaménte , Ar-
I rificiofaménre. Artificiatamente , adv.
I artificially.
j Artcficiato, Artificiato, made by arte.
Arteticio, Artificio, skill, arte, wor^man-
Jhipjby Met : any cunning fir ft , trick or
Artcficiofità, Artificiofità, artifice,artch\c
Arteficióf©, Artificiófo,/}*// of arte , skill or
Arregiano, Artigiano , an artisan , an arti¬
fici r, a trade f-man.
Arieggiare, tó arrfe, to trade in any arte ,
to live by any arte , to fhew arte ttr
4 Arteg'.ie ia , Arteieria , Artiglieria ,
all manner of artilleric or great ord¬
Artcglieria campale, field-ordnance.
Arteglieria da muraglia , battering-pie¬
Artiglierò, Artiglierò, an artilleric man,
a bombardier , a founder of ordnance.
Artemisia, mupvort, motherwort.
Artemónc, as Artimóne.
Arténne, a (find of Cormorant.
Artèria, any arterie in mans boHie, a hollow
veffell or sminate-round , whereby the vi¬
tali fpirit m;xed with blood is convey'd
from the heart unto all partes of the bodic,
alfo the beating , the panting or pulfe
of the veins , alfo the wind-pipe of a
* Artèria aòrta , thè great or mother ar¬
* Arteria, affilare , the .ir me -Itole arterie ,
or a leav'd branch of Aó. ta.
4 Arteria àfpra, the wind pio e.
* Arteria carotide , an arterie i fixing from
the Affilare, divided into two branches.
* Artèria cervicale , an arterie in the hin¬
der part of the ueck , going thence through
the nccmdtouc into the heart.
* Arteria cceliaca , a main branch of the
great arterie, from which it defeends into
the midnjfe and entrails , and it divided
into three branches.
Artèrie coronali , two little branches of
the great arterie , and by it leav’d unto the
left ventricle and broad end of the
* Artèria crotaph ca , a great finnew near
un o the temples.
4 Artèria ciurale, the arterie of the thigh,
among wbofe mufcles it divides it felf-
4 Artèria cubitale , a branch of the affila¬
re, called the cubitali arterie.
* Arteria cyftepatica, a branch of the Cat
liaca , which gocth unto the liver and
4 Artèria diaphragmatica , an arterie
iffuing from the Irank of the great ar¬
* Arteria epigaftricc,.* branch of the Iliade
arterie , difiributing it felf among the
mufclcsoftbc Epigàftro.
“Artèria gaftrepiplóica , a branch of the
Cceliaca, whence it goeth unto tlx ven¬
4 Arterie gemèlle , twofmall arteries de-
jeendtn? unto the joints of the prices be¬
tween the procefj'es of the thigh-bones ,
called the twinne-arteries.
* Arteria pudenda, an arterie i[ficing from
the mothcr-artcjie , and defeends to the
4 Artèria hipogaftnea , a branch of the
Iliaca, difiributing it felf unto hipoga-
4 Artèria Iliaca , the Iliade arterie defend¬
ing from the great arterie.
4 A ter ia intcrcoflalc, two arteries, an up¬
per i which be (torve s it felf among the
muscles that be between the four beghe fi
ribs, an under-one , that goeth unto every
musale benveen the other ribs.
4 Artèrie lombaric , the loyne-arteries,
which i(fue from the Aòrta unto all parts
of the loyncs, giving life unto the marrow
of th: baclf-bone.
4 Arteria mammillare , the pap-artetic ,
'{filing from the trim^ of Aòrta.
* Artèrie meféntriche , two arteries: an
upper i which difiributes it felf among the
fmall guts, and an under-one , which
goeth unto the lower part fl/Mefentério.
4 Artèria polmonaria, the wind-pipe.
4 Arteria radiale , a fccond branch of the
arm-hole arterie, whence it comes unto the
4 Artèria renale, the tydney- arterie , which
procccdcth from Aòrta , and enters into the
If idncy, brina ng unto it the ferofitic of the
arteriali blood.
* Artèria fiera , a branch of the great arte-
ric-defccnded branch , and goeth unto the
marrow, that is in òlio facro.
4 Artèria fpermatica , the jperm.iti\c arte¬
rie , which comes from Aòrta unto the
4 Artèria fplenitica , the (plecn-arteric ,
which com:tb from Coeluca unto the
' Artèria tempiale , the arterie cy the
4 Artèria thora.ee, the breafi arterie.
4 Artèria trachèa , the pip: of the lungs.
4 Artèria vcnófa, the v:inc-a t cric , which
is one of the three principali of the bodic :
it iffucth from the left ventricle of the
heart , and thence convtyes blood to the
lungs fur their nourifhment.
* Arrcriaco, a l^md of opiate coij L aio> ! .
Arteriale ,
arteries , alfo a certain compofition made
of mal' i cries ufed in phific.'^
Artcriòfa, loo \^ véna.
Arrcriòfo, ar t eri ous, full c fart cries.
4 Artcriotomia , an vici fio a of arte-
. ncs.
Artética, a difeafe in baw{s.
Artético dolóre, the gout in the ; : r;nts.
Artczxa, narrowneffe , flrehnfi'e.
A thaba-! iti, as Aftcrni, ns Aft imi,
Artìiino-onónc , a raging luti to ve-
Ai thirico, fiibjcftto aches in the joynts.
Arthophluce , the b ar-flarre or Chariot t«i
wane , die taile of Vrfx Major in
Arthricici dolóri , grief in the joynls.
' Arriccila, a forry petty trade.
’Artico, the Active-pole Northward.
"Artici dolóri, as Aitlintici.
Articolare, Articulare, articular , alfo to
articulate, to fpea 'v d:shnfily,to di(tinguifh
as it were joynt by joynt , to condition , to
covenant, to conclude upon points and ar¬
ticles, alfo a fwelling , an ache or gout in
the joynt r, alfo of, or pertaining torbe
joynls , alfo a primrofe or a Cow-
Articolatamèntc,adv. articulately,diflinft-
ly, fOynt by jOynt, pun dually.
4 Articolato, as A ticulato, &c.
Articolata *6ce , a difiinlt articulated
Articolatiòne, an articulation^ di[i:nguifl)-
ing , among vinerols it is t.ifen for a bar-
rennes in vines , when they loofe their
fpring in the joy/its.
Articolo , a word derived from Arthron in
Gree^ , which pgnifieth any feverall
joynt, namely in a body , an article,a feve¬
rall joynt, alfo a naturali compofition of
bones or joynts , alfo a joynt or knuckle¬
bone, alfo the joynt of a cane , of a read,or
in the branch of a vine , alfo a part of
jpecch called an Aiticle , of the ufe
wherof look in the obfcrvalions della
lingua Tofcana Romana-
* Artière, a* Artéfice, an artist.
Artificiale, Artifice, ns Arteficiàlc.
* Arrificialméntc, artificially #
4 Artcficiato, made with arte.
* Aitcficio, as Arteféceo.
Artificiofamcnte, ns Arrcficiofàmènte.
' Artificiofità, as Arteficiofica.
4 Artific.ófo, ns Arteficiófo.
Artigliare , to gripe or fci\c-on with claws
or talons.
Aróglicria, as Arteglieria.
Artigli, the talons, the claws, the pounces
of any hawke or preying fowle, by Met :
the fna res or bonds of love.
Artigliòfo, full of talons or cliwts.
Artimóne , the mi'Kjtjn-maslor fai of a
Jhip , alfo by fome authors it hath been
taken for the mayne-masl or fayl of a
Artióne, the Clot-burre.
Artiróne , a kind of little greenijh worm or
grub, that devours Coleworts.
Attilla, an artist, an artificer.
'Atto, very narrow and fireit.
Artócrea, a py e made of (le(b.
Arto fi 1 ace, as Arthophilàce.
ArcoIsga.ro , Artóptico, look Pane.
Arcómo, a beafi life: an urchin , butfhaped
life unto a moufe and a beare.
i Artorare, to turn down, or burle corn yet in
the blade into the ground , to mafe it
grow the tine fee, a fafhion now out of
* Artritica, bearb-lvic, fidd-cypre fie, forget
me not.
* Artrosia , a. naturali connexion of bones,
Arturo, as Arfturo.
* 'Aicus,/<>.^ Articolo.
A-ruba, adv. / lealingly, by (Icalthfelfò when
commodities and wares have quitk foli
or vent.
* A-ruba andare, to go a fiealing.
A-nibbio ò fracàffo , adv. in [lealing and
ranfifeng manner, alfo by the bufiteli.
* Arucula, the hcarb roefet.
'Arue, foolifh or idle fportes.
A-rufta-ràffa ,adv. in riff rafim inner , in
violent confujion ; alfo a childrens play fo
called by tojjing any thing into the aire,
then firive to catch at it.
Aleggiare, as Arrobina'e.
!Arule, feats cqu'diflant one from another in
allies or gardens.
A: unco , tire tuft of hair, life a beard under
a Goats chin.
Arunduco, a venemous ferpent.
A-ruoia, wheelingly round.
A ruotare, as Arrotare.
Arufp teina , that divination among the Pa¬
gans,they were wont to mafe by on frying
the ft nati on, form , an i colour of the en¬
trails offuch hafts as they were tofacri-
Arnaldo, tbs effe 61 of Arufpicin*.
Arufpico, a prof (for of Arufpicina.
Ariana , as Alzana , a. magava for am*
munition , or place where flipping is
Arzmale, as Arfenajc.
Arzavola, a dob-chic fem, a duefein.
* Arzéllo, a horfe with a white foot on the
right fide.
Arzére , Arzènte, ufedfor 'Ardere , now a
days it is ufed for firong water well
di (tilled.
Arz'gógalo , Arz gogolo t raving fancies,
fond humours,fintadic\ conceits,fuddain
fits , chimeras, among Carpenters it is a
leaver, a fiyrrcr , an underprop , alfo as
Arzigogolare , to build caftles in the ayre,
to rave fantafiically , to (peak do-
Alitila, pottcYs-clay, alfo thorn-back fifh or
Arzinancllo, a fend of water-fnafe.
Arzura, as Arftira, a burning.
As , Aes, the fir fi coyn the Romans had, it
j weighed a pound of copper.
I A-facco, A-facc#manno ,adv. to the fpoll
j andwraefe facfemgly.
j * A-f.iccolo, adv. with (tiding fenots.
! * Asacbi j fo they call the wife whom the
great Tur\ hath married.
A falèna, a hawfe called a Merlin.
* A-falto, a-falw , leap by leap, jumping-
A-falvamrnto, A-falvo , adv. fafely , in
fafety, without danger , alfo by treache¬
A-falvummc fac, idem.
A-falvare, fo ga me (ter s fay when they de fire
j to fave their ft afe or reft.
! A-fangue caldo, adv- in hot blood,by Met:
! rafhly, in furie.
1 A-fàngue fréddo , adv. in cold blood , by
\ Met : advifcdly.
A-lanzo, a gam: at Cards called Cent.
Afai a, Afarabacca, Afarina, A faro, Paffo
d alino , the hearb Foie foot, Coltsfoot ,
Horfe foot, Hafeewort, wildc Spifenard,
alfo a fend of coyn in Ormu\.
A-fatictà,adv. with fatiety.
A-sbaccare, to. have the world at will, and
live carelcfly, to fare daintily.
A-sbieco, adv- merrily and carelcfly , ha¬
ving all things at will.
A-sbaragliare, as Sbaragliare-
A-sbaraglio , at randan, in havoc\ man¬
Asbergare, as Usbcrgate.
Asbérgo, as Usbergo.
Asbefluio, a feud of flax or web,which re¬
fi [let h fire,and is better fcoured with fire,
than with water.
Asbt fto, a (tone,which onccfet tm fire , will
never be quenched again.
( Afca, any [toc\ fflump, alfo any big chip or
lath , alfo a (ingle quarter .
+ Afachllo, look Cancrena.
A-fcucchi, adv. at Che[fc , alfo Che eque in
Ac morie.
* À-fcacchi acuti , adv. mafcled or lo\en-
gie. :
*Afcalabóte, Afcalabio , Afcalanóne ,
Afcalayotino , a fie Um or fiarrie li-
! i*rd.
Afcald.irr, as fcaldaie.
AkiUi, the feed pf tin files.
Afcalógne, [cations, Cives, Cibols.
Afcapczzare, as Scapezzare, alfo to mul¬
tiple by brofen numbers.
A-fcapézzo , adv. a fend of arithmetic all
multiplying by brofen numbers.
* Afcaridc, gut-worms, or arfe-worms,alfo
grubs that live under ground.
* A-fcarpéllo, adv, wrought, hewen, or po¬
liced with a cinzii.
A-fcartaiafcio, adv. rafhly and confufedly,
in furious manner, head-long.
A-fcavézza collo, idem.
* 'A Fee, as 'Afcia, an hatchet.
Afcélla, the arm-hole or pit.
Afcellare, loo^ Arteria, loo\ véna.
Afccndéntc , afeendent, mounting-up ; alfo
a bodies nativity or birthprognoflicatedby
Ascendenza, Afcendiménto, Afcentióne,
Afcéfa, any a [cent or afeending.
Afcéndere, to afeend or mount up.
Afccndévole, that maybe afeended.
* Afccndiménto,tf#/i:/Ìre»f.
Afcéntio, bitter worm-wood.
Afccntionario, that doth afeend.
Afcentiónc, Afcention-day .
Afcéfa, Afcénfo, any afcent , or A fcer.fi ón-
dayin Lombard diale FI.
Afcéfo, afeended, mounted up.
Afchcmbrire, Afchìnciare, to go awry, or
athwart , to flagger life a drunfen man.
ATch.mbo, A-fchéncio, A-fchiancio, A-
fchimbcfcio, A-fchincio, A-fchrembo-
fchifa , adv. aflope, afe ance, as few, a-
thwart, obliquely , awry, croofedly , alfo
fiaggeringly, (lope wife.
A-fchéna d’afino , adv- framed life the
back of an Affc,loo\ Cada.
A-fchérno,A-fchérzo,adv.itf fifi,jefìiu gly,
alfo in fcorne.
* Afchiare, to bear envy'.
A-fchiera,a-fchicra, adv. troup by troup,
Afchierare, as Schierare.
A-fchifo, A-fchivo, adv. in abomination ,
A-fchincio, look A-fchimbo.
’Afchio, fpight,rancor,malice,fretting , envy.
Alchiofo, fpightfull, rancorous .
Afchite,^ feind of drop fie,when much watry
humour is heaped up between the Perito¬
neum, and the bowels,and mafes the belly
'Afcia , an axe , an adfie, a chip-axe , a
hatchet, alfo a Carpente, «plane.
Afciaic , to h:we, or plane timb. r with a
broad ad\c-
A-fcic lea fua, adv. at bis cbplfe.
A-fciéme , A-fciér.za , adv 0 witting-
Afcicntiare, as Scicnriare.
Alcioglicrc, as Sciogliere.
Afciólto, as Sciolto.
Afciólvcrc, as SckVvere.
Afciolvónc , one that doth every niornin i
love to have his breafefijt.
Afciom '.ncyin hcarb that mafes wild beafis
hfe their fiercencffe , and being (pria feed
with wine, doth prefently curie and draw
in her leaves.
Afciro, Afciró dc , Afeirónc , Afcito , as
Afc.c.i, Afcirc, as Afchire.
’ Afciugaggine, ficcity, dryn:fie.
* Afciugauiento, any drying.
Afcitigarc, to dr ye, to wipe-drye.
Afciugatóio, a wiper, a towell.
Afciughcvolc, that maybe dryed.
Afciutare, todryc.
Afciucto, dryc, by Met : barren , alfo (lender
or thin-,alfo in wines,tart,or racyoppofitto
Afclepiade, Afclépio , a fumarne given to
Efc ulaphis, alfo a fend of P anace fi
Afciitc, look Hidropi/ia.
rtfclopiadi, a fend of verfes.
'Afcola, the flote of a water-wheelc.
Afcólta ,afcout,a fentinc’l, alfo the impe¬
rative of the verb afcoltare , to give
. care.
Afcoltantc, bar feting, li fining.
Afcoltare, to hfien, to bar fen.
Afcoltatione, a li fining unto.
Afcoltatóre, a lì finer, a fcout.
Afcólto, a li fining, a fcout.
A (cóncio, adv. me afille, with trouble.
A fcondaxégli, hiding-holes ,
Afcondcrc, to hide, to conceals.
Afcondiméntò, any hiding.
Ancóne, a fend of b’a feng-jtarrc.
A-fcopérto, adv. di fcoveredly..
A-fcóppia còrpo , A-fcóppia cuòre , adv.
untili ones belly, or heart bur ft.
A-fcórno, adv. :n fcorn, in denfion.
* A-fcorza a-fcórzj,adv..z.s one would fay ,.
by little and little.
* Afcofaglia, any bidden thing.
Afcófo, Afeófto, hidden, fcc’ret.
A-fcóflè, adv. ft a fen gly.
A-fcótto, ad v. feat-free.
Afcritticio, a writer, a regifier .
Aferitto, aferibed unto.
Afcnverc, to afcrlbc unto.
A-fcrócco. adr. (hifcmgly , (hot-free.
* A-fctido, adv. a fend of inoculating or en-
A-fdégno, adv. indifdain.
A-fécco,adv.i« dryc manner,hi drye colours ,
look Caricare.
A-fecónda , adv. with wind and tide , by
Met : profperoufiy.
* A-fécchia roverfeia , adv. by, or with
whole and full buefets.
* A-fégno , adv- at a bay, in due place, at
fuch a paffe.
* A-fèlla, adv. in fiddle wife,
Afél'a, a Cod or baddock-fifb-
Aféllc, the arm-boles or pits.
Afélli, two (tars about Cancer.
A-fénno, adv. wittingly, in goòd earnest,
accompanied, with pronouns poficfives
as mio mo,Sec.fignifies,as r will,or thou
wilt, &c.
* A-féquie, an obfequic, a funerali.
A-féra, adv. late in the evening.
A-fcfio, adv- even, (ufi , accordingto coift-
pafie, in its due place.
G J A s-
ì A S 0
Atfodéllo,fbc Dxffodill-flower.
* Asfalto, a fumarne of Neptune.
Asfalto, Englifh G allogai t, alfa our Ladies
rofe, alfo a find of gum.
Asfodillo, the DxffadiU flower.
Afghcmbràre, as AfcWcmbrare.
A fghémbo, .t> ATchcmbo.
A-fgórgo, as Sgo'gataméntc.
A /guazzo, as A guazzo.
* 'Alia, a find of fijh , which brought but in
fight of the fire is preferiti y enough and fit
to b: eaten , or elfc it is very tough and
hardy alfo the greateft find, of Oxv'.c that
is y alfo one of the four parts of the
* A Sarchi , were certain publife per fans or
prie sis, which in Afia were overfeers and
comptrollers of theaters, of pi ayes, or pu-
blity fptttacles.
A fiati, a tynd of teal or wigin.
A ficurtà, adv. upon fecurity.
A fit me, adv. witbyOr together.
Afila e, to (ling or prief
Akilc, hear'o Martellane.
Asilo, a fancillary y a franchi ft or privi -
ledged place ,alfo a cratch to fodder cattle
, 'Affina, a fina , a painfull dr awing of ones
breath with a wheeling, puffing and pur-
; cincjfe.
. Afimacico, A finance,pwj/Cs (hort orbrotyen-
winded,look 'Afima.
Afimigliàrc, as Aflinvgliarc.
A-Minile, adv- lift unto , alfo from the
A-fimilirudine, ndy. to the lityneffe.
Afina, ajh: Affé.
, Afinagginc, Afinaria, Afiniti , affifhneffc,
* by Met : block fin-effe.
* Alinaio,a>* Affe-tyeeper or driver.
Alinario, of, or belonging to art Affé.
I Afinaro, an Affe-fepcr or driver.
* Afincllo, a little affé , alfo a [lone in the
| bottom of a fink that fupports the reft,
alfo a main croffe bearne that fupports a
Afindicare, rrt Sind’care.
Afincggiare , to play the Affé.
Afinclii, 'A fini , two flats near Cancer , cal¬
led the little Affes.
Afincllo, a little Affé , an Affé- colt, alfo a
Afinéfco, Ajfifh, Afe-lif.
Afinile, Afinmo, of an A([es-condition,ctlfo
Affe-cheefe, of an Affé breed, and by Met;
rude and undifereet.
Afininc, Affe-plums, Horfe-plums.
Afinire, to become an Affé.
A-finiftra,adv. on the left hand.
Afinicà, as Afinagginc.
’Afino, any find of Affé , alfo by Met : a
clown , a rude fellow.
Afinicidio, murthering of Affes.
Alinone, a huge great Affé , alfo an engine to
mount ordinance with all.
'Alio, Afióne, a fione,called E:at-fkfij,be-
caufc dead bodies laid thereo i are clean
confumtd away in forty days, alfo an Ovvie
with feathers on each fide of his head life
ears, called a Horne-cout.
A- fla r cio, adv. (la(hi igly, riotoufly.
* 'Alma, Afmatico, look 'Afima.
Afmodco , a friend ór lover of letche-
A-fjfficienza, adv- (ufficienti}-
* 'Afola. or Criffa , a hind of little
. M-
A foldzzo, a folacing, a [porting.
A-folco, adv. furrowed,chamfured.
A-fóldo, adv. in pay , for pay.
* AfolicTC, ns 11 foli tre.
A-fólo,adv- aliatone.
* A-fóloa fólo, adv. one to one , manto
* Afomaton, a tittle given to God,without
a body.
A-fommólTà, adv. at the 'mitigaci on-
A-fómmo ftudio, adv. on fetpurpofe.
A-fonaglio, agame that children ufe.
* A-foquadro, its Sottosópra.
* A-foquaflb, as Sottosop'a.
A-sór re, by chance, by lot.
* A-fpada a fpada, fword to fword , mah to
m in.
* A-fpida c cappa , with rapier and
A-fpada tratta, adv to fwords-drawing,
with fword m hand.
Afpagnuol aro, proudly-fp agnoli^ d.
Afpalacc, Afpalato, Afpilto , as Asfal¬
A-fpallc, ad , v. behind ones fhouldcrs,alfo at
another mans charges.
* Af, aragi, Afparagus.
Afpare, to rede yearn or filty
* n*fpari,adr. ods in number.
A-fpaflo , a folacing , a {parting abroad to
taf the arre, alfo when any fervane is
0,1 f °f f erv * c e j be u faid to goe , a
'Afpe, as afpidc.
A-lpécchio, adv. in view, over againfi.
* Alpcrare, as Afpreggiarc.
’ Afpcratione, exxfperxtion.
Afp.rélla, a find of watcr-weede.
Al pòrge, Afpergolo, a fprintying-brufh.
Afpc'rgcre, to Jprinfe.
Afp Ai imo, muft fharp, look 'Afpcro.
Alpcr.no, a beaft bearing a neh alaci ^ fune,
called a Budge , alfo a coyn in Turfic , alfo
a fharp or tan find of win:.
Afp.-nta, lool^ Afprczza.
Alpernab.Ie, coat, mptible.
Afpcrnerc, to contcm le, to feorue.
’Afpcro, ‘Afpr o, fharp, fower, eager or ha > fl)
in tafie, by Met : rough , rugged, eburlifh,
rude, craggie 3 forty, rigorous,har(h,fierce,
or crudi in (tate, quality or condition , alfo
a find, of fbarp-twining bryer, alfo a cer¬
tain coyn in Turfic.
Afperfiónc, Afpcrgiménto, an afperfion, a
vejprin tying.
Afpcrfo, befprintyed.
Afpcrsório, a holy-water fprintye .
* A-fpefe, at the coft and charges.
* Afpccta, by way ofthreatrùng , ile be with
you prefently.
Afpcttance , expetting , tar tying, alfo as
* Afpetranza, Afpcttamcnto,Afpcttatió-
nc, Afpétto, expectance, tarriance.
Afp . tt arc, to tame , to expect , to attend, to
waitr-on , as Spettare, alfo to belong unto
as a duty.
Afpctrativa, any expecting.
* Afpe: tato, expected.
Afpetcatóre, a txrricr, an expetter.
Afpccttvolc, expectable.
* Afpétto, the afpett, countenance,prefence,
or look °f x man,alfo demurre ,d.lay or ex¬
piration, alfo influence of Planets.
* A-fpczza collo , adv. head-long, in break
neck manner.
* A-fpezzóni, adv. fcattringly , in rout or
broken manner.
‘ Afphodélo,rJ>e D.iff odili flower.
- A-fpicchi,adv. made pointed-wife like the
fireety of the Sunne , alfo framed like
onions or gar life , that is divifible and fe-
parable , alfo as A-fpilJuzzico.
’Afpide,'Afpe, an Adder called an Afpe or
A [pity , alfo a (hort piece of ordinance ,
called, a Morter or Chamber-piece, alfo a
styrew or a wrinch.
Afpldochilone, a fifhthat fwimsin the wa¬
ter, flyeth in the ayre , and creepetb on the
Afpilatc, a find of flone lity filver , and
fomewhat firie.
* A-fp,IIuzz'co,A-rpiz2ico,A-fpiz2.ichi'
no, A-fpIcchi,adv. minxjngly, by piece
meals, by odile ends,or fcantlms, by crams
* A-fpma pc fee, adv. as it were in wnn-
ling or creeping m inner, among (camion,
it is the hearing-bone flitch, the t.r,-
IHtcb, or twine a both fids.
A-fp:nc,adv. engrailed in armorie.
Afpi. aiCjfa afpire unto , to ayme at, alfo to
breath at , to give an afoir.ition un¬
Afpi atióne , an àfpiration , an afpirin?
Afplcno, wall:fern e,fing:r-ferne,fione-ferhe
feale-ferne , M It - wafte, Cetcrach.
* Afpizz'co, Ungringly, with much aioe.
’Afpo, 'Afpolo, a reeie or rice to wind yearn
upon, alfo a whirrollfor a fpindsll.
Afpolare, to reel filk or yearn.
.-/fponnere, as Efponcre.
* 'Afp.a, look Arteria.
* Afpcraménte, adv. fhirply, fowcrly, ea¬
gerInch nr hfh'yi look 'Afpcro.
Afpredo, fir uff, orgold-fifh.
19 exxfperxte,by Met: to han¬
dle or ufe roughly.
* Afpr élla, Shave -graffe, Horfe-taile.
Alprcllo, a tynd of fmall, fowrifh fummer-
wine in Naples.
Afprézza, Afprita, Afperiti fowerneffe,
tarteneffe, fharpnsffe, eag rnelfe in tolte ,
by Met : ruggedneffc, crabbedneffe , ha fh-
rceffe, churlifhneffe , rigoroufneffe in qua¬
lity or condition.
Afp;czii , Carters ani Carpenters iall
them Capfquircs.
•Afprigno , which is fomtwhat harlh,
rude, &c.
Afpnn'o, -is Afpr òlio, alfa a coyn in Tnrtye
and Naples.
'Afpro, look 'Afpe o,
A-fpronbatiuci, adv- in great pofl-hafte, in
A-fp-on d’óro, adv. of, or with gilt fpurs.
Cavaliere a fpron-d’oro.
Afp one , a tynd of foft rugged flone lifed
about Rome in buildings.
A-p opófito, adv. tym-c am,againfi all pur¬
pofe or rea fon.
Afprófo , full of Afprézza , or harffj-
Afp. ufi), as Afpcrfo.
A-lquadra,adv. by troups or fquadrons,alfo
by rule and fquare.
* A-fquarcia facco, A-fquarzo,adv to the
uemif, untili the fic} be ready to breaty
roughly, accompanied with the verb gua ¬
dare fignifiesfiearnly,croffe a thwart with
an eviti eye.
* Afi'abb'onare» to find, tegravelL
Affibbino, the Cynxmon-tree.
A/Taccheggiare, as Saccheggiare.
Affa-dólcc, Benipin-gum.
Affa-fétida, a tynd of jtmtyngdrugg.
Affaggiarc, to ejfaye or tafle, to trye, or put
to the te fi.
Affaggiatóre, a taller, an e[foyer.
Affiggi; vole, that may be tafied.
Aflaggio , Aflaggiamcnto, an effaye, or
* Afligionaic , to feafon, to give arelifh
Affaiare, to maty or become enough or fuffi-
Affai, adv. enough , fufficicnt, as much a
needs, a competent quantity , alfo much or
* Affai b.-ne, adv. fufficiently well, well
enough , very well.
Affai-più, adv much more.
* Affaì-p ù che mólto, adv much more then
enough, with , di as d’aflai, fignifies by
by forre, by much.
Al'i'a (limo, adv. much and very much , most
Affammo , a styrcecb-owle , a harme-
Affai-vòlte, ad/. mmy times.
Affaldare, as baldi re.
Allaldacura, as Saldatura.
Aliale , an axle-tree.
Aflalimtnto, A (Talli a, an on fet.
Al salire, as Adatta c.
Alla 11 tore, an. affate r.
Affalón -, as Ailàiuólo ,idfo the proper name
Affittabile, A flalté vole, af!an'table.
Allattare, to affault, to affati , to Jet upon, to
leap upon.
4 Adattatóre, an affati’ ter-
Allulco, an ajfauir , an afta ding.
4 Afluluat'.chirc, as Salvaticarc.
Affannare, as t zzannarc.
Affanno, a pinch or go arc with tuslfs.
Affi pé'e, to roit, to wote , to If nota , and it
ever follows the verb fare: fare affàpér'c,
to let one tytow.
4 Affa pic nr are, as Infanire.
Affano aménto, any favouring.
Alb perire. Affa polire, as Saporire.
A (lappi , new or frefh fouldiers , that never
ferve d be fore,among the Tu. tys.
Affua, Affabacca , Aifarabacca , as Asa-
ra. , .
4 Affa (Tina mento, Aflaffinaria, Aflafs.nio,
Affaflinafgine, any murtherous a 5 l,rob-
berie, affami or attempt, be it for gain or
revenge, an afafftnate.
Affa (Tinaie, fo affati or fet upon with a mur¬
therous intent in hope of gain, reward, or
4 Affaffmatico, % a murthcrcr.
4 Affallinóvole, that may be murthered.
Aflàfsino, Alialiinaró.'c , a murthcrcr , an
afjajjtnc, a cut-throat, a highway tbief,an
attempterto tyll a man for reward,or re¬
Affati are, as Sat lare.
* Affavirc, as ftllapientarc.
'Alle , any find of board or plani £ , alfa an
axle-tree, the foyntor axe-tree of a bit,
alfo the hoo\ whereon a door hangetb,a’-fo
a certain wild bea(t , with a fpectycd
s If nine in India, ufed alfo for the Diame¬
ter of the world, alfo an ancient Roman
4 'Affò di ferro, any iron barre or plate.
Afleccare, /w Seccare.
* Alicelo , a page , a lactyty , a doyly
4 A (fecondare, as Seconda c.
* Affecurinza, aftuyance-
Affecurare, to affare, to fedire.
Aflècutóre, as Éffecutóre.
Affidaménto , a mitigating , an affwa-
A (Ted arc, as Sedare.
A fled ère , to fit near unto , or by, alfo to be-
peg é a place.
Affcdiabile* rfcaf may be befieged.
Afledi aménto, a befieging.
h (Tediare, to bepegc , to beleagre.
Affediatóre, a befteger.
Aflédio, a pege, a leagnng.
4 Affédio ftricco, a Ungring (lege.
Atteggiare, Affiggere, to fit down, to feat,
, or place.
A (leggio , a feat s a fitting-place , or
fc gc-
Altegnarc, to ajjlgyic , to appoint, to cUa-
Aflcgnataménte, adv. ajjigncdly .
Aflégnatióne , Aflegnaménto , Affégno ,
an sffìgnation , an ajjignement.
A Regnatóre, an Affigncr.
AffrguiméntOjAfli-guitiónejdrt accompfifh-
ment , an obtaining by fate and following
Aflcguire , as Confequirc , or Effc-
qiuie. ;
Afliguitiónc, as F.ffeguiùóne.
Aff guir óre, an obtdiner by futc.
Affettare, as Sellare.
Affettare véna, a large vein, being a branch
ufv cnacava.
Affdlo, as Affa.uólo.
4 Aflclvare, as A (fore flare.
Affembianza, Afsembiamcnro , Aflem
biuta, Allcmblaménto , Affemblanz
Affembranunro , Affembranza , Af-
f/mbiata, Affemblé'a , Altembréa, an
aff mb lie, a'fo a refemblance.
* Ailcmbiarc, Allèmblàre, Affcmbrare, to
affemblc , alfo to refemble or fcr.m , alfo to
put ones fclves m a pofture of fighting ,
alf i to ufie carnali copulation.
* Aflcinbiaticcio , that is already , or will
cafily be aftemblcd , Omnium gathe¬
4 Aflèmbiévolc , Affcniblévole , /.ff m-
brévole, afjcmblablc.
Aflcmbraglia , a confufed afjcmbly , an
Omnium gatherum , pel mcl in an
4 Affembiaro , put into ranif and file or po¬
fture of war , See.
Affcmp’arc , Affcmplare , as Effempia-
Afsémpio, Afsémplo, Afsémbro , Afsém-
pro, as Efsémpio.
Aff emprarc, to eternise , to compare, as any
writing with an originali, alfo as Efsem-
piarc- :
4 A fièni pro , and Afsémplo , an exam¬
Afscnnare , to give warning or notice , as
Afsennaco, cnwittcd 0 fuU of wit.
Afsenfióne , Afscnfo , an affent , a con-
Affcnfore , he that confenteth or a'greetb
AfscntamcntÒ, Affcntatióne, an affenting ,
alfo an abfenting.
Affenrarc, to affent or confcnt unto , alfo to
abfent,alfo to fit down .
Afscntatórc, a flatterer , a confcnter 2 alfo
an abfentcr, alfo a filter.
Afsénte, abfent, not prefent.
Aftcntiale, abfcntly.
Afsentiméntò , Afsénto , an affent or con¬
fi nt.
Afsintio, wormwood , alfioincenfe.
Afscntioncj an aficention, an afeending.
Affentire, to affent or confcnt unto.
Afsentito, ajfinted, confented.
Afsénto, an affent, a confcnt.
Afsentóre, an affenter, a confcnter.
Afjénia, Afséntia, ab fence.
Afscpare, Afsicpirc, to hedge in.
Afsepatórc, a hedger.
4 Afséra, adv. at, or in the evening.
Afferélli, thin boards , orpannels.
Afserenare, as Serenare.
4 Afseriménto , an afferting,an avouching ,
an averring, an affirming.
Afserire, to afjert , to avouch , to avene , to
infifi, to a firme.
Afserrare , Afserragliare , to [hut or loc^
in , to immure or compare about with
4 A (serrato, /^f, orloc\t.
Afscrtióne , an affertion , an avouching^
con ft ant averring.
Afsertire,^ Afserire, to (tandit refolute.
ly ' . ,
Afseitivaménte , adv. affirmatively , refo-
lutcly, avoHchedly.
4 Afsertivo, avouchable, affirmative.
Afsértòj afjerted, avouched.
Afsertóre, an avoucher , an after ter,a main-
tainer , a defender, a protenor.
4 Afstffa, a fumarne of Pallas.
Afsefsamérito, an aft effing, a taxing.
Afsefsarc , to afieffc , to laxc , cr to fit in a
Court as an Affifiant to a fudge.
Afseflinare, as Alsaffuiare, &c.
Afsél-.o, an aftcftc, a t.ixc.
Aisef oi are,' as Afsefsnre-
4 Afsefsore, an affifor, a taxer, an affiftant
unio .my ludg:, one to ai fits in Court as an
afjociate of a ludge , of mldeutenent or
Affettile, to fet by the compafe , by Met : lo
fettle in good order.
4 Abet.irc , toenthkft . to mahe or become
Afsct ato, thirflie, full of ibis ft.
Affetta, as Aflìcélla.
4 Afsittamcmo, afcttlingin order.
Afserrare, to fet or 'place in order , to trim
hair or beard, alfo to f ubarne or draw one
to ones will.
4 Affettatamente , adv. fctlcdly , trifnly ,
ft nicely.^
4 Afscttarino, finely floated and at cafe.
A (iettatura, i fetling,a dreffing , alfo a fifh-
Afsettacuzzo, as Aflf;tatu7.zo,
4 Alsecto , due or fctlcd ordre , or po-
Afscvarc, to tallow, to congcale or glue , by
Met : to Ioolf wiftjly upon any thing, long¬
ing to eat it, or dnn\ it.
Afscrvare, to l^ccp or flore no.
Afscveranza, Affevcratiónc,.^ avouching,
an aff everation.
Afscverare, to avouch, to affirme.
* Alsivérataménte, adv. affirmatively.
Afscveratóre, an avoucher.
Afscvcratricc, an avouchcreffc.
4 Affeverévole, avouchable.
'Adi, boords,plan fs,alfo Accs upon the dice,
alfo a Ifind ofhiftuig-fcrpent ,
Affibilare, as Sibbiarc.
Aflìcélla, the dim:of'Afse,any laih,fp!int,
{peli, or pandi of wood or {tone.
n Afficurabilc , Afficurévole , afturable,
:warrantable .
Aflkurare, to afjurc, to fee arc, to dare or be
* Aflìcurataméntc, adv. affurcdly.
Aflkuratióne, Aiffcuraménto , Afficu-
ranza, af] arance, certainty, fecurity.
Aflicuvta, adv. afiurcd’y,fccHrcly.
* Aflida; fi, for a man to fit down.
h flidcrare/0 Planet -ft ri^e, to blaft as trees
doe through great heat and drought , alfo
though exceeding cold or other accident to
grow clum^ie, ftar\, or ftiff in ones limbs,
to benumme, or fuddenly to be depri ved of
the ufe of ones limbs & fenfe of them,alfo
to enterfer as horfes doe, or to guide and
rub off the stymie, loo{ Sido, or Sidera-
Aflìdcratióne, Aflìderaménto , as Sidera¬
zióne, affo an enterferring, or guiding the
* Afliderato, blaftedffienumm’d.
Affidare, £0 fet, to feat, to fituate.
4 Afsidi, as Epicicli.
A (Editamente , adv. without intermiffion
continually, and laborioufly ,
Affiduare, to continue with diligence.
Affiduità , affi dully 3 continuali labour , a
4 Afsiduo, Affìduófo , affiduotis, carefuUy-
laboriou-s , laborioufly-diligent.
A flìéme, ad v. with or together.
Affiepare,£o hedge in or about.
Aflìepacóre, a hedger.
Affienare, as Affcgnare, &£•
Affiguire, as Afseguire,&c.
4 Affilare , to prie or fnca^ in corners , loo\
4 Affila tore, a fneaher in comers.
Afsile, an axle-trie.
A filare , to bite , or be bitten with a borfe
fly, alfo to It.if and styp as a. borfe or
ox: bn ten with wafps or fiyes, to be wilt
or ragne.
Afsi'lo, a bei'ixs,a gad-bee, a wafp,a horfe
flye , the fling of a wafp , by Met :
Alìimigliagióne , Affimiglianza , Affi
milanza , Aflìmilaciónc . a. re fern
Affimigliarcc, Afairailantc, Alsim'glié-
vole, refcmbhng.
Afjimile, as Simile.
‘ Aisimgliare, Afsimilarc ,lo referable o
! be hlfe.
Afsindacarej Afsindicirc , as Sindica-
A fsimilatióne, figure, forme, rcfcmblxnce.
Afsirghiozzirc, as Singhiozzare.
’ A Singhiozzati fofpiri ,throbbingfigbes
Afsino, as Ax no, a Civet-cat.
Afsinonunte, a. di viner by hatchets.
ASinomantia, divination by hatchets.
Afsiuma, A is ionia to, a maxime , a princi¬
ple , an axiom: , a generali rule of an
Azioniate, to reduce to mxximes, axiomes
principles, or general rules.
A tu fa, a fitting) a feffions, an affife , a fcfi¬
fing Jt a ftitttiug, alfo a felled fafhion, al¬
fa ,in accttflomed livene , alfo painters
fitfi , alfo an impofitiontrr taxe,or afef-
A fisi Panunto, a fifing, a fcfifing.
Afsifarc, tofejfc, to af]i\c,to fi\c.
Afsifo, fated, (it uated s fitte a, fey ant in ar¬
mor i;.
Aii.ftiwtCytljifltngyilfo an ajjiflxnt , or a co¬
Afsifténzij affili ance , help, fupport.
A r siftere,k> a fi fi, to help , to fupport, or to
be prefen? at the doing of any thing.
Afsito, a be.im,i rafter, a jaum,apartition
of deals in fie ad of a wall.
Afsitua e, as Situa e.
Afs tuatióne, as Sito.
Afsituito, fit uated, feated.
Afiiuólo , as Afsa uolo 3 a bird li\e an
'Allo, an Ace upon th: dice, on: alone.
'Also & afso, fingle , one and one.
* 'Afso ó fei, ace or fix, by Met :tbe mo ft or
leafl, a man or a moufe.
AfsociabHc,^ Sociabile.
Afsociamcnto, .is Socialità.
Afsociire, as Sor are.
Afsodabile, confolidable.
Afsodamcnto, a confoliditing.
Afsodaic, as Soda c.
A rógna j as Sogna-
Affigliare, as Sc go ire*
Affoiarc, as Solare.
* .-.ftalato, as Solato.
* Aflolatiónc, forte d'infi miti , a bind of
* AffildibJej that may be preffed as a fod¬
Affoldamé'nto , a puffing of a foul¬
ed cr.
Affoldire, to preffe fouldicrs, by giving them
a foido, that is a fhildng , lool^ fól-
* Aflolfonirc , to tatye th* quality of
fui fur.
Affolfórare, Affolfrare, Affolfrire, to ful-
phre , Affólto, abfolved, affinile d.
Affò 1 vere, to abfolve , to afflile, to acquit, to
give absolution at auricular confeffion ,
alfo to finiflj or accomplifh any thing,
* Affoliere, as Olfolic-re,
Affolvcvole, abfolve able.
Affo latamente, adv. abfolutcly,
* Affolutczza, abfoluteneffe.
Afsolùto , abfolute , alfo abfolved , free
* Aft ornare, as Somai c,
Afsolutóvio , pertaining to abfoln
* Afomatura , greafinefte , tallowifhneffe
a lading.
Afsomigliante, refemblant.
Afjóm’glianza, n fcmblance,
Afiomigl are , to referable , to ccm
A fsom ' g I ié vole, re fe mb! able.
’ Afomiglio, a refimblance to the life.
Afsommàre, .? Sommare, alfo to raife to
the top, to ov.r-top , or to £ nod? on the
head , alfo to bring a thing to a good pa fit
or end,
Afsóng a, as fó ng : a.
Afsongiire, as forgiare.
-Tfonnarc , to flumber , or tofxUaflccp by
. Met : to cc afe from labour.
A r sontiónc , an afjumption , or an affu-
* Afsoncivoj affumptive.
Af onto, a [fumed, alfo an affumpfit, alfo
cha t ge ar undertaking.
Afopimcnco 5 a fuppling , an affwaging, a
pacifying, a reprefifing , alfo a benummng
of ones fences , a lulling t a fleeping.
Afaopite, tofupple , to afjivagc , to pacific, to
appeafe, to calme* tofupprejfe , to quiet,
alfo to dull or benumme ones fences, to lull
* Aforbimcnco, a drinking, a fudfinq up,a
fwallowing down.
Afsorbire,affjrbere, to dri,i\, to fitted up, or
to glut down.
A fiord aggine, as fordagg'nr.
Afsordarc, Afsordirc , to make or become
Afsoidamcnro, a dea filing,
* Afsórda-fórni, a common i \o!d.
Afsordidarc, as fordidire.
A Sordidézza, as fordiii.
Afio.dita, ‘is Abfurditd.
* Afsórdo, as Absurdo.
* Afsorcllarlijfo enfifter,
Afsórgcre, as forgcrc.
Afsortaménto , Afsortimcnto, a forcing
together, alfo xn allotting by chance.
Afsortare, Afsornrc, to forte or conforte
together, alfo to allot or fall out by lots, to
di (tribute equally.
A Sórto , abforpt or fwallowed-up.
Afsofsicgato, tool? foflicgarc.
* A r sòtiglianicnto, ASoriglianza,.rf fot-
Afsocigliare, as fbttig’iare , alfo to become
cunimgto labour or m lufiry.
* Afsotigl ativo, fubtih fingi a mincing.
Afsotigliatóre, afubtilifcr, x mincer.
Afotigliato, refined, mxdefmxll, grown
Aflozzare, as fozz.ire.
Afuggetri e, as foggrttire-
^Sumere, to afjumc.
ófsun done, a i aflumption,
ASiinto, as ASónro.
ASurdiflimo, mofl xbfurd.
u'dità>;w Abfuidità.
ASu'do, as Absurdo.
Afta, as H i Ha.
^ftace, Aftaco , a JheU-crxbfuU offljxrp
\ ftafferta, adv. in po [le -hafie.
\-ftiia piene, A-ftaio cólmo , adv. with
full-heaped meafurc , Gods-plentic.
\ftale arma, afljxftcd weapon.
\ftallarc, as Scallare.
Aftanapa, as Giraffa,
ft.inte, by-flxnding, or x by-flandcr.
^ftaphde, a Iflnd of grape.
-ftaphisagria, [taznfixere %
Aliare, as Hsftaic.
* Aftita, a blow , or hi: wi h a fficxr , a
[pear. ,
xA-ftacchetto , adv- at rac^ and manger,
alfo to be fyept hard to it.
Aftéci , Aftélì , cr.nv-fifh:s, alfo fliell-
Aftcnénte, abflincnt.
Aftcncnza, abftincncr, forbearance.
Afte nére, to ab (lain, to forbear.
A-ftcnro ypininglyflxitguifhingl), with much
aaoe, by piece-meals a pidfingly, alfo to
grow or fhoot up.
Aftenua tc,as flcnuarc.
Aftenuatióne, extenuation.
Aftcnuato, lean, meagre, l.m{, gante , ex¬
Aft.ra, .1 ^.•//cio/Ténafìgillaca.
Afteratico, a {md of [ton: filling from th:
sftc, alfo a stye-colour.
* 'Aft .re , an hearb th..t is a prefent remtdy
againfl tumors in th: fhirc.
* 'A ftci o act co, a flow,r fo called , bccaufc
it is fafhioned ii^e a Starre.
" Aft . rgcrc, to cleanfe or dry-up.
Afti ri a , as Aftcritc , allò a foul called a
Aftérico , Starne , or belonging to the
Stars, alfo the hearb Pcrietorie.
* Aftcrióne, a {ind of Dog-fifh, covered all
over with ft. mie (pots.
* Aftcn'fco ò ftélla , the lineitene of a
Star. 1
* Afterifmo, conflcllation of Stars.
Aflerfte .i tfini of parking jtono,alisi alfo
Aftetni, Aftómj , a \-nd of people near th:
ri ver of Ganges , that have no m)uths,but
live by the ayre, which they receive in at
their no fe, they are bxirie all their bodies
over,and wand, r up and down the woods
l‘k e foure-footed beafts.
Afterfióne» abflcrfion , a cleanfing or wiping
away. *
Aftersiyo, abflerfive , that cleangfth or
dneth up.
* Aftcrsoria qualitd , an abflerfive 0 r
cleanfing quality.
* 'Afti, morne m the rogues language.
Afticciuóla , Aftiuóia . the dim : of Ha-
fta. J
A Ilice, a Craw-fifb, or fhell-cr ab.
Aftifcro, as Haftifcro.
Aftilc,^ Haftiic.
Aftilida , a If:nd of Cabidge-leflicc.
Aftinénte, ab ft ine nt.
AftinJnzi, abftincnce.
'Aftio, 'Afchio.
Aftiófo, as Afchiofo.
Ailioméno, loo^ Cancrena-
Afti pulire, as ftipulaic.
* A-ftiva , Nave carica aftiva, ouéro
ftipa, /oo^ ftipj,
A-(loccaca, adv- with atbruft.
Aftolféida , a prefuming to doe that by wit
and worth, which a man doeth by chance
as did A ftólfo by his enchanted lance. *
Aft Imi, Aftóni, loolg Aftérrù.
* Allóra, any mat or haffoc
* Aftoraio, a matter, a matma\er .
Afto. e, Aftórre, a Go(fe-hxwl?e.
Aftórc c la Smina , fparaviérc é il
AftorclIa,ii taifellof a Goffe-hawì^e.
* A-ftória , adv. florie-wor £ , alfo (low-
A-ftórmo , adv. in troupi > looì^ ftór-
Aftrabicca, at Affarabicca.
A-ft[icca,adv. to the utmofl, even untili one
be wearie.
* A-ftraccia-fjcco , adv. as A-fquircia
* A-ftriccii, adv. raggedly, tatterly.
* A-
4 A ftracco, a fritted feeling.
Aftradarc, as Incaminarc.
* Aftracre, as Attrarre.
* Aftraco , cl fl.it terrace on the top of a.
ho ufe, to ft and and wall^upon, or an out¬
fit ting terrace.
Aflragalo , the huclflc or \nuc\lc-bone, or
(as fume fay) the nec\-bohe , alfoVeafc-
c.vrth nut.
Aftragallzónte, a play that boys ufe with'
if iuctf e-bones, called Codiali.
Aftrag.ilomante , Divination by dice or
Aftragalomintia , a Divining by dice or
A-ftralu. o, adv. out of due time.
Aftr.tla:o, the bearb Pcàfccarlb nut,
Aftralc, Starne, Planetarie.
4 Aftralità , flxrrincffc , influence of finis
or Planets.
4 Aftrantia, the bearb Mafler wort.
Aftrapia , a whitifh and greenifh (tone from
which feern to {hoot rayes of light¬
A-ttrap'.c ,adv. in runnlng-mfle , a fiiatch
and away.
Attrarremo ab frali or draw from , to fepa-
rate or part.
A ft atio , adv. tormentingly , loo\ ftra-
Afìractèzza , abflrattneffe, a flrangefar-
fetcht conceit.
Aftrsttiónc, abflrattion, a drawing from or
Att. atto? ab (trailed , alfo an ab fir all, affo
as in a brown fludy.or trance 5 alfa extra¬
Aftrca , ta\cn for Iuflicc , the daughter of
Aftrèa, the Goddeffe of Iuflicc.
Att reggi are, to twinkle as the (tars.
A-ftrttraj as A-diftrétta.
Aftrettivo, as Aftringcnte.
Aft étto, conftramcd , compelled J
Attricare, to pave with (tones.
Aftricatore, a pavier.
Attr cijAft.ifij i ifind of lobftar or fca-crab ,
fo called in fenice.
'Attrice, a pavement.
4 A ft ;ì fero , [t arre -bearing.
4 Aftrigógna, a Ifind of white grape.
Aft ;ng nrc , Aftrigncnte, Aftringitfyo ,
aflnngent, afirittive , reflmgent, making
cofli-je, fitch things as bind: the badie.
4 Aftringénza, reflringcncy, confl'raint, alfo
coflivencffe. -
Attnngcrc, Aftrfgnere, to re fringe, to con-
1 train, to bind and enforce.
' Aftrio) a Jlone with a flarre in it.
'Aftro, a St arre, 1 Planet , alfo a Celeflixll
[igne cominci of many firs,
AfVobolóne, as Aftroide.
'Aftro-comufiire ,to wo,\fretted t or frccif
worlf in feelings.
Aftrocomufiato , feelcdor wrought with
freeze or fretted whf, fret tic.
4 Aftró’de, Aftrobolqne, a [tone , which
being laid upon m trble wet with vinegar
doth (line and creep away.-
Aftrolabio , an inflrnment whereby the mo¬
tions of the firs or planets is gathered
called an Aflrolabe.
Aft ologare, to play the Aflrologer , ór to
dr dine or calculate nativities.
* Aftrologaft-'o , afoolifh and lying aflro¬
Aftrologia, aflrologic, a predi Elion of things
lo come by the courfe and motion of the
1 Aftrólogo , an aflrologer y a foreteller of
| things to come by the cóurfe of the
| firn.
1 4 Aftrológieo, belonging to aftrology .
j 4 Attroncante, a diviner by the flats.
| * Aftrpmant'ia , divination by the flats.
1 ...
Aftronomare , Aftronomiizarc , topro-
fcje the knowledge of heavenly mo¬
Aftronomfa, aflronomy , \nowledge of hea¬
venly motions.
Aftrónomo, an Aflfonomer.
Aftronomico, aflronórhicall.
Aftropicciare, as ftropicciarc.
Aftrófo, flank,full of flats, alfo born under |
fume uninc Ifie planet.
Attrezzare, ,?* (brezzare.
4 Aftrufionc, abjtrufeneffc.
Aftrufo, as Abftrufo-
* Aft accio, as ftucchio.’
A ftiidiOjA-ftadio & arte, as A-bélli po-
fta, cxpre(ly,for the very nonce.
A-ftuólo, adv- in flocks, in fhoalcs.
Aftura, a fhelflfh called a Nal^re.
Afturco, Afturcóne, an A (turi on borfc,
an ambling, Spanifh gennet.
'Aftutamcnte , adv- warily, craftily.
4 Aftutiftìmaménte, moll craftily.
4 Aftudflimo, moft crafty.
Afìutia, or Aftugia, wilineffe , fubtility of
4 Attuti Gcnovéfi , Induftri Fiorentini ,
Supèrbi Luche fi,
Attuto, wilie, ctafite, warie-witted .
A-fua pólla, ad y. at bis periti.
A-fua fciélta, id v:.at bis choife.
4 A-iucchicllo, adr. a way of pleafute be¬
tween man and.wom.tn.
Aftiefaie, toaccu(lom? 3 to enure.
Afuefatrione, cuflomc, wont.
Aiuefatto, accuflomcd, enured.
Afuetudine, cuflome, ufe, ure.
A-fufficiénza, or Sofficicnza, adv. [uffi¬
ci e nt[y.
4 Amlìe, ufedfor the Ame-pits.
Affumere, to affarne or ta\e.
Afluntióne, or Adonta, an affumng, alfo
the affumption a holy day or feaft fo called,
of oùr Saviour , or of the blcffed Virgin
* A-fuo agio, at his cafe or leaf ire,
A-fuo danno, at his per ill.
A - fuólo a fuóìo, adr. ranged or piled up in
A-fuo rhalgrado, indefpight of him.
A fuon di trómba , by found of trumpet , by
Met : publicly.
A-fuo potere, with all his might.
A-fuo fénno , after his own wit , or
Ataballo, a fettle-drum, or braffe-tabouret,
that the Moors ufe to dance by.
Atabulo, aninfechons wind blowing in Af¬
frica $ and form times in Apulia.
4 A-tàccio, loof Stare araccio.
Atagliare, as Accagliare.
A-cdglio, adv. by pieces and retaile, alfo by
rule and due proportion.
* A-taglio di fpada, as A-fildi fpada.
Acalante, as Ancaride.
A-talchè, ad v.fo that.
A-tale, adv. fothat, at fuch apaffe.
A A-talénto, adv- at will or plea fur;.
A-talfiggia, air. in fuch afafbloh.
A-talhdra, air. at fometimes.
A-talparcito, adv. to fuch a pxffe.
Ataraatizzare, as Antthemizzarc.
* 'Atamo, ufedfor 'Atimo.
Atanafo, bearb Rofe-campion:
Atanlfia, fllver-wort or Panile.
Atante, as Aiutante, alfo lufly, well difpo-
fed both of mind arid body.
A-tanto, adr- fofar forth.
A-tinto che , adv- fothat then , in the in¬
terim that.
A-tanto il dì, adr- at fo much a day.
Atapezzarc, as Tapczzire.
Atarantola, at Tarantola 3 a poor whlfre,
j or a flreet whore .
Atarantolato ,.?* Tarantolato.
Atarafsia jconft.incy in opinion,
Atdrc, as Aiutare.
Ataftare, as Attaftdrc.
Arallonate, to grope , to fede , to fum¬
A-taftónc, adv. gropingly, fumblingly,
4 Atatóie, as Aiutatóre.
* Aratrice, an help et effe.
Atccnéa, ignorance in any Arte.
4 A tèdio, adv. as A bada.
Af-idbo, d tocuft without wings.
Atcllanare, as Attellanarc.
A tel! ani, as Attelldni-
A- tèmpera, adv- with, or in temper.
Atemperare , as Temperare , to mafe
pens. : ■
A-iempo, adv. in time or fur time.
Attempo a tempo, adv- from time to time ,
ever and anon.
A-tcmpo ò luògo , aiv. in time and
4 A-rèmpo nuovo, adv. the next ([ring,
A tentare, to attempt.
Atenqonc, attention, Ufining-heed.
Aténto, attentive, alfo attempted.
Atènto clic, adv- fecingtbat.
Atcntonarc, as T intonare , alfo to gpro-
vell on the ground.
A-tcntóne, adv. as Tentóne , alfo grove-
Imply, al fo warily, foftly,with heed.
Afcèo, Athéo, as Athcifta.
Ateramóne, a weed that filletb beanes.
Atergarc,.ta put behind ones baef.
A-térgo, adv- behind ones baef.
Atcrino, a flfh in Latin Alberi nx.
A-tèrmine, adv. for ter me of time.
A-tèrra, adv. on land, on the ground.
4 A-téfta a-téfta , adv. bead to head , by
Met : hand to hand, man to man.
Atheifta, an Aiheift, a mifereant , one that
believes there is no God,.
* Athcizzare, to play the /ftheifl.
Athco, loof Accq.
Athera* a decoction of Olirà.
Achilónc , a bird that ever bated and pur-
fueth the foxe.
Achlcca, a wreftler with hand.oT foot,alfo a
'Atimo, an atome , an indivifible thing , by
Met : a moment of time.
Atizzóne, a (ione gli ttring as fllvér , alfo a
Atlantiche, the firfl Spandile, joynt, or fnot
of the ridge-bone.
Atlèta, as Athléta.
Acócio, any medicine that bindretb con¬
'Atomo, as ’Atimo,alfo the firfl inceri fe that
falls from the tree.
Atondare, as Attohdarc.
A-tónio, adv. in a round, roundly.
A-tóppo , giuocare a-tóppo , to play at
grefee or hazard, and Jet or cafl at evpry
chance,or by.
Acório, as Aiucorio.
Atornare, ai Actorncare.
A-córri®, adv. about, alfo concerning.
A-tórno facto, made by a turner.
Acovfare , Attarfcllare , as Affardella¬
A-tórto, adv. wrongfully, againfl right.
* A-tórto cd a dritto , adr» right and
Atofcare, Atofticare, topoifon.
4 xA-traballónc, adv. ft agger i rigid.
4 A-t. aba’zoni, adv. tumblingly •
Atrabile, the humour of melancholy.
Atrabile, attrattive, that may be drawn.
Atrabiliare , in Latin Atrabiliaria , quaS
Atra: bili corpora obnoxia.
Afrabilid, aflrittiyeneffe.
A-crabkco, adv. in overwhelming manntr,
precipitoufly, down weighing.
H " A-
A-tradigione, A-trad'mcnto , by trafori ,
* A-trafatto, adv. wholly and altogether.
* Atramemaiiojo/i/w-j or belonging to infi ,
alfo an infi-mafier.
A tram cn to, biacco/ writing infi.
* Act amento Sutório ,Coppcrafs,or viltioll,
al o fbae-mafiers blacfi.
Atramitica , the feco/id fii.nd of wild
A-tramontano, towards the Xortb.
* Atrapano,? way of'picafire between man
and woman.
* A-crafiulJo, at cafe and folate.
* A-rructo, a-tratto, zdv.by.times and cafis,
at every hand while.
Arra ver fare , to traverfe, to thwart, to
A-travérfb , adv. athwart, acroffe , with
andare ft fignifics to oppofc or contradi ft.
alfo toJbipwracfi.
Atrtb'ci, AtrépictjJ fipnd of ruff).
A-trclle , borne , or harried, in armo-
* A-trJgóni, a word of bcrauldrie.
'Atrio , the fir ft or chief Court Or entrance j
into a. houfe or palace , a Court¬
Atripclo, blacfi-hdire, blacfi-baired .
Atripide, Atripcde, blacfi-fuotcd.
Atriplc, orach , or Goldeu-bearb.
A triplice . Dogs-tooth , Dcnt-de chieri. or
Atriftare, as Atrriftàre, &c.
Atriti, blacfinejfe, futtinefjc, pit chine ffc , by
Met :gajt!incj]'c,gn\Hne[]'e, fier cene fife.
Atritare, as .Tritare.
Atritióne, as Attrition*.
Atrito, as Trito, alfo worn fmall.
'Atro , darli , blacfi , pitchie , gloomie , by
Met : fed, fierce, deadly, gaflly , grimly,
Atróce, fierce,fed, crudi, fcverc , outr.i-
Arrochite, as Aftróide.
Atroc.rc, to grow nr mafie Atróce.
Atrocità, ficrccncffe, cruelty ,fevcrUy ,feft-
ou: ragion fncjj'c.
Acróphc ,thofe parts of the body, that rccci vc
no nourifhrnent.
Atrophia , .1 difeafe when one through fear
or care-taking eateth leffe , or through
much grccdincjfc eateth more than he
oughtywhcrcupon followeth a confnmpuon ,
which caufetb the body to pine and fall
away , fomc tafie it alfo for a certain dif¬
eafe in the eyes.
Atrópho , he, to whom the meat he eateth
doth no good , but pineth away in a con-
Atresia, loofi Antrosia.
'Atta, the hearb wattlcwort ,
Attabalio, as Atabàllo.
* Attaccarne nco,a* .\itaccoiari,xlfo hopes,
or bold.
Attaccare, to attache , alfo to fa fen , to
joyn, to tacito nolle, :o Jticfi, or to cleave
fa fi or clofc unto, among hunters it is ufed
for a hound to feizy upon, and to fix fi;
hold of a deare.
Attaccare battàglia, to \oyn battle.
* Attaccare covélle , to fafien. jefis or lyes
upon on ", to give gudgeons.
Attsccàrc l’uncino, to fafien a hoo\ j» unto
or upon, ufed by Boccace metaphorically,to
coape with a we neb, and to fafien a jum¬
bling upon her.
Attaccare ima piazza , to fet upon a
place , or to lay and fafien fiege unto-it.
Attaccare un zimbèllo a qualch’uno,
by Met : to.lay a blame,or to fifieji an im¬
putation upon one : to publish fomt fault, or
blemfh not finown before in fomc body,
to bit reproach andfhame.
* Attaccarla a qualch’uno , by Met ;
to fafien fonie tridg or jefl upon one f
as fomc fay, to give one a gudgeon, and to
mafic him believe the Moonc is made of
green chcefc.
* Attaccaticcio , dammi e , gl nifi, that will
eafily fiicfifafi unto.
Attaccatura , a or fa fining and
joying un:o, alfo the place , the thing , or
the joj/it , that a thing fiicfis ce is fajlned
* Attaccatura della (palla , thè joynt or
fjtning of the fhouldrr with the àrnie.
Attacco, a fa fining , a (hefiing , a cleaning
or tacciag unto , fifa a fi:ud of graffi.’-
hopper, called a Sole.vi , by Met : an im¬
putation laid or fu ft ned upon one , alfo
ground , or hold, or hope.
Attafanato, as it were bitten with Tafani,
alfo a flea-bitten borfe , or of that co¬
Atragcna , a diintie bird , which bccomcth
mute as foon .is it ir u{en , a God-
A tra gli are, to cut, to fquare , to fudge, or
fw.e with o, u no , by M.t : for one to
fafhion himfclf to another mans humour,
to footb one up, and ma{e good what he
fay et h.
Attalentare , to affent to ones mind,and the
fame as Atagliarc.
Attalianàto, Itali.vuicd, Italianized.
Atiàlico, a tynd of cloth of gold,
. reamente, adv. aptly,fitly.
* 'Attamo, as 'Attimo.
Attanagliare, as Tanagliare,^ torture or
Artapczzàre, as Tapezzàrc.
* Attapinàre, as Tapinare.
* Attardàre, as Tardare, to grow late.
Attire, to aft, alfo to m.i^c apt.
Attai gare, to .u rn with a target.
Attalenta e, to fidente, to hufht.
* Art at o, pted, fitted, made apt,
’ Attillare, as Taflate.
Attavanàto, as Attafanato.
Arréa, hearb watk-wort.
* Attcchimcnto, a proft/eringya thriving,
a growing better and better.
1 *Attcchixc, chifco, chito, to thrive , to
projper, to grow .mddayly to be better and
better,nam:ly as found cattle doth in good
pafiurc, alfo to battle as a child that is in
good-hcalth , alfo for to thrive, to grow,
worfe and worfc, to grow malitious.
Attcd arc, to annoy , to wearie or toyle with
tedioufneffe, to attediate, to wax idle.
* Atcediatióne ,toylefo>nc tedioufnefle.
Attegarc-,fi/ fh:wftates of aftivity by going
or dancing on ropes.
Attcgatóre, a tumbler , a funeambuler , a
dancer on ropes, a teacher of nimblcncffc,
or feates of aftivity.
* Atteggiamento , any aftion , afting , or
gefture , an imitating ofaftions.
Atteggiare, ra.rrf, to imitate any action,
to m.L^e docile or aftive , alfo as Actc-
* Atteggiare un cavallo ovéro un cane,
to manage a borfe, or to teach, a dog with
dexterity and mafie them doe any triefis
or feats.
Atteggiato: c, loo fi Atteggiare , one that
dotn or teachefb acts, or feates.
Attegnénte, as Attenente.
Andana, a Comedic divided into afts,0Y elfe
afted and plaidb'/ Attclàni,
Attelàni, men , that with foul mouth’s , un-
feemely jpcecbcs, disfigured faces, mimi fie
geslurcs, and frange aftions profejje to
procure laughter and mirth.
Attelàre , to place in due order , as in. ar¬
* Attemparci fogror? in years, to be aged.
Attempato, timed, aged, in years.
* AttempatctCo , dim , pretty old , i/,
Attempcraménto, as Temperaménto.
Attemperare, as Temperare.
Attemperato, as Temperato.
Attcnda 'e, to pitch tents, to encamp.
Attendènte, attending, attendant.
Attendenti, attendance, waiting.
Attèndere, to attend, to wait, alfo to take ,
to abide , alfo to fi oliscile or follow any bu¬
finole with heed and diligence , alfo to
li firn unto , alfo to perforine ones pro-
* Attendato, encamped.
* Attèndere , to endeavour , to employ ones
felf in any thing, to mind • alfo to fall to
ones vi ft. uà Is, to wait or cxpi ft , to fieep
ones promi fe or word, to fiop orfiay, alfo
to proceed in a bujinefs.
* Attendi mento, attendance^ waiting.
* Attend itóre , an attender, a waiter
‘ Attenebrare, as tenebrare.
Attenènte , appertaining or belonging unto ,
al fio holding- by, or depending , alfo an al-
lye, a fiiufman, or a dependent .
Attenènza, an appertaining or belonging un¬
co , a holding by, or dependency, alfo al¬
liance in blood or fiindred , alfo perfor¬
mance of promi ft.
Attenére, to appertain orbe’ong-imto , alfo
to hold by, or depend of, by way of rela¬
tion, alfo to par for me a mans word or pro-
mife, or to /land to another word or p o-
mife , to proceed, to cling or bold fall by
anything. J
Attcnitore, an appertainer unto , alfo a de-
pcndent , or holder by , alfo a per forme,
of his word , alfo an hone ft executor of a
mans n ill and Tefiament.
Attènta, Attéfa, attendance , waiting, ex¬
pectance, alfo performance.
* Attentamente , Art faménre , adv. at¬
tentively, heedfully , wifily, lijlningly.
A trenta mento, any attempting.
Attentare, to attempt, to put m triall.
Attentato , attempted, entreprifed , putin
triall, alfo an attempt or undertaking, ac¬
cording to Grifóni it is , when a borfe
goeth fo tenderly and warily 3 that he
dareth not treads one foot on ano-
Attentióne, or Accntiónc, attention,atten-
* Attcntiflìmaménte, mo ft attentively.
* Attenti (limo, moil attentive or bent.
Attenti vo, Attènto, attentive, it fining.
Attento, attentive , alfo an attempt, or
Attènto-che, adv. (itbence that.
Aitcntónc, A-tenróne, gropingly.
Attenuare , Attenuirc , to extenuate , to
mafic leanc or thinner, to diminifh.
* Attenuato, extenuated.
Attenuacene, extenuation, alcjfening, a
mafiing thinner.
Attergare, to put, to place, to leave , or fol¬
low behind ones baefi or flaouldcrs , to
Atterraménto , a felling or cafiing to the
earth or ground, a fupprcfflng.
Atterrare, to fell or cajl to the ground, alfo
to fill or dam-up with carità*, to ftoop, to
abafc,or dejeft ones felfe.
Attcrratórc , one that falls to the ground,
Atrerrimcnto, a terrifying, a deterring.
Atterrire, rifeo, rito, todeterre , to ter -
ri fie.
Atterzare, to coyne or mafie up three and
three , to mafie in thirds, among gameflers
it is topaefi and prie fi the cards in-fhuf-
fling them.
AtiLh,loofi Attènta.
* At-
4 Atccfamcntcj attentively, diligenti )'*
Acte lb, attended, lon\ Attendere.
Attcio-chc, adv. Jitbcnce that.
* Ai tettare , to wife head, to grow to a
bead, to foyn bead to bead , alfo to attest,
or to tuffi fir, to confrontar compare things
together', alfo to bead.
Attcffatiónc , Atteramente» ; an atte fia¬
li on, a tcffification, al fi a joyning bead to
bead .
Attcftatój atte fed, teffified , made bead ,
come to a head , encountrcd head to head,
alfo beaded, affo one that is of the formeft
ranl^, an ^ makes bead again (t others, alfo
put into orders , rank and file.
* Atteftacorfe, a tcffifier,alfo ah atte fieri A-
teftator e,one that makes bead .
4 Attento, as Trito.
* Atte vole, to be acted, full of aptnejfè.
Attizza, look Attitudine.
'Attica, the Attire, Greek tornite.
4 'Atti, in plurali number, affa ór records in
Atticciate, Attizzare, &c.
* Atticciato , as Attizzito, àn attraflive , or
drawing quality.
* Attravafamento, a traverfing,a thwart¬
Attravetfatura, idem.
4 Attraverfarc, to traverfe , to thwart , to
crojje away-.
* Atcravcrfato, thwarted,croft.
* Attraverfatóre, that thwarts.
Attravérfo, adv. a thwart , a croft.
Attreccinrb, as Intrecciare.
Attribuibile, that maybe aferibed, or im¬
puted unto , attribuible.
Attribuire, ifeo, ito, tu attribute, to aferiOe
or impute unto.
Attribuitioncj attribution.
4 Attribuito, attributed, aferibed unto,
Attributo, an attribute.
4 Attrice, a woman aflor.
Attriplice, as Atr.plice.
Attriftare, Att ri Hire, to enfórrow , tò make
or bee òhi? fad. Or pen five,alfo to empaire ,
to make or become worfe, bad or naught,or
4 Attri flato , or Attriftito, become fad, or
Attriftitio, as Attriftato.
Attriftatiónc,Attriftainénto,/#^tf/ 7 e,pe«-
fi ve n effe, for rowing.
Attritare, as Tritare.
Attritiónc , Attrizióne , Atrkiónc, attri¬
tion, that is to fay, a remorfe proceeding of
fervile fear ,fearing, either punì foment ,
or Ioffe of fomething, and may be held,
a faine d contrition , alfo a rubbing , a
fretting, or gauhng the sffinnc off.
Attrito , Attiro, touched with attrition
or with bafe fear of punifiment and
a ‘^ e -. r
Attropicamento, as Intopparti eftKM trip¬
ping , a ftumbling .
Attropicarc, to trip, or to (tumble.
Attrovare, as Trovare, tu find out.
Aft.uxle,actu.ifl, effe finali,: ready,(peedy,fen-
Attualità, a finality, effeflivencffc.
Attualmente, adv- a finally,fenfibly, quick-
lu, ,
Attuare i to afluate prefently , to come
to aflion , as it were to give life un¬
Attt'iccio, the dim : of Atto, any fmxll feat,
or fimplc afl.
Attuffarcj as Tuffate.
* Attuffatoj as Tuffato,
Attuftévole , where one may likely fink^r
Attuffatùra, as Tuffatura.
Attui ire, Attuirc , to obfeure , to darken,
by Met : to taintc,to blcmtjh , to lament,or
Atturiccio , Atturatóio , as Tu.ac¬
Attuftire, to fli file, to fmoother.
Attutire, to quali fie, to appeafe y to af
fiwage , to whist ; affato affure or war¬
Attucire, tifcó,tito, to put tofilence.
Actuttirc , to fum , or caff up all to¬
A-tira pófla , at thy will and plea-
furc. , .
4 A-tuo dannò, at thy periti.
Hz * A-
' A-tù, per tu, thou by tbyftlf,faucicly.
Mario, thè Tamari soiree.
Acutare, as Attutare.
* Acuto, it fed anciently for Aiutato.
A- tutta b. iglia,adv. in full (fried as a borje
lha' hath all bis bridle.
* A-tutta carriera, adv. with a full ca¬
re are.
A-tiitta oltranza, adv. with all might and
main e.
A iucca pallata, adv. all the way-long.
A tutta pólla, adv- with all on:s /night.
A tutta piova, adv- to the utmofi triall, at
ail efl.iycs.
A- tutta vóce. adv. as loud as may be.
A- mete véle, adv. with full tfreead fails.
A-tutt’ hóre, adv- at allhoures.
A-tutt’ huótno , adv. with all a man
A-tutri i mòdi , adv. by all means , how¬
A-tuttii patti, adv. by any means wbat-
A tutto córfo, adv. a mam gallop , without
let , or flop.
A-tiuto pado, adv. all the meal through.
A-uitto iatio, adv. with full faticty.
A-tùtto potére, adv. wholly, with all might
and moine.
A.tutto tranfito, adv. idem.
A-tutto rigóic , adv. idem , at the ut-
Note , that wherefoe ver A V cometh be¬
fore ary vowell in the beginning of a
and pronounced confo nantly , as plea-
felh the writer, or jpea^er : and fo doe
mofl of the bcfl Tuft an cs ,for, i nu may
writ. , cud fa., Avacciarc, o> Avvac-
cia c .' Avedére, or Avvedete , Ave¬
rli re, or A wen re , though I ha ve
throughout ufcd it but finale.
'P u, hath been i. (nifoi Quando.
'Ava, i zrand-moihcr.
* Avaccézza , Avacciaménto , Avaccìan-
za , quic^jpeed , celerity , or jfreedi-
* Avafcianiénte,or Avacciataniénte,7^c£-
ly, fpeedily.
Avacciare , to hasten , to ma ip quic\
Avacciato, nofi isedy,andqm
Avaccio, adv. with all fp:ed, ha fie, and ec-
, Cubfi : (peed or ;
Avagolcoeiamcnti, ■« Vagellamene».
Avago'cggiatc, as Vagellare.
Avalc, adv. now, even now-now.
A vale; e, fo av.tilc.
* A valevole, avallinole.
A valido, eqitall to the jams worth, equi¬
Avalla, adv. on,goe-tc, away.
* Avallate, to e,tvallic ,to mii^e or bccom: a
valhc , alfa to incompaffe as ma valile ,
alfo to defeend or go down as it were
into a valile, alfo to ful’pecffe and bring
low,by Met : to j wallow or gulp down the
A-valle, adv. below , downward.
* Avaloranicnto , an encouraging unto va¬
Avalorar: , to e ma' our, to encourage, and
put in heart.
4 Avaluarc, as valuarc.
* Avaluatióne, as valuta*
Avamparc, as vampire, to blXKf or burn
Avanzaticelo, fubjecl to flaming.
* Ayampófo, as vampófo ,fiaming,or burn¬
ing clear.
Avangare , ro digwith a mattoc\, topric\
with a goad, alfo to thrive majiybufi-
nefje. ^
Avanguardia, as vanguaidia.
Avania , an undeferved wrong , ar. in¬
i'ulting injuric, a fee ret grudge , as Ac¬
Avaniare, to wrong undxfcrvedly , in u-
rioufiy to infult upon , loo £ Acciac¬
* Avantatóre » an offerer of injuries, or un¬
de ferved wrongs. m
Avanotto, any fiflj that is about a year old,
alfo fijh that is eafily taceri.
A vantaggiare, as vantaggiare.
Avanragg a o, as vantaggiato.
Avantagjo, as vantaggio. v
Avawaggiófo, as vantaggiòfo,
Avanta-c, as vantare.
A vantatóre, as vantatóre.
Avanc’hicri, ady. the day before yester¬
Avanti, adv. before , afore , forward, alfo
Avanti-catninera* an outward chamber.
: Avanti-che , adv. before that , rather
; A vanti-cuore, as Amicuórc.
! ' Avantiguaid a, ^Avanguardia.
! Avantio , a nic^ name for one , who to get
fonie thing will ever be the Ufi of any
A vanto, as vanto, a brag.
Avamia; a,adv. hand-over beadjiab or nab ,
at r.tndam.
Avanzaménto, as Avanzo , a proceeding,
an amplification or enlargement.
Avanzante, advancing, excelling,or that
is rejidue or left, that fuper abounds.
4 Avanzare, to advance, to preferre , to
raife-up , alfo to fur mount, to exccll, to
out-go:, alfo to profit, pu, chafe > and get
afire hand , to have, to jfrxre, and to leave
o ver- plus, to over reach, to dare.
* Avanzare in calla , a Mar chants phrafe,
to thrive in ca(h,or by trading.
* Avanzare r piedi fuor* del lètto, Met:
to lof. by a bargain , to bring a. noble to
nine pence.
j * Avanzato-, advanced.
i Avanzi vole, that may be pier chafed or ad¬
(Avanzi, Avanzaticci, Avanzagli , all
\ mavii’r of leavings, n liquet ^remainders,
or fh eds, by Met : all voiles, oro fits , or
gainings and (parings.
Avanzo , any encreafe , getting, profit, or
over-plus, among gamefiers, a resi at pri¬
lli era.
Avdnzo , adv. moreover , befidcs and
Avaramente, adv. covctoufiy.
* Avana, a fca phrafe , v.y. a confumption
or difiribution of the Ioffe made , when
goods are caft away on purpofe in a fiorm
to fave th: vtffell.
* Ava illimo, mo[t covetous.
Ava; itia, Avarézza, avarice, covetoufiieffc,
Avarizzare, to praHtfe avarice.
Avaro, covetous, niggard.
Avar one, Avaruccio, a plncb-pcnnie, a nig¬
gardly churl,a covetous wretch.
Aubditnre, obedient.
Aubid cnza, obedience.
Aub dire, to obey.
Aucclldre, as uccellare-
Audace , audacious, daring, bardie , fiou:,
Audacemente, adv. audazioufiy.
Audacia , Audzcx 1 , audacity.
Aud JcilTìmaménce, mo(t boldly.
Audibile, Audcvole, audible, loud.
* Audience, hearing, audient.
Audicntiérc, a efiuer of audience.
Audiènza, audience, hearing.
Audire, to beare, to hearken.
Auditione, an audite, a hearing.
> Audito, the fence of hearing.
* Auditorato, an Auditor-fiy-p.
Auditóre, an Auditor , a hearer.
Auditòrio, an A uditorie.
'Are , God-ffrecd , All-baile , be thou
A-véce, adv. in the (lead,or Ueu of another,
alfo as A-vicenda.
A vedére, fo perceive ,toforefec,tofor:cafi,
to feelf.
A yedi m cnto, forefight 3 fareca fi , warineffe,
d: irretivi.
A-veduta, adv. by fight,in view.
' Avcdutaméntc,adv. Wfb heed, andfcrc-
cafi, warily.
4 Avedutczza, as Avcd’mcnto.
Avcdiito, p.:reived, forefeen , alfo wane ,
advifed,.vigilant ■
A-veggcnte ócchio,adv.r« an eye-witnejfe,
with a feeing eye.
* A-vcggia, that l,(hou, he,or fijte may fee,
and perceive.
Avegna- che, adv- although that.
Avégna Dio che, idem , how be it that .
A velare, as velate.
Avclenare, Avdciurtf, to envenome , to cm-
A ve 11 en a to, poi fen; d.
Avelcnatore, a poifoner.
Avclenaménto, an envenoming.
Avelia, a bmd of water-fowle.
A-vcIe piene, adv. with full fails.
Avellana, a fill Aid-nut, a ha^eU-niit.
Avellano, a fillbird or baxjll-trce.
Avèllere, as Svèllere.
Avèllo,*: hollow vault, or tombe.
Avclutare, as vclutare.
Avelutaco cuòio, (pence-leather.
Ave Marta, an A ve Marie , or prayer made
to the Purghi Mary , alfo evening-prayer-
time ; or the tolling of the bell thrice,about
hrea\ of day, noon, and evening for devo¬
Avéna-greca, B alimonie , or Vrovander-
* Avéna, nates, alfo an oaten-pipe.
Avcnante, Avenanza, Avcnéntc.
A venate, Avena : o, Avenaiio , an Avtnor,
one that bath the charge to provide for
Oates or provxndcr in a Camp, or Princes
houfe , alfo a Ifind of graffe -hopper living
among Oates.
Avcnenare, to poifon, to envenom.
* AvencnatórCj.z poifoncr.
Avenénte , Avenévole , comtly , feetnely,
futable, wcll-bccommg , alfo coming unto.
Avcnénza,Avencntézza, Avencvolézza,
comelineffe, feemimcjfe 3 grace , handfom-
* Avenevolménce, adv. fecm!y,wcU becom¬
ing, comely , gracefully.
Avcncntcménrc, comely, futably.
AvencYolnume ,tdun.
Avcngachc, adv. Albeit that.
Avengadio-chè, idem.
Avénga-ciò,a dvJdem. alfojet that happen.
Avéngaqirclchc fi vòglia, happen what
Aveniménto, an advent, a coming unto, al¬
fo a. thing that may chance or come to
paffe, an accident.
Avenire , to come unto , alfo to happen , to
chance or to come to paffe, alfo to meet
with, or light upon.
Avcniticcio, a forrainer, a firanger , one
that hath no felled place of abode , but is
going and coming, alfo chancing, hapning,
or thit happens and comes to paffe.
Aventarc, Avventate ,to wind ,to fill and
puff with wind , alfo to fling , to burle, to
throw or dart-at with violence, alfo to
fea\e upon with greediiteffe, alfo to fouyc
down with fury, as a haw^e upon (ome
Avon- ^
Aventata, a violai!: flinging
ling or darting.
* A'vtntàto, the participle of A ventare, alfa
indie-, pnjj cdyftill ofrvmd, by Met : a/fo
hccdleffe, without confidar allori, full of
windic,or ielle mordi.
* Aventatório ,that may be flung , hurled
and darted.
* Avente, having, that hath.
* À ventina, Aventinefe ? a fumarne given
to Diana of the hill Avenùne.
Aventnio, as Avenitlccio.
* Aventitii bini , goods that come by
Avénto, a coming or a paffage, but now it is
ufed only for the Advent fcajl of the
Aventóre , a comer or a frequenter to a
place, a chapman , a cufiomtr, one that
buyes ever in a place.
Aventura , Avcnturànza , adventure,
chance, bap, fortune, luci?, hazard,
A ventili are, to adventure.
j Aventurataménte , Ave nturo fain ènte ,
j adv. adventuroufly, alfo fortunately.
Aventurato, Avcnturófo, adventurous,d-
I fo fortunale.
I * A venture vole, to be adventured.
A venture volmcnte, adventuroufly^
■1 Aventuticrc, Aventuracio , an adven-
j tnrer.
Avénza ,allone hath,a mans wealth or free¬
* Avei’abilc, that may be averred.
* Aver jbilm ènte, adv. averringly.
* A ve rame mo, any averring.
A vera'- e, to avene, 10 veri fie.
Avcrbiale, advcrbiall.
Avc'bialméme, adv. adverbially.
A vei bio, an Adverb.
* A-vét bo, a-verbo, adv. word by word.
A vére, as Havérc, &c.
Avcrénza, an averring.
A ve ré vole, that may be averred.
* A-verga, a-vérga * ad v.yard by yard.
A-verghe, adv. with or by rods , alfo barrii
or bar ried in arnione.
Averi ficatc, Averi tare, to veri fie.
I * AVentcvole^ verifiable.
' A Vernare, to winter.
[ AV-roilla , a profefior of Aver rocs, a Pbilo-
' foj/ber, ani an Afirolnger both.
A Vena,// may, or Jij.tU happen.
AVerfare, to adverfe j, to oppofe.
A vei fario, an ad ver fane, a note-bool?.
* Avcrfamcnre, unhappily or crofly,
* Ave< fa trice, an oppofercjfe.
Averfatióne, contrariety.
Avcrfatifilmo, mo fi croffc and adv:rfe 0
Averfativamcnte, adv- adverfiy.
Averterà* as veifìéra.
Avcrfiónc, an averfion, an averting.
A vet fad, adverfity, contrariety.
AveiTo, adverfe, contrarie , appo fit, alfo ac¬
cording to byafie , courflc , wooll , or
Avertali , let it be heeded , let heed be
Avertente ^warily-heedy^ alfo adverting or
Avertenti, heed, advifednefi ? j alfo adver-
Avertimcnto, an advertifment.
Avciti e, A vèrtere, to advertife, to vParn ,
alfo to heed , to note , to tool? heedily
* Avcrtitamcnte , adv. warily , hecd-
Ave tiro, warned, advertifed.
j Avèrto, as Apèrto.
I Avertuta* as Apertura.
! A-vettura, adv. at liveri A
j * Avetouagliare, to viòla all.
! Avczz imeneo, an accn[toming unto'.
furious bur- I Avczzare, to accuflorae unto.
Avezzàto, accufiomcd unto.
* A ve zzcvole, that may be enured unto.
Ave/ zo, accuflomed unto.
'Auge , the highest point of any Via-
Augei, all manner of birds.
' Augcllare, as uccellare,
Augei latóre, .«uccellatóre.
Au.gelluccio, as uccellacele.
Augèllo, as uccello.
Augg ài e, as uggiate,
AuJgiolo, as Adduggiofo.
riunita, a blu : Turques-flo/ie.
* Augi ya, a find of circlet or wreath in
Ar chit còl are , called an Ogive.
Augumcntare, to augment.
Augumcntationc, Auguménto j any aug¬
mentation,or c nereafe.
Augurale, of , or belonging to foothfaying or
auguring , alfo that,by which a thing may
be gueffed , alfo the ornaments or habits of
a foothfayer.
Augurare, Auguriate, to augurate , to di¬
vine, to footh faye, to forc-tuefje.
Augurio, Auguiaménro, Auguratane,
an auguration , a divination , a footh-
fà l ”& d prediction, a foregueffi/tg,.i forc-
■ figfc of fom-good, or ill hap.
Auguro, Augure, Auguratóre, an augure,
a foothfayer, afor?guefier, a foreteller , a j
diviner of good or bad fucceffc,by the fecd-
l ng,noife , or chirping, & (luttring,or birds
or poni trie. J
* Auguf.lla , a l?ind of round fmall fifh,
with a little head , and a long beal?e or
muyfic, having no [cale , fonie tabe it for
the Needle-fifh. X 1
Auguita , the chiefs fi l?ind of Eagle that
Augurale, of, or belonging tq AuguHiiS or
to an Empeyour, alfo an Emperours , or
Kings, Court, or Palace , alfo an Empe¬
rours , or Kings, chief Pavillion in a
* AuguOino > an ancient coyne of gold a-
mong the firfi Emperours.
Augùfto, Imperi ill, Koyall,M.i]cfiicall,Vto.
he,S acred.. Sanctified, fill of Mi jelly,
worfijip, regard and magnificence. Awe-
moving, alfo the A tgufius Laureti.
Aviaménco, Aviacióne , as Inriamén-
Aviarc, as Inviate 5 to bring into cuflomc
a houfe, or fhop. J
Avic^ndico rimedio, a mutuali remedy.
A-v.c nda , A-viccndevolmcnte , adv.
mutually, by turns, facce five ly , now one,
and then another.
A vicenda re , to change or fuccecd by turns,
alfo as Affaccendare.
* A vicendevolmente, mutually.
Av;cinanza, Avicinaménro, Avicinatio-
nc, an approaching , cominz.or beinz near
unto. b
Avicinare, to approacb,to neighbour.
* A vicina tiene, an approach.
A vicine vole, approachable.
AVictila Dei, a bird that hath no feet , fame
tai?cit to be the Paradifc-bird, or 6ods
bird, as Manucodiata.
Avidamente, adv. mofigreedily.
Avidità, greedineffe.
'Avido, greedy, covetous.
Avifero, bird-bearing.
A vignare, to plant, or grow to a vine.
A vignato, a place full of vines „
Avigoi are, as vigoràre.
* Avilàto, vilified.
A-vilc, adv. inf com, in contempt.
* Avilimcnro,out as. a vine or I vie doth about any
th„c,b,Met ; tv griffe, toimbme or
cling clofe unto.
tVvm.o, twined, griSfed, bemd or clinccd
about as [vie doth a tree.
Avig: c, ta arili fo, to idvcrtij., to Ufo, mo,
alfo to hoed, to view, to foe orbo miri:
of , Ufo to f uopo fo or ta imagine , alfo to
meet, to come or to bring face to fico, affo
to talfc am:, alfo to mat,, ones felfread ,
far any aòl on. . J J
•AViCdU . any fueUain ndvife , news
ftgbt, iL feoverte or encounter, alfo a con¬
fronting , or enterjhaefino together to fight
minto mm, or face to face. ■
Avifitamcntc, adv. advifedly.
Avi latóre, an advifer, an advertifer
Mwmpnfittadvifir , or elicerne,-
Avrfatu-a a lootg or ca/t of the face.
Awranunto, anyidvertifmtm, or
adv:fc,cjle:m,dc(t£ne,opinion or comfeU,
rea fon or difeourfe , alfo a confo-, tract
or ingagmg in batte U.
A-vjlo, adv. in view, over agiinfi.
A-vi'fo .p'rto , A-viTo alzato, A vlfo
manzi, .Vvifo fcop.'rto, adv. with an
open and boldface , by Met : boldly , un-
A-vifoa-v.tb,adv. face to face , manto
Avifo-. ff -e , to be of advife, or opinion, to
feem to one.
A-vifo inanzi, adv. I oozing foreward.
A-vifla , adv. in fight or view of , at
* P ght \
* A vi dato , of a goodly a fi eòi òr beauteous
prefence , alluring others to behold
* Avido, as Avcduco.
A-vita, adv, during life, for life.
A-vita è mòrte , adv. during life ani
death. * 1
* A vite, adv. sl?rew-li)?e m
Aviticchiàre, loot? A vince re
^ Av'to, Avita, that hath been beloved of
our forefathers, or that is left unto us by
* Avitovagliare,ro viòiuall.
A-viva forza, adv. by main force.
* Avivamento, Avivatióne , any quicl?ning
or vivifying.
Avivare, to quicken, to vivify , to give life
Avivatóio, a burnifhing toole.
* Avizz.irc, Avizzire, as Appallare.
'Aula,# Kings Court or great Hall.
* 'Aula fànta , the midd'e,or holiefiplace of
Salomons Temple.
* Aulèta, a piper, or player on a flute. ■
Aulca, a garment that the Brittans were
wont to weave.
Aulètica, any piping Mufil?e.
Auleticónc, a hollow pipe or cane.
' Aulì, # findofjhell-fifh.
'Aulico, of, or belonging to the Cou-rt, alfo 1
Courtier,alfoaCourt-counfellor err afifiant
H 3 Au-
Aulimcntarc, as Alimentare ,alfoto fent,
or fmeli.
Aulimcrjto , as Aliménto j tifo a fent , or
Aumentare, to augment.
Aumentatane, Aumentaménto, augmen¬
Aumentativo , giving augmentation.
Aumentatole, an augmented
Aumcntcvole, augmentable.
' Aumento, any augmentation ; alfo a cer¬
tain difeafe in the eyes.
.-‘Umiliare, to humble , to ma\e mee\.
Aumiliatióne, humiliation.
‘ 'Auna, as Enula campana.
Aunanza, an affcmbly of one by one.
A-un hòtta,adv. at once, at a enfi.
A-una pet ciafcuna, adv one by one.
Aun.ii c, to affcmblc one by one.
Auncinare , to hoo ^, to clajp , loo\ unci -
A-un cólpo, adv. at one blow , at one
A-un gran pèzzo , a dv-by a great dealej or
A-uno a lino, adv. one by one.
A-uno per uno, adv- one to one.
A-un patto , adv- at one bearing , or
* A-un pezzo, adv. by much, or long.
A-una portata, .« A-un parto , or, at one
A-un punto, adv. at one point , at once, at a
A-un forfo, adv- at one draught. i
A-un tempo, adv. at one time.
A-un tratto, adv. at a caft, at once.
A-un volger d occhi, adv. in the twinging
of an eye, in a moment.
'Avo, a grandfather, a grand fire.
* Avocai c, to plead, or to play the Advocate
or lawyer, alfo to invoke or call unto.
Avoca ia, the profffion oflaw y or of an Ad¬
vocate -, alfo a. bane where lawyers
’ Avocatióne , Avocamcnto , pleading,
advocating , alfo an Ad vow fun of feme
Avocato, an Advocate, a pleader , a lawyer ;
alfo plead . 4 . ' or called unto.
* Avocato fi caie , .1 Kings, or Trincea At¬
tornio ,or Sodicitor-gentralL
Avocatórc, Avogadórc , an Advocate ,
A vociti ice-, a Jb e Advocate.
A-vóce alta, adv. loudly , with a loud
Avocheri a, as Avocarla.
Avocolàrc, to b'.rnd, to deprive of fight.
Avócolo, blind, figbtlrffc.
Avogadare, as Avocare-
* A-vóga battuta, with an even fl,o\c.
* A -vóga rancata, - furious manrur,difor-
derly, raflj'y , head-long , alfo one and all,
tts a crew of Marrincrs.
A-vóglia, at will and pleafure.
'Avola, a grandmother , a gr andarne.
A vòlgere , Avèllere , to en volve or rowle
up, to wind up as a hot tome , alfo to
toffe , to turn, or tumble over and over ,
to wind as a river , alfo to ramble about -,
alfo to ahufc one , or lead him by the
Avolgiménto, Avoltura , ani envoi ving or
routing up, a turning or tojjing over and
A volgerli, /or a man to turn or wind him-
felf up and down uncertainly, by Met : a
man fo to entangle himfelf in troubles , as
he cannot find the way out , as A voltac¬
eli a re.
* Avolgitóre, an envolver, or a cheat.
'Avolo, a grandfather, a grand fire.
A-volontà, adv. at the will and pleafure of.
I A-vólo, adv. {lying, by flight.
Avólio, Yvoric,Elephants tooth.
Avolontare , to enwill , to malgt, or become
willing and voluntary.
Ayolontatamcntc, adv. voluntarily.
* Avolontato, cnwillcd, made willing.
' Avolpacchiàre, A volpare , Avolpinare,
Avo]pire , Ayolponaie , lo enfox ,
to bccum: a fox , to pity the crafty fox , by
Met : to cooperi or deceive with wylcs and
craft- '
‘ A volpinato, crafty, drawn in.
A-vólta,adv. vaulted wife,or arched.
‘ Avoltacchiarc, A voltare , Avolticchla-
rc$ A voltoli' c , Avoltorarc , as A vol¬
gere, alfo to wallow or welter , to toffe ,
iui n, or tumble in , up and down, or over
and ovtr,alfo to overt urn,or overwhelmc,
alfo to range , or wander up and down.
A-volta per vòlta , adv tun: by Urn:, turn
by turn.
A-vòlta rótta, adv. in rout, di [orderly.
AvoItanvojMr of the eight find's of warms
breeding i.i .1 horfe.
* A-vòlte, adv. at tunes, by turncs.
A volterare, .is Adulterare-
* Avolteratórc , Avólccro , as Adulte¬
* Avolcério , Avoltcria , as Adulte¬
* Avolterino, as Adulterino.
A volicchiare, as Avoltacchiare.-
Avòlto, envolved, folded or routed up , alfo
turned , tofjed , wallowed Or weftred
over and over , alfo entangled or wrapped
A voltolo,Avoltóre, a vulture, a Gripe,alfo
a Geire, or Gdre fiullfon.
Avoltolare, as Avoltacchiarc.
* A-voltolòne, adv. in routing manner.
Avoltrare, to devoure as a vu'ture.
Avolcratòre, a greedy devourcr.
* A voltura, rtf A volgiménto.
Avòrio, yvorie, Elephants tooth.
* Avorniello , Avórnio , a find of A[h-
trec or other jhrub, whereof no Bees vaili
Avofcrta, Avofécta , afowlc tif a Stor If,
white in colour Jiaving a long bill bending
Avorire, Avotire, as Votare.
A-vóio, adv. void, in vain , alfo at the re-
queft orfute of fomebodie.
* ’ : ura ,the fweet morning breath,the gentle-
breathing aire , atjo a plea fan t gale of
'Aura popolari, the popular breath , the
vulgar applaufe.
Au.aco,gtittcr:ng .is gold, golden.
Aurat e , to gild, or d.c^ with gold.
* Aurata, the Wrc-fijh, or as fume fay, the
Aurato, gilded, gilt.
Aurea, Aurèola , a golden coronet, or circlet,
fuel) as D:ifs and Earles wcare.
Aurcggiintc, gliftering as gold.
Au cggiare, to [bine as gold.
* Aurelia, motbweed , golden weed , cud¬
weed, golden-fiechado,or flower-armour ,
alfo an ancient com coyned by Auria A-
l.irip.tro Duf of Venice, it the winning of
the Cittie Aire , alfo the winglct of .1 But¬
te r-flye.
Aurelio, golden, glittering as gold.
'Aureo, golden, of a golden hewe.
'Aureo d‘Allctlandro , a certain antidote
again fi poi fon or infection.
T Aurèola , a find of crown fo called by an¬
cient divines, that is tò fay, certain par¬
ticular rewards , which , befldes eternali
life and blefjsdnejje, arc given to Martyrs,
Doctors, and Virgins.
Aurcolare, to crown with a golden ctrronet,
loo ^ Aureola.
A u T
* Aurctta , a frejh, or gentle gale of wind,or
Auricalco ,tbc met all Called latte* , alfo a
Jbritl bra\en trumpet.
Auricolare, auricular, belongmgtothe care,
alfo the finger next to the little finger,'ooi^
' Auricole , two fm ill appendane esgrowing
l:f tittle cars to the feat of the heart,
called the Auricles.
Auctcome^gold-lif:, at yellow as gold, alfo
Aurifero, gold-bringing, or be or in*.
; Auriflamma , .1 Tnv.ccs chief*Standard
waving U the field , alfo the golden
Aurifrigiof, a fad of bird.
Auriga, .1 waggoner, a cnachm ui.
Aurina, .if urina, becaufe it is yellow.
Au.ino, of, or li f- gold, golden.
Au. ipigmcnto, orpin: : -it.
Auripoccnte, gold puiflant.
Aurfrc, as Aprire, to open.
Auiifpicina, as Arufpicina.
Aui ufpic’o, as Arufpicio.
Aurifp’co, as Arufpico.
‘ Aurizzarc, to If ten, :o hearken.
' Auro, gold, alfo the Go'd-flowrr.
Auròra, the Mont:, or dawn of day.
Aurófo, lue fy fortunate.
Ausante, daring, enteragious.
Ausanza, daringnefle, hardinefle.
A-ufanza, adv- after the aftmz.
Aufare, to dare, to be bardic.
* A-ufarc, to enure, to accuflome.
A-tifcio, a-ufeio, adv. from dorè to dorè.
* A-ufeio Tpalancito, adv. with dons, or
gates wide-open .
A ufi li ire, auxiliary, helpful!.
* Aufi li ari foldati, ay drag, auxiliary , help¬
ing or relieving fuuldiers.
Ausilio, hi'p, fuccour, ayde.
Aufiliófo, helpful!, relieving .
'Aufb, daring,that dareth.
A-ùCo,ìdv.after the ufc,or wont, alfo at
ufance , as mar chants fay for their bills.
Aufon'o, ufed for an Italian.
Aufpicire, profperoufly to prefige , to begin
to confult by way of divination , to'be¬
gin anentreprife with hope of good fu: -
ce 0f r
Aufpicato , pr offer nut, luckily » prefacing
fome good fuccejje.
Aufpice, a lue f guide, a dieeftffr, a footh-
fiyer 7 a diviner, bv M.t : he that gives a
woman to the Priefl to be married.
* Aufpicio, Aufpicamcnro, Aufpicatiònc,
a projperous prefage, a lue f fore-figne , .1
fortunate divination or direction, alfo the
, conduct, the direction , or the government
of a Chief, of a Prince, or of a Generali, by
Met ; the coupling of a man and a wo¬
man when they arc cither contra fled, af¬
fianced, or married.
Aufpiro, on: that bath power and authority
to dijpofc things.
* Aiiftc , certain animals laid hold on for
Aufterita, authority , harfhnefje , feverity,
fternnefle, furlineffe.
Auftèro, auflere, barfh, fevers, ftern,f urite,
Auftralc, Southerly, Southern.
Auftrmo, of, or coming from the South.
Auft ita, as Atramctica.
AÙQ. O, the South-parr, or wind.
* Autenticale, autenticali ,law full , ap¬
proved, authorised.
Autenticare , to malge authenticaU.
Alito, as Haviico, had.
Autonnalc, as Autunnale.
Autunno, Autumne, the fall of the leaf.
* Autorarc,Autoriare, Autorizzare, ro give
authority, or free will,to allow by authority _
1 Au.
Autóre , an author , a. doer , a beginner , a
writer of boo , a founder or firJt dc-
Autorevole, full of authority.
Autorità, authority , freewill, [way 3 or
power to do, or fay.
* Autoritativoj/W/ of authority.
Autrice}*! fhe-author$ or doer.
* Autro, hath been ufed for 'Altro.
Autropiro, leaven-bread,as it were down¬
right made.
Ammanale, belonging to Autumnt.
Autunno 3 Antumne , the fall of the
* Autunno per la bócca , Primavera per
Pócchio, pro : the fall for the mouth, the
faring for the eye.
* Avulfo, as Avólfo, of A vòlgere.
Avunculo , an unirle , ones fathers,or mo¬
ther S' brother.
Auzzarc, as Aguzzare.
Axino, a wild bttfl.fi 3 winch fonte taty fer
the Si vct-cat.
Axi nomante , a diviner by hatchets.
Axinomant z, divination by hatchets»
Azaireth, a tynd of Phifick-piUs.
A-zara, at hazard , look ara.
Azarél , Azazélla , a vanijhitig or Scape¬
goat, Leviticus 1 6 . 8 .
* A-za r i 3 chances at dice 3 called ha¬
Azcróle, a tynd of dainty pears-
Azimxnthi , great circles meeting in the
zenith point, and pajjing through all the
degrees of the Horizon.
'Azimo, unleavened bread.
Azimuccio, as Asmàtico.
'Azio, the Dog-fijh,or of that tynd.
* Azióne, a deed or operation.
Azompcrio ,fway, authority, or empirie by
way of fcom and dcrifion.
* Azónzo , to wander here and there, as.
wafps or gnats.
Azizzare, as Affettare.
A zumare, to dye blue or attire.
aycrifij, sty-coloured.
Azurro, Azzurro , blue, ayire, wxtehet,
Azurrófo,/ - /;// of assure or blue.
'Azza, ar' Accia.
Azzal?, Azzalino, as Acialc, &e.
Azzampato , griped or caught with
* Azzannato, geared, hurl , bored, bitten ,
or caught with tusty.
Azzivtttàre, ^'Acciarpare-
* Azzémia, as Azzi mino.
Azzé via, a flat fifhlity a Sole. .
* Azziz\ménti,Àzzic.uurejAzzicchctti,
fon.l wriggliitgs , wanton friglings , log¬
gings or Itirnngs , alfo as Allettaménti,
or Aizzaménti.
Amicare , Azziccòrc, wantonly to move ,
tofiirre , to dallie, to wriggle , to frig., or
to jog up and down , alfo us Aizza¬
* Azzicatóre,(t JBrrer, or dallier.
Azziniare , to digbt or adorne -, to deck or
trim-up with quaint devifes.
* Azzimato , gaifhly trim’d up, fprucely
adorned, quaintly fee forth:
Azzimélla , palla di Azzime Ila, unlea¬
vened caty.
'Azzimi, a tyndof Marchpane fluff
* 'Azzimo, unleavened bread.
Azzimino, Azimino, a tynd of fine and
bluifh damastyn-work ufed in Pcrfia and
Turkic upon blades , f cimitaries. and cor-
A zzi róne, a tynd of mattock or pictyaxe.
* Azzollare, to clod together as earth doth,
to turf or grow to turfs, by Met : to bang
cr rib-bafic foundly.
Azzoppare, Azzopegirc 3 ] W halt or gos
lame lity a cripple.
Atzuffare, to fight, to fhoc \, to coape , to
bictyr, to gr a pie andgoc together by the
cares .
ùzzufFitócc ,atallm.tn of his hands j a
Infiy fighter, or bravo.
Azzurrino, at Azuriccio.
Azzurro, as Azurro, ayire-blue.
Xn ms Spitynard.
Baccàlio , a tynd of laureti wherewith Bac-
. chuc was crowned.
Baccaro, a Bacebns-prieft, by Met: druntyn,
tipy c, foxt , cup-fho.icn.
laccatóre-, a common drunkard , a dayly
quaffer. J
* Baccccole, ers Bagatelle.
* Bacceleria, as Baecaieria.
Baccellière, as Baccalare.
* Baccèllo, Baccio, as Bacéllo.
* Baccellóne, as Gocciolóne.
Bacccrélli , filtyworms, that are ready lo
Bacche-, all manner of berries , namely of
bayes, or lumper .
Bacchca, Baccanata, a merric drintyng , a
quaffing- fa fi.
Baccèlle, is Bacche, alfo the tyrnells in any
Bacchétta , any tynd of wand, fiic{ , or
fwitch,but property a riding rod or [witch,
alfo an Officers , and Magi fir at s fi aff, rod
or verge of his office , as the Lord Tr e ti¬
fi/ cr, the Lord chamberlain or Comptrol¬
ler and Steward of a Kings boufe car-
rieth in his hands as a badge of his o ffice
by Met : a gunners lint-(toe £ or fcowring
Jt'tyk ’ a drum (lick , look Comnian-
* Bacchétta da vino, a tavern buflj.
Bacchettare , to [witch or beat with a Bac¬
* Bacchettata , a [witch or blow with a Bac¬
Bacchi, [pinning f il k-woms.
Bacchiare óffò, the arm-bone.
Bacchiare, Bacchionarc , as Batacchiare.
Bacchica, a tynd of Ivic.
Bacchiata , Bacchionata, as Batacchiata.
Bacchiane, as Gocciolóne-
Bacchio, Bacchiónc, as Bacchio, as Ba¬
tacchio, alfo afoot of a verfe , of one fyU
lable Jhort and two lonr.
* Bòcci, as Lombrici.
Bacciare, as Avacciàre.
Bnccilé cto, a little bafon , alfa a kind of
little basket. 1 1
Baccio , as Vaccio , adv. quictyy, Jpeedily ,
out of hand.
* Bacco, Baccko, as much to fay, a Mafier
of heavenly my ferie s, a Devi fer of fome
new religion, an Inventor of things rie -
cefi arie for mans life , as chiefly bread and
wine , and him the Poets fain to be
the God of wine , alfo a (pinning filty
wom , alfo a great Cod-fi(h, by Met : one
given to tippling of wine , a fw'aggring
* Baccolare, to totter, to fwinge , to [wag ,
or heave up and down, alfo to ride as
children doe upon both ends of a mafl-polc
or long timbers end, lifting one another up
and down, by Met : to play at titter-totter,
Bòccole, as Bacche, ««Bagatelle.
Bacellarc, to cod beanes or pcafon , alfo to
fhale or unhusty
Bacelleria, as Baccaleria.
Bacellércj as Bacalalo.
Bacéllo, any cod , husk » or fl } l ' c s namely of
beanes or peafon , by Met : a fimple gu'U, a
Jhallowpate, alfo a dill-doe , or pilUc-
Bacelófo, coddle, full of cods.
" Baccllóne, a great cod.
Bachiate , Bacchio , vide Batcòe-
Bachéa, a pratling woman, that loves a cup
of wine.
Bacchilóne , foohfh, void of under ft and-
Bacehcrnóli , Bachi, drones, humming-
bees, ufed alfo for ad manner of vermine,
namely fil^-rvorms, orpl^-cods ,ufed alfo
for gl oc -worms.
Bachcrame, the fluff Bucher am.
Bacheca, agoldfmiths cafe with glaffe , in
vrhich he expofes his chicfeft commodi¬
ties, by M-t : a man that is nothing, but
fhow and mil (id:.
Bada-frónte , a ifle-brow , alfo a tyjfe gi¬
ven on the forehead.
Bacia-mano, a J?ifje of the hand.
Bacia-pii di, a h ! ffc-foot.
• Baciare, to hjffe, to uuffe.
Baciato, Ifiji.'
Bacio, trouble , car\e and care in canvaflng
for any thing.
Bac'cate, to labour or toile up and down and
canvafe for any thing, alfoto fumble, alfo
to haunt any where.
Baciano , that is ftuated , fet, placed ,
or that loo\eth toward the North or
l ''cfl.
Bacile, Baci no ,any little batpn, or f.at-diflj,
alfo a Timbrell.
Baci Ila, the hearb S amplere.
* Bacinelle», Bacinétto, any little btffn, or
flat-difh , by Met : a jteelc-cap, a skull¬
cap, a celate or plainc bead-pictc, alfo the
b arb Croe-foot,Gold-crad,butter-fovxcr,
Nyng-sob, or yellow-craw.
' Bacino , a bafen, alfo cafh\cepers tnony
Bacio, Bacióre , fome have ufed it for
any part of a hill or other place , f*-
pofed and open to the North , where the
Sunne cometh leaf > alfo a \i(fc or a
Baciozzo, Baciucchio , a fmac\:ng \iffe,
alfo the name, of a good hearb.
* Baciucchiare , Bacioz7.are , to {iffe
fmacfmgly and frequently.
Baco, a ft li? -worm, alfo a boa-peepc^or vain
Baco-baco, adv. bo.i-pccpe.
Baròcche, .«Bacche.
Bacolo,BacuIo, any hind of bat, batton,flaff
or cudged.
Bicolo Aftronómico , an Aflronomers
Bacolodi Giacobbe, it Iacobs-flaff.
Bacolo menforio, a meafuring-flaff.
Bacucco, a manger, an oxe falle , or a thing
lihe a hood to turn over ones face , to hin¬
der one from speaking , ufd to priso¬
* BaccQcca'e, to boodwinh'iOr diftinguifj a
Bada, delay, lingring , tarriancc, flay or Ioffe
of time. Tenére a bada ,.to h cc P ln
fufpencc, to hold-of with dclayesfooh Ab-
Badagliare, BadilarC , Badalonare , to
yawne wide as one that is flcepy, by Met :
to loiter the time t orgoe idly gaping and
gayng up and down.
* Badatilo , Badalóne , Badalóne , Ba¬
darlo , bndérlo, Badc-lóne, a feepy
y owner , bv Met : a layte , flumbring,
flotbfull, lóitring fellow , ahthcrdown ,
a logger-bead.
Badilifchio, as Bafilcfchio.
Badaluccare, ’.ooh badalucco, ufed alfo for
Badigliàrc, or Baloccare.
* Badaluccarli, to loiter.
* Badalucca, was anciently ufed for a Hoo-
boob, an alarum , a fuddain cry or uprore
given or tahen in time of wane to ama^e
the enemy , as alfo a fuddain sfirmifh or
fight following an allarum or hoo-bub ,
Villani , doth ufe it in both their fenfes ,
fame have alfo ufed it for a Ifmd of war-
h he engine , it is now ufed foriate de¬
light, wanton dalliance , or idle gxyng up
and down to beguile the time.
Badare, to fay , to tarry , to abide, to attend ,
to linger , or dallic the time, alfo as Bada¬
gli arc, alfo to hope, err afpirc un'o.
* Badcggiatóre, a confant wotr, an earnejl
perflfler in his fute , one that will endure
any pains ana. fuffer long to obtain bis
* Badérla , Badarla, an idle-ga\ing wo¬
rn an, a loo fe-time gofflpper , and idle-gad¬
ding woman.
Badérlo, Badarlo, as Badaglio.
Badcffa, an Abbcffc, a Prioreffc, a Indi: of
fome Abbic-.
Badefl'ilc , li{ e untB >