0 Italiano & Ingleje , NARY! ENGLISH. ; 3 H n Florio, and i. augmented by himfelfc houfand Words , and I^ASES. V 0 C AB 0 L A7\J 0 Italiano &lngleje , DICTIONARY ITALIAN & ENGLISH. Formerly Compiled by J o h n F l o r i o, and fince his laft Edition, nAnno i<5ii. augmented by himfelfc in His life time, with many thouland Words, and Thu sc an

e dicationi, incapric¬ ciati & {travolti dall’ amore fvijcerato che portano alle loro opere & fatiche {degneod indegne che ji fiano ) o fi mettono a gonfiarle con fiampanate e girandole di lodi che nolla finifcono mai, o pure dall’ altro canto fi mettono ad innalzare da là del ter%) cielo la Ufiafata, Q a f at0 > Virtù &‘Prodezze de Tatrom a cui dedicano cotali operila, infinocchiandoli per tut¬ ta^ t Epiflola con fioretti gli piu sfoggiati che fcrfi fi p off ano ricercare dagli più intimi ripoftigh della ’Pletorica , con penfiere di accreditare tanto maggiormente dette lor opere, done che al contrario, bene fpeffo gl’ ifiefii Patroni a cui vengono dedicate ne refiano stomacati , per non dire, affatto fcandalispati • ho- ra per me tanto, ho voluto sfuggire in quejla mia ‘ Dedications a z e /’ itili Epiftola Dedicatoria. e l' un e / altro di tjuejìi ejlrcmi , quello per non dare nella \Tbilautia , queflo per non dare nell' Adulati , ne } benché baierei totuto(j& anche /eri' ga vermi eccef of ingolfarmi in un Delago d’ Elogi/ della loro HonO' rat.""!' Compagnia, A in generale, inquanto all' Antichità , Opulenta, Splcndidegga, Adagmfcenga, & infieme il gran Rinome che ha per tut - : ta L'Italia cr il Levante ( motivo riguardevole che ni ha Jpinto a fare quefla Dcdicatione ) come in particolare -, di moltifimi Soggetti me ; itevoli che ji truovano in e fa, ma che ferve ì Sfori fi fuole in - ' dorare l oro medefmo, ampi, s indorano gli sluccbt & i metalli di baffa . lega, però non dirò altro, foto che alla buona di Dio que/la coppia di Vocabolarij, quale che ella fi fa , /duplice e fobietta, a’ Seniori & Aniiani della loro Honor at. fomp.' J vieti dedicata per fua maggior [ Autorità & *Hpp 0 gg ! o, ri più Cjiovani Vien raccomandata per foro mazzior utile e commodity. Dal di loro Servitore i Burnii™- T O R R I A M O. T O Their mod Honoured Friend, M" JAMES STAN1ER. MERCHANT IN S I % J HE great- Care and Paines which j Sig. r ' G l o : T o r r i a n o hath ta- j ken in fetting forth the following Work, hath juftly entitled him to | a Right of making his particular Dedication thereof; which he hath done, To the Right worfiiipful Company of the T urky Merchants, | ! whereof you are a worthy Member : But the ; | intered we have in the Copy ( as from the time of our purchafe of it, wee ever intended) wee ; here mod humbly offer to Your Self e. For to whom can we more fitly prefent a Diftio- nary of a Forraigne, andefpecially the Italian j Tongue, then to You, by whofe favours, j and ready complyance,at all times, with our Oc- j cafions, our affaires have had their Foundation, and are dill carryed on in Forraigne Parts but principally in T h at C o u n t r e. y. b Sir, ; Sir, This Volume would fwell to too big a bulk, if this Epiftle did containe but the Ca¬ talogue of the Obligations, which in the fenes of feverall years You have heaped uponus; the fcnfe whereof hath hitherto been confin’d ! within the bounds of ourowne Breafts. VVe befeech you give us now leave to make publica¬ tion of them to all the World, and to be fo juft as to endeavour, that not only in England, but in the Parts Beyond Sea, where your Correfpondcnts have daily experience of our Engagements to You, there may be perpe¬ tual! Monuments of our acknowledgments of them; and that our Gratitude may travell as farr ; as the ufe of this Book will carry it. VVe con- felTc thefe are but meane returncs for fo great Courtefies, but being the effects ofourgratefull difpofitions and refpe&s, wee hope may linde Acceptance with you, which is onely aimed at in this Dedication, By Your most Humble, and mott T^eJjjeUfull Servants, John Martin. James Allestry. Thomas Dicas. P REFA HEN the Rarities of Italy (that Paradife of Art and Nature., that Academy and Garden of the World) dodayly call fo many of the Englifh Nation, and Forraigners, from all parts into it, when its excellent Books do travel! into all Nations and find Univerfall Efteem • and when all Merchants that traffique into the Felwi^mufl: Trade by that Language, it would be fuperfluous for me by a Studied ' Difcourfe to invite any to the Learning theieof : And the ufe of a Dictionary, i in order to its attaining, is fo obvious to all underftandings, that it would ; be impertinent to demonflrate its neceifity ; lfhall therefore only give the j Peruferan Account,infliort,ofthis prefent Edition. In the Year 1611. John Florio fet forth a fecond Edition of his ' Italian and Englijl? Dictionary , which for Variety of Words was far more j Copious then any extant in the World at that time. 1 his, notwithftanding ! being defective, and other Dictionaries and Italian Authors coming to his Hands, he collected out of them an Addition of many thoufitnd Words ; and Phrafes, relating to Arts , Sciences, and Exerciles ; intending (ifhehad lived) a third Edition, which he left behind him ina very fair Manufcript, perfected and ready for the Preffe. This Manulcript I have diligently perufed , and in very many places fup- plyedjOttc of the generally approved Dictionary of the Accademici della Cru/ca, and feverall others that have been let forth fincc his death. I have likewife much corrected the Englifh Interpretations, and (where there was caufe) reduced them to their genuine fenle,as they are now ufed in thefe Modern : Times. There wanted yet a Dictionary Englifh and Italian which 1 have ! compiled by my owne induftry, and added to it feverall Proverbs and In- ! ftruCtions t udtions for che learning of the Language ; So that I question not butnow : [ ' ! ’ w 1 , , : t ie mo ^ compleat Italian-Engltjh-DiStionixy that ever yet hath i ^ en puDliined, and that all iuch as fhail apply themfelves to the Study of ) tins Noble i ongue, will find in it all neceflary helps, and expected Satil- Uvuon For my own part,I fhail account thefe my Labours well employed, \ 1 A la ‘‘ be accepted by the Englifli Nation, for whole ler vice I have fipent r i v. gieatelt part,of my time,and to whom 1 fhail perpetually be, A mojl Humble and dexoted Servant, Gio: Torriano, An Advertifement. WhenfoeVer this After fine * is placed before any word, it fighifies, either that all \ fuch words are not to be found in M Florio's laft Edition of his Diliionary } or that there is an alteration and addition in their Interpretations : But theje After fines (by J oxer fight) infoine whole Letters, and Very many places, are omitted ■ Of which the | ; Reader is defired to take notice, and to judge of the Additions in this Dikionary as upon . pernfall he fiali find just caufe and Q{eafon. A DICTIONARY OF THE Italian and Englilli Tongues. A ABA Aba A The firft Letter and vowcK of the Alphabet. A. A fignor prepofition of the * Dative cafe ', To, unto, at, at the, to the > as, Si cornò a cafa fua, he went to his houfe. A. A fign or prepofition of the Accufative Cafe, in lieu of Per, for, for to, through. A. A fign or prepofition of the Ablative cafe, namely commino after a verb of privation,as Tògliere, Rubbire, &c. from, away from. A. Preceding the Infinitive mood of all verbs, fignifies, To do, to aft, or effe ft the vertue or purpofe of the verb, as a bere., to drink, a véndere, to fell. A. In lieu of Circa or Inc'itc&fbeing placed be¬ fore any number or Noun numerali, as thus , èrano a dièci, they were about ten- A. in (lead of By, as thus, Veggéndolì con¬ tornare a Gorhi, feeing themfelvts wafted by the Goths. A cénto a cénto, by hundreds and hundreds. A permiflìóne e làfcia, by permiffion and leave. A. In lieu of According,unto,after the manner. A modo mio, after,or according to my man¬ ner. dènti fatti a bifeheri. A. Being joyned to the Article la, and placed before any feminine Noun of calling or pro- fcjfion, becomes an Adverb of quality, of fi- militude,orprofeffion j as thus, Alla Fran- céfe, after the French manner or fafhion 5 allaSoldaca,5o«/dic>'-/;ifec3 alla fantaftica, fantafttcally. A. In ftcad of At. Giuocare a carte, a dadi o fcàcchi, to play at cards, at dice, or cheffis. A. In lieu of, In the. In : as, a nóme del Rè, is the name of the Njng j a grandiflime fchicre, in very great troupi. A. In place of On, or upon, as lui và a cavallo, he goes on horfeback', a crédito, upon credit. A. In ftcad of with or by, as commandare a bachctca, to command with a controlling 1 ftajfe or rod ì a forza, with, or by force 3 riceuiitoa grandiflimo honóre, received with vtry great honour. A. In ftcad of After,as a pòchi dì, a few days after ; oggi a otto, domane a otto, eight days brace ? eight days after to morrow. A fomtimes an Expletive,as mifero a me, dolènte a me. A. For untili, as dolènte a morte, grieving untili death • * A. For towards, or a gainfl,as, a tramontana, towards the North. *A. In the (pace of, as a due méd, within two moneths. Ab, vfed by good authors before thefe four words, Amico, Efpétto, Etèrno, Initio, from, of. Ab abate, To ama\c or to aftomfh, alfo to loy- tcr idi y up and down. A bacare, abbacare, To number or cgft accampi by Arilbmcticii j fymet; to pry into, or to feelt out with heed and diligence j alfo to range or roam up and down as an uncertain wanderer. Abachiére, Abachifta,Abbachiére, an Arith¬ metician', by met: an idle loiterer and ranger up and down. A-bachécca, adv. with a wand or commanding rod of authority. Look Commandare a ba¬ chèca. Abacchiàre, Abbacchiare, as, Batacchiare, to ft rife with a ftajfe. Abacinaménto, Abacinanza, A daipling, a glimmering or blearing of the fight or eyes. Abacinàre, To blinde , to darle, to blear, to dimme, to glimmer ones fight or eyes', the met: is taken from Bacile or Bacino, for in ancient times they ufed to burn out mens eyes with making them to look into a bright and burning bafon. Abdcio, Abacióre, Seated Northward. Look Bacio. 'Abaco, The art of Anthmetick, alfo a counter or compting-boord, alfo a Merchants book of accampi s, or a fhop-boowherein all reckonings are regiftred, alfo a writing desks a little casket or cabinet to keep money or writings in,alfo a quadrant,a bafic or fiquare of a pillar below, which may ferve to fit up¬ on ', by met: acheffe-boord, or a pair of play¬ ing-tables. Abaculi, Cafting-counters, cafiing-rnndles. A.-bada, Abadalucco, adv. at a bay,at a flay, with cxpeftation,as it were in hope and long¬ ing J or. Abadàre, Abadaluccare, To keep at a bay, to hold in delay , to put off' with delays and hope > alfo to (lay, to attend or wait on. Alfo as Badare. Abadéffa, An Abbcffe, a Lady of an Abby. A bade, as Rinoceróce. Abadia, Abbadia, An Abby. Abadiale, Abbot-like, Abbeffie-like. Abagliaggine, Abagliaménto, Abaglio,Aba- glióre, is properly the blindnejfe, the da%ilmg or blearing which the Sun caufcth in his eyes that fixeth them upon the fame. Abagliàre, as Abacinàre, T0 blinde, but pro¬ perly with or by the Sun,or by the fire, Abaglicvole, That may be da\eled. Abài, Abàia, Abaiaménti, Barkings, hayings, queftings or bowlings of dogs by mci: ma¬ licious railings, envious de tra ft tons, fioblifh fcoldings,vain tittle-tattles or pratings. Abaidre, To bark, to bay, toqueft, or howl as a dog or a fox j by met: to prat tie,to rail or de.traft from, to jcold at, to brag or boaft vainly. Abaiàre alia Luntu, To bark at the Moon J by met: to [pend ones breath vainly. Abaiatóre, A bar fer, a qucfler. a howler i by met; a pratler, a rader, adetraftor,aboa- fter. A-bali Ila càrca, adv. with a full charged crofs - bowc j by met: with might and main. Abaloccàre, as Baloccare, To gas^e or loiter about. A-balócco, as A-bàda, At a fldnd. Abalordiménto, as Balordia, Giddinejfe in the head j by met: fimplicity of wit. Abalordire, as Balordire, To make giddy, or fimple• Abalroàre, as Balroàre, paróla marinarésca. Abambagiàre, To bumba fie, to (luffe or quilt with bumbafte j by met: to [often. Abambire, as Bombire, To dote, or becomè a childe again. * Abampare, as A vampate, To blatte. Abainpófo, as Avampófo, J 1 1 anftng,flaming. A bandière fpiegace, ady. with cnfigncsdif- Abandonaménto, A for faking, an abandoning, a cafting off. Abandonàre, Toforfiake,to abandon, to ref life, to leave , to caft off. Abandonàrfi, For a man abjcftly or aMarfcdly to abandon or forfait himfelf. Abandonataménte, ad v. ft endlong, r a fitly, or in forfak.cn manner abandonataménte amàre/fervire, to love o , r ferve without rea» fon or judgement, not regarding any other thing in the world. Abandonatiflimo, Utterly caft off, wholly or mofl forfakch. Abandonacóre, Aforfaker, an abandoncr. Abandonévole, To be abandoned orforfaken. Abandóno, A for faking j In abandóno, adv. in forfaken or unicgardcd manner, carde fly, at random. Ab-antico, adv. of old, of yore, hi ancient times, from antiquity. Abarbagliamcnto, Abarbàglio, at Abagli- iggine, blindneffe. Abirbagliàre,icinare,fo bùìiefe. Abbacio, as Abacio. 'Abbaco, as 'Abaco. AbBàda,/»J A-bada, at a flay. Abbadarc, ii5 A badare, to flay, lo allcndon. AbbadclTa, an Àèbcjfe. Abbadia, an Abby. Abbadone, an Htbrcro word fignifying a DC- flroyer. Abbagliaggine, Abbagliaménto, Abbaglio, Abbagliare, as Abaglijggin e,bHndnefie. Abbai, Abbaiamento , as Abai, barkings, bowings. Abbaiare, as Abaiare, to bark or howl as a dog. Abballare , as Imballare , to make up mto packs. Abbalordhnénto, as Balordia , giddinrjjc in the bead, or fimpliciij. Abbalordire, as Balordire, to make giddy, or fimplt. AbbambagiàrCjdi Abambagiiie. Abba'mp. rejtfi Avampdre, to lU^e, or flame. A bband onare, as Abandonare, c H. Abbarbagliare, as Abagli.ire,/ e/' the eyes. Abbarbicare, as A barbicai e. * Abbarcare, to heap, to ama [fie , or to pile trp together', namely corn into flack* or ricks', look Barca. Abbardare, as A bardare. Abbare, ufedfor Àbaiàre. Abbaiamento, Abarramento; Abbarcare, to banc, to embane, to borne ado. Abbaruffaménto, a bicker nig or falling toge¬ ther to blows ; alfo a lugging, a towing, or a ruffling', al fo a fc or thing, a.findgmg orfmojring wlb fire. Abbaruffare, io bicker or go together. by the tares i alfo to torvi? or tug ; alfo tofcorch or blote with fiie. Abbaflagginc,Abba (laménto, Abbaffagióne, an abafitig , a dtbafing, a bringing tow, a de- prefftng. Abballare to abafcjokbafc,to humble or bend o< (loop low',, alfo to decline? to fubmit,to profilate. Abbaflcvole, that may be abajed, depreffed , bumbled or brought low. Abbàtto, adv. below, beneath. Abballatimene©, abaflardisfing', by met: an adulterating , or degenerating. Abbaftardircj difeo, dito, lo baftardife i by men to adulterate, to corrupt fiinde, to de¬ generate. . Abbaltionàre, to embaflion , io enfi once, to entrench, to emblock. Abbaftioncvolc, that may be cnfconccd , en- i trenched,or block'd in. Abbatacchi ire, alfo the boughs, the [pngs, the i kfhes, the hedges, Or aiiy thing elfe that a Deer bang hunted beats down in rvfhing through thkketS. *Abbeccare, to prtk orbili up,ns birds or chickens do coin, alfo to cram or put into ones beak res buds do their young ones. Abbelliamomi, as Abbigliamenti. AbbeclLre, as Abbigliare, to apparrcll. Abbelliménto, dn embeU.fh'.ng , a beautifying, an adorning', alfo as Bellétto 3 by met; a foollingup of ones trtmdc. Abbellire, lifeo, lito, Abbellire, toembell'fh, to beautifie,to deck, to make fair, to decore, by met: to footh up fiduly. Abbeluard.irc, to embul wark, to enfi once, to block in, to forti fie with bulwarks. Abbend.ire, at Bendare, to binde. Abbcntare, to refi, to be, or make quiet ns tt were through joy and gl adne fi. Abberfare, toajpc-gc, to b; (piinkle. Abbcrfacióne, abcfprivkfittg, an afperging. Abbergare, alfo to make drowfic \ or flecpy , its too much wine tifith to of, alfo to put ones month to any vefiel fidlpj : liquor and drink * little- * Abbéveraticcio, the remainder of any drink which a nun leaves in his cup or p.t. Abbeverato ,watred or made to drink. Abbeveratolo, a watering place, namely for catte!, a hough for cattel or hens to drink alfo a cage-pot. Abbiadare, to provender or feed with oats, namely a horfic. Abbiadato, provcndre'd or fed with oats. Abbiancbire, as Bianchire, to whiten. * Àbbicaménco, an efldblifh ng or fitting to¬ gether fafl and firmly ', alfo a heaping toge¬ ther as hay-cocks- * Abbicare, to tflablifh or fettle faff, to heap together at hay-cocks, at [lacks of com, as pules of wcod. A* be-ce, the Alphabet or Crifs- trofie rciv of ABB letters, or an A B C bock for children to learn. Abbiendo,/or Havéndo, having. AbbientAre, to enable, to make capable or fit fir', alfo to view and ni: had to wifi) for what one vicweih. Abbiènte, able for, capable, fit} alfo rich in wealth ; al Jo viewing and infhing for withall. Abbicttare, to abjeft, to vìi fie, to rejeft. Abbie-iione, Abbietciidine, abjection,vilily, or bafenefs of fiate or coinage. A bbigiare, to make or become grey. Abbigliamenti, raiments, apparcRings , clo¬ things, attirings , ornaments, fumijhments, ve fitments. Abbigliare, fa arty, to attire, to apparel, to clothe, to adorn , to digbt, to deck- Abbiofciaggine, tiremejs, faint-heartednefs, dejcClion, fdintnefs. AbbiofcLre, Abbiofcire, fcifco, feito, to over-tire, to become weak or unable to (land. Abbiofciito, Abbiolcito, over-tired, unable to Hand,} aimed, de idled m mmdt or body. Abbilognarc, to need, o, to be needful . Abbisognato, flood in need. A'-hiiagno, need, orneaffil). Abbi fognalo, needy, ncceffiloM. A obi Hire, to predi state, to overwhelm, to en¬ gulf h, to finkor thioiv down os into hell. Abbillo, an “byfie, agulph, a buttami fie pit , a deep gathering together oj waters, alfo hell tt ftlj. Abbitutmvc, to c'mcnt, to be pitch j look tiimen. * Abbo, ea Maggio, 1 have. Abboccamento, a meeting of mouth to mouth or face to face, by met: an tuta parly or freaking together. Abboccare, to meet mouth to mouth, or face to face, to inter parly or meet to jpe. k toge- thei i alfo to er,mouth, or toemb-U, alfo to )oyn mouth to mouth', allo 10 fiU up to the mouth. Abboccato cane, a well fa fining deg. Abboccato vino, wine that is fleafmg to the mouth òr t afte. Abboccatoio, the mouth of any thing, namely of a pot or limbeck- Abboccattire, a broker ora dAyes-man, one 1 hat bungs ma: io (peak f* Ce 10 fi ice - A bbocconarr, f 0 trofici, to bite, to mince or fh ed in mammock* °< bui* bits. * Abboiamemo, Abboio, amongfl hunters it is the laft gafp or en. buffing of a deer, nr when be mg wiiry he turns him to the hounds, md, holds them at a bay. Abboilire, lifco, lito, to abulifh, to abrogate, to cancel, to difiatul. Abbollicicne, an abohfir.ng an abrogation, a cancelling, a difanullmg- Abbominabile, Abbominàndo, Abbominé- vole, Abbominófo, abominable, louthfdme, d trftable. Abbominamcnro, Abbominàma , Abbo- minatióne, Abbominio, abomination. Abbominarc, to abhor, to loath, to deleft , to have in abomination ; alfo to accufc. Abbdnacci \r e, to calm, to appeafe, to dfiw.-ge, properly faid of the fea : look Bcn.-ccia. Abbonacci to, calmed, appealed, affwaged. Abbonscciévole, that may be calmed. Abbonaménto, Abbonimento, a calming ; alfo a making or becoming good m ript. Abbonare, Abbonire, mko, nito, to make O' become good, rip c orfiafin blc. Abbonévo'e , that m*y be made or become good, feafunable , or good, or ripe. Abbondante, Abbondévole, Abbondalo, abounding, abundant, plentaus. Abbondantemente, Abbondevoi ménte. Ab- bondofaménte , adv. abundantly , piente - oufiy. Abbon- j ABB ABB ABE Abbondantiffimo, r,10ft abundant or plcnti- fuU, Abbondanza, Abbondamelo, Abbondo, plenty, abundance, fiore 5 the wo t A is ufed in "Florence and Venice for the Magi- (irate, 1 hat hath the charge to provide for provifion of corn and bread. Abbondanziére , one that hath the charge and care to look unto , to over fee and pro vide for (lore of vittuals in a camp or city , and that there be plenty of provflon, a vittuaUi r. Abbondare, ft? abound or to have plenty. Abborbonàrlì , divenire di Cafa Bor- bóna. * A bbord are, to board or graph with a fhip 5 aljo to fai!or come near the fiore. Abbórdo, a ( hip-boord , near thè fiore. * Abborracciaménto, Abbonaménto : Look Barra, any (luffing or quilting', by met; a patching or clouting ", alfo a mumbling in (peecb ', alfo a bung drunker tipfte. * Abborracciare , Abbottare, to Iti fica or (luff with Bórra} alfo to patch or botch anything', alfa to falter in (pei eh, as we^ fay to clip the K m gs Englfi } alfo to quaff or tipple fquarte } alfo vale, mangiare fénza diftiiizione e lónza riguardo j affo per fare alaina cola lènza diligénzù e cautèla per la frétta. Abborrire, ufed affo for toffray , to draggle up and down as one amarci and confu- fed. Abborracciatóre, Abborratóre, a ftuffec or quitter, by met: a botcher, a dottier, a jout r 3 1 Ifo to objeure : Look Buio. Abbuonire> nifeo, nito, as Abbonire, to make, or become good. Abburactaménto, a boulting of meal. Abburattire, to boult meal. Abburattare uno, to beat, to bang, to fwad¬ dle, to nb-bafte, to curry , or cudgell one. Abburattalo, a boulter, a boulting-tub. Abdicare, to abdicate , to ferfake, to rejett, to refufe , to caff off 3 aljo to dffanull , or to abrogate. Abdicatane, an abdication, a for faking , a re - jetting’, affo a difanulling or abrogation- Abdomen, the outward part of the belly be¬ tween tbc navcll and privities, and which covercth all the entrails 3 affo the fat or {earn of a Sow , that is found between the flank and the body. Abdtito, led, removed or carried away 3 affo lawlefl, or exempt from laws. * A-bccco , adv. front , as it were bill to bid. A B E C E, the A b c or Chrifs-crofs row » Abecedirc, Abedire, to alphabet, to Abe, to learn or fay ones Chrifs-crofs row. Abecedario, Abedirio, a teacher or learner of Abe 3 affo an Abe-book i by met: young) or unta ugbt,child/ fi. Abediflimóne, a ferpent of tbc ffyadc of Diagons. j A-b:IP igto, adv. leifircly, at fair leifure. * A bell* agio a’ ni3Ì pitti, Pro r.foft and fair, in dangers or foul wayes, No bafte to hang true men , A-bel dilètto, adv, at good plcafure. A-bel dóno, adv- of free gift. A-bel giuoco, adv. with fair play. A-bclla pótta, A bel Audio, auv. expreffy, purpofelyffor the vay nonce . Abellme, ha^pUoi (mad nuts. I * A-bello fgu.,rio, adv. fo at cafe that one ' may look well and J.if y about him. ; A benché, adv. although, huwbeit. j A- be nd el le, with bendlets in armory. 'Abentire, as Abbentire. I Abence, departing or going away. Abénto, ufcdfo) Attènto. ‘Aberrare, ufed for Albergare, to har¬ bour. Aberrare , as Abberrare, to go affray, or wan¬ der up nd down. A-berto lotto, adv. fcotfree , as we fay, ftdlers fare, meat, drink, and money. Ab-cipcrto, adv, by proof or experience» Abell jne, a ffmde of blueffi (lone, which bung once heated keeps bis heat /even dayes after. * Ab. tiia, a grove,a wood,a forre (l or thicket of Fine-trees. Abc:e, Abéco,//;e Firre-treeor wood . * Ab ctérno, adv. from all eternity. A bezzo, olio di abézzo. Abiurare , to abjure, to forfwcar, to deny with an oath, Abgiuratióne, an abjuring, a fo>[wearing. Abhorrévo e, as Abborrévole, to be ab¬ horred. A bhorrire, as Abborrire, to abhor. *Abiadago, a farm, a copy-hold, ahoufe or tenement wuh fonte lands about it in the country. * Abib, the name of a moneti) among the Hebrews, which began by the Moon in March. Abiccar e,as Abbiccire. A bid, the Chrifs-crofs row, the ABC. Abietcaménce, adv. abjettly , bafclj. Abiettire , to abjett , to contemn , to out- caff. Abiettatióne, Abiettióne, abjeftnefi, vilc- nefs, bafinffs afflate, of heart or miadc. Abiètto, abjett, abjetted, vile, outcaff. Abiga, ivy, ot gound-frankmcenfe. Abigire, to twine about as Ivy doth. 'Abile, able,fufficient ,< f power. Abiléo, a kjnde of tin firn fl {punge. * A bilire, Iifco, lito, as Abilitare, Abilità, ability, ablcncfs,power. A bilicare, to enable, to give power unto. Ab-initio, adv. from t he beginning, A-biotco, Mézzo a ghiacéte. A-bildóflb , as A-bardóffo, adv. barc- backt. Abili arc, as Abbiffire, profondire, to over¬ whelm, to JwaUow up in an infinite depth , to throw down to the bottom 3 by met: to deffroy and mine, utterly 3 affo as Nabif- fire. A biffo, as Abbi flo. Abifto, as Abeftóne. Abitàbile, Abitcvole , inhabitable, dweU- able. Abiticolo, Abitinza, Abicacióne, Abitig- gio, Abicaménto, Abituro, an habitation , a dwelling-place. Abitante, inhabitant , dwelling,a dweller. B z Abitirej ABO ABR ABU Abitare, to dwell, to inhibit, to worn. Abitativo, that may be dwelt in. Abitatóre, an inhabiter, a dweller. Abitatrice, a fie-dweller. Abité!lo, the dim: of H.ibito. 'Abito, as H bito, with all bn pats. Abituile, habituall, proceeding from an habit or difpofition. Abitualità, an habitude , or anaccuftomed dif- pofinon. Abituare, to habituate , to accuftome, ordif- pofc unto. Abituato-, accuftomed untoby longhabit. Abitudine, Abitualità. Abituro, eti Hàbi.uro, adweU'mgplace. Abjuràre, as Abgiurare, to forfwcar. Abjuratióne, as Abgiuratióne. - Ablarióne, an ablation , a taking fom • Ab!a:ivaménte,adv. ablatively. Ablativo, cblativc/y, implying a taking foni. Abiuro, removed, or tatyn away by force. Ablu.iòne, an ablution, or waffling clean a- way. Abneg. -c, to deny, to renounce. A bn e gat ione, a denying, an abjuring. A-bóc I a, ad v. by mouthy by wo d of mouth. A-bocca a-bócca, adv mouth to rnoutb. 'A-bócca baciata, adv. as eafic astoty(]' e wnh mouthy with pleafure and thank 1 > alfa to leave off with kjfftng and not to be able to 50 further. A-bócca dólce, adv. with a fweet mouth 3 by me:.' with pleafure and delight. A*bócca pièna, adv. will' a ]ull mouth. A boccate, <« Abboccare, &c. Abócco, a finite of coyn or weight. A-boccóne, adv. by bits or motfcls. Abolativo: Look Vèrme. Abolire, /wAbbolire, to abolifh. Abolitone, as Abbolicione. Aboila, a Senators long and grave ve [lure or furred robe, ufed anciently by Ityngs raid Philo/opbciS. * A bollire , as Bollare, to brandy to feal , to (lamp. A-bómba, is properly the place where chil¬ dren bide them fives when they play at King by your leave 3 fomc properly call it alfo Gióftra prigionèraj by met: a mans home or naturali dwelling - place 3 alfo ufed in that fenfeas ivc fty , Home again, home again market it done 5 ufd alfo for foamed cr laid in fteep 3 it IS alfo proverbially ufed and fpotyn of thofc, that in hard enterpri- fs are not difmaid, but keep their wits about them. Abombare, to (leep or lay in folk •* Look A- bómba. Abominando, Abominiti*!, Abominare, Abominévole, as Abballinando , with all its derivatives. Abonare, Abonire, as Abbonire, &c. to make good. Abondante, Abondanza as Abbondante. Abondare, as Abbondare, &c. Abordare, as Abbordare, to come near unto 3 alfo to lay a ffjip aboord. A bórdo, as Abbórdo. Aborrire, as Abbonare. Abortire, as Abbortare,e>'f. to be born be¬ fore the due time. Abortivo, as Abbonivo, &c. brought forth untimely. Abofimire, as Bofimare. Abotare, to vow or promi fe unto. A-bòtta, adv. made or fefhioncd like the back of a Toad, as fame corflcts or bicaft plates be : Look Tirire a-bótea. Abortimre, as Abbottinire, &c. to rob } to feik far booty. Abozzire, **s Abbozzare, &c. to roueh- caft. •A-b: àccia, adv. with arms} alfo by yards or eUs. -A-braccia a-briccia, adv. with arms in arms. A-braccia apèrte, adv. A-braccia quadre, with open or unfolded aims. A braghe, adv. made with a b ■ ccch as feme of I our pieces of Q.dnancc are. f A bra mo, a fi(h called a Breathe- ! A-brano, A-bràno a-brano, adv. bymm- 1 mocks, or picCi-mcal. I Abr enuzzo, as Abrcmintio. ■ Abrcvildjo, as Zimbèllo. f Abricócchi, Abiicóccoli, Apricoetyph/mt. A-bnglia fciólta, adv. ii.-.k,idled!] 3 by end: with full (peed, loofely , car ehfly. Abriolo, a Jutffng Canary- bird. Abrifticàrc, as Abbruftare, to fcorcb. A bracare, toma ke or become koarfe 3 alfo to fnon 3 alfo to bray as an Affé. A bròcca , aJv. ftudded or fafhioncd lity finds: Look Bròcca. Nemico a-brócca, a mortal enemy , as wefiy, from the lance to the boettyn. Abrodicco, ftnug and (price, fine and neat } tnmd up for htly-dayts. f Abrogare, to abrogate , to abolifb, to repeal, to dtfanull. Abrogai ione, an abohJhmcM, an abrogating, a repealing. A broniincio, hath been ufed for a whirr et on the ear, or any other diftaftefull means to be rid of one whofc company we City not, as one would fay , a rejecting or c a ft ing off] a Jack - ums entertainment. Abroliina, a tyr.de of wilde vine. A bruttino, a tynde ef black grape. Abrotano, the herb Southernwood. Abruciirc, Abrugiire , as Abbruciare, to burn. A-bruno, adv. moitmng!y,tn black. Abruótino, as Abrorano. A brìi tea, any wilde vine or grape. Abntfcjre, as Abbrunare, to make orbe - come fharp. Ab.-ufciare, its Abbrutci.ire, to bum. AbiwUtrc, as Abb.uftarc , to findge, to fcorcb. A bruttare, as Abbrunare, to defile, to pollute. Ab ultamente, adv. abruptly, out of order, without due emerfe. Abi unióne, an abrupt breaking off. A bi liceo, abrupt, nut of courfe. • A blentare, to cbfent out of the way. Abtente, abfent , out of the way. A bfenza, abfence. Abside, the point wherein any Planet is fur- theft from the earth. Abode fupréma , the light ft point of any Planet. Abside infima,//.;? [owefl point of any Planet. Absintio, bitter wormwood 3 alfo a tynde of precious ft one. Abfinchino , made , or tafting of worm¬ wood. Absice, a tynde of precious f ione . A boleto, abolifli d, left off, out of ufe. A bi:,l:o, at A licito, abfolvcd, acquitted. Ablólvere, as A Hoi vere, to abfolve , to ac¬ quit. Abiolutaménte, adv. abfoluteiy. Abulutióne, as Affolutióne, anabfolving, an acquitting, o- - difcharging. Abbino, as Aflokito, abfolutc 3 alfo ab- folvcd. 'Abiono,diffonant, untuned. Abfcrbere, as Affotbire, to fup up. Abfotdicà, as Ablurdicà, anabfudity,groff- r.cfs. Abfórdo, as Affiir do,abfurd, foohfb. Attorto, ab fort, fwallowcd or glutted up. AbllenerCj/o ab ft am, to firbear. * Abftcnio, an nbftiwnt men. Abu èrgere, to wipe away, to clcanfe. AbfterUóne, abjlerfion , wiping,fenuring. A bff ers i vo ,abftcrfi 1 e, poweifull to /coinè. Abff ménte, abftinent,fo,bearing. Abftinénza, abftmcm, forbearing: Abftrarre, to abftrafi. to draw prom. Abllrattione, abftraclion. A bff rutto, abftraCltd 3 alfo an AbftraCt. Abituilo, abftiitfc, fee, et, inward, wrapt in obfeunty, da*k and my [lie all. A biòndamente, adv. abfmdly, unordcly. foo- x Ablurdicà, abfurdity. inconvenience,unreafon- cb!e dealing fotvfhij. Ablurdo, abfurd, again ft rcafon,fottiflj. A-bucciuolo, adv. Look Inneffarc. A-buona derrata, adv. good cheap. A-buóna lima, adv. rn a lucky time of tbc Moon, in a good time. ■ A-buóna ragióne, ad w. upon good reafon. A buòn bardito, adv. cheap, good cheap. A-buon cóncio, adv. handfomely, conveni¬ ently, with love and good htyng A-buon cónto, adv. m part of payment, to¬ ward the reckoning. A-buon giuoco, adv. by fquare and fair play. * A-buon óra , A-buon otta, adv- timely, early, betimes. A- buon mercato, adv. very good cheap. ■ A-buon partito, adv. at a go:dpuff, ongood terms or conditions , in good plight. * A-buon p.iffo, adv. faft, a good pace. 'A-buon rèndere, adv. you (hall have as good as you bring,l will do as much for you. * A-buon termine , adv. in, or upon good terms, at a good paff. A burattare, to houli or fi ft meal. A bufare, to abufc, tomifordcr , to convert to a wrong ufe. Abuscvole, that may beabufed. Abuhone, an abufc,ormifu(i/ig of, a diforder- ly or improperly bcffowing of any ih'-ng. Abulivamcnte , adv. abufively , diforderly, c lean from v c right ufe , or fen/e of. Abusivo, abufivc, improper. A btilo, abufc,mifordcr 3 alfo difufc, the lea¬ ving off' a cuftome. Ab tifo, a ày. from ufe or cuftome. Abuzzigo, a buzzard, a puttocty a tyte,a gleade. A-caccia, a hunting, a chafmg, a driving, a bavety.ng, a fowling. Ac icia , a fhrub called an Egyptian thorn j fometatyit for a thorny plant, that bear et h great timber 3 ufed alfo for a certain juyee made of apples and other things. Academia, an Academy, an Vnwcrfily, a place where Studies a>e profeffed. A cadenzante, an Academian , an Vniverfity man. Ac3dcmico, Academical! 3 alfo a (Indent in cm Vniverfiij. • A-cafiffo, adv. abundantly , enough and to are, Gods plenty. A-cagióne, by, or upon oc caff on. - Acagni, Acanzi, Adventu,ers or voluntary fouldiers, which onely to get themfe/ves ho¬ nour go to the wars upon their own charges, and commonly ferve on horfe-back , and which among the Turty are of great ac- compt. ■ A-calca, adv. ctoudingly, tbiongmgly, thick and threefold. A-cildi òcchi. Piagnere a-caldi òcchi, to weep immoderately. • Acali, a tynde of Canoa in Mexico. A-calzóppo, adv. hoppingly, styppingly,jump¬ ing on one foot. - Acallire, lifco,lito, to grow hard as brawn or a com 5 by met: to harden, or maty a cuftome of. A-cambio, adv. mutually, by exchange. A-c.-.mera locanda, adv. in, or at an hired chamber. A-c.,mpo apèrto, adv. at large, inthe open field 3 alfo m open view of all. A-campo AC A' ACC ACC A-campo métterli, vale Accamparli, ovéro Andare a campo, totale the field, to pitch à tent. Acaninofcriidl, dogged, cmnfih j alfio a little cawer or cafling-bottle. ' , Aca'n'o, Sea-holy, o ' (is fame fay Licorice. Acancay'ola, an indrument that Chirurgions nfc to pull out bones with. Acancc, herb Grounfwett , dlfio'a dumb grafi- ' lìop\>er V alfio a làmia or S'ufeirt-bird. * Aednthio, a fende of fifih full of fharp pncfecs. Acanthiccne,,*fc, by met: (looping, reve¬ rently. * A-cApo piedi, adv. up fide down, topfic- turvie. * A-capo ugnaimo, adv. at the beginning of every year. A-capriecto, adv. humoroufly, toyifhly. A caremónde, the root of OflMrJmc. Acariondgrio, herb Ofijimirfine. * A-cdrric niida, adv .nafedfejarcly. Acarno, a fca-fifh with a great bead, and ficaia fhining like gold. A-caro , clear, acciptable 3 alfio a fe v ^ c °f grub, mite, or worm. Acaro, A catóne, Gow or wilde Myrtle,whofic branches are indivifiblc. A-carta a-carta , adv. leaf by leaf r card by card. * A-cAvee (copèrte, adv. in view, publicity, as one not afbamed to fihew his game. A-c.ifa, adv. at home, home. A-cafAccio, adv. by ill chance, by frange hap. A-cafo, adv. by chance, by hap. AcAta, Ac.ue, an Agath- (lone. A-catafafsio, adv. in huddling manner. AcAtia, AcaZ.a, as Acacia. ; A-cat- ivo partito , ady. in bad plight or condition. A-cavalcione, ad v.Jiradlingly. A-cavalicre , adv. lepre à cavai litre, A hare found fitting : Look Cavaliere. A-cavallo, adv. on hórfii-back , mounted upon. A-cavallo a cavallo, adv. in pofle haftc, a /hatch and away ; alfio a certain point of war or march, that 7r limpet ter s found in giving a fiuddin alarum. ' A-caufa, A-caufa che, adv. bccaufic that. A-cautèla, adv. with caution, warily. 'Acca, the letter or afpiration H. Accademia, as Academia, &c. Accadere , to happen, to befall, to come to ?#• , Accadévole, that might befall or happen. Accadimento, an accident, or chance. Accaduto, hapned, befallen. Accattare , as Accettare , Arraffare, to fnatcb , to take away by force, to wrefil away. Accagionare, as Occafionare, as Scagio¬ nare, to accufe. Accagliare, to curdle as milk. Accagliò lb, cicrdy , fiuUofi curds. Accalappiare, as Chiappiate, to enfiare. Accaldre, as Calare, to defend, or come down. Accaldare J as Scaldare , to heat , to warm. Accalmare*, as Calmare, to calm, to quiet. Accalorimi Are, as Calomnidre , to accnfic fi fly and malicioirfly. Accambiare, as Cambiare', to exchange. * Accaminare, as Incimindre, tojetinthe ~w ay. Accampanare, to fifhion Hk c a bell. Accampanato, fiijhiuncd life a be U. Accampare, to encamp, to beleaguer, to pitch a camp or field j alfio to place a Coat upon a fie d or Scutcheon. Accanaldre, to ch'ai, mcK, to tnch.mncU, to gutter, to chamfic. A'ccanalattira, a channelling, a guttering, a chamfring. Accanare, Accaneggiare, Accanire, nifeo, niro, to make or become dogged or curri fh j alfio to enrage as a mad dug j alfio to bait with dugs or Jet dogs upon one by met: to become cier(l or chUrlifih, A ccaneggiaco, madded, enraged with ali¬ gn Accanelldre, to cyruintond. Accanito, endogged, mu<> 'y , enraged as a mad dng , become cu-rifih. Accanare, Accaneggiare, to cane, to encane, to grow lo a cane or reed 3 by met : to p ick with a cane, a reed or a goad , aljo to glut or (ill up to the throat. Accanto, a linnet or Sis fen-bird , or (as fonie fay) a Gold-finch. I Accan'onare, as Cantondre. Accantonato, as Cantonato. ! Accantonare, as Cantonière. Accappacciato, entangled in bufine fi, bufied in mindc and body. * Accapare, to, afe hold of, or ficifie upon. Accapere, to cull or to cboofie . Accaptffrare, Accapezzate, as Capeftrare, to tic with a halter, to cnfnarc. Accapigliare , as Accappigliare, to pluck one another by the hair. * Accapitolare, to reduce or divide into heads or chapters ', alfio lo capitulate j ■ alfa to meet together and confiult in the Chapter- houfic of finn c CathedraU Church 3 al jo to few the batk of a book iVlt ^ certain pieces of leather to ninfe it hold ftrbng. Accaponare, to mafe a capon 3 by met; to geld. - Accappare, to atchicvc or bring to pafis al- alfio to muffile with a cap or cloak > a ìf ° 10 cap or cloak : Look Cappa : aljo to catch, to [natch, to Jcific upon, or to tafebold Of Accapparizzonare,?0 caparifion a horfie. Accappiare, to tic with a (tiding fenot 5 by met: to intricate, to intangle. Accappiatura, a [tiding or miming feiot 5 by met: anenfinaring or entrarne ding. Accappigliamento, Accapigliatiira, adrefi- fing Or entreffing of a womans hair of her head 5 alfio all a womans hair bound up to¬ gether in one lace or riband 5 by met: a tugging , a toufeng, o> pulling by the hair of tki head. Accappigliare, to drefific or binde up a womans hair of her head, to cbcvcll 3 alfo to tug, to 10uetc, or take hold of the hair j by met: to fall together by the ears or hair. Accappucciare, to grow round or headed life a Cabbage 3 alfe to hood. Accappucciato pound or hard life a Cabbage j aljo hooded? Accappucciata lamica, a Cabbage Lettuce. Accappricciare vale propriaménte quél difpiacére, che genera lo ftrépito di due piètre ftroppicciate inficine,o quélio ftrj- dere di coltèllo, che in tagliare ò vallare t’accapriccia tutto. Accapricciarlì, to become capricious, intake afiudden toy , mood or humour in ones head’, alfio to look ftaringly or affrighted till ones hair (land on end through {ear. Accarezzaménto, any cbirifhing, loving cn- tcrtainm.nt, or mafeng much of. Accarezzare, to che, :fh, to filandifh, to mafe much of to entertain lovingly both in aft ion andfpecch. * Accarezzev'ole, eh eri fifing, full of fende and friendly entertainment. Accarierare, to teach a horfc to career. * Accarnare, Accarnne, nifeo, nito, to in¬ carnate, toàìftefh , to glow flefhy, by met; to enter a dog, lofhfh a dog , to train up in blood i alfio to fict on, to egg ■ r biffe on', alfio to tafe Jq(l hold on the fiefih with any thing- Accarno, as Acarno. Accantonare, to fiowfie, to marie, or drrjfie fifij with vinegar, fpice , and fiweet herbs Jor 10 be eaten cold, for to mafe it eat crifp, as they do Carps in Italy. Accartocciare, as Incartocciare, to put into a Cartòccio. 4 Accafamentaro, a brofer or a dealer in marriages. ' Accaiaménto, a houfing, a marriage, a jcyning of houfc to houfe. Accafare, to build or (lore with houfes, to joyn houfic to houfe 3 alfio to houfic or lodge 3 h met: to marry, to ally houfic to houfe. Accafato, hnufed, ftored with hoifes 5 alfo married into fiome houfe. Accalcare, at Accadére, to befall. * Accafciaménco, a/quafiring: Look Ac¬ caldate. Acc.ffciare, Accaftidr e,tofquàfh,to fiqueer^e, to dafib or bruifie together 5 aljo to mike or become flat as a cake -, al'o to fiqtiat in fal¬ ling i alfio to grow c, ;%cd, weak or faint m any part of the boxy th. ough age or fii few fi,, at fio to cheefic or become chccfic, of Ca¬ lcio . Acta.ca-brighe, as Carta-brighe, a bufiebo¬ dy, a maker of trouble. Accatca-lingua, apurebaffir of audience j al¬ fio a fcout,a fenditeli, or one that in time of •war is fent out to learn fiome news. Accasaménto, Accattatila, Accarteria, Ac¬ catto, any purebafe,getting or fihifiting fio >5 alfio an obtaining or a borrowing, namely a legger ly bori owing', the Spaniards ufie it for Accarezzaménto. * Accatta-pane, a getter of, a Jhifiter for bread. Accattare ito get, to acquire, or (hifit for by hook °e crook, by begging and borrowing, to get ones victuals by begging f rom door to door i alfio to finde', alfio to obtain by en¬ treaty. Accattare inpréftito, to get by borrowing, to borrow. Accattarrarej/o become rheumatic fe Accattatolo, Accaparrato, as Catarrófo, rheumatxfe Accattaftdre, as Cataftarc, to pile , to heap together. Accattatóre , a getter, a Jhifiter, a bor¬ rower. Accdtta-tózzi, a legger of ficraps , a Jhifiter for pieces of meat. Accatto, Accatti, as Accasaménto, a get¬ ting, borrowing, or (hifiling for- Acc3ttitia, a fende offurminty-gn/ts, err poor mans pottage, given to legger s. Accactivdre, to captivate, to enthrall. Accavalciare, tonde ftradlingas boyes do on their hobby-horfies. Accavallare, to horfie , to fit, to mount, or t afe . horfie'. ACC ACC ACC borfc j by met: to mount or brack Otd-\ Accefsibile, acccffible, approve b.ible. nance. 1 Acce {Tunc, an addition, an acctffim, an aug- Aceavallato,fc0r/cd, mounted on borfc-bac^ > mentation j alfo acctffe or coming unto. aljo bracked. 1 Accefsivo, acctffive, approachable. Accavigliare, AccavicchLre , at Cavie- - Aecéflb, an acceffe or approach unto-, alfo chiare, to pig o< pin n. on increafe or augmentation ; by met: a fit, Accavicchiacòre, as Cavicchiatóre, a pinner a qualm, or an atceJJ'e of an Ague or any or pegger. other fillfftefsy alfo an eleffion of Popes fo Accccag s ine, Accecaménto, Acceca, iòne, called, tb..t is, when in the Conclave a man Accecala, a blinding, a d>pnvwg of : vebofc name was not witten, noi given up, fight ; alfo by met: fraud, dee it. is fuddenly found to have the two thuds of • Accecare, to blinde or deprive of. unwritten v aces : Look Adoratone. Accecatnce piffìóne, a raging pa fi on. Acceffòre, acccjjoiy, or confi nting unto. Accedere , cèdo, cedei, ceduto, c^ffo, to Accefforiamcnte, adv. acccfforily, by bis own approach or bave acaffe unto} alfo lo af- feeking. fenr unto. Accedono, accejjoiy, conferring, accidentali, Aca-ffare, as Ct ffare, alfo to buffe or bcake making ore by chance, as a hng,nr bcafts ufe lo do j alfotofnatcb »Accetta,.; Tw>billo> Axc. with ibi teeth ■ Accettàbile, Accettévole, acceptable . Acceff j, a taking by thcfnout 5 alfo a buffing Accettabolo, the pan or bollowntfj'e wherein of beak to b buckle- bone tumeth j aljo a juglers box Ac. égia, a wood-cock i f ome ta k e lt f oy a 07 P ouc h', alfo a kind: of muficall influì- Moo- neri. meat j alfo a certain dry mtafure. A (.cele anzi, Acceleracióne, celerity, balìe , Accecante, accepting,receiving. truck freed. - Accettànza, Acceccagióne,Accettaménto, Accelera c,to haflen , to m.'k freed. Accettatone , Accettevolczza , Accet- • Accelerai re, a ha finer ,, a Jpucaer. itone, ary acceptation or receiving, accepta Accend i e, cifro, cito, to near or reduce to b (neffc,atakjngin good part of arty thing ags or tatters. { hat is off. red rgivin. - Alenare una dònna, to ibi urna wcncb Accettare, to acc.pt , to receive , or take a hift'.iy. thing being offered or given j alfo to ap- • AccenJénte, enkindling. prove of. Accendere, cendo, celi, réfo , to enkindle, - Accertare l’invito, to accept any invita¬ to enfiarne, to light or fetm fir . ; by met: tion 5 by met: to fee the vie at any play, tr p omke or gfuti ; in Florence it is ufed namey a Primero. for in curfi, to bonne, to forcar or chafe out- Acct ttatore, by met: by Accbetevole, that may be quilted, (li Hod, or fonie fign or woid to glance at anything bvfijr. a forte of) by (pcech or affion. Acchiappare, to catch or fife on by the hips, Accensibile, as Acccndevoie, that may be hand),or buttock ’> by met: to catch fud- ei.k ndled or Jet on fire. daily or overtake in twining j the wo id is Accenle, Accéfe, be did cntyndlc. taken from Chiappe. Accenfuine, a felting on fi.e. * Acchiédere, as Chièdere, to require. Accénfo, enkmdled,inflamed, lightedor fet Acchiniggine, Acchinatióne, as Inchina¬ li fire j alfo fucb a one as is appointed in tone, a bowing , or jhoping , or bending the place of a dead man, an affici, an ad- unto. m mi fir at err. Accbinare, as Inchinare, to bow, to make Accentare, Accentuare , to accent, to give (loop, to depreffe, affo to yield unto. due found to any letter or wa d. Acchinéa, a haclpney-nag. Accento, theraifingor fallmgof the voice in * Acchincvole, as Inchinévole, inclinable, pronunciation, an accent over any letter to bent or given unto. giz e it us due and eight found. ' * Accbmo, inclinedunto alfo bending down - Accerchiare, Acccrchiellàre, to hoop, ton- ward j alfobrougbt low. dele, to compafs about. Acchiocciato ,become lufiy and Pruning, as Accerchicvolc ,tbat may be hooped j alfo com- a reck ’mg hen about her chickens. paffable. ’ Acchiudere, as Chiùdere, to fhut j alfo to Accérrimo, crutUL, fell, moody. conclude, or rcfolve upon a bujmfje. Accertamento, Accertànza, Accertatone, • AcchwCióae, a {hutting or locking an afjurance, a h' anant, a Certificate. Acciaia axe, an adds , a hatchet, a chip-axc, Accertare, to afccriain, to affuic, to warrant, a clw[pi-g fafe, alfo a pu!e-axe , or a to fecure. ba:tlc-axe i alfo any binde of yarn o< (pin - Acce: cèllo, as Acertéllo, a kmde of Hank, nhg to be woven. a savenous b'hd. ' Acciabattare, as Ciabattare, far che che aia Accerto, adv. certainly, verity. alla gròfl'a, e lenza diligenzia, to do a Accervire, vitto, vico, to heap or huddle up thing botchixgly or bunglmg'y. together. * Acciabactatòre, as Ciabattare , a Coblcr, Accc'vo, any b ap or round mafie. or mender of old fhoes. • Accefaménte, adv.u. den-lj, buminglj. Acciaccare , to jpoil, tobavock, todeflroy, to Acceio, enkindled, ftt on fi>e. fquafh, toJ<]utc\e or br nife, to {lamp or punne ■ Accellare, loceaftfom doing, tonfi. ma morScr ', alfo to offer fome affiont or fudden injury upon odds and advantage i alfo to raife fome falfe (lander or accuja - tion agsinfi one with purpofe to fhar/.e or bui t him ; alfo to betome boggifi erfwhujb: Look Ciacco. Acciacco, bavock, froil, fquafbwg, [lamp¬ ing, punning j alfo an affiont, an injury, or outrage offered upon odds or advantage ; aljo a falfe report or accufaiion r ai fed of fome body, with intention to hurt or fiwne him. Acciuffare, as Acciuffare, to take hold on wiih the murale or teeth. Acciàio, Accialc, Acciaro, ficel or refined iron. Acd&hre, to fleet. ■ ACcialino, Accivòlo, Accialolino, a fieel to flrikc fine wi-ball', alfo a lung round piece of fled in a weo.,dcn handle , that butcher swear at thiir gr die to whet their knives j aljo the fwiv d of a chain. Acciapinàre, to miche, to crinch, to fiteak m fome comer, and with pouting lips to {hew angt r oi difeententment j and as an Ape being beaten to gnm with his teeth. Acciare, to skean up yarn, alfo to hatch or chop with an axe. Acciarpa adv. botcheilyffoutcrly. -Accia piménto, any bote- ing or colling. * Acciarpare, vàie comminciàre a fare una còfa bene, e poi finirla male, to botch , to patch. Accicati izzàre, as Cicatrizzare, to bring to a skin, to heal up to a fear . Accidentale, Accidentàrio, accidentali, ca- Juall . Accidentalità, accidentally, cafualty. Accidentalméntc , adv. accidentally, ca- Jually. Accidente, is properly that, which fometimts is fnund m the jubjtft,and fometimesnot, without any coiYuption of the fame, an ac¬ cident, a chance, a cafualty > alfo a fudden fit of an ague err Od er fickncjs. Accidia, jZo//;, la^ncffe, litherntffe, tediouf- ntff of well-doing. Accidiófo, Accidiaco, 'Accidofweaiy with weUdomg, full of floth and lithcincffe. A cciecài c, to dep-ivc of fight, to blinde . Accecatone, Acciecàggine, Accecamén¬ to, Acciecarùra, a blinding. Accieftàre, as Acciuffare, io /c^e/w/d by the teeth. Accigliàre, to feel a Pig'ons eyes } by met: to look flarmgly or fon ningly. ' Accigliato , Jeelcd as a Pigeons eye J by met: one that for difdam or melancholy looks ftid aownward. 4 Accigner e,as Accingere, to gird, to make ready to do fometbing. AccimarCj as Cimare j alfo to clip or pare j by met: to trim or prankup ', alfo for one to gird, to tuck up, or prepare bimfelf earncftly for any affiori, Accimatòre, as Cimatóre, a fheercr, clipper or Jhavcr. Acciaiatura, as Cimatura, a [hcering of wool¬ len clothes. Accincignare , to tuck a Z avment ^ }at ** over-long, or to tucknp ones clothes to fave them fern dirt. * Accincignato, tucked up, girt up. Accingere, cingo, cinti, cinto, to gird or gi die about’, alfo for one to iow\e and pepare htmjilffor any affion. 'Accino, a grape-Pone, a gram of any berry, the k c '7uli e f * n y f rult » a fi° a Ciatte or Sweep to draw up any weight j alfo the wheel of a well wherein the chain gocth. Accinófo ,Juli of grains, or feeds, and kernels , as grapes or goof themes arc. Accinto, girt about , tuikt up alfo prepared for any affion. Acciò, as Acciocbòj8dv./Zwz,t0 the end that. 'Accio ACC ACC ACC •Accio, a certain addition to pofitive Nouns, much u/cd of Italians to dettai from the worth, and fet forth the bafenejfe andug- lineffc of that which it properly fi&iifies 5 ns huòmo, a /«/z«,Huomaccio, a pitifuU, contemptible fellow'. Cavallo, a horfc, Cavallaccio, a filthy jade, &c. Accioccare, to tajfcU, to tuff, of flake % flow 3 alfo to reduce into tuffs or Locks as they do woott, flax, or hairs j alfo to put a band full of wood or flax upon a diflaff j alfo to catch a/ tug by a luff or lock of hair', alfo to cackle as a ben : Look Ciòcca 3 by met: to becomeboarfe with (peaking, Acciochè, adv. to the end that. Acciochc-dunquc: Accio-dunque, adv. to the end therefore, Acciochc-talhóra, adv. that at any time. Acciocché viole, alaude of the fairefl and fwceteft double Violets. Acciò fra-tanto , adv. that in the mean time. * Accidie, a I fonde of Pears. Acciónej fuch another addition to anypofilFve Noun, as 'Accio, to make the fame tonx- preffe an extraordinary bugeneffe, or unmea- tntajurable, tmhandjomc, or filthy propor¬ tion , Huomaccióne, an wbandfome r lub¬ berly fellow 3 Donnaccióne, Villanciòne, Polcroncióne, &c. Accipenféro, a fonde of fijb whofe fcalcs, contrary to other fifhes, turn towards bis headland fwimmeth againfl the flream 5 fame take it for the S t urge on, the Stucr, or the Elops Accircondarc, as Circondare, toencompajjc about. Accirire, rifeo, rito ,?0 dight or drcjjcvp, to fet in order. Accinto, flighted or dreffed up. Accifmàre, to moleft, to vex,to trouble, to af¬ flati 3 alfo to become oblimene, headftrong , or wilfull j alfo to Jhare and divide c- q natty , when the cboofer may take his choice. Accifmatiòne, tnolcflation, -vexation -, alfo obflinacy 5 alfo an equall divifion or fhare> Accitare, as Citare, tacite, to fummon, to warn to appear » Accitatiòne, as Ci tallóne, a fumtnons or warning to appear. Acciratóre, as Citatóre, a Summoncr. * Attraccare, to dally, to trifle. » Acciiicche, trifles , toyes, dandlings. Acciuffare,ro catch or take hold of by the fnout or mirale ; alfo to catch by the forelocks : Look Ciuffo. Acciuga , the little fìfh called Ancbioves, or the Sprat', alfo a fonde of minfed meat 5 alfo a fonde of fruit. * Accivilire,.lifco, lito, to civilize, to make or become civili. Acciviménto, an achievement, or bringing to 1 paffe 3 alfo a furnifiling or flonng with', alfo a bartering. Accivire, vifco, vito, to atchieve or bring to pa(fc, to get or attain unto 5 alfo to furnifh or (lore with’, alfo to truck, to barter one thing for another, or ware for ware. * Accivito, achieved, brought to paffe affo trucked or bartered 3 alfo flored with : Look 'Ellere accivito. » Acclamante, claming, or calling unto. Acclamare, to call aloud unto, to cry out, to exclaim■ Acclama; iòne, acclamation , a loud calling unto. Ac cl in ante, inclining unto. Acclinare,ro cnchne or bend unto. A cclinatióne,' iitclination unto. A celino, enchncd orient unto. Acclinare, to bend, or pitch downward as an hill. Acclività, a bending downward , as of an hill. Aedi vo, down, bending, ftccpy down as an high hill. Accabahlta, as Bai iff a, a (ling. Accoccare, to fliefo to cleave or faflen unto 3 alfo to nock, to fet an arrow in the nock • Look Còcca j by met: to put a jeft, or fatten a trick upon one, as we fay, to ma\e one fwallow a gudgeon. * Accoccarla a qualcuno, vale beffarli di chi penfò beffar re, o fare arroflire chi penlò ingannar te. Accoccatila, a (licfoing or cleaving unto, a noefong by mena trick or jefl put upon one. Accoccolàre, to covare, to fquat down clofe to the ground. Accodardire, difeo, dito, to mafo a coward, to cowardly. Accodare, to tayle, to faflen a tayle unto. Accodunanzajrtn Aficmbly, a Congregation. Accodunare, to aflcmblc one by one. «Accogliènza, Accogliménto, a de men¬ tir at ion of loving fondncjje and hearty af¬ fection, a friendly embracing or entertain¬ ment of a friend or ftranger, either in words or aClion alfo a confluence or ga¬ thering together. Accògliere, còlgo, còlG, còlto, to gather or cotteCl 3 by met: to receive or entertain a (franger or friend with demonflrations of true love and friendly welcome 3 alfo to come near, or approach unto. * Accogliticcio, already gathered, or that may be gathered together m hafle and without diftinCiim. * Accogliere, a gatherer together. * Accoiàre, to become sfom, leather or hide, to wear with Leather', by met: to be¬ come hard and untraClable as wet lea¬ ther, which fiirvnfoth in, and ferve th tono ufe. 'Accola, a Sea fwaUow, a Sea-bat. Accoiàre, teglew unto or together. Accola; iccio,glewifh, clammy. Accolcgàre, to colleague or combine , and bind together. Accoliciccia gente, people gathered together pell-mell, or confujcdly. Accoliticciare, to gather together pell-mell, or tumultuoufly. Accòlito, as Acòlito. Accotonare , to put a chaiint about ones neefo Accollare, to hugg,to coll, to embrace or bang about ones neefo Accollata, Accollatura, a hugging or colling about ones neefo Accolpàre, as Incolpare, to blame, to ac- cufe. Accolpato, as Incolpato, blamed, ac- cufed. Accòlta, as Raccòlta, a gathering or af- femblingtngethcr, a collection. Accoltellare, to fence, to fight, to hack or fet upon with any cuttingweapon. Accoltellata, a fight, a wound, or hurt with any cutting weapon. Accoltellatóre , a fighter, a toffe-blade, a fwafli-bucfoer,a roijier, d fencer, orfword- player• Accòlto, as Raccòlto, gathered together. Accomanda, Accomamiagióne, Accoman- datióne , Accomandici, Accomàndita, a recommending or bequeathing unto 5 alfo as confégna depòfuo, & dare in Acco¬ màndita , te mine mercantile, vale dare ad alcun monéta, perche è la traffichi non obligàndoiia maggior Còmma. Anche fi dice, avére, & pigliare in accomàndita. Alfo protection. Accomandato, committed to the trufl of. Accomandare,Raccomandare, to recom¬ mend, or commit to the trufl of any mxn 3 alfo to tyc, binde , or mafo fafl unto. Accombiatare, Accomiatare, to difmiffe, or give leave to depart 3 alfo to ask leave to depart. Accomicare, to accompany, or affidate as a part a for. Accominezzire, to unite or conjoyu together in, or by the middle. Accomodàbile, Accomodévole , ac com mo- dablc, that may be accommodated. Accomodamento, Accomodatone, any ac¬ commodating, or felling of a bufmeffe 5 alfo a lending umo. A ccomodare, to accommodate, to beflow up¬ on, to place or difpofc 3 alfo to lend unto. Accomodo , adv. commodioufly, cafe fully, conveniently, aptly, fill). * Accompjgna-nomc, ufed for a Pronoun. Accompagnare , to accompany, to officiate, to yofo together. Accompagnatóre , he that doth accom¬ pany. Accompagnatura, Accompagnaménto, ar. officiating, an accompanying. - Accomparàre, to compare together. ■ Accompiaccre,fo give plcafure or fatisfaCiion unto, to plcafure. Accompirc, pifeo, pito, to accomplifb, fini (h, fulfill, perform. ’Accomunànza , a mafomg or becoming com¬ mon with or unto. Accomunare, to mafo or become common with or unto. » Accomunévole , that may be made com¬ mon. * Acconcézza, handfomnefle, comelineffe, ac¬ qui fite dr effing, grace full dight ing. * Acconciàbile, Acconcévole, that may be amended , repaired or dreffed. ’ Acconciaménte , adv. handfomely, aptly, fitly, in good order. Acconciaménco, Acconciatila, any mend¬ ing, dreffmpr or repairing. ’Acconciatura di cefta , a womans head- attire or dr effing. Accóncia-pélle, a Tanner, a Currier, a Lea¬ ther-duffer. Acconciare, to d/effe, to menci, to repair, to re firm, or bring into good order, to mafo handfome 3 alfo to give in marriage 3 alfo to place in the fervicc of one. » Acconciarli , for a man to fettle, to pre- 1 pare, to dr effe, orto reconcile himfetf. * Acconciarli dell’ ànima, for a man to fet¬ tle his confcience, and prepare his foul for ' Cod. Accóncia- ftdgni, a mender of Pewter 5 alfo a Tin for. Acconciatóre, a mender, a duffer. Acconciacrice, a woman-drefjer. - Acconcimàre, as Concimare , to dreffe , prepare, or mafo handfome. * Acconcime, as Concime 3 by met: any re¬ pairing or dr effing. * Accóncio, fub. Profit, commodity, gain, advantage. Accóncio, adjeff. as Cóncio, mended,dreft, put in good order. ’ Acconciflimo, the fuper: of Cóncio, mofl ft. * Accondirionàre, to condition. Accóne, d fifh, in Latine Agonus. - Acconfacevole, well befitting or fui ting. * Acconfacevolézza , Acconfaciménco, as Confacevolézza, an aptneffe or fuitablc- ucfje. * Acconfàre, ^Confàre, to mafo or do a thing together 5 alfo to become well. Acconfcnciénte, confentingunto. Acconfentiménto, a confcnt, an affent. Acconfcntke, tifeo, tito, to affent unto. t Accecaménto, Accontànzi acquaintance 3 alfo an accompt or reckoning. Accontdre, ACC ACC ACE Acconcire, to acquaint, Of meet with ’, alfo to accompi t or put in the number. Accontato, acquainted 5 alfo accompted. Accontentare, to give content unto. Accontevole, acquaint able ', alfo accomft able. Acconto, an intimate familiar friend or ac¬ quaintance $ alfo as A - buon cónto. Acconvemrc, as Convenire, to ajjcmblc or come together, to meet -with. Accoppare, as Coppare, to 4 ill , or fytotk on the head. Accoppiare, Accopulàie, as Copulare, to couple , toyofy together. Accoppiamento, Accoppiatura, a Coupling with , unto, or together. • Accoraggiàre, to encourage, to hearten- Accorare, Accuorare, to grieve or vex at the very heart i alfo fometimes to hearten, to encourage, to put metal into one. ■ Accorataggine, Accoratezza, grief ^vexa¬ tion, or forrow of the heart, hearty paf- fion i alfo blubbering , throbbing, panting, or fobbing, drawn from the heart. •Accorato, touch'd, grieved , vexed or af- fliiled at the heart. Accorciaménto, Accorciatura, a fhortning, a curtailing, an abridgement. Accorciare, to fhoiun, to diminifij. Accorcitvole, that may be (hortned. • Accordabile, accordarle, agreeable. Accordaménto, Accordami, an accord,an agreement, an atonement, a tuning. Accordante, according, agreeing. Accordare, to accord, to agree, to atone ', alfo to tune an Inftrument . » Accordare co’l fornirò, to agree with the balder ; by met . - to have no need of bread, to be well to live j alfo to leave the world, to die, and have no longer need. •Accordataménce, adv. agreeingly, anoni¬ mo u fly. - Accordatóre, anaccorder, one that accord- etb > alfo a tuner. Accordellatino, a fynde of corded err firiped (luff worn in doublets. Accordò vole, accordablc , tunable. Accòrdo, any accord nr agreement. Accorgere, córgo,córli, córto, to perceive err be aw arc of Accorgimento, warineffe, fore fight, circum- (peftton, vigilancy. • Accori, Acqua di accori 0 finocchi. A ceornarc, fa horn. Accórre, as Accògliere, to gather toge¬ ther. Accórrere, to run, err have ret ourfe unto. Accórri, helps, afjiftanccs. Accorri huómo, Hue and cry for help. Accorciare, to rowl up one within ano¬ ther. Accortaméme, adv. warily,hceddy,circum- IP'di,. Accortamene, a fhortning, a cutting flmt, an abridgement. Accortare, toJhorten, to cut [hart. Accortézza, as Accorgiménto, warineffe , circum(pcfi;oH. » Accortinaggi, as Cortinaggio, the Curtains of a bed. i»Accortinare, as Collinare, to hang Cur¬ tains upon. Accòrto, aware of, or perceived j alfowa- ry, forefecing , circumffccl, heedy, well ad- vifed, wily. Accomodare , as Corrucciire, to an- Accorruccioio, Accorruccicvole, as Cor- rucciofo, Wixtbfull, fubjeft to anger. Accofciare , Accollare , to thigh, to joyn thigh to thigh, to fit cowring down,or with legs ac coffe, as Tailors, women or Turl^s do when they eat : Lool[ Còlerà. Aecoftubilc, Accoftevole, accofiable, ap- approachable j by met: familiar, converfa- 1 Accumulaménto, Accumulanza, Accumu¬ la. latióne , an heaping together. Accortamene, Accodata, Accollatura, an Accumulatóre, anheaper, anboordcr up. accofling, an approaching, a joyrungorco- Accuoiare, as Accoiare, to become sfyn or tning near unto, .is it were rib to rib, or fide leather, to cover • with leather, to fide : Loolf Córta. Accuorare, as Accorare, to grieve, to zex at Accollante, accofting, approachable, fami- the heart, miliar , eafieto have acciffc unto, or to be Accupare, as Occupare, to occupy, to ufi,w acquainted with i alfo wine that is brìi ^ P°II c ffi, tobufie,to imploy. and well rtHflnng, thafiwill allure men to Accupatióne, as Occupatene, bufine ffr, im- drinlt it. ploy mem, an occupation. Accoft;ire, to accoft, to approach unto, to fide , Accusatóre, as Occupatóre, an occupier, a to come near, to aboordor coafl along by, as poffeffor, an ufurper. it ppereribtorib : of Córta. Accurare, to care for with diligent curio- Accoftiare : Loel^ Accofciare. fity. Accoft iataménce, adv. cowringly, in cover » Accurataménte, adv. cufmfly, exaflly, di- ing manner , lying or fitting on the ligently. ground. Accuratezza, exaft emofily , curious dili- Accófto , adv. near , (loft by , fide to geme. fide. > Accurato, curieufly exaCl, warily precife, Accoftolato d’una galera, as Cdflcro d’una mofl diligent. g a 'cra. Accurbare, Accurvare, to curb, to bend, to Accoftumanzs, Accoftumatézzs, as Co- mafy croofyd, tocroofy ftumatézzaj alfo as Coftume , zft or Accertare , toflmten, to abridge. Cufìome. Aocùfa, Acculatone, Accuiaménto, an ac- Accoftumare, to accuflome, to enure J alfo to cufation, an appeacbmg, an information nurture or bring up in good manners. made againft- Accoftumatamente, adv. cuftomarily , ufu- Acculatole, Accufévole, accufab’.e. ally', alfo mannerly, civilly. Accufarc, toaccufe, to appcach, to complain Accoltumaro, accuflomed , wont, ufed', of, inform againfi, chagc with a crime, alfo well nurtured, full of good man- Acculati vo , the Accufativc Cafe , actu¬ ners. fitlg. Accortumévole, accuftomablc i Acculato ,accuftd, complained of alfoaguil- Accotonare, to cotten,to fet a nap upon. ty per Jon. • Accotonato, cottoned, napped , thrum - Accuiatóre, an accufer, plaintiff, Informer, mcd. fault-finder. 1 Accovacciolare, to go into a Cave or Den. - Accufaerio, that accufeth or coniainetb ac- Accovare, at Covare, to brood, fit on, or cufation. covare over as a Hm over her eggs and chic - • Accufatrice, a worn on-accufer. kens. A cedane mele, a fynde of untiious honey. Accoverare, as Ricuperare, to recover. Acenfare, to let for rent, or in fee-farm to Accozzaménto, Accozzatila, an enter- farm. fhocfyng,or fronting or butting together, a Acenfo, in fee-farm, fitting together. A-centinaia, A-cénto, by hundreds. Accozzare, to fhoefy to butt, to font as Acephali, certain Hereticfyfo callcd,bccaufe rams do ', alfo to joyn or fit together. they were without Author, head or brain, Accreditanza, as Credito, credit, trufi. for fo much as they aferibed unto Chnft but Accreditare, to become, to mafy, to bring into one oncly operation , and one will. credit or reputation. Aceràie, fynde of great frails without Accrcfcénza, an encreafe, an augmentation. harms. Accréfcere , to inercafe, to accrue, to am - Acerbamente, adv. Jharply , fowrely, eager - fifa- m Ijialfo unripe, not come to the full growth', Accrefcévole, increa fable, accruable, that alfo obflinau/y. may be augmented. Acerbare, Accrbire, Acervirc, to make Accrefcimento, an mere a fir. g. fowre, to jharpen, to ex affante- Accreicitivo, that hath the quality to in' ■ Acerbétto , fomewhat tart or fow,e i by crcafe. met: ptevifh, froward- Accrcfcitóre, m. Accrefcitrice, f. an in- Acerbézza, Acerbità, fowrtnefic, tartmffe, creafer, augmenter, an amplifier , an en- fharpaeffe, eagerneffe j alfo cruelty, larger. Acerbiffimo, moft fowre. Accrefciuio, tncreafed, accrued, augmented. Acèrbo, Acéruo, fowre, tart, fhaip, eager j Accrefpare, as Increfpàre, to criff or curl, to by met: green or unripe alfo bitter and wrinfye, or com raft together. fever e- Accreftare, as Increftare, to ceefl by met: A-cérco , A-cércbio , in circling manner, to be proud, haughty, or high-minded. round about. Aecreftiménto, as Acciefciménto, an in - * 'Acero, the Maple tree or wood. creafing. _ Acérra , navicella dóve i facerdóti téngono - Accrivellare , as Crivellare, to fife or l’incénfo. fiaife. Acèrrimo, moft eager, furly, Jbarp, fierce or AccxiveWxto, fifted ', alfo full of holes lify a fell. fieve ', by met: haefy full of holes. Acertéllo, as Ghéppio, a fynde of Hawl^ Accroftare, as Incroltire, to grow or bring err ravenous bird. to a cruft. A cérco, Accerto, certainly. Accubiarc, to couple or leajh, as dugs- Accrvire, as Acerbare, to mafy fowre. Accuirc, ifeo, ito, to (barpen, to mafy Acetino, a fynde of naturati Borax afidi* fhatp. Pbyficfy . Acculare, to fit en ones bum $ by met: to Acetabulo, as Acccttàbelo. bring or be brought to that paffe, that one Acetare, Acetire,tifco, cito, to mafy or be- can go no further j among hunters, to bring come zineger, to grow fowre. a wildc Bear to that pinch, that he u forced A cetane, ail manner of winter-fall ads , or to fet him down upon hu breech, and fo de- any thing tifi fypt in vinegcr- find himfclf from men and dogs. Acciaro, vineger-mafyr or filler . • Accumulare, Accumare, to amaffe,toac- Aceto, vintger, aleger. cumulate, to heap o> hoord up. Acetófa, A cecofclla, fowrell or forili. Acetofiti, ACH AcetoGtà, the quality of v'mger. Acetólo j full of fowrencjjc , tafting of vi - neger . Acbante, as Acànte. A-clic ? to what ? to what cud ? at what ? where to ? A-chc egli è déntro ? In cr out ? faft or loofe ? A-chc egli c fuóra ? or in ? A-chc effetto ? A clic propósto ? A che line ? to what purpofc ? to what end ? A che fare ? what to do ? A che guifa ? A-chc mòdo ? how ? in what manner ? Achemcne j Acheménide, Achemenidóne, an herb of the, colour of Amber, which (as fome write ) being cafl into an Army or Camp, will mal^e the Souldieis to be in fear, and run away as difmaid } and the powder of whofc.root being mixed with any liquor, and by day given to male- f attor s to drinli , it will malie them the night following to conjcjjc what they have done, by the f range imaginations they have of the fear of their Gods. A-chc damo ? How is it with its ? How goes the world ? In what (late are we ? * Achecare j as Acchetare , to quiet , to fill. Achéte, a linde of Grafhopper that fings very f stili. Achéto, hufht, f ilt, quiet. A-chi ? to whom ? at whom? whom to? 'Achia, the Mullet ffh- A-chi amata , aJv. at call, within Call, at hand, within bearing. * A-chiapp6ne, adv. as it were crecpingly on ones buttocks. < A-chigfa in campanile, adv. a frange way in jumbling of a wench. Achillèa, hob Yarrow, AU-heal, Nofc-blecd, or Milfoilc- Achillèe, images of nailed men wrefling or frugling. Achinéa, a Haclfficy Nag- A-chiccdole, adv. as A lumaca, fnail-wifc, as a pair of fairs. Achinare, as Acchinare, lo bend or bow down. Acbmo j as Acchmo, enc lined , bowed, ftooped. Achirade, nóme di hérba , a binde of herb. A-chi tócca ? on whom lights it? whofc lot or turn is it ? A-cbi tocca Tuo danno, at bispcrill be it on whom it lights. A-cbiunque, to whom fever. A-chiunque mòdo, bowfoever. A-chiulì ócihi, blindfold, hoodwin^. Aciaccare, AciàccojW* Acciaccate, to (foil, to defray. Addio, A dale, as Acciaio, feel. Acialare, as Acciaiare, to feel. Accialino, as Acciaivólo, a feel to (tribe fin- Acciavattdre, as Ciabattale, to botch, patch, m bungle. Acicula, a Horn-ffh, a Hoin-batb. > Acidale-pei e, a binde of Pears . Aciddlia lampa. Acidari, a Babylonion hat j as Cidari. Addire, difeo, dito, as Acetare, to mope or become fowre. Acidità, Acidézza, as Acetofità, (Jjarpncffc, fowrcncjfe. 'Acido, as Acetófo, fha-p, fowre. Acidula, a binde of water, that as wine, mabes them dumb l ^ at dfvnb of it. ‘ A'cic, the edge or point of any weapon', ab"o the front of an Army or of a Bat¬ tili. ACO Aciliaca, an Ague proceeding of corruption of humours. * A-ciélo apèrto, adv. in the open aire, in the flar-ebamber. A-cilófto , Andare a ciloft’o , to go fteep, fiori, fart, or fyfe. Acilóne, the maft òr acorn of the H'ulver or Ilex tree. Acime, adv. by tops, wrought with tops or ends, A'cino, as A'ccino, a grape-f one ; alfo an herb libe B a fill , that nevtr beareth flower. Acinólo, as Accinófo, full of grains oY Jfccy- ncUs. A-cinta, A-cintola, adv. idly, as one holding his thumbs under his girdle. Acipenfero, as Accipenléro, a binde of fifh, fome tabe it for a Sturgeon. A-circa, adv. about, concerning• * Acirologia, an improper fpecch or deferì- ption j as one fhould fay, thefe ears flaw him, and thefe eyes heard him . 'A co, as 'Ago, a needle. * A-còda ri tea, adv. with an up or (tiff-(land¬ ing tail i idef - A-códa di róndine, adv. libe a Swallows tail } alfo a binde oj enchafing of fones in Mafomy. Acolaito, a prodigali:, riotous , lecherous, fwaggeiing companion. - Acolito, a rcfolutc man , one that will not be brought from an opinion, heady, he-id- ftrong, ftu'oborn, (lif-nccbcd ; alfo he that miniflcrs to the Pricft while ft he fayetb Majfc ; alfo he that hath the change to Light and (et up the lamps or candles in a Chirrch, or that beeps Church-lights. A-cóla, adv- glcwifhly, wrought or faftened with glow. A-cólpo difpada, adv. with theftrobeof a Sword or Rapier . A-comco, adv. with a binde of wide fkeves, as the Senators of Venice life to wear. A-compagma, in company or confort , as partners. A-comparare, to compare together. A-comparatione, in companfon. A-compallo, adv. levili, made by compaffc, or by line and meafure. A-compiaciménto , A-ccmpiacénza , adv. at will and plea fire . Adempiménto, adv. fully, at fall, in com¬ pitai manner . A-compitare, to (peli , or read diflinclly. A- compito, ad v. JpcUingly , diftinttly, jyllablc by fyllablc. A-cóncio, adv. as A-buon cóncio, hand- fomely. A-concorrénzi, adv. in competency . A-confórto, adv. at the perfwaflnn. Aconiàrejizi Coniare alfo to bdhty in Ar¬ mo' y. Acóniij billeliesin Armoiy. Acònito , wolvts-bane , or Libbards- banc. A-confciénza ritta , adv. with an up¬ right confciencc 5 by metaph: A-còda ritta. » A contemplatone, adv. at therequefl, or for fome bodies fube. < Acóntia, a binde of blasting St arre or fiery impreflinn in the Aire , that (habe'h or brandijheth like a Spcarc or Dart with great fwiftneffe j alfo a binde of ve-y fwift-glidmg Serpent o[ a greemfh co¬ lour , which the Latines call Jaculum, for fo much as from off any high tree he will dart and fling himfelfc upon any be a ft he feeth to pajjc by him , and be¬ ing on the ground , if he meet with any refiftance,hc will fiddenly twinebimfclf fo faft about the body of his adv erf ary, that he blUeth him. _ ACCI A-conto, adv. as A-buon cónto in part of paimcnt. * A-contradio, A-contrario, A-contrapélo, adv ro the contrary, againft the hair or byajje , arfieverfie. A'copo, A'copa, abrade of ‘flotte ufed Ply- flcally alfo a binde of herb ; alfo a Me¬ dicine, a Piai ft er or an Ointment to cure wearmefje or feeblencffe of the body. A cornaggine, as Accorataggine , grief, vexation or fmow alfo a fob from the heart . » A-córda, adv. by line and meafure . A còrna, the Thi ft le Mars-blood. A-cornétto, adv. a binde of inoculating. Acoro, the frveet Cane , or (as fome fay ) the great Ga/ingale or falfe Calamus. A-coróna : Loc\ Tagliare arbori. - A-corpo a-corpo, adv. body to body. A-córpo di cavallo, bodied 1^ a horfe 5 alfo within the length of a horfe■ » A-córfa, adv. on the fpitrté or full (peed, : rmningly. * Acorr’-huomo, adv. Hue ami cry for help. A-coitell.. zzo, adv. Véfte de dònna con màniche a-cortcllàzzo. A-cólla , adv. fulling, flanb-wife , near e unto. Acoltdre, as Accollare, to come near unto. *A-coltdta, adv. by, or near ones fide. A-cotrui- tempo, adv. in this mans time. Acovare, as Covare, to hatch, to brood, to covare over. - A-cóvo, adv. hatching alfo fitting in her form as a Hare doth. Acqua, any Iftnde of water. * Acqu’abbóndo, water abounding. * Acqua ardènte , burning water, A quii- vite. * Acqua-bollènte , boiling, or fealding wa¬ ter. - Acqua-benedctt3, Holy-water. ■ Acqua-corrènte, running water. ■ Acqua-corsia, running tauter. Acqua- d’A'ngioli, a binde of flweet water. Acqua di fiume, river water. Acqua di latte, clarified whey. Acqua di màr e, Sca-watcr j alfe Sca-watcr green. Acqua di véna, fpring-water. Acqua-d’odóre , Acqua-odorófa , fweet- fmeUing water. Acqua-d’órgio, Acqua-orgiàta, barley-wa- tcy. Acqua-ferrata, Smitbs-watcr, wherein iron bath been quenched. » Acqua-irolat3, Refe-water. Acqua- fòrte. Aqua-fort is, ftrong-tfrtter. Acqua-maéftra , the Mother of Saltpeter, Mafler- water. Acqua-mamle, an Ewer or (pout-pot to give water with. * Acqua-marina, Sea-water j alfo a pre¬ cious (lone, called a Berill or Sca-water- flonc. Acqua-mòrta, any dead, (landing or [till wa¬ ter, any (landing pòol by met: a clofc, a fly or a lurking fellow, as we fay, a ft ill Sow. Aqua-nànfa, fweet-wafking water. * Acqua-odorófa, oderiferous water. Acqua-orgiàta, as Acqua-d’órgic. Acqua-pioggiana,Acqua-piovàna, any rain¬ water. - Acqua perpetua , Acqua-quéta, Acqua* ftante,^ Acqua-móna, (landing water. Acqua-rófa, any binde of Rofe-water. Acqua-fama, Holy-waer. * Acqua-ftillàta, Acqua-ftillaticcia, anydi- ftiUed watcis, namely ftrong- waters . Acqua vite, water of life, Aqua-viti « A equa-vi va, running fpring- water. Acquagliàre, to curdle as milb . C_ A caua- A C Q ACR ADA Acquagliófo, curdy, full of curds. Acquàia, as Acquàzza, apiafro / puddle of water. Acquàio, Acquato, a common fewer, a gutlc, or fink to convey water away, any wa- tenjh place', at Jo a great Cl [tern (or wa¬ le, 3 alfo by met: the South wind, for that it bringeth rain. Acquaivoie, water-bubbles,blifters, or wind- galls full of water 3 namely m fome horfls, watcrifr. Acquaivoie herbe , all maimer of herbs or weedsgiowtng by or in the water. Acquaivólo, ns Acquarvólo. Acquare, to water. Acquarella, any little water, brook or rivu¬ let ; alfo any thin walcnfr matter running from fores. •Acquarèllo, Acquarvólo, Acquiro, Ac¬ querello, alimac of chink made of wa¬ ter put into the prejfcd grapes , after the wine is prefjed out 3 alfo an ewer or (pout- pot to give water withy alfo that which Painters cull wafh or w at ef colours- Acquarono, watcrifr, lafting of tlx water ! living in the water, horn under Aquarius. Acqua io, one of the Twelve Signer in the Zoil ack, called Aquarius. Acquarvólo, a water-man, a water-bearer j alfo as Acquarèllo 5 alfo as Acqua Urino. Acquaftnno, Acquàtile , Acquatico, Ac¬ quaiolo, Acquarvólo, Acquaticcio, Ac¬ quatto, that is bed, that liveth, or g'Oivclh in the water , that it of the na¬ ture, quality or tafie cf water i alfowa- verifh, plaflri, fenny, moor.fr , or mcift , or full of water. Acquarèllo., a frode of frefr-water ffr 3 alfo as Acquarèllo. Acquatico,/?* Acquafhmo. Acquattane, 4 watering, an inundation of waters- Acquato, Watered, as Acquarèllo. Acquattate, Quatcàre, to fquat err cowre down. • Acquattato, fquatted down. Acquazzare, to rain or fhowrc down with vioUnce, and therewithall to overflow the fields , and caufc land- floods, (loughs or pLfrcs. - Acquazzo , Acquazzóne, Acquàrio, a land-flood, a deep plafh, fl mgh or puddle of water 3 alfo a great ram or violent flinwrc caufing fome inundation > alfo a fmk where waters are cad. Acqu3Zzóìo, pl.ifby, wattrifr. 'Acque d’ un cavallo , wind-galls in a horfe. Acquedótto, Acquidóccio, Acquidótto, a water-conduit or pipe. A'cqueo, watery, watcrifr, water-bred , of the nature, quality or tafie oj watery alfo water-colour. Acquério : Look Acquazzo. Acquerèllo, a drink made of grapes after they a e prefed. a fatali or thin wine. Acquetare, Acquietare, Acquiéfcerc, èieo, ct'céi, efciuto, Acromànte. Acromàtici, libri d’Aiiflóciie. • Acroinancia, lpécic di Divinatióne. -Acromco, Acronido , Acronicamémo, voce Agronòmica,ciò c diremo principio della nòtte. A cròmi 0, a pa t of the (haul dee- blade m a man, bunching out , which rcceivnh the milfrmes into it. • Acronifmo. Acróre , as Acrezza. • Acróitichi, con che gli Antichi dicévano lunghe fenténze. • AcrotétOjformàto fu l’impófie, ed Acro- téri de frontifpicii. Acròme, as Agi urne, &c. - A die, afrindeof black cherries. Aculia, as Agi glia, &c. an Obelufr A-cuijto whom, whom to. Acuino, a Horn-ftfr, a Horn-back. Acuire, ìfco, ito, te make (harp pointed. Acuità, as Acutezza, frarpnejje. Aculeàre, to prick ft iT1 g- Aculeo, a (ling, a pack. » A*cuIo-*fcopéiro, A-cu!o-a!zàto,adv. bare- ars'd , bj m c.: franteli(ly, with open tail. Acume, frarpnejje 0} witor fight . Acuminare, to make or become (harp-point id', alfo to whet cr fra)pen ones wit 5 aljo to fet in full view of all. A-cuore, adv. to heart, by iole, by heart. Acuraco, as Accurato, accurate, ve>y ex¬ it#. Acutamente, adv. acutely, frarply, wit¬ tily. A cut’- angele, a frarp angle or corner. Acutare, to make frarp pointed. Acutezza, acute, frarpnrfje, vivacity of fight, fubtilty of wit, ms afro taken for vi oh nee. Acuto, acute, frarp pointed, by met: mge- motts, witty, politick , fibule 3 it is al ft taken fo, a malignant and violent dif¬ ese. Ad, 4 P repofuionof the Dative Cafe , unto, or tu', aljo before any Infinitive Mood b,- girming with a vowed, to, for , for-, to as Adamare, to love, for to love. - Ad-acconcio, adv. handfomly, flatly, con- venienity, opportunely. Adacquatile, that maybe watered. Adacquamento, the watering of grounds. Adacquare, to water grounds or gardens, metaphorically it is a/Jigned to tears. Adacquato, watered, having plenty of water. Adaduncphófio, a precious ft one that hath ; its name of the Kjdmys. Adagiare , to eafe , to flttle at cafe, to accommodate or (it with ncceffaries, afro from et ime s to loiter. Adagiaumcnte , adv. eafily 5 as Ada- gio. Adagio , adv. at cafe , hifurely, fair and gb, or a witty Saying \ alfo a cunvcnitncy of any thing, - Ad alcun conto, adv. by any means, afro by no meant. Adamante , an Adamant-ftom J ufld afro for a Diamond. Adamintida, an Ierb in Armenia, that nafrs Lions, ifu be Uni near ibim, to lofi then ftrtngtb, and fall to the ground will? their jaivs wide «pin. Adamantino, adamant,ne, diamanline J by met: ft cm, hard-hearted, inexorable. Ad-ambc mani, adv. with both hands', by met: m ve, ygood carucft. Adami, a flnde if Ducks or irigeons. A-danàri lecchi, adv. with ready chitfr with ready money. Adana, as Adena, as Adéllo. A-danda, adv. a frmdeof dividing in Aiitlt- metick- Adàre , to be aware of or circumfrecl, to fo free, to forccaft. Adàrca, a certain beaftthat liveth in wa¬ re, fr places i alfe a kmdc rf Cane or Reed called Calemàchne. Ad-arma-còllo , with armed neck ; afro in bawdifre manner , 04 nun wear belts or sk-i frs over their frouldcrs and under one arm 3 afro hugging or coding about the neck very bard. Ad-artc,adv. expnfly,purpofely. Adafpràre, as In3lprire, to cxa(bcrate. Ad-alTai, adv. by much, by Jarre , much fede. Adafiiàre, Adattare, to fp:te,rovex, tou ge or provoke', afro to (hive or contend , toemy. Adaithmcnro, A d'a ft io, Adàfto, fpite, ; an¬ con j vexation, flrife, contention , envy. A-data p, eféntium,/rM0 thispreflnl date. A (fattaménte, adv. aptly , fitly, Jut ably. Adst amento, anaptmfrr, fitnejfe, or futc- klencjjc unto any thing. Adattare, to adapt or fit unto, to futt one thing with another. Adactatióne, Adattazione, a fitting or fa¬ ting unto. Adatto, apt, jilted unto, prepared for. Adberfare, r - ADD Adberfare, to (prinltfe , to ajpergc, to be¬ dew. Adberfacióne, a fprinkfing* a {p eY & in li a bedewing. 'Adda, nóme di radice, the name of a root. Adda ce, a fonde of Roe-buck hi Africa. Addagiare, as Adagiare, to cafe, to fettle , to accommodate. Addanaiato, moneyed, full of money j alfoas Indanaiato, jfotted, (pedaled- Addire, as Adire, to perceive, or be aware of j alfo to become well or be fitting 3 alfo to be addiCtcd unto. Addato , finable, beftemed , fitted j alfo ad- dr tied or given unto. Addebolire, lifeo, lito, to enfeeble , to wea¬ ken. Addecimare, as Decimare, to tithe, to take the Tenth. Addegnare, to make worthy , to dignifie > as Degnare, to daign. Addémmo, as Avedémmo, we forefaw. Add empimento, an accompli foment. Addempire, pifeo, pito, to accomphfh, to fulfill. AddenfaraéntOj a condcnfing. Addeniarc, to thicken, to condenfe. Addentare , to catch hold of, to feife upon with ones teeth, to bite, to pinch , or bite with the teeth as a Dog doth, a Deer, ora Hare 5 alfo to pinch, or fiiip with pincers or /nippers > by met: to indent any work 5 al¬ to engrail or indent in armory. * Addentato, toothed,bitten', pinched or feifed upon with teeth 3 alfo fiupped or pinched', alfo'indented or engrailed > alfo made in¬ denture-wife. Arma addentata, an en¬ grailed coat of arms. v Addentellare, Adente\\àre,tounderprop,to undcrjhore, to fupport, or bear up any thing 3 among Mafons or Bricklayers it is properly to leave /tones or ends of pieces of Timber, jutting out in unfinifhed buildings,that they may the eaficr be continued and fini/hed 3 alfo to lace with F landers bone-lace. Addentellate pox 6 \c,fnappi(b,mordant, quip¬ ping, (harp words. Addentellato, underpropped, widcrfbored, alfo outfitting as an unfinifhed building j alfo laced with bone-lace. Addefcare, as Ad efedre, &c. to bait,to en- ticei * Addeftare, to awaken or rew^e up. * Addeftrare, the word is eompo/cd of De- ftriére, and fignifies properly to wait or at¬ tend about the fervicc of Princes when they ride j others will bave it to come from Dé- ftra, the right band, and to fignificto place, to be or go on the right hand of one j by met: handfomelyto fit , or with dexterity to accommodate unto ; a!fo to ficond, to ap¬ plaud, or to footb up ones humour 3 alfo to tame or bring one to his bent and pleafure, to teach, to inftruCt. Addeftratóre, one that attended), waitetb or goeth by a Prince or Noblemans fide as his F.fquire. Addì, A-dì, adv. in, or on the dayes. Addiacciate, to freeze, to become ice 3 by met: to be mm with cold . Addje&ivo, an AdjeClivc. Addietro, adv. behindc,backward. * Addiraanda, Addimandagióne , Addi- mandanza, Addimandita, Addimanda- ménto, a demand , a queftion , a petition. Addimandance, as Domandante, an asker, a travet, a petitioner. Addimandare, as Domandare, to a Addicamene, a pomtingwith ones finger. Additare, to point at with ones finger, to fisew or demonflrate any thifig. Addicatóre, one that points with the finger, or (heweth any thing. Additévole, that may be pointed at. Additiónc, Addizzióne, an addition, an ad¬ junct, an augmentation. Addito, adv. to be pointed at, at ga\e, in view of all. * Additto, addicted,given unto. ■ Addiveniméne , as Avvenimento , a chance, a hap. * Addivenire, as Avvenire, to come by chance , or to happen, to fall òut unexpectedly. Addobbamene, Addobbo, an enrobing , cofily raiment, ornament , clighting , furni¬ ture or fetting forth. Addobbare, to array, to dight , to adorn with robes , furniture or coftly (luff: Look A- dobbare. Addocchiare, to eye, to view weU, to ga^ upon, to fix ones eye upon. ■ Addogare, to divide into panes or parti¬ tions, as fome arms or banners be : Look Dóga. - Addogato, paned or divided with long par¬ titions of /overall colours or (luffs, as arms or curtains be. Addogliare , Addolorare , to aggrieve, to addoloratelo afflict with grief. Addolcamene, Addolciménto, an appea- fing, a making milde, a fwcctning. Addolcare, Addolciare, Addolcire, eifeo, cito, to fweitcn, tu mitigate, make milde, to quali fie, to appeafe. - Addolorévole, Addolorófo, dolorous, fuU of dolour or pain. Addolorare, to grieve, to make forrowfuU, to breed pain. Addomànda, Addomandagióne , Addo- mandaménto , Addomandanza, Addo- mandica, as Addimanda, a craving, an asking a queftion. Addomandànte, ^Domandante, aerava, an asktr. Addomandatrice , the feminine of Addo- mandante. Addomandare, ^Domandare, to ask, or crave. Addosnenicare, to Sunday, to become Sun¬ day', by met: to trim and dreffe up for Sun dayes. Addombrare, as Adombrare, ovafhadorv, to fhade, to fhadow, to give a fludow to any thing. Addomefticare, as Domefticare, to make tame■ Addomefiic.ibile, as Domefticàbile, apt or fit to be made tame. Addonare, Adonadi , for one to vex or fret himfelf through rage and anger. Ad-oncia, adv. by ounces or inches. * Adóne, a fifh that hath a loud voice, and (Iccpcth on dry land , of a yellow colour , be- Jpeclrfed all oyer with fair green (pots 3 alfa the name Adonis 3 called alfo Efo- ccto. Adoneftare, to mal^e honejl 3 by met: by fome colourable pretence to cxcufe a foul matter. Adórno, the Adonis- flower. * Adonizziic 3 to play the wantoti, as Ado¬ nis. Ad-ónta, adv. in fright or reproach. Adontare, to fhame , to put to fbame,to wrong, to injure. Adontato, flhamed, reproached. Adoperaménto, Adoperatone, Adopra- ménto, any uflng , occupying, or employ¬ ing. Adoperante , Adoprante, uflng or occupy¬ ing 3 alfo that ufelb or occupied). Adoperare, Adoprare, to life, to occupy, or imploy in any work 3 in fig: neut; pali: to be imployed, to labour. Adoperando, Adoprévolc, that maybeufed or fcta-woil j. Adopcratóre, Adopratóre , an occupier, a doer. Adoppiare, as Addoppiare, as Alloppiare, to give Opium to mal^e one (lecp. Adoppiato, occupied 3 alfo as Alloppiato, laid afleep with Opium. A-dóppio, adv. doubly,twofold. Adoprare, as Adoperare, to malic life of, to apply to. Adbóra ad bora, adv. hour by hour. •Adorabile, worthy to be adored. >Adoraménto, Adoranza, Adoratone, ado¬ ration or woifhip, with action orgefiure full of humility and devotion. Adorando, Adorévole , Adoranvo, to be adored or w or flapped with humility and de¬ votion. -Adorare, is properly to reverence with aft s and gefheres full of humility and devo¬ tion. * Adoratone, as Adoraménto j alfo an ele¬ ction of Popes in the Conclave: which is when two parts of three of the prefent Car¬ dinals (lay not for a Scrutiny, but with one voice and corninone onfent, they all go and falute fome one Cardinali there prefent, and kneeling down before him, nominate, falute and adore him as Pope : Look Accettò. Adoratóre, an adorn, a worjhipper. Adorbaggihe, blindneffc. Adorbare, to blinde, to make blinde. Ad-órbo, adv. blindly, as a blinde man 3 by met: avrete (ly , hand over head. Adorcàre, to grub up the earth. Ad óreo, the glory and honour belonging to Corn ingenerali. * Adoréa, red■ bearded wheat. * Adornaménto, Adornatura, Adornézza, any ornament , adorning, flighting , trim¬ ming, cmbelhfhmcnt, or fetting forth. Adorévole, to be adored. Adorezzare, as Oreggiàre. Adormenrare, as Addormentare, to bring to M- Adornaménto, an ornament. Adornatamente, adv. adomcdly, trimly, with ornaments. Adornare, to adorn, to trim , to (light, to em¬ boli fh, or fairly [et forth. * Adornato, Adorno, adorned, trimmed , fairly fet forth, embelhjhed • Adornatore,^ trimmer,a dighter. Adornatura. ADU Adorncvole, adornablc, to be adorned. Adottare , as Addofiare, to lay on ones back- Adóilojadv.dj Ad dótto, on,or upon ones back, what one hath about ones body 3 by met: in ones minde. Adottaménto, Adottatone, Adoctióne, as Addottatene, an adopting. Adottare, as Addoctare, to adopt , to take one for his childe. Adottivo, the perfon adopted. Adottorare, as Addottorare, to take or give the degree of a Doti or. Adectrinare, as Addottrinare, to cndoctrine, to inftrud. Adoprare, as Adoperare, to life, to occupy or employ in any wo>k 3 t; fig: neut; pall: to be employed, to labour. Adrachne, as Arachnen. * Adraftia, the inevitable Law of Fate, or Revenger of arrogance and infvlence. A-dricto, A-drittiira , as A-dirmo, forth¬ right, levell , or point-blank. Adrizzare, as Adirizzare, to dinCt,addie(Je, raife up, to ftraigbteu. # Adro, as 'Atro, blad^, fwarthy. A-diia, A-due, Ad no, by two and two. Adudre, to double two and two. Ad vedérli, as Avvedérli ,to be aware. Advenntio, as Avventitio, a (hanger, one that is come to a place. Advénto, an Advent, a coming unto, the time of Advent. Ad verbialméntc, adv. adverbially » Ad vérbio, an Adverb. Adverfario, an adverfr/y. Adverlità, adverflty. -Advérfo, a dverfe, contrary. Aduggere, as Adluiggere, to fwallow with grecdineJJ'e. Aduggiare, as Adduggiàre, to meilien, to make humid 3 alfo to charm or to fore- fpeak, to overfhadow. Aduggiófo, as Adduggiófo, humid, fuM of moillnefe 3 alfo full of charms i alfo as Uggiolo ,fhady. Ad vicinare, as Avvicinare, to bringnear, to fet nigh.. Advilire, as Avvilire, to vilifle, to abafe, to deprefle or biing one low. Advincere, as Avvincere , to binde or tye fa(l. Advjnto, as Avvinco, bound, tycd fafl. Adulanza, as Adulatone, adulation, flat¬ tery, blanflifhment, fawning. Adulat e, to flatter, 10 bland (I), to claw back, to fawn upon, to cog withull . Adulataméme, adv. flatteringly. Adulatóre, a flatterci, a claw-hack- Adulatòrio, full of flattery. Adulndcej a flattering woman. - Adulévole, that may be flattered. Adulta, a woman marriageable. Adulterabile, Adulcerévole, adulterai,le. Adulteramente, adv. adulteronfi). Adulterarla , Adulteratióne , Adultera- ménto, adulteration 5 by met: falflfying of any thing. Adulterare, te adulterate, to commit adulte¬ ry', by met: to corrupt and falflfle. Adulterino,^»?» in adultery. Adultèrio, adultly, uncleanneffe of life, for¬ nication of married man ot woman. Adultero, Adulteratóre, an adulterer. Adulto, a young man marriageable by law. Ad-una, adv. with, together , in company', alfo at once 5 alfo by one. Ad una ad-una, one by one. Adunaménto, Adunanza, Adunata, Adu¬ natone , a gathering of one by one, an afl'embly. Adunare, to gather one by one, toafj'emble. Ad-una vóce, adv. with one voice or conferit, With full agreement. AER Aduncire, to bend or make crooked. Adunco , crooked, bending as an Ragles beak. * Adun«vole, that maybe aflembled. Adunghiare, to feifeon with ones claws, Ad- iino ad-uno, adv. one by one • Adunque, adv. then, therefore. Ad-un tràteo, adv. at once, at a 6aft. A-duo a-duo, adv. by two and two. Advocire, as Avvocare. Advocaco, as Avvocato. A-duólo, adv. in mourning manner. * Aduréme, hardening, obdurating, or grow¬ ing hard from. * Adame, ritto, rito, to hai den. ’ Adurico, hardened, obdwrated. Ad-ulanza, ad-iifo, adv. according to ufe. Adufàre, to accuftome, to enure. Adattare, Adulliars, to fcorch , to parch. Aduttibiie, that may be parched or Jcorchcd. Aduftióne, parching, fcorching. Aduftivo, aduftivc, burning , parching. Adatto, adu(t,ftorched, parched. Aducco, as Adotto, induced or brought unto 3 alfo a He aged or produced. Aè, as Ha, Oh 3 an exclamation. Aélio, a kinde of Hawk' A elio, the name of a Dog 3 Tempefl, or whirl- wind-, orAélla. Aerate, to aire , to weather. 1 Aere , the element Aire 3 by met; the afleCt , the countenance, or cheer in the face of man or woman 5 alfo a k-nde of wood good to make oars with. Aèreo 3 airy, of the aire . Aeróide, a precious (tone of a iky-colour . Aeróne, a Herron. Acromance, a Diviner by the idre. Aeromancia, Divination by the aire. Aerófo, airy, full of aire ; by met; checrfull in afpe£l , full of countenance. * Aefcaméntp, as Adeicaménco, any baiting, by met: any mticement or allurement. - Aefcare, as Adefcare, to bait a hook', by mec: to intice, to allure. Actite, a (lone found in an Eagles nefl 5 ufed alfo for Borax. 'Afa, a foultiy or faint heat, when the Sun is overcaft with clouds, prefagmg fome lin¬ fe afov able weather ', by met: tcdioufncfjc or wearinefle of time, or moleflation and anxi¬ ety of minde. Afaca, the Pulfe called Vetches or Fetches. A-faccia a-iaccia 3 adv. face to face, over againft. A-tame, adv. by famine or hunger. * Afànno, as Affanno, denvedof A'fa. A-fare ? Afarelia, Is it fop then do your worft. A- fatica, adv. hardly , with much labour. ’ A-fatOj pi operly faid of all fruits or graffe, that being nipped with froft or hindreel by excefflve beat, cannot come to any perfe¬ ction or naturali goodneffe. Afato,adv. at all adventure, as it happens, by chance. A-fatto, adv. wholly and altogether . A-fatuzzo, as Aftettatiizzo. A-fc, A-féde, adv. in good faith. ■ Afcréli, as Aftercli, a figure in Khetorick which taketh a letter or fyllable from the beginning of a word. A-fèrri, adv. a word encouraging others, as one would fay,To it luftily , (Inke, grapple and f'ear not 3 alfo elafe grappled and at handy blows. A-fèrro, adv. to the fword. A-férro di cavallo : Look Briglia. A-fèrro e fuòco, adv. to fire and fword. A féliolo, adv. a kinde of engreiffìng . A-fettónc, adv. leaf-woik, foliadgc. A-fétte, adv. by flices, by collops. - Affa, asAfa, thence Affanno. Affabile , affable, courteous , gracious, __ nitide \ A F F mil de m ctmverfation . Aft'abilire, lifco, lito, to make or become af¬ fable or courteous. Affabilità, affability, Ifindc courteftc. Agibilmente, adv. coihtcoufly, with affabi¬ lity. ■ A ffacccndàre, to embufie with affairs. Affaccendato, embufied with affairs. Affaccia aftaccia,adv. faceto face. Affacciare, to face, to (hew ones face, to come before ones face, to bring or come face to face j to outface 5 alfa to appear or (hew bimfelf out of farne plate or window. Affacciataménte, adv. ^Sfacciatamente. Affacciato, as Sfacciato, impudent, frame- Uji. Affacchinarli, fa become a porter 3 by met: to become a drudge or of baje condition. AftacendAre, as Affaccendare, to embufie with affairs. Afficendato , as Affaccendato , embufied with affairs. Affacere, as Affare. * A dicevole, gracious and fccmJy. - A ffacevolezza, gracious or feemly comcli - «#• Affagianir e, to en-pbeafant by met: to be¬ come a minion. Affaiciic, is propt’ly when a horfc (lops and ftayes upon hu hinder parts. Affaldare, dj Faldare. Affaldatur3, as Faldatiira. Affiliare, as Fallare. Affamare, to fami fa, to (larve. Affamatico, greedy, as hunger-ft arved. * A ft'a m a to, famtftjtd, ftarved. * Affarryuuzzo, a poor ftarveltng, afamifacd wretch, a hungry body $ by met: a lean face, a withered countenance. Affangire, to bemire, to bemud. Affannare, to enfarow, to grieve, to molcfl or perplex in made : Look 'Afa. * Affannato ,fuU of perplexity , farrowfull, prieved in minde. Affannatóre, a perplexcr,a farrow- caufer. Affanno , vexation, trouble, or perplexity of minde: Look At a. * Affannóne, one that without caufc will caie and trouble himfclf with other mens mat¬ ters. Affannófo, fall of farrow and perplexity. A ffirdellàre, to cnfardle or truffe up. Affare,nome, any affairs or employment, bu- fintffe or negotiation alfa for a mans cflate and conditura. Affare, verbo, as (Tonfare, to be fitting, to agree with, to match , to make compa¬ rt fan. ■ Affarli, to befaem, or fate well together. Affannare, as Infarinate, fpnnkled with flowre. Affafciare, as Falciare, to fwathe, to binde T • Affjfcinamcnto, Affafcinatióne, as Fafci- natióne, bewitching with the eye or with an evil look • Affafcinate, as Fafcinare, to bewitch with the eye. % Affafgianare, as Affagianàrc, toempheafanr, by met: to become a minion. Affafteilàre, as Affardellare, to enfardle or truffe up. Affaffidire, as Faftidire, to anger, to be te¬ dious or troublefome. Affilare, as Fatare, to appoint to Fate, to deftmate Affatica, adv. hardly, with much ado- Affaticaménto, Aft'aticanza, bodily labour, laborioufacffe, pains taking. A fiancante, laborious , labour mg. Affaticare, to labour , to toil, to take pains. A ffaticato, labour cd, wearied with pain. Affacichévolc, labtur/ome, that may be la¬ boured. AFF Affaticófo, laborious, full of pain and labour. Affàcocchiamento, Aftàtucchiiménto, Af- facuramentOjU charming or bewitching. Aft'at occhiare, Aftàtucchiare, Affacurare, to bewitch, to charm. Aftatocchiatore, Affacucchiacóre, Affatura- tóre, a Sorcerer, a witch. Affatocchiéra, Aftatucchiera, Affaturicra, a Soccer effe, a Witch. Aftatocchiévole , Affatucchicvole, Affatu- rc vole, bewttchable, enchant able. Affatto affatto, adv. wholly, altogether. Affatucchiaménti , bcwitcbings , enchant¬ ments. Aflazzonamento, as Raffazzonaménto. Affazzonare ,cu Raffazzonare. Afte, Affede, adv. in good faiih. Affebbrare, to fall fickof tn Ague. Affidare, to truft, to affi:, to plight faith and troth , to enfeoff, or commit tots ufi, or in- fa effee. Afferei!, a figure in Rhetorick, which taketh a letter or fyllable from the beginning of a word. Affermagióne, Afterm.mza, Affcrmatióne, an affirmation 3 alfa an affixing unto- Affermare, to affirm ; alfa to affix unto. Affermacaménte , Affermativamente, adv. affirmatively. Affermativo, affhmative. * Affermatóre, an a (firmer. * A ftermazióne, as Affermagióne , an af¬ firmation. - Aftermevole, affirmable. Afferrante, graplnig or clinching’, by met: a hoife far fornice or for battcU. A Serramento, a putting in irons. ’Affertilire, to make or become fertile or fruitfull. Afferrare , to graple with, to graft?, to clinch, to gripe or fai fa on violentlyj by met: to arrive to a place, or to a bat bone. A ffettare, to affi ft or de fire ; alfa tofaew af¬ fa flat ion 5 alfa to imitate curioufly. Affettare, to flue, to cut in faces or coUops : Lo<\ Fétte. Affettatamente, adv. with curious affiflation, with anxiety. Affettatióne , affiflation, a defi/e of that which Nature hath not given. Affettato, affi fled, defatted', al fao full of af¬ fé flation in fpeech, in gefture or habits. I Aftettatiizzo, Affettatolo, a nicely conceited 1 fellow, an overweening or too much affé fled man, an effimmate gull. A 8 eaevo\e, affldable , to be affé fled. Affetrionàre , to affifltonate, to beat good will unto. Affetcionaciffimo, mn(l afftflionnied. Affettionàto, affeflionate, addicted. Affettióne, affiliion, as Affetto, an ea-neft longing afici a thing 3 alfa good will or afa feflion. Affettivo, aff.fiive. affittale. Affètto, affi fi, affiflion, a motive, a leve , a dtfpofition, a paffjon, or good wiU unto. Affetto, afflflcd, inclined, addiflcd ordijpo- fed unto. Affettuofamcnte, adv. affiflionately. Affettuofiffimamente. moff affiflionately. Affcttuófo , full of affiftum to follow the difpofitum and p affi on of another, affi SI to¬ nate, beatinggoed will. 'Affia, 'Affa, a Inde of fijh. ' Affiaccaménto, as Fiacchezza- • Aifiaccàre, Affacciane? as Fiaccare, to tire, to weaken. • Affiammagióne, an inflammation, • Affiammare, to enfiarne. • Affiammaco, eu flamed. • Affianza, a letting for fee. ■ A ffiare, to fee-farm 3 alfa to fee. Affiarare, to breathe, to draw breath. 1 • Affiato,/rtV, let for fee,fee-fa,mcd. AFF Affibbiagli, a buckfe, a latchet. Affbbiaménto, Affibbiatura, any buckling 0, cla(ping,alatchr,jg. Affibbiare, to buckle, to latchet. ■ Affibbiatolo, that part which buckles, or a buckling infhumcnr. A fiaccare, to affix unto. Affidànza , afflane e, truft j a!fao «(furante, fauretifiùp, bail, mainpnfae. Affidare, to affic, to truft unto, toaffurc, to bail, or be fur tty far. •Affido, allied by an undirtfi line, or a ba¬ ft ard. Affiebolire, to enfeeble. Affielire, hlco, lito, to ciigail, to cnbiiter. A ffiemre, mfco, nito, to become hay. Affievolire, lifco,lito, to enfeeble. Affic voi ezara, fecblcneffc, debility. Affiggere, figgo, fifli, fiflb, 10 affix unto. • A ffigliàre, to adopt as a proper childe. Affiorare, as Raffigurare. Affilare, to fain or reduce to thread 3 alfa to grinde or Jet an eetgeupon any cutting wea¬ pon or tool 5 alfa to put into files. Affilato , or made thread-, aljomade Jharp and keen', alfa put into files or ranks i aljo ftraight as a line. Affilanira, a (pinning, a tlrreading 3 alfa a grinding fbirp 5 ujed al fao far a girdle. Affilettare, to entrameli, toaifnare, to catch in a net', alfaoto ffueada fifhersnet, or lay it ab, oad to d>y . Affinaménto , a refining > alfao a ceafing or giving over. Affinare, Affimre, to refine, toceafae from or give over 3 alfaoto grinde m feta (harp edge upon anytooL Affinatóre, a Refiner alfao a Shear-gnnder. Affinemóndo, adv. to the worlds end. • A ffinchc, A ffine, to the end that. •Affine, Affino, an ally , a kinfaman by marriage, by bobtail, or by affinity. • Affimre, nifco, mto, ro fini Jh, to end. • Affinità, affinity , alliance by bobtail or mar¬ riage. ■ Affiocaménto , as Fafcinatióne 3 alfao hoar fen, ffe in (peaking. • Affiocare, as Fafcinare 3 alfao to make or become hoarfae 3 alfa as Fioccare. • Affiocatóre, as Fafcinatóre. Affioccaménte , adv. pell-mell, thick and threefold, as fanow doth Jail -, alfao dteop- ingly. Affioccare, as Fioccare. Affirm are, to affirm, to affix unto. Affirmatióne, as A ffermaemne. Affilaménto, an affixing unto. Affidare, to affix unto. Affiffióne, an affixing unto. Afflilo, affixed or faaftned unto 3 alfao a thing fixt to another, an affix. Affittagióne , Affittanza, Affittatone, as Fittagióne. Affittaiòlo, Affittarvólo, Affittatórc, Af- fittuàle, as Fittatóre. Affittare, as Ficcare. Affittévole, Afficcuàle, rentable, that may be rented, demifacd, letten, or farmed. Affitti , rents, revenues, profits of lands or houfaes. Affitto, adv. by, or for rent, in face-farm. Affittuario, of, or belonging to demifamg, farming, letting, or renting of lands. Affiubare, Affibbiare, to buckle, to latchet, to clajp. Affibbile, affiablc, that may be blown, brea¬ thed, hifpired,err filled with wind. .Afflare, to wjpire, to breathe in, or fill with wind. Afflato, breath or wind 3 al/o a breathing or infpiring. •Amato dallo Spirito Santo, infpired by the Holy Choft. Affliggere, fliggo, fliffi, fficco, to afflici . _ Afflittone , AF F AFF A FI Aftìittiónc, affli [lion, vexation, croffcs, grief of mindc. Afflittivo, afflittiti") that afflitteti? 3 fill of afflittion. Afflitto, afflitted, malefic d. * Afflofciare, as Flofciàre. * Affluenza , flowing unto , confluence j by met; abundance or plenty - Affluente, flowing unto , confluent. Affluire, ileo, ito, to flow unto 5 by met :to abound in wealth. - Affluitiidine, confluence. Affocare, as Affocare, as Focate, Affocaticcio, fiery 3 fubjcot to be ft on fire. Affocato, rfr Infocato. A^ffodillo, Affodéllo, the Daff'odill flower. Affogagginc, Affogaménto, a (lifting, a fmo- thiring j alfo a drowning. Affogare, to ftifle, to fmother , to deprive of breath, to choke? alfo to drown. Affogare di fete x to cholic with thirft. Affogare nella canapa, a phrafe among Cut- * purfes, that is, to be (lifted in bmp, or hanged. Affogare una fanciulla, that is, to marry a Maid ill. Affogarli nc’móccijprov: fpoJfcn of fuch as arc utterly dejetted in any leaft trouble or occafion. A foggiare, to fafbion or accnftome unto. Affollare, to blow, to pant, to gajp 3 the met: is taken from Folle, as Follare. Affollarli, to throng, preffe , or haften. Affoltaménto, A Abitata, a thronging or hud- ling up in heaps, Affolcita di parole, a thick hudling up of words. A Abitare, to grow or make, or become thick or bufhy, to crowd or thruft, or heap up thick together: Fólto ; by met: to haften, or to (peak hudlingly, thick andfaft. Affondaménto, Affondatióne, a finfling, a plunging or whelming to the bottomc. Affondare, £0 fink or plunge to the bottomc. Affondere, as Fondere. Affóndo, adv. to the very bottomc. * Affare flare, to cn fore ft, to m afe or become a foreft. Aftbril'mo, as Aphorifmo. Afford rare, to truffe or tuck up- Afforrificare, as Fortificare. ■ Affortificacione, as Fortifìcatióne. Afforza, adv. by force , perforce, forcibly. Afforzamcnco, an enforcement: a reinforce¬ ment. Afforzare, to force, tocompell, to re-in force or fortific with new forces, to gather or addc ft length unto. Affofcare, as Infofcare : Look Fófco. Affollaménto, as Infoffaménto, any ditch¬ ing or entrenching, a mating about. Affollare, as Info flare, to caditeli, to en¬ trench , to mole about : Look Follò. ■ Affollato, enditebed, moled about,intrench ed, diked- 'Affla, 'Afra, a binde of fifh. Affracallare, as Fracafiare. * Affralire, lifco, lico, to deprive of naturali (Ircngth or vigour, to weaken- Affralito, enfeebled, deprived of naturali vigour. * Affrancaménto, Afflancatióne, anenfean- chiflng or giving of liberty unto : Look Af¬ francare. ■ Affrancare, to cn franchi fe, to free, to fet at liberty ; alfo to take courage or heart of grafìe ; alfo to hearten or encourage others 3 alfo to ta^c or give the (lari to a horfe in the beginning of a race. "■ A frangere, Affragnere, to break , A in¬ fringe, as Frangere ; alfo as Affralire. Affranto, as Franto, flatted, craved. A ffrantiira, a breaking, a frattion, a erasing. Aftrappare, as Frappare. - Affi atarli, to become a Frier. Affratellanza, as Fratellanza. Affratellar fi, to become as brethren. Affreddagióne, as Infrcddagióne. Affreddare, as Infreddare. Aftreddato, that hath taken cold. • A Arenaménto, a bridling, a embing. Affienare, to bridle, to curb. ■ Affrenévole, that may be bridled or curbed- Affi eno, adv. bridled, in awe, in fear. Affréfco, Painters wafh or water-colours. • Affrcctaménto, Aftiettànza, a haftnmg, a hying. Affrettare, Affrezzare, Aftrezzolare, to haften, to makebafle or [peed, to hie. Affrettatamente, adv. ha fitly. Aftrectófo, Affrezzolófo, hafty. Affrica, coldlcfìè , or ever hot. • A ffricani, a \indc of dainty figs. Affrico, the Sonthweft and by Weft wind. Aftrico-Auftro, the wind Soutbweft and by South. Affricógna, a fluide of flowrc and bitter grape. AffViógno, a fort of grape. Aff ictellare, to fry as fritters. Affrittióne, as Afflittióne. • Afflitto ,ufed for Afflitto. Aff ollare, Affrollne, as Frollare. Affiodifciàco , a (ione, which being once heated , keepeth his beat [even dayes after. Affrontare, to font, to confront , to affront, to come or bring face to face 5 alfo to encoun¬ ter, to butt or jhock together 3 alfo to af¬ front, to outface, boldly to cheat, tocunny- catcbj or fetch one over, to ajjault inju- vioufly. Affi ornatóre, an affronter, an out facer, an infilling companion, a canter, a cheater, a bold loufentr. Aftrónte, adv. front, face to face , over a- gainft j alfo in regard, or in eomparijon. • Affiamo, Affrontagióne, Aftrentaménto, Affrontata, a fronting , a confronting i affo an affront, an infnìùng part , an inin¬ nows felting upon one 5 alfo aho'd impu¬ dent cheating of one, a coney-catching trick 5 among hunters it is taken for the fill of a Deer when he is fo emboffed that he can go no fir thee , and that without reftftance the hounds fall upon him. Affrufl are, to fufh, to break 0f fiver in pieces 5 alfo as Frullare. Affruffo, adv. by fhivrrs, fmfbingly, piece¬ meal- Aiflu firare, as Fruftrare. Aftumare, Affumicare, to befmokc,tn fume, to d-ry or blote in the fmokc as Bacon or Bio te- herrings. Affamate, BÌotc-hcr rings, df d Sprats or Pilchards. Affumicaménto , Affumicatióne , Affumi¬ cata, a bcfmi'king , a fumica lion. Affuocare, as Affocare. Affuriare, as Infuriare. Affilare, to Ipindlc, to make fmall as a (pin- dlc , to (pin upon (pindles 3 by met; to fhafi, to (hank- Aftulellare, Aftufolare, to ftrctch as Cloth- workers do their clothes upon tenters, 0; as Painters their canvafe to paint upon ; alfo as Affufare. Affulellato, [pun upon a [pindie , ftrctched hard, made or become Jpiny, fmall or like a (pindle 5 by met: fprucc, (mug, or neatly trickt up, as it were a fine (pindle. - Affufellate gambe, [pindle [hanks. Affufiare , to (lock ai, y (hooting piece > t0 mow,it Ordnance, to fit any weapon with a- (lock or ft aff. * A'fia, a fluide of fifh. A-fidanza, upon, or in truft. A-fiacca collo, adv. to the utmefldanger,even to the breaking of ones neck. ù A- figura, adv. according to any figure or /imi¬ ti tude’, alfo figure-work. A-ti la, adv. in files or ranfi, in rows or or¬ ders , as Soul tiers march. A filare, as Affilare. A-fil di lpàda, adv. to the edge of the fword. A-filo , adv. lev ell, by line and mea- flurc. - A-filo a-filo, adv. thread by thread j by met: cur ion fly, prccifdy. A-fini-móndo, adv. to the worlds end. A-fióri, adv. flowery in armory 3 affo flower- wo alfo to fnatch, to grate, to gripe or grapple j by ente. to tiepic with clawing orfcratchmg', alfo to curry-favour and flatter, to enchain or imptifen. * Aggravabile, that may be aggravated. Aggravarli, to become weighty. Aggravare, to aggravate, to aggrieve,to ixag- gerati',alfi to harden as Pharaoh’*/;&Df was. Aggravio, AG G Aggravio, Aggravaménto , aggravation) grievance , a burthening. Aggravófo, grievous, burthenfome. Aggregaménto, Aggregane, Aggregatio¬ ns A ggregdto, an aggregation , a trooping or fiochjag together , affembly. Aggregare, to aggregate, to fiorii or troop to - gether. Aggreggiare, to enflocl{, to entro op. * Aggreilìóne, an aggrcffion, an encounter , alfo as Agucchia, A guglia, Cricchia, or Guglia. The plurali is 'Agora. Agoa pómo, Agoda pomello, abeadedpin, a pin with a head. Ago da lacchi, a packneedle. A go- vuòto, an empty needle s lanciar un ago per haver un pàlo,fo throw away a little jor have a great deal. ' A-góccia,adv. droppingly, by drops. ■ A-góccia a góccia, drops by drops. * Agocciare, to drop, to trill. * A^occiolàre, to drop, to trill. Ago ge,a trench that Myners make to drain the waters that they meet withall under ground. Agognante damma, a Doccmbofl. Agognanti càni, dogs panting and Tilling out their tongues with wearinefs. Agognàre, to wifh, to covet or long for with great fighing and anxiety', by met: to embofs as a Deer, or to pant and HU out the tongue as weary dogs doe. Agogno, carne (l cork or care of milule,fighing - ly longing for. 'Agola, afrefh-water fifh like a Herring', forre take it for the Needle-fifh. - A-góla liefa, adv* yawningly, with a wide open throat. Agolpire, pifeo, pito, to become Fox-like ', by met: to becomefubtile and crafty. Agoluppàrc, as Golappàrc. Agolùppo, as Goluppo, Agomicciolàre, as Goluppàre. Agomicciolo, as Goluppo. - Agomitola-dccia, a yarn-winder. Agomicolàrc, as Goluppàre. * Agonàli giuochi, games and plays that were ailed in Agóne comb ales. A gone, a place in Rome to ride horficsin, now caUed Piazza navona itifed alfo for a Camp, a Battili , a Combat j alfo thefuperlativc of Ago j alfo m AgoU. Agonia, as Angonia. Agoniàre, Agonizzàre, as Angonidre. Agoniófo, as Angoniófo. Agoni Ida, a Champion , a publick fighter, Agonizzànte, as Angonizzdnte. Agonizzàre, as Angonidre. Agóno, the fifh' A gola. Agónta, an ancient Coyn in Italy. A - gónzo,/? kf in d of broad,wi de, &fide- flecves, as our Doftors,Aldermen of Lond.Maftcrs of Arts and chief Citir^ens have to their Gowns. 'Agora. Look Ago. A gorgogliare, as Gorgogliare. Agoféllo, as Aguféo. Agoftàne, Auguft-plums. Agoftànojrt?? ancient coin of Auguft.ra Ro % me. Agófto, Aólto, the monetb Augaft. Agotile, nóme d’uccèllo. *Agozzét»o,Agozzino, is properly an inward choice friend,minion, or fervane to a Prince _ P _ or AGR AGU AGU or Lord, whom he ufeth as meet, and im¬ ploseti} as an inftrum nt to execute any WU!( d defign or mifebief be it to cor¬ rupt the Laws, or aft any uni aw full thing', yea be it to afjault , to badmado, or to mur- tber any man ; fonte (not undemanding the propriety of the word ) life it for a Provofi Mar (ball, a Surveyor of good orders ', fome others for a Captain over Gaily-(laves, an Executioner of pun-foments, ora Beadle to whip folks , A gracchiare, ns Gracchiare. A gradare, Agradne, as Gradire. A grado, adv. acceptable,in g od worth ergrcc. Agrimonia, as Agrimonia. Agranchiare, as Aggranchiare. • A- grand’ agio,adv. at great cafe ordeifuYC • Agrandellàre, as Randellare. A-gran fatica, adv. with much labour. A-gran giornata, adv. by great journeys. * A-gran palio, adv. a gnat pace. A-gran péna, adv. hardly , with much pain . A-gran pizzo, adv. by a great deal. A-gran córto, adv. vr-y won:fully. A*gran vóce, adv. with a loud voice. Agraria, of or pci taming to lands «> fields. Agrài ia légge, a Law anciently made in Rome for the distributing of lands amongtbe people. Agrario, a fold-man, alfo a favourer of the Law Agraria. A-gratia, adv. in grace or favour. Agratiare,ro grace or favour. Agranato, graced i afa gracefull- A graticciare, at Aggraticciare. A gravaménto, as Aggravaménto. A gravare, as Aggravare. Agrài io, as Aggravio. Acrèdine: Look Agre (lézzi. Agregàre, as Aggregare. Agregatiónc,<« Aggregation. - Agre Ilare, to ma\e or become eager , (harp. or ( owte , l-ke Vertjuice made of unripe g-ap s,to enfow/c. ' Agreftaca , Agretti!» , a hfoide of firmi fawce made of Jowre grapes , (pices and Crums of bread. - Agt ilio,' Agtico i of,o , r pertaining to the fields and count) ey rurali, ru(iicall,clowni(h', tifo a count)ey Swain,or upland (b man. - Agrelbzza,Agrédine, Agrezza, eagerrufjc, (ha-pncjfc, fowri nejfc , tartnejje. • Agre lima, as Agreilacaj alfo goofeb cnic s. * Agreftino, fowefo, fomewbat eager. Agretto, Agréila , unripe grapes j alfo di¬ liger or vertj nice made of Jowre grapes', alfo e.'ater-cnfjts, iVater-homs, or Nofe-fmart} by met: a fowrc, eaggr, grim, furly , rude, clownifl) fUow,alfo grudge, malice, i IL-wiU. Agre Ho chiaro, clear vert juice. Agrétto intiéro, unripe grapes, berberries or goof cherries ufed whole in fawces , or to fet out difoes. Agrétto , fomewbat tart or fowefo ’, alfofowrt wigg or butter-milk } elfo uater-crejfes or Nofe-fmart. A gn vare, as A sgravare. Agr.zza: Look Agreftézzj. 'Agrico : Uck Agtéftc. Agi icola, Agricoltóre,Agricultóre, a plough¬ man, a husbandman, a field man. Ag icol ura, Agricultura, liHagcfotobandry, ploughing. - A-grida, A-grido, adv- with open or full oy , by a common cryer, by proclamation. A-gridodi pòpolo, adv. after, or upon the hue and cry of the people. Agi f lio, t) c Holly or Hulver tree} alfo the wyt'- e or ip How c-.lled Park haves, Abra- bams-ba!m,thc C/uft or Hemp-tree, in La¬ tin. A nws Callus. Agrimenf 'r , a mcafurer or furveyor of lands o fields. g m nii herb Ag imonjor Liver-wort ..I/o giimimy , tartnejje, or foaipnejfe upon th ton ue. Agrimonio. tart, an.l biting the longue. Agrinciàre,iw Aggrinzare. 'Agrio, as Agrétte j aljo the wilde or field Spikenard. Agrtone, the field or Horfi radifoi alfo a kinde of Nitre- ■ Agripalma, the herb Mother-wort. • Agriophagi, people that feed on Panthers or Lions. Agnppa, a child e bo,n with his feet foiward } aljo a wilde Olive. - Agrippina, a kinde of meat or fiwcc pro¬ voking lu(l and lechery. Agrire, rilco, rito, as Agreftare. • Agrizzire, as Aizzare. Agro, eager, fowrc, fharp or tart upon the tongue ', alfo vertjw.ee or alegar > alfo a field in generali ; alfo the Southwefi wind, as Garbino j alfo a furly, boifierous, rude, churlfo, grim, or Jowre looking countenance> • Agro-dólce, both fweet and Jowre . Agropparc, ^Aggroppare. A gròtte, Dogs-gra/Je , Stitch-wort. ■ À-grotéfco, adv. rocky or Imskif-wOtk in Painting or Mafonry. Agrottire, as Aggrottare. Agrétto marino, a bird Ifot a Swan , that braycth like an Affé. ■ Agrumàre, Aggrumare, as Goluppdrc J by met: to ferape and hoard up together > alfo as Aggrottare le ciglia} alfo as Agreftare. Agrume, a generali name for all fowreneffe, namely of fruits, herbs and fawcesalfo as A grettézza } alfo frowning, Agruzzo, the frounce in a Hawk- Agruzzolare, to ferape as a Hen doth . Aguaglianza,<» Agguagliànza. Aguagliàre, as Agguagliare. - Aguaiamenco,Aguaio,tf?;j woe or affliction. - Agualire, «Agitane, as Guaire. Agualàre, as Agguagliare. Aguale, equal!, even, match • * Aguale, adv, now, even now , by and by. - Aguardare, as Agguarddre. ♦ A guardatura, as Guardatura. Aguardévole, regai dfill. * A guatare, vale méttere, éfiere, o ftdre in cqudto, as Guatare. * Aguatatóre , as Guatatóre , an infldioits Scout, one that tietb in ambifo. • Aguatévole, tnfidious, full of feciet deceits or ambi foes. » A guati, tnfidious turnings, wily fcouts, am- bufoes-, privy fcntinels. Aguatiare,/0 fqust or cowre down. Aguazzdre, as Guazzare. A-guazzaróni, adv. great , wide, long Vene¬ ti an fie eves. A-guàzzo, adv. wajbor water-colours ', alfo wading/y', alfo pia finngly. Agùcchia, Agùglia, in a day. * Aiato ; Look Andare anco. - Aiducchi, Soiddicrs among the Hungarians that ferve on foot, armed with a Co,flet, a cimila , a Half pi^e , and atongTuilfe or ftecl Bowc. 'Aire,'Aere, 'Aria, the Aire. Aierófo, Aerófo, airy, full of aire , bleak. Aierótta, the breathing or rc[pir-ation of man or woman. Aiécca, a Bustards a Puttock , a Glead , alfo the dim: of 'Aia. Aigleuco vino, fwcet Holloed wine'. Aimcj Aye me, alas, welladay. A-inganno, adv. dcceitfilly , guilefully. - A-ingégno, wittingly,of fitpurpofe . 'Aio, a follerei- , a breeder, a bringcr up j alfo a ruler, an overfetrr, a pupils guardian j alfo one that a man hath trained and brought up bimfclf, a fofter-childe ', by met: a darling > a minion, a favourite alfo a Cue\ow- bird > by met: a long-tongued fellow, one that blabbcih all he knows. Aiolo, as Aivólo. Aióne, Aiato : Look Andare aiato. A-iófa, as A-giòia, adv. 'Aim,Aire, as 'Aere. Airomance, a Diviner by the Aire. Airomantia, Divination by the Aire. 'Airóba ,the crown of a mans bead. Airóne, a Herron. • Airófo, airy, bleak, full of atre. Aiffa, Ai flare ; Look Aizzare. Aita, as Aiuto, with all the refi. Aic.io, an Officer in China, who is chief Prefi- dent of the Conncell of trarre. A icare : Look A j tatare, &c. - Aivólo, the dim: oj 'Aiaj alfo a bed or fquare in a garden. Aivolare, A idre. Aivólo, a Ifmde of fowling-net. A jut a bile, that may be helped. Ajucante, Aitante, aiding , help full, that aideth or helped)', by met: a fhifter , one that can help him/elf. • Ajutance di camera, a groom or an affifiant in or of a chamber. Ajutàre, Aitare, to aid, to help, to fuccottr. • A jutativo, Aitativo, hclpfull, aidfiU. Aju cvole, Aitcvole, helpfully that may be helped. Ajtito, Aita, Ajutamento, all manner of aid, help, fuccour or affi fi enee. ■ Ajiito di cotti, a fitpp/yof charges, or help towards maintenance. Ajutóre, Aiutatóre, a helper , an aider. Ajutoriare, to help forward. Aiucório, Aitório, that is fit or apt for help, hclpfull . A jutórii, the arm- bones of a man. Ajutrice, Aitrice, a fhe-helper. Aizza, Aizzimemo, Aiffa, a biffing or fit¬ ting on of Dogs to fight or bile, by met: provocation or egging on. Aizzare, Aitiate, to biffe or fit Dogs on to fight ', by met: to egg or provoke to anger or unto revenge. Aizzatóre, a biffer or fitter on, a provoker. Aizzóne, He ufi -leek, or Sen green. Aizzófo, Aizzótto, full of biffing, full of provocation, revengcfidl. Al, a fignof the Dative Cafe, to the, unto the, at the', being after ave- b of privation it bccometh of 'the Ablative Cafe, f om , from of : Look my Rules. 'Ala, the generali name of a flying wing of any bird or fowl } by met :the flat or flap of any thing, as the wing of a Doublet, the brim of a Hat, the finn of a fifh, the broad or fiat of an Oarc, the float of a 11’ a ter¬ mi U wheel, a fide Troop or tying of Soid¬ dicrs , atfo a large , a common or Guild- ball', alfo the me afire we call an Ell: the plurali is Ale or Ali. 'Ala, they ufe to cry for to make way be given to a Verfonage m a throng, as Room, room. * Ala d’una Chiefa, the fide lie of a Church. * Ala di bue, the wing of an Oxe ; by met: a tale Trencher-man , one that makes no more of the fhoulder of an Oxe , then of the wing of a Capon. A-la, as Alla, namely in the compofingof Ad¬ verbs of quality or fimilitudc , for yon may ufi either, and what Adverbs you findc not under A-la, look for them under the head of Alla. A-la, femininely, to the , unto the, at the, at her, alfo f om the, namely with vcibs of privation. Alabandino, a Ifmde of precious Ruby or Carbuncle (lone. Alabarda, a Halbert. Alabardate, to [hike or arm with a Halbert. Alabardaro, a Halbert-maker. Alabardata, Halberfry. Alabardica, a Ifmde of whitifij Rofi, Alabardiere, a Halbertecr. Alabardma, a little Halbert, alfo a yellow [lone, which being drunken in powder is an > Antidote againft Po/fon, but it provoketh the bloody Flux. Alaballrino, made of Alabafter. Alabaftnte, the Onyx-ftonc. Alabdftro, the Alabafter-(lone ', alfo a kjnde of white and finning Minerali or Ilone found in Silver-Mines ttfid in Fhyfick, cal¬ led by Paracclfus, Antimonium. A lacciare, Allacciare. Aiace, a meat made of the fpawncof fifhes. Alacrità, alacrity , minde-gladncffc, chearfnl- ncjfe of (pirit. Alida, in Latine Armif 3 . Alaffio, a fonde of Pomegranate. Alafia, a fonde of whifllc of a Maflcr , Ca¬ ptain or Mafters-Mate of a fhip to his Mariners, when he cannot be heard [peak , and would thereby command attention, oi elf ec cafra g from labour. Alagare, as Allagare. Alaggio, as 'Aggio j alfo the Ioffe of money by exchange. A lagna ,ufid for Germany. Alamana, an Almane in Mufick. Alamari, long aglet-buttons. Alambicare, as Lambicare. A-lambico, dift/llcd by a Limbeefo Alamire, a certain tune or found in Mufick. Alauda, a Lai k, or rather a Bunting. Alano, a Maftifi-dog, the b,ood of which came fir ft. out of Albania. - Alantide, the middle of the three films or coats , wherein an infant lies wrapped, in the womb. * A lardar t, to lard, to cnlard. - Alaqueare, as Allacciare. Alare, to wing , to fit on wings. ■ Alari, Andirons or Creepers in Chimneys. Alaria, as Allaria. Alarii-cavalli, horfmen in a Camp, that ever keep about the wings of an Army. Al-arma, as All’arma, A-lafcio : Look Andare. Alatìgnéce, nome di Herba. Alatèrno, a tree like an Olive or Holm-tree. Alato, winged, having wings ', alfo a fign in Heaven called Fégato, who is faid to have had wines. A-latOj adv. clofe, or near tinto ones fide. A-.a- vogala Ahf ufiut that this cncouragctb , Manners to wo by met: the maft of a (hip, the fluff] the ffaftorthe ffankof any Banner or long weapon i alfo the ftem at pedigree of anyboufeoe family. - 'Albero (l’Amore, a Tree in America of the height of a lance with a fmooth trunk or body j yielding no fruit, but certain tuffs of fair flowers of a fey red colour, having no ftnell at all. 'Albero di vitalbe Tree of Ife • 'Albero fruttifero, a fruit-bearingTree. - 'Albero manincónico , call'd the Binta trilla, a certain Tree growing about Goa, which never feemeth to have leaves or blof- fems, but from the fitting of the Sun untili it rife again in the rmning ifomc have cal¬ led it tb' Difmall Plant o, Tiec. 'Albero marino, The Sca-trec,a monftrous fjh focall-d. Alberofo, ftored with, or full of Trees. Andar per la cima degi’albcri, to pictcnd more then one ought. Albiccio, Albérre, Albino, whitifh , minting to white, fomewhat white. Albicete, a Ifindcof M il’(h Olives. • Albichila, w/écf for Abbachila. ■ Albinàzzi, any white grape. ‘ A'lbio, a Hogs trough -, alfo a Smiths trough that (lands by bis forge with wa‘ r r in it to quench his hot wo. k <>' J alfo araik to give cotteli fodder in j alfo a k}idc of ftfh called in Latine A burnus. Albi-péde, white-footed. Albire, biico, bito, to make or become white. Albiterati, a k'inde of whitiff fgs. Albicrare, as Arbitrare. Albitro, Albitrio, as Arbitrio. A'Jbo, white, whitifhalfo a Ip.ndt of ffh called in Latine (Mum or Capuonus > alfo the white Thorn. Albogalero , a Hat like a Miter, that Jupi¬ ter* Pnefts were wont to wear jota anebe captilo bianco che portavano in capo gli primi iacerdoti ò Flamini creati dà Nu ma Pompilio. Alboràre, as Alberare. Alboràta, as Alberata. A'lbore, as 'Albero. Albóre, wh'Uifhneffc , but properly the ftrft dawn or peep of day. Alboreto, as Alberéto. Alboricéllo, as Arbufcèllo. Albricócc o,an Apncocktrce. Albuco, the white or Dutch Daffodill, Abucla , a hftndeof vine. Albugine, Albume, Albura , any whiteneffe, namely of a mans eye, or of an egge. Albuginofo. whitifh, full of whiteneffe. Albuolo, a wooden tray, or wafhing-bowl made of one piece, a Pigs■ trough, a knead- ing-iub. Albufcello, as Arbufcèllo. Albura: Look Albùgine. Alburno, the fap, the white or foftc(l pith of any timber (ubjeft to worm-eatmg J alfo that whitifl) colour of womens hair, called an Abuin-colour » alfo a ffh called a Blay or a Bleak. Alcacbéngi, and that he makes his neft with admirable cunefity by ihe Sea- fidc, and that whiles the Hen fits it u commonly for nine dayes together voy calm and fair weather. Alciónei-giorni, fair,clear,talm,quiet an/l happy dayes. Al-conipetco, Al-cofpetto, in the pn fence, before ones face, in view. • Al-contmuo, adv. continually. Al-contrario, Al-convérfo, adv. contrary, arfivtrfie. Al*convenévole, adv. conveniently. • Alcorano, the book of the Turk‘ff} Faws and Jnftitutions, called the Alcorn», which in the Turk'fh Tongue ffgnifieth, A CoUtClion of Laws and Precepts. Al-córpo di me, by tin b >dy of me. Alcótica-cifra, ciò e feritta co*i trafpónere le lettere, come Rafocam , per Cam- fora. Alcunamente, adv. fome way, in fomc fo.t. Alcuna-qualche volta , adv. at fome one time or other. Alcuna vòlta, adv. fometimes. Alcuno, fomc one, fome body. Alcun-cotanto, adv. any other fo much . - Alcun’-otta, adv. at fometimes. • Alcunque, as Qualunque. Aldarga, a kynde of Target among the Moors in Harbary. Al-dafezzo, adv. at /aft, infine, in the end, when aU n done. Aidéa, a Village , a Hamlet, a Countny- town. Al-dichmo,adv. decliningly. Al-didencro, adv. inwardly. Al-didiétro, adv. backward. Al-difuóri, adv. outwardly. Al- di lóngo, adv outward, forthright. Al-Ji lungi, adv. diftantly, forre off. Al-dimane, adv. the morrow next. ■ Al-diritto, adv. right-on,forthright. •Al-dirupo, adv. in down-tumbling man¬ ner. Al-di fópra, adv. over and above. Al*di fólto, adv. underneath. • Al-difcoperto,adv. dtfcovtredly. Al-difpctto, adv. in d((pight,maugrc. Al-diltelo, adv cxttndcdly. Al-difù, Al-difiifo, adv. over and above. A'ido, ufed in Lombardy for Odo, I hear. Alea, an alley, a walking-place . Alebromante, a Sootbfayer by Bailey-meal mixed with wheat. ■ Akbromamia, Divination by Barley-meal. Aléce, Aledia, as Alice. Alcchialem , a Tariff All-bail or Saluta¬ tion. A let angina,^ mance of (pice,a kind of Pills, Alcffe, the fi' ft Mere efco letter, at Alfa. 'Alega, as A Iga, Sea-g,a(fi, Rett. Aiegare, as Allegare. Alegatione, as Ailegatióne. - Alcgcrirc, as Alleggerire, A légge re, as Eleggere. 'Aleggiare, as Aliare. Aleghcvole, alLageable. Allegoria, as Allegoria. Alegoricamente,adv. allegorically. Alcgorizz.irc,f0#/é Allegories. ■ AI egramente, adv. as Allegramente. Alegrare, as Allegrare. Alegrétti, as Allegrétti. Aiegrezza, as Allegrezza. - Alcrmnuolo Spagnuólo, a Low Countrey man SpagnoliegcU- Alenar e, to give ar lake b,eath, to bring into breath, to enfiarne a horfe ; alfo as Alle¬ nare. - Alentare, Alentire, tifeo, tiro, to (lac- ken. A»lénzj, adv. by, or with a Net : Look Lenza. Alepàrdo, a Leopard. Alep e,c kmde of he,bor fifh• Aléppe, the beginner of all things > alfo the j fir ft Hebrew letti, . ! All’erta, adv. watchfully, at all advantages, hcedfully viligant in aU dangers. *• Aldfì, ulato per grado e giro del Ciclo. Alefl'andnna,/i/< xanders or great Par fly, fome take it for Peniwinkle. Ale Ha re, to boil or ficihe meat. Aleflipbarmaca, any counter-poifon. * AlefTitero, an Antidoteagainft poifon. Ale-lVo, boiled or foddenmeat. Alcftire, as Allcllire. * Aletidi, certain Sacrifices fo called. Aletta, any little wwgi alfo the finnes of fifhes. A-letcere di fcatoia,A lettere di fpeciàle,adv. as plain to be fetn as are the great Letters upon the Boxes in Apothecaries fijops j by met; plainly or aloud, that aU may fee, hear and vend. Alettério, Aletcório, a certain (lone found in the maw of a Cock, the Coik-ftone. * Metto, a Hawks lure. Alettóridi, certain birds With long bills, living m Vineyards or Garden-hedges. Alettorolópho, the herb Cox-comb. ■ Aletroriomant t,a Sootb-fayer by looking into Cock-ftones. Akttorioraantia,Di'ciaM0//j by confidering of CotlfS, or rather their (tones. Akvàre, Allevare. Akzznno, the fon ell-colour of a horfe, a forrell borfe. 'Alfa, the firfl letter of the Greek Alpha¬ bet. 'Alfa et Omèga , the firfl and laft Greek letters j by met: fir ft and laft, beginning and ending j fo God ts called. Alfabetàrio, Alfabetico, Alpbabeticall, in veder of letters. Alfabèto , an Alphabet , an ABC. Alfaique, skilfuUin Divine matters, or wife and learned in Mahomet: Law. Alfana, a breeding wilde Mare i by met: in mockage a great woman. Al- far del giórno, adv. by break err pap of day, in the morning. - Al-férmo, adv. aftiiredly. Alfeftc, a k ‘nde of jiff . Albére, Alfino, Albero, an Enfign-beartri alfo a Eifbop at Cbejfc. Al-fine, ALL ALG Al-fine, adv. finally , in the end. Alfio , herb Live,-rvort > alfe a Tetter or Ringworm , alfo a. Spavin in a horfe. ■ Alficomante, a Sootbfayer by Barley-meal. ■ Alfitomantia, Divination by Barley-meal. Alfonsino ,acertain Coin in Naples . Altordioj a Ifmdcof venemous Serpent. 'Alga, Sea graffe, Sea-weeds, Reut, Rites 5 alfo Ducli-weed ', alfo Spelt-corn. Algarada, a fudden inroad or incurfton, alfo a riotous uproreor tumult. Algebra, Alghcbra , the Art of figurative Numbers, an Art confining of Anthmetick and G eometry together j ufied alfo for the Art of Bone-fating- Algebnfta, Alghebnfta, an Arithmetician ; alfo a Bone-fitter. Algènte, any fi(h that fee doth upon, orbreedeth in Sea-weed. Algènte, cold, chill , [reefing- Algére, to chill , to freefs through cold. A 1 -guo, adv. wheeling round. A [giróne, a Iftndc of Cormorant. Aigoufmo, the Art of N urn bring, or ufi of Cyphers by cw ious Arithmetick. Aìoóio, full of Sea-weed or Rites. Al gròtto, adv. ingroffc, by great. * Algiiinmim, as Alnuigghim. Alguno, ufed for Alcuno. Alguro, Algurio, Augurio. Alg urare, as Augurare. Alguzzino, as Aguzzètto. Alheppe, for Ale-hè-bbe, he bad wings. Al-hór’, Al-hóra, Al-bótta, adv. then, ac that hour or time. «• 'Ali, the plu: of 'Ala i alfo that which Ar¬ morers call Lamms. * Ali-apèrte, difllaidin Armory. * Ali del nàfo, the fides of ones nofe. 'Alia, bath been ufed for 'Ala. * Alianza,** Allianzs. Aliare, to wing, to four or hover up and down in the Aire upon ones wings, as a Rinvìi doth j by met: to love to feed upon the wings of any fowl » alfotofneak about fccrctly or loittringly. Alibanti, fuch as die for want of radicali humour or moiftnefte. A\ibéz, a Jfinde of nourishing herb. Alibile, nourifhable,nourfhtng', alfo lawfitU or allowable j affo that may be put to fi- lencc, or hujht 5 alfo that- may grow pale through fca> or amazement. * Alibirc, bifeo, bito, to nourifhor give non- rifhment unto j alfo 10 malic or become law- full -, alfo to hu[h or put to filenoe i ufed alfo for to difcolour or g>ow pale and wan through fudden fear and amazement ', the ma: utaken fom Ubbia- * A libito, nourifhed j alfo made lawful'l ; alfo put to filence alfo difcolourcd or grown pale. 'Alica, as' Alga. Alicaitro,l/;e wheat called Far. Alice, the Pilcher-fifhy alfo a If ride of fi(h- brinc, pickle or Jowfe. Alichino, the name of a Devil in Dante, that is, inclination to vice and fin. Alicorno , an Unicom } alfo Vnicom- hom. Alidóre, Alidire,dìfco, dito, to deprive of humidity , to dry , to unmoiften S by met: to taint or become ftale, as meat over-long kept . * Ardiménto, Alidita, dryneffe, want of moiftnefte. Ali duo, 'Alido, faplijfe, without norrrifhing moiftnejfc alfo fiale, tainted , fly bitten, as fiale meat. - Alleggiare, as Aliare; Alienabile, alienable , that may be-alie¬ nated. Alienare, Alienigenare, to alien, to alienate, to c(lrange. ALI Alienations, Alicnamento, alienation, cflran- m- . r ■ * A henigéno; an alien, a foramer, a flran- gcr. Alièno, as Alienigeno. Alierà , aliinde of high furring Eagle, which alone fixeth his eyes againfi the Sun. Aliétte, as Alette. A-liéva, adv. lifingly. -Alievare, as Allevare, 'Aliga, as 'Alga. A ligófo, as Algófo. Alitare, as Allegare. Aligero, having or bearing wings. Aligi, Alili, the blew Lilly-flower j alfo a li/ndc of great Sc a-crab. Aligófta, a liinde of dainty fi[b. 'Alima, an herb which being eaten k c ^P s onc a long time from hunger. Ali marc, a place to [hoot levili or point ■ blank» alfo as Limare. Alimentare, to nouvfb , to fuftain, to fi¬ ller. Aliménto, notwfhmcnt, fuftenance. 'Alimo, a kfinde of Sea-wort, brartfifh in taflej feme take it for Sea-mallows, Job 30. 4. A limóne, a nourifher, a foftcrcr j ufed alfo for 'Alima. Alimònia, as Aliménto. Alino , a kjnde of Liquor is. Aliò tti, keels ,f cale sor nine-pins. * Alipede, a funame of Mcrcmy, as having wings on his feet. Alipo, Alipóne, a weed growing on Rocks by the Sea-fide, like a water-dock. - Aliqualménte, adv. indifferently , in fume fort, fo fo. Aliquame parte, che non mifura il ditto. Aliquota parte, chc non miliira il liuto. Aliquóto,/ò»?c or cert can. Ah i ma, the Water-dock • Alifo, the blew Flower- de- life. Alitto, Aliffòne, heib Alhfon j fame take it for the Wood-rufe. Alitto, cottixpd m Armory. Aina, as Alièta. Alitare, to breathe, to refpire » to pant , to fend forth breath, to evaporate. 'Alito, breath or rcfpiration. Aiuòlo,//*//, or having nfliration. Alivellare, to levcll at, to make even, as Livellare. Alivellata, a levelling, an evenneffe. A livèllo, adv. levcll, point-blank* Aliiingia, the plant Spikenard. Al 1 zzare, as Aliare. Alla, a great or common Town-hall, a Guild¬ hall j alfo the miafurc called an Ell. Alla , a figli of the Dative Cafe', to her, unto her, at her, to the,unto the, at the. Alla, having relation unto Verbs of privation it bccometh the Ablative Cafe, from her. Alla, or elfe A' la, being placed before any attive, pofitivc or prof fiali Noun, it makes the fame an Adverb of quality , of firrnli- tude , of proportion, of imitation , of rela- tion , of manner, or of difeyetion, and is in that fenfe very often ufed, as in divers fol¬ lowing examples you (hall perceive j And noie , that at your pleajure you- may ufe the L either finglc or double, as for example, A-U Frantele, Alla Fiancél x,hke or after the French fafhion ', A-la Scolali ica, Alla Scolaftica, Scholar-like, or after the Scho¬ lars flfhion. Note alfo, that if it be pla¬ ced b fore any word beginning with a Vowtll it is often, yea mo(l commonly Apo- ftrophtd, as Ali’ aftamàta, bmgcrly. All* hóra, then, at that hour, All* ufànza, after the cuflome, &c. ■' Alla-bada, as A-bada. - Alla-balorddggi ne, giddily,guUtfhly. - Alla-barba, before, in difgracc or dcflight of ones beard, to or at ones beard, ■ Alia-barra, at the barn or barriers. - Alla-bclla prima, adv. at the very firfl. Alla buòna, adv. in good meaning fort, do- mcfticaUy. A Ila-buon* bòra, adv. in a good hour, in good time. - Alla-bufca, adv. at muffe j alfo prolingly or Jhflingly. Alla c 3 piicciófa, adv. fantaftically , humo- roufly , toyifhly, Alla-carlòna, adv. plainly,homely, clowni[hly, Dunflablc-way. AI lacciaménti, lacings, lyings , bindings,faft- ninfrs unto, entrarne llings ’, by ma; enfia- rings, ent anglings, enweappings, allure¬ ments. Allacciare, tu lace, to tye unto, to binde togc- ihcty to fa (lai with fometyings, to knit, to entrameli', by met: to enfiare, to entangle, to enwrap, to allure, orto wtnde in with flattery. Allacciiriela, to prefume, have a good opinion of hirnfelf. Alla-cérca, adv. infearcbor purfuit. Alla-china, adv. bending down, decimingly, Itoopingly , crowchingly. Alla-cicca, adv. blindly, blindfold. Alla-confiifa, confufedly, pell-mell. Alla-copérta , adv. covertly, in bugger- mugger. Alla-cortcfe, adv. courtcoufy. AlU-cróce, by the Croffc. Alla-disfila, Alla-disttlaca, adv.ftraglingty, f cutter ingly, tliforderly. ■ Alla-diiobbata, adv. by (lca[tb,filcbingly,a fHatch and away. Alla-di:ó(ta,adv. mainly, outright. Alla-difavediita, adv. at unawares, un- hcedily. AJia-difdófla , adv. barebaeltf » without a [addle. Alla-difperata, adv. deflerately. Alla diltéfi, adv. cxtendcdly , Alla-divolgàta,adv vulgarly. - Alla-dométtica, adv familiarly. - Alla-dozzenale, adv. after the common fa¬ fhion, by the do\cn. Alla-facchina, adv. bafcly,pOiterly. • Alla-fallace, ad w. faUacioufly. ■ All’- aftamàta, ad v,greedily, hungerly . - A Ila-fiata, adv. at one time or other. Alla-fila,adv. in files or ranks* A 11 a-fine, adv. finally, at la ft. Alla-fin fine, adv. in fine, when all is done. Alla fòggia, adv. after the fafhion, like as. Alla-forcttiéra , adv. after the fafhion of fir angers. » A11’- affrontata , adv. in moft impudent manner. Alla-fuggita,adv. cur fury wife, in running manner- ■ A Ila-furba, adv. cbcatingly, coufeningly. * Alla-gagliirda, adv. luftily, fittingly,gal- liard-l k c - Allagamènto, Allagatane, an overflowing » alfo a dilating, a (preading Allagare , to overflow, to cnla\c j by mec: to extend, or to dilate. Ali-gemina, adv. damatlfiug-work as they nfc in Per ft a and Tier kfe upon their [words and arms* Alla-ginétta, adv. in fafhion of a Spanifh Gennet. Alla-giornàta, adv. daily, day by day. * Alla-giòttra, adv. at tilt. Alla-grànde, adv. magnificently , fumptH- oufly. Alla-grótta , Alla-groffolàna , adv. rudely, grofly, homely, clo van filly- » All’impazzata , adv. madly , rafhly. All’infima, a d\. feigned/y, diffcmbltngly. AlL’ingiu, All'ingiiifo , ady, downward. All- ALL ALL ALL Al.’-Inglcic, after the Eiigbfh fafhion. Ail’ infu, All’-infufo, adv. upwardly. A!l’-a!ba, adv. by dawn of day. Alla-le°giéra, adv. lightly, (lightly. Alla-larga, adv. largely, wi dely, at libcrly. Alla-libera, adv. fccly, frankly. - Alladiberalóna, adv. liberally, in prodigali manner. Alla- lónga, adv. at length. K Ila-mal hóra, adv. with a mifehief. Ila-mdno, adv. at band. ♦ Alla-mazza, adv. Look Andare. AlUmbra, Allhambra, a ftrong bold or Pa¬ lace for a Kjng, Alla-mefcolaca, adv. pcll-mcU , confufedly, mixcdly. Aila-minella, adv. a play at Nine-boles, at my Ladies bole. Alla-minuca, adv. minfingly, by [mall err retail. * Alla-moccicóna, adv. floventy, clownifhly. ■ Alla-modcrna, adv. after the late or modern fapr.on- ' Alla-mondana, adv. after tbe worldly fa¬ fhion, abundantly. ■ Alla-mofaica, adv. rub Marquetry woik, called Mofaickrvo'k-' Look Molaico. A Ila-imita, adv. mutely , dumbly . Aila-mutindta, adv. mutmoufly. Alla-nalda, adv. afte, the ancient fafhion. Allancdre, to fob, to throb, to blubber, and to flgh out. Allanciare, as Lanciare. Ali'-angiù,3dv. downward. Ailanguire, as Languire. • Alla-non pcnfdca , adv. untbougbt upon , extempore, fuddcnly. • All -antica, adv. after the ancient man¬ ner. ' Allantóide, as Alantide. • Alla-pazzéica, adv. after the foolifl) or mad fafhion. Alla-peggio, adv. at the wor(l, if the worfl come. Alla-penfata, adv. advfcdly, with preme¬ ditation. Alla perfine, adv. finally, at la(l. * All’-apérra, adv. openly, manififtly. • Alh-piana, adv. plainly , leiftrely. Allappare, as Lapidare Allapidatione, as Lapidatióne. Alla-piu-trilla, adv. if the worfl come. A Ila-pólla, adv. in wait or attendance. Alh-prim3, adv. at the fir fi. Alla-raffa, adv. r)flntgly. Alla-rdppa , adv. rap and ninne , Higledy- pigledy. Alla-rala, adv. fmooth'.y, as it were (haven or rafed. Allardare,/o/ard, to enlard. Alla-redle, adv. redly j alfo royally, magni¬ ficently. Alla-recifa, adv. as ricita. Allarga la mano, an unthrift , a wafle-good, a fp end-all. Allargamene, Allargatura, an enlargement, an enlarging, an amplifying, a dilating. Allargare, to enlarge, to ampliflc, to dilate, to fpread. ' Allargatela mane,*# open ones hand’, by met: to ufe liberality. • Allargare la piazza ; by met: to ampli fie the marks, to bringpUnij. Allargato , enlarged, ample fed, dilated j by met; open-handed, frank in giving. Allaria, abroad in the aire, the herb Sawce- alonc, or Jack of the wood, it taftes of Garlick. Alla-ricifa , adv. cuttingly , fwafhingly, minfingly -, alfo cart eie fly , hand over I head. Alla-;infrefcata,adv. in Autumn time whin it bcginncibto giowcold. I • Alla-rimpazz.ua, adv. madly , very rcfhly. All a-rincontra , adv. front unto , over a- gainfi. Alla-rinfula, adr. be Iter-skelter, confufedly, pell-mell. Alli-ritratra, adv. in retiring manner . Alla-Romdna, adv. after the Roman fa¬ fhion. Ali’-arma, the name of a point of lyarre founded upon Drum or Trumpet as a warning unto aims, an Allarum. Ali-arrabbiata, adv. ragvigly, outragioufly , fiercely, in anger. Alla-rócca , adv. in rout , in broken man¬ ner. Alla—mftica, adv. ruflically,rudifb'y. Alla-lal valica, adv. wildly, tike a favage man. Alla-sbardellata, adv. laiAfi)!y,fwaggeringly, roiflringty. Alla-sboccata, ad v. impudently, or rafhly in fpeechi alfo bawdily. Alla-sbracata , adv. bcaflly , bare-ars’d, fhamelcfly. Alla-fcamilcidta, adv. fhamelcfly, as it were without a fhirt. Alla-lcapellrata, adv. lcofely,ra(h r y. Alla-fcatenata, adv. loofely, funoufly, deae¬ rate ly. Alla-fcavezzona, adv. headlong, loofely, with precipitation. Alla-lchiaccia, adv. ruinoufly, infquafhing manner. Alla-fchiccca, adv. plainly, in good and finecre manner. Allafciàre, ro flackcn, torcleafc, to loofin > alfo to let or take by leafe. Alla-icondefccfa, adv. headlong , in down- rumbling manner. A\\a-fcopceia,adv.opcn'y,dfcovcredly,invuw of alt. - Alla-fcrócca , adv. like a Scroccante, fimi kingly, (hiftingly. • Alla-lecca, adv. drily, barrenly. Alla-feconda, adv. in fccondmg or foothing manner, down the flrcam i alfo the fee oriel time. - Alla-sfilata, adv. flraglingly, diforderly. Alla-sfilazzata, adv. idem. Alla-sfuggita, adv. curfery, without (lop or flay, runningly. Alia-sfuggi.ifca, adv. idem, a fnatcb and away. Alla-sgangberdta , adv. loofely , out of frame. Alla-ficura,adv. fccurcly, fafely, certainly . Alla-fignorile, adv lordly, lord-like. • Alla-fópra-mano, hand over head. Alla-fórda, adv. deafly , not hearing. Alla-fpenfierAta, adv. carole fly. Alla-fpaparita, adv. urttrufTd, loofely, with open breafl. Alla-fpianacci.ita, adv.plainly, homely, flm- p'y- . Alla.fpiattellata, adv. flatly, fo plainly that the bottom of ibe difh may be fern. Alla-lpicciolita, adv. flraglingly, as Souldicrs go a free-booting. Alla-fpiegdta, adv. difplaycdly. - Ailafldre, to make or grow weary. Allaflàro, a herb that yielded) a kmde of bit - terifh fuga:,-. Alla-llagluta, adv. haelfmgly, fwafhingly, cuttingly. Alla-llracca, adv. wearifomely, tired/y. Allallricare, as Lallricare. ■Alla fudata,adv. unvcihd,openly. » Arativo, as Ablativo. Allarmatelo make into Latine ■ Allato, A-lato, adv. elafe, or near unto the fides ) alfo in comp ari fon. Alla-todcfca, adv. after the Dutch fa- fhion. ■ Alla-travérfa, adv. thwart/y, c/ofly, tra- verfly. Alla-tnlla, adv. fadiy, poorly, wretchedly 5 alfo knavifbly, naugbtiy. Allattante, Juclfing or giving milk, milking. Allattare, to mtk, to give fuck, to fed with milk, to milch. Alla-cua barba, adv. in flrbt or bi fbioht of (by beard. * 1 A Ila-Tulliana , adv. eloquently , Tullian- lfl : - All -avename, adv. f ut ably, in fcemly man¬ ner. All -avenentej adv. idem. • • Alla-ventura, adv. at all adventure , bab or nab. Alla-vifta, adv. in fight , in view. Alla-vòlta, adv. towards. All’- avventata, adv. headlong, furioufly. • AU’-avviluppata, adv. intricately , cn- wrappedty. Alla-zemma, adv. as Alla-gcmins. 'Alle, the plu: of Allaj alfo a k'mdc of bird. Allc-bótte, adv. at handy-cuffs, at blows j alfe at times, fometimes. Alleccàre, Alleccbi.ire, to lick or lap with the tongue, to lick and rv.jfh himflf as a Cat doth j alfo to fleck or Jmootb j by met: to flrokc ones beard} alfo to fawn upon, to flatter, to entice 3 or allure with blzndifb- ments. Allegamenti, Allecchiaménti, lickings, lap¬ pings-, by met: fawmngs , enticements, blandtfb merits. Alle-fiare, adv. at times , at fume times. Alleficare, to foflcr , tonomfh ; aljoas Al¬ lignare. • Allegagióne, Allegatone, Allegaménto, Allcgànza, an allcaging, a citation, an allegation J alfo a binding unto or together > alfo a combination j aljo a fitting ones teeth on edge. ■ Allegare, to alleagc, to cite 5 alfo to binde or addreffe unto > alfo to ally, to combine or to confederate-, alfo to fit ones teeth on edge by fame fowre tafie 3 alfo to flint at a certain rate or value ; alfo for young fruits or buds to knot when the bloQoms fall off. ■ Allepàti denti, teeth fit on edge. Allegato, allcaged, cited', a/jo bornd unto , combined 0, allied, alfo (limed at a rate. Alleggerire , rifeo, rito. Alleggiare, to lighten,to eafe,to di: bun ben. Alleggerimento, Alleggiamene, a lighten¬ ing, an caflng , a disburdening, a re- fiefbing. • Allegoria , an all:gory , that is to fay , a meaning or conceit couched or hidden under fome veil of words, which literally may feemto flgnifie fomttbing clfe, a continued metaphor. Allegoricamente, adv. allegorically. Allegriate, Allegnire, to enwood. • Allegòrico, allfgoricall. Allegorizzare, to ufe allegories. Allcgrdggio, Allegranza, an ancient word ufid for Allegri zza. Allegramente, acv. gladly,meniy, jocundly, frolickly , bluhly, joyfully. Allegrare, to glad, rorcjoyce, to be or mah merry,to frohek. Alicgrativo, making mcr,y,gladfomc. Allegrétti, an herb good in fallati. Allegrezza, Allcgraggio, Allegranza, Al- legria, gladruffe, mirth, glee or joy, ly mett a certain March founded mTrumpet, Fife or Drum, m figne of Vtfio.y and iff- , Allegrezza di pa a caldo, mirth that lafls bui a baile time. - Alle-gnda : Look Andare. M\egtii,ufed for Oglio di filimo. I Allégro, glad, merry, jocund, frolick, chea, - full, ALL ALL ALL fully blithe y plcafant , jolly. Alle-guagnélle, an oath that in Tufcany coun¬ trey people ufc to [wear by, importing, By the holy Gojpcl {as we fay) By the Mafic, or By our Lady. Allei j for A lei, to her , unto her, at her. Alleluia ,Praife to God , God be praifed 3 alfo the herb wood- farteli. Alle-màni, adv. at handy-cuffs. ♦ Allenare, Allenire, as Alenare; alfa by little to become weak and faint for want of breath } by met: to a ft wage, to appeafe, to modifie3 to relent. Allentaménto, Allentane, a (lacking, a relenting. Allentare, Allentire, to (lac^cn, to loofen . ♦ Allentcvole, that may (ladina alfo re- lentable. Addentrata, adv. at the entrance. ♦ Allenzàre, to fwathe about. Alle-ófle, adv. the game called Cherry-pit* Alle-póme. Look Póme. Alle-rifcófi'e, adv. ready to refeue, orlo re¬ lieve, or to be re feued and relieved. Alle flare, to boil or feet he meat. Alléflo, boiled or fodden meat. Allettare, Alleftire, tomaie or become nim¬ ble, fly, quick or full of agility. Alletto, as Letto. All’-eftrémo , adv. to the utmofl extre¬ mity. Alle-ftrétte, adv. at handy-gripeSy clofcgrap- pling. ♦ Allecamare, as Letamare. Alletta, a fi(h called a Mullet. Allettaménti, Allettanza, Allettatone, al¬ lurements t enticements. Allettare, to entice or to allure unto. Allettare, of Lètto, to bed, to bring to bed, to lay in bed > by met: to beat to the ground , as a violent wind or rain doth com or » F*t Sm Allettarli , for one to betake himfclf to his bed. Allettato, enticed, allured. Allettato, laid in bis bed , bedded , bed-rid i alfo delighted. Alletterai, to enlit irate. Alletterato, enlitcrated- Allérte, ufed for fheds, (hrowds or (belters, boftaries. Allettévole, that may be allured. ‘ Alletto, to bed, abed. Allevadóre, Allevatóre, a breeder, a foficnr, a bringcr up. ♦Allevaménto, a rearing , a rdifmg up , a foflrring, a bringing up. Allevare, to rear, to raife, to foftcr or bring Allevato nella bambagia , brought up deli¬ cately. Allevatrice, a fofter-mother » alfo a Mid¬ wife. Alleviaménto, Alleviatióne, an eajìng , a lightning , a disbwtbening. Alleviare, to lighten, to disburthen. Alle-vólce, adv. nowand then,fometimes. All’-hóra, All*- bòtta* adv. then , at that hour. ‘Alliànza , alliance , kindred by marriage 5 alfo combination or confederation. Alliària, as Allaria. Allibile, as Alibile. ♦ Allibiménto. Look Alibire , aftoìùfh- merit. Allibire, as Alibire, to change colour , and lofe (peech for fear. ♦ Allibraménto, a booking , a fetting or cn- tring into a book. ♦ Allibrare, to book, to write, to regifter , to fetor enter in a book. ♦ Allicentiare, as Licentiare. ♦ Al lice re, to allure unto. Allicvare, as Allevare. Allievo, a fofler-cbilde,a fervant or creature 1 that one bath bred and brought up hm- felf. \ Alligare, as Allegare, &c. Allignare, to prove according to nature, to fol¬ low kjinne or kmde, but commonly ufed for to take root, to proffer or thrive well in fow¬ ing or planting. Allignatone, Allenaménto, Allignarne, a pro (pero ns thriving, or following of kinde and nature, namely of plants. All’-imbràtco, adv. filthily, flutiifhly. All-impenfata, adv. extempore , without pre¬ meditation. All*- improvi fo, idem. All-Improvifta, idem. All’-imprcfcia, adv. in hafte , baflily. All’-imptira, adv. impurely, defilcdly. AlIMnànzi, a dv. forward. Alt’- incanto, Al* indento, adv. by a common Crier, at who gives mo ft. Ali’-inchiéfte, ad v. enquiringly, in fiearch or queft. Ali’-incóntro, adv. over againft , oppofite. Ali’- indiètro, adv. backward. * All’-indomàni, adv. againft to morrow. » All’-indritco, adv. right-towards. All’-infrctta,adv. in hafte, haftily. AllMnfuria, adv. inftt>y,furioufly. - All*- ingiù, adv. downward. Ail’-ingróflb, adv. ingrofs,by the great. Allinguito, as Linguacciiito. Ali*-inftànte, adv. at the inftant. * All’-infù, adv. upward. * A Ìlionato, as Lionato, cnlioned. * Alliquidire, as Liquidare, Allifciare, as Lifciàre. Allivellare, as Livellàre. Allivellata^ as Alivellata- Allividire, as Lividure. 'Allo, 'A-lo, to the, at the. * Alloccàggine, owhjhnefs, guUiJhnefs• Allocare, as Allogare. Allocànda, A-locanda, adv. by hire» hiringlj» alfo any lodgmgor chamber to be hired. Alloccàre , to play the owlc j by met: to fneak up and down in the dark , to play the gull. AllóccOjAlócco, an Owlc, a Howlct * by met : a noddy or fimpleguU, Allodécta, a young little Lark. Allodiale cétre, free lands, for which no fer- vices or fines, or quit-rents are due, and which arc held from no man but from God's,freehold lands. Allodiàre, for an abfolutc Prince to beftow or give lands in free gift to any man , and to quit him and his lands of all manner of rents, fines or duties. Allodola, a Lark- Lo °k Dare l’allòdola. Allegagióne , Allogoménto , Allogànza, a placing i alfo a faming or letting for rent. Allogare, to place, to fettle, to layup , alfo to demife , to take or let to farm or for rent. Allóggia-foreftiérijrt common Inn or lodging- houfc for ftrangers. * Alloggiare, to lodge j alfo ( as Souldicrs fay) to quarter a Camp, to harbour, to dwell , to abide, to lie or fojoum in any place, to ho ft or lie in any Inn -, alfo to enter¬ tain or give houft-room unto. Allogaménto , any lodging or barborough ; alfo a place where a Camp fets down and quarteretb. Alléggio, a lodge, a lodging, an hofteU, a har¬ borough , an abiding place , an abode , a fi and, alfo a houfe or College where Scholars abide and ftudy , like to the Halls in Ox¬ ford, that have no lands, but all live of I themfelves and of their own. A Ilo-indietro, adv. backward. Allo-ingiù, adv. downward. All-infu, adv. upward. * Allo incontro, adv. over againft. Allongaménto, Allongànza , a lengthening, a prolonging. Allongàre, to lengthen, to prolong. Allongàre la vita, to prolong a mans life J by met; to be hanged , and to flrctch ones body. Alla lónga,adv. at length , along. Allóngo andare, adv, inlength, inprocefsof time . ' Allo-ingróflb, adv. ingrofs, by the great. Allontananza, difiance of place, as longing or going farre off. Allontanare, to diftance, to eflong, to go or remove fane of. Alloppiare, to opiate, to bring afleep, by art, by drugs, by pills or potions , as with 0- pium. * Alloppiato vino, opiated wine. Alloquibile, that may be (pollen unto. * Alloquio, a (peech unto anyone. * Ali-óra, All-ótca, adv. then, at that time. Ali-óra, albóra, adv. even then, at that veiy hour 3 alfo as All’aura poetically. Ali-ordinàrio, adv. after the ordinary fa- fhion. * Allordire, difeo, dito, to dull, tobefot. Allorino, made of LawreU, of the nature and quality of LawreU. Allóra, the LawreU or Bay-tree. Alloro, A-lóro, to them, at them, Alio-fcórcio, adv. at the cutting of. * Allo-ofciiro, adv. in the dark. ~ Allo-fpéfl'o, adv. very often. Allo-fpropófito, adv. clean from the purpofe fim-cam. * AU-ottinàtJj adv. obftinately: * All’-ótta, adv. at that time or hour'. All -òtta, all’- òtta, adv. a t that very mo¬ ment. Allucciàre, to fix ones eyes and look earnefly upon a thing with a greedy defire to have lift it is commonly taken in bad part. Alludere, ludojliifijlufo, to allude or have ■reference unto 5 alfo to play with or unto. Allui, A-lui, to him, unto him. A 11 *-ulti mo, adv. at lafi, finally. Allumàre, to light, totinde, to kindle, alfo to aUum , or fieep in aUumi alfo to fix ones eyes on a thing. Allumatone, Allunwménto , a lighting, > a kindling 3 alfo an alhtming. Allume, as Ahimè. Alluminare, to iUuminatCy as Luminàre; alfo to limn in water-colours. Alluminatone, Alluminatnénto , iUumi- nation. Alluminatóre, an enlightner. Alluminolo, fuUof lights. Allunare, to reduce into the form of a moon, to change as the Moon, to arch, to bend. Allungare, as Allongàre, Alluogàre, as Allogàre. Ali-ufànza, adv. after the fafhion, according to the cufiome. All-ufcita, adv. at the going forth, Allufingàre, as Luflngàre. AìiuCióne, allufion or reference unto, an ap¬ plying or aUuding of one thing unto ano¬ ther. - Allusivo, aUufivc, aUuding, * Alleviare, as Diluviàre. - Alluvióne, as D/luvióne. 'Alma, ufed for the foul of man. Almadéu, a ftrange (pirit, that-Nigromants ufe to cali upon. Almadia, a little boat or wherry made of the bark of a trec ' Almagefta, a> much to fay, a* Perfetti the book of Pcolemeys great Mathematic^ is fo called. Almagéfto,;g 3 alfa a fuftcr-father, the husband of ones nut ft 3 uf d alfo for fuftenance or nourifhmeìi; alfo cn Alder- tree- Almocohól, a If nde of Nitre or Borax. Almoniàca, an Apncoc\-plum. Almoniàco, an Apricotf tree. Almofarifato, inSpanifhthe Cuftomcr-fhipof any place. AimucdbaUj as Algebra. Almuccia, a co tain Canonicali habit or re¬ ligions veflure of fu, re worn by Canons. • Aimugimo, Almiigbim, Algùmmim, the Almug-irc:, mentioned in the fi. ft of lyings, xc,i i j and 1 i. it U now adayes urfinown'» fomc taccio for ,1 Ifnde of Brazil-wood, Almuchcn, an Arabian word, fignifying, He that holds the predomination of mam life. Aina, ike men fare called an Ell. 'Alno, an A Her-tree, A 1 no-negro, the black Aider-tree- A o, C)ow-ga,l. cl^e 3 alfo Comfy of the rock. ■ Alobci, certain eminent men and officers among tbc Tu fib & degree leffe then the Saniatks- A-locànda. Look Aliocanda. Aioccdggtne, as Alloccaggine. Aloccarc, as Alloccare. Alócco, as Allocco, an Ovale. Aloè, the bitter drug Aloes. Aloè cavallino, the cowrfeft kindc of Aloes. * Aloe deaerino, the fine ft kmdc of Aloes. Alocrta, any kmdc of I a k- A-loggia, adv. ufedfor Abbada. Alogia, want of rcafm, fiuptdity 3 alfo exccfs in banquet ting or riotous ft aft mg. » Alogico, unrcrfoiuble , me onfide rate. Aloliére, forte di uccello grandiliimo. AJongiarc, as Ailongare. A-Jong’-andare, adv. m procefsof time. Alopace, Alopacéia, Alopacera, the herb foxtail ; alfo a fimde of grape- • Alopecia, the falling or ft# a ding of a mans hair though foul clifeafes-. called the Fox- evil 3 alo a fifi) Called VcVpc-marino, and of fome Pé fee-/pad a. A 1 oppiare , as A Doppiare. Al’-oppoftta, adv. oppofite , again ft. A-lor feline, at their will and pleafure. A-lóro, a call ng one to another, as much as to fay , Take bred. 1 Aiolà, a fi fi) called ir. Rome Laccia, and in Venice Chiépa 3 fonie fay it is a fade of Pilchard j fome affirm it lobe a fi ft), that kj.Uetb the Tunny to fuck a vein in his jaws. A-lo fpiccbio del foie, adv. at the fi, ft peep¬ ing forth of the Sun- Aióflo, the hob Madder. A-Io ftendardo, a point of wane founded on Drum and Trumpet, fo called, bicaufe it cal- Ictb Sculdiers to the Standard , to their En¬ figli s or Colours. 'Alpi, the inflrumcnt called a Ha,p. Al- palefe, adv. pubhckly, mamfeftly- « Al-pdlmo, the play our children call, At (pan- counter, or at Hand-point. Al-pari, adv. even hand, alfie. 'Alpe, 'Alpi, Alps or high Mountains in Italy fo called . Alpédica pernice, mountain- parti idges. Al-péggio, adv. at the wdrft. - Al-pèggio-andare , adv. if ti c very worft fad out. Al-per-ulcimo, adv. at the very laft. AIpcrtie, Alpi (h mountainous, craggy, rocks, billy, ftcepy. Alpeilrézza, Alpifimcfs, roeftnefs , rugged- nefs. 'Alpbi, the morpbew or flaming of the skin, alfo a Iftndc of ulceration. ■ Aiphicomance, a Soothfaye? by Com. - Alpbicomamia, Divination by Corn. Alpicordo, as Arpicòrdo. Al-piè, Al-piéde,adv. at the foot. * Alpigiano, Alpigino, Alpigno , Alpino, Alpilano, born, bred upon the Alps. Al-piu, adv. at the moft- Al-più al-pù, adv. at the very very mo fi. - Al-piu alto, adv. at thehighefi. - Al-più baffo, adv. at the very loweft. Al-pofsibi!e, adv. to the utmoft poffibility. Al-poftutto, adv. after all is dotte. A!-prefénte, adv. at this preferir. Al-primo-tràtco, adv. at the firficafl. Alquanti, fome few in number. Alquanto, adv. fomewhat in quantity. Alquitrana, a kjndc of liquid pitch or tarre. A 1 - ràdo, adv. rarely, feldomc. Al-rimpctto, adv. over againft. Alfe, did freefc or chill. Al fegréto, zdv.fccretly. Al-fercno, adv. inthe opinai, e. A Is i, adv. ufed in Lombardy for Ancóra, alfo. A 1 ficùro, adv. fecurely, cc, tainly. Alfidcnie, elves, Cibols. Alsma, Chickwecd, Dutljwecd. Alfiofo, cold, chill, fofty. Al-fómmo,adv. to the very top. Alfórdio,c fonde of venemous Serpent. Al-fòbico, adv. Jiiddenly, upon a fudden. Altabaffo, as Abobaffo. • Alca-giuftitia, High or Chief Juft ice i in France it is apowtr to bang and draw, as many Princes bave. Alca leva, a kmdc of long fifh or Serpent 3 alfo a play that children ujc fitting at each end of a long beam or board, which being placed loofenpon any frame or other thing, one wtigheth another up and down. Altaleno, along Maft or beam fixed faft in tb: ground, with another beam fet acroJJ'e on the top of it, which being loofe ferveth to wave up and down, having fomc great weight at or.e end 3 the Brewers and Dyc-s ufcfucb in London to draw water out of the Thames, and call it a Sweep. * Altamente, adv. highly, deeply. Altana, a terrace orwafi on the top of any caftle, houfe, watt or tree. Akani , certain winds ;ifiag fuddenly out of the earth, and are commonly on the right hand of the South between Oftro and Fa¬ vonio. Alt.mto, adv. as much more. Al-tardi, adv./jfe, lately. Altare, an Altar-, alfo an Oyl-mitt 3 alfo the name of a figne in Heaven. Altaréllo, the dim: of Altare 3 alfo fomewhat high. • Altazzòfb, Altièro. Jjok Altièro. Altea, the herb March-mallows. A Iteluógo, in Latine Colophon. Alterabile, Alterante, Alterativo, alterable, fubjcci to alteration. Alterabilità, Alteramente, Alccrànza, Al¬ teration, alteration , change. Alteramente, as Alteramente. Alterare, lo alter, to change. Altercangéno, b.,b Henbane. Altercar e, to wrangle, to fquabble, to brawl, todebatc, orto contend in words. Altercatiòne, altercatioìi)fquabling , or conten¬ tion in words. I Altèrco, tbe\hcrb Henbane. Albeggiare,/o ftateit, to take upon himfelf in proud or haughty manner. Alterello, fomewhat high or haughty. Alccrévole, alterable. Alcerczza, Alterigia, Altério, pride , hauth- tinefs,difdain . Alterità, an othernef r, an inftant of change or alteration . Alternamente, Alternatiuamente, by turns , by cou,fes,cntcrcbangeably. Al-einare, to doe by turn or courfes 3 by met: to waver and be mconftant. Alternationc, alternation, fucccfflon by turns. Alternativo, alternative, enterchangeable , ftbjcft to alteration. Altèrno, alternali, enierchangeablc. ■ Altèro, Altcrólo, as Altiero, Alcezzófo. Alrersi, as Altresì. Alte zza, height, highncfs. Althéa, Mar fh mallows. Alteramente, adv. haughtily , proudly, dif- dainfully. Altierczza, as Alterézza, altitude. Altiero, Altieròfo, haughty , proud , high- minded, full of di fdam. Altimetra, a mcafurcr of altitudes or heights Altimetria, meafurmgoj heights. A binando, a venemous Serpent. Aitino, high proceeding from on high. Alcire, tifeo, tito, to afeend or become high. * Altiflimo, moft high. Altitonante, high thundring. Abbonare, to thunder from on high. A 11 itiid ine , altitude, height. Altizz jfo, fervent in pride. • 'Alto, high, eminent, aloft 5 alfo deep or pro¬ found-, by met: a conter Alt or counter ì inor in Mufick J ufd alfo for the main deep or Sea 5 u]cd alfo for broad, as Pan¬ no-a Ito, broad doth 3 Panno-ballo, nar¬ row-cloth. Look Fare abo. Abobjcche, a {inde of great Cart. Alto-baffo, high and low 3 alfo a kindc of raifed, or high and low wrought Velvet. Alco-burdo 3 Nave di alto-burdo, a [hip t w db a Ugh d:(k> a high fh p. Alto del giórno, high-day, Mid-day,Noon- [lead, the Sun at the higheft. A .co-levdre, to advance or raife high. * 'Alto-locare, to place aloft, to fet high. • Altoriarc, as Altire. A l-tòrno, ad v. about j alfo wrought by a Tur¬ ners wheel. Altovolinte, high flying. Abovoldrc, to fly high- Alco-volcnte, high willing. Alcra-cófa-alciina, adv. any other thing. Altramente, adv. otberwife- - Al-tratto delle fini, adv. at the tnd of all. Altra-vólta, adv. another time. Altresì, adv, alfo ike, moreover, befides , eft- fooi s, tfit wife 3 alfo otbei wife- Abrc-talc, fuch another m quality. Abrc-tanto, adv. as much more in quan¬ tity. Abrt-VL.be, adv. other times, 'Altri, others, other m n. Altrice, a nwfe, a fofter-mother. A brlméntc, adv. otberwife,clfe. 'Altri, fomc and otic,fome 3 as Altri i fuo- nare, altri à cantare, fome to play, others u fing. AVxWo, a Wren. •Altro, adv, other j ought elfe 3 any other thing. Abro-alcuno any other. 'Altro che, adv. other then j alfo if not, ex¬ cept, favmgth.it. Altro-ci vuole, fomething elfe is required. Alcro-móndo, another world. Altrónde, adv. from elfe where. Altróve, adv. elfwbere. Altrùi, AL Z AMA Altrui, others, other mens, toothers, alfa o f or from others. Altura, as Altezza. Al tutto adv. wholly, altogether Al vaia, a bill, a [cedui, a lie fact,a rear rath,an acquittance. Alticcia, a farry little wing. Alveario, a place where Bee-hives be fatpt. Alveo, a Bee-hive, alfa the bed or channel of arunning river, alfa the main pipe of any water-conduit, alfa the bid fa the wafte or bottome of a Jkip, alfa a great bathing- tub, that is covered. I have read it for Vena-cava, by Met: aJI:edd,acover,a roof, or Jhel ter. Al-vérde, to the, or at the green, by Met: almojl at an end, or almojt confined ; as ree Jay in Englijh, burning in the Joe fat, the Mcc: is ta fan from the ancient cujiomc in Italy, which was to colour the lower end of their candles green with the ittico of hearbs, as yet at this day they doe in Ireland. Al-vivo, to the quiefi or life. A-lumaca adv. Jnatlc-wiJc, Scala a-lumàca a pane of winding-fair cs. Alum.irc, as Allumare. Aliarne, any fand of aliarne. Alarne canno, a fand of allome, that Chy- mifaufc, which is the afesof the hear b Bali and salicornia burnt to Cinders. A lume di rócca , rochc-allomc. Alarne di piuma, a fand of aliom. A Iti me Romàno, Roman aliom. » Alarne Scagliuólo &c. a fand of aliom. Aluminófa qualità, an allorny quality. Alumófo, full, or tajiing of allotti. A-liina prima, at the Jirjl quarter of the Moon. A-luna fecónda, at the facond quarter of the Moon. A-luna piena, at the full Moon. A-luna té.za , at the third quarter of the Moon. A-luna fcéma, at the valine of the Moon. A -1 tinga A lungi, adv. Vijlantly, fane of. A-l tingo andare, ad v. in proccfjc or length of time,at the long ninne. Alunno,^ fojtcr-childe, a child fapt for Gods [afa. A [minar ifl. Alvo, a wombe, by met: ao rube or fepulchrc, alfa the naturali channel of a river. A-luógo e tèmpo, adv. [cafonably, at con¬ venient time and place. Aiutare, to lute, as lutare, AlchymifticaL terme. Alutatióne, a luting, a luxation. A-liitto, A-bnino, A-corótto, A-duólo, A- lugubre, A-mórto, adv. in mourning wcedcs. Alzabàra, a fa nd of drug. Alza, Alzaménto, m Alzata. Alzana, a hai fa, a rope or cable , for to hai fa, to hale, to tin or draw boates, barges, orjbips withall againft the Jiream, al Jo a Crane or other engine to hoij'c up great weights or paefa, namely as they ufa in Jhips; Alzaniére, a halficr, or he that haleth a barge or Jhipby a rope, alfa a hai fa or halfier in a Jkip. Alzare, to raife, to lift up,to rcarc, to elevate, to hoi fa, to advance. Alzare al Cièlo to raife to the heavens, by met: to commend highly. Alzare véla. Alzare le véle, to hoi fa failes. Alzare il banco, by mer: to fatai eafa to fare well andmafa good ebeare. Alzare ilgremiàle, pro: to lift up ones apron, [pollen of a woman with childe, when her bellic begins too [well, and her clothes growe to Jhort before. Alzarci mazzi, proverbially u fad for one to put up his pipes and be gone. Alzare le carte, to lift or cut the cxrdes. Alzare le mani, to lift up ones hands, by met: to become liberali , or open-handed. Alzata, a raifang, an elevating, a lifting up a rearing. Alzévole, that may be r ai fad, elevated or lifted up, rear able. Amàbile, amiable, lovely, to beloved, alfa a fand of wine in Italy. Amabilità, amiableneffe, lovclincjfa , ama- bility. Arnacco, adv. dog-cheap, plenty , alfa feot- free, at others charges, Amaccàre as Marcare. Amadéo, fame pan of a fa) ip. Anodizzato amadi\cd, by met: affected in boofaphrafc\, quaint in fpccch. Amadóre as Amatóre. Amadriadi wooJ.-Nymphcs. Amafrpfla, blindncjfc caujcd by the [topping of the optifa fannew's. A màglie adv. wrought with ojlct holes litica Jbin of mailc. Amagrirc, zwAmagrarc. Amainàre, to amain, to [rifa; the main yard, a phrafa among Manners. A ma lare, to fac fan : to fall fie fa Amalaticcio, /ic/’/y, erased in health. A malato, fac fa defaafad. A-mal-cuóre adv. againft ones heart or good¬ will. A-mal' in còrpo adv. idem. * Amalgàme, a mixture of qui c- fai ver with . other met yah that Alchimifas ufa. K Amaliàre as Ammaliare. A-malolténto adv. very hardly, with much adoc A-mal partirò adv. A-mal-términc, hardly- bcjicad, in an ill plight or [ate. * A-inàno alzata adv. with upheaved hands, by met: fuppliantly. Amanire nfed far Menare, or Amanire. A-mancànza didima, in the wane of the Moon. Amanchitide, a fand of [one. A-mandòiìra , A-mandritta, A-manritta, adv. on the right hand or fade. Amandino, a fand of ftone of divers colours, good againft poifan , which is fail to ma fa: him victorious, that wearcs it about him, and tcachcth to interpret drcu-r.es and riddels. Amandola, any fand of Almond. Amandclara. any meat, p afte, or mil fa: made of Almonds, Almond-milfa * A mandolini, young almonds, Almond- comfets. Amandolo, an Almond-tree. A-mangióme adv. with ioyned hands, fup- pliamly. Amaniménti, dreffangs , dightings, prepa¬ rations. Amanire, nifeo, nito, todre[fe,to dighe, to adorn, to fat forth handfamly, alfa to pre¬ pare and malic ready for ones hand, alfa to facile upon or lay hands on. Amanito,wzadc hand farne,alfa laidhands upon alfo made ready for ones hand. Amannàre, Amannire, as Ammannàre. A-manmanca, A-manfiniltra, A-manzan- ca, adv. on the left hand or fade. A-mano adv. at hand, readily. A-mano amano adv. by and by, Anon , alfa Hand in hand, alfa orderly in ranfa. A-màno armata adv. withfirong and armed hand, forcibly. A-man-picna adv. full-handed , with full hands. A-man-ialva adv. fafely, without danger. Amantàre, to enmantle, to enrobe. Amantélchi fofpiri, lovers hearty fgh's. AMA Amante, a lover, al fa loving. Amanticula, a faller of lovers. Amanticidio, a murthering of lovers, A mantici rami , [badie or farrc-Jpr eadin? boughs or branches. Aiiianulla , the barbe Paler inn , Capon tane, or Setwall. Amantino us Amandino. Amànto, a mantle, an upper-robe. A-man vuòte adv. empty-handed, A manu énfi looli Anagnólìi. Amanza,.! beloved lafjc.il (Jra,Hour,a Mille Is of ones affettati. 1 A mancino Amaraccolaco Amarantino bit- tenji), alfa oyleof Marioram. ' Amara co, great facet Marioram. Amaracoccolàto, oyle of Marioram , Amarame, all manner of Bin erne ft. A malaménte adv. bitterly. Amaranto, the barb Maudlin alfa the Flower gentle or Faffcvdoun ' Amaranto tirilo. Gddytcch.QcU wet or Gods-flower. A maraviglia adv.marvel on fay, A-marcia forzo adv. in mojt forcible man¬ ner,injpight of ones heart. • A-marcio dilpétto ad v.in forced or difpight of ones heart. Amare, to love, to a facci heartily, alio tob, in love. • Amare mèglio, to to belter, to will) or have rather. - Amareggiarne, Amaiczziinre, Amaricante, ..mancciante, A maro. Jarre, abincring, " W*S bl “" . traeVJb or tajiing ot Sea-water alfo growler or fiorone to a Sea,alfo looFwg gnm an( i n„„i, y, mct . lor,nee::,ig will, c/.-,„■//> world , and rough deedcs. Amareggiare, Ammezzire, Amatóre, A- maricciare, Amai igliare , 10 embitter, to m.e.e or become bluer or brachili,, to u,!e bitter or brae file, to look, or S' v S' 1 ’ w* " Ml grim, to become churl iff, &c. to life me binali or roughly. A marcila, hca.be Mugmn, or (.If tome fay) Fever Jew. J Amarena A marina,.: far.lof-Jlyrp.cherry,8cc. Amarétto, Amariccio, Amariglio , Ama- ragnolo, biucrijlg tajiing bluer or brac- Amarézza, Amaritudine, Amararóre, A- marulénza, bitternefje by met; Jpight- fulnefjc. * A mavégnolo, bitterijb. A marina, the twig-wuhy or Ofacr, alfo as Amarene. A mature, riico, rito, to make or become bitter. A.maritudine lool^ Amarézza. A maro, bitter, bream,bra, ifajb. Amaróre loo Amarézza. A-marcéllo, Lool^ Toccare a-marréllo. A màrtora j a beafl called a Manin. Amarulénte, bluer, breamifh, braefajh, by met: defpightfull ani bitter withall. Amarulénza , bitternejje , braefajhneffa b) met: bitterJpighifulnefJe. Amàtzc loo li Inneftàre. A màfia as Amanza. A-mainada adv. Helter-sliclter by troupes. A-màfì'a adv. by heapes ani badi le. Amaliare as Ammalare, &c. A màlici, as Ammaliò. Amatàco , as Amara co. » Amatlvo Amatile, lovely, to be loved. A magnare, to become or growe/morning. ■■■■ Ama'tiida,t/:c Hcmetite or Amaihijt-jionc. • A matillino^ the Amati ji- colour. - Amatita, mar fang-[tone, Red-oafar, fame tafae it for Blacfa-lead. AMB AME AMI I A matitatóio , a filter or b/a^n quill with a. Iiccc of red-oatye or black k ai ^ at onc cn ^ ,0 write with all. Amaciva , Amacióne, alovc-fit, a lovmg- paffton , a true-loving affdhon. Amatóre, alov.r, onc that loveth , alfo a loved Servant to a Miftriffe. Amatòrio , loving or love-canfing. Amatrice, a She lover. A maturare , as Maturare. A-mazzacchera, adv. inmurlbenng fort 3 in wnte for to fall. Amazza-franchi ,as Ammazza-frincbi. Amazzaméiuo , as Ammazzaménto. Amazz ire, as Ammazzile. A mazzata , as Ammazzata. Amazzatóre ,as Ammazzatóre. Amazona, an Amazon, which in G.eekfl~ gnifles pap-life , without dug or teat. Amba , a kind of fuitehkt a big Olive. Ambage,*?;? ambiguitie orlabbleof words ma¬ king the fence doubtful! , alfo m Ambagh. Ambagia, Ambafcia , Ambaftia, an ext afte or paffion of the minde , a qaalme over the (lomacke with a dixptinefje m the head , or a (hoitnefe of ones breath , by met. vexation , fitting grief. Ambagiare , Ambafciare, Ambaftiire, to fall into fomc cxtafie,difmay orfudd.cn paf- fion, to be dixjfie and lofconcs breath, by met. to fpe*k doubtfully or go about the bufh with onc. Ambagiófo,Ambafciófo,Ambaftiufo,d f a^ureofan Amatbifi - Ametilto, .is Amaiilto. A-mezza cala , adv. half waie home, by met : Jhartngly. A-mé zza lama, adr. A-mtzza fpida , at half f word, by met: tlofe-umo. Amczzamémo, a dividing in the midlc.alfo a ripening or a mi Uowing. A mezzóre, to pane, to {bare, or to divide into ba/fes or m the middle , alfo to mediate or deal and go between panie and panic , alfo to growe ripe or become mcUowc, namely as Pcarcs. J Amczzire la via, lo out or divide lite route, to meet one half waie. Amezzatóre, a mediator , an umpier. A-mczz' iria.adv. m the middle retim eloft. A-mcZZa fpada, as A-mezzalama. A-mézzo, adv. by or at halfs } in common, be¬ tween two partners , alfo over again ft, alfo demy in armor ic. A mezzo tempo, adv. at mid-time, to cove¬ nant for time one as long as another , Alfo interleafon. J Amfibio, cen boughs. Ammalare, as Amalare. * Ammaliaménco , a bewitching,a charm¬ ing. Ammaliare, to bewitch, to charm. Ammaliatóre, a bcwitcher , a charmer. Ammaliatrice, a fly-witch- Ammanaménco, a gathering or reducing into handfuls , alfo a mafiint ready for ones hand. * Ammandrare, to reduce into herds or droves’, aljo to cmpound catted. Ammanare, Ammanirne, Ammanuire, to reduce into handfuls as gleaners do corn, or flax-wives tbeh flax j aljo to prepare and mafic ready for ones hand ; among man¬ ners it [igni fleth to gather in, to hale or fin fie feiil fuddcnly Ammanfarc, to enmilden, to tame. Ammantare, Ammantellare, to enmantle,to enrobe. Ammaniatura, an cnmantling. Ammantino, a (lone of many colours. Ammanto, a mantle, an upper-robe. Ammarcire, as Marcire, to rot, * Ammaraménto, a rotting. Ammareggiare, as Amareggiare. Arnmarginare, as Marginare. Ammmcare,i« Ramaricare. Ammarire, to embitter. » Ammantar fi, to be married, Ammartellàre, as Martellare. AmmarteMato, hammered , al(o paffionate in love or jealoujtc. t.oofi Martèllo. Amrmfcaràre, at Mifcarare. Ammafciare, Ammaliare, Ammaflìcchiàre, to amafle or gather up in heaps. Ammaliatile , Ammaliévole , that may be ammajfcd or gathered together. AmmalTaménto, Ammallàtura, Amm affo, an ammafje or gathered heap. Ammallatóre, a hi apre, a gatherer. Ammafiìcciàre, to mafic or become maffle ; by met: to enure to all bardncjfc. Ammalio. Loo fi Amm; flaménco. AMM • Ammaftinato, become dogged or cur rifa. Ammaraflate, at Macaflare. Ammarinare, to grow morning. Ammattire, to run or fall mad. Ammattonare,Mattonare. Ammattonato, as Mattonato. ■- Ammaturire , Ammaturare, as Matu¬ rare. Ammazza, filli j alfo a fiillcr, namely, being placed before any Snlfianiivc. - Ammazza-cam, a fiillcr of dogs > alfo the herb Dogs-bane. * Ammazza- franchi, a pie af ani fuit about Tripoli, dangerous to thoje that eat of it. » Ammazza-lùpi , « fiillcr of Wolves-, alfo wolves-baue. Ammazzicchera, as Amazzacchera. Ammazzaménto, a killing, a / laughter. Ammezzare, to fin fie at the head with a club, to (lay, to fiill dead, to muethtr. Ammazzar Icmólcheper ària, to have a fthifi’ng breath. Ammazzata, a killing > alfo a (landing flay fi fliff as one fiey cola j aljo an angling-rod. Ammazzatóre, a filile, , a murthirer . Ammazzerai, to ftiffln, to mafie or become tough, fi iff] or [olid. Amnuzzolare , lo mafie into bundles or Jhra/S. Ammelàre, to fwceten , to tnboncy. Ammelato, bon ycd fweetned. Amme'n, An menno, Amm, So be it. Ammènda, at Amends. Ammendare, as Amendare. Ammendatióne, as Amendaménto. Ammendévoe, as Amendévole. Ammentànza, remembrance, memory. Ammentaie, to niindc, to remember. * Amménza, memory, mindfu/nefl'e. Ammc filine, admittance, admtffion. Ammollo, admitted, allowed. Amméttere, to admit, to allow . Ammirabile, admittable. Ammezzare, as Amczzare. 'Ammi, the Cummin colled Roy all-cummin, or asJome fay, Ammie , Amcos, Htleges, - Ammollaménto, a molhjyihg , a foafiing, a J upp hug, a Joft rung. Ammollare, Ammollire, to fupple, to mol- life, to for.fi 11, flap in any liquor 5 a foto (laefien, to Jè/tcn. Ammoll. to, Ammollito,/?/^, mollified, Joofied , (leeped, foftned * Ammollai vo, apt to m.Mfle. Ammollici, ae, to mafie 0 become foft, deli¬ cate, tffcmrnatc or wanton. Lo.fi Mol litia. Ammonacdrfi, fornito become a Mciib or a Nun. * Ammoncellàre, to pile up in heaps. A ormóne, as Hammónio. Ammoniaco, a juyceor gnmme tb-t comclb ; j.ini the herb Agasilli , called Ham mone fi. Ammombile, admomfhablc. * Ammorrigióne, Amroniménto, Amaro- nitióne, admonition, waning. A minonn e, mico, nito, to adn.oivfh, t.: Jori warn. Ammonitóre, aw admomfher. - Ammonitóiio, as Momrório. Anrnronitro, a compofition oj Send and Nitre to mafic glsfits with. * Ammontare, Ammonticchiare, Ammon- can. re, Amrnonricare, Ammoncicdlarc, Ammonticchiare, Aminontoii.ire, Am- moiiZicchiarc, to amount , to lull up, to mount , to heap up into heaps 0, Ct cfiy as tiny do corn or hay, to coi fi up 5" alfo to a fund or Cl: mb Up any (lairs or hills ; alfo to! ap, to get upon, or to cove, for to ei.g nice, as all Jortsnffnur-jootod biafis do-Lr, fi Montare. Ammo, b.re, ir ir fed with Contagion. Ammorbidare,Ammorbidire, lo mafie orbe- come ronfi trr luxuriant as herbs ing: owin', Loofi Morbidezza. A muro: c i Io, injcd ous, contagions. - Ammorfellai e, to mime rato morfets. * Ammorfcll ; to, minced into me,Jcls. Ammortaménto,Ammortiménto, a dcad.ng , a quenching. Ammei tare, Amrnor ire, to dead, to ouern h __ E_z _ 'Ani , AMM AMP AMU Ammorzatole , Ammorzevole , quench- able. Amtncrzscncntojd^ quenching. Ammorzare, Ammorciare, Ammortare, to dead, to quench, to extinguish. Ammofciamcmo , a langu fling , a droo- m : r ., Ammotciare, Ammofcir e, to droop, to faint, to languijh, as we fay, to wear away. Ammoltare, Ammortire, tn mu(l, to ripen as gropes ready to go to the preffe. Loti [ Molto. Ammotinaménto, a mutiny. Ammotinare, to mutiny. Ammocinofo, mutinous. - Ammottare, violently to crack and rive a- !under, as b auches of Trees or (tones of Rocl(s doe fometimcs, and yet a,e not clean afundo , but at fome part flick Mo¬ ther. Ammóvere, to move unto. Ammovi'bilc, moveable unto. Ammozzicaic, as Sminuzzare. Ammucchiare , Ammucchieudre , to heap up Louk Mucchio. Ammucchio, Ammucchiamento, a heaping or boarding up. Ammuflùre, Ammuffire: Look Muffi ; to become mouldy as bread, or mufiy as wine. Ammuleco, a little veffcll of glaffe. Ammanire^ as Munire. Ammunition, as Municióne. Atnmurat c, to immure , to wall in. Ammurcdrc, .w Rimurchiare. » Ammuricare, to enxoaU, to immure. Am mu fa mento, an amuftng, a mufmg ', alfo a mulling. Ammufarc, to amufe, to mufe , alfo to muT^le. Ammu:are, to tranfmute, as Mutare. Ammucildre, at Mutilare. Ammutinamento, a mutiny. Ammulinare, to mutiny, to nbcU. Ammutinófo, mutinous , rebellious. Ammutire, Ammutolire, to ma^e or become mute, dumb, o flint. Aran Alia, oblivion, forgetfnlncfs* Amnione, as Aguina. 'Amo, a fifl ng book > a ffo 1 l° ve ' Amodit e,armile of Adder or Snake* • A-inoJo, ;dv. after the manner. Amò e, for Amò, he loved. A-moifcs, adv. as Mofaick-work- Amo mèglio, Hove rather. Amolare, as Molare. Àmómo, our Ladies-rofe, Garden-pepper, or Rofe of Jcrufaltm. A monacato, become a Monk• A-mònce, adv. aloft, on ingb : Look Andar à mónte. A-mon:e rovcfcio,adv. topfte-turvie. Amoraccio, Amorazzo , fitly love or tufi. • A mordo, a kinde of /mall Coin in Italy. A morchia, *morcbia:e, as Amiirca. Amóre, love, l ufi, affcRion. • Amor’- co-nuto, the (lower Mon^-hood. • Amóre Dei,adv. gratis, for Gods fake, for the Ivueof God. • Amore d’horroldno, Gar diner s-love, Goofe- (hare, Claver , Clover- graffe. » Amoreggiaménto,d following tr making of love with wantonnefs and lull. Amoreggiare, to play the Ime/, to make love wantonly, to court with l ufi. Amorétto, Amorino, an Amorct, a little Cupid. Amorévole, Ifmdc, lov'vng, affable. Amorevolézza , Amorcvoldggine , loving kindernc/s hninrnejs. Amorevolita. • Amorevolmente, kindly,lovingly. Amorifero, love-bringing or bearing. Amoróio, an ameni us woman', alfo a mans love, paramour, miffris orfweit■ heart. Amorofaménte, adv. amoroufty. Amorofanza, Amorofua, amoroufnefs, lo- vmgncjs. AmorofellojAmorofécto, lovely,gracious, fidi of loving lovtlmejs. Amoróio, amorous, full of love ; alfo a wo¬ man s paramour. Amoeixie, fomethingabout a flip. A-mórl’o, a-mórfo, adv. bit by bit, by mor- fds. t Amortare, Amortire, «w Ammorzare. A-mórie, adv. to death, mortally. A-mólca c ieca, a play or [port, where one (its upon a Iloot hoodwinkt, who being bit by one of thofe that (land about him , mu[l guefs who did it, or eljt he mu(l fit (Ull ', it is ike our hot Cockles. Amofcir e,as Ammofciire. Amollante, ufed in mockery for a chief man or ring-leader of others. A-mótto, a-mó:to, adv. word by word. Ampaludare, as Impaludare. Amparare, as Imparare. Ampelite, an herb in Syria, that kills the wo, ms ubbing the veins with it. Ampelodelma, a vine- binde. Ampcloprafo, the Porr et or Leek-vine. AmpelolagriJ, Ampelofencceno, white Bri- ony ; al/o a binde of wildevine. Ampérlo, the Berbery tree. Ampbamerione, a kinde of Quotidian A- &**■ Amphefibcua, Amphisbéna, as Anfefibéna. Amphibio, any creature that liveth both in the water and on land. Amphtbologia,c<7«»^cjr/o» or doubtful mea¬ ning in one or many words. Amphibológico, equivocali, ambiguous, of a double fenfeor meaning in wards. Amphibraco, afoot of a verft, the firft and third fyllable floit,and the middle long. Atnphicrrco, the (late of the Moon not yet come to the half compafs bending on both fries. Amphicóne, a kinde of precious (ione. Amphidéo, the head of the wombs mouth. Amphi!ane,itj Crilocotto. Ampbiraacro, a kinde of lafcivious verfe ufed at wanton weddings. Ampbimalii, certain Mantles [haggie within and wit l out. Ampbisbena, as Anfefibéna. Ampbifiij Amphilcii, thofe people that have their (badows ca(l on both (ides of them, as they have that dwell in Zona Torrida, whofe fladows jomctimcs are North and fometimcs South. Amphiteatrica, the ancient name oj Paper made in Rome. A mphitcatro, an Amphitheatre. Amphitióni, an ancient univerfaU M-gi¬ ft mte in Greece. Amphitrite, the Sea, the main Ocean, the wa¬ tery Ringdomc. Amphodillo, the Dr.ff odili- flower. 'Amphora, a certain vcffcU or meafure with a Cane on either fide to hold by, containing about eight of our gallons} alfo a k}l>dc of viali or glafs now ufed in Italy to put fwcet-waters in. Amphorifmi,/*f Apborifmi. Ampiamano, adv. full-handed, abundantly. Ampiaménte, adv. amply,largely. Ampidre, to ampliate , to enlarge. Ampiezza, amplenefs, fcope, room . 'Ampio, ample,large, fcopefull. Amplacée, a kinde of great Pears. Ampleflare, to hug, to embrace err cell with love .md affi Rum. Ampléflì , embijeings, callings, or hugging with hearty love. • Ampiianza, Ampliatane, amplenefs, fcope. Ampliare , Amplcare, to ampliate, to en¬ large. Amplificatole,//;# may be amplified. Amplificare, to amplific, to augment. Amplification, Amplificala, amplifica¬ tion, augmentation, encroafe. Amplitùdine, amplitude, lai genefs i by met; flreadmgpowcr or dignity. 'Ampio, ample,fcopefull, large. Ampo, moreover, more largely. Ampólla, any thin viali glafs ', by met: a puff, a bubble, a bU(tcr. Arapollaree, a kinde of great Pears. Ampolletta, Ampollina, Ampolluzja, the dim: of Ampolla. • Ampolletta da bore, an hour- glafs. Ampollolaménte, adv. by met: puffingly, vani-glorio fly, h\e a bubble. Ampolloso, bublag, puffing, full of winde. Ampollófe paróle, windy, puffing, lofty, or bùbling ffneches without fubftawe . Atnpoiluzzj, a little viaU glafs. Amputare, to cut and pare away that which is fuperfluous. Amputai iòne, a pa,ing about, or cutting away of any fuperfluity. Amucchiare, to heap up together. A-mùcchio, adv. by heaps, hcapingly. A-muda, A-mudanza, as A-muta. Amtlctto, anamulet worn about oneagainfi plague or charms. Amulinarc,**/ Mulinare. Amurca, dregs or gr ounds of oyle. Amuicar e, to come to dregs m the bottame as oyle doth. Amulare, as Ammufare. A-mufo lecco, adv. as one left with his lips dry, or as a fifh without water. A muta, A- mu:anza,adv. by tu, ns,by Courfes, by 0/dtrly viaffstude. • Amutare, to entcrmewi alfo to run clofe together as dogs when they are well for ted and in their full cry. •Amutata, an entermewed hawks alfo a well forted and fullctyof hounds running clofe together. Amutire,rtr Ammutire. An ? Ah Ì what ? how ? A Lombard word. 'Ana, award ordinarily ufed in all Phyftcians bills, Jignifying a like quantity of each fe¬ ver all thing. Ambits, the herb Hofc-tail. Anabattifta, an Anabaptift. An 3 campfcnotémo, Anacapiferóte, an bc/b which bath the virtue if one but touch it, to make a body to nmimber old forgotten love, allbough left off for flight or ha¬ tred. Anacaugride, a bird in India , whofe dung fmellcthas Ambir- guece. Anacardino, avenemow juyee or oyle found in, or made of Anacdrdio. Anacardio, a fliub or tree m India, beating a fruit like a birds heart, yielding a juyee as red as blood, of whofe fruit proceedeth a kinde of honey, that ex ulcer al et b where it toucheth i fome call it, the Bean of Malata, or Anacardium. Anaccare, to flare in the rogues language. Anachitc, Anacithide, a (lone good againfi poifon or madnefs fome take it for a kinde of Diamond ufed by Enchanters in raifing of (pints. Anacoréfe, a folit arine fs, an hermitage. Anacorita, an Anchorite, apcrfiR Hamit. Anacquare, to fprinklc with water. Anacrifi, an examination of a matter. Anacromfmo, an imitation of Anacreon the Lyric k Poet. Anacróntici, Verfts devifed by Anacreon ', Anaci eonticks. 'Anada, 'Anadra }< a Duck, • Mallard. Anadinoi, Anadrino, any Duckling. Anadiomène, a funame of Venus, as much to fay, as Rfing out of the fta. Ana- ANA ANC AND Anadiplófli 3 , ndoublingof words. 'Anadra,# Duck, a Mallard. Anadrótci ,young Ducklings- Anafti .re, to (priii^lc with water. Anagallide , Anagallo, Urooli-iimc, Sea- j piacciane. Anagiri j Anagiróne , Anagiride, an heib fair in view , but cf a (linking ta(le and favour,called Bean trifole. - Anagnófti, overo Amanuénfi, fo called of Cicero, bccaufe that by Bracbygraphy they wrote ad Letters or Orations that thy heard, without omitting any fyllable. Anagogia, the high or myderious undcrflanding of the Scriptures or any thing clfe. Anagogico, full of higher myfferioits undcr- ftancìing -, alfoproportionable. Anagogica ftrada, away leading m and out, or here and there. * Anagramma, an Anagram, or pretty con¬ ceit framed of the juft letters of ones name. < Anaiémmo , a Mathematicall Inflrumcnt to finde the courfe and elevation of the Sim. Analéffia, a difeafe talfmg away the fenfes from all parts of the head. Analèttico, a form of diet to nour’fh one that is lately recovered from fcknefs. Analili, re folliti on , determination. Anal Hco, re follile, determined, ‘Anal 'gare, to analogife , to anfwerin due proportion, to conform by affinity. Analogia , conveniency, analogy, proportion, conformity, corn (pendency. Analogo, aafw. ring in due proportion, refem- blance or analogy. - Anancbicidc, us Anachite. Ananz : , as Ananli. An.ipéfticij vnfes with the two fh ft fyllables fhort and ire lalt long. Anapélto aculeàco. Anaphora, a figure in Rhetorick, caUed Re¬ petition -, alfo ninety degrees from the afccn- dant or enfi ion of ones Nativity , or an ajeenfion of the Planets fram the cafl by daily courfe of ih firmament. Anapolironàto, NeapolUani^cd 5 by met: full of affittatimi- Anar Ancia, an Orange-fruit. Anaràncio, an Orange-tree* Anarchia, a confufcd Common-wealth, a State without Head or Govemour, wherein one is as good as anothe r 5 by mec; rafh liberty, liccntioufnefs, dijfolutenefs. Anar co, without Prince or Government J by met: licentious, irregular, dij] elute. Anàre, as Narice. Anafarca, a dr sofìe over the whole body. Anafare, to nofe, or fmcH unto. A* nato, adv. by nofe, by fent or fitte U of the nofe. Anafpamento, a reeling or winding of yarn. Anafpdre, to reel orwindc yarn. » Ansftomosia, a conjunction of two veins in¬ to one, or of an artery and a vein 3 ufed alfo for a bleeding by a broken vein. Anathema, a man which in timespafl was given over to the Devil, or that (lands ac- curfed,execrated,and excommunicated j an Anatheme. Anathemizzàre, to anathemi^e, to curfe , to execrate or give over to the Devil. Anathemifatióoe, Anathematifmo, a making or being made accmfed, damned, or execra¬ ble, an anatbematifm . Anatomia, an anatomy, a feflion of, or look¬ ing into all diflinfl parts of the body. * Anatòmico, anatomicaU, that tyiowctb aU the f evirali motions. Anatomia,*» Ana'omiff. AnatomizzAre, to anatomise. 'Anatra, a Duck or a Mallard. Anatrarla , Anatrario , a Hawke that kids Ducks and Mallards. 'Anca, a haunch , a buttock, a hip j alfo the ankle or ankle-bone. » Ancada, lo nave diede dell’ ancàda non de¬ lira con grand* urto. * Ancaióne, adv. in hip-broken manner. Ancarélla, the dim: of 'Anca ; alfo tripping¬ ly, or hopping on one leg. A ncélla, a maiden, adamfiU, a waiting-maid or woman. 'Anche, 'Anco, as Ancóra. ‘Anche-che, adv. although, albeit. Ancheggiare, to hip , to haunch 5 among horfe- men it it when a horfe corvcts with a quick time , bearing himfelf upon his haunches. Anchióve, thefifh Anchoves. Anchiródc, Anchiróide, the interior proceffes of the fhoulder-blade. Andana, as Alzana. Anelano, as Anciàno. Ancianlcà, ancientmfs, feniority. Ancidere, Ancidare, to (lay, to kid dead. * Anciditóre, Anàfore, a killer, a (layer. Anelli, certain fhiclds that the Romans ufed. when they danced. Ancilla, as Ancèlla. » Ancillari, certain Sacrifices that were offered by Matin fervants. Ancinélli, as Uncinèlli* * Ancino,<« Uncino i alfo a water'urchin. Ancino di péfee, a fijh hook. Ancióve, Ancióc, the fifh Anchoves. Ancipite, doubtfuU which part to take, handy dandy j alfo keen, cutting, fijarp. Anclude, an anvill j alfo a (Pilchard or Sperlin- #• . , Anco, Ancói, Ancuo, adv. this day , to day, 'Anco, a certain great weight, the nave of a wheel i alfo as Ancóra. * Ancólia,/i?e flower Columbine. Ancóne, a cornet , an angle, a nook • Ancóra, Ancor’, 'Anco. 'Anche 3 alfo, be - fides, moreover, eke, too, with all, alfo a- gai»,yet , anew. 'A ncora, an anchor for a fhip. Ancóra-che, Ancorché, adv. although that, howbeitthat. ‘Ancoraggio, anchoring', alfo anchorage- money. Ancorare, Amoreggiare, to anchor, to ride at anchor . Ancoràro, Ancoraio, an anchor, ananchor- maftcr or maker. Ancróla, a common punk, a (idle whore, a filthy jadijh ramp. Ancude, Ancudine, an anvill. Ancudinare, to forge on an anvill. Ancuòjjd v. to d. y, this very day : a Lombard word. Anctifa, Anchtifa, herb Orcanet or Alcanet j alfo the gentle Thifile. * Andabaufmo, a riotous commotion, a hurly- burly. * Andaccio, Andazzo, (peaking of fafhitms, whether of clothes, manners or cufiomes, it fignifieth afafhion new come up, and judden- ly received. Look 'Eflere andazzo. Andaménti, goings, trendings,proceedings. And ante, going, that goeth > alfo Paffiant in Armory. Andanti, goers, travellers, wandtrers, way¬ faring-men. Andare, vado or vo, andai, andato, to go, to wend, to march, to pace. * Andare a brodétto, vale fare un mefeuglio o ouazzabuglio in confufióne. Andare a caccia, al'a càccia, overo in càccia, to go a hunting. ‘Andàie a cavallo, to ride, to go on horfe- back. * Andàre a chiappóne, to go Cowringly, as it were on ones buttocks. * Andare a cilóffo. Look Cilcffo. Andàre a contrafar’ 1 morti j Andàre a fa- vellàre a’mórti 3 by met: to go fleep. Andàre a dilètto , a dipòrto, a lói. zzo, a fpalTo, to go a folacing, a (porting, a walking. Andat e a fila, to march in order, or ranks, to go in, or keep the files. Andare a gàlaj to float upon the water, to go adrift. * Andare a gambe levàte, pro: to fall into fome hard (tate or condition, ‘Andàre a giróne, pro: for a man to go idly up and dorm not knowing where. Andàre a guadagno, pro::u wander or fhift up and down for gam or hire. Andàre ad hófte, logo a wayfaring , to go with a camp,to follow an army. Andare aiàto, Andàre aióne, to go idly, toy- teringand gaping up and down. Andàre a la àia, pro: to lay to pawn, as we fay, to lay in lavander. Andàre al bófco, pro: to go to the wood 3 by mec: to take the diet-din. k fortbeFrcncb- 'P°*; Andàre alla bufca,/0go a booty-haling, to go and fhift. Andàre alla crociàta i by met; to go and come home by weeping-crofs. ‘Andàre all* altrui mercéde, to go at others charges 5 by met: to (land to other mens courtifie. Andàre alla mazza, to go to the club j by met. logo to the llaughter. ‘Andare al làl’cio, to go leafhed 3 alfo to be taken up and h afhed as bad hunters be. Andàre alla mónta, for cattell in time of breeding to go to rute, to leaping, to co¬ vering. Andàre all* ofeuro, to go in the dark 3 £jmec: to walk 171 ignorance. - Andare alla llagliàta, to go in and out, to go reelingly and carelefly as a drunken man. Andàre a mónte, to fwig and deal the cards agami by me t: to prove vain and come to nothing. * Andàre a mortagna, to go to death or out of this world. And are a ónde, to go waving j by met: to go m indenture-wife as a drunken man. * Andàre a parlare a Pilàto, by met; to go be¬ fore a Judge upon life and death. Andàre a pélo, to go according to the hair orbyafs 3 by met; to fuccccd according to oneswifhes. Andàre a pifciare, to go make water 5 alfo the name of agame at cards. Andare a ripórre 3 by met: for one to go pul up his p ipes , o r go and hide himfelf. - Andàre a ricifa 5 by met: to go precifely and warily about a bufinefs, ’ Andare a riléntej by met: to go cinum(pe6Uy or fu(piciou(ly to wo>k- Andàre a ruba.ro go a fettling, a filching or a free ■ boot ing. ‘ Andàre a ruòta, to go wheeling, to hover in the aire over ones heads as birds do. Andàre a fàcco, Andare a faccomanno, to be ranfack- d, Jatkt or fpoiled , to go to wrack • Andare a fchéncioj to go thwartly, fidelingor croffely. * Andàre a fèlla 3 by met: to go to the Clofe- ffool. Andàre a fecónda, to go down the tide.as An¬ dàre a verfo. Andàre a fcófle, to go (lag gerir g and reeling as drunken men ao. Andàre a finidra, to go on the left band', by met. to mifeany by the way. Andàre a fóldo, to ferve for pay in war, to go a wayfaring. ‘Andàre a foqualfo , to go to havock , to AND to vararti or con fu ft an. • Andare a ipw aviere, to to ahawkyngor a fow'usg. Andate a vanga ; by met: to thrive, to fadge or fuecudwtU. Andareavela , to fail, to go failing} by met: to be blown up. Andare a verfo, to fadge well, to go accor¬ ding to tie tight byafs-, alfo to footh up or p'.tr’fe ones humour. Andare a voltolane, to go rowhng. • Andare s z nzo. Lo>\ Z inzo. Andare bando , to b. phbkflxd by procla¬ mation- • Andare bene in fu la vita.vale portar bène la pedona. •Andare bare olone > to gn hulling up and down i by met: logo ftaggering. Andare carpone, to go crawling or creeping on the ground- • Andare co’l cèmbalo in colombaia, pro: for a man to pub (h his own affairs. - Andare co\ calzare di pi. mao, pto;/t? go confi.raic’y and with good heed. • Andare co’l piede di bue, pro: to march fair aadLifur-.ly, and fafely. • Andare con le belle ; by met: logo hand- fnmely to work, to follow his bufinefs with patience and dexter :ty. • Andate come la bircia all* incanto, pro: to go toil as unwillingly as doth a tear to the flak'- - Andate con la pièna, to go with the full tide > by met: to go with the soft- And. .re del corpo, for mie to have the ufe of his b'dy , aid go to (loot. Andare di male, toga to Spdsboy,to mfcarry, to go to w-ack fl/ ftngliig- Andar e di trotto, Co go a trotting pace. • Andare dóve ne Papa ne Imperatóre può mandare Ambafciatprc > by ma : to go to (loot. Andare dove vanno i favài et i matti > by met: to go to ones laft home. ■ Andare fallito il penderò, when a mans purpofe or intent faileth. Andarcgattolóne, to go groping or fumbling in tie dark * s Ca!s do. - Andare erodo, pro: as we fay to look very big and fem to be angry. • Andare grattando i piedi 3l!e dipinture, proverbially (poken of fucb as go up and down Churches, and prayto tviry Image, when inwardly they are diffembhng hypo- Ciitsj to play the Puritan. ] Andare in amóre , to go a caterwawlir.g as \ Cats, to go to rult as Dccr do, to go to I coupling. ; Andare in Barberi*, to go into Barbarj J by | ! Met. to be laid of the french-pox. ! Andare in béllia j by met: to fall into fu y ! or raging anger. Andare in bilica, to go a filching, a (hifling, | ora (ha king- I - Andi;e in calóre, as Andare in amóre, to be (alt as a Bitch. Andare i O. nafau, logo into flefh-hazen J by met: c go a wenching > An. arc in cerca, to Jcarch up and down, to go fa , . I • Andare in cimbalis, tab- tranjptnted with } overmuch joy. | * Andare in Cornovaglia, to go into Corn- AND wall J by met; into Cuckolds-haven. - Andare in Cornovaglia lenza barca j by met: to be m ;de a Cuckold. An a c in corib, to go a roving, logo wtn- d ingor a piracing up and down. • Andare in dòmo Petri j by met: to go to p> ‘fui) for ad p ifons are built of ftonc. Andare inuozzcn3 j by met. to go among the vulgar fort, as a Ho-fe doth at Li¬ ve y, - Andare in faicio, logo to wrack and mine , Jaid in Latine Pedum ire. • Andare in cóla materiale, idem. ‘Andare in negócio, idem. Andare in fréga, to go a catcrwawling 5 by me ; tolufi beaflly. Andare in palpcgóne, to go fumbling aad gub p:ng up and down. » Andare in paftùra la notte cóme faceva MeiTaiina. Andare in pellicceria J by met: to be {lead, or go to the rack- Andare in Piccardia, to go into Picardy i by met: to go and be banged. • Andare in rótta, to go to rout, to be put to rout, to be overthrown ho, ft and man. Andar* in Sincopi ,to fall into diminution} by met: to fall into a fwoon. Andare in lliazzo, togo Jharking up and down. Andare in fu.chio ,for ones mouth to run awatcr » by met: to luft for exceedingly , namely for Utcbny. • Andate in traccia , to go tracing. Andare in vòlta, togo ranging about. - Andare in z .ccoli per i’afciucio, pro: ft?go armed where no da, g ow or path. . Andare per il filo della (inòpia, pro: togo the right way to work. • Andare per il móndo , to travcll up and down the wor Id. - Andare per la pcfta, to follow the Kjngs high—way j by met; the zu'gar fsfkion. . Andare per la pi.ina j by met; to go the plain Dun[iable- way. • Andare per filo j by met: for one togo for¬ cedly about any bufinefs. • Andare piàggia a piaggia, rogo or fail fafely or clofe to the fiore. Andare ramengo, to go folitarily or poorly beg¬ ging up and down, ff “lying. • Andare ratio, pro. to go fncalfutior lik¬ ing up and down. • Andare t attenuto, togo warily and cijcum- fpcftly to work. • nndare fpinto j by met: to go over-proudly and pr od i gaily alt ned. • Andare foprale paróle, to go upon other mins words, to be carried away by fair Jpcecbes. • Andare (fretto, to go about any thing fpa- nngfy or pinchingly. , Andare capinando, logo a legging. I Andare temóne, to go gioping, feeling and fumblng as m the dai k- ‘ Andare vuòto ; by met: for a manto miffe of his purpofe, a thing to take no tfit ci. • Andai lene préio alle gridaj by met :ferr one to believe every idle report. • Andarli con Dio, ujid proverbially fotone to run away without leave taking. - Andarli a i pórre, prova bully ufedof one, who having lofi his reputation and credit ANE j may go and hide himfclf or as we fay, go j and put up his pipes. - Andata, Andaménto, Andatura, a going, a manner cf going, a wandering > al jo a dt- ! pinture. - Andato ,gone, marched, wandered, departed • Look Andate. Andature, a goer, a wendet, a t raveller , a wanderer. Andazzo. Look Andàccio. 'Andi, as Vadi, let him or her go. Andirivieni, go and come} al jo a pafportfor one togo and come i alfo as Fagiolata. Andivemre, to go and come to and fro. Andivieni, any going and coming to and A»- Andito, a path, a way, apaffageor acceffe : unto ; alfo a porch or portali to en¬ ter at. 'Ando, a valley well peopled, and rich with Mines or Minerals i jo me have ufeditfor a rifng hill, that hath neither■ dale or valley about n. I » Andogliéri, Antogiiéri, the brow-antlcrs I or fir It branches of a Dccrs-head. ; Andrachnéno, as Arachnéno. Andragóne, a virago, a (lota, cr mxnkindc furious woman. Andrino, a jadijhblack borfe. ' Andrio, a kinae of vene mo us Serpent. • Andrògino, Andrògina, of botbfexes, both man and woman. - Ancromada , Androdama, Andromante, Androdamante, a very hard and ponderous kindc of I ione , bright like fiver, and as the Adamant draws iron unto it, a kindc of blood-flone. Andrómeda, a proper name} alfo a certain (tar in Heaven. Andrèna, a narrow lane, ar alley and by-way ina City err Town ; alfo a Jpacc or paffage between two walls ; alfo a lobby between other rooms, ferving as a paffage to them j alfo a chamber with monde of duck. Anceliare, to ra,ifie or make thin. Anelante, Anelare, as Anhelante. Anelatane, <2 breathing , a ri\fbi/ation. Anelitare, to breathe, to pant, to refpire. Anelito, mtueall iijpiration. Ané la, Ancliàre, Anello, Ancllétti, as An- nella, Anndlare, Annéllo, &c. Ancmofilace, anob, trver of heavenly rules. Anemone, Anemonia, Rofepmflty , wind¬ flower, Coquelourds, Paffevelours ; fome take 11 for wiUc poppy,and fomc othc, sfor the gentle tliiftlc. A-nero. ad v. m black or fable colours. Anelila, any feafon. Anetivo, made of A net or Dill. Aneto, Anérho, Anet or Dill. 'Anitra, any kindc of Duck- Anfanamene, Anfinie , vain toyes of the minde, fond ravings , idle fancies, do- tings. Anfanare, Anfaneggiare, Anfanióre,^ fondly to un e, idly to dote- - Anfanare a fee co j by mrt: for a man to toil, to drudge a„d labour .without pro- fi‘- Anfanatore, a doler, a fond raver. -Anfefibénaj Anfisbéna, a vanne us Ser¬ pent with two heads, one before, the other in his taiL » Anfibio, A N G ANI ANN Anfibio , living both in the water and on the land . Anfibologia ,as Amphibologia, &c. » AnSbliltóide/be fifth thin membrane giving light unto the enfiali me humour- Anfifcii,*w Amphifcii. ■» Anfitano, a (ione of the vertue of the Ada¬ mant, and malie sgold to grow inguantine. Anfitrice, as Amphitrne. 'Anfora ,/«'Amphora. * Anfodéllo, the Daffodil-flower. AnfoJiglioj as Anfodéllo. Anfrangere, as Frangere. Anfrànto, as Frànto, crujhed, broken. * Anfratto , a breaking or eating in of the land, as forno violent water s or the Sea caufeth- Anfrosino, a Sainl-fccrhntg Fryer , an Hypo¬ critical Puritane. Anfufàglia,ta/f people, as common as fiindlcs. AngaràiojÀngheraro,^» impofer of taxes, im¬ pofitions, or grievances. * Angareggiàre , Angariare, Angarizzàre , Angheriàre, to compili or to contraine, alfo to oppreffe with taxes, impofitions or grie¬ vances. Angarie, Angherie, taxes, impofitions, impofls , wrongs, or taxations agamftreafon. ' Ange, ufed for 'Angue ,alfa vexeth. Angeléfco, Angelico, Angelical, Angel-lylic. Angelica, the hearb Angelica. ■ Angelichczza , Angelicas , the femblance, nature or quali tic of an Angel. Angelico, Angelical, Angel'like. Angelino, alitile Angel, alfa a kind of fine drinking-glafs. 'Angelo, an Angel, a Mefjengcr of Gud , aljo the Spirit or Genius that doth attend us. Angelócto , a kind of Com m England worth two Italian crowns. A ngeluzzo, a little Orphan Angel. ' Angénte , vexing , mole [ling, grieving at the heart, anguifhing. 'Angere,'Ango, ' Anfi/Anto, to vex, to mo- left , to aggrieve, to angui fh. Angeròna, a Goddtfs anciently honored among the Romanes,*; the Goddtfs of Silence. Angeron.Ui, Sacrifices unto the Goddefs An- geróna for curing of thefquinancie. Angherie, as Angarie. ( poflume. 'Anghio,aBoic/ 7 , a cankerous humour, an im- Anghiórno , The name of a Bird. Anghiróne, a Hearon. A ngina,a fqmnancie in the throat, alfo Dodder or With- binde. 'Angio, anciently ufedfor 'Anzi. Angioino,/« Angelino, Look Pàlle. ‘'Angiolo, as 'Angelo. Angióne, an angle, or moke, a corner. Angióve, Angióe } anchoves. Angi-pórco,a narrow lane or allie with one en¬ trance and divers windings. ' Anglio, a bile , a blane , a fwolne fore. Angoella,/# Anguélla. Angolare, to angle, to comer, a nook. 'Angolo, an angle, a corner, a nook- Angolófo ,full of angles, nooked. Angonàra, a bottom, or clue ofyarne. Angonàre , to wind-up a clue. Angonia, Àngófcia , Anxietie , vexation of mind or body , anguijh , perplcxitic, panting for feare. Angoniàre, Angonizzdre, Angofcidre, to be or to fall into agonie , anguijh, or anxiet ie and vexation of mind or body, to pant, to be per - plexed for feare , alfo to fight a public combat. ( anguijh. Angoniófo, Angofciófo, full of agonie , or Angonizzànte , Agonizzante , anguijh ng, langnijhing in agonie , panting for feare, alfo over tired , tilling out his tongue as a dog , or embofl, as a deare. Angonizzdre, Look Angoniàre. Anngoi igia, Angórdo, as Ingordigia. Angore, anguijh m the throat with cho^in? ! and (lifting. Àngófcia, Look Angonia. *Ango(ciiio,anguijhed,overcome with anguijh. ‘AngcXjUjedfor 'Angolo. 'Angue, any Snake or Adder. Anguélla, a jijh, in Latin, Lavaronis. Anguecraménti , wrighngsin and out, tur¬ nings and windings. Angueccare, to wriggle as a fnafle , to turno. - Anguetcatóre , a wrigler. •* Anguifcro, Serpent-bearing,alfo a confteUation of Sta-, res in the heavens inform of a Serpent, it jettetb in the morning and betokenetb temp eft. * An^uigéno ,engendred of a Serpent. Anguilla* an Ecl-fifh , an Eel-pout- Anguillàia, Anguillàra, a pond or place to keep Eels-in, the Husband men of Italie ufe to cal Anguillàra a long range or {freight row of vines ft anding[ingle and aloncfont if there be more than one, then they call it Pancata , it is alfo the name of a ftreet in Flounce. Anguillata, A nighire,Anighitire, as Impigrire. Anile, of, or pertaining to age. Anilita, old-doling-age. 'Anima ,the foulc of a man, beaji or plant, by met: the pith, the core, the kernel or bift-fub- Jlance of any thing j namely offruits,aljo a Cut¬ 's ace or breaftplate,becaufc itarmeth the heart. 'Anima della edmmera , among gunners, the Cilinder or hollow of any piece of ord¬ nance. 'Anima della canna, Idem. 'Anima del pèzzo, Idem. 'Anima di bottóne, a button mould. 'Anima di créta , Cannonieri ufe it fur a long barre of iron luted, with clay, fel upright m the mold, wherein ordnance is caft, our gun¬ ners call it a Nivel or Niwel. 'Anima di fèrro, a barre or crowe of iron, that gunners ujc in great pieces to put into or th.ougb the axel-tree , to fimtgthcn the fame in the carriage. Anim Avèrtere, Animavvértere, to heed, to confider, ar regard with diligence. Animadverfióne, heedy confederation, diligent regard, aljo a degrading from any digmtic. Animaiàccio, Animalóne , ary huge, fillhieor bcaftly creature. Animale, any livingor breathing Creature,alfo the vit al part or breathing of any body. Anir^Ae fentaccfcio, any fitting,jquailing or groveling creature. Animalétto, Animalxno, Animalùzzo , the dim: of Animdle. Animalità , the ejjence, the life, the spirit or foul of any living-creature. (thingly. Animalmente, adv. animaly ,foul-lyke ,brca- Animdnce, breathing or having a foul , any living or breathing creature. • Animariaménte, cowagioufly. Animare , to enfoul, to give foul, life or jpirit unto, affo to animate or encourage. * Animdftico, that coneerneth the foul , li(e or jpirit. Animacaménte, adv. with foul and life. Animatióne, a giving of foni and life unto,alfo an animating. Animato, crcatcd-with, or having afoul and life, alfo animated,alfo hardy or couragious. Animavvcrfióne, Animadverfióne. Animèlla, Animèlle, the feeds or kernels of\ any fruit, nut or (lone, namely of reifins , grapes, nuts,apples,pea; es or plums,alfo the bello ws of a pump, Aljo Lamb ftones. Animèlla di vitella , the burr orfwcct bread of a breaft of veale, ufed alfo for a caines¬ chi dr on, becaufe it is full of kernels. 'Animo , a mind,a courage, a (pirit, far Ani¬ mo,^ encourage. Ammortì, bardinefs , couragioufnefs , bold- daring, ammofiiie,felf-opinion. Animato , finite fui , couragious,bardie, (lout, boldly-daring. Animacela, a poor filly foul. Anippa, a tree from whichdiftilleth a water that in Perù they drink 171 ft ca£ t °f wine- Anjre, a kind of Indian hearb, that dyers ufe, 'Anifi/Anifo , anife-fecd. ( Thrace. » Anifta, a kind of drink anciently ufed in Aniftro, a kind ofvefturc or garment mention¬ ed by Calms. Anitidn e, a kind oflafting pcares. 'Anitra, a Duck 3 or a widgeu, alfo a Barnacle hanging upon old jhips. Anicraro, a keeper or feller ofducks, alfo a wa - tir-(panici, alfo a kill-duck. Anitrélla , Anicrina, a duelfln , alfo a teat, alfo Duck-weed. Ani rio, the neighing of a horfe. Anitrire, to neigh us a horfe. - Anitrócolo, Anirrótco, a young duerni- A-niÙQ cónto , adv. by no mealies, no waics , upon no condition. A-man mòdo , Idem. - A-niun pdtto,Idem. 'Anna, The flower which is found in the midjl ofRofes alfo the name of a woman. - Annaccdre , among cutpurfcs and Canter sit fignifleih to [hare a booty equally, {wine. Annacquare , to water us they do gar dens,or Annacquato co\ó:Q,wajh or water-colour. Annaffidre, as Annacqudre. Annaffiatóio , a watring-pot. Anndle, annua fyearly. Annali, Annals, Hiftoricsofyears. Annalifta, a writcr oj Annals Annalménre, adv. annually yearly. Annarinóne, hearbe Calves-fnout. Anndrc, hath been ufed for Andare, and is a Neapolitan dialect. Annafare, to noje orf meli- unto. Annafpamén'X ) , a reeling or winding ofyarne. Annafpire, to rccleor windyame. » Annafpatórej a reelcr or winder ofyarne. Anndta ANN ANS ANT Annata, Annea, aycars time, rents,profit, or , government, alfa an annuiti:. A anatomia, as Anatomia, &c. » Anaci ,as Annata. Annebbiar ejobtmiji, to overcloud, togrowe fogg e, by nvec: to blafl fruits , namely Corre . Annebbiarmo, by me;: a fmug , (pence , effe¬ minate, fweu-fmcllmg mitnard. Anneenure, anien'ire, Co dtfar.u 1 , or'using to nothmg. Annegare, Anneggiire, to dvorene. Annegati cc to, drowncable, jinking. Anneghiti re 5 t i feo, ti:o,«« Impigrì e- Annerare, Annegare, to black, to [mutch, to mtil[e or become black. Annoila, all manner of rings, or link} of a cbainc . Annclja, cert .vie thin plates,of iron made like rings , which our gunners call washers, and ferve to k ec P the pinne of the axel-tree from wearing the nave. AnncUaio, Anncliaro , Ànnelliére, a ring- m*ker. A nneliàre , to >ing, to curing , by met: to circle .'T koope-abnit, alfo to link together, alfo to curie, or crijp as women do their ha-rcs. Anncliati crini, curled-locks, or frilled haires. Anne! lètti, all manner of little ,ings or Inks. Annoilo, any kind of ring. • Annello eh bólla , afeah-ring. Annellóni, allocate rings, [peci ally whcrcunio ropes are faff ned to mow artillery . Anncmbare, to overcloud, to bcmtft. » Anncmbico tèmpo, ovnc'oudcd weather. A nettaménto, a blacing- A nnerire, Annerire, as Annegrare. A one flare, to annex or adde unto • , Annelfióne, an adding or annexing. Annoilo, annexed or added unto. ! Annerire, to engraft, to inferi. i Annoiaménto, Anncilatióne, an cngraffi.ig. j Ànneftatóre, a gruffer, an engrajfer. | Annectare ,as Nettare. , Anncvare, to enfnowe, to overfnowe, to cove, or fid with fnowe. Anni ,years, twelve- moneths. Anniccbiare, as Raniccbiàre, alfo to neighfo joy and win\e withal with prancing, as horfes do when they meet with other borfes err mares. Annicbilàbile , that m y be brought to nothing or difanulled. Annichilale, to annihilate,to diftnul, or bring to nothing. j Annichilarli, by met: for a manto bumble and abafe him-felf lowcly. Annchilatiónc, adifanuUmg. Annicolo, of oveyear , a yearling. Annidare, Annidare , to nell , toroofl’,to nu\\lc, by met: to (kroud,t o fbiltcr. Armido,arali, a roofl. Anniegare, to drtmneor be drowned. Anmfero, bearing every year. Annitrire,trito triico, to neigh as aborfe. Anniverfario , yearly, done, from year to year , doneyearly at a cerume time, alfo ayearly j obit or D enial for the dead. • Anniverfarii,/ 2 /cb winds as commonly blowc about me time oft he year, n.imcly about ibe dog dayes. A nno, a year, a twelve rxoneth. Anno Dominile year of our Lord. Anno Santo, ayear of Jubily. A nn od le , annual, yearly • Annobilire, Annobiiitare, to ennoble, to no¬ bilitate. Annocili, inplaceofCi-C\-kxm\o. • Annodamento, Annodatone, Annodati - ra, any knotting or cntemodirg. Annodare, to knot unto or togeiief. Annodine , medicines to m k a-patient Jlctpe by talking from him all fenfe of pain. Annoia, Annoiamento , AnnoiinztyUJWff/* ancc, i, kfmnejs, tedtoufnefs. Annoiare , to annoye, to attediale, to mo!c[l. • Annoi6io,full of annoyance, noyfetn. Annoiare, as Nolare. » A nnolino f m yearling , any thing of oneyacr , alfo the name of a bud, alfo a ikind oft. i- I teht. Annotti, provifion of Cerne, or other fuflenancc i for the whole year. * Annonària legge a law fo called made by Claudius in Rome. • Annon:i.ibi\e,that maybe denounced, fherv- (d orfignified unto by word. ♦ A non : ia nt e, announcing , denouncing, de - claying by miff age. Annontiare, to announce , to denounce , to bring tidings, to declare a meff,age byword of mouth. . Annontiata, Annontiatióne , Ammontia¬ mo nto, a denouncing or delivering of any Meff age or tidings by wired of mouth , alfo a glad tidings,asyhat was,which the Archan¬ gel Gabriel delivered unto our bltffcd Lady, alfo the Annuntiation, or Salutation, or our Lady-day in Lent. - Annontiatória lèttera, a denouncing or de¬ claring letter. - Annontiacórc, a meff eriger , a denouncer, or bringcr of tidings. Annóntio, Annuncio, ameffage, anembaffa- ge,aglad tidings. Annoio, aged, fid of years. Annotare, to note, tomarkc- Annotinone, a noting, an annotation. Annottare, Annotine, to grow night. Annoiale, annual, yearly. Annovtllarc, as Novellare. Annoveilato, full of novels, or talcs. Annoverare, to number, to tell. Annoveratione, a numeration. A nno vertvole, numerable. Annuale, Annuir io, annual. Annubnare, as Annebbiare. Annuii I no, cloudy, nifty, foggy. Annullabile, dijanullable. Annullaménto, Annullanza, Annullati due, a d\fanulling,a fruflrating. Annuilare,Annu!lire, to dtfanul, to fruflratc, to bung to nothing. * Annullare , ci, culai e or round at a tine, as Anulare. Annulliti, as Nullità, a nuUitie. Annumerare, to numbet, to count . Annunciare, as Annontu r ej ite. Annuo, annual,yearly. * Annufarr, ufed for A nnafirc. » Annuvolare, Annuvo ire , to overcloud. Ano, a mans triU • hole or fundament ■ Ano Jide, Refl-batrow, Fcttic whin, or (as fome fay) tamotk- • A-nóia, adv i kf ome > m annoyance, Havére à nói 3 , to be weary of. Andare, at Nolare, to hire. A-nólo, A nuólo, at hire. Anòmalo, as Anomolo, irregular , orderlefs. A-nóme , in the name ofothers. A-nón j ,adv. at nonne or mid-d>y- A-noncile, a dv.carelcfly, neglectfully. A-non cjlcnre, Idem. A-ncn ralére, Idem. Aliène, as Anódide. Anònimo, namclefs, without a name,alfo the bea, be Bugle or felf beale. • Anorefsia, quecjin.fs of flomake, want of appetite, a loathing of meates. Anormale, as Anomale. Anotare, as Annotare, Anotacióne as Annotarfòne. Anoromia, an Anatomy. Anqtomifta, an An atomi fi. Anpbifcii as Amphifcii. Aniz,jc:pc, liberty, afarre extent. Anixtc,togafl>e,to pant or breath with difficu’- moilc with ca,e and labour, orto long and defire until one be out of breath. ' Anlaròte , a kind of bitte, gum. • Ar) fata, Anfaiiòne, Anfimenco, apurfirufs, ajhuitnef; of breath , a cùffie nine in p sating or rejprration, alfo a dfea/e in the lungs of a horfe, a broken wind e. ' An fata, a kind of piece of c> dnance or ami¬ tene. Anfciarej as Anfare. Anfcgnare, as Infegnare. Anfera, agoofe. 'Anfero, a gander. Anliarc, as Anfare. Anfieta, Amia, anxietie, emofilie, alongmg de fir e , a fon owing or panting care. Anfima, a kind of great bird, that brayelh like an Affé, with three feathers in bis wings like homes, and one on his bead, with which he dcffoidcth him felf from wtlde bcaftes, bang fo great and heavic, that he cannot fir*; Anliolo,'Anfio, Anfcio, anxious, full of anxietie,doubtfully- longing ,ea; cfullyfor; on- full. Amo.an Addition to eve,} tenth number above thirty till you come to Novanta, from Qua¬ ranta, Cinquanta, Sefl'anta,&c.W as the Enghfh fay of a woman, (be is in hir Tana, when fhe is above twelve, fo the Italians (‘’hfbe i* in hir 'Anta, meaning, jh: is old. Ancaehate, a kind of Agate-(lone. Antagomfta, an Ant agoni fi, -an Oppofhe, one that Houtiy encouMtreth anadverfam. Amalio, afbmb that bcarcth a frutte like a Medlar. Antico , a fruitlefs tree growing in finny places. Antartico, the South or Antartikc pole. Ante, adv. before , alfofooncr o, rather , ufed much inflead of Anti m compofition of words, as you may fie m fome wor ds fol- * 'Ante , a kind ofwilde be a fie in India as big a> an Affé, with big and large earcS, and ne¬ ther lift like a trumpet •, and which is never feen to go but by night. Antecedènte, antecedent, fore-going. Antecedènza , precedence, prioritie. Antecedere, to precede o, t.'ke place before. Ancccfelléntc, preexctUcnt. * ’Anted pòpoli , as Antimòni. A ncecdlorc, a prtdectfjor, a foregoer. Antecorc, Amicujre, a ftomachcr or firepan to defend the heart,alfo a griping ofthe heart, the heart binning, alfo a certains clifeafeina horfes breafl, a breafiplate. Antecura, egre befo-e hand. * Antecurire, to tare before-hand. Antedétto, fore- faide, above-faide. A ncelius,n monfiruom beali with fo great and Jharp homes, that with them : t will faw afundcr and cut down any great tj'ce. Antelucino, before break of day. * Antelucénte ,foufhlning. Ancelucerc, to forejhine. Antemertere, to put or place before. Antemeflb, put or placed before. * Antemurale, as Antimurale. * Anrenafcénza, a fore-birth. Anteaafcere, to be bo,re before. Antenato , borne before. Antenati, our forefathers or p.cdeceffors. A neenna, the marne orfaile yard of a (fj/p, by met: any long pole or fpcare. Antenéllc, little [laves or picks iofuppoit any thing. Antenori, a place faine d in H til by Danze, where traitors aie pimi fhe el , named fooj Antenor who (as fome [ay) betrayed his native country Trey. Antenóti as Pcderécti. --- A ntepafliti ANTI ANTI ANTI' Antepaflaci, are forcpaffed fathers, | Anrepaftc, as Ancipafto, Antepenult imo, iaft ftaving two. Amphitheatre, an Amphitheatre. Antepónete, A ntepórre , to place, to pre¬ fer rc 5 tofet, or put-before. Antcpofìtióne, Àntcponiménto, a prefer- j ■f ingi it fitting or placing before. Antepófto , preferred , placed, put, or fet before. 1 Antcprovemre, to become before hand, alfa to prevent. Antendc, a buttrefs, or pofitouMcr-fhorc anything, an under-layer. Anterióre, prior, antecedent, former in rani or place. Anteriorità, prioritie, precedency. *Antcrót e y fignifieth love,or good will among men, alfo a bind of bright Amatift flonc. * Antefcrittione, a fore-writing. * Antefermo , fore-written. Antefcrittura, a fore-writing. Antefignano, Chief or Principali. Antcfìgnàni, thofe foiildicrs , that march before the 'fiondarci to fight and defend it. Antevenire, to come before. * Anreveniita, a coming before. Ante venuto, come before, prevented. Ante vigilia, an evef-evc or vigile . Anthalio, as Anthcrifco. Anthéa, as Antia. Anthedóni, a bind of great Median. Anthcma, an Anthemeina Church. Anthcmo , CammomiU , alfo a \ynd of {/critic thijtlc. Anthcra, a bind of medicine. AntUcri cone, the [lem or flalb 0/Afphódc- io which is good to eat. Antherifco, Anthrifco , Chervil or fijep- berds needle. Anthia, as Antia. Anthino-m ile, Flower-horde. ’Antho, a bird, which is faid to ben great enemy r o other birds. 'Anthos, a Gree\ word, but ufed for Rofc- marie flowers. 'Anti,.?r 'Unte, before both in place, riuih or time, alfo foonsr or rather, namely in com¬ paction. "Anti, a Grce\ word fignxffmg again fi j opjio- fitto / or contrariety , and much ufed before other words, as Antichrifto, anoppofite or enemy agalnft C'.irifi. 'Anti, a bynd ofbeaftin India of the bigneffe of an oxe, and very good to be eaten . Antia , a bind of broad fiat fifh very crafty and ftiibtle, who neigh etti lib - a. horf:. Antiàde, as Amiddali. * Antiandàca, a foregoing. * Ancianiaci, as Antenati. Antia ni t x,ancientneff:,fenmitie. Anciàno, ancient, fenior, alfo an Alderman, a Senior, an Elder. Antibachio , a foot of a verfc of three fyllx- blcs, the two firfi Long, and the laft fhort. Binticsi,indent,xlfothat.part that is toward the Ex il. Anticàglie , allmimer of antiquities or old monuments , fragments or mines of buildings. . Anticamente, a fa.anciently, of yoarfin for¬ mer ages, of old. * Anci-càmmeri , an outward chamber. ‘Anti -bava, a fore-driveling. * Anticàne, the name of a Star. I * Anticapélia, an outward Chap pel. \ * Anci-cardinale, an Anti- Cardinali. Amicare , to antiquate , to mafe or become ancient. Anticàro, Anticàio, as Antiquario. Anticategoria , pleading when one accufetb the other. Amicato, antiquated, fetlcd. Anticatóni 3 boo\s againfi Cato* Anticcpho, head againfi head. Ancicéderc, as Antecèdere. Anticeflore, as AnrecellÓrc. * Antichézza, antiquities ancicntncffe. Antichi, ciders, ancient, ancefiors. * Antichi cfa, an outward Church, alfo an oppofite Church .. Ancichi tà, aut-iquitie, ancientncffe. Antichriftianiti, Antich rifi'Avn : : V. Antichrifto, an Antichrif. Antichthcna, ground agxinft "round. Anticipare , to anticipate., to fore-flail, to prevent, to fupplant. ■ Anticipatamente , adv. by way of anti cip. t- . tion or prev'émìòh. Anricipatiéne , anticipation, prevention , fore flailing. Anticipatore , apreventer, afupplanter. Anticiricone, Anticirónc , as fefamoidc, or fefamfno, a fort of corn. Antico, ancient, old, fenior. * Anricogniciónc , fore-knowledge t provl- - denez. ‘ - Anticoli, as Antiéfi. * Anticollcgio, an outward Colls dec, Anticonofccn zt, fore-bnowledge^ * Anticonófcerej toforc-bnow. * Anticonofcibile, to be forc-tyiQwii. * Anticonofcitórc, aforc-bjiower. Anticórrere, to fore -ninne. * Anticorriérc , Anticorritóre ‘ s a fore¬ runner. * Anticórte, an outward Court, or yard. Antifona , any part of the earth that is di¬ re 61 ly oppofite, and one againfi another. Antiftóni popoli , people dwelling on the eai th directly againfi us where ever we be, and under on; "Meridian. * Antidati, afore-dating, an Antidate. * Anti-cuóre , an impo fiume about the heart of a horf: alfo a pain about the heart in man. * Antidatò, fore-dated, Aitidated . * Antidetto, fore-faid,fore-told. * Antidiciménto, afore-telling. * Antidire, to fore-fay, tofore-tcU. * Antidifpórre, to fore-diFpyfe. Antidifpoficiónc, a forc-disfiofition. * Antidóno , one gift for another, a requi- ’ tall. * Antidotario,* boob °f antidotes,or treating of counter -poi fons. Antidoto, an antidote, a counter-ppifon. * A nt ii é ne, a bind of lafiing pears. AntifarmacOjrf Counter-remedie or phi fib- Anti èli , people dwelling under on; half Me¬ ridian and parallel of libe difiance from the Equator. Antifatc, a bind ofblxcb (lone. * Ancifato, a prede fiination, alfo a còntrary fate. * Antifona, as Antiphona, &c. * Ancifommalc, a refifiance againfi for. tune. ‘ Antifrafi, a figure in Rhetoric where a word hath a contrarie meaning. * Antigoni fta, as Antagonifta. * Ancigrado , a fore-degree , it is ufed al¬ fo for a Lmdgrave, a title òf the German Princes. * Antiguardante, fore-loobf'ng. * Antiguardare, toforc.loòb- Antiguàrdia , i vant-guard, a fòre-guard. AntilcgóiHcna , all manner of contra¬ dictions, alfa Flower-gatherings. Amile lina , the arte to (pend freely , and to be contrary to jparing , loob lefina. Antilclinànte , a liberali j pender , a wxfie- goodp a Ipeni-aU, loob lclìnàncc. * Anùlclìnàre , to [pend franbly > to be con¬ trary to a le finance. * Antilli, Antillida, Ancilliónc, a ìfini of hearbe libe to lentils. Antilogia 3 contradiction » gaine-faying. Àntiméttere, rts Anccmctrcre. * Antimonia, contrariety ofitwe laws. * Antimoniàco (pirico , fpiytt of Antimoni < Antimonio , the minerali Antimonio or Iti . bium, alfo as IarbaKne, Anti murale , Antimuro , avant-mure , a parapet, an utmost wall, a Cpu/tier-fcarp; Antimuraie , to- vani- mu re , to couitcr- fcarf Antmcpóre, a great grand-child or nephew. * Antinomàre , 1 Ancinominàre , to fur- name. * Antinóme, a fore-name, a fur-name. * Antinomia , repugnancie o-,- contrarlctic between two laws. Antipariftifi, as Cóntrapofitióne. Antipi fto j fitch difijes ' as arc first ferved-in at a table, cither for grace or to be fir ft eaten, alfo a fore-mealc or breabfaft. Antipare, ? b.: id ofblxcb [tone. Antipatica, a contrariety i t naturali quali¬ ties, a naturali di jpefition or contrary in¬ clination of maids without knowledge of Mty can fé, an Antipathic. Ancipatizzàre , to be contrary in naturali qualities. Antipehrgia , a reciprocali love or mutuali bndneffe: * A nti pen foménto, a fore-thinb}ng. * Antipcnfare , to fore-thinb s to premedi¬ tate: Anti pen ftafi , a rcpulfion on every part - whereby every thing is made more fiyong in ' it felf by the re fir aining of the conti a- , 7 . •• • Anripéccc, as Antccóré. * Amiphona, Antiphonia , the reciprocali Voices anfweYing one another by twofeve- rall quires in a Cathcdrall Church , ufed alfo for an Anthem funghi Churches. * Antiphonàrio, a boob of Anthems, alfo he that firfi begins an Anthem. * Antipodi , the antipodes, fuch as dipeli under us, and have the foies of their feet againfi us. * Antipodio , a furpluffage above weight or me apice- Antipórre, as Antepónete. Antipórca, an éntrie -dor e, a fore-gate. Antipòrto, an outward porche. AntiquàgliCjrfr Anticàglie. Antiquàrc, as Amicare. Antiquàrio, an antiquarie , one that profef- feth the fearcb and fi/towledge of antiqui¬ ties. Antiquato, as Anticàro.’ Andquici, antiquitie, oldoefle. Antiquo, ancient, old, anti be, as Antigo. Antiquórc, as Ancceorc. Antiracino, as Antracino. Antirrino, Antirrinónc , an bccirb, which as foon as the fcorpion feeth , he lofeth his ve nome, and be someth fenccleffe, fame will have it to be the hzarb mutje , or Calves pint. * Antifàbato, the day before faturday. * Antifàla, an outward hall, or firfi great chamber. Antifapérc,T(?/b>T-^OiV. Antifapicnza, fore-wifdome. Antifcordóne, a bind of gar li b?- Antisigma , a note whèh two fentences or ver fits meet of one fame fence in fame authors. Antilìmite, a figure in rethorib?■ Ancifophifta, an advers fophifier. Antifpafi, a turning to the contrary way. Antifpódo , pbifibc or any thing mixt with r . Spodium , or that hath the quality of it. t Ancifta, Antiftide a Prelate or Prefidenc over facred things, one excelling others. * Antiftrofc, alternali converfion of two things, that fomwhat refemble one another. F ' *Anci-, ANT A O C APE Anti'thefi, a figure in Re thorite oppofing one contrary againft another. * Antitétnpio, an outward Temple. Antico/i, a figure in Rhetorics when one cafe [fends for another. * Anticrinarii, Antitrinitàrii , Heretics, that denied the Holy Trinity. Antivedere, to fotcfee.tagn:Jfe, to be tentare of. A nt i vedim é n to ,forc -fight, fore-feeing. ’ Antiveditórc , a fore-fet e. A nr i veduto, fore-feat. * Antivrgnénte, fore-coming. Antivenire, to com; before, to prevent. * Antivenuta, a fore-cm -« s . * Antivigilia, an cvcf-evc or vigile. * Antivifto, fdrefeen. Anrócci, as Antiélì. Antcglicri, l° ‘k. Andogliéri. AntomitajAntonomadc,»/^ that ebangeth from one find orfex to another. Antonomasia , a word that without fetting datum ail) proper name , yet fonte proper «■me flail be mderflooi, no b, Arma vi- > rumque catto, Emas u imdcrjtood. Anto::omoii:ca, an ' ottoniti fli f Antonomta, the changing from on : [hope or t'r amtb “ > «< Plk-mms , and fitch life doc. Antoppare, as Intoppare. Amora, Helmet-(lower, or Monkhood. Antrace, Antradno , Cole-blac , as black * ‘ff • r '/'” u fi4 alfofor quicfefllvcr. Antrace, a.fellof venemous impofltme nvich life a Carbuncle , engendred of gr offe ana corrupt blood x and very mortali if it be in t h;Em unci ori c parts. Aparit.de, àflonc, wherein feem to be JP l 'fe. offre , caft water on it,it fendletb , />«r it into the fire, it quenchetb,alfo a bind ofiblac £ blood-ftone. An mone, the North part of the world , al Co _ the North wind. 1 Antro, any cave,grott , den, hole , or cavern, * namely under-ground, or in roefe. A~tc , a Diviner by rasfing of th; An uromanti a. Divination by raifing of the Antropòfago, an eater of men. ^ Antropografia, Defcripnon of men. Antropografo, a deferiber of men. Antropologia, anthropologic. Antropomorfiti, men that thought God to t ” Ave human; fhape and limbs. Ancros a , Atrosia , a place where men live without non, foment. Antr ofoyfellof caves, caverns or dens. Anubc, the name of a God among the E- gyptians. 6 Anugale, Burnet or Pimpcrncll. Anulare, of or pertaining to a ring , circular as a ring, alfa a fend of white mixt with red that painters ufc. Anulare, dito anulare , a mans finger * whereon he wemeth a ring. * Anulófo, as Annulófo. * A-numero, adv. by tale and number. A nuolo, adv.-tr h:rc,or to hire, as an hired borjc or fhio. A-nuoro, ad v.by fwimming, Cppimimngly. ^ > ; h- fd of water -fruire 0 lì pYcfc dal Ré quell’ anza per rinovire la guerra in Lombardia. A'izare, as Anfàrc. *AnZ', adv. rather, fooner, but. Anziano , Anzianità , loolg Anfa¬ no. 'Anzi-che,adv. rather or fooner then, before that. Anzi-che, lontano, adv. rather farther. Anzi-che nò, adv rather fo then not. Anzi più adv. rather more. Anzi-naco, firfl or fore-born. ' Anzi-pùre, adv. rather fo then not. * Anz. venire, to come before. * Anzi venuto, com: before. ■Anzolo, that part of a bell where to the clapper bangeth , alfo the name of a fail in ejiiip. * Aoato, as Ovato. * Adocchiare, as Adocchiare. A-òcchio veggènte, by fight and view. A-occhiétti, adv.with oylet-hples, A-occhio, adv. by fight or view , loo{ Inne- ftate. * A-ócchio, e cróce, adv. heedilic, looking every way about. A-ógni guifa , A-ógni maniera , A-ógni mòdo, A-ógni patto, adv, every way , by all means. A-ólio, adv. wrought in oyle. Aombràre, as Adom-bràre. A-óncia, adv. by ounces, by inches. Aon ei a i e, to weigh by ounces. Aondare, to wave , io wavie, to waver. A-onde, adv. wavie , ondie, daucie > or nc- bidie in armarle . Aoncftàrc, to /nife honefi. Aonghiàrc, as Onghiare. * A-ónta, adv. in fight , in 41 fgrace - Aontare, as Adontare. A ornato ,Jhamed, defpighted. ’ Aoperante, as Operarne, &c. Aoperàre, as Operare, or adoperare. * A-óra, adv. now, at th/s boure. " A-ora, a-óra, adv. boure by house. Now and than. Aorcare, :o fir angle with a rope. * A-orécchic té fe, adv. attentively, with out-Jtretched cars. * Aorifto, a tenfe in Grce\ of an indefinite t ime pa ft , between theperfeci and imper- fefit tcnce. Aorncllo, a wild Ajh-trce. Aórno, birdleffr , without birds. * Aòrta } thc ebkfitfiyr the mother of all ar¬ teries, the root whereof u fa[tfi:d to the grille-bone of the heart , loo\ Artèria. ‘ Aortamcnto, Aortàre, as Adhortàre. A-órza, failing with a quarter-wind. Aorzare, to fail with a quarter-wind. A-otta, as A -cm, even now. A-ócto, being put to any day,it mafes it that day feven night,as Lunedi a otto,on Mon¬ day come feven night, &c. Apacciarc, to patch, to botch, to clout. Apace , Dogs-toothe , Dent de ebien , alfo a fend of tlnflle. A-paia, adv. by pains or couples. Apaiàre, to pair or couple together. A-pali , paly in armory. Apallottàre, as Palloctare , alfo to roul or run roundly, to huddle up in hafte , ufed commonly of a dr un fen mans tongue, that never (lands (till. A-pànca, tool/ Rizzarli, a-panca. A-panciòlle , adv. cheer in boats. Hold belly hold: A-pànni alzati, adv. filamele fly, as a whore with her clothes-up. ’ Apara^onàre, as Paragonare. A-paiagóne, adv- in com. uri fon , alfo to the utmojl paragon or triad. A pareggiare, to equaU, to match. Apa ienza, Apparifcènza. A-pari frónte, adv face to face, equally. Aparine, Eritb or Gooft-gr affé. A-paro, adv. everyhand, hand to hand, alfa : in compari fon or rcfpecl. A-paro, a-paro, a dv.by pairs or couples,alfo hand to hand. A-parre, adv. a-partc, fever ally. A-pa;tc, a-parto adv.part by part. Apartencme, appertaining. Apar tenenza, appurtenance. Apartenére, to appertain. Apartia, the Northcoafior wind. * A-particc, adv. p-irtic in amorie , alfo by parcels. A-parthe dib^nda, parve per beni. A-partitc di cróce, pa,-tic per faultier, A-parucedi :l[cic 3 paràe perf ffc. A-partitc di pàli» partis per pale. A-parute di lóp sa,panie per chief.- * A-panU0j*dv.pttr to voices or to quefiion, alfo as it were brought into a doubtfuU q: laudarle, or to bis wits end, and ready to cmbr.ic; any condition or match. Aparvólo, as Apiàftra, as Apiàrio. A-pafci pècora, adv. a way of jujnbling. A-paflo, adv. by jteps or paces. A-pàffo, a-pillp, adv. pace by pace, flep by {tep. A-pàlfo lento, adv. with a floe space, leifu. rely, fofly. Apathi , men without affettion , never laughing , never fo, rowing, but e one countenance. Apathia, unfcelingncffc or voidafjfc of any affection . ò pitico, ufed for Epàtico. A pàtri, adv. upon bargain or covenant. A-pacto v-runo, adv. upon no cmiitum. ’Ape, .i Bee,’ Api, Bees. Apcciare , to bcpitch , to pitch'. * ad v. at, or to the worfl. A-pcggio venir cJf the wo,fl com., \*r e gS;° r ^ rc j as Peggioràrc. Apciióte, che Eaflern-wind. Apòlli, ufed for circumcifed. A-pclo, adv. even , levcll by the hair. A-pcna , adv- hardly , fcaycely , with much adoe , alfo upon pain or for¬ feiture\ A penare, to pain, to put to pain. Aptndiare, to bend or dangle down. A-ptndio, A-pétrdo , A-pcndolóni , adv. down-hanging, dangling down. A-pcnncIlo, adv. cunoufly ,exquifitly, done, or, drawn with a pen fill. A-penna, adv. in written band. * A-pénna volante, adv. ha[iily,as tmttcn with a fwift-running-hand. * Apcnfarc, as AppcnGre. A perimento, any opening. A perire, as Aprire. Apcr uvo , Apcrtivo, opening or folubile in operation as fame meats arc. A-pcrpcndicolo , adv k perpendicularly down-right. A-pcrpuuo, adv. in perpetuity. * Apcrfiónc,a partition,a dividcncc,a (hare, a portion. * Aperta, Apcrtiónc, Apertura , any open ine , overture, gap or way to enter at, al fi a breach made by affault > alfo alea ^ m . [hip, alfo a rupture in a mans cods. Apertamente, adv. openly, in open view. Apcrtxftuno /nofl open, or manifefl. Aperte, open, opened, that is open, confident or bold ; alfo clear. Apèrto Mane, overt war, or open hofli- lity. Apèrto di fótto , burflen or that hath a rupture in his cods. * Apertole, a fend of peaches . Apertura,Apèrta. A-pcfce fptna , adv. a fend of feameflen worrfe called, Herring-bone. * A-j)éfò, adv. by weight. A-pefo traboccante , adv.. down-weight. ' Apetcnte, earneflly longing , greedily dp- flring. Apctenza , an earnefl covctivgor longing greedy de firing. Ape cere, Ape tire, to have an appetite unto, to long for, to covet. ApctibiIe,ApctcvoIe,tfl be longed or wijhpd | for, alfo favorie to the appetite. Apftiménto , a. coveting, or- dp fire to tafle. Ape- A P I A P I A P O Aperitivo, Apcticófo, favoline, {leafing the i appetite and. ta/te. 'A pernióne , adv. at the nqrnjl or mftance of- Apctitivamcnte, Aptmofamente , adv, favourly, hmgerly, with a good appetite. Apetiro, an appetite , a defire, a fioritaci unto. Aprtitóre, a cove tor, a longer. Apettare, to breaSl, to fljock, to bo fonìe , to joyn breaSl to breaSl , amongSI horfemen it is tafen for a borfe to cary bis bead fo low, that be touch:tb his breaSl with it. Apcttato, joyned breaSl to breaSl, breaSlcd, banging down bis bead upon bis breaSl. A-pétto, adv- breaSl to breaSl, over againSl, alfo in refleSl , or in companfon , alfo in defence. A-pétto a petto, adv- breaSl to breaSl, man to man, band to band. A-pèzza, adv. awbile-fmee. Apt zzare, top'rcc unto. A-pézzo, adv. by pieces. A- pézzo-a pèzzo, adv. ptece by piece. Apbace, as Apace. Apharàce , a tree that bearetb twice a year. Aphercma, the courfeSl Starch-flower. Aphérefi 3 a figure in Rethofife , tbattafeth a tetter or a fyliable from the beginning of a word. ’Aphia 3 as 'Apua. * Aphrojfl femd °f wiM doppie. * Aphro di luce, a [tone red and white. Aphonfmo, an Aphorifm, a brief document, or fent nee, a generali rule or prefeription in phifiefe or any other art or fcience. Aphionitro, the fome of Salpeter. Aphrofcorodóne, a hand of gar life. ‘'Api, all manner of Bees. A-piacere,adv.i*r will andpleafure,at fight-, namely of bills of exchange. A-piacimento, adv. at will andpleafure. A p iana vite, a fend of vine. * A-piano, adv foftly, leifurely. * A-pian-piano, adv. very flowly. A-pian-pailb , adv. with a flow pace ,fair and Leifurely. Apiaria,ap/<*ce where bees are fept,alfo the trade of feeping of bees , and mxfeng of bony. * Apiario, a feeper of bees. Fui to apiario, by Met : a fnateb and away, or by [tealth, even as bees flye fuddcnly f om one flower to another. * Apiaftra, a fend of green and red bird, that laves to feed on beefe, called a Mud- walLe* A-piaftra armato , adv. armed at all points. Apia (\ro,tbe wild A(h,xlfo the hearb Balm:, or Balme-gentle. Apiato, rcfembling Bees or Flies. Apibre, a fend of wild Buff or Oxe. Apibiie, a frange be ait, which fome Pagans took to be a Prophet , and worfhipped 'as a God. Apicciare, to enfendle, to fet on fire. A-picciol pàlio, adv. with a flow pace. •Apice , a teg orfhicp with a little bead, and foni: wooll under it’s belly, alfo a Prince foot-pace,alfo a flay for ones feet,or a foot- floole. A-p:cco, wrought or hewen and peft with a piefeaxe, as MilSlones are. A-piè, A-piédc, adv. on foot , alfo at the foot, dfo neere unto, at the bottome. A-piédc-a piede, adv. foot by foot,according to foot meafure. Gènte a piede , the foot of an army, alfo at the very bottome of. A-pic dc afeiutto, adv. dry-foot. A-piède d'oca , adv. as the foot of a goofe. * A-piena bócca , adv. with a full mouth. * A-piéna niano, adv. with afullhand - A-piene véle, adv. with full [pred fails. A-piéno, adv. fully, throughly, at full. A-pieno arbitrio, adv. at full free-will. A-pieno popolo, adv- in view of all men. A-piè nudo, adv. bare r footed. * A-piè pari, adv. foot to foot, without ods, on equail terms. * A-piè piano, adv. Icvellto the ground. A-pic feiutto, adv. dry-footed.. A-piè rinomare, to light onfeot. Apifc- o, Bee-bearing or bringing. Apigionare, as Pigionarc. A-pigione, at (ft for rent. Apivóio, a filile gull, a noddle. Api lifcoygolden-oare , panned and beaten in morters before it can be melted. Apilorta c, as Appiattare. Apio, as appio. Apiólo, a fend of green apple. A-piombino, adv. by line and plummet. A-p : 6 m bo, ad v. perpendicularly, down-right, plomb. A-pL amidi, adv. piramide s-life, alfoPi/y in arinone. Apir nónc, a femd ofPome-granxtc. Apirócolo , abfurd, not grounded on rea- fon. Apiróne, unrefined gold-oare , alfo fulpber- vif, or quick BrimSlonc. Apiroto, a Ruble or Carbuncle-Hone. A pillo 3 a black ft one f u tt °f blue veins, which once heated feepeth his beat (even days after. Api tacére, a tree that bearetb Amber. * A più a più, adv. to the moil orutmoil, evermore. * A-pivolo, adv. as A-bada, but ufed pro¬ verbi ally for wanton dalliance or dc- layes. A-più modi, adv. many manner of ways. A-più non póllo , to the utmofl of ones power and flrength , with might and main. A-più póflà, idem. A-più potére, idem. A-p ù tempo, adv. for longer time. A-placito, adv. at will andpleafure. Aplauderc, as Apphiudere. ApJaufo, as Applaufo. Apjific, courfe-rugged Spunte s. Apocaliflì, a revelation or a vifion. Apocalitico, that fpeafeth of vifions. Apocino, Apocino , a bone that repreffeih the fury of mad dogs , alfo a fend of weed. * A-poco , with the verb tenére , pgnifies extream readineffe to do any thing. A-pi co a pòco , adv. by little and little. Apòcopi , an abridging of the lail letter or pliable of a word. Apocoparc , to cut of} the lafl (liable of a word. Apócopo, ufedfor a guelded man. Apòcrifa, a thing hidden whofc originali is not feiown , and is not counted Canonicali. Apoda, a fend of martinet without feet. Apogèi, winds rifling out of the ground, or blowing from the Sea to the Land. Apogèo, that point of Heaven wherein the Sun or any other Planet is furtheil from the Centre of the earth, ufed alfo for a den under the earth. Apoglicarmi, a certain difeafe in the gums of teeth of a man. Apografo, a copie, a draught, an extratt. Apógrifa, as Apòcrifa. Apolétto , the greatest fendofTurny-flfb, alfo apiece of Tunnie called a rana of Tunnie. Apoliaari, Sacrifices offred to Apòllo , alfo the weed Henbane. * Apòllo, Apólline, doth properly flgnify the Eye of Heaven. Apologètico difcórfo , an apologeti call difeourfe. Apologia, an apologi:, an cx'cufc, a purga¬ tion, or defence expreffed in words. Apologo, a talc , or leffon for good manners, wherein dumb things are faigned to fpcafe Apòna , a medicine, that bclpeth without grief >>r pain. Apophiadc, certain firings , hanging to the cntrailes of any creature. Apopbifi , that part of a bone, which the An atomi ft s called Prouffes , which is an out flandmg of fome part of a bone further than his naturili location or place. Apoplefua, an apoplexic , that is, an unfen- fiblcntfe, a numneffe , or tafemg away of a mans moving,breathing and feeling, a dead palfic. Apoplécica vena , the vein to be opened in an Apoplexic : but whither of the tongue,or nofe, or jugulare, or head-vein in the arm, or in the ancle, is a question- Apoplèttico, one fub t cft to Apoplexies. * Aporecico, ever doubting,never certain in anything, as were the PyrrhonianPhilo- fophers. * Aporia, torment of flint. Aporogie, certain imprtfflons in the air,fal- ling or fhoiting of Stars. * A-pòrte aperte, adv. with wide open gates. Apoféma, a de co [lion of medicinablc hcarbs and [pices, ufed as a Syrup. ApolTelTionarcj to impoffeffe. A-pólla , adv. exprefly, of fet purpofe, at the request, fute,or for the fife of, dfo atones own difpof all, being put with a pronown poffefflve, as a poftamia fua, tiia , &c. A-pófta fatta, adv. of fet purpofe and'ap- poi it mm. Apoftai e, as Appoltare. ^-poflasia, bac feliding, apoSlafle , rebellion again Sf God, revolting from one religion to another. A pollata , an Apoflate , a rebell againSl God, a renouncer of his religion. Apoftatamént-s, adv. life an ApoSiate, alfo purpofely fet apart. Apoftatare, to apofate , to rebell againSl God, to abjure ones profeffed religion. * ApoHatico, apoSlaticall, rebellious againSl God, or religion, or reafon. * A pollati icc , a woman backflider , or a- poSiate,&c. Apoftéma, an Impoflume., * Apoltemarc, to impoSlumate. * Apoflematione, an impoSlumation. * Apoftcmato, impoSlhume. * Apoftcmófo, lifely to come toanimpo- Slumc. Apoftcparnifmo , a cutting away of a bone with a wound. A pellicciare, as PollicciarC. Apofticco, as Pofticcio. ¥ Apoftolàcico , Apollolato , an ApoSlle- fhip,by Met : Papacie. ApolloJico , Apoftolicale , ApoSlolhall, ApoSlle-life. Apoftolizzare , to ApoSloli^e, to preach, to imitate tbs life of an ApoSHe. A pòrtolo, an ApoSlle, one that is fent as an Ambaffador Or a Mcffcnger. Apóftrofe, Apoflrophe,a figure in Rethoricfe as when one convertcth his fpeccb from one partie to another, as from the prefent to the ab fent, alfo a flgne denoting the tafemg away of the fir fl or lafl vowell of a word , whereof the Italians (namely in verfè) mafe very frequent ufe. Apoft.ofare, to apoflrophe, that is, with fome flgne or note to cut off the firfl or lafl vowell of a word. * Ap 6 ftumOjprocc\cvolc,approcbablc. Approcciaménto , any approching. Approcciarne, approching. Approcciare , to approebe , to come near unto. Appròccio, any approch. Approdaménto, a coining to the fiore, alfo a boor ding or grapling of [hips. * Approdare , to come or approdi near 10 the fiore , alfo to boord or graple as flips in fight , alfo to come to ones help or refeue (as feamen fay) to come up to one , look Pròda 3 affo to do one much good when he eateth, to avail, loot? Prò , alfo to maty or become valorous, look Pròde. Approfittare, to profit or thrive by. * Approfondare, as Profondare* Approfumare, as Profumare. Appropiare, Appropriare , to approdate, to affirm or put out if all doubt. Appropiatiónc , Appropriatióne , any ap¬ propriation. Appropinquare, to approch. Appropmquatiónc, App.opinquanza, any approchmcnt. Appropinquévole, approcheable. * Approportionarc, as Proportionate. Appropriabile, appropriable. Appropriare, to appropriate, to maty proper and cjpeciall unto one. Appropriatióne, an appropriation. Approflimamento, an approaching. Approflimance, approaching. Approflimarc, to approach. Approflìmatiòne, any approaching. ApprofiSmevolc, aporoacbcablc. Approvabile, approveable, avouchablc. Approvagiónc , Approvamene , Appro- ▼anza. Approvatone , any approbation , or avouching. Approvare, to approve: to avouch, to allow of, to maty good and to confirm. Approvate, an approver, an avoucher . 4 Approbation, as Approvamene, * Approvcrla, as Approvagiónr, 4 Approvatlflìmo,t jbe/f fort of - * Approvato,» problem or fentence,alfo, ap¬ proved, hone ft. Appugnare, as Oppugnare. Appulcrarc, as Abbellire. Appulfióne, Appùlfo, a naturali impulfion, alfo an approaching, an arriving,or coming in unto. Appuntaménto, an appointment,a prefixing cither of time or place, alfo a fet match, an agreement or compofition between par¬ ties. Appuntare, Appuntaggiarc , to appoint or prefix any time or place, alfo to compofc or conclude any match or agreement between panics , alfo to maty pointed, alfo to fet or fix ones feet again ft any thing, as a water¬ man doth againfl a firetcher when he roweth,alfo to under -fiore or flay up with props , alfo tomar^ èr ob ferve punctually and precisely, alfo to write or note into any book or tablets for rcmembrance-faty , by Met : to be captious in finding faults, orlo carpe at every trifle, to charge one with faults , as a monitor , or )pic , to pin or faften any thing , to fitch any thing together, to fharpen or maty a point to any thing. Appuntare un pezzo, to mount , to bracty or fet a piece levell. Appuntatamente, Appuntino , Appunto, adv. punctually ,point by point, even fo , jump, pat , right fo 3 difinftly , cxaftly. 4 Appuntacojwwde into a point or fharp. Appuntatóre, an appointee , alfo a furvayer or controulcr , or a preci fe remembrancer , rr one who matys things fharp or pointed. Appuntellare, to underprop , to under- fiore , to mckr-fet• £ to under-lay , or to bold up. f Appuntino , Appuncarvolo , a nice find- fault, a carping momus, a pictytbanty Appunto, look Appuntatamente , alfo the nick or moment of any time. Apputidare,Apputidlre, Appuzzare, Ap- puzzolare, as Apuzzarc. A-premi fehiena , adv. a tynd of frange jumbling. Apréndcre, Aprchéndere, as Apprèn¬ dere, with all it's partes. Apreflare, Aprcffo, as Apprettare , &C. Apreriare, Apreizarc, Aprcgiare,^ Ap¬ preciate. A-prétio, A-prézzo, adv. at a price , at a rate, for hire. Apricità, the Sun-fllining in winter. Aprico, bleaty or wide open to the Sun. A-priéghi, at the fute or entreaty of Aprile, tbemonetb Aprili. Aprillno, of the rnoneth of Aprili . A-prima, adv. at fir ft 3 alfo as Priméro. A-prima fróntc,adv. at the fir fi view. A-prima giónta, adv. at the fir ft coming. Aprimene, as Apertura. Y A-prima filo, adv. at the firfi hand. * A-primo inchióftro , adv. at the firfi writing , by Met : at the firfi onfet. * Aprlna, fiefij or vemipn ofwilde boar. Aprire, apro, apèrfi , apèrto, to open , to fet opcnfiy Met : to difplayc , to difclofe 3 to unfold, togiv:,darc 3 nr mind with mcnj:e, as aprir la mente, to ope on's mind. Apritivo, as Aperitivo. Aprite, an opener. Apritura, as Apertura. Apritióne, as Apriménto. Aprivare, as Apprivare. Apro, a wild beafi with great tusty , fome taty it for the wild boar. Aprònia , a tynd of vine , alfo black Brionie. Aproniane,» tymd of plums. Aproportionftre,»r Proportionate. : A-proportióne, adv. proportionably . 4 A-propófito,adv. to the purpofe. A propriare, to appropriate. Apropriatióne, any appropriation■ Aprofli, anhearb , which is faidtodraw ■ fire unto it, whofe root tymdlcth fire . Aprògno, the loyne of a wild boar. A-prova, adv. upon proof or triall , alfo to the utmofi of ones power, of fet purpofe. * Apróvo, by or near, a Lombard word. Apficóne , a fione , which being once hot , tyeps his heat feven days after. Aptóco, a notine without cafe. apua , Aphiéno, aphia , a tymd of finali fifh engendred of rain or [bowers , or (as fome fay) of the Sea-fome, fome write, that if it be placed near the fire , it ispre- fently rofied , and fit to be eaten,the Gene- voifes call it Nonnaca. Apuntare, as Appuntare. Apuntlno, Apùnto, as Appunto. ^ Apuzzare , Apuzzolarc , Apucidirc , to beftintyto fill with flench. Apuzzellare, to plague , to nnfehief. A-quadretti,adv. lo\engie in amorie. A-qualunque mòdo, adv. howfoever . A-quando, adv. againfi when ? A-quando, aquando , adv. now and then, ofherwhile . F j *A- A Q.U ARA ARC A quanto, a quanto, adv. quantity for quantity, by much and much. * Aquario, as Acquarlo, &c. A-quart', A-quartieri, adv. by quarter!. ’ Aquatico, Aquatile, as Acquatico. * A-quatrino , a-quatrino fi fa il fóldo. Pro :tbey fay in Englifh,many a little maizes a great. Aq iattare, as .Apiattaie. A-qaattro, adv- two to two, by four and four, A-quattr’ occhi , adv. face to face, in out- loolftng manner,alfo in private. Aqucic à,watri(hie(Jc. A-quélJa volta, adv. toward that way. A-qucllo che, ad v.by that which , as far as, by that 4 'Aqueo, as ’Acqueo. A-quefta volta, adv this time, alfo to¬ ward this way. A-quéfti dì, adv. in thefe days , nowa¬ days. A-quello, adv. by this. Aquctarey as Acquetare, &c. A-guéto , adv. quietly, in quietneffe, as fi¬ chéto. A-qui, adv. here, hither, hitherto. * Aquiccll i, pine-apple grain’s conferred. Aquidóccio , Aquidócto , a water-con¬ duit. AquifóIio,2r Agrifnlio. 'Aquila , an Eagle,alfo the Eagle-flarre,a'fo the Eagle-fifih, alfo a Doller-coyne , alfo the imperiali ftandard. 4 Aquila marina, an Offe fprayed eagle. Aqu ila ft ro, a bw\\ard. Aquilègia , Aquilina , Colombine or fet- wall. 4 Aquilia legge, a law in Rome againjl fraud, forgeries or deceits. * Aquiliferoj eagle-bearing. Aquilina pietra , a flotte ; which they fay is found m an Eagles ne fi , good to facilitate the birth of children , to re flore womens mille, and to cure the falling Jlctyieffc. ’ Aquilino ,'Eagle-lHfC , alfb the nature of an Eagle,alfo the Colombine-colour , alfo an Eaglet. Aquilino nafo , a long-beaift or booked nofe. Aquilóne, the North part of the world, alfo the North-wind , alfo a rare fifh about Rm’. Aquilonare, Northerly, Northern. * Aquilòtto, an Eaglet. A-quinci, adv. hence from. A-quInci quindi, adv. hence and thence. A-quIndi, adv. thence from. A-quxndi quinci , adv. thence and hence. A-quivi, adv. thither ward. A-quivi intórno, adv. there-abouts. Aquolica, watrifljncQ'c. Aquófo, watrifh. ‘Ara , an Altar or a fancluary , alfo a (larre near Scorpio , called the Altar-ftarre, alfo as Aia. Arabafcio , a fouldiers jacket or caf- foc\.' Arabbiare,; 7 j Arrabbiare. Arab! fco, Arabian-Hip. Arabica, Gum-a,abi\e. Arabice, a Ifind of little dates , * Arabile, arable-land. Arabi Imo, an Arabic^ propriety. Arabo, an Arabian man or horfe. Araca, .i Ifind ofvenemous ferpent. | Araccllc, a Ifind of mufhcorns. j Arachncn , a ifind of wild tree j wild Pur flan. ! Aracnoide, a thin sign of the eye. : Araco, an hearb in Egypt,good to eat. A-racólta, adv. by collecting together , as \ barvefi is gotten in, loolf fondre. alfo * Aragaico, a difeafe in a htrrfes belly, cau- fing pipings and wringings in his guts , making him to fend forth his dung indi- gefiled and liquid li{e water . A-i agàtta, adv. fibrivingly as at muffe. A-ragióne, adv. ratably , according to rea fon , right , number , weight and mca- fure. * Aragna, a fpiders w:b , by Met : a net or tramell. Aragnati , a wringing in fomc horfes guts. * Aragnélle, Aragnétte , Ragnette , Fi landre , fpiders-fipinnings , cob-webs, fpider-cobs. Aragno ,any fpinning-fpider. * Aragnóidc , a thin andflyining membrane of tne eye , which fervetb to ;retain the formes received. A-ragunata, as A-racólca. Araldo, a Herauld, an Interpreter, r raménto, a plowing, or harrowing. * Aramnim,/^ Oromlfim. Aranata, a beali in India bearded as a goat, mouthed and footed as an Ape. * Arancamcnto , unthriftineffe , riotous wafling, lavifih !afb:ng-out. Arancare, to lafih-out riocoufly , to wafts unthrifely , alfo to s{ud and fhift a- Arancatore, a. riotous fpend-tbrift,a wajle- good. Arancia, Arangia, 4 « Orenge. Aranciata , Balmegentle. Arancid.re, Arancirc, arRancIrc. Arancido, as Rancido. Arancio, Arangio, an Orenge-tree, or fruit of the fame. A-randa, adv-hardly, with much adoe,alfo txattly to a hair, alfo clofe,faftby # near anenjt, clofc unto. Arandcllo, loo\ Randello. Aranca, the fourth turitele of the eye. Arane* , a Crab-fifty called Saint Bernard the Hercmit. Ai into,that ploughs, or isp’owing. * Arapire, as Rapire. Arare, to plough or harrow. Arasarc, as Rasare. A-rafegna, as A-ricólta. A-rafo, adv. plain as ftyaven. Arafteliarc, as Raftcllare- A-raftéllo, adv- with labels in armarle. A-rata, adv. ratably. * A-rata pert iòne , adv. ratably , fliaring- h- Arad', a Ifind of figs. Aratiónc, plowghing,harrowing, a tilling of Land. Arativo, arable, plowghable. Aratolo, a plough, a harrow, alfo a fihallow flitch in plowghing. Aratóre, a plough-man , an Acreman , alfo an Har rower, alfo a Ifind of fifty, which who bue touchetb, is prcfer.’ly ta\en with an Ague , and being let go is presently rid of it. A ratrare, as Artorare. Aratro, a plough, a barrow. * Aratura, as Arat’óne- * Aravóglicrc, to envoi ve or nule up toge¬ ther. Aizzaménti , Arazzar.e. Arazzi, all manner of Aras-wor^s , Tapiftries , or chamber-hangings. Arazzarc, to hang or fet forth with Tapi¬ ftries or Aras-wor\s. Arazziere , a ma\er of Aras-wta\s, or of Tapiftries. Arabaeio, a Ifind of courfe woollen fluff. Arbaleftra, ar Baléftra. ArbatrafFa , a {wd of xtnemous fer¬ pent. ’Arbc, .1 \md of locuft try Graffe-hopper. 'Albero, as 'Albero, &c. 4 ’Arbia. Arbicócche, apricot-plums. Aibintio, u fed fu e Labcrlnto. ‘ Aibitrab le, arbitrable. Arbitrare, to arbitrate , to award, to thin \, efteem , judge : by Met ; to ween or fup- po f c ‘, Arbitrario, arbitrarie. Arbitration, an arbitrement. Arbitrato , arbitrated , alfo a compro- mife-. Arbitra óre, an arbitrator, a ludge Axbitiio , an award , an arbitrement, wil’. Arbitro , an as-bit rotor, an awarder , um¬ pire . Arboiino, a fifh ca'led a Blea\ j. Arbori 1 c, as Alberare. Arborario ,of, or b.longing to trees. Arboidta, a bower of trees, an Arbour. Albore, as Albero, &c. Amoreggiare, as Alberare, to branch. Arbó; eo, branching, tree-ftireading. Ai bore to, a grove or thicket of trees. Aroorifcro, tree or plant-bearing. Arborófo, branchie, full of trees. Arbricócolofc an apricoc^-tree. Arbulcélla , any youngjbrub , Arbufccllo, idem. Ar bull In a , any wild vine that groweth a- long other trees. Ai bufto,Arbulco, Arbufcoio, fhrub, bramble or brier , alfo ayounggrove , cops or thicket. Arbu ftófo,Ai bufcófo, fio r ubbie, bufhie,full of fhrubs. A i buco , the Arbut , or Strawberie tree plant. Area, an Ar\ , alfo a great cheft ,ftandard or coff er , by Met : a tombe or a vault, alfo the name of a ftar, alfo a ftyrine , alfo a Ccrt.nn filone in the botrome of wells placet ‘ for the pre fervati on of water. Arca di Noe, Noahs ar\, by Met : anaf- fcmbly wherein are but wife men , as in Noahs Arif, there were many beafts , and but eight re a fon able creatures. Arca, panaria, as Media. Area foederis, the Arif of the Covenant. Arodórc, Arcatóre, an archer,a bowman, a bowyer , by Mel : a double-dealer , a de¬ ceiver. Arcdite, as Alcaide. * Arcale , arch;-wife, bow li If e , alfo the arche of any frame or building, alfo as Forcella. Arcamo ,the baclf o - Chine-bone of any crea¬ ture, alfo an\ Rib-bone without flefih, alfo a fcheleton,a!fo a carcafs or carrion. Arcanamente, adv. fecretly , in hidden manner, as are Princes fecrets of State. Arcangelo, an Arch angeli. Arcani, the fecrccies or hidden myfleries of Heaven, or of State , alfo certain hidden facrifices. * Arcarci arche or bend as a bow,by Met: to cheat or ctft^n. Arcdro, a Bowyer, alfo an Archer , alfo as Saccllario. Arcata, a (lrol?e > a hurt or fhot with a bow, alfo abow-fhoot, or di fiance from , alfo the arching or bending of any thing. j Arcarórc, as Arcadorc. Arcato, croolf or bent. Arcavola , a great gand-mothers mo¬ ther. Arcavolo ther. Aredzza, Arcazzénfl/.rcafe,ffce foul cal¬ led Curlue. Ar cèlli, any little forcer 9 cheft, coffer , or trim If, alfo a {indof long fhdl fifh lilfe a mufcle , Ar- great grand-fathers fa- A R G ARCH Arcéra, awoodcocfoor. afnipe. . Archeggiare, as Area re , alfo.to manage or fooot m a bow , or to bend any thing bow- lifo. Archelaide , a fond of great Dates full of good liquor. Archetipo , any originali moduli or. copie , a principali type or figure of any origu- na.ll. Archcctàca, a hit or touch with an Ar¬ chétto. Archetto , any little bow , any fidling-flicf, by Met : a racket , or faring to catch birds. Archez.oftina,f/?e hearb Brionie ,alfo a fond of wild white grape. A’rchi, the piu :of arco, alfo as arci. * 'Archi d’un cavallo,;* horfes fore legs. Archibugiàrc , to fooot, to hit, to hurt, or foil with any handgun , caliver , pifioll or mtisfot. Archibugiàro, a gun 3 a caliver , or a musfot mafon Archibugiaca , a foot with any hand¬ gun. Archibugière,;* barquebuficr,a foot 3 a hand- gunner. Archibugicria, a harquebuferie,the tnusfo- trie or loofe-foot of a camp. Archibugiécto , a fmall hand-gun , pifioll , dagi or petronell* Archibugio, Arcobugio, any fond of hand¬ gun big or [mall , as an barquebufo , a caliver, a musfot, a petronell, or a pijloll , fu at for [l called by the Italians by the form it hath with Arco & Bugio, with Arco, becaufe the ffoc\ is bending Ufo a bow : and with Bugio , becaufe the bardi is hollow, it was alfo at fir ft called Schiop¬ po , by the effe il it wrought , which is to Sciroppare, whiffa is in Englifo , to burr ft violently, and with all to mafo a loud cracfo or ratling-noife , as all fitch pieces mafo being (hoc off. * Archibugio a miccio , a fnap-bancc piece. * Archibùgio da bràccio , a foodting or fowling-piece. * Archibugio da croccola focile, da ruo¬ ta, a barquebwfs 9 a crocfo * Archibugióne da pófta, a Musfot for a reft. Archiciócco, Archicióffo, an Artichocfo Archibùio, as Archibùgio. Aichiconfracernità, Arciconfraternità, a chief fraternity or Brother-hood. * Archid iaconàto, an arch-dei conrie. Avchidiàcono, an Arch-deacon. Architi àlcole, a chief di fciplc. Archid i àvolo, arkarch-divcll. ArchididàfcoJo, a principali difciple. Arch idùca, an Archdufo. Archiducàto, an Archdufodom. A chiducheffb, an Arcbdutcheffc. * Archicnsifero, as Arcifpatàrio. Archiéra, afaifo-hole tofooot out at. Archiéro, as Arciere, an Archer. Archigcrénte, a chief in auóloririe arcoun- trohcr among old men , one that hath the chiefoverfight of the provi fon of a Prin¬ ces houfooli , alfo one that hath the chief fur vay or controuling of a Princes worfo. Archilóco, a chief-place or foliation* Archilogia, any idle pratling. Archilogo, a chief pratlcr. Archilóici, a fona of verfes. Archimandrita, a.chief governor, fitperia- tender^, prior , or prefident of mnafiicall prof foWi or. of any felt. * Archimarcfcalco , a chief Lord Mare- foall. . Achimia, as Alchimia , by Met : for art or | labor. Archimiàre, as Alchimiàcc. Archimiàto, alchemied, counterfeit* Archimimo, a chief Comedian. Archimrfta, as Alchinufta. * Archintronàto, a chief Intronato. Arch i pa ft óre , a principali Pa ft or, a chief foepheard. Archipendolare, ArchipcnzolàrejW levell by a plummet , or plumb-line. • Archipèndolo, Ar'chipcnzolojrt plumb-line wherewith Carpenters cr Mafons levell their worfo Archipiràta, a chief or Arch-pirate. Archiposia, the onfet of dr in fon g. Archiprcsbi reràle, arch presbiterali. Archipresbitoràco , archvresbiterie,the of¬ fice , place or function of an Arch- priefi. Archiprete, an Arch-priefl. Archipretcria , the order of chief Priefi- hood. Archifàtrapo, as Arcifàcrapo. Archi finagógo , a chief ruler in aSyna- I gogne. ;Archifpatario , Archìfpàto, as Arcifpa- tàrio. Archircttàre, Archltetturàre , to build ac¬ cording to the rules of Architecture. Architétto, an Architect, a builder , a m.t- fir> or wor fonati in building, alfo belong¬ ing to architecture. Architettonico , of or pertainingto a ma flee Carpenter or chief devi far of any wor ^ or building. Architettòniche 'Arti , fundament all arts, or that are the foundation of other arte. Architettóre, an Architect , a builder- Architettura, architecture, the art offiram- mingor building. * Archircttùrato t framed or built according •” to the rules of Architecture. Archithalaflb, a chief Admirallat Sea , a : Generali of a Fleet. Architiclivo, Architriclivo , a Marfoall of a Princes Court, houfooldfor great hall,al¬ fa a majter of a houfhold, alfa a fewer or chief director of a Princes fe aft or ban¬ quet. Architrave, as Arcotrave. Archirefcovato, an Archbifoopricfo Archivéfcovo, an Arcbbifoop. * Archivo, Archivio , Arcivo , atreafurie of monuments , a place where ancient re¬ cords or evidences are fopt, a 1 fa a Chan- ccric, or Exchequer office , the office of a Mafier of the route , ih ave alfa read it for the Arches or Spirituali Court. Archivifta, a Majter of the rouls, a foeper of ancient records or evidences. Archi voltare, to bend Ufo a bow , to arch- roof i to archvault. Archivòlto , any arch-roof , any arch¬ vault. * ’Arci, 'Archi , a word very much ufed in compofition of other words to expreffe fame eminence or fuperioritie above others of the fame degree , as they fay in Englifo Arch : you may indifferently ufo either ’Arci or *Archi , and therefore if you find not fame words under the one , loo\ for them under the other head ,for , you may indifferently fay Archivéfcovo , or Ar- civéfcovo , Archidùca , or Arciduca , &c. Arda , a wood-cocfo oy a frtipe. Arciàdna , an hearb in Egipt good to eat. Arciàfino, d chef Affa. Arciàvola , ^ Arcàvola , alfa a Dop-chic- fon. Arciàvolo,flf Arcàvolo. ■.* Arci bécco, as Stambécco fay Met: Arch- cuc fold. ' ‘ ARC I * Arci canoa, dny great or mean pipe,cane or throat. Tù ménti per l ’arci-canna del¬ la góla, : thou lyefi in thy vary arch¬ throat. Arcichiàro, mo(l dear or manifeft » Arciócchi, Arciófiì, artichocfo. Arcidiaconato, an Aycb-deaconrie, Arcidiacono, an Arch-deacon. Arcidiàfcolo, a principali di faipfo. Arcidiavolo, an Arch-divell. ‘ ' Arciduca, an Arcb-dufo. Arciducale , belonging to an Arcb-dufo* Arciducàto, an Arch-dnfodom. Arciduchéffa, an Arcb-dutchcffc. Arciéro, an archer, a bowman, alfa fitch as be of n Yfmgs guard of his per fan, becaufe they were wont to attend and go with bows, namely in England , alfo a fond of I drymeafure. - Arcifanfana, an ill ufi on, a hobgoblin,a robin j good-fa How , a fpirit in the chimnic- * oorner , alfa a moefo-begger or a.fcare- crow. J Arcifanfanare, to play the hob-goblin > by Met: to rave fondly, or to play the filly Arcifanfano , Arcifànfo , an egregious gull, an archcocfocomb, alfo a chief find- fault. Arcifelice, mo ft or thrice happy. Arcifellce buonifsilTi-màflimo, moft hap¬ py 3 good, and chief. Arci forfante, an Aychvi Uain,or foiavc . * Arciensxfero, as Arcifpatàrio, Arcigercme, as Archi gerènte. * Aicigigànte,rt?r Arch-giant. Arcigiullàre, an Arch-juglar. Arcignàre, to lowrc , to sfoul, to pout , to frown, or bend ones brow. Arcigno, Arcignófo, lowring, sfowling, pouting, frowning with ones brows. Arcigogjolànte, Arcigógolo , an inventer of unlawful or grievous taxes upon the people. • Arcigogolare, to find out or invent grievous taxes for a Prince upon his poor fub - jeóls. Arcigolófo , an Arch-glutton. Arcigololìtà, Arch-gluttonie. * Arcilogo, an Arch-pyatlcr. 'Ardo, the Glote cr Clot-buy Arcionàta, any arch-roof oy vaulted-frame, alfa the upper-roof of an Oven or Coach. Arcióne, the argon or fadle-bow. Arcióni, the whole faddlc. Arcipànca, ufed of Cato far a Prince or chief of formes or feats , alfa chief fahollar of a fchool. * Arcipécora , a notorious chief [keep or gull Ardpirato, an Archpirat. Arci poltróne, an Arch-poltron or co ward,or lagie body. Arcipréflb, a chief Cipro fs-tree, alfa mofi- nigb. Arciprète, an Arch-priefi. Arci preceda, Arch-priefi hood. Arciprevcdo, an Arch-priefi. Arcirodomontada, an arch-bragging. Arcifagreftàno, a chief fexton. Arcifàtrapo , a chief Pcere of a Realme or fiate, a chief Prefident, Ruler, Captain or States man. Arcifconvólca puttana , an over-ridden whore. Arcifinagego, as Archifinagógo. Arcifpatàrio, Arci fpàto, a Rjngs or Empe- rours chief Sword-bearer. Ardila, a fond of chariot or waggon. Archivefcovàlc, Arcbiepifìopall. Arcjvefcovàcp, an Archbifijopricfo as Àrci- vefeovàdo. ArcivéfcoYo, an Archbifoop. hs- ARCO ARE A R C Ardire, difco, dito, to d.irc. Arcivifta-, Are ivo, look Archivo, ArcÌYÓlto, as Archivòlto. 'Arco, any fcnd. ofbow,or arche,alfo a. tor¬ ture ufed in Italie to mafe men con- v . Archi, ufed in the plurali for arches. Arcobaleno, Arcoceléfle, the rayn-bow or Iris. 'Arco dell’ 6 fio, the chine, or ridge-bonc of the baefe 'Arco delia fchìéna , the baefebending of a Dolfìn or porpis when they roul , as inti¬ mating foul weather. 'Arco bali Croffe,or Stcclfbow, Arcobugiare, as Archibugidrc. Arcobugiata, as Archibugiata. Arcobugitre, us Archibugière. Arcobugicria, as Archibugieri*, Arcobuglo, as Archibugio. Arcoino, bow-life or bending. Arcolaio, Arcolagio, ’Arcolo , X reel, or rice for fil\[. or yearn. Arcolai , by Met : fantaflicall humours , r ailing fanfeics, Caffes in the air. Arconcclli, little arches or bows. Arcónti , the name of certain Magi fir ate s that were in Athens , Arcóntici , Heretic fey that denied the rc- f arre (lion of the flefh , and [aid that the world was made by Princes. * Arconauti, chief faylcrs , as of tbojc that went with taf on for the golden Fleece. Areopago, a chief Senate of the mofl Excel¬ lent men in Athens, and of no certain Number. ArcojK-ndoIo, as Archipèndolo, alfoa-ffh called in Latin Zygena. 'Arcora, the Pin : of[ Arco. Arcòrano, as Alcorano. Amoreggiare, to bend as a bow , alfa for one to brety wind above w ' l[ h pain in the fornici^, tbt A/cr : is to,fen from the bending or bowing a man ufetb in fitch a (lions. Arcotrave, the Architrave or maffer-beam of arty frame. Arcotriomfantc, a triumphant arche or pa¬ geant. Arcovólca, any arched vault. Arcovoltare, tò arche vault-wife. Arfturo , the name of a (lane by the tail of Ifrfa Major, called alfa Guardiano dell’ orfa, or Guidatóre del carro , winch foil owe lb Charles wane , fame call it Bootes. Arcuino, bending,bow-life. Arcuccio, a devife arebt made of thin laths or hoops, to lay a croffe , a cradle , to feet) up the cloaths from [mother ine of tb> child. " 1 Ardca , a Moor-hen , fonte tafe it for a Hear on. Ardclia , curiojlty, to fetow other mens af¬ fairs. Ardélio, a bufi: body, a medler with other mens affairs , one that will have an oare in other mens matters. Ardènte, ardent, burning, fervent. Ardencem. ntc, fervently. * A rd enei Almamente, mofl fervently. * Ardcnnfsimo, mofl ardent or fervent. Ardènza, ardertele , burning-heat, ardor , fervor, fervendo. Ardéolo, a Hearonfhawc. 'Ardere, ardo, arlì, arfo, to burn , to be on fee, alfo by Met : for to burn for love , for jealoufy, for anger. Arditile, that may burn. j ' Ardiglióne, any linguct ,but properly ,tbe 1 needle of a bucfec. I Ardiménto, bardineffc , danngneffe , cou- | rage, flout neffc. Ardi mento fo , bar die , full of hardineffe, rafh ., Ardire, Sub : courage, ffoutnejje , daring- hardineffe. Arditamente, hardily, daringly. Ardicéllo, a malapert (aucie fellow. Arditezza, Arditanza , as Ardiménto. fit dito, dared, al fo bardic, daring , coura¬ geous, flout, undaunted. Arditiflimo, miff bold. Ardo cfa, ardola, .i precious [tone, wherein arc naturally the pictures of beaffs & birds. Ardóre, Ardiira, as Ardènza. \rdu.tà> difficulty, bardnejfe, or uneafindje to reach unto. Arduo , difficult, hard, mieafi ’, nr pain¬ full to be attained. Ardui Ifnno, moff bar dor difficult to ad or paffe over. * Ardiira, .'rrarfiira. 'Area, the upper»»f part or fur face of any tning, the field or ground of any sfetcheon of armes , alfo a law-word , importing a mins lx id, or the right he hath unto it, from the grout.I up to the sfees , alfo the dim : of'Alt. *Area circolare^/;? name of a (larve or [igne in Heaven. * Arecabi lc,tbat may be reached or brought. * Arenaménto, a reaching or bringing. Arecire, to reach or bring. * Arecatórc, a reach v, \ bringer. * Aredare, as Arredare. Arefat to,p.ircbed through hcat,dric-fcorchcd by the Sunne , alfo Sunnz-tanned. Arégano, as Origano. Arcgazza„ a pio:, a wood-pic . A-remalco, A-rcmoldo, A-rcmulco, look Rcmulco. Arena, any fond or gravcll. Arenèiceo , any thing breeding or living in [and or graved, or that is of the quality or colour of it. Arenale , a find-pit , a gravell-pit , alfo fandie ,gravely, or grettic. Arenaménto, any gravelling or funding. Arenare, toJdnd, to gravel/, alfo for a [hip to ninne , to [rife , or flick upon [and sor fhel ues. Arendamsrito, the fruits or rents thit any thing ycildelh, alfo a rendring . Arcndèirc, to farm, to rent. Arcndatóre, a farmer, a renter. Arénderc, as Rèndere. Arcndévole, as Arrendévole. Arenaménto, a rendring, ayeilding . * Arcnella, as Renèlla. Arénga , an Oration , a fet-fpeach , an ha¬ rangue., alfo a herring-fifh. Arcngire, to mafe a fct-(p:cch . Arcngacórc, an Or it or, a fp infer • * Arenile, as Arenale- Arevino, as Armelino. * Arenofità, fandmeffe, grettimffe . Arenófo, f.indie, gravelly, grettie. Arénrc, adv. incnjt, elafe by. Aréola, a Greek weight of two grains. Arcopagita, a chief Iudge or Senator in Athens. Areopago , fignifies the hill of Mars , on which the Court or Palace where the Se¬ nators or ludges of Athens met daily,was placed. A-riquifitión:, adv- at the requefl j fate or entreaty of. A-refivérli, adv. xrfivirfiz, contrarie . Arifta, as Arifta. Areftire, as Arredare, &C. A-rctaglio, adv. by retail. Aret ire, Aretirc , to in-net, to catch in a net, by Mit : to entangle, to entrameli. A-réte, net-wrought, net-worfe àlfofrettie in Ar morie. Areticare, to v?x or affili in mini. Arccio,nómc d*h èrba, the name of an bearb t Arctrare, to retreat, to recoile. Arétro, adv. behind , backward. Arezzare, to (hade coolie. Arézzo, as Rezzo, a coole [hide. Ar fa falco , a ward uf:d to abjifc firry f:U lows. ’-\rblo, a Biflnp at Cbcffe. Arfitapo , a kjnd of ancient garment de¬ ferred by Lucilius. ' Argallice, a radifh nr v opart-root. * A'galio , an inftrument where with a Cbirurgm fearcbcth the pxjfxges of the urine. Arganarc , to draw or mount up with a Crane or any other engine, look 'Arga no. Arga nè , Arganèllo , Arganétto, any crane -, Capfto/t •, w:ndb:ame ; draw - bearne -, wauling , or mou Umg-cug-u :, tit mount or remove any great weight , alfo a Crab or Caffon (as mariners call it) to weigh ancori with , alfo a truck or fled with low wheels, alfo a wyre-drawers, or gald-fmiths bench. Arg.ua , a broad sfetrf worn by fame chief men about has arms in ftgne o fimi our. Arg.icile, a fend of bird , m ich commended for her rare cunning i/i mafeinn her neft. Argéma, the white of any creatures eye,Ufa. a certain difeafe in fume eyes,which being in the black of the eye is white •> and if u the white it is black- Argcmóne, wild-tanye or filver-wort? alfo as Argéum. ’Argene, as Argine. Argentale; filverie, li\e fiver. Argentare, to fiver, to enfflvcr. Argciitarina, the fiver ffuinavffe. Argentana , Argenteria , all manner of fiver-work or plate, alfo a fiver or gold fmiths ftreet or row of (hops as Cbeapftd: is hi London , alfo a kind of (ilver-oarc , chalk, or white clay gli [ring as fiver. Argentario, Argentalo, a fi ver - (rnith, tifo the metall Pin. Argentata, a fend of lip- fai v , by Met : white painting for womens faces, alfo as Argentina, * Argentato , fiver guilt , or fiver*d over. Argentatóre, t flverer. Algènte, as Algènte. Argenteo, Argentino, ftlv’rie , life fiver, fiver-colour, alfo of a fhrill or fiver- found. Argentiera, a pi ver -mine \ alfo an) fiver Argentière, a plver-fmith , i repay of fi¬ ver , a luol{ or monk-keeper , alfo a feroard,! Caler, or a Claip of lire yiicbin in a noble mans houfe. Argentifero, filver-bearing. &rgcntina,wild-tanfeic,orflver-wort/ome tafe it for ffone or Finger-fern , alfo a fend of fifh. J Argent ivo, ar Argenteo.’ Argentiamo, moft-flverie, alfo moff clear or (brill-founding. Argènto, all manner offiver, ufed alfo for mony or coyne. Argènti ,ufed for plate. 4 Argènto di copèlla , the fnelt teff- filver. Argènto folimato, fublimate. Argènto wo, quick-fiver or Mercurie. Argentilo, full of fiver. ’ Argenta, the foam of tried lead. Argefilao, a furnime given to Pluto. Arg-ftc, the Northweft, or weftern parts of ! -• the world. ’Arghe , a certain white beaffs [aid to be faced life a man. Argilla, Argiglia, Potters-clay. Ar- a r r Argilloj Affiglio, as Arzcglio. Aigillófo, mgigliófo, Clayt[h 3 full of clay, oy Met:: fame ani fertili. Arginare, to fortifte , to rampante , to banf, £»• blocl f again (l the furie of waters. 'Argine, Aiginale , n trench , abanf » CL ramparci , or fortification againfl the fme of watery. Argvréfo , full of fences again ft wa¬ ters. Aigiiafp i&i, fou'.diers armed with ftlvcr Jh-efeis , bad their borfes tra.pt with ftlvcr. Arguite, Argiritino , litharge , or /oi««e 0/ /me, or ftlvcr being tr ei. Argirodàma, aftlvene predo us-fione. A: giróne, it hearon-Jhaw. * argiva, a fumarne of l uno. Ai givo, a man of Greece. 'A - go , Wat eh full 3 vigilant, clear-ftgbtcd 3 alfo the name of a Stane 3 alfa Argus. Argoirr, nr Arguire- * -rtigolaticrc, /i /igfef horfeman 3 one fer- vingonhorfe bacf witb a Caliver or a fiaphance. Argólici, as Argonauti. Argomenta e , to argue 3 to frame Argu¬ ment s-, to d,'flute, to conclude ; alfo to pre¬ pare or fit ones fclffoc any attion or bufi¬ nole. * A; gomcntatiónc , an arguing , a framing of arguments. * Argomentatore , an argucr 3 o- diflit- ter. A)gom£rto,(W argument,aftgne , or reafon > at fo a fubject or ground to Jpeaf or write of, evidence , aljo an invention or fafhon, ' an :n\irament,alfo the content s of any boof ' or-treatife. * Argo nemo , ujedfo-c a remedie , alfo a Argomento davanti ,away ofpleafure be- * tween man and woman. * Argoménto della larghezza della Lu¬ na, an A(tronomi call terme. * Argoménto mèdio, vé o, ó visibile del¬ la larghézza della Juna fìdem. Argomenrófo , full of arguments , or effe¬ ctual/ to convince. Argonauti, Aigonàvi, Agòlici, the Noble Greeks that went with la fon in the Jh'v called Argos for to conquer the golden fleece. Arguire, Argo! c, to argue, todifputc. * Aigosino, a Lieutenant of a Galley. Aigiimc, ufedfor Agrume. Arguire, nr Argomentare. Arpuménto, as Argoménto. Argusélla, a Hom-fifh. Argutamente, adv. (harply, ccafdly,fubtily, wittily. Arguti zzOjftnrpncffe ofwit. Argutia, any fio vep or witty conceit j namely in words , a fubtility of wit. Argutiflìmo, moft {harp, or witty. Argutictta, a quaint and witty faying. Arguto, wittily.crafty 3 craftìly -witty ,n am: - . ly in words. 'Aria, as 'Aere, the air , the loof or a ca ft of a bodies face. Ariadna, the name of a Storce. Ariamide , Ariunidc , an hearb of a ftre or flame-colour, which being gathered when the Sunne is in Leo, touch therewith any I wood wetted with oyle , it doth pnfently fet it on a light fire. j Ariararcha, a Prince of war fare. A-ribibo, adv. forthright, us it were care- lefty3 lèggere a-ribibo, to read without {pelting 3 or any heed and confiderà - tion. * A-dbdcco, adv. ready to runne over , by Met :plentcoufty ; enough and to fparc. Arlcamarc, as Ricamare. A R I * A-ricamo, adv- wrought embroyderie- wife. 4 A-ricambio, adv. by,or upon re-exchange, enter-eh angcably. A-richièda, at the jute , or requeft of Arie no, a find of Cabidgc-colc. 4 A-riafo,adv. conci fely-, with brevityMin- ftngly. A-ricòlta, loof Sonate a-r ‘cólta. Ar i corda n za , rem embrance. Aricordare, to remember. Ar.cordévole, memorable. niicorùo, remembrance. A-ricó do d huómo, in mans memory. A-ricorfó;o,adv. in running or violent man¬ ner , loof Bollire. 'Arida, the whole Element of the Earth. Aridamente, adv. barrenly , drily. Aridare, A ridire, to mafe or become barren , dric, withered orfapleffe. Aridézza, Aridità, Arditézza , ftcrility, dric-barrenne(fc } want of mo:flare. ' Ai-ido, barren, jkrill, f api eff'c,alfo [mail, not con.fider able. Aridole, n find of leane drie Dates. A-ridolìo, adv. loof Cavalcare. Aridrómada , a precious fione naturally ns f quare us a dye. Ariéna, a find of great ftg,growing upon the tree Pila. Ariénto, as Argento, &c. Arientato, or Argentato. * Arietàre, to ram : to batter walls with an Ariète. Ariete, a ram , a tuo , alfo one of the twelve ftgnes in the Zodiac f , by Met : a f ind of warlife machine or engine to batter j walls. j * Ariète notturno, ufed for Autumne or the fall of the leaf. Arictino, rammifh in fìtteli, in tajle * or con¬ dition, alfo born under Aries. I Aria: ni, the Chitebes called Bamchitches. A-rictro, adv- baefward, behind. A-rifufo, adv. refuftngly, alfo enough and to fparc. Angare, (K Irrigare, as Rigàie, A-rigatta,/oo£ Rigatta. Arigógoli, us Arzigògoli. A-rigudrdo,adv.w regard, upon ones guard, loofingto onesfelf A-rilento, adv- rclentingly, fine fly, [lowly, with caution. A-rilibo, adv. loof Bilibo. Arimàfpi , people that have but one eye : and that in their forehead. Arimética, Arithmetic f. Arimético, an Arithmetician. A-rimpétto, adv. over againft. * A-rimurchio, loof Rimurchiare. Arinca, a find of Rice Or Ajpelcorn. A-rincóntro, adv. over againft. Arina, a Bee-hive. Arinélla, a wrinflc, aptlcfre. Arine 11 à"e, to wrinflc , to puef re. Aringa, as Arénga , us Arringa. Aringhe fumate, blote or red herrings. Aringhe fa là re, pitted herrings, Aringàre, us Arringàre. Aringatórc, us Arringacóre. Aringàtore^ as Arrengàto. * Aringhena, an oratio,i y or fet fpeech made in fome pulpit or eminent place. * Aringhiéra , ^ Ringhièra or Roftra. Aringo, us Arringo, Ariolàrc ,todivine,to foothfay. Ariolatióne, foothfaying. Divination. Ariólo, a footbfayer, a Diviner. A.riofo, aerie, full of aire. Adorino, a wren-bird. A-ripàro, adv. againft, in defence, Sc de- fendendo. * A-ripcntàglio, idv.head-long, in car clefs manner , at all adventure. ARM A-ripórli, loof Andare. Anlaro, wafe-robin. Cue foe-pintle. Arifcliiàrr, us Airifchiàrr. Arilchio, rtrifigo, us Arr.lchio. Arifchiófo, Ar.fìgófo, us Airifchiófu. ^ Arifigàrc, as Arrjfchiare. Arifmccica, Arithmeticf. Arifmccico, an Arithmetician. A-rifpétto, adv. in rejpeft, in regard. Aiifta, Aréfta ,any flj.irp (p:ll,or long prie fie, namely of a rip j care of com , alfo the [mail l jh.irp and long ftde-bones of any ftfh , alfo the ridge of a hbgs bacf 3 or a hogs-ebine , alfo a find of drinf ufed an¬ ciently among the Thracia is, Ariftalthéa, a find of Ma: fh-doef. Ari ftida, an hearb,whicb hath the vertue to draw jpills out of the fl eft). Arjftociata, a Government of good men, or of foif.e few of the chief men m a State. Arifbctatico, of or bclongmgto a govern¬ ment of fume few, chief or ?ood men , al¬ fo governed by fome few Nobles or great mat. Ariftogitóne, a vulnerarie hearb. Ariftoluchia , Ariftologia, Birth-wort, Hart-wort. Ariftula, the diminutive of Arida. * Aritagliàre , to retail, 10 fell by retail ùs Brofers and Hucfslers do. A-ritàglio, adv. by retail. Ariihmànce , a Diviner by names and num¬ bers. Adthmanc a , Divination by names and numbers. * Arithmctia , Arithmetic^, the Art of numbring. Adthmécico, an Arithmetician. Arithmo, any rithme or mectre. { A-rj trita» loof Sonate, a-ricóita. A-ritrófo, adv. sfcwardly,fcowardly,band over head, topftturvyi A-riva al mar c,by the Sea-fhorc. A-rivéfcio, adv. infide outward. A-riynltolóne, adv. tumblingly. Arizzàre, us Rizzàre. Arizzane, Senegrecn, Houfeleef. Ailalb, an affront, or cheating t rie f put up¬ on one, a fnavijh-pranf. Arlótta , a ftlthie punf, a harlot. Arlótrat c , to play the filly Arlòtto , or Ar- lótta.- Arlotrcfco , of the quality of Allotto. Arlòtto , was fometimes the proper name of a merde, crafty and je fling Prie (l in Ita¬ lie, famous to this day for his many plea- fant and jesting triefs and pranfs, but now Arlòtto is ufedfor any filly Pdcft o , r a fir Iohn lacf-latin , alfo a jloving or nafty fellow, a glutton. 'Arma, any find of weapon, armes or armor of offence t or defence , alfo any coat of armes, that a man givetb for a badge or cognlfance of his gentry or honour. * Arma di filo, any weapon with an edge, a cutting weapon. * Anna hafìàta,'Arma-afufóne,niy Jlaved weapon , as an halbard, or a [peace. * 'Arnia manéfea, any hand-weapon. * 'Arma partita any partie-coat of armes. * 'Arma fémplice , any ftmple weapon, or plain coat of armes. * Arma-còllo , a gorget, a neef -armor , a. belt for a f word o ver the [judder.- * 'Armàdioyiy Armàrio. Armadura, any find of armor, arming, weaponing, harnifhing,alf1 the guardes or 1 hilts of a [word or rapier, alfo the guar de that enfolds the child in the mothers wombe , by Met : all manner of frames , machines or fcaff'olds ufed inmynes un¬ der-ground to feep them from falling, or things to fupport nets. G Ar* ARM ARO AR R Armaio, Armato, Armario, Armadio , an * Armicclla, forry, bafe armes. armorie , a ( torc-boufc or place where' Armiere, Armiéro , an armourer , alfe the a.m:s or weapons accept, by Met : a i whole armour of a mans bodie. clofe-pre[fe,an ambric, a w arder obe-prej'c, Arnn'fcro, armes, bearing or bringing, or a enpbord. ! Arm g:ro, a bearer or profeffor of arms Armaiuolo,Armaruólo , Armararo , an' Squire. armorer - Armamentario , an armorie, a fiore-houfe for armes. * Armaménto , all manner of armes or mu¬ nition for armes, alfo an armorie. * Armanaco, an Almanack- Armaniaco, an apricot tree or plum. Armare, to arm, to weapon, to hrrncffe , to furnfh with armes, to fence againjt war, to prop , to fit. Armare di fuóra , to arm without , or a- broad , a’fo its Fare chiamazzuóli. Armare la galera , to arm nr rigagallie, alfo the nam: of a Cirri ftmajfe-gamc. Aimaria, Armeria , armorie or the pvofcf- fion oj' armorie . Armanfta, Armenia , a Herauld, a pro- fcfl'or of armorie. Armata, an arme , but generali V, ufed fora NavtCyOr Fleet at Sea . Armata- mano , Armatamente , adv. in armed manner, by force of armes , with armed hand. Armato , armed, weaponed. Armato di tutto pònto, rmed at all effaics, in compleat a. mom, cap, a pec. Armatura, as Armadura. 'Arme, the Flu : o/'Arma,huómo d'arme, a fouldicr , but especially a light horfeman. Genre d'a; me, fouldiery. * 'Arme àuree ,the chief[boulder-bones in a horfe. Armeggiaménto , Armeggiata, Armeg¬ giarla, all manner of arming or weapon- mg, any exercife at armes, any meeting or praclifing of armes among knights or foul- diers, training in arm is. Armeggiane, Armiggiàre , to praftife proffie, to exercife, or to follow armes, to be trained tip in armes, alfo to blarjm armes, or to [peak of berauldric, by Met : to [peak idly, and nothing to the purpofe in \efiing manner, to fir ay from tbe matter fpo^en of. Tù armeggi , thou art wide thou art out of the way, thou rave ft ± as heraulds are faid to d) in Italie. Armeggiatórc, a profeffor of armes. * Armeggiata, as Armeggiaménto, Armeggio, Arieggio, Aimizzo, all man¬ ner of armes, weapons, munition , habilH- malts of war , tackling or furniture for [hips or gallies , alfo any figure or co ate , that chargcth a scutcheon or field in ar¬ morie. Armclla, Ai meliina, an apricot-plum. Armcllmo, an H r;n:n, or Hermelin, alfó Hermin or Erminois in armorie , alfo a certain coin » in Nap’cs,alfo a pye-colour of a horfe white and black, alfo an apricot tree. Armèna, a ifind of venemous ferpent. Armeniàco, an apricot tree, or plum. Arménio , a colour called verd azur, alfo a kind of Jpecified marble. Armenia o, a Neale [man, a Heardfman , a Drover, or a Grafier of Cattle. Armen* aIe»o/V>r belonging to bcards,droves, of Cattle, alfo a Stallion for marcs. Arménto-muto, a dumb-hcayd, all fifties. Armentitio ,as ArmcmàJe. * Arménto , a heard cr drove of cat¬ tle. * Armemófo , fiored with beards of cat¬ tle. Armeria, as Armaria. * ArmesmOjjr Ormesino. Artniggio, Armizzo, ho'k Armeggio. * Arniiila,;wy bracelet^braccr^r wrijt-band, alfo the braces or rings wh.rein tbegud- gions of a wheels fpind:ll turn , alfo the bracers about pill.rs, alfo a certain infiru- ment made of hollow circles , that Afiro- nomers ufe. * Armi-luft.a, certain farri fees, where the Roman’s facrificed in bright armour, with trumpets founding. Armimi, H.rminois in armorie. Armipotènte, mifbty in armes. Arm isa, Armórfc, Mugwort,Mo:hwort,or ( as feme fay ) a kind of coleworts . Arraóila, hear'} Or age, or Orach. A rinomante , a diviner by ebferving of the [boulders of b;a(ts. Armon amia, divination by obferving the [boulders ofbeafis. Arnióne, i Princes or Noblemans great feut- cbeon of armes, or tbe chief coate of his ho ufe, alfo a Ifind of coleworts,alfo a kind of radifh-root. Armonia, harmonic, accord in mufickfuna- blcnejfe, concent of founds. Armomaco,.-! find of fait that Chimi ks ufi, alfo a find of gum ifiuing from Fenncl- gcant, alfo an Apricot tree or plum. Armònico , Armoniófo , Armoni zzante, harmonious , melodious. Armonizzare, Armoncgg àtC , to harmo¬ nic, to mak e harm mie. Armoriacc , a find of black radifh- root. * Armikica,ffogo«f in tbe [boulders. Arnabd, the nam: of a tree in India. Arnafo, any long vcffell. 'Arne,' .Arnia, ho.ùc-houfes, Bee-hives. Arncfe, all manner of harm fs , equipage, munition, furniture or tackling for Sea or Land , alfo wearing-clothes , alfo an engin or device. * Arncfi di góla , all manner of belly-cheer, or provi [ion for the throat. Arnióne , the rcims of the back , the ridge or chine of any beafi , alfo the kid¬ ney. * Arnióne del porcàftro , a Chine of pork. Arnifio, a kind of Greek wine. Arnoglófla , rib-wort, l •mbes-tongue , way- bread, or Piantane the lejfe. ‘Aro, Aréne , 'Aron, Cucko-pintle , wake- pintle, Pricfis-pintle, fiarch-wurt, ramp, or Calves-foot , with the root whereof mixed with flower fame have made bread. * Aróba, as Arróba. Arogànre, airog.int, malapert. Aroginza, arrogando, faucineffe. Arogaie, as Arrogate- Arogacióne, as Arrogatone, Aroggi a r c, as Arrowre. Aromatdio, an Apothccarie > alfo a Perfu¬ mer. * Aromatan'a , a perfumers fhop, trade j or profejjton. Aromac cita, arom id call-quality,a plcafing f meli, or tafie of [pices. Aromàtico, Aromatizzante, Aromàco, aromatic all, fweet-fmelling , fpicic-fra- grant , alfo {linking or difpleafmgto the fmcll, applied to perfons, fignifics pcevifh or fantasie all. Aromatite , a fione fmclling much ofMyr- rhe. Armévole, that may be armed,alfo the name Aromarzxà'e, to ma\e or become aromati- of a bird. i call, to fmcll or perfume fweet. A-rómbo, ad/- masfilcd or locngic in ar¬ mour. Arómato ,/picc ingenerali alfo as Aromଠtico. A-rómbrc, adv. in an up-rore. * A-rompicóllo , adv- rajl/y, bead-long,-n break-neck manner. Aronàno, the n m: of a ffh. Arondella, a f wallow, alfo a fea-bat. Aréne, look Aro. A-ninfa, at ruff or trump at Cards. Arofegarc, Arcfigàrc, ar Rofcgàre. Aro ft i re, .rr Ai rolti c. Aroftha , any lòfio. Arófto , any rode, or rafie J meat. Arotàrc, Aroteàrc, as Arrotare, Aroratórc, as Arto- ;-t ire. Arocolà e, as Rotolare. A-rorolónt-, adv. in fouling manner. A-rótto fciJingU 3 gnuólo,adv.MV.'/; a volu¬ ble and fwi ft-running tongue. * Arólln, in an angry rn v>d. Arovcllàre, as Arrovellare. Arovcrrcianiénto, a i, overturning. AroveiTciarc , as Rive fare. A-iovérfcio, A-iovcfciónc,A-rovéfcio, A- roverfeióne, adv. as Anovérfcio. 'Arpa ,any kind of Harp, alfo a Sea-gull,alfo as Aipàgo. Arp.igo, i pagóne,Arpegóne , Arpicór.e, Pipino, .-irpiónc, any /find of great hook, as an harping hook , a dragging hook , a we ding-hook, a fl.fh-hook, a pot-hook, a grubb. r, or ^rubbing-hook , a tenter-hook, a dorè -hook, an iron-rake. Arpionare , Arpegàre , Arpicàrc , Arpi- nàre, Arpionàrc , to hook, 10 drag, in gruppe, to grubb, to pluck > t0 fircteb with an ; kind of hook, t0 damm:r up with help of ho fis, alfo to harrow , to fnatch out of on s hand fometbing violently. ' Arpéfi, Aipcfctti, barping-irons, bracers, binders, or iron-clajps to joyn fiones in buildings. Arpia , a monfi.r, called a Harpie. Arpicare, loo'k Arpagonàre. Arpicéri, certain guts in any body. Arpicò: do, r muficall inflrumcntfiikt a Cla- rigoll, called a Harpers chorde. Arpicónc, look Arpàgo. Arpig a, the quality of an Harpie, by Met : grecdie-rapacitie. Arpinàre, look Arpagonàre. Arpino, Arpione , .ir Arpàgo , alfoanan- diron or rack for broebes , a hinre- fiaple. Arpioncclli, the dim: of Arpàgo, namely little tacks, clajps, or tenter-hooks. Arpócratc, the God offilence. Arguàra, as Ayjfctta, alfo a Curine. Aiguàto, the yellow jaundife , fo called ,be- c.tufc it is cured with honied wine. 'Arra, an carne fi-pennie , a Gods-pcnnic fi¬ ve n before hand , as a bond upon any bar- gain. ‘ Arrabattcre , to labour vehemently, and withall to take great caribe and care. Arrabattàrli , to enneh or fhrug toge¬ ther. A rrebbi óre, to enrage or grow frant\\e. Arrabbiatamente , adv. tagingly , fran¬ ti kb' Arrabbiato, ragjng, mad, vext. * Arradicàto, enrooted, as Radicato. Arraffare, as Arpagonàre. Arragiàto, a horfe that hath the laske. * Arramacciàre, to disbranche, alfo to plafh down the boughs of trees , alfo to draga body, through any place of fnow. * Arramatàre , to ^i// birds with a Ra¬ mazza. Arrampàre , Arrampicàre , Arrampinàrc, Arraiicigliàrc, to ramp , to clamber , to grapple-up. Ar- A R R ARR ARS Arrancare, to go, to trudge or slated, away in hafle, as Criples or lame men do being pur- fued, alfo to pull, to grub , to root or pluck away or from by violence , alfo to twirle about. Arrancata, a spudding away in hafle,a vio¬ lent plucking, a twirling about. Arranda, adv. hardly, fcarccly , alfo as much as fujfifeth competently. Arrandeila, as Randello. Arrandeila re, as Randell are, it fed alfo for Strozzare, and for Strangolare. Arrangolare, to dodge anawrangle , to s\old and prattle , alfo to Curie with vio¬ lence. * Arrangiare, to range, to ar.mge , to fet in array. Arrangolo fo, full of wrangling, dodging, pratling and scolding. Arrantolófo, as Rantolófo. Arrappare, Arrappirc, to rapine,or lake a- way by force. Arrappaiórc , a rapiner, a violent ta- k er - Arraparne c,a rapinerete. Arrafpàrc, as Rafpàre. Arrecare, as Arecare. Arrccatóre, as Arccatóre. Ar redare, to dight, togarnifh, properly to rig a fhip with all her ncccffarie equi¬ page. Arredi , all ncccffiry equipage or tabling for a flj'p , all manner of ncccffary furni¬ ture. Arredo, as Arredi. Arrenare, as Arenar c.' Arrenato ^fandied, gravelled. Arrenamento , a graveling orfrilfing on fands. Arrcndaménto, as Arendaroénto. Arrendere, as Arendare. Arrendcllare, as Randellare. Arrèndere, as Render*. Arrendevole, yeilding, pliable , flexible. Arrendi, revenues, yei! dings. Arrendiménto, a rend ing, a yeilding. A rrendolóne, adv. in hurling manner. * Arrcpranio, creeping in privily,alfo haled by fo me Spirit or bag. Arrequi are, to quiet , to (till. Arsélo, rendrcd,ycilded, reflored. * Arrcffoménto 3 an arre (ting, alfo as Ar¬ redo. Arredare, to arrefl , alfo to flay or fettle in a place , alfo to flay, to re(l or paufc upon, alfo to Ifeep or detain , alfo to feta lance in the refi , alfo to decree or doom by law alfo to ceafefrom or give over. Arrcfto, an arrèjt , alfo a ftay,al[o a decree or ordinance concluded and pronounced by law , alfo a let or impediment. Arreticare, to cn-nct, io enfiare 3 to entra¬ meli ... Arreno, furprifed by craft. Arretrilo, any unfeen pore or hole,any creep¬ ing-in privily,algo haled by violence. Arretrare, to retreat, to recoile. Arretratele, to recant. * Arretrattatióne, a retractation. Arretro, x&v.Jbac\ward> alfo behind. Arrezzire, as O nbreggiare- * ’Arri, a word ufld by Carters to encourage their horfes to go. Arribare, as Arrivare. Arrichire, to enrich, or wax rich. Arrichirti '-’nto, an enriching. Arricciacapo, as Capriccio. Arricciaménto di péli , the flaring or flandingan end of a mans, hair for fear . Arricciare, to curie, to frigie, to crifp , alfo fer a mans hair to brille and fi and. an- &nd through fuddain fear , alfo to rough-, cafl with lome or mortar 5 to be an~ § 7 * Arricciate vedi ,gallant or rich embroidered clothes. * Arriciato, curled , affrighted , rough¬ en fled, embroidered. Arricciatura, any crijping or frilling. Arricignare, as Arcignare, * Arnergno, as Arcigno. Arricordanza, remembrance . Ai ricordare, to remember. Arricordévole, memorable. An icordo, a remembrance. Arridere, to fmile at. * Arnedare,Arriédi, as Arredale. * Arrictro, adv. after, behind, backward. Arringa, a publick fet fpeccb or declaration j alfo an bening-fifly , alfo an arang. Arringare , to ma^e an oration or fet speech in publick , alfo to arange or fet in array , , alfo to tilt, or run at tilt. Arringatóre,fl publick Or at our,alfo a filter, alfo an ar anger. Arringhi èra , Arringo , a pulpit or. chair -, wherein Orations arc made , alfo a tilt- yard , a balcone of iron. Arripare, to come to the forre, to bank- * AirifcfilantCfha^ardmg, jeoparding. * Arrifchianza, hazard, jeopardie. Arrifchiare', Arringare, to hazard , to ad¬ venture. Arrifchiato, hazarded, adventured. * Arri fchievole, hatred able. Arrjfchio , hazard, in hazard. Arrifchiofo, full of hazard. Ardii caro, as Arrifchiato. * Arriflare, to quandi and content. * Arrivare , to arrive or come to a place , namely to a forre , to come to paffs, alfo to ovcrta\e on the way or in going , alfo to over-reach one in dealing. Arrivata, an arrivali. * Arrivo > an arrivali 3 alfa clofe o-r by the fljore. Arrizzare,tff Kizzare. Arróba, a.weight of a quarter of a hundred , alfo a find of barred or meafure in Spaine. Arrobare, to rob, to (leal. Arrobinire, Arrubinare , Arrubinirc , to enrubie , toenruddie , to malic or become red , li^e to a nibie , by Met : to rubi fie ones nofe or face with cxce/Jive drink- Affocare , Arrochiate , Arrochire , Arro- chisire , to malie or become boarfe hi Ipcailing , alfo to fnort in ones fleep , pro¬ verbially to have feen the Wolff. Arrogante, arrogant, prefumptiious. Arrogantemente, arrogantly. Arroganza, arrogancie, vaunting-pride. * Arrogare , 10 arrogate , to prefums over- boldJy. Arrogata vóce, a boarfe voice. Arrogatióne, arrogation , prefmption. Arrogere , toycild or afford help unto , to malie good weight , to adjufl differences or bargains. Arroginire, as Arruginire. Àrrogaménto, a help yeilding an adjust¬ ment. Arrollam nto di foldati , an cnrouling offouldicrs upon the chec\ rod. Arrollare, to enroide , to register , to ert- ter upon record , or into the inuSler- boolf. Arrombare, looì^ Rómbo , to fet up Se X- marlis or beacons for to guide, marti¬ nets. * Arrómpere, as Rómperè. * Arronca e , as Roncare , as Sarchia' . re. Arroncigliare, ^Rondliare. Arrorare , to bedew , to be firmale, alfo to bafle rofle-meat , Arróre, hath been ufedfor Erróre. Arrofare, Arruolare, as Arrorai e„ ' ArrolTare, Arrodi e, to malie or become red or ruddie, alfo to bluflj. Arrodìménto, Arrofloie, a bluffing. Arredare, to ,-ofle, to tofle , al jo to fir uggì t with, alfo to make wind with bouvhs , M-Rrda. * Arrodarc le mófchc , to drive awa\ .flyes. Arrofticciana, a tofle, alfo a (lice of rafie-, meat cut from the fpit, or rather a fidali, or rafher on the coals. * Arrofticciarc, to rofle,alfo to tofle,flightly, alfo to fcorche. Arrodire, to rofle, alfo to tofle,or broile,alfo tody up or wither. ArrolHtaj any tofle. * Arroft to, roaStcd , cr toflcd 3 or broiled. Ar ródo, any rofk-ment. Arrota, Arroto , an addition, a ftpplyor affi fiance unto others. * Arrota or Arroto, adv. in wheeling man¬ ner* Arrofare, to malie round as a whcele , alfo ic wheels or turn round, alfo to grinds or fet an edge upon with a grinding or whet- flonc , to refine as it avere with grinding, alfo to fet ones teeth on edge , alfo to gnafo with ones teeth , alfo to clip money round about, by Met : to incenfc , to provole or . flirre-up unto. * Arrotato, made round, &c. Arrotatole, a ^nife orflj are-grinder, alfo a monie-clippcr, loolf Arrotare. Arrotatura , .1 grinding. Arrovellare-, to chafe and fret with rage and anger, alfo to dodge, to wrangle and p alt or , alfo to whsele about, or turns round. Arroventare , Arrov:nth'e , as Roven¬ tare. Arroversare , Arroveifciarc , Arrove- feiare, to reverfe, to overturn, to topfle- . t tir vie, Arrovcrfciatura, Arrovefciatiira , a rever- flng , an overturning. Arr®vcrfc';o, Arroycdcióne , Arrovefcio , Arrovcfdonc, adv. ar fever fie , infide outward. Arrozzire, Arrozzire , lo become jadifh j rude, ruftHfe, slfttifh -, loo\ Rózza. Arrubàre, to fie al, to rob, to fllcb. Arrubinare , Arrubinirc, as Arrobina- re. * Anudare, to m i\e or become rude. Arruffaménto, a ruffling, a tugging, a toning, a ft rutting , a bri filing, a froun¬ cing. Arruffare , to ruffle, to tou%e, to tug , to frounce, to bri (t'c , to flruttas a Turkic- cock, alfo to pimp. * Arni dato ,ruflcd, &c. Arruffianare, as Ruffianare. Arrugare, as Rugare. * Arrugia, a ifind of digging or werifing uni e r-ground in filver-myncs. Armgiadare, to bedew, to bcfprinklc. Arruginire,nifco,nito, to enrufl . Arruginófoj ruflic, full of raft. Arruosarc, as Arrorare. Arruotare, as Arrotare. Arruóco, adv. in wheeling manner. * Arrudichire, as Ruft icóre. * Arruvidare, Arruvidirc , to make or be¬ come rough or. barfly. Arfaguangc, the name of an be orb. Arfenale , a publike flore-boufc for all kind of munition of wane , as well for Land, as for Sea , alfo a place where warlike exercifss are pr affi fed, an Arfe- ' nail. ■ Ars jnico, Arsinìcó , arflùke , Ratsbane , orpin, by Met : a mxke-flrife , an Incen¬ diarie, G * ART Arféno, the white Mandrake • Arabile, that may be burnt. Arficc.arc, to parch, to fcorch , to fudge, to tar.n: in (be Sunne. 4 Arficciaturc, any fcorching , fudging, or pa,ch:ng. Arsiccio y fabjeftto fcorching or parching, affo aduft , or burnt. 4 Arsilo,?/;; inani bu !\j of a fb:p or gallic dif- fu /(bed of all things. Arsilio, an apple-tree. Arsiti co, as Arlenico. Arfinei . : certain x.tire or ornament about womens heads. * 'Arsio, a /find of jlrottf wine. Arfionàre, to blaft or mill-dew. Arfiónc, Arsii. bu, mng,alfo a blafiing or planet-fcil^ing , al fo a mill-dew. Ar ivo, burning , fcortching. 'Arfis, the raifing of the voice infnging or calling. ’Arfo, burnt or coif timed with fire. Aisura, as Arfiónc , alfo a Callcnture or a burning-feaver. Ai furare, as Arfionare. * Artabi, a men /'uve of drie things, contain¬ ing nine Englifij gallons. ' Artabati, its Aftémi,or Adórni. 4 Artagorcaménte, adr. fìrangely , beyond all admiration. Attamente, Artataménte, idvJby arte , ac- cordingto arte , alfo pincbtngly , in f ecit manner. Ariane fpade,.i ifind of Diveli fj character , that Negromants life. 4 Aitare , to maJ^c or become narrow or fretti to pinch. Artato inganno, artificiali deceit. 'Arte, any Jfnd of art, fcicnce , trade, pro¬ feti on,or occupation, alfo a whole bodic or Campanie of any one trade in a Cittie or corporation , among fifhers it is ufedfor a ware to ft ay or catch fijh in. * ’Arte bacchectena,jtt arte or s\ill of mea- furing with a filek or wand, as Afirono- mevs doe. 4 Arce magna , 'Arte di far ragióne , the arte of Arithmetic^, or true c a fling of ac¬ counts. 'Arte metrica, the arte of menfaring. * 'Arte tabachincfca, the arte of uawderic or pandcrifmc. Artefice, an artificer , a profcjfor of any arte, a tradef-man , a man of an occupa¬ tion. Artéfice minóre, a \ind of hornet. Arteficiàlc, Artificiale, artificiali. Artificiatamente, Arteficiofaménte , Ar- I rificiofaménre. Artificiatamente , adv. I artificially. j Artcficiato, Artificiato, made by arte. Arteticio, Artificio, skill, arte, wor^man- Jhipjby Met : any cunning fir ft , trick or devife. Artcficiofità, Artificiofità, artifice,artch\c s\illfullncf\'c. Arteficióf©, Artificiófo,/}*// of arte , skill or workmanfhip. Arregiano, Artigiano , an artisan , an arti¬ fici r, a trade f-man. Arieggiare, tó arrfe, to trade in any arte , to live by any arte , to fhew arte ttr s\ill. 4 Arteg'.ie ia , Arteieria , Artiglieria , all manner of artilleric or great ord¬ nance. Artcglieria campale, field-ordnance. Arteglieria da muraglia , battering-pie¬ ces. Artiglierò, Artiglierò, an artilleric man, a bombardier , a founder of ordnance. Artemisia, mupvort, motherwort. Artemónc, as Artimóne. Arténne, a (find of Cormorant. ART Artèria, any arterie in mans boHie, a hollow veffell or sminate-round , whereby the vi¬ tali fpirit m;xed with blood is convey'd from the heart unto all partes of the bodic, alfo the beating , the panting or pulfe of the veins , alfo the wind-pipe of a man. * Artèria aòrta , thè great or mother ar¬ terie. * Arteria, affilare , the .ir me -Itole arterie , or a leav'd branch of Aó. ta. 4 Arteria àfpra, the wind pio e. * Arteria carotide , an arterie i fixing from the Affilare, divided into two branches. * Artèria cervicale , an arterie in the hin¬ der part of the ueck , going thence through the nccmdtouc into the heart. * Arteria cceliaca , a main branch of the great arterie, from which it defeends into the midnjfe and entrails , and it divided into three branches. Artèrie coronali , two little branches of the great arterie , and by it leav’d unto the left ventricle and broad end of the heart. * Artèria crotaph ca , a great finnew near un o the temples. 4 Artèria ciurale, the arterie of the thigh, among wbofe mufcles it divides it felf- 4 Artèria cubitale , a branch of the affila¬ re, called the cubitali arterie. * Arteria cyftepatica, a branch of the Cat liaca , which gocth unto the liver and gall. 4 Artèria diaphragmatica , an arterie iffuing from the Irank of the great ar¬ terie. * Arteria epigaftricc,.* branch of the Iliade arterie , difiributing it felf among the mufclcsoftbc Epigàftro. “Artèria gaftrepiplóica , a branch of the Cceliaca, whence it goeth unto tlx ven¬ tricle. 4 Arterie gemèlle , twofmall arteries de- jeendtn? unto the joints of the prices be¬ tween the procefj'es of the thigh-bones , called the twinne-arteries. * Arteria pudenda, an arterie i[ficing from the mothcr-artcjie , and defeends to the privities. 4 Artèria hipogaftnea , a branch of the Iliaca, difiributing it felf unto hipoga- ft.o. 4 Artèria Iliaca , the Iliade arterie defend¬ ing from the great arterie. 4 A ter ia intcrcoflalc, two arteries, an up¬ per i which be (torve s it felf among the muscles that be between the four beghe fi ribs, an under-one , that goeth unto every musale benveen the other ribs. 4 Artèrie lombaric , the loyne-arteries, which i(fue from the Aòrta unto all parts of the loyncs, giving life unto the marrow of th: baclf-bone. 4 Arteria mammillare , the pap-artetic , '{filing from the trim^ of Aòrta. * Artèrie meféntriche , two arteries: an upper i which difiributes it felf among the fmall guts, and an under-one , which goeth unto the lower part fl/Mefentério. 4 Artèria polmonaria, the wind-pipe. 4 Arteria radiale , a fccond branch of the arm-hole arterie, whence it comes unto the Radio. 4 Artèria renale, the tydney- arterie , which procccdcth from Aòrta , and enters into the If idncy, brina ng unto it the ferofitic of the arteriali blood. * Artèria fiera , a branch of the great arte- ric-defccnded branch , and goeth unto the marrow, that is in òlio facro. 4 Artèria fpermatica , the jperm.iti\c arte¬ rie , which comes from Aòrta unto the tefiides. ART 4 Artèria fplenitica , the (plecn-arteric , which com:tb from Coeluca unto the Spleen:. ' Artèria tempiale , the arterie cy the temples. 4 Artèria thora.ee, the breafi arterie. 4 Artèria trachèa , the pip: of the lungs. 4 Artèria vcnófa, the v:inc-a t cric , which is one of the three principali of the bodic : it iffucth from the left ventricle of the heart , and thence convtyes blood to the lungs fur their nourifhment. * Arrcriaco, a l^md of opiate coij L aio> ! . Arteriale , arteries , alfo a certain compofition made of mal' i cries ufed in phific.'^ Artcriòfa, loo \^ véna. Arrcriòfo, ar t eri ous, full c fart cries. 4 Artcriotomia , an vici fio a of arte- . ncs. Artética, a difeafe in baw{s. Artético dolóre, the gout in the ; : r;nts. Artczxa, narrowneffe , flrehnfi'e. A thaba-! iti, as Aftcrni, ns Aft imi, Artìiino-onónc , a raging luti to ve- ncric. Ai thirico, fiibjcftto aches in the joynts. Arthophluce , the b ar-flarre or Chariot t«i wane , die taile of Vrfx Major in Bootes. Arthricici dolóri , grief in the joynls. ' Arriccila, a forry petty trade. ’Artico, the Active-pole Northward. "Artici dolóri, as Aitlintici. Articolare, Articulare, articular , alfo to articulate, to fpea 'v d:shnfily,to di(tinguifh as it were joynt by joynt , to condition , to covenant, to conclude upon points and ar¬ ticles, alfo a fwelling , an ache or gout in the joynt r, alfo of, or pertaining torbe joynls , alfo a primrofe or a Cow- f‘P- Articolatamèntc,adv. articulately,diflinft- ly, fOynt by jOynt, pun dually. 4 Articolato, as A ticulato, &c. Articolata *6ce , a difiinlt articulated voice. Articolatiòne, an articulation^ di[i:nguifl)- ing , among vinerols it is t.ifen for a bar- rennes in vines , when they loofe their fpring in the joy/its. Articolo , a word derived from Arthron in Gree^ , which pgnifieth any feverall joynt, namely in a body , an article,a feve¬ rall joynt, alfo a naturali compofition of bones or joynts , alfo a joynt or knuckle¬ bone, alfo the joynt of a cane , of a read,or in the branch of a vine , alfo a part of jpecch called an Aiticle , of the ufe wherof look in the obfcrvalions della lingua Tofcana Romana- * Artière, a* Artéfice, an artist. Artificiale, Artifice, ns Arteficiàlc. * Arrificialméntc, artificially # 4 Artcficiato, made with arte. * Aitcficio, as Arteféceo. Artificiofamcnte, ns Arrcficiofàmènte. ' Artificiofità, as Arteficiofica. 4 Artific.ófo, ns Arteficiófo. Artigliare , to gripe or fci\c-on with claws or talons. Aróglicria, as Arteglieria. Artigli, the talons, the claws, the pounces of any hawke or preying fowle, by Met : the fna res or bonds of love. Artigliòfo, full of talons or cliwts. Artimóne , the mi'Kjtjn-maslor fai of a Jhip , alfo by fome authors it hath been taken for the mayne-masl or fayl of a jhip. Artióne, the Clot-burre. Artiróne , a kind of little greenijh worm or grub, that devours Coleworts. Attilla, an artist, an artificer. ART ASC ASC 'Atto, very narrow and fireit. Artócrea, a py e made of (le(b. Arto fi 1 ace, as Arthophilàce. ArcoIsga.ro , Artóptico, look Pane. Arcómo, a beafi life: an urchin , butfhaped life unto a moufe and a beare. i Artorare, to turn down, or burle corn yet in the blade into the ground , to mafe it grow the tine fee, a fafhion now out of ufe. * Artritica, bearb-lvic, fidd-cypre fie, forget me not. * Artrosia , a. naturali connexion of bones, Arturo, as Arfturo. * 'Aicus,/<>.^ Articolo. A-ruba, adv. / lealingly, by (Icalthfelfò when commodities and wares have quitk foli or vent. * A-ruba andare, to go a fiealing. A-nibbio ò fracàffo , adv. in [lealing and ranfifeng manner, alfo by the bufiteli. * Arucula, the hcarb roefet. 'Arue, foolifh or idle fportes. A-rufta-ràffa ,adv. in riff rafim inner , in violent confujion ; alfo a childrens play fo called by tojjing any thing into the aire, then firive to catch at it. Aleggiare, as Arrobina'e. !Arule, feats cqu'diflant one from another in allies or gardens. A: unco , tire tuft of hair, life a beard under a Goats chin. Arunduco, a venemous ferpent. A-ruoia, wheelingly round. A ruotare, as Arrotare. Arufp teina , that divination among the Pa¬ gans,they were wont to mafe by on frying the ft nati on, form , an i colour of the en¬ trails offuch hafts as they were tofacri- fice. Arnaldo, tbs effe 61 of Arufpicin*. Arufpico, a prof (for of Arufpicina. Ariana , as Alzana , a. magava for am* munition , or place where flipping is built. Arzmale, as Arfenajc. Arzavola, a dob-chic fem, a duefein. * Arzéllo, a horfe with a white foot on the right fide. Arzére , Arzènte, ufedfor 'Ardere , now a days it is ufed for firong water well di (tilled. Arz'gógalo , Arz gogolo t raving fancies, fond humours,fintadic\ conceits,fuddain fits , chimeras, among Carpenters it is a leaver, a fiyrrcr , an underprop , alfo as Arcigogolante. Arzigogolare , to build caftles in the ayre, to rave fantafiically , to (peak do- tingly. Alitila, pottcYs-clay, alfo thorn-back fifh or maids. Arzinancllo, a fend of water-fnafe. Arzura, as Arftira, a burning. As , Aes, the fir fi coyn the Romans had, it j weighed a pound of copper. I A-facco, A-facc#manno ,adv. to the fpoll j andwraefe facfemgly. j * A-f.iccolo, adv. with (tiding fenots. ! * Asacbi j fo they call the wife whom the great Tur\ hath married. A falèna, a hawfe called a Merlin. * A-falto, a-falw , leap by leap, jumping- ly- A-falvamrnto, A-falvo , adv. fafely , in fafety, without danger , alfo by treache¬ ry. A-falvummc fac, idem. A-falvare, fo ga me (ter s fay when they de fire j to fave their ft afe or reft. ! A-fangue caldo, adv- in hot blood,by Met: ! rafhly, in furie. 1 A-fàngue fréddo , adv. in cold blood , by \ Met : advifcdly. A-lanzo, a gam: at Cards called Cent. Afai a, Afarabacca, Afarina, A faro, Paffo d alino , the hearb Foie foot, Coltsfoot , Horfe foot, Hafeewort, wildc Spifenard, alfo a fend of coyn in Ormu\. A-fatictà,adv. with fatiety. A-sbaccare, to. have the world at will, and live carelcfly, to fare daintily. A-sbieco, adv- merrily and carelcfly , ha¬ ving all things at will. A-sbaragliare, as Sbaragliare- A-sbaraglio , at randan, in havoc\ man¬ ner- Asbergare, as Usbcrgate. Asbérgo, as Usbergo. Asbefluio, a feud of flax or web,which re¬ fi [let h fire,and is better fcoured with fire, than with water. Asbt fto, a (tone,which onccfet tm fire , will never be quenched again. ( Afca, any [toc\ fflump, alfo any big chip or lath , alfo a (ingle quarter . + Afachllo, look Cancrena. A-fcucchi, adv. at Che[fc , alfo Che eque in Ac morie. * À-fcacchi acuti , adv. mafcled or lo\en- gie. : *Afcalabóte, Afcalabio , Afcalanóne , Afcalayotino , a fie Um or fiarrie li- ! i*rd. Afcald.irr, as fcaldaie. AkiUi, the feed pf tin files. Afcalógne, [cations, Cives, Cibols. Afcapczzare, as Scapezzare, alfo to mul¬ tiple by brofen numbers. A-fcapézzo , adv. a fend of arithmetic all multiplying by brofen numbers. * Afcaridc, gut-worms, or arfe-worms,alfo grubs that live under ground. * A-fcarpéllo, adv, wrought, hewen, or po¬ liced with a cinzii. A-fcartaiafcio, adv. rafhly and confufedly, in furious manner, head-long. A-fcavézza collo, idem. * 'A Fee, as 'Afcia, an hatchet. Afcélla, the arm-hole or pit. Afcellare, loo^ Arteria, loo\ véna. Afccndéntc , afeendent, mounting-up ; alfo a bodies nativity or birthprognoflicatedby Aflrpnamy• Ascendenza, Afcendiménto, Afcentióne, Afcéfa, any a [cent or afeending. Afcéndere, to afeend or mount up. Afccndévole, that maybe afeended. * Afccndiménto,tf#/i:/Ìre»f. Afcéntio, bitter worm-wood. Afccntionario, that doth afeend. Afcentiónc, Afcention-day . Afcéfa, Afcénfo, any afcent , or A fcer.fi ón- dayin Lombard diale FI. Afcéfo, afeended, mounted up. Afchcmbrire, Afchìnciare, to go awry, or athwart , to flagger life a drunfen man. ATch.mbo, A-fchéncio, A-fchiancio, A- fchimbcfcio, A-fchincio, A-fchrembo- fchifa , adv. aflope, afe ance, as few, a- thwart, obliquely , awry, croofedly , alfo fiaggeringly, (lope wife. A-fchéna d’afino , adv- framed life the back of an Affc,loo\ Cada. A-fchérno,A-fchérzo,adv.itf fifi,jefìiu gly, alfo in fcorne. * Afchiare, to bear envy'. A-fchiera,a-fchicra, adv. troup by troup, Afchierare, as Schierare. A-fchifo, A-fchivo, adv. in abomination , lothingly. A-fchincio, look A-fchimbo. ’Afchio, fpight,rancor,malice,fretting , envy. Alchiofo, fpightfull, rancorous . Afchite,^ feind of drop fie,when much watry humour is heaped up between the Perito¬ neum, and the bowels,and mafes the belly fwell. 'Afcia , an axe , an adfie, a chip-axe , a hatchet, alfo a Carpente, «plane. Afciaic , to h:we, or plane timb. r with a broad ad\c- A-fcic lea fua, adv. at bis cbplfe. A-fciéme , A-fciér.za , adv 0 witting- h; Afcicntiare, as Scicnriare. Alcioglicrc, as Sciogliere. Afciólto, as Sciolto. Afciólvcrc, as SckVvere. Afciolvónc , one that doth every niornin i love to have his breafefijt. Afciom '.ncyin hcarb that mafes wild beafis hfe their fiercencffe , and being (pria feed with wine, doth prefently curie and draw in her leaves. Afciro, Afciró dc , Afeirónc , Afcito , as Androfcmóne. Afc.c.i, Afcirc, as Afchire. ’ Afciugaggine, ficcity, dryn:fie. * Afciugauiento, any drying. Afcitigarc, to dr ye, to wipe-drye. Afciugatóio, a wiper, a towell. Afciughcvolc, that maybe dryed. Afciutare, todryc. Afciucto, dryc, by Met : barren , alfo (lender or thin-,alfo in wines,tart,or racyoppofitto fweet. Afclepiade, Afclépio , a fumarne given to Efc ulaphis, alfo a fend of P anace fi Afciitc, look Hidropi/ia. rtfclopiadi, a fend of verfes. 'Afcola, the flote of a water-wheelc. Afcólta ,afcout,a fentinc’l, alfo the impe¬ rative of the verb afcoltare , to give . care. Afcoltantc, bar feting, li fining. Afcoltare, to hfien, to bar fen. Afcoltatione, a li fining unto. Afcoltatóre, a lì finer, a fcout. Afcólto, a li fining, a fcout. A (cóncio, adv. me afille, with trouble. A fcondaxégli, hiding-holes , Afcondcrc, to hide, to conceals. Afcondiméntò, any hiding. Ancóne, a fend of b’a feng-jtarrc. A-fcopérto, adv. di fcoveredly.. A-fcóppia còrpo , A-fcóppia cuòre , adv. untili ones belly, or heart bur ft. A-fcórno, adv. :n fcorn, in denfion. * A-fcorza a-fcórzj,adv..z.s one would fay ,. by little and little. * Afcofaglia, any bidden thing. Afcófo, Afeófto, hidden, fcc’ret. A-fcóflè, adv. ft a fen gly. A-fcótto, ad v. feat-free. Afcritticio, a writer, a regifier . Aferitto, aferibed unto. Afcnverc, to afcrlbc unto. A-fcrócco. adr. (hifcmgly , (hot-free. * A-fctido, adv. a fend of inoculating or en- A-fdégno, adv. indifdain. A-fécco,adv.i« dryc manner,hi drye colours , look Caricare. A-fecónda , adv. with wind and tide , by Met : profperoufiy. * A-fécchia roverfeia , adv. by, or with whole and full buefets. * A-fégno , adv- at a bay, in due place, at fuch a paffe. * A-fèlla, adv. in fiddle wife, Afél'a, a Cod or baddock-fifb- Aféllc, the arm-boles or pits. Afélli, two (tars about Cancer. A-fénno, adv. wittingly, in goòd earnest, accompanied, with pronouns poficfives as mio mo,Sec.fignifies,as r will,or thou wilt, &c. * A-féquie, an obfequic, a funerali. A-féra, adv. late in the evening. A-fcfio, adv- even, (ufi , accordingto coift- pafie, in its due place. G J A s- ì A S 0 Atfodéllo,fbc Dxffodill-flower. * Asfalto, a fumarne of Neptune. Asfalto, Englifh G allogai t, alfa our Ladies rofe, alfo a find of gum. Asfodillo, the DxffadiU flower. Afghcmbràre, as AfcWcmbrare. A fghémbo, .t> ATchcmbo. A-fgórgo, as Sgo'gataméntc. A /guazzo, as A guazzo. * 'Alia, a find of fijh , which brought but in fight of the fire is preferiti y enough and fit to b: eaten , or elfc it is very tough and hardy alfo the greateft find, of Oxv'.c that is y alfo one of the four parts of the world. * A Sarchi , were certain publife per fans or prie sis, which in Afia were overfeers and comptrollers of theaters, of pi ayes, or pu- blity fptttacles. A fiati, a tynd of teal or wigin. A ficurtà, adv. upon fecurity. A fit me, adv. witbyOr together. Afila e, to (ling or prief Akilc, hear'o Martellane. Asilo, a fancillary y a franchi ft or privi - ledged place ,alfo a cratch to fodder cattle in. , 'Affina, a fina , a painfull dr awing of ones breath with a wheeling, puffing and pur- ; cincjfe. . Afimacico, A finance,pwj/Cs (hort orbrotyen- winded,look 'Afima. Afimigliàrc, as Aflinvgliarc. A-Minile, adv- lift unto , alfo from the lift. A-fimilirudine, ndy. to the lityneffe. Afina, ajh: Affé. , Afinagginc, Afinaria, Afiniti , affifhneffc, * by Met : block fin-effe. * Alinaio,a>* Affe-tyeeper or driver. Alinario, of, or belonging to art Affé. I Afinaro, an Affe-fepcr or driver. * Afincllo, a little affé , alfo a [lone in the | bottom of a fink that fupports the reft, alfo a main croffe bearne that fupports a roofe. Afindicare, rrt Sind’care. Afincggiare , to play the Affé. Afinclii, 'A fini , two flats near Cancer , cal¬ led the little Affes. Afincllo, a little Affé , an Affé- colt, alfo a Cod-fifh. Afinéfco, Ajfifh, Afe-lif. Afinile, Afinmo, of an A([es-condition,ctlfo Affe-cheefe, of an Affé breed, and by Met; rude and undifereet. Afininc, Affe-plums, Horfe-plums. Afinire, to become an Affé. A-finiftra,adv. on the left hand. Afinicà, as Afinagginc. ’Afino, any find of Affé , alfo by Met : a clown , a rude fellow. Afinicidio, murthering of Affes. Alinone, a huge great Affé , alfo an engine to mount ordinance with all. 'Alio, Afióne, a fione,called E:at-fkfij,be- caufc dead bodies laid thereo i are clean confumtd away in forty days, alfo an Ovvie with feathers on each fide of his head life ears, called a Horne-cout. A- fla r cio, adv. (la(hi igly, riotoufly. * 'Alma, Afmatico, look 'Afima. Afmodco , a friend ór lover of letche- rie. A-fjfficienza, adv- (ufficienti}- * 'Afola. or Criffa , a hind of little . M- A foldzzo, a folacing, a [porting. A-folco, adv. furrowed,chamfured. A-fóldo, adv. in pay , for pay. * AfolicTC, ns 11 foli tre. A-fólo,adv- aliatone. * A-fóloa fólo, adv. one to one , manto nan. ASP * Afomaton, a tittle given to God,without a body. A-fommólTà, adv. at the 'mitigaci on- A-fómmo ftudio, adv. on fetpurpofe. A-fonaglio, agame that children ufe. * A-foquadro, its Sottosópra. * A-foquaflb, as Sottosop'a. A-sór re, by chance, by lot. * A-fpada a fpada, fword to fword , mah to m in. * A-fpida c cappa , with rapier and cloaty A-fpada tratta, adv to fwords-drawing, with fword m hand. Afpagnuol aro, proudly-fp agnoli^ d. Afpalacc, Afpalato, Afpilto , as Asfal¬ to. A-fpallc, ad , v. behind ones fhouldcrs,alfo at another mans charges. * Af, aragi, Afparagus. Afpare, to rede yearn or filty * n*fpari,adr. ods in number. A-fpaflo , a folacing , a {parting abroad to taf the arre, alfo when any fervane is 0,1 f °f f erv * c e j be u faid to goe , a •Spaffo. 'Afpe, as afpidc. A-lpécchio, adv. in view, over againfi. * Alpcrare, as Afpreggiarc. ’ Afpcratione, exxfperxtion. Afp.rélla, a find of watcr-weede. Al pòrge, Afpergolo, a fprintying-brufh. Afpc'rgcre, to Jprinfe. Afp Ai imo, muft fharp, look 'Afpcro. Alpcr.no, a beaft bearing a neh alaci ^ fune, called a Budge , alfo a coyn in Turfic , alfo a fharp or tan find of win:. Afp.-nta, lool^ Afprczza. Alpernab.Ie, coat, mptible. Afpcrnerc, to contcm le, to feorue. ’Afpcro, ‘Afpr o, fharp, fower, eager or ha > fl) in tafie, by Met : rough , rugged, eburlifh, rude, craggie 3 forty, rigorous,har(h,fierce, or crudi in (tate, quality or condition , alfo a find, of fbarp-twining bryer, alfo a cer¬ tain coyn in Turfic. Afperfiónc, Afpcrgiménto, an afperfion, a vejprin tying. Afpcrfo, befprintyed. Afpcrsório, a holy-water fprintye . * A-fpefe, at the coft and charges. * Afpccta, by way ofthreatrùng , ile be with you prefently. Afpcttance , expetting , tar tying, alfo as Spettante. * Afpetranza, Afpcttamcnto,Afpcttatió- nc, Afpétto, expectance, tarriance. Afp . tt arc, to tame , to expect , to attend, to waitr-on , as Spettare, alfo to belong unto as a duty. Afpctrativa, any expecting. * Afpe: tato, expected. Afpetcatóre, a txrricr, an expetter. Afpccttvolc, expectable. * Afpétto, the afpett, countenance,prefence, or look °f x man,alfo demurre ,d.lay or ex¬ piration, alfo influence of Planets. * A-fpczza collo , adv. head-long, in break neck manner. * A-fpezzóni, adv. fcattringly , in rout or broken manner. ‘ Afphodélo,rJ>e D.iff odili flower. - A-fpicchi,adv. made pointed-wife like the fireety of the Sunne , alfo framed like onions or gar life , that is divifible and fe- parable , alfo as A-fpilJuzzico. ’Afpide,'Afpe, an Adder called an Afpe or A [pity , alfo a (hort piece of ordinance , called, a Morter or Chamber-piece, alfo a styrew or a wrinch. Afpldochilone, a fifhthat fwimsin the wa¬ ter, flyeth in the ayre , and creepetb on the ground. Afpilatc, a find of flone lity filver , and fomewhat firie. ASS * A-fp,IIuzz'co,A-rpiz2ico,A-fpiz2.ichi' no, A-fpIcchi,adv. minxjngly, by piece meals, by odile ends,or fcantlms, by crams feraps. * A-fpma pc fee, adv. as it were in wnn- ling or creeping m inner, among (camion, it is the hearing-bone flitch, the t.r,- IHtcb, or twine a both fids. A-fp:nc,adv. engrailed in armorie. Afpi. aiCjfa afpire unto , to ayme at, alfo to breath at , to give an afoir.ition un¬ to. Afpi atióne , an àfpiration , an afpirin? unto. Afplcno, wall:fern e,fing:r-ferne,fione-ferhe feale-ferne , M It - wafte, Cetcrach. * Afpizz'co, Ungringly, with much aioe. ’Afpo, 'Afpolo, a reeie or rice to wind yearn upon, alfo a whirrollfor a fpindsll. Afpolare, to reel filk or yearn. .-/fponnere, as Efponcre. * 'Afp.a, look Arteria. * Afpcraménte, adv. fhirply, fowcrly, ea¬ gerInch nr hfh'yi look 'Afpcro. Afpredo, fir uff, orgold-fifh. 19 exxfperxte,by Met: to han¬ dle or ufe roughly. * Afpr élla, Shave -graffe, Horfe-taile. Alprcllo, a tynd of fmall, fowrifh fummer- wine in Naples. Afprézza, Afprita, Afperiti fowerneffe, tarteneffe, fharpnsffe, eag rnelfe in tolte , by Met : ruggedneffc, crabbedneffe , ha fh- rceffe, churlifhneffe , rigoroufneffe in qua¬ lity or condition. Afp;czii , Carters ani Carpenters iall them Capfquircs. •Afprigno , which is fomtwhat harlh, rude, &c. Afpnn'o, -is Afpr òlio, alfa a coyn in Tnrtye and Naples. 'Afpro, look 'Afpe o, A-fpronbatiuci, adv- in great pofl-hafte, in hot-fpur-manner. A-fp-on d’óro, adv. of, or with gilt fpurs. Cavaliere a fpron-d’oro. Afp one , a tynd of foft rugged flone lifed about Rome in buildings. A-p opófito, adv. tym-c am,againfi all pur¬ pofe or rea fon. Afprófo , full of Afprézza , or harffj- nrffe. Afp. ufi), as Afpcrfo. A-lquadra,adv. by troups or fquadrons,alfo by rule and fquare. * A-fquarcia facco, A-fquarzo,adv to the uemif, untili the fic} be ready to breaty roughly, accompanied with the verb gua ¬ dare fignifiesfiearnly,croffe a thwart with an eviti eye. * Afi'abb'onare» to find, tegravelL Affibbino, the Cynxmon-tree. A/Taccheggiare, as Saccheggiare. Affa-dólcc, Benipin-gum. Affa-fétida, a tynd of jtmtyngdrugg. Affaggiarc, to ejfaye or tafle, to trye, or put to the te fi. Affaggiatóre, a taller, an e[foyer. Affiggi; vole, that may be tafied. Aflaggio , Aflaggiamcnto, an effaye, or txjte. * Afligionaic , to feafon, to give arelifh unto. Affaiare, to maty or become enough or fuffi- citnt. Affai, adv. enough , fufficicnt, as much a needs, a competent quantity , alfo much or mlctye. * Affai b.-ne, adv. fufficiently well, well enough , very well. Affai-più, adv much more. * Affaì-p ù che mólto, adv much more then enough, with , di as d’aflai, fignifies by by forre, by much. Af- ASS ASS ASS Al'i'a (limo, adv. much and very much , most (Hough. Affammo , a styrcecb-owle , a harme- owlc. Affai-vòlte, ad/. mmy times. Affaldare, as baldi re. Allaldacura, as Saldatura. Aliale , an axle-tree. Aflalimtnto, A (Talli a, an on fet. Al salire, as Adatta c. Alla 11 tore, an. affate r. Affalón -, as Ailàiuólo ,idfo the proper name Abfalon. Affittabile, A flalté vole, af!an'table. Allattare, to affault, to affati , to Jet upon, to leap upon. 4 Adattatóre, an affati’ ter- Allulco, an ajfauir , an afta ding. 4 Afluluat'.chirc, as Salvaticarc. Affannare, as t zzannarc. Affanno, a pinch or go arc with tuslfs. Affi pé'e, to roit, to wote , to If nota , and it ever follows the verb fare: fare affàpér'c, to let one tytow. 4 Affa pic nr are, as Infanire. Affano aménto, any favouring. Alb perire. Affa polire, as Saporire. A (lappi , new or frefh fouldiers , that never ferve d be fore,among the Tu. tys. Affua, Affabacca , Aifarabacca , as Asa- ra. , . 4 Affa (Tina mento, Aflaffinaria, Aflafs.nio, Affaflinafgine, any murtherous a 5 l,rob- berie, affami or attempt, be it for gain or revenge, an afafftnate. Affa (Tinaie, fo affati or fet upon with a mur¬ therous intent in hope of gain, reward, or revenge. 4 Affaffmatico, % a murthcrcr. 4 Affallinóvole, that may be murthered. Aflàfsino, Alialiinaró.'c , a murthcrcr , an afjajjtnc, a cut-throat, a highway tbief,an attempterto tyll a man for reward,or re¬ venge. Affati are, as Sat lare. * Affavirc, as ftllapientarc. 'Alle , any find of board or plani £ , alfa an axle-tree, the foyntor axe-tree of a bit, alfo the hoo\ whereon a door hangetb,a’-fo a certain wild bea(t , with a fpectycd s If nine in India, ufed alfo for the Diame¬ ter of the world, alfo an ancient Roman coyn. 4 'Affò di ferro, any iron barre or plate. Afleccare, /w Seccare. * Alicelo , a page , a lactyty , a doyly waiter. 4 A (fecondare, as Seconda c. * Affecurinza, aftuyance- Affecurare, to affare, to fedire. Aflècutóre, as Éffecutóre. Affidaménto , a mitigating , an affwa- 'ging. A (Ted arc, as Sedare. A fled ère , to fit near unto , or by, alfo to be- peg é a place. Affcdiabile* rfcaf may be befieged. Afledi aménto, a befieging. h (Tediare, to bepegc , to beleagre. Affediatóre, a befteger. Aflédio, a pege, a leagnng. 4 Affédio ftricco, a Ungring (lege. Atteggiare, Affiggere, to fit down, to feat, , or place. A (leggio , a feat s a fitting-place , or fc gc- Altegnarc, to ajjlgyic , to appoint, to cUa- blifh. Aflcgnataménte, adv. ajjigncdly . Aflégnatióne , Aflegnaménto , Affégno , an sffìgnation , an ajjignement. A Regnatóre, an Affigncr. AffrguiméntOjAfli-guitiónejdrt accompfifh- ment , an obtaining by fate and following Aflcguire , as Confequirc , or Effc- qiuie. ; Afliguitiónc, as F.ffeguiùóne. Aff guir óre, an obtdiner by futc. Affettare, as Sellare. Affettare véna, a large vein, being a branch ufv cnacava. Affdlo, as Affa.uólo. 4 Aflclvare, as A (fore flare. Affembianza, Afsembiamcnro , Aflem biuta, Allcmblaménto , Affemblanz Affembranunro , Affembranza , Af- f/mbiata, Affemblé'a , Altembréa, an aff mb lie, a'fo a refemblance. * Ailcmbiarc, Allèmblàre, Affcmbrare, to affemblc , alfo to refemble or fcr.m , alfo to put ones fclves m a pofture of fighting , alf i to ufie carnali copulation. * Aflcinbiaticcio , that is already , or will cafily be aftemblcd , Omnium gathe¬ rum. 4 Aflèmbiévolc , Affcniblévole , /.ff m- brévole, afjcmblablc. Aflcmbraglia , a confufed afjcmbly , an Omnium gatherum , pel mcl in an army. 4 Affembiaro , put into ranif and file or po¬ fture of war , See. Affcmp’arc , Affcmplare , as Effempia- re. Afsémpio, Afsémplo, Afsémbro , Afsém- pro, as Efsémpio. Aff emprarc, to eternise , to compare, as any writing with an originali, alfo as Efsem- piarc- : 4 A fièni pro , and Afsémplo , an exam¬ ple. Afscnnare , to give warning or notice , as Infavire. Afsennaco, cnwittcd 0 fuU of wit. Afsenfióne , Afscnfo , an affent , a con- fent. Affcnfore , he that confenteth or a'greetb unto. AfscntamcntÒ, Affcntatióne, an affenting , alfo an abfenting. Affenrarc, to affent or confcnt unto , alfo to abfent,alfo to fit down . Afscntatórc, a flatterer , a confcnter 2 alfo an abfentcr, alfo a filter. Afsénte, abfent, not prefent. Aftcntiale, abfcntly. Afsentiméntò , Afsénto , an affent or con¬ fi nt. Afsintio, wormwood , alfioincenfe. Afscntioncj an aficention, an afeending. Affentire, to affent or confcnt unto. Afsentito, ajfinted, confented. Afsénto, an affent, a confcnt. Afsentóre, an affenter, a confcnter. Afjénia, Afséntia, ab fence. Afscpare, Afsicpirc, to hedge in. Afsepatórc, a hedger. 4 Afséra, adv. at, or in the evening. Afferélli, thin boards , orpannels. Afserenare, as Serenare. 4 Afseriménto , an afferting,an avouching , an averring, an affirming. Afserire, to afjert , to avouch , to avene , to infifi, to a firme. Afserrare , Afserragliare , to [hut or loc^ in , to immure or compare about with ftrcngtb. 4 A (serrato, /^f, orloc\t. Afscrtióne , an affertion , an avouching^ con ft ant averring. Afsertire,^ Afserire, to (tandit refolute. ly ' . , Afseitivaménte , adv. affirmatively , refo- lutcly, avoHchedly. 4 Afsertivo, avouchable, affirmative. Afsértòj afjerted, avouched. Afsertóre, an avoucher , an after ter,a main- tainer , a defender, a protenor. 4 Afstffa, a fumarne of Pallas. Afsefsamérito, an aft effing, a taxing. Afsefsarc , to afieffc , to laxc , cr to fit in a Court as an Affifiant to a fudge. Afseflinare, as Alsaffuiare, &c. Afsél-.o, an aftcftc, a t.ixc. Aisef oi are,' as Afsefsnre- 4 Afsefsore, an affifor, a taxer, an affiftant unio .my ludg:, one to ai fits in Court as an afjociate of a ludge , of mldeutenent or jhrieve-criminaU. Affettile, to fet by the compafe , by Met : lo fettle in good order. 4 Abet.irc , toenthkft . to mahe or become thirft.e. Afsct ato, thirflie, full of ibis ft. Affetta, as Aflìcélla. 4 Afsittamcmo, afcttlingin order. Afserrare, to fet or 'place in order , to trim hair or beard, alfo to f ubarne or draw one to ones will. 4 Affettatamente , adv. fctlcdly , trifnly , ft nicely.^ 4 Afscttarino, finely floated and at cafe. A (iettatura, i fetling,a dreffing , alfo a fifh- viglinc. Afsettacuzzo, as Aflf;tatu7.zo, 4 Alsecto , due or fctlcd ordre , or po- fimr. Afscvarc, to tallow, to congcale or glue , by Met : to Ioolf wiftjly upon any thing, long¬ ing to eat it, or dnn\ it. Afscrvare, to l^ccp or flore no. Afscveranza, Affevcratiónc,.^ avouching, an aff everation. Afscverare, to avouch, to affirme. * Alsivérataménte, adv. affirmatively. Afscveratóre, an avoucher. Afscvcratricc, an avouchcreffc. 4 Affeverévole, avouchable. 'Adi, boords,plan fs,alfo Accs upon the dice, alfo a Ifind ofhiftuig-fcrpent , Affibilare, as Sibbiarc. Aflìcélla, the dim:of'Afse,any laih,fp!int, {peli, or pandi of wood or {tone. n Afficurabilc , Afficurévole , afturable, :warrantable . Aflkurare, to afjurc, to fee arc, to dare or be confident. * Aflìcurataméntc, adv. affurcdly. Aflkuratióne, Aiffcuraménto , Afficu- ranza, af] arance, certainty, fecurity. Aflicuvta, adv. afiurcd’y,fccHrcly. * Aflida; fi, for a man to fit down. h flidcrare/0 Planet -ft ri^e, to blaft as trees doe through great heat and drought , alfo though exceeding cold or other accident to grow clum^ie, ftar\, or ftiff in ones limbs, to benumme, or fuddenly to be depri ved of the ufe of ones limbs & fenfe of them,alfo to enterfer as horfes doe, or to guide and rub off the stymie, loo{ Sido, or Sidera- tióne. Aflìdcratióne, Aflìderaménto , as Sidera¬ zióne, affo an enterferring, or guiding the stynne-offi. * Afliderato, blaftedffienumm’d. Affidare, £0 fet, to feat, to fituate. 4 Afsidi, as Epicicli. A (Editamente , adv. without intermiffion continually, and laborioufly , Affiduare, to continue with diligence. Affiduità , affi dully 3 continuali labour , a nevcr-ceapng. 4 Afsiduo, Affìduófo , affiduotis, carefuUy- laboriou-s , laborioufly-diligent. A flìéme, ad v. with or together. Affiepare,£o hedge in or about. Aflìepacóre, a hedger. Affienare, as Affcgnare, &£• Affiguire, as Afseguire,&c. 4 Affilare , to prie or fnca^ in corners , loo\ Artèria. 4 Affila tore, a fneaher in comers. Af- ASS AST AST Afsile, an axle-trie. A filare , to bite , or be bitten with a borfe fly, alfo to It.if and styp as a. borfe or ox: bn ten with wafps or fiyes, to be wilt or ragne. Afsi'lo, a bei'ixs,a gad-bee, a wafp,a horfe flye , the fling of a wafp , by Met : gnacl. Alìimigliagióne , Affimiglianza , Affi milanza , Aflìmilaciónc . a. re fern bianco. Affimigliarcc, Afairailantc, Alsim'glié- vole, refcmbhng. Afjimile, as Simile. ‘ Aisimgliare, Afsimilarc ,lo referable o ! be hlfe. Afsindacarej Afsindicirc , as Sindica- rc A fsimilatióne, figure, forme, rcfcmblxnce. Afsirghiozzirc, as Singhiozzare. ’ A Singhiozzati fofpiri ,throbbingfigbes Afsino, as Ax no, a Civet-cat. Afsinonunte, a. di viner by hatchets. ASinomantia, divination by hatchets. Afsiuma, A is ionia to, a maxime , a princi¬ ple , an axiom: , a generali rule of an arte. Azioniate, to reduce to mxximes, axiomes principles, or general rules. A tu fa, a fitting) a feffions, an affife , a fcfi¬ fing Jt a ftitttiug, alfo a felled fafhion, al¬ fa ,in accttflomed livene , alfo painters fitfi , alfo an impofitiontrr taxe,or afef- m:nt. A fisi Panunto, a fifing, a fcfifing. Afsifarc, tofejfc, to af]i\c,to fi\c. Afsifo, fated, (it uated s fitte a, fey ant in ar¬ mor i;. Aii.ftiwtCytljifltngyilfo an ajjiflxnt , or a co¬ adjutor. Afsifténzij affili ance , help, fupport. A r siftere,k> a fi fi, to help , to fupport, or to be prefen? at the doing of any thing. Afsito, a be.im,i rafter, a jaum,apartition of deals in fie ad of a wall. Afsitua e, as Situa e. Afs tuatióne, as Sito. Afsituito, fit uated, feated. Afiiuólo , as Afsa uolo 3 a bird li\e an owlc. 'Allo, an Ace upon th: dice, on: alone. 'Also & afso, fingle , one and one. * 'Afso ó fei, ace or fix, by Met :tbe mo ft or leafl, a man or a moufe. AfsociabHc,^ Sociabile. Afsociamcnto, .is Socialità. Afsociire, as Sor are. Afsodabile, confolidable. Afsodamcnto, a confoliditing. Afsodaic, as Soda c. A rógna j as Sogna- Affigliare, as Sc go ire* Affoiarc, as Solare. * .-.ftalato, as Solato. * Aflolatiónc, forte d'infi miti , a bind of fic\ne(fe. * AffildibJej that may be preffed as a fod¬ der. Affoldamé'nto , a puffing of a foul¬ ed cr. Affoldire, to preffe fouldicrs, by giving them a foido, that is a fhildng , lool^ fól- do. * Aflolfonirc , to tatye th* quality of fui fur. Affolfórare, Affolfrare, Affolfrire, to ful- phre , Affólto, abfolved, affinile d. Affò 1 vere, to abfolve , to afflile, to acquit, to give absolution at auricular confeffion , alfo to finiflj or accomplifh any thing, * Affoliere, as Olfolic-re, Affolvcvole, abfolve able. Affo latamente, adv. abfolutcly, * Affolutczza, abfoluteneffe. Alìolutióncyabfojution. Afsolùto , abfolute , alfo abfolved , free loofe. * Aft ornare, as Somai c, Afsolutóvio , pertaining to abfoln tion. * Afomatura , greafinefte , tallowifhneffe a lading. Afsomigliante, refemblant. Afjóm’glianza, n fcmblance, Afiomigl are , to referable , to ccm pare. A fsom ' g I ié vole, re fe mb! able. ’ Afomiglio, a refimblance to the life. Afsommàre, .? Sommare, alfo to raife to the top, to ov.r-top , or to £ nod? on the head , alfo to bring a thing to a good pa fit or end, Afsóng a, as fó ng : a. Afsongiire, as forgiare. -Tfonnarc , to flumber , or tofxUaflccp by . Met : to cc afe from labour. A r sontiónc , an afjumption , or an affu- , * Afsoncivoj affumptive. Af onto, a [fumed, alfo an affumpfit, alfo cha t ge ar undertaking. Afopimcnco 5 a fuppling , an affwaging, a pacifying, a reprefifing , alfo a benummng of ones fences , a lulling t a fleeping. Afaopite, tofupple , to afjivagc , to pacific, to appeafe, to calme* tofupprejfe , to quiet, alfo to dull or benumme ones fences, to lull aflccp. * Aforbimcnco, a drinking, a fudfinq up,a fwallowing down. Afsorbire,affjrbere, to dri,i\, to fitted up, or to glut down. A fiord aggine, as fordagg'nr. Afsordarc, Afsordirc , to make or become deaf. Afsoidamcnro, a dea filing, * Afsórda-fórni, a common i \o!d. Afsordidarc, as fordidire. A Sordidézza, as fordiii. Afio.dita, ‘is Abfurditd. * Afsórdo, as Absurdo. * Afsorcllarlijfo enfifter, Afsórgcre, as forgcrc. Afsortaménto , Afsortimcnto, a forcing together, alfo xn allotting by chance. Afsortare, Afsornrc, to forte or conforte together, alfo to allot or fall out by lots, to di (tribute equally. A Sórto , abforpt or fwallowed-up. Afsofsicgato, tool? foflicgarc. * A r sòtiglianicnto, ASoriglianza,.rf fot- tig'iczza. Afsocigliare, as fbttig’iare , alfo to become cunimgto labour or m lufiry. * Afsotigl ativo, fubtih fingi a mincing. Afsotigliatóre, afubtilifcr, x mincer. Afotigliato, refined, mxdefmxll, grown cunning. Aflozzare, as fozz.ire. Afuggetri e, as foggrttire- ^Sumere, to afjumc. ófsun done, a i aflumption, ASiinto, as ASónro. ASurdiflimo, mofl xbfurd. u'dità>;w Abfuidità. ASu'do, as Absurdo. Afta, as H i Ha. ^ftace, Aftaco , a JheU-crxbfuU offljxrp prickl’s. \ ftafferta, adv. in po [le -hafie. \-ftiia piene, A-ftaio cólmo , adv. with full-heaped meafurc , Gods-plentic. \ftale arma, afljxftcd weapon. \ftallarc, as Scallare. Aftanapa, as Giraffa, ft.inte, by-flxnding, or x by-flandcr. ^ftaphde, a Iflnd of grape. -ftaphisagria, [taznfixere % Aliare, as Hsftaic. * Aftita, a blow , or hi: wi h a fficxr , a [pear. , xA-ftacchetto , adv- at rac^ and manger, alfo to be fyept hard to it. Aftéci , Aftélì , cr.nv-fifh:s, alfo fliell- crxbs. Aftcnénte, abflincnt. Aftcncnza, abftincncr, forbearance. Afte nére, to ab (lain, to forbear. A-ftcnro ypininglyflxitguifhingl), with much aaoe, by piece-meals a pidfingly, alfo to grow or fhoot up. Aftenua tc,as flcnuarc. Aftenuatióne, extenuation. Aftcnuato, lean, meagre, l.m{, gante , ex¬ tenuated. Aft.ra, .1 ^.•//cio/Ténafìgillaca. Afteratico, a {md of [ton: filling from th: sftc, alfo a stye-colour. * 'Aft .re , an hearb th..t is a prefent remtdy againfl tumors in th: fhirc. * 'A ftci o act co, a flow,r fo called , bccaufc it is fafhioned ii^e a Starre. " Aft . rgcrc, to cleanfe or dry-up. Afti ri a , as Aftcritc , allò a foul called a Bicttrrn. Aftérico , Starne , or belonging to the Stars, alfo the hearb Pcrietorie. * Aftcrióne, a {ind of Dog-fifh, covered all over with ft. mie (pots. * Aftcn'fco ò ftélla , the lineitene of a Star. 1 * Afterifmo, conflcllation of Stars. Aflerfte .i tfini of parking jtono,alisi alfo Giraloliónc. Aftetni, Aftómj , a \-nd of people near th: ri ver of Ganges , that have no m)uths,but live by the ayre, which they receive in at their no fe, they are bxirie all their bodies over,and wand, r up and down the woods l‘k e foure-footed beafts. Afterfióne» abflcrfion , a cleanfing or wiping away. * Aftersiyo, abflerfive , that cleangfth or dneth up. * Aftcrsoria qualitd , an abflerfive 0 r cleanfing quality. * 'Afti, morne m the rogues language. Afticciuóla , Aftiuóia . the dim : of Ha- fta. J A Ilice, a Craw-fifb, or fhell-cr ab. Aftifcro, as Haftifcro. Aftilc,^ Haftiic. Aftilida , a If:nd of Cabidge-leflicc. Aftinénte, ab ft ine nt. AftinJnzi, abftincnce. 'Aftio, 'Afchio. Aftiófo, as Afchiofo. Ailioméno, loo^ Cancrena- Afti pulire, as ftipulaic. * A-ftiva , Nave carica aftiva, ouéro ftipa, /oo^ ftipj, A-(loccaca, adv- with atbruft. Aftolféida , a prefuming to doe that by wit and worth, which a man doeth by chance as did A ftólfo by his enchanted lance. * Aft Imi, Aftóni, loolg Aftérrù. * Allóra, any mat or haffoc * Aftoraio, a matter, a matma\er . Afto. e, Aftórre, a Go(fe-hxwl?e. Aftórc c la Smina , fparaviérc é il makhio. AftorclIa,ii taifellof a Goffe-hawì^e. * A-ftória , adv. florie-wor £ , alfo (low- ly. A-ftórmo , adv. in troupi > looì^ ftór- mo. Aftrabicca, at Affarabicca. A-ft[icca,adv. to the utmofl, even untili one be wearie. * A-ftraccia-fjcco , adv. as A-fquircia ficco. * A-ftriccii, adv. raggedly, tatterly. * A- ! AST A T A ATR 4 A ftracco, a fritted feeling. Aftradarc, as Incaminarc. * Aftracre, as Attrarre. * Aftraco , cl fl.it terrace on the top of a. ho ufe, to ft and and wall^upon, or an out¬ fit ting terrace. Aflragalo , the huclflc or \nuc\lc-bone, or (as fume fay) the nec\-bohe , alfoVeafc- c.vrth nut. Aftragallzónte, a play that boys ufe with' if iuctf e-bones, called Codiali. Aftrag.ilomante , Divination by dice or Ifiiuclflo-bones. Aftragalomintia , a Divining by dice or knuclfle-bon.es. A-ftralu. o, adv. out of due time. Aftr.tla:o, the bearb Pcàfccarlb nut, Aftralc, Starne, Planetarie. 4 Aftralità , flxrrincffc , influence of finis or Planets. 4 Aftrantia, the bearb Mafler wort. Aftrapia , a whitifh and greenifh (tone from which feern to {hoot rayes of light¬ ning. A-ttrap'.c ,adv. in runnlng-mfle , a fiiatch and away. Attrarremo ab frali or draw from , to fepa- rate or part. A ft atio , adv. tormentingly , loo\ ftra- tio. Afìractèzza , abflrattneffe, a flrangefar- fetcht conceit. Aftrsttiónc, abflrattion, a drawing from or away. Att. atto? ab (trailed , alfo an ab fir all, affo as in a brown fludy.or trance 5 alfa extra¬ vagant. Aftrca , ta\cn for Iuflicc , the daughter of Aftrèa, the Goddeffe of Iuflicc. Att reggi are, to twinkle as the (tars. A-ftrttraj as A-diftrétta. Aftrettivo, as Aftringcnte. Aft étto, conftramcd , compelled J Attricare, to pave with (tones. Aftricatore, a pavier. Attr cijAft.ifij i ifind of lobftar or fca-crab , fo called in fenice. 'Attrice, a pavement. 4 A ft ;ì fero , [t arre -bearing. 4 Aftrigógna, a Ifind of white grape. Aft ;ng nrc , Aftrigncnte, Aftringitfyo , aflnngent, afirittive , reflmgent, making cofli-je, fitch things as bind: the badie. 4 Aftringénza, reflringcncy, confl'raint, alfo coflivencffe. - Attnngcrc, Aftrfgnere, to re fringe, to con- 1 train, to bind and enforce. ' Aftrio) a Jlone with a flarre in it. 'Aftro, a St arre, 1 Planet , alfo a Celeflixll [igne cominci of many firs, AfVobolóne, as Aftroide. 'Aftro-comufiire ,to wo,\fretted t or frccif worlf in feelings. Aftrocomufiato , feelcdor wrought with freeze or fretted whf, fret tic. 4 Aftró’de, Aftrobolqne, a [tone , which being laid upon m trble wet with vinegar doth (line and creep away.- Aftrolabio , an inflrnment whereby the mo¬ tions of the firs or planets is gathered called an Aflrolabe. Aft ologare, to play the Aflrologer , ór to dr dine or calculate nativities. * Aftrologaft-'o , afoolifh and lying aflro¬ loger. Aftrologia, aflrologic, a predi Elion of things lo come by the courfe and motion of the (tarsi 1 Aftrólogo , an aflrologer y a foreteller of | things to come by the cóurfe of the | firn. 1 4 Aftrológieo, belonging to aftrology . j 4 Attroncante, a diviner by the flats. | * Aftrpmant'ia , divination by the flats. 1 ... Aftronomare , Aftronomiizarc , topro- fcje the knowledge of heavenly mo¬ tions. Aftronomfa, aflronomy , \nowledge of hea¬ venly motions. Aftrónomo, an Aflfonomer. Aftronomico, aflronórhicall. Aftropicciare, as ftropicciarc. Aftrófo, flank,full of flats, alfo born under | fume uninc Ifie planet. Attrezzare, ,?* (brezzare. 4 Aftrufionc, abjtrufeneffc. Aftrufo, as Abftrufo- * Aft accio, as ftucchio.’ A ftiidiOjA-ftadio & arte, as A-bélli po- fta, cxpre(ly,for the very nonce. A-ftuólo, adv- in flocks, in fhoalcs. Aftura, a fhelflfh called a Nal^re. Afturco, Afturcóne, an A (turi on borfc, an ambling, Spanifh gennet. 'Aftutamcnte , adv- warily, craftily. 4 Aftutiftìmaménte, moll craftily. 4 Aftudflimo, moft crafty. Afìutia, or Aftugia, wilineffe , fubtility of wit. 4 Attuti Gcnovéfi , Induftri Fiorentini , Supèrbi Luche fi, Attuto, wilie, ctafite, warie-witted . A-fua pólla, ad y. at bis periti. A-fua fciélta, id v:.at bis choife. 4 A-iucchicllo, adr. a way of pleafute be¬ tween man and.wom.tn. Aftiefaie, toaccu(lom? 3 to enure. Afuefatrione, cuflomc, wont. Aiuefatto, accuflomcd, enured. A[ucto,accufiomcd>enured. Afuetudine, cuflome, ufe, ure. A-fufficiénza, or Sofficicnza, adv. [uffi¬ ci e nt[y. 4 Amlìe, ufedfor the Ame-pits. Affumere, to affarne or ta\e. Afluntióne, or Adonta, an affumng, alfo the affumption a holy day or feaft fo called, of oùr Saviour , or of the blcffed Virgin Mary. * A-fuo agio, at his cafe or leaf ire, A-fuo danno, at his per ill. A - fuólo a fuóìo, adr. ranged or piled up in order. A-fuo rhalgrado, indefpight of him. A fuon di trómba , by found of trumpet , by Met : publicly. A-fuo potere, with all his might. A-fuo fénno , after his own wit , or will. Ataballo, a fettle-drum, or braffe-tabouret, that the Moors ufe to dance by. Atabulo, aninfechons wind blowing in Af¬ frica $ and form times in Apulia. 4 A-tàccio, loof Stare araccio. Atagliare, as Accagliare. A-cdglio, adv. by pieces and retaile, alfo by rule and due proportion. * A-taglio di fpada, as A-fildi fpada. Acalante, as Ancaride. A-talchè, ad v.fo that. A-tale, adv. fothat, at fuch apaffe. A A-talénto, adv- at will or plea fur;. A-talfiggia, air. in fuch afafbloh. A-talhdra, air. at fometimes. A-talparcito, adv. to fuch a pxffe. Ataraatizzare, as Antthemizzarc. * 'Atamo, ufedfor 'Atimo. Atanafo, bearb Rofe-campion: Atanlfia, fllver-wort or Panile. Atante, as Aiutante, alfo lufly, well difpo- fed both of mind arid body. A-tanto, adr- fofar forth. A-tinto che , adv- fothat then , in the in¬ terim that. A-tanto il dì, adr- at fo much a day. Atapezzarc, as Tapczzire. Atarantola, at Tarantola 3 a poor whlfre, j or a flreet whore . Atarantolato ,.?* Tarantolato. Atarafsia jconft.incy in opinion, Atdrc, as Aiutare. Ataftare, as Attaftdrc. Arallonate, to grope , to fede , to fum¬ A-taftónc, adv. gropingly, fumblingly, 4 Atatóie, as Aiutatóre. * Aratrice, an help et effe. Atccnéa, ignorance in any Arte. 4 A tèdio, adv. as A bada. Af-idbo, d tocuft without wings. Atcllanare, as Attellanarc. A tel! ani, as Attelldni- A- tèmpera, adv- with, or in temper. Atemperare , as Temperare , to mafe pens. : ■ A-iempo, adv. in time or fur time. Attempo a tempo, adv- from time to time , ever and anon. A-tcmpo ò luògo , aiv. in time and place. 4 A-rèmpo nuovo, adv. the next ([ring, A tentare, to attempt. Atenqonc, attention, Ufining-heed. Aténto, attentive, alfo attempted. Atènto clic, adv- fecingtbat. Atcntonarc, as T intonare , alfo to gpro- vell on the ground. A-tcntóne, adv. as Tentóne , alfo grove- Imply, al fo warily, foftly,with heed. Afcèo, Athéo, as Athcifta. Ateramóne, a weed that filletb beanes. Atergarc,.ta put behind ones baef. A-térgo, adv- behind ones baef. Atcrino, a flfh in Latin Alberi nx. A-tèrmine, adv. for ter me of time. A-tèrra, adv. on land, on the ground. 4 A-téfta a-téfta , adv. bead to head , by Met : hand to hand, man to man. Atheifta, an Aiheift, a mifereant , one that believes there is no God,. * Athcizzare, to play the /ftheifl. Athco, loof Accq. Athera* a decoction of Olirà. Achilónc , a bird that ever bated and pur- fueth the foxe. Achlcca, a wreftler with hand.oT foot,alfo a Champion. 'Atimo, an atome , an indivifible thing , by Met : a moment of time. Atizzóne, a (ione gli ttring as fllvér , alfo a firebrand. Atlantiche, the firfl Spandile, joynt, or fnot of the ridge-bone. Atlèta, as Athléta. Acócio, any medicine that bindretb con¬ ception. 'Atomo, as ’Atimo,alfo the firfl inceri fe that falls from the tree. Atondare, as Attohdarc. A-tónio, adv. in a round, roundly. A-tóppo , giuocare a-tóppo , to play at grefee or hazard, and Jet or cafl at evpry chance,or by. Acório, as Aiucorio. Atornare, ai Actorncare. A-córri®, adv. about, alfo concerning. A-tórno facto, made by a turner. Acovfare , Attarfcllare , as Affardella¬ re- A-tórto, adv. wrongfully, againfl right. * A-tórto cd a dritto , adr» right and wrong. Atofcare, Atofticare, topoifon. 4 xA-traballónc, adv. ft agger i rigid. 4 A-t. aba’zoni, adv. tumblingly • Atrabile, the humour of melancholy. Atrabile, attrattive, that may be drawn. Atrabiliare , in Latin Atrabiliaria , quaS Atra: bili corpora obnoxia. Afrabilid, aflrittiyeneffe. A-crabkco, adv. in overwhelming manntr, precipitoufly, down weighing. H " A- ATT ATT ATT A-tradigione, A-trad'mcnto , by trafori , trcachcroufly. * A-trafatto, adv. wholly and altogether. * Atramemaiiojo/i/w-j or belonging to infi , alfo an infi-mafier. A tram cn to, biacco/ writing infi. * Act amento Sutório ,Coppcrafs,or viltioll, al o fbae-mafiers blacfi. Atramitica , the feco/id fii.nd of wild Myrrhe. A-tramontano, towards the Xortb. * Atrapano,? way of'picafire between man and woman. * A-crafiulJo, at cafe and folate. * A-rructo, a-tratto, zdv.by.times and cafis, at every hand while. Arra ver fare , to traverfe, to thwart, to crofc. A-travérfb , adv. athwart, acroffe , with andare ft fignifics to oppofc or contradi ft. alfo toJbipwracfi. Atrtb'ci, AtrépictjJ fipnd of ruff). A-trclle , borne , or harried, in armo- rie. * A-trJgóni, a word of bcrauldrie. 'Atrio , the fir ft or chief Court Or entrance j into a. houfe or palace , a Court¬ yard. Atripclo, blacfi-hdire, blacfi-baired . Atripide, Atripcde, blacfi-fuotcd. Atriplc, orach , or Goldeu-bearb. A triplice . Dogs-tooth , Dcnt-de chieri. or quoicb. Atriftare, as Atrriftàre, &c. Atriti, blacfinejfe, futtinefjc, pit chine ffc , by Met :gajt!incj]'c,gn\Hne[]'e, fier cene fife. Atritare, as .Tritare. Atritióne, as Attrition*. Atrito, as Trito, alfo worn fmall. 'Atro , darli , blacfi , pitchie , gloomie , by Met : fed, fierce, deadly, gaflly , grimly, difmal. Atróce, fierce,fed, crudi, fcverc , outr.i- gious. Arrochite, as Aftróide. Atroc.rc, to grow nr mafie Atróce. Atrocità, ficrccncffe, cruelty ,fevcrUy ,feft- ou: ragion fncjj'c. Acróphc ,thofe parts of the body, that rccci vc no nourifhrnent. Atrophia , .1 difeafe when one through fear or care-taking eateth leffe , or through much grccdincjfc eateth more than he oughtywhcrcupon followeth a confnmpuon , which caufetb the body to pine and fall away , fomc tafie it alfo for a certain dif¬ eafe in the eyes. Atrópho , he, to whom the meat he eateth doth no good , but pineth away in a con- fumption. Atresia, loofi Antrosia. 'Atta, the hearb wattlcwort , Attabalio, as Atabàllo. * Attaccarne nco,a* .\itaccoiari,xlfo hopes, or bold. Attaccare, to attache , alfo to fa fen , to joyn, to tacito nolle, :o Jticfi, or to cleave fa fi or clofc unto, among hunters it is ufed for a hound to feizy upon, and to fix fi; hold of a deare. Attaccare battàglia, to \oyn battle. * Attaccare covélle , to fafien. jefis or lyes upon on ", to give gudgeons. Attsccàrc l’uncino, to fafien a hoo\ j» unto or upon, ufed by Boccace metaphorically,to coape with a we neb, and to fafien a jum¬ bling upon her. Attaccare ima piazza , to fet upon a place , or to lay and fafien fiege unto-it. Attaccare un zimbèllo a qualch’uno, by Met : to.lay a blame,or to fifieji an im¬ putation upon one : to publish fomt fault, or blemfh not finown before in fomc body, to bit reproach andfhame. * Attaccarla a qualch’uno , by Met ; to fafien fonie tridg or jefl upon one f as fomc fay, to give one a gudgeon, and to mafic him believe the Moonc is made of green chcefc. * Attaccaticcio , dammi e , gl nifi, that will eafily fiicfifafi unto. Attaccatura , a or fa fining and joying un:o, alfo the place , the thing , or the joj/it , that a thing fiicfis ce is fajlned unto. * Attaccatura della (palla , thè joynt or fjtning of the fhouldrr with the àrnie. Attacco, a fa fining , a (hefiing , a cleaning or tacciag unto , fifa a fi:ud of graffi.’- hopper, called a Sole.vi , by Met : an im¬ putation laid or fu ft ned upon one , alfo ground , or hold, or hope. Attafanato, as it were bitten with Tafani, alfo a flea-bitten borfe , or of that co¬ lour. Atragcna , a diintie bird , which bccomcth mute as foon .is it ir u{en , a God- wit. A tra gli are, to cut, to fquare , to fudge, or fw.e with o, u no , by M.t : for one to fafhion himfclf to another mans humour, to footb one up, and ma{e good what he fay et h. Attalentare , to affent to ones mind,and the fame as Atagliarc. Attalianàto, Itali.vuicd, Italianized. Atiàlico, a tynd of cloth of gold, . reamente, adv. aptly,fitly. * 'Attamo, as 'Attimo. Attanagliare, as Tanagliare,^ torture or wrac^. Artapczzàre, as Tapezzàrc. * Attapinàre, as Tapinare. * Attardàre, as Tardare, to grow late. Attire, to aft, alfo to m.i^c apt. Attai gare, to .u rn with a target. Attalenta e, to fidente, to hufht. * Art at o, pted, fitted, made apt, ’ Attillare, as Taflate. Attavanàto, as Attafanato. Arréa, hearb watk-wort. * Attcchimcnto, a proft/eringya thriving, a growing better and better. 1 *Attcchixc, chifco, chito, to thrive , to projper, to grow .mddayly to be better and better,nam:ly as found cattle doth in good pafiurc, alfo to battle as a child that is in good-hcalth , alfo for to thrive, to grow, worfe and worfc, to grow malitious. Attcd arc, to annoy , to wearie or toyle with tedioufneffe, to attediate, to wax idle. * Atcediatióne ,toylefo>nc tedioufnefle. Attegarc-,fi/ fh:wftates of aftivity by going or dancing on ropes. Attcgatóre, a tumbler , a funeambuler , a dancer on ropes, a teacher of nimblcncffc, or feates of aftivity. * Atteggiamento , any aftion , afting , or gefture , an imitating ofaftions. Atteggiare, ra.rrf, to imitate any action, to m.L^e docile or aftive , alfo as Actc- Rare. * Atteggiare un cavallo ovéro un cane, to manage a borfe, or to teach, a dog with dexterity and mafie them doe any triefis or feats. Atteggiato: c, loo fi Atteggiare , one that dotn or teachefb acts, or feates. Attegnénte, as Attenente. Andana, a Comedic divided into afts,0Y elfe afted and plaidb'/ Attclàni, Attelàni, men , that with foul mouth’s , un- feemely jpcecbcs, disfigured faces, mimi fie geslurcs, and frange aftions profejje to procure laughter and mirth. Attelàre , to place in due order , as in. ar¬ mies. * Attemparci fogror? in years, to be aged. Attempato, timed, aged, in years. * AttempatctCo , dim , pretty old , i/, years. Attempcraménto, as Temperaménto. Attemperare, as Temperare. Attemperato, as Temperato. Attcnda 'e, to pitch tents, to encamp. Attendènte, attending, attendant. Attendenti, attendance, waiting. Attèndere, to attend, to wait, alfo to take , to abide , alfo to fi oliscile or follow any bu¬ finole with heed and diligence , alfo to li firn unto , alfo to perforine ones pro- mife. * Attendato, encamped. * Attèndere , to endeavour , to employ ones felf in any thing, to mind • alfo to fall to ones vi ft. uà Is, to wait or cxpi ft , to fieep ones promi fe or word, to fiop orfiay, alfo to proceed in a bujinefs. * Attendi mento, attendance^ waiting. * Attend itóre , an attender, a waiter ‘ Attenebrare, as tenebrare. Attenènte , appertaining or belonging unto , al fio holding- by, or depending , alfo an al- lye, a fiiufman, or a dependent . Attenènza, an appertaining or belonging un¬ co , a holding by, or dependency, alfo al¬ liance in blood or fiindred , alfo perfor¬ mance of promi ft. Attenére, to appertain orbe’ong-imto , alfo to hold by, or depend of, by way of rela¬ tion, alfo to par for me a mans word or pro- mife, or to /land to another word or p o- mife , to proceed, to cling or bold fall by anything. J Attcnitore, an appertainer unto , alfo a de- pcndent , or holder by , alfo a per forme, of his word , alfo an hone ft executor of a mans n ill and Tefiament. Attènta, Attéfa, attendance , waiting, ex¬ pectance, alfo performance. * Attentamente , Art faménre , adv. at¬ tentively, heedfully , wifily, lijlningly. A trenta mento, any attempting. Attentare, to attempt, to put m triall. Attentato , attempted, entreprifed , putin triall, alfo an attempt or undertaking, ac¬ cording to Grifóni it is , when a borfe goeth fo tenderly and warily 3 that he dareth not treads one foot on ano- Attentióne, or Accntiónc, attention,atten- tivemffc. * Attcntiflìmaménte, mo ft attentively. * Attenti (limo, moil attentive or bent. Attenti vo, Attènto, attentive, it fining. Attento, attentive , alfo an attempt, or dejigne. Attènto-che, adv. (itbence that. Aitcntónc, A-tenróne, gropingly. Attenuare , Attenuirc , to extenuate , to mafic leanc or thinner, to diminifh. * Attenuato, extenuated. Attenuacene, extenuation, alcjfening, a mafiing thinner. Attergare, to put, to place, to leave , or fol¬ low behind ones baefi or flaouldcrs , to baefi. Atterraménto , a felling or cafiing to the earth or ground, a fupprcfflng. Atterrare, to fell or cajl to the ground, alfo to fill or dam-up with carità*, to ftoop, to abafc,or dejeft ones felfe. Attcrratórc , one that falls to the ground, &c. Atrerrimcnto, a terrifying, a deterring. Atterrire, rifeo, rito, todeterre , to ter - ri fie. Atterzare, to coyne or mafie up three and three , to mafie in thirds, among gameflers it is topaefi and prie fi the cards in-fhuf- fling them. AtiLh,loofi Attènta. * At- ATt AtT ATT 4 Atccfamcntcj attentively, diligenti )'* Acte lb, attended, lon\ Attendere. Attcio-chc, adv. Jitbcnce that. * Ai tettare , to wife head, to grow to a bead, to foyn bead to bead , alfo to attest, or to tuffi fir, to confrontar compare things together', alfo to bead. Attcffatiónc , Atteramente» ; an atte fia¬ li on, a tcffification, al fi a joyning bead to bead . Attcftatój atte fed, teffified , made bead , come to a head , encountrcd head to head, alfo beaded, affo one that is of the formeft ranl^, an ^ makes bead again (t others, alfo put into orders , rank and file. * Atteftacorfe, a tcffifier,alfo ah atte fieri A- teftator e,one that makes bead . 4 Attento, as Trito. * Atte vole, to be acted, full of aptnejfè. Attizza, look Attitudine. 'Attica, the Attire, Greek tornite. 4 'Atti, in plurali number, affa ór records in lava. Atticciate, Attizzare, &c. * Atticciato , as Attizzito, àn attraflive , or drawing quality. * Attravafamento, a traverfing,a thwart¬ ing. Attravetfatura, idem. 4 Attraverfarc, to traverfe , to thwart , to crojje away-. * Atcravcrfato, thwarted,croft. * Attraverfatóre, that thwarts. Attravérfo, adv. a thwart , a croft. Attreccinrb, as Intrecciare. Attribuibile, that maybe aferibed, or im¬ puted unto , attribuible. Attribuire, ifeo, ito, tu attribute, to aferiOe or impute unto. Attribuitioncj attribution. 4 Attribuito, attributed, aferibed unto, Attributo, an attribute. 4 Attrice, a woman aflor. Attriplice, as Atr.plice. Attriftare, Att ri Hire, to enfórrow , tò make or bee òhi? fad. Or pen five,alfo to empaire , to make or become worfe, bad or naught,or malitious. 4 Attri flato , or Attriftito, become fad, or worfe. Attriftitio, as Attriftato. Attriftatiónc,Attriftainénto,/#^tf/ 7 e,pe«- fi ve n effe, for rowing. Attritare, as Tritare. Attritiónc , Attrizióne , Atrkiónc, attri¬ tion, that is to fay, a remorfe proceeding of fervile fear ,fearing, either punì foment , or Ioffe of fomething, and may be held, a faine d contrition , alfo a rubbing , a fretting, or gauhng the sffinnc off. Attrito , Attiro, touched with attrition or with bafe fear of punifiment and a ‘^ e -. r Attropicamento, as Intopparti eftKM trip¬ ping , a ftumbling . Attropicarc, to trip, or to (tumble. Attrovare, as Trovare, tu find out. Aft.uxle,actu.ifl, effe finali,: ready,(peedy,fen- fible. Attualità, a finality, effeflivencffc. Attualmente, adv- a finally,fenfibly, quick- lu, , Attuare i to afluate prefently , to come to aflion , as it were to give life un¬ to. Attt'iccio, the dim : of Atto, any fmxll feat, or fimplc afl. Attuffarcj as Tuffate. * Attuffatoj as Tuffato, Attuftévole , where one may likely fink^r drown. Attuffatùra, as Tuffatura. Attui ire, Attuirc , to obfeure , to darken, by Met : to taintc,to blcmtjh , to lament,or weep. Atturiccio , Atturatóio , as Tu.ac¬ cio. Attuftire, to fli file, to fmoother. Attutire, to quali fie, to appeafe y to af fiwage , to whist ; affato affure or war¬ rant, Attucire, tifcó,tito, to put tofilence. Actuttirc , to fum , or caff up all to¬ gether. A-tira pófla , at thy will and plea- furc. , . 4 A-tuo dannò, at thy periti. Hz * A- AVA ' A-tù, per tu, thou by tbyftlf,faucicly. Mario, thè Tamari soiree. Acutare, as Attutare. * Acuto, it fed anciently for Aiutato. A- tutta b. iglia,adv. in full (fried as a borje lha' hath all bis bridle. * A-tutta carriera, adv. with a full ca¬ re are. A-tiitta oltranza, adv. with all might and main e. A iucca pallata, adv. all the way-long. A tutta pólla, adv- with all on:s /night. A tutta piova, adv- to the utmofi triall, at ail efl.iycs. A- tutta vóce. adv. as loud as may be. A- mete véle, adv. with full tfreead fails. A-tutt’ hóre, adv- at allhoures. A-tutt’ huótno , adv. with all a man can. A-tutri i mòdi , adv. by all means , how¬ ever. A-tuttii patti, adv. by any means wbat- foever. A tutto córfo, adv. a mam gallop , without let , or flop. A-tiuto pado, adv. all the meal through. A-uitto iatio, adv. with full faticty. A-tùtto potére, adv. wholly, with all might and moine. A.tutto tranfito, adv. idem. A-tutto rigóic , adv. idem , at the ut- mofl. Note , that wherefoe ver A V cometh be¬ fore ary vowell in the beginning of a V and pronounced confo nantly , as plea- felh the writer, or jpea^er : and fo doe mofl of the bcfl Tuft an cs ,for, i nu may writ. , cud fa., Avacciarc, o> Avvac- cia c .' Avedére, or Avvedete , Ave¬ rli re, or A wen re , though I ha ve throughout ufcd it but finale. 'P u, hath been i. (nifoi Quando. 'Ava, i zrand-moihcr. * Avaccézza , Avacciaménto , Avaccìan- za , quic^jpeed , celerity , or jfreedi- neffe. * Avafcianiénte,or Avacciataniénte,7^c£- ly, fpeedily. Avacciare , to hasten , to ma ip quic\ dispatch. Avacciato, nofi isedy,andqm Avaccio, adv. with all fp:ed, ha fie, and ec- , Cubfi : (peed or ; Avagolcoeiamcnti, ■« Vagellamene». Avago'cggiatc, as Vagellare. Avalc, adv. now, even now-now. A vale; e, fo av.tilc. * A valevole, avallinole. A valido, eqitall to the jams worth, equi¬ valent. Avalla, adv. on,goe-tc, away. * Avallate, to e,tvallic ,to mii^e or bccom: a valhc , alfa to incompaffe as ma valile , alfo to defeend or go down as it were into a valile, alfo to ful’pecffe and bring low,by Met : to j wallow or gulp down the throat. A-valle, adv. below , downward. * Avaloranicnto , an encouraging unto va¬ lour. Avalorar: , to e ma' our, to encourage, and put in heart. 4 Avaluarc, as valuarc. * Avaluatióne, as valuta* Avamparc, as vampire, to blXKf or burn clear. Avanzaticelo, fubjecl to flaming. * Ayampófo, as vampófo ,fiaming,or burn¬ ing clear. Avangare , ro digwith a mattoc\, topric\ with a goad, alfo to thrive majiybufi- nefje. ^ Avanguardia, as vanguaidia. A U D Avania , an undeferved wrong , ar. in¬ i'ulting injuric, a fee ret grudge , as Ac¬ ciacco. Avaniare, to wrong undxfcrvedly , in u- rioufiy to infult upon , loo £ Acciac¬ care. * Avantatóre » an offerer of injuries, or un¬ de ferved wrongs. m Avanotto, any fiflj that is about a year old, alfo fijh that is eafily taceri. A vantaggiare, as vantaggiare. Avanragg a o, as vantaggiato. Avantagjo, as vantaggio. v Avawaggiófo, as vantaggiòfo, Avanta-c, as vantare. A vantatóre, as vantatóre. Avanc’hicri, ady. the day before yester¬ day. Avanti, adv. before , afore , forward, alfo rather. Avanti-catninera* an outward chamber. : Avanti-che , adv. before that , rather than. ; A vanti-cuore, as Amicuórc. ! ' Avantiguaid a, ^Avanguardia. ! Avantio , a nic^ name for one , who to get fonie thing will ever be the Ufi of any company. A vanto, as vanto, a brag. Avamia; a,adv. hand-over beadjiab or nab , at r.tndam. Avanzaménto, as Avanzo , a proceeding, an amplification or enlargement. Avanzante, advancing, excelling,or that is rejidue or left, that fuper abounds. 4 Avanzare, to advance, to preferre , to raife-up , alfo to fur mount, to exccll, to out-go:, alfo to profit, pu, chafe > and get afire hand , to have, to jfrxre, and to leave o ver- plus, to over reach, to dare. * Avanzare in calla , a Mar chants phrafe, to thrive in ca(h,or by trading. * Avanzare r piedi fuor* del lètto, Met: to lof. by a bargain , to bring a. noble to nine pence. j * Avanzato-, advanced. i Avanzi vole, that may be pier chafed or ad¬ vanced. (Avanzi, Avanzaticci, Avanzagli , all \ mavii’r of leavings, n liquet ^remainders, or fh eds, by Met : all voiles, oro fits , or gainings and (parings. Avanzo , any encreafe , getting, profit, or over-plus, among gamefiers, a resi at pri¬ lli era. Avdnzo , adv. moreover , befidcs and above. Avaramente, adv. covctoufiy. * Avana, a fca phrafe , v.y. a confumption or difiribution of the Ioffe made , when goods are caft away on purpofe in a fiorm to fave th: vtffell. * Ava illimo, mo[t covetous. Ava; itia, Avarézza, avarice, covetoufiieffc, niggardneffe. Avarizzare, to praHtfe avarice. Avaro, covetous, niggard. Avar one, Avaruccio, a plncb-pcnnie, a nig¬ gardly churl,a covetous wretch. Aubditnre, obedient. Aubid cnza, obedience. Aub dire, to obey. Aucclldre, as uccellare- Audace , audacious, daring, bardie , fiou:, adventrous. Audacemente, adv. audazioufiy. Audacia , Audzcx 1 , audacity. Aud JcilTìmaménce, mo(t boldly. Audibile, Audcvole, audible, loud. * Audience, hearing, audient. Audicntiérc, a efiuer of audience. Audiènza, audience, hearing. Audire, to beare, to hearken. Auditione, an audite, a hearing. AVE > Audito, the fence of hearing. * Auditorato, an Auditor-fiy-p. Auditóre, an Auditor , a hearer. Auditòrio, an A uditorie. 'Are , God-ffrecd , All-baile , be thou glad. A-véce, adv. in the (lead,or Ueu of another, alfo as A-vicenda. A vedére, fo perceive ,toforefec,tofor:cafi, to feelf. A yedi m cnto, forefight 3 fareca fi , warineffe, d: irretivi. A-veduta, adv. by fight,in view. ' Avcdutaméntc,adv. Wfb heed, andfcrc- cafi, warily. 4 Avedutczza, as Avcd’mcnto. Avcdiito, p.:reived, forefeen , alfo wane , advifed,.vigilant ■ A-veggcnte ócchio,adv.r« an eye-witnejfe, with a feeing eye. * A-vcggia, that l,(hou, he,or fijte may fee, and perceive. Avegna- che, adv- although that. Avégna Dio che, idem , how be it that . A velare, as velate. Avclenare, Avdciurtf, to envenome , to cm- poifon. A ve 11 en a to, poi fen; d. Avelcnatore, a poifoner. Avclenaménto, an envenoming. Avelia, a bmd of water-fowle. A-vcIe piene, adv. with full fails. Avellana, a fill Aid-nut, a ha^eU-niit. Avellano, a fillbird or baxjll-trce. Avèllere, as Svèllere. Avèllo,*: hollow vault, or tombe. Avclutare, as vclutare. Avelutaco cuòio, (pence-leather. Ave Marta, an A ve Marie , or prayer made to the Purghi Mary , alfo evening-prayer- time ; or the tolling of the bell thrice,about hrea\ of day, noon, and evening for devo¬ tion. Avéna-greca, B alimonie , or Vrovander- corn. * Avéna, nates, alfo an oaten-pipe. Avcnante, Avenanza, Avcnéntc. A venate, Avena : o, Avenaiio , an Avtnor, one that bath the charge to provide for Oates or provxndcr in a Camp, or Princes houfe , alfo a Ifind of graffe -hopper living among Oates. Avcnenare, to poifon, to envenom. * AvencnatórCj.z poifoncr. Avenénte , Avenévole , comtly , feetnely, futable, wcll-bccommg , alfo coming unto. Avcnénza,Avencntézza, Avencvolézza, comelineffe, feemimcjfe 3 grace , handfom- nfe. * Avenevolménce, adv. fecm!y,wcU becom¬ ing, comely , gracefully. Avcncntcménrc, comely, futably. AvencYolnume ,tdun. Avcngachc, adv. Albeit that. Avengadio-chè, idem. Avénga-ciò,a dvJdem. alfojet that happen. Avéngaqirclchc fi vòglia, happen what will. Aveniménto, an advent, a coming unto, al¬ fo a. thing that may chance or come to paffe, an accident. Avenire , to come unto , alfo to happen , to chance or to come to paffe, alfo to meet with, or light upon. Avcniticcio, a forrainer, a firanger , one that hath no felled place of abode , but is going and coming, alfo chancing, hapning, or thit happens and comes to paffe. Aventarc, Avventate ,to wind ,to fill and puff with wind , alfo to fling , to burle, to throw or dart-at with violence, alfo to fea\e upon with greediiteffe, alfo to fouyc down with fury, as a haw^e upon (ome fowle. Avon- ^ AVE AVI A V L Aventata, a violai!: flinging ling or darting. * A'vtntàto, the participle of A ventare, alfa indie-, pnjj cdyftill ofrvmd, by Met : a/fo hccdleffe, without confidar allori, full of windic,or ielle mordi. * Aventatório ,that may be flung , hurled and darted. * Avente, having, that hath. * À ventina, Aventinefe ? a fumarne given to Diana of the hill Avenùne. Aventnio, as Avenitlccio. * Aventitii bini , goods that come by chance. Avénto, a coming or a paffage, but now it is ufed only for the Advent fcajl of the Church. Aventóre , a comer or a frequenter to a place, a chapman , a cufiomtr, one that buyes ever in a place. Aventura , Avcnturànza , adventure, chance, bap, fortune, luci?, hazard, A ventili are, to adventure. j Aventurataménte , Ave nturo fain ènte , j adv. adventuroufly, alfo fortunately. Aventurato, Avcnturófo, adventurous,d- I fo fortunale. I * A venture vole, to be adventured. A venture volmcnte, adventuroufly^ ■1 Aventuticrc, Aventuracio , an adven- j tnrer. Avénza ,allone hath,a mans wealth or free¬ hold. * Avei’abilc, that may be averred. * Aver jbilm ènte, adv. averringly. * A ve rame mo, any averring. A vera'- e, to avene, 10 veri fie. Avcrbiale, advcrbiall. Avc'bialméme, adv. adverbially. A vei bio, an Adverb. * A-vét bo, a-verbo, adv. word by word. A vére, as Havérc, &c. Avcrénza, an averring. A ve ré vole, that may be averred. * A-verga, a-vérga * ad v.yard by yard. A-verghe, adv. with or by rods , alfo barrii or bar ried in arnione. Averi ficatc, Averi tare, to veri fie. I * AVentcvole^ verifiable. ' A Vernare, to winter. [ AV-roilla , a profefior of Aver rocs, a Pbilo- ' foj/ber, ani an Afirolnger both. A Vena,// may, or Jij.tU happen. AVerfare, to adverfe j, to oppofe. A vei fario, an ad ver fane, a note-bool?. * Avcrfamcnre, unhappily or crofly, * Ave< fa trice, an oppofercjfe. Averfatióne, contrariety. Avcrfatifilmo, mo fi croffc and adv:rfe 0 Averfativamcnte, adv- adverfiy. Averterà* as veifìéra. Avcrfiónc, an averfion, an averting. A vet fad, adverfity, contrariety. AveiTo, adverfe, contrarie , appo fit, alfo ac¬ cording to byafie , courflc , wooll , or gratae. Avertali , let it be heeded , let heed be tafin. Avertente ^warily-heedy^ alfo adverting or wanting. Avertenti, heed, advifednefi ? j alfo adver- tifement. Avertimcnto, an advertifment. Avciti e, A vèrtere, to advertife, to vParn , alfo to heed , to note , to tool? heedily unto. * Avcrtitamcnte , adv. warily , hecd- fully. Ave tiro, warned, advertifed. j Avèrto, as Apèrto. I Avertuta* as Apertura. ! A-vettura, adv. at liveri A j * Avetouagliare, to viòla all. ! Avczz imeneo, an accn[toming unto'. furious bur- I Avczzare, to accuflorae unto. Avezzàto, accufiomcd unto. * A ve zzcvole, that may be enured unto. Ave/ zo, accuflomed unto. 'Auge , the highest point of any Via- net. Augei, all manner of birds. ' Augcllare, as uccellare, Augei latóre, .«uccellatóre. Au.gelluccio, as uccellacele. Augèllo, as uccello. Augg ài e, as uggiate, AuJgiolo, as Adduggiofo. riunita, a blu : Turques-flo/ie. * Augi ya, a find of circlet or wreath in Ar chit còl are , called an Ogive. Augumcntare, to augment. Augumcntationc, Auguménto j any aug¬ mentation,or c nereafe. Augurale, of , or belonging to foothfaying or auguring , alfo that,by which a thing may be gueffed , alfo the ornaments or habits of a foothfayer. Augurare, Auguriate, to augurate , to di¬ vine, to footh faye, to forc-tuefje. Augurio, Auguiaménro, Auguratane, an auguration , a divination , a footh- fà l ”& d prediction, a foregueffi/tg,.i forc- ■ figfc of fom-good, or ill hap. Auguro, Augure, Auguratóre, an augure, a foothfayer, afor?guefier, a foreteller , a j diviner of good or bad fucceffc,by the fecd- l ng,noife , or chirping, & (luttring,or birds or poni trie. J * Auguf.lla , a l?ind of round fmall fifh, with a little head , and a long beal?e or muyfic, having no [cale , fonie tabe it for the Needle-fifh. X 1 Auguita , the chiefs fi l?ind of Eagle that Augurale, of, or belonging tq AuguHiiS or to an Empeyour, alfo an Emperours , or Kings, Court, or Palace , alfo an Empe¬ rours , or Kings, chief Pavillion in a Camp. * AuguOino > an ancient coyne of gold a- mong the firfi Emperours. Augùfto, Imperi ill, Koyall,M.i]cfiicall,Vto. he,S acred.. Sanctified, fill of Mi jelly, worfijip, regard and magnificence. Awe- moving, alfo the A tgufius Laureti. Aviaménco, Aviacióne , as Inriamén- to. Aviarc, as Inviate 5 to bring into cuflomc a houfe, or fhop. J Avic^ndico rimedio, a mutuali remedy. A-v.c nda , A-viccndevolmcnte , adv. mutually, by turns, facce five ly , now one, and then another. A vicenda re , to change or fuccecd by turns, alfo as Affaccendare. * A vicendevolmente, mutually. Av;cinanza, Avicinaménro, Avicinatio- nc, an approaching , cominz.or beinz near unto. b Avicinare, to approacb,to neighbour. * A vicina tiene, an approach. A vicine vole, approachable. AVictila Dei, a bird that hath no feet , fame tai?cit to be the Paradifc-bird, or 6ods bird, as Manucodiata. Avidamente, adv. mofigreedily. Avidità, greedineffe. 'Avido, greedy, covetous. Avifero, bird-bearing. A vignare, to plant, or grow to a vine. A vignato, a place full of vines „ Avigoi are, as vigoràre. * Avilàto, vilified. A-vilc, adv. inf com, in contempt. * Avilimcnro,out as. a vine or I vie doth about any th„c,b,Met ; tv griffe, toimbme or cling clofe unto. tVvm.o, twined, griSfed, bemd or clinccd about as [vie doth a tree. Avig: c, ta arili fo, to idvcrtij., to Ufo, mo, alfo to hoed, to view, to foe orbo miri: of , Ufo to f uopo fo or ta imagine , alfo to meet, to come or to bring face to fico, affo to talfc am:, alfo to mat,, ones felfread , far any aòl on. . J J •AViCdU . any fueUain ndvife , news ftgbt, iL feoverte or encounter, alfo a con¬ fronting , or enterjhaefino together to fight minto mm, or face to face. ■ Avifitamcntc, adv. advifedly. Avi latóre, an advifer, an advertifer Mwmpnfittadvifir , or elicerne,- Avrfatu-a a lootg or ca/t of the face. Awranunto, anyidvertifmtm, or adv:fc,cjle:m,dc(t£ne,opinion or comfeU, rea fon or difeourfe , alfo a confo-, tract or ingagmg in batte U. A-vjlo, adv. in view, over agiinfi. A-vi'fo .p'rto , A-viTo alzato, A vlfo manzi, .Vvifo fcop.'rto, adv. with an open and boldface , by Met : boldly , un- dauntcdly. A-vifoa-v.tb,adv. face to face , manto man. Avifo-. ff -e , to be of advife, or opinion, to feem to one. A-vifo inanzi, adv. I oozing foreward. A-vifla , adv. in fight or view of , at * P ght \ * A vi dato , of a goodly a fi eòi òr beauteous prefence , alluring others to behold * Avido, as Avcduco. A-vita, adv, during life, for life. A-vita è mòrte , adv. during life ani death. * 1 * A vite, adv. sl?rew-li)?e m Aviticchiàre, loot? A vince re ^ Av'to, Avita, that hath been beloved of our forefathers, or that is left unto us by them. * Avitovagliare,ro viòiuall. A-viva forza, adv. by main force. * Avivamento, Avivatióne , any quicl?ning or vivifying. Avivare, to quicken, to vivify , to give life unto. Avivatóio, a burnifhing toole. * Avizz.irc, Avizzire, as Appallare. 'Aula,# Kings Court or great Hall. * 'Aula fànta , the midd'e,or holiefiplace of Salomons Temple. * Aulèta, a piper, or player on a flute. ■ Aulca, a garment that the Brittans were wont to weave. Aulètica, any piping Mufil?e. Auleticónc, a hollow pipe or cane. ' Aulì, # findofjhell-fifh. 'Aulico, of, or belonging to the Cou-rt, alfo 1 Courtier,alfoaCourt-counfellor err afifiant H 3 Au- AVO Aulimcntarc, as Alimentare ,alfoto fent, or fmeli. Aulimcrjto , as Aliménto j tifo a fent , or [melt. Aumentare, to augment. Aumentatane, Aumentaménto, augmen¬ tation. Aumentativo , giving augmentation. Aumentatole, an augmented Aumcntcvole, augmentable. ' Aumento, any augmentation ; alfo a cer¬ tain difeafe in the eyes. .-‘Umiliare, to humble , to ma\e mee\. Aumiliatióne, humiliation. ‘ 'Auna, as Enula campana. Aunanza, an affcmbly of one by one. A-un hòtta,adv. at once, at a enfi. A-una pet ciafcuna, adv one by one. Aun.ii c, to affcmblc one by one. Auncinare , to hoo ^, to clajp , loo\ unci - no. A-un cólpo, adv. at one blow , at one Jtro^e. A-un gran pèzzo , a dv-by a great dealej or while. A-uno a lino, adv. one by one. A-uno per uno, adv- one to one. A-un patto , adv- at one bearing , or birth. * A-un pezzo, adv. by much, or long. A-una portata, .« A-un parto , or, at one birth. A-un punto, adv. at one point , at once, at a {take. A-un forfo, adv- at one draught. i A-un tempo, adv. at one time. A-un tratto, adv. at a caft, at once. A-un volger d occhi, adv. in the twinging of an eye, in a moment. 'Avo, a grandfather, a grand fire. * Avocai c, to plead, or to play the Advocate or lawyer, alfo to invoke or call unto. Avoca ia, the profffion oflaw y or of an Ad¬ vocate -, alfo a. bane where lawyers plead. ’ Avocatióne , Avocamcnto , pleading, advocating , alfo an Ad vow fun of feme Church-living. Avocato, an Advocate, a pleader , a lawyer ; alfo plead . 4 . ' or called unto. * Avocato fi caie , .1 Kings, or Trincea At¬ tornio ,or Sodicitor-gentralL Avocatórc, Avogadórc , an Advocate , pleader. A vociti ice-, a Jb e Advocate. A-vóce alta, adv. loudly , with a loud voice. Avocheri a, as Avocarla. Avocolàrc, to b'.rnd, to deprive of fight. Avócolo, blind, figbtlrffc. Avogadare, as Avocare- * A-vóga battuta, with an even fl,o\c. * A -vóga rancata, - furious manrur,difor- derly, raflj'y , head-long , alfo one and all, tts a crew of Marrincrs. A-vóglia, at will and pleafure. 'Avola, a grandmother , a gr andarne. A vòlgere , Avèllere , to en volve or rowle up, to wind up as a hot tome , alfo to toffe , to turn, or tumble over and over , to wind as a river , alfo to ramble about -, alfo to ahufc one , or lead him by the nofe. Avolgiménto, Avoltura , ani envoi ving or routing up, a turning or tojjing over and over. A volgerli, /or a man to turn or wind him- felf up and down uncertainly, by Met : a man fo to entangle himfelf in troubles , as he cannot find the way out , as A voltac¬ eli a re. * Avolgitóre, an envolver, or a cheat. 'Avolo, a grandfather, a grand fire. A-volontà, adv. at the will and pleafure of. A U R I A-vólo, adv. {lying, by flight. Avólio, Yvoric,Elephants tooth. Avolontare , to enwill , to malgt, or become willing and voluntary. Ayolontatamcntc, adv. voluntarily. * Avolontato, cnwillcd, made willing. ' Avolpacchiàre, A volpare , Avolpinare, Avo]pire , Ayolponaie , lo enfox , to bccum: a fox , to pity the crafty fox , by Met : to cooperi or deceive with wylcs and craft- ' ‘ A volpinato, crafty, drawn in. A-vólta,adv. vaulted wife,or arched. ‘ Avoltacchiarc, A voltare , Avolticchla- rc$ A voltoli' c , Avoltorarc , as A vol¬ gere, alfo to wallow or welter , to toffe , iui n, or tumble in , up and down, or over and ovtr,alfo to overt urn,or overwhelmc, alfo to range , or wander up and down. A-volta per vòlta , adv tun: by Urn:, turn by turn. A-vòlta rótta, adv. in rout, di [orderly. AvoItanvojMr of the eight find's of warms breeding i.i .1 horfe. * A-vòlte, adv. at tunes, by turncs. A volterare, .is Adulterare- * Avolteratórc , Avólccro , as Adulte¬ ro. * Avolcério , Avoltcria , as Adulte¬ rio. * Avolterino, as Adulterino. A volicchiare, as Avoltacchiare.- Avòlto, envolved, folded or routed up , alfo turned , tofjed , wallowed Or weftred over and over , alfo entangled or wrapped in. A voltolo,Avoltóre, a vulture, a Gripe,alfo a Geire, or Gdre fiullfon. Avoltolare, as Avoltacchiarc. * A-voltolòne, adv. in routing manner. Avoltrare, to devoure as a vu'ture. Avolcratòre, a greedy devourcr. * A voltura, rtf A volgiménto. Avòrio, yvorie, Elephants tooth. * Avorniello , Avórnio , a find of A[h- trec or other jhrub, whereof no Bees vaili tafle. Avofcrta, Avofécta , afowlc tif a Stor If, white in colour Jiaving a long bill bending up. Avorire, Avotire, as Votare. A-vóio, adv. void, in vain , alfo at the re- queft orfute of fomebodie. * ’ : ura ,the fweet morning breath,the gentle- breathing aire , atjo a plea fan t gale of wind. 'Aura popolari, the popular breath , the vulgar applaufe. Au.aco,gtittcr:ng .is gold, golden. Aurat e , to gild, or d.c^ with gold. * Aurata, the Wrc-fijh, or as fume fay, the gilt-bead. Aurato, gilded, gilt. Aurea, Aurèola , a golden coronet, or circlet, fuel) as D:ifs and Earles wcare. Aurcggiintc, gliftering as gold. Au cggiare, to [bine as gold. * Aurelia, motbweed , golden weed , cud¬ weed, golden-fiechado,or flower-armour , alfo an ancient com coyned by Auria A- l.irip.tro Duf of Venice, it the winning of the Cittie Aire , alfo the winglct of .1 But¬ te r-flye. Aurelio, golden, glittering as gold. 'Aureo, golden, of a golden hewe. 'Aureo d‘Allctlandro , a certain antidote again fi poi fon or infection. T Aurèola , a find of crown fo called by an¬ cient divines, that is tò fay, certain par¬ ticular rewards , which , befldes eternali life and blefjsdnejje, arc given to Martyrs, Doctors, and Virgins. Aurcolare, to crown with a golden ctrronet, loo ^ Aureola. A u T * Aurctta , a frejh, or gentle gale of wind,or arre. Auricalco ,tbc met all Called latte* , alfo a Jbritl bra\en trumpet. Auricolare, auricular, belongmgtothe care, alfo the finger next to the little finger,'ooi^ v.na. ' Auricole , two fm ill appendane esgrowing l:f tittle cars to the feat of the heart, called the Auricles. Auctcome^gold-lif:, at yellow as gold, alfo go'dic-lociys. Aurifero, gold-bringing, or be or in*. ; Auriflamma , .1 Tnv.ccs chief*Standard waving U the field , alfo the golden flower. Aurifrigiof, a fad of bird. Auriga, .1 waggoner, a cnachm ui. Aurina, .if urina, becaufe it is yellow. Au.ino, of, or li f- gold, golden. Au. ipigmcnto, orpin: : -it. Auripoccnte, gold puiflant. Aurfrc, as Aprire, to open. Auiifpicina, as Arufpicina. Aui ufpic’o, as Arufpicio. Aurifp’co, as Arufpico. ‘ Aurizzarc, to If ten, :o hearken. ' Auro, gold, alfo the Go'd-flowrr. Auròra, the Mont:, or dawn of day. Aurófo, lue fy fortunate. Ausante, daring, enteragious. Ausanza, daringnefle, hardinefle. A-ufanza, adv- after the aftmz. Aufare, to dare, to be bardic. * A-ufarc, to enure, to accuflome. A-tifcio, a-ufeio, adv. from dorè to dorè. * A-ufeio Tpalancito, adv. with dons, or gates wide-open . A ufi li ire, auxiliary, helpful!. * Aufi li ari foldati, ay drag, auxiliary , help¬ ing or relieving fuuldiers. Ausilio, hi'p, fuccour, ayde. Aufiliófo, helpful!, relieving . 'Aufb, daring,that dareth. A-ùCo,ìdv.after the ufc,or wont, alfo at ufance , as mar chants fay for their bills. Aufon'o, ufed for an Italian. Aufpicire, profperoufly to prefige , to begin to confult by way of divination , to'be¬ gin anentreprife with hope of good fu: - ce 0f r Aufpicato , pr offer nut, luckily » prefacing fome good fuccejje. Aufpice, a lue f guide, a dieeftffr, a footh- fiyer 7 a diviner, bv M.t : he that gives a woman to the Priefl to be married. * Aufpicio, Aufpicamcnro, Aufpicatiònc, a projperous prefage, a lue f fore-figne , .1 fortunate divination or direction, alfo the , conduct, the direction , or the government of a Chief, of a Prince, or of a Generali, by Met ; the coupling of a man and a wo¬ man when they arc cither contra fled, af¬ fianced, or married. Aufpiro, on: that bath power and authority to dijpofc things. * Aiiftc , certain animals laid hold on for facnfices. Aufterita, authority , harfhnefje , feverity, fternnefle, furlineffe. Auftèro, auflere, barfh, fevers, ftern,f urite, rigorous. Auftralc, Southerly, Southern. Auftrmo, of, or coming from the South. Auft ita, as Atramctica. AÙQ. O, the South-parr, or wind. * Autenticale, autenticali ,law full , ap¬ proved, authorised. Autenticare , to malge authenticaU. Alito, as Haviico, had. Autonnalc, as Autunnale. Autunno, Autumne, the fall of the leaf. * Autorarc,Autoriare, Autorizzare, ro give authority, or free will,to allow by authority _ 1 Au. A Z Z BAC BAG Autóre , an author , a. doer , a beginner , a writer of boo , a founder or firJt dc- vifer- Autorevole, full of authority. Autorità, authority , freewill, [way 3 or power to do, or fay. * Autoritativoj/W/ of authority. Autrice}*! fhe-author$ or doer. * Autro, hath been ufed for 'Altro. Autropiro, leaven-bread,as it were down¬ right made. Ammanale, belonging to Autumnt. Autunno 3 Antumne , the fall of the leaf. * Autunno per la bócca , Primavera per Pócchio, pro : the fall for the mouth, the faring for the eye. * Avulfo, as Avólfo, of A vòlgere. Avunculo , an unirle , ones fathers,or mo¬ ther S' brother. Auzzarc, as Aguzzare. Axino, a wild bttfl.fi 3 winch fonte taty fer the Si vct-cat. Axi nomante , a diviner by hatchets. Axinomant z, divination by hatchets» Azaireth, a tynd of Phifick-piUs. A-zara, at hazard , look ara. Azarél , Azazélla , a vanijhitig or Scape¬ goat, Leviticus 1 6 . 8 . * A-za r i 3 chances at dice 3 called ha¬ zards. Azcróle, a tynd of dainty pears- Azimxnthi , great circles meeting in the zenith point, and pajjing through all the degrees of the Horizon. 'Azimo, unleavened bread. Azimuccio, as Asmàtico. 'Azio, the Dog-fijh,or of that tynd. * Azióne, a deed or operation. Azompcrio ,fway, authority, or empirie by way of fcom and dcrifion. * Azónzo , to wander here and there, as. wafps or gnats. Azizzare, as Affettare. A zumare, to dye blue or attire. Azurr;ccio,Azurrfgno,Azurrmo,Wewy&, aycrifij, sty-coloured. Azurro, Azzurro , blue, ayire, wxtehet, sty-colour. Azurrófo,/ - /;// of assure or blue. 'Azza, ar' Accia. Azzal?, Azzalino, as Acialc, &e. Azzampato , griped or caught with pawes. * Azzannato, geared, hurl , bored, bitten , or caught with tusty. Azzivtttàre, ^'Acciarpare- * Azzémia, as Azzi mino. Azzé via, a flat fifhlity a Sole. . * Azziz\ménti,Àzzic.uurejAzzicchctti, fon.l wriggliitgs , wanton friglings , log¬ gings or Itirnngs , alfo as Allettaménti, or Aizzaménti. Amicare , Azziccòrc, wantonly to move , tofiirre , to dallie, to wriggle , to frig., or to jog up and down , alfo us Aizza¬ re. * Azzicatóre,(t JBrrer, or dallier. Azziniare , to digbt or adorne -, to deck or trim-up with quaint devifes. * Azzimato , gaifhly trim’d up, fprucely adorned, quaintly fee forth: Azzimélla , palla di Azzime Ila, unlea¬ vened caty. 'Azzimi, a tyndof Marchpane fluff * 'Azzimo, unleavened bread. Azzimino, Azimino, a tynd of fine and bluifh damastyn-work ufed in Pcrfia and Turkic upon blades , f cimitaries. and cor- fclets. A zzi róne, a tynd of mattock or pictyaxe. * Azzollare, to clod together as earth doth, to turf or grow to turfs, by Met : to bang cr rib-bafic foundly. Azzoppare, Azzopegirc 3 ] W halt or gos lame lity a cripple. Atzuffare, to fight, to fhoc \, to coape , to bictyr, to gr a pie andgoc together by the cares . ùzzufFitócc ,atallm.tn of his hands j a Infiy fighter, or bravo. Azzurrino, at Azuriccio. Azzurro, as Azurro, ayire-blue. BAC Xn ms Spitynard. Baccàlio , a tynd of laureti wherewith Bac- . chuc was crowned. Baccaro, a Bacebns-prieft, by Met: druntyn, tipy c, foxt , cup-fho.icn. laccatóre-, a common drunkard , a dayly quaffer. J * Baccccole, ers Bagatelle. * Bacceleria, as Baecaieria. Baccellière, as Baccalare. * Baccèllo, Baccio, as Bacéllo. * Baccellóne, as Gocciolóne. Bacccrélli , filtyworms, that are ready lo [pinne. Bacche-, all manner of berries , namely of bayes, or lumper . Bacchca, Baccanata, a merric drintyng , a quaffing- fa fi. Baccèlle, is Bacche, alfo the tyrnells in any fruir» Bacchétta , any tynd of wand, fiic{ , or fwitch,but property a riding rod or [witch, alfo an Officers , and Magi fir at s fi aff, rod or verge of his office , as the Lord Tr e ti¬ fi/ cr, the Lord chamberlain or Comptrol¬ ler and Steward of a Kings boufe car- rieth in his hands as a badge of his o ffice by Met : a gunners lint-(toe £ or fcowring Jt'tyk ’ a drum (lick , look Comnian- darc. * Bacchétta da vino, a tavern buflj. Bacchettare , to [witch or beat with a Bac¬ chétta. * Bacchettata , a [witch or blow with a Bac¬ chétta. Bacchi, [pinning f il k-woms. Bacchiare óffò, the arm-bone. Bacchiare, Bacchionarc , as Batacchiare. Bacchica, a tynd of Ivic. Bacchiata , Bacchionata, as Batacchiata. Bacchiane, as Gocciolóne- Bacchio, Bacchiónc, as Bacchio, as Ba¬ tacchio, alfo afoot of a verfe , of one fyU lable Jhort and two lonr. * Bòcci, as Lombrici. Bacciare, as Avacciàre. Bnccilé cto, a little bafon , alfa a kind of little basket. 1 1 Baccio , as Vaccio , adv. quictyy, Jpeedily , out of hand. * Bacco, Baccko, as much to fay, a Mafier of heavenly my ferie s, a Devi fer of fome new religion, an Inventor of things rie - cefi arie for mans life , as chiefly bread and wine , and him the Poets fain to be the God of wine , alfo a (pinning filty wom , alfo a great Cod-fi(h, by Met : one given to tippling of wine , a fw'aggring drunkard. * Baccolare, to totter, to fwinge , to [wag , or heave up and down, alfo to ride as children doe upon both ends of a mafl-polc or long timbers end, lifting one another up and down, by Met : to play at titter-totter, gigg-ajoggic. Bòccole, as Bacche, ««Bagatelle. Bacellarc, to cod beanes or pcafon , alfo to fhale or unhusty Bacelleria, as Baccaleria. Bacellércj as Bacalalo. Bacéllo, any cod , husk » or fl } l ' c s namely of beanes or peafon , by Met : a fimple gu'U, a Jhallowpate, alfo a dill-doe , or pilUc- cock- Bacelófo, coddle, full of cods. " Baccllóne, a great cod. Bachiate , Bacchio , vide Batcòe- chio. Bachéa, a pratling woman, that loves a cup of wine. Bae- BAD Bacchilóne , foohfh, void of under ft and- ing. Bacehcrnóli , Bachi, drones, humming- bees, ufed alfo for ad manner of vermine, namely fil^-rvorms, orpl^-cods ,ufed alfo for gl oc -worms. Bachcrame, the fluff Bucher am. Bacheca, agoldfmiths cafe with glaffe , in vrhich he expofes his chicfeft commodi¬ ties, by M-t : a man that is nothing, but fhow and mil (id:. Bada-frónte , a ifle-brow , alfo a tyjfe gi¬ ven on the forehead. Bacia-mano, a J?ifje of the hand. Bacia-pii di, a h ! ffc-foot. • Baciare, to hjffe, to uuffe. Baciato, Ifiji.' Bacio, trouble , car\e and care in canvaflng for any thing. Bac'cate, to labour or toile up and down and canvafe for any thing, alfoto fumble, alfo to haunt any where. Baciano , that is ftuated , fet, placed , or that loo\eth toward the North or l ''cfl. Bacile, Baci no ,any little batpn, or f.at-diflj, alfo a Timbrell. Baci Ila, the hearb S amplere. * Bacinelle», Bacinétto, any little btffn, or flat-difh , by Met : a jteelc-cap, a skull¬ cap, a celate or plainc bead-pictc, alfo the b arb Croe-foot,Gold-crad,butter-fovxcr, Nyng-sob, or yellow-craw. ' Bacino , a bafen, alfo cafh\cepers tnony difh. Bacio, Bacióre , fome have ufed it for any part of a hill or other place , f*- pofed and open to the North , where the Sunne cometh leaf > alfo a \i(fc or a buffe. Baciozzo, Baciucchio , a fmac\:ng \iffe, alfo the name, of a good hearb. * Baciucchiare , Bacioz7.are , to {iffe fmacfmgly and frequently. Baco, a ft li? -worm, alfo a boa-peepc^or vain bug-bearc. Baco-baco, adv. bo.i-pccpe. Baròcche, .«Bacche. Bacolo,BacuIo, any hind of bat, batton,flaff or cudged. Bicolo Aftronómico , an Aflronomers M' Bacolodi Giacobbe, it Iacobs-flaff. Bacolo menforio, a meafuring-flaff. Bacucco, a manger, an oxe falle , or a thing lihe a hood to turn over ones face , to hin¬ der one from speaking , ufd to priso¬ ners. * BaccQcca'e, to boodwinh'iOr diftinguifj a body. Bada, delay, lingring , tarriancc, flay or Ioffe of time. Tenére a bada ,.to h cc P ln fufpencc, to hold-of with dclayesfooh Ab- bada. Badagliare, BadilarC , Badalonare , to yawne wide as one that is flcepy, by Met : to loiter the time t orgoe idly gaping and gayng up and down. * Badatilo , Badalóne , Badalóne , Ba¬ darlo , bndérlo, Badc-lóne, a feepy y owner , bv Met : a layte , flumbring, flotbfull, lóitring fellow , ahthcrdown , a logger-bead. Badilifchio, as Bafilcfchio. Badaluccare, ’.ooh badalucco, ufed alfo for Badigliàrc, or Baloccare. * Badaluccarli, to loiter. * Badalucca, was anciently ufed for a Hoo- boob, an alarum , a fuddain cry or uprore given or tahen in time of wane to ama^e the enemy , as alfo a fuddain sfirmifh or fight following an allarum or hoo-bub , Villani , doth ufe it in both their fenfes , fame have alfo ufed it for a Ifmd of war- BAG h he engine , it is now ufed foriate de¬ light, wanton dalliance , or idle gxyng up and down to beguile the time. Badare, to fay , to tarry , to abide, to attend , to linger , or dallic the time, alfo as Bada¬ gli arc, alfo to hope, err afpirc un'o. * Badcggiatóre, a confant wotr, an earnejl perflfler in his fute , one that will endure any pains ana. fuffer long to obtain bis purpofe. * Badérla , Badarla, an idle-ga\ing wo¬ rn an, a loo fe-time gofflpper , and idle-gad¬ ding woman. Badérlo, Badarlo, as Badaglio. Badcffa, an Abbcffc, a Prioreffc, a Indi: of fome Abbic-. Badefl'ilc , li{ e untB > aI f° * E *yfor fbips to rid; at anchor in , alfo a little bashet of oxyers faftned to the tnu\els of mules , or affes with hay, or provandcr therein , that they may eat a* they travell. Baiaccia, as Fagiolata. Baiana, any light cod , or hush- Baianrc, looh Da bai ante a Ferrante. Baiarda , a commm-shold , a loud-prating woman. Baiare , to boy , to bxr\ or ball lihe a dog, alfo toyawne or gape with a wide mouth* alfo to moth , to flout , or jeft at one , by Met : to trifle the time away. Baiaréllc , Baiéllc , fmxll trifles , little toyes. Baiata , a bxying , a baring, a balling or yelling of a dog , alfo a yawning or wide gaping, a’fo an idle tri fling or toying , alfo a flouting or mocking. * Baiatórc, a barher, a bayer, a bailer. Bnicolo, a flfb called a B.ifj'e. * Baicrano, a certain feafl of divers holy dayes together among the Turhs , in a manner anfwering Eafter among Chri- flians. Baictta, as Baierélla , alfo the fluff Bayes, Cotton or Peniflone for linings. Baigui, an hearb the I nice whereof being cafl into a river maheth filhesfo drun\en, that as dead they ftote upon the water , Come fay that vcibafco will do it. Baila, a fhec-nurcc , afofler-mothcr. Bailaggio, Bailivato, as Baliaggio. Baile, ufed for Badile, Ballo, * he-nurce, x fofler-fxther , alfo a tutor, a guardian , an overfeer , al¬ fo a Bailiff' , alfo an Agent , namely he whom the Venetians entertain at Conftan- tmople. Baio, the baye-collour of a borfe. Baio-caftaeno, * chefnut-baye. Baio-dorato, a bright-baye. Baio-ferrante, a brown-baye. Baio-fcuro, a darh~baye. Baloccare, ro clac\i toclic\, *r fnapwitb ones fingers ends, as Caaark-daners and fome barbers doe. Baciò- B A L B A L B A L Baiòcco, a kjn-d affinali copi , whereof ten at Room; make a giiilio, which is little above a fix pence , alfa a clack, aclic\ or fnaf with ones fingers-ends. Baiolarc , Baiulàrc , to play the por¬ ter. Baiolo, Bjiulo, a burden-bearer. Baionàccio, Baione, a notable gull,an egre¬ gious manic. Baiucchc, as l’abbo’c. Baiadère, as Balladóre. Balaguftri, little m nble pillars. Balalitchio, as Baifilifco. Balamino, Oyle of hen. Baiamite, a filone of di vers colours. Balancia, Bilanciare, as Bilanc'C- Bilancine , two finali cords about the fprit-fail of a (pip, called the lifts. Baiane? long, bulbs flicking unto roots , affo a kind of Che [nuts. Balano, a kjnd. of (hcll-fifh , alfo a Wild Date. Balantc , bleating , alfo panting, gaffing , gaping , yawning. Baiare, to bleat as a fleefi, alfo to gaffe, to gape 3 to yawn. Balanna, a wag-taile. Balàfcio, Bai affo, a precious flone. Baiati o, a prat ling rafcall,a railing jefier, alfo agreafie flovcn. Baiatroni,c/odr of earth t or daflhigs of duct fiklfngto ones clothes. Balauflino, a kind of marble-colour. Bal&Ufto , Bai aulirò , the pome-granate- flower. Balaultrare , to fet about or adorne with columns of marble. Balauftrata, an open gallerie fet with pillars .of marble, or otherwife raylecl in, Balbuij as Carpina. * Bai begs i arc , Balbettare, Balbetticàre, Balbezzàre , Balbettare, Balbutire, Balbu z zare , to flanimer, to flutter, or muffle in-fp 3 cch , alfo tblifp and not pro¬ nounce the letter R. * Baiba zza , Balbottamcnto , Balbutì- muitojBalbuzziménto, a fiamme ring, a fluttering, a waffling. * Balbine, a bulbous red- root , called, in La- ■ fùzBulbium. Balbo, a fluttercr, a fl ammeter,alfo a lifper , one that is tongue-tied 3 alfo a ba;blc- fifh- * Ballottare, as Balbeggiàré. Ballwttcvole, as Balbutiénte. * Balbuzzare, /oo^Balbeggiaré. * Balcarc, to back-byte, toovergoe. Baldi i, monies in the rogues language. Balco, an out-jutting corner of a houfe , alfo as Balcóne, or as Palco. Balconate, any windowing, alfo the Tories of a flip. Balconato, windowed. Balcón", an offer of come , and that fills it by rc- tailc. Baldo, Bald&rófo , as Baldanzófo , bold, confident. Baldoria ,any fuddain flafh or flame ,. that foon paffctb away , a great blapc , a bòne - fire , afcu-dc joy with clapping of hands, flouting , and fignes of fuddain gl fi¬ ne (fie. Baldofa , a kjnd of croud or counlric fiddle, alfo a generali dancing under a May-pole when many countric-pcople meet together from divers places. Baldracca, Balduiana, a common f'trumpet , a flamekffe-whoore , alfo Baldcràc- ca. ‘ Balduirc, ifeo, ito, as Balbsggiare. Balduitd, as Balbèzzi. Baléna, a great whale -fi fl. Balenati, little or young whales. Balenièra , a /find of light pinnace Balenare, to lighten, to flafh, alfo to glim¬ mer, to twinkle , to ghmps ; alfo to [nove and fine in buffe, as lightning d'oeth , by Met : to ftammer and flutter, alfo to recle and (tagger in going. 4 Baléno, any fuddain lightning or flafljiirg in the ayre , any twinkling or glimos, In un baléno , in the twinkling*of an eye. 4 Baléftra , any kind of croffe-bow , floue- bow , [tOcif-bow, or tiller-bow;alfo as Ba- Hfta. Bale tirare , to float , or to hit with a croffe- bow 3 to burle or throw any thing : alfo 10 vex or be angry. * Balcftraio, Baletlraro, Baleflrar6rc,Ba- Jeftricrc, a Croflc-bow maker , alfo a fhooter in any croffe-bow m Balefh ata, a hit , a hurt , a blow , or a foot with a croffe-bow. Baleflriéra , a fp'kc-hole , a loop-hole in a wall , or a portc-hole in a flip to float out at. Baleftrina, the dim : o/Baleftra , alfo a certain mathematical! infirummt that Pi¬ lots ufe. Baléffro, rts Balcflra. J 3 alcflrùcci, a kind of Martinets. ^Balère, a kind of wild fair tree growing on rocks in India. * Bali, as Bailo , alfo a Bailiff , alfo an hearb of great vert 112 to coinfort the de¬ cayed flints. Bali aggio, Baliatico, a Bayliewikc , alfo the wages or reward of a nurfe. Ballato, the office, the autlority , the jurif- 'dittion, or time of command of a Bailiff'. Bailee, the hearb B.ili,alfo a Cloak-bag, or a male. BaÙna, the hearb Bali. Bàlio, a he-mtrfe , a foffer-father] 4 Bzli2,afleé wet-napfe. 4 Baliófo i futi of power, that hath power & command , alfo flrong in bodily firengtb. , 3 *//<*, aliai ino, Ballatóre, a dancer, alfe che 0vi y dope , or umr-dech uf a >/'• . ' Balla-gatta, a find of fiat-forte. Ballanzuóla, a fnd of fuwhng-nct. Ballare, to dance , lo bopp. Ballàri,.a kind of round Colìfcs. Ballariuo, a dancer, a teacher to dance. ‘ Ballata, vàie Poesia ò canzóne , che fi cónca ballando, ballade, a ,if,a round- delay. 1 ~ 4 BaUatélla, Ballai ina , a little iig , or Song. ■ Ballatóio, Balladórc,Ba!latórc,.-r«)' broad, or fiat place j carrate, floor , alile , walk-, or flat foot -pace, by M:t : the upper-deck > or 0 vcrlope of a flip. Ballatóre, a dancer , a teacher to dance. Ba llatricc, afl;-danccr. BdUe-hmtàt'e, Griffe-barre-fhuì. 4 Balleria, all manner of dancing. Balla ino, Bnllarino, alfo he that leads, or gives the bride to her husband. 4 Ball 'ftra, as Balcih a. Ballétto , a dance, a ballet, but now u/edl for a Maskp. B alliéro, a tennice -balle ma\er. { 4 Baliigic , the jaws , òr jaW-bines if\ yjh-s- [ ; Ballo, aim k :/ ‘d of bait, or dancing. 4 Ballo d’acqua, rf kjnd of Moo re-hen. 4 Ballo dèlia bótte , a kind of Cbriflmaffe game full of hopping. * Ballo falteréccio, a hopping, a leaping, or a skipping dance. 4 BaUoccàggine, Bàlloccaménto ,Baioc- caggine, idle droning , or loitering away of tb; lime with trifling i gafng fi or ga¬ ping about. 4 B allocchire. Baloccare , valetrattenérfi abbada, to gape , to gape or lui ter about idly, as they fay in Englifh, to feck for ga¬ ping fed. J J S Balloccióri, hot rafted cbefnuts. Ballocco, Balòcco, one that loitercth about, and feeketh for an half pennic worth of gaping feed, alfo as Badalóne. Gallonare, BalIonierc, or foft cot¬ ton, alfo cafe, or daintinefje. Bambacc Ilo , ùnti rub, (leek,and colour their faces with. * Bambacina, Bambagina , Bambagino , Bambagiuóla , Bambasina , any borr.ba- fli-flujf, or cloath. Ba mbagiófo, foft to fcel,or nappic^x cotton is. Bambagióna, a foft , a pim-chcc\ , afat and dainty woman. Bambaro, a child fl wit. Bamberottolo, 1 little infant. Bambina, a babe, a babie. * Bambinaggine,Bambineria,Bamboleg¬ gi a minto, Bambolita, Bamboccria,';.:- oifh ' fc , chi 'diffm jjc ; any cbildifh a cl van. Bambine feo, babtfh, cbildifh. * Bambino, Bambòccio, Bimbo, Bambo- lino, Bambolo, Bambócciolo, any young babe, babie or infant , by Met : an old do¬ ta. d, or babifl gull. * Bambolo di póppa, a fui king b:ibc. Bambi 1 e, Bambinace,Bam bocci arc.Bam- boIcggiAre, Bambelinare , Barnbolirc, to play the babie , to dote as a child , to babe, to babie,a!ft) to ma{c the Sun dance with a looking giade. Bimbo, Bambolo, 00k Bambino. Bàmbola, an\- fli-bab;, babie • puppet, or in¬ fant , a’-fo the foyle or lead behind a /«£- ing-gliffe , alfo the cafe of a loofyng- gl-hl ■ ' ambolitade É lion. Bampa, vampi. Bampaie, as vampate. Bampó'o, as vani polo. Banca, any ben : h, banks form, fettle, or fit¬ ting-place, ufed alfo for a g reat f iandard , or chef belonging to a honfe. Banca-rótta , Banca-fallito , a baitkrout merchant , o/fc that hath broken his credit. BancAccia, any fi the, or b, of::i bench , or forme, affo a certain infirument to mount ordinance. . Bancali, bench c ■ r?:ts 3 (ioolt -carpe tsjeneb- cov. rlets, alft fining-places. Banchetta, the dim : «/Banca, i;: ferii fra¬ tto-’. ir is taken for a bank left at the foot of the wall and count erf carpe , to keep the earth from falling into the ditch. Banchettare 3 tobanquet, to fcajl. Banchetti ère, a banqueter, a fcafler. Banchétto,.* banquet,a fedfhalfo a cufhion- flool, bench or fettle. Banchière , a bencher, alfo a banker , or monie-lender , alfo a bench-cloth or carpet. Banchierótto , a ban {rout, one that hath broken his credit , alfo a mony changer. Banco, any hind of bench, banks forme, fet¬ tle, or fitting place, alfo a merchants , or bankers banks cafh , contoir , or counting honfe, alfo a bulk, or butchers flails alfo a kjndofSca-ffh. * Banco-fallito, a bankbrokcn,a merchants credit crackh alfo a game at cards, which is called itcb-buttock' Bancóni , the ftp : of Banco , but properly flail-planks before butchers flops , alfo great d.clfer-boards in great mens kit chins. Banda, any fide 3 flow, or coxfl, alfo a band, or teoup of men • alfo thorough , alfo as Benda. Bandire, to fide, or to handle. Bandeggiarc, to ban-dic , alfo as Bandi¬ re. * BandeggiAto, exiled, bamfl:. Bandcla , as Bandèlla , alfe the ring , or hammer at a dorè to k' lQC k w * r ^- BAN " * Bandelle, any by,or fide -corners in a b.mf. alfo all m.hm:r cfbuudcls , namely th is leva, or lead bracers , bin lers , c!.:;ps, or buckets that ma fons life to joyn m 'if: ten great flours in walls, alfo ft.iples of dorrs for the h.ages to tu, n upon-,alfo a bar , or bolt of ado, c. Banderaio, Bandcrilc, Bandcriro ^aba ;- nee, amnfignt, or a Ilaniard-bearer . * Bandcrdc , w.rs ancient!)’ tafn for a chief M.giftrxte in Rime, wh. rc of every ard had one, which ba.l ample power and au Clarity over Ifi aid death , a: l f rom who•/! wàs no appeal , every on: h.ui a banner of his office ca rried before him , they were jtrfl created to curb: theov. r- mfountprefimptio.i 9.' form: Popes, about the year of oar Lo; 1 11 6 c. but is now ufcl for a Rfn'.gbl ba me, et, the name came out of Gei marne . Banderuòla, liandcrillj, ,:«> l>.innerod>lti¬ tle fir tamer, cnfgpie or flag , n.un 7 v in flips, or in Chuiches ever combes , a'fo a fane, or vacali) r-corf. Bandièra,.»*; banner ,. :.ig-ic 3 f.in lard,flag, or ft-earner. Bandieraio, .uBanderiio. Bandleumi ,great (laniards , or f,earners, or {lags. Bendatone, Bandi 'memo, a prod.-.lining , nifo a bar.flm ut. "Bandmi c,to make a lea-b 1 :d,or tofiflcu the end cf any Secane offi'k, [breed, or yarne, by Met: to bring a bufm jje to a cer¬ tain end. BAndinc , the lea-band, or certain end of a s'kèane offitk, 0, line:.!. * Bandinèlla , .is Band.lie , .as BAndinc, alfo a little box or cabinet, but properI ;, a long hand towcll, or a Sewers arm: ur¬ ti well, ufed alfo fur an arm sfa f, and fa Rom. for counins rf bed, or coach. Bandi rc, difeo , dio, to cry a :d p.ib fl by proclamation, alfo tobanifl, or exile by law and proclamation. * Bandire di rórra c luògo , tobaniflf,cm home,place, and countrk. * Bandire hófle, to proclaims , or denounce * Bandita guerra, overt, open,or proclaimed wane. ’‘Banditi, fuel) as (land baniflid and live as out-Laws, and are fled for fome bai¬ no us offence , we may call them Fugitive rebels. * Bandito ,publi\ely proclaimed 3 ban:fled by p< oclamation. Tenére córte bardita, lo keep open honfe. Banditóre, Bar.dcggiatórc , a publi^pro¬ claimed a common-crycr , a publifler. Bando, a publike proclamation , an Act of Law pnblifled, alfo a baniflment. * Bando Imperiale , Altro non vuol dire , che dare licenzi ad ognuno di potére ammazzare chiunque ha cóntro lì facto bando, & Anco di tórgli i beni lenza pericolo di rènderne ragióne alaina, an imperiali baniflmint, outlaw rie , orpro- fenption publiflid and made by pubhke law and proclamation. 4 Bando la tolta, when a man is proclaimed tolofe , or forfè t his head. Bandolo, as BAndinc. Bandóni di fèrro , clouts , plants , or bands of iron about Cart-whcclcs. Bandoria, as Baldoria. Banerécto, as Banufféfe. 4 B Angue , a {ind of compnfition made chiefly of the juice of a plant m India,cal¬ led Banquc much like Hemp, and divers other precious ingredients , ufed by the Kngs of India to ma\e them mtcy and drunken , which (they fay) hath a fecect propriety to reprefent to the imagination fuch B A k BÀR bar fucb things as it moff loveth and defiretb', and to appropriate it pIf unto the affe¬ ction ani paffio/i of him , that takes the fame. Banrure, Bannito, as Bandire. Hanno, ifcd for Bando. Banzuóla, as Banchécta. Bào-bào, box -peepe, pcepingly. Baóccio, as Baiòcco. Bàpta, a fweet-fmeUing precious [tona. \ Bar , cl {incl of great weight in Òr- mxg Bara, a bear or coffin for a dead corps. * Bara cavallercccia, a horfè -litter. * Baracca, a poor out-houfe , or [hid made of boards, alfa a boot he. * Barachino ,a tynd of pot 3 pan 3 pip $4) pof- Jtet, or s fiffet. Baradra, as Rubctra, a Bunting. Barafrazarc, as Parafrazaic. Baragélla, a publike Market-place.: Baragóne, a great long taff ell hanging at the end of a Dottors hooa." Barare, as Barrare. Baratta, as Baruffa, Barattare, to truck > td chaffer ~ to bxrter 3 to mart , or to chop and change ware for ware, or one thing for anothe r , alfo to play the trucker and chaffer , alfo to bribe, or ufe indirect and unixwfull means for the obtaining of fome purpofc, alfo to keep, ' to medie with, to d'jpsrfe, or to fell things forbidden by law , toforfct,or doagaind law, alfo to fcattcr cenfttfedly, or putto rout, alfo to cheat,or cunni catch,namely at play, as f alfe game[ters doc. Baratteria , Barattamento , any bartering, truc\ing,chaff'ering,or chopping and chan¬ ging of one thing for another, alfo any cog¬ ging, faffing, or coining trick, alfo bri¬ bing, or fxlfc dealing in huggar tnuggar, or medling with things forbidden by law , alfo buying and feUang that for bribes, vijhich fboutd be done, òr given gratis, a- mong laye-mcn it is direCtly that which among Churchmen is called Symonie, indi¬ rect dealing ufed among Lawiers, alfo a confut'd fcattring , or putting to rout, alfo a dicing, or cheating-houfe, where men be cheated of their many. Barattiere, Barattatóre, a trucker , a chaf¬ fer cr,a bar terer, a chopper and changer of ware for ware, alfo a broker, afripper, a fxlfe dealer, a briber, a cheater^afoiffer, a cogger,xfagger,a barater t xCbribe-tafet, a corrupt confcience, loaf Baratterìa, alfo as Barro. Baratto , any truck-mart,chaffer,or bartering, look Barattare. Baràttolo , Barattolino , Barattóro , any kind of little box, or gallic-pot of filver , thine, lcad,or earth,name!y with a cover, ta putin ind keep musk , civet, or drugs , alfo a kind of ravenous Sea-foule. Barattolóneutoe fifth mood of the ffrft figure of Syllogifmes. Baratro,a»y k‘nd of horrid precipice ffmtom- lefffc pit , orgiilf, a fteepie down-fall -, a fear-moving depth, a whirIc-poo!c , as it were Hell itfdk alfo a land-flood, a tor¬ rent, a roaring down-fill of waters from off fume fteepie.broken rock , or mountain, and making an hideous-roaring noife , by Met: an anfanate throat i awaffc-good in belly-cheer. \ Barba, a beard , the mufiacho's , any growth of any thing, as a tooth,roots offlants and trees, alfo the cwbe-place , or chin of a horfeufed in Lombardie, as zio , an un{le , ones fathers ■ or mothers bro¬ ther. Barbacane, Barbicane , a tool that Chirur- gians ufc to pull out teeth, alfo a toole that rnafons and Carpenters ufe, alfo a feitic. or out-nook in any building called with fome a Barbican , alfo a loop-hole in any wall to fboot out at , alfo a. Scout- houfe. Barba.capri, as Barbi di bécco. Barbichéppo , a great goat, or Ape with a beard. Barbicmo, Barbaccino , a.littlc man both in quality and Stature, a Dandi-prat, alfo a s\out , a fcntincll, a watch. Barbi d’albero, the (prending , or winding roots off jme great trees, Barb? del parapetto, the furface of the para¬ pet, where the Artilleric is planted. Barbi di bécco, the hcarb Goates-beard,lo- fepbs-flower, noon-tide , or qo to bed at noon,the flower whereof do feti) and ftjit- teth at the appearing of the Sunne, and ne¬ ver opznetb, but in moiff and cold wea¬ ther , fome take it for the hcarb Med- dow-fweet, Meades-wort, or Queen of meddows. * Birbi di canne , as uóvolo di can¬ ili. ' * Barba di bófco , water-plant anc , or (as ; fome fay) Sope-wort, Brufc-wort. * Barbi di capra, as Barbi di bécco. Barba di gatto , look * n barbi di bec¬ co. Barbi di Giòve, butehers-broome , knec- holme. Barba di prète 5 as Barbi di bie¬ co. Barba di vólpe, a (hrub , whofe root ycildeth gum dragant , called Goates- thorn. Barbi-fólta, a thick-bufhie beard. Barbigiannamcnti, avpl’s-triclgs , by Met : foolifh, or fncakfng tricks. Barbuglia, a common brothell-houfe , alfo a mountainous place in Sardigna, where men and women go qlmofl naked. Barbigiannire, to play the owle,by Met: to pla'j the fnealfmg gull. Barbagianni, the great Horne-owlc, by Met: afillie-meacock• Baibagio, barbarous, rude, heathen. Barbàgli*, tbe cheeks or neck-pieces of a bsg, f alte d and d ied. Barbagliamémo , Barbaglio , as Abb.i- cinamcnto, by Met: a fiondane, or peck of troubles. Barbagliate uòva, buttered eggs. Bar bigliàre, as Abbicinarc. * Barbagratia, a (iugular favour. Barbi-grigia, a gray, or grille-beard , by Met : a grave old man. Barbàio,» Barblc-fifh■ Barbmiccà’ C, to play the bafe raskal . B arba nicchi, rafealy bafe people. Barbano, a great ankle. ' Barbante , a beaff with.a very rich skin, or fur re,ufed alfo for Furfante, or vaga¬ bond. B irbanteria, as Furfanteria. * Barba-lifcia, afmooth beard*. Bàrba-rabbuffàta , a rough , fhagg , wild, [taring beard. Baibaraménte, adv. barbaroufly. Barbara vóce, Corne-flower, Hurt-ficUe.or , Blue-bottle. Barbar ino, a little Barblc-fifh , 4 Barbare , to beard, ai Abbarbicare. Barbaréfco, Barbàrico, barbarous , alfo a Barbarie-h orfe, alfo Barbarie damaske- wor'ke. Barbariccìa, any buffile, or curled beard , a grtm, fhaggie , bnxly, or goatifh beard , by Met: an old beaten fouldier,an old crafty fox, alfo fraudar aft, cunning,or guile. Barbarifmo, Barbàrie, Barbaréf»o , bdr- banfme,barbaroufncffe, alfo. heatbenifme, infidelity , by Met : any corrupt forme o f freaks ’Barbàrla a quaich’uno/fl put a trick upon one. Bàrbaro, Bàr bero, of Barbarie , barbarous a Bai banan,xBarbaric-borfe,alfo a wood- pcckcr, by Met : rude , uncivill, heathenly uncivill. * Barbarono, i«Gichéro, anbearb. Barba-rofli, a rcd-bcard. Barbafco, as verbà(co. Barbali'), as Bcrnaflb, or BcrnufTo. * Barballòre, a ma t,that is not andyit would feem and be taken to be wife, old, grave and experienced, ufed alfo abuflvely for valvafóre. BarbiffréJJo, Barbaflello , a night-bat, a reare-moufe, Baiba tacciò,.? filthy bearded fellow. Barbate, a kjnd of piece of arnllerie. * Barbificare, as Abbarbicare. Barbatella, Barbichila , Barbétta, Bar- buccia, any little beard, by Met: any Jprig , flip, or branche to be fet , or planted, as of vine, or rofemarie. * Barbato , that hath a beard , rooted Bai bàtolo , a bearded man, a bearded goat . Barb? zone,»» ancient garment worn by wo¬ men in (fenice. * BarÈizìal e,M Barboizale. Barbégghifj hi.ric CaterpilUrs. Barbera ; a filtbie , rough t or jh.mit burded. chin, a bearded ivoman or that hath a wide, or driveling mouth. * Barbcllo, a barble-flh , alfo a bind of home butter-flyc, or a bc.ir.ded bird. * baiberare , to hobble as a whirligig when it turns nn right , or even. * Barbcrcfco, Bai bero, as Barbarico a Barbary horfe-, of a Barbar} breed. ’ Birberia, Barbieria, a barbers-fbo'p. Barberótto , an andvr-barb r , alfo a chief journie-man in a bdrbers-Jhop. Barbétta, the dim: of Barba. Barbétto, a rough rvatcr-Jpanicll. BarbicSnc, as Barbacane. Barbicate, as Abbarbicare. Barbicato , any fet , or flip that hath taken root. Baibic-lh, Barbicin.i, as Bai buccia. * Barbi era,» fhe-barbcr,by Met: a pim{ that [haves » man of his hair and money. Barbieria, » Barbers-ffjop. Barbiere, » barber. Barbiglióni , the rough hairs about a mans, or womans privities. Barbina, a certain ornament , or carcanet about a womans head. Bàrbio, Barb'.ónc, » barble-fffh. Barbitóno, » muficaU inflrument called a Dulcimer. * Barbiconfire, to barbero poll , to notch, or cut ones beard, or hair. *Ba< bitonfóre, » barber, » notcher. Barbo , Bài bolo , Bàrboro . » barbie- fifty Barbócche , a kind ofhairie and rugged A- pricot-plums. Barbogia, doting, or childifh follie in men, or women. Barbogiàre, to dote ai old men. Barbogio , an old dotard , or dottrcll, alfo flovcnly bearded. * Barbogliàrc, to befmeare , to fiillie , or be- fmudge, to begrime,to mingle-mangle con¬ fa fedly. . Bàrbole, Barboime, the barbes , or burbles in » horfe , alfo as Barbuccic. Barboncélli, the barbes, or little tents in the mouth of fome horfes. Barbóne , » great beard, alfo a great , rough, or (baggie water-ffaniell.. ' Barboffitórc, Barboteatóre, a grumbler, or a mumbler between the teethl I a Bar- BAR BAR BarboiTarc , Babottàre , as B albeggiare, alfo to mumble , or grumble between the teeth. ' B a bótti, a pind °f pinnace, B nfcottarc, as Barboflarc. Barbate i,great Emmels,or boàrie Fiftemires, or fuch other vermin. * Ba: bózza, ,u Baiba. Barbozzaie, in und:r-lip,or chap,namely of a horfe, alfo a curb for a horfe. Barbòzzo, Barbótzolo, Ba: bòtto , the chin n he re i nuns beard groweth , al Jo the chin-piece of a helm t, or casp. Bai bazzuto, that hath a great chin. B-ibuccia, Baibuccina , Barbucino , any young , thin;::, or little beard, by Met : tin r fma'Jfilaments , or filets , that grow on fom:'roots 9 affo little finnes that fom: fi(hct have under their chins. Barbugliate , ai Barbogia e , as Garbu¬ gliare, vide Parlare. ‘ Barbuglio, as Gai bugi io. Barbuta , a bearded woman , alfo the bever of a helmet , or head-piece, a'.fo a ridings or elafe hood t)’d under th: chin , alfo the bearb Nigella , aldo a pind of Eagle, li pe j an Ojprai:, alfo\ind of Turo Jt-fijh, cal¬ led a Dab , or a Sandling . Barbuti, bearded men , the Florentines were anciently wont to call their men at armes, Barbuti , bccaufc theyweare a Barbuta , in l r enicc they call the fifhes Tnglia, Bar¬ buti. Bi\b(i\.o,he arde d,that hath a beard,alfofaft rooted, or \ ine p to the ground. Barca, any pmd of bar p , boat, or barre , in Tujeanie , Barca ir ufed for anygreat heap, ma(Jc, or quantity of any thing of one pind, heaped , or amnJJ'ed together, namely, a ri cp of hay, a fisc p of corni a pile of wood , a heap of [tones. See. * Barca vérgola, a pind fl/"góndobn Barcarizzo, thacpart of the fhip,where the cockboat isfajtned. Barcaruólo, Barcaiuòlo,Barelliere, a boat¬ man, a barge-man , a woerrie-man. Barcata, a freight, or boat-lading. Barcheggiare, to barge, or boat. Barche tea, a little boat , or wherrie. Barellière, as Barcaruólo. Barco, ns Parco, as varco , alfo a flapping or an embarking. •Barcolarc , Barcollare , to hull and wave up and down without peeping any dire el courfc, as a Jh’p doth at Sea in a calme ,by Met: toJhip; the neep , or to flagger and recle as a drunken mmjhat cannot jtand on his feet. Barcollo , a fbipjmg of the ncc\ j, by Met : a hulling up and down. * Barcolone,a dv. Jh a pin greeting,ft agge ine, hulling up and down. Barcóne, the aug: of Baici. BarcóCo ,fiill of (bps, or [hipping, alfo a pind of (hip, orbarle. Barda, Barde, the bards, birdings,or trap¬ pings for a horfe. * Bardana, the Bur-docp, or Clot-hurtc,alfo the [Hoping vermin called a Funic, Bardare, to bard, or trap a horfe. Bardafeio, Bardafciónc , an ingle, a youth hept fn Sodomie. Bardafeiarc, to play the buggeeer, to commit Sodom.c. * Bardato , larded , or fet with trap¬ pings. Bardatura, the larding of a horfe. Bardella, Bardellóne, a bar dell, which is a pind of pad , or quilted c.vivafe-faddle, ufed for co'tes at their fir ft backing untili they become tractable , alfo a pad-faddic, or a faddle ft mules, or afics without any bridle. Bardcllaccia, a pacp-faddlc. BAR Bardcllarc , to put a bar dell upon a colt and then bacp him. Bardclléttc , the labels of a Miter , alfo as Barda. Bardcllo, Bardellóne , a young unruly colte that W:B not be rtdden,by Metta fiUie-gull (ns we fay,) one that will fu fie r any body to ride mm. Bardiglio, rufiet, or friers -graie. * Bardo, a Bard, by which name fuel) as bad spill in foretelling of things , as Prophets and foothfoyers were called in many lan¬ guages , namely in great Brittain , and in Ireland, but ufed for nimble,'igbt, bold faucie. Bardócco, a fillio gull, a fimple fot. Bardoélle, as Bandelle. Bardòflò,adv. bire-bacpt, without a faddle > loop Cavalcare, * Bardòtto, is properly that nag, that a Car¬ rier , a Brewer , or a waneman ufctb to ride on bim-felf , which ufually payetb nothing in fuels Innes were he cojnmeth, whereupon th: Italians Jay proverbially. Palliare per bardòtto , of fueli as at any fh >r, meeting , dinner, or reckoning cfcape and goe fhot-free without paying any thing , when every man elfe payes his [hire. Barcgg'.are, as Barrire. Bareoa'iatórc, as Barro. Barella, a hand, orwheclc-barrow. Barellare, to carry in a barrow. Bargagnare, to bargain, or deal with, Bargagno, a bargain, a cunt rad about any thing. B arganèllo, a pind of bird. Bargello , a Pro--oft rn.ufh.ill, a Captain of the night watch, or of Sér jent sand C at di¬ polo s. Bargèlli, ufed for filpwoms. Bargcllino, a bafe Scrjcnt,or Catcbpolcjb.it waits upon the Bargèllo , alfo a coyne in Florence. * Bargia, any pind of birge. * Bargiaro, a barge-man. * BargiéJi , the burbes , or Jfiurs of a Cocp, •Bargìglio, Bargigliòne, that piece of red fiefh, that hangs under a Turpie-cocps chin, or any cocps , a piece of fiefh in fo-rme of a tcfticle, that hangs under a goats chin. * Bargigliaro, that hath fucb fiefh. Baria c, to fight at Barriers. B uicarc,ro barricadojo fortify with timber , or barrels full of ftones, or earth. Baficati , ** barricado of barrels full of earth or fiones ferving to flopftrects , or p iff ages. Baricócoli , as Bericuocoli, alfo a pind of boy:s-pliy, ufed in Italie. Birfcola , my little barrow , alfo a Ladic- bird. Barigéllo, as Bargello, Barisliétio, Barilétro, Baricelo, any bar¬ ren, rundlct , or firpin. * Bariglióne, Barilóne , anygreat barrell, or drye fat. Barilare, to embarrell, to barrellup. * Barilaro,a cooper, a barred- ma per. B irildo , a colour that Painters ufe. Banlc , any pind of barred, alfo an ancient coyn in Italie . Barbétta , a very fmaU barreUtohang at ones girdle, a piovre , alfo afafhion , a Barilòtto, Barlótto , Barbóne > * good big barred, or runlet. Barin èlio, a find of barge. Baripto» a pind of Agate-Jtone. Bari c, as Barrire. * Ba; laccaggine, filile foolijhnefie . BarJaccare, to play the fimple fool. Barlicco, a Jilhc fool, or icuot. * Barlaffarc, BarlcSarc, to cut, to wound , to ftafh,fo that the marpe may remarne, to spar. * BarUffb,BatL'ffo,4 *par,a marf^orgajb of any wou ld, or hurt. * Barlórc, as B»: lume. Barlótto, as Barilòtto.. * Barlétta , as Barlétta ; Barlótto , ru Ba- rillccto, £»• Barilétto * Barbóne, m Bacictto. Barlume, àgloomic,miftie, duspie t tTr glim¬ mering light ; j tbicp and yet transmit c bght , alfo a twy-lighp , morning and evening. Barnaba, the fon of comfort. Bainirc, as Bai rire- Barnòccarc, to thump, or pnoep. Bàrnócco, a thump ,.: punch, BarnùfFo, ufed for Baibétto. * Baro , as Barro , alfo a meafure containing abm ten pottles ofenglijhmen- tionedin the fir ft of Kjngs j. and by fome Tranjlators caded a Bathe , ten of them m.ipc an Homer vide Barattiere. * Baroccarc, topraclife Barocco. * Baroccatóre, a Profeffor , a praClicioncr, or a liver by Baròcco. * Barocco, Baróccolo , is properly any un- lawfulldr forbidden means, whither it b: b U [ H > lc , the ft,c he ati ng,fljifling,cogging , cozenage, Jhirping, hoop and croop , or any other indire Cl means , fome call it al¬ fo Ritrangoh , and fome Dóno di tém- po , alfo a pind of fyllogifticall mood i : logicf ' Baronaccio , a cheater , a cogger,a cozening companion , a pmght of the Po ft , oie\ that for game will forfweare h:m- felf. Baronaggio , it Baronie , a Baronrie,tbe Baronage,or wbol. bo iy of the Nobility of a State , alfo a private Baronie. Baronale, of, or pertaining to a Baron or to a Baronie. Baroncéllo, Baroncino , a petti; Baron, a pettie Lord, fuel) a one as hath Lands of his own but no title , a Baronet , in Scotland ended a Leard,alfo as Baronac¬ cio. Baróne di Campo di-fióre , fuch cozening pnaves in Rome, as the pnights of the Poft be in London. Barone di Francia, a Baron of France, but much tapen in ill part , for one that hath the grand and pcrfcCl French pox. Baróne di mercato, a mar pet Biron, that is to fay a chief rogue, a cut-purfe , a pkp. poepet , a canter that frequents fairs and mar pets. Baroneggiare, Baronarc , to live lipe a Lord, or a Baron , to play the Lord,to com¬ mand lipe a Baron,alfo to cheat, to cant,to co\en , or play thc rogue. Baronefuno, any aCt , qualitic , or propriety of a Barone. *Baroncfla , a Barons wife , a Baro- neft'e. , * Bar one vole > capable to be a Baron , Ht- roiep. * BaroncvoIménce, adv. BarrHiipe. Baronìa , a Baronie , a hrrdfjjfip of title and dignity, alfo a Baronrie. Barónzi , teachers , or prof effort of cheating, tnftruCiors of viUanie, affo rags , clouts , tatters. Barónzola, a pind ofboyes-play . * Barópi , Baropiéno , a pind of red and blacp precious ftonc. Barozza, a band, or wheel-barrow. Barra, any pind of barre , or (tang , alfo that part of the neither jaw, where the bit reftetb on the gum, loop le barre, by Mat : any bar, let, or impediment. Bar-1 < Ba.'i acch Oj *fis hearb Crow-foot. Barrare, to banc , 'o mb arre , to flang , by Hit reo let, to flop, or to binder from,al- jo to cheat, to cog , tofoifft, to cant , to co^cn, namely at dipe, pg-cards. * Barrato, bard, or furrounded about. Barraria, Barreria , the profeffion of cheat¬ ing., alfa all manner of .cheating , or falfc play. Y Barrattare, as Barattare. Barattière, as Barattiere, &c c Barr.igé'.lo, as Bargèllo. . Barrièra, a banc where pleading, or fighting at barriers is ufed. Barrière, a barrifier, a pleader at the barre , al fo a fidhtcr at barriers. Barrire, rifeo, rito , to braye as an riffe or as an Elephant, or as a Dear. Barrito, Wv braying of an Affé, of a Dearer of an Elephant. Barro, Barrane,.* falfc gam:(ter, a cheater, a cogger, or a footer , namely at dice, alfo a rogue. Barromére, a bafe few ant , an under- officer at every bodies command,as Tavo¬ licelo- Bar tald e, to tca^ell clothes. * Bartaidi, all manner of teasels. Barcollila, a prof ■(for of Bartalus. Baruffa , a fuddahi fray, a brabblingnat, a burli? -burlie, a confufed bickering. Baruffare, to goe together by the earcs , to mafi a fray , a riot, a brabble , or a bic¬ kering. * Baruffare, <0 play the hue filer in bitying,& tó retail ^namely victuals. * Bai ùllo , a greedy birc\fler , anengrofitr, our that buyes vt finals in grafi: , or by great , alfo to fell them by retail. Baruóla, as Banicala , alfo the n.imt.ofx . h/fr.in th: root of a forfe-tail. Bàrutàfe, Burattare. Barino;^ Buratto..- . Baifftola , a eh arming fat fo/ batter 5 alfo a cheefc-fat. * Barutolate, to charme batter. Barza, a great barge for burden. * Balzellante, a comptfcr, or finger of Gar¬ zelle. Barzcllà'e, to campofi, or fing s BarzeUe, fongs. Barzélle, Bai zcllètte, countrie-fmgs, jigs, ditties, or to and Jays, Barzuóie, cafting- flotte s fur a haw be. Baio, Bafaménto, or Puffin fife Badante, fufficient , ehnugh. Baffanzi, fuffiiiency, enough. ' Baffardaccio, a 'filthy batiafd. r Baftardéllifa poficnitja sbillet, aplphin, a cb.ifc^ , .. . ^ 4 k 1 Baffardu, Baffai duine, biffar di è, .mun- ' grelifrne , unlawfulness of birth. • Baftardire , Baftardarc , as Abbaffar- dire. Baftirdo, ab.rftard, a munteli. Unlawfully . born, nifi1 a find of wine fo càUc'd. Baftardi , baftard pieces that are neither . Canons 3 nor Culverins, but di fief from both. Baffàrdólo, Baffard cl Io , a youhgor little 1 baflard , but ufed corrtinohiy for a day-' boofi a foop-boofia blotting-botk ttr write every thing m. Badare , to fuffice , to be fufficient, fo be * enough ito bold oitf, or continue. * Ballare Taninio, to dare,to have the cou¬ rage. ;v ?; ;• - ' * B aff are la villa , to dare , or to have the eourage,to out-loo fi Baffiro, apad-faddle maher,atna\er ofpart- nels, òr dofièrs. - • Badar citimi, a baftard generation. "■Bade , the wide Jailing (tit chits that tail our safe. ■ Baffcggiai'c fo-faddlc with a pad fa p'acfi- faddle 9 a panned , or a dofier, affo to'play the porter, ■ ■ - Baderna; d fpimbrcll, a Dung-cart c Badctta,rx find of (tewed me.xr. Bade véle/ jieffickht, enoughs Badevoléz ±x,fufficiéncic, citffugft. ' B'alHa, Badida, a b.tjlìon, a sfiònpe,x blctfi ' houfe x fioper iit a C affile' , a, barra- cado. . ; - . - v I * Badie re 3 as Bada rO. Badiano, canting fp:echl * Battiménti, all ncccfiaric abili emettts and, munition'off w arre, namely in ffh ps. Badina, •àny-p.id, pacfi-faddlc ,p.vincìl , or dofier , namely for an Affé, or Mule, or pimptcr'hórfc. Badinare, ns Badeggiare. Badionarc,Bafl.are,r® baflicn,to gnsfince, tocinblocfi Badióne, as Badia. Badita, ns Battifolle, or Badia. Bado,.*? Badi ni, alfo a doublet in the rogues language. Badonago, crrBadango. Badonare, Badoneggiare, fo baflonado, io cudgel!, lo beat with a fUfi $ alfó io play at wafers. Badonata, d baflonado 5 a blow given with a fluff, or cudgell. Badoncéllo, Badonccllino, Bàfloncino, Badonccto, any little Bidóne, /’)' Met : the baffonct of a bridle, as alfo-'Billetne in ar morie, or billet-work , alfo a certain pafte bafit in moulds, and grate-fafh : on contrived, alfo a gallown , or edging lace about clothes. Baffóne , any find ofbattoon, cudgell, or fi a fi of authority,truncbeon,wafier,or club, by Met : any f upport, or help. \ 4 Baffóni, the clubs upon playing-cards. ' * Badoneggiare , to flourijh with a M- . ' 4 BaftoneMe, [takes, or fit c fi driven into hedges to [trengthen them. * Badoniéré » a verger, a mace-beam, a Jtickler, or a whifler, alfo a cutigelcr , a fiaff-man. I 5 Ba- ' BAT BAT BAV Bàflófb, .14 Baftagio. Baca, a flind of bird li{c a Bunting, alfo the Rayc,or s\v be-fifty. Batacchiare, to be.it , to bit , to firi{e,or hurt wind Baciucchio, ‘ Batacchiata, a. blowe, a hit, a flrofl,or a. hurt with .1 Batacchio. ‘ Bucacchio , any long bat toon , bat, flaff, endge ll, pole , wafter, club , trunchion t or pear eh , namely fuch as they beat down fruits, chef nuts , or walla ut s from trees, al fi the bcarb Crowfoot, loo ^ Bacinella, alfa as Battaglio. Baralo', a find of miniver hood%w.orne of Do¬ does anil Graduates in flgne. of honour, ' ufed'dtfo for a hawfls hood. ‘ Bacologia, obfcejie,or baudy difeoitrfe. BacamTmo, a fetledtime, or due feafonfor ■weeding of corn. Baratalo, a fruit in India, which fomc tafl for the Votato- roots. * BatalTare, to lug,or tug violently,to fhafl any thing to and fro. * Bataflata , a violent lugging , or tug- i in g-, B atei laro, a. boat, wright. Barellière, a boatc-m.m , afeme-man, a seller. Barello, any little boat, or wherrie. Battila, an Abbeffe, a Priorefje. Bàri , wild Ba'till-hearb. BuUjUfedfor Badia. Bat icca, abroad wafbing-tub. Batinhortenfiana, a flind offferqge. Batinm^ria, CoPc-marine, Roclj-fampicr. Baco, w.ts anciently ufed for ,i private , or hoj chop , or mince fltfh finali, as for piemeat.- * Bàttere l'acqua, provi, labcat the water , by Met : tn loie ones labour , to be early up . , and tutnr the near. ' Bàttere la lana , to bi.it wood, by Met : tifjife carnali copulation. 4 Bartcrc la ricuàta , to found, a re¬ treat. < * Bàtcere le polare, to beat, or fcep time in ' mujieff. Batteri i, any Ifind of battery. Batte limale, of, or belonging to baptifme. Batté limo, Batté fmo,^ ■bapt'ifmc,Cbnfining, , alfo an ancient coin in Florence. ‘ Batte liarite, bapti^ng, trr that bapti - • feth. Battezzare, to baptise,to Chriften. Battezzato. c, Battezzare, a bapt'rger , a Chrifl-ier. Batti -cuóre,.i heart-pantingi a fuddainpaf- fion , o, anxiety. Battezzato, Cbriflned, a Ifind of roving boat. Batticuli, the taees, or bafesjb.it borfe-mcn ufc behind. Batti-fólle, a \ind of engine anciently ufed to baiter walls , now ufed for a rampart, a bulwark , or aj^once well and flrongly flanged) by Met : a belly-clapper,as balla¬ ta. * Battifóndi, 1 /t. Batciftéo, Battiftcrio, a fait tobaptife in, ufed alfo fur a clapper , a bap'.ifleric, and covertly for mans a privy mem¬ bers. BarcilKna , the finefl lemne , or Cam¬ briche. BattiIuócifre; the name of an bcarb. Battitóio, ns Battaglio, alfo a hammer. Battito, a trembling, orjbafyig , or pangs of death. Battitóre, a beater, afmiter, a ftr'fi-r ,a thumper j a clapper, a threfh r , alfo ani thing to beat and fl -i [e wthall, a thr fh- ing-flaile, alfo a printerspr effe -man,alfo a paper-mill. Battitóre d’oro, a gold-beater. Battitura, as Battimento, or a tb'cflrng of -forhyxnd the time of year that one threfh s in. Bàtto, a fluid of bar If, or hulfl Battocchiàre, to thump, to punch. Barroccino, k.irf y of other figne of good will, and favour of love worn inoneshat , or about ones arme for his mifirifjes fife , by Met : a womans pleafures-placc , alfo a girdle, or garter. .. Becca cénere, an iron, or fire-fork to flirto up the firc-with. Beccaccia, a wood-cock > or heath-cock- Beccaccinc, the birds called Snipes. \ Baccaccióne, by Met : agrc.it noddle , a big brain-lejs skonce. Beccafico, a dainty bird, called a Gnat , or fig-flapper , bccaufe be loveth to feed on .figs. l eccadco marino , a kind, of dainty Sca- flfh- Béco in cóvo , aflfljwbofc gall healctb fears of wounds , and fuper fhions (l:]h in ' the eyes. Beccaio, Beccaro, a butcher , a flaughtercr 3 afbambler, ns Macellaro. p ecca-lite, as Cacca-brighe. Bcccaménto , any pecking , or billing, look i cccarc- Beccamòrti , Bcccaré-ili , fitch as help to fcarch, to carry, and to buric the dead, alfo pit , or grave-makers to buric the dead , alfo tbc birds called wood¬ peckers. Beccare, to bill, or to peck M birds doe , alfo to peck, or f /ia P w itl } oncs bill, or beak to labour, or toyle. Beccarla, a butchery , afljambles , a [laugh¬ ter j a Flefh-market. * Bccorócchi , the birds called Snappers, or woodpeckers , Beccarmi , as Becca¬ mòrti. Bcccarovéglia , the Paflcnger-f inibii that vaili prey for her [elf- B eccai fi il cervello, for one to ca?k , to fret and con fume his brains and wit about any thing. Becca li il cuòre, for one to fludy , to ca?k,to plod , and fret out his very heart and brain. Bccoflnnoj.t coopers ad^ejdfo a two-tined f»y. Beccata, Beccatura , any pecking, billing, fnapping, namely of birds. * Bcccatclla , any alluring bit , or morfcll, alfo a bit taken by ficaltb , as to fay , a [natch and away 3 alfo a have>kcs-> lure. Beccatello, any bragct,fl}orc , underprop, or fuppnrter of any arched-work , alfo little battlements about walls, alfo a little goat , o r kjd. * Beccati fù qiiefta , [nap , or peck upthis, anfwcnng the phrafe , crack me this nut. ... Beccheggiare, to play the buck 3 or he-goat,to go to rut, alf1 to cuckold it. Beccherìa, as Beccaria. Becchetto, as Beccuccio. B cedi ere Ilo j a little goat, or kjd. * Bccch.cìh, (hoes- la tchets. Beccherà, the beak, oy ^ 7 / °f a barrile. Beech at , as Peccaré-cchi. Becchigno,£ 04 f//fr, raminifli. Becchi na , by M.t : a womans privi- tyci. Becchino, as Beccamòrti, * Becchini, as Becchino. Bccc'còfo, wall-eyde , goat-eyd:. Bcccillo, weak, faint, tired. Bòccio, .1 Ifind of tree, [0 called. Becco, the buck ’ or male , namely of a goat, of a d:cr 3 of a hair , of ,1 con-:, &c. alfo the beafl, 0r Ml of arty bird, dlj'o the beak ' °j a (hip, or any other thing,alfo the foc^i of a candle flick, by Met : a Cornino , a cuckold , a horned brow , alfo , by Met : a bodies month. Becco di òca, the bill, or beak °f‘ l g,o°fo,itl- fo wild tausie, or filver-hearb , alfo a Porpifc-fifh , becaufc it is nofed like a . J&°f Cm . . • Becco di Cicógna , the hearb Cranes-bill, Storks-bill , Hcarons-bili , or Pink- needle. Bécco in barba , as Baiba di béc¬ co. Bécco mil guardato, a find of Ch ri firn afe- game. Bécco manonaéflb, idem. Bécco-pappa, a wittìiy-ciickold , one that is contented to be a cuckold , and takes part of his wives gains and good cheer. Bécco-ftòrto, a crooked bill, alfo as Avo- fétta. Bccconaccio, Became , the [up : of Bécco, by Met : a famous cucko'd , or egregious patch. R cecarèlla, as Avoré-rta. Beccuccio, any little beak 5 or , the beak °f a fljtp : the ff/jut of an cawer , the pipe, or end of a limbeck, or (till where the wa¬ ter runneth out , alfo the point , the tip, or the peaty °f b riers hoods,0? any tlwig-elfe, the dim : of Bécco. * Bécchi , cc; tain blaying (larsallfhaggic . compaffcd with a long main,or hairy fringe, alfo the prova of a [hip. Bccchiche , Bccuchc, a k-uilofpiffsgo 'd againfl the cough. Bécìiio , the hearb All-hofc, Fole -foot , c; Horfe-hoof. Bechi one, the hearb Cough-wort. Beco , the dim : of Domenico, a nick¬ name. Bédc, Bedcgnaro, on? Ladies ihifllc. Bcdénn, .1 bind ofjtuff like Serge é Bed; Ilo, Bedòllo, Redolo, a Birch-tfee. Btén, Ho?fc-mint, or wild [age. Befanìa, look BefFania. Beffa, a jefl, a mock , a flout, a feoff , alfo a trifle. Bcffana 3 atoyc ,to mock an Ape , amock- begger, a [car-crow , a bug-bear. *Beftania, Befania ,ufed for Epifania, but in mockery alfo,Scx\>w aBeff. nia ,keep your felffor the pifany feafl, (pollen to one who knows not how to Jpeak, and yet will be prating • for at that time the feafl is k e pt we fay that all beafls (paky 3 ad uno , che non fa parlare, c pure lo vuoi fare, per chcfidice volgarmente la nótee della BefFania tutte le bcftic pallino. Beffare, Beffarda' e, Befteggiare,Befhare, to flout, to mock , to frump, to deride,, 10 jc fi at, to flight. Beffardo, Beffatóre , Beffeggiatòre , Bef- fiardo. Beffatóre, a floater, a mocker, a suffer, but fo as not to give [caudali , or offence. Beffe vole, Beffófa , mockfull, full of flouts, or feoffs. Bega, a drone , a humming bee. Be- BEL BEN BEN Beghinnare, to put on a bigbin,alfo to clo.itb with a Beghino. Beghino, i cb: Ids bigiù», or bcad-ctotb, al¬ fo a fad of home-[panne courfe gray cloth , th.it poor religious men tv e are , but now in ah it fed fr ,i laye-m.in , or woman that in life and manners will feem to be a Pu- ritcinr , and diffemblcs his religion. Behemoth , the name of a D;vdl, ufed by Dante , ns one would fa ;, filthy beali. Peitó e, as Bevitóre, drinker. HclrméntOjj the bleating of afheep, by Met : the wbn.ng of a. child, orati ling. Bel? nice, a fad if cbefnuts. Be' a«e, to bleat as a flfeep, by Met : lo whine and pule as a child. P el be Ho, adv. fair and gently. pci ccro,Bel-rufto,a goffrf/y tall lad, a flange a yang , ell. Bel-chè, a good’; thing, a fair whrt. * BeKna, elenna , the male of a wha'c- fi(h, feme will have it to be a little fifb in the Mediterranean Sen wi:b av.ry great head, and without feales. Bclctta,rtf B Jlctta, alfo a we wye U. Bclegorcj Eelfragore, lb; name’of a fierce TÀvell. Bclgimi, Pclglni, Eelgioini, the drug , or gum B:n,omin. Bcì'dlj Bclidlc, ufed for the Did !, alfo a. Prophet, as it were free from bondage, without \olj’C J or commander, ufed alfo for an Apoft.it-:. Bdicdto, having a navcll, or middle. Bclico,Bclicolo, rtf Ecllicolo. : * Eelicóne, a jack, a pug , or bumbard with j a great bell; for wine, or beer. | Belido-pliaiano, as Coppa di Glove. ; Bcligémma, a precious ftone. Telin-bdino, adv- fair and (oftly. Bell'-ócchio , a white (lone with a fpot gli (lenii g li ^e gold in the midfl of it. 4 Bella, the fern: of hello. Félla-bellina, rtf Bccchina. * Bella-dama, a fair L.tdie , alfo Dwalc, or Night-fhade. Bellamente, r,dv. fairly , handfonily , with dexterity , alfo fair and gently. Bellétta, mire, mud, big , dead-water, alfo a lit Us p ujla, or pimple in the styn. Eelletrdre , to bedawbe with mud,or mire , tobemirty by Met : to paint, as women doc their faces. Bellettatncc,! woman that paints her fclf, ! or profe(Jeth painting, or felleth painting. ; Bellettièra, idem. ' Bellétto , all manner of painting, or artifi¬ ciall complexion fur womens faces. Bcllcttófo , full of mud,muddie,mir:e,boggic. * Ecllczz', ’ ellórc, Beltà ,P.cltadc ,b a. ty,fatrcneff ,fh ■ n-n fife, which is proper¬ ly a grace andcomdintffe Jetled, firm:, and (Libie in the proportion of a body,in the parts and colours thereof. Bellico, I elUcoloph; nivil!,tbc belly,or the middle of any creature. Bellico di vènere, Ncnus-navill. Bellico , Bcllicófo, w.ureli fa,.Mirti all. I ellxófo arménto, a race ofhorfcs. BellicóncBio, agut hanging on childrens na¬ vi!s when they arc borne. Fell'ficdre, as Abbellire. Belli- h rba, the Dafaic-bearb. Fellino, pretty, fine, and fur. Bell i flimo, mo ft beautiful!. Bellióne, Beilis, a dayic-flowcr with a ycl- I low cup in the midft of five and fifty lea ves. • Beilirici, a famd of plum ,orprune. j Belio, fair, beautifullfheen, alfo as Bellét¬ to, by Met : fitneftc of time , a fit opportu¬ nity, convenient , profitable , proportionate, pnt[y,ncat , wittyfpruice,fr:c,nob!-,olra- finr, fame times it fignifics nothing in it fclf, but fives emphafis to the exprtffion. Bclloarddro , Kcllouardo , a bulwark, a Jconce, a btoefi-houfe. . Belloccio, B c \ìòzzo t handf mly-fair,goodly and fair. Bèllo-che penfato , already thought noon. Béllo-efatto , fairly and fully done, or ended. Bèllo c nuòvo/. i (7 andnew,frefh andgayc 3 in prime. Bello in piazzi, fair in the mar fa,by Met: a great boa (Ur. * Bellóna, Bellica, Bcìlatrice, a fumarne of Pallas, as fire that fir fi found out the a , t of warn. Bellóne , the Horne-back 3 or Needle -I fifh. Bellóra, a weafae. Bellóre, rtf Bellézza. Bellezza, gooAinefs^and handfomneft,fair ■ neft'e, beauty. Bél'o, as Pel acchio, alfo a bleating. Pelóne, a bleater, a whiner, a pulcr. * Bel-pòrgere , hand farne carriage and de¬ vo tmenr ’« cmvirfationin ones actions. Beltà, Belràde, as Bellézza. * Beltémpo bavere, £0 bave 3 to live.or leM a merry hf . Beiti amo, goodly and handfom Bcltr diche, 'oi>k Bertéfchc. Béltio, a mixt green, white, and vci. Bellua, any fad of great, wild , and furious be a ft, or monjtcr.'' Be’.uardo, look Belloardo- Bei-vedére , Bclvoire , a good!; fight , or firm) , a fair view , a beauteous pro (peci , .tifo the toad-flax , or fiax- weed, which grows to a mam height, and is very beautifuUto b hold. * Bcluino, of the nature of Bélua. Belzebù, rtf much to fay,a man over flies } or finning fouls. Belzoino, Ren fan, or Benjomin-gum. * Belzuar, E eyiar (lone. Bembè, Bembéne, adv. very well. Bcmina, a me.v are of about a pint. * Benacconcianunte , adv- well and hand- fomly. Bcn-dg^ia, i veil may he fare. i ’ Bcnaguroramt nte, adv. luckily. * Bcnagurófo, l uefa fortunate. Ben-and.it 1 fare- well, or drinfag-mony given . : nncs going awry. * Benaventurarza,g00il luc^, * Bcn .vcmuratatiu-nte , Bcnnvcnturofa- ! ménte, adv. luckily, fortunately. Bcnavcntu àio , Btnarcnturóro, lucfa and foytu ; -fr. Ben r u; arc, to give good lue Benaiiro, good liicfi, hapoy-gale. Bcruurólo, lucky and fortunate. Ben-bc, icn bine,adv. very-very well 3 al- fo well , goto. Ben-chè , adv. Albeit that , although that. Bcn-condótto, brought to a goodpajje, fifely convovde. Bènda, Bendàglio ; any fad of bend ., ben- d r, b :n.ilv,bandl.t,fcrrf 3 fwathe, router 3 riban yfiU t,tape, i ifa,hairc-lace^garter, gìtrd’ng , or lace about a garment, or any thing to fv:, to bind , or lace and route, or fwath wit ball , ’’pedali; chat which covers a mans head, alio a bend in armane , alfo a circlet, a diadems, or a mytrz about ones head. * Bendare , Bendagliare ,BendalIdrc, to emif wfe , to handle , to fwathe, to route , to binde, toguard 3 to lace , or to bind about with a Benda, alfo to bend in armory,alfo to encircle with a diadem: by Meteto hood- win fi, or blind-fold , as they faigne Cupid to be , alfo to go bending , fleiggenng and reding as a drunken man doetb. Bendclhjfbc dim : of Bènda. Bcndónc, the flip : of tic nda, but namely a label in arm trie. Bendéxcio, a child.s bangi -igmufandcr. Bène, adv. well, very well, ingood flette, much, tritely,indeed,wel near. Bene,»! nonne fub: a mans goods,genre,(lock, fubflnncc, chev'(fiance, lively-hood, cb.ti¬ tle, wealth, lands,p 'ffefiioHs moveable, or immoveable , a good worth, or ad ion , Huómo di-b.nc , a man of good , or ho¬ ne fly, an hone ft man. * Benedétta, beach Bcnnct, or Avens. Benedetto, blej]cd,b!:ft. Benedicènte, w. ll-fbeak'tig, eloquent, alfo he that blcjfetb , or commendcth any thing. Bened'.cé-nzi, wéll-fpeafag, eloquence. Bcncd cite , grace befo c meat. Benedire, tob!file , to fa; well. Bcncd: c la tàvoli , in fay grace at the table before meat. Beneditciónc, a bcncd-flion, ablejfing. Benedir ice, ajh ? blrffer. *Bercfà.co, a benefit , a good deed, well done. Benefattóre, a ben -fa dour, a well- doer. Beneficare , to benefit , to doe well un¬ to. Beneficènza, beneficence, a welldoing,boun- !y, or liberality. ’ Bentficia.e, to benefice. Benefic ale, beneficiali , alfo of, or belonging to a bmefice. Beneficiàrio, he that reccivetb a good turn:, or reapeth the benefit of it, alfo a Peneio- niry, or a (lipendi a ry , one that liveth upon another mans cxibition, or allow¬ ance. Beneficiato, bene fired, that hath a bene¬ fice , alfo that hath a prifain a lot¬ terie. Beneficio , a benefit , or a good turno , alfo a benefice t or a church-living , alfo pro¬ fit, alfo aprile ina lotterie. Benefico curaro , a ben fare ferved as ha¬ ving charge and cure of fouls. * Beneficio non curato , a benefice thit hath no charge, ; zur - of fouls. Benèfico, beneficiali ,we II duine. Bene-babbi a, well may betide him. Bcnc-habbiato,Wftf-/W, or well-gotten,but that phra i e now is out of ufe. * Bcne-impaftato , well fed and pam- preed. * Bene in cóncio, Bi ne in órdine , hand- Jòmty dee fi up , well or deed , in good plight- * Bene-intéfo , well underflood , or con- caved, well plotted, cunningly wrought, framed, according to slmili and art . Bene-mercnzijde/o'f. Bene-meritàrc, to de ferve well. Bcne-naérito, well-icferving. Bcnc-placiménto, wcll-plcafing. Bene- pia cito, good will and plcafurt. Bene-facènte, that doth well. Bene-fpcfij , adv. very thick , very often. Bpne tflere, to be well, to be in good plight, alfo a mans flock , well-fare , or free¬ hold. Bcne-fiante, well -fi an ding , by Met : rich and well to li ve, alfo decent and well- befitting. * Benc-fiàre, to be well, to (land well, to be at eafe , alfo to be able to live of his own , alfo to be feemely decent , and well befitting. *Bcne-fiii , well mayefl thou fare j all halle. Benevolente, Benevolo, benevolent ,well- j willing, well-wifbing, fai and tender- j affected unto, alfo a well-wilier. Bcoc- ' BEN encvolénza, benevolence, good-wid 9 rve li¬ ti fretti on. tted unto. * Bene -facente» well-doing , well-atting. * Ben-tufato , we'.l-fpindled , wcU-fhxnfrd, by Met : well-proportioned. Bcngivx, Bengioi'no, Bengui, the gum , or perfume Benjamin. * Btn-gli-fU,i£ well befits him, be hath well deferved it. Ben -godi, by Met : well may you fare , well fare your heart, alfa afaigned name of a Country, where all plcafurcs abound , as Lubbarland, or Drink alta. Bèni, the plu: of Bène , all manner of goods 3 gear, chattic, wealth , or pofjcf- fions. * Béni-caftrénfi, goods gotten in wane , or : at any fiegc. * Béni-móbiJi, moveable goods, Benifcro, goods-bearing , goods-bringing. * Beni ficenzi^ beneficence , well-doing.. * Benignamente, adv. with benignityfifrnd- ly3 gently, lovingly. * Benignanza , Penignézza, Benignità > Beninanza, benignity , frincbicffe, tender, afrettion. Ecnigniffvmmcntc, mo fi frndly. Benign filmo, mo ft kind. * Benigno, Benino, Beni volo, loving,frwd, gentle3 lender ly-afrettcd-, benigne. Be ni (limo , adv. exceeding well , very well, Benivoglic-nza,?;ooi will. Beni volente, as Benevolènte, a/Benivo glientc. Benvolenti limarci ènte, most willingly . Bcnivo lènza, good will. Benivolo, loving, afrettionat. Ben-nionrato, well-mounted , well-horfed. Ben-pa- Jante, well-speaking , well-spoken. Ben -per-lui, well, or good for him. Ben-per- tèmpo, adv, very timely . Beni-pièno, very full. Ben-fainw// wotefitbou. * Bcn-fendre, by Met : to think 'well. Ben-feritilo., wdl ferved , wellpleafed , by Met : a certificate, or pafreport in writing delivered by a Mafler to a fervant for his bonefiy, and free di [charge. Bcn-tornatOj well returned, Wellcome home again. 1 Bcn-trae tace, to treat, or life well, to make good cheer unto. Bcn-t ouato, well found, well met. Ben-vedére, Ben-vifo, well fcctij by Met: well regarded , lovingly entertained , or re (petted. Ben-vioga, welcome be you, he, (he, or it. Ben-vénga Maggi o,welcome Miy,or fprin? - time. Bcn-venire, to come well , to bid welcome, to welcome. Ben-venuta, a welcome,alfo a token ofwel- , come. I Bcn-yenuto,.i»c/c0;» or fàp ufid in But- j tanic. Bcrtoné-ga, the name of an bcarb. Bei tonélio , an inflrument to bird withall or fifh,that hath a fpring, that they cannot get out again when entered. * Bertrando, look oflb. Bertuccia , a monk‘t , a Marmufct. Bertuccione, an old Ape, or Munlfic. Beruzoi-'W Béro. Bérrà , that part of the legf om the to the f>o:. Bersaglio, ns Ber faglio, See. * Bcrzamlno, a kfnd of wine about Pa- : dor. Ber za e, to (talk it with /lilts , or long legs , alfo to have , or give the marks of lafhes, cr flripes. Bcrze, the blam-marks of flripes, or lafhes, alfo long (lilts, or ft al king legs, alfo the foies of ones feet. * Bcrzillo, Be ziro, Brazil-wood. * Bcizo, k'-nd of tree, or wood. * Bcfchéncio, as Bifchcnco. ‘ Bcfchti zo, as BTchc’ zo. Bcfcio, hath hem ufed o/Boccacc,/!?/- a filly gull, or noddy. Befegnlrii , a fiynd of ravenous Sca¬ fo ulc. Bcfénfio, qujfi bis-énfio, fwollen , orpnft up, alfo pur ftc , or (hort-winded. » Béfocci, a ky-nd of mattock,or other tool of husbandric, that gardners ufe. Bcfola, r:e Ige , or underlayer to prop , or jh :r : up anything. ' Bcfolarc ,to u-iderprop, or fhene-ttp- ! Bèffa, Beffata, any me, ry mec'.:Hg,m:rth, or fcafi'eng made in fcom and contempt of o- tb r*, affo a weight which in Florence is called Marca, a mark- Beffeggine , !'-(ping , in ’filing , or faltring in j (perch, by Met : gulUfhfimplicity. \ * Beffare, to Hi}, to ftjmmer, to fiat, to maf- ! Ilc, nr filer in finer!’. Beffatóre , Bèllo . a li (per , a flammerer , a j maffh , a dulterer. Belle* in Latin Hiriunr. Bellémmia, blafpbcmy , curling. Beftemmiamcnto, a blajphcmsng. B effemin i are, to blafpbemc, to curfe. Beficmmiatóre, a blafphcmer, a curfcr. Beffi*, any Iflni of beali , or wirrafonab'e i creature, among Marriners it is taken for | a bulls-piTjJe , or drye eels sigiane to whip . gail y- flave s , by Met : a mans member, i by Met : a dull fellow. Bérti a Chriftiam, ufed for a woman. I BefHaccia, Beffióne, a pithy treat bead. i c. bnejfc. Beffi-i le Joe aflip, bruitifh. Bcftiall firmo, BertI firmo, very very beaflly, ! or bruitifh. Beflialit &,bcajlline[fe, cruelty. ‘ Bcftialnv-nre,adv. beaflly. Peffiamc, all manner of Cattle. Befiifero, beafl-bearing. Befìióne, a great bea ft, a logger-head. Beftióf bufili of cattle, cattle-yeilding,ftored with cattle. Beffiuólc, Beffióle , Bcffiolinc, all manner of little bea fls ,ov vermine, as fleas, lice, gnats , mi c, rats, weasels, flyes, grubs , worms, &c. Béffricr,//;r rogues language,Vedlars french, ' the Gibbrifb, or [fitta, i-tongue. i Betel, Bit. !. - i , • I the l ui. ms chew to void rheume , it is I much like the bafl.ird-pcppcr , or gillie- , flower plant. : Betctraro, a fcnd of wine. , Bet ilo, a flone coded in Latin Betilus. Betonici, as Bcttónici. Bcttifrédo, a little find, (land,or boufc bui't upon a tower for fouldiers to fland fenti- nell and watch m, alfo a Block-houfc,or a Skoncc. Bettino , the dim : of Benedétto , as they fay Bennet,dfo a lad t a wag,a boy 3 ayoung page. Béttola, a common tipling-houfe , an Ale- boufc, alfo a diang-boufe. Bettolante , Bendi ère , a haunter ofbafe taver is, an Ale-knight, a t'tpkr. Bcttolarc , Bcttolcggiarc, to. haunt , or (it tippling in common tap.boufcs. Bcttolaro, Bertolinaro, a keeper of abafe tavern, an Alchoufc-Jfeeptr. Bcttónica, bettonie,Ipeed-wrll,Ground-heal, F l nell in. Betulia, l/jc Bcocme-fhrub. Bctulo,.? Eirch-trec,alfo as Ceraunia * Béva, a Bi vie, as ofVbefants, alfo as Be¬ vanda. Bevacchiarc, Bevicarc , to quafi, to bib 3 to tipple, to botte. e, or drink freely. Bevacchiónc, Bcvicchir.torc, a bibber , a drinker, a quaff cr. * Bcvagno, the Jiff, or fclv age of any cloath, or woven- (tufi. Bevanda, Bevénda, Beveraggio, Bevetti, Bcvigióne ,Beviménto, Bevitura ' 3 any k' id bf drink, beverage, drtnch,or potion, alfa a U manner of drinking, bibbing, or quaffing , or driftk}ng-monj given gra¬ tis. * Bevanda aurei, a kind of decoFiionmade of Soap-wort, or Fullers-weed. Bcvatclb, a flpping-dr aught. Bevc'l-tutto , an All-drinktr , a found- quaffer , a laUe-tof}e-pot. Beveraggio, Bevénda, as Bevanda. Beve arc, to water cattle. " Beve atóio, a watring-place for cattle,al¬ fo a workmans apron, or bib. Bévete, Bére, bévo, beveì , bébbi , bevu¬ to, bcuto, to drink , to quaff , to bib , to tipple. * Bévete a cianrcllini, to dr\n\-oftcn , or fmall thimble draughts. Bévetela briglia , when a borfedraws-up the bit wtth his tongue. Beveria, Bcvigióne,Bevanda. Bcvcro, a Bcvcr, a Gray, a Badger , alfo a.' pond, or watering-pit. Beveróne, Bevane , a drench, or mefhior a borfe, alfo [will for [.vine, alfo a tojfe-poc quaffer. Bevibile, that may be drunk. Bevicarc, as Bevacchiarc. * f evincilo, a [unni ll. Bevitóre, drinker, a bibber, a quaffer,that drinks above mcafurc. Bcvirrlcc, a woman-drinker,or tippler. ‘ Bevitura, Bevuti, as Bevanda. ' Bevi vendémmia , a vintage-drinker , a great devourcr of wine. Bcvónc, as Beveróne. Bcuuto, Beato, drunk, quaffed. Tu zar, Bezoa r,a Be^par-flone. * Bczzi!iuóla,ata/è penny-wboore. Bezzicare, to pinch, to nip , to prick, alfo to peck, to/biU, to nib, by Met : to allure , or to provoke. Bezzicata, Bezzicatura, a pinchi/tg,prick- [ ing, a nipping , a billing, a peeing, alfo a j provoking. i B c zzo, a fmall brafie coyn in Venice. * Bezzuca, Bezzucca, as Berghinélla. . Biacca, Bracca arfa Cerufe, Spamfh white, ! white lead. Bisecare, to white with Cerufe , by Met : to bedawbe all Over. Biada, Biado, a blade of corn , any grain , or coi n, namely provando for horfes ; alfo any com reaped, except bread com. Biadare, to feed cattle with corn.to provan¬ do horfes. 4 Biadétto, a fluff, or colour that Painters ufe, that is bluiflj. Biadlfcro, corn-bringing, or bearing c Biadalo,/#//, or flore d with corn. Bianca, a blank, alfo a lottery^lfo a blanket, alfo a f aire filver-coyn in Spain. Biancare, Biancheggiarc,B‘uncli:Vc,Bian- cicarc, to white, to whiten , to blanch, to make,or becom: white, or wh:iifh,by Met: to rail at one fecrctly , or behind his back, and yet to flatter and [peak him fair to his face. Biancarla, Biancheria , all manner of fine linnen, or naperic. Biancaftro, as Bianchiccio. Bianciffronaccio, Biancóne, aluflybcard- les lad,a ftrong [tripling,* fturdy wencher, alfo, as they fay,a whuc-lhcred foulditr, or a milk-fop. Biancheggiaménto , Bianchiménto, any whiting , whitening , or blanching , alfo Spanifb white,or whiting for walls. Biancheggiante , whitiffs , cnclining to white, growing, or feeming white, alfo m Talco- Biancheria,*?/ Biancherie we.mng-linnen. Bianchétta, Bianchina, a blanket, or white bed-coverlet. Bianchétto, fomewhat white, or whitifij,al¬ fo white piloting t or comp'exion for wo- mms faces , alfo a whiting fi(h, or mop, firm' take it for the Merlan-fifij, ufed alfo for Biacca. Bianchézza , Biancore , Biancura, white* neffe, by Met : homnejfe. Bianchiccio , Eianchlgno , Biancaffro, Bianciardo, whitifij , pale and fiHow- colourcd. Bianco, white, blanck, blanche,pale-coloured or wan, whiting for walls, alfo for diflin- é Hons white and black , a ^f° ar gtnt in ar¬ mo ry, alfo a blank :n * lottery, alfo the fijh called a [melt, and according tofome , the whiting-mop , alfo a [mail coyn called a blank , alfo the name of a worm breeding in horfes,or asfome writs a certain difeaft in a horfes knee. Bian- B I C B I G B I O j^anch'itóre, as Cinabrio. bianchire, tomi k- or Incorri: white. Bianchirti mo, >n white. Bianco dell’ òcchio, tbs white of ones eye. Bianco dell’ uòvo , the white of an egge. i Biànco-mangià'C, a \}nd. of Spanifh white- rmac, made of tin white , or brawn of ca¬ pons, blanched almonds, fugar , and rofe- j water. Bimcóre, loo\ Bianchézza- Biancófo, wlncifh, fall of white. Biinciira, lool^ Bianch'zzi- Biancurc, ufed for the monthly whites of. ■women. Biaós , a tree with whofe leaves they cover i a id thatch their hoiifes. * Biifciam'-nro, a fmicfiagin chewing -, by met. a mumbling. Biafciarc, Biaflare, to fm acker in chewing ; alfo to mumble as a toothless woman. Biafchtcvc, a fm icpeter, a mumbler. * Biafcioj In binCciOybyas-wife, alfo Baud- ri‘? wife. Biafimabilc, Biafimévolc, Bhfmàbile, Bi- j afmévole, blame-worthy,blameable. Biifimamcnto, Biafmiménto , Biafimo , Biafmo, blame or reproach. Biafimarc, Biafmaie, to blame, to reproach, I to comp! ai», or grei ve. * Biafimatiménce , Biafmataménte , adv. blamely, blamedly. * Bia fun icóre, a blamcr,x fbenter. Biafimo, Biafmo, blame,reproach, a (pot. * Biafima-tutto, a find-fault , a blame- all. Biaftémmia* as Beltémmia,eW. Biadcin- mire, as Bedemiare. Biava, ufed for Biada. * Bià yc,fbnmps, or prams. Biavo, a pale firaw-colour. Bibace, drinking, that drinketh. * Bibacità, drinking, bibacitie. *Bihiri, as Barbante- Bibbia, Bibia, the Bible , or Holy writ ; alfo the funnel of a But -, alfo the dreggs of wine. *Bibione, a (lye engendered of the bad exha¬ lation of wine. Biblipòla , Bibliothecario, a Book-filler , a keeper of a Library. Bibliotheca, a Library, alfo a Book-fellers Jbip. * Bica, B cci, am heap, or mafs , a bay- cock , a (tack of by, a rick of corn , a pile of wood , a heap of (Ivies ; alfo a hawks pcarch ; alfo a If-id of cart or tumbrel-, ufed al fo for peevifh tefs, fudden anger,or pepper in the nofc, as the French • * Bica-c , Bice Ire , to heap , or pile up toge¬ ther. Lor>kB\ci. Bicchiacchic, fmack’-rings with the tongue ; by met. idle fancies, or toyes. Biechi accost fmackerer, by met. a new-fan¬ gled or toyifh humor. Bicchieraio, as Bicchieraro , adrinlfng- glafs maker. Bicchiere, any drin^ing-gldfs. Hence comes | the word B:a\cr. Bicchignojgoatijb, rammlfh. Bicchignolo , the foebet of a lamp or candle - M. j Biccicalli-calla, agame ufed in Italy. Bicipite, two, or double-headed. Bicòcca , any hamlet, or little village -, alfo the principal feathers of a hawk- Bicòllo, a. conic-fiaff to carry things between two. j Bicompódo, doublc-compofed. Bicórnia, a crooked anvite. Bicòrno, double-horned, by met. tough,jtrong, or fiurdy. Bicornuto, double-homed. Bicorpòreo, double-bodied. * Bi crinito, double-haired. *Bidalo, Bidali, men of Navarre , G if- conie, or Provence Light-boyfemen. * Bidelli , Bidcllio , a find of black ty:e » leaved like an oak, fw eating zu;n. bearmi a wild fig. Bidcllia, the name of an herb. Bid elio, a Beadle. B identico, double-toothed. Bidente,.: prong, a pitch-fork. * Bidóne, 'he name of an herb. * Biecamente, fquintly, crookedly. Bic-ccola, Bicccole, blitts, bcetes. Bieco, fqui it, crooked -, by met. uni ajvfill, foul, difhmsft. Bicd 6 ne,fbe dregs of honey. Biellécta , a fionc, or (hell that the Ichneu - man ufed to the Crocodii with- alt. Biennio , two years (pace. Biedémmia, as Beftémmia, &c. Biècelij Biéce, blits, bcetes. Bietolone,, a (hallow-brain’d flanged,a foul looby. * Biétta, a wedge to cleave wood. * Eiettóre, fo wedge in. Elèttola, as Béttola ,&c. Biffa ra, any croud or fiddle. Biffare, to fiddle. B ffero, a F idler, a Minftrel. Bifferà , a woman that hath had two hùf- bands -, alfo as Bufferà. Bifcra, idem. Bifida-lingua, a cloven-tongue. Bìtoglro, twaic-blade, or bifoeli. Bifólca di campo, as much land as a yoke of oxen can plough in a day. Bifolcheria, husbandry, tillage. Bifólco, a ploughman, or husbandman. Biforci, a prong, or a pitchfork- Biforcato , Biforcelluto, Biforcuco, Biful- cato, two-forked, biforftd. Biforcaménto, feparalion, or div’-fion , Biforco piédc, a cloven-foot. Bifórme, of two fhapes or forms. Biformicà, two-foldfhape, biform'ty. Bifrónte, bifionted, double fronted. Bifiilca, land twice ploughed. Bifulcaco, as Biforcato. Biga, a tumbrel, a dung-cart. Bigamia , Bigamie , the marriage of two ■wives. Bigamo, a man twice married. Bigato , a coyn (lamped with a coach drawn by two horfes. Bigatto, Bigattolo, Bigatéllo , all manner of pinning worms, as (ilk-worms. Bigèllo , a natural gray , or (heeps-ruffet co¬ lour, or. doth -, home-(pun cloth. Bigeyógnolo, Bighellóne, grayifh -, a word óf difgrace, as one would fay , a gray affé, a filly gull, a fimple fot , a nimic. Bighcraio, Bighcro, a [coffer , a rader, a quipping je[icr •, alfo a k}nd of pointed pur le bontla.ee , worn in falling bands j or one that ma^th, or felletb fuck lace. Bigliétto, as Bigliétto. Bigiaccio,, as Bigèllo. Bigio, (beeps-ruf et. Friers-gray. Bigiócco, as Bizócco. Bigiiiccio, Bigiccio, a grayifh, or ajhle-co- iour. Bigliétto, a billet, a ticket, a fhort written ?iotc. Bigolo, Bigóldo, the (lem or (talk of any herb or flower : alfo as Bicòllo. * Bigóncia, a pulpit, or chair in fchoolcs for a reader fa difputant, or an orator j alfo a great leather bucket, hooped with iron hoopes,fcrving for vintage. Bigóncio, Bigonciuólo, Bigónzo ,Bigón- zolo, a certain great wine-nica fare , in Florence. Some have ufed it fora Bee¬ hive j and for Bicollo, * Bigordirc, non p r altro mi affatico,che per b'.gordire. * Bigórdo,.: [tiff, lo hold up, and carry a C. -■' r - with. ?npy Bilancia , a balance , or a pair of feales to weigh withall ; alfo cqunterpoif . Bilancia, a kind of fq tare fowling net,fixed upon four (ticJ^s or poles-. Bilanciare Jaf balance, to weigh, by met. to confideS, or ponder well. Bilanciato, Bilanciatole, a balancer, a weigher, an o verfeer of [calcs. Bilancio , a balancing, alfo a making,or gi ving of (lift weight, or ke eping a)uft ac¬ count of things by way of book• Bile, galle, anger, choller , alfo mzlancho ly intermsxt with choller- Biléca , a jc(t, a flout, a frump , that ma move one to anger. Bilecdrc, to jcft,to flout,or frump at one over- fiucily. * BiUccto, a billet, a ticket, a little note of paper. ^Bilicarej-vr Bilanciare,vale anche psrAc- commodai'c per appunto. Bilicato, that bath a navel or middle. BAico, the navel of anybody • by Met. the middle of any thing , alfo a mill-clap- pcr. Bilico, adv.flaggeringly,totteringly,ready to , fill- ! Biiigato, part of a trire-drawers bench. j * Biligórgnc, look Fare le biligórgne. j Bilingue, double-tongued,bihagued( * Bcliórfa, as Bcffana. * Bilio ficài chwrlifh melancholy. Biliófo , cbolerick, cafily .vngry , fubfcll to wrath full, melancholy, churlifh. * Biliotato, pecked, freckled, alfo billette in Armory. Billéra, as Biléca- Billiardo, a billiard-board. Billi-billi, clofc wbijp.ring words. Billio, the play at B Ili ards. Billótti, billets of wood. Bilra, as Bellézze. Biluftro , two luflres, ten years. Bimalv.1, white, or mar(h-mallows. Bimamma,nv;a’ a mother,t double dug,alfo a k}nd of vine. * Bimatrc,.: fumarne of Bacchus, as having two mothers. Bimba, a fuefràg-babìe. * Bimba'c, to fuck ai x baby 0 * Bimèmbre, of two members, or parts-, alfo a wild bcajl If? a Capricorn. Bimcmbruto, double membred. Biménfe . of two months -, alfo the Jpace of two months. Biménto, double chin’d, a double chin. Biméftre , a k}ni of wheat that is ripe forth dales after it is fowen. Bimole) two years old. Bin-angolo, two-angled. * Binarchia , joint, or equal* authority of two. 1 Binare, to couple, or yoke together. * Binàrio yOonfifiing of two. Binifccnza,.: twice,or do able firth. Binafcerc, to be born twice. Binati, twins, or born together. Binato , a twin -, alfo twice bom -, alfo offe- vcral (hapes and natures j alfo offevcral fprouts or buds in plants. Bindi, Bindàglio, as Bendi. Bindàre, as Bendare- Bindélla, as Bendélla. Bind .Hare, as Bcndcllàc,' Bino, two-fold. Binóme, a double name. Binòmio, that hath two names. Biocca, as Bicocca. Biócco, as Bieco, as Fiòcco > as Biòc¬ colo. K x * Bloc B I R B I S B I S * Bioccolare- Bioccarcj as Fioccare , alfo to (pet, Bioccoli. * Biòccolo, a fmall parcel of ware wbipt off the fleece, a great, or bard dot of fieagme , which is called a burin the throat, al fo any hard not blowen out of ones nofe,ufed alfo for Fiocco. Boccolófo , full of hard flcagme in the throat , alfo full of fnot,or fnhell , alfo bufh; } o, full of taf els, affo full of flakes of {now. Biólci,*# Bifólca. bionda , wa(h-lye for womens hair , alfo as the bearb Bogliónc, or Curcuma. Biondare, towafh, or madwomens hah bright and yellow. ’ Biendcegiante, yellow-fljining. Biondeggiare, toflr.nc yellowifh, or to loo\ fair. Biondella, the hcarb Ccntoric, focaUed, be- caufe wafljing ones head with it, it ma\cs ones hair yellow, alfo a goldie -loci £ wench, by Met : a womans commodity. Biond ' Ilo, a goldis-locl^young man. * Biond izza, Biondine, a Sunnc-fhnc Co¬ lour. Biondo , fair , of a goldifh colour and (pe¬ ci ally gallant of hair. Bione-vino, a find of braefifh wine made of Palmes. Biordare, us Bagordare. Bióva, Bivare, us Piòggia. Biovófo, ns PioYÓfo. ipalio, a grubbing axe, or hough. 3 ipilmo,fTr 0 handfull broaden long,or wide, or deep. 3 'panne, as Bipènne, ipara, that hath brought forth twice- 3 ipart 3 nunio, a dividing , tf partition in two. Bipartire, to part , or divide in two. Bipartito, parted in two. Bipedilc, two foot broad 3 wide, or long, or d.tf. Biped:, two-footed , or Bipede. Bipenne , having two wings , alfo a twale, a twy-bill , or a twa'j-bit, or a hatchet. Bilico, a runt of two years old. Birbi, Birbanza, any clofe, flic , or {n ivifh Jh-fi , or prandi a vagabonds trade, asgip- jie oradltfe. Bit bare. Birbonate , to play the crafty and fly fling companion. * Biib.légio, ufed for Privilegio. ’ Birbigóni, a find ef dainty grape. * Birbo, Birbóne , a flic-cheater, a flyfting companion , a cunning rogue , a. cor¬ ner. Birbólo, full of cheating,fhifting, cunning,or fnavifh trices. Birciare, to look wall-ey’d. Bircio, wxlL-cy’d , fbort flghted , alfo as Guércio.- Bircme , cl galle , with two ranges of oares. Birctta, as Berétta, &c. Birgandro, a wild goofe. Birìbifli,! certain Uttary game much ufed in Rom: of late,years , in the time of tbc Va¬ cancy of the feat of Rom:. Bcricócoli, as Pericuócoli. Birilinsire, us Berlingare. Biròldo, a find of Haggas-pudding. Birra, the drink, called beer. * Biracchio, a runt of a year old. Birraria, Birreria', a becr-houfe , a true - boufe , alfo tbc whole rout, pac{ , nr pro- flffion of ferjants, or the place where fitch rafeals meet together. Birraro,.! Beer-brewer. Birreggiare, Birroncggiare, to play the bafe catch-pole , or rafeal. Birréfco, fer\ant-li\c, rafealy. Birro, Birróne , a. bafe variti , a fer - jant , a catchpole ,aparitor , by Met : a fubtle fiave, a cheating nib, a [liefoifl, a cony catcher. Birfa, chevcrcUsfn to ma\e piirfes. Bifa, a coldfofl with {harp winds , alfo the Northern-wind. Rifaccia , a {crip or a wallet, with two ends to cafl over onesfhudders, fuch as mendi¬ cant Friars ufc-, or as travellers to cafl a- thwart their horfe. Bificc are, to put into a wallet. BiTactico, a tooth-pick, or Chervil weed. Bifante , Bifantini, acoyn where formerly were flamped two faints , alfo all manne r of bright IJungles. 4 BifircipoltroncinifsiffTimo , an egregious fupsr- fuperlative coward. * Bifarcjvoli , a great great Grand¬ mother. * Eifarcivolo , a great great Grandfa¬ ther. Rilavi, Bifavola, a great Grand-mother. Bifavo, Bilavoio, a great Grandfather , by Me: :an old arch-\navein the bighe ft de¬ gree. Bisbigliare, to win (per, to buyge. * Bisbigliatóre , Bisbiglióne , a privy whi- fperer, a backbiter. Bisbiglio, anywhifpering noife, Brfca, Rifcazza,a common (tews,a brotbcU- houfe , a riotous place , where nought but whoring , rioting , ebambring > gaming, drin lying, and all licentiouficffels ufed , alfo all manner of unthriflinefsf.icencioitf- nefs, and flafull rioting, a certain ods at tennis , alfo a French difh , or g alia¬ mo fry. Bilcicciarej^ifcazzare^o frequent whoore - boufe s, to brotheU, to ufc wbooring, eh am¬ be mg , rioting , and all manner of ribaul- drie, to be lafcivious and obfcenc in talk¬ ing , alfo to wa(te , to fpend , and play all one hath in lux uric and w anténne ffe. * Bifcaccicre , Bifcazzere, a whoore-mun- ger, a frequenter of common (lews,or rio¬ tous comp. mie , an obfeene talker, a licen¬ tious liver , a lavifb- [pender , a prodigali fon ì a tofs pot gamefter , a common di¬ cer ,i to conclude , a roaring-boy. Bi (cantare, to flng and {mg again . Bifcazzi,'tecs , with a ftirrup over it, and fow their worke upon it. * Pof-ita, Roiritéll.ijrt/hr/e box. Bóllo, the Box-wood, or tree ; alfo a Box - fi(h. Bóflòla, the Box wherein Mariners keep their Compafs j alfo x Mariners Com- pafs. Boilolarc, to put into a box. Bóflblo, i olToL’tto, Boflblino , any round box, alfo the Box-tree ; alfo fuch boxes as flrve to {eep lots in for deciding and fen- tencing. Bollóre, a cod of raw flll(. *Bó!ìa, the name of an bearb. Eoftrichte , a flonc of the colour of a wo¬ mans hair. Polarizzo, as lottar Ha. Bòra , a gruntingfijh called a Mole-pout, Boticcio, the name if a bird, * L’ocanomame, a Soothfayer byhearbs. * Bcnnomantia, divin,tion by hearts. Botare, to vow, as Votare, v Botarghe , a [alt-meatmade of the hard roes of the flfh Cefalo. Cotauro, a { imi of wild bull. Botcro, ufed for buitcr. * Fotinamcnco, a mutiny. Botinii Cj tomutinie -, affo to bootie. Eotinaróre, a mutiner -, alfo a bootier. Botino, a bootie, aljo a mutilile, B ocinófo, mutinous, r. beldons. 1 oro, who hath made a vow, Both a re, to butter. Potiro, butter. Boùrófo, full of butter. Botivo, votive, belonging to a vow. Boto ,azow, awilfullpromife , a defluite verdict, or fentence or vote, a'fo a little image hung up in- Churches upon the oc- caflon offume miracuous deliverance. Botolo , a firk‘H , a runlet, a barrellet, a kind of little dog about th: bigneffe cf a tumbler. Botonaria, the blew or globe -darete. Botonomanrc, a diviner by bearbs. Eotonomintia, divination by bea bs. * Botri, BocrinOjO.i^ of Cappadocia. * Eotrióni, ovéro . ani celi’ uva. Bóeric, a difeafe in the eyes, Botrice, a kind of brafs-orc, or flone gathe- r.d in the roof of melting-furnaces. Bo'cta, a fuul gnat Toad , alfo a blow , a fl'fipe, aftro.ik , a hit ,or a venie at fence-, alfo the wo, kuig, or furging of the fea, alfo as Fomuó!o ; alfo as Vólca. Bòtta di fòco, '^'Tirare. Bòtta di graUcllo, that which Farriers call a [rifling. Bòtta feudiia, a Tortoifc. Bòtta trigia , the Cob or Lump-flfh ; or the Mill, ri-thumb. Bottaccio , any great butt, tun, pipe, fatt, or hogfhead -, alfo a great jugg, or flaggon or botile-, alfo the greatejt 'tr pe-giit in an ox- alfo a kind of flonc wrought rope-fa- fljion , alfo a kind, of thruflj. ~ f Bottiglia , h.,tb been ufed for bootes: from the French. Bòctalo, as Botolo. Bottina, a fond of FI an el-fluff". Bottaiòlio* the calf of a mans leg. * Bottarghe, as Eotarghc. Bòtta rifTi, as the flfh Bota. Hottaro, bottaio, a Bui-m&ker 3 a. Cooper. Bottato, booted, that hath bootes. Bòtte, bootes , alfoblowes or flripes. * Bótte, any butt, or barrel. Boccega, a fhop,or wor\-houfe. * Bottegaio , Bottegaio , Botteghiére , a Jhop-keeptr -, ufed alfo for an Apothe¬ cary. ^Botteghino, Botrcguccia, any little, cr poor fhop or flail upon the flreet. Bottegaio , any little barrellet, or flrkjn, or runlet, alfo the fitting hole of a pri- vie. * Bottcglia, Bottiglia, a bottle, a flagon. Bottcgliire, Bottigliare, to bottle. Bottegliérc, Bottiglière, a butler, a bottle- man. BotrcJicria, Bottiglieria , a buttery, alfo a bottle-boufe. Bottegóne , any great fbop j alfo a wine-ta¬ vern. ferrerò, a Cooper , a But-makfr. Lottclc 1 , of .a butt j butt iffy. Botticella,!* fmall toad, òr flog-, alfo a fìttali barrel. Botticèlle, Botticmo,rt«)r little barrellet,as Botticèlla. Bottiglia, as Bottcglia ,'with the refi. Bottinaménto, as Mutinaménto, Bottinare, as Mutinare. * Lottino, a mutinie,a rebellious Hprorc-,alfo a bootie for prey ; alfoia waUed, or clofe well of waters. Bottini, buskins, or thin boots. Bòtto, a ftro\e , a blovs, or a knap. * B òtto di campana, thè tale, or knock °f a bell. Bottofréddo, as Batrifrtddo. Battolo, any young whelp or puppie ; alfo a flypbeards dog or cur j alfa a cod of raw flk■ Bouonire,t0 button : by Met. to quip witti¬ ly, or to taunt fccrttly. Bottonatura,.* buttoning -, alfo at many but¬ tons as belong to a fuite. Eottoncélli, Bottoncini, Botronétti ,all manner of little buttons, or young buds of flowers : by Met. witty quips , or f co fling words. Bottóne, any kind of button • alfo the young and round bud of any tree or flower : by Met. awittie quip or covert taunt - alfo an iron inflrument, which ferves to cau¬ terize. Bottóne di rósa ,arofe-bud. Boftoncggiàre,tfl quip at covertly. Boctonctto di fuoco, any iron toolc , that Farriers ufe with a little {nob at the end like a button. Bottonièra, a button-hole. Bottoniere, ** button-maker. Sctcrice, Bóttulo,f/w Cob-fiflj, or Millers- thumb. * Bottame, all manner of wine-cask , or veffels of any make. B ottima,! kind of co arfe flannel fluff,wher- of they make fails. P ormare, to butter. Potuto ,-butter. Buturofo, full of butter. Bovare, as Bòa re. Bovaro,.* Neat-heard. Bovazzo, rfxBoaccio. Bove,*!/! Ox, a Beef- alfo as Buóve, akynd of link 0) " chain. * Bòve marino, a Sea-calf. Bovcgguire, to play the Ox : by Met. io Uve a beaflly or flupid life. Fovcranda, ^rBonaga. Bovifcro, Ox-bearing, Beef-bringing. * Bovigeni, animali parie huòmini, par¬ te buoi. Bovina, of an Ox or Beef - alfo Ox or Cows dung. Carne bovina, becf-fkfh. Bovine, the biting Ox-flks, or brr*3$s. P.ovinità, the nature or quality cf an Ox: by Met. [timidity, bloc\ifhnefs. Bovino ,‘of the nature Of an Ox - alfo an Ox- flalle-, alfo an Neat-beards cottage. BRA BRA BRA Bovolirc, to go, to creep, to fi-ame,or to wor\ fruiti -wife. Bovolo, any find of round fhail, well j., or winkle, or cockle ; aIfo the place where a rower Jits to row in a boat,barge,or galley: by Met. a pair of winding flairs. Bózza, Bózze, any find of puff, misfhapen, or monfir om fruii ; any untimely , or abor¬ tive fruit ; the fir ft rough draught of any worfi ; any mperfect and bungling piece of worfi H:rcof is framed the Verb Abboz¬ zile ; alfo any poc\,blanc, botch, bile or plague fore ; alfo any round plain viol- glafs : by Met. trompcrics, trafh, or un- lawfull trices : as when a woman doth cornute her husband : ufed alfo for cows- dung. * Bozzachiare, Bozzacchionire, to blifter, to bladder, to (well, and puff with wind, or dufi-fo grow and become full of Bózze. Loo\ Bozzacchióni. * Bozzicchio , Bozz’-cchióni, all manner of worm-eaten, windie, misfljipcn, or a- bortive fruits upon trees, as galls or wind - 1 Bracchi, loo\ Bracco. Bracchiile, as Bracciale. Bracchiere, a brache, or dog-beeper. Bracchio, its Braccio, as Bricco. * Braccia, the plur. of Braccio, all manner of arms, ells, or yards : by Met. all man¬ ner of fp; coding branches , as of the fea , of trees, of vines, the fins of fifhes ; the fore¬ legs of a horfe , or of a wild-boar ; alfo the beams of a pair of fcales, or balances, alfo yards or ells to me a fare by, of three ip.ins length. Bracch-bófchi, wood-binde , honey- fu efie. n_i . i> _ . ■ . /1 «> : - , Brachiale, as Braccióne. Biadare, rtj’Bragi a'.c. Loo\ Brage. * Bracière, an non , or earthen fire-pan with wheels to remove fire in. * Bracóna ,mud in the bottom of waters. * Bradipi, great flops or breeches. * Brade pd u, a flow conco ill on, or painfull dgefiion of ones meat. * Brado,! general name for Neat-cattlefhat is not above three ye zrs old. * Bi adóne , a wing of a doublet, òr any fucb ve ft'men:. Brad lime, a h n ird of treat cattle « Bracciale , Bracciauola , Br accidia , any Braghe, iraghéltè, as èriche. manner of bracer alfo a vante-brdcc 5, Bras.anfao, a coyn m Goa, alfo a potildron ; alfo an arm-gantlét Bracchi itti» bracelets , wbfi-bands. Bracciamènci, embracings. Bracciare, to embrace , to clasp, or reeme a - bout, to brace. Bracciaca,Braccìatùi a, any bracing, or em¬ bracing ; alfo an arm-full- Bracciatcllo, Bracchilo, bn fit, or ftmncl bread. bliflers j alfo puffs or mufhroms full of , Braccicare, to creep, or fpraule oh all duff : by Met. dried pruans or pears ; alfo j four,to hugg wantonly, old womens filthy and withered paps or Braccicóne,ad 'f.ff>raulingly,on aUfoùr. dugs ; alfo loft labour,or unprofitable. Bracci ère , a Ladies ufher -, alfo a brace to ! Bozzichiuco, if frozen of a man, it implies put on when one plays at Ball one.hand- 1 Dragóni, great flops or b ■ceche. little, tbic^fct, unhew’d. bill at big as afaot-b ill. j Brama, tin eirn-li or cowttnr. Bozzàgo» loo\ Abuzzas;o. Braccicrro, the dim. of Braccia ; alfo muni- i Primi, a fouldkr rnong the Indians. Bozza e, to bhfliy ,!o[well i, to bladder, or \ oils, orlrttnions, as Carpenters call them, j Bramatile, to be wpe' il t'/e. puff upline a torch, a biute, or bile, or a Braccio, ajifritf arm ; ho\ Braccia : by , * Brani miliare ,M in carétto rppctitófo- a Braggia. Lo :\- Fuòco pci Ileo. I Dragherà o, a breech, or ’rufs-mafir. J Braghétta, as Biadi -eta. Bragia re, to bum to coals or cinders. Bragie, quie{ burning coales or embers. Bragicr-tj, a wanning, a perfurning-pxn , a chafi ig-diffj - alfo ns Bracière. Bragiólc , us Barfuólè. Brigo , a bog, a puddle, a quag-mire ■ as Baco. Bn _ ah àncicnt word in Venie Ffij-marfit, a F fh fire t. Bragolare , ufed in Vcni ccfor to f[h. for a wind-gall 5 alfo to defile or to pollute 3 alfo j M:t. an arm of the fea ; alfo authority \ ««Abozzare- I force, power, protection- Bozzatura, as Abozzitura, Bracciolirc, to embrace,to braccar to reeme Bózze, the plur. of Bózza. ! about ; affo to meafure by yards,or ells. Fozz rta, as Bózza. Bracciolirc, a yard o^cll to meafure by j ol- Bizzima, as Bólìma : by Met. any mefh, or fb a ft affé or efidgk . or any hand-wea- foft pa fie, mingle-mangle, or hotchpotch. \ port. Bozzimire, as Bofimarc, by M:t. to mefh, Bracciòli, Braccatoli., Bracciòlfno , any to bungle, or botch up in hafic. | little arms ; all.manner of bracers,braces, Bòzzo, void, emptic, or hollow, as apufh or or reems about any thing ; alfo any leaning- a wind-gall', alfo foul,tainted, or poi-' ^ . luted. Bòzzo, a botch , a bile, or a blanc , a windc- gad in a horfe • by Met. a bafiardora mungrcl 5 a picce of rough-hewed [tone. Bozzolidi, Bozzolai,^ Bucaliro. ‘Bozzolo, that meafure which the Miller tafis as his fee for grinding-, alfo any place or ft ay for the arms to lean upon, namely of a chair -, alfo the Jhort lin\s or buttons fet to on: fide of the upfet in the place of the water-chain of a , horfe * Braccióne, the fuperl. Braccia ; alfo that part of a mans arm that is between the el¬ bow and the fhouldpr. ftouc cut and wrought lifie a pyramids , n r Bricco, Bricchi»*»/ Ifind of brache, beagle pomtedDiamond j alfo a cod of raw fdf - , hound , blood-hound,lyme-hound,draught- alfo a fifh called a Cob or a Millers thumb: alfo as Bózza. Bózzolo di gènte, a finot, a pac\, or crew of men or good fellows , fo that it be not under four, and exceed not the number of ten. * Bozzolófo, Bozzoluto, full of Bcfcze. Bra biliare name of an hearb. Braca, Bridie, all manner of breeches or fops. Pracbiuóla, /«Brachetta. Bracale, as Brachière. Braci-, e, to breech, to put into breeches 5 al¬ fo to clout, or bind about with iron- plates. * Bracare un pèzzo ; to un-ffoc\, to flocf, to brae If, to breech or mount apeece. Bracato , breeched. Brucatura , any breeching, namely of a pecce 3 alfo the feat of a [addle. Bricca, a brache, a bitch, a beagle. Braccare, ro bra),[, or mount apeice 3 alfo to hunt or qurfi with braches. * Bracccnte, found , or firong in the ames 5 alfo a firongdxy-labouringman. Bracccfca licènza: by Met. as they fay in Engl: fbyStajford-law. Brncccfco, arm-firong, of, or belonging to the arms. Braccheda, a \ennd of braches. Bricchetta, a young brache , or beagle. ptvory difh. Brami -c, carne fll y to wifi) or covet. Brami- fanguc, a blood-:inr.fiy man. Bramito, carne [t’y wiffjt fo., * Brami- e, to roar as a Lyon - { alfo to bray as an Affé. Bramire, a longing, or carne fl difire. Bramito, aroarin ?, a braying. Bramofamcnte, \dv. wi(kingly. Bramir o, \h a:(tly defrosts. Brattare , to teare, to cut , or pull away with violence on: pie.ee of fiefh from ano¬ ther. Branca, Branchia, Branche* the fang, the claw, the p.iWy a grip:, a clutch,or c ’i tch of any beafi, o, crab -Jiff) ; a'jo a find- ff^Scalop, or Cecfic-fijh : by M:t, a mans Branca d’ oro , a golden fang or claw -, art ouch or brooch of gold : by Met. a greedy gold-griper. Branca leonina, a Lynns paw,alfo a H.rrts- , fodder, or wild parfnip. Branda pólpo , a fhd-crab, or lóbjìcr. with great claws. Branca orsina , Be ars- foot, Ecx's-brcech, Bears-wwt, Br ariano [in. Brancaccio, Brancadórc, Branca;io, a. greedy griper , a hard griper , a griping' „ f crap e -good, ter -gates ready to give any man an arrefi, Brancaglic ,all manner of gripings,ch:ichmg: miri nuvurr- Imxhlnnrl ... • . - . J . , * hound, (panici, felting-dog,&c. by Met. a hog-loufc 3 tifo confi able s,officer steadies, or [erf ants and catchpoles in the rogues language alfo (pies. Bracco da rete; a Faffityners or Fowlers j panici , hound, or (efting-dog . Bricco di manigóldo, a Hangmans beagle , or blood-hound : by Met. fucb ferjeants or catchpelc \naves its- avalve the (beets in Londoner \eepfioeir fiennels at the Coun- ahd purfuc his blood. Brice, as Brida, or Bragia, coales , quic\ burning ; and fometimes though they are put out ; if fmall. - Brache, all manner of breeches-, or drawers, or flops. Brache di fèrro , iron-breeches ; alfo the 1- ron-platcs fixed under the c arri age,wher- in as in a breech, the axle-tree doth lye , called with its the axle-tree ftirrops. Bracheraro, a breech, or truf-ma\er . Bracherie, all manner of breeches. Brachétta, a cod-piece j alfo the varnels or jejfes of a bawl?. Brachetto, a little hound. Brachière, a mailer of breeches, or fuch truffi s asburflen men life to \eep up their bowels with. Brachecuculi Cow flips, Qxelips 9 Pxiglc , Palfie-wort. °rgnpings : by Met. among Ma-ons and Carpenters, all forts of fa finings, conjoyn- mgs s r,r each a flags together of timber, or, flone-worfics with braces of lead or bon , ns it were with fangs or claws. Brancare, Biancheggiare, Branchezzire, Branchiale, Brandirne, to grip:, to fang, to clutch or clofe fafl in ones fangs, paws, fangs, clutchesi or hands. Brancica , a bandfull , as much as one can gripe at once in his band. Brince , a find of gttrt or frumentic corn in France. Brancicare, Brandire, Brancolare, fo claw fair and fofely , to catter-claw ; alfo to grope, to fumble, or be handling as it were clawing in the dar fi Brancicóne, Brancolóne, Brancóne 5 adv. gropingly, fumbling' y. *B-àndo, as Branco. L Br.èn- B R l B R I B R I B anco, Branchi, * comp.my or multitude [ of any Living creatures toother, as a herd 0 ff vine ,i drove of cattle', a ft ml of ftfhcs , a (light of birds, a flock o r grefe, abevie of women , a pack of knaves, a cm: or knot of good fellows, &c. a fo a branch of a tree, err the troche of a (lag ; alfo a rheum: or catarro, de funding in d mans throat . Brine’ orsina, look Branca. Brancóni, as Brancolóne- * Brancuccia, the dim. o/Brinca. BnvcCtto,havingpawsorfangs. * Brandello, Brano, any piece, cob, lunchi- on , or colop of flefh violently pulled away from the whole. * 1 randiménto, a brandijhmg or waving a fcoord in the air. Brandire, difeo, d to, Brandolarcj/o bran- difh a /word , or any other weapon in the air : by Met. to frnug, to fprucc, or trick , and trim np. Brando , a [word, alfo a gad of (led , alfo a French dance , call d a Branflc. Brandónc, a fre-brand,alfo a great burn¬ ing torch ; alfo as Brandello. * Frani re, to befprink le > Branla, a French braille or brangle. ranlare, to brangle , to (hake ,to Jhog , to totter- Brano, as Brandèllo. ” Brano, a brino, by mammaek : > or piece¬ meal. laici, open threfhingplaces, allies or walks in gardens , fqnare beds, or quarters in gardens. Brafciare, as Bragiare. Crafciuoli: c, Brafulirc,tfl fry in /leaks, al¬ fo to carbonado. B rafciuóle, Bra fuole, fry’.’d-flca\es m , alfo ra- (hers, or carbonado’s. 'raflare, to brew , to embrew. •raffina, a brewing , orbrew-houfe. raffiro, a Brewer. affuuro, a brewing. rafsica, gardcn-coleworts. >• afsica canina, dog-cole, dog-bane• irafs ca-marina, fca-colcwoyts » braluóle, look Brafciuóle. rithia, the Inarb Savin. ’ra vigerne , praveria , Bravia , Bravura, all manner of braving , a/anting, or boafl¬ ing; a’fo all manner of braverie, gallantry, or flatting in gay clothes. ’ravire, Braveggiire, to brave it, to flant it, or to be all a hoigb in gay clothes ; alfo to brave , to boa ft, or vani , to fcold at one. b avita, a bravado, a braving, a boaftbig,a v anting, a fwaggering. ■ ravizzo, a terrible roifter, a fwa(I)-b:ic{ ler, a tifti-toftie gallant , a fwaggerer. '•ravena, Bravia, as Braviggine- ' raviére, a tynd cf water-foul. \ ivo, brave , gallant , fine, rich, or gay in ' clothes ; alfo a braver, a vanterà boaftcr, a fwafh-buckler. 3 rivo in piizzi,# cowardly flave, one that never dares quarrel but in the open mar¬ ket-place, where he is fuYc to be parted . * Bravò fo, full of bravery or vanting. Irazzoni , great braces. '.fazzuòli , as Bracciuoli. * Bréccia, any rupture or breach, namely , made by affault , alfo rubble, or rubbijh of old walls. ?i cede , broken fhardes, or rugged pibblc- ftoncs. * Breccicvole, that maybe broken,or have breaches made into it. rccciófo, full of breaches or rubble * ‘ Brechin ifino, <1 Ifind of pepper that hath no fubftance but the busk- ' regmiti, look Offo. brille , the trendies, trickles or dung , offheep , goats, hares , conies, or dear, or rats. Brina, a \ind of Turkic-wheat. Brine , horfc-traces for carriage, borfe-bar- nefs for draught. Brinca , tbeghillof afifh; alfo as Brin- * Brinda, all manner of bran. Brcndola , a butter-flye. Brinna, all manner of bran. Brennófo ,full of bran, brannie. Brenta , a certain vcffcl of wood to carry grapes to the ttlhc-prcjs, or Wine from the prefs to be put into other veffels, ufed in I- taly upon mens fhoulders. Brcntadórc, Brentiro, a Wine-porter , a Wmc-mcafurcr. Brcfiglio, as Bcrziglio- Brifca, ufed for an honey-comb. Brefuóle, as Biefciuóle. Brétta, Breuina. the reins of nJw/e; tifi as Beritta. Brino, (terrifor barren of fruit. Brectónica» as Betònica. Brève, brief, fhort, compendious, ^Brie¬ ve- Breve , a Brief nr Breve from the Pope ; alfo a brief in muftckyalfo an emblem,or fhort- writing, a not''. Brevialcj Breviario, a brevi al , a breviario, a Note-book > alf° a Mafs-book- Brcviaminto, Brcviatiónc,Brcviinza,Bre¬ vi:, tura, a brevìation , a brevi tic , a fhort- nefs. Brcvii'c, to brevi ate , to brief, to fhor- tcn. Brevi: róre, a breviator, a briefer. Breviccllo, Brcvic no , Brevicciuolo, the dim. of Breve ; '‘‘alfo a kjnd of devi feto catch birds. Breviloquenza, compendious fpcaking. Breviloquio, compendious (pccch. Brevi óta, facciati, full of brevitie. Rrcviti, brcvitic,fhortnefs. ' Brevi osi (limo, mo ft fhort , compendious. Briviter, adv- briefly, in brief. Bréza, Brézza , Brczzolina , chilnefs or fhivering, alfo a cold and windy mi ft or fro ft. Brezzare, to be miftie, and cold windy witball ; alfo to chill, and (biver with cold. V> ’ Briacaggine, Briacinza , Briachézza 5 drimkennefs, carouftng. Briacirc ,to b:,or make drunken. Bv\ico,drunk,cup-(ho,foxt,tipfte,pot-ftck- Briacóne, a filthy beaftly drunkard. Briino, as Briònia. Briinte, glittering or (pangling. Brianzéfco, a °f ftrong wine j alfo as Briaco- Briirc, to glitter, to (panglc, to twinkle. Bria co, one having a hundred bands. Bricche, crags, clifs, or braks of hills. Bricchi. Look Bricco. Briccia , any jot or cram: by Met. acollop or (lice from off flomcthing. Bricciola e as Minuzzolire ,tocrum. Bricciolirc,^ Minuzzolo, any little jot, piece, or crum, namely of bread. Bricco, Briccbóne,Bricchi, a rogue, a foifl, a nip, a cantler , a (hifting rafeal ,a fer- jeant ; alfo a ram. Briccocoli, Apricock-plums. Briccol a, a brie col, or reboundingof a ball from one w ill to another in a Tennis-court , alfo a crccping-bolc ; alfo a tiller or flock- bow, to (boot arrows in. Beccolare , to briccol from wall to wall: Wood implements made to fur round walls; as Mangino. Bricconaggine, Bricconeria,Bricconica , any roguijh , foiling, or cozening trick • Briccóna re, to play the Bricco. Briccóne. Look Bricco. Bride de ferro, iron-hands or rings^hat bind the/banks of a wbccl,callcd the flirt ups of a wheel. Briivc, as Brève. Brievcménte , as Breveménte. Britalda, a bold Virago, a fhamelcfs man¬ like woman. Brka, any contention, brabble, brawle, or fwearing, and trouble ; alfo neccf] ary bu- fincfs. Brigantare,Brigandire, to rob, to rove, to play the Pirate or thief at fca. Brigante , apirate , a rover, cither by fea or land,a crafty cheating villain, a wandring rover , a bufie-body , or one that meddles much in other mens matters. Brigantino, a brigantine, a pinnace. Brigirc to brawl, to brabble, to fquare ; alfo to ftrive/or fhift for with care, labour, and diligence ; to trouble ones felf and friends; alfo a progeny,or offering. Brigita, a company, a crew, a rout,or pack of merry lads. Briaatélla, a [mall family. Briglia, any bridle or fnafftc. Loo\ Bévcre la briglia- Briglia d’óro, a golden bridle ; the name of Orlando's horfe in Ariófto. Brigliamcmo, any bridling or curbing. Brigliire, to bridle, to [naffle, to curb. Brigliiro, a bridlcr, a ember. Briglie a fèrro di cattillo,in times pafl they called bits fo,that were with ports,becau[e the port hath fomewbat the fkape cf d horjbooe. Buglióne, a great bridle. Brigliózzc,a k^ n ^ of curbing bridle or fnaf- fle for young colts. Brigóni, ufed in metric for Br Agóni Brigófo, contentious. Look Brigirc- ‘ Brillante, twinkling as the ftarsingling as fpangles, (parking as a diamond doth in turning , or as wine doth inaglafs : by Met. quavering with the voice ; alfo leap- mg , sapping , or chucking for over joy. Brillar c, to twinkle , to fpangle , to Sparkle as wine doth : by Met. to quaver ; alfo to skip or chuck for joy. * Brillo, a glittering, a twinkling, a Spark¬ ling , or a ]pangling ; alfo a fpangle , or a fpark : by Met. one merrily drun^or well tippled ; alfe a fhrub growing in the wa¬ ter. Brillófo, full of fpangles. Look Br'llo. Brina, a mornings mifl, bream , hoar-ftoft,or dew-ftoff. Brinacela, Brinata, afoggic-mift, abreamy fog,a foggy hoare - ft oft. Brinare, to dew-flec\e, to be miftie and fog- pie : by Met. to befpcckle. Brinito ,dew-frnen and miflic;alfo beffec\- led , pide or particoloured. * Brincia, a tool that S idlers ufe. Bnndire, Brindeggiire, Biindizzire , Erinzaie, to quaff merrily, and drink healths one to another . Brindello , the (talk of a pear or apple : by Met. any fcantling , or little piece or fhred. Brindefi , Brindili , Brindizica , Brins , Banfi , Brinzi, Brinzita , an inviting of one to drink ; or drinking of healths ; ta^en from tìv Dutch, Ich bring dis, l pre font this to you. Brindizzire, B-rinzire. Look Brindare- Brinófo, breamie, mifly, dew-frcr\en. Brio jBriónc , the mofs of white poplar or Asp-tree, which is very fwett ; alfo a cer¬ tain. water-weed , called in Latine Pes- galli ; alfo mettle or (pirit. BTiónh,Brionie,wild-nep, white-vinegetter- BRO BRO BRO Briófo, mettle font,fprigbtfull t Bri faro, a hogs ha filet. * Brifauòle, Brifcióle, as Brafuóle. * Bruciaménto,;* fudden chilnefs or quive¬ ring for cold. * Brifciar e,to fhiver for cold as in a fit of an ague. * Brife, Bribes , Bufbes of thorns, fagot- fiicps, (tifo brandings for Dear. * Brifco, a firname of Bacchus, fo team’d from bathing of people. BrifTio, Bri filone, brÌ7^es,or Ox-flics. Britinica , Britónica , Brittinica , Spoon- I wort. Scar vie -grafs , Scorbut-graffe ; it is | very good for the ftrengthrvng of the ftn- I news if or fioppiugin the throte^and difeafes I in the mouth. ! Britenclle, fame implements in a [hip, | * Brividirc, m Abbrividlre. 1 ^Brivido, a piercing or freezing cold,fo (harp | as it depnveth a man of fences ,and be- nummeth his joynts , whence cometh the verb , Abbciyidire. Privilegio , as Privilègio, &c. ivilcggiire, as Priyilcggiare. 'vo, quanto al brivo c taglio della per¬ la egli è gcntilhuómo di buon gri- Cmartnefs. olat o, [pedaled, freckled, or, as they a-bitten. j *>«. jpeclfs, frecces y (lea-bitings. J Broite, to [calde, to parboile. ! Broata, a fc aiding, a parboiling. Bróbbìo, ufed for Obbrobrio. Bróci, an earthen-pippin. Brocca, any broad (ir ape-natte , find or boJJ'e, affo the round, bud or pnob of any flower not yet well-open, alfa a round fla¬ gon t or bottle , alfo an earthen pippin , or pofienet,alfo a blocp , a fiocp or bawps perch, alfo a Carvers great forp. Brocca d’acqua, a pitcher for water. Bròcca di tèrra, in earthen-pitcher. Brócca-vale,« phrafe among riders,as much to fay. The four is good. The horfe is well fpurred. He r puyrctb well.The rider mopes good ufe of his [purrs. Broccaglio, Broccale, a bodpin, alfo a pun- cbing-iron. Broccame , cloth of gold, cloth of bodpin, gold-tifiiie. * Broccare, to boffc , to find, to natte with fir ape-natte s , alfo to brache , to ftkp or thrufl, as with a fh.trp thfog, alfo to tape up as upon a forp , or at a pnives-point,al¬ fo to fhocp, to but, to front furioufly, alfo as Imbroccare. * Broccati , a broching, a flicping, an en- forping , alfo a (hocping or fronting , as Imbroccata. Broccatéllo, thin cloth of tinteli. Broccato, rich cloth of gold or fiver , ufed alfo for Steccato. Brocch-'cti, Brocchétte , little bofes or fiuds,alfo a forp to car ve, or eat meat with. Brocchière, a bucpler, a target. Broechire, to bud fo-rth as trees or any but¬ ton-floweY. Bròccia, a broache , or a fpit. -* Brocciare, to broach or fpit, to pricp or gore, or drive forwardby prie ping. Bróccio, gag-toothed f tooth-mouthed. Bròcco, a (lump or dry branch of a tree, Co that it Pricp , any pnob, putir, (hag , or bunch in any tree, or wood , alfo a pnot or bunch in flip or thrld, alfo the button , the head, or the bowl of any flower, alfo any flower- (lalpe,the flowerbeing cut off .alfo a piod of red and yellowijh collor , alfo as the peg which fajlen the white on’ (hoots at. Broccoli , Bróculi, the buds, fprouts , young tops or tcndrels , that grow upon the (lalps ef Colew arts or Cabigesin ivinter,whereof they mope falades, namely in Lent time. Broccoliére, a bucpler , a target. Brocconi, the flip: o/B ròcco. Broccòfo, Broccuto, pnurric, pnottie, f /sag¬ gio, pnobbic, loop Bròcco. Broccati, the mute of a b.iwpc. Bróco , a barrow or tumbrell with two wheeles, alfo as the fifh Paftinica. Brocóne, a gum that Bidello yeeldeth. Bròda, Biodata, fwili or draff for fwine, alfo broth j alfo dirt or mire. Brodaglia, by Met. the dreggs or draff of the bafefi fort of people. Brodagliónc, Brodaiuolo , Broduuólo, Brodolóne , Brodolòfo, a broih-belkc, a ficp-brotha fovea, a pjtehm-spuli:nn, adiep-pot. by Met. a gourmand, a greedie feeder. * Brodare,Brodagliarc,to fill with broth fo ca(l broth upon, alfo as Bruire- Brodetto , Broétco, Brodufo , any fne or thin broth , with eggs in it. Bròdo, any pind of pitchin-broib. BrodoApo'dolorum, a pind of dami ic broth made of many good and nourifijiig things, fuch as Abbots and Church-men love to feed upon. Bròdo latdiéro , a daintie broth made of porp or bacon. Bròdo, di Capóne, Capon-broth. Bródolo, as Brodaglióne. Brodolòfo, de fil’d with broth, nafly. 4 Brodòne, as Bradòne. Brodufo, loop Brodétto- Bróffola, a pufh , a wheale, a blifler , a gall, a pimple in any part of the body,alfo a tet¬ ter , a ring-worm, or a running-itch, al¬ fo tbe\cr u fi , the fcurf,or drie fcabof a fore. Broffolare ,to grow to pufhes , blifters or pimples, to tetter or ring-worms, alfo to grow to a dry fc.tb, or feurf. Broggiare, loop Brogliare. Bróggìo, as Bròglio. Brogiare, as Broffolare. Brógie,as Broffoiirc. Brézze, as Broffole. Brucatniglia, as Canaglia. Brucire [to pare, to pill, to bronce or Mi¬ riade any. young trees or branches as fretts or eaterpillers and goates do, by Met. to spud away, to tape away , to glide or pafs through nimbly,as to ran away but in jeaft. Bròccia. I Bruccioli ,any dry-[Heps,bmjh-wood y carpra¬ ters chips or (havings to pindlc fire with, \ _ L 1 _ B V B B V C B R V lift i limdc ef wild {nife. Bnjeco, m BafUngo. Bru«ódJ,f mulini, of i biw\. * BrucUbile, Brutcii bile, tbit mti burn tr be burnt. Bruciare, Brutture, to bun, bj Met. ti itch or [mart fore. Bruciala, Brufeiata, My blrninz,, tifo t to- fted cbefnut. 4 Bruciati, as Abbruciati.^ Bruciatacelo , Bruciaticelo, burnirli tó y at mil{ to the pot, tailing of [mo a{. Bruciduok, BrulciéUQlc, burnable. Brucio, holy,[acred , not prophane. BiucioIatO) fpoylt with a jphnter. Bruciólo ,a jplint or chip. B. udóre, Brufciórc, any burning or [aiding heat j by Met. [marting, or [ore itch¬ ing . Biuce, Brucolo, Bruttilo, a cfltterpillir , a vinc-fretter , a wild (il{-worm, a hedge- [pinner -, alfo ab urge-flie ; al[o a. bramble- bnfh. Bruco pelófo, i trough or hairy caterpillar. Bluffare, cu Sbruffare. Bruffola , cu Bróffola. B ruggir of drifting off ft. “Brughére, tbic{ brakes, of high grown ferns. Bruciare, m Bruciare, &c. Brughi ,theplur. o/Brùco ; Biugna, Bi ugnata , cu Brógna. Brugnóccolc, as Bernoccoli. Brugnóla, any little plum or prune. * Bruménco, Bruito, the braying of an Afs: by Met. a rumbling of the guts through wind. Bruire, ifco,ico, to hr aie ett an Afs: by M:t. to rumble at the guts in ones belly with wind- . Brucilarc, to f ir foftly, lift at Brut- lare. Bruttare, to parch , to fcorch , to tan, to [un¬ burn : by Met. to broyl upon coals j alfo to fìnge or [calde a. hog , co [calde and pull a hen. Brullo, B rullato, parched, [corchcdjanned, or fun-burnt a broylcd, finked, fealded : by Met. na\ed, bare, poor , wretched. Bruma, Brumale, mid-winter, bream-frofl, fro fly weather. * Brumeftre, a {ind of wine, or grape. Brunaccio , Brucarlo, brownifh, diis{te , fwartby. Brum'zza, brownefs, fwarthinefs. Brundolarc, to grumble, to mutter. Brundolatórc, a grumbler , a mutiercr. Brunella, the hcarb fdf-hcal. Brunétta, Brunotta,! nut-brown lafs. B. unire,nifeo, nito, to ma{e , or become brown 9 or fw arti fh: by Met. to burni{h,to frub, to polifhjo fttrbijh. * Brunita teda d’un eeruo, the head of a (lag that u burnifhed. Brunitóio, a burn’fh-'ug tool. Biunitóre, a burnì [her, a frubber. Bruno, brown , dar{, [wart, diarie, blac{ ; ufed alfo for mourning: by Met. unknown, alfo fad, Bruodo, as ? ródo, &c. Bruólo, as Briolo. Bruófa, BruosinijBruoum, the hearb Sou¬ thernwood. Brufca, ling, nr heath for brufhts. Brufcata, Brufcatura, a gnawing, or fret¬ ting with worms or caterpillar s ; alfo fhreddings of trees , or vines. Loo \p Bru¬ licare. Biufcamc me,adv.fharply,fowerly: by Met. roughly, or fnappifrjly. Brufcare, to enfower, to become, or ma{e fowcr,fharp , or tart in tafle ,to enfharpem, alfo to gnaw or fret with worms, cattcr¬ pillars or moths j alfo to [bred , 10 brou\e, or nibble boughs or trees y as Veer and Con¬ nies do : by Met. to pilfer or purloin away by [lie craft. Brufcaccllo, B rufehetto,/cwwbat fowrifh , at it were fowre and j’weet. * Brufchétte, as Bufchcttc- rrufehetti, bardly-ripe fruits 3 alfoto.ifrs for fippets. Brufciare, Bruciare, &c. *■ Brufcióli, little pimples , pushes, or wheals: by Met. the me axels or red goo/nes in chil¬ dren. Brufcióre, loo{ Brucióre, &c. 4 Brufco, 4» Adjective y fower y ta7t y eagrr y ' [harp, brus{ in tnfte, namely , cis unripe fruits are : by Met. fotver, grim, crabbed y rough in loo{ or condition. * Brulco, a Subflantive, a l^ine-fretter, or a Catterpillar ; any blifler, pufh, pimple y bile or wheal growing on the s{m -, al jo ti¬ ny bladder, puf, bofre, {nob y {uner, wen y gall , bunch , or nodojlty, growing on trees ; alfo {nce-ho.m, butchers-broom,peuegree, { iee-buher y a mote or Spelee of wood or jtraw. * Brufcolino, the dim. o/Brufco. Brufcóncj the ftp. of brufco ; by Met. a fie {nave, a cunning filcher. Brufcofo,/#// tffower i:fs- y alfo full of cotter- pillars. L00{ Brufco. Brufia, [tone-pitch. Brnfola, a wiu-wall’ y alfo a frfh called in Latin, Cyncdo. BruQolarc, Biudolire, to [ear, to burn , to toa[t y to broyl, to Jingo or fcorch with fire ; al b io carbonado upon the coales. Bi'Uiloloni, Brufuólc, any broylcd meats-,al¬ fo fiea{s. Bruta, a tree li\e the Cyprefs tree, whofe bar{y:eldeth a fweetpeifume. Brutagginc , Brutalità , brut alide 3 bcaJUi- nefs. Brutale, bruti[h y beaW.y. I Brut la, Brulla , [ lone-pitch. 4 Brutiàni, 4 {ind of Coleworts. Bruiino, as Brutale. Lrutio, 4 li{mg of vermin living in Fens or mooiijh grounds. Bruco, bruit, bruitijh , without reafon j alfo an animal without reafon. Brutci, th: foul evil,alfu the siaggers in bor- fes or cattle. B ruttare, to foul, to pollute , to defile ,toful- lie. Biuttcria, Bruttézza, Bruttatine, Brutta¬ rne nto, Bruttura, foulnejs, filth mefs, id- favourednefs, a defiling. Brutto, fonie , filthy, ill-favoured, un¬ clean. Bruttiffinumcnre, mojt filthily. Brutiflimo, mojl filthy. Bruzz.vculo, as Gratta-culo. Bruzzaglia, -4f Brodàglia, or Bordàglia. Biuzzo,.w Crepufculo. But, Buàccia, as Bòa, as Boàccia, Buàggine, Euaffàggine, ftupiditie,blóc{i[b- nefs. Buàffo, 4 fiupid, or bloclfifh fellow. Bubt, as upupa j alfo a fcreech-owle. Bubàre, to fcreech as an owle. Bubbatióne, a fcreeching. Bubbola, Bubbula, Bubola,Bibula, as im¬ pupa ; alfo a bubble : by Met. a trifling toy , a tale, or a flam. Bubo, as Bubóne. Bubolàre, Bubbolare, to bubble. 4 Bubolófo, Eubbolófo,/4tf of bubbles. Bubonàre,fo grow to a FÙbónc Bubóne, a poc{-fore } a vinche [ter-goofe, a botch j alfo a great [creech-owle. Bubonia, the name of an hearb. B fibula, as Bubbola -, alfo a. {ind of Marjo¬ ram, or Vinter-favory. Bubulca, Bubulcita, Bubolcàta, <«Bi- fólca di campo. 4 Buca , any {ind of bole , hollow , den or cave under ground j alfo a {ind of big,rug¬ ged fcaly flfh. Fàrc buca, to ma{e a Itole: by Met-to [teal and filch away fecretly,alfo to die. Bucalàmc, an open-tayl fellow - y one that is caching, or farting. Bucàmi ,^ 'all manner of boles. Bucaràre, Bucare, as Bucherare. Bucardia, a [tone li{e an Oxe-heart. Luc. róne, a beetle, abornet é a fcarabe-fly: • alfo a great hole. Bucchacciarc, as Foràcchiare. Bucata, 1 Buc{, a bucking, alfo a FulUrs- mill. Eucatare, to lay or wa(h in a buc\- y to buc{\ clothes j alfo to full cloibss. Bucàci, buc{ clothes , fulledclothes. Bucàto, buc{t,wa[hcd in a buc{ -, alfo ho- \ ! led, or full of holei. Buccclàri, Jimnels,or cracknels. Bucheràttolo , loo{ Pcriugétto. Buccia,Bucc o, Bucchia,r/;e outward hm{ t j [ha'.e , or [hell wherein any thing groweth: < tbe cod of anypulfe , an cgge-[hell, the outmojt s{in of man or woman, namely of the face j (he thin bar{ or r'mde of a tree-, alfo the paring of any fruit ; the paring of an apple j alfo the round bud or button of any flower, nor yet fully blowen, namely, of a Rofe-, alfo a thin round vial-glafs, fitch as d:[tillers ufe , or as tbe urinals be. * Buccia di grano, hath been ufed for bran, as Crufca. Tuccliacchcre, all manner of garbage, ojfal, or filthy guts. Eucc.irc, to grow to a bud , as flowers do -, to cod, as pcafon or beans : Loo{ Buc¬ cia. Bucciàrio, a biftard or buflard. iiuccicarc,Bucicarc,t0 flir or wriggle up and down. Buccicamcnto, Bucicamcnto, any wrigling or Jumbling. Bucci ere, a butcher. Bcccint, Bucina , any little mouth ; alfo a f mall or low voice-, alfo a fourdinfora trumpet j alfo aloud founding Cornet or Horn-pipe ; alfo any coc{le-fheU, or [noi l- fb:ll , fafhioned li{e a winding inftru- ment. Buccinare, Bucinare, to (pea\ low,to rvhif- per, to buxse, or to round into ones eares -, aljo to found a trumpet with a fourdin. Buccinamcnro, Buccinata, Bucinaménto, a low [pending, 4 wbifpcring , a buying , or a rounding in ones ears -, alfo an un- difflinguifhcd humming j alfo a founding with a fourdin. Buccinclli, Bucinclli, Bucini , any crooked pic{-loc{ tooles - alfo gins or fringes to enfiare birds. Buccinróro , Bucintó o , the name of a mofl rich and frately and flately [hip, or rather galley, that the Du{es of Venice , goe in triumph in, when they wed the fea, or re¬ ceive great Princes. Bùccio, as Bùccia. Bucciolina, the dim. of Buccia. Bucciólo, Buciólo, Bucci uólo, che joint or {not of any cane or reed , or the diflance ’twixt { not and {not ; alfo the bellow through a Conduit -pipe. Bucciófo, that hath mani Bùccia. * Buccisóffola jBucisóffioIa , a flint- flam tale, whether true or [alfe, toma{e one fear or [ufpett fhame or lo[s,as they fay in Englifh , a tale of Robin-hood. Buccòlica, Bucòlica , a heardmanstale or Jong : by Met. as having affinine with Eócca, ta{en (or moutb=chur,orglmo^ rise. Bmccó- BOP BUL BUO Buccòlici, Bucòlici j things appertaining to plough-men. Buccolicónc , Bucolicónc , a gourmand. , a gredie devourer, a wide or fonie mouthed fello*, ufed in moc\crìefor a fifty (wain, a countrey-lfindc , a. gullfh beards- man. Bucclato, Buchilo, ftmnell or crac\nell- cxke,(pice-bread,fugar and ginger-btfcuit, or jumbals. Bucontóro, Ba\err-man. Buratto, buràto, or bonking-fluff. Burbànza, a fwelling-piidc, a grudging dif- dain, a grim-puffi looking,a repining ftur- dinefs, a vain-glorie , alfo as Butbc- ria , alfo a tumultuous noi ft or hurlie- j bur lie. Burbanzéfeo, Purbanzolo, vain-glorious, full o/Burbanzi. Buibanzàrc , Burbàre, Burbazzàre , to be full of, and to exprefs vain-glorie to fwell and puff'with pride, to frown and ioo'yfell a nd grim. Burhanziere, ««Burbanzofo. j B urbanzer o la m e n ce ,v xi n -glo rio it fly . j Burberia, fierce crueltie , ftormie fiercenefs, fell grimnefs , gaftly hideoufnefs. Bui beroj Bui bo, fierce, fell, grim, or gaftly j in tool? and countenance. \ Bnrchiélki , a great ccftern or elafe place to \ B V S I receive and fcep water m, alfo a wheel¬ barrow. I Bùrchio, a hulk , a entire , err a lighter, a rowing boat coverd- Bùichio ferrante, a hul^c with fanes. Bucho, as Bùrchio, alfo a badger, a bfoc \, a beaver. 4 Burdónc, a mungrell-Mule , between an Afs and a Marc. 4 Burdéllo , as Bordèllo. Burella, Bu éllarc, as Borcllà. Burgcfc, a bufgefs of a town. Burgenlatico, of, or belonging to a bur- V[** . . Burgenfatichi beni. Citte or town-goods,as we fay, Candle-rents. Purgherà, a burganet, a gorget. Buriallo, iprompter, one that feepslbe boo\[ for p ayers, and ttacbetb them or other Scholl rs their \ue when they are out, alfo a fticlflar or judge in any combat, one that brings into the Uff s fifth as arc to fight a combat, orto run at tilt , as Padrino. Burino, a gravmg toole, a pouncton,alfo a I find of J nipping or racing of clothes. Burichccto, a quilted orflcevelcfsjacket. Burla, ajeft,a flout,a moc\, a gibe. Burlare, to jeft , to mock, to flout, io deride , or vili fie one i ■ Cui I .tore, Burlàzzo, Burllcre, Burlóne,.! merrie jeftcr, a pleafant companion. Burlénghi, i find of fimrièls. Burlévole , Burlófoj/tf /1 of merrie jefts , or pleafant flouts. Burlevoiméntc, adv. jeftingly , merrily , in merriment. Burn*, a wild beaft in Africa, fo fierce and firong , that it fighteth with twd Elephants at once, and overcommeth the Lyon and the Panther. Buróna, as Burróne, Bùrra, as Bórra. Bprrafca, as Buràfca- Burrattino, at Burattino. Bùrro , butter, alfo an engine to move or \ mount great Ordinance among the Spa¬ niards. Burràio, as Burróna, a broken, a fteepie, or rugged precipice , cliff, crag, grot, or roc\, alfo the haute, layre , or w.il ^ of a wilde goate,alfo a currant or downfall of waters from fame fteepie roc I?. Burrófo, buttrie, fat, full of butter. Bui zicchini, thin bootes, buskins. Bulan ,to boare through,to ma\e a hole, or to hollow. Tabaccare ,Busbàre , to prie , to finea^ or tootc into holes and corners, by Met. to cheat, to nip, to fot ft. Bubb-iccónc, Bùsbo, a clofe-fnearer, a ply¬ ing tooter into fccret holes and corners, .ti¬ fo a nip, a fo'ft, a file-cozener. Bùfca, Bufcaménto, Busbàcccna, a gamb¬ ling or fh’fling for, by boo ^ or croo\ , alfo as Bufchttta. Bùsbo, 'oo\ Earractcre, Eufcalfana, any leane,filthie, or great fiang, or c.ift jadifh mare. Eufcandoli, hops to briie beer with. Bufcarc, to proule, orfhift- , by craft and di¬ ligent fearch, to fc amble-for , to go a free- booting. Bufcatóte, aproular, or (hiftcr-for. Bufchétta,Bufchétte , little fescues, ftraws, th flicks as we draw cuts or lots with- all, alfo that fc ambling-pi ay yth at children call , At-muffe. Bu felicità re, to draw cutts or lotts with jtrawes or little fiic\s. Bufciarclla , any hollow reed , or cane , or pipe. Bufcióne , as Burrone. Bùfco, Bùfcolo, Brùfcolo, tu Bùfca. Bufcolinojfl dim. of Bùfco. b v z Bùfc , the place where a wild bore doth re¬ tire bimfelf to reft and feed by day or night. Bùfco , Bufécchia , Buféchiò , emptie- gutts, cbittcrlins , tripes y any garbage, or Oft ale. BufecchTojà leather-belt or girdle. Bufclióne , A che or Puff ley with a red roof, y èulìgitcolo,/w Fusbaccónc. Bùfima, Bufimàre, as Bófima. Fufnàrcjd’orécchie, a bicfiyjng or humming in ones ears. I ufo, any-b’o’e or hollow. I ufóne , a great hole or hollow , alfo the Drone of a Bag-pipe. 4 Buffi, trouble,grief,or vexation,occxfioned by overlabouring, either the mind or the body,alfo he \noc\s. Euflàrc, to ^ noci?, to thump , to bang , to bat- ton, to firifi, but mofi properly to lpioc\ at the dene. Buffare alla pòrta, to \noc\ at the dorè. Buffatóre, a thumper, a \noc\eY, a firi\cr t a banger. Buffe, thumps, blows, firoal^s. Euffétto, apiece of wood that thefhoema{ers knoc\ their wor\ with upon the la ft. Buffo, the box-tree, or wood, alfo a tumul¬ tuous hurlie-burlie. Eùffola, Bùffolo, any round box , chiefly a mariners compafs whereby the fhipis gui¬ ded, ufed in Genoa for Seggiola. 4 Buffóne, a buffo, or thicket of thornes or bryers, alfo a bra\e. Buffa, a Ifind of bag or purfe of leather, that Mariners ufe at Sea to \ccp gun-powder and fmall fljot-in , alfo a flat galhe-pot- alfo as Bùffa, or Bùffera. Budello , a dry meafure much like our bu¬ fi) ell. Bùfto, a bull^ or tr*n\ without a head , alfo a flccvelefs trufs or doublet, al ft) a busl^e. Buftuaria, a night-hag or witch , that ^eeps and frequents about Churchwards and graves. Butàfaro, a iflind of Oatemeal or grot-pud¬ ding. Butéo, Butcóne, a buzzard , a puttoclf. 4 Buihéna, a fumarne given to Hercules fo v having eaten a whole oxe at a nieal. Buthifia, a generali fiacri fice at which were filled a hundred beafts. Butirara , a butter-woman , Butìràre, to butter. Butiràta, a meat made of butter,(pices, fu¬ gar, grated bread and cheefe. Butiro , butter. Bucirófo, fattie or full of butter. Butta-fuoco , a boutefeu, a ftre-fiinger, a caft-fire, an Incendiarie, by Met. a malye- bate , a foweroffedition, al fu a gunners lint-flock. Butta in fella , a charge that trumpetters found as a warning to leap into the [addle. Buttare, to throw, to fling, to caft, to drive or thru ft from or away. Buttare in occhio , to upbraide, to caft, or twitt in the teeth , alfo to vomit up any thing. Butterato, poc\-bro\

angle-gold. Pàglia marina, Sea-ftraw or bents,alfo fuch bundles of reeds. Sea-weeds or [ticks, as by the wording of the Sea are cafl up along the fh ire , alfo couch -graffe or dogs- gnp. Pagliàcci!, Pagliaccio, any filthy or courfe fir aw, chaff, ftubble, lifturj thatch or h'.iiim to thatch boufes, alfo a pallet or ftraw bed. PagUacclar z, to thatch boufes. Pagliacciàro, Pagliacciacóre, a tbatcher. Pagi iarda gginc,Pagliardigia, paUiardiT,]f, adultery J letchery, bawdery, Pagliardàre , to palliar diz?, to commit lechery or adultery, Pagliàrdo, a pall:ard,a let chard t a for¬ nicator. Pagliaròli! , any little fir aw} aifoa flraw- hovelor thatebt-houfe. Pagliarcfcó, firawijh, made of ftraw, bred m ftraw. Pagliariccio , Pagliccio, firawifh s -made of (haw, bred,tying, oy living in fir aw, alfo a Jlraw-bed s a fir aw fennel, al¬ fo bubble, chaff, liftur, holm, or thatch, or haum. Pagliàro, Pagliaruólo, Pagliàio, a ric\ or Jlad ,£ of ftraw, a feller of Jtraw, an hofiler or over feet of ftraw or liftur, alfo a tbatcher, a flraw-bed or fennel. Pagliato, Pagliccio, flrewed with fir aw, made of ftraw, lityt ftraw, a ftraw co¬ lour. Pagliòlo, flrawie , full of Jtraw, chaff, Jiubble or holm, tbaff ie. Pag! iucca, Pagliuccia, Pagliuzza, any jmall or little ftraw , a fescue, any fmall chaff or ftubble, alfo a fuddle or rattle, alfo 44 Pagliuóla. Pagliuóla, Paglióla, Pagliuolàia, Pag- liuolàta, a woman brought to bed, and lying in childbed , cts if (he lay in ftraw, alfo a bulls dew-lap, by Met, thofe fmall filings of Gold or Silver, which are fo light, as ( lity fir aw, b they fly away in filing them, Pagliuóla della tétta, the little feales or dandr affina mans bead. Pagliuo’ arc , to be brought to bed , to lye in child-bed, as if it were in the fir aw. Pagliuólo, fuch fmall flraw as remaineth when the corn is thrifhed, alfo thofe thin cobwebs as hang about a mill, among marriners, it is the bifeuit-room in a (hip- PagUuoliére,/;e that bath the peeping of the btfeuit-room in a fh:p. Pagliuto, ftrawie, full of Jtraw. Pagnófi, a wide long garment. Pagnòtta, a liiancbet, a bun, a rout or little loaf of bread, alfo pxnado or pap made of grated bread, by Met. a fcoundrel, a fmell-fcafl, one good for nothing but to devour bread, alfo whofht and fquat. Pagnotcàni, Pagnotcini, a tynd of figs. Pàgo, ^Pagaménto, a payment. Pago ,paid, fatisfied, appaid. Pago, a countrey village or hamlet. Pàgoli, a 'coin of Gold in Goa. Pagolino,Pagolo,a bird li\e a fparow,with a blue nectydnd a long bill, and liveth in the water, ufed al Jo in fiead of Paulo. Pagóna, a Pea-hen. Pagonàccio, as Pavonàccio. Pagondno, Pavonàro, PavoncéUo, a Pea-chicken. Pagóne,Pagonccciàre, as Pavóne. Pagro, a tymd of ftrong toothed fea bream, i ed in fummer, styc-coloured in winter. Paguro, Pagurino, the Punger, grit or crampel crab-fijh. Paia, the plural of Pilo. Paiàra, Paiarina, PaiarÓna 3 courfe cloth made of burds of hemp. Paiarizzo, a bird called a yellow-hammer, alfo as Pagliariccio. Paidire, Paidim'nco, as P adire. Painélle, ufed for pànie. Pàio,Paia, Paro, Pàra, a pair, a Couple, a brace, a yotye, a cafl. Pàio, Paro, verb , of Padre, l feem, I refemble . Pàio dì 9 artc, a bunch, a pair , a dec\ or [et of cards. Pàio di nózze, a compleat wedding, oftwc married together. Pàio di fcàcciii, a chef]e-boxrd, cr a fet of ch:Jfe-mcn. Pàio di fladére, a pair of feales. Paiòlo, Paiuóli, as Pagiólli. Pàipo, a bird with a fortyed tail. Pailare, to range about for a prey, as a hawk or tyte doth. Paiuóla, Paiòla, a broad flat tyttle or bra¬ zen-pan, alfo as Pagliuóla. Paiuolare, to boyl, to fry, to flue, to baty or drtfje in a flat pan, affo as Pagliuolàre. Paiuolàro, Paiuclàno, a brazier, a tin- ^ard, apan-matyr . Paiuolàta, a flat pan or tyttle full, alfo Pagliuóla. Paiuólo, Paiòlo, any little or flat pan, tyt¬ tle or cauldron of br affé or iron, alfo a hogs-trough, by Met.a fcullion or tytchin- drudge. Pb\x s anytynd of broad and flat thing or plate, as a Jhovel, a. fpade, a styiop, a peel to put bread or pies into an oven , a plate to lay under pies or cufiards,tbe fiats or fiotes of the great wheel of a water¬ mill, the fin or blade of an oar, the fin of any fifh,afan or winnow for corn, alfo a fijouldcr-bladc, , alfo a tynd of broad lea¬ ved water-docty alfo a tynd of tree that bearetha very broad leaf, and a great fig, a Fix upon an Altar, aifoa great broom or beefom-,among Cannonieri it is ufed for a ramer-head made taper-wife,loo\ Pale. Palacràne, Pal acre, cour fe pieces or maffie lumps of Gold Ore found in mynes. Paladàre, as Palàre, to Jhovel up, alfo to fan or winnow corn. Paladélle, [fringes to catch quails. Paladino, Paladine fco, as Palatino. Palaficcàre, Palafitta, as Palifico àre. Palafrenière, a palfne-man, a horfe-tyc- per, a groom of a flàble, an bo filer. Palafréno, a palfae, a fieed, a borfie. Palàgio, aVxlace, as Palazzo- Palaiuólo, Paladóre, one that wortyth with a (hovel or fpade, a fhoveler, alfo a fanner or winnower of corn, ufed alfo for Guaftadóji, Palaitìagliàre, to play at Palamaglio. Palamaglicre, a player at Palamaglio. Palamàglio, ct pale-made, that is to fay, a tough afhen-fiicty with a ma Hat, hollow atbotbcnds,fafiencdat one end of the flick, t0 flntyi t0 bi [ an( l t0 ca ft a round Fowl made of box-wood, much ufed in Italy and France among Gentlemen, al¬ fo the game with it. Palamàto,rt long fifijing-pole,or anglingrod. Palaménto, all manner of empailings, rail¬ ing in,plantyng,boording,or fencing made of boards, rails, pales, planks, laths,poles or Jtatys, alfo the upper-decty the over¬ lope or hatches of a [hip. Palamite, afifh called a Tunnie before it be a year old, our fifher-men call-it a fummer-whiting. Palanca, any broad or flat planty board, lath,rail or cloven pale to empale party, a bridge over a ditch made afone planty Palancare, to plank, 10 board, to flour or -feel a room,to empale, topaie or rail in m our Party are, alfo as Palificare. Palancato, part, plantyd, floured , fcelcd. empailed,paled or railed m. Pala ncàto, fub. any plantyng or empailing, aifoa room that is planned or floured, with boards, alfo as Pal ificata. Palancóni, all manner of great, huge or broad and thick plancty. Palàndra, Palandària, Palandrana, Pa landrca a tynd of long Turtyfb garmtnt\ T y with) ■ --\ PAL PAL PAL ■with flecvcs, a herfe-mans cocu beneath the k ,iec , a riding-coat, broad, flat bot¬ tomed barges, but{s or liters ufed in time of I'-'or to tranfport horfes to and fro, or to m.i^e fudaiii bridges 3 covering them over with plants, and chaining them to¬ gether. pa!andrina,ffae dim. o/Palarvdra, but now adaics much ufed for a trull, a punk or a doxie that will not be afhamtd to put on a mans clothes, for a fljifc. Palanga Palange, a round routing piece of timber with holes at each end to remove great pieces of timber, or great Ordnance, as alio to lay under (hips when they be re¬ moved from the (loci whereontbty were built and lunched out of the dock, alfo a wooden-leaver or iron-crow, to put into the boles of that rowling timber, and therewith to turn it, alfo a Strong colt- ftaff , or. fuch pngs as Brewers and Fijh- porters afe in London, palangario, one that is employed to wor\ with a Palànga ,alfo an Alefland-bearer, a dray-man, a Fifh-porter, or any that carries burdens with pngs. Palangra,tfee lap, the fort or fide quar¬ ter of afidi- coat, alfo as Palanga- Pai ara, the over lope, the upper deck or hatches of a pip, alfo a fieldefarc or a thrup, alfo as Palanga. Palare, to turn up, to remove with apovel, fpade or [coop, as they do corn or earth, io (hovel, alfo to underprop with poles or flakes, as they do trees, vines or bops, alfo to impale or put to death by impaling or tbr ujting a (la{e through ones guts, as the Turks ufe to do, alfo as Palancare} or as Palificare. Palare il grano, to povel Up, 0 r to winnow corn. Palafcélmo, as Palifcérmo. Palata, a fpade or pnved-full, alfo as Pa¬ lanca, alfo as Palificata. Palatura, Palatura, ker, alfo as Paiamolo. Pa’àzzo, Palagio, a P. / ice or y fumptuous dwelling houfe, a Kings or Princes Court or Manfion, alfo a Princes chief Court or Seat ofjuffice.' Palazzo di coniglio, *P alace,a Court or place where a princes privie C oun fei'■ ls kept, a ParUamcnt-h ufe , a Councel- Ch rnber, a GuiLl-ball, a Counccll- houfe. Palazzo di lèpre , the fmootb or fow-tbifile , the bares l duce. Palibzo reale , a Royal Palace, a Rings Palace , Court or Manfion- houfe. Pilcaménto , any planning, flooring , f-cling, roofing, Jlaging or fcaffol- ding. Paicare, to planato foore, tofcel,toroof, Itage or to fcaffold. Palchétto, Palchicciuólo, Paichino Pal- chiftuólo, the dim. of Palco, but pro¬ perly ufed for a box to fit in , in a piay- houfe. Palco, Falcóne, Palcóra, any (lage or fcaffold, any roof, foliar , floor or feeling, alfo an El pbants trunk, alfo a Iflnd of great Dock. Pa Lo ballo, a low flour, roof or feeling, a low Jlage or fcaffold, the L >wcr deck °f a fbip, alfa a low gallorie, or that is upon the ground. Pale, the plu. of pala, the fhoulder-blades of any creature, thofe parts of the back, which f land out on the right and lef : fldcs of any man. Pale, Pales, the name of the Pagan God- deffe of their herds and cattel. Pale del molino, the flats or flotes of a mill-wheel which the water turns a- bout. Paleare, to twirl or turn us a Paleo,^ play at Paleo, to [courge a tup. Palégro, a bier to carry dead folks on, by Met. a mans lafl home. Palellarc , Paléllo , us Paralella- Palenézza, a kind ofli'tle fifh- Palengaro, a wicker-basket to catch flfh in. Paleo, a tor>,a nun, a gig, a whirligig, alfo an Elephants trunk. Pulefàbile, Paleféyolc, that may be re¬ vealed. Palefam nco , Palef ’mza , a reveal¬ ing. Paleface, to reveal,to publifh. Palcfatóre, a revealer, apublifher. Pa\lù,publick, manifefl in view. Palesemente , adv. openly , publicl ly. Palétta, a gree\ meafure of fourband- fulls. Paléftra, a place or exercife wherein a man doth chiefly exercife his body,a wrcflhng- pl ice, alfo the game or feat of wrefiling,, barriers , or any other bodily aCtivi- f y. Palettràde, fuch iron hooks or rings as are made fafi in walls to tye things un¬ to. Palcftrico, of or belongingto wrcftling, or any bodily exercife, alfo one that teacheth or uf(tb wreflling or feats of adi- vity. Palcdca ,the plough [hare. Paléto, a kind of Grimaldèlli. P aleróni, all manner of gì eat broad thick or double-planks. Palétta, the dim. of Pala, any little flit thing with a handle, namely a fhovel, a fpade, a fcoop, a flice, a fpattlc, alinglc : a flat fpoon, a trowel, a thifile-fpade, a racket, a battledore. Palétta da fuòco, a fire-pan,{hovel or flice, alfo a enfor-pan. Paletta dello fpàlla, the flmildcr-blade of any creature. Palétta di muratóre , a mafons trow- ell. Palétta di fpetial e,afp ittl:,a Ungel^a flice- a fla’ fpoon o. tennon that Apothecaries ufe to ftir,to mc[h or fpread their liquid thing, with. Palettaro, a fhovel, a flice, a lingcl or a fpattle-maker. Palettata , as much as a Palécta will hold or contain, alfo a hit or hurt with a Pa¬ létta. Paletto, the dim. of Palo, alfo a flat bolt of Pali, the plu. of Palo, alfo pales in Arnio¬ ne. Paliamcnto, Paliatióne , a palliation, a cloking, a covering. Paliar e, to palliate, to cloa\, to mantle, to cover, to hide. Paliaro, a flour yielding flore of juice, whereof they make a tfind of drink in Echiopia. PAio.ii\o>ibat doth palliate. Palicélli, Palicciuóli, Pallili, Paljfcélli, the dim. of Pali, all manner of little poles or fheks, namely fuch as chandlers ufe to make their candles upon. Palidccco, Palido, as Pàllido. Paliévole,-Paliabile, that may be palliated or cloaked. Palificare, Palificcàrc, toma\e a foun¬ dation of timber, piles, poles, flakes trees or other things, namely under water , or about a Camp, to empale , to pile or rail in, to empaltfado, toenflake or entrench with any thing driven into the ground, or to fortifi: with rarn- pards for to defend a Camp , and to flrengthen an Armie , lying in the field , alfo to make weires with flakes driven into the water for the (lay offifl,. Palificata, Palicciata, Paiificcita, Pali: ficaraénto, Palificatióne, a foundation of timber, of piles, nf poles or (takes dri¬ ven into the ground, namely under water-works, alfo apabfado, a ram- pard , a trench or defence made to ftreng- then a Camp or Armie, alfo a weire made in any River for to flay Palilie, fcafls confecrated to Pallas the Goddeffc of Sbepheards. aliligio, the feven flars that appear in June, called the Hiades. Palilogia, a figure in fpeech called Redu¬ plication. Pal imbacchio, a foot of a verfe con- fifling of one long, and two (Jjort fylla- bles. Palimfcfto, paper and skins fo dreffed-. as they may be written upon,and all wiped out again, as the leaves of writing-tables be. Palina, as Paletta. Palingcnefia, new-birth, fecund nativity, regenera'ion- ì alinódia, a palinode, that is, a. recantation or un faying of what one bath fpo\en or written. Palio, a cloa\, a 0- manti ' , a veflure or coverto hide a mans nakcdncjfe, an uper garment, fuch as Princes wear at their Coronation, the Parliament Lords, the Knitghs of the Garter t or Earls at their Creation and Enfla'ments, alfo a Princes cloth of State, or Canopy carried over his head upon foie mn dxyes, alfo a rich cover for a horfe of honour at a Prin¬ ces Coronation , Triumph or Funeral, alfo the prince or goal gotten at any military ex¬ ercife, as running, leaping, wreflling, barriers or tilting, and given a fl'-n and trophey of victory, by Mec. a pall or He arce- cloth, alfo a (helter , fhroud, re¬ fuge or protettion, alfo, a race or running- courfe , either of man or horfes. Pàlio funébrc,Paliótco, a Pall or Hexrce- cloth. Palifcàlmo, Palifcélmo, Pallfcérno, Palifchélmo, Palifchfrmo, was an¬ ciently ufed for a kind of[mail fbip,barge, boat orgallie wherein Sca-Captainsretur- ritng from any vitlory gotten by Sea, did triumph in, but it is now ufed for a long boat PAL P A L PAL boat attending on fome great bhip. Paliuro, a tree, that produced) an excel¬ lent fruit full of liquor galled the Paliur- tre c, the R.imc of Libia , Chrifts-thorne Holy-tree,white-thorn, that Palma is often ufed for Glory , Triumph Trophcy, Crown, Sign , or reward of any Vicloiy or Conqueft ,. alfo the palm of a mans hand, alfo the flat of an Ó are,or the flote of any thing,alfo as Palmo, alfo ufed for Paimèro. Palma Cibrifti, Palma dì Dio , Sxtirion- royal. Palmare, Palmeggiare, to palm,to crown, or adorn with palm in fign of fome vi dory obtained, alfo to ftroak, to clap, to touch or rub with the palm of ones hand , alfo to Span or meafure with the hahdytbé hand- (haft,or fhafts-man. Palmata, a whirr et, a clap , a box, a foufe, or blow given with the palm or flit of ones hand, alfo as much as one can con¬ tain in the palm of ones hand,alfo a palms breadth, a Jfans length, or a hands haft , T élla d'un cèrvo ben palmata, a Stags head well paulmcd. Palmate, certain flones that in their veins reprefent Date-tr.es, Paimatóia, a Palmers or a Pilgrims (taf. Palménto, the whole frame of a Mill, but properly that frame, that contains the mill (tones,and wherein they turn,alfo a wine- prefje, or a wine-vat. Palméro, a kind of great and miraculous tree in many parts of India, 'which pro¬ duced) great and excellent nuts , of whofc timber they build their boufes andfJjips -, ofwhofe leaves they m ike their cloth and fail*-, and of whofc nuts, they make ( ac¬ cording to the feafons of the year ) fugar , wine, and vinegar, with many other con¬ diments for their meats. The main tree being bo ed in the flock or trun\Jptnneth forth a kind of white liquor likewatex,into which putting a few dryed rea (ms , or grapes, it bccommetb excellent good and wholfome drink, of the husks and Jh.iles of the nuts they make very good oyhof the bark or rind of the tree , they ma\c better cordage and cables, and tackle forfhips, thaft we can do of. the be ft hemp ,, of the boughs, they ma\c very fair che (Is , of the ^ leaves of young branches, they make very fair and ftr.png nets and frails , of the j rinds or barks of the youngeft boughs (hey make very good burds or Okam for their m*- Palméfio, wme-oyl , or vinegar made of the Palméro. Palmétte, roots of Dates, alfo a fruit in Naples like a Date. Palmétto, Palméto, Palmito, a grove, a wood, or a thicket of palm trees, alfo the dim. of Palmo, alfo fome part about a fhip or gaily. Palmiéra, the troches or imbed top of a Stags bead. palmiere, a Palmer , a Pilgrim. palmifcro, Palm-bearing . Palmipede,fiat,plain,whole,or (play-footed. pajmiprimo, Palm-wine , Date-wine. Palmite, Palmicio, the Male of a palm- tree, alfo a branch thereof full of gseen leaves., alfo a branch of Palm or Of Baum bleffed by the Prie ft, and in remem¬ brance of our Lord Jcfus Thrift, worn for devo: ion-fake upon Palm-(unday,alfo ns Pampano, Palma, the (pace between the Wriftof the hand, and the fir ft jo’nt of the finge’, s,al- ! fuhe meafure we call a (pan, u band* breadth, a hànd-fhafì, a fhafts-man. Palmóne, any great bough, branch, or bufi) , alfo a buffi or lime-buffi to catch birds with. Palmuccio, ayoung Palm-tree. Pa'mula, the broad part of the ribs , affò the dim. of Palma. Palmura, the palming of the Stags-head. Palo, any pole, flake, pile, ftaff, pearcb , rod, rood, or wooden bar, alfo a kind of Dog-fifh. Palo di terrò. Pàio ferro » an iron-crow, bay, or leaver , alfo a (taf headed with iron 0 Palombàia, Palombaro , a Dove-cote , a Pidgeon-lnufc, alfo a loover, a lanthorn, or the higheft place of a houfe , or the top °f a (hip, alfo a certain officer in a fhip. ; . Palombano,* dove-colour. j Palómbo, Palómba, a ring-dove , a flock- ' dove,awood-culver, a Qiioiffit. Palómbole, a kjnd of Dog-fi(h, alfo a kind of i he be ft green ftggs. Palpabile, Palpévol e,palpable, that may be felt or hand cd. Palpare, Palpegàre, Palpeggiare, to feel, to handle, trf touch, to jlronk, ortogrope gently with the palm or pulp of ones hand, by Met. to fumble , to underfeel, to flatter and cog with fair words. Palpatióne, Palpaménto, any feeling,hand- Lmg , touching or groping. Palpati wo, feeling, orto be felt. L'alpatóre, Palpeggiatórcjzz/fe/er, a gro¬ per, a fumbler, a jtrokcr. Palpebre, the eye-lids , alfo the hairs of them. Palpebre dell’ alba, the dawn or firfl open¬ ing of the day. Palpebrò™, great s bri?Jy,or Jbaggy rough eyelids. Palpegónc, Palpicónc, adv. gropingly , fumdingly. Palpitante, Palpctàntc,/M«fÌ7Zg , beating , throbbing. Palpitare, Palpetàre, to pant, to beat, to j,Hr as our pulfes,and brains dofomtimts-, alfo to throb as ones heart doth , being weary and out of breath. palpitatane, Palpitànza, Palpatio, 11 pal¬ pitati on,a panting,a quick-moving of the pulfcs, or throbbing of the heart. Palscro, the thumb of a mans hand, alfò an ineb-meafare. Paltonàre Paltoneggiàre, Paltonire, nif- co, nido, to palter , to dodge, to wrangle, alfo logo a rogueing , and wander idly up and down. falcóne, Paltoniere , Paltóno, a paltry knave, a dodging varlet, a wrangling companion , a bafe rafeal, a wandring rogue, alfo a Drover or a Grafter, alfo an encroaching farmer of lands or offices. Vahonctie,paltrj-dodgeries,chealing-triéks, rogueries, rafealy-wr anglings. Paltrócca , a wandring trull, a cheating (trumpet, a minx, a doxiè, a punk- Palliatalo , the flower of a water- dock. Paludi le, Palùftre, fennyj moorifh , breed¬ ing or living in Fens. . , Paludamento, a triumphant robe , an im-, perial mantle , a Generals neh upper garment, or Cote-armour,alfo a Heraulds coat of a ms. Paludate, to grow Penny f T y 7. Pa- I PAN PAN P A N , palude, a Fen or moorifh ground. ' Paludófo,/e»*)S moor (h, bogzy, i Paluesita, ns Paueiata, Paluéie, Paluesina, ns Pavéfe. Pambasilia , aperfeft Kjngdom or abfolutc Domnion, where one alone hath all in Ins power. patnbeia-.o , pampered, full fed, namely with bread and wine. Pambcre, quali pane e bére , bread and drink , al jo a nunclnons in an afier- - noon. Pampile, afiflj, in Litin Pompous. Pampanàio, as Pampinaio. Pampanire, as Pampinare. pimpani, alfo as Pancióne. Pantide, O G àida, A pretious flone,[aid to bring forth young ones every three J mcnetbs, j Pandòra, as Pantera, but properly a pool, a pond or plafl) of water where due fa or mallards breed and faep. Pantòfole, Pantòfole, pantofles, mules, chopinos, night-flippers. Pantomorfóne , as much to fay, Omni fóra.is , or Ruler of the [ufi Mò¬ bile. Pamonimo, a Mimi fa a Di\ard, a player or common je'tcr, fuch a one as with hn body and filthy geftures caufeth laughter, in counte 'fating any other gc (lures and manne: s, ufed alfo for a fand of jefling Poe me. Panurgia, craftyneffe, wilincfje, fubtilty of w ft. Panurgo, crafty , fubtle, fly,wilie,guil- full. Pània, Panzata, Panzóne, as Pan¬ da. Parana, Panzanaiia, foolifh fugling or mimi{ trie fa or fpcc the s. Pinzato, a fand of wine wTufcanie. Paolino, as Pagolino. Pàolo, the name Paul, alfo a Roman coin worth fix pence (lerlmg. Paoràzzo, Paóne, Paoneggiàie, Pao- nélfa, as Pavonàzzo, as Pavóne, , &c. Paornàre, to dar fan, to obfcure,to fut. Paórno, dar fa obfeure, [‘tty, dusfay, [war thy, pitchy, dreary, deadly-co¬ loured. Paornofo, full of darfaicffc , pitcbynejjc, drearineffe or honour. Pàpa, a Pupe, a chief Ejbop, alfo a note of Ad mi nifi ration. Papàbile, able, or that is or may be in ele¬ ction to be Pope. Papadmdi, Dad or Father give me fome money, as children fay. Papafico as Pappafico. Papagài. o,a wonderfull Cocfa for Pape flgmfyuh admirable, and Gallo, Cocfa a Popinjay, a Parrai, a Perochito, ufed alfo for a chief Coc \j of the game. Papagallcggi.irc, to prattle as a Par- rat. Papagnojf/z? bearb poppie. Papàie , Papalcf.o,. Papalina, Papéo, Papéfco, Papiftico, popijh, a Pa pi ft of the Popes Jide‘. Paparéllo, Paparino, Pàpero, a gofling, a young gooje. Papà do, a chief BifJjop or religious man among the Infidels. Papato, Papàtico,Papéfimo, the P apatie, the Popedom, Papi [me, the dignity or of¬ fice of the Pope, alfo a fand of bread or fpiced-fimncl. Papaveràle, wild poppie , which being fub- ]ccl to falling off, doth loofe his flower, fome call it the corn-tofe. Papaveràta , a garment wrought with (lower-worfa, Ufa unto poppie-flow- ers. Papaverina, a hard cabidge lettuce. Papàvero, poppie or chcfle-boul. Pape, aye-me, out-alis, gods-me, oh-good Lord. Papeggìóre,Papizzàre, to be a Pope, and • rule in his Popedom. Papellóne, Papigliónc, abutter-fly . Papcràre, to pi iy the gofling. Paperia Papifteria, papifiry, popery. Pàpero, a goflmg , alfo a Gunners- Otatch , as Paperéllo. Papc'fla, a (he Pope. Papiro, a fand of great broad ru(h, bent or rather fag in Egypt, growing in fenns or moorifhgrounds called Paper-reed,where¬ of they were wont to ma fa great leaves or (beets to write on, and thereof tv as the firfl paper made, and to this day fo called in divers Languages. Papiro della candela, the wic\ òr cotton of a candle , or of a lamp . Papironéo, idem, Pàpos, a Mtts\\ or Civet-cod. Papilla, Papifteria, Papiftico, a Papift, Pupiflry,Papi(tical f Popifh. Papózz a, a cbilds puppet or babie. Pappa, Papparótta, Pappatóri, Pappina, pap or papping to feed children with- all, alfo bab, dad or diddle, as children are (ir ft taught to call their Fathers, alfo a Nurfe or Foflerer. Pappafico, as Beccafico, alfo a fand of rugged.md courfe riding hood. PappagalleTca lingua , the Parrots lan¬ guage, J ergon , Gibbnfh, Fuflian- F rendi. PappagillciTa, a h'n-parrat, by Met. a prat ling Dame, a Cummon ffald. Pappagà lo, as Papagàllo. Pappa lafagne, a greedy gully-gut of la- fàgne, a flovenly feeder, as Pac¬ chióne. Pappamcnto, Pappatura.JZmcn/y or greedy feeding. Pappardèlle , Papardélle . a fand oj fritters or flea fas fly ed. Pappare, Pappinàre, Papponàre, to pap , .j to eat or feed with pap, io feed children i with chewed-meat as fome Nurjes dò, ; ' al f° 10 pnp or fuc\ a dug, alfo to lap milk i| as a dog doth, alfo to call Bab, Dad, or i Diddle as youngchildren de,uftd alfo for Pacchiare. Pappatóre, Papparótto, a paper, alfo as Pacchióne. Pappe, as Pàp e,alfo a fand offhell-fifb, alfo as Póppe. Pappina, tu Pappa, alfe the [oft pap of an i arp e. Pappinaic,Papponarc, loo\ Pappare,® : : Pacchiare. Póppe, as Babbo, as Pappa, alfo thehearb r ground -W U, alfo fuch fo ft down of flow- .6 ers as the wind bloweth about, as tin file- -B doun, alfo cotton or muffine fje growing on ilj fome flowers. Pappolata, as Fagiolata. Pappóne, the feed or down of thifiles,alfo as i u ^Pacchióne. Papula, any fand of pimple, pufh, b’ fler, ,y whele,bile, botch, fwellvig, impoftbumc y- or inflammation that rifeth on the sfan -4 with fome itch. Papu'à.e, to (meli with Papule. Papulófo ,full of Pàpule. Papuzzàna, a worn called a wee- vel. PàraPàia, all manner of pairs, loo{ Pàio. Pàie Par, it feemeth, it appeareth. Para banda, the rails about or on the \ fides of any wall, wall^or terrace. Parabàfì, tranfgrcjjion, or digrefjion, as it were fpcafang (omething bcfidcs the ar- i gument. Parabola, a parable, a metaphor, a figura¬ tive fpecch, alfo a certain, croofad tine , coming of the cutting of a Cone or Cilin- der. Parabolóne, fpe.ilf parables, by Met. to j prat tie by way of fimilitudes. Parabo'ano, a fpcafar of parables, by Met. ' aprailing Mounty-banfa Parabòlico, parabolical, confining of me- I taphors or figurative [pecche s. I Parabolófo, full of parables or metaphorical j i /perches. Parace' lìfta, a paracèlflan. Parabófco, the name of a bird. Paracentério, a lancet to cut a Paracen- téfi. Paracentc-fi, a priefang or cmt ng of the sfam with a lancet err other fhxrp m(lru- ment to draw water fom them that have the dmtifie, Parachirànca, Paracinànca, Parafinàn- ca, a fand of quincie or fwelling in the\ outward musfaes or (lefty part of the jaws with rednefle, called the mumps in the throat. Paracifmo,ParafifinoParafimo,iigr« l' warded J, defended, fhielded, look Parare. Paravànghi, country-labouring men, day- labourers , or plough-men. Para vènto, any fence againfl the wind., Parca, the Sing, of Parche, the pin. of Var¬ co, ufed alfo for Parcimónia. Parcere, Parcare, to (pare, to pardon and forbear. Parche, the three fates , or fatal fijters , Clocho, Lachefis,.™^ Atropos. Parcimónia, Parchi, Pxrcimony, fpiring- neffe y frugality, fcarcencffe , thrifei - nc P 9 , - ■ Parcimoniofo, Parco, Parcimomous, fru¬ gal , thrifty,fpxring,niggardly, fcarce. Parco, fub. a Parafar Deer, a (heep-fold , any empaled or walled picce of ground. Pardai > a kind of flat-bottomed boat or barge. pardalianca, libards-bane, or choo\-li- bard. Pardalio , a precious [lone [peeked like a. Panther, alfo the name of an oynt- ment. Pardalo, the plover-bird. Pardao, a coin in OrmuT* Pardéllo» a mennort^fifh. Pardiglio,(Z Jpeeked or dap:l'-gray. Pardo, a Leopard , alfo a Deer, a dun or a fandy colour. Pardolo, a bird fi\e aPlover of a fandy co¬ lour, alfo a boyes play. Pare, it feemeth, it appearcth. pare di vifo, it feemeth apparent, Parea fi, Pareafo, a Ijind of ferpent, which to the length and greatnefle of his body , hath a very feriali head, yet fowide a mouth, that he is able to fwallow down a whole pidgeon, and is [aid to ma\e a. fur¬ row in the ground with bis tail as he creepeth. Parecchi j re, as Apparecchiare. Paréchi, many* funiry, divers. Parécchio, a readineffe, a pieparation, alfo equal, match, or ali\e. Pareggiaménto, paragement, equality. Pareggiare, as Paragonare. Paréggio , as Paragóne , alfo its Pule - gio. Paréglia, Pariglia, as Paragóne, the like, the match of any thing, the return of any good or bad turn, a requital or re¬ venge. Parcglio, a harbour, a receptacle. Parèlio, any thing bright li{e the Sun. Parélla, the four dock or water-fonel. Parencéfali , the hinder part of a mans brain. parendna, the fub[t ance of the liver , Spleen and lights, fo called, becaufc it is fuppo- fed, that they are congealed of much thick, and feculent blood, Parendico ,*s Paranético. Parengàto, os Palificato, parenke, * ifind of Ametifl fiont. Parentado, Parentaggjo, Parentèla, Pa- ‘renteria , Parentézza , Parentage, or fyndred,alliance or affinine in blood or by marriage,alfo an affi mb It of {infmen, alfo a combining of houfes by marriage , alfo a name or pedigree, or defeentof blood. Parental e, of, or belonging to Vxicntagcor kindred. Parcntalia , feafis \cpt in memory of Pa¬ rents orAnceftors. Parent arc, as Apparentare. Parénte di Moisè, by Met. a CuclfO'd . Parénte, a Creator, a Parent, a Father or Mother, that begett et b, bearetb , or brings us forth, alfo a tfinfman or one allied in blood, alfo feeming or apparent. Parenteggiare, to follow or imitate Parents or kindred. Parentéfco, Parentévole, parent or ffiinf- man-like , pertaining to {indred or alli¬ ance. Paréntefi, Parénthefi, a parentbefis, that is to fay , an interpofition of words, within one fentence or clauje, comprehended within another fentence , which may be left out, and yet the fence continue per¬ fect. Parentidda, a murderer of Parents. Parentório, as Pcremptório, l have read it for Parentado. Parcntuccio, a poor, ferry, pitti fui Jfimf- man. Parénza, as Apparenza. Parere, paio, parli, pàrfo, partito , to re- femble or be like unto, aljoto (eem,orto appear , alfo to deem,to fuppofe , or to have an opinion. -, Pat etc, fub. an opinion, a conceit, a dtem- c ing, a mind, a feeming. Parcrgo, any thing that is be [ides the pur- pofe, that one hath in hand , fame thing put unto, being nothing of the matter. Pareli, negligence,flackneffe , weakneffe of 1 body and mind. Parerara, Paretaria , E:nd-weed, with- bind, or Velitoryof the wall. Paretàro , a place where fifb:rs bang up their nets to dry. Parére, a partition-wall in any room, houfe building , at ft a large fifhing-nct. Paréto'o, a fowling or bir ding-place. Parctónioj white fattie earth or clay good to make loam and dawbing mortar of, alfo the name of a colur, as commonly houfes, doors, or windows are painted. Parctta, a kind of targe Spreading net. Parévol c, that doth or may feem and ap ¬ pear, alfo feemly, fightly, mating a fair fhew. Pargoleggiare, to dote or waver in mind as a mid, to be pretty , or wanton as a child. Pargolétto, Pargolo, cbildijb, infantine , pret’y , quaint, little and young. Pargolézza, Pargolarita, Pargolità, in- fancle, babifhneffe , childifhncffe , pretti - neffe. Pari, equal, match, alike, peer-like, alfo re- fembling, alfo quit, as at any game. Pari del Régno, thè Peers of a Kingdom , or Princes of a State. Pari di Frància, the twelve Peers or chief Princes of France. Pari difpari, even and odds, equal or une qual . Pari e fequenza, a play at cards like Pajt and Pair. Pari pari, equal or level. Parlano, a l( ln d °f necdle-fifl) li\e a Patibile, as Parévole. Par ice , one that is come from fome other Country or habitation, to fettle himfelf in another place or Country , it is now ufed for poor and bafe people, that manure and and till other mens Lands, namely in Ci , pres and fome parts cf Turkie. Parie .da, a murderer of his Parents,\infe- ! folks s or dear friends. Paricidict, murder of Parents. Paritària, as Paretàra. Parie:.;li, the name of two bones that be in t fee upper and fore-part of the skull. Parictc, as parére. Parigino, a Pari fan man or coin. Parigióli, a kind of mufhroms. Pariglia, as Paréglia. Parigliare, as Paragonare. Parilia ,fea[ls celebrated to Diana the zi of April. Parilita, Parità, parity, equality, fmilitude, refemblance. Pariménte , femblably, like wife, in like manner , equally. Pàtio, a kind of the ri che ft Marble. Parisóla, Parifsóno, ai Oxe-eye or Tit- moufe, of a like found. ParifthimiejPariftmiCjiwd fpungeous £cr- nels in the jaws, containing great abun¬ dance of humidity, which fervetb to moi- fien the great Arteries , the flomack, and all the parts of the month. Pariteli®, any thin, weak or fender wall or 1 fence of Jticks or reeds. Paritónio, as Parcconio. Paritària, as Paretara. Paria gio, Parlàggio, a Police, but proper¬ ly a Parloir or place to meet in y and [peak together, alfo a par.)', or conferencee , or tyeakwg- Parlamentare, to parile, to have Jpeecb to¬ gether. Parlaménto, a Parliament, a parile , a jpeaking together , an Afjcmbly of the chief and wifefi men of a State met toge¬ ther to confer, to confide and treat toge- gether of weighty m itiers.] Parlànte, [peaking, difeourfing, P arlamentàrio. Parlamentai. Parlantina, a pratling or sliding wo¬ man. Parlànza , hath antiently been ufed for jpeecb, talk, or parly. Parlàrc, to Speak, 10 parlie, to talk, todif- courfe, to fay, toreafon, to utter in words. Parlare alla muta, Parlare co’cènni, to jpeakor exprefj'e ones meaning by figns, as Italians ufually do one with another from their windows at a confiderablc diftance moving their lips with fome o- ther finali gefture of the body, and fo will dialogue a longtime. Parlare a miccino, A fpizzico, A fpiluz, zico , to Speak rnmcingly with affé Ra¬ tion. Parlare a rótto fcilinguganólo , tofpeak nimbly, to prate readily , as one that is not tongue-tied. Parlàre a tentóne , to Jpeak uncertainly or doubtfully. Parlàre a vóto, to jpeak in vain or to no purpofe. Parlare rrianzéfco, to jpeak flatteringly Os a drunken man. Parlàre con le mani , to jpeak w & } 0lUS hands, to Strike and fay nothing. Parlàre fuor de’ denti, to jpeak out plain and without fear Parlàre in ària, to jpeak t0 ^ je air > that is in vain. Parlàre largo, tofpeak broad , at random or c arci fly. Parlasia, as Paraléfia. Parlata, Parlatura , a jpeafiiftg y a talking, a film flam tale, a jpeech y alfo the tone or accent of any diale fit. Parlato, jpoken,talked, parlied, difeourjed. Pra - PAR PAR PAR Parlatolo, Parlatòrio, a parlor ina boufc, but properly a place where men meet toge¬ ther to jpeafa to parly, or difeourfe its our Parliament houfe is. Parlatóre, Parlicre, afpea\er. Parian ice, Pari idra, a woman JpcalfCr. Parlccico, ns Paralitico. Parlottare, to prattle, alfo to wbifperjto mutter or(peaif low. Parma, rfxPavefe, alfo the name of a Ci¬ ty in Italy. Parmcgiano, of Parma, but ufed forPai- mefan-chccfe. Parmi, in hew of Ml pare, it feemeth or flppeareth to me, me feems. Parinola, fome part of a plough. Parnafsàico poèta, a Parntffus Poet. Pannocchie, prawns or fhumps. Paro, Paio, Paia, as paio, alfo a kind of tyfp or barge. Parécchia, a Parity , a precinti affigned to one Pricft to have charge of. Parocchiàle , of, or belonging to a Pa¬ rity. Par*cchiano, Parécchio, Paroco,* Parijb- Prieji, alfo a Pantyioner* Parocohiare,fo Parity, to dwell in , or to have charge of a Parity. Parocchii, were anticmly fuchas had the charge to provide the Ambaffadors of great Princes that were fent to Rome , of Bread, of Salt , of wood and other neccjfaries. Parochctco, Parochico,tfxPerochico. Parécide, as Paréti. Parafino, as Paracifmo. Parodia , turning of a verf: by altring fome words. Paródo, the pre.imble of the Chorus bis (pccch. Paréffìa, ex ceffi vene Js, abundance , or ra¬ ther fuperflinty, alfo a mins part or fluire of any tfnng , ufed alfo for Pa¬ récchia. Paroft'.ale, of or belonging to excejfive fu- fuperfluily. Paroffìano, as Parocchiano. Parógli, a difeafe in the teeth. Parol a t any word,tcrmc or motto, the Enghjh have borrowed the word pai oli in the Mi¬ litia phrafe fiotti thence. Parolàio, to fp:a\ words , alfo to fet or play at a grand part at dice. Parolata , a tale or huddle of many words. Paiolate, Paroline, quaint, fw.ct orplca- Jing words, Ihart words. Paioli, a grand part fit or cafl at dice. Paroio, a tinfyad, a broffer. Parolone, high,big, roaring, fwolneJonz , great or bug-words. Parolófo yfuU of words, wordy. Pacolózze, groffc unfeemly words. Paroliizze, foolity or idle impertinent words. Paróne, ufed in jefl for Padróne. Paronichia , an hearbgrowing onroc\s, good to cure any Panariccio. Parofolina, Paróflola,fbe Tit-moufebird, or oxe-eyc. Paréti, a fore, or impo flume, that com- eth of matter diflillcd from the head into the burrs or kernels cf the ears, we call call them Mumps. Parotide, the two Arteries on the right and left fide near the throat, and going up¬ ward above the ears. Parpaglióne, the great Butter-flie, alfo ta- \enfor a ft ft ary. Parpagliuóla, Parpcgliuóla , ParpcgU- cola, a Butter flye, alfo a com of three pence. Par Pari, Pari pari, Parifsimo, ali\e, c~ qual, equally, righi ly macchi, hand in h ind, man to man, without odds , alfo the piar , called Even and odd. Parpjg iéni, prawns or tyrimps. Parra, a bird called the little Nonet. Parrà, Pareià, verb, will or tyall fear or appear. Parricida, Parricidio, as Paricida, Parrocchia , as Parécchia. Parr. izza, as Parofolina. Parfiniónia, as Parcimónia. Pax fimoniàre, to(pare and be thrifty. Parfimoniófo, as Parcimoniófo. Parfo, Partito , flemed, appeared. Parfonaro , a Copartner, a part-talker. P artaggio. a partage , a tyaring. Panatamente, f ver ally, apart ,afinder ,aU Co as Appartatamente. P arte, fub. a part, a partage, a fhare, or a diviflon of any thing, namely an abun¬ dance of Bread and nine that the Pope gives to bis Pam.ly , and to others out of his Court, and that daily , the lUfe being U]td proportionably by the Cardinals uni o their Domeftic\fcrvants, it not being the cuflom in Rome to feep houfe , but to give bord-wages , and the Parte of bread, wines, fait, vinegar,candles,&c. alfo the courfe, the coafl, or fit nation of anyplace or Country, alfo a par tie, a fallion, a fide, a fever al fed, alfo an office,a part , or fevcral and particular charge impnfed on any man,alfo a partial man,alfo an'ad- verfary in any futc m Law. Parte, adv. partly, in part. Pórre ch', partly that, whilflthdt . Parte difópra , the upper part,partly above, alfo a Chit f in Armory. ;Parte per lafcic,party-pcr-feffc. Parte per ngugfe,party-per-palc. Partecipante, participating. Partecipare, Partaficere, Participate , to I participate, to talfCpart, or [bare with, I’artecipatióne, Partecipa n*a , Parteci¬ pamento, Partecipànza, Participati- óne, participation, partaking. Partecipativo , Participévole , Parteci¬ pabile, that may participate orbe parti¬ cipated. Partecipe, Partecipatóre > Partcficc, a partaker, a partner , a fharer-with , a Copartner, a Complice, an adite - rent, an Acccffory, or companion in fortune. Partegiàna, Pàrtesàna, a partirvi, a jave¬ lin. Partegianiére, one that carrictb or flghteth with a Partitjm. Patteggiaménto, a partit on , a compart¬ ment, affo a partage or a tyaring. Parteggiano, Partegiàno, Partigiano , a partner, a par dal or fatuous man,a flut¬ ter. Parteggine, Partecipare, to partage or be àfone faCtion with others. Partcgnénte, Partencnte, pertaining. Partegnenza , Partcnénza , Parteni- mento , any appurtenance or belonging unto. Pai tenere, to pertain, to belong. Partente, departing,going away. Partenza, a departure, a departing, a going away, Panhcnia, Virginity , PuceUge , alfo Mug- wort, Mother-wort, white-wort,Feather- few. ParthéniojParthenidéo, the Son of a maid unmarried, or of one fuppofed to be a / maid when (he was married. j Parti, the plu. of Parte, alfo as Ti pare, it feems to thee. I y Kr ;‘ «■■gognóie , pudfote o fante, > i to p: ivy parts of man or woman, P ardale, Partionale, partial, fuftious , ’ m ° fe tffcfted to one than to ano¬ ther Pamallfta , a pmialift , a. f, frutti Parzialità ,Pardonalità, partiality. Partializzarc, to partial ,its j to bandy, to fide, to be partial. Partibile, feparable, diviflble. Part ib ,1 ita, fep ar ability, Pani élla. Part/cola . Pattinila, c ry hale panicle, parcel, part, ponton, or member. 3 Particelle,* particle in sfeccb,as Mi Ti Si Ci, Vi,.i nd fu:h. Parneipanza , loo\ Partccipatióne &c. Participiale, that fmndeth Hie or hath fome affinity with a Participle. Paicicipio , a participle of a verb, which imply :th the verb orati of it performed, alfo a tyaring or dividing. Particolàre, Particolàre, Particular, [eve ral, dipinti. - Particolarità, Particular.'ti, Particularity fevcral di flirt tit on, Particoleggiarc; Particularizzarc, to par Ucularfts, to diftingiuty. Particolo, Parti culo, a particle. Paraménto, Partigióne, Partition c,apar- tilion, a compoitm.nt, a diviflon, a divi¬ dente, alfo a departing or going away, a departure. Partire, parto, Partito, to depart from to go away, alfo to part, to funder, todif- \ part. ‘ Partire in rótta, Partire alla rótta, togtr away in anger from ones friend. Pa tire un pèzzo. Partire il pèzzo, lo dif- part a piece, which among Gunners is, to raije a peg of wood or wax upon the mouth of the piece, juft of the height of the breech• by which Gunners dirett their tyot, which peg, the Italian Gunners call Garòfano, that is to fay, a Clove. Partita, a departure, a going away, alfo a. fever al parcel or part of a rcc\oriin Pafturaggio , Pafturaménto, Paftuvàta, Pafturatura, all manner of paflitre or pa fi wage , food or feeding, gi axjng or fodder for cattel, bait for fifh, cramming for foul, h.nv\s-meat , &c. al- fo any pa (hire-ground, alfo the ordure or dung of any be a (l that is hunted, alfo the layer of a Veer. Fatturile, as Paftorale. Pafturàre, as pafcolirc. pata della Luna, the Fpaft of the Moon, PAT p A V Pacho, a lovely beauteous ferver. Pachologia, that part of phyfh'k which treats'of the caufes and difference of dif- eafes. Patibile, fuffer able, tolerable. Patibolo, a gibbet,a gallorvs. Pacico, as Epatico , alfo a iflnd of Aloes. P adente, patient, fujfering, alfo a patient or a fufferer. Padénza, patience, fuffer ance forbearance, fubjeftionto obedience, alfo a Fryers r p a iacchia> Patacchino, Pataccóne, Pa¬ tataio , Patafcia, Pata da, a k ind °l b5? n I . It.... .J/.J. Ti-.i. -Uo Lands that a Father leaves to his chil¬ dren after his death. Pattano, as Padrino, Patrio, of ones own Countrey , naturally in¬ cident to fome one Countrey , alfo css Pa¬ tèrno. Pairiótta, a mans own Countrey woman. Patriótco, a mans own count rim an. Patritiatoj the dignity of a Patritio. Patrizzare, to rejemble or imitate ones Fa¬ ther, to be of his Fathers condition, and endure, to bear or abide with patience, as Padire. Patire di denari, to want money. Patire di fame, fa fuffer hunger nf. them to mace-rate the pride of their flefh, alfo hearb-patience , or mon^s-rhuoarb. VreSflat bottomed boat called a Paca die, j Patiménto, Padtura, any fujjhance or pa- alfo a jiher com in fome puts of India, tient fujfering. and u fu ally the Spanifh pieces of eight, Patina, as Patena, go under that nam: in fome Co un¬ treys. Patàfio, ufedfor EpuaGo. Patigo, ihat kind of plague that .leaves Gods marks or tokens behind it. Patalcnat* Goddefje of the ears of corn, when they fi ft begin to open. Patanan, mefjengers or pwfuivants among the Indians. Patarii, certain Mmiflers or Magitians that gave the anfwers of Oracles , namely, of Apollo, who was furnamed Pa¬ ta rèo. Patavino, a bafe Porter, a mecamc.il daj- labourct , a bireling^one that will be hired to do any bafe office , as the Jews do in Rome, and other Cities of Italy at this dvr, alfo as Patterino. Pataffio, as Paroloifna. Pat ate, the potato-roots. P atécchi , chopinos or walking-flilts. Patella, as Padèlla, alfo the whirl-bone or pan of a mans knee, alfo a fhell-fifh called, in Latin Lapas vel Partella. Patena , Patina, any treen-difh, platter, charger or bafon. Patena, a filver plate ufedby a Pricfl when he celebrates. Patentarc, to patentic, to give Patent unto. Patentato, apatentie, one tbit hath a Pa¬ tent given him. Patematore, a patentee one thalgivetha patent. Patente, /«fr. a letter-patent, a Vriviledgc, a Charter under the great Sea. Patente, adjett. open, wide, manifeft,ap parent, alfo jubjett or lyabli unto. Pancóni, the large big dates, patera, a facrificing cup. Pateréccio, as Pa narice io. P aterina, a hireling pun^, Paterino, an obflinate heretic^ as Pata- ..._ afted h\e his Father. hood through which he puts his head,alfo Patrocinio, Patronàggio, as Padrocinio. a kind of courfe rug or frock made t.fhair- Patrona, Patronare, as Padróna. cloth , th t gallie-(laves wear , alfo cer- Patronacico, Patrónia, as Padronaggi©. tain ft ri ft and aiifierc religious men wear Patrone, Pa troneggia re, 4* Padróne. Patrono, a CounccHour ai L.iw. P acruo, an unkle by th Fathers fide. Patronimico, as Padronimico. Patta, the paw or foot of any bcafi, alfo the ... .. Epatt of the Moon , or of any number. Patinare, to frequent, to love or feed on full Patta di cavallo, as Palio di cavillo. difhes. I Patta di gatto, cu Palio di gatto. Patinalo, a platter or diffmaker. ! Patta di lióne, as Palio di lióne. Patire, Patifco, Patii, patito, to fuffer, to Patta d’orfo, as Palio d’orfo. Patta lupina, as Pillo lupino. Pattacchi.!,Patacchia: Patcacchiire, to befmear , to beflavcr, to fullie with any filth. Patire d’una cófa, to feti ite want of a Pattacchióne, a flovenly gulch , a (luttifh gorbellied fellow, a filthy fiavering floven Pattacóni , great or broad pieces of Gold or Silver, we call them rndoc\s or coiftrcls. Pattarono, as Patarino thing. Patire una difgratia, to fuffer grace. Patire voglia, to endure a longing. Patito, fujfered or endured. Patitóre a’fufftrer, an endurer. Patri Ho, a [elf-conceited chief man, Cl rig Patteggiare, Pattare, Patteggiare, Pat or Commander. i tóirc, Pattuire, to covenant, to bargain, Patratióne, the ftnifising of any thing. to compatì, to condition, to contra ft , to Vazrazo, fini fhed or accomplifhed. | indentro agree upon. Pattava, a Grandmother by the Fathers Patteggiatóre, a contrastar , a covenanter. I Patteggiaménti, Pitta, Patti, the pfii. or ! Pitto * nno. Paternali-, fatherly, vatevtal. Paternità, fathrrhood, paterni tie. Paterno, fatherly, li k* - l father. Pater-nod; aro, a maker of beads, alfo one th it often faith his Pater-nailers. Pater-nóftri , P ater-nofters, Our-fathers, alfo all manner of beads, fuch as Roma¬ ni (Is number their prayers by, alfo cer¬ tain rnndlets or round beads in the mouth of a horfes-bit. Pater-nofl.ro, Our Father, a P ater-nofler, a Dominical Prayer. Pater-nóftro dèlia bertuccia, look Dire il Pater-nóflro. Pathetic aménre, adv. pathetically, per- fwafivtly , fortiblie. Path etico, patheticall ptrfwafion , or affe¬ tti on moving. fide. Patri vo , a Grandfather by the Fathers Patregno, Patrigno, a father in law t or jlcp-fathcr. patrézzolo, Patrécclolo, as Patriótto- Pacria,.i mans own Countrey, natural foil, L ind, Town or City where he was bom. Patria, d’ Hercóle, fo fome have called the load-flone or magnet. Patriàlcj of, pertaining, or according to a mans natural countrey. Patriarca,' a Patriarki a chief Father of Nations and Generations, a general or provincial Bifhop among the Greek J to this day, the name was firft given unto the twelve fons of Jacob, and fincc made common to divers ancient Fathers. Patriarcale, like a fatriark, Patriarcal. Patriarcato, the place or dignity of a. Pa- tr ack or ancient Father, Patriare, to patriate or make any countrey his own. atricida, a murderer of his Father. Parricidio, a fathers murder. Patiiao, Patricio, Patrice, Pacritli, a Patrician, a Senatours Son, fuch as in Rome were defeended of Noble race,or of the flack °f Senatours, alfo of or belong¬ ing to the flate and office of a Sena- tour. Patrigno, a father in law. Patrimo, one wbofe Father is living , alfo one born of the fame Father, Poets fay, that Minerva was called Pattimi, be¬ cause (he was born of her Father alone , without a mother. Patrimoniale, patrimonial, inheritable, of or belonging to inheritance. Patrimonio , a patrimonio, a birth-right, a , Uvelj-hood or inheritance, the Goods or P.ateggiófo, that may be conditioned or co¬ venanted. patterino, as Paterino, ufed alfo fo? one that abfolves a Confejjant. Pitti, Pacca, Patccggiamcnti the phi. of Patto. Patti e pagati, all covenants performed, and all parties well apaid. P àttico, a k‘nd of bitter Aloes. pattini, wooden pattins or cboppinos. patdtio, done, or to be done upon covenant, cont ra ft or agreement. Patto , Pattióne , Patteggiamento, any p.ift, compaft , covenant , bargain , con dition, accord , contra ft or agreement. Pattoire, Pattuire, as Pattegiare- Pattoico, Pattuito, covenanted , conditi ontd, comp afte d. Patcuile, paftual, conditional. Patulcio, the name of a gate about the temple of Janus in Rome. Pavina, Paraniglia, a pavan dante, Pa talo luògo, an open place expo fed to the air. Pavaro, as Pavcro. Pauci-1 oquéntc, little fpeaking. Pauci-loqu nza , little fpeecb. Pauci-lóquio,/t^ words, no tal\t Paucit paucity, littleneffe in quantity: Pave, he or [he feareth. Pavegliata , Pavegli ’.tea, Paverazza, Paverma,Parpegliuóla, Brcndola, a blitter-fly , a lady-bird ,alfo now adays taken for a feftary. Pavéndo, dread full, to be feared. Paventare, as Spaventare. Paventiate Goddefje of makflng children aff aid with bug-bares orboe-peeps. Pavento, as Savenco- Pavencófo, as Spaventévole. Pavero a young goofe, a go fling, alfo the _ weick P A Z PEC P E D weick or cotton of a cornile or lamp , alfo tbefnuffof a candle. Pavesalo, Pavesàro, articd, or with a Pavcfe. • . Pavesata, a Pavesa do,the fights or arming of a [hip with a cloth or conva fe to hide the Mariners from the fight of the Enc- mie, a waft cloth. Pavéfe, Pavcfce, a Target or fhield called a Palvoifcj or great bla- s{es. Pavitàre, to tremble with fear. Pavitatióne, a quaking for fear. Paumicra, as Palmicra. Pavóna, Pavonélla, a Pea-hen. Pavonacca, any thing that fhmes like Pea¬ cocks feathers. Pavonàzzo,Pavonàccio, a purple or pea¬ cock-colour. Pavondzzo cupo» a purple or dark purple. Pavonàzzo di grana , purple ingrain. Pavoncino, Pavonino, a Pea-chiclfin. Pavóne 5 a Peacock- Pavóne d' India, as Gallo d’ India. Pavoneggiàntc, fondly-gating , or proudly courtin'' nfhtmfdf- Pavoneggiare, fik'* Peacock fondly to ga\cfmdproudly to court bimfelf and flrut it, Pavoneggiatóre, a fond gather, a proud Courtier, or nice wantoni^er ofhimfslf , Pavónio, a kind of flone, which drunk in wine, and then f vacating a little , provo- hetb love and lilfing of him that gave it. Pavèra, Paura, the God of fear and terror, alfo fear, dread, terror, fright, s\are. Paurire, iifco,nco , to make afraid. Paurito, made afraid or affrighted. Paurófo , fearful,timorous. Paufa, a paufe, a reft, a flay. Pausare, topaufe,to!iay, Paufie, little round O’ives. Paufiì/ppo , the third draught of wine in banquets, drunk as an health to Jupiter , fo called, bee ait fe it drives away cares , alfo for Posilipo , a place of diverti fo¬ ment near Naples where Mafaniello that arch rebel did drive away his cares, in fo much, that he lived not long after. Pazzacamino, a Chimny-fweeper. Pazzacchiónc, PazzacóncjPazzarónc,** Pattacchiònc. Pazzamente, ajdv.foolifily, madly, fottifi- ly, fondly. PazzcrJlàgginc, Pazzerelleria, foolflj- neffe, foolery, fottijh/ieff:. Pazzerèlli, mad people, alfo the Bedlam or Hofpital far mad people in Rome. Pazzéda, a churning vat for butter. Pazzeggiare, Pazzire, zilcojzito, to fool, to play the fool. Pazzcfco, Pazzarefco, foolfi. Pazz a, folly, fmdneffc. Pazzo, a fool, alfo foolifi. Pazzuecio, Pazzuólo, a filly fool, PI, ufed often for Piede, afoot. Pc’ Per i, for, by, or through the. , Peana, ufed of Poets for Apollo. Pv.ani, hymns or fongs of praifes , made ór --—-—. I f un g to Apollo when any plague raged, I as .dfo after the obtaining of fome Vi¬ li ory. Peantid c, a precious flone of the colour of frozen water, P ceca, a fault, a blmifb. P eccàbile, that may fin. Peccabilità, Peceànz i, fln fulneffe. Peccadigl io, Peccatuccio, afmalL, a veni¬ al or pardonablefin, the firfl taken from the Spanijh. Peccante, peccant, finning. Peccare, to fin, to do amiffe, to [wirvefrom right, to treJpaffe. Peccare a mano alzata, to finprefumptu- °nfly againfl God. Peccato, Peccata, Peccati, fub.a fin, a fault, a crime, a treJpaffe an offence. Peccata, part, finned , done amiffef, tref- paffd. Peccaticelo, any filthy or goffe and abhomi- nable fin. Peccato arcuale, aRual fin. Peccato gomorréo , unnatural fin. Peccato originale, orignalfin. Peccatóre, a (inner. Peccatrice, a woman finner. Pécchia ,a hony-bee. Pecchi are, to [warm as bees , to fling as a bee , aljo to peck- Pecchicelo, a Robin-red brefl. Pecchione, a drone, a humming be. Piccia, pitch, alfo a punch. Peccio, a pitch-tree. Péce, any kind of pitch , or tar. Péce gréca, greek-pitch. Péce liquida, Tar-pitch. Péce navale, (hip-tar. Péce fpélla, flonc-pitcb. Peciarcjfo pitch , to tar. Pccilia, a flfh which is / aid to chirp like a Thrufh. Peciofit’a, pitcbincjjc, clammincffe. Peciófo, pit chic, full of pitch. Peciuco, pitched , alfo a kind of thick wine. Pécolo, Proietto, the [talk of any fruit , alfo the nipple of a dug. Pecora, a (heep, by Met, a bar mie fie ninny , a filly gull, alfo taken for the order of the golden F lecce which the Dons of Spain do wear. Pecoraggine, (hecpifhneffe, fimp l icity. Pecoràio, Pecoraro, a fieepheard. Pecoréccio; a fhecp-cotc, pen, or fold, alfo difordered confuflon , alfo as Pecoràg¬ gine. Pecoreggiàr z,topliytbe [he p, alfo to play the gull, foot, or ninny hammer. Pecorèlla, a lamb or little fljeep. Pecoiiccio, Pecorile, fieepifi. Pecorina, ayoung (ìseep, aljo fhecps-sifln , vellam, or parchment. Pecorino, of, or pertaining to fb:ep, alfo (heeps cheefe,alfo a (hccp-co'e. Pecoróne, a great old [heep, by Met. a very flmplc gull. Pccorófo ,full of, or having (heep. Péftide, as Péttide. Pecuària, of, or belonging to fhcep. Peculiare, peculiar, [pedal, pertaining to fome one. Peculiarità, [peciality, p-opriety. Peculiarmente, adv. peculiarly. Pciilio,Pecuglio', a flock of [heep, alfo any profit or gain made offiep, wooli, of cat « tie, or of graflag, alfo any fubfiance', chat- tie, wealth, or ritches- whither in goods, mony, or cattle, fo it be properly ours, and gotten by our labour and indiiflry. I Peculiófo , that hath goods , cbattle , I gam or profits camming in. Pecunia, any kind of com, mony or pelf of any mettal,f 0 called, becauje the firfl rm- ny had the Jtamp of fhcep upon it : ufed alfo for wealth and riches. Pecunialinéntc, Pecuniariamente,*^-. by way of mony. Pecuniàrc, to flore with mony. Pecuniary, Pecuniale, pecuniary. Pecuniali vo,that may be had or dealt with- all for mony. Pecunieggiàre . to deal with or handle many. Pecuniófo , monied , rich or full of mony. 1 Pcdaggicro >2 receiver of foot-mem paffete- mony. Pedaggio, tole, or paffage-mony, that foot¬ men pay at paff ages, alfo fafl-footing or (aftnejfe. Pedagogàggine, Pedagogheria, Pedago¬ gia, as Pedantàggine. Pedagògo, as Pedante. * Pedale, the footing, the bafls, the founda¬ tion, or ground-work of any thing, alfo a foot-fool, a foot-flay,a fupporter , a flake, a flock, a fork) a P r 0 P) a fiore , or a flay tó bear up any thing, as trees , vines,hops, or houfes , alfo a mans free-bold, flock, wealth or fub fiance,alfo a mans off'-fpring , (lock, lineage,Pedigree, dcfcent,or blood, alfo the m afure of a foot. Pedale d’ àrbore, the root, the (lock j tbc trunk » the flem , or main body of a tree. Pedali, thin dancing pumps, alfo foot-focks, aljo feet or pettitoes of beafls. Pedaracnto, as Pedàggio, as Pedale. Pedamontàno, as Pedemontano. Pedanéo, a certain officer among the Vene¬ tians. Pedane, the bare foies of a mansfet. Pedano, on foot, or like a foot-man. Pedani, the thrums at the cjid of any web. Pedantagginc, Pedantaria, pedantifm, pe- dantery , the office or profcffion of a pe¬ dant, or of a Pedagogue, by Met. a fond felf-conceit, in ufing of ink-pot words, or affefted Latinifms, andpbrafes, as mofl pedants do, and it is commonly taken in ill part. Pedante, Pedagogo,* pedant, a pedagogue, a fchool maficr, a teacher , or a trainer up of children, and who teaebsth them the principles of learning. Pedanteggiare, to play the pedant. Pedantcfco, pedantically Met. fondly af- fetted,foolifl)ly-conccitcd. Pedantuccio, a fool fi pedant. Peda - e, to foot it, to track, to trace,to tread or trample with ones foot. Vc^rcccio,footmanfiip. Pedàriof Padàrii , fome Hi ftorians write that all the Senators , who were not of the number of thofc, that arc called, Cu- rules were named Pedani, becaufe they alwaies went on foot to the Senate-houfc : others fay,that Pedarii, were certain young Romane Gentlemen, that came in¬ to the Senate-houfe, but were not permit¬ ted to [peak, nor t0 numbred as S ena- tors- } fome others fay , that Pedàrii were Senators of Rome, fo called , becaufe they d d not utter their opinion in words, but went to the part and fide of them whofc opinion they did allow , as they do in Eng¬ land in dividing the parliament-houje , . alfo a footman or a lacquey. * Pedàrii, thofe ends of thuds in a weaver r loom, whereunto he faflnetb his web,and there beginneth to weave. ' Pedata, Pedatura, any footing or foot-flep , 2 z q. a n y PEL PEL PEI) any tracking or tracing,'he print, or trac^ of any foot, the view of a Deere,the prick of a hare , &c. alfo a foot-breadth or lcngtb y alfo afoot-fquare,or twelve of our inches. Pede, as Piede? a foot. p§déma? a of dance wherein the dan¬ te s lift up their feet very high back¬ ward. Pedemontano, 0 /? or belonging to the foot of any hill, alfo born, bud , or living at the foot or bottom of a bill,or iflPiemont, a Picmoncois. Pedéna,JJ Pedina, alfo as Pedani, Pederaftia, vicious and unnatural buggery , namely with children. Pcderafto , an unnatural buggercr of boyes. Pederaftarc, to bugger boyes , Pederite, Pederétti, Pedéro> the beauteous and many coloured Opale-ftone, called alfo Gèmma diV è nere? fome fay it is good a- gain[t]poifon and drunkennrfje. Pedci ota, as Pàlio d’ <$rfo , fome take it for Chervil. Pede-ftallo, as Piede-flallo. Pedéftre, of or belonging to footman-fijip, a footman, a goer or ferver on foot. Pedccoloj specolo. Pedetiire, to fart, to crack behind. Pedetaro, a loud, or often farter. Pedu? education in hone[l arts, inftruftion or teaching of youth. Pedicure, to commit buggery. pedica, as Paftóia. Pedicaria? as Pederaftia. Pcdicatóre, Pedicone,.^ Pedeiùfto. Pedicèllo, Pedicmoj any foot-kin, or little floor, alfo any grub or wormlel , breeding between the s\in and the flefh- Pediculàre, to loufe, alfo to fill with lice, look Morbo. Pedicularia,Hérba pedicularc, Stavefacre, red rattle-lice-bane, loufle-wort, rattle- pair.. Pediculo, a loufe, alfo afillo called the Dol¬ phin s-p ara file ; for, be ever waits on him. Pedinare, to foot, to travel on foot. Pedi gl io, any little foot. Pedignóni , angry k’-bes , chilblanes, or bloody-falls, alfo ì^ibed heels. Pedimecria, foot-me a fui e. Pedina, a pawn at Cheffe. Ptdiojffee plant, the fole, or the middle part of the foot from the fir fi joint of the toes to the mftep, anfwenng the back °f tbe hand. Pedi(\égua> a maid-fervant that ever fol¬ lows her Mifirijs. Pedifséguo, a man-fivvint, that is at his Ma fiers heels. Peditarc, to fart ar crack behind. Pedicaro, a great farter. Pedo, a (beep book- Pedocch.ria? Pcdocchiaggine, loufinejfe , by M.t.paltry-dodjng , nigardly-wrang- ling . pcdocchiirej to loufe, to pick & cc - Pedócch o, any kind of loufe, alfo a difeafe in fome borfes about the eruppe. Pidòcchio marino, a Sca-creepcr. Pedócchio della tèrra ? a kjnd of Beetle breeding in the earth. PedoccMófo, lo iifie, full of lice. Pedomante, a (ootbfayer. Pe domanda, 'Divinai ion. Pedona, a pawn at Cheffe, as Pedine. Pedoraglia > infantry , a rabble of foot¬ men. Pedóne? a foot-man, alfo the flump of a tree. Pedóroj as Pedóto, as Pederite. Pcdóca, a Pilot,a Sca-guidc. Pedótta, a fifhers little fiat boat. Pcdótco, a foot-man , alfo a Beacon or a Seamark ? alfo a guide or a leader by Sea or by land, alfe a way-maifier. Pedréllo, Pedrolino, an overweening gull, a faucie companion. Pedrinale, a petroncl. Pedrolina, Pcdrélla, a. pretty minx, trull or fli umpet. Peducci, as Pedali. Peduccie, [beeps trotters, a pigs petty- toes. Peduli, idem ? alfo the foot-part of foehns. Pedùncoli, Sea-lice or creepers. Pcgala, Pégola, any pilch or tar. Pegalare, Pegolare, to pitch, to tar. Pegamc, a bafiing-lae'le or flick . Pegasèo, of, or belonging to Pégafo. Pcgafo, a kmd of monftroushorfe,faid to be winged , and to have horns in his head , alfo a kind of bird, that hath a head like a borfe, alfo the name of a (lar, or fign to. Heaven. Peggiare, Pegiare, to pledge, to bail, or be furety for. Poggiarla, Peggcria, bail or main-prife , furety-[hip. Peggio, worfe, more ill, tiler. Peggioraménto, Peggioianza, Peggiori¬ ti , empairing , " worflneffe , growing worfe. Peggiorante, growing worfe and worfe. Peggiorare, to empair, to grow worfe. Peggiorativo, that maketh worfe. Peggióre, worfe, more ill, more bad. Peggiorèvole, empair able,that may empair, or grow worfe. Pcglia, as Pèlle? namely the outward prick¬ ing-husk °f a Cheffenut. Péglio, hairs about the cye-lyds. Pcgma, a frame, a fabric k, a machine, or pageant, to move, to rife, or to go it felf\ with wheels, with vices, or with otherl help, ctlfo a Stage or high-raifed frame, or cupbord in fome Princes hall for plate to be fit upon. Pegra.e, to pawn, to engage, to morgage, to pledge, alfo to bail or be furety for , alfo to wage or bet, alfo to take a fir effe, or to diftrainfor debt or rent. Pégno, a pawn, a pledge,a gage, a morgage, alfo a bail, a furety j a fure token , a i vi¬ ger, a bet, a ftake at gaming, alfo a di- filreffe ta\cn or distraining. Pcgnóra, Pegnorare? as Pignora. Pégola, pitch or tar, by Met- an infeftions or flick-fa ft whore. Pegolare, to pitch , to tar. Pegolófo, pitchie, full of pilch. Pegricia, P< gro, as Pigmia, &C. Péi? Pe’ Per i, Per li, by, or through the . Pe’l, Per lo, for, or by the. Péla cane , a dog-flajer, by Met. a mer¬ ci lefte, bloody, or cruel varlct. Pela frónte, a man-flayer, by Met. an old : crafty foa\er. Pela mantello , one that wears his cloths bare, alfo a drcfjer of old cloths, by Met- a flicker of cloaks or cloths, Pcladùra ? Pelatura. Pclàga? a fintarne of Juno. Pelagigo, Pelagico, of, or livinginthe Sea, Sea-bred. Pelaggio, the hair, the cote, Or co 'our of any borfe, man or bea ft. Pelagio, Pelagia, as Pelagico, alfo the purple-fifh. Pelagióne, Pclaia,/wPelarclla. Pèlago, the main, the va fi , or botto/nle[]c Ocean-Sea. Pelame, all manner ofs\i„ s , fells, hides , I or pills, all manner off hair, alfo affi;,, called a Summer-whiting or Tunny before I it be a year old* alfo as Pelaggio. Pci amide, as Pela miro. D Pe'andra, as Palandra. Pelare, to pull out,or of the hair, the s{in, the pill, or feathers of any thing 3 to gall, of to rub and fret off the s^n or hide, to flay or unskin to the quick» 10 P‘M> to poll, to • pare, to make bare , or to ta{e f am, alfo• to excoriate. PeJarc galline. Pelare pólli , to puH , to pluck 0r unfeather hens or chidfins. Pelare la bórfa, to empty, to [have or pick ones purfe. Pel ire pórci , to pill,to finge, or feald hogs. P«larc qualcuno, to pill, to poll, or [have fome body bare. Pelarélla,Pelaruóla, Pelagióne, Pelaia, Pelatia, Pelére, as Alopacia, alfo any pilling j flaying, or uns\imng, alfo a plaifler to pluck off hair, or to excori¬ ate. Pelargo, a Stork. Pclafgo,Hor/e tongue-laurel. Pelato, the part, of Pelare , unhai¬ red , uoskfnd, pilled 3 bare , unfathe¬ red, finge d, flayed. See. alfo any poultry or foul, or hollow bird as they call it. Pelatolo, at Scorticatóio. Pelatura, Peladùra, any pulling, finding, pilling, pluckmg,fretting of y rubbing of, or skatdingof the sifin , the hair, or tic feathers of any man, be a fi, hog, or poul¬ try , alfo fuch remedies, plaiflers, orjlrong waters as fome women ufe to fmooth tl tir faces and to pull out fifperfluous hairs,alfo j any excoriation. Pelecino, ufedfor Axefitchwccd. Paléggio, as Puléggio, alfo as Pèlago, alfo a narrow pati j or way. Pelegrinaggio, Pilgrimage, peregrination, wandring up and down. Pelegrinante, pilgrimaging, wandring up and down , alfo a. Pilgrim, a wande¬ rer. Pelegrinare, togo on Pilgrimage, towan- dcr in frange Countries, Pelegrinatióne, Peregrination, Pilgrimage , wandring in frange Lands. Pelegrinich, the condition of a Pilgrim, the being in a f range Land, ufed~alfo for ftrangeneffe in speech or behaviour. Pelegrino, a Pilgrim, a Palmer, a wande¬ rer or a flragler up and down , and in Mrange Lands,alfo an Outlander,a Fren , an Alien, a Forrciner, or a Stranger, alfo the ficond kind of hawk* or Faults, which we call Haggard-Haw^, by Met. a loufe, by reafon of his wandring up and down about us. Pelegrino, adjcc. excellent, noble, rare, pregnant, fingular, and choife. Pclicano, a bird called a Pelican fome ta\e it for a (Jjoveler with a broad bill, alfo the Pelican-fifti, by Met. a friap or dog to pull out teeth with all , alfo a Serpentine lim¬ beck • Pelice, a whore that lies with a married man. Pelicinóne, the weed Ax fitch. Pclimpifsa, pitch thrice boiled. Pélla, Per la, for, by, or through the', Pella cc, full of fair words with purpoft to 1 deceive one. Pellacia ,fair and deceitful ffceeh. Pellame, as Pelame. Pell ire, to flay,to unskin. Pèlle, any skfm, fell, hide, pill 3 rinde or I ‘ pelt. Pèlle I t PEL PEN PEN Pelle d 5 Afino, the sfyn of an Afe. Pelle di camóccia, achamoy-skjn. Pelle di vaccai an Oxe or Coiv■ bide. Pelle di Zibellini, fables skin. 'Pelle pelle,adv. not far inward, fballowly, fuperfidali), ufed alfo for the Tahuri law, as one would fay sifm for sfln. Pellegatc, Pcllcgatolc, Pelliga.ee> the finali fimnews that go through the fifbie parts of any body, alfo a fiappyor stymie piece of fl as Pelegnnancc. Pellegrinarci as Pclegrinare. Pellegrinatióne, as Pelcgrinatióne, Pcllegrinica> as Pelegrinita. Pellegrino! as Pdegnno. , Pellcri, the fmall Pillars that garnijh gates, cb:males , bed-(leads or tombes. Pclleslna, Pellicina, Pellicola! Pelli¬ ccila, Pellisrni, Pellollna, any stynlet, thin sfin, pill, pilling, caul, filmar mem¬ brane, alfo the tbm cream over any thing. pellttta, idem, alfo a find of bird. Pelletterìa, as Pelliccieiia. pellettiere! as Pellicciato. Pelliccia, Pelllzza, any find of fur, alfo a furred garment. Pellicciare, Pcllizzàre, to fur, or to put on a furred garment. Pellicc.aro! Pelliccierei Pcllizzàro, a Sfnner, a Punier,a Fell-monger. Pellicciarla, the Sfmners or Furriers trade, alfo a Sfmners fi >p, or place where Sf li¬ nen workor dwell, by Met. mans Lift borne, tafm from the place where sfinì are fold, for wherefoever, and bowfaever beafls are tafm or ftllcd,tbcir sfms come to be fold in the mar ft or Sfmners- ihof. Pelliccinci anythin, fine or light furred garment, alfo the corners or cars of a full fac\ or pack h which hold may be tafn , alf o the bag or bottom of a net where the fifhtafn gathereth it fclf. Pelliccióne, Pellica, any furred gown or garment, alfo a womans furred petti cote. Pelllce, as Peli'ce. Pelliccilo, at Pedicello. Póllo, Pellóne, a canon hear on . Pellopédi, a find of people. Pélo, any fnd of hair, by Met. the cote or . colour of a man, of a borfe or any cattel, alfo the look or court mance of a man, al¬ fo a little chink, cranie or draft in a wall, alfo a leak ' n a fop or other vc(fcl , a leafing place, alfo a little fpace, alfo as Boccata. Pélo cavallino, horfe-bair,alfo a find of Iluff made of herfc-hair. I pélo d’ acqua, the furface or fuperficics of ! ih: water, Tirar® a pélo d’acqua, a i phrafe ufed among Marriners, that is to fioot between wind and water. Pelo di g itto, a running-worm or tetter, which we call a cats-bair. Pélo tóndo, round hair, by Met. an Aft; becaufc an Affé hath the biggejt hair. Pelóne, any great, thief long or fhaggrd- hair, alfo a pluck or lw:tcb of one ; hairs, by Met. a bare or pemyhfe fllow, one rvhofe hairs grow through bis hood. Pelóre, Pelorlde, a fhzll-fifh called a pa- lour. Pel olita, bairynefie. Pelofclla, Pelolctta, Pelosana, bearb Moufe-ear. Pclof >, hairy, (baggy, fid' of hair. Pelature, to bang , to (hump, to cuff, to rib-bajl or beat foundly, Pclótto, a thump, a bang, a cuff or found dry blow. Pél pa ,filfplufh or fhag. Pclpare, to plnfh orto (hag, Pelpófo, Pclputo, plufbie, (baggie. Pc’l pallate. Per il palliato, in times P*j l - P cita, a fiicld or target in fa fiion of a half- moon, alfo as Spelta. Peltilero, bearing the (hie/d Pig. Pendere, pendo, pendei , or péli,pcnduto, or péfo, to bang,to dangle downjo bend or enclme, on one fide, to depend or have Pènna n,à.ta, thifilc-doun : dependence of, ór from , alfo to be> or, Penna, any pen, plume, quill or feather, alfo the whole wing of any foul, alfo the top or upptrmofl tip or pan of any thing, alfo a Nae,e fi fi ) , by Met. the fin of any fwim- rning fiflj,alfo a writing,or written Pocmc or comp of tion. Pènna da frrfvere, a writing-pen. pènna de’ mónti, the bighe(t top of a moun¬ tain t, Pen- PEN PEP PEN \ Pennacchiato, Pennacchiuto, plumed,f fa¬ thered. Pennacchiaro , Pcnnacchigro , Pcnnac- cidro, a plume or feather-maker. Pennacchio, a little plume or feather, by Met. a wap-feather. Pennacchio, Pcnnacchìéra, Pcnraccio, am plume or bunch of feathers. Pennace, as Penice. Pennaiuòlo, Penaruólo, a penner to put in writing-pens, al foan Upholder, alfo a we cl cafe. Pendio da lètto, an Vpholfier, alfo a driver of feathers for beds , alfo a Ibpping- axc. Pennati, as Penati. Pennato, part, feathered, winged, flidged, having feathers, wings, quits or pens , plumed. Pennato,Pennati, fub. any flying foul or bird, alfo a plume or bunch of feathers , alfo a crooked wceding-boo 4, alfo a pru¬ ning knife, or bending hook that Gar¬ deners ufc. Penne, the pin. of Penna, alfo the privities of a man, of the Latin word Penis. Pènne mac fire, the principal feathers of any hawk or fowl. Pennécchio, a bale of flax or hemp, afl:ccc of wooll made ready to fpin, alfo bards of hemp, of Lae, or flax for to fpin, alfo ok-imc for flAps. pennella, a kind of fpungc tiiat grows in the Sea, Pennellare, Pennelleggiare, to penfll, to dr aw,cq limn or pourrraie with a pen fill. Pennellata, Pcnncllcgg'aca, a draught or line drawn with a penfll. Pennellatone , a drawer, a limner or a painter, a penfiller. pennello, Pennellétto, Pennellino, a painters penfll,alfo by Met.a quill or fmall pipe of l:ad to convey water under ground, a rill, a gullet or rivulet of water that runnith forth -right, or flraight on, alfo a lit lc bannerol orflreamer, fatto a pen¬ nèllo, perfetti ) wrought , or exquifuely ma le, as it were with a penfll. Pcnéllo da campanile. Pennèllo da Vèn¬ to, a phane or weather-cock on the top of a (teepic or tower to [hew the wind ?, by M t. a light-headed or vain-glorious fel¬ low. Pennctta, Pennina, Pennuzza, the dim. of Pènna. Pcnnifero, Pcnnigero, bearing feathers, winged. Pennino, as light as a feather, or like a feather. Penni-péde, wing or feather-footed. penni-poténte, mighty winged. Pennice, penets taken for a cold. pennócolo, a plaificr which women in Italy, ufe for to ta\c away or caufc to fall the hairs of their, Sec. Pcnnola, as Cugno. Pcnnole di pefee, the fins of fifties. Pennoncéllo, Pennoncdno, the dim. of Pennóne. Pennone ii n:, any great pennon or plume of feathers. Pennóne, Pennóni, a pennon, a great plume or bunch of feathers, by Met. a banner, a flag, an enflgn, a flreamer, a waver y ata(]e[,a pendent 0 pah orna- ments as are cart led on the tops ofborfe- mtns lances,loo\C\\ ivi. Pennuto, pennófo, feathered, fledged, winged, full of feathers, alfo any foul or flying bird, alfo well hung, or well pro¬ vided for the att of copulation. Pe nòcchi i, long comfets fliik'ngup about marchpanes. Pènde, firings or veins in the liver. Pendami nte, painfully. Penófo, painfull, full of pain. Pénfa bene, a well-meaning man. Pénfa male, an lU-mcaning man. Pensabile , Penlcvolc, that may be thought. Pcnfibóndo, penflve, thought full. Penfagijne , Pentiménto , any think' ing. Penfdnte, thinking, tnuflng. Penfare, to thin\, to mufe, to imagine , to furmife, to deem , to fuppofr. Penfata, a thinking , a furmife. Penfataménce, wanly, with premeditation, of fetpurpofe. Penfatóio, méttere nel penfatóio, to lake in conflderation. Penfatóre, a thinker, a furmifer. Penficiagginc, penfiveneffe, cark or care of mind. Penfiérc, thought, care, muflng or cark of mind. Penficregglare>fo be penflve,to take thought, to L ve m care . Penfierófo, Pensi vo, Penfófo, Penforófo, penflve, full of thought and care. Pcnfiiruccio, any idle thought. Pensile, imaginarie, waving in the air. Penfionare, to penflon, to flipend. Penfionario, a pen [ton arie, a flipendi- arie. Penfióne, a penflon , a yearly fee. Pentolare, as Pendolare. Péntolo, Pentirle, Pensile, as Pendo¬ lante. Penfófo, look Penfierófo. Penta, the number five, in Greek whereof divers words are compofed. ' Pentacolo, any thing that hath five fldes or angles. Pentadatile, a kind of winkle-fifh- Pentadóro, of five handfuls , long or broad. Pcntadoróne, a brick of three foot and nine inches in length. Pentadramma, a coin that was worth five drams. Pentagonalej-Pentagóno, five angled. Pentagonale, to make five cornered. Panralogo, a difeourfe between five. Pentametri, pentameter verfe. Penta naccio, the fup of a Pole ano. Penti'io, a poor village of five houfes. Pentapéne, Pentaphilla, Pcntaph rióne, Cinque- folte. Five-finger -graffe. "' 1 Pcntapoli, of five Cities. Pentarco, a Captain of five men. Pentatèuco, a volume of fiv: books, as the books of the Laws of Motes. Pentabilc, be that was vittor, or won the be ft at the five kinds of the olimpick games among the Grecians, look Olim¬ pici giuócchi. Pencatóti, T'founs of five cafes. Penta ura, a pretious fionc (bining like fire, which they fay hath all the feveral vir¬ tues of all other ftones , and if they be no bigger than it,it will draw them all unto it felf. Pentecófte, the fiftyelh in number, alfo the fcaflof Pcntecoft orWnitfontide. Pentemuncri , a part of an bcroick verfe. Pencéori , the [pace of full four years, or that returncth c-ùery five years. Pentcrc, as Pentire. Penrerina, a work in linnet:-cloth, called lu\ard work- Penthali, as Quinquértii. Penuculo, a fifh about Tardnro, tbatwill Penzolo, as Pendo- fiy out of the water. \ Pent ina, a little lance cr fphear. Pentimento, repentance or for rowing for [cm et hi tig dine or pa fi. Pentire, Pònto, Pentito, to repent, to rite, to be foiy for fernet hing done or pa ft. Pentit emi, a gallic that hath f ve uares on a fide. Pentitamene, penitently. Pent infilino, mofi penitent. Péntola, Pentolino, any kit chin-pot. pipk'w, pofnet,pitcher or cauldron , Pentolaio, a potter or pipkin-maker. Péntolo, a round earthen ball. Pentorobónc, as Peònia. Pen trito, Pentito, repented. Pènula, a cloke for the rain. Penultimo, the Ufi fave one. Penuria, penurie, fcarfìlie. Penuricfo, penurious,needy. Penzolante, Pcnziglidnte , Penzolóne , Penzilóne lame. Penzolare , Penzigliare , as Pendolare. Penzolo, as Pendolante, alfo many clufters of grapes or plums hanging toge¬ ther. Peònia, the Pionic flower, Kjngs-bloom, or Rofe of the mount. Peónico. Peóne, a foot in metter of four fyllables,tbe fir ft long,and the three fhort , or the fir ft three fhort, and the other long. Pcóra, a kind of boat or bark- Peòta, Peótta, a V1I0L, a Sea-guide, alfo a barge in Venice. Pcpaiuóla,Peparuóla, a pepper-box. Pepare, to fpice with pepper, Pepaco, peppered , drefi with pepper, alfo ginger or pepper-bread, alfo a kind of drink m:l dc of pepper and honey, called Pepper-wine. Pépe, P opere. Pevere, the good fpice Pep¬ per. Pépe acquatico, rfs Peperélla. Pépe bianco, white-pep per. Pépe d’ India, Pépe di Rdbo, Pépe dì Spègna, Ginny or Cale cut Pepper , alfo as Peperélla. Pépe di mónte, Pépe montano, widow- wail, fpurge- flax , dwarf-hay , Pepper of the mount Mezéreon, bhek-berrie of the jhrub, it is very ftrong and hot in tafie. Pépe lungo, long Pepper. Peperate, any fcafoning or drcjfing with fpice and Pepper,alfo a meat, a pottage, a fauce or broth with fiore of Pepper in it, much ufed in Germany and Poland, Ppper-fauce. Peperélla , Pepper-wort , water-pepper. Cuter age, Arfe-frfiart. Peperigno, Pepericcio, of the colour, tafic or quality of Pepper, alfo a flind of black fionc. l’eperófo. Peppery, full of Pepper. Peperuólo, Peperino, a Pepper-box. Pephago, a kind ofbeaft in India as big as a horfe, with a fair long tail, and very ftic hair. Pepilio, Pé-plio, Pepliónc, Pepolo, wild Purce-lane, fome take it for Devils milk> or Pety-fpurge. Peplo,a tynd of hood,vail,courchefor head- attire, mentioned by Plautus. Pepóne, a pepon, which is a kind of melon, gourd or pumpion. Peponiéra, a plot or nureery for Pepons, or any other fruits. Pèptica, a kind of plaifier or medicine, cal¬ led a Maturative. Pepuziani , a fettof H.reticks that hold it . lawful for women to baptise, and as j Prie (If P É R PEK _ PER Tpàejts to minifler in Churches. Per, a prepofition of much life tn compoftion , and precedence of words, giving them a great energie, fignifying, for, by, through, or throughly, in and between. Per, a prepofniod coming often before Infi¬ nitives, Signifying for to do, about to aft, ready to, ready for, look well the exam - pics following. Per accidente» by chance. Pér acconciò, fitly, conveniently. Per addiètro, heretofore, in times pa(l t alfo hereafter , alfo with a future verb, as Per li a dietro non faro più così, hence¬ forward l will do fo no more. PJr alcun patto, by no means, upon no con¬ dition. Per alcun tempo, for a while , for fomc time. Per a\\\oxa, for that time, againfithen. Per àlla volta, towards fnch and fuel) a place or coafi. Per al preféntc, for the prefent. Per altro, for fomething elfe. Per amicizia, for fricndjhip. Per amóre, for or thorough love, Per ancóra, as yet. Per andare, ready for, or about to go. Per anno, yearly,by the year. Per antico, anciently, of old. Per apùnto, Per apuntino, Per l’appunto, jufi, jump, even fo, point by point. Per a quel tempo, againfi that time. Per attórno, thereabouts. Per atto d’efsémpio,/b/- example fake. Per avanci, b'efore, formerly. Per auUentura, per adventure. Pe r benché howbat, although. Per breve, very biief or fhort. Per buòn rifpetto, for good refpeft, for a good reafon be[l known to myfelf. Per cadére, ready for to fall. Per cagióne, Per caufa, for becaufe. Per cagióne di che, by reafon whereof. Per cala,- up and down the houfe. Per cafo, ca/ually, by chance. Per certo. Per certissimo, rriofi certain, Per chi ? for, or by whom. Per chiaro, dearly. Per chi fi sìa. Per chi fi voglia? for whom- f oc ver it be. Per ciafcun verfo, every way. Percola, Per coda, that way, thereaway. Per confluènte, Per confequens, by con- fcqucncc, confcquently. Per cónto, for or by account, by reafon. Per contra. Per oppófico, over againfi. Per convènto, by or upon covenant. Pèr conrcrfo, Per Contrario, Per lo con¬ trario, Per Poppófito» contrary-wife. Per corrótto, for mourning. Pi r cóifo, runningly, c ur for ie-wife. Per cófa alcuna by, or for any thing. Per coda, fi deling, afiope, alfo with the back °f a weapon. Pèr codi, Per codì,Pér codinci, that way, thereaway. Per crocètta, £ kfind of multiplying in Arith¬ metic k that Merchants life. P 'r cuòre, by heart, by rote. Pèrda bailo, downward, below. Pèr da niiTiino, for , or by no-body. Per déntro, Per déntro via. Per éntro, P ér éntro via, witbinward. Per dì, Pèr giórno, by day, for every day. Per diètro, Per diètro via, behind, alfo backward. Pèr- d i fuòri, outwardly. Pèr di fa. Per di li via, that way, alfo be¬ yond-ward. Per dilegióne, Per burla, in mockery, in Pèr dinanzi, forward. Per Dio, by God, alfo for Gods fake. 1 Per Dio gratia, by Gods grace. Pér di qui, qui, quinci, quindi, here¬ away 3 this way. Per dir così, as a mari wouldfay. Pér diritto, direft'y, forth-right. Pér difgratia, Pér difaventùra, Pér mala forte, by ili chance, by mifijxp. Per di fópra,Pér di Còpra, via, above-ward. Per di fótto, Pér di fótto via, under -ward . P cr di Détto, for Spite, in difgrate. Per divifo, by Seeming or conjefture. Per dónde, whence 3 whereby. Pér dóve? which way?whither-away? Pér douùnqu t, which way foever. Pér eccellènza, excellently. Per entrare, ready or about to enter. Pér efperienza, Pér pratica, Pér prùóva, by tryal ,, by proof , by experience. P ér fama, by fame, by report. Per fire, ready fori or about to do. Pér férmo, firmly , certainly , Per fino. Perfino a tanto, Pér fin che, untili that , untili that,until fucb time. Per fòrza, per-force, by compulfm. Pér frónte, front, or over again fi. Pér furto, by ftealtb . Per gàia , for Shew or oficntation. Pér giùnta, for an addition. Per giuoco, forfport, in play. Per grado, gratefully, acceptably- Pér gratia, for , or through grace. Pér gróllo, by great, in groJ]e, Pér hóggi,/br this day. Pér hóra» Pér lo prefente, as for now, for the prefènt. Per il, Pét 1 lo, fòt, by, or through the. Per il che, wherefore, for which. Pél il di déntro, inwardly. Pér il di fuori, outwardly. Per il mézzo,Per lo mézzo, by or through the middle , alfo by the means. Pér il pallàio, Per lo pallaio, Pér lo pre¬ tèrito, heretofore, in times pafi. Pér il più, Pér lo piu, for the mofi. Per il più delle yólce, for the mofl times, molt often. Per il fottile,Pér lo Cottile,diflin ft ly,fm ally exaftly, flriftly. Pér il tanto, wherefore, whereupon. ' Pér inanzi, hereafter, in time to come. Pér inavcrccnza, for want of good heed , unwarily , unadvifedly , unawares. Pér incanto, by enchantment or witch¬ craft . Pér indi, .thereaway, thereabout. Pér infino, Per insino,Per infino che Pér in sino che, untili that. Pér ingiù, Per ingiùofo,Pér lìnglù, down¬ ward, Périfbiéflo, athwart, fideling, obliquely , fquintingly. Pér ifchérzo, in jefting manner. Pér ifeiagùra, by mijhap. Pér Spicchio, in peeping m inner, alfo corner-wife , glancmgly, obliquely , alfo minceingly, Pér iftiàcca, wearily, through weari- njc. Pér i(trafóro, by through-work, Pér Ir, Pér li, Per la via, thereaway, that way , thereabout. Pér la Dio giada, by Gods grace. Pér la éntro, Pér la déntro, there within. Pèrda góla,mentire, to lye in the throat. Pér la maggior parte, Pér la più parte, for the greater part. Pér la non penfata, unthought upon , ex- tempere. Per l’antica, anciently, forme, Ij. Pér la prima, far the fir fi. Pér la qual*cófa,/br which thing. Pér Uauuenire, Pcrlinnanzi, Pér lo fu¬ turo, in time to come hereafter. P ér le mani, Pér mano, in, by, or throueh the hand. * Pér le póft e, by pò fi, in pofi-hafì, Pér linea, Per livello, by line and mea Jure , level, point blank. Per l’intórno, Pér intórno, thereabouts. Per lo, by, for, or through the. Per lo eh è, wherefore , whereupon. Pér lo continuo, continually. Pér lo lùngo, all along, in length. Pér lo mèglio, Pér lo migliore, P“r il mèglio, for the be fi. Per lo meno Pér il mòno, for the lea ft. at le aft. Per lóro, for them, by tbemfelvts. Pér lo travérfo, thwart, Mr offe. • Per lùnga, Pér \òfigo, by'length of time. Per mài f.mpre, Pér fémpee mài, fer ever and ever. Pér male, for evil, in evil part, Pér manièra di dire, Pér mòdo di dire. Per via di dire, as One would fay,by way of fpeech. Pér mare, by Sea, Per me, Pér me ftéflo, by. or as form f' l f- Per me qui even in this place. Pér men màle, for the leafiill. Per mercè, by the means or grace, Per metà, by the m delle or half. Pér mézzo, thorough fhemidfi, alfo among, alfo through or by means, alfo over- againfi. Pér minùto, by fmall, by retail , alfo di - ftinft/y. Per mio avifo, by my advife , according to my mind. Pér moejo, by means or way. Pér mòdo che, in fitch manner as. Per mòdo niùno, by no means. Per móki mòdi, by m+ny waies, Pér mólto che <>h 3 bow much fo ever it be Pér nave, by Ship or Sea. Per necelTità, Pér bifógno, for, by, or through nectffity. Pér niènte, Pér nùl la, for nothing. Per nóme, by name or calling. Pér non potére, for not being able,for want | of power. Per novèllo, Pér nóyo, newly, lately,' for news. Per ógni intórno, round about, every way about, Pér ógni mòdo? Per o'gni vérfo, Pér c'gni via, by,any means , every way. Pér ognuno, Pér ciafcùno, by or for every one. Pér opera, by the work or mans. Pér órdine, by or order rute. pér parte, in the name or behalf. Per pòco, for a little, within a little almo fi, Pér poi, that then, againfi then. Per potére, that one may be able, for to be able. Per prima, fir fi and before. Pér pùnta, by lb: point, pointly. Pér pùnto, punctually,precifely. Pér qua, Per qui, Per qua via, hereaway 9 hereabouts. Pér qualche modo, fomewbere, through fome place. Per quando, again fi when. Pér quànto, fo far forth, forafmucb. Pér quantùnque, for how much foever. Per quéllo che, tu concerning that # by tha t which. Per quello, for tins, notwithstanding this. A a a Per. PER PER PER per quinci, hence or fore way. Per quindi, thence or thereaway, • per idee, by rale , y ate ably. Per si j by, of, or for himfelf , Per singulo, ftngularly. perfipra, over or above. pér fórre, Per ventura, by chance. pir fpa do, for [port or paftime. Per fquadi i, Icveljtty rule and fquare. per Brada, by the wayor ftreet. Pél tàglio, edgeling, with 'he edge. per tal zhejn fucb fort that. per tanto, then, therefore. per càuto che, in as muoi as that. Per tanto di meno, neverthelefle, , , Petcempi (fimo , Perccmpcftivo, Pertem- b times , timely, early. Per terra, by Land, alfo upon or along the ground. At Per tornar, a ta home, or to the purpofc tfgain. Pér torto, crookedly, wrongfully. (Per tiànfito, Pér tranfénne, in pajfing , curforic. Per cranfvéifojPér traverfo, tranfverfly, fideling, act offe. Pér tratta, by [crutinie on- drawing of I lots.. pér tutte le vòlte, for, or againft all , times. Per tutti i vérfi, by all waics, on all Jtdes. Per tutto, every where, all over. Pér tut-0 ciò, for alltb.it. pér tucto quefto, for all this. Per v. ina gloria,/or vainglory. Pér udita, by hear-fay. pérveduta, Per villa, byftgbt. pér venire al pólfo, to come to the pulfe or pith of a thing. pér vènto, for vanity or ambition. pér vergógna, for fhame. pér véro, for or by a t uth. pér vézzi, for wantonneffe. Per via, by the way or means. pér vicènda, by turns, fuccejfivcly: pér vita ttia, a manner of urging-fpeech, as thou love ft thy felf. pér viva fòrza, by main force- Per un pòco, for, or within a little, Pér ultimo, Uftlj» for the lafl. Per una vòlta, for once. Pér un vi è e va, curforily , a fnatcb and away. Pér voìgàie, in vulgar fort. Pér vòlta, for every time. Pér ufànza, by or through ufe. Pér mile, for profit or gain. Péra, Pere, a pear, pears, loo ^ Pére, for the \nds, alfo a po{e, a pouch erra fatcbel. Péra, verb. o/Peure, let him, ber, or it perifh. peracutczza, fhirpneffe of any thing. Peraciito, thoroughly [harp. Peragitatióne,Peragitànza, thorough agi¬ tation, {having or moving. Pcragrare, to wander thorough. Pera'gratióne , Peragrànza, a thorough- wandring. Peragratóre,a wanderer about. Pera io,P eràro, a pear- tree or hart-yard. perambulare, to wal{ thorough, to peram¬ bulate. Perambulaci'ne, Perambulanza, a per¬ ambulation or thorough-wandering. Pcramcte, Còrda d’inftromcnto muficile, a nineth, or a proportion of Nine in mu- ftek. Pcrangufto , very freight and nar¬ row. I Peraticóne, as Brocóne, Perbeico, thoroughly blefjed. Pérbio, any high Pulpit, as pergamo- Perbollire, to perboil. Perbóllo, a walm, a perboiling. Pèrca, Pérce, a Pearcb-fijh. Percacciàr c : thoroughly to chafe , as Pro¬ cacciare. Pcrcàccio, as Procàccio. Percàro, thoroughly dear. Percettibile, perceiveablc, fcnjibile. pere •ivcablc- Percetcióne, Percettibilità: ncfje , comprehenfion. Perch' ? why? wherefore? for what caufe. Perchè, becaufe, becaufe that, fur that, fo > fo much. Perch c,having an article before , as II per¬ che, and fpeafyng ( as the Italians Jay ) Nominalmente, imdyeth c ufe or occa- (ion, as we would Jay, the caufe or reafon why. Perch', in place of Acciochc, to the end that, that fo, lo comincio a bàttere perchè paliàile il fiume, he began to beat him, Co tbs end be fhould paffc the River. Perchè, in place of Per la qual cófa, for which thing, or wherefore Perchè rive- I fittoli de’pànni fuói, wherefores having I put on his clothes again. Perch c, in place of Benché, albeit. Per¬ chè rompéfiero le mura il dì èrano ri¬ fatte la nòtte, albeit, they bra^e the walls by day, they were made up again by night. Perchè cónto? for what reafon. Perchè mò? why now. Perchè mòdo? Perchè via? by what means * what way ? which way how ? perchè nò ? why not ? pérchia, a Pestrcb-fifh. pcrciare, to pierce or bore thorough. Perciàro, a piercer, a borer. Perciato, pierced , bored. Percicóne, a jhove , a ter\ or thruft • Perctda, a Sea-pearcn. Perdere, a Partridger-haw\, Percingere, to girt about , Perc!nto,girf about. Perciò, adv. therefore , whereupon, where¬ fore, forafmuchjfor which caufe, for all that, notwith(landing that, Perciochc, adv. becaufe that. Percipere,to perceivc,to comprehend. Perduto, as Prefciutto. Perdudere, thoroughly to clofe in. Perdufióne, a thoroughly clofmg in, alfo a numnefje in the limbs. Perclufo, thoroughly clofed in. Percnóttero, a Ifind of Ragle with little wings, that {ecpetb ever about pools and fennie places, fome ta\s it for a Ryte, cal¬ led a Bald-buzzard. Percòcche, as Perecócche. Percólla, Percotiménto, a flro\e, a blow,a jinking, a fmiting. Pencolìo, Percotuto , Pcrcufio, ftruc\en , [mitten ., beaten. Percolante, thoroughly-conftant. Percótere, cóto, còlli, còllo. Percuòtere, to (trillerò[mite» to beat. Percotitóre, Percullóre,« ftri\cr ,a fmittr. Percottàre, as Perbollire . Percòtto , per boded ,alfo thoroughly fodden, roafìed or ba^ed. Percuffàre, to fmite , to fìri\e, topercuffe. Percufsibil e, that maybe [mitten. Pcrcufhónc,percuJfion, fmiting. Percufsivo, Percufsénte, Percutiénte, percujjive, fmiting. Perdènte, lofmg, that lofeth. Perdénza, Perdézza, lofte, lofing. Pèrdere, pèrdo, perdei or pórli,, perduti or péilo, to lofe, to bave Ioffe, to for- Pérdere di villa, to lofe the fight of. Pèrdere il tèmpo eia fatica, to lofe both urne and labour. Perdere il crédito, or Ja credènza , to l ife credit, to become bantyout. Pèrdere la lifeia, ed il fapóne, prov. to lofe lye and fope, time and labour. Pèrder la patiénza, to grow impatient. Perdere la vergógna, fo become jbamslcffe or dijhoncft. Perderli, for a man to lofe himfelf. Pèrderli d’ànimo, to become faint-hearted, to lofe ones courage. Perdévole, Perdibile, lofeablc, that may be loft. Perdice, a Partridge. Per die io , Pelinone of the wall. Perdi giornata, Pèrdi giórno, Perditèm¬ po, a certain bird that feedeth but in the night, and all the day strips up and down, by Met. a loofe lime, an idle loy- terer . Pèrdi frutto, P crii feme, a l^ind of willow called Spillfruit,or Lofe fruit by Met. any barren-tree or feed , that yieldeib no fruit nor profit. Perdigoni, bird-fhot, hail-fbot. Perdiménto, Pèrdita, any Ioffe or lofc- ing. Perditióne, perdition , utter.Ioffe, Perditóre, a lofer. Perdonàbile, Perdonévole, pardonable. Perdonànza Perdonamene, pardon, re¬ mi )i on, for giveueffe, alfo an indulgence given lo bis Holynijje. Perdonare, to pardon, to forgive. Pcrdonatóre, a for giver, a pardoner. Perdóno, a pardon, a remijfion. Perducere, Perdur.e, to lead thorough. Perduràbile , Perdurévole , thorough- la fling. Perdurabilità , Perdurànza, Perdurcvo- lezza, tborough-laftingncjfc. Perdurare, fo continue thoroughly. Perduti, loft, forlorn. Perduto, loft, forlorn. Perdùtto, Perdótto,/cd thorough. Pere, verb, hr, Jhe, or itperifheth. I Pére 3 Péra, //yalty,to be wilful and obfimatc. Pèrfido , Perfidiófo, Pcrfidófo, difioy- all , unfaith full, treacherous , perfi¬ dious. Perfinire, as Por",lare- Perticóne , a divination when-the Dive/l Speaks in another man. Perflabile , perflable , that may be blown , through. Pcrfogliata, Perforata, Saint Jobns-wort , ! Hipcricon , Thorough-leaf, Thorough- j wax. Perfondere, to melt,or flow o'it, or to Jprin- tye all over and throughly. Perforàbile, Pcrforévole^&af maybe bored through. Perforare, to bore or hole through. Perforatiónc, Perforamento , a through- < boring. Perform ' bile, perforrtixble. Performare, to perform. Performatiónc , Performànza , perfor¬ mance. f / Perfricàre, loo\ Fricare. Pcrfricatiónc, Perfricànza,« perfrication. j PER Pertuga, a run-away , one that runs from his own Captain tithe Enemy. Pertugio, a refuge, a Jhelicr,a flarting-ho'.c, anevafion. P e r fu m à re, to perfume. P erfumatidne, a perfuming. Perfumiére, Pcrfulnatórc, a perfumer. ' Per fumo, perfume or fwcet feent. Perfufióne, a through-fhedding. Peifufo, througlj-fhcd, as Profufo. Pergamèna, Pergamina, parchment. Pergami'fta,t Pulpit-(fieatyr,a Preacher. Pergamo, a Vulpit , an Orators Chair , Perg imótte, a tynd of good pears. Pergéntc, going or wending through. P èrgere, fo proceed or go through. P ergiuraménto, Pergiuritia,f erjury, Perg iurarc, to for (wear. Pergiurio, Pergiuro, perjury . Pergiuriófo, full of perjury. PER fum of a whole difeourfe. Periodical, an ague returning its jufi courfe from day to day,every third,fourth , or fifth d iy, call.d ordinarily ,, an inter¬ mittent feaver. Pcriódicbi, difeatys that are not continual, but go and come by fits. Periodico,^ Periodicale, that may be done or ailed. Perpetrare, to commit, to aft, to do, to at- c hie ve, to finifh. Perpetrar ione, Perpecrànza , aftual doing or perpetration. Perpetuàbile, Perpetuévole, perpetuable. Perpetuale, perpetual, cndlcff\ Perpetual ita , perpetuatióne , Perpccu- ànza, Perpetuità, perpetuity, ever la fling- neffe. Perpecualménte , Perpetuamente» adv perpetually. Perpetuare, to perpetuate. Perpètuo, perpetual, eternal , by Met. all of one piece. Perpètuo carcere, perpetuaiprifaitjjy Met. the whole world. Perpignàno, a tynd oflbin and fine woollen cloth or fluff, alfo fometimes tatynfor an oldSouldier of the Queens. Perplellaménte, perplexedly, ambiguo u(ly , doubtfully. Perplefsare, to perplex in mind. Perplcfììóne , PerplefTìtà , perplexity or perturbation of mind, Perpléflo, perplexed, perturbed in mind , doubtful what to fay or do. Perprcfla, Ha\lcwort or Cabaret. Perquisiti, pcrquifits. Pttp\e{\.{i[\x.\óx\t,a perquifition ,a ferWits and diligent fearching out. Perquifitórc,** per qui filo r,or diligent fearch- er out. Peràpe, as Prerape. Pcrro, hath been ufed for Perno. Perrómpcre , to breal p, to rive , to fftlit through, in the midfl, or in funder. Perrcmpìménto, a through-breaking. Pérfa, the fweet Marjoram. Persdlfo, throughly fait, loo \f Sale. Perfcrivere, to write through. Perfcrittióne, a through-writing. Perfcricto, through-written. Permutàbile, Pcrfcrutévol z,per[crutabk, that may be fearched into. Perfcrucare, to fearch into, to [can diligent¬ ly, to enquire throughly. Perfcrutatióne, Pcrfcmcànza, a fearching into, a per formation. Perforatóre, a diligent fcarcher into. Perséa, fweet Marjoram. Pérfeco, Pcrfego , a Peach-tree. Persecutóre, Peifeguire, Perfeguitàre', to profecute, to persecute, topurfue. Peifecutione, Perfeguicanza , Perfegui- catióne, Perfeguicióne» profccuùon,pur- Juite , perfecution . Pcrfecucóre, Perfeguitóre, aperfecutor , a purfuer . Pcrfetóne, a fìrname of Proferpina. Pérfega, a Peach, alfo a Pearch-fljb, Pcrfeguénte, Perfeguitàntc, perfecting, purfuing, alfo a Purfuivant. Pérfeo , a ìflnd of tree li{e a Pear-tree , ever green , and laden with fruit ? ood for the Simuli, alfa the nume eftivc ,alfo a profeffor of the Perfpeftives. Perfpicàbilc , Pcrfpichévole , that with judgement may quictyy be fee-tt into. Perfpicàce, Perfpicuo, perjpicuous, qiiic\\ ! of judgement and fight into any thing , alfo evident , clear, or cape to be f ten through. Perfpicuità, PcrfpicàciaPerfpicacità , Perfpicénza, perfyicuity , a through per¬ ceiving , and ready under ft anding of a thing , alfo clearneffe and plainncjfc in words or fentences. Per fir ingènte, perftringent. _____ Per- PER P E S P E S Perfuadénte, perfiwading. Pcrfuadcre, to per [wade. Perfuadévole , Perfuasibile, perfiwada b't. Perfuafibilità, perfwafivencjfie, Perfuafióne, perfwafion. Perfuasivo, per [iva five , tbit can per- fivoa.de. Perfaàfo, per[rvaded, made to believe. Peifuafórej Perfuadicóre> a pcrfiwa- der. Perfuafória lettera » a perfiwading let¬ ter. Perfètto,, cu Prefciutto, dryedbacon. Pertencnte, pertaining unto. Pertenénza, pertinencie. Pcrtcncre, to pertain or belong unto. Pertenuto, pertained unto. Pcrterrcfàrc, to terrific, to affright fio ficàre» to daunt,to ama\e. Perterrefattiónc, terr our, ficaie. Percerrefatto Perterrko, terrified, feared affrighted. Pertica, Pértiga 3 a furlong, a parch, a long rod or pole to me a fur e Lind or Tim¬ ber, or to beat down fruit of trees. Perticato, Pertigato ,pearcbed,a fence, a hovcll or a (hed of rods or poles. Perticare, Percigarc, to pearch, to mcafiure by pc arches, rod, roods or furlongs, by Met. to under-prop with poles , alfio to bang or fiwaddle with a pole or a cud- geU. Perticale, Pertigàlo, the long beam of a Coach, of a Cart,or of a Plough, Perticatóre Pertigatóre,« meafurcr by rods, pearcbes or furlongs. Perticóne, Pertigóne, a huge long pole Or pearch, by Met. a Img tall flangrel. Pertinace , obflinate, hezd-flrong. Pertinaccinénce , adv. mojl obfiinate- Iy '. Pertinàcia, Pertinacie:!, (lubborn > willful- nefp, bead- firong opinion. Pertinente, pertinent, fic to the pur- poft. Pertinènza, pertinencie, aptnefje. Pcrtingere, to dye thoroughly,alfio ns Attin¬ gere- Pertrattar Cito treat, or mannage, thorough¬ ly, by, or for. Pertrattatiónt, a pertraffition. Pertugiare j Pertufire, to hole tho¬ rough. Pertugio , any hole. Pertugio puzzolente, aftinfong hole . Perturbabile, perturbable. Perturbare, to perturb , to difquiet. Perturbaménto, Perturbatióne, Perrun- bànza, Perturbo f perturbation, difiur- b.ince of mind. Perturbatóre , a. difturber , a difiq mi¬ eter. Pervagàre , to wander here and there. Pervaganza, Pervagatióne, a wandring here and there. Per vogatóre» a gadding wanderer. Perucca, a Perwig ofifialfie hair. Pcruccàre, to Perwig with f alfe hair Perucchiera , a Perwig-mafor. Pcruccia, a hedge or a Jtone-pear. Pervegnénte, Pervenénte, arriving un¬ to. Pervegncnza , Pervenénza , Perveni- ménto, a coming or attaining un- to. ^ | Pervenire, to come, to arrive, to reach , qr attain unto a place or pUrpofie. Pervenuto, come, arrived, reached or at¬ tained unto. Fervei faggine, Perverfatióne, Perver- fìcà, perverfineffe, peevifbaejfe , fie award- 1 neffie, crabbedneffie , sfottifhncjfie , way wardneffie, waspifihncffe, crojfiemffie. Perverfamcnte, adv.pcrverfily. Perverfare, to mafo or become perverfe 3 al¬ fio as Pervertire. Perverfìóne, perverfion, perverting. Pervérfo, perverfie, wayward, sfottifh) wafpifib, pcevifh, fir award. Perverténza ,pervertion, fiubverfion. - Pervertirle, pervertible. Pervertire, Per vèrtere, to pervertito over¬ turn, to wrclt and turn to an ill fienfie. f P erveru to, perverted, finbverted, Pervertitóre, Perverfóre,n perverter. Pcrveftigare, as lnveftigare. Perveftigatióne, ns Invefligatióne Perveftigatórc, as Inveftigacóre. Pcrugino, Peruggina, a \ind ofi wild or hedge-pear, alfio a pear-tree, or the timber thereof, alfio a fond ofi Joyners fretted carved, or inlaid fimall worfo Pervigilare, as Invigilare. Pervigilatióne, Pcrvigilanza, a diligent watchfiulncffie. Pervicace, Pervicacia, as Pertinace. Pervio, penetrable. Perudo, 1 horoughly parched or burnt. Peruzze, wild or hedge-pears. PiU,a Tun-weight, alfio a hundred weight, alfo a weigh of cheefie. Pefante, weighty, heavie, ponderous. Pefinza, weigbtineffie, weight. Pefare, to weigh, topoige, to ponder. Pefataménte, weightily , pondcroufily , by Met. repofedlj,with confideration. Pefaco, weighed, poiged,pondered. Pefatórc, Pefàro, a weigher, a pon¬ derer. Péfca, any fijhing place,alfio any fifh'mg, alfio a draught ofi fifh, alfio a peach, or a Mele cotton , by that Met. ufied for a mans bum. Pcfca mónda, a clean-pared or pilled peach, by Met. a clean, a young or netted bum. Pefca-fénza nocciuólo, a peach without a (ione, by Met. an untainted young bum. Péfca vènto, a fifh-wind,by M.t. an idle fipend-time, a loytring fellow, a la'foe body. Pefcagióne, Pefcaca, any fifh 'mg. Pefcaia, Pefcara, a fifh-pond, alfio a weire m a River to flay the fifh in. i?tfcare, to fifh, to catch fifh. ?cfcàre acqua, a phr afe among Marriners as one would fay,a fihip draws fio much, or fio much water. Pefcarezza, a fifijirs boat. Pefcaria, a fifh-ftrect, a fifh-mar fot. Pefcatóre, Pefcadóre, a fifiher,a fifher-man, alfio a Fijh-monger, alfio a fond ofi fifh that hath a budget hanging at his nee fo which Ufo a net he lets in and out, and therewith catcbcth other fimall fijhes alfio a bird called a 1 fong-fjfh:r. Pefcatóre del Rè, a Kings fifher, Pefcatória arte, the art of fijhing. Pefcatório, pertaining to fifh'mg. Pefcatrice,.z woman-fifher. Péfce, any fond ofi fifh. Pcfce accagionato , fowled-fifh. Péfce agóne, the Needle-fifh- Péfce àlberi, a Mullet-fifh , as Cè¬ falo. Péfce argentinole filver-fi(b,wbofc ficales fijine tifo ftlvcr. Péfce armato, any (hell-fifb. Péfce afinino, the Haddocfofifh „ Pcfce Auftfia le,£_/?£» m*Heaven. Péfce bafbàno, or bulbàno, Ptfcc car- pina, Péfce Iàfca, as Carpfna. 1 Pefce baleflra, Péfce martèllo, a fiffj cal¬ led in L.itin Zigana- barbo, Pcfce capóne, the Barbie-} fifh. ^ / Pcfce barca, the boat fifh. / Pefce buca, loo\ Buca. 1 Péfce calamaio, the Cuttle-fifh. \ ^éfifh C ^ ne * 0r can * no > the Nog-fifb, Cur - Péfce cavedine, the Mullet-fifh. P éfee colombino, the fifing fifij, Pcfce coltèllo, the fiword-fjh P efee còrvo, the Ravcn-fiflj which is yel¬ low m the Sea, and biadi in firefh-wa- ter. , Péfce d’acqua fréfea, frefh-water-fifh. Pcfce d’ Aprile, the Ma for el-fifh, fio ozile d becaufie in April he comes in, al fio a P imp. Péfce del bràccio, Péfce delle gambe,£/;e or aun or pulp ofi ones arms or legs. Pefce dèlia cofeia d 3 un bue, the long brawny piece of the flank nf an Oxe. Péfce dentàle, the Jharfofifh. Péfce di cónca, any fise IT fifh. Péfce di fortézza, Pefce di pietra, a fifh called in Latin Blennus. Péfce di latte, any fioft-roc-fifih. Pcfce di San Pieno,Péfce San Prétro,£Ì;c Dory, or Saint Peters fifh. Pcfce d’ uóva, any hard-roC-fifh. Péfce fuo, the Cod-fifh. Pcfce fórca, the fork or barble-fifh. Péfce follile, any ditch- fifh. Péfce gàro, look Gàro. Péfce gindéo, the ugly Mallet- fifh, Péfce giulio, look Donzèlla. Péfce ignudo, a Dace or Merlata-fi fi). Péfce in cangila, a fifh called in Latin Enyos- Péfce inadóbbo, fiowged or piefoed- fifh. : Péfce légno, the Stocfofifh. Péfce marcióne, thè Merlain-fijh. Péfce marinato , marled, or Coined- fijh. Pcfce marino, any Sea-fifih. Péfce merluccio» the Sca-wbiting. Péfce milvio, the Sca-fotc-fi[}j. Pcfce mòlle, any fiofit, fimooth or jlipperie fifh, the whiting or old Courtier. Péfce montóne, the Ram fijh. l^éfce nàrco ,us Sgrampho. Wfce Palómbo, the Lamprey- fijh. Pcfce pane, the fijh Poor John. péfce papagà'.lo, the Parr at- fijh. ' • Péfce paftinàca, the Forfofifh- Péfce piano, any fiat fifl), as the Plaice or Flounder. Péf.e polmóne, the lung fifh. Péfce pòrco, the Porcpuis, the Sea-bog-fifh, the fiwine -fifh. Péfce prète, a fifh jàat bath but one eye in his head. * Pcfce ràgia, Péfce iatto, the Ray or s\ate- fijh. Péfce rana, the Prog-fifh. Pi fee reale, Péfce règio, the white Cabot- fifh. Péfce reina j Péfce fcàndra, eu Car¬ pini. Péfce riverfo, a fijh that hath a hornej- baefo Péfce róndine, tbcSea-bat, thè Sea-fiwal- low. Pcfce rófpo, the To-id-fify. Péfce roviglióne,/uo^ Boviglióne. , Péfce rubéllo, the Gournird-fijh. Pcfce ùcrofihe holy -fijh, whom no ravenous fifh fieefotb to devour. Péfce filato* anyfialt-fijh. P E S péfce ft fiatile, look fallatile. Pifce fcorfcnoj as fcorpéna, pcfce {fiorito, any pale or uinted fifh. pc! cc firuca, or faràca ,tbe (prat orpdihxrd- Pjh. Péfce fòglia, or fola, the Sole-fijh. Pc fee fpada, the Sword-fib. péfce fquamófo,a»y fcaly fish. Péfce fpigolo, the Bice-fifh. Péfce fquilma, the Mullet-fi[h. Pc fee ftclla, the Star-fifh ., the five-foot- fi lb. Pélce ftrigia, the lamp-fifh, or Millers- thumb. Pcfce tarantola, as Scuro. Péfce tónno, the 'Tunny fifh. Pcfce vanga, the rough S{dc-fifij. Péfce volatóre, the flying-fifh. Pcfcctto, a* Peflétto- Pefchcggiare.to fifh,alfo asPcka.cc,to fum- h'e , to clap on the breech. Pvf:h:rcllo, A & nife -fifi). Pcfch.ifa, any fijhing-place, or fifh-mar- ktt. Pcfchia, a bang, a. blow, a flrofi , a. thump, a dry bearing. Pefchiat c, to bang, to firifi, to thump, to rib-baft} to dry beat. Pt f iliera, a fifh-pond, a fijhing-place. Pefciaiuólo, Pefciaruólo, a Fifh monger Pefciarélli, Pefchtélli, Pefciolini, Pelei- uóli, all manner of frie or finali fijhs. Pefciercgg'a.c, to fifh}0r feed on fifij. Pelei fero, fifh-bearing, or bringing. Pcfcina, any water-pool or pond where fifij brredeth. Pcfcióni, all manner of great fifijes. Pcfciófo, Pcfcófo, fi fili e , Jtored with fifh. Pefciótto, a good bandfime big ffij, pefei-vendoio,* F fi) monger or filler, péf:o, a Peach-tree , al fi a. boyes bum. pcfcugUo, a little pibble-fione. Pcsétto, Pesino, any finali weight. Péf), ;ub. any find of weight, fpe cullythat to weigh money wit hall , alfo bravine (ft or ponderofity , alfo a burthen , a lading, t l >de or a charge, by Met. the whole body or bulk of a man, ufed alfo for weight. ■ moment, import, or confiquence in or of affairs. Péfo, part, of Pendere, hanged or down hanging. Péfolo, Pcfolóne, by main weight, alfo a down-ha iging or down-weighing. PelVario, Péllo, a pefi'ane or devtfe li\e a ' fifppufitorie put up into the natural pans of a wordan. Pcflettojffce brawny or flefhy part of a mam arm or thigh. Peflimaménte, ad», mofi iU, very bad'y, in very ill fort. pelfim ' reto ma{e or %omc mofi ill or bad naughtily, Pédìmo, mofi ill, exceeding naught. Pcliolo, as Peflario, alfo a creak going into or coming out of the Sea. Pellundare, to over-fway, to trample under foot. Peflimdatióne, an over-bearing or treading underfoot. Pefl'undatóre, a trampler or Over-fwaytr Pólla, any treading or trampling , a track or tracing, the print of any footing, the prick of a Deer, the view of a H ire , by Met. a way or path much trodden and frequen¬ ted, alfo a throng or preffe of people. PcfHcch tea, as Pelacchiata. Pc ft echio, as ridacchio. Pedani, irò, Pi -• ' . any punning, flum¬ ping or bnàfiep. ' ampin/. PET Pollare, Pellicciare, to (lamp, to pun, to bray, to bruife,to break with a peftel , al¬ fo to tread or trample upon, alfo to ramme or beat in. Peftare l’acqua nel monaco, to fiamp water in a mortcr , by Met. to lofi time and labour in vain. Peliate l’agrcfta, as Menare l’agrc- fla. Peftare la fai fa nil mortaio, to pun fauce in a morter, by Met. to jumble a wo¬ man. Pcftatóre, c eyes. __ Petrigno, PET P E Z P H A Petrigno, Petrino, m Petrco. - Petri na, Petruccia, the dim. of I w- tra. , Petrinale, apetronel , a [nap-h ance -dag, a fire-loclfpieccj look Pietronclli. Petrito j a fynd of Greek vaine. Petriuólo, a fold of burning gum. Petroniana, bearb Saxifrage , alfa a \md of large Gourd or P umpion. Petronella ,abu[h beaded lar{. Pctronclli,<2i Pietronélli. Petronélloj ai Pettinale. Petrófa , the Jlony rough- bac\t S\ate- fijb. , Petrosélino, Petroséllino, Petrolcmolo , Petrosill®, fionc-parfcly ,or Acb of the Rocks. Petrófo, f tony , gravelly , gr etty. Pelacchiare, PettacciarejMj^*#^ 0 cobble, to patch, alfo as Petteggare. PcttacciarojPcttacciérej a cobler,a clouter, a botcher. Pettanculo, a S caUop-fifh. Pettardare, to petard agate or wall. Pettardiére, as Petardiére. f Pettardo, Pettaruóloj as Petardo. Petrare, to fart, to crackle. Pettaro, Pettaruólo, a farter, a crac\- \ler. Pettata j a {hock with ones breft. , Patteggiare, Pettiggiarc, Pettoreggiare, 10 blurt with ones mouth or lips. Pettégola, Pettegolare, as pctégola. Pettenéggio, Pettenetto, as Petignone. Pettenórzo, a Sr.i/lop-fifb. Pcttido, a mufical inflrument li\e a P fal¬ ter/. Pettiéra, a (tomacber, a breaft-garment. Pettignóne, Pettinétto, Pettigióne, Petti¬ nale, Pettinkch'to, as Petignóne. Petdnaio, Pettinalo, a Combe-mailer. Pettinarti,Petriniéra, a Comb-cafe. Pettinare, to comb 3 to curry , alfo to card wool! or cotton , alfo to hatchel flax or hemp, by Met. tobcftìr ones chaps luflily, to feed merrily, a pbrafe taffttn from the comb, becaujc it bath teeth, alfo to proni or filch from one, and as it were to leave him nothing but bis teeth, or not fo much as a loufe. pettinare ia la’na , to card wooll, by Met. to bang, to [waddle , or rib-b afte one foundly. pettinatóre, a combpt, a currier, a feraper, a carder, ateaxjer, by Met. a lufty feed¬ er, a be(trrrcr of his teeth or chaps. Pettina Zazzere , a barber, bccaufc he combctb mens, foreloc\s or bujhes pèttine, any kind of comb to comb or curry with all , a hocfe-curry-comb, by Met. cards to card wooll or cotton with, a hatchel to dreffe flax or hemp , alfo the comb of a weavers loom, through which his web gosth, alfo ara\e or a harrow , alfo a l[-nd of bearb with indented leaves, alfo a roHgh-baclftS\atc-fifh,alfo a certain flick wherewith they play on Dulcimers, alfo an indented S^a Hop-fifh,alfo ^Pctig- nóne- Pettine d* avorio, an ivory-comb. Pèttine dì légno, a wooden-comb. Pèttine di piómbo, a leaden-comb. Pettine di teflìtóre, the flay or comb of a weavers loom. Pèttine di Vénere, Vcnus-bair , Maidens- ha':r. Pèttine d’ òlio, a bone -comb, Pettincechi, as Petignóne, Pettinélla, as Fiocina- Pettiniéra,tf comb-cafe. Petto, a loud fart , a crackle, a blurt. P étto ,that part of any body beneath the chan¬ nel or neck-bone , called the breafl, by Met. the fore-part of anything , alfo worth,courage or bodily (Ircngtb. Petto a bòtta, a vant-plate of a corfelet fa- Jhioned like the back °f a toad. Pétto di armatura, a vant-plate, a breafl- plate for any armor. Petto di caftrdto, a breafl of mutton. Petto di vitèlla, a brcajl of veal. Petto rollo, Petti-rófl'o, a rud-cocks a R°- bm-red-brefl. Pettole, fritters or pancakes. Pettonco'oj Pettuncolo, a Scallop-flfh. Pettóne, Pcttózzo, a gmding londfart. Pettóra, thè piu. of Pétto, breafls. Pettorale, peóloral, of, or belonging to the breafl, comfortable for the ftomack or breafl. Pettorale , a breafl-lap , a ftomachcr, a breafl-plate , alfo a borne or bone- busk. Pettorale del cavallo . a peitrell for a horfe. J Pettorale giudicio, a judgement conceived and determined in mind. Pettorali, pefforals, medicines, cordials for the breafl or lungs. Pettoralménte, adv. breafl to breafl,as wc we fay face to face, man to man. Pettorata, Pettata, ajbock, or but againfl, or with the breafl. Pettoreggiare, to fhock, or but with ones breafl or bulk, alfo to blurt or fart. Pettorina con lardo , a fat breafl of pork. Pettoruto, Pcttorófo, breafted, big-breafl- ed, whole-cheflcd, big-boffed. Petulance, petulant, faucie, malapert, ri- bauld, impudent. Petulanza, faucincffe, malapcrtmfle, impu¬ dence. ' Petullo, ai Pétto ródo. Peucedano, Hog-fennel, S tilfre-wort ,Mai- den-weed , Hareflrang, Sow-fennel. Peucevino, a k l nd of Greek wine. Pévera , a woodden leaver, alfo a Tun¬ nel. Peverare, as Pepare. Peverata,Peverada, as Peperati. Peverazze, a kind of great Cockles. Pévere, Pòvero ,pepper, look Pépe. Peveilgno, as Peperigno. Peverino, Peveruólo, a pepper-box. Pevcróne, long-pepper. Peuménto, a kjnd of puffed or windy Li¬ tharge. Pèzzi , a whole piece of any fluff, or other thing, alfo any piece, clout, patch, lappet, clout, ragg or tatter, alfo a branching- cloth, or a painting-clout, alfo a while, an interval, a {pace, or diUance of time, alfo as Pezzo. Pèzza del marchese, a menflruous cloth. Pc zza di denaro, O monéta , a piece of mony. Pèzza di formaggio, a whole chcefe. Pèzza di panno, a whole piece of cloth. Pèzza di rafo, a whole picce of S ittin. Pezza di veluto, a whole piece of vel¬ vet. Pèzza lina, any piece of linnen do‘h. Pezzàni, all manner of pieces,fhreds,mam- mockffcraps, (bardsor bats. Pezzare, to piece, to patch, to botch, to clout. Pezzaruólo, apiccer, a patcher, a botcher, a clnuter, a tinkard. Pezzato, pieced, patched, botched. Pèzze, the pin. of Pèzza, pieces, rags, clouts, taiters,[craps,fhreds, mammocks, patches. • -Pezzenare,Pezzire, zifco,zuo , to beg for [craps, or bro^n p-'cccs of meat. Pezzente, a begger up and down f r [craps,, mammocks, or b . pieces of meat, alfo\ a feckcr, a raker, or a c, ier of rags or Ux clouts to make paper with. Pezzetta, Pezzctt ', Pezzine , Pezzolf- no, Pezzuólo, the d m of Pezza, or Pèzzo. Pezzette di Levante , Spanifh-clouts, or painting-cloths to rub womens facts with, {peci ally red. Pezzici, l-czfci, a kind of Fuffcs, Puffes Fuffe-balls or Toad-ftools. Pezzigaruólo, as Pizzacagnolo , alfo a wanton-itching, or tickhfh-pinching. Vizzo flub, a picce or part of any thing, alfe a piece of Ordnance, alfo a Pitch-tree. Pèzzo, ad. a while, a {pace or picce of time, Buon pèzzo, a good while. Pèzzo a pèzzo, adv. by pieces, piecingliy , piece by piece, by piece-meal. Pèzzo bucato, bucherato, or cavernófo, a piece that is bony-combed. pezzo da vfte, a skeewed-piece , that is charged behind th breech, by taking out a skrewe , wherewith the breech is flop- f ed - Pèzzo di batteria, a piece for battery. Pezzo di campagna, a field-piece. Pezzo d'ótto, a picce of eight ryals , worth fours {hilling fterlin and upward. Pèzzo terrièro, an iron-piece. Pèzzo fufelato, a piece through bored. Pèzzo imboccato, a piece unbols’d that is , when the mouth of a piece is broken by a bullet-[hot from the enemies Ordnance. Pèzzo incamerato , a chamber-bored- piece. Pèzzo incafsaro , a piece well floe’\d or breeched. Pèzzo inncfcato, a primed piece. Pèzzo intiéro, a found piece, or well for¬ tified with maral. Pèzzo inzoccaco, a piece laid upon logs or flocks. Pezzo pòvero di metallo, a picce pùor of metal, or weafily fortified. Pèzzo ricco di mei al ! o, a piece rich in metta'., or well fortified. Pèzzo fequénce, a piece unchambred, even bored and of one height at mouth and breech. Pèzzo sóiio , a piece even and jufl bo¬ red. Pèzzo petrie'ro, look Petriéro. Pczzóla, as Pezzétta, a purple clout, that Cooks ufe to colour meat , alfo a Childs muckctcr, or any handkprehiff in the Flo¬ rence Diale 61. Pezzo’.ana, courfe-ftnd, fiony-gravel, Pezzuco ,ufed for Perno. Pezzulo,<« Pendolante. Pezzuóli, as Pezzétte. Pezzuto ,pieced, patched, clouted,alfo keen and {harp-pointed. Phi co, the good bearb Sauge , alfo a kind of Lentils. Phacedéna , a. running pock or Canlpre which eatetb the fleflj,andfrettetbthrough the skin. Phagéro, a k'md of flone-fijh. Phalacrocorace, a water-raven, called the Flungeon, or Beleravcn. Phalange , a Troop or Squadron of eight thou find men , that the Per fans were wont to war with, being four-fqitare,and fo marfhxlled, that they might encounter with their enemies, flotto foot, manto man, and Jhield to fhicld, alfo a kind of billet, fluff, battoon , cudgel, or club anti-, cvtly ujed among the Grecians , as Pa- lange. Pha P H I P H I P H L Phalangio, a find of treat Spider. Phalange, the bearb Cammomil. I Phalari, Phalaridc, Graftc-corn , Canary j or S panifh feed, Pcttypantcfi '■ Phalàrica , an engine of war with wild fire init to fet Towns on fire. Phalara, capparifns or trappings for bttrd- borfes ufed among the Romans. Phileridi, a find of water-foul, Phanacicoj as Fanatico, alfo one that bath vain vifions. Phancasia, as Fantasia. Phaniafma, Fantafma. Phancafo, IcilóOe » Morphco , feighned of Poets, to be the three fans of Sloth and Latinejfe. Pharéa, as Faréa. Pharétra, as Farétraj &c. Pharia, a ifind of grape. Phariféi, look Fariséb&c, Phaimaca,Phirmachia, as Farmaco, ti¬ fo a Sorcerejje or Enchantrcfle. Pharo, as Fanale , a Sea-marJg , a high- Tower or Beacon by the Sea-coft, where¬ in were continual lights and fire to dh eft Sea-men , to fee the Haven and fafejl entrance. pha:clide, a Ifind of great Dates full of a fi nd of excellent liquor. Phafelióne, Phnfguna, Phafganióne , as Giadióla. P ha fma , a horrible, and gafily vi ft on, a vift on, a dreadful oi grimly fight. Phebca, the Af a bird whufe tongue is ex¬ cellent meal. Phcnomc'no, any [hew or appearance in the sfiie or air. Phéulie» a find of big Olivi in Italy.’ Phéunoj a fijrub growing out of fame Olive- trees. phi; an Inter, of fcorn or lathing, FohfPoh , Fy-upon. Phiala, Phialónc, as Fiala. Ph’ci, Phicifde, Fici, Fico , a fifhthat is f ometimes white, and fom?times full of blaclf spots,& frames bimfelf a nefl in the graffe, fagSy or reeds by the Sc a-fide, and 'there laics his eggs,and fits his young ones , In Rome they call it Fico. PhicitCjd flone Ufi Sea-weed,or as fome fay, li fi Leftuce. Phicotalaflióne, Sea-wced. Phidicie, common flippers, fipt openly in the flreets with great temperance and fobriet) among the Lacedemonians. Phigcthlo, a fimd of hard and red fwtU- ing,nfing either on the crown of the head, in the armpit, or in the privy parts, called by our Chirurgions, a Mxucbet, or little loaf. Phithóngo, a find of note, tune, or harmo¬ ny in Mufic Jf. Philadelphia, brotherly-love. Philadélfo, a lover of his brother, alfo a be¬ loved brother. Philaga.ho, he that lovetb goodneffe. Philaléthe, a lover of truth. Philànthiojtf» bearb to dye purple, Philantropia,/ove of men or man find, hu¬ manity. Philantropoj loving towards men, a lover of man-find, alfo the hearb love-man , Eàtb, Clovers, o, G ofe-gra(fe. Phil ara, ropes, or cordage made of a find of Cane , Reed, or Rufh in Greece. Philarchia, the love one hath to bear rule, Philarco , one that lovetb to fway and bear rule. Philargiria, Covetous or love of mony. Philattéria, fieouls of parchment, having the ten Commandements written in them, which the Pbarifees were wont to wear about their heads and arms. Philatcério, an Antidote , a Pbila fiery, a prefervative againft poijon. Philaut/a, fclf-love, love of ones felf. Philàuto, one that lovetb bimfelf. Philerénio, a lover offolit arine jfe. Philatéria, an hearb, of fome called w\'d- fauge,but in Eccleflaflical boo fi it is ufed for enchantments. Phil'ppo, the name o/*Philip , which im¬ ports a lover of horfes, Philira, .the Linden-tree. Philire, the bands or ropes, called Ba\en- ropes, affo glittering or twinfiing Span- gles. Phillite, the hearb Harts-tongue. Phillóne, an hearb growing on Rocfi. Philocalia, love of beauty, delight of fair- neffe. Philocara, Philopéda, Hore-hound • Phdocrate, conflant in love. Philocratia, conftancie in love. Philoginia, doting on women. Philologia, love of learning or ftudy. Philólogo, a lover of learned knowledge. Philomathia, love or de fire of learning. Philomela, vale propriaménte,Dolcézza c Melodia d’ Amóre * a Nightin- gale. Philoméfla, a Maffe-lover. Philomufo, a lover of the Mufes. Phi I óne, the white Tbiftle. Philopómpo, a lover of Arrogance. Philos i reo ,voluptuous, loving bisflefb. Philofofante, profcfjmg Pbilofophy. Philofofdre, to ftudy, to profeffe, to teach,to difpute in Plnlofofie, to Vhilofefize. Phi'ofofaftro, a pedantical Pbilofofafter, a fmattcrer in Pbilofophy. PhilofofTa, Plnlofofie, love of knowledge or wifdom. Vhi\owlico,Vbilofophical. Philófofo, a Philosopher , a jiudent or lover of fiiowledgc, vertue and wifdom, Philofoinia,«i Phifiognomia. Philofséno, Philóiìina, a lover ofhofpita- lity, a cheerfull entertainer of guefts. Philoftorgia, the love of Parents towards their children. Philotheóro, a lover of {peculation, one gi¬ ven to contemplation of things. Phllotimo , Ambitious , Honor-aftcCl- '5. t Philtro, Philtri, an amorouspstion, a medi¬ cine to procure love, or to ma fi one love s love-poifon, alfo the fair and lovely pro- ; portion of ones body, joy ned with his cour- 1 tcous behaviour, that with the fight pur - i . ebafetb love and favour, ufed alfo for the I hollownefj’e or gutter in the upper lips un- I der’the Noflrils. ' Philura, any thin sfin or sfinlet, as that is between the bar\ and the wood of lbz tree, of fome called Tylia ,whereon in an- tient times they were wont to write, ufed alfo for a leafoyfheet of paper. Phimo, a find offwelling or inflammation Ufi a bile, but fl tier and rounder, about the privities of men, alfo a certain bèafl , on which, if a man lo 0 \ , it mafis him lool^ pale and deadly many dales af¬ ter . Phimófi, a difeafe, when the nut of a mans yard will not be covered, or being covered, will not be opened. ~ i Phiontidi, thofe creatures, which nature ! hath made deadly enemies each to others , as the Cat and the Moufe, the Stori , ^ and the Frog, the Spider and the Toad. Phirana, a fimd of fweet Gum or Rofen. Phiséi, all manner of precious fiones , that be of divers colours. Phifcmace, hollow, or abortive pearls,] that come to no goodneffe . Ph’.fetero, Phisito, Ph f i tro, Phisccro , Phisiftro, Phififtéro, Phitéio, a mighty fijh, called a whirl-poo’, rifing out of the Sea Ufi a Pillar, higher than the fails of any ftjip ; and Spouting fo much water out of his mouth, as may well overwhelm ,and drown a great fhip. Phisica, Phjflcfi, that is the art of natural things., or natural Pbilofophy. Phificàlc , Pby filai, natural, according to natural caufcs. Phificiano, Phisico, a Phyptian, an under- fiandcr , or teacher and profcjfor of the caufes, and the quality, and effe fis of na¬ tural things. Phlfiognomia, Pifionomia, Phifonomia, Pbyiiognomy, that is, a fcience to con¬ fili urc, or a rule to judge of a mans natural afte ftions and inclination by bis vifage or form. Phiiìognomifta, Phifiógnomo, Philiono- mina, a Phifiognomer,a profefjorto fiiow and judge the natures of men by the view of their body, face, forehead or eyes, the word is compofed of Phifo, which in Gttt\ fignifieth Nature. Phifnlogia , a fearching cut of natural things, a reafoning or disputing of the na¬ ture of things. Ph'fiólogo ,a fearcher, or a dspuècr of na¬ tural things. Phitcuma, the name of an hearb. Phitónc, a hind of huge ferpent. Phlebotomia, b'ood-letting at any vein. Ph legónte, a precious flone that ftemtth to have a flame of fire in it. Phlcma Pblégma, as Flemma. Phlemmàrico, cu Flemmatico. Phlcmmóne, as Flèmmóne. Phleóne, an hearb full offhxrppricfi, both in the leaf and ft al fi. Phlitténa, a rifing tifi to a blifter, caufed of fealding with hot water', and full of yellowifh matter, called wild-fire, or beat on the eyes. Phloce, a flame-coloured violet, or ( as fome fay) a Fancy, Phlo- P Ì A Fhlogino, a fione Itfy the O (tracia. Phlómide, a Cowflop or Primrofe. Phlomóncj as Vcrbafco. Phóba, the Turfy millet grain. Phóca, Phócei a Sea-calf, a Seal Jlflj, Phocxde, a fyndof pears in Chios. Phominco vino, a Grcc\winc. Phonóce, the murtbering thiflle. Phórco, the Sea-dog, or Cur-fifh. Phormióne , an hcarb good for a phi and a web in the eye, alfo a fynd of Alum. Phofophóro, the day or morning-flay, alfo the trvylight jnorning or evening. Phvafc) a phrafeor proper form of jpeech. Phréna, Phrcne, the midriff, which divi¬ de th the umbles of man or be aft. Phrenesia, fronde frantiefyeffe, Phreneticare, to rave, to be frenesie. Phrenetico , frenile t frantiefy mad. Phrianióne, Phriganióne, affind of bee¬ tle. Phrige, at Diphrige. Phrigio, a tuap or melodious mufic\ wherein feemeth to be a divine fury. Phrigióni, fo were antiently embroiderers of needle-worfy called. Phrini, land-frogs that live in bufbes and hedges. Phrinióne, a fyind of Saxifrage , or rather Maiden hair, or Ruta muralis. Phronifia, prudence,wifdom. Phrónimo, prudent, wife, [age. Phrinóne, a great toad. Phróno, the murtbering thiflle. Phlilotróne, as vice alba. Phtiria(i,rk’ lowfie evil. Phtifi, Phtóe, incurable fores of the lungs , or confumption of the whole body. Phtifico, one that is Phtiflc\ , or that hath a confumption of the lungs . Phtiroforóne , the fiernels within the Cat¬ kins or There-tree. Phthócio, a divelifh potion to fyll children in the mothers womb. Phcóngo» a found,a tunc or note. Phù 3 V alai an Capons tail, or great Set- wall. Pi, as Più, more. Pia, a Jay, a Plot, by Met. a pied mare,al¬ fo as Pio. Pia bianca, a white pied borfe. Piabile, that fatisfaction tmy be made for. Piaccia a Dio,may it pleafe God. Piacendo a Dio, God-willing , if it pleafe God. Phccntitc,to\bland''fb or footb tip in Jpeech, to cog and foift with al, to flout injuri- oufly. Piacente, pleaffng, delighting. Piacentemente, adv. pleaftngly,foothingly , flatteringly. VhqQtitcd adulation > aflenting-Speech , cogging with intention to deceive. Piacentiére, a flatterer, a blandifher, a cog¬ ger, or a footber up with fair words. Piacenza, pleafance, pleajantncfjc, alfo the name of a City in Italy, alfo complaifance or flattery. Piacére,Piaccio, Piacqui, Piacciuto, to pleafe, to delight, to Ifie, to content. Piacére, Jub. pleaJure,delight, Ifiing, alfo a favour, a fyndneffe, a good turn , alfo win andpleafure. Piacérli in alcuna cóla, fir one to delight or tafy pleafure in any thing. / Piaceruccio , idi: or vain pleafure. piacéile a Dio, might it pleafe God. Piacévole, pleafing, pleafant. Piacevoleggiare, to be pleafant, to jefl mer¬ rily, topi iy the jefler. Piacevolézza, pleafantneffe. p I A P I A Piacevolmente, plcafantly. Piaciménto, will and pleafure. Piaciuto, Piacciuto, pleafed, delighted. Piaculàre, that bath power to purge fome fault, alfofhowing fome forrowful mani- feftation. Plàcido, - a grievous offence to be purged by falisfaUion, a facrifice to be done, or a thing to be given and offered for the purg¬ ing or fatisfadion of fome batnous fin. Piadéna, a woodden piatteria treen dipt. Piadétto , the dim. of Piido. Piadfre, Piatire, duco, duo, to plead, to file, or contend in Law , Piadire alia civile, to plead, or go to Law, namely at the Civil-Law. PhAito, pleaded, or contended in Law. Piaditóre, a pleader, Pindo, Pia to, a pica, a pleading. Piadófo, litigious , alfo us Pietófo. Viadótto, a fymd of courfe bread. Piaga, a wound, a hurt, a foie,a gafh,a cut, an mcifion , an ulcer, a plague, a brofisn fore, by Met. a grievous Ioffe , a heavy chance, a calamity, alfo as Plaga. Piagabile, that may be wounded. Piagaméntoj any wounding. Piagare, to wound, to hurt , to plague, by Met. to vex or to molefl. Piagatóre» a wounder, Piagentare, as Piacentarc, &c, Piagencaria, as Piacenteria. Piagencicre as Piacentiére. Piageru,any pledge or pledging. Piaggia, the firond of the Sea-fhore i alfo a / broad rode, or downs by the Sea fide, where no Haven is,and yet Jhips may ride at ancor , any open field or blta\ plot of ground, namely a large meddow , alfo the fteep of a bare hill, alfo as Zona cdéfte. Piaggia piaggia, adv. clofeby the fhsre or firond-fide. Piaggiare, to coafl, to lie, or ride and fail along the firond or S ea-Jhore 9 alfo to fiand bulling or doubtfull as it were be¬ tween land and water, alfo to lie low as it were fquatting , alfo to reduce into meddows or open fields, alfo to pledge, to anfwer, or be furety for , to bail, alfó as Piaccntare. Piaggiatore , a coafter along the Sea- firond, alfo a furety, a bail, a pledge, alfo as Piacentiére. Piaggiménto, a pledging or anfweringfor, alfo as Piacenteria. Piaggiófo ,full of firond s or fhores. Piagnénte, weeping, wailing, whining. Piagnere, to weep, to whine, as Piangere. Piagnévole, wailful, to be wept for. Piagniftério, a place of weeping and wail- ing,alfo wail full weeping , outright whi¬ ning, as one would fay, weeping creffe. Piagnitóre, a weeper, a. waiter. Piagnóne, a whining or weeping fellow,by Met. a diffembling Hypocrit. Piagnuto, rtept, whined, wailed . Piagófo , plaguie, full of wounds or hurts. Pialla, Piallo, Piallóne, Pianèlla, Pióla, Piólla, Piana, a Carpenters or Joiners piane. Piallare, to planijh, to plain, to polifh or to fmoothfl.it. Piallatóre, aplanifher, a plainer . Piailure , (havings or plTmings. Pia mater, loo\ Madre. Piaménte» adv. pioufly, devoutly, godly. Piana, any plain or flat piece of ground,alfo the bare ground, ufed alfo for one of the Pianamente, adv. Pianetcam ónte, plainly', fiatly, alfo fofily and gently. Pianatole, a plamfher, aplainer « Pianare, to ma\e plain , toplaniflj. I Fianca, any plan\ or planing. Piane, Pianèlle, flat flatesor tiles lo cover houfes,al(o flat or fquare paving floncs , alfo night-flippers or pantofles. Pianellaro, a ma\er o/Pianélle. Pianelleria , a place where Pianèlle an made or fold. Pianellaca , a bit or blow with a panto- ,fl e - f Pianellcrtc, night-flippers. Pianeròttolo ,the flat or low ground-wor\ of any frame, namely of a pair of flairs , alfo a round flit hearth , as arc in great Halls of Noble mens boufes, to m.ify fin thereon. Pianéta , a Vianet or wandering Star, by Met. fortune or chance, alfo aVriefis Cope. Pin néro, a grove of Plane-trees, Pianézza, plainnefje i evenncffe ì fmoothnefs, alfo as Pianura. Pianézza dell’anello, the bc\el of a ring. Piangènte, Piangiolénte, whining, weep- ing. Piàngere, Piàngo, Piàn/ì, Piànto vel pì- angiuto, to weep, to wail, to blubber, to whine , to fhed tears, to lament, to pule , to cry, to plain. Piàngere dirottamente, to weep outright fid . cry amain. Piangerei , exceffive plaints and weepings, Piangévole, wa lful, to be wept for. Piangiménto, any weeping or whining. Piangitóre, a weeper, a whiner. Piangiuto, wept, whined, wailed. Piangola in ènti, winnings, pulings. Piangolare, fo whine, to pule, tomander, Piangolina, a puling or whining wench. Piangolófo, puling, mandring, whining. Piànin pianino, adv. fair and fofily. Pianellóni, highpattins or cboppino’s. Piano, fub. a plain j an even ground cbampain,a large field, a flat flare or feel¬ ing , alfo a Plane-tree, alfo any flat fiiflj as a plaice, a flounder or a foie. Piano, adjec. plain,flat, fmooth', mamfefi , clear , evident. Piano, adv. plainly, flaly, fmoothlj, fofily 3 gently, leafurely, lowly, quietly. Piano un pòco, foft and fair a little , not fo fafi, mafie not fuch haft. pian piano, adv. fair and leifurtly. Piànta, any plant, ftoefy root y fct,ortrce that is, or may be jet or planted, by Met. any plat-form, ground-worfybafls, model, plot, or foundation of any frame, fort, or building, alfo the flat, the palm,the plain, or foie of a mans hand or foot, among A- natomi fls it is ufed for Pédio , loo^ Pi¬ atta. Piànta animàle, the fifh M iny-fect. Piànta dèlia mano , the flit or paini of ones hand. Piànta del piede, the foli or flat of Ones feet. Piànta di cuòio , hcarb Sumach to dye lea¬ ther bUcIf. Piànta di lióne, as Pàlio diliónc. Pià nta d’ una f ortézza, the plat-form of a Fort. Piànta màflima, as Coppo di Gi¬ ove. Piànta pudica \ Pianta càfta, the Chafie- tree or fhrub , unto which if an) body come near , it prefcntly draws in its leaves , broad foreteeth of a horje, alfo as Pialla. Sonare siila piàna, to toni a bell teifurely 1 Piànta trilla, as Albero manincónico. J as for the dead, lo ring a paffing bell. \ piantàbile, that may be planted. B b b Pian P I A P 1 C P I A piantacele, iranffilanted flock- piantadófo , hath antienily been ufed for P tenuous, but nono for full of plants and trees. Piantàgine, Plantin or way-bread. * Piantàgine acquàtica, water-plantain. piantàgine minóre , ribwort, or lambs- t angue. piantale, any great flock, flake, pole or pile to fix m the ground. puntamento , Piantagióne, Piantatióne , Piantata, Piantatura, any tynd of plant¬ ing, feuing, or Plantation. piantare, to piantato fet , orto fix in the ground , by Met. to cheat , or to cimny- catcb , and then to give one the flip, to leave onr n the lurch,to give over at any game an:, not to hold in game: I find it to have been ufed for a Ifind of torment for Traitors . Piantate i bacégli, to plant cods , to fet husks, by Met. to put Rem in Re. Piantare lo ftendàrdoj nella rócca, to fet up ones colours or fiandard in a c a file) by Met .to put R.em in Re. Piantare caròte» to fu caroti , as Cacciar caròte. Piantario, a place to plant trees in, a nur- cery for plants , a [firing-gar den, a cop- pife. Piantarti, to flop fuddainly, and fiill , tu fome refiy borfes will do. Piantarli là in quattro, to lie down along, abroad,and fiat, after the naturalfafhion, as one would fay, on all four. Piantata, as Puntaménto, by Met. a flip or cunny-catshing-trick. Piantatóre, a PI inter, by Met. a cheater, a cunny-catcher. Pianterei lo fets flips or plants. Piantifcro, plants-bearing. Piànto, part, wept, whined, cryed, wailed, (hed tears, mourned, plained, bemoan¬ ed. piànto, fub. any plaint, weeping, wailing , whining,greeting, puling. Piantóne, Panconcello, any main flock , fiem, plant , or tree to grafie or innoculxte upon, to be fet or planted , alfo any great pile or flake driven into the ground, by Met. a grofje cheating trick put upon one, $r a fuddain flip given. Pianura, a champion-field, a large plain, * far-ext ending plain ground. Piastra, « leaf, a flutti or leaf of any me¬ tal. p:à(lra,Piàftre, Piaftróne , Piaftrélla , iny kind of fiat or thin plate of metal or many, the Cockof any {booting-piece, as musket or any other , any flate-flone, large tilt, flat fl » , by Met. a breaft-plate,alfo the dry fcab or s{urf of any fcaid or fore , look Patire, piàftra di argènto , any fiind of Dollar, or treat piece of filvcr-coin. Pii lira di ferro, a plate or clout of iron. Piàftra di metallo, a plate of metal. Piàftra dipi mbo, afowof lead. piàftra ftagmna, thin white plate. Pialliate , to reduce into Pulire , alfo at Impiaftrare. Pia 'Ire, Pulitile , Piallane, theplu.of Piàftra,, thin flat fiate- Hones, cafling- quoits , broad flones,tile-fljards, or brick- brats, alfo the flats or flotes of a wheel, that turns in the water , at of a water¬ mill, alfo vans of board or plate , a wea¬ ther .cock, or any thing elfe to turn round with the wind , alfo a fiat milk-pan. Piaftrellare, to quoit, to play at quoits, alfo to fiate or tile a houfe. Piatitilo, a piece of cloth or leather to i Spread plaiftcrs upon, alfo a little piai- Piaftro, as Empiaftro. Plata, ufed antienily for Pietà. Platano, the Piatane or Plane-tree. Piatànza, any alms given for the love of God, or for pit ties-fake , namely to poor begging Friers, confi fling of meat and drink, alfo any pittance or allowance of meat and dunk , alfo a dole or alms of many or bread diftnbircd at funerals or burials. Piate^giàre, Piatire, the Country of Pic- cardy inFsance,but{alluding ts the wor d Piccare ) ufed for a place of execution , where malefactors are hanged, Andare •nPicardia, togotothe gallows, togoto be hanged,look Andare. Picaràre, Picàre , to play the rogue , to cant , and goc a roguting up and down. Picaréfca vita a rogueifh life. Picarie, ogueries, cantings,fo\flings. Picaro, Picaróne,» wandring rogue, a can¬ ter, a foifier, a fetter , a word taken fiom Spani jh. Picca, a pike,a fpcar , a pointed [luffe, alfo , « pricing or Jharp-fmarting,alfo as Pica. Picca fichi, as Pappa fico. Picca piccre, a Mafon, a Cutler , or hewer of [tones, amili , or gmne-fionc maker. Piccànt c, prie king, fftarp, fmarlìng,tart , fmacking, brisk, biting , leaving a tang or relijb upon the tongue , and yet nut unpleafant to the palati, as fome wines Piccare, as Appiccare, alfo Picchiare , alfo to prick, to fmart, to itch, alfo to leave a touch, a tang , a tartne(fe , a briskntffe, a relifh, or pleafing [mack upon the tongue , alfo to move,to provoke, to prick or [pur on unto anger or un- kindneje. Piccare Ilo, Picchiatilo, Piccanno, Pi- caréllo, the dim. of Picchio, alfo a lit¬ tle hammer or clapper hanged at doresto knock with, alfo a young wandring rogue, a wag-halter * Piccaruólo ,. idem, alfo a. pieman, or a Spearman. Piccata, a bit, a tbrufl , a.blow, or hurt with a pike or long-ftavcd weapon, alfo a moving unto anger, or unk}ndncffe. Piccata vite, a kind of Vine. Piccherxa, the whole order and profeffion, or a rank and [quadron of pike-men. Picchétto, a great game at cards fo called. Picchia-pétto, a knock- breafl, that is , a dijjembling fellow, an hypocritical Puri¬ tan, a Saint- feeming man or woman, one that will ever be k noc k ln l °f bis breafl. PicchiàrCjfo k noc k M ota door, to pec\,to \ thump , to bounce, to clap, or to beat hard , alfo to freckle, or [ficckle with thick [pots, at the s{in of a Leopard is. Picch are diètro le pànche , to bout , to j [hunt,to wbiftle after one in feorn or de- j rifion. Picchiata, Picchiaménto, Picchiatura, a j knocka thump, a job, a fnap, a peek-\ ing or a boun^ng-blow, alfo a break- 1 ing, a fnapping with the bill or beak of a bird. Picchiere, a Pi\c-man, a Spear-m.ui. Picchio, a pick-axe, or a mattock , alfo a hammer or 'fledge with one (harp end , ( alfo a rammer that P.iviers ufe , alfo j the beak of a foul, orbili of a bird, alfo as \ Picch àta. . _ _Pic- PI c p I E P I E Picchio, Picchio arboràriojPLchio verde, Piccia fèrro,Piccip, a bird e Ued a wnod- baCker, a wood-pecker, a wood-w.tU, a jobber , a tree-jobber, a bick-way, a fpigbt , a. jnappe*, a green-pecker. Piccia, a. word ufed of Bakers, and is p operly fix little loaves, manchets or buns [licking together when they are taceri out of the oven, look Picchio. Pice a e> Piccicare, Piccig;re, the di n. of Cicciolo. Picelo, as Picchio, as Picchiata. Piccióccolo, toe /tern or ftalk of any thing, nam ly of any fruit. Picciolanzi, Picciolczza, Picciolita, UltlenefJ'e, (maUmffe. Picciolàre, Picciolire, Pic ol:'re, to make or b come little, [mull, qui nt Or pretty, alfo to [b ug or fink m, alfo to turn, 10 twirl round, or to jleep as a top, a nun or twirhgig doth, alfo to /pot with fm.iU freckles, as flea-bitings are. Prccioté, P recìdette, as Picciature, alfo prawns or (firimps, alfo inde banne¬ rols. Piccioli, tbeplu, of Picciolo, alfa ycung or little ones, young infants, little chil¬ dren, alfo lmill coins, ca(ling-counters, fi things, tokens, aljo [mall flalks or fhink r. Picciolino, the dim. of Picciolo. Picciolo, Picciuolo, little, pretty, fmall, quaint, (h>rt or fender, be it either in quality or quantity, alfo any fm.il/ coin, mire or farthing, alfo the (talk whereat anyf un hangetb, alfo a childs nun or twirhgig-, alfo a fm ill [hints. Piccióne, any tfmd of pidgeon, dove or culver. Piccióne cafaléngo, a houfe or tame pid¬ geon. Piccióne di campagna, a field or wild pidgeon. Piccióne di ghanda, a wild wood- pidgeon. Piccióne di fóteo panca, a. houfe-bred ■ tame pidteon. Piccióne di tórre, a dove-cotor Ree pie pidgeón. Piccióne doméftico, a tame pidgeon. Piccióne favaro, a field-pidgcon. Picei >nc iti vatico, a wild pidgeon. Picciuòlo, Picciuòli, as Picciolo , alfo any jtnall, little or pretty thing, alfo the feels or ttndrcls of leaves, alfo the flem or ftalk Of any fruit, alfo a fmall (hank, alfo a childs piUicock. Picco, as Picchio, fi fece, prima ricco, e poi fi fece picco. Piccoiaméntc, Picciolméntè, adv. in fmall or little fort,fmally. Piccolézza, Piccolanza, Piccolità,/>».?fi- neffe, litilenefje . Piccolino, as Piccinino. Piccóllo, Pìccolo, the busk that enclofcth the button of a rofe or any other flower. Piccolo as Picciolo. Piccóne, Piccózzo, the fup. of pic¬ chio. Piccaiuólo, as Pizzacàgnolo. Picconière, one that worktb a Pic¬ cóne. Picea ftro, Picéo, the pitch-tree , Picene Picencine, a kind of little olives or pears. Picettojd peak, as of lace or any other work of the like k lnd - Picicto, any plant orfhrub. Pialla, a Farriers (haver to pire' the hoof of a horfe before heftjuoe him. Piano, pitchy, of the nature of pitch , alfo made of pitch. Picio, a Sea-bream, a Sea-ruff. Picnocomóne , an hearb life Racket. Pico, a mennow-fifh, alfe a k‘nd of jhrub with broad leaves growing in the Sea, alfo a certain meafiirc in Ind.a, rvhicb contains fi ue Arrob.is of Spain. ’ Pico m artico, Pico vérde, as Picchio the bi,d. Picoréa , a fudain out-rode, foraging or ranj u king made by Soul diets upon the Countrey. Pico tea re, to freckle, tobefpeckle. Picozzino,4 kind of a knife to Rieka beajt wt’baU. Picrocolo, 1 chollerick man. Pidicélli, (mall nits, liti te lice. Pidocchiàre,ro loufe or unloufe. Pidocchieria, as Pedocchieria. Pidòcchio, as Pedócchio, a loufe. Pidocchiófo, loufe, fui of lice. Pidotta re, as Pitoccare. Piè, look P-éde. Piccon, ujcd for Pccroa, &c. Piedàcii, filthy or b oad feet. Piede,Piè, any kmd of foot or footing to fland upon or go wiihall,by Met.the bafe the g -ound-work, the foot -fiali or foun¬ dation of anything or frame, clfo the m un trunk, body, flock or r. ot of any tree or plant, the flem or growing ftalk of any béarb òr flower, alfo a me a jure of twelve inches, which wc call a foot by the ftan- dard, alfo the foot of a verfe. Piede d 3 afino, Affc-hoof, fauce alone, jack of the hedge. Piede d’Allellandro, Banran or Pellitorie of Spain. Piede d’alloétta, Monks-hood.,La,ks-hctl, claw or (pur. Piede di cervo, Hhr:s-hoof,tn Lit. Poly- nathemum. Piede di colómba, or di piccióne, Doves- foot , Pidgeons- foot, Cranes -bill. Piede di cornàcchia, or di Còrvo, Crow¬ foot, Butter-flower , Sand-wort, alfo Kiaas-cob,Go d-CHps,Goli-knops, alfo as Cornò dì cèrvo. - - , eterno cu cavo. Pic ™ 10 ; “ b ‘ ,by or al f° “ li rallini, btarb Hms-f e «,ot Fmi- ebitii3 fiv.th or &nt-b.nd. or in Niplesi I toni. Militile [ctmdnU or tlmrfih ftl- ) Piede di glllo, hmb CK\i-pourr Hedge- lorv " fimitvm, feme take it for B'atchelors- bntto»s,andf me for Piede di Cornàc¬ chia. . Piede di gatto, as Pàlio di gacc., ai ; - a kmd of port or npf e of a bum . ìc ùLì a Cats-foot. Piede di griffóne, a Griffons-fooc - alfo a certain Inftrument that Chimrgions ufe | to pull children dead out of. then mot, e r s i womb. Piede di lèpre. Hires,-foot or rm',' claver. W* Piede di lupo, Club-mie , wolves- claw. Piede di nibbio, hearb Kjtes-foot. Piede di Oca, Gooje-foot, wild Oraci*, ar S wines-bane. Piede di polédro, Colts-foot , ììorfe- foot. Piede di vitèlloy Calves-foot, wa^-robin, Starcb- wort, Cuckoe-pintle , PrieRs - pintle. Piedeftàllo , Piedeftile, a pedèflal, the baf or ground-work of any (ram., piiUr pit amides or engine , alfa a (oot-pacc, -alfo the threfhal of a door , alfo the locket of a candle-flick. 7 Predica, <1 bidden fnm, a ..elafe hutch ! forvi .up or entrartele beafls or birds bòi the feet. , J \ Piega, Piegaménto, Piegar a, Piegatura, ! any. old. fj! din , flou or pianini, bend] or bendings bow,„g or doublvg, m puc- k Er[ ng l„ cluthelip) Met. wilinc/fr,' craf- tinrQe o, d-ublemfje m d, ding, dio c,i- Itomr , ufe or habit. Piegare, fo bmp, tobend, top/y, ro fold, to enjot.L, 0 craoh, to pUir, to vary, to puc¬ ker, to rumple, by Met. to yield, to bend, lojbwp or ondine unto, alfo to per f wade or to draw to wh n one lift. Piegatole , benders , pincers or bo win? ply erf. , . 6 Pieggiàre, to pledge, to bail, to euifwcr or beLiy for another. Pieggieria pledging,fur ety-fij p. Picgip, a pledge - a bail} a jurctie , Pieghévole, Piegàbile, ply able, bendable x inclinable , flexible, tradable, cafle to yield, or that may be moved , turned, bent : orpcrfw.i id. Pieghevoli' m, plynlilemifc : bendinnelle. _ ready., effe to yield. U ‘ Péigo, as Plico, as Pièga. Pitgoctare, to hud ile and fold up. Piegócti, thin pieces of lard 0, pa ft wherein Cooks enwrap any thing ' to roaft or boil. Piena, Pienàra, any thing that is full or fil¬ led, a fu la f or plenitude, alfo a full- tide, a fpr mg-tide, a fall flood of waters , by Met. a thick throng or prcfje of people, alfo a floud of waters, alfo as of grief, or fulneffe of forrow. Pièna bòtta, afnll blow or flro\e. Pienamente, adv. fully, at full, compleat- . l h Pienezza, Plenitudine , fulneffe , pieni-] tude. Pienézza della luna* the full of thel Moon . Pièno 3 adjeói. full, filled, full of, fluffed}, farced, by Met. gorged or full-glinted, alfo flored with, or plentióus of affo whole, compie at, fully-perfell, large or ample. pieno , fub. a filling , a farcing, ora pudding or dumpling made within any thing, as is ufually made in hollow birds, pigs. Sec. and is very highly cflccmcd of in Italy. 3b b z Pienòtto, P I E P I G P I G j. 'pienòtto, fomewhat fufl 3 plump. piércia, uneven, odde in number. Pietica* a. tyni of [tone-pitch. pit rida» the bitter detrae. Piérie, Picride, the nine Mufes, fo named of Pietus a Mountain in Theflalie when they were born. pietà, a wailing, a moaning or lamentation in aft to move companion in others, alfo a k‘$d of fpade Or digging injt,ument , ufed alfo for Pièga . Piet lithe duty, the confeienee or good affé- l ftion that is due by man, firft unto God, then to his Parents, to his children , to his friends, and to his countrey, alfo piety, dcvotion,true s^cal,godly affetti on, natura l love, remorce , pittie, ruth, companion or compunction of an others harm. pietanza, ««Piatanza, as pietà. pietica, to pitty» to eompaffionat*. piece, the foie of any ones foot,alfo a turf of graffe. Pietón c, a foot man,one that goeth a foot, as Pedóne- Pietofaménte, p ittyoufly, pitti fully. Piecofarée , pinions actions, compafjionate dealmes, rufhfull condition. pietofiti, pittifulncffe, pittioufnefje, rnlb- fulneffe. Pietófo, pitcious , pitti fui, rmfullì compaj- jìonate, remorcefull. Piètra, any k'nd of flone in general, a Jtone in a mans body, by Met. ruggednefje or hardnejje of heart. piètra ara, a fuper-altar-ftone. 'piètra Aii'oic3,thcglafe (lone. Piètra colombina , the l/m flotte. P.éc: a corvina, a ^indof (ione, which (as lem 'write) is found m an old Rav.us neafi, and being tyed to ones l ft arm, upen véna mediana, preferveth a man from all manner 4 mili¬ ti one. plc-ra di San Palo, Piètra Samiana, OS Tèrra figil'ata. Pietraemanfte, the right blood- (Ione. piètra focaia- a flint or fire-ftonc. Piètra galaftide, thè mi'fi-ftone, pietra giudaica, a white jtone Ufa atl a ~ Iforn with divers lines in it. Piètra Herculea, the Adamant- flone. Pitéra hieracite, a blood- flone. Piètra indice, a tOMcb-flone. piètra marmorea , a marble (Ione Piètra meliate, the honey- flone, thefweet- ! tone . Pietra molata, a grinding- fi one. Piètra nv mitre, loo\ Memftte. Piètra ph.égia, a hollow lumpijb (Ione u^e a Pumice -flone. r Piètra piccata, Piètra fcarpellata, any hewen or fmoothed (Ione. Piètra piombàia,^ 7 * lead-flone. piètra pinéta, any flint- (tone. Piè ra Póma, Pómice, Poméga, thè Pumic or Pumice- flone. Piètra pulita, nnypoHjbed flone. Piètra fanguinara , a blood- (Ione. Piètra fciffilc , a yellow (lone full of veins , and which cleavetb li\e wood. piètra ferpentina,* flone which worn about I ones nec^ is good against flingings of ferpents. Piètra fpeculare , the tale or glafj'e- jtone. Piètra {pugna , a fiind of (lone found mfame old fpunges, which broken fmall and drunk in wine ( as fame affirm ) breadth we flone in a mans blad¬ der. Piètra renale, a flone in the fydneys. Piètra viva, any natural hard or flint- fione. Pietrate, to petrifie, to flone, tofax- ifie. Pietraria, Pietreria, a quante of floncs, a Mafons-fhop or woifi-houfc, alfo pe- trofitie, alfo any manner of flonc- WOifi. Pietraro, Pietraio, a lapidarie, a digger} a cutter, amafon, ora worker in or of (tones. _ . Piètre commc'flc,/^ttti well \oymd, in-laid or clofe wrought together, as is dayly to be feen in Florence in the G and-Du\es Galleries, and in the admirable flruCture of St .'Laurence Chapel, whereof there is not the U\e in the World for in-laid work. Piccnfero, (lone bearing or bringing. Pietronélli, Piaranélli, Souldms ferving on horfe b c{, ferving with pelronels and cuirafes on their backs. Pietronéllo, Ptetrancllo,* pctronel,a fnap- bance or a fi e lock piece. Pietrofiù, Pietrina, petrofite, (tonifhncffe , by Met hardnejje, ruggediujje. Piecrófo, flony,g etty,fullof (tones,look Olio. Pietruccia, Piecricina, Pietruccióla, the dim. of Piètra. Piòva, Péive,Pievéra, a Chapel of eafe de¬ pending on another Church , alfo a Chapel belonging to fomc Calile or Noble-mans houfe, alfo a Panfh or Precinti belonging to fame one Church, ufed alfo for a Parfonage, a Vicarage, or a Curatt- fhip. Pieviale, Pievale, it B -flytps rotchct, alfo a Cope or fuch church-v jtment. Piè vitellino, as Piede di vitèllo, piezzare , Piéggio , as Pieggiare, &c. Pifatata, Pifferata, a piping, a fit of mirth, bunts up upon a pipe or flute. Pifaro, pjfero, Piffaro, Piffero, any pipe, fife or flwr. Piferóne, Pifferóne,* pipcr,afifer, a flu- ter. pigamo, ba(Urd Rub.ub or wild Rue. pig rgo, as Nabino, alfo a k'nd of hearon reità awhile tail, numbered among hawks, fume take it for an Eagle of the fecond knd, that keeps in towns, or near- towns. Pigazzo, a tool that Turners ufe. Pignorare,Pigglórc, as Peggióre. Pignatta, Pighcro, as Pigro. Pigiare, Pigere, to lay, to range, to [tow, to fer, to pile or ptefje one thing upon ano¬ ther very clofe, as they do pack 1 or wares in (h'ps or ware-houfes, alfo to tread or trample under feet,namely grapes in great Vats tomai^e wine of, by Met. to make the bed cry ig-ga-joggie. Pigiatóre Pigitóre , a treadùr or proffer, namely of grapes. Pigiatura Pigitura, a. piling, a laying, a Jtowing or placing of one thing upo tl another, al r o a trampling, a treading o't pr effing of grapes., Pigiolare, as Pigolare. , pigionale , Pigionato , Pigionante, a taker, a hirer, a farmer , a ren¬ ter or a tenant of Lands or hou- /«. , Pigionare, as Affittare. Pigióne, mafe, a pidgeon or dove. Pigióne, fcm. rent or bue for lands or houfes, alfo a* piccióne. Pigifta, one that ufeth buggery . Piglia, of Pigliare, he or [be ta\etb, or clfc take thou. Pigliami tòpo, the play Cat-bear-moitft. Piglia mófche, a fhe-catcher. Piglia péfei, afìfh taker. Piglia piglia, take and boli , catch and take, aLfo hue and cry. Piglia forgi, a moufe or rat-catcber . Piglia uccèlli, a fowler , a bird-cat¬ cher. Pigliare,ai Prendere, as Tórre, or Toglie¬ re, in all phrafes to take or receive , to catch or talge hold of, to furpri^e err ap¬ prehend. Pigliare a crédito, to receive upon trufl , to take upon credit. Pigliare ad impreftito, to borrow, to take , to love. Pigliare ad interfile, to take upon ufurie onntercfl. Pigliate ad ónta, to take in fcorn, or re- ctive as aitinone. Pigi. are a fitto, to farm, to rent. Pigliare a gabbo, Pigliare a giuoco, to take m jefl or mockery. Pigliare alcuno, to take, to catch or appre¬ hend fomebody. Pigliare alla riverfa, to take ina. contrary or crofle fenfe. Pigliare amóre, to conceive or fettle love or affé £hon upon any thing. Pigliare animo, to take courtge, to wax bold, to pull up a good heart. Pigliare aria, to take the air. Pigliare a vettura, to hire a horfe by the day , or at livery. Pigliare dilccto, to take delight or plcafur e in any thing. Pigliare dipòrto, to tafc fport , folace or re- cieation. Pigliare il legnoso take the wood or dyet- drinkfor the Vox,alfo allufivcly to be con¬ demned, to be hanged. Pigliare il mónte, to begin or attempt to climb up a hill, Pigliare il panno pér il vérfo, to take or cut the cloth according co the wooll, by Met. to take a. thing according to its right byaffe. _ Pigliare il pendio, as much to fay, osto be 'gone dUt of fifiit. Pigliare in accomandita, look Dare in ac- contènda. Pigliare in paróle , to catch and take hold of every word , ts ! carp. Pigliare la punta, for wine or beer to turn, ' to grow foure and [ofe his vertue and fire gtb. Pigliare la vólca, idem, alfo for one to take his turn or lot, or what falls to his (hare. Pigliare licènza, to ta\e leave , to bid farewell. Pigliare lingua, to take word, notice or aivertifanent , to learn news, (pe¬ ci illy at Sea when they hale a Ship, or in Ports enquire about convenience or danger. Pigliare marróni, to gad, to roave to lojter nr wander idly up and down,to trifle away and Jpin out ones time to little or no purpofe. Pigliare, P I G P I L P I L or pre ferve of\ Pieliire medicina, to uifee PtyM, Pignoccita , ftp, conferve Pieiilre mira totali 1 "m, orUvtlataay Pinocchi, the nttts or \erncl:of pme- fh,ni ’ ’ j “fple,. Pigliare mMie. fo muri, to tt\e t Prgno arc, to hatchei hemp or fllx. 3 Pignolo, a bucket to drcjje or [tax. PMiire ómbra, to faff cS upon no (uro Pignóne, a foundation or wall of Itone , fmmi, to ulte firn]! or prpter in the whereupon an] ^ind of Arches arc built. n°fe 1 Pigliare paróla, to take ones word or afju- rance by parol. Pigi tare partito, to ta\e boli or yefolvc of anv match or refutation, or courfe. pigi are pena d’ uno, by Met. to punifbof to fee onepunifhed. Pigliare perilvérfo, to u\e by the right grain, wood, or by afte, as bath been futa for Pigliarle il panno. Pigliare pòrto fo come into Haven, to come to a barbo uro. Pigliare pruóva , to ta\e a. try al, to ma\e proof of. Pigliare querèla» to pick or take a quarrell m band. Pigliare piede, to ta\e good footing. Pigliare sedo, to take a right courfe. Pigiare sópra disè, for a man to ia\e up¬ on him. pigliare terra, to land , to come tofhore. Pigliare veleno, to take poifon, totale or conceive Jpigbt or rancor. Pigliare vendetta, rotate revenge . Pigliare vento , to ta\c breach or wind , by Met. to paufe upon. as of a Bridge. Pignora, adiftrefte, adiflraining , orfe- queftration of goods or cattle by courfe of Law, alfa a pawn, a morgagey a bail, a furety , a main-prife. Pignoraménto , as Idaggìménto,#/ - Scque- ftramento di cófe, a di framing or ftifing upon any thing by courfe of Law, aiflrefs or feque (Irati jn, an attachment of goods or cattle. Pignorare, to dìflr din, to fequefter, or to attach any thing by courfe of Law, afo to pawn, to morgage, to baiato be furety for, to bind by ajfur ance. Pignoratane, Pignoianza, as Pignora¬ ménto, alfo a pawning or binding by afju- rance. Pignorativo , that may be attacbed,difilrain- cd or fcqucftrcd by courje of Law, alfo that maybe bailed or nffurtd, pawned or morgage d. Pignorante, a fmell-feaft, a pa afttical f ite alfe r up and down for good cheer. Pignorare, to. (meli feafts to fnealfiip and down for good cheer lilfc a parafile. Pignuóla, a kind of grape. piovre ùna imbeccata, m infreddare , ] Pignuóli,® l?ignó:chìyi(/ó « \M sfDuc\ " orwidgin. Pigo, a fifh called in Latin Cyprinus. Pigolamento, the pipping or caclfhng of a chicken, ihe jangling or fqueaì^ng, or chatting of a chough , a daw, a jay, or a Piot, by Met. an hypocritical whining , a diftcmbling puling , a low-whi(peeing, a | buiging-noife, a grumbling as of one that is never contented. Pigoldre, Pigiolare, to fquea\ or cac\le , to pip as a chicken , a chough , a d iw or a pint, by Met. to whiter and fpeak low y to whine , to pule , 10 mutter and grumble lilfe an hypocrit, or one that is never plea- fed, alfo to waver in mind. Pigolóne, Pigiolóne, a grumbling bypoc,it, one that is ever wining and puling. Pigóne, as Pigma, Pigózzo, as Picózzo. Pigramma, as Epigramma. Pigramente, adv. idly, la\Uy , flowly, la¬ ther ly, flub fully. Pigri tia, Pigrézza, Pigtcdinc, Pigritudi- ne, Pighertà) Pigricà, flotb,idle/icfte,li- themefjc, lanfineftc, (l aggi fi uff e. Pigro, Pigróne, PigKero, idi , latteftitber, (loth fu Ijfluggiflj, ftuggard. pihuólo, as Piuiólo. Viifsimo, mo ft pious, mo ft godly. Pilaggio, Piaggiare, as P eleggiate. Pilàndra>^Pa!andra, alfo a k'-nd of foul. Pila, any great Ccftcrn or trough of ftone to hold water , alfo a Font in a Church, alfo the bowl of a Fountain, a l aver orwafh- pot , a wafhing-bowl, alfo a d im, an arch, or baye mad.' of plants or pilt ,‘o bear oft' the force of waters, alfo any high-reared pile or frame , a high Pillar or Column, a high fcaftbld , a pile of fta\es, a ground¬ work for any building,alfo a round ball or bowll, or the top of fome (ice pies, alfo that fide of a piece of money, that we call Pile, but in Rozie it is frequently fifed for a pot to boyl meat or any thing in. Pilóni , fouldicrs that fight with darts or javelins, look Pilo. Pilano, a Captain of Pilóni. alfo totale a bribe. . \ Pigliare un Granchio, look Granchio. Pigliarla con uno , to pick a quarrel with one. Pigliarla per uno,*0 ta\e ones part or quar¬ rel in hand. Pigli jrE a capigli , to tugor ta{c hold of one anothers h.ur. Pigliarli cura j for a man to take care or ibvtghtfor. Pigliarli péna, for one to take pains c r tiou- ble bimfelfabout anything. Pigliata, Pigliartiénto* as Prefa. Pegliatóre, a taker, a receiver. Piglio, a hold-faft, a taking-hold , a catch¬ ing, alfo the fir ft impnffion of a mans afpert. pigma, a Greek mcafure of about two and twenty inches. Pigmaico, Pigmèo, P igmey, or D.mdi-prat like , hk'- a Dwarf. Pigménto, metaphorical , figurative , and guilful [peecbes, figures,ornaments, or co- lours ofRetonck , al(o Painters colouring rings or ground-colours, alfo the Oak °f Jcrufilcm, by Met. womens paintings dr artificial complexions. Pigmeo, a twattle, a pigmty, an elf,a Dan- diprat, forni fay they be a l( in d of Spirits, engendred of the corruption of the earth , as the Scarab is of horfes dung, pigna, a pine-apple, alfo the furnace tint hcateth a (ioae or hot-houfe , by Met. a cluftcr cr bunch of any fruit. Pignatta, Pignatclla, any k} n d of earthen pot or tup km to boil meat in. Pignvttiro, d potter t a piplfm-tnak^r . Pigna :to, a kind of c'.ofc basket. Pignéntc, painting, alfo trufting. Pigitele, Pingerc, pingo, pinfi, pinto, to painty to colour, to (lain, to draw , to de- feribe, or to fet forth the forth or fljape of any thing in colours, alfo as Spingere. Pignéto, a grove 0 wood, of Pine -tre s » Pignite, a kind of Tèrra figillata. Pjgno, a pine-apple-tree. Pilào, hath been ufed fur butter. Pil. re,to pile together,took Pila ,ani thereof frame the verb , alfo .1 pain in a womans bre-.fts, enufed by fome hair fw.iUowed by chance in dr inking-,which ceafeth not un¬ tili it be fucked out, or go out of its own accord. Pilar Idei ru Piraufla. Pilòro, Pilario, « Jugler , a. Player cf Id- ger-demain-tricks. Pilaftrare, to fet with pilafters, Pilaftrata, PUaftraraénto, a rank of pila- flcrs, f illers or ftde pofts. Pila.ìro, Pii a ftróne, Pii a dr él lo, any kind of pilafter, pillcr, cr column , alfo a ftde- po jl, an up-cheek » or °f a door, a chimney, or a window. Pilate, a kind of hard white ftone. Piloterò, the name of an bea , b. Pilato, piled, flaked, look Pilo- Pilatura, mullets to pull out hairs with. Pilatro, the name of droot. Piieggi re, to pillage , to forage , alfo to wend or wander, Piléggio, pillage, forage. PilclJ a , the dim. of Pila, alfo the bottom of a well, where the water bubbles up. Pilcllo, as Pcdcllo, nlfo a Gol Ifmiths tool. Pilénto, a kind of Coach or Chariot. P ileo, <1 hat or Cap of maintenance and libcttj, as fome Bifhops ufe • or as the Lord Maior of London ’s Sword-bearer weareth on, fot mn dates, which they call the Cap of Maintenance. Pilétide,a ftrname o/Pallas. Pii e nfiaste fp'ccn. Piliérc, any JiundingpiUar. Pilifórme, one of the fmallefl membranes of the eye, before whofe glaftie humour it Ilands. Pilidrcllo, as Vipidrcllo. Pilla, as Pillala , alfo a flack or pile of wood, alfo a fire of great logs, Pillacchera, as Zacchera- Pillaccherare, as Z accherare. Pillacchere a dodger , a ntieher 3 a t Chuff. Pillacchtrcfo, as Ziecherófo. Pillala. Pillata, a lime-pit, a Tanvtrs-pit s alfo a Tbrufh or Black-bird. Pillicela, as Pelliccia, See. Piliolàre, to m ^e mm ,ound pills , alfo to mmifter pills unto. Pillole, all manner of p' !ls. Pillole fetide, a Ifin l of ftinkyng pills. Pillonare,fo pun with ape ft el. Pillóne, a pcftcl or mortar, as Pilóne. Pillófo, hai,y,as Pelófo. Pillóce, Pillótte, a d:(h made of flrfh well punned id a mortar with flore of jpice and made round. Pillotta,Pillóttola, Pilétta, any round bundle or clue , a round pill, a hand-ball , fnow ball , a ball of wild fire, a bottom of tbrtd, alfo a bafting-ladtc , ora larding pin. Pillottare, Pillottolare, Pilottare,*o wind orrowl up round, top'ay at hand-ball to toffc balls, to fling [now-balls, alfo to bajtc roft meat , alfo to lard meat, by Met. to bang, to fwaddle, or rib-bafte with a cudgel 3 or Cows pitafte. Pillottata, Pillottolata, Pilotata blow given with a ball , namely with a fnow-ball, or with a baffling ladle or with a larding-pin, or with a cudgel. Pillotto, Pillótcolo, Pilótto , abafling- ■ ladle, alfo a larding-pin, alfo a lard, l:t , a piece of lard (tuck » rofie-meat, alfo .1 kind of braffe coin , alfo a wicker basket- B h b 3 Pil- P I N | Piluccare, Pilucare, to picb or pullout one by one, namely hairs or feathers, to puh . up clean m a chi elfin do-b co n j to glean clean, by Met. to mdefl and vex one, dl- fo to dodge , to palter or wrangle about trif.es, Pilluccóno > Pilucóno , a clean pic\er,a clean gleaner, by Met. a paltry wranglr, a dodging pinch-penny, a miserable dodger. Pullulare, Pi.lule, as pillole. Pilo, Pi'one, a Javelin or long dart with a Jba'rfi head of Ite. I it one end, alfo a pile, a fake, or piece of t'mber driven into the water, or a great rammer to dri ve it in, alfo a punner or peflle of mortar , alfo a pillar or pilajter , alfo a pile or way- marlf Pilòro, the (lomicb , or m iw-gut, that is, the nether orifice or mouth of the ven¬ tricle , which tranfmittetb the meat chang' d into the entrails. Pilotila, Pilozzcle, Moufc-ear. pilefo, as Pcluf.. Profanila, as Ph liignomia- Pilòta, a Pilot , a Sea-guide, a Steers¬ man. Piloteggiare , to play the Pilot, to fleer a dee Pilóita, Pilocte, as Pillotta. Pima co, PimacciJrc, as Piumaccio. Pimento, - I'idow-wmt, Spurge-olive. Piroméo, as Pigmeo. Pimpinèlla, burnet or pimpernel, Pina, Pinacolo > i phiacle of a flccple,a high j Turret,alfo a Pine-apple-nut. P inaccia, Pinafla, Pinazza, a Pinnace. Pinacotèca, a prefj: topLace pitture* in. Pinato, a grove of pine-trees. pinato, a pinafler or wild pine tree. pinca, a womans quaint. Pincardo, a Ifind of gun or piece. Pincata, a thru ft with a Pinco. Pince, the tip or edge of the bottom of a beajls-hoofjOr that part, which in tread¬ ing fu ft tuucbcth the ground, the view of a D er, See. Pinctrna, Pinzcrna , a Fill-cup , a Cup¬ bearer, a waiter on a Princes cup. Pncécte, pincers or [nippers. Pinch elione, Pine elione, a chopping boy, a tall (tripling. Pinchino, Pincino, a beloved lad , aprime- rndf, a datiti, a pillicotlf, a (tilling. Pancia, a minilfn lafje, apigfnty,i darling, a dilling, a minion. Pincióne, as Piccióne, alfo a bun, a rout,or manche! of bread. Pinco, a piU'Coclf, a prirff. Pincóne, idem, alfo-a wanton gull. P inda rezzare, to pindariy, to affi ft fol¬ to fp ah nicely and quaintly. Pindacélli, a bind of furrows. Pi nelle, a fire-for h to fir the fire. Pinéta, as Penccdano. Pinéte, Pinato, a grove of pine-trees. Pinétte d’ Abéte, fine-tree apples. Pin^erc, as pfgnere. Pingue, very fat. Pinguédine,Pinguctudine, fatlintjje. Pin! èra , a \indof building now out of ufe. Piniiero, pine-trees bearing. Pinna, Pinnóla, Pinnula , Pinne, the flat fi ip of any thing, as the fin of any f wim- ing fifh, the flap of a mans ears, the foies of a water-mill weel, the outward fides of a mans nofe or nostrils , the ere fi of an helmet, the m after or chief feather of a J ba rb, or fume other great bird , alfo a \ Nacre-fifh» alfo as Pina. I o p I p Pinnàto, ruòta pinnàta, a wheel that hath broad floats. Pinnofilace, Pinnotéro , a bind of fhell- fifh, or little Crab.fifh, that is ever hunt¬ ing , and in company of the Nacre- fijb. Pino, a pine-tree, alfo a 'bind of wtter- fljwer, by Met. the whole bul{ of a fjip , alfo a pinnace. Pinocchiata, as Pignoccata. Pinòcchi i, as pignócchi. Pinola, a through-fight t of fonie called the fights of Alhidada , through which the f height of the Sun is ta\en, &c. Pinta , a meafure called a pint, alp as Scinta. Pincarélla, Pinterina, a little pint, alfo the name of an hearb. Pinto,painted, dyed, (laincd, coloured, lim¬ ned, alfo as Spinto. Pintóre, a Painter, a Limner, a Drawer. Pintura, any painting or pitture. Pinza, a bind of tart or white-pot. Pmzare, to cram or fill full as an eng, or up to the throat. Pinzo, Pinzocheraco, full fed, crammed , gorged or glutted. Piombatura, a leading, a covering or fa fi¬ ning with l ad, alfo lead-fern piny s. Picmbcllo, any plummet or pel/etof,lead that Marrincrs ufe to found ;h. Sea with, as Scandaglio , alfo a leaden plummet , that Carpenters or Mafons ufeto. v t any thing With downward, alfo apice, of lead to rule a boob with $ affo a leal or (lamp of lead fixed to any m rch indifr alfo a play , that fcbool-boys ufe with a plummet of lead tied tb a thad, which cafling up, they feeb to catch in tb ? hollow end of a fticb , alfo a bird called a Dop- Cb.ClfW, ' Piotnb.'o, of the quality oflcad. P'Oiri lieroj lead bca.irtg. Piombino, Icaiifh, 0/ lit colour , „ , tm - t “f M Piombcllo, hi Met. heavy , lumptfh, btocQfh i ftu- Piómbo, the metal-lead, by Met. a Cat a-■ ratto fu fi'ud on of the eyes , alfo beavi- mf]e, lump fb'iefje, Icadinrffe. Piombo argentario. Tin orPeauter. Piumbo arfo, as Litargirio. 1 lómbo bianco, white lead, tin-glaffe. Piómbo nóffro, biadar making le. id. Pinzochera, Pinzata , is properly a wo- Piombifii tcady.fuìlìriead mm.lhat voluntarily vow.lh eh ftily , Piombofftà, leadllhnck- ’ wnboidcntringintonnyrdigiouihoufe , PiompioZalrc, lo tire or gorge on m-.u to but it is now taben for an Hypocritical devour with greedineffe ^ n fami, or puritanical aroo.au. ; Piompiozzóne , a ravenous devoum, a Pinzocch.rare, to aft, to play, or live as an beUy-gorging cormorant Hypocritical Pizzòcchero. , Pi 6 ppio?Piópp 0 .apoZftr" "wc 10 ’- F , rKro f order of P. 6 „, 0) cloudy, lo,ni, fgl oomy, fog,, and Saint Francis, bur gcneiady now ujed for dus\ic weather 1 ^ ™" y r m 2 '*ff mb J‘ r t m ,ka Piót3 ’ tbl “ "ft^r ‘l’Ut a Ipade r!!Ì‘l J’ °,l m ( ch 'fUf s oM- : W‘tl dig up ani L!d, alfo a green tiff of Z“ h & 4 ‘ u P on >‘r alfoak ndof Rjh fifh, Dante bath nfed it for the fole of a mans foot. Piatire, to turf, to cover with turfs. P iotcolare, to enfi or play at quoits. * Pióttole, flit Itones, cafting quoits. Pióttolo, as Pìviólo* Piova, as Piòggia, a rain. Pionaivolo, rainy, mining,dri^fy. Piovana acqua, rain-water. Piov-.no, a Parifh-priefi or Vitar. Piov égo, a Magi (Irate in Venice that ex¬ amine: h all contratti of ufury. Piovclicare, Pioviginàri, tornile, to dri- ^/f, to rain gently. Piovente, raining, fhowring. Piòvere, Piòvo, Povéi, Piovuto, to rain or fhowre down. Piovevole, that may rain. Piov.alc, Pitivigginófo, driving,mining, gently raining. 1 Piovigina, Piov'tea, a miffing or driving rain, a fcottifh mifl. Piovitore, a miner, afhowrer. P iovuto, rained , fhowred down. Pipa, the pip of a hen, alfo a pipe for to tabe Tobacco in. Pipare, to pip or clucb as a hen,\ alfo to pule as a hawb s a (f 0 t0 ta k e Tobacco in any pine. Pipnm, the pipping or cluc\ing of a chicb’in or hen, the puling of a hawb , a childs puppet , Pipatióne , a pipping , a clucking, a pu- ling. Piperélla, as Nigella. Piperite, Pipérna, Ginny, Indian, or Ca'c- cut-pep per, or Cecb-Wecd, Pipi ne, to wbor or cry as a Dove. Pipiglione, a butter-fly, alfo a bind of Ad¬ der, alfo a Night-bat or Rear-moufe. Pipióne, Pipioncéilo, as Piccióne. Pipita, as Pira. -^- .. W - ^ VJ 5 feeming Puritan, alfo a bind of figgs,alfo as Pinzi. Pinzóne, as Pincione. Pinzuto, fl ing, flalbing, alfo long and fb.irp. ■ Pio, Pia, pJi, pious , full of piety, godly, de¬ vout, religious , righteous, loob Pia. Piadóre,rfl fiate or tile a houfe. Pióde, (l itc-finnes, or great tiles. Pioggia, a rain, a (hower of rain. Piòggia ftrabocchévole, a furious fhiwer. Pioggia le, raini[h,fhowring, driving. Pioggiana acqua, rain-water. P ioggiare, tn rain orJljowre down. Pioggiófo, fhowring, full of rain. Pióla, Pjólla, as Pialla. Piolare, Piolire, Piollare, as Piallare, alfo to pule or chirp. Piombaggio, a mine or vein of lead or fil- ver, alfo lead-ore or earth, alfo the lead- fone. Piombaggine, leadfhneffe, dufi or ferapings of lead, the quality of lead, alfo the bcarb lead wort, alfo the leffer wild-tea\lc. Piombatóia, Piombaruóla, a plummet of lead , as that which Sea-men ufe to found or fathom the Sea with. Piombar e,to lead, to cover, to fod r> or to faften with lead , to level or found any depth with a plummet of lead , by Met. to plumb or fall down-rigl t heavily and violently, alfo to hurl or fling with vio- l nee. Piombaro, a Plummer, a dealer in lead. Piombaia, a leading, a terrace of lead upon any houfe or Church, we call them leads , alfo a pellet of lead with iron p:\ts in it, ufed to be flung into an enemies camp,alfo a plumbing down-right, a funding with a plummet of lead. Piombato, leaded, made of lead. Piombacóre, a plummer, a founder of depths, Mfo he that Jtamps the popes bulls. P I R P I S P I T Pipire, Pifco, Pito, as Pipate* Pipiftréllo, as Vipiftréllo. I Pipita, its Pipata» alfo the tender top of any bearb or bough. Pipicula, thewort-wales,tbe liurage or s\tn going about the n.nls. Pippa, a pipe or a But for Wine, alfo a certain meafure. Pippionata, as Fagiolata, alfo a gudgeon given or fwallowed. Pippionare, fo pigeon, by Met. to gull one, or ma^c one to f wa How a gudgeon. Pippión z,as Piccióne» by Met. a filly gull, one that is foon caught and trapand. Pippo, a nic\-name that poor Countrey people call their tame Afj s by. pira, a pire or pile of wood made in and- | ent times to burn dead men in, a Funeral 1 fr e ; Piragóne, Pirale, l>olf Pirauita. Piràna ,alfind of ro\m dropping from the tret i lied Merodion. Piramidale, piramidal, jharp above, and b ad below. uiumg P.ramide. a piramid , a machin or b jmad bio id or four-fqttarc beneath 3 and . andfharp upward , a geometrical oc *y, frond beneath, and {harp above, alfo pile in ar morie. Pirata, a Pirate or roavtr at Sea. Piratàre, to rob by Sea, to commit piracie,to be a Pirate. Piratia, Piratica, Piratismo, piratic , rob¬ bing by Sea- pir'ufta, Pirale, Paragóne, Pirigóne, a a fly ever hover mg about the flame of a candle y a candle-fly, a fire-fly , a miller- fly, a fowl or a bijljop-fl), fome fay that it is a find of worm bred and living in the fire, and going from it dyeth pre- fently. Pirchio, a fly clofc pinch-penny, a miching- ebuff. Piréna vite, a Ifind of (ad yellow vine or grape. Pircne, a (lone li\e an olive-fione. Pirètro, pe littorie or fneefing wort Pii go, a company of horfemcn in battle con¬ taining fourty Souldiers. Piria, a funnel, alfo a mill-clapper. Pirigóne, /fl"^ Piraufta. Piriólo, a fpigoe, a barrel-top, Vinteners call it a force-head, a robinet or coc £ for a Conduit. Piriphrin me, a fiind of venomous and fiery red frog or to id. Pirite, a Ifind of marcafite or fire-fione, which being rubbed will burn ones hands, whereof mill-fiones are made. Pirlare,to twirl o-r turn round. Pirlo, a twirl , a nun, a whirligig, alfo any round peg or pin. Piro, as Péro. Pirobolario, a firc-flinger. Pirofilo, a tfind of fitry-ftone. Pirografia ,a de [cripti on of fire. Pirògrafo, a dcjcriber of fire. Piróis, the fiar of Mars, alfo the name op one of tbcborfesoftheSun. Piróla, bearb Virol or winter-green. Pirólo, any turned or round wooden peg or pin, namely of a mufical Inflrument, alfo one of the nine pms or \cels, alfo a pri¬ ming ir on,alfo a winding ftopple of a glaffe or flagon, alfo as Pirlo. Piromante, a deviner by fire. Piromantia, divination by fire. Pironare, to pin or peg in, to bolt or prime . A in, to prime a piece, affo to tal^e hold of with a carving forti, to enfor\\ as Italians do their meat. Piróne, a forti to carve or eat meal withall any wooden peg or pin, as a hnch-pin, a cheevmg -bolt, a prime pin, alfo one of the wheels of ac'oct^. Pironomia, the art of peeping of fires. Pirópo, a Carbunctfle-flone. Pirolachne, as Camelea. Pirotecnia, all manner of fire-worths. Pirótico a caufiicth, ftrvmg in fie ad of fire to re fiore life in decaid part. Fiottare, to pierce a piece of wine. Pirótto, as Piriólo. ! Pirofarro, Spelt-corn. Pirréra» as Pietraiia. Pirrica, a tfmdof fong to dance by, alfo a ! dan cingiti armour. Pirrico, a foot of verfe confifiingof two ' flwt fyliables, fo called of the nimble mo- < ving m Pirrica. Pirrita, a fiery fl int-[lone. Pirrocorace,Pirricoraz.z.o, iofe bo'h time and labour. Pifciare nc'vc, prov. to pifje fnow y to fpend and w ift riotoufly. Pifciatóio, a p'ffmg conduit, a piffing place, a pifle-pot. Pariamola, the pifje-fcald, a burnt- pricif.' Pifcia vino, apifje-wine, a drunkard, one wb " p fjeth bn Eflatr again ft the walls, as ih. French do io[]e their Eftates againft the walls rt Tennis. Pifcina, a p jfing conduit,a piffing place, alfo % a pond or watring place for caule, alfo a pond,a vlacc or (hop to focp fifh in, alfo as Pifciórta. Pifc ino, bom under Vifccs, alfo of quality or nature of fifh. Pifcio ,piffe, urine, fiale. Pifciótta, Pifciózza, Pifcicélla, a piffe- Ifitcbin. Pifciócto, a piffing place. Pifc, falfe dice , high men or low men, high fullams or low fullams . P Pél li, all manner of fmall pea fon. Pifellóne, a long peafecod,by Met, a logger¬ head, a flj.iptlefje wit or paté. Piféra, as Stadèra. Pifide, a fynd o[ brafen pot that Alchymifts ufe. Pifi pifi, as Pifii pifli. Pifillréllo, Vipìflréllo. Pifitare , to chirp osa fparrow or a flare. Pifitatióne, any chirping. Pisi tra, a Plaice fifh. pifo, hath been ufedfor Pélo. Titolare, to flnmbcr or be drouije. Pifolóne, a jlumbcrer, a drouije-head. Fifóne, as Peftéllo. Pifpigliàre, Pifpiglio, as Bisbiglio. Pifpinél'i, fu me igufhmgs or fpinningsout, namely of bloud ur water 0 Pispifia, Pifpóla, a wagtail, a wren. i pifiacàro, a wood coc{ or afnipe , Piffafaltóne,^ manner of pitch . 1 PitVeleóne, Pifldéo, oyie made of pitch „ Piflìacantho, the barbery bufh or box - thorn. i , P'itfìdc,the boUowaefs wherein the \nic\le- t b °™ ‘urneth, alfo a pix . Pigino, oyle made of Lillies. , Pjflìpiflare,£0 pfe, to whooJJjt i alfo to buT^e or whi per ve\y low. Pi/fipiffi, pfi, wboofht, fìill a alfo a low whifpring. Piffoceróne, the fecond wax that bees ma{e, finer and thinner than Comofino. tfio e palio, a ifind ofboyes play. Pitia, Pillare, as Pella. Pillacchiata, a pafle or fauce made of fi- Jlicl^nuts or pifiachios. Pillacchio, Pillacco, a fiflk\ nut or blad¬ der, by Met. a clac\ with ones fin¬ gers. : Piflaaa, as the bearb Saétta, Pilléllo, as Pellcllo. Pillérna, abufiard , P illico, a /find of fifh. P iflilénte, as Peftdénce. Pillo, as Póllo. Pillo! ia, a Town in the Grand-Du\es Do¬ minions, allufively éfler da Pillóia to be afoot-man, to beat u on the hoof. Piltóio, a quern , a paper-mil /, any band- mill to pun or bray things in. Pillola, an Epifile. Pillola, a piftol , a hand gun, a dag. Pi Ilo! a re, to epifile, alfo to pi fio t, to fhoot in a pi fini or dag. Pillolenza, as Pellilenza. Pillolefata, ppo, more than too much. Più d’ùna vòlta, more than once. Pili e piu, more and more. Più fiàce. Più vòlte, many time. Piùgiùfo,Pui in giu, lower. Più m là. Più lì, further beyond. Più in fu, Più fufo, higher , further up¬ ward. Più niènte, nothing more. Più ogn’ hóra ,flU more and more. Più óltre, further beyond. Più a méne, more orlejfe. p.ù qua. Più in quà, more hitherward. Più li vive, Più fi pecca, the more a man liveth, che moie he jinneth. Più tèmpo, adv. more time , longer. Più tolto, Più prètto, adv.fooner, rather , liever. Piva, any mufical pipe, namely , a bag-pip? , or horn- pipe, alfo a great butter-fly , alfo a J ly or P ot, alfo a kind of flrong- drink , Beer , Ale or mrth in fome parts of Bohcmio by Al et. a mans infirument of (in. Piva fordina, Piva lórda, a fu din put in at the mouth end of a frump-t or Comet to fliU the ( hriUnifJ «• of it, alfo a ftill horn¬ pipe by Alci, a m ns wbim-wham. Pivàro, a piper t alfo a Plover-bird. Pitie, ufed in place of Più. Piviale, as Pieviàle. Pivicamcnte, Pùbicamente, adv. pub liclfly. Pivicàrc, Pivvicàrc, as Publicàre. Pivicacióne, Pivvicatióne , as Publi- catióne. Pivico, Piùvico, as Pùblico. Piviere, Pivéro, Piviéro, a fowl called a Plover, alfo as Piovano, but properly the Precind or Junfdidion of a Parifh or Piéva. Pivina, a doun-feather, alfo a doun- bed. Piviólo Pivolo, any peg orpin, a Garden ers-dible, a poking-flick to fet ruffs, a foctyt of a candle-flick , a long tenter¬ hook, the haft of a \nife,a paddle or lit¬ tle fpade, alfo a p'lllicock. Piùle, long fire flying fquibs. Piuma» any kind of plume feather, or doun, . namely for beds or hats, ufed among Po ets , namely of Petrark for floth an'! letcbery , as fuppofed to beaded upon beds, la Góla, il fónno, e Potiófe piùme, Hanno dal móndo ógni virtù bandita. Piumacceria, an Upholflersor Feaibcr-ma kers tr idc or fbop. Piumacciare , Piumazzàre, to piume, h feather , alfo io boulfler. Piumicciàro, Piumacciére, PiumazzOo a Feather-maker , alfo an F'pho fi*. Piumàccio * Piumàcchio, Piumàzzo, a boulfler for a bed. Plumacciuólo, Piumaccio, P. tptow.iUttolmlfict.lwk Fare chio- 1 mazzuoli. Piumàlc, of or belonging to feathers. Palmare, to plume, to feather, 10 fledge . Piumato, plumed, feathered. Piuméo idounie, plumifh. Piumétn , young feathers, thifile-doun, any little feather,alfo a foft bed-quilt or coun¬ ter-point. Più migero, that bearcth feathers. Piumino, foft-doun, tbiflle-doun. Piumi piedi, feathery or rough-footed. Piumófo yfud of plumes or feathers. Pivolàrcffl peg orpin in, alfo to pip. Pivolo, as Piviólo. Pizza, a kind of itching s\urf J fluid, tet¬ ter or ring-worm, alfo a ^nd of pinched- ca k c > wafer, tart or flmnel-lrread, fo cal¬ led in Naples and Rome. Pizzacàgnoloj^Pizzacaruólo, Pizzaru- ó'o, Pizzir àgnolo, Piziicaruóltf, a huckfier , a regrater , a retailer of dry vidu ils, as our Chandlers be, by Met. Ufed fo, a m ferly chuff, abogfnoni, a pinch peonie, a pincher. Pizza di tórta di L ama, a kind of daini y tart. Pizza móf;he, a hedge- fparrow. lizzare, as Picciàre- Pizze, Pizzi, pinch-wor\s, jagging* or foillage about p a flies o, tart-crujls. “ Pizzétta, a joint in the m dfl of a port or up fet of a bit which oUr riders call a picce or compartment, whereat the Flayers of the port are fa fined. Pizzetei , tongs, langucts, lappets, labels or la tehees of any thing , alfo peaks in bands and cuffs or any other linnen. Pizzicàgnolo , Pizzicaruólo, look Piz- zacagnolo. Pizzicaqucftionijd pick-quarrel,a fearcher of qutflions. Pizzicare, to pinch, to twinge , to twitch , to fmpyto prick, to itch and fmart, to tetter, by Met . to buck, to dodge , to micb, to palter. j Pizzicarla, a place where Pizzacàgnoli, do dwell and fell their ware. Pizzicarina, a pretty wench that will make a man itch till he have her. Pizzicata, Pizzicaménto, Pizzicatura, Pizzico, Pizzicóne, Pizzicotto, Piz¬ zicotto» is properly as much as a man can pinch or ta\e hold of at once with his fingers ends 3 namely with the thumb and fore-finger, alfo a pinch, a pinching, a flipping,alfo as Pizzicuóre, by Met. any pafl-meat, marchpane, tart, cake or ban- quetting-difh that is pinched about, alfo a chtfl. r or ctotter of any thing, alfo a huc- kjing or dodging. Pizzicóre, Pizzicuóre, any itching fmart, pricking, pinching or gnawing of the heart. Pfzziga móni, Pizzica mòrti, fuch as fearcb and bury dead folks, called ufually bearers, Pizzillojtf peak,as Pizze tei. Pizzo, the tip of any thing , any peak. > iz 7 .ócchera, as Pinzochera, 'izzócchero, Pizzócolo, as Pinzóc- chero. ‘izzólo , the bill or beak of an d bird, alfo a fmall peafe . fizzóne, as I > iccione. *izzo pazzo, a k}nd of boyes play. Vacàbile placable,flexible, foon qualified, that may be appeafed. ’lacabilità, mild off waging, flexibleneffe, calmneffe. Placale, foft, low , mild. Placamento PLA Pid POD ] Placaménto, Placatióne, Placànza, any , afj'waging or appesì ig. Placàrdo, an Infcription or Table fet up in fme eminent place wherein Laws and Orders are written, printed, and then proclaimed , fme tafe it for any paper finely up again[l a wall or poji, as of an infamous pafquel or libel. Placare, to appeafe, to ajj'wage, to allay, to qualifie , to quiet. Placidamente, adv. pleafantly, gently, without noife or trouble. Placidézza , Placiditi , ealmneffe, ftill- ne(Je, quictneffe. Plàcido, plcafant, calm, mild, quiet, fliU, by Met. a fmooth tongued par afte. Phc'itirc,topleafe often. Plàciti, brafje ore gathered on the walls or (ides of furnaces. Plàcito, a firm confent in opinion. Plaga, a region of the Heavens, or of a Climate,alfo a Coumrey or coafl of a Co un¬ trey,fame ufe it for the Meridian line,fome for Piàga, fonìe for Piaggia- Plagófo, as Piagófo. Plana, as Piàna, alfo a Plaice-flfh. Planaràfi, a ìfind of plough ufed in France with two wheels or rund'es. Fianco, flat footed, alfo as Anàtria. Planct.ire, Planetàrio, planetarie. Planetifta, a Planetifl, an ob ferver of the Planets, alfo a Ifind of fi(h,fnouted and tailed li^c a Dolphin , found in the river of Ganges. Piàngo, a ìfite or a bwx&ird. Planicie, Planitc, plainncjje, cvenneffe,alfo a plain or even ground. Planiloquénza,p/d» or free (peaking. Planilóqiuo, plain or free fpecch. Planimétra , a meafurcr of lands or plains. Planimetria , mcafuring of plains or lands. Planip édh, a Comedie where the Players are bwe-footed and [imply attired. Planifphcrio, a flat foot as water fowls have , alfo bare footed. Plantàno, a trre or fruit in India. P Ialina, as Pi à (lina, alfo a coin or plate of fllver in Spain. Platinare, to fo m or (hipe,alfo to dignifie or ma\e wunby. PlafmatkSne, formahtie, good fhape, alfo a dignifying. PI àrtica, Plarticca, the art of pargeting , of ptai(tring,or of making of pots. Plataneto* a grove (f Plane-trees. Platanifta, as the fljh Planetifta. Plàtano, ibe Piatane or Plane-tree. Platea, a (bovile /-bird, which is a great encmie to the raven. Platiafmo, incongruitie in fpeecb. Platiceo,^ beafl that in winter lives in dens 3 and in fummer among the woods. Platiceroti, broad horned (tags. Platioftàlmo, an oyntment for fore eyes, made of ftibium. Plntiphi!óne,tf /find, of Tithimale. Pia is, the name of a (innew, Platonifta, a Platonift. Plàudere, Piando, Plàufi, Plauduto, or Plàufo, to appi and, lo rejoyce at with Countenance , to encourage a id fhew with dapping of hands, that we prayfe and allow of one, by Met. to (latter or footh one up in any thing. Plaudiménto, an applaufy, an applauding with prayfe, with fljooting or clapping of , bands. plausibile, Plaiisivo, plauflble. plaufita're, to mourn or wail as a Dove. plàufo, Pa,t. applauded, confentcd unto. Plàufo nóme as Plaudiménto. Plaurtro, any cart , wane, wagon, chariot or tumbrel, alfo Charles-wane near the North-pole. Plàuto, flat or (play-footed, one that gottb flat with his feet, alfo having broad ears. Plebàccia, Plebàglia, the bafe people. Plebano, as Plebcjo, as Piovàno. Plèbe, Plébbe/Zie common fore of people,the many beaded monfter multitude. Plebcio, Plebèo, Viebino, of or b longing to the common, or mean /find of people alfo mean or bafe, one of the commonal¬ ty, and of fmall account among Gen¬ tlemen. Plebicciuòla, PJcbeiuzza, the mcanefl and mofl abjeft Iflnd of people. Plebifdto, a law,a decree or a ftanite made only by the confent of the common and bafe people, without the approbation of the Senate or Gentry, PlebitàjPlebcità, bafe eftate, ignobility. Picco, Plcchojtbe (pace between the groins and the thighs. Plèiade, as Pliadi. Plenariamente, adv. fully , pleneirily , Plenàrio, plenarie, full, whole. Pleniloquenza,/WZ or abjolute fpeaiflng. V\crii\óqu\o,fullie {peaking, and to the purpofe. plenilunio , the full of the moon. plenìtà. Plenitudine, fullnejje, plenitude. Pleonàfmo, a figure in fpeecb or writing, by adding fom: needlefje word or ciraim- fiance i as in this, l have walked with my legs, and feen with mine eyes. Plethora, Pletora, ^ fullntfje of good hu¬ mours in the body, alfo a head-ache can- fed of equal abundance of the four hu¬ mours of the body. Pietro, an arfat, a bow, a fldling-ftic\ to play upon the firings of any Inftrument, alfo a (pur of br affé fet upon a figbting- coc\, alfo a me afore of a pace , a ftep fix foot or four cubits, fame fay of a hun¬ dred foot or threefcore cubits, others will have it to be as Giugéro, among Aliato¬ mi fls Pietri, be two Proccfjes breaking forth from the foundation of the bones of the temples which are vety fmall, long and hard. Pietro dèlia cófcia, the bollowncffe of the hudfle or hip-bone. Pleura, that thin membrane , fmooth s\tn or panni c/e, wh.ch clofetk, andencompaffeth the ribs of any creature on the inner fide. Pleuriti, Pleurisia, Pleurxtide, Pleuri- risia, a Plewrifle, which is an inward in¬ flammation of the upper slfln, girding the ribs and ibe fides, (hooting with a conti¬ nual feaver , and [hortnejfe of breath. Pleuritico, troubled with a Plewrifle. Pliadijibe feven ftars that are feen between Taurus and Aries, the Gallinèlle. Plicàre, as Piegàre. Plico, P lichécto, a bundle, a bolt, a packet folded up. plilóce, a flame or violet colour. Pliniànc, a fynd ef Cherries. Plinteiie, hily-dayes among the Athenians dedicated to C eres. Plifolochn, as Piftolochia. Plocitaménto , Plocitatióne , d cro\e- ing, Plocitàre, to cro\e as a Riven. Plóia, Piòta, ufed for Piòggia . Plombà'gine, Piombata, Plombéo,Piom¬ bino, wM _ fire or darts, alfo a frame to fet a table upon, alfo a butch, a prejfe or other fit place to {ecp things in, allo a piece or du fttince between P.liars. Pluviale, pluvial, rainy, drilling, PIu vièti, the birds called pluvers. P1 u viófoj rainic, (howering, dritte. • Pncuma, an in(frtration,a breathing into. Pneumàtica, all manner of wind mu l tc k; Pncumaitómfeli , fuch as with wind or inflation m the belly, thruft out their na¬ vel. . Pnigite, a flinde of hollow earth. Pnótì, a difeafe in the eyes. Pò, Poco, alfo as Può, affo the river Vo, fo called in Italy Pò, as it were Potens, powerfull and rapid. Poavola, a cbildsplaying b.ibie, Paovolàre, to play the babie. Póbbia, Póbbio, the Popler-tree. Pocàggine, as Pochézza. Poca lana, e gran rumóre. Poca uva, è mólta fòglia, prov. much a do about no¬ thing, as we fay, great boafl and fmall roafl. ' Poccia, Poccétta, Poccina- any pap , duz, tcat or udder. ^ Pocciare, to f ucl( a dug. Poecnio, quart Port cena, a rear flipper. Pochétto, Pochettino, Pochino, Potoli* no a very little in time or quantity. Pòche vòlte few or feldom times. Pochézza, Pocàggine, Pochità, paucity- fmall quantity. J Pòchi, few in number, not many. Pòchi di fi, a few dayes (met. Pochirtimo, very very little. Poetilo, a little drinking-cup. Pòco, adv. a little quantity or while, Pòco ànzi, Pòco avanti. Pòco inànzi a Pòco prima, a little before. Pòco a pòco, by little and little. Pòco a prétt'o. Pòco dapói, a little af¬ ter. Pòco curante, little caring, carclcffe. Pòco e Pòco fi, Pòco ha, not long finte. Pòco fila, c manco ftórce, a nickname for an idle hufwife. Pòco non è, it is not long flnee. Pòco O mólto, little or much. Pò co,Pochétto, very very little. Pòco ftànte, in a fmall while . Poculàre, bclongingtodrinking, Póculo, a drinking-cup. Podàgra, the gout in the feet, which they fay, is caufedby gravel gathered in thel joints. Podagra lini, as Cufcòca. Poda grico, Podagrófo, gouty. Podàrgo, the name if a dog, as one Would fay, fwife-foot or ma^e-fpeed. Podàre, Podatóre, a Poet, a writer in verfe. Poetàggine, poetijhncffe. Poetare? Poeteggiare, Po:tizzare, to po¬ eti X'-, to write poetry. Poecaftro? Poetuccio? a fmatterer in poe¬ try, a poeta fler, a filile rhimer. Poetéfla, apoet.ffe. • Poetico, Poctcfcoj Poetcvole? poetical. Poecifero, Poet-bearing. I poetifico, Poet-makmg. Pò far chè, as Può far chc, ! Poggétto? PoggerélJo, Poggiòlo? Pog- I gietto j Poggioli no, the dim. o/Póggio Pòggia?* rope in a flap,called the fiar-board ' Jheat, which, a man flanding at the Poop of the (hip, with Ins [acc toward the Prow, is ever on the right hand, by Met. the right hand. Pòggia piedi, Poggiatóio?4Ky thing to lean upon , a foot-fiay, a rowers fir etcher. Poggiar e,to fail mire on the right hand than on h left, to fail, to hull or lyc on fiar- board, alfo to mount or afeend fome bill, alio to mount or fore up as a Hawalfo topo;\e or heave up, alfo to lean upon, al¬ fo as Potare. Pòggio, Pogsiato? a hiU, a hillock, the mounting-fid; or (ieep of a hill, by Met. a turret, a high terrace,or out-butting win¬ dow, or place to fi and or lean upon,alfo a blocco mount and get up on borfe-back, alfo a high heap or flack- Poggiòlo? look Poggétto. Póglio, look Molino. Fogniamo? I t us put cafe. Pegónie? blasting fiars, that from the nether part have a main hanging down like a beard. Poi,Pófcia? then, after, afterward. Poi a pòchi dì, few dayes after. Poi che? Poi da che? pace that. Poi la nòna? in the after-noon. Poiana? a {ite, a giade, a puttoc {. Pomi, f ejh cheefc-curds. Poinaruóla? a cream-dijh. Pòh, a Chough, a Daw, alfo the folc-fìjh ca"ied a Dogs-to igne. Po .agita, Polami,n«)/ poultry orpullin. Poiana, a courfc woollen-cloth . Polanda, a Horn-flfh. Polare, of, or pertaining to the two Poles of the World,look Circo’o, Polaftraro, Polaftriere? as Poll a ft raro. polafticllojPolaftitno, as Pollaftro. Polaftreria, as Pollartela. Polaftriéra, as Pollaftnéra. Polaftro? as Polldftro- Polcclla, £ maiden, a girl, a Virgin. Pelcéllo, a batche'ler , a virgin-lad. Polcfno, a young chicken, a flea. Polcitrare, to cro{e as a Raven. Poleano, tbefirfi ordure of a Colt when he \ Polipófo? that hath a Pòlipo, is fir (t fol d. Poltdra? a Marc-colt. Polcdro? Poledrino? Polcdruccio,* borfe- Polcgio, Polezzuólo? P.nnieroy.il, Pud- dmg-graffe. Polegnie? as Pogonie. Polemizza title given to Pallas, ffgnify- ing militane or war-like. Polemónia, wild-fage, fome ta\eitfor horfe-mmt, fome for the fpatlirig-poppie frothie-poppie, or white ben, and others for the (bubble trcfoilc, called make- bat e. Polenta? bar ley-groats,a meat much ufed in Italy? efpcdally Lombardy. Polènta, as Portanza. Polefcne, Polegine, Polesine, a Venetian wor dfimpor ting half,or almo fi an ifiand , a plot of good ground among Penns, or near the waters. Polétto? Pollétto? a Pullet. Pólia? a (tone with a grayneffe in it, in man¬ ner of a (park- Poliacantho? the Sca-thifile or Caltrop thiffle. Poliada? a fumarne of Pallas. Poliantho?tfo butter-flower ? batcbellers- b ut ton, golden {nap or cup. Poliajrca, a Governour of a Citie. Poliarchia, a mie government. Policaria? flea-wort, flea-bane. Policica? a thumbs breadth, an inch. Police? Policare? a thumb of the hand, a great toe of the foot, alfo an inch . Polidória? m ignificence, liber alkie. Polidoro? magnificent, liberal. Polifilcfco, as we fay abufivcly,Foo’.ofopbcr for Philosopher. Poliga? any {ind of pulite. Poligaia, Policnémo? Poligéma? milk¬ wort, (furie or fran{. Poligamia , plurality of wives. Poligamo, a man that bath more wives than one. Poliarchia? a Monarchie divided into many parts . Poliginóide, a tyndof Climatide. Poligonaco ? white-wort, wlnte-lhifile, Salomons feal. Poligonia, Poligono? many cornered or angled, alfo that isfruitfull. Poligònio, Poligonatiónc? Poligonóne, blood-wort, [wine -graffe, {not-gi affé . Poligrammo? a Jajfer-fionc with lines in Polipo ttóne, a Conquer oicf of a City Vir¬ gili calleth 111 ides fo. Poiipragmo? a buffe enier-mtdler. Poliptóto? a Noun with many cafes. Polite, Poli to, as Pulire. Polirnzzóne, an heatb like mirtle. Polifsillabe paróle, words of many fyUa- Politamcnt e,poliJhed, neatly. Polirei lo, fmug, neat and cleanly. Politézza, Politura, neatneffe, turine cleanhntffc. J Polithcifta, one that believetb and main¬ tained) a pluralkie of Gods. Politia, policie, pohtik or civil government of a citie or Common-wealth. Politica, a boo{ of pollicie o, civil govern¬ ment of a State. Politicamente, politically. Politico, politick, cljo a Politician or Statcs-man. Polito, polifljed, neat, clean. Politica, Pplitr icòne, the hcarb Venus¬ ian or Maiden-hair. Polittico Polizón e.afione with fo rmalt ut it tl.jit tL... —-- i. ^ nit, that they feem hairs of ones Poligrafia, much writing. Poligrafo, one that writeih much. Polirumia, Polimia, one of the nine Muffs, that is to fay memorie. Polihiftria, great tyHw/afg* of many things. Polihiftro, one that k nowet b muc ^ wd many things. Polimént e,any polifhment. Polimita, a garment of cloth of Tiffue of many colours. Polincmóne, 0,igan or wild Savorie. Polino, a haw{ or bcn-loufe. Pollóne, the hearb Poley, whofe leaves in the morning are white, at noon purple, and at night green,fome ta{e it for a kind of nard or fweet (hrub. Poìiocérte, a defiroyer of Cities, [owns Deme triti s / urnamed. Pòlipo, a difeafe in the nofc called alfo Noi i me tangcrc ,breeding a piece of fltflj, that often fitfl-eth the nofe, and floppeth the wind of it, alfo as the fi(h Pólpo. Polipòdio quercino? Oaken-[earn, Poli- podic of the Oako,wall [earn,mofs-fco'rn. Polivizone, a \ind of Ariftolochia. Póliza, Polizzctta, Polizina, a note a, ticket, a fcedule or bill in written hand. Pólla, a fource, a fpring or a gufbmg out of waters, alfo a hen-pullet. Pollaglia,Pol lami. Pollaria?Pollaftreria? all manner of pullin or poultry. Pollaglielo, Pollaiuolo, Poliamolo, Pollaftraro? Pollaftriérc, a Poulterer, a Poultry-man. Pollanca, a wild-hen. Pollare, to chicken, alfo as Pullullare. Pol laro, Pollaio, a hens-mofi or coop. Pollaftreggiarc? Pollaflrare, to chick, to feed on thickens , by Met. to bawd it. Pollaftro, Pollaflrello ? Pollaftrino- Pollétto? any pullet or chicken. Pollaftriéra? a woman poulterer, by Met. a b wd that carrietb young Pullets to make fate or pofit of by pro [Unit ion. Pólle, drops, trillings, fpoudngs. Pollcdra? Pollt'dro, Polléro? any borfe - colt. Polle . are, to hen or to chick. Pollcnza? ufed for Portanza. Poll éna, a kind of pan-pudding. Polleòne? cinck-wced. Pollerà, a mare cup, alfo a hen-coop, Poliezzólo, Pollóne, Polloncéllo? any young br.vuh, tendrel 3 burgeon,[prout,bud, (bird or fucker growing about the routs of trees, or elfe newly pluck’d or cut from the tree. Pòllice? as Police, as Póliza. Pollicino, Pollino? a young chicken, alfo a little note or ticket. ¥oWit\i,horfe-dung* Pollini, a colts-teetb whereby bis age may be known. Póllo, a pullet, alfo a filile or young coir, alfo the fucker of a pump. Pollonare, as Pullulare. Pollóne, a branch or fprout of a tree. Póllo pcfto? a culhs made for the fick of the of the pulp, brawn or flefhic part of a pullet or coc {, look b if ere a póllo pe¬ tto. Pollór e,the bitblingor gujhing of waters, alfo as Poliezzólo. Pol lóro? a coot. Pollutióne ? Polutióne, pollution, difi - ling. Politico? Poluco, polluted, defiled. Polmencarro? a kind of vefjel. Polm ,\ POL Pólmo, or Polnión mirino, a fijh tb.it is | without fence , which when he appeareth,i betofoneth fio, ms to he at hand. Polmonaria, lung-wort, our Ladies wild- wort, or Coivfiip of Jerufalcm^ot»^ Arte¬ ria. Po'moncéo, adangiYous cough of the lungs, in horfes it is called the Nuvoli- gall. Polmóne, 'he lungs or lights of any creature. PoUhoikTco, of, or belonging to the lungs,of the nature of lungs, alfo a fond of light and fpungcous mufhrom , growing at the roots or flumps of old Oafotrees. Polmonófo, full of lungs, big-lunged. pòlo, the Vole, the end or point of the Axle, tree, or the Axle-tree , whereon A (Irono- meys imagined Heaven to be moved ; mafongtwo of them, one in the North> w o- tedby a / hr, called Polo 'Artico, or Pò¬ lo ursino, the other in the South, out of fight, called Pòlo Antartico, fome Poets have ufed Pòlo for the whole frame of Heaven, it is alfo ufed for any counter- poifiitg beam lying atrofie any frame. Pológnie, as Polònie. Polóne, as Morgóne. Pólpa, a lump or puh offlefh clofed inm'tf- cles without bands, the pulp, the brawn , or pith of any (UJh , fifh, fruit, or wood. In wood it is that, that may be feparated fio n the grain. Pólpa della gamba ,tbe calf or brawny part of a mans leg. Pólpa di capóne , the white brawn or pul- pons pan of a capon. Polpare, to grow brawny or pulpom , alfo to cocfoer or pamper. Polpaftrélle,or Polpettóne delle ditale pulp-tops of ones finger. Polpette , idem , alfo Olives of veal rofled. Pólpo, a pulp fifh, a Cuttle-fifh. Polpófo, Polputo fputpoiùs, brawny, pithy, flefhie, full of fubflance. Pol sare, Polfatióne,*» Pulsare. Pólfo, the moving of the Arteries, called the Pulfe, whereby the firength or wcafo neffe of the vital power is difeernsd , by Met. the panting or beating, the force or vigor of any thing, namely of the Pulfe, al¬ fo life, meins, wealth or ability , alfo a mans writ! it felf. Póltfa, Poltiglia, as Fanghiglia , alfo any batter , pap, foci orgrewel, alfo a white- pot, a bag-pudding, a bafty pudding , a pudding-pie, a pan-pudding , alfo a gob¬ bet, a collop, a lump, morfit or ficai j> of any Brawny fl.jh, al r o a poidtifie. Pohigli're, loo{ Poltiglia, as Fanghigli- are. Póltra, a day couch or bed to lye on adaics , alfo a marc-colt. Poltragginc, as Poltroneria, alfo coltifh- H;- Poltrire, Poltreggiare, Poltrire , trifeo, trito, as Poltroneggiare, alfo to filly or colt. Poltrémola, the name of a bird } as fome' fay. Póltro, Poltiuccio, a filly, a colt, alfo as I Poltróne. Pohronaccio, Poltroncine , a Poltróne ! in the fupcrl ttivc degree. \ Poltro acellffi no, mofi-mofl la%ie,or cow¬ ar d'y flothftii. ' Poltróne, Poltroni fco,Poltroniére, a pol- tron, an idle fellow, a lafoc companion, a I lither body, a bafe coward , a Haftard,alfo ab afe rafeal, a lout, a knave. Poltroneggiare,Poltronare, to play the poi tron or dafiardly-coward, to loll and wal 1 low in fiotb and litbernefs, to lye lafoiei,. I W _ - . POM Poltroneria, Poltronaggine , bafe neffe of mind, cowar discs of heart, lafoincffe, Pólve, Pólvere, any dufl or powder. Pólvere d 5 arteglieria , Pólvere dibom¬ barda, gun-povder. Pólvere di sèi allo et ado, the fine fi gun¬ powder that is. Pólvere di Spagna, the hearb Caffìs. Pó Ivere granita, or ingranila, corn-pow- dor, touch-powder. Poi veraccia, any courfe powder. Polverina, Polverino , any finali dufi or fiat powder, alfo a dufi-box, alfo a fandy or dun-colour of a horfe. Polverio, Polveriera, all manner of dufi in the air , raifed by the wind , riding w Troops , or trampling in the dufi. Polverire, rifeo, rito, Polverizzare,Pol¬ verare, Polvereggiare, to bray , to pun, to beat, to fiamp or reduce into powder or dufi, alfo to dufi, to bedufi, to fprinfoe,to firew, or feat ter dufl, to enfi dufi upon, as we fay, to corn , alfo to cover vines at the root,that they may tafo and profpe Polverina, a powder- ma for. Polverizzi bile, that may be reduced into dufl or p rwder.. Polvtrófo, Polverulente , dttfiy , full of dufi or powder. Polverofici, Polverulcnzi, dufiinefft. Polvizze, a fwclling in a horfe. Polurióne, Poluto, lool^ Polluro. Polzclla, a maiden, a virgin. Polzellaggio, puciUge, virginity . Polz onare, to pounce. Voìzóne, a pounce. Polzonél li» Polzonctti, the two buttons with honfo at the ends, which paffe through the branch, and bold the water- chain. Póma, Póme, Pómo, Póni', any fond of Api l : ingenerai , loo{ Póme and Pómo, for divers fonds , lool^ alfa Mèle or M la. Pomarancia, an 0 cenge- fruit. Pomarancio, an Orenge-trce. Pom 'rio, Pométo, an Apple-yard. Pomaro, a Coflard-munger. Pomata, Pomada, lip-fatve,Voma\o. Pomato, the name of a colour drawing to¬ wards an apple. Póme, Apples , loo\ Pómo, pommels or round {nobs, alfo the name of a Play ufed much of children in Florence, fomwhat l fo our ptarlcy-brca'i , which they call Giuocare alle póme. And who efcaptih unta fon , and comes to his place or goal again, they fay Ritornare alle póme,tfae mid-place where the players fi and, thiy call Mezzo póme. Póme difdtgno, Póme difdegnófe, a fond of round gourds or pumpitms fomwhat Ufo a great apple, alfo a fond of made difh , that Confo mafo sound as apples. Pomèga, Pomèla, as Pómice. Pomeggiare, to apple, to pommel, to grow lifo an apple, to play with apples. Pomélla, Pom èlio, the pommel of a fword Or dagger, the round head of any thing , namely of a pin , alfo the round berry of a- ny tree. Pomellare, Pomettarc, to pommel or feta round head upon,to grow round as a berry, alfo to foot as young fruit, by Met. to fpot or be (pic foe , as it were with round [pots, alfo ( as Heraulds jay ) to powder in Armory. Pomellato, Pomettato, pommeled , having a round head, round as a berry full or wrought with round foobs , by Met. round (potted, dapple-grate , flea-bitten , alfa pometie or powdred in Armoiy. p o M P ométto, the dim. of Pómo. Pomeridiano, in the afteraom. Potiiolice, loo{ Pompholice. Pomicare', toflee\witb apumy-Jian?. Pómice, a pumice or pumy-(tone, any fleefo ing-fione. Pomicino, any little apple, as Pimo d’ Adamo. Poni : ufo, Potti\cco,f]i.’,ngeoU!,dry, rugged, full of boles or pores lilgi a Pmice-jtme. Pondero, an apple-yard, an apple-tree. Pomhero, apple-bearing. Pom.lióne, atwattle , a dandiprat,a dwarf. Pónimene , in liew of Me ne può, to me can thereof. Ponimi, as Mi póne, or Mi può ,puts me, or placetb me, or can me. Pómo, any fond of apple-tree , nr apple fruit in general , by Met. any round head, foob t or pommel, as of a fword, a dagger , or a faddle, a pins-bead, the bead of an.nl, the apple or ball of a mans eye , a round ball or globe on the top of a fpire-flee- ple , alfo the Mound, the Globe or round ball, that Princes at their Coronation hold in their band , called the Imperial Mound. loo{ Mèla. Pomo arancio, Pómo rancio, an 0cenge. Pomo A Firio, Pómo citróne, a pome-ci- citron, an Aflìrian apple. Pómo appio, or appió!o,//a£ apple greening. Pómo cotógno, a quince-apple. Pómo d’ Adamo, Adams apple, which hath naturally a dent in it, about and beneath reprefenting a bodies teeth as having at¬ tempted to bue of it and fo left the im- prejjion , a’fothe rotlnd bunch or foiob , that fome have in their throat, as in Pie¬ ra ont, and at the foot of all the Alps, which is f appo fed to be occafioned by the drinfoing of fnow-watcr , for as men that drin{ more wine are not fo generally in- f fled with fiub bunches, as the women who dnn\ more water than wine. Pómo dèlia ièlla, the faddle-pommel, al'o a mans See. 1 Pómo dèlia fpada, the pommel of a fword. Pómo del pèzzo, that round foob or head of metal , which in cafl-pieces is fixed to the breech,and mxfos them moveable and ! manageable. Pómo di pino, a Pine-apple. Pómo di ftate, the Summer-apple. Pómo d’invérno, a winter-apple . Pómo d’ òro, an orenge or golden apple. Pómo gram agno, Pómo guacciólo , thè pome-w atn. Pómo granato, Pómo punico, a pome-gra¬ nate. Pómo mèdico, the Me di an-dp pie. Póm® nano, the dwarf-apple. Pómo paradifo, the Paradife-apple. Pómo pio, the pear-apple , the pear • main , the ptme-poir. Pómo règio, the apple-pippin. Pómo rófa, the rofe-apple. Pómo ruggine, the rufjeting-dpple. pómo téfto, the cofiard-apple. ‘ pómolo, Pomol no the dim. óf Pómo. I pomóna, a Goddeffe among the Vagans, of their apples, and. other tree-fruits. I p 0 mófo ,full of, or round as an apple. | Pómpa, pompjfiatelineffe, fumptuoufneffe J j glorious oflentation,magnificence,bravery) vain-glory, alfo a folemn fight or Jhow ,i alfo a pump of water. Pómpa funébre, a funeral pomp. Pompare, to pump water . i Pompeggiare, to jhiw pomp, or fi at cline (fé , 1 to live pompoufly-to flant, or rant it. Pompérto, a finical fellow, a gay lad, a[ fump nous fiantcr or ranter , 1 C c c i _Pom-* POP POR PON potnpholke, Pomfolice, the foil, that cornctb of brajje, called N:U, which is fo light, that it jlyes away , alfo Tuty, la Pompholke divora le piaghe insino I alla òlla. ] Po mpllo, as Nauti lo. IPompofii, pomp } pompoufncffe. Pumpófoj Pompeggiànte, pompous, fiate ly, fumpiuoiiSjfull of pomp and magnificence. Ponaroj a hens laying nejt. Fonare, to lay eggs as hens do. Ponchiafi, a Chief Prefident in Chino. Pondera, a griping or gnawing in ones belly , 1 alfo a bile , a blain, a pufh. Pondciàbile, Pondercvole, ponderable. Ponderare, to ponder, to poi to weigh. Ponderànza,Ponderaménto , Pondera¬ tézza, Ponderatióne , Ponderczza , Ponderofità, beavincjje, pondero ufneffe, weigh tinejje. Pondèrófo, ponderous , weighty , heavy. Pondero, a publick weigb-boufe. Póndo, Póndi, Pondóra, a pnife, a heavy weight, alfo a \ind of grievous bloody « flux. Ponente, down-lying, couch ant, the Sun- fet , alfo the ivefl-wind or part of the it'arid. Ponènte garbino, the South n'efl wind. Ponènte libécchio, the iJ'cfl and by South wind. Ponente raaeftro, the North weflwind. Ponènte tramontana, idem, ponentino, alfe [lerlj man, by Met. a layer down. pónerc, as Pórre, with all the phrafesflook Poire. Ponfolagine, as Pomphollcc. Pongcnte, pricking, flinging, jharp. Póngere, as Pugnerò, to pric{. Póngi lingua, as Pungi lingua. Póngi tòpo, as Pungi tòpo. Pong icóre, a pricier, a finger. Pongin': ra, a pricking, a flinging. Pongiuto, pricked, flung. Póngolo, as Pungolo, a prick- Poniamo cafo, Poniamo figura, let us put cafe j let us prefuppofe. PonimcntOjflfty putting. Ponitóre, a putter , a layer. Pón lo, Pón li, put him, put them. Pónno, as Póflono, they can. Pónca, as Punta, &c. Pomaglic, Pontale, as Puntaglie. Pontaìétri, as Puntalctti. Ponralménte, Pomatamente, as Puntal- ménte. Pónta piedi, as Poggia piedi. Poniate, as Puntare. Pontaruólo, as Puntaruólo. Pónte, any {ind of bridge. Pónte arcato, an arched bridge. Pónte levatolo,a draw-bridge , a falling- bridge , a trap'bridgc. Pontéfice, as Pontefice. Pontéga, a bird enemy to pidgeons. Ponteggi ! re, as Punteggiare. Pontcllare, ^Puntellate, Pomèllo, as Puntelli- Pónte Siilo, the name of a common bridge in Rome, but ufed for an impudcnt,unblu(h- ing and bra\mg-face,or one that isJhame- lejfe in all things. Ponzi, bridges, alfo points or prices . Póntia, a (lopping of the lungs, or hindrance from breathing. Póntica, a pale but glittering {tone Ponticèllo, any little or narrow bridge. Ponticità, bitter Jharpneffe in tafle. Póntico , fowtr-(harp, or bitter-tart in tafle, alfo a ti(h called a Beavicr, , look Tòpo. ■ Pontificale, pontifical, Epifcopal. pontificato, as Pontificio. iPopolofita, abundance of people. Pontifico, a Chief Bifhop, but now ufed for Popolóso, populous, full of people. the Pope. Pontificio, of, or pertaining to a Pope or Chief li ijhop, alfo the place, the charge , the (late, the funtil on , or autiority of a Chief Bifhop or Pope. Ponclglio, as Puntiglio, Pontile, as Puntèllo. Poncho fjharp-pointed. Pònto, as Punto, &c. Pontogópl, as Pungitòpi. Pontonàio, a Bndgc-^ceper. Pontóne, a great Eidgc, alfo a bocUfin. Pontualc, Pontture, as Puntuare. Pontura, Pontuto, as Puntura. Ponzare, for one to (train and force himfelf to do a thing he would fain do, and can not but with difficulty proper ly as one doth upon a Privy , when be is hard-bound, and would fun cafe himfelf of his burden: I bave alfo read it, for one to Speak his wcr.ls drartnngly and flatteringly. Ponzecchiàre, as Punzecchiàrc. Ponzellàre, Ponzettàre,Ponzéllo, Pon¬ zino, as Punzellàre, Ponzc n ire, to pounce , to prie k , alfo as Punzellare- Ponzóne, a pounce,a pounccr, alfo as Pun¬ zóne, alfo as Torféllo. Pópa, he that was appointed to flrcc\ and cut the throat of fucb bcafls as were to be fieri feed, then offered them, and bound them to the Altar. Poplna, a Tavern,aTap-houfe, a Booth, a Dnnking-boufe, where meat and drink, is to be fold for poor people. Popinatióne, gluttony and quaffing. , 4 Popilióne, a butter-fite. Pop izzaménto, a blurting with the tongue inward to encourage ahorfe. Póple, the ham of ones leggs behind the knees. Poplltica, a finer? near the gartering place, which ferve s to turn the leg inward, alfo ' the name of a vein in the middle of the thigh. Pò pò, Pò poco, adv. very-very little, \ 5 òpol 1* abbondo, people abounding. Popolaglia, Popolàccio, Popolàzzo,tfee bafe multitude, tag-rag or rifraff ^ind °f people. Popolàni, certain games or furi flees, that were anciently celebrated by all the coni man people , alfo a ifind of ordinary Pea¬ ches. Popolàno, PopolaréfcojPopoléfco, popu¬ lar, of the common people, of the vulgar and ignoble kind, of the ycomandry , alfo a popular man, a yeoman , one that is no gentleman, alfa a Parifh-priefl, or rather a Pricfts man or Clark . Popolare, verb, to people any Town or place, to fiore with people. Popolàre, nom. popular , favoured of the common people, that pleafetb the people. Popolarità, Popolàggine, Popolézza , popularity, ycomandry, ignobility, alfo fa¬ miliarity with the common people, popular applaufc. Popolarnv. nte, adv. popularly. Popolatone, a population, a peopling , alfo a peopled place. Popolato, peopled, populous. Popolatóre, a peopler. Pòpolo fuggi, games or facriflces ufed an- ticntly in Rome. Popolini, catting counters. Pòpolo, people or fo'ks of a Nation or Country, alfo aTown-fhip or the whole people of a Town, alfo the white poplar tree. Poponàia, a plot of Mellon Popóne, a peapon, a musk-me Voi. Póppa, a pap, a dug, a teat, an udder. ! Póppa cazzi, a fucl^-p. an impudent whore. Poppàbile, that may be fue\t. Póppa della nà ve, the poop, the bind-deck, the tail or caflle of a (hip or gaily, by Met. the adminiflration or government of a Common-wealth. Poppàra,Popparélla, a fucking girl, alfo a childs playing baby or puppet. Poppare, Poppeggiàre, to fuck, t0 m\lk,or thaw a pap or dug-, by Alct. to feel, to grope, or wantonly to dally and play with a womans breafls or dugs. Poppelina, the dim of Póppa. Poppefi, the (brouds that belong to the poop of ijhip. Póppio, a Poplcr-trcc. Poppièro, he that hath the charge of the poop of a fl]ip,aStears-nrttn. Poppolina,r/;c dim. of Póppa. Poppóni, Pepons Or Mellons, vulgarly musk-miUons. Popò le a coróna, a garland ofPoplcr . Populóne, thè name of an hea,b. Pòpolo, as Pópulo, &c. ] P opulénta, ajirnam: of Juno. Poràggio, as Potrò, I jhall be able, in the Neapolitan diali ft. Poràcchia, the hearb Purcclane. Porafchiarc, as Rafchiàre. Pòrca, a fow, a farrowing-flow, a high ridge between two furrows , alfo a kind of engine to mount great Ordnance into their carriage. Pòrca fattrice, a farrowing-Sow. Porcàcchia, as Procàccia. Porcata, Porcàggine, Porcheria, fwiiùfb- n J] e > boggifa ffi, fìlthinefje, alfo jwine- grafje, atjo a Sows womb cut out of ber belly, and fo drefl to be eaten, which ' held for a dainty di(h. Porcàro; Porca ruòlo, t Hog-heat J,a Swine- beard, a Pm-heard. Porcàftro, a Porrei, a Porìffim , a Hoglit, an over-grown pig. Porcclla, Porchetta , a young Sow or yell, that never farrowed. Porcellàna,t/te hearb Purcclane,alfo Pur ce¬ lane -earth or d/fljes, alfo a Par cup is or purple-fljh, alfo a Sea-fnail , called Ve- nus-fhell, look Epimhtide. Porc.’lle, Porcellóne, Pòrche , ridges be¬ tween ploughed lands,a'fo the fine'Cockle _ or Scalop Jb. lls, that Painters ufe to put their colours in. Porcéllo, Porccllctto, Porcellino, For¬ chétto, a pig, a hoglin, aljoayoung Stur gion fiflj. Porcelllóne, as Mille piedi. Porchcggiaménto, any fwinijhnejje. Porcheggiàre, Porconeggiàre , to play the fwinc , to wallow m fiUbmefje. Porchèfco, hoggifl}, fw'mifh. Pórci, hogs, / wine , alfo to put us, or there. Pórci di Dio, lafle Clergy men. Porcile, a hog-ftie, a place for fwinc. Porcile di Venér e,thc hogs flic e/Venus, a womans hell. . Porcine carne, pork or fwiaes fiefb. Porcina ia, hearb Purcclane. Porcinàli , fwinc puddings. Porcine, wild hedge-pc ar s. Porcini, youngpigs,aljo a kfmd ofmufhroms. Porcini tafifi, a kind of brocks or badgers more whitifhthan the Canini. Porcino, hoggifl}, alfo fwincs dung. Por- POR Porciuto, any drycd bacon. Pòrco, a hog, a f vein a pori[, boar, alfo por\,hogor fwincs flejh. Pòrco cinghiale} a wild boar. Pòrco marino, a Sea-hog, a Porcupis. Pòrco riccio. Porco fpinófo, a pot\ufpm, an urchin, a hedge-hog. Porcónc, an old great bog. Porcile, as the fifh Paguro, fo they call it in Venice. Porczzuólo, penmeroyal, puddmg-graffe. Porfidiare, Porfiare, to wor\ porfine , alfo as Perfidiare. Pòrfido , Pórfiro , Porfirio , the porfine Jlone, which is a \ind of fine marble of divers colours, namely a darli red, fpot- ted with white , fonie call it or fir ite. porfilare, to pur fie,that is, to wor\ or over- caft with Gold or Silver threcd or twijt, or pur fie, alfo to border in arnione , alfo to hmn or draw by way of Pórfilo. porfiTo, the very middle, or middle line of a mans face, confidcrcd from the top to the bottom, that part where a juft diy'-fion maybe made thereof, ufedalfo for the furface or fiperficics of any th\ng,alfo any fold of pur file or pur fling-lace or wor\, alfo ajoaudlfin or tingling vt>or\, alfo a border in amorie. Porfiio d’un’httómo» n mans proportion, JJjapc, feature-, or outward lineaments, or molt properly the very middle or middle- line of his face, In porfiio, fide-waics, fide-faced, or half faced,as many pictures are drawn. Porfirióne, Porphiriónc, a bird called a Redfmki becaufe it bath a red bill, and long red [han{s, alfo a \tnd of Serpent in f,me parts of India, which hath a white head, and a body of a purple colour, and rio teeth 3 what he vomiteti) of his mouth, is f iid to confume whatfoever it touebetb, and it vomiteth very often. Pòrgere,Pòrgo, Pórli, or Porgci, Por- giòco, to reach forth, to offer with ones hand,to prefent,to bring or give any thing, alfo to jetty or butt forth as fome buil¬ dings do. pòrgere aiuto, to yield or reach help. pòrgere gliócchii, to fix ones eyes or loo{ upon earncflly. Pòrgere le mani, to reach forth or lend ones bands. Pòrgere orécchi, to lend ones ears , to lijten attentively. pòrgere priéghi, to pour forth Prayers, to addreffe Prayers unto. Porgiménto, a reaching unto, or offering with ones hands. Porgitóre, a reacher unto or forth. Porgiuco, Pòrco, reached forth or iffered with ones hand, alfo jutted forth. Pòri , pores, which be [mall, invifible and infenfible holes in the slfin, by which fweat and vapors paffe out of the body, Pòri, are I'l^cwife certain [wettings pro - cccding of thic\ and earthy humours ffowing unto them . Per iòne, the bulbin,thc corn-icethe wild leeii or onion. Porifma, a Confettane, that is, a thing that followeth out of things already demon- flrated. Pòro, the fin. of Pòri , among Pbyfitians it is the brawn or hard tbic{ slfin which joyncth and faflencth the breaking of grifiles and bones , alfo a Jfind of hard (lone. Porófa, Saint Johns-wort, Hipericon. Porofic'a, porojitie, ptroufncffe. Porófo sfili of pores or little bolcs,by Met. i tough, pithy and. ftrong. POR Purpo, ufed for Pólpo. Porporélla, a purplin colour. Porprefo, as Proprcfo. Porraceo, h\e unto a lee^. Porradélla, the wild lee Porrata, leepottage, as Fagiolata. Póne, Pónere,Póngo, Pón,P odo, to fet or lay down or by, to place , to [et or lay up, to putto plight, to fettle , to refi in fome place, loo\ the enfuing phrafes. Pórre a campo , topitch a field , to encamp , to lay fiege unto. Pórre a cavallo, to mount or fet on borfe- bac Jfc. Pórre aguaci, to lay ambufh or wait. Pórre al ciménto ,toput to the utmofi try al, as they do metals. Pórre al fuòco, to lay to the fire. Pórre al fòle, to expofe to utter mine and havoc\. Pórre amóre, to fettle love upon , to place aff'ettion. Pórre a mòrte, to put to death. Pórre a pericolo, to put in danger. Pórre a pic, ro u,ihorfe,to fet on foot. Pórre a.ròba, lo put to ftealing. Pórre a sbaraglio, to put to rout . Pórre a feme, to fit land for [owing. Pórre attedio, to l ay fiege unto. Pórre avanti t to fet before. Pórre bócca, to meddle with in fpeeches. Pórre cagióne ad tino, to blame, charge or tax a man with any thing. Pórre cura, to ta\c care for. Pórre da canto, to lay afide. Pórre diligenza, to ufe diligence. Pórre fine, to ma\e an end. Pórre fio, to fet a fine upon. Pórre giiifo, to lay down. Pórre in bando, to bannifb. Pórre in campo, to lay forth, to pro- pofe. Pórre in carta, to fet down in wri- ting. Pórre in còllera, to move to anger. Pórre in figura to difpofe. Pórre in luce, to publifh, to fet out. Pórre in mano, to put into ones hands. Pórre in na ve, to lay aboard. Pórre in negócio, to fet awot\. Pórre in oblio, to forget. Pórre in òpera, to fet aworl^. Pórre in órdine, to fet in order. Pórre in ficuro, to lay up fafe . Pórre in Godo, to eflablifh. Pórre in tavola, to fet upon the boi rd. Pórre in véndita, to fet to fale. Pórre in vóce, to publiff, to fet a fong. Pórre in vòlta, to put to rout. Pórre la ménfa, t > lay the board. Pórre la mira, to fix ones aim. Pórre légge, toimpofea Law. Pórre la vita ,to lay ones life. Pórre le mani adotto, to lay hands up¬ on. Pórre le mani in ógni cófa, to meddle with all things. Pòrte l’occhio, to fix ones eye upon. Pórre mano, to fet ones hand unto. I Pórre ménte, to fet ones mind upon, to mind. P°rre nóme, to give a name. t Vorre òdio, to conceive hate again fi. P órre órdine, to ta\e or give order. 1 Pórre orécchio, to liflcn after. P^rrc penfifre, totale thought. ! P órre taglia, to fet a ranfome upon. j P ór reo, of a lee\s colour. i Porréfcia, a Sea-fifh. ! Porrctto, a porret,the dim. of Pòrro. Porrezzuólo , puddmg-graffe, pennic- j royal. POR l’orrifico , the piles or bemorboides in the fundament. Porrigine, dandraff in fome heads , Porriginófo , full of dandraff', Porrima, Poltuérta, as Carménta. Pontina, the head or part of a lee\ that is under ground, alfo a Ifind of jauce or pot¬ tage made of lecl(S, alfo a Chiffe-nut-tree or Oa^e-tree referved for building tim¬ ber. Pòrro, any lectorporret, alfo any. tffnd of wart or wartle, alfo as ’Nòcchio, Pòrro capitato, a round leel^, a boiled lee\, a beaded porret. Pòrro di cane. Pòrro di vigna, the dogs- lec^, the French-leek, l be Vine-por- ret. Pòrro fertile, Pòrro fetUvo 3 the blade- lce{, the un fet lce{, the cut-porret. Porrò, the future tcnce of Pórre or Pónere, I {hall fet, lay, place or put. Porrófo, full of wattles, alfo as Nocchi¬ eruto. Pórli a fdre, for a man to fettle himfelf to do anything. Pórli a rifeh io, /«/"a man to haysrd him- felf. Pórli a federe, lo fet himfelf down, to tal^e a feat. Pórfi con altri, [or a manto place himfelf with otheis. Pórfi cura, for one to ta\e care for. Pór fi in cérca, for o te to go about to fee\ and find out a matter. Pórli in cuòre , for one to ta\e to heart. Pòi li in lètto, for one to go to bed. Pórli la via tra le gambe, to begin a jour¬ ney. Porta, fub. any gate, door , port, port ail, en¬ trance , gap, opening, overture or way to enter or go in at, *ljo a port-bole in a (hip, alfo the port of a fword hilt, ufed alfo for the great Tur\s Court, Fallace or Courtfell-chamber, loo^ Vena. Pòrta del fianco, any fide, door or gate . Pòrta didiètro, a bac^-door or gale. Pòrta di fèrro, an iron-gate, alfo a certain guard or poflure , that cuniting fencers ufe. Perca dinanzi, a fore-gate or door. Pòrta levaticela, a trap-dour , alfo a gate with a percullis. Pòrta maéltra, a chief gate or door. Pòrta fecrcta, a fecrct or privie door. Pòrta, of the verb Portare, be or fhe car- neth,orbearetb,orweareib, ufed miuh in compofing of Nouns, or words impor¬ ting carriage, or the office to bear or car- r y- Pòrtaberétta, u Cap-pace , aljO Bonnet- bearing. pòrta calcina, a mortar-bearer. Pòrta cièli. Heaven-bearing, Slfie-uphol- bolding. Pòrta fàfci, & burden-bearci , a porter , a Sergeant among the Romans. Pòrta fède, bear-faith, alfo the name of a chief vein in a borfe proceeding from the liver. Porta grano ,corn bearing,alfo a malt-man , or a meal-man. pòrta infégna, an tnfign-bearer , a Stan¬ dard-bearer. Pòrta lèttere, a Bearer of letters, a car¬ rier, aPofi 3 alfo a pouch or budget to carry l tters in. Pòrta mantello, a Cloalfbag, a Portman- tle. Pòrta mondézza, a finti or conveyance to carrie things away cleanly. Ccc 3 _ Póita POR POS POR 1 ' pòrta morii, that pai t of a beai ftal,where- unt a the eye of aborts bit umide fafl, alfo the cheek-bnd of a bridle. Pòrca paniere, a pannier-bearer, a basket- bearer, alfo a pedlcr that goes up and down with a pic^ at ^ IS back- porta paróìa, a word-carrier, a front that is fent out to learn news. Porta penr.acchii, a feather-bearer, a toffe-feather, a (lanter, a. tifi:c to (He fw agger er. Pòrta poluftri, a chicken-bearer, by Met. a privi e bawd. Pòrta feudo, a fljicld-bearer , an Ej - quire. Pòrta feg^iétte, a porter or bearer o\ fcits or chairs with men or women fitting in them , a Si dan man as they ufe m Italy, namely in Naples and Genoa, and have been of late alfo in ufe in Lon¬ don in the late things days. Pòrta Cónno, fleep-uruigiagjan opiate potion or pill to procure (Irep. Pòrca f ida, a Sword-bearer, alfo a belt or ban ink for a fmrd. Portabile, portable, that may be carried mcanor of a m in, alfo ifafrionor habit of the body, alfo a manner of garment. Portanio, a (ifr called a Sea-horfi -, alfo as Portinaro. portante, port ant, carrying, bearing, wearing, alfo fuffering, alfo an ambler or am l ng-pace. portile, to carry, to be r, to bring, to wear clot i\, by Met. to fuff er, to fu(lavn,lo uphold, to breed or bring forth, alfo for a manto carrie or demean him- felf. Portare a cavallo, to carry on horfr-back, to bear a pick-a-pac\. Portare adòflb, to bear or carry , or wear upon ones back . Portare afflitto , brunoìCarròtto , cor- ruccio»dùólo, conditioned wear mour¬ ning weeds . Por a re a Giorgio Ro ride as Saint George doth, ever after one fifhion. Portare il tèmpo inanzi, to defer or linger the time- Portare in palma di mano, to carry in the palm of ones hand, by Met. to extol and cry up a body. Porta e péna, to bear or fuffer pain, alfo to go upon pain. Poi tare pericolo , to be or go in danger or peril. Portare via di nétto, to carrie away clean¬ ly or cleverly. Portarli bène O male, for a man to carrie 1 or demean himfclf well or ill. Port.irlì da Paladino,/ r amati to behave or carry himfelfjtoutly, like a tall man,or valiantly like a (tout Paladine or Cham¬ pion of France. Portata, Portato, Portatura, a bearing, a burden, or a carriige of any thing, whither it be of a m m, or of a beali, or of the earth, alfo the fraigbt of a (hip, alfo the breeding, the burden, the bringing forth, or the fruit of a womans womb, of ab:afi,orof the earth,by Met. afer- vice or mefji, or cottrfe ofdifrci' and meat ferved in, and brought to a great mans Table, alfo the import , the value, the weigh:, or the confluence of any matter of bufineffe, ufed alfa for the worth, the capatine, the qualitie or ability of a mans wit or means, alfo as the reach of a gun. Porrata d’una nave, the burden or fraigbt of a jhtp. Port ita d’una cagna, a brood or Tttture of a bitch. Portata d*una tròia, the litture or farrow¬ ing of a fow # Portata d’iin cèrvo, the whole head of a Deere, or the horns h beareth. Portata d’un pèzzo, the carriage or bullet of a ' iece. Portatile, Portativo, Portcvole. portable, portative, that may be bo n, carried or worn, a'fo that hath the quality to bear or to carnè. Portato, born,carried, worn. Portatóre, a bearer , a carrier, a porter. Portatura, look Portata. Porcélla, Porricélla , Porticciuóla, any pofì:rn-door,wicket, port bole or water- gap. Porténdere, to portend, lo betoken, to fore¬ bode. Ponènte , Portentòfo, monstrous, pro¬ digious, fore-boding, good or ill. Portènto, a monftrous or prodigious thing, betokeningfome cvill to follov. Port’ Hércole, a k}ud of rare wine in Tuf- canie, named fo from the place. Pórti, Pónerti, to put thee. Porticele, a porch before a houfe. Porticaco, porched, porch-wife. Pòrtico, any porch before a door, alfo an open place , terrace or gallerie under- fet with pillars to walk in the (bade, as before their doors they have in Ita¬ ly» Portièra , the fide or the boot of a Coach, alfo a woman-porter or door-keeper. portière. Portinaio, Porriniere, Portitio, an ufrer, a porter, a door-keeper, alfo a porter or burden-bearer, alfo tu Duo¬ dèno- Porcina, as Portclla, alfo a \ind of grape. Portionarc, to portion, to frate, to partage, or to proportion alike. Porcionàrio,Portionéro, a portionaru, a fr iter, a partager, a proportion. Portióne, PorcIoncélla,<* portion yi partage, a frate, a part, a proportion. Porto, fub. a haven, a Poit, a rode, a place of refuge or fuccour againfl dangers, a fafe harbour for frips, a place of quiet or fafety, alfo the fraigbt, the fare, or cuflom-money paid for any carriage or tranfport. Pòrto, Part, as Porgiùco- Portola ca. Portulaca, percolane. Portolani a, Portulaca, the office or charge of a Haven or Port. Portolano , Portonàio , a keeper of a Part or H wen, a Porterecvc, or a Ferì ic - m n,alfo one that receiveth toll, cujtom or paffage-money at any Port , Haven , , Feme or paffage, alfo a Pilot or guider of S ’ips into a Port or Haven, aljo a book i wherein Havens are defcribtd, ufed alfo j antfivcly for Portière. Portone,, the flip, of Porte. Por tor io, the cujtom paid for coming into a Haven or Port. Portia re,to pourtraie, to draw, to deline¬ ate, to paint. Portratto , Portrattura, a portraiture , a pitture, a draught of. Ponrattóre, a Drawer, a Fitture-mikcr, a D hneator. Portuàle*Pbrtuófo,b:m»g Ports,Havens, rodes or harbours for frips. Portulaca, wild purce'.ane, Portunàli, games and faci frees in honour of Porcunnus. Poftunno, the God of the Seas and Ha¬ vens among tb,' Gentiles. Porure, round Pomanders in chains. Forzana, the name cf a Sea-fowl. / id . qua fi Pófcia, an Inter, etti on muchi if . (I m compofing of other words, fignify- ing after. Pòfi, Po lamento, a paufe , a paufmg, a re- pojmgplace,aljO an anode. P of.i nte, refling, paufing, couch ant. Polare, topauje, to abide, to’repofe, to lay d wn. Pofaca, a trencher and napkin, {nife, fi k and bread ferved on a tante fur any body to cat their meat convenienti) and order- f y ; Pofate, a pawfe , a paw [mg, a repofrng, a ; bay ting time, alfo a " repopng place,! namely by the way for travellers, alfo a reft or flop, that a horfe mikes advan¬ cing twice or thrice with all his fore¬ parts, look Fare. Pofataménre , actu. repojcdly , leifurc- iy ; Pofato, pawfed, repofed. Pofatura, ns Pofata, by Met. any dregs or f citings remaining in the bottome of any veffel, alfo the pojtuge that a min puts himfetf in. Pós brachiale, the back of a mans hand, alfo the [pace between the wr'tft of the band, and the fir ft (ant of the fin¬ gers. Pófca, water and vinegar mixed, Pós céna, a rear [upper. pós cenare, to eat after [upper, ' pófcia, Pòi, after, then, afterwards. pófcia che. Poiché, (mce that. pófci manejPós domini, after lo morrow, to morrow next. pós eras, adv. to morrow next. PoCntta, apofl-fcript or writing. Pós defeinare, after dinner or noon. Pófero, they did put, lay or fet. pós gènito, after begotten or born. Pòlìma, Pofimire, as Bofima- Polìcióne, a pofition, a poflure, a placing, a } felting, a fit nation, the (late of, alfo a pri¬ mitive word,whence others are derived, alfo the termination of a cianfrina fen- tence. Pofitivaménte, adv. pofitively, affirma¬ tively, in a mean and orderly de - grre. Pofitivo, pofitive, that is of it [elf, [aid al¬ fo of a man, that in bis clothes or man¬ ner of life gocth and bebaveth himfclf or¬ derly, plainly, po(itively,and indifferent¬ ly ; among Lawyers it is ufed for fucb pofitive Laws- as are neither natural nor divine. Po fit a re POS POS POT Pofitóre, a pofitor, an a firmer. Politura, a [land, dilation, apofiture, a po[iure,a (ite, or (landing of a man as be is go'ng about to do any thing. Poslimmio 3 a return of one that was [ap¬ po fed to be dead, and reftored to his own hoitfe again , not by going over the thrcfbold 3 but by making a hole in the wall. Posmane, after-morning. Pofméttcre, as Pofpórre. Posmórte , after death. Posnótte 3 after night. Pof>lino, a crupper to ^cep the faddle o r pac\fom gl' ding. Pospàfti, all manner of meats , viands, or fervices, that are ferved in at a table, when the meat is ta\en away. After-fer¬ vices, After-banquets, Rere difhes. Posponderare, to ponder afterward. Posponiménto, Pofpofitióne,*?* omitting, an over (lipping, a pofioftng. pospórre, Pospóncre, £0 fit behind, to omit j to over (lip, to poftpofe. Pospofitivo, to be omitted, neglected , poflpo(cd or [et behind , Pospóda, a tfind of after-turn that cun¬ ning riders teach their horf es. Pospófto, poftpofed, omitted, ncglcElcd, fet behind. Potprandio, after dinner, a collation. pólla, Pofsanza ,puiffance, power , might , force, flrength. Pofledcnte, poj]c(fing. Pofledérc, to pofjcffc , to own, to en¬ joy • Poflcdevolc, that may be poffeffed. Pofledlmcnto, any poffefflng. Pofl’editóre, a po(je(for, an owner. Pofleduto, pofj effe d, owned. Pofsénte, puiffant , mighty, potent. Pofl’entemente» puiffantly, mightily . Poflentiflimo, mo(l potent . Pofsénza, as Pólla. Pófscrej lifed for Potére. Poflcllìoncélla, the dim. of Poflcffiorie. Pofl'eflione, Pofefjiim,po(ftJJtng, owning , enjoying or holding of a thing , alfa a Country farm, a Coppy-bold, or piece of land, but properly all manner of manured grounds, gardens or enclosures , where corn, graffe, or any fruit grows for mans fu (ie nance. PòdefsiVo, poffifftve. Po dello 3 pofjejjed. Poflètare, a po(fi(for. Polkfljrioj pofjeffoty. Pofsétti, l might or was able. Poflevole, pojjibl:, alfo powerful. Pofsibilc» pojjiblc , that may be. Podibilitàj pojfibility. Pofs’ io morire, a find of oath or [wearing much ufed m Italy and France,^ we jay, I would l were dead, I pray God l dye, or may l dye if it be notfo. Pofsóco , Potuto , been able, bad the power. Pólla , a running Pofi, a Carrier, ahafly tnejfenger, Córrere la pólla, to ride Po(i, In pólla, in pojt-haft, or very haftily, al¬ ii Ijo a Station or place, where pofl-horfes may ordinarily be bad and hired, alfo the difiance of miles between Stages and Stages of Pofis, alfo the fitc, the (eat,or fituation of any place. Town, City, Farm, field or boufe, alfo a (land or (landing- place,as a (land in aVar\,alfo the appoin¬ ted place or (landing Where'S ntinelsmufi fi.ind , alfo a (landing-watch, fcout or Sentinel, alfo the feat-bole of a ja\es or privy, alfo the pofiture, pófiure , (landing, or jetting of a man or any other thing, al¬ fo a ftal^c fet or fi. iIf d on any game, luo^ Rifpóndcre alle pólle, alfo a good win¬ ning-hand or ft a drawn at any game , namely at dice, by Met. a good wind-fad or me xfie died good bap be fain to one, as alfo a prefent, a gift, or a bribe fent to one , alfo the v'of of a Tennis-ball , Di pólla, ta\en at the voly as a ball before it fall or bound on the ground, alfo fclf- choife, free-will or pi:afire to do any thing, though it be with peril and danger, any fet purpofi, or expr effe will. A tua pólla, A fda pólla, At thy, or At bis pie afire, choife, peril or danger be it, alfo in fiance, requefi, or entreaty, fet pih pofi or exprefsly, A pólla, for the nonce, of fet purpofe, or exprefsly , alfo a time or place prefixed and appointed to meet, to wait or do fomething,*alfo occafon , fit time, or opportunity,alfo a tradì, or trace, or footing aid haunt, namely of any beafi, alfo a guide , a convoy, a din Elion, a Postillion, alfo a big round f welling or inflammation , that \ecpetb (till in one place. Pólla ,pronounced with an ovali clofc , o ,[‘g- mfieth a garter, a wafle-band,or a girdle, or any narrow (luff to ma\c garters of, as our Levant-t affata is. Pollàie, to Pofi, to run Pofi , alfo as Ap- pofìarc. Poltàro, a fetter , an appointer, a flier of a- ny thing, place, time, or pi ices. Po fi aro da fieno, a Ciarli of the Market or provider of hay. Podaro da vettovaglie , a Ciarli of the Market or provider for victuals. Poflautunn'le, Lite-growing or after. Au¬ tumn. Poll bracchile, as Posbrachialc. Poli communióne, praters after the Com¬ munion, latter-fir vice. Pollóni a, tiny impoflume. Podemare, to impoflumate . Pólle madro,« Poft-mafier. Podemófo, full ofimpofiumations. Pollergino ratto , a crampin the hinder parts of the body, turning the head awry, to the bacii and [boulders. Podergare, tocaftby , or at ones bac\,by Met. to negleEt, to contemn. Podergatióne, a cafiing behind , as it were with fco,n. Poderi, fucceffors, poflcrity of children, thofi that fleeced us. Pofteiióre, lag, latter, hinmofi , fuccccding after coming behind. Poderioritd, after-[ucctfflon. Poderitd, poRerity, fuccccding ifiiie. PedérJa, Podiérla, a Poficrn-aoor. Pódero, a Jutceffor , afucctcdcr. Podhicri, the day before yeflcrday. Podhiimio, Podhiimo, a child born after the Fathers death and burial. Pódia, Pódia che, as Pófcia. Podica , that part that is toward the Wed or behind us, alfo a line dividing the fides from the Eitt to the Wed. Podicciaménte, fulfil), fo g dly. Podicciare, to [ilfi fie, to [urge, to counter- fct^alfo to botch or patch. Pofliccia , a place or Nurrery> and firing- garden of many Plants or young Trees, alfo any place or by-corner to lay by or fet up any thing , alfo the fights about the pp. Pelliccio, Podizzo, [alfe, forged, counter- fet,(hewing to be what it is not, alfo that is botched , or patched up counter- felly. Podiére, a pofier, a currier , alfo one that \eeps, or hireth forth Vofl-horfes. Padiglióne , a PoJhUion, a Pofi-guide > a fore-runner. Podxlla, a poflil, a glofje , a [honor com¬ pendious expofiiion, aljo the image, that a man fees of himfelf in alooifng-glaje or in the water. Podillàre, topojlill or expound compendi- . oufly. Potto,part, of Póncre cr Pórre, put, fit, placed, plight, fet led, fixed. Potto, fib. a [tand, a fiation , a fitted place. Pódo che, fuppofed that, facefo it is. Podremità, fucceeding pojierity. Podrémo, hinmofi, lag, Ufi. Podrémolo, ufed for a s^a,f worn with the ends banging down behind ones bac\. Podriboli, Podrfbuli, b afe ft people,drudg- mg r a feats, h orfe-wallers,' s {urn of the earth. Podrlbolo , Podrlbulo , a bafe common brothel or bawdy-houfe. Poduérta, Porr ina, as Carménta. Podrióne, a horfe-crupper or docl^. Podulare, topo fluiate ,to fitte or acetife by Law. Podulatióne, a poflulation, a demand or complaint again ft one. Podulatóre, an accufer , a complaincr,a Pliintif. Podura, as Politura, ufi A alfo for forno fe¬ ce et complot or convention. Postutto, after all. Poduóla, a pimple or blifier. Posvenfre, to come after or behind. Posvenuta, an after coming, Posvenuto,’ after-come. Potabile, that may be drun\. Potaggio, Potacchio, pottage , broth, a word derived as is thought from the French, whence the porridge may proba¬ bly be derived, Potaggiére, a pottage-mailer or lever. Potagióne, Potaménto, Potatiónè, Pota¬ tura, a potation , a drinking , alfo a pru- ning. " Potamantfna, (in hearb, which being drun\ with wine ma\ctb them that drinl^ itto run (turfy tnad. Potamagitóne,ffce hearb watcr-fieeli, Tond- weed, or water-graffe , which is (aid to have the paver to ma{e Crocodilstatnc and gentle. Potare, to drinalfo to prune, to fired or to drcfje and cut trees or fanes , as alfo to cut oft and lop the fiperfiuous boughs and fuc\crs from them-. Potare a vino, in pruning of Vines to leave the(ops too long. Potate, the Potato roots. Potatóre, a pruncr, a firedder of trees, a dreffer of Vines, alfo a drinker or quajfer. Potentato, a potentate, a mighty man, alfo a great power or Dominion. Potente, potent, puiffant, mighty. Potentiate, potential , that is in poffibility or power to be. Potentialka , potentiality. Potenti' re, to enable or give power unto. Potentiate, enabled , made powerful. Potentilla, ftlver-hearb, wild tanzjc. Potenza, as Pólla. Potére, Pofscre, póllo, potei;, potuto, to be able , to can, to may , to have power tc doe. Potei'ióne,ftt Phrinióne. Pocedà, as Podcftà, as Pólla* Potedaria, as Podedana. Potè dativo, powerful. Potina ,thc Goddcfie of all drinks]that are given to young children. Po- P R E P R A P R E Poponàie, poiional , of the quality of poti¬ ons, P ocióne, any dritti j or potion. Po.ihimo, mofi forcible, efficient , or pow¬ erful, alfo Chief or principal. Poto, any {ind of drin{. Pòrca, a womans commodity. Porta manna, the N.t r .le-fi(h. Poeteggiare, to ufe or play with - Potto, drinking pet. Porcata, a Cutted woman. Potulano vino, a {ind of wine. Potuléntc, that maybe dr nn{. Potuto , Pofsuto , been able , had the power. Povéia, a I-ady-bird. Povcnto, any place that is defended or fl)d- teed from the wind and forms. Poveraglia, thepoorefl people. Poverello, Poverétto, Poverino, JiUy,poor and needy. Poveramente, Poverettaménr e,poorly. Pòveri, the poor people. Poveiire, to impoitrifh. Póve o, poor, needy, wanting. Povero di metallo, /otf£ Pèzzo. Pòvero dì panni, poor in cloths. Povertà, Povertàde, Poverézza, Pover tòzza, poverty, needy , want. Poviónc, as Piccióne, See. Pózzo, Pozzacchera , Pozzanghera, a phfb or Jlough or pit full of funding wa¬ ters. Pozzàle, that is ti{c, or may be digged as a well. Pozzajre, to dig deep osa Well , to Well fo,tb, to ma\ e a. Well, Pozzàro, Pozziére, Pozzonicre, a Wcll- ma{er, a Weller. Pozzatóia, a Well-buc{et. Pozzaru S!o, that is bread in a Well. Pozzétte, Pozzettine , dimples or hollow pits in womens cheeks. Pózzo, ? deep Well or pit of water. Pozzolana, hearb Pur celane, alfo fund or gravel to mingle with lime to ma{e mor- ter of. Pozzolino, Pozzétto, Pozzuólo, a little well. Pragma, an eft or bufnefe. Pragmàtica, Prammàtica , a pragmatical Lr.v or Aft done in a Common¬ wealth. Pragmatico,Prammàtico, pragmatical, a Solicitor of fules, a Proftor , an Atttr- ncy or prafticioner of Statutes or Laws 3 one wont to fund by an Orator or Plea¬ der toinfruft him in Law-pointsfly Met. one expert in doing of things. Pramnióne, transparent fane. Pràndere , Pranzare, pràndo, granfi , prànfo , io dine, to feed at noon, to cat a dinner. Pràndio, a dinner , a noon-feeding. Prandipcto, a beg dinner. Prànnio, a wine commended by Homer. Prànfo, Pranzo, <«Piàndio. Pranzarcllo, Pranzino, a fight dinner, Prasino, a let{-colour. Prà(ìo,Prafóide, Pràfmo, Pràflìo , hcarb Hore.hound , alfo afone of a. lee\ co¬ lour, alfo a {ind of greenifh fifh. Plafóne, a Jhrub with broad leaves growing in the Sea. Prafsina, a precious fone, which placed near poi fon will glitter with Spares li{e fire. Praténfe , growing or living m any field or meddow. Prateria, any meddoW-ground. Pià:ica, practice, experience, s{ill, triadi, alfo domef\c\ convention , frequent haunting, acctfje into any Port, F óre prଠtica, as Fare bròglio, praticàbile, Pratichévolc , that may be praftifed or put m experience, alfo con- verfable. Praticare, to praftife, to put in praftife, to enure , alfo to frequent and conveyfc with. Pràtico, praftifed, skilful, expert , full of praftife. Praticone, a well-praftifed and fubtle lad, an old dog at any thing. Prato, any meddow or hay-ground. Pravamente, wickedly, lewdly, fhrewdly. Pravare, to deprave , to become fhrewd , lewd or wicked. Pravità, pravity,fhrewdnefle. Pravo, wic{ed, lewd, fhrewd, difjoneSt , corrupt, depraved. Prc , a prepofition ufcd much before many words , as going or afting before. Prealegànza , Prealegatióne , a fore- mentinning, a fore-alledging. Prcalegàco , fore-aledgcd. Preambulàre, to wend or wal{ before. Preambulatiónc, a prc ambulation. Prcambulo, a preamble, a foregoing. Prebenda, a prebend , which is properly a funding fee or penfion, that is given to a Clar{,or Affi f ant in a Cathedral-Church, ufed alfo for Provenda. Prebcndàre, to prebend, to inf itute a pre¬ bendary, or Churcb-penfonary. Prebendàrio, a prebendaiy , one that hveth by a Church-penfion. Prebcndatico, the office or penfion,profit,or fruit of a prebend. Prebendàco,t Prebendary (fjip. Pretàbile, that may be entreated. Prccàntola, a flim-flam merry difeourfe. Precàrio, granted by prayer. Precatióne, a craving , an entreating. Precautióne, precaution, fore- heedy. Préce, apraicr, an entreaty. Precedènte, precedent, foregoing. Precedenza, precedei! eie. Precèdere, to precede , to fore-go. Preeccellénce , fore-excellent. Preeccel lènza , pre-excellcncic, Prceccéllcre, to prc-excel. Precedo, Preceduto, preceded. Precefsóre, apredeceffor. Precectióne, a fore-warning. Precettivo, preceptive. Precòtte, a precept, a lore. Precettóre, a preceptor, a teacher. Precettoria, apreceptory. Preccttória citatióne , a commanding ci- tiaton. Pròci, praiers , (applications. Precidànee, facrificcs that precede others. Precidere, to cut or chop off, to for e-cut, al¬ fo to note and tell preci fly what one will Ipi/k- Precingere,^ gird in or about. Precinto, girt in or about, alfo a precinft,as Proprcfo. Preci ; ere, to command abfolutely, Precipirc, to teach by precepts. Precipitàre, Precipitare, to precipitate, or tumble down headlong from on high into fome precipice, or danger, to cafl, to fall , or throw down headlong , by Met. to do or be tranfported over-rafbly. Pre'ipitatióne, Precipitaménto ,JPrccipi- rànza, precipitation,a routing or tumbling down from fome high , craggy or dange¬ rous place, by Met. over-great raffineffe , or headlong wilfulnejfe. Pricipitato, part, precipitated down head- long. (Prccipitàto, fub. a Corrofive powder . with *hicb Cbyrurgions ufe to cat awry rotten fitfh out of fores. Precipitevolmc nte, ruinoufly. Precipite, as Precipitófo, alfo accordingto • rule or precept. j Precipitio, a precipice , a dangerous down- \ right pitch. Precipitófo, ruinous , feep-down, full of I down-falls, or craggy places, by Met. vi- i olenti ) rajh , hair-ora ' bead-frong. trami , furious and \ Precipuamente, adv. principally, chiefly a- bove all. Precipuo, chief,principal, above all. Precipito, abfolutely commanded. Precifamcncc , precife,adv.precifely,cut- tedly,determinate^. Precifìóne, precifenejfe, conci feneffe, alfo preafion. Precifo, pr e Afe, conci fe, cunei. Preciflìóne, a preceffion, a going be for e,al¬ fo a proceffion. Preclarità , : clearneffe above or be fare o* the rs. Predirò, clear before others. Precludere, to foreclofe. Prcclufióne, a foreclofing. Preclusivo, to be fort-dofed. Prcclufo, ftrre-clofed or font up. Prccogtcàre, to fore-thin fi , to premeditate. Precogitatióne, Precogitanza, prccogitati- on, a fore-thinking. Precogniciónc, fore knowledge. Precògnito, fore-{nown. Precóio, Precuio, a lardry, a dairy-houfe , alfo a {Imp-pen or fold. Precóndia, the s{ia about the heart. Precònio, praife, glory , renoun, alfo a Cri¬ ers office, or folemn cry of any tbingto be fold. Preconizzare, to publifh and recommend,to fet forth with glory, to ratifie with fome praife and commendation. Preconizzatóre, Precóne , a publi(her,a noiifier,or fetter forth of any thing, or office , that is to be conferred, fold or be- ftowed upon others. Preconofcénza , fore-knowledge. Preconófcere, to fore-{now. Preconofcibile, to be fore-{nown, Precontrattare,fo precontraft. Precontràtto, a precontraft. Precòrdio, Precòrdi;, the flc[bie-s{in(call- ed alfo Diafràgma)£/wt is in themidrif , feparating the heart and lungs from \the ftomaefi. The parts about the heart , as the liver and other bowels, alfo the heart- firings or the film of the heart, alfo the fides of the belly under the ribs , fonie ufi it for the whole umbles or entrails by Met.the mind 9 the breafl,or the inward af¬ fi ft ons,cogitations,or paffions of the heart. Precorrènte, fore-running. Precorrénza,Prccorrimcnto,Precorfiónc, a fore-running, an out-running. Precórrere, to fore-run, Precó.fo, fore-run, out-run. Precorfóre, Precorritóre , Precurfóre , a a forerunner, an out-runner. Precuio, loo{ Precóio. Preculto, fore-ploughed. Preda, Predagióne, Predatiónc, Predàto, a prey , a booty, a (foil, a pillage , a pn\e tafien. Predàbile, Predcvole, that may be preyed , or tafien as a prey. Predabóndi foldàci, pillaging, foraging or preying foutd’crs, booty-halers. Predace, prcy-ta{ing, robbing. Predare, to prey, to rob,to forage, to ffioil,to proni, to poll or pill. Predatóre, a prcy-ta{er , a booty-bailer, a forager, a robber. Pre- P R E Predatóre de’ ludri, fo devouring time is called. Predatòrio, belonging to Preda. Predecel'sótejd Predeceffor , an Ancejlor } one ibat bath gone or been before us. Predella, any fooi-jlool, or \nccling-fiool, alfo a (land or range of barrel* to be fet upon in a Cellari alfa the reins of a. bridle } alfo a c/ofe fool. Prededinàaile, prede finable. Predeftinare, to prede (linate, topreo-rdain wb.it (hall come after. Predeftinatione , Predeftinanza , Prc- dedino, predeflirtati on^pr cor din ance. Prededinàto, predominated, preordained. Predellini* fucb as arc predef inated. Predétto, fore-faidi fore-told. Predica, a fore-declaration, a Preaching, a Sermoni apubliclgdcclaration. Predicabile, predicable, P reachable. Predicamcnto, a predicament, which is a- logical term, importing one of the ten chief genders, or fupream generalities, unto which all particulars may be reduced,any fubjcfl that may be Spoken of, which, ac¬ cording to Aridode are ten, that is , Softanza» Quantità, Qualirà, Relati¬ one, Attióne, Padróne, Qjando, Do¬ ne, Sito, et Hàbito. Predicante, Predicatóre , a Preacher, a Srr oi^an open dcxlircr. Predicare, to Preach a Sermon , to publijh or declare openly, to praife and commend in open Jpccchcs , to perfwadc unto by fair wordr. Predicato, rfWfWg Logitians it imports what is f aid or frozen of any fubjcfl; or predica¬ ment. Predicatorcfco, Preacher li\e. Predicatane, Predipanza, as Prèdica- Prcdicévole, Predici »ile, that may be fore¬ told. Predicirtìénto, any firtelling. Predicitóre, a fore:ellcr,a Prophet. Predi fero, prey-bearing, boo'y-bringing. Predili nirióne, a fore-definition. P red i I etc iòne , a fore -dilefl on. Prediletto, fore-beloved. Predire, tofortel, to prophccie. Predifpórre, to fore'-difpofe. Predifpofttióne, a forc-d’jpofition. Predif'ojlo, fore dtps fed. Predito, a domed>vr i fbtd. Predizióne, prediction, fore-telling. Predi v in i rióne, fore-divination. Predomina nte ,predominant ,fore-ftvaying. Predominare, fo predominate, to over-fway. Predominatiónc, Predomindnzi , p' " n^cro-root, which a between a mends. ' turne P a carret - Prèndere' conofccnza,u t^e Vcatogitióne,aprerogatioihpnhemneiice a- or \norvUdge, Prèndere fallo, to mà\ta\e. Prendere faftfdio, to ta^e thought. Prendere fóndo, to ta\e bottom. Prendere guardia, to ta\e heed. ve other Prerogativa, prerogative , a preheminent power above others. Prerogative, prerogative. Prerótto mónte, afore-bro\tn hill. Prèndere il pilo i’n mino, lo undtlttì/e n Prèti, a taking, a receiving, a catching, * - ’ 1 * talking boll of, a Recipe, as much mone ufuiiUy tafetb at once of any thing, ns of Phyfic{ or fneeyng powder,a reprisal, a prix *, a booty, a grapling, grafting, a. fei- fure y an arre ft, any hold that maybe ta¬ ken, ai in wrcflling,alJo the fall of a hun¬ ted Deer or other bcaH , venue alle préfe, to come to grapling or chftng toge¬ ther. Prefagatióne, Prcfaglmcnto,4i Prcfagio. journey,to take in hand. Prèndere inerróre,in fallo, in ifeàmbio, to mijtakc , Prèndere in grado, to ta\e in good worth , to accept kjnd'y. Prèndere in predanza, to borrow. Prèndere inurta, to take ju filing.^ Prèndere la fortuna pér il ciuffétto , to take hold on fortune. Prèndere le mófle, to take the fart. Prèndere lingua, to gel, to leurn , or hear Prefagia, ehe irtoftnefamg. ■ ® • e XT rnlamni'a 1) ,-^C-in \ r r. (TlEn. news, as in times of war. Prèndere ómbra, to r take fufpition. Prendere partito, look Pigliare. Prèndere pièga, to make an habit. Prèndere pòrto, to take up a Hand- Prendere ubbia, totake in abhomination. Prèndete un granchio, to fifh fair and catch a frog. ^rendiménto, any taking. Prenditóre, a taker. Preneftine, a kwd. of fmallnuts. Prenéftio, thick gold-fod• Prenomare, Prenominare, to forename. Prenomato, Prenominato, forenamed. Prenóme, Prenominanza, Prenominati- óne, a fore-naming. Preno ntiante, fore-den o unci ng. Prenontiare, Prenuntiare, to foretell. Prenontiationc, a fore-denouncing. Prenontiatóre, a fore-teller Prenofticare, as Pronofticare. Prenofticatióne, as Pronofticationc. Prenotare, to fore-note. Prenotióne, Prenotitia, fore- knowledge. Prefagiàre, Prefagfre, gifeo, gito, topre * fage, to fore-fhew, to fo,e-bode. Prefagiénte, prefaging > fore-boding. Prcfagiévole, prefageable. Prefagio, a prefage,a forc-tokett 3 or figti of fome thing to come or follow. Presaglia, pn\als, takings, booties , letters of Mart. Pret£go , a prefager, a forc-k nOWe '( °f what will follow. Prefame, rennet to cruddle milk • Prefaptre, to fore-know. I Presbiterale, presbitero! belonging to Priejl- I hood. Presbiterato, Prieft-bood, alfoa Parfonage or Vicarage. Presbitero, a Prie ft that hath taken oidc'iS , alfo aPresbiterian. Préfcia, preffing-hafl. Prcfciare, to make bafl,tobaften. VsdcikiMC, fore-knowing . Prefciénza, prcfcicncc, fore-knowledge. Prefcindere, to cut off before. Prefciófo, ba(ly, full of haft. Prónta, a pUntittr of r “flics, of flr.wsat Prelcire, fdfco.fcito, to fore-know . ‘ 0 1 lon-ri H. n n fLi mura in l bent Si Preoccupare , to preoccupatelo fore-pojje(}e,to anticipate. Preoccupatióne, anticipation , prevention f fore-pofjeffmg Preordinare, to fore-ordam. Preordinatióne, preordination. preparanti vafa, the feminal vcftels. Preparare, to prepare , to make ready. Preparations Preparaménto preparation. Preparatìvo,Preparatório, preparative. Preparentino vino, a kind of wine. Prepati're,ro fore-fuff cr. Prepede,/wi/r or light ill flying , Uccello prepede, the bird, that firfl (hewed him- felfto the Augure , whereby he doth guefje what was to enfue. Prepenfare, to fore-think. 1 Preponderare, to preponder. Prefito, fore-k nou ' n 3 nljo damned in hell. Prgfciugare, to dty before, Prefciutto, any dried bacon, chiefly a gam¬ mon. Prcfcrivere, to pre foibe, to limit. Prefcrittamcntc, adv, by prefeription. Preferite iòne, a prefeription, a written rule. Prefcritto, preferibed,forc-writtcn. Prefcrktóre, a prefenber. Prefecutàre, to prof’.cute, to pur fie. Prcfecut.óne, profecution , pur fiat. Prefccutóre, a profecuter. Prefedére, to prefede, to fit before. Preceduto, prefeded, fitten before. Prefentaneo/b)' the prefent. Prefentare, to prefent, to exhibit. Prefentatióne , Prefentagióne , Prefen- tamento, a prefenting , a prefenta- tion. L’rcfentatóre, aprefenter, an exhibiter. Presènte, prefent, in prefence, in fight, alfo injtant or prefent time. Preferite, fub. a prefent , or gift prefented unto one. Prefenceménte, adv. prcfently. Piefénte tutti, prejcnce of all. P refenda, Prefcnza, the prefence or afpett of a man . Prefcntiale, pre [ernia l, per fonai. Prefentialità, prefmtiality. Prefentialmènte, prefent: ally,per fondly, in pre fence. Present imeneo, Prefentiónc, a fore-hea- ring, feeling, or fenting, or perceiving. Prefentire, to fore-bear , fent , feel, per¬ ceive or underSland. Prcfent'iflimo, moft prefent. Prefentità, a fore-notice or bearing. Prefentico, fore-felt, heard,fmelt, percei¬ ved, known, or under flood. Prefentuccio, a mean gift or prefent. Prefenzuóle, the fair red apple. Pref -pio, a cratch , a crib , foon, out of hand , without delay. Prètto, adjeft. quicks nimble , prempty ready, prepared, fleet, [wife. Prètto, fub. a lone,a lending or emprejt , by Met. a place or bank where money is to be lent, or ready to be had. Pretto prètto, adv. moft ready, affò very quickly, by and by. Prcftre, look Préfter. Préfulc, a Prefitti, a Prior , a Prelate , or he that leadeth the dance or goeth fore- mofi among the Roman Prie [is, called Sa¬ lii Sacerdotes. Prettamente, prefuming. Prettimere, Sumo, Suméi, Sunto, to pre¬ fume, to arrogate, to affarne or take too . much upon hhnfdfy to fuppofe or count himfclfto be what he is not, Prcfumévol c,prefumeable. Prefuntione, preemption, fond conjecture, faucine(fe,alfo a preoccupation of ourad- ve-rfaries objections. Prcfanto, Prefumed. Pr.f intuofità, prefumptuoufnefie. Prcfantu To, prefumptuous,faueie,irifoient, over-bold. Prefupóncrc Prefupórre, to pre fuppofe, to admit or conjecture before hand. Prefupoficióne , Prefupófico , a prefup- pofition , a fore-purpofe. Pr efupó ftoj. prefippofid,fore-admitted. Prefura, as Prètta, affo an hearb ufed for cheefe-rennet. Prettutto, any dryed bacon , às Prettciutto. Precacchióne, Pretàcchio,* lubbardfffi.it, gorbcllied, ignorant Prie ft. Pretaggine, Precaria, Prieji-hood, the or¬ der of Priefls, affo a Prie [Is Manfion or Parfonage. Pretazzuólo, a fillie hackney, lack-latin, or hedge-priefl. Prète, a Prie ft, affo the name of a fifb. Poeteggiare , to priejt it, to play the priejt. Pretendènte, pretending, affo a preten¬ der. Prctendénza , Pretenfióne , Prétcnfi, Pretéfa a a pretence , a pretext. Pretèndere, Precenfàre, to pretend , to in¬ tend, affo to challenge or lay clam un¬ to. Pretcndévole, Pretensibile, Pretensivo, that may be pretended, pretenfive. Pretenditóre, Pretendere, a pretender a darner, a plaintiff. Pretenduto, Prete nfo, Precètto, pretended, j intended, affo claimed. Pretérea, moreover, beffdes a a word taken | from the Latin. ; Preterire, rifeo, rito, to paffe over , to go j beyond , to tranfgreffe. Preterito, gone beyond, over-ffipb affo dead òr dece a fed. 1 Pretèrito, pali, fore-gone , the pretertence of any vero. Pretèrito o perfètto, the VreterperfcCi- ! ten ce. Preterito più che perfetto, the Preterplu- perfeClence. Preterméttere, to pretermit, to paffe over-, to over-flip, to omit. Pretermétto, pretermitted, pajt over > over- flipt, ncgleCled. Pretermiftìóne, a pretermiffion. Preternaturale, that is beyond nature.. Pretcfco, PrieftlyyPnett-like. Pretefèmolo, the hearb pa)fly. Precettino, Precettino , Pretittmo, priefl- hood, the prieflly function. Pretèlla, a long robe or gown edged about with purple-filk, that Noble mens chil dren ufed to wear in Rome untili they were [even yeas old, and therefore were they called Preteftati, it was affo the robe of State, that the Rings or chiefefl Officers of Rome did wear when they fate instate and Majefty, and was ever burned with them that dyed in their of¬ fice, nor could a Judge give fentence on a man untili he had put off that robe-, it is affo ufed in feme Roman Jlories fora kind of coat that Captains were wont to wear in triumphs , and that Senators that had been abroad were known by from other Gentlemen , ufed affo for Pro¬ tètto. preteftati, loo\ Pretella. Precettare, to pretend, to life a pretext, a colour or exenfe. Precètto, a pretext , a pretence, a cloak or colour for any thing. Pretiabile, that may be priced. Pretiàre, to fet a price upon, to fi^e, to rate , as Pregiare. Predatóre, a primer, a valuer, a fefJ'or s a rater. Pretignuólo, Pretino, a fillie P rie ft. Prétio, Prèzzo, Prègio, the price or rate j of any thing bought or fold. Prétio di rifeàtto, ran fome money . Precòtta 5 Roch-allome among [AÌsky- mi [Is. k ' Pretiofità, precioufneffe. - Predétto, pretiousy rich of price Ò Pretittmo, as Precettino. Pretóre, a P mor, an Officer among the Romani.who bad [be rule and govern - mentof anArmie.a chief Commander of an Amie that lay in n Province, and Vretors returning home, were after¬ ward named chief Jufficiers, and had other Judges fitting under them: note that the Romans had commonly as mam Pretore as they hadV,winces fabieCl un- dcr their Empire. Prctorule , Pretoriano, pretorial, of or belonging to a p retor. Pretòrio, the houfe òr the pavilion of a p retor or Generalo f an Annie , the place whereVretors fate and gave Judgement j Vnnces Court, Valace or P avilion, a Court or Seat of Juflice, or where Judgement is pronounced. Prètto, right,pretty , fuU,perfeCl. Pretura Prccoriaco, a P retor-fhip. the Of¬ fice or dignity of a p retor. Precòtto vino, a \ind of wine. Prevalence, prevalent, excelling in value er Worth. Prevalènza, Prevaluta,f#ce/Ze;ic;e or bet¬ ter value above others. Prev altre, to prevail, to out-go in worth cr value, to make u[e of. Prevaluto, prevailed, excelled. Prevaricarle, Prevalicàbile, tranftmfla - ble, fwervable. " J Prevalente, Prevaricante, tranfgrjjlng, fwerving from due and honefl courfcs, wording by coUufions a perverting of good Laws. Prevaricare, Prevalicàre, to tratifgreffe or break ti)c Law, to frnrve from truth . . Prevaricànza,. Prevarkatióne, Prevari¬ caménto, Prevalicatiónejprc^anVM, fwervingfrom truth, tranfgrejfing from Duty, Law and Juflice. Prevaricatóre, Prevalicatórc, a tranfgref- for or breaker of the Law, a goer out of the right way, a fwerver from hónejty , a. Lawyer that for bribes will be corrupted again fi bis clyent.. Prevatura, Prevénda, provander for bor- fes, fodder for cattel,alfo a kind of frefh cbeefi. Prcve ufed for Piève. Prevede, ufed for Piovano. Prevedente, fore-feeing, fore- heeding. Prevedénza, Preved imeneo, Prcvittónc, fore-fight, fore-heed. Prevedére, to fore-fee, to fore-heed. Preveditóre, Previttóre, afore-feer. Preveduto, Prcvitto, Previfto, fore-feed> foie-fbied. Preveniente gratia di Dio, the preventing . or fore-coming grace of God. Prevenire, to come before : to preventto an¬ ticipate , to fore-flail . Preventióne, prevention. Preventivo, preventive. Preventóre, a preventer , Prevenuto, prevented , Prevercire, to pervert „ Prevercito, perverted. Previa, afore or high-way'. Previo, a fore-goer, a way-lfildcr. Previttón e, fore*fight. Previsibile, that may be fore-fecit^ Prcvitto, Previfto, fore-feen ? v Prevófto, cu Provètto. 1 Prezza» value , efieem . ) Dd dx Prez. P R I P R I PRO p r czzire, to bargain, to mafe price . Prezzémolo ,tbchearb Parfly. prèzzo, as Predo. Prezzolato to hire for wages. prezzolato fervitóre , an hired fer- V.lilt. Prczzolacùra , Prezzolaménro, hire or wages agreed upon. prezoisYole, that may be waged, Prezzolino, a hireling for wages. Pria, Prima, er/l, fooncr , firft, be¬ fore . , pria ch'*, before that, rather than. Priapca, a filthy obfcenc difeourfe of mens privities. Priapifmo , P riapifme, priefepride , lufl- pride, co!ts-evil, the (Uff {landing of a mans yard , and yet without lu[l or de fire, if it come with panting of the yard, Phyfttians call it Sadriafi, or Tentigine, alfo the office of Priapo. priapo , the God of Gardens, alfo a. mans privie m mber. Priario, as primario. Pdcidìóne, as Procefliónc. Pridiano, of the day b fore. Priegàre, Priégh', at Pregare, prigionare, to empnfon. Prilióne, any pri , on, alfo a prifoner, ufed by Poets for man , as the fouls pri- (on. prigionevole, lamentable,dcfolate, prigionia, emprifonmne. prigioniere, a prifoner. prignuóli, ri fend of mufhrooms. priJte, a (lone nam:d of the ftoc{ of a. tree-, bccaufe it will burn life wood. Prima, adv. fir ft, erft, ere, before, foo- ner. Prima, fib. the hour which Church-men call Vi ime, alfo a game at cards called' P rimerò, or Prima villa, alfo Vri- tn.ro, or Prime, alfo the prime, fir(l, or chief feathers of a hawfe Prima che, adv. before that, ratb:r than. Pdma eiónta, the fir ft arrival. Prima il parco, before the birth. Pdm Inna, the firfl quarter of the Moon. ppmarófa, the prime rofe. Pi ima villa, Vrimavifta, at Cards. Pdmacciuolo, as Piumaccio. Prunaio, Priraano, Primario, primarie, of the firfl ranfe firft ebofen or preferred fir ft, chi f, or above others,alfo a Primate O' Metropolitan , a Primarie or chief in C'ergie,alfo a chief Magi fir ate, alfo a Sou'dier of the firfl legion, alfo the Tri¬ bune or Lieutenant that appointed wages to the firft legitn. Primamente, Pdmeraménte , Primiera¬ mente, adv. fir ft,primarily. Piimarc, to prime, to prefer fi.- ft. Primaruóla,* woman th ;t never had child, or a bea ft that never had young. Primaticciamente, adv. firfl growing, early and firft of all, Primaticcio, betimes, early, fooncr than others, any fruit early ripe, or that comes f'fi- Prim u ione, a firft beginning, alfo the firft appearing of the new Moon. Primato, as Piimaio, alfo Primacie, Su¬ periority, bighe ft place ;>• calling, fpecial- l, in ccclefiaftical dignities. Primavèra, the (ft ingtime of the year, al¬ fo a prim: rofe flower. Primivéra per l’occhio» Autunno per la bócca, prov.the fpring for the eye, the fall for the mouth. Primcdie, afifh that in winter lives in mud under water . Prime nodde, firft notions, principles , Axiom's, Maximes. Priméra , Primiera , the game Pri- méro. Primèvo, the elder of the firft age. Primieri frutti, as Primaticcio. Primicedàlc, Primiceriico, Primicèrio, as Primocedale, &c. Primieranrc, Primieraro, a pritnerian, a player at Priméro- Primièro, Prim èro, as P rimaio. Pdmgénia, Primigènio, the firft original , that which comctb firfl of it {elf, and hath no beginning of another. Primi nàti, erfl bom fore-fathers, Primipilo , Primipilaro , as Primo¬ pilo. Primitie, the firft offerings , the firftlings of yearly fruits, the fi. ft fruits that Church- nrn pay unto the ping. Primicio, foremoft, firft in ranfe Primitiva, tbe primitive or firft caufe of the former matter. Primitiva Chiéfi ,the Primitive Church. Primitivamente, primitively. Primitivo ,primitive, that hath no begin¬ ning from another. Primo, prime in ranfe firft in number, chief in order. Primoceriale, belonging to Primocé- rio. Primoccrio, he, that in a church or reli¬ gious houfe bath the charge or difpofing of all the wax, torches , tapers or ligj)ts, alfo afupream in dignity, ufed alfo for a Princes chief Secretary, alfo as Sacel- Jario. Primoceriato, the office of a Primo- cèrio. Primo-gènico, firft begotten or born. Primo-genitura, elderftjip in birth. Primo mórfo , the firft teeth of a. colt. Primo mobile,Primo movente, the firft or chief mover, id eft, God. Primo piatto, the firft dfh or chief meffe ferved in at a Noble-mans table, among riders it is tafen for a young ridden-colt, or a horfe newp broken. Primo potént e, firft or chief, mighty. Primo folaro, the firft feeling or flour of a room, alfo the upper dec^ of a [hip. Primo tempo, the fpring time. Pi imo Vi Aerato ,the office , place or dignity of a P rimovifir. Primo Vi (ir, loo\ Vifir. Primopolaro, Primopilo, Primipilo, the Enfign or Standard of the firft fquadron among the Romans r alfo a Captain of the Vant-gard, alfo he that fighteth next the Standard, or that ft .ft begmneth the fight, or to charge the enemie,alfo the firft ran\ or fi e of the firfl fquadron of Souldicrs going to an affauft. Primordiale, as Primogénia. Primordio, a firft off • fpring. Primó.-i, firft, or chief l^obk-men, Perfons of a Scale or Kingdom, alfo they that Jland or march foremoft in an Armie,fucb as fiift charge or fight with their enc- mte. Primula, a prime rofeftower. Prince, Principe, as Principe. Princcfl’a , Principe-Ila , alfo as Pren- cipélla. Principale, principal. Prinipal ita, principally. P-rincipalménte, principally. Principale, to rule as a Piince, Principiti, as Prencip d. principato, as Prcncipato. pdncipéfla, as Prencipélla. Pnncipétto , Principino , as Prenci. pecto. Principiante, Principiatóre, a beginner a novice. ^ 5 Principiare, to begin, to commence. Principiarlo, confi fling of a beginning Principio, a beginning, an of-fpring a Jourcc, a firft race,-by Met. a principle, a ground of art. c J Prióra, Prioréfla, a Prior effe. Priorato, Prioratico, Prioria, a Prime, a Prior-[hip, a Priors office. Priore, a Prior, a Senior, a Pore-man, fioreggiare, to live Prior-life, Priorità, P rioritie. Seniori tic , Pririca, the Marque fit-ftonc. Prifco, as Prillino. Prifma, a mathematical figure. Priile, a very huge fifth but of an excee¬ ding long fnout, and notched life a cut¬ tingfaw that in fwimming cuttetb the waves, alfo a fend of long, but narrow {hip or barge , or gallie in fafhion of that fifh. ^ Prilliti aro, ufed for a Bafer, Prillino, Prif:o, of former,paffed, or old times , alfo ancient and acculi o- med. Pritanii, fo were the Prefidents of the Senate of Athens and Rhodes cal¬ led. Privabile, that may be deprived # Privare, co deprive, to bereave. Privatamente, privately, privily. Privazióne, Privazióne, Privaménto, Privanza, privation, bereaving. Privativo, privative, bereaving. Privato ,part. deprived, bere [i, t a fen from , fpoyled of. Privato, fub, am ins own or peculiar, a private per fon, one that hath no common office. Privato, adjeft.private, alone, alfo fami¬ liar or inward with one, alfo particular , or fpecial. 5 Privato humano, a privie, a jafes, a houfe of office, a. clofe-ftool. Pdvacóre, a depriver, a bere aver. Pri vigna, a daughter in law, whofe firft husband is dead. Privigno, afonia law whofe firft wife is dead, Privilegiare, to priviledge. Privilègio, apriviledge, a prerogative a- bove others. Privo, deprived, bereaved. Prò, good, profit, avail, health, and well- fare, behalf, Buon prò vi faccia, much good may it do you, God give you joy, ufed alfo for P róde. Prua, Proare, as Proda. Proagógio, whordom , adultery. Proamica, a great Ant, a great Grand¬ fathers fifter. Proàva , Proivola, a great Grand¬ mother. Proavo, Proavolo, a great Grand father. Proavuncolo, a great Grand-unfee. Probàbile, Provévole, probable. Probabilità, probability, livelihood. Probabilmente, adv. probably. Probàrba, a great grand-un fee. Probàre, to prove , to approve , to allow, to avouch. Probàdca pifeina, a pond where fheep were wafhed that fhould be facrificcd, Probatióne, Probànza, probation. Próbio, Próbbio, as Obbrobrio. [Probità, probitie, honefiy , goodnefle. Problema, Problémma, a problem, a pro- pofttion or fentencc propofed with a que¬ stion annexed j In Mathematicfe PRO PRO PRO it is oppofed toTheorcmz 3 wbich is apro¬ portion , that is efpecially referred to the praftife or the doing ofjomc thing. Pròbo, honefi t upright, good. Probòscide , Probóftide , an Elephants trunfa. Próbro, a reproachful aft. Probrófo, reproachful, infamous. Procaccia, Procàcchia, an hearb , whofe leaves are fprinfaled with filvcr-fpots , life dew-drops, fome bave tafen it for Fur celane. Procacciarle, Procacciévolc, procura¬ ble. Procacciaménto , Procacciagióne > pro¬ curement. Procacciante, Proccacciatóre , that pro- cur eth, a procurer , by Met. a fhfiing com¬ panion. Procacciare, to procure, to [hift or chafe for, to endeavour for to get or obtain. Procaccino, Procaccine , a broferor procurer for others , by Met. a cunning Jhifccr. Procaccio, procurement, a fh'fting or ean- vafingfor, indufiry , finely and purfuite for to obtain, ufed alfofor the ordinary pojt or carrier that goes between Rome and Na¬ ples, a Meffenger, as he that travels from one great City to another in France, and condii ft s their Natives or Strangers , bearing th. ir charges at afet rate. Procace, reproachful, ill-tongued, faune in time, alfo a proccfje, a fui: or a plea in Law, afojrrogreffe , fuccejfe or increa fe , alfo proceeded or gone forward, alfo that part of a bone, that m beigth exccedeth the natural places near unto it, the Greefas and L it ins call it Apophifi , and our A - natomifls call fuch bones ProceJJcs. Procedi mamiliari, certain fmall finews in the fore part of the brain , which ferve as infiruments of the fence off melting. Procefsório, procejfory , according to due proceffe. Prochemafi, a foreign ortofenof fome ap¬ proaching tempefl. Prociano, loofa Procciano, &c. Procidénza, a falling down from his due and natural place, namely of the funda¬ ment. Procingere, to gird, to compaffe , to circle or border about. Procinto, part, girt , bout. Procinto, fib. a precinft, a jurifdiftion, a place girt in or compared about , alfo as Propalo, alfo as Cornice, ufed alfofor rcadinejfe or promptneffe to do or attempt any thing. Procióne, Procróne, a flar called the fore¬ runner of the D og-ftar. Proclama,Proclamatine,.? Proclamation Proclamat o, to proclaim , to pull fh by cry and Proclamation. Proclinatióne, a bending forward. craving , fhxmcleffe in asfeng, importa- 1 Prociino, bending forward. vinto -.mi/iho n ///» / 11 v ij-.-l nut nlfnmni 1 — 15 I « ~ lì _1? nate in railing, alfo luxurious, alfo wan¬ ton, alfo gluttonous. Procacità, malapcrtncffe, fh.mileffe-rail¬ ing, (aucy-s feffing, wanton luxury x glut¬ tony. Proccianaménte , Procianaméntc, adv. nearly , nigbly , by. Proccianare, Procciare, Prociare, to ap¬ proach near unto. Proccianita, Procianita, proximity , near- neffe, neighbourhood. Procciano, Prociano, near unto, neigh¬ bouring, alfo a neighbour. Próccoli, as Broccoli. Procedènte, proceeding, going on. Procedènza, Procediménto, Proceduta , Procedura , a proceeding , a going on. Procèdere, to proceed, to go on, to pap for¬ ward, to keep on a courfe. Procèdere alla barlóna, to proceed or go on plainly or homely. Procedere alla sfacciata, to go on or pro¬ ceed jhamtlefly. Procèdere bène, to proceed well, to ufe con¬ venient or due means. Procedere male, to proceed ill, to ufe bad means, to tafe ill courfes. Procedere realmente, to proceed , to live and go on life an honefl man. Proceditóre, a procccdcr. Proceduto, proceeded, gone on. Pro edematico, con lifting of four fhort fyllx- b’es. Procèlla, a blu firing ftorm , a ruffling tem- pe(l of wind and rain together . Proceliare, toblufter and ftorm tempefiu- oufly. Procellóso ,flormy, tempcfluous. Proceriià, height of body,tall of fiatare, tall- nejje. Procedure, to procep, to fie by Law, to call in fute. Proceflionale, procefilonal. Procedine, agoing on , a proceeding or pajfi ig forward, a ProceJJion, alfo reve¬ nues for houfes. Procèdo , Space , procep or proceeding of Proclivi, Procliyo, enclining, bending , or ready to fall. Proclività, inclination , or ready difpofition to any thing. Próco, Pròci, Prochi(fi, Procidi , a rival or foe-fellow in love, a wanton futor to a wench. ProconSolare, proconfular. ProconSolaco, a Proconfulftjip. ProcónSolo, aProconful or com lì/Jìmer fent with extraordinary power of a Con¬ fai into a Country. Procónte, an Earls Deputy. Procraftinare, to defer from day to day , to linger time, Procraftinatióne, Procradinanza , ling- ring or deferring of time from day to day. Procreare, to procreate, to engender, to be¬ get, to bring forth. Procreatine, Procreaménto, procreation, engendring, bringing forth. Procreatóre, a procreato r, Proculéta, a bed , a [quart, a quarter 3 or a compartment in a Garden. Próculo, one born when h/s Father is very old, or out of the Country. Procura, Proccura,Procuragiónc, Procu- ranza, Procuratine, procuration, pro¬ curement, felicitation, alfo a Commiffton, a proxie , a letter of Attorney, a charge in doing any thing . Procuràbile, Procurando, Procurcvole , procurable, that may be procured. Procurare, Proccurare, to procure, to ob¬ tain , to fohcitcor care for, to play the Proftor , to do , to follow, or have the charge of another s bufinefje. Procurarla, Procellaria, the procuring or foliating of another mans bujmtp by a Proftor. Procurativo, procuring , that procurcth or may be procured. Procuratóre» a procurer , a procurator, a Proftor, a Faftor , a Solicitor , an A tor- ney,an Agent. Procuratóre fifcale,rf Kings or Princes At¬ torney-general. Procuratoria, Procurarla, a Prottor-lhip , an Attomy-Jbip 3 ibe office of a Procura- tor. Proda, P roderà, Próa s the prow, the fore- part, tbeforc-dcc^orfore-caflc of a [hip “’gaily, alfo the [bore tbclide, or the ban fa of a River. Prodare, Proàrc, Proeggiàre, to prow, to boord, or grapple Jbips together , alfo to come near or touch the [hoar. Prode, valiant,[lout, hardy, itmrbty, con- ragiona, full of prowefs . Prodéfe, the chief eft prow-cable, Prodemente, Prodeyolméntc, adv. coura- gi on fly, ftoutly. Prodézza, prowefs , h nr dine[fe , flout va¬ lour. Prodière, Prodéro, a prow-man, he that hath the charge of, or fluids at the prow of a fhip, alfo the prow-fail of a Jhip or gaily. Prodigàie, loofa Pròdigo . Prodi^aleggiàrc , Prodigalizzare, Pro-, digare, to play the prodigal man, to con- fume orfpend waftfully, to fquander no- toufly. Prodigalià,Prodiga nza, Prodigita, pro¬ digality, waftfulneffe, or unthafcinejj'e in pending. Prodigalméntc, Prodigarne nte,prodigally, waftfully, lavi filly. Prodigio lidie, prodigal facripces. Prodigio, a prodigy, a monfir am or urtnatu rat thing fore-boding either good or ovili. Prodigiófo, prodigious, monftrous,prefagi ing f range ftgns of good or evil . Pròdigo, Prodigale, prodig l, waftful in expends, cxceffivdy-liberal , awafte- good. Prodire, to forfafae in ones mind , to betray as a traitor, to deceive with treachery, to leave fuccourleffe,to accufefalfely. Proditióne, diflyalty, trea j on, treachery , treafonable a ft ions. Prodito, deceived, betrayed. P roditóre, a f alfe traitor j a treacherous vil¬ lain, a falfe accufer. Proditoriamente, adv. traiteroufiy , trea- cheroufiy, villanoufly. Proditòrio, traitrons, treacherous. Prodótti, fruits or gams of labour. Prodott vo, producing, foith-btinging. Prodromi , certain fore-running Nortb-eaft wind',, blowing aloft for the fpace of eight dates about a fortnight before the Calends of AugudjO/ the Dog-dates, alfo a faind cf early ripe figs, Prodiomo, a forerunner to bring tidings of ones coming. Produccnte, producing, forth-bringing. Produccvole, Producibile , that may pro¬ duce or be produced. Produciménto, Productióne, produftion forth-bringing. Producitóre, Produttóre, a producer. Produrre, Producerc, to produce, to bring forth . Produttivo, producing. Prodótto, Prodótto, produced , brought forth. Proemio, Proemiale, as Prohcmio. Prò è contra, for, with and againfi. Pròeggiàre, as Prodàre. Profanare, to propbane, to unhallow, to x- bufe, or pervert holy things. Profanaticene, Profanaménto, Profanan zi, profanation. Profanatóre, a pro finer. Profanévole, that may be profaned , Profanità, Profane zza, profmmfie. Ddd Pro- PRO PRO PRO Profano, profane , unhallowed. Prefato, a'general rule or proportion in any Sciehce ; Logicians call it a pofition or Axiomc , and Lawyers a principle or Maxim. Profénda, as P refenda» Profcrcnxa, Profferénza, Proferiménto , a pronouncing , or ready utterance in fpeech, a[fo a proffering. Proferire, Profcrére, Profferire » rifeo , rito, to pronounce or utter forth, to de¬ clare and tell abroad , alfo to proffer or offer forth. Proferito,Pròférto, Profferito, pronoun ced out or uttered forth, alfo proffered or offered fortb t alfo the thing pronounced Dr proffered forth, ufed alfo for Pòrfido. Proférta, Profferta , a proffer, an offering forth, it hath anciently been ufed for a Promife, namely if it were made volun¬ tary. Profetante, Vroffctsznte, profefling. Profef are, Proffefsare, to profeff:. Profeflùóne, Proffeflióné], a profeflion, an open confeffion, an acknowledgement, a catling, avocation. Proféffo, Proffèrte», profeffed, avouched. Profcfsórà, a profeffor , an avoucher, alfo a public ^ reader in any School, or Univer¬ sity. Proféffo giórno» a half holy day. Profèta, * Prophet, a Soothfayer , a fore¬ teller , properly one that expounded an- fwers. Profetale, belonging to a Prophet. Profetare» Profeteggiare » Profetizzare, to propbefie , to foretel truly, ufed alfo for to preach, to interpert, or flag praife unto God. Profeteffa, a Profctejfe. Profecia, propbefie, divination « Profetico, prophetical. IProficàre, Proficerc, to profit, or do much good unto. Proficiato, * benevolence given to B jhops as a welcom at their en[taliments. Profferente, proficient, doing much good. Proficiénza, proficience; good doing. Proficófo, Proficuo, gainful, profitable . Profilare, the Goddeffe of marriage * alfo PRO a bride-maid, or fti that brings a bride home to her husbands houfe 3 or that dref- feth her to go to bed. Pronubo} a man that leadetb a bride to Church, and gives her to her hus¬ band. Prónulo, a thomie-buft. Pro -nuóra 5 the wife of ones Nephew. Propagabile} that may be propagated, dila¬ ted or extended. Propagare, to propagate , to extend, to mul¬ tiply, to dilate, to continue, alfo as Pro¬ paginàre. Propagatane, propagation, e nere afe or ex¬ tent ion unto continuance. Propagatóre, a dilater , an extender , a propagator. Propaginàre, Propagginare, is properly, to bury the young fuckers or (prigs grow¬ ing near the root of plants, namely of Vmes without cutting them, to the end they may of tbcmfclvesbuda frefh, and. fptead further, it hath been ufed for the torment, which was anciently appointed for high-way-robbers or murtberers , which was to bury them alive, with their heads downward. Propaginatiónc, Propaginaménto, the att of Propaginàre. Propagane, Propàggine, a young fucker or (prout growing near the root of a Vine that is buried along, that it may grow of it felfj and become a new plant. Propalare, 'o manifefi by fpeech. Propaffionàre, to pnjfionate or fujfer for others. Propaffióne, p affi on for others, Própe, adv. near, by, at hand. Propendente , propendent , down dang- hng. Propèndere, to hang for. Propendiculàre, as Perpendiculàre, P ropenfaménto, a fore-i bin king. Propenfàre, to fore-think. Propcnfiónc, PropenCuà,propen(ìon,rcadi- mfje of mind , natural inclination. Propénfo, ready for, naturally enclincd un¬ to, Propehfe. Propci ànza, ready (peed, fpeedy bajl, Proptfo, as Propréfo. Prophano, as Profànoj &c. Prophéta, as Profeta, &c. Prophilético, an antidote, a counter -poifon that preferveth the body. Propjetario, as Proprietario. Propina, a place apart from another place, al(o a drinking unto, or an enviting of one to drink, alfo a pledge in drinking, taken riiearly from the La¬ tin. Propinare, to propine Jo envite one to drink a health. Propinatone, a drinking to one. Propinquamente, adv. nearly unto. Propinquare, as Appropinquare. Propinquo, near adjoyning unto. Propinquo gli, near unto him. Propitiàbile, Propitiévole, meet to facri- fee with, that may be pleafed with [ap¬ plications . Propinare, to propitiate to appeafe, to re¬ concile or affwage with facrifices. Propitiatióne, propitiation, a facrifce to affwage Gods wrath. Propitiatório, the place where God is paci¬ fied, or the merde feat of God, as in Hxodus alfo a. table fit on the Ark , Pro¬ pinatone, belonging to the facrifce of Propitiation. Propino, propitious, favourable , gentle, not dijplcafcd. Pròpoli, Propolio, a k‘tid of [olid fab- PRO pance, and yet not peifitt wax where¬ with bees fence the entrance of their hives tokeep out the wind or cold, called bee- glue. ' Proponènte, propofng. Propónere, Propórre, topropofe, to pro¬ pound, to pur pole, to intend, to appoint , to determine. Propone' vole, propoundable. Proponiménto, a propofng, a propoundingj alfo a defignement or a purpofe. Proportionate , proportional, according to due me afure or propor lion , P roportionalità, proportionality . Proportionalmcnte, Proportionatamén- te, Proportionevolmtnte, adv. pio- portionably . Proportionate, to proportion, to make one thing an fiver another in due propor¬ tion. Proportionate, proportioned. Proportene, proportion, a due me a fur e or correjpondcnce of things, a refemblance of reafons. Proportionévole, proportionable. Propófeide, as Probófcide. Propofitióne, a propofition, a matter pro¬ pounded, alfo a portion or fiori fpeech containing the (umme of what we intend to prove or conclude. Propófuo, a pinpofe , an intent, a meaning, aljo a fubjeft fpokyn of. Propèlla, a propojition, a purpofe, a deter¬ mination, a thing intended. Propoftàto, Propoficura, Propoftia, a title of dignity that is given unto Chur¬ ches, as Abbie, Priorie or Rettorie, alfo a Majorality, a Sheriffalty , a Reeve, a Baylicwick' Propèllo, Propófo, Part, proppfed, pro¬ pounded, purpofed, intended, meant, alfo promoted, preferred. Propóllo, fub. a Provo fi , a Major, a Reef, a Sheriff, or fucb chief Officer preferred above others. Proprcfa, write or fp:a\ in profe, by Met. to fpeak Infurely or with affctt.ition, at they do that love to talk much, and bear themfe'v.s. Profati, Axioms, Maxim's, or grounds from approved Authors. Prefatóre, a writer or fpea\tr in profe, alfo ets Profóne. Profetino, a (lago for Players to play upon, but properly the place before a fcaffold, out of which the Players come. Profc lóglier , Profciórre, to loo fen, to fee from, or to fet at liberty. Profciogliménto, Profciogligióne, a free¬ ing, a loafing, or a Jetting at liber- tie. Profciólto, loofe, free, unbound. Profciutto, any dryed bacon, as Prefci- utto. ProfcrPtione, a profeription or ban'fbment, tb.it is a condemnation that wkofoever fiideth fucb a man, may lawfully him. Proferì to, proferibed, or fo banifh'd, that any man may fyll him, vulgarly called by tb: name of Bandito, from Bandire, fó baniflj. Prcfcrittóre , a publifher of proferipti- ons. Profcrlvere, to pro foibe, to banijh openly, to be kjllcd. Profecutare, toprofecute, to pur fie , Profccutióne , Profcguénza , proferi¬ ti on. Prof tutóre, a profecuter, a purfucr. Prof r u. I v o, to be profe cured. Prof da, a common doxie or whore. Piofedar.o, an tinap neffe to generation in bea Its by over-much labour. Prof, gu ente, f >* off curing. Profeguire, Profiquitare, to purfue, to fol¬ low Pr ifJcmo, before the Moon. Profellta, a % Prof lite, that is a dr anger t -ardor ennv" f fd to another Religion audformofliv ni, fo were the Gentils called that were converted to the Judaicul Laws, iProferpina, the daughter of Jupiter and I Ceres,PI u tos wife, and the Queen of ; ! Pled, fo is Diana called fo long as [be is under ground. ! Proferpinata, knot-grajfe. I Prefetto, differed, cut open,the bowels of be a [Is cut nut to be facrificed. ; Profilloglfmo, a fecond fylogifme that pro- | verb the fir ft, Profimnia, a fumarne of Juno. Profimurlo, a place without the walls of Rome, where the Bfhops made their Divinations. Profit, look Dare il profit, a Litin phrafe vulgar n? d. Profodla, thè art of accenting or pronoun¬ cing of words truely, long or (jjort. Profóne, a [loc, w arie or circumfjictt fpeaker of hi swords, alfo one that l.veth to talke much, and to hear himfelf talke. f J J Profusióne, as Prefosione. Profontuofo, as Prefontuofo- Piofoptia, Profopopéia, a faigning or rc- prefenting of any tier fon lo jbeafa Profpcrare, to proffer, to thrive. Profperévole, profperable. Profperita, Profperaménro, Profperànza, Profpcratióne, prosperity, good fucccjje , happineff'e. Prófpero , Profperófo , profpemus, fac¬ ce fs full, thriving, Incite, found and healthy. Profpettiva, a profp [live, that part of the Opt Ufa which teacheth the reafon of the differences of the dirett beams of the p ;?*"■, Proiettivo, a Profejfcr of the Optic\s or of Proiettive s. Profnccto, a profpttt, a view. Profpiccnza , fore-heed , c\r amme¬ ttili. i Prof; Icere, to view with circumfpettion, to fort-heed. Profpicuo, goodly and fair to behold, or | that may be feen far off. : ProfTima ménte, near at hand, Profiima: c, to approach near unto. jProflimationc, any approaching, I Proflimévole, approachable. i Profiìmità, nighncfje, proxmitic. , Próffimo, Profiìmano, nigh, next unto, j near, by, at hand, neighbouring. jPrófiimo, a neighbour, a near dweller, j alfo a near k'mfman nr allir, Proffimuro, as Profimurio. Proftasia, preeminence. Proft'te, a Captain that cometh to help in wars. Proftati, glandules or kernels in the neck of the bladder. Profiéndcrc, to extend or prolong, alfo to flretch forth ones limbs as men do through laxjnef]e,irr when they awafe out of fleep, as if they had not flept enough. Profiernarc, Pro (tergere, Profiérn'ere, to over-throw, to quell, to fell to the ground, to vanquifh or defeat in battle 9 to liyor lye along on the ground, by Met. for a min to dilitc himfelf into long and tedious di fcourfes. Profternatióne,Profiernamcmo,Proficr- narùra> adiro , Spatario, a principal Sword-bearer before - a Prince or Èmpe- rour,alfo a chief Cutler, Vàie, anche Principe della militia dell’ Impe¬ rio, A Gencrahjfimo- Proto-tipo, the chief tipe or pattern, Proto-toninte, a chief tbundercr. Protógono , fir fi begotten or born. Protomédia, an hcarb much cftccmcd in Perfia, which is /aid to ma\e all them that eat of it merrie, and to forget all [arrows , and who hath it about him to be dearly favoured and beloved of Kings and Princes. Protopo-vino,.? fnd of fwcet and flrong Greci? wine, but generally ufed now for unprejjed wine of the fir fi running, called More-gout 'wine, pTotófì, a difeafe or inflammation in the eyes, which by rupture malie s them fall out of their place, or when the "membrane . vuéa ,by rupture faUelh through jiéa. Protrarre, Proteggere, to protratt. Protrattiònc, pYOtrattion. P rotear to ,‘p otratted. Protrattóre, a protrattor. Prc-ri'ounale, before a Tribunal or Judge¬ ment feat. Prodigete,- the name of a fiat between Leo and Libra. Pròva, Pruòva, proof, try al, experiment , alfo evidence orte Jimmie for tb: proo f of a thing , ' Provàbile, probable. Provagióne, Provaménto, as Pròva. Provana, a bud , a (prout, a fucker or bur¬ geon of a vine. Pro vanire, to bud as a vine, alfo to be cb- fiinate or head-flrong. „ Provaneria, Provanità , ob flirtate , wW- fullneffe. Provano, proudly obflinatc y wilfully head- flrong,fe/f-opiniativc. Provdnt c, proving, trying, Provanza, probation, proving. Provare, to prove, to try, to ej] ay, to at¬ tempt. Provatone, Prpvaturaj as Pròva. Provativo , that may prove or be pro¬ ved. Provato, proved, tryed, effaid. Provatóre, a prover, a tryer. Provecchiare, as Profittare. Pro vedente, provident, Provedcnza, providence. Pro vedére, to provide , to purvaie . P avvedimento , Provedigióne, as Pro- " vifióne. Proveditóre, a provider y apurveycr. Proveduto, Provi Ito, provided , purvay- cd. Proveggiare, by care and fore-fight to get advantage of any thing. Provénca, as Provinca. Provénda y provander for borfes, alfo fod¬ der for catte l. Provendàré, to provando- horfet, or to fod¬ der cattel. Proveniméntc, as Provento. Provenire, to come, to proceed, to grow, or encreafe from, to chance or come to pafie. Provènto, coming or proceeding from, fuc- ccffe or coming to pafjc, alfo rents, pro fits, or encreafe that pro.cedeth of any thing. Preventòri, providers, caterers. Provenuco,t 0 proceed or come from,chanced or coinè top affé, fuccecded from. Proverbiale, proverbial. Proverbi ilifta, affieafr of proverbs. Proverbiare, to ufe or (ficai? proverbs, to quip , to frtlmp, to brawl , to [cold or to ralle at, to abufe a body by niefnaming of him or her. Proverbiatóre, a ffi:ai?cr of proverbs. Proverbicelo, a (hart witty proverb. Provèrbio, a proverb, a [hoft wittie faying alluding to fomething. Provcrbiofaménte,ProYcrbìàlméntc>|'>'0- verbially, quippingly. Proverbiófo , full of proverbs. Provetto, full grown, well (fining up, sifil- fulland expert. Providaméncc, providently. Prove vole, probable. Providence, Próvido, provident, fore- bee dy, wane. Providénza ,. providence, fore-fight, fore- heed, for e-cafl, which fonte divide into memory , knowledge-, and care, memorie of the pafl knowledge of the prefent, and care of the future. Prò vi fàccia, much good may it do you, joy may you have, well m iy you fare. Provinca, Provénca, Icjeron, orperwinJfle hearb. Provincia,^ "Province , a Region, a Countrey , fubdued. ■ Provinciale, provincial, a chief of a Pro¬ vince, tool? Coróna. Provifante,/«ch a one as ffiea\s extem¬ pore, or at random. Provifare, to ffiea\'? e^ tempore, as Imprò- I vilare. , Provifionale, provijional. I | Provilìonàre, Provigioìiàre , to provici j for , to give provi flou. f i Provinone, Provigióne, próvifion. Provifòte, a provider, a purveyor. I Provifto, provided for, V Iarovizzare, to fore-heed with carsi Prov ocabile, provocable. Provocare, to provoke, to excite, to urge, tc call forth. 3 Provocatane,Provccaménto, Provacàn- za, provocation. Prov ocati v o, provocative. Provocatóre, a provohtr. Próvolo, a find of cheefe. Proyófto, a Provofi or Prefident of a. Ca¬ thedral Church or Colledge, a Marfhal or principal Magiflrate preferred before others . Pro-zio, a great grand un\le. Prua, Pruàre, as Pròda. Prudènte, prudent , wife, fage, Prudenteméflte, prudently, wifely , Prudènza, prudence , wifdom. Prugna, Prugnola, any plum or prune. Prugna apertóra, a horfe-phrm. Prugnira, Prugnolata, a prune-tart, prune- fauce, gallammo, vcni^on-faucc. Prugno, Prugnolo, a plum-tree. Prugnola, any fm.aU plum or prune, namely bullies, floes or sfgs. Prugnoli, a fnd of mnfbrorris. Pruicre, a prow-man in a fh'-p „ Pruina , a.white or boari froaft, alfe a foggie mi fi, alfo a chilling cold. ' Pruinare, to freefe to a hoar-fro fi, to grow miflic and foggie. Pruìnòfo , full of hoar-fiefi or foggie mft . Pròna, Prunàia, Prugna. Prunaie, tboiney bufhes, thic{ hedges, by Met. lets or hindrances. Prunàie Pruneggiàre^ to prune, alfo to plum. Prunèlla, the hcarb prunell,felf-heal, hoo\- hi uri or carpenters hearb , alfo any little plum, by Met. the apple of ones eye. Prunéto, a plum h or tyard, alfo a place full of brakes, thorns or bryzrs. Prunifero, plum-bearing. Pruniggióli, Pruneggiòli, young brytrs or thorns. Pruno, Pruni, Prur.ólo, any plum-tree alfo a thorney bufh, (hrub or bramble. Pròno Idèo, the rafpis-brycr. Prunófo, thorney, husfe , briery. Pruriétta, as Prunèlla. Pruòva, Os Pròva, &c. Pruriménco, Prurito, Prurigine, Prurire, as Pronto, as Prorire. Pròfa, a bifgje or horfe-fly , alfo a fnd of worm breeding in fome fifbes , the name of a fifl) in Genoa. Prufinia v.te, a find of vine. Pruzza, a wanton itching or provocation to filthy (tiff pfide, a venomous worm. Plàtino, as Salmo, a Pfalm. pfalmodia, as Salmodia. Pfalmodiire» to flag Pfilms. Pfalmógrafo» a PJalm-writcr , Pfalóide, as Salóide. Pfalcéric, as Salterio, a Vfalter. Pfarónicr, a hard (lone whereof they ma\e mortars, Pféugma, Pfégma, cindrie droffe found in braffe-ftyrndclsfi Pfephifma-, as Sephifma. Pfeudancufa, baflard orchanet, _ Pfeudifodòmo, fioney walls built uneven and otdcntffe. Ee e P fèudo j p li S PUG PUL p ft udo, f alfe , forced, counterfeit* pfjudo-bunio, a baflaid turncp.. Pfeudo diciamo» baflard dittarne. Pfeudo-graphia, a forged writing, a faiji evidence. Pfcudo-inqiufitóre, a falfcinquiftor. Pf udoUgia, f alfe {fearing. pfiudologo, afaljc fpja^er. _ Pfeudo martire, a falfc Mar tir. p fèudo meno, a jbphiflical Argument, a fallacie , .1 captious conclufion. Pfeudo nardo, ihebaflard nard. Pfeudo m'mo, one that bath a. falfc coun- • tcrfcit name. Pfeudo papa , a falfc Pop?, pfeudo podére, afalje Paflor. pfeuda profeta, a f alfe Prophet- Pfeudo sinodo, a f alfe Sinod- Pfeudo fph. ee, a baflard wafp. Pfeudo vefcovo, a falfc Bijhop. Pficc, a proper name , which fìgnifyeth Ani¬ ma, the foul, alfa a beajl voiced li\e a man. Pficomantio, a place where enchanters call up d.vls and (pints. Pficotrofóne, hearb Bctonie. Pfid.afu, a {welling in the s\in H\e a bli- (leT full of ydlowifh matter. P filli, a ty/id of ferpent. Pfillio, (l a-wort, flea-bane, alfo an oint¬ ment to talfC away hair, Pfiltro, Pipelatório. Pfimipithio, cerufe, white lead, Spanifb Wiite. Vfnio, a/find of (l ong wine. Pfolóe, a kind of lightening, which with the fla(h ifiUeth and dejloyeth. Piòva, arunning mange, a canorous tetter or ring-worm. Pfori.one, a medicament for the Pfóra- I Pterigio, a white (law, an uncom or fellon at the fingers ends, or going away of the fl fh from the nails, alfo little pieces of skin rifmg loofe about the nail t called liureges or wort-whales, alfo a film gro wing f om the corner of the eye, and in continuane covering it. Pterigodc, one that hath his fkoulder blades flicking out like wings. Pterigoid. , four procejfes to the outward pai t of the cuneal-bonc at the foundation of the skull, where the jaw-teeth or grin¬ ders arc faflened, that is to fay, on each fide two fpreading like unto the wings of a bat. Pcerino, a kind of fern. Pcernica,the (talk of a thifll: good to eat. Pci dea, the ptific\, a consumption of the body by putrì fled lungs. Ptisico, one that hath a ptiflek- Ptiade Ptiàti, a kind of little adder, fome what greenifh, and of a golden colour with which kind fome affirm that Cleo¬ patra Punga, a very (hong and ravenous bird, which flgbtclb fo furioitfly with the Eagle, that with grapling, they often fall both to the ground, arid are fometimes fo taken. Ptifana, barley-water, as Tifdna. Puavola, as Poavola, as Putta. Pube óflo, look Odo Dube, pubero, full g. o wn, of chc age of fourteen, able to get children. Pubertà, the age of fourteen yearsin men , and twelve in women,a'fo the fir ft comi n of hairs about the p/ivic parts in men I to bud or jprout forth, as alfo to vex, to molefl, to provoke or egge on, alfo to fmart. J ( Pugnénte, {harp,prick n?. ' Pugneréccio, ffcar maybe fifled, alfo of or ‘ belonging to fighting, alfo {harp and ! pricking. Pugnerli in qualche cofa,/o be eager, hot \ or earncfl m any undertaking , alfo to be netled and vext at any thing. Pugnécto, Pugnéllo, Pugnuólo, the dm. of P tigno, by Met. a pretty walking ftaff, with a fharp iron at one end, and a round knob at the other. Pugniménto, Pugnitura, any manner of pricking or flinging,by Met. conpunflion. Pugniticii, pigs pettitoes. Pugniticcio, a p, ick of remorfe of con¬ science. Pugno, Pugni, Pugna, Pugnerà, a fìfi, a fifting, a fl(l or handful 1, alfo a cuff given with the fifl. & Pugnóro, a hands breadth , a {pan. Puiàna, a coote. ruina, as Poina- i Puinaruóla, a cream-di(h. Pula, the husk or hull of a dry corn, alfo any draugh. Pulce , Pulice, a flea. Pulcélla, a maiden , a virgin. Pulce 11 iggio, pucelagc, virginity. Pulciare, to flea, to pick fl eai - Pulchino, a difeafe in a horfe. Pulcino, a young chick or chicken. Pulcino di Genàio, a January chicken, by Met. a child gotten of an old decrepit man. Pulcióso, full of fleas. Pulcra Puicvo,fair, bcautifull. Pulcrita, Pulcritudine, Pulcrczza, Pul- cróre ,faime(fe, beauty. Pulèdra, Pulèdro, as Polcdro. Puleggiarc,fo force, to flrive,to ftrugglc for, j tofi.ike way as a (hip doth at Sea againft ! wind and tide, and yet not to be able to fly j orgoe thorough. Puléggio the way or {peed that a jhip makes at Sea by force and labour, Ha prefo il puléggio, he is fled and gone away, Spuleggiare. Pulégio ypultalor pennie-royal, lurifi-difhor piiading-graffe. Pillici no, a dog whelp , alfo art inflrument to draw teeth. Pulicària, Pulióne, flea-wort, flea-bane . Puliménto, Pulitióne, a pohffling or a cleanfing, Vili, ni, hath ufed it for vun fh- meni or expiation, when he faith Puli¬ mento di peccati , punifhmcnt of fins look Pulire. Pulire, lifeo, lko, to polfh, to burnifh, to fcourc, to fmooth, to cleanfe,to make neat, I find it ufed among good ancient Authors in hew of Punire, to punifh an offence, but C under correction _) I fhould rather import, to wa(h away and expiate an of¬ fence, as in that phrafe of Villani, Per pulire il peccato dèlia lóro ingratitu¬ dine, to expiate the fin of tl. eir ingratitude, as Puniménto di peccati, a punifh- ment of fi ts, and in another place ria¬ vendo arbitrio di pulire il peccato reale e perfonàle, having, free wid to work awa y (* n both real and per fonai. Puliréllo, a fp uce lad. Pulite Ilo f.-lvatico, a wild afje-co’4. Pullàno, a glade,a fcf?, a pwtock- Pialla terra, earth or ground that is gentle , mellow , and not dry nor wee. Pull aro, rude, clowmflj, gullifb. Piallo, PUN PUN PUN Pillo, as Póllo, alfo a. (ucfemg-colt, Alfo J the name of a colour. Pallóre, a Coot. Pullula, a pufh, a. pimple, a. blifler, . Pullulante, pimpllng , bliflring, alfe (profit¬ ing or budding forth. Pullulare , to blifler , to pimple , alfa to bud i to Ip rout or to burgeon and fhool out. Pullulacene, Pullulaménto, any pimpling or bliflring, alfo any budding out, Pullulatlvo, that hath the vertue to bud or fhoot out. Pulluli,)'^ buds , bttrgeoni, (prigs, (hoots, (fronts, tende els, or fuelers. Pulmentaria, Palménto , * fe in ^ ofthicl ì water-grew el. Pylrm'fe, a fend of wine. S Polmonària, as Polmonària. Pulmónc, as Polmóne. Pulmini , a hard (heU-pfh fafb ontd life the lungs of a Than , alfo puff- apples, Pólpa, as Pólpa. Pulpito, a Pulpit in a Church. Pólpo, as Pólpo. Pulsante , puffing , panting , beating , feiocfeing, or thumping , namely as the . p, f e ‘ " Pulsare, to pant , to beat, namely as ones pulfe or heart doth. Pulsàtile, Pulfativo, pulflng , panting,beat- ing, fenoefemg , thumping. Pulfatilla , the wind, flower , or Paffe- flower,fome tafe it for blac \j helebore. Puliation iz,pul[ation,or panting,alfo thump¬ ing or feoefeng. Pulsivi , pulfivc , panting , alfo pur- fie, (hurt or bro fen-winded. Pòlca, PultjgUa, as Poltiglia^ Pultiire, crifco, trito, tg flew meat in a pot or between two difljes. Puledra, a dijh of (lowed ikeaX', Puluco marino, a Sea-f(h. Pulverolénte, duty, full of duff. Pulyiniio, a Temple or Tabernade for the fatue of fame God to (land in, alfo a Ban¬ queting Bed made in the Roman Temples for the cafe of their Go Is, alfo a boulfter fur a Princes bed of State. Pulzèlla, Pulzellàggio, as Pulzèlla, Pómice, Pumicófo, as Pómice. Punga, ufed of Dime for Pugna. Pungènte, Pungidvo , priefeng , fbarp- ftmging. Pungemmo, a fubtil jlinger. Pungere, Pungoliate, look Pugnere. Pungécto» a (ling, a prick, a goad. Pungiglióne, the fling of a waff. Pungi lingua, pricfeiongue, by Met. a rai¬ ling or detracting tongue. Pungiménto , Pungitura , a priefeng , a (tinging , by Me}, remorfe or compun¬ ction. Pungi topo, butebers-broom, fetcc-holm or petigree. Pungicóio ,any priefe iginflrumentytbe fling of a waff. Pungolare, to fling, to priefe Pungolo, apriefe a (ling, a goad. Pungolilo,/«# of prie fees or flings. * Punibile, Punitivo , Punitórìo, pa¬ ni fit able. Punico,Puniceo, red Scarlet, Tawny-red. Punire, nllco , n*co, topunijh , to cha- .. . , . Punitiónc, Punigionc, Puniménto , pu¬ nishment, chaflifoment. Punico, punifhed, chaftifed. Pum'-pre,£ purifier, a ebaftiftr. , , Punta, Pinta, the point, (harpend, fting , pricfelanguet, tip, peafe or outpoint of any thing j alfo a foin or thrufl given with any weapon, aljo the tang or foWerneffe left upon, the tongue after the tafie of any fower things look Pigliare la punta, alfo a violent forcing or heaving with ones [boulders , look Puntare. Male di punta, a difeafe called the Stitch in ones fide or the pleurifle, look the phrafes fol- • lowing. Punta d’ aciàle , a ftcel-point , a fleel- fpife. Punta dèlia fpada, the fwords-point. Punta dèlie ftrlnghc, the tags of points. Punta di beftiàme» a herd or drove of any catti?. . 1 Punta di coltèllo, the point of a feiife '., Punta di tèrra, an out-point , or languet of land into the Sea. Punti di piedi, the tip of ones toes. Punta di folddci, a. Troop or band of foul- diers. Puntaglia, all manner of points, punCliUios, or (harp ends and tips, al(o anice punitila of Honour , alfo an appoint¬ ment or appointed place of meeting, ufed alfo for a fet-battle. Puntàglia di piume, fuch (tumps of fea¬ thers as remain in any poultry after it is plucfed. Ponile, Puritalctci, fub. any (harp-poin¬ ted thing , the rag of a point , the chap of a fword or digger, a long aglet, a (harp bod fen, a butchers sfewet , alfo a fupportcr. Puntaliia, as Puntualità. Puntile, adjec. as Puntuale. Puntalménte, Puntatamente , Puntuali ménce., adv. punctually, point by point , di (tinólly, preci ply, nicely. Puntare, Punteggiare, Puntuarc,£0 mafe (harp-pointed, to point, to prick , totip , to pea\ , to (ling, to ffur , to foin , to thrufl or point at, to whet or Jharpcn , alfo to flitch , to quilt or counter-point any work, al f° to appoint or- tó. prefix either time or place, alfe to provi fe , to egg-oner fet.forward, alfo to bud, to burgeon, to (hoot, to. ffrout, or peep out of the ground as Onions or Corn doth,alfo to fet ones feet againfl any flay, there¬ by togather more ftrength in the body , as Water-men do againfl their flrctch- ers in rowing , alfo with might, and main to fep ones fljoulders to uphold or heave iff any thing » alfo to refi (l or oppofe with mfem ftrength , alfo to under p op or under-fhore any thingready to fall, alfo to blame, to carp at, to tax or find fault with, alfo to vex , t.o nettle.or touch to the quick , alfo to linger or wire-draw a matter. Puntarla, Punteria , an equal encounter in fighting or /2/i^frtg, Tirare di piinte- ria^ look Anima dèlia Canna. Puntaruólo, any thing (harp at one end to prick wiphaU, a bodfen, a head-needle , agoldfmith pounccrjby Met. a ferupu- lous or over-wcening humour,a find-fault, a captious carper j one that (lands upon nice, points or punbtillios. Puntata, a thrufl, a foin, a Jloccado , agou ding, a priefeng. * Puntato, (harp-pointed, pointed, priefe, tipt, (titchi, &c. the part, of Vnn- tarc. Puntaizo, any om-point or languet of land butting out in the Sea. Punteggiare, look Puntare. Purttellirc, to underprop, to under feti to uphold, to (bore up. Puntèlli, Piàntegli, underprops , upholders, lbores , alfo the ffofes of a Cart. Punteria, loo\ Puntaiij. Punteruòlo, as Puciruólo. , Punteslno, Punt giio, Puntino, Funtoll- Puno, the dim, of Punto. Punti, the pin. of Punto, Punti de 5 dadi, the pricks, the ffots, or numbers that the dice fh 'w. Puntidclle carte , or dadi, the (pots or numbers of the cardes , or peeps of dice. Puntiojie, n pun ftioni* priefeng, a flinging, a remorfe. Punto, Pumi , any femd of (harppoint, prick or fling, a puck with a pin or an aul, with a needle or a thorn , a Tay'ors or Siamfters flitch or counterpoint in any fewing or needle-worfe alfo a full point or period in ffcafemg or writing , alfo the chief point or propofition Tf m Argument, alfo a point or prick u pw the dice, a cafl, a nick or chance cafl at dice, alfo apriefe a point or (pot upon the cards, agame of the head at cards, as Bone-ace, one and thirty j or five and fif.y at Pri- méro ,a\fo a point in the Tables, alfo the Centre or middle point of any thing , alfo a point, a niefe nn inftant, a minute or moment of time, alfo the prefent fiate , being, term, inftant, condition or occaflon of a thing, alfo the leaft portion or quan¬ tity of a thing ór time, that m iy be, as we fay, a whit, a jot± a crum , a dot fen, munte, alfo are adineffe , Havcrein punto, to bave in a re adineffe, Eilpra panno, the quilted flitch. Punto dòtta, the winding flit eh. Punto tagliato, the cut-work flitch. pùnto verticale , the Zenith or Vertical point of the firmament diretti) over our bead. Pùnto zlfara, the cipher flitch. Puntóne, the [up. of Pùnto, alfa a great pike- fluff t a great bodkin, a long pouncer, alfo an Apothecaries fpattle. Puntuale» punttnal, flanding uponpoints, puittos,or punttillios,precife and rite:. Puntualità, punctuality, preafeneffe. V\ini\\a\méntc, pun finally. Puntuàre, as Puntare. Puntuófo, pun tt nous, j crapulous. Puntura, a pvtfhire, a p c^ or pricking,a flitch or pitching, a ft ng or flinging, a 'flitch or pLeurifie, by Met. pain, (mart, grievance, importunity. Puntuto, pointed, that hath a Jhurp point, that hath pric\s , fhatp, kecn. Punzacch are, Punzecchiare, Punzic- chiare, Punzellàre, to punch , topufb , to Jhove, to ihrufl on, to elbow, tofhoul- dcr,tojnflle, to prick forward^ togoade or egg on. Punzacchiata, Funzecchi'ta, Punzec- chiaménto , Punzec hiatùra , Pun¬ zecchio, Punzellaniénto, Punzonata, Punzóna, a punch or punching , a pufthor pujh'ng, a thrufling on , a fhouldring, a juflliny, a goading or pricking for ward, an egging on , a thump given with oner elbow. PunzcUa, a maiden, a virgin. Punzcllo* the dim. «/"Quadro OE^dictro, Quaddiitro , here be- Quadrétti di ferro, jqture iron dice- Qu a d i fuòri, bere with out. Quadri, all manner effatum, « di monde Quadra, one pat of the qmdrant con- M dpi(tt upon cards.. muds tamingjix hours oc ninety degrees, ,.lfo a QuadrWcnte, having'four teeth fquire or quadrant/luff .Disc la quadra, Quudri-ducnne , Quadriduo ' Oil t0 firth one up with fair and yielding Anima, of four dayes of ageo] comn weds, to give Court-holy water. 1 — 1 1 ^ ' mUn ! Qs^ric'nne, Quadriennio, Quadrino, tlJt jp.ice of four years. Quadri fido, divided m four parts. Quadri-fórme, fon, firmed. j Quadriga, a Coach or Chariot with four wheels, alfa a teem of four hor- I /«• I Quadrigario, a Coach-man. ' Quadriga to, a coin flamped with a. Coach i drawn by four borfes. Quadrigemino, four-fold or dou¬ ble. Putrefatto, Putrido, Patridito, putrified, rotten, addle, corrupted. Putridume, all filthy rottenneffe or pu¬ trefa ftion of whatfoever rotten fluff it be. Putta, a wench, a girl, a laffe, a maiden, for the mofl part ta\cn in ill part for Pu- tana, alfo a jay or a pint. Putta frodata, a crafty fly wench. Puttana, look Putana, &c. Puttile, whorifh, whore-like. Puttina, the dim. of Putta. Putti occhi, whorifh or luftfuU eyes. putto, a boy, a lad , a ftriplin, alfo whorifh. Puttótta, a handfome wench, a plump- cheelft luffe or whore. Paviano, as Piccióne, &c. Puzza, Puzzo, Puzzolénza, Puzzole, Puzzura, any flench or flin\ Puzzare, Puzzolare, to ftin Puzzola, a pole-cat , a (linking thing. Puzzol'nte, Puzzófo, Puzzolènte, flinging, full of [tench. Quadragenàrio, of fourty years. Quadragcfima, the time of Lent. Quadragefimale, belonging to Lent, Quadragcfimo , the fourtieth in nttm- o.r. Quadrage ,flat wars. Quadrangola; e, four cornered. Quadràngoli di fèrro, Caltrops. Quadràngolo, a quadrangle. (j^uadrantale, a figure four-fquare every way, alfo a meafure of a quarter of a pint. Quadrantària, a common whore that will .Quadrìgenàrio , containing four U hired fora, finbingora quart of Quadriglia, . Quid#la,a I troop, aue, bivre or company Quadrante, adjett. finable, filming, fit- | Quadri-lacero, having four bits ung, proportionable in all pans. j Quadri-lèttera, a letter of four words or Quadrante, fub. a quadrant, a cube, a\ awordof four letters, four-fquare, alfo a jun-diaU, alfo a Car- I Quadri-llnro, of four pound weight penters[quote, /quire or ruler, tifo» little I Quadri-lingue, four tongues, comufidanciently in Horne, worth half Quadri-mano ,Ion handed. 6 an Afis, alfo a weight of about 18. Quadri-mcmji : ale,/o«, membred ounces, alfo a mafure of abolita quay- j Quadri-mcftre, of four monetbs. ’ ter of a pint. CQrarlrirno, of four rears of age. Q Uà, adv. here, hither in this place, ^Qua', Qui, Quali, Pron . which or who. Quàcchera, an old Florentine word, as much to fay, after four dates. Quadcntro, Quaddéntro, here with¬ in. Quadernàrio, a (hop waft-book , wherein all things are confufedly writ¬ ten. Quadèrni, quattri upon dice. Quaderniére, a peeper of ancient Records, a Majler of the voiles. Quadèrno, four-fquare s alfo a bed or fquare m a garden , alfo a quire of four (beets of paper, a cater upon the dice s ufed by Dante, by Met. for the mind of man, wherein all thoughts are regi fired, as in a bool?, ufed alfo for a mans bum. Quaderno di fogli, leaves or (beets of Quadràre, to make four-fquare, to fquare out, to quadrate, or to meafure by the quadrant, by Met. to fquare or fute well, to fit proportionably. Quadrare un pezzo, to fet a picce level, by rule or quad) ant. Quadrata radice, that number , which be¬ ing multiplycd in it felf, produccth any fquare number. Quadrato, quadrat, fqueered, made four- fquare, cube, alfo lounged in A f morie, alfo a fquare or quadrate in meafure or number, alfo [qu trie, well pighi and fafhioncd, flrongly fet, well fitted, pro¬ portionably fitted. Quadrati, the fore teeth of a horfe. Quadràto affètto, a fquare afpett, Quadràto nùmero, that which is produced by fame other number multiplycd in it felf. Quadratole, a fquarer. Quadratura, a fquaringof any thing , a quadrature, the half Moon, becaufe then the Sun and the Moon arc a quarter of a circle afunder. Quadre-Ila,^ croffe-bow arrow, a pound arrow, a quarrier, alfo a thunder¬ bolt. Quadrcllctta , a four-fquare pack-nee¬ dle. Quadrèllo, any \ind of four-fquare thing, namely bricks or paving coloured jtones ufed in cbimnies \or pavements, alfo a bodkin or pack-necdle with four fidcs, al¬ fo a tuck, a dagger, or hit le fquare [pit, a (haft, alfo a weed growing in the water,ufed alfo for Quadrétto. Quadrétto, Quadretti, as Quadrèllo, any little or pretty four-fquare thing, as a fquare or bed in a garden, any fquare pitture, trencher, foot-ftool, low-flool, cufhion, paving-(lone , a quarric of glaffe, a lozenge in ar morie, a fquare pcnct, a gujfet of a(hirt, a fquare work in b°nc- Quadri-nóttio, four nights (pace Quadri-parti, of fon, parts. Quadri parure, to part into four. Quadri- parcito , divided into four parts. Quadri-remo, of four oaves. Quadri sillaba, of four fyllables. Quadri- videre, to divid into four u Quadrivio, as Quatrmo, a way that goes tour waies. Quadro, four-fquare, quadrate, alfo any your-fquare thing, loot? Quadrétto, the dim. Qua diàcci, four-fquare bricks. Quidruiicia’e, of four o un ces . Quadrupede, four footed. Quadruplici re, to fourfold. Quadruplo, fouYfold or double. Qui e li, adv. bere and there. Qua éntro. Qua déntro, here with¬ in. QùJgiìì, Quaggiufo, Quaggiù, Qnl giiifo, here ùtlow, down here. Quaglia, a quail. Quagliare, to curdle as milk. Quagliamolo, a quail-pipe. Quagliata, a curdling,as of mill ?, Quagliato, curdled , conge.:led. Quaglierà, a quail-net. Quagliére, a quail catcher or basket, alfe a quail pipe, alfo a hawking-bag. Quigliétte,>0««g quails. Quàglio, rennet to curdle mill?. Qu gliófo ,full of rennet or curds. Qual, as Quale. Quàiche, fame one, nr foms part, Quà'.che cófa , fomething. Qualcheduno, Qualcuno, fome one fomt- body- Qualche fiata, Quà’chc volta, adv. feme one time, now and then. Qual che fólle, what ever was. Qual che fi sia. Qual fi sia, Qual fi voglia, whatfoever be. Qua' cófa, fomething. lace, a little fquadron or troop of men, a fquarebanncroU, flag or (ireamer, dia- , Qual cofétta, fome [mallthing, monds or oitts upon the cards t a fquare | Qual dì, whither of which, tablet, a pitting dye or cube, alfo plates to\ Quii dì, Qual giórno, tvhat day fo ever. _ ' _ Ree 3 _ Qui QU A "Q U A - Q U A I di duo, whither ,or which of two. Quale? which? who? whither ? | Quale, adv. h{c as, fuck, in fuels manner, alfo wbatfoever. Quale, a relative, who, that, the which, whofoever. Quale che fe sìa la caufi, whatever the ctaife he thereof . Qua Ics,* rrre i?z Provencc,/^»j fl«r wbfl/e i oot grew certain bladders full of a tynd of red liquo’,yca,as red as blood,wbicb be- 'ngdryedin the Sun, yieldeth forth cer- Q^anco che, as that, as bee ait fe, man- Quarta ponente vcifo inaCCwo } Weft, and Jwer or relation to Cóme che. ! u V f Nortb, , I ‘Quanto e? Quant’ t? how long is it ftnee? ^QiUrta fcirócco vérfo aulirò, South-caff, I »ow muchuit. ' | an / h South. ‘ Quanto è, as far,.as touching. j QìÌArta fcirócco vérfo levant c,Sontb-taft, Quanto o tanto, how or fo much. ! by Enfi. ^ Quanto più, how much more, by bow much Quarta tramontana vérfo greco, North- more, how much the rather. |. e afi, and by Enfi. Quanto piu torto , as foon as may Quarta tramontana véifo maéftro, iVanli, Mi with the fornelli | an d by Weft. Quanto prefto, Quanto prima, at foon as Qliartaldo, ufed for Corta! do. may be. Quartana, a quartane ague. tain worms, wherewith they dye crimson j Quantosfa, Quanto fi voglia, how much Qdiartanario, fic{ of a quartane. ingrain. Oil ale fi sl^, which foever it be. Qù al érto? which he? Qual hóra, Qual óra, Quii volta, at what hour o, time foever. Qu ali, Quii, Qua, theplu.cfQnik. Qualibro, as Calibro. 'Qualificabile, quali ficablc. Qualificare, to quaùfic. Qualificatióne, Qua!ificinz.a, qualifi¬ cation. (Qu ilificativo, that doth qualifie. Qualìfica.o, qualified. Qualità, qnalitie , fo‘t, (late . (Qualitativo, full of qualities. Qualménte, how that, in what fort, how as,fo as. Qual quii fi sia, which , what, or where- fnever it be. Quii tù vuoi, which thou wile. Qu llunque, who or what foever. Quartnnélla, a wea{ quartane ague. Quartini , Souldiers rf the fourth le- g‘°n % Quartarc, Quarteggire, to quarter. Quartana, Quartan,a taking or payment of the fourth part of anything to Prin- foever. Quinto tardi, as late as may be. Quanto tempo? how long time. Quantunque» howbeit, although. Quantunque voice ,as often as, at what time foever. Quaranta, the number of fourty. f _ Qinrantàclo, r. Quine’ eftentiàle, qumt-iffcntittl. Quinci! e,tbe fifb morictb from March , which ir Jnly, Qainciftoj 1 có\àfe of lawn. Quinto, the fifth, a fifth. Quintodccinto, ih m fifteenth. Quinto {•'.rito'» the fifth begotten. Quintuplicare , r “ five-fold. Quintuplo, five-fo'd or double. Quirinne ,a ttfàdof appi :. Quiriràl-ie, dates of facuficcs made ro Ro¬ mulus. Quit ino, the firname of Romulus , alfo a precious (lone found in the Hoop’s nrft , which hang laid upon .1 mans hrea fi that ficep ■rhj will ma k c him tell what he hath done the day before . Qùiritarc, to cry or wail forhsJpmdi- Jirefje.- Quiricatióne, a wailing, in dr fir effe. Quinto, complained unto, called upon in etifireffe, alfo enquired after, alfo a find of leading-ft a ft , alfo a certain compella- tion among ancient Romans. Qui ritto, adv. right in this place. Quifquiglia, [weepings, filch, fi ut tiffin èfs, rnbbk, dfb .1 fiuts or by-corner where fweepings are caft , alfo a poor rugged co¬ verlet. ■ ' Quifquigliàre, to fwtep up imo filthy by- comers, alfo to cover , alfo tocroffc and hinder. C tfio, hath been nfedfor Quarto- Qu.ftiof.are, Qu'ftiónc, as Quefti- óne. ' Quitànza, a quittance, a dà fcharge , a qui¬ etus eft. Quit a -e, to quit, to acquit 3 to difcharge, to a’lfolvc. Qui vi , Quire’, adv. there, in that place.- Qu ivi circa, thereabouts. Qu care, Quoco, as Cuocere. Qu°dammódc, in a manner, after a fffiion. - iuolame, as Corame, leather. Qu.6. 0 , Quóìa, all manner of leather. Qu^liact, Quódlibet , a quodlibrf , a qnirf, a quiddity. Quomedoc mque, adv. Howfocver , but much 11 fed for a mef name unto one that mafes no confidence to get, to filch, and. fcrape together by what means [never , a greedy pincher. Quórc, as Cuore, a heart. • Qiófli, Quófi, red pimples in ones face'. Quotare, to quote , to note in the margin , alfo to tax,to rate or to affeffe. Quotacióne,*wjf quotation. Quotidiano, cotidian, dai'y. Qiotlénte, the quotient in Arithmotic\,\hat part or portion , which in any divifion a- mong many doth fall unto every ones fhire. Quoto, how many in order ? how many ? how much ? nf what number ? It hath been ufed of Dame for Jadgement. Quót quót, adv. as many , as much , as long. R. R à, a particle or prcpojltion of frequent ufe in compofition of verbs impoit- ing a reacting or redoubling wh.it the verb before which it is placed doth or may import, even as Ri , the difference between them is,that the next Utter af¬ ter Rà, is, or ought ever to be doubled ; whereas after Ri, u is ever fingle, as for example , Rabbàttere Raccordare, Rad- domandàre, Raffrenare, Rapportare , &c. whereas they fay, Ribàttere, Ricor¬ dare, Ridomandàre, Rifrenare, Ripor¬ tare, &c. infìead of Ra or Ri, we ufe in Englijhs Re.' Rabbàrbaro, the drug Rubarb. Rabbaruffaménto, Rabbaruffata, a ruf¬ fling, a touting, a brabtirtg or biefering , a flaring or gafily homing» alfo a [well¬ ing through pride of riches. Rabbaruffare, ra ruffle or tome, to bicker or fall together by the ears,to loot j fiaring- ly or daftly with ones hair finding on end , to f well through pride of riches. Rnbbaflaménto , an abafing or bringing low. RabbaFàre, to ahafe or bring low. Rabbattere, to rebeat or retort bacato clinch a nail, to abate or deduft, alfo to meet or light upon by chance again , alfo f medntjfe, wbmrritb dors'ere often troubled, end i vbtreof there be fri- yen \nds, that u.firjl. Rabbia calda, or Ràbbia dilperdta ,whi:h is deadly and un cur able. Rabbia corrènte, li\ewi'[e incurable. Rabbia ruòta, b,ceding in the blood. Rabbia cthica, breeding in the guts. Rabbia indonnita , .which proeceiUtb of worms m the tongue, J Ràbbia reumàtica , which ma\es their head to [well, and to have yellow eyes,the letter five \inds are curable as Pbyficians do hold. Raboiàre, as Arrabbiare. Rabbino, Rabino, a R bble,aRabin , a Vollor .c.oiig the Jews , one about his fellows. Rabbigliare, I» reagire/, Jo repair again. Kabbio, as Furigónc. Rabbiofaménce, ragmgly, furioufly, Rabbiófo, out-raff otu , furious. Rabbifta, as Rabifta. Rabboccàre, Abboccare di nuòvo, to feed again, fee Abbocc re. Rabbonaccàre, Abbonacciare di nuòvo , to grow calm agah,tohold up as the wea¬ ther doth. Rabbondàre, Abbondare di nuovo, to re¬ abound. Rabbracciàre, Abbracciare di nuovo , lo embrace, a fi efh to rc-rmbrace. Rabhrufc.i re, Abbrufcàre di nuòvo , to growJharp andfoxver again, Rabbruf:arfi,/br one to ft, out or rou\^ him- felf as an angry tur^ycoc\. Rabbruicàrfi il ccmpo,tfce weather togrow fharp and cold. Rabbruzzarc, to grow dark towards rughi , look bruzzo. Rabbuffare, Rabboffàrc, to ruffle , tode- fficvcl, to [hag, to tug, ro tonic or pull by the hair, to loo\ftaringly with ones hair on end as a mad man , alfo to check, to tant , to rebuke , to reprove, to chide or brawl at with curii (pecches. Rabbuffato, ruffled, d,fijcve!l d,fhig'd , tug’d,touted,look (laringly as a mad man, alfo rebuked , chidden , tanted , cbec\t or f reproved with threading speeches. Rabtilfo, R ab uffa mónco, as Ributto, alfo a gaji/y and fid ing look• Rabbuiare, Abbuiare di nuòvo , togrow dark a Wh. Rabbuiare, to affrighted with harjh lan¬ guage and a Shorn. Rabbuiata, fuch an affront or rebuke with bitter words and font deeds as will ma\e a man quake for fear.. Rabdomante, a diviner by rod*, wands, or Rabdomantia, divination by rods. , Rabcfco, as Arabéfco. R 4 bi,‘ as Ricottole enza. Racconófcere? as Riconófcete. Racconofcitórc? as Riconofcitóre. Racconfegnàre as Reftituire. Racconfolàre '? Confolàrc di nuòvo, to comfoit again. Raccontabile, Raccontévole? recountablc , that may be related or reported. Raccontare? to recount y to report. Raccontatóre? a recounter, a reporter. Raccónto, Raccontasi è nto? a recounting , a report , a renumbring. R scoppiare? Accoppiare di nuòvo , to couple again. Raccontare, as Incontrare. Raccóntro? as Incóntro. Raccordabile, that ma y befhortned . Raccorciaménto? afhrrtning. Raccorciare? Raccortàrc, to Jhorten. Raccordare, as Ricordare, alfo to put one in mind of any thing. Raccórdo? Raccordaménto? Ricordan¬ za, as Ricòrdo. Raccórre, as Accògliere. Raccofciare, as Accofdare. Raccolìare, Accollare di nuòvo? to draw near again. Raccozzare? Accozzare di nuòvo,Irò butt or jltfflc again. Riccrcfcere? Accrcfcerc di nuòvo? toen- creafe again. Raccrefdménto? as Accrcfciménto. Raccumùlare, Accmulare di nuòvo? to re accumulate. Race? a R-iye or Skdte-fifh. Racel!àre?lo pare or fcrape roots. Racemarc, to branch or to clufier. Racemolatióne, a branching ? acluffmg. Racèmi, boughs or branches , differs or bunches as of grapes or berries , k erne ^ s °f graphs. Raccmófo, cluflry, branchy. Raceme, J'ower andJharp in tafie. Raccfe, a fower hedge-wine. Racha, Rica,' an Hebrew word , fignifying a fool or a fot, and according to fome tranflation, extream anger of ibeperfon that fyeaketh towards him that be fpeak- eih unto. Radunarli? Chinare di nnòvo ? to bow or [loop down again. Racimolare?Cimare di nuòvo? to bud a- again. Racimolo? Radunilo ? any little top or duffer hanging on the top. Racina? as Radice. Racògno, a Lizard, a Nute , an Eft. Racóma? the name of an heart, Racquiflite. Acquiflare di nuòvo ? to re¬ gain. Racquiftatóre, a rcpurchafer. KicquiRcvolcjrepurchafablc. Ricquillo jRièqurllagiòne, Racquifta- mento? a repur chafing, a reacquiring , I Racula, a kind of green f og. Ràda? a road for fifips. Radaniénte, rar.ly 9 feldom. Radamo? a kind of black ficne, Raddolcàre? Raddolcire?^ Addolcire ,for weather to grow kind meek and plex- fant. - Raddolcito, Raddolcito? fweetncd,mild- ned, calmed , afjwaged appeafed. Raddomandare? Raddimandare , torede- mind . Raddoppiare? to redouble. Raddoppiata? Raddoppiatura? a redou¬ bling, a double turn m riding , a double trick in dancing. • Raddormentàrc Jo fall or lull a flcep again. Raddofs. re Addofsàre di nuòvo , to back again, to charge or impute again to ones charge. ■ Raddótto? Ridótto, as Ridótto. Raddrizzare „ Radrizzàres Drizzare di nuòvo? to jet upright again. Rad durre? as Ridurre? &c. Ràdere, ràdo, ràlì? ràfo, to fave with a ra\or, to notch or poll ones hair away, by Mit. toferap: fmooth , torace or fail clofe by the floore, to gra^e on the ground, as a bullet, or arrow , to fly level to the ground as fome birds do , to s{ud along fmoo.hly. Ràde vòlte, feldom times. Radézza, rareneffe , thinnefe. Radiale , look Artèria, look 'Oflo. Radiano, a bright black flone found in a Cecks head . Radiance, radiant, bright-blaming , cafi- ing beams of light, fir earning forth rates, flaring. Radiàre, to radiate, tor aye , to. beam, to flare, to learn, to ftream or cafi beams of Radiàrio d’un candelière, the [haft orfhank of a candlc-ffick. Radiacióne? Radiànza , a radiation , a fir earning, a learning,or biasing of bright raies. Ràdica? a roit ? (peci ally in the Roman Dia¬ led. Radicàbile? that may take root. Radicàle, radical ? proceeding from a root or beginning. Radicale humòre , the radical or natural moifture of any creature. Radicàre,ro root , to take root. Radicatióne, a rooting, a radi cation. Radicchio? the hearb Cicory. Radicclvóni? Radiccipni, roots or flumps of trees grubbed up to burn. Radice , any iffnd of root growing under¬ ground, by Met. a caufe, a ground , or be¬ ginning of any things the foot or bottom of any-thing,as of an hill. In Mathematicks or Arithmctick, it u that number , which by one , or often multiplication of it felf produceth any number, it is alfo ufed for a meafure of land, called with us a Pole or Pearch^and a rod,a rood , alfo the hearb Sope-wort, Fullers-weed i as Lanària. » Radice beltà , Radice bufa a thè hearb Hole wort , HoUow-woì t. Radice cubica, look Cubica. Radice di San Francéfco? the nume of an hearb. Radice di pèrle, mother of pearl. R idice dólce, the wood Licoris. Radice fangUinària, blood-worc. Radichila. Radice tea, any little or [mali root % alfo Lanària. Radico, a kind of fait. Ridicófano? a [hive -che(t, apick-cheft,by Met. a crafty filching fellow ^a!fo the name : of a Caffle in the grand Dukes Dominion __ P ff _ where RAG is the beff Inne in ali tb it country , and which formerly was a nejt of Rogues and Bandito'!, who were called Cofani, and one was the ring-leader, whereupon it affarne d the name of Rè de’ Còfani, and by corruption of language Rcdjcó- fano. Ri'jicofoj full of roots, deep-rooted. Radi:ula> Sope-wcrt , fullers-wced. Radio ,the great long olives. Radi fi care, to root, to lake root, alfa to ra¬ nfie. Radiììcitióne, Ridlficaménto , a taking root , a I/o a rartfying. Ridico, abu five delay, defer ring or putting off of time. Rddigo njn è pagamento , forbearance is nonpayment. Radimadia, a tool wherewith B ikers life to 'crap: their dim tubs clean. Radio, Raggio, Radii.Ràggi, any {indof beam, rayc, learn, blazg, gleam, gimps, radiation,glimmering,flaring, or (2 ream- light , as of the Sun, of a bright far, of a ìf>ir\ing dyamond , or of any light fecn afar, by M t. the brightneffe of the eyes, a fly ng or burning fquib ofwil l-fire, alfo tie hand or needle of a dyal, of an horo¬ loge, of a watch, of a Mariners compafs, or of a pair of fcales, alfo the fhaftor fhm\ of a candlcfUck , the fpo{c of a wheel, a yo\e-fpi\c, a weavers fhuttle, a roundftic{tolevel meafures of corn or fait being over-filled, the jbvrp prickle or weapon of the Sitate , Riye, or Thorn- b.i k~fifh, alfo ! h: fhi uc> s or rundles of a pally or well-wheel, alfo a certain long fiaffyyard, or rod , that Geometricians ufe, alfo the npper-mofl , andgreater of the two long bones of the Cubit , which arc both joined together , between them- fclves, as alfo with thefbou'der-bone,and the wrifl of the baud, which is alfo called Focile maggióre, it isalfoitjed for the bigger bone of the fhan{, called Tibia, aljo a tynd of venemom Sta-fpider, by Met. a fire-flying fquib. Radio greco, Ràdio latino, a find of ma¬ th matical inftrument. Ridiónc , the feventh {ind of faul\ons a- mong the Italians. Radiófo, as Radiante. R didimo, mo fi rare or ftldom. R d tore, a fhave , a barber. R iditiira, a [having, a barbing. R :do, rare to be bad. or feen , alfo thin or clear , alfo feld or feldom. Radunanza, areaffembly. Radunàre, ti? yeaff.mb'c. Raduni vole, that may be affcmbled. Rafacle, Ri; hade, tb" name of an Angel, fignifdng P'Cpdent of light 0i Gods medi¬ cine. Rafanata, Rafancia, a faucc ufedin Ger¬ many made ofborfe-rcddtfhes. Rilancila, pepper-wort, diltandcr. Ràfa to, any raddifh root, namely the wild fi d, or h'yefe raddifh. Riffa, a raffling , a ri fin g , a rif- raff. Riffacci.imcnto, ns Rafacciaménto. Raffice a.c, as Rinfacciare. R ffatóre,a raffler , a rifler. Raffazzonaménto, a trimming, a tricking up in new quaint fafh ons. Raffazzora c, Raffanzonàre , to trim or der\ m new fifhions, to trim up a thing of the (ccond hand , and to make it loofc frefij and new as it did at firfi- Raffermi, Raftermatióne/t reaffirmation, a reconfirming. R A C- Raffermare, Affermare di nuovo , to rc- a [firme, Raffc tto, a Carpenters fbaver. Raffiàre, to hook or drag with hoo\s. Raffia tura, a hooking, a dragging. Raffibbiare , Affibbiare di nuòvo , to buckle again. Raffibbiar èra, a rebuc\ling. Raftidànza, as Confidenza. Raffìdare, Confidare di nuòvo, to confide again. Raffigge re ,Aff]'goere di nuòvo, to affli il again. Raffigurare, to view and mark well, and to take the imprejjion in ones mind,to call to mind any ones phifiognomy as having almo jl forgotten the party. Raff.Jare, Affilare di nuòvo , to pare or cut clean, and even and fmooth,alfo to whip. Raffilature, parings, fhavings , [buddings , namely of hides or leather. Raffinaménto, Raffiniménto , as Affina¬ ménto. Raffinare, Raffinire,to ceafe,or give over, «• alfo to refine. Raffio, any hook or crook , a fieft-boof a draggmg-hook, a- rake, a drag. Ro.ffió\\, little drag-book* or flefh-books, alfo as Raviòli. Raffittire, Affittire di nuòvo, to rent or let out again. Raffolàre , to rake, to drag , to huddle up, to [crape together by book or crook, to ri file for. Raftola rii (fola, rif-r ceffi, by book 0( croo k , in rifling or [craping manner. Rafforzami nto, a re-enforcement. Raftotzare, to re-enforce. Raftrancare, Affrancàre dì nuovo, to re¬ franchi fe. Raffreddare, Infreddare di nuóvo,to cool again. Raffreddata, Raffreddi tura,Raffredda- I mento, any cooling or cold taken, a cold in a horfe. Raffreddato, cooled, ta\en cold . Raffreddatóio, any cooling thing. Raffrenaménto, as Raffrenatióne. Raffrenare, to refrain, to refrain, to mb , to bridle, to keep (hort. Raffrenato;’, refrained, bridled, cur¬ bed. Raffrenò vole, refrainable. Raffrenare, as Rinfrefcàre. Raffrettare, Affrettare di nuòvo, to hafien again. Raffrontare, Affrontare di nuòvo, to af¬ front again. Raffronto, Raftiontamcnto, nuòvo Af¬ frónto, a new affront. Raffu flàre, AfFuftàre di nuòvo, to refiock or mount pieces again. Rafiòli, as Raviòli. Rafia, a rifling at dice. Raflare, to rifle at dice. Ragàdii, Ragatc, chaps that come in the feat or fundament, as alfo in the hands, in the checks and in the lips through wind or cold . Ragagno» Ragno, a Country-clown,a rude [warn, alfo as Ramarro. Ragancllo, an inftrument to ma\e a ratling or ruffling noife in the holy week • Rtig'tta, Ragattìéri, as Rigatta. Ragadi, as Farfallóni. Ragivignare, to recover again fitddainly *'ben one is a/mofi fain. Rag izza , a Jay, a Piot , alfo a l affé, a wench, a girl. Ragazzàglia, Ragazzame, bafe people confi fling of boyes , lacqucics and foot¬ men . Ragazzetto, Ragazzino , a,little boy or Lad. Ragazzina vili fsima, mefchinélla e fer- vicciuóla , aforry Pule pittifull wench or gift* Ragazzo, a boy, a lad,flnplin, a lacquey,a foot-boy , Raggelare, Gelare di nuòvo, to [freeze a * gain.. Ragghiare, to bray as an Affé. Ragghio, Ragghita, the braying of an Ajje. ' Ragghignare i dènti, to grin or gnafb with ones teeth. Raggia, rozsn, afo a $kate-fijh . Raggiamantó, as Rad iat iòne, Ragiàre, as Radiare. Ràggio, Ràggi, look Radio. Raggioìre, to re/oice , to cheer up. Raggiòngere, Ragglugncre, to rejoin to¬ gether again, alfo to overtake or over¬ reach again, alfo for on: thing to grow over another. Raggiorna, Riggiugnamcnro, a. rejoyntng , an over-taking, an over-reaching, alfo a rejoynder > alfo a thing growing over ano¬ ther. Raggiorno, Raggiunto, rejoyned, over-ta¬ ken, or over-reached. Ra ggiófo rozenous, as Radiante. Raggiornare, Aggiornare di nuòvo, to ad¬ journ again. Raggirare, Aggirare di nuòvo, to go about or comp afe again, alfo to cheat a- gain.' Ra^g rata , Raggiraménto, Raggirati óne , a turning or winding about a- gain. Raggomicellàrc,Raggomitolare, to rotti, or wind up round as a clue of ihrid. Raggrandire, Aggrandire di nuòvo, to magni fie again. Raggrandire, to pick, to pec\ , or glean up and down for corn as Emmets do. Raggranellata, a gleaning of corn. Raggranellatóre, a gleaner of corn . Raggravare, Aggravàre di nuòvo, to exag¬ gerate, to burden again. Raggravio, nuòvo Aggràvio, a frejhor new exaggeration. Raggrazzolare, as Raffolàre. Raggrinchiamcnto , Raggrinzamento , Raggrinzatila, a Jhrinkmg or pitching in. Ragrinchià re, Raggrinzare , as Grinci- are. Raggruppare, Raggroppdre, Aggroppàre di nuovo, to k n * 1 together again , or to ' : jhrinkptgain. Raggnippo, Raggróppo, a bundle, afar- dle or a truffe bound up round toge¬ ther. Raggruzzàre, Raggruzzolàrc, to ferape together, to rake up, to boordup , namely money , pdf, or riches, alfo to enneb, to [brink , or fhrug clofely toge¬ ther. Ragguagliare , to make equal or even again, alfo to guerdon or reward jufity , but commonly ufed for to advertife and give true information and certain know¬ ledge of any thing either by word of mouth or writing. Ragguagliare partite , to confront and make reckonings even as Merchants do by comparing of book and bills to book and : bills. / Ragguagliar o # made equal or even agayn , alfe i • J 1 RAG RAM RAM alfojuftly rewarded, alfo advertised: or truly and thoroughly informed and in- forufted of any thing. Ragguaglio, Ragguagliala, an equaling or mailing even again, alfo a (ufo meed or reward, but properly perfect ad vertise- bent, qjj'ured notice, undoubted tyirv- ledge, and true information of any thing given by word of month or letters. Ragguardaniénto, Rigguardacuia, Rag- guardo, Riguardo. ... Ra ggu arda nee, its Riguardante. Ragguardacórc, as Riguardatore. Ragguardare, as Riguardare. Ilieguardévole, as Riguardevole. Rigia, ro?jn or tree-gum, (oyne bave ufed it for right Balfamum, alfo a two forced tailed sfate or ray-ffh, alfo futile, elafe and (ly faaverie or craft. Ragia di bótte, casfad ro^cp. Ragia magra, eottrfe yo^en. Ragia ftercorina, a turd. Ragiare, torotyn, to pitch. t Ragiatura, the lax in a horfe. Ragina, a ladìe or sfate-ffh. Ragio, a venomous Sea-jpider, Ragioirc, to yejpyce, or joy again, Ragionalità, Ragionabilità, reafonabìe- neffe. Ragionamento, a rcafoning, a difeourfe , * par lie, a (peecb. , Ragionatelo reafon, to difeourfe, to parile, ; t0 tal k’ Ragionare in fui fódo, to (peak koinè, car¬ ne flly, or to the purpofe . Ragionaci ducaci, current, law full, jter tin, or full weight due fats, par lied. Ragionato, adjed. regular,endowed with , or conformable unto reafon, capable of teafon , reafoned , difoonrftd, tal - fad. Ragionato, fob. a difeourfe or reafoning , alfo a Merchants counting or day. . boofa , . Ragionatóre, a difcòurfor, a foca far, . Ragióne, reafon, difeourfe, light, equity, law , justice, advife, diferetion, due con¬ futation , equal judgement, impartial diforibution, alfo the Imperial, Canon or Civil-law, alfo f and that in good Au¬ thors ) any fever al fort or fand, by Met . a right, a claim, a jujl title or pretence unto an y thing, alfo a c.utfc,an account or ree failing between man and man, alfo a pledge or pledging in being drunk unto, i among Merchants it is ufed for a Partners (hop,or [h ire in trafok or trading together, afaong women it is (ometimes ufed for : . their monethly ijjucs. Ragióne civile, the Civil-law. Ragióne delle Gènti , the law of Na¬ tions. Ragióne di guèrra, Marjhal law . Ragióne di natura, the Law of Na¬ ture. . Ragióne di pace, the law of Peace. Ragióne di Rato, law, reafon or politic of State or Government. Ragióne divina, the Liw or Ordinance of God, divine Law. Ragióne Inlmana, humane law. Ragióne politica, politick law. 1 Ragionévole, reafonablc,cndowcd with the j life of re.i fon . J Ragionevolmente, reafonably. j Ragionevolezza, reafonableneffe. i Ragionière, a reafoner, a difooter for , an 1 orator, a [pea far, a doer or giver of rca- J fon, alfo a good Arithmetician, or a fae- ! per of books of accompts.. . j Ragìófo , full of rtfotnf gustarne. Ragliare , to mile, to b,ay as an Affé. Ragliata, Ragliò, a railing, a braying of ■an Afje. . -, Ragna, Ragngòla, Ragnaia,Ragnatclla, Ragnétta, Ragnélla, Ragnina, Rag¬ nata, a cobweb,a (piders-web or (pinning, by Met. any hay, fowling-net, (f ringe, or fnare, or tramel to catch birds or cun- mes, alfo fraud, guile or tretebery. Ragnàre, to (pin or weave as a (piker doth , by Met. to enfnare, to entramel, to en¬ tangle, or to fowl with (preading- nets . Rag nata, as Ragna, alfo the place where a fowling-net is cafi andfpread. Ragnatéllo, the dim. of Ragno. Ragno, Ragnuolo, any [pider or (pinner, alfo a fand of crab-ffh. Ragno molcaio, a (piker that hunts after foes. Ragno ide, the third sfan that, .compaffetb the eye , wherein is the hole.by which we foe, called olfo Vuea, Ragófta, a lobjter-fijh, but anunmcafurable great one, Ragumare, ^Ruminare. Ragunaticci fojdati, as Raccogliticci. Ragunanza, Ragunaménto, Ragunita, Ragunatióne , Raguno , an AQim- bly. Rigunare, to affemble together. Ragunévole, afjemblable. RahumiliarejHumiliarc di nuóvo,to hum- •. ble again. Rahumiliatione, Rahumiliinza, a rebu- . miliation. Rai, the pin. of Radio,, or Ragoi 0 . Raia, Raina, a ray or sfate- fofh, Raiapc, as Radiare. Raimondina, the fecrct; art of jlchymic of Raimundus Lullnis. Rainéfe, a fand of money. RaipjRaiófft, as Radio Radicle*. Raióne, a water-furtow or gullet, a drain for the conveying of fuperfiuous wa- A ter * , Raitamento, a. crying, a yelling, a. walling , as of a woman in labour. Raitare, to cry, to waul, to maunder, or whine, as a woman in labour . Raitri, fwart rutters in Germanic. Rallacciare, to bind again. Rallargaménto, an enlargement , Rallargare, to re-enlargc. Rallegraménto, Rallegranza,Rallegrcz- zaj any gladding or rejoicing. Rallenare, Allenare di nuòvo, to put into breath again. Rallentaménto, Rallentanza, a relenting, a ftiefang. Rallentare, to relent, to (lacfan. Rallenare, Allevare di nuòvo, to bring up, or educate again. Ri 1 lev iam into, as Alleviaménto. Rallevidre , as Alleviare di nuòvo, to . eat again. K. alii. Rullo, the rails birds, alfo priefaed- -raly or fait-wort . Rallignare, Allignare di nuòvo, to tafa root again. Rallongamcnto, a relengthcning. Rallongare, Allongare di nuovo, to lengthen or ftretch out again , Railu minare , to enlighten , to illumi¬ nate. Beall uminatióne^ a re-illumination. Ralluftrare, as llluftràre di nuòvo. Ramace > branchie, alfo a carnage , or a haggard-hawfa Ramaggi ,all manner of branches^ branch - worfa. Ramaiuòlo , Ramaruólo , a Braijer, a r fo any brajje-pot pr ladle,alfo aramxge- hawfa' Ramale d« catena, the Unfaof a chain, al¬ fo apot-hoofa Ramantàre, as Romanzare. Ramar. a, the trade or (hop of a Bra¬ ver. Rammaricare, Ramaricch are, to bewail ^ tù bemoan , to weep and forrow. Ramarichévole, wail’uH, moanfufl. Ramarico , Ramaricamcnto , Ramari- canza. Ramar icatione, Ramaricchia - mento., Ramancchio, Ramarco, bitter moan , forrow full fouling 3 hearts- grief. - Ramaricófo,Ramaricchiófo,/«^ of hems ™ grief, and bitter forrow. Ramarlo, a Braver, a Copperfmith, a Tin- far d. Ramarro, a. fteUion, a Jiar-livtrd, an asfa, an eft, a nute. Ramaruóla, a braffe-ladle or sfammer al¬ fo a fa'-chin grater. Ramata, Ramacata, Ramazza, a bough or branch plucfa from a tree with fruit upon it, alfo a blow, a hit or a hurt given with a bough or a branch, alfo an in fonimene made of ofaers Ufa unto a jfade or (hovel for to fall birds, (pecially tbrufhss. Ramatélla, as Ramicéllo. Ramarico, branchie, as Ramace. Ramato, branched, look Cèrvo. Ramazzare, to fall birds with a Ramata, alfo to fweep chirhnies. • Ramazzino, a mifcrable pinch-pennic-chuff, that gets by for aping together. Ramaizóttò > a chimnie-fwceper, alfo a ■ fcraper.a dr agger, a boo far. Ratàbatà, <*i Rombica. Rambcrga, a fand of Dutch hulfa Rime, the met tal copper or braffe. Raméce j as Ramice. Ramegliéro, Ramerò, as Ramarlo. Ramembranza, Ramcmó'ratióne, R.am*- moranza,Ramentatióne,Ramentanza, Kimé.cis.0, remembrance, mindfullneffe,a tofan io remember by. Rimembrare, Ramemorire,Ramentir'ej to remember , to mind. Ranientévole, memorable, mindfull. Ramcngare, Ramingare, to wander or roave up and down, poorly and for- ~ lorn. Raméngo, Ramingo, wandering or con¬ vinsi up and down, poorly and (oli¬ tane, alfo a ramage-bawfa among horfe- men it is fold of a horfe when he goetb,as it were in two minds , as between going, and not going. Raméq, Ramigno, brànchie , Ramerino , Rammerlno , Rofcbta- ■ rie. Rametto, Raméllo, Ramicéllo, Ramuf- cél\o,thc dim. op Rimo. Ramice, the farcinefje ma horfe, alfo bur- flings or ruptures in the cods. Ramicófo, as Rarnófo. Ramiére, a ring-dove, a wood culver , a j queefl , alfo bred or living amongl boughs. Ramifero, branch-bearing. Ramificare, to branch, to (prenditi bran¬ ches. Ramification e, an cmpranching. Ramigno, made of braffe or copper. Ramina, Ramini, all manner of bra(fo- vcjjels , or implements in a fatchèn. Ramingo, loo\ Raméngo. Rammantare, Ammantare dì nuòve, to cover again with mantle or cloafa ^ I Rarnraarginire , Marginare di nuòvo. F/y* RAM RAP ) to mirrili or edge again. Rammaricare* ns Ramaricare, &c . Rammaiiamcnro, a. reamma fling. Rammaflare, to reamm j] together. Rammallcvole,rcflW/».?(JiWf. Rammattonare, Mattonare di nuovo, to pave again with bricks. Rammembidre, as Rimembrare, &c. R ’• mrnendamc nto, a r : amendment. R mmendàrc, to reamend. Rammendévole, amendable. Rammezzaménto, a dividing by moities. Rammezzàre, to divide into half's . Rammollire, Rammollre, Ammollare di nuòvo, to lay in deep again. Rammolliménto, a remollifying. Rammorfcare, Ammontare di nuóyo, to mount again. Rammorbidaménto, a cockering) a pam- pring, x wantoning, loo^ Mòrbido. RammorbidaresRammorbidfre, to cocker, to pamperi 10 wantoni^e, to waxfoft, by Met. to wax effeminate. Rammorbidito, cockered, pampered. Rammorzare, to quench again , Rammorzévole, quenchable. Rimmucchiare , to heap up into heaps. Rammucchiarfi, a man to fhrug or crincb rio, e together , as in a heap. Ramno, a (hv p thorney bramble, Ramo, Róma, Rami, R-imora, any bough branch or fpraic deriving from fome (lock- Ramo di mare, an arm of the Sea. ' Ramògna, fuccefle, following chance. Ramognare, to follow or trace out , .Ramolaccio, Ramoraccio, winter or black raddifhes. Ramòfo, Ramolcfo, Ramoruto, Ra- mofciolófo, branchie, far Jprcadmg, aljo as Nocchiuto. Rampante, Randeggiarne, Rampinante, rampant. Rampar le, to rampard. Rampardo, Ramparo, a rampard. Rampare, as Rimpcgare. Rampata, Rampegata, a ramping, a ham¬ mering , alfo a hit with any paw. Rampa zzo d’uva, a clufler of grapes.^ Rampegarc, Rampecare, Rampegonare, Rampicare , Rampinare, to rampy to clamare , to limbi alfo to book, to graffi to cl affi alfo to drag or to grap¬ ple, Rimpegòne, Rampegante, Rampicóne, R impinante , in grapling, rampant, grafpingi dragging, or hooding manner, Ramplgliónc, as Rampino. Rampinato, dragghooked, graplcd, ramped , clammired, ,entcrcd. Rampinate mani, dragging bands, hook- fingers, by Met. a flicker, a Jlealcr , a pull-her to her. Ram. ino, Rimpinéllo, Rampinétco, Rlmpo,'J»y k}nd of fljh-hooki dragling- book, grapling, clafping, pot, tenter, fug, ramping, or fxuf]ing-boo\, alfo a hook that Gunners ufe to put into the touch- hole of pieces that are chambred , where¬ by they ^now how the piece is forti fed in m:tt.il, by Met. a fer aping pinch-pen- nie. Rampógna ,agrumbfing, a muttering , a fnujjingor grudging at. Rampognare, to grumble, to mutter, to fntiff or repine at. Rampogncfo , grumbling or repining at. Runpol’ante, that doth , Ramoollare. I Rampollare, fo bitd or branch fai Jo as Sca- J turire. RAN Rampóllo, a bub, a branch,a /prig,a fpraic, 1 a bough. ; Rampollófo , branchie , full of branches , j Rampóllo d’acqua, a rivulet or gullet of 1 water. Ramponare, as Rampeg're. Ramponato,.* borfes caU(in-[hooe,or froft- fhoor. Rampóne, a call-in in a horfes (hooe lo \ecp him from falling, alfo as Ràffo. Rampónzoli, the ramp roots. Ramufcéllo, look. Rimétto. Rana, a frog, a padock, a tf° u ■ IftnA or fuelling in beafts tongues, Péfce rana, ufrog-fijh, Mórfo di rana, the hearb frog-bit. Ranabótolo, Ranavótco, as Ranòcchia. Ranca,Randa, hardly, fcarcely, with much ado, almojt or eaneft. Rancare, Ranchettale, as Dirancare, alfo to make a matter hard and diffi¬ cult. Rancata, earnefl, flrain’d, as Vóga ran¬ cata, a rowing, as it were for life and death, either pur filing or flying. Rancia, an orenge , alfo pale or wan. Ranchi, the young teeth in a colt. Rancia roffo, orenge taunie red. Ranciaca,ranchado, orenge fticket. Ranciato, orenge taunie colour . Rancio, an orenge , alfo as Rancido. R incido, Rancio fo, reasfie, ranks flalc, tainted, unpleafantin raft. Rancidume, Ranetta, Rancédine, vearef- ncjfe, look Rancire. Rancire, Rancidire, ileo, ito, to grow or become reatje, rank , fiale, tainted, vintwedor unpleafant in tafl or [meli, as rcasfie bacon, alfo to yell as a Ti¬ ger. Rancico, as Rancido, alfo yelled as a Ti¬ ger. Rancontrare, Rancóntro, Incóntro. Rancorirc, Rancorirc, Rancurare,f0?Mtf- cor, to fefler, to rage, to rankle. Rancóre, Rancura, rancor, rage, fpite, by Met. rancorous disdain. Rancorófo ,full of rancor, rancorous. Randa, look Ranca. Randeggio, Randagio, a man that hath no home or re fling pi ace, but is errant, wan¬ dering or roaving up and down, alfo a ramage or haggard hawk, a tf° a ™Hd, cruel and unsociable man, a hard hearted fellow , Randellare, to wrefl or wrineb hard with a Randello, to turn ar whirl round as a whirl-pool or whirl-wind dotb,to make a whirling noyfe, alfo to burl or fling fu- rioufly, alfo to beat or bang with a cudgel. Randellata, a wrench or Wrejlling, a whirling noife in the air, a furious hur¬ ling, a bang,a blow or rap wick a cudgel. Randèllo, is properly, a fhoet, a ftrong , and fomewbat bending flick, bath trun- chion or cudgel that Packers or Carriers ufe to wring or wrench their packs with turning it round with their cords, alfo any other cudgel or battoon, alfo a violent hurling, or wbiflling noife in the air, A randèllo, adv. at random,in flinging manner. Rancggia, us Brafci. Rangiàre, to range, to arange or fet in or¬ der, alfo to range up and down. Rangifero, Ranghiéro, Rangiéro,** Rain- dear, or Range-dear, which is a beafl in the cold North countries, of the bignè fle of a Mule, of tht colour of an Affa, horned like a Stag , and wonder full fwift in going, for in a day and a night they will go very well, a hundred and fifty miles, the people make them tame, and ufe them inftead of horfes to draw fledges, Scat-trucks or Chariots. Rangognarei Rangolare,fo cark and care, and fret inwardly. Rangola, Rangógna, Rangola, Ranoo- laménto, cark and fecree care . Rangolófo,/«tf of inward care. Ranie, a worm in oaken roots. Ramno, of the nature of a frog, alfo as Appio acquatico. Rannefiare, to graft again. Rarinicch'arfi, f» crine k, to fhrug or (brink up clofe together, namely in the back , as a frog dot ) before fhe leap, alfo to covare and lye down clofe with pulling in the neck, ns an urchin or a hedge-hog doth. Rannicchio, a clofe crincb:rig or fbrtigging in. Ranniére, a Barbers lye-pot. Ranno, (Ir ong,fhxrp or fealding lye, alfo a kind of pottage or water-grewel, alfo Ramne, Chrifls-thorn , Hitts-thorn, Way-thorn, Buck-thorn, Rainberrtc- thorn. Rannodamcnto, a knotting again. Rannodare, Annodare di nuòvo, to \nit a knot Again. Rannunculo, as R.inóncolo. Rannuvolare, RannugoJarc,f0 0T/ft'-c/»«rf, Ranòcchia, Ranòcchio, a frog, a padock , alfo a tool to pull out teeth with. Ranòcchia della lingua, the root of thè tongue. Ranòcchia terréftrc, as Bufera. Ranòncolo,0r Sardinia, crow-foot, golden- knap, k} n l*-c°b, golden-cup, " butter- flower. Rantacófo as Rantolòfo. Rantolare, Rantac.i re, to flrain hard for, io fetch up dots or burs of fleagme. Rantolacòre, a flcagmatick cougber. Rincolo, a rheumc or catarh that diflilleth upon the uvóla of a mans mouth, and of¬ ten hinderetb his fpcech and fwallow- ing. Rantolóni, concotted dots of flegm , as Farfallóni, as Sornacchi. Rancolófo, Rantacófo, full of flemme, rheumc or catari), troubled with Ran¬ tolo. Ramila, an in^ot or wedge of mettal. Ramazza, as Ranòcchia. Ranza, Ranzo, as Rancia. Rapa, a rape-root , a turnep. Rapa còllo, as Cavolo torzuto. Rapanorcina, a raddijh-root. Rapace, ravenous, greedy, devouring, by Met. full of exto/flon. Rapacità, ravenous grcedtnrffe or infacicty . R ' pano, a raifo/d or radd’-fb-root. Rapante, Rapire, as Rampante. Raparino, a thifllc finch , Rapata, a kind of meat made of turnepr, alfo a hit or a rap with a turnep, alfe a rude flou', xgrofle flou', a gudgeon given to one. Raperónzoli,Raperónz 5 ,aj Rampónzoli. R.aperuogliólo, athiflle-fincb. Ràphio, a Hinde-wolf. Rapidamente, adv. impetitoufly, furiai fly, violently, fwiftly. Rapidézza, Rapidità,rèe violent, furious or fwift running of fly earn, impetuous haft. Rapido , furious, impetuous,violent o-r fwift as a running flream that carrieth away whatfoever it meeteth, by Met. furious, rap 7 , head-long. Rapalo, * k‘ad of [and about Naples ufed in the cutting of marble. _ RAP Rapimento, Rapatura, a forcing) a ravip- mcnt , a taking away by violence . Rapina} rapine, rape , a. taking away by force , Rapinare, to rapine , to rapii to rob , to com¬ mit rapine. . Rapinane, rapines, rapes, robbings 3 p-un¬ der ings. Rapinofamcnte, by way of rapine. Rapinolo, given tu rapine or rapes. Rapire, pifeo, pito, to ravip, to takeaway by force, to rape, to violate. Rapito, r a ped s ravi/hed, forced. Rapitóre, a r avi per, a forcer. Rapóncoli , Rapónzoli , rts Rampon- zoli. Rappa, loo\ 'Alla rappa, a!fo apuctyring , or wrimpling . Rappacificabile, paci fidile» Rappacificare, Rappaciare , cu Rappatu- mare. Rappacciume, Rappacificaménto, Rap* pacificatióne, as Rappaciarne. Rappagnménto, a repayment. Rappagare, Pagare di nuovo , to repay or pay again. R. appal lottolire, to reduce into round bolls or pills. Rappallozzolarc, as Rannicchiale* Rapp are, to rap, alfoto putty t. Rapparecchiamcnto, nuòvo Apparec¬ chio, a new preparation. Rappareggiaménto, a new comparing. Rapparcggi.ire, Pareggiare di nuòvo, to compare again. Rapparire, Apparire di nuòvo, to appear again. Rappata, a. rap , a rapping. Rappatumarc, topicifie , to appeafe , to whoofht , to accord a controverse ,to patch up a matter. Rappaciarne, an appeafing, an accord. Rappc, the pains or styirf in a horfe. Rappellare , Appellare di nuòvo, to re¬ ap peal again, alfoto Call again. Rappeilatiónci Appel lattóne di nuòvo, a new re-appanl, atfo a new or frefh call a- gain. Rappéllo» a reappeal, a revocation. Rappezzare, spicce, to patch, to botch, to cobble, to font. I Rappezzatóre, a piccer, a botcher, a patchcr. R i p pezzatura, a piecing, a patching. Rjppexzcvole > that mrj be pieced or l pitched. Rapphnàre, Spianale di nuòvo , toex- plain again. Rappiantaré, Piantare di nuòvo, to plant I again. Rap 'iafirare, as Appiaftrare. Rappiccàr:, Appiccare di nuòvo, tofaflcn or hang again. ; Rappaciare, Appicciare di nuòvo, to l?in¬ die or fire again. Rappicciolire, Appicciolàre di nuòvo, to ì lejftn or ma {e fmali again. Rappigliamene©, lool? Rapptéla. Rappigliare, to tal?e again, alfo to randle, il to clod or curdle as fower mill? doth , alfo to \hr'm\ up, alfo to fu under as a horfe , I loot? Rapprtfa. Ì Rappo, any bunch or clufier. } Rappo d’ uva, a dufler of grapes, i ; Rapportante, that reported ;. >. Rapportaméntò, Rapportagióne , Raps I portanza, Rappòrto, a'report, arelati- II on. J Rapportare, to rebring , to recarry , alfo to 1 1 report. ft Rapportatóre, a bringer again , alfo a. re - porter. —- RAS Rapprèndere, evs Rappigliare. Rappóntl, as Gazzétte, running news. Rapprcfa, Rapprendimene , Rappigli- amento, Rappigliamene, Rappiglia- tura, Rappigliatióne, a retatyiug, alf ) a crudling or clodding of mill? , alfo a jhrintyng up or contra fling of finews , in any body, among riders it is properly when a horfe is ( as we fay ) tatyn in his leggs fo as he cannot fland nor go, fame tal?c it for the foundring of a horfe. Rapprefaglic, as Riprefjglie. Rapprefentamcnto, R.apprcfentatióne, a reprefentation of a thing, or of another mans per fon. Rapprtfencanti, Rapprcfentatóri , repre- Jenters of others perfons , as CommtJJto- ners, Ambaffadors , Agents, or Deputies, alfo Comedians or Stage-players. Rapprcfentare,ro reprefent,to fet foi lh live¬ ly, to bring in prefence, for one to (hew bimfclf prefent , to play or aft another mans part. Rapprefcntativo, that reprefenteth. Rapprcfo, retaken, crudded or clodded , (hr uni? up or contra fled , tool? Rapprtfa. Rapprdlaménto, a re-approaching. Rappiefsare, Rapprolfimare, to re-ap¬ proach. Rapfodia, a rapfody, a confufed heaping up of fever al fentences or fubjefls. Rapfodiare, to (peal? or write rapfodies. Rapfódi, Interpreters of Homers ver fes. Rapto, Rapito, as Ratto, rapt , raviped or forced, alfo any rape or ravipment. Rapiteci, young turnep roots. Raramente, rarely, feldom. Rarefare, Rarificare » to ranfie. Rare fiate, Rare vòlte, feldum time. Rarificatiòne, Rarefattióne , a ranfy- ing. Rarità, Rarézza , Raritùdine , rarity, rarcne(fe,fcldom.'i'.ffe. Raro, raie, feldom, unufual. Rifa gì alfa, the fat or gum of trees. Rifare, as Ràdere. Rifatóre, a (haver , a notter, a poller „ Rafatura, a paving, a racing. R'fca, R' fchia, any feraping or burmfhing tool, alfo a men Jure of liquid things ufed in Italy, alfo the long middle bone of a fi\h, alfo a Cob or Spiders web.. Rife all a bianca, as Bacca incano. Rafcatóio, a bumping or f rubbing tool. Ra frétta, fine cloth-rap , or filty-rap, alfo the wrift of ones hand. Reifichiate, Reificare, Rafiàrc, Rifilare, to fcrape, or ra\e together, to pare , to /crape or ra\e out , alfo to file, to frttb , to fur- bi(h, or to fcrape clean , alfo for one to (train or \ecl? hard for to cough, to (paid, or to fetch up fiegm from the lungs or (tornaci?, alfo to ra\eor gralj the ground as a bullet or arrow doth, by A fit. to s\ud a ray nimbly. Rafichiatórc, Radiatóre, a feraper , a ra- \er, a frubber, a frubblfher, a filer, alfo a fpawler, a (trainer to cough and [pet, a\ec\?cr. Rafchiatura, Rafcaménto, Rafchm, Raf- ciaca, Rafdatura. Radatura, Raftia- tiira, any [craping, (having , paring, or filing away , any [craping or racing toge¬ ther, any [rubbing or burniffang , alfo ary file-duft, afo a \(d?ing or draining to fp.iul or cough for to fetch up fltgm» Rafcia, the fluff called rafh. Rafie are» to (have, as Rafchiire. Rafciére, ar afh-ma\er,or weaver » Rafco, Rafcone, as Rafttllo. Raféga, any tymd of two bandedfaw, Rifegirc, to faw in funder. RAS Raféna ,r offerì or tree-gum. j Rafcenràre, to come , logo , to glance, to & ra \ f or fiiete by or clofe unto. Rafccnte , near or cloje unto, graffine or glancingly. Rafccnte la tèrra , clofe unto, or ( as we J*y ) V a Vng along the ground. Raficra, as Radimadia, alfo a paring-flio- vel,around Jticl? to level heaped mea- furcs. Rafiére, a rffgor, a paver. Rasile, that part of a yine-floc\ that flic\s in the ground. Ràfin, a tree in Arabia, whereof there is but one, and on it the Phoenix fits. Rasino, thin or flight faitin, alfo verjuice made of fower grapes. Ràfo, part, of Ràdere, fijaven, ranged or [craped out y by Met. graced or glanced near the ground, as (omet imes a bullet doth, alfo gone, crept , flownyOr [allied clofe or near the ground, land or firm y as Rafénte. Ri fo,fub. the fine fill?-fluff called Saitin. Raforifo, as Rafénte. Rafóia, Ràfola, as Rafpa. Ra fóio, a ra\or. Rafóre, a (haver with a ra\or. Ràfpù , as Radimadia , alfo a rough file, Rafpante, that doth, Rafpire. Ralpinte vino, [mactying or brisl?wine upon the tongue. Rafy are, to file , to fcrape , to pare, or fcrape together, alfo to rang or fcrape out, alfo to rajp or fcrape up the earth as horfes or hens do with th:ir feet. Rafparuóla, as Radimadia. Rafpàto, the part, of Rafpàre, alfo a ifind of wine. Ralpatóre, as Rafchiatóre, Rafpatura , Rafpaménto , as Rafchia¬ tura. Rafpéllo, Rafpóne, a miferable chaff, a J craping pinch-penny. Rafpo, Ràfpolo , Rafpóllo, a bunch or ci after of any berries, namely of grapes , alfo the fruit or berry we call Rafpife-,for as much as that berry bath a tymd of fmacl? on the tongue , alfo R-ifpife-wine or juice , alfo a port toothed ratyc, alfo a tymd of dry running* tyurf or tetter. Rafpolare, to glean for omitted cluflcrs of grapes. Rafpoldta , a gleaning for grapes. Rafpolatóre, a gleaner of grapes. Rafpoliére, Rafpolifta, a woman-gleaner of cl ufters of grapes. Rafpolòfo, cluflry, bunchy. Raffaliménto, a reajjailing. Railed re, to re affati, alfo to fait again. Raflalicòr c,-d reaffailer, alfo are falter. Raflàporàre, Saporire di nuòvo, to favour or feafon again. Raflciugare, to dry or wipe again. Raficiugatóio, a towel, a wiper, a. rub¬ ber. Raflciutto, dryed up again. Rafségna.Rafi"egnaménto,Raficgnatióne, a refignation or refigning unto , alfo a fummoning of one unto fomeplace, alfo a rcprefent'mgof a mans felf unto that place , alfo a rendezvous or retreat for fo tIdlers t namely to their colours , alfo a general call ormujter of fouldiers near unto or under their enfigns , alfo a Cata¬ logue or collection of many things toge- Rafiègnàie, to refign intofome bodieshands tofummon to fame placcyfor one to repre- fent him felf to that place, to coUtfl togc - ther in Come place, alfo to found a retreat, __F// 3 _ tj R A T R A V R A Z to fuminoti or call fouldicrs to a render.- ! vou%e or to their colours , alfo to mufier I fbuldiefs, affo to bring unto feme appoint- i ed place. ! Rad'ambiinte? femblant, resembling, RalVembraménco,Rimembranza, Rafiem* biinfca? a reftmbling ? alfo a refem- bhnee . Ra(Vernbr£re?RaiIemRare, refemblc or belile unto, alfo to re-affemble toge¬ ther. Raflempiare, to enfample, to exemplify, to coppy, to match, to pattern. Raflemriatura, an enfampling > an exempli¬ fying] a matching. Ralle rena re, Serenare di nuovo? to clear up again, to g orv to be fair weather, by Met, to look courteously and mildly a- gatn. Rafsetre? a finil-fatilt, a mend- all, a bufie- medlir. Ralle:raménco, a fetling in order. Rafl’ctiare- to fettle or place in order. Rifs etto ifetfcdin due order. Rafficurinza? a re a[f arance. RilTicm aie, to reajfure. Rallodaméncoj a confoliddting, | Rifloda.e, Sodare di nuòvo, to fi rengtben o y fiitfen again Rafsodu* ^‘Rapsodia. Riflomiy.’ a. it c,r P tabling. Raflomigl anza, Rafl’omigliamcnto » Y&- fembiance. Rl'omg are? to re [mbit. Raflotigliire? Allocig.Iia.rc di nuovo ? to fubtilixe or ma\e any thing Small again. RaHumcre? Rillunro, as RTumcre. Riftellir.-, Raftrire? Riftrellare? torace together r alfo to percutlri agate, by Met. to fcràp:, to fi'ch , to fqiiabble and (hai li for any thing by hoo\ or CYOOk- Raftellatòrc, Raftratóre? Raftrellatòrc ? a raider. Riftellicra, Raftrclliéra ? any ra\e or' raifinginfirum:ht,a grate of iron, a fence ' made of hurdles, a per cults, a harrow,al- fo a rac\, a cratch , ór a rhanger in a Ila- blc _ Riftéllo, Riftréllo, Ralro, any lfind of rake, as Raftellicre, alfo racks whereon fhoe makers bang their (boos ; chandlers their candles,hatters their hats, armorers their armors, con\s their pots^dairy women fet up their cheefes,alfo racks o-r hooks in c ••mmes, alfo pot-books, alfo a fl id-gate, lb a fitte or y ate in a. hedge or V ark-pale, alfe a Ifind of injtrument to weed corn , <>r to rid away earth from Pines, alfo a Lambenti $r Labell in armory, by Met. a greedy raker or feraper of goods. Ri’ftiarcj as Rafch are, &c, Rjftremaménro, any out-jetty, nr [one jet¬ ting out of any wall or building, aia flay for beams to refi upon, ufed alfo for Ritrarrò. Raftreniare,f0 jet out far. Kasiira, a Jhaving, a racing out. Ri : ? a rate, a fharc, a portieri , alfo the milt or fpleen, alfo as Zàttera. Ratamente, adv. ratably, portionabty. Ratàrc, to rate, to allot by equal po tions,al¬ fo to ranfie or confirm. Ritévole, ratable, pardonable. Ritirare, to ranfie, to confirm Racificatióne, Racificanza, ratificatisn , a confirming, an approving. Rati,fr che vole? rati fi able. Rattle, ufed for any (hip. RuJocinare t ffl difeourfeby Way of reafon. Ritioi àie? Raciociràbile, Rationibile ? R av azione, Ravacciuòlo, rape-feed, alfa reafonable,endowed with, or capable of j rape-oyl reafon, that difeourfeth by way of reafon, alfo a Tribunal or Chief featofjujtice fo cdlcd in Naples, al b a certain attire , that Priefs were wont to wear among the Hebrews Rationality, rationality , reafon reafonable- • ”#• Rattónc? as Ragióne. Rato, rated, ratified , alfo as Rita. Ratta? the milt or fpleen. Rattaccare, Attaccare di nuovo, to fatten again. Rattaconare, as Rappezzare, Rattaiuóla, a moufe-trap, Rattaiojii rat-catcher. Rattamente, Speedily, fwiftly, Rattare? look Rattrappire. Rattcmperaménto? Rattemperinza? a re¬ tempring. Rattemperare, Temperare di nuòvo? to temper or quaffie again. Rattenérfi, for a man to retain ? to with¬ hold, or to refrain himfelf. Rattenlménto? Rattentióne? « retention,a refraining. Rattcnto, retained, alfo a reattempt. Rattenuta, « retaining , a withholding, a flop, a flay, a let, a hindrance, alfo a leap-wed, or wcere-net to fiop or take fi (h,alfo a MiU-dam,alfo a water-fiuce. Rattenuto, retained, withheld. Rattepidare? Rattepidirc? as Tepid/re. Rattezza, fwiftnefje, [pecdy-hafle. Rattizzaménto, a rekindling. Rattizzare, Attizzare di nuovo? to kindle or inflame anew. Raucirc, Raudrc, toJpeal[ home, al/blo fnort, alfo to yell as a Tigre. Raucedine, Rauchézza? Rauchi, boarce- ne(fe, alfo a Tigers yelling. Riuci fono? boarce- founding. Ràuco? bouree in found. Raved, Rivet? hearb Rubarb. Ravel ire, ufedfor Rivelare. Ravellino? a ravelin, a wicket , or pofiern- gate, ufed alfo for the ut mo ft bounds of the walls of a C a file or a Fort, alfo a s bonce without the walls. Ravéllo, a young turnep or reddifh. Raverufta? as Lambrufca. Raviccio, Ravicciuólo, as Radicchio. Raviggiuolo? Ravigliólo, a {md of dainty cheefe, alfe a {ind of conferver or fuc\ct ufed in Italy after meat to clofeupthe ftomach. Raviólo, Raviguóii, Rayiuóli , ravióls, that is to fay,a kind of pafite-mcat, much efitemed m Italy , made like unto little pa flies filled with green hearbs, eggs, and fpices, and then boiled and laid in difhes with frefh butter and grated cheefe upon them, alfo little hooks or clafps , alfo a kind of fool made of clouted cream. Ravifciuolo? cotirfe rye bread. Ravizzc, turnep-leaves or fialks. Raumilianza? a rehumiliaiion. Raumiliàre? to rehumble. Rauninza, Raunata » Rauno, Rauna- méntb? any ajjmbly or congregation. Riunire, to afj'emble. Rauriévole, that may be afiembled. )Rauncinarc?uncinire di nuòvo. , -, to book Ritto, adjet. fwifr, fpcedy, fieet,hafiy , l R *&***•, fiddain ? quick ? nimble , alfo craggy, hiph j u aunc * nat0 ? M Uncinato. andfieepy, 6 Ravóglio, as Invòglio, Rateo, pm. rapt, raped, ravijbed, drflow- | K-^voglióio, as Raviggiòlo. ni. ia\m [muchi, or corrili may by Kaus >,* l mc at Mri '- >» Feme [arts of violaci. ’ ' Italy. Ratto, .[ub. a rap: . a ravifbmenl orde - R aufle ^f l c > a> Auuedére. fiowriifg of a woman againfi her confent I ^ uuc . dl ^ cnco J Auuediménto. alfo a rapin or preying as wild beads com -1 "' auu . edu ^ 0j,w Au ucddto. ^ wit, alfo a rapture or trance of the min'i ■ 1 fp auu / iamemo ^ Auuiaménto. or a diftrafiion of the {pints, alfo ar atn Raviare > Inviare - great moufe,alfoa Thorn-bqck-fifh. Ritto che, adv. as fuddainly as. Ritto divino, a divine rapture. Ritto ratto, adv. mo[t fpeedily. Rattopcnago? Rattopcnugo, a Night-bat ? a Rear-moufe. 6 6 ‘ Rattoppare, as Rappezzare. Rattoppatole, a cobler, a fouler. Rattorniamento, as Torniaménto. Rattóre? a rav-.fber, a jpoiler, an extortio¬ ner, a forcer. Rattrappire, Rattrappire? Rattare, to o- vertakeor over-reach again , alfo to en¬ trap again, alfo to {brink up or contrail fin ws together, as with a cramp or con- vu. fiori, alfo to grow clumxje , or numb in the joints through exceeding cold. \attrappacura? Rattrappaménto , Rat- trappacióne di nervi ‘ a contrafling of the finews. Rattoppato? Rattrapito?or;fyr4^f» again , jhrunk up or contratteti, alfa (lark- fit fi, dammit or bennmfned through cold. Ratti tira, a rapture, a rape, a ravifhment . Riva? ufed in Lombardy for Rupi. Rl\ azffiolo. as Raviacrinlo a rapine. l' aggiòlo, as Raviggiolo. Ravagi iire? to ravel one. j Ravanfglia? all Ifind of reddifkes. Rivano, Ravanèllo? a rdcdifh root, the Cnnits in a hawk _ ra~,i.. r., , alfo R.riocmatióne.Rtti.cinio, defamfingn Rivano figria, the fili bmre-raddifh d>IPm H b, wap ofnafia. Ravaifno, alfe a 1 iifile-fijeh. Rauuicinare? Auicinare di nuòvo, to ap proacb or draw near. Rauuificare? to revive, to requicken. Rauuignare? as Auignife. Rauuincidire, as Ranche? alfo to yield or become foft Or floppy again. Riuuifare? Auifire di nuòve , to Call to mind again, to readvife. R.auuifolirc, idem. Riuuiflare? idem. Rauuivare? to revive, to requicken. Rauuólgere? Rauuógliere, Rauuòlverc , to roul or turn over aga in. Rauuolgiménto, as Riuolgiméntb. Rauuólto, as Riuolto, as Auuólto. Rauunculo, hearb-Crowfoot. Rizza, a race, i brood, a lineage, a flock , a defeent, a pedigree, and often wit r Jj) fpoken in contempt or derifion, its Ri zzai di cane, Thou bred of a dog. Rizza d; can bccco,ffao« cuckolds ; v as cue would fry. Razzaménti, Razzarie? Razzi, allm n f of Aeis-wo, ks or Tapi fries. Razzare? to hang or flore 'w.ih Tapin r m ut or Arras-work*, alfo as Rafpare. J Razzeggiiré? as Radiare. Razzéìe? as Ractfe. Razziérc, a Merchant or worker cf Aras- workjs or Tapi dries. Razziroaco? fmug, newly(haven. Razzina? as Rizza, m ill parts. Rizzo, Rizzi, as Ri; gg‘o- Razzolare? to ferape or dig as a ben, alfo tt rake together. R az 1 REC REC REC Rafczoìatóre. c - fcrapcr, a ra^er. lUiiolaturajUiiioloyi/cra^wofrat’^ loreiher. Ri-, « I \ing, a crowned Prince, a (over raffi fubjijUng abfolutcly of himfelf, tifo t note in mM colled Re, tifo in {loot of Ra or Ri, in the beginning of re-aSing verbs. Ri dc’ci'bi, the 1\ingof meats,nfed specially for Ccrvcliato. Re digli uccelli» the King of birds , that • is, the Eagle, as alfo ibe Wren. R: della fava, the King of ibe bean cbofen upon Twelf-day, but ufed for a fillie King. Reale, adjetf. real or effential, of perfect being,alfo fitmptuous, {lately, {ing/y, royal, alfo upright, fine ere, bone fi, truely- minded. Rea c, fub. a chief fort, a royal fconce, a middle-tower or flyongl(CCp in a Caftlc or Ciltadcl, alfo a royal or admiral jhip or gallie. Readottàrc, to rc-adnpt. Real gare, the fume, the ree\,the fmo\e or vapor of minerals, by Met. the vile cor¬ ruption in mans body, caufing divers fil¬ thy difeafes. : Realegg are, Realizzare, to royalixs, to '• exemfc thepartof a King, to live l k c a King. Realità, Realtà? re aline, efjcntialitie, alfo royaltie or Ifinglineffe , alfo loyal- tic,nprigbtne(fc or [inccrity of mind. Realmente, realy, tffcmaly, alfo royaly, Princcl. y or Kngfy, alfo loyaly or Upright¬ ly- Reame, Ree 'mbio, Ricambio. I Rccamniera, as Rétro tammera, )- Recantarc, as Ricantare. i ;: Recapitare, as Ricapitare- ^ r- Ricapitolare, as Ricapitulàre. R e carc, to reach unto, to fetch unto, to $ bring unto, to ta\c or beta\e unto, to lead i unto any body or place,by Met. to draw, ) la per [wade induce unto. a Recare ad effetto, tobringto effeft, or to I. pajfe. i Recare a mente, to bring to mind, or to •y commit to ones memorie. j- Recare a niènte, to bring to nothings bring fcj a noble to nine-pence. x Recdre a pattato, to bring or draw to a bar- , gam or determination. j; Recare in breve, to reduce into brevity , to it . ma{e(hort. IcRecàre In tino, to reduce unt 6 one, to bring to a conclufión. 4- Recarli, a man to be drawn unto any ihing, a man to take or reach ur.'.o him- felf. Recarli a cuòre, to take to heart. Recarli a confcienza,t oma\e conference of a matter, Recarli ad hon óre, Recarli a gloria, to take it as an honour to himfelf. Recarli ad ingiuria , Recarli ad onta, to take or repute it as a wrong or d\f- grace. Recarli addòffo, to draw upon him- M- Recarli a male, to take it in part. Recarli all’honéfto, to yield untò what R hone ft. Recarli a nòia, Recarli a falcidio, to be we arie of, or difp'.eafcd with. Recarli a piàngere, to betake himfelf to weeping. Rccarfi in fe (ieffo, for a man to call and fummon up his wits together. Recarli ubbia, to take in abhonina- tion. Recata, Recaménto,Recatura,.i reaching, a fetching or bringing unto. Recata re, to regrate, to be a huckfter, to foreftalltbe market, toingpoffe anything with purpofc to make great gain by re¬ tailing the fame again. Recatcna,r grating, buckJlcrihg^ngYbffng, or fore (tailing of the mirket, alfo a re¬ tailing by little and [mall,alfo a tripperie or Brokers{hop. Recacicre, a regrater , a huckft'er, itretailer, fripper, a broker of old clothes, as Rigat- tcrc. Recato, reached, fetch:, brought or led un¬ to, look Recare. Recato ,fub. ftcgme or excrement brought up by kecking. Recatóre, a reachir, a fetcher,a brin- ger. Recchióni, as Orecchióni, alfo the miimps in che cheek. Recèdere, to ree die or retreat back. Rccenlìónc, a renewing of accompts- Rccentare,to make recent or new, alfo to rence or wafh. Recente, recent , frefh, new, of late. Recentemente, recently , newly. Recépere, as Ricévere- Recere, Rccicre, rido, rcciéi, reciòto, to vomit, to(puc, to parbreak, fpecially at Sea. Reel li, Recèdi, (badie, pleafant, green, or private retiring places. Receflìóne, a recoiling or going back again, a return of any (ickncffc or new fit of an ague, a re acccffe. Recèdo, a retreat or recoiling back or further off , alfo the ebbimg or returning back °f the Sea, alfo a fecret comer or retiring place in a houfe, the hollowneffe of the month. Rccétta, ^Ricètta. Recettlbile, rccciveable. Recettório, a reccptorie, a recipient or veffelto receive what d flideth from above. Rcccvere, as Ricévere. Rcchedipno, a garment anciently ufed by the Romans to [up in. Rechiamarc, as Richiamare. Recidere, to cut off, or in funder. Recidivare,' to relaps or fall again in¬ to. Recidivatìóne, anew relaps or falling into , a flc\ncfje again. Recidivo, a relaps of ftck ne ff c > a tf° re ~ ftnrcd again to health. Rrcindcre, to cut off, to remove or tna\e vnide a Law or an Aft, Cecini, young knots of budding fruits. j Rea ni o, Recino, a k‘Ud of wide [quart) garment like a Nimphcs mantle, whiebi who did wear did c a ft one lappet of it over\ their fhoulder. Recinto, g mrded or compicci in. Rc-inco, fub. a circuit, «precinsi. Recipe, u Pbyfituns bill to clircCt the Ace- thee arie. Reciperànza, a league or enter-courfe be¬ tween Princes for the accord and fir ren¬ dering of any thing or pi ice. Recipiènte j recipient, receiving , alfo & Recettório. Reciprocamente, adv. reciprocally. Reciprocare, to depend one of another, by mutual confcquencc , alfo to 'return from whence one came, ru the flow or eboe of the Sea doth, Reciprocatióne, a reciprocation, a mutual returning to the place from whence one C ime iti orderly and reciprocal courfc. Reciproco, Reciprocale, mutual, recipro¬ cal, anfwcrable to and fro, having re- courfe or refpett to return from whence one came. Recirculàre, Circolare di nuóvo 3 to rein - viron or comp affé over again, Rccirculacióne, a recirculation. Recifaménte, adv. conci fely, fuccinftly, with brevity, cuttcdly. Recilióne, Recidiménto, a recifion , a con- cifion , a cutting away . Recifo. cut off, alfo concife orffjort. Rccitaménto, Rccitatióne, Recitànza, a reciting, a rehear (mg. Recitàbile , Recitativo, Rccitévole, re¬ ntable, rehear fable , alfo the (tile and method now adays, ufed in finging of Comedies, commonly called by the name of Opera’s. Rccitàntc, Recitatóre, a. rehearfer, a re¬ citer , alfo a Comedian. Recitare, ra recite, to rehearfe, to relate by rote. Re c incarni, Recituccio, any filthy fluff that is vomited out of ones mouth. Reciòto, vomited,(pued, cafl up. Reclamare, as Richiamare- Rcclinatióne, a bending backward. Rcclinatorio, re-bending back- Reclivia , a loofeHcffe of the styx from the nails of ones fingers. Reeli \t,lcaning upward . Reclulìónc, a rcclufion. Recitilo, reclufe , jhut up. Recognitióne, recognitio?:. Recognitóre, a re-acknowlcdgcv. Recolcndo, worthy to be honoured, Recompilatióne, a recompiling. Reconciliàre, to reconcile. Recòndita} fiere eie, profunditk. Reconditàre, to lay up fccretly, and o;;t of fight and knowledge. Recòndito, fccretly laid tip, remote from fight or knowledge. Reconfàrc, Confare di nuòvo, to fate or fympathife again. Reconventióne, a reconverting. Recopiàre, Copiare di nuovo, to coppie over again. Recorrénte, recurrent, running to and fro. Recorrénte vén c,the recurrent veins. Rccorrcnza, recurrence, a runningto and fro. Recórrere, as Ricórrere Recovràre, Ricuperare. ^ Recraftinàre, as Procraftinarc» Recreàre, as Ricreare. , Recreménto, as Ricreati nto* ( RED REF REG £ Recriminare, as Rictimindre. Recriminatióne, as Ricr minatiónc. Rccunuere, Cómbere di nuòvo, to he down again. Recuperile, as Ricuperare. R-'Curvki, a bending back again. Kccufare, Rccufàntc, as Ricufunte. Recutivo, cm jhort,circumcifed. Réda,Réde, an heir, an inheritor. Redaggio, heritage, inheritance. Redare, to inherit. Redarguire, jfco, ito, to fhew by rea fon or argument, that which hath been faid is not true, todijprove, to reprehend. Redatiónc, inheritance, aljo a redu¬ cing- Redatto, brought again , redacted. Redd ire, to rftw» again, alfo to reflore or fur render. Redditióne , Reddimcnto , Reddica, a redchtion, a fhrrendcring. Reddito, returned again, a//o fur rendered, alfo as Rèndita. R-de R-da, an heir , inheritor. Redenti uè, redemption. ! Redenti vo, redemptive. Redènto, redeemed, ranfimed. Redentóre, « Redeemer. Réder c, to return. Redibitorej a rcjlorer back again. Reuifica >ile, that ma'! be rebuilt. K. dilatare, to re-cd fi - R:dificaménto, Redificatióne, a rebuil- dlHg. Redigere, td caufc or com pell to come, to bung again by force or cunning. Redim ndo, redeeming. Redimete, to redeem, to ranfomt. Redimévolc, redeemable. Red liniménto, redemption. Redimito, Redimuto, redeemed. Rcdimitóre, a Redeemer. I Redinare, to rlina borfe. j Redine, the reins of a bridle. i R dinélle, the falfe reins of a bridle. ! Redintegrare, to reintegrate,to make whole j again. ! Redintegratióne, reintegration. j Redire, as Ridire. R èdita, a returning home. Redicàre, to inherit. Rediccvplej inheritable. Reditióne, a ttdition. Rédito, a returning home again. Reditèi, Reditagglc, inheritance, Rediiare, to inherit. Reditévole, inheritable. Reditiónc, a reditkn. Redito, returned home again. Redhdro, ready to return. Redivic, (is Reduvic. Rediv;o: ! and defray ones charges or table ex fen¬ ces. ^ Rcgà'bulo, a [ori o', bird, a wit-wall. Regà 'e, a pair of Rigois, alfo as Reàlc, or as Règio. Regali, regalities, lord-rights. Regalie, tributaries Co Kingdoms, tifi is, Rigàglie. Regal it ia, licquorice-wood. Regatta, as Rigàtta. 1 Regà zza, a J/y, a Plot. Rége, ufed for Rè a Rjng. \ Regéndo, ruling , alfo to be ruled. Regenerare, to regenerate. regeneration , new- Regencratióne birth. Regentale Cathedra, a Regents chair. Rcgénte, a Regent, a Vicegerent, a Ruler a Governour. Re gent «a, Rcgcnza, Reggènza, the re- gencie of a Kingdom, chief rule. Regerminàre,Germinare di nuòvo, to bud or bloom again. Regéftola, the lanaret hawk c *Ved the Shreek or Nine-murderer. Regettare, as Rigettare. Ré gge, a Rings Court-gate. Reggènte, as Rcgénte. Règgere, reggo, réflì, retto, to reign over, to rule,to govcrn,to fway, to weild,alfo to guide, to fuftain, to uphold, to ftand up¬ right, alfo to refifl or with-ftand. Règgere a martello, to fland faft , and re- pits as pure Gold doth the ham¬ mer. Règgi, ufed of Dante, for thou returneft ( r come ft back again. Règgi, ancient writers have ufed it for long and open Galleries, large and fair Cloifters in Palaces or religious Houfes , as alfo for great Porches bi fore doors o f gates. Règgia, a Kings Houfe, palace , Court, Seat, Throne or Habitation, alfo thi Kings high-way. Reggibile, ReggévoJe, that may be ru¬ led, Rcggiétra, as Seggiérta. Reggiménto, regiment , government, rule- f w ay, alfo direftion, governance or pre- fcnpiion of a mans life , manner or die', alfothe carriage, the moving or beh avion of a mans body or diferetion , alfo th fterrt, the rudder or helm of a (hip, alfo c Regiment of men, that is to fay a num ber of fever al Companies under one Co¬ lonel. I ft o- 4 REG R E L R E M Reggitóre) a Ruler, a Commander. Règi, [be plu. of Rè, K’-ngs. Règia, ^ Reggia. Re gia fuma, the royal Thorne. Regiamente) royally, Singly. Regicida, a murderer of Kings. Regicidio, a flaughter of Kings. Regifugio, a feajt celebrated among the an¬ cient Romansjtbc next day after their Terminalia. Regime, Rcgimcnto, as Reggiménto. Regina, a Queen, a Kjngs crowned wife , alfo a carp-fi(h. Regina capri, bcarb maidens-frvect, or meddow-fwcct. Reginare, lo livr^to rule, to fway as a j, Queen, Règio, Kingly, Royal , Majcflical, Prince- l y- Règio morbo) the yellow jaundies or over¬ flowing of the gall, alfo the flaggers in cat tel. Regióne) a Region, a Province, a Portion of place 4 a Countrry. Regiflrabile, regi flr able. Regiftiar c,to rtgifler,to record or enrowl in any buok- Regiftratióne, d regi flr ation, Regiftratóre, a regifler. Rcgiftro, a Regiflcr,alfo an Index of a book, alfo a file or a tallie, a leaf. Mutar regiftroj to turn over a new leaf. Regnante, regnant, raigning-. Regnare, to raign, to fway or bear rule as an abjolntc Kjng. Regnato, r bighe d, alfo abjolute rule. Regnatóre, a raigner, a ruler. Regnicolo, the dim. of Régno, alfo a kinglet or petlie King, but now ufed for , one that is born in a Kingdom, and therein hath land and living,the Romans call the\ Neapolitan Lords and Gentlemen ! . . R' gno, a Kingdom, a Realm , a Dominion- and fome ufi it without an y addition, it is taken for the Kingdom of Naples as Cavallo del Regno, a borfe of the Neapolitan breed, alfo the reign of a King, alfo an imperial Crown, and fo the Popes tripple Crown is called by rea- fon of the multirnde of rich jewels, that it is fet with worth King¬ doms . Regno d èlle Tal pe, ufedfor the earth. Rególio, Rego'iofo, .is Orgóglio. Regola, a rule , a prefeription, a method, an Order , a pattern, an wflruftion to fol¬ low, alfo an order or form of life , alfo a Carpenters rule, fquare or meafuring pole. Regola della cóft, dèlie proportióni, del tre, or d’oro, the chief or golden rule of Arithmetick. * Règola di traguardo, aride or inflrument ufed by Ajtronomers. Rego'a e, to rule, to order , to govern, to : temper, to moderate, to dire ft. Regolare , regular , according to rule, to order or prefeription. Regolarità, Regolatiónc, regularitie, for¬ ra ill prefeription , moderation. Regolarmente, Regolatamé*ntc, adv. rt- o gularly , orderly, temperately. Regolatóre, a ruler 3 a moderator, by Met. alfo a water■ [Luce.or gap. Regoliflico, a regular or formal Jpea{er . one that jpeaks all by rules. Rego'icia, the wood licquorice. Règolo, Règolo, a k} n gjfit t d pettie Kjng^a l ines Son or Nephew, a Prince of royal blod,alfo a ferpent called aBafillsk,though fome take jt for a Coqatrix, aljo a wren, ' Reluvie, as Reduvie. alfo the name of one of the fixed fldrs, f.Remà, as Reuma. and of the firft magnitude, alfo the band ; Rcmanciparc Jed back train, or index of a dyal , or of a books alfo a j RemancLutióne, a felling bach again, carpenters rule, fquare,or meafuring-poL, Rimandare, as Rimandare. alfo a general approved meafure through Remanére, us Rimanére. a Land, as we fay, in England, the flan- dard meafure. Regoli d’iinlètto, the (landinz polis of a bed. J ° r J J ^'-gorgitare, to regorge, to regurgitate. ^•egorgicatióne, aregorging. Regrédere, to return, to have regrefe, Regrcfliónc, regreffe, regre/fion. R gtefsivo, that may have regreffe. Rcgréflo, regrcjje, Regrettarc, to regret, to grieve for. : Regrettévole, regratable. R-grétto, regret, condolence, grief but a ! word borrowed from the French. ' Rempire, as Riempire. I R'-iottare, as Rigettare. 1 Reiezióne, as a rejection,-a rejefting, j Reiétro, rejefttd, pafl back. Reillo, a wren bird , Rcina, as Regina. Reinéfco , Queen like. Reintegrare, as Redintcgiare.’ 1 Reintegratióne, as Redintegratióne. Reinveftire, Inycftire di nuovo, to rein- , ve ft. Reinveftitura, a re-invefling. Reinyitarc Invitare di nuovo, to ye-in- I vite. . Rèis, a Portugal coin. Reifsimo, the.fup. of Rèo. Reità, Reézsa, crime, guiltincjfe. Reiteràbilc, reiterable. "f tl,e tmlvt months called in L z^/iRcmanfaris. Rcmarcàbile remarkable, notable, Remare, to row with an oare. Remaro, a rower with oares. Remafticare, as Rima (licóre. Rema fio as Rimófo, o Rimàfto. Remafuglic, as Rimafaglie. Rematico, rheumatic.{ , f u U of rheumes from the nofe or -brain. Rematóre, a rower with oares. Rembata, the fide ribs of a fh p. Rembrcncióli, as Rimbrencióli. Remcdiabile, remediable. Remediare, as Rimediare* Re medio , as Rimèdio. Rameggiare, to row with an oare. Remeggiatóre, a rower in a gallic. Reméggio, wbatfoever belongs to oares or rowing. Reme! igine,./w Remora*. Reméngo, as Ranun CT o. Remcnia, Remènia, henbane. Remenfare^o turn,to tojje and tumble over and over in feeing. Remcnfata, a turning and toffing of things over and over. Reménfp, turned, tumbled and toffed up- flde down. I Remeritare as Rimeritare, 1 Rcmcftino,.iz bufie-body, a pick than a ■ medler with others mens matters. Reiterare, Reitare, to reiterate , to rcpea t Rèmi, oares to row with, by ; Met, a often. Rciteratiónc, Rciteranza, reiteration , re¬ petition. Reiètto, Reciòto, vomited, jpued Up. Relaflare, as Rilafciare. RelaMatióne,.rt relaxation. Relallo, Relapfo, a reUps, alfo rclap- fed. Relatóre, to relate,to report. Relat ione, a relation, a report. Relativo, relative , having relation un- , to. Rdatizkare, to have relation unto. Re lato, related, reported. Relatóre, a relater, a reporter. Relegare, as Rilegare. Relegatióne, as Rilcgatióne. Relevare, as Rilevare- Relevatióne, as Rilevatióne. Religióne, religion, devotion , a we fid fear, fcrupltof confdence, true worfhipping of God i alfo a religious order. Religiofaménte, religioujly. Religiofiti, religioufneffe. Religiófo, religious, devout,fcrupulous in conjcicnce to do amifle, fearing and wor¬ fhipping God and holy things, alfo a reli¬ gious or Clergie man, (pecially one vowed to religion, as Fry ays are, and fo Reli- giofa-. a woman profcfjed, a Nun. Relinquénte, relinqmfhing , Relinquere, to rehnquifh. Reliquia, any rchque or old monument, any leavinz, remnant or remainder, namely the afljes Or bones of the dead, by Ca- tholicks held in great veneration , alfo the grudging of an ague. Reliquirio , Reliquiéro, a reliquarie, a [brine or place to k ee P reliques or monu¬ ments in. Rcliquatióne, any arrearages. . Relitto, relift,relinqui[hed , left off , enfi 4 > legs when he is on horfebac^. Remiéro, Remerò, Remigante, Remiga¬ tóre, a rower with oares. Remigare, to row with oares. Remigatióne,Remigaménto, as Remeg¬ gio, all manner of rowing. Remigio, as Reméggio, alfo the fluttering of birds in the- aire' Remigrare, to turn or'conic back • Remigratiónc, a re turning back. Rem ilio, any thing like an oare. Reminifctnte, well remembring. Reminifccnza, remembrance of that which before hath been in the mind. Remillamcnte, remiffely, bafely, nothing liv 't)’, demiffely. Remifsibile, Remif.ivo, remflible, par¬ donable, remijjiue. Rem ill iòne, remi fi on, pardon, forgiveneffe, alfo a putting of, or deferring, a remit¬ ting or llacking, by Met. a recreating of the mind from labour and fludie, a neg¬ ligence or remiffeneffe, alfo the enter-face between the fits of an ague. RemilTo, remiffive, dull , negligent, Remiflória, as Rimifloria. Remifto, re mingled-, remixt. Remifuràre, Mifurare di nuòvo, to mea¬ fure over again. R mo, any Ifind of oare. Remoglidrc, to wive or wed again, alfo to dip or wet again. Remóglio, a fleeping or wetting again. Remolata, a poultis to fupple a fore. Remolazzi , raddfij r ots. Remolino, a mark in borfes called the fea¬ ther, alfo a whirl-wind. Remora, a Sea-lamprie, ór fuc\- flotte fifh, which cleaving to the k ec l° r ^ ea k °f a (hip ftaieth it, and hindercth the cou.f thereof,el o caniock-wced,or -refl-harow . Rérnori, fitch birds as by their voice and flight fignified that the thing purpofed, Gy - REN REP REP was not to be followed, or attempted. «Renderli, for a man to yield bimfclf. :,m rAprp. ai Rimòrdere. Renderli dtro,for a man to enable him- falf, fi: or apt for. Renderli hate, co become a Fryer. Renderli ficuro, to affare bimfclf. Rendévole , yielding , ply able, tratta- ble. I Rem irdere, at Rimòrdere. ' F % eniordiméntOj Remórlo, sts Rimordi- I mento. \ p.'. mot iòne, a r emotion, a removing, alfo flitting, moving. Remòto, remote, as Rimóto. Removibile, removeable. Remai care, Remolcare, Remurchiare > Remoldàre, to tow, to bale, tohalfe or draw a Jhip or barge with a leffer, alfo to draw or pnil to ones felf, alfo to af¬ fante. Remulco, Remólco, Remoldo, Remur- chio, a towing or halfing barge, alfo the halfe, the rope or cable wherewith a fhipbeingfaflenedtoa leffer, is by face of men haled or towed, alfo the halfing, the towing or haling of a Jk p or barge} alfo a rowling piece of timber where¬ with Jhips orfboats be rowled on land, or lanched into the water again, alfo ait a[fwaging or mitigating. Remulcàto, bai fed, haled, towed, tugged, or drawn wirh ropes and face of men. Rémalo, the narrow part of the ribs, which toucheth the turnings of the backbone, a little oare. Remunerare, Rimunerare. Remuneratióne, at Rimuneratióne. Rena, any \ind of gravely fand, alfo the rein of a bridle, a 1 fo the eating out of that piece of fitjb, which is in the bigger corner of the eye. Renaccio, courfe gavel, orfandy earth. • Renagie, Remigli e, parables or ambiguous fay mgs. Renàio, Renana, a fand or gravel-pit, alfo a (hclf or fandy place. Renale, belonging to the reins, loo\ Vi's Renane, vaili pappié. Renare, to find, to gravel. Renafcénza, as Rinafcimcnto. R, ndene, a [wallow. Rendere, rendo, réfi, refo, to render, to repay, by Met. to canfe , to become, to yield or give ones felf up to ones ene- mie. Rendere buon’odóre, to yield a good odour, favour or [meli. Rendere cólpo per cólpo, to give blow fa- blow, to be quit with one. Rendere cónto, to yield an account. Rèndere fede, to yield teflimonie. Rendere frutto, toyicld fruit. Rendere grade, Rèndere mercede, to ren¬ der thanks. Rendere honóre, to yield honour Rèndere il càmbio. Rendere la pariglia to render the U\e to one, as good t turn. Rèndere il (aiuto, to rc-fdute one. Rèndere l’ànima, Rèndere il fi 'to, Rèn¬ dere lo fpirito, to yield up the ghoft. Rèndere pace, to forgive an offence. Rèndere pane pèr focàccia,Rèndere pari a pari, foglie bread for ca\e, by Met. to give as good as one b i ings, to yield one goad turn for another, but often ufed in a revengi ig fenfe and meaning. Rèndere ragióne, to yield or give reafon,to do a man right. Rèndere rifpófta, to give an anfaer, to re¬ turn a blow. Rèndere feu fato, to excufe one. Rèndere verfi per verfi, to anfaer directly, and to the purpofe. Rèndere libidi Inza j to yield obedi¬ ence. Réndie, as Rèndite. Rendiménto, a rendering, a yielding. Rendiménto di grade, giving of than\s, alfo grace after meat. Rèndita, Rèndite, revenues,incoms, yearly rents. Land proffits. Rèndita dèlia tèrra, the fruits of the earth, Renditóre, a reflorer, arcndcrer. Renduco, Rclo, rendered, reflored. Renèlla, any (mallgravel. Renellófo, gr avelie, fandie. Rénga, as Arénga. Rengare, as Arengàre. Rcngatóre, as Arengatóre. Réni, the reins of ones bac\ j>. Renicelo, fandie, grave lie, gritty, Remfchio, as Renàccio. Renitènte, rc fi fling, sfatifh. Renitènza faroward sfatifhnefle. Rénnere, ufed for Rendere. Reno, ufed for a \idncy, alfo the high coun¬ trey wine fo called from the river Rhein , near which that wine is made. Renocerónte, as Rinocerónte. Renóntia, Renontiatióne, Renunda, a renouncing,a for facing, an abjuring, a. re ftgning or giving over, alfo a depofition of one [worn, alfo a fummons of an Of¬ ficer by word. Renontiire, Renundare, to renounce , to farfare, to abjure, to refign or give ovcr : alfo to report or bring word again, alfo to fignifie or (hew openly. Renofid', f indineffe, grettineffe. Renófo, fandie, gravetous, grettie. ’ R-nfa, Renza, lawn or cambric £ cloth. Rénfo, Renzo, fine flax to fan lawn. Rcntifóglia, a wild rofe. Renumeràre, to number again. Rèo , guilty, culpable , fattine , convinced, alfo one that is acetified, arraigned or con¬ demned for any crime , alfo a defendent in an y challenge, quarrel, or fute of Law. Rèo di Maefta, or di léfa Maeftà, guilty of high treafon. Rcorgarza, a French dance. Rcpàndio, a divorcement. Repàndo, a bending downward. Reparabile, that may be repaired, Reparàre, as Riparare. Rcparadóne, as Riparatióne. Repàce, its Répere- Repardmènto, as Ripartirti èneo. Repa dinar iòne, a re-dizging. Repatriàre, as Ripatriarc. Repellendo, to be repelled. Repèllere, to repell. Re’pcnfatióne, a recornpenfing] Repentàglio, as Ripcntàglio. Repènte, Repentinamente, lin-awarts , unfeafonably, fuddainly. Repentinità, unfeafonableneffe, fuddain- neffe,ri(b haft. Repentino, fuddain, rafh, haflie, violent, precipitous. Repcntiménto, repcntmcnt. Repentire, to repent. Re pentivo, repentant. Reperire, Rcpcrtcre, fo perceive , to get, to devife, or find out again. Rèpere, to creep, to fpraul or crani or. the ground as flnails or fa pints. Repcrnco, Reperto, gotten or found out again. Rtpcrtóre, a devifer or finder out. Repertòrio, a repertarie , a mifier, or ait inventate of ones goods. Repéfe, the bearb Oracbc. Repécere, to repeat , to rebearfe 3 Ufo to re- quire or requeft again. Repetibile, repeatable. Repedtióncj a repetition . Repetitóre, a repeater. Repetuto, repeated. Repicàre, to found or jangle as bells,to clat¬ ter or cla[h as armour doth. Repicco, a vie or double pofi at a game at cards called Picchétto , commonly called a repee\, that isjvhen the younger fees the elder at onejbew. Repicco, Dettrattióne, c Calunnia, arc ftiid to be the three children of hate and envie. Repicco, a jangling noifc,a clattering found, alfo a chime of bells. Repignoràrc, to redeem a pawn, alfo to re- pheve a diflrejfe. Repignoratiónc,a redeeming of a mortgage, alfa a reprieving. b Repilogare, as Riepilogare. Repilogatione, as Kiepilogatióne. Repit iòne , di fidai nju ll grudging, envious hatred, grumbling difdain. Replétcre, to repleat, to replenifh. Repletióne, Repletudine, rcplcation, re¬ fection, replemfhmcnt. Replcto, repleat, full fed, rcplenifhed. Replica, Replications, a reply, a replica¬ tion, a repetition, alfa a re-foulding. Replicabile, replyable. Replicàre, to reply, to repeat, alfa to re*en¬ fold. Répo, ufed of Dante for, I creep or fpraul on the ground. Repolóni, lco\ Maneggiare a reDolóni, which is, when a borfe doth gallop in a right path , and ftiU returneth into the fame again, we call it a Repolone. Reportàre, as Rapportare. Repofàrc,Repófo, as Ripofàre. Repofitório , Repoftiéro, as Riporti, giro. Rcpoiia,meniebarujitettings at marriages , or feaflings and goffi pings at womens ly¬ ing in child-bed. Reprehenfióne, rtprehenfion. Rcpréndcre, as Riprendere. Reprensibile , Rcprensivo, repreben Jible. Reprefóre , Reprenditóre, a reprehen der. Reprefaglia, as Riprefaglia. Rcprefire, as Riprefàre. Rcprefentinte, as Rapprcfenrànte» Represent are, as Rapprefcntàre. Reprcicntatióne , as Rapprefentati- óne. Reprcfo, as Riprcfo. Rcprcllàre, to reprejfe. Rerpeffiónc, Reprimcnto, as Riprcffi- óne. Repréffo, reprefjed, fuppreffei. Réprica, Repricàre, as Rèplica. Reprimere, toreprefje , to fuppreffe. Reprobabile, reprovcable. Reprobàggine , Reprobanza, reprobate- neffie, rejection out of favour. Reprobare, Reprovàre. to reprobate, to re¬ prove, to rejett, to condanne. Reprobar ione, reprobation, condemnation, rejection. Reprobato, reproved, re jetted, cafl out of favour. _ Rèprobo , RES RET Reprométtere, as Riprometcére. Reptile, fa Rettile. Republichida, a Common-wealths man. Kepublica, Rebubrica, a Common-wealth, a weal-publick, a free- fi ate. Repudiando, Repudiabilc , divorccable, repudiable , Repudiare, to repudiate, divorce , to refe ft , to [epurate , but properly when the huf- band puts away bis wife. Repudio, a. divorce, a divorcement, a fe- paratmg of man and wife. Repudio !’ to be divorced , reproach- full, not to be \ept company with. Repugn ibile, repugnable. RcpugnantCjRepugnacc, repugnant, con- trad luting. Ripugnanza, repugnance, contradiction , difagreement of things. Rcpugnare, to repugn , to impugn, to con- irad/Cljto withfi.md. Repulfa. a rcpulfe, a foil, a putting by , a beating back, a reacting. Repiilsare, to rcpulfe, to repel, to foil, to put bacato refe ft, Repulsevole, re pa'fable. Repulsivo, repul Jive. Reptilfo, re pul fed, repelled. Reputare, as Riputare. Rcputatióne, Riputatone. Repute vole, reputably regardful. Requiare, Requiéfcere , to tafercflor quietncQc, to qirct t to fill,to wboojb , to appeafe. Rèquie, Requietudine , refi quietncjfe, cafe, rcpoje, peace of mind. Requiljcia, the wood Liquorice. Requinto, the fifth part of a fifth. Requisitane, réquifition, requiry, inflancc, feeding out. Requisito, rrquifite , required , alfo a rc- quifile or rcqucjl , any thing fit¬ ting. Requifitório, that requiretb. Requicco, relpit, or time to n ft. Refircinarc, to load again. Refat ciré, as Rifarci re. Réfca, any Jharp pric\l: as of an eat of come , a I mall, fharp and / ide-bone of a fi[b, aljo a braek or rent in cloth , a flaw or crac\in met tal, alfo a foul.ng net. Refendere, to pare or cut off. R.fcifo, pared orjhred off. Referittidne, a refeription. Refcricto, part. written again , anfwered in writing. Refe: irto ,fub. a copy, a iranfeript, an anti- cnt. written Record or Evidence. Refcrfvere, to coppy, to write again, to an- fwer in writing. RcsidiVo, Residuo, any refidue,alfo as Se¬ rotino. Refeda, an hearb ufed in charms 3 and to difpiive impofiumations. Rcfcdérc, as Rifed're. Reseda, a longor two handed faw. * Refegare , to faw in funder ", alfo as 1 Rifilare. | RefcgJtura, any [awing ór faw-dufi. ■ Rescgna, as Ralligna. ! Re fognare, as Rifegnare. ; Refellare, to bafie rofl meat. j Refellieri, a balling ladle. r R fintare, to rcncc or waftj. ì Rcfcrvacióne , a refeiv.ition, a refex- zling. ! Rc-fervare, >o refer ve. il Resta, as Hercsia. { Re fi dente, refident, refiant, abiding 3 abo- ' ding. ' , RES Refidcnza, Re fid ita , refidence , abode dwelling, alfo the refidue 3 ibottnm, lees , dreggs, or remainder in the bottom of any vrlfel, namely of wine, oyl, or hony,alfo as Fondagliuólo. Residere, as Rifidére. Residuo* any refidue, or remainder, Refignare, as Rifegnare. Refignatióne, a refignation. Rcfima, Réfma, as Rifma. Restato, Chamoy,flat, or Ape-nOfed, Resina, rozsnor tree-gum. Kclinn[o, full of roveri, Refipilla, as Rifipiila. Relìp.fcénte , repentant , reac\now- ledging , returning to health and under¬ funding. Refipifcénza , repentance , re acknow¬ ledgement , return to fence and health. Refi (lènte, refi fling. Refifiebilica, refiflablcneff\ Refi (lènza, refi ft ance. Residere, to refi fi , to with-flani. Refidcvolc, KcCiftibWe, refi flable. Refiduto, refi ft: d, withftood. Rcfo, rendred, refiored back- Rcfolubile, refolveable. Refolutióne, as Rifolutióne, Kcfólvere;, as Rifólvere. Refolucivo, as Rifolutivo. Refoni nte, as Rifonante. RefpetUve, refpeftiv . ly. Refpétto, as Rifpctco. ‘ Refpérfo, fprin^lcd over again . Refpingere, as Rifpingere. Refpirare, to refpire , to breath, and rc- brcatb,to vene forth,to fend forth any fa¬ vour, by Met. io take breath, comfort , or refi, to be rcfrejhcd. ) R-. fpiratióne, Refpiraménto , Rcfpirdn- za, Rcfpiro , respiration, breath ng and rebreathing, evaporation , a yicld- ing fame vapour, a brcathing-umc or place. Refplendere, as RifpJcndere. Refpónderc, as Rifpóndcre. Refpuitto > rcftfnt or time to paufe. R òlla, refi fiance, alfo vexation of mind. Rclfo, as Retto, of Reggere. Réda, a refi , a fay, a paufe of time , the reft of a vant-plate for a lance,alfo a rope, a cord or witb,fiftned with any thing as a rope of onions or garlick, an ear of corn, a pnc\'.c of it, a fmall bone in any fijh, as Rc fca. Rèda, of Redare, he, Jhe , or it rcjlcth or fiayeth. Rcdagno, a pool or fi anditi gw at er, alfo the (luff called Budiani Róda bóvls, as Bondga. Redagnatióne, the over-[owing of any Lalfe, pool 3 or (landing water , alfo the flunching of any iffuing of blood. Redante, refiing, remaining , alfo a rem¬ nant, a remainder. Rcdanzt, a refi, a remainder. Ridare, to refi, to remain, to abide , to tar' ry or ft ay fill in fomc place, alfo to ceafe, to fin, to leave off, alfo to leave or be left over-plus , alfo to arre ft or attach or feife upon, alfo to ma{e or fet up a refi at pri- mera. Redare in un pic , to ftand upon one foot, by Met. to be fixt in an opini¬ on. Re dare fópra d i sc, for one to reft , to tfufi, or re he upon himfelf , by Met. to [land in doubt , to be nnrefolved, or to mufe with himfelf, to be at a flank or in a quandary, to be at fiali or ft).ill l not. Rcdàta, a reft, a remnant. Redaurabilè, reftorable. Redaurare, «iRidauidre. Redauratióne, as Redoratidne. Rede, a difiafe m horfes , called the Pams. Redjb ile, that bcareth every year. Redicólo, Redicciuólo , any [mail lea¬ vings, odd ends , feraps, mammocks or remainders. x Redingufbile, quencbable. Redinto, rc-exunguiftjed. Retti o, Rdtivo, rejty , drawing bùi , Mb to go os fame horfes, by Mtt. Ihir , flaw, lave. ' Reftipulare, to mt\e anfwtr to on a ai on or lute in Low. Reflipulaciónc, on anfwer or rejoinder to a cafe or flute in Law. Redimibile, rejifi liable. Redimire, ifeo , ito, to refiitute, to re- flore, to render unto, to fet to its place a- » gain. Redicucióne, reflitution. Reditucóre, a reflorer, a reftitutcr. Redivamente, reflily, by Met. lazily , un¬ willingly, Jlowly. Rcdivare, ro/vo,- become rafiy, flag, back¬ ward or unwilling. Redivo, look Redio. Rèdo, il refi, a remnant, an overplus, alfo a reft at Primcro. Re dóppia, as Scipia, as Stópia. Redordrc, as Ridoidre- Re drettivo, as Ri drectfvo. Reftrjngcnte, Redrittivo, reftyingent. Redringcre, as Ridringcrc, Re dringib il c, re(trainable. Refultdnza, as Rifulcanza. Refultare, as Rifui care. Redrittione, refirifhon, refiraint. Redimere, lo ref urne, to reaffume , to begin again. Redimo, reaffirmed, rc fumed. Refupino, as Rifupino. Refnréflì , Afcention or Ref arre chon day. Re direttone, Rcfureffióne, aRefurrefliorl or rifing up again. Refiirgrre, to rife again. R. furto, rifen up again. Refufcitdre, to rife or raife up again. Refufcitatióne, Rcfufcitanza, a raifingor rifing up again. Rcfufcitévole, that may rife again. Reta, Retaggio, heritage, a contra ft word ofHeredita, Hereditaggio. Retagli, as Ritagli. Recardare, as Ritardare. Retare, to inherit, alfo to net, alfo to fret in armory. Retato, inherited, alfo netted 3 alfo fretted in armory. Réte, any k}nd of net, faare, or bays for fijh or fou 1 , any net or caul-work 3 the caul of any body , by Met. a fret in ar¬ mory. Réte del fégato, the caul of the liver. Réte del pónte, the nettings or ftations of a bridge or of a (h p. Réte ragna, a cobweb , a fpiders web , alfo any net or caul-work • Retentióne, retention , retaining. Retentiva, retentive, the retentive faculty, as Ritentiva. Ritentivo, retentive, that retaineth. Reténto , retained, detained. Rethéa, a k}nd of grape. Retiario, a net-maker, by Met. one that fec\cth to enfiare or entrap o- thers. 'Reticèlla, Reticina, Retina, the dim. of Rct£ G trg £ RET REO RIA Retd, an y fine net-work, alfo a fine fe arce or fm.ill fie ve of bair-c'otb, alfa a. kind erf, fm ll pafts-work t0 P ut u P on 3 \ brought to the board for ornament fa\e, look Retina. | Reticènte, fecret and fitent . Reticenza, [dence , fecrecie. Reticibile, that may be keptfeent. Rético, as H.récico, Retico’àre, Rcticulare, to net, to cu¬ nei, by Met. to enfnare , or work net- wirl^. * Reticular óne , Roticolamcnto, any I netting, enfnaring, or caul-work■ 1 Renataci, Reticolato, netted, enfiateci, net, cauli o~- !:::if‘-workj Ratificare» at Ratifica e. Retificatióne, KetificaméntO; Retifican- zi, as Ratificatìóne. Retina» as Reticèlla , alfothc fifth thin muli rane of the eye , lying more inwardly , than doth v uéa t it is foft and white, and nouujhnh the vitnous and glajfie hu¬ ll umour. ; R-tine , Rèdine» the reins of a bri¬ dle. Retinénte, that diligently obferveth and re¬ tained) in mind, Retinénza , diligent obftrvation and long ] retaining in mincl. Retinkivo, as Ritentivo. Retino, .-«Reticella > alfa a grate, or a letice-window. Recirare, as Ritirare. Retórcere, as Ritorcere. R.tóre, a Rhetorician. Recó.ica, Rethórìca, RettóricajR&cfajdc^, which is a faculty to find out that, which is poffibletoperfwa.de, or tbs Science to (peak well and wifely. Retoricamente, rhetorically. Retoricdre, Retorica. e, to fpcak rbetori- ; rally. I Retorico, Rettòrico, a rhetorician, an elo- j quent fpeoficr, alfo rhetorical. Retórrido, f orched, burnt,or parched again. 1 Retorto, as Ricórro. Retrattàre, as Ritrattare. Ret rare iòne, as Ritrattane. Retribuire, to retribute,to recompence,to re¬ ward for merit. Retributióne, retribution, reward for me¬ rit. Retribuicóre , a retributer, a rewarder for merit. Retrimcnto, ordure, dung , excrement, fi th, or dregs of any thing. Reni vo, late, lag , or la fi camming , alfo flack - m d repining. Rétro, backward, behind, after, much ufed in compofition of other words. Rctro-cammera, a back chamber. Retro-cortile, a back-yard or Court. Retro-Guardia , the rear-ward of a bat¬ tle. Rétro in cónno , a backward way of car¬ nal copulation with women, as the Latins fay more ferarura. Retro-pinta, a thru (ling back- R-tro-flanzi , aback-lodging , abac\~ room. Retro-véndita ,a felling back again. Retrocedere, to retire, to recoil, to give or go back . Retrocedane, a retiring or going back. Retrocèdo, recoiled, gote back- Retrodtirre, to lead or bring back. Retrodutcióne, a bringing back ■ Retrogradamente, byway of retrograda- tion. Retrogradare, to rctrogade orgobackby I degrees. ; Rccrt gradarióne, Retrgercflìóne, a.retro- I gradat ion or going back’ Retrogrado, retrograde , going back • Kecropingere, to thrift back . Recropinto, thrufi back■ Retróilo, backwaid, awkward. Recrofcrivere, to write back a ^in. Retrofcritcióne, a writingback. Retrosia, Retrófo, as Ritrosa. Retrovedcrc, to fee or look back- Retrovéndere, to fell back again. Rccrópico, that hath the dropfie, alfo given todroufinejfe or lethargy. Retropisia , the dropfie, alfo lethargy or droufineffe. Rótta, as Rcfiftcnza. Rettamence, as Rittamente, rightly. Rettàngolo, Rettangolo, right-angled. Rócca fphéra, the place of the world where the Inhabitants have the equinoctial and the Tmpikes plumb or perpendicular to their Horizon. Rètta futura, as Sagittàre. Rcttibile, that may be rectified , reformed or fet right again. Rettificabile, idem. Rettificò re, to reCtifie, or fet right a- gain. Reccificatióne, Rectificaménto , Rettiti - cànza , a rectifying or fetting right a- gain. Rettificatóre, a reClifier. Rettile, Rectitio , any thing that crecpeth or crauleth upon the ground. Rctcili neo, with right or even lines. Rettimctra, aright meafure. Rertimecria, a right'meafuring. Rectina, a wren-bird. Rettitudine, uprigbtncffc y rcftitudc. Recto, part, of Reggere, ruled, fwayed , governed, raigned , alfo the nominative cafe of any noun. Rècto, adjec. right , upright , even, juft, not crooked, freight. Rettorato, Rettoria, a rettorie 3 a rtClor- (hip, the office of a ruler. Rettóre, a reCtor , a ruler. R - ‘tifo, obtufe, dull, blunt. * Revalidare, to recover ones Ioffes or health. Reubarbaro, the root Rubarb, Ré ve, as Réfe, alfo a French word fignify ing a toll-penny paid for wares, that are tranjported out of the Realm . Rcvelàre, as Rivelare. Revellino, as Rivellino. i Revéndere, to fell again, or to fell by re¬ tail. Reverberarc, as Riverberare. Reverberatiónc, as Riverbcratìóne. j Reverèndo, as Riverendo. | Revcrentiale, full of reverence, j Reverènte, as Riverènte. Reverire, as Riverire. | Reversàre, as Rivcr a. e, See. 1 Reverfióne, as Riverfióne. Revcrténa,covien pórre i bail li della pól¬ vere di bombarda a reverténa, it be¬ hoves to place the barrels of gunpowder at a diflance one from another. Revercicolo, a place to return unto. Kevezzuólo, a red tail bird. Revificàre, Revivifefre, to revive. j Revirefcénte, growing green again. Revirefccnza, a new growing green. Reviréfcere, to grow green again. Rcvifa, Rcvifióne, Revifta, a revifing , a review, a furve y. Revifóre , a revifor, a reviewer, a cor¬ rector. Rèuma, Rh -urna,* rheum, a catari), apofe, ! a dijlillation of humours. Reumatico, Rhcumofoj Reumàtico, maticki full ofrheumes. Reumaciimo, a Jinx offleugm, of humours or difliUations, Reuntórc,//«7./ as Fbyfithns employ to anoint their pa ients. Revocàbile, revocable. Revoc arc ,as Rivocàre. Revocatiónc, a revocation . Revolts, as Rivòlta. Revolutióne, as Rivoluciónc. Revulfo' plucked away by farce. Rezz. Rczzagio, a flight f)ullng-net,alfo a thin ca til o net-work • Rezzàte, to fhade from the Sun with boughs or trees. Rezzcftólla, as Rcgeflóla. Rezzo, any fhade of green boughs or trees, a cool fummers-fhade , a* jhady place defended from the Sun, by Met.cafe or quietneffe. Rezzo la, a quoif or caul of net-work. Rezzolofoj/Wy, cool with (hades. Rhà, Rhapóntico, a root to purge caller , fometake itfor Rubarb. Khabdrbaro, the root Rubarb. Rhacino, a t^ind of black f l fo- Rhatanite , a kind of Ireos like a r addi ft) root. Rhagióne , a Spi dr l^e a grape-{cr¬ uel, Ri'àinno, the bramble Cfrrijts-thorn. Rhapeióne, the name of anhearb. Rhaphiónc, a beaft like a Woolf, and [peck- led like a Leopard. Rfiapóntico, look Rbà. R-héa, a {md of Foppy. Rhéconia, Rheónc, the root Rubarb. Rhcmone,.! tynd of fine garment. Rbèflia, hearb Or chant or Al\anet. Rhctóre,Rhetórico, a Rhetorician,an Ora¬ tor. Rhetorica, rhetoric\. Rhctre, certain Laws that Ligurgus made, which were held as 0 ad s. Rhibi, the bramble -fru ì R.’fpife. Rhina, a Sitate Oi R ’y-fijh Rbinochifia, cr Calla, anhearb. Rhicia, a juice ufed in Vhyfick. Rhiza, a Thracian garment. Rhode ndro, hearb Oleander. Rhodicc, a pretious jlone of a rofc-colour , and named the R fe-ftonc, Rhudodaphnc, as Rododàfne. Rhóico, one forebruifed in body. Rhómbo, Rhombóide, as Rombòide. Rhu 1 ^ eritreo, the word Sumach , Ri, look Rd, lo^k Rè. Riabbafsàre, Abb., f are di nuóyoj to abafe or bring low again. Rabbattere , Abbattere di ntfóvo , to chance, to light again or meet wi’.haU a- Riabbactiménco , nuòvo Abbaciménto , a reabat’ng,a ! fu a new meeting, Riabracclare, Abbracciare di nuòvo a to reimbrace or bug. Riaccèndere, Accèndere di nuóvojto ki n ~ die again. Riaccéfo, Accéfo di nuòvo , a - again. Riaccocc are, Accoccare di nuòvo , to fet inlhenock again. Riaccogliénza, Riaccóha, Accogliènza di nuòvo, a new reception or entertain • ment of a ny body. Riaccògliere, Accògliere di nuòvo, to re¬ ceive or entertain a body again. Riaccòlto, Accòlto di nuòvo, received or. entertained again. Riaccompagnare , Accompagnare dì nuovo, to accompany again, to conduit again. _ _ Ri- R I A R I B R I C Riadiràrc, Adirare di nuòvo, to anger and Riavampare, Avampare di nuòvo, to ^ Ribollire, Bollire di nuòvo, to basi ove- vex again. olx'Ks again . i ac ain. Riaddomandare, Domandare di nuòvo. Riavére, Rihavére. ! to ask again. __ Riazzuffare, as Azzuffare di nuòvo, to Riaffazzonarlì, as Affazzonarli, to be or [cuffie again. come into the mod: orfajhion again. Riauolo, as Spancila, Ri a friggere. Affiggere di nuòvo, to a fix Ribadire, to clinch or rivet a nail. again. Ribaditura, a clinching , a nvetting . Ri ggiugnere, Aggiugnere di nuòvo, to Ribadoccluno, a picce called a. robi- adde again. | net. Riaiutare, Aiutare di nuòvo, to help Ribagnare, Bagnare di nuòvo, to wet or again. | bat b again. ■Rialleggerire, Alleggerire di nuòvo, Ribaldacela, a filthy quean. to cafe or lighten again. j Ribaldagli, the bafiff rafcalitie. Riallargare, Allargare di nuòvo, to en- ( Ribaldeggjarqyfo play the Ribaldo. Ribaldai, ~ large again. Riallcgrarej Allegrare di nuòvo, to glad or re joy ce again. Rialto quali. Rivo alto,? high Jhoare or ban fa by Met. a high place for a Princes fiat d alfa a chief or eminent piace in Ve- nice, where fome fay , the fir ft foundation of the Citie was laid , and where now all Merchants do commonly meet., as un the Royal Exchange in London, alfo the afeent from the body of a Church to the Chancel , ufed affo for Gòbbo or Scrigno. Rialzare,Alzarc di nuòva, to lift up again. Ria inalarli , to fall fic\ again. Riami.re, Amare di nuòvo, to love again. Riammantare, Ammanti. rj di nuòvo, to cover again. Riammazzare, Ammazzare di nuòvo, io k noc k on the head again. Riamicare, Amicare di nuòvo, tomaie friends again. Riandare, to go over again. Riandata, dgbiitg again. Riapdlare, to recall, to re-appeal, Riapéllo, a re-appeal, a recall. Riaperto, opened again. Riappar re, to appear again. Riappiccare, Appi.care di nuòvo , to hang or f a[kn again. Riappréndere, Apprèndere di nuòvo, to learn again. Riaprire , Aprire di nuòvo, to open again. Riarare, Arare di nuòvo, to plough again. Riardere, ■'Ardere di nuòvo, to burn again. Riardile, Ardire di nuòvo , to dare ogain. Riarmare, Armare di nuòvo, to arm again , Riarfióne,Riarfura, a. burning , a feoreb- ing. Raifo , Arfo di nuòvo, burned a- gain. Riatta lire, Aflalire di nuòvo, to fet upon again. Riattali are, Attaltarc di nuòvo, to fet on, Or aff.mlt one again. Ria dettare, Afléttaré.di nuòvo, to fet in o d r again. Ri afflo, Afsifo di nuòvo, fi tied a- garei. Riaflumere, Aflumere di nuòvo, to re- ajjume. Riattante re fumed , re-affumed. Riaftenére, Aliene re di nuòvo, to for¬ bear again. * R arino, R'atolo, a wren bird. , Ribald aggine , ribaul- drie . Ribaldo, Ribiudo, & ribauld, a r a fiat, a varletj a lout , a. ignave , a loun. Ribalta,^ gate or door upon a. bridge , or over a ditch. Ribaltare, to fùbvert» to over-whelm , to over-fit as a fijip or as Gondola’s do at Venice^ Ribalzare, Balzare di nuòvo, lo tofic again. Ribalzata , a rebound , alfo a trap¬ door. Ribambire, Ittico, bito,£o become a dottrel , or a child again, tod ite. Ribandire, Bandire di nuòvo, to banifi again, alfo to revoke f rom banifhmènt. Riband to, rc-banifhed, alfo revoked from banffhmenc. Ribando, Ribandiménto, a banifhment again, alfi a revocation from banifhment. Ribafciarc, Bafciare di nuòvo, to fatffe again. Riballare, Badare di nuòvo, to aba fi or facp down again. Ribattere, Eattere di nuòvo, alfo as Ri¬ badire. Ribattezzare, to re-baptise. Ribattiménto, Ribattuta, as Ribadi¬ tura. Ribattuto, beaten back again. R'-bc, Ribes, Corinths, or beyond Sea-red goofi-benes. Ribéb'ba, Ribue, a famd of deep me a fur e in Italy, alfi as Ribécca. Ribecca, Ribecchino, a rebeefaa croud, or a fid lea fait. Ribeccami nto di parole, a check or re- bltfae with taunting words. Ribeccare, to play upon a rebec fa alfo as Rimbeccare, Ribecchi (la, a player upon a rebecca. Ribtlare, Belare di nuòvo,, to bleat again as a lamb. Ribellare to rebell , to rife again fi. Ribèlle, a rcbeff, a lifer againfi authority or bis Prince . Ribellióne ,RibeUaggióne,Ribellamcnto, R'.bellanza, Ribellatiòne, rebellion or nfingagiinf authority , Prince, Right, Dutie or L i w. Ribellire, Abbellire di nuòvo, to bcattfific or adorn again. Rlbellofo, rebellious, mutinous. Ribencdfre, Benedire di nuòvo, to blejfe again , Ribcdcdétro, bleffed again. Ribcncdittióne, a re-bcnediSUon. Ribére, Ribcvere, to drink again. llibobolare, to ffiea\proverbs. Ribòboli, Ihort proverbs. Ribobolófo, full of fhoyt proverbs. Riattaccare, Attaccare di nuovo, tofificn Riboccamént'o, ai Traboccaniénto« .again. , _ _ Riboccare,^ Rimboccare, as Traboc- ■Riactizzarc, Attizzare di nuòvo, ro fan- caie. die again. Ribócco, as Trabócco. Ribólla, Cuii-wine, alfo Zante-wlnc.. Ribollimento, Ribollóre, a re-boyUn7. Ribombante, rebounding, refunding , rc- e echoing or ringing baefa Ribombanza, Ribòmbo, a hollow re- w t echoing or re founding noi fi. Ribaltare, to rebound to re-eccho or re¬ fund back a &ùn. Ribrezzare, uqu, i^e orjbivir for cold, tu. mu cold jit of an ague, or for fear, alle Ujjloiujb or aff right with fuddain Ribr. zzo, a chiUcffc, a. quivering, a (hi¬ ve ting ,r quoting for cold or fear, or of a cold jit of ah ague.alfi d fuddain fear or ajtonijhincnt, aljo a rjtttijh or humorous toy. Ribrezzòfo, fi art ling, trembling , or qui- vering for cold or fear, full of affoijh meni, alfo toyifh, humorous, wajpilh, fan ’ tajtical, Juddainly angry . Ribuffare, to rebuff, to rebuke, lo ciocci, to rate, to [bent, to chide, to taunt. Ri Affo, a rebuff, a rebuke , a checfa Ribuólo, as Ribolla. Ributtare, Buttare di nuòvo, to knock again. 1 a Ributtare, torepulfe, to repell , to rejeft, to caff back , t°\vomit again. Ributtata, Ributtaménto, a rcpulfij a repelling, a caff mg baefa Rica, a fand of womans garment. Ricacciare, Cacciare di nuòvo, to chafe again, alfo to get again. Ricadente, falling again , relapfing, efehea- ting, alfo falling over or ban fang • down . Ricadére, to fill again,,or into a r claps, to tfcheat unto by remainder ,al foto fall over or to bang down d angli og . Ricadia, Ricaduta, Ricadiménto, a fal¬ ling again, a relaps or falling into a fault orficfaieffe again, alfo an efcheating or falling unto by remainder , by Met. guilt of confidence , affo tedioufneffe, adverfity or vexation of mind . Ricaduto, relapfied i fa.llen again,alfo efehea- ted unto. Ricagnare, to be for become dogged, curri ff), curff or f toward , alfo to make or become fiat nofid, as an ifiand dog,alfo to Jhrug or crincb clofi together. Ricagna to, made or become dogged , currijh or curff, alfo flat-nofid as a dog. Ricalare, Calare di nuòvo, ro go down again, or to wayn again. Ricalcare, Calcare di nuòve, to tread again. Ricalcitrante, faefamg, winfing. Ricalcitrare, Calcitrare di nuòvo, to faick again. Ricamare, to embroyder, to work ticedlc- worfa Ricamatórc, an Umbroyderer, Ricamatura, Ricamo, any embroyderie or needle-work. Ricambiare, Ricangiare, Cambiare d< nuòvo, to change again. Ricambio,.? re-exchange of one for another s a turn for a turn. Ricamerà, Ricamuzzi, fins fmall em¬ broyder ies or needle-works. Ricantare, to recante to fing again,, Ricantatane, a recantation. Ricapare, to get or fhifi for . Ricapire, Capire di nuòvo, to conceive or underfland again % Ricapitare, to come to a place directed, to light or happen upon by fortune , alfo to have or give refuge or entcrtdmm.n: ,alfio to have fafi delivery. G g g % Ricapito R I C R I C R I G Ricapito, refuge, entertainment, fupply, j w are-houfe or place to receive or l^ccp I Ricinto, as Recìnto. (belter, covert for help, fafety, alfo (afe J things in, by Met. a fnuff-difh, an inani- I Ricioncaménto, exccjjive quaffing, delivery of letters, or any thing C “P, a ten for. Ricioncarc, to drink drunk again, elfe. ^ Riattamento , id.m. alfo a receiving I T> • •' Ricapituldre, to recapitulate, to rchearfe j entertaining. what was [did before. Ricettare, to receive or give entertainment Ricapitili: none, a recapitulation. 1 unto. Ricapricciarcj Accapricciàre di nuovo? Ricettario, a bookof receipts, to ft are again, or again to be ajfiigh- Ricettar fi in càia d’altri, /or a man to have recourfe, to cover bimfelf , or be received j Ricipiénte, ns Recipiente. I Ricircondare, Circondare di ted. Ricaprugginarc, to mend the head or bot¬ tom 'of any But , Pipe, Pub err cas\. Ricarde, a Ifind of good pears. Ricarica,Ricarica tura, a recharge. Ricaricare, Caricare di nuòvo, to charge again into another mans houfe or protection, to retain. Ricettatóre, a receiver, a giver of enter tdmmeilt. Ricetcióne, a reception. R icettivo, rcceiveable, to be received. o Ricètto, part, received, entertained. Ricarminare j Carminare di nuòvo, to Ricètto, fub. as Ricettacolo, alfo awitb- cvrd again. Ricalcante, as Ricadènte. Ricalcare, as Ricadere. Ricattare, Cattile di nuòvo, alfo Rifcar- ! Ricetcórlo, as Recettório. drawing or fecret cabinet, c'.ofet or cham¬ ber , by Met. a lurking corner ,a wild be a ft s den, covert ar fhelter Ricatto,/» RIfcacto- Ricavalcire, Cavalcare di nuòvo, to ride ag.àn. Ricavare, Cavare di nuòvo, to draw again. Riccamente, ricly , wealthily. Ricch 7.7.a, riches, wealth. Ricch'àre,fn entline or bend again. * Ricchiòni, Orecchióni. Rìccia ia, a curled head fi icly filled, alfo a place where the hu.^s of ebefnuts are \rpt. Riccar e,io curb to crisp, to fixfe. Riccio, Riccii, crifpcd, ended, fri-Jcd, alfo (baggie, thrummic, bairie , rough. Riccio, fib, the prickly or turno ft bust j of a chefnut, alfo a hedge-hog or urchin, al¬ fo a por\upin,alfo curled a ifpin or ciprcs, alfo ftj iggic velvet. Riccio marino, a Sea-urch.n, alfa as Creta no. Riccio {òpra riccio, the richeft velvet or cloth of bodkin that can be. Ricciuóli , the fcratches in a borfes legs. R eciòto, curled, crifpcd, firmed, {higgle, tbt immie, bufine, baine , briTjy , by Met. meanjàbp Cl, bxfe, popular, of low de- gree. ‘ Ricco, Ricchi, rich, Wealthy. Ricco a canna, very very rich, as it were rich by the ell. Riccóne, a rich chuff. Riccóre, riches or wealth. Rictntc, as Recènte, &c. Ricevuto, received. Ricérca, Riccrcaménto, Ricercata, Ri' cercatura, a fear eh, a fe arching, a feel¬ ing out , an enquiring out, alfa a re¬ quiring « alf' a fumbling or groaping for, alfo a Mufhians feeding out of new {trains and touches before he will play any fet leffon. Ricercabile , Ricerchévolc , fcarcbable, alfo reqnifitc. R e rcare, Cercare di nuòvo, alfo to re¬ quire, alfo to grope for, to fumble, to fecl. t Ricercarla, to be requifite. R cernere, to difeerr. or chufe again. Ricefpitare, Cefpitare di nuòvo, to fum¬ ble again. Ricedaménto, a ceapng again. Riceflare, Celiare di nuòvo, to ceafc «lain. Rice Ho, as Recèdo. Ricètta, a reccit, a receiving. Ricetta colo, a receptacle, a pisce of refuge, comfort, harbour or fecurity , alfo a Ricevènte, recipient, receiving. Ricévere, cévo, cevéi, cevuto, to receive, to accept, to take, alfo to contain, by Met. to entertain, to embrace,and to do honour unto. Ricevitivo, having virtue to receive. Reccvitóre, a receiver, a taker. Ricevuta, Riceviménto, a receiving, an accepting , a receipt. Ricevuto, received, accepted. Richiamabile, reclaimable. Richiamante, reclaiming. Richiamare, to reclaim, to revoke, or to call bacìi again, alfo to cry againft, or to ap- . — nuovo, to compare or fur round agaiiK Riccamente, as Recifaménte. Recifare, as Recidere. Ricifo ,as Recifo. Recifura, Retinone. Riclamare, di Richiamare. Riclamatione, as Richiamatlónci Ricogliénza, Ricogliménto,ar Raccòlta, aljo (bfe)vation,or comprehending of a thing. Ricóglierc, as Raccògliere, as Accó®Ii- er e, alfo to obferve, to note, or compre¬ hend well. Ricoglitóre, a gatherer, a colle fior. Ricoglitrice , a colleflrefi'e , a mid¬ wife. Ricognitióne, a recognition, a reyifìng, a rccogni fiance , a. re-ac\nowledgmg, a. cal¬ ling to mind. Ricognitóre, Ricognofcitòre. Ricognominato, furnamed again. Ricognófcere, cu Riconófcere. Ricolcare, Coricare di nuòvo, to charge again. Ricólmo, filled or r ai fed up to the top, alfo the bighe ft top of any thing. Ricolta, Ricólto, as Raccòlta, &c Ricomandare, Comandare di nuòvo, to command again. Ricombattcrc, Combattere di nuòvo, to fight again. voyce. Richiamnrfi ad altrui, to appeal unto others. Richiamata , Richiamamcnto , Richia- matióne, a reclaiming, a rev ocation, a calling bac^ again , an appealing un¬ to. Richiamatórc, a reclaimer, an appea¬ ler. Richiamo, a revocation, a reclamation, an appeal or calling for jufiice, by Met. a Fowlers pipe or call to cal! birds, alfo a haw\s-lttre. Richièdere , Richicggere, to re-demand , to require, to requejt, to ask or fue 'for. Richièdere a bocca, to require by word of mouth. Richicditóre, « requircr, a requefler. Richièda, Richéfta» Richiediménto, are- queft, a petition, a requiring, a define, a finte, alfo the giblets or entrailes of fowl or be aft, that be good to cat. Richic-fto, Richieduco, required,'requefted, fued unto, entreated. Richiudere, Rinchiudere, to fljut again, alfo to work or dig deep into the ground as bufband-mcn do. Richiudimcnto, any cncloftng or (hutting in. Ricidere, as Recidere, to break the firft ground as hufoand-rnen ufe to do. Rlcidimcnto, Riciditura, a cutting or {hreddingoft,al{oachapor cleft in the earth. Ricigniménto , Ritingimene, a girding about. Ricimcntare, Cimentare di nuòvo, to ci- mene or glue togeib. r again. Ricinghiare, C inghiare di nuòvo, togirt again. j Ricinio, as Rccjnio. Ricino, an hearb in Egypt called Palma ' Chridi, which beareth a feed much like i a Tyke, by Met. the vermine Tyke itfelf. peal unto, alfo to gain-fay, with a loud 1 Ricombattuto, Combattuto di nuòvo. fought again. Ricominciare, Cominciare di nuòvo, to begin again. Ricomparire, Compatire di nuòvo, to ap¬ pear again. Ricomparita, a new re -appearing. Ricompénfa, Ricompenfagiòne, Ricom- penfamento, Ricompenfatióne,Ricom- pénfo, a recompence, a guerdon, a re¬ ward, a meede. Ricompcnfabile, Ricompcnfévole, that may be recompcnjed. Ricompenfare, to recompence. Ricompenfatóre, a recompcnfer. Ricompera, Ricompcragióne, Ricómpra, Ricomprami nto , Ricompr.atiónc, / rebuying or purchaftng again, a re-pur- chafe. Ricomperare, Ricomprare, to buy or pur- chafe again. Ricomperatole , Ricompratóre a re-pur- chaffer. RIcomperévole, Ricomprabilc, that may be bought again. Ricompiere, Ricompirc, Compircr di nuòvo, to compleat again. Ricompiménto, a re-accomphfhment. Ricompónete, Ricompórre, Compònere di nuòvo, to re-compofe. Ricomònica, a re-communi cation. Ricomunicare, Comunicare di nuòvo, to communicate again. Riconcédere, Concedere di nuòvo, to grant again . ^ Riconcediménto, a re-conce (fon. Riconcentrare, Concentrare di nuòvo, tp concertiate again. Riconcéflo, Concèdo dì nuòvo, granted again. Riconci a re, as Racconciare. Riconciliabile, reconciliable. Riconciliare, to reconcile , to attone , for a man to confeffe his fins to God. Riconciliatióne, Riconciliagióne, Ricon- ciliamcnto : J, R I C ciliaménto, Riconcilianza, reconcilia¬ tion) attonement , that confi fjlon a mm tm\cih by himfelf, or to brs ghoflly Fa¬ ther, before he receive the holy Commu¬ nion. Ricóncioj mended or dreffed agaifr Ricondurre} to reconduft. Ricondurre un podére, fo rent out ortci\e again, to rent any F arm or Mannor. Ricondurrò, Ricondotto, reconduftcd. Iliconfermitióne, Riconterai agio ne, Ri- confermanza, & reconfinnalion. Riconfermévole, to be reconfirmed. Riconfefsarc , Confefsàre di nuovo , to conf effe again. Riconformare, Conformare di nuovo j to conform or comply again. Riconfortare } Confortare di nuòvo} to . comfort again • Ricongiugnere} Ricongiungere » to neon - join. Ricongiugniménto, Ricongiungiménto, Ricongiuntióne} a reconjunftion. Recongiuràre, Congiurare di nuovo} to conjure again. Riconguiratióne, a re conspiring. Riconia re} Coniare di nuòvo, to coin over ■ again. Riconofccme, reacknowlcdging, mind full of with tbanlffulncjfe. Riconofccnza, Riconofciménto, recogni¬ tion, re acknowledgement , mindfulneffe , tban\fulneffe, alfo a reviewing or refur- i levying in a thing. Riconóscere, to rccognifc , to \now again , to re acknowledge, to review, to furvey 3 or ta\c perfect notice of 3 alfo to be thank¬ ful , or to requite a courte fie. Ìliconófcerlì d : un fall©} for a. man to ac¬ knowledge himfelf of a fault. RiconoRicore, a re acknowledger, a thank¬ ful mm, alfo a furveigber. Riconofciuto 3 rc.ic\nowlcdged with tban\s, alfo furveyed. Riconlegnare, Confegnarc di nuovo , to confign again. Ricontrarc} Incontrare di nuovo, to meet : again. Ricóntro, as Incóntro. R convalcrC} to recover health. Riconvalefcc-nzameco-uemd health. Riconvcrtire,Convertire di nuóvo^c con¬ vert again. Riconvertita, Riconverfìónc, a reconver- fion. Ricoperchiare} to cover again. Ricopèrta} a covering again. Ricopèrto, Copèrto di nuòvo, covered over again. Ricopiare} Copiare di nuòvo , to coppy a- again. Ricopiatóre} a recopier. Ricoppiàre} to couple again 3 Ricoprire} Coprire di nuovo} to cover o- ver again . Ricopritóre, that covcreth again. Ricopularc, Copulare di nuòvo, to couple again. Ricorcare, Ricoricare, Coricare di nuó- • vo, to lye down again. Ricordare, to (horten again. Ricordanza, Ricordamene, Ricordano 1 nei *w Ricòrdo. Ricordare, to record, to remember. Ricordatóre, a remembrer, a recorder. Ricordévole, to be remembred. Ricòrdo, remembrance, memory , alfo an) bublic\ record, evidence , or token to re¬ member by , alfo a document, apraccpt, or a thing ro be remembred. Ricórdomi, 1 remember. Ricoronare,Coronare di nuòvo, to crown again. ____ RIC Ricórre } as Ricòglierc# Ricórre fiato, to gather breath. Ricorreggiménto, a re cone fling. Ricorrènte, as Recorrénte. Ricorrènza, as Rccorrénza. Ricórreremo run again,alfo to bave recourfe unto. Ricorrimcnto, a running again, or having recourfe unto. Ricórfo, ninne again, alfo bad recourfe unto. Ricoifóio , a running or flowing over, loo\ Bollire. Ricorvare, Ricurvare,Curvare di nuòvo, to book or bencl again. Ricorvità , Ricurvatura , Ricurvità , a rebending, q reftoopm?, arecrook- “ ' Ricórvo, Ricurvo, bent, bowed, flooped or made crooked again. Ricofteggiare, 'Corteggiare di nuòvo , to eoa ft or edge again. Ricotonare, Cotonare di nuòve , to map or thrum over again. Ricòtta, clouted cream, alfo frefh cheefe and cream. Ricòtto, Còtto di nuòvo, nealed or balked anew. Ricovcranza, Ricoveramene, Ricovcra- tióne , RicoYcivza, as Ricuperati- óne. Ricoverare , Ricovrire , as Ricupe¬ rare, Ricoverarli, for a man to recover himfelf, or bave recourfe unto. Ricovcratórc, Ricovratóre, a recovc- rer. Ricovcrcvole , Ricovrévole, recovera¬ ble. Ricóvero, Rie véro, a refuge or place of re¬ covery. Ricreare, io recreate , to fallace, to. (pm,al- fo to create again. Ricreatiòne, Ricreanza, Ricreamcntoy/c- crcation,paflime, folace, Sport . Ricreativo, full of recreation. Ricreatóre, a recreator. Ricredente, Ricreduto, a recreant, one believing otherwife tha i he did. Ricredénza, recreantneffe, a belief changed from that it was. Ricrédere , to believe again or otherwife than before. Rie ceménto, the fuperfiims dregs or s\um uf any thing. Ricréfcere, Créfccre di nuòvo, to grow again. Ricrefcimcnto, a new growing. Ili relpare, Crefpàrc di nuovo, to curl a- gain. Ricriare, ns Ricreare. Ricriminare, to accufe an accufer, to retort . a crime back again. Ricriminatióne, a recrimination, a fault in him that blamctb or accufctb ano- "ther. Ricrivellare, Crivellare di nuòvo, to fi ft again.' Ricroftarc, Crollare di nuòvo, to cruft o- ver again. Ridare, to grin, fognar or fnarl as a dog , alfo toy aim fcorn fully. Rido,* grinning,a fnarl'mg, alfe a fcornful yanningoftbc mouth. lliculare, to recoil, to retreat. Riculàta, Rìculaménto, * recoiling. Ricuperammo recover,to reobtain. Ricupcratiónc, Ricuperarmi nto, Ricupee ranza, recovery, reobt lining. Ricuperatóre, a recoverer . llicuperévole, Ricuperando, Ricupera¬ bile, recoverable * R I D Ricurvare, Curvare dr nuòvo, to bend a- . gain ; ( Ricusabile, Ricuscvolc, refufeablr. Ricusante, refuting, alfo a Reca fant 0 Ridila, Ricmànza, as Ricufatiénc. Ricusare, to refufe, to rccufe. Ricufci're, Ricucire,Cucire di nuòvo* Co ~ fow again. Ricufcitura, a [owing again. Ridamare, Ridiamare Aniare di nuòvo r to love again, to love reciprocally. Ridare , Dare di nuòve, to give q- u- g V n ‘ Ridare la vòlta , to give. a turn back. Redarguire, as Redarguire. Ridda, a Country daunce li\e our Haye- dancc. Riddare, to dance m a round as about a a May-pole, or elfc hand in hand, lo dance the haye. Riddóne, a placewherc country people dance hand in hand round together. Ridènte, laughing, fmiling. Ride nte ni ént efaughing ly. Ridere , rido, rifi, rife , to laugh, t 0 [mile. Ridere fguaccherataménte, or fganghera- taménte,fa laugh aloud and with an open mouth. Rideftare, Deftare di nuòvo, to wa\e a- gain. ' Ridiciménto, a reception of Speech. Ridicolo, Ridiculo, Ridévole, Ridicoló- fo, ridiculous,full of laughter,to be laugh¬ ed at. Ridimandare, to redemand. Ridìménto, a laughing , a laughter. Ridipingere, Dipingere di nuòvo, to paint over again. Ridire, to repeat or fay again , alfo to re¬ te aft, to recant or revoke a faying. Ridiftiilare, Diftillcredi nuóvoj to diftil again. Riditóre, a laugher, a fmiler. Ridividere} Dividere di nuòvo, to divide again. Ridivilìóne. a redivifion. Ridolére, Dolere di nuòvo , to grieve a- gain. Ridóli, fome part of a plough. llidolùto, Doluto di nuòve , griev’d a- gam. Ridomandare, to redemand. Ridonare, to give again. Ridondare, lo redound or return unto , Ridondanza, as Redondanza. Ridóne, as Riddóne. Ridoppiare, to redouble. Ridormire, to (leep again. Ridofsire, look Aridóflo. Pvidòllo, look Cavalcare a riddile , alfo a moiintanous or fte p p/nce.Eglimi hi tól? to a ridófi'o, vale egli mi ha cólto a peifeguitare, he baih undertaken to per fe¬ dite me. Ridotta nza, * redoubthig, or fearing. Ridottàre, to redoubt, to dtead,to fear. Ridottalo, redoubten, feared. Ridottévole, redoubtable, to be feared. Ridótto, Ridótto, part, reduced, brought unto,led back again. Ridótto, fub.. a home or retiring place , alfo an ordinary or tabling-houfe , alfo a ga- ming-boufe, cr any other place where good company doth Or may meet , alfo a merry meeting, a company, or afjcmbly if good fellows met together. Rigovernare, Ridivenire, to becomea- gain. Riduare,fà twofold main. Riduce vole. Riducibile, reduccavle. R I F R I F RIG Riducìménto, a reducing. Reduplicare, to redouble. R'duplicatióne, Riduplicànza , a redou¬ bling. R'dùri e, Riducere, to reduce. Ridurre a memoria, to bring or cull to mind nr memory. R ‘durre a niènte, to bring to nothing. Ridurre a un còrpo, to reduce to ci muffe or lump. Ridurli, to reduce bimfelf. Ridurli al vérde, look Al vérde. Ridurli a tale, to be brought to [neh a pxjjc or exigent. Riduzióne, a reduftion. Riédere, to return or come again. Riedificare, to re-edific ,to rebuild. Rie4>ficatióne, x rc-edificaùon. Ricdo, y (trumpet. Riepilogare, to repeat what bath been (aid, to re colle ft or heap conclufon upon conciti - , , , rt R ergere, Ergere di nuovo , to crcu a- again, Ricfca, may fort or come to pajje. Rii (cere, as Kiófc re. R fibrlcare,ffl build again. Rifaciménro,Rifattone, a repairing, or ma- hi’ g ne tv or whole again, a rejloring unto former (fate or condition. Ricalcare, Falcare di nuòvo , to abate a- gain. Rifanciullanza , nera child-hood , do- tage. RifanciulHre, lifeo, luo/o become a child again, to be a dottrel , to dtfte. Rifa c, to do or make or frame again , to repa’r, by Met. for a man to recover him- felfunto hLS former ftxtc after fome lofje or fchnrffe , alfo tofet ftx{e upon fla\e or to revy at play , to put it to a double pofl, alfo to {bufile and deal the cards a- gain. ) Rifare le fpéfe , to pxy or re-embtirfe the charges that one hath been at. Rifarli, for a man to recover bimfelf of any hurt or Ioffe. Rifaf.i "re, to fwxtb again. Rifàcto , don , made , renewed or framed again, become whole, look Rifare. Rife, (is Rife, any t hr id. Rifóndere, Fendere di nuòvo, to clear a- gatn. RiferendarJo, as Referendario. Riferènti, refcrence,relation unto. Riferire, to relate, to report, to exprefje, to refer, to aferibe or apply unto. Riferire gratie, to give thank} unto. Riferì l Ria refer bimfelf. Riferì: o, related , reported,refcrred or aferi- bed unto Jo ad reference or relation unto. Rifermàre, Fermare di nuòvo, to fettle or faflen. Riférvere» Férvcre di nuòvo , to uurn a- gam. Rifettióne,/?* Refettióne, R'.figge.e, Figgere di nuòvo, to faften or fix again. Riff Ilo, re fixe d again. REataménto, as Refpiratióne. Rifiatare,.# Refpùàre. Rificcare , Ficcare di nuòvo , io fix a- £«»• Rifìciare, as Reficiarè. Rifidarfi, to truft'himfilf again. Rifiédere, Fedire di nuòvo, to woundfijurt or fmite again. Ragliare, Figliare di nuòvo , to bang forth y rung again, to engender again. Rifinire, Rifinire, to refine, alfo to ceafe or give over. Rifiorente, refinirifhing. Rifiorire,Fiorire di nuòvo, toflourifij a- gain. Rifililo, Rifftto, re fixed. Rifiutagióne, Rifiutamcnto, Rifiutanza REu lattóne, refufai, refufingagain. * Rifiutante, refufing. Rifiutare, to refufe. Rifiutévole, refutable. Rifiuto, a ref sfai , any thing that is cafi by or may be fpared. Rifielfione, reflexion, reverberation, reper- cujjion. Riflcfsivo, refurtive. R ‘Beilo, rtfle6ied, reverberated. Riflèttere, to re fie ft, to reverberate. Rifiutare» Rifluire, Fluire di nuòvo, to flow again. Rifluflb, a reflux or re flowing. Rifocillare, as Refocillare- Rifondare) Fondare di nuòvo, to ground or found again. Rifondiménto, the foundring of a horfe. Riforbire, Forbire di nuòvo, to furbi fi] or trim ap again. Riforma, Riformagiòne, Riformamcnto, Riformanza, Riformatiòne, a reforma¬ tion, a repairing , or renewing of any thing to its old form and (late,alfo a Law or Ordinance made by the people without the Senate. Riformabile, Riformévolc, Riformativo, rcformablc. Riformato reform, to repair, to form or fafhion as it was before. Riformatóre, a reformer , a repairer , alfo a Corre ft or, a Contro ulte. Rifortificàre, Fortificare di nuòvo,f 0 re- fortifie. Rifornire, Fornire di nuòvo, tofurnijb a- . gain : Riforzarc, as Rinforzare. Riforzino, whip -cord , twine , merlin. Rifório, as Rinfòrzo. R fòlio, a double ditch or trench. Rifragrante, fragrant, fwett. Rifragranza, fragran eie, a fweetfent. Rifragrare, to yield a fragrant fmell- Rifrancare, Franca e di nuòvo, to refran¬ chi fi, or to free again. Rifrangere, Fràngere di nuòvo, to breaì again . Rifrangiménto, a rebreaking. Rifranto, Rifritto, broken again. Rifi atta, a rebound , a loud report. Rifreddagiòne, Rifreddaménto, a taking cold xv ain. Rifreddàre, as Rafreddàre. RiirenàbilcjRifrenévole, rcfrainable. Ritienaménto,Rifrenatiòne,a refraining , a reftraint. Rifrenàre, as Raffrenare. Rifrefcaménto, Rifrefcàta, a refrefhment , a cooling , alfe the time that cold weather beginneth. Rìfrefcatóio, as Rjnfrefcatoio. Rifrigerare, Rifrigcrio, as Refrigèrio. Rifriggere, Friggere di nuòvo, to fry a- gaìn. Rifronzirc, tronzlre a; nuòvo, to r.aw ! | Icavy again. Rifruftàre,quali, Frullare di nuòvo ', to ' t bang , to fiv.ideile o r rib-bafi with *' i rod or cudgel , alfo to check or tata wii h i cu, ft words, alfo to fear eh or p,-y narrow- ! ly into, vale anche Méttere il tutto fòt. ! ) to fopra, to toffe and tumble up and down j confufedly. I J Rlfrufto , Rifruft imeneo. Rifruflata.n i {■waiting or vb-bajlmg with a voi or cudgel, a chtc\ or rtbu\e with bitter {pitches, al{o a narrow tooting or mint Mto, alfo a confufed rumbling and toTini up and down. * Rjfuga, Rifugo, as Reftiga. Rifuggente, flying to and fro. Rifuggire, to fly or run away again , to fimi ' °I fbf rom > alfo to run for refuge. Rifuggita, a new fi ght. Rifuggito, run or fled away, rfcaped, alio fled unto for refuge and help. Rifugio, refuge, help, fuccour , (belter, I refeue, protection, a place of fafety. ' R'fulandofi, tools that Gunners ufe, i Rifulgente, refulgent,(plendent 3 fhiningjin- I ent, fliring, birring, gitfiring. Rifuigónza, filendencit, refulgence , a bit- fiig brigbtneffe. Ref ulgcro, to fijrne brightly c Rifui fo, glflered, fhined, b/asged, Rifufarc, to refufe , to rejcCl. Rifusati, as Refusati. Rifufévole, rcfufable. Rifufo, a refufiil , A rifiifo, carcLflj, in re¬ fufing manner. Rifiatare, to refufe, alfo to refute , to refill , convince, to confute. Rifutatione, Rifutaménto, Rifutànza , a refufal, alfo a confutation. Rifutivo, that may be rcfifed or confu¬ ted. Riga, a rule , a line , or flrca\ in a book, a tf 0 a ruler to rule with. Rig ’ bbi, a kind of dainty birds given 10 fickf°\sto cat. Rigabèllo, as Rigaiétto. Rigàglie, giblets of a foul or fees. Rig 'gno, Rigagnolo, Rigano, Rigame¬ lo, any little fìream, bronci rill, rivulet , gullet, gutter organi of water dr awn by art into fonie field or garden , or nieddow , to water the fame. Rigaiétto, certain mu ficai infiruments ufed | antiently in Churches before Organs -were divifedi which fome take to be the R> gOtS; Rigaligc, as Gonfòlida maggióre. Rigano, Orìgany,wild Marjoran . Rigante fudórc, trickling fweat. Rigàre, to ma\e lines,to rule paper or books, alfo Irrigare. Rìgaruólo, a ruler , alfa a water-pot to wa¬ ter gardens with. Rigatióne, Rigaménto, as Irrigaménto. Rigato, ruled with lines or freaks , marked' with lines. I Rigato, fub. any Ifind of flriped fluff worn- in doublets. Rigacta, any flriving, contention, or firug- ling for the ma fiery, alfo a play among children called Muffe. Rigattàre, to flrive , to ftruggle , or contend for the viftory, to wrangle or fly ft (or,try. fp ire , to pinch or ferape together by hook or crook or fafas j a tf° t0 regrate or fell by retale as Hugfters and brokers do , alfo to cog and lye craftily , alfo to play at Muffe. ' I Rigattière, a (Irugler or contender for the I 1 mattery , alfo a wrangling pinch -penny, a {barfer for gain, a bugfier , a retailer, a - ngraterf R I G R I L figrater, a badger, a hucl^flcr ,afr ip per ,! juch a one as ai a cheap race cnnofjeth 1 commodities , into his hands, and then] fells then very dear , alfo a player at Muffe. _ j Rigatciniére, a matyr 0 / Rigattini. j Riattino, a pouch, a pur[e-loc^, a hawk- | Mg-bag, apurfe with a loch Rigelàr*, Gelare di nuovo, to freeze a - g am. Rigeneribilc, regencrable. Rigenerare, as Regenerare. Rigeneració ne, regeneration. Rigerminatióne, a budding again. Rigermogliinc e, new budding. Rigettaglia , all things that are or May be rejected , ca(l off,, refufed, or Abhorred. Rigettare, Rigittàre, to rcjcCt,to c^jt off, alfa to bud forth again. Rigettato, rejected, cafloff. * Rigettióne f Rigetraménto , Rigetto, a rejecting, a cajting off, alfo a new bud¬ ding out. Righetto, a name that Country people give to their tame Affes. Rigiacére , Giacere dì nuovo, to lye a- gain. Rigidamente, feverely, au[lerely,rigor on fly, firmly, roughly. Rigidezza, Rigidità, feverity,rigor , fui H- neffe, auferity, rougbncfje. Rigid ire, difeo, dito, to ma\eorbccome [tiff, numb , or clumiic as with extrtam cold, by Met. to ma\e or become rigid,fe- vcrè, rigorous,rough, [urly,ftiff or hard¬ hearted . Rìgidito, triade or becorhc Rigido. Rigido, feverc, rough, furly, aufterc, rigo¬ rous, alfo (tiff , numb, or clumxie with cold. Rigidire, to ejoyce again. Rigióngere, as Raggióngere. Rigiramento, Rigirata, a roundgiring. Rigirare, to gire, to turn , to go or wind a- 0out again. Righe, Gire di nuovo, togo-aga'nt. Rigiro, a double turn of a horfe , of a D?re, or of a Bare, tifo a thick • ( Rigira, agoing away again. Rigiugnere, as Raggióngere. Rigiurare, to fwear again. Riglitarc, to tuck up a garment. Riglico, a tuck of a garment. Rignando , grinning , yarring , faarl- ing, or foaming at the mouth with an¬ ger. Rignare,Rigmrc,fgno, fto, to laugh aloud with (hewing the teeth, to grin , toyare , to fnarl as a cune or dog,alfito neigh as a horfefto make mouths or wry andwrefl the mouth in fign of f corn or angers to grumble, to skold or braul at, to f et and chafe untili one foam at the mouth with anger. Rigniménto , Rfgno, aloud and foolifh laughter with fhewing the teeth,a grining, a fnarling , a yarring, a wrefting of the mouth, a grumbling, a sliding, a braid¬ ing with foaming at the mouth , alfo the neighing of a horfe. . Rigo, a rule, a ruler, a carpenters fquare, alfotbe name of a common oldfong. Rigóglio, v 5 le ardire cagionato da con- i frdfinza propria, fond, hardy, boldntffc, felf-bardinefe,vain-pride, alfo the pride of the ftjb, by Met. rankneffe or fruit(ul- neffe of the earth. Rigogliofaménte , fclf-hardily , vainly- proud,proudly conceited, ran{ly growing. Rigogliófo, felf-hardy,'fondly proud, pre¬ sumptuous, proud as mans flefh, rank. Rigogoli, Rigogoléttij a kind of birds tnuch frequenting gardens, fome ta\c them 1 for railes, and fonie for rook » or daws, at-! fo certain hutches or trammels to catch birds with. Rigolare, to fing or chant common fongs, al¬ io to roul upon fleds or truckles. Rigolétto, a country gig, a country dance , horn-pipe or merry round, alfo a trunk- Rigólfo, the eddy of any tide or fir earn, alfo a whirl- pùol. Rigolftla, Rigofitia, Liquorice-wood. Rigolo, Rigolóne , as Rigolétto, as Ri- dión e s alfo a little wheel under a [ledge , called a truck, *(/" a fowling round log , as they ufe in gardens to fmouth allies, Rigoliftico, as Regoliftico. Rigonfiaménto, a [welling again. Rigonfiare,Gonfiare di nuovo, to / well a- l to regorge'with boiling. Rigorófo, rigorous, unmerciful, flint-heart¬ ed, fierce,fur ly. Rigovernare, Governare di nuovo, to go¬ vern again. Rigradare, Agradàre di nuòvo, alfo to di- [tinguifhby degrees. Rigrcfsaro, regrefjed, e [cheated unto. Rigridare , Gridare di nuovo, to try a- gain. Riguadagnare, to regain, to rewin. Rimagliare, Riguaglio, as Ragguaglio. Riguardante, regardant, beholding. Riguardare, to regard, to review, to heed, alfo to refpeft. Riguardatóre, a regarder a beholder , a re¬ viewer. Riguardévole, Riguardófo , regardfull , worthy of regard. Riguardo, Riguafdaménto, Riguardatu¬ ra, regard , view, caution, refyett > alfo a watch-Towcr. Riguiderdondre, to reward again. Riguo, a moijt or waterifh place, alfo wa¬ ived err that may eajily be watered. Rigurgitare, to regorge, toregurgle. Rigurgitatione,a regorging. Rihabitànza,Rihabitatióne,tf rehabitation. Rihabitare, to rehabit. Riabituare, Hibitiiàre di nuovo, fo habi¬ tuate again. Riha vére, to have or recover again. RihavcrG, for one to recover bimfelf. Riha vùtojhad- or recovered again. Rilanciare, look Lanciare, alfo to rowrje a Deer, to fart a Hare, to unkennel a Fox. Rilàncio, the rouftng of a Deer, the farting of a hare, &c. Rilafciante, relaxing, releafing, opening. Rilafciare, to relax , to releafe, to relin- quifh, to acquit or difcharge, to free, to leave again. Rilafciativo, rclaxativc in operation. Rilàfcio, Rilafciaroénto, Rilafciatióne , Rilàfìo, Riìafl’atióne , Rilaflamcnto » a relaxing , a relaxation, areleafe , a dif- ebarginz, an deefuitt ance, alfo a relinquifh • ing. Cani di rilàffo , frefh hounds laid fora fupp'.y , fet upon a Deer already hunted by other dogs. Rilaftricarc, Laftricàre di nuòvo, to pave again. R-ilavàre,Lavare di nuovo, to wafb again. Rileccare, Leccare di nuòvo , to lick a- gain. Rilegare, Legare di nuòvo, alfo to confine, to banifh, or exile to fome place. _ R J M Rilegatióne, Rilegamento, Rilegatura, ^ binding again, aljo a confining to a place. Rilegato, bound again, alfo ban Jhed or con¬ fined to forno place. Rileggere, to read over again. Ritentare, as Rallentare. Rilcnte, Rilènto , JUc{, relenting , alfa * fiackly, relentingly t Rilettióne, a reading again „ Rilètto, read over again. * v Rilevamento, Rilevata, Rilevanza, Ri¬ levazióne, a raifing or riflng up again, al¬ fo a new up-ri(ìng or fuH recovery > as from a fall or fie {neffe, alfo a womans Churching , alfo an importance or confe- quence as of a thing worth the tahing up , alfo anali. X * Rilevante, raifing up, alfo avail fui, of im¬ portance, of confi quence and worth. Rilevare, Rilievare,fo rife, toraife,to ad¬ vance, to rear or lift up again , alfo to work rai fed or emboffed wor\, alfo to re¬ lieve, 10 comf irt,tó cure or recover again, alfo to avail,to import, or to concern fome confequence , alfo to receive or get by, alfo articulately to pronounce the word [felled. Rilevatamènte, adfi. raifedly, highly , im¬ portantly,of confequence, look Rilevare. Rilevati, ridges between ploughed lands. Rilèvo, Rilièvo, any uprifing or up-taking, any raifingor advancing,any eafe or relief, affo any bigb-raifed or emboffed work,alfo worth, value, import, or confcc[ucncc,alfo that} which heirs of lands pay unto the Rjng, or their foyeraign Prince, called in our L.iw t the Relief, or Livery-payment, alfo leavings, remainders or feraps of any thing,namely of meat ta{en from the board . Rilibo, a firn fl im-tale , an idle d fcourfe without wit or reafon, look Lèggere. < Rilla, aJhort bat, cudgel or truncheon \ by Met. a mans privy mclnber. . Rilucènte, relucent, bright-jhin'mg. Rilucénza, relncencie ,firightneffe . Rilucerfejfo (force, to give a bright light. Riluttante, ref [ling,as it were wrefiling a- gam. Rilutta nza, relufiance, refinance. I Riluttar e, to refifl,to repugn. Rima, anyrithme , rime, mceter,verfe, or cadence in a verfe,alfo a rift,a cliff,a flaw or chap in any thing, as in wood, ffoiie or mettal,where it is not doff ffyned. R'maldcfca ,a\ind of grape, Rim:indàre,‘ Mandare di nuóvo,fo lend a- gain,to countermand,by Met. to vomit. Riniandellàrc, to picklocks. Rlmandellaro, a cunning pick-lock. Rimando, a fending bac{ or again, alfo a Counter-mand, look Di rimando. Rimanènte, Rimagnénte, remaining , abi- ding, refìdent,alfo ccafing or giving every alfo a remnant, a refidue,or remainder. Rimanére, (6 remain, to abide, to re fide, to reft, to continue, or flay in a place, alfo to ceafe, to abftain, to leave off , to give 0- ver , or to reft from doing, to forbear . Rimanére a bócca dólce , to reft comfor¬ ted, pleaffd or wcU apaid. Rimanére a dènti sécchi, A mufò sécco , Con le pive in fàcco. Cch tanto di ni- fo,fo take pains and yet get nothing to feed upon. As we fay, when one comes after all have dined or fiipt . Fo\iffthe poft,to {ifs : the hares foot,alfo to have tic canvafe in any f ut e, to be afhamed arjd look bafhfuUy ; as if one were loth to look upon his own nofe.To put up his pipes and go his waits. Rimanere in afib,idem.fo‘f properly to have loft alL,or to be left without any one ftngle penny , to have had Jack Drums enter¬ tainment , to go away with the wooden dagger. H h h Ri ' R I M R I M ) R I M Rimanere in pendente, io flay in fujpence, to be in doubt. Rimanére in piedi, to (land on bis feet , by M't. to jtund fafi,to continue confiant. Rimanere in sécco» In afeiutto. In sù le sécche. To be Left on the dry funds , cb.it is to fay, fuccorltfje, as a fifb on the lan or as a (hip without water , to be lef bare , lean and dry, as one that is new cu red of the French pax. Rimanére fmarrito, to he or remain am.* - ^cd, or aftonifbed. Rimanti con Dio, Abide with God. Rimarcabile, remarkable, notable. Rimarcare, to remark or note well, alfolo fer a new murk or fi arn ? a l*in. Rimare, tornirne, to meeter, to (peak or found in rithme, in number, or har¬ mony. Rimario,* book of rithms ,or mcctcr,a verfe- book, alfo x pile made up even and in jufi proportion, as faggots,billets or bricks,one an five ring another. Rimarle re, to marry again. Rimaritata, a mart id woman. Rimaritcvole, remarry age able. Rimasaglie, Rimate, Rimasùgli,*# >»*«- ner of remnants, leavings, ? emainders , reliqncs, fragments, [b eds, [craps, fur - plnfagcs , or odd ends. R'.mafj, Rima do, the part, of Rimanére, rem lined, &c. Rimafticàre Madiedre di nuovo, to chew again. Rimatóre,* R'thmer. ' Rim:.erica, * venomous ferpent. Rimbaldanzire, to re-emboldcn. Rimbaldéra, Rimbalderia, unwonted good entert am me at, alfo as Mottózzo. Rimbalzale, Ribalzare , Balzare di nuo¬ vo, to toff again. Rimbalzo, Ribalzo, * rebound , or fecond bound, namely of a ball or balloon , a high skipping or hopping, by Met. a fb'.ft or a skip from one ^ in i 10 ana! bcr. Rimbambire, as Ribambire. Rimbambiménto , a doting like * child a- gUn - , . . , Rimbambicamcnte, dotmgly , Rimbarbare, to beard again. Rimbarcare, Imbarcare di nuovo, to im bark again. Rimbeccare, usato da Dante per Ribat- tere-O Rintuzzare, qua fi rompere béc¬ co cóntrabécco, to beak o* bill again, to inake or put on a beak, 10 f cc ^ or cr:m ln at the beak sts >hey do Capons or otbei foul , alfo to recuckold, or to call cucfedd for cuckold, to retort back word fir word, or blow for blow, to beat back by died oppojiuon , to clinch a nail, alfo to nick a chance or hazard at dice, alfo to Jlrife a ball at the firfi fer- vice. Rimbeccai Tela, to [wallow a gudgeon , to believe that the Moon is made of green cheefe, Rimbeccata, a retortingor beatingback > look Rimbeccare. Rimbellire, to re-cmbcllifh. Rimboccare, to re-embogue as a Rive doth, to put imo ones mouth again, to flop at the mouth t to paure out or to place with the mouth downward , alfo to retort word for word, to upbraid, to twit, or hit in the teeth of any thing done for him, alfo to Trace out or difeover again as it were by way of train fen:, <«Traboc care. Rimboccò ne , grovelingly with the face downward. Rimbombante, Rimbombare, Rimbóm¬ bo, as Ribombare. Rimborfaménto, Rimborfatióne , a re- emburftng. Rimborsare, to re-emburfe . Rimbcfc re, Imbolo re di i.uóvo, toget into the wood o - Fo n II. Rimbottare, Imbottare di nuòvo, to put into a tun or cask gàia. Rimbottato, entunn d, or put into any Butt o barre, agam, alfa become a toad again, by M.t. imprinted or laid up clofe in ones memory. Rimbracciare, to re-embrace. Kimbrénaoli, pinks, jags, fhips, cuts , ra- vclings, p inis, laces, fringes, embroitbe- ; ries or any fantasie al new ornaments a- bout garments, as our Taylor s daily de. vife, alfo lobes, bunches or pi.c:s of fhfh banging loofe life chillers. R i m br e nc ilpfo, /"«/? o/ R i mbr é nc io Li. Rimbròccio, as Rimpròvero. Rimbrontolare, Rimbrottare, Rimbrotto- lare, as Brontolare. Rimbróntoli, Rimbròtti, Rimbróttoli , grumblings or words of di/dam. Rimbròttola, a grumbling u I,.: an. R.mbrutrire, as Imbruttire, Rimbuóno, one for another. Rimbucare, as Imbucare. Rimburchiare, as Imburchiarc. Rime, Ul manner of Ritbmes. Rimeare, Medie di nuòvo , to return or paf again. Rimediabile, remediable. Rimediare, Rimedire , dlfco, dito, ro re¬ medy, to rcdrcjjè , by Met .to j ave or get by {paring, alfo to redeem or ranfom for mony. Rimèdio, * remedy, a redreffe. Rimeggiare, as Rimare. Rimembranza, Rime mora nza, remem¬ brance, memory. Rimembrare, Rimemorare, to remember. Rimemorcvole, memorali :. Rimenaménto vezzófo, a wanton beha¬ viour, d a Ui ance, gaming,flirring,or wrig- ling up and down, as RJménio. Rimenare, Men ite di nuóyo ,alfo to work, t« fii) together. Rimenata, as Riménio. Rimenda re, to mend or dreffe again . Rimcndacórc, a remender. Riraendatùra, Rimendatióne, Riméndo, a remendment. Rimcndévole, that may be remended, a- mendable. Riménio, Riminio, as Menaménto,* fha- feng, a frigling, a jogging, a clic feting, a j umbLng, or g‘g(J-goggy of an employed bed. Rimcritamcnto, * redeferving. Rime tirare, to remerit, to reward one for a- nother. Rimefcolare le carte, to [bufile the cards. R-mcfcolaménto, Rimcfcolanza, Rime- feiménto, Rimcda,Rimedaménto,Ri- medanza, a remingling , blending, mefh ing, mixing or [baffling together again , * bodge-pot cht Rimefcolatòre, Rimcfcitòre, Rimedató- re, a rninglee, a blender, a fhuffUr. Rimedi, Rimeflìóne, rem ffi on, pardoning, forgive nife, alfo a remitting , a putting off, a deferring ,a paufe, or tntermifjion of any thing from one m.in,or time and place, to another , alp the beginning of a new fpeech or a Elion after fome paufe or flay, alfo a new budding, burgeoning, or fend ing forth again. Rimétta dèlie pernici, the place where par¬ ty idges alight when they can flye no fur¬ ther. R.meflaméntc, remifiely, ab jc Elly. R;mcf: ioti e , remijjikle, pardonable. Rimetto, remitted, /o given, pardoned, ac- p quitti d, a'fo put off or deferred,fet or laid I up again, rcfic ed nr rep'need, fa or fent f back again,budded or jp outed forth again, H committed or confined to any time or place, I fixe fed or let down the firings of any in- i ftuiment, pieced to\ ether or fet unto a- ■. gain. Rimétto, adjcc. rem ff , demifji, abjcU,cra- i vin, bafe, vile, timorous, fiora, dull, neg- | ligent, flicfe faint-hearted, alfo bumble, I meefe gentle, not proud. Rimediare, Mcfcoiare dì nuòvo, to toulc, to Jhafe or [bufile up and j down. Rimedicacura, Rimedicdnza, as Rimcf- colamtnto. Riméttere, to remit, to pardon, to forgive , | to acquit, alfo to put or fet over to ano- i thtr man, time, or place, to defer , to re- • fer, or prorogue, to commit to ones charge, tnifl, opinion or fee ping , alfo to fend or fet bacj ^ again, to confine to fome place , alfo to (lacfen or let loofe , to bud fo'th again as young Plants do , alfo to fupply. R:m etere denari , to appoint, remit or put over mony by way of bills of ex¬ change. Riméctere i fòlli, to drain , to clcanfc or sfeiwrdijh's. Riméttere il cónto, to yield or give a juft acaunt of any adminifiation. \ Riméttere in órdine, to place or fet in due O der and frame. Riméttere in sédo, idem- Riméttere mano , to remit or refer into a. bodies hand,. Rimetciticcio, any young bud , (prig or bar¬ ge on,namely fuefers fp/inging at the roots of trees. Riminio, look Riménio. i Rimira, Rimiraménto, Rimirata,* view¬ ing, a beholding, a gating upon. Risa ir ante, bt holding, viewing. R.nnr re, ro behold, ro review. Rimifchiare, Rimididre, Rimidurare , Mcfcoiare di nuòvo, to mingle again. Rimi filóne, Rimifsibile, as Remiffione. Rimifsória, a remitting of a cafe in Law,as we fay, a demur. RimTurare, MTurare di nuóvo,f0 mcafurc again. Rimoilare, Rimollirc, Immollare di nuòvo, to remo Hi fie, to afiwage again. Rimolcate, as Remulcire. Rimondare, Mondare di nuòvo, to cleanfe- topare, alfo to blanch again. Rimondatióne, * new cleanfing. Rimondi ni, look Pane, Rimóndo, cleanfcd or pared again. Rimontare, Montare di nuòvo, toget up | again. Rimorchiare, as Remukare, alfo io grum - | blcd at cne andyct not,be angry with him , . alfo to quip, to tant, or sfef at in. jefling [ manner, to bandy jefi for jefi, to cafi or * give a wanton look, with intention to al- lure, as we fay, to cafi a fbeeps eye at one. ! Rimorchiato, as Remulcaco , alfo grum- i ble at without anger, quipped and sfeffed , at with merry jefiing, to cafi a wanton ' look or an alluring eye. Rimòrchio, rfjRcmulco, alfoagrumb- Ì bling or quippmgin jefiing fort, alfo a merry or witty frump, jefi,or sfej}',a. wan- j ton nr alluring loofe Rimòrdere , to bite, to fhip , or nip again ( j with ones teeth, affo to have a remor/e or \ feel '} il I M R I N R I N feel a compuntimi in confcìencc for any thing done, alfo to vcx t to grieve, to re- butfe or s\oldat one that bath done fo to ■you. Rimordimcnto, Rimórfo, Rimorfióne» remorfe or compunttion of confcience. Rimordi'uo, rebit ten,touche or grieved with remorfeof confcience. Rimoreggiarc, as Romoreggiare. Rimorire, Morire di nuòvo, io dye a- gain. f Rimoimorarc, Mormorare di nuóvoi to murmur again. Rimórto,^eoff and dead again* Rimófo /full of rhimes or meeters, alfo full of chinas, clefts, rifts, chaps or ere- v'iffes. RimóOa, a removing, alfoapaiifc or inter¬ vale of time. Rimofloj removed, layed by. Rimoftranza, Rimoftradóne, el remon- /trance, a Jbewing again unto. Rimoftrare, to {beva, to remonflrate. Rimotaméntc, remotely, defiantly. Rimotézza, remotenefle , diflance. Rimotióncj a removing from place to place, Rimóto, remote , diflant off, f olitane, out of the tv ay. Rimóvere, Rimuòvere, to remove. Rimovévolc, removeable. Rimoviménto, Rimovitiónc, a. remo¬ ving. Rimpal marcio trhnme up again,alfo to rig a ‘(hip. Rjmpalmatura, a new trimming up , alfo a nggingof a fhip. Rimpaftàre, impattare di nuovo, to \nead again. Rimpatriare, Parriare di nuòvo* to go home into ones own Countrcy again. Rimpedulare, to cobble as a [outer doth old flóoes, to botch or pach as a botcher doth foefe or old flocking at the feet > to foot again t to vamp a pair of boots , by Met.to fha{c or fl'fit off with fume fleight or device. Rimpennare, Impennare di nuovo* to plume or feather again. Rimpctagliare, as Pci iditarc. R'mpetàglio* hazard, peril, jeopardie. Rimpétto, right over againfl. Kimpiagnere, to twit or upbraid one with weeping and wailing. Rimpiattare, as Appiattare- Rimpiuzire, to glut and reglut. Rimpiumare* Impiumare di nuòvo, as Impennare di nuòvo. Riippolpàre, vàie riméttere le pólpe o nuòva carne, fo get up bis flefl again , to pic\ up ones crums again. Rimpolpetraif-la, as Rimbcecarfela. Rimpregnare, Impregnare di nuòvo, to get with child again, alfo to get with young. $.impregnatura, as Impugnatura. Rimpregnévole, as Imprcgnévolc. Rimprcflìóne, a. taint upon a horfes foot. Rimprigionare, to re-imprifon. [ Rimprocciàre, Rimproverare, to reproach I and fedi co or difgract one, alfo to | upbraid * to twit or cafl into ones teeth any l fault committed by him, or any good turn I done unto him. i Rimproccévole , Rimproveràbile * that j -, may be twitted or upbraided. 1 Rlitìprocciófo , reproachful I , ignomini- 1 ous. ■ Rimpromélla, a new promife.: ! Rimproméflb, promifed again. I Rimprometcercjfo promife again. Rimproverare, loo £ Rimprocciàre. Rimprovero, Rimprovério, Rimproccli- ménto, Rimpróccio, reproach, flame, difgrace, ignominie , alfo upbraiding or twitting and casing into ones teeth. Rimuggire , Rimuggaret, to bellow, to low , to anfwcr with bcllowings , Riamicare, as Remulcàrei Rimulco, as Remulco. Rimunerare, fo reward , to guerdon, to recompence,.to remunerate. Rimuneratane, Rimuncrànza** guerdon, a remunerai ion, a mted * a recom- pence. Rimuneratóre* a rewarder , a reem- pencer. Rimunerévole, remuncrabk. Rimumre, Munire di nuòvo* to guard or defend again. Rimunito, Munito di nuòve* guarded or defended again. Rimuràre, Murare di nuòvo, to wall or build up again Rimurchiàre, as Rimorchiare. Rimucàbilc, Rimutévole * tranfmuta- . ble. Rimuta, Rìmutamcnto, Rimutanza, Ri- mutatióne, a removing , a tranfchan- . gin Z', Rimutàre, Mutare di nuòvo, fo change again. Rimutàto, altered from what it was. Rialzamento* a re-advancement. Rinalzàre, Alzare di nuòvo, to lift • again. Rinafccnte, regenerating. Rinafcénza,Rinafcimcnto, Rinàlcita, a new birth or regeneration. Rinafcere,Nafcere di nuóvoi to be born again. Rinàto, new bom , born again. Rinavigàre,Navigare di nuòvo, to fail again. Rincacciare, as Ricacciare. Rincagnato, to become doggifh, curripjor cur ft , alfo flat-nofed or dog mul¬ led. Rincalcare, to blunt or abate the edge, to I clinch a nail. Rincalzare, Incalzare di nuòvo* to fo'z low or purfue do fu again. Rincalzo, Rincalzam nto, Rincalzata, as Incalcip, •- Rincantucciare, to lurli or hide in fome corner or by-place. R'mcaponire, to become very objlinate 'and wilfull again. Rincarare, Rincarare, to endeare, to en¬ hance the price, to grow dear again. Rincarimento, an endearingor raifing the price of anything. v Rincarnàre, Incarnare di nuòvo, to ta\e fiefl again, to come to ones felf a- gain. Rincartare, Incartare di nuòvo, to wrap up again in a paper. Rincafcaménto, Rincalcata, a falling again, alfo as Ricaduta. Rincaftellàre* Incaftellàie di nuòvo, fo put into a Cafile again, to build or frame again. Rincattellàto còrpo, a bodie well compad =» or framed. - Rincaftràrc, Incaftràre di nuòvo, to inlay or fet again. Rincadàre, to frub s tofurbifl or polifl any metal. , Rincavernàrc, Incavernàre di nuòvo, to put into a den again. Rincazzare, ufed for Ihcalciarc. Rinchiàre, Rmchio, loo\ Ringhiare- Rinchiavàre* to loc\ or (hut in again. Rinchinamcnco , . a xc-cnclininz un to. Rin chinare* Inchinare di nuòvo* to bow or due^ down again. Rinchiudere, RincUidere* to enclofe * to Jbiit in again. Rinchiudiménto , a (hutting ir* a- gam : , Rinchiiifo ^ enclofd or (hut in a- gw. Rincigncrc, Ricingere, ro get a woman with child again. Rindnta, a woman big with child. Rincirconire, as Infortire. Rincircon rh il fangue, for a mans blood . _ to rife againfl any thing. Rincominciare, to begin againe. Rinconcentrare, Concentrare dì nuò¬ vo, to concentrate again. Rincontenére , Contenere di nuòvo fo cont'aine again , Rincontra, overagainfl. Rincontrare, as I ncontràre. Rincóntro, as Incóntro, Rincorare, fo reencouragc. Rincoraménto, a reheartening. Rincórrere, as Incórrere. Rincréfcere, as Incréfccrc, Rincrefcévole, Rincrefciófo , cu Incrc- f^évole. Rincrefciménto, as Increfcménto. Rincrefpàre, as Increfpére. Rincrefpatura, as Increfpatùra. Rincriccàrc, Rincricciàre,fo fluente with laughing , alfo as Ranicchiàre. Rincroftàre, lncroftarc di nuòvo, to cruft over again. ] Rinculare, to recoil, to retreat. 'Rinculata , Rlnculamcnco , a rccoil- ■ }ng. Rincuorare, tore-hearten. Rincurvare, as Incurvàrè» Rindentràrc, to re-enter » Rindolére, as Ridolcre- Rinega mento, a denying, a deny al. Rine gate, to deny, to abjure, to re¬ nounce. Rinegato, part, denyed, abjured. Rinegàto, fub. a renegado , a forfvporn man, cRc that hath renounced bis Reli¬ gion. ^ Rinfacciare, as Rimprocciàre. Rinettàre, Nettare di nuòvo, to cleatife again. Rinfacciaménto, as Rimpròvero. ; Rìnfamàre, to reflore ones reputation or j credit, Rinfaresre, as Infarcire. Rinfermàre, Infermare di nuòvo, to flut in again , alfo to fc^en again. Rinferocimcnto, a re-cnforcing, Rinferocire, io re* enforce. - Rinferràre, Inferràre dì nuòvo, to do over again with iron. Rinfiammare, Infiammare di nuòvo, io inflame again. Rinfionre, Infiorire di nuòvo, lo flourifl again. ^ Rìnfocàre l Rinfocolare j to fet on fire . Rinfoderare, Foderare', di nuòvo, to line or put linings in again. Rinfóndcre, fo infufe or pour into , alfo to adde one thing upon another. Rinfondiménto, an infufing or putting in¬ to again, alfo an adding of one thing upon another , as grief upon grief, or care upon care. Rinformàic, Informare di nuòvo, to n- j form again „ Kbh z Rinfornàrr. i R I H ft I N 8. I N Rinfornare, Infornare di «nuòvo, to pat j into an oven again. Rinforzare, Inforzare di nuovo, to re-in¬ force again. Rinforzaménto, Rinforzerà, Rinforzo, any rc-cnfmcment. Rinforzino, whip-cord, merlin-twine. Rinfofcàre, lnfofcire di nuóv odo darken again . Rinfrancare, Rinfrancolare, t$ ma\e or become frank and liberal, to re-encourage or chenfh with f antyiefle, alfo to re-en- francife, to reflore unto liberty a- gain. Rinfrancefarc, Rinfranciofarc, to be or become frenchified, or full of the French - pox Rinfi antere as Rifrangere. Rinfrenàre, as Raffrenale. Rinfrenatiòne, a refraining. Rinfrefcaménto, Rinffefcita, Rinfrefco, a cooling , a refreshment. Rinfiefcarc, to cool,to rcfnfh. Rinfrefcata, Infrcfcata, the fejh and cold feafon of the year or approach of winter between th: middle ofSzpzzvr\kzs,MdAll- S tint’s-day. Rinfrcfcativo, that refrefheth. Rinfrefcacóio, a refr.Jhing, a cool or fhadie pi -ce, a laver or vcjjel for pots or glaffcs to be w.ifb'd or fet in, as are fet by cup¬ boards in Nible-mcns dining-cham¬ bers. Rinfi o nzire, Fronzire di nuovo, to grow again into leaves. Rinfuocàre, Infocare di nuòvo, to fire or ma\e hot again. Rinfuriare, Infuriare di nuòvo, to inrage again. Rinfufa, lo>k Alla rinfofa. Rinfufamcntc, confufedly. Rinfòfo, confufedly, alfo full to the top, or ready to run over. Ringagliardire, *« Ingagliardire. Ringaluzzàre, to Hi ut, to flrout or coc\er as a Tur{ie-cocl( f by Met. to be, to ma\e or bicorne bliih , jollie , jocund, bueìn¬ fime or liifiie. Ringaravign.irc, to glance, to rotti, to gogle or glote about as fome do with their eyes when they arc angry or affrighted, and muft needs Ioni? about them. Ringare, Ringhire, as Rengarc, alfo to (peak proudly or g inningly, as if one in¬ tended to ma{c others affraid of him. Ringavagnare, to recover any Ioffes. Ringeminàre, Geminare di nuòvo, to double again. Ringcminaciónc» a redoubling again , Ringencrare, to regenerate. Ringeneratióne, regeneration. Ringentilire, Gencilire. Ringhi, Ringhio, Ringhiature, fnirlings , yar rings or grinnings with the teeth, as angry curs are feen to expreffe, alfo the uncivil yawnings with the mouth open, that h^neffe caufeth , alfothofe blurting i that mules ma\e before they kick and winfe. RinghiarejRingiare,Ringhire,Rinchiare, to blurt with the mouth, as it were Jnar- ling as mules do before they winfe and by Met, to fore-ihreaten or fore¬ warn others of what nnc intends to do. Ringhiera, an Orators chair or Pulpit, a feat of declamations. RinghiotJre, Inghiottire di nuòvo, to fwallow down again. R ingioi re, to rejoyce or chear up, Ring : ovenire, to become young again. Ring omerare, as Glomerare. Ringo, x violent ffock, a furious afj'auLt, aljothe fing. of Ringhi. Ringorgamento, a regutgling. Ringorgare, Ringorgogliarc, to rcgargle , to regorge or fwallow "up as a whirlpool doth, to regurgle bad j* as a River doth being jtop’c. ^ingrandire, as Ingrandire. Ri ngratfaménto, as 1 ngraffamento, Ringrafl'àrc, to fatten again. Ringrariabile, that may be thanked. Ringratiamcnti, thanl^s-givings. Ringratiarc, to yield or render thanks. R ingranarono, thanks-giving. Kingravidanza, as Gravidanza. Ringravidarc, .«Ingravidare. Ringrinzato, withered, fh unken up. Ringrallare, Ingrallure di nuòvo, to fat¬ ten again. R nguainare, tofhealb up again. Ringuiggiare, as Inguiggiàre. Ringurgicàre, to regorge, Kingurgitatióne, a regorging. Rlnnafhare, Innaffiare di nuòvo, to water over again, as m a garden. Rinnalzàre, Innalzare di nuòvo, to ele¬ vate again. Rinfiammare, Innamorare di nuòvo, to take or fall m love again. Rinnegare, fa deny again. Rinnegare, Inneftare di nuòvo,*® ingraft again. Rinnovare, to renew again. Rinocerónte, a great beati or monfler , cal¬ led a Horn-nofe , becaufe it hath a horn in his fnout bending upward , and is a great enemic to the Elephant, Rinomare, Rinominare, to renoun , alfo to name again. Rinomata, Rinomanza, Rinoméa, Ri- nómo , renoun, fame, glorious reputai tion. Rinomato, Rinominato, renowned, fa m ms, far re Jpoken off. Rinóncia, Rinomiamone, Rinontiare, as Renóntia. Rinotarc, to note again. Rinottare, to become night again. Rinovabile, Rinovévole, renewable. Rinovale, a thingrenewed. Rinovàre, Rinovellare, to renew. Rinovatióne, Rinovamtnto,Rinovanza, Rinovàca, Rmovellaraénco, a renova¬ tion. Rinpadronirfi, to become Lord or Poffeffor of any thing again. Rinquartare, to quarter, to double or bring „ to four again, as Rincerzare. Rinfang uinàre, to bloudie again. Rinfanare, as Rifanare. l^infaniremifco nfeo, to grow or return into ones found fences again, fome bave ufed the word, for to dote or grow mad again, /flofclnfamre. Rinfavirc, vifco, vito, to become wife a- gain., Rinfegnare, to teach again . Rinfelvare, Inbofcare di nuòvo, to di- red or get into a wood or forrefi a- gain. Rinfenfare, as Rifenfdre. Rinfercnare, as Rifl'enerare. Rinferrare, to lock or in again. Rinfciacquare, as Rifciacquare. Rinfiorare, as Riftorare. Rinfuonare ne gli orécchi, to ring, to found or tingle in ones ears. Rincanare, to endenne again,as Rintafarc, to Hop again. Rintafcare, Intafcare di nuòvo, fa pocket up again. R integrare, as Redintegrate. Rintegrjtióne.Rinceraménto, HJ KcJin- tcgraciónc. incenerire, Intenerire di nuòvo, to wax tender again. Rintenerirfi d’affettióne, to b: moved with tender affcftion. Rintcrzamcnto, as Interzamcnto. Rincerz.lre, Imcrzare di nuòvo, to cn- trcjje a plue again, to pack cards again . Rmterzàta carta, a bum card, a card priest or packfc for advantage. Rintinno, a tynd of com in Goa: Rintoccare, as Ritoccare, alfo to ring the ■ bells backward,as they ufe to doi « Italy in times of war, fuddain affaults,tumults or fire. Rintonare, Rimuonare, ««Intonare. R ntónica, as Planipédia. Rintoppare, to tnp or flumble upon again aljo to foul, to cobble, or patch again, by Met. tomilpL.ee or put things out of Ol¬ der. Rintoppo, as Intòppo. Rintórcere, as Ritòrcere. Rintracciaménto, an entracing,a parching out, a ret reeving. Rintracciare, to entrace, to track a tid - fcarch out, and ( as Hunters fay ) to re- treeve. Rintracciatòre, a tracer or narrow fe irchcr out of fccrets, a retreever, a pricket. Rinsaldare, as Intralciare. Rintricare, Intricare di nuòvo, to intri¬ cate again. Rintrodurre, Introdurre di nuòvo, to in¬ troduce again. Rintronare, Intronale di nuòvo, to en¬ throne again. Rintrosfre, as Ritrosire,' Rintuóno, a refounding. Rintuzzare, to blunt or abate the edge, to clinch a nail,by Met.to dull,to beat down , to fuppreffc. Rintuzzo, Rintuzzi mento, a blunting or abating of the edge, alfo a quailing or fuppr effing. Rinvalcrfi, to recover ones health or Ioffes again, to become found again. Rinvaluto, recovered his health or Ioffes. Rinveniménto, * refindmg, alfo a coming to ones fenfes again. Rinvenire,^ find again , alfo to come to ones fir ft being or fenfes again. Rinventrirc , Inventiare di nuòvo, to embowel again. Rinverberare, as Riverberare. Rinvcrberatióne, as Riverberatióne. Rinverdimento, a growing green again. Rinverdire, to grow green again. Rinvergàrc, to melt and reduce into ingots, as Gold-fmiths do their metals, alfo to difcover or find out again that which once was loft. Rinverfare, as Riverire. Rinveifévole, reverfable. Rinvérfo, Rinvérfcio, as Rovérfcioi Rinvcrtire, to revert. Rinvefcarc, Invcfcare di nuòvo, to en¬ fiare again. Rinvcfciardo, a teU-tale, a blab of his tongue. Rinvefdare, as Riverire, by Met. to blab or tell tales one from another,whereby un- kfndncffe and difjention may grow be¬ tween friends by mifeonffuttion. Rinveftire, Invertire di nuòvo, fo re-in- vejt, Rinviaménro, a fending back again. Rinviare,Inviare di nuòvo, to fit onward of bis way again. Kin- R I P R I P R I P Rinvigorire? to mn\e vigorus again, Rinviluppàre, to enwrap again. Rinvicare, Invitare di nuòvo? tore-in¬ vite. Rinvito » nuòvo Invito s a new invita¬ tion. Rinumerare, to number again. Rinùntia?^ Rinóntia. Rmvivire, to revive , torequicì^eH. Rmvogliare, Invogliare di nuòvo, to bave a Uff, or will again to any thing. Rinvolgimcnto, Rinvoltura, Rinvolta ? Rinvolutióne» as invòglio- Rinvolto,^Invòlto? M Invòglio, Rinutrire, to nounfh again. Rinzaflare, to flop or fill up any void,leak, erevifh ? cleft, or hole with torve or fax. Rinzappare? Zappare di nuòvo, to dig a - gain. Rio, fub.afloud,* fir earn, a currant,a chan¬ nel, a g07$l, or gullet of water. Rio? adjcól.bad 9 lewd y wic\ed , guilty,cul¬ pable, alfo cruel, fell, hard-hearted. Riobarbaro, the root Rubarb. Riodiare, to hate again. Rio^ontico, the name of art hearb. Rióne, Cóli chiamano in Roma i Prefi¬ denti delle contrade , a Marfbal, a Provoca common Jaylor, or Serjeant of a Town, a waiting- (treet, a high rode way, alfo a publick Market-place in a Town , a quarter of a Town or City, or (as they in London) aiVard,or fever al di¬ vi fon and Precinti of a City 3 alfo the lit¬ tle fi(h called a fprat. Rioperàrc, to work again. Riordinamento,Riordininone, areorde- nng, a reordination. Riordinare, to reor daini to reorder. Riofsiro, Ofsàrc di nuòvo » to grow into a bone again. Riótta, a not, a brani , an uprore, a tumult, an infurrcCtion. Riottàre, to riot, to braul, to eaufefome tu¬ mult or uprore. Riottófo, riotous, tumultuous. Ripa, a water-banky (bore, (Irond, fide, or border of Sea or River. Ripalmegg'are una gal ' ra di pegola , to trim or repair a [hip with pitch., Ripampinare, Pampinure di nuovo ? to grow into boughs again. Riparabile, repairable, wardable. Riparare* to repair, to reflore, or reduce to his fir [l efiate again, alfo to repaid or have acce fie unto, alfo to ward a blow, tool Parare. _ Riparatióne,Riparaménto, Riparo, Ripa¬ rata, Riparatura, a r< pairing, a repara¬ tion, a refloring or matyng new , or good again , alfo a dcfence,a remedy , a r ampler » a fort, a fence, a ban \, a trench, a jheltcr, aftarting-hole, a covert-barn , a place of refuge , a help at a pinch. Riparatóre, a repairer, a warder. Ri pare, to ban If, to fhorc. Rùparélla, fome part of a cart. Rùparénfi, fouldiers that warded and gir¬ ded the frontiers of the Empire . Ripàrio, that breedetb or liveth by ihe fbores of Sea, of Rivers, or 6froc\s. Riparlaménto, a jpeaijing again. Riparlare, Parlare di nuòvo , to fpea\ a- gaiit. Riparo, look Riparatiòne. Riparóni , [hoars to underlay wheels that ‘they f ide not. Ripartiménto, Ripartita, Ripartitióne, as Compartiménto- Ripartire, Part redi nuòvo? to part, [hare or divide again. I Ripartorire , Partorire di nuòvo , to / bring forth again , to be delivered a- I gain. Ripafcere, Pafcere di nuòvo , to feed ri¬ gavi , Ripafciménto, a feeding again. Ripakiuto, new fed, fed, again. Ripagare, Pafsire di nuòvo, to paffeover again, to go over the fame thing again. Ripafsata, RipalL mento, a repaffing. Ripatiménto,. i fuffering again. Ripatirc, Patire di nuòvo » to fuffer re¬ gain. , R Spatriare, to place or come into bis own na- tiv country again. Ripatriatióne, a repatriation. Ripatteggiare, Patteggiare di nuòvo ? to covenant or condition again. Ripeccàre, Peccare di nuòvo ? to fu a- gain. Ripéllerc, to repel, to repulfe. Ripéllo , a check or twitch given with the bridle by a cunning rider in managing,in turning or in making a borfe to flop. Ripenfaménto, a rc-thinlfing. Ripenfàre, Penfàre di nuòvo , lo think a- gain. Ripentagliàre , to hazard or put in danger upon repentance. Ripentaglio, a hazard upon repentance, a jeopardy,to be forty . Ripénte, Ripcntino, as Repènte. Ripentiménto, repentment. Ripcntire, to repent, to be forty for a thing done or faid. Ripentito, repented, rued. Ripentitóre, a repenter. Riporeóflo, Ripercuflo, beaten, fmitten,or [trudgen again , refected or reverbera¬ ted. Ripercuòtere, to beat, to [mite, or flree\ a- gam, to refle£i, to reverberate , to beat. back- Ripercuflióne, Ripercófia , Ripetcoti- ménto , a fmiting, a. [tree{mg or beating bach again, anpércuJ]ion,a v iverberation, a reflecting. Ripcrcufsivo, Ripercutiénte, fruiting or beating back, repercujjlve , rcfeClive. Ripérdcre, to lofe again. Ripertório, as Repertòrio. Ripcfàre, Pefàre di nuòvo, to weigh over again. Riptfcàre, Pepare di nuòvo , to ffh a- gain. Ripeftàre, Peftàre di nuòvo, to beat again in a mortar. Ripetere, Ripetire,f ,l!cd «f>M\ Ripuno ,fub. my Jtuffing. fiUint, cr farcing, alfo the woof or Ripigliare, to retale, to tolge or catch train, “’ u kt «■ * bound and. bandy to ani Ripigliaménto, Ripiglio, « Reprcfa. Kipignere, Ripingcre, u llitpingere. dipinta, a tbritfi bac £ again. Ripinto, t hr ufi bac\ again. Ripiòvere, to rain again. Ripire, pifeo, pko, to clamber up. Ripico, climbed or clambered up. Rapitóre, a clamberer, a climber alfo as Ripetitóre. Riplica, Riplicare, ^Replica. Poggiare di nuòvo, to prop a- gam. Riporgerc, Pòrgere di nuòvo , to offer or prefent again. Ripórre, Ripónere, to fet up, or lay afide , in his due place or for another time. Ripórli, for one to fet or lay up himfelf. Riportare, ns Rapportare. Riportare partite , to tran [port reckonings from one boot^ to another. Riportarli, /or one to remit, to refer, or con¬ form himfelf to others. Riportatore, as Rapportatóre. Ripòrto, Riportamento, as Rappòrto, Ripofantc, repo fing, refting. Riposare, to ref, to repo/e. Riposarli, to ref or relie upon. Ripofatóre, a repofer. Riposata, a ref mg place or time , Ripofataméntc, repofedly. Riposato, repo fed, re fed. Ripofévolc, refiful,repofable. Ripòfo, Ripofamcnto, Ripofànza, repofe, ref, cafe, quiet. Ripófta, a placing by, or (citing up. Ripoftiéro,* flew ardor overfeer , one that layeth up any thing in (tore. Ripoftiglio, Ripofitório, any place where things may be fet up and kept, a Ware- houfe , a Store-boufe, a Bntteyy , a Lar- dry, a Pantry 3 a Cupbord , a ri'ardrobe, a by-corner. Ripòrto, laid up, fet by, placed to be 1\ept aljo a tiH or drawer of a cupbord. Ripregàre, Pregare dinuòvojfo pray or m- treat again. Riprémeie, as Reprimere. Ripremiàre, Premiare di nuòvo > to re¬ ward again. Riprendere, to ta\e or receive again, alfo to re-begin where a man left, alfo to re¬ buke, to reprehend , to reprove, to blame, tò check, alfo to reprife. Riprender fiàto, or ànimo, to take breath, heart and courage again. Rìprendévole, Riprensibile , rtprehenfi- ble. Rìprcnditórc, Riprcnfóre? a reprehender , a reprover, a find-fault. Riprenfiòne , Riprendiménto» reprehen- fon, rebuke , reproof, alfo a contraction of finews. Riprensivo, reprehenjive 3 to be checked or reproved. Ripréfa, a retaking , a receiving again reprifal, alfo a relaps or new ft of fick~ neffc, among Muficians it is an anfwering one another, when one leaves off and ano¬ ther begins. Riprefàglia, all manner oftepnfals, prifes, pillage, booties, preys, bribes, takings , Hhb 3 _ catch k R I S R I S R I S Patchings, attachingSiWafts.arreflsfiiow- foevrr gotten, letters of Mart. Rarefare, to reprife, to repleeve,alfo to ar, reft or to attach. R'Prefentarc, as Rapprefentarc,,'- Rjprefentatióne? as Rapprefentatiòne, Riprcfojrerc^cMj or accepted again, alfo reprehended or reproved, alfo fhr un ken up. Ripreflare, to repreffr, to repel. Riprclfión z,arcprtffion. Ripréfl'o, repreffed , repelled . Riprcfsóre? Riprimerc, a repreffor . Riprcftare? to lend again. Riprezzare, Prezzare di nuòvo? topri\e or value again. Riprezzófo? as Ribrezzófo. Riprincipiàre, to begin anttv. Riprifo? as Ripréfo. Riprobabile ? Riprovabile ? reprovea- ble. Reprobare, Riprovi re, as Reprobare. Riprocc'dre, as Rimproccidre, Ripróccio, as Rimproccio. Riprodurre? to produce ogam, RiproferUe? to proffer again. Riprofondare, Profondare di nuòvo , to fink down again. Ri prom ed a, a promifing again. Riproméflb, promifed again. Riprométtere, to prom'ifc again. Riprovatióne , Riprobatiónc , reproba¬ tion. Riprovato? reproved, alfo reprobate. Rìprovedére, to provide again. Riproveduto? Riprovilo? reprov.ded. Ripudiare, as Repudiare. Ripudio, as Repudio. Riputfcere, to zrow a child again. Ripugnante, Ripugnatilo? as Repugs nante. Ripugnanza? as Rcpugnanzi. Ripugnare? as Repugnare. Ripugnere, Ripùngere? Pùngere di nuò¬ vo"? to prick or gore again. Ripulire, Pulire di nuòvo, o po'.ijh agnini Ripulitura, a repolifhing. RipullullareiPullulare di nuóvo,to bud se¬ gai n. Ripu'fi? Ripulfo, a rcpulfe, Ripulsare, to rcpulfe. Repulse vole, repulfable. Ripunto, reprieved, alfo rcquiUed , alfo wrought aittfC on both fida. Ripurgaménto? Ripurgatiùne , a repur- gmg,a!fo all manner of drops or filth. Ripurg.'re? to purge again. Riputare? to repute, to hold opinion of , to deem, to efteem. Riputarli a vergógna? to repute or ta\e it as a fhimc or dif grace. Riputatiónc? Riputa nza? reputation. Riputévole, Riputdbilc? reputable. Ri quadrare,Quadrare di nuòvo, to falsare again. Riquadratura, as Quadratura^ Riquartarc? as Quart are. Riquilitia, the wood Liquorice. Rii ifcóflo, redeemed again. Rifa? laughter s y futili lings. Rifa delle caflagne? the bufiingS Or crac\. ing of cbeffhuts in the fi e. Rifa guaccherate', foolijh lo lui laughings , and with open mouth. Rifagallo? Arfinic\ì Rats-bane. Rifagiménto , a re-confirming, a. re-efia- blifhing, a felling again. RT gire? g’fco? gito , to reconfirm or efla- b'ifi) and fettle again. : Ridia, Rlfaiuóla? Rifarà, any laughter , fmiltng or leering , any laughing Sport, al- ‘ fo a field of rice , alfo any meat of rice, a • rice tart „ Rifaldàre, Saldare di nuòvo , to fix or ■ fafien again. Rifai datura , Rifaldaménto ? as Salda¬ tura. Rialire, Salire di nuòvo, to afeend or go up again. R'falita, a reafeending. Ridico, one degree over another l abalf- pace , a lfo a spring in any clocl^, lock, watch , jewel , or ring, alfo a double leap, look Ribaltare. Rifalva, fafety, fafe-keeping. Rifalvdre, Salvare di nuòvo , to fave a- gain. Rii aiutare, to refalute. Rilalùto? refalutation. Rifanabilc? recurable, to be healed. Rifanaménto, Rifanacióne? a reheat¬ ing. R.fanarc, to recure, to heal again. Rifapére, to know or wete again. R fapùto? k now n or woted again. Risarà, Risata, as Ridia. Rifarchiare, Sarchiare di nuòvo, to weed again. Rifarciévole, that may be patched or pieced up whole again. Rifarcire, cifeo, cito, to repair , to patch , or piece up whole again. Rifarcitóre? a repairer, a patcher. Rifaruólo? a laughing, a leering, a fmiling, or a jarring fellow, Risata, as Risaia. Risbaldire, difeo, dico , to be bafhful, not to be confident. Risbatcimcnto? as Ribattimcnto. Risblcndere. as Rifplcndcre. Rifca, as Réfca. Ricaldagióne? Rifcaldévolc , that may be heated. Rifcaldabile? Rifcaldaménto , Rifcalda- tùra? any heating or chafing and warm¬ ing again , by Met.provocation to anger , earnefineffe in any \thing , alfo pimples or pufhes proceeding of heat. I Rifcalddre, to heat or warm again. Rifcalddre alcùno, to heat , to incenfe , or provoke to anger or any thing clfe. Rifcaldac/vo? having vertue to beat. Rifcaldatóio? a warmingpan or place. Rifcalda vivande? a chafing diffj, Rifcappidre, as Rimpedulare. Rifcatt abile, redeemable. Ricattare ? to redeem, to ranfom , to refeue. Ricattarli , for a man to redeem and re¬ venge himfelf cf fome wrong recei¬ ved. Ricattarli nel g ; uóco, to recover what one hath lofi at play. Ricatto? Riattaménto? Rifcattatióne , a refeue, a ranfom ? a redeeming ? a difin- ygfng. Rifchiaramcnto? a clearing again. Rifchiarare? Rifchiarire? to clarifie, to pu¬ ri fie , to clear, tojtrain ones voice with hemming or coughing. Rifchiaracélla d’ acqua fréfea , a fijft or change of fair water. Rifchiarc, Rificare?Riligdre, to hazard, to put to adventure. Richiamo, cleared again. Rifchio, Risigo, Rifco, hazard, jeopardy , peril , adventure, danger , bab or nab. Rifchiùfo, Rifcófo? RÌchiévole,Rilìgófo? hazardous,perilous, jeopardous. R f hiùdere, to fhut or lock out. Rifciacquare, to wafh, to rence , to fhake or dabble in the water. Rifciacquatore, a wafher,a renter ? a fha\er or dabbler in water. Rifciacquatùra, a dabling in water. Rifcialacquare? as Scialacquare. Rifco? R fcófo, look Rifchio. Ricomunicare , to excommunicate a- • . gam. R feonedre, Scontare di nuòvo, to deduft f again. Rifconcrdrc, as Rincontrare. Ricontrdre facitóre, to read a.coppy with I the original, to compare writings 0 Rifcontro,, Rife rio, as Rifchiófo* Rif : •. as Refidcnza. Risina, Rifma, look Rifma. Rif miglia ntc, rcftmblant. Rf'iirrg iaaza, refcmblance. Riimigi.aie- tore lembi:. Rifilila, Ripida, an viflimmatm'pro- ceding of choflcr, full of heat and red- nefle coming in mens legs, fume call it Saint Anthonies fire. RififtentCj as Re fidènte, &c. Riima, Risima, R (ima, a ream or twenty quire of paper, by Met. a knot, a ente, a rout, a confort or pack of good feUowcs or merde lads, all alike, as Cricca. Rif), /«-è. la Ughi ,afm:le,a laughing, a br.dng, aljo the good grain called Rice. Rifo ,pa I tubed, failed, leared. Rio fard unico, : faigned laughter, or from the teerb outward. RifoFare, to fole, to flour, to feel, to board or plank ngain. Riddino, Rifcrto, a Cmiling laughter. Rifoltare, as Rifui tare. Rifolubile, Rifolvi vole- Rifo!vér.te,Ri- foiucório, that doth or may diffolve or be difjolvcd. Rifo! vere, to refolvc , to determine, alfo to dijfolve, to thaw, to melt or confarne a- way, alfo to fruflratc,to mik e void, to difappoint, alfo to unbind and fcp arate, to lonfcn, alfo to abfolve or quit of fome ill aft. R'fjlucionc, RifolutézX >,Rifolvimcnto, I rcjohiteneffe, refolution, determination, ! alfo a diffolving or thawing, &c. . Rifoliuivo,fRir doth rcfolve or determine, . that doth or may difjelue, or fupple, or \ m ty be diff lv?d and. fupplcd, a diffolving plafler or fa'ye. IRifolùcoj Rifólto, refolvcd, determined, refolute, will fill, inflexible, alfo diffol- ved, fupplcd, melted, thawed, confirmed away , alfo loo fed, freed,nb[alved or quit, unbound , Ifu frujlrate, difappointed or made void. Rifomiglidnte, reffmbling, like unto. Rif) migl ianza, refcmblance. I RifomigUare, (o refe table. 1 RTonante, refounding. I Rifonanza, a rcfounding. i Rifonare, to re found. Rifopmo, as Rifupino. Rifopire, Sopire di nuovo, to flill Or ap- pcafe again. Riforbire, Sorbire di nuovo, fa ftp or ftp down again. Riforettióne, refur/eftion. Risorgente, riflng up again. Rifórgere, to rife up again. Rifóro, as Ripófo, Rifortire, to fort or match again. ' Rifórto, ri fen up again, alfo a Cottntrey or Land depending of fome other fupcrionr King or c,untrey, and unto whom it payeth tribute or homage, alfo tribute ari- jingfrom fome dependent Province. Rifofpingcre, to thrujt back ngain. Rifofpingiménto, athrufiingback . Rifofpinto, thrujt back a gnm. Rifoven re, Sovenire di nuòvo, to re- member, c.ill or put in mind again . Rifoveniito, Sovenuto di nuovo, r emetti- bent:, called or put in mind again. Rifparagnare, Rifpargnare, Rifparmidrc, to (pare, to (ave by thrift. Rifparagno,Rifpargno,Rifoarmiamcnto, Rifparmianza,Rilparmio,@farwg,{ferf/f Rifparmiatórc, a (parer, Rifparmiévole, that maybe (pared. Rifparmiofo, full of thrift or {paring. Rifparfo, refcattered, re (prinked . Rifpégnere, to quench again. Rifpéndcrc, to jpend again. R l ento, exiini'uifhcd again. Rifpcrgerc, Afpcrgere di nuóvo,fo ff>r\n\U again. Rifperfióne, a re-alptrflon, R’.fpérfo , (printed again. Ricettare, to refpeft, to regard. Rifpettévole, rcjpcftfuU. Ripètei, rejpefts, alfo things that may be Ipared and laid up againfl time. Rifpétto, refpeft, regard, a con fiderati ox or rea fon that rn.ikcth one do fomething , alfo a ftantji or ft a uc of verf'es or fongs that Countrey people may (mg or fay, alfo bajb- fulneffe or (hamefaflnefje. Rifpétto, adv. in regard , in refpeft , in compari fon, in conftderation. Rifpettivaménte , Rifpettofamcnte, Ri- fpetcive, adv. refpeftively. Rifpcttófoj Rifpcttivo, rejpeftivc, bafh- full, fh ime- fafl. Rifpianare, Spianare di nuovo, to level again, to explain again. Rifaiana co, Spianato di nuovo, levelled again, explain’d again. Ripiantare, Piantare di nuòvo, to plant again. Rifpiarmare, to fpxre, to five. Rifpiarmézza, fparingnejfe, thrift. Rifpjgolàrc, Spigolare di nuòvo, to glean avain. Ritingere, Rifpfgnere, to pufh'back. R.fplnta, a pufljing or thrujling back • Rifpinto, thru ft back. Rifpiraglio, as Spiraglio. Rifpirare, as Refpiràre. Fvifpiratióne, as Refpiratióne, R'.futtare, to rejpit, topaufe . Rifritto, refpit, lei fare,lime. Rifplendénte, Rifplendicntc, Rifplcn- dévole, re(plendent, bright {liming. Rlfplendcnza, Rifplendézza, Rifplendi- mento, Rifplendidézza, Rifplendóre, any fplcndor. Rifplcndcre, to (lime bright. Rispondènte , refpondent, anf wring, a re- fpondtnt , an anfwerer. I Rifpondénza, reipondencic , coherence tee- j gether. 1 1 ’ ' Rifpóndere, fpendo, fpófi, fpófo, fpóftcj I or fponduto, to anfwcr, to give anfwtr, to promtfe , or undertake . as & furctie for another, to appear or anfwer when one is called, to be anfwer able unto , to anfwcr or make a report as an cccho doth, or a piece fhot off', alfo to be propor¬ tionable unto, alfo to be or fland f ront, or over againfl, to be feaied toward, or an- fwer any place or feituation. Rispondere alle rime, In fólle rsme, fui geróndii, as we fay in EagliJh,to anfwer pertinently, dire ft ly, audio the purpofe, Rifpóndere alle pólle, to anfwer flakes : to fee or hold the vie at any girne , by Met. to anfwer or make good what is promi fed and expefted, namely in wanton womens expeftations, when they are rea¬ dier than men. Rifpóndere in un luògo, to anfwcr 0 to bt feated, or to look towards fuch or fucb a p'ace. Rifpondévole, Rifpondibile, Rifpon- si'oi\c>K\tpons\vQ,anfwer able,reafponfa- ble,a good man in a Merchants or trades¬ mans diale ft, able to pay what be enga¬ ges for. Rifponditórc, Rifponfóre, an an (werer, alfo a furctie. Rifpófo, Rifpóflo, Rifponduto, anfwered, given anfwcr, been refpondent or an- fwered unto, appeared or anfwercd, ha¬ ving been cited or called, ’anfwered > pro- mi fed or undertaken for another , its a bail or furctie,paid or fatisfled what one hath promi fed. Rifpófta, Rifponfióne , Rifpónfo, Rif- puólla, any anfwer. R'fpangarc , to revet or /crew togo- ther. Riquadrare, as Riquadrare. R'fquito, Rifquitto, refpit, rejl,fpacc of time, by Met. as Refrigèrio- Rjfquittire, tifeo, tito, to refpit. Rida, a jam,a flrife,a contention,a quarrel 9 a braul, a fray, a riot. Ridare, to fane, to quarrel, to ruffle. Riderrare, to (hut or lock in. R»dèrratùra, Riderraménto, a locking in. RLdbffiàre, Soffiare di nuòvo, to blow again. Ridofo, quarrtllous, full of (trife. Riftabiliménto, a rc-cffablifhmcnt, Riflabilire, to re-ejlablifb . Riftabilito, re-eftablijhed. Riftagnaménto, a ftanching of blond. RidagnarCjfo ffanch blond. Ridagnévole, (lancbablc. Riftampare, Scampare di nuovo, to print over again. Ridare, to ceafe, to give over , as Reftare. Ridaurare, as Ridoràre. Ridicciuóli, as Rediccióli. Ridicuire, as Redituire. Ridoppiare,fog/c arva\e or rowg." ogaia. Rifvegliato, nervlv awahed. Rifvegliatóio, Rifvéglio, as Svegliatolo, alfo a bunt's-up founded with born or tnuftem in a morning, affo a eli anti-clear, or night crowing ccc{. Rifuggiate, to fealup azain. R. fólta, Riluttanza» RTultatiòne, a re- fulting, a rebounding unto. Rifultare, to rcfulr, to rebound bacato rife or ijjur from Rifuonare, as Rifonare. R fuòao, a efound, a re founding. Rifupinarc, as Supinare. Rifupino, as Supino- Rlfuréflb» R.fitrétto» Rifurto, riferì up again . Rifurectióne. a rcfurrctiion, Rifurgénie, ri ng again. R.furgCie, io ti c uo again. Rifulcit re. Rifacitóre, to rife or raife a- goiìi r rom death. R.fufcitacióne, R fufeitaménto, a rifing ho main fiom death. Ritad- hath 'rem ufed for Verità. R :ae'..d , to cut again, to cut or cìrcum- cife. Ufo retail or regrste, as buclffiers do, alfa to cut a to jag , to [nip , or to pinch any \ garment Ritaglio, Ritag’i, Ricagliuzzi» all min 1 ne of cuttings, cuts, [havings, jag<^ [heeds, parine s, chips or drippings, any fcantlin or pattern cut from another piece, any od.de endSyvdils or giblets of a Coo\. a Tailers fkr.di, alfothc a SI of the cir cumcifton of a Tur ^ or Jew, A ritaglio, by retail . Riumifare, to fift or feirce again. Ri:mare, to endenne again. Rita .anza, Ritardaménco , Ritarda¬ tane, a retarding, a delay,a foreflowing of time. Ritardare, to retard, to delays to for flow, to ftay to prolong time. Ritardévole, retar dibit. Ricalare, Taflare di nuòvo, alfo to coun¬ ter -che c\. Ritemenza, a new fear , Ricemcre, Temere di nuovo, to fear again. Rirsmperaménco, Ricemperanza, £ tem¬ pering again. R iR-ettóra» £ rcjlraint. j Ritemperare, to temper anew. Riftrctto, an epitomie, a fumm:, an . Ritt'ndere, Tèndere di nuovo, to lay or to\ I extratt y a'fo one in durante, a clofe prr- j ftrctch again. \ {oner , alfo any precinti or jmfdifti-\ Ritegno-, Rirenénzi, Ritenìmcnto, Ri- tent iòne, Ritenuta, a retentioh, a re¬ taining, a withholding, a detaining, re¬ tentive, alfo fqueamifh. Ritenere, to retain t to detain , to withhold, to ^eep fajl, or in remembrance. Ritenére in fède, to {eep in faith, in awe , or obedience. Ricenìménto d’onna, a flopping of a mans water. Ricenévoie, retainable . Ritenitiva, Ritentiva, the quality to retain, the retentive part of the memorie. Ritenitivo, Ritentivo, retentive. Ritenitóio, Ricencóio, a retaining place, alfo a flaying pin,peg or wrefl. Ritenitóre, Ricentóre, Ricegnitóre, a re¬ tainer, a withholder, a detainer. Ritentare, Tentare di nuovo, to try or at¬ tempt again. Ritentióne, as Ritégno. Ritento, a re- attempt, alfo as Ritenuto. Ritenute, as Ritégno, among Mariners and Gunners they are ropes to flay the re¬ coil of pieces , called breechings, alfo trees, pnjts orroc\s,to which cables are faflened in winding or drawing up great Ordnance or other Maohines. Ritenuto, retained , detained, withheld, by Met. waric, [paring, circumfpeti. Ritéflere,' Téflère di nuòvo, to weave a- gain. Riteffiménto, Riceffuur.i, a new inter¬ weaving. Rithirmre, as Rimare. Rithnii, rhimes, verfes, mceter , number, proportion, or b armonie in [peaking. Richmico, rithmical. Ritingere, Tingere di nuovo, to dye or blaci £ again. Rifiutino, Ritintiménto, a jangling , a t: ghng or re founding, (brUncjfe of bells. Ritintile, Ritintinire, Ritintinare, to tingle in ones ears. Ritintilo, Ritintimto, tingled or refounded fhril in ones ears . Ritinto, died or ftained again. Ritiratale, retir able. Ritirar e,to retire, to withdraw, to recoil, to retreat. Ritirarli, for one to retire himfelf. Ritirata, Ritiramento, Ritrita, a retreat, a retiring, a Withdrawing. Ritiratézza, retiredneffe t a foli t arie or retired place, life or vocation. Rito, Riti, a rite, a cerimonie , a courfe, an order or approved cufton of do¬ ing. ' Ritoccare, to touch or fed again, alfo to re¬ peat or go over a matter again , to wearie one with often repeating one thing,as Rin¬ toccare. Ritoccare in un luogo, to touch or return to a place again. Ritoccare un’opera, to corre ft, to review, or run over a wori j-, Ritoglieremo ta\e again. Ritòlto, ta^en away again. Rifondare, Ritondeggiare, to round, to ma\e round, alfo to wheel about. Rifondato, rodder/, made round 3 alfo the rotundifie of any thing. Ritondctto, roundifh, [omewhat round. Ricondévole, that may be rounded. Ritondétza, Ricondit iyrotuncLitic, round- nejfe. Ritóndó, round, global. Ritorcere, Ritorciate, Ritorcigliare, Ri- R I T torto! are, Rltorzolare, to retort , to bend or ma^c cioofted again, to twine , to twift ] or wrefl again. Ritorciménto, Ritorrióne, Ricottura, a retorting , a wreathing, a wrefling, a twining, a twifling or making crooked, and bending again. Rito: jea, as Retòrica. Ritornante, returning. Ritornare, to return. Ritornare a bómba, to return to his own home or wits again. Ritorrare alle póme, lool( Póme. i Ritornare a memòria, to bring or come to memorie again. Ritornata, Ritornamene!?, Ritorno» a re. turn, a returning , alfo a double turn of a bare, or winding of any hunted- beafl. Ritornello, Ritornégli, anytwhl nr tur¬ ning and winding about, as of the pegs of a lute, alfo a quavering of ones voice m fmging or burthen of a fong. Ricornévole, returnable. Ricorre, to tal^e bac £ again. . Ritòrta, Ritòrtola, Ricórzola, a turning- wreft,a wreath, a twifl , a twine y or a with t fucb as they tye fagots with . Ritortegli, wreathed wigs, flmnclsj gim- bo’.s or fritters. Ritòrto, Ritorcigliato, "wreathed,retorted, twi fled , twined, crifped , or wre- fted. Ricórto ferro, any croo\ed iron , by Met. an anchor. Ritrahénte, withdrawing from. Ricrahimémo, a withdrawing. ' Ricrangola, Ritrangolo, ufuric upon ufu- rie among Jews. Ritranficivo, reflefting upon it [elf. Ritrarre, to withdraw, to draw bach, to retire, to fbrin\ in, to rettati, alfa to limane orpourtray in painting, but pro¬ perly from or to the life. Ritrarre d’óna còfa, as one would fay, to reCcmble a thing. Ritiarfi, as Ritirarli. Ritrasformare, to transform again. Ritratta, as Ritirata, alfo a narrowing, al¬ fo arebatement. Ritrattare, to treat or handle again, to re¬ peat orb'gin anew, to perufe, to revife or loo\ over again, alfa to rettati , to re¬ cant or revoke what hath been f aid or done. Ritrattar iòne, Rientranza, a retreating or handling again, a repeating or beginning anew, a r evi flag or over-homing again alfo a retratiatioh, a retratiing or recan¬ tation of what hath been done or [aid. Ritratttióne di nervi» a retratiing or {bringing in of the {innews . Ritratto, Part, withdrawn , retired , rc- tratied, fhrun\en in, alfo pourtraid , limned or drawn in painting. Ritratto , Sub . a pitiure, a pourtrait, or) things drawn by or from another , properly from or to the life, any abftrati or thing drawn out. alfa the price of any thine fold. * Ritra:co di muro, as Raftremamcn Ricrétta» a retreat , a retiring. Ricrinciarc, to retrench or cut off. R crogrodare, as Retrogradare. Ricrombàre,Trombare di nuòvo ,to found , or buXjte again. Ritrofamcnte , Ritrofefcaménte, way. warily, frowardly, peevifhly , loom Ri- trolirjR Riero- R I V R I V R IV Riero set to > the dim. of Ritrófo. I Ritrófi dell’ ónde, the boiflerous [urges of mounting billows of the waves, Ritrófi di vento? boijtromgufls, tempeflu- ous whoors, flormy blafls, or flaws of a whirlwind. Ritrosi re, sifeo? sito? to grow, to ma\e y or become wayward, wafpifhffroward,awk¬ ward, nice, coy, peeviff, skittifh, or hard to be pleafed, loo \f Ritrófo. Ritrofita, Ritrosia? Ritrofaggine,Ritro- fezza? waywardneffe , frowaxdneffe , wajpifhnejj'e, niccneffc, peeviflmeffc, obfli- nacie. Ritrófo ,fub.one that obflinately will ever oppofe himfelf againft others minds or pay¬ ings, one that vaili never agree With o- thers , a continual or obftmate wrang¬ ler, alfo the revet fe or contrary of a thing ? alfo that part of a River or (Iream where the eddy turneth round and goelh bacii a- gain ? alfo the redoubling at the mouth of a. net or wheel ? of a has\ or wicker ped ? being reduced to a flreit and narrow en¬ trance, by which birds or fifties being gotten in ? can find no way out a- gain. Ritrovabile, that may be found again. Ritrovare? to find out again, to retreeve,by Met. to invent or devi fe. Ritrovarli in fu'l fatto,et in fragranti cri¬ ni ne? to be found on the fact or in the nic\. Ritrovarli in un luògo? for a man to meet or be found in fom: place. Ritrovata? Ritrovaménto? Ritrovato , Ricruòvo? an invention a a dcvife,a find¬ ing out yin ex ciyft. Ritrovatóre? a finder, Ritruópico? that bath tbedropfle. Ritruopisia, the dr op fle. Ritta ? a watling flreet, the K in gs high troden way, Mano ritta, the right hand. Rittamente , rightly, dire Elly, jttjlly,up¬ rightly. Ritto , upright, fli eight, dire Eli flif-Band- ing,*lfo juft or even. Ri ture? nfedfor Rizzare. Ritto rove (ciò, dire Etly contrary, up fide- down, topfie-tu/vy. Rittoppàre? as Rattaconare. Rituale, ritual) belonging unto, or confifhng ofeuftomary rights. Rie uftarfi. Tuffarli di nuòvo , to dive a- gam. Ritmare, Turare di nuòvo, to flop a - gain. Riturbare, Turbare di nuòvo , to trouble again. Rituzzare? as Rintuzzare. Rfva Rivaggio, rivage, ban\,flroud, fide, or Ihoar of Sea or river. Rivalarc,Rivaleggiare,ro flrive as rivals , to contend in competency. Rivale, a rival, a corrival, a competitor ? a foe-fellow in love, a fellow-lover, alfo of or belonging to any rivage, bancor [ime of a running water, alfo a bank of defence againft the waters, Alfo one that is bred , that frequents, or dwells near any water-ban\s, or that hath lands, grounds or bounds upon Rivers , or divided by Rivers, alfo a Jfmd of net that reacheth from one.fide of a River to the other,call¬ ed of our fiifljcrmen a Shcere or Shore- net. Rìyalérc? to rei) a Ite , to come to worth or valuation again, alfo to recover or return I to health or wealth again. jRivalctto? a rivelct, a little [Iream., .Rivalicare? Valicare di nuòvo, tofofde or I —--- wade over again. Rivalità, rivali;y, competcncie , the love-envy between Lovers of one wo¬ man. Rivaluta, a recovery from Ioffes or fle^- neffc. Rivaluto? recovered from flekneffe. Rivangare, Vangare di nuòvo, to dig or delve again. Riudire , Vdire di nuòvo , to hear a- t, t ain ; Rivedére, to review, to revife. Rivederli, A rivederli? fare ye well until! we meet, and fee one another a- goin. Rivcdiménto? Riveduta , a reviewing) a revipng, a purveying again. Riveditóre? a reviewer, a revifor. Riveduto, reviewed, revifed. Rivelare, to reveal, to manifefl. Rivelatiónc? Rivelamento? revelation. Rivcllatóre? a. revealer, a difclofer. RiveJévole, Rivelabile? revealable, Rivéllere» Svèllere di nuòvo ,topac\up again from the roots. Rivellino? as Ravellino. Rivenda glic? all manner of traflj or frippe- ry-fluft, that is to be fold. Rivcndagliuólo? Rivcndigolo-, Riven¬ ditóre? Rivendaruólo, Rivendròlo , Rivendugliuólo, a repeller, a retailer, a huc^fler, a regrater, a fripper, a bro- fier. Rivéndere? to retiti or fell again. Rivenderla ? any ware or goods bought to be fold again , alfo a place where things be retailed and fold again. Rivendibile, re fede able. Rivenduto? fold again. Rivendicare, Vendicare di nuòvo, to rc- venge again. Rivenire, to come again. Riven : rc in fe? to come to himfelf ? or to bis wits again . Rivenuta? a coming again. Rivenuto, returned , come Again, Riverberare? to reverberate ? to re fie El, to beat badi Again. Riverbcratiónc, Riverberaménto, River- beianza, Riverbero, any reverberation, repcrcufiton, refleElion , -or beating back again. Rivcrdiménto? Riverditiira ? a growing green again. Riverberativo, Riverberante , reverbera¬ ting, re fle cling. Riverdeggiare, Ri verdure , to grow green again , Rivcrendiflimo, moft reverend. Riverendo? reverend, venerable. Riverente? reverent, he that doth reverence to another. Rivercntial e, full of reverence. Riverènza? reverence , worfhip , veneration , honour, reverend awe or fear, alfo a re¬ verence, a curtzje , or bending to another with the knee. Riverire? Riverenti are, to reverence , to do reverence vnto . Riverito, reverenced , honoured. Rivérfa, Rivcfcia, the fluff calledbayes to line garments with , loo\ j Alla ri¬ ver fi. Riversare, Riverfciare? River lie afe, Ri- vefeidre, to reverfr, to overturn, to turn ih: infide outward, or toppe turvy. Riverfiòne, Rivèrfaménto? Riversata, a I reverflon, a reverting, a returning back , a camming again , alfo an overturn¬ ing. Rivérfo? Rivérfcio? Rivéfcio, revcrfe,re- verfed, reverted , overturned , alfo con¬ trary, arfivtrfie, infide outward}, toppe- \ turvy , alfo baits or cotton to line cloth’s / With, alfo lying along with his face Up- I ward,alfo a fuddain powring down or vi- I olent fhowre of rain a look Pi fee riyérfo, alfa as Riverlìóne. Riyérfo della medaglia, the reverfeor back °fany jewel , coin or work > or broch, _ ,y Met. a mans or womans breech. Rayer^óne, Rivcrfcióne, Rivef ióne, aclv. Topfìe-turvy , arfleverfie infide out¬ ward. Ri ver fòne> areverfe or back-blow, a whir- ret or enfi given on the check with the back °fones hand, alfo lying along with the face upward. Ri vèrtere, to revert. Rivertiménto, areverting. Riveftire, Veftire di nuòvo , to cloth a- gatn. Riveliate reve fled, maid , clothed, attired o apparelled again, Rivefnto , anew upfl art gent Uman, otic newly come to good cloths or worfhip. Rivétti, pinks or ratings in fll\en-cloths , namely on fattine alfo as Rufcélll. Riviera, a river , a fir cam. Ri v icra riv iéra , a di), dope by the fljo.tr, or by the river fide. Riviertfco uccello, any Water-foul, Rivikcarc, as Rinvenire.* Rivincere? Vincere di nuòvo, to win or conquer again. Rivinta, a new conquefl. Rivifita, a revifitation. Rivifitarc? to revifltc. divisóre? a revifer, anoverfeer. Rivivere, to revive, to live again , Rivivifare, to quicken again. Riumiliare, to bumble again. Riumiliatiónc, a rehumiliation. Ritingere? to reannoint. Rivo, a rivelct, rill or little brock ? as Riva. Revocabile, revocable. Rivocare, to revoke, to call back. Riyocatione, Rivocamcnto, Rivocagió- ne? Rivocanza,Rivocabilità, Rivòco, a revocation , a calling back * RiVo in fiume? a flrangc way or fajhion of carnal copulation. Rivolére, to will or de fire again. Rivòlgere, as Rivoltare. Rivolgibile? revtrlveablè. Rivolgimento? Rivoltamctìto? Rivòlta, Rivolgicura, Rivoltura, Rivoltola¬ ménto? revolving , a revolution, a turn¬ ing, winding or a toffingup and down,a. winding or cranlfiing in and out, àlfo a ri volt'mg from , alfo a wallowing up and down. Rivolo, Rivoluta ? a rivulet, a rill, A go¬ te l [a gullet , ór running gutter of wa¬ ter. Rivòlta, Rivoltura, as Rivolgiménto, al¬ fa a change, a revolution, an over-turn¬ ing , an overwhdwing, a putting to 1 r out. .1 Pùvoltare, Rivoltolare, Rivòlgere, to re- j volt, or revolve, to overwhelm , to toffe, to roul , or rumble up and down, to put to J rout , to revolve in mind c Rivolteli]? a kind of meat made offleffj and farced with other things enfolded and routed up , and [o ropted as our veal- 0« j lafes be. J Rivòlto, Rivolto! ato , revolted ,. revtit- j ved, involved, \enfolded, turned back s. j or tufted, wallowed and tumbled over, j or up fide down , overthrown, overturned , 1 put to rout, alfo bent toward, endined un- i to, alfo revolved in mind , ufed alfo for an J lii Apo[t:-oph~- • I ROB Roe R O G Jpoftrophe , Colare da mólto,** full¬ ing band or turning down. Rivoltóne, Rivoltolóne , adv. in tum¬ bling, Yowling toffing or wallowing man¬ ner. Rivolcófoj revolt uous, full of revolving* , turnings , windings, or cran^lmgs in and out, given to revolting or innovation, by Met. tumultuosa , turbulent , rebelli¬ ous. Rivoltinone, Rivoltura, as Rivolgimén¬ to, a revolution , or turning back to the fie ft place or being , a rvolution of the ediftid bodies or jphears. Rivomire, Rivomicare, to vomit or [pile again. Rivóne d’un fòlio, the high bank , fide, trench, or bm\of a ditch, Riufcibile, fortable, that may fort, prove , {peed, or come to effe ft. Riufcirej to fort, to prove, to(pcedor come to paffe or wifhed effe ft. Riufcke in un luògo, to anfver, to have iffue or entrance to a place, to look out in¬ to any place. Riunirti d’ una cóla , for a man to have goodfuccefle or difpatch of a bufmefje, to come off well,or prove. Riufucà, Riufcimcnto, an ifjue, a porting, a fucctffc, or effe ft and end of any thing, Ràuùiio, ported, proved, fp.d, come to good paffe or effe ft. Riufcitóre d' acqua, a commonfhore, gut - tor,fm\, or fpout of waters. Rizotómo, a kind of red Ireos. Rizza, any puc tying or wr imp ling, namely in cloths. Rizzaglio , a long caffing net at a poles end. Rizzap are, Zappare di nuoYo, to dig a- gain.' Rizzare, to rear, to raifc,to rife to fet up¬ right, to ma^e right, f reight, or (Uff', to lland up. Rizzare a mazza, or Mazzata, a common pbrafe of a very obfccnc meaning, a furi¬ ous ere SLon of a mans yard. Rizzale la creila, to briftle,to flyout, or hft up ones head or comb as a Coc{ doth ere he crow, by Met. to pull up a good heart, to roufe up ones mind. Rizzarli, to fland, to row\c , ortoraife himfelfup, or to get up and ma\e ones felf ready. Rizzarli a panca, a common pbrafe in Flo¬ rence, as one would fay, if a man be once brought low , or to poverty , to raife and ixcover bimfelf again to the fiate he was before , the Met. vsta\en fom a child that learns to go by any flay or bench,who if he fall, will with any Ik Ip get up again. Rizzata, Ri zzarne nro,£ rocket or bobin to wind filk upon , alfo a cog¬ wheel of a mill, alfo the wheel about which the cord or firing of a clock , or of a jack £ oeC b, alfo as Roccktto , alfo any k’-nd of rocket nr fquib of wild fire . Rocchetta, Rochctta, hcarb-rocket. alfo a fhort Cog-wheel. Rocchétti, the pin. of Rocchétto. Rocchétto, Roccétto, Rocciécto, a Bifbops or Prelates rotchct , which u an habit of white Un nen, that Bifijops wear over their other clotht. Rocchézza, rocifineffe , craggineff'e. Rocchiérc, any craggy Roc\. Rocchino, a piece of an Relè or other fi(h baked in a pie. Ròcchio, Ricchi, Rocchictco, the dim. of Rócca, alfo any round rugged fione, any unpoùfhed lump or mafie of ftone or earth, any mammock or lunchion-piece , any crag or rupture in a Rock 0r bard f me > ‘ ll fi 2 Ibi» piti of cold beef , Or faufedge fcrvtd in M a tibie m aifijes. Ròccia , as Rócca , alfo my exult, bird fub, rugged s^rf me jf e> o rr „ z , cllll[ „- gramng upon tny other thine Rocco, us Ròcchio, alfo a B.fhofs Cngitrs. P4, called affo a Vtporal, alfo a nth to play at Cheffe with, alfo the Recks or hie cock, alfo the name of a Saint Rocozcni, wild haggard bawls. Rodadafano, as Rododafne. Rodamele, a fiind of drug. Rodanto, the flower ofrofts. Rodé me, corroding , gnawing, fretting,alfo a red f welling impoflume. Ródere, Rodegare , ródo, téli, rófo , to corrode, to fra, to nibble, to confarne, to cat and wear away, by Met. to back.bitc. to detra/i, or {peak ill of one. m C ’ I '“ b ‘ m} f°° d tQ Ródere di làbbia , or di fliz za ,'to fret in¬ wardly with rage or anger. R’dere ,1 bado, aman to gnaw bu own burden, to fret and fume. Ródere le libbra, to gnaw or bite ones lips wit h rage and anger. 1 Roderci’ oliò, to gnaw a bone, by Met to champ upon the bridle. 1 Rodévole, that may begnawn. Ródia, bearbrofe-wort. Ródi bombarda , a flout braggard, a gnawer of bombards, a devourer of guns. I Rodrménto^ditòra^ gnawing or fret- Rodlno ,oylof rofes. Rodiorti, great green figs . Rodite, a rofe-colourcd (tone. Roditóre, a gnawer, a fretter. Rododafne, a find of tree m Candia, leaf¬ ed hke a Laurel, and a flower like a rofe,fo venemous, that it poifeneib what- foever it tncbetb, f, e thetb , or roafletb, alfo the hearb Oleander. * Rododendro, a tree that bath ever grem learns upon it, alfo hearb Sabin. IWomomada, a vam-gloricHs bragging or r fond boajting. & s Rodora, an hearb with n long folk fuller joints and knots, and a leaf like a nettle, while tn the mid, which in continuance cometh like a rofe. Rodùto, Rófo, gnkwn, fretted. Roeti, pricing thorns. Róffia, dtiskinefe foggmtffe, mffmtBe , dar knife,ienfity or tbickyujfe of vapours alfo danprefin the head or morphew over the body. 1 Roll ana, a woman-bawd. Koffianaménti, look Ruffianane. Roffianare, look Ruffianare. Roffianéfimo, /w^Rufflantccioi Roffiano, look Rutf ano. Roffolata, a fiind of meat made of fwine% fefh and much pepper. * * Ro:a!e, of, or belonging to R Rogale fuòco, ct Bone-fire. ’ looh Ró- go- Rogante, as Rogénte. Rogare, to pm, to entreat, to requt fi U crave,to beg,to de fire, to befeech. Rogarióne, a rogation,a requefi, a cravin'. alfo a law or ordinance. Rogatióni, gang-daies. gang-weeks, roga tions or procefitons made for the preser¬ vation , or encreafe of corn growing, three daies continually before the Afcen- tion. J Ro ROM ROM RON Rosato ?nftrumtnco, M MiMm c o, w,i- ttng made and examined by a (ubiteli and allowed Notary. Rogato teflintónio, a ttfmony or wme]je allowed by publick authority. Rogatóre, a craver, an tnmatir, an hum -1 ble Cuter. Róge , buie pieces of meat flicks between j I ones teeth. Rodente? r eque fling , craving, filing un- t0 - Rócrge, a fend of red peart. Róggia, as Robbia. Róggio jre'd, uddy,ruby red. • Roggióla,Rogióla., the red-gummi M chil¬ dren. Roggiórc, rednefie, ruddincffc. Rogiada, dew,besprinkling. Rogiadare, to bedew, to befprinfee. Rogiadófo, dcwie, (prinfemg. Rogililènto, a demand,a qucfiion. Rogióla, as Roggióla. Rogitatióne, an often craving Rogiti, provocations, excitings. Rogito, as Rogato. Kóe\h, a Imd rugged flone. Rógna, Rognaccia, any fcab,fcabbedncjj'-, mangey itch, sfeirf or tetter. Rognare, as Rignare- , .... Rognonate, of, òr belonging to the fednics, alfo a difeafe or ague in a borfc coming in the fednics. , „ ,, Rognonata, Rognonatica, Rognonata , the whole Quincy with the fat belonging to it of any man or beajt, al, b a fend of di(h made of fednics and their fit,name¬ ly of a loin of veal , our Coo fa call it a Florentine, Rognóne, the fedney in ones baefe Rognófa frittata a finali collops and eggs fryed together life a tan'Kje. Roo-nofui, fcabbedncfje, manginole. Rognofo, fcabbed, mangy, sfeirvy. Rognuzza ,fma!l [cabs or .pimples. - Rògo, a funeral fire, wherein in old times fury were wont to bum the dead bodies of great men , by Met. a grave or a mans la ft home, alfo as R ibo. Roina, as Ruina, *lfo « certain tearing tool that Chjrurgions life. Roiténo ,winc ofPomc-granatcs. Rolxgine, as Rubigine^ Roliginire, as Rubigimre. Rollate, RolatC) w roid, to ennui, to re¬ cord, to meif/tr , t»P*« »f tut pit w checferouf. R611o, Rólo, a ., mil, «a tnmUment, n re¬ cord, n file or cbeck-roul of nn net or of any thine; elfe, alfo a players part written - for him to leant. Rollout-, any froth or foam, alfo branfod- den in water for fivine. Rologicre, as HorologicrC. v ológio, as Horológio. . • ^ ónta e Tóma , Prométtere Róma e To ma, to promife Gods Cope, wonders,oeas and Mountains. omagrando» as Rimanendo, omagnólo, a man born in Romagna, al/o a fend of courfe, homc-fpun, or fiheeps- n<(Jct cloth, called with us Friers-cloth , Shepheards-clolhing , life our welch fiVKf. .omaiuolo, a Copper-ladle. -omana, a long Senators gown s alfo afh:e Roman. .omanefimo, romani fm. oom^nette, a fend of musfemillons. Lomania, a fend of Maini fie wine. i.otnaniftaj« Romanifl, alfo a Roman Ca- tholicfe " ' lontano , a Roman born, alfo that iron, I Which goeth through tb • Ixnqutor needle of a pair of feales for to counterpotfc I . right. Romanzare, to write or fing Romanz.. Romanzatóre, Romanzière, a writer of Romanzi, or of fabulous Jtories. Romanzeria, Romanz aggine , the part , the life or triefe of a Romanzatóre. Romanzi, Romances, fabulous talcs, ftlin¬ ed Jtories, either in rime or profc, of er¬ rant Rjiights and Pxladincs,ufed alfo for lying Mountebanks. Romanzina, a lying, pratling , or sfelding hufwife, alfo a juniper Letture, a fcold- ing]peal 3 alfo a fend of Country dance. Romanno, rofemary. Romàtico , as Aromatico. Romatizzare, as Aromatizzare. Rombamènto , Rontbeggiamènto , any rumbling or clattering ninfe, or loud re¬ port as of a great piece [hot off, loo\ Rom- bolare. Rombare, Rombazzare, Rombcggiare, tomafea rumbling or clattering noife , to mafe a loud repot t as of a piece [hot off, look Rombolare. Rombazzo, any rumbling noife, look Róm¬ bo. Rombice, forrcl or fower d'oefe Rómbo , any rumbling or roaring noife , the clang, the found of a trumpet , the dubbing of a drum, the ratling of thunder, the clattering or clajhing of ar¬ mour, the report of a piece fhot off , the ec- choing found or rebound of any violent or whirling noife, that mafes the ground to fhafe, a gufi of wind, a whining blafl, a furious whirl-wind, alfo a four fquare figure ■ lofenged life a quarry of gl a (fe with equal [ides, but not right-angled, called in Armory alo^nage or a Mifcle , alfo a point in the Mariners Compaffc or {pace be¬ tween which the winds blow, aljo a Hurt or Turbot-ffb, alfo a jpinning wheel , or reel for yarn. Romboide , fafhioned life Rómbo, lounged, mafeltd. Rómbola, a hurling fling. Rombolare, to fling, to hurl, to hit , or hurt with a fling, alfo to rumble, to roar, to clafh, to clatter , to clang, to dub a dub , to m.i fe any thundring , whorring , rum - bling or whirling noife, as if the air and earth did rattle, fba fe and refound, loo\ Rombare. Rombolatóre, Rombolicre, a finger s alfo a nimbler , a clattcrcr , a ratler. Rombolófo, Rombò fo, rumbling, clatte¬ ring, look Rómbo. Rombotino, fhrub-opiot or poplar. Romc.igg io ,roam ng or a pilgrimage for de¬ votions fafe. Romcare, Romiare, to roam or wander ci¬ bata as a Palmer , alfo to hull up and down at Sea. Romèo, a roamer, a wanderer, a palmer 3 a folitary man. Rom èro , the name of a fifh. Rométa, a raye or S fete-fifh. Rotaia, a fcalop-fifh. s Romice, the name of cm hearb, as Lapace. Rom colo, a true Romani fi, Romigarc, as Romeare. Rominare, as Ruminare. Rotture, mifeo, miro, as Tvomoreggiare. Romita, Romito , an hermit. Romitaggio, Romitaio, Romitoio,Romi¬ tòrio, an hermitage , a folitary place. Romitano, Ròmitieo, berm f • li fe. Romitéllo, a poor hermit. Romito del sacco, a begging hermit. Remora, as Remora. Ramare, a rumour, a bruit, a noife, a. rum bhng, a tumu’t. Romoreggii nte, r umor òns,tumultuo us, m 1 - feug a noife, blu firing. Romoreggiare, to rumour, to noife j to rum¬ ble, to ulufler. Romoregghtore, a noifer, a r.lifer of ru¬ mors, a blutterer. Romorójfo, ntmorous , [ tumultuous . Rompere, rórhpo, ruppi, rótto, tobrcalg . lo batter, to tear, to fplit s to burfi, to fh'~ ver , to rend , to crufh in pieces, or afun~ dec, alfo to wrack orfuffier (hip-wrack,al¬ fo to defeat, to put to rout, to difcomfit , to overthrow 3 alfo to break or be banferupt. Rompere efsérciti, to overthrow or put ar¬ mies to the rout. Rompere il digiuno, to breafeftfl. Rompere il gh’accio, il guado , to break the ice, by Met . to begin any attempt, to give the firfionfet. Rompere in mare, in nave, to wrack , to fujf er fhip-wraefe Rompere la tétta, il capo , to break ones head [by M'ct. to trouble or to mole fi ones mind with importunity. Rompere le paróle, to interrupt in Sficafe ing. Romperla, or Romperli, to fall out , or break off fricndfbip. Rompcvole, Rompibi.lc , that may break or be bro fen. Rompi capo, by Met.a troublefom? or impor- tunate companion . Rompi còllo , a precipice, a dangerous down¬ fall, abrcafeneck place, alfo a defperate. a rafia or becdlcffe fellow , look A rompi còllo. Rómpicùlb, a bttfìe body. Rómpidcnte» a breafetootb , an ignorant tooih-drafaer , alfo a Masons tool. Rompi quarefima, a break-lent , by Met. one that mafes his belly his God. Rompiménto, Rompitura , Rottura, any ■ breafeng, braefe or rupture. Rompinare , Rompino , cts Rampic ' nàre. Rompit accio, brittle, frail , ready tò break or bur ft. Rompitelo, Rompitórc, any thing to break withal . a breaker, a hammer. Rompótimo , Rumpotimo , a certain btijh growing, in forno parts of France, within twenty foot whereof no corn will grow, bé it never fo well (own or manu¬ red. Romputo, look Rótto . ’ Ronàre, to t ill or manure land. Ronca , Róncola , Ronchióne , Ron- cóme, a hedge -bilica forre fi-bil/ s a brown- bill , a welch-hook , a bramblc-fithe , a bores (pear, alfo a fend of mountain- partridge. Roncagino a ground-colour that painters ufe upon wood. Roncamènto, Roncheggiamento, Ron- chiamènto , any grubbing up of roots, trees, hedges, turfs, or clods of earth,alfo . fnorting, alfo the braying of an Affc. Roncare, Roncheggiare, Ronchidre , Ronchizzare, to grub up, to dig or root up trees, roots , flumps, turfs, or clods of earth, alfo to cut, to flrife or hurt with a Ronca , or any othi r long or croofed bili or weapon , alfo' to- fnort , alfe to bray è as an Affé doth, alfo to grunt as a hog. , Roncata, RoncHegguta, Ronchaca ,a blow, a hit, or hurt with a Konca. , Roncatóre, Roncheggiawre, Ronchiate- , i-e Ronchiggione,* oill-man,aforrcm>\ 3 r il « 0\ RON KOS R O S ci fighter or ffriffr with a Ronca,./ (b ei¬ der or topper of ti'ces or hedges, a hedger, a grubber of roots or trees, a fnortcr, a gruntcr,a braicr. Rone era, the purple [bell -fifa. Ronchétti» as Roncilio. Roncóne look Ronca ,ilfo anygre.it craggy, rugged, broken , \nurry or hollow roeff, cliff, crag,or[tone. Konc\ùofKà,rocffne(fc, ru g r dne[fe, crab- bedntffe, ffiottincffe, {nuntaeffe , nodoff- , rjughneff:, grettineffe, pc- tropty. Ronchiófo, Ronchizzófc, rotffy, rugged, crabbed, ffiotty, ffiurry, flaggy , fiony rough, gretty, craggy, i !i jfie, full of bro ken Roc^s or crags , alfa braying-, fnorl ing, or gr untino , al jo fafff.on-.d Uff a. Ronca. Róiulv tuòno, hoarfe-founding. Roncigliare , Roncilidre, Roncinarc Roncolare,Ron.onarc, to [bred, to cut, to rv:cd out, or grub up with a hedge-bill, ficffe, f-rreff bill, we'.ch-hook » or any crooked b:ll 9 knife, or hough-bill,to hough, alfo to grapple or take hold of with a Ronciglio s Roncig ioj Roncilio, Ronchetto , Ron ciglióne, Róncolo, any ffmd of crooked bill , k ,l ‘fc, or hook , a f ic kf c > a weeding- b.ioks & hough bill, a brown-bill, a bedge- bill, a welch-hook , agrafjing-ffnife, a vi, tcrals or (boema ffrs knife , as Ram¬ pino. Ronc.no, as Ronzino, &c, Roncico, any ffnd of tree,buff),(hrub, hedge, or arbor, wboft tops arc [bred or cut off'. R ónco, any bramble or brier. R ónco di cine, the brier-buff), or hep-tree, fame take it for the Caper-buff). Rónco di ccivcjrougbbind-weed. Roncóne, look Ronca. Roncatolo, as Onocratolo. Ronda, Rondo, the round that foutdiers or fc ritirici s w. Ik about Camps or Gariion- Towns, alfo a company of fouldiers or offi¬ cers in a Camp, that at fund y hours in the night go about vi [king the Sentinels or CVrps de gard, to fee if they be vigilant and keep order. Rondarmi, Rondinélli, Rondi nins,young [wallows. Rondare, to round, to go round, to walk the round, look Ronda. Rondella , Róndola , a round target or bucffir,idfo a Sea-fwallaw. Rond cl Jo, a rounds, l.t , alfo a round Tower or Turret. Róndine, Rondóne, any kind(f fwallow or martinet, aljo a night-crow 3 al¬ fo a ffmd of Sea pfh, alfo a certain inffrument that boih Cbyrurgions and Anatomiffs ufe. Róndine riparii, a Sea-fwallow, Ronfi , the game at cards that we call Ruf. _ Ronfam mo, Ronfcggiamcnto, any ruff, ing, fnort ng. Roniare, Ronfeggiare, to ruff, to fnort, to tuff as a cat, to ruff at cards. Rontatóre, Ronfeggiatóre , a fnorter , a ruffW. ‘ Ronféa, a ffmd of darting weapon, fome take it for a (I ng. Rónfo, the drone of a bag-pipe. Rónne, the letter R. with a dejh at the end of words. Ronzare, Ronzerarc, to maffany hum¬ ming or binding no’fe,to hum or bui^f as a b:c or drone, alfo as Ronfile.' Ronziti, a humming or bulging noife, by Md. a raff) or inconfiderate attempt. Ronzerò, wild, untamed , unbroken, hag¬ gard. Ronz no, a handfom nag, a tit, a gallaway nag. Ronzinolo» a good, handfom , wcll-trufi , middle fi\e nag or hackney. Ronzóne, an ill favoured great jade. Ropegara, an harrow. Ropegare, to harrow. Rorare, to bedew , alfo to blafi grapes through overmuch wet. Rcrarione, a bedewing, a befprinffing, alfo a blaffing of grapes before their full growth with over much wet. Rorido, dewie, moiff, wettifh. Rorittro, dew-bringing. Róla, any kind of Rofe, by Met. a rowel of a Spur, a Mullet in A mory , any natural ?pot or mole upon a. mans or womans sfi'n, alfo that blood, which by bard ffifs- ing or fu effing appeareth betwc n the sffm and the flijh , alfo tin: name of a certain blaming [tane , 'Acqua rófa, Rofe-wa- ter. Rófa b lanca, a white rofe. R ófi canlna, the wild brier-rofe. R< 1 1 damafehma, the damasffrofc. Rófa del mónte, the flower Piony. Rola di Hie rico , /m Còppa di Giove. Refi di Sisimbro, the Cinamond rofe. Rófa giada, the yellow rofe. R< fa incarnata, the Carnation rofej Rófa marino, raramanno, the rofemary buffj. Rófa mufehiata, the musk rofe. Rófa oltramarina, the holy-hock ffow- Rófa provenzale, the Prcvancc rofe . Rófa rolla, Rófa fanguigna, the red rofe. Rófa sécca, a dried rofe , alfo the dried rofe or murry-colour. Rófa fola re,Rófa del fòle, YOfa-folk, youth - wort, or Sun-dew. Rófa fpina, the wild bedge-rofe. Rofacéo, rojìc, rofeat, made of rofes , of the colour or fmell of rofes. Rofaio, Rosario, Rosaro, a Rofe-Garden, a Rofe-pin, alfo a > ofe-briir ,t alfo our Lidie s-Pfalter, called the Rofary, or Ro- (ter, or a pair of beads fo called. Rosaio felvatico, the cglaniineor fwcct- brier, alfo the Capcr-bujh. Rodare, to rofeate , to preferve or perfume with rofes. Rosata, a rofc-caff. Rofata radice, hearb rofe-wo > t. Rofito, rofeate , made or fmell of rofes, pre- ferved with rofes, rofe or murry colour , br Met. ftamel or fear let-cloth. Rófcido, wet or moiff with dew . Rofcignuólo, a night ingall bird. Rófcio, Rof iòrc, Rofcirc, as Rollo. Rófe cótte, dried rofes, rofe-ca\es. Rofegare,Rofccchiare, Rolicchiare, Ro ficaie, Rofigare, to nibble, to brou^e, as Ródere. Rofrgatiira, Rofegaménto , Rofecchiatu ra, Roficatura , Roficchiaménto , Rofigatióne , Rofigatura, Rófine, a gentle wb'.ing or broking , ^Rodi¬ mento. Rofcggiare, to rofeate, to bud or flower as rofes. Rofe gone, Roficchiatóre, Rofigóne, Ro- ficóne, a gnawer, a browser, a fletter. Rosclli, rofe-leaves , rofe-caffs, dried rofes, alf ì the hips of rofes, alfo rowels ef [purs, or Mullets in armory, affo a ff ad of red fcgfl Rofcllia, tb? red gums, that children ufe to have, fome take it for the meases. I l^afellT* r °f e ~ bttds3 or baton, look £a Roseo, rofeate, as Rofacéo Roséto, arofc-ploter garden. Rosette , the dim. of Rófa , the > "> difufe in horfes hie Ppiece of i,i mih n hole in the ,n:ddle , L p thl head of the „ on. bolt foot the fide, of the carnage of a piece of ordnance. ‘ Kosctto > chu i-venti, vermilion for f raming, Spanerei, ratini ttoiicara, a moufe, a R.it. R-ojicàie, Rofigare, lo Rofegirc. J o igno are, cu Rolfignolare. "gnolo, as Roffignólo. Rosina ,, rofe-bud, alfo a round dance Uff our Hay. x Rofione, look Rofcgatura. Rofmarfno, the rofemary bufh. Rcfmaro, idem, alfo a ffnd offfffs. Rofnc, Rofnc tta, as Picilla. Rofo, look Ródere. Rófola, a fmitbsbnttris. Rofol àccio, wild poppy. Roloiirc, to bed,w , to bcjprinlL.by Mel. to drip or ba ff r off meat. Rofolàto, bcjprinffed, dripped, baffed, ufed alfo for Cruffy. 1 Rofo l i rta, the rofte cheelf of an apple. Rosu.n, ru Roséllia. " Rofolino, afifi tbit tiveth both on land ari water, Rofóni, greatnfes, namely tht Spanithro- jet, aljo fUuncs.cnjtards , elencar, ceec- pics, alfo that fueillage wort;, which Ar. collects call caned orinfmted wo, Is Rofpaióre, Rofpati'ua,» R u fp Jt ó rc . ' Rofpim, a kind of rugged mnsk-meUms. Kolpo, Kofpone, a to.id. Rófpo pc fee, the toad-fifh. Rolla, a red woman, alfo ns Róda Rolkggiamc, Rofficamc, ruddy, reddito, rubie-hke, cherry.coloured. Roffcggiare, Ro (ficare, to ruddy, to entiine to red, to rub;fit,by Met. to blulh Roilccta, a ffnd of red grape. Roflectare, to paint or maff red. Rollétto, Rsliéllo, RoCctto,ruddy, ruffft. fmewlut rcd,blufh-co:o m -,al(o\Ro c hci. W,- Rollczaa, Rod ore , rednrlle , midi-' nefje. j RoffignoJSre, to record or ling as a nielli ! ingale. Roflignólo, Rolfignó'i, a nightingal, alfo the fijh, that we call (if great)aGour-' net, ( if little ) a rochet, alfo a ffnd ef dainty mujhrorns within very red. 1 j Rofidre, as ArofJre, to bluff). Rollo d’ uovo, theyolkof an egg. Rollo rotino, a bright-bay Coloured pled horfe. r i Rolfoia, any red pimple, pi,to or bile, alfo a ffbc or chill-blanc. Roflolàre, to pimple or fwell red, as a bile or a ffbe. i Rofiore, redneffe, ruddineffe. Rollumàta , Rofumàta , a meat made of yolks of eggs , hearbes and good Off"- , Rolfume, any redd ff) thing. Rótta, abroad le avy bough or branch alfo any great f mm to maff winde\ with all , to ffep away the Sunne , or) to-. _R O T_ to drive away flics in Summer,alfo a bat- tleder to play at fhutle-coc{, or tennis- ball with, alfo a frying or dripping-pan, aifo a crane orinjlrumcnt will) putties and wheels, to draw any thing out of mynes or cole-pits under ground, alfo a turning- wheel or other impediment in the waies or lanes to {eep carts or horfes out of them, alfo a file over a hedge, or a gate in a hedge or pa) {-pale, alfo a weirc in a ri¬ ver, or any flop in the water. Roffarc, to fin wind, or with boughs to drive away flyes, or {cep the Sun away, alfo to hinder or [top up the way, alfo to forrage the Connlrey , loo{ Ró¬ tta* Roftigicfo, us Ruvido , as Scagil- ófo. Rottir c,toro[f, to toft, to parch. Roftka, a tojl of bread. Roftito, Rótto, rofled, tofted, parched, ah fo any roft-mcat. ; Roftizzana, a. ftca{, a collop, a Jlice , an olafe, or any piece of meat rofled, car¬ bonado’d or broilcd,or to be rofled or broy- Icd, a rafter on the coales. Roftizzarc, to toft, to rojl, to broil, or to carbonado in bajt upon the coles, alfo to fearc, to finge, to Jcorcb. Rótto annegato, rojl-meat covered over with thic{ Jauce. Róftra, the place of Common-Picas in Rome, wherein flood a Pulpit made and trimmed with fie ms and fore-fronts of flips or bea{s of gallics, out of which they were wont to ma{c their orations, fo that it may be ta{cn for a Pul¬ pit. Rotti are? to bea{, to bill, to neb, Roftrata, loo{ Coróna. Rottràta nàv.e, a [hip having her fan [hod or pointed with braffe or iron. Roftràto, that bath a bea{, a bill, a neb, a [none or fern pointed with iron or braffe, or h{c unto any bird, fowl or fi ft. Róftro, the bill, the bca{ or neb of any thing, namely if a bird or fowl, alfo the jnout or nofe of any bea fl or ft ft, alfo the f lem of a [hip, alfo the point, the tip ( or tongue of iron, tin , lead, ftlver, braffe or horn at the end of a fluff, Róftrum gru is, the bcarb Stor{s-bill, or Cranes-bill. Roltira, Rofumc, any gnawing, fretting, corroding or mbUng,al\o any thing that m.iybegnawn or nibled, alfo ftraps of things gnawn. Rota, Ruòta, {find of wheel, wheeling, turning, or round g irvng, as a cart-wheel, a mill-font, a grinding-[tone, any round rowl or row ling, the turn or wheeling of a horfe, alfo the Popes Court of Ex che c- • queror Treafurie in Rome, alfo a mon- Jlrous fif) called the Sea-wheel, alfo a {find of torture for male fa ft or s in France or Germanic. Rota a tamburro ,a great water-wheel with many broad flo.itcs. Ròta battuto, wheel-beaten. Rota del ginòcchio, the {nee-pan. Ròta del pavóne, the wheeling or full jfreading of a Peacoc{s-tail. Ròta del (carpóne, a {find of (port or play ufed in Italic, where one being blinded, (lri{es about him with an old ft we tied at the end of a long line, and he whom / e hits, wheelmgit about, mujt ft down and be blinded, li{e unto blind-mans- buf. Ròta di nibbio, the holering of a {ite ' cfpyingfome prey. Rotàie, wheeling, or!i{c a wheel. ROT R O V R uà ntc, woe ling round. R >tta vóce, a hro{cn voice, Rotare, Roteare, Roteggiàre, Ruotar», I Rócca d’unelléicito, the difcomfi:tfe, thè towuccl.lo turn tir in i Up rmni/t- In I v/lut n.- ...... «... . to wheel, lo turn or ma{e round, to fwinge about, to twirl round, to grind upon a turning fione, to Jet an edge upon, alfo as Rotolale. Rotario, Rot irò, a wheeler,a wheel-right , a grinder upon a grinding-[lone, alfe a light armed Soulilicr with a round ta get, a Tar get tier. Rotata, Roratiónc, Roteànza, any wheel¬ ing, t iv ir ling, or turning round. Rotato, Roteato , Ruotato, wheeled, turned, twirled or fwmged about, alfo made round, or fafhioned li{e a wheel, alfo a pie-cel Hired horfe, namely with round mar{s or (pots upon him. Rotatòri, Roteatóri, Ruotatóri, wheelers or grinders, but properly two Apcpbifis or Precedes bunching out in the upper mofl ncc{of the thigh, whereof the utter- mo ft being the greatefi proceffe in the whole body of man, is by Anatomi fts catted in Latin Nates, the innermoft is lower, and much lejfe than the other, and both feem to be fo ordained of nature for the turning and wheeling about of the thigh. Roteare, Rotcggiàrc, loo{ Rotare. Rotelino, Rotella, Ruotélla , the dim. of Rota, any little wheel or trundel, any round rowl or rowlcr, a round target or buc{lcr, any wheeling, twirling or tur- ning round, any round [pot or m.n{, as a flea-biting in a horfe fin a fna{r, or the s{inof a be a [l, any round purlin bone- lace, a rowel of a fpurre, a mullet in ar- moiie, a fquam-wbecl to turn round at a lanes or waies end, to {eep horfes from going in the fame, the name of a Gold- jmiths tool. Rotévolc, that may be wheeled or turned round. Rotida, Ruotitta, one of the Rota of Rome, an Exchccqucr-man. Rotola, Ruótola, as Rotelino, alfo as Rotolo. Rotola del ginòcchio, the whirl-bone or¬ dained to cover the joint of the {nee, which olherwife had been open unto barm, called by our Chiui.geons the eye-bone, the. pattie-bone , or the ftield-li{e bone. Rotolare, Ruotolàre, Rotollare, to row!, to trundle t to ma {c, to winde up, to wheel, to trufje up, orpac{ up round, alfo to tumble or reel round. Rotolata, Rotollata,2 vow/wg, a twirling, a wbccling,atriindhng,a winding,a tumb ling , a wallowing , or truffi ig up round. Ròtolo, Ruótolo , any round rowl, bundle, fardlc,pac{, truffe, trundle or bolt, any thing wrapped, folded or my de up round, a round bun, crac{ncl, fimnel, ca{e or rowl of bread , a round bottom or clue of tbrid or yarn, a bottle of bay, a bolt oj holland, a cbec{ rowl of names, a players written part , alfo a weight in Venice and Naples, which fome fay to b, half a pound o[ ours, others fay 3 3. ounces. Rotolóne , adv. whedingly, rowling. l h Rotolóni, wooden-rundles or rowlcrs. Rotondare, to round, to ma{c round. Rotondità , Rotondezza , round- nfe. Rotóndo, round. Rótta, a rupture, a breach, a brac{, a fra*. ftnre,abrea{ing, alfo a dif omfiturc, a ■rout or overthrow ef an a* mie, or of any ching elfe. rout or overthrow of an A, mie. Rótta nave , a wrac{ or fpfuted Jh’p. Rottame, Rottami, all manner of b,o{en things, as [pints,(pi. n £ s,(kivers, feraas, mamoc{s,[bards,fragments, rubli yuub'fh, pieces or frafture. J Rottàre, Rotteggiàre, as Ruttare. Rottatórc, Rottegglatóre, Rotture, a bel¬ cher. Rotei zza, Rottura. Rótto Romputo, bro{cn, battered, tr-« [plit, burft, fbivtred, crufht in pieces bro{en off , interrupted, meant in ned, alfo put to rout, defeati d or overthrow alfa bro{cn in creditor reputano.., ban- {rout, alfo wrac{t at Sea, alia b , c {t « or burft in the cods or belile, one that hath a rupture fra fted, alfo at attiva in A uh - meli c{, alfo as Rutto, aljo cr:c{i in judgement, headlong, ro[h t fMain to un¬ ger a. nd pajjion, aljo fondlyMditied.or pajjsonately gizlen unto. Rótto di fehiena, bac{-bro{e>t. Rótto in marc, Sea-wrac{t, or Ship- wrac{t. Rottóio , Rottório, any brea{er, a r.ut- crac{cr, alfo a currafive tobrc&h a fore. x Rottura, a rupture, afraftion, a butch, a brea{mg. Ròtula Rottilo, as Ròtolo. ;Róva,<*^«d of grea: tvekhp cr r-.a- fure. Rovagliónc, as Moi vigliane. Rovàio, a nipping and bold Nvtherr. r. ve' properly: he ft co n win : % - ‘ on the right hand. Dare decalcia R 0 . vàio ,to{jic{ with ones heels again ft ]i e ram i, by Met. to be bang' d upon a gal¬ lows. 6 Rovàno, a roane colour uf a horfe. Rovéglia, Rovéia,rfo pulfe Ervile, Rovella re, to fretto vex,to chafe or grum¬ ble with anger. Rovello , fretting, chafing, vexing or ra¬ ging with anger^ RoveJlófo, full of wrathfuli rage, or mad anger. Rovent'r z,to be prie red bot,or rlowhur as h on coming out of the fre. Rovente xzz,fi:ric or glowing heat. Róvcr z, the tree or wood called Oa{e or Galle -tree, alfo any wane-foot, < l[o a. {find of torture among the Romans, Cuòi- di rovere, a. hard infexible heart. Roverétto, a grove, a wood or atbic{ct of oa{es . Ro verino, of, li{e unto, or made of oa{c , of the nature or quality of oa{c y by Met. opiniative, ftiff-necWd, head, ftrong, Roveifj, Rovcrfcia, Rovcfcia, Rovcr- fefna , as Rivérfa. Roverfire, Roverfciàre, Rovcfciare, Riverfàre. Roverfo, Rovcifelo, Roycfcio, as. Ri- vérfo. Rovcrfóne, Rovescióne, Rovefcióne, as River fónc. Rovella, the name of a bird. Rovétta, the blac{-bcrrie-bu[k. Roviglia, the pulfe Ervile. RoviglianVénto, a tojjing, a rumbling. Rovigliare, to tumble, to rumble, or toffe and wallow over and over. Roviglióne, adv. . tumblingly , toffingly, rumblingly, in wallowing manner. Roviglióni, the lexfons we call ha flings, bowlings, or roncivils, alfo a {ind of l Up, _ zreen ‘(b ft U B R U D R U G g reenijh fijh , alfo a big round sl^ab or >W- , , Rouina, Roina, Ruina, Ruvina, Ruina- ménto , r«i»e , iittter undoing , wafl, wra , jpoil , dejlruftion , de¬ flation , havock, rfwtb, &c. Rouinàre, Ruinate, to nane , to (foil, to waft, to defiroy utterly. Rouinaticcio, ruinous, to mine. Rouinatóre, Ruinatóre , « miner, {ill j and devour an Ele¬ phant. Ruche, fruit-devouring caterpillcrs. Ruchetta, Rucula, hearb rocket. Rucola , little or low wheels as are upon [ledges or trundle-beds, alfo a pully. Rucola re, to roul upon low wheels, to pull up by a pully. Rèi de , rude,ruflical, ctownifh, uncivil. Riide, fub. a certain rod, verge, or wand , that in old times was given to Gladia¬ tors when they were old, in fign that they were fet at liberty , and dii charged from labour. J Rùdere, to bray as an Afle. Rudiménti, the fir fi rudiments, principles or influì flions of any ayt. Rudità, Rude 7 za, rudenejj'e. Ródo, rude, clown*fh, baroarous. Rue, the letter R. ufed for the end and con¬ dii f ion of any matter. Rueilo, a flfh , in Lxtin , Roopis. Rufalótto, a pig of a wild boar. Rutta, a rifling, a ruffling , a fcambling, a muffe, alfo mofj'c or moitldineffe of trees, alfo a filthy filching bawd , or f craping co¬ zening whore. Ruttare, to ruffle, to ruff, to rifl', to fcam- ble, to play at Muffe , alfo to be or become mfifie, affo to filch and pilfer craftily,alfo Ruttare. Ruttatine, a ruffkr, a ruffrr, a rifler, a fcambler, a player at Muffe , alfo a coze¬ ning fi’cher, a pilfnng (hiftcr, alfo a loud belcher. Rattizza, ruff nr fj; roughnrffe. Rutfia, as Róft'ia. * " Ruttdna, a woman-bawd, aluvc-bco- k [ r. Ruffianare, Ruffianeggiare , Ruttianiz- zare, to play the ruffian, the bawd } or the pander. Ruffianane, Ruffianarnénti,Ruffianegpù- amenti, bawderies, ruffianly-tricks. Ruttianéccio, Ruffianézza , Ruffiancfi- mo, Ruffianaggine, Ruttìanh, Ruffi¬ anicelo, the art of bawdery , or pando¬ ri fm. Ruffianéfco, bawdy, full nfbawdeupaltn-m«*V>utir. or they dui break- Ruéofit ì'ruggòdmjlr, rouifmeffo, hirfh - Ruta e.Rutefcc, mal, ufltul. nife infeeling,rrvelulftjfi. Kmuhu,rurulity,rufiiuiy, '■B^k 0 ,futlJ‘httts,fullcf C uU e rplkrs. Ruranón e, mm, ormdbufln.flc. R ^i Kumia - cc ^ u ‘r' Ruina, Rumare , Ruinófo, as Rovina. Ruinatóre, a miner , a dcjlroycr. Ruirc, as Ruare. Rufcare, to get by craft # by cofcnage, or by hook or crook, alfo to bedufl. Ritfcellare, to glide or run gently along as RufcUloèRofceUéttO) K^.l™ f ■ K the iron or f'mgb-mms Jluf,wherewith | tie runningJlrtnm, brook, ni, nUetet, or he clemfetb hu cultcr. Rullo, « round routing piece of timber with holes at the end, with crows of iron or wood to put into them , u-fed to remove u- mgreat weight or pieces of timber with tinning it, alfo a find of pi ty, much like our billiards, wm\s,or any Ladies hole , alfo a kind ofhtgb head-attire or drtftng that women ufetowear in Italy, Róma, the end or hollow fart of the throat, alfo th" dew-lap of a Bull. Rum arc, Rumeggióre,Ruminare, as Ru¬ minate. Rum’iotino, a kind ofpopler tree . ITumcna, a dug, a pup, a teat. Rumente , an impofime that bmfleth out . in the ftefh , ufo all manner.of {weepings urdufof htmfes , that Scavengers call for, and carry away. goipl. Riifchi, thorns, fins, brambles, briers, brakes or bujhes. Rufcignólo, Rufignólo, Ruflignolo , a Nightingale. Rufca, a k'md of courfe corn called Rusk > or th: bread made of it, Rusk-bread y alfo the prickly fir“b called K’lecbolm , Veti- gree, or Butchers broom, whereof Plaifle- rers , and Butchers mik e ^ r ' in ¥ m l brujhcs, fweepers or besoms, ttfed alfo for du\t. Rufcófo , full of (hrnbs, brambles or oners ol o dufly, or full of dufl. Rufe, catter-pillers, Canker-worms. Rusme„ the Goddcfje of the fields. Rufo, any kind of dufl. Rufpare, to ferape up and down for any thing in the duri or du(l as hens doth. ^ j Rufpatóre, a feraper together . Rufpatura, Rufpaménto, any feraping to¬ gether. i Riifpe, look Pére. Rufpido, as Ruvido, Ru'fpina, a feraping woman. Rufsare ,to fnort or bray as an Affé, Rufséi, a kind of Henris. Ruflignolo , a Nightingale, as Roflignu- ó!o. Rullo, Rulla, a fnorting, a braying, alfo a hoarcencffe. Ruflófo, fnorting, or braying , alfo home- voiced. Ruftica, Rufticula, a wood-hen. Rufticamcnte, r uflic.illy ,rudely. Rufticarejffl live or profeffe a Country or ru¬ ral life. Rufticatidne, a rude Country life. Ruftichézza, Rufticità, ruflicity , clown- i fine[fe , rudenefje. Ruflico, Ruflicano, Rufticone, rnflical , rural , clownifi, lowtifi, fw/mijh , rude , uplandijh , homely, country-like, cburlifh, furly. Ruflico, Ruflicano, Rufticóne, fub. a (wain, a clown, a bore , a hind , a home¬ ly fellow, an uplandi fi rude man, a plain country clown , alfo landslip work in painting , among Book binders, ligure alia ruftica, tstofow or flitch a book at any rate without binding of it. Ruftina, the corn called Rusk. Ruftinófo, rufly , full of rufl, Ruftire, to rufl, to grow rufly. Ruta, rue or hcarb of grace. Ruta murale, wall-rue , or ( as fome call it ) white maiden hair. Ruta fjlvàtica , great Saint Johns wort. Rutabulo, a Cole-rake , a harrow. Ratinila , a robin red-breafl , or a red tail. Rutilante, Rutio, bright-fljining. Rutilare, to Jbine or glifter like gold againfl the Sun. Riitilatiónc, a bright gliflerhtg. Umicamente a weak or faint flirting of a. ny part oft he body. Ruticar e, faintly or with pain for a man to flir any part of his body , alfo as Azzi- care- Ruttare, Rutteggiàre, to belch, to raffe 7 or break wind upward. Ruttatióne, a belching, a raffing. Ruttatòre, a belcher , a rafpsr. Ruct o, Rutti, any belch or raffing. Ruvidamente, roughly, ruggedly, rudely , crabbedly. harfily. Ruvidézza, Ruvidita, roughnefje , rugged? nejfe, rudentffe , crabbedneffe , harfh- nejs. Ruvido, rough, rugged, rude. Ru vi glia» Ruvia, the pul fe Ervil. Ruvina, Ruvinare, as Rovina. Ruviftarc, as Roviftare. Rrviftico, bath been ufed for Hops, as Ro¬ vi ftico. Ruzza, any wanton dalliance, alfo a merry jefl, a flout or a frump ; in Rome it is a (fort that fome nfe by burling a (mall chefe-bowl under hand, as far as one can with his arm,it being wound up in a fling, which remains in the flingers hand after the bowl is delivered or let go. Ruzzaménto , wantoning or dalliance, alfo a flouting or frumping. P uzz 'nte, Ruzzatole, a merry or wanton ' mocking or fi mting companion. Ruzzare, vaimi*/ ° r m ! h ’ 4 ? to jejl, tu flout, to frump or nrnkrmmli SAC SAC SAC ' ) affo to itch or tickle with pie after?, alfo \ to bellow as an Oxe, alfo as Rufpare. ì Ruzzélla, Ruzzolctta, a little pully. • Ruzzétto, a wren-bird. ! Ruzzo , a fuddain or fantaftical humor, I a quick merry \eft or flout. ! Ruzzolare, cu Rozzolarc ,<^/0 to tillable or jumble up and down . C à , he, or {he cm or \nowetb. ^Siba, Sàbba , the fodden wine called Cult, alfo in Greedy Secret myflcrics. Sabacirio, Sabah, a kind nfftrong drink , made of ba/ly and wheat. Sabaoth, an attribute , that the Hebrews gave to Godi ftgnffytng the Lord ofHffs, of ams, of powers, of venues. Sabathario, a keeper of the Sr both day,alfo a kind of Sc clary in relation iotheSa- boih, Sabacio , he that fir ft invented, or that fir ft drinketh Sabacirio, Sabath.fmo, Sabatifmo, Holy-reft,the Ce¬ lebration of the Sabo:,)-day. Sabatizzàre , to celebrate or keep the Saba¬ oth day, to ntt from lab ;ur. Sabato, tho Sabaoth day, or day of refi-, A- mong tbe Jews the [caventh day was fo¬ ie mm\cd m remembrance of the reft, af¬ ter God in fix dales had made the whole world. It is now called for Saturday , by Met. quiet, 7 eft, or ccffation from labour. Holy-day. Sa bato séra» on Saturday evening. Sabatina? an eating of flefh-mcatprcfently after midnight or fit in day night ; a pra- (t.fe of fame good fellows who are impa¬ tient to flay till fund ay for their break- Stbatta, Sabattino, as Gavòtta, See. Sabbia, Sabbióne, any gravel or fand. Sabbionaccio, courfe gravel , flony- faud. Sabbionara, a Stud-pit, a gravel-pic alfo a fandy fhclf in the Sea. ( Sabbio nare, to fand, to gravel. Sabbioniccio, Sabbionófo, Sabbiófo, Sa- bu! òfo, / andy, gravelous l gretty. Sab co, fragrant, A r ornati cal. Sjbbionofità, fmdineffe, grettmeffe. Sabctii, afwouning , a falling into a trance through faintneffc. Sabina, the hearb Savine, whereof two kinds, the one with leaves like Briary or Tamaris\\tbc other like the Cipreffe-trec, ujed alfo for Mirth-wort or Ha,t-wort,al- fo .is Sarifla. Sabi ino, a ve nemo us Serpent full offpeck r and hard feales. S abiura, la[lage or billaftfor (hips. Saburrare,f0 ballafi, namely a Jhip. Saburro, ag ain in India, that is fown, rs pened, and neaped in forty dates. Saca , a kind of rant-{tone good to build withal. Sacale, Amber bred with the heat of the Sun in Rgypt. . S, calcnola, a hurting dart. Sacca, as Sacco, alfo a calling net. ' Saccadéllo , a poor wretch, that begs up ) and down to put into his bag. iSaecagnare, to bag, to pucker, to crumple,to Ì (4t may be facred or ran faked. Sacche ggiam nto, any facting, utter wafi, or ranfcakfng. Saccheggiare, to fack, to ranfack , to ra¬ vage]\ to robj to fpoil of alt. Sacchcro, a fijh in Latin, C’nanadella. Sacchetta, as Saccòccia. Sacchette , to beat with a bag full of fand , as they fay the Turks ufe to do , which fome fay they call drubbing. Sacchétto, Sacchetcivo, Sacconcello , S.ceulo, the dim. of Sacco, alfo a Gun¬ ners Cartredge. Saccio, l know, 1 wotc, l wift, Saccintczza, look Saccenteria. Sacciuto, look Saccente. Sòcco, any ifind of fack, bag , poak, pouch fatcbel, or pocket, a Jo the bagging of a net, a To a pack °f wooll, ulfio the fack 3 ranfaffmg, fpoil , waft or pillage of any Town or City. Sacco di lana, a fack torpxe\of wooll. Sacco di vènto, a fack of wind, by Met. one that bath nothing in him but idle words. Saccòccia, Saccola, S.'.ccolo, a fatcbel, a poa\, a pouch, a pocket , a wallet, a bag¬ iggi alfo a loofc or ftiding knot, alfo any crumpling or puckering in cloths. , Saccocciérc, Saccolarc, to fatcbel or pocket up, to bag, alfo to puckre or crumple. Saccofrago, as Sarcofago. Saccola, look Saccòccia. S'jccomannare, to fhiftor provide for pro¬ vi firn, pillage, or fpoil, to go a booty -ha¬ ling. Saccomanno, as Saccardo, alfo a free¬ booter , a booty-haler , a [hifting fuuldier. Saccomcctere , to put to the fack, t0 l ^ e fpoil, to the pillage, to the ranfack. Saccóne, Sacconaccio, the fup. of Sacco. Sacconia, a Territory. Saccovéfcia , as we fay a bundle of farts. Saccllario, a principal office belonging to the Topes Chappcl, inflituted by Gregory the fir ft. S icello, an Oratory or private Chappel. • Sacerdotale, Prieftly. Sacerdòte, any Prieft. *' Sicerdotéfla, a woman-priefl. Sjcerdótio , Saccrdocatico, the order or I funftinnof the bo’y Mini fiery , facred Prieft bood, alfo the impropriation or pa- | tronage of a Church-living. Sachcgliare, as Scagliare. Sachtglie, as Scàglie, or Squame. Sachegliófo, as Scagliòle. Sacòdio, Sacodióile, Sacóne , a Ifind of Amethift or Jacinth -{Ione. Saccma, an even countcr-poifc or likeneffe of weight. u 1 Sacotino, Earth -gali, Pcavcr-wort. Sacra, facred, affo a confecration, cts of a Church or any holy place, or any per fon, as Tjng or Pritft , look Arteria , look Véna- Sacra fittola, the pipe through which the marrow of the back-bone runneth , Sacra hc'rba, baft or flat vervein. Sacra fpina, the holy brycr. Sacramente, Sagramentalc,/.io , awJf»f.i/, myflerious. Sacramentare, Sagramcntare , to receive the Sacrament, to fwear or take a corpo¬ ral oath. Sacramentario, Sagramentario, a facra- m:ntary,aprofeffor or difhibutcr of the Sacraments. Sacramento. Sngrnmcnrc^, a Sacrament th.it is, a viftblcftgn of fume holy thing or divine myftery unften with fonie promi fe annexed unto it, alfo a corporal oath. Sacrare, Sagrare, to conftcratc, to hallow, to vow, to dedicate, to make immortal,al¬ fo to denounce us curfcd and detefta- ble. Sacràrio, a Sacrarle, a Sextrie or Veflry where holy things arc kept, alfo a private Chapel 0i Oratorie in a houfe,alfo a Church¬ yard or place of burial. Sacratióne, a confecration, the dedication og a church, the coronation or annotating of a Prince. Sacrato, Sagrato, facred, holy, conftcrated for the fervice of God. Sacrato, Sagrato, fiib. any holy ground or Church-yard , alfo a San ft nary, Sacreftano, Sacrifta, Sacriftano, Sagre- flàno, Sjgriftàno, a Sexton, a Veftnet keeper. Sacrelha, Sacreftia, Sagrcttia, Sagri- ftia, a Sextrie or a Veltrie of a Church. Sacrccario , Sagrctario , a. Secreta- Sacrcto, Sagrerò, as Secreto. Sacrifero, bearing holy things. Sacrificare, Sagrificàre^o/dcrijfttf, to offe up in fierificeor oblation. Sacrificatóre, a faeftfyeing Prieft, a Sacri ficer. Sacrificale, Sacrifico, f acri fidai, belonging to fiacri flee. Sacrificio, fiacri fice, oblation, offering unt God. Sacrificulo, a Sxcrificer, a Mimfter of fa eri fice s, a M affé -prieft. Sacri fuga, a refufer to come to hoi exereffes, a S eft ary. Sacrilegiàre,Sagrilegiàre, to commit fiacri ledgt, to rob Churches, or Church goods to ficai facred things, to commit any out ragious or cur fed aft. Sacrilègio, Sagriltgio, facriledge, robbin of Churches or church-yards. Sacrilego, Sagiilego, a facriUgious man a- robber of Churches or Churd goods. Sacrima, the fir ft fruits of wine won to be facrificed to Bacchus. Sàcrio , a. of amber in Scy thia. Sacri Scrinio, a holy fibrine , alfo a keeper n facred or Princes Records and Let V ters. ^Jiacrittg,,; b: SAG SAG A L Sacri fta, as Sacrcftano. Sacro , [acred , holy, hallowed., vowed , confccratcd, or dedicated to God,alfo cur- . ffdor deleftable. Sacro, fophy,few of them arc learn¬ ed. Saeppolare, to cut the young fuc\crs of a vine , alfo tofhootin a long bow. Saéppolo.- a young fucker, fyr ig , jhoot or tendrel growi ;g at the root of a Vnc, alfo ' a !f nd of bow or tilla, to (hoot long ar¬ rows or bolts. Saetta, any k'nd of arrow , (haft, dart, a bolt, but properly now adaies for a thun¬ der-bolt , alfo a fleam or lancet to let blood with , alfo a far, called the (haft- Jtar , alfo a (harp-pointed bea, bgrowing ill the water , called Arrow, orfhifts - head , alfo the name of a joiners long gra¬ ving nr carving iron tool or ci^cl. Saétta fólgore, a thunder-bolt. Sacrtam#, Saettani enGO,Saettume,!ziZ man¬ ner of arrows, jhsfts , or bolts to [hoot. Saettante, /hoofing, darting, alfa a f marne of Jupiter. Saettare, to jhoot, to bit or flri{e with any ar “ pdnng of 'Salire, to tfand, to mount, to climb or oet metals , a clofingupof any fore, aljo up. h any Itmbing, alfo tjm-WMt to ftiffai Salire ad hórte, totali the field , to C W- n jc n tv c rr „ I mmh " i° “ Ifms with on Army of Saldezza, ftcdfaflncff ;,firmnefle, ronfiane). | men. Saldi faldi, as we fay, Hold,hold , or flay, Salire all'arbore, to climb the tree,by Met flay, when wc f c men fighting. I a way of tumbling. H\do,fjft,fim,Jcdfnli, b) Hit. tough , jSjltfitóre.ftrtti* Priifls , Prophets , - pith\, maj]ie,folid , conjtant. Sale, Sal, any kind of fait or feafoning,alfo tbemdi Sea or Ocean, by Met .wit,con- ceil. Iborpntffe of mt or mvcmottm SoY.tcnie.m,farttfittit.or pairof Itairs, wrrrds or fb^abin:’ of «u n „r. .ir» . r... r . Sooth-faycrs, that judged of the event of things by the rifing and [welling dfmens limbs. words or jpeaking. Sale amoniaco, fait Armoniack. SàL- ardènte, buning-falt t Nitre, Saltpc- Sale afeoli, a \mdof fa't. Sale della patiénza condifce il tutto, the fait of patience feafons all things. Sale in banco, as Mónta in banco. SaL pietra, fione fair, bay.falt. Salebrófo, hai fi) or crabbed to be undirflood and found out. j Silegare, « Silicirc. jSalifcéndolo.K Uhb of a door. > , Saleggiare, to be brackjfii, to tafl offait, al- Sa life fi, afeending up a pair of Hairs,took tnm ami with fait c.i-r ' i . b 1 r x of a houft , alfo a foot-pace under a Princes chair or Chair of State, or of a Chimme , a frot-jtep or thrcfijold of a doo -, alfo a bigb-gav ig window , alfo a great trap door, alfo a bar , or fpar, or Jiang to bar a dorè with, or to flay hor- , fes from running away. Salifcéndere, to afeend or mount up a pair of flairs on any foot-pace,togo over a door, thcfhold , or any fleps, aljo to bar,to ftang Cod a bur- fo to corn with fait. j Salente, fii'lant, afeending. 1 S alcntine,t/if long great dives. I S\kra,Salerina, a table-Jalt. j Salc:no,tvi//e of Salérno in Ciclly. Salifkndere. Sal ita, anyafeent or mounting up. Salito, amended, mounted up,alfo fa’tcd. Salitole, an afeender, a mounter up, Salitiira, a falting, a picking. j Saliva, Ihc juice ormcifincffe of mbo&cs ’ month. » > j Saliva minuta, as Salicórnia. Salivare, to gather moifincffe or fbettU ln f h f mouth, alfo to fpet humours. ahvaria, an oyl fione or barbers whet- ftone to whet his razors. Salivare clammy or brac\ifij like thin or dear (fettle. Salivatióne, a drawing of humours to the mouth , or uttering them as (pettle. alivé ra , the plate , wire, eat the players b “"i >» ‘he midlt of a bit-pon are fajl ned. Saliunca, the Nard Celtic. Salivófo , full of moifincffe in the mouth. Salle, as le sa, knows them. Salio as lo sa, knows it. Salio Dio, God he knows it wot. Sallofi Salfi, \iiows it tohimfelf. Sal ma, a frame, « load, a charge, aum- then, a [aught, alfo a fad of weight, by Met. a mans living body, mortal or bodi ty carcafe, Sjlmaciajrttfv/wy, booty , or [boil gotten without labour. Salmandra, a* Salamandra. Salmare, to lade, to load, to burden, to fraught, to lay load upon. Saimarino, a Salmond-peal or trout. Salma Aro, faltifh, brackifij, brimfh. dalmatico, /\ ack'fi), faltifh. Salmatóre, Sj,micro, a loader. Salmeggiare, Salmodiare , to fing , to write, to fpeak, or to compofe Pfalmes or praifcs unto. Salmeria, all manner of carri¬ age, lading, burthens or / iggagc, namely luci) as Sumpters and Pack-horfes carry, alfo, Sumpters or Pack-horfes. Salmi Ila, the hearb Chervil. Salmi fta, Pfaim]ft, a writer, acompofer . or a ftnger of Pfalms, Sal mi Ara, a prat Hug hypocritical dame a wit-prefuming woman , one that will prefume to teach others wit and r learning. Salmo, a fong of thanks-giving and praifes to God, namely [mg ùnto Decacórdo. Salmodia, a finging together of Pfalms. Salmodiare, as Salmeggiare. Saimónda, hearb Avensor B'cffed. Salm ine, a Salmon-fijh. Salmontrro, Salmoncino, a. Salmond peal, a Trout-S.tlmon. Sjlnicrare, to reduce into,or to become fait- peter or nitre . Salnitro, Nitre or Salpcter, whereof gun¬ powder is made. Salnitr a feller of fait meats game¬ ly of falt-fifh. Salfapariglia, betirb faxifrage. Sahare, Salfegglàre, to fatue , to feafon with fait. Salsèdine, Salsagine, Salsézza, S.ilfigf- ne, Salfilagine, Salfità, Salsugine, Salsumc, Salsura, faltncffe, brinijhnejje, bractyfhneJJ'e, a fallijh quality,alfo brine or p c\lc. Salsiccia, balficciónq, Salficciótto,Salfic- ciàre, as Salficcia, &c. Salfìcciuóli, flicés of fdufeges ferved on the } table , < r links. Sal/Jqórcice, a ma(l-bearing-tree. Silficra, a table r [alt, alfo a falt-box. Salsivo, Salfuginco,Salfuginófo,/ l o vault, to prance, to bound , to dance, alfo to fault, to leap, to fir addle, to ride, to mount, or get one upon another.as males do on the females in t he a ft of generation, which we call co¬ vering , by Met . to pant or ben as the pulfc or heart of a man doth. Saltarclle , Salterélle , graffe- hoppers or locufls, Saltarèlli, Salterèlli jacks of apair of of virginals, alfo paper- fquibs or crack¬ ers made with gun-powder, alfo the pin. of Salticchio. , Saicarino, Saltatóre, a leaper , a hopper, a s{ipper> a jumper, a frisker, a fauicr, a (f ringe;, a tumbler, aprancer, a boun¬ der. JSaltatióne, all manner of leaping. Sakatoria artejffo art of leaping. ... v 'Sahel ''ire, Saltellare, Salterellare, Sal¬ ticchiare, as Saltare. Saltellóne, adv. leapinHy, hoppingly, sk‘P~ f ingly, prancmgly . Salterèlli, %* alfo an exception , a volly of [hot. Salva bicchièri, a cacc, a cheft, a cupboard or cellar to keiep glajjes in. Salva denari,^ cheft or Countoir to \ccp mo - f ney in, alfo a M/my-keeper. Salva d’arteglieiiajd volile or pc al of Ord¬ nance. Salva fiafehi , a cafe, a cbéft , or celiano keep bottles in. • Sài va g io ie, a casket for jewels , a mafler f °e k ee P e f of a Princes Jewels. Salva guàrdia, a fafe guard, a fafe condii ft, a p off age-guide, a fafe convoy , apaffe- port. Salva la gratia fua,la Signoria vóftra,/.i- - yingy our grace, worfjjip, 0r favour. Salva la honeftd, hone fly refeivcd. Salva militare , military volly of [hot, or peal of Ordnance. Sdiva robba , ns Guarda róbba , alfo a favc-goods or keeper of goods. Salvavita, (tone-rue , wall-rue. Salvàbile, that may be faved . Salvaggine, look Salvàticinà. Salvàggio, ns Selvàggio. Salvamente, fifely, with Jafety. Salvaménto, faving,fafety, fafegard. Salvare, tò fave, to fee urc, to fafegard, to keep in fafety , alfo to frxYe ft ex¬ cept. Salvatclla, a vein, which being a branch [fringing out of Cephalica in the out fide . of the Cubit, at length firetchctb above the wrift and cxcream part of the hand between the little finger and the • rl ng-finger. Sal vaticaméntc, fzvagely, wildly, Salvaticàre, Salvatichire, to make or be- same Selvàggio. Salvaticela, Sjlvaticdna, Salvaggina , SaIyaggiume,Salvaticume, any [findof , or wild-game , gotten by hunt in* haying or fouling. alvacicft 'eco, foni 1 what Selvàggio . vacich.zza, Salvaticànza , Salvati- caggine, Sal vaticume, Tvildene(Je,rudc~ fpllpy ft'B'ig'neft , [uvaieiiefje, itfin- Silvatko, tu Selvaggio. ^ym6nc,falvnnm,fafetie. “aivativo, falvativt, faving. Salvatóre, a Saviour, afaver. Salyatura dèlia faétta, the notch or nock of an arrow. 1 Salubre, healthful 9 wbolfom, com fort a- Sjlubricà , healthfulnefje , wbolfom- neffe. Salve, All-hal , Cod fave you, or God blefji and \cep you. Salve Regina, the Annuntiationofthe An- geltooUr bleffedLady. Salvézza ,Jafety, fecurity, fafegard. Salvia, hearb S age or S auge. Sàlvia Romàna, Alc-cofte, Oft e -mar y. Salvata, fauce made offage. Salviàcico, Salviàco, tafimg , or made of fage. Salviétta ,a. table-napkin. Saltarne, as Salsèdine, as ’Salame. Salvo y [afe, faved, found, fecure, in Jafety , / “if y except , or faving, Sàlvochè, adv. except or faving that. Salvo chi, except whom or who. Salvo condótto , Salvodócto, a fafe condii ft a fife convoy , a pafje- port. Salvo il véro, faving the truth. Salvo la gratia. Salvo l’honóre, faving your favour, grace, or honour. Sàlvo^sc, adv. except if, faving that. Salusàndria, Garden-NigcWn. Salutare, to fallite to greet, to all-hale, tc bui good morrow, or God-fp:ed. Salutare, adject, wbolfom , healthy-, health- 1 fui. Salutare fiaba, rofemary. Salutatane, a falutation, a greeting. Salutations Angelica, an Av:mxry,an all- hale. Salutatòrio, a filutittg-place, a place where people ftand to fallite their Prince. Salme, fafety, falvation,faving health,wel¬ fare, health, good e fiate. Salutévole , falutable, alfo as Said brc. Salutevolmente, fafely, healthfully. Salutifero, healfh-bringing. Saluto, afalutation, a greeting, an All- hale, a bidding God-fpeed. Salvurn me fac, ufed in common fpcech for money in hand, as alfo for fafety, fuppo - Jing, that who bath ready money is fafe and wants nothing. Sàlzaparigila, the name of an hearb. Samara, the feed of Elm-trees. Sambuca, a kind of Dulcimer or Bagpipe , alfo a fac\-butt, alfo a certain Engine of wane ufed to batter firm walls with. Sambucdto , nude or ’ fe afone d with E d-rr bloffoms , alfo Elder co- lour. ■ ■ Sambucéo, S.imbuchino, of the colour or quality of Elder. Sambucina , a player on e. Sambu¬ ca. Sambuco , Sambucàro , Sambugo, an Elder tree, alfo an Elder pipe, or an EL dvr gun , or pot-gun. J Samburchio , Sambuzzio, a \incL\ °f bagg.ts or pudding made of good] bcarbs. K b k % 3 am- Sambufia, Sambufa, the name of a fail in •'mia, a qrecn oynlmcnt. Sàmio, earthen, warfe of earth , alfo a po- tijhing | tone, Samitàrra, as Cimitarra, Samito, [leave or filofello-fiuff- Samniattino, a land or red toad. Sammina, Samina, grafie pluc^t up with earth ficìfing to tin root, that in old tines Ambajjadors of Home ufed to car¬ ry about them , alfo the bcaib Ver¬ vi*. Samolo, Vcn-bcrries, Marifh-worts. Sampicro, Sampler , a'fo a Ifind of figs. Sampógna, Sampognare , as Zampog¬ na- Samsùga, the bea-, b Marjoram, alfo a blood leech. Sam fucino, made of Marjoram. Sumucl, deftred of the grace of GoJ, Sàmulo as Selagine, as Sàmolo. San, as Santo, or Sano, namely before con- fonants. Sanàbile, curable, that may be healed. Sanamente, foundly, healthfully. - a ndolo,, a {md of Scalop-boat, alfo as \ Pezzuola. bandóne, a mill built in a boat, that goes with the flream of a River. bandóni, builds of old, dec ait d, and unfer- viceablc Jbips. Sandónico , an bcarb very venomous to all *• beafis. Savca,a Sea flrondor fkoire. San gallo, buckram (luff. San geórgio, a little coin in Italic, Sangenóne, a \ind of 0 pale-f one. Sanghiozzàre, as Singhiozzare. Sangiaccàto , the office of a Sangi- àcco. Sangiàcco, a General of borfe-men among the Tur fa, being the next degree unto a Balha. * | Sangimagnano, a Ifind of wine. San Giovanni bócca d’óro, hath been ufed for cbinifiCoin, pelf or bribing money, ufed alfo for Sàn Crcfci, or rather for a wo¬ mans &c. Sargiovannit'a, of the order or fe ft of Saint John in Jcrufalem. . . Sangrarc, to bleed or let blood. Sanamunda, Sanamund , d^vens, or hearb Sangta.it \x to drain the water out bennet, Sanare, to heal , to cure , to mahe found , by Met. togueld or lib. Sanatione, Sanarne nto, any healing or cu¬ ring. Sanativo, of an healing quality. Sanato, healed, cured , made found, it hath been ufed for Senato. Sanatóre, a healer , alfo as Senatóre. Sancéllo, a tyd of pan-pudding, of a ditch Sangreàle, Sjngredile, fabulous hifiories report it to be fome of Chrifis precious blood which invifible ( except to chaff eyes) wandretb about the wcrlddoing many wonders. Sangu, bcarb Sanity, j Sanguàccio , filthy goar blood, clods of blood. ■ - . . . - , SangudI e, an Ofipray-eagle. Sancire, cifco, cito, to ordain , to decree, Sangue, any tyid of blood, by Met. life.vi- tn h * - /r " "* rnr - 1 git, or lively ftrcngtb , alfo a blood , a race, fioc \, or lineal defcent,alfo mur- r tier or flaughter of men. Sangue abbondo, blood-abounding. Sàngue di dràgo , Cinabre or Dragons- btood, al fio as Sanguina. Sàngue d* huómo, wild-baflard faffron. Sanguétta, Sanguéttola, Sanguisuga , Sansuga, a horfe-leech, a blood-fucty. Sanguicolo , Sanguirucco, a blooding, a pudding or haggas made of blood. Sanguifero, blood-bearing. Sanguificare , to {angui fie 3 to become or turn to blood. Sanguificatióne, (t turning to blood. Sanguificativo, blood-matyg. Sanguifico, blood-matyg. Sanguifluo, blood-flowing . Sanguigne, the red peaches. Sanguigno, fi anguine , bloody, full of blood. to ratificar eflabhfh by Law, alfo to for bid by ordinance, or to prohibit upon pain of fome penalty. Sancito, ordained, decreed, eflablifljcd , or forbidden by Law. San C réfei, San Crcfci in mano, In val¬ le, In lètto, ufed in fume antient Au thors, namely in Boccàce, for amami privy member, becaufeit nfeth , grow- eth , or fwtlleth in a mans hand , in the vallici , or in a warm bed. Sinftio, a word of jefl and of no [ignifica- tm\ ns it were, fond and idle. Sandàdo, Sandal Or Sarcenet. Sandalécti, Sandals, Labels, or pendents of Taffeta-Sarcenet. Sand àlide, a tyd of Dates whereof wine is made. Sandàlio, a fhioe orpantofle called Sen- dale. Sandalo ,d\indof medichi able tree or wood in India, which fome tafye to be the Date or Palm, alfo a tyd of Gourt , or Ter men¬ ile- com in Italy, alfo as Pezzuola. Sandaràcca, Sandaiàce, a tyd of red co¬ lour , that Painters ufe , called Sanda- racbe , S audit x-miner al, Rcd-arfeml^e, or Patis-rcd, found in Mines of Gold or Silver, there is another tyd of it made of Ccrufe burned, alfo a tyd of burning- ftone, alfo a tyd of gum, alfo a tyd of Hone)-fiucty that taficth o f honey and waS together , alfo as Erithàcc. Sandàrlo cedrino, a tyd of gum. Sandasiro, Sjndaresóne, Sandaftro, San- d affrico, <* precious fine lil{ a Ruble with drops li^e gold in it li^e (p.ir\s of fire, al¬ fo a tydof Cbriflal. S indice, as the colour Sandaràcca. Sandino, as Sandice, alfo a certain coin in Ormuz Sandisir, Smettacelo, a nic\-nimeof difir ace y as one would fay , Sir loggxr- head. Sanguina , Sanguinària, Sanguinella , blood-wort, \not-grafJe , Sxnguin fhrub birds-tongue, red pacience , Centinode Swincs-graJJe , or Saint Innocents hearb. Sanguinàccio, as Sanguicolo. Sanguinale, of, or belonging to blood. Sanguinare, to bloody, to flam with blood, alfo to bleed. Sanguinare pietra, a blood-[lone. Sanguinai io, loo \^ Sanguinolente. Sanguincllo, Sanguino , Sjnguinétco , any tyd of blood-hound , alfo as San¬ guina. Sanguineruólo, abarble-fìfi). Sanguinila, alliance in blood, Sanguini- 1 y- Sanguino, fangaia or bloody , li\e blood ,alf 0 a blood- forte, alfo the Hound-tree, Dog berry-iree. Sanguinolente, Sanguigno , Sanguineo , Sanguinófo, Sanguinante , Sanguina rio, bloody, full of blood , blood- thir > r ' . , *7 • V" Jang nine, goary, bloody-red. Sanguisórba, pimpernel or burnel. Sanguiisuga, « Sanguétta. Sangui trattivo, blood-drawing. Sanicàre, to ; ccover health. ■< Samcàto, healed , recovered health . Samcula, Sannlcula, hearb-Sanity, Prat- jtng-parnel or Bcars-ear. Sanie, putrefaction, vmm, or blood » mat- r tor [qutefed out of fores. I SInio, a \hi of marbh-Rone. Saniófo ,ftU of corrupt bloody pulfe or rotten matter.' Saniffimo, »lofi found or healthy. Sanità Saniiudine, Sami, Sa rai dc, body 1 ’ [° md ‘lints of 1 Sanitro, as Salnitro. Sannite, Sinne, as Zannate. Sànno, they fsorti, wot or can. Offn; 3 bm ’ ' al !° th! »<»« in , ’ ‘P wl,ol rm ani alfa whole or Men , “ s Ipealymgaf any bottle or gl affé. X lu fi» '’““’’j Sino e: falvo, [afe and found. San^uaie, an Off,aie or brea\.bom Ea- Sanfa, broken or bruifedolive, read, to be P “‘ m,U or P rt lTtt ‘. S «npfóne , a name petrifying Jl ro H. 1‘nrdy, or nbnfl. 1 s s Sanfonétto, a flar or Slatlsn-bird. Sansuga, as Sanguétta. 1 Sansugo, hearb- Marjoram. Santa', Sancade,/£ Saniti, anta, Shee -Saint, a holy woman. Satira Anfroslna, a Saint-fecmincjtlter, art hypocrtticial puritan Woman Santa Maria, the name of an bcarb , ,lfo mail Mary. 3 J Santa Naflifa, loo\ Nafi'iTa, Santalc, the tree, Or tigne- Aloes. Santalo, idem, alfo a Sanderfione glafi 0 ’ a hn f e m “King Un. Santaréllo, a man petty Saint, tifo ufed for an bypocru or pretender to be a Saint ^ =anta Santoro, or Santórum , a pùce in Solomons Temple, alfo a place fo called to tins day, by fome in Rome at the top of pr'efcrvtf"” ^ «“l**"*» Snat -Ermo, loop 'Erme, or Stélle, Santcrna, artificial borax . Santéfe , one that hath the choree to hi Saints or holy things. * • Sjnti, Saints, Hot,man. Hallows. Sjntéfli, a [he-Saint. Sancihcabile, Sanili fittile. Santificare, to fanHifie, to hallo Santincatióne, Santificaménto , Santi conni, fanChficttion, hallowing Santjficatorc, tt fanllifitr, a follower. Santifico, ufed abufvely for the Pope. Santimònia, Sanflity, H oline []e. Santimoniàlc , Santimonìófe , full Santtity. 1 Santimónio ,profeffion of fmClity . Santióne, a Law eftablijhed' a decree ma wuh a penalty. Santità, Sanility, Holidum, Holirufe. Santo j* SA P Santo» i idv, holy ,Saint-li{e,facred,Mvout, inviolable, spothjfe. Santo , fub. a Saint, a holy or religious man, alfo a Church or holy pisce. Santóccio» a Saint-feeming or hypocritical Puritan, alfo a G od -father. Santola, a God-moiber. Santolina, a fili) faint-li{e woman, alfo field- Ciprefje, or Lavandcr-cotton. Santolo, a God-faihcr. Sancóne, as Zantónc. Santònico, worm-feed, alfo worm-wood. Santorcccia, Santoregia, winter -favoury , garden-favoury. Santuam, the reliques of Saints. Santuàrio, a Temple, a Sandtuary , a holy or priviledged place. Santuccia, Santuzza, us Santa Aftros sina. Santóccio, Santuzzo, ets Santóccio. Sanino, a fifij, in Latin Alphefta. Sènza, often ufed (or Sènza. Sanzàle, m Scnzàle, &c. Saórna, ballafl or la fi age for {hips, alfo a pump in a (hip. Saornàre, to ballajt a {hip , alfo to pump a (hip. Sàpa, Cuit or fodden wine, alfó Galandinc or yenitpn-faucc. Sapadóre, a fulhbnb made of wine and mil{. Sape, a venomous Hnrn- frette r. Saperci édere, or ftàrc sulla fua, for a man to {now how to {eep his fiate, and ran{, and di (lance. ' Sapérda, a Jhell-fifljyielding a very flinging favour. Sapere, Sàccio or Sò, Seppi, Saputo , to {now, to wote, to w'tfje , to {en, to per¬ ceive , or to underfland rightly with the mind, and not with the eye , alfo to tafie or / meli of. Sapere a ménte, a fupre, to {now by heart or rote. Sapere bene, to {nowperfectly. Sapere d’ àbbaco , to have {nowledge in Arithmetic^. Sapere di buòno, to tafie or fìtteli well. Sapere di caci vo, totafte or [meli ill. Sapere di guerra, the s{ill of war. Sapere di legnino, to tufi or fìnell of wood ot of thecas {. Sapóre di lèttere, tohaiie a fmac{ or know¬ ledge of learning. Sapere di mùfehio, to tafi or f meli of mus{. Sapere di ragióne, to bave s{iUinLaw,or Arithmetic^. Sapóre di sécco, to tufi or fmeU of the cas{. Sapere far tanto, to have the s{illtodo fo much. Sapóre grado,*# {cn or acknowledge than{s unto. Sapóre male, to {now, to tafi, or fmell iU, alfo to grieve or forrow for. Sapóre mèglio, to { now better, alfo to ta{e in better part. Sapóre pèggio, to { now worje, alfo to ta{e in worfe part. Sapóre per lo ftnno, to {now by wit or rote. Sapóre i óo, tofeem guilty or bad. Sipcfmo, a {ind of argument. Sapcvole, that may be \mwn, that {now- eth, that is wilting or privy unto. Saphena , a vein running above the inner an {le, and upon the foot toward the toes, namely the great toe, where it is diver fly be (lowed. j Slphici, Sapbic{ verfe. j Sapidamente, tafiingly, relifhhigty. _ SA R_ papidézzi. Sapid irà , relijh or tafi. Sàpido, having a tafi or relijh. Sapiente, wife , prudent, fapient. Sapientemente, wifely, prudently. Sapinéti potente, mighty wife. Sapiènza, wifdom, prudence , {nowledge of many things. Sapino, Sjpinio,Sapióne,tbc gentle Tint- tree, or Horn-beam tree , which fome fay, yieldeth a liquor , that curetb the Leprofie, alfo a {ind of pale coloured Ametbijl fione. Sapio, the pitch or liquor ef Sapino, Saponàceo, filthy fope, alfo fudds, lather , or fope-wafb. Saponàre, to fope, to lather, to wajh with fope. Saponària, Stonale, fopc-wort,Crow-fopc, Struity , or wild-rofe-campion , alfo a fope-houfe. Saponàro, a Soper, a Sope-ma{er . Saponata, a foping, a lath*ring , a wafhing in fope, alfo as Saponaccio, alfo as Fa¬ giolata. Sapóne, any {ind ofwa(hing-fbpe. Saponétti, / ope-balls, wafhing-balls. > Saporàgginc, Saporamónto, Saporànza , Saporofità, favourinejfe, fmac{iQjnej}e. Sapóre, any favour, ftnac{, tafi, or relijh, alfo any font , odour, or fmeU, alfo any fame to give meat a good tafi, by Met, an inward feeling. Sapor ètti, dainty welltafiing fauces. Sapor ifero, favoury, favor ous. Saporire, Saporire, to favour, to relijh, to tafi , tofmac{, alfo to fcafon or give a tafi unto. Saporitaménte, Saporofancnte, (avourly , relijhingly. Saporitila, a word of {indneffe , My-ho- ney-fop, my fweetefi dove. Saporito, favoured, rclijhed, alfo as Sa- porófo. Saporofità , as Saporaggine. Saporófo , favoury, well : tafled, full of fa¬ vour. Sappia , that I, he, or Jhe do or may {now. Saprò, a {ind of potion for the cholic{. Sapid, l Jball or will {now. Sapróne, a {ind of rotten cheefe. Saporosine melófe, fweet morfcls. Saputa, notice,{nowledge. Saputamente, wittingly. Saputo, {nown, wifi or {endby the mind , alfofmelcertafledof, alfo much-{now- ing. Sarà, he, (he , or it (hall be. Sirica, a pilcherd, or rather a (prat, fome ta{e it for a red herring. Saracélla, S'arcólla, the name of a bird , Saracena, Saratina, Saraccns-hearb,Con¬ found, Goats-rue , or Italian-fitch, or as fome fay, Birth-wort, or Heart-wort. Saracinéfca, a percullis over a gate, alfo a trap- dorè , alfo a blac{-(lor{. Saracintfco , Saracine-li{e, barbarous , hcathenijh. Saracino, a Saracin , a beathenijh man, a blac{ man,by Met. a wooden fla{e or floc{ made li{e a man to (hoot at, or run a tilt at, we call it a Tur{. Saracólla, the name of an hearb. Sarafino, a coin in India , worth about a Spanijh Duc{ct. Saramento, as Sacramento, See. Saraò, a dancing mas{ or reveli ng . Sarapànin, an Hebrew word, as the Calde- an word Mitraton. Sèrba 5 fioc{-fi(h, or poor John. I Sarchia, Ssrchio, a farclc,abougb, et weed- ingbo'j{orfic{le. s Ajt_ Sarchiare, Sarcolarc, Sarchielli, e, to fa, c/e, or pare the roots of trees from earth or weeds, to hough or weed any . ground or field with a hough orfic{le. Sarchiatura, Sarch.agióne, Sarchiaménto, a far cling, a boughing or weeding. Sarchiatóre, Sarchiàro, Sarchierò, a far- tier, a bougber, a weeder. Sarchiello , SarJikUino , Sarchiccto , Sarculo, any little weeding~hoo{ or bough . Sarcimcnto, Sarcitura, a feaming, a patch¬ ing ,or ma{ing whole again. Sarchia, any burden, carriage, luggage , or bag and baggage. Sarcinatóre ) Sarcitóre 3 'Z pateber , a butcher, or mender of any thing. Sarc iòne, a flaw or fault in precious fiones, alfo a precious fione uncut. Sarcire, eifeo, cito, Sarcinàre, to repair, piece, to patch up, or ma{e whole again , alfo to recompence, or ma{e amends for what is done ami(fe. Sarcocólla, a {ind of gum li{e Incenfc , coming from a thorny plant in Pcrfia, alfo the wind rofe, or baftard wild poppy. Sarcofago, a fione called Eate-flcfhjvhere- of the Egyptians wear wont to ma{e their Tombs, which in forty dales will con fume a body all to afhes, faving the teeth, it hath alfo been ufed for a Tomb or Sepul¬ chre. ^areola, a {ind of head attire,which the inferior. Tur {s weapon their heads, diffe¬ rent from the Turbant, made inthefafhi- on of a ho ft i fo hard glued together, that it will bear and refifi any blow given with a Scimiter. Sarcòma, a bunch of fltfh in onesnofe, Sarcótico, breeding new fltfb. Sarda, loo{ Sardella. Sardachaca, a {ind of agate-fione. Sardanapaléfca vita, a moft licentious S ar- danapaliian life. Sardaferióne, Sardaflro, as Sandifiro. Sardèlla, S.rda, Sardanclla , Sardina , Sardóna, the fardel or fardin-fifh,it is li{e unto our Sprat, and is eatmpic{led as Anchovcs , alfo as Sardònico, or Sàrdio. Sardéfco, of Sardinia, a Sardinian, Sirdie, Gives, Cibols, fcallions. Sàrdio, an Onix or Corntol fione, fome call it a Sir doni x or Sardin-ftone, loo{ Sar¬ di, nlo. Sardóna, Sardóa, Sardònia, Sardònica , Crow-foot-hearb , fome fay it is h{ e fm.il- lage which being bitten, caufeth great laughing and grinning, whereupon follow- eth death, and thereof comcib the ufual phrafe of. Sardònico i»fo, that is a laughing with out caufe, the end whereof is tragical and for row fui. Sardónio, Sardònico, as Sardio, which they fay , is in the upper end H{c a mans nail, and of the colour of a Sardèlla. Sarebbe mai ? may err might it be ? Sarebbe mercè, as we fay in Englifh, it were a good deed. Sórga, Sàrghc, all manner of cordage, fhrouds, tac{lings , or Cables for et Sargillo, as Amnico. Sargino, a fluff li{e our Varnix , whciiof theyma{e Carpets and Coverlets, S argenti no, a gunners L\n-floc{. Sargia, Sargótta, the fluff Serge or Saye, by Met. a Cm tain, as commonly made of Serge. Sargia cottonita, Cotton-faye or ferge „ Sar_ ALU Sargia pannata, cloth rajh. Sorgiate, to drtfje with ferge . Saxgiàro, a. weaver of fcrges. Sórgo ^ Sargóne, the Gol.l-ncy,or Gilt-head fifh. r j Sargónij a k}nd of vermin or grub , alfo j {harp briflles or Jtings. Sarina , a water-doc k with a very hard \ root. Sariónc, a falmon- trout.' Sanila, a fpear, a javetin,or long flaff with a pike at the end. Sarmenti,Sarmcntina, as Serpenti- Sjrnacch are, Sarnàcch.o, ai Sornacchi- ire. Sarò, Sari, an hearb or shrub growing in waters with leaves Ufa to Papyr-yced', whofe r ot is very hard, and much ufed among fmiths and Farriers. Sarò, I (hall or will be p Sarpa, a tool to pull out teeth with , alfo a k‘nd of Vine-knife or fhort hedging biU. Sarpàrc ,to prune or (bred Vines or Frees , to hough or cleanfe from weed , to drag out. S.arpare 1 ’ àncore, to weigh anchors. Sarpatórc, a prun:r of Vines, alfo a hougher. Sarràco, a \ind of long cart. Sartina, look Tiria. Sirca, Sartóra, a woman-tailtr . Sartagino, a kfind of earthen pan. Sartàgna, as Currucca. Sarte, Sart ime, as Sirga. Sartélla, i k l/, d of wild duc\. Sarto, Sartóre, a man-toiler. Smercilo, Sarcorino, a pretty , dapper , fpruci'i'fftmtnate toiler. Sartoria, a toilers trade,Jb % or freer, i S .irefica, a farclinz, a harrowing. Sarza, ufed for Sargia. Safonaie, Sasóne, as Stagion're. S .iiafraga, Saflafpica, Saxifrage. Safi aiuòla, S a flaria> « flonc-quarry,a!fo a fight with ftones. Saliamolo, a channel, a gullet, or a gutter made over fields and paved in the bottom with pibbl'-(tones, to cmvcigb water th ongh them, alfo arty one who hurls and flings fi ones, alfo as Saflatile. Saflirc, to Itone, to throw fiunes. Safsata, a fiones-cafi or hit. Saltateli©, Sjfsctto, Safsino, Saffolfno , any little fione. Saflatile, fiony, of the nature or quality of J,tone, alfo living or breeding among rocks or lì ones. Saflatile pefee, (tone-fifh , fifhes living a- mong rocks or cliffs by the Sea fide. Sa licita, tbe L qual ty or nature of fione. Silicio, « bird that breeds in rocks, alfa he knows it tohimfelf. Saffi, verb, it is known. Saffi, fub. the plu. of Siilo. S.’ ffi a fello, pohfhed or even laidfionesin building. Saffi terminali) mccr-/lanes, that jhnd for land-mark*. S_.f 1 ^tto, fione-bringing. Safflfìcire, tofaxifìe,to petfifi', to turn to fione. Salifico ypetrifyingy (lone-making. Saffifriga, Salfifrica, Saflafiiga, S fla- fiica, an hearb growing in [tony places , very good againjt the fione, called Brea\- fionc, Pierce-picre, or Saxifrage , fame ta\e itfor Goats-beard, flar of Jeru- falem , Jof.phs -flower , or Noon- tide. Safllrrago, a font-breaker. Sjflìnaménto , Safiùnire , as Aflaflt- nare. Sjfiìnatóre, Safsino, at Aflafiiao. Sa Aitano, a ruck Needle-fijh. Siilo, any. kind of rugged jttne, flony roc\s r oc kie-crag or cliff, a’-fo a kind of tor¬ ment ufed antienly in Rome , mentioned by Cornelius Tacitus. Saflófo,/Ì0/y, flinty, full offlones,or rock*, dlfiruggtdorcraggy. Satana, Sataniflo, S athan, a tempter , a feducer , an enemy to God. Satanélìmo, S atbanifm, divelifionefje. Satanichifsimo, mofi-mofi divelifb. Satellìta, a S .udite , an b alb fir diet of a Princes guard , one retained to guarda mans per fon, alfo an Attacher of goods, a Serjeant, abafe, armed Catchpole. Siti, a k-nd of garden Lettuce, alfo a mea- fure containing about three of tur pat¬ te Is. Sanabile, Sazievole, fatiable, that may be foliated or glutted, by Met. tedious , loib- fornjrkfm. Sitiate, fa fatia'c, to glut, to cloy. Sanativo, fi native,glutting. Sjtictà, Sanabilità , Satiamcnto, Satia- tiira Satievolezza, fatteti, fatiablcncffe, fulntfje of ftomack , by Met. tcdioufnefje or hthfomneffe to all the fences. Sjticvolmcnte, [atiably. Satino cagnolétto; a pretty playing dog. Satio, Satóllo, Saturo, fatiate, glutted , doted, full fed and fatisfied. Satira, a Satire, an invettive rebuking e- vil, and regarding no per fon. Satireggiare, to fating, to write fatires, to inveigh fh irply again fi.ab ufe s. Satinili, Satiriifnio , Satirifi, us Pria- P fino. Satirico, Satirifeo ,fatirical,bitter infficecb, and taunting with reproach. Sat irino, of the nature of a S itire. Satino , Satirione, look Telticolo di cane. Satinila, a writer of Satires . Sàtiro, a Satire, which they fay it half a man and half a Go at. Satis, as in Latiti , ufed in Italian b fore other woids, as in Satisfare. Satisfare, to fads fie, to pic afe, to content ,to make fadsfattion. Satisfattone, falisfaQ'.on. Satisfatto, fatisfied, pleafed,well-appay- cd. Sjtlvo cimoo, a field [own every year. Sativo, a field that is not wild nor barren , but is or may be manured and planted. Satólla, Satollaménto, Satollanti, Sa¬ tollata , Satollc&za, as Satlcta, but pn perly a fullglutdng , or as much meat as will fill and glut ones belly or mind. Satollare, as Satiire. Satolllvolc, as Sanabile. Satóllo, Satoro, as Sàtio. Sature, a father, a creator, a begetter, alfo a fetter or a planter. Satraperia, Satiipia, the order, the fiate , rettory, the office , or government of a Sa¬ trapo, alfo a Province or Country governed by a Sàtrapo. Sàtrapo, a Governour, a Prcfidcnt, a Cap¬ tain, ort Chief-ruler of a P ovince or Country under another , alfo a chief Peer of a Realm, but now taken rather in bad than in good part. Sattmo, the (tuff called fattin. Satumitcro , °f ,he «“‘«re of Saturn , 1/ial a t„ f0), I lem J fad, louring, m.lmcbo- h fk. «turno, ibi Pianti Saturn, i ptrftil fiver of man-find, or founder, of Kingdoms, a- mng Alcbymijh it is tcfmfor the maul lead. S-lturo, as Satio. gavòtta, Savàtta, as Ciabatta. ^avia, adv.evcn now t at this infianf. aviaggine, Saviézza, às Sapiènza, ^aviamcnte, wijtly, prudently. aviaróne, Savióne, a great wife man. Savicggiàre, co play the wife man. Savina, Say inella, hearb S svine. Sa vino, a duslfie fienc, which having any other (toneplaced near unto it, doth pre¬ sently become of a very bright col nr. ^fv io, wife, prudent, as Sapiènte. Sviolino, Savio lo, Saviótco,.Saviuzzo , meanly wife , indifferently witty, by Met. a nice, or felf-ctoccitcd fellow. avonàre, Savonaccio. as Saponàre. gavóne, Savonàta, as Sapóne, avonéa, a kind of conferve or fuc\et. ^avóra 3 Savournàre , as Savórna. Savore, Savorófo, as Sapóre. Savoréa, Savorcgia, Savorélla, winter a gnrdcn-favoury. Savorcggiàre, Savorfre, as Saporire. Savorino puttàno, young wintcr-favou- ry. Savórna, as Saórna. Savorhàre, as Saornàrc. Saura, as Stelliàne, a green li%ard.'. Saurétto,tf pretty (ò, tel nag. Saurióne, a kind of mujtard-feed Saunta, a prctious fione found in a green li¬ zards belly. Sàuro, a ferrei- colour of a borfe, alfo a for - rel-horfe, alfo a green lixjird. Sàuro allocato, a bright forrei. Sàuro mettallino, between roan and for ni. J Sauro feuro, a dark fonti. Sàuro pàtidc, certain Amazons that feed on Lizard •. Siufo, a Hound, a Spaniel . Sbaccellàrc, to unhusk or unfit: l' out of the cods,as pcafon or beans. Sbieco, look A sbàcco, Gods-plcnty,Hold- lelly hold. Sbadacchiamcnti, Sbadagliamcnti, Sba¬ digli, Sbadigliaménti , yawning or gapings with open mouth for want of ficep, al fn gaggings of teeth. Sbadacch àre, Sbadagliàie, Sbadire,Sbar digliacciàre, Sbadigliare, Sbanaccrà- re, to yawn or gape for want of flecp , alfd to gag ones teeth. Sbadiglio^gug/br ones mouth. Sbadatamente , adv. careleffely, at ran dom. Sbadigliare, a yawing, look Sbadacchiàre. Sbadigliófo, yawning, gaping, draufic for want of ficep. Sbafi* ca, a blow, a [ imp or rub. Sbagiaffire, Sbai,rifare , Sbagliaffàrc , Sbarbierarejlo chat, to prattle, to babble jf or to tattle idly and with foo'ijh vain- glory. —--__ - S B A B A 5 B 5 bagiaffone, Sbaiaffónc, Sbagliatane S arbieróne, a. vain -glorio us fellow. Sbaglio a tnlftake or over fight. Sbandaménto , Sbagiaffanunto ) tiny vain-glorious bablj/ig, or fioohjhprat- ling. Sbalcio, Sbalfco,<* of honour able.habit, that Ladies of Venice were wont to wear on their heads. Sbaldànza, unbo’dncff é, imbardine fi cow¬ ardice. Sbaldanzare, Sbaldanz're, zl'fco, zko , to mi\e or become felini, wcak and un- hardy, to disbolden,to enmilden. Sbaleftrare, to fhoot off 5 or difcharge a Cro(fe-bow, by Met, to di [order, alfo to thunder out lies , to lye for the whet- fionc. Sbaleftrare gli òcchi» to flare orglote with ones eyes, to roul , to turn, or ftir them without heed or order. Sbalc fidatamente, diforderly > confufedly , without heed or regard. Sbaleftràto, look Sbaleftrare, alfo fondly - beedleffe, careleffe,unidvifed. Sballare, to unpack merchandise. Sbalorda gginc. Sbalordiménto , ^Ba¬ lordaggine, amassment caufed by fame great noife. Sbalordire, as BaJordirc. Sbalordito, amazed, aflonifhed, diflrafted, {[ifmaied. Sbalunare, as Stralunare- Sbalzare, to rebound as a ball, to bound, to prance or leap as a horfe, to slfip. Sbalzata, Sbalzo, a rebounding , abound¬ ing, a sffp, a leap, a prancing, alfo a pre¬ cipice, an abyjfe , a craggy downfall, a fleepy place, alfo as Sbalcio. Sbalzófe ónde , ftrging waves , mounting | billows. Sbamfo'are, to breath or vent forth, to huff and fnuff, Sbamfolata, Sbamfolatióne, a fuddain venting or breathing out, a [miffing and huffing. Sbanacerare, as Sbadac lliare. Sbancare » to unbench , to remove from ones fe. tor fitting. Sbandaménto , a disbanding of Sotildi- crs. Sbandare, to disband, to fcattcr. Sbandatamcnte, fcaflcringty^n rout. Saandeegiam éntò, Sbandigióne, Sban¬ diménto, as Sbandigióne. Sbandeggiare, Sbandire, as Bandire. S landeggiato, Sbandito, as Bandito. Sbandcggiatóre, Sbanditórc , as Bandi¬ tóre. Sbaragliare, Sbaracchi;)re, Sbaragiàre , Sbaraccare, Sbarbagliare, io unbar, to fcattcr, to put to roul , to confound, to di [order, to disband. Sbarag'ino, a game at Tables, that is nei¬ ther Irifh nor Lurch,yet mar to both,and who throws the dice doth adde fix unto hiscafl. Sbaraglio , Sbaracchio, Sbarbaglio , Sbaragliaménto, Sbarattaménto, a confiled rout, featuring, difordering, or unbarring , look A sbaraglio» Sbarattare, ^Sbaragliare- Sbarbagliare , as Sbarbicare, to pluck tl P by tifi roots or foundation. Sbarbare, to unheard, by Met. to pluck U P b\ the roots. Sbarbatello, a beardleffc lad, Sgarbatézza, unbeirdedneffe. Sbarbaro, beard 'effe, unbearded. Sbarba zzare, Sbarbozzàre , Sbarbari¬ ate, Sbarbocciarc,ro bob on the mouth , to check a horfe with the bridle , affo to uncurb, to u/ifnafjlc. Sbarbaiszata, Sbarbacciata, Sbarboz- Zaca, a bob given on the mouth, a check with the bridle , a.lfo an uncurbing , an un fluffing. Sbarbazzàto, Sbarbozzaco, uncurbed,un¬ bridled. Sbarbicare, as Sbarbarire. Sbarbarire, as Sbagiaffàre. Sbarbóne, a [baggy ruffian , a long haired , I wa lgercr. Sbarcaménto,Sbarcata, an unfhipping , a di sharking. Sbarcare, to di shark, to unfhip. Sbarco, a wharf, a kay, or landing place for [bps, aljo an unfhipping. Sbardeliàre , to break or tame colts with firfl backing them with a Bardèlla, alfo rafljly and unadvifedly to utter and tell one all be knows, alfo to gioie and flare with ones eyes, Sbardellataménte,Sbardataménte,r.'i/fc/)i without rejpeft or advifedneffe. SbardeUatOjèro^Cfl , or tamed as a young colt, aljo rafhly-c ar elefje,re fie fileffe,fond, and nnadvifed in Jpeeches. Sbarillare, to unbarrel. Sbarleffare, Sberleffare, to gaff, to S^r , to cut, or mark ones face with fomc cut¬ ting weapon, alfa to make moes or mouths at one m mockery. Sbarleffàto, gafhed , skarred Or cutover the face, alfo made mouths or moes Sbarléffo, Sberlèffo, agafij,a cut, or s\ar over the face , alfo mowing at one in skorn. Sbarasóle, a Night-bat, a rcar-moufe. Ssirra, a barre, a barring , a let, an impe¬ diment, a turn-pike, a gate in a hedge, a flile over a hedge, alfo a barriers, alfo a Palifado, an enchaining or an enclosure of [takes, or poles, alfo battlements upon walls, alfo a Boere to carry dead folks upon, alfo a crag or cliff' of fome jtcepy hill, alfo a bar m armrtry. Sbaragliare, as Sbaragliare. Sbarrare , Sbarratale , to unbar or open wide, to unbar or put to rout, alfo to bar or embxr, to barricado , alfo to harry a coal of Arms. Sbarrile arteglieria, to fhoot offas alfo to [flit an Ordnance. Sbarrato, unbarred, wide opcn 3 alfo barred, alfo harried in Armory. Sbarataménte, fcalteringly , in rout, in confufed manner. Sbarratiira d’ arme, a bar in armory, or in a coat of armes. Sbarro, as Sbdrra. Sjafiménto, afwommg or fainting. Sbasire, sifeo, sito, as Basire. Sbafl’amcnto, Sbaf ànza, Sballo, an aba- fing, a pulling down, alfo an abating, a defalking. Sbafsare, as Abballare. Sballare , to unpad or unfaddle a Carriers horfe, look Ballo. S batacchiare , to unclapper a bell, by Met. to bcll-clappcr, to bang or beat down with a cudgel. Sbattaceli iato, unclappered , alfo well bea¬ ten with a cudgel. Sbàttere, to beat, to jtrike or finite down, to beat , to [hake , or toffeioand fo,to trample or overwhelm , to turmoil, to wreck or weather-beat, alfo to ihrafh , alfo to abate, to defalk or dimi- nijh. Sbattiménto, Sbattitura,Sbarrétta, 't beat¬ ing down, a beating, a tofjmg to and fro, an overwhelming, a weather linking, an *gl 5 al f° the bur [ting of a bsrfes Sbattuto, beaten down,tnffed to and fro , weather-[haken, overwhelmed , thraflf- fffirit^ 6 ^ 0 *' d e f a lk c ‘l> tifo de jelled in Sbaragliare, Sbavare, Sbavazzare, Sba- vigli-: rc,io drivel or Riaver al che mouth , aljo to tifili ai any rate, alfa lo immMe, MtBava,»Pàvaro. iibavariiófo, Sbiyigliófo, Sbayófo, es BaYulo. Sbauccàto, mmuffled head and face, bazzicante , fondly skipping , peevi[hly wantomyag, foulifhly jc fling. bazzicare, io sffip andfoolijhty to wanto- SbeffamentOj Sbeffeggiaménto, any moc\- mg, flouting nr sk<>jfing. *■' c *? r 'i Sbeffcggiare, or cntermedling tytave. Scàbbia, any fcab,feurf, m angine fle, itch or tetter. * Scabbiwc,to grow fcabbyi, mangy, itchie, scurvy, or tettry. Scabbiósi, Scabinélla, S cab io fa ,fcabious, or fcur vie-gr affé. Scabbiófo, Scabiófo, fcabby,mangy,or feur- vy, by Met. rough or rugged. * Scabcllo, any fit ling-fool or buffiti Scabb lolita, feabbineffe, [curvine ffe. ■ Scabcllo d’ appòggio , a leaning-fool? a (tool with a bac^. Scabie, as Scàbbia, by Met. a tickling itch or enticement top'.cafure. <* £cabini, Shricves, Portrieves, or Bailiffs of a. Corporation-town. Scabro, Scabrófo , harfh, rugged, rough , gretty, alfo a Scarab flic breeding in car¬ rion. Scabrófe paróle , harfh words, ruff lan¬ guage. Scabroficà, Scabrézza, Scabntia, harfh- neffe,TUggedncffe,grcttineffe. Scacazzàre, tobecach , to bcfhitc , to be¬ wray. Scacarniolo , a Canter, a Cheater, a Coze¬ ner, a Cunny-catcher, a (bifficr. * Scacazzamene , Scacazzatila, Sca- cuczo, any.(biting orbccac{mg, a (h-tten Lash, alfo foul blurs or blots, alfo a foul or (bitten trich . Scaccino, a Chccqtier-board, a Princes Ex¬ chequer or Tre a fury. Scaccàto, Scaccheggiato, Ghecffie, GojO- nit, or Count a-com panic in armory . S taccheggi:’ re , to cbcc\ie,to gobony,or coun¬ ts compo ly in annoy, to mah? or frame any checquer-worh , alfo to play at cheffe. S acelli, cheffe-men to play with, alfo as Scaccàto. Scacchi acuti, fh ; rp or longfquarcs, Lorens or f ut? I s in armory. Scacchiere, a Chcfl’e or Checqucr-boaid. Scàccia, the Scach or month of a bit. Scacciaménto, Scacciagióne, Scacciata , any chafing or driving away. Scàccia pendere, a hind of country croud or bag-pipe , a jews-harp or trump. Scacciare, to chafe , to hunt , or drive a- way. * Scàccia sórgio , chafc-moufè , a fìrange ffind of carnal copulation. Scacciatole , a chafer, a hunter, a dri¬ ver. * Scicco, a Cheffe-board, alfo a Chech, alfo a cbilds rattle. Scacco dama, (hec\ with a Queen. Scàcco di cavallo, chcch with a hffight. Scacco di pedina, chcch with a pawn. Scacco di Rc, chcch with a %}*&• Scacco matto, chech-matc. Scacco tòcco, che ch with arooh. fScàcco tàvola, a blind mate. jScadenacciàre, to unbolt a door. (Scadenze, fading, declining. 'Scadére 5 to fall from on unto, to ef- cheat, to befall , ro fade, to droop, to fall I away. I Scadevo le, th.if may fall or befall, fubject to ddining. * Scadimento, Scaduta, a falling, % befall¬ ing, a de dining iato fome badorwo'fe eftate, an efcbcaling. Scadorarc, to itch, to manage. Scadóre, Scadoràggine , an itching, or a mangineffe. Scadorófo, itcbic, full of itching. Scaduto, fdll’fijbcfalPn, efeheated, decayed, fall’n away, alfo ended , as of any team of time. Scàffa, Scàfa, as Scàffo , alfo the rails or lettifes before an ale-boufe , a baker s- flaU or any other (bop , alfo a rach in a Cellar to fet barrels upon, alfo arac\to fet cheefcs upon , alfo a dreffr-board , planh or great fhelf in a h'itchin, tifo a raft of timber or a float of trees, as Zattera , alfo the cods of beans, or the young beans in their cods , alfo the inner compaffc or roundneffe of the ear, alfo a hind of tor¬ ture or prifon. Scaffàrca, Scafàrca, a buchet or pail, or pitcher to draw water with. Scaffàre, Scafare, to rail or lattife infhops or windows , as commonly bahers (tails, or Taverns be , alfo to place 0, range or¬ derly upon fljclvcs, as boohs in a (tudy, or difhes in a \itchln , alfo to unffjale beans or p eafon, alfo to hand or fix ones feet fafl when one hath leaped , or is fall’n from his (landing. Scaffdro, Scafàro , a sniffer, a fcullcr, a boat-man, looh Scàffa- Scaffctta, Scafétca, the dim. of Scàffa, alfo a [lid, a fed, or a truc\ , alfo a gunners ladle to charge pieces with cartreges. * Scàffo, the sh}ff, the Scallop, or coc\- boat of a gaily, alfo a Canoa made of one piece. * Scafóide, as Scaphóide. Scàggia, as Scàglia. Scaggiàle, an apron, a Save-guard , a wo¬ mans fore-pa) t of ahjrtle, alfo a broad ffihen girdle, alfo a fifher mans f roch , a Manincrs rug gown, a fbepbeards upper garment for the rain. Scagliare, to ffilit, to ffilinter, to sflint, to fhiver. Scaggiatura, a fplinting, a (putting. Scagionare, to free from any occafion or imputation. * Scàglia,Scàggia.Scàia, the fcalcs of any thing , name Is of flfhes or fer pent s, alfo a- ny fhiver or (plinter, namely of flones, alfo a hind of burling fling, al fo the shin of a fnahe , alfo a fond of (tiding gin or net to catch birds, alfo a h}nd of worm breeding in horfes. Scàglia boccale, aquaffer, ato(fe-pot,a (hahe bottle, alfo abottcl of brittle fluff'. * Scagliare, to fealbor unfeale flfhes, alfo to fhiver or (pUtter, alfo to hurl or fling with violence as out of a fling , alfo to worh with feales, by Met. to brag and rant, to have feen , beard, or dotte things unii he ly and untrue. Scagliatóre, a fealer bf flfhes , alfo a fplit- ter, alfo a hurler, or (linger, alfo a brag¬ ger or ranter of things impofjtble. * Scaglio, Scag’ iàta, any jp'intcr , namely of (tones, alfo a violent hurling or flinging, alfo the arm-pits of a man. * Scaglióni, Scalóni, the flepsor greefes of any ladder or (lairs, alfo the broad fore¬ teeth of a borfe , called the tuffa or tushs. Scaglióso, Scaiófo, fcaly,full of feales,alfo full of fhivers or (plits. Scagliuólo, a hind of Alum. Scagnai da, as Scan larda. Scagnare,fa uno tch, alfo to unflool, to put one by his fining. Scagncllo , any little or / w (tool, feat j shfd, treffel , or fupport, a foot -fio >1 , alfo the bridge bf a hue, or any fnch chorded instrument. Scagno, any Ifmd of bool. I Scagno da déftro, a c'ofc-fool. Scaiuola, a hind of hme-flone. * Scila, Scalca, any h}nd of way or means to afend, to mount, or get up by flops or greefes, any ladder, fede or pair of flairs, alfo any good landing place or convenient for a fhip to come near unto , alfo a (iaple- Town as Merchants call them , Fare fc.il a , a Mar finer s phr afe, to land or come to (bore, alfo to ride at anchor in any fet led place. Scala di Calcffe, the antient and famous S aple-Toivn of Cales. Scàia a bifefa, a lumàca, a chioccioli, a winding pair of fairs. Scàia a piro, a pivólì, a narrow,higher feep ladder or pair of flairs „ Scàia da nave, a Ship-ladder. Scàia di còrda , di fune, a Corde-lad- der. * Scalabile, Scalévolejffraf maybe fcaleA, fcalable■ Scalabrino, as Carabi no. Scalabróne, a Scarab-fly, a Hornet, a Bee¬ tle, a Bull-flic, an Oxe-flie. Scalaceli, tp/z/Cc wort, or Solomons feal. Scalappiàre, io unfiare, to diflntangle , to get ór let loofe out of bonds, to fhift away as out of bonds, to flip ones nech out of the halter. Scalàppio, Seal oppia, any entanglingft are, bond, gin, or ncch-balter. Scalare, tofeale , to afeend or go up by flairs or ladder, loo\ Climatèrico. Scalatas Scalàda, any foiling or fcalado given to a Town or avail. Scalcagnare, toimbed. S.alcheggiàre, :o ferve ds Sewer to a Twice, to jew. Salchem, the office or duty of a Sewer to a Prince. Scalcia cane, a bafs rafed^good for nothing fhooe dogs. Scalcia dènti , a tool that tooth-drawers life to loofen and pull out teeth. * Scalciare, Scalz are, to tinhofe , to mffwj to unbrccch, to pull off hof n or flj'iocs, to loofen or unfafm any thing from out his place , name y trees or teeth, to difmounl or unfloch any piece of Ordinance, by Met. to vex & bi ing one out of fraine and patia enee 4 to wind a man about with craft and fair words i to mahe him utter and confcfje what he would not , and never thought to do. Scalciare àrbori, to pare or bare the roots of trees. * Scalciàrc dènti, to loofen teeth at the root. Scalciato» Scalzato, unfhod, unhofed, uh- breeched , loo\ Scalciàre. Scalciatóre, Scalzatole,. i puller off o r jhooa or ho fen , a jac{to puUoffboots,looh Sal- ciàre. Scale mura, Scalzatila, an unfhoomg , an unhofing, looh Scalciàre. Scalcieg?iàrc, Scalcitràrc, as Calcitrare, Scalcio, Scàlzo, u.tfbod, bare-foot, bare - legv 1 d, as Difcàlzo. * Scalco, a S ive. to a P lince. =1 Scaldàchi, Scaldabuchi, a prater , a va- pourer* ì S C A S C A S C A Scalda banco, one thatwarmcih a feat, a ; ' ScalpediojScaJpcggiamento-Scalpiccia- ménto, Scalpiccio , Scalpitami mo, ! biing cut jum fi) rtmuanr. P n "> '•/'"off bench-warmer, by Met. a felf-conceited 4 . Le timer, a. hot-headed Puritan n , one that j Scalpitio, any trampling noi/c, b) Mtt. ; Sc; muffiremo direp n harg derrn /j ;f heed' will ta\e up a fc.it in a School, or a. Pul- I ' a c on tenuous or riotous hurly-burly. \ - as > ne ijhi mi c‘, al jo to fin < i, tt (lini or pit in a Church and blurts out he cares not Scalpi nij|/« Scarpini. I fnea k awry Jo; Jia\ 01 fly, me, a ‘o to un - or wots not what. Seal pin, as Scolp ri. muffle. 5 J ; *Sca\àabi\c,th.u may be warmed, heated,or Scalpo, the fcalp of ones head. jScamufro , a drooping or hanging dawn of chafed. Scalpóre, wonderment, amazement, alfo as * the head through ft, me or fear, a certain Scaldaggio, Scaldarne , any warmth, or Scalped io- j fnea{tug or fan thing aw>cy as one ifba-l Scaturigine, any fuddain itching. | mcdtobeficn. J I Scaltrezza, Scaltrita, Scaltiimtrto,Seal- , Scamuzzoli, the Icjj flrreds or pieces that teriménto, Scalterità, fnbtUiry of wit , | can be imagined cfih.nis wrought, crafty-war in effe , advifedneffc , heedy- * Scrina, as Sarra, or Zanna. regard, fubtility. J * Scanalare, as CannelJare. Scaltrire, Seal ten're, r'fco, r.'to , to ma\c i Scarale,//;c name of a ffh. or become wary, wily, heedy, crafty , or j Scancellare, ai Cared 'are. well advifed , to en?\ilor infiniti in all , Scancellatole, Scar cell évole, as Car.cel- craftandwihneffc. | labile. Scaltrito, Scaltro , infirutted, cns\illed , J Scanccllaménto, Scaneellat'óne, Scar.ccl- alfo crafty, wary, wily. j latura, as Cancellamento. means andfcwcl to warm with. Scalda letto, a warmng-pan. S.i'.da piedi, a warm foot, any pot or thing to warm the feet with. Scalda re, •o heat, to warm , to fcorcb , to chafe, to feald. Scalda sèdia , abufìe tatting gcjjìp. Scaldatolo, <7 «31 thing to warm with or by, al o a warming-pan, a cbaflng-dijh. Scaldatila, as Scaldaménto. Scdlda vivande, Scalda piatti , Scalda ruòlo,Scaldatolo, Scaldétto,Scaldino, Scaltritamente, adviftdly, craftily,warily -f\ Scardilo, as Cancello, a chafing-difh. I cautclousy. Scale, flairs, ladders, but uftd in Venice Scalvare, to unbald, for the lighefl Court of the cbiefefl Sena- Scalfirne, Scalions, Cibols. tors \ept in the Palace of S’. Mark. 1 Scalvo, unbald. Scalca, ufed for Scala. ! Scalza cani, Scalza denti,Scalcia. Scalcila, a trammel, a fna.ee, aspiingc, or Scalzare, Scalzo, as Scalciare. net to catch birds with. I * Scamaidarc, Scamanire, Scam are, Sca- Scaléno , a quadrangle with all points re-\ mattare, to pick wool! clean before it be v rfed. Scalenih, Scallcntia, the Sjuinancy in the \ throat. 1 * Scalenzini, tbefhrouds of a fly p. Scalétta, the dim of Scala, alfa an in- ! flrument that gunners u(e to take level by, alfo a kind of crufly flmnel or bifeuit- I bread. Sc’\ fa,ufed for Scada. I Scalfarórto, a (h pheards weed or Man¬ ners froc^ with a hood , alfo gam afhes, or boots of felt , rug, or fir aw as flu- dents ufe in their fludies to \ecp them warm. Scalfire, fifeo, fico, as Caltcrirc. Scalfito, as Calterito. Scalfitura, as Caltcrigióne. Scalinata, a degree of Jleps , an afeent of flairs before the chief gate of a Church, or going up into a Church, a Chancel, a Quire, or any Palace. Scalini, (teps or greefes of a ladder or flairs. Scallcntia, as Scalentia- Seal mace lare, to be a mofl foultry, faint, and mni(t heat. Seal móccio, a foul ry , faint, moifl, or lan- | guiflying drought and heat. j Scalmana, idem alfo a Callicniurc. 1 Scalmanato, faint with heat, burnt with j thirft, ftc\of a CaUenture. Scalmare, to mx\e or become lean, to pull I down the fl Jh, alfo to hide-bind. Scalmato, made or become lean, alfohide- I bund. ! Scalmatura, Scalmatória, a m ining or be- | coming lean, alfo a hide binding. j Scalino, as Scanno, as Schclmo. Seal igne, S alliens, Cibols. I Scalóni, gnat fairs, alfo high fleps, alfo Pile sin armory, alfo the flde-teeth of a horfe. 1 Scaloppidre, /«Scalappiare, i Scalpi dra, the figure of folly it felf, or of a I foolifl) woman. Scalpellare, Scalpello, <« Scarpellarc. Scalpedare. Salpeggiare, Scalpedrarc, Seri picei are, Scalpitare, Scalpitare , to trample or tread under foot, alfo to make a trampling noife. Scalped:.!to, Scilpegglato, Scalpella¬ to, Scalpicciato, Scalpitato , Scalpi- wooll- carded, alfo to card wooll. Scamaidattne , Scamanatóre. winder, alfo a carder of wooll. Scimaitrre, Scamatare, as Camaitarc. Scamardare , to ma\e ridges m the ground. Scambiaménto, Scambianza, Scambia¬ tura, as Cambiaménto. Scamb'ante, changing , changeable. Scambiare, as Cambiare. Scambiatóre, /«Cambiatóre. Scambiettare, totruc \, to barter, or change Scarda, Scan2»a, any (hclf. » Sr.nrl..:. ' J ' J Jhclves in (hops, fludics or \il chins. Scandagliare, Scanagliare, to found or \ fathom the depth of waters with a line or i plummet. Scandagliatórc, Scandigliarórc, to found or fathom the depth of a water. Scand.'glio,Scandi , glio J '7 line with a plum¬ met at the end to found and fathom the Sea. Scandalide, a \ind of long dates. Scandalizzare, Scandaleggiare, Scando- 1 lizzare, to fcandali\t, to give occaflon ' of offence ormi (li\e. I Scandalizzatóre, Scandaleggiarórc, a \ fcandali^er, a giver of offence. Scandalo, Scandaleggio, Scandolo»/coW- i dal, offence, a deed of ill example which may give offence. ware for ware, alfo to frisk, to leap, or Scandalófo, Scandalizzcfo, Scandolófo, skip up and down nimbly, alfo to wriggle \ fcandalous, off enfive, to and fra. * Scandebécco, the great horfe-hoof oy- Scambictti, Scambiettévoli, truckings,’ ftcr. fcorcings, or bartrings of ware for wa e alfo nimble skippings , cunning tricks » or changes in dancing or tumbling, all manner of wriglings , alfo mam- mocksjfcraps, or broken pieces of bread or meat. Scambiévole, as Cambi, vole. Scambievolézza, mutuality , entercbangc- ablcnefjc. Scambievolmente, as Cambievoffhéntc. Scambio, /«Cambio. Scambugio, any by-corner or nook • Scaminato, flrayedoutoftheway, alfo wanting a chimney. Scamifciato, unfljirted. Scamonea, Scammonea, Diagridion, Pur- * Scandélla,* lfind of bar ley,that came fife out of Galatia. Scandènti, Scandcfcentia, ablufhingfor Jhime. Scindere, fa fcana ver fe, alfo to mount up or to afeend. Scandi ine, a kind of apples. Scand cc, Scandolaca, wild chervil , Ve¬ nus-comb, orfhepheards-needlc. Scandolaro,^/it room in a fljip where the Captain ufelh to eat. Scandolato, a Marriners Sea-chefl. * Scandole, laths or fljindclls or inch-boords ufed as tiles or fiate s to cover bon- /«• Scandoliéra, Scangàrda ging-bindweed, or Sc am many , the juice |S;andùto, fcanned, alfo climbed up. whereof is much ufed in medicines to purge clnllar. Scamomto, made or tafling of Scarno- Scampa, that part of a Stag , which fee belongs to the chief huntfman, Scampanaménro, Scampanéggio, Scam- Scanéllo, alitili Jtool, alfo as Cancèllo. * Scanfardaggine, a who es or common, doxies condition and quality. Scanfàrda, an over-ridden whore , a com¬ mon punk-, a hedge doxie, a flallion ramp. Scange, changeable, or molly coloured. * Scangiare, ^as Cambiare. panici, Scampanio, any ringing, jang - j * Scanicire,« properly taken for plaiflering, ling or tolling of bells , a knell or peal of j pargeting, or over c a fling of any wall or bells. ; feeling which becomes loofe,fcal:tb away^ Scampana, hath abufively been ufed for Pa- or faUeth down. tience or Forbearance. Scanna battédmo, a graceleffe fellow, one Scampanare, to ring, to toll, or jangle bells that would even murther E iptifm , ana difordcrly and out of tune. renounce the grace of God. .Scampare, to efcape, to five or be fave d\ Scanna cuòre, a flab-heart , a cut from danger. , throat. Scampcvoic, that may efcape. \ Scanna gallo, a \ill-cock , by Met. a vittn- Scampo, afe ape, anefcape.^ ( aler or purvier for a Camp, or fh'p. trito, tr mplcd n - r 0 Iden under foot, by j Sc.impoio, Scimpolétto, Scampolfno, a \ * Scanna pecore, a k}U-fbeep, a But che. Met. la-jifh, riotous or thriftleffe. * fcantlin or (bred of arty thing, especially \ \ I Sc'n S C A S C A S C A Scanna figraménto, a reprobate , perjured fellow, aftabber if Sacrament v. Scanniglio, a jlaughtcr-hmfe, a f hambles, jr hath alfo been uftd for Scandଠglio. Scannare? to flick or cut ones throat, to muri her fto cho\e or franile one. * Scannatolo, a murthcrcrs or butchcrs\nife : a whittle or secane. Scannatàre, a cut-throat, a murderer ? c Ilubber. 4 Scannatura, a flicking,a [tabbing or cut¬ ting of the throat, alfo the very place of the throat whereat any beafl is jtuc\ or filled, alfo as Scannagli*?, Scànne, ufedfor Zanne. Scannellare, to chamfre or work gutter or channel-work, alfo togufh or [pin out, as out of gutter, channel, or water-pipe, by Met. to vomit or fpue out. Scannellato as Cannellato. * Scannello, Scannétto, any little feat or foot-(tool, alfo a writing desk- Scanno ? any {ind of Root. Scannonizzire, to degrade, having once been cammed to ime anonime. 4 ScanfabilejScanf-'volc, avoidable, fhun- nable. incantare, Scanzarc, to balk b, t0 i° fide- ling, to flip afide, to fhun and avoid, to flagger or go reeling by or f om, alfo to cancel or blot out, al foto overturn or fub- vert. ScanfatuVa, Scanfaménto, Scanfacióne, * Scanzacura, Scànzo, a bailing by, a I going afide, as it were to fhun and avoid, a flipping afide, alfo a blotting out, an over-turning. Scanfione, idem, alfo a cadence in [canning of a verte, i Scàntia, Stanzia, as Scinda. 4 Scandire, Scanziare, to [helve. 4 Scandàne,Stanzine, a k'ndtif apples. Scanziarie, Scannarle, as Scancierla, Scantonàre Scantùcci'. re, to uncorner, to give one the flip, and fljak e one off, as it were at the corner of a flreet, to flip afide. Scantonarli, io retire and withdraw him- felf from one corner to another, to (link or flinch away fccretly, or by flealth. Scantonata, a fccrct flinging away, or a flip given one at a corner of a ftrcct. Scantonare, a fliheher, one that gives ano¬ ther the flip, and leaves a corner of a flreet for payment, a corner, a can¬ ter. Scapélio, Scapula, the fpace between the back an d the fboulders , alfo a fhoulder- bladas. Scapellare, to unhat,to, unhood. Scapéllo, as Scarpèllo, alfo a lancet or fleam to let blood, alfo any cittì. * Scapcruccia, Scapperuccia, a hood, a cowl, alfo a budget, a ferip, a poa\e> a. pouch. Scapcftra, a rout, a erne, or troupe of hal¬ ter facks or riotous rake-hells. Scapeftragginc, loofeneffe, or liceniiouf- neffe, as of hell-broken r of cals, * ScapeftiàrejScapiftràre,fo«»b/«!M friers hood,a Monks cowl , alfo a childs bib or biggin. * Scapolare, Scappclàrc, Scapulire,-uer& tojcape,to make anefcape, to break pri- fon, to flr ft aw ay,to fcape from danger,al¬ fo to imho ‘d,to uncowl. Scàpolo, Stipulo ,fub. a fouldicr or Cap¬ tain that overlooks gaily -flave s, alfo a horfe, that will not cafily be taken, but will fcape and styp away, alfo a batchclor or one unmarried. * Scapolo, S àpulo, adjcft. free,loofe,with¬ out a Kuler, haggard,wild, unreclaim¬ ed. 4 Scaponire,Scaponire, nifeo, mto, to un¬ capon, to make good cheer with Capons , by Met. to tame a flout lyait, and re¬ move him from flubborneffe and obflina- cie , Scaponita, an uhcapomng,a feafl of Ca¬ pons, a taming offlubborn hearts. Scappare, to fcape, to efcape. Scappata, a fcaping, an efcape. ^Scappczzare, to turn a horfe round being held by a long rope, when he is fir ft taught to trot round , alfo to rough-hew any timber or filone , alfo as Scapez¬ zare. Scappezzàre àrbori a coróna, to cut trees down even to the root . 4 Scappinire, Scapinire ,to fuck, to put on focks, pumps , or fear pins, by Met. to run or s\ud away huffily, as we fay, to fbow a light pair of heels. 4 Scappino,Scapino, afoot-fock,a pump, a {carpine, alfó the clock of a pair flockfins, alfo the upper leather of a pair of [boos. Scippo, as Scampo, utlfo a long fifhing rod o/ pole, alfo Sedge or Shear-grajfe. * Scappucciire,Scapuzzire, to filimele, to trip, or fall upon any let , rub or impedi¬ ment, alfo to unhood or uncowl. Scappuccio, Scapicelo, Scapézzo, a fum¬ bling- block, a h ipping fa 11. 4 Scapricciare» as Sbizzarire. Scapuccino, as r apuccino. Scapuzzóne, Scapuedone, a [tumbler, a horfe that will cither trip and (tumble, or that will run away, alfo a flumbling-trick , alfo as Scapezzóne. Scapula, look Scapélio. * Scapolare, look Scapolare. Scarabèo, Scarabótto, as Scarafàggio. Scarabillàre, tofqiiea\ as a door or a bag - pipe- ■" . * Scarabocchiare,Schiccherare. Scarabòcchi, foólifh and rajhwo’rds, utte¬ red at random and without heed. * Scaracchiire, as Shiccherire, as Scor¬ nacchiare. Scarafàggio, ScarafÓne, • Scaravaggio-, 1 | Scaravcccio, a Scarab- fitte, d boriici , a I beetle flye. Scatafaldone, '‘' i «nei noia- fan, captatore, Scarpinatóre, nfnitcbtr, a Scaffindto, SdV 01 «S-afciito s \ ft d -’ ‘ , t >dmin /- «» 7^W'»“ r T c aU kmvtry ” s tr to> '**'»*“ ” ScaiTuco Id rcythe contrary ofCa ri ucol a re, as it were for a cable or rope to (lip out of a pttUy, as alfo to let that flip fall, that a man is pulling up. Scartamente, fearfely, (paringly,fcantly , 'fl'fl'r 1 jwj*- 1 hardly, niggardly, fic(b from the bones or spilt, alfo tojhave j Scatfipév c ,fcarfe-pcppcr, an bcarb uftd in or pare raw hides, alfo as Scar-, Jhad of pepper amongpoorfol\s. | marc f ,! Scartare, Scarfeggiarcjto/nzrec, to fcant, , ^ S v atnaUxalarc, creep, alfo bedafh, to blur, to blot, o> | fcribble as children do their books. Schiccare, Schfccio, as Schizzare. Schidionare , Scidonare, to [pit, to broach. Schidionano, a maker of jpits orbroches. Schidióne, Scindono, a fpit, a bioche. Schidionata, a (pit full, a brache full. Schiégggia, Scheggiare, look Schéggia. Schiembacci, Schiembccci, brothels,[lews, bawdy houjis. Schièna, Schéna, the back , ^ Je dine, or ridge-bone of any body. Schièna di vicclla, a loyn,or the cbinc-piece of a V' al. Schienale, Schi rz\e,of,òr belonging to the back or chine-bone, alfo a back-armour,ah fo a kind of meat made of the loyns and back-pieces of ffurgion , which being well faired, and dried in the fmoak , refcm bleth and eatetb like flefh. Schienantia, Schinantfa, as Scanden- tia. Schienare, to back, to ridge. Schienélla, as Schinélie. Schiencfo, Scienuco, well backt , ridge bo¬ ned. Schiera, a Troop, a Squadron, a Band, or orderly multitude of men, of horfe,orof fouldiers- Schierano, as Scherano* Schierare, to entroop, to cnfquxdronjo mar (hall in troops or array. Schierato, entrooped, ma, Jhailed in Troops or ary ay. Schiericato, as Schericito. Schiettaménte, purely, [imply. Schiectegg are, to play the plain man, alfo I to crackle as fait in the fire. I Schiettézza,/)/*»#, plainnefs. I Schiètto, pure, plain, without mixture or J compounding. | Sch fimente, lothfomly, lothingly. 1 Shifa noia, one that lotheth or fhunneth 1 trouble, care or annoyance. Schifare, to (him, to efchcw,to avoid 3 alfo to loth, or to abhor. Schifato, Jhunned, avoided, efehewed , alfo | lothcd or abhorred, Schifcvole, avoidable, to be efehewed, alfo I lothfom, nafly , qiteafie. * Schif zza, Schifagióne, Schifamcnto ; I Schifa nza, Schifili a, naftinefje, queaft- ■ nr (f e -> fqueamifhneffc, lotbfomneffe. Schi'ffa, the buffe of a cask or helm t. Sclvffo, Schiffccto, a skiff or cock boat. Schifo, nafiy, queafte, lothfom, odious, to be fhunned, alfo quaint, nice, coy , pcc- vrfh. Schifo, fub. as Schiffo, alfo a great wooden tray or wafhing bowl. Sdii 1 co , a weight of four ounces among the Turks or Jews. Schillc, a kind of Sea-crab. Schtma,Selin a.e,^ Sciuma. Schimbicch-r. re, as Sch cchcVarc. Sch.nibi celo, Schimbcccio, a crankiiug.or crook-i winding in and out , Sedére a S chimbi cc i 0 , to flt crooked upon ones leggi, .is Tailors and women dò. Schimófo, as Sclumofo. Schfncfj, the shank*, the jhin-boncs or the Ip nd'rs of ones leggs. Schincli'murra.a/a/jOTÌ nume fan follia, ulc, to induce wonder, ufid alfa for the skummrug of a dog, dr a filli,,, neat, _ SUnl;mgturd ■ Schinciaro to Jhgger or nel as a drunktn man. Schiudo, ftfggcring or reeling. xhinélle, the jflints in a Iwft, alfo as Sdii r.chi. Schinieri, grieves or (bin pieces. Schino, the M flick Cr *e. Schiodare , to unnail , ' tif, as Svenare. Schiodato, unnailed, tcofe, asofahorfe when he hails loft his (hooes. Sch.onato, having a back 1 0 lean upon. Schioppare, to bur ft open, to crack , to fnap, to pop as doth a Schioppo. Schioppaca, a bur [ting out, a crack, a fnap, a pdp, as nfl a Schiòppo. Schioppettare, Schioppeggiare, as Schi- opparc, to crack or crackle as drye wood doth in burning, alfo to (hoot off, or at with any hand-gun. Schiopattcna,Schioppcria,Schcoppctti- tio, all manner of (hot or hand-guns, alfo the profefflon of Jhot-fouldicrs, alfo any crackling noife. Schioppettare, .t fhot, a hit, or hurt, with a Schiòppo. Schioppetto, Schioppettino , lbe dim. of Schioppo. Schiòppo, any crack, pop, fndp , or bur fling noife, alfo any blurt, puff, or puffing, p >p with ones checks, alfo a cracking fq ,ib, alfo any hand-gun, pot-gun, piflol , dagg,fnap-hancc, harquebus > or c.di¬ ver. Schioflòne, a kind of milk that Phyflitians make. SchiofliaTc,r0 uncloifter. Schirantia, as Scrndentia. Schirafo,Schiiazzo,a k}"d of {hip,a lighter or barge for burdens. Schiratte, Schiratcolo, Schirìuòlo, Sebi- razzo, a fquirrel. Sch itone, a Ydd fare bird. Schirro, as Scirro. Schisare, among Arithmeticians fignifleth, to cUmonftrate broken number in another quantity, of al ffer number. * Schifta,3 kmdof eggthat is all yolk and no white, alfo the cloven onion. I Schittónc, Schirano a Jlone of a faffron co¬ lour , that gold-refiners . life in refi, ning of gold, fome take it for a kind ofA- lum, called Alume de plume , which is very thick > hard, and maffivc, fonte take it for the red blood-(tone. Schivare, as Schifare. Schiudere, to exclude or flout out. Scihvcno,fomewb4t nice, coy , or queafte as Schifetto. Schivczza, as Schifezza. Schiuma, sffim, foam . froth. Schiumacela, Sc'iiuma/.zo,jSVfyj foam, s\um or f roth. Schiuma d* argènto, litharge of fil- ver. Schiumi nte,foaming, frothy. Schiumare, to skum, to fom,to froth. Schiumaruólo , Schiumatolo , a mer. SC I_ Schi umófo, s\ummy, frothy, foamy. Schivo, as Schifo. Schiufiónc, cxclufion, (hutting out. Schiusivo, exclujive. Schiufoj excluded, alfo unfhur. Schizzare} Sihizzinàre, to (pn, to Stream, to purl, to bubble, to (pin, to {pout, or gufh forth violently , as water out of a R ic^oy. blood out of a vein,alfo to crujh , ‘ fqueeje out, as matter out of a (ore, to (quirt or fpirt at out of a fynnge , alf i to fyringe or injeft with a fquirt, alfo to dafh or dabble with dirt or mire,to blur or blot , alfo to mute as a hawk, to shimmer as a dog, to fquattcr, to fquafb , alfo to corn or bru'fc [mall as touch-powder,alfo to frisi \ or fpirt and leap as wine doth being poti red into a glaffc or cup , alfo to draw or delineate the firjl rough draught or cn- groffement of any work» as of painting, or writing. Schizzata, any (pinning, purling, or gujhing forth, a crujhmg or fqueefing out, a dafh - ing with dirt, a blurring with ink, the muting of a haw\, the shimmering of a dog, any fquirting , any fquattfing, any rough draught. Schizzatolo} any fyringe or fquirt, namely a great one as the Engines to quench fire with, o - to fill a balloon, alfo a water- pump, lo^k Schizzare. Sthizzatóre» afquirtcr, afpirtcr, alfo a crufher , look Schizzare. Schizzino foj Schizzinàro, peevifh , felf- weening,sk}ttifh,froward. Schizzo, Schizzerò} any fyringe,or fquyt, alio as Schizzata, look Schizzare. Schizzole } grains or corns of gun-pow¬ der. Schizzétto, the dim. of Schizzo. Scia , the bone or place of the hip, where the ciuci Sciàtica cometh. I Sciàbica, a fweep net, a draw-net, a cafl- l ing-nct, a drag-net. Sciabile, b feo} sito, to become wan,pale, or of a dud. a (la colour. 4 Sciabordo} guUii!’ 3 fuoli[h,fottifb 3 Scacci¬ are} as Schiacciare. Sciaccire, as Schiacc’àre. Sciaccheràre» as Ciaccheràre. Sciàco, a Land-CrocoAil. Sciacquare} to renf ,to wafh,to fha\e or dabble in the water, as a glafie. j Sciacquatolo, \a wafiing or renfing \l ice or veffel. Selacquatore, / i wafher or renfer((alfo where 1 difh-wajbis fepr. j Sciacquatura, any wafJrng, or dabling,alfo dr a ugh or difh-wafb for fwine. Scadére, as Scipite. Sci ’grafia, the deferiptinn of any whole frame, platform or building. Sciagura, any misfortune, sitare, ill lue k or mifbap. Sclagun gginc, Sciaguratczza, Sciagli? rèzza, the ejfett of a Sciagura. Sciaguratamente, adv, m:fcbicvous,wic\■ cdly, unluckily. Sciagurato, mijchicvoits, ungracious , un- luclfie, wicked, lewd. * Scialacquàgginc , Scialacquamento , Scia’àcquio, profufcnefje, wafifull-con- ftiming, unthrifty-(pending, wafting, as if it w re water, lav/Jhneffe. * t Scialacquare, to waft prodigally, to jpend lavi(h'y,as it were water. 4 Scialacquataménte, lavifh'y » waftfully, prodiga Uy, pmfufcly. Scialacquata di paróle, a - huddle of words fondly and lavrfhly fp»k en - Scialacquatóre, a wafl-good,i(pend-tbrife, a tavtfh (pender. s c i Sciai. n fi rc, to bleed or let blood , as Sa lafsàre. * Scialare, as Sfogare. 4 Scalaménto, as Slogamento. * Scialbare, as Intonicàre. * Scialbam mo, os Intonicimcnto. * Scialbato, pale, whitened, wan, as Into- nicàto. Scialbo , wan , tallow-coloured, 4 Scialiva, as Saliva. Scolmatóre, in Latin Pfylus, Sciamachi'a, a fhadow or image of conten¬ tion, a counterfet fighting. 4 Sciamamento, a fwarming together . Sciamannato, unap 1 , imbandfom,impro¬ per, alfo foolifljly afefttd. Sciamàre, to fwarm together. Sciamàrro, a battle-axe. Scia mito, Ramin or Vila follo (luff. Sciame, Sciamo, a fwarm of B:cs. Sciampiarc, to enlarge, to amplifie. Sciamunito, Scapito, Sciàppo , wallow- ifh in tafl, unfavoury, without relifh. Sciancare, to unhip, alfo to limp or to halt , to bough .1 Sciancato, Scianco, hipleffe, bro\en-hipt, bought, lame-lcgg’d , cripple 3 Imp- «.*** bcianza, as bciaaca. Scipitézza, wallowifhnc(fe in tafi. 4 Sciapito, Sciiippo, as Scimunito. Sciarbàrc, to dawb over. Sciàre, to wot, t o \en, or \now by Science : alfo lo cry together with one voice or con fent,as Manners do when they hoife fails or heave anchor , alfo to cut or furrow the Sea or water as a flrp under fail doth. Sciana, the bearb Clary. Sciroppata, as Sciroppate- * Scirpellàre, to pull e ther down or up the eye-lids for to \eep them open. 4 Scirpellàto, Sciarpcllino , that bath (taring eyes, one whofe eye-lids come not over his eyes. Sciarpellóne , a groffe lye, a lying far the whet-(tone, as we fay, a gudgeon. * S iàrra, Sciarraménto , Sciariàta, as Sbaràglio , alfo a brawling, ora fquab- fing. Scirràrc , as Sbaragliare, alfo to braul and fquabble, to fcamble. Scierrcro, a hauler, a fquabler l a fcamb- ler. Scirrófo, qitarrelons, fquabling. Sciate, an inflrument ufed in chufing the Si¬ tuation of Cities. Sciàtica, the grievous Sciàtica or Hip-gout, loo\ j Vena, Sciàtico, Sci-icófo, that hath the Sciàtica or Hip-gout. * Sciàtta, as Manimórci. * Sciatto, fine, neat, Ppruce, fmug. Sciatùra, Sciauràto,< a\up the ground after it is m tvied or dunged , with purpofe to let it then lyc fallow. Sciovuto, harrowed , or broken up as the ground is after it is dimed or marled. * Scipa, afljeep, by Ma. afimple harm- left è body- * Scipare, Sciupare, to play the (beep or ft Hy gull, alfe to marre, to (pot /, to di ft- pate. 4 scipnménto, Sciupatióne, fiieepifhncfe, gullifbncfjcy a fo a (polling or difpating. * Scipho, Sc fo. Scift'cro , belonging to th, Altar , a tynd of drinking pot. 4 Scipidezza, Scipitezza, Scipidirà, wal lowtfh m tajt, alfo fooh[hni(Jc. Scipidire, to become wallowifh. Scipido, Scipito, wallowifh, without relifh , by Met. a filly fool. Scipignare, ^cirignare, to tyoc\,to thump, to bob or rap with ones fills. Scipignata, Scir’gnata, a Ipiocl |>, a thumps a rap, a bob , a cuff. Scipire, pifeo, puo, to become rotten-ripe, or taflleftc and wallowifh , alfo as Scia- Jaccjuare. Scippare, to ma\e fhift f r. Scipula» a kind of grape. Schizzo, as Schirafo. 4 Scira, a firname of Pallas. Scirico, a blanket or light watchet. 4 Scirign.lre, loo\ Scipignare. Scirio, a (lone which being whole,[wimmeth above water, and broken, finteti} down. Sciro, e Sciròne, Sciròe» su Scirro , alfo a H'efterly-wind blowing onely about A- thens. Sciròcco, the South e a ft wind. Sciroppare, Sciruppare, , a fi'ort or compendious expoption. Scoliantidacilo, S.oliocoréo, a foot of a verfe confi jiing offix fylablcs. Scollare, to expound compì ndioufly. Scoliaréo, a School mafler. Scoliatóre , Scolifta, an expounder òf a thing clofely and compcndioujly. Scolimónc, the Soiv-thiftle. Scollare, to unntc{, to untoller. Scollalo, unnec{t, uncoller’d, alfò bare¬ ne c{t. Scollatura, the hole of a garment to put out ones me{, as of a fmoc \j or [flirt. Scollinare, to unhilloc{, a lfo to paffe Over hillocks. Scólo di latte, wig, whay,butter-mil{. Scolopendra, a long ear creeper or ear¬ wig, alfo MUtwafle, Ccteracb, Spleen- wort, flone-fern, Scale-fern, or Finger- fern. Scolopèndre a fifi lift an Earwig y which havingfwallowed ahoo{, caftethuphis bowels and it together, and then fwallow- | eth them again, alfo as Millepiedi. IScolopomachério , anin(lr umenttailed a \ Cammot or incipon - {nife, that Chyrurgi. nns ufe to cut out the roots of ulcers ori Scomputar e, to mifr ebon lores . ■ ‘ 1 ’ foresi Scolorartiénto, a difcolouritig. Scolorare, Scolorire, to difcolour , Scolorirli, to become wan or pale. * Scolorito, dif'coloured,pale, wan. Scolpa, Scolpagiónej guiltleftneffe, blame- LeJJenejje. Scolpare, to acquit or clear fom blame. Scolpévole, inculpable, uhguilty. * Scolpire, pffco pito ,to carve, to engrave. * Scolpico, carved, engraven. * Scolpitóre, a Carver, a Graver. * Scolpitura, a carving, an engraving. Scólta, a Scola, a Sentinel , a liflning, as afcólta. * Scolare, to feout, to liflen. Scoltóre, a Sculpter,a Graver. Scoltura, fculpture, engraving. Scolturéfca arte, the art of carving. Scomagnare, to encircle , to encompaffc. Scombavare, to drivel or beflavtr. Scombercllo, as Hauftório- Scombiccheràre, Sconibicchiare,<*# Schic¬ cherare. Scombigliare, Scombugliare, as Scompi¬ gliare. Scombiglio, Scombuglio, as Scompiglio. Scombraia, an Hand m Spain fo called of the many maftels taftn about it. Scómbro, a Maftel-f(h Scombuiato, darfticd, obfeured. Scomigliarc, tp uncover,to unlid. Scomiglio, an uncovering. S còmma, a fcntcncc Jpoftn in mirth, that Joundeth or is taftn otherwife, than is meant by the [pcaftr. Scommétta, a bet , a lajc , a wagtr. Scommefsdnte, Scommettitóre, it Oerter, a layer of wagers. Scommetto, betted or laid as a wager, alfo difordered or mi [placed. 4 Scommettere, to difplace, to dif joint, to fprain, to ma ft loofe, to remove from place to place, to d (locate alfo to bet by, -or laye a wager. * Scommiata,. a giving or taking leave. 4 Scommiatarc, as Accomrhiatare. Scommezzare, as Artiezzare. * ScommÓYcre, Scommuovere, as Com- móvere. Scommóflo, as Commórto, Scommovimcnto , Scommovitióne j C ommotio ne. Scommovitóre, as Commovitore. Scomodare, as Incomodare. Scomodità, Scomodo, as Incomoditi. Scompagnamento, Scompagnatura,a dif- accompaning, a feparating. Scompagnare , to dij accompany, to part company , to divorce, alfo not to fuite as to the trimming of any thing. Scompagnato , dif accompanied, without company. Scomparire, to vanifh out of fight. Scompartiménto, as Compartirtiéntd. Scompartire, Compartite. * Scompiacere, as Difpiaccre. * Scompiaciménto, Scompiaceriza 3 any difpleafìag or d p{e. Scompigliare, to difordcr, to putto conf up¬ on, to rout , or to ma{e a tumultuous up- rore. Scompigliàtaménte, ccnfufèdly, peli-meli, tumult uofly, topfie-tùrvy, Scompiglio, conf upon 3 tkmultuous difordcr , hurly-burly. Scompifciarriéntò, a bepifpng. Scompifciàre, tobepiffe. * Scompói\o,difcompofed, misfrdmtd. 4 Scompónete, to mis frame, tó difordcr. computo, a dif computai’ on. S com una re, to d-f commune. ’ Scomunho, di [communed. . ; comunica, Scomunicagiónc, Sconìuni catione, an excommunication. Scomunicare, to excommunicate. Scomunicato, excommunicated. Scomùzzolo, as Boccata. Sconcaci co, bepitten, becacìft. * Sconccrcataminte, untunabfy. Sconcertato, out of tune or order. * Sconcèrto, a difeordance, an untuned con¬ fon. Sconcézza, unptntjfe, unhandfomneff.. * Sconfchiùdcre,fo difconclude. Sconchi ufo, dif concluded. Sconciamértte, Sconeiataménte, unhand- fornir, incommodioufy, dif, de; ly, beyond all meaf ure, alfo untimely , or abbortively, as when a woman is delivered before her time. J Sconciare, to uhdreffe, to marre , to difor- der, to bring out of frame, to ma{e un- h and fom, to mifplace, io dif joint, to mif- carry, as women with child. Sconciarli, to mifeany or have a mifehance being with child. Sconciatóre, a manor, adiforderer. conciatura, Sconciamcnto, a mifehance or abortive deli verance before due time. Sconcio, marred, difordered, out of frame’, disjointed, undrep, unhandfom , beyond meafurc, hugely great, lubbard li{e, alfo tmfcarried, coming untimely or abortive¬ ly y alfo trouble fom, croft, full ofmolefta- tion. J Sconcobrino, an antient fafhion in ga:mcnts now out of ufe. Sconcordanza, a difeor dance. Sconcordare, to dif accord, to difagree. Sconcordia, Difcóidia. Scondaruolo, any by-corner or place to hide anything in, alfo a [port, called with us, Hoodm.in-blind , Fox intbt bole, or Kjng by your leave. 14 Scóndere, as Afcóndere. I 4 Scondiménto, any hiding. * Sconditorc, a hider, a concealer . Scondifcéfa, as Rupe, as Ripa, * Scondito, unfeafoned. Sconferme, as Sferrare. Sconfcf>are,ro dente what one hath already faid and confeffcd. Sconficcare, to brca\ up by force, or commit burglary , as Scafsirc. * Sconficcatone, a burglaier or forcible breaking open. Sconfiddre, to dilir/p, to mftruft. Sconfidato» diftr;:(ted> miflruflcd. Sconfidante, diffident, mi (truffiti. Sconfidenza, Sconfidanza, diffidence, diftrufl. Sconfiggere, to brea{ in pieces, to difeom- pt,to defeat, to overthrow, to put to rout. Sconfitta, Sconfiggiménto, Sconfittùra , a difeonfiture, a defeat. Sconfitto, difeompted , defeated, put to rout. Sconfóndere, to confound. Sconfondittienco, a confounding. Sconfonduto, confounded. Sconfortare, to di [comfort. Sconfòrto, Sconfòrtaménto, di [comfort. Sconfortévole, uncomfortable. ^congiugnere, Scongiungere,w disjoin. * Scongiungiménto,Scongiuntióne,Scon giuntura, a dis joynmg. v S ongi ra, Scongiuramento, Scongiu¬ ratane, a conjuration , a con[pirac;e or SCO SCO SCO \ icons’iui are, at Congiurare. Scongiuratóre, as Congiuratóre. Scongiuro» a eonjwing, an urging unto. * Sconguazzarc, tob. d.(h, to bedabble. * Sconocchiare, to empty a. diflaff. * Sconocchiatiira, the emptying of a di- M- Sconofccmc, un acknowledging , migra te- fuU, umban\full. * Sconofcentemc'nte, ungratefully. Sconofccnza, Sconofcimcnto»wyic^«ow- ledgcment, unthanbfulneffe. Sconófcere» to mifacknowledge. Sconofcibile, that cannot , or may not be bn own. Sconofcicórcj a. difacknowledger. Sconofciut amence» unlyiownly. Sconofciuto, unknown , un\end 3 un¬ couth. Sconquaffare, Sconquazzare, as Con- quail a re. Sconquailo. as Conquallo. Sconfcicnriaco, confciencelefe. Sconfccrato, difeonfecrated. Scq rife minimo, a difconfcnling. Ì Sconfcntfre, to di fon fen t. Sconfidai gginc» Sconfideratézza, Scon- fideratióne, ìnconfideration, unadvifed - * Sconfidcrataménre, ìnconfiderately. Scor.fi da rato, inconfiderate, unadvifed. Sconficcare, to difcounfel, to diffwade. Sccnfolàre, to diJcom(ort. * Sconfoiataménce, uncomfortably. Sconfolatiónc., difamfort. Se o n fn 1 a t o, dife omfort c d. Scontare, to mifrecl>on, alfa to dcf.:l\, * Scontacórc, an abater m reckonings. * Scontentare» to di coni. nt. * Scontentézza, Scontentamene©, difccn- tentmtnt. Scontento, difcontcnt. Sconco, difcontcnt. Scónto, abatement in accounts. ) Sconchcere, as Contòrcere. Scontorciménto» as Contorciménto. Scontòrto» as Contòrto. Scontrafatto» at Contrafatto. Scontrare, at Incontrare. bro msor brufhes with, alfo the yellow ,’Scorcóne, as Scioccone. yarrow. I * Scordàbile, Scordévole, forgetfull. * Scodare, to fwcepjo beefom, alfo io brufh,! * Scoiaménto , Scorcanza, forgetf.il - alfa to whip or (courge with rods ori nife, brooms , alfo to whip out from fame corner ' * Scordante» forgetting, or lur^ng-bole, by Met. to run (foun- incordare, to forger, alfo to dif accord. Countrcys . ; Sccrdaflo, a bind of gummie tree. Scopare il cannóne, to If unge a picce , to , Scordato, forgotten, atfo uncorded. {tour a Cannon. Scórdia, Scordo, as Difcórdia. Scoj aro, a broom-man. Scòrdio, Scordióne, Scordóto , feordittm Scoparuola , a brufh or little broom , alfo a\ water, or gar hlft.germander. Gunners (funger. _ Scoreggia» as Coréggia. Scopatóre, a {weeper 3 a feavenger, by Met. a wbioper or a l courger. Scopature, Scopazze, all manner offweep- ings. Scopazzara, Scopazzo, a place where all fweeping and filth is ca(t. Scopellàre, Scopcllo, as ScarpellSre. Scoperchiare, to difeover. Scoperchiatura, an uncovering. Scoptrna, a bind of Italian meat . Scopèrta, a difeoverie. * Scopertaménce, difcovcrcdly, openly. Scopèrto, difcovered, laid open. * Scopetta, Scopatura, Scópola, Scopo- ladóre»rt»y tyndof broom or brufh. * Scopatóre, Scopolarc, to {weepy to brufh. * Scopectaro, Scopettiére, Scopoliére, a broom-man , a brufh ma\er, alfo a (weep¬ er. Scopettata, a blow or bit with a broom or b’u(h,abrujh'ng, \ Scopo» the end , the aimj.be drift , the (cope, Scoreggiare, to fan ~or blurt with ones mouth in denjion or mockery of any one3 as o reggia re. Scoreggiata,^ Coreggia ta. Scorfanclloj Scorfano, at Scorpèna. Scorfóglio, the rinde of a Pomgranatc. Scòrgere,Scòrgo, Scorgéi, Scorgiiito, or Scòrto, to perceive,or to difeern, alfo to lead or direfl unto. Scòrgere la vóce, to Idifiinguifh or govern ones voice in paging. Scorgimento, a difeerning or perceiving, alfo a guiding or dire fling unto. Scorgitóre» a perceiver, a difccrner, alfo a guidtr, or a director. Scorgiuto, perceivcd,difcerned, alfo guided or dire fled unto. Scòria, dr offe, dregs, fcumme,or froth of any metal hyedby fire. Scoriare, tofcum any metal being moulten , alfo to whip or fcourge. Scoriàta, a {courge or whip, aljo a fcour- Z l W, or m iy^ whereat ones purpofe or intention Scori are» Scoriatura, as Scroll; is, alfo a bind of (hr ub,aimed or dire fled, I alfo a Ifmd of bird. Scòpolo» as Scópulo. 1 Scòppa, a fiate, fome fay a wceecje. * Scoppare, to bnoc\ ones brain out , or on the head, at a Butcher doth an Oxe or Calf, alfo 10 untile or unfiate a houfe,loob Còppa, or Còppi. * Scoppiare, to uncouple,alfo as Schiop- pare, alfo to derive or co t e from. Scoppiare delle rifa, to bur fi with laugh- ing- r Scoppiata, Scoppiatura, a bur (ling, Scontrazzo ,a fuddain encounter , a furious Scoppiettaca, as Schioppettata. fhoebor counter-buff3 {cuffie 3 or ryot. Scòppio, Scoppióne, as Schiòppo. Scóntro, ScontramcntOi Scontiàca, ^Scoprire, to difeover, to difeio[e. Incóntro. I Scoprire i fecréti della fcuòla, to tell tales Sconturbare» Conturbare. | out of the School. Sconvenévole, Sconveniènte, inconvetù - Scopriménto, Scopritura, a difeoverie. ent. Sconvenevolézza, Sconvcnénza, incon¬ venience. Sconvcnevol ménte» inconveniently . Sconvenire, lo misbefeem. Sconvenuto, misbefeemed. S:onveifa:e, to ds frequent. Sconverfatióne, any un frequenting. Sconviene, il misbef emeth. S.onvòlgerc, Sconvòltele, as Convól- vcre. Sconvolg’mcnto,Sconvolcura, as Con- volgimcnto. Sconvòlto, as Convólto. S ónza. Scóncia, lower leaven for bread. Scópa, any \}nd »f bream, beefom, or brufh to fweep or brufh wUba.ll , a brujhie branch. S;ópabordèlli, a fwccper or haunter of common brotbcl-houf s. Scópa chiéfc, a (weep church, adiffemb&ng fellow, an hypocritical Puritan. Scópa prigióne, a (weep-priforty one that is f ldom out of prifon. Scópa móndo, a -Porld-fweepe.-, an Earth- planer, one that is ever gadding about. Scóparegia, a bind of bufifu (h ub to mx\t Scopritóre, a difeoverer Scópule» two broad bones coming from the neeb to the fhoulders , called the fhoulder- blades, Scópulo, a high fieepie Roc\ or Sea-marb , by Met. any great bnob , \nur or bunch. Scopulofità, roebjeneffe, alfo bnurrinefie , or bnobbincffe. Scoraggiare, Scorare, to di {courage 3 to di [hearten. Scoraggiófoi he an le fie, dì {courageous. * Scorato, difeouragedy difbeartned. 4 Scorbacthiàre,Scorna re, as S gar are, alfo to tell another mans fecrets tofhamt him. * Scorbacchiata, a brawling, a railing , an out-(colding, loob Scorbccchiare. * Scorbacchiato, railed, out-fcolded, loob Sgaiàre. Scorbuto» sburbicyfcurvie. Scórcia pini, a \tnd of pinnate. Scorciare, to fimten , to cut o(f. Scorciatura, a jhortning. Scórcio, any fijoitning or abridging in lim¬ ning, it is any piflure done in fmal!, alfa Scorlitre, a melting-ladle, Scorlo, as Cròllo. * Scornacchiare, as Cornacchiare. * Scornacchiata, Scoinacchiamcnto, any loud bat ling, chatting or pratling. * Scornacchiatóre, as Cornacchióne. Scornare, to unborn, to difhorn, by Met. to fcom,tomocb and flout, Scornatóre, a {corner. * Scornévole, [cornful, to be fcorned. * Scomeggiare, idem, alfo as Cozzare. Scomeggiamcnto, as Cozzata. Scòrno, a {corn, a flout, a moeb., Scoródo, as Scòrdio. Scorodoprdfo, an hearb libc a leeb. Scoróma, a dife afe in the head which mx- beth all things feem round. Scorpacciarc, Scorpare,t called the l\jngs evil. Scrofolófo, Scrovolófo, troubled with or full cf the Kings evil. Scrollare, as Crollare* Scrollatùra, Scrollamcmo , Scròllo as Cròllo. * Scroilévole, that may be fljaffin. Scrèpolo, Scropolófo, as Scrupolo. * Scrofeiàre, to crafh or make a crafhing noìfc as rain doth falling violently on hard Jloncs,or on tiles of boujes,or as any gret- ty thing between ones teeth. Scrofciatura, Scrofcio, a n y rumbling or crafoing noife. ScrCto, uftiin mocker,for Scrupolo, trottare, to tacruft, tofm ell the emit or nnd of any thing. Scr0t0.rtf outward r$<* of the Cods where in are the flones of a man. Scróvola, as Scròfa. Scmrncia, the Squbuncie in the threat. beruroh, a kind o r pafielcts. Scrunata, a needle without an rye. Scrupédo, a man or baft that can hardly ro <” that goeth in pain. ’ * Scrupoleggiare, Scnipoliirire/, [land onmeecunolity orfcruples. Scrupolo, Serupulo , fcrnple or mcenctfe of confettate, care or ntcenefte upon Uri a p mts, aljo a little poife or weight, call-d yttpie, which is twenty grains of com, or the third part of a dram, alfoamea. lye of ground containing a hundred foot [quart, alfo an antient coin in Rome ,thit Scrupoloficd, Scrupul ofirà, nicity,curiofi- ty or fcrupolofity oficonference. crupoli fo Scrupulufo, [crapulous, nice, coy, or curious of conference in t ri flint flanu °f & ravel 0T lutlc rugged , Scrupoli,, full of (harp or gravel flones. jScrutao'ic, Scrmnvole,fcmable,thal may ! be ft arched out. J Scrutatione, Scruta nza, a fcarching out. c rutatóre, Scrucignacórc, a feruta' or, a fearcher out . Scrutinare, Scrurignàre.Scrutàrc, to feru- tmy, to fearch or trace out, or diligently to enquire out by way of ferutiny. Scrutinio, a ferutiny , a fcarching out. Scuarcóia ,ga[tly,gri^y, horrid, ugly to l>ok upon, a thing aefaced and worn out with age. Scucchcrare , violently orfudiainly to burli out a laughing. J Scuccióne, an Efcutcbeonof arms. Scuccumédra, afained name, as it were to make one laugh. Scucire, Scucito, as Scufci're. Scud àia, a [fieli- crab, or tortoife. Scudaio, a Jhield or buckler-maker. Scudire, to fijield with a target. ' Scudaréllo, Scudétto, Scudino, a [mall crown, alfo afmalljhicld. Scudàzzoli, [hieIds, Efcutcheons, or cotes of arms. Sjudeliéra biTcia, a fbed-crab, a tortai Sbudella, anydifl) or pottanger, Scudellàio, [corned, alfo angry or 1 filled with difdain. Sdegnévole, difdain fui, to be difdained. Sdc gno , dij (lain, [corn, alfo anger, grudge' orliate. * Sdegnofaménte, difdain fully. Sdegnosctto, foon angry, peevish. S'degnófo, difdain fui, full of [corn or an¬ ger. r Sdenaiato, unmonied,pcnny-lcffe. Sdentato, toothleffe, untoothed. Sdiccvole, not to be{potyn, alfo unjcemly. Sdigiunate, to break ones faft. * Schiacciare» as Diflacciare. * Sdileggiàre, as Dileggiare. Sdilingutre, to l angui fh. Sdilinguato, untongned. Sdilingu to, languished. Sdimcnticaggme, SdimenticanZa, forget- fulncffe, oblivion. Sdimcnticare, to forget. Sdimentichcvole, forgetful. Sdiacciare, to unhus\ chef nuts. Sdoganare, to taty from the Cuflome- houfe. Sdogato, a barrel whofe ftdes are our, Sdogliarfi, to be freed from aches. Sdogliativo, that removeth aches. Sdonneare,to unlove, to fall from love or affettion, efpccially as towo i en, Sdonnino, a colour of [me horfes. Sdonzellàre una dònna, td di [virgin a woman, to difmaiden. _3 n c_ : Sdoppiare, lo unbuilt, to unfold. Sdorare, to unguild. , * Sdora tlira, unguilding. * Sdormentàre, to awaty from f::ep. Sdofsarc, tounbac{, tou{e from off ones baety to disburden. Sdofsàto, unbacty, alfo brotyn-bacty . •Sdócto, unlearned, alfo unhandfom or carelefly dreft up. 11 Sdottorare, to undo Cl or or degrade. * Sdottrinaco, to difdoClrin. Sdraù, as Efdraii. Sdravizze, pretty , cunning or flye trlcty . * Sdzev ifiythe meane ft of under Prie As or Clcrty among the Tarty, Sdnzzato, bent . crootyd, unright. Sdrufciolànte, Sdrucciolante, Sdruccio¬ le ntc, SdrufcioIativo,y/ippcr> l J gliding, lading. Sdrufciolire, Sdrucciolare, to flidc, to flip or glide, namely upon ice. SdrucióJo,Sdrufciolófo,Sdruccif>l 0 ,Sdru- fcio, a fUppery place,alfo a flip, a gliding, a flide, alfo a alani ^ or running verfe. Sdrufcfre, Sdrucc re , SJrusirè, feifeo, fato, to fpltt, to rive or fhiver, as a [hip upon Rocty, or in a wracty alfo to rip or feam-rent, to rend in funder, alfo as Sdrufciolare. Sdrufcito, Sdrufcio, Sdrusitc 9 (plit, Jl/ive¬ nd, rent, or riven as a (hip on Rocty or m a wracty Sdrucitura, a Splitting, a riving , or rend¬ ing m pieces, alfo a rift or lea £ in a (hip. Sdrufolina, Sdrufciolina,a light-heeled or fhppoy-footed trull, laffc, or wench. Sducàre , to unduty. Sc, an adv. tf doming, if, if that, if folia, iffo be that, whither if, alfo as albeit or , aUhtmgh,alfoinlkwof Sèi the num¬ ber of fix, alfo as Tu sii, thou an. Sc , a proti, piim. or derni livi. of the Mafc. and Fern, gender, of the Slue and Piu. number, tifile net. and Acca, cafes, him, bimf If, her, herfclf, to him,to him ■ felf, to hrr, to herfelf. Se alcun’ àlrro, if any other man. Se altro, if ought clfe. Se avvenilfe ,if it Jhould happen. Sebadiojtf title given to Bacchus that is tri¬ umphant. Sebàc, the moneti) of Shcbath among the Hebrews, which contained pan of Janu¬ ary, and part of February, or the whole Mourt of January. Sebellini, S tbel-styns or funs. Se bène, albeit, although. Se, benfófle, although it were. Sebcfténa, the Sebcjlen or Affyrianplum. * Sébo, hath been ujedfor Sé v o- Seca, Secare, Secatura, as Sega, &c, * Secale,^ Segale, Seccàbile, dry able. Sécca, Scccagna, afta How, a fhc/f, a dry fiat, or qitictyfand in the water, a drought. Sécca capo, a bufie importunate body, that i tiretb ones brain with talking. Secc'ggine, Sccmicnto, Seccanza, Sec- catiónc. Secchézza, S.-cchità, Seccóre , Seccura, Siccira, all manne'' of drought , drineffe, fietility» or want of moiftneffe, by Met. tedio ufneffe of wonls 3 idle bab- ling: * Seccaginófo, a dotard tree, an old wi¬ thered tree or branch, alfo tedious in words. Seccamente, dryly, bar. cnly. Seccare, to dry up, to maty dry,to exiccatc, to leave no moiftneffe, by Met to tire or weary one with tedious pratling andim- M mm 3 portunate SEC S E D S E G portavate bibling, as if one did dry up all I bis patience. Seccarcccio, Seccaticcio, Seccherlccio , dryj barren , faplcfie, parched , scorched, alfo tedious in wo, ds , or importunate in prat ting, alfo a dry fellow, one that hath no marrow left him. S;ccatclli, all manner of dry branches, ffreubs, bavins, bufhes or under wood. Seccaticci earn e,any fmoa\-dried meat,as bacm or MartUmas beef. * Seccativo, ex locative, that hath the qua¬ lity to dry. Seccatrice, a woman that with much prat - hnz; doth dry up ones patience. Secchézza, Secchita, loo\ Seccàggine. Sécchia, Secchio, any bucket or pati. Secchiàro , Secchionaro, a buc^et-ma- k:r. f v S.cchtic, Seccare. Secchióne, a great bucket. * Seccia, ffMle or chaff of corn. Seccume, as Seccaggine. Sécco, dry, dryed up, faplcfie, barren, wi¬ thered, or burnt by the Sun or fire, by Met. tedious or importunate in talt^, bar¬ ren of rv it f [hallow of invention, loo\ Ri¬ manére in {ecco. * Seccume, Seccura , Seccóre, as Secca g- gine, Secédere, to leave of wo v \, to ceafe from labour, alfo to give over company. Secernere, to fep arate or [eie ft from among others. ’SecefpitajT chopping.\nife,or fharp hatchet that Painims were wont to ufe to cut and difeft their [acri fires with, the haft w.xs of ivorie, tipt with Go'd. Seccaióne, afectjfion, a departing or fepa- r aline, of onesfelf from another, alfo a vacation or cettfing from labour. 'Secéflo,* foli’arie aboad , a retired place, a departing into fome f elitarie place, a va¬ cation or ceafing from labour, alfo a fiool had after a purgation . Secluderc, tofcclude, or jhut out apart from others. Seclufìóne, a fecluding from others. Serióso, jecluded from others. Seduforio, a fecluding place. Séco, with him. Secodàgnolo, a wad or twifp of Hr.aw. ‘Secolare, of,or belonging to the [pace of an hundred years, alfo a fecular or temporal man. 'Secolare verb, to perpetuate unto all agrs.' Secolarcfco, worldly, following the time or ag' wherein he li vet h, ’ Secolari , games or fierifices celebrated once in iv'ry hundred years. Secolarità, fecularitie, layneffe. Sècolo , an age or (pace of times, containing a hundred years, fome [ay a thoufand, ufed alfo for the World, or living after the worldly fafhion. Séco medéfi.no, Séco Rètto, with,between, or together with himfelf. Second:., a feconding , Andare a Secónda, to follow the natural courfe of the fiream. Secondamente, Secondariamente, fecond- ly, fecondarti). Secondano, Second.' rio, fecondane. Secondare, to fee end, co follow next , to follow courfe, by M:t. to follow anothers humour,to footh up,or ma\e good anothers humour or difpofition. Secondari^ Secondaries, Souldiers of the fccond band or legion, "Secondàrio, a Secondarie, a fecond,a next in courfe, alfo any fccond Ifind. I-,-— .._— Sccondationc, Secondànza,* fecondingor following next. "Sccondicério, as Saceilario. Secondina , the fecondine, the after-birth, or bag wherein a child lytth in the mo¬ thers womb, al jo a Chyr urge.vis inffru- mtnt to cut out little bones, alfo the fccond firing of any mufical inftrument. Secóndo, the fccond, the next to the fir ft, the next after, alfo profperous, favoura- ble,lucl(ie-li\e, Aflronomers call it a fc¬ cond, which is the fixtkth part of a mi¬ nute. 'Secóndo, adv. even as, according as, thereafter , after a mans de fire or will. Secóndo che,Secondamente che , according as, thereafter. Secóndo genito ,the fccond begotten. Secóndo il più, according to the moff. Secóndo il tempo, according to the time or weather. Secóndo mè. Secundum me, according to me, according to my opinion. Secóndo ragióne, according to reafon. Secórdia, JLoth, Lcfmefje, litherncffr , * Secórdo, Sccordiófo, ffotbfuU, lithcr, laxje. Sec re Ufa Sagre- Secreftàno ftàno. Secreftàrc, ai Sequeftràre. Secreta, a thin ftcel-cap, or clofe s\ull wore under ones hat, alfo the name of a place in Venice, where all their fecret records, and antient evidences are \ept, alfo in Rome a clofe prifon or dungeon. Sccretaméntc, fccret/y. Secretano , mo[t fecret or inward with. Secretarla , the office or place where Secre¬ taries remain,wait or write, alfo the office or quality of a Secretane , Sccretarie- (hip % Secretarla, a woman Secretary. Secretano, Secretiére, a Secretane, a fecret-peeper. Secretariéfià, Secretéfla, a woman Secre¬ tane. Secretando, belonging to S:cr et arie flip, or fecrets. Secretézza, fccrecy,fccrctneffc. Secréto, fecret, hidden, alfo a fe¬ cret. Secubnre, to be alone, or apart. Seculàre, Século, as Secolare. Secupla parre, the fixthpart. Secur.’nza, Sccuràrc, as Skurare. hatchet, as Secure, an axe, an ad\e t Scure. Securidacc, Axe fi.ch heart, or ( as fome fay') henbane. Securità, as Secured. Securo, as Sicuro. Secuttóne, as E decurióne, Secutóre, as Ell’ecucóre. Sed, ufc d among Poets for Se, if. Sedacciare , Sedazzirc , as Setac¬ ciare. Sedacelo, Sedàzzo, as Setàccio. Sedare, to affwage, to allay, to qualifìe , to calm , to appeafe, to mitigate eafe. Sedatióne, Sedatura, any affwaging. Sedativa medicina , an caftng medi¬ cine. Sedato, affwaged, eafed, mitigated. Sedatóre, an afjwager, anappeafer. Sède, any feat, chair, fiool, bench, feitua- tion, or fitting place, a place to dwell or abide in, alfo the Popes See, Seat, Court, or Refidinz_-place. • Sède vacante, an inter regnum,* Vacant Set or St.it, that is Khen ite „ Pope. Sédeci, the number fixteen. Sedccimo, the fixteenih. Sedéllo, a pot, a pitcher , a skillet or pAle- nct with a flat bot’om. Sedentàrio, fe dent arie, ever fitting. Sedérne, fitting, fey am in amane •Sedere Sé gg0 , Sedè:, S e duio,S/f 0 , to St down, to feat, to [cimate. f Sedére, a mans bum, that part of the body whereon nfuteth, alfo a fitting place or Sedére in quarto, to’fit infquare Sedere pro tribunale, to fit as a Judge. or clfe in Judgement. "* | Sedótto, a grafi, a [yen, a [et, a flip, j Sedia, any ch.ur or feat. Sèdia regale, a royal S ut. Chair, T,d>unal or Throne, a Seat of J office, a King c- bench. * Sedia fchienàta, a leaning chair, a feat with a bac\. Sedia ftercorària, a fluting chair. Sedibile, that may fit or befitten. Sedicèlimo, tbe pxteentb . Sédici, the number fixteen. Se di fortuna, if per adventure. * gia, if ft be, already. Sedigito, fix fingred of one hand. Sedile, any eminent fiat. Sedili, fuch rac\s as in our cellars we ufe to place barrels of beer, or hoefleads of wine upon. Sedi me, the banging place of a bell. Sl- dimenio, any fiatiiig or fitti», alfo a f tt . ling of urine. 1 * Sédio, any fitnd of Scat. Se Dio m’aiuri, as God may help me. *Sediriario,t. Sementine, a {ind of cherries , figgs, and pears. * Sementini, games or facrifices celebrated in j owmg ciijte. Srmencivo, Seminativo jthat may be [owed or bear, feed. Semènza, i>c{ Seménta. Semenzaio, a nurcery or [mhixry of hearb s or plants {ept for feed . * Semenzàio del grano , a nurcery for grain or corn. Scmére, as Seminare. Szméfìtc,that growLlb or beareth, or ripeit- cth in fix moneths, alp the {pace of fix moneti)'. Sémi, the plu. of Séme, a word much ufed in compofiion of ocher words , importing half, or demy, chiefly of things undivi¬ ded, but participating of two natures. Semi-ànimo, half-minded , half-dead. Semi anno, half a year. Semi apèrto, half open. S-m:-armato, half-armid. Semi beftia, half a bea fl. Sim. bòve, half an Oxe. Semi-br ve, a [imibnifin mufic{. S;;mi juóoo, demy-good. Semi cadàveio ,half a carcafe. Semi-capro, dimy-goated. Sem i-celcfte, dcmy-ccUfti d. Semi -cerchi re,ro circle half about. Semi-coichiOj on Gircelo, ademy-ckx cle. Semi cicco, half-blind, Scir.i-cinto, half g t, a half-{let le. S-aii circolare, half-circular. i-cii conferenza, half-rotmincfje. > n.-choro, a dtmy^chorus. >.mi-córde, demy-hearted. ->emi-córdia, half-hcartcdnrffe. Semi-cotto, dtmy-foddcn orrofed. Semi-crome, a ferny-crotchet in Mu¬ ffii / Semi-crudo, balfcraw. Semi-cubico, half a cubit. Semi- Dei ,demy Geds. Semi-déntc cavallino , the name of an hearb. Semi-diametro, Sémi dimetiénte , half¬ diameter. Semi dicono, a half tune in Mufefa Semi-dótto half or meanly learned. Semi fatto, h 'If m'de or done. Scmi-fóras, a diabolical! charaftcr. S.ini-iórme, half-formed, unp-.rfeCl. Serni-gii.rno, half-day, twylight. I Senu-iirave, demy-grave. Semi hóra, half an hour. \ Sem.-bumano, half humane. Semi-hucmo, but half a man. S.mi-licero, half rent or torn, S em i -1 ib l r o, half f, < è . Semi-luce, half light, twylight. Semi-luna, a half Moon or Cioiffant , by Met. a parenthefts. ‘ Semi-lupo , half-woclf. Semi-maur.o, half of the Sea, half of the Land. Semi-minima, a half crotchet or femiminime in Mufic{. ‘ Semi mosco, half dead. S .mi-nàto, h 'Ifbortt. S .mi-nóbile, half-noble, a franlflin. Semi-nòtte, half night, not full day. Semi-nodo, half-netted. S nni-óbo'oj a farthing-coin. Scw.-o\s'c,half oval. ! S mi-pecale, half-footed. Semi-p'de, half a foot. Semi- perfetto, dtoiy-perfeft. Semi-pièna, the Moonfeavcn dates old, al¬ fa the half-ride. Semi-pièno, ha f full . Semi-poèta, a Acm } - Poet. Semi poètico, half Poetical. Scmi-prot àò i 1 e,half probable. * Semi quartina , a dtmy quartern a- i Iie - 1 Semi-iàfo, demy [haven. Semi-ruftico, half rufiic{, clownifh . Semi-fepólto, half buned. * Semi-fóno, a half or dcmytu.ie. Semi Tónno, a half (leep , a demy nap. Semi-fphéra, a ferny fphear. Semi-ftànce, a word of dtrifionfor a brave fellow, as good as George a green. Semi.fupino, half upright. * Sem.-terréftrc, half earthly. Semi-certiana, a half tei tian, a [ha{irg a- guc, fo called , bccaufe the greateji part of the fits is (pent in firvering , namely o i that day , that the tertian a id quotidian meet togeth r. * Semi-tóndo, half round. Semi-tonare, to play but half a tunc. Sem i -tòno, a half note in mufic{. Scmi-tritò, half punned or braied. Semi-viro, half a man,by Met. an Eunuch, a gueldmg. Semi-vita, a half life. Semi-vivere, to live but half. Srm.-vivo, betw en dead and alive. Scmi-vocàlc, a demy vowel, fix confonants are fo called, bccaufe they have the found of vowels, asF. L. M.N. R. S. Seminagióne, Seminaracnco,Scminanza, Scminatiòne, Seminatura, [owmg,feed- ing, [owing or feeding time, generation or breeding by Iced. Seminàbile, Seminévolc j that may be jo wen. Seminile, of, or pertaining to feed or feed¬ ing-time, alfo fwine-grafj'e or {not -grafie. * Seminili vifi, the feed or feminarie >e.fds. Seminare, to fow any feed, by Met. to [cut¬ ter abroad, alfo to charge a field in ar¬ mory. Seminàrio, the firfl beginning, ofjpring , or chief caufe of any good or evil, aljo a Se¬ minary, a feed-plot, a nurcery for feeds or plants, a fpring-garden, alfo a School or Colledge of young jludents. Seminato, [own, fe: de d, (hewed, scatte¬ red, d:Jpe-,fcd, alfo Seme in armory, or ch irgcd as a s\ulc\non or field u with fome coat of arms. * Seminato, any land, ground, or plot that u fowen. Seminatóre, a fnwer , a difperfer* Semincnta, as Scmentélla. Seminio, gain or profit coming of feed or fowing. Seminilo» a tune in Mufic{. Semino, ^Baróne. Sentire, m:fco, mito, as Scmenzire. Semifsilc, it fury of fix in the hundred, Semill'o, a fellow of no eftimttion. Semita, a foot-path in a fown field. Scmit.’rc , topath or m.i{e a path through com-ficlds. Sémma, any fand of met all, namely of goU -, Semtr.ina, cts Settimana. Semniónc, the name of an hearb. Se mo, adv. if now , now if. St.mod, a {find of cabahpcal infight or jpcculation. Sémola, bran or grets of corn ground to meal. SEN SxnaUto, .faulted bra**, fond Scmolófo Senapiera, Scmp.o, as Semplicità * icmpicanilc. Scm P iu t00 , cvcr Ui„. f m P“crndl, evenni, Mgsmmonil JempKernamtnce, Scmpi rerIla ^ente. e- virlafim^l), « Scmpiternevolnimc “ 3rClM “^ ‘ofr. Sempiternità, evert.jlmgnrjjc Sem 1 m c ti l ! hom, l’P°i>r «f «ndcrJìà.ietiJi s ™ P )ic;( 5 ito, fomwhat r m . fie, plain and homely, alfo a lìmole out/ Semplici, ill manner of Jim[ten ^ iempltctl Sempli cizza,/implicit, Semplicifta, ajimpler, anbcrbilitt J.mprana, ever green, hettfekik temprano, aerini, ever dii, in*. ‘ Sempia.e, to perpetuate. s mpre, Stnipre mài , idv. ever, are alwaies, at all times. * * Sèmpre chè, at all times that. Sempre lenirà, continualm.idntffe Sempre viva, live ever, ever arcai. Se’n, Sen, as Séno, alfo as S e ne. Sena i'.hepurging he.vb Sony. Sena colo, a Senate or Counfcl-houfc. * Senale, loo{ Vena. Senape, Scr apra, Sc'nepc.^erwy or muft- ^ Met. tota{e pepper in the Senapi fm°, as Sinapifmo. Senario, confi (ling of fix. Senato , a Senate or Parliamcnt-houfe the whole body of a fiate- council. 3 lgy K * a Senator » a chief aged Councel- Senatóri Ji pic'di. Scrums of toememlt rmil end quality , that bad no mean, of their own, and went a foot to the Seajtt- houfc,w::omrtchoftn for their venue, and merits. Senatorio, of, or pertaining to a Senate. Scnatus consulto, an ait or decree made by the whole Senate. Scniuro « Sènape, alfo a grave oli man. Sene, old, eld, aged. SC t"hmof 1 ^ " tl,cm t clvcs » ,hmct m Senecciónc, Senttzónc, the weed Oround- fil. Scncpe as Senape- Scneiata as Sjrenata. Senefccntcg' Oiviflg in age. Sencfcere, to grow aged, alfo lo beton aged. Sene Trial Iato, a Scn.cfch.ilfie , the office i jun( d Ufa on of a Scnefch.il. SencTciillo’, aenza-propófito,wfco«r purp'ofe. Scnza-ragióne, without reafon. Senza-rilérvo, without rcfervation a Senza- file* without fait, witleffe. Senza- faputa, unwittingly, Senza-témpo, without lime, ever. Sépa, a cuttle-fifh, a cuttle-bone , whofe bloudts as black as inff therefore do fonie ta\c Sépa for inff alfo a ffind of veno¬ mous ferpent, loo\ Préfter. Sepaiuóla, a bird livijig in hedges. Sc parabile, feparable. Separabilità, feparableneffe. Separare, *0 fep arate, to funder, to part, to divide, to fever, to divorce. Separatamente, feverally, a funder. Separatióne, Separaménto, Separanza, a j 'eparati on, a parting in funder, a par¬ tition, a divorcing. as a- goofe or a duek doth. * Sentacchio, Scmzcchlófo t Jharp orquick of feent or bearing, alfo fquatting couring down. Sentacchióne, an idlf, laffie or (luggiffj - fellow, that is ever fitting down, Sentacchióne cane, a fetting-dog. Sentóre, to fit down, as Sedére. Semata, a fitting, alfo a Seffions. Seménte, feenting, hearing, finejling, feeling. Senténtia, Sentènza, a fentence, a wittie faying, alfo a doom , a verdi ft, a decree, an award, a judgement, or a final fen¬ tence given, alfo a mans opinion, advice or meaning. Sententialménte, Scntentiofaménte, adv. fentencioufly. Sententiar c,to fentence,to doom,to adjudge, to award or condemne. Sententiato, fenlenced, doomed, adjudged , condemned. * Sentcntiatóre, Sementare, a fcntencer, a doomer, a condemner. Sentent iófo, fcntencious, full of ftntenccs, or witty flyings. * Sentia, the Goddeffe that enfpired fenten- ces in thofe that gave counfel. Senticéta , a braille full of briers. Senticnte, fenfitive, feeling. dentiere, a path, a track, a way. * Sentieruólo, a narrow path , alfo apath- wat^er, one that {ceps f ill one courfe or path. * Sentilla, Sentillire, as Scintilla. Sentiménto, Jcncc, fenfiblcneffe, feeling , tajting, fmelling, touching, hearing, alfo opinion or confenting unto, alfo fccling- neffe or apprehenfion. Sentina, a (in\,a common-fhore, a convey¬ ance of filth, a jal^s,a privy, a bonfc of . Separativo, that doth feparate. office, a pump in a {hip, by Met. a fm\ of * Séparé, to hedge in or about, fin, a place of iniquity, alfo a pad ^ or r ' r ’ ' ente of villains. Sent ina re, to fc avenge, to feour a finii, alfo to pujftp in ajhip. Sentinèlla, a Scout, a Sentinel, a Souldier, fet at a Station to watch. Sentinicrc, a Scavenger, one that hath care of finl^s, a fwabber in a (hip. * Semino, the God that l^ecps children in their fenfes. Sentire, Sento, Sentii, Sentito, lo feent, to tafle, to feel, to fitteli, to hear, to touch, by Met. to perceive, to conceit, alfo to ap¬ prove or give confcnt unto. Sentire a nàfo, to feent or fnieU out. * Sentire bène d’una cófa, to have a good opinion, or thin\ well of a thing. Sentire da riétò, to jiin\ or favour ill, to fitteli of reaxjneffr. Sentire di feemo, to favour of follie, to have a tafle of guUifhneffe. * Sentire d’una cófa, to be parta\cY, or have feeling of a thing, to fmtll of a thing. . Sentire gratia, lo {en or acknowledge tban{s unto one. * Sentire male d’una cófa, to have an ill opinion of a thing. Sentire martello, to feel a jealoufie, or be in anxiety of anything. Sentirli, to feel bimfelf, alfo to awa\cn or rou\e himfelf. * Sentirli bène, for a man to feel bimfelf well, or in health. * Sentirli male, for a mail to feel himfelf ill, or to be fieff * Semico, a feenting, a feeling, a tajling, a fmelling, a hearing, a touchingby Met. a quidi apprehenfion, a nimble wit or un- derfianding, alfo Sépe, any hedge, fence, or clofure about I grounds, [Sepedi, Emmets, Viffe-mires. Sepédio, any refuge or fhelrer. * Sepedóne, a ffind of very venomous ferpent which ever goeth backward, and leaveth a mofi filthy and noifome flin £ behind him. Sepillibilc, that may be buried. Scpelliiricnco, any burying òr entertain¬ ment. Sepellire, lifeo, Ileo, or pólto, to bury, toenterre, to entombe, to lay in the ground. SepclHro, buried, enterred. Sepellitóre, a burier of the dead. Sépero, a berrie of a bay tree. Scphifma, a Law , a Statute, Sépi, S’ipia, as Sépa. Seplafio, a fweet ointment. Sepolcrale, belonging to Sepulchres. Sepólcro, Sepoltura, “ Sepulcbrc,a Grave, alfo a Tombe. Sepólto, buryed, laid in the ground. Sepónere, Sepórre, to places to fst, or to live af under. Sepofitióne, a putting or laying ajunder. Sepófo, fair, full of [earn or fat. Séppa, Séppia, as Sé^a, alfo Séps. * Sepfc,<« Sepedóne. * Septiane, a Ifind of rare apples. Séptico, a deanfing medicament. * Septimóntii, games or facrifices entiently celebrated in Rome. Sépto, a (luce, a floud-gate, a water-gap. * Sepuicraiie buca, a grave for the dead. Se-piir, Sc-pure, */ that, if fo be, if fo be that , if needs. , * Sequèla, a fi quel, a [equence. w arie , file, or I Sequence, Sequenza, as Sequénte. • N n n Seque S E S E R E R fa S;qucftrabile, that may be jequeflnd. Scqueftràre. * Sequeftrare, to fequefler, to put apart,alfo to put into ones hand as indifferent , alfo by Laro to attach , to arrefl, to flay , or to flop untili a matte r be adjudged to whom u belongs. Sequeftiatione, Sequeftramcnto, Ssquc- ftranza, Sequéftro, n feqiieflration , a putting apart , an attachment by Law, alfo an arb. hat ion. Scqucftratnre, ail Attacher, a Scqucflrcr , an Arbitrator, an under-Judge. Sequéflrc, an Arbitrator indifferent to both parties, a reconciler of parties. Sc'r, took , Sére. S ta, the eve, the evening or the lafi part of the day. Séra al cardi, laic in the evening. Séra dèlia vita , the fun-Jet of mans "/'• , , . : Séra c matti na ,evening and morning. ' Serafico, Sei&phico» burmgin love, fer¬ vent in charity. Serafino* Seraphino, SerafFo, a Serapbin, an Angel fo called , that is to lay incen- flve, fervent,•jealous t or burning in cha¬ rity. Scrdfoj Scrap’nagio, Serapho, a. \:nd of Serpent that the Egyptians worfhipped as a God, alfo a coin m Ormuz worth four fallings flerling. Sera pia Serapica> Ragwort nr Dogflones, alfo a kind of Bri^s. or H >rnet. Sera pino, the name of a drug. __ \ ber Vinci guèrra. Sir vanquish War, Sir j mo ni ère, a femoner, a Difcourfir, a ! Bug-bear. j Speaker, a Preacher, alfo a frtq tenter of . Seréna, a Sirene , a Mermaid. ' Sermons or Preachers. \ Serenarlo m.i{e or become clear, calm, Sermoncéllo,Sermoncino,i»HiJ&0r* Speech, : bright or lightfom,namely as the weather, Sermon or Oration. by Met. toebear up, to become or look chearfully, alfo to calm , to appcafe, or to quiet. Serenata, a fit of mirth, a hunt is up, or muflc\ plaid in x fair morning , or clear evening under form fair Miflnfjes win- Sermóne, Sei macinio, the faecch, the com¬ munication or language of man-bind, alfo a Sermon, xDifcourfe , a Preaching , an Oration, ufed alfo far a Salmon- Séro, late, or latcward. dow, ufed alfo for night-dijcourfes or * Scrmoncano, Silcr-mountain , Baflard- fpoyt. < lovage. Serenillimo,W£)jZ clear or bright, far [hining. Scrocchia, as Spòcchia. excellently beautifull, a title given to Serofìrà, the quality of wbay, whayifa. lings, to Queens or great Princes, an- ruffe. Jwering our, moft Sovtraign, Glorious, * Serófi humóri, the thinner part of blood Famines or Renowned. fi'iu.g on t as wbay. Se.onicd, Stranézza, clear brightiuffe, Serotma ,the Evening-flar. calm fairnefae, alfa fair and clear weather. Scroti ruménte, Lite, out of feafon. alfo an adjunft given to Rings, Queens, Serotino, adv. Uteward, in the evening. and great Duties, importing high Save- rtdgnty. Seréno, bright and clear, fair and calm, clear weather, without clouds or rain, ufed al o for the night-calm,alfo clarified wbay o, whig. Seréno di Simiglia, a clear bl ight night. : Sergènte, a Serjeant, a Beadle, a Catch- pole, or f itch Officer commanded and em- j ployed by a fuperior Power or Magi [Irate, 1 ufed alfa for a Servient, a Groom or ( Squire. j Sergente maggióre, a Serjeant Major of a C mp. Serbatole, Serbcvolc, refarvabU, dura- 1 Seigencino, a Captains leading-flaff, ble. Serbarne, any place to kcep things in, a flore- houfe. Serbanza, Serbo, refervaùon or k.ccp- ing. Serbare, to keep,to re ferve, to lay up m Itore. S’rbaftrélla, Ragwort, Drgfloncs. * Serbaticelo, Serbatile* any thing that wid'aft and lyctp long. Serbatóio, a piace to ketp or pre ferve any thing:», as a store-houfe, a m*ga 7 }n,a cup board, a pantry , a buttery, a larder), a : p.r fa, a p.dofa, a fl(h-pond. Serbatóre, a keeper, aye ferver, a Ft over. Sé ret Sér, a title given to Dottor s, Maflers, Vriefls,clr\s or Votaries,yea, and to Rnights, as we fay, Sir , and as much ufed in bad, as or made of ftl\, alfo a kjnd of flic [light fluff half ft Ik like unto binato, tame or a ft effe, alfo a kind of f inali wine good to quench thirft, * Sétola, Sétole, any kind of bridle, name ly of a hog' fucb at Shooe-makers ufe and as b ^e weekbefore Eafter. Settimanale), a weekly Labourer. * Settimcftrc, of [even moncths. Seteimo, Sétcio, the feventb in order. Settióne, Scttùra, Sezzióne, a defection, a cutting, a dividing of parts, alfo a fiction, alfo the forfeit or confofcation of I ones Goods or Linds upon penalty. Settipédc, of [even foot. Secciplicare, to [even-fold. Scttirémi galera, a galley of feven oares on a fide. Setti vo pòrro, the cnt-lee\ or porrei, * Sétto, defetted , cut in funder. Settizónio , of [even %pnes. Seccóre, a defeCtor or cutter of Anatomies, alfo a certain Mathematical Inftrument, alfo one that by [life complaints fecketb to make others forfeit their goods. Sétto tranfvérfo, the midriff. Scttro, as Scétro, a lyings Scepter. * Sectuagenalc, Settuagenàrio, of feventy years. Setcuófo, dar k> ob[cure, duilfte. Settuplo, [even-fold, or double. Scudi, Seiido, as Pfeudo, or Pfcudi with all his compounds,look Pfeudo. Se veramente, fever ely, rigoroufly. Severàre, to perfiftjeverely. Severità, Severczza, feveritie, rigor. Sevèro, fever e , rigorous, ftern. jSevifero, tallow-bearing Secolufo, Setoluto, brrtie, fhaggic, hairy, jSevicia, Sevitudine, rage, fterccncffe. rugged, brufhie. c "" * L - Sctóf ->,thirlly, full of thirft. Sécca, a feci, a faction or company of one opinion, a divers confentin (undry wilful opinions, fpccially in relation to Reli¬ gion. Seccangolàre , Settàngolo , / even cor¬ nered. I Seccante, the number feventy. Settantina, a number of feventy. * Seccantéfimo, the feventietb. * Settantenario , Sectegenàrio , feventy years old. Settanciplicare, to feventy-fold. Settóre, to defeCt with a knife, alfo to fide with any faCtion, Settàrio, a S 'Clarie, Settatóre, a deft Cl or. Sètte, the number fvtn. Setteggiare, to make a fed or faChon. Settembre, the monelh September. * Seccembréccia, Scttembréfca, Sectém- bria, belonging to September,Autumrte,or latter Harvcfi-time. Settembrino, born, or that cometb in Sep¬ tember, a September bird. Settenàrio, a Septenarie. * Settcnio, Settènne, of feven years being, fpace or age. Settentrionale, Northern, of or belonging to the North. Settentrióne, the North part or coaft of the V'orld, the North-pole , alfo the North- [ wind, alfo the feven ftars of Charles wane. \ Sètte pedale, [even foot long. i Setteplico, (even-fold, or double. ! Settettimo, the name of an b:a;b. * Settéfimo, the feventb in ordir. Sectezzóni, a kind of proud fab rick. . I * Seccàbile, Setrile, Settivo, dilfcdible, I that may be difftfted with a knife. . Settico, putrefaCLve, that rotietb as matter I in a [ore. f Scvo, tallow to make candles with. Sévo, fierce, raging, furious, moodie. Sevófo, tallowie, full of tallow. Sevrare, to funder, to fiver, to [epa- rate. Scvro, fevered, fundred, ftparated, Sezzàia, at lajt, at the latter end. Sezzàio, Sezzàno, Sézzo, lag. Ufi of all. Sezzénto, [even hundred. Sfabricàre, to unbuild, to unframe, to de¬ moliti. Sfacchinar fi, to leave off to be a porter or bafe fellow,and become from a Jack to a Gentleman. Sfacciarc, to deface, to disfigure. Sfacciatàggine,Sfacciatézza, Sfacciatura, Staccicridine, impudence , (hamelefneffe, faucinefte , preemption, malapcrtnefje, bra%sn-fac 3 dneffe. Sfacciatamente, impudently bold, alfo a ho'fe with a white fireke down bis brow or face. Sfaccimcnto, a defacing, a defiafance, an undoing. Sfàce, doth quench, or undo. Sfacèlo, a difeafe when any part by inflam¬ mation is mortified , alfo the good bcarb wild f auge . Sfacendàco, unbufied, idle, at leafure , tm- occupyed. * Sfaciménto, an undoing, alfo a thaw¬ ing. Sfagianare, to wantoni\C, or rcv:l in good wear, and eating of Pbeafants, Sfagiride, two great veins appearing on each fide of the throat, which nourifi all the parts of the head and neck- * Sfagotcire, to unfagot, to unbundle, to loo fen any truffe or bundle. Sfagumato, a filly gull , one that will eafi- ly be cozened andfetebt ever the coles, or be tyappand. * Sfaldare, to unfold, to unplait. S F R l Sfalienee, failing, mffing . * Stallénza, any failing or mijjmg. \ Sfaliire, as Fallire. Stale .ire,ro disjoynt any limb. Sfalcatura, tr properly when the fhoulder of a \nrfe, or any other limb is bent or dif- ! joynlcd, and by violence forced from its , right place, alfo any abatement. Sfamare, to fill ones hunger or deftre , to glu‘, to gorge , to cloy. Sfamato, unhungred , glutted. Sfamatura, a filling of ones hunger. Sfangare, to cleanjc from dirt or mire, to\ unmire. Sfaldellare,^ unfardle , to unlruffe. Sfare, Sfàcere» as Disfare. * Sfarfallar efts properly [aid of filk-worms, when having fpun, being like b utter- ft es, they make a hole in the cod to come out. * Sfarinàco, pale, wan, meagre, or meal- coloured, alfo mouldred as meal or duft, alfo wallowi[b, m:llovt, or fo fofi as fome fruits are, that they melt in ones mouth. Stafciare, to un[wathe,to unbundle. Sfafcinàre, to uncharm , to unwitch. Slafcinatione, an uncharming. Stafchime, birds-dung , or ordure. * Sfaftidire, the contrary of Faftidire. Sfatare, to extenuate,-ttdiminifh, to empair in efteem or reputation, alfo to unbe- | witch. j Sfatato, diminifhed, alfo unbandftomc or ill - I favoured, alfo nnfayried. Slatto, as Disfatto. Sfavata, Favàca. Sfavcllàre, tomfaywh.it cnc hath fpo- k en < Sfavilla, a fpar\le, as Favilla. Sfavillante, (pii'kling,fpangl.ng. Sfavillare, to filarie, to twinkle. Sfavóre, disfavour, difgrace. Sfavorévole, unfavourable. Sfavorire, to disfavour. Sfebbrato, Sfebbricitàto, difagued, rid of a feaver or ague. * Sfederàre, to pull off a pillow-bear from x pillow, by Met. to uncafe. * Sfedàto, Sfeducciàto, faitbleffe, trufi¬ le ffe, fans-faitb, treacherous, hollow- hearted, double-tongued, alfo miilruft- full, one that trufletb no man, alfo a f alfe and cheating companion. Sfegatato, unlivered, white-livered. * Sfelàto, over-tired, over-wearied. SfeminàtOj dif-effeminated. Stèndere, at Fèndere. Sfendiménto, Sfenditura, Sfeliura, as Fedditura. Sfenduto, Sfcfio, as Fé fio. Sfera, Sphéra ,afphear, a globe, a figure in all parts equally round. Sferàle, Sfere àie, as Sferico. Sferebràre, to tear or rend in pieces. Sfericamente, fpherically, roundly. Sfericàrc, to frame round as a fpbear. Sferico, Spherical, round as a globe. Sferina, thè round and many coloured lady bird. j * Sferomachia, a Ifind of play or bodily ex-'. cerei fi ufed among the Grecians. Sferomàncc, Sferomantia, as Sphero-j mante. * Sferra cavalli, as Etiópide. Sferraménto, Sferratura, a freeing from irons, fetters or bonds, or unfhooing of a horfe. Sferrare, to (ree from irons or [hackles, alfo to unjhooe a horfe. SffrroJ 1 SFO S F O Sferro, * ftrùng eh e fi burred with iron bans. Sferza, a whip, a fcourge , a flail. Sferza del sóle, the feorebing beams of the Sun. Sferzare, to whip , to letjh, to fcourge. Sferzata, a whipping , a lajhing. * Sferzatóre, a wbipper , afeourger, Sféflo, Sfefsura, Fcfi’o. Sfettonàre, is by Grisóni taken for the 0- pening or cutt ing of the f rufh of a botfe aw,iy f co cure the difeafe called Fetónc or Formèlla- * Sfìa nC a re , Sfranchirei to anfani j, to un- t^hip 3 to unhaunch. Sfiancato, Sfianchino, unfUn\ed y unhin¬ ched, bro\cn-hipt y lame. 4 Sfiancatura, a hip-breaking. Sfiatare, to breath or vent out. 4 Sfiatatóio, Sfiataménto, a breathing out , alfo a vent-hole. Sfibbiare, fa unbuckle, to unlace. Sfibbiatura, an unbuckling. Sficcare, to loofen , to unfaften , Sfida, as Disfida. Sfidànza,Sfidaménto, at Disfidanza. Sfidare, as Disfidare- * Sfidato, di fir u fled, defied, challenged. Sfidatóre, at Disfidatóre. Sfiducciato, as Sfeduccidco. 4 Sfigliare, as Disfigliare. * S 'igVmux^theniij carrying of anywomb- fruit. Sfigurare, to ditfigure. 4 Sfiguratczza, deformity. Sfigurato, disfigured, deformed. Sfilacciare, Sfilazzdrc, as Sfilare. 4 Sfilaccio, Sfilàzzi , any manner of m- twifting or ravelling gamely i it for Chi- rurgians ,and 0 \am of untwifled ropes itfed in (hips. Sfilare, to unthrid , to untwifl, to ravel out , alfo to di franti Ot be out offiles. Sfil'ta, /oo^'Alla sfilata. * Sfilataménte, (iraglihgly , out of ran\,out of files, as fouldiers when they arc routed or march dì forderly. Sfilato , one that hath the running of the reins. Sfilzare, contrary to Infilzare. S finga, Sf nge, was a beati or mon(lcr a call¬ ed a Sphinx, which had the face , the bands , and the voice li^e a woman ; the body of a dog-, the feet and piws li^e a Lion, the tail of a Dragon, which pro¬ pounded infoluble riddles , alfo a Ifmd of j great Ape or Bai am very hairy and fhag¬ gie, with very long teats , and eafily ta¬ med. Sfiniménto, as Svenimento. Sfinire, as Svenire. Sfintro, S phi nero, the round compaffing mufcle of the (trait gut , ordained by na¬ ture for to p •event untimely excretion. 4 Sboccare, to untaffel , to un flake, alfo to ravel out as fil\s do. 4 Sfioccatura, Sboccamento j an untaffcl¬ ing, alfo a raveling out. * Sfiorare, Sfioreggiare, Sfiorire j to dif- flower , to unblojjom. 4 Sfiorata calcina, mfla\ed lime. 4 Sfiorito, disflourijhed , dis (loured, un- bloffomed. Sfirena,k< or become leffe. Sg.àfio, a fad of goldj/huhs work ufed in chains or bracelets. Sgrafsàrc, to make or become lean,to falla- way. Sgràtia, as Difgratia. Sgranare, to difgrace. Sgranato, dafgraced , gracelcffe. * Sgratiófo, ungracious, gracclc ffe Sgràto, ungrateful, unacceptable. * ©grattare, Sgrattignare, to feratch , to ferape. * Sgratatura, Sgrattignatura, a fcratch- mg, a fcraping- Sgravaménto, Sgravànza, Sgravarne, a di [aggravating,a disburdening. Sgravare, to difaggravate, to disbur¬ den. Sgravidunza, a delivery of a child. Sgravidàre, to be brought abed. Sgravio, an eafmg,a disburdening. Sgretolare , to crumble , to moulder, or hr nife into pieces or duft,tofbred or reduce into ftjivcrs or (plints , alfo to thaw or melt as ice doth. Sgriccio’ arc ,as GncciolàfieW/ 0£0 sbrecci) or fqueak out. Sgriccióloj as Gócciolo , alfo a s\recch- owl. * Sgridacchiàre, Sgridare , to chide, t*> fcol l,to brawl, to rate, to (bent, to rail | at \ * Sgridacehiàta, Sgridacchiamcnto,Sgr d 1 daménto, Sgridàta, Sgrido, Sgridóre, | any chiding, fcolding, brawling, rating,or j railing, alfo as Romanzia'. 1 _V lfrs J SGU SIA SIC Sgriffar e,-to gripe, to clinch, to claw ana fcrai eh. * Sgrignato, of a graffi) cilour. Sgrignale ,to grin and laugh with at , alfa to gndfh ones teeth, affo to fnarle t Sgrignuto, a. grinner, a fnarler, alfo as Scrignuto. Sgrillare, t be at merry as a cricket. Sgrinzàre, as Grinciare. > Sgrmzo, mint pled, puckered, wither¬ ed , * Sgróglia, a Lomb. word for Gufcio, * Sgrogliare, as Sgufciare. Sgrómbro, a Mac\rel-ftfh. Sgropp Mc>to tm\not, to unititi alfo to unci upper, to undock Sgroflare, to difgroffe, to lefjen, to unbig, to malie or become leffe, alfo to un- fwell. * Sgrottare, to linden, to ungrot. * Sgrufare,to loure and frown, and bit¬ terly to rate and s\old at one. Sgrugnare, Sgrugnolare, to unfnout, to hit or ftrifie, and bob over the lips. Sgrugnata, Sgrùgnolo, Sgrugnóne, a hit or found wbirret over the fnout, a blow at fifty-cuffs. Sguapliarc, to ma\e unequal,alfo as Squa- gliarc. Sguàglio, oddes in equality, alfo igSquag* gli°. Sguaiata, ufed for a Hale whore. Sguai ito, wiwocd, freed from woes and perturbations, by Met. a lubbardly fel¬ low Sguainare, to twfhcath. Sguainato, unfheatbed, alfo pro flit ut ed. Sgualcire, dico, cito, to pun, to ft amp to : , ad or crufh under foot. Sgualdrina, a firumpet, a harlot, a punii, a doxie. Sgual'mbro, Sgualcmbi aro, a fielding bio v with the right hand, as Fencers give. * Sguància, the check of a horfes bit. Sguaiic iàre, to unchet\, to unjaw. Sguancia.a, as Guanciata. *Sguaraguardaménto,Sguaraguardatura, a flaring or gbting loo\. * Sguaraguardarc,to gioie and loo^ftaring- (y. * Sguaraguardatórc, a ftarcr , agloter. * Sguaraguàrdia, Sguaraguàto, a Vanl- gard t * Sguardaménto, ^guardatura, Sguar- dàta,Sguardo, a looli, a boding, a view¬ ing, a beholding. Sguardàrc, as Guardare. * Sguardatóre, as Guardatóre. Sguardétto, Sguardino, a little boli. Sguàttaro, as Guattaro. * Sguazzabugliare, as Guazzabugli¬ are. Sguazzabuglio, as Guazzabuglio. Sguazza cócla, a wagtail. Sguazzare, Sguazzo, to laviftj or piffe bis Eftate againjt a. wall , alfo as Guaz¬ zare. * Sguazzo d’acqua, apfafh of water , by Met. a fuddain fweeping fhoWer of vain. Sgubia, Sgubbia, a googe. * Sguerciare, to bo\ afqnint. Sgucrciatura. a fquinting loo^. * Sguercio, Sguérzo, as Guèrcio. Sguerniménto, Sguarniménto, a. difgar- nifhing, adiffitrnifhbg. Sguernire, Sguarnire, to disfurhifh. Sguernito, Sguarnito, disgarnijhed. S guerra re, Sgucrro, as Sgherrare. Sguinzagl iàre, to uncouple Spaniels. j Sguinzagliato, let flip as a Grey-hound . Sguinzaglio, as Guinzàglio, alfo a doc< for a horfes tail to %cep it from wag- * * Sguifaménto, a difguifing. * Sguifare, to difguife, * Sguifàto, difguifed, unfifh'oned . Sguizzare, as Guizzare, alfo to fqnixt or {pin. Sguizzatolo, a fquirt, a fringe. Sguizzo, as Guizzo. Sguiz zófo, flipperie, glib as ice.' Sguràre, to feour clean. Sgórbia, a Sbooc-ma\crs too!. Sgùfcia lumache, a fnail-Jhaler, by Met. an idle or filly gull. Sgufc are, Sgufciolare, to itnfheU. Sguftàre, to dijlafte. Sgufto, difi.ifte , diffide. * Sguftófo, diftajtefuU. Sguzzàre, to blunt or abate the edge. S\, fometimes an Adv. of affirmation or affeveration, ye, yes, ye-marrie , yc-for- footh. S\,an Adv.offimilitudc or comparifon,even as. As, foas, as well, fo well. Sì, an Adv. of quantity, ufed both relative¬ ly, and comparatively, in place of T ànto, or Quanto, anfwering to Cóme, or Quanto, as thus. Sì lui cóme un’altro, well he as another or thus. Sì per il mio, quanto peril vóftro inte- rélle, as much (or mine, as for your in¬ ter eft. SI, hath been ufed for untili that. Non lì ritenne di córrere lì lu a cala di lei, he gave not over running umili that he came unto her boufe. Si, hath been ufed for nevcrthe!effc,yct for all that, as thus, Se altro non mi vi fa- céfle volér’béne,S'i vi amo, perch':, &c. if no other re (pedi did malie me love you yet, or ncvertbeleffe l love you, becaufe, &c. Si, is often placed and joyned unto the third perfons both (ìng. and plur. of verbs, as alfo unto many Infinitives, both before and after them, which having relation unto things dead or inanim.itcd 9 and not unto perfons, then it ma\es the verb of the paffive ftgnification, which we expreffe with tbefe Particles, it is, they are, Men, the WorId, as for example. Si dice, Di- celi, it is (aid, they fay. Men fay, the World faith, See-but if the verb have relation unto per fons,or prrftmated things, then is the verb of the attive Signification, and Si, is a Pronoun primitive or rela¬ tive of the Maf.and Fern, genders, of the fing. and plur .number of the Dative and Accuf cafes, importing in Englijh, to him, to her, and to them,\ him, him- felf,her, herfelf, them, themfelves, it al. fo fignificth fometimes one another, note that if it happen to be joyned unto verbs of privativa, it then becomelh of the Ab- laive cafe. Sia che, be it that. Sia chi lì voglia, wbofoever he be. Sia ci, let there be. Sia cóme lì vogliale ithowfoever. Sia con Dio, be he, or it with God. Sia dóve lì voglia, where [oever be be. Sia in vói, let it be in you. Siàgri, the beffi Ifind of dates. Siànco, Siancóra, as alfo % as well as. Sinnco perchè, as alfo becaufe. * Sidre, among Marriners, it is to cry all with one voice or confent, as they do when they hoifc-fails,heave anchor,or row j and ha/e backward, alfo to ma\e a horfe j or oxe flay or go backward with the i Carters voice, as our Countrey-clowns life to cry. Hay, Manor, Hoa. Sia sia, be it be it, among Marriners or Water-men, to will, or to encourage one to row backward, or to help, to hale and heave anchor. * Siàzza, the crying of Marriners together to encourage one another. Siban, wanton effemina eie. Sibaritico, given to an effeminate life,. Sibbiare, Sibillàre, to blow, to hi^ge Or whijtle as the wind doth among trees. * Sibbio, Sibbiólo, Sibilo, any Ifind of whifllc or whifiling-pipe , alfo the whijt. ling of the wind, or with Ones mouth , al¬ fo the biffing of a fna\e. * Sibilla, Sibbilla, fignifieth full of God , or connfd of God, commonly ufed for a Propbctiffe, among Vmtemrs it is a tun¬ ning or taftmg-dijh for new wine or muff Sibilila, Sobbillila, of Sibilìi, an Ex¬ pounder of prophecies, or of the Sib ills booths. Si bène, ye well , as well, fo weU. fjbécto yfweetfivet, as Zibetto. Sfca, a fliletto or poc\et-dagger. Sic aminone, the great Mulberrie. Sicamóro, Sicomòro, a Sicamor-trce ' 0 Sicàno, lag , lafi, hindmoft. Sicàrio, a privy mmtherer, a. flabber , one that gocth with a poci^et-dagger or Sti¬ letto, with intention to Ifill w do mif- ch j € f' Sicca no, a \iiid of Elm-tree. Siccàre, as Sec are, alfo to ijjue out. Siccitàì Siccitudinc, Sicchà,drought, dry - n(ffe t pccitie. * Slcco, as Sécco, without moi [Ineffe, Siccóculo, that hath dry eyes , Sicelióne, hearb Flcawort . Siccntii flintyng rofuj. Siccne, as Pèplo. Sicéra, any \ind of artificial fir eng firing, that bath the power to ma{e one dr un Si cciio,ye, ye truely. Si che, fa that, fo at. Sichctto, a poc^t-dagger. Siciliana, the water-chain of a bit. Sicilico, a meafure of ground twenty foot broad, and thirty long, alfo a weight of about a quarter of an ounce. Sicilire, lilco, lito, to cut down the tuffs or manes of graffe that mowers have over- Sicimina, Sicinnina, a [hrub that beami) a fair berrie. Sidce, a [lone named of a fig, and of a figs colour. * Sicloi Siglo, a coin.or weight called a {heckle worth four of our groats, alfo a Perlian coin now currant worth [even of our pence. * Sicofàgo, Sicophàg*» a Fig-tree. Sicofante, Sicophànte, a ficupbant,a pi- rafite, a claw-bac ^, afmell-feajl, a talc- carrier. Sicofantia, Sicophantia, (icopbancie, f alfe dealing, f alfe accttfation. Sicomante , a foolb-faytc by fig- leaves. * Sicomantu, divination by fig-leaves. Si cóme, as, even as, li\e as. Sicone, a fig-tree, alfo a fig. Sicólì, a difeafe in the fundament, caufing a wart in form of a fig, called in Latin Ficus marifea, fome taf^e it for littl: war ties abvtt the eyes. •icola, Sfcula, a preset-dagger. Sicomòro, a Sicamor-tree. Siciliano, as Sicàrio. « Sicu- S I L S I G S I L SiaimcK, pomp, oerimmy. Slcuraménte./ècJiKfj. Sicurànza, Sicuratióne, Sicurezza, Sìcu- ricà, Sicurtà, affurancc, affuredneffe, fc- curity, affiance, tru(l,fafety, warrantee, alfo a fatty , a baile , a pledge, as alfo a warrant. S.curare, to fecure, to affare. Sicuro t feciire, fure , fafe and out of danger. by Met. bold and cxrelcfs. Siderale, look Sidereo. Sideràrc, #* Aflìdeiàre. Sideratióne, Siderànza, ci bla fling in trees through great heat and drought, a plague, a Plaact-firiking , alfo a benumrmng or clumvntffe, when one by cold or other accident-.is fuddainly deprived of the life of bis limbs and of fence in them , nfed alfo for a total putrefaction or de firiidcntte Heraclca , hearb Robert. Sidero, the ftarrie Skie. Sideropecilo, as the flone Siderite ,fo cal¬ led foe the divers fpots therein. Sidcrófo, ftarrie, full of twincklmg Starrs, alfo plannet flrucken. Si-dice, it is faid, h is reported. Si-dirà, it will be faid. Si-dirébbe , it would be faid , or might be faid. Si-dille, it was faid or reported. Sidiane > the tittle round olives, * Sido , a flarre. or rather ajtgnc in Heaven confi flin ? of many [tans , but generally ufed for a [harpffiittcr, and peiremg cold, that Jtifnetb, benummeth , or cltim\ctb a mans blood , joynts and limbs, whence is f amed aflìderàre, Sideràre , and Side- ratióne. Sidracia,** pfidrafia, alfo a pam in the hands. Sic, ufed of Dante for si, yea, yes,alfo thus, fo, as well , alfo as Sia. S’c , it !■, alfa himfelf is. Sicga, Sitgare, as Sega,. Sic le. Sièro ,whey, or whig g. Sielófo, Sicrófo, wbayijh , full of whigg. Sienfca, a kinde of marble about Thebes, heretofore in great requejt. ' Siepàglia, Siepagluóla , x row of hedges. Sieparc , to k'dgc in or about. Sièpe, Siépa, Sicva , a hedge, a fence, a mound, a treanch,or a clofure of grounds. Si é canto, fo and fomuch. Si-eti ndio, as alfo, as well, alfo. Siévoj Sicvófo» any lfmde of tallow. Si-f \-Tic,uf-d of Dante for Se-ve- £3, he mak cS b'mfelf , ejr m made thereof. Si-fatta manièra, fuch manner. Si-fattamente, in fuch fafinon. S'-fjtco, fuch,thus, fo made. Siflimc, as Galatide. S'^arice, Sirèna, the name of a.fifij. Sigéllo, a Goldfmitbs pounccr. Sigillare, Sigillare, to fcal, to firme, to I igne , to cafijet, to brand, * Siggillari, facrificcs, or games cele¬ brated in honour of Pluto. SigillàrOj Sigillature, a S caler . Sigillata, look Tèrra. * Sigillatamente , by feal, by Met, punElu- ally, diftmElly. Sigillatióne, Sigillatura, a fettling. Sigillo SiggUlo a Seal, a fignet, a cxfljct, a branding iron. "Sigillo di nóflra dònna, di Santa Maria, black brionie , wil.le vine , our Ladies feal. Sigillo di Salomone,#* Scala Cadi. Sigimno, a ìfi-nde of target or fhield. Signacolo#* Segnàcolo, Signal are Signàle, as Segnalarci I Signatura as Segnatura. Signitero , ftgnc-bearing , an Enfigne or ' Standard-bearer, alfo the Zodiake with his twelve fignes. * Significabile Significhévole. that doth ,or may (ìgnify. Significante, fignificant. Significare, to figmfy, to nolify. Significatióne, Significaménto , Signifi¬ ca nza, fignification. Significativo , fignificant. S ignificàco, fignifycd, notifycd. " Significatóre, a Signifier. Siguine, a kinde of dainty Pear, Siguina, parget or cirnent, made of pot- fharcls reduced into powder, Siguino • a kinde of perrie or wine. Signora, SIgnorélla a Lady, a Dame, a Mifiriffe, a Commandreffc. Signoràggio,Signorèggio, Lording, domi¬ nion, chcif power, jurifdiElion. Signore, a Lord, a Sir, a R uler , an owner , a Pofjeffor. Signóre a bachétta an Officer with a white ftaffe, an abfolulc Lord or Commander, a Controwler, as we far one that hath the Law in his own hands. SignóreCartóne, a paflboard Lord,a Lord of clouts. Signóre di Maggo, a lord of a May-game, fo they call a Lord m mockery. Signóre di nòtte , a night-Mar fi} a 11,a Con- Itable of the night-watch. Signoreggiarne , ruling, dominiering , or commandinglike a Lord. "Signoreggiaménto, lordly fway. Signoreggiare, to rule, to fway, or to com¬ mand as a Lord. *Signorcggiatóre, a lordly Ruler. ’Signoria, Signorie , Lordjhip , Mafter• Jhip,worfhip , Heir, Power,Government, fway, rule, magiftrany,command, domi¬ nion, alfo Lidy-fhip,or Miflris-fhip, alfo a Signorie, a State, a Dominion, a Com- mon-rvealth, a Mannor or Lord-fhip of Lands. * Signorile, Signorévole, Sjgnoreggc- vole, Lordly , Lord-like , Prince¬ like- Signorilmente, Lord-like. Signoriflimo, moft Lord, or Lordly. Signor mio si, ye my Lord. Signor mo, my Lord, or Mafter. Signoròtto, a Lordling, a petty-Lord. Signor- fo, his Lord or Mafter. Signornò, thy Loi d or Mafter , but this ab¬ breviation of mò, for mio, tò, for tuo, fò, for fuo, is now out of ufe, and not imitablc. Signozzarc, Signczzo, as Singhiozzo. Sigurare, Sigyrtà, us Sicuràre. Si il, fell,//.'/nr. Sila, as Sile. Silaba, Sillaba, a ffiliable of a word. ' Silabico, pertaining to fyUalhs. Sìlabizzàre, to fyHabi^e. Silaceo, if a yeftowifh colour, Silàgine, hearb Crow-foot. Silaràno, a difeaje in a haw Silàri, an that never fijeds leaves. ill Silero , an Ofler , a finali wit hie [fat. 1 )à Sile, Silo, Silao, Sili, the bearb fecelts, or I Ì ficelis, with the feed or root whereof the ! Grecians were wont to feafon that wine j which they drank before noon, alfo a kind, i of yellow earth,which being burnt maheth Vermillion for Painters. | Silcnite, a flone of divers colours. Silènte, fileni, whoofhtffiiU,alfo the fa ft day of the new-moon. Silènte luna, the very moment that the moon changcth. Sdentale, that may be filenced. Sdentare, Silàre, tofilcnce, to wboofhl, to Silentiàrio, an officer that feelb good rule \ and quietneffe kept. Silèntio, filence, flilncffe. Silero, Siléos, filer , or heart-wort. * Silero montano, filer-mountain . Silici re, to pave with flint flones. * Silicata, a pavement. Silicato, paved, alfo a pavement. Silicatóre, a Pavier , Sìlici, a kind of F eny-greek. Siliccrno, a [looping old man. Siligine, winter-wheat, Polwheat. Siljgo, raw (leave, untwificdfilif. Silio, Sfllio, as Psillio, alfo Spo t, 0 Ter, or jmall WiUow-tree, alfo wicker. ‘ * Siliqua, a certain meafure of liquid things in Italy, alfo a kind of fniaU weight, the fixih part of an ounce makes fix fi- hqucs,alfo camock-whin,or reft-harrow^ fame take it for feni-greek, others for the carob-tree-frun, others for capers, others for the cod or husk of any pulfe. Si 1 iqu à ftro, pepper-wort, pepper of India; it hath a leaf like Ale-cofl. Sillaba, a fyllable of a word. Sillèpfi, a manner of confiruclion. Sillfbo, an hearb like Cameleon. Sillogiftico,Silogift:co,//e.Wi»g to depu¬ tation. Silo, one that hath a fcowiing-loo\, a Iqw- nng-vijage, or banging-brow, one that bath a nofe crooked upward, a eh amori¬ no fed-fellow, it batbbècn ufèd for the round Univerfe, or whole World. * Silobalfimo, bxlfom-wood. Sìlócco, the Soutb-e aft-wind , as Sci- i: ròcco. Siloe, a phy ficai wood or drug, Silogilmo, Sillogifmo, a fyUogijm, that hi i a pcrfcEl argument of three parts infer- £ ring a ncceflary conclufion. Silogi floamente, fyUogiflic aOy. * Silogiftico, as Sillogiftico. 4 Silogizzàre, to fydogi\e, to argue or dif- g pute by way of true arguments. * Silònc, as Silo. Siloppo, any fyrop or potion, as Sci- : róppo. Silphióne, laker-wort, fome fay it is an h bearb yielding the gum Benjamin. Silva, a forrefi, a wild wood. Silvana fièra? any wild bea ft. * Silvano, Sii vacico , $ìlv t (tre, filvane, rural, wild, ruflike , woodic, forrefl- : Hk^ f * Silvano, a Wood-man, a Forrefter, a > Swain, a Savage or wild man, one borni ,f bred, or living in words. Silvcftria, as Selvatichézza,- Silvia,# Ribbin-rcd-brcaft, Sflvófo, as Selvòfo. Siluro, the fifh Rivc-waU. Simblca, as Aflcmblca- j Slmbo-]:| _S I M_ [ Sim') oleici j Simbologia, fympathi^p, or ! agreeing in nature an L quality. ! Simbolicamente, fimbolkcallj, myfiically^ i dar fey. j Simbolizzante, fym'joli%}ng, fymgalhhgng, agreeing in nature and quality. : Simbolizzare, to jymbohxj, to fympatbi’gjt, to agree in nature, Simbolo , an uniformate confcnt of fundry opinions, alfo a fecret or privic note fig- nifying fom : myfierie , a floort or intricate fentcncc contxing fomc myflerie , a note or tofen given upon covenants, or to feow one by, nfed alfo far the Creed of the twelve Apofllcs, alfo a coin in Greece. * Simeonia, wild mallowes. Simecrl.i, as Simmetria. Simia, r.n ape, amunfey, by Met. one that countcrfettetb another. S miane, a fend of dainty plum. Simiaria, an apes den, by Met. a lurking hole, alfo any apifh ttiefeor condition. Smigliante, Smigliévole, fcmblant, fcm - blable, life unto , refembling. SimigliantcméntCj/i’WJW.ib/y, life wife. Simiglia nza, fimUitude, refemblance. Simigliare, to refemble, to feem life. Similace, binde-wced,or withic-binde, al¬ fa fimnel-bread. Similagine, Similacine, meal of the mean fort , th it is neither fine nor courfe. Similare, Similare, life unto. Similarità as Similitudine- Simile, life, fuel), equal, match. Simillimo, Similliffirno, mofl life. Similitudinario, having, or bearing the lifeneffe of a thing. Similitudine, Similtà, lifeneffe , refem¬ blance, firridituAe. Similmente, Similemcnte, lifewife, fem- blably. * Sim'ónc, a great munfe y or ape. 1 * Simiótica, Giudicale medicina, Pbificfy th at treats of the fignificant marfe and e.iufes of what is pafi, and what is to come, as well of health, as of ficfeieffe. Simiótto, a hand fonie ap; or munfey. * Simita, the flitneffe of ones nofe. Simmach a, joyning of many agamfi one, aide or fupply in war. Simmetria, due proportion of each part to other m refpeti of the whole. Simm (la, a Secret arie of State , or a Privic CounccEour. Simmoniano, Simoniino, three-lcav'd- graff‘\ or treacle-claver. j Simo , flit-no fed, camoifet, without no finis, atjo a fend of fifh. Simolacro, Simulacro, the true proportion, refemblance or image of any thing, an image. SimolarC) as Simulare, &c. Simoneggiare, Simonia re, Simonizzarc, to commit fimomc in Church-matters *S\mow\o., fimony 9 buying, bribmg 3 or felling of (piritual livings. "Simoniaco > Simonifta, a fimonifi, an offender in fimony, Simonidéi, verfes fo called, bccaufe Simo- nides invented them. Simoniófo, full of, or tainted with fimony. Simm ico, one that belpctb in war. Simoathia, Simpatia, (impathie, a natural pafffon of oneJ<> the other, or a combina¬ tion of things natural in the operation of the pow"rs,di(l>ofirion,quality and nature, even as water doth in co’.dneffe partici¬ pate with the earth, and in moifineffe with the ai Simpathizzàrc, to fympaihi’ge, to agree in nr r iir° and condition. S imphirónc, Elccampane-bearb. S I N S I N jSimphifi, a joyning together of the bones j with nit moving. Simphito, Simphitónc, Comfrcy, Alo, or IVall wort of the roefe Simphonéfi, a collifum of vowels. Simplionia, an accord or con font in time, tune and harmonie , a tunable fmging without any Accordance or jarring, alfo a fend of mufical Instrument. Simphoniaca, hearb Henbane. * Sjmphoniàco, Simphonlco, according to time, tunc or h armonie. j Simphonifta, a tuner of fongs or mnftcfe J alfo a Querjilcr. : Simphónio, a Q^ire of fmging men. Simplóni, fellow-feeders, fuel) as eat and ; J drin\ together. , S impóne, a certain earthen cup nfcd in fa -1 orifices. * Simpofiarcaj an over-feer , or a mafer of fcafts and banquets. Simpólìo, Simpófito, afcafl, a banquet, or i a merry drinfeng together. Simpfalnuj concord m fmging. Simptóma, a fympthom, a paffion, an ac- ! cident, or ajfcCl incident unto, or follow- \ ing any (icfe:(fv,a fenfibte grief joyned unto any ficfeieffe, as the head-ach with j an ague. Simpulo, a certain badge or enfign belong- j ingto a proper Bifhopricfe Simulacro, as Simolacro. Simulare, to diffemble, tofaign, to fay one thing , and mean another, to play the hypo- ' critc, to pretend or mife as though a j thing were not, alfo as Simigliare. I Simulatamente j difj'cmbtingly, feigned!)’, hypocritically. Simulatone, Simulaménto, fimulaùon , diffìmulation, bypoc riffe. Simulatóre, a diffemblcr , an hypocrit , a pretender of that which is not. * Simulcvole, difjimnlablc , Simulta, di (Jim ulntion, breach of love with diffembling, alfogrudg or hatred under a fairfhew. Sinica, a fcaver which beginneth in the heart-bloud. * Sinacrlde, a fend of fifh whofe meat is red. Sinadico, a fend of grey marble. Sinadónte, as Sinodónte. Sinagoga, a Synagogue, an Affembly. Sinàgro, a broad flat fj(b. Sinalcfle> a coUiftou of a vowel. Smanca, Sinanchia, S inanche, the fqui- nxncie in the throat. * Sinamhrófi, a clofe conjunction of bones without any vifible motion. Smape, as Senape, mUflard-feed. Sinapifmójrt prati ce by plaifter of muflard- feed, ufed to revive a place that,is morti¬ fied, and to draw feefh humours unto it. S inatti, a godly or devout affembly in fing- I of Pfalms. * Sinceramente, with fmcerity. I Sincerare, Smelerà re, to mafe or become | fincere , plain or upright. j Sincerità, Sincerézza ,finceritie, integrine, true meaning, uprigbtneffe. 1 Sincero, Sjnciéro, ftnccre , unfeigned, (Im¬ ply, pure, upright. Sinchiozzàre, as Singhiozzare. Sinciputo itbefore or upper part of the I head forward , nigh to the Coronal, future, which in new-born children is fo foft and tender, that under it the conflrutiion and dilatation of the brain, called Slftula and Diàftola, w plainly perceived, the bones of Sinciputo do clofe the future called Sagittale, between Labdóide and Coronale. , * Sincodrófì, an union of the bones made ! by a cartilage, as it were in Oflo-pube, the breafl bone, and Ilio, When it is feiit j ^ to Ollcvfacro. ; * Sincopare, Sincopizzare, to fincopate , to diminifh or cut away, alfo to faint at the hean, or tofallinto a fwou i by the I failing of the (pints. * Sincopante, Sincopizzàntc, fineo patini, cuttingor diminifhing from filling into a trance. * Sincope, Sincopatone, a fiume , a fincopation, a cutting away or from a failing of the fintiti, a faintneffe at ’the heart, a falling into a dead trance. Sincorcfi, a minifiring or be flowing. Sinctifi, a compari fon of per fans or things that are contrary. Sincrifina, a thin fpredding ointment. * Sindaco, Sindico, Sindicatóre, Sinda¬ catóre, a M igiffrate, a Judge, a Ju- fliccr, an Advocate for the Common¬ wealth, one that hath the charge or com¬ mi ffion to fearch out and examine mens caufes and rights, and to fee that Law and Juflicc be duly executed, and . that every man have right. * Sindacare, Sindacare, to convince, to judge or fcntcncc by Law. * Sindacato, Sindicato, part, arraigned, judged or tried according to Juftice and Law. "Sindacato, Sindicato, nom. a chief Court of Magiftraies, or general Seffiuns or Sifes. "Sindicatura , a Judgement, an Arraign ¬ ment or Trial according to L.iw and Juftice. Sihdéo, the name of a fifh. Sinderéfi, Sinteréfi, is properly that part of the foul of man, which fir ft oppofeth her- felf unto fin, the pure part of the con- fcicncc,lbe remorcc or pric^ of confci- ence. Sindefmófi, a compofltion of bones by a liga¬ ment, as appearcth in the joints. Siu-di qua, even from hence. Sindone, a fyndon, a piece of fine linnen- cloth, as Lawn or Cambric\. Sine-cofto, without co fi or charges. Sinedrco, an Advifer , a Counfellor . Sinéra, a fifh that frvimmcth through all ftorms and tempo Its. Si nere (11, a contra tiion of two in one. Sincri, a digger or worfer in myncs,or about minerals. "Sinfitóne, Confólida. Sinfonia, as Simphonia. Singhiozzare, Singhioctàre, Singolare, Singozzàre, Singolare, Singultire, Singultire, tifeo, tiro, to fob, to throb , to blubber, alfo toy ex, or to hicocfe alfo torrone and gaff, alfo to cluc\ as a hen. * Singhioztati fofpiri, throbbing fighe s. * Singhiozzófo, Singhiottófo, Singol- tófo, Singultófo, full of throbs , fobs > ye.rings or hicocfe, Singibcro, the (pice ginger. * Siquino, a fend of wine. Singolare, Singùlarc, fingiti. ar , fingle, one alone, by Mei. pcercleffe. Singolarità, Singularica, fingularity, fin- g leneffe. Singolarizzare, to fingle , individually from others. "Singolarmente, Sìngularméflte, fingu- larly, fingly, particularly. Singolo, Singolo, fingle, alone. SingVapha, a written bill or f cedale. Singulars, as Singolare, &c. Singultire, <** Singhiozzare. Ooo * SinguL- S I N S I R SLA Singultente, throbbing, yexing. Sjngultionc, aycxing or throbbing. Sinifcalcato, as Senefciallàto. ^ Sinifcalco, as Senefciallo. Sinlftra, the left hind or fide, alfa a left- banded-room ». Siniftramcnte, / inifterly, croffely, contrary to expectation. Siniftrarc, logo or place on the left hand, al- fo to (1 p afide, alfo to mi fame by ill chance. Siniftrczza, Sinifteriti , ftniflerneffe, thwart fortune) croffe luc\. *Simftro> fini (ler, thwart, unprojperons, againfl defire or cxpccUaion,Ct off e-wife, tifo on the left fide. Siniftro ,Jub. afinifter chance, a croffe fortune, ant'd hap, alfo a left-handed- man, alfo a blow o-r whirret given with the h ft-hand, or with the back of the hand. Siniftrórfo, toward the leftftde. Sinnephiténe, a jlonc as white as md\. ‘ Sino, Sin, untili, even unto, as far as. Sjno-aclie , Sino-a-tanto» until that, untili fuch times that , untili when. Sino-a che témpo,Sino-a quando, untili when, how long. Sino-alla bocot, even to the mouth , up to the mouth. Sino-a qu i,hither unto. Sinoch iride, i /tone by venue whereof with certain magick (pels, /piriti once raifedmaybe kept above Jtill. Sinodale, of, or belonging to aSynode. Sinodia, a meeting together at aSynode, al¬ fo an excommunication. Sinodico, fynodical,pertaining to a Sy- node. Sinod*, a Synode, a general Couneel or Affcmbly of men, /peci ally about matters of Ke'igjon,alfo a fifhwith a pretty flonc in his head. S'nodóntc, a ftfb in who ft bead is found a pretious (lone called Sinodónride. Sinodóncide, look Sinodóntc. Sinonia, Sinopia, a white vifeous matter found in the joynts of mam body, like the white of an egge, wherein if any gravel grow, the gout is caufed. Sinon',miz7.are,f o fumimi^, to make two words bear one fenfe. Sinonimo, a Sinonimie, or word of oneftg- ni fie at ion. Sinópico, of, or belonging to Sinopie. Siiiópidc, Si no pio, finoper, finopis, rudi red oker , fomc have ufed it for Terra, figillata. Sinphonia, tu Simphonn. Sin qui, hither unto. Sintagmi, a treatic or ordinance. Si ma ìli, order or method of con/lcuttion, alfo a volume of divers works. Sine. òttico one that is weak, or fo low b, ought, that he ta\eth no food, but con¬ fameli) away. Sinteréfi, as Sindercfi. Simence. S incèdi, a weakneffe or confump- fm, wherewith the flejh pinetb away . Sintcft, Sinthéfi, a figure when a noun coll fti. c is joyned wi'h a verb plural. Smalla, Sintillarc, as Scintilla. Smtóma » as Simptóma. Sintomato, troubled with Simptóma. Si mom* i, a fg we hl . IP cecb or . wntl,, l ’ wherein arc ufed divers fmonomies, and m my Epithets, all ftgnifying but one fame thing. . Sintononua, a cutting away. ! S mu a ie, r occh i a n za, fijicr - h ood. Sirocchiare, to play the fjler, 1 h ir o c chi c v ol m é nr c, ft ft cr-like. Sirocco, the South-caft wind. Sirocco-levantc, South.call, and by Eat! Slropicone, a #nd of Terra figUJata -.'ropparc. tofiirup, io reduci imo limp, <0 keep or preftrve in fudfCt. ^■oppica, Siropattióne, rmp firmino or Ucquor of rm[uc\its. Siroppo, any firrop or potion, imcfijelvcsorqmck-fimdsin the water made by the drift of fond and gravel Simto, a ruble or carbuncle- fione with little flat s fhtning in it Sxdugo ,a kmdof beaft'in Sardinia, -'iruolo, a kmd of wine. Sija, Hv or glue that Painters life. iifach.a part of amans (tornaci). Semini, the Itttk bones in any matures nana and feet. Sifamo , a white grain or putte in i n j;, whereof they makegood oyle. ’ SiCin.heailt, linger broom, fomc take it for the skmet-root. Sitare, to ft\e, to glue, to Rifat. S.fc.ilco, as Senefciallo. Sifchiare, Smeraldino, a Sea-graffc-green. Smeraldo, ancmrauld-flone. SmerdaméntOjSmerdiggine, Smerda¬ tila, Smerdaginatióne, a bewraying, a befh’ting. Smerdare, Smerdolare,f0 6r/fci?e, to be¬ wray. Smergolare . Emergere O o o % to dive, to S MO SNO S O C dticì^ or plunge in che water. ; * Smerigliare, to fruì) or burnifh wuh tbe \ f<>ne Smeriglio. | Smerigliata, afoot of a Smeriglio. I Smeriglio, Smence, Smèrlo, Smirnio, j Smirro, a. tynd of bard [ione that GLx - i jiers ufe to cut glaffe with,[rubbers to frub blades with, and Armorers to fcourc ar¬ mour with, alfo a tyind of Ordnance or fmall Piece Lty a Robinet or B ice , alfo tbe long winged baw\ called a Merlin, fome taty it for a Spxrrow-bawty Smeriglio, the male, Falcóne the female. 4 Smerigl iòne, a ravenous hawty called in Latin, Afalon or Nifus. Smerlare, to deface or pull down tbe battle¬ ments of anj wall. Smerlate mura , walls without battlc- j merits. Smetriàre, as Smitriare. * Smezzare, to divide in tbe middle. Smezzato, divided into balfs. * Smhgolaménti , meawings or mum¬ blings. Smiago’are, to me aw as a cat,alfo to mum¬ ble as a too'-hlef e-woman. * Smiagolóne, ameawer, a mumbler. Smidollato, unmarrowed, unpitbied. Smilace, rope-weed, weed-bind. Smilza ,tbe milt or fp'.ccn of a body. Smi zare, to unmilt, to unfpleen. Smilzo , without a milt o- fp'een,alfo fpinic or Un \, withered or drooped, as a foot ten- herring. * Sminth o, a Surname of Apollo- _ * Sminuiménto, Sminutióne, diminution* Sminuire, to dì minify. Sminuiti vo, diminutive. * Sminuzzaménto, any f,mall mining* | Sminuzzare, Sminucciare, Smlnuzzo- 1 lare, to [bred, to mmi*. or crumble I fmall. j Sminuzzatamente, min'tyngly-. ' Sminuzzoli , Sminuccioli , m akings, crumblings, fmall foredsor mammocks, broken bread and meat. Smiracol ile, to wonder or admire unmea- furablj, to do great wonders. * Smirga, lovage, Macedonia perfly. Smirice, Smiriglio, as Smeriglio. Smiro, a ferpent-fifh. Smirrhizza, a. weed hty bcmlocty S mi reel la, the name of affo. Smifuracaménte, unmeafurably. . * Smifurat zza, Smifuranza, unmeafu- rablcnrffe , huge» effe. Smifuraco, unmeafurablc. Smiti.a e, to w.mitre. , Smoccare, Smo'co'are, as Moccare, Smoccatóio, Smoccolatóio, as Moccai- uólo. / t Smoccolo, Smoccolatura, as Mocco. Smoccoiófo, no Moccolo io. * Smodamene© jimmodeuteneffe. * Smodile, to go from moderation. * Smodlto, without meafure, alfo exceed¬ ing all limits or bounds. Smodeianza, Smoderam mo, Smodera¬ tézza, Smoderaggine, Smo derat ione, mmed r a tent foe. Smodciare, to exceed all means, to fall into Smoderatamene:, * Smoderato, immuterà - , iittmpcriuc. Smóglia, « vexing or bucking-lab . - Smogliirc, to la) in fotte or rooter. Smagliato, laid *«M« » «•'«'» »tfi un- rv-ved, without a wife. Smógnarc, Smóngerc, le mill), to fuc\ or draw dii. Smolgiùto, Smólto, Smonto, fttety or mdcbed dry, alio flick or untwifed , Smonacato, uni tatyd, unnunntd, having cafoff the order of R eligion. * Smontare, to difmount, to defeend , to alight from borfe , to go on Lind from a foip. Smontare l’arteglieria, to difmount or - unbrace Ordnance. * Smontata, a demounting, a defending, an alighting or landing-place. Smorbare, to difmfcft, to free from conta¬ gion. Smórderc, Smorfare, to bite or nibble in funder, alfo to let go with ones teeth, alfo to unbridle, to unfnafjle, to uncurb, by 1 Met. to difintangle or -rid from trou¬ bles. Smorduto, Smórfo, bitten or nibled, alfo unbridled y or unjn : filed. Smorbare, Smorfilrc,Smorfirc,f.fco,tiio, to maty grimafoes, or faces, or mouths, or moctyng-blurts at one with his mouth, alfo to devour greedily without chewing , alfo to parboil. * Smorfie, Smorbate, SmotfsAtCigrimafoes , mlimpings, bluriings , filthy moulhings of the lips. Smorire, to faint or fwo un as one dead. 4 Smortaccmo, Smortarcllo, Smortóre, palifo wan , dead, or fallow-colou¬ red. Smorto, dcad-lootymg,fquallid 3 ghajlly. Smorzare, to quench, to extinguish. Smorzare il vivo d un pezzo d’artcglie- ria, to fooot a piece by an even d [part, and hit the mir\ level. [Smorzato, Smorzo, quenched. (Smolla, Smoviménto, Smovitura, a mo¬ ving, a f irtene , a di floe at ion, a [pram. Smollò, moved, forredy [prained, di [loca¬ ted. Smóverc,Smuóverc,f0 remove,to diflocate, to Sprain. 4 Smozzatolo, a by-way, a fimtening of a way or going. \ Smozzicatura, Smozzatura, as Mòc- ' colo- ' Smuccarc, as Smoccare- Smucciàre, Smucciro, to Jlide upon ice , al¬ fo to trip, or to fumble. 4 Smurare, to unw.illy or pull down walls, or any part of a building. 4 Smurata terra, an unwalled Town. 4 Smufiare, to blunt or abate the edge , by Met. to pull down ones courage. 4 Smuflézza, bluntncfoeofancdgc. 4 Smuflo, blunt, without an edge. Smutolire.fi> undumbefo come to ones fpeccb again. Snamoraménto, a difinamouming. * Snamorar fi, f0/1^7 out of love. Snafato, unnofed, without a nofe. * Snaturale, unnatural. * Snaturali:;), unnaturxlncfle. Snellamente, nimbly yfl-etly. * Snellita, Snellézza, nimblcncfocy agility in motion , vivacity. Snèllo, nimble , quic\ of Jpint and motion, fwife , light-footed. Snervare, to unfinneWy to unnerve , alfo to hough a borfe. Snidare, Snidiarc, to unnefl, to unroof, b y M:t. to unden, to rou\e up. Snighicirfi, the contrary of Annighi- tire. Snocciolare, Snocch'are,Snocchiolarc, to piety to fo.tle, to unhusty or to crack nuts, to nut, by Met. to difintangle, or pick our, to fearch and find out a doubt, alfo to [peak out boldly and piami y, with¬ out fear and rejpc Among Merchants it (ignifieth, to taty no time of payment,' but to pay do vn -1 ::ht, and ready money \ upon the n.:i ', as we fay. Snocciolato. Snocclvaco, Snocciolato, , the part, of Snocciolare. 4 Snodne, to untyiot, to untyiit. * Snodato, unknotted. Snodatura, an untyiot ting, alfo the tyiitting of a joint. 4 Snomina; ^e, to unname. Snudare, toflrip bare or natyd. * Sò, pron. pofoiffive, qé Sup, his, hers, his own,her own. * Sò, verb, of Sapere, l wote, I tyiow , l wifor, I tyn, I can. Soatto, Soattolo, a flrap or leather- thong. *Soave, fweet, delicious, or pieafant in tafle, in jmeU'mg, in hearing, and foft in * f e i lln l- *Soave, Soavemente, adv. fwcetly , d(li- cioujly, gently, foftly, fmootbly. Soavi-dico, Soavi-lotjuént efoweetly fptnty Soavi-loquio, Soavi-loquenza, fweet or pitafant [pecch. Soavità, Soavitudlne, fwectnefje,pleafaiice delicioufnefoe. Sr azza, as Cornice. Sobbatterc, to furbait as a borfe doth. Sobbattitura, a furbaiting. Sobbarcare, as Smergolare. ’ Sobbollimcnto, an under-boiling , a con- cofling, alfa *a f upplirtg or mollify¬ ing. 4 Sobbollire, Sobollire, to boil under, alfo to fupple, to molli fie, to parboil. ‘ Sobbórghi, fubburbs,out-flreets or boroughs of a City without the walls, * Sobbrcvità, fub-brtvitie c Sóbero, the cork tree or wood. * Sobillaménto, a [educing unto evil. * Sobillare, to feduce unto evil. Sobillare, as Precipitare. Sobogire, £0 fupple, to mollifie. Sóbole, ojf-Jjmngy if}ue, generation. ' \ Sobolire, to enocafe in ifoue, off-[firing err ; fuccejjion. j 4 Sobornare, Sobornatióne, as Subornare, “Sobriamént Cyfoberly, temperately. ) Sobrietà , fobriety , temperance. Sqbrino, as Confobrino. Sòbrio, [obey, not drunk, temperate, Sobuglia re, to [buffe, to tofoe and tum¬ ble up and down confufedty m Sobuglio, a toffing , a tumbling or confufed i rumbling up and down. Socamélo ,the bafe,the foundation or ground¬ work t>f any fione-fabricty Soccaggio, a tenure of Lands, which we call joccage. Soccato, that weareib [oc\Sy fart ops or begging-foooes. Socccnericcio, batydund.tr afocs, of the colour of afhes. Socco, Sòcchi, a tynd of woollen focty, foooes, bustyns or begging-foooes that Comedians were wont to wear. 'Socchiamare, to under-call, to call with as lowd voice. •Socchiudere, to font or lock under, alfo ti put ton, but no: lock m . ' Socchiufo, fhut under, alfo half [hut. Sócci, as Ci fono, there are. * Soccidézza, Sjccido, Soccidume, a Succido. Soccingere, to under-guirt. Soccino, as Succino. Soccinto, as Succinto» Sóccio, is properly cattle , or any thing eljt given or delivered to others 3 tyeping 0 j SOD S O F S O G I ufe at half) or in partnership, both gain and lo[]e. j * Socclaviéra, loo\ Vena, j..' i Soccoiq.cc, to go flal^ng or on stilts. I Soccómbere, to faint or fill down under a burden, to fail or fin k as not able tu | ’ fufiain. j * Soccombente, fuccumbent, fainting under | fome heavy burden. Soccórde, li'.her, ia^jc, bafe-minded, faint¬ hearted, cravin. ! Soccórdia, litbemeffe, laxfintffe. | * Soccorrénzaj a flux of the body but with¬ out blood. Soccórrere, to (Uccour,to fun to belato aid , to affi ft. * Soccorrévole, fuccourable. * Soccorr imeneo, any helping fuccour. * Soccorritóre, a ready helper. Soccórfo, fuccour , help, aid, affi fiance. SoccóiTo, fuccoured, aftijted. Soccra, a wives or husbands mother. Sócero, a wives or husbands father. Sociabile, fociablc, familiar , that a. man may i^eep com pany or fellow (hip with . Sociale , [ociable, converfable ' Socialità, Sociabilità, Società, Soeiati- óne, fociety, ftllowjh'p, confort , compa¬ nie. I Sodare, to fidate, Cp company . Sócida, fellowffop or partnership in dealing or trading. * Socidézza, Socidume, Sócido, Suc¬ cido. Socigéna , V^nus is Jo called,b:caufc Jhe conjoins men and women together. Sòcio, Sodo, afeliow,a mate, a companion , a complice, a partner. Socórde, Socórdia, as Soccórde. I Socrótio , the name of a di ug. Sodaggine, foUdity. 1 Sòda, Fcrn-a(hes whereof glares arc made, alfo a difeafe or giddiucffe inahaw^s bead. I Sodale, of one fociety, a companion , namely at meat and recreation. Sodalità, Sodalltio, fellowfhip or brother¬ hood, namely at meat and (port. * Souamént Cjfi>Udh,(liffly. Sodamcnto , Sodatura, folid cflablifb- ment. Sodare, to ma\e folid orfaft , to eftablijh, I alfo to pledge or anfwcr for. I Sodatóre^» efiabiijher, alfo a pledge j a I finely. I Soddiacon ito, a fubdcancry. I Soidiàcono, a fubdean pr deacon. I Sodifgiunti vo, fibdisj unitive. Soddiftinguere, to fubdi (lingufib. I * Soddiftintióne, a fubdiftinction. H Soddividere, to fubdivide. I Soddivifióne, afubdivifion. I Sodézza, foUdity, fiiff/uffe. I 51 Sód is, ufed as Satis in compofmg of fome [j words, namely before Fare. * Sodisfaccvole, that may fatisfte or be fa- I tisfied. \ Sodisfacimcnto, a fatisjying, an amends || making. * Sodisfacimcnto penale ,penali fatisfafli- on or amends. I Sodisfare, to fatisfte,to give fatisfaftion, j to ma\c amends for. |j S 0 disfattión c, fatisfaftion, amends for. I Sodisfatto, faiisfied, appaid, made amends I ("•. * Sodi; fattóre, afatisfier. Sodisfattój io, fitisfaflory. Sòdo , folid, tough, hard, ftijf, pithy J hard. • I | * Sòdo, theeffential fubftance or body of a | any thing, alfo a ftrong upholder of (tone or timber. Sòdo angolo, a full per ft ft angle. Sodo al macchiòne, ftiff, refo’ute,undaunt¬ ed, that will not /Hr for knocking. * Sodomia, Sodoma, Soddomu, Soddó- ma, the filthy fin of Sodomy. Sodomitare, Soddomitare, to commit hor¬ rible Sodomy. * Sodomita, Sodomco, Soddomita, Sod- doméo, a Sodomite, a buggerer. * Sodomitarfe, Sodomitical tric\s. Sodóna, the name of an hearb. Sedótta, Soddótta, a fcduccment. Soduccre, Sodurrc, Soddiicere, Soddurre, to fcducc, to miflead. Soducimcnto, Soduttiónc, Sodducimcn- to, a fcduccment, a mifleading. Sodùtto, Sodótto, Sodducto, (educed. Soductóre, Soducitóre, Sodduttóre, a fe- duccr, a mifieadcr. Soéttc ,the little Floundcr-fifhes. Sofferènte, Soffrente, fuficring. Sofferenza, Soffrénza , Soiferimcnto, Soffr imeneo, f uff er ance, to'crai ion. Sofferévolc, Sòfferibile , Soffrévole, Só^tibiìc , fuff'cr able, tolerable. Sofferire, Soffrire, to fuff'cr, to bear, to en¬ dure, to tolerate. Sofferitóre, Soffritóre, afuffercr. Sofferto, Soffrirò, fufte red, endured. Soffiante, blowing,puffing, filling, breath¬ ing, panting. Soffiare, to blow , to puff, tofitfe , alfo to prompt as Players do one to another from the tiring room to the Stage. ‘ Soffiatolo, a pair of bellows, by Met. a. dag ** or hand nun. Soffiatóre, a blower , a puffer. Soffiat ila, Soffiaménto,-^ Sóffio, S©ff iccare, to thruft in under. * Soffice, p'iafile,yielding,gentle, alfo nice or curtoufly dainty. * Sofficemente, pliantly , gently , alfo nicely, cunoufty, daintily, Sofferente, Sofficénte, fufficicnt, able to perform. S off. eie nt'em é nt e, fu fficiently. Sotficiénzi, Sofficlnza, Sofficcntczza, f ufficienti^ ability. * Soffidiar.c, ufedfor Appiattare. * Soffiétto, the dim. of Sóffio, by Met. a pur of bellows, afo a buffet or Iff/imcry buff given on the cheti ^, ufed alfo for a full budget , the dim. of Soffióne. * Sóffio, any blaft , puff, or blowing , a gale , a gufi or flaw and berry of wind , alfo a filling,a foyfling, alfo a boyesplay in Italy h^e our blow-point. Soffióna, a waftc-breatb , a woman full of vain babhng words. Soffióne, any great, high , or ftrong blast, buffie, puff ^blowing, gale, gufi, flaw or berry of wind, any gyre at pair of bellows ,a great (hooting triin{ t a long musket or fowling-piece , a long fqmb of wild fire. Sofffftaric, Soffiffcffe,S ophifries. Sotfita, Sofita, a rood-loft, a garret, a I ft on the top of a boufc with a Croffe beam in it. Soffitare, to floor or feel over, dlfo to build bending-wife h^e a roof or garret. Soffitto Jbruft or fixed under,alfo trjSoffffa. Soffitùto» Soffitato, roofed or vaulted as a garret, Soffocare, Soffogare, to fuffocatc, to fmoo- ther,to ffifle or (top ones brea:b. Soffocatióne, Soffocanza, Soffogatióne, afujfocatioii , aftifl:ng,a fmooihcring of ones breath. Soffólcere', Soffólgerc, Soffoldrc, to up- Dolcl, io under-prop, toboul'j, fufiain or l^ecp up, alfo to p!ace } to n to fettle. Soffomentare, Fomentare, offomcntatióne, as Fomcntatipne. Soffondato , placed under as ih ground¬ work and foundation of any thing. Soffondere, to undej-mtit, to confound , to poure down liquor, to fir cad abroad. Soffonduto, Soffufo , poured down ,(pread abroad,confounded. * Soffr feo, dustye, tiriti^ a ^dgloomy. * SoffoGar c,to under-trench. Sottolio, an under-trench or ditch. Soffragano, a fnffiagane, that is to fay , a Bi(hops Vicegerent, or a Blfhop cle ft , to excrcife the office of a Metropolitan in his abfcnce. Suffragare, u>[ive ones voice, fuf ram, or favour in any eleflion. Soffragatióne, a giving of ones voice, con- fen t or fuff rage in favour of any eLFli- on. Soffragatórey an abetter, a fupportcr in any eletimn with his voice and Jnffrage. Softragatório, of, or belonging to Juffra- g e J • _ Sottraginófo, a horfe or any beafi that hath the j cratches or fpavens , or that is dif- eafed in the boughs or pafierns. Soffrigio, a fuffrage, a confuting voice a- bout any clef lion, alfo a wrack at Sea. Soffia go, the bough or pafiern of a horfe or other beafi, alfo one wbofe thighs are bro¬ ken. Softranta, Soffritta, a fuffraction, an un¬ der-rupture , a defeature or rout- ing, alfo a fellow-fuffer ance, alfo want , need or penury, alfo the binder part of the tbiglj. Sofffe'gare,?0 enter-rub tillitbe raw,galled, or the skin off : . Softfegatióne, Soffiaménto, Soffrégo , •» an enter-rubbing , a merry gall , a raw place the skin being rubbed off, ufed alfo for the fuming or blandifhments that a dog exprefeth to his m.ifier with leaping and wagging of Ins tail. Soffrenare, to under-curb, to check a horfe with the bit or with one rein of the bit. Sottrenata, a check , a twitch, or job given to a horfe with the bit or reins. Soffrenatióne, afaft joyrnng or binding toge¬ ther of fioncs in a wall with lead or iron. Soffriggere, as Friggere. Soffriménto, Sorfure, look Sofferire* Soffritto, as Fritto. Soffrutice, all manner of under-fhrubs. Soffumicare, Soffumicatane, Soft'umigio, loot? Suffumicare, &c. Sott'ufiónc, a* Suffufióne. Soffufo, ai Soffondiito. Sofisma, Sofifta, Sofittico» as Sophitta, SoRfticare, as Sophifticarc. Séga, any born-firing or $karf fafined to a hunters horn, alfa a thong or long firap , alfo any cord rooe or ca¬ ble. S'oggelare, Soggielare, to under-f eefe, or frcefc underneath. Soggcrire, as Suggerire. Sougeftióne, Soggètto, as Suggettióne. Soggettare, as Suggellare. Soggettare, Soggecure, to fubjefl,to bring under, to enthral. 0 o o 3 $og- S O G SOL SOL Soggettai c,Cub,'£tMt. Sognai bonela. ® ° biz xrc.Vf.tar, a !}■nttr. Soggettò ns* [ubjeftion, (wait nit, tìnti- Sognàbile, Sogncvole, Ibat may be dream- | Wa™, Jolue,Sp,n, glee ■ aam. | e “* Sognante, dreaming. \ Soggettilo, [ubjcfted, made fubjeft,en- viffuLd. Soggettivo, fubjeftive, to befubjcfted. j * Soggetto, notfi.fi fnbjcft, an uidcrling , one in fubjcftion, a vaQ.it, a thrall, a. bondman, alfo in a good for fè for a confi¬ do able pe.fon. Soggètto, part. [ub-tEUd or brought under, d fio ad:h fled, cnclined, given or fubjccl unto. Soggètto, /z^. a fubjeR, aground, or matter io varile ,to fpca\,or to work upon. Soggiacente, tying under i jubjaccnt. Soggiacere, to lie under. Soggiacidto, lain under. * Soggicgabile,plare, to (aflen under the chin. Soghignaie, Sogghignare,^ iter, to ftmper, to [mile. * Soghignatórc, a fmiler , fi leerer. Soghignamémo, a fmiling, a leering. Soghigno, Sogghigno, fi fmile , a clofe laughing, a leering loo\. Sòglia, a Sole-fifh , alfo as Solére. Sogliir alfo a hat or fhe t rto keep off'the Sun. Solanarc, to go in company. Solanda, fi wild greatgnofe. Solane, the great horfe- fhooe oyfler. Solano ,Dwal, Night-fijidc, Bine-wort Deadly-bane , Deatbs-hcarb,or Morrei. Solare, funny, as Solar o t n f,or belonging to the Sun. Solare, i Sun-dyal , alfo a flory of any build¬ ing, alfo the hearb Wart-wort or Turn- fol, alfo the foie of the foot'. Solare, verb, to Sun , alfo to foie, by Met.to floor or feel. Solarétta, Solerctta, aU manner of little Coles, namely of floclflns. * Solari iuggi, the Sun-beams, Solario, as Solano. * Solacio, any part of a hill open and expo- Jyfed to the S un\, namely to the Rasi, and Sun-nflng,thc tonte ary of Bacio. Solanone, the time or [pace of a day between * Sun-rifing and Sun-fitling, ufed alfo in Hew of Confolatióne. * Solativo luògo, a funny place. Sol ' to, foled, alfo funned. Solano, Choke-weed , Broonicr-aue, or wild fitches among Corn, alfo ns Solano. Solazzare, Sollazzare, to folace. Solazzcvole, Solazzófo, jportful, full°f folace, bl th t recreative. Solbaftrélla, pimpernel, burner. Soleàbile, that rtiay be furrowed. Solcare, to furrough, to plough or grub up the ground. j ’ Solcare dritto, fo furrowJlmgtbJby Met. j to go right and live uprightly. * Solcare il mare , to furrow or cut the waves of the Sea as a Jhip doth ‘with her k e[ i, by Met. to go a voyage. Solcato, furrowed, made in furrows. Solcato , fub. the flough of a. Cart¬ wheel. ’ Solcatóre, « furrower, a plough-man. * Solcatura, Solcaménto, Solc.'ta, a fur¬ rowing. * Sòldo,'fi \md offljh, as Pólpo , alfo a kind of conferring, fe a fining or dreffim erf meat. * Sólco, Sólchi, any furrow, alfa a gullet or go\el through a field , alfo a range or trench, furrow or ditch to plant vines in by Met. a wrimplc in any thing. 3 ’ Sólco acquaio, a trench or furrow drawn along fields to drain waters, * Sólda, Crab graffi, Frog-graflc, Salt¬ wort, Glaffe-wort. Soldana, Soldanèlla, ficurvy-weed, Scot- tifh feurvy-grafe , Dogs-caul , Sea-coles- Sea-caul, Sea-bells, Sea-witbbind. * Soldanacico, Soldanato , the office or dignity of a Saldane , of a Ruler or of Souldier. Soldato, one that is prefl or taken intù pay Souldier. ^oldai^r a Snidane or Princely Ruler. SoUjrf&j Alloldare. j^olwRaglia, a rout or multitude of di for de- , ** red and featured fouldiers. * SoWatéfca, fouldery, the whole body or profeffion of a Princes fouldiers. Soldatico, fouldierly, fouldicr-li^c. Soldato, fouldier , that is, one prefl in pay to ferve in war , a man given to the penny. Soldaca di ventura, an adventurer, or vo¬ luntary fouldier. Sóldo,fi coin called a Sould or afl) U':ng,*l- fo a fouldiers pay , hire, or (tipend. Sóle, the Planet S 0 1 , the Sun, the eye of - Heaven , aljo gold among Alchy-\ mifls. * Sóle d’ 'India, as Còppa di Giove. * Sóle marino, Sóle del mare , a kind of Se a- fljh, like a. painted Sun. Soleamo, Solcano, the bald locufc. Solecchiare, the time of Sun-fit. Solécchio, a Canopy, a [hade or defence a- gainft the S ««, alfo a glimmering or gimps of the Sun about tie time that U\ fits. ^ | Solecifmo, Sollecffmo, a folccifm, or in¬ congruity. Solecitaméntc, Sollecitaméntc, diligently , vigilantly , carefully. Solecitarc* Sollecitare, Sollicicare, to fo -! licit, to bye, to baften , fo urge or purfue with diligence, to follow inflantly, to be I careful and injiant with one,alfo to baflen. ones pace , Solécita, Solecitanza, Solecitatióne,So- lecitaménto, Solecitatura, Solecitudi- ne, folicitation , purfuit, diligent hafining , and earneflneffto do a thing. Solecitatfvo ,having quality to[oficitc or be folicited. Solecitatóre, fi foliciter, a purfivant , a di. ligent urger. Solccitévole, that may be folicited. Solécito, Sollécito, / olicitOM, diligent, fullf of care and fpecd. _Sold S O L SOI, SOM Solecitudine, folicitude, diligent purfuit, earnefl care, angui [b of mind. Solccóphano , whatfoevcr hath a [bnv of a folecifm or may be excufcd. Soleggiare» to (bine as the Sun, to Suiti to air in the Sun, aljo to floor or feel,alfo to Jpread upon a floor. Solenne?* Iflnd of mufcleflfh , which boiled yields a comfortable liquor. Solenneggiàre, Solennizzare, to folem ni\", to celebrate at foms times. Solenne, folemn, annually, publick, yearly celebrated, alfo far-bruted, renouned, fa¬ mous. Solennemente, folemnly, with public^ fo • lemnity and celebration. Solennità, SoUcnmtà , folemnity, cele¬ bration , a feflivxl or cerimonious Solennizzitione, a folcmriizyuion. Solére, Sòglio, Sólfi, Soluto* to be wont or accuflomcd, to ufe, to accuflom. * Solerétt c,little foies or foc{s. Solerte, diligent , vigilant, fludiotis , wary. heedy. Solcrtia, diligence , vigilancie , quic\neffe of wit, fh irpneffe of perceiving , cunning cn mb in any piece or iron w or f. or fubtility in prattifing of good or folla néve, foft or thawing [now. evil. Soleticai'c, Solleticare, to tiebje. Soleticatióne , Solleticaménto, a tick¬ ling. Solctico, Solletic ófo>tic\lt\})» Solétto, all alone. Sol fa,vi note in Muflck or priclfSpng. * Sollanaio, Solfanàrio ,fulphufoik,of the quality of brim [lone,alfo afulpbur myne or pit. Solfanelli, Solfarmi, matches of bnmfionc to light candles with , Solfare, Solfeggiare , to Sol-fa, or flng prick-song. Solfareita, Solforiti, fulpburoits qua¬ lity. So'faria, atyulpbtir myne or pit . Solfato, Solfalo, a brimflone-maker. * Solfatala, afulphur pit or Myne. Solfo, Sólfro, Sulphur, Brimflone. Solforare,^ fulpbur. Solforco, Solforino ,of a fulpburoits qua¬ lity. Solforolo, Sol fro fo, fulphuroiis. Solica, a flint-[tone, a jfrc-flone. Sol echio, cu Solécchio. Solicuria, curmifnefc in every thing. Solidagine, Omfry or iVall-wo t. Solidamente, with folidity, faftly. Solid:'re, to co’i[olklatc , to ma{e folid : tough , firm or maffive, to fode r met■ tals. Solidatióne, a making folid. Sòlidi piedi , whole-footed , without foes. Solidità, Solidézza, folidity, firmnefje toughnejle^'thrnrjje. Sòlido, folid, tough, mafie, firm, faft, p 1 . thy, not hollow. SoUfcro, Sun bcaring or bringing ; it is ufed for the Zodiack- Sóli fuga, a S un-fhunner, alfo as Soli pungia. Soligéno, begotten or bred by the Sun. Soli lòquio, tal\ alone by a mails feIf. Solimàre, 06 Sublimare. Solimàto, as Sublimato. Solimc, as Sublime. Solimita, as Sublimità. So'ingo, folitary, all alone. Sólio, as S '%Uo,loo{ Pèzzo. P Sóli péde, that b :th but one foot. Solipungìa, Solipàga, Solipugna, Soli- fuga, Solpiga, a kind of venomous {lye npifft-mrc, that fliwetb ver, fore and j * Solfticiale, Solftiale, So (bciaric ,r .. ^r-ngtothtS^jl'i.TìllkZ, ioI,s gemmi, the Sm-flm, which a, the ftlfiiiul, ufei aljo J Ict . ret Hue which Sm,julds rtyes rouiU about. counmeth but a moment of time ■ oliltimo, a tfini of dittoing or divination] Solftitiàle mòrbo, any Jicbrulle tbit hiUeth among the Augures ta^en by the fall- m one day or [bori lb ice ’ ing of che bread to the ground, which was given to the cbicifins. Solita, Solitaries, as Solitudine. Solitamente, cuftomxrily, wontedly. Solitane, as Soléne. * Solitariamente, fofuarily. Solitario, folitary, private, alone. Solitario pallcro, a bird bigger and blac\e> than a Sparrow going alone on the tops of ho ufe s , and flinging very fweetly. Solitaurili, certain games and facrificcs ufed anciently among the Romans. Solitiflimo ,mofl-mofl wonted. Sòlito, accuftomed, wonted, ufed. Solitudine, folitude, folitarinefle , pyivacie, alfo a defert , uncouth , or unfrequented face. i 7 Sufi vagànza, ivandring alone. Sóli vago, folitary going. Sóli a, a flaw, a hollow, a brac\ j, or a hony- Sollàre, to fliw or hony-comb. Sollazzare, Sollazzo, look Solazzare. Sollecitare, Sollécito, loo^ Solecitare. Sollecheramcnto, an overjoying or mi- ving with fuddain tenderncjjc of afte ftL Sollecheràre, to over)oy with fuddain affection. * Sohcnaménto, an cafing by taking breath , and reft. 4 Sollenàre, to cafe Irmfelf being weary or overlaboured by taking breath. Soli ónda, the wildduc\. Solleva, a Crow or under-leaver as our Carpenters call it. Sollevàbile, that may be r ai fed up. Sollevaménto, Sollevat one, Sollcvàn- za. Sollevo, a vai flng up, an infuyrcdli- on, a commotion, alfo a help , an cafe , a redrcjfe, a relief. Sollevare, to rear, to raife , or life up, to help or hold up , to raife a commotion or in function. Sollevatóre, a raifer , or bolder up. Sollevo, Sollievo, as Sollevamento. Sollicitàre, as Solecitare. 4 Sollimare, Sollime, ai Sublimare. Sollingóro, the firing of the tongue mid- wives ufe to cut in children. Sol li one, the time of tb: year when the Sun cs in Leo, alfo a Coffin for the dead. Sólio, joft, fmotnb or limber in fecling,alfo fe flawed , hollow , or bony-combcd. Sólio, gioioso, l\nowit, I wote it Sollucheramcnto, an exceeding lust or in¬ ordinate dcflre to letchery, al ft a pleafant remembrance of things paft with /leaf ire and tic\lifhneffe. 4 Solluccheràre, to move or be moved to an exceeding lu[t of letcbcry by the fight,al¬ fo to remember things paft with delectati¬ on and tickling pltafure. Sólo, Sòl, alone, oneiy, fole, fvgral. Sólo che, Sol’ che, oncly that , but that, fave that, oneiy excepted. So’.ocifmo, at Solecifmo. Solocizzarc, to (peal f falfe Latin, Solóe, as PfolcSc. Solo-foli tto, Só!o-fó!o, 'Solo follflimo, moft-mo(l alone. Sólpo, as Pólpo. Sol pugna, as Solipiingia. Soiscquio, following or turning with the Sun, aljo a Marigold, SolfHtio, the Sun-fled or flay of the Sun, that is, the time or inftant when the Sim isat ihehigheft or lowcfl in cither of the Tropicus of Cancer, which is in Summer the eighth Cal.nds of j une , or in that of Capricorn, which is m winter the eighth Calends of January. Soltamno, a coin of gold in Turky. Sol-tamo, Solo-tamo, oneiy fo much. Solùbile, foluble, that may be loo fed, ‘dilfol -. ved, feed, abfolved, releafed. 4 Solubilità, lo >fmfjc,fo'ability. Solvere Sólvo, Solvéi, Soluto, or Sólto tofelve, to diffolve , to looje, to found, to melt, alfo to abfolve , to acquit , to dif- chirge , to releafe , alfo to pay. Solvere il di’giuno,fO brea^ ones faft. Sólvere vóti, to pay vows. Solvigiqne, loofmg , abfolution. Solucamcnte, loofely , abfolutcly , Solùtile, as Solubile. Solutióne, folution, abfolution, loo flng, re- lea flng. Solutivo, as Solubile, Solfito, folved,Lofed, releafed, freed, ac¬ quit, difebarged , alfo melted, alfo payed. 1 Solutórej one that loofeth, payctb, or abfol- vtlh. J Sòma, any {ind of lode,fraight, burden, or charge, that any beaft doth bear. Soma terréna, mans earthly body. 4 Somaco, Somacco,//^ wood Sumach,or leather Sumach to die blac\\ with. Sornàio, Somaro, a Sumpter horfe, a pac\- horfe , alfo a piece of timber called a Sum¬ mer. Somare, Someggiare, to lode a horfe. * Somalia, Someria, as Salmcria. 4 Sombugliàre, confufcdly tomaie an itp- rorc or hurly-burly. Sombùglio, a confufed tumult or uprore, a hurly-burly. Someggino, Somiere, as Somalo , alfo a Sumpter-man , or driver of pac^- horjes. Somegliére, Somigiiérc, a Butler or Butte- ry-^eeper. Someflióne, as SommcffuSnc. SomegliàntCjSomigliativo, Somigliare , as Simigliarne. Somigiiérc di còrpo, or di bócca, a 'Princes T eoman of the rnOuth for bis bread and wine. * Somiglicria, Someglieria , abutetryor bottle-houfe where bread and wine is kept. Somina, Somctta, the dim. of Soma. Sómma, any fum , the principal or total fum, the end of an accompt, the full height, fiil- neffe , or chief point of a matter, aljo an end, an iff us or a concluflon. Sommabile, Sommévole, that may befum- med, or brought to a]um. Sommamente, m great fum and quantity, greyly, exceedingly , w the bighe ft man¬ ner. Sommare, Sommaria re , tof vn or cafl up any accompts. Sommaria, the name of a chief office or Ma¬ gi fir ate in Naples. Sommariaméntc, Sommatamente, fum- marily , totally, aljo fuccinflly, or briefly. Sommàrio , a Summary, an epitomy of the whole , alfo a Chief above ethers. SON SON SOP f Sommaci, * kind of fait meat made of the , punch or nomi) of a Sow that never far- I rowed. \ Sommaci, Peers or Chief men of dignity in ' a Realm or State. I Sommato» Empire, Chief rule, Sovcraign- 1 ty, Sole-1way or dignity. Sómmene, as Me nc fono, I ath to my fcIf thereof .or ihencctbere are to me. , Sommergere , to plunge, to fink or over- j whelm and drown under water, j Sommergiménro, Sommertone, an over- j whelm mg or plunging under water. Somméj fo, p ' unged,drowned, ftiifk or over¬ whelmed in water. Sommèrta, an under-garment,alfo the mea - fure of a {pan or hand-breadth, our Lon¬ don Drapers call it a Hand-fhaft, or Shafts-m an. Semmcrt’amé nee,/ u'imifflvety, bajdy, low¬ ly, abjcftly, humbly. 1 Ssmmeflione, fubmifiion. Soiimu/dvo, Sommifivo, fubmiffivC. Sonimeli ofiubmi. e l,fubdued,brought under. * Sommerto j/.vfcw; fs,humble, demi fft,ab\ett. * Sommerto', a heap or mafie of any thing clofe compatì together. Sommectere, to put under, to fnbfflit>tofub- due, to fibjeft. Somminirtiarc, to do fervice unto or under, to' J apply ormimfler unto. Somminiftiat iòne, Somminiftianza, any fupply or under-fervice. Somminiftraróre , one that minifiretb and fuppHeth what u wanting. 4 Somminiftrévole, fibmmtflrablc. Sommi llimo ,fumm.iry above others , mo(l high. Sommi fta, a Summer, a caflcr up of Sums, alfa a Summifi, one that fowlloweth the opinion o/Thomas Aquinas his Sums. Sommità, the utmojl height or top of any thing o> place. Sómmo, the top , the cope or beigth of any thing , alfo highefi,above all, beyond com¬ pare, fo much .is mo e cannot bs , aljo a kind of great weight in Italy, a'fo a \ind of coin. Sómmo bene, the Summumbonum/Iw/- good or highefi felicity. Sómmo feiente > all-knowing , chief knower. Sómmo tonante, high or chief thundrrn^ as Jupiter $ [aid to be. Sóm mo vedente, all or chief feeing. Só m molo, the furthefl fmm*, top, height or bound of any thing or place. Sommoltiplicare, to multiply unto the btgbefitbit maybe. Sommoltipli cefali of multiplication. Sommuórta,Sommociónc,Sommovimén¬ to, a cm notion, an infurreihoa , an up- rtrrc,a ft rting up to f d turn, A-fommólla, adv. at the infligation or inftance of, &c. Sommèrto, (tiered up, nr moved unto. Sommovcre, Sommovitare, to {liur>,to take or remove from under , by Met, to move, to perfwade, or induce unto. Sommovitóre, a Jlirrer up , a mover un¬ to. Sommozz 'rc, « properly when a borfe dotb thru ft down his head at the (lop, or in a- ny other action of riding , alfo as Som¬ mèrgere. Sómpho, Sónfo, tb' wild, empty or hollow Gourd growing among Rocks. Soaabile, Sonévol e,foundable , alfo that } maybe played upon. Sonigli** * Serpent in Inda, wtfeb in go¬ ing'm k'tb a jangling noife as it were with hells. Sona el arc, to jangle as little hawks bells, aljo to buUoic as the water doth. Sonagliera, a fet of bells as M ortce-dancers ufe , by Met a mans cods. Sonaglictci, Sonaglini , SonagliuóK , any k} n d of hawks bells or fucb as Morice-danctrs ufe , by Met. Sono, I am, alfo they are, look Elitre, alfo as Suòno. Sono-ancato, l have gone. Sono-niolt' anni , many years are, many years ago Sono più dì, many doits are, a chilis ulllt, alfo a bubble m Ihtwattr Sonorità, clear Jouni',n£, fhtilntf. or air, alfo a mans tefliclcs, ufedalfoin 4 Sonoro, Sonoto(o,Jhrill or loud foutd- hew a/Mófca cièca. Sonarne, founding, re founding, ringing, al- 4 Sono-flàto, I have been. fo playing upon any inflvument. * Sono- ft- tip they have been. ^ * Sonanza, Sonatiónc, a founding. Sontico, noi fom or infections. Sonare, to found, to found a trumpet,lo wind Sóntico mòrbo, a continual andextream a born, 'to play on any inftrument, to ring ftcknrffe banging long on a man , a rot a- tbe bells, to make any re founding noije. j mong cattle. Sonare in capitolo, to ring out for all the * Sontuario, fumptuary, of, or belonging to the people to come together. Sonare adiftéfa, to ring all out. 1 Sonare a dóppio, toying a double peal, by Met. to play ambodexter. Sonare a fétta, to ring for an holyday. Sonare a martello, to ring the bells back¬ ward, as they do in times of danger. Sonare a raccòlta, to found a retreat. Sonare cd’l battóne, to bangio fwaddle,or rib-bafte with a cudgel. Sonare di còrno, to wind or blow a horn or bcugle. Sonare di liuto, to play upon a lute. Sonare d’ iftruméntOjt® found or play upon an inftrument. Sonare di camburro,tfl found or beat a drum. Sonare 11 còrno, to wind a horn. Sonare la trombetta , to found atrum- pet. coft or expences. Sontttofica ,fumptuoslftiefie, flatelincffe,cofl- Imefie. Sontuófo ,fumptturns, ftatciy, coftly, expen- five,magnificent. Son-vi, vi-fóno, there are. S’opalco, Sopalcare, as Sonpalc're. Sopanno, Sopan/iare, as Soppanno Sopei chiarite, one that doti Soperchiare ; infulting. * Soperchiare, fo fuperate, to vanqnifh, to\ exceed or overcome with fuperfluity , but! now adaits ufedfor tninfult upon , to a -j bufe or offer wrong with odds or adv an-\ taga, as to tafte one pi fling againfl a wall,' or being armed and well accompanied, to. fet upon one, or hurt one that is alone and unarmed. * Soperchiarla, Snperchiam 'nto, Sopei- chianza, Soperehiatùra, Soverchieria, fuperfluity, but properly an affi out, an in- ' fult,a wrong, or Caper cbierie offered, or\ committed with odd a or advantage, look\ Superchiare. Soperchiatóre, one that infultetb upon, «ri wrongetb a man upon odds andadvan-\ tage. as C-e-ne-fóno , There are j Soperchitvole, Soperchiófo, fuperptotts ,\ alfo that may be exceeded and out-gone. Sonare la campane, taringthe bells. Sonata, a ringing , a founding noife, a fit of mirth vpon inflruments. 4 Sonatióne, any founding. | Sorwtivo, that foundetb or may found. Sonato, founded, rung, played upon. j Sonatóre, a founder, a ringer, a minjlrel, j a player on inflruments Son cc-ne fame, Sonchite, a kind of Hawk-weed. Són ci, Cì-fóno, there are. Sónco, the wred Sowthiftle. Soncttarc, tocompofeor fing Sonets. S 0 netti ère , a cotnpofcr or finger of Sonets. Sonétto, a Sonet , a Song , a Canxjmtt. ( Soncttuccio, a poor forty Sonet. Sonfóni, Sonphóni, as Sómpho. Sóngia, fweet Seam, hogs Lard. Songiare, to lard , togreafe. Songiófo , fatty, gre a fie. Soniólo. ufedfor a Low-bell. Sonitare, to found, to ruftle, to clatter i Sònito, a loud founding , r ufi Hng, or clatte¬ ring noife. Sonnac hiarc, Sonnecchiare , Sonneggi- àre, Sonnegliàre, Sonnifcrarc, Sonni- fic ’re, Sonnocch.are, Sonnogliàre , to flumber , not to fteep foundly, to nod in flee p, to be dr on ve , or heavy and dull through want offleep, 4 Sonacchiófo, Sonnigliófo, Sonnorchi- ófo, Sonn.cch.ófo, oonnogliófo, Son¬ nolènte, Sonnófo, Sonnolófo. flumbry, d ou%ic,fleepy, fluggifJj, heavy for want of sleep. Sonnaochióne, Sonnoglióne , a drottaje sluggard^ a slug-a bed, a heavy sleeper. Sonacchiofic’i, Sonnogliénza , Sonno¬ lenza , Sonnieti fidrouve sTepinejJe. 5 mne, as In-ne-sò, I wote thereof. Sonniale, dreamifh. Sonnifero, sleep-bringing or caufing. Sonni-fuga, sleep-fhunning. ^onni-pcca, sleep-craving. Sónno, sleep, slumber, a nap of sleep, by Met. Night-refl or quietnefie. . injurious or ou< ragione in offering \ wrong upon odds or advantage. * ( Soperchio, fuptrfltms , over-much, more I than needs. Soperrtitiónc, as Supcrftitióne: ] Sonerftitiófo, as Superftiriófo» * Sopérftito, at Supcrftito, Sophéna, a groat vein in the foot. Sophifma, a fallacie in difputation, a cavef or fophi flic.aim, a true feeming but fulfil fyllogifm. Soph fmatizzare, to entrap by fallacie ; ori tr HP-feeming arguments. Sonhifta, Sofifta, a Sophifter or fibril di- j fiuter,a deceiver under eloquent and craf-\ ty fp!a\ing,a orofifior of learning for lucre and vain-glory. Sophifticare, to argue fibtily , to fophtfli-l cate, to adulterate, to falfifie. Sophitticarfe,SophiftriesJxIUcious (pcecbesJ deceitful arguments. Sophifticatióne, fophiflisation, adultera tion. I Sophiftico, fopbiflical , fallacious. Sophoffo, wife, prudent i fagtu. Sophróne, a temper ate perfori . Sophonia ,tcmperanee of mind, alfo a wo¬ mans name. Sophroniftéri, lag-teeth, to two teeth that grow laft when a nian is about twenty years old. Sopronifti, certain Magiflrates among thi Athenians. Sophrosina, vertur, temper ance, bridling of carnal luff or appetites. Sópi, all manner of night-birds, alfothe great Cuttle-fifh. _ .{ Sopire, I I SOP SOP SOP I Sopire, pifcoj puo, to whonfh, to fill!, to calm, to appcafe, to lull afleep. Sopito, whoofo, {tilled, appeafed,lull’d a- fleep. Sopor.ire, to lull or bring afleep, to overcome with drcuvneffc. Sopóre, a dead fwoun in all the fences , a. deep or fleepmg droufmtffe. Soporifero , flee p-procuring, alfo a. deading potion, Sopozzare, to undersell,alfo as Sommèr¬ gi- * Sóppa, Suppa, Soppata, any Sop , Sip¬ pet, breweffe, or tofl in drink- Sóppa in vino, Sops in wine , alfo Snail - driver or Medic\-fodder. Soppalcare, to under-roof, to under-floor,to under- ft age. Soppalco, Sopa’ co, an under-loft , floor, feeling. Stage, or Scaffold. * Soppannare, to line a garment, alfli to un¬ der-c loath. * Soppannata, any under - garment , or li¬ ning. ' Soppanno, any under"cloth , alfo an Adv. clofely, under ones cloth sounder -band fin¬ der-board. Soppare, to fop i to fleep at fops. * Soppediano, Soppidia.no, a fettle by a beds fide, apr effe, crunk. or great cheft for c loath s. Sopperimcnto, as Supliménto. Sopperire, as Suplire. Soppelire, Soppelfro, as Sepelire. Soppesare, to bfttife as grofje pepper. Sopporto, half punned or brut fed. Soppiantare, to fub-plant,to under-plant, to underfet anything bending to the ground, as trees. Soppiare, Sóppio, as Soffi drc. i Soppiatóne, Soppiattolónc, Soppfattola, I Soppiattóne, a privy whtfperer, a clofe ) mufmurer, a larger in corners, a fncaid¬ ing companion,a (be fox,alfo a huff-'fnufl , a puffing fellow , alfo a pur fie or bro\en- tv inde d j.td''. alfo a clap, a cuff, or rvtur¬ ret with the flat of ones band. Soppiatóne, Soppiattóne, adv. lurfyngly, clofely, whoofht, in bugger mugger. * Soppiattarc, to fquat, to litri \ clofely, to Hr A or lie down as flat as a difh , alfo to mutter privily, to murmure whiff eringly, to grumble in corners. * Sopp acco, clofe fquatting, privily grum¬ bling, whijperingin corners,leaft in fight, as it were under a difh. Sùpplica,Sopplicàrc, as Suplica. Sopplimcnto, Sopplire, as Suplire. Sopplita, a Jupply, a help at a pinch. Soppólto, buried under ground,as Sepólto. Soppoltura, a burial, a Sepulture. Soppónere, Soppórre , as Sottopónete, alfo to fappofc, to betbin\. Sopportabile, Sopportévole, fùpportable . tolerable , that may be born. Sopportare, to fuppor f, to bear up, to tole¬ rate,to endure. Sopportatiónc, Sopportanza, fuppotttttion, toleration, f uff er ance, leave or favour. Soppórtico, an underporch or {bed, * Soppoficióne, afuppofiùon. Soppofitórlo, a peffary or fuppofltorj. fuppofitory, alfo a poniti fe or plainer for a btnfe. Soppófto, as Sottopóflo, alfo fuppofed,alfo a fumfition. : Sopprcfo, furprifed,ovtrta\en. jfSoppréflà, any preffe, a cheefe -preffe, alfo a Sopprofsare, Sopprimere, to fuppreffe , to preffe down, to preffe any thing. Sopprefsata, a {ind of prefled meat. Sopprdlìóne, any fuppreffion. Soppreffiónc notturna, the night-mare. * Sopprcflo, Soppréfo, fuppreffed, kept un¬ der , alfo ftifled, by Met.fecret. Sopprcfsóre, a fuppreffor. * Soppriorato, ah under-Prior (hip. * Sopprióre, an under-Prior. * Sópra, Sóura, adv. above,over one, upon, on high, aloft , over and above, be fide s. moreover, alfo much ujed in compofition of other words in place of the Latin Super, or Sur. as for example. Sopra-arbitro, a chief abitrator. Soprabbencdire, to bleffc and rebleffe. Soprabbenedittióne, an ove, -blefling. * Soprabbenedétto, over-bleffcd . Soprabbénda, an upper-bend or fcarf. Soprabbcvere, to over-drink' * Soprabbolire, to boil over. * Soprabbollito, over-boiledand fodden. Soprabbondanta, fuper-abund.mt. Soprabbondanze, fuper abundance. Soprabbondare, to fuper-abound. * Soprabbondófo, over-plenteous. Sopra-capi, far-fetcht devifes,tric\s beyond the Moon, deep reaches. Sopra- capo, any thing over the head , alfo a Suprcam or chief Officer. Sopra-caricare, to fir charge', to over- lode. Sopra-carico, à Surcharge , a Pallor or 0- verfeer of Merchants goods in fops. Sopra caftaldo, a chief Bailiff or Overfeer, alfo a Al agi fir ate in Venice. Sopraccedénza, an over-exCeeding. Sopraccédere, to fuper-excced. Sopraccellénte, fuper-cxcellent. Sopraccellénza, fuper-excellencie. Sopraccelefte, Sopracceleftiale, more than Heavenly, Super cele (Hal. Sopraccennato, above-mentioned , touched, i or glanced, or hinted at. Sopra-chè, whereupon , upon which. \Soptu-cibo, any food be flies ordinary meat I and dunk. I* Sopra- cièlo, any upper roof or feeling, a Canopy, a cloth of {late , a Teflern. ! Sopra-ciglio, as Supere glio. Sopra-cinghia, Sopra-cigna, a fttrein- gfc. ! Sopra-cinghiarej to furcingle. i Sopra-cinto, furcingled, over girt. * Sopra-citato , above-cited or aSedgcd. Sopra-cómito,« maflers mate or boat-fwain °f a fop- * Sopra-comperarc, tò over-buy. * Sopra-consolo, a Chief Confiti, an over- feer of the ban^rout-office in Ve¬ nice. 4 Sopra-contato, above reckoned. Sopra-copcrta, any upper coverlet. Sópra- cótta, a Sur coat, an upper coat. Sopra-córrere, to over-run , to out¬ run. Sopra-crcfta, an upper crefl, a Surtop. Sopra-datio ffibove cuflom ,a Adagi fir ate over the Cuftom-houfe.- Sopra-dènte, nn upper tooth, Sopra-dc'tto, above-faid. Sopra-donare, to over-give. Sopra-dofsire, to lay more upon one^than he can well bear. * SoDra-dorale, as Parafrenalia. Sopra-diVccr c,'to bring mori over j alfo to lead over. ’ Sopra-cccedénte, fuper-cxcecding, * Sopra-eccellènte, fuper-excellent. Sopra cllaltarc, to fuper-exalt. Sopra-ellaìtatión c,fiiper-cxaltation. Sopra-tflere,fo be over or upon, to be ftiper- flitous , alfo to furvive others. Sopra èlio nói, above or over us. Sopra-fabbricare, to build over or upon. * Sopra-faccia, a Surface, a Superficies. Sopra-fare, io overdo , aljo to infiilt upon with wrong. Sopra-fatto, overdone , alfo overcome, * Sopra-fino, fuper-fine, fine ft. Sopra-fódro, a f alfe or upper fcabbard. Sopra-gettarc, to over-cafl i or throw. * Sopra-giacónce, over-jacentor.lying. * Sopra-giacere, to lyc over or upon, Sopra-gxtto, anyover-cafl wor Sopra-gludicare, to over-iudge or doom. * Sopra-giudice, a Chief Judge. Sopra-giudicio, an over-judgtm.nt. Sopra-giungcre, Sòpra-giugnere, to add moreover j to reply or anfwer moreover , to overtake, or out got by the way, to over¬ reach,or come upon otte by chance,to arrive or come to a place on a fuddain,to happen or come to pafje. * Sopra giunta, an addition or vantage o- ver and bifide s the bargain,alfo an over¬ taking or out-going, a fuddain arrival or coming upon by chance. Sopra-giùnto, added or rcplyed moreover , overtaken, out-gone or over-reached upon the way,come upon or arrived and lighted upon by chance. * Sopra-grande, over-great. * Sopra-guàrdia, a. Chief guard- Sopra- guardiano, a Chief Guardian. 4 Sopra humano, Sop^ -umano, more than humane. Sopr-induire, to fnper-inducc. * Sopra-infégna, Sc-gna, Segnale, So- pr’anfegna, any upper frifign, fign or mark. * Sopra-intendènte, Sopra'ntendénte, a fupcr-intendent,an overfeer, a Compii ou- ler. * Sopra- intendènza, fupcr-intcndcncic. Sopra-intèfo, over- undei ft ood, above-un¬ de > ftced. Sopra-ltgarc, to bind upon or over. Sopra-lètto, a teflern of abed, alfo an upper quilt or coverlet for a bed. Sopra-liminalc, limitare , a tranfom, a banfe, a lintel , a fill, a tuffai of a door. Sopr’-alto, high above others, Ifo the trtbble of any voice or inftr umtnt. Sopra-mangiare, to ovtr-eat. * Sopra-mano> a blow given abeve-handffiy Met. an affront or infolcnce offered upon odds. Sopra-mafsàrojfl» overfeer of a Noble mans houfhold. Sopra-medico, a chief Thy fit, at. Sopra-mcntouàto, above mentioned. Sopra-mercato, above-bargain. Sopra- méfla, an upper garment. Stfpra-méfl'o , over-laid, fet , or put. Sopra-méttere, to fet or lay upon. Sopra-minénte, fu per-eminent ^ Sopra-minénza , fuper-cminencie. Sopra- modo, above mean or mta fitte. * Sopra-mondano , over-worldly. Sopra-mone .re, io fur mount. * Sopra-morraié, fùper-mortai. Sopra-muro, an upper wall. Soprano, an upper faveguar dor \irtle , alfo thè trebbio (Ir’ng of any inflrumtnt. * Sopra-narrato, above-declared. Sopra-nafcénza, -Sopra-nafoménto, an over-birth. Sopra-ndfcere, fo be born cr grown up. Ppp Sopra- I !, |i SOP SOP SOR Sopra-mure , Soera-naot're , Io ovtr Sopu-fcdùto^ftre.i/W, liftoff, pjed , Sopra-virac, topinhc, to overlive. - • r .——- ^opra-villuso, [a vived ,0111-lived. Sopra-vivo, tbc hearb Ever-gretn. Sopra-volàrc, to over-fly. Sopra-voi ere, to over-Will, to deflre more fw'm, Sopra-nato, over-born, or grown. Sopra-naturale, fuper-natural. * Sopra-naturalità, fupsr-natir ality. iSoprandare, vado, andai, andatolo over-' I g n e,to oul-goe. Sopr’-animo, with an high courage. Sopranìtà, Sovereignty, Supremacie. Sopr'- annàto , overcharged with years , over-grown. Soprano, S itpream, Sovoraign. Sopra-nomato,/»' nominato, (irnamed. Sopra-nóme, a flrnami, a mc{-name. Sopra-nominanza, nomination:, a flrna- ming. Sopr.vnumeiare, to ovcr-tcll- Sopra-numeràrio, above number. Sopra- ógtv cófa , above all things. Sopra-pagaménto, over-payment. Sopra-pagato, over-paid. Sopra-partitóri , the chief feathers of a haw{. Sopra-pafsabile, fwrpsffable. Sopra-pafsirc, to furpafle. * Sopra-pafta, arty upper pafle. Sopra-parto, any aftcr-difh or fervicc, as cheefe, ft uir, or fwcet-meats. Sopra-pendènte, over-hanging. Sopra-péndere, to Itang over. Sopra-ptfo, over-weight. Sopra-più, moreover, a Surplus. Sopra- ponimento, a laying over. Sopra-pónti, broad plants to cover or ma{e bridges,alfo the high flitch. Sopra-pórre, pónere, to over-lay, to place or Jet upon or over. Sopra-pòrta, Soura-pófta, anyputting demurred, alfo flttca upon or over. Sopra fognare, to mar{ upon, Sopra-félia, a falfc cover for a faddlt, alfo loading above the [addle. -Sopra-fèllo, any fur charge. v Sopra-feminare, to flow upon or over. Sopra-sè-ftàre,/or a man to ft and doubtful or muflng himfelf. * Sopra sénno, an over-wit. * Sopra-servo, a ferveint above others. * Sopra-séte, what is dam{ above thirfl. * Sopra-sètte, above feaven. Sopra-fóma, an over-burden. Sopra-foftamialc,/«per-/'«t//(int;j/. Sopra foftantialità, fuper-fubftantiality. Sopra-fpàlle, a hood over ones (boulders. Sopra-fpóglia, any upper (pod, alfo an adders cajt s{in. Sopra-ftante,ew/>/f;if, apparent, as it were o ver ones head. * Sopra-ftante, a chief overfeer, a Comp¬ troller, a Super-intendent , one placed a- bove others. Sopra-fti nre dell’ avena, an A vencr of a Princes Efcuerie. * Sopra-ftàntc delle fàbriche, a Survcicr of a Princes wor{s or Fabric{s. Sopra-ftànte del piatto, a Princes SeWGr. Sopra-ftàntc di càmmera, a chief gentle¬ man ujher or officer of a climber. Sopra- ftanza, an upper lodging. Sopra-ft-irc, to ftand over, upon, or above, to be eminent above others, alfo as Sopra- federe. Sopra-ftàre, to rant it or be mfolent in car¬ riage a gain(l any body. Sopra-filmare, to overvalue. over or upon, any overlaying , any upper jSopra-ftrarre, to overca(l with parget, to garment or cover, alfo a double pofl or fret any wor \p or feeling. Sopra-tenente, holding over or above, by (la{e at any play or game. * Sopra-pòrte, are hurts upon the cronet of a horfes foot or hoofes with fetting one foot npon another. Sopra-pòrto* over-laid, placed upon. Sopra-pregiare, to over-value. Sopra-prèndere, pigi are, to furpriis. Sopra-prcndimén: o, a furpriflng. Sopra-préfo, ‘urpriyed, overtaken. * Sopra-pùnto, the high flitch. * Sopràre, <« Superare. * Sopra-regg nte, a fuptr-regent. Sopra-réggere, to over-rule or [way. ’ Sopra-rettóre, a Suprcam ReClor. Sopra-riccio, pile upon pile. Sopraniv are, to over-anive , or ta\e. Met. to over-reach one. Sopr'àrma, an upper armour. Soppannare, to a m over or upon. Sopr’arogare, as Superarogàre. Sopr'arogatiónc, as Superrogatióne. Sopra-fagiième,ovf>--fl/rr«t/'?tg. Sopra-falire, to fttrmounc. Sopra-folito, afc.ndcd over. Sopra-laltare, to over-leap. Sopraffallo, a Sur-fault. Sopra fapére, to o ver -{now wife. Sopra-fapiénte, over-wife. Sopr’asbérgo, an upper Corcelet. , Sopra-ferma, Scrittióne, Scrittura, a fu- perfeription, a title. Sopra-fcntto, over or above written. So na ferivere, to write o ver or upon. Sopra-sc, muftngly, or doubting with him - * Sopra- fedénza, Sèdie, a Superfedeas ., aSurceafe, a delay, or a demurre in Law. * Sopra federe, to fuperfede, to (urceafe , to fiay, to demurre upon, to ceafe feom or leave off .* to be ovtr - Sopra-tenere, tengo, tenni, tenuto » to held over or npon , to hold in delay or fufpenee. Sopra- tenitóre , an over-holder, a {eeper in delay or fu (pence. Sopra-tèrra, upon or above Earth. Sopra-ciéni, as Sopra-tenimcnto,n holding over or upon, a delay ing of time. Sopra-titolare, to firname , toflrtitle , alfo (uptrtitular. Sopra-tócco, above touched or glanced at. Sopra-tutto, above all, chiefly. S 0 pra-vagare,to over-wandtr,to overgrow , in trees or Vmes to have more boughs than needetb. * Sopra-vantàggio, any furplufage. Sopravàcuo, as Supervàcuo. Sopr’-avanzàre, to leave or have overplus , to have to Spare. Sopr’-av;i nzo ,any overplus. Spora -vafo, any upper vcffel. Sopra-vedére, to furvay, to over fee. Sopra-vedimcnto, over-feeing ,* furvaying, Sopra-veditóre, a Surveyer,an Overfeer , a Controller. Sopra-veduto, over-feen, furvaied. * Sopra-venénte , vegnènte, venturo, coming at hand, eminent. Sopra venimento , venuta, a coming to paffe or at hand. Sopra-venirc, as Sopra-giùngere. Sopra-véntoj to have the wind of one , to have one under the lee. Sopra-venuto, as Sopra-giùnto. Sopra-vcftcjveftùo, vcftiméntoyt fur coat, any upper garment. Sopra-veftire, to cloth over. Sopri-vi, over there, thereupon. Sopra-vi ', above or over-hand, ever and above , beftdes. Sopra-vivènza, a furviving. Sopra-vólvere, to envolvt or turn over and over. Sopra-ufàre, to over-ufe , to abufe, Sopra-ùfo, usanza, beyond cupturn, more than wont. Sópre, Sóure, as Sópra, as Sóura. Sopiemamémc, fuprtamly. Supreminénte, fupCi eminent. Sopreminénza, (uperminencic. ' Soprémo, fupream above others. Soprefbàre, S 0 préllo, as Sopprefsàre. Sopréila, rinnet to crud mi'\ withal. Soprertione, as Soppreftìóne. Soprimere,to fuppnffe. Sopróflo, any bone further out than the flefb, a {nucule-bone , alfo\a difeafe ina borfc, called a Ring-bonejifed alfo (or a croffe mifchance , as we fay, a hard bone to gnaw. Soprofsùto, over-boned, one wbofe bones (lu{ out further than his flefh. * Soprufa, an outragious injury. * Soqquadrare, to topfle turvy. * Soqquadro, topfie-turvy , Dare un foq- quàdro, to give a frump, a flout , or a bob. SoqquàÙo, loo{ A foqquaflb. Sór, as Sur or Sópra in campo [ition. Sóra, as Suòra, a Sifter. Soracchiàrc, as Sornaccarc. Soiaglio, a m.vr{ of tbc feathers upon the bread , whereby a long winged Haw{ is {nown from a (hwt-winged. ’ Soràno, a fu name given to Pluto. Sornrc, to four or hover in the air as a H*w{ doth, alfo to breath or exhale out, alfo to ma{e hollow, aljo as Soiàrc. Sòrba, the Service-fruit. Sorbe lie, the Sarvicc berries. Sorbetto, any {ind of thin flipping broth, alfo a {ind of drin{ ufed in T \xtVis,made of Lemonds , Sugar, Corinth s , Al¬ monds, Mus{ and Amber very delicate, called in England Sherbet. Sòrbi bruódo , a fwilier or flpper of broth, alfo a greafle-flovenly {itchin- haunter. Sorbile, that may be ftpped as an egg. I Sorbillomgraftóncj’it nic{name for a filthy j great , and flovenly fellow. i Sorbina , a plum grafted upon a Sarvice- ' tree , Sorbire, Sorbillare, bifeo, biro, fo foop , or ftp and fwallow up as an egg or broth is [wallowed. Sorbita,Sorbitióne , a foop, or ftp, *and f wallowing as of an egg or broth. Sorbitéllo, a little foop or ftp. Sorbitico, fowre, tart , or (harp. Sorbito, fooped or ftpped up. Sorbitole, a fooper, a flpper. * Sòrbo, Sórbolo, a Sarvice-tree , a Sorb- apple, alfo a ftp or a foop. Sórbola, a Sorb-apple or berrk. Sórca, Sórcc, amoufe, alfo a. {ind of tv,. Scrcéra, Sorciéra, amoufe-trap , Sorcéro , Sorciéro, amoufe , a rat¬ catcher. Sorcctto, Sorciétio, any little moufe, Sorciglio, as Superciglio. Sorcigno, a dun or moufe-colour. Sorcio, Sórcc, a moufe, a rat. Sorcióne, a great moufe or rat. I Sórco, a rat, amoufe, alfo a bubble in the I water , alfo a whirlpool or eddy of a j St ream. ___ Sórco! Q ' SOR _ SOR SOS *^óicoÌo, as Marza, as Calma, j 5 orcótta, cl fureo at , or fock, or caf- I M ; ' c , , | i 4 Sordaggine, Sordagione, Sordamente, I Sordézza, Sordità, Sordinlénto, dcaf- 1 ruffe of hearing. ' Sordamente, deafly, filentlj. i 4 Sordàfpo, a deaf adder. Sordàftro, Sordét-to, deaf 3 thic\ of hear¬ ing. Sordellina, as Sordina. Sordidamente, nafiily , filthily, fluttifh- 0 . Sordidare, Sordidire, difeo, dito, to ma\e or become fouler , filthy , or nafiy. Sòrdido, filthy , /brrfià , foul , unclean , fiat ti fh) flovenly , nafty, alfe a chuff , paffc by luck or l°i> io fort, to prove welt or ill, to chance, to fortune, alfo to chuff or cull out. 4 Sortita, as Sortiménto, alfo a follie, an outrode, an excurfionin relation to mili¬ tia. * Solitamente, bydot, hap, luck, fortune, chance or hazard. 4 Sortito, foiled, chanced, bapned, alfo iffued or erne forth. * Sortitolo, a tool that Gald-fmit.hs uff. Sortivo, as Sorgivo, us Sortévole. 4 Sórto, as Sórto, as Sorgiuto. Sorvanzàre, to excel, to jurmount. Sorvenire, as Sopragiungere. 4 Sorvenuta, as Sopragiónta. 4 Sor venuto, as Sopragiunto. 4 Sorvitiàre, to exceed in vice and iniqui¬ ty. Sorvolare, to fly over. Servolo, an over-flight, Sorzadóre, arat-catcher. Sórzo, a rat or a mouff. Solamela, banty-fimncl bread. Sofamina, oyle of Lillies. Sofcróta, Sofcrittióne, Sofcrittura, a fab- fcription, an under-writing. Solenne ,fubfcribed, under-written. Sofcriverc , _ to fubferibe , to write un¬ der. Soferzàre, as Scherzare. Soférzo, as Sch'rzo. Sosina, a floe, a skeg, a bullies. SofinarojSosino, a floe or skeg-tree. Sofillente, Solillcnza, as Sublìllén- za, Sosillcre, as Subsi’ftere. Sófo ,ujed of Dante for Sufo. Sofpecciare, as Sofpettare, Solpéndcre, tofujpend, to hang in doubt,al¬ fo to hang under. Sofpendévole , that may be fufpen - ded. Sofpenfióne , Sofpéfa , Sofpendiménto, Sofpéndio , anyfufpencc or fuff en¬ ding- 4 Sofpenfìvaméntc, Scfpcfaménte, with JUfpence, doubtfully. Sofpéfo, hanged, fujpended, \tpt in doubt ffr fufpence. Sofpettàre, Sofpecciare, Sofpicare, Sof- pidiare, tofufpett, to mi fir ufi , to doubt °f- Sofpettatióne, Sofpettiónc, Sofpicióne, fufpition, difir ufi, diffidence, doubt. Sofpettévole, Sofpettivo, fufpcttfnll, fit- fpicious, mijtruftfuM. Sofpctto, fufpeft, diffidence, mifirufi, alfo admiration or looking upward. Sofpettófo, Sofpicànte, Sofpiciófo, Sofpi- cófo , fufpicious, fufpeel full, doubt- ■ full. . *Sofpicare, Sofpiciare, as Sofpet- tàrc. Sofpingcre, Sofpigncre,to the ufi or urge on$ to compel unto. SofpingimcntOjSofpinta, a thrufiing on, an urging unto. Sofpinto , the ufi or urged on, pufijed for¬ ward. * Sofpiràndo, Sofpiraote, fighing, fobbing, alfo to be fighedfor. 4 Sofpirare, Sofpiracchlare, to figh, to fob , to gafp, to draw a wearie breath, alfo to wifh or long for any thing. * Sofpirévole,Sófpiràbi ! e,j 7 £fe/«//, to be fighed ajid Lamented. Sofpiro, Sofpirio, a fgh, & fob, a gaffe, Pppx * SOT SOT SOS i mi dumi of breath, a wiping or I Soltenuto, (uftarnd, foe up. ■ r. . ri Softemare, for a man to l\eU longing for any thing. Sofpirófo, Sofpiriófo, fighfuU. Sofpita, a fumarne of Juno» as Jhe that giveth healthy and favtlh from dan¬ ger. Sofpitàlcj that is caufe of recoverie and health. Sofplcióne, as Sofpetto. Solleguente, fubfequent, following next and immediately. Sofleguén zo, fubfequcnce. Sofleguire, to follow next. SofTidiare, Sofsidio, as Sufsfdio. Softiegare, to fi and upon, or ufe nice pun- eliUios of gravity and complements. Soffiégo? ceremonious complements,nice ob¬ servances,punftilios of honour and re- (peft, a S panifhterm. Soffìcgófo, full of nice gravity, and cere¬ monious comp' meni s. Soflifténte, Sofftfténza, as Subfiftcntc, Softiftere, as Subfiiftere. * Sofl'olano, the E iH-voind, Softopra, as Sottofópra. Sórta, ceafing from labour, loilring delay , lingringof time,alfo the name of a fail in a fh'-p. Softancia, Softanxa yfubflance or matter, alfo a mans wealth, gear or goods, alfo by Met, way or means for any thing to be brought top affé. Softantiale, Softantiévole, Softantiófo» fubftamial , material , full of fub- ft.incc. -So ftant ialiti , fubflantiality. mortane iatióne , fubfiantiation. SortanuSco, fubftance wording. Sortantivo, fubftantive , flanding of its own fubftance. Sodare, to (uftaln, to (land under , alfo to trifle away the lime, to cafe or ceafefrom labour. Soflaro ,*cuftr from labour, alfo n fu- (lainer > * Softégnoj Sortfgni, a fufl.lining, afufle- nance, a fuppontr, an upholder, a prop, a flay, a tennon, a (here, by Met. a help or flay, alfo [importers in amone. Softenénte, Softegncnt e,fuftaining, up¬ holding, ftaying up, look Softencre. Softenénza, Softegnénza,Softenimcnto, Soften; aménto, Softentatióne, Softén- to , any fu jlmation or fuftenancc , any upholding or flaying help, look Sorte- nére. Softencre, Softemare, tofuflam, to up¬ hold, to (apporr, to ft ay, to bear and hold up, to under-prop, to under-jet, to fhore up, by Met. to bac\, to countenance , to favour, to abet, to maintain, to feed, to comfort, alfo to endure, to fuffer or bear with patience, alfo to represent or bear the place or perfon of another, alfo to fitpport inar morie, among Lawyers it is ufed for the Magi fir Ate to command a guilty man, a malefactor, or other party accu fed, not to depart the Court, nor to bi difcharged, and yet not to be put in prifon, we would fay, to detain by Command¬ ment . Softenitóre, So dentatóre, <2 fuftainer , an upholder , a pipportcr, tool\ Softe¬ ncre. S 0 ftenérft,/br a man to fuflam, to keep, to maintain or hold up himfelf, alfo for a man to abftain or hold himfelf from do Softemare, for a man to yield or bend un¬ der, to fubn £1 or abandon himfelf unto, alfo tofubd'te, to put under, or in the bottom. Softernationc, a yielding under, a fub- jc Cling unto. Softillio, Softillo , the dropping of rain frompenthoufes, eawe-drops, alfo a diitc ling or Scotch mifl , alfo the Scrangurie, that is, a pifjing by drops and with much pain. Softinénza, fubfi(lence,f.ifl (landing* con- ftant abiding. Softitulre, to fubftitute, to depute, or dele¬ gate in ones place. *Softituito, Softituto, fubflituted, appoin¬ ted or delegated in place of another. * Softituto, a Subffttute, a Delegate , a. Deputy or Lieutenant for another. Softitutióne, a fubjlitution or deputation in place of another. and craft,.ilfo to live pincbingly andaser. * Sotti gliatlvo, that hath the quality to Sottigliarc. Sottigliezza, Sottigliànza , Sottilità, fubtilty, fubtleneffc, fineneffe, fwull- neffe,(harpneffe or flendcrneffe, alfo /?». neffe or quic{ncfjc of wit, alfo a crafty di¬ vi ce. * Sottile , f ubile, fly , wihe , crafty, witty, alfo (harp, keen, thin 3 (mail, /?«, (lender, piercing, ufed alfe for need or pinching neceJJitj. Sottile-dottóre, a fly Dottor, a wilh r Fox. Sottile-fcamonéa, the flrongejl Scaao- Sottilménte, thinly, fltnderly, fubtilj , \ craftily, fylie: j ' 5octo > as the Latin, fub. under, underneath | beneath, as the contrary of Sópra. Sotto-andare, to undergo or wend. i Sotco-andata, an under-going. Sottrarre, tofubJlraCl to draw or free from j Sotto-afcófo, under-hidden. under. j Sotco-barba, the part between the china So ftr&tùónc, a fubtlraflion. the beard, alfo the throat-band of into, fubffratted. I bridle. Sóftro, a reward given to one that doth him Sotro»bottegUére, an under-butler. good, a Phyfltians fee. Sóta, fuffer ance, forbearance. Sotadéi, a find ofvcrfcsfo called. Sotcria, Salvation, faving-healtb. Sotéro, a Saviour, a beilth-giver. Soti bile, Sodile, as Sociabile. Sonare, as Sodare. Sótio, Sótidc, as Sòcio, &C. Sot’-acqua, Sotto-icqua, under wa¬ ter. Sott’-acquéo, of under water. Sstt’-alpino, of, or under the alpes. Sottana, Sottano, under or mferiour, an Ufo any under -garment. Sotto-briglia, an under -bridle, alfa a twitch or jobbe given a borie with bis bridle. Sotto-c.tmmera, an under-eh amber. Sotto-cammericrc» an under-cbaaberlain. Sotto canònico, an under or pettie-canon. Sotto-caricare, to under-charge . Sotto-carico, an under -charge. * Sotto care, to touch orftel under. Sottócchi, prying under the eyes. Sótto celéftc, [ub-celefilai. Sotto-centurióne, an under -centurion. Sotto-ciélo, under Heaven, alfo an under- underling , . c .^ - Vrelais or Priefls cafoc\e, a waflecote, a Sotto-cingere, to under girt, womans peticote, alfo the firing next to l Sotto- cjnghia y an under-cingle. Softentacolo, that fujlainttb or boldeth up. Softentare, as Softencre. j Softent vole, Sottendale, that may be f'tft.lined o r kept up. the mean of aninjirument. Sott’-andare, to under-go, to go under. Sott’-arafe, to till or plough under. Sott'-afcoltare, to lijlen under. Sottegolanéo, a clofc and well rammed pavement or caufeway : Sott’-éndere, to extend under, to under- flretch. Sbtc’-entrare, to enter under, or to empi 4 Sotr ’-entrata, an under entrance or creep- ing. Sotterfuggircj to avoid or efcapefrom un¬ der. Sotterfugio, afubter-fuge , a fly efcapc or avoiding of danger. Sotterra, under ground. Sotterrànea, « place in Rome underground where the primitiveChriflians did refuge tbcmfelvcs from the Tyrany of the Empe¬ rors , and where tbeir monuments are to be feen to this day, whole and entire to the admiration of all people. Sotterràneo, of, or living underground. Sotterrare, to enterre, or bury under ground. Sotterratóre, a burier of the dead. Sort’- étto, Sotto-éflo, under him or it. Sotteftare, tofoufe, to plunge , to lay or (teep in, or under water ever head a id ears, namely as Coo\s do fomc meats,both fltfh and fi jh,alfo to ba\e in a pot, or flue in a pan. Sótti, for, TWò, I can to thee. Sortigliame, Sottigliumi, any fubtilty or fiienejfe, any fmall fhreds or odde end- Sotto-cinto, under-girt. Sotto-còda, a horfes under-crupper. Sotto-colóre , under colour or tence. Sotto-còmico, aBoat-fwain of a fbip,or bis mate. * Sotco-cónfolo » an under -Confiti, Sotto-copèrta, an under-coverlet. * Sótto-còppa, a cuf of effoy, an wultr- cup, a charger. Sotto-cuòco , an under-cook or fcul- lion, Sotto-curatióne , care under ano¬ ther. Sotto-curatóre , that carcth under others, Sotto-cuftóde,4« under-keeper. * Sotto-cuftódia, wid'ir cuflody err \eep- Sotto-cutàneo, that is between the sbin and il the fUfb. r * Sotto-decano, a Sub-dean. Sotto-delegare, to fubdelegate. Sotto diàcono, a Sub-deacon. Sotto-difténdere, to under-fpread. Sotto-diftindóne, a fubdiftinQion, or fel¬ ting apart. Sotco -dividere, to fnbdivide , to [spa¬ rate. Sotto-divifióne,fl fubdivifton. Sotto cntràrej to fubenter. Sotto-fibulo a white, long, and four- fqu are ornament, that Ve fi al Virgins were wont to wear on their heads , alfo an under-buckle > tach, er clafp. Sottigliarc, Sottilizzare, Sottillre, to 'iSorto-figura, under fbape or (how. fnbtiltxs, to ma\t or become fmall, fne, /* Sotto-fino, fomwbat\courfe , not fi- thin or {harp, alfo to argue with fubtilty ‘ ncfl. ______ Sotto SOT s o v SPA I Sotto'fuggire, as Socterfuggire. Socco giacente, fubjacent, underlying. Sotto-giacére, to lye or be under, alfo to be lyable unto. Sotto gióngere, to add or come under. Sotto - giunca, a fub-Priory. Sotto-prióre, a fub-Prior. Sotto-quéfto, under this. Sott'-crdinato, fubordinated. * Soct’-ordinatione, fubordination. |otto-ntiere, to [miU mie, hand «tco-rifo, under.laughed. °rto-fagrcfldno, an under-Sexton ^otto-fipece, to under-\now. otto-fcaglio, a mans armpits or holes. otto-fcucta or ferittione, a fubfeription or under writing of ones hand. otto-fcnVere, to fubferibe. 0 «»" fCnCCO J febftribed , underwrit. Wfcàgno, fcabéllo, an under - Sot to-feu fa, under excufe. otto-sedia, an under or low feat. °--fegnare, to under-fign, mirror Sotto-fegnatcira 3 an under -figiùng. der ^ min * Ki 10 f ow or f catter m - Sotto-fentjr c,to under-bear or [eel. Sotto fervirc, to ferve under. Sotto-ficurtd, under fccunty. * Sotto-figillare, to under-fe al . * Sotto-figHlo, under-fcal, Socto-fópra, up fide-down, topfic-iurvy, one with another, or in the lump. Sotto-fópra-méflo, turned topfie-turvy. Sotto-sópra-méttere , to turn upfide down. Sotto-fpccie, under Jgind or colour. Socco-ftance, an undertin, or (lander. Sotto-flanza, an under-lodging. Sotco-ftarc, tobe 3 to (land, or live un der. Sotto-ftimàre, to under-efieem , or underva¬ lue. Sotto-llringcre, to tye or gird under. Sotto-tagliàre, to under-cut. * Sotto-tagliere, an under-trencher. Sotto-tazza, as Sótto còppa, an under cup of e(fay. Sotto-tèrra, under earth or ground. Sotto terrace, to bury under earth. Sotto-téflcre, to weave in or under. * Sotto-teflkura, an underweaving. Sotto-titolo, under title or name. Sotto-trattato, under treaty. Sotto udire s to under-hear , to over¬ hear. Sotto-vedére, to fee or view under. * Sotto-vela, under fail. * Sotto-vélo, under vail or colour. Sotto-venire, to come under. Sotco-vento, under wind or lee. * Sotto-vi, there under. Sottovia, under way or hand. Sotto vóce, under-voice,very low. * Sottrarre, Sottràggerc, to fubftraft, to withdraw, alfo to free,to delyer or draw from under , alfo to allure with guile and deceit. * Sortrattióne, Sotcraiménto,iZ fybjlraftion or drawing from under. S otti atto , fubfiratted , freed or drawn from under, alfo alluring flattery, wilie beguiling. * Sottrattóre, a fubflraClcr, alfo a flitte¬ ring deceitful companion. Sovàgge, a goldfmiths tool. * Sovanzàre, to advance forrpard. Sovatta, Sovàtto, Sovazza, Sovàzzo, [over aigniy/fopr unity, Noverino, H\e unto, or of Cor\. Sóvero, the tree or wood cor\. Sovérlìo, Sovverto, is properly when corn - 1 grafie, 0 / any thing elfc being g oti r. to f 0 m c height is buried under ground to make thr earth the fatter. ■ovige, the name of a bird. Sóura, as Sópra , mill all his compounds . therefore if you find any words beginning mth Soura , loo $ for them m SÓ ' P™- Jourano, Souranirh, « Soprano. Scura pólla, as Sópra pólla. 5 our’ empire, to over-fill. Sour’ elio, above or over him or it Souretti x bi g h Chopin’s , ftipp sn , mules, or * 1 antofles with foies of cor If. * ^ our> oftefa, a great offence. Sovvenénza, Sovvcnim nto, Sovventi- one.Sovigno .anyhelpJuppljMonce, relief, fuccour t aid,or fupp°n,al[u remem¬ brance^ or calling to mind. Sovvenévole,'/?^ may be belped.or remcm- bred. Sovraure, Soven.'rc, to aid . to help, to to fupport, or holdup. Spalliera, Spagliéra, any backing or fcouldring , any place or thing to lean a- painlt with ones (boulders, alfo a pouldron or fhoulder -picce , alfo any hangings or rva>iefcoc-woik s t0 l* an againft, alfo a [parvi fe for a large bed of fiate, alfo the flrfl or chief Benches or Scats in a Gaily * Spadiglia, Spadino, the dim. o/Spada. Spàdola, as Spàtola, or Spatélla. Spadolàre, to hatchel or dreffeflax. Spadóne, a great, a long , a two-handed fword, alfo any fruit that bath not flone nor kernel, as one would fay, Guelded f r Spadóne fignifieth alfo guelded, lib bed orfplaid. Spadónio, one unfit for generation, alfo the guelded Laurel, or the gir.ldcd apple. Spadulàrc, to drain , as of Fens. Spàga, a kf nd of rojin or pitch in Afia. ' Spag to, HI payed, unpiytd. Spaghétto, Spaghino , Spàgo sforzato fm illpacktbnd , merlin , whipcord or twine. Spagnàrdi, in mockery for bragging and in filling Spaniards. Spagnuolata,* Span.fb bravado. Sr>agnuoleggiafe ,£0 Spanioltst Spaglinolefeo, Spagimolefcaménce, Spag ‘ nardly, Spanifh l‘&. Spagnuolifmo, a Spanijb propriety. * Spagliare, tounftraw. Spà a o, any kind of packthnd. ♦' Spigolami chiefe[t and noble ft. K nights among the Tur kt, who go ever armed. Spàir, Spàhi, as Spèchi- Spaia rda,;Spaiardola, a yellow hammer or youlrtng bird. S palagio, u venomous fly. Spalancare, to f“ vidi open, at of doors or gates. Spalare, to {hovel or ffsdc tmj. '•Spalàta .tlbmdmgnvoy. i * Spalatóre, elboul r. * Spalc f re, to mfeel.to anjeoffold. Scalco, terrace or ofrn falloiy. Spildo, Spalto, Scaldi, Spalti, mm butting, or outfbntldnng vali, building Spaniàre, to difintangle^ookParSa. I Spanna, a fpan or hands-breadih. { Spannaceiare, to yaitn or gape wide forwant \ * of fleep. Spannare, to (pan or meafurc by (pans, a!fo to flack a net, as Fifhirs call it. * Spannocchia, a Sca-lobftar with a long ! tail. : * Spannocchiare nòcchia. Spano jfmooth, foft,fleek- * Spantàrc, Spantegàre, to caufe wonder - mcnt,or breed amazement, alfo as Spàn¬ dere. Spanto, as Spanduto. Spanto, as Spavento, wonderment , ama^e mem, alfo a flat broad drinking gli>ffe,al- fo .wafted prodigally , jpent Uv'fhly,confu¬ med notoufly. Spantófo, cauftng wonderment, full of a- ma\ement , full of prodigal waft¬ ing. Spànzola, a new frefh mufhrom. Spaparàto, untruft , open-brca(lcd. Spara , a wad of clouts, or wifp of (traw as Milkmaids ufc on their heads. * Sparadna, Sparagiéra , a Sparagus plot. Sparadrappo, any plaifler that flicks very hard or fa ft. Sparagàgno , adifeafe inhorfes feet or hoofs. ichesor Seats in a Gall) mo/s. ‘near the Poop, alfa an, hedge-row of ; Sparagi, Spino S P"V“- trees, of Privet, of Vines, ofRofcmary,of j Sparaghone, o guilt-head ffh. _ Rofloflv,,of flowers,or any verdttn ,; Sparagnare, to ffm.to fave, or tofwch for fee 1 or (rowing up clongSl or againfl an,< gam and ilir, ft. Lit even cut and ranged, or enttrlac,ng\ Sp« ag mt6 rc, a frarn, a favor wall even cut and ranged, or cncenpctm o, „a their boughs-, alfo any fornirne ffread Spwagncvole, that may be /pared. ■ ■ or beds, on tables, on 1 Sparagno, J paring, footing. or on chcfts for c r ~ ,H ' ,r cupboards, on benches , - -., a ornament, as carpets. Coverlets , or other Tapiflries, namely in chamber >, aljo any back-piece , buttreffe , [hire-piece or fljouldring-piece for to fupport, alfo the fluff made for hangings, called Dar- nixt. _ n Spallicri ,fuch as fit or row upon the flrfl feats in a Gaily , look Spallièra. Spallóne , any broad or great fhoul¬ der. . Spalluto, big, well, or broad fhonl- dred. . Spalmare, to caulk-, to trim or riga Qjip, alfo to (pan. Spalmata nave.it fhip new cauliyed trrpucbl over. Spalmatóre, a caulker of flaps. Spalmatura, the caulking of a/hip. Seiko, as Spaldo , alfo a Lordfhip or Ma- nour boufe with demains about if. Spampanare , to brag with big words, and make much aioe about nothing. Spampanata, a great vaunting orbragging a great boati and fmall roft. Spampinatc, to flirti or pull off [uperfLuom leaves or branches of a Vine. Spampinatióne, a disbranching of fuper- jiuoui leaves or branches. Spandere, Spèndo, Spanfi,Spanto,Span- duto ,tojpiU,to(hed, to skink or paure out, by Met ■ to Spread, to air , or bleach abroad, alfo to waft and confarne no- toufly. * Spàndere le ale , s« ffread or dtfplay ones * Spàndetele mani, to Spread forth ones hands. * Spandcvole,ffc4t may be (bed or ft:It. ‘ Spandimene oy any (hedding or {pilling. - Spa-nd icóre, a (heddcr y a fpitltr. Spanduto, Spànfo, Spanto, [bed,(put, or piu. ed forth, look Spàndere. -TJiaiajjllU) Jt ' I Si Sparagnófo, full of (paring or faving. ♦ 'Sparànga, a (prang, a flang, or woodden bar to bar a door. * Sparangàre, to (prang or bar a door. Spara petto, as Para petto, alfo a fuddain qualm , or overcoming of the flo- mac\. Sparare, to difadorn t to mfurnifh, to ma\e unready, to rid or take away any prepa - •« ration, namely from a table after dinner «v i flipper , alfo to open or (lit before , aljo raj n rip open , to panch or disbowel any crea- t ture, alfo to impair, to uncouple, or to un- -l yoke, alfo to pop oft, to fnap off , to f hoot j tji off, or difeharge any great Artillery, alfoUi to make great verbal boafts of large pro- -j mifes, and perform nothing , alfo to fee be -1 • tween the light whether an egg be new or : it ftale,aljo to)embalma Corps. Sparare arteglieria , to (hoot or difeharge] [ ordnance. Spararla, Sparaménto, Sparàta , Sparc*i:f ria, a [hooting oft of Artillery , a difeharg- ; ing of a great ordnance, a volly of (hot, a. peal of ordnance,ufed alfo much, and ta-\' ken for a large complimentai offer and,* verbal boafling of courtly promises, and: * no performance of them. Spar : ro, the S parvi fe of a bed. Sparato, the part, of Sparare , alfo flit be¬ fore, alfo the slit of a fhirt. Sparavagno, as Spavàna. * Sparaviérc, Sparbiére, &ny hawk. Spa¬ rviere, the male , Attòrte , the ft* male. ; Spirema ,afhip-rOap. * Sparecchiare, fo unprepare, to mape unrtx dy , to disfuYrtfh, by Met. for a good fel-■ low to rid much meat, and to devou rh greedily. ' Sparecchiata, an unpreparing , a making un¬ ready, a riddance of much cheer. Spa- )- SPA SPA SPA campar:- * Spareggio, a. paragement (on alfa difparagement. Sparcntàto, unkindred, parent-leffe. Spargadólloj the name of a bird. Spargànio, Sparganión c,fldge or [word- graffe , fame tafe it for the Bum- reed. Spargere, Spargo, Sparli, Sparlo, to fccuter , to flew, to differfl, to cafl here and there. * Spargere vózzflo give out) or raife fome report. SpargclM [welling in fome womens breafts , af er their deliverie. Spargimento, any fcattering , fir owing, ca¬ lling or differfing. * Spargirio . extraction of quint offen¬ ces. ^ Spargitore, a fcattcrcr , a fir ewer, a differ¬ ir. Spargolare, to fprintye. Spargolo, a holy w at er-ff rinate. Spaigonióni, Spargi, as Spàragi. Sparire, nfeo, ri co, to vanijh out of fight. f *Sparimcnto, Sparita, Sparitione* Spari- tura, a vanifking out of fight. * Sparito, vmifhed out of fight. * Sparlaménto, a miffpea^ing, a railing againfl) or detracting in words. Sparlare, to mi [peak) to rail at, or [peak ill of others. Sparlatóre, a rader , a detraflor. Sparlo, a purple- fifa. '• Sparmiàrc, Spermio , as Sparagnare. Sparmióne, a fposing pinch -penule. Sparnazzare, to flitter with the wings, to ft rive, to fly, alfo as Sparnicciàre, alfo to [corn, to contcmne, to defpife. Sparnazzatóre, <*' Sparnicciatore, alfo a flatterer, alfo a contemner, a flor- ner. * Sparnicciàre, to flatter abroad, alfo to tv afte prodigally. * Sparnicciatore, a flatterer, a wafle- good , a fpend-thrift, a prodigal un- thrift. Sparo, Sparo-Io, a \ind of S ea-fifb fo cal¬ led in Rome, alfo a k ind °f crooked dart among the Moors 0 alfo oddc or uneven in number. Sparpagliare, to flatter it felf, and break, through violently , as hail-fhot doth, alfo to difordcr and bring oat of frame, alfo to difhcvcl and tou^e a womans hair. Sparpaglio, any flattering difordcr, or bunging met of frame. *§parpigliare, Sparpagliare. 'Spaifamcnte, Spartamcnte, Spartata- mé nee, flatteringly, difpzrfldly. Sparfióne, a flattering , a difperfing, a be, fpiniflmg. pàrfo, flattered, ftrewed, difperfed, alfo Seme in Armorie. Spartaparéglia, the root of rougb-binde , much ttfld in Phyfic \. Spat'tare, as Spartire, Spanato, apart, fever al from others. “ Spartatura, a dividing or parting in fun- ' der, alfo a k} nd °f {'tending-tub. Spartatura d’arme, a. quartering or divi¬ ding of arms. * Sparto a, as Sparto. Spartènza, a partii ion, a dividente, a . fundring, alfo afh wing. Sparchano, a kind of pretiotis flonc. Spirt ico ma (lick orfwcet gum. iSpartimento, Spartigióne, a partition, a j compartment m budding, alfo a divi- ]■ deuce. 'Spartire, to f epurate , to part, to divide , to ; flare, to fever , to di fpart, to put a fun¬ der. Spantamente, fever ally, afunder, difper- fldly, particularly. * Sparuto/ parated, parted, divided, fla¬ red. Spartite lingue, cloven tongues. Sparto , a flind of corn or grain called Spartc, alfo a flmdof broom wherewith they ma\e cables for flips, ortotye up their vines in India , alfo as Spar¬ lo. Sparto di fiele, that hath the flattering of the gall or the yellow j a undies. * Spartóia, as Spartita, as Màdia. Spartopólia, the blac\ Spart-flone with griglie veins in it. Sparuta, Spartatura, a kneading-tisb, al- fo a Spoke-fhave,a Bing, a Maunde for bread, alfo a Buttery-basket, or to tafe away in from the table. Sparvierare, to hawk, topcarcb a hawk, to go a hawking, alfo to make or become fwift or fleeting as a hawk, alfo to fpar- vife a bed or chamber. * Sparvieràta, a [parvi ft for a bed, Sparvierato, pe arched, alfo peart , or light and nimble as a hawk. Sparviere, a hawk, til fo a fparvife fora bed, alfo apurple-fifl. Spanilo, a purplc-fijk. * Sparutàccio, Sparucizzo, a man that through fickntjje , long imprifonment, or other accident is much con fumed, worn away, and looks very ill. * Sparutezza, deformity, unhandfomeneffe, unfighilinefl, ughneffc. Sparuto, deformed, ugly, unfigbtly t ill-fa- voured, ill-looking. j Spàfe, Sp£fi, Spàfo, along narrow fifl, called in Latin Tania. * Spafimàrc, Spalmare, to have or be troubled with Spàfimo, to fall into a fwoun or dead trance by fome convulfion, and want of blond, alfl to labour hard , and pant with pains, alfo to be over-paf- fiónate in love, or too earneftlygiven over to any will, [tudy , defire or ajfcfti- on. * Spafimàrc la róbba, prodigally to wajte or ryot away ones goods. Spafimatifiìma vòglia, a moft earnefl and deadly longing, defire. Spafimcvolc, Spafimófo, Spafmévole, frightfully able to Hake a man imo a fwoun. Spàfimo, Spalino, a fuddain convulfion, cramps flanking up of the finnews, pro- cecding either of too much fullneffe, or over-much emp tin effe, alfo ajitddain fwolining .. Spàlimo cinico, a fltnd of convulfion or cramp when the no\lrils are drawn awry, like a. dogs mouth when he filar¬ le th. Spafimófo, full of cramps or convulfms, alfo Cub jell to fuddain fwounings. Spafmatio, Spafimt ico, one troubled with or fubjecl unto Spàfimo, Spàfino, look Spàfimo, alfo a. kind of two- hcadded dart. * Spalleggia largo, a. nick-name for a proud or di fdam full man. Spalla martèllo, a fellow that will talk with a wench for fafhion-fake, to forget fome other love or jealoufie, or to pafle the time away in loving or amorous talk. Spallare, to paffe away the time with any fpffrt , recreation , folate or pleaftng pa (lime. . * Spàffa tèmpo, Spafiaménto, Spallo, 1 I any piflime , foUc:, [port or rccren- ! tion. * S partèggiaménto, Spalleggiata, Soaf- leggiacura, any gentle walking. Spalleggiare, to walk f or recreation cr , paftirne. I Spalleggiatóio, Spareggio, any allie cr- : pie af ant waling-place, a walk . ■ Spafl'evolc, [pmtfitll, game fome, full cf pa- jiime and recreation. Spalfionàto, difpajfionaled , Spallo, look Spafi'atcmpo. Spaflàre, to unpafte. Spa dico, one that hath the cramp or ccn- vulfion of finnews, or that hatha rupe, ■ ture , and is burfi. Spaftinarc, fc prune vines, or dig the roots of them bare. * Spaftoiare ,to free from pafierns or fetters, to unfetter. * Spaftoiàr by Met. for one to rid. cr - difintanglelnmfllf from troubles. j Spàta, Spàtba, as Spàco. I Sparagio, a Sea-urchin. Spatdrio, a Sword-be areno a Prince. Spatélla, look Spàtola. Spatiàre, to make [pacious, alfo to wall* abroad. Spatico, vexed with an evil S/, Sp.’.timànte, afioth-fay:r by Sp. Spatimantia, a divination by Spirits. * Spàtio, SpaCrófità, f'pace , Jpacioufnejje , largenejje, room, difiance, or length of place or tim r . Spatiófo > fpatioHs , ample , roomie, large. Spato, Spàtho, a tree fomewbat li\e à Date or Palm-tree, that yieldcib a good gum or perfume. 4 Spàtola, Spatélla, Spàtula, an Apothe¬ caries (pctlle, a Chyrurgcans flice,a Ma- fons trowel, a Cooks flat [cummer or broad (lice to turn meat or fifl in a frying- pan, alfo a cole-rake to clean an oven, alfo a flouldcr-blade,alfl any broad flat (hovel, alfo a broad flat lalb or fplint of wood with a handle that flax-women beat their flax nr hemp witball, to clcanfe it from toe and hunts. Spatriare, to leave voluntarily, or drive from ones native countrey. * Spatula, look Spàtola. * Spatula putrida, Pàlli ràbbia. Spatulimànte, a footh-fayer by looking on marks upon flr-oulders. Spatulimantia, Tfincbed, extingmfhtd. alfo fitted up and down, alfo ridf,om\ b ?jra 9 bebopeth t by Met. an anchor,at the - 1 J J i hope of a flap, alfo a Sphear or Globe. * Speràbile, Sperévok, Sperando, to b: hoped, hopeful/. " Spet ale, fpherical, glubc-like. Speranza, hope, a (fiance, trufl. Speranzina, [mailhope, little trufl. Sperare, to hope-, or trufl unto. Spérdere, as Difpérdcre, alfo to loofe fifty, alfo to poach egges. ; Sperdute uóva, poached egges. Sperdùco, loit, tra;, mi [carried. Spcrétto, ufed of Dante for Bòlgia,' i Spcrcvole, look Speiàbile. Spérga, Spòrgo, as Mergóne. Spargere, as Spàrgere. ’'Spergiuraminto, Spergiuratìónc, Spcr- : giuro, per (urie, for[wearing. Spergiurare, to for [wear, to perjure. "Spergiuratóre, a for [wearer. Spergiuro, a for [worn man. Spèrgola, Spérgula, the hearb Frank, Sunk, or Spurrie, it is good to fatten cattle. Spèrgola odorata, hearb woodrowel. Spergolàre, to befprinlfio. Spèrgola, a holy water fftinkfe. Speri;' nzx,experience, prattijc, trial. Sperile, the ficfhie part without bones , be¬ neath the middle part of a fow. Sperimentile, experimental. Sperimentalmente, experimentally. Sperimentare, Spcrmentàre, to expert enee, to put in try al or prafticc. Speriménto, Spermcnto , An expert ment. Sperma, the mans or males natural feed, whereof things be engendred-, among Al -b cbymifts it is ufed for Jgjtick-fdv- 1 ', M \ alfo- trouble. Spelare, to pluck, t0 0r [have off the i hair, the wooll, the feathers or the I fk'mne of any body, to ma\e thrid-barc. ! Spelaruóla, as Pelamela. * Spelatéllo, Spelazzino, A poor thrid- barc or bear diefs lad. Speli to, pulled, pilled, plucked , or Jhaven off'the hair or wooll, made thrid-barc . Spelatóia, a rubbing-brufh. * Spelazzue, Spelazzaco, as Spelare. Spellicciàre, Spellare, to unffinne, to un¬ fur. Spcllicciata, Spellicciatura >. an unstyn- ning, an unfurring. Spellicciófa, a kind of hairy hearb. Spelónca, Spelónca, as Caverna. * Speloncófo, as Cavernófo. * Spelórcio, Spclórchio, as Spilorcio. Spèlta, Spélda, the Sca, or Jpclt-corn, Spelucire, as Snocciolare. Speluco, a heap or hairy mafs. Speluiére, a Cornifh chough . Spème, Spéne, hope, trufl, affiance. Spemófo, hope full, full of hope. Spendacchiamcnto, fooltfb [pending,riotous or idle expences. Spcndacchiàrc, towafie in idle or vàri ex- pcnccs. Spendere, Spèndo, Speli, Spéfo, to fpend, to lay out mony. * Spendente, [pending, that (pendetti. * Spcnderécchio, Spenderéccio, that may be f pent . * Spenderéccia, wafifutl f pending . * Spendìbile, that may be [pent, Spendi-farina, a prodigali wafl-bread, an idle fpend-thrife . S P É S P H P I alfo for the flower of S alt. Spermi Ceti, feedof whales, F lower of 1 the Sea, vulgarly Parmacitty,wh:t'[h am ! ber. i Spermatico, Spermatica! , pertaining to en- j gendnng feed, loo £ Véna or Artc- ' ria. j Spermólogo, as Frugilego , alfo a vain- babler, an idle pratler. ' Spernace,tfr A-fpezzóni. Sphacclo, as Sfacèlo. \ SphàcQ, Sphàgno, Sph'ngo, the fweet mofi'c , called Aromaticum. Sphagirlde, at Sfagirlde* Sphenóidc,/oo^ 'Olio. Sphcra, Sfera, a (pear, a globi. Spheromànte, a jooth-fayer by loo fang in a globe. Spheromantia > divination by too fang in a fpbear. Sphtnge, as Sfinge. Sphlntro, as Sfintro. Sphircno,a fifi) with a fnout Ufa a (pit. Sphitamti, Dwarfs but three (pans high. Sphondillio, as Sfondillio. Sphràge, as Sfiage. Sphragidc, a pone Ufa the Jafpcr-fionc,al¬ fo at Terra figilldca. Spia, as Spióne. Spjàbile, Spiévole, that may be efpied. Spiacènte, Spiacévole, unnica fing. ^Spiacénza,Spiaciménto,Spiacevolézza, difiifa, nnpleafantntffe. Spiaccre, as Difpiaccre. Spiaciute, difpìeafed, difl'fad . Spiàggia, a Sea-ft, ond , a flat or far- exten¬ ding Sea-fhore. Spiaggiàre, to fail,to coafl , or faep along the Sea-fir ond or (hare. Spiaggiófo , full of (tmnds orfhores. Spianàbile,rt?.tf may be made plain,levelled, or ra\ed flac. Spiàna mónti, x name for a braggard, one who will level hills an l Mountains. Spianare, to explain, to ma fa plain, to ex¬ pound,to level, toma fa flat, or open, tb lay open , io ra\e or lay flat to the ground. Spianare il pàne, to rat ft bread , to reduce dough into loaves of bread. Spianatóio , a round rowler that Coo fa ufc to Spread pafie. Spianata,Splanacciàca , Spianaménto, Spianaclónc, Spianatura, any fiat plat¬ form, any plain path or broad high-way , any ma fang plain, flat or level, any ra¬ cing flat to the ground , alfo any explanati¬ on or expounding. Spianatói, explainers, alfo Pinters. Spiantare, to di [plant, to for a fa Spiantata, Spiantaménto, Spiantatane , Spiantatura, a di [planting. Spiaftricciàre, to unplaifler,to unglue . Spiare, tocfpic, to peer, topiy, to toot, to feout , and watch with diligence. * Spiatei lare, to lindi jh, to unplatter, alfi to mafa flat as a clijh or platter , alfo to fet out meat fairly in fuH difbes as Coo fa do upon flails, by Met. to Sfilali plainly and lay open wbatfoever one faoweth. Spiatteletamcnte, Spifa-nai d. Spica Santi , a Saint-fiemivg Puritan , an hypocritical diffembler. Spicàce, Spicacia, as Perfpicàce. Spicàrda,Spicarnóla, Spigartela , Spi- caruó^o, as Spigolerà. Spicardino ingégno, anice, a loofe, a gadding, a sfappmg or gleaning wj\ Spicàrc, Spigare, to ear as Corn doth, alfo to glean. Spicàto, Spigato, cared or grown to ears as com, alfo an excellent oyntment ufedm Rome of women, which fome la fa for oil of Spi fanard. Spiccare , to pluci f from, as of fruits or flowers, to unhang, to loo fen, to un faflen ,• alfo to leap off. Spiccatamente, difiinflly, apart. Spiccate paróle , dtSLnfl or loofe words. Spicchiére, Spicciare, to peep out as the Sun-beams do, to bud , to burgeon, erto fpicut forth as flowers or b'affirms do, to (pin, to gufb or fpsrt out as blood nut of a vein, or as wine out of a fpigot-bole , to purl, to fpring or bubble out of a Foun¬ tain , alfo to divide or cut into fmall parts , al ft to pic fa to cull, or nicely to (hr.ofc out, alfo to fpread abroad, alfo to fneafa , to flnlg or finch fccretly out of .fight. ___ Qji q S pic - S P I S P I S P I -'picchio j Spiccinone, Spiccio, Spicciolo/ Spigola, as Spiggolo, Spicolo,a»y peeping , budding , burgeon [prati 3 or new appearing forth, any fpin¬ ning-, pu Lag or guJJjing forth , look Spic- I ch ate. S, i echio d’aglio, a clove of g larli\e , alfo a q liner cut of any fruit,as of an apple or Piare. Spicchio del Sóle, a glimps of the Sun¬ to ams, Spicchio di péra or pómo, the fourth P a U or quarter of a pear or apple , cut and pared . SpicchiutOjSpicchiatojparf. of Spicchiare. Spice hiuco, dividable into little parts, as onions or garlick are • Sp’ccia tame, one that ifiUeth his hunger rvit I; any tljing Spiccia Santi, ns Spica-Slnti. Spiccicale to tu f afte a , to loofen,alfo to bur ft and p.epc forth as a chicken doth out of an egg-fbeU, alfo to pinch or nip. Spiccicato unfaftned, loofed , bur ft and peeped fun ',), alfo pinched or (nipped alfo to the life. Spicciolare , Spicciolile, lifeo lito, to Ir (Jen , to matye lejfer , fnailer or little, tominfc, to (bred or chop fm.ili, to pare or clip, and thereof comcth Mone¬ ta Spicciolato, dipped money, alfo to featrc, and dtfptrfi in fmall parts or pi ccs, alfo Co gleans or pick Up aU fmall things. epiche duna ruòta, the fpo{es of a Spiccilcgioj gleaning of ears of corn. Spico ? the {pernii of any nut or fruit- done, Ifo as Spigo. Spiccio, Sp',gófo,t i/y, full of cars. Spicuità, Spicuo as Pcrfpicacita. ^piculo , a fbtrp arrow-head. Spidke Spedite, as Spadire. S hditióne, expeditiondifpatch. Spidocchiare, to loafs, to unlouje. Spìdocchiónc, aloufte companion. Spiedonarc, Spiedare, to fpit,to brache. Spièdo, Spicdóne, as Spedo. Spiegabile, Spieghévole, difplayablc. Spiegare todijplay , to unfold. Spiegatamente, difpliyedly, ai Urge. Spiegatura, Spiegaménto , Spiega, Spie- gatiónc , a difplaying an unfolding. Spienaco , empty ed, unfilled. Spiénzi, the fpleen of any creature. Spier a, >ny fpying or fpiery. Spierà , Spietéggine , Spietanza, Spic¬ cace, cruelty ' , unmcrcyfulnefs , vigor , Spietatamente , innexorably fully , impioufli. Spietato , Spictófo , pittilefs, unmerci ■ full, ruthlefs , remar cele fs, cruel. Sjufvolc , Spiàbile, cfpyablc. j Spigai, Spigare, lo^k Spica, &c. 5 Spigalo,* cacaceli flftj. ; Spi glie d*una ruòta look Sptch:. ) Spighe rótte , unripe or broken cars of I corn. Spigli 'etc , SpigHétti, parla or flowers in bone-lace like ears of corn. Spigliatamente, nimbly, loofely with agi - ' tuy. Spighi: 2.2.1 - nimbUn fs, agility , quick dexterity, loofeuefs. j Sp'.gl L ’.o', nimbi '. ioofr,frec,igilc. jSpignerc* as Spingere. Spienit'tc, a th -.'jtir or pufhvr on. ; Spi-o, Spico the bcarb fptkf ■> or fpike- H-rrd , alfo a, fpigot a/ quill, alfo the i little quill , or iron-pipe of a cask i o' hr'i.-ist wherein the plumt of feathers is ! faftiuJ ani fee. Smiths mike holes in borfe-fljooes, being red hot, alfo the udge or chine-bone of a- ny body, alfo the (freak or lmc that rums along a horfes back, or the withers of a horft, alfo a flffc or bend engrailed in armory, ujed alfo for a mullet in a;mory 'Uva fpina, the Thorny grape, which we call Goofe-benits, Spina acuta, the white haw-thorn. Spina appendice, the long climbing tlwrn,or hanging brier. Spina bianca, Spina alba,t/;£ white thorn thr Haw-t horn, the white bryer, alfo the white ,hi flic, our Ladies-thifile, the Car- * fin- : hi file O' Redegnar. * Spira cervina. Spina di cèrvo, Spino, mèlo. Spino zeri ino, vrild-hathorn . buck-tborn. Spina da purgo, the fullers thorn or thiftle. Spina del cavallo, the withers of et horfe. ’ Spina del dóflò,fóc back bone , the ridge or chin-bone of any creature. Spina di Bécco, Goats (horn, whofe foots yield the gum dragetgant. Spina di mézzo, the pith of the back j f to marrow that runs along the back bone and by Met. in any plant or tree fat eider: 1 Spina Egictia, Spina Giudaica, the Egypti¬ an tho,n or brier, look Acacia. Spina fcaciita, a tap or pipe put in the bott om of a veff-X for dr eggs to run out at. Spina magna, the great thorn. Spina néra, the black thorn. Spina mcdólla, Spinale medólla, as Spi¬ na di mézzo. Spini peregrina, btU or globe-thifill. Spini péfee, a puh in [emltry called the hemng-bone, alfo a of clast or tack • Spina piaccia, a kind of white thorn. Spina règia, our Ladies thi[il: , the wild thiflle or Artichoke. Spina fiera, the fh.irp end or rump of’ Ofl'o Sacro, Spina volgare, tfce common thorn. Spinacciarc, lo hatchet fi :x or hemp, alfo as Spinare. Spinacelo, the tap or bung-hole of a barrel, alfo a hatchel for flax or hemp. Spinici , Spinacchi , the heath Spi- | nage. Spinale, of, or belonging to the back-bone, ■ as alfo unto any thorn. Spinare, to prick with a thorn or brier, alfo to pierce a piece of wine, or tobrocb a j a bardi of dri*ki to engraile may- mory. 1 Spilorciare, to dodge,to fnudgejo grudge or Spiniro, a. bujb or brake of briers thornes play the niggarchy or flovenly chuff. I or brambles. * \ Spilorciarie, Jnudging , grudging \ mini - Spinamelo, thefharplin-fifb. ing, dodging, fcurvy , or niggardly ^ Spinato, fharp-pointed or fafhioncd like ! .. !”/**• . , . , , I a > “‘f 0 fmeti or fee «bromi, I Spilorcio, Spilorcionc, a bafe chuff, a mg- ] alfo engrailed, a armory, alfo a bin i gardly ebuff, a wretched pinch-ferny, a ef flriped tvork « ftii or carnate- Lo\cl, a lord, a filthy flovenly campani- j fluffs. Spinella, agimblet to\pierce a veflrll. alfo Spunacciare, to drive feathers, that is, to j a quill to draw wine, alfa a faint in a Spigolare, t» glean or Icafc for ears of corn , by Met. to play the hypoent. Spigoli dèlia tavola, cruins or feraps of meat that fall from the table. Spigoliftra , a leafer or gleaner of corn , by Met. a nice or fneakfng bypocritica.il body , a Colic dor of others faults except his own. Spigoliftrarie , leafingS or gleanings , alfo ìlice nr fncaking hypocriticali trick> ■ Spigolo , a fpifa Oi flreak °f an ) thing al.o the fbarp p icks that are upon ripe ears of corn , alfo the fldi-pofles of a door , alfo a bafe fljb, or as fame fay, the Sea-pike. Spigolònc, the [up. of Spigolo, by Met. a mans whim-wham. Spigo nardo, Uvander-fpike , fpike-nard. Spigófo , ea>y, full of ears. Spilacchero , Spilaccheròne , a griping, or pinching and feraping chuff’. Spilàre,M go prying , tooting or fncalfing, fpying up and down. Spilatóre , as Spillaruolo. Spilla, as Spillo . Spillaccherare, to dodge, to meb or fneak up and down like a mifcrable pinch-penny, alfo as Zacchera rf. * Spi! laccheremo, full of dodging , alfo as Zacchcrófo. * Spillare, Spillettare, to Spill, topinyto clafp , orto hookfnfl togethei, alfo to prick with a pin, or to flab with a fiillctto , alfo to pierce a piece of wine with a Jpi- got, by Met. to fneak and find out with diligent fcarch , alfo to jumble a wench, alb as Spicchiàre. Spillaruóloi a tootcr, a fnea\er, apritr into cbfe and fecret corners. Spinacióne, Spillato, hath been ufedfor the running of the reins. Spillo, Spillécto, * jpill , a pin, a prick, a thorn, a (ting, a needle , any fharp-pointed or pricking iron, a bodkin , a poinado, a flilletto, alfo a Vintners for cehead\, a fpi- got, or a gimblet, alfo a (Uff bridle, alfo a tache, a claSping-book ufl'd in garments, alfo a hole in a piece of wine made with a gimblet or drawing quill, alfo a kmd of boy es play in Italy anfwering our Pu(h- pm. Spilluzzicare, Spiluzzicare, to picl( 0Ht as it were hair by hair,to eat ones meat min- cingly or picking of it here and there, alfo to frnge off’ the fmall downy feathers from fowl or poultry, alfo to pinch here and there. unmercy- Spilluzzico, the least fot, whit, crum , ferap, or part of any thing that may be. cleanfttbcm from dufl and filth Spimacciàto lètto , a feather-bed dri¬ ven. Spina, any tynd of thorn, prick , or prickle , anybryer or bramble, a fling of a bee, a brnfle of a hedge-hog, a (h trp bone of any fifh, alfo a fpigot, a quill, a force-head , a gimblet, or tap to broach or pierce any barrel, alfo a Cock or r °tonet of a Cefieri or Conduit, alfo a jharp iron wher erriti horfes leg. Spinellare, as Spinare. Spinéo, thorny, full of briers. Spineóla a f\tg. or a bullii.nI/m alfo a hedg or wild rofe. Spinétta, the dim. ofS pf na , alfo the Eglan¬ tine or fweet brier , alfo a pair of vi,gi- nals. Spinetteggi.'re naif. Spineto , Spinérto , a thicker, abufh o-t 1 --- to play upon Virgi- S P I S P 1 * b'(i\c of thorns, briers , or brambles. Spincruta, the high white-thorn. Spingarda, Spingarda , a. /find of gun Rom¬ bar dt mortar) or chamber-piece,ufed anti- ently as an engine of war to [hoot great ar¬ rows , flones, pieces of timber, or iron-bars aga in ft walled Towns, but now out ofufe and knowledge. * Spingere» -as Guizzare. Spingere, Spignere, fpi'ngo, fpinfi»fpirito, to pufh, to Ihojc, tofhoulder, to drive, lo punch , or thruft on forward, by Met, to urge y to instigate ,nr pr,f]e on. Spi infero, thorn or bramble-bearing. Spingola a pin or a fpiU. Spino, as Spina» but properly a Sloe tree, a S keg-tree, a Snog-tree,a black-thorn bufh, atfojbarp prices put in fhooe-foies, alfo a Ligury or ‘Siskin-bird, alfo as Liguria. Spinola, the dim. of Spina, alfo a fplcnt in a borfes leg, alfo a fifh called m Latin Spigola, alfo the pin or clafp that faftnetb a hat or night-cap under the chin. * Spinofitcl, thornnieffe, fpinofity. Spinole, a kind of rugged pears. Spinolo, thorny,prickly, M °f thornes, bri- breath , alfo liutly, as giving life or breath. Spiragliarc,lo breath or vent forth. Spiràgli dell'anima, fomehave fo called the lights and lungs of man. * Spiraglio» Spiràcolo , Spirarne» Spira- ménto, Spirato, any vent or breathing place, any hole or chink , through whicu air, breath, fmoak or wind doth paffc, or may breath or vent, alfo the noftrils or nares of any creature , alfo a tunnel of a chimny, or of a privy, alfo a loover of a boufc, alfo a loop-hole, or (pike-bole of any Tower or Pnfon , alfo a cave or Dun¬ geon that breatheth forth any flrong va¬ por, fent J or air , a damp hole, alfo any breathing or panting. Spirante, breathing , that bloweth , vapou- reih, hvcih,nr yielded) favour. Spirare» to infpire or breath into, to live and draw breath and fpiration, to vent, to vapour or breath forth, to pant, to figh, r blow as wind doth, alfo to cafl a favour or ffnell, alfo to exfpire or yield up the lajt gafp, alfo to afpire unto. Spiratióne, Spiraménto » fpiration, re- fpiration , infpiration, expiration, breath¬ ing, c, or brambles, alfo a Porcupine , ... hedge-hog, or an urchin, b y Met. anyfifljl Spirato» the part. o/Spiràre. full of (harp bones , alfa difficult, barfh or * Spiratole, a breather, crabbed■ | Spiro, mathematical lines. Spinta, a tbrufl, a pu.fl), a job, a punch, a \ Spinone, the name of an hearb and flower. (booving or juflling On. Spinilo, a Goats-beard. Spinto» tbrufl, pnfljcd, jobb'd, punched, j Spùita le, Spinale, of, or pertaining to the Jbontdred or driven on. Spintile , places where m n prattifed and' exercifcd all manner of bea (tly,unnatural, and monflrous Ufi and Ictcbery , fuel) as is not to be fpoken of. : Spinturnicc , a kind of Night-birds or I Skreech-owls wont to com: to the A'tar l and carry away a burning coale, as a l prefagenf itliuck to the honfe where it ( bupned. I Spinz'go, the fowl Curlue. I Spinzaunno , a colour that Painters ufe. Scioccare, to lard birds with lardlets. I ' Spióccoli, little lardlets of birds. i * Spiombale, to unlcade. * Spionaggine, Spionia » Spionaria, *ny fpmg, fcoining, or fecret prying in¬ to. Spionàre, Spioneggiàre, to fpi andp'fy fe- crctly into, to phy the crafty fpir. Spióne, Spia, a Spie, a fpial , a Scout, a ’ watcher, a way-layer , a fecrct obfervtr , a pryer into others. * Spioranato, ilnp tie fled, degraded. Spiòvere, to flfowrc down with fun and Spiritual or vital parts. Spiritual, lively, that breatheth,alfo as Spirituale, alfo the name of a certain engine. * Spiricaménto, a haunting of Jpints. * Spiritare , to enfpirit, to pofjeffc or be poffeffcdwitb forne jpint, to be horribly afraid. Spiritato, mad, raging, out of bis wits, poffeffcd with feme evil fpirit. * Spiritcfco, as Spiritale. Spiritèllo, the dim. of Spirito, but properly weak or P oor fpiriG a languifhingfaint Irrcath, alfo a night-ghoft,a Hob-goblin, a Sprite of the Buttery, alfo a night-bat,a rear-mo/ife. Spirito, Spirto, the Soul , the Spirit, the heart, the life, the breath of a man or any living creature, alfo the heat and courage of a man , alfo a flgh or a gafp, alfo a ghofl. * Spirito abbattuto, an bumbled fpirit, a de jelled mind. Spirito Santo, the Holy Ghofl .• Spiritócco, Spirtócco, a bufie, Saint-feem- ing, an hypocritical, or pick-thank fel¬ low. violence, to pourt down, alfo to leave off . Spjritófo, Spirit uófo,/«// of Spirit, life raining. vigour, beat or flrcngtb. * Spira, any fh irp Spire , namely of a S tee- Spirituale, fpiritual, gbo(tly, according to pie, or of a Sk'rcw and Vice , alfo any the fpirit or holy ghofl , aljo Ecclefiafti- little Pillar, as tbofe of a Clock, or any j cal. Joyners work y alfo the quadrant or Spiritualità» fpirituality,gbofllineffe. ; fquare of a great Pillar below, ferving to , Spiritualmente, fpirit ua lly, gbo ftly. j fit upon, alfa a Sphear, a madie, a àrcu- j Spiro, breath or 'humane fpeechjalfo as Spi- lation of turning-round, as the round ma- \ rito , the fcotfijh word S pecchigli taken ! king up of cables or ropes, stalled of our • from Spiro. ! Mariners, the coy’ing of a cable , alfo a Spiro Etèrno, the holy Spirit. j cracknel, a jumbal, or fimnel made like S pittale femina, a lyitch, a Sorcercffe. • a trendy,or writhenround like around Spirto, as Spirito. | cable , alfo a certain high head attire of Spinila, the dim. of Spin. ; pearl or any other thing , that women ufe Spicajna , a Grce'kmcafure of twelve in¬ 's to wear on their heads made Coronet- ches. ! wife, called a Chap'ct, or Coronet, alfo Spito, a (pit or broach: j the imperfeft'.on in timber, when the gram * Spictacciatg, a quackfdver a Mounte- \ and the knot s are grown into round balls * bank• O'bard flags and knurs. Spiumacciare , Spiumare, to implume, S.,i; dèlie, that can or may breath or draw to unfeather , to Jhak c a feather - i ! bed. _S P O__ . Spiumacciata, m impiumine an unfeaiht- I ring, alfo a clap given with the flat of P ones hand open, that m iketh a noife. Spmmaccio, a bouljter , a pillow , alfo a matterete or floek-b.d. Spizzare, as Spicch arc, alfo to make (harp atihe point. Sp:zzéca, a penny-chuff , a pinch-pen- nie. Spizzèzza, Jharpneffe. Spizzicare, res Pizzicare, alfo to mince or Jhred fmall, alfo to cull , pick an d chufe any thing one buyetb, alfo to drop, to trill, or drixgje. Spizzicano, any fmall minfing, any little pinching , any drilling. Spizzico, the leaft jot, whit , or deal, alfo as Pizzico. Spizzicóre, as Pizzicóre. , Spi zzo, as Spicchio , alfo fharp-point- ! ed. I Spianatane, an explanation. I Splebciato, difclouned, become from a bafe plebeian to be a Gentleman. Spléceo, a kind of meat made of Iarde, alfo a hafiy pudding. Splena, the fpleen or milt of any erea- . ture. Splenatica, look Vena. Splendènte, Splendi ente, fplcndent,fhining, ' far-g/i firing. Splendénza, as Splendóre. Splèndere, Splèndo, Splendei Splènduto, to (bine as the Sun , to be bright as the Moon, toglifter as the ftars , by Met, to be far renowned. Splendidamente , Jplendently , fhiningly , brightly, by Met.glorioufly, bountifully , richly, fumptuoufly, honorably , magnifi¬ cently. Splendidezza, Splendóre, fumptuoufnefje, bounty, magnificence,liberality. Splèndido, (plendent, bright, fhining, glitte¬ ring, gl ari ng 3 by Met. glorious, magnifi¬ cent, noble, fumptuous, one that bath all things about him gorgeoufly decked with all abundance, and that is bounteous in expenccs, and liberal in gifts. Splendóre, Splendénza, Splendimelo , Splendor, brightneffe, fhining clearnijfe , Ly Met. elegancie,beauty,renown, alfo the fhining luftre of any a lour. Splenetivo, fick of the fpleen, cr that hath a great spleen. * Splcnia, the hear!) Spleen-wort , or Milt- wort. * Splénio, a long plaiflermade li\e a Swath for one that is fick of the Spleen . * Spi icóre , Splicatiónc , as Efpli- care. * Sploratóre , Splorare , as Efplo- rare, Spluca bore, the name of a bird. Spodc(\.3iTe,todfgrade, toremove, orde¬ prive of power, office or dignity, fpecialy of Maioraltyor Shcrivalty. Spodeftato, deprived of power or office. Spódio, Spódo , a kind of rugged fione, dr offe or cinders found in brafje furnaces , much ufed in medicines for fore eyes . Spoetato» difpoetrd,unpocted. Spòglia, Spòglio, Spogliamcnto , Spo¬ gliatila, the outward slffn or cover of a- ny thing , the s^n that any Serpent or Snake leaves off , alfo any outward vefturc, garment , weed or clothing, alfo any coffin of pafle, made for a pie , a pafiie, a tart or a cufixed, alfo any fpoil, booty, pillage, prey , bxvock, flipping, rob¬ bing or [polling taken from an enemy, alfo ufed for a mans mortal vale, or whole humane body jin Svi- S PO S P o S P o Spogliare, tò fpoil, to flrip or deprive of , :u jtc.u pom,and leave na\rd, ro bereave, to unsk}n,to difiray,to unroabc,to pull of ones cloths. ;• Spogliato, [polled, de fpo'dcd, ft tipped, de¬ prived of, flola from , left naked, pitt of ones clothes, wade read) to go to bed. Spogliatóio, n place or withdrawing chamber where mtnm women put off their clothes, or flrip themfelvcs to go to b\e an Affis hoof, alfo aJpindle-nbxiv:, alfo as Spondilóne. Spondilóne, a venomous fna\e. Spóndio, as Spódio, or Spódo. Spondófo, full offides, fljores or banks. Spónere, as Spórre, to expofe , to lay forth, * alfo to expound or interpret, alfo to mijplace, to fet out of order, to remove from place to place , alfo to depofe or lay down. Spènga, Spognare, loo\ Spógna bid, or into fome bath, alfo a p'ace whe 2 . Spongatura» Spognatiira, Spongiatura, men be [polled, /tripped or rifled, as alfo any jf>tinging, alfo a flaw or ho iey-comb where common fpoites are kept- | in metals. Spogl'atóre, a defpoiler, a [tripper, look ; ( Spongiotérra, Sponghettiérc, a Spungc- Spogiiare. | fifa* Lump-fifh. Spòglie , grade, or op’me, loo\ Opime. ; Spongue, aflone found in fpunges, called Soógna, Spènga, Spóngia, any tynd of. the j punge- (lone. ‘ [finge, alfo a lump or [punge- j Spongiuóle, fofi‘or fpMgie mnjhroms, long fi b' j and jharp , and yet good to eat. Spognare , Spongiare, Spongar:, to * Spongoficà, Spognofuà, any flpungi- I funge, to rub or wipe with a fyunge. ! neffe. Spòla, a Weavers fbuttle , a Weavers quill- Spongófo, Spongiófo, Spognofo, fpungie, turn or fpooling-wbctl, alfo a find of light, pufjie, full of holes lif a dp unge, foci-boat. 1 hok Odo. Spoladóra ,a '/cavers warp. I* Sponlbile , Sponévole, expounds- ’ Spolare, to weave with a (buttle* ble. Spolettino, a file, a crafty or [ubile Sponitóre, Spofitórc, a» expounder fl.v (buttle, Spolétta, a (htU-ffh l\e (buttle or cutU: fifh., ’ Spoletti di marzapane, little long con- fitti that pickup roundabout march¬ panes. expofltour. * Sponfale, Sponfare, as Spofarc. * SponfaiiciojSponfióne, as SpgfaUtio, 1 Sponfa-fólis, a mirigold-flour. Spontale, as Pontile, alfo as Sponta¬ neo, Spolpare, lo ta{e away the brami, the pulp , Spontanaménte, Spontaneamente, of free 0 the flcihfrrm the bines. and good mil, without compul- Spolpat Ilo , alenar landman. ' flon. Spolpai til a d >nna,« lean or lank woman, Spontaneo, Spantano, volitatane, of free 1 < bare bone, one that hath little fiefh upon wiU and choice Spontàre, Spuntare, to unpohit, to blunt , Spoltrare, Spoltrire, Spoltronire, to fake to abate or take down the edge or point of of (loth or cowards, and become hardy, and vali vtt, to ari (c from out of fluggifaj ture or lithermfjc, alfo from a colt lobe-, romeahorfe. j Spolverare, Spolvereggiare, S polve¬ rizzare, '0 reduce to powder or fmall dufl, to bedufl , to bepowder, or enfi dufl upon, alfo to be (pc fe, as poudred Ermines be, alfo to take out a pattern of any thing upon paper, with cold dufl, by Met. to fife out or unflod a doubtfu’l matter, to ex¬ amine a thing throughly. Spolveucchio, a pattern taken out upon paper with cole dufl. Spolveiino, a fand-box, a dufl-box alfo a fine fence made of fine hair. Spolverio,Spólvero-Spolvcrézzo, a clout full nf colc-dufl.tbat Painters and School- Mafters ufe to take out p uterus upon pap , alfo a [beet of paper full of holes fet over patterns to enfample them, alfo a cloud of drift, r ai fed in the air with wind, ny other accident. Sponcióni, tin principal feathers or farccls of .: hawk. * Spónda, the fide, the fare or bank of any thing, Spónda del letto, a beds- ftde. Spondare, to go, to lye, to fail or coa.fi along the fide, [bore or eoa ft of a place. Spond, aiuòlo, a. Carpenters tool. Spondénte, pronti fin?, j Signifying. Spondeo piede, a foot of a verfe canftfling of two long fy liable sin the Lift word, fo called ofdrawingtbe voice in flinging at divine (ervice. t Spondilio, Cow parfiep, Madacp. Ì * Spòndilo, Spòndili, Spóndolo, Spón- 1 doli, any [mali bones,namelj the fpondils, , j the knuckle or turning joints of the chine 1 Spónzoli, as Spongiuóle, j cr backbone, alfo a kind of great oyfler \ * Spopolare, to unpeople. any thing or weapon , alfo to croffle cancel any note taken for any thing fold, lent, or given from out a note-book or tables, alfo to bud, to Sprout or to peep out as the light or morning rayes of the Sun doth, or as any plant, weed, or flour primacciare, as Spiumacciare. >primantia, a Squinancie in the throat. >prim:re, as Sprèmere. Sprimiménco , a prejflng or wringing out. Springare, Spingere, to win'KS oryar^. Sprinto, Siringato, winded. * Sprizzare, as Spruzzare, as Schizzare, alfo to Speckle or freckle. * Sprizzato,Spruzzato, as Schizzato, alfo freckled or jpecfylcd, * Spr Ì7.zc, fmall Specks or freckles. * Sprizzo, as Spruzzo, as Schizzo. * Sproccàrc/tf broach upon a [mill fnit,alfo to lard m ats. * Sprócco, Spróccolo, a larding pin, a Butchers skewer or pric {, alfo a chand¬ lers (tic If. Sprofictar c,to diSprofit, to lofe by the bargain, not to thrive, Sprofittévolcj unprofitable. Sprofitto, diSprofit , Ioffe. ’ Sprofondaménto, a breaking out of, or a Jinking down to the bottom. Sprofondare, to brea\ out, or to flnig and reach to the bottom- Sprofondato, boilomlc(fe,fun\ to the bot¬ tom, alfo infinite, a ricco fprolondato, infinite rich. Sprolopg.'ire, as Prolungare. Sprontéllo, unpromifed. Sprométtere, to unpromife. Spronala, a Spur-gall in a horfe. Spronare, to spur or priclf forwa-, d. Spronata, a priclf with a Spur. Sprone, as Speróne. *Spronclla, a rowel of a (pur, a mullet in Ar morie , as Speronélla. Sproni al fianco, ufed of Petrarch for the priclf of confluence , alfo provocation,alfo ye alo ufie. ^proportionate, without proportion. Sproportionalit a s disproportion. Sproportionarc, to difproportion.- Sproportiene, disproportion. Sproportionévolè, d/fproportionable. Spropófito, a thing from the purpofe, an abfurdity. Spropriarc, to di fap propri ate. S provare, todijptove, to dijapprove. Sprovàto, dtfprovcd, difapjrroved. S provedére, to dijprnvide, to disfurnijb. Sproveduta, Sprovffta, extempore, un¬ provided, unaware s. Spro vedutamente, unprovidcdly, Spioveduto, Sprovifto, difprovided , dif- furnijhsd. Sproviéra, a fparvife for a bed. * Spruzzatila, Spruzzolata, dew, dril¬ ling or fprinting drops, a driving rain. * Spruzzate, Spruffare, to flirt, to fp in- iflc, to afperge, alfo to bedaflj. Spruzzo, Spruzzaménto, any fpin idling, fpirting or afperging. Spruzzolare, Piovigginare. Spruzzolo, a holy water fprinlfle. Spudafto, a lover of unnatural Jin. Spugna, as Spègna, a [punge. Spugnare , as Efpuonàre, alfo to flange. * Spugninone, as Efpugnatióne. * Spugnoli, as Spongiuóle. Spugnofità, fpiingineffe. Spugnófo,/pK/Jgje, light and hollow. Spulare, to filch and pilfer fecretly. (Spulciare, tofleajtounfits, to rid from fleas. Spofire, to cSpoufe, to marry, to wed. v Sprezzo di Dio, contempt of God, Sprigionare, tofne from prifon , to en- l urite. Spulci itricc, a mmn ita cateti, !, /filleth fleas. * Spuleggirc, Spuhzzare, to flinch 0 - [peed, , a away as a flea. Spulézzo, Spulézio, a feudding or f.in chmg away with fpeed. 1 * Spulfióne, expulfion. Spulfo, expul fed, caft out, expelled, * Spulfóre, an expeUer. Spultrice, cx pul five, expelling. Spulzellàre, to difvirgin to d - flour. Spulzellata, deflowred , difm.ndned. Spuma, foam, fqth, feum. Spuma-nitri, ft It peter, niter. ' Spumante, Spumeggiante, Spismco, Spumof«, foaming , fto, thy . Spumàrc, Spumeggiare, to foam, to froth, to feum. J ’ S p u mi fero, foam-bearing. Spùnga, Spungare, as Spègna. * Spuntale, Spuntare, as Spontale. Spuntatura, as Spontatura- Spuntellare, contrary to Pontellare. Spùnto, as Spènto. Spuntonire , Spuntóp.e, as Sp 0 nto* ni re. Spuèla, Spuo’are, as Spòla. Spupillaggine, dtflupilagc , freedom from anothers wardfhip or pupilage , Spupillare, to dtjpupif, 0 r come outnfnon- *g*r Spurarc, topti ifie, to cleanfe. Spùrchia, corrupt gore blond , alfo a difeafe proceeding of corrupt blond. Spurgare, to purge, alfo to [train for to fpet, alfo to hem for to clear the voice. Spurgatone, Spurgaménto, any purging, a fetching up of fleagm. Spurghi, dots or burs or fie :gm fctcht up wub mauling and framings. Spuriaggine, ’>a (tar die. Sputare, to baft ardete, to adulterate. Spùrio, Spurino, Spuro, a baftard, abafe bom, by Met.f alfe or adulterate. * Spùrriai the hcarb Spur rie or Franlf. * Sputacchiare, Sputacciàre, to fpet, to [patii, Sputa-balfamo, as Sputasén¬ no. * Sputacchiófo, full of fpauling. Sputacelo, Sputacchio, Spmazzo, Spu- àzzo , any fpettle, J panting, or [lave /. ng at the mouth. Sputa in cróce» an Atheifl, one that will not Hick to fpet at the Croffe of I Chrift. Sputa infèrni, a fpet-lrll, a monfirous threarner, a bug-bear, a ranter. Sputa pane, a fpet-bread, one that is over ¬ fed, alfo a Ifind of fifij. Spùta patcr-nóftri, a fpet-bcads, an hypo¬ critical per fon. Sputa pèrle, a jpet-pearl , a finical or affé ti¬ ed [fearer of fcnttnccs. Sputa fénno, Sputa fenténze, a man affé- ■ tied to his own fpecch, a nice prefuming fellow that things he fleams wifely, and as be fpeal^s, utters nothing hut w;t and f ntenceand proverb*, as Pedants and old women do ever and anon in their difeourfe with a tedious and loatbfome affé Station. Sputa tèndo, a.nice find-fault, one that mar{s whither men fpet methodi¬ cally. Sputare, Spudare, to fpet, to J patti , to void at the mouth. Sputatóre, a fretter, a [pastier. Spèco, the fpettle of a mans mouth. f Sputaneggiare, Putaneggiarc>«//o to brag , | and fwagger wVh huffing and puffing, J and' 1 r s o,u _ j and then in the lea. ft danger to Ilin k and I # inch ‘ | Spuzza. Sprizzo, Spuzzórc, any flinty (tench, or iUfmtll. ^'Spuzzaluólaj Spuzzétta, a nice trull, a finical laft'e, afhitten wench. Spuzzàre, to ftink or yield an ill f meli . ' Spuzzécco, by Met. nice, curious, coy , difdaittfullj peevifh. S puzzolènte; fiintyng, full of flench. Squaccaràre, Squaccherire, Squacqua- r.irc, tofquatter, to [quitter, to lajh out behind. ' Squacchcra, Squacquara, Squaccara, Squacchcraquata , Squacchcrata , Squaccarata, is properly a by-word to cxprefj'e any filtbineffe in jefling manner , alfo an ilie chat, or foolifh flim-flam tale, alfo any (quattering or lapsing be¬ hind. * Squacch.racqua, Squaccaricqua, any fquattering as thin as water. [ * Squaccheratainénte , Squacquaraca- méntej fijuaucringly, fiolifhly, fhit- | tenly. ( 4 Squacch-:rato>SquacquaratO)/^«a^e>f(fes,a'fo fucb round • iron i or rings as are fluc\ in walls totyc | horfes unto, alfo flakes 3 pules or per- i ches. | 4 Staccaménto, Staccata, Sciccatura, any j un fi fining, un'oofingfrom. Staccare, to unfaflen, to uatacb, to disjoynr. or pull from. 4 Stacchi, Stàcchia, Stachide, wild jauge, or fl-'.d- finge. Stacchiótto, clofe , fquat, whoofijt, fe- crct. Stàcci, for Ci-ftà, there Jlandeth, alfo Hand there thou. Scàccia, any wooden lath , a Carpenters ru¬ ler or [quire, alfo any flat thing , namely a pie.plate, alfo a thin calfc, tart, faun or cbeefe-cal?e, alfo a pile or fiac £ of wool. Stacciare, to mi\e fat as a ca\c, to mea- fure rvitb a [quire, alfo to flft or fearce. 4 Stacciata, Scacciuola, atart of flfted meal , alfo as Staccia. Stacciatura, any flfting or fcarcing. Stàccio, a fearce or fleve of hair. Staccionata, a caft , foiled, or over-ridden horfe, jade or punì?. Scacci quéto, or quièto, a whirr et, a box, or cuff given on the ear or cbccl? to ma\c one be quiet, and hold his peace. Stacconeggiài c, as Tacconeggiàre. Sea con D o, abide with God, fare¬ well. Scade, Stadéno, a liquor difilftng from themlnbe-trce. Sràcula, a flind of grape. Stadco,fome part of a cart. Stadera, Scadicra, a pair of great weighing [calcs, as Merchants nfe, a pear of S tilli- ards. Scad ià’e, looti Stàdio. i Sradicare , to hofiage or become a bodily ! p'edgefor another. St '.dico, an hofiage or bodily pledge, alfo an Over- feer of Prifoners. Stàdio, Stadiale, a mrafure of ground whemf are three fores , one in Italy con¬ taining nf. paces, eight of which mi^e an Englifoor Italian mile, the fecond Olimpicum, which is no. paces, the flwdPirrhicum, of zoo. paces, we call it a furlong, it is alfo ufed for a running- race, or place where running is exercifed, at well of men, as of horfes. Staffa, Staffe, any Ifind of fiirrup for a [addle , alfo the boots of a Coach, al fothe fiapieof adoor, alfo a certain iron tool that Gold-fmitbs ca.fi their worlds in, alfo a certain mufical infirument of iron made lil?e a fiirrup, round about, which is fafined, little jangling bells,al fo rac^s or ranges in chimnies to turn (pits upon them, alfo iron bracers ufed m buil¬ dings. Staffàre, to fiirrup, to [et feet in the fiirrup, alfo to ftaple a door. Stifle, loo\ j Stiffa. Staffe di fèrro» as Bride di fèrro. Staffcggiàre, Staffeiteggiàre,ro fiirrup, al¬ fo to have ever the foot in the fiirrup, and to be continually riding. Staffetta, the dim. of Staffa, affo a cur¬ rier, or a running pofl, loo\ A-flaffct- ta. Staffiere, a lacquey, a foot-man, a horfe- boy that runs by a mans fiirrup, or flails by a coach-fide, as they do very gravely in Rome. Staffilile, Scafilire, to whip , to fcourge or yar>i with a ftrap or flirrup-leather, or thong. Staffilate, (tapes, la foes or yar^s given with a (laffilr. Scaffilatória fpàda, a whip, a fcourge, a [witch, a Kid. Staffile, St affi ta, a firap, a thong orfiirrup- leatbar,b\ Met. a fcou gc or a whip. Statària, Stafiro, Stafifcaria, as Sca¬ pitile. Scaffiidc, as Staphóide. * Staggia, Scigga, as Staccia» alfo a Ifmd of fouling-net » fringe or gin. Staggiare, as Stacciare- * Staggiménto, a fequefiration by order of Law , or an Att icbment of goods in ones hands , alfo afe fling or rating one at any payment, alfo a heaping up in coc{s, as Hay or B irlty,loo\ Staggire. 4 Staggina, is properly a commandment by Law, laid upon debters, at the fuite and requefi of creditors, to let no goods go out of their hands until the creditor be paid, a fequefiration by Liw. 4 Stàggio, a forced flic\j ftl or / luci j upright in the ground, whereon fifoers fpread and hang their nets to dry them, alfo as Stag¬ gia, alfo as Scàdico. 4 Staggire, gifeo, gito, by Law and Com¬ mandment of the Magiflrate to fequefter and attach goods in aiiyotbct mans hands, until judgement be given, alfo to fiay in a place or fiation, alfo to fcjjc or rate one at any payment, alfo to heap or ra\e up in cnc^s, and then fpread abroad again, as they da Hay or Barley. 4 Staggitórc, an Officer or Attacbcr of mens goods by order of Law, loo\ Stag¬ gire. Stagionire, to fe afon or dreffc meats , alfo to reduce unto proportionable perfecti¬ on. Stagióne» a feafon or time of the year. Stagioncvole, feafon able, according to fea- jon. Sea glia, a fijort cut or tac\ at Sea in fay ling. Scagliare, to cut tohic^ in fader •„ cm, tojxg, to [nip, '0 pin If or raze oar mtnts, to hew umbtr or lt«m, alro to flmer or falter in Jtfi t t Scaglile cónti, to cm if, to abate, er *_ ^ fnl>t part of reckonings or accmpts . j otT'Tn baCkt in 'dipt, gfedorfloflted, alfo hewen in pieces, rdf sent, pm ft, ja£d, /nipt or raxed clothes, alfo rough, urmnLht, or un- hewen, alfo con fit fed or disordered, alfo Jluttredorfattred in Ifeech, alfo, licei, or mw^ingly. J Scagnale, that brecictb or livth near unto , orm my pond, pool, Ufa or femes. /g ^ n f némo, a flenching of blood, or Scagnante, fianchine, alfo Handing ItiU a latte, a poo! or a pond. cagnare, ta flinch or Hop the rumine of aloud or any leasing, alfo to become, to grow, or f ind filli as a pool, a pond a h\e, alfo to glasse or lm ,/ JC „, any earthen veffel, or metal-pot Stagnarla, a Stamene, a Tm-tnone, a in-boufe, alfa the trade or profcfjim of houf m fia Scagnarmo, Stagnarci, a Stannier, a Tin- nor,, a Peautrer, alfo a Trnbird. ”1 bagnamela, Scagnacélli, any fl pan, pot, or ucffeC of tin or pcauter,or Tr*$0t m ' hÌ " ,Hjed “ lf0 > 0r “ r - eWr Stjgnéo, of the quality or colour of tin. Stagncvole, fianchable . btagmfero, tin.bcaring. ugno, the mettala tin or peauter, a (lagne, a pool t or pond of f.landing waters bcagnofo, tinnie, full of tin. Stagnuólo, $tagnu\ó 9 thin leafs, fo:cts or foil nude of tin to gla^e or tin the in¬ fide of poti or pans, alfo wrought clay that Founders nfe tornile their molds and fl°P them with. Stagóna, thefirjl inanfc that fallelh from the tree. ‘ Sea in pace, abide in peace, farewell. taio, Staro, Scàia, Scaióra, a meafuu that anfwereth our bufo l. * ^taióro, Staio!©, Staiuóla, an mpreflion, a mark, a brand, a prefling, by Met. the quibty, \md» mx\mg, or form of any thing. * Scampanare, to maty a vain or bragging demonf ration of what one cannot per¬ form i, as Spampanare» affo to tear in pieces, a good Author hath ufed it for to (labor munh r with a (harpweapon. * Scampanata, Stampanaménto, a vain dcmonftr atto nor idle bragging of that which cannot be performed , alfo a tear¬ ing into rags, alfo a (tabbing with fome fljarp weapon, as Spampanila. Scampare, to (lamp, to emprint . Stampaxia , Stamperia , a. Printing- boufe. Stampato, (lamped,printed. Stampatóre, int. S anca mano» the l ft hand or file. Stanca molo, a f ubile devife, nr cunning He k upon caution to harm others. Stancamente» Stancanti, any wcary- wg.' S cane arc, Stancheggiare, to weary, to tire. Stanchezza, we arine fle. * Stanchino, a left handed-ma t, as Man¬ cino. * S anco, weary, flank, tired. ■ * Stando Stando che, as Sea nte j * StanJiiffo,*fa uorigbt pipe of wood or\ : lead of a drawing pump. j Srxnclla, a por (hrpbrrds frock. ! $;anfc11e, /Vite» or (laltyrs,alfocrutcbets for i Isjnt mett logo with all , alfo a colt of am Ajje , aljo as Stetnpclle. Stanga, a fang, a (prang, a Spar, a bane to barre or crofje a door behind, alfo a leaver or band-Spike» alfo a hawks-pearch, alfo a Colt-ftajf. Scangare, to fang, to Sprang or bane a dm with a Stanga» alfo to pearch. Stangata, a blow, a bit or hurt with a Stanga, as much as a Stanga wi'd hold » at Palificata. Scangheggiare, as Stangare, by Met. to fet the dice upon, or tyrannise over one. * Stanghétta, the dim. of Stanga, alfo the long iron barre of a lock, that runs in¬ to the flaple, alfo the eye of the branch upward from the place of the water- chain. Scannarla, Scannaro, at Stagnarla. Sta notte, this prefent night. Sta nte, fanding or being, alfo a while or (pace of time, Acqua ftantc, a fanding water. I Stante che, fince that> things fo fan- ding. Stancem nr c,fandingly, inftantly. Stantia ,lor>k Stanza, &c. * Scannale, Stanzile, abiding, fanding. Stanti arme, upright arms. * Scant laménto, Sfangamento»* dwelling, a lodging, a flattening} by Met. a fixing or- fetling an exprefle order, mandate or warrant, alfo ,a furctafing or giving over. j '{Stantio, Stantivo, Stantito, fate, tain i ted, unfweet, or over long tyt meat. I Scantiófo, Stanzófo, /«// of lodgings or chambers, look Stanza. Srinza, Stantia» any lodging, rcpdence, j brad, fanding chamber, boufe or abiding place, alfo in ft ance or opportunity, alfo a j fianca or flave of fix or eight ver - fes. j* Stanza a tetto, a garret-chamber, a Lodging near the boufe roof. * Stanzino, Stanzetta, Scanzolino, any j little lodging, cabinet, clofet or flu- \ dy. # Scaphanide, a tyd of grape. Staphile, Scaphiro, lice-banc, or S;avef- acre, alfo the uvóla when it waxeth b ! ack and blue like a grape, at the utmofl end. Scaphilina» the wild parfnep root. Staphilodcndro, the wild Fif ike,Bladder- wort, or Antonie nut-tree. Snohoide, the third bone of the font called Off» naviforme , or the Boat-like bone. Sta pulario, a ftapler , one of the flaple. Seat biliare» as Strabiliare. Starci» to abide or Stand there. Stare, Sto, Scéi, or Stetti, Stato, or Suro to (land or flay f ill,alfo to abide,to dwell, io rem ain, or to lye in a place or lodging, alfo to be, or do well or ill, alfo to rely upon, alfo to become, to be fit or conveni¬ rne , look l ^ e followingphrafes, or Fare (Hire. Stare a bada, to (land in expectance, at a baie, or lingring the time. Stare a b.cco- to front, to outface. Stare a bómba, look A-bómba. Sc i re a botéga, to follow ones (hop, trade or bufwefl", to look to the mam chance. S.arc a cala, o flay at home, by Met. to continue in his wits. * Scare a cavallo dé! fòlio prov.to flraddlc a ditch , that is, to be on both fldes. Stare a crèpa cuòre, to live at "hearts cafc,to\ wall rtvin plea furo. Scire ad alcuno, to flancl , to ft, or to be any mans turn Stare a difagio, to abide or live in forrow, | angui fh, or trouble. jf * Stare a dormire, to lye and (leep. Stare afire, to {land or be a doing. Starcaflullo, to jland or go? for a flufh at j cardes. ,j Scare a frónte, to dwell over again ft, to r gainft and, to repfl,to outface. Stare a galla, prov.to fiote upsnthe water, that is to have the upper band. Stare a giacere» to be lying along. Scare al détto, to ftand or rely upon a mans r faying, word or judgement. * Stare alla pólla, lo lye in wait, to ftand i watching for a good occafion. Stare all’ erra, to look heedily about, to be | vigilant,and have a quick eye for all ad. vantages. Stare al giuditio, Stare a fentenza, to t (land to judgement or umpirage. Scare alla guardia, to watch or k ce p Fen- t tinel, to be vigilant. Scare alla légge, to ftand to the Law, Stare alia velccca, to Jland Sentinel on fome > high turret. f Scire allegro, to live orbemcrric. Stare alle pólle, to ftand or wait in fome i f?£ place ready to be commanded. Stare al móndo, to live in the world. j Stare a locanda, to live in an hired i chamber, that is to live uncertainly, as a tenant at will. Scire al paragóne, to [land to the tryal, as t Gold to rhe tóucb. Stire al foldo, to be or live in pay or fa- i vice, as Captains and Sould crs do. Scire a martello, to ftand to the hammer | or utmoft tryal,by Met. to live in anxiety, \ fear, jealoufle or perplexity, as if ones i heart were ever panting. Scare a óglio Santo, to be at the point of | death, and ready for the extream un- ■ òli on. Stare a panciòlle to wallow in good chcar, j | to have plenty of all things. , Stare a patti, to ft md to any bargain, co- • venxnt or condition. Stare pericolo, to be in danger, to live in , r f'M. j Scire a pecco, to be oppoflte, or in campa - 1 • ri{m. Sure a pigióne, to dwell in a houfethat is • I rented, and not a mans own, by Met. to , i live cravidly and flety , and ever ready to i leave this ti'orld. Scare a póllo péfto, Scare a (Villico, ro be ■ very fick, and at the point of death,as one | able to eat nothing but culltfels made of. capons, cock* *r pullets. Stare appoggiato, to lean upon, to reft or j i rely upon. Stare apprèso, to dwell or ftand near un - : 1 to. Stare a fchimblcci,to frequent or live in i bawdy-boufes. Stare a federe, to fit, or be fitting. Scire a fégno, to ftand near the mark • bf\ ! Met.fo■■ one to keep his win about him,, alfo to be within bound in ex pen fes. Scare afperanza, Stare in fper.inza, to* i live in hope. * | Stare a fpettindo, to ft.md waiting, to live in expectance. Stare a {lènto, to live in languor. S are attórno, to (land about. Stare a rù per til, for a man to ftand upon himfclf, and be ready to anfwcr all, by i Met. to be hail fellow well met with any, body. I Stare a vedére, to ftand, to fer , to heed and\ ob ferve the end or refult of any thing. | Stare,. _ A’LA_ Scare a uno 3 ro rely upon one,alfo to be in ones I power. ■ Stare bene, to (hind well or [aft, to be well, arm good health , to fare or lye well, to be rich or well, to Uve , alfo to become well, to Jute well with, to be fecmly or conveni¬ ent. Stare Bène a cah, to be well to live, alfo to look home and be a good buf- ! band. i Sedie buono pèzza, to (lay a good while, I to tante a long while. | Stare caldo, to be or lye warm. I * Stare cheto, Stare chiòccio} to be quiet, j to be whoofht, to (land or be (till, and mum. Stàre con altri, to dwell with others , by Met. to be beholding to others. Stare della décca, to anfwer for a debtor, to talfC or give ones word for ajfu- rance. Stare di buòna vòglia} Stare di buon’¬ animo, to be merde, to have a good heart. Staro di mala vòglia, to be fad, p.nfive or melancholy. Scar* di mézzo, Stare in mezzo, to fland in the midfl, or between , to be neutral, alfo to be a loofer in any thing. Stare di (opra, to lye over , to (land above , alfo to have the upper hand in walk¬ ing. Scare di fótto , to dwell or lye under, to be fubjcEl, to be on the lofing hand, * Stare férmo, fòrte, duro, {aldo, to fland fafl , firm, or continue con- flant. Stare frtfco, to be or fland fecfb, that is to be iti an ill or bad taking. Stare il facto, the cafe to fanti, to confifl i or lye upon. I Stare in aguato, t* lye in wait , to lye in ambujl). " Stare in bilancia.. Stare infóife, Stare indubbio, to (tand in doubt , or quan¬ dary. Stare innamoi ito, to be or live in love , to be inamoured. Stare innanzi, to fland before, or for¬ ward . Stare in arme, to be in arms. * Scarcin Badiale, Stare in panciòlle, to be, to lye, or live at eafe U{e an Ab- ‘bit. * Stare in bilico, to fland doubtful, alfo to fland or confi f in the middle without any danger of flipping or falling to the ground. Scare in biffante, to Hand doubtfull or wavering. Stare in cafa, to be at home , to \ecp home , Stare in cervello, to be circumfyeft and wane, to look well about, to kecp ones wits. Stare in convcrfat iòne, to be or live in converfation or fellowfhip, or com¬ pany. Stare in dozzéna, to live, to bord , to eat and drink with others in one boufe,and at an ordinarie (tint, or by the week, M wc fay to be in commons , alfo to fland ai livery. Stare in lèttolo lye in bed, to lye a- btd. ■* Stare in mòlle, to lye in Keep or (oak. Stare in orécchio, to lend ones ear, to liflen attentively , to mind and ta{e no- 'tice. _ST A Scare in pendènte, to fland in doubt, or in fufpence. Scare in penficre, to mufe or be thinking, in think upon . ' Stare in piedi, to fland up, or on foot. Scare in pòrta, to fland upon fame fet pur- pofe, to wait beedily. * Stare in rifehio, or pericolo, to (land or be in peril, hazard or danger. Stare in f è, for a man to fland upon him - felf, and not be diverted. * Stare in femore, fo liflen with fufyition,to have the winde of a matter. Stare infiéme, to be, to dwell or live toge¬ ther, or in comparile. Stare in fofpctto, to live in fluffed, to (tand fufpitious. Stare infu’l ponriglio,ffl fland upon nice punéìiUios of honour. Scire in villa, to dwell in the Coun¬ trey. Scare in vita, to live, to be living. Stare in zucca, by Met. to Hand bare,or lye open to all weathers. Scare in zurlo, to fland roundly, and clofe together, to go or fland a* it were di - Itrailed in mind, ormnfing till one for¬ get bimfelf, and untili his teeth run a water. Stare lontano, to (land, to lye , or to dweU far of. Scare maggiéf e, to lye fallow, by Met. to live idle. Stare male, to be ill at cafe, to fland ill, to become ill, to be uncomly, to ill-be- feem. Stare per, to fland for, to be about, or ready to do any thing. Stare per morire, to be about, or ready to *r- , Stare per partire, fo be ready to depart, to be about to go. Stare per fc, as we fay, for a man to (land for, or by bimfelf. * Stare punta per punta, (aid of two or more, that are alway contending. Stare fino, to fland found, to be or live in health. Scare fópra di fè, to fland upon, or prefume of bimfelf, to (tand upon terms, to mufe alone , fo be in a brown fludy. Stare fu, to fland up, or upon. Stare fù l’avifo, to be ready upon warning, to (tand prepared. Scare fui duro, to fland hard,to be ob (linate. Scare fui ritrófo, to continue wayward , to to fland upon peevilhncfle , or coy- neffe. Stare fui tirato, to (itand upon Jtrift or wire-drawn points . Stare trai sì el nò, to fland irrefolute , or between yea and no, at [ball I. Scare vicino, to neighbour,to fland or dwell unto. Stare-vigilante, to be wary and vigi¬ lant. Scare-zitto, to be whoofht, or mum. Scarna, a partridg. Starnazzare, to flutter ones wings, to bait or bath as a hawk. * Scantoni, Star note \,old partridges or fla- gers. Starnutare , Starnutire , eifeo tiro, to fneefc. Starnutatane , Starnucaménto , a fnee- fing. Starnuto, a fneefc. Staro, as Stàio, Scàia. Starza, the name of a bird. i Scaferà, this prefent evening. _S T A St5(im c, the full fubjcft of the chmis bis Speech. Sditene, tene tt'i.bi bimfelf jiands, ubi- detb or dwelletb. Scararcccio, Statercccio, Summerly, that commetb in fommer. Stlcària- battàglia, a (landing-battle. Statarie, Sommer or fhady places. State, the S mmer-fcafon , by Met. harvefl time, or harvejt it felf. State di San Martino, the Halcion daies. Statério, a fmall fummtr-winc, Scacéra, as Stadera, alfa a Greek coin na¬ med in Scriptures, worth zo. pence (ler- Un. * Stàthmo, Scàtmo, à greek me a fart of I land containing ziq.fladij, and z3. Ita¬ lian miles. Stancare, Stàtico, as Sradicare. Stance,*» bearb growing up on feaven Hems or (talks. J * Stacio, Stàzio, aStation, an habitation, an abiding-place. Scàtio di nave, as Squérro. Stationile, flationall, that abidethfafi, or that keepes one (lati on. Stationàrio, a fiationary, one that hath his appointed flat ion or (landing- place. Scat ione, a Ration or (landing-place, a rode, abayc or Ration for flips to ride in fafetie , as Ghattam is, alfo a place of reforte, where matters are publicity deci¬ ded. Statifta, a Statifl, a States-man. * Stàto, (be Jlate, the condition, the being of a thing , a (late of mind, of life, of health or flekneffe ; of wealth or j poverty, alfo a fate, an efiate, a dominion, a fig- noiy or Lordfhip . Scàto, the part, of Scare, flood, dwelt, re¬ mained See. * Stato, the part : of Elfere been, loo{ Ede¬ re. * Stàio-di Febbre , the fiale, the height, or flint of a feaver or ague. Statóre, a meffenger, a Purfuivant ,a Ser¬ vant at armes. * Stàtte, fwett florax. Stàttcne , fland or abide thy felf from it. Stàtua, Siàroa, a ftatue or image of met¬ tali, yuory,wood or (lone. * Scacua-di getto, a moultcn Image. * Statuale, of or belonging to flatutes or flames, alfo matriculated enrouled, or endeni'K.cd in the number of Cittiyms, and fit to partake of the (late, and to en¬ joy the benefit of all Lawts and fla¬ tutes. Scatuare, to flatue, to image, alfo to matricu¬ late, to endenilfin, or to enroule one among othcr Cittiyns, and make capable of their Laws , Benefits and Frivi- ledges. Statuària, the art of making) of carving, or c a fling of flatues. Statuàrio, * maker of flatues or images, alfo a Koodeloft or place for flatues to fland in. Statuire, ifeo, it®, to inflitnte,to decree, to enaft, affo to appoint or affign. Sizmito, inflituted, decreed, cnafted, alfo appointed or prefixed. StatummajWorffr campo f.-d of lime,fond and rubbifh together like parget, alfo a fork, a pole or flake to underprop any thing , namely vines or trees. Scacuminare, fo mingle and temper lime, Pb'tT fund A S T E find» and mbbijh together, to parget, alfo to underprop any thing 9 namely trees or I vines. 5catùca,tf>e fatare, height, pitch, great- ntffe , or proportion of any thing. Scatùioj a Statute, a Decree, a Law, an Ordinance, a thing determined. Statuto di ragióne , a Lew of Judge¬ ment. Stazzo, as Statio, aflation. Stazzonaménto, a. Rationing or abiding inforno certain place, alfo a moving or folliciting unto,alfo mifufage or affli (lion, alfo a fe a fining. Scazzottare, to abide or Ration in fome certain place , to move or folliate unto, alfo to affliti or mi fife, alfo to ma\e one be wane and circumfflcti. Scazzóne? as Statióne. Sec? as Quelle, thtfe. Stéa, ufed of Dante, for Stia, to him, her, or it fluid, lye, or dwell, Sta- S T E Sic\, flocks or hinds of enurfe pti^. Scare, I pood or dwelt. Stéla, a croffe or other monument fit up as a mark. n pon bigb-waics, alfo a little pillar raifed. up an end upon a tombe , grave or fepulchre. Scelino, a tynd of biftletoe. Steljpharo , a k in ^ °f S reat Plan¬ tain. Stélla, any chip or (pelt, fuel) as Carpen¬ ters make- in hewing of timber, Stella, any Star, an After, a Planet, or any celeftial body that givtth light unto the World, ufed alfo for fate or defli abounding with Scearitc, a pretious folte refembling tallow or greafe. Sceatótna, an inpoflmne full of matter like fat or tallow. Stébe, knapweed or Marfellon. Stecade Sceccados, Cotton weed , Caf me down or French lavandcr. - Stécca any (hort trunebion, cudgell, bat Stélla tula, a fixed, [tar. ■ • "• '-long, alfo a i * Stélla hérba, Stellaria, far. * Stell’-abbóndo fays. 4 Stélla chiomata, Stélla crinita, a bla Vng fior. 4 Stélla di mare, Stélla marina, a Sca¬ far, a Scar-fift),* Five-foot . * Stélla d* Hélena, a bla%e or fire that Marriners perceive fometimes upon the ina fs of (hips, which ever prefige foul weather and forms. 4 Stélla di San Pietro, di San Nicolò, di Sant’-Ermo, antientlj called Caftor and Pollux ,or elfe Diofcuii, as 'Ermo, look 'Ermo. Stélla errante, a wandring far. S T E aljo of , Stellóne, any great chip, pole, (t ,Jf, pemeh \ oi Itake , or pale, or rale of wood. Stellófo, farne, full of flars. Stélo, the (talk or fern of any thing that groweth. Stembécco, as Stambécco; Stemma, any fern or fialk,by Met. the feck or race of a family , alfo a chaplet of flmrs. Scempamni , fitch as cut out and round money in plates before it be dam¬ ped. Stempclla, Stcmpcllare, as Tempel- lare. Stemperare, Stemprare, to difemper. * Stemperatamene e, difemperdtiely. * Stemperato , Stemprato , difitm- pered. Stemperato fèrro, foft iron. 4 Scempérie d’aria, a diftemper of the air or weather. 4 Sjemprévole, that may be difem¬ per ed. 4 Stcnchiaxe, as Intirizzare. Stendale, any difplaid ftrearner , banner, tn- fign or f andarci. Stendali, freaks or rayes of the Sun. Stendrardiéro, a ftandard-bearer. 4 Stendardo, a f andar d or chief tax- wort , cod- wort, or(harewort,fime take it for crow¬ foot, or buck-hoi », others for woodroof, or woodrowel, and other for fwinc- crefjes. 4 Stélla polare, Stélla tramontana, the North or Pole-far which makes the tail of 11 rfa minor. Stélla règia, the Star royal. Stellante, twinkling , bla\mg, (killing, « !ifiring o/ (pangling like afar. * Stellanti giri. Stellato giro, the ftarrie > kte sor firmament. to ■-■ail m, to empale with flakes,poles or * Stellare, Stelleggiare, to feUifu,to far, piles . to glifier, to twinkle or fiangle like a Steccato, Steccata, any fence, pad fa do , far, ufed alfo for to blafi or ( as we or ftrong enclosing, any place railed in,\ fay') to planet fink?) aljo to extol to empailcd or compared wi:b flakes, carts, the f irs. poles or rails, alfo afield enclofed with Stellarla, look Stélla hérba, alfo a medici- (taves or pr^ts, appointed by pernifiori of j ruble earth found in Samos fafhioned a Prince, or Gennai for a publick com- like a far. bat or fight, or elfe to run at tilt in a tilt - Stellatióne, a farring, a fpangling, alfo a or flick “bout half a yard-l flat lath or Splinter, alfo a Carpenters fquire or ruler, alfo a peg or flick that S hooe-m iken ufi to put between the la fi andthefhooeto firetch it, alfo a Glovers f retching (tick, alfo a (bori flick or trun¬ cheon that Packers or Carriers ufe to wind or wrench their chords about their packs, alfo a locket of a dagger, ufed alfo for Vangile. Stécca dènti, a tooth-pick. Steccare légna, to cleave wood. Steccare, to fence , to entrench, to palifado, yard. Sreccato di grégge , a (http-fold or ven. Stc-.chétte, the dim. of Stécca, alfa ■ hid about broken armes or hifco, ch'to, to grow hard, dry o'efs, as a dry flick • ! ,o, grown hard as a dry flick. co, j flick, 11 cudgel, a batton , a trun- r ion, a skew , a wand, a riding- rod. * Stecconar.-, as Steccare, as Palan¬ ca e- Stecconato , as Steccato, as Palan¬ cato. Stécco ne gli occhi, a (lick or thorn in oneseyc , by Met. an eye-fore, an impe¬ diment. 4 Steccóne, the flip, of Scécca, or Stécco s any flake or pile driven into the ground, any pates or rails. Stefano, ufed in jefl fora mans panch , m twe, bellie oi craver, alfo a garland or chaplet of flours. Sctga ,a cabin in a (hip. Sr . ggla, Stégge, bryers,brambles, thorns. Stcgna, an ague proceeding of conflritiion of the pores. blafling or planet finking. 4 Stellata, the hearb Lions-foot, Ladies- mantle, or great Samcle, alfo a kind of medicine gi ven to young colts, called in Lat. Aftoletum. Stellato, farne, repltmfked with flats, full of lights, eyes, (pecks or fpangles like flairs. Stélle the plu. of Stella, alfo the little wheels of a watch or clock, nifi the rowel of a fiur. Scélleo, farne, l^e a far. Stellétta, the d m. of Stélla, by Met. the rowel of afpur, a mullet in armorie, alfo the little wheels in a watch or cloc alfo fpangles, alfo Pink-flours, alfo a Printers pounce. Stelletti, round wreathed jumbals. Stellffero, Scelligcto, far-bearing. StclliScàre, /«Stellare. Stellino, the name ofabird. Steli ionico, a counterfeiting of Merchan¬ dised co fining or deceit in diffembling orfalfifyingof anything thereby to get profit of another unjuH'y- Stel lóne, a ftellion, thuds, a ferpent l^e a lizard, with fpots in his neck nfi alfo the ftar-fifh , or five foot- fifh. Stendardo di cavalli, a Cornet of harfe. Stendàre, to remove the tent , of a famp. Stendere, to extend, to difplay , or [oread abroad, to flretch out. Stendere l’arco, to unbend a bow. * Stender elio, fubft ance remain¬ ing after fquceftng or framings of h tail's to ma\e oil or ointment. Stimmata, any oyl or ointment ccmpofed of the juice of hearts, roots, or ftmplcf Stimmate, S t igmdte,rk mar^s or prints of i branding-irons, the mar\s of s\ars re- I maimng of any hurt or woundyufed for the preti ous wounds of our Saviour being S TI S T I STO I crucified, by Met. figns or no'es of infa- j my, d:\tttionor reproach. jScimmac'ico, Scimmófo, Stigmatico) (lig- m itical, branded or marked with an hot iron , by Met. a notorious rogue, one that be nrcih fomc note of infamy or de¬ tection. * Stimmatizzare, Stigmatizzare, /> to hurt or wound as the mark 5 or s^irs fiorii ever remain. S rimonte, at Carbaflone. Stimolar», Stimulare, to prick, to gotd,to fang, to (pur, to urge, to flir or provoke forward. Scimoiatióne, Stimulatióne, fUmul.ition , pacing or flir ting on, provocation Stimolatóre) Simulatóre, a provoker, an enciter, a pricker forward. Seggiolo, Simulo, a prie k* a goad, a (ling, a (pur or an y thing that pricketh forward, alff earneft import unity, provocation, or in (ligation. Sùmolófo, Simulófo, full ofprovocation, instig ■ inu t packing or flinging. ‘ Stimolare, tofrre Qomfiar. Stimuli, the Goddejji of provocations to lu ft and V n:ry. Simulare, Simulo, lo>\ Stimolare, Sonare, to cut off by the leggs. Sinca, the ridge of a hill, look Sin¬ ché. Scincacci , filthy or deformed Jhins or frank 5 - Stincaiuólo, a prifomr in the Sinché , as we fay a New* gat e-bird, a tv bitting) on- (o tidier. ‘ Stincat e, tv hough a bo, fé. Stincata, a rap over the (bins. Scinch :, the name of a [hong and (linking prifou in Florence,alfo Erujhes of Butch- ers-broom- Stinchi, the frins, the fhan\s,or finali of ones leggs, alfo a kind of ftfij y look S.mco, Sinchido, (Ij unken or withered limbs. Stinchiéri, Silicici, Sinici , grccvcs or fr n-pi res. * Sinco, the ridge of a hill, alfo a frin or a frank, alfo a fifr like a crocodil. Stingare, as Stinghe. Sorgete, as Signere, Singucre, to diflinguijh, alfo to extin- gufi. * Stino as the name Stefano, Stinpha 1 idi, greedy ravenous men. ' s c u .óne, cxtinttion, alfe di (lindi on. * S.inco, c xtinguijhid, dr (linci. * S io, bang added untolAno, fignificlh Flax (own in March- 4 Stiopperia, Stioppettarc, as Schioppet¬ tare . * Stióppo, Sioppettiére, as Schioppo. * Stióro, as Staióro. Stipa, a pen, a cub, or a coopto keep poultry in, aljo a pound or pen for cattle, alfo alt manner of (towage, alfo a ranging or clofe piling up, as of pack 5 in W : ps 0T w de¬ boli fes, alfo a pile of wood, a’fo a wound, a fence, or a hedge , alfo a kind of low fijrub or broom-tree, alfo a plough-handle , alfo any hedge-wood , or dy brufr-wood to make a fuddain fire with , alfo fwiU, draugb, or d;fi)-wa(h given to hoggs or fwine. Sr; a di légne, a pile or flack of wood . “ Stipate, to jlecp or lay in jtcep , to pen or coop up poultry, to enpound cattily alfo to range, to (lore or pile up clofc as they do p.-.c-ks m frips, or (lacks of wood, to ram in hard, a'.foto fence in, to ratlin, to h.dgo f or p.dc in with any fence, alfo to flop chinks, cravifes or leaks , alfo to backi to abet, to back or boulflcr up, alfo to feed hogs with fwill or dijh-w. (h in a (li:, alfo to lop or cut offfuperfluous or diy jhrubs of trees, * Sci'patióne, any fIceping , a penning or cooping up, an enpoundinz, a (lowing, a prefflng, a piling, a ramming in , a hedg¬ ing in, a railing in , alfo an abetting or boulfirtng up,alfo a lopping or a fhredding of dry branches from trees , alfo a feeding of (wine with [will in a fiye. Stipato, flceped, penn’d in, cooped up, cm- pounded, [towed and clofe-ranged, piled up, rammed in, alfo fenced about, railed in clofely, and hemmed in flrongly, well backt, boulfired and held up , environed with men to be defended, as Princes are with a (trong guard, alfo fed with fwill or bogs draugb, alfo lopt or fined of all dry or dead branches. * Stipatórc , a cooper up of poultry, an em- pounder of cattle, a flower of packs in (hips, a piler up of wood, alfo a backer or an upholder, alfo a things Captain of his guard, or his whole guard it fclf, that is ever about him to defend him , alfo a firredder of dry boughs from trees , a Iff a gunners or a Paviers rammer, alfo a Steeper. Stipe, the chief (lem , (lock or trunk of any plant, alfo a com anticntly currant in Iiome. L-mact» anotlw by requh mg according w order of L tw, out accordino with ani- ther. Stiraceli aménti, Stiracchiature, Stiratu¬ re, : ì etchings, wrt flings, or -mre-dtarv- Met. niccneffr,prccifeniflc- alfo bmflmgstn markings , or oarer-reach- mgs, at(o any higling . Stiracch arc. Stirare , to hale, to pull, to wrcfl, to Hretch, to wiredraw, tofrrink in or up, to boifi or over-rear , to higgle Sciracc, ufed for Storace. Suicìdio, droppings of ice-ficklcs; Sr irì Ilo, the beard of a Goat. Stimabile, Stirpe vole ,extirpate, that may be grubbed or rooted our. Stirparne, all manner offijrubs. Scirpare, toextirp, to grub or pluck up by the roots, to root out. Stirpatone, Stirpaménto, any extirpation or root ingout. * Stirpatole, an cxli.ptr, a rooter out, a. grubber of roots. ’tirpe, the net, the ftem, cr main flock of an, plant , tree, or htnrb , alfa the ojj- tyring, the root, the floc\, the /tern, the pedigree or generation of a name, blood , houfe or family. Stilli, hath been ufed for Sigi. Stifticózzi, Stltticózzi, Tifti-ttSIli, Dutch men, jwcartng Muffs , /„/?, D ,o cotag, ' 1 •ivome. | coi\, Stipendiale, of, or belonging to (Upends, \ Sciticamente, adv. IUpticUy cofiively^op- penfions,or wages,or any hiring. pingly, harfhly. re firmo. a; penfions , or wages, or any hiring. Stipendiare, toftipend,to wage,topenfion to give pay unto. Stipendiano , a(lipendiary, a penftonary,a hireling that taketh wages. Stipendio, a (Upend, a falary, a penfon, a (landing wages. Stipcndiófo,/«# of (Upends , th.it dxnh or hath received wages. pingly, harfjyyreflrmgcmly, by Met. shi- clly, nicely, (c\ upuloufiy , with too much prccifencfie or affé ftm. Stitichézza, Srit ititi, /Upticknrffc, coflive- nejje, reft icl’ou, fiohinnefle, hard-bind, mg tu the body, h Met. KÌccntffe fln[i- ntjje, foni affeólatìou , rclf-pmtfc- \ , & . Sncichirej to become Scitico irc-lio it I U JlClLt. Uj Ui. 1 V, threfhing, alfo ligure, or thatch for cotta- Sipicitd, ob(tru{lion , flipicily, coltive¬ rà. u» icccivca wages. i Ricicli ire, to become Semico. Stipia, Stipola, the busk, thatclofetb in , Stuico, fUptick,cofitve,hard-bound , alfo the ftravt, alfo flubble, chaff, hawm or j reflringtnt, or that flopptth.by Met ford holm left in the field after reaping or ly fcruptilotu, nicely aflebted , over-ure- - k ~nn.. .to. net . . . cifc.flriUty conceited. Scitolare, as Stritolare. - Stituire, Stituito, Stitutióne, as Inflitti- ••a)’-- I ire. Stipidire, Stipido, cu Stupido. I * Stiva, cu Stipa. * Stipite, Stipiti, any upright beam or piece Stjvalare, to boot, to pull onbooti of timber for the framing of any machine Stivalato, a boot-maker, about it, the fide-pofts of a door, the up- Stivalétti, buskins, thin bools right (ides or upholders of a chimney, the Stivali, all manner of boots, middle pofl of a tent , any flake or pile ftt S t ; v . rc . Stivatóre, ih Stipare upright m the ground,any long f tie,quarter Stivic ri, Jhort, or ankle.buskins or rafter, alfo the flump,or flock of a tree, Sn'z za, fritting anger, f Mairiurtearati, alfo a log or block,alfo certainpattinsor Vr Jb o> (harp and crooked at theind , to fiide upo-i the ice withal,skates. 4 Scipite terminale, a (lake to bound out lands. Stipo, an Ambry, alfo an Armory. Stippola, a pu(f y a fyfie , a wind-gall, or fuch ■ windy fubfiance like a mufh- --- s'-' U fu’l impatience,furious choUcr,alf 0 a mxn- gte itch. Suzzare, Stizzire, tomakeoybecomcjud- dainly angry, fretting or wrathful, to fret and chafe, to (Hr up and provoke as a. man doth fire-brands,t9 make them burn. Suzzarli, Stizzirli, for one to be quickly o- vercome with fuddain ire or wrath. , , c , Sti7.zaramcnte, Scizzofamcnte,3rft'./rc/- Stiptichczza, Stiptico, or feverc Philofophcr. Stòla, Scuòla, a fiale or religious garment , a long ve St urc of honour, a robe of dignity, alfo finch a hood as ourDittors andV-veery rn n o/London wear upon their fihoul- ders. Scolare* enrobe with a Stòla. Scólca, Stòlga, Stólza, a wild Vheafiant- hcn. Stolidézza, Scolidici, fialiditie, dull/teffic, dotti(h'icffe, blocliifhncffie. Stolido, fialide, block-beaded, doltifh , dull- j patcd,gulh[h. I Stolóni, unprofitableJhoots that fpring from i the root, but never come to good. Stoltamente, foolijhly, fiottjh'y. jire of a ihmg good or o.ui, alju gilt abb nring of a thing. Stomacuzzo, a qiieafic (lomacb. Scomana, a week, alfio this week- Stomatiche, appropriated for difeafes inci¬ dent to the month or fiomach. Stomatica le fluffo, as C celiaca pàf- fio. Stomatico, a compofition of cordial things good for to firengtben or open the fiomach, alfio one that hatl) a wea\ j> fiomach, alfio one that is fiubjeCl to have afore or fiwel- Ungin the mouth. Stomomate, thin ficalcs of fieel. Stoniénco, a kind of wine. Stónne, for Io-ne-ftò, 1 fiandthence. Scopiare, as Stroppiare. Stóppa, burds or toe of flax or hemp. Stopaccio, Stopacci, courfie burds, or o\um of hemp ufied in (hips, alfio all manner of floppies or fioppings,becaufie they are com¬ monly made of toe, hards or hemp. Stoppare, to flop with toe. Stoppata, a (lopping, alfio a bung ora ftopple. Scoppcvole, that may be flopped. Stóppia, Stóppio, Scòppola, all manner of . Si ubbie. Scoppiare, to fiubble, alfio as S piare. Stoppinato, at an end, near done, almoft con]nmed, as a candle in the fioche. Scoppino, any Little ftopple, the ivcck or cotton of a candle, or of a lamp, the finuffi of a candle , alfio the foc^ct of a lamp or candle (lick, alfio a match-cord rorv led in gunpowder to give fire with. * Stoppióne, Stoppionaccio, Stòppolo : Stoppóne, any kind of flopple or bung 1 alfio a wad, a fiwab, or a wifp, alfio a Ifimd of pricking tinfile growing among Sfiubble, alfio as Scipia, fiubble. Stoppiófo, full of fiubble orb.utm * Scoppófo, is properly fiaid of lymonds or choke-pears when their juice is harfh and (harp otrop- Scolteggiarc, Scolare, to play the fool, alfio Scora, Scorare, cu Scoia, Or Scorare. to become a fotti, to fool. Storace, the gum fiali or (lorax . Scolti-loquénzi, Stolci-lòquio, foolifh- Storace calamita, thè befl florax. talk. Storace liquida, liquid florax. Stoltitia, Scolcla, Stoltézza, follie, fioo- . Scoracini, perfumes of florax. l’Jh te fife, fintijh/ieffie. Scólto, foolifh, fond, fot tifi}, alfo a fool, a fot, an idiot, a gull. Scólto, part, diverted, removed or taken from. Scomacàce, Stornaci 1 no, a rankneffe or foreneffe in the mouth called the ficorbnt or Storciùco, Stórto, as Torciuto, fhorcbuck . j Storcolare, as Torcolare. Stomacaggine, Stomachczza, Stomaca- Scórcolo, as Tóco. Scordigiónc, Stordiménto, Storditura Stórcere, as Tòrcere. Stórcerli le mèmbra , to Sprain ones limbs out of joynt. Scordévole, *«Torcévole. Storciménto , Storcitura, cu Torci¬ tura. iòne, Stomacolìtd, a glutting or cloying of the flomack, a lotbfomnejfe from the fiomach ,alfio indignation or loathing from the fiomach. Stomaca'e, cordial, that comforted) the fto- mach. Stomacare, to glut or fiatiate the fiomach, to flomack,to loath, or go again ft the fio¬ mach. Stomacata, a blow or thump on the breafi or flomach,alfo loathed,Speaking of a woman that may have eaten or taken any thing to offend her. Stomachévole , Stornacelo, loathfiome, again ft or ill for the flomack, fick in the fiomach, full fiomach, grudge or indigna¬ tion. Stomacchica, look Vena* Stomacmo, a flomacber. Stomaco , the pipe whereby the meat and drink gocth down into the ventricle, called the fiomach, alfio appetite, fiomach or de- giddineffe or diyntflc of the bead. Scordile, difco, dito, to make or become di\ie or giddy in the head. Stordito, dieted, or giddy■ headed. Stòria, Hiftória, alfio the name of a mu- fiical in fir ument. * Storiale, hiflorical. Storiai ménte, hiftorically. Storiare, to fiorie, to Infiorile, to work with fiorics, with either pencil or needle, alfio to long for, or be wearie with ex¬ pectation. Stòrico , hifiorical , alfio an Hifio- rian. * Storiògrafo, * writer of Hi fiorics. Storióne, a Stirgcon-fifh. * Storlogia , Stórlogo , as Aftrolo- g' a - , Storlom'a, as Aftronomia. * Stormàrc, Stormeggiarc, Stormire, to fiorm, to rumble, to rumour, or to noi fie. alfio to Doup together tumudujufly, or to ma^ an uproar. Scormeggiaménto , Stormeggiata, any rumbling or forming, ^torménto, as Inftrumcnto. Storminio, as Sterminio. Stórmo , a fiorm, a rumbling noif e, a blu - firing uproar, alfo a confufied rout or crue. Stormófo, flormie, rumorous. Stornare, to turn from , or divert from ones purpofc or courfie. Scornavcllo, as Ztirlo- Storna zzo, a mennow-fifh. Stornèllo, a bird called a flare, or fiarelin, which is ufinally taught to fpcakj alfo a borfe of ihe colour of fitch a bird, which is a l(ind of dun or [and co lour. Storniménto, Stornire, cu Stordire. Stórno, Scoro, a fi are or fiarlinbird. * Storpiàbile, Scorpié'vole, that may be lamed or m. lined of fiume limb. Storpiare, to maime or make lame of any limb, by Met. to hinder or marre a bufii- neffie, alfio to Speak an ) language Imcly and bro\cnly at any rate,anfiwtrable to the French efcorcher. Stordito, maimed or lamed of fiome limb , by Met. croffed or bindred. Storpiatura, Storpiaménto, any laming or maiming. Stòrpio, a maim or lamencffie, by Met. a wreShng or croffing of any matter. Storfiorare, an extortioner , Scorfióne, anextorfion, opprrfjion, alfio a wringing or gnawing of the guts. Stórta, Stórtola, any kind of withie or wreath as they bind up fagots with, by Met. any wrench or wrefi, alfio a wrench or crick in man or horf'e, alfo any crooked tool, alfo a fiack'but or fiuch other win¬ ding or crooked mujical in fir ument, alfio a winding Limbeck called a fierpentine or a double SS. alfio a Town near Rome fio called. Scórra gcneratiónc, a crooked or wayward generation. Stortamente, crookedly, wrongfully. * Scortare, Stortigliare, Storpiare, as Tortigliace, alfio to Sprain or ciifio- catc. * Stórti, Storce Ili, Stortini , winding fim- ncls, wreathed jumbals. Scortigliaco, Scortilaco, Stòrto, made crooked or bent, alfo (prained or difloca- ted. * Scortigliatura, Storcigliaménto, Stor- tilatura, Stortura, any crookedneJJe or writhing, by Met. any Sprain , wrenching or di(location of limbs, alfio a crick 'm man or borfe. Stòrto, as Tòrto, as Scorciato. Sterzare, ai Strozzare. Scovigliaro, one that lookes to all \itch\n potts, implements, or fluff'. Stoviglie, allt manner of lfiitcbin fluff, luggace, ve(fiels,gear and implements. Stozzare, to punch, to fiamp, alfio to rub hard. Stozzatole, a puncher , a (tamper . Stòzzo , a punch, a flump, a, rub. * Stra, or Tra, a prepofition much ufied in compofition of other words, which doth not only fignifie over and beyond, or as Extra and Ultra in Latin, but alfio an indifferent accreafic between the poficive and the fiuperlative degrce,as we fay very' very good, or very very fairy fi or Strabuò no, and Strabello, &c. Strabalzare, to bound or rebound as a bah doth, to hop or skip, to tumble or rumbli down in fiuxj, as it were from rock to Rrt , _ rnk,\ S T R S T R T R rock, h-y Met. to whip over out of one country into another. Scratilz®, a. bounding, a rebounding, a hooping or shippings a. tumbling or rum- j bling down. Scrabattere, to beat or overbear, alfa to ! vex or deprtffe much, to over vex. \ * Strabattimcmo. an overbeating, an over- vexingor deprtjfmg. Scrabéllo, over fan, mofl beautiotis. Sir-bigliire, Strabiliar®, togape,]to flare or gaze at with wonder and amaze¬ ment. Strabilio» SprabigHamcnto, a gazing, a flmng upon, or a. gaping at with wonder and amazement. Strab'fmo, fqdintnejjc in the eyes. Strabo. Scrabóne, goggle eyed. Straboccan e, Strabocchévole, ready to fall down headlong, alfo rafh-foo !, hardy , ere unadvifed, affo given to excefs, a brimmer yfpeaiflng of an over fullglafs. Strabocchcvolc-pióggia, a violent [wee¬ ping rain, a furious fhowte. Straboccare, to run over at the mouth of any veffell, to fall or tumble as it were upon ones mouth or face, alfo to com¬ mit exceffe, alfo to become fond-hardy or rafh. * Scraboccatarucntc » Strabocchevol¬ mente, Adv. furiouflj, headlong, raflj- ly- * Straboccato, run over at the mouth,furi- oufly tumbled down. ” Straboccato, fool-hardy, rafh , riotous, prodigali , car el effe, either in word or deed. Strabocco, Scraboccaménto , Strabcc chevolézza, a (tumbling or headlong falling down, alfo rafhnefje or furious un- advifednrffe either in word or deed. * Scrabondante, over-abounding. * Strabondanza, fuper-abundance. * Sciabondare, to [uper-abound. * Strabuono, over-good , exceeding good. * Strabuzzare, o / t-re orglote with ones eyes, alfo to hold down ones eyes as fo> fhame. Saab uzzófo, a man that holdes down his ey rs ajr if be were afbamed. Stracacciaro, a kind of leap or jump. Stra-cantare, to flngand fing again. Stra- aricare, to fur charge, to overbade. Stra-caro, beyondmeafure dear. Stracca, ufed anciently for wearineffe . * Stracca-amóre, a Ine-wearier, a conti¬ nuali lover. * Staccabile , Scracchévole , wearia- ble. Stracca-gelone, one that is ever prying or looking through lattice windowes, a win - dow-gazer, * Straccale , a ftajfe li\e a Musket reft , rii.it Porters ufc to ftay and reft their bur¬ thens upon when they are weary -, alfo a rowle of linnentbat old wo,-men ufc to weare about their necks - alfo the Crup¬ per of a fumpter-borfe. Straccarci into , a wearying, a thing. Stracca-Spi.'dc, alickfpic,a glutton, a lover of roft-mgats. H Straccare, Srraccbcggiare, to weary to tire. Stracche zv a, wearinefs, tirednefs. 4 Stracciatole, Straccicvole, us Lacera¬ bile. * Stracchia-brache, Staccia-cappa , Strjccia-pclle » k nee 'hohne or nceigre? Jbrub, affo a butebers-broom> by Met. one that team ini we ares out his clothes vrj faff, a fpend-tbrifr. Straccia foglio, 1 waft-book. Straccia ficco , look A-fquarcia tac¬ co. Stracciamémo, Stracciatura, any tearing, into rags. Stracciare, to tear, to rend, to ,‘atter, or to whinder into rags or tatters , or clouts. Stracciai ia, afripperie or p'ace where old rags or clothes are to be fold, * Stracciamola,Stracciamolo, Stracciaro, a woman or man that rakes in the flreets for old rags , and then cryts and buyes them to make paper with, alfo a fripper or broker that buyes and fells old rags or clothes, alfo a botcher of old clothes. Straccino, torn , ragg’d, tattered, alfo a ragg’d or patebt coat, a tattered begger. Straccio, Stracci ,all manner of rags,clouts, or tatters. Straccióne, any gretti rag or clout, alfo a ragged rogue. Stracciófo , full of rags, clouts, tatters, or patches, tattered, beggerly. Sericeo, wearie , [tank, tired, faint. Stracotanza, Stracotti gginc, as Traco¬ tanza. 4 Scracotare, as Tracotare. Sttacollar c, to hazard ones neck an K attempt. Stracollo, Stracolli, tricks , leapings, or attempts that endanger a mans neck » as tumblers and dancers on the rope ufe. Scracontentarfi, to be mofl contented, or fatisfied. Stracontcncczza, exceeding contentment. | * Stracontènto , more than mofl con- I tent. jStracoraggine, as Trafcuraggine. Stricórr. re, to run over, or beyond. * Stracorrclolc , that may be over¬ run. Stracorritóre, an over-runner,an out-flrag- ler in a camp, alfo an over-viewer. Scracórfa , Stracorriménto , a running over , a quo fling here and there. Strac rfo, out-run, run over. Stracr'dere, to over-believe. Scracuarc, as Stafcinare. * Stracura, over or exceeding care ♦ Stracurataménte, car eie fly. Strada, any flrret or high-way. Strada mac (Ira, Strada reale, a flreet, the Kings high rode way, a chief flreet. 4 Scrada copèrta, a clofe walk or paflage made on the top of a counter [carp,in which the befleged may cover themfcIves from their enemies. Stradare, Stradcggi'rc, to keep or frequent the high-way, alfo to rob by the high¬ way. Stradaruólo, look Stradi;' re. Scradt'bita hóra, an undue, an unlawful /, or on unfeafonable hour. Stradélla, Srradctta, Stradicciuóla, any little ftreet , way, lane or path. Strcdico, an Officer , a Marfhal, or a Sur- veigher over high-wavs. * Stradiére, Scradiótto, Stradaruólo, one thatk'epsor walks the high-waies , a traveller, a wandrer, a way faring man , alfo a gadder, a ftragler, on earth-planet, o-ie of S nnt Nicolas Ce-ks, alfo a kind of Souldiers that the Venetians ufe , of fom- called light harp men of Albania, «n i ferve as our Carbines, or our Free- kwers, alfo a wandring bird. * Snado'-ar c, to over-give. Srraere, to extraR. to draw out. * Sirshlcinrc, to mowe graffe, o-r reap corn amifs or diforderlyi, alfo logo or walk in great baft, and without heeding ones way alfo to thunder out brags and lies . * Strafalcióne» an unslfllfuU mower cr reaper , by Met. a ha fly or carcUffe wal¬ ker, an idle gadder , alfo a boafling prat- ler, a Iyer for the wketftone, as Scer¬ pellóne. Strafalli re, to over- faifife. Strafare, to do, and over-do. 4 Strafinacc o, as StiofinaccioJ Srrafizàca, lice-bane, flavi fiere. Strafizzarc , Strafizzo , as Sla¬ vizzo, Strafocancióne, a huge flaw, a flovtnly lubbard. Strafóggia, a fafhion out or bt/ni all fafhiont. Sera foggiare» as Sfoggiare, &C. Straforato, as Sfoggiato. Straforato , perforated, through bored,alfo a certain difeafe in horfes. * Scraformarc, as Trafformare, &c. Strafóro, perforation , any hollow or through- bored work. Srrafuggirc, to fly out. Over, through or beyond. Strafufaria, as ScavifaCria. Strage, (laughter, murther, fill of peonie multitude of men Jlain, alfo a cutting down to the ground. Stragiare, to fl tlighter , to murther. Spagina rc » to knead , to rout up and down, and work together pape , dough or plaifters. 4 Stragio, a word now out of rife ftgniffing enter-woven with other works. * Scragiottlre, Straghiottirc, to fwal- low, Stragiudicialc, beyond Law or Judge¬ ment. Srragiurare, to [wear and forfwcar. Stragualciare, to over-look with fcortt and cent cm or. Straguardarc, to look through, beyond or ov^r, alfa to look afquint. Srra-hóra» out of due time, at an extraordi¬ narie hour. Sera intèndere, to mi funder (land. Straintcfo, mifunderflood, over under- flood. Stralare, to (helve or go afide, ajlope, a- wry, over or beyond. Stralciamomi, di flint anglings, look Tral¬ ci. Stralciare, to di fiat angle, to untwine, to u/i- bmd , look Tralci. Sr rale, any kind of arrow nr (haft. * Stralignare, as Tralignare, Scraloccire, as Baloccare, Srralócco, as Balòcco. Stralofciare, to goggle with ones eyes, alfo to flir, or gad from place to place. j Straliice, a thorough light. ^ Strahicénte, thorough (hitting 1 Str lucere, to (hine thorough. Stralunamelo d’occhi , a gloting, a fl.i-. ring or turning up lite white of ones 1 , eyes. Stralunare,^ flare or glote. nr to turn the white of ones eyes, alfo to lout or pout. * Stramalvagio , beyond meafure wicked or bad. Scramnnciare, as S ravagarc. Sfamanciarfc, as Scravaginze. 4 Stramangiare, to over-eatc t to out- eat. Strami no, out of the way fin fonte by-place, out of hand. Stramare , to ligure or fodder cat¬ tle. Stramatco, beyond meafure mad. 4 Stra'! S T R T R S TR Stramazzare» Scramacchtàre, Saa- macciare » Stramazzonarc » to £til throughly ,as it were more than dead, alfo to fl,i{c or caft to the ground with fuch violence , as with the fall one is a float¬ ed and ama%yd. Stramazzo, Stramazzi» Stramàcchio , Strania ccj, fl.t lighter » havocmurder , alfo a wad, a wifp, a fwab, or a maul¬ ing , alfo a matteraffc , a floc^-bed , a flraw-bed 3 a pallet, alfo fuch bundles of mats or old roaps as Gunners in fijips are wont to place at the tails of the carria¬ ges of pieces to flay them from recoiling be- ingfhotoff. * Stramazzato, throughly filled , filled and filled again, loo\ j> Stramazzare. * Stramazzóne» a down-right blow, a. rap or cuff,that fells one and ma\cs him flag- ger, alfo a Hound-flfh, a Dog-fifh. * Strambafciare, as Trambafciare, alfo to f iveltcr and pant with f meat and wcari- ncfje » as a hound out of breath or a Deer emboffed. * Scrambafeiato» over-tired, out of breath, fwdtring with heat , alfo as Trambafci- ato. Strambe, a ifind of long and flrong bents or rufhes, whreof they mal(C cades and frails, fuch as they bring reiftns or figs in out of Spain, alfo plaits made of ihem,or of firaw , toenterweave mats or fine fir aw-bats. Strambcllata» an unbandfom,faring, tou¬ ted, or dcfljevel'd woman. * Strambo , Strambóne » otic thatgoeth with his prices inward , and with his legs outward , by Met. fquint or blear-eyed, alfo petv fh, styttifh, froward, per- verfe. Strambóccolo, a bafe, fcurril , or railing fong or compofition. Strambottàre, to clinch » el 'opofing Stram¬ bòtti. Strambòtti, Strambotti , Strambotti™, S:ramótti,Country-gigs 3 r urelayes, catches . three mens fongs, clinches. Strembottiére, a finger of Strambóti, a mailer of clinches. Strambucco,ying 3 hard ufage, or drudgery. * Strappo, a brac^ or tear , namely in lawn or fifths over-ftretcht. Strapregare, to over-entreat. Strapficcrótc, a kmd of wild goat or Roe- buclf in Affrica. Straricchi re, to grow or become over-rich, and wealthy. Straripare, Strupàrc, as Strabalzare. Straripcvole, as Precipitófo. Stràrre, to exit a ft or draw out. Scrafandàrc, to outgo, to go beyond. Strafandàta,£» over-going. Strafàvio, over-wife , too wife,by Met. Stravincere, to more than overcome. Stravizzàre, .to maty: merry, to eat and makegood cheer in good comerfation,and for comp any-fa\e at what time fo ever : alfo as Merendare. Slavizzarla, Stravizzo, a merry meeting and making of good cheer together. Stravolàre, to fly out , over, or beyond. Stravolere, to wilt or de fire exceedingly, to long- Stravòlgere, Stravoltàre, Stravoltole, to tojfe and tumble over and over, alfo to turn , to wind, or c andle in and out, orto and fro. Stravogliménto, Stravòlta, Scravoltura, any toffing tu ding, or winding over and over, in and out, or to and f ro. Stravòlto, turned or tumbled over andò - ver, alfo goggle-eyed. Scrazzàrc, Stròzzo, as Stracciare. Strazzariglia, as Spinaruóla. S.r b i SIR S T R S T R Swrdj'aij, S trebbiata, Srrcbbiaménto * Stabbiatala -, *«] ifiauring, 6r tub¬ bing clean y but (roped) a (leekmg co frntsib po lifting over, « women do ut punting their faces, by Met. & geode clawing or rubbing, of a place tbit itebetb , alfo a waflfd or riotous Spending in goad cheer and drinking, alfa n styldi/tgiitl le -tattle, * Snebbiare, to fcour , to rub, to fleek, or polifb fmoath and clean, alfo to clave, or gently to rub an itching place, alfo to waff and Spendriotoufly, namely in belly-cheer, alfo to prattle and [cold, alfo m T rebbi- are. 4 Snebbiatone, afeourtr , a fleeter, a po- lifljer , a clarver or a rubber, alavifh [pender. 9 Strebbiuricc, a woman that u ever rub¬ bing or painting her fclf, alf » a pratling or 'colding woman , or tt v ai n-j pender . t Strebiare, as Snebbiare. S t rébola, as Schiaffo. Strega, Strènna, or/è-rwb- rubber, or currier. Strcgna, Stregnare, look Strega. ! Stritolare, to (lro\e gently,or frttóotb with ones hand, alfo as Scr «olire. Strcgonàre , Stregóne, Stregonéccio, , Strego urte, Stregózzo, lool jr Sttega- I ’ Strcgna, a mans [hare of a [hot or recido- f dm, namely in an Inno or Tavern, alfo ks Stréga. ! Stremamente, extrexmlj. \ Scremare, Stremirc, mifeo, mito, to come, to bring, or fall into extreamity , to force to the utmofl , by Met. to affright or to afionijh. Strema ontiónc, the extrtam unffion. Scremici» as Eftrcmita. Strèmo, at Udremo ScrcmpcUaie, as Stempellàre. Serena, Strenna, a prefent or gift given to an advocate, alfo a New-years gift. Serenare» Strenna re,to prefent with gifts. Strenfiótti, fhrange uncivil trick*. Srrvngi* Strcngare, as Stringa. Stri ngere, as Stringere. * Strenua, the Goddeffe that makes men prong in bodily motions andcxercifcs. Strenuamente, flrongly, (lautly. Strenuicà Screnuofiti, fioutnefes Strenuo, [lout, (tern,doughty. Strén7-o, the name of a fi(b. I * Strcpire, Strepitare, Strèpere, Strepidi- : rc , ruflle, to rumble, to dinne , to creak, lo nialfC any great or loud noife, alfo to gaggle At a goofr , or quack *f oduck. Strèpito, any loud noife, rumour,dsn, ruf- litg % creaking, or rumbling. ; Strtpicófo,Strepitante, Strepitcvole, full of loud ii&ife, or rumour , tumorous. ■ fi wep pire, as S;rapp>re. Si rrptótUj a tynd. of grape. Scrccta , a bard gird , a narrow pinch, a hard exigent, alfo a wrench, a twinge, a gripe, a clinch, a freight paffage, alfo a narrow pa [fage, alfo a narrow fired or lane , an A Hie nr clofc walk) alfo diftreffe, a hard pinch,an urgent nccef]lty,a plunge, a peckof troubles, alfo a croud, a throng, or prefle of people, alfo a Daceffh, alfo the fem. of Stretto. Strétta lifta, a bandlet in armory. Strettamente, ft nightly, frittly, narrowly , pincbingly. Stretteggiàre, Strettire, to flraiten , to wring or pinch, to narrow. Strettézza, frcigbtncffc, narrowntffc, alfo a narrow hole, chink, »r crcvife. Strettina,ffee dim. of Strétta. Strettivo, rcfùftive , reflringent. Stretto, part. flraitned,M*dc narrow, jhruak up, girded, pinched, wrenched, claSped, hard-bound, alfo urged, forced, conflrain- ed, refrained, barred of liberty , k e P l clofc prifoner , loc\t up. * Strétto, adjcc. freight, flick *, clofc, Sparing,pinching,griping , freight-han¬ ded. * Strétto, fub. a frait, a gulf, a narrow Sea, a clofepx(fxgc. Strettóia, a prcjjc to preffe any thing in , cu linnen, napkins, letters , books or cheefes, alfo as a paper-mill or preffe , alfo a pair of pinvrtj alfo a wrench to wref with. Strcttório, a cloflag or re fùngerti plaiftr, alfo ^Strettóia. * Strctcuale, m Diftrcttualc. Strettura, at Strettézza. Stria , a sk y eccb-owl , fome have ufed Stria for Stréga, the Sing, of Strie. * Striacelo, Struzzo, witchcraft, alfo bu- fie gadding up and down as witches do in the night. Striare, Co fcrcecb as an owl, alfò to bewitch, or go gadding about as witches do anights, fo to work m ma k e S [r * e , look Strie. Striatura, the fcreechingof an owl, alfo a bewitching,or nightly gadding up & down alfo a chamfuring,a channelling, or fur¬ row in done or timber-work , lork Strie. Striato, fcreeched as an owl,alfo bewitched, alfa chamfured or chanelled, loo\ Strie. Stribligine , a folecifm or incongruity in spea\ingor writing. Stribuire, Stribuito, at Diftribuire. Strica, Stricca, a gleam or freak or fmall long line , alfo anythin or narrow long plate of mettal,alfo a flee king-[lone orglafs Stridire,,Stuccare to gleam, to freak along as the Sun-beams de, alfo to draw or cut out in jma.lL lines or thin plates , alfo to (leek fmooth , alfo to ftjiteefe or crufh out, alfo to difntangle, or dtfintricate,alfo to grieve or preffe down. * Stricatóio, Striccatóio, a (leek- ft one or ghffe, alfo a bodifn to difntangle, alfo a Curry-comb. Stridine, Stricnc, Strinno, night-[hade , petty-morel , deaths-hearb, banewort. Str ida, the plu. of Strido, alfo a loud and public k proclamation- Strillare, as Stridere, alfo to proclaim open¬ ly in any court. * StridéncejSrridolófo, Stridulófo , Stri¬ dulo, fqueai(ing,skreek}ng, creaking, look Stridóre. Stridere, Stridolare» Stridulare, ftrido, ftridéi, fttidóto, to skreck,to fqueak,to creak , to truth as uiAuclfe night-birds do, as a door, as a Cart-wheel, or as metal upon metta!, to fquea\ or cry out pitti- fully , to cry as a Kail , to cnafly or craft) with the teeth , to mi{e any fqueakmg , har[h,or whiff ling noife. * Stii io , Stridóre, Stridulo, any kind of speech, screeching,[queuing, creaking, qua fjìng, crafhing, ruflbng, wbifhng- \ noije, or pitti full crye,asof an owl, of a. ; dorè, of a cartwhcele, of grating of iron i of the teeth, of the windes blowing through woods or trees, of a woman in dt- f refe, or of any thing elfc ufed alfo for an exceeding cold. Stridulo, Stridulófo, as Stridente, that maketb any fqueaifmg or (brill noife. * Striduto,Stridulato, the part, of Stride¬ re, fqueaked, sleeked, &c. * Serie, tbofe partes in chamfured or chan¬ neled pillars called the fluting of a Cclum, or other wanefcote or masonry pones, that fland out, and as it were fwell higher than the furrows or gutters, called of our Architects , the Ridges, fome e»g- hfh them to be the furrows, the rabbots , or as chamfwrs in carved works. Sfricno, he orb winter- chcry. Striga, rff Stréga, at Strégghia. Strigdrc, as Dmrigire, at Stregare. Strigibarbi, a barbie-f(b. Scrigili, little naturali pieces of -gold found in fome myncs, alfo as Otcnchitc. Sccigio, a barbie fi[h, alfa a certain fpnnifh garment, alfo as Solano. Strige, Strigi, a s\rcech-owle, which fas oldc women fay) fucketb out the blood of infants lying in their cradles, ufed alfo for Strie. Striglia, Striglie, as Strégghia. Strigliare, Strigliare, as Strcgghiarc. Striglia cavalli, a horfe-ktoper , one tb.it rubs borfe-heeles. Stremato, the fat or oyle that is feraped off from any thing , namely from gutts. ’ Scrigncre, as Stringere. *Striguiménto,Strignitura,wers,tbat Pricfls were wont to wear on their heads. Strol.ibio, as Aftrolablo. Strologare, to play the Aflrologcr. * Strologali:, Strologam ènti , Strolo- ganxc feats of Mflrology. ' Stiologia, as Afttòldgìa. Strologo, Strólago, Strologatóre, as A- flrólogo. Strolomfa, Strónomo, as Aftronomia. * Strombàre, Strombettare, as Tromba¬ re, alfo to blurt with ones mouth. Strombazzare, to bout, to (bout, to biffe, or fiurt at in {corn and reproach. Strombazzata, a fhouting , a homing, a biffing, or fi urting noife made either with voice or atiion in frame, (corn, or reproach of any. Strombettata, Strombczzata, a foolifh 1 trumpeiting tara-tantara,by Met, a trim - j petting with ones breech , a homing or j {hooting , a biffing, a finning , or any noife made with voice,or atiionfin frame, tifile or reproach of any body. Strombettare, as Strombazzare. Strombìte, a Itone like to a Strómbo. Strómbo, a kind of Sea Jhdl-ffh , pointed like a Trtrbut, that hath a leader, whom the whole [hole doth follow as their Ring and guide . * Strómbo! o, the name of a burning hill. Stromentàle, as Inftrumcntalc. Stroménti bèllici, inflruments of war. * Stromcnufta, a player on inflruments. Stroménto, as Inftruménto, &c. Stroménto dì fiato, a wind-infir ament. Stronare, to di frithrone. Stroncare, as Troncare. Stroncata, Stroncatura, a cutting off. Stroncato, Stronco, cut off, curtaild. Scrongiléno, a kind of courfe Allurn. Stronua, Strónomo , as Agronomìa. Stionzarc monéta, to clip many. Stronzatóre, a mony-clipper. Strónzo, Strondo, Scrónzoloj a fìr-reve- renìe, a turd. Scróphi, look Strofa. Strophióla, look Strofióla. Stroppa, a twig, a withie, or orjcr to bind fagots, bavins, vines , hops, or hedges with , alfo the tye or binding whereby a manfiflneib cither a fword or a Parget to his arm. * Stropraglio, Stroppcllo, anylfindof (topple, alfo a barrel-bung,alfo a Gunners (funge. ' Stroppare, to flop, alfo to fluff full, alfo to bind with osiers or withes. Stroppata, any [topping or fluffing, affo a yark or (witch with a withe. StrOppiaménto, as Scropiatura. Stroppiare, Stroppiato, as Storpiare. Stroppiatacelo, a filthy lame man. Stroppiataméntc, lamely. Stroppicciarc, Stropicciare, Strofinare, Stroppiat o, Stropicciaménto, as Strofi¬ naménto. Stroppiccióne, Strop iccióne,, tyr of Stucco. I Scuoce, a tynd of fmoo'.hfile. I Stucchévole, faliable, alfo wallowifljin tafl, alfo tedious or importunate. Stucchevolézza, Srucchézza, fiticty,glut- ting,weanfomnef)e. ! St ticchio» Stiaccio» Scuccictto ,twicers or a l pocket-cafe with ciders, bodkin,penknife, ‘ &c, * Stucco, a \{md of p xrgc vi ng-fluff much u- ! fed in Italy to build and frame Statues or ilmaga.y worty, compofed of fand, lime , marinated Paper , and other mix¬ tures, which will re ft fi all weathers. The Imagary-worh of the Inner-court of None-fuel) is made of fuch. * Stucco» fatiated, glutted, wea-ry of. * Studiacchiare, to fludy but flightly and for f.ifhitm-faty. Studiarne, Studènte, Srudiatóre , a flu- dmi, one that fiudieth. Scud antuzzo» a fnnplefludent. Studiare ,tò Jludy, to endeavour or apply the mind to any learning. Studiare il libro di cinquanta due fogli, to (tudy or play at cards. Studiare il piede, to heed ones foot, by Met. to run away , or apace. * Studiare la bucòlica » to fludy belly- cheer. Stùdio, Jludy, endtavour , mental exercife, an c arac ft bending of the mind to a thing be it good or bad. Stùdio, a place co fludy in', an U niverfity where fludy is profeffed , a collcdge where Students arc, alfo a private fludy or clo- fet, alfo a (landing desk in a School for great boohs, alfo any method or way of leaching. Studiolo, Scudiétto, the dim. of Studio, a- ny little fludy, clofet or cabinet. Studicfamcnte, adv, (ludi onfly, with dili¬ gence, by Met. advifedly or of fetpur - pofe. Studiofità, Studiamcnto, fludioufneffe, car¬ ne (l diligence. Scud ofo, fludious, mentally carne ft,diligent, defrosts of hnowlcdge. * Stufa, Saia, Scùya, a flove,ahot- boufe. Stufaiuólo, StufaruóIo>rf flovc-tyeper. 4 Stufare , Scuare , Stuvare, to flave or bathe and fweat tn a ft ove, a hot- hottfe, al foto flew meat ina clofe cove¬ red pot or pan, alfo to glut or fati¬ ate. * Stufata, aflewingnr (loving of any meat, alfa anyflewed or floved difh of meat. * Stufatola, a (tewing or floving pot or p-.n, Stufa-to, ufed for Stupefdcco. S c ufv Ho, ii p'p:, a flute, a recorder . Scuffiare, to glut, to cloy, to fatiate. prie {nig bodtyn, a bin n fh-ng o f ul bn o - Scuftevole, as Stucchévole. I tool, alfo an iron win- to fine up it. Sniffo, glinted, cloyed, fatiate, full. | weih °f a lafn P* Stufo, the fumofltic or headinrffe of Scuzzicatóre, a provoker, an cnticer, an wine, alfo the damp or moiflncffe of any j egger-on, a wanton ticker, fumbler o, thing. Salici lo, a tent to tent a fore with. Scultia, Stultitia, as Stoltézza, Scùmia, feum, foam, froth. Scumiare, to fcnm,to foam, to froth. Scumiófo, feummy, frothy,foamy. Scuóra, Stuòia, as Scoia, any mat. S:uorére, Scuoiare, as Scoiare. Stuoràro, Stuoiaio, oj Stoiaro. Scuòla, Stuolare, as Stòla. groper , Sn, adv. up, upward, alfo on, oyer or upon, alfo an adv. of encouraging , as we fay, up and away , go to, oir 3 foreward. Sua hers, her awn, alfo his or his own, a di- flanceor fiate. Suàda, the Goddeffe of eloquence and de¬ le ft able Speech, as Pit ho. Suadata, open , ungarded, or free for all men. Stuòlo, a fholc offlfljts, a flight of birds, a SuzAc\a,pcrfut(ions, fair Speech, fwarm of Bees, a tyot of good fellows, a Su a dere, to perfwade, or advife unto, bevie of Ladies, a flock of fair women, a Suadévole, SuadibiU,Suafibile,pfr/w.Tff- troop, a crew, a rout, or company of men ble. together, &c. I Suado ,perfwaded. Stupefare, to (lupi fie, toamaze, to aflonifh , > Svagante, as Vagante. to put, to drive or fall into a damp or Svagànza as Vagatone trance, alfo to wonder or gores at with ad- 1 41 —— ' r - -- miration. Stupefattióne , ftupefaftion, amassment, wonderment, dumpifhneffe. Stupefatto, (lupe fa ft, amazed, flupifled,in i a dump, pa ft all fenfe. Stupendàggine, Stupendola» wonder- i ment, with amazement. Stupèndo, admirable flrangcly, wondrous , cauftng admiration. Scupcndófo, full of wonderment. Stupidire, difeo dito , to maty or become (Lipid , or dull and benummed in spi¬ rit. Stupidita, Stupidézza, ftupidity, amaze¬ ment, a fuddain privation of fenfes, dul- neffc of the Spirits,a blochjflinefs or benum- mtng of the mind. Stùpido, Stupidito, flupid,fcnftleffe,b(octy ifh, dull in fenfes, as one fearfully ama¬ zed. Stupire, pifeo, pico, to wonder at with ga¬ ining and admiration. _ SD ---_ Stupóre, Stuperatióae, wonderment, of or belonging to fri fit alfo a frv'me-market. Suarióne, as Ravarióne. Suaro, a fi(h,in latin Laacrtus. Suafibile, pcrfwafble. Suafióne, perfwafton, cxhortatim. Suafivo, Suafório, perfvaftve, Suafo, perfwaded or induced unto with fair words. Suafo, a whitifh colour that Painters ufe, which forno taty fora tyndof fad gray. Suafóre, a perfwader. Suave, Suavita, as Soave. Suazzo, a Turbut-fl(h. Sub , ufed for Sótto t in comptfiti* ons. Subagitare, to wind under'. Subagitatione, a fub-agitation. * Subàlbido, under-white, * SubalternalcjSubaltenativo, Subaltcr- ( no, fubaltcrnall, Jncceeding in due courfc. i Subalcernàre , to fuccecd in or -, \ dir. Subalternatiónc, fucceedingby turn and i S lì B s a c in due order,[iibalteration. Subare, to grunt as the Sow docthfor the boar to have him do his lflnd,by Met. to long or luftfor in beaftly manner , * Subaftarc, to lye under a burden as hor- fes or mules do, Subatióne, the appetite or motion to genera¬ tion in [vaine. Subatto , forced orfubdued. * Subaudirióne, an under-hearing, part o[ a mans meaning expreffed, and the reft under flood. Sobbarcare ? to under-arch. Subbentràrcj Subintràr c, to come in un¬ der, to fiibcntre. Subbia, Sùbia, a [hoe-makers aule. Subbiare, Subiate, to pricl j with an ante , al[o to whiftle. * Subb iettare, Subbiettire, as Soggetti re -1 * Subbicttióne, Subbictto, as Soggètto. * Subbio, Subblólo, Subio, a weavers web-beam $ al[o a whiflle. Subbiolarc, to roul upon a yarn-beam, alfo to whiftle. * Subbillare, as Nabiflare. * Subbidamcnto, as Precipltio. Subbillo,^ Abifl'o. " Subboliménto, fuccefjivety. Succefsivo, [uctxjjive. Succèdo, fuccefle, fucceeded, chance. Succedere, a fucccffer, a fucseeder. s a c Succhia broda,Succia broda ,a f will-broth 5 ' ^a f 'ick~broth, à f meli- ku ehm. Succhia capra,/* fuck-goatfa kfndpf baw\ fo called 3 fome call it a wind- fuc\er. Succhia fàngue, Succia fangue, a fuck~ bloud, a bloud-fucker 3 a leech. Succhia fpina,Succhia vigna, a wine - fucker, a Itc^fpigot, a fuck~tap. Succhiaménto, Succhiattira, afucìflng^ a fm ac king, alfo a. wimbling. Succhiare, Succiare, Succiolàrc , Suc- cir c, to fuck 3 to [mack, alfo to wim¬ ble. * Succhiatóre, 5ucciatóre, a fucker, a fmacker, affo a wimbler. Succhiellare, to pierce or bore through. Succhièllo, any little pipe or flute, alfo an auger, a piercer , a gimblct , a wimblet, alfo as Succhia capra. Succhiévolc 3 that may be fucked. Succhio, Succio, any juice, fap 3 moiflnejfe, or watrifhneffe, alfo any hard fucking or fmacking 3 namely afrefb bloudy [pot that through hard fucking, remains in the skin, look venire in fiicchio. Succhiófe labbra, or làbbia, f^k} n is [macking, or moitf lips. Succi , [mac kings. Succia, look Succhia- 4 Succiiaaénto, Succhiaménto, any fuc\~ ing. * Succiarne, Succhiànte, fucking, fmack~ ing : Succiare, look Succhiare. Succida, unwafhed,or new (horn wool. Succidànee, a Ifind of wafers. " Succidere, Succinderc, to under cut. Succidire, difeo, dito, to fowl, to (mitt, or fullie with greafe or [weat. Succhiarne, Succidézza, all manner of fweat or fowl greafe, fluttifbneffe. . Succido, S acido, unwafbed, foul, fluttifh, fweaty,grcafie. Succ inàrc, to fing a bafe, or drone tenor, al¬ fo to make a low or foft noyfe. Succinéo, of, or like amber. * Succingcre, Succignere, to under-guirt, to under-cinglc, affo to environ, to guirt or compaffe about, alfo to tuck U P ones cloths. Succino igum orrovnof [weettreeh name¬ ly of the Pine tree, which by rcajon of its clearnc(fc,wasinold time calledglaffe, the firfl and be ft kind is yellow and bright amber, the next is whitifb and dusk’jh, alfo of, or belonging to amber, alfo a Damaflm-plum,alfo the dim . of Succhio, alfo as linciano. Succintamente, fuccinClly , briefly. * Succinccxza, fuccin&ntffc, compcndiou- nefle, briefnefie. Succinto, fuccintt, brief, compendious. Succio, as Succhio. Succiola, a fucking creature. Succiolàre,^ Succhiare. Succiole, green cbéfnuts fódden in wine, and eaten hot. Succi-pièno ,fo full that it maybe [uckjt, Succire, as Succhiare. Succi fa, the hearb Dcvils-bit. * Succi fo, cut from under . * Sacco, the juice,the fap, or the moift- ncfje of any thing, namely of hearts, by Met. vigor, (Irength or pulfe , alfo a cer¬ tain iron tool that pick-locks life to carry about them. * Succlaviéra , look V éna . iuccobtino,a mimike,one that as a Mun\ey counterfets allgcftures. SuCcómbere, as Soccómbere. Sffx Succófo 1 i \ _ SUE__ j SucccCo, moifffullof juke or fap. I Succuba, a whore that lyeth wttjp another womans husband. Succubi, Succumbi, Sucubi, certain spirits that ta^c the ffjipe of women upon them , andfo enjoy the company of men, * Succul cnee, fa ppie, moifl, full of juice. ' Soccuffirio, Succutlóne, a floe, a. dull, a jolting, or hard and heavy gong j idc. * Succuflacione, a jolting or hard fha^e- Sucim, Succina, as Susina. * Sucino, Succino, at Susino. ‘Suckare, Sucitatióne, as Sufcitare. Suco, Sucofo> as Succo» as Succófo. Sucula , the middle pofl of a windmill, or wind ng feme to draw up weights Sucule , the fvn flans appearing in June, called the Hyades. Sud, Sur, the South-wind. Sudaccio , fowl, ftinging. fwcat. Sù daleiélo, up from Heaven. * Sudarne nto , Sudatióne , any fwcating. Sudàmini, red or angry pimples proceeding of heat or fwcating. Sudante, fweoting or dropping. Sudarcato, the yellow jaund'fe. Sudare, to fwcat and drop with. Sudare micie e Jà:ce, to fwcat and flow mW^ and honey. Sudàrio, a wiper , a towel, a rubbing-cloth, or a handkerchief to drye or wipe fweat aljo thipiccc of linnen wherein a dead mins face is wrapped. Sudaticcio, fwcaty, enclining to fweat. * Sudatóre, a fwcater. Sudatòrio, a fweating-place, a flow, a hot-boufe. * Suddiaconato, a fibdeanerie. Subdiàcono, a Subdeacon , a Subdean. * Suddlccio, Sudicelo, S.idice,Sudiciume, as Succido. S jddìccióne, a (lovenly fellow. Sudd!-fre, Sudiccire, at Succidire. Su 'illicit io» a fuppfedor falf birth. Sudai: o, s jubjcil, an underlin. * Suddividere , Suddivifo, to fubdi- vide . Suddivifióne, a fubdivifion. Sud eft,the Soutlwaft wind. Su-détto, above faid , fore named. Sudi, the name of a fifh. Sudicióni, a gre Affi flut. Sttdìciniénto, fcduccmtnt. * Sudicitorc, a feduccr. Sudo, the clear firmament or fair weather after wet and ram, alfo as Sphiréno the fifh. Sudóre, fweat, by Met. labour . * Sudorifico, fweat procuring. " Sudorófo, fweaty,fuU of f'weat. * Sudurre, tofeduce , to msflcad. * Suduttióne, ■eàucement. * Sudutcóre, Suduckóie,* Jtducer. Sue, the pin. of Sua, her, hers, theirs, alfo as Sù. Succchiàre, to become from old young. SucccKiàto, become young again. Suefàre, to accuflom, to enure. Suefattione, cujlom , wont,ure. Suefatto, accuflomcd, enured. Svéglia, aloud wind infirument called a H i ut boy, alfo a cruel rac\ or torture ufed in Florence or Rome. * Svegliaménto, any aw alfuigz * Svegliarino, Svegliamolo,Svegliatolo, Svegliatóre, Sveglióne, Svegghiarino, Sverghiamolo, any r.wa\er, namely an a'Ùrrm in a (Iri^ingwatch or cloc\, alfo a chime of bells. Svegliare, Svegghiare, to awaffi, to awa- 4 tn,u!(o to watch. SUE S U G Svegliato, Sveggh.àco, awaked, alfo vigi¬ lant or watchful!, (mart wit ted. Sveglicvol e,tbjt m iy be awaffid. * Sveglióne, as Suegliarino, alfo a Haut¬ boy, or fuchloud wind infirument, alfo a Drone in a bag-pipe, by Met. any loud pratling . Sve!àre,ro unvail, to lay open. Svelenare, Svelenire, to unpoyfoH. * Svèllere, Svcgliere, Suélgere, Sutrre,! to grub or pull up by the roots, to extirp,to 1 root out. * Svclliménto, Svèlta, Sveltézza» osiy extirpation or plucking up by the roots. * Sveltaménte, as Dfveltamente- Svelto, extirped, loofc, or plucked up by the roots, alfo flan\ or nimble. Svelutare, to maffi bare, to unvelvet. Svembràre, as Smembrare. Svemor.ire, to forget. Svende, to unvein, to cut the veins. Svenata briglia, a bit with an open mouth, as ports or upfets. Svcnatóre, a cutter of veins, a murderer, a cut-throat. Svenatura, Riders call it Open-mouths, as a Cats-foot, a port or upfet. Svenevole, unfeemly,uncomely . Sveniménto, as Tramortiménto, Svenire, as Tramortire- * Sventàglio, as Ventàglio. * Sventare, Sventagliare, Sventolare, Sventolare, to evaporate , to exhale, to vent, or to blow out, to let the wind, the breath,the fpirit or air of any thing go out, alfo to air or (baffi in the wind, alfo to wave or fan in the air, alfo to taint or wind-blow, as meat doth. Sventata, a buffe, a windie blajt , by Met. an humorous conceit. Sventato, vented or breathed out., evapo¬ rated, exhaled,aired, waved, or fhaffin in the wind , alfo tainted,wind-blown, or taffin wind. * Sventato, a light-headed fellow, a giddy! humour, a phantaftical brain. \ Sventolante, Sventolante, wwwg in the air, (having in the wind. Sventolo, a fan, or any thing to maffi wind. Sventragli, asVc ntrcfca. Sventrare, to unpanch,to unbowcl,in rela¬ tion either to fifh or flefh. Sventura, a mifadventure a mifhap, a mis¬ fortune. * Sventurato , Sventurófo , unfortu¬ nate. Svenuto, fainted, fwouned. * Sverghcg^iàre, as Vergare, Sverginamento, a rape, a devouring. Sverginare, to ravifh, todeflour. Sverginata, a de floured woman. Sverginatóre, a deflourer, a ravifher. * Svergogna, Svergognatézza, Svergog¬ naménto, Svergognane, fhame, re¬ proach, impudencie. Svergognare, to put to fhame, to reproach. * SyergognataméntCjSvergognofaménte, fhameleflj , impudently. SvergognàtojSvergognófo , fhame d,fhame ■ lefle, impudent. Svernante, wintering, pafftng the win ter. Svernare, to unwinter, to wax fummer, alfo to winter, or fpend the winter, ufed of Dante for the chirping of birds, osa fign that winter is done. 1 Svéro, a hind of long fifh. Svérre, as Suéllere. S vertàre, to empty the bag or bottom of a net , by Met. to teU and utter aU me h'.ews, to be Tom-tell-troth. 1 Sverza, a fplinter, a fhiver, i Sverzare, to fplinter, to fhiver. Sverzato, fplit, Jhive.red, riven, bur ft. j Sverzel lare, to flourifh, flajh, or ma\e a ! vain (hew or oflcnt.:t:on. Svcrzéllo, a fiou>ifhing, a flafh, a vain fhtw or oflcntation. SveOirc, Svcfto, SyeOii, Syeftito, to un¬ cloth, to flrip , to di farray, to difat¬ tire. Sveltito, unclad, gripped, dif attired. S uéta, a fifh in Latin Nafus. Suéto» accuflomcd, wont, enured. Svettare, to lop, to top , tofhrcad,ortocut off'! the tops of any tree, flour or plant. • 1 Su ecudinc, cuftomc, urc, wont. Svezzare, to difaccuflome , to wear, j c from. Svezzàto , difaccitffomcd , weaned ; from. Suftareinare, to fill up, to fluff hard. Sufficiente, fufficient, able. Sufficientemente, fufficient ly. Sufficiènza, (ufjiciencie. Sutfigine, a fweet perfume. Suffilàrc,, alfo a devife made of bladders or pieces of Corlifaltned to onesftjoulders, to learn to fwim with , or to i^eep the jides of great nets from finding. Sugliartl.ij Sugliurdoj as Sogliàida. Sugna, Sugnàre, as Sóngia. Su buàccio, flinging greafeor tallow. * Sugo, as Succo, alfo muck or dung, alfo a-'iyfi'th that fwimmeth and is carried i- rvay by the water. * Sugoficà, yncineffe, mriflncffe. Sugófo, juicie,fuU :f juice or fap. * Sugula, a tynd of new fwcet wine. * Suguli, a Ifmd of meat or pudding made of fine flower, and boiled in Siigula. Sviamento, a fraying out of the way. Sv arc, to fray or lead out of the way. Sviato, frayed out of the wa)' 3 misled, alfo a dcboyfl lewd fellow. Svignare, to unvine, alfo to s\ud or jhift a - way fpeedily. Svigorire, to w;a\(n or deprive of vigor , foice or vcrtuc. * Svigorito, wea{n:d, deprived of vigor , vertue or ftrcngtb. Svilimento, a vilifying, a dcbxfmg. Svilire, lifco, lito, to vilifie, to debafe, al¬ fo to check or rcbulfC with vile words. Svillaneggiare, Svillanacchiafc, to offer wrong or villany unto, to rail or sl^old at curfedly. Sviluppare, to cliftntangle , to unwrap. Sviluppo, Svilluppaménto , a djfiat ang¬ ling. Svinare, to leak as wine doth. Sv'mch arc , to fwitch or whisk with a f wit eh or riding rod. Svinchlata, a fwitch or whisk given with a fwitch or rod. Svincolate, to free from bonds or flares, Inof Vincolo. Svifare, to divifage, to un face , to slafh or gafh over the face, alfo to rail at or de¬ trai from. * Svifccraggine, Svifceratagginc,Svifco rarezza, Svifceratiónc, any unplunch¬ ing or diftnboweliing, alfo as Curéa a- mong Hunt [men , by Met. bearùneffe or p affiori proceeding from the very on- * trails. Svifcerare,f0 diftnbowel, to unp innch. Svif:erataracnte, with or [ornali a mans heart and bowels , mo (? heartily. Svifcerato , unpaunched'unbowclled. Svifceratiflìmo fervitorcy* moSl-mofthearty loving and affezionate fervxnt. Svifchlare, todi [Mingle or free from bird¬ lime. Svitare, to rid of life, to unquicl^en, aljo to unscrew, alfo to difinvite or unhid. * Svita :o, dep ivedof l fe,alfo unscrew’d , alfo di[invited. Svinare, Svitiàto, as Difvitiarc.' Svivaccchiare, as Vivacchiare. Suilfimo, mofì. , mo ft his or hers. Sub, Su lo, Sullo, upon or over the, in the nick, at the infant. * Su’l bèllo, at the befl, upon the nic\ or f aire fi of the infant. Sri levare, to raife or rife up. Su’l far del giqrno, bybreak of day, at the dawn. Su’l far di nòtte , in the [hutting in of night. Sulfurei ggine, Sulpburcncffc. Sulfurare, as Solforare, &c. Sulfureo, S ulphnry, of Sulphur. Sulimàto, as Sublimato. Sullinte, Sullimità, as Sublime. * Sullucherare, at Sollucherare, See. Sullunare, as Sublunare. * Sultana, fo do the Turks call the women favoured or beloved of the great Turk. Sultanino , a Tur^ftf copi af gold worth about fcivcn fallings and fix pence fler- Lin. * Sultano, tfi’SoIdano. Sumacchio, as Somacco. Stimma, Summàrc, as Sómmi. * Summanio, a.[marne of Pluto. * Summefliónc, Summéfib, as Sommefli- òne. Summéttei'e, as Sottométtere. Summiniftràrc, as Somminiftrate. Summifla, as Sommifta. Sumptióne, a tilftng, a receiving , Sumpti¬ on. S’un, S’uno, Se-iino, if one. * Sunanza, a gathering together. Sunarc,Vu gather up together. Sunét, Tur^if] circumcifion. Sunto, a total [urn or reckoning. * Suntuàrie leggi, Sontuàrio. Suntuofìtà, Suntuófo, as Sontuófo. Suo, his, his own, hers, ber own. Suo-dinnò, at his peril or danger. Suòcera, a wives or husbands mother. Suòcero, a wives or husbands father. Svogliare, Svolontàre, to make or become unwilling, to lofe or have ones longing. Svogliatamente, unwillingly. Svogliato, unwilling , not plcafed, nice,or fo altrcd th it nothing can pie afe , alfo had ones will and longing, or belly full, Suòi, his or hers, his or her own. Suòla, Suolare, as Sóla, at Solare. Suolato, Suo'aio, as Solaro. ’ S v ol a zza nte, fluttering 9 kovering ,wav\ng, or fi ipping with the wings in the air or wind. * Svolazzare, Svolare, to flutter, to hover, to waver, or flap with the wings,, in the air or wind. Svolazzo, Svolazzi , Svolazzaménto, any fluttering, hovering, or beating with ones wings, any waving in the wind,alfo any waving fir earners or bannerols, name¬ ly in [hip r, or in head-pieces,alfo all man¬ ner of loo fc or waving flaps about gar¬ ments. Svolgarizzare, as Volgarizzare. Svóle, he fhc, or it is wont, alfo foies of feet, (Ijoocs or flockjns. Svolére, to nill, to unvail. S volgare, Svólvere, to turn or divert from, alfo as Svoltare. Svolgiménto, Svolgitura > any turning a- away or diver ting from, any winding or cranking. Suòlo, a thingthat beareth any thing on, or upon ir , as the ground or ca,th, the b't- ! tom, the foundation or fnperfle cs of any'j thing,a. Seeling,a Fljo,iiig ? a Pavement or ro„f of any room,alfo the file of ones foot, j by Met a range or orderly row andplaci;i 7 .\ - uolo a molo, pi l d o; ranged in ordir an A iair,aS' herrings be in barrels. Svolontàrc, look Svogliare. Suólfi, th: wont or cuflom is. Svòlta, as Svolgiménto. Svoltare, Svoltolare, Ar Svòlgere to turn, to tumble, to welter, or wallow up and down. t * SvóltOj Svoltolato, turned away, diver¬ ted^ from , alf turned and tofed. S volito, nilled, unwilled. Snonxr)X.Q.,S\iox\ir\zoL,founding,'refoundin^. Suonare, Suonatóre, as Sonòre. ù Suonata, a ring or peal, as Sonata. Suòno, what found or noife foevtr the ear of man can comprehend. Suónc a mòrte , a ringing, a tonling,a knell or peal for the dead. 5 Suòno a palms, the noife of mens clap- ingof bands. e Suòno ctudo, a ha fh found. Suòra, a Sifter, a ! jo a Gun. Suoréfco, Sifter , or Nun-like. * Su or- ma, Sifter-mine, My Sifter. * Suer- sà, Sifter-hisfns Sifter. * Suor tà, Sifter-tbi/ie, tiy Sifter. Supeditaneo,/jo^ Suppeditaneo. See. Su-pér, adv. up-by , up-through. Super, as Sópra, namely in compofttion and beginning of many words, as followcth, anfwering to Super or Sur in Engiijb. Superàbile, Supercvole, vanqufhiblc j fu- perablc, vincible. Supcr-abbondàntc, fuper-abundant. Super-abbondanza, fupcr-abundancè. * Supei-abbondarc, to fuper-abound. Super- addizióne, on over-addition. Super-allegato, above alledged. Supcr-altatióne, a fupcr-extollvig. Super-angelico, fuper-angelic al. Super-ansato, out-worn with years, fuper- annuned. Superante, furmounting, overcoming. Superare, to fu, mount [to overcome. Superarogare, to fuper arogate, to give more than is required or expecled. Superarogatióne, fuper ar ogation. Superatióne, Superànza, afuperation, an overcoming, a furmounting. S u pe i bam ènte, proudly, arrogantly. Supèrbia, pride, haughtiHifte'of mind , fur- quedy , arrogancy. Superbente, growing proud. Superbi-]oqucnte,J>w^/j-f^frf|-/V:g. Superbi-loquénza, arrogant fycccb. Superbine, the proud pears. Superbire, bifco,bito, as Infuperbire. Supèrbo, Supérbio, haughty-mind¬ ed , arrogant, filrquedrous, alfo ftatcly, fumptnous, magnificent, Superbòfo, Superbiófo, full of pride. Superbòtto, ftek of pride, very proud. SuperbiiziO, a proud, a fqueamifh difdain' fut fellow. Super- cèdere, tofurccafc, to leave off. Super-celéfle,/tfper-c(7 Zial. 4 Supcrchiàre, as Soperchiare, &c. * Superchicria, as Soperchierà, &c. Superciglio, Sopra-ciglio , the upper eye¬ lid, the eye-brows or ridge of hairs above a mans eye-lids, by Met. the k no ! i , the brow, the top , or the ridge and highejt part of any hill , rock > er crag , alfo a loourc or window in the roof of a houfc, al¬ fa the banco of a door, ormantlteof a chimny , olfo the (lately look orftern coun¬ tenance of a man. _ — . - Sff ì ' Su p J / SUP SUP ' Supcrcigliófo , that bath big eye-brows or \ hairy eye-lids, alfogrim in countenance, (tern-looking. Super-eminènte, fuper-eminent. : Super-eminènza , prerogative above others, I Superiority. Super-eflcnciilc, [uper-cjjential. Super-eflcntialica, fuper-ejjentiality. ; Super-fetatióne, a fecond conceiving or l breeding of young upon young. I Superficiale, (superficial. ! Superficialità, Superficiality. j Superficial ménte, fuperfinally, I Superficiarc , flight ly w fuperficially toper- ) ufe over a thing. | Superficial, of or bclongingto the out-fide of a thing, alfo a fupcr fidai man,one that hath no deep staili , alfo one that builds a houfe on another'mans ground 9 and there¬ fore Irayeth quit-rent. Superficie, the fur face, fuperficics , or out- fide of any thing. Superfluairu-nte, fuperfluoufly. Superfluide, Superfluare, to over-flora, to run over , to be fupcrfluous. Superfluità, $apet([uér\zd 3 [uperflui'y,morc thin needs , over-plus. Supèrfluo, Superfluente, Superfluous, (pare, over-much. Superfugio, a fifing over or array. Superfufióne,<*‘ Embrocatióne. Supcrfufo, over-flowed , poured upon. Superimpendéntc, hanging over. Saperinfópdere, to infufe from above. Superinfufo, in fifed from above. Super-intenrlcnte , a fuper-in'.cndcnt , principal ove'-feer. Super-intendenza, fuper-intendencie . * Super-into fo, above undtrfiood. Superióre, Supero , fuperior, uppermofl higher, in better place. Superióri , thofe that arc in Heaven, as Gods, Angels , or Saints, Superiors, Seni¬ ors, Ancejlors. Superiorità, [uperiority. Superlatióne, the figure H iperbole or ex¬ ec fue amplifying, rifu a prname of ex¬ cel’encie. Superlativamente, fuperlativcly, inthe higbefl degree. Superlativo, fupcrlative. Superlàto , much amplified, alfo prefer¬ red. Snper-liminare » the Untie over a door or mantle of a chimny. * Suncrna, the next wind on the right hand of the North. Superni le, fupcrnal , high above. Supernalm nte, fupernally., Super-natire, Supcr-nuotare, to 0 ver-> fwim. Supernàrie, a kind of rare Teaches. Super-nàto, born over or above, as an ex - ere (cent. Sup:r natur'.lc,/i iftr-iuturtl, muephyp- cal,above nature. Super- naturalità, fupmi.ituraiily. Supèrno, fupernal, htghcfl above. .* Super-numeràrio ,, óyftf and befides the prefixed number. Suoero, as Superióre, Superfita, a baggas-pudding. Suner-fcrittióne» a fupcrferipti on. St.per- federe, as Sopra-federe. Super- fédie, as Sóprafédie. Suoerfpicàce, fuperfpicuous- Super ftitión e/ttperftirionfid'c woe[hip,vain devotion to that which (houli not be wer- fbipped. , a spiced confidence in vain, things. j Superftitiófo, fuperfiitious, [crapulous, ti¬ morous in religion without caufe. SOR Superfluo, Superile, * left alive, efcaped fiom death, one that ovcr-lhctb o- thers. S upervacinc, out-worn'with years. Super-vàcuo, to no ufe, unneccflary. Supervcrfato d’ ingiurie, overwhelmed or burdened with injuries. * Supinamente, lying along with the face upward. Supinàre, to lay or lie upright , and with the belly upward, by Met. to go or (land proudly, and fiately , as with the nofe in the wind. Supinàto, laid or lying upright ^with the face upward. Supinatóre, amufcle in thewrifl, ferving to turn the palm of the band upward. Supinità, lying with the face upward, by Met. groffe negligence. * Supino, upright, with the face arid belly upright. Supino, a. Supine of a verb , alfo as Affettato. Supiriófo,<*J Sofpirófo. Suplant're, as Supplantàre. Suplica, Suplicàre, as Supplica. Supofitótio, a Suppofitory. Siippa, Suppóne, as Sóppa. * Suppàiido, palifb, wbitifh, wannifh- Suppedàneo, Supedàneo, a foot-fìay, a foot-flool, or any thing fet under ones foot, or for images to (land upon. Suppeditàre, Supcditare,fo (ubdue or bring low to ones feet, alfo to have fufficicnt, and to Spare for others. Suppeditatióne, Suppeditànza, a full fnb- d.nng or bridging under feet , alfo mini- firing to others want. Suppeleticario, aflive, a bondman, which is accompted for chat tie , alfo a Servant that hath a charge of Chattlc-gnods or boufchold-fiujf committed to him. Suppelettile, all manner ofboufhold-fluff, moveable-goods, eh attici mplement. Suppilàrc,f0 ficai, to pilfer, to filch,or purloin craftily 0/ under-hand. Suppilatióne, a filching , a pilfring. Supplantàre, tofupplant , to root up , alfo to deceive by prevention. Supplantatióne, fupplantation, a treading under foot, alfo preventing deceit. Supplantaróre, a fupplanter. Supplica, Suplica, Supplicanza, a fuppli- cation, an bumbe befeeebing, a fute, a re- queft, by Met. an bumble or general pro- ccfion in times of need or danger. Supplicànte, Suplicànte, humbly bejecch- ing, alfo a Suppliant or a S ut or. Supplicare, Suplicare, humbly to (ue, to entreat or befeecb by way of [implication , alfo to under-fold. * Supplicatone humbly fining by way of [implication. Supplice, Suppliceménte, Suplicfi 'vole , fuppliantly, proflrately craving , humbly befeeebing. Supplicio, Suplicio, punijhment or torment given or fuffered for any crime commut¬ ed . Supplicioeflnmo, ufedfor Death, fpcciaUy by way of execution. Suppliciófo, full of deferved punifh- ment. Supplimcnto, Suplita, Supliménto, afup- ply of any want, a filling up the tilt nber or places. Supplire, Suplire, plifeo, plfto, to fupfly or furnifh any want, to fill or maty up what lac\eth. Suppónere, Suppórre, Supórre, lo fitppofe, to furmife, to deem. Syppofitalmcnte, fuppofedly. Suppoficie, fuppofed matters. Suppoficióne, a fuppofition, | Suppofititio, Suppofticcio, fuppofed,falfe, forged, counter fit. Suppofitivo, fuppofitiyc, to befuppofed. ’ Suppófito, Suppófto tfuppofed, alfo a fup- pofed thing. * Suppofuório, Sunpofla, a fuppofiuny. Suppuràrc, Supurare, to ripen or grow to matter as an Impo fiume doth id pip. . Suppuratióne, Supputanza, a ripening or gathering to rotten-matter or puffr. * Suppurativo, Suppurarono , a ripening plaifler, to ripen, to rot, or to break a fore. Supputarc, Suputire, to fitppofe, to deem, or to furmife, alfo to compute , to count or to reckon, alfo to prune, to cut, or Jheed trees (lightly. Supputatióne, a fupputation 3 a compu’ati- on, as alfo a. pruning. * Supputatória arte, the art of Aeithme . tike or counting. Supra, hath been it fed for Sópra. Suprcmità, fuprcmacy , fuprrority. Supremo, fupr earn, chief above all, upper- mofi, bighe fi, Soveraign, by Met. a mans la fi will and Tc (lament, alfo latter-djdcs, funerali o'jfequies, amans lafl hmc. Sur as Sópra, as Super, namely before other wordes i as Surmontàrc, to fur- mount. Sura, n kind of precious liquor, that difiil - leth from the branches that arc riven, or j 1 cut from that tree, which bearetb the in- j dian great white nut, which the Ind'ms ■ ufe to drinlg. Being new it is called Sa¬ ra, but being fetled and fiale, it is called Otraqua, Sura is alfa taken for the calf of a mans leg, or the whole fit ink from tt9 * ' knee to the ankle, as alfo for tbelejfcr hone of a mans (hank. * Surale, look Véna. * Surandogliéro, a Dearcs S urantler, the ' joy all of a flag,the brow ancle of a buck. Surco, hath been 11 fed ftrr Sólco. Surculàt io, fi»? great green grafsbopper. Surculo, a young flip, fit Sgraffi, burgeon, , [yen,[biot, fucker, or twig. Surdo, ai Sórdo, as Abfurdo* Surella, the fifhLaccnus in Latin. Surétri, c’amporus , or high-corked[hoes. Surettióne, a Refurertióne. Surétto, ri fen up,alfo a compounded drink ; 1 ttfied in Turky in (lead efiwine. Surge nte rifing, {urging, growing up, alfo riding at anchor as a (hip. Sórgere, as Sórgere. Surgere in pòrto, to'Come to Anchor, in \ fomc haven, to ride at Anchor in feme J : PM- , Surgiménto, as Sorgiménto. Sorgivo; Surgitóre, Surgitorio, as Sor- : giro, alfo an anchoring place , bays, or rode for Jhips to ride in or at. Sórgo, a kind of courfc corn , Surlàcca, Sernàcca, a kmd of he arb grow¬ ing inMauritaniasOf fuch vertice as being 1 eaten it provoketh lu fi unto letchery, and , flrengthneth the body very much , yea, , they write, that if any woman doc but 1 by chance make water r upon the hearb or root thereof, itforceth hit to loofe hir vir - g nity, and maktth hir belly to f well, and if a man, it maketh him to spill his feed, fomc call it Surncg. Surlunàre, wbatfoever is above the Mooni Surlunire. Suonare, as Ciurmare, alfo to bale, to tug, or halfie mainly. Surmontàre, to firn mount, Suurontc- S 13 S S U Z Surfno/itévole, fur mo ant able . Surnacca 5 Surnag a,look Surlacca. Surnàpa, as Gi ada. Suro? as the drink Surctto. * Surpallare, lo furpaffe , to exceed. Surprcnderc, lofurprife. Surprtfa’, a furprife. ' Surprcfoi furprifed, ta\en napping. Surrentrno, a kind of wine. Surreflióne, as Refuretciónc. Surrcllbj S urretto, rifenup again. * Surrettitiamcntes adv. as Furtivamen¬ te. Surrcttkioj Elolnor falfely come by, done by fiealtb. Sturo, the tree or wood Cor^c. Surrogare, to [abrogate , to fubflitute or appomt in anothers roome. Surrogatone, a f abrogation, cl fubflituting in place of another. Surfe, he arofc or did rife , Dante hath ufed Stufe /or Sdfo. Surfo , as Sórfo , alfo up , or up¬ ward. Surto ,rifen or [prang up, alfo ridden at an¬ chor. Surviflutoj Survivuto ,furvived. Survivere, to furvive, to overlive. Survolare, to over-flye Survólo, an overflight . Sufaiuólo, a wberve for a Swindle. Sufamélijfl tynd ofdanty plum , Sufcettibilc, entreprifable. St-ifcccciónc» any enterprise. Sufcétto, enter pci fed, undertaken, alfo con¬ ceived or begotten. Sufcipere, to enterprife , to undertake , alfo to beget or to conceive. Sufcit'bolo, a provocation orjlirring up. Sufcicare, to raife or rousy upas from out a (Iccp, to exhort or flir up unto /ome in- [arre&ton. Sufchatione, Sulcìtaménto, a raifing or roaming up, a flirting up unto fome uproye or infura Elion. Sufciraeórc, a raifer or (liner up. •* Suferittióné, a[uperfeription. * Sufcritco, above written. Sufimani, >" wm k ™' uh Suvereto, a Grrv? of Cork-trees. Suvero, the wood colled cork . Siivi, odu. qui [opra, there above. Su. via, odv. on, away, up and away. Svuotare, to void, to empty. •Suzzacchera, «Offizzacchcra, * Suzzare « dry or fuck "P mm Simp. TAB T. TTà, as Tua, thine, thine own, namely af- A ter words,as a pbrafe, Móglie ta, thy wife now out of life. Tà, for Tali, fuch, fuch like. TabaccagginejTabacchinaricj/fort pan- cleri fm, namely about boyes. Tabaccare, Tabaccheggiare, fo take To¬ bacco , or to haunt Tobacco-hou- fts. Tabacchinarc, to pander , as about boys, to play the fecrct bawd. Tabacchino, a fecretpander for boys. Tabacco, the weed Tobacco, alfo a bump or bunch of flefh growing under the skin. Taballaro» a Drummer, a Tabounr. Taballo,Taballij to cloke with a Tabar¬ ro. Tabarrino, a fhort riding cloke or frock with a hood. * Tabarro, a tabard or Heraulds mandil- lioh, it was anciently ufed for a Soul- diers upper coat , but now for a liding- chkc,as alfo for a (hepheards frock with a hood. Tabe, Tabefattióne, Tabctùra, Tabitu- dinc, a pining , a withering , a confuming or wafting of the body by long fickneffe, o; for want of nourifhmet and natural moifine fie, a crafumpfion, a pt'iffick or pu- trifying of the lungs, alfoinfcElton, putre- faEtion, rotten matter, or corrupt bloud coming out of wounds or canned fores, alfo flrength to putrì fie and con- fume. Tabefare, Tabemre, Tabéfcere, to wafij and confarne away by a confumption , alfo to corrupt or putnfy, as a feftred [ore, look Tabe, Tabèlla, a writing tablet, alfo any writing tablet to hang up, or any tablet hung up in Churches, as vowes after fome extra¬ ordinary and miraculous cure or delive¬ rance. Tabe 11 arie c o ! ómbe, Pi dgeon- carriers j fuch as they ufe w Barbary. Tabellionàto, the Office of a Scrivener , a Scrivener-fhip. Tabellone, a publicly Notarle, a Scrivener allowed by authority. Tabénto , a kind of very Efi unge out Jlone. Taberciare, to patch, to clout, to botch, to tack , t0 c°bble> to (out, to piece. Taberciat ivi arcejbt art of patching,botch¬ ing^ or clouting, or cobling. Taberciatore, a. botcher, adonterà patcher , a tinker, a cobler, Tabernacolo, a Tabernacle, a Shrine, a Cup-bord , a chariot, or a box to carry or k ce P itnages in, alfo a tent, a pavi¬ lion or a (bed made of boards. Tabernarie, Comedies plaid by common bafe people, or Tavern-haunters. Taber nire, Tabc feere, as T abefarc. Tabefciuto, Tapiro, Tipido, confumed, wafted, pined, or worn away by fome lingmg\ T A C T A G T A G lingring comfumppon, alfo corrupted and (Tacconare) as Tab;rciare rotten, look Tabe. T abetina, T abitùdine, as Tab c. Tabi> Tab ino, ubine, or tabie-(tiiff. Tabifico, that bringeth or caufeth a con- fumppon in the body , look Tabe. * T abita, a doc-roe-deere, alfo Dorcas the proper name, Tabo, corrupt, goarc, or rotten bloud. Taca, a certain wheel in a cloc\ j. * Tacca, Tacche, any Spot, (peeks'» freckle, blemijh) blur, pur, or dajh of dirt, by Met, a blemifh, a blame, a taina fault, or imputation upon a man, alfo a bruits, a (Uw, a dent, a fear, fir mark *« or upon any thing , alfo any trafh or luggage, alfo the fire,Ingnefl'e, fhfhion, pitch or fl i ture of a man, of a woman, or of any other creature, alfo the relifh, or fmack and tang that any thing eaten leaved ; upon th: tongue, alfo a Bakers or Brewers t alile or fcore, alfo a notch ina tallio, alfo any kfud of tack or tach, look Tac- che. Taccagna gente, dodging , wrangling , cogging, bafe or paltriepeople. Taccagnagginc? Taccagnaiis, Taccagna- mónco, dodging , wrangling, foifttng, cogging, miching , cavitious condition, niggardlincffe, paltrincffe, or flinch- m- ., Taccagni re, Taccagneggiare, to aoage, to wrangle, tofoifl, to cog, to miche, to palter, to cavil, to flinch, to {rump and jefl ray hall. Taccagnatóre, Taccagnino, Taccagno, Taccagnóne,^ dodger, a wrangler, a foyfler, a cogger, a micher, a flincher, a fnuff, a chuff, a caviller, a frummer, a niggardly wretch. Taccagnófo ,/»// of dodgingor paltrincjje, look Tscc.ignaggine. Taccate, to Spot, to blur, toflur, to blemifh , to fa(lena fcorvie trick upon any one, to freckle ? alfo to taint or tax with forne blame or imputation , to prate, alfo to tack or tach, look lacci Taccarélle, Tacch:rclle? the dim. of Tac¬ che, or Tacca. Taccàto ,fpntted or spec\led, bedafhed, alfo taxed, alfo tacked, look Taccare. T. cche, t he piu. of Tacca, aljo the braces of ar.y wheel, alfo the spo{cs or [pindles of a wheel. Taccheggiare, to provoke or egge on with pricking , alfo as Taccare. Tacchi e,fcraps, fragments, jhreds, rem¬ nants, ends , fcant lings, pieces. Tàccia, as Tacca, Tail's, alfo let him or her hold his or her peace. Cacciàbile, taxable, fincable. ’ Tacciagione, any taxation. Tacciare, as Tallàre, «Taccàrc. * Tacciatóre, as Taflatórc. Tacco, a. prop, a filare, an underlayer. Taccola, a chough, a rook , or a jackdaw, alfo at anting jeft, or biting-quip taxing on ’ with fome imputation, alfo a railing woman, or a common skfdd, an idle prat- linggojflp, alfo a bungling,a botching, or a (outerly picce of work , alfo as Tacca, alfo a devife to catch Foxes or woolfs. * Taccolàre,Tacolàrc, as Taccare, as Taccheggiare, look Tàccola. * Taccolàta, a railing , a sliding, an i idle pratling , look Taccola. ; ‘ Taccolxno, an idle pratler , alfo a kind of ( garmnt now out of life. j * Tàccole, the Mafculin of Tàccola, alfo Scoppino.' ' * Taccolófo, full of Tacche. (Tacconatóre, as Taberciatore. (Taccone, Tacconando, Tacconano, any fouterly or coblingtackor picce putto an\ old (hone, alfo a fouterly patching or (lo- venly fellow or k^nel-rakcr. Tacconcggiàre > t° pity ^e Tac¬ cone. Tacuire, cuifco, ciuco, to dodge, to wran¬ gle, or palter about any matter. Tacendo, Tacente, k ec P in & fiance, fill, ftlent, mum, alfo not to be spoken- Tacére, tàccio, tacéi, or tacqui* taciuto, to be {dent, f ill, or mum, to hold ones peace, to fay nothing, to be wbofht, alfo to conceal and be fecret. ’ Taciménto, a keeping jdence. # Tacitamente, (Hently, fecretly. * Tàcita queftiónc, a [ìlent queHion, Tacitila, a Profej)or,or one solfali iti Cor¬ nelius Tacitus, a contented cuckold or wit al, alfo a Profeffor of fllence. Tàcita luna, the new Moon, or the conjun- tt on of the Moon with the Sun, floe being not fen. Tàcito, Jilent, mum, dumb,{p:cchle{fe,\ept fecret. Taciturnità, filencc ,ticiturniiic. Taciturno , pieni, that holds his peace. Taciuto, k e ptfibnce, held his peace ? con¬ cealed., Tacuinàre, to play the Tacuino. Tàglia bórfe, a cut-purfe, as Borfar- ruólo. Tàglia cantóni, Tàglia ferri, Tàglia i mónti, Tàglia vento, a backfter, a fw agger er, a fwafh-buclflcr, a cutter of corners, flecl-banes, or rocìfle mona- t tains. Tàglia legne, a wood-cteaver. Tàglia pedócchi,* cut-loufe, a prìck-loufe, j in plain Enghfh a Tailor. Tàglia piètra, it flone-cuttet. Tagliabile, Tagliévole? that may be j Tagliamcnto, Tagliatura, any cutting, incipon, (hredding or flicing,and hewing ! in pieces. * Tagliànté, Tagliènte, cutting, tren¬ chant -, keen. ’ Tagli; rc, to cut, to hew, to pice, tó hack, to gafh, to jag, to clip or pare with any cutting weapon, to make incipon y by Met. to reap corn, and niowt hay. Tagliàrca pezzi, to cut or hew in pieces. Tagliare a piómbo, to cu» dove i level, to cut down right. ’Tagliàrc àrbori a coróna, to cut trees down to the flump. Tagliare i giretti , to bough, to cut the boughs. Tagliare il fieno, to morve hay. Tagliare il gràno, to reap corn. Taculno, a fooliflj Ajlronomcr, one that (Tagliare ’manzi, to fore-cut,but ujedforto foretells but by tokens and vainimagjna-\ carve before a Prince. tions, alfo an Almanack or Prognofl’ca- tion made byguefs. Tàes, Tat fi, a coin in China? worth about ten Spanijh rials. * Tagliare la détta, to yield to anothert clialcnging of debts with Ioffe. Tagliare le càcce, to cut or lft the cards. Tafano, Taffànéllo, Taffàno, a gab-bee. Tagliare minuto, to cut, to min%e orjhred a brc\r 3 a hornet, a fore biting horfc -j fmall, by Met, to live very near or {pa¬ pié, and therefore arc the bo fes bitten j ringly. with them,faid to be Attafanàti- Taffanàrio, a bodies breech or bumb. * Tafferia, a wooden bowl, bacia, trecn- difh or platter, alfo any wooden work, alfo a certain tool that Gold-fmiths ufe. * Tafferugli? mirth, glee, joUitie, blitb- neffe , hearts gladncjje. * Taffcrugiàre,f0rej- venly, greafic,or filthy man, a griping pinch p’nny. Tangere,Tango, Tangéi, Tangiuto , to touch,to feel, to joyn clofe unio,alfo to rub or hit. Tangibile, touchable Tànie, trices, feats, toyts , humours j con¬ ceits, Taniótica, a \ind of paper. Tino, the name of vi bearb. Tanófe, a [lor. I k? *n emerald. Tanpócoj much leffe, lutiti «Tampo¬ co. Tanfi' Tanfaria , a taxing, a fejftng, o fining ratably for any payment > by Met. an imputation or taxing of a man with fame fault, alfo a chiding, or fhenmg. Tans;re , ratably to tax or feffe a man for any payment, alfototaxea tn -n with io ne imputation , alfo to chide,to rebuke, to (bent, orto check ra'nh words. Tanraferata, as Fagiolata. To m arare, to faring inabalter. * Tanta; ata> a Jiving in a halter. Tene’ è Jo it is, fo the cafe finds , alfo fo much it is, all is one for that. 7 .V~è lóngi, fofar it is from. Tane fiima, part, the fo much part cither in quality or number. Tante volte , fo many times. Tanc-hora, fo much time. Tanti, Tante, fo many, as many. Tanti c tanti, fo many and fo many, equal at any game. Tannilo, Tantino, Tamolino, Tannic¬ elo, adv. a little or finali quantity, alfo a little ftripling no bigger than thus. Tanti per tanti» fo many for fo ma¬ ny. * Tanti pòchi, fo few in number. Tancirà (■> much, fuel) a quantity. Tanto, adv.fo much , as much , fuc.h or fo great in quanti y o quality> alfo cu well , or as w-ll as alfo, of fo, or of fo great va¬ lue or eftimation. Tinto-arprcflo, fo near, as near. T nto-chc,/' that, fo much that. Tanro-e tanto, fo much and fo much. Tanto nav'-fti fiico, oh that thou had fi no m ne breath o* life. Tanto lontano , fo far, as far. Ta i ii olófo, o greedy and. hungry as nothing cm fatisfi Tamo maggiormente, fo much the more, fomuch the rather. Tanto-manca 9 fomuch leffe. Tanto manco, fo much wants of it, it is fo far f om. Tinto meglio, fo much the better. I Tanto meno, Tanto-minormente ,fomuch ■ht 'effe. ! Tannto-o quanto, never fo little, fomuch | o'fomuch. • Tinto pèggio, fo much the worfe. i Tanto-più- fomuch the more. Tanto-più cófto, fomuch the rather • Tanto-pcr tanto, fo much for fo much, ra - tably. Tanto-quanto, ev it fomuch as. Tanto sia pòco, be it never fo lit¬ tle N TmtoOo, foon af e anon. Tanto fio che, fo forni as ih al. Tanto-s ù,fo high, fofar up. Tanto-tém go, fo long time. Tanco-v indico, fomuch l nil you. Tannicelo, as Tannilo. Tanuto, a coffin for a dead corps. T o , a jìone iilf_e a Peacock- Tapa ,a (tuff whereof they build houfesin India. Tapelóne, as llranofcópo. Tapéto, Tappeto, anylfini of Carpet. TapeJtzàre, to tape fry,to hang with tapeflry, to dight with Arrafs-hangings. Tapezzarie, Tappezzarle , all manner of tapefiries or hangings. Tapezziére , Tappezzato, a worker or weaver of tape fries, hangings or Araffe- worlgs, alfo an upbolfier , or a Princes keeper of bis carpets and hangings. Taphtólogo, as much to Jay, one that prai- fth or extoUeth himfelf. T.ipinara, hath be n utedfor Talpa. Tapinare, Tapineggiare, Tapinellàrc , to tappy as a Deer, to roam,to range, or to loiter up and down poorly and wretched¬ ly. * Tapiniti. Tapinaggine, wretched, beg- gerltneffc, begging-mifery. Tapinófi, a figure m Speech or Writing, wherein bafe and low words are ufed to expreffe any noble or heroick aftion. Tapino,T a pincllo, wretched, miferable,and unhappy, alfo a poor wandring beggar. Tappa, a tap to broach barrels. T appo, the axle-tree of a wheel. Taps is, a yellow weed to dye with. Tapula, a. Law made for the moderating of feajts. Tara, the tare, the wafle,or garbifh of any ware , or merchandise. Tari-b ; ra, heller- skelter, higlcdy-piglcdy. Taraba)Vo,*x/ Teso, tended, extended, alfo d*Ip!aid or fpread. * Teneatoj a fintarne of Apòllo. Tenebrare» to darken, to obfenre. Tenebre, dar\ne(\r^ obfeurity. ‘Tenebrióni, Hobgoblins, Night-fyints, Night-walkers , lovers of dar\ j>- *#• * Tenebrira , Tenebria, Tenebre?za, Tenebróre 3 Tenebrolità, «« Téne* ! bre. Tenebrófo, dar\some, obfeure, void of j lifhr. Teneménto, a Tenement. Tenente, Tegnènte, ««Tenace, alfo as I Lu : go,' Tenènte, in the militia. Tenènza, tenendo, holding , peeping alfo a Li utenant [hip. Teneramente, tenderly. ’ Tenére, téngo,tenni, tené to, to hold , Tenére il camin dritto, to keep the right »7, f 0 ho'dwitb the truth. Tenere il tile al piede, to walk uprightly , to look to the main chance. Tenére il palio, to keep or loo\ well to ones footing or charge. Tenére il patto, Tenére patto, to k cep coven \ar, to keep ones word. Tenére il ficco, to hold the bag , to receive, by Met .to ta\e part with, or \eep ones fecrets. Tenere in bócca, to kecp in fecret, and not to reveal. Tenére in collo, to hold on the neck* faid of things when they are held from their duecourfe. Tenére in fio, to bold in fee. * Tenére in piedi, to \eep on foot. Tenére in pàflùra, to \eep feeding, that is to fay, in good hope. to %ccp, to contain, to hold faft, to k re P , Tenere la battuta, to keep the high road in remembrance,to hold opinion, to repute , j way, to \cep time in muhch mu, {uttofl.dfotc xvith-hold tnd puf- , Ten- re la belila in cavézza, to bridle ms f lfe, alfo to abide or remain. appetites, to live chafte. * Tenére, fub. any goods, wealth, holding. Tenére la puntagli 1, not by any means to pofleffing or tenure of Land, or any thing 1 yield to ones cnern'r. elfe. Tenére a bada, to hold in delay, to \cep at a bay, to hold Off, or in fujp'ncc. Tenére a badalucco, to {ecp in continual aliar ms nr s^irmijhes. Tenére a batte fimo, to hold at the font, and be a Godfather unto. Tenére a capitale, to hold in chief at- \ * Tenére la fignoria, to hold the rule [way of any thing. Tenere l’avanzo, to fee ones laft reft at j Primero. Tenére le mani a cintola, to [land idle, or live lafi'y Tenére le mani a ft-, for a man to hold or keep his hands to himfelf. as a mans floek or free- Tenére le òche in pàftùra,f0 k ee P wenches at ■'ack and manger. or Ter ere le pólle, to hold fta{cs, to _ *1 and hold play (till. ,n Tenére l’invito, to ta\e ones offer, alfo to °f fee a vie at any game. Tenére l’occhio a pennèllo, to look to the pentii, to look t0 the main chance. Tenére mala vita, to keep or lead a bad compt , hold. * Tenére a dicta, to keep a man low pinchingly , as it were in a dyet. Tenere a difagio, tnhold or k rp P one li'Te eife, trouble or vexation mini. Tenure ad órdine, to keep in order, \ readineffe, or ready prepared. Tenére al e j mento, to bold one to the tryal of any thing. Tenére a ménte, m'”td. Tenére a piuolo, as we fay in F.n ifh, 1 1 keep one at rack and manger, * T' nére a fténto. Tenére in .billcnto, to keep in pain and languor. life, or an ill courfe. f * Tenére mano, to lend a helping, to abet, cuore, to keep in | to further, to fupport. Tenére memòria, toremember, to keep in mind. * Tenére ménte, to heed and obferve with ones mind. * Tenére mercato, to bargain or cheapen, Tenére a fia pólla, to keep at ones will\ cr her to buy or fell. and pkafuic,or at ones command and difftefal. Tenére caro, to hold dear. Tenére rhiufo/o keep clofc , or faft under lock and fry. Tenére compagnia, to k cc P compa¬ nie. Ten re con altrui, to hold with ethers. Tenére ontoso k ee Paccompt^alfo to value . or cftcem. “Tenére con uno, Tenére da uno, to hold wi'h one , nr to follow his part. ’ Tenére córte band ta, to keep open houfe , or good bofpitality. * Tenére credènza, to \eep truft, to \ecp on os fccret s clofe. Tener- d'étro, to follow after, to keep be¬ hind. Tenére di fèrro Oramelo have fonte quali¬ ty f iron or copper. Tenere dorz : na, to keep Scholais at bed and board, at a certain rate. Tenére famiglia, to keep a Family . Tenére favèlla ad uno, to forbear to {peak to one, alfo to hold one in difeourfe. Ten'ref rmo , to hold faft, to keep ones word or covenane. Tenére ho Gena* to keep an Tnne. “Tenére parlarti 'nto, to hold a par lie or counfel. * Tenére per fède, to hold or believe by faith, or on truft. * Tenére ragióne, to hear or judge accor¬ ding to Uw and right, in any Court of Jufticc. “Tenere fecco, to keep dry, to keep any thing clofe. * Tenére fcfpéfo, to hold in fufpence. “Tenére Gretto* to keep c!ofe J to hold faft in hand. “ Tenére trattato, to hold correfpondencie or intelligence wi'h. * Tenére una cóla da uno, to hold'or ac- knowledg" a thing of one. “ Teneréllo, Tenericcio, Tcnerino, Te- nerétto, fomewhat tender, or foft, ten- dcrifh. mcllowifh. Tenerezza, Tenenti, Tenerltiidine, Te¬ ne ré re, ttndemffe, foftneffe , [upplcneffe, nicenefte. Tèneri, all manner of tcndrcls, alfo all foft sk'mned fifties. Temrire, iifco,rito, to tender, to fofeen,to molli fi . T nerico , foftned , tendered mollify- rd- bUrdm ° f F""-'* prf,, ’ f n ler hearted, cafily drawn unto , young , 1 effcminate,nice. Tcncróne longóne, a flangrel youth, a j young tall. I ’d, a long ftripling. j Tenerórc, as Tenerézza, Tener fi, a man to hold or cfteem him- felf. Tenérli al consiglio d’uno, to k ( ep or hold of ones counfel or advife. ‘Tenérli con uno, to adhere with one, or keep on his ftde. Tenérli d’una cófa, to profumo upon, or boa ft of a thing. * Tenérli hit ' mo, for one to hold and re¬ pute himfelf a man Tenérli infiéme, to hold and. \eep together, to take Olitone with another. Tenérli Pavio, for a man to think himfelf wife : Tenefmóne, «« Tenafnv'ne. Téngere , as Tingere, to dye, to (lain. Tenia, a ronl that women were wont to wear on their heads , alfo a wnllrn orna¬ ment like a turbant that men were wont to wear , alfo a womans bead-'and , fillet 01 hair-l ice, alfo thr knot or fa fining of a ft Ur or hairlace on tire too of her be ad,alfo a kind of brow.cornifb, o - getting out over pillars , alfo a long row of rocks or cliffs along the Sca-Jkorr, or a vein of white ftones,which to them that be a fir off noon the Sea apprareth long like to a covrrfhf', alfo a k’nd of lone finder worms,of fame called grave-worms, as rngendring of the roiten ft fh of dead bodies,alfo a kind of long and narrow fifty. Tenicnfe, any fifty that li v cth near the Sea-fhore, or elafe unto it. Tcnicre, any hold-fa ft, any faftnrffe, alfo a tiller of a croffe-bnw. Tenimér.to, any holding, alfo a tene¬ ment. Ténio, that hath thin hair. Tenitóre, a holder, a keeper. Tenitóre dell! bèni, a Grr'ds-bolder, alfo an F.xecutnr of a mans Goods. Tcnirório, ««Territorio. Tenivélla, a trow or ftaving inftrument to lift up. Te'iivelliro, a lin-l of Greek witr. Tenóne, a tenon , alfo the end of a rafter alfa the leathern holdfaft of a Tar. &*• , Tenerume, the foft brawn, fhfhhtefte, pulp of whatfoever , the grill le of ones nofe. Tener 'me dell’ orécchie, the flap of ones tares. Tenóre, a continual order , ftar or condì- ! tion of any thing without interruption or ! over-changing manner, a tenor, a tenure, \ a content, a tenor in mufick, a fubjefl. to ‘ wr’te or fpeak«f. Tenor ilia, one that fings a tenor. 'Tenorizz're, to keep or ling a tenor alfa' to write the tenor or contents of a Ut¬ ter. I Tennis ile, cxtenfible. T enlione, extenfion. T-nfo, extended. out-\lretr.hed. Tenta, a Chirurgeons probe or fearching- nerdle, alfa a tent to put into any dem fore err wound. ' Tcnrrth '-ndo, tempting, attempting. Tenrli, the name of a fifty. * Tcnnm 'nro, Tentata, Tentativo, an o'tempt % attempting , a proving , a trial, alfa a tenting of a fore. * Tentante , tempting ' or that temp- teth. Tentare, to tempt one to do fomething, alfa TAR T A S T A V Tarocchicre, a player a.l Tarocchi. , Taróccio , o\un made of untwified old | ropes in ufcd fhips. * Tarocco, look Datarocco. Taiolófo , full of Taróli- Tardare, Tarudire,«fJ Tari I re, alfo to I grow to a Tarólo. Taró ! o. Taruoloi ns Tarlo, (tifo a Cunt- j botch, or ci u'incbflter-goofe, but properly npimple or puftulc onely on x mans yard ! gotten by venery. Tarozzo ', x Carriers or Millers leather ! pouch, bag, p ’ke , °r fatchcl. Tar pagi one, a dipping of wings , alfo afud- \ dain fnatebing at. Tarpare , to clip the wings of any | bird that he may not {lye, alfo to [natch I at. * Tarpati vinni, clipped wings. * Tarrire, Tarire, to dry up, to drain ofna- I turai moifture. Tarila, Tarliamènto, Tarlatura, any kind nf marquetry, or f 1 nail in-laid worlds of divers colours of wood, (tones, glafje , horn or Ivory, as in tables , bedfteds , tombes or pavements, alfo a certain mc- dicinablc ingredient. .TarHire, as Intarfiarc. Tai-fo, the fir(l part of the foot, which im- 1 mediatelyfucccedingthe leg, isanfwera- b/e to the wrifi of the hand, Tartagliare, to mifflc , to fiammtr , to [tut. ttr, to falter or clip ones fyccch, tartaglióne , Tartaglia , Tartagio, a maflier, a (bitterer, a (tammerer. * Tartina, atart-pan,alfo a kindof fh'.p or Sea-vejfel. * Tartaira , a flat tart-pan. Tartara, Tirtera, any Ifind of tart. Tartaree pórre, the gates of Hell. Tartarélla, Tartarétta, Tartarina, Tar- rcrcllo, any tartclct or little tart. Tartareo, bcllijh. Infernal. Tartare fchi, Painters or Joyners antic\- works, alfo Tartarian or infernal. Tartarino ,of, or belonging to Tàrtaro ^ti¬ fo fearfully tentile , alfo the bird , called a Kings-fiber. Tartaro, a {ind of gravely fone growing fa(l to the infide of wine-vcffels, called m Englifh Argol or Tartar , ufed in Phyfic\ ! and for many other purpofes, alfo a deep i place in Hell , or Hell it [elf , alfo a Tar¬ tarian, alfo a Hickway,or a wood-pecker, ufcd lately, by Met. for the Itone or gra¬ vel engendred mthe reins of mans body,as al fi for the gravel in the . joints whereof the cruel Gout is c a ufed. Tartaruca, Tartaruga Tartaruga, Tartar - ' I tócca ,Tartuga, a Tortoife or a (hell-crab. Tarcafsare , to mifufe with churli(hncffe, to hurry or tug with all rudencjje , alfo to rib -bafte, to bang , to tou^e, to cudgel , to beat and to fwaddle. Tartarica* a burring, a tugging, a vexing or mifufng in mo fi rude manner , alfo a found beating, banging, nb-bxfting, cud¬ gelling or fwadling. Tartafsitoj hurried, tug*d , uncivilly hand¬ led , ruddy fha\eny foundly fw .id¬ led. TartófFola, a thump , a blow given upon ones head with ones knuckle-bones, affo a kirie-merry-buff', alfo the mark or black and blue, or bruife of any thump or Jlripcy alfo as Tartuffdo. * Tartoffolarcj to thump with the \nttckles of ones fill, look TartófFola. Tartufo, Tartufalo, Tartfaftolo, x kind of puff, or earth-fruit much like x mufhrom, but groweth within the ground , and is rooted out with fwine, by men who guides I them to that purpofe and arc much eflee- | mtdin Italy, called Traffics , orTar- tuffics, by Met. any round kn x doxie in the roguijh language. Tafcónia , a k incl °f cla y or mirble whereof Goldfmitbs melting crufes are made. Tafcotito, as Tracotato. Talentare, to whoojh, or put to filence. Tata, at Tartaro. TiH'a, Tallamchto, Taffata, Taflatióne, any tax, taxing, or taxation, any [effing or rating, any fine, or ratable impofition, alfo a blame or imputation laid to ones charge, alfo a pile , a flack, or a mow . Taflature, alfo a journall-book, or regifier for me¬ mory, of things done, alfo a fix! o 1 ' dead mate at Cbcfie ,1 when one hath nothing to [play, alfo a man in playing-Tablcs , alfo a tablet book , by Met . a banket , or a (et fe aft. Tavolaccino , xll fuch attendants and officers as wait upon the Lord Maior or Sheriffs of London ’odo any thing , alfo Teomen,binds or fervants,(»ch as are T11 a ready ] \ T A Z TEG T O L ready at baici fo aUjervices, namely a- b 'ur ’be table , Tavolaccio, any greatT.òle, Bmd, or alfi i abroad or great mai { made c 'bo d« *o (hoot at, atjo a great Tar- ; -Jvtn, <, !, y Met. gnat and [imp- , .i. ,.ii predai ation for good cheer, and fcafi- T. vola del Decàlogo, the table of the ten Cimm'i ■'■■m s * T.-vji n-e, t b!mg 9 alfo a table, or a fel¬ low b»-. Mr. " Tavo 're, to planato boord,to floor, to fiel, - : feat , ni rail, or pale m with bonds or plan { , al o to table or board at meat, alfo to {'cp a table fir boarders, al¬ fo to fet in mtt;c {, yrick'fong, plain fang, or tabi •lure, alfo to ma{e a drawn m uch at any gam?, or to bring agame at C beffe to : fiate O' dead mate,alfo to ftt a pitture in .1 fram . Tavolata, a tabling, a table full. Tavol to,part, planned, boarded, floored, fee led, wmfeotted, paled in, railed in,or fenced tbiul with rails, plm{s or boo ds , alfo tnb'ed or boarded at m at, a'fo feafl- ed or banquetted , alfo fet to mu- fieli in t.Mature , alfo a made or a drawn match at arty game , or a game that is brought at Cheffe to a fiate or dead mate. * Tavolate, nom. a floor, a feeling, a dec{ a fcaff old, a wad, a fence, apalifido, a partition, a fide , a rail, a pale, a fhed, a pent-bo ife or any frame made of boards or plants, alfo a {ind of limber-me a fare. Tavolatila, any tablature or prie{-fimg. Tavole,Tavolétte, tablets, writing-tables , plafmg-tablts, the dim, orplu, of Ta¬ vola. Tavolétta, Tavol no, the dim. of Tàvola, silfo a ■ .dshorn-boo{. Tavolière, a tabler, a board r, alfo a pair o'"playing tables, alfo a ebtffc-boord , a table-player. Tavolóni, the [up. of all tables or plants, among Gunners the [ides of the carnages, as alfo the Binders placed before the mouth of the ordinance. Tauta, Lunarie-h• r rb, finali Moon~wort, fume bave ujed Tàura for a Cow . Tauréa , ! t irgrt, or any fence made of bull- i h 1 Us to covre carriages, we call lh m 9 cloth it is j.iid to be good againft, the fione cholic{. Tèda, Tede, a t ee called Torch-wood,alfo the pith or middle of the Pine or Fiere tre ,which Ufo fat and full of liquor,that being {indled, it blaxy.th and burnetb li{e a torch, whereof in old tines they were wont to ma{e lights , tapers , torches, or fire-brands, which they burnt especially at m xrriage-feafis and weddings, fometa{t Teda for a mirri age or wedding-fe afl , andfomc olh'.rs for a Song or merry Carol fung at weddings. * Tcdefcire, as Todefcare. Tediare, to molcfl, to attediate, to trouble , to importune. Tèdio , ■ tedio a finite , wtarifomnefs of time. Tediófo, tedious, mind-troubling, trouble- (urn , importunile. Tcdulo, a tedious, or importunate prat- ler 4 Tcfrite , a b'ttctyfh fione with the figure of itoc new Moon. Tega, as Tavèlla. Tegame, Tegaménto, Tégghia, Tcgghia- me, Tegghióla, Tegghiuzza, Tégg'a , leggiimc,Teggióla,Teggiiiz7.a,Tcgia, Tegiàme, Tegiuzza,legname , any {ind of {itchin-pot,pan, p;p{in,poflcuet, s{’.[lct, dripping-pan, tart pan, ba{ing- frying pan, or pudding-pan, &c. todrefle meat in, namely of earth., or alfo nf braffe and flit tifi} in figure, alfo a fiat fione io ba{eca{os or breadupon. Tegeatico, Tegéo # a [marne given to Mercury. Tcgghla, Téggia ,loo{ Tegame. Tègia, Tegiàrc, ufcdfori cgola. Tegiménto, any {ind of covering or lid namely for a pan or pot, alfo a Jhccl , a hovel, a (belter, a roof, aflrroucl, or any aver to {eccp one dry above bead. Tegiolare co’l tèdio, to daily, to play , to delay , or pa fie away the tedio ufiiejfc of time in any Sport, or wanton manner. Téglia, a teycl or Under-tree , alfo a Bar- ble-fifh. Tégna , the head-feurf, the dead-fcaid,al¬ fo Choa{-weed or Strangle-tares. Tegnente, nifija^c- j mg, alfo a v.ul t a canopy, a curtain , or a-1 ny franc made of canvaffe as Ten's or I pavillions, alfo the wbo'e fails or fh -it- f ing, or Ctnvafc of a fbip, alfo a hnnrn-\ fheer,alfo a cruel griping pain in the fries 1 with a fuddain ditch or grief, as if ones', body were tbPiifl through with fwords. ’ Télo trifulco, a thunder-bolt come with a lightning. TE P to attempt , to trye, to prove, to affay, to offer , or to go about to do a thing, alfo to handle or grope for, ffitutedand celebrated in honour of the God Terminus, k c P' it February on the eight Calc ids of Mcrcb, becaufe that between Terminalic, and Regi tug io, the odde d.nes were put in. '‘Terminante, bounding, limiting,. Terminar e, to limit, to sound, to confine } io affi gn bounds, or appoint Marches, a{- foto terminate, to decide, to end, or deter¬ mine. Terminatartiéntc, detevninately, defini- tivdy, conclufively. Terminatiónc, termitation, limitation, de¬ ci finn, an,ending. "Terminativo, that boundetb, limited’, en¬ ded) or del ermineti). * Temiinatórc, a determiner, a limher, i an endcr. "Termine, the end or compaffe of any thing, a term or (l ite of being nr time, a term, a bound, a Urn t, a mear-flonc or land¬ mark,a fign declaring one mans landfnm another, alfo a fit or flint of an ague,al- fj a word or term , alfa a guai o ; end. Tèrmine di fèbbre, aft, a flint, or the [tate of an ague. Tèrmine di podere, a mcar-fione, a land¬ mark ur bound. Termino, k Maneggio. Terrà, "rTcnére, he, floe, or it (hall ho'.dj look Tenére. * Térr’ abbondo, earth abounding, plcntl- oios in or of Linds. * Ton a ampellta, a kiad of black ca tl), which being bro\en refolycth imo i oyle, I Tèrra cimólia, Terra di fapóne. Tuckers- ' earth , Fullers-earth. * Tèrra d umbra, a ffind of earth f und in filver-mmes, ufedby Painters fo, fhai- dowings, called among than beyond Sea AV l 're. Tèrra, T E S TER TER Tetra firma, the comment , the firn or Terrazzo quali Torrazzo» alfo as Terra , rruinUnd. _ ( pièno, as Tefraccia. • Terra figulina» Terra vagellila» Pollers jTerrefàtto, terrified,affrighted. I clay. Potters earth. iTerreità,Terreiftà, as Terrcflreìtà. Terra fianca, a free t ovanti and, common- iTerremótico, fubja 6 t to earth-quakes. wealth, or (late, a f ee-hold, alfo a free- iTerremóto,Tremoto, an earth-qa.i^e. i Port for l 'franger sto have acce jf e unto Terréna càmmera , Terréna flànza, ! without paying of cuftom. Tèrra murata, a walled Town or City. j Terrabafa, Tcrrabuzcno, a fowl called a I Bittour. \ Tcrraccia, Terrazza , Terràccio, any courfe pithy earthy nibble or rubbifh, al- jo a Tenace , an open walfa a flat roof , or upper floor, alfa a flat roofed Tower or Turret where scouts or fentinels do (it and watch, ufed alfo for Ravelli- Terraccfàno,Terrazzano , a Townfman, a Burgeffe of aTown, a dweller in any Town or City. Terrado, a fynd of flit boat, barge , or Ca¬ noa India. Terraglie, as Terrapièno. Terragna, any thing made of earth, alfo a I mud-wall. ! Terragno, look Molino, Dante hath ufed it I for Terréno. {Terragnolo, Terraiuòlo, earth, of, or bc- i longing to the earth , breeding or living i 1, of, by, or upon the earth, alfo a quoin, ! a flock-dove, or a ring-dove , by Met. ! heavy or liaden-witted , alfo drooping,or \ down-looking as fome heavy horfes i do. iT erràma, worldly care, earning for worldly pelf, or caul)') mat ers. , Terràme, all m inner of earthy or rubble, ! alfo an earthen vefjel. Terra-nato, begotten, born, or bred of, or in Ì the earth, ' Terrandola, Tc; rancola,Tcrrantola, as Taràntola, fome ta\eit for a Bunting, | fome for a Salamander. Terrapieno, a room or chamber , the firft 1 flory of a building. iTerrapianitoj Tcrrato, rated, levelled, or I made even with the ground. i Terrapienàco, filled up with earth or mud,ensconced,rammed up or < entrench¬ ed with earth. Terapieno, Terràto, a rampart, a sconce, a bloc{-houfc, a bullwtrk, or any fortifi- c ali m rammed in,filed up, or fortified with ea,th 9 with mud, or with rubble, look Tcrrato. Tèrra Sigillata, Tèrra di San Pào'o,Ter¬ ra Lénia, Téma Sàmia, a ìfmd of earth b.eedingin Samos, made in little round ca\es,ani fealed with the great Tur\s feat, very much efteemed among the Tnr\s, as very good againft all poi fon, bi:t much of it is counterfet» Terra terra, low, fquat , clofe, or even to the ground or land, clofe by the (horc,al¬ fo a pace that a horfc maizes in a manage when he l^eeps his feet clofe to the ground. Temàtico, idem, alfo the foil, the earth,the land or ground of any Country, •Terràto, earthed, made of earth, alfo a bank, a trench, or fence made of or with earth. Terratufoli, as Tartufoli. Tèrra vérde , green earth , borax - earth. Terrazzino, as Terracciano. Terrazza, took Tcrraccia. Terrazzare, to terrace, to fat-roof, alfo to , Terzam ente, V/eir^/y. fill with earth or rubble. Terznnélla, Terminicela, a mal. Ter- Terrazzare la terra, to harrow, to grub or j tian ague, alfo as Terzanéllo. bfCa k “P llje ea ' lb - I Terzanéllo, a £ind of flight filk fluff, ai low chamber, a ground lodging, as Terra- piano. Terréno, earthy, earthly , made of earth, terrefirial , that livethi, breedeth or tyepeth on the earth or land, alfo low on the ground, alfo worldly. Terréno, any earth, land, ground, foil, Or mound, alfo a field or piece of land. Terréno da fuòi ferri, a ‘futable mat¬ ter. Terrcftre, Terreo, earthly, terre ft-i. /, ear¬ thy , of the colour or quality of earth. TerreflrcitàjTerreiftà, Terreicà, earthi- nefìe, quality of earth. Terribile, terrible, horrible, to be feared, terror-moving. Terribilità , Tcrribilézzi, terriblencjfe. * Terribilmente, adv. terribly. * Terribilire, lifco,lico, to ma\e or become * terrible, Tert'icidio, a turf or clod of earth. Terricciuóla, a little village or ham¬ let. * Terriere, Terrièro, the ground or founda¬ tion whereon any thing (lands or gocth , alfo a Townfman, a Burgeffe, or a Town- dweller, alfo a Terrier or earthing-beagle, alfo the hole , the berry or earth of a Fox, or of a Cunny, alfo a holt or pit-fat in the ground to entrap foxen or pole-cats in. Terrifero, earth-bringing. Terrificare, ( Tendere, Telo reggia re, tola) up trtafm,to heap o. boord up riches. * i f :r * * trea f“ ry > a f eem A m * X e % ier ^ C0} a T re *f‘Mr(hip. Teforiére, a treaf irer, < keeper of treafure a (lorer of riches. i J Tefóro, treafure, riches. Teflandra, any web or weaving'. Teflarélla, Teflarécta» as Teffitrice. leiiaro, Teliamolo, a Weaver. Tc fella , fuch [mall pieces as the place or in-bye in Mofaico worses. Tefigllare, to work cheeky, Mofaico, quetryor inlaid works. TeOelli T E S T E S T E S Teftello, a garment wrought with check 16 ' W0t\. Tetterà, any thing that ever y way is fonare, any geometrical four- fonare figure, as a Cube, nr a playing-dye , alfo a fign, a note, a m.ir\ or to{en, namely of lead> of leather or any other thing, that was wont to be given to the people as a dole , alfo a. sJfore or tally , whereon the number of things delivered or received arc scored, and marked, fuch as our Checquer-men , Bakers and Brewers ufc to s{ore upon , alfo a watch■ word, a privy Jign or to\en, whereby (pics and enemies are difeerned from companions , or fellows in arms, which was either a dumb flgn,or a watch¬ word uttered by the voice. Our Sentinels call it the word or watch-word , alfo a certain devife of iron called Tamers to play and paffe away the time withal , alfo a Printers frame for his letters , di- flinguiffiedin feveral fonare boxes, alfo the frame of a weavers loom, alfo the whole frame of a plough, alfo the name of a tool,that Farriers ufe. Tefl’erandolo, as Tcftìtóre. Tetterario, of, or belonging to a Tetterà , but properly a T alile or s{ore-{eepcr , a scorer upon Tallies , a Brewers Clcr{, alfo a Serjeant of a company , a watch- mafter. He that chargctb the watch, one thatta\eth, giveth , or bringeth the watch-woe d among fotddiers. Téflérc, tétto, tefléi, tefiiito, or tetto, to context or weave in a loom , by Met. to frame or wor{ together, to complot , to compili, to contrive, to compofe toge¬ ther. Tcflen'no, & Weaver or Lorn-Worker , alfo a {ind of flight fluff li{e tinsel, or hurt. Tefsibile, that may be woven or conte xled, loo{T eldest. Tefl'nncnto,Tcftltdra,Teftura, any wea¬ ving, woof, web, or loom-wor\, any con¬ texture. Telfitóre» a Weaver. a Loom-workman, loo{ Tefl'ere , alfo a nion (irons great Tétto, hath been ufed for Tetto. Tettato, woven, loo \p Teflere. Tc fiuto d’ oro, gold-tiffuc or tinsel. Tetta, a head , a fconce, a pate, a noie , a co (lard, a noddle, a tc(t, alfo a chief, a fource, a beginning, a (firing, a well-head, alfo a whole head-attire, head-garland or chaplet, aljoany hard fifb-Jhcll, a'fo a splinter or piece ofbro\on bone, al(o the nave of a wheel, alfo a pot or tile-fljard, a brickbat, alfo an earthen cup or gaily - pot, alfo a burned tile , bric{ or paving- flnne, alfo the name of a certain game at dice. * Tétta coronata, a Crowned head , a Crowned Ffmg or Queen , among Huntf- mcn the branchy or full-grown head of a Stag or Bue f. * Tétta cótta in acéto, a head boiled in vi¬ negar , by Met. a found head and full qf brains. * Tétta d’ alino» an Affes head , alfo a Gu(l-fi(h , a Bull-head , a Millers rhumb. Tétta della ruòta , tty nave of a wheel. Tétta del lètto , the beds-head, the tc jtern of a bed", the bead or fore part of any carriage for great ordnances. Tetterà cotto , the time of forty dales be¬ fore and after a mans birth, wherein the mother might not be partaker of the ho'y ly cer emonie < , which time being ex¬ pired, they celebrated a feafl , which was called Tetterà còtto. Tétta di cane, a Dogs-head, alfo thè hearb called Dogs -head. * Tétta di grue, Cranes-b ll , Storia- bill, Hearons-bill, fhepherrd\-bod\in , Pm{-needlc. * Tétta di mònaco , hearb Monies-hood , Priefis-crown , Piffe-abed , Dandeli¬ on. * Tétta di mòro, a Moo's-bcad, any blac{ head, a Saracens head, by Met, a borfe with a. blackface, alfo a crooked picce of timber in the fore-ca(Ile of a (hip, whofe upper part is commonly fa[hioned li{e a Saracens-head. * Tétta di vitèllo » a Calves bead, the hearb Calves-fnout, Snap-dragon , Lyons /nap. Tetta érta, an upright head,by Met. a high- minded or proud man. Tétta gròtta, a big bead, a jolt head , by Met. a Gull-fifh, a Millers thumb, a Bull-head. T^fta inforcata d’un cèrvo, a forced head of a Stag. * Tétta ih (angue , Tétta tnólle d’un cer¬ vo, the foft head or in-blood of a Stag. * Tòtta palmata d’un cervo, a. branchy or full grown bead of a Stag. Tétta per tétta, the taliion law. Head for head, limb for limb. Tétta primièra d’un cavo, the fir ft or prime head of a Stag. Teftabile, that by the Law may teflific orbe teftified , teftifiable. Tetticcia, a logger-head, big fconce, groffe pate , great nolle , filthy co- flard. Tettacelo , the name of a hill adjacent to Rome conflfling ofpotfherds. Teftacciuco, tefly , headdy, humourous toyiflj, fantafikal. Tettacele, the coflard apples,alfo the pound pears „ Teftacciuóle, any little heads 3 as of lambs, pigs, or fowl. Tcftacéi animali, all manner of (he H-fi[h, as oyfttrs or fcalJops. ' Teftacco, made of hard fi(h (hells , pot or tilc-fhardes or bric\-bats. Teftamentarc, to teflate, tomaie ones lafi will and teflament. Teftamentario, teftamentary, of, or belong¬ ing toalafl will and teflament,alfo a Scri¬ vener or writer of a hs ms will andtefta- ment, alfo a forger of a mans lafi will and teflament. Tcftaménto, the holy Teflament or Goff el, alfo a lafi will and beflament. Teftardia, tefliniffe, headineflc,obttinacie, willfulneffe. TcttardojTeftaréccio, Teftarlccio, Telle- rcccio, Teftiére, Tcftófo, heady, tefly, obftinate, will fui,opini alive, ftijf-nec\ed, head-ftrong, humorous,alfo the pollard or Chevin-fifth, alfo a Iflndof water-ver¬ min called a Bui', head. Tettare, to teflate, or bequeath by will and teflament, to ma\c ones lafi will, alfo to attefl,totcJlifie,tobcar record, to tell o- penly, alfo to bead. Tettata any head-piece or attire. Teftatióne , atteflation or bearing wit- neffe. Tettato, teftated, bequeathed by will,made ones lafi will and teflament,alfo attefted, wtncfjcd,. born record, teftified , alfo beaded, or that hath a head,alfo a te- fiem. Tefta.tóre, a teflator , one that ma{eth his lafi will, a teflifier, a wiineffer. Tettati ice, a woman teflator or wit- nife. I Tette ,adv,evcn?fow, whilom , awhilei flncc. Tétte , noni, theplu. of Tétta, all manner of beads, 'alfo certain eminent parts be- hind Salóide, in tir ex tre am pan of the brain, fo called of Aiiatomifls 3 becaufe they fomwhat rcfemble the (tones of a man. * Tétte, nom, a teflis, a giver of witneffe or evidence, one that is witnrfle to a thing that is in quefliòn. Teftéfo, ufe A o/Dantc for even now. Tè flètto, thou thy (elf. Tette teflrè, even very now. Tcllevolménte, adv. teaflily, headily, ob- flinatcly, alfo with nodding or bowing of the head. b & 1 Tétti, the plu. of Tétto, alfo a {hid offalfe dice. Tefticciuóla, the dim. * lob far, or great faU-fnail, by Met. the belly of a lute , or lute itftlf, becaufe it fomewhat refetnbletb a Tor toife-(hell, alfo the roof,or vault of a houfe conffang of two niches , the one going a offe -wife over the other , alfo a certain engine of trarre fratti d of boords, covered over with raw hid s, which ferved fo-ddiers to defend themjilves from the fay of {ire or fanes , that their enemies were wont to caff and throw at them, and un¬ der which they might with fafety approach their enemies , and afault ' heir walls , alfo any great (hicld, palvoife or buck¬ ler, namely a target-fence anticntly ufed, which was a clofc-boldmg , and failing togithir of Targets ever head, Ufa a rorf, wh ewitb the footmen bàng defended , did bear off the thick fat of arrows , and flinging of (Ion s, alfo ih: name of a far re or conflellation , ana. Afironomical figure in Hea¬ ven. Teftuia, ay, alfo a brick three foot lung. Tetradramma, a Greek coin of four drams worth about four groats. Tetraedro, a four -faune geometrical fi- gure. Tctrafirmaco , rMtie Or compofei of i Tetrarchia, a charge or government of a Tetrarchia. Tetrasilabo, of four fyllables. Tetra ftico , a fentence of four ver- fes. Tetri .itdjTetritudinCjgriw/te/p?, flow er¬ ne fe or fadneffe of countenance. Tétrico, crabbed, grim, or fower-looking, Tctrigomctra, the mother or matrix of grafje-boppers. Tccrigonia , grafje-hopptrs or Crickets. Tccrinare, to quack or cr y ** * Duc k doth. Tetro, dark > black, pitchie, hideous, gaflly 3 grim, horrible, flinking. Tetróbolo, a greek coin worth four pence halfpenny of ours. Tetta, a teat , a pap, a dug , alfo a fiseep rea¬ red in the houfe, a Houfelin. Tettare, to fuck or draw a ^ u l' Tcttigónic, little gra\fe-hoppers 3 and that fag but feldom. Tettina, the dim. of Tétta. Tétto, Tétti, Tcttóra, the roof, the ridge , or cover of a boufe, be it state, tiles,fane, booed or lead, by Met. the deck or over¬ laps of a (hip, alfo a whole pile of a houfe. * Tétto di pècore, a (beep-fold or pen. Tettóia, a pent-boufe, a houfe-cover , a (bed. Téttola, a dug , a pap, a teat. * Tettolare, to fuck or draw a dug. Tettonàre. to roof or cover a boufe. Tcctonéto, covered with a roof. reuchite,ffcc Squinatb or fweet rupi. Teucrio, Teucrióne> petty-oak , Ground- oak, or wild germander. Teneallo, fo they call Temples in India 3 that is a houfe of God. Teverrfno, as Tivertino. Teurgia, a kind of divination or Cabala. Teurgo, a profeffor of Teurgia. Tòzza a kind of wood in Cypreflc which being burnt,yieldetb fo ftrong and f ink¬ ing a fent , that it even faUeth men. Tezza da aia,a fiore-boufe ormagafa for corn in time of war. Tezzóne, a fad 3 a ffielter, a hovel that is covered with boords. Thdlamo, a marriage chamber. Thalafio, Thalafsimo>* Sea-water-colour or blue hfa the Sea-waves. Thalafleglicne, as Potamancina. Thalafliarca, an Admiral at Sea. Thalaftìnténo, a fad of fait wine ufed a- mong the Grecians. I Theamcde, Theamidcche, a flonc , which \ four things. I Thalafloméli, fyrrop made of Sea-water. Tetragn.'to , a vtnemous great !fi-, Tha\h, one of the nine Mufes 3 as much to der. I fo* Capacity. Tetragone, Tetragono, a quadrangle , alfo ; Thaliétro, Lafhwort, Flax-wort. evw one and finn. I Thallo, a bough that filli continued)green, Tetragonifmo, a four-fqu.wing. I bj Met. green. Tctragramato, of four letters, theefjential ] *Thalmuda, a (uper [Turns nook devi fed name sf God. j by the Jewfa Rabbits, called the Tbal- Teuai, Tetralice, a Star-thifile or Cal¬ ti ope, alfo heath, ling or broom, alfo fas fomefty)the hiarb Golden-rod,or Glide- wort. Tcn alogo, a dialogue of four. Tetraméb, a muter of four feet. Tetramente, adv. dar fay bideouffy , boiri- bly, gafily, fiinfagly. Tetrametro,a mieter of four feet. * Tetraóne, n bird that lives all winter in (hrubs and trees. Tetraplafio, four-fold. Tetrapolva City of four parts , a four-fold City. Tctcaptóti ,declined in four cafes. i Tetrarca, a governar of a fourth partr of mud. Thalmudifta, a profeffor of the Caldean or Egyptians old Laws in their Tbal- mud. Thdofori, bearers or hungers of green boughs or branches. Thapsia, an hearb Ufa Dill, which being cut yields a juice Ufa milk , called the deadly carrot. Thirgélie f cfc,feafts and games in honour of Apollo. Thifia, a fad of wine in Egypt. Thafpi, a fad of mnfiard-feed. Thau,an Hebrew word ufed myfteriously for the Crofs of Chrifl, as alfo for the number 400. contrary to the Adamant puttetb iron from it. Theangélide , an hearb, which the Magi or wife men of Perfia, did ufe in their drinks , as having the virtue to mafa one to propbccie. Theatinerie, hypocritical Vacatine tricks. Thcatino, a fad of order of friers, winch are very precife. Theatralc, belonging to a Theatre, or fra¬ med Theater wife. The&trico, a Theater or Stage-player. Theatro, a Theater, an open place, where all men may fit, fee, and behold,or where¬ in one feetb,playeth, fhewctb or dcclarcth, alfo a publick finge, alfo a fallacie or common play. Thebaidc, the woyfi fand of Dates. Theicóne, oj Trogéte. * Thelcmita,a libertine, one that doth what he Ufi. Thclctteri , female or She-fern. Thélico, a flonc Ufa an 0 'ive-fione, which beaten to powder, and tafan in fome broth or decoTUon breafath the Hone in the fai¬ ries. Thtlifonio, Hbard-bane, whofe root faillcth Serpents. Theligoiuo, Culerage, Arfefmart, or ( as fome call it ) Grace of God. Thelipteriino, the Male or Hc-fern. Théma, a Thcam, a fubjett, an argument, a ground or matter fnppofed to be Spo- fa n , or written of , alfo a figure fet by Afironomers, containing the fiate of H ui- ven and the Vianets at any time, alfo an Horofcope or confideration of the time of o nes Nativity , under this or that Planet. Themifia, Mill-grain or Oak of Jerufa- lem. Themologia, rf/Ethimologia. Therucc, the flcfaepart of the hand, be¬ tween the thumb and little fin¬ ger. r Thendalida, as Sanguinaria. Theodia, Teolla, Deity, Godhead, Divi¬ nity' , the word of God, alfo Davids Pfalms. Theogonia, the original, beginning or gene¬ ration of Gods. Theolépto, en fared of God. Theologale, belonging co Divinity. Theologirc, Theologizzare, to rcafonof holy things, or to preach Divinity. Theologi'a, the Science of Divinity or rea- foning of holy things, Tbeologi Theológico , theological, of, or pertaining to Divinity. The<>logo, a Divine , a Preacher or pro¬ feffor of Divinity. Theomachia, fighting again fi God, Divini¬ ty or holy things. Theomaco, a fighter againfi God and Divi¬ nity. Theomante, aTbeomant , a profeffor of Theomanri*. Theomantia , a fad of divination or enchanting by abufive calling upon the fe- cret,far- fetcht 3 myflemus, and wrefied names of God • Theombrotióne, the name of an hearb . Theomenia, Gods wrath or ire. Theonir.o, a folanderons man. Theóphilo , God-loving , a lover of God. Theoréma, a Theorem, an Axiome, or un¬ doubted truth of any Science or Art , namely, that reefteth peculation more than pr aliife. T H I T I B T I'M' jTheorcmilta, a profcff'or of theorems or \ Axiomes of undoubted truth. iTheorttico, Thcoritico, of or belonging to 9» Theorems or contemplation. Theoria*, Theórica, contemplation, {pecula¬ tion , deep ftudy or infight. Théórica-Aftrononfia, that part of Afiro- nom'j, that giveth the view of the motions of the Planets by their Oibes. * Theórico , TheonchiRz,Theoricall rather than prafticalt, alfo a Speculator or con¬ templative man. Thephme, a {tone wherein is fieni new Moon tipped with homes. There©, a bird Robin-red-breaft. Theriaca, as Triaca ,loo\ Tiro. * Theriacalc, at Triacale. Theriomata, a fore, or ulceration about the privities, whereby all the partes about them corrupt. Therionarca, at bearb with a flower like a Rofc, whereon if wild beajles do but tread , they become finceleffe, nor can they be recovered,but by having the wa¬ ter oj fome Hienna Sprinkled upon them. ! Thcrme, waters that are naturally warm, { hot bathes or baines. I Thernuncj an oyle of Lillies. Thcróne , the natile of a dog, as much as to fay kill buck, or Fierce look- Thcrpficorc, one of the nine Mufcs, impor¬ ting Majcfty. Thefauro, as Tcfóro. The f:, Thcfi, as Téfc or Tifi. Thefióne, a bitter bearb ufid in purges, alfo a. kind of wine in Egypt. T he fmo phone, certain games and fcafes in Athens in honour ofC.rcs, Thcforeggiarc, as Ttforeggiarc, &c. Thcforiere , Thcfo'eria , as Teforìérc- 'Fhefóro, as Tcfóro, treafnre. Thcfia, as Tina. Theflalico, a right purple in grain. Theta, the Gceelgletter, Theta, alfo a mark I of condemnation to death. Theurgia, as Teurgia. Thi.i, as Trogcte. Thiade,tf« Menadi. * Thragóni, certain loaves or ca\cs of bread tiled anciently in f acri fees. * Thiara, as Tiara. Thicio, the ancient name of Amber. Thieldóni, a k 111 ^ of ambling Jennets, bred in Afturia/n Spain. Thifonc, as Thiphone. * ThiJtóitio, a jumamcof Apollo. Thimalo, , to thee, tbre,from thee. Tiadc, as Pelade. Tiamo, Tiano, any Oven or Furnace. Tiara, was properly a round wreath or fir auge head-attire, that Rings and Prin¬ ces were wont to wear in Pcrfia.fr is now ufid for a turbata, or round high-topping wreath of linnen, that Bafhaws and chief men among Turks wear on their beads. * Tiberiane, a kwatcr, alfo a cog-wheel, alfo a ifind of bird. Timpano a vòlta. Timpano-piano, lco\ Campanèllo. Timpintao, a chief Officer in China, as a Lieutenant or Viceroy. Tnnulo, cts Timolo. Tina, Tiraccio , Tinàzzo, any great tumc, (land, woodcn-v.it, tub, tray o bowl. Tinea, « Tench-fijh, much ufed in den fio, for afri (b-water Soutdier , unexpot, ana cowardly Captain, fucb a one as wil ever have thirty men about him, if be bu go to dig up aturnep-root, alfo by Met _T I N _ C. botch or Venus favour, as Ten- cone, Tinchétto, as Trinchetto. Tinco, Tincónc, as Tencóne. Tindaridi, the twins Caftor and Pol¬ lux. Tintila ,the dim. cf Tina. Tinellànci, Tinclliéri» T\nt\\{R.\,or dinarie yeomen, and meanly regarded ferving- mtn, that never wait or eate, but in the Common-hall. Tinèllo, any turine , pipe, tierce, butt, hogs¬ head , fiandor Brewers vat-alfo a hutch, a bin, or maund, alfo the common haU in any Noble or Gentlemans houfe, where ordinarie yeomen and fervants attend, wait, and eate publicly. "Tinelmo, as Tenaimo. Tingitóre, a Dyer, alfo Anti moni e among Alchymifis. Tinge, as Ptinge, alfo he dyeth. Tingere, Tignerò, ungo, tinfi, tinto, to dye , to colour , or fiain into any hue, Tingere chi falla , a Cirri flmaffc-game, where he that miffetb is furred or fmucht over the face. Tinivclla, Tinivéllo, a wimble, an augre, a drill, a piercer, a ravel, a ne- vel. Tinivellare, to wimble, to pierce or bore Through. Tinivellato, wimbled,pierced, bored , alfo a piece nivclled. Tinninire, nifeo, mco, to chirp as a misifin or titmoufe. Tinnitone, a wild beafl with a very rough slfin. Tinnirne, Tinnito, as Tintinno. Tinnónculoj* tyftrel, a flannel. Tino, rfiTina, alfo a wine-preffe , alfo the wild laurel. Tinóccio, Tinòzza, as Tina. Tinta, any dye or hew, or inlf, alfo the water orglaffe of previous flones. Tinta-néra, blac\ j dye or in Tintali hóra, a wanton, a gamefo me, ora tempting Ioffe, Tintarèlla, a pretty hue or dye. Tintena,Tintina, as Tintinàbulo. Tintili ani, clothes or any thing dryed in wool , as we fay woadded. Tintillarc, Tincinarc, Tintinuare, Tin- tinuire, nifeo, nito, to dingle,to tingle , to jangle } to gin? le, to ding-dang, or ring foriti and (harp, as fume bells do. Tintillànte, Tintinnante, tingling, ging- ling,or {brill ringing of bills. Tintinàbulo, Tincina, any (brill founding bell, any muflcal inftrument without firings. _ Tintinno, Tintino, Tintillo, Tintinna- ménto.any (brill ting , tingling, dinglmg, gingling, flng-flng, or (harp founding of bells or batons, alfo a tingling or glowing in ones ears. Tinto ,dfd, ffxined, coloured, dipped or wafhed in any colour. Tinto in grana, dfd in grain. * Tinto in ródo, dfd in fcarlet. Tintóri, as Gelamina among Alchy- mifl i. Tintóre, a Dyer, a flainerof colours. Tintoria, n Dyc-houfe, the trade of Dye- ing. Tintóra, any dye, dyeing or tincture. Tiorba, a muflcal Inflrument that men pity upon, called a Theorba. Tfpha, typb- wheat, wheat of Reme. Tlpha acquàtica, <«Tifa. T I R - - 1 I Tipho , arrogando , ha ugh cine fie of mmd. * Tipholópojfl glow-worm. Tiphóne, as Thiphóne. Tipicamente, mjfltcally, figuratively rep re¬ fe nting. Tipico, myflic al, as it were reprefentei or (haddowed by fome figure. Tipo, a type, a figure, a. fo, m, a [ample or Mtenelfe of any thing. Tipocofmia, a type, a figure, a form, or (ample of the iVorld. Tipografia, the art of Priming of booifS. i Tipògrafo, a Printer of boo\e. Tipùlla,« water-(pider with fix feet, it runs on the water and fin\s not. * Tira, a pulling or drawing in length, by Met. an obflinate altercation. * Tira carne, a. provocative to lu fi. Tira cotréggie, a loud farter. * Tira-óro, a Gold-wirc-drawcr. ''Tira-pància, a fir etch-gut, a gulch-be Vie, a fill-panch. 4 Tira-pélo, a ha’r-pluc\tr . Tira-piede, a Shoo (makers ftirrup. Tiracóllo, Tiradóri,^ balfer or drawer, as Barge-men hale (heir b.t ges with, al¬ fo the traces that belong to Plough or Cart-horfes. Tiralónga,fb< name of a play that children 1 uje in Italy. Tiraménto, Tirarne, all manner of throw¬ ings, bur lings, caflings, fi agings or fhoutings fom one, alfo any drawing or pulling unto one , loo ^ Tiràre and Ti¬ ro. Tiranneggiare , Tirannizzàre , Tiran- nàre, to tyrannise, to prafticc tyran¬ nic. Tirannéllo, a little tyrant, fomewhat ty¬ rannous. Tirannefcaménte, Tirannicamente, tyri- noufiy, tyrannically. 4 Tirarincfco, Tirànnico,Tirannófo, ty- ranous, cruel, tyrannical. Tirannia,Tirannide, Tirannézza, ty¬ rannic, violent rule for private commo¬ dity, and not for the public% weale. I Tirannicida, a tyrant murderer. Tirannicidio, murder of tyrants. Tirànno, was anciently ufed and ta\en in good part for anabjolute King, but it is now commonly ta\en for a tyrant, that i t a cruel Prince or Lord , a robber or mur- therer of his [ubjefls, and of their goods , alfo an Eagle caked a Nine -munher- er. * Tirànno Eliiìo , a fintarne of Plu¬ to. Tiràncc, drawing, pulling, baling, alfo throwing, hurling or cafkngfloolt Tirare alfo breeches or fi >ps in the cut-purfe jar¬ gon, or among canting rogues. 4 Tiràre, Trarre, Ti'àhcrc, Tràggerc, to cafi, to throw, to hurl, to fling, t o pitch, to dart , to fhout, or to fling away f ) om ones felf, alfo to dr aw, to pud, to pluc to bale, to tug, to tug, to drag, to t owe,to trail,or attrai unto, or towards ones felf, alfo to withdraw or retire bac\, to pucker or (brinkin, to fir etch in or out, alfo to protra ft,to prolungato dilate , to extend, to drive off, to wire-draw in length, alfo to draw, to allure, or per- fwadc unto, alfo to draw, tolirnne, to de¬ lineate, or lo pourtray, alfo to ta{e from, to extraft, or to except out, alfo to toyar\, or win%e with ones heels as a horfc doth, note well the following pbra ■ fes. ’Tirare, J T I R T I E. T I R Tirare or Trarre, among Merchants (igni - fieth , to ta\c up many in one place, and by Bills of exchange to put it over , and caufe it to be paid in ano¬ ther. Tirare a bòtta di fico, to Jhoot ahvaies in one place or at one marl Tirare acqua, to draw vaatcr, to leak or let in water, by Met. to pive, to get for¬ ward. r Tirare a fine, to draw to an end. Tirare alla mano, faid of a borje to prcfje upon the hand. Tirare alla ftracca, to [hoot at the uttermojl random. 4 Tirare a pòchi, to Jhoot at few , by Met. to be contentedwith fmallgain. 4 Tirare a terra un lavóro) for one to en¬ deavour to bring a wark to an end. Tirare buon punto, to throw a good caft at dice, alfo to pud a good card. Tirare càlcico k ic k> to yar\, or win^c with ones heels, as horfes do. Tirare cofticro, to fhoot wide or fidc- lin. Tirare da cànt 0 , 0 / Da parcels draw afide or apart. Tirare d’ arco, to [hoot m a bow. Tirare d’ arme, to fence , to play or fight with weapons. Tirare d’atteglieria , to [hojt great ord¬ nances. Tirare de’ fianchi , a horfe to firing at his own belly. Tirare déntro , d Ila punteria , Tirare dentro il vivo, to Jhoot without the diSfart, look Vivo. Tirare di bócca, to draw or vare fi from ones mouth , alfo to bear too hard upon the bit, as bead-pong horfes do. Tirare di cavalli, ovéroMuli, the draw¬ ing of horfes or Mules. Tirare dicciótto, to throw eighteen , by Met. not to exceed or go beyond law or right. Tirare diecinóve, to throw nineteen, by Met. for one to go beyond his cowmiffi- on. Tirare di gòrgia, to wrattic in the throat as 0 'ic fings. Tirare di mira, to [hoot level. Tirare d’ inganno, as Difingannare. Tiràrc di prattica,<# much to fay, as to be over-prefumptuous, it is faid of fitch as not \nowing a thing perfectly, will yet [ecm to Speak of it boldly. Tirare di punteria, that is, when the [hot is made by the concavity of the piece, which is to fboot by the di [part, and the difpart is, when a piece of wax, or peli & fet upon the mouth of the picce in an even line with the comf1) of the breech. ' Tirare dritto , to jhoot right or point- blank- Tirare d' un pezzo, to fhoot with , or in a piece, alfo to range a piece. Tirare farina, to draw bivi k , alfo to cajl blank °i‘ nothing at dice. Tirare fiato, to draw breath. 4 Tirare fuóra la fpàda , to pull or draw out ones fword . Tirare fuóra del vivo, Tirare fuòri di punte'ia, to [hoot at random or without, and beyond the difpart ( as our Gunners term it ) which is , to map a (hot upon one degree of the quadrant, which doing, the piece mufl be raifed a- btv ’ point-blank. Tira re giòia per giòia ,to fjoot level , tapn by the upper part of the two corni [he s of of the breech and mouth of the piece 3 witb~ out help of departing. * Tirare gli uffici:, to draw, or cajl lots for offices or places. * Tiiare guai, to complain. 4 Tirare il còllo , to pull or wring off the neck °f an y thing. 4 Tirare il pane con la balèftra, to pew ones felf horrible and terrible. 4 Tirare il vento } the wind ito blow hard. Tirare inànzi, to draw, to pull, to cajl, to throw or (hoot forward. Tirare indicelo, to draw back- Tirare, to tranptc or put into a vulgar lan- guage. Tirare la barca, to hale orhalfc a Ship or biute Tirare la barra, to pitch the bar. 4 Tirare la bufehetta, to draw cuts. Ti rare la giòia, to fhoot by the upper fitper- ficics of the cornifh of the pieces mouth, which the Italians call Point-blank, and that I cake to be when we [hoot with the difpart of both cornifhes, that is of mouth and breech. 4 Tirare 1* aiuòlo, to go about to entice, to enfiare, or to entrap one . Tirare T ancia na, to hale, or halfe a barge or boat with cords. Tirare la pa ga ,to rcceivepay as fouldiersdo. Tirare la fòrte, to cajt or draw lots. 4 Tirare la vòglia , to have ones longing. Tirare la calde, to pull off ones ho fin, by Met. to tirp up ones heels, or give up the ghofl. * Tirare le campane, to ring the bells. Tirare le lagrime , to have power to make one to [bed tears. Tlrdre le pólle, to draw flakes, by Met. to be on the winning fide. 4 Tirare paefe, to run countries , among hunters,for a Deer or hare to get ground , to run far, to Jland long, or to [hift away and (cape the dogs. 4 Tirare per dado, to cajl the dice for, to cajl lotsifor, or to rifle a thing with cajl • ing the dice. Tirare per i crini, to pull or tug by the hairs. Tirare per il ràfó dell’ anima» Tirare per 1’ànima del pezzo, io fhoot by a jujl level , that as, when the piece both at mouth and breech is laid upon a right line. Tirare per il nàfo , to pull by the nofe, by ! Met. to make affo l of one. Tirare per il ràfo dd metalli, to (hoot by the extreams of the two cornifhes of the mouth and breech, which our Gunners improperly call point-blank. Tirare per il ràfo de metalli in giiì,to [hoot under metal. Tirare per il ràfo de’ metalli in sii, to jhoot above met tal or at random. Tirare per linea rètta, to fhoot point-blanks or in a diced Ime. Tit are punto in bianco , to fhoot point- blanks that is , when a (hot is made by the fight or level of both cornifhes of the piece, [hooting ( as Gunners tenne it ) neither above nor under metal, that is, upon no degree. 4 Tirare sàngue, to draw or let blood. * Tirare fallì, 'to fling, to burl, to cajl, or throw fonts. 4 Tirare vento , the wind to blow bard. Tirare una coréggia or un petto, to let or gird out a loud fart. Tirarla, to wire-draw a matter , to f.rive for the maftery, to prolong or delay the time. i _T * I I itàta/, a drawing, a pulling, a plucking, a } tugging, a baling, a lugging, a dragging, j a draught, an at era fling, afiretching un- j to, or towards one flf, alfo a flinging, a darting, a cajling, a hurling, a throwing, j a pitching, a Jhooting, or a flinging from j one, alfo a puckring or fhrinlfing-in, alfoi a ft : etching out, alio a. retiring or with¬ drawing, a contracting, alfo as Tiro, look Tiràrc. Tiràta-d’arco, abow-JIjoot. 4 Tiràta-di pc fee, a draught offijh. Tirata-di fàfl'o, a [tones cajl. 4 Tilacino, tirai hath the quality to Tirare, as Tiràntc. 4 Tirato, the part : of Tiràrc, look Tiri- re. 4 Tirato nom. a wire-drawing fellow, a Sparing wretch, a clofepinch-penny. Tiratóio, any drawer, till, or drawing- box, any that may be drawn or pulled out. Tiratóre, Tiràro, a puller, a haler, alfo a {tinger, a cajter, a hurler, or a [hooter, lookThatcilook Tiro, alfo as Carròc¬ cio. * Tirilirànte, ] as f or ex ample,a merry pranks a nimble feat, an odd-part , a Jl e-trick, n cunning (light, a witty fhift, a fine k nac ks a rare conceit, a fubtle drift,a fair reach,a cunning ayme, a trick at Cardes , a cajl at dice and many fuel) others. Alfo a beginner, a novice or a learner, alfo he that firji entretb into ex¬ perience orpradife of any feat, art or Sci¬ ence, alfo the name of a mofi venemous kind of viper, fnak? , or adder, whereof | the beft Triade or Antidote for poi fon is- made, andthercof t.tketb the name of Ti- \ riacle, fome fay that Tiro,** likswife a ] kind of black be a ft, that Jlcepeih all the j winter-long in bis den. Tiro, is often j ufed for Tirata, and Tirata, for Ti¬ ro. 1 .'.■I _ r *_* S __. T I Z TOG TOM T ito td'zCtròcra, * fljwt r.&de at ratdam. Tx/.òne, xuv fire-brand, but p/opolj a Tlodi bile flea, a Crtfjf-bfiiv ! quenched fi e-brand half burned. TfVoAi m'fuy,, st flutes cap, alfe * ttic\of Trzzoniera, a fire-fork to flirt be fi e, or de mam 1 fire brands, alfa a hupe woman that flir- rhociniu, umlfififi/'n fi f l b of tj/iotv- ieib up quarrels among her neighbours (fr Lidie, experience&n, iicl( [fh, full of tickings, T.t macr'io, Mi:fl thfl'c, Sea l [luce, & ^ iv.mfij -m:;t?.nr as fume fay, Spu.ge-bearb. I voluntarily before any fet leffion. Tirinolo, as Tirima^lio. i Toccito d’ó o, ^ Tócca d’òro. Ta ifpida, a bird called a :: ag-!ail. ..' romve from, alfo to fee firm. Togliere a fnto, to take to farm os-rent.' Togliere a nuólo, to birr as a flip or liorfic. Teg fiere il vantò, to deprive mother of vaunt cr gioir, alfo to rant or boafl of. Togliere in if.ambio, to ta\e in exchange alfo to miflake one for another. Tògliere l’aflùnto, io tate the eturre or burlimi upon bimfelf, to ofjime. Tògliere via ,tola\c'may or from, to dc. prive of, to remove away, Tóona, a fi[hi«l-nd, an anglinr-rod, alfo i put, a flurt, o dritti.-drappi. Tó!a, any \ind of flit boerd, table tre plani, al ft a broad flat flt, Ie , any thin plate. Tòlda, Ibefiibts about afliip.fome tale it it fir the upper deck. Téle, little thin boards, alfo as Tolle. Tolióne, an engine to draw up water, as Bremers and Dyers life with a great mr.btat the end, it it called a (rveep.. Tolerabilc, lolftrablejhat maybe tu fend, endured or born. y Tolerabilitd, tolerabUncffic, To'erando, as Tolerabilc. T oler • nza, toleration, fuff trance, enduring, patience, alfo perni ffion. Toler ire, to tolerate, to fiiffcr, to endure , tobcarwi'b, alfo to permit , alfo to nourifh or maintain bimfelf. To’eratióne, as Tolcranza. Tolgi D o, God forbid. Tó\)a,tbin plate of Staffe or L.itten,as Tóla. Tolle, certain glandulet, kernels or fwellings ■m the, jawes, alfo as Tólla. Tol lenóne, as Tolleone. Tolleóne, as Toleóne. Tóllere , as Tògliere. Tollera, ehtftfrarcemc, pilfering, filching, purloynmg , alfo any booty. Tollero, as Tollfte. Tòlto, taken 3 received, accepted, alfo taken from or away , looìf Tògliere. Tòlto (ufo, taken up. Tolutiloqucnz. 1 , i iflnd of [wife or halli [peaking i fiT'wrmafit V ‘“ k ' t “fi, 'Ut", puma finca or trJs of Toc-'r, n tnurhin r r bcafls,alfinhat meat which vtt uU oli-fi Tococ. 1 , a touching, a feeling. > o, mailed veal ; Torcia dunmullco,.! prulttdtam that (Ton-dla, the rattiof a frooc, alfo a tael, or ctvnmg muffitane „f, ,, pUy, as „ „ m clmi „ g lcltb[r J m fi jke ffe */ | leather. rt ! Tornano , a coin in Perfia worth abttit d ocohetti, a tfiad of meat [Hced,jhrcd,or cut twenty c-own, toc,„,r.c,to fi.aamc, taj ^ »/ ‘idle Tomka; « Tomaia. m. .g u in Italy. Tornare, to tumble.to rumble, to ro-tl or Tocco, w,thac/a/io, a touch, a feeling, f HI down groveling ’ al ft a veny at fence a bit, a flro^c or ■ Tomasdlla, «Toraac'lla. \ oc\, afra fiyolye of abeti rrr clo c \, alfo : Tómba ,a tombe, agrave, a flepulchrc a a M monumento, UofidfiiplT ’ chi de splay ufed m Italic, al jo touched or j lay in a grave * f r ° kn ’ a>f ° beLmi ' d 0r ‘ T '> mb °'= r c, « Tornare, to tumble. J alien toon s lot. i Tombola, a tumbling tricl. Tocco, mth an open,, any piece, ferap. Tómbolo, a tumbling trick,lift a martin luncheon, c,b. allot,, mrmmort. „„ „ ! Of corn.bout abufrel,fours. f .colate, tout I ivek^vam:, alcntitultr. | T • at i nc< ern entitling, a tit u!at inn. j Ti f' 1 - o, 'n't d, eniUuì d.fi named, nick- m:d y aifiman of /ir ci or dignities. Tiro'o a tufi,;, pick o' point ufed in xo ”t"'gs alfo a tit'c, as a fi nirne, a nw of dign'vy, ilfa a title or inferi p'ion of any a(l cr work. J it ubante , w:,vcnnr y fingering , alfo j jlum';lwg,tripping,nr ? e:Ting,alfofa'tnng, ft. tiering or flimmerw, a fumbling, a ! rrrping, a fat ring or (lamnrring. Titubare, to waver t to figger t a!foto (tumble or trip, aljo to falter, )o flat or *(l wvnrr. Ti'ubatiónc, as Tituba..za. Titulare ,as Titolare. Titular iòne, as Titolariòne. Titulo- as Tito'o. j Tivertino, a. kind of building marble. | Tize'b fito, at So bòtto. , Tlzzarc, to Ilia up the fire, or five-brands , I al/ò to i rifate, topfge oa, or provoke. r 7.7 0, 1 (t e-brrn l. 1 Titzonate, .-tf Tizzare. ' luncheon, cob, collop, mammock, cut or ! (hive, namely of bread and cheefie. Tòcco di campana, <7 k nn ck, o flro\e, a knell, a peal or toni upon a bell. To ulare, to touch or feel. Tòdo, a m us kin or titmoufe. T' fo,7 k'nd offoft,fandy,or mould, in? flon • ToféToy fiandy, mouldring. Toga, a gown f a robe or long garment which the Romans ufe to wear in times of peace. Toga le verte, a robe-like garment. Togiro, p owned, that wcartth a gown, Diga vi ile, look Virile, róglicre, tòlgo, tó 1 fi, tòlto, f» take, to i.cave, to accctpt, alfo to take away, to Toménto, flocks to fill Mat ar affé s. Tómjci denti, the fore-teeth. Tornino, a kind of cbeefir. Tòmo, a downfall, a tumbling, a rumbling, arowling or falling down. Tòmo, a tome or volume of a book, wfwe divers works of one Author be divided into Rundry parts. Tomo «re, as Tornare, to tumble down. Tómolo, as Tómbolo, alfo as Tò mo Tomothurrna, the Swcrd-fijh, or Empe- r our of the Sea. Tonaca, TON TO P Tónaca,Tònica, Tunicary coat or jacket, namely a co at-armour, or (leevslejje coat, alfo a womans peticoat, tyirlle , or upper [ave guard) any cover , pill, rinde, or upper styn, alfo a coat that coverei b the eye, whereof be four forts,'he fir [l is called Cornea, which is white, and refemb- leth horn, the fecond is Uvea, which is lity a grape kernel, the third is Vitrea, which reffcmblcth glafl'e, the fourth is Chriftallina, w/jic/j in dearnefje refem- bleth Chriflal, alfo a tynd of fair gillie- flours. * Tonacelo, Tonazzo, a ftHie gull, as we fay in Englifh , an Antonie-now-now. *Tonaménto> any thundring noife. Tonante, thundring , roaring, rumbling , fhrill ratling, far and loud re founding, ufed by fame Poets for Jupiter, for Je¬ ll ova. Tonare, Toneggiàre, Tuonare, to thun¬ der, to rumble, to rattle, to clatter, to crackle, to roare, to maty « thundring noyfe, alfo to tunc an Inftrument or voice > to accent . Tonarióne, a (halm that hath a very Jftril and fwcct found. " Tonchiare, as Intonchiare. ''Tónchio , a worm or grub that breeds in pulfes, namely in pc a fon. Tónda, a round, as Ronda. " Tondaglie, as Tofaglie. "Tor.damcnto , Tondatura^ a roun¬ dim, Tondare, Tondcggiarc, to round, to maty or go round , to circle about. "Tondaréllo , Tondérto , pretty and round, roundijh, as Tondino. 4 Tóndere, tóndo, tondéi, or tófi, ton- duto, Oi'tófo, to pole, to notch, to Jhave or cue the hair of ones bead, to (hear fheep, to Jhave a fryer, to pare ones nails, to clip money, to crop corn, to lop trees, to reap barley, to mowe hay,to top flours, to fired bujhes, to plaflj hedges, to browse or nibble round about # as To fare. Tondézza, Tondità, mndneffe, rotun- ditie. Tondino, Tondétto ,fomewhat round, alfo any little round thing, namely a fruit- treneber, alfo a funnel, alfo a Clariffimo in V enice, fo called from wearing of a round cap. Tonditóre, Tonfóre, Tofatóre,a (hearer,a poller,anoUer,a Barber, look Tèn¬ dere. Tonditura, Tondatura, Tofatura, any [hearing, nolting, polling or fhaving, look Tèndere. Tóndo, fub. any round thing, circle or com¬ pare, a round trencher, plate or difh, by Mrt. around fyhear, a globe, or the whole univerfe, affoca mans bum or trill, hole, alfo around or wheeling blow, alfo a (hallow-brain or logger-head alfo a lump-ffh. Tóndo, ad/effi. round, rotund. Tóndo della luna , the full of the Moon. Tóndo del fòle, ufed for a mans trill or bum-hole. Tóndo di pélo, of a round hair , or bead, by Met, a gull, an Affé, a (hallow-brain. Tóndo fenza pélo, a hairleffe round, by Met. a young bum dr quaint. Tonduto,Tofo, (ho r n, notted, polled, cliptj the part, of T óndere. Toneggiàre, as Tonare. TonéJÌ o, any tunne, butt,pipe, or barrel , by Met. a lump-fiflj. Tènia, atmnis-fifh. Tònica, Tunica, as Tònaca. Tonicare, to gown, toengown. Tonicélla, the dim. 0 /Tònaca, namely a thin waflecoat. " Tònico, as Intónicó Tonicràle, belonging to thunder. Tonitrare, as Tonare. Tónitro, any thundring noife or clap. "Tonnara, Tonnéra, p/w where flfhers fl(h for, and taty, dreffe,paunch, fait,' and barrel up tunnies. Tónne , Tògline, taty fome of it. Tonnellata, a tunne weight , burthen or capacity. Tonnina , lumie fifh drejjed to be eaten. Tónno, a tunnie fifh tobole. Tòno, a tone, a tune , a found, an accent, a note, alfo thunder , or any loud founding and terrible noife, alfo the ffiace between the Earth and the Moon, fo called of Pithagoras. Tonolétto,tf barrelet or wooden cafe where¬ in Gunners tycp bullets or [mall Jhot. Tonsile, that may be (horn, notted, dipt or rounded, loo \£ Tèndere. Tonsille, lonfills, amigdals, or ffiungeous tyrnels in mens throats t or root of the tongue, proceeding of humours that fati from the head. Tonfóre, Tonfura, as Tonditóre. "Tontonare, as Tonare, alfo to maty a confufed noife,alfo to murmur and grum¬ ble. Tóollb, Tóos, a tynd of Serpent which is fometimes hairy , and fomeumes is not. Tòpo, a word among Dicers, as much to fay, 1 hold it, done, throw , or I . fee the By , alfo by good fellows, when they arejdrinty ing i’l pledge you. Topaia,Topàra, a motife hole. Top alo, Top aro, a. rat-catcher , alfo a meufe-trap. Tcparca, a Govcrnour of a Shire, Countrcy or Province under another. Toparchia, aTerritorie of a Shire, or Go¬ vernment of a Province. Topare, as Toppare. Topaiio,Topafo,Topazo,a yellow To- p afe ftone, which fhinetb clear in the darty Tópho, òio^Tóff o. Topiaria, the art or ' feat of rnatyng of Images, alfo a hour or arbour of green bougbes, trees or flours, alfo tame or gar¬ den Brantyurflne. Topiario , a garland or trail, or bour of branches or flours. Tòpica, a part of Logic\ noting the places of invention, the art of invention or finding out of arguments, alfo of, or per¬ taining to the places of arguments or in¬ vention, alfo Topitys, or booty that treat of places, of arguments, in, and touching Logici. Topiccllo, Topino , Topolino, Topo- rcllo, any little moufe or rat. Topinàra, a rats neft, a mouje ne(t, alfo a Mole-hill. Topinari, the fcratches in horfes pa- (terns. Tòpo, any tynd of rat or moufe, alfo a Sea tortoife . "Topo alato , a Night-bat , a Rcre- moufe. "Tòpo araneo, a tynd of moufe , rat or wee\le, whofe biting is very venomus,tbe bardie (hrew. "Tòpo d’acqua, a water-rat. "Tòpo Indico, Tòpo Pontlco, as Ermel¬ lino. t er r I Tòpo marino, a Sea-ytortoiffc, affo a. whalc- guide. "Tòpo Nói ico, of fome called Citèllo, a tynd of moufe that hath no ears, and as the Moleliveth under the ground. Topo ragno, as Tòpo araneo, alfo a Night-bat. *Tópo Pannónìco, a tynd of rat or wec\le of agreenifh co'our. Topografia, adefeription of places. Topògrafo, a deferiber of a place. "Tòppa, a [firing or ward of a loety affo a latch or wooden lock of a door, namely in a poor Countrey honfe, affo a dripping- pan, alfo a patch pieced upon an old garment, aljo a tac\ cobled upon an old fhooe, ufed affo for Tópa. "Toppàre, to put to a door,and maty itfajt with a bafy, a latch, or a wooden loety affo to patch, to cobble, to botch, to clout, or to piece, affo to counter-fhock, or give a counter-buff, affo to light upon, cr fum¬ ble upon by chance , affo to taty, to fnatch, or pull away from, affo to fet, to throw at, to play , or to hold the By, or Vic at any game, namely at dice. Tòppo, a counter-jhocl^ , a counter-buff. Toiuce,thebul{ or breaflof a man, affo the middle ffiacc between the nec \f ajid the tbighes, affo a plactyt, a flomacher, or breafl-plate for the body. Toraghe, the eye-holes, or the hollow of any bodies eyes. Toragóntia, as Taragòne. Torbidarc, Torbidirc, disco, dico, to trouble or maty water thick anel mud- die. Torbidézza ,troublin'fie,or thictyttfje^amc- of water. Tórbido, troubled, thic\, muddie , not clear , dustyie, affo turbulent, or tempe- ftuous. * Torbiglióne, as Turbigliene. Torb inàie, T órbine, as Turbine. Tórbo, as Tórbido, Turbine. Torbolare, as Turbo lare. *Torbolato, troubled,difturbed. Torbolcnza, as Turbolente. Torbolénza ,as Turbolenza. Torcalétto, a Turners turning tool. Torcéllo,rt wreath or wifp, fitch as women ufe to fet upon their beads to carde things upon. Tòrcere, tòrco, torcéi, torciuto, or tòrco, to wreath, to bend, to bow, to wrtfi, to maty crootyd, to retort, affo to iwijt, to wrap, to twinde in,'o whirl about i alfo to wring or fquee%e out , affo to criSfi or curl, affo to torture or torment. . Tòrcere il grifo, il mufo, il vifo, to wry the mouth, to blurt at in ffcorn or moc- tyry. "Tòrcere le feritture, to wrefl the fenfe of any writing. Torcévole, meflable , plyable , benda¬ ble. Torchia, Tòrcia, Torciétta, a torch ora link, alfo a meafure of liquid things. " Torchiare, Torchiara, Torcièra, a flock or flool , or Slander, with a hole in it, to put in, or [et up a torch, as are ufed in Princes guard , or great chambers on nights. Torchiare, Torchiell are, Torco! arc, to preffe in a winding-prefle,as they do grapes or crabs. Torchiéllo, Torchiétto, a little torch or taper, affo a little winding-prefje. Torchiéfe, Torcia ro, Torciere, à Torch - matyr, a Torcb.bca.rer. Torchino, as Turchino. Tòrchio, a Torch, as Tórcolo. Tòrcia’ -—-^ T ÒR T O R T O R Tòrcia, ns Torchia, i TorciHile, m Torccvolc. 'i Tòrci còllo, H'.ci-na], or wry-neck &*«*» | by Met. cl prdtng , or falfe hearted, hyp- ! city or Saint-fecmingChriJtian, alfa a I crick in ones neck gotten by cold. Torci-fécci, a Grape or Crab-pceffe. Torci-feccióle, dr eggs of prefled grapes. Torcigliare, as Attoi cigliare. Torcimanno, Torcimano, a trouch-man , a Sookes-marty an Interpreter,but ft totally t/f'd in Turky, uf-d alfa for a good coni. Tornate, acàfi, Tornare a Camino, to come or return home or to the purpofe again. * Tornare ad honóre, to redound to ones honour, credit, or reputation . * Tornare alle m'adélimc, to com: to ones wont or cuftome again. Tornare a ménte, to bring to mind or call to remembrance again. * Tornare bène, to come to fit, or be cerne i well and feemly , to fall out luckily or hap- ’ pily ‘ , * Tornare a profitto 3 ad utile,a Cummodo, toredound to ones good or profit. panion, a merry Lad.. Tornare a propófito,f 0 befit or cvmctotbc Torcine, a tapcr-hg.it, alfo a Utile winding , ^ prefje for tetters or napkins. j ^Tornare huqmo, for one to return to his * Torcitoi©, the wre/lmg pm,bdir or “\ fences and become man again. dcr of a preffe or infirmane, al fo the bed- * Tornàrc in acc ó n cio,r <7 fall out fitly to ones purpofe and leifure. Tornare in gloria, to redound to ones glo¬ ry and commendation d r,ir und-r-flotr of t preffe or o,l-mtll. To'citófe, a wrefier, look Torcere. .Torcitura, Torcimento) any wreflmg. ÌToiciùto ,wnptd,bindld, trot\ti. * Tornirein fé, for out to com to bimftlf. Tòrco, Tércolo , Torcalo, on v \mi of n wj;j . wi.iJmf Prijje , a mne-prr/fe , an T orn»-rófto, a linn-limb,n a jac^ to Inn oyl prcjjt, 0 Printers prelie, alfo the fhc . ! beam-runnel, by Met. a chain or wreath. - jr --‘ * Totcóllo, cu Tòrci collo. Torna-fóle, the fewer T time foil, by Met. any bright changeable taffeta. Tornafón z,a purple-clout pb at Cook safe to colour their g elides and other nteates with. Toidaia , a place to keep thrufh s in, or where they breed , . .. I * Tordella, Tordela, a bird bigger than a * -j- 0 rnaca, Tornamcnto, a return, a rever- : thrufh bij ! not fo good meat. ting, a coining again, al fo a return of a * Tordigla o ,(poited, (peckled, frCC^cd, j term, or time prefixed to meet again. ! fleo-Wten. Tornitile, tumble, tbnt turntib, or mo, Tordiglione,Tordilionc,10£/‘’ea of befell ; ^ c turnec l. ! of Candì \, alo a certain Spanifh dance. j Tomato, turned, made round , alfa returned Tórdo* Tordi iv Ilo, a thrufh , a rbrtiffcl , nr cme ^ ome a g a i n ^ a m vc s, an Ow fri, a fieldfare, a black- : » Tornitura, a turning, a returning. It is bird, alfo fffllike* Tench, _ of a ruffe t j ufcd in Bo lógna,/br Scaióro. pitudinc, alfo as Strain; ho. Torpéntc, Torpido, heavy, dullfiay, Inna¬ ffio, clumpy, bmummed . 1 «rpere. Tarpare, Torpidire, Torpire, Corporale, to benum, to make, orbe- come heavy, dull, fiuggifh, drouìy, chm- y,fencelefs or afionijbed, alfo to tavnifi or | lofe the lively brightntjje and naturali colour. , Torpitudine, Torpóre, a debilitation, a j dicline fs, a nume'js, or fluggifbnefjc of the ; mind,of the limbes,of moving and of feel, i ing, an unaptnefs to do any thing, j Torquato, that weareth or hath a chain \ about his neck , alfo a Curine. Torquélla, a hickway, a. wryneck 9 alfo as Torcicòllo. Torqu'to, an Aflronomicallinfirumtnt. Torquillo, as Torcicòllo, Tori accia, Torrazzo, as Torrióne, alfo any old or ruinous Tower. * Torraiuólo, breeding or living in Towers. * Torrarc, to parch or fcorcb with heat. * Torrate mandorle, parched almonds. Tórre, any kind of Tower or turret. Tórre, look Togliere. Tórre a cambio, to tal^e up at or by exchange. * Tórre a crédito, a credenza, to take up on credit or truft. Tórre ad im predino, inpreflanza, to bor¬ row. Tórre ad interefl'e , to take up at jntereft. .Tórre ad ufiira, to take at ufury. 4 Tórre a fitto, a pigióne, to hire for rent , to farm to rent. [Tórre a móndo, to take from out the JTorld. ' Torre a nuólo, to hire a borfe or a fhip. ’ i • » ; v ■ , j ,, uieu m tsoiogna, ror ocaioro. , 1 ‘ *•* ■ • "'“ r lp‘ ,s •>» « Mr, «w : Torne.ménto, Tornèo, Totnijménto, « * r“®« 1 “T’f"# 10 h, " L a Sc.i thrufh, by Met. a filly gull, a plain men nngf Ho x',becaufe a Thrufh is ea- (ie to betaken. Tosatóre, a bull-baiter or hunter. Torcilo , a young runt t bullock, (teer, or rea hng , alfo a. Vaineri inflrument to fearch and clean fe horfes fores. Torent'ce, the art of emboffing. Toribolo, a Cenfor pan to burn Licence in. Torino, Torino, bullijh, rammifh. T ori o, A top,a gig, a nun, a twirl or whir - bgtgjb.it children tilay with, alCo a (pin¬ ners whern to put upon a light jpmdle,alfo a twirl or round trick in dancing. Tórlo d 5 un uòvo, the yolk of an egg. Torloru, as Turlurù. Tórma, Tormóva, /«Tórma- T ormentare, to tormtni, to torture. \ Toimeritatóre, a tormenter. Totmtntévóle, torm°ntable. Tormenti! la, tormenti !, Septfoil, orfeaven- leived-graffe. Tormentina, as Trementina. Torménto, tor men: ^torture, affliftion, (mar¬ ring pain , alfo a wringing or griping in thè bell) , affo any rack or engine to tor - 1 meat wrhaU t alfo a certainbatteringen- g ine of war. •To.mentófo, full of torment, grievous. i Tormina, wringing, a gnawing, or fret- 1 ingiù 'heguts. Torminalc. that doth or may caufe a wringing in the guts. Tormtnófo, full of torment or wringing in t he guts. Tomaio, Tornano, Tornadóre, a turner, al fo a kind of bird. : Toma-letto, fuch ornaments as are ufed in 1 T raly round about the lower-part of bed- i (lede, alfo the valences of a bed. ' Tornare, to turn, to ret urn } to revert, to \ rome-again. • * Tor.i.Te a bómba. Tornare a fógno, lo come or return to ones wont or byafs again. tmmmcni, a urnty. , ™ rc Wnd°, ™ '4* bmjbmm. Tornc.ire,tii imj, to jajl.to lilt, nifi as I, I 6 ,™ Tornc c Eiarc. Torre cavallo, a vettura, to hire a horfe. Torneatóre, Torniatói t, a toitrneyer , a til- I, Uife at U , very - .. .. , ter, * jOufter ì allo as Torniérc. I -^ orre Corniar °, c o n g e . zzo, to take m the middle alfo as Turners do. alfo tofrub , topoljlh } or to remove ottrof the way. gla%e. as Cullers dò their blades and Torre di mira, to take or kit level!, knives upon a whet le. * di patto, to take upon condition. * Tornèllo, Tórnio, Tomolo, aimers, * Torre d. vita lavica, to take away a a cutlers, a Frubbers , ora Spinners mans life, to make away one. wheele, ufed alfo for the burden of a * Torre fede ad uno, to take away a mans Song that is often repeated, alfo a Rounde- „ tr , u ft‘ lay * Torntfe, an o'd French coyn worth the tbnd part of a French Crown. * Tórni, our Gunners call him Kovels, alfo turns , or ret urnes , namely of a hare, alfo sfyds, fieds, or trucks,look Tórno. * Torniére, Torniàro, Tornidóre, Tor- niacóre, Tornatóre, a Turner , a wheeler. * Tórno, Tórni, a turn, a twirl, a turning , a winding, or a compare about or round, alfo as Tornello, alfo a gafjletobend a CrofJ'e-boxv withy alfo along round beam, whereon Dyers wind their clothes out of their vattes and pans, alfo a place where horfes arc taught totreadthe round. Tórno, ufed for Atomo, about. Tòro, a Bull, alfo a great Oac, alfo a bird that loweth as a Bull. * Toróni, a k}nd of great com feti. Toroficà, flrenghtjpith, orgrojfenefjc in the brawnes of ones armes or legs. Torof®, tough, pithy, flrongly made, well flffitt and brawny in the armes and legs, alfo baying many knnts or nodes in the ftalkes as fome reedcs have. * Torpedine, Torpedo, Torpilla, as Tor- * Tórre il capo altrui, to weary one with idle difeourfes. * Tórre il vanto, for one to dare to under¬ take any thing. * Tórre in cómpra,/o buy or to purchafe. * Tórre fin al cielo , 10 extol to the heavens. * Tórre in fcambio, to takc'inexchange, to miftake one for another. * Tórre in fonrma to take ony work- in groffe or by the great. * Tórre l’afiunto, for a man tota\ethe charge upon him Tórre la flrada to cr offe or way-lay a mart, > to hinder him of his courfe. * Tórre la vòlta, to ta\e away ones turn, to J get the fiart of one. Tórre móglie to take a wife. * Tórre patti tone :i - ’ a * To:rc pegni, to take p.-wncs. * Tórre per moglie, totaki !n wife * Tórre fopra di fc to undertake upon bint- felf. * Tórre fufo, to take up. * Tórre via, 'o take awayfo remove. * Tórre un bafeio/o take a ktffe. * Tórre uno acav allo, to take up one a p(\ TOR T O S TRA a. picfats they di child en in fcboles to be wbipt. * Tórre uno di fè medcfimo, to tci\e one out of bis wilts. Tórre uno di terra, totale or remove one out of his life. Torreggia nte, towing , bigb-foaring. Torrco- idre, to towre or foarc up high. * Torrence, fub. a torrent, a. imd-flood , a violent (Irem that fweepes all away. Torrente, adjec. furious, rapid, violent, furious, andbeiflrousycu waters occafmcd by tempers rumbling-down from rock* and mountnines . Tombolo, a cenforor inccnfe-pan, alfa the name of a. flans. TorricélIa,Torricciuólaj any turret. * Torrida, torrid, burning,loo\ Zona. Torridit à, drineff:,fco rchednefle. * Tòrrido, dry, burnt, parched, fcorchcd. 4 Torricre, a tower-keeper, a tower-dwel¬ ler. Torrifràga, t break-tower,the ancient name of great ordnance. * Torrigiano, Tornano» a ring dove, a Me If dove, a quoift, a fticp’e p'gion. Torrióne, any great tower or fti o *g k ec P in the middr ft of a enfile. Tor rofo, full of towers, towry. Torfare, 'o cutoff'bo:b legs and arme*. Tór-fula in Hew of Se la tórre , to ta\e it to Inmfclf by Met. to fw.ii.ow a gud¬ geon. 4 Tor fello, among coyncrs it is a florifOr 1 round ftamp, on which many if (lamped, among w men it is a little pillow or boul¬ der to lay under their neck*or arm-pitts to 1‘je more at cafe, among tailors or dra¬ pers it is anyfhred orfcantlin of cloth or other (luff \epl for a pattern, alfo a nee¬ dle-cafe or pin-pillow , alfo a leaden bullet, alfo a certain muflcctll instrument ufed in Churchos , I have alfo read it for Torèllo, alfo the dim. of Tór¬ lo.* Tórfi xf let, for a manto ta\c upon him to do any th ; ng. Tórli di villa, for a man to hide himr felf. Torfióne , extorflon , alfo a Por puis fijh- , 4 Torfióne, di v-.ntre,<« Tormina. Tórlo, Tèrzo, a body n runlf without armes or legs, any (oc If or [tump, the flem or root-flock of any hearb, namely of c ibidgrs, alfo the (nepers or buds of Colew oris. Tortone, 'the ftp. of Tóifo, alfo a hawfles pearch, alfo a bunting-pole, alfo the ham: of fonti part of a h.rrfe. 4 Torf.ito, To.-z.uto, full of young tops, or tcndrcls,as Coleworts be. Tórta, any kind of tart. Torta-macca, a hafly tart, or countrey tart fried in a panne , alfo a hafly pud¬ ding. 4 Tortam ’nte, Tortevolménte, croo\ed'y, wrongly. Torta no, a wb'tr-pnt, apudding-py. Tortarélla, any little tartlet, alfo as Torco- rolla. Torturo, a tart-maker or feller. Torteggure, to tart it, to love ór feed on tartts. " Tortélla, the bank-crc(fes. To L<'g li,Torte-Ili, any tartlets, wreathed c.ilfts or gimbolls, among H.raulds they be TortcauxeSyfir waflclls. Tortézza, Totfttudine., crookedncffc. Torcièra , a tart-pan , a pudding- pan. Torcigliare, to wreath, to twine, to twifl or crook ma ty waies , by Met. to curi or eri fp, or to entangle in hooks, alfo to wry wrench. Tortiglióne , a winding wreath, a cur¬ led lock,any thing twifled one within ano¬ ther. Tortigliófo, crooked, awrie,full of crank- lings or windings. Torcile, that may be bent, bowed or crank- led. Tortilóquio , winding talk , fai ft Speech. Torrióne, as Torfióne. Tortivo/baf is or may be fqiieefed or prefled out, alfo the wing that runneth lafl out of the prefte. 4 Tòrto, Torciuto, wrefled, bent, made crooked. * Tòrto, fub. a wrong, a tort, an in fi¬ ne. Tórtora, Tortola, a turtle dov Tortorato, dove-colour. Tortore, a torturer, a tormentor , a rac\cr, an executioner, a hang-man, alfo a bafe Serjeant or catcbpole , fuch as v? lit upon the Sheriffs of London, and affisi at the execution of men. Tortorélla, Torcolétti, Tortolina,Torto- 1 Tolto che, fo foon as that. 1 hair on his face ycr. 4 Tófo, nottcd,fl ]0 nc, clipp:d. Tofol.'.re, as Tofare. 4 Tofóne,totting, a (hearing. Tofcantf o, Tufcan-Uke• Tofcancfimo, Tofcanitd, a Tufcanifm, or 1 propriety of a Tufcan. Tqfr are, asT oflicare. TÓCco, as Tóflico, alfo a Tufcan or fioren¬ tine. . ( Tofcófo, as Toflicófo. Ti-a-b i celie, fuch pavillmns or tents as are Tófma di bótte, flower wine or beer, or a- j removed fern place to place , and are fud- j Iit ant ufed for verjuice deniy ftt up, wc call thm Field tents, J Tofofla young boy , hd or ftripling, on A alfo Booths , Bullies, Bowes, Sheds,/ whofe hair is hardly cut, or who has nq ! Scaffolds , or (belters fuddenly raifed, X x x ufed ! TRA rnfcd alfo for the Sparvices or Valences a -1 bout a (landing bed. \ * Trabaldamcnto, a running, a fieaimg, or j a [barring up and down. I * Trabaldàre, to run and filch or fljark up j and down. j * Trabaldatóre, as Trafugatóre, a (harder up and down. Traballamelo, a reeling , a fta^gcring, a (having , a tottering or rendine [fe to fall. Traballare, toreel, to Regger > to Jha^c , and totter at a thing looje and ready to {al^ by Met. to fiammer , or to flut¬ ter. Trabalzare, to bound or rebound as a bally to s{ip or hop and leap over , alfo to barter, or true)? one thing for another ,al(o to rna\e fame fhift by hoo\ or crook , to run andfhift out of one Country into ano¬ ther, to tumble and tojfc in ones bcd } be¬ ing in a violent feaver, perpetually [(lift¬ ing and turning his pillow for cool- rff. Trabalzo , a hop, a bound, a skip , aj ump, an over- leap , a (hfting up and down . Trabàttere, to over-beat or bang. Trabactimcnto, an over or through bcat- ing. Trabattuto , over or throughly bea¬ ten. Trabea, a robe that Augureswere wont to xotar % as alfa K’ngs under their mantle of State. Tra beare, to bleffe in the highejt de¬ gree. Tra beato, mofl or throughly bleffed. Tra-bèllo, mo(t or throughly fair. Tra-bène, mofl or throughly well. Trabino,* tumbrel, a dung-cart. * Traboccaménto , an overturning , or headlong falling down or running o- vcr. Traboccante, Trabocchévole, ready to fall or tumble down , by Met. down¬ weight a fo a brimmer or cup top¬ full. , Trabocrante misura, a meafure fofull that it runs over. Traboccantemente, Traboccataménte , TrabocchevolméntCjfKWjfr'Mjj/y , falL- i*gly, in headlong manner or with preci¬ pitation. Traboccare, to trip, to [tumble, to fall or tumble down headlong, over and over , or grovelling on the ground, alfo to fhed with fury and exceffe, alfo for any liquor to run over. Traboccato, tripped , [tumbled, fallen, or tumbled down over and over, alfo weighed down , alfo furioufly head- long. Trabocchilo, Trabocco,Trabocchcllo, a down fall, a pit-fall, a trap , any de¬ vi fc to entrap, namely wild beafts, alfo a tripping or [tumbling , alfo a furious fhowringdown, alfo the pin upon which the ballancesyield and gne, alfo an en¬ gine of Wane called the Ram, loo{ Ari¬ ète. Trabócco di (ì 'le, the over-flowing of the gall, the yellow jr.undife. * Trabondinza, over-abundance. * Trabondàre, to over-abound. Traboccare, to put out of one veffclinto a- I no ther. : Trabucco, as Trabócco , alfo a Mortar- 1 P'kk- Tra-buóne »»**# 0r throughly good. Trabufcàrc, tofi ch , to ficai , to pur- ( loin. Tracagnótta donna,* wily,crafty,or plum- T R A TRA cheekt full fed woman. \ * Tra-dimenticato Tragagànte, Tracagànte, the name of an, ten. throughly fa per Ti adire, difeo, diro, to betray. * Tra-diritto, molt, or throughly right. * Tra-difpregiévole , mo fi contempli- heai b or plant. Tracagneria, as Tacagneria. Tra-carrino, bitwecn the way. Traca nardo, a racking nag , a pace-hack" ney., i Tradition ^Tradition, or Dofilint left from ira-cane e lupo, between haw\ and bu \-1 man to man, and rot written \ard,when a dog is not known from a \ * Traditivo, tr uditive, of tradition Woolf,by twyligbt. i Tradito, betrayed. Tracannare, to quaff, to drink, to tipple , to j Tradito, delivered. bou^c or fwallow down the throat Tracannatóre, a quaffer , a found tipler, a gulcher down the throat. Tra-càrne e pelle, between the flelh and the skin. Tra-caro, mo(t and throughly dear. Tracafsàre, as Fracafsàrc. * Tracòllo, us Frac a fib. Tràccia, a trace, a track, * footing , alfo the Jlote, the view , or footing of a Deer or any other be a fi. Tracciamento, a Machination, a contrive- mcn, plot, or confpiracie. Tracciare, to trace , to track , to hunt after, alfo by Met. for macchinare , to plot, or devife. Traccciatóre, a tracer, a tracker. Tra-chè,iv/;< 2 f with or between. Tra-chc bène, idem. Trachèa, the wind-pipe , or pipe of the lungs of any creature. Trachèlo, the chine of man , or beafi from the head to the hanch. Tràchi, a kind of balm trees. Tra-chiàro, mofi throughly clear, Trachilo, a wrrn bird. Trachinéa, a double red rofe. Trachinia, Tracia , a [tone that is kindled with water and quenched with oyl. Trachino, as Trabino. Tracidólce, bearb 6a Ungale. Tra-ciò, between that. * Tra codardo, very and mofi coward. Tracollàre, to fall or hang down ones head or neck through fleeping , at Tra¬ boccare. Tracòllo, Tracollamene®, a fin\mg or falling down when one fleepetb, alfo mine or defiruclion, alfo as Trabócco. Tra con, what between with. Tracoma, roughneffe in the eye-lids. ' Traconfort are, throughly to comfort. Traconvenévole, throughly convenient. Tracoràggine, as Tracotànza. Tracoràre, to pierce through the heart , alfo Trafichino, a as Tracotàre. ~ "" ’ * Tracordàre, throughly to agree. Tracórrcre, as Trascórrere. Tracórfa, as Trafcórfa. Tracórfo, as Trafcórfo. * Tracotanza,Tracotàggìnc, Tracutàn za, Tracurànza, Trafcuràggine, Tra feutànza, Tracutàggine, Trattamén¬ to, as Trafcuràggine. * Tracotàre, Tracutàre , as Trafo¬ rare. * Tracciato, Tracutàto, Tracuràto, as Traforato. Tra-crucciófo, throughly angry. Tra-crcdere, to be over-credulous,to over¬ ween. Tra-crcdulo, over-credulous. Tra-da, what with or between. Tra-dall*unoe doll* altro, what between the one and the other. Tridere, to deliver, to yield over, or com¬ mit in truffi. Tradizióne, Tradiménto , Traditoràggi- ne, treafon, treachery. * Tragidiófo, traitrous, treacherous. Traditóre, a traitor , a difloyal pò fon. Tradicório , traumi, , full of irta, fon. Tra-dólce, moli, throughly fwcet. Tra-dóppio, throughly double. Tra-dócte, at font times. Tradotto , traduced, tranfiated^ converted from me to Mollhr,trusteed, trinilo, fed. £ Tra-dótto, mofi throughly learned. Traduce, a branch or Vine brought f,om tt re to tree, or upon the branches of other trees, joy ned and entr ailed together. Tra-duo, between tiro. Tra- due volte, b-'tween twice. Tradurre, Tradii :cre, to traduce, to tronf¬ iate, to convert , or tranfpofe from one place or language to another , alfo to lead or convey over or through. Traduzióne, at Traducimcnto. Tradótto, as Tradótto. Traduttóre, a cr aducer, a translator. Traènte, as Trahénte. Tractta, a taile or border of a var¬ ment. 6 Trafelate, Trafellàre, to pant with wea- rineffe, to fwelter with heat, as when one can hardly draw his breath, alfo as Trapelare. Trafelone, one that faints through heat or wcarineffe. Traférfero, a cruelb'oody villain. * Tra-ferito, throughly wounded. Traféllà, Tra-feffura, a through-clcft. Traftare, Fàre broglio. Traffatóre, a canvacer for voices. Trafficre, Trafìére, a probe or fearching- needlc, alfo a filetto, or little pocket poy- nard. Trafic ntc, Trafficante,* tr affilar, a tra¬ der, a Merchant. Traficare, Trafficare, to traffic^ to trade, to bargain for gain. Trafichévolc, Trafficatile, traffic. ibi:, tra¬ dable. ■er, a petty trader. Tròfico, Tràffico, traffic^, trade. Trafi ère, Trafficre. Trajìggiménco , Trafiggitira, as Tra¬ fila, Trafiggere, Trafiggere, to transfix , to pierce through. Trafila, an iron tool full of holes, that wire- drawers ufe to draw wires through. Trafilar,Trafitta, Trafittura, atranf- fixing, a through-piercing , or thrufl that is through. J Trafilo, Trafitto, transfixed, through pier¬ ced. ° ‘ *Trafittivo, trans fixive , through pierce- ing. f * Trifòglio, as Trifoglio. Trafotcìóna, a gadding trull , a wandring whore. h Trafolene, cozening or canting t,ic{s. Traforare, to trill or bore through. Traforato, throughly bored or pierced. Traforello, as Truffaréllo. Traforerie, Truffarle. Tra fréddo, throughly cold. Trafugare/* put to fight thro l ighly,to fi'c, TRA ~to ficai , or fhifci/Jar.ough or between i alfa to run and gad up and down ly flealth hk e a fugitive. *Trahigatóre,® putter to flight,a [lie fle alee, a through ffiifcer. Trafuggire, to run avo ay, or through. Tiafugto, a running or feudding a- way. Trafugo, Trafuggicóre, a fugitive, a run- n agate, an outlawed per fon, a wanderer up and down, Trafugonci adv. chficly, by flealth, in hug¬ ger-mugger., ho r. Tiafuràre, to fie al through. * Trafufóla, a (mull s^eynof fll\. TrafufoTace gambe, [j>tndie-flying. Tragaganche , the dragagant gum- Traecdia, Tragénda, a tragedie or mourn- full play, being a lofty Ifindof Poetry re¬ presenting per font, of great fiate and dig¬ nity, with matters of much trouble, begin¬ ning prosperati (ly, arid ending unfortunately in blond and murthcr. * Tragcdiaggin c, tragicalneffic. Tragediante, Tragcdico, Trageui a, Tragcdo, a tragedian , a tragedy- writer. Tragelafo, Tragelàpho, a bearded ana jhag-baired ftag 9 li{eto a goat, called a flonc-bucki 0 r goat-hart, or deer-goat, it is conceived-between a buck-goat and a hind. Tragemace, « \ind of wild dates. "Tragemmati a (find of made difh com¬ pounded of beans, faffron, hnnty, cheefe, a id other things,called in Latin, Bellaria, alfa junkets or b inquc'ting-dijhcs. *Tra-gettare, to cafl over, through , or be¬ yond , alfo as T raghettàre. '‘Tra-gcttatóre, art over or through ca¬ ller. *Tra-gcttióne, a calling over or be - yond. Traggéa, all manner ofeomfets. Tràggere, ««Trarre. . Tragittare, Traghettarci feme, to paffe, <0 transport,to conveyer to (ail over any place or river, to feerie over from fame tojhore. Traghettiérc, Traghetterò, «■ ferne-man, a transporter over any River. Traghétto, Traghétto , Tragétto, any ferric, paffage, faard or gozel over from (hore tojhore. / Traghiottire, as Tranghiottire. Tràgico, tragical, difrnal, deadly. Tragicorhcdia, a. Iragick comedy, beginning mournfully, and ending merrily. Tragicomico, Er atic\- comi cal. Tracrie, penets, or cough-comfeti. Traginare, as Strafcinare. Tragi- fatiii-comédia , a play whofc begin¬ ning is tragical and dolorous, whofe mid¬ dle is-paftoral and fllvane, and whofe end comical and merrie. Trafitto, a waft over any River or Arm of the Sea, as Traghétto. Tragittóre, as Traghetticre. Tragiugncre, to enter-foyn. , Traglivetfàto, as Tergiverfaco. Tré glia, the gullet or utclpipc of any crea¬ ture, alfo a pulite. Tra-gli- altri) amongfl others. Tràgì io, any flem, flail e , farout or Sprig. Trago, a (lin\ing crrammifh Goat, alfo the hearb Scorpion-wort, or Lizards-bane, alfo a \ìnd of very flinging (hell- fido, af¬ fo a lend of hard and rouch (punge, called the Malt-Spunge, alfo a (find, of drag- 1 net, a'fo the cm'joffement or bunching out TRA _ I of the care, alfo as Trago piro, or a krad of Ptifan and dank made of it. Tragoncéa , Tragonia, hearb "Para¬ gon. Tra gone, the rereward of a battle, or of a great Squadron. Tragopir® , the grain o-r corn buckwheat, or B'jlimungpvory good to fatten cattle, fome ta\e it for Amelcorn, or Starch- corn, which is of very hard dige- flion. Tragopógo, Tragopogóne, hearb Goats- beard , leaving leaves li\e to. faffron, and a great tyiop upon a Jbarp flask*, - J tafe it for hearb Cornili. . > Tragoponàde, a bird in Ethiopia greater than an Eagle, and horned as a Goat. Tragorchide, a kind of Sat ir ion, Tragorfgano, wild pennic-royal. ’Tra-glande, very exceedinggreat. ’’Tragualciare, as Tranghiottire. Tragualcióne, a great fwadower. Tra guardare, to look through, alfo to tool[ as\cw, or afquint. Traguardi , fight-holes to look tho¬ rough. Traguggiare, as Tranghiottire. Tràguìa, * drag-net, or a tranci. T tallente, attrattive, drawing. Tràhere, as Trarre. Traimcnto, a dr awing, a haling. ^Tràina, any train or trail, a train or train¬ ing for a haw if, a drawling women, as Tràino. Tràina di pólvere, a train of gun-pow¬ der. ^Trainare, to train, to trail, to draggle or draw along the ground, to malf" up a train, al o to draw! ones fpeech, alfo to go a (huffing or racking pace. *Traincllo, the dim. of Tràino, any little train or crail, a train for a hawk, alfo long fetters or pa firms tycd to horfes feet that go to graffe, alfo as Tra¬ nèlli. "Trainicra , three leaved graffe, or Irifh Chamois, alfo Honey-fudges,or Cock- heads. ’'Tràino , any train or trail, a train or training for a hawlf, alfo the train of a Princes robe, alfo a train-font, alfo th r racking or (huffling pace of a nag, alfo a tram, a retinue, or company of follower , and attendants following at ones heels, alfo a long barrow or whcel-bar- row. *Tra‘rnténderè, to mi funderjiand. * Trainee fo, mi funderflood. Tra’l, Tra il, between the. Trala .ciàre, to ente lace , to tyc toge¬ ther. Tra-laido, mofl, or very ill-favoured. 'Tralafciamento, Tra.afcio, an omitting , an over-jltpping, a leaving. Trah(carc,to omit, to give over, to leave off. ’Tralatare, us Traflatnre. "Tralatióne, as Traflatióne. ‘Tràlci, Tralciaménti, branches,boughs or (prigs, namely of vines, alfo poles, forks, « or flakes to (upport or tye up vines or hops, alfo hedge-flakes, ufed alfo for cn- fnarings, entanglings , or plaJJjings, alfo as BelHcónchiÒ. Tralciàrc, to tye up, or under prop vines or ]hops with flakes or poles, to plafh trees, or hedges, al foto branch, by Met. to en¬ fiare crentan.lt. Trà’l di fópra, between the upper. Tra-le mani, in band, or between the hands. TRA * Traliccio, tick-cloth for beds. Tralignante, degenerating from kind. Traligndnza, Tralignaménto, Traligna- ùóuc, degeneration from, kmd, T ralignarc , to degenerate from kind. Traligno,® degenerating from kind. Tra-lórdo, very foul or filthy. Tra’l sì élnò, twixt yea and nay, at fhall 1. * Tralucente, Tralueido, through-fhtn'mg,. tranflucent. •Tr.i làcere, to faine through. Traluciménto, <* through-fa':ning. * Tralunàre, as Stralunare. Tralnnàti-ócchi , Raring-eyes. * Tralunato, half willed, filly. Tra-lungo, very exceeding long. Tiàma, a weavers Woofeready to be fet upon the loom to be woven, atfo the muffi¬ ne fs upon fome fruite s, by Met. any com- p ot, m botfly mid, moodily en¬ raged or transport) d wiih rage and an¬ ger, overprefled with wrath, pqffion, or aitgi i fa. 1 Trambàfto, as Trama zo- Trómbe, Tràmbi, Tràmbò^ both , cr be¬ tween both together. Tnmbuft , Trambuftamcnto, Tram- bullo, as Tr mazzo. ’ Trambuft re, Trambufcjare, to con¬ found or rumble up and down, to difordcr , to havock. Trame àbile, through-paffabte. Trameàre, 'o paffe through clofe, narrow or unfeen paffugcs. rramenami nto, Tramenata, a leading or bringing between, through, or Over, alfa a (baking, u fauffl'w, or wrigling to and fro, or up and down. Tramenare, to lead or bring through, be¬ tween or over, affato (bake, lo (buffile, to wriggle, to tofj'e, to fumble up and down, or to and fio ■ i Tramenduni, Tramenduo, between both together. Tramenare, to lye beyond, meafrn, to tell loud lies. Tnmefchianza, Tramefcolamcnto, Tra- mefcolànza, Trameflamé^to, Trame- X x x i ftio. TRA Rio Tramìfch iànza, ha enittnùxing, o>' mingling and jhuffking together, or with. ' TramcRhiàre, Tramefcolàre, Trame- ) flare, Tramifch'are, confufcd'y lo en- i terminile. * TraméllajTrametdménto, tf» entermit- I mltting or putting between and among , alfo a tranfmijjìon, alfo a digrejfion, , alfo an entermcj]e or fervicc bc- j tween at table. I * Trame-ilo , put among, placed between , entermitted, tranfmitted, alfo a mcfjengcr between. * Tramétrer e, to put between or among, to enterpoje, to entermit, alfo to tranf- mit. ‘Tramezzano,Tiamczzatóre, Tramez¬ zino, any mean or entermediatof between men. ‘Tramezzare, to divide through the mid¬ dle, to part in balfs , to intermix t to en- terlace,to cntcrmeddle, to enterpofe or mediate between party and party, alfo to interweave , to lard. ‘Tramezzatura,Tramezzamene, Tra¬ mezzana, Tramezzerà, a partition, or a dividing of any thing, namely of one room or place from another , alfo an ente r- p ling, a mediating among or between, alfo an enterweaving or wording be¬ tween. "Tramezzo, any thing that lyeth or is put between, with) imong, or together, a part ition, a divi fi on,a hedge or mark that dividali Lands, alfo an intermediator between parties, an enterworking, an enterpojition, affo that is between the middle, ufed alfo for that part of fpeeck called an Interjcftion. Tramigrarcj ns Tranfmigrarc. 'Tramigratióne, «wTranfmìgratiónei ‘Tra min to, very exceeding fmail . Tramifchianza, look Tramefchianza. Tramlfchiare, look Tramefchiare. "Tramite, Tramico,» difiance or Space between place and place, or time and time, affo a croffe way or path to and f r0 ‘ Tramito della palla, the range of a bullet when it is fhot of. Tramoggia, x mill-hatch, a miU-bin , a mill-cheafi, alfo a place or flues corner, where dujt and fweepings are caft out or laid by, alfa a d tifi- basket. Tramoliccio, very joft and tender. Tramontai a. cold northerly wind. Tramontiménco , Tramontànza, Tra¬ mónto del foie, the Sun fetting. Tramontana} 'he North part of the World , the North-wind, the North.ft ar, the Sua fu. Tramontani, people born or dwelling beyond the Mountains, namely North-ward, as generally (franger* arc called in Rome, who a: e not Italians. Tramontare, to p affé oyer the Mountains, or gob.ymdtbe Hills, by Met. to fet or co down as the Sun doth every night J alfo to dye and bid the it'ord farewell. Tramontar del fòle, the Sun fating. Tramontato, fet as the Sun, gone o ver the Mountains. Tramortìménto, a fwouning, a fainting, a dead trance. Tramortire, tifeo, t'to, to fwoun, to faint or fall into a deadly trance. Tramortito, fwouned, fainted. Trampellare h vita, to wear and rub out ones life, to keep the woolf from the door. Tram polare* Tramutare, to go trampling or it (bine, as on (lilts or ftariops. TRA Trampoli, Trampli, (lilts, (tartops. Tramuta, Tramutagióne,Tramutaménto, Tramutànza, Tramutacene, a tronfi mutation. Tramutàbile j Tramutévole , tranf- mutable, alterable , changeable . "Trina, as Traina, ufed in mockery for, tufh,nay, away, fie fie, as Trama ci è. Tranàre, as Trainare. Tranacare, tofwim through , or over. "Tranciarne, at Trinciante. "Tranciare, ai Trinciare. Tranellàre, to entrarne /, to enfnarc, alfo to train a hawk. Trancili, trame Is ,entramcHngs,cnfnarings, pitfalls, alfo the trains of a haw^by Met. any cheating, canting, or over-reaching trick, as Trainéllo. Tra-nécto, exceeding and thoroughly neat or clean. Tranghiottire , Trangoiare, Trangug- giàrc, Tranguiare, Trangulciare, to fwallow or gulp down, to gorge or de¬ vour down the throat. Tranghiottibile, Tranghiottfle, that may befwadowed or gulped down. Tranghiotuta, T ranghiotciménco, Tran- ugliamcnto, a gulping or f wallowing own. Tranghiottico , Trangoiaco, Trangul- ciatojTrangu'ato, fwallowed or gulped down . Trangugiatole, a fwallowcr. ‘Trangofciamento, an over-anguifhing, alfo a ebbing or fit fling. "Trangofciare, to Over- angui fh, alfo to choke or ftifle. Tramezze, as Stranézze. Trannare, to transfer, to transport. Tra no, a train, a trail. Tra-nóbile, most noble. "Tranotàrc, to note between. Tranottarc, topafje over the night, alfo to be out of old houfe or lodgings at nights. Tranquillare, to quiet, to (till, to calm. Tranquillità, tranquilline, quiet refi. Tranquillo, quiet , calm, [till, at peace and refi. Tranquillófo, full ofrc[t, peace and tran¬ quillity. Trans, or Tii^aprepofitionmuch iifed be¬ fore other words , fignifying over, beyond, on the other fide, from one place to ano¬ ther, as for example. Tranfalpino, Tramontano, of beyond the Alpts. •Tranfanimarej/eroxe foul to paffe from one body to another. Tranfanimaciónc, a tr anf animali on, or the p ifimg of one foul into another bo- die. "Tranfattióne, Tranfattaménto, a tranf- aftion, a tr anfalling, an appropriating of Land, or any other thing to another man, or to ones Jelf, a conveying over to another man. * Tranfattàre, to tr an faff, to put over, nr convey to another any thing by tranfalii- °n, to appropriate or make hirofef, or ano¬ ther owner and mailer of any thing. 1 Tranfcég!iere,i«c/j«/è or cull out from among. Tranfc.-ndcntc, tranfeendent , fimoun- » tlHg ' Ti anfeendenza , Tranfcendimcnto , tranfcendencie, an overgoing. Tranfccndere, to tranfeend, to furmount to go beyond. Tranfccndcvole, that may tranfeend or fur- mount. ' TRA ‘ Tranlcolàre , to rim et tirai-, tbo.l rough. Trascórrere, as Trafcórrere. Tranfcriverc, as Trafcrivere. Tranfégna, as Sópra infégna. Tranfénna, the netting of a (hip. Tranfeunte, puffing over , or beyond. Transferee, as Trasferire. Transfiggcre,énte, moft mofl mighty. Trapófto, put amongfl or between. Tràppola, any trap, gin or pitfall, alfo the childrens game called Trap. Trappolàre, Traspare, to entrap. Trappolatóre, an entrapper. Trappolerie, entrapping trices. Trappolare, a tranfcriber. Trafcrivere, totranferibe , or copy over, alfo to transfer ones right to another by conveyance . Trafcuraggine, Trafcurdnza, Trafcura- tàgginc, Trafcuratézza, Trafcutaggi- nc. Tracotanza, Trafcotaggine , care- Icjsncffe,negligence,-wretch lefsndfrom. * 'Jr.-'fgrettiónejTrasgredimcnto, a tranf- greffion, a jwcrving front. Trafgieflóre, Trafgreditóre , a tranf- gnffor. f Trafgmidare, Trafguardo, ^Traguar¬ dare. Trafguisare, to dijguife. Trasumanare» fogo beyond humanity , cf | humane to become divine. Trafhumaimiónej a tranfhumanation. , Trafhumanato, trtmfhumancd. Trafi, £jtg/i(h Gali ingale, alfo a \ind of fruit. Tra sì e no, betwixt yen and nay. Trafìcuraménce , mofl afjuredly or Jafe- l b . , | Tra ficùro, mofi or throughly af\ured,or fafe and fure. Tradita-die, tranflatable. Traflatare, to tronfiate, to < emove from one place to another, as Tradurre. Traflatióne, a Translation , a Transport- ing, a transferring over, beyond , or from one to another, alfa the ufing of a word in a Signification lej]e proper to augment or ma^e f]e, alfo a Metaphor. Traflativamcntc , by way of Transla¬ tion. Traslativo, Traflatitioj to be translated or transported, alfo ta^en from others, alfo of no great moment, of the common fort, not hi ig excellent. Trad to, tr an fitted, transferred. Traflato , a Mtt.tphor Or figurative Sp- ech , Tratta ■< Ve, Traflatatóre, a. Tronfiate/ , a Tranfpo >er. ■ Traflató o ,confiflinz of Tranflation. *T -fl Ignare j as Tralignare. * T. lucènte Traflucido, tranflucid. Tra ducere, infiline through. Tiafm.mi’ .re,fl mofl diligent. Trafonare, Thrafonire, to become, or play \ Trafudarc,to fwcat through. the Trafóne. Trafonarie, Thrafonian trices, foolifb boafl¬ ings or o (lent at ions. Trafóne. Thrafóne, a Thrafo, a vauntcr , a ranter, « Heft or, a man full ofoflenta- tion. Trafor dina rio. extraordinary. Traforare, a Trcafurcr. Trafpalarc, as Impalare * alfo lofljovcltO' I gether. ; Trafparcntc, tranfparcnt. Trasparènza, tranfparencie. , Tra {parére, to appear through. I * Trafparlare, as Straparlare. Trafparfo, Trafparuto, through appeared. Trafpedare, to broach through. I Trafpiancabile, tranfplantablc. Trafpiantaménto, a transplanting- Trapiantare , Trafpietàre , to tranf- plant, Trafpiahtatióne» a trrtn{plantation, Trafpiantatóre,*z transplanter Trafpirare, to breath out ones Lift. Trafpiracione, a tranfpiration. Trafponcare, to quilt or counterpoint . Trafponcino, a quilt or counterpoint, a fine matterajje, alfo < bridge over a ditch , a (lile over a hedge. Trafpórre, Trafponere, to tranfpofe. Trafportabilc, Trafportévolc, tranfportet- ble. T rafportarc , to tranfport, alfo to tran fi¬ late. Trafportatiónc, Trafportaménto, Tpaf- portanxa j tranfport atm, translati¬ on. Trafportato, transported, translated. Trafportatórc , a transporter, a transla¬ tor. Trafpórto, a tranfport. Trafpofitione, a tranfpofttioh, Trafpófto, tranfpofed, removed. Tr.Ti icchire, to grow over-rich. Traflimàre,t 0 fha\e, to totter. Traflìnamènto, Traflinata,^ Trambuflo, allo a fecrct rn waging. * TralTinarc, as Strafcinare , at Tram- buftarc, alfo to manage or have in hand. Trafloftantial e,tranfùbflanlial. Tràfio , Traili , Jranfms or Croffe- bcams. Tradì dèlia nave, the forms,benches , or feats in a gaily or barge, w'ure Mariners fit when they row. in Venice ir « ufed for the chief or bcfl place in a Góndola , as we would fay, the cufhion-fcat in a pair of oars. Trattone, the gum, in Latin , Ammonia- cum. Traftor-'ai'CjM turn over and over. Trattr-ivato, a horfe that is C'op-traver- fen, and hath a fo e-fòot and a hinder- foot crop---ife white. ftullnre, t<> fhll or quiet, to (port or fo * Trafvediito, feen through or bryon?. Trafvei l'ale, t- onfvcrfalf , crcjf:. Trafvcrfióne , a Iranfvcrfion , a thwir- tln $: T rsfvcrfo, tranfverfed, thwart. Trafyiamcnto, ^Traviaménto. Trafviarc, as Traviare, Trafumanare, as Trafluimaroic. Trafvolare, to fly nut or beyond. * Travòlgere, to over-turn. * Trafvolgimcnco, an over-tarsseg. Tra-fupérbia, ’exccffive p'ido. Tra fuperbo , rxccfitv ’ly proud. Trafuftantiale, tranfubfi.iutia.il. Tra canto, In thy mean while. Tratcncre, to entertain,to flay or wok. Tratencvole, enter', am able. Trateniménto, entertainment. Tratcnitore, an entertainer. Tratenuto, entertained. Tratta, a trading or tr affile,namely outward from any land or country, a remi' mem, or drawing of moneyes by bill of exchange ; alfo leave or perm ' 1 (finn to transport any merchandise from out any countrey, alfa that cuflme, which is paid for things car¬ ried out, alfo a trafi or difiance of place or time, alfo a range or rabide of people, a rout or erne of good ft Howes. Trattabile, trafhble , pliable, treatable, eafy to be entreated, managed or band* led. * XrxctaaWhàjtraflablenefs. Tratta d’arco, a bowfhol. Trattaménto, the treating, the u[age,or de¬ ni can ur of a man. Tratta metta, the pricking of an.nlc, alfo the retreat of a horfe. Trattare, to treat at deal with, to ufc a man well or ill, to manage, to order, orfee- iinto, topraflife or mcddlc-with, to bar¬ gain, to contrafi, or to condition , d r o to treat, to fpeal^, or to handle and write of a fubirft, or upon any matter. Trattare patto, to treat or fland upon cove¬ nants. Trattatane * a trafiation , a treat- w*. Trattato, part, treated or dealt with, ufed or entertained well or Hi, managed or ordered, praflifed or handled, bargained or conditioned, treated, written or fpo{en »/• , Trattato ,fub. a trafile, a trenti y, a treatie, a contra ft, a bargain or cove¬ nant, a prafli c,nr a c*m~'ct, a di cm e or part rf aboo^whcrt ; n "‘v hi-1! s treated of. Trattnt 're, a t e * e «, . lootf Trattare. Tratteggiare, t. ' .• & cafl fl r fhaddow ■ • Trattéggio, a treaiijsgo v- man to nber, alfo furio;. :tow- I ingrin w rings o. Da'::.' f i iwu- ft-ngnr wirt-drawn.gof ,• , . _ afe. Traftullare, tofhU or quiet, to lace, to lull and p iy with Traftullcvole,ga^Jf/o»j, {port fui t fitti of ; Trattenére, to entertain, quic' gite. Trntterimcnto, entertainment TXx(l{v.io,p r ea{i'igquictntflc, place, plea- : Trattcnitóre, an entertainer, fure, paflime. Ti attenuto, entertained. Trafvasare, to put or remove f oni, one Tram vole, as Trattabile. vpltoanotbr. , Tiafvafatione, a pouring or removing from one vejjel to another. Trafvafatóre , (uch as our wine-Totters art, that remove winc-vepls. Trafvedtre, to fes over or through. Trafvedimcnto, a. through or over fee¬ ing. * Trafveditóre > an over or thorough- feer. Tratto, i ' trafi, a Spaccar di fiance, either of time o v place,'alfo the iegin or the confi of a Countrey, alfo a rubbing or galdng the styn off, alfo a wit tir err ready quip, feoffor tane, alfo a drai^b', Bert un buon riatto, to di :n\ a com draught. llngrén tratto,^ great tra fi or difhnct. Inàr.zi tratto ,before hand,\s\ un tiaito at once, or at a cafl. Un tratto, once, one time, among game fieri, it is ufid for' the i ! ' T R A I tbe elder hand, Vincere di tratto, lo ' win by the bands, alfo a leaf}) or flip for a gray-hound, ufed alfo often in Hew of Tiro. Trdtto, the part, of Trarre, or Ti¬ rare. j Tracto d’arco, as Tratta d’arco. I Tratto di còrda, a flrappado , a twinge or I pluck with a cord given as a tor- j ture. j "Tratto di mano, a trick of the band, alfo a (tones cafl. I "Tratto di via, a di ft ance of way. i Tratto di vino, a draught of wine. { Trattolino, the dim. of Tratto. Trattório, a winde-lace or drawer to draw up heavy things. Trattolo, quick and nimble in anfwers, full of quips and witty jefts. Tratto tratto, fortb-rigbt, alfo every band- while, ever and anon. Travaccare, to flagger, to wallow as a Cow, by Met. to play the whore. "Travagliarne, Travagliatóre, a. labourer , a traveller. Travagliare, to travesto labour, tota\e pains,to toyl or m yl with body or mind, with pains and trouble. Travagliatamente, laborioufly. Travaglino, a Fafior, a Dealer, a Negoti¬ ator, a Promoter, a bufie-body, a nick¬ name that countrcy-people give to a good labouring Affé. "Travaglio, Tra vagi iaménto > travel , la¬ bour ,, teen , care, trouble, mdefla¬ tion. Travaglio da buói,.i« oxe-fiaU , a cratch or rack fa- Oxen to feed in. Travaglio di cavaIli, a frame wherein Farriers \ccp unruly borfes when they fhooe them. Travagline, a drtidg r ,ipainfull labouring man. Travaglila, a cantngword. Travaglióf a, laborious, toylfomfull of travel, labour and care. Trivalènte, exceeding valiant TrzvahcSbiU, foardablc, payable. Tra vai icamcnto, a foardtrig overlook Tra- valicare. Travalicare,Travalcare, to fl>at or go down a River according to the flream , alfo topaie or fir rie over a River, by Met. as Trafgredtrc. Travalicatórc, a goer down or over a flream, alfo as Tiafgrellore. Travaménti, all manner of beams, rafters, or timber-works. Travariare, to firay out of the way, to dote, to rav-, to trifle. "Travanatióne, a raving, a doting, a fir.ty¬ ing out of the right way. Travature, as Trafvafare. Travafatóre, as Trafvafitóre. "Travata , Travaménto, Travatióne, Travatura, any frame of timber or beahirs. "Travato, Travati, all manner of carpen¬ try, or timber and beam-work, alfo a horfe which istraverfed, and bath two while feet or) o ie fide. Tra-udì re, to over-hear. T> ave, Tré vo, any beam, raftertran¬ som, fommer, quarter, thick plank, or long piece of timber, loo\ Dare la trave "Travecchiaia, Travccchiczza, exceeding old age. "Tra vècchio, very very o’d. Traveggole, Travérgole, a dimneffc in the eyes, or imperfcfiion oftht fight, mifl.i- Ifings , or feeings am ffc , as when one mi flak's what he feeth. Dare le trave g- T RA gole, to make one believe that the moon is made of green cbeefc,al[o Hocus Pocus his tricks, or any legier de main tricks. "Travdli, Travétto,Travicello, the dim. of Trave. Travcrfa, Travcrfia,ea\ with difficulty. Tràulo, a ftammerer , a Rutterà, one who can fcarcety utter his words. Travo, as Trave. Tavolare, to flic out, over or beyond. Tra una vòlta, between once. Travòlgere, Travoltare, Travoltolare, to over-turn. Travolgimi ntojTra voltura, a turning over and over. Travòlto, over-turned. Travóni, the fup. of Trave. Travófo, full of beams or tranfoms. Trazza, Trazzare, as Tràccia. Trazzeina, a fifh called a Viver. Tré, tbe number of three. Treaggio, a {ind of courfe rugged cloth that fh-pbeards ufc to wear. Trcbbeggiare, to trebbi e. Trebbia, a thnjhing-fl iil. Trebbiano, a kjind of excell ntwine. "Trebbiare, Trebbieggiarc, to threfb or winnow corn, alfo to fit quaffing of good wine. Trebbiatóre, a threfher , or a winnower of\ T R E corn, alfo & found quaffW. Trebbiatura, any threfhing or winnowing of corn. "Trébbio, tbe end of a fleet where many turnings or croffe wayes arc, alfo a \ind of excellent fbong wine, alfo a one, a k n ‘d or company of merry lads or women that love to fit quaffing of good wine, al¬ fo a harrow. Trebéllico, Trebéllo, as Trebbiano. Trcbice, bcarb Or age or Oracbo. Tre-capóni, three capons, alfo a kjnd of boys play m Italy. Trécca, the fern, of Treccóne. "Treccare, to truck , to buck, °'fficd by re¬ tail, namely vi finals. "Treccheria, fucb cheatings , dodgings, ly¬ ings, and deceits , as hucksters ufc. "Trecchiérc, as Treccóne. "Trecciare, to treffe, to plait, to tye, or tramel up in treffes, as women do their hair. Treccie, the treffes of a womans hair, a womans bead-locks. "Treccierà, any ornament or fitting forth of trefjes , or tires of hair. Trecciuóli, fillets, hair-laces, ribbands to tye up tnffes. "Treccone game at cards that we call Gleek. Ticccola, a gadding gill, trull, rig, minx, or finning woman. Treccolarc, to rig, to tom-boy, or gad idly up and d n a goffoping. "Treccóne, a huckfier , a regrater t a vifiu- aller, a fruiterer, a retailer of [mill wares, but chiefly of things to be eaten, alfo a cheating, a lying or dodging com¬ panion, a bufie prying, afnc \i7tg or pick- thank companion, one that is full of fiats and bufine[fe,alfo a fad,fullen or fatumal fellow, one that never laugh eth-, at cards among gamefiers it is that which they caU a gleek, or as fome will bave it a Mourmvxl of Kings, Queens, Knaves or Aces. Trecéna, a kind of hard fhcll-fifij. Tre-ccnto, three hundred. "Trc-cen-trénta, three hundred and tbir- Trccipite, as Tricipite. Tre-cotanti, thrice as many. Trédeci ,the number thirteen. Trcdécimo, the thirteenth in order. "Tre-ctimo, the third in order. Tre-fiatc , Tre- volte , thrice three times. Tre-fiatc tre, Tre via tre, three times th ee. Trefóglio, Trifoglio. - Trcga, Tregare, as Trégua, &c. "Tregènda, as Vertléra, but properly a ertw , a rout, or confort of idle wander¬ ers or poor fljiflcrs that go up and down a nights, freaking to hook or find fome- thinz. Treggéa, Traggo' a, all manner of [mall comfets ferved in with fruit, as bifeuits and carowaies , alfo fucb finali (ticks or ft raws, as birds build their nefts with. Tréggia, a hurdle,alfo a harrow,alfo a fled, a skid, or a truck, alfo fometbing that Corn-thrcfrers ufi to thnjh or winnow corn with. Treggiarc, to hurdle, to harrow^alfo to Car¬ rie upon skids, alfo to threfh corn . Treggieia, as Triacca, treacle. Tregióne, as Tragio. Tréglia,Treg!iuzza» a barblc-fifh, fime take it for the Rocbct-fijh. Trégna, tTe ~ ! Trégua, & truce? an atonement, or ccffjtton \ of difcord and wanes. .Tregua*;, to m a truce, an accord, or a ccjjativi efarmes. Tremacciare, look Tremare. * Tremacelo, Tremarina . Tremaruóla, Trcmazzo, Trèmito, Tremo, Tremo- lazzo, a quivering, a piivcruig, a didde¬ ring, a chillncffc, a quaking, a tremb¬ ling, or ebattring through cold , [ad¬ dai n fear, or • an ague, affo an Earth¬ quake. • Tremante, Tremolante, Trcmolófj , Tremore»foj quivering, fhtvcrtng, didde- J ìi g, chiIhrtg, (having,quaking, trembling otcbatl rag through fuddain fear 3 cold, \ cr an ague, alfo a quavering or warbling with the v.icc in paging, alfo a Jgua- 1 * er ; .Tremare, Tremacciare, Tremo are, Trc- I mifccrcj mifeoj mifcéi mifciuto,fo trem¬ ble, to quiver, to flyvey, to didder, to \ chill , to quake, to chatter through fuddain [ear, [or cold, or in an ague, alfo to I quaver or warble with the voice inflng- 1 Mg. frema'-c a vérga a vérga, to fljake or quake like a Icafe. Tremaruólej T remarine, look Tremacelo, alfo Ip >oak Tlio. •Triaccalc, of the qualitir of treacle. Tiiadc , ufe cl far the holy Trinity. Triafàrmaco, a platP.er ufed m mr borfe- leeches. • Triamvo, a [irn.me of Bacchus, as much to fay Triumphant. Triangolare, three cornered . Triangolanti» triangularity. i riangolo, any triangle, alfa an iron cal¬ trop, alfo Galengale. Triangolo equilatero^ triangle with equal flies. Triangolo equicnire, a triangle with two equal pdts. Triangolo fcaléno, a triangle with three unequal (ides. ’ Tnannio, fbe fpacc of three years. Tridrca, a maflcr of a fh p with three tops or malls. Triarii, S onldiers among the Romans that alw aie s fought in the rereward, and were the flrongefl men,they fought flan ding, and fomewhat bending their k ni€i , af l f they would rather dye, than yield or re¬ move from their flations. Tribacia, a °f foulncffe or bafe¬ rn flc. Tribale, a \flnd of weapon or engine of war. Tribali i, a kind of enchanters. Tribb are, as Trebbiare, alfo to qualgt fer fear. Tribbiano, as Trebbiano. Trlbo, Tribi, ufed for Tribù. Tribbio, a k'ind °f men fare in Greece. •Tribolare, Tribu'aie,m trouble, to itwlcfl, to afflili, to vex, or to bring into tribula¬ tion, alfo toenbritr, to entangle, or to en¬ fiare, alfo to break, to brttifc,or to tbnfh corn with a flail, alfo to tea'll: clothes, \ alfo to flir together , and of clear re make muddy and troubled, alfo icily to loyter up and down, look Tribola. Tribolatióne, Tribulacióne, tabulali :, anguifh or trouble, and perturbation of mind. TriboloiTnbolajTnòulojrtffbh day in the l{jngdom of Naples, os alfo in Ire¬ land certain poor women are [aid to keep,or Fare il tribolo, which being hired for money, will over the dead corps of any body, weep, lament, wail, howl, wring their hands,[cratch their faces, tear their hairs, recount his vertues, and declare the great lofje of fuch a good per- f on,alfo a {ind of weapon like a thrcjljint- fliil, alfo the caltrop-thiflle, fahgot, water-nut, or rough teaxfc, alfo a foyer, a thorn or a bramble, alfo the , fruit that Nimphéa produciti i, alfo a caltrop ufed inwar to prick horfs feet, which are fo made with four cricks, that which way focv.rihcy be call, one pack {lands ever up. •Tnbolófo, Tribù:ófo, tronb!cfome,full of tribulation. Tribraco, Tribracho, a foot in a verfe of three JhorO fylables. Tribù, a Tribe which was the 3 c. part of the people of Rome, bccaufe the numbt; of Citti\Cus was divided into j y. tribes, we may call them Tribes, Hands <» 'Mai ds, fame, fay that the whole people of Rome was anciently divided into three parts only, and thence came the word T> be. ‘ j Tr bu ' T R I T R I Tribù dì cavallaria, a troup of horfe¬ rn n. Tribuirc, Attribuire. Tribulàre, ^Tribolare. Tribùlc, "fi o■■ belonging to a Tribe. Tribuio, ^Tribolo. Tribuna, a Tribunal, a Royal Court , et Court of Jtificeli Guild-ball. Tribuna dell’ Altare, the highefi place of the Altar or Tabernacle there- of Tribunale, et Tribunal, a. Seat of Jvflice, a Judgement S*at. Tribunato, a Tribune-fb/p, a Proteólor- fbip of the Commons. Tribuncfco, Tribumtio, of, or belonging to a Tribune. Tribuno, a T-,ibune , that is a Protesi or of the Commons, the office was fir[l ap¬ pointed to maintain the liberties of the Common < againft the power and pride of the Nobles,and for that caufe had ever both day and night , the gates of their houfes flanding open. Tribus, pills of Agaric^ or Cocchie fo cal¬ led. Tributare, to bring under , to pay or caufe to pay tribute. Tributario, tributarie , alfo tribute pay¬ ing. Tributióne, tribution. Ti ibuto, tribute money raifed upon the goods of fubjefts according to their means and ability, Triccarc, to trifle away the time idly, to toy or jcH with idle words , alfo wan¬ tonly, to hop, to styip or fris^, alfo to jum¬ ble, or to (huffle together, alfo to go a (hu fiing or racking pace, as fomthorfes do. Triccatina, any quick tripping or shipping dance , alfo a very nimble shipping 14-. 1 ricche triedre, the quick game at Tables, that winch we call Ti at¬ tack. Tricchia, the fise Ufi fo called Sare-dame, or S' ardane. Tricco,Triccolo, Trie cone, as Trec¬ cóne, alfo the game at cards called Gleety Tricco!are, to maty merry-, to maty good cheat 3 and to eatc and dmk mer¬ rily. Tricentùplo, three hundredfold. Triccphalo, having three heads. Triccrbero, a three beaded Hell-hound. Tr'ichiàfì, a di feafe in fame womens paps that rive fuelty which cometb by drinking dorvnfome hair, alfo a cleft about the back bone , running out in length, but fo f,mall that it cannot be feen, aid often caufetb death, alfo as Tric¬ chia. Trichhe, a \ind of Ahimè , or Stone found in mynes among minerals. Trichnóne, a tynd of Morel or Nigbt- fhfde. Tricipite, Tricipc, three beaded, a fir- nam? of Cerberus, as having three heads. T r icipuio,<« Precipitio. Triennio, a dating table, whereat only three might fit, made as a bed, which the chief Romans ufed, ufed alfo for a dining-chamber,or c'.fc fir a fup ping- parlour. Tifco, TrichrojTrfcro, a flone with three divers colours in it, at the root it is perfe£t blacty, in the middle red, and at the top white. t r 1 Tricheco, the TurnfoU Tricoccus, al¬ fo a tynd of Medlcrs with three ker¬ nels. Tricodato, that hath three tailes. Tricoló molino, any /find of queme or m:U. Tricolóne, having three members. Tricolóre, of three colours. Tricomcne, hearb Maiden-hair or Goldi¬ locks. Tricóne, Treccóne. Tricòrdo, of three csrdes or firings. Tricòrne, having three homes. Tricorpóreo, having three bodies. * Tricchc-tacche, the game caUed Tick- tack. Tridachne, a great oyjter, that will maty three morfels. Tridattilo, a tynd of (Irong withy. Tridare, to bind fa ft, or tye with wi¬ thies. Tridente, a trident , or Neptune’s fork or mace,a ibreefortyd mace, any grapple or toole with three teeth. Tridcntigero, a firname of Mercury bearing a thrcc-fortydmacc. Tridramma , a coin of three drachms. Triduano , of three dales continu¬ ance. Triduo, the Space of three daies. Tricgua, Tricguare, as Trégua. Triemàrc , Triemaccio, as Trema re. Triennale, trie nnaiH, of three yeares. Trienne, of three yeares {pace. Triènnio, three yeares Space. Tricntario, ufury of three in the hun¬ dred. Triéntc, a f inali coin worth our farding ; the third part of a Rom.me Affis. Trienza, a pitch-fork with three teeth. Tricrarco, a mafier of a Gaily, Trietérico, that is every third year. Triface, a tynd ofquarrow of three cubits- length, (hat out of a Catapulta- * Trifagio, a tynd of plant or tree. * Trifalca, a tynd of crcfl or head-piece. Trifariojfl/' three fortes ofwayes. Trifatidico, a great or thrice prophet. Trita ucc, having three mouths, chaps, throates, as Cerberus ir deferibed. * Trifaramigna , or Saracénica , a tynd of EleCtuary invented by the Arabi¬ ans. Trifero, that bearetb thrice a year. Trifido , cleft , or divided ifi three parts. Trifilo, an ornament that women were wont to wearc. Trifoglio,Trifólio, three-leaved graffe,Cla- ver, Trefoly, or Crowetocs. Triforcato, three, or trcble-fortyd. Trifórme, of three formes or (hapes, fo is the Moon caUed. Triga , a Car or Chariot drawn with three borfes. Trfgama, a woman that hath had three huf- bands. * Trrgamo , a man that had three wives. Trigemini, threc-folde , three Children at a birth, alfo one of tbofe Chil¬ dren. Trigemine, [prouts with three buds. Trigenario ,of thirty yeares. Trigcfimojtfoe thirtieth in order. Tri géa, as Traggca. Trigia,Trigillitc, a (lone that tatyth it’s rfame of the Barbie-fifij. Trigimóne, a tynd of black that painters 1 nfe. Triglia, tfrTréglia. Triglia re, Ltil\icc,to quaver or to warbl w/tb the voice in fing'.ng. Triglifo, chamfnd with three gutters 0 , /wrowj, M m called Trig Tnglio, a quaver or warble in fingine Triglue, a Mullet-fifa alfo a flone of,he colour of a Mullet. J 1 Trigoli, a Iflndof cardile or nifties eaten in Italy. Trigonale , Trigono , of three An¬ gles. ' Trigonare, to ma\e three-angled. Trigonia , the third aqe. Trigónio, the Sea-puffin or Tortyfifh. Tngonifmo « of f or about the thkd age. r Trigonóne , triangulare. Trigr 1nia,lk three grained Mcdler. Trilatero, having three fides. * Trilibro, of three pound-weight. * Trilice, any thing woven of three thrids , alfo of three orders. Trilingu Cythree-tongued, three-fortyd, alfo Spcatyng three languages. Trillare, Tulio, look Trigliare, Ttilogo, * dialogue of three Speatyrs. Trilórc, a tynd of garment. Trilùftre, of three lufters or fifteen yeares or one and twenty yeares. Trimacro, a foot of a ver ft of three long fil. tables. J * Trimàno, three-handed. * Trimato, three yeares Space. * Trimegifto, *wTrifmegifto. Trimembre, three-membred. Triménfe, of three moneti) s. Trimc rmc, having three faces. Trimcftrc, Trimcnone, corn that is fowen, groweth, ripeneth, and is reaped in three moncths,a![o a quarter of a year, or (pace of three moneths -. Trimètri, verfes of three meafures, which are fix feet, as lambicty. Trimino, Tarty hirfe or wheat. Timorino, having three faces. Triraùlo, of three yeares. Trina, trine, twift lace of gold or filver, as Tréna. * Trinare, as Trcnare, alfo to lace or wor \f with twi ft and trine , alfo to chirp as a fw allow. Trinario, trinary confifting of three. Trinca, a game at cardes we call Swig or Newcut, Nuòvo, di trinca, Spicl^ and Span-new. Trincare, to trim, to pranty orfmug up finely , alfo to quaff-merrily s and drin^ healths , as we fay , to whip the catt , or to hunt the fox. * Trincato, (pruce , fine fmug, triotyfi-trim s finely fet forth, alfo quaffed or tipled merrily, foxed , alfo fubtle, wary and craftily jtanding on advantages to de¬ ceive. Trincèa, Triciéra, a trench, a dyty 9 or styncc about a Camp or fort. Trincearc, Trincierarc, to entrench, to fortify, or fortify with tren¬ ches. Trinchétto, a fmall fail in a fhip, cal¬ led the Trintyt , but properly the high- efl faile, or top and top-gallant of a flip. * Trinci, cuts , jags , fnips , pinty , gar- ding and idle ornaments about gay gar¬ ments. Trinciante, cutting, tyene , trenchant, or carving, alfo a Carver 3 alfo a carving tyiife, alfo a certain fine towell, cloth or hand tyreher , that women ufe. \ _ y yy Trinciare'! O T R I T R I T R I alfo as Obo'eSj D.mdi~ Tri*.c\és\t,to ca ve, or tocu: open. Trinciatóre) a carver,or cutter, "Trinciatura, Trinciaménco , a. carvi Trincierà, «Trincea. Trincare, to go upon fi dges Trinco, a (led orfUdto go upon tbe with a II. Trinepóte, of a lineal defeent from my cbi'- ties cbilde. Trinétta, the dim. of Trina, or Tréna. Trine vellicate, any velvet-lacc. Trine zza, ( be that is three lineal defeents from a chillies cbilde. Trinfar e, to chirp as a fwallow, Tringa, a water or moorc-hen. Trini, three together, alfo two treys upon tbe dice. Trinità, a number of threc,tbc holy Trinity, look Hérba. Trinna, three years (pace. Ti innuo, being three years old. Trino, trine , threefold, tripple- Tuna. Trinòmio, of three names. Trinó-tio, three nights (pace. Ti infare, to chirp as a (wallow- Trióbolo, a Greek coin of three th.it is two pence of ours, alfo a prat. ’Triochitc, tripple-(toned. "Triolctto, Medow claver- graffe. T rióne, the [even flars in the North , called Ch.ules-wane. Trionfale, triumphal, look Coróna. 'Trionfalmente, triumphantly. Trionfanti, triumphant. Trionfare, to triumph, to rcjoycc greatly , alfo to ruff or trumo at cards. Trionfatóre , a Triumpher. Trion'étto, the game Trump, or Ruff, or Whisk at cards. Triónfo, a triumph , a glad rejoycing, that is fame folemne pomp or public^ (hew at the return of a Captain for feme conqueft'or vittori obtained , alfo a trump a' cards. I Trionfófo, fuff of triumph, triumph ant. Triórca, a be aft which is faid to have three It ones, alfo a bind of Centorie. Triorchide, Triórco, a bind of haw\ or I bwx&ard fo named, becaufe it feedetb i much upon Triórca. j Triotàlmo, a (lone that hath the figure of three eyes in it. T riparco, very fpnine or niggardly. Tripartire, to divide into three parts. Trioartito, tripartite, in three parts. Tu.ie, a moth like a gnat, alfo tripes. Tripedile, three footed. Tripcdinea, a bind of grape, Trip'dc, three footed- Tripertói c, three b catted. Trip'dre, Triplicare, to tripple. Triplicatióne, a triplication. Triplicato, tripled, trebled. Triplice Triplo, tripple,three-fold. Triplicità, a triplicity. Tripode, a table of Gold three foot long, drawn up in a net by certain Fifhcr- men, and by Solon fent to Apòllo, alfo a certain mufical in fir ament, alfo as Tre pic. Tripólia ,Gold-fmiths earth. Tripólio.^e hearb Serapions-turbitb, blue camoml, blue dayes, hogs-beans, or Sea (tar-worth, the juice whereof is thought to be Turbiti), very good to purge fa”- Tripólo, Tripoli©, a (lone called Tripóli with whofc powder Lipidaries or Sto>u± cutters fmooth andpolijh their pretious Itoues. Tripóndio, of three pound weight , taben Tripotiére, a Tennis-court k c: P cr from the French. Tripocóne, a noun of three cafes. Trippa, Trippe, all manner and foyts tripes. Trippa di velùto, tripe-vclvct , mock- beggers velvet , Fufiian of Na¬ ples. Trippàccic, bafe, filthy, flinging , nafiie tripes. Trippa ra , Trippiéra , a Tr: pc -wo¬ rn m. Trippóne, n fat,pancbie,gorbellicd,or fil¬ thy gr e a fie fellow. Triplicità, triplicity. Triptóti, nouns of three cafes. Tripudiare, to dance, to trip, to fiisk , to hop, to jump, to caper, to leap on the toes. Tripudio, a of nimble tripping or It aping dance, as the French-Bran- les. Tripudio folift’m o, the hearty feeding of biids, which Augurcs obferved, and deemed to fijew and prefage good fuc- ciflc. Triregno, a trebble Kingdom. Trireme, a gallie of three oares on a fide. Trifagine, «Triflaginc. Trifàgio, as Trenggio. ’ T rifava, Trifavolft, a great great Grand¬ mother. Trifavo, Trifavolo, agreat great Grand¬ father. Trifciat©,/#»r$, [mug, Spruce, bolt up¬ right , and neatly drc\t up. Trisflabo, of three fyUables. Trifmcgifto, thrice greatefl, alfo a name of Mercury. Trifolcarc, to furrow or chamfer three writes. Trifólchi, three furrowed or chamfer¬ ed. Trifpadóne, the name of an Engine with a perpetual ferew init,ufed by Archimedes to heave up huge great and heavy weights. Trifpiggio, «Tremacelo. Trilla, a certain hurdle or grate of tim¬ ber ufed in fome (hips for an upper dec \, alfo tbe name of a fijh called in Rome, Laccia, and in Naples Aló- fa. Triflaggine, heath Ground.ca\c, Petie- oabe, or the upper verve’-n. Triflalid c, the winged Locufi or Crick- ct. Trifsilabo, of three fyUables. Trifsino, the plant called Palma-chri- fti. Triftaménte, badly, lewdly, wic\cdly , naughtily , alfo fad-'y or penfive- ly. Triftanzuólo , Tridacciuólo , a crafey bnavifh wag, alfo craved, weably or fickb- ’Trillare, to ma\e or become Tif¬ ilo. Triltaréllo, «Triftanzuólo, alfo a k-- ( Irei . 'Tridézza, badnfie , lewdntfjc, Tridifi- caie, as Actriftdrc. Triflinculo, a be fir el. Triditia, Tridfa, fadne[fe, penfivenejje, al¬ fo «Tridézza. Trididimo, very fad or penfive, alfo mofi bad and naughty. Tridival c,fubtle,cunning, or fly \nave- rie. " Trido, adjett. fad,penfive, gravely fad, alfo lewd, bnavifh, generally taben ina bjd Icnfr,as an injur, wbinin the Fruitili arr afttomijU^t.ihin^ia^thjt it //g - \ "'fa no other but f,d or pn/i.e. \ Tritio, [ub. a bad, lewd, or huiilb] man. j Trillo a chi nònne fà, woe is him that knows not fame braverie. Trido a me, woe is me, wretched I. Tndo facco, by Met. a mans devouring panch, .1 gully-gut. Ti i do ti faccia Dio, God ma\e thee fid. Triplica, three forked, three edged, alfo an arrow headed tongue. Tiita,« Trito, alfo a kind of fijip for bur¬ den. Trita canna, a bruiied reed or cane. Tritale, an hearb which thrice a year hath flours. Tritamente, (mall, and by piece, meal, min - yngly, look Tritdre. Tritamcnro , a mining or wearing finali, alfo a threjhing of corn. "Tritare, Triturare, Tritolare, to to crumble or break very very finali , to tread, to trample, or reduce to duft, to grindefmad, by Met. to ponder or con- fidcr. ’Tritato fpirito, a contrite fpirit. Tritava, Tritavolr, as Tri fa va. Tritavo, Tritavolo, «Trifàvo. Tritca, a Tertian ague. Tricello , ranged, courfe or brown bread. T ricco, a thirden-deal mtafurc. Triterà, « Fagiolata. Tr it id ni, a of cabidge coles. Trittico, any corn, namely red wheat, alfo any grifi for the mill. ’Tritinare, to hi^c as a goofr. Tricione, trillion, alfo a difeafe in a horfe. "Trito, br u:\ed,bro\e, cut, minreed,grown 1 d, worn very [mail, or reduced to dufi, alfo contrite or broken hearted, alfo u fic¬ ai, common, or worn thrid-barc, ufed in Tufcanic for Fròllo, alfo a kind of certain Aycre powder ufed in pain- T ricogcnia,Tritónia,.a funame of Pallas, fo called by a Rock where (Ik was fir fi fee». Tritolare, «Tritare, alfo to trip and feud away, as a Roe-dear. Tritolo, as Trico, « Beccata. Tricóno, of three tunes. Tritóne, a Triton, alfo a great fifty called a ; Se a-trumpeter. | Tritume, (mall feraps tre fragments. Tritura, Tricuratura, any fm x ll grinding ' crumbling or mining. Triturare,Tritare. Trivèlla, Trivello, a wimble,an augure, ri piercer, alfo a maifier-ferew, alfo the bore of any thing. Trivellare, to bore with an augure , to wim¬ ble, alfo to (crew. T rivellino, a little wimble. Trivellane, augure, a long boring-iron to bore Pieces or Cannons. Trivia, a funame of Diana, « chief over bigb-waies that bend three waies. Triviale, trivial, common ufid or taught even on bigh-waies. Trivialità , triviality, homclyneffc. Trivialmente , trivially , homely, down¬ right. Trivio, a way that pafjeth out-right, and j part et h on the left, and on the right fide ! any place that loo\ctb three writes, or where three wayes meet, alfo a common market-place where people refort, alfo a poor Cmntrcy-cottage. _ Triuro o TUO T R O T R O Triumvirale, of, or belonging to Trium¬ virato. Triumvirato, the office of three men in li^e power unti authority. Triumviro, one of the three men equal in authority. T rivolo, as Tribolo, for b. and v. are oft one ta^enfor another , alfa a tbnfbing- flail. Trivolòfo, as Tribolófo , full of Tribo¬ lo. Trobacfca, a (port among wanton women to provoke them to letcbtry. Trocantère, two proceffes or bunches on the top of the thigh-bone j a great one (land¬ ing outward, andalcffcr (landing in¬ ward. Trócciola , any little wheel or pully , ti¬ fo a wind-lace to draw up heavy or great weights. * Trochélla, a {ind of moft cruel torture u- fed in the Spanifh Inquijition. Trocheo, a foot in a verje confijting of two feet , the firft a long fyliable, and the lajl a (hart, (o called of fwiftneffe in running, and is fit for dancing. Trochdo, a water fowl, friend to the Croco - dìi, \ometa\e it for a wag-tail, becaufe his tail is ever wagging , fame for a wren, others for a Sea-woodcock , alfo a little wreathed band in Pillars i>r plai- flers. Trocfufci, a Ifmd of round medicine , our Apothecaries call them Trocbisfcs or Trofqnes. * Troch'ite, as Trichitc. * Trod co, as Trócciola, * Trociaco, trochei, or wkofe top is di¬ vided into three or four fmall bran¬ ches. f Trociéra, to cut off, to cut fhort, to clip, to pare, to brea^ off , to maim or to mangle. Troncatamente, cuttcdly. Troncato, cut off, cut fhorter. * Tronchetto, the dim. of Trónco. Trónco, Troncóne, at-- un ^ or body with¬ out a head,a flump, a finely, or block[ with¬ out boughs, alfo a fhort trunchion, button or crab-tree cudgel, alfo a beam or fang door , by Met, a filly gull, a block headed fellow. Tróncoli, Tronconcélli » the vails of a Coo{ , as (hreds cut off from the whole. Tronéra ,a loop or fi>i\c-bole in a wall,to fpie or fhoot out at. Tronfire, Tronfiare, to fnort, alfo to huff to fnuff or chafe with anger , alfo to trump. Tronfiézza, a chafing, a huffing,apuffing, or ftrutting up as an angry coclf. Trónfo, Trónfio, puffed or - ruffed or fwoln with chafng, as a flrutting and an¬ gry Turfy-cock * Trono, Thróno , prope-ly the feat of God,aThrone, a Seat of Majefiy, alfo Thunder. * Tròni, the Thrones of Angels. Trónzoli, rfce truttlcs or dung of cattle , namely of (heep. Tropéllo, the dim. of Tròppa. Trophéo,Tropcò , Tiofco, a Trophey, a fign or to\cn of Vitloiy, any Spoils gotten from the Enemies and \ept in fign of ViCiory. A mar\ or Monument fet up where a ViClory was obtained, and where Enemies were vanquifhed , with their arms and Spoils hanged about it, al¬ fo the name of a certain wind which comes from the Sea to the Land , Mariners call it Tropco. Tropheàle , of, or belonging to Tro- phea. Tropiccare, to fumble and fall. Tropicciare, as Stropicciare. Tròpico, Tropici, nvo great Circ'es in Hea¬ ven, being of equal difance from the E quator, the one called Tròpico di Capri còrno ,tbe other Tròpico di Cancro, at . the which the Sun turnetb either bighe f, having been at the lowef , or lower , having been at the bighe f, whereof they have their names. The firfi is about the twelfth of December, the Sun being then at the longcf , and entring into Capri- / corn, the other is about the twelfth of \ j June, the Sun being then at the lowcfi, / \ and entring into Cancer s Alfo Tropicali I or Figurative. ! (Tròpo, a trope, a figure, af.fijion or mannerI of fpeech. Trópolo, a converfion of words. Tropologia, a figurative fpeàffmg. ' Tropològico, that fpea^eth figuratively. Tropóìio, the name of an hearb. Tròppa, a troupe, a multitude, a erne, a, band,or a rabble of men. * Tróppa-di pecore, a finely of (hcep. * Troppàre, to troupe, to entroupe. Troppczza, over muchneffe. Tròppi, to many, over-many. Tròppo, to much, over-much. Tròppo grande, over-great . Tròppo non è. It is not long f nee. Tròppo più , too much more, to much. Trófchi, as Trochifci. Trófcia, a raging (bower of rain , or violent falling down of waters, alfo a plajh, a flough, or hollow, full of funding rain¬ water . Trofciare, to rain or fhowtr down mo fi fu- rioufiy, alfo to grow to a plaff. Trófcio, as Zattera, but properly when they are made to build bridges upon them, as was often feen at the Jtege of O- ftend. TrollaJi ,as Triflalide. Trófl’ula, a quaint wench, a dainty laffe. Trólluli, as Fleflumini. Tróflulo» a fmug effeminale lad. Tròta, Trotta, Trutta, a trout-fifh. Trottarne, Troneggiarne , trotting, a trotting-borfe , by Met. a continuali drudge. Trottare, Troneggiare, to trot, by Met. to trudge up jand down. * Trottatóre, Trottiérej * trotter , a trud- gcr. *Trottiéra, a place where horfes are taught to trot. Venice if is the name of a great bell, which is rung every day at noon, and when the great Senate meetes , by Met. a gadding- truU , a. wandring-puntg, a frislfing- laffo. Trottino, an eafy trot, a racking pace, alfo an eafy trotting nag. Tròtto, a trot, a trotting-pace. Tròttola, a top, a nunne, a whi ligig. Trottolare, to turn or twirl round as a whirligig, alfo to rac\ or goe a jhufi¬ ling pace between an amble and a trot , alfo to roule and rumble down. Trottolo , a racking or fhuffling pace , a rumbling or tumbling-down, alfo a ploying top. Tronóne, a foulc trotting jade. Trovabile, Trovévole, findablc. Tsovzàélli, findings, findlings, found chil¬ dren. * Travaménto, Trovata, Trovato, Tro- vatura, any find, ng or finding out any de¬ vi fe or invention, a new conceit or faine d Shift. Trovare, to find, to find-out, to dtvife, to invent, or fecki out. Trovare ii pùnto del pèzzo, Trovare il rafo de’metalli, Trovare il vivo del pèzzo, to find the dilpart of- a piece. All pieces are made lower at the mouth, than at the breeche, who fn fhootes by both extreams of the mettali, fh ill ever over- fljoot, therefore muft tht mouth be raifed to the breeche, which the Italians call Tirdre per il rafo de’ metalli, which ill* li - il! 1 to avoid, out Gunners by certain \i good confederation, al fo a little Trout- Irovarli in fu le fccchcdi Barbena, for ! fiJJj. j a natt tu find bimfeif on the drye , Trutina J 1 una bilancia, the tinautt of a I and hot fandsof Barbàrie, Met. to ; pair of balances. \ bavt the Fnnch Pox h the bottefi dc- Trainare, to ponder, to confidtr , err exa- & ree - ^ _ _ j wine diligently, Trurinatiónc, a due confi deration, or ad- vifed judgement. * Truci nato re, a careful examiner, a jitdic crons judger. Trovata, a cpucr\, [hift or excufe. Trovato, found, found out,dcvijed, inven¬ ted, alfo <*Trovamcnto. Trovaróre, a finder, aniaventeu Trozzace, as Strozzare, alfo as Tracci¬ are, Trozzétto, a narrow way or path, Trózzo.d high rod:-way. Trucca, a whore, a punii , a doxie. Trucca-bócta , a Sewers arming tow- ell. Trucca-colcélli, a W-^-cafe. Trucciolarc, «Tofarc. Trucciolo, ufed for Tcfi. I * Truccale, a young trout fif}j. ! Tfalma, as Turbante. fro Tii, thou , thy felf , alfo as Tuo. Tua, Tiic, thine , thine own. I Tuàca , a white licquor diftiUing tree in the Moluccos and there ufed for dm\. ’ ‘ ‘ Tuàre, io ilio# it mm, alfa u mi\c thine. Tuba, as Trómba/. ; Tubatórc, a Trumpeter. * Truccare , to truck, “> to bar-\jfocrz,any great blcmiffs or raifcd (pot. ter, to chop and change ware for ware, a lfo a tynd of apple or plum , look TÙ- alfo to play at BilUards or at nine- holes, alfo to s\ud, to trudge, or pack a - way nimbly. Trucco, a Etili vd-boord , alfo the play at Billiards, alfo the play called my Ladies hole, or at thirteen holes. Truce, Trucido, Trùco, cruel, murderous, bloody-minded , fierce. Trucidare, Trucideremo murder or IfiU in cruel and bloody manner. T.t'cidatióne, Trucidiménto, a cruel and bloody murdering. Trucidatóre, a bloody murderer. Trucido, look Truce. Trucitd, bloody cruelty. Trucie're, a* Trucidare, alfo to chirp as a Thrufh . Truculence, cruel, fell, horrid, grim, or ghafl! y to look upon. Trucul nza, hoyible cruelty. Truffa, Truffarla, any coinage, cheat¬ ing, canting, or croffe-biting trick- Truffare» Trucidare, te cheat , to cosati , to cunny.catch,tocrn(]i-bde. Truffatilo, Truffaldino, Truffaldino , Trutfaruólo, TTuffatóre , Truffiére a cheater, a corner. bero. Tubercoli, the dim of Tuberi. * Tubero, Tuberi, any f welling tumor, pufls, pimple , wheal, knob or round n fing on the slpnne of a mans body with any brlife , knock or fall, alfo awind- puff, or gall growing on the ground nr on trees,like a toad-floool , alfo any kind of \not, knurre, fnag , or knob in a tree, alfo little knops or run diets in build- Tubero di terra, the hearb Swine-bread or Sow.bread. Tubero ne, the Star-royal. T uherófo, full ofT uberi. Tubercana, in French, Granate. Tubicina , a little trumpet, alfo a Trumpe¬ ter. Tubicinire, to found a trumpet. Tubilfiftci, games and facrifices ufed among the Grecians in honour ef Trum- petors. Tubo, a. Conduit pipe to convey water,a pro- fp:Clive glaffe, fpecially fuch as are made vtryrlong, as Euflachius that famous man makes at this veiy time in Rome, alfo the pipe where through the marrow of"the back-bonc runneth. cunny-catcber a ernffc-biter, a canting knave. ._ ^ ^ Truffimi Ma, X chitting, anting, or ettfit- ' Tuchifta, lhr ntmiof a drill I Ti,c:o, ufed fur Battucolo, Ti'iffoli ,t kind off lUtmlets. ^Tucia, «Titia. Truciolare , to trudgetr retti mnj. * Tucic^re, to touch and rub between onet Tr Ux.anj brai wooden t„y, „ ruling fi , grr! , alfo at S [U „icire. b.wl, nlra ac ofe (iool-pan, df. acorn- Tudérna , a bini of graft nton trull, O f fe-k-ichen fit- Tudlce , < Printm pamp-bdU or Trull, re, to fart or brealg wind behind, alfo balls, alfo a certain prtntina. toackor ikummir. i ron J J r " "*■ Trullo, a trill or bum-hole, a jordan or Tuditcno, a beetle-headed fellow, dhxmber-pot, a’fo a Rocb-fìjb. Tudóne, afoul called a Bittour. Tue, thine own, alfo as Tù. Turilo . a l a d of ft ft hr) .fubftr r.n .rib fe roir. iflji i h tht rail * end l ctfc, n à } / alfo the guardianfhip, the wardfhip, or the cuftody of a child in his non- age. Tutelar c, toguard, to lfeep,to proteff, or have in protection. Tutelare, of, or belonging to a tutor, to tu¬ ition, or to protection. Tutelarlo, tutelane guarding, aljo one that had the keeping of Gods or Tem¬ ples. Tucclina, the name of a Goddcffe, faine d to . have the tuition of Corn. ' Tucia, Tucia, the heavier foil of braf]e,that ftic/fCth to the higher places of furnaces of melting-hotifes, called Tutte, it is good for fore eyes. "Tutilina, as Tutclfna. Tutilàre, to chirp as a Thrufb. Tutióne, a tuition, a caution 3 a de¬ fence. Tino, fure, fafe, fccure , out of dan¬ ger. ■‘Tutolina, ioolf Tuculina. ’’Tutolo, loolf Tórnio. Tutóre, a Tu: or, a. Proteff or, a Guar¬ dian. Tutoria, tut or (hip, protection. Tutorio , of, or belonging to a Tutor. lucra, a \find of gum or d rug. [[Tutrtee, a tutrix, a tutreffe. "Tutta buòna, the hearb Allgood, or good Henry, ( as fome fay ) Ciane. Tutta fiata,Tutta via, Tutta vòlta , filli and evermore, allo notwitbfianding,bow- ever. Tutta-mane, all the morning . Tucta-féra, all the evening. Tutta via che, Tutta vòlte che, when fo- ever that. Tutte le volte, Tutte vòlte, at all times, alvo ales, as often as. Tutt’hóra, Tótt’ óra, ataRbours. Tucti quanti, all and every one,every mo¬ thers fon. rótti fanti , Tu fanti , All-faints- day . rótti tèmpi, at all times. Tutto, adv. a II, every whit . Tutto, fub. the whole or total. Tutta a fatto, utterly, thoroughly. Tutto ad un tèmpo, all at once. Tutto ad un tratto, all at a cafl. Tutto altro, wboly otberwife . "f^tto ardifee, all daring. Xu c t° che. Tutto ciò, adv. all that , all which, alfo albeit , although, how- beit. Tutto dì. Tutto giórno, all the day long. ^ Tutto dì d’hóggi, all the dales now, all the day long. T òtto dì hóggi, all this day. Tutto è nulla, all is nothing. "Tutto e pér tutto, wboly, and all toge¬ ther . Tutto fólle, aU where it. Tutto fodero, although they were. Tutto fumo, all[moatf,* pufj of fmoaif, a Sir Petronelfiafh. Tutto in ìapóre, fo carnefily , untili ones teeth run a water. Tutto in uno, all in one, all at once, Tótt’ óltre, all along, or beyond. Tutto pér a punto , jufl, even fo, wboly, and altogether ,* for all the World fo. Tutto potente, all powerfull, aU migh- ty. "Tutto quànto, all and every jot. "Tutto rilièvo, wholy r ai fed, or high em- boff'ed. Tutto fapiénte , all wilie, all \now- ing. Tutto fèlla, loolf Huómc, the full time of a mans or horfes perfection in ri¬ ding. * Tutto sì, alfoh\ewife, allfo. Tutto sia, albeit , although. Tutto fólo, all alene, ali only. Tutto tèmpo, all the time . Tutto tutto, as Tù tutto. Tutto vedènte, all feeing. Tótt’ uno, all one, all alilfe, Yyy ; tWo» 'VAC V A G V A I ’■fdculo, or Tutolo, iv.r,» in antient timet a ! i certain bind, vail or [carf of purple-fill^ \ which the wives of the Flamins or High - j piicfis were wont to wear plaited about ' their hairs , that they might he Ijtown I f, om ether women-, the Flamins and High- ! p, lefts alfo were wont to wear them in theiyfolemne Sacrifices, and therefore j were they called Tutuliti.Varro* fayth, i that TuculijWrc the hairs or treffes which \ the Matrons or Mothers of many chil¬ dren ufed to wear on the tops or crowns of ! their beads-. Some affirm that Titulo is i derived of Tiiculo; And fouldicrs were \ anciently calledTku\i,bccaufe they were j to defend their Countrey. Varrò fayth 1 moreover, thatTmino, ( a mofl noble j God ) was carne fily invoked and called upon by fuch tu were in any mifery or affiiflion. !'TutulinijTucolIna,tv.# the name of a Goddeffe much cal'ed upon by all mifera- hle wretches,and poor afjhfied per forts, and from thence was the name Titus derived, fopie will bave Tutulina, and Tutelina, all one. * Tutuliti, /ro^Tutulo. Til tutto , as it were Tutto tutto, adv. all, every whit and jot. V. V the letter V. which is fomttim s a • vowel, and femetimes a confo- nant. j V. adz ? when ? whither ? V- adv. there, where. ! V. hath been u fid for Voi, you. V. in place of the number five. I Va, ?o,go thou, alfo alfa he goeth. I Vacabile, vac able , ceil able. Vacaifuth, i tree in America that bears a fruit in form of a mans heart, and fmtlli fweet. Vacante, vacant , void, alfo at leiftre, ha¬ ving nothing to do. V acinza, V acantana, Vacatióne, vacan- cie, vacation, Injure, tmmunitie. Vacar e,to be or malie vac ant,void or empty, alfo to jtudy or apply the time or mind to any thing with diligence, alfo to ceafe frombufineffe. Vacca, a Cow , alfo a Fhorn-baci^-fifi ], alfo a red sfiot in ones [bins caufed by bur¬ ning. Vacca del giuoco, guile, fraud or deceit under fairfbew or pretence. Vaccaméntc, bcaflly, li\e a Cow. Vaccarcccia, Cow-beef, Cowifh. Vaccai . Ha, a young Cow, a Heifer. •Vaccaua, a v.itcbcry,x c«w-houfe. Vacca-o, a cow-herd, a neat-herd. Vaccheggiiie, to piny the cow, to play the filthy beafi! Vacch tea, a young Heifer, alfo Nctes-lca- iher. •Vacci, go thou thither. V accinte, as Avacciare. j Vaccina, any beef,though fficcially of a Cow, i alfo Nctes-leathcr. 1 Vaccinaro, as Vacciro. i Vacci nio, Cow-beef. \ "Vaccino beftiamc,N ete-cattlc, : ' Vaccino càlcio, c iw-mill^-cheefe. ! V àccio speedily, haftily. Vacconiccia, a filthy cow, alo a trull. Vacélla, Vaccrra, a rail or perciò fe of timber, wherein fometbing is clofed , alfo a ftal^e to tye borfes unto. Vacile, as Bacile, the v. oppi being tatyn for the b. Vacillante, Vacillófo, wavering, fickle, {triggering, mutable, inconjtant. Vacillare, to waver, to flagger, to reel, to fickle. * Vacillaticene, Vacillaménto) Vacilliti, fidfienefie , wavering , incon {lan¬ de. Vacinio, the fruit of the great bramble , the bluc^-berrie, the wortle-berrie, fame ta^e it for fweet Gar din, or Mar ch-vol et, and fame for the flourxrow-toes. Vacinio paluftre, March-wort, or Fen- berrie. Vacuare, to evacuate, to void, to' make empty or hollow. V acuatióne, V acuità, vacuation , vacuity, voidncfjt , emptineffe. Vacuitivo, emptying,laxative, "Vacuo, void, empty, hollow, by Met. free, or exempt from , unbufied, at Ici- fur e. * Vàcuo, /«b. the void or hollownefje of any thing , as the bore of a Cannon. Vada, let him, her, or it go, as Primerians fay, pajjc. play , or let it go, done. Vada del pari, letitgoon cqualtcrms, or on every hand. Vida-il refto, as gameflers fay, I[ct my refi. Vada-maicio, let it be a lurch or double flalic,as in Litin Gcminetur fponfio. Vad.ue, to waide , fo.irde, or jerry over a water, alfo to run as a river. V, adibii e,wadablc, foardablc. VadcttG wading-places, narrow foardes, ufed alfo for button-holes. Vadia ,a mournfull habit, that the widowes of Venice go in. Vadimonio, a bond or promt j]} to appear be¬ fore a Judge at a day appointed. * Vado, a foardc, a ferry, a place, where mrn or bcafles may wade through without dinger. * Vado, J go,from Andare. Vadófo, wadible , foardcable,plafJsyfull of {hallow four de s. Va dritto, go-right alfo a bird, that feemes t o fing and Chirp thefc words V à dritto, and for his fweet voice is counted a mofl miraculous nam.lym Calabria. Vie, be, (he, or it goetb, but in the Flo- rentin diale 61. Vagaménto, Vafniia, guile, craft. Vafro, crafty, guilefull, will:. Vaga, the fcm. of Vigo. "Vagabon dire, to wander , to (lray,togad, to range or reave up and down as a va¬ gabond. Vagabóndo, wandering here and there, alfo a vagabond, a rogue, an cartb-pla- net. * Vagamente, beauteoufly, quaintly,, de¬ lightfully , amoroufly , loo\ Vago. Vagarne, Vagaménto, Vagatióne, a va¬ garti , a ranging or wandering up and down. Vagirne, wandering, roaming, ranging , or roxvingfom place to place. Vagare, to wander, to range, to roame, to roave or vagarti up and down. ‘Vagellato, s dyer in great vats. "Vagellarne nto d'occhi, a. faring or glo- ting of the cy^s, alfo a dimnrfie of them. Vagellare, to (lare or glotc with ones eyes, alfo to gare up and down. "V igeilo, a Dyers great boyhng vat. •Vaggire, Vagghire, gifeo, g eo. to pule as.a cbilde, to crye as a hare, to howl as a woolf. Vaggico, Vaggiménto, Vagghimcnro,^r whining or puling of a cbi Uic, the wasting of a childc, alfo the cry of a hare, the bawling of a Woo! fi Vaghe, t he running veines in and about the nec fa alfo the waves of the Sea n anj ri¬ ver, ta\en from the French. Vagheggiamento , Vaghcggcria, Vag¬ heggio, any amorous viewing or bihal- dmg. Vagheggiare , to behold with affuQion, to view amorufly , to court and ma^e love unto with longing and loviug looses, to defi/e and gars upon wish de- light. Vagheggiatóre , an amorous beholder , a viewer with love and delight. Vagheggino, a puling, wanton,or aff\Q:d viewer of himfelf. Vaghezzi, p eafing beauty , lovely-g-ace, detightfull beholding, amorous, defiling, love-alluring delight, aljo loving-hep. Vaehire, as Invaghire. " Vagillire, as Vagellirc. • Vagolante, Vagillófo, g'oting, jljuuig, gaifing up and down. * Vagillatiónc , Vagillamcnto , Vagil- linza, a [taring or rowling up one styes. Vagina, any (heath or Scabard. Vaginirc, to {heath-up. Vagire, Vagitare, as Yaggire. Vagito, Vagiménro, as Vaggico. ‘ Vaghino, the God that opens Childrens mouths when they begin to pule or whine. Viglia , let it availe or be of worth* tit it prevaile. Viglia il véro , tit truth availe or tal^t place. Vigliami Dio, tit God-availe me or help me. Vagliare, to fife, to ftree , to winn°w. Vagliatóre, a fiftcr,a fiercer, a winnower. Vagliatura, any thing throughly fifud or fe arched, any winnowing of corn, c 'a If of corn winnowed, herds of meal, alfo'fine- fifeed , or boutitd meati. Vaglio, a five, a fercc, a winnow. Vagnelc, ufed as Guagnclc. Vigo , lovely-fair, gracefully-beauteous, blithe and comely,lovely to fee, grace full to behold , love-alluring, delight-moving, glad-fccming, focene amorous, alfo htfi- full , de fir ous, covetous, or im- (ly-of, alfo wandring, ranging, roaming,fleeting, un- j certain, unconft ant, moving, reSkjfe, ! fhelping. * Vigo ,fub. ones dear love, minion,fweet- : heart, favorite, cboife darling paramour, wanton delight , or ferret-lovtr, alfo a fir -, name given unto Hercules by rea fen of his continuali wandring up and down "Vagolagglnc, Vagolaménro, Varian¬ za, a gadding of the mind , a wi’derieg or flaring with the eyes, a ffoitfuU n loytring going up and down, alfo ax cn- v cagli ng. Vagolirc, fo enveagle, alfo to gad with the mind, to ( lare and garcs with the eyes, alfo to loyter merrily up and down. Vagolo, V agolófo, idly gadding up and down,fuUofidlenc(fe and loytring , a loytring companion , alfo cnveetlwg. Vai, the rich fune called Gray miniver, fome tallii for rich Ermines vov.de. with blac\ hairs, alfo the grayijb colon, of [omc eyes, alfo thougoefi. * Vaiina, the blacl^efl grape that is. Vaiiro, i VAL VAN VAL Va'dro, Vairaro, a Furrier, « S^in- Vàlgio, a Camenters tooL ner. Val gl re, giTco, giro, to rvritb the mouth. Vaiézza, any glifi ring blac1?neffe. Valgo, crooked, with his legs bending out- Vàin pace. Go in peace, Farewel, an ufu- 1 ward. al expreffion Spoken when one means to' V al gol adóne, a qucjlion in rebti\e. be rid of a begg r. Véio, Vairo, a beafl called a Gray mini¬ ver, al fo that , which our Heraulds call Verry, alfo a gli firing blac\neffe as of ripe graves or plums. Vairóne} a. Cob, a Shiob, or Gudgeon- Vaivóda, a principal Governour in the Tran ■< filvanian language. Vaivodato, the fiate ofV aivóda. Vaiolare, to grow to V aioli. Vaiuolato ,full ofVamóYi. V aiuòlo, V aiuòli} all manner of blac\i(h or purpUjh jpeclfles, frec\s, or fpotsinthe (bin, namely fmaUpimples, measles, p«xes or b lifter sin childrens or mens and wo¬ mens faces, alfo botches , blaines, poxes, plague-fores-, carbuncles , Gois-to\ins , or a tvinchcfler goofc, alfo the fijh Spi¬ gola. Va-là, va-lij go too, go too. Valanghinoi a Smiths tool. Val .are, as Valicare, Gualcare. Val’ cara, a hollow cave or valile, by Met. a womans &c. Valchéra, as Gui'ca. Va'ci, Ci vale, if availeth tu. Va.co, as Guado, a< Varco. Vai’-coftura , a feam-vaihe, as Vai-ca¬ va- Valdrappa, a riding foot-cloth. Vale, it is wo, th , it availeth, it is as much to fay. V !c, Adiew , Fare ye well. ' V aledittióne, a farewtl Speech. V.ilendarno, as ose would jay, Vale in damo, a nought-worth, a worth in vain. Valènte, Valéntre , of much value or worth , valiant , valorous, much da- | ring. Vilcnc:, a mans whole worth or fub- ftance. Valentemente, Valcntremcntc, vMiantly, valor on fly. Valenrerie- valiant exploits. Valencia, Valentigia, Valcnrria, Valen- tcigia, V aleni 1 , valianineffe , couragi- o ul nifi e. Valènza, Valeriana, Say or Serge for bed-curta. 'ns or valances. V ilcnzanc da lètto , valences for a bed. Valére, vaglio, valli,valuto, fo be of worth or value , to countervail or anfwcr in worth, to availyto ferve or be gsod for, alfo to bave power or authority. * Valére, fub. a mans worth or wealth. Valére di meglio, for one to better his fiate or condition. Valérla, Valeriana , Valerian, Set-wall,or Capons -tail. Valcrfene, to ma\e ufe, or ta\c advantage of any thing. Valérli di. to ma\e ufe of. Va! étto, as Vallétto. Valetudinario, crat^c, queafie, fiddly, alfo an Hofpital for the fic{. Valetùdine, health or well fire, alfo cra\j- neffe , queafiaeffe , or fictyefle. Valévole, available , valuable. Valevole zza, availablenefje, validity. Valga nte, going with bended leggs. Valgare, to go with ones legs bending out- w 'rd as Battei s do. V algia, a writhing of the mouth, as it were in [corn or mockery. Valicabile, Valichévole» wadable, foard- able, paffab/e. V alicare, to float or go down a River with the tide or ftream. V alicatóre, a pa(fer over , or a goer down with the ftream of a River. Valico, as Varco, « paffage over. * Validire, to ma^e of validity, to rati fie , to confirm. * Validatióne, Validaménto, Valianza, a validation , a ratification. V alidità. validity jforablenefje. Va ido, valid,forcible, of worth. V aiigia, a made,a clo^e-bag, a budget , by Met. a devonringpaunchy alfo fume or anger. Valigiare,fo put up into a marie. Valigiaro,« maile or budget-mailer,by Met. a Drummer. Valigie, males, budgets, clo\c-bags, alfo the flnnes of flfhes. Valigictta, Valigino, a little budget or portmanteau. Valigióne, the fup. of Valigia- V aliménto, value, valuation. Valitudine, Valetudine. Valitùro, that is or may be of force, V alizzare, to envallie, to cndale. V all ime, any enttr*vally,a lpace or diflance b.twcen tallies. Vallare, f o envallie , to endale , to descend into a Fatly, to alight from horfc-bac\ , i alfo to entrench, to cnclofe, to forti fie in j or about, lool[ Coróna. Vallata, a Vale, aVally,adafc. Vallato, as Vallo, as Vallóne. V alle, Vallèa, any Vale or rally■ Valle di Acheróntc, ttfed for Hell, or a wo- , mans &c. Valle di miferia, a vale of mifery , by Met. [ the world , as alfo a Market-place in Pa- , ris fo called. Valle incantata , an inch anted rally, by M:t. a womans parflcy-b'd. Valle ofeura, an obfeure rallie , by Met. this wi etched world. Valle pelofa, a hairy rally, by Met. a wo¬ mans dile. Valle rrav aglia, a r.iUyof labour by Met. the world. V allérta, V alliccila, any little dale. Valletto, a rarlet, a Groom, a Page,a fer- ving creature. Vallicófo, a low place full of rallies and dales. Vallo, Vallóne, a great rally, a low dale , a deep trench made to defend either Fort,Caflle, Town or Army, alfo aram- pard, a sconce, a Rlsc\-buufe , or bull- wa< ^ framed of limber , a long pile , f}a\e pole or Jpar (harp at one end to drive into the ground , as they do under London Bridge. Vallónia,ffce Goddeffe of rallies, alfo the bar\ of a tree that Tanners ufe to tan lea¬ ther with. Vallato, full of dales or vallics. Va'lura, a very low rally. Valmunfga,^ k} n d of black g'ape. Valóppa, n monflrous fh:ll-ffh , fomwhat jhaped U{c a Bear. Valorarc, as Avalorarc- V-tlorofo. valor ns, valiant. Valfcnte, value or worth, alfo a mans whole worth , fubflance, or livelie- hood. Vi. 1 fo, ufed for Va 1 uto. Vdiva, the inward part, or loc\ and {ey of an Emperors or KJngs Chief , Prefence, S' ate. Privy withdrawing , S cret, or Bed-chamb- !, the charge and trufl where¬ of was antiently wont to be n and de¬ livered to fome (pedal and chief min. of trufl, and he was called Valvafóre, alfo a double folding door or fhut- gate. Val vare, Valued re, to value , toprife, to rate, to feta price upon. Valvafóre, a vavafor, that is to fay,a prin¬ cipal officer of Cruft and honour about a Prince, as having the charge of his per- / on , and l^cycs of his Chamber committed to ha trufl-, a Rj-ngs Lord-Chamberlain , or peeper of the guilt or trcbble l^cy, or (as wr call him ) a chief Gentleman-rfher of a Kings f>cret lodgings , alfo a Chief Lord or Commander in his own Precinti. It is now adaies often ufed inmoc\ery anditi part for a jolly-fellow, a goodly man, or a great Lord would-be. V di volo, the hitsthe (hale , the peel or cod of any pulfe or fruit. Valuta, Valuatióne, Valutatióne, value t valuation, worth, eflimadon. V aiutare, at Valuarc. Valuto, been worth. Vdlvula, a folding door or fhut-gatc , Thy- fitians call it a valvul. Vampa, a fuddain bla^e t fla(h, or burning- flam-'. Vampare, Vampeggiare, to bU\e,to fl.ifh, or (lame clear , by Met. to be in flam’d with anger. V ampófo, V ampolófo, blaming, flafhing > flmmg, burning clear. Vana-glória, vain glory. Vanagloriare, to boaflvain-glorionfly. V anagloriófo, vain-glorious. ‘ Vanim nte, vainly, with vanity. Vandzzi, Bustards or Gooftcwings. V aneggia, fondneffe in deeds and doting in words, alfo voidnrffe or emptineffe. Vaneggiaménto, any vain atlion or fpccch, any raving or vci’n-doting. * Vaneggia nte, that doth Vaneggiare. Vaneggiare, Vanare, fo a(l vanity,to play the vain man , to rave or dote inwords or aftiun,alfo to void or hollow. Vaneggiatóre, a raver, a rioter, an a£lor or Spia^er of vanities. Vanéllo, a Lap-wing. Vanezza, ** Vaneggia, as Vanità. Vanga, a goad , alfo a weeding-hoo\> f al¬ fo a mattoc\, alfo a Iflind offlfh. Vangaiuòla, Vangaruóla, the dim. of V anga, alfo a pining net at the end of a long pole. V angare, to goad, alfo to dig or delve , alfo to cut weeds. Vangati, a bit or hurl with a Vanga, alfe a fhovelfull of any thing. V angatlccio, digged ground. Vangatóre, a digger, a d' / ver. Vangélio, Vangèlo, the holy Gofpel or gladfom\true tidings. Vangelifta, Vangelizzatóre , an Evan- gehfl,a GofpeLer, or bringer of glad ti¬ dings , Ì Vangelizzare, to preach the Gofpcl,or bring Valóre, value or worth, efleem, price,rate, j glad tidings. alfo valour. , [Vanghétta, the dim. of Vringa, as Mar-j Vaioria, as Valentia. ] ra. * V alorofoménte, valornufly. ! Vangile, as Stécca , but properly , that ', V alorofiti, vuloroufncfe. ' which croffetb the V anga, 1 , - whereon the I de her \ VAR delver or digger puts bisfootjb.it fo with j his weight he m.iy tbrufl his mattock or j {pade the deeper into the ground. Vanguardia, a Vantgard, x forc-gard , alfo the Kintgard of a helmet or us fi Vania, as Avarua, vanity , alfo mifery or wrote bednefje. * V anidre, as Vaneggiare , alfo to pick a quarrel upon malice, as Ayaniarc. Vani-dlco, a vain-fpeaficr. VaRÌ-loquénte, vain-fpeafing. Vanì-loquénza,i'.'»M-àal>ii«g. Vani-lóquio>a vaindifeourfe. Van re, n.fco, nito, to vanifh out of fight , alfo to come to vanity or mifery , alfo to j wrong or injure another. Vanità, vanity, fondneffc, trifling . Vannarc,fo flutter with wings, to fan with feathers, to van or winnow com. I Vanni, the whole wings of any bid, Ufo the i principilforefcatbcrs or farce! s of awing Vanno, a van to winnow corn with , alfo | they gf). Vano, vain, delighting in vanirai fond, light, fo'ceh(Jr ì fru(lr ite, light of belief , alfo a blank pi » c hollow, or void, al¬ fo the bore of a piece or Cannon. Van’ ó fi, a ftar called the van-bear. Vantaggiare, to advantage, to give odds, VAR alfo tu (pare for advantage, Vantaggiati, fuch fottldiers as bave more Variamente privi ledge or pay than others. I ouflj. Vantaggiato, advantaged, excellent above Variana vite, a find of vine. upper end, as a miisfiet-rcft to bear up an¬ other pofl over-laid, alfo a kbid of (hip and meafure in Ormuz , tool j Uva- vàra. Varare, to lancb a fh’pfrom out the dock in¬ to the water, alfo to go with ones leggs bended inward as fome Riders do, Varea, as Barca, Dante hath ufed it for the whole courfe of mans life. Varcabile, wadable, payable. Varcare, to ferry, to four d, to pa(fe or wade over any p’ff’ge. Varce, afoard, i ferry, or a paffage over a- ny water , alfo a gap, a jlite,or a paffage through or over any hedge, alfo a certain meafure in Italy. V. rc, Net (boars, or little foifi wherewith nets are fet and born up for wild beafls, ufed alfo for Varólc. Varélla, Vara, a tfind of Pinnace in Or¬ muz. Virgo , a certain fpace betwixt the Pillars or po(l f of weavers beams , alfo the groin of man or woman. Vari, the rich fur re called miniver, alfo va¬ ry in A-mo\y. Varia, a Jay called a Vianet. Va guare, to lijp in fpea'fing, Vàrguo, a Hfper, one tbat lijpctb. Variatamente , van¬ other s, by Met. a rich upper gar¬ ment. Va màggio, any odds or advantage. Vancaggiófo, Vantaggiévole , advanta¬ geous, having odds of others. Vantaggiti zzo, a poor advantage. Vantagiónc, Vantaménto, Vantanza , Var tatiónc, Vinto, Vanteria, a vaunt¬ ing or bragging. Vautare, to boafl or glory of, to exalt with tirasi fe or magnify with v anting or hr aging. Vantarli , for one to vaunt or boafl himfclf, ! and feem to excel others. Vantato ,vaunted, boaftid, bragged,alfo one famous or renowned above others. Vantatóre , a vaunter, a bragger, a bo after. Vantatório, containing boastings. Vantévole, that may be vaunted. Vanto, a vaunt, a brag , a boafl. Vanvera, loo^ A-vanvera. Vapiccirc, to fie 7 » upon,to fajlcn unto , to catch or tafi hold of. Vapidira, an ill retjfh, a four favour, a ftin fin g taft. Vipido, tfeat yieldcth a bad relifh , an ill fa¬ vour , a tafle, or rtc\. Vaporabile, evspourable. Varotale, belonging to vapours. Vaporante, cnvxp 3 eating,breathing , reek- ant, exhaling. Vaporare, to evaporate, to exhale,to breath j or vent out , to fume , to reefi or fleam j forth. ' , j V aporationc, Vaporamene, Vaporin- za, Vaporiti, Vaporofità, any evapo- ' ration, exhalation, venting, (learning, or breathing forth. Vapóre, any vapour■ (learning or reefi Vaporófo, vaporous, full of vapours andex- halaions. Vappa, any wine that bath loft his Jlrengtb and colour, by Met. one without wit or reaCon. Vappónc, a find offlying bea ft. \ Va qua t' . - 1 \ quatti j'Vàri, apoftfet upright with a format the] =- V ariante, V ariófo , mutable, changeable , varying, alfo varie or verry in Armo- ' Variare, to varie, to change, to alter , to di - ver ft fie, alfo to difagree nr vary in opini¬ on, to write■ to doe, to fycxk diverfly,alfo ' to vary in Armory. Variatióne, Variabilità, Variaménto, V arronzai variation, alteration, muta¬ tion, change from what it was, diverp- tie. Variato, varied , changed or differed, alfo verried in Armory , alfo motly-ciliu- rtd. Varcare, to tranfgrcffe,to go over, orpaffe by negligently, alfo to go wide, or ftradling with knees or leggs. Varica, Varice, Varici, Varicola, a dila¬ tion or fwelling oft veins with corrupt and melancholy blood, namely in the belly,legs or temples. Varico, Varicófo, one that hath the veins of his legs (woln with corrupt blood, alfo one that goeth wide and (trad- 1 ! ling. Varietà, v ariette, diverfity, change, - incon- (lande, mutability, alteration. Varile, any find of barrel or cask. V ari-loquente, diverfely-Speafing. Vàrio, Variófo, various, vari ab l',divers, | alterable,[ub\cft to change, mutable , in- I conftant, (undry, alfo pied-coloured,(peck- led or full of {pois. Vàrio, the rich furre called Graye Miniver , i or the beaft that beareth the fame, alfo a mm fteen in divers matters, alfo a Trout- flfh or Burn-trout. Vari péde, crooked or (play-footed, cxalaiion , breath , Var!ótco,a;;y rundlet or barilet . I Varnc, trucfics, trefles, winches or fuch Engines to mount ordinances. I Viro, croaked, bending, oftope, awry,wind¬ ing, divers,repugnant, crooked in condi- | tions , wayward, alfo one that hath croofi j Q d leggs b nding inward , a Ifo one that is ] open to gripe and embrace, come thou hither, for vi en V aro, a dock t0 a fl ! P in s a lf° & fpeckle or freefie, namely in ones face, alfo as Vàio. VAT V avola, Varólc, little white rftings, bar- I red round about called lhe fmaU pox , I alfo red, hard and round pimples, called ! Buttry-buttons in drunkards faces. , Varolàre, to nifi £1 with the pocfi> to have j pimples in the face. Varolc-gro'de, the great French po.r, or the ' >gg eft a man can get for money. Varole picciole, the [mall pox. Varólo, a B.icc-ftjh,alfo as Vaiolo. Varolófo 3 pocky ì fuUoflbc fmxllpox, alfo [metymes ta\enforthe French Pox, the French them(elves calling ir Ver ole. Varónc, a Jditob or gudgioi fifh. Varotàio, a Furrier, or sfinner. ’ Vària, Vani ire, us Barra, Sec. Varrélla, a wbeele-barrow. Variile, Varrilótto, as Barile. i * Vàrio, a Cormorant,alfn a certain pici- fure in Italy, alfo as Bàiro. Varvrfóre, fuperfluioufly conceited,unluck}c in opinion, ill-prefaging. l\bc. arc, to fatten or feidus it were with paps and dugs, to make or\become plente¬ ous, fruit full or abundant. 'Uberi, paps, dugs, teats, udders or breads full of milk- Uberifero , Uberófo, llbcrrifero, Uber- tófo,Ubertuófo,Uberrimo, flore bìing- ing, abundant, feriti, fruitful!, fat. Ubero» 'liberi, affo as llberifero, alfo a cock or (font of a conduit that runs con- linua'Jy, alfo a certain colour of a horfe , by Met a bo fame . libati» llberofità, abundance , fertility, fruitfulneffe, plenteoufnrfft ?. 'libi, adv. anuently ufed for Dóve. Ubidiènte! obedient, obeying. llbidiénia, o'redience, obcyfancc. Ubbidire» Ubidire, difeo, dico, to bey. llbiéro» a certain colour of a horfe. Ubino, Ub inètto» an Irijh hobbit, a tit. llbiquinario, a profeffor of ubiquity. Ubiquità, Ubiquibil iti, ubiquity, every where, in what place foever. Ublianza, llbliare, as Obliare. ^ li tigare, tìbligatióne, as Obligàre. libito, Ubliofo, as Oblio. 4 Ubriacàggine Ubriacànza , Ubria¬ chézza, drunkenejje , tipfinefje. Ubriacar fi, to become drunken. Ubriacherò, drunkenifh. Ubriaco, drunk™, tin ( ie > cup'fkottcu. llbrigàre, as Obligirc. Uccellàbile, llccellévole, that may be caught as a bird, that is to fay, cozened, trapand , cheated , cunnic-Qxtcbt, or crojfe-bittcn. Uccellacelo, any huge, filthy, Qt ravenous fowl, but Specially a cuc\ne , by Met. a filile credulous gull, one that will eajtly be caught and coined. ‘Uccellaggióne, Uccellàggine, Uccel¬ lame, Uccellaménto, all manner of fowl, fowling, birding or bawling » by Met. cheating , coining, or crofje bi¬ ting. - * Uccellàia, Uccelliéra, a volerle, abird- ' houfe,x place where birds or fowl is U- k n, kept or muid, alfa a Cheating or coining wtman. ’‘Uccellare, Uccelleggiàrc, to bird, to fowl, to hawk, to caich birds, to go a birding, by Met. to catch into fume fiore , to cheat, to cr off c-bite , to cunnie-catcb. Uccellatolo, a birding or fowling-place. Uccellatóre , Uccellàio, Uccelliére, a birder, a fowler, afaulkmr, alfo a kee¬ per, or purveior of fowl or poultry , by Met. a cozener or crofje btier, a cunnu-catcb- er. Uccclléfià, any hen-bird. Uccèllo, any kind of bird or fowl, alfo a mansyard. "Uccèllo dabófcoe da rivièra, by Met. a crafty knave at alle(fayes. Uccèllo dèi Duca, as Grotto molina- ro. Uccèllo del Paradifo, as Manacodiàta, the Paradife bird, fome take it for the Rings-fifher. 4 Uccèllo di bécco, any long bill'd fowl , by Met. i prat mg pm afite. Ucci Ilo di Giòve, Joves bird, an Ea- U -èlio di néve, a wagtail. Uccèllo di Sàn Mattino, a ring-tail, a hen-harm. licci Ilo di Santa Maria, a Kjngs-ffh- er. Uccèllo d’óro, a wit-wall. Uccellóne, as Uccellacelo. Uccèllo vécch.o,*# old bird,by Met. an old crafty fox . Ucchiéllo, an oylet or a button-hole. Uccidere, cido, cifijrifo, io ^ , to flay, to murder, to deprive of life. Ucciditóre, Uccifórc, a killer, a flayer » a murderer. Uccifióne, Uccidiménto , Jlaughter , k't“ Lng, murder. 'Uccio, 'lizzo, an adjunft or termination much ufed in the Italian tongue, at the end of any pofitive noun to (igni fie filile- neffe,wntcb:dn r (fe or poverty deferving companion, as Mcrcantuccio,Poetuccio, &c. Ucci fo, fldin, killed, murdered. Uchè, whereas, where foever- that, o- Udènte, Udiente, hearing, alfo an hear¬ er. lldcnza, Udiènza, audience , bearing, alfo a place of aud enee . Udibile, audible, that may be heard. Udire, odo, udii, udito, to hear. Udita, an hearing, audience. Udito, heard, alfo the fenfe of bear¬ ing-. Uditóre, an hearer, an auditor. Uditorio , an anditorie, a place of audi¬ ence. 'lido, wet,moifi 9 humid, flabbie, by Met. iipled,foxt, cup-fhotten. Udrlare, to hire a hawk, to allure, to en¬ tice, to bring to the lure. 'Udrio ,ahawks lure , by Met. allure¬ ment. Vè, adv.fec, view, behold,note. Ve, there, in that place. Vè, or Vi, to you, you, fromyou. Vécca, V écia, thepulfe vitebes. Vècchia, old, aged, alfo an old woman. Vecchiaccia,* filthy ugly old woman. Vecchiàccio, Vecchiònàccia, a filthy ugly old woman. V ecchiàia, look V ecchiézza . Vecchiardo, us Vegliardo. Vecchiàrc, ut Invecchiare. . Vecchiarélla, Vecchiétta, Vecchiolina, a poor filly or forty old woman. iVccchiarcllo, Vecchiétto, Vecchiolino, a filly man or ferry. Vccchiaftro, a well elderly man. Vecchia-trentina, a very aged woman , an { old bcl-damc, an old bag, and yet fo foo- Hfh, as (he will fwtarc'jhe is but thirty year c sold. Vecchiézza, Vecchiaia, Vecchittidine, mige, Agednefs, Elder (hip, alfo Quick- fiver, according to the Alchymifis phrafe. Vecchile, fomewhit aged, elderly. inclining to age. Vècchio, aged, old, alfo an old man. Vecchio-d’anni , aged or firme ken in yeares. Vecchio-marino, a Sea-calf. * Vecchione, Vecchiotto, a goodly or grave old man. Vécci, puff-wind- galle s. Véccie, Vècchie, vitebes or tares. V ecciófo, full of tares. Vcce, us Vice, with all his compounds. Vccórde, troubled in mind, rvit-bertavttl, out of bis wits. Vecórdia, trouble of mind, want of wit or reafon,madnc(fe. Vedènte, feeing, alfo a feer, ufed in the Scriptures for a Prophet. Vedére, Vedo, Véggio, or Veggo, Vidij,* or Viddi, Veduto or Vifio, tofie, to view, to behold, alfo to note, to mark or pryinto, alfo to regard , to fee unto, to care and provide for, alfo to advife,to under- jland , to fore fee and confider. Vedére con buon vifo , to hok cheerfully upon , or with a merry look. Vedere l’inimico, to fee ones enemy, to loo\ out fharp as men of war do at Sea, alfo a certain marche founded in times of war upon the trumpet or drum when they di- fcQyerthe enemy. Vedére l’invito, to fee a vy at play, to fee ones refi at Priméro. Vedére-tòrto , to fee amiffe or afquint. Vedére-per ifpicchio, to fee by a glimps. V ederéocio, that is or may bejeen. Vedétta, a watch-tower whence may be fecn a fane of,a fentinels flandingplacc,a pry¬ ing or pee ping-bole, a Beacon, a laure or high lantern on the top ef an houfe, fane or weather cock- * Vediménto., any fight or feeing■ 4 Vedio ,a firname of Apòllo. Veditóre, a feer, averter, a beholder, an overlooker, a furvaycr. Vedi-vè, fee-fee, view and mark, V édoua, V édoa, a widdow among perfons of honour, a Dowager, Védoua vita, a widow or folitary life. Vedouàle, viduall , widow-like. Vedouànza , Vedouàggio, Vedouézza, widowhood, alfo privation of things mofl dear. Vedouàre, to widow, to ma\e a widow or a widdower , by Met. to leave or make de folate, to bereave, or take ones de are ft thing from him. VedouaricQ , widowhood, alfo whatfoeyer of right belongs to widowhood. Vedouetta, V edouélla, a poor widow. Vedouile, viduall, widow-like. * Vedouiti, us Vedouànza. Védouo , a widower, alfo alone, defiliate or deprived of what one loveth. Veduta, us Vifta. 4 Vedutamente, yifibly, feeingly. Veduto, Vifto, fieri, viewed, brbeld. 4 Vegentina, Veterana, a kind of black (lone or gum, but mingled with white fats. * Venerabile, j V E L V E L ^ egetadle, Vegetale, Vegetarne, Ve- gtt voi") vegetable, as beaibs , plants , h i a tre floncs. * Vegetare, lo gYow,*o q!tic\en, to become hid) uni firmi, io l -Jt and cncieafe ai planis do. YegetntrérAe, Vegttanza , lb.il pi mor in ] Veie ,"tic più,, of Véla mum , which God bath givano Cr a- \ Vclege'dic, tu futi, silo tfwiyg turn, wbcrtbj ibi) live, gran andare [ y Icgilla, any little fail. no.tr jh d, vogctaiion, which fame define , Velcnarc, to'poi fon, io envenom tO be. the tnjl.ur nr Pir.r litui cl nlnir*. v ■ u > . > V E N "V e aro, a vati or S ipieffe mailer, alfa ban{- cre(]es. Vdaca, Vdatiòne, a ■ailing , alfa a vail¬ ing or a fh idowing. * Vel circa, or thereabout. Ve \<è,toyou,tbem,fcm t to be, the living or eie reefing of plants (Ion::, hearbs, and trees . Vegetati /o,vcgeta‘ive, that is quic\ , growing , freflj or found , vegeti i- t’s:. Vegga 'hat he or (J)C?n.ty fee , alfa let h m or her fee. Veggente, as Vedente. Vcggia, Vcghiaria, Vcgg’iia , Véglia , Velenario, Velcnatore, a poifoner. Velenatióne, Velenamcnto,.ipo//o>j. ; »£, V eie nàto, venomed, poifoned. Velenifero, venom-bringing. Veléno, any {find of venom 3 poi[o i, banc } or infcfiion. Veléno di terra, a \ind of Ariftolodvia , which is faid to {ill fifijes. Velenoficà, a venomous quality ua , v^u.i, v cienolira, a venomous qual:’ j. i. properly i he fir (l part of the night bifore , Vdcnófo, venomous, baneful, oars going to bed, 0 that limcof the mght, Velétta, any little fail, alfo fine tiffany, or sfunn wo, lying , taking or reveling-, Cipreffe, alfo Cobweb-lawn, ^Vedétta. ntfoa > tvcltng or m enng of good campa- j Vcletciro, a Scout or Rv's-dropptr , alfa a titolate at nivht. alfa aw.the 1 r„;i c .,r. . La nyih’l (Its up late at night [ alfo awa{c I or waging, a n atch, a S out, or a Senti- VcggKi imento, V egghi i n za , V eggld nza my wilf ing or fitting up at nights. * Veggh’ant: , Veggente, watchful, vgilant , alfo a watch man, or a watcher. * Vegghiarc, Veggiar:, Vegliare, to w t{c,to watch, lo {cep V égghia, to re- Vdicare hafta, a light javelin. vd or L H ? Jt H hrs 1,1 ancl {pM- I Veli-atóre, a s{irmj7;.r. rug comp ay, alfo to flout and {ecp and Velici, light-armed Romane Souldicrs. SI #, or fee tbcm,f m. Velleità, a re folate wilhngnefje. V cllerófo, fl:ecie,fuU of fl.cces. 4 Vellicare , to pull, topine^ or to tug hard, alfo to dclraff from. * Vellicatone, a plucking or pulling and tugging, alfo detraction from. Vellicare, ro fl:ece t to bear fleeces. Véllo, a woUy fleece, alfo as Batuffo¬ lo. V èlio d’ òro , a golden fleece, Jafon fleece, Vellófo , woolly, flcecie, fhaggy # thrummy nappy, hairy. , , , na PPy> hairy. V Chiarii, m .igcd woman, alfo on old do- \ Véllo-véUo, loe-fet and view km nm woman. Velluti, « Vclucarc. Velluto, iti Voluto, alfo as Vcl- ting won at Vegliare, *«Vcgghiare, as Invecchi¬ ai, V églio, as V occhio. j Vcgn Indo, Vegnènte, com'ng. j Veh.'mentire, to afe vehcmencìc, to afe v ii nc: or enfo. ee. V-li:ménte, vehement, violent , ta n cr , fierce , carncjl. V>.h:ménxa , vehemence, v'olence , fierce- Vehicolo, \ cicolo a Ifind of cart tumbrel, wane, vengnn or Chariot for carriage , V dentina, as Vegent-ina. Ve’l, to y iu it or the fame, » rfr, V e la, to you it or the fame, fern. Véla, any Ifiad of fail. Velabro, a te n or booth in ,j fy t ^ Velame, Vclanicnca , all forts of fails. Velarégli , all manner of fhidowings I6fo. 'Velma, /oft mire , mud , or bog , namely in the bottom of any flanding wa¬ ter, * Vclméfo, muddy, miery,boggy. Vélo, any tynd of vail, Cobweb-lawn or Tiffany, alfo a vail, a curtain or fail, by Mr. the roof or vail of a Temple cr Church , alfo an obfiacle or defence , alfo mans Car{a(]e , vail or mortal bo¬ dy. V cl ocejwift, fpecdj, fi et, lightly or quick- lypajjint, V doccili ènte, fwifely, with celerity. Velocità, fwiftnejfe , q’u c \ morion. Vélce, great fir onghur dies, Véltra, a gray-hound bitch. V cirro, a gray hound dog. Vducchio, as Vilucchio. 'n"’ — . j "■**"&* , v eiuccnio, as viiuccr vnU ill bmt-put to \tc f ojj Sunne or Velume, as Volume. i wind. Velare, t'o fail, alfo to vail, to fiba¬ ci w , to cover, to hide rviih vail or cur¬ tain. Velare 1 ’ occhio to winkwitb the fy r . V durare, to velvet, to plufh. Velucirc, a velvet-weaver. V ducato, fifr,p'u(hse,{h-iggie, nappy, flte- cie, of a high nap, thrummy. Velutino , jint, flight , or thin Ft/- vet. Vellico ! ófo. ^ Vellico alro, high (haggle Velvet. V duco bado, 'ow fhrfn velvet Velétte figurilo, far,d, 'bronchiti or wroago: Velvet. Ve!u:o intacliaro. In-cut Vrlvet. V ciuco pelòfo, fi I {-plufh or fh t g , ’ Vellico r ccc io, uvfimn VtL-tt V ciunifo, full of Velvet, plufiye. Veluzzo,tb: dim. of Vélo. Veniente, as Vehcméntc. Vc-ménza, as Vehem'nza. Ve’n, «i Ve- ne, to you the, e of, alfo thereof Véna, any vein or pulfe, but remcm'ier that every vein is not a put fi-, though every pulfe be a vein , and fometimes for an ^ ì by Met. a vein of earth, of ftonc, of coale,n-r clay, of metal , of ir/ ters, or of any thing ci e , alfo a natural vein, dtspofition or inf inti, a peculiar vein, file, nr manner of life, of fpcaJ?- ‘K&i or of writing. 1 1 Verri tilipóìét , two veins which tm-iticu- lar/y noimfh thr fit and slfni that is about- tot k'dntjs, and brood fat intbfc parts Which thr, run by. ’ I Vérn arteriófa, one of the four principal mtltls of mans body, ijjmng from till an- | tpolc of the heart ; the blood whereof \ n carnali unto tin lungs for their im- n(hm:nt. Véna afcelJare , the Lhlr-vih, or gnat branch of the hollow V :in con. vcyri under the eburnei bom , and through the arm bole into the inner part of the arm, where it is dilli r- fed. ,r * Vénaaurirolire , the ear-y in which runs up along by the {crncls, that are un¬ der the ears , * Véna basilica. Véna epatica, Véna hi- pa cica ,tbc Liver-vein. * Véna cava, the hallow vein. * Vcna cefalica, the humeral,the fijwldcr, or the Cefalica-vein. * V éna cervicale , the vein of the brains. * V- na cicca, the blind vein. * V éna crftica, a fmall ( fometimes flagl e fometimes double ) branch of the P,,rt- vein , whence it mounts unto the ntc{ of ihegall, there dividing it fc If into two branches. Vena coronale, the Crown, vein,a branch of the Spleen-v:in, fo called, bicaufe it environcth the heart in the form of at Crown. ‘ j * V éna crurale , a branch of the defen¬ dant tn,n{ n f d)t hollow vein, divided into fluir other branches. * Véna diaphragmatica , the m driff- vcin. M * Véna di fontana , a vein or well¬ head , a belling or purling of c fpnng. V éna di metallo, a vein in the earth yield¬ ing metal. V élla d’ ingégno, the vein or inflinR of a mans wit and invention. ] Véna di fàngue , a v:in or Arterie of blood. 4 Véne cmulgcnci, Véna vcnale,f/;£ verification, a verifying. Vcrigolare, to augur , to bo are, to drill, to pierce. Verigola, an augur,a wimble, a dr'ft. Vcri-lóquio, true [peech, a true expofttion or meaning of a word or fentcncr. Vcri(ìmÌ2lÌ3ntc , Verisìmile, Vcrifimi- gliévole, Verifimilmcnte, lively, truth refembl'tnz. Verifimig'ianzi , as Vcrifimilitudi- ne. Verifiinillimoj mofl Ufi unto truth. Verità) truth, footh, verity. Veritévolc, vert able, having truth. ' Verltevolménre, Veritieramente, truly, v • ritabiy, verily. Veritiero, a truth teller, a footh-fay- er. Ver mè, to me-ward,towards me. Verme, Vérmo, any find of worm, worm- let, grub or vermine, by M t. Lucifer , or the tormenting worm of confcience,alfo the wo rm or wind tig of a ferew, alfo a de¬ calchi fomehorfes called the bots, l>ok. Vermi- or Vèrmi. | V ormeggiare, to vermin, to crawl as worms. “Vermèna, Vermenélla , at Verbéna, alfo young [prigs Springing from the 1 root. V ermi, the phi. ofV erme. Verm'cata, as Vérmo cane. Vermicelli, all manner of roomlets, grubs or fmall vermin, alfo a find of pafte meat cut fm ill,thin and long 10?- worms,which being dryed may be fi pt along time, and at pleafure being boy Id in water or broth, then dreffed with butter, cinamon , and grated cheefe, they are held for a dainty difhin Italy- Vermicolite^ Vermicu'ae, to creep or I crawl as worms or emmets do, to run and ! jpread as a tetter or ring-worm doth, alfo 1 to worm-eat, alfo to breed or be full of vermin or worms» ai fo to work in-laid, m irquetrie or checquer work with very fmall pieces. 'Vcrmicoiaria > Vermiculàiia, worm graffe , great (lone-crop, wi'd prick madam. Vcrmicolatióne,ii ver ruination,any worm¬ eating, a breeding, creeping or craw¬ ling of vermin, of grubs, as alfo of tetters. Vermicolaro, Vernuculato, worm-eaten ’ full of worms or vermin, alfo wrought with fmall in-laid marquetrie- * worfi ’Vermicolófo, Vermicófoj Veimiculó- fo, full of worms, vermin or grubs» Vermifero, worm-breeding. Vermiform c, formed like a worm. “Vermigliare, Vermicolare, (tifo to ver million, look Mangiari. ' Vermiglierò) look Mangiari. * Vermigli, zia, VemiÙion-redneftfc. Vermìglio, vsrmillion-rcd, alfo geules in Annone, alfa a kind offillgwom. “Vcrmigliófo ,full of vermillion. Vcrmìna, Verminacula, as Verbéna. Verminàre, to breed or fill with vermin, to vermin, to grub, alfo to breed, to have, or to void worms as children have, alfo to have a wringing in the belly. Verminatióne, a vermmation, a pain or wringing of the guts, as if they were gnawn rvith worms, alfo the worms or bots in any cattle. Vermini, Verminéggi, all manner of ver¬ min Or grubs. Verminófa, Vermofo, full of worms or vermin, worm or moth-eaten, alfo troub¬ led or pained with worms or gnawing in the guts. * Verminucci, Verminclli, Vermolini, Vermucci,, the t utb is. Veróchio, a. winder in a Crane to wind up great weights. Veróla, Vcróle, as Varóle. Veróla di ferro, a plate or clout of iron. Veroiófo, poefie, full of tbe pnx. Veróne, any out-butting building, or round bay window in profpefts or galle¬ ries. Verònica, Vaults betonie, Fluellin fpted- well, or Ground-beel, alfo a fh:et wh'ch fome believe that a woman of that name brought to wipe our Saviour Cbrift when',he did fweat, and which is to this day fipt at Korns for a. reliqut , called alfo Vólto fanto. Vérpa, as Vérga, a mans yard. Vérpo, circumcifed, that bath the fort- sfin of his yard cut oft. Verrà, h:,jhe, or it (ballarne. Verrettóne, Verriito, as Verétto. V errare, to fail over the Sea. V errino, of, or belonging to a boare. * V erro, any boare-bog. " V errò, I (hall or will come. Vcrróne , as Veróne alfo a great boarc: Verruca, Verruche, a’l manner of warts or knaps of hard ft ft} riftng in tbe body whereof be divers finds,by Me’, hillocks or knaps of bills riftng out of the ground, alfo holes in old fteeples, or old buildings wherein birds do breed. Verruca fornicante, or Séfsilc, awartle black Ufi un ant, and therefore called an ant-wart, u is commonly deep rooted, broad below , and little above, being ftir- red or pulled , it mafis one fed, as it were the flinging orpriefing of ants. Verruca pénfilc, a long and hanging wartle wi f h a great head and a fender root. Verrucària, hearb wart-wort. Verrucófo, full of warts or fiaps. Verriito, as Verétto. Verfàbile, Verfévole, Vcrfatile, tama¬ ble, that mty be poured out , alfo conver- fable. Verfaccii, dogrel rhimes filthy ver - /«• Verfaglio, as Rerfaglio. Ver fante, poking forth, alfo turning, alfo convtrfant. Vcrfare, to poure out, to fh'-d over, to sfink wine, alfo to leak as a (hip, or run out as fome veffe’-s, alfo to turn or winde about, alfo to reverfe, or over¬ turn, alfo to conv£rfe with, or frequent often. *Vei Catióne, Vcrfatura, Veifinr nto, a pouring or sfinfing out, a [bedding over, a lealfing or running out, alfo a winding , a veering or turning about, alfo conver- fation or often frequenting. Veifaco, poured out, (bed over, sfinfid, leafid or run out, alfo conver fed with, alfo convexfant with, nr expert. Verfacóio,* veftcl out of which one poureth into another. Vérfa urinale , an emptyer of U i nals, “Vcrfeggiancc , Verflficante, verftfy inz- Veif.-ggiare, Verfic're, to ver ft fie. Verfétto, Versicolo,, verfe. ver fide, a fmdl VER V E S V E V crii tra, an old bag, a beldam witch gain. about anights. V cr liticare, to ver fife, 'Vcrfificatióne , Verlìfìcamcnto, Verfi- catura, any verifying. Verfificatóre,a verfifyer. Versifico) that verflfyeth. Vérlile, tu Verfacile. Verdóne, a verfion, a conversion.' Verfi-pélle,/?£0/>/c bewitched, fore-fpo^en, or changed by rei tch crafty alfo a change¬ ling or tu, n-coat, by Met. a wavering companion, one that will turn with every wind or fortune, V erfo, any verfe or line of writingy by Met. order3 cottrfe or method, alfo any party fite or fcituation of place or coajl, alfo a point of tb: compafje y alfo my (ideh. V erfo, Vcr, adv. towards , ovcr-againfl, al jo in compari fon of,alfo according to the grain or byafs. Vtifo cafa, horn.’-ward. Vérfo dentro, inward. Vcrfo deftra, towards the right hand. V erfo dóve? towards what place? Vcrfo la fera, towards evening. V tifo Ponente, towards the n'efl. Vcrfo qui, hitherward, this way. V éi lo finfftra, towards the left hand. V erf di no, a verflct, a Jhort verfe. VerfSria, the needle of a Marriners com puff: toucht with a load-Jtone. Verfório, ih >t turnclh any away. Verfùra, ns Verdume. Vcifitn, mutabiity, variabkneffe, alfo wilmffCy cunning c aft. Veifiuo, mutable , inconflant, often turning, alfo full of crafty wilie and cunning flpifts. * Verta, the bottom bag of a net s where the fijh caught \ecps together. Vertigo, a hound that will hunt by him- fetf, and bring home his prey. Vcrtare, as Verfirc, alfo to turn. Vertebre, a joy ut in the body where the joynts ft) meet, that they m lyttn n,as in the ^nucule-bone. * Vercécchio, Verricèllo, Vertibolo, a {pinners whi, l for her Jpindle. Vertente, at V orticàie. ‘Vertere, tu turn, to vert , to change. V^rtj'bilc, that may turn, or be tur¬ ned. Vtìrticile, vertical, that turnetb or whir- icth abouty loo\ Cérchio, pun¬ to. Va rice, the top, the tip, the crown or height of any thing , as of an hill, or of a mans head , alfo tb: fcam of the head that run¬ neth from tb: middl: of the fore-head dire ft ly over the crown to the n.c{, and divi doth the hair in two parts, eu may be feen in a womans brad, wh.n her hair f illeib half on the right fide, and half on the left, alfo a whi l-wtnd , alfo a whirl¬ pool, or the eddie and turning round of the water, where tid.s do font and meet, alfo the boo{s that a door hangeth on. Verricèllo , Vertibolo , as Vertéc chio. Vertici del móndo, the North and South Poles, alfo the eh ft people of God that go | ti Heaven. * Verticilla, a wryncc^,* hic\wxy,V zsxico, ! as Ruvidjco. Verticillato, made turning, apt to turn, 1 alfo {nit together as fome juyats I are. j Verticoli ,the \nuc\les or turning joynts of, the bac^-bonc. Vertico.o d’tm lufo, the whirl or jtv.vel of a jpindle. Vcrticófo, vertical, full of turnings. Vercicórde, heart-turning. Verticulario, a burglare, a forceora breaker up of houfes. Vertigine, any whirling, turning , r.y yowl¬ ing about, alfo a difeafe proceeding of wmdineffc, which fo troubleth fome, that aUtheyfee,fcemethtt> turn round, we call it a Va tigo,a giddmejje or fwimming in the head , with a myfltnefle or Spark¬ ling of the eyes, namely if one fioop a? loo\ downward, or otherwise through any other difiemper of the body, alfo the eddie or round whirling of waters. Vccvgino fab, a di\incj]c or fwimming of the head or brain. Vertiginófo , troubled with Verti¬ go Vertire, to turn round. Vertorclla, a cage for birds made of ofiers. * Vcrtola, a box or cabbinct. Verni, Vcrtiie, Vertùde, ver tue, honefly, hatred to vice, alfo the power, the ri¬ gor, the vertue or property in, or of any thing. Virtualità, Vcrtuolùà, the power , rigour, or cfie ft of vertue. Vertudiófo, vertuons, unvicious. Verdeggiare, to [hew, to prafticc, to pro- fefir., or to proceed in vertue. | * Vertumale, changeable atpleafurc. "Vertunàli , faenfiecs unto Vertum- nus. Vertuófo, vertuons, honeft, unvicious, at o one who is indowed with parts,as huma¬ nity and polite learning, a mixt Scho- 1 lar. Vertugadfno, d womans vcrditg.il. Vervatto, land ploughed up in the Spring time. ’Verve-lie, the vxrvds of a h.iw\ft Service, a (beep, a weather. Veryiligine, the bUc^ Chameleon thi- file. Veryina, as Verbéna, as Vervuto. Vcriilc, a tynd of cherries Verunamente, in no fort, at no hand , by no means. Veruno, not any one , alfo any one. Veuito, a ifind of iavclin, fpcar, daYt , or weaponed flaff. Vii gii called the Volf chi, Verati, becaufe they nfed to fight with fitch javelins. Verzaglio, as Berzaglio- Verzaino, Verzerótto, Verzolino, as Verde ro. Verzàca, Verzellata, ct di(h of cole- worts. Vérzc, any eoleworts. Vcrze di cape , dogs-mercuric, dogs- caul. Verzcllare, as Vergellàre, as Svcrzel- làre. V erzéra , forni part of a (hip. Verzctte , Verzellfnc , young cole- worts. Verzicante, as Verdeggiànte. Verzicare, as Verdeggiàrc. Vergierc, a ground or plot fiet with cole- wo)ts orcabidges. Vcrzinare , to colour red with • bra- Verzino, bra’ll or fernanhuftg. Verzolino, as Verzaino. Verzòtti, cabidge eoleworts. Verzura, V-rzume, as Verdume. Vef nia, madnefle, fury , rage. Vefchiàre, Vcfcb’o, as Vifchio. Vifch, any fufje-ball, puff-fift, or mufh- •ifMjU.t uj win-A u, u ijty by. Met. any bladder or hollow b ili. , ,al fu a Me,a ft IL or a tlofe furt, J J Véfcia di lupo, a pitc^-fufje, a fuffc-ball, a P'fJf f)ft> •' l bull-fyfl. Ve fc iàre, Vefcicggiàre, Vefcfre. to fl-zle, to fyft, alfo to btrfier. Vefcica, Vefcicare, as Vefsica- Vefcicóne di vento, a great wind-bladder , an idle vain-glorious gull. VvTcov -to, a Btjboprick or Sea. Vefcovcggiàrc, to play the Bifljop. * Vefcovilc, B'fhop-li^e. Véfcovo, a Bifijnp, Ves'ca, Veficàre,{ , or print of any thing, namely of a mans feet, alfo as Pè¬ dici, among Anatomi fts. Veftimcnto, any Vefturc, Vcftment, weed, garment , habit , attire, clothing, arty, or fate of apparel. Vertano, a {bid of thin chfCe. Vertir-, vertoj veftii, vcffi.o, toenveft, to cloth, to apparel , to array - t to enrobe, to attire. Vcrtirli, for a man to cloth or ma\e himfelf ready, to put on ones cloths. Vertice» Vertici , nom. as Veftimén- ro. Veft.'to, part, clad t clothed, apparelled, at¬ tired, arayed, clad, enio'icd, enmantled, covered,cafed, garnifhed or ready decked with. Vertico a bruno , a corrótto, a duòlo» a lugubre, a mórco» d’ afflitto» di lutto» | di néro, di fcorruccio,cfod in mourning - 1 cloths or blac{ weeds. Vcrtito alla France k t clad after the French , fafbion. V-rtito da R è, clothed li{e a King. Vertito di grana, attired in fctrlet. Vefticura, Veftura, as Vcftiménco» alfa as Invcfticura. Ve (tonano , a colour ufed by Paint¬ ers, Vet ramante» Veteranaménte, anticntly in former ages, Veterà neo, after the antient manner. V etzizno, old,aged, antient,in old fouldier. i Veterare, to gì ow undent o+ aged. ! Veterinaria, the trade of making of gl affé s , 1 ««Vetraria, ì * Veterinario, one that hath fervid long in j am place , charge, or office. i V -iterino a burden-bearer. V eterno, a continual dcflre of fl'eping, en- grndrid through floth and idl ntffe, V «Vero, old, aged, antient. V etica as Vimine. Vctol ro, a {find of cowl or tub to carry V E Z grapes in to the preffe betw^n two men. Veronica, the heath B tony. Vet aio, Vetraro , a Glalier, alfo a G'afs- ma{er. Nettami, all manner of gl effe s, ortlffe- wor{s. V errare, Vetriare, to glaffi, toglafe. Vetraria, Vetrina, u furnace where gl*ff s are made , alfo a (hop where glafjes are fold, a Glafs-boufe , as alfo Ling-wort, ChrifPs-wort, or Hclcbore. Vetriata, a Glafs-windoW. Vetrice, agnus caftus, fume ta{e it for Tuflilagine. Vetrici, as Vimini* withies, ojters , or willows. V etrificare, to become glafs, to vetri fie 3 to vitriate. Vetrino, vitrious, glaffie, ofglaffe. Vctr india, Vetrir.óla, Wall-wort or Pari- tiry, (ome take it for B.ifil-hcarb, Vetriòlo, ««Vitriólo Vetriócto» glaffie Alabafter. Vétro, any {hid of glafs V etrófo, glaffie, various. Vétta, Vétte, <« Vcd'tea, uf-: ■ p, th. dp, or bigbeft part of , ho a ftump, a bloc {, a log , run{ of a tree, alfa the rugo t hind of a tree, alfo a fhort trunebton, cudgel,batton ,, crab-tree jtajf, or flat ' ft aft', alfo a fm ■ U wedge, ingot, or gad of any m tal , alfo fuch pots with long narrow heads as are fi t upon walls for birds to breed in,al- [ fo a {ind of linnen vail , quoif, bcad-lacr, or hair-fillet, wherewith PrieHs wives' did tye their hair, and drifte their heads, ufed alfo for a garland , a chaplet, or wreath for the head. V ettaiuólo, as Rirnectinccio. * Vétte, Vettfne»Vetcicciuóle , the dim. ofV cita, alfo any little or [mall ftic{s, {prigs, or branches, or fuc{ers of trees , namely Jtic{s of Cynamond, alfo a Spanijh oyl-jar with a great body and alitile mouth, [ome have ufed the word fora Chime or CaviUionof Bells, as alfo for a Squirels maze going about with a Cage i and bells in the fame. I Vettóne, the fup. of Vétta, j Vettoria, ««Victoria. I Vettouaglia, Vcttouarie, all manner of\ I victuals, food, or fujtenance. I V ettouagliàre, V ettouariarc, lo vi final, or j [lore with vi finds. V ettouagliére, a vifiualcr. | Vettucce, the tendrels of any tree, bearb or flower. Vettura, the hire of a horfe , alfo the price \ for any carriage. j Vetturarc, Vettureggiare, tota{e , or let I forth to hire, namely horfes or Mules of a bac{ney-man, alfo to bargain with a Carrier for the carriage of any thing. * Vetturino, Vetturale, a Hac{ney-man, a Muletier, one that lets forth horfes or Mules to hire , alfo a Carrier or Porter, that carrietb things for hire or reward , alfo an hired day-labourer, alfo a vifiu¬ alcr or provider for vi finals in a Camp or city.' Vetuftà, Vecuftczzi, antiquity, elder- lime, antientnejje. Vetuftam.'nce, antiently, agedly. Vetufto, antient, old, aged. Vezzdre, as AvcZzare. IV ezzacaménce, malicioufly, viciaufly, de¬ ceitfully. V c zzc, vitches or tears. a g g V.zz:gg aménto, any wantoning or dal - lianec. Vezzeggiare , to wantoniy or daily. Vczzin.i, a {ind of fiffi \ n Mufcovy, that hath no bones in it. * Vczzo, V zzi, any {ind of wantonneff , wautom\ing , mignardtyng , dandl.ng , Alluna, toying, mtrry-jtjling, fquenm- ijb-fimpring, or playing with 11 words or I afiten, a!fo a vice or fault fir ft ufed for wantonneff, and then as an habit or cuftom , that cannot eafi’y be left, it is of¬ ten ufed for a t arcanti, a file or chain of pearls, or any quaint ornament worn a- bout the ntc{ for a grace and wanton {hew. Vezzolfno, a little young want on. Vezzofaménce, wantonly. Vezzofo, wanton, mign.ird, quaint , blith buc{fom,gamcfom, fnH of wantonneffe \ ni r ce P ert > Iq'Mami [la, flat te ring, full of affectation. Vezzótco, Vezótto,«z»y emptypiprffiarret I or cas{. Vezzura, ufed for Verdura. Ufficiale, official or officious. II ti'-'idle arma , fit oh arms as are given by venue of fume office, as the Eiftjops live. 1 r Uff ciaméntoju// manner a Ladies Deputy. Vide, Vite, a sferew. Vidole, a difeafe in fome horfeSj, V iduàre, as V edouàre, to widow. Viduiti, widowhood, viduity. Vie, Via, being joy ned with Mànco, Me¬ no, or Più, hath the power of Mólto* or Aflai. Vie-manco, Vie-meno, tnuchlcffe, a great deal teffe. V ie-più, much more, a great deal more. Vie-maggiormènte, much more greatly, by much more. Vienimene, there comi to me of it. Vitmmifi, to me himfelf comes . Vienne, come away thence. Vièniquà tù,ù?o^un vien-qua-tù. Vicrc, a fend of dart, ffrear , or Javelin, ea- fie to be brofen. Vkréccio, that is good, or maybe carried by the high-way. * Vièta, as Vieto, adjeft. Vietàbile, that may be forbidden. * Viecaménto» Victànza , Vietatióne , Vièto, a prohibition, a forbidding, an in¬ hibition. Vietare, to forbid, to prohibit , alfo to let or hinder.. Vietatore, a forbidder, a probibiter. * Vièto, as Vietamènto, alfo a let,a flop,an « hindrance, by Met. a mans privities. * Vièto, fiale , reafee, un favour), alfo faint , hthcr, that hath lofi his natural vigor. Viètta, any little way,path, ally, lane, or caufeway. , Vi- ' VI L Vicvàj a come and away* a fnddain time or (pace. * Vie Vie, as Via-via. Vicvocàto, involved, called unto. Vigentéfimc; Vigcfimo, the twentieth. Vigere, to laft, to continue. Vigefi-.nariojr^etffy ye fees old. Vigilante, Vigilate, Vigile, vigilant} watebfud, never - (leeping, Vigilantemente, Vigilataméntc,w**fck- fully, vigilantly. Vigilanza, Vigilatone , wxtchfudneffie, vktlancy. Vigilare, to watch, alfo to \eep the vigili of i any holy ■'day. Vigilia, an even or vigil before a. feajt or : holy-day, a fa fling-day, alfo watching 01 ; abstaining from fleep, alfo a watch by- night, which was ufed in old time by di- I vidi ng the night into four parts, the firfl, the [eco, id, the third, the fourth watch. Viginti-vitaco, a Magi frate of twenty men of Hlfe authority. Vigliaccaggtne, Vigliaccata, rogiti (IjneJfc, rafealy or feurvy tricks. Vigliaccamente, rafealy, rognifb'.y, bafe- * V igliaccàrc, to play the rogue, or r afe. ill or thebafe fellow. Vigliacco, a rafead, a lend rogue, a feurvy fcoundred. Vigliacco nc, a great, filthy, bafe, feurvy, rogu fh rafcall. * Vigl ire, to divide corn from chaff after it is tbrefhed, alfo as Vigilare. 4 Viglictto, ufed for Bigliétto. 4 Vigliuóla, Vigliuóln, 'he chaff divided from com after it is t 'orefhed. V>gna, a vine, a vineyard, alfo a warlike engine made of timber and hurdles, ufed by the Romanes, like to a little houfe , wherewith they fafely approached to the walls of a town,going upon low: truck¬ les or fowling timber , called alfo Vi¬ nca, as Villa. Vignacela, Vignizza, a great vineyard, or a wild one. Vignaio, Vignaro, Vignaiuòlo, a vine- roll, av’-ner, x vine-drcfer, a vinycard- keeper, alfo a prop or (lake to flay up a vine. 4 Vignale, of or pertaining to a vineyard o>- the rents and futtes thereof, alfo any vine¬ yard, or vine ground. 4 Vignato, a vineyard or ground planted with vines. Vignccta, the dim. of Vigna, alfo a virtet or fucb border as are (et upon b.:okcs. Vigorare, Vigoreggiare, Vigoria re, Vi- gorire, to ma\e or become vigorous or (hong, to envigor, org'vc vigor and ver - tue untolo battle in /?■ cagth. Vigóre, Vigorézza, Vigoria, Vigorofi- ta, vigor, venite, force, efficacy, flrength. Vigorofimcntc, vigoroufly. Vigorófo, Vigoriófo, vigorous , flrong. V\\c, vii, bafe, abflR, vile, of no worth , dog-cheap , alfo craven or bafe-min- dcd. Vilézza, as Viliti, as Viltà. Viltà, Villare, as Vigilia. V ilice, a traci of a countrey or land where no Citties are. Vilificare, to vilify , codebafe. Vilificatone, a vilifying. Vilificatórc, a vilifier, a ('corner . V il iménto , vileneffe, bufone fie. VVs6Co,fuUof vility or bafeneffe. Vilipèndere» to contemne, to defpife. V ilipendio» Vilipcnfiónc, contempt. V I L I ' 4 VilipcTo, contemned, d( spi fed. Vii.» re, to mal^e or become vile. ' Viliflìrnamcntc, mofl vilely. Vilita Viltà, vileneffe, vility , bafe- ! */*• \Villto, made or become vile or bafe. Vilia, a village, a town, a borough, a h m- let-alfo a Country-farmc,Mannour-honfe , Habitation, Place, or Palace of fi afure or profit out of a City or Town, but ebb fly for a noble mans Countrey- houfe , as V ign’a for an ordinary mans Conntrey-houfe, ufed alfo for the Couiitrcy itfilf, or any part out of a City. Villa-ruftica,r/wf part of a Countrey-boufe, wherein the Baylife or Parmer divelletb , thatkeepeth a Mannour-houfe or farm , with all manner of things pertaining to hufbxndry. In fome parts of England, we call it a Grange. Villa urbana, that part of a Mannour, where the Lord himfdf doth lye, as wc fay the Hall, the place, or chief Mannour- houfe. Villaccaria, as Vigliacaggine. Vii! 2 / ■■■■•, a village, a Countrey-town. 4 Vi. ma, a Country-woman, alfo a rude v diano us woman, alfo a kind of cottrfe hcmpcn-clntb or canvafe, alfo a kind of Haggard- fatico». Villanamente» Villanefcamcnte, Clow- uifhly. Carta ly, alfo vili anon fly, Villanata,*! Country-trick , a Clownifh-part, alfo any Count- -fong, jigg , roundelay , or dance, alfo a kind tf watcr-gruell for the poor. Villancióne, a gout-beaded, clownifb, ru » flic ad fellow. Villaneggiare, to become or play the Country cloivne or bafe companion, to abufc or offer \ villany unto, to taunt, to rate, to check, or raile upon with injurious or bitter | words. Villanella, Villanata, a pretty CountryA luffe, a hand fome Country-wench, a young fheaperdeffe, or quaint Milkmaid, alfo any Count!ty-fong, jig, roundelay, horne- f ipe, badadc. or dance. Villanéllo, Villanétto , the dim. fl/Villa- no. ^ V ìllanéfco, Countrey or clownifh-likej alfo, bafe and vidanous. Villania, any clownifhneffe, or rudeneffe, alfo v'Uany or incivility any nickname or unhmdfome and uncivid cempellati- on. Villaniflimo, Villannflimo, mofl Clow- mfh, rude, or Carterly. Villano, a villager, a Country-man, a Clown, a Hind, a Pwain, a Plough-man, a Boor, a Hufband-man, a Carterly-fel- low, a Country-labourer, a vidain,a rude, a ru (lick,or unciviU-fellow, alfo ignoble or bxfe-born. Villàta , a whole town or village, but pro¬ perly a whole Townffiip, a corporation, or body of a town. 4 Villatico, Villare, Villarcfco, Ville¬ réccio, Villcfco, of, or pertaining to Vidagts, to townes, or to the Coun¬ trey, alfo clownijh, Ruflicad or unci¬ vid. Villeggiare, Vrllettàre, to dwed, to abide, to live, or frequent the Country or Coun¬ try-townes, to live a Country lifetoufe bufbandry , to deal in Country •af¬ faires, to have the rule of a vidage, of a farm, of hit foundry, or of Country-bou- fes. I Villetta, any Country thing, any vidage buflnefje. V I N Vil.clco, Villeréccio, Vil’a.ico, ” I Villetta, VilTcciuóla, as Villi, zza. I Villicare, as Villeggiare, took Villi¬ co V il 1 icarióne, rule, bufineffe , or employment I about bufbandry or Conn try-affaires, un - 1 dcr the landlord , a ftewa ; dfljip under ano- j ther, look Villico. 4 Villico, Villicacórc, a Bailiff :, arnler,' or a Steward of hufbamhy and Countiy- ajfaircs under the land lard, an officer be-\ longing to a Country-mannour to overfee and order bufbandry, and hath autorii y to pay rents ifuing out of the Man- nour, to difirain, orempnmde cattle upon the ground, to fell trees-, to repair boti- , fes fro tabe wafts andflrayn , &c. alfo a Clown or fervant holding infoccage. 1 V illófo , full of vi llagcs or Country-townes, ' alfo hum, IJmjjj, plufhy, fleecy,'.vo!lj,\ having a high nap. Villuzzi, Viliuccia, a poor village, a pal¬ try town, a beggerly hamlet. Vilméntc, vilely, rudely,bafely. Vilpeftréllo, as Vipiftrcllo. Viltà, vileneffe, vility , bafeneffe, Viltro, a (trainer, a Cullandtr. 4 Vilucchiare, to bind with Vilucchio. Vilùcchio, withy-bind, weed bind, or bedg-beds. Viliicchio maggióre , the greater withy- bind or Hcdg-bclls. Vilume, as Volume. Viluppàre, to wrap, to rotile , to fold, to far die up or to entangle. Viluppo, any enwrapping, bundle, far die, trujj'e , or enfolding. 4 Viluppo d’ acqua, a httdling or gathe¬ ring of many waters together. 4 Viluppo di vènto, a gufi or berry of windes. Viminale, Vimineo, of, or belonging to ovjers or withies , alfo apt to twine about. Viminàre, Vimàre, to bind or tyc up with osiers, withies, or twigs, look Vi¬ mini. Vimi, Vimini, Vimolijfl// manner of wi¬ thies, ovfers, twigs, Sprigs , wands, wicker, or bin-ling-rods, that are pliant to wind-about or bind any thing with, fucb as Coopers , Basket-ma¬ kers, Gardners , or Fagot-binders ufe. * Vinaccia, Vinacce, grapes, that are preffed dry, in which is no \ivce,but are given to hogs, alfo grape-(tones, graines, or kernels, alfo the tappings of wine, alfo the mother of wine. Vinaccio, any bad wine , Vinacciuóla-vite, any wild vine. Vinacciuoli, grapes-feeder or {tones. Vinàce, Vinacco, wine bearing , or that hath wine in it, of or belonging to wine. 4 Vinagine, quality of wine, alfo a ffind of ■ (tock-dove, Vinàgro, fowre wine, vincrcr. * Vinàio, Vinaiuólo, a Vintner, a wine- Merchant, alfo as Vignàio. Vinàlie, /Ki/ 2 cr belonging totaflings of wine, heretofore kept among the Paynims , and to this day obftrved in fome parts of Europe , caded Saint Martins feafles. Vinàli ficrificii, facrifices, for preferring of vines and wines Vinàrio, of, or belonging to vines or making of wines , alfo a Vint¬ ner. Vinaticre, a wine-merchant, a Vint¬ ner , , Vinci, | VI N V I o V ir.ca, Vinca-pcr Vinca, wintyc or P.rc- wintye, Vincaia> as Vine héto. Vincafhare, as Viminarc, alfo cu S vinchi- are. Vincaftrata, as Svinchiara. Vinca ft'ro, as Vimine, alfo any {ind of wand,rod,fwitcb, alfo a booty cr a cmoty Vincènte, vanguifhing , conquering , alfo as Vincitóre. Vincere, Vinco, Vinfi, Vinto, to vanguifh, to conquer, to fubdiie, to bave the victory of, alfo to winne at any game or wager , alfo to convince. * Vincerla-del tratto, to winne by the band or elderfh'-p. Vincerla pruóva, to overcome any attempt. Vinccvole, V incibile, vincible. Vinchéto, any plot of ground where O'fters or withies grow. Vincili, V inci, the (hreds, cuttings , Sprigs, or loppings (ut off from vines , boli Caca- vincigli yOlfo as Vimini, or Vincaftri. Vinchiarc, to bind with rods, or withies, alfo to clinch or clafp very bard. V inchia ta, a. binding or a beating with rods, withies or fwitches, alfo a clinching or claSping. V incibiie. vincible, conquerable. V inabiliti, vanqui(hxbleneffe. Vinci-befco ,wood-bind,bony-fuctye,as Ma- ' tirlfHva- Vincidirc, difeo, dito, to grow w allow-'jl) in tafle, to wither or fade away. Vincido, wallow:fh or watrijh in tafle, alfo withered or flappy. V incigliare, Vincigli, as Viminare. V ilici-guèrra, war-van qui [her, the name of a flout foldicr, or noble horfe. '* Vincimene©, Vincitura, Vincita, a con- quefì, a vanquififing, a winning or good hand at play. Vincitói e, a victor, a conqueror. Vincolare, Vinculare, to bind, totye,to fatten, to fhactye, to fetter. Vincolo, ;Vinciilo, any thing or bond to lye and bind fajl with all. Vin-cotto, hok Vino-cotto. V induri mia, as Vendémmia. Vindicate, as Vendicare. Vindice, a revenger of wrongs. Vinca, bob Vigna. Vini' ca, Vincila, as Vinaccia. Vincto, Vinétto, Vincilo, any jmall wine. Vinglvare, as Vinchi' re. Vingirare, to tye and bind ft fi. Vinifero, wine-be ai in z. Vinno, a lock of hair finely curled. Vino, any tyiid of wine. * Vino-abbóndo, wine- abounding. Vino-accoftant wine pleafing to the tafi, the fight,and the fmell. * Vmo-abboccato,/ 00 ^ Abboccato. V ino-addacquàto, watred wine. * Vino ardente, Aquavitc. Vino-battezzi to, wine well watred. V i i.o- cera fu ólo,wi,ic of cherries. * Vino die fmaglia, bristywine. Vino-chiarcllo, claret wine. ’ Vino còtto, cuit-wine, or wine that is boyled, which put into other wines , matys them keep long and in heart . * Vino del mónte, high conntrey wine. Vi¬ ro del Reno, rennifh wine. < Vino-delie fgonfiate, high-coloured wine. * Vino di comare, fwcel-winc, goffopiitg wine. , . * Viro di Hone, Strong heady-wine., * Vino di luna, a tytnd offyxnifowinc. Vmo-di piano, lows country wine. Vino-di pofticcia, fmall houfehold wine. Vino di {bagna, facty fpowfh wine . VI R * Vino dótto,Vino dótto, a wine-conduit. Vino-gigliàrdo, jl-ong heady wine. V ino-garbo, fewer orfljxip wine. * Vino granatino, wine of pomegranates. Vino-grande, full and firong wine. * Vino-inforzato, foure, or turned wine. * Vino-leggicro, fmall wine. Vino-liatico, wine of gladneffe. Vino-mirhato, wine mixed with Miri) or wormewood,Vur-Royall,tatyn alfo for that wine, which the Jewts gave unto our Saviour fefus Chrift upon the 0 °[f e > Vino-muffato, vel muffo, mufty-wine,or ta fling of the casty Vinonaco fótto Acquario, [mall-wine born under the watery fign of Aquarius. * Vino-négro, black °r red wine. Vino-nòbile, rich,precious wine. Vino-nuòvo, muff,new or unrefined wine. Vino-picciolo, fmall, weak wine. V ino-potente, mighty,firong wine. Vino-prètto, neat,pure wine. Vino-racénte, [ower-brisk wine. * Vino-ravvòlto, Vino-ftravólto, dead wine , turned by thunder or hot wea¬ ther. Vino-roffo, red wine, Aligant wine. Vino-ferbatóioj lafiing wine. Vino fobbollito, a-s Vino-còtto. Vino-fvanito, wine that bath lofi both co¬ lour and flrengtb. Vino tibi-drago, a tyidof firong fac\• Vino-traboccante, wine ready to turn. Vino trebbiano, a tynd of mn fendine wine. Vino-vermiglio, ufed for red wine. Vino-voltato, as Vino ravvòlto. Vinolènte, wine-loving, given 10 love wine and duintynneffc. Vinolènza, over-much love to wine. Vinolo, t'tpled, cup-fhotten, foxe 4 ,wantonly- blith, as it were with wine. Vinòfo, full of quality of wine, heady, fu¬ ming, having a fmack of wine, as Vino¬ lo. Vintcna, one fcore, or twenty. Vintéfimo, the twentieth in order . Vim's, the number of twenty. Vinto, vanquifhed, conquered, fubdued, overcome, ovennafired , alfo wonne or ac- coyed,took Vincere. Viòla Viòle, the violet- fio tier, alfo a vi- ole-glafje , alfo a vi ole-in fir urn cm. Viola-acciócca, the dóuble violet. * Viola- arborata, the Upright panfy or heartes-eafe. Viola-bianca, the white violet, alfo the white flock zitti flower. Viola damafehina, the damask violet, clofe-fciences, or roagues gillifiow- er. Viola-da arco , a bow-viol or vio¬ lin. Viola-d’ Autunno , the Autumne bell- flour , Blue harvefi lidie, or Harvefi bill. Viola-da braccio, an arm viol or vio¬ lin. Viola-da gamba, a violi de gamba , fo called, bccaufe it is held between the legs. * Viola-di Maria, Marians-violet, or Co¬ ri entry-bells. V iola-di Marzo, the March, the garden, or the fweet violet. * Viola-gialla, the wall flour. * Viola-hcrbata, the Fink or fmall hone- fty. Viola mammola, the double-double violet. Viola-fcrotina the purple fioctygtttifiow- er. V i«labile, violable, that may be violated or ravifhed . Violdcéa, the winter Stock zfitti flower. Violacéo, of a violet colour, alfo made off violets. Violare, to violatelo defile, to pollute , to diflain, alfo to tranfgteflc, to do againfi, i to break or infringe a law or good order, j alfo to wrong or mifufe, alfo "to defloure , or ravifl) a woman, alfo to adorn with violets , alfo to dye of a viole t-co- lour. Violario, Violare, a plot, a ban\, or agar- den of violets. Violata, a woman ravifhed. Violacióne, Violaménto, a violation, a de- flouring, aravifljing. Violato, violated, defiled ^polluted, diflai- ned, alfo tranfgrefled or done againfi, alfo ravifhed oydefloured, alfo adorned with violets. Violàcea violet-colour, alfo Blue /ilk or m. Violatóre, a violator , a r avi (her. V iolébbo, a juleb made of violets. Viòle, look Viòla. * Viole-dalie uòva, it tynd of violets at Eafier, wherewith fuch as bring eggs to their Prie fts to be bi(fed, adorn and deck their bastyts. Violeggiare, to fluurifh or adorn with vio¬ lets, to fmell of violets. Violentare, to offer violence unto,to force, to compel!. * Violentatóre, an offerer of violence, a for¬ cer, a confir ai ner. Violènte, violent t forcible, furious, impati¬ ent. Violcnteménte, violently. Violènza, violence , compulfionl out¬ rage. * Violétta, Violina, the dim. of Viòla* Violétto, Violettino, a violet-colour. Violino, a violl, or a violin. Violo, the double white violet. Violóne, a great or bafe violi . Viòrno, the wayfaring tree, the Travelers joy, or Hcdg-trce. Viotòrtoloj a drintyng-glaffe with a long windmz neety called a Bubling glaffe. Vióttolo, Viottcllo, any path, way, caufe- way, or walk. Vipera, a viper, an adder, a fnaty . ' Vipcraggine, vipcroufncfc. Vipera le, hearb rue or of grace. Viperare, to envipe.r, to enfnaty. Vipereo, Viperino, Viperófo, vipe¬ rous. Viperina, vipci s.graffe, fnaty-graffe. V ipióne, the lefjer tynd of Crane. Vipiftrare, to hover up and down about twy-light, as a Night-bat. Vipiftréllo, a night-bat, a rere-moufe. Vira, as Virago. * Viragin c, virility, manhood. Virago ,a manly,or mantynd woman,as ait Amazona. Virare, to veer or turn round. Virata, a veering orturninground. Virènte, verdent, green. Vireóne, a loriot or greenfinch. Virga, as Verga. ^ __ | 4 Virga-paftóris, as Verga-di paftòrc^ j Virgifcro , a vergerer, one that bearetb a. j verge or filver rod before any officer, namely before a Bifhop, a Preacher, or an Orator. Virgllc, as V ergili". Virginale, Virgine, as Vérgine. Virginiffima, a mofl pure Virgin., Virginità, virginity,pufilage. Virgola, a comma or point, as Vago 1 la. \A aaa % Virgulto^ | vi s \Vire.ulco ,anyki«dóffhrub, twig, (prig , » sprout, burgeon, bronci) or tender flioot. Vi-ricorda? do you rcmim'nr? V iridano, a garden, a hortyird, a green, a ' plot. Viridènte, as Verdeggiante. Viridiàlc) as Vireóne. Viridità, as Verdume. ' Viriére, a Glafirr,a Glaffe-maker. Virile» man-lity» male,of man-lfind, of, or belonging unto, or meet for a man f alfo VIS tnifhncfie, flimle or gluifh matter, alfo the < fl jh between the sfyn and the bone, alfo the chief entrails of mxn or beajt, as heart , Spleen, liver, lungs, &c. Vifchiófo, Vifcido, V ileófo, flunk, vif- cons, clammie, gluifh. Vifchiofitàj Vifcolita, flimineffe, clammi- ne(]e,vifcofitie. Vifciacclle, lufhes or lime-twigs. V ifciole, a Ifind ofwatenfh cherries, alfo plums. Vifciole fécchò dryed prunes. valiant or flout as a man ought to be, Tó ,. . pa virile» a gown without guard, welt, Vifcontado, Vifcontea, aViffieuntie. (Ììtch, lace, or ornament, a gown which Vi fcóntc, aVsf count when the Pretext* was left off, Vifco, as Vifchio. I, from the to winds was worn when the Pretexta was left of . to witi after the age of ftxteen years, and was commonly worn of new beginners, or ! new-married men, as a we elding-gown, ! Membro virile, a mans yard. } Virile, Hfco, rito, to grow or become a man, nr of man-hood. Virilità, man-hood, minlineffe, virilitic, I by M :.*min*genitorics. ' Virilmente» manly, manfully. ViriUtia, as Virilità . j V iridio, as Vitriólo. i Viri potènte, able to difebarge the part of j a mm, ripe for marriage. ì " Viri pròci, loo\ Bovigéni. | Viro , bitb been uftd for a mart, Lttinwordvir. 1 Virol : re, to veere, to ferew, or I and gir ■ about. : Virolètto, a winding-ferew. | Virófo, valiant as a mxn, full of man - 1 bood. \ Virófa donna, a woman deftrous, or luffing after a man, alfo a manly woman. Virtilla, a wryneck, a hic^way. Virtù, /o4Vertù. Vertualita'. Vcrtuofitajtfce effe ft or quali- ty,or power of vertne. Virtualmente, accordingto the power of virtue -, effectually. "Virtiidi, fo arc the (pints called, by which the virtues of miracles are effected. Virtudiofamcnte , Virtuofaménte, ver- tuoufly. Virtudiófo, vertuoiiS) fu" of venue. Virtu.-ggiare, to ufe, tojbtw, to praClice 3 or to proceed in vertne. Virtuófo» an ingenious man,a mi.xt Scho¬ lar, a wit. Virulente, virulent, venomous,full of poy - Con, at fo ofan ill tajle. Vira lónzi, virulenti / , venomouffieffe, alfo a (linking tafte. V.f ccio, a great ill-favourcd-faee. Vila agio, the vi f age or face of a man. Vilare* to view, to face, to marto heed, to auric at, as at a mark. V ìfaruóla, a vizard, a mas\. Vifcàppa, a double lined cape-cloak* Vifcardo, a thmffj, a mavis. Vifcariiglne, the Chameleon which bringeth forth bird-lime. NiCcc^iojagrove of young 0\cs. Vifcénda, /«Vicènda. * Vifcerale, of or from the bow¬ els. Vifcerarc, as Svifcerire. Vifccrataméntc , as Sviatamen¬ te. Vifcere, ibrentrails , bowels , guts, or into Clines of any creature. Vifc r rofo, full of bowels or er.trailes, alfo full of hearty affé ditto. Vifchiare, Vifcare, to become or make clammy, to catch or entangle with bird¬ lime. Vifchio, Vifco,the fhrub mifccldtn, or mif\elu)e s al[o bird- lime, or any cl.tm- Viféla, a houfe-breeding wet^fe. Vifentéria, as Djfenxcria. Vifctto, the dim. of Vifo. Visibile, viftble, that may be feen. Vifibilità, vifibleneffe, apparence. Viabilmente, vifibly, app:rently. Vifìéra, Vifira, a mins loo\, afpeCt, or countenance, alfo a pair of Spectacles or any thing to fee through, any prying hole, namely the fight-hole of an helmet, or cask of a (lane-bow,or any other (hooting - piece. V ifióne, the fight of the eye, or wbatfoever the eye feeih or beholdeth, alfo any vi fon , apparition, fanckjor thing feenm ones dream or fleep. * V ifir, Vifiéro,* chief Councilor or States¬ man about the great Turk, as much to fay, a Viceroy, orlany Deputy to a King. Vi-sl ricorda? do you remember. Vifica, Vifitamcnto, ViGtatióne, a vifi- tation, a purveying. Vjfirire, tovfite,to furvey. ' Vifìtatoràto , the office of a VifitorA *Vificatóre, a Vifttor,a Surveyor. ’ VifitèvoLe, vifitable. 1 Visiva, pertaining to the fight,the feeing fa¬ culty. Vifivaménte, vifibly. Visivo, viftble. Vifncpote, a mans Grandchildes fon. Vifo, the vifage, face, fight, loot?, or afped of a man, alfo the fenfe or fight or feeing, Dante faid, Pù vifo a mè, me thought, or it feemed unto me. Vifo arcigno, a grim face, a frowning look- Vifo-di cane, a dogs-face, a rogues-face. Vifo a Vifo, face to face, alfo right over- againft, Vifone, a huge great face. Vifórii, the two optici nerves of the eyes. Vifpertello, as Vipiftréllo. Vi Qe/beifhe, or it lived. Viflbs Vifluco, Vivtito, lived, had life, Vifta, the fenfe of feeing, or fight of any creature, alfo any fight, view, fhew, or feeming, or profited of any thing, alfo the countenance ar aFptd and prefence of a man. V irtamente, as Viftofamént e,alfo quickly, or out of hand. V i fto, V ediito, feen,viewed,looked, Viftofamcnte, in open view. feemly , comely Virtofétto, fomewhat fightly, and well fa¬ voured to look upon. Viftofo, fightly, ma\ing a good (hew. Virtrici, as Vimini. Vifuale, vifual, pertaining to the fight, * Virtualità, vifuality, fecing-neffi. Vifualmérite, vifually, vifibly. * Vita, life, spirit, natural vigor, or breath¬ ing, the time of any creatures life, alfo any creatures manner, form or courfe of life, alfo food or fuflenancc for life, alfo the V I T fixture, pitch, or proportion nf woman, the whole fiam • or bjcly of i her. ' Vita-K.lui£nte, during-lifc. * Vita langu nte* a tingrmg hf . ‘ Vita-militare, a Soldiers life. Vitàccia, a filthy bad life, Vitdlba, the wild vine or Tctte-bcny grow¬ ing in hedges with red bn ries, a ■: l win - ding about fets , the j:rn whnxófwiH caitfc the skin to blifi -r, fume call it, the Travelers toy, farne ta\e it for Brio'iy,' wild Nip, or white-wine , others for Houfe-leckor fen-green, and others for Pen winkle. It is alfo a leather Ee’t girdle, or Cord that Friers, and. Her mites ufi to weare and tye about them. Vitale, lively, vitali, that may live or hope 1 for Ufe, of or pertaining to the main-] tenance of Life, or that whereby we live J alfo Sengreen, or Trick-madamcthegrea-' Vitali-pàrti „ the live or vit.ill-partes,that is, the Brame, the Heart,the liver. Vitaliflimo, mo ft mofi vitali. Vitalità, vitality, lively-hood, the [pint of l-ft , whereby vae live and breathe, Vitanza, a la\ylife, aljo a nickname for an idle liver. V itàrc, Vidare, to shrew with a vice. Vitatino, a filly gull, a Ninni \ V ite, any vine that bringeth grapes, alfo a winding s\rew. Vice-alba, /«Vitalba Vite-ftminaj the female, s\rew, that is, the plank or thing shewed, through which the male-skrew is screwed. Vite-mafchio, the male-skrew, that is, the (pindlc shewed through any thing. Viteàle, bind-weed, withy-bind. V icélla, a Cow-calf, or vealc. Vltella-camparcccia, a graffe or field-fed calffi or veale. Vicella-da làcte, affucking-calfe. Vitella mongana, the befi kind of viale , that is in Italy, Specially in Rome, Mon- gina, being derived from Móngerc, to milch, fuck 0r daw dry. Vicel la Seccaticcia, a haye or fiallefed calffi or veale. Vicellare, to calve as a Cow, alfo to styp and leap as a young calffi. VitellidnojO/ the nature or quality of a Calf, Calvifh, by Met. blockpfh, flupide. Vitellarc, a young Cow-calf, alfo veale o, Calves-fl:fh , alfo Calves-leather. Vitellina, a young Bull-calfe, alfo as Vit/1- liàno, alfoyedowifh as the yol{e of an Vitèllo, a Bull-calfe, veale or Calves fiefh, alfo the yolk of an egg. Vitello-marino, a Sea-calf, a Sealc-ffh. Vitétta ,the dim, of V ita, or Vice. Vite vole, that may live or have life, alfo that may be shewed. Vitiàre, to vitiate, to di (lain, to violate, to commit vice. aìfo fightly, Vinatamente, v'doufly, difixntdly. Vkiatéllo, k navi flh fhrewed,v cinus. Viciatióne, vicioufneffe,fijrcwdncffe, viola¬ tion, pollution. Vitiatórc ,n vicious finner, a ravifher, a de filer. Vitice, withy parke-leaves, Uempter Chafle-trce, or Abrahams-batme. V-ticélla, a young Springing vine, alfo an] hcarb , which, as the vine docili, tariffi hold of any next unto it, alfo the white] Briony. \ 4 V itici, the tendrcllSjtbe.fijootes , or branches , or j VI T "V I V a. vein cut away,called Vìne-Jhieads. Vitiévolc, that may be vitiated, polluted , diftaincd 3 or dc floured. Viti-fcro, vine-bearing or breeding. Vitiligine, the Leprofte. * Viti le, pliant, flexible, alfo meet to bind { with, as Vunlnl. Vitiligarc, to back-bite, to detract, to haft, to (lander with ill words. V itiligatórc, a bac\-biter, a detractor, a hafeer, a (landerous tongue. Vitiligine, the Leprofte, alfo the white triorphevo upon ones s\in. Vitiliginófo./w// of the Leprofte % or of the white Morphew. Vitina ,any little vice or s\rewfalfoajittle tub. Vizio, vice, fin, deft a, blemijh t thc contrary to vertue . Vitiofamcntc, vitioufly, faultily. Vitiofit h 3 vicmfnefte 9 a fin fui affection of the mind. Vitiófo, vicion s, full ofyice. Vitoperàre, as Vituperare. Vitrea, look Tónaca,Tónica. Vitrearia, a GlaJJe-houfe , or the trade of Glajje-malftng. Vitreo, vitr ous, glaffte, brittle. Vicriaria, hearb Wall-won or Pantory , ufed to fcourglaffcs or pippins with. Vitriàta, «rj/jfr-wWnfi Vitriólo, Virrmftojt/iirW Cofcrt[Jc> «/» a I (jngs-fi(her. Vitrióio murale, as V it ria ri a. Vitriólo Romano, Green Coper affé. Vieta, as Vena. Vittima, any bea ft filled for facriftce, alfo a facriftce or oblation. Vittimare), one that hath the charge to \ill, to offer, or to look to (acrifices. Vitto, all manner of fuftenance, food, vi fin¬ als, or provi ft on neceffaryto live , namely meat and drink , ufed alfo for a mans pilly-- as from the French Vit. V itto, vanqu'fhcd, fubdned, overcome, con¬ quered. Vittóre, a v'.ttvr, a. vanquifier, a conque¬ ror. * Victorcggiantc , viflorioufly triumph¬ ing. * Vittoreggiarc, Vittoriarc*, to tiiumph in victory. Vittòria, a Victory, a Conqucft , the goal or upper hand. Vittorialc, vi florial, belonging to vitto- reproacb : Vittoriauo, Vittorino,^ old coin in Rome with the image of viclo y upon it, coyned by the Emperor the third. Vittorióla, Tongue-tied , 'Double-tongue, Horfc-tonguc. Laurel of Alexandria, young Laurei. Vittoriofamcnte, viftorioufty. Vittonófo, victorious, triumphant. Vittovaglia, Vittuai'ie , as Vettova¬ glia. Vittrice, a victorious woman. Vittóre, certain urns or earthen pots ufed to burytreafurein underground. V itulanre. wantonly rcjoycing. V bulinarlo , hearb Mu^/e or Calve s- fnout, Vitull re, as Vitella re. Vittinno, the God that \ceps children live. Vituperare, to difimor, to fhame,todefame, to difgrace. Vituperatone, Vituperagginc , Vitupe rànza, at Vituperio. Vituperatóre, a fhamer of one , a disono¬ re?, a reproacher. \ Vitupèrio, Vitupero , fthame dilho/iour,infumy. Vituperofaménte , Vituperevolmcntc , fh imefully, reproachfully. V ituperófo, V ituperévole, V itupcràbile, (hameful , reproachful, infamous. Viva, let him, her or it live , Chi-viva, spoken as the Englijh fay who are you for? whofe fide do y outage , at much as to fay , who would you have to live by your good will, alfo as Sempre vivo. Viva, living, quick, Acqua-viva, living water, Calc»na-v iva, unflaked lime. V iva-fame, ex ceffi ve hunger, unreftftable famine. Viva-il Rè , VivatRex, long may the King live. V iva-neceffita, forcible neceffity. Vìva- trave, ufed of Danze for a living or giowingtree. V iva-vóce, a Ihiing voice, alfo by word of m>uth. Vivacchiare, Vivattare, tomaie fhift to live , to rub and hold out Vivacchiataménte, a malftngfhift to live a careIcffe living. Vivacchiatóre, one that ma\es fir-ft,a care- leffc liver. Vivace, lively, full of life, nimble, lit fly , ftrong of nature. Vivacemente, Vivamente, lively, vivcly , luftily, nimbly. Vivacità, livelincffe, viveneffe, vivacity , nimblcneffe of fpirit. Vivagno, any fclvage or lift of cloth , alfo the end of a web, alfo a hem or welt. Vivàio, Vivàrio , anyplace where beafls, • fifties , or fowl and birds are , or may be {eft alive-, asaPark, a Warren, a Cony- grcc, a Volcry , a Dovc-cott , a Pond or Pool. Vivanda, food, viands, meat, cates, victu¬ als, or fuftenance to maintain lift, a difh of meat. _ | | Vivandare, to victual, to feed, to fuftain with viands. Vivandiere, Vivandalo , a viander, a \ viCtualcr. Vivaruólj, a kind of meat made of eggs and good spices. Viverne, living, alive, breathing, that livetb. Vivere, vivo, vivei, or viflTi,.vivuto,vifio, or vifl'uto, to live, to have lift. Vivere a c afa, to live at home, by Met. to keep ones wits about him. V ivere a fcrócco, look Scròcco. Vivere a diferettióne , to live with or at difcrelion, alfo for a fouldier to frce.booter or ftce-quartcr in any place, a cuftom ta¬ ken from the French Troops. | Were bene, to live well, by Met. to live an uptight life. Vivereefarróbba in sù 1’ acqua, V’vere in sii l’acqua, to live andthriveeven upon the water, fpoken of an induflnous man , that will make any [bift to live. Vivere vita, to lead a life . Viveri, as Vivande. Viverra, Vivérro, a ferret. V iverràre, to ferret out. Vivezza, as Vivacità. Vivi, the living, aljo. a Iftnd of ravenous fowl. V ivido, as Vivace. Vivificante, vivifying,'hat quicknetb or gi- veth lift unto. Vivificare, to viviftc, to quicken , or give life unto. ) Vivificatane , Vivificànza, a vivifying _u l N Vivificativo, that hath the quality oftvtr- iue to quicken. V ivificacóre, a quhkner, a vivifitr. Vivifico, vivifying , quickning. Viviparo, a certain great lOiind fiffj. Vivfflimo, mo ft quick or lively. Vivo, ahve, quick, living, that livetb, alfo U vely, nimble 3 lufty 3 full of life or moti¬ on. VivojfHb.thelifc , thepulfe, the quick or livelincffe and fpirit of any creature. Vivo del pèzzo, look Trovare. Vivo-fiume, a running ft, earn. Vivo-vivo, very-very lively. Vivóla, aviol or violin in [Lament ( Vivole, the vives in a boric. Vivóre, as Vivacità, as Vigóre. * Vivorófo, as Vivace, as Vigorófo. * Vivório, as Avòrio- V ivuólo , theClalkof agilly-flour, or the flour it felf.- Vivuto , vilib , vifluto, lived, had life. Viuzza, the dim. ofVi a. Vizza, a wrimple, a puc\er. Vizzàre, to wrimple, to pucker. Vizzo t wrimplcd,crumplcd, alfofiappy as an old womans dugs, by Met. any fruit or flourc that is faded and withered. Vi /.zófo , full of wrimples. lllacchi , a k} nc l °f ft^‘P s among the Turks . 'Ulcera, any kind of ulcer, bile , botch, m- poftumation , or matter-running-fore co¬ vered with a fcab, alfo a cut or a ga(b in the bark of a trec > 'Ulcere chirónie, incurable ulcers. 'Ulcerelavine, ulcers that run yellowifh matter like bony. Ulcerare, to ulceratelo grow to a botch or an ulcer. Ulcerarla , ftintyng Hire-bound, fometakc it for water-crow.foot. * Ulcerarlo, Ulcerativo , that ulcera . teth. LI 'ccratióne, Ulccragiónc, any ulceration, a breaking out into a fcab. Ulcerófo, Ulcerino, ulcerous,full of ulcers, or running fores. Ulco, as 'Ulcera. Ulcflc, lllice, afhrub like Rofemary, which is f'aid to draw gold unco it. lllczzarc, t > fmcll, to fent , to favour. Uligine, the natural moiftncftc or humidity of the earth. Uliginófo, moift, dampifh, wet, or foaked with being long in the water. Uliménto,, any odour or fuelling. Uiinófo, odoriferous, full of odors. Ulifiipóna, the hearb Serpentària, m Uliva, any kjndof Olive. Ullvagginc, a wild Olivcneffe. Ulivale, in form or colour of an 0- live. Ulivaftro, as Olivàftrro. lllivclla, a little Olive, alfo a ftrong iron hook or leaver to lift or heave up great (tones. * Uliveto , an Olivet, or grove of Olive * trees. Ulivigno, Ulivino, Ulivcllo , of Olive- fafljion or colour. Ulivo, any Olive-tree or wood. 'lillà, Mezzule. 'Lllma, <«'Ulna. ' Ulna, the undermoft and left'er of the two long bones of the cubit , which are both joyned together between thcmfelvcs, as well with the [boulder-bone , as with the wrift of the hand,albeit , 'Ulna near the wrift, is committed to Ràdio, fome call A aaa 3 » U NG U N G ^ Focile-minóre » r ome take for -/Ulna the | diflancc bctivcn the point of the elbow and I the fingers ends , alfo the me a fare called j the ell, Ulofolone, as Camelcónc, ; Ul pico, great wild garlic^. [ Ulterióre, further or beyond. ; interiorità, a. further di fiance. \ Ultima genitura, the laft engendring. Ultimamente, Ultimataménte, htJJ/jf, fi- [ I naUy, at lafi. : Ultimare, to fini (h or ma\e an end. ! Ultimatióne, a lafi finifijing. : Ultimo, lafi, final* lag, utmofi , hind-1 j mofi. I Ultimo fuph'tio, the lafi punijhmcnt of\ j death by Law. I Ult'óhe, artvengement. I 'Ulto, revenged or punifbed. I Ultóre, a revenger, a punifher. | llltrice, a revengerefic. j 'Ulva, as 'lllma, a \ind of Sea-wccd. ; Ulula, the night-owl,alfo as 'Uvola. i Ululante, s\ree\ing, howling,yelling. Ululare, to howl, to sUgree^toyell. , Ululato,'Ululo, any baw/iTig or s\ret\. ì Ulzólo, 111 zollo, a Rid, fo called amcltg j the Griyms. * Umanamente, <« Humanaménte. * Umanarc, as Humanare. Umanità, as Humaniti. limano, as Humàno. Umbella, as Ombrella. Umbilicalc, as Ombilicalc. Umbilicato, as Ombil-cjco. UmbilSco, as Ombilfco. Umbra, Umbiiculo, at 'Ombra. 'Umbria limbi ina, as Ombriana. Umbrofità, Umbrófj, as Ombrófo. * Umbuond'co, tool? Buondàto. ; * llmetiàre, as Humeggiare. llmettativo, as Hiimettativo. J Umidite, 'Umido, rfrHèmido. ■ Umiliare, Umiliatióne, as Humiliare. 'limile, Umilit i, ai Hùmile. 'llm'oi as Riivi ft ico. Umóre, Umorófo, as Humóre. 'llmulo, hath been ufedfor Hops . 'lina, awe, Fern. 'Una-fiata, 'lina-volta, once, one time. Una-pézzt, one piece, one while. Una-qualche, fame one ,fem. llna-qu'khe ct'fa, fonie one thing. Uname, a fifis in China , that , as the Whale, produccth much eyl. llnanimamcnte, with one mind, will, con- fent, or accord, unanimoufiy. Unanimità, unanimity , concord of mind , i confent of heart and will. | Unanimojfo /one mind, will , or confent, | unanimous. j Un-b'tter d J occhio, a moment , an infianl, I the twinkling of an eye. lln-béi chè, a goodly what , a goodly thing. Un-buon dato, Buon-dato,*//* agood Z'P- Lln-cétto, a certain. Un-di, one day. Un-dì avanti, one day fooner', or be - fore. Un-ditci giórni , one ten dales. Un-di, one of. Un grànchi , a great thing or matter, a great piece of bufmeffe. Un-grin fatto, a great aft or deed. ( Un-gràn pèzzo, a grear picce or while. Un-tujn co vèlie, Un-nón nu’la, a thing of . not Wmg, i trifle, an idle toy. I tin p .'io, s pair, a couple, a brace, a cafi, a yo\r. Un-pàio di nózze, a compleat wedding. Un-pir fuo, [peaking to one , but yet in the third jper fon , fignifies , a man of your rank, quality, and condition. Un- par tuo, lln-pò pò , Un-pò pòco, a little quantity , be it of time, offyace, or of any thing elfe. lln-quilchc, fome one mas. I Un-tale, fuch a one, fucb a man,maj. Un-tanto, one fo much, ; lln-tiro, lln-tratto, one cafi , one throw t j one tric\, took Tiro, lln-vien qui til, Un va là tù, fooljh gull , one that is at every mans beck or call. 'llrchie odorate,* \ind of (hcll-fifj). 'lincia, linciare, as 'Oncia, &c. Uncinare, llncjgliàre , tomaie or become hooded or crooked , alfo to catch or take hold of with crocks, with hooks, or with crooks, to hook, 10 bang on books, to fet or (Iretch on tacks or tenter -boo^ Jo elafi with little clafps and hooks. * Uncinato, Uncigliàto, Uncinuto, fojhi- ened like a hook , a crock or a crook , alfo armed, catcht, dragged , or banged on, or with hooks, crooks, paws, pounces , claws, clasps, or tucks, or tenters. lìncinatóre, Uncigliatóre,* hooker, i dr ag¬ ger, a clafper, a griper,a tentercr. Uncini, lincigli, Uncinelli, all manner of hooks, crooks, crocks , clafps, tacks, taches , trafhes, as flefh-hooks, pot-hooks, fifh-hooks, dragging-books, tenter-books, alf i a little anchor, alfo a broad arrow¬ head,or the crooked head of an arrow or dart, alfo any flick crooked at one end, as a, nut~flick ì look Attaccare 1’ un¬ cino. Uncini d’ Amóre, love-hooks, love-fetters, entanglings, or allurements. 'llndcci, 'Undici, the number eleven. * Undecim A ftre, of eleven moneths. * Undccimo, Undicéiìmo, the eleventh in order. 'llndeci remi, of eleven oars of a fide. * Unde lato, as Ondelato. * llndcmia, an impoflume foft as mud , linden 'rio, belonging to eleven, llndefirc, to joyn in one chic together. Un dimane, the morrow after. llndi-fonante, as Ondi-fonante. Unedine, llnedóme, tfee fruit of Arbut or Strawberry tree. It is in fhew like an apple, but bitter and noifom , both to the head and fiomack. * Uncfimo, one and fingiilar in num¬ ber. llnfi'a, a title given to Juno, anointing the gates with woolfs greafe, [he prtfently ~opens them and gives admittance. Ungélle, as 'Onghia dclli ócchii. 'Ungere,* 'llg nere, ungo, unii, unto, or ungiiico, to oint, to anoint, to greafe, to tallow. 'Ungere il grifo, by Met. to eat greedily, or feed much on fat meats. 'Ungere i ftivali , to greafe ones boots, by Met. to flatter or faun upon. 'Ungere le mani, to bribe, to greafe in the hand. 'Ungere un Re, to anoint or inaugurate a %jng at bis Coronation. u N i llachia, as 'Or, ghia , with all his com pounds. Unghióne, as llencne. llngi-mani, as Ongi-màni. llngiume, any k V} d "f untticn , ointment, grea fe, featn, tallow, butter , oy /, nr fatty fubftance, alfo any filthy grea fini J]e. UngJuro, look 'Unto. Unguànro, ufedfor Unguento. 'lingue, * k} n d offijcll-fifi) with claws. Unguentare, toufe, to dr (fie or anoint with fahes, ointments , or oils. Unguenterò, llnguenticre , an oyntment or fahe-maker, an Apothecary, one that maketb or felietb fwcit oyls, alfo a Per¬ fumer. Unguenteria, the art of m iking falvcs, ointments, fweet oyls, or of per fuming,alfo an Apothecaries flwp. Unguènto, any \ind of ointment, unftlon, falve, liquor mingled with oyl, or liquid perfume, by Met."comfort or f(living of a Unguènto cancróni , Unguènto da can¬ fori, ufedfor an infinita ting fellow, an intruding knave, a*crafty fox, one that will fiick clofc and pull fometbing f rom one. Ungucntófo, Urguincfo, unfiuous, oily, folvy. 'lini, 'Una,'lino, one. Unnibile, that maybe united into one. Unibilità, an uniting into one. limoliamo, Un'càulo , that hath but one - fiem or fingle flalk. Unica ménte, onely fingiti arly. llnicati ,as Unguènto cancróni. Unicavità, an even hollswneffe. Unicivo, even hollow. ' Unico j onely, one alone, /iugular. Unico-genito, onely begotten. lini-colóre, of one onely colour. Unice'rde, of one or fingle heart. llnicordialita, fingle-he artedneffr. Unicòrno, an Unicom, or his borni Unicuba, * woman tying with one man. Unifoglio, llnifolio , the (ingle-leaf Lilly. J 6 J Unifórme» uni form,of one form. Uniformemente, uniformly. Uniformità, uniformity. llnigamia, a marriage of one only wife. Unig ’mo, be that hath once been married. Unigenito, onety-begotten. Unimano, that bath but one hand. llnimodaménte, after one manner. Unimódo, of one fort or fafhicn. Unione, union, unity, concord, alfo a great, fair and orient pearl. Unióne perpetua, a perpetuity, ay enatil- °f Linds in one name nr blood. Uniparita, Uniparo, breeding or bringing forth but one at once. Unipéde, that bath but one foot. , Unire, un'fco, unito, to unite, to con joyn in I one. 1 ' Unifonànr e, of one and the fame found founding alike. Unifone, an uni fon in mttfick. llniftirpe, of one (lock or fietn. U nifuónojjo / one onely found. Unità, unity, (ingleneffe. * Unitaménte, unitedly, joynrly in one. ' Unitivo, that hath the quality to unite or joyn in one. Unito, united, conjoyned in one. llnitorc, an uniter , a conjoyner into one. Univalve, of one onely fhale or {hell. Universale , universal , general unto all. Uni* ] . V ere ! IlnlvcrHilita, univerfality. ( llniyerfalménte, HrAverfa.Hi. tlniverfare, to mx{e univerfal. Vniverli-pocénte , univ er fully- power - full . Univerfi-poténza, univerfal power. Univerficà, generality , alfo an 11 niverftty or publick School. llniverfic'a d’ un’ arte, a Company or Society of any one trade. Univérfo, fub. the univtrfe, or whole frame of the world , the whole publick- Univérfo, adjett. univerfal, general. Uniyira , a woman that hath but one onely husband. Univocatione, a ftgnificatiou of one onely thing. II nivoeo, of but one fenfe, fignifying but one thing. 'Lino, one, one alone, 'lino ad uno, one by one. 'lino c l’ alerò, both one and other. 'lino non fò che, one l wot notwhat , And l {now not what. 'lino per volta ,one at once. 'lino per un’ altro, one for another. 'Uno qualche, fomeone. Unóculo, one-eyed. 'Unqua, llnquachè, Unquanco, 'llnquc , Unquemai, hearts wijb, a good hand or main at dice or any other game, ufed al[o for credit, f requejt, prcbcminencc above others, alfo rowing or tugging with an Oar. V oca rancata, a full and even pull of Oars in a Gaily, Pinnace or Barge, as the Cox cn and his Crew, one and all. Vogare, to row or pull at an Oar. V ogàta, a rowing, the draught or ftroa{ of an Oar, the true canting of an Oar. Vogatóre, a rower, a man that rowetb. Vòglia, Vogliénza, a will, a de fire,a lift, a wi(hing or longing for, look Vo- g ,ie * Voglia Dio, Vòglia pur Dio, God he grant, would to God. V óglia ó » nb,. will he, or Will be, in fpight of his teeth, whether he will or no. V ogliàre, to lift, to wifh or long for. Vòglie, the pin, of \6 glia, alfo Birth¬ marks, fuch mar {s as fome children are 1 born with , proceeding of fome thing that | the Mother longed for and could noti bave. V ogliénte, as Volènte. Vèglio, I will, I am willing. Vogliofamcnte, willingly, longingly. With a good will. Vogliófo, Vogliolófo,/«// of will, de fire, or longing. Vogliuzza, longing conceit, a womans wil- lul or fond longing deftre. Vói, you, ye, your felf, or felves. V oi-ftéflo, you your felf, Vola, fub. the palm or bollowncfic of the band , being half open, and half (hut, alfo the hollownejfe of a mans feet under the foie. Vola, he, or fhe flyetb or doth fly % look Volare. Volamcnto, Volata, a flying , a fluttering with wings, a fwift (light. Volandola, a rope-makers tool. Volandrcllo, a {ind of Owl. Volante, flying , volant in Armory, alfo quic{-fllver, as Chymic{s call it. V olàre, to fly in the air, al ) o to fleet away or run in haft. Volanna, thifile-down, alfo the fine flowre or'dufi, that flyes away in the mill, and flicks to the walls, by Met. fine tiffany or cobweb-lawn. Volateria, look Volàtica. Volàtica, any thing that flyeth, fl:eteth,wa- vexeth, or pxffelb away quic{ly, alfo a runWingt(tter, itch , fcurvy, or ring¬ worm, alfo the morphew, alfo the bets m a horfe, alfo a gadding witch, or force - rejfe. _V 0_L_ Volàtico, Volareria, Volàtile, Volano i Volativo, any winged bird, foil, or Poultry, any that flyetb, flxtcth or paffeib away, and ihat is eafily carried in ibe air, as feathers, down, or dufl, any light, \ uncoil(tant or wavering thing, alfo quick * fllver among chymuks , look Vèr¬ me. 4 Voladcófo, mangle, fcurvy, full of running tetters, itch or ring • worms, alfe a horfe that hath the bots. Volatile, Volatio, Volativo, look Volଠtico. V olàcile di Stia, any crammed poultry or fowl, poultry cooped up. Volato, flown, alfo a flight. Volatóre, a flyer, one that flyeth. Volatura, a jlying,alfo a baw{s train. Volazzare, to flutter with one wings , to hover m the air. V olàzzi,! banners or flscamers, alfo puffs of lawn or Siprefs about womens gar¬ ments. Volcano, as Vulcano. * Voleggiàrc, as Volazzare. V oléne, a {ind of cherries or figs. Volènte, Vogliénte, willing, volunta rie. Volentièri, Volcntierménte, willingly], Ì fun, with a good will. Volénza, willingneffe, as Voglia. (Volére, vb, or Voglio , Volli, or Volli, ; Vohito, to will, to mind, to defire or re- 1 quire in mind. IVoler c,fub. a will, a. deftre, a meaning, a I mind. Volére b .'ne,^ love, to r/tftj well or bear good will unto. V oltre dire, to mean or fi grifi?, or in¬ fer. V olére gran bene, to bear hearty good will unto. Volére la bàia, to affeff mocking , not to care f be moc\cd. Volere la gàtta, to feck or pick a quarrel with one. Volére male,ffl hate, to wiftj hxYm,orbear ill will unto. Volére male di morte, to hate deadly and mortally. V oltre mèglio, to love betitr, to have ra¬ ther. Volerla, a volery or great Cage for birds, al* fo haw{ing or fowling. Volérla con qualcuno, to deftre or feek to quarrel with fome body. Volérli, to will, do wijb, or bear love or hatred one to another, alfo lo be reqnifttc or needful. V oléfle Dio, V oléfle pur Dio ,ob would to God. VoJgaccio, the bafe or mean vulgar people, tag and rag. Volganaménte, Volgarmente , vulgarly, after the vulgar and common fafhi- on. Volgano,Volgare, Vulgàrc, common , vulgar, ttfual to all, vile or bafe , ufed ai in Italy for the Italian tongue in dijtin- tiion from the Latin, as In buon volga¬ re, In good Italian, as the Englifh fay,m plain down right Englifh. Volgarità, Vulgaricà, generality, vulgari- « ty, the common fart of people. Volgarizzare, Volgarczzarc , to vulga- rixp , to make publicki totranfiiteinto fome common language. Volgarizzatóre, a publifher into fome com- f mon language. Volgatafenténza, a vulgar jentence, a; common judgement. Volgàto, Vulgato, publifhed, made vul -1 ear and common to all. Vó Jet ! VOL VOL V O M • Volge hóra l’anr.o It is now a year or \ twelve moneti) s (luce. Volgendo gl’anni, times or ycarcs turning j about. jVolgcnte, turning-look Vòlgere. Volge; e, V ólgo, Volgci ,or Vóliì, Vólto, ! or Volgiùto, as Voltàre,i« allphrafes, | to turn over , about, foreword) backward much on turnings, alfo a round walk, a Voltuvio, a ravenous vultur , by M, t a y going round, or any circuit and compaffe of j venous extordoner. ' ground, alfo a revolt cr turning from, alfo Valva, the pclide or coar t that cnvolvetb a turning or putting of foldiers to rout , alfo thine s growing, as of any f, nit. an arched vault or roofe, tifo the name of a certain monficr, that devoureth and fyoilctb all grain and fruit es, that it can come unto, look una fiata or Volta. in and out, toward, or round, to wind, to Volta-bandièra, one that runs from bisCap- bend , to involve , to enfold, to wrap or tains colours to another, a turn-cote, one route up, alfo to bend, toencline or addici that in times of adverfity leaves and for- unto, alfo to turn ones face away, alfo fakes his old friends, to build arch-wife, to enarch, to embow, Volta-colcata, that is, when ahorfe deetb look V oltarcjJfl revolt. I leanc and flagger in his turnes. Volgere argoa canti, logo warily and Volta-d’occhio, atwinklingor glancing of with circumfpeflion in any bufinefje. \ ones eye. 4 Vólgcre-nell ànimo* tortvolve or caft Volta-faccia, a mmb founded in time of in ones mind. . | warre, as a warning to retreat. Volgibile, Volgévole, that may tumor be Volta-migliore, a better turn, luckjOr turned, look Volgere. | chance at dice. \ olgimento, any turning, look Volgere. Volta-per Volta, turn by turn, nowand V olgi-vago, uncon flint, wavering, varia- J then fomelimcs. ble, turning and changing as a weather - j Volta-raddoppiata, a double turn in dan- cocki alfo mean, common, b afe, vile, alfo a turn-cote. Volgiuto-i look Vólto, and Volgere. Vólgo, Vulgo* the vulgar or common peo¬ ple , the many-beaded monjler multi¬ tude. cing, vaulting, or riding. V’olta-lpicdi, a turn brache, a turn-tbit, a jack t0 tUrn Voltàbile, at Volgibile. Vòlta della Luna, ns Novilùnio. Voltàccio, a filthy great face. V olifer, the name of an Angeli, that is, with V citante, turning, gir ing, that turneth, loyned hands carrying in ’.hem the worlds j Voltare, as Volgere ,)n all pans. frame. Volirarc, as Volazzare. j Vólitojfl» uncertain flight. Vplli-dire,! would have faid,I meant. V ólo, a flight, a pitch in flying. Volóni, fuch men as voluntarily offer them - [elves to go to the wanes. Volontà, will, willingntffe, mind, meaning, eonfent of affetti on. * Volontariamente , Volontataménte , Volonterofaméntc , Volentiermcnte , adv. willingly, voluntarily, of ones free will, choife, and eonfent. * Volontario, Volontarlófo, Volonteró- fo, voluntary, willing, of ones free will and accord, without occafion given, alfo defirous or wijhing for , Herba-volon- , taria, any hearb or weed growing natura- I ly, or without [owing. Volpàia, Volpara, a Foxcs-hole, grot, or cavern. Volpanlero, a Birgander, a fonie of the kind of a Goofe. Volpài e, to yelp or bark* asa fox, alfo to fqueak or forcarne. V ólpc, Volpo, a fox, a cub, a Reynard , by Met. a crafty fneaking fellow. Volpeggiare, to play the fox, by Met. to de¬ ce ■ ve with crafty-voiles. * Volpc-marxno, a fiJJj called a Sea-fox, or Sea-cub. * Volpcta, Vòlpicélla, Volpicino, Vol¬ pino, any young cub or fox. Vol-picóda, the hearb Fox-tailc. Volpinara,« firipe given with an Oxe-pitle, look Volpino. * Volpino, look Volpéttajày Met. crafty, fibtle, wilic or kjtavifh, alfo an oxc- p‘\fe, fait eelcs s\in,Yoapes end,or fcourge to beat galli flave s with. Volpóne, an old or great fox or Reynard, by Met , an oil crafty , knavifl) compani¬ on. Volfclla, an in fir umetti like a pair yf mul- lc's j to pluck out baircs by the rootes. 4 Volta, a turn,or courfe of time,a way, alfo a bout, a turn,a turning round or about of Volcare-bandiéra, to turn enfigne, by Met , to change mind,to turn his coatoj caJJ'ock ■ to for fake his former principles. Voltarc-le fpalle, to turn ones back> to flicw a fair pair ofheeles, Voltare-fógliojÉfl turn over a new leafe. by Met. to become a turnjeote. Voltare-fottofopra, foflópra, to turn topfy tUrvy , Volcarc-téfta, to turn head. Voltare Ila, the dim. of Vòlta. Voltato, look Vólto. Voltatùra, Voltura, a turning, a. revolt alfo a vaulting or arching. Volce-aflài, often, many times enough. Volteggiare to roame or wander about , alfo to vault on horfe-back. Volteggiare un capo, as Mariners fay, to double a Cape or a point. Volceggiatùra, Volteggiaménto , a tur • ning,alfo a vaulting on horfcback . V olteggiatóre, a vaulter or a tumbler, alfo a roamer about. Volticéllo, the dim. of Vólto. Vólto, fub. a face, a vifage,a countenance, a cheer c or favour of a man,alfo an arched vault. Vólto, part. Volgiùto, Voltato, turned about or towards, look Volgere, revol¬ ted. Volto-di Pónte Sifto, by Met. a bra\en, bold, (hamelefs or unblufhing face. Voltóio, a turning place or f ile, alfo fame part of a bridle or horfes bit. Voltolare, to route, to tumble, to overturn, to welter, or wallow up and down. Voltolamento, a routing, a tumbling, an overturning , or a wcltring up and down. Voltolóne, adv. tapflturvy, in routing or tumbling manner. Voltóre, a vultur, a Gcyre, a Grap, a greedy Cormorant. V oltoreggiare, to play the ravenous vul¬ tur or greedy Cormorant. Voltorino, vultur-like,Cormor ant-like, alfo grayifhor vultur coloured, mo'iun, alfo a mans turn, courfe, or place jVoltuófo, of a grave, ftern , heavy , fowre, to fp:ak or to do any thing , alfo the turn, I big, or lowring look °r affé ft. that cunning Riders teach their horfes, I Voltura, as Voltatùra. a'-fo a French dance fo called, as jlanding ! Volùbile, fickìf, voluble, inconflant, varia¬ ble, that mayeafily be tur ned, flee ting, alfo 1 of a round, mmole and ready Pronunticati- ‘ on, alfo as Voliicchio. Volubilità, Volubilézza, ficklencffe, vola - j bility, inconfancy, facility to turn. Volubilità di lingua, a round-nimble [peaking, without slaggring. Volubilmente, volubly, fittingly, incon- ftantly. 4 Voliicchio, weed-bind, or roap-wced. Voliicra, a vine-frctter,or the D.velsgo'd- ring. Voliicrc, that is fledge and apt to fly , alfo of the nature of birds V o lucro, all manner of flying creatures, a: birds, w;(p s , foes, flies, or gnats, a!fo the after-birth of a woman. Volvclla, a certain Mathematicall inftru- mentjthat turneth round. Volgente, volving, turning or winding about. * Vólvcre, tu Vòlgere. Volume, the volume,fl^e, meafure , bulk, or body of any thing, alfo a tome or volume of a book. It hat h anciently been fifed for difordcr or confufion, or havock- Voluóce, look V olùcra. Vòlvolo, a router of timber or flotte to fmootb allies in gardens. * Volùpia, the Goddcffeof voluptuousncfje. * Voliira, Voluta, that foillage or leavy work > m the head or chapiter of pillars which flicketb, out, andhangeth over in manner of a writhen circle , or curled tu ft, turning diverswaies. Carvers and Painters call it Cillery , or Drapery , fonte take it to be the [quare table of (lone fet upon the chapiter of fillers, alfo the rolling (hell of a fnaile. * Volupparc, Volùppo, (U Viluppàre. * Voluta d’un capitèllo, the curie-tuffi, or writhen circlet, that fticks-out or hangs over the Chapiter of a pillar, our workmen call it a Carthoufe or Car¬ tridge. V aiutare, to wallow,to welter, or turn and tumble over and over as a hog doth in the mire, by Met. to revolve in mind. Volutatene, a wallowing , a wcltring, cr tumbling in the mire. * Volutina, the Goddeffe of the envolvings of the rindcsor barks of trees. Volùto, willed, de fired, been willing, look Volere. Volutrice fortuna, fitting, or wavering fortune. Voluttà, voluptuousntffe , fenfuall, or worldly pieafure. * Voluttàre, to live voluptuoufly. Voluttàrio, given to love , voluptuoufnefft or carnali delights. Voluttuófo, Voluttuàrio, voluptuous fen - fuall, given to carnality. V6ma, the Concavity or cope of hea¬ ven. Vomare’, to make hollow or con¬ cave. V omero, Vòmere, the iron of the plough thatpierteth the ground, called the fougb, the cui ter, or the plough-(hire , by Met. a mans whimwbam, Vomero-di pènna, Petrark bathufedit in flead of writing. Vomica, a red (tone that yceldeth quick- (liver, alfo quick-fiver, alfo a cer¬ tain Indian nut, alfo tbefing.of\ca\r ci. _ Vom lc 're, V Ó T U RI USA Vomicàre, Vomitare, Vomire, inifco, mito, to vomit, to Spue, to caji, toper- brca^e. ;V ornici, Vomicófc, (arts or impoftumes tbit run jtinliingpufje. Vomitare, Vomire, <« Vomici re. Vomitatióne, Vomicatióne, any vomiting, vomitatimi, or Spuing. Vomitévole, Vomichévole, that may be vomited or fpucd up. Vomito, me ne vo , a Spuing, al fo that which is vomited. * Vomitivo, that caufeth vomit. * Vomirono, a vomit , a vomitory , any thing cauftng vomit, al[o a certain bulbous root ufed in vomits. Vómmcne , me ne vo, l go hence, I go my way* i V ómmi, l go my [elf. | Vórno, ujcd for Huómo, a Man. j Vo -morire, an oath , which fame ufe , as we : fay, let me not Uve, let me dye. ì Vanne, I go hence, orclfc I will have fome. i Vónno, made of goatesstyn, ufed in Spain and Italy to carry wine or oyle in from place to place, wuh nit danger of breaking, ufed alfo for an j bottle or flagon, name-] b of gloffe covered with any hind of tea- 1 ther. ; 'Uva, any find of grape or rei fin to male ' I n ’ uc of, alfr a Sea-fifo called a Sea- ‘ j grape , alfo a di[eafc in the eyes called a j 1 pm and a web, ufed alfo for 'avo¬ la. llva-acérba, any four grapes. Vva-bumaRa, a round fwelling grape, called the dug-grape, j Uva-crcfpina, Spina, Spinèlla, goofe- berrics , thorn-berries. I Uva-datila, the long date-grape. : Uva-dólce, the fweet grape. 11 va-inaurati, tbcycllow grape. i Uva-Lugliatica, Luglióla, the early Sum- j 1 mer, or July-grape. | Uva-lettoraga , the fmall or petty - ! grape. ' Uva-marina, the Sca-grapc , or frorp'm ’■ grape-fifo. . Uva-matura, any ripe grape. ‘Uva- mofcatclla, the mufcadinc grape. i Uva-pàfla,paflarina, pullula, Chiava, ficca , dryed corinthgrapes, corinths, alfo anyReifins or dryed grapes. I Uva-précio, the rich or dainty grape. Uva-pergoléfc, a late grape very large,and j which gì oweth on arbours,only to be fer- ved up at table at the third eourfe. j Uva-róflà, the red grape. Uva-taminiajffa blac\ brionie, or our ti¬ dies feal. Uva-vara» the rathe-grape, or grape begin- ! ningto be red or black. Uva vinófa, any grape fill of wine . llvacione, a p n and a web in tbe eye. Uvea, the fourth thin membrane of the eye, J which is the firHthat clofeth and envr- i eth the optici fiaew, called alfo Codóne, j Confórme, or Secondina, loo\ Tònaca, 1 alfo as Uveo. Uveo, grapie, of, or Ifoc a grape. 'livido, as Hómido. Uvifero, grape-bearing, or bringing , Hr izzola, four unt ipc grapei . Vui, UO V ZAF Vui, as Vói. ; Vulcanica, l^ulcanianfeafts. Vulcanio, Vulcano, a miring workman, a hammerer, a forger, one that is ever about the fire, alfo V ulcan or the God of fire , alfo a hill that burnetb and cafletb out fmoal? o flame of fire as ./Ema doth , alfo a great furnace or burning fire, alfo by Met. a Cuckold. Vulcani:, the pin . of Vulcanio. IVulgaglne as Tuffilagine. Vu garc, m Volgale. Vulgari/.zdie, as Volgarizzare» Vulgar ‘di, u Volgarità. Vulgato, .is Volgano. Vulgivdgo. wVolgivàgo. Vulgo, ts Vólgo. Vulgófo t furi of Vólgo. Vulna, va wind, a fore, a hurt , Vulnerabile, vulnerable :, to be wounded. Vulnerare to wound, or hurt fore. V ul ner ' rio. vulnerary , as fame hcarbes be. a wound-healer. Canes or Reeds, alfo \nobs , bunches, or Cucumbers i t buildings, alfo a Ifindof round dainty mufhromp, alfo fucili ns of Olive trees. 'tirchio, a Hull? or [hip of burthen. 'Uvula ,as 'llvola. Uvulat ix, hearb Horfe-tongiie. Uzzo, as 'Uccio. 'Uzzolii, un carnefi longing for . Z Abaiónc, a drink for fick folks , which we cali a Cawdle. Zabérna, a prefj'e to k^ep cloths in . Zabratàna, a trunk to (hoot pellets in with the mouth, alfo a fowling-piece. Zabro, a kind of Jhip in Spain. Zaburro, Indian or Guitnny wheat. Vulnerario medico, a wound-healing PJbyJ.Zacca, i bag-net, a fowling-net , a cafling- net, a drag-net, a baye net. Zaccara, Zacchera, the fing. of Zaccarc, any filthy thing of what quality (“ever , any trafh of no worth, and fi to be cafi at ones heels, as a daglc-dragle ftrumpet, a filthy flut, alfo a filthy broth. I houfc,alfo a common whore. Zaccarare, Zacchcrare, to Aaglc,to djh, tobefpirt with dirt, look Zaccarc. Zaccarc, Zaccarélle, Zacchere, Zacche¬ róne, Zaccherétte , Zuccherini, Zac- cheruzze, is p opcrly fuch dots of disagi or clots of dirt that flick upon (h'rps feet or fleeces, by Met. àaglings , dafhings , or fpirtings of dirt or mire (ticking about the skirts of long garments or holes about one; heels, alfo idle toyes, foolijb trafh,or fuch vain trifles as are not worth the taking U P- , Zaccaria, Fióre di Zaccaria , the flottre fitiMn. V ul nerófo, vainerotts, full of wounds. Vu’nifi arc, as Vulnerare. V alni ico, thitwound'th. V ulnare, to pule li k’ a N}te. Vu'fione, as ConvuHióne. Vulturno, the North eafl wind, alfo a kind "ffifh: Vulv a, the matrix, the womb-puff age, the p'ace of conception in any female. Vuò,I will, nf Volére. Vuóga, ai Vuogàre, as Vóga, See. Vuoi.tù àicro ? ‘'-'ih thou bave or defirefl thou any thing elle ? Vnógli, ts Vuoi, thou wilt. Vuói, f hou wilt. 'Uvola , a. little piece of Spun gioia flefij ,' fomewh.it like the Spur of a Cock , which hanging down in the roof of ones mouth , near to thepaflxge into the noftrils, fer- veth for the utterance of voice and pro-\ Blue-bottle, nunciadon, which being di (tempered, the Zacch'o, aflovenly dwarf, a (lutti fh dan- upper part thereof is thin, and'the under I diprat, an idle logger-head. part blackifh, like the utm ft end of a .Zacchere, Zaccher ni, look Zaccarc. " ~ Zactherécte di paróle, a huddle of idle words, a fim flam-tale without lead or foot, a talc of a tub and the bottom out of it. . Zac. hero lb, driglc-dragle, dafhed or dag- led with chrt or mire , look Zaccarc. * Zacconare, as Anfanare. + Zucconato, a word ujed in jefi, but of no lignificati on. Zadura, worm-feed. Zadechiéle, the name of an Angel, that is Prejident of the Thrones Zafchiclc, the name of an Angel , fignifying fu (lice, or the Moderator of the Orb of Jove. Zaffa ra, any iron drag or hook , that Dyers ufe to draw their cloths out of their vats, pans or boiling liquor. Zaffaranare, to enfaffron. Zafferano, Zafferano, fa fir on. Zaffare, to gripe, to catch or fei\e upon with ones claws, or with any dragging hooky a tf° t0 c * tc b or tsrrcfl with a Ser¬ jeant or Catch-pole, loook Zaffo. Zaffarla, the order, rout, crac , or company of Serjeants, Catcbpolcsfdr fuch bafe officers, ' as one wouldfay , a Marfhals-Court, alfo a bafe or Catcbpoles trick. Zaffata, a. blow or pat with a paw, tifo a piping with claws. Zaff. to, griped, caught, or felled upon by a rafcally Serjeant. Zaffeggiàre» to play the bafe Serjeant oy Catchpolc, alfo to pat with ones paws. grape, and then is caUed 'Llv a or Sta philci&tff when it is fwoin , as round and big beneath as above in form of a pillar, lb i ii i' called Cióna, Col omelia , or Columella, and m Englifh 'Uvola. Vu -a, 0 e -bn ofoie- hand. Vuo'.arii, hearb H>u ('-tongue, V tiol* cifre, ought >fho ill d or would be, or muff be. Vuoi (i> one would, itis requi [ite. Vuópo. need , necefjity , fiom the Latin Opus. Vuófo, gr:7 f»v, full of grapes. Vuota bó. fe, a purfe-emptier, a nick-name given '0 Lawyers and Phyfftians. Vnon ceffi. Vuòta deliri, as Vota- cédi. Vuota pózzi, an emptier of wells. Vuotare, as Votare, to empty. Vuotatóre, an emptier. Vuoto, empty, void, hollow, alfo as Vó¬ to, U ’>va, all manner of eggs. tlóva barbagl iatc, buttered eggs. ■ Uova di pc fee, the fpam or hard rowes of fifhes. 1 * Uova maritàte , eggs fin Moon fhine. * Uova fpcrfc , or affogate , patched eggs. Llovale, as Ovaie. fiorante, as Ovante. ‘ Uovarc, as Ova re. llaóvolo, Uóvoli, the knobs or joints of | Z AM Zafferà, a ye How colour njui of ttrs . Zafferano, any lfmd offaffron. Zaffiro, an.ecious flotte, called a 'Zapbir,al¬ fo a kmd of ban’ll with yellow fet t, alfa a fifh of the kjnd of a. Dory or bill¬ head. * Zaffo, a common Serjeant or bafe Catch- pole, fp.dally in Venice, anfweringlo Sbirro in Rome or other parts of Italy, alfo the Bung or Bung-hrl: of a barrel,al¬ fo the working or venting of Muft or new wine, alfo the cars of a tub. Zaftora, a kind of foft mouldring mineral flone or oar. Zaffranare, to enfaffron. Z affia no, any kind of faff r on. Zafila, Zaphila, as Tanàdo. Zaffro ,as Zaffiro. Zagaglia, a Javelin , or a Captains lead- ing fiaff, alfo a Perflan Cimitary , a Turk- ifh [word,a Hanger, alfo a kjnd of fleel- bow. Zaganclla, a trunk t°fl> 0 °t pellets in, alfo a running fquib of wild-fire, affo a kind of [mall or fine lace or riband ufed in Florence. Zagarclla , any kind of fmalllifl, hem or welt about the skirt of a garment, alfo a curb of leather in flead of an iron curb, that Riders ufe about young folti, alfo firc-fquibs, that children make of pa¬ per. Zago, a Pricfts Clerk, that helps him to fay Am.n at Mafie. Za gòra, a kind of wax fo called. Zàma, any kind of drinking? Zaffe, file daily in Lombardy, alfo a certain Tre: in A- ir. erica» whereof they make their Canon’s of one piece, which they call Jo by the name of the tree. Zainaro, a budget or Scrip-maker , alfo a j fiffje- maker. Zàino, any little leather budget,a (hepheards , or Palmers Scrip, alfo a certain mu ficai ' inflrumcnr, that (hepheards ufe, as an Horn-pipe or Bag-pipe, nfcdatfo fora hnrfe, that is altogether of any one co¬ lour ( namely black ) without any mark » (pot, or (tar about him. * Zaldonàro, a waferer, a wafer-maker. Zaldóne, a wafer-cake. Zallóne, as Ménfolè . Zallolino, the Gingerline-colour. Zamàrra, Zamara, Zamiróttó , anirifh rug or mantle, a freeze gown , a Seamans or fhepheards frock, alfo a kind of mufi- cai infirument with firings. Zambeglióne, as Zabaione. Zambéìla , as Ciambèlla , alfi) a pretty trull, or fine minx , an alluring harlot, a lovely [affé. Zimbellare, as Zimbellare. Zambellàro, a waferer . Zambclle, wafers or finec.ik cs • Zambéllo, as Zimbèllo. Zambellótto, the fluff chamclot. Zamberliicco, a. Seamans or Fifhcrs long rug or frock an hood to it. Zomberei, as Zampétti. Zàmbra, a Chamber-clofe-float. Zambracca, a. commonhedge-whore. Zambraccarc, to play the filthy whore,alfo to follow common whores. Zambudélli, all manner of Cbitterlins, alfo dried black puddings, Zamie, J pine-apples that open as they hang upon the trees. Zampa, the paw, the pat, the claw, the clinch, or gripe of any beajt. Zampare, to paw to gripe, to clinch, or fats upon with paws. Bbb b a Zom- Zampettare, Zampcllare, to foot it dai.tii-y : ly, or tread the meafures quaintly, alfo to frisk t0 bop or s\i-p nimbly, alfo to {land on tip-tocSf by Met. to tipple or quaff merrily, until one reel and flagger in go- tn b ‘tifo to play with ones foot as borfes I are wont to do out of wantoneffe. Zampctte, the dim. of Zampa. Zampétti} all manner of feet tbit aredrefl lo be eaten, as Neats feet, Calves feet , Sheeps trotters, pigs petty toes, alfo little ! fpTmgs of por\. Zampillare, to purl, to {pin, to {pout, or gufi) fbrth as water from a fpring, or lit¬ tle Conduit holes, alfo to bud, to burgeon or Sprout out as Nines do. Zampillo, Zampilli, Zampillerà , little I holes in pipes out of which the water pur- I lelh as from under ground, alfo any (pin¬ ning or gtiflfng forth of water or blood, alfo young burgeons or fpeouts of vines. Zampillalo, full of young buds or burgeons , alfo full of spinning holes. ; Zampini, a\ind of fire-irons. Zampogna, an Oaten pipe , a Reed pipe , a I Shepbeards pipe , alfo a. Bell bung about a chief goats or Bell-weathers , i neck that leadctb the refi , alfoajcws- \ harp. 1 Zampognare , to found or play upon any • oaten or reed pipe , by Mit.to chat and I S prattle idly and eve r hi onetime , the | I Met.is taken from a E:ll-wcatbers bell, [ which as he .goeth founds ever one j I tunc: Zampognaro, a player upon a Zampogna, I by Met. an idle pratlcr. : Zampégne, ufed for vain prat lings, idle tittle-tattle. , Zampognóncj any tedious prater, or fo eli fa ( babler. j Zamponàrc, Zampunare,fo drag for, or ra\e up with feme drag or hook. Zampóne, Zampóne, a ra{e or dr aggi ng- hoo\, alfo a fire-fork Zana, a Country winches (il^cn fcarf or gir¬ dle , alfo a great Ccftcrn or liver to re¬ ceive water, alfo a hand-barrow to cariy things upon between two , alfo a broad basket, or buttery basket , ufed alfo in Florence for a Cradle, as Còlla , ufed alfo for a frump, a flout or a jefi. Zandra, a foolifl Zane trick I Zanaiuólo, as Zannuólo. ' Zara re, torock the cradle. Zanca, the left hand or fide , Dante hath ufed it for a leg, (bank or j Zancaruto, Zancheruro, crooked /egg’d , j crooked (banks. Z a nchc, {lilts ufed in Fenny places, alfo as [ Zampe. Zane heggiare, to go on (lilts. Zanchlcri, fuch as go on (til's. Zancia, rtrCiancia. Zanciare, as Cianciare. Zanciatérc,fls Cianciatóre. Zarciumc,flj Cianciumc. Zanco, a left-handed man or blow. Zdne, the name of John m fome parts of Lombardy, but commonly ufed for a filly John, a ftmp’e gull , a fervile drudge, or foolifh clown in a playo, Comedy, as a Jack pudding at the dancing of the ■roots. Zane ina, hath been ufed for abafetipling boufe. Zanfarda, as Almuccia , in Latin Almu- gia. • Zanfróne, a lu(iy lad, a fwaggering compa¬ nion, a toffe-pot gallant, ufed alfo for pie¬ ces of old gold, as our Country-men fay. red-ruddocks or Coyflrcls. Zanganéllc, flying firc-fquibs. Zangarnclli, all kinds of Fenny flflc. Zangola, a chamber-clofe-Rod. Zanio, as Zaino, Zannare, as Sannare. Zannata, a bite or nip withtus\s. Zanne, as Sanne. Zanni, as Attelani, alfo Croffe-mcrs, or Canting cunny-catchers. Zannuólo, a fitly Jack, a foolifl) John,alfo a wanton dilling or darling. * Zannuto, ns Sanntito, * Zantóni, a \ind °f P T * c ft sin Turkic. Zanzala, Zanzara, Zanzara, Zanzera, all manner of Gnats. Zanzale ficarie, a kind of Gnats breeding in F igg-trees Zanzare, Cianciare, to prattle, as Zampognare. Zanzaverata, as Zcnzeverata, as Fagio¬ lata. Zanzeare, to bite or be bitten with gnats, alfo to loiter and but$i up and down, to jet and brave it up and down, wan¬ tonly or minion-like, and vain-gloriously to make [hew of himfelf, audofhis g ay cloths. Zanzeóne, an idle loitring fellow, one that doth nothing but go up and down gating and makp a proud (how of bimflf, alfo adv. wantonly, minionly. Zanzcóni, the pin. of Zanzeóne, alfo ufed as an adverb , fooliflly, carelefly , wan¬ tonly. Zanzera, a kind of Gnat. Zanzerare, to ningleboycs, or wantonly to dally with them againfl nature. Zanzeri, Zanzdinì, Zanzeverini, Gani¬ medi, C me doe’s , mnglcs,wamonboycs , alfo {navifk wags. Zanzola, a kind of tray or pan. Zapfno, a fin e tree, fome fay a tree yield' inga liquor that curetb the Leprofiy, as Sapino. Zapóci, a kind of fruit in India. Zappa, a Sap, a Mattock , a Pick-ax, to fap , to dig , or to delve with, alfo a (fade or (hovel. Zappamcnto, any fapping or digging. Zappare, to fap, to dig, to delve .. Zappa tèrra, Zappotóre, a digger, a fap- per , a dclver. Zappcgaménto, as Calpeflio. Zappegarc, as Calpeftarc. Zappettare, lightly to fap or dig. Zappóne, the fup.of Zappa. Zapulo, a rake or weeding-book■ Zara, a dye, the play at dice called Hazard, alfo an hazard which is lefje than feven , and more than fifteen, alfo a nicking of a cafl at haza rd, alfo the play , that we call Barly-break, alfo a Jar of oil, or Olives, alfo as Ghiaia, fome have ufed it for Ciarla. Zara a chi tócca, light on whom it lift , hob or nab, have among fl yon. Zarabanda, a kind of Spanifh tune or dance. Zarobattana , Zjrbattana , as Zabra- tana. Zarabufo» a fowl called a Bit tour , Zaramélla, as Ciaramella. Zaramellare, as Ciaramaliare, Zaranto, agreen finch. Zararc, to play at h isjrd, to throw or nick hazards, alfo as Ghiarare, alfo as Ciar¬ lare, or Cianciare. Zaratano, as Ciarlatano. ’ Zaravanda, canting harlots, which by their witch-craft are thought to bewitch fitly folkcs purfes, and by telling them their fortunes, and otherfceret meanes to pick from, and coyn them of what they have, by Met. notable or egre¬ gious thceves. Zinghérlo, a greedy Cormorant. Zinna, a dug, a pap, a breafi. Zinnlna, f/;c dim.of Zinna, alfo a Ifind of little pudding. * Zinnali, drcffer-clothes in a kfitchin 4 Zinnare, to fuck n dug. Zinnina, a Ifind of white pudding. Zinzicularc, look Zinciculare. Zinzlno, a Tit-moufe, alfo an urchin or hedgehog . Zio, an II nifi?- Zióllo, a green plovier. Ziottàre, as Zoppare. Zotto, as Zoppo. Zipa, the nave of a wbeelc. 4 zipolo, the (pigot of a barrell-tap» Zipólla, ai Cipòlla.^ cipolline, at Cipolline. Zirbo, as Oménto. Z’.rltc, a Iione which worn about ones ncc\ (lancbetb blood. Z'X Ilia, a martinet or fwallow. tfed top’.ay . . d - s 1 zita , zitto, an Adv. of commanding filence, Zlsinoj the Itfler li-zjird. \ zipolo, a kind of water-foul. \ Zitèlla, a (tetti young Ufjc or girlo, a mali. Zigoma, f be tndoftbe cbock-bottcto n-xrds Zitèllo, ayoung Ud,a man-child who bath ” i ie car i not lofi his virginity. Zleritc, a kind of white Itone. . Zltlio, a kM of beverage mEgypt, made of, l.lùlh, Zil\ a , a Ut. Juli!. ; Corn like Ale °r Barly-rvater. Zllo, a tree that yields Ealfamum. Zittire,» wboofh.or command fidente, to fill! 1 Z.enro* -----,- —. , - , dadofi earth, turf of graffe, w'zfma, «Cimato, hut properly a neat, zitto, a Zita, adv.^ 1 _ bbb $ Zizifo,\ ZON ' Zixifo, Zizippa, Zizolo, z,zolo, tfccjK- ! f«i) or /r«, wood, or bltfiom. I * Zizza, Zizze, a dug, a pap, a teat. J * Zizzàre, to fuc{ a dug. Z.zza-lardóue, alic^-(pit 3 a p\<.^.roJimcat i | a lie cor i(b fellow. j * Zizza- fpina, a He {-[pi got. Zizzania? 7 uray,Raye, Darnell, or Coc\le ! growing amorg Corn, by Met. flrife , dif- I cord. j Zizzaniare, by Met. to force difcord 3 jlrifc, or contention among men. ! Zizzanheore, a confer of Aifeord. I Z izzaniófo, by Met. contentious , /«// c/ i ftnfe, or troublefome. ! * Zizzfgijfl {ind of fwcet grape. * Zizzolàr e,/*> fucato jmack» alfo as Sbe¬ vazzile, alfo tojefl merily. Zizzoralla, eu Zizifo. Z ibbia, ufeA oft for Thurjday. Zócco, ufid as Ciocca. I Z'jCC.tc, to reduce into loggs, blocks , or j [lumps, alfo to [lock a piece. ; Z jccaréllo, Zoccarctto, Zocchctto, any little Zócco. I Zócco, any lg, block , (lump, fnag,or [hive ! (?/■ n’-'Orf. ; Zocso’anti, certain F>ancifcan Friers, that I cv ' ■> " ■'h Zoccoli. ! Z xto-are, Zucconare, to go with Zòccoli. Ì Z ,-cc .a o ma{ r of Zoccoli. j 1 Z ictolét zi, the dim. of Zoccoli, or of zócco. j.Z Secoli* w» Aden patuns, clogs, cbopino’s, galafhts * lartops. Zòccoli-a (cacca fava, a {hid ofpattins or ebupinifs open in the midjt, and clofe at the he > , tnd tied with ribands. Zòccoli, Zòccoli, when fpea{wg of any bodvtn I' crrcy, the party by chance com¬ incili t !,ùg the latins fay. Lupus in fabula- So t^e Italians fay , Zòccoli Zoccoli, or elf;. Il lupo é venuto, alfo ( as we fay in moc{e>y ) Tujh tufh, away , in faith Sir no. Zucconile, as Zoc o’are. Zocconato, that hath Zòccoli*)». Zodiaco, the Z>dia{e,that is>, that part of the Firmament, under wh'-ch the Planets m 've\ bting a. Circle about fixteen degrees broad , which the Ec ipti{e line cuttcth in two equal! partes ; in which are placed the trvdue fignes, or Aflerifms , as Aries, TaUrus, &c. Zoia, oft uftd for Gioia. Zòilo, an envious man, one that tnvieth and grudgeth at others felicity. Zoiaia, a {pur-leather, alfo thelutchetof a 'fbte. * Zola re, to latch or lye a (hoe. Z jl-fa, as Sol-fa, pric\fonz. Zolfanèlli, Zolfarini^ as Solfanèlli. Zólfo,Zòlforo, at Solfo. Zolfoiéo, Zolforòfo, as Solforéo. Zólla. Zólle, any clod , turf, or lump, of earth. Zollare, to clod, or grow together into clods, '§ turf, alfo at Zolare. * Zólle-deli aiia, by Met. the thick and faltered c'ouds in the aire. Zòilo, at Zólio. Zolle fj, Clotty, turfy, full of clods. Zombare, to to fie in a blanket. Z unb.'ta, a toping in a blanker. Z moVibdcnz,lead feme or litharge. Zòna, any bel t or girdle, but properly ta{cn for a certain breadth in the Heaven or Emh from Nord) to South, bounded out by fnm ■ of rhe principali Circles, of which tb 're are five,rhe middbmofl being between / tbr two Trop‘ctfS r iscalled Zòna totridi, or the burning and fiery Zone, two that ty hi Ween the two Folate Circles and his Z O T next T,opi{e, and they arc called Zone, Temperate, or the temperate Z hcs, as be¬ ing neither extrtamly hot, nor eytream ly cold , and are mofi inhabited, the oth et two lie between the Polar Circles , and they are called Zòne frigide, the frozen yines, as being extreem cold, and little inhabited. Zonàra, an ally to play at ninepins in, or a bowling- ally. Zonarc, to gii die about. Zonclla , the dim. of Zòna. Zonéttì, a Venice drinifwg-glafe long and wide above,a flute. Z ni, {eelcs, fca'es or ninepins. Zonite, a {ind of Cadmia, with long lines in it li{e girdles. Zonzeare,ftf go a folacing and Sporting as one that is altogether idle, and hath no¬ thing to buy himjelf about, alfo to lye bul¬ ling at Sea, look Zònzó. Zonzeóne, one that gocth idcly folacing up and down,look Zónzo. Z nzo, any {ind of recreating fport, folace or play to puf? away the wear)fame time withaU, Andare a Zónzo, as Zonzearc, a'fo to goc or lie hulling at Sea, as a Jhip doth,when [he hath no wind to fail, and can ma be no way. Zo-ografia ,tbc deferring of all manner of beafles. Zc-ógrafo, a deferiber of , nothing but beafles. * Zopèlli, a {ind of Zoccoli. Zophiróne, a thing in form of a border or girdle , in which are cuioufif wrought or graven theJhapes or formes of divers things. Zophire, things, that are partly fen fiche and partly vegetative , in part living ert a- turcs, and in pan Plants , as spunger, Oy- flers,Scc. Zophtalmone, fen-green, Houfe-lee\. Zopiro, Zopiróne, the hcarb Pulliol of the mountain. Zopifia, e kind of pitch f craped of from (hips, that have been at Sea, called Ship- pitch. Zópka , as Zòppa, alfo a lame or limping woman. Zoppaggine, lamcnefje, limpingnejje, hal- tingmffe, crippleneffe. Zoppare, Zoppeg.lrc, Zoppicare,/*) halt, to limp, to go as a Cripple.' Zoppcggaménto, Zoppicamcnto, any hal¬ ting or limping. Zoppclli, tu Zózzoli Zoppicante, Zoppecantc, halting , lim¬ ping , cripling. Zoppicóne, Zoppegóne, Hmpingly.halting- jy, alfo a halter or limper. Zòppo, halt fame,cripple, limping. Zórlo, Zorliitto, a Chough with red feet. Zoronifio, Zoronófio. a flone called the MagitiansGcmme or Jewell. Zoftcra, as Prafónc. Zoftcro, Zóflro, a di fe afe which fame talft to be tbefhingtes, the Running-cv II, or Sunt Anthonies/*re. Zóta, 4 {ind of torture. Zottarc, as Zoppare. .Zonata, 4 rap, a pat, a thumping blow a bang. Zoiticln zza. Zotichézza, , Clownijhly, ruflicaly, rudely, homely. Zoticamente, Zoticamente, clownifl ned , rudeneffe, ruflicity. Zóttico, Zòtico, Chwnifh, rude , ruflicall, b!ock>(h, homely. Zoticóne, Zoticóne, a rude, bloc{ifh clownifh , or ruflicall fellow. Zótto, as Zoppo. . z u F | * Z °) ' „ du gU-dr^k uy bcd.'fhrd weman ! Zov.j/.w pjrt of a Ship. Zuane, as Z ; ,nnuò!o. Zucca, Zucche,»»^ {i n d of Gourd or pumpion by Met. a m ms head, pate, skoace ,iy m>f ! ■ beid-pect, UfaU.w Jktl-ap, airi \ a k»:d Of wat.m.fm, u.r.t d,wn about «rotile of ours, alfo a fud of round 1 , driObltlo.gUfe, alfo a tallir,, bottle for I [vreet water, tifo it Lintborn, * ndt.box, or tt bottle, form Italy lh,, mikt all /i.cb t thuitj of the whole md d ied under of Gourd’s. 1 ' ^ura-al vento, Zucca-dó.'ce di HI; Zucca fenzu Idle , a light-head, a hrdtT !a “' a w ‘ tl: 'Jl e - s ^“ ! > m “Idle * Zucca corriti, fyrates that will make pre, of anything. L r } Zucca da Hie, « Salt-box, 4 Ziicca del cipo, b, Met. a mans head, pate, noie , cojtard , oy jconcc . ZU 5 C S^ fch:tra ’ *."fe'S-tetij alfo a flojb for gun■ powdi r. J Zucca-marma, a Sea pumpion, or a Turly cucomber, alfo inmockry, yes I warrant you, a puddings ind. Zucca-falvatica,» wild-gourd, a! r o as Vi. talba. ‘ Zucca- fecca, » dry orfaplcffc gourd, by Met a witliffr [conce. Zucca-fpadiia, as Vitalba. Zucc'no , a place where gourdsgrow Zucca, ina, bright rnhe-tUtm, trlfo'x Lind of dnn{ing-glaffe. Zuccaraio, at Zucohcraio. Zuccar..re, Zuccherare, to fugar. Zuccherato, fwe(t,fugarsd. Zucearo, Zùcchero, fugar. Zuccaro -di tré cótte, fugar thrice refined, by Met. a {nave in grain,an arch knave. Zuccata, a kind of meat or potage made'of pumpions candied or preferved , by M,t a pm -flam tale, an idle difeourfe without head or foot. ' Zucche-maritate, a meat madeofpum- tnons, egs, chcefe, and [pices. Zuccheralo, a fugar- man, re finer, or mer¬ chant , a ConftCUonary, a Comfet-ma- k er - Zuccherare, to fugar, to candy, to con fit, to pre ferve, or drtfje with fugar. Zuccherato, fugred, candied, confided Zuccherini, pafl fugar -comfits, or all man¬ ner of precious things made of fugar Palis Zucchero, any {ind of fugar. “ Zucchero-cand ido. Candid- fugar. ’ Zucchero rofatc, iofe -fugar. Zucchererò/»// «ffiig.r, [w, et,canditi Zticch' tta, the dim. of Zucca. ' Zucchir'ra, as Zuccaio. Zòccolo, OS Cucuzzolo. Zuccoi arc, to poll, to not, to (Jjnve. Zuccóne, a t old [haven pate, a notted shiill by Met. a logar-head , a Ninny. * Zuffa, i fray, a brawl*, a quarcl!, a riot , a hickring, a stfirmifhing. ; Zuffare, to brawle, to quarti', to bicker skirnif)), to make a fray. L Zuffo, eu Cifjffo, as Zuffo’o. Zuffolare, to win file , to pipe. Zuflolata whiflling or piping. ZufFoIatóre, » wkifller, a piper. ZufFolétto, Zufolino, a little whifile, Zuffolo, any whifll- or pipe. J * ZufFolone, Zuftolórto, a great whifile, Zufturarc, to whitfer inonts ernes, al f whifile. 1 ‘ Zugo, Zugónc, a gull, a ninny, an dy. Zùi, a {ind of bird or fowle. X I s I ZTTZ Zuppa, as Sóppa, é 4 4 >V» 4- 4> é- 4 4 4 4 4 «*. 4 4.4 4 % & 4, .46,4, A 4,4,4 A 4,4, A W'Vv’VT. r>*7 - ■ sj rtzìrj rasrisrsiKr^r.T 1351*7 xmzn lasme*ri\~?«sw k -^w ,^, J. To all rubo defire to learn the Italian Tongne. S the precedent Dictionary is ablolutely neceflary for all fuch as are defirous to underftand Italian Authors , fo is this following no lede ulefnll for fuch as haveoccalion to write Italian Letters, ortotranflateout of Englifli into Italian, or otherwife to fpeak Italian : Thewantofthis Piece,to the purpofe aforelaid,and the earneft folicitadons thereto, of my Friends and Acquaintance abroad, have been the main motives that have put me upon this Work ; fo that I make ac¬ count nowthe bulinelfe ol kalian is compleated in thetwo DiCtionar es. as to underftanding, writing, tranflating, and lpeaking, as far as a Dictionary can go. I fliall not need to let foith the trouble and pains that I have been at, linee J■ Scahger hath done it to my hand, in his Poems of Works of the like Nature which 1 have placed in the Front of the foregoing Dictionary. '1 he delire that I have had, as formerly, fo chiefly in this Piece, to ferve the Englifh Nation, hath made me wave my own private interefl in many particulars, to comply ! with the Publick. I delire the Reader alfo toobferve, that in this Dictionary j I have fhun’d and avoyded (as neer as could be) oblolete and fore d words, and have chole to put only (uch as are obvious to the underftanding, preferring good plain currant Money before gawdy Meddals. In the perula!, I prefnme” the Reader will be fenliblc, that I am Wholly his, gio-. tonano. A DICTIONARY, ENGLISH, AND ITALIA^: Compofed for the Commodity ofallfuchas are defirous of both TONGUES. AB AB AC abandon, Abandonare. abandoned , abandona- to. An abandoning, abando- namento, abandono. Toabafe , avvilire» abaf- fare. chafed-, avvilito» abballato. An nbafemcnt or abafing, avvilimento» ab¬ bai) amento. To abaft » or mah abafhcd, confondere, fver- gognare, far vergogna ad alcuno. Aba"ted, coniufo, Svergognato. Tobeabaibed, reftar confufo, fvergogna¬ to. sbigottito. ^ in abalhment , confusone, fvergognamen- to> sbigottimento. To abate, abballare, rallentare calare. ► Abated , abbattuto, rallentato, calato. An abatement, abbattimento,rallentamen¬ to ; calamento,calo. An abbot , Abbate. An abbeffe, Badeffa. An abbey. Badia. Abbot-like , da Abbate, a guifa d’Abba¬ te, badialmente. To abbreviate, abbreviare, fcorciare. abbreviated, abbreviato, fcorciato. An abbreviation , abbreviamone, abbrevi¬ amento, fcorciamento,abbreviatura. To abbridge, abbreviare, feorcire,accorcia¬ re, ristringere. abridged , abbreviato , fcorcito, feorto, accorciato, riftretto. An abridgment , accoramento,abbrecia- tura ; fcorcio, riltretto. An A B C, un a bi.ci, alfabeto, fanta- croce. An ABC learner or teacher , un abici- dario. To .abet , concitare, confortare, alfiftere, proteggere. -An abettor , concitatore, confortatore. -An abetting , concitatione, concitamento; confortamento. To abhor, abhorrire,abbominare, detefta- re, hauer in odio. -Abhorring, abhorrente, abhorrendo. -Abhorred, abhorrito, deteftato. -An abhorring , abbonimento, deteftatio- ne. •An abhorrer , abhorritore, deteftatore. To abide, or dwell, ftaje,dimorare,alberga¬ re® {tardi cafa. To tarry, trattenerli'. To fuffer , Soffrire, patire, •An abiding, cafa,ftanza ; dimora, albergo. -An abode, idem. -An abjett, abietto, abbandonato. To abjure, aggiurare, rinegare. -An abjuration , aggiuratione, aggira¬ mento, rinega. •Abjured , aggirato, rinegato. To be able, potere, effer abile. To make able, dar la pofiibilita, render a- bile. -Able, poffente, abile. -An able man, in knowledge huomo abile, valenr’huomo di fapere. in riches, di facoltà. ihJlrength, di forze. -Ability wr ablenejje, pofTanza. abilità. -An abode, to abide. To abolì fh, abolire, Cancellare. Aboli/hed, abolito. Cancellato . -An abolifting, or abolijhment, abolimento, Cancellamento. -Abominable, abominevole. -Abominably, abominevolmente. -An abomination, abominatine. To goaboord, bordare, imbarcare To be aboard, effer imbarcato. abortive, abortivo, -An abortive, aborto. Conciatura. -Above, di fopra. From above, d a la fù, da alto. Over and above , di fopra piò, di fopra mercato. To abound, abondare. -Abounding, abondante, abondando. -About, intorno, incirca. -Abroach, niello amano, manomefJo. To [et abroach , metter a mano, mano mettere. -Abroad, fuori, a fpaffo. abroad, or widely , fuori, alla larga, dif-j colto. From abroad , da fuori via, da lontano, da lontani paefi. T o come, or go abroad, ufeire, andar fuori, andar a fpaffo. To [et abroad, or to /’K&///77,publicàre,man¬ dar in luce, efporre. To abrogate, abrogare. . a -Abrogated, abrogato. -An abrogation, or abrogating , abrogatine -Abrupt, fpropofitato, ftroppiato. -Abruptly, fpropofitatamente, llroppiata- mente. -An abruption , fpropofìto, ftroppiamento. -Abfent, adente, lontano. To abfent himfelfe , or play leaf in fight, allentarli, ftar fuori de piedi, ritirarli. To be abfent , effer alfente, ltarfene riti¬ rato. -Abjence, affenza, lontananza. Toabfolve, aflolvere. -Abfolved, a Abito, affoluto. -An abfolution, alfolutione, afiolvimento, -Abjolute, alfoluto. Abfolutely, affolutamentc. -Abfolutenefie , alfolutczza. > T o abftaine, aitenere, tralafciare. Abjìerfive, afterfivo. -Abftinence , altinenza, dieta. ! To abftratì, Itrarre, dedurre. -An abjlraft , {tratto, riitretto. -Abfurd , a (Tordo, fpropofitato. ) ^y«r citare alcuno inanzi ad alcun giudice , litigar con alcuno, Adive, lefto.difporto.agile,pronto. Adivity. leltezza. ditpollczza. agilità, prontezza. Actively, lettamente. dilp diamente, pron¬ tamente. Acute, acuto. Acutely, acutamente. An adage, proverbio. An adamant, adamante. Adamantine, adamantino. To adapt adattare, appropriare. • Adapted, adattato, appropriato. An adapting, adattamento, appropria¬ mene. To ad de, aggiugnere. Added, aggiunto. An adder, 'vipera. The water-adder, vipera acquatica. Toaddid him felf unto, appigliarli ad-ap¬ plicarli a-metterli ad alcuna impre¬ ca ó opera, dedicarfi ad.— Addtded. dedito, inclinato. An adding, aggiugnimento. gionta. An addition, additione. gionta. To addrejfor dtred unto. indirizzare,addi- rizzare. ^«<*£/ Appetito} appetenza} del idei io, fame. To have an appetite , haver appetito} 6 fa¬ me. A tnofl unjatiable appetite, appetito infa¬ ttibile. Full of appetite, pieno d’ appetito. To applaud, Applaudere. Anapplauder, Applauditore, che applau¬ de, inalzali grido. Anapplaufe, Applauso, Èrnia, grido. An apple, mela, pomo. An apple-tree, pomo. The apple op love, or golden apple, mela d’ oro,pomo d’oro. The raging, or mad apple, pomo d’amore. The thorne apple, prickly apple or of Peru, Pomo fpinofo. The Mandracke apple, Pomo Canino. Bauime apple Pomo di maraviglie. An apple-yard, pomato. A hoord of apples, conferva di mele, 6 lo¬ co dove fi guardano, The apple of the Eye, pupilla dell occhio. To apply, Applicare. To apply himfelfe unto, Applicarli, darli, appigliarli, a— Applyahle, Applicabile, facile a darli. Applyed, Applicato, dedito. [ An applying, òf application, Applicatione. I To appoint. Ordinare, apportare, aflegna- re, ftabilire. Appointed, ordinato, apportato, affiena¬ to, ftabilito. Appointed an houre, hora ftabilita, deter¬ minata. An appointer, ordinatore, che ordina, ftabilifce. An appointing, Appontamento, ftabili- mento. An appointment, Idem. An apportion, Appolitione. To apprehend, Apprehenderc, prendere, pigliare. To apprehend a malcfailour,pigYlzi prigione come reo, catturale alcun reo. Apprehended , prefo priggione, cattu¬ rato. An apprehenfìon, Apprchenfione, tema. •A t prehenfive, Apprenlivo, timido,om- brofo. An apprentife, Novitio, apprentitio, novo. An Apprentifhip Novitiato. An approbation, Approbatione, appro- vatione. Approbatrve, Approbativo. To approch, accollarli, app tortini a rii, avvi¬ cinarli. An approch, Accoftamento, Approccio, avvicinamento. Approchable, Accortnbile. Approched, Accodato, avvicinato. Anapproching, Accoftamento, avvici¬ namento, approccio. To appropri a e, Appropriare. Appropriated , Appropriato. An appropriation, or appropriating, Appro¬ priamone, appropriamene. To approve Appruovare. Approved, Appruovato. An appurtenance, apparteneva, Gionta. An apncock, Apricocolo,bricocolo. An apricock-tree. Idem. Aprili, Aprile. An Apron, grembiale, zinnale. Apt, Atto, dìfpolto. Aptly, Attamente dilpoftamenre. Aptneffe, or aptitude, attitudine,difpof- tezza. Aquarius, Aquario. Aquatile, Acquatilo. Aquavits, Acqua vita. AnaqueduB, Acquidoso. Aquofity, Acquolita'. •after the •Aralim AH' Arabica ali ulanza d’ Arabi, Arabica, •dr.ible, Arabile, che fi può cultivare. •Anarbitratojtr, arbitro, arbitratole. •Arbitrable, Arbitratale. •An arbitrament, Arbitramento, arbitrio. •Arbitrary. Arbitrario. To arbitrale. Arbitrare, decidere. •Arbitrated, Arbitrato, decifo. •An arbitratrìx Arbitrice.deciditnce. •An arbour, pergola. The ariate fra,;, Arbuto. Tbarbute tree, Cordezzolo, Albatro. An Archangel, Arcangelo. Archangel ( an p er ^ ^ Arch’angclo, pianta. An archbifìjop, Arcivefcovo. ^n arc hbijho prick, Arcivefcovato. An archdeacon , Arcidiacono. archdeaconry, Arcidiaconato. An arch-duke. Un Arciduca, Anarch , Arco. An arch of planks to break the force of wa¬ ter, argine, riparo. A little arch, Archetto. Arch-wife, in, or ad arco, a guifa d’ arco, arcatamene. A building arch-wife, lùbrica ad arco. To arch. Arcare. Arched, Arcato. An arched fig-tree. Un fico à volta. An archer, Arciere. A little archer. Arc feretro. U'ater archer, fagittario acquattico. The Arches of a bridg, gl’ archi d’ un ponte, ó occhi. The Archesor court of arches, 1’ inquifitio- ne. An arch-heretique. Arciheretico, heretico marcio. An arch priefl, Arciprete. An architect. Architetto. Architect-like, da architetto. Architetture, Architettura. An architraue, Architrane. The artick pole, il polo artico. Ardent, Ardente. Ardently, Ardentemente. Ardency, orardentneffe, Ardore, fervore, zelo. Ardour, Idem. Argent (in blazon ) , Argento. To argue. Argomentare, di fc or re re. argomentato, difeorfo. An argaer,Argumentatore, difeonitore, difeorfore. An argument, Argomento, difeorfo. Aries, Ariete, la pecora, Toarìfe , falirc, montare,alzarli, fufeitare, Arifen , falito , montato, alzato fufeitato. Anarifìng, falita Salimento, montata, salita. An arifìocracy, Arifrocratia. Ariflocraticall, Ariftocratico. Ariflocratically, Ariftoc rancamente. Arithmetick, Aritmetica. An arithmetician, Aritmetico. Auarke, Arca. An arme, bracchio. The arme of a Vine , palmo di vite. Arme in arme,. Abbracciati. Of or belonging to an arme, da bracchi o, Byfìrength of the Arme, Afforxa de lkac- chio. Armour for the arme, Arma per il bracchio. Anarme full, una bracchiata quanto puoi capire il bracchio. The arme-pit, or arm-holes , alleile. Of or belonging to the arme holes, da afielle. To arme, armare. T o arme at all points, armare di rutto ponto. Armesor Weapons. Arme. 6 ftromenti da combattere. Armes,a ftJg«/yi»re,Imprefa,lcudo,divifa. Deeds ofarmes, farti d’ arme. A man ofarmes, huomo d'arme, foldato. By force ofarmes, a forza d’arme. Armed, Armato. Anarmie, cffercito. | An arming, armamento, An armorer, armato, che fri l’arme. An armorer /hop, bottega d’armato. An armory. Armeria. Armour, Arma. A Coat-armour, Armatura. Aromaticall, aromatico. Arraic fee Array. To arraigne, Proceffare,Giudicare. An crrraignement , ProcelTo criminale, Anarrand fce an errand, ambafeiata, fer¬ vido. Arrant, vero, marcio., Arras, Arazzi. Array, Veftimento, habigliamento, ve Iti tura. To array, veftire, abbigliare. Out of array, mal in arnefe, mal in eflere. Arrayed, Veftito, abbigliato. Arrears, Gli avvanzi, lo fcaduto, ciò che reità a pagare. An ar rerage, Idem. One thatsinarrerage , chi ha da havere,ó chi ha da dare. To arrefl, fermare, citare/ar carcerare. An arrefl, ferma, citatione, cattura, car- ceratione. Arrefted, fermato, citato, catturato. Anarreffing,as an, Arrefl, An arrival. Arrivo gionta.vcnura. At the arrivali, AH’ arrivo, gionta, venu¬ ta. To arrive, Arrivare, giognere, venire. Arrived, A. rivato, giùnto, venuto. An arriving, as an Arrival, Arrogancy, Arroganza, temerità sfac¬ ciataggine. Arrogant, Arrogante, temerario sfac¬ ciato. Arrogantly, Arrogantemente temararia- mente, sfacciatamente. Somewhat arrogant. Alquanto arrogante, sfacciato. Somwbat arrogantly Alquanro arrogante- mente,sfacciatamentc, To arrogate, arrogere, appropriarli. An arrow, Irezza, faetta,dardo. A broad arrow, or forked headded arrow quadrello. An arrow-head -, puntale, ferro,arma. A : wound with an arrow, ferita di fez za faetrata. To [hoot or piene with an arrow, ferire con frezza ó Arale. /holt or perfed with an arrow ferito con. frezza ó Arale. Theayfe. il culo. The arfe-gutt Inteftino retto. The arfe hole , Il forame. Buco del Culo, Baldarfcd, culofpelato. An arfenal, Allenale, magazino. Arfenick, Arfenico. Arfeverfie, a rivcrfcio,a roverlcio,fottofo- pra. _ ! AS AS A S Arfe-fmart , Perlicaria pianta Thearfonofa[addle, arcione della fella. Art, Arte, An artery , Arteria. The greater Mother Artery,La grand’ arte¬ ria, T arteria maeftra. The veiny Artery, La vena Arteria. The arm-hole Artery, Arteria del Brac- chio. The Artery of the neck , L’ arteria del collo. The high Artery , L’ arteria alt a. The cubital Artery , L’ arteria cubitale. The twin arteries, Y arterie gemelle. The lliack arterie, l’ arteria iliaca. The loine-arteries, l’ arteria lombale. The pap-arterie, V arteria mammellare. The kidney arterie , l’ arteria emionale. The (permatick arterie, l’ arteria fperma- tica. The (pitene arterie, V arteria fplenetica. The arterie of the temples, L’arteria delle tempie. The breaft arterie , V arteria pettorale. Of, or belonging to the arteries Arterico, Full of arteries^ arterofo, pieno d' arterie. An incifon cf the arteries, incisone nelle arterie. An ar tic hoke, caccio ffolo. An article, Articolo, patto, conventione. An article of agreement, patto , accordo. To articulate , pattuire,convenire, articola¬ re. Articulated, pattuito, convenuto, artico¬ lato. An artificer, artefice, attilla. Artificers, artefici, arditi. Artificiali, artificiale. Artificially , artificialmente. To forge, or work artificially, fabricare ó la¬ vorare artifitialmente,da artefice. Artificialnefs , artificio. Artillery , militia, artiglieria. To furnifh with ar tillary, fornire d’ artigli¬ eria. An arti fan, artiggiano. Anartift, ardita. As. Come, ficome. As well as you, quanto voi, così bene che voi. As it were , come farebbe, come farebbe a dire. As for. In quanto a-per quanto tocca a- As touching, as concerning. Idem. To ajcend, Accendere,falire. An afcendant, Afcendente. Afe ended, Afcefo,falito. An afe ending, or Afe enfon, Afcefa, falita afcenlione, afeenza. Afcenfion-day, L’afcenlione, L’afeenza. An ajeent, asan Afcending. To afeertain, Accertare, avverare, Afcertained , Accertato, avverato. An afeerrtaining, Accertamanto, avvera¬ mento. To aferibe Afcrivere, attribuire. Afcribed, Aferitto, attribuito. Afhamed, vergognato, Vergognato. To be ajhamed, Haver vergogna, redar Vergognato. To make afhamed , far vergogna ad alcuno. Vergognare alcuno. Made alhamed, Vergognato. An afhaming. Vergognamene. Anafh-tree, fralfino. A(hen Kayes, Lingua d’ uccello. Afben, di fralfino. A grove tuft, or wood cf ajh-trees fraffi- neto. Afhes Ceneri. A/hes made of burnt leys of wine, Ceneri fatte di fondacci di vino. A maker or feller ofajhes, or a placato keep them in. Ceneraio. Toburneto afhes, incenerire. Buck-ajhes ( to make lie of) ceneri da lifeia. Burnt to afhes, incenerito. A (hie, full ofajhes, pale as afhes. cenerofo, ceneritio. Ajhwednefday, Le Ceneri. Afde, aparte , in disparte. Askaunce, afeanzo, fcanzatamente. To afke, dimandare, chiedere. To afke after, ander cercando d’alcuno, ricercar, far inchieda d’alcuno,od alcu¬ na cofa. Afked, addimandato, chiedo, ricercato. An afker, addimandatore, cercatore. Afking, dimandando, ricercando, chie¬ dendo. An afking, dimanda, chieda. Afktw, obliquo, a fcanzo, bieco, a tra- verfo. To looke dfkew,g uardar in bieco,a traverfo. Looking afkew at, Riguardando in bieco, atraverfo. Afleep, addormentato, che dorme. To lay, lull, or make afleep, addormentare. To fall afleep, addormentarli. Fallen ajleep, fafi afleep, as A/leep. A laying, lulling , or making afleep, addor- mentamento. Aflope, Inbieflo. To fìand, or make aflope. darò metter in sbieflo. Afparagus, afparagi, fparagi. An afpc ( ferpent ) ferpe vipera. An afpett, Afpetto, influito. Afperity, Afprezza, afperità. An afperfion, Àfperfione, macchia, calon- nia. To cafl an afperfon on, calonniare. An afpick ( ferpent ) Afpidc, ferpente. An afpiration, Afpiratione. Toafptre, Afpirare, ambire. Toafpire ambitioufly, Afpirare ambitiofa- mente. An-afpiring, fpiratione, afpiramento. Afquint, Guercio, dorto, bieco. To affate, or affay, Alfaggiare pruovare. An affay, faggio, pruova,alfaggiamento. Affayed, aflaggiato, pruovato. An affayer, A ifaggiatore, pruovatore. An affay ing, as an affay. To afflile, or affault, Aflalire, a fluitare, dar a dodo ad alcuno. Affailed.afftulted. Alfalito, alfaltato. An afsailer,affaulter, oraffiilant, aflalitore, alfaltatore. An affault. Alfalimento, aflalto. Anaffalting, Idem. An affafne. Alfaffino, mafnadierc. An affé, Alino. Afhee affé, Afìna # A wild affé, Alino felvatico. Of a wild affé, Da alino felvatico. A young affé, or affe-colt, alino giovene, alino poliedro. Ofor belonging to an affé, a linefeo , da ali¬ no, alinile. An affe-driver, or dreffer, Alinaro, vettu¬ rino. To ride upon an afe, cavalcar un alino, an¬ dar à cavai d’ un alino. For an afe tofoale, fpregnare. An affé -load, carica d‘ alino, foma d’ alino. To play the a fe, far 1’ alino, far del alino. An affe-trick, Alineria, tiro d’afino. A fa-fetida, Alfafetida. To affemble. Radunare, lagunare, rac¬ cogliere. Affembled, radunato, ragunato, accolto. An a fcmbling , radunamento, aflemblea. An afembly, Idem. j A haflie affembly of much people together , affollamento. Toaffent unto, Allentile, ac confentire. An affent , Aflentimento, acconfenti- mento. AJfented to, Alfentito, acconfentito, Affentatìon, as, as anafsent. Anaffertion, Aflertione, fentenza, malfi- ma. An affeveration, Affeveratione. To uff effe, condannar in pena, taffare. Affefsed ,condcnnato in pena, talfato. Anaffeffement, condanna, molta, tafla. An affeffour, condennatore, taf] a to re, Affìduity, Alìiduità, follecitudine. An affi gnat ion, or affignement. Affignatio- ne, adeguamento, appontamento. To afigne, alfegnare, appontare, appof- tare. Afigned, Affegnato, appodato. An afife, or afStfes, Giuditio Criminale. To as fife meafures, fegnar le mifure, bollar le mifure. Afsifed ( as meafures) fegnato, bollato. The asfifng of meafures, legnamento bolla¬ meli to di mifure. To afifl, alìidere, aiutare, foccorrere. Afstflance , Affiflenza, aiuto, foccorfo. An aftftant. Affiliente, aiutante, che foccorre. Afifled, Aiutato,foccorfo Affociable , convenevole, buona con- verfvatione, compagnone. To affociatc, converfare, contrattare, prat- | ticare, accompagnare. ! To affociate himfelfe Accompagnarli, ! An affociate. Compagno. ! Affociated , accompagnato. An affoctation, or affociating : accompag¬ nai mento. To affile, lordare, imbrattare, fporcare. Affoiled, lordato, imbrattato, fporcato. fporco. Anaffoiling , lordamento imbrattamento fporcamento, fporchitia, Lordura. To afsume, Alfumere, intraprendere. An af sumption, alfonto, intraprefa,Ia mi¬ nore. An afsurance, Afficuranza. ficurtà,ficu- J rezza, affidanza. j; To afsure. Afficurare. affidare. i; Afsured. Afficurato. affidato, 1 Afsuredly. Afficuratamente, affidata- mente. ; Afsuredncfse. as an afsurednefs. Anafsuring Afficuramento. affidamento. Toafswage. mitigare, alleviare,alleggerire allenire. Afswaged. mitigato, alleviato, alleggerito allenito. An [swaging, mitigatione. mitigamento alleviamento. To afionilh. sbigottire, dordire. i Aftonijhed, orafoniecf. sbigottito,, dordito, attonito. To be afoni (bed, or afonied. redar sbigottito attonito, dordito. An aflonifhment. sbigottimento, ftordi- mento. Aftrudle. a fcavalcione. A fray, or gone aftray. fmarrito. ! Togo andar fperfo.fmarrir la drada, fviarfi, A going aflrav, fmarrimento. fviamento. Afrittive, or afringent.Adrettivo. adrin- gente. Afi ride as afìraddle. An afrolabe. Adrolabio. An halfe aflmlabe. Mezz, adrolabio» An aflrologer. Adrologo. j Afrnlogy. Adrologia. Anaflrohomer Adronomo. Afronomy. Adronomia. Afunder. a parte, fpartito. To rent afunder. tagliar per mezzo, ftec- A T A U A W T oput afitnder. fpartire. ^ it. A,ad,da. Toatchiev e. ottenere, acquiftare. procac¬ ciare. ^ Achieved. ottenuto, acquidato. procac¬ ciato. An (achievement , or (achieving, acquido, fatto, prodezza. Atheifme. Ateifmo. Andtheifl. Àteida. Atrocity. Atrocità. To attache, incolpare, macchiare. Attornment, avvocatura., procurationc, procura, procurato. An attorney, avvocato, procuratore. A treacherous attorney, avvocato, 6 procu¬ ratore di poca fede. A letter of attorney, lettera di procura. To appoint an attorney } or give letters of at¬ torney. dar lettere di procura ad al¬ cuno. Attorneyfbipj as atturnment. ■' To availe, avvalere, valere, giovare. uywmujt.muipuc. jjiaecuiaic. luauaui:. av\:uerc, valere, giov: An attachment, incolp amento, macchia. Itavailethmuch. vale, piova affai. ntfarm pilori. It, ,1* .... !.. 'T.:__ attacco. Anattainder. convìttione di crime. To attain tinto, pofledere., ottenere, acqui¬ fere. Attained umo. poffeduto,ottenuto, acqui- ftato. An attaining unto. polleflo, ottenimento, acquifto, guadagnare. To attaint, arrivare, colpire,giugnere. Attainted, arrivato, colpito, colto giun¬ to. An attempt, intraprefa , attentamen¬ te. To attempt, intraprendere, attenrarc. Attempted, intraprefo, attentato. An aitempter. intraprenditore, attentato¬ re. An attempting , as an attempt. To attend, attendere, appellare. To attend unto, attendere, applicare, vaca¬ re ad alcuna cofa. Ts attend upon, fervire, riverire. Attendance} or attending, afpettare, afpct- tatione, patienza, vacanza. To make one daunc e attendane e. far afpettare. Attendance upon, fervido, accommoda- mento, lo dar fopra alcun negotio, lo fiat a fervidi d’ alcuno. An attendant, fervitore, aflìdente, che at¬ tende. A great mans attendants, la fcrvirù di gual¬ che gran fignore, feguito. Attention, attentione, applicatione. Attentive . attento, artentivo, che appli¬ ca. Atterttivertefs. as attention. Attentively. attendvamente,con applica¬ tione. Attenuation, attenuatione , denuatìo- ne. Anatteflation. atteflatione, fedi, ben-fer- vito. To atte ft. atteftarejfei-vire, far fede. Attefied. arredato, avverato. To attire, acconciare, abbigliare. Attire, conciatura, abbigliamento. Attired, acconciato, abbigliato. An attirer. acconciatore, abbigliatole. An auiring, as an attire. To attune, nr make attonement. condolete condolerli, far penitenza, contridar- Attoned. attridato, contridato. Attvnementxondogh-cnza^ontrikamen- to, penitenza. To attratt, attrahere,attirare,attirare. Attratted. attratto , attirato. Aatrattion. attratione, attiramento. An attraSing. idem. Attrattive, attrattivo, attuante, che ti¬ ra. Attrattively. attrattivamente , attrahe- volmeme. To attribute, attribuire, incolpare. Attributed, attribuito, incolpato. Attributive, attributivo,incolpevole. li availeth little, vale, giova poco. Available, valevole, giovevole. Avarice, avaritia, cupidigia. Avariiious. avaro, cupido, tirato. Avaritioujly, avaramente, cupidamente, tiratamente. ; Audacity, ardire, audacità, baldanza. ■ Audacious , ardito, audace, baldanzo- fo. Audacioujly. arditamente, audacemente, baldanzofamente. An audience, audienza, concorfo. raduna¬ mento. An audit, conto regidro. An auditor, .auditore. Au auditour (or hearer) auditore, afcolta- . tore, che dà audienza. An auditory, audienza, auditorio, radu¬ namento. To avenge, vendicare, vendicarli, cacciar vendetta. Avenged , vendicato. An avenger (he) vendicatore (jhe) ven¬ dicatrice. Avens (herb) carìoffilato. Average, inde di vettura, datio. Avery, luoco, ove li conferva il forra pio del Rè. * To aver .avverare,accertare. I Averred, avverato, accertato. I An averment , avveramento, accertatio- I ne. Averje. avverfo , contrario, difeo- lo. To avert from, divertire , fconfìglia- j T° augment, aummentare , accrefcc- re. Augmentation, dummento, accrefcinien- to. Augmentative, amnmentativo, accrefci- tivo. Augmented, aummentato , aCcrefciu- to. An augmenting,as augmentation. An augmenter. aummenratore, accrcfci- tore. An augre. trivella, crivellone , forato¬ re. Augii fi. Augudo. Thefruits of Augufì. frutti d’ Agodo. Auhvard. mal a propolìto, itravagan¬ te. ù Anaumbrey, fceambrey. A unceflorsj fee anceflors.antenati,pvcdeccf- fori. Ancient, ree ancient, antico. An aunt, zia, àmita. To avoid, fchivare, fuggire, sfuggire. Avoided, fchivato. sfuggito. An avoiding, fchivaniento, fuga, sfug¬ gimento. Avoir de pois , pcfodi Tedici libre. Toawouch. affidare, accertare, accu¬ lare, farne fede. Avouchable. affidcvole , accertabi¬ le. Avouched, affidato, accertato. Atiavoucher. affidatari», licurtà, afficu latore, mallevadore. An avouching, or avouchment. affida¬ mento , licurtà,malleveria. To avow, as to avouch. Avowed, as avouched. An avomer, as an avoticher. Auricular, auriculare. Auricular cottfefsicn , confefsione ami culare. The auricular vein, la vena auricula- re. The Aitflcu fryers. I frati Agodini. Attflere. aude.ro, leverò. . Auflerely. auderamente , fcvcramcn- te. Aufterencfs , or au ferity, auderità, fe ve¬ rità. Authentick, authenticall. autentico , au tenticale. To make authentick. far autentico* Made authentick,or authenticall. {atto au ten fico. An author, autore. Authority, autorità. To degrade, or deprive of authority, kaf- fare, diporre alcuno di qualche ca¬ rica, ó dignità, fgradare. To authorife. au tona zzare, dar il bn*< ci ad alcuno. Attihorifed. autorizzato, fodenuto. An authorifing, or author ifation, autorrìza- mento, fodenimento. Autumne. autunno, infrefeata. Belonging to autumne, au^»nnale,d’ autun¬ no. Away , fee way. via. Awake , or awaked, fvegliato, dedato, dedo. To be awake, effer fvegliato, dedo. To awake, {vegliare, dedare. Awaked, {vegliato, dedato. To award, fen ten ti ai e. An award, fentenza. Aware, accorto, avveduto. To be aware of. accorgerli, avvederli. Away, eh via. Away with this, levadaquà queda cola che lì levi da cofa. To run, go, orjlipaway. coglicrfela, dar un piantone, fugire. To give away', dai via , donare,prefenta- ìe. Awe. tema, paura, timore. Toflandinawe. dar con tema, paura, ti¬ more. To aire, or keep in awe. far dar àfegno, governar con feverirà, far dar in Chri- fto. An awle. Jelìna. Awry, dotto, in sbieflo. To turn, or fet awry, dorcere., voltar in sbieflo. Toflep, or go awry, cambiar dorto. To look awry, guardar dorto. To cafì, or (boot awry, gettar, 6 tirar alcuna cofa ltorto. Bent, or turned awry, {voltato, dorto. Looking awry, che guarda dorto, ò in bi- eflo. An axe. accia, bipenne, manaia. A little axe. accetta. A little plaining axe. A broad chipping-axe. col tellaccio. A battle-axe. accia d’arme. An axe for an executioner, manaia del boia. A (hip-axe, BA BA BA A chip-axe. accia, accetta. ' j retrocortile. An axis or diameter of a fphear, afle ó On the back-fide. nella parte da reto,nel di diametro della fpera. dietro. Jln axionte. afiioma , mafiima, fenten- A back-flop. fondaco, retrobotega. za. ToBack-fhch- imbottire, conrra-pontare. An axle-tree, a (Te. Back-fiitchedfimobuho, contra ponto. To break the back, sfilare, romper la fchiè- Ayd,fee did. na. Brocken-back’d, sfilato. To ayd) fee to aid. To be back-ward in duty, effer tardo ad al¬ cun opra, andar trattenuto. Ay 1 ay me e', ahi, oimè. Excedingly backward, molto tardo, tratte- for ay. per Tempre, per Tempre mai, in nuto. eterno. To go backwards, andar al indietro, rincu- ; Aygrcen. Tempfcvivo. lare. A blow with the back of the hand , roverfcio, Ayrcd, che fia efpodo all’ aria ; rinfref- roverfcione. cato, polito et Tcopet tato :,u of a fuit of „Aflort and broad backfword, mezza Tpada, apparel 1. Tcimitarra. Caflback , ributtato,rigittato,rifpinto a re¬ fute, azurro, turchino. to. To anitre, make or paint a\ure, far azurr© Acaflinghack , ributtamento, rifpinta, ri- ó turchino. • ^ butta. A\ured. fatto di color azzurro ó tur- A fitting back to back, il mettere doTor a chino. dorTo,Tchicna a Tchiena. Anurie, a^ure- like, che dà nel azzurro, A going or giving back, ritirata, rincula¬ ci nel turchino. mento. An atre Jlone. turchina. A keeping back, arredo, tratteniménto, fern lamento. B A puttingorbeating back, rifpignimcnto, ributtata, ripulTa. Babble, ciarla, cicalamento, chiacchiera. Backed, appoggiato, aiutato, ToTtcnuto, To babble, ciarlare,cicalare, chiacchierare, addogato, imputato. A babbler, chiacchiarone, cicalone, ciar- A backing, appoggio, braccio. fofteni- Iiere. mento,addoflamento,imputatone. Babbling, chiacchiara. Bacon, porco, lardo. A babbling houfi-wifi,chiacchxonci, ciar- A flich of bacon, coda di lardo. Iona, taccola A gammon of bacon, predilitto, gam- A babbling place,, piazza, chiaflo, forno. bone. A babe, creatura, infante. A feller of bue on or ofgammons pizzicaruo- A babie. fantoccio, figurina, bamboc- lo, che vende prefeiutti. ciò. Bdcfi cativo, tride, infame, vitiofo. To play the babie. far il fantoccio. A bad act, infamità, male. A balde, bagatella, coglioneria. Badly , malamente, cattamente. A baboon, babuino, bertone. Badnefse, malitia, vitio. To play the baboon, far il babbuino, far il A badge, or cognifance, divifa. bertone. a badger taflo. Bacchanals, baccanali. A young badger, taflbtto. Bace ( the play ) Puledra. To baffle , drapazzar, coglionare, far la ad A bachelour, or bacheler. fcapolo, don- alcuno, ficcarla ad alcuno. 7 elio. Baffled , drapazzato, coglionato. A bacheler of am, baccalauro,candidato. Baggage bagagIio,robbe. A bacheler-knight. cavagliere. A carier ofbaggage, bagagliere, bagaglio, Bachelers button, piè corvino. che porta lerobbe, Kachelerflip, baccalaureato, celibato. Loaden with necefsary baggage, carico di Toback-bite. calunniare, fparlare d* alcu- bagaglio necefiario. nofecretamentè. A baggage, bagafeia, poltrona, barona, Aback-biter. calunniatore fparlatorc. tarantola. A backbiting, calunnia, fparlare. A bagge, Tacco, bifaccia. The back, la Tchiena, il tergo, -il dorfo. A little bag , Tacchetto. The back-parts, le parti da reto, le parti The bagge-bearer, il porta-facco. daretane. A bag-pipc, cornamufa, zampogna. To back, fodenere, dar appoggio, dar il A little bage-pipe, comamufatta,zampog- bracchio. _ netta. Set back to back, podo Tchiena à Tchiena, A bag-piper, fuonator di cornamufa ó- dorfo a dorfo. zampogna. To cafl back, rifpignere, ribattere, rigitta- A bag ofmony, dicco di quattrini, re. A baie fee a bay. To give back again, ritornare, rendere, re- Baile, fi cu rtà, malleveria. dicitóre, rinculare, confcntire. To baile, far lìcurtà, dar mallevador. To go back, andare a reto, ritornare. Bailed , ficurato, mallevato. To keep back, trattenere, ritenere, arreda- A bailing, as, baile. re. A baileffe, podedà. To put or beat back, as to cafl back. A baileff e for husbandry, gadaldo. To give, put, or drawback, ritirarli a reto. Belonging to a bailiff e, da podedà, da gaf- tornar indietro, taldo. A back ditch, follo fecrcto. The authority office or charge of a bailiff e, la An iron back of a chimney, contrafuoco. carica di podedà. The back-bone, or chine of the back, fpina B bailywick, podedaria, gadalderia. della Tchiena, filo della fchicna. To bait, at an ime, rinfrefcarfi al hode- A back chamber, camera da reto , camera ria. Tec reta, retrocamera. A bait at an inn, rinfrefcamento, rinfref- A back-door, porta fecreta, ufeio fecreto. co. A back-fide,orback-yard, cortile di dietro, To baite, or lay a baite, innefcare, attirare. A baite, for fifljes, efca. To baite . a bull or beare, combattere il toro attizzare il toro. Baited, as a hookefor fijh, innefeato. as, a bull, combattuto, attizzato. A baiting, for fijh ,ine fcamento per pefei. of a bull or bear, combattimento, attizza¬ mento di toro. A baiting place, for a wild beafl, i ena, ani- fi teatro. °f fifb> loco da cacciar pelei. A upon the way to refrefj], or to feed ones horfes, rinfrefcargli animali perdrada, dar la biada alle bedie, et animali. To bake, cuocere nel Torno. Baked, cotto nel forno. Backed meats, padiccierie. A baker , Tornato. AJhee-baker, padicciara. A pie-bakers houfe orfhop, padiccieria. Ba ker-leggd, colle gambe done. A bake -houfe , forno, loco dove fi cuoce il pane. A baking, cuocimento, cuocitura, il cuo¬ cere. A baking of pies e» pafl meats cuocimento, cuocitura, il cuocere di padicci. Bald, calvo. To be bald, efler calvo. To wax bald, divenir,diventar calvo. Waxing bald, divenendo, or, diventando calvo. B aldneffe, calvitie. A baldrib, coda. A bald or ridge between twofurrowes, fol¬ co. To balk or make a balke, folcare. A balking or making balhes, folcamento. A ball, palla, balla pallotta. ‘ A great ball, pallone,bullone. I A little ball, pallottina. A tennice ball, palla da corda or da mano, ó palma. ! The ball of the eye, pupilla dell’ occhio. i The ball of the ey, in blazon, pupilla dell’ occhio nella diuifa, A ball of wildfire, palla di fuoco artifi¬ ciato. Afoot-ball, palla da calcio. Afweet-ball, palla odorifera oda odo¬ re. The boy that firveth or flops the ball attenni - ce, Tegnatore. To ferve or flop a ballai tennice, fegnare, le caccie al giucco di palla corda. A wafb ball , faponetra. A printers ball, pallorta da danzato¬ re. A ballade , Tuonata , canzone, berzalet- ta. A ballance, bilancia,daterà, pefo. The balance, le bilancie, fegno celede. To ballance, bilanciare, contra pefare. Belonging to a ballance , da bilancia, A ballancc-maker, bilanciaro dateraro. The ballance of a cloak , tempo. The tonuge of a ballance , la linguetta della bilancia. Thefcale of ,t ballance, tazze, coppa. B allanced, bilancialo, contrapefato. A ballancer, bilanciatore, che pefa ò eon- trapefa. Ballafl of a flip, favorra. To ballafl a flip, alledare infavorrare, di- vare. B allafled, alledato, infavorrato, ftiva- to. B allocke-grafs , fàvofcello. Balloon , pallone. B alme or balfame , balfamo. The balme or balfame tree , balfa¬ mo. B alme ( herbe ) fpetie di menta Balfame or balfamum. b B al- BA BA B alfime-mintjfec Coflmary. albini (or tying ) legame,benda. a! fagat-burj, falcio, vincolo. Uband of fouldiers, troppa,drappello. aba'll (for the neck) colare. filling lutici) colare femplice. .4 ruffe'bund, lamica. aì head band) or little band , ben¬ da. ! aì fvadle-band, or fwadling hand, fa- feia. aì band or obligation , obligo, ftromen- to. ... I riband of footmen, troppa di pietòni,trop- ; pa di gente a piede. The bands of lead that fajlen the panes of a window to the barres, lamina di piombo. aì handle-roll, rollo, lillà, regi ft rd. To bandie, Softener il partito d’ alcuno. At ban-dog, can mallino, can da guardia. Bandoliere^ bandoliera. To bandy) (attennice) palleggiare. To bandy or make a faction, tener da alcu¬ no. B me. male, tolfico, veleno. Wolf-bane, zampa di lupo. The banes of matrimony, publi'catione di matrimonio, o di fpofalitio. To bang, battere, dare, percuotere. To bang with à hollie wand dar colla bac¬ chetta. aì bang, botta, colpo, percofla, ballo- nata - aì downright bang, lina botta foda. ; Banged, battuto, baftonato, percoflb. ! At banging , battimento, percuotimento. ’ B mgle-eard, che he le orechife penden¬ ti. Ai bank, fponda, riparo, argine, poggio. Al little bank, picciola fponda. Ai bank to hold back waters, argine. The bank of a river, ripa,riparo. The bank of the fea, fponda del mare. Al bank or bankers table, banco. The r ai png of a bank to hold in or back waters l’ arginare che fi fà del trattenere le ac¬ que che non entrino, ne efehino. Al banker, banchiere. To bankett , banchettare, palleggiare. a! bankett, banchetto, palio,fcltino. Full of, or belonging to banketts, da banchet¬ to, da palio. a! banketter, banchettiere, che banchetta, ó palleggia, feftcgia. At bankotttng, il banchettare,il far palio. Banket ting-fluff e , robba da banchetto, confettioni, confetture. aì banket ting houfe, calino. Al banker up t, or banker out, bancorotto, J fallito. aì defperate bankeyout, bancorotto fpe- dito. To become bankerout, or play bankerout, far bancorotto, andar fallito, andar in Fallilira. Al becoming bankerout. il far bancorotto, il fallire, fallimento. To batirte. maledire, bcllammiare. Banned^ maledetto. aì banner, bellemmiatore, chemaladice. Banning, maledittione, bellemmia. Al lo tight banneret , cavaglier da bandie¬ ra. To bannifh. bandire, bandire dalla patria, eflìgliare. Bfl«w//W.bandito J elTiglinfc).profcritto. aì bannifhed man, clfule elìigliaco. a! bannijher, banditore. a! bannijhing , il bandire, bando. Bmnijhment, idem. a! banquet, Jee a banket. a 4 banquet out,fee a banker up t. To baptise.)} attezzare. Babti^ed, battezzato. a! baptifed Moore, Turk, or lew, marrano, ò moro battezzato, chrillian no¬ vo. aì baptifer. battezzatole, che battez¬ za. aì baptipng, il battezzare, il tend 1 a battefimo. Baptifme , battefimo. B aptifmall, da battefimo, battefima- le. S. Iohn Baptìft. fan Giovanni Battillta. a! barbry horfe ,barbo corritore. B arbarifme, barbcrifmo. I Barbarous, barbaro. ' B urbatoujly, barbaramente, barbarfea- i mente. Barbaroufnefle barbarie. To barbe or tritume, far la barba, tofaw?,ra¬ dere, acconciati capegli. aì barber , barbiere. Al berbers/hop, barberia. I Aiberbers bafon, bacile. * Al barbing , il far la barba. To barbe a horfe, bardare un cavallo. a! barbed horfe, cavallo bardato. B arbes, barde. a! barbed iavelyn, ftrale barbuto, pontu- to. a 1 barbell, pefee barbo. a! finali river barbell, pefee barbo da fiume. Al little barbell, balbetto. a! fea barbell , barbo marino. AL barbery tree, or fruit, berbero. The barbies, bollette alle lingue d’ ani¬ male. T o barde a horfe, fee to barbe a horfe , Barded,fee barbed, Bards, fee barbe f, a! bardel J addle , fella da bardel¬ la. Bare, nudo, pelato. Bare in array , mal-vellito, mal in arnefe, pezzente. Barefoot and barelegged , fcalzo, a pic- nudi- Barely , nudamente , fpilorciamen- te- To bare or make bare , nudare , pe¬ lare. Bar en epe, nudità. To bargain , pattuire , far accor¬ do. Albargian, patto, accordo. To fell, or bargain, aggirare alcuno, attac¬ carla ad alcuno. To deale deceitfully in bargaines , patteg¬ giar con frode, ingannare, far il lenfale. Bargained , pattuito , convenuto del prezzo, accordato. Al bargainer , pattuitene, che fà patti, prezzolatole. a! bargaining , il pattuire , il far patto, accordamento, prezzolamen- to. Teceitfull bargaining , patto fro¬ dolente accordo ingannevole, fenla- ria. a! barge, filnca, barca, navilio. aL bargeman , barcai uolo. To barke, abbai are,latrare. aL bark of a tree, corteccia d’ arbore, feorza. Bark for tanners, feorza per li conciatori di pelli. To barke trees , feorzar gli arbo¬ ri. ai barke, or boy, filuca, navicel¬ la. BA aL little bark, barchetta, navicella. aL barke-man, barcaiuolo, patrone di barca. Barked at, Abbaiato. Barked ( as trees ) feorzato. barker, abbaiatore, che abbaia. aL barker ( of trees ) feorzatore. Al barking , abbaiamento, latrare. aL barking ( of trees ) feorzamento. Barlie, 'orzo. Great barlie, orzo groffo. Barlie-water, orzata. Barme levito,fior di birra, ò cervoggia. AL barnacle ( bird) Bernacolo. aL barne, granaio. aL barnefull of come, granaio pieno di grano. Ofor belonging to a barne , da granaio. Jd barne-keeper , guardiano di granaio. Corn or fruits layd up in a barne grani ó frut¬ te ripolle in granaio. aL baron, barone. aL baroneffè, barone (fa, bsrona. ^4 baronet, baronetto. Al barony, baronia. Bar rain, fee barest. aL bar at or, fee a barret or. Al b*rre, sbarra,barra, tramezzo, trave. aL little barre, picciola sbarra, picciolo tramezzo,travetto. a4 barre of a door e, {Iranga di porta. aL barre of iron, fpranga. Croffe barres of wood, llangate,traverfate di legno. aL barre whereat caufes are pleaded, cancello ringhiera, grata. The erofle barre of a window flanga a tra¬ vedo d‘ una fineltra. To barre a doore. Hangar la porta, b ufeio. Barred, llnngato. Crofle-barred with wood, Hangato a traver- focon llanga. aL barrel l. barile, botte. Ai little barrell , bariletto. The barrell of a gun, canna,cannone. To barrell up. imbottare, metterne’ barili, ó botti. aL barrel-maker barilaio, bottaro. The barrell of a Windlefle girella. Barren, fterile, non capace. To become barrati divenire llerile, infleri- lire. ^4 barren jade, mula,beffia Iterila. TarreM/yjfterilmente. Barrennefle llerilità. Barreflers. licentiati nel luffe, che piatis¬ cono. aL barreter, cavillatore,litigante. Tobarricado , to make barricades or, fortify with them, barricare, fortificare. „4 barricado, barricata. barricato, fortificato. Barriers, lleccato d’ abbattimento. To play, or fight, at barriers, abbatterli in¬ fioccato, alla barriera. ^4 barrow, carretta. a 4 wheele-barrotv carriuala. To feti a wheel-barrow agate , or to work with a wheel*barrow, portar fulla car- riuola. One that works with a wheel-burrow, che mena lacarriuola. aL hand harrow , barella. Alneck-barrow, barella a collo. „4 barrow hogg, porco callrato. ^4 barrow ( or hillock ) montone di ter¬ reno, mucchio. Barter or bartering, il barattare, permutare ó cambiare. To barter , barattare, cambiare, permu¬ tare. Al barterer. barattatore, cambiatore. Bartered, barattato, cambiato. ^4 bar- BE BA B A A bartering, baratto, cambiamento, per¬ muta. A barton for poultry, gnllinaro, pollaio. Bartram ( herbe ) piede d’ Alcfl'andro. piretro. A bafe ( or bafts ) bali, fondamento, pie- diitallo. The bafe in niufick, il baffo in mufi- ca. A piece of ordinance calli a bafe. bafe, piz¬ zo d’ artiglieria. Bafe, vile, abietto, ignobile, villano, baf¬ fo, fpilorcio. Baft-born, malnato,badardo, naturale. To wake bafe, abballare, avvilire. A baft jbift ing trick, rigiro furbefco. for- fonteria. An ufer of fuel i bafe tricks, che fi ferve di rigiri iurbefehi. forfante. A bafe ivrech , un disgratiaro, infame, for¬ fante. Bafely, infamemente, vilmente. Ba fettefie, infamità, viltà. Bafhfull, modello, rifpcttofo. trattenuto, in contegno. To be bajhfull, offer rifpcttofo,dar in con¬ tegno. A very baft fill man. Intorno molto tifi, pettofo. Bajhfully, rifpettofamente. Bafhfulnefs, rifpetto, modeftia, contegno. A baftlisk, baldifco. Bufili ( herb ) baiìlico. Middle bafiil, or citron bafiil,bafilico citro- nico. Water bafiil Bafilico acquatico. Bafiil gentle, bu/h bafiil, bafilico gentile. Great garden bafiil, bafilico grande. A bafket, canneilro, paniere,cedo. A little bafket, cauedrino, celtuolo. A wicker basket, corbella, cannedra. A basket full of— una cancdrata di- A hand-basket, fportelJa. A basket (to carry on the back ) fporta. A basket bearer, fportaruolo. A little band-basket, fportclla. A basket maker, Canncdraro. A basket of reeds j as a basket. A ha fon, bacino, bacile. A fin ili bajon , bacilletto. A lia/ba, Bada. A bafiard, badardo. naturale. Baflatdwine, vino adulterato. Baflardtfe, badardigia. To baflardife. imbadardire , adulte¬ rare. Bafiardtfed, imbadardito, adulterato. To bafte, or beat, battere, badonare. To bafe meat , pergottare. Baftedf as meat ) pergolato. Bafled ( or beaten ) battuto, bado- nato. A bafting. battimento, badonamento. A bafto'tado. badonata, botta. To bafìottado, or give the bafìonado unto, ba¬ donare, darbadonaie ad alcuno. A bat y or club, bullone, legno,mazza, clava, or reeremoufe , pipidrello, not¬ tola. A batch of bread, una fornata di pane. A bachelor, fcappolo. To bate, ribattere, calare,levare. Bated, ribattuto, calato, levato, A bating, ribattimcnto,calo. The bating ( or unquiet flittering ofahawke) dibattimento. A bath, bagno, ilufa. A little bath, bugliuolo, dufetta, A war me, or hot bath, bagno caldo. A cold bath, bagno freddo. Maries bath, bagno Maria. A bath-keeper, or wafer of the bath, ftu- faruolo. To bathe, bagnare, dufare. Bathed ; bagnato, dufato. A bather ; bagnatorc , che va alla dufa. A bathing ; bagnamento, il bagnare, l’ an¬ dar alla dufa. A bathing-tub } tina da bagnar- That ttfeth much bathing ; che và fpelfo a bagni, alla dufa. A batle , batfaile , or baule ; batta¬ glia , combattimento, giornata, mif- chia, zuffa. To wage batle ; battagliare , combat¬ tere. A day ofbattaile ; giornata. Battati array battaglia ordinata. The battailc, or maine battai le ; il grò (To d’ un elfercito. A battaillon ; battaglione. The middle battalion ; il battaglion di mezzo. To batter with ori' nance", cannonare, ab¬ battere a forza di cannoni. To batter, or bruife fracaflarc, maccare, acciaccare. B ittered ; fracaflato, maccato, acciac¬ cato. Battered with ori'nane e ; cannonato, ab- batuto a forza di cannoni. A batterer ; fracalfatore, acciaccato¬ le. A batterie, batteria. A battering ; battimento, fracalfo. To baule ( or get flejh ) ritornar in carne. Baule ; fertile. A battle-axe-, mazza, accetta da com¬ battere. A battle-dore ; paletta, da giuocar al vo- letto. Well battled ; ben ingranato, ritornato, divenuto in carne. Battlements ; merli. Battling ; viveri, provifione. A bawd-, rodìanajimbafciatrice d’amore, mezzana. A young bawd ; roffìanella. To play the bawd ; far la rofliana, far la mezzana. Bawdery , the prafliTe or trade of a bawd j Roffianeccio , rofiiane- fimo. Bawd’ry in fpeech , bawdy talke ; parlar fporco, parlar difhonedo. Full of bawd’ry ; pieno di rofiìanec- ci. Bawdy, fporco, dilbonedo, da bordello, impudico. Bawdte fuits, or aflions ; chiede im¬ pudiche , gelli et atti fporchi, in¬ fami. A bawdy-houfe ; bordello, chiafi'o. To haunt bawdy houfes ; andar in bordello, andar per bordelli. A haunter of bawdy houfes ; bordelliere, puttaniere. A bawdy tale novella fporca, novella impudica. A haven ", fofeina. The fmallef fort of havens ; fafeine mi¬ nute . To bawle ; gridare, fchiamazzare, dril- Iare. Banded ; gridato, fgridato. A bawler ; che grida , che fchiamaz- za. A bawling ; gridamento, fchiamazzo. To baulke, fee to balk ; omettere, trala- fciarc. A bay, or road for fhips ; fpiaggia, ra¬ da. A bay, or creek i cala, calata. To hold at a bay tener a bada. Bay colour, baio. A bright dapled bay. baio chiaro, liardo. A bay of planks to break the force of water. argine. A bay-tree, lauro. Dwarf-bay . lauro gentile. Bay-berries, bacche di lauro. A bright-bay. baio chiaro. Bay-falt. fai nero, fai marino. Bayes (cloth) baietta, riverfefo. Courfe biyes. riverfeio graffo, caforec- cio. A bayt. fee a bait. A bai if. fee a bay lif To be. e fiere, Ila re. A beacon, faro, fanale, lanternone. To watch at a beacon, dar in guardia ap- preflo il fanale, guardare il faro. A watcher at a beacon, guardatole, cudodc di fonale. Beads, or a pai re of beads, corona, pater no- dri, rofario. A round bead to play at Trou-madame, pallottella, borelia. A beadle, bidello. Of, or belonging to a beadle, da bidello. A beagle, cagnuolo. The beak of a fowl, becco d’uccello. A little beak, beccuccio. A beak-full. beccata, quanto pub capir nel becco. Beakad. beccuto, che ha becco. A beaker, tazza. To belch, ruttile. A beale or boyle. bolla, pudula. To beale, or matter, far capo, maturare, far marcia. A beam, trave. Thecrofs-beam of a ballante , trave della bi¬ lancia. A weavers-beam. fubbia di tenitore. A weavers c loath-beam, trave di tefiitore. The beam of a great ballante, daterà. The great beam of a wine-prejs , capriolo, a- da, halba. The beam of a buck, trave che ferve al buca¬ to. A beam of the fun. raggio del fole. A bean. fova. Green beans, fcafo. French , or Roman I»c4»j.fagiuoli. A bean-flalk. fudo di fava, forzo di fava. Bean-firaw. coccie, baccelli, fcaffature. The (balings, chaf or cleanfings of beaus. idem. A beard, barba. A filthy great, and goailike beard, barbac- cia. A little beard, barbetta. To beard, or begin to have a heard, metterla barba. To beard, or out-brave one. far la barba ad alcuno, coglionar,bravar alcuno. The beard of an eare of corn, barba di fpica. Bearded, barbuto. Bearded, or braved, bravato, coglionato. One that is red bearded, barbarofla, di pelo rofeio. Bearded eares of corn, fpiche barbute. Beardlefs. sbarbato. A beare, orfò. AJhee-beare. orfo. The fea-beare. orfo marina. A little beare, orfocchio, orfo piccolo. A young, or littlefhe-beare. orfo piccinina, orfetta. Bear e-like, da orfo, come orfo,orfino. Beares-eare . orecchia orfina. Beares-breech, or beares-foot . branca orfina, acantho. Beares-garlick, aglio di orfo. To beare, or carry, portare, fopportare. To beare away, levar, portar via. To beare up. foltenere, fopportare. Bi To B E BE BE To beare one out. a flic ur are, difendere, mantenere, dar il braccio. To beare down violently . abbattere con vio¬ lenza. fiipprimere. To beare, orfuffer. patire, foffrirc. To beare, or bring forth, partorire, infanta¬ re, produrne. To beare a {way. comm andare, fignoreg- giare, dominare. To beare,fland,or jutty out. {porgere in fuo¬ ri, Itar fofpel'o. To beare . or word, parare, diffonde re, (lat¬ in guardia. To beare out a matter, finger di riufeir d’ alcun negotio. To beare with, compatire, lopportare, fof- frire. A bearer, portatore.latore. ^4 bearer out. aflicuratore, mallevadore. *,4 bearer of fway. dominatore, comman¬ dante, fac totum. A bearer, or cndurer. che (offre, che lbp- porta. Bearers of dead corps to the grave, beccamor¬ ti. A bearing, qr carrying, portamento.porta- ta. A bearing down violently, abbattimento, fopprelìione. A bearing, or fuffering. patimento, fop- portatione, patienza - A bearing cloath for a child, manticcllo. A beafl. bdlia, animale bruto. A little beajì. belliuola. To become abea[ì. devinir, or diventar be- llia, farli bellia. imbellialire. Beaflltnefs. beffialità, brutalità. Beafily. belliale.brutale. Made, or become beajlly. imbellialito, bru¬ tal ato. J?Crfj?/7y.be!lialmente, brutalmente. To beat, battere.ballonare. dar ad alcuno, ^etcuotere, ferire, frullare, dar la fruita. To beat in jì ones, or piles, batter colla maz- zaranga. To beat down, abbattere. To beat together (as eggs') sbattere. Beaten together, or blended, sbattuto. To beat fl-t a floor, acciaccarc.appiattare. Beaten, battuto, ballonato, percoflo. feri¬ to, frullato. Throughly beaten, ben ben battuto. Beaten down, abbattuto. A beaten way. llrada battuta, llrada ma- ellra. Beaten in a mortar, pillo in un mortaio. A beater, battitore, feritore. A beater, or rammar, calcatole. A. beater down, abbattitore. v Aplaiflerers beater, mazza, or martello da impiallratore. -A printers beater, indici di llampatore. ~A beating, battimento, ballonamento battitura', pcrcuotimento. frullamen- to. A beating down, abbattimento. To bcattfte. far beato, beatificare. Beatified, fatto beato, beatificato. Beatificali, beatifico. Beatitude, beatitudine.fantità. ^A beaver, cafloro. Beauty, beltà, bellezza, venere. Beauteous, bello, villofo. To beautife. abbellire, far bello, ornare. Beautified, abbellito, fatto bello, ornato. A beautifying, abbellimento,decoratione, ornamento. The beaceli of a ritfg.tella d’annello. Bccaufe. perche, per amor che, percioche, imperoche, A beck, cenno, fegno. To beck, or beckon, accennare, far cenno. Ai a ierA.acenno. Beckoned, avvifato con cenno. To become, divenire, deventare,farri. To become, or befeem one. liar bene ad al¬ cuno, comparire.far bella comparfa. IVhatfoever becomes of me. quel che ne fia di me, ciò che mai ne lia de’ latri miei. It becomes, comparifce, llà bene. dice. It ill-becomes. or it becomes not. feompa- rilce, llà male. A becoming one. comparifcenza, che Uà bene ad alcuno. Becoming one. che llà bene ad alcuno, che dice affai. Abecon, fee abetcon. To be-daggle, zaccherare.imbrattare. Be-daggled. zacchetato, imbrattato. A be-daggling. zaccheramento. imbratta¬ mento. To be-dafh. fchizzare, imbrattare. To be-dafh all over, fchizzar per tu tto,im- brattar per tutto. Be-dafhedficWìzzat.o, imbrattato. A bedafhing. fcchizzamento, imbratta¬ mento. To bedeaw. inalbare, irrigare, bagnar,in¬ ondare, inacquare. Bedeawed. inaffiato, irrigato, bagnato, inondato, inacquato. A bedeawing, inafliamento, irritamento, bagnamento, inondatione. inacqua- mento. Bedeawing. inafliando, irrigando, bag¬ nando, inacquando. Abed, letto. A little bed. letticciuolo. To go, or get himfelf to bed. andarfene al letto. To make a bed. far il letto, acconciar il let¬ to. To be brought to bed (as a woman of a child) infantata, che ha partorito. A womans being brought to bed. infanta- mento, parto. Abed-f}eJ. lettiera. Bed-pofls. colonne del letto. A feather-bed. letto di piuma. A flock-bed. mattarazzo. Afhraw-bed. pagliariccio. pagliarizzo. A trundle-bed. carriola. A fettle-bed. Jett’ a banco. A lying in bed. lo ftar in letto } or al let¬ to. In bed, laid in bed, bed-rid. in letto, mef- fo in letto ; or al letto, infermo, fpedi- to. A lying fick in bed, or lying bed-rid. lo dar infermo nel letto, ipedito. ^ 0 go fick to bed.to lye fick in bed. andarli al letto infermo ; or ammalato ; or bed-rid. llarfenc in letto infermo.fpe- di to. che non li poffa muovere. A bed of Saffron, letto di zafferano. The beds in a garden, compartimenti del giardino. Ladies bed-flraw. fpergola adorata, filli convalli. The bed, or (under milfìone) mola,tor¬ citoio. Ill-bedded. mal accommodato di letto,che hàcativo letto. To bedew; fee to be-deaw. The bedder ; or under- flotte, of ,.n oyle-mill, mola, torcitoio. Bedlam ; or bedlem ; or bethlem. li pazza- rclli, lo fpedal de* pazzi. A bedlam, folic, infenfato, matto, pazzo, forfennato. Bedlam-like ; or mad. da pazzo, pazza¬ mente. tedlamlike ; or madly, idem. Tobe-duft, fee to duff. Bedrid, che Ila al letto, che non li può muovere più da fe fleffo. To be. effer, flare. A bee. ape, pecchia. An humble bee. mofeone. vefpone. A neafl, orjwarm of bees, fcìame. An cate-bee (bird) mangia-pccchic. A bee-hive, alveario. A beech-tree, ccrro. Beech-rnafi. arbore di cerro. young, or little beech-treexevvo picciolo. Beef, came di vaccina, bove. A beef, or beeve. un bue, una vaccina. Martinmas beef . carne falata 5 or cameaf- fumata. Powderd beef, 'idem. A beeing, effenza, effere.natura. Been, llato. Beer, birra, cervogia. A beere to carry the dead on, bara. A beer-c loath for a dead cor/*, panno.drap- po da metter fopra il cadavere nella ba¬ ra. -4 beefome, feopa. Beef } , or beeftings, primo latte. A beetlefly e, fcarafaggio. The venomous beetle, of beetle-like fly called a long-leg, buprello. A beetle, or Moth called a chaffern, that fly- eth by night, zanzala. zampana. A Paviersbeetle, mazzaranga da lailrica- tore. A beetle, maglio, mazzeranga , mazza- picchio , mazza di legno, pala. A wood-cleaversbeetle, mazzuola da llec- a-legna. Bcetle-brow’d, forcigliofo, cigliuto affai. A beetle to beat bucks inwajhing, pala da lavandaia. A beetle-head, ballordo, goffo, gnocco, feioperato. Beets, bietole. Black beets, bietole nere. To befall, avvenire, intravenire, arrivare-a- ffciirarlì, fuccedere. Befallen, avvenuto, fucceduto. A befalling, arrivo, fucceffo, intraveni- mento. Befitting, dicevole, che dia bene, che ac¬ compagni bene. To befool, imbalordire, coglionare, aggi¬ rare, arrivare. Befooled, imbalordito, coglionato, aggi¬ rato, arrivato. A befooling, imbalordimento , cogliona- mento, aggiramento, arrivamento. Before innanzi, anzi, avanti, prima. Before-going, precedente. Before-ttmes, a tempi andati, per Io paffu¬ to. Before-hand, anticipato , inanzi tratto. To get, or go before, avvanzare. fcavalca- re. Got before, avvanzato, che ha tirato man¬ zi. Long before hand, affai prima, affai antici¬ pato. To befriend, trattar d’amico, farri amico alcuno, amicarli alcuno. Befriended, trattato da amico. To beget, generare, caldaie. To beget together, congenerare. A begetter, genitore, che genera. A begetting, generamento. il generare. To beg, mancucare, andar catrando la li¬ mofina, fu pplicare. pitoccare. To beg on the high-way, dimandarla limo- fina alla llrada. Bagged, mendicato, fuppficato. cattato per amor di Dio. A beggar, mendico, guitto, cattante, pi¬ tocco. A beggar-woman, mendica, cattante, pi¬ tocca. T° begger, ridurre a mendicità,mandar al¬ lo fpedale. A little Kfc». Vi». BE little, or young beggar ,giovane cattante, crai» of beggars, frotta di cattanti. naftyp lace where beggars haunt and lowfe themfelves,loco dove ii fpidocchiano i cattanti,pittocchi. To become as idle, and la\y as a beggar, dive¬ nir otioib come un mendico ; or cat¬ tante, poltrone. Grown as lafie,and idle as a beggar, divenu¬ to otiofo, e da poco come un mendico; or cattante. Beggary 3 mendicità, pitoccheria. Beggerly (fellow) un guitto, unfpelato, pezzente. Beggerly done, da mendico. da pittocco. B cggerlinefs, or beggery, as beggary. A begging, il mendicare, il cattare. An order of begging fryers, ordine di frati mendicanti. Begging, mendicando; cattando. Begging in the high-way, mendicando al¬ la ft rada. To begin, incominciare, principiare. To begin a work rudely, incominciar alcun opra rozzamente. ^l beginner, principiante, che incomincia. To take beginning frpm. nafcerc. originare, Begotten, generato. To begreaje } ontare, ogncre.bifontar. Begreafed, onto , bifonto. To Z'egm«e ) pacchiugarc,paccHicare. Begrimed, pacchiugato, pacciucato. A begriming, pacchiugamento, pacciuc- amento. To beguile, igannare, defraudare, alcuno, truffare. fatore. A beguiling, inganno, impoftura.truffa. To behave himjclf 3 comportarli, port; contrattare. To behave himfelfill in his office, port male nella fua carica. Well- behaved 3 ben accoftumato, ben c ato. Behaviour, contrattare, portamento.crc; za, coftumi. termini, procedere. An unfeemly behaviour, mala creanza,i tivo procedere. tefta. Beheaded, decapitato, decollato. ne. Beheld, veduto, vifto, rigt templato, raffigurato. Behind, di dietro, da reto. rimanente, lo fcaduto, Very far behtnd-hand, molto a i;eto, che < ve affai. Behold, ecco, vedi. To behold, vedere, riguardare, contemp re, raffigurare. A beholder , riguardante, fpettatore. Beholden unto, obligato. ngu; plat ta, contemplatacme. To make beholding, or beholden un alcuno, reftar con obligo ad aleuto Beholding to, obligato, con obligo. BE B E A beholdingnefs, obligo, obli gatione. l'ef- i ften, or much bellowing: lo fpelfo muggi- fer obligato. re. mugghiare. Behoof, biiogno, nèceflità. cliowes, or apaire ofbellnwcs. foffietto. To behoove, infognate, eli et necclfàrio, 1 miths bellowes: mantici. convenire. ! the belile j fee the belly. Behoovefill, bi fogo avole, fpediente, con- ro belong: appartenere, attenere. veniente, necclfàrio. j elonging upto: appartenente, attenente. _ A being, l’clfcrc, foftenimento, foftenta- cloved: amaro, benvoluto. mento. | clow: abba'io, dabbaifo, giù. Abeker, fee a beaker. • A belt: arma-collo, cinto, cintura. To belammo, baftonare. I A belt-maker: cinturato, che fa gl’anwa- Belammcd, baftonato. colli. To belch , rottile. To belye: fmentire, accufar falfarnente cc . A belch , rotto. a torto, calonniare. A belcher, rottitorc. Belyed: fmentito, accufato a torto, callo- A belching, rotti mento, rotto. niato. To beleagre, alfediare. A belying: 1 mentita, calonnia. Beleagurcd, alfediato. To bemire: imbrattare,fporcare.zacchera- A beleagtirer, alìedinnte, alfediatore. re. A beleaguring, alledio, ailediamcnto. Bemired. imbrattato, fporcato zacchera- To belie, fee to belye. finentire. to. Belief, credenza, credito, fede, fè. Tobemone, deplorare, compatire,piagne- ; To have hue belief in, miferedere, haver ! re, condolere. poca fede, 6 credenza in- Bemoned ; pianto, compatito. Light of belief, credulo, A bemoaning ; piagnere, compaflìonc. Awron? belief, miferedenza. pianto. Lightnefs of belief, credulità. Eemoning ; piangendo, compatendo. Hard of belief, incredulo, duro a credere. Ben (an aro malie al mu') noce aroma- Lack of belief, or hardnefs of belief ,incredu- fica. lita, durrezza a credere. Abench- banca. Pafl belief, incredibilmente, oltre ognife- A bench (anomwallto fit.on) muricciuo- To believe, credere, haver fede. The kings bench’, tribunale. To believe amifs, miferedere. creder ma- 1 A bench to lean on ; appoggio- le. A bencher’, afleflore. Believed, creduto. To bend’, piegale, ftoiccre, flettere. No way believed, nudamente creduto, che To bend a bow', tender un arco. non li crede in conto nilluno. Abend ; piega; ftorcimento. Not to be believed , incredibile, da non ere- To bend back ; piegar al indietro. dere. Te bend forwards ; piegaral inan /i; pic- A believer, creditore, che crede,fedele. gar avanti ; doppiarli ; aggroppir- A believing, credito, credenza, fede. ii. A bell campana. To bend inwards or towards ; incurva- A pafsing-bell, campana da morti. re. A little bell, campanella. £ ■■ fie to bend ; facil a piegarli ; a flore erfi; - A fanti bell ; or facing bell, campanella. pieghevole. Hawkes bells, fonagli. To bend himjdf unto ; applicarli ; met- Furnilhed with 'bells (at Hawkes') fornito terfi a— di fonagli. Berniers ( mu feels fo call’d ) mufeoli delle A maker of Hawkes bells, fonagliaro. pionturc delle dita. ì A little clocks bell, timpano. A bending ; doppiamente ; piegamento; An "allarum-bell. compana da fuonar a ftorcimento. i- martello, alfo, campanella da fveglia- A bending arch-wife ; che fi piega in ruolo. arco. e- A colledge-bell, hall , or cloyfler-bell. cam- Bending inwards ( a ma fans term ) incur- panella da convento. varo. a- A belfry, campanile. Beneath, fotto, di lottd, abballo, la giù. di A bell-founder, campanaro. la fotto. a- A beli-man', rii vegliatore. A benediction, benedittione, benedicite. A bell hung aboutci cowes neck, campanac- A benefiftor. benefattore. 1- ciò. A benefice, beneficio. a A bell-weather . mandriere. Beneficed. beneficiare, conferir beneficio. ' , A beli-bit. campanella. Beneficence, beneficenza. Bell-fiowers ■ or bletv bells, campanelle. Benefìci l. beneficiale, utile, liberale. o- Hedge-bells. campanette. A beneficiai friend, amico benefico. A ringingofbells, fuonata di campane. A benefit, boneficio, ben fatto. n- The belly, il ventre, la pancia. To conferre benefits on. beneficare, far A little belly, ventrino. beneficio. The belly of a doublet, il devanti del giup- To benefit, far bene, ben fare , cavar o, pone. utile il The belly ofaLute.fondo. coperchio. A conferring of benefits on, as, bene- A belly.god. mangione, gololo,ghiotto- ficence. e- ne. Benevolence, benevolenza. ^ The lower part of the belly, hipogaftro. Benjamin. Bcnioin, Bencoin, Benia- Agor-belly, a paunch-belly, crapolonc mino. a- m angione. Benigne, benigno A griping in the belly, or aking of the belly Eerignh. benignamente. mal di ventre, dolor di ventre, Benignity, benignità. A bellyful), panzata. panciata. Herbe benne', caveofilata. u- A belly-band for a draughl-horfe, valiti ie Bent, piegato, doppiato, flotto. ra. Bent forward, aggroppito, doppiato all' ?ar To bellow, muggire, mugghiare. inanzi. o. Bellowed, mu gito.mughiato. Bent tinto, dedito : inclinato a— A bellowing : idem. Determinaiely or refolutely bent, odi- nato. Cruelly B E Cruelly bent ag tin fi. incarnito, accarnato. To be bloudily , or cruelly bent agair.fi, accar- narli, ine agni rfi incontro alcuno. To benumme. intirizzare. llicchirli, addor¬ mentare, fopirc, agghiacciare. B enummed. intirrizzato , dccchito, ad¬ dormentato, fopito, agghiacciato. Tobe benummed. efler ftccchiro, intiriz¬ zato. A bemimmifig. intirizzamento, adonnen- tamento, fopimento. B enumming. narcotico, che intirizza, che addormenta, che fopifee. To bequeathe, far legati, delegare, far lafcite. bequeathed, donato per via di legato. A thing bequeathed, legato. The party to whom the thing is bequeathed, legatario. ; Abequefl. as, a thing bequeathed. I ToberayA porcai-, imbrattare, fmerdare, ! incacare. : To bcray himfelf, or beray hit hofe, finerdar- fi le brache. B erayed. fmerdato,imbrattato .fporcato. Mofi filthily berayed. malamente lmerda- dato, fporcato. A beraying. fmerdatura, fporca- mcntojmbiattamento, beraynig. fmcrd.n fo, imbrattando, fpor- ! cando. To bereave, privare di¬ ro bereaue himfelf of. privarli di- fpolfef- farfi di— Bercwed or bereft , privato di- privo di- fpoffeffato di- A bereavement of privamente di- fpoffef- famento di- A bereaving , privationc, il privare, lo fp offe Ho. Bereft, privo, privato, fpolfelfato. A bergamot peare. pera bergamotta. A berti, berillo. A berry, bacca A black-berry, or bramble-berry. 'moro. B ill-berrys. aiuelle. A fervi ce-berry. foiba, lazzaruolo. Ivy-berrys. bacche d’hedera, d' elicla. Tobefeech. fupplicare, pregare, implo¬ rare. A befeecher. Applicante, pregatole, im¬ ploratole. A befecching. imploratane, Applica, | preghi. B efceching. implorando, Applicando, predando. Tobefeeme ; dar hene, confarfi. Tt befeemeth , dà bene, fi confà. A befeeming. confacimento. To befet on all fida, a (Tali re, or, affediare da tutte le bande. Befet oh all fi'des ; affaldo, affediato da tutte le bande. To bejhite ; fmerdare. B efhitten ; fmerdato, fporco. To befìrrew ; maledire. A befirewing ; maleditione, il voler mal ad alcuno. Befr.lcs ; oltre, di più, fuorché. Tobefìege ; A (Tediare,metter affedio. Befieged ; affediato. A befieger ; affediatore. A befieging ; affediamento, affedio. To befmeare ; imbrattare, lordare, fpor- care, macchiare. B efmeared ; imbrattato, lordato, macchi¬ ato. A befmearing ; imbrattamento, lorda- mento, macchiamcnto. A befome ; feopa. A long befome, feopa longa. To bèfmoke ; affumare. Befmoked ; affamato. A befmohing 5 aflumamento- BE Bì To befmut ; imbrattar con fuligir ' ne. Tobefot ; imbalordire,inftupidire, indol- tire, ftordire, imbedialire. Befotted ; imbalordito, iflupidito, inftcl- tiro, fiordiro, divenuto bedia. B ejotted with too much fludy ; imbalordito dal foverchio iludiare. A befottìng ; imbalordimento, 1’ imba¬ lordire. Befought ; chiedo, Applicato, implorato. To befpatter, fchizzare, macchiare. To befpe.tk ; ordinare, far fare, caparra¬ re. To^eypecA/e^macchiarejfcrccciarejpunzac- chiare. To befpew ; buttar, ributtare, vomire, vo¬ mitare. B tfpewed ; buttato, ributtato, vomita¬ to. Tobefpit ]; fputar addoffo, fputacchiar al¬ cuna cofa. B efpitten-, fputacchiato. To befpot ; macchiare, fegnare, verga¬ re. B efpotted 5 macchiato, fegnato , verga¬ to. A befpotting ; macchiamcnto, fcgno,vcr- gatura. To befprinkle, fpruzzarc, irrigare. Bf fprinkled ; fpruzzato, irrigato. A befprinkler, fpruzzatore,irrigatore. I Betimes in the morning, la mattina a biion' hora, la mattina per tempo. To betoken , lignificare,dar giuditio. A £e/o£ew/«g,lignificatane,giuditio. Betony , bettonica. To betray, tradire. Betrayed, tradito. A betrayer , traditore. A betraying, tradimento. To betroth , fidanzare, impalmare lina figlia. Betrothed , fidanzata,impalmata. A betrothing , fidanzamento, impalma- mento. To betruft , dar à credito; fidare. To bett, lcomettcre, giuocar. A bett; feomeffa, giuoco. Betted, feomeffo, giuocato. A betting , fcomettimcnto ; il giuoca- re. Better, migliore, meglio. Better & better , <\i ben in meglio. To better, or #Mrteta*/er,migliorare,bomfi¬ care. It it better, è meglio. Bettered , ammigTiorato, bonificato. A bettering, miglioramento, bonifica- tione. Between, tra,fra, tra due,in mezzo. Between both, tra due fra due, in mezzo d ambidue. Betwixt, as between A befprinkling , fpruzzamento, irriga- A bever ( or drinking ) una colatione una mento. I merenda, rinfrefeo. Thebejì, il meglio di tutti, ottimo, buo- ' To bever. far colatione,merendare,rinfref- nifiimo. j carfi. Striving who fall do befi, a chi fà meglio, ; A bever ( beafl ) cadore. a gara. I Oile of bever. oglio di caflore ; caflo- B efiofall, meglio di tutti. reo. Tobeftead, eflcr in vece, efferin loco,effer j The bever of a helmet, vifiera d’un morio- in cambio,fupplire. ne, 6 celata. Be/Zw//,befliale, Beverage, beveraggio. To befiink, far una puzza, impuzzare, Bewailable,lamentevole, dolevole, dolente fpuzzare. I deplorabile. Tobefiirre himfelf e, affaticarli, muoverli To hewaile, lamentarli, dolerli,rincrcfccre, intorno ad alcuna cofa. | deplorare,piagnere. To befiotv (or layout) far fpefa,inveitir Bewailed, lamentato, rincrefciuto, pian- i quattrini in alcuna cofa ; fpen- ! to. dere. I A bewailingj lamentationc, piagnimairo, ( or give ) far dono,far prefente,dar in do- j pianto. no alcuna cofa. \ Bewailing, lamentando, piagnendo. ( or place ) collocare, difpcnfare, acco- ! To beware, guardarli, dar fugli avvilì, modare; | darai erra, guardar bene. To befiow ami fi e, or difdrderty, mal-donarc ; Beware, guardati, dà in cervello mal-darc, buttare, fpregare, abufa- I To bewitch, incantare, malfare, re. ! Bewitched, incantato, malliato. B eftowed, donato, dato, collocato, acco¬ modato. Diforderly beJìowed,ma\-àato,m3]-donMo, mal-accomodato. A beflowing, donadone, dono; accomo¬ damento. A difordered beflowing, il mal-donare,mal- darc, abufare. B efiraught of his wits, infenfato, fuor di fenno, forfennato, impazzito. To beftride, cavalcare , fcavalcarc. dar a cavalcione. B efirtd, fcavalcato. A bewitcher, incantatore. A bewitching, incantamento, Y incanta¬ re. To bewray, difeoprile, fvelare, manifedar, accufare., modrare. Bewray ed*\ìkoperto, fidato, manifedato, accufato, modrato. A bcwrayer, difeopritore, manifedatore modratore. A bewraying, difeoprimento, Gela¬ mento, mamfedamento, modramen- Beyond , oltre,di là,da là. B èflriding , feavaleamento , fcavalcatu- Beyond fea,da là del mare. ta. ! Togoi^vo;zd,trapaffarc,avvanzare,fupera- To be take himfelfe to , appigliarli ad al re, eccedere, cuna cofa, metterci a far alcuna co- Byond the banks, da là de’termini,oltre li .fa. termini. Betaking himfelfe to, f appigliarli a— il Beyond all meafurc, oltre ogni mifura, Aor metterli a- addonarfi a- To bethink, himfelfe, penfarli fù bene, ri- penfarci, fludiarla bene , premeditare, confiderare. A bethinking, penfnmento, il penfare,prc- meditatione, confìderatione. To betide, avvenire. Accedere, arrivare. B etided, avvenuto, fuccelfo, arrivato. Betimes, abuon’ hora,per tempo. di mifura,fuor di modo A beioar, or be~ar ftone, la pietra di bezo- arde. A hiace, il più, il bieffo, A bih baveruola. To bib, baveruolare, bere pian piano, bcvacchiare. A liber biberio,bevitore. A bibbing, bevimenro, bevuta. The B I B L BL The bible. la bibia. To bicker , fcaramucciare, litigare. A bickerer, fcaramucciatore, litigante. *4 bickering, fcaramucciamento , litiga- mento. Bickering , fcaramucciando, litigando. To bid , or command, comman^aie. To bid a price, or money for rvarc, offerire, voler dar un tal prezzo per alcuna co- fa. To bid to afeaft, invitare, convitare. fo bidfarwell , dir a Dio,dar il buon viag¬ gio ad alcuno. To him that bids mofl , al più offrente, a chi più dà. Bidden, commandato. Bidden come , commandato a venire, com¬ mandato che venga. Bidden farewel,chi ha havvuto il fuo buon viaggio, licen fiato. Bidden, or invited, invitato, convitato. „4 bidder, commandatore, commandan¬ te, invitatore, convitatole. „4 bidding, commandamento, comman¬ do. A bidding , or offering, offerta’ Y offrire. A bidding to a feafl, invito, invitatone, convito, il convitare. To bide, ilare,dimorare,foggiornarc,dura¬ re, fopportare. A biding , ftanza, dimora, foggiorno fopportatione. Bigamy, bigamia. To grow big, ingrolfare, ingroffire , dive¬ nir ,• or diventar grande ; or graffo, gonfiare. Big, or Ugge, grolle, grande, gonfio, ca¬ pace. To l°°k big ont, ftar con profopopeia, pa¬ voneggiarli, ftar filile grandezze. A womans being big with child , gravida, pregna, donna chcftia per infantare j or partorire. B/gger, più graffo, più grande. jl growing, or making bigger, and bigger, che diviene ; or diventa più graffo ; or più grande, che fi fà più graffo ? or più grande. To make biggey and bigger, ingroffare, in¬ grandire far più grado, or,più grande. B igneffe, grandezza, groffezza. A biggin, feuffietta, Scuffia. To put on a biggin , metterli la feuf- ~4 bile, bignone, cicolino, gobba. A kind of moflvenemous, and incurable bile, ciccolijio che hon li polfa guarire, caco- ethes. A peffilent bile ( or rifing plague fore ) piaga peffilentiale. A bill, cedola, billietto, lillà, nota, or, credit. A bill of debt, cedola di debito, ó credi¬ to. A. bill or ftquis, affiJfa, nggionta. Bills of lading, lettere di carica. A biV, weapon, unalibarda. A hill-hook, or long hedge-bill, ronco¬ ne. A Utile hand-bill, baffone. A long hedging-bill, baffone da accomo¬ dar leliepi. Thè-bill of a bird, becco d’uccello. ^4 little bill, beccuccio. To bill, as doves, fcombafciarfi al ufo di colombi, imboccarli. -A bill-full , beccata quanto pub capire i becco. -A billiard, or billiard-ball, palottola. To play at billiards, giuocar al trucco. A billkrd flick, maglio, maglietto. ~4 billiment, conciatura. J A billet, feullettino, bollettino, biglietto, poliza. l A billet ( of wood ) legno da metter fui j fuoco a brufeare. Abilling\( of doves') leombafeiamento, j come quello de’ colombi, imboccamen- to. A billow, onda, A great billow , cavallone, A bin, fee binne. To bind, legare, ligarc, attaccare. To bind (or oblige) obligate. To bind a thing faft, Jjgar forte, legar ben bene, e fi retto. To bind a book, legar un libro, A binder, ligatorc. A binder of books, ligator di libri. A binding, ligatura, Jigamento, ligate. A binding hard with a cord, ligatura forta con fune. Binding as a bond, obligo, obligationc. Binding ( in going to theftoole) lfitnco, che non yà ben del corpo, coniti- pato. B/rcfjjbouleano- A bird, uccello, augello. A little bird, uccelletto, Uccellino. A keeper of birds , che guarda vccelli, uc- celliero. To bird, or go a birding. andar alla cac¬ cia degl’ uccelli, uccellare. Birds newly hatched, uccelli nati alhora alhora. A bird-cage, gabbia, uccelliera. A bird-call, chiamo, richiamo, fifehio. A birder; or bird-catcher, uccellatore. Birds-neafl (herb) nido d’ uccelli. A birdtng ; or bird-catching, caccia d’ uc¬ celli. To fall a birding ; or fly at birds (as an ill- made hawk does.) avventarli agli uccel¬ li alla peggio. A birding-peeee. arcobugio da caccia. Bird-lime. vifchio, vifeo, cola. Sticking like bird-lime, che attacca come vifchio, 6 cola. A bird-lime-like clamminefs. vifcofità. Birth, nafeita, nafeenza, (natività :) but feldomeor never ttfcd but in relation to our Saviour : parto. New-birth. rigeneratione, rinafeenza. An untimely birth, aborto, feonciatura. Of , or belonging to a birth, natale j natali- tio, nativo. A-i/irth-day. Giórno di nafeita, il natale dì-. Eirth-right. primogenitura. Birth-wort. ariflolochia fabina. Abijhop. vefeovo. A bijhops croficr. paflorale, croce di vefeo¬ vo. A bijhoprìck. vefeovato. Bisket. bifeotto. Biftort (hearb) bifforta. A bit ; boccone. A bitch, cagna. A great bitch, cagnaccia. A little bitch, cagnola, cagnuolina. A proud , or fait bitch, cagna in amoie. A bitch-fox. volpe. To bite, mordere, morfìccare,moccicare, mozzicare. To bite fmallmorfels. sboconcellare. A biter, morditore, mozzicatole. A biting, morfo, mozzicatura, morfu- ra. Biting, mordendo, mozzicando. Biting hard, mordendo forte. A bit. morfo, boccone. A little bit. bocconcino. A bit aud away, colanone,merenda. Apoyfoned bit. un boccone, il boccone. By-bits. a bocconi. A bit for a horfe, morfo, freno. To bite on the bit, mafticar il morfo. A little olive bit, divetta; A lit for a ge:;net, genetta. The bit of a key, buco di chiave. A canon-bit, cannone. An open bitt pedate. A clofe hut, humoire. A bell bitt, campanella. Never a bitt, nientiffimo, manco'un boc¬ cone, nitente del tutto, ni teme del aflat to. Bitten, mordine, momento, mozzicato. Bitten by little and little, morlicato a poco a poco. Bitter, amaro. To make bitter, amareggiare, render ama¬ ro. Bitterly, amaramente. B itternejfe, amarezza,amaritudine. full of bitterne fe, pieno d’ amarezza, d’ amaritudine Bitter-wort, genzann,gentiana. Bitumen, bitume. To anoint,or minale with bitumen, bitumi¬ nare. Full of bitumen, bituminolo. To blabh, fparlare, ciarlare. A blabbe, or blabber, ciarlone, {parlato¬ re. To blabber with the lips, borbozzare, bor¬ bottare. B labber-lipe, labbia da borbozzare. B lack, nero. Somewhat black , alquanto nero. To wax black , divenir, or diventar ne¬ ro. To make black and blew, ammaccare, inlivi- dirc. To black, annegare, far nero. Made black and blew by a cm ft, or hr nife, ammaccato, inlividito,refo quanto un calamaro. Beaten black and blew, ammaccato, illi¬ vidito. The black art, negromanti, magia. Black and blew with beating, ammaccato, inlividi to. Black-oaker, tocca lapis. A black-bird, me rio. A black-brown, nerojfcuro, nero bruno. A black-more , negro, moro. A black-more woman, negra, mora The black-rod, portiere che feme al ordi¬ ne della giartiera. A black-fmith, marifcalco. Black-wheat, jee cow wheat. The black-berry, fee fous berry. B lacked, annegato, fatto nero. To blacken, annegare, far nero. Blackened, as blacked. A blacker or blackener, annegatol e, che fà nero. Blacking , tinta, inchioftro. A blacking, or blackening, tintura. Blacki/h,che dà nel nero, negrezza. B lacknefte, negrezza, nerezza. A bladder , vellica. A little bladder, veflichetta. A biade, lama. The blade of a fword , lama di fpadà. Thefhouldcr blades, palerons. The breft blade , or hart-blade , forcella della llomaco. A blade, or gallant, un bravo,un gallante, un bel humore. A blaine, roffore 6 bragia cagionata dal caldo. Full oFbfaines. pien di roffori, 6 bragie. Blame, biafìmo,c olpa, errore, fallo. B lameable, biafimevole, colpevole. To blame, bialìmare, sbiafimare,incolpare, redarguire. To freeform blame, Scolpare,fpallette. Blame incurred, che hà fatto errore, colpe¬ vole. TO lay the blame of his owns fault on another, fcolparfi fopra alcun altro. Blamed BL BL BL Blamed, bialìniato, sbialimato, incolpato, redarguito. _4 r,bialimatore,sbiafimatore,incol- patore redarguitole. A blaming, biafuno,bialimamcntc, il bia- li marcì lo sbialìniare, lo redargui¬ re. • Blamclefle, incolpevole, che non merita biadino. Blamelejlely , incolpevolmente, innocen¬ temente. Blame worthy j colpevole,biafimevole,sbia- fi mcvole. To blanch] imbianchire, imbiancare. Blanched , imbianchito, imbiancato. A blanching, imbianchimento, imbianca¬ mento. To blandì]]}, blandire,adulare. Blandifhed, blandito,adulato. „4 blandijher, blanditole, adulatore. A hlandi/hment adulatione, blandimento, carezze. A hlanke or white, bianco, bargiglio, feg- no. A blank in rifling , or in a lottery, la bian¬ ca. A blank of paper, un bianco, carta bian¬ ca. A blanket, fora bed. coperta. A blaflìng fee blaming, divifare. A blajonjfce blazon, To bUfpheme , bedcmmiarc. A blafphemer, bcllemmiatore. Klaflphemie, bedemmia. Blafpbemous,or blaflphematorie , bedemmie- vole,chc beilcmia. A blafl ofwind,(offio di vento. To blafl , guadar dalla nebbia, annega¬ re. To blafl with lightning, inaridir colla faetta, col folgore. Blafìed, in aridito, diseccato, folgorato. Blafled with lightning and thunder, inaridi¬ to dalla faetta, dal folgore. A blafling, mandamento, dilleccamen- to. A blafling with lightning and thunder, in¬ andamento, dilfcccamcnto colla fa¬ etta. Zia fling or mildew, nebbia. The blaunderell apple, pomo, mela, blan- derella. A blay (fi/h) laccia, fcavavdino. ! To bla^e , infiammare, far vampa. A great bla\e, gran vampa, gran fiam¬ ma. To bla\e armes, divifare, far divife. To bla~e abroad, publicare, divulgare. Bla%cd, or blazoned, avvampato, infiam¬ mato. Biased abroad, publicato, divulgato. Blazer of armes, araldo. A blazer abroad, publicatore, banditore, divulgatore. Blaming , avvampando , publicando , divulgando. A Blaming of armes, divifamento. A blayng abroad, publicatione, divulga¬ mento. Bhyngflarre, cometa. To blazon, divifare, far divife. Bla\on, or the bla~ing of armes, divifa d’ arme,il divifar d’arnie. Blazoned, divilato. A bla'oner. divifatote. To bleach, imbianchir della tela al fole, afeiugar panni. Bleached , imbianchito. A bleacher of clothes, imbianchitor di panni. A bleaching, imbianchitura, imbianchi¬ mento. B leake of colour, pallido. livido,fmorto. To wax bleake, divenir pallido livido, fmorto. Grown bleak, divenuto pallido, livido, fmorto. A looking or waxing bleak, ciera pallida, To bleak in the funtte, imbrunire, i Bleakely, pnllidamente,fmortamenre. Bleaknefle, pallidezza. Blear e - eyedjgu e re i o,dral u nato. B learednefle, or blear e-eyednefle. guardatu¬ ra Aorta. Extrcame bleare.eyednefle. dralunamento. j guardar (torto. ; To bleat (as a fheep) belare. A bleating, belamento. To bleed, far fangue. A bleeding, il far fangue. ! Bleedingly, fanguinofamente. i To blemijh, macchiare, vergare,fognare. ; A little blemi/h, macchietta. To blemi/h the reputation of, annegrire la ri- putation d’ alcuno avvilire, vitupera¬ re. A blemijh, macchia,colpa,vitio. An open blemi/h of reputation, fcandalo a- I perto, villaneggiamento. Blemifhcd , macchiato, notato, vergato. blemi/hed in reputation, fcandalizato, avvi¬ lito, villaneggiato. To blend, milficarc, mifchiarc, imbrogli¬ are. Blenden, or blent, mifticato, mifchiato,im¬ brogliato. A blender , medicatore, mifchiatore,im- brogliatore. A blending, mi(ticanza,mefcolanza, mif- | chia, imbroglio. I To blefle, benedire. Blefled or blefl, benedetto, felice. \ Able fled man, huomo benedetto, h uomo felice. Blefled t hi file, cardo fanto. Blcfsedly, felicemente, benedettamente. Bleflsednefle, felicita, beatitudine. A blefling, benedittione. Blew, turchino, azurro. Blew-blaw,blew-bottle, fiordi Zaccheria. Indico-blew, indico, turchino. Blewifh, che dà nel turchino. Blind, cieco,orbo. Halflc-blind or almofl blind, mezzo cieco, nìezzo orbo. . To blind, acciecarc, orbare. The blind-gutt, intellino cieco. » A blind-worme, nadello, verme. Blinded, acciccato. Blindly, ciecamente,alla cieca. B lindnefle, cecità, cecaggine, ofeurità. A blinkard, guercio, ciecolino. To blink, guardare, sguaidare. A blinker, guardatole, fguardarore. felicità, beatitudine. Bliflefull, benedetto, beato, felice. B liflefully, beatamente, felicemente. Blifsefulìnefle, as blifle. B lifle, benedetto. A blifler, pullula, vellica, bolla. A- little bhfler,, podoletta, vefichctta, bolletta. To blifler , vellicare,farli in bolle. Full of bliflers, picn di vefiche, pien di¬ bolle. B liflered, velìcato. fatto in bolle. B liflering, velicante,chc và in veliche. Blue or bit its ( an herbe ) bieta. Blith, blithflom, allegro,gicondo. Tobeblith, dar allegro, dar allegramen¬ te. B loate, flee blot e. A block, of wood, pezzo di legno, tron¬ co. A mounting block, poggio da falire ó mon¬ tar a cavallo. A block-head, un pecorone, una bediac- cia, un minchione, una teda grolla,un balordo. A block-houfe, forte,cittadella. To make blockijh, imbalordire, far balor¬ do. Blockifh, che dà nel balordo, che dà in pecoraggine. Blockijhly, balordamente, badialmen¬ te. Blockifbnefle, balordaggine, pecoraggine. doltitia. Blood fee blond. To bloome.or bloflome, fiorire, buttare. A bloomc, fiore. fett thick with bloomes, tutto fiorito- A flmdl bloomc, fioretto. Bloomed fiorito. Blooming , fiorile ente. To blote herrings, far feccar le arrenghc, far affumicar le arrenghe. Blote herrings, arrenghe feccate or affumi¬ cate. B loted, affumicato, fcccato, fatto fccca- re. A blott, macchia, neo. I A blott at tables, cafa vuota. ! A little blott, macchietta. ; To blott, macchiare, imbrattare, fogna¬ re. I To blott ok/j fcafiare, sfaciàre, fcanccllare, abolire. I Blotted, macchiato. ! Blotted out, fcaffato, fcancellato, sfociato, abolito. ' A blotting, macchiatila , imbrattamen¬ to. A blotting out , fcaflatura , sfacimento abolinicnto, fcancellamento. A blotting paper , carta fuga, carta di ac¬ cia. Blond, fangue. Tolett blond , cavar fangue, cacciar fan¬ gue, tirar fangue,falalfare. Lett blond, falaflato, a chi gli fra cacciato, cavato, tirato fangue. Full of blood, pieno di fangue. B loud-Letting, cavamento di fangue, il cacciar fangue,falaffo. To convert or lume into bloud , fangilificare, divenir or diventar fangue. To flench bloud, dagnar, or fermar il fan¬ gue. B loud-making, turning into bloud , che fa diventar or divenir (angue, fanguifi- care. To traine up in bloud or bloudy corfles, nccar- nire, accarnare. Defiled with bloud , infanguinato, intrifo nel fangue. Bloud-thtrfly , fanguineo, fanguinofo, fanguifuga. 14 blottd-flone pietra hematite. U'hofe bloud ts diflurbed orflirred, fangue alterato, fangue macchiato. ^4 diflurbing orfltrringofihebloud, alrera. rione ò, midicanza di fangue. A bloud-flucker, fanguifuga, miniatola. The bloud-fhott of an eye, fpargimento di fangue al occhio. To fuck blood ( as an horfe-leach ) fangui- fugar, fucchiarfangue. Blnud-ajfeftin?, rarnacciere, canibaie. A bloud-houfidr'Hmicvo. A blond flripe, ferita, freggio. Bludded, infanguinato,faìaffato,che glilia cacciato fangue. Bloudie, fangu inolente, fanguinofo. Tohloudie, be bloudy, make bloudy or im- brew with bloud, inianguinare,imbrattar di fangue, intridere nel fan— sue. jiblondie perflon, perfona languinolente, fanguinofij, fanguinaria" £L The bloudie fluxc , flu (To di fangue, caca- fangue. Biondicci or made bloudie, or imbrCw with blond , infanguinato, intrifo nel 1 an¬ gue. B lo tidily, fanguinofamente. _A blouding , Jec a bladding. _ A blmv, colpo. ^4 blow on the eare, fchiaffo, guanciata fganafeione, liverfcione. A crudi blow, un gran colpo. A blow with a fluff e, baftonata. To deale blowes, menar le mani. _A down-right blow, colpo di ftramazzo¬ ne. To blow upon, foffiar fopra. To blow , foffiare. To blow or pujfe, foffiare, alenare, tirarii fiato con difficoltà. The wind , to blow , tirar vento. To blow a fi oft gale, foffiar, or tirar un pó di vento, or aura. To blow often, foffiar fpeflb. To blow thefier, foffiar il fuoco. To blow the ttofe, foffiar il nafo. To blow ( as a rofe or any other flower aprirli il fiore, B low en, as flowers, aperto. A blower , foffiatore. A blowing, foffiamento, foffio. Blowing often , fpeifo fofliando. A blowing on, il foffiarci difopra. A blowing of flowers, l’a prirfi de’ fiori. A blowing the nofe, lo fmoccar del nafo, fmoccamento del nafo. Blown , foffiato, fventato. Blown often, fpeifo fofinito, or, fventato. Blunt , ottufo, rintufo, rintuzzato, grof- fo. The blunt end of a thing, il capo, or parte ottufa di cofa che fia. To blunt j make blunt , ottundere, ritundere, sfilare, rintuzzate. A blunt-headed lanes , lancia ottufa, rin¬ tuzzata. Blunt rowel fpurres, fperoni colle {Ielle rintuzzate. Blunt ,in word or indeed , groflolanp, zo¬ tico, villano. Blunted, ottufo, rintufo, rintuzzato, sfilato. Bluntly, in words or in deeds, groflolana- mente , zoticamente, villanamen¬ te. Bluntly, ottufamente, rintuzzatamente, sfilatamente. A blunting, 1’ ottundere, il rintuzzare, lo sfilare, il rintuzzamento, sfilamen- tq. Bluntnejfe, in word or deed, rozzezza nel contrattare. Bluntnejfe, tondezza, rozzezza, uiltà. To blourre, sbozzane,imbrattare, fpe- gazzare. To blur re a trumpet, fuonar la fordina. Blurred , sbozzato, imbrattato, fpegezza- to. Blurring , sbozzamento, imbrattamento fpegazz amento. Blurt, pijh, fui , oibò. To blu fi,, arrofiìrc, farli roflo, arroifare. To make to blufh, far arrolsire. Blu/hing, arrolfendo, facendoli rolfo. A bluJhing,V arroflìre,r erubefeenza. To blufter, tempeftare. A blufler, tepefta, temporale. Bluflering, tempeftofo, turbolente. A bluflering , un tempeftore, un tempo¬ rale. To make a bluflering noife and flirre, tempef- tar forte, ruinare. A bluflering noife and flirre, ftrepito di temporale, ftrepito rouinofo. ■si board, fee a boor d. BO si boare, verro. ^ 4 wild boare, porco cignale, porco fana¬ tico. si great-full grown wild-bore , vetrone. 4young wild-boare, porco cignal «dovane, norcino, marcafiino. To boare, fee to bore. Boas, a water Jerpcnt that fucks kine, boia. To boaft, vantarli,gloriarli, fpacciarfi, mil¬ lantarli. si boafler, vantatore, che fi gloria,millan¬ tatore. ~ 4 boafling, vantamento, iattanza, millan¬ tamento. Boaflingly , gloriofamente, millantata- mente. s4 hate, barca, fchiffo. si little boate , barchetta. si long-boate, navicella. si flie-boate, fregata, brigantino. A(hip-boat , fafa, faettia, fchiffo. A fcrrie-boate, la barca da paflar gente, ó animali, la fiumara. ■A hoife-boate, barcaruolo. A boat-man, barcavolo. sì boate-woman, barcaruola. A boate-bowlcr, or bowle like a boate , barca aguifa di conca. To hale about ajbore or under fhelter, ram- morchiare una barca 6 vafcello. To bob, battere, reccer e, fee a blow, a box. A bob under the chin, barbozzata, sbar- bozzata. To bob over the fingers ends , dar filile I deta. B occafin ( ftujfe ) boccafino. A badie , corpo. A little bodie, corpiccino, corpicciuolo. A dead bodie,c adavero, corpo morto. Some bodie, alcuno, qualch’ uno. No bodie, nifliino, ni uno. The bodie of a tree, tronco, corpo d’ar¬ bore. The bodie ofahoùfe, cafa, palazzo. The bodie afa church, nave della chiefa. Zigneffe of bodie, corpulenza, corporatu¬ ra, grandezza di corpo. A womans bodie or a pair e of bodies buf- to. To embrace by, or take hold of the badie, ab¬ bracciare , bracc/care, ftrigner colle braccia. The quantity,forme,and conflitution of the bo¬ die, corporatura. Bodied (asbigboddied) corporuto, cor¬ pulento. Bodileffc, che non hà corpo , fenza corpo, incorporeo. Bodily, ad jett, corporeo, corporale. Bodily, adverb, corporalmente. A bodkin, fpontone/pontaruolo. A little bodkin, fpontoncino. To prick or piene with a bodkin, (arar, or, bu¬ car collo fpontaruolo. A prick or hole made with a bodkin, fpon- toruolata, fpontonata. Pricking as a bodkin, che fponta, che fo¬ ra. A bogge, valle, bafla, voragiwe. To boile, bollire, leflare, cuocere. To boile throughly or over-much, ftrabollire, ftralcflarc, ftracuocere. Boiled, bollito. Throughly boiled, or boiled over-much, ben ben bollito, or lefl'ato. Stuffe boiled too much, cofa or robba,ftra- bolita, ftraleflata. Broiled meat and broth, brodo, mineftra. A boiler , or boiling lead, pila, pignat¬ ta. A boiling, bollimento, leflamento. Boiling, bollendo, leflando. With a boiling defire, con ardente, fly bollcn te animo, or deliderio. BO Boifterous , rob ufto, ruvido. Boiflerous weether, tempo tempeftofo, bef- tiale. A boiflerous wind,bonafea, temporale. boifleroufly , robuftamente, rozzamente, ruvidamente. Botflerofneffe robuftezza, rozzezza. Bold, ardito, entrante. Growne bold , divenuto or diventato ar¬ dito, entrante. A bold, faweypart, affronto. Boldly, animofamente, arditamente. A bold houfwife, donna ardita, che le bafta l’animo. Boldnejfe, animo, ardire, arditezza. B ole, ar men jack, bolarmeno. A boline, bolina. Boltmong, or French wheate, millio, grano farotino. A bolflcr, capezzale. The bolflcr of a faddle, borra. To bolfler up, fopportare, empir con bor¬ ra B ottlflered, fopportato, empito con bor¬ ra. A bolflering, fopportamento, empiménto con borra. To boultadoore, ferrar col cadenazzo. T oboli me ale, fee to boult. A bolt of a door c, cadenazzo, cadcnaccio, chiaviftello. A bolt, or bird holt, paflatore. Bolted , fenato, fermato col cadenac- cio, or, chiaviftello. Bolt-ropes, cordicelle da orlar le vele, eben- darle. A bombard, bombarda. To dijeharge a bombard, fparare, caricare tirare una bombarda. A bombardier, bombardiere. Bombafine, bombafina. B ombaft, bambagia. To bomhafl with cotton , bambaggiare, cot- tonare. A bombe, culo, chiappe. A bond , ligame Jegamc, ligamento! Bondage , fchjavitudine, cattività, fer- vitù. To bring into bondage, infehiavire, far fchi- avo, infehiavare, cattivare. A bond-mao or hond-flave. fchiavo, catti¬ vo. A bone- oflo. The cheek-bone, offo guanciale. The end, or outermoflpart of the cheek-bone towards the eare, offo congiugale. The upper and bigger bone of the cubite. ofso del raggio. The under and lefler bone of the cubite. offo del cubito. The cuneall bone of the head, oflo sfenoide. The forehead-bone, offo frontale, or coro¬ nale. The hip, or huckle-bone,offo delle chiappe, or natiche. The upper jaw-bones, oflo mafcellare. The lefs bone of the leg. ftinco minore. The nape, or tiecls.-bone.offo balilario. The noddle-bone, oflo occipitale or nucale. The inner-bone of the nofe. tenerume del nafo. The lefferfhank-hone, oflo dello fprone. The /bare bone, oflo bertrando. The bigger fhinne-bone, ftinco maggiore. The skiffc hone , olfo fcafoide, or navici^a- rio. The [fungie bone above the nofe, oflofpon- gofo,or, tenerume. The bone of the temples, oflo tempiale or delle tempie. A cuttle (fifb ) bone, oflo di calamaro. A hollow botte in the rump or crupper of d deere. oflo corbino. The B O The bone of a fi ags heart . olio del cor di cervo The fi mall hone of a fijh , fpina or lif- ca. Full of Jnutll bones, fpinofo, lifco- fo. ^4 f>o«e-jfre,fiiocod’allegrezza. An injlrument to fet difjoynted hones , ftromerKo da rilocare, ricojnetiere 1’ offa. w Aboniio (fijh ) bonitone. „A boone ( old word ) richieda, gratia. _ A book, libro. A little hooke, libretto, lib lacciuolo. _A booke of remembrance , memori¬ ale. A booke of accompts, libro di conti,libro di debito e credito. church-booke or regifier booke for a churchy (ode di barellino, legifero bat- felimale. Bookiih or addicted to reading , dedi¬ to alle lettere, che applica affai alla lettura. ..A book-binder , ligator di libri. A booke-feller, libraio, che vende libri, libraio. A boord, tavola, panca. To board with boards, intavolare, far con tavole. A little boord or table, tavoletta. A che fse-bo.tr d, fcacchiere. A boord-full of , una tavolata di- To boord one, darla tavola ad alcuno, far ad alcuno le Ipefe, fargli la dozzi¬ na. To boord a [hip, abbordare un vafcello. To caftover-boord, gettar in mare,buttar in mare. The found boord of a muficall injlrument , canone. Onfhip-boord , abbordo del vafcello,imbar¬ co nel vafcello. To boord , or jeafì, burlare,dar la baia. Boordable , or upprocbaile , abbordevole , accoftabile. boordedwith boords, intavolato. A boordedfioore , il piano, tavolato, alfo, il fofiìtto di tavole, the feeling with boords, Boor dedì or approched asajhip in a fea-fight, abbordato, attaccato, afferrato. Boorded, or tabled , fpefato, nutrito in dozzina. ^1 boorder, or jeajlery burlone,buffone. A oording with boordsy intavolamento. A boarding, or tabling, dozzina,penlione. The boor ding, as ofajhip. abbordo, afferra- mento. A hoarding, or jeajìing. il burlare,il darla baia. ■A boore. un mitico, villano,zottico. Boorijh. che hi del mitico, che dà nel mitico. nel villano, nel zoti¬ co. Boote, v tile, vantaggio,prò. li'ha e boote will you give me ; or what will you give me to boote ; che mi rifarete, quanto mi vuole rifa¬ re. To much booty troppo vantaggio, fi rifa di foverchio. It booteth not . non torna à conto,non oc- t corre. Bootlefse. in vano, fenza utile ò vantag¬ gio. To give boot, or bootiefor a thing exchanged. rifare. A boot. Itivalo. Boot-hofe-tops. trombe. Topullyor put on boots, metterli li Itiuali. To pull of ones bootes. cacciarli or leuarli li Itivali. EO Booted, ftivalato. Bootes boote. Arturo che mena il carro. A booth, cabanna. or capanna,betola. A bootie. butino,prefi, cattura. To get bootie. or butinare, pigliare adif- crerionc a french frafe. full of bootie. pien di burini. A boote-h ■Icr . butinaro. A boote-haling. butinamento. Boot-haling, butinando. no beepe ! baco baco. To bord.fee to boord. Borage, boragine. Borax, borace. ^4 bnrr echo or leather bottle, borraccio. A. finali borrachoy borrac hino. The borderofa thing.otìoj margine,cimciffa, lilla. ' To border a garment. liftare,orlare- To border upon, confinare, eli’er contiguo, confinante. To border together, idem. The borders or marches, frontiere, confini, maremme,marche. The ut mo ft borders of a countrey, gli ultimi confini, le ultime frontiere. Bordering, confinante, che confina. B ordering upon, confinante ful- To bore, forare, pert uggiate, pcrtucchi- are. Bored, forato, pertuggiato. ^4 boring foramento, pertuggiamento. homey portato. Borne dowuei abbatuto, foppreflb, avvi¬ lito. Borne out, portato,fofpefo, mantenuto, ti¬ rato inaiui, a chi gli li e dato il braccio. To be borne, nafeere, effer nato. To be borne again 3 rinafcerc, effer rina¬ to. Borne, nato. The firft-borne. primogenito, il primo nato. . v Borne beforce its time^ aborto, natoinanzi tempo. Still-borne . horn e dead, nato morto, aborto. B or rage, fee borage. „4 borough fee bourough ► borgo. To borrow, pigliar, prender impres¬ to. Borrowed, pigliato, inipreSto. ' A borrower, che piglia impreftito. A borrowing, il pigliar imprelUto. A. boforne. feno. Abofome of the fea. feno di mare, golfo. A bofme-full. quanto può capir il fe¬ no A bofie. gobba. A little bo fie, gobbetta. A bofie-maker. chefs lagobba. A fu hofie. una grofi’accia, una femina graffa. Aplafierers bo fie or tray, conca, or, vafo d’. impiallratorc. The bo fie of a buckler, rilievo dello feudo, or rotella. B ofies. borchie. A botch, bignone, abfeeflo. A botch in the groine or yard, tencone, or tincone. Apefiileut botch, piaga peffilentiale. A botch or patch, pezza,taccone. To botch, rattacconare,rappezzare. To botch or bungle, rattacconare alla pegg- gio. • B otchedì rattacconato,rappezzato. A botcher, rattacconatore, rappezzatore, dozzinale. A botchers jhop. bottega di rattaccona¬ tore. A botching, rattocanamcnto, rappezza- BO | mento. Botching or bungling, rattacconado,rappcz zannò alla peggio. Both, ambo, ambidue,tutte due. Borb-waies.di tinte due le maniere, d’ am¬ be le forti. On both-fides. d’ ambidue Ie parti, di tutte due le parti, e da quella c da quella. lack on both fides. tecomeco, ambiddlro, gratiano. The hots, le doglie, dogloli. A bottle, fiafco,botteglia,vafo caraffa. A gre.u bottle, fiafeone. A glafie bottle, caraffa. A little bottle, fìafchetto, caraffina. A finali vinegar bottle, acetaro, vafetto da riporvi l’aceto. A bottle made of a great gourd, fìafchetto di cocuzza. A fuelling bottle for a child, vafetto da bambino. A bottle or bundle, manipolo , mancia¬ ta. A bottle of hay, mazzo di fieno. A bottame, fondo. The bottome of on oven, il fondo del forno. To ftnk to the bottome. affondare. S link downe to.or lying heavy at the bottome, affondato, che Uà fui londo. To fettle in the bottome, fedar al fondo. S ettled in the bottome, fedato al fondo. Bottome, or the felling of liquors at the bot- tomcj fondaccio, leccia. A failing in tht bottome , lo fedar or, il fedi- mento al fondo. A great bottome or deep vallie, vna gran valle, un vallone. The bottome of a foxes or badgers earth, fon¬ do della buca. A bottome of thread yarne, • gomito¬ lo. A bottome to wind siile tbreadyarnc Qvc. on gomitolotto, pallotto. Broad and fiat bottomed, piatto di fondo,ac¬ ciaccato. ììottomlefie, fprofondatojfcnza fondo, A bottomlefie pit or hole, abbiffo, To caft or fwallow up into a bottomlefie hole or piti, abili are, lobbi (fare. Cafl or fwallow ed up into * bonomiefse hole or piti, abiffàto.fobbiflato. A bough, ramo , ramucello, frafea, fronde. Full of boughSì pien di rami, or, di iraf- chc. .. 4 little bough , ramufccllo, frafehetta. Bought, comprato, con. pro. Bought and fold, mercantato. A thing bought, compra, robba com¬ prata, fpefa. A bought, piegatura, Eould, fee bold- A houle, conca, coppa. An earthen houle, catino di terra. A wooden houle, conca di legno. A wajhtng houle ,conca da lavar panni den¬ tro. A houle, to play with, Jee IW/e,boccia. A boulfierfjee a bolfier. To boulfier, fee to bolfier- A boult, fee a bolt. j To boult, fee to bolt. I A thunder-bou.lt. faetta, fulmine. A boult for acrof-bow, quadrello. I The boult of a lock, chiavillello, corfaruolo flanghetta. To houli medie, burattare, famifeiare,ta¬ nfi ggiare, crivellare, fetaceiare. To boult or feareh out , burattare, fetaceiare, crivellare. The BO BR. BR Theboultof adoore, cadenaccio, catenac¬ cio. faulted as medie , burattato, tamiggiato, crivellato, fetacciato. Moulted out, {cacciato, efclufo. A boulter winch boulteth, burattatore. A boulter out, che ferra alcun di fuori. o A boulter toboultwith, buratello, taniigio fetaccio , crivello, cribbio, A boulting, burattare, crivellare, il fetac¬ ciare, crivellarne nto. A boulting-tubb , tina da burattar. Bound , or tied, legato, ligato, attaccato, allibato. Bound hard with cords, ligato Uretra con funi. Bound up with [mallfplinters , legato con aflicelle. To bound ( as a ball ) balzare. A bound or rebound , balzo, ribalzo. To bound or limit , limitare, confinare, coltringere ne termini. ; To bound upon, confinar fopra. ! -4 bound , balzo , confino , limite ter¬ mine. The bounds or limitts, confini, termini, limiti. The utmofl bounds of lands , gli ultimi- ni termini, or confini di terre,paefi. Bounded or rebounded, balzato, ribalzato. Bounded, or limited , confinato, limita¬ to. Bounden , obligato. To make bounden, obligarc. A bounder or limiter , obligatore, con¬ finatole , che circofcrive x termini. A bounding or rebounding , balz amento, 6 rialzamento. A bounding within bounds , il limitamen- to, il confinamento, il riflringer,ne ter¬ mini. B onndleffe, terminato fenza termini, che non ha termini. To bounce up high ( as afoot-ball ) ribalzar ad alro. Bounjed high from the ground , balzato ad alto. w Abounfng ( as of a foot-hall ) ribalza¬ mento, Bountie, liberalità, beneficenza , munifi¬ cenza, benignità. Bo un ti full, liberale, benefico, benigno, franco. Bountifully , liberalmente, benefica¬ mente, benignamente, francamente. To bourd, fee to board. Abourd } fee aboord. A boure, fee a bower. A bury , fee a burgh. A bourough , or great towne, borgo ó terra graffa. A head-bourough, borgomartro. To boufc , tracannare, ber gagliardo. A bout , intorno, attorno, circa. About : cqlpo, volta, botta, fiata tratto. To bow , piegare, fiettere,doppiare,chinare curvare. To bow down , chinare al ingiù, chinar a bado, abballarli. To bow down the head in humiliy , chinar il capo in fegno di riverenza, abballarli. To bow forwards, or fit bowing forwards, in¬ groppi rfi, rannicchiarli. A bow (to fjoot in') arco. A raine-bow , arco eelerte arco baleno. A bow-firing, corda d’ arco. A bow-man, or Archer, arciere, arciera. A erofi e-bow, arbalefta. A flone-bow\ arbalefta a palle. A bow of a Violi , archetto di viola. A botp-nett, nafla. Bowed , piegato Hello, doppiato, chinato, curvato. Halfe-bowed , mezzo piegato. Thebowells, vifeere, entra glie, gl’ interi¬ ni, le budella. In the very bowells of, nelle ideile vifeere di. To bowcll , fuentrare fvifeerare, {parare. Bowellcd. fventrato, fvìfeerato, {para¬ to. Bowers, piegatori, chinatoli. A bower or bowre, pergola. A bowring, il pergolare. A bowlc. boccia. A little bowle) boccetta. To bowle j giocar à boccie. A bowling-alley, gioco di boecie. A bowyer , arcavo, che fa gl archi. A box, fcatola, cadetta. Theglaffieboxonagold-Jmithsfalle, moli¬ la. A little box , fcatolino caffettina. 2 hepoores box (in a church -) tronco, caffctv ta per Ji poveri. A box on the ear, fchiaflb, guanciata, ri- verfeione. A box-tree bolfo, A cbrifl-mafsc money-box, boffolo. A place where box growes, bo fi e to. F ox-thorne,prickly box , bolfo Ipinofo. Boxes'in a prejse, tiratori, infrondigli, fccreti. A boy, ragazzo, putto, figlio. A little boy, ragazzetto, pattino,figliuo¬ letto. A fouldiers £o>,bagaglione. A troope or crew of boyes , ragazzaglia, cricca di raggazzi. A troope or crew of Jouldiers boyes, troppa di. bagaglioni A boy that minifiers to the priefi at mafse, affiliente alla melfa, che ferve alla mef- fa, accolito. A petty grammer fchoole-bty, fcolaruccio, grammatic uccio. Boyi/h, fanciullefco, ragazzcfco. To ufe boyifh trickes, dar in fanciullaggi¬ ni, dar in ragazzerie, far il ragazzo. Boyi/hly, ragazzcfcamentc, da ragazzo. Boyi/bnejse, ragazzeria , fanciullaggine. To boy le, fee to boile. B oy fiero us, fee boiflerous To brable, far quiftionc, attaccarli infieme azzuffarli, attaccar lite. A brabble, quiftione, zuffa. Brabbled , contefo ; azzuffato. A brabbler , che fa quiflione, zuffato- re. A brabbling, as a brable. Brabbling, quiflionando, zuffandofi. Full of brabbling, che non fà altro che quiftioni, che non fà altro che attaccar lite. A brabbling fellow, litigatore, zuffa- tore. A brace ( or meafure of five foot ) braccio. A brace ( or couple ) paio , paro , coppia. A brace of iron , benda di ferro- alfa arpio¬ ne, rampone, rampino. A brace, gomena,fune graffo di vafcello. Braces, bracciale armatura per le bracchia. The braces of a wineprefse, manetta,maniccia A bracelet, maniglia, braccialetto. A bracelet-maker , manigliaro manigliaio A bracer, or archers bracelet , bracciale da arciere. Brachygraphie, brachigrafia, arte di fcrive- reperbreviature. A brack, rottura, rottame,breccia. A bracket, ramo rotto da infegnar la via à cacciatori. Brackets ( or corbells) modiglioni- Cz B racìcifh, che ha el fale, che dà nel falato, fallicelo ; B rackijhnefse, falfitudine, falezza. To brag orbragge , vantarli, iattarfi,millan- tarli, gloriarli, fpacciarfi per qualche cofa. A hrag, vanto, iattanza^gloria,vanteria. A braggadochto, braggard, vantatore, mil¬ lantatale. Br agger, or braggingfellow, uno che fi van¬ tatile figloria,che fi fpaccia per qual¬ che cofa. Braggardife, asa bragg. A bragging, il vantarli, alfp as a bragg. Bragg,ngly, millantatamente, gìoriofa- mente. Bragget, fpetic di bevanda. lo /'JWf/jarricciaiCjinnarmcIIe increfpare. Braided, arricciato, innanncllato, incref- pato. A braide, riccio, arricciamento innannel- Jamento, treccia, increfpamento,ihcrcf- patura. To braide, fee to bray. The braine, cervello. To brain, or dajh or knock out the braines, fccrvellare. To take out thelraines, cavar il cervello. 2 he hinder p irt of the braine, cerveletto. Deprived of braines, che non hà cervello, fccrvcllató. Brained, whfofe braines are knoch,or da/ht out, a che gli è cavato il cervello, accop¬ pato, fccrvcllató. A light or futtle-bramd fellow, bisbetico, cervellino, fpenfierato. braining, lo fcervellare. B rainleffe, fcervclJato, fenza cervello. Brain-fick , hare-brained, wild-brained, cock- brained, matto, pazzo, fccrvcllató, che non hà fai inzucca, feimunito, forfen- nato. To brache hempe, acconciar la canape. 2 > brake or drefseflax. accomodar la ftop- pa. A bramble, fpina. The bramble ( or black) berry, ceterina. A place full of brambles , roveto, fpi- neto. Bramblie, full of brambles, rovetofo. fpino- fo. The brambling bird , palfcro felvatico. A branch , ramo, fronda. Branches, rami, fronde. The branches of poplars and wi llowes, rairii ó fronde di /alici. To put, or fpread forth branchese , sfron¬ dare, metter le flonde ó ramifpam- panare. Branch-lefs wood , forti degli’ alberi. To fit or perch on a branch, poggiarli fopra un ramo ò fronda. Hunting among branches, cacciar fra le fronde. A little branch, ramucello. A green leavie branch, ramo verdeggiante* ramo fronzuto. The dividing branch of a linage, rami di fchiatta. The branches of a cannon-bitt,\e guardie d’ alcun canone. The branch of a pedigree, ramo d’alcun ca~ fato ó famiglia. Branched, che hà rami. Branched work ( in painting oftapiflry , ope¬ ra à fogliami. A branchen (or young haw ke newly come out of the neft ) fparaviere, ramac- cio. Branchie or full of branches, pieno di ratìii, fronzuto, franchine jse, fronzutezza. A brand, of fier, or ficr-brand, t/zzone. Afmokie brand , tizzone che fuma. To B R. BR. BR To fitrre fire-brands or lay them clofe toge¬ ther, attizzar il fuoco A brand, or di [gracefull mark. , fegno, ftigtna. To brand, or fiigmati^e, fognare, digma- tizare. Branded fognato, digmatizato. A branding , il fognare , lo digniati- zare. A brand-iron , ferro candente , tri- piede. To brandijh, brandire, dimenare, deftreg- giarc- Brandijbftig , brandendo , dimenando deftreggiando. Branke-urfin, Branca orfina. To brangle, fee 10 brabble. B ran. fenicia, crufea. Bran that hath fonte meal left amongfi it. fe¬ nicia grafiria. Courfe bran whofe meal is quite boulted out of it, femola 6 crufca lecca. Bramite, or [calie, likfi bran, forforato. _A br.’fier. caldararo. Brafill juood, braille legno. Made red with brafill wood, fatto di bra¬ ille. E rafie, rame. krafen, br [sic, made of or covered with brafs , coperto di rame, bronzato. B rafen-faced. sfacciato, impudente. To bra^e, to make of, or cover with braffe. coprire di rame,Bronzare. With a brazen face, colla faccia di bronzo, con la faccia tolta, sfrontatamente, sfacciatamente. A bravado, bravata, rodomontata, foper- c hit-ria. Brave, brave, gallante, gentile, zerbino) attilato. To brave it, sfoggiarla, far il zerbi¬ no. To brave owe, bravar alcuno, sgridar alcu¬ no, accodar alcuno. A brave ( or fellow hired to revenge aqttar- rell of another ) bravo, taglia-can¬ toni. Braved, bravato, affrontato, fchernito accollato. B raved afarre of, bravato da lontano, bra¬ vato alla larga. Bravely, brava. nente,gloriofamente. Bravery , gall'anieria, luperbia, braveria, gagliardi.!. To Z»‘ 4 u>/e,lamentarli, sgridar, far fchia- mazzo, drepitarc , ' far qtùdione, contedare. A brawl e ; quillione, difputa, contcfa, zuffa, lamento, querela, sgrido. A brawle, dance, moifa, movimen¬ to , dimenamento , crollamcnto , danza. Brawled, sgridato. A braivler, sgridatore, contcdatote, ama- tor di contefc e difputc, zuffatore. A brawling, lo fgridare, difputare, con¬ tendere, querelare, alfo as a bra¬ wle. Brawling, sgridando, contendendo, que¬ relando lamentando, difputando, az¬ zuffando. Bramite, polpa, carne, nervo, collo di cin¬ ghiale marinato. T/>e bramite of a capon or partridge, erc.la polpa d’un capone ó perdricc. To wax hard as bramite, divenir or diventar duro or todo quanto un nervo, divenir callofo. The bramite ofthearmes,po\ pa del bracchio. Brownie, polpofo, nervofo, polpofo A hrawnie hardneffe ofthefkin, callofità, durezza della pelle. To bray, in amor ter , pidare in un mortar, or mortaio or pedare. To bray like an afe, ragliare, ragghia¬ re. Brayed or pounded, pido,pidato, pedo , pedato. Abrayer or pounder, pidatore, chcpcila, or pida. A brayiug or pounding, pidamento, ó pedamento. The braying of an afe, raglio, rag¬ ghio. The braying or bellowing of a red deere ru ggiamento. Braying, ragghiando, rugghiando. The brqyle, or pannell o/a7j.np&f,biaghiere, I or, brachiere d’ uccello. A brafier, fee a brafer. Bramili, fee brafill, A breach, rottura, breccia, frattura, aper- \ tura. To make a breach into, far breccia, irrum- pere, avventarli dentro. violent breaches, breccic gagliarde, fra- calli. A breach made by a river, breccia, ó itrutri¬ one di fiume. Bread, pane. White-bread, pan bianco ; pan a doz zina, pan papalino, Wheaten, or cheat-bread, pan a baiocco, Brown, courfe,or ry-bread, pannerò,pan ca- fareccio. Holy bread, pan benedetto. Mouldy bread, pan ammuffito. Sow bread, pan porcino. Cruftie bread, pan crodofo. Breadth, larghezza, quadratura. To break, frangibile, che fi può rom¬ pere. To break, make gentle , or civilize, rom¬ pere, maccare, sfracaffare, metter in pezzi, addimedicare, feozzonare ren¬ der civile. To break, or play the bankerout, fallire andar fallito, far banco rotto, andar in fallilira. To break downe, abbattere, atterrare. To break [mali, fminuzzare, tritarmi- nuto. * To breake open, sforzare, aprire per- forza. To break with a mallet, martellare, rompe¬ re a forza di martellate. To break through, irrompere, paflar a tra- verfo ; far breccia. To breake up the ground, (cavare il terreno, zappar, or vangar il ter¬ reno. To break with , far fallimento di tanto- To break his word, mancar di parola or di fede. The brake of day, V alba Y aurora. A breaker, rompitore, sfracaifatore. A breaker downe, abbattitore, atterrato- re. A breaker up of the ground, fcavatore, zap¬ patore, vangatore. A breaking, rompimento, rottura, frattu¬ ra, frat rione. A breaking of, orafunder, fpczzamcnto fpariimento,feparatione, abruttione. A braking [mali, fminuzzamento, tritta- mento, frittura. A breaking domite, abbattimento, atterra¬ mento. A breaking up of the groundf travamento del terreno, zappamento, il vangare. A breaking or civilizing, awe zz amento, addimedicainento, fcozzonamento. Breaking, rompendo, fpezzando. A break-faff, colatione, collatione. A large break-fafl, una gran colatione,co- latione da cacciatore. To brcak-fift, or break ones fafi, far cola- ione magnar la colatione. That hath broken his fafi, or eaten his break- fafi, che hà fatto colatione, che non è più a digiuno. A brente ( fi/h ) abrame. The fea brame, abrame marino. The breafi , il petto, il feno. A little breafi, petto, or feno picciolo. foretto fie or chaps in womens breafis, mal di mamellc. Belonging to the breafi, pettorale. A womans breafi, or pappe, mammella, poppa. A little breafi or pappe , mammellina, poppina. Of or belonging to the breafi orpapps, mam- mcllare. A breafi-cloth, panno pettorale or pezza da domato. A breafi-plate, usbergo, pett’ a botta, pia- ftrone. The breath, fiato, fpirito, lena, foffio, tiro di fiato. A fragrant or [meet fuelling breath, fiato che fi da buono. To breath, fiatare, pigliar fiato, ref- pirare. To breath into ispirare. Difficulty of fetching breath, or breath¬ ing , afma, difiìculcà di rifpirati- one. To breath out the lafi, fpirare, dar 1’ ultimo fofpiro. fpirar l'anima. To breath upon, foffiar fopra. Full of breath, piendi fiato, allenato, di buona lena. To breath fafi and thick, alitare, sfiatare. A lìmi breath, fofpiro Breathed, allenato, alitato, fiatato. Breathed out, efpirato. A breather, rifpiratorc, che refpira. A breathing , rifpiratore , rifpna- mento, afpiratione, alzamento, il tirar del fiato, Breathing, lena, fiato, fpirto. Breathing thick , alitamento, sfiatamen¬ to. A breathing-hole, fpiraglio, feffura. Bred, generato, nato, allevato,nudrito, natio. To breech , fculacchiare, dar un cavallo, dar Tulle chiappe, frudarc. Breeches, calzoni, calze, braghe. A clofe paire of linnen breeches , mu¬ tande. (bori and clofe under-breeches ( or drawers) of linnen, idem. The breech of a gun, or piece of ordinance , culata. breif a note, brieve. Brei/ brieve, fpedito. To reduce into breefs, ridar in note,e brievi, fcorcire. Breifly, brievemente. Breeches or a paire of breeches , un par di di calzoni, braghe. That weareth, breeches , che porta calzoni, or braghe. ffje weareth the breeches , ella porta le braghe. Breeched or jercked, fculacciato, fruda- to. A breecher or whipper , frudatore, pe¬ dante. A breeching or jerking, fculacciamento, frudamento, cavallo. To breed , generare , infantare divenir pregna. To breed, as wormes, nafeere o generare come fanno i vermi. To breed, bring up, or give breeding unto, allevare, nutrire, educare. To be bred of, generato di, nato di- J BR BR BR v A breeder , generatore , genitore , alfo (tallone. A female breeder) generatrice, genitri¬ ce. A breeding , generamento , genitura generatione, nutritura, allevamento, cducatione. This woman is breeding , quella donna è gravida. Good breeding ; buona educatione, crean¬ za, coltumi. Apower of breeding, generativa potenza, facoltà generativa. A bret or turbot, turbotto pefee. A breviarys breviario. A breviate, breviatura, corciamento di lettere. To breviate, breviare, fcorciare. Brevity , brevità, fpeditezza. To brew, cuocer la birra, ó cervoggia. Brewed, cotto come fi fà la birra. A brewer )cuocitor di birra, che cuoce la birra. An ale-bretver, cuocitor di birra illupola- ta, 6 fenza lupoli ó lupari. A brewing , cuocimento ò cuocitura come di birra. A whole brewing, tutta la cuocitura, quanto fi couoce in una volta, ò in un tratto di birra. 2 ?rot»/r,fuppa ó zuppa in brodo. To bribe one , corrompere alcuno, fubornar alcuno con doni,ognej: la ma¬ no ad alcuno. A bribe, dono, paraguanti, fenfaria. Bribed, corrotto, che hà prefoil boccone, fubornato condoni. A briber , corrompitore, che fuboma con doni. bribing, corrompimento, fubornamen- to, ongimento di mani. A brick , mattone. A little brick , mattonano. A bricke-kill, mattonella, or fornace da mattoni. A brick-layer, muratore. aì brick-maker, or brick-feller, mattonato mattonaio. To lay brickes, to work, or build with brickes mattonare. Brick-work or a laying or building with brickes , mattonata. Brickie, full of brikes , pieno di mat¬ toni. *A Iridali , nozze, fpofalitio. B ridali, or wedding, nuttiale, da fpofo. AL bride, fpofa, nova maritata. A4 bride-groome , fpofo, novo maritato. The bride-chamber, camera nuttiale. Bridewell, carcere da mettervi gli vaga¬ bondi, c cattanti e da farli lavorare a- fuono di ballonate. AL bridge, ponte. „4 little bridge, pomello, ponticello. AL draw bridge, ponte levatore. The bridge of the nofe, il rilievo del nafo, il dorfo del nafo. Bridge-work, opera or lavoro da ponti. Bridge-making, il far ponti, il lavorar in¬ torno a ponti. Bridged !. atto con ponte, che hà il fuo ponte. Bridgic, pontofo, tutto pieno di ponti da pali are. AL bridle, briglia, freno. -niridle mih eje-flaps ( fora fore-horfi) bugna a orecchie. To bridle, brigliare,frenare,tener in freno. lo bridle it ( by thriving the chin into the neck) incavezzarli, ringorgiarfi. Bridled, brigliato, frenato, tenuto a freno. B riefe, asbreife. Al b rief or note, as a breif. To reduce into briefes or notes as to reduce in- to breifs. Briefly, as, breifly. Briefcnefle, as brevity. aL brier, fpina, ronco. The brier bufi,, ronco canino. fweet brier, fpina rofa. aL brier plot, aground and place of briers, fpincto. full of briers , pieno di fpine. Briery or full of briers, fpinofo. aL brigandine ( old fort of armour ) bii- gandina. AL brigantine ( afwiftfea-vefell ) briganti¬ no, fìluca grolla. Bright, chiaro, luccntcjtvafpareme^biillan te, candido luminofo, fereno. To be bright, elfer chiaro, far chiaro. To make bright or brighten, chiarire, fere- nare, fomewhat bright , alquanto chiaro, chiari- ccio. Brightly , chiaramente, lucentemente. Brightneffe, fplendore, chiarezza, luce, fcrenità,rifplcndimento. The brim ( of any thing ) orlo d’ alcuna cola, margine. The brim ( of a hat ) ala, falda. a4 brimmer, che tocca 1’ orlo, che tocca !’ ala, margine, alfo, bicchier traboccante Brimflone, folfore. Full of brimflone, pien di folfore, folforo- fo. The mine or pit where brimflone is gotten, folforata, folforiera. To drefle or mingle with brimflone, infolfo- rare, mefcolar con folfore. Vrefled or mingled with brimflone , mefcola- to, acconciato col folfore, folforato. Brinke , termine, limite, confine, alfo as, a brim Brine falamoia To bring , portare, apportare, menare, am- menare. To bring back, riportare, rimenare, ricon¬ durre, raccompagnare. To bring forth fruit , fruttificare, produrre frutti. To bring forth young, far figli, figliare, in¬ fantare, partorire. To bring them forth afore their time, Abortire. To bring down or low, abbattere, fmagrire, eflenuare. To bring topafs , effettuare, far riufcire. To bring unto, addurre, apportare, amme- nare. To bring up) allevare, nutrire, educare, al¬ fo, portar fù. Al bringer, portatore, adduttore, _ A bringer unto, ammenatorc. *4 bringer down of abbattitor di- AL bringer to pafle, he, effettore fbe,cffettn- ce. AL bringer up of, allevatore di- A bringing unto, apportamelo, apporta- tura, ammenamento. A bringing downe, abbaiamento,flcnuati- one, fcarnamento. A bringing up, allevamento, allevatura, educatione, il portar fù. A brinke, as brim. The brink of a well, orlo del pozzo. Brionie, brionia. .B w£e,fpiritofo, netto, fchietto, frizzante- A briftle, fctola. To briftle or fet up the briftles , arricciarli le- fetole. Th* flaring like briftles, arricciamento a guifa di fetole. A Jetting up the briftles, arricciamento. 5 tanding up, as of briftles, idem. Briflly, fetolofo, arricciante. Britannie, britagna, bertagna. A britain, britanno. Britannica or liflort ( berle ) brittanica. Brittle, fragile, facile à romperli. To breake into pieces as brittle things doe romperli a pezzi, fpezzarfi. Bnttly, (pezzatamente, in pezzi,fragil¬ mente. s Britlenefle , fragilità. A hrii^e, or Gad-bree, mofeone, mofea bovina. To broach orfett on broach, metter a mano, sbugiar colla ficcala, (pillare una bot¬ te. Broad, largo, quadrato. To ^ make broad, allargare, fquadra- ^drato”^ 3 alIal £ at ° J slargato, fqua- -4 making broad, allargamento, flargamen- to, Iquadramento. Broadly , largamente , Quadrata- mente. Broadnefie, larghezza, (quadratura, laro meUo amano ’ sbugiato, (pii- lrM chmg or fining on broach, il metter a mano, lo (pillare, d‘ una hot- te. A4 broache or fpitt, (piede To braci, wwfpedar della carne,metter della carne al fpiedo Abrocke, taffo. I ■cl brocket (or young male Deer ) cervetto, cervotto. To broider, ricamare. -Zi broile, zuffa, querela,quiftione, tumul¬ ila// ofhroila tumultuofo, che fi compia- ce alle quiftiom. TO nifi broiler, fufeitar tumulti, far nafeer quiftiom. fi raifir of broiler, fufeitator diquiftioni, mutinatore. T °pf e ’ cuocer filila graticola, grafico- Broiled, cotto fulla graticola, Pratico- lato. ® The flench , or ill favor of things broil¬ ed , tanfo di cofe cotte folle brag. già. ù A broiler, graticolatole, che cuoce fulla graticola, alfo, gradicola. A broiling, cocimento or cocitura fulla gradicola. Broiling, cuocendo fulla gradicola. Deceitfull brokage , fenfaria furbefi. ca. | Broken) rotto, sfracafTato, infranto, feffo (pezzato. Broken /mali, (minuzzato, triturato. Broken downe, abbatuto, attennuato. 1 Broken , tamed, or civilised, addomefti- cato, avvezzato; fatto manfueto, gentile. He is broken, è fallito, cito in falli- lira. Broken open) broke through , sforzato, aperto per forza.. Broken with age , dirfatto, or contra fatto dalla vecchiaia. Broken in pieces, rotto in pezzi,fpezzato. Broken pieces, fminuzzuoli, pezzi. Broken with (ìcknefìe , disfatto, ó con¬ trafatto da imalatia ó [indi/fofiti- one. ) Broken-founded) (as a craved bell) cre¬ pato. Eafieto be broken, facile a romperli, a fpezzarfi. A broker, fenfale.' I A wine marebants broker, fenfale di¬ vini. A broker of old clooths rigattiere, hebreo, giudeo. A brokers wife , or flxe-broker, la moglie di fenfale, alfo, rigattiera. Such l B K Such a brokers (hop, or row, as longlane with its, rigatteria, ove li rivendono panni vecchi, ghetto, degli hebrei. To play the broker , iar il l'enfale, far il ri¬ gattiere. Broker* or frippery ware , veftimenti vecchi et ufati. A bronci, fógno che fi fa con ferro canden¬ te. To hroni, legnar con ferro candente. A brooch, ornamenti di donne, gioie, col¬ lane, vezzi. To brood or fit on brood, covare, metterli a covare. A brood-hen that fits, chioccia, bioc¬ ca. . . . A brood of. chickens, covata di polcinì, ni¬ do di polcinì* A brood or generation , gcneratione, ftirpe. Brooded, covato, generato. A brooding or sitting on brood , covamento, covatura, il covare. A brook , rule elio, rivolo, rivoletto. A drie brook, mio afeintto. A little brook, rufcelletto, rivoletto. To brook, (offrire, compatire. B room, ginedia. fpanilh broom , ginedra di Spagna ò Afri¬ ca. A broom , feopa. A long broom ( for chimneys or high rooms ) feopettone. fweet broom, gtriedra piccola. Full of broom, ginedrofo. A broom-clofe, ginedreto, loco dove naf- ’ ce 6 crefcc la ginedra. Broth, brodo, mmelha. Thin broth, brodo fottilc. Sick-mxns broth , brodo d’ ammalato, confumato. A Jaintie white broth made of ffjh, gelatina di pefcc. Fi Ih broil], falfa di pefee. Oijìer broth, intingolo d’odriche. A brothell-houfe, "bordello, chialTb. To hunt or haunt brothelt-houfcty andar per i bordelli, bordcllare A hunter of brothell-houfes, bordelliere, puttaniere. A brother, fratello, frate. A £w&e//«£,bordeHamento. A younger brother, fratello minore, mi¬ nor nato. A brother in law , cognato. A husbands brother, cognato, or, fratello del marito. A brothers wife, cognato, la moglie del fratello. Afofler brother, fratello da latte. Brothers children , fratelli cugini, cugini germani. Brother hood, fraternità,fratellanza. Brotherly , da fratello, fratelmente, frater¬ namente. Brotherly ( done) fatto da fratello. Brought, portato, ammenato, menato, condotto Brought back, riportato, rammenato ri¬ condotto. Brought forth, prodotto. To be Irought forth by } nafeere. Brought forth (asa child ) infantare, par¬ torire. To be brought to bed (as a woman ) infanta¬ re, partorire. A woman being brought to bed, l’ infantare, il partorire, 1’ infantamene, il par- to. Brought to paffe, effettuato, fatto, rinfci- to. B R Brought up , allevato, educato, portato fù. Ill brought up, mal allevato, mal creato, mal educato. jrei brought up, ben allevato,ben educato ben creato. To broufe, pafccre, ihameggiar, rodere. A broufer , che pafee, draméggia, rode. A broufing, palamento, ftrameggiamen- to, rodimento. Broufing, pafeendo, drameggiand® ro¬ dendo. Brori’M, bruno, f»fco. To broyle, fee to hrotle. A broyle, fee a broile. To bruìje, maccare, acciaccare, pitta¬ re. To bruife extremely, fracalfare. To bruife with a mallet , martellare, pio¬ tare, ini ran ocre con martello ó ma glio. A bruife, «laccatura, pidatura, calpeda- mcnto. An extreme bruife, fracalfata. To bruife in pieces , sfracalfar in pez¬ zi. To bruife with the feet, calpedarc, calpef- trarc. BritiJe-worty margherita de’ prati, A bruife that leaves black and blew after it. «laccatura, freggioj calamaro. Bruifeable, maccablle, sfraca filabile. Bruifed, «laccato, acciaccato. Extremely Bruifed, sfracalfato - Bruifed in a mortar, pido in un mortnro, or mortaio. Bruifed black and blew, maccato, sfreggia- to, illividito, pillo. Bruifed in pieces , sfracalfato in pezzi. Bruifed by the feet, calpedato. A bruifing, maccamcnto, maccatura. A bruifing with the feet, calpeftamen- to. Bruifing with a mallet, martellata, colpo con maglio. A bruit , llrepito, romore, fracaffo, fa¬ ma. Bruiteli ( herb ) peperara. A brunt , rifehio, danno. B li place to wajh bucks in, bucandcria, lava¬ tore. Buck-lie, lifcia. B uck-tborne, pruno, fpino. B uck-wheaty miglio. A bucking tub, tina nel qual fi fà la buca¬ ta. A buck-cloth or afh-cloth, tela che ferve al¬ la bucata. A bucket, fecchio, hidria. To drain with buckets, attignere coffcp- chio. A buckle , fibbia, borchia, cappietro. Jmall buckle, fibbietta, borchiet- ta. To buckle, affibbiare, fermar con borchie o cappietti. , To buckle together, fermar ò ferrar con fib¬ bie ben benc- Buckled, fermato, ferrato confibbie. A buckler, feudo, rotella, targa. ! A little buckler, rottelletta, i A buckling , affibbiamento, ferramento | con fibbie. | Buckram, tela firn gallo, bocaffino. | B uckfome, gagliardo, fpiritofo. A bud, bottone, germe, germoglio. : The bud of a vine, gemma, germoglio di j vite. j To bud, germogliare, bottonarc, buttare ! pollolare. | Buds, germogli, bottoni, bottoncini. Thclowefìbudofa vine , occhietto, A rofe bud, botron di rofa. Theyoungbud of a tree, bottone, botton- cello. Full of young buds, eermogliofo, atto a germogliare, a buttare. Budded, germogliatoj che ha buttato. A budding, germogliamento, il buttare Budding, germogliando, buttando. 1 To budge, muoverli, partirli. A hudget, bolgia, facco, valiggia,bilaccia carniere. A budget-maker, valigiaro. A buffe, or buffle, buffala. Buffe-leather, cuoio di buffala. I to. I Brought downe, abbattuto, abballato, den- I tato, l inagrito. A brujh, feopetta, by mett, cozzo, bot- Wrought rough like buffe, buffalino, a guifa ta. j di buffala. ~4plaifìerers whiting brufh, feopetta da Buffe-like, idem. imbiancatore. | A buffet, fchiaffo, fganafeione. Along brujhjto fweep chimneys, feopa da j 'io buffet, fchiaffare, menar un fchiaffo or, fpazzacamino. or dufì high roomes, ó . fganafeione. da fpazzar foffìtti. Buffeted , fchiaffatojftrapazzato cou fchiaf- A bri file brufh , to wafhglafie with, feopetta . fi e fganafeioni. da polir i fxafchi. ' Jk bufffeter, fchiaffatore. To brujh , feopettare, polire colla feopet-! A buffle as a buffe, Ofor belonging to a buffle, buffalino. Brufhed, feopettato, fatto polito. Bru filing, feopettando. Brute, bruto, animale. qrutijb, brutale. To make brutifh, render brutale. Made or growne brutifh, divenuto, or, di¬ ventato brutale, fatto brutale. Brutifhly, brutalmente. B ruttfhnefle, brutalità. B ryonie, fee brionie, A bubble, ampolla, bolla, gorgoglio. To bubble up, i«/eetf):«£,boTlire,gorgoglia¬ re, far ampolle. B ubled, bollito, che habbìa gorgogliato. Bubbling, bollendo, gorgogliando, A buhling, bollimento, gorgogliamento, alfe as a bubble. A buck } cervo, daino. A buck-goat, caprone. A buck, of cloaths, bucata. To buck limten, farla bucata. Buck ajhes, ceneri da bucata. To wajh a buck, lavar la bucata. A buck-wafher , buc-andiera, che fà la btl- A buffoon . buffone. Buffoon-like, buffonefeo. B uffoonerie, buffoneria. To play the buffoon, far il buffone, buffo¬ neggiare. A bug, or black magget,or bug-beare , beffa- na, fpaventacchio, fpirito folletto. To bugger, buggerare, bardafeiare. Buggered, buggerato, bardafeiato. A buggerer, buggerone, bardalcione. Buggerie, buggera, bardafeieria. Buggering, buggerando, bardafeiando. Bugìe, fpetie cf herba. A bugle-horne, cornetto. Buglofie. buglofa. Wild-buglofse, buglofa falvatica. Snakcs-buglofse, or vipers-buglofse, herba ferpentina, herba viperina. To build, fabricarc, edificare. Builded , fahrificato, edificato. A builder, fabricatore, architetto. A building, {rzbrìca, edificio. To pull downe a building , abbatter una fabrica, im uraic. Bulled B U B U B II Pulled down of a building, abbattuto, (mu¬ rato . A pulling down a building , abbattimento (huf lamento. The bnlke of a body, butto, tronco, tra¬ vel! ò. ' B ulkit •, traverfato. Ab tùli, toro. Aymng bull, foretto. A bui't-finchì pivoino. A bull-bead , fijhj tetta d’afino. A ba ll-head, tetta di toro, The.popes bull , bolla del Papa,breve. Almllace, brugna falvatica. A bullace tree , pianta di brugne falva- tiche. A bullet , palla. Bullion, lega, legaggio di metallo. Bullion many, moneta. A bullock , manzo, giovenca. A bull-rufl,g ionco. A bull-worke, balouardo, baftionc,fortez¬ za, riparo. A bumbard , bombarda. A biimme, culo. To difcbarge a bombard , (caricar una bom¬ barda. A bump e, by a knock , pugno, calama¬ ro. A bumpe, or thump e , botta, colpo. To bumpe on the humme with a bat, ac cui ac¬ ciaro. Bumped out, che (porge in fuori,che ha la gobba. A bunch , orfwelling, gobba, gonfiezza. A bunch of leaves, mazzo di (ronde. A great bunch, mazzonc, mazzo graf¬ fo. A little bunch, mazzetto. A hard bunch, nodo, groppo. Bunch- backd, gobba. A bunch of grapes, un grappo d’ uva. Bunched, gobbo, che hà la gobba. B unchie, gobbofo. Bunchinejse, gobbezza. A bundle, fardello, fagotto, pacchetto. A bundle of ftraw , mazzo di (trame or , paglia. A bundle of reeds or bnlrufjes, for bpyes to fwimme on, patto. To bundle, or make up into a bundle, infa¬ gottare, ridurre in mazzi. Bundled, or make up into a bundle, infagot¬ tato, ridotto in mazzi. A bung, coccone, cocchiume, turacccllo, A bung-hole, la buca per lo coccone. To flop up with abung, cocconare, turar col coccone. To bungle, imbrogliarli, pacciuccar, ttar- pinellare,far le cofe dozzinalmente,im¬ picciarla. A bungler, imbrogliatole, fcarpinello. Bungler-like, da imbrogliatole, da fcar¬ pinello. Bungling, imbrogliando , impicciando¬ la. A bunne , focaccia, buccellaio. A buoy, of a Jhip, gavitello, anco. To buoy, up a vefsell, fottenere un vaf- cello. A burden, fee a burthen. A burganet, borgognotta. To burgeon , or fprout forth , fpontare, buttare, gettare. A burgefse, cittadino. Of or belonging to burgefse, cittadinefco, da cittadino. Burgefse flip, cittadinanza. A burgh, borgo. Burglary , sforzo , fcaflamento di porte per entrar in cafa altrui. A burgmafler, borgomaftro, capocitta- dino. A burg iter, borghefe. A burguer flip, borghefato. A buriall, interramento, eflequie,funera- li, fepoltura. To burie , fotterrare,fepelire. Buried, fotterrato, fepelito, fepolro. A burier, fotterratore, beccamorto. A burying, as a buriall. Burly, grotto, grandaccio. To burne, bruggiare, abb ruggiate, ardere feottare. To burne in the care, cue. c uocerc, ardere, bruggiare. To burne up, as grafo by the fun, abbronza¬ re, feccare, inaridire. Burned, brugato, arfo. A burner, abbruggiatore. Burnet, pirapinetta. A burning, brugiamento, bruggiore, ar- fura. Burning, bruggiando, ardendo. A burning coale, carbone ardente, carbo¬ ne infocato. A burning with a boti iron, abbruggiamen- to con ferro candente. Burnt, abbruggiato, bruggiafo, arfo. A burnt whore, puttana infranciofata. Burnt-wine, vino abbruggiato, vili cotto, acquavita. Burnt up, as grafie with the fun, abbronza¬ to, inaridito, divenuto lecco,arfo. A burnt offering, fagrificio. The flench or ill favour of things bnrnl, Ipuzza di cofei) ruggiate. To burnifl, polire, forbire. Toburnijh. as a dear his head by rubbing. ftroppicciarfi polito. B urnijhed. polito. B urnifled. as a deeres head, ttropicciato. A burnifler. forbitore, A burnifhing. forbimento, polimento, po¬ litura. Barrage, boragine. A burre or burre-dock. lappa, pannoc¬ chie. A little barre-dock or ditch-bnrre or lotvfe- burre, grapella. A butter barre, pannocchietta. A buroough. borgo. A burrough for conies, conigliera. The bur ft where merchants meet, piazza di mercanti, borfa. A bttrfer. cajfiere, borfiere. To bur fi. crepare. To burftinpieces, crepar ; fpezzarfi. Burfl. crepato, (pezzato. To bur flout in laughter, (ghignare, fehiat- tar dalle rila. To burfl out in fpeech. sbottar qual che paro¬ la, sbuffare in parole. Likely to burfl. crepabile, che hà apparen¬ za di crepare. Burfleti, as, burfl. A burfler. fpezzatore,rompi tore. A bar fling, fpezzamento, fpezzatura, rompere. Burflnefe, crepatura, rottura, ernia. A burthen , pefò,carica, fardello. To burthen, caricare, carigare. B urthened, caricato, or, caricato. B urthenfome, greve, faftidiofo, molefto. To be burthenjome unto, efler di pefo. cari¬ ca, or fattidio ad alcuno. Abufl, fratta, bofehetto. A great thick bufh or bufine place, macchia, macchione. A bufh ofhaire. zazzera,capigliela, ciuf¬ fo. A place full ofbufles. bofeheto. querceto. A taverne or alehoufe bufh. fratta, elle, ra. A buflell , moggio. A little bujhell, moggetto. bufìe, impedito, impiegato, infacenda to . occupato. To bufìe himfelf. impiegai fi,metterli intor¬ no ad alcuna cofa. To bufìe. occupare, impiegare. To be bufìe, liar occupato, ftar faccndato. ftar con negotii. A bufle-body or • bufìe fellow, impor¬ tine nrc , fpropofitato, uno che fi caccia per tutto. Bufted, occupato, facendato,impicgato. Bufìly, folleciramente, (acendatamcnte Bufinefsc, faconda, affale, negotio. To do ones bufine fé, farlefue facende,fpe- diri fuoinegotii. To manage bufineJs. trattar, or condurre un negotio. A manager of bufìnefses , conduttor di ne¬ gotii, negotiatore. A fìntali bu/ìnefse, negotietto, negotiuz- zo. Full of bufinefles affaccndato, occupatifìì- mo. A bufìnefìe, clofely carried, menata, nego¬ tio condotto con fegretezza. A bufying, negotiatione, negotiamento. Bufying. negoziando, negotiantc. A busk, butto. 1 A buskin. borzachino,bolzacchino. A buskin-maker. borzachinaro, uno che fà li borzachini. To bufìe. battiate, bacciare, ficcar un battio. B ufhan. fottagno a grano d‘ orzo. To bufile, or keep a bu filing together, imbro¬ gliare, impicciarla. A huftling. imbroglio, impicciamento. But. ma, anco,anziche. To but . collimare, bcrfagliare, mirare,co¬ glier di mira,cozzar e comare. A but ( or wine-vefìell ) botte,tonello. A butcher, macellaro, beccaro. To butcher ( or (laughter ) ammazare. A butchers flambles alfa a butch erte, macel¬ lo, beccaria. Butcherly, da macellaro. A butiherie,as a butchers flambles. A batterie, difpenfa. credenza, botte- glieria. A butler, difpenlìero, credenziere,botte- L'iicro. Bwr/erjbutiro, burro, ontofottile. Butter-milk, latte e butiro. To make butter-milke, far latte e buttilo. The batter-burre, herba tignofa. A butter-flie , parpaglia. A butter-pot , vafo dabuttiro. To butter a cake, imbutirare una focaccia or oflella. * A butting as rams doe, ttozzonare,fcozzo. Hurt by butting , feozzonata, ferita di feoz- zonata. A buttock, chiappa, natica, anca. That hath great buttocks, chiapputo, nati¬ cuto. Beaten on the buttocks, ttulacciato. A lafh on the buttocks, fculacciata. A but ton, bottone. Long button,, buttoni codati. A button or brooch, bottoncino, buccia. To button, bottonare. A button-hole, occhiello. The actuall cantere called a button, cauterio a bottone. Buttoned, bottonato. A buttoning , il bottonare, bottonamen- to. Abuttrcfle. fperonc, pomello. To buttrefìe or beare up wiih a buttrefìe , fop- portare, pomellate. A farriers buttrefìe, rafola di marifcalco. Buxome, allegro, gagliardo. To be buxome, ftar allegro, ftar gagliardo. To IU. A fju-tfitrd) or bald kite, nnlvo, milvac- I cio. To bux^e, ronzare, fufurrare, rombare. To bu\xe into ones eare, ombraggiar alcu¬ no, dir piano all’ orecchio. Bitted, ronzato, A bitter, fufurrante, ronzante. A buying) ronzo, fufurro, rombo. Buying, ronzando, fufurrando, rombando. Bj, da per. By and b)'} adeflb adefto, hor bora, tan tofto, quanto prima. By places-, luochi ritirati, luocbi fuor di mano, fuochi fviati. A by-way, ftrada fviata, ftrada fuor di mano. A by-word, fopra nomeburlefco. By the by, a calo, all’ improvifo. À by.ts~, verfo, or più, il declivo, l’ erta. To byas, to go by as, to place or fet byas, an- der a traverìo, andar fecondo il più, traboccare. • Byaftng, andando fecondo il più,andan- da a traverfo. Byaffed or byaf, prefo per il fuo verfo, Byas-wife, a traverfo, à fchiancio, a tra¬ bocco. The by fon or wild ox, boue falvatico. To byte, fee to bite, mordere, mozzicare afferrar co’ denti. C The cabali of the jewes, la cabala de’ giudei. A cabali ( or private confederacy ) cabala, ó congiura. A cabalif, cabali ita. Cabali ft cali, cabaliftico. A c abbidge ,cau\o capaccio. To cabbidge,or grow headded as acabbidge, capuzzare, capucciare. Cabbidge,or beaded rounded as acabbidge, capuccio, capuccino, fitto à capucci, forzuto. A cabin, inalbip , camerino. Cabins , to ly or refi in. camerini. A cabine made of boughs, capanna,pergo¬ la. A cabinet , gabinetto, cabinetto, or clofet, ftudiuolo. Drawers or boxes in a cabinet , tiratori, fe* creti. A cable, gomena, fune, canape, corda grò Ha. A /heat cable, gomena maftra. ToFaftentoa cable or with a cable, attaccar ad una corda, fune ó gomena. Faflened with, or to a cable, fermato con gomena, corda, fune, 6 canapo. A cacherell, fijb, cagarello. To cackle , fchiamazzare. The cackling of a hen, fchiamazzo, crocita- mento. Cackling , fchiamazzando, crocitando. A cadente, cadenza,paufa. Cadmia, fìonc, calamita. A cadow or irifh mantle , coperta ri ccia, pe- lofa,fchiavina. Caduque , caduco. Acagoffturgion, barile di (turione. A cage for malefactors, fegreta, camerotto. A cage or coope to keepe birds or fonie in, gal¬ linaio, uccelliera. A ca°e of reeds, gabbia a canne. A great cage where in birds have roome e- nough to flutter, uccelliera da volo, da fvolazzo. A coiti fe, mefchino, fciaguraro,fventurato. C.«'///e/j,mefchinamente,fciagurataniente, fventuratamente. A cuke, foccaccia, offella, tortello, chi- acciata, ciambella. A little cake, focaccina offellctta, torta To buy , comprare, accattare. A buyer, compratore, accattatore. , A buying, compra, compramcnto, accat- tamento. A broad thin c -ke, fchiacciata fottile. A feller or maker of cakes, o!tellaro,ciam- bcllaro. A thick cake baked haflily on a hot hearth with hot embers, foccaccia abbruftolita, fchiacciata. A kind of wreathed cake, ciambella. The calumarle (fijh) pefce calamaro, or. calamaio, fepa. The calamine (flone ) pietra calamine, The calamint ( herbe ) herba calaminta. Water-calamint , calaminta acquatica. Mountaine, bufh, or hoary calamint, calamin¬ ta da montagna. Wild or come calamint , calaminta falvatica. Calamity, calamità. full of calamity, calamitofo, pieno di ca¬ lamità. To lay calamities on, addoflar mifcrie e ca¬ lamità ad ale uno,aggravar alamo di mi- ferie . To calcinate, calcinare. Calcinated, calcinato. A calcinating, or crf/cnMf/oH,calcinamene, calcinatione. A calcinatorie, calcinatorio, luogo da cal¬ cinare. To calculate , calcolare, computare. A calculating, calculamento, computa¬ mene. A cWfW,mercantuceio. To allure chapmen, attirare gl’ avventori. Frequented by chapmen, praticato da av¬ ventori, inviato. Chapped, crepato, fcfo, fenduto, fpaceato A chapping, crepamento, fendimento, fpaccamento. A chapter, capitolo. The chapter or chapiter of a pillar, capi, tei lo. A chapter held by the officers of a catheirall church, capitolo, alicmblea, capitolare. Of or belonging to a chapter, capitolare. In chapter, with fullconfent of the chapter, capitolarmente. Having a voice in the chapter, capitolante, che ha voce ó fufiraggio in capitolo, A character, carattere, lettera. To characterise, caratterizzare. Characterised , caratterizzato. A char cole, carbone. A chare, Tedia, lcggia, eatedra. Achare-woman, guardia. To charge with a crime, accufare, incolpare attaccare, incaricare, addogare'. To charge or lead , caricare alfa, allalire, az¬ zuffale. A charge , carica, fonia, pelo,alfoj atìalto, alfalimento. Charges , fpefe, sborfo. Chargeable , di fpcfa,chc coda. Charged, caricato Charged with a crime, incolpato, accufato attaccato, incaricato, addoflato. Charging , caricando, allalcndo. A charger, caricatore, affalitore. alfo, gran piatto, or fottocoppa. Charie , cauto, avveduto, circofpctto, ac¬ corto. A chariot, coito. A fmall chariot, carretto. Charitable, caritatevole. Charitabli e, c ai i tate voi mente. Charitte, carità, limolina. A charme, incanto, forte. To charme , incantare, ammaliare. Charmed, incantato, ammaliato. A charmer, incantatore,ammaliatole. A fhee-charmer, incantatrice, amalia. Charming , incantando, alfo, incantclimo. Charmingly, incantevolmente, dia boli- cainente,animaliatamente. A charter, archive de’ regidri,priviJeggio, indulto. Charvell , as cervill. A chafe, caccia, fuga. A chafe , orforrefì, cattura. A chafe at tennis, caccia. To chafe, cacciare, perfeguitarc. Chafeable , cacciabile, che li può cacciare. Chafed , cacciato, /cacciato, /ugato, pcr- feguitato. A chafer, cacciatore, perfecutore. A chafing, caccia, pcr/ecutionc, profccu- tione. Chafing after , pcr/cguitare,pro/eguire. Chafl, cado. To chaflen, to chaftìfe, cafìigare,punire, cor¬ reggere. Chaftifed, cadigato, punito corretto. A {v&dJ?i/èr,cadigatorc,punitore,correttore A chafìifìng, or fhajìifement, cadigamento, punitione, pena, correttione. Chat, ciarla. Idle chat, ciarla /propofitata. To chat, ciarlare. A chatting gofsip, c/arlona, /calda/cdia. To chatter ", charlare,parlar in giergo. To chatter for cold, tramar di freddo. To chatter the teeth , dal freddo sbattere i denti. A chatterer, ciarlone. A chattering, ciarlamento- A calves chauldron, fee calves chaldern. A chaunce, fee a chance. A cl uanceffeea chancell. Achauncellour, fee chancellour. Chauncerie,fee chancerie. A chaundler,fee a chandler. Char.nter, fee c chanter. To chaw, fee to chew. Cheap, or good cheap,dog-cheap, à buon mer¬ cato : buttato. To be good cheap, ef/ar a buon mercato. Better cheap, meglio mercato. To cheapen, prezzolale,mercantare, /pizzi¬ care. A chepcner, che prezzola, prezzolato¬ le. Chcare, feechere. Cbcarcfnll,fce cheer e full. To cheat , ingannare, arrivar alcuno. A cheat ( or Cheating trick )burla, /urbcria, attacco, truffa. A cheat ( or cheater) furbo, ingannatore, truffatore. Cheated, arrivato, ingannato,truffato. A cheater, asa cheat. A cheating, V ingannare: alfo as a cheat. A cheating Trank , as a cheat. 'io check , riprendere, correggere, rimpro¬ verate, redarguire, fallare. A check , rcprenlione, correttione, rim¬ provero, taffa. Check ( at Chef e) /cacco. Check-mate, fc.teco matto. Checked, riprclo, cori etto, rimproverato, taffato. A checker, riprenditore, correttore, rim¬ proveratole,tali utore. A checkcr-bord, fcacchierc Checker-work , opera, or lavoro fatto a fcaechi. Checkered (in blazon ) fatto a/cacchi. A checking, ripreniione as a check. Chetf fee chief. Cheek-by-jowft, del pari. The checck, la guancia, la gota. Full-chcck'd, or puff-cheeck, colle guan¬ cie sbuffate, colle guancie pienotte. The whole cheeke from the eye-brow to the chin, tutta la guancia. The cheek-teeth, denti mafcellari. Cheere, cicra, vifo, afpetto, trattamento. Good cheere, buon trattamento, buona ri¬ era. To make good cheere unto, far buona ciera, dar allegramente, far gaudeamus, or, baldoria, accarezzare,buona vita, ftra- vizzo. To make poore cheere, far cativa c'era, tirarla lottile, farla mefehinameme, or magramente. Cold cheere, magra ciera, To cheere or cheere tip, ripigliar l’animo, dar di buona voglia, racconlolarii, ral¬ legrarli. Tabe of good cheere, dar di buon animo ; or di buona voglia, dar allegramente. Cheere or countenance, cicra, or, vifo, af- pctto. Heavy cheere, ciera brufea, vifo torbido, cativa ciera. Cheered, rallegrato, racconfolato. A cheering, rallegramento, raccon/ola- rr.cnto, carezze. Cheeref .il , allegro, converfcvoJe, fpiri- tofo. Cheercfully, allegramente, converfevol- mente, fpiritofamente. Tolooke cheerefully, riguardar con buon occhio, or, con buon vifo, dar con eie. ra allegra. Cheer efalinefìe, allegrezza, allegria, gag¬ liardi. Cheefe , cafcio, formaggio. A little cheefe, cafciotto, ca/ciolino,for- magetto, formaggino. Mouldy cheefe (green ) cafeio ammuffito, nizzo, alfo, cafeio irefeo. A cheefe-cake. tortello in formadi cafeio. Fre'b cheefe, gioneata, latte rappre/o, latte quagliato. A cheefe dairy , or cheefe-houjc , foramggi- eria. A cheefe-nmger or cheefe-fellcr formaggi- aro, pizzicamelo, pizzicagnolo. A cheefe-prefe or cheeje-fat, iormagg !er e. Chrefi- CH CH CH Cheefe-ware, formaggieria. Cheef e-rennet or cbcefe-wort quaglio. C he efe-bow Ics , boccie fatte a guifa di for¬ me di calcio. Full of cheeje , formaggiofo, pién di for- maggio. To cheri/h, confortare, carezzare,fomenta- re, nutrire. Cherijhed , confortato, carezzato,fomenta¬ to, nudrito. A cheri/her, confortatore, fomentatore. A cbcrifhing , confortamento,fomento,nu¬ trimento, carezzamelo. Cherifhingly , .carezzevolmente, conforta- tevolmente. A cherry, circggia, vifciola, cirieggia. Theagriotf or tart) cherry, agretta, vifci¬ ola. A cherry-tree, circggio. A fotvre cherry-tree , vifciolo marafeo. A cherry-garden , ciregeto. Cherrie-wine, vin vifciolato. The revenue or prof t that comes by cherries , dreggiata. Winter cherries ( the berries of ni ght-fbade') cireggie trafmarinc. A fmall hitter cherry, amarella. The dwarfe cherry-tree, cireggio baffo, na¬ no. Black fweet cherries, cireggie nere. The mall bitter cherry-tree, amarello. Chervill, cerfoglio. Wild enervili , cerfoglio falvatico. Mock chervilf or great chervil, cicutaria, o- ca di pallore. Chefse, /cacchi. The cheffe-mcn , pedine. A cheffe-boord, fcacchiere. To play at chefe, giuocar à fcacchi. j Chef e-play, giuoco di fcacchi, A cheefe-ford, as cheefe-prefse. A chef, caffa, coffaro,baiulo. A. little chef, caffetta, callettina, coffa- rino. A chefi-keeper, or cafheer, cafiiere, or, cafii- ero. A great chef, caffone. To put into a chef , metter in caffa, ferrar nella caffa, incaffare. Tut into a chef, meffo in cada, ferrato in caffa, incaffato. A chef-like cover ( or cafe ) coperchio. A chefl-maker, calettavo,che fà le caffe e coffari. A chef wherein pretious things are hoarded, gabinetto, gruzzolo. A chef nut, caltagna, marone. AL che fina tree , caftagno. Horfe chef nut ( a kind of great blak chef- nut, caftagna cavallina. The dome ficai great chef nut marone. The great chef nut tree, niaronaro. The fmall or wild chefunt, caftagno falvati¬ co, caftagno bofcareccio. The water cheflnut, caftagno acquatico, caftagno da fiume. A plot or orchard of chef nut-trees, caftag- neto. Chef nut ( colour') color caftagno. The rough /hells of chef nuts, ricci. Cherrell leather , cuoio or pelle di capretto. •A cherron^or cheveron, caprone. To chew, mafticare. To chew y/ori'fy, biafeiare. To chew the cud, ruminare. Chewed , mafticato, Eiafciato. Chewed meat,fuch as nurfes give to their children, robba mafticata. AL c^eiper,mafticatore, biafeiatore. A chewing, mafticamento. A chewing the cud , runiinamento. A chibboll, cipolletta. A chiche-peafe, ceci. A chick or chickin, polcino. Chickins newely hatched , polcino affiora affiora nato. To hatch chickins , covar polcini. ’lo count his chickens before they be hatch’t, far galline del trova. Chickweed. pizzagalliria,pavarina, cento¬ ne. Bafiurdchickweed, pizza gallina baftarda. Ivie chechvced, fee HenbiT. To chide, /gridare, far fchiamazzo far ru¬ more, fallare, riprender, /trillare. Chidden , fgridato, riprefo. A eluder, che /grida, che riprende. A chiding , fgridamento, riprenlione. Chiding, /gridando, riprcntlendo. Chief e, capo, principale, maftro. A chief e ( in blazon ) la parte piu nobile dello feuto, dell’ arma. Chief ely , principalmente. Chiefefl, il più principale A chief etainc , capitano. A child, creatura, infante. A little child, creaturina, infinte. 7 o play the child , fanciulleggiare, dar in fanciullaggini. Afatherlefsechtld, orfano, orfalino. A child brought forth before its time, abor¬ to. Great with child, gravida, che /là per par¬ torire, or per infantare.. To bring forth a child, partorire,infantare. Child-birth, parto* infantamento. A child-bearing woman, donna che parto-" rifee, donna fruttifera. A woman in child bed, donna di parto, che ftàinpagliuola. A womans lying in or being in child-bed, V infantamento, lo ftarin pagliuola. Thechilds (hìrt, coife, or biggin inwrapping him in the wombe, la tonica, camifei- etta. Child-hood , infantia. Childi/h, fanciullc/co, puerile. To ufe childijh tricks, far cofe e tratti fan- cìullefchi, dar in fanciullagini. A childijh part, atto da fanciulletto. ChildifÀy, fanciullefoamente. Chtldi/hnefse, fanciullezza. Children , fanciulli, figliuoli. Chili or chillie, freddo, freddolente,freddo- lofo. A chill-blaine, buganze. Chilly, freddolofamente. Chillnefse freddolezza, freddezza. To chime bells, fuonar à fella. A chime , chiming, or chimes, ì\ fuonar a fcf- ta. Chimed, fuonato a fella. A chimer of bells, che fuona a fella. Chimeras, chimere, ritruovate. A chimneys camino. Of or belonging to a chimney, che attiene al camino. A chimney-piece ( of tapifry or of mafons worke) facciata di camino, nappo di camino. A chimney-fweeper, fpazza camino. Chimney-Jweep, lo /trillo de’ fpazza cami¬ ni. The chine, fchiena, dorfo. To chine, sfilare, /lombare. A chine ofporke, fchiena di porco, lom- betto. Chined, sfilato, fiombato. A chinke, fefsura, fefso, crepatura, fpac- catura. To chinke, crepolar la pelle dal freddo. Chinke, moneta, quattrini. Chinked, fuonato, che hà fatto fuono. The chiane, mento. Of or belonging to the chiane, che attiene al mento. The chine-piece (of an helmet )or(a Ladies) chinne-cloath, barbuta, parte del elmo che cuo prc il mento. 7 o chip, tritare, fmintizzare. To chip bread -, fcroftare il pane, tritar la crolla del pane. A chip-axe, afeia. A chip, minuzzuolo di legno, riccio. Chipped, tritato, /"minuzzato, fatto in ric¬ ci. A chipping, tritamente, fminuzzamento, il far or ridurre in ricci. Chippings of bread , trincili, tritume di pa¬ ne. Chiromancy, chiromantia. 7 o chirp, as a bird, cinguettare, pigolare, chiamare. So chirp, as a m"c*e/,/trillar come i grilli. A chirper, pigolatol e. The chirping 0 f birds, pigolamento, il cin¬ guettare degli uccelli. The chirping ofjparrowes, verfo della pafse- ra, pigolamento di pafsera. Chiriping, thatchirpés, che pigola, che cin¬ guetta. A chirurgion, cirugico. Chirurgery, chinirgia. Of or belonging to chirurgerie, che attiene a cirugico, cirugieale. A chifell , fcarpellino, cifello. To cut or carve with a chi) ell, intagliare col fcarpellino, cifellare. Carved, or graved with a chifell, intagliato con fcarpellino cifellato. Chifell-worke, intagliatura, ci felTatura. A joyners fraight chifell, fcarpello da fa¬ legname. A chit,or chicthe p cafe, ceci. The chit , or meadow larke, lodola, calan¬ dra. A c hit tifhface, or chillie ftceyìfo da ragaz¬ zo, vifo da putto. A chitterling, budello grofso. A fmall chitterling, budelletti, bufccca. Chivalrie, cavalleria, or arte, di cavalca¬ re. Chives, cipolline- A chifell, fee a chifell. To choake, ftrozzare, affogare, ftrango- lare. Almofl io choake, quafi per affogarli, ftrangolar/ì, ftrozzar/i. A choake-peare, pera da ftrozzare. Choaked, ftrozzato, ftrangolato, affo¬ gato. . Almof choaked,cpaafi ftrozzato,ftrangola¬ to, affogato. A choakmg, ftrozzamento, ftrangola- mento, affogamento. A chock under the chin, barbozzale,alza¬ mento di tefta fatto à polla coffa ma¬ no. A choice, folcita, cappata, elettione. Choice, feelto, cappato, eletto. Choler, colera, /lizza, sdegno, ira. Black choler, atra bile. Cholerick , colerico. The colitjue , la colica. To c/>oo/èjfciegliere,cappare,cleggere. Tochoofe out, capparc, fpizzicare. To choofe rather , amar meglio, voler più tolto. A choofer , elettore, cappatore, che feie- glie. A choofing , elettione, cappata, foiegli- mento. A choofing out , cappatura, foielta. To chop, tritare, fminuzzare, tagliar mi¬ nuto, Tochop off, troncare. To chop, and change, cambiare, troccare, barattare. Chopped, troncato? troccato, barattato, A chopping , troncamento, troccamento baratto, ^4. CH _ A chopping] troncamento, baratto. A chopping-knife , coltellaccio, da cuo¬ co. v The chorus of a tragedie , choro di trage¬ dia. Chorographie , corografìa. Chofen, eletto, fcicìto, cappato. A chough] civetta. A cornijh chough , civetta di cornovallia. A chrijmatory, chrifmatorio. Chrìfme } chrifomejor crifonte, creflma. ( Our lord and faviour ) Chrif , noftro lig¬ note fai vatorGiefù Chrifto. To chriften, battezzare, tener a battem¬ mo. Chrifened, battezzato, tenuto a battefì- Cbr/fenderne, chriftianeiimo, chriftiani- tà. ^4 chriftening] battefimo. .✓f chrifian, c hriftiano. i A chrifian turned turke or jew 3 chriftiano rinegato, marrano. Chrtfianity, chriftianità. Chrijbnaf e, natale, natività di NS. Saint chriflopher,hn Ch riito fero. The chrifis-crofe-row, la fama croce, 1’ alfabeto. Chrifs-herbe, chrifs-wort, herba chrifto. A chronicle , cronica, regiltro, annali, hit boria. A chronicler, cronichilta, annalilta,hif- torico. Chronographic, cronografìa. Cronologie] cronologia. Chryfocolla, chrifocolla. chryfolite, crifolite. A chuff ey maftica fieno. A rich chuffe , un riccone ignorante. chuffe,un feiocco graffo,callrone,caf- tronaccio, feimunito. Chuffìe] sboffato, ceffato, mufato. A church, chiefa, tempio. Church-men , edefiaftici. A church-trardeuj gualtaldo di confrater¬ nità, or, diparcchia. A church-Tvarden-fhip , ufficcio di guaftal- do. A cburch-yardj.cìmmeTO. A womans churching, 1’ entrar infanto, il levarli di parto. A chtirley mìtico, zotico. A richchurle, un ralticone,un ricco¬ ne. Churlifh, rullico, zottico, villano, rozzo. Churlifh of countenance , fpavcntcvole, hor- ribil* di villa. Somewhat churlifh, alquanto zotico, villa¬ no, rozzo. Ch. rlijhly, zoticamente,villanamente,roz¬ zamente. Churlijhnefe , rozzezza, villania, rufti- chezza. Churlijhnefe of look] fpavento di villa, av¬ verta etera. To churney batter il butiro, or burro. A churney baruto. A churne-fajfe, baruttolo. Churned] baruttolato. To chufe } fee to choofe. Thechylus, chilo. Chymkall, chimico. A chymif, chiudila. Chymifry , chimia. To cicatrice, cicatrizzare. Cicatrized , cicatrizzato. Cicatrizing , cicatrizzando. Cider , cidro, vino di mele. Cinders , ceneri di carbon di terra. Cinnamon, cinamomo. Of cinnamon i di cinamomo Cinque ( at dice ) vn cinque. Two cinques ] cinquino. Cinque-foiley cinque foglie. The cinqueportsj cinque porti. CL The Lord warden of the cinque-ports, il lìgi' guardiano de’ cinque porti. A cvp/jer,cifera, zero. Ciprefe , velo. The cyprefe tree 3 cipreflo. A circle] circolo. little circley circoletto. A h.dfe circle, mezzo circolo. To circle about] circuire, attorniare. Circled] circuito, attorniato. A circlet of wicker zrc. to fett under a difh, guarda tovaglia. A circuii, circuito, attorniamento. To circuity circuire, attorniare. A circuition, attorniamento, circuitione. Circular , circuiate. Circular motion , moto circuiate. Circularly , circolarmente. Circularity , circolarità. To circuiate, circolare. Circulated] circolato. Circulation , circolatione. Circulatorie, circolatorio. To circumcij'e, circoncidere. Circumcifed, circoncifo. A circumcifed chrifian, marrano. Circumcifìon, circoncilìone. A circumference] circonferenza. A circumflex accent, accento circonflefio. A circumlocution , circonlocutionc giran¬ dola di parole. Tocircumfcrihe, circonfcrivrrc. Cireu mfc rihedy cireoi iferi t to. A circ.fi/fcription , circonfcrittione. Circumfpeft) circofpetto. Circumfpeftion, circofpertionc. C'rcumfpecily, circofpettamcnte. A ciré. mftance, circoftanza. Circuwfanced, circollantiato. C ire unflantiail, circoftan rial e. Cìrcumfantially, circoicantialmente. To circumvent] circonvenire. Circumvented] circonvenuto. A circumvention] circonventione. A circumvolution, circonvolutione. CiferS, f ee chars. Cifius ( the piati ) cillo. A citadeily cittadella, fortezza, A citation, citatione. To cite, citare, or quote, citare autori. Cited, citato ( or quoted, citato come au¬ tore.- A cittie città. A citizen, cittadino: A citizen jhip, the freedome of the city, cit¬ tadinanza, franchiggia. A ciferne ciftema. A citron,orpomecitron, citrone, limone. A citron-tree, idem. Ofa citron, citron-like, citrino. Ctiron-bafili, bafilico citrino. A citron or pale Orange colour , citrino, ran¬ cio. A citrali cowcomber citriuolo. Civet, cibollette. Civctt, aljo a civett catty zibetto. Terfumedwitb, or fuelling of civett] che fà di zibetto. Civili, civile, grave, civile, honeflo. The civili day, giorno civile. Civilitie, civiltà. Civily, civilmente. To civilize 3 civilizare, aggentilire. Civilized] ciuilizato, aggentilito. A civilizing j civilizamento, civilizati- one. Ci~ars, forbici, forfici. A paire of little un paio di forbi- cette. To clip with ciz',fuvretticio,mal acquillato, mal procacciato. To come unforturMly unto, mal intraveni- • »e, mal fuccedere, mal arrivare. To come together, as cuti in Jechles, accogli¬ erli, ratracarli, riunirli. To come up, falli c, montare, afeendere. Come, venuto, giorno, arrivato. A coming , venuta, arrivo, gionta. Come agame, ritornato, rivenuto. A coming agame, ritorno, ritornare. Come downe, difeefo, calato. A coming don>«e,dilcendiineiito,calamcn- to. Come in, cm rata, in gre Ho. A coming ittjY dittare, l’ingvelTo, l’entra¬ tura. A coming out or forth, 1’ ufcirc, ufeita. To come in place, venir, venir in alcun luo- eo. Confortcd , confolato, confortato, allevia¬ ci comforter , conlolatore , confortatore, alleviatore. Comforting , confolando, confortando, alleviando. Comfortlefle, feonfo/ato, fpietato. Comfrey, confolida. Middle comfrey, confolida mezzana. Great comfrey, confolida maggiore, Comicall , comico. Comings in afhip, travi che attraverfano il vakello. To command, commandare. A command , or commandementjConimzndo, commandamento. Commanded, comniandato. -4 commander, or water pile Jledg, mazzarana A commander (be') commandantc. (jbt ) commandatrice. A command ement, as a command. The ten commandements, il decalogo. Commemorable, commemorabile, ricorde¬ vole. To commemorate, commemorare, ricorda- mente. Commendations , bafeiamani, raccommen- dationi. Highly commended, ellaltato, applaudito, magnificato. A commender (be') efialtntore, applaudi¬ tole, magnificatole, (/he ) eflalcatripc, app 1 audi t rice, in agii i fic a t rice. To comment, commentare, far commenti, glolare. A comment , or commentary , commento, commentario, glofa. *4 commentatoli, commentatene. Commented o»,comentaro, glofato. Commerce, negocio, commercio,traffico. To have commerce with, haver negotio, or commercio, or traffico con- A commination, comminatione. Comminatory, comminatorio. Commiferation, conunifcratione, compani¬ on e. A commifsary.conmùfano. A commifiion, commiffionc, ordine. Speciali commifsions ,lettere di cominiffioni patente. A eommifiion of fummons, lettere intima¬ tone, lettere di citatione. A commijsioncr , commilfario. A commtfsure, or feame in a thing, coìrmscf- fura. To commit ! , commirterc. To commict himjelfe to , commetterli To committ intrufi, affidare, accreditare, confegnare. To committ topn fon, impriggionare, cattu¬ rare, metter priggionc. To committ an offence, commetter alcun fallo, or. mancamento. Ctrmmitted, conni ledo. commixtion, commiltione. Commodious, commodo, utile. Commodioufly, commodamente. A commodity , commodità , robba utile, guadagno, aggio, profitto. Commodities, merci, robbe. Common , commune, volgare, genera¬ le. A commoner common field,orpafiure, pafeo- lo, commune. The common people, plebbc, canaglia, pc- polazzo, popolaccio, il volgo, il com¬ mune. The common pleas, Tribunale coli detto. A common-wealthy republica. A commons , palio , ordinario, pitan- ZJI. A common, or great piece of unfilled land } coinmunale. The commonalty, la comminuta, il commu- Commonly, communemente. A commotion , commotione 'tumulto,follc- Commemorated, commemorato, ricordato. A commemoration , commemorationc, rac¬ cordo. 1 vatione. To commence, comniinciare, principiare. To commune ( an old word for totalke togc- To commence,or take degree, addottorarli, I ther ) parlare, divilarc, conferire, com* farfìfar dottore, matricolarli, pigliar muniearc, decorrere, la matricola, pigliar alcun grado nello \ Communicable , communicabile. lludio. To commence fine againfi one, attaccar una lite con alcuno, litigar con alcuno. Commenced , comminciato, principiato. The commencement at Cambridge, il tempo cheli addottora, che fi piglia la ma¬ tricola, od alcun gmdo,in alcun lludio To commend, lodare, applaudire. To commend highly, efialtarc, applaudire, magnificare. To commend, or recommend him f elf e to one, raccomandarli ad alcuno. To commend, er recommend to one, racco- I Commutative , commutativo- mandare ad alcuno. ; To computi, firmare, confirmare, aliicu- > Comendablt, lodevole, laudabile. ! rare . fortificare , commettere, ferrare, ^ Commeudably, lodevolmente, laudabil- 1 (lrigne;e. „ ! To communicate, communicare. Communication , communicatione. Communicative, communicadvo. Communicants . quegli che li communi cano. | Communicated , comnumicato. The communion fa communione, il fantifii- ! mo facramento dell’ euchariltia- ! Co»?w;.'«/o«,communione. Commutation, commut.itione. cambio, Ba- I co co co C ompaB, or compaBed, firmato, confimia- to, accurato, fortificato, commeflo, fenato, ftrctto. A comparting, firmamento, confirmamcn- to> aflicuramcnto, fortificamento, co- mcttimento ferramento, flrignimcnto. ji compaBour , che firma, confirma, atficu- ra> fortifica, cornette, ferra, ltrigne. AcompaBure, firma,confirma, aflicurati- one, fortificatione,commclfura, alile u- ranza, ferratura, flrettezza. Campanie) compagnia, focietà, converfa- tione. To keep companie together ft ar in converfa- tione, tener compagnia, accompagna¬ re. A companie, numero, mano. A compunte of fouldivrs, banda, compag¬ nia di foldati, troppa, fquadra. A companion , compagno, camerata. A ihe companion, compagna. A companion in arma, compagno di mili¬ tia. „ 4 meane,or bafe competition, estivo compag¬ no, compagno vile. A companion in office, compagno d’officcio, aiutante. Al companion at table, compagno da tavola, commcnfale. Al boon companion, un buon compagno, compagnone. Accompanying, accompagnamento. To compare, confrontare, paragonare, pat- teggiare, comparare. To compare himjelfe to, paragonarli a ag¬ guagliarli a- Comparable, pareggiabile. I omparably, pareggiabilmente. Comparative, conparativo. Compared, confrontato, paragonato, pa¬ reggiato. comparato. Comparing, confrontando, paragonando.- pareggiando, comparando. C omparifon, comparatione. Beyond compari fon. impareggiabile, fer.za comparatione alcuna. Al compartment compartimento. Compartimenti in building) compartimen¬ ti. Al compare comparto, giro, circuito. , A mariners compaffe, buiiola, carta da na¬ vigare. j TQ compaffe , affettare, mifurare col com- j partorire mre, girare, ciicondare,attor- niare. To compafie ones ends, venir a fine, veniva capo d’alcun negoiio. Al paireofeomp -ffes, uncompafio. CompafsedyfXtnsto,mil'atsxo col compaf- fo, circuito,girato, circondato, attorni¬ ato. A compafing, alfettamento, mifuramen- to col compalfo,circuiniento,giramen- to circondamento; attorniamento. Compafsicn, compafiione, pietà, mifericor- dia. To take compafsion of, haver compaflone di- haver mifericordia di- Coi»/>j/}/o/Mfc,compartionevole ; mifericor- diofo. Compafsionately , conipartionevolmcnte , mifericordiofamcntc. Compatible , compatibile. Compatibility , compatibilità. A compeere. concorrente, compagno. To cowpe//, sforzare,co!lngnere,necefiì tare. Compelled sforzato collretto, neccllitato. Compelled by necefsity , sforzato per forza , collretto di neceflìtà, necertìtnto. A compeller , sforzatore , che forza, che coflrigne. A compelling , sforzamento, coftrignimen to. Compelling t sforzando, cofliigncndo. Cow/7e«fflo«j,brevejCompendiofo,iiilretto. Compendioujly, brevemente, compcndiofa- mente, riitrettamente. Compendtoujnefie, brevità, riflretto. A compendium, un riilretto, un compen¬ dio. Competence, or competency mediocrità,com¬ petenza. Competent, competente, mediocre. Competently , competentemente, medio¬ cremente. Competition, concorrenza, competitione. A competitour, concorrente, competito¬ re. To compile , compilare, radunare. Compiled , compilato, radunato- A compiling, compii amento, radunamen¬ to. A complainant , accufatore, che fi lamen¬ ta, che li duole- To compì:ine, lamentarli, accufare, doler¬ li. To complaine of. lamentarli, dolerli, di- To compì tincgrievoujly, lamentarli, doler¬ li gravemente. Complained of acculato, imputato. A complaincr, accufatore,che li duole, che li lamenta. Complaining, lamentando, dolendo. A complaint of one, accula, accufatione, querela, or lamento d’alcuno. A bill of complaint, memoriale, fupplica, richieda. Compleat, compito, perfetto, intiero. Compleatly, compitamente, perfettamen¬ te, intieramente. To complement mth, compire con alcu¬ no. A complement , compimento, cerimonia Complemented with , trattato con compi¬ menti, con cerimonie. Complexion, carnaggione,ciera, complefii- one. Complexioncd, complefl!onato,temperato, costumato. Complication, c on pi ic adone. A complice, complice, partecipe, confape- vole, compagno. The compiine, compieta. Compline-time , hora di compieta. A complot, congiura, cofpirarione. Tocnniplot. congiurare, cofpirare. Complotted, congiurato, cofpirato. Complotting, addi Bed or full ofcomplots. de¬ dito alle congiure, e cofpirationi. Comported, comportato, portato. A comportment , comportamento , porta¬ mento, contrattare. To compofe, comporre, componere. Compojed, comporto. A compofer, componitore, che compone, compolitorc. A compnfftion , compolìtione. A ( printer ) compofftour, c ompolìtor di ltampa. A compofe fior, or joyntpofiefiour, compof- fclTore. To compound, comporre. To compound a difference , compone alcuna lite ó differenza. To compound with, compore con- mifchi- are con- To compound with his creiitours. accordar¬ li coni creditori, accomodarli colla parte. Compoiìndablc, nccordevole. Compounded, comporto, milchiaro. Compounded for , or mth, comporto di- or, con- A compounding , il comporre, l’ì accordarli con- Compounding with , componendo eon- ac¬ cordandoli con- To comprehend, comprendere, capire. Comprehended, comprcfo, capito. A comprehenfìon. comprendone, compre¬ rà. To comprife. as to comprehend. Compri fed. as comprehended. A compromife, compronieffb. To compromife, or put into compromife. com¬ promettere, metter in compromeflo. Compromifed. compromelfo. He to whom acontroverfy is compr omit ted, com prome (farlo, arbitro. To compt. fee to count. A comptroller.fee « controller. Cotnpulfìon. compullìone , sforzo, com. pul fa. Cow/»«»^o«.compuntione,rimordiniento. A compurgatour, compii rgatore. A computation, computatane , calcolo , computa. A computiftj or computer, computifta, ab¬ bachila. To concatenate, concatenare. Concatenated, concatenato. A concatenation, concatenatione. Concave, concavo, converto, vacuo, vuo¬ to. Made concave, fatto concavo, concavato, fcavaco. A concavity, concavità. To corneale, celare, tacere, nafeondere, te¬ ner fccreto, liar zitto, ofeurare. Concealed, celato, taciuto, naie olio, tenu¬ to fecreto, ofeurato. A concealement, celamento, fecreto, naf- condimento, ofeuramento, lilentio. A concealer ( he ) cclatore, lègrctario, nafeonditore, (fhe) celatrice, fegre taria, nafconditrice. A concealing, as a concealment. A conceit, concetto, penderò, capric¬ cio, ghiribizzo, fcherzo geniale. Prttty conceits, concetti leggiadri. A fanta fi call conceit, concetto capricci- ufo. A rrittìe conceit, concetto ingegnofo. Tull of pleafant conceits, conce ttofo,pieno di concetti guftod. To bring one out of conceit with , difanima- re difeorraggiare, difgultare, alienare, fvogliare. Out of conceits with a matter, difgullato d’alcuna cofa,fvogliato d’ alcuna cofa. Apleafant conceit , concetto piacevole. Conceited, capricciosa, bifbettico. To be well conceited ofhimfelfe, haver gran perfualiva di fc fteflo, prefumer di fc lteflo. To conceive , concepire, capire,apprendere, intendere rertar capace d’alcuna cofa. To conceive ( a child or young ) concepi¬ re, divenir gravida 6 pregna. Conceived, concetto, conceputo. A confimi, concento, armonia. A conceptacle, concettaecolo. A conception or conceiving, concettione, apprendone. To concerne, concemere, toccare, attenere Jt concerneth me, mi tocca, m’ appartie¬ ne. Concerning, toccando, appartenendo. Concije, concifo, brieve. A conclave, conclave, condaudio. To conclude, conchiudere, finire, far fine. Concluded , conchiufo. finito. Aconclufion, conchiudone,fine. To concoB. concùocere, digerire, finaltire. ConcoBed , concotto, digerito, fmaltito. ConcoBion,contornane, digellione, fmal- timento. Concomitancie.concomìtsnza. Concord, concordia, unìone.accordo, con¬ cordanza. e z To co concord t w agree together, concordare; accordare. A concorde in mufick. concerto, concento; accordo. Concordane e,or concordancie. concordanza, concordanza, accordo. Concordant, concordante, accordante. Concrete, concreto, adiettivo. A conciò ine. concubina. Concubinage, concubinato. A loncttbines baflard. figlio concubina rio, figlio naturale. To conculcate . conculcare, calpeftare. Aconculcatimi. concultatione, calpcfta- mento. Concupifience. concupifcenza. To concime, concorrere, accordarli infic- me. Concurred in. accordato. .A concurrence, concorrenza, competen¬ za. .A concurrent, concorrente, competitore. Concurrent ,or concurring , concorrendo. Cerne ufi on, concuffione. competenza. To condanne , condannare , condennare, dannare. Condemnation , condannatione, condanna Condemnatory, or condemning , condanna- ■ torio. Condemned, condannato, dannato. Condenje, condenfare, render fpeifo. To condcnfi, condenfare, render fpefi- [ fo. To conde fiend , condifeendere. Condefcended, condifcefo. { Condirne, condegno, j Condignelj. condegnamente. - A condition , conditione. An ( in-bread ) condition , natura, natura¬ le. Conditionary , conditionario. Condi fiottali, condi rionale. C onditionally, conditional mente. To condition with , contrattare, pattui¬ re. Ill conditioned, mal conditionato, di cati- vo naturale. Conditions , coflumi. To condole, condolere, compatire. To (onduli, condurre, menare, guida¬ re. Conduli, condotta. Condulled , condotto, menato, guida¬ to. uA conduUing] il condone ; il menare, il guidare. A conductor ( he ) condottole che me¬ na. She, condottrice. A conduit , acquidoso, condotto. A conduit ftpe, canale. The conduit of a water-mill , canale di moli¬ no a acqua. .Icone, cavo {tomento informa di pi¬ ramide tonda. To con fell ( or prejerve) confettare. Conferei , confettato. fit to be confeHed , confettarle, che fi pub confettare. A confeUitig, il confettare. A confeltion , confetto, confettione, con¬ fettura. A confellioner, confettato, confettalo. A confederacy , legua, confederatione,pat- to, accordo, collegua. Confederated, collegato,confederato di pat¬ to, d’ accordo. To confederate , collegare, confederare, pattuire, accordare. A confederation , confederatione, leg¬ na. To conferre, conferire. To confere together, conferire inlieme, con¬ fili tare. c o To conferre with by word of mouth, abboc¬ carli inlieme. To conf erre,or compare, paragonare, pareg¬ giare. To c onferre upon one a favour, far gratia ad alcuno, far prefente ad alcuno, favorire or, regalar alcuno. A conference, conferenza, abboccamen¬ to. P leafant conference, difeorfi famiglia¬ lo confefse, conferiate. Confessed, confelfato. A confefsion. conlelfione. Auricular confefiion, confefiìonc aurico¬ lare. To go to conf e fi on, andar a confeflarfi, an¬ dar alla confeffione A conf efsionanc, confelfionario. A con fe four , confe flore. Confidence, confidenza, fede, a file u ron¬ za. To have or put confidence in. confidarli in- fidarfi di afiicurarfi di- To put fmall confidence in , diffidarli di- Having confidente in, confidandoli in, fi¬ dandoli di- Confident, confidente, afficurato. Confidently, confidentemente, afficurata- mente. To a firme confidently, accertare, affirmare, afficuratamente. To cotfirme, or bind one to a certame place, confinare, bandire. Conf ned, confinato, bandito. Confining , or butting and bounding , upon a place, confinante. Confines, confini. A confirmation, confirmatione. To confirme, confirmare. Confirmed, confirmato. A confirmer, confirmatore. A confirming, confirmamento. To confi fiate, confifcare. Confiscated, confifcato. A thing confi fiate!, cofa confifcata. A confi] cation, confifcatione. A c ottfiag ration, confi agratione,abbui ggia - mento. A confali, conflitto, fcaramuccia,contral¬ to. A violent conflict, conflitto gagliardo, zi*f- la gagliarda. To conforme, conformare. Confirmable, conformabile. Conformably, conformabilmente. Confirmed, conformato. A confirmer, conformatore A conforming, conformamento. Conformity, conformità. To confound, confondere. To confound together, confondere fottofo- pra, imbrogliare. Confounded , confulo, imbrogliato. To confront, confrontare. Confronted, confrontato. Confronting , confrontando Confuted , confido, imbrogliato. Confufidly, confufamente. A confutation, confutatone, rifutatio- ne. To confute, confutare. Confuted, confufo, rifiutato. A conger (fifh ) congaro, Tocongeale. congelare, quagliare, coagu¬ lare. Congealed, congelato, quagliato, coagula¬ to. A congealing, congelamento, quaglia¬ mene, coagulamento. A congelation fi congelatone, eoa gulat io¬ ne. Tó conglutinate, conglutinare, collare. c o Conglutinated, conglutinato, collato. A conglutination, conglutinatone, colla¬ mento. To congratulate, congratulate. Congratulated, congratulato, A congratulation, congratulatone. To congregate, congregare. Congregated, congregato. A congregation , congregatone. congruità. A coni e, coniglio. A doe conic , coniglia. An old female come, coniglia vecchia. A coni-gree or conte warren , conigliera, ga rena. A conie-hole or burrow , buca di coni- glio. To conjellure, congietturare, divina¬ te. A conjellure, congiettura. ConjeHurall, congietturale. Con jellur ally , con gierturalmente. CottjeHured, congietturato. To conjoyne, congiognere,unire. Conjoyned, con giorno, unito. Conjoyning, congiugnendo. Conjugall , tongiugale , matrimonia- A conjugation, coniugatone, A conjimUiottì congiontione. Conjunllive, congiontiY®. A conjuncture , congiontura. A conjuration, congiurationc, congiura. Conjurations, congiuratoti!, congiure. To conjure, termini di congiura. Conjured , congiurato. A con/wrer, negromante. A book of conjuring , libro da congiu¬ rare ideinomi. Conjuring, congiurando. Connaturali, connaturale. To cor.ne, imparar a mente. Conned, imparato a mente. A connexion, conn e filone. Acume , fieaconie. To connie-catch, ingannare, truffare. A connie-catcher, ingannatore, truffatore, furbo. A contue-catching, ingannamento, truffa- mento, furba. To connive, diffimularc, tolerare. Connived <*/,diffimulato, compatito,tolc- rato. A connivence, connivenza, difiimulatione toleranza. To conquer, conquifiarc, fuperare, avvan- zare. i Conquerable , fuperabile, che fi pub av- vanzare. Conquered, { upcrato, conquiftato, avvan- zato. A conquerour, conquiftatore, dominato¬ re. A conquefl, conquido, dominio, vitto¬ ria. Confanguinity , confanguinitàj parente¬ la. The confiti enee, confcienza. A very large confidence , confcienza larga. To make confidence of, fare confcienza , farne cafo. Bardite fie ,nr fiarednefie of confidence, callo di confcienza. To burden his confidence, caricar la confci¬ enza. Confcicntious , confcientiofo. A confcionable man, of a good confidence, or full of confidence, huomo honoiato,huo- mo di confcientia. C onfcion ably,or with a good confidence, con- fcientievolmente, honoratamente. To Toconfiacrate, confacrare. Confec rated, confacrato. Conjee ration, confacratione. The confecration of a prelate , la confec l'ad¬ one d’ un prelato. Confiecutive, conlecutivo. To confent, acconfentire, confentire. ^4 confetti , confeijtimcnto, confenfo. Conjented, acconfentito, confentito. jL confenter , confentitore, che confente, ^4 con fen ling to, at confented. Con fen ting with, confentiente. ^ confequence, confequenza, fequela. Of great conference, di gran confequen¬ za. Confequent , confequcnte. Confequently, conlequentemente. To conferve , confervare. ^ conferve, conferva. Conferii ation,c onfervatione. A confiervatour (he) confervator e,(fhe) A conftitntor confervatrice. re. Conferved, confervato. i Containable, confternabile , ccfternabi- To confider, confiderare. i le. To confider deeply, meditare; confiderare To con fraine, ronfrrignere, coftngnerc. altamente. I To contraine by necefity, coltrigliele p< Confiderable, to be confider d of, confiderà- | forzarci necefiità. bile, riguardevole. Conftrained, conftretto, sforzato, coltret- Confiderati on > confideratione , riguar- 1 to. do. A conftrainer, conflriguitore, sforzatore, sA deep confideration, meditatione,profon- A conftraining, coftngnimento, siorza- da confideratione. * mento, i-npulfo, sforza. Confiderai,or one that doth things with confi - onfiratnt , idem. deration, confide rato, chela cofe con By conflraint, or confirainedly, per forza, a diifegno e giuditio. forza Confidered of, conliderato, awifato, ftu- To confirm, interpretare, di chiarate, chi- diato. I arire, fpiegar Confiderately, with good confideration, confi- ; Conftrued, interpretato, dichiarato, chia- A conjlellation , conllellatione, coltellatio- ne. To confer, jec to con fir ue. Confirmation, conlternatione, collernatio- ne. Confiipated , conltipato, coftipato. To confiture, conftituire, collimile. Confirmed, conilituito, coftituito. A confiitution, coflitutione, conftitutione, compleflione. The confiitution of the body, compleflione di corpo. C onfiituting, coftituendo. Conftiiutive, coftitutivo. confinatole , cofiituto- deratamente,avvifatamente, avveduta¬ mente. Confidering, confiderando, vedendo. Confignation, confignatione. A tonfiignature, coniignatura. To configne , confignare. Configned, confi gnato. To con fi ft, confiftcre. It confifteth, confifte, batte. A tonfiftence, confiftenza. Confifting, confifiendo, battendo, confif- tente. A tonfiftory, conciftorio. To cenfure in a tonfiftory, couciftoriarc, dare cenfura conciftoriale. Cenfiredina tonfiftory, dannato dal con¬ ci fiorio. To confolate, confidare. Confiolition, confola tione. A confolator, confidatole, confortato- re. To confolidate, confolidare, affirmare. Confolidated, confolidato , affirmato. A confolidation , confolidationc, affiirnia- tione. Confinante, confonanza. Confonant, confonante, accordante. A confionant, confonante, confona. To confort with, accompagnarli con,aflcc- eiarfi con- A confort of mufick, concerto di unifi¬ ca. Confort s , conforti. Confined with, accompagnato. C on found ( herbe ) confolida. Middle confound , confolida mezzana. KJugt confound, confolida reale. Com fry confound la confolida, maggiore. Confipicuous, cofpicuo. A tonfpiracie, cofpiratione, congiura. A tonfpiratour, cofpiratore*, congiurato- To confpire, confpirare, congiurare. Confpìred, cofpirato, congiurato. A conftable , conneftabile. rito, {piegato in volgare. A conftru ftipn, cofimtuone. interpretati- one, chiarimento, lpiegatione. Confiti fanti- ll,c onlufianti :1c. Confubftantiality, confofiantialità A confiti, confule,. A tonfuljhip, confidato. To con full, confultare. A confutation , confultatione. Confulted, confultato. A confi niter, confi'fiat ore, configliele. To confiume, confitti ipre, guaftare. Confirmed, confumato, guafiato. A confumer, consumatore, guaftatore. A conjuming, confumnmento , guafta- mento. To confummate, confommare, finire, ridur a fine. Confimmated, confommato, finito, ridotto a fine. A confiummation ^ confommatione,fine, ri- di’cimento a fine. A confumption, confontione. A confumption of the body, confontione del corpo, atrofia, marafmo. In a confumption, tifico, atrofato. The confirmption of the lings, tifico. A contagion, contaggio, pelte, contaggio- ne, infettione. Contagious, contaggiofo, pelli lentialejn- fettofo. To containe, contenere, capire. Contained, contenuto, capito. A containing, il contenuto, quanto può capire. To contemne, fprezzare,difprcggiare, avvi¬ lire, fdegnare. Comemnedfi prezzato, difpreggiato, avvi¬ lito, sdegnato. A contemner, fprezzatore,difpreggiatore, awilitore, che sdegna. A contemning , fprezzamento, difpreg- giamento , avvilimento , sdegnamen- A contender, contenditore, competitore, che contraila. A contending, contendimento, contrailo, oppofitionc. Content, contento, aggio. Full content, piena contentezza. To coment, contentare, fodisfare. To give coment to, dar contento, dar fodis- lattione, compiacere. The contents, il contenuto. Contemation, contentionc, contcfa. Contented, contento, contentato, aggia- Contenimern, contentamento, fodisfatti- one. Contention, contentione, contcfa. Contentious, contentiofo, litigante, liti- giofo. A contentious perfion, perfona contentiofa, litigiofa. Comer.ttonjly, contentiofamente, litigìofa- mente. To conteft, contellare, compettere. Tocomeftwith, contrallare con- affronta¬ re. A comeftation, contellatione, contrailo. Comeftcd, contcilato, contrallato, op- pollo. Comefted with, affrontato, contrallato. A context contefto. Commende, continenza. Continent, continente. The continent, or mainland, il continen¬ te, terra ferma. Continuali, continuo. Continually , continuamente. To continue, continuare, durare. Continued, continuato, durato. A continuane e,or continuation , continuatio- ne, durata. Of little continuance, di poca durata. A contarfion, contorfione. A contrail, contratto,patto,accordo, con- ventione. To contrail, contrattare, pattuire. Contraiied, or efpoufied, contrattato, pat¬ tuito, accordato, fidanzato. Comrailing, contrattando, accordan¬ do. A comrailing together, il contrattar infic¬ ine,il pattuire inficine. Contrailion, contrattione. To contradiil, contradire, opporre. Ccmradiiied, contradetto, oppofto. Comradilling, contradieendo , opponen- do. A comradiihon, contraditione, oppofitio- [I, Controlled, fopraftato, governatoj rifor¬ mato. „ 4 controller, fopraftante, governatore, ri¬ formatore. 'Che controller } or flew rd ofafamily,magg\- or domo, economo, fopraftante di pa¬ lazzo. A controllement , economia, fuperiorità, governo. The controller [hip of a family, economia, il governo d’una famiglia. Controverse, comroverlia. Controverted or in controverfy,contcoveni- to, controveifo. Contumacie contumacia. Contum ■.ciotti] contumace. Contumelie, contumelia Contumelious] contumeliofo. Contumelioully, contiimeliofamente. A contufìon , concuhone , maccatu- ro conveigh, portare, apportare, mandare, inviare, indrizzare, far capira’-e. Co conveigh array, portar via. nafeondere, fottrarre. A conveighance , porto, portamento, naf- coitdiii, onto. Conveirhed , portato, nafeofto. Convtìghed array , portato via, nafeofto 4 convenience, convenienza, commodità, aggio. Convenient, conveniente, commodo, fpe- diente, agevole. Conveniently, convenientemente, conmio- danlente, agevolmente, convenevol¬ mente. A conventicle, conventicolo. To convent before a judge, citare inanz i ad un giudice. Converged, citato. Converfation, convcrfatione, compagnia, prattica. Ili converfation , cativa prattica, mala prattica. To converfe, eonverfare, tener compagn¬ ia. To converfe together , converfar inte¬ rne. [ Eaftetobeconverfed with, eonverfevole, di buona converfatione. A converfìon, converfione. A convert, convertito. To convert, convertire. Converted, convcrtito. ■A converti»g, i\ convertire. A convertite, as a convert. To convey, fee to conveigh. Toconvtft, convincere. ConviCled, convinto . Conviction, convinrione To convince, as to convict. Convinced. , toflìre. The chine cough, toffe di fchiena. The cough of the lungs ì torte pcJmonatica, tifica, torte da volpe. -4 cougher, tofsitore, che tofsifce. Coughing , toifendo. -A covie of partridges , covata, cova di per¬ daci. Could, as cold. J could, io potrei. -4 friers caule, or cowle 3 capuccio- ne. ^ 4 coulif, un confumato, pollo pefto. The coulter of a plow, c'ohre d’ ata- tro. jl councill, configlio ^4 generali cornicili, confilio generale. Counfaile or counfell, configlio. To counfell, or give conn fell to, configliare, dar configlio, avvifare. To give ill counfell , configliar male, dar cativo configlio. To afke counféll, di mandar configlio, con- fultare, configliarfi con alcuno. To keep eounfell, celare, tener fecre- to, tacere. The kings privy eounfell, configlio privato del Rè, configlio di fiato. Counfelled, configliato, perfuafo. ili counfelled, mal configliato. -4 co linfe Hour , configlielo , configlie- re. ^4 privy counfellour, configlier privato del Rè, configlier leggio, del privato con- figlio. Jl counfellour at law, avvocato, iurifocri- fulto. Countable , contabile, che deve pagare; I . . J. counter ( or table to count on ) conto- A counter ( or box to put ca'h in ) cafla di mercanti. Counter, in hunting, contra piede. The counter of ajhip , culata d’ unvafcel- lo. Counters, to caft up accounts with, fiorini da contare, gettoni. A feti of counters, un tal numero di fiori¬ ni da contare. Counters , gettoni, fiorini da contare. The counter , apri fon, carcere per il ci¬ vile. A counter-acquittance , contraquietan- A counterfeting of devotion and holinefe, hipocriiia. A counter-nuund , contramandato,contra- bando. To counter-maund, contramandare. To counter maunda fummons, citare, ligni¬ ficar per via di citatione, intima- Counter-maunded, citato, intimato. A counter-tnarke, contra fegno. To counter-wine, contraminatc. Counter-mined , contraminato. A counter-mine, contramina. The counter-pane of a fcedule, contracedola, contrapegno. A counter-pawne, idem. Counterpoint , contraponto. A counter-point-maker, che là contra pon- A counter-point-makers fhop , contrapon- teria. Counter-poife, conti apefo. To counter-poife, as to counter ballance. A counter poi fon, contraveleno. Counter potencie,in blazon, contra potcntia, nelle divife d’arme, motto. A counter-Jcarpe, contrafcarpa, contramu¬ ro. A counter fecurity , contrapegno. To give a counter- ficurity or counter-bond io a furity, contralììcurarc, dar ortag¬ gi- The count er-tenour part in mufiek, contra- tenore. To counter-vatle , equivalere Counter-vailing, equivalendo, equivalen- To courfe (a hare) cacciar un lepre, darla caccia ad una lepre. j To courje up and dorvnc on horfe back, feor- i rere qua e là a cavallo. i To follow the courfe of the time, andar à fe¬ conda de’ tempi, temporeggiare, acco¬ modarli a* tempi. By courfe , per ordine, a vicenda, per volta. yl courfe of water , or water-courfe , Jce water. ' Courfe ( not fine ) grò fio, cafarcccio, graf¬ fo! uno. A coitrfer (hunting nag ) cavallo corfiere, corritele, cavallo da caccia. A courfir, corfiero, corfiere. ^4 horfe-courfer, cozzone, fenfale. The courfier, la corfia della galera. ^4 court of law, or jufli ce, corte digiufiitia, tribunale. A court leet or baron, corte feudale, de’ feudi. The chiefejl courts from whence there is no appeale , corte feudale, corte fopra- A counter-affirmation , or counter-avouch- ment, contraferma , contra obligado- Counter-affirmed, or counter-avouched, con¬ tra fermato. A counter-antidote, contra antidoto. To counter-ballance, contra pelare , contra bilanciare. A counter-ballance , contra pcfo, contra bilancia. Counter-ballanced, contra- pelato, contra¬ bilanciato. A counter-barrc, or long barre for jhop-win- dowes and double-leaved doores, Itanga, contra barra . Counter-barred, orjhutt to, fiangato, con¬ tra sbarrato. A counter-bond, conterà firmatio- ne. To counter-charge, or inter-charge each other, contra commandarfi, 1’ un l’al¬ tro. A counter chcc k, contra ribuffa. A counter-cypher, contra cifra. Counterfeit, contra fatto, pollicelo. A counterfeit jew ell, pietra falfa, gabba villani. To counterfeit, contrafare, fingere, difiì- mulare. To counterfeit devotion, or hoiineffe, far del hipocritone.far del fantonc.or, del bac¬ chettone. Counterfeitgoodnefie, hipocriiia. To make counterfeit money , falfarlamone- ta, adulterar la moneta. A counterfi:t, un hipocrita. Counterfeited , contrafatto , fallificato , adulterato, fatturato, conciato, abbafi- tardito. A counterfeiter of money, falfario, mone¬ tario. A counterfeiter of devotion and reli¬ gion , hipocrita, lantone, bacchetto¬ ne. A counterfeiting of money, falfamento dj moneta , adulteramento di mone- -4 countefie, contefla. A countie , contado. Counting or reckoning , contando, calcolan¬ do, computando. A counting, conto, computo. A counting-houfi , contorio da mercan¬ ti. A countrie, paefe, campagna. Olir contrie , noftro paele, la patria. The countrie, la compagna. A father, or protedour, of the countrie, pa- triotto. A countrie-man, contadino,paefano, miti¬ co, villano. My countrie-men, miei paefani, patri- otti. A couple , un paro, un paio, una cop¬ pia. To couple, appaiare, accoppiare. A couple for dogs, or pair e of dog-couples, guinzagli, lafli. Coupled , appaiato, accoppiato. A coupling, appaimento, accoppiamen¬ to. Courage , coraggio , animo, animofità, fpirito, gagliardia,valore. Lacking courage, che non hà coraggio, che non hà animo. Lack of courage, pulilanimità.dapoccaggi- nc, vita codarda. Couragious , coraggiofo, animofo, fpiritofo valente, bravo, prode, gagliar¬ do. C«rug/o«y/>,coragiofamente,animofamen- te, fpiritofamcnte, valentemente, bra¬ vamente, gagliardamente. Curagioufnefie, animofità, as courage. A courfe, corfo, corfa, carriera. A courje, or way, mezzo, partito. A courje of life, modo di vivere, partito di campare. A’good courfe, buon partito, piega, bucn ripiego, buon mezzo. A courje of meat portata, fervido. The laft courfe ( or fenice ) at table, i frutti, le frutta. In the hearing of the whole court, in piena corte, in publico. ; B)' the confini,opinion,or fintenceoflhe court, I da parte della corte, da parte del tri— ' bunale. The court of a prince , corte eli princi¬ pe. To keep open court, tener corte bandi¬ ta. Of the court, belonging to the court, attenen¬ te alla corte, corteggiano, nifi, cu¬ riale. Court holy water, acqua bene detta della corte, anglecijme. A court-baron, barone capitale, prima¬ rio. To court or wooe, corteggiare, amoreggia¬ re, far-1’amore, follecitare. A lady, or gentle-woman of the court,[ igno¬ ra, or dama della corte. A court or yard, cortile. A court roll, regilho curiale. Courted, corteggiato, amoreggiato,fol- , j lecitato. To coline wenches, amoreggiarc.civet- ! tare, far il zerbino intorno alle fe- | mine. A courtier, corteggiano. A little young, or pauliry courtier , cortiggi- annuccio. An effeminate perfumed courtier , zer¬ binotto, un cacazibetto, un civetti¬ no. Courteous, cortefe, affabile,civile,gratiofo benigno, benevolo, gentile, humano, manlucto, ufficciofo, candido. Couneoujly, cortefamente, affabilmente, civilmente, gratiofamente, benig¬ namente , benevolmente, gentilmen¬ te , humanamente, manfuctan.ente, ufficciofamente, candidamente. A counefvt.fie a t«r/f^a»,corteggiana,me- ritricc, donna di partito. Courtrfie, coltella, grada, civiltà, affabili¬ tà, candore, benignità, benevolenza, gentilezza, humanità, manfuétudi- nc. Courtfhip, cortegiania , il corteggia¬ re. Coufinage,fie coverage. A confiti, cugino. A coufin germ in, fratei cugino, cugino, germano. To claymefor coufin, chiamar cugino. A cow, vacca. A little cow, vacchetta, vaccuccia. A young cow, vacca gievene. A cow with calfijX acca pregna,vaff3 piena A CR. A milch con»,vacca da latte. A coiv with a calfc running after her, la vac¬ ca col fuo vitello adietro. A barren com, vacca Iterile. A cow that de ftres the bull) vacca in amore, vacca che và al toro. A corv-heard, or cow-keeper , vaccaro, bo- varo. A coiv-houfe , Italia ómandra di vacche. Cow-wheat, fromcnto vaccino, herba. Cow-turd,or corp-ifi(»g 3 bovina,fterco di bo¬ ve ó vacca. A coward, codardo, poltrone, vigliacco, da poco, coniglio, molle- To play the coward , far il vigliacco, far il vile, il codardo il dapoco. To make a coward, avvilire, render poltro¬ ne. Cowardly, codardamente, vilmente, pauro- famente, timidamente. v Cowardife , or cowardlinefle, codardia,viltà, poltroneria, dapoccaginc, paura, timo¬ re, mollitie. • A cow-cumber , citriuolo. j A bed of cow-cuftlters, letto di feittriuoli, { compartimento di citriuoli. I A monkes cowle } capuccione. The back-point, orflap,ofa friers comicizza ; or,ponta del capuccione. | To cowc-downe aggroppirii, ranmcchiar- ! fi, appitatarfi. ! The cowjlip, herba di paralifia. \ Cowflips, herba cuculo. } Aioxcomhe, un gaglioffo, coglione, matto fcioperato,fanfalucco,badalucco,fpen- fierato, balordo. A proud coxcombe , unfuperbo , imperti¬ nente, un glioriofo, zerbino. A coxe, as a coxecombe. To be coy, far la fchifofa. far la gentile, far la vezzofa, la fdegnofa. Coy, fchifo, gentile,vezzofo, ritirato,fdeg nolo. A coy dame, una fchifofa, vezzofetta. Coyly, fchifofamente, v c zzofamcntc,fdeg- nofamente. Coy ne fé, fchifezza, fdegno, ritiratezza. Coy fé, fee coif e. Coy ne, fee come. A coyt e , fee a quoite. Toco^en, ingannare, defraudare, arrivare alcuno, giugner alcuno. Toco-^en before ones face , voltarle carte in faccia ad alcuno,farla in fugli occhi. A cozenage , inganno, fraude, gionta, truffa. Cozened, ingannato, defraudato, arrivato, gionto. A cozener , ingannatore, defraudatore, truffatore, giontatore. A cozener to ones face, che inganna in fu- gl’occhi fproprii. j A cozening, ingannamentc., trulfamento, defraudamento. A cozening trick, tirod’ inganno, truffa, Tuonata,burla, tratto. A crab, mela falvatica. A crab-tree , pomo felvatico. The ( greatefikindof ) crab-fijh, granchio, grò fi o. A crab-ffh, granchio. The crab-ftjb called a Vttrtgas , granciuo- lo. A crab-loufe, piattola. Cttd>£crfifaftidiofo,bisbcttico A crabbed perfon , perfona failidiofa, per- fona bisbcttica. Crabbedly , faitidiofamente , bifbcttica- mente. Crabbednefle, faftìdio, protervia. A fwrk ( or noife ) fchioppo,flrcpito,cròc- chio, fluido, feoppio. To crack, fchioppare, ftrepitare, crocchia¬ re, ftriderc,fcoppiare. CR. To crack a nut , acciaccar una no¬ ce. To crack often , fchioppar fpeffo. A crack (or flaw) crepatura, fpaccatu- ra. To crack , crepare, fenderli, fpartir- Tocrack, or boafl, gloriarli, vantarli, ’mil lantarlì. A cracker (ofgunpowder ) raza, raggio, A nut-cracker, un’ acciaccnnoci. C racking , fchioppando, lfridcndo, ftrepi- tando, crocchiando. A cracking in pieces , fpezzamen- . to.. A cracking , crepamento , fchioppa- mento, ftridimento , crocchjamcn- to v ' ■ Cracking often , crocchiando fpeffo, ftri- dendo, Scoppiando fpeffo. An often cracking , un feoppiar, or, fchioppar fpeffo, un crocchiar, or ft ri¬ der fpclfo. To crackle, bruftolare, crocciare, ftrillare, grandinare. Craded, bmftolato. Acracklingnoife, bruftolamento. ftrilla- mcnto. A cracknell, ciambella, bozzolaio, ca- rotto. Crackt , crcpato, fpezzato. A cradcl, culla, cuna. A craft ( or trade ) arte, meftiero, mef- tiere. A crafts-ma», atteggiano, artefice, arti f- ta. * Craft, arte,’alluda, ingegno, rigiro, tiro, tratto. Craft ìe, aftuto, ingegnofo, pien di ri giri. . Craftily,. acutamente, artificiatamente, con tratti e rigiri. Craft ineffe . aftutia , artifìcio , ar¬ te. A crag, rocca, coffa, (of a rock) pietrofo che hà della rocca. C rdggie, pietrofo, ripido. A craie-fìfh , gambero , granchio. Tocramme, riempire, ingraffar, impala¬ re. Crammed, riempito, riempilito,ingraffato impaftato, imboccato. The round pellet wherewith capons are cram¬ med, ^allotta da ingraffar caponi,da im¬ boccar caponi. A cramming , riempimento, ingiallameli to , impalamento , imboccamen- to. The cramp, granfio,granchio,fpafimo,got¬ ta. Troubled with the cramp , che patit e e del granfio, granchio, fpafimo 6 got- ta, Cramp-brcedingflpcxCimofo. A cramp in the mouth , convulfione cani¬ na. Full of the cramp , granfiofo, gottofo, fpa- fimofo. A cramp-ffl), Torpillo, Torpino. Cramped , granfiato, che hà granfio fpafimo. A cramp-iron ; a hook or cramp of iron , arpione, roncone, rampone. To joyne , or faflen together with cramp- irons , attaccar, or afferrar con arpio¬ ni. Ioyned , and ftflened, with cramp-irons , at¬ taccato, or, afferrato con arpioni. A little cramp-tron, arpioncello,rampon- cello, ramponctto. Cranage, datio, or, iuffe cheli paga pei 1’ altalena. _ CR A crane , gruc. 1 1 he crane ( or inflrument to lift up heavy things) altalena. The barrel l,or axle-tree,of a crane , trave dell’ altalena. A craines-bill ( or inflrument wherewith fur - geones pull out bullets ) becco di grue. Of a crane, made for the crane, a guifa d’ altalena, che è fatto per V altale¬ na. r Cranes-bill (herbe') becco di grue, her¬ ba. ° To c rankle or creake like a crane , cro- c bare, crocchiare come ]a grue A young crane , gruetta, grue giove- ne. ° Aerarne, cocca, feffura,fe(fo. Tobe cranke, fiat fulle baie, falle burle. Harm fetta. Crank, allegro, burlevole,fettofo. The crank of a well, fee winch. Crankhngs ( or wriggled flourifhin? ) in carving, fioretti , capricci , gaìantc- To cra[b,or dal, in pieces , sfracaffare, fpez- zare. Crajhed, sfracatfato, fpezzato. Acrajhng, sfracaffamento, fpezzamen- ro. Crafhing, sfracafTando, fpezzando. C rafie, inaturo,ammalaticcio,malfano,in- difpoito, ammalato. To make crafie, render malfano, indifpof- , Cn/yf»ey7e,indifpofitione,malatia. A cratch , greppia. Cratches ( in horfes legges ) rappa. To crave, dimandare, chiedere, fupplicare, mendicare, cattare. Acraver, dimandante, che chiede, che fupplica, che mendica, che cat¬ ta. Craving, dimandando, chiedendo, fup- plicando, mendicando, cattando. A craven , codardo. To craule, fee to crawle. The craw (of a bird) gozzo ó canna d’ uccello. The craw-bone, forcella. To crawle, andar carpone,arrampare, ram¬ ificare, inarpicare. Crawled, che fia andato carpone,che hab- bia arrampato. A crawle, che và carpone che và arram¬ picando. Crawling, andando carpone, arrampican¬ do. A crawling up, arrarrrpicamento,inarpica- mento. The cray (in hawkes ) mal di creta. A cray-frfh, gambero, granchio. Tocra^e, divenir maturo, divenir maia¬ lano, venir meno di cervello. Craved, divenuto maturo, or malfano, ( diflracled ) divenuto meno di cervel¬ lo, forfennato. Cradle, fee crafìe. Cralienefle,Jee cra/Pneffe. \ Do crMA-,cigolare,ftrepÌtar,crocchiarè,fl:ri- dere. To creak (as a /booe ) cigolare. A creaking , cigolamento, ftrepito. croc- chiamento, ìtridimento. Creaking, cigolando, crocciando, ftriden- do. Crearne, crema capo di latte, fior dì latte. Creamed, ose lia levato il fiore di latte,or la crema. To create, creare. Created, creato. f , A CR C R C R A creation} crearione. Acreatota , creatore. A créature, creatura. A living cvcaui re,animale. Credence, ciedenza, credito, fede. Letters of credence, lettere di credenza. Credible, credibile. Credibly, credibilmente. Credit, credi to, riputatione ,fede, creden¬ za, honore. Credit given, fede data, credito dato, cre¬ denza. To credit , or give credit to. dar fede, or cre¬ dito ad alcuno,crcderc ad alcuno. To put into credit , accreditare. Put into credit} accreditato. To touch in credit, notare. To grow in cr edit by a thing} darli a credere, perfuaderfi. Touched in credit, notato. Topatvnc his credit on. affidare, afficurarc, allcgnarc, confirmare. That hath pawn'd his credit} che hà affida¬ to, afiìcurato, allignato, confirma- I to. !. 4 man out of cmh'/Jiuomo lenza credito, fenza riputationc. \ Not to be credi ed. da non fidarli, da non | gli haver credito,or fede. j. 4 credi tour, creditore. A creditrix} creditrice. Credulous , credulo. Credulity, credulità. The C' ced.ìl C edo,il fimbolo degli Apof- toli. A creek of the fex. cala, calata di ma¬ re. To creep clofe to the ground, or on the ground. ltrilciare,lerpeggiare. To creep up. ranrpicare^tr to crawler. To creep along, ftrifeiare. A creeper up, rampicatore, as a crawle. Creepers ( andirons ) capifuochi. A creeping on the ground,Ihikiamentofcr- peggiamento. ..A falje creeping in, furettione. - 4 creeping up, rampicamento, pie corvino dop¬ pio. To make the crowes of cafke, far le caprug- gini di botte. .The crowes, .or croes of a cafke, capruggi- ni. A crow or iron, leva, folleva. To crowch, lee to crouch. To crowd, fee to croud. A crown, corona. A crown of flowers, or garland, ghirlan¬ da. The erowne of the head, cima della tefta, or capo. Aprieftsfhavett erowne, corona chiericale, tonfura. The imperiali erowne ( flower: ) corona imperiale. Crowne-likc of or belonging to a erowne, coronale, che attiene alla coro¬ na. A erowne of money, feudo d’oro, or, d’ argento. Crowned, coronato. A crowner.fee coroner. A crowning, coronamento, incoronatio- ne. To crucifie, crocifiggere, crociare. Crucified > corcififfo, crociato. A crucifix, crocifilfo. A crucifyng, ffretta, crocifigimento. Crude, crudo. Cruditie, crudità,crudezza. A bafe ente, cricca , brigata vile. A crue of rogues, and rafe alls , and fcoundrells cu cu cricca di forfanti,mariuoli, una man di furbi, canaglia. Cruell , crudele. Cruelly, crudelmente. Moft cruelly , crudelifllmamente. Vfedcruelly, trattato crudelmente, accon¬ ciato crudelmente. Cruelly bent againfl, accarnato, accamito incontra alcuno. Crueltie , crudeltà. A cruet, boccale, fiala, vetro. Crumbleable, or crummeable , che li può sfregolare, ó fininuzzare. To crumble into pieces, sfrcgohre ó fminuza Crumbled, s /regolato, /minuzzato. A crumme, mica, fregola, minuzzo. To crumme ( pottage ) sfregolar, ó fininuz- zar del pane per la mineftra. The crumme of bread, mica, fregola, boc¬ ciolo di pane. The crummie fide of a loafe, bacio del pane. Crammed as ( pottage , sfregolato, fminz- zato per mineftra. | A crumbling, sfregolamento, fminuzza- mento. A cramming, Io sfregolare, lo fminuzzare* Crump-jhoulderd, gobbo, che hà la gobba. A crumple, affalda tura ,f. inercfpatura, fi. To crumple , affaldare, increfnare, ram mufcinarc. Crumpled, affaldato, increfpato,rammofci- nato. A crumpling , affaldamento, incvefpa- mento, rammofeinamento. A crunkle , or creake like a crane, crocchia¬ re, crocitase come la grue. The crupper of a horfe, la groppa del caval¬ lo, affo, le groppe, pi. A crupper of an afse , or mule, ftraccalc, fot- coda di fornaio- A c rufe, brocca. A little crufe, brocchetta- Tocru/b, maccare, ammaccare, acciaccare, peftare, sfracaffare. A crufh that is black and blew , maccatu- ra, fegno di maccatura, ammaccatura, calamaro. Crujbed , ma-ccato, ammaccato,acciaccato, peftojsfracaffatò. Crufhed by treading on, calpeftato. Crufhed black and blew , maccato,amaccato, illividito. A crufher, maccatore, ammaccatole, a c- ciaccatore , peftatore, sfracaffatore, A crufhing, maccamento, ammaccamento, acciaccamento, peftamento, sfracalfa- mento. A crufi, crofta. To crufi over , incroftarc,incroftire, A great cruft, croftaccia, crofta grande. Cruftie, croftofo, croftolofo. The cruftie piece of a loafe, pane croftuto. Cruches, itampelle croci, croccie, grucia, Acryance, trafila. To cry, e^c, Jee to crie. Hue and cry, fee hue. A crying, pianto,lamento , grido, efcla mare. A crying out, efclamatione, fondamento. fchiamazzo, grido, /brillo. Cry fiali, criftallo. Cryftalline, criftallino. A cubb, volpino, volpicino. A cubb, or young beare, orfacchio. A cube, cubo. Cubebs, cubebi. Cubiculi, cubi cale. Cubicular , cubiculario. A cubile, cubito. Cubitali, cubitale. Cuchannele, cocenillia. A cucking-ftoole, or cuck-ftoole,fe Ila da lan- draecia, or barona, d‘ attuffar le meretrici dentro al l’acqua. ^4 cuckold - becco cornuto, ' cavalier di cornovalha, A cuckold wtttall, becco contento. A cuckold-maker, bertone, che fà altrui cornuto. Cuckolded, comutato. Cuckolding, cornutamento. Cuckoldly, or cuckold-like, cornutamente, (la cornuto. Cnckoldry, cornutefimo, comuteria. -4cuckotr,or cliché, cuculo, cucuelio. Cuckow-bread, pan di cuculo. - 4 cmk-qiieme, donna cornuta,dcnna cor nutata. To chaw the cud, ruminare. A chawing of the cud, ruminamento Beafts that ebaw the cud, animali che rumi nano. ^4 cudgell, battone, pezzo d' un lecito Sfiori cudgell, baftoncello, baftoncinó To cudgell, baftonare,battere 3 bufiate ftri- gllare, ugnerc, con fongia di bofeo Cudgelled, baltonato,battuto,buffatojftri- gltato, unto con fpngia, ci bofeo. To befoundly cudgelled, effer ben baltona. to, (laveria havuta d'importanza. cudgelling, baffonamento, .battimento buffamento, ftrigliamento, ognimentó con longia di bofeo. ^ cue, or hulfe fardiug, mezzo' quattrino or /mence giving notice of emme in fluyes, fegno, or il motto de 1 recitanti, ocomedianti. A cuffe, manichino, manichetta. Apaire ofeuffes, un paio di manichini, paro di manichctti. A cuffe on the care, fchiaffo, guanciata, roserfeione, fganafeione, nioltaccione To cuffe another, dar de’ pugni ad alcuno^ dar de’ fgmgnoni ad alcuno. To cuffe, of fight at cuffes, far a pugni, far a fgrugnoni. AcuJfe,o’rethechaps, dar delle barbozza- te ad alcuno,dar de’ pugni nel mollac¬ elo ad alcuno. Cuffed, malmenato con pugni e /grugnoni, maltrattato con fchiafh e guanciate. A cuirafte, corazza. ■Afleight cuirafìe, corazza fonile, or, lee- giera, corazzina. A cuiraftier, corazza, foldato da corazza Culerage, pcrficaria. To cull, feiegliere, cappat e, fpizzicarc, e- leggerc. A cullander, or cullender, colatoio,colatore Cullander-like , of or belonging to a cullander, aguifa di colatoio, che attiene ad un colatoio. Culled, fcielto, cappato/pizzicato, eletto. A culler , feieglitore, cappatore, fpizzica- tore, elettore. A CK//i«^, fcieglimento 3 cappamento. cap pata, fpizzicamento, clettione. A cullis , conlumato, pollo pefto. Culpable , colpevole, reo, nocentc. Culture, cultura, cultivatione. A culverin. colubrina. To cumber, ingombrare, moleftare, imbro¬ gliare, infaftidire. Cumberfome, molefto, faftidiofo, incorn¬ iti odo. Ctimberfomely. moleftnmente, faftidiofa- mente, incommodamente. Comberfomenefic , moleftia , faftidio, in- commodo, incommodità. Cumbred. ingombrato, molcllato, imbro¬ gliato, infaitidito. Acumbring, ingombramento, moleftn- mento, imbrogliamento, infaftidimen- to. Cummin ( the herbe or feed") cumino. Wild cummin, cumino fai vari co. Cunttation , cuntationc,tardanza, dimora; cu c u C LI Cunning ( fubflant ) arte, maeftria, inge¬ gno, fottgliezza, alluda» rigiro, tratto, tiro, finezza, cautela. Cunning ( adjettive ) arteficiofo, inge- gnolo, fiottile, astuto, pieno di rigiri, cauto, fino, efperto. accorto. -T cunning tricke, furba, tratto fiottile. Cunningly , accortamente, ailutamcnte , cautamente, maelhevolmente, artefi- ciofiamente, fiottilmcnte,finamente, av¬ vedutamente, efipertamente. A womans ere. potta, fregna,natura,fica. v4 cupi coppa, tazza,calice. A funding cup, coppa grande, tazzone, calicionc. -4 cup-bearer , coppiere, che fa la credenza al principe. v4n earthen cup) vufo , boccaletto , taz¬ za. _ 4 cup boord) credenza, armario, boffetto, A cup-boord of piate , credenza d’argente¬ ria. .'1 keeper of the cup-boord of plate, creden- I zie re. 1 Little cups, tazzette. The little cup of an acortie, la coppa d’ una ghianda. The cup of a rofe, la coppa d’ una ro- fia. To cup, or apply cupping-glafes, ventofiare, mettere leventofie. Cupped with a cupping-glaffe , ventofia- tQ. «. 4 cupping-glafe, ventofa, alfo, veficato- rio. Curable) curabile, che fi può guarire. ^4 curate, piovano, curato. ; ^4 poor e curate of a chappell, capellanuccio 7o turbe, tener in freno, dar (grugnoni, maltrattare, or malmenare di botte e parole, llrapazzare alcuno. ..4 turbe, barbozzale. Curbed , tenuto in fieno, maltrattato, malmenato di botte ò parole, (Impaz¬ zato. To curd , or curdle, quagliare, coagulare, rapprenderli. Curded milke, or curds ofmilke, latte qua¬ gliato, coagulato, rapprefio. Curds, gioncata fiorita, quagliata. Full of curds, pieno di quaglio, pieno di latte rapprefio. A skie-curdlcd, or full of curdled tlouds, ci¬ elo grumolofio, cielo pieno di nuvole, quagliato. Curded, or curdled, quagliato, rappre- fo. Curdie , quagliofo, grumolofio. •A curding, or curdling, quagliamene, rap- drcndimento. A cure ( or charge of foules ) cura d’ani¬ me. To cure , curare, fanare, guarire, me¬ dicare. A cure, cura, guarigione. Curable, medicabile, che fi può fanare, or guarire. Cured . curato, fanato , guarito, medi¬ cato. ^ A cdrer-, medico, che guarifice, cura, fana: v Curfew, tocco di ca’mpana a due 6 tre horc di notte. w 4 curing , medicina, medicamento, alfo as a cure. Curious, curiofo, affettato, (ingoiare. Too curious, troppo, or fiovverchio curiofo, faftidiofo. Curio /zey,curiofità, affettatione, fingola* rita. Courioujly, curiofiamcnte, affettatamente, golarmente. Caurioujneffe, as curio (tty. To curie, arricciare, accrefpare. Curled, arricciato, accrefipato. A curled lock, riccio di capegli, ciuffetto di capegli. A curlew, tarlino, tedino, uccello. A curling , arricciamento, accrefipamen- to. A turhng-iron, ferro da arricciare, da ac¬ crefpare. Currans, paflarina. Currant money,m oneta che fi (pende, mo¬ neta che corre. A curranto, corrente, ballo. A curranto {or bill of monethly news) avvili, foglietto, gazzetta. A carré, cane, cagnaccio, mattino. A current of waters, corrente, piena. To currie leather, acconciar corami, or pel¬ li. To currie ahorfe, (bàgliare. A currie-combe, ftriglia. Curried, acconciato. Curried as a horfe, ftrigliato. A currier , concia-corami. C unify, cagnefico. villano, rozzo. A currifh fclìùw, malevolo, sdegnofio, cag¬ naccio. Curri/hly dealt with , trattato da cane, mal¬ menato come un cane. To ttfe or deale currifoly with, maltrattare, or, malmenar alcuno, come un ca¬ ne. A cuning, acconciamento ’di cora¬ mi. To curfe , maledire , imprecar male, augurar male ad alcuno, effccra- re. A curfe , maledittione, effecratione. To curfe to the to the piti of hell, anatematiz zare. A folemne curfe of the church , anate¬ ma. Cur fed, maledetto, effecrato, anatematiz¬ zato. Curfìng , maledicendo, effecrando, impre¬ cando, or, augurando male ad alcuno, effecrando. A curbing, as, a curfe. A folemne curfìng of the church, antemati- zatione. Cttrfl , ftizzofo,fattidiofo. bisbettico. Cur fly, ftizzofiamente, faftidiofamente. bisbetticamentc. Curflnefe , (lizza, sdegno, faftidio. A curtaine, cortina, tenda. - 4 little curtaine, cortinella, bandinel¬ la. A curtaine rod, verga. Curtaines, cortinaggi. A curtaine for a bed, tendina, cortina. C urtali, curto. To curtail a horfe, tagliar le orecchie e la coda d’un cavallo. Curtailed , cavallo mozzato, a cui filano tagliate le orecchie e la co- ^ 4 curtailing, or fhortining, mo z zamcnto, accorciamento. C urteous, fee courteous. Curtefìe, Jee tourtefìe. A curte^an , corteggiana , meretri¬ ce. To curvet, corbettarc, A curvet , corbetta. The curvetting of lufìie horfes, corbettc ga¬ gliarde. A tufiion, codino, cofcino. A little tufyion, or cu/hionet, coffinetto, cof¬ anetto. Full or flored with cujhions, foft as a iufhion, abondante di cofcini, molle quant’ un cofcino. A ladies cujhion doth, bagaglio per la not¬ te,da fpogliarfi la fiera. Cujhion-canvafse, tocca. A ctifard, torta da latte. A little tu fard tortello da latte. Cuflodie, cuttodia, guardia. Coflotrn, cuttume, ufo, ufianza, moda,ma- niera, guitti, habitudine. A f ore g°i”g «* eufonie, dil'ufianza. To cufome, or «/e,accoftumare,avvezzare, aduefare, habicuare. vi cufome gotten, habitc, ufo, coftuman- za. Cuf ome, orimpofìtion, gabella, raffa, da- rio. To pay cufome, pagar Ingabella, or, da tio The cttfomeboufe, la dogana. A paying of cufome, il pagar delle gabelle, da rii, or, ratte, or impotte. A levycr of cufome, gabelliere , doganie¬ re A levying, or taking of cufome, doganeria, gabclleria. The cuflomes , or toll levyed infaircs, or mar- ketts, usanze di fiere. To cufome a (Jyop, to get cufome, or cuflomers to it, avviare una bottega, inviare una bottega. Without eufonie, bottega fiviata. To deprive of cufome , fiviar una botte¬ ga- Cufomary, oidio ario (olito. ^ itufomary tenant , aflìttatore, or appigio¬ nante (olito, Cufomarily, ordinatamente, ufiualmen- te. Cufomed ( as merchandife ) gabella¬ to. C uflomed { as a fiop ) avviato, invia¬ to. A cufomer, or cuflome-taker, gabelliere, doganiere. A cufomer { or buyer ) avventore. To drive away cuflomers, Iviargl’ avvento¬ ri. Without cuflomers , fienza avvento¬ ri. To cut , tagliare, mozzare, trincia¬ re. To cut. grave, or carve , intagliare. To cut as a tallie, taccate, intacca¬ re. To cut over the face, sfreggiare. To cut in pieces, tagliar a pezzi, ttninliz¬ zare. To cut off ( fpeech ) interrompere. Cut, tagliato, mozzo, trinciato. Cut,graven, or carvd, intagliato. The cut of a tallie, tacca. Cut as a tallie , taccato, intacca¬ to. Cut over the face, sfoggiato. Cut into pieces , tagliato à pezzi. Cut off, tagliato via, mozzo, amputa¬ to. Cut elafe by the ground, tagliato rafente. Cut Ihort, accorciato, mozzato. A cut, taglio, trinciamento. A cut over the face, sfreggio. A downer ight cut, ftramazzone. A deep cut, taglio cupo, sfreggio. A cut ( or lot ) forte. To draw cults, hr alle forti. To cut the aire, fender 1’ aria. To rut fhort , accorciare, mozzare. To cut fmale, fminuzzare, tagliar minu¬ to. To cut off, tagliar netto, amputa¬ re. A cut-purfe, borfaruolo, tagliabor- fe. A cut-throat micida, fcannatore. Cut-throat like, da macidiale, macidial- mente. A cutter, tagliatore, che taglia, alfo , af- fafino, mafnadiero. _ A DA ..A cutter 3 carver, or graver, intagliato¬ re. A cutter ( or Jwafj-buckler ) tagliacantoni fmargiafio, bravo,taglia braccia, man- giaguerra, sbricco. A cutting , tagliamento, trinciamcnto. AL cutting , carving , or graving , intaglia¬ mene. A. cutting in pieces , fminiizzamcnto, fpez- zamento. The cutting , felling, or lopping of wood , tagliamene di bofehi, or, di legna- A cutting fimi, accorciamentojammozza- mento. A Jhoo-makers cutting A«i/V,coltello da cal¬ zolaro. C uttlefijh, calamaro, feppia. A little cuttle (fijh ) orfea cut , feppietta, calamaruccio, A cuttler j eoltellaio, cottellinaio. I A cuttlers fhop, or worke-houfe, tottclle- j ria ‘ A cylinder, cilindro. A cymball, cembalo. A cyntck, cinico, fatilo. A cypher , cifra, zero, nota, fegno. To cypher, cifrare. To expound cyphers. dichiarare,interpretare fpiegarele cifre. Cyphred , cifrato, ridotto in cifre. Cyperus,ot cj^re/?e,galIingala,ciprefTo,ra- dice dicipreffo. Cypres, velo. The cyprejje tree or cypreffe wood, pianta di ci predo. The candian cyprefie,trec, cipreflb di candia, ciprello candiotto. Garden cypreffe. ciprelfo hortenfe, cipreffo da giardino. 0/ or belonging to cyprefe, che attiene al cipreffo. D To dabble in the dirt, imbrattarli nella fanga, dimenarli nell’ immondi- tic. Dabbled, imbrattato, fchizzato, A dabbling , imbrattamento, fchizzamen- e. Dace, or dare ( fijh .) fpetie di pef- ce. Dad ! babbo. A dajfadill , or daffodill, asfodillo, narcif- fo. The yellow dajfadill, asfodillo gial¬ lo. A dagg , pidolete, pillola. A great ( horjemans ) dagg, ferzaruo- , lo. A dagger, pugnale. A great dagger , pugnalonc, pugnalac¬ elo. A little daggar, pugnaletto. A fcotch,or dudgeon haft dagger, pugnale al¬ la fcoccefe. To daggle , zuccherarli, imbrattarli, infan¬ garli, fchizzarfi. Daggled, zaccherato, imbrattato,infanga¬ to, fchizzato. A daggling, zuccheramene, -imbratta¬ mento, infangamene, fchizzamen- to. Dagglings, zacchere, fchizzi. To daigne, fee to deigne. Dainty, delicato, gentile delitiofo, molle, morbido, guflofo. ghiotto. Dainty meats , cibi delicati e gullofi,golofi, leccardi, ghiotti. A dainty feeder, leccardo. ghiottoncello, aljo, fpizzicatore. P ritty dainty es, galanterie, delitie. Daintily , delicatamente, gentilmente , delitiofamente, mollemente , morbi- DA damente, gudofamente, ghiottamen¬ te. To feed daintily, ghiottolare,ghiottonare. magnar delitiofamente. Dainttnefìe , delicatezza, Jeccardia, ghiot¬ toneria. Daintinefse, of feeding, or of taf, delicatezza, leccardia ne’ gulli. A dairy, latteria, logo ove lì ripongono i latticinii. A dairy-man, lattaio, che attende a latti¬ cinii. A dairy-maid, lattaia, che attende a’ latti¬ cing. Adaìfy, belis. The great white dai/y, belis bianco, maggi¬ ore. The little white and wild daijy, belis fai vati- co. A dale , valle, vallone. A duller, talero. To dally, fcherzare, giuocarc, traftullarc, burlare, vezzeggiare. Dalliance,. f cherzamento, fcherzo. tradii 1- lamento, giuoco, burla, vezzeggia¬ mento. Foolijh dalliance, i cherzo fciocco, tradullo pazzo. Wanton dalliance, tradullo lafcivo, tradul¬ lo carnale, vezzofo, luffuriofo. Full of dalli ance,fieno di fcherzi pieno di vezzi, pieno di tradullo,giocofo,bufie¬ vole, vezzofo. Dallying, fchcrzando, vczzcggiandojgiuo- cando, tradullando burlando. A wanton dallying , fcherzamcmo lafcivo, tradullo luffuriofo, or, carnale, vez¬ zeggiamenti fporchi, sfacciati. Oyle, damafeene, oglio di damafeo. A damafeene, or damfen, brugna damaf- china. Damaske, damafeo. Damaske ( or fweetf) water, acqua di da¬ mafeo. The damafke, or mufke refe, rofa damafehi- na. Of damafke, wrought like unto damafke, da¬ male hino , lavorato alla damafqhi- na. To damafke , or worke damafk worke ,lavorar in damafeo, damafehinare. ! Damafke worke , lavoro di damafeo, lavo¬ ro damafehino, or damafchinagpio. Damafked, damafehinato. Damafking, or dammafke worke, il damaf¬ ehinare, or il lavorar alladamafchi- na. A dame, dama, patrona: fignora. Stately, cofìly dames , lìgnoraccie,fignorazze /ignore e dame titolate. Dammage , danno , pregiuditio , perdita, fcapito.fcommodo, incommodo, detri¬ mento, iattura, offefa. To dammage, or bring dammage, danni fica¬ ie , pregiudicare, nuocere , feom- modarc, portar, or recar danno altrui With dammage , con danno, pregiuditio, Dammageable, dannevole , inconunodo , feommodo, pregiudi tievole. A dam, the female of unreafonable animals which hath young ones, femina che fi li fi gli, procreatrice. A dam ( or bank ) follo, argine, riparo, fponda. A damofplankes to break the forfè of water, argine di tavole per oliare all’ impeto dell’ acque. A mill-dam, fee mill. A poole-dam , contra llagno. To dam, or make a dam, arginare, riparare, infolfare, fpondare. To damme, far argini, 6 far un mollo, or, DA fponda, or riparo- DamnMe, dannevole, dannabile. Damnation , dannatione. Damned, dannato, condannato. To damnify, danneggiare,danniiìcare, por¬ tar danno. Damnifyed , danneggiato , dannifica- to. Damniftug , danneggiamento, dannifica- mento. A damp, vapore, elfalatione. Damptjh, vaporofo. A damfell ( an old word) damigella. A damjen, fee a damafeen. To dance, ballare, danzare. To dance lightly, ballare fpiritolamen- te. A dance, ballo.- danza. Dance-loving, given to dancing, dedito al ballare, che balla volentieri. Danced, ballato, danzato. A dancer (bee) ballarino, (y7?ce)ballatina A common dancer, ballatore, or ballarino ordinario, or dozzinale. A dancing, il ballare,il danzare,ballamen- to. Dande lion, dente di lione,hcrba. A dandtprat, nano, homiceiuolo. To dandle, vezzeggiare,accarezzare, don¬ dolare una creatura. Dandled, vezzeggiato, accarezato, dondo¬ lato. A dandler. vezzeggiatole, accarezzato re, dondolatole. A dandling vezzeggiamento, accarezza¬ mento, dondolamento. A dandling ( child ) or fondling, favori¬ to. Dandriffe , forfora. Full of dandriffe, pieno di forfora. A dune, danefe. Dane-wort fambuco minore. Danger,pericolo, periglio Dangerous, pericolofo, perigliofo. Dangeroujly, pericolofamente, periglio fa- mente. To dangle, or hang dangling, pendolare, penzolare. To dangle up and downe, pendolare, or pen¬ zolare liie giù, qua là. A dangling, pendolamento, penzolamen- to. Dank, or dankijh, muffi to,ammu flato, mu¬ cido. Dankifhnejfe, muffezza, mucidezza. A dapper ( little) fellow, zerbinotto, min- chioncello. Dapper, affettatuzzo, affettatuccio. A low dapperling, nano, nanuccio. A dapple-gray, leardo, ruotato. A dapple-gray horfe, cavallo leardo ruo¬ tato. To dare, ardire, ofare. To dare or out-darc one , provocare, sfida¬ re. Dared , provocato, sfidato. Daring , provocando, sfidando, alfo, ardito entrante. Dark, ofeuro, feuro, tenebrofo, caliginofo, opaco, aflrufo, fofeo, ombrofo. A dark brownc colour , nero, bruno. To wax darke, farli feuro, ofeurarfì, farli notte. A dark fentence, fentenza ofeura. Dark weather, tempo feuro,tempo nuvo- lato. To darken, ofcurare, ottenebrare, annega¬ re, annubilare, annuvolare, offufeare, adombrare, Darkned, oleurato, ottenebrato, annega¬ to, annubilato, annuvolato, oflufeato, adombrato. A darkner, ofeuratore, ottenebratore, an- negritore, annubilatore, offufeato- re. DA DA DE offufcatorc, adumbratore. A darkening , ofcuramento , ottencbra¬ llento, annegamento, annubilmen- to , offufcamento , adombramen¬ to. D arkijhjtr darkfome ,alquanto ofcuro, (cu¬ ro, iofco. D arkely, ofcuramente, otrenebrofamente, offufcainente. Darkeneffe, ofcurità, tenebre,buio, feu- ro. Full of darken e (le , pieno d’ ofcurità pieno di tenebre, buio aitai. Darkeneffe of weather , tempo ofcuro, tem¬ po nuvolo. A darling, il favorito. Darnell , lolio, loglio, gìoglio. Red doriteli, lobo falvatico. A dart, dardo, (hale. To dart, or throw darts, lanciare un dardo, lanciar dardi. J darter ( he ) lanciatore di dardi (fne ) Jantiatiice di dardi. A darting, lanciamento didardi. To dajh again fl, inciampare, fcapuzza- re, fcapucciare, intoppare, urtar in alcuna cofa, aljo , sbattere. To dajh with water or dirt,(c hizzare, infan¬ gare, imbrattare. To dajh on the lips , dar un {grugnone, sbavbozzale. A dajh on the lips, sbarbo «ale, {grugn¬ one. To dajh out of countenance, confondere, far re liar confido, far rollar alcuno mez¬ zo. To dajh in pieces, sftacaflare, fpezza- re. .A dajh, fchizzo, alfa, urto, tiro, trat¬ to. Pajbcd again fl, urtato, fchizzato. Dajbcd out of countenance, confufo, mez¬ zo. Dajhed with water, fchizzato, fpruzza- to. A dajhing againjì , inciampamento. fca- puzzamento, fcapucciamento, intop- pamento , urtan lento , sbattimen¬ to, A dajhing,, or thè dajhing of water , fchizza- mcntò ; fpruzzamento, A dafìard, un codardo , un vigliac¬ co. Daflardly ( adj. ) codardo, vile, vigli¬ acco. D aflardly ( adv. )codardamente,vilmente, vigliaccamente. Daftardy, codardia, viltà. A date of a writing , data, millen¬ nio. To date a letter -'or writing , metter la data, or, millefìmo. Out of date, as an almanack, llantivo, flrac- co, olfoleto. A date fruit dattilo, dattero. Of or belonging to a date ; dute-hke, a guifa di dattero, or, dattilo. A date-tree, dattero albero. An Indian date, dattero d’ india. The Indian date-tree, dattero, albero d’ in¬ dia. Little date-fioncs, odi di datteri. The dative (afe, il dativo,il terzo cafo. Todaube,fee to,datvbe. A daughter, figlia. A daugì ter in law, nuora. A flep-daughter, figliatila. A god-daughter, figlioccia. A little daughter, hgìictta. Todauncejee to dante &C. To daunt, metter paura, impaurire,le¬ var l’animo, or, la voglia, difgufta- re. Daunted, impaurito, difguflato. A daw or a jack-daw, gracchia, gazza, ino- nedola. Todawbe, intonacare, impiaftcicciarc, in¬ tonacare, imbellettare, or fatter , adu¬ lare, metter la vernice. Dawbed, intonacato, i m pia II ricci ata, im¬ bellettato.(or fluttered) adulato, lifciato, convemice. A daatber, intonacatore, impiaflricciato- re, imbellettatole, or flatterer, adulato¬ re, lifciatore. A dawbing, intonacamenro, intonicair.cn- to, inipiallneciamento, imbellettamen- to, flattering, adulamento, lifciainento - To dawne, fpontare il giorno. The dawne ,or dawning of the day, l’alba, lo fpontar del giorno. A day, giorno, di The artificiali day, giorno artificia¬ le. The civili day, giorno civile. Candle-mafse day, la candelora, la ceraiuo- la, la purificatione della Madonna. A hall, tourt, or law day, giorno di ruota, giorno di giullitia. All-foulcs day, il giorno de’morti. Twelfth day, il giorno de magi, la pifania, 1’ apparinone. Holy-rood day, giorno di lanta croce. Corpus Chrifli day, giorno di Corpus Domini. Shrove tuefday, il giorno di carnevale, or, carnel'cialc. The three dayes next afore Eafler, le tene¬ bre. The holy dayes of C hr i ft muffe, le felle di na¬ ie. Eafler, and U’hitfontide , or the good times, pafcjua di rifurrcttionc, c pafqua dello fipinto Tanto. High-day, broad-day, farre day, giorno chiaro. A holy day , fella, giorno di fella. T he naturali day, giorno naturale. A- day appointed for hearing, giorno d’ audienza. On a certain day , in giorno determinato, or, apportato. In the day-time , di giorno, di dì. For day to hreake, lo spuntar del giorno, il farli giorno. The day breakes, il giorno fponta. At day-breake, allo fpontar del gior¬ no. At /hutting in of day, al calar del fole, al tramontar del fole. This day, hoggi giorno, hoggi dì. From day to day, di giorno in giorno, di dì in di. Vacation dayes, giorni di vacanze. The dog-dayes, giorni di lol leone, giorni canicolari, la canicola. Ember dayes, orfafling dayes, tempora, gior¬ ni di magro. IVorkie dlayes, or working dayes , giorni di lavoro. Every day, ogni giorno, alla giornata. At noon- day, fui mezzodì, a mezzo dì, a mezzo giorno, fui meriggio. To day, hoggi. Two days agoe, due giorni fai, due giorni fono. Yefler-day, hieri. At mid-day, as al noon day. The dawning of the day, 1’ alba. It waxeth day, li fa giorno,il giorno comin¬ cia a fpontare. For worky daies, or for every day,as cloths for every day , per i di di lavoro,da llrapaz- zo. A day-labourer , huomo che fti a gua- dagnojche lavora à guadagno,operario. Day labour, giornata. A day lilly, giglio,, falvatico. A dayrie,feea daily. A day fie, fee a daily. To daije. abbagliare, sbagliare. Dafled, abbagliato. Darling, abbagliando. A darling, abbagliamento, sbaglio. A deacon , diacono. A deaconry, diaconato, diaconia. Dead, morto. To be dead, effer mot to. To dead or make dead, mortificare. Half e-de ad, mezzo morto. Dead of itfelfe without bein? killd, morto da fe. A dead body , corpo morto, cadave¬ re). As one that is dead , come inorto,come che morto. Dead payes , paghe morte. Dead drunk, imbriaco morto, zuppo be¬ ne. In a dead jleepe, in profondiffimo fon- no. Deaded, morto, mortificato. Deadly, Adj. mortale. Deadly, Adv. mortalmente. Deafe, fordo. Somewhat deafe, or deafijb, alquanto fordo, lordetto. To deafen, or make deafe, affarci are, render fordo. To wax deafe, divenir, or, diventar for- do. Deafend , or made deafe , grown deafe , alfordato, diventato, or, divenuto for-, do. Deafely, fordamente, alia forda. Deajenefle, lordila, lordezza. A deafening, or making deafe, alfordamen- to, il render fordo. The dealctrec, abete. Deale-planks, or deale boards , tavole d’ abe¬ te. To deale , negotiarc, contrattare, tratta¬ le. To dealefdfely, tratrar con’fraude, preva¬ ricate. To deale in bufinefse , negotiarc, traffica¬ re. To deale with, trattare confai; commertio di- Jmall deale, un pochctto, un tanti¬ no. A great deale, alfai, molto, gran numero, copia. To deale cards , farle carte,dillribuir le car¬ te. A dealer, negotiante, mercante , mer¬ catanti, dilhibutore, fattore. A fidfi dealer prevaricatore , fur¬ bo. Dealing, negotiando, dirtribuendo, mer¬ cantando, diftributivo. A dealing » un negotiare, contrattare, un negotiamento , diftribuimen- to. Double dealing, doppiezza, frode. Falfe dealing , prevarieatione , furba- ria. Hard dealing, maltrattamento, ftrapazza- mento, trattamento a tutto rigo¬ re. Dealing much, negotiando , or, trattando molto, or, affai. Dealt, diliribuito. Dealt in, negotiato, trafficato. A deane, decano. A deanery , detrery , or dcanjhip, decana¬ to. Deare, caro. To make dcare, incarire, far caro. Dearly, ■ DE DE D earely, caramente. p earenefse, carezza, prezzo diflforbitan¬ te. To decime up a rent, ricucire , ranniccia- re. D earned, raccucito. rannicciato. A dearne r up {of rents in cloth) rannicci- atore. A dearning up, rannicciamento. Dearth, careltia. Death , morte. The death (or fall) of a flag, ammazza¬ mento del cervo. To debarre, prohibire, vietare, parare, ri¬ buttare, ricufare, fcludere. Debarred, prohibito vietato, parato, ribut- ! tato, ricufato, fclufo, I A debarring, un prohibire, un vietare, pa- j rare, ributtare, ricufare, fcludere. To debafe , abbacare, abbattere, avvili- ! re. Debafed , abballato, abbattuto, avvili- to. ! A debafer, abbaffatore,abbattitele, avvili- I tore. I A debafing, abbaiamento, abbattimento, avvilimento. ( To debate or hold debate, contendere, con¬ traltare, difputare, litigare, garreggia- re. ! To debate a bufinefse, agitar un negotio, I crivellar un negotio. | Debate, contrailo, difputa, contefa, lite, rilfa. j o i fintali debate, picciola difputa, picciolo ! contralto, picciola contefa. ' A debate-maker , litigatole, che muove li¬ te, che femina dilcordie, contrattato¬ le. Debatable , difputabile, litigabile. | Debated , litigato , difputato , agita¬ to. A debater , contraltatere,difputaterc,con- tenditore, litigatole, ridato re. Dcbatefull, contentiofo, litigiofo , rif- fo fo. Debatefully , contcntiofamcnte, litigiola- mente, rilfofamente. A debating , un agitare, contraltare, litigi- gare, contendere, difputare, rida¬ re. To debilitate, debilitare, indebolire. Debilitated, debilitato, indebolito. A debilitation , dcbilitatione,indebolimen¬ to Debility, debolezza. To debauch, far difordinc, fviarlì. Debauched, fviato, fcapellrato. A debauch'd courfe, fviamento. A debauchment, ftravizzo, difordine. Debonair e, bonario, manfueto, benig¬ no. Debonairely, bonariamente,manfuetamen- tc, benignamente. Debonairety , or debonairenefse, bontà, buo- narictà , manfuetudinc , benigni¬ tà. A debt, debito. Perfonall debts, debiti pedonali. To run, or grow, in debt , indebitarli. Do rid out of debt, fdebitarlì, ufeir di debi¬ to. In debt, or indebted, indebitato, che hà de¬ bito. A debtour, debitore. A decadc ) decade. Decaie, fee decay. The decalogue , il decalogo. A decay, fcaduta, decadenza, peggiorare, avvilimento, fcapitamento, calo. A decay of merchandife, or wares, calo, or, guaito dirobbe. 1 o decay, {cadere, decadere, peggiorare, venir meno, avvilire, fcappitare, calare, infiacchire. To decay in colour, {Vanire, {colorire, fcolorate. Decayed , fcaduto, decaduto, peggiorato, venuto meno,avvilito,calato,lcapitaro, infiacchito. Decayed in ftrength, indebolito ; aflìevolito, rila flato. Decayed with «^attempato, inoltrato ne¬ gli anni, maturo. A decaying , fcadimento, peggioramento, avvilimento,fcapitamento, calamento, infiacchimento. Decaying, fcadendo, decadendo, peggio¬ rando, avvilendo, fcapitando, calan¬ do. Todeceafe, morire, paflar all’altra vita,all’ altro mondo, paflar a miglior vi¬ ta. A deeeafe, morte, paflaggio all’altra vi¬ ta, all’altro mondo, pallata a miglior vita. Deceafed , morto, paflàto all’ altra vita, all altro mondo or miglior vita. Deceit ^or deception, inganno, frode, abufo, delufione , arte 1 , fottigliezza, mali- Deceitfull, ingannevole, fraudolente, a- bufivo, fottile, malitiofo. A decite full trickefiuo, tratto, rigiro,truf¬ fa, burla. ù Deceitfully, ingannevolmente, fraudolen- temente, abufivamente, fottilmente, malitioiamcnte. Deception, fee deceit. Deceptive, as deceit full. To deceive, ingannare, arrivare, giontare, giognere, deludere. Deceiveable, as deceitfull. Deceived, ingannato, arrivato, gionto, de- Iufo. A deceiver , ingannatore, giontatore truf¬ fatore, impoltorc. A deceiving.as a deceit. December , decembre. Decency, decenza, decoro, convenevolez¬ za, honorevolezza. Decent, decente,convenevoIc, honorato, honorevole. Decently , decentemente . convenevol¬ mente, honoratamente, honorevolmen- tc. To decide, decidere, determinare Decided, dccifo, determinato. A decifion , decilioi.e, determinationc^ ar- bitratione D ecifive, decifivo, determinativo. Decifory, deciforio. To deck ( an old word ) adorna re,acconci¬ are , accomodare , abbellire , velli- re. Decked, adornato,acconciato, accomoda¬ to, abbellito, veltito. A decking , adornamento, acconciamen¬ to , accomodamento, abbellimento, veltimento. A declamation , declamatione. Declamatory, declamatorio. To dedurne, declamare. A declamer, declamatore. A declaration , dichiaratane, manifefto, narratione, editto, bando. Declarative , or declaratory , dichiarativo, declaratorio, narrativo. To declare, dichiarare, narrare, publicare manifellare annontiare. Declared, dichiarato, narrato, publi- cato, manifeftato, annontiato. D E I A declarer, dichiaratore, narratore j banditore, manifeftatorc, annontia- tore. A declaring, dichiaramento , narramen- mento,inanifeftamento,annontiamen- to. 7 o decline (or avoid ) declinare, {chivare sfuggire, ischivare. Declined, declinato, fchivato, sfuggito, ifchivato, A declining, declinamento, fcffvamen- to , sfuggimento , ifchivanien- to. Declining ( or growing worfe ) decli¬ nando , peggiorando, venendo meno A decollion, decottione. A decorum i decoro, honorevolezza. To decreafe. calare , decrefcere, fminui- re. D ecreafing, decrefcendo, calando, fminu- cndo. Adecreafing, decrefcimento, calo, fnii- nuimento. A decree , il decretare, ordinare, ftatuire. band i re. Decreed, decretato,oidinato,ftatuito,ban¬ di to. Decrepit, decrcpito,iibambito. Decrepitenefse decrepitezza. 7 he decretals, decreti, decretali. To decypher a prire, 6 fpianar le cifere or zi Acre. Deciphered, deferitti,. A decypherer, fpianatore di ciffere, chea- pre lecilferc, or, ziffere. D edaliau, or mayy-like, aguifa di labei'in to. To dedicate, dedicare, facrare. Dedicated, dedicato, facrato. A dedicating,or dedication, dedicatione, facratione. The dedication of a church , facra. To deduce, dedurre, cavare, tira¬ re. Deduced , dedotto , cavato , tira¬ to, A deduttion, dedottione, cavamento, tira¬ mento, coftrutto. A deed alfo, fatto, attionc.opera. The deed of a contrail, ftromento,patto,ac- cordo. Indeed, in fatto,veramente, in vero, inve¬ rità, da vero. In deed > affé,fi eh ! A good deed, un ben fatto,una buon* ope¬ ra. An traili or ill deed, un mal fatto,un’ope¬ ra cativa, un’ opera trifte, et infame, malefica. Deeds of contrail, ftromenti,accordi, fcrit- ture di contratti. Todeeme, pènfare, imaginare, giudicare, ftimare , efler , di parere, crede¬ re. Deemed, penfato, immaginato, giudica¬ to, ftimato. A deenter, che giudica, che penfa, che ftima, che crede, che immagi¬ na. A deeming, penfaniento, immaginatione, feima, giuditio, fede. Deepe, profondo, cupo. To fear eh or pierte deep, profondere, tenta¬ re al fondo. To thrujì deep into , sprofondare, affondare, cacciarli al fondo. Sunk deep, affondato, fprolondato. To deepen or make more deep, profondare, far cupo, penetrar più in dentro, pene¬ trai fina fondo. Deeply, profondamente,fprofondamcnte, cupamente. Deepened, affondato, fprofondato. Deepenefse , DE DE Decpttejje, or depth, profondità, fprofon- clita. Deere,Jec deare. A avere, cervo, daino. Deere, cervi. A fallow deere, daino. A rain-deer, cervo ramato. A red-dcerc, cervo. A tante deere, dama dimeftica. A young fallow deere, dama picciola. A keeper of deere. cultode di cervi. To deface , (cancellare , demolire , guai- tare , sfacciale, annullare. Defaced, (cancellato , demolito, guaito, sfacciato, annullato. A defacer, l'cancellatore, demolitore, guaftatore, slacciatore, annullatore. Adefacittg, lcancellamento, sfacciamen- to, deuiolimento, gualfamento,annul- lamcnto. A defamation , dcffamationc , fcandalo, callonnia. To de fune, diffamare, callonniare, fparla- rc d’alcuno. Defamed, diffamato, callonniato. Defamatory, diffamatorio. A defamer, diffamatore, callonniatore, (parlatore. A defaming, diffamamene, callonnia. (parlamento. To deftitlke, levare, diffalcare, falcare, ri¬ battere, didorrc, calare. Defaulked, levato, diffalcato, sfalcato, ri¬ battuto, didotto, calato. A default , fallo, falta, colpa, mancamen¬ to, vitio, errore. ..-1 defeat, or defeature,diffztta, rotta,(coni- piglio. To defeat, disfare, (compigliare. met ter in- ifcompiglio, rompere. Defeated, disfatto, (compigliato, nteffo in ifcompigbo,rotto. A defeci, diffetto, mancamento, alfoasa default . 4 defili ion, idem. Defittine, diffettuofo, manchevole, vitio- (o, malcficiato, intrilfito. To be defittine, ellcr diffettuofojeffer man¬ chevole, effer uitiofo. A defence, diffida, riparo,guardia,protct- tionc. apologia. Defences ( in fortification ) diflek^jjpari, ballioni. ../ defendant, diffondente, la parte che Ili (alle diffefe. To defend, diffondere, proteggere, cufto- dirc, guardare afTicurate, mantene¬ re. Defendable, or defer. file, diffenfibile, pro- teggevole. Defended, diffefo, protetto, cuftodito, guardato , afiicurato , mantenu¬ to. A defender ( he ) diflenforc, protetto¬ re, cuftode , guardiano, afhcuratorc, mantenitorc f f»e ) difìcnditrice,pro¬ tettrice, guardiana, aflicuratrice, man¬ tenitrice. A defending, diffendimento, alfo as a de¬ fin fe. Defenfive, diffenfìvo. Dcfenfory, diffenforio. To deferre, differire, prolongare,procraf tinare, tirar alla longa ( honour ) hònorc. Deferred, differito, prolongato, pro- crallinato, tirato alla longa. A deferrer, differitole, delatore, prolon- gatore. A deferring, differimento, prolongamen- to, dilatione. Deferring, differendo , profondando , ti rando alla longa. A letter of defiance ( o rthallhtge) dis¬ fida, sfida, cartello, disfida. To defie, disfidare, ffidarc. De/iccf.diffidato, (fidato. A defying , or rlcj?rfj;ce,liidaincnto,disfida- mento, A deficiency, diflìcicaza, diffetto, manca¬ mento. Deficient , diffettuofo,deficiente, manche¬ vole. To defilé , imbrattare, lordare, (porcate, contaminare, macchiare, vitiarc Defiled , imbrattato, lordato, (porcate contaminato , macchiato , vina¬ to. A defilement, imbrattamento, lordamen¬ te, (porcamento, contaminamento , macchiamcuto, vitiamento. To define, diffinire. A definition, diffinitione. Definitive, definitivo. To dejìoure, sfiorire, (verginale. Dcfioured, sfiorito, fvcrginato. A deflounng , sfiorimento, fverginamen- to. Defiouring, sfiorendo, (verrinando. To deforme „ difformarc, sfigurare,sfreggi- arc,bruttare. Deformed, di tformato, sfigurato, sfoggiato, (atto brutto. Deformedly, difformamcnto, sfiguramen- to, sformamento, A rfe/oivw/wg,difformamcnto,sfiguramen to, sformamento. Deformity , difformità, bruttezza. To defraud , diffraudare,ingannarWeif,difgradato,difautorizzato. A degrading, or degradation, diradamen¬ to, difautorizzamento. Degrading , degradando, difautorizzan- do. A degree, grado. Preferred to a degree, or that hath taken a de¬ gree in the Schooles, graduato, candida¬ to. By degrees, a gradi, a poco a poco. To dehort , fconligliare , diffuade- re. A dehortating, fconfigliatione, diffuafio* ne. Dehort cd,fconfigliato,difTuafo. A dehorter , fconfigliatore, diffuafo- re. Todejctt , abbalfare, abbattere. Dejetted, abballato, abbattuto. A dejetter , abbaiatore, abbattitore. A dejettion , or dejetting , abbattimen¬ to. D ejettedly , humibnente , baffamen- te. To deifie, deificare, idolatrare. i Deified, deificato, idolatrato. A deifying, dcificamento, idolatramcn- to. To deigne, degnare. Deigning, degnante. The deity, la deità. A delay, de lattone, prolongamcnto. To delay differire, prolongat e. To delay a fu.it, tirar inlongo una li¬ re. Delayed, prolongato. A fidi delayed, lue tirata in longo,or, tira¬ ta alla longa. A delayer, dilatore, prolongatore. A delaying , dilatione, piolongamen- to. Ddying, prolongando. A delaying a Juit, dilatione d* una li¬ te. D elcttable, dilettabile, piacevole. Delectation , dilettatione , piacevolez¬ za. To delegate , dilegare. Delegated, dilcgato. The delegates, legati. A delegation, difcgationoi. To deliberate, deliberare. Deliberated, deliberato. Deliberately, deliberatamente, determina¬ tamente. A deliberation, deliberatione. Deliberatine, deliberativo. Delicacy, delicatezza, delicatia. Delicate, delicato, dclitiofo. Delicates, or dainties, delicatezze, deli- tie. Delicately, delicatamente, delitiofamen- te. Delie atenefie delicatezza. Delicious, delicato, delicciofo. Delie ionfnefife. delicatezza. Deliciottjly, as delicately. Delight, diletto, piacere, gufto, aggio, pnllatempo, ricreatione. Afiettcd delights . traftulli, carczzuo- le. To delight , dilettarli, compiacerli. Delighted, dilettato, compiacciuto. Delight full, dilettevole, piecevole. A delight full exeuife, efferato d.lettevo- le, or, piacevole. Delightfully, dilettevolmente, piacevol¬ mente. To delineate, delineare. A delineation , delincatone. A delinquent, delinquente, reo, colpevo¬ le. To deliver, liberare, fai vare. To deliver from fervi tude, l.berare, affran¬ cate. A deliverance, liberatone, affrancato¬ ne. Delivered, liberato, affrancato. A deliverer, liberatore, affrancatole. A delivering, liberamento, affrancamen¬ to. To delude, deridere alcuno, beffarli d' al¬ cuno, burlarli d’ alcuno, deludere al¬ cuno, ingannare alcuno. Deluded, derifo, beffato, burlato, delufo, ingannato. A delufion, derilione, beffe, burla, delu¬ sone. Delufive, delufivo, ingannevole,burlevo¬ le. To delve, zappare, vangare- Delved , zappato,vangato. A delver , zappatore, vangatore. A delving, zappamento. vangamenro. A deluge, diluvio, inondatone. A demaine, domino. Ancien DE DE DE Ancient demefie , or crowne-land, patrimo¬ niale antico della corona. The kings demaine', danaro patrimoniale del re. Ofor belonging to a denuine, dominiale, pa¬ trimoniale. The owner of a demaine, che hà dominio, di dominio. To dewrfKdjdimandarc, domandare, chia¬ mare, interrogare, (applicare. A demand ; dimanda,chiefta.lupplica,que¬ lito, interrogatione,pernione. Demanded ; dimandato, chiclto,fupplica- to interrogato. A demander ( he ) dimandatore,chie¬ ditore, interrogatore, fupplicante, at¬ tore (fbe 'f dimandatrice, chieditrice, ffipplicattice, attrice. Demanding , dimandando,chiedendo, fup- plicando, interrogando. A demanding ; asa demand. To denteane ( himjclfe ) comportarli, por- rarli- contrattare. Demeanour j comportamento, contratta¬ mento. Demerit , demerito, mancamento. A demi-god, femidco. A demi-canon ', mezzo- canone. .A demt-lamce ', mezza lancia. Todemije ( an old word ) or let a firme', affittare. Demifedì affittato. Democracy, democratia, governo popula- re. To dcmolijh , demolire, abbattere, rovina¬ re. Demolifhed ; demolito , abbattuto, rovi¬ nato. JL demolifhing ', demolitione, abbattimen¬ to, rovina.. To demonjìrate j climoflrare, dar a divede¬ re. A demon firance) or demonfìration ', dimol- tratione. Demonflrated ; dimoftrato. A demonftrating ; dimoftramenlo. Dcmonfirative,diinoftrativo. Ji demon (iratour, dimoftratore. Demure, modello, vergognofo, contegno- fo. Demurely, modellamentc, vergognola- mente, con contegno. D emurenefse ; modeltia,vergogna, conteg¬ no. A degeneration , degeneratione. To denie', negare, ricufare , rifiutare. To deity the faith rinegare, apoll aa- re. To denie with an oath j aggiurare. •A detsiall, or denying inegatione, ripulfa, ìicufa, rifiuto. Dented ', negato , ricufato , rifiuta¬ to. A denser negatore, ricufatore, rifiutato- re. A denying , negamento, as a deniar. Denying , negando, ricufando, rifiutando, negando. To lurke in denns j {tarli nelle grotte, dar¬ li nelle tanne,intannarli. A denn ', tanna, grotta, {pelonea, caver¬ na. A little denne, caverne,or hole , grotticciuo- la, cavcrnetta, fpeloncina. To denominate , dinominare. Denominated , dinominato. The denominatour of an arythmeticalfraftìon, nominatore. Denomination, dinominatione. To denounce, dinontiare. A denounced , dinontiato. A denouncer , dinontiatore. Denouncing , dinonciamento, dinoncia- tionc Adenti fee a dint. A denunciation ', as a denouncing . To deny ; fee to denie. To depart i partire, andarfene, irfene. To depart this life ; morire, anderfenc all’ altro mondo, fpirare. Departed', partito, ito, andato, alfo- Departed this life', morto, {pirato. A departing, or departure', paramento, partita. A departing forth', udita, efito. A departure out of this life ', morte, paleg¬ gio all’ altro mondo. To depend ; dipendere. A dependencie ', dipendenza. Depending ', dipendendo. Deplorable j deplorabile, lamentevole, da piagnere. To deplore ', deplorare, lamentarli, piagne¬ re. Deplored ; deplorato, pianto. Deploring ; deplorando, piagnendo. To depopulate', depopulate, {populare, {piantare. Depopulated ; depopolato, {popolato, {pi- untato. A depopulation ; dcpopolatione, {popola- tione, {puntamento. Deportment ; diportamento, portamento, contrattare. To depofe ; diporre, diponere, abbatte¬ re. Todepofcbyoatb ', deporre per via di giu¬ ramento. Depofed ', deporto, abbattuto. A ( thing laid in ones keeping ora ) depo- fìtum, depohto. Depoftion ofwitnefses ; depohtione di tef- timoni, prellamento di giuramen¬ to. A depravation, depravationc, {uggellatio- ne. To deprave ; depravare, corrompere, gua{- tare,{parlare, {ugellare. Depraved ; depravato, corrotto, guaito, guadato, ffi gellato. A depraving, depravamene, corrompi¬ mene, guadamene, {ugellamento. A deprecation -, deprecatione. To deprefsc ', deprimere, abbattere, {uppn- mere. Deprefsed ', depredo, abbattuto, foppreff {o. Deprefsion , depreffione , abbattimen¬ to. To deprive ; deprivare, privare, {pogliare, nudare. To deprive of life and fpirit ; diffnimare, ammazzare, {renare. Deprived i deprivato, privato, {pogliato, nudato. Deprived of life and fpirit, di{animato, am¬ mazzato, {venato. A depriving ', deprivamene, privamen¬ te, {pogliamento, nudamene. Depth or deepnefse , profondità, cupezza, fondo. Afwallowing or unfatiable depth, voragi¬ ne. To depute ; deputare, ordinare. Deputed ; deputato, ordinato. A deputy ; deputato, minillro, affiliente, folliate. A Lord Deputy of fome province for the Prince of it. logotenente, vicegeren¬ te. To deride ; deridere, {chernire, burlare, beffeggiare. « Derided ', derifo, fehemito, burlato, bef- {eggiato. Deriding - deridendo, {chernendo,burlan- do, beffeggiando. A derider j {chernitorc, burlone, beffeg- j giatore. A deriding ', {chernimento,beffeggumen~ to. Deri fon ; derilione, foherno, burla, bef¬ fa. Derivative ; derivativo. To derive ; derivare, originare. Derived ; derivato, originato. A deriving j or derivation ', derivamene, originale. To derogate from ; derogare , aliena¬ re. Derogated from ', derogato, alienato. Derogating from ; derogando da- A derogation', derogatene, alienatane. An aft of derogation ', derogatorio. Derogatory ; derogatorio. To defcant ; or fug defiant ; diffamare, {cantare, diffidi- alfo, cantare il de¬ canto. A defcant ; diffamo, dffdetta. Defcanted ', diffamato, diffletto. To defend', diffondere. D ejeended ; diff efo, natio, nato, origina¬ to. Defended from ; originato da- A defending ; di {ceffi, origine, orto. Defending ', di {rendendo, originando. A defeat ; as a defending. A de fieni ; or of-fpring',1 chiatta,profapia, rat za, origine, linea. An eafe defeat in ground,or a plot of ground defending, calata. To defribe , deffrivere, delineare. Defribed ,• deffritto, delineato. A defription ; deffrittione. To deferte ', {coprire , veder da lon- gi- D e fried, {coperto, veduto da longi A f/e/cr^7«gScoprimento, {coperta. A deferì ; deffrto, ermitaggio, romitag¬ gio. To make deferti deffrtare,renderdeffr- to. Defcrt, or merit ; merito. A defertion ; abbandonamento. To deferve', meritare. D eferved ; meritato. D efervedly ', meritamente. Well-deferving, bene-merito, meritorio. A defgne ', diflegno, ffopo, mira,imra- pre{a. To defgne j diffegnare,mirare, intrapren¬ dere. To defgne ; or appoint ; apportare, diffeg¬ nare, appontare, determinare. D efgnative ; diflegnativo, appellativo. De (igne d', orpurpofed', diiìegnato, appoff tato, appontato, di terminato. Vefgned ; or appointed i idem. De//re, deliderjo, voglia, brama, appetito appetenza. Defre unto ; voglia, or as defìre. To defre, deli elevare, volere, bramare, ap- pettere, fo{piraie. D efreable -, delìderabile, bramevole. Def red, de fiderà to, voluto, bramato, ap¬ petito, fofipirato. Def ring ', delidcrando, volendo, braman¬ do, appettendo, fofpirando. D efirous ; defiderofo, vogliofo, bramofo, appetitofo. To de fi fi ', delìftere, laffiare, tralaffiare, diffnettere. Defifled ; laffiatoj'tralaffiato, dilhieffo. A def fling ', tralaffiamento. } A defk i banca, {canno, pulpito. ■ Deflate i defolato, abbandonato. ; To make deflate ', defolare, abbandona¬ re. D efolately, defolatamente, abbandonata- mente. A making defolate, il far desolato, il rènder g Deflation „ DE DE D I Defolation, defolationc , abbandonamcn- to. To defpaire , defperave, disfidarli. Defpaire, dilpcratione. D ejpairing, difperando. D efferate, difperato. To grow defperate , divenir difpera- to. Defperately , difperatamente. D ej) oratene [fé, difperatezza. D efpicable, defpicabile. Defpight, difpetto, malignità , malitia, ; maltalento. To i?e//i//e,sprezzare,difprcggiare, conten- nere, avvilire. D efpifed, fpiezzato, difpreggiato, avvili¬ to. A defpifer ( he ) fprezzatore, dilpreg- giacore, avvilitole ( Jbe ) fprezza- tricc , dilpreggiatrice , avvilitrì- cc. ^4 defpifìng , fprezzamento , difpreggia- mento, avvilimento. D e[pite 3 as defiight. In defpite of one. al difpetto d’alcuno, al marcio difpetto d'alcuno. E)c/pne/K//)’,dilpettofanieme 3 difpettevol- mentC; malitiofamcnte. To dtfpoile, guadare, sfafeiare, fva- liggiare, fpogliaie, diveltile, rovinare, nudare. D efpoiled, guaito guadato, sfafeiato, fra¬ li ggiatOj fpogliuto, diveltilo, rovinato, nudato. A defpoiling, guaflamento, sfafeiamento, fvaliggiainento, fpogliamento, divelti- mento, rovinamento, nudamento. To defittale, dedinare, dilfegnare, fata¬ re. D ejìinated , dedinato , dillegnato, fata¬ to. A defination. dedinamento, dedinationc, fatanicnto. D efliny , dedino , fato, fortuna, for¬ te. By difiny, per via di dedino, per via di fa¬ to, fatalmente. Defunte, deltituto, abbandonato, pian¬ tato, fpiantato. Left defìitute, abbandonato, affatto, pian¬ tato. To leave defi tut e , abbandonare, pianta¬ re. To defray , diltmggere, perdere, minare, j fobbidare, taccheggiare, guadare, fov- j vertire. D efroyed, didrutto, perfo, rovinato, fob- biffato, taccheggiato, guado, fovverti- i to. ^ de/? nyer.didruggitore.perditore,mina¬ tore, fobilfatore, taccheggiatore,guaf- tatore, fovvertitore. A defroying, dillruggimento , perdi¬ mento , rovinamento, fobbilfamento, faccheggiamento, guadamento, fov- vertimento. Defroying, deltruggendo, perdendo,rovi¬ nando, fobbidando, taccheggiando, guadando,fovvertendo. D efruRton, dedruttione, perdi tione, rovi¬ na, fracado, guado, fovverfione. Todetaine, ditenerc, ritenere, fermare. Detained, ditenuto, ritenuto, fermato. A detainer, ditcnitoie, ri tenitore, ferma¬ tole. A detaining, ditenimento, ritenimcnto, fermamento. To detett, deteggere, fcuoprire, ifcuoprhe manifedarc. Detected, detetto,fcoperto,ifcoperto, ma- nifedato. A detener, detcttorc, fcuopricore, mani- fedatore. A detecting , maniledamento, fcuopri- mcnto. A detection , dctcttionc,fcoperta, manifef- tatione. To determine , determinare, dabilire, dif- fegnarc, appodare. Determined, determinato, ftabilito, dideg¬ nato, appodato. A determina ion. determinatione, dabili- mento, dilfegnamento , appodamen- to. D eterminately, determinatamente, ilabili- tamente,appodatamente. Deter five, de te ri ivo. To detefi. detedare, odiare, haver in odio, abbominare,abhorrire. D etefìable, detcdevole, odiabile, odiofo, abbominevole , horribile , funef- to. A detefation, detedatione, odio, abbomi- natione. D eie fed, deteftato, odiato, abbomina- to. A detefer. deteftatorc, odiatore, abbomi- natore. Detefing , deteftando, odiando, abbomi- nando. To dethrone, deporre,fpoffeffaie del foglio, Dethroned. depofto,fpoffe fiato del foglio. To detratt form , detrarre dal,fparlar di- de¬ trattare, calonniare, dirmale- Vnjuflly detracted from, calonniato à torto. *A detrattoti, detrattorc,maldiccnte, fpar- latore. A malicious detrattour, calonniatore in¬ fame. Detraction, detrattione, calonnia, maldi¬ cenza, mordacità. Spitefull detraction, calonnia infame, ftu- diata. Detrattive, detrattivo. Detriment, detrimento, danno, perdita, fcapito. Full of detriment, dannofo, detrimcntofo. To t?efe/?,deveftire,fpogliare,fpodelfare. Devefled, diveirito, fpogliato, fpoffeffa- to, ingegno, rigiro, fotrigliczza. A device (orpo/te ) motto. The devili, il diavolo, il demonio. A devili got loofe, diavolo fcatenato. ^4 fhe devili, or thè devills dam , una dia¬ vola. A little, or young devili, un diavoletto, diavoluccio. The devills gold-ring ( a caterpillar ) fee . a vine fretter The fea-devill, rannocchia pcfcatrice. D evills-bitt ( herbe ) mono del diavolo, mozzicatura del diavolo. Devilijh, diabolico. A devilifh crue, ima cricca diabolica, una diabolica turba. Devilli/hly, diabolicamente. Mofl devillifjly, arcidiabolicamcnte. Devillijhnefe, diavolezza. To devife, divifare, ritruovarc, invenire, inventare, machinate. D evifed, divifato, ritruovato, inventato, machinato. A devifer, divifatore, ritruovatore, in¬ ventore , inventatore macchinato- re. Devoid of, ignudo di- nudo di- D evoir, debito, dovere, il dovuto, obli¬ ge- To devote, votare, abotirc, dedicare, facra- re, conlacrare. To devote himfelfe unto, metterli a- appi¬ gliarli a- D evoted. divotato, dedicato, facrato, con- facrato. A devoting unto, divotamento, abotimen- to,dedicamento,facramento,confacra- mento. Devotion, divotione. Full of devotion , divoto, divotiofo. Counterfeit, or lypocriticall deduction, hipo- crilia ', finta divotione. bachettone- ria. To devoure, vorare, divorare, inghiottire, tranguggiarc aljo, affoibire, tracanna¬ re. Devoured , vorato , divorato,inghiottito, tranguggiato, alfa, afforbito, tracan¬ nato. •A greedy devourer, voratore,ingordo, go- lofo, ghiottone, falcon di cuci¬ na. A r?ez/o/mwg,divoramento,ghiottone ria golofità. Devouring, divorando, tranguggiando, allorbcndo, tracannando. D evout. divoto, devoto. Devout onely in (hew, hipocrita, fantone, bacchettone, picchia petto ( jhee ) pinzocchera, fpicca fanti, fpigoliftra. Devoutly , divotamentc. D evoutenefe, divotione, divotezza. Deuteronomy, deuteronomio. The dewlap of a leaf , ruggiada, guaz¬ za. Dew, ruggiada, guazza. To dew , airuggiadare, guazzare, irrigare irrorare. Dew-grafe, herba ftella. Dexteritie, deilrezza, dellerità, difpollez- za, agilità. Diabolieall, diabolico. Diabolically , diabol icamentc. A diademe, diadema, corona. Diaconali, diaconale. Diagonali , diagonale. Diagonally , diagonalmente. A dialect , dialetto, modo di parile, per¬ iata, idioma. A diali , horologio. A fun-diall, horologgio àfole. A water-diall, horoìoggio à acqua,clcflì- dra. Apilotes diali, or mariners compafe , buffo- la. A diall-maker, horologgiaro, or, horolog- giaio. The hand of a clock-diall , la mano,o moltra d’ un horologio. A dialogue , dialogo, difeorfo, colloquio A diameter, diametro. A diamond , diamante. Ofa diemond,hard as a diamond, dizmanùno, duro quanto un diamante. A bafard diamond , diamante falfo, or,baf- tardo. The diamond at cards, quadri,mattoni. A diapafon, diapafo, ottava in malica. To diaper, fcreziare di piu colori,infiorare. Diaper-worke, fcreziamento di più colori, infioramento. D iapred, fcrezziato, infiorato, A dtapring, as diaper worke. A diary ( or jour nail ) diario, giornale. A dibble , zappa, vanga,badile. Agard’ners dibble , zappa da hortolanc?. D/re. .dadi. ~4 dicker ( of leather j decina di corami. To dittate, dettare. Dittated, dettato. A dittato tir, dittatore. The di Ciato ur/hip, dittatura. A dictionary , dizionario , vocabolario. A dtdopper , fulica, fhierga. A die . dado. A blanke /?/e,dado bianco,che non ha pon¬ ti. To play at dice, giuocar à dadi. ^1 cafl ai dice, tiro de’ dadi. A dicer, dice-player, giuorator a’ dadi. Dicing , il giuocar a’ cladi. A dteing-houfe , bifeazzo, ridotto. DI The keeper of a dicing bottfe , bifcazzie- ro. To didder, tremolar di freddo. A didderingy freniamola, tremarella, ri¬ brezzo. To die , muorire. Ready io die, ftar per morire, mancar poco n morire, in ponto di morire,moribon¬ do. To die ( colours ) tinger, or tigner colori, dar la tinta. A die, tignimcnto, tinta. A die-boufe, tintoria. Died, tinto. A dicr, tintore. A diers ( wife ) tintora. A diers volt, vafo,tina, rinatelo da tinto¬ ri. ‘A diet, dieta, regime, ordine, governo, te¬ gola. Dtettcd, regolato, governato. Dogs diet , pane acqua. To dia, nutrire, dar a magnare, affo, rego¬ lare , governare, far ftar a rego¬ la. . To differ ( or di [agreefrom ) differire, dif- cordare, variate. Differed, difeordaro, variato. A diff erence , differenza , difeordanza varietà. A difference, or controverse, contrailo, dif- puta, contr.overliajite. Different, differente, difeordante, va¬ rio. , Made different from , fatto differente da- Dijferently or with a difference, differente¬ mente, variamente, con differen¬ za. Differing, differendo, difeordando, vari¬ ando. ,A differing , differimento, variamento, difeordamento. Difficult, difficile, arduo. À diffieultie, difficoltà. Full of difficulties , pieno di difficoltà, diffi- coltofo, arduo. Difficultly.or with diffieultie , difficilmente, con difficoltà. Diffidence, diffidenza , gelofia, martel¬ lo. Todiffufe. diffondere, fpandere. Di fu fed, diffufo, fparfo. D iffufedly. diffufamente, alla fparfa, alla larga. Diffufedneffe.dì finitone. larghezza,fpargi- mento. . To dig, zappare,vangare. To dig up. fcavare, cavare. To dig ( or root ) with the ttofe. grufola¬ re. To dig with the fingers, ftuzzicare, fruga¬ re. Todigefl . digerire , final tire, concuocc- re. D igefled. digerito , fmaltito , concot¬ to. D igefiion, digeltione, fmaltimento, con- cottione. Want of digefiion. indigeftione , cacochi- mia. cativa digellione. Digeftive , digeritivo, digeftivo. Digged, zappato, vangato. Digged up ( into, or about ) fcavato, cava¬ to. A digger, zappatore, vangatore. Adigger up. fcavatore, cavatore. A digger of graves, beccamorti. Digging with a mottock , zappando con marra. A digging, zappamento, vangamento, zappata, vangata. A digging up t into , or about , Gra¬ vamento, cavamente, fcavata, cavata. DI A digit ( number ) digito. To dignifie, (lignificare, honorarc. Dignitie , dignità, honorc,carico, officcio. Todigrefie,iar digreffione,alienare,lcoftar- fi dallo fcopo, fcanzarc. To digrefie from , alienarli da fcoftarfida. Digreffedfrom, alienato da-l’coftatoda. A digrefiion, digreffione, difeoftamento, alicnamento. A dike, foflo, fofla. To dilacerate, dilacerare, fquarciare. Dilacerated, dilacerato, fquarciato. To dilapidate , dilapidare, fcialacquare , buttar amale, mandar in malhota. Dilapidated, dilapidato, fcialacquato, but¬ tato à male, mandato inmàlhora. A dilapidation, dilapidatione, fcialacqua- mento. To dilate, dilatare,fpanderc, {tendere. Dilatable , che li pub dilatare, fpandere, or /tendere. Dilated, dilatato, fpanfo, ltefo. A dilatation , dilatatione, fpandimento , ftendimento. A dilatatone, dilatatorio, ftromento, ordi¬ gno cirugico. Dilatorie , dilatorio. Diligence, diligenza, follecitudine. Diligent, diligente, follecito. Diligently, diligentemente, follccitamen- te. Dill, aneto. Wild-dill, aneto falvatico. Of the herb dill, anetino. A dimenfion. dimenìi one, proportio- ne. Todiminìfh. diminuire, fminuire. Diminished, diminuito, fminuito. A diminifhing, diminifhment,diminution, di- minuimento, rminuimento. Diminutive, diminutivo. Dimme, ofeuro, caliginofó, impannato. To dimme or make dimme , ofeurare, caligi- naie, impannare. To dimme the eyes, abbagliar gl’ occhi, in¬ pannar la villa. Dimmed , ofeurato, abbagliato, impan¬ nato. A dimming, abbagliamento, ofeuramen- to, impannamento. Dimly, of curamente, caliginofamen- te. D imnefie, ofeurezza, caligine, ofeurità. A dimnefie of fight, abbagliamento di vil¬ tà. A dimple, folfetta. Dimpled. che hà una folfetta, una pozzet¬ ta. To dine, pranzare, defìnare. Ili dined. mal pranzato, mal delira¬ to. A dining chamber , or dining roome, tinello, fala. The ding-dong of bells, tinnito, fuono. To ding againft the walls, urtar contra il muro, sfracalfar contra la muraglia. To dingle-dangle , dondolare, dondoleggi- arc. A dinner , pranzo, definare. To dint ( bruife or batter inward ) a ve fieli of mettali , imbolfare. A dint , inibolfatura. A diocefe, diocefe. A dip thong, dittongo. To dip, intingere, intignere, inzuppare, immollare. Dipped , intinto, immollato. A dipper, intingitore, che intinge, che immolla. A dipping, intignimento, infingimento, inzuppamento, immollamento. Direct, dritto, adrittura. To diteli, diriggcrc, ordinare, indrizzare, menare, imparare. _ D r T °a ir ^ ^’ C right Ttrayi imparare la véra Itrada, intirizzar la vera ftrada, guida- D netted, diretto, ordinato, indrizzato, imparato, menato, guidato. netted to, or in the right way, guidato, in¬ tirizzato,imparato la vera ftrada.il vero camino. A diretter, direttore,guida, feorta, ordi- dinatore. Diretting , or direttive, direttivo. A direttiou. ordine, direttione, intiriz¬ zo. A diretting, ordinamento,indrizz amento feorgimento. A diretting in the way. guidamento, feor- gimcnto , indrizzamento di ftra¬ da. Direttly. drittamente, ordinatamente. Direttenefie. direttela, drittura, ordine. Dirgefs,V offitio de’ defonti. Din, fanga,immondirie,fporchezza. A heap of dirt, mucchio di fanga. Dirty, fangofo, immondo, fporco. A dirty jlough, un pantanaccio. A d/y^ir/i^.inhabilità,impotenza. To di fable, render inhabile, avvilire, ab¬ ballare. D ifabled, refo inhabile, avvilito, abbaca¬ to. A difabling, un render inhabile, un avvi¬ lire, un abbalfarc. To difabufe , difìngannare, fgannare. Dijabufed, difingannato, fgannato. To difaccufiome , difavvezzare, difaccoftu- mare. Difaccuflomed, difavvezzato, difaccoftu- mato. Dtfacujlomedneffie,difacco(lumatezza. To difaccomodate, feommodare, incommo- dare. Difaccommodatedjcommodatofmcommo- dato. Difadvantage,difav\'amaggìo, fvantaggio. To difadvantage; difavvantaggiare, lvan- taggiare. Difadvantaged, difa v vantaggiato, fvantag- giato. Dijddvantagious, difavvantaggiofo, fran- taggiofo. i Difadvantagioujly, difavvantaggiofamente fvantaggiofaniente. To difagree, difeordare, feordare. variare, differire. Difagreeable , difcordevole, fcordevole, va¬ riabile, differente. D ifagreed on, difeordato, feordato, varia¬ to. A difagreeing, difeordamento, feorda- mento, variamento, differire. Difagreeing, difeordando, feordando, va¬ riando, differendo, difeordante, /cor¬ dante. Difagreement, difeordia, differenza, alfoas a difagreeing. To di fallow, difappruovare, negare, non riconoi'cier per fuo. Difallowd , djlappruovato, negato, non riconofciuto perfuo. • A di fallowing, difappruovamento, nega- tione, biafìmo. To dtjannuii, annullare, annichilare, abo¬ lire, abrogare. Difannulled, annullato, annichilato, abo¬ lito, abrogato. A difannulment^nnulhnicnto, annichila- nìento,abolimento, abrogamento. A difannulling, as a difannulment. Difappointable, che fi può difappontare. To difappoint, difappontare, fruftrare, dif- tituire, burlare, alfo, levar il tratteni¬ mento, levar il foldo.- D ifappointed, difappontato, fruftrato, dif- tituito, burlato. g z A D I DI D ^A difcppointnig,or diftppintment ,dti'appon- tamentc, fraaranxntOydeiHtuimcnio, burla. To dijarme , dilaniare. To dij.vmc ( of'great guns') difmontarc, difcaricare. To difarme a hovfe offende^ sbardcllarc an cavallo. inferme d)dii~Ari\pto (asafijp ) difmonta- to, di'caricato ( as ahorft of fervi cc ) sbalzellato. A difiYtywgj .di (armamento. To difuruvy j difordinare , fconcia- rc. D if rrayed. difordinato , (concio , (con¬ ciato. X) //«; >•' • cd C as un army roused j lcom.pigl;- nro, rotto, (confitto. ,, D ifan.tycd ( or , uncloth’d ) fpogiiato, fvef- tito. ...... A dijufer, di (gratia, malanno, mala,puf- quaj (ventura, (aagura, malaxen turai mal noia, mileria. C:!’.:(irqns 9 dilgraii.uo, fventurato, kia- g,,ra, malav vantatalo, sfortunato, ini- lerabil.c. D// difconipagnare, fcompngna- rc. Di foliated , difcompagnato,fcompngnato. To difbandj sbandare, sbendare, difìcrrai c. Disbanded, sbandato, sbendato, diflerrato. A disbanding, sbandamento, sbendamen- to, diffama mento. To disburden-, difcaricare, fcaricare. disburdened. difear cato, (caricato. A disburdening, difcancamcnto, (carica¬ mento. To disburfe, sborfare, di.sboiTare. Dishurfed, sborfato, disborfato. A disburfer , sborfatorc, disborfatore. A or(amcnto,disborfamcnto. ^1 disbmjement, idem. To difear d s fcartarc. difeartare, tifo, fcafla- l'C, (gradare, degradare. Difcarded, (cartaio , dilcartato, fcafTato, ("gradato, degradato. To difterite, di (cerne re, conofcerc, feorg- ere, vedere, penetrare. To difterite from others, dubinguere da al¬ tri, di (cernere, cappate, (tiegliere. D ifterned, difccrnito, conofcinto, feorto, veduto, penetrato. Difccrnedfrom others, dutinro, difccrnito, cappato, feietto. A difterning , difeernimento, conofcimen- to, feorgimento, penetramento, conof- cimento. To difeharge, difcaricare, fcaricare, libera¬ re, acquietare, affrancare, difobligaic, calfnre, licentiate. Do difeharge ( from a crime or fault )diicol- pare, fcolparc. A difeharge, difcarica, quietanza. A difeharge from fui te, difcarica di lite ó procedo. D ifcharged, difearleato, fcaricato, liberato acquietato, affrancato, dilbbJigato,caf- fato, licentiato. D ifcharged from blame, difcolpato, fcolpa- to. A dtfiharger, dil‘cancatorc,fcai icatore,li- bcratore, acquietatole. nfirancatole, difobligatore, cafiatore, iicentiatore. .A difchargir.g,dik recamento, (caricameli' ■ to, liberamente,acquietamento,aliran- camento, difobligamcnto, caliamento, j licentiamenco. To dtfchevclL (capi giure. Di ft bevelled, fcapigliato. A diftiple , difee polo, (col a re prìncipi nn t c, novi zzo. Vifcrpline, di {ciplina, oiTerv.mza. Maritali difcipftr.c, dilciplina militare, difciplina martjaie , aggucrrimcn- to- To dij danne, difappruoyare , rinuntia- re. Di [claimed , difappruovatO’, ununtia- to. A di flaming, difappruovamento, riuun- tia mento. To difciojì, difeoprire, (copile* manifelln- re, publicarc, accufare. Difclojed, difcopcrto, (coperto, nnnifelta- to, publicato, acctifato. A dtfclófer, diicopritore, (copritore, ma¬ idici tato; e , pabhcatorc , acculato¬ ti A diftlofìng, or eli) ciò fare, difcoptimcnto, fcoprimento.nianifellamento, pitblica- mento, ac cu fa men to. To di Icolour , diicolorarc, (colorare. Diftolored, difcclorato, (colorato. A ds [color tug , difcoloramcnto, (colora¬ mento. To difiomfic , (compìaliare , (confutare, metter in Scompiglio, metter in rotta, dar la fuga, rompere. Dijcomfìted, (corny daliato,fconutto, rotto, fugato. A difcomftturc, feomfitta, rotta, fu¬ ga. Te diftomfort, difconfolarc , fconfolare, contrillare, (confortare. Diftomfort s fconlolatione. feonforto. Dijcomforted , difconfolato, Jbonlolato, feonfortato. To be defeomforted, reftar fconfolato, per¬ derli d’animo, contrillarli. Difcommendation , sbialìmo , vituperio, difprczzo, difprcggio, fprezzo, fpreg- § io : To diftommend, sbiafimare,biafìmarc. vi¬ tuperare, (prezzare,fpre^aiarc, deprez¬ zare. Dz/co»j»ieK fmontato, fcavallato: dil- montato, sbraccaro. ; Difobedience ,dil.ibkbenza. j Difobedient. di {ubbidiente. I To be difobedient , effer difubbidien- I te. Difubediently , difubbidicntemente- To difobey , difubbidire. Difobey e J 3 difubbidito. To difobli^) difobbligare. Di [obliged) difobligato. Dif order, diffidine, confuhone, sbarag- bo,baruffa, babilonia, rotta, fcompi- glio. A generali dilordcer , retta generale. To dijorder the haire, ICompigliar, difeapi- gliarc. To dìfordcr 1 , difordinare, metter in ifcpmpiglio Scomporre , fvia- rc. To diforder him[etfc) fviar(ì,far difendine, {comporli. Ahoufe o[di[order } ridotto, bifeazza, bor- | dello. 1 D /[ordered, difordinato, {comporto, fvia- j D tfordered haire t capegli fcapiglia- : Diforderly^ difordinatamente, feompofta- l mente, fviatamente. ^4 d [ordering , di ford inamento, feompo- nimcnto, fv lamento. Todìfparage, vituperare, avvilire, dìfpa- reggiate, {pareggiare, difendale, vitu¬ perare, {parlare. D ifparaged) avvilito, di {pareggia to, fpa- rego ato, difenduto, vitu; erato. A 1 fyarager . avvi litore, difpareggiatore, fprezzatore, vituperatore, Tparlato- re. A difparagement , difonore , avvili¬ mento, difpreggio, d {prezzo, vitupe¬ rio. To difparke, {parcare, aulire, t U [parked) fparcato: aperto. A djfparking» fparcamento, aprimen to. To difpatch , fpacciare, fp e( ^> re ifpedi- re. To di[paich a bufìnejfe, fpedir un negotio, fpedir una faconda. To difpatch out o[the way 3 fpedire fuor de piedi. To di [patch his hands of difìntnearfì di- libe t arli di- A difpatch) fpaccio, piego, fpeditione, or¬ dine, ftaffetta 3 alJo 3 disfatta, mina, rot¬ ta. Difpatched , fpacciato , fpedito, ifpedi- to. Difpatchedgmt of the way 3 fpedito fuor de piedi. A difpatcher , fpacciatore , fpedito- re. • A dìfpatching , fpacciamento, fpedimen- to. Dìfpatching , fpacciando, fpedendo. A difpenfition , difpenfa, difpenfatio- ne. A difper.fatory , difpenfatorio, farmaco¬ pea. To difpence, difpenfare. Di [pen [ed, -difpenfa to . A di[penfcr, difpenfatore. Todijpeople, {popolare. Di [peopled, {popolato. Todifperfe, {perdere, dffperdere, diltribui- re. D ifperfed , lperfo, difperfo, diltribui- to. A di[perfing> {perdimento,difpcrdimento, diitribuimento. Df A di [perfi on, dilperlìonc. To difphce , levar dal fuo loco , floca- TC. D [placed) levato dal {uo loco, foca¬ to. A difplaùng) levamento dal {uo loco, ilo- eamento. To difplay , {piegare ,dif piegare Sviluppare, metter alla larga. Di/gfavefea/e(f,di{piacciuto,{piacciuto,di{gra- dito, {contento, difgurtato. To be di[plea[ed , reitare difgurtato, reftarcon difpiaccre, rellar feoatenta- to. D ifpleafing , or di[ple[ant , {piacevole, dffpiacevole , {piacente , difpiacen- te. Adifpleafure) {piacete, digufto. To doe difpleafure to, {ar dilpiacer ad alcu¬ no. To dtfpoile^fcc to defpoile. r:[port ( on old word ) ridotto, gioco. To di [port, giuocarc. To.dijpofe } diiporre, difponere, allottile, ordinare. To difpo [e of a matter >dì£pone d’ alcuna co- fa, far penlìero {opra alcuna cola. Difpofed ) difpofto , affortito , ordina to. Ill difpofed, mal difpofto, malaticcio, mal- fano. A difpofer , dffponitore, ordinatore. A difpofing, diiponimento, ordinamento, aborrimento. A difpofitio’ti) dffpofitione, difpoftezza, inclinatione, moto, natura. The difpofition of the body) la dilpoftezza del corpo, 1’ habito del corpo. Ill dtfpofition 3 indifpoftezza.cativo natura¬ le. A good difpofinon 3 difpoftezza d’animo, buon naturale. To difpofsefse himfelfe of fpoffeffarh di- {provederfi di- fveftirfi di- {pogliarfi di- Dt/pofsefsed, fpoffeflato, {proviflo, {prove¬ duto. {pogliato, fveftito. A difpojsefsing, {poli'eliamento, {provedi- mento, divertimento, {pogliamento. Difpraifeable, dirtprcgiabile, {prezzevole, fprcggiabilc, vitupcroff). To difpraife. diiprczzare, di{sbiafìmare, sp reggi are, {prezzare, avvilire, vitupe¬ rare. Difpraife, diffrezzo di{preggio,{prezzo, {preggio, sbialimo, vituperio. Difpratjed , deprezzato, {prezzato, sbia- fimato, {preggiato, {prezzato, avvilito, vituperato. A difpraifer) difarezzatore, {prezzatole, sbiafimatore, {preggiatore, fpiczzato- rc, vituperatore. A difpratfing , dffprezzamento, fprezza- n:ento, avvilimento, al[o, as difprayfc. Todi[profit, incommodare, dar {capito or danno, tlanneggiaie, {capitare, pregiu¬ dicare. {commodare. Difprofit ) incommodo, {commodo, dan¬ no, pregiuditio, {capito. A difprofìttng, incommodamcmtoj {com- modamento,danneggiamento, {capita¬ melo, prcgiudicamento. To difprove , confatale, rifiutare, coiffon- dére. D ifproved, confutato,rifiutato, confufo. \A dtfproofej confutationc, rifiutatione , confuhone. A ^/y/»ro^of/'o»,di{proportione,fproportio- To difproportioi!) difordinare, {proportio¬ nate, 1 concertare Difproponioned , difordinato, {proportio¬ nate, /concertato. Difpurveyed , fprovifto, fproveduto. To dijpute, difputare, contraftarc, oppoi- re. k. 4 difpute , difputa,contrafto,oppolitione, contravenire. Dijputable) difputabile, contrattabile, che li può contravenire. A difputation) dffputatione, alfa as a dif¬ pute. To difpute fondly, difputare fpropofitata- mente. Difputed) difputato. D ifputed fondly , difputato fpropofitata- mente. To di J quiet) difquietare, {quietare, incom¬ modare, feommodare, annoiare, {arti- dire, moleftarc. D ifquiet , or difquietnefe , inquietudine, incommodo, noia, faftidio, molef- tia. D ijquieted, difquietato , inquietato, in- commodato,annoiato, fallidito, mo- leltato. A difquieter, difquietatore, inquictatore, incommodatore,annoiatore,fartiditore moleftatore. Todifranke, difordinare, {regolare, {con¬ certare, {comporre, A difsection, diilettione. To dijseife , divertire, divertirli, fpoffeffar- Difseifed , divertito, lpoffeffato. A dffietfing) divertimento, l’poffeffamen- to. Io difsemble , diffimulare, fìmulare, con trafare, fingere, far 1’ hipocrita Difsembled , diflmiulato, fimulato, contra¬ fatto, finto, affettato. A difscmblerj dilììmalatore, fimulatore, fingitore. Difsembler like, difììmulatamente, da hi¬ pocrita, afiettatamente. A difsembling , or difsimulation , dif- iimulatione , fimulatione , hipocri- fia. Difsembling , diffmuilando, fimulando. Difsenfton, diffcnfionedifeordia, ziza¬ nia. A difsefion-fotver. feminator di difeordia, or, di zizania. Differvice. diflervitio, difobligatione. Do difsever. leparare,{partile,metter a par- * t eorfin difparte. DtJJevered) feparato, fpartito,meffo a par¬ te, or, in difparte. The difimular ports of the body, le parti dif- fimilari del corpo. Difiimulation. diHimulatione. To afe difiimulation. difiimularc, limulare, as to difiemble. Todifiipate. diffiparc, fpargere. Diftpated. diflipato, {parlo. A difsipation . diffipatione, fpargìmcn- to. A difsipatour, diffipatorc. Todifsolve } diflòlvere, fnodare, fondere, {quagliare. To di [solve fociety } diiìaiTòciarfi. To di[solve a great family , difmettcr fami¬ glia. D ifolved. diffolto, fnodato, fafo, {quagli¬ ato. A difolving) diffolviolento, fnodamento, fondimento, squagliamento. D tfsolute, diffoluto, sviato, difcolo. D/y’o/Htc/j,diflblutamcnte,{viatamente,da difcolo. Di [solute- DI D I ~Difidatene fise , difi'olutezza , t°. _A venerdì difiolutenefie,dilTolmczza. ftcr- minata. _A difiblution , elifToluti one, mina. D ifionant, di (fonante, difeorde. ' To difswade, diduadere, Sconfiggale, Difiwuded, di (fu aio, fconfigliato, difhvitder , difilla!ore » Scontigliato- re. A difi wading, diduadimcnto, fconfiglia- mento. difiwdfion, difiiiaiìohe , fconfiglimen- ro. tìiftaffe, rocca, conocchia. A dijhffc-ftdl, conocchiata. To di fittine, macchiare,imbrattare, guada¬ re, corrompere. Diftained, macchiato, imbrattato, guada¬ to, corrotto. Diftained with blood, intrifo, or macchiato ne! dingue. A diftaining, macchiamcnto, imbratta¬ meli to, guadamene, corrompimen- to. A difiancc , didanza, didantia, lontanan¬ za. D ifltint, didante, lontano. Farre difiant, molto didante, lontano af¬ fai. To difiafi, difgudare, offendere, annoia¬ re. A difiafi , difgudo, offefa, noia. Diftafied , difgudato, offefo , annoia¬ to. A cft/?rf/?/wg,difguftamentOjoffendiniento, annoiamento, rincrcfcimento. Difiafiftll , difgudevole, difgudofo, mai¬ alato, increfcevole. To diflemper, didemprare, demprare, dis¬ ordinare, far dìfordine. A diflemper demperamento, didempera- mento, difordine. D/y?ew/>ere<{,Stemperato,diftenipcrato,dis¬ ordinato. A defiemperedftomack , Stomaco disordi¬ nato. diftemperato, lvogliato, affanna¬ to, debile. A diftemperature , diftemperamento, dif¬ ordine, affanno, indifpolitione. To difiend, Stendere, allargare, distendere, Spandere. D ifiended , diftefo , allargato , fpan- fo. A de fi enfon , diftenfione, allargamen¬ to. ■A difiich, diftico. Todifiill, distillare, Stillare, paffarpera- lambkò, gocciare. Difiillable, dìStillabile,che fi può distilla¬ re. A diflilUtion , diftillatione. Difiilled , distillato, pafiato per alambi- co. A difiilling , difcillamento, gocciamen- to. Difiilling, distillando, gocciando. D iftintt, distinto, Separato. D ifiintvly , diftintamente, Separatamen¬ te. sA diftinttion, diftintionc , Separatio- ne. To difii tigni fi , distinguere,Separare. D ifiinguilhed, diStinto, Separato. A diftinguijher , diStinguitore, Separato¬ re. To diftratt, distrarre. Sviare, Stornare, Svol¬ tare. D ifiraB, or diftratted, distratto, Sviato,Stor¬ nato, Svoltato. One diftrafted, pazzo, matto, inSenSato, forsennato, impazzito. A difiratlion , pazzia,' matteria, alfo , diftrattione, ftomamento, Sviamento. To di fir aine, Stringere,afTicurarfi,in.ipofief- Sarli per forza,far il pegno, Sequestra¬ re. Difirained , or taken for a diftrefie , af¬ fienato, Sequestrato, fatto il peg¬ no. A diftrdining, Stringimento, afficuramen- to, impone {Tomento, il far de’ pegni, il SequeStro. Difirejfc, anguftia, Strette, miferia. A difirefse, as a difirayning. D iftrefsed, or in difirefse, angustiato, nelle Strette,in miferia,Sventurato, infe¬ lice. D iftrefsedly, angufriatamente, miferabb¬ uiente, infelicemente. To di (tribute , distribuire, Spartire, compar¬ tire. Diftributed, distribuito. Spartito, compar¬ tito. A difiributer, diftributorc,Spartitore^com- partitore. A distribution, diftributione, fpartimento, compartimento. D iftributive, diCtributivo, partitivo, com¬ partiti vo. To difiruft, disfidare, disfìdarfi. D ifirufi, disfidanza, gelofia. A diflrlifting, disfidamene. Diftrufting, disfidando. A difturbance, disturbo, fàftidio, molef- tia. To dtfiurbe , disturbare, Sturbare, faftidire, moleStare. To difturbe one another , disturbarli 1’ un 1’ altro, faftidirfi l’un l’altro. Difiurbed, disturbato, faftidito, molesta¬ to. A dijturber, difturbatore, Sturbatole, fas¬ tiditole, molcftatore. A difturbing, disturbamene, ftuvbamen- to , fastidimene , moleftamen- to. A difunion , difunione , difgiontio- ne. To di funi te , difunire, Scompagnare, Sepa¬ rare, difgiugncre. D ifunited, difunito, Scompagnato , Sepa¬ rato, difgionto. A dif uniting , difunimento, Scompagna¬ mento, Separamento, difgiogninten- to. Difufage, diSufo, difufanza. To dtfufe, difu fare,disawezzare, difaccof- turnare, tralasciare, metter in difufan- za. A difiie, di Tufo , as difufage. Difufed, difufato, disawezzato, difaccoS- tumato,, tralasciato, mefio in difufan- za, difmeffo. Di fifing, difufatamente , difavvezzdta- mento, alfo as difufage. D under, dittarne , dittamo. To ditch in, foflare,infoflare. A ditch, folio. Ditches .Soffi. Ditched in, Solfato, infoffato. A ditcher , foflatore. A ditching , fofTajneijto. A dittie, aria,canzone, barzaletta. To dive, attuffarfi, immergerli. Dived, attuffato, ininierfo. A diver, attuffatore, immergi tore. A diving , attuffamento, ìmmergimen- to. A divedopper, mergo. Divers, diverfo, differente, vario. D iverfely, diverfamente, differentemente variamente To diver fify, diverfificare, differentiate, Svariare, tramezzare- A diver fifying, diverfifìcamento, diffe- rentiamento , Svanimento, tramezza- mento. Diver fitic, divertita, differentia, fvariatio- ne. To divert, divertire, distornare, Storna¬ re. Diverted, divertito, diftornato. Scorna¬ to. A diverting , or diver fon , divertimento, diverfione, diftornamento, Sconfiglia- mento, Sfornamento. To divide, dividere, partire, distribuirei Spartire, compartire. To divide into two e quali parts, Spartire in parti uguali. Divided , divifo, partito,distribuito,Sparti¬ to, compartito. Divide dly , divisamente, panicamente, diftribuitamentc, Spaititamente, com- partiramente. A divident. parte, portione, diftributio¬ ne. A dividing , dividimento, partimento, diftribuìmento,fpartimento, comparti¬ mento. Divination , di vinati one. ( by aire ) aeromantia. ( by the belly ) gaftromantia. ( by barly meal mixt with wheat ) alebro- mantia. ( byacockorcock-ftone ) alectrioman'- tia. (byearth) gconiantia. ( by fire ) piromanti». (bylots) Sortilegio. ( by Jmoke ) capnomantia. ( by water ) hidromantia. To mÌHgjCoppiare. To dratp ne are, or nigh to, accodare, avvi¬ cinare, approflimare. To draw in length, allongarc, prolonga¬ te. To draw orlembe . ritrarre, pignere, tira¬ re. To draw in, indurre, introdurre. To draw ( fowle, as cookcs do ) fventrar pol¬ lanti, curare. To draw water, attigner dell’acqua. A dr aw-net, tramagglio. To draw afvord bafily, cacciar mano alla fpada. A drawer { of brood, cloth ) rannichiatore di panno alto. A drawer , tiratore. A vintners drawer, garzon d’ hofte,che ti¬ ra vino nell’ hoftcria. A drawer back, ritiratore. A drawer of water, attignitor d’ acqua. Drawers { courfe (lockings to draw over others, fopra calcctte, alfo fottocalzo- ni. To put on drawers metterli le mu¬ tande, metterli li fottocalzoni. That hath drawers o«,che s’ è meflo or vedi¬ tele mutande. A drawer ( unfier a table , or cup-boord ) ti¬ ratore. Drawers ( or boxes ) in a cabinet orprefse, caffettini. A drawing , tirata, tiramento. A drawing away , eftrattione , filamen¬ to. A drawing back, ritiramento. A drawing forth, eftrattione, il tirar fuo¬ ri. A drawing by faire meanes, il tirar eolie buone, il lufingare. A drawing neere, or nigh /o,accoftamento, avvicinamento, approccio. A drawing in length , allongamento, pro- longamento, A drawing in, induttionc, introduttio- ne. A drawing or limbing, il tirarre,il pigne- re. A drawing water , attignimcnto d’ac- j qua. A hafiy drawing , or offer to draw a fword, il cacciar fubito man à la Ipa- da. Drawen back, ritirato. Drawen { as a writing ) coppiato,trafcritto, fatto minuta. Drawne forth, eftratto. Drawne neere to, accollato,avvicinato, ap- pro filmato. Drawne in length, allongato. prolonga- to. Draiven up ( as water ) attinto. Which may be drawen back, che fi può ritira¬ re. A dray, carro matto. A dr ay-man,cancttaxo,che mena il carro. To dread , temere, haver paura. D read, paura, tema, fpavento, orrore. Dreaded, temuto. D reaifdl, fpaventevole, orrendo. Dreadfully, fpaventevolmente, horrcnda- mcnte, orridamente. D reading, temendo, havendo paura. A dream, fogno. Te dream, fognare, infognarli. Dreamed, fognato, infognato. A dreamer, fognatole, infognatole. Dreaming, lognando, infognando. A dreaming, il fognare, l’infognarli. A dreaming fellow, penfofo, malinconico, intronato. Dregt, feccia, fondaccio. The dregs of otte, fecciuola, torcifecciuola. The dregs canaglia,popolaccio Full of dregs, feculento, pieno di feccia. The dregs of courfe fi fugar, fecciaccia. A drench , beverone. To drench or give a dreneh to, dar un beve¬ rone. To drench ( or wet ) ammollare, bagnare, metter a molle. Drenched, ammollato, bagnato, meflo à molle. To drefse, acconciare, accomodare, abbi¬ gliare, veftire,metter in ordine. A drefse , acconciamento, accomodamen¬ to, abbigliamento, ve ffimento. To drefse up a chamber i raffettar una ca¬ mera. To drefse { meat ) cucinare, cuocer carne ó altro magnare. 7 o drejse { or prune ) a vine, potare una vi¬ te. Todrefie or fhff ?„ with wire, acconciar con ni di ferro, affilare. D refied, acconciato, accomodato, abbi¬ gliato, veffito, meflo in ordine. Dreffed ( as a vine ) potato. ì Dreffed ( with wire) affilato. A drcjjer, acconc latore, accomodatorc, abbigliatole, veditore, che mette in ordine. A drefier of meat , cucinatore, cuoco, che npparccch ia da magnare. A drefier of leather, coneia corami. A drefier of old things, rigarierc. A drefer-boord, tavola da imbandire. A drefsing, acconciamento, acconciatura, accomodamento, accomodatura, abbi¬ gliamento, vefiimento. A new drefsing of things, moda novella di acconciare. A drefsing with wire, affilamento. A drefsing of conciatura,cucinamen- to. Drefsing for n’owe»,acconciatura, abbigli¬ atura. The drefsing of poultry { as-pulling j drawing c re, ) acconciatura di polla¬ mi. Dr/e, fecco, afeiutto, arido. To drie,or be dried up, feccarfi, inaridir¬ li, divenir fecco, or afeiutto, afeiugar- D rie, or thtrfiy, afletatOjarfo di fete or dalla fete, che hh fete. To dric, feccare, afeiugare, afeiutta¬ re. Todriein the fun, afeiugar, or feccare al fole. To àrie in the fmoke, affumicare. To drie and feafon herrings for the barrell, fcccaiT arrenghc. Dried, feccnto, alciugato, afeiuttato. Dried in the Jun, afciugato, or fecCatoal foie. Dried i up, afciugato, afeiuttato, fece a- to. Dried in the fmoke, affumicato. Driely, afeiuttamente, feccaniente. Drienefse, liceità, afeiuttezza. Drying up by extreame beat , inaridariiento, fcccamcnto. Adrift, fiopo , fegno, diffegno, me¬ ta. A drill, fpilletto, fpillo, fquilletto. A fione-cutters drill, foratore Drink, bere, beveraggio, bevanda. To drink, bere, bevete. To dr ink by fips, bevazzare, bei- à poco à poco. To drink up all, bere polito, bere fedé¬ le. To drink excefsively, bere fuor di mo¬ do , bevacchiarejsbevacchiare, trinca¬ re. To drink unto , far un brindili a d al¬ cuno, bere alla falute d’ alcu¬ no. I drinke to you Sir, faccio un bendili a vof- fignoria, alla falute di ues. Good drink, buon bere, buona bevan¬ da. To drink up, or fwallow downe, tracannare, mandar giù. A drinke made of old hard wine and honie, beveraggio di vino t miele miftica- to. A drinker, bevitore, trincàtorè. A DR DU 1 TO'» ; pl |i A M§{ :R-i I J 11 A great wine-dr inker, gran bevitor divi¬ nò. A v?.mr-drinker, bevitor d’ acqua. An excefivc drinker , bevacchione, briac- cone. A drinking , il bere, bevete, bevuta, collu¬ dane, merenda,rinfrefeo. Esce five drinking, bevata fpropofitata,or fuor di modo,diffidine di bere. To drip , gocciolare, fcolarc, pergottare, gottare. Dripped, gocciolato, fcolato, pergolato, gottato. A dripping, gocciolamento, feolamento, pergottamento, gotta» tento. The dripping of meat, gocciolamento. A dripping-pan, vafo, or padella. | To drifell , fee to dri\lc. To drive , cacciare, fpignere alfa, mena¬ re To drive donne ( piles or [ones ) buttar giù colla mazze ranga,ruinarc. To drive away , {cacciare, fpaventa- re. To drive ó«/,efpellere,ifcacciaic,sbandiir, terminare. To drive bulk, ripellere, ricacciarci ritira¬ re, ributtar, rigittare. To drive before him, menare,cacciar man¬ zi, provocare, fpignere. To drive toward , cacciar alla volta di- To drive off time, induggiare, trattenete, prolongate, menar alla longa. To drive a cart, varine, or wagon , menar un carro. Driven away, {cacciato, fternlinato, sfygn- I dito, cacciato. ! Driven donne, buttato, minato, precipita- ; to. Driven back, ributtato, ripulfo, rigitta- to. Driven otti, fcacciato, cacciato fuori. A driver, menato, che mena. A driver away, ftacciatore, cacciato¬ re. \Anaffe-driver, afinaro, alìnaio, che me- L A driving , fcacciamento, fpignimento, ! A drugg, droga A driving of Jtones, or piles , rumamento, Dropped , che hà grondato, che hà goccio¬ lato. A dropping, grondamento, gocciolamen¬ to The dropping from thehoufe eaves, gronda- memo, flill iddio. The dropping of the ttofe , fcolamento del nafo. The dr op fie, idropifia, dropilia. That hath the dr op fie, idropico, che hà la dropilia. The white drop fie, leuccfiegmalTia Drofle, fondumc, fchiuma di metallo Drofe of iron , fpuma di ferro, ffo- ria. AL drove, branco, greggia, gregge, man- dra. _ " 0 A drover, vaccinaro. Drouth, liceità, fete. Todrowne, affogare, annegare, four.’, er¬ gere. Drowned , affogato, annegato, fommer- fo Drowned m de et., affogato ne’ debiti, font- merfone* debiti. Al drowning , affogamento, annegamento, fommergimento. Drowfìe, fonnolento, fonnacchiofo. Made, or become drowfìe , diventi to, or di ventato fonnacchiofo. To make drowfìe , render fonnacchio¬ fo. A drowfìe companion , dormionc. Dro»»y?/)i,fonnacchiolàmcnte,iònnolcnta. mente. D ronfineffe, fonnolenza, fonnolentia, da- pocaggine. A drudge, fchiava, fcopatrice, ferva da ftrapazzo. A bafe drudge, vii ferva, ferva da ogni ftrapazzo. To drudge, far la fchiava, ftrapazzar- n. Drudgerie , fchiavitudine , ftrapaz- To put to much drudgerie , ftrapazzar affai una perfona, angariare. Putto much drudgerie, ftrapazzato affai, angariato. A drudging dries worke, lavoro di giornata, lavoro in damo. precipitamcnto. A driving a way, fcacciamento. A driving forth , fcacciamento, il cacciar fuori, lo fcacciar fuori. To driveli, far la bava, fcolar dalla boc- I Driveli, baj-n. ! .A driveller, bava tor e. • A drivelling , baveria. To driblet bindolare, alfo, grand ina- Drugges, druggerie, drogherie. A druggifi , or druggifier droghif- A drum, tamburro, tamburino. To drum, or flriek up the drum, barer if tam¬ burro, Tuonar il tamburro, or tamburi- A hr afe drum ufed by moorifh horfeman, at aballo, timpano. A little, or childs drum, tamburrino, A drummer, battitore, or. fuonatoredi tamburro. A woman ro, or forte, un tantin agro, or forte. Eger defìre , ardente animo, gran defide- rio. Eagerly , ardentemente', fortemente. Eager nefse, premura,colera,caldezza, alfo, fortezza, agrezza. An eagle, aquila. Of an eagle, aquilino. A feu-eagle, aquila marina,agnifta,piom- bina. An eagles flone, pietra aquilina. An eaglet, aquilotto. To ean , agncllare. Earableland, terreno arabile. To eare land) arare,lavorare, coltivar il ter¬ reno. Amare , orecchia, orecchio, alfo , udito afcolta. A little eare , orecchino. Of the eare, auricolare. To round, or whifper in the eare ,parlar pia¬ no all-orecchio. To lift or prick up the eares , arrizzar le orecchie, afcoltar attentamen¬ te. To give eare, dar audienza, afcoJtare, fen- tire, attendere. Given eare unto, afcoltato, udito, fentito, attefo. A giving eare n»/o,afcoltamento,attentio- ne. One that gives care untOj afcolta tore, audi¬ tore, attenditore. To lend an eare, predar orecchio. An eare-ring , orecchino. The two eares { or' aureles ) of the barte , le due orecchie del cuo¬ re. T be eare piece { or flap ) of an helmet , orec¬ chini d.lun morione. Ait eare-pick, ftuzzica orecchio. A box, or cuffe,on the care, Ihiaffo, guancia¬ ta. The tip of the eare , la punta dell- orecchio, tenerume. The eare vena auricolare. Eare-wax, lordura. An eare-wigg, oiegliere. An eare-wire, ferretto da orecchie. To box,or cuffe,on the care, menar Un fchiaf- fo ad alcuno, fchiaffeggiare. The eare of a pot, cup , c^c. manico di va- fo. The eare of a porringer , manico difcodel- la. He is up to the cam in,c' c fin all’ orecchie in- An eare of come, fpica. To eare, orjhoot forth ears, fpicare, grani¬ re. J leares-ears, orecchia d’ orfo. Cuffed, or boxed, on the eare, fchiaffeggia- to. A boxer about the eares, fchiaffeggiare- ■ re. Eared or which hath great e re. Drawne or brought to an end, condotto à fine finito, compito, terminato. In the end, in fine, alla per fine, al fin de' fini. Vp an end, chino, rizzato, retto, ritto co¬ me un fufo. A growing towards an end, che ftà per finire, terminare. The end of a thing , il fine d’ una cofa, com¬ pimento, perfettione. To end fully, finir affatto, metterci la ver¬ nice. 7 o the end that, affinché, accioche. To end, finire, terminare, compire, perfet- tionare. From oire end to the other,d a un fin all’ altro, da un capo all’ altro. Ended , finito, terminato, compito, perfet- tionato. Endieffe, fenza fine , che non finifee mai. An ending, il finire, finimento, porfettio- n a mento, compimento. To endeavour, ingegnarli, ffudiare^ittenta- re, sforzarli, pruovar. To cndite, dettare alfo, citare. Endive, indivia. Curled endive, indivia crefpa. Great garden endive , indivia grolla. Wild endive, inebria falvatica. To endammage, fee tó tu dammare. To endow, dotare. Endowed , dotato. Aii endower , dotatore. An endowment, doiM&Ento, aljo, commèn- *da. ! T d endue, fee to indue. i To endure , durare, foffrire, fopportarè,' haver EN EN ecl To enrage, arrabbiare, ftizz arii, adira r p en real, pregare, fumicare, chiedi J haver patienza. An enemy, inimico, nimico, avversa¬ rio. To enfeeble > infievolire , indebolire , Snervale, inSermare. debilitare. Enfeebled, inSicvolitOjindebolito, Snervato inSermato, debilitato. To be enfeebled, eifer indebolito. _ An infeebling , indebolimento, inhevoli- mento , infermamento, debilitamen- to. Enfeebling, indebolendo, infermando, de¬ bilitando. To enfeojfe,fec to infeoffe. To enforce, inSorzare, sSorzare, rinforza¬ re. Enforced, inforzato, sforzato/inforzato. An enforcement, inforzamento , sforzo, I rinforzo. To enfrunebife, infranchiggiare,darlafran- chiggia , fiancare, liberar di fervitù. Enfranchifed , infranchiggiato , francato, * liberato di Servitù. 'An enfranchijer, infranchepgiarore, fran- catote, liberatore di Servitù. An enfrancbifement,or enfranchifìngjnhzn- chiggiamento, francamente, libera¬ mente. To engage , fee to ingage. To engage bimfelfe in an aclion, metterli n qualche imprefa, imbarcarli in qual¬ che negotio. To engender, generare, produrre, far naf- cere. An engine , machina , argine , ingeg¬ no. An enginier , ingegniero, ingegniere. England, inghilterra, brittannia. An Englishman, inglefe. To engrajfe, inneftare, neftare. To engrave, intagliare, incidere. To engrofse, ingroflare, aggrandire, far la minuta, alfo , fari’incetta. To enhaunce the price of, incarire, metter à prezzo rigorofo. Enhaunced, incarito, meffo a prezzo rigo¬ rofo. An enhauncer , incari tore. An enhauncing of the price, incarimen- to. An enigma, cnirnma, indovinello, firn- bolo. Enigmaticall , enimmatico , fimbolli- co. Enigmatically, enimmaticamente. To enjoy, godere, fruire, occupare. Enjoyed, goduto, fruito, occupato. An enjoying, or enjoyment, godimento,fini¬ mento, occupamento. An enjoyer, goditore, fruitore, occupato¬ le. To enjoy ne, commandare, ordinare. Scon¬ giurare. An enjoyner, commandatore, ordinatore, Scongiuratore. To enlarge , allargare, metter alla lar¬ ga- To enlighten , illuminare. Enmitie, inimicitia, inimiftà, odio. To ennoble, annobilire, nobilitare. Ennobled, annobilito, nobilitato. An ennobling, annobilimenro, nobilita- mcnto. Enormous, enorme. Moti enormous, enormidimo. Enormoufly, enormemente. Enormity, enormità. Enough, affai, a baldanza, bada To give enough unto, dar aliai or, quanto baila ad alcuno. It is enough , egli baila, balla di quef. to. To enquire, fee to inquire, cercare, ricercare, cercare appreflb alcuno. Enraged, arrabbiato, ftizzato, adirato. To be enraged,elTer arrabbiato efler (lizza¬ to, adirato. An enraging, aiTabbiamento,ftizzamento, adiramento. To enrich, arricchire, far ricco. To enroll, arrollare, inrollare. An enfample , eflempio, ellcmplaie, mo¬ dello. An enfìgne , infegna, bandiera , veffil- An enfìgne, or enfigne-hcarer , alfie¬ re. To enfnare, allacciare , pigliar ne’ lac¬ ci. To enfiali inftallarc, Stabilite. To enfine, Seguire, Seguitare. En fitting , Seguendo, ieguicando. To entailc Jee, infoile. To entangle , fee intangle. To enter, intrare, entrare, incamfnare, in¬ viare. To enter a young beginner,$ bozzar un prin¬ cipiante entrato,dar la prima entratura. Entred into, entrato, inviato , incaminato. An enter tourfe, commercio, negotio, cam¬ bio. To enterchange, Scambiare, mutare a vicen¬ da. Enterchangeally, vicendevolmente. Enter changed , Scambiato, mutato vicen¬ devolmente. To enterfecre , fee interfeere. < To enterite e, fee, interlace. To enterline, fee interline. An enterlude, intermedio, comedia, fa¬ vola. To enterprife , intraprendere , attenta¬ re. An enterprife, imprefa, intraprefa, attenta to. Enterprifed, imprefo, intraprefo, attenta¬ to. An enterprifer, imprenditore, intraprendi- torc, attentatore. Enterprifìng , imprendendo, intraprenden¬ do, attentando. To enterre, fee interre. To enteriaine, intrattenere, trattenere, trat¬ tare, accogliere. Entertained, intrattcnutOjtrattenuto, trat¬ tato,accolto. Fit or worthy to be entertained, degno d’ efler trattenuto, trattato, accolto, accette¬ vole. An entertainer, che tratta, che dà tratteni¬ mento, or ricetto, or accoglienza, acco¬ glimento. Entertainment , trattenimento, intrateni- mento, ricetto, accoglienza, accogli¬ mento. To enthrall, fee inthrall. To enthrone, fee inthrone. To entice , allettare, attirare, lufìngare, in¬ durre, alleccare. Entire, intiero, compito, pieno. Entirely, intieramente, compitamente, pie¬ namente. Entirenefe, intierczza, compitezza, pie¬ nezza. To entitle, intitolare, titolare. Entitled, intitolato, titolato. To entombe, fee to intomhe. The entrails, inteftini, vifeere, budel¬ la. Entramelled ( as out-drawn locks of hair e j ricciuto, tirato. An entrance, entratura,principio, novitiaro To entrap, ingannare, arrivare, ingombra¬ re. re. Entred, fee entred into. 'To entrench, fee intrench. Ait eiuric, entrata, ingreflo, andito, paf- Saggio, cancello. curie nulo a place, paflb, andi- to. To give entree mio , incaniinare, inviare, metter per Ja Itrada. mring, entrata, inyjaruento. To envie, invidiare, portai invidia. Envie, invidia, odio, malitia. Embed , invidiato, odiato, malitiato. Envious, invidiofo, malitiofo. Envioujly, invidiofamente, maJirìofamen— te. To environ, circondare, girare, intorniare, circuire. Environed , circondato, girato, intorniato circuito. ^BraOTTOM^circondamento.giramento, intorniamento, circuimcnto. To enumerate, annumerare, numerare , contare, computare,calcolare, annove¬ rare. Enumerated, annumcrato,numerato, con¬ tato, computato, annoverato. An enumeration , annumeratione, nu- meratione, conto, computo, calco¬ lo. An enuntìation, cnuntiatione. To enure , accomunare auuezzare,alfuefa- re, habituare. Enured, accoftumato,auuezzato,affuefat- to, habituato. Solito. An enuring , aceoftumamcnto, auuez- zamento, alfuefacimento, habitua- mento. To enwr.ipp in, invogliere, incartare, ca¬ muffare. Enwrapped in, involto, incai tato, camuffa¬ to. An enwrapping , involgimento, incarta¬ mento, camuffamento. The cpaft, 1’ epatta. An ephemerid.es, efemeride. Epbialtes ( a difeafe) incubo, fuccilbo, pe- faruola. Anephod, paramento d* habiti. Ak epicure, epicuro. An epicycle, epiciclo Epidemicall, epidemico. The epigafìrum, epigallro. An epigramme, epigramma. Epigrammaticall. epigrammatico. An epigrammatifl, epjgrammatilla. The epilepfìc, 1’ epileplia. An epilogue, epilogo. The epiphany ( or twelfth day) lapifania, la fella de’magi. Epifcopall, episcopale. An epifille, epiftola. An epitaph, epitaffio, pitaffio, An epithalamium, epitalamio, panagirico di nozze. An epi hete , epiteto. An epitome, epitome, riftretto, compen¬ dio. To epitomife, epitomizzare, riftringej, rac- corcire. Equall, uguale, iguale, pari. To equall or make equall, ugguagliare ' agguagliare, pareggiare, anaar del pa¬ ri. To equall him fclfe to, agguagliarci ad- para¬ gonarli ad- Equall terms , del pari, con pari termi¬ ni . An equall rater, or taxer of others , ug- guagbatoic , arbitro , equiparato-’ re. Equalled, vggungliato,agguaglia to, pareg¬ giato, equiparato. A< ER ES EV | jin equalling, ugguagliamento, agguag- ; 1 lamento, pareggiamento, accompag- ; nan lento, j Equallily, uguaglianza, cquiparanza, pa- r \ rifa. j To equalise, as to eqnale. i Equally , ugualmente , parimente , del pari. The equator , l’ equatore. The equinoziali , 1’ equinottio. Equipage, apparecchio. In full equipage, apparecchio compito, ben ordinato. The equipage of princes court or camp, provi- fione., as equipage. To put in equipage, ordinare, arredare, ap¬ parecchiare. Equipollcncy , cquipolenza, parità. Equipollent, equipollente, pari- Toequipp, or flore with furniture, apparec¬ chiare. fornire , allettare. Equipped , apparecchiato, fornito, alletta¬ to. Equitable) giutto, (incero. Equity, giuttitia, (incerita,iutte. Equivalent , equivalente, pari. To be equivalent to, cquipollare, equivale¬ re. Equivocali) equivoco. Equivocally , equivocamente. To equivocate, equivocare. Equivocated, equivocato. An equivocatour, equivocatore. che parla . eoa doppio fentimento. An equivocation , equivocationc, equivo¬ co To eradicate) fradicare, (veliere, fcavarla radica. Eradicated) fradicato, fvelto. jin eradication , fradicatione. Ere, anzi prima, inanzi che. Erewbilc) non hà 'guari, non é molto, fà poco, poco fà. Ere now, inanzi hora, prima d’ adetto, hormai. To ereZ, ergere, erigere, alzare, drizzare, metter in piedi,elevare, inalzare. ErcZed , erètto, alzato, drizzato, metto in piedi, elevato, inalzato. An ereZer, erettore, alzatole, drizzatore, elevatore, inalzatore. An ereZing, ergimento, alzamento, driz- zainento, elevamento, inalzamento. EreZing, ergendo, alzando, drizzando, elevando, inalzando. The ermine , armellino, ermellino. The furre-ermines, pelli, òr fodere d’ar- mellino. To furre with ermines, fodrar d- armelli¬ no. Furred with ermines, fodrato d‘armelli¬ no. An errand, imbafeiata, fervitio. 4n errand-goer, metto, mettagiere. Errant , fee arrant. Errant or wandering, errando, vagando, feorrendo. To erre, errare, vagare, feorrere, andar ra¬ mingo, alfo, sbagliar , fallare, fallire, mancare. i An erring, erramento. Erroneous, erroneo, fallace. Erroneoujly , erroneamente, fallacemen¬ te. To be in an errour, etter in errore,far erro¬ re. An errour, errore, colpa, mancamento, diffetto. In an errour, in errore, in colpa. Erudition , eruditione, lettere. Eruption, eruttione, sfogamento. Eryngus,or cryngo, eringio. Field eryngus, eringio campettre. To efeape , fcamparc, sfuggire, (cappa- re. A meanes to efeape hy , via da fcampare, fcappatorio. An efeape, (campo, fuga, (cappata. To efeape a misfortune, (campar alcuna dif- gratia. EJcaped, (campato, (cappato. An ef aping, (campamento, fcappamen- to. To efeheat , pigliar il dritto della robba. Efcheatage, dritto della robba del foraftie- re che viene aire doppo la morte di etto. To efehew, ifchifare, fchifare,$fuggire, evi¬ tare. Efchesved, ifchifato, fchifato, sfuggito, evitato. An efehewing, ifchifamento, fchifamento. sfuggimcnto, evitamento. Efpeciall, fpetiale, lingolare, principa¬ le. Efpecially , fpctialmente, particolarmente, principalmente. To efpie, (piare, cfplorare, ottervare, feor gere, accorgere, aguarare. Efpied, fpiato, elplorato ottcrvato,fcorto, accorto, aguntato. An ejpying, (piamcnto , efploramcnto , ollervamento, feorgimento , accorgi mento, aguattamento. Efpou falls, nozze, fpofalitio, maritameli- | to. To efpoufe; ifpofarc, pigliar per marito ó ‘moglie. Efpou/rd, ifpofato, fpofato, maritato. Anejpouftng, ifpofamento, fpofamento, marjtamento. Anefquire, feudiero, feudiere, cavaglie- re. To effay, pruovare, dar faggio, faggiare, attagliate. An efsay, faggio, pruova,fperienza, mof- tra. The eflay of a deere , carne del petto, ftioga- ia. To take the e fay of a deere, fendere al pet¬ to. Efsayed, faggiato,pruovato,fpenmentato, moftrato. An efsayer , faggiatore, pruovatore,fperi- mentatore, moftratore. An cfsaying, faggiamento, pmovamento, (perimento, moftramento. Ef saying , faggiando, pruovando, fperi- mentando. An ejsence, ettenza, natura. To bring, make to be, or to become of the fame efsence eifen tiare, far divenire dell ittef- faelìentia or natura. Made or become of one efsence with another, ettentiato, fatto or divenuto duina iftef- natura, or ettentia. Efsentiall, cttentiale. 4n efsoine ( a law terme ) feu (amento per via di giuramento, feufa Jegiti- ma. To efsoine, feufare per via di giuramento, feufar legitimamente. Efsoined , feufato per via di giuramento, feufato legitimamente. An cfsoiner,Ìcuhtore per via di giuramen¬ to, feufatore legitimo. To eflablijh, ttabilirc, ittabilire, ferma¬ re. Eflablijhed , Inabilito, iftabilito, ferma¬ to. An cflablifter, ftabilitore, iftabilitore, fer- matore. An eflab lifting,or eflablifhment, ftabilimen- to, ittabilimento,fermamento. An eflate, flato, iftato, rendita, facoltà, entrata, podere. Of good eflate, commodo di beniefacol tà. A cloth of eflate. baldacchino. The eflate of the body, lo ftato del corpo, 1 habito del corpo. Efleemable, (limabile, preggievole. prez- zevole. ‘ To efleeme, (limare, ittimarc. A man of none eterne, Jhuomo di nulla (li¬ ma, di nittun valore. Efleemed , (limato, prezzato , preggia- Anefleemer, (limatore,prezzatore, preg- giatore. ù To eflimate, ittimare. An eflimate,eftimation,or e fleeme, (lima, fti- matione, autorità, prezzo. An eftimator, ftimatore,prezzatore, pog¬ giatole. To eflrange , alienare, render foraftie- re. Eftranged, alienato, refo foraftiero. An eftranging, alicnamento,il render alcu¬ no foraltiere. Eternali, eterno, perpetuo, fempiter- no. Eternally , eternamente, prepetuamen- te. Eternity, eternità, perennità, prepctui tà. To eternile , eternizzare, perennizza- re. Eternised, eternizato, perennizato. An ethnick, etnico, pagano. An etymologic , ctimologia,origine de 1 vo¬ caboli. To etimologi^e, etimologizare, cavar 1* orf gine de v vocaboli. To evacuate, evacuare, vuotare, ettinanì- rc. Evacuated , evacuato, vuotato, efiìnani- to. An evacuation, evacuatione, vuotamento, cttmanitione. An evangelifl, evangelitta. To evaporate, evaporare,(vaporare, esala¬ re. Evaporated , evaporato, fvaporato, ettaia- to. An evaporating, evaporamento, l'vapora- menro, ettalamento. To evade, evadere, fcampare,sfuggire,fcap- pare. Evaded , evafo, fcainpato, sfuggito, (cap¬ pato. An evafìon, evalione , (campamento, sfuggimcnto, fcappamento. Cunning evafions, frappate fottili, rigi¬ ri. The eucharifl, l’euchariftin, il fantifiìmo fac lamento del corpus domi¬ ni. An eve, or cave, vigilia. The even, or evening, or eventide, la fera, il vefpero, fereno. Good even ( corruptly promtneed good een ) buona (era. Evenfong , or evening prayer , uefpe- ro. Even, uguale, iguale, pari. To even,or make even, ugtiagliarejparèggi- are, render pari. w Even with, alpardi- An even piece, or plot of ground, aia,pianta di terreno. Even , anzi, an che. Even asf icome apponto,comc,niedi(ìma- mente, parimente. Even fo, appgnto cofi giutto cofì co¬ li , nè più nc meno , parimen¬ te. Even now, hora apponto, hor hora, alho- ra alhora. Evened EX EX EX Erpici, made even , uguagliato, pareggia¬ to. appianato. The'evening , la fera, il vefpero , il fere- WP. jin evenings work, task , or exercjfe , 1* opra della fera, ferenata. To /fow towards evening , farli feta, avvici¬ narli alerà. The evening approacheth , s’ avvicinala fe¬ ra. drawing towards et>CM/‘»g>ravvicinanicn- to della fera. evening , or making even , uguaglia¬ mento , pareggiamento, appianamen¬ to. Evenly, ugualmente, parimente. Evenncjsc , ugualità, uguagliezza, pati¬ ta .An event, cflito, fin e, ri ufo ita, avvenimen¬ to, avventura/orte, fortuna. Ever, fempre, fenipremai, maifempre. Ever and anon, ogni tratto, ogni volta. for ever , per fempre,in eterno,per fempre- mai. EvcrUfting, fempiterno, perenne. TO make merla fling , ctcrnizzarc, pe¬ renni zare,render immortale. Everlaftingly, eternamente, perpetuamente, fempiternamente. Everlaflingnejsc , eternità , prcpetui- ta. Every, ogni,cias cheduno. Every one , ogn’ uno, ciafcheduno, tut¬ ti. Every one as he likes , ogn’ un a modo fuo, a fuo piacete. Èvery where, da per tutto,inogoi luo- go. To eviti, convincere. Evifted, convitto. _ An eviction, convincione. Evidence , evidenza, pruova, apparen¬ za. Evidences , fcritture autentiche, gli archi- | vii- .The evidence-houfe,!' ufficio degl’ archivii, delle fcritrure. To be. evident , apparire, efier manifelfo, collare, eller noto, aperto, apparente, chiaro. Evident, apparente, manifelto, collante, noto, chiaro, aperto Evidently , apparentemente, manifeila- . mente, coitantcmente, notabilmente, chiaramcnte,apcrt amento. EtyfH, m^le, cativo. An evill/nnmaìe. The kings eviti, le fcrofole. Anyuntuh, eunuco, coltrato. Eùphorbium , euforbio. The-ttmne fep, mare maggiore, Ancfye , pecora., An ewer, boccale da metter acqua. _A finali aver, boccaletto. eljattOr pontuale, fquilìto, picci¬ no. To exact, ejugere, ricercare, dimandare, chiedere, cavare, llòrcere. Exacted , eiiatto, ricettato, dimandato, chieltò, cavato, flotto. An exarfer^fattore. Exaction, eJattione. A mofl greivms cxdttiou, eflageratione, fiorii one. Exactly „ efattamente,perfettamente, fqui- litàmenre, prccifamente. : Exaclnejse , pcrfettionc, compitezza, pon- tualita. To exaggerate, eflagerare, cfpollulare, ef- torccre. Exaggerated , esagerato, efpollulato, ef¬ fetto. An exaggeration , eflageratione, efpoflula- mento, eilorfione. An exaltation or exalting, ellaltatione, in¬ alzamento, elevatione. To exalt , eflaltaie, inalzare, elevare, folle¬ vare. ExatieJ , elìaltato, inalzato, elevato, follc- vato. A curious examination of matters, diflamine, ferutinio, rimclcolamento , crivella- mento. To examine, eflaminare, diflaniinare, in¬ terrogare, crivellare. To examineprecifely , eflaminare pontual- mentc, precifamente. Examined, ellaminato, ditfaminato, inter¬ rogato. Neerly examined, cflaminato precifamcn- tc, pontualmentc, criuellato, rimefco- latojinterrogato. An examiner , ellaminatore, interrogatore, rimefcolatore, crivellatore. ^ln examining, or examination, eflamina- mento, eflame, eflamine, eflaminatio- ne, interi ogatione. An example , clfempio, moltra,pruova, pa¬ ragone. To take example by, cavar cflempio, forma¬ re, imitar il modello. To exanimate, eflaminare. To ex^ervof- tfa eccellenza. Excellency, ecctllentia, altezza. Excellent, eccellente. Excellently, eccellentemente. An excelling, eccediinento, eccefso, fu- peramento, avvanz-amento , procedi¬ mento. To except , eccettuare. Except that, fuor che, eccettuato che, fc non che, non fofse che. Excepted, eccettuato. Excepting, eccettuando. An exception, eccettione. Excefse , eccefso, trapalso , fuperamen- to. Exce/sive, ecceffivo, fuor di modo. Excessively, ccceffivamcntc. Excefsivenefsc , oltranza. To exchange, cambiare, fcambiarc, mutare barattare, troccare. An exchange , cambio, muta, baratto,troc- co. A juft exchange, cambio giullo. The Koyall exchange, borfa, piazza de’ mercanti. Exchanged, cambiato, mutato, barattato, fioccato. An exchanger, cumbiatorc, fcan.biatore , mutatore, barattatore, troccatore. An exchanging , cambiamento, fcanibia- mento, mutamento, barattamento troccamcnto. Ihe exchequer , la camera, ilfìfco, l’era¬ rio. An exchequer-man , focale. An excitation , eccitationc. To excite, eccitare, muovere, provocare, fpignere. Excited, eccitato, mollo, provocato, fpin- to. Exciting, eccitante, eccitativo, provocati¬ vo, che muove, che fpigne. An exclamation , efclaniationc, gricjp, ftril- lo. To exclame, cfdamare, gridare. Exclamcd againft, llrillato, fgridato. To exclude, cfcluderc, ifcludere, fdude- re. Excluded, cfclufo, ifclufo,fclufo. Excluding, cfcludendo, deludendo, fclu- dendo. An exclufton , efcculfione,ifclufionc, fclu- lione. Exclufìvcly, efclufìvamente,ifclufivamcn- te, fclulivamente. To excommunicate , fconununicare, ifeom- municare. Excommunicated , Icommunicato, ifeom- m unica to. Excommunication , fcommiinicatione, if- comniunicatione, fcommunica. To excoriate, feoriare, ifeoriare, fcorticare, ifcorticare, fpclare. Excoriated, feoriato, ifeoriato, fcorticato, ifcorticato,ipclato. An excoriation , feoriatione, ifeoriatione, fcorticatione. ilcorticatione,fpelamen- to. A n excrement , eferemento, feremento. The excrements, gl’ eferementi, I’ ordura, la feccia, merda, llronzo. Full of excrements, pieno di ferementi, cf- crementofo, feculento. The purging out of the excrements , eferettio- ne. , ■ An excrcfcence, eferefeenza, fcrcfcenza. An excurfion, efcurtionc. Excufable, ifculabilc, fculabilc. To excufe, ifeufare, fcularc, ifeolpare, fcolpare, difeolpare. To excufe a matter, far bella ciera, diffimu- lare, fingere. Anexcuje, feufa, ifeufa, dilcolpa, apolo- . S in - 7 o excufe himfelfe by acca flag 0 /£p«,addof- farla ad un altro. Excufed, ifcufato,fcufato,fcolpato,difcol- pato. An cxclifer, ifclifatorc, feufatore, fcoI[>a- tore, difcolpatore. An excuftng , ifculamento, feufamento, fcolpamento, dilcolpamcnto. Exceable, cflecrabile, orribile,abominabi¬ le, abominevole, maladetto. Execrably , eflecrabilmente , orribilmen- j te, abominevolmente, malailettamen- ! te - To execrate, eflccrare, maledire. Execrated, cflecrato, maladetto. An execration , eflecratione, maledittio- nc. To exec«/e,efleguirc, finire, compirc ; giufli" iare. Executed, cfleguito, finito, compito, «tifo, giuftitiato. To execute by pafsing the pikes, giulliar, or calti gar un foldato. An execution, eflecutione, alfo giulli- tia. The place of execution, patibolo,forca, pon¬ te, campo di fiore. An executioner, boia, carnefice. A EX EX A tv viti o/exca«/o«,mandato,eflecutoriO' An c.xccutour, elfccutorc. Executory , elìccutorio. Exemplary, ettemplario. £.vew^/czn/y,cllcniplaniicnre. To exemplify , cdcmpoficar , dareCTcm- pio. Exempt, elllincre, eccettuare. To exempt , cttento, eccettuato. Exempted , idem. Exemptible , che li può effimere, eccettua¬ bile. An exemption , cttcntione, ecccttioncj ec¬ ce ttuamCn to. To exenife, cflercitare, agitare,metter in o pra or pratrica. exercifc, elfci-citio, meftiere, arte, prattica , alfo , tema , compofitio- ne. Muchexercife, molt’ etterato, etterato aflai. Exercifed , e {Tacitato, agitato. exercifer , eflercitatore, agitatore. exerci/ing, eflercitamento. exhalation-} ettalatione,fpiramento,sfo- gamento. To e.v/We , e d'alare , sfogare , fpira- re. Exhaled , esalato, sfogatoj fpirato. exhaling , esalamento, slogamento, fpiramcnto. To exhibite, efiibire, offrire, prefentare, metter avanti. , Exhibited > c Sib ito', offerto . prefentato, meffo avanti. exhibiting , or exhibition, eflibitione, offerta, prefentaniento. To exhilarate, effilcrarc, rallegrare, confo- lare, Exhtlaratedì eflllerato, rallegrato, confo- lato. To exhort , cflbrtare, confìgliare, conforta¬ re, animare. v /in rv/>orf«tnoH,effòrtatione,efrortaniento, confortamcnto, animatone. Exhorted , cifortato, confortato, anima¬ to. An exhorter , eflortatorc, confortatore, animatore. An exhorting , eflortamento.confortamcn- I to j Exhorting , effortando , confortan- ! do. J Exigence , esigenza , inedia , bifog- j no; | ^in exile , e {Tuie , bandito , proferit- I to. Exile, fattile, afeiutto, flegnido. To exile , ellulare, bandire, proferive- re- Exiled, eflukito, bandito, proferitto. An exilement, elfulamento, bandimento, proferittione. Exility , fottigliezza, afeiuttezza, flegni- dezza. Exo/otfe,efplodere. Exploded, efplofo exploit , pruova, tentativo, rigiro,atto, getto, ingegno. To exploit, pruovarc, tentare, rigirare, in¬ gegnarli. A doer of un exploit , pruovatore, rigiratore in gc laniero. Exploited j pruovato, tentato, rigira¬ to. To expofe, efporre, cfponere, metter a- vanti. Expofed, efpotto. melfo avanti. An expofer , efpoitore, efpolitore. *An expedition, efpolitionc, interprctatio- ne, dichiaratone An expofìtion of fables, fentenza delle favole , dichiaratone delle favo¬ le. EX expo/tiour, ifpolìtore, inrerpreiiTa; chiaratore. To expound, interpretare, dichiarare To expound falle:, dichiarai favole, inter pretar favole. Expounded , interpretato , dichiara- to. ~dn expounder, interprete, difehiarato- re. Un expounder of falle:, dichiaratore di lavole, imtolognta. Un expounding, Ultcrpreramcnto, dichl'a- lamento. To expreffe, iiptimcre, maniftftarè, nana- re. Exprefie, a polla, a bella potta. Exprefed , ifprelfo, inanimilo, narra¬ to. Expreffely, ifpreflamtnte, manifeftamen- te , narrativamente, alfo , apponti- no. rr An ex prefion, or exprejìing, ifpreffione, narramemo, manifettamento. Expreffmg, ifprimcndo, narrando. To exprobrate, rimpruoverarc,rinfaeciate, nbuffare. An cxprobration, rimproverare, rimprove- ramcnto,iinfaccjamcnto,ribuffa. To jfpulfarc, ifcaeciare. Expuljed , ifpulfo, ifcacciato. An cxpulfer , ifpulfore, ifcacciatore. An expulfton, ifpulfione, ifcacciamen- to. Exquifìte, ifquiilto, fquifito. Exquifìtely , ilquifìtamente. Exjiccative, e/ficcativo, difìccativo. Extanì, melfo in luce, publicato. An extafìe, eftafi. In an extafte ì ettatico, in eftafi. To extend, ettenderc, diftendere, metter alla larga, allongare. Extended, eftefo, dittefo, metto alla larga, allongato. An extender , cttenditorc, dittenditore,chc mette atta larga, allongatorc. An extending , ellendimento, dittendi- mento, allongamento. Extenftble, ettenlìbile, dittenfibile, allon- ghevole. An extention, eftenlionc, dittenfìonc, al- longamento. An extent , ampiezza, giro. Oflands for debt, fequeitro. To extenuate, eftenuare, ifrenuare, attenu¬ are , minuire , allegerire, impiccoli¬ re. Extenuated , ettenuato , iftenuato, atte¬ nuato, minuito, allegerito, inpiccoli- to. An extenuating, or extenuation, eftenuati’ one, ittenuatione, attenuatone, niinu- imento, alleggerimento, impiccolimcn- to. Exteriority , etteriorith , ifteriori- tà. Extcriour, efteriore, iftcriore. To exterminate, efterminare, ifterminare, fterminare. Exterminated, efterminato, lltcrminato, ftenninato. Exterminating, efterminando, ifterminan* do/terminando. An extermination, efterminationc, ifrer- minatione, lterininatione. An exierminatour, efterminatore, ifrermi- natore, ftcnninatorc. External eftevno. Externally efternalmcnte. An extinction, eftimione. To extinguijh, eftinguerc, aflopiie, abolire anunorzarc, ammortire. Extinguijhable, eftinguibile, che fi può attopire, abolevole,ammorzevole,am- mortibile. Extin - EX ; f.v/w^ttf/Ae^jellintojaflopitOjaboIitoj am- j morzato, ammortito. I An e\tingui,'htr , chinguitorc, aflopitovc, abolitole , ammorzatole, ammortito¬ le. An cxtinguijber s or extinguifhment, el- ti»guimcnto , a (Topi mento , aboli- mcnto J ammorzamento,animortimcn- to. To estirpai, chitpare, iilirparc, ftirpare, fradicarc. Estirpateci, efeirpato, Stirpato, flirpato, (radicato. ,.4n extirpation, eftirpntione, iftirpatione. Tradirai one. To extoll, cfrollciej ulfaharc, magnificare, inalzare. Extolled j eflaltato, magnificato , inalza¬ to. A nex tolling eflalraniemopiiugniucamcn- to, inalzamento. To estere, Storce. c- Torcere, cavar per for- ' .Extorted, iltcrro* freno, cavato perfor- { za. ! An extorter, i.lorcitorc,ftorcitore, che ca va per forza. Extortion, i .to di one, ftorfione. An extortimen eifattorc per forza, ufara- io,ufararo. ^ 4r. e strati , e.tcaito , Sbratto , (trat¬ to . To extrail, cflrarre/Ilìarrc., flint re, cavare, cacciale. . Extrxiled, e illatto,Ritratto, (tratto, cavato, cacciato. ! Extr.iflionycCtnùìonc-, ibrattione, ftratti- j one, cacciamento | Extrajudicial! , e.hagiudicialc. Extraordinary , Straordinario, fhaordina- rio. £arfrrfori//)t*m‘/)')i , .traordinariamcnte,ftr3or- efinariamente. Extravagancy : , iltravaganza , ftravngan- za. Extravagant , iftravagantc , (travagante, biizzarro. To extravagate , iftravagare, (travagare , V sfoggiare. EXtrxvagated , Strapagato, ftravagnto. Extravag occhio di forcio. To eye tu tic face n> ifìly Riguardare, or mirar (blamente. A [quint eye, occhio da t raver fo, occhio bieco, or guercio. The eye-ball, or the apple of the eye .pupilla dell’ occhio. The eye-teeth, demi occhiali. Eye-bright ( herbe ) eufralia. Having great eye-browes, cigliofo , cigliu¬ to. Of nr on the eye-browes , fulle ci- glia. The eye-hole, or hole of the eye, occhia¬ ia. To move the eye-browes up and dorpr.e, inar¬ car le ciglia. To eye often , ajfeclionatelyyr wantonly, or to tufi ajheeps-cy e , addocchiare, riguarda¬ rle haire of an eye-lid. ciglio. Eyed oftenyr ajfedionately, adocchiato, ri¬ guardato. The white of the eye, bianco del oc¬ chio. A l uft full, or pafsionate cafl of the eyes, a foeeps-eye, addocchiamento, occhiata amorofa. The eyelids , palpebre. A pritty caft, or pen of the eye, ocvhiatella, «guardatura. The eye-fight,x ilta, veduta. Of or belonging to the eye-fight, viitofo, che attiene alla vifta. The eye of aneedle, cruna. The blinding boord, hung before the ey es of unruly beafìes , tavola da pa • rar 1’ occhio degli animali indomi¬ ti. The brim of the eye-brows , orlo delle ci- jlia. An iron eye for a curtaine-roi, fendila d’ arpione, or granzetto. To eye , adocchiare, riguardare. To have an eye to, haver 1’ occhio a- tener l’occhio, r. guardar ben, ftarlefto col occhio. Eyes hollow drained and funk in, cechi fca vati, fprofondaii. £veJ,addocchiato> riguardato hlecr eyed, cifpofo, lippo. One eyed , mcnoeulo, decollilo , guer¬ cio. Squint eyed , lofeo, bieco. Eying often affeilionalely and wanton¬ ly, addocchiamento, occhiata amoro fa. j A fable, favola, fmione. ritruovata, no velia. A Significant fable , favola morale, favola fententiofa. To tell fables, contar fàvole, novella¬ re. To falle, favoleggiare. Full of fables, pieno di favole, pieno di no¬ velle favolofe. A fabler , or teller of fables, novellila, no vellatore, favolatore. A fabling, novcllamento, favolepgiamen- to. A fabrick, fabrìcn, edifìcio, ftruttura. The fabrick of a Turifa-churcb, edifi- ! ciò pai-occhiale, fabiica di chic- [ fa. Fabulous , favolofo. Fabuloujly, favolofamente. Fabulonfiefe, or the invention of fables, in¬ velinone di favole, or novelle. To fet a good face on a bad matter , inoltrar bella apparenza , far fin¬ ta. To fet a good face on it , eScr entrante; di- inoltrarli ardito, comparir arditamen¬ te. The face, il vifo,la faccia, il volto, la cie¬ ca. To look, or behold earnefìly in the face, riguardar fido ni faccia ad alcuno, raffigurar alcuno ben bene. Beheld earnefìly in the face , riguardato fif- fo in faccia,raffigurato. A wvy face, orlooke, vifo ftorto : ciera Tol¬ ta. An extreme rednefe and pimples in the face, grandifilmo rolior di vifo, arrubina- inento di vifo. Face to face , in faccia, vifo vifo, nell mo(laccio,a//ò, ni quattro occhi. A red fiery face, vifo ro So, vifo arrubina¬ to. To make a face, far fmorfie, (torcer il vol¬ to. To face (a garment) metter la moftra ad un vefùto, or habito. P lump-faced, pienotto di vifo. Facetious, faceto, burlevole, burlefco, pia¬ cevole, converfevole. Facile, fàcile, d//obuonaccio. To facilitate, facilitare. facilitated, facilitato. Faciline, facilit. à With faciline, con /aedi ti. A fail, fatto, atto, alfa crime. A failion, (anione, fetta, partito. A private failion, andamento, prattica, gionto, congiura. Faitious, fattiofo, tumultuofo, feditiofo, perfìdiofo. To be faiiious, eScr facciofo, tumultuo¬ fo. F ailioufnefe , feditione , fattione, parti- aliti, follevamento , ammutinamen¬ to. A fj&our, fattore, negotiantc. A faitour-fhip , fattoria. The failure ofathtvg, fattura, manifettura, opera. A fucultie , faculti, potenza. To fade, mofeire, vizzare, fmarrire, im- paffire. Faded , mofeito, rizzato, fmarrito, im- paffito. A fading, mpfeimento,vizzamenro,finar- rimento, impaffimento. Fading, vizzando, impalando. A fiidomc, canna, braccio, pertica, mi- fu ra. To /adorne, mifurar a canna, a braccia, a pertica. A /a,dimeftkato, addimef- ticato, frattellato. To grow familiar together , adimefticarfii inlieme, far piattica ftretta infie- me. Familiarity, famigliarità dimertichezza, fratellanza. Familiarly . famigliarmente , dimefti- camente, alla carlona, alla buona di dio. yA famint , careftia, lank. To famifh, affamare, far ftentar 6 morir di- fanie. Fami'],ed, affamato. yAfamiJbing, or fami/hment, affamamene to. Famous , famofo, celebre, rinomato, accla¬ mato. To make famous, Fax famofo,render celebre, celebrare, acclamare. Made famous , rinomato , acclama¬ to. yA making famous,acchmatione,nominan¬ za. Famoufnefic, as fame. F ancie, fantelia, penfiero, concetto. Ca¬ priccio, chimera. To fancie, haver fantefia di- affettar, tirar ad- haver voglia di- Fancies, fantefic, penfieri,concetti,capric- cii, chimere. To fill with , or feed on idle fancies, fantafticarfi il cervello con chime¬ re. yA fancie unto, fantefia, appetito, moto, voglia, brama. Fancied , affettato, appetito, fofpirato, bramato. yA fane , girella, banderuola, velet¬ ta. Ff.rnifìj'd with a fané, fornito di girel¬ la.' yA fanne, ventaglio > caccia-mofchc, ven- taruola. A. little round fanne, ombrella. To fann, far vento, rinfrefearfi col farfi vento. Fanned, rinfrefeato col far vento. Jl fanncll , or maniple ( in blazon ) mani¬ polo fraledivife. yA fanner, un che fà vento. .A fanning, il far vento, The fantafie, la fantefia. A fantafie, or vìfion , fantafma, vifio- nc. F antafiicall, or fantafiick, bisbetico, fantal- tico, bizzarro, càpricciofo, che hà gril- liincapo. He is f antafiicall, egli è fantnftico, bizzar¬ ro, capriciofo hà grilli in capo, è bis betico. — F antafiicall tricks, fantafticherie, ghiribiz¬ zi. To l>efintaflicall,cQev fantaftico, capricci- ofo, bisbetico, i r Fani fìi- FA FA Fan tufi ìcally , bisbeticamente, capriccio- famente, fantallicamente. Fantaflicallnefe, or fantafticknefìc, fantaf- ticheria. The water farcy ( in a horfe ) goz¬ zo. A f ir diligale) guard’ infante. A far di e, fardello, fagotto, balla. A little fardle. fardellctto, fagottino. To make into fardles , infagottare, imballa¬ re. Fare , tavola, fpefa, trattamento, oc¬ ra. To fare well , far buona aera, mangiar be¬ ne e ber meglio, llar allegramente, far buona fpela. Good fare , buona tavola- Bad farej magra fpela, tavola meffhi- na, ' lìonr fare yor, come ve la fate, come và la fanità. A ( water-mans, boat-mais, or {hip-mans') fare , nolo, viaggio. To pay his fare , pagargli il nolo. • Farewell , addio. Farmeahltì che lì può fermare, che li può appaltare. A far me , gaftaldia, procovio, polfeflio- nc. To fanne, let out, or take, to farme , appalta¬ re, fermare. Let out to firme appaltato, fermato. A letting to farme, a farming , appaiamen¬ to, fermamento. -^/w;;er,gafUldo, contadino, villano,ap- ] paltatore. | A farmers av/e,gaftalda,la moglie del gaf- j taldo, caliera. A farming , appaiamento. I f'rfrr.'jlongi, lontano. Togo fane before, leave farre behind) al- longare, tirar inanzi alla gagliar¬ da - A farre of, da lontano, da longi. A very farre of aliai da lontano,lcntano aliai. Gone or gott farre from , allontana¬ to- ! Gone farre before Jc ft fane behind, ito motto 1 inanzi, trapanato di motto. ! A farrier , marifcalco, che ferra cavai- I “• To farrow , fpregnare, fari figli. farrowed , che ha fprcgnato,che ha fatti i fuoi figli. A fan , coreggia , petto , tromba di cu- A little fan, pettino. To fan, coreggiare,tirar de’ petti ò corcg- gie. A finer, coreggiatorc. A farthing , quattrino. A farting, jl coreggiare, il tirar coreg- gie. Th e farting of a luflie horft, fi orreggiata di cavallo. A fajhion, mode, ufanza, loggia, maniera, coltume, guifn. Good fahion , buona ufanza, bella mo¬ da. Afer the french faihion, alla franccfa, alla i moda di francia. In fahion, alla moda. Growne out of fafhion , non più alla mo¬ da. To follow the fafhion of the lime, temporeg¬ giale, andar a feconda de’tempi,fecon¬ dar la moda. Without ftfhion, difgratiato, fgarbato, che non dice niente. To fdft ion , far a la moda^formar, abbigliar comeli deve, 6 comevà. Fa i ioned, fatto a la moda, formato, abbi¬ gliato come và. Ili fafhioned, mal formato, fatto dilgratia- tamente, malintefo. A fajhioner, modellatore, che forma,lavo- ra et opera alla moda. Afajhiontng , modellamento, fattura, la- voramenro, opera. Fa fi, fermo, lfabile, fido, immobile, alfo, predo, veloce, ratto, fpedi- to. To play fafl and loofe, vacillar ne’ patti,efler dilcolo nel contrattare. A fafl, digiuno, tempera,vigilia. Exceeding fafl, as fafl as hislegges would car¬ ry him, a più potere, quanto maipuo- le. To fafl , digiunare , flarfenc digiu¬ no. Fafta/lecp , addormentato ben bene, fo- pito dal fonno. Fajled, dato à digiuno, che habbia fatto vigilia, ò le tempora. To faften, or make fafl, fermar, attac¬ care, ligare, raccomandare ad, affi, gere. To faflen a horfe, ere. to plough , cart ere. attaccar i cavalli alla carrozza, i To faflen on a hook, attaccar ad un ancino, raccomandar ad un chiodo. | To faflen fce/ore, prefigere. 1 Faflned,fcmieto, attaccato,ligato, racco-, j mandato, affido. I Faflncd before , prefidb. I Fafìened on a hook, attaccato ad un ancino, 1 raccomandato ad un chiodo. ! Fafhted to a coach , cart ere . ( of horfes ) I cavalli attaccati allacarozza. Afafìner , fermatole, attaccatorc, fida» tore. A faflning, or making fafl, fermamento, attaccamento, fi tir,-vento. A faflning on a hooke, attacc a mento ad un ancino, raccomandamauo ad un chio¬ do. Afrfter, digiunatole. Fafling, digiuno, alfo , digiunando. I To keep f fling, guardar vigilie, tempora ó guadr.igehma, ó altro digiuno. | Full off.: pieno di digiuni,ofservato- | re di digiuni. ! kept fafling , fatto digiunare, ì A fafling day, giorno di magro, j Fai , graffo, graffia. ! A fat or plump conflitution of body , com- ! pleflione di corpo gagliarda e vigoro- 1 a. A leafe of fati, cotenna. A fat tnpe , trippa gvafsa. Fct wine, vino ontoff». Somewhat fat , alquanto graffo, graffot- to. To grow fai, ingraffarc, divenir or diven¬ tar graffo. As fat as a pig graffoquantouna porchet¬ ta. A fat , or vat, tina, tinozza. To put into a fat, intinare, metter nella ti¬ na. Put into a fat, intinato, meffo nella ti¬ na. Fatali , fatale. Fatali defliny, delfino fatale. Fatally , fatalmente, per via di detti - no. Fatallnefse, fatalità, delfino. Fate, fato, forte, delfino. A father, padre, genitore. A (lep-father, padrigno, padraffro. A father in law , fuccero. Agrand-father, avo, avolo, nonno. A fr fter-, father, padre baliatico. A god-father, fantolo, padrino. Of the fathers fde t paternale, per via di pa¬ dre. FA Fatherhood , or fatherlmefse, paternità Fatherlefse, orfano, or orfalino di padre. Fatherly,c \a padre. Fatherly, or fuhn-Ukt, paternamente, da padre. A fat home, fee a fadorne. Fatly , graffamenrè. Fatnefse, grafffzza. To fatten, mgraffarp. Fattened, ingraffato. A fai t ening , ingrafi amen to . A faucet, falcetto, ficaia. Aftuchion, falce. A faulcon, falcone. A fatile on gentle, falcon gentile. ' A barbary faulcon, falcon di barberia, A ger-faulcon, girifalco. A faulcon pafsenger, falcon peregrino, paf- favolante. A tartary-faulcon, falcon di tartaria. A little faulcon, ialconcello. The night-faulcon, falcon notturno. A faulcon ragged, or broken-feat herd, fal¬ cone che habbia guafte e rotte le pen¬ ne. ’ } r A ( piece of ovd'ndnce call’d a faulcon ) falcone, pez zo d'artiglieria. A falconer, or falk'ner, Itruzzicro,falconie¬ re. Fade onrie, If ruzzcria, falconeria. A fault, /allo, vitio , colpa, manca¬ mento , misfatto , errore pecca¬ to. To find fault, accufare, riprovare, incol¬ pare, redarguire, trovar da dire,vitupe¬ rare. A fault finder, accufatorc, riprovatore, sbiafimatorc, incolpatole, vituperato¬ re. A fault l‘iWó/g,acciifaniento,rimprovera- mentOj sbiafìmamento, incolpamento, vituperanienro. To committ a fault , far errore, far un mancamento. 6 fallo, peccare. A great fault, colpa grande,mancamento, or fallo groffo. To faulter in fpeccb, vacillar parlando* or nel parlare , tartagliare , ffilinguare . borbottale. Fattltie, colpevole, vitiofr, che hà fatto mancamento. Faultily , colpevolmente, vitiofamente, manchevolmente. Fault /effe , incolpevole, fenza colpa, in¬ nocente, irieprenlìbilc. A faune, fee a fawnc. To faune y fee to fawne. A favour, favo re, gratia. In great favour, in gratia grande, favori¬ to. To beftow favours, far gratia, favorire, be¬ neficare. A favour ( i vorne ) ' galano, naftro. To favour,g ratiarc, favorire. A beftowing of favours il far gratie,il re¬ galare. The favour ( or forme ) of the face , rie¬ ra, aria delvifo, fattezze, filiono- inia. Sweetnefse of favour , ’Vaghezza d’ afpet- to, riera gratiofa et avvenente. Fav ourable, favorevole, gratiofo,benevolo, benigno. Favourablenefre , benignità, benevolenza, gratia. Favourably, benignamente, gratamen¬ te. Favoured , favorito, aggraffato. Well-fuvourd, bello, gratiofo, vittofo, av¬ venente. Ill favour d, brutto, fparuto, difgratiato, difforme. . fa£ FE A favourer, favoritole. Afavourite favorito. To be a principale favourite o/.elfer il favori¬ to del- A flip c et } fee a faucet. Aftwne, figlio di cerva; To fanne, far figli. To fanne on, adulare, lufingarc, far bcllin bellino. 'Fawned on, adulato,lufingato. Fawned, figliato. A fawner on , adulatore , lufingato- re. Fawning on, adulando, lusingando. A fanning on, adulamento, ulingamcn- ? ta. A fanning ( of deere ) figliamento che j fanno le daine 6 cerve, i Fealtic, fedeltà, lealtà, j Fear e, paura, tema, timore. Tofeare, temere, haver paura, or, te¬ ma. Tofeare ove, or make one afeard, metter paura ad alcuno, {paventar, impauri¬ le. To fcarc exceedingly , haver grandiffima paura, intimidire forte, A fuddaine and madding feare , fpavento panico. Feared, temuto. Feared (or feared ) impaurito, fpaventa- to. Fear e full ( timorous ) paurofo 5 timi¬ do. Feare full ( terrible) honibilc,fpaventofo, h orrendo. A thing feare full to behold , cofa horrevolc da riguardare; fpaventcvolc da vede-) re. F carefully ( timoroufly ) paurofamente, ti¬ ni damente. F carefully ( horribly ) horridamcnte.hor- horribilmente. Fearefillnefe ( timoroufneffe ) timidezza., timidità, paura. Feare}telineffe ( horrour ) fpaventamen- io. Jl fearing ( fright ) fpaventamento. Fearelefìe,' intrepido, ardito, fenza pau- r ^. Fearelefìely , intrepidamente, arditamen¬ te, fenza paura. Feafible , che fi pub fare, raggionevole ; fat- tibile. Jlfcafì ì Tedino, palio, convito, banchet¬ to. To fcafl, palleggiare,banchettare,fai e gau¬ deamus. Full of feafls, pien di fcftini pafteggian- te. Jl Jmell-feaft , parrafitó, fcrocco. Feafted, palleggiato, trattato lautamen¬ te. A feafier, palleggiatore. Jl feafting, palleggiamento, convitanicn- to, banchettamento. Feat, gentile, garbato,-poi ito. Featly, gentilmente, garbatamente, poli¬ tamente. Featcnefe, gentilezza, garbatezza, poli¬ tezza. •A feather, penna, piuma. A. little feather, pennicella, pcnnacchiet- to. Fepthers, penne, piume. A plume of feathers , pennacchio. . Full cf feathers , pennuto, pien di pen¬ ne. Jl bunch of feathers , un gruppo ó mazzo di penne. A feather maker, pennacchiere. To pluck the feathers of, cavar le penne, fpilimare. Feathered, pennuto, impiumato. FE Tofeather ones neafi, auuanzar qua trini, iar peculio di quattrini. Feature, jattezza, fattezze,cierr, tratti del vifo. A feaver, febbre. A Jl eight feaver or rfg«e,fcbbietta,febbruc- cia. A burning feaver, febbre ardente. A continuali feaver , febbre contin¬ ua. F caverifl), febbraio , febbricitante. February , febbraio, febbraio. Fed, pafeiuto, nudrito. Feti on, mangiato. Fed with come, pafeiuto di grano. Feti with the hand pafeiuto amano. A fee, premio, mercede, mancia, regalo, paraguanti. To be in fee with, efier d’accordo con- pat¬ tuire con- Fee/ ( or vailes ) regaglie. A fee-fìmple , feudo. Jl fee firme , podere 6 feudo, fer¬ ma. Held in fee-f arme, tenuto a feudo 6 fer¬ ma. Feeble, debole, fievole. To make feeble , indebolire, infievoli¬ re. To grow feeble, ò\\ enìt, or diventar debole, indebolire. Growne feeble, divenuto, or diventato de¬ bole, fatto debile. A growing feeble,, il divenir ó diventar de¬ bole, il farli debole. F cebleneffc, debolezza, fievolezza. Feebly , debolmente, fievolmente. To feed , pafe’ere magnare, 'mangia¬ re. iA- ; To feed on. marfgiardi- Tofeed ravenoutly, mangiar ingordamen¬ te, divorare. To feed with come, pafeer di grano. To feed by hand, pafeer a mano. J! feeder, mangiatore, pafeitore, pallo¬ re. A ravenous j ceder, divoratore. A feeding , pafeimento^ magnamento, mangiamento,' paltura. Much feeding,gran m’agnamento., mangia¬ mento grande, il mangiaralfai. Feeding, or feeding on, mangiando di- paf- cendo di- Ravenous, or greedy feeding , il mangiar in¬ gordo. Feeding for calteli , pafeolo , padu- ra. To fede, toccare, fallare, palpeggiare, fen- tire. Tofeelefoftly, fallar gentilmente, toccar bel bello. A feeling, toccamento, tallo. A foft feeling of, toccamento gentile, pal- peggiamento. Feeling, tocaando, fallando, palpeggian do. The fence of feeling, il tallo. The felandcrs, «.filatura , filaticci, sfilac¬ ci. Full of the felatiders , pieno di filatu¬ re. Felici ti e, felicità, bene. A fell, pelle, panno. A fell-monger, pcllicciaro. Fell, atroce, trillo, crudele. To fell downe , abbattere, buttar a terra, ro- uìnare. Felled downe, abbattuto, buttato a terra, rouinato. A feller downe on the earth, abbattitore,che abbatte a terra. A feller of wood ,abbattitore di legna, fpac- catore di legna. A felling downe, abbattimento. F E [ F elhiejse , atrocità , trinàia. crudel¬ tà. Felly, atrocamente, trillamente, crudci- mente. A fellow , fellone, ladro, furbo, forfan- te. A fellow or match, compagno,focio, cano¬ ra t a, un par. A bafe fellow, un infame, un trillo, un feiagurato. A good fellow, buoncampagno, compag¬ none, huomo di buon tempo. To play the good fellow, darli buon tempo, llar allegramente in converfatio- ne. The fellowers of a wheele, anconi,aflili,can- toni. F ellowfjip, compagnia, focietà,converfati one. Fit to hold fellowflnp with, fociabile, con¬ venevole ToJoyne in fdlowfhip, accompagnarli con- aiiociarii con- loynd in fcllowfjip, accompagnato, afTocia- to. To hold fellowfjip with , liar accompagnato con, liar aiiociatocon- Having felhwfjip of t accompagnato di- or, CCIl- A felon ( or Whit-low ) furonculo, cicoli- no. F elonie , felonia , crime , ladronec¬ cio. Felonious, criminale, furtivo. F elonioijly, criminalmente, furtivamen¬ te. Felt, toccato, taftato, palpeggiato, Tenti- 1 to. F ealt foftly, toccato gentil/uentc, A felt , feltro. T o make of felt , far eli feltro. Made of felt , fatto di ieltro. A fclt-cloke, ferraiuolo di feltro. A maker of fdt’dokcs, che fà feriamoli di feltro. A felt-maker, feltraro, feltraio. A female y fcmir.a. Feminine , Geminino. To fence or make a fence, pali ficare,far fpal- liera. A fence, palificata Spalliera. -To fence ( or play with armes of de -, defence ) fchermire, giuocar di fpa-i da. Fenced ( or hedged ) palificato, fpallicrato, fpalleggiato. A fencer , or mafler ofdefence Schermitore, jnaflrodi fcherma. A fencing, fcherma. Afen-ducke, anetra. F enigreeke, fiengreco. A fenne , pantano, maremma. Full of fennes, pantannofo, pien di marem- ! ' me. Fennell , finocchio. Fennell giant, herba ferola. Fennie, fenn-likt, pantannofo, che hà del pantano. A fcadary, feudale. A feojfer , lignor di feudo, feudata¬ rio. A feoffment , feudo A feoffment in trufl, fidecomiflo. A ferrei, furetto, feretto. To ferret every corner of, dilfaminar mi¬ nutamente , ficcar il nafo per tut¬ to. To ferret, ferettare. ricercare follecitamcn- to. Ferrer/, ferettato. A ferrei er, fercttatore, ricercatore. A feme, la barca, la fiumara, il traghet¬ to. ' T o ferric, paffar per barca. .A FI U ferrie-bout , barca da traghetta- rc. „ éftrrie-man , barcaruo lo. jtftrue-woman, bavcaruola. ftcriagc, il pall aggio. fertile, fertile, ferace. . To make fenili , render fertile, far ferti¬ le. Made fertili, or fertilis'd, fatto, or refo fer- ; r-.le, infertilito. I Fertility,or fertillneffe,{erù\hà. Fer filly, fertilmente, j Fervency, ardore, fen-ore. \ Fervent, ardente, fen-ente. i Ferventi y> ardentemente, ferventemen¬ te. FcrvcntneJJe, as fervency. A ferula ( ufd in fchooles ) ferula , verga, sferza, frulla. A fefeue, ft-ile, diletto. A fefìe ( in bù\on ) fafeia. Felled, fafeiato. . Tofefier, appollumare, incancnre .putrih- care. F efiered, appoftumato, mcancrito, putre¬ fatto. Fefieringwith matter, or corruption, puru¬ lenza, matteria, marcia. A fetch, or cunning drift, tiro, tratto, ri¬ giro, attivamente. . To fetch, andar a torre, andar a pigliare, andar a menare. To fetch up ( or overtake ) giognere, arri¬ vare, cogliere. Fetched, giorno, arrivato, colto. Fetched in, introdotto, intrometto, mena¬ to dentro, ammenato. A fetcher in , ammenatore, che mena. A fetching, ammenamento. ferri, ceppi. To fetter, ferrar con ferri óceppi. Fettered, ferrato, or llretto con ferri ò cep- A fettering, ferramento con ferri ò cep- pi. . F crude, feudo. Fe«», pochi, poche. Fewneffc, pochezza. Per veli, fcaldamc, legna, carboni, brag- gia. Wood, ferpeti, fcaldame di legna. A fib, or fibbing, fillillrocca, burla, baia, bugia. To fib, burlare, dir, or dar la baia, dirla bugia. A fibber, burlatore, buggiardo. The fibers ofmufcles , fibre- Fibrous, fibrofo. . Fickle, vario, incoflante, bisbcttico. F icklenefie, varietà, incollanza, mutabili¬ tà, leggerezza. Fickly, variabilmente, incodantementc, mutabilmente. A fiftion, favola, ritruovata, fmtione, ca¬ priccio. A fiddle. Uro mento, violino. To fiddle, Tuonar di violino. A fiddler, fu oliatore. robe fiddling up and downe tonopurpoje , andar tavanando per le piazze fpen- fierato. Fidclitie, fedeltà. Fie ! fui, oibb. Afield, campo, prato. A plaint field, campagna rafa. Of a field, campale, campedre. Field rent, decima, decimale. An open field, campo aperto. A common field, campo commune. A corne-field, (cminato. A field that lies fallow . campo che non è per effer lavorato d’ un pezzo. To refide w the fields, campeggiare, flarfe- nenò campi. I A fieldfare, or feldifire, tordo. Living in the fields, vivendo, or flando nè campi, campeggiando. Field-mice. Torci campali. Fierce, fiero, altiero, terribile. Somewhat fierce, alquanto fiero, alquan¬ to terribile. Fiercely, fieramente, terribilmente. Somewhat fiercely , alquanto terribilmcn- ; ■ rC - Ficnenefise, ferocità, furia. A fife, pifFaro. F ifittene, quindici. The fifteenth , decimo quinto, quinto de¬ cimo. A fifteenth, un decimo quinto. Fifty, cinquanta. Thefiftyth. cinquantefimo. ^ figgi fico, figo. A figg-tree, ficaio, figaro, fico. A dry figg, fico fecco. A wild figg-tree, fico falvatico. A lover, or eater o/jfggi,mangiator di fichi, golofod; fichi. Not to care a figg for one, non ftimar alcuno un fico. An orchard of figge-trecs, ficheto. A fig pecker ( bird ) beccafico. To figge up and downe, dimenarli qua e là fù e giù. To fight, combattere, pugnare. To fight hard againfi, combattei gagliarda¬ mente incontra. A fight , combattimento, conflitto, batta¬ glia, pugna, contrailo, milchia, zuffa. To fight ( to the uttermofi ) combatter per fin al ultimo. A fca-figbt, battaglia navale. To fight from morning to night, a bat tail c out, finirla g ornata,vederla tutta. A fighter combattitore, combattente. Figurative, figurativo, limb dico. A figure, figura. To figure, figurare. A pruty little figure, figurina. Figured , figurato. „ A figuring, figu ramento Figuratively, figuratamente. Filaments ( little firings threads, or hai res in vaines, in roots, plants , ere ) barbe, fi- lacci. Full of ( thofe ) filaments, pieno di Slacci, barbicaio A filbeard, nocchia. The red filbeard, nocchia rolla. The filbeard tree, nocchiaro. TofiUb , rubbare, levare. Filched, rubato, levato. Afilcher, ladro, rubbatorc. A filching, rubbamento. Filching, rubbando, levando. F ilchingly, ladronefcamente, da ladro. A file, lima. To file, limare. A fmooth file, lima forda. File-dufi , limatura. Great, grofsefi file-dufi, limatura grof- fa. A file , or ranke , fila, fchiera, ordi¬ ne. To march by file, marciar in file, in ordi¬ nanza. Filed, limato. A filer, limatore. A fi ling, il limare, limatura. To fill, empire, riempire. To fill up ( or fulfill ) empire colmo. To fill up wine vefsells that have leaked, ri¬ empir le botti che hanno fatto danno, ricapellare. He hath his whole fill of, n é pieno fin alia gola,a crepa panza. To fill with meat , fatollare ,fat tia¬ re. Filled pieno, fartollo, fatio, empito. Filled as a leaking wine ve fieli , riempito, rkapellato, Filled with meat, fatollo, fatio, A filler, empitore. A fillet, benda, tenda. The fillet of a beafi, filo. The fquare fillet of a pillar, fpina qua¬ dra. Filleted, fatto in fila, or fili. A fillie, polledra. A fillie of ay care old , polledra d’ un’ an¬ no. A fi lling, empimento. The filling up of leakie wine vefsells, riem¬ pimento, ricapei lamento. A filling of the bellie, fatollamenro, fatia- mento, magnata gagliarda. A fillip, zeccata, chiocco, pizzico To fillip, zeccare, chioccare colle deta, pizzicare. Filliped, zeccato, pizzicato. Aftlme, pellicola, pellicina fonile, pan¬ no. The filme enwrapping the braine , manin- gi. Filmy , pellicofo, pannofo. To filer , or firainc through a felt, filtra¬ re. Ftltred , difiill'd through a felt , filtra¬ to. A filtring. filtramento. Filth, immonditie, ordura. The f/lth, or greafìnefse ofrveollunwajh'd-,V onto, 6 gi allezza della lana non ancor lavata. The filth that is fwept out of aroome,{paz- zature, or. immonditie. Filthy, fporco. A filthy fellow, un fporco. To make filthy, fporcare, imbrattare. Made filthy , fporcato, imbrattato , fpor¬ co. A filthy part, brutta cola. A making filtbie, lo fporcarc, fporcamcn- to. Filthily, fporcamcntc , da fporco, alia Iporca. Filihincfse, porcheria, bruttezza. Finali, finale, ultimo. Finally, finalmente, ultimamente, in ul¬ timo. A fiinch , or ehaffinch, franguello. A bullfinch, monacchino. A gold /ViwA.caidclino. A green fiinch, clorione. A "t hi file fiinch, as a gold finch. To find, truovare, alfio fpefarc. To find good, truovar buono. To find out, rinnovare. To find fault with , truovar a dir contra al- ' cuna cofa, lamentarli di- Tofimd out the humour o/,truovar I‘ humore d’ alcuno. ^ A finder, rinnovatore. A finding, ritmo vamento. Fineably, degno , or, che merita amenda, pena, fio, cadigo. Afiue, amenda, molta, tafia, pena, fio, alfio caftigo. F/»e, belloT polito, gaibato, attilato, raf- : Tettato, bravo, zerbino, ledo, lcggia- dro. To make fine, polire, imbellire, abbellire, rafi’ettarc, acconciare. Made fine, polito , abbellito , imbelli¬ to. To wax fine, divenir bello, diventar bello, farfi bello. Somewhat fine, alquanto bello,polito. A making fine, V abbellirfi,il polirfi, il raf Tettarli, racconciarli. To fine, or put to a fine, dar la pena, amen- da, far pagar il fio. FI FI FL A fine for not appearing, pena di contu¬ macia. To fin e -me lulls, purgar mcttalli, raffinar metalli . Fined, or put to a fine ,condennato ih pena, arncnda, fatto pagar la pena. Worthy to be fined, che merita d’ efler taf- fato. Fined ( asmettalls ) purgato, raffinato. Finencfle , politezza , finezza, bellezza, garbatezza, leggiadria. A finer of met tails, purgatole, raffinator di metalli. Finely, politamente garbatamente. Finely [et forth, ben ornato, ben acconcio, politamente addobbato. A fining ofmettalls, purgamento, or raffi¬ namento di mettali!; A fining ( or amercing ) il taflare,il far pa¬ garla pena. Fining (or amercing ) tarando,facendo pa>- gar la pena. ijining-houfe, affiiintoria, affinatolo. Finewed , amuffito, guaito della muff a. A finger, deto, dito. The fore-finger, dito indice. The middle finger j dito di mezo, deto mal- tro. The ring finger, dito annulare. The little finger, dito mignolo. To finger , or handle much , maneggiare, rammofeinare. To finger, or lay his fingers on , metter le mani fopra, afferrare, avventarli fopra alcuna cofa. The finders ends under the nailcs , ponte del¬ le dita. Fingered, maneggiato colle dita, impug¬ nato. To be light fingered , ftar lefto colle mani, Tampinare. Tofinijh, finire, fornire. Fmijhed, finito, fornito. Afinifher, finitore, fornitore. A finijhiug, finimento, fornimento. A finn e of afijh) aletta. Fire, fuoco. Wild fire, fuoco artificiale, fuoco artifi¬ ciato. Saint belens, or faint berme*: fire, fuoco di fanta helcna, ó fant’ hermete. Holy fire ( an impoflumation ) fuoco fa- cro. v To mend the fire , acconciar il fupep; Mended ( as the fire ) acconciato. Fire drakes, imprellioni di fuoco nell - a- ria. Firc-xpor£r,fuochi,artificiali,razzi. To be on fire, ardere, abbruggiare efler af¬ fuocato, infiammato, allumato. To fire or fet on fire, attaccar fuoco, appic¬ ciare, allumate. A fetter on fire , allumatole, appicciator di fuoco, incendiario. Afettingonfire, allumamento, appiccia mento di fuoco, incendimento. A fire fteel ( for a tinder box ) acciali¬ no. A fire-forke , forca da attizzare il fuo¬ co. The fire pan ofagun, focone. A ftre-lock ( piece ) piaftra. A fire fhovell,orfìre-pan, paletta. A bon-fire , fuoco d’allegrezza. A fire-brand of contention , tizzone, incen¬ diario, attaccator di lite. A fire-brand, tizzo, tizzone. To take in fire-wood, far provilione di leg¬ na. Saint Anthonies fire, fuoco di fant’ Anto¬ nio, rihpela. A fire-ball, bombola. Fired, or fet on fire , appicciato, accefo, al¬ lumato. Afirer, attizzatore, appicciatore, che at¬ tacca fuoco, allumatore. A firing , appicciamene, attizzamento di fuoco. Firing, fettingonfire, attizzando, appic¬ ciando il luoco. Firing , as few ell, A firkin, bariletto, caratello. The firmament, firmamento, cielo. Firme, fermo, fiabile, collante, licuro. To make firme, fermate, llabilire, alìicura- re. Made firme, fermato, llabiiito, afficura- to. Firmely, fermamente,nubilmente, collan¬ temente. Firmenefsc, fermezza, collanza, ficurez- za. . . A fine tree, abete. Of fine, full of fine, pieno d’abete. A grove of fine trees, abetaia. Firfl, primo. The firfl, il primo. Firfl and foremofi, per la prima, primiera¬ mente. Atfrft, at firfl fight , or arrivali , a prima gionta, a prima villa, alla bella pri¬ ma. The firfl-fruì t s, primitie. Fi fiali, fileale. ^ f'fS'i > or frisking houfwife , pettego¬ la. A fijh, pefee. A fifb-boat ( to keep fijh in) vivano, con¬ ferva. '** s Afijh-pond , ffagno, vivano di pefei, la- ghetto. A fijh pond, inclofei, (lagno fpalliera- to. A filh-hooke, hamo. A fifh-market, pafearia. A fijh-day , giorno di magra S eafilh , pefee marino. Fijh-broth, orfifh-pickle, falamoia. To fijh, pefeare, andar alla caccia de’pef- ci. To flore with fi(h, far buona provilione di pefci.fornir ben di pefei. Stored, orfurnifhed with fijh , ben provifio- nato di pefei, or ben fornito di pef¬ ei. A floring with fijh, provili onamcnto,or,for nimento di pefei. Fifhed, pelcarore. Afijher , orfijher-man, pefeato. The nets, hooks , and mflruments of fi fliers and fifhermen, ordigni de’ pefcatori.- ’* The kings-fijher ( bird ) uccellopefcatore, alcione. A fishmonger, pefcivendolo. A fifhmonger filling tod and grccn-fijh,mer- luzzaro. •Jfifi. pugno. To fight at fifli-cuffes, far a’ pugni, far a fgrugnoni. Afiftula, filtola. A fit of an ague, acceflb di febbre, parocif- mo. A fitch ( beafl ) or full mart, gorgoglio¬ ne. A crofse Titchet (in blazon) croceficca- ta nelle divife. Fttt, atro, proprio, aggiuftato, che (là be¬ ne, che accompagna bene, difpollo. Fitt for 3 atto a- proprio, parabilc, def- tro. To fitt, or make fitt, acconciare, aggiufta- re, appropriare, accomodare, adatta¬ re. To fitt at all />owr,aggiuftare di tutto pon¬ to,far polito. Fitted , appropriato,agiuftato, accomoda¬ to, accompagnato. Fitted at all points , aggiuftato di tutto) ponto. " ) A fitting, aggiuftamento,accomodamen-> ' to, adattamento, accompagnamenti* ! Ill fitting, fconcio, mal proprio, che ftà male. Fitly, aggiufratamente.acconiQdatamen- te, atramente, propriamente, opportu¬ namente. Fitnejse, attitudine, difpofrozza. Fitnefse of time, congiontura, opportuni¬ tà, il tempo. Fire, fuoco. 7 o Jix. fiflare, ficcare. To fix into the earth, ficcar in terra, inalbe¬ rare. To fix a gun, affettar un arcobug io,piantar un arcobupio. Fixed, fidato,"ficcato. Fixed into the earth, ficcato in terra. The gun is fixed , 1’ arcobugio e’ affienato, piantato. Fixedly, fidamente,focatamente. A fixer, filatore, ficcatore. A fixing, fidanjento, ficcamento. A flag, bandiera, vcffillo, Itendardo. A little flag ( oftajfaty ) banderuola. A little flag, banderuolina. To flag, or hang flagging downc, dondolare, calare. Garden flag ( flower de luce ) giglio. Flag, mofeio. fmarrito, vizio. Water flag, or yellow flag , giglio acquati¬ co. To wax flaggie, divenifmofdo, fmarrito, vizzo, mipaffirfi, vizz»li. Flaggie, mofccrello, vizzofo, impaffito. Growne flaggie, divenuto mofeio, fmarrito vizzofo, impirflito. F lagginefse, imarrimento, mofeezza, viz- ze/za. F lagging, che divien mofeio. Hung flagging, attaccato fi che p enzola, penzolone. To hang flagging, penzolare, ftar penzolo ne. flagging, penzolamene A flagon, boccale. Flagrant , fragrante, odorofo a che fa di buono. A flaile, correggiato, trebbia. A flake, fiocco. Flakes that flee from hammerd red hot iron, folta, pelo. A flake of ice. ghiacciuolo. A flim-flam taile, or a flam, filiftroca, tac cola. A flame, fiamma, vampa. A Uulc fume, iiammetta, rajnpena To flame, fiammeggiare, avvampare. To i et on a flame, iar fiammeggiare, far av¬ vampare. F lame colour color fiameggiante, giglio az¬ zurro, giglio pavonazzo. Flamingly , fiammeggiantemente. The flankes, i fianchi, l’hipocondria- To flanke, fiancare. Flanked, fiancalo. A flanker, fiancatore. A flap, colpo leggiero, botferella. To flap ( or flrike ) dare, colpire,ferire. A flap ( or clap ) fiocco, fuono di cofa battuta. A file flap, cacciar mofehe. To flap, or make to flap, as to hang flag- ging. The flap, or back-print ofa friers cowle, ca puccio, pizzo del capuccio. The flap covering the we fill of the throat linguetta. Flipped, battuto, ferito, picchiato. A flapping, battimento, ferimento, pic- chiamento. To FL FL FL j To flajb , balenare, fiammeggiare. { A flap} ( of lightning, or of light ) baleno, i A flefh offre , fiamma, efiaìationc di fuo ! co - ' Afla/hof water, fguazzo, guazzo, fchiz- 1 1 .. ÌOi ì To fiafh ( as water ) guazzar, (guazzar, ! fchizzàre. • ,, ' Flafned, fchizzatp, guazzato. A flafher of rvatcY-ù hizzatore. F lathy, guazzofo, fchizzofo A flajhing of water . fichi zzamen to d’ac qua fguazzamento d’ acqua. • A fi ds k ( for powder) fiafehetta. A little fiaske, fiafehettina. A flasket, caneftro, paniere. of a flasket, da caneftro. F lai, piatto, piano. 1 To fiat, or make fiat, appiattare, appianare ! Y-Ut-nofed, col nafo lchiacciato, colnafo I acciaccato. -4 fiat lingot of mettali , piaftra , Iami- i na. i The fiat part of a thing flatted , il piatto, il j piano di- ! Ylat andthinfiatejftthxéWz. A flat piece , or plat of ground, aia. Aflat ,or aflat ftrand, campo ó piano ap¬ pretto il mare. A fiat, or/helfe, lecca, fcoglio. A flat-nofe, nafo lchiacciato, nafo acciac¬ cato. To make fiat-no fed , or flatten the nofe, fhiac- dar,or acciaccar il nafo. The being fiat-no fed, haver il nafo fchiacci- ! ato, or acciaccato. Somewhat flat-nofed , alquanto col nafo fchiacciato, or acciaccato. A little flc>t-nofed wench, ragazzetta col nafo fehiacciato, or acciaccato. F/<«y in the jea, lecche. Flatly, piattamente, pianamente. Ylatneffe, pianezza. Flamed, or made fiat, fpianato, appiatta¬ to. To flatter, adulare, lufingare. Flattered, adulato, lufingato. A flatterer, adulatore, lusingatore, teco- m eco,gradano. Halfea flatterer , mezz’ adulatore. Flatterie , or a flattering , adulatione, lufin- g a - . Belonging to flatterie, adulevole, luiinghe- vole. Flattering, adulando, lufingando. -4 flattering wench, adulatricc, lufingatri- ce. | Flatteringly , adulcvolmentc, lufinghevol- mentc. Flatly, pianamente, appiattatamentc. | ^ 4 flatting, flattening, rr making flat, appiat- tamento, appianamento, j Flatulency, ventolità. I Flatulent, ventofo. ( To fi aunt il, rallegrarli fuor ili modo, alfo, 1 sfoggiarla. S Flaunting, rallegrandoli, aljo, sfoggiando- la. | Flaunting wenches, femine di partito A little flaw in a ( precious ) filone, ghiac- ! ciuolo, alfo, pelo, pagliuca. A flora in a biade, folla, pelo. I Fullaf flawes, follofo, pelofo. Flax, (loppa, lino, canapo. Fine flax, dre fed flax ready for the di (loffie, lloppa polita, lino polito, or concio. A flax-combe , fcotola, pettine. A flax-man, or feller of flax, mercante di (loppa, lino, or canapo. A flax-woman, or dreffer o//£ot,linaiuola, ranapara. Flax-weed, wild flax, linofalvarco. Flaxen, floppofo, linofo, canapolo. To flay , feorticare, levar la pelle. Flayed, fcortlcato. A flayer , lcorticatore. A flaying, fcorticamento. A flea, pulice, pulce. Full of fleas , pien di pulci. A little flea, pulce piccola Fleawort.flea bone, herba di fan rocco. F leaie, di pulce. Fled, fuggito. Fled unto , avvolato. Fledge, impennato, impiumato, che hàle penne, che hale piume. To flee, fuggire, fuggirfene, coglierfcla. A fleece, tofone, veìlo. The golden fleece, tofone d’ oro. A fnll-grownefleece, lana fatta. To fleece, toùtrc. Fleeced, tofato. A fleecing, t ofat u ra, tofamen to . A fleet, fiotta, armata. The fleet, carcere coli detto in londra. Fleeting, labile - F legmatick, flemmatico, cattarrofo. Flegme, flemma, catarro. A dot, or lump of flegme, fputaccio. To fpit a dot of flegme , fputacciarc, buttar fputacci di flemma. F legir.ie, as flegmatick. A flegmon, flemmone. Aflemc (a barbers inflrument to divide the gum from the tooth) lliletto da cirurgi- co. A fleming, fiammingo. Flcfh, came. Flcfl, time ( when filefh is to be eaten ) tempo che fi magna di gratto. Flejb-colour , color incarnadino, color di carne, color fmorto. F lejh, orflefhmeat, carne da magnare. To get flefh, or grow into good ììking, ritor¬ nar in came. Amended inflefh,ben tomato in came. To take flefh from, to make bare of flejh, fcar- nare. To go the way of all flejh, morire, tirar le calze. A flejh-hook, ancino à carne. To flefh one, incarnare, metter in carne. Flejhed, incarnato, metto in carne. The flette part of the hand, il morbido della mano. F lefbie, carnofo. Flefhing , incamamento. Flejhlefte, fenza came, fcamuto. F le/hlte, carnoiamentc. Flefhlìnefise, as flefhinefs. F leurettie ( in blazon ) fioretto, termine di divife. He flew, volò. Flexible, pieghevole, facile, trattabile. F lexibleneffe, pieghevolezza, facilità, trat¬ tabilità. F lexuofìty, as flexiblentfs. To flie, or flee, fuggire. To)lie {as birds ) volare. To flie at birds (as an ill-made hawke ) uc¬ cellar gli uccelli. As faft as he can flie, quanto può volare, a piu potere. To flie unto, advolare. A flie, mofea. A litt le flie, mofehetta. A fly-catcher, caccia-mofche, cacciatoi' di mofehe. A dog-flie, mofea canina. Agad-fhe, tavano. To flie over, furyolare, volar di fopra. A huge flie-boat, filuca grotta. To file a high pitch, volar di penna alta. To flte ( or fave himfelfe by flight ) coglier- fela eolia fuga. ^4 flie flap t caccia mofehe. A flight, fuga. A flight unto , advolamenro. A flight fhot, tiro di frezza. To fling, gettare,tirare, buttare. A fling, tiro. Aflinger, che tira, getta, or butta. A flinging, tiramento, gelamento, but- tamento. A flint , felcio, felce. A finali flint-ftone, felciuolo. A flint-ftone ( for a tinder-box ) pietra focaia, fucile. F Untie, or full of fintali flint-ftones, fclciofo. FUntie, orftonieplaces, Iuochi felcioli. A flitch of bacon, collatelJe di porco,' pref- ciutto. To flit, andarfene, fgombrare, sfrattare. A flitting, fgombramento, sfrattamene. Ffitting, sgombrando, sfrattando. The flix, flutto. The bloody flix, caca fanguc, diflenteria. F lix-weed, or flix wort, fofia. To float, fee toflote . A flock, greggia, gregge, mandra, trop- P a ; A Utile flock, grcggiuola. A flock of people , una man di gente, una lolla, brigata. A flock ( of wooll) fiocco. To flock together, aggregar fi,andar in trop- pc. A flock ( or troop ) of wild beafts , troppa di fiere. A /Zoc/.-ir^mattarazzo. Flocks of haire, fiocchi di capegli. Flocked , aggregaro.ridotto in troppe. A flocking, aggregamento , riducimene in troppe. Afloorc , piano. A boordedf,. ■•re, tavolato. To floor e with plankcs,or boords. intauolare. The floorc-timbers ( or nbs ) ofajhip, Harne¬ tt ali, colle di vafccllo. A floore laid with filone, bricks, plaifter ere, pavimento. A floore with filone, Icleiata, laftrico. A barnefloore, aia. Floored with plankes, orboords, intavolato Floored with filone, brick, plaifter, felciato, laftricato. A flooring with plankes, or boords, intavola¬ mene. A fiorentine ( madedifh ) tona. Floret filke , fioretto. A fior in, fiorino. Toflote , andar a gala, nuotare, fiottare. To fiate upon t%e wazes, fouraondeggiare. Set a fiate, metto a gala, fatto andar a ga¬ la. A flat e (of timber joyned ) barca a zatte¬ re. Floted, ondeggiato. Floting, dando, or andando a gala,nuotan do, fiottando, ondeggiando. A floting, l’andar a gaìa, l’ondeggiare, il nuotare, il fiottare, ondeggiamento. T he floting ofany water , fiotto. F lotfens, or flotsams (goods floting) cofc buttate da fiotto A floud , flutto, fiotto. Aftottd-gate, chiù fa d’acqua. A flounder ( fijh) sfogliata: patterà. F lourineffe, or flore of flowers ere , fiori, gran copia di fiori. To flouri/h, fiorimene, il fiorire, alfo fpani- panata. Toflourifh with weapons, brandire. An idle flowri/h ( of words) fpampanata di parole lpropolitate. ^4 vaine and eft ecUefle flour if};, bravata, ro¬ domontata. A flouri/h before the matter, plcludio. Flor.rijhing, fiorifceme Amido. A flourtlbing, fiorimene, il fiorire, lo Jpampanare. F O FO FO A flout, burla,baia. Full of flouts, pien di burle picn di baie. flouted, burlato, derifo, fcherniro. ^ iflouter, dcrifoie, burlatore, burlone. ^4 flouting, derilione, buri amento. Flouting, deridendo; burlando. Flouts, burle, baie. To flow , fiottare, filiere. Flowing, or fluency, fluenzn. Flotvin\> or fluent, fluente, fluvido. The flowing of the fea, fluflo del mare. F lowiftgly, fluvidamente. A flower, fiore. A tittle flower , fioretto. aluvdmcc of flowers, copia grande di fiori. The flower de-luce, giglio. The blew flower de-luce , giglio turchino. The water flower de luce , giglio acquatico. white flower de-luce, giglio bianco. Cuckoe flower, lepido. F lower gentle, or flower (iwour, amaranto. A flower pot, vaio da fiori. To deprive of flowers, sfiorire. Deprived of flowers, sfiorito. Flower ( ofmeale ) lior di farina. Womens monethly flowers, mcnltrui, il mar- chefe. Belonging to or like fuch flowers,mcnkmolo. F lowerie, larinofo. Flowne, volato via. F lung, gettato,buttato, tirato. A eroffe flurt ( in kU\on ) croce fiorepza- ta nelle divife. Flufh ( at cards ) flu lib. Aflute, flauto. A little flute, zuffulo. To play on the flute, Tuonar di flauto. To flute, or channell, cannellate, ftriare. Fluted, or channelld, cannellato, ftriato. A flitter, or player on the flute, (he) fuo- nator di flauto ( jhe ) fucinatrice di flauto. A fluting, or chanelling, cannellaniento, ftriamento. Toflutter, fvolazzarc ^i fluttering, 1 vola zzo. A flux, flu lfo, fluflione. A fly, mofea. To fly, fee to flic. A flying unto, advolamento. A flying at birds , uccellauiento, 1' avven¬ tarli adoffo a gl- uccelli. Flying, volando. Theflying fl/h, pefee volatile. A foale, polcdro. To fonie (as a w.ire^fp r egn are, lar il poledro Tafiutle ( as a (he affé ) idem, p oale-foot the herbe, piè di poledro. A foaling, fpregnamento. Foaling , i’pregnando. Fi lame, feniuma, bava, lpuma. To foame, fclìiumare, far fchiuma. sof fiante, ichitunofo, lpumofo, bavofo di fchiuma. Thefìlver-colottrdfonine of tryd lead, argeri- tc.' Fontine, as of foame. A foaming, lo lthiumarc,lo barare, Jo (puniate-, F oamingly, Ichiumofamente, bavofamen- te, fpumofamente. Fodder for c 4 n/e,fonaggio,pnllura,pafcolo Fodder of ftraw, Itramc, paglia. To /odder, forraggiare,pafturare,pafcolnre. Foddered, fonaggiato,pallurato,pafcolato. JifoddereY , fonaggjaioie, pafcolatorc. A foddering, forraggiamento, palhua- mcnto, pafcolamcnto. A foddering place, mandra. Afoe.be, inimico, nimico, jhe, inimica, nimica. .A fogg, nebbia, nuvolo. Fo^/e, nebbiofo, nuvolofo. A foile , fmarra, fioretto. Afoile,or repulfe, ribuffa, ripulfi’, ripaf- fata,romanzina. To foile, rih affare, ributtare, ripel lere. The foile of a looking gli(fe, bambola. A foile, for a diamond, foglia. To give a foile unto, darla gambetta, fca- valcar alcuno. Foiled , ribuffato, ributtato, fcavalcato. A foiling , ribuffamento, ributtamento, fcavalcamento. A foift, baia, beffa, fcherzo. Foifledin, furretticio. To fold, piegare. Tofoldyor put into a fold, ferrare,inchiudere Ajbecp-fold, ovile, mandra. Foulds of hurdles for [beep, palchetti. Tofold/heep , riferrare ó chiudere le pecore ne’ lor covili ò palchetti. Folded , piegato. Folded , or put into a fold, riferrato, or chiu- fo nel oyilc. A folding, piegamento. A folding of fheep, riferramento, rinchiu- dimento di pecore negl ovili. Polke, gente. Follie, follia, pazzia, balordaggine. To follow, feguirc, feguitare. To follow after , andar adietro, feguitar ap- j predo Followed, feguito, feguitato. A follower, feguitatore, che feguita. ; A great mans, followers, or traine, feguito, j corteggio. A following, feguimcnto, il feguire, il fc- ! guitare. Following, feguendo, feguitando. Fonie, Jec foame. To foment, fomentare, nudrire. Fomented, fomentato, mulrito. A fomenting, or fomentation, fomento, fo- mcntatione. Fond, matto, folle, pazzo, capricciofo, minchione. , To be fond of e Her inamorato matto di- cf- fer incapricciato di- A fond wench, una pazzarella, una mezza matta, minchiona. Fond tricks, pazzie, capricci, minchione ¬ rìe. Fondly , follemente, pazzanicute,capric- ciofamente F ondneffe, pazzia, incapricciamento. vi/<»//, battiilerio, facrofanto. To be a childs witnefse At the font, tener a battelimo., Food, cibo, magnare, pafto.J A foole, ftolto, matto, pazzo, minchione. An arrant foole, un pazzo fpedito. A foole in a play, zanni, buffone. To play thè foole, far il buffone, far il mat¬ to. To make a foole of, coglionar alcuno, ag¬ girar alcuno. Made a foole, coglionato, agguato. Foolery, ltoltitia, pazzia, balordaggine. Foolerycs, coglionerie, pazzie, buffonerie. F ooli/h, ltolto, minchionclco, buffonefeo, balordo. F oohih dalliance , carezze Iàfcive, traftullo. F oolijhly-, follemente, ltoltamentc, pazza¬ mente, balordamente. To do a thing foolifbly, far alcuna cafa ftol tamentc, inconlulcratamcntc. Foo/i'//z»e/?e,pazzia, itollitja. A foord, guado, guazzo. Tofoord , paflar a guado, or a guazzo. A foot, piede, pie. A club, or flubfoot. ftórpiató. A fplayfoot, piede di vanga. The foot of a leaf}, piede. Afoot-ball, pallone. A fooi-cloth , valdrappa , g'ualdrap- ' " pa. A foot-man, pedone, alfo ltaflìere. Afoot-flep, paifojvefliggio. Te foot it, caminar a’ piedi, ma dare. A foot-flail, poggio, vantaggio. The foot-flail afa pill n-jbafe, piediitailo. Goofe-foot, piede d’anitra, or occa. Doves-foot, orpidgeons fjot, piè di colom¬ ba. Crow-foot, piè corvine* Hares-foot, piè di lepre. Lions-foot, piè di bone. Kjtes-foot, piè di milvo. Fo*/e r /ooc,piè di poliedro. Calves foot, piè di vitella. Griffons-foot, piè di griffone. On foot, a piedi. To tread underfoot, calpeft are. To aligfu on foot, fmontare,fcender, metter piede a terra. Foot men of an army, infanteria, fanteria, pedoni. Footed, che hà piedi. Broad-footed, che hà piedi larghi. Splay-footed, che hà piedi di vanga. Rough-footed, pennipede, calzato. Cloven footed , forcuto, falcato. •. 4 footing, l’andata, la marciata. Footing it, cambiando, battendola fui tac¬ cone. A fop, gniocco, fciocco, ffimuni to, ba¬ lordo, goffo, barbagianni. To play the fop, farii gnocco. F opperie, fciochczza, balordaggine. F oppìjhly, che hà del fcioccordel gnocco del balordo. Somewhat foppi/h, alquanto fciocco. Foppijh, fcioccamente, balordamente. F oppilhneffe, as foppery. For ( prepofttion ) per. For, conjunction, perche. For ever, for ever and ever per fempre, fem- premai, in eterno. For all that , con tutto che,non ottante. Forage, feeforrage. Toforbearc, tralafciare, dimettere, attc- ncre, guai darli, defittece, haver patien- za, abbandonare, rimanerli di. Forbearance, attenenza, patienza,~cIeGtten- za, campo, delatione. To forbid, prohibire, defendere, bandire. Forbiden, prohibito, diffefo, bandito. Aforbiddcr. prohibitore, diffenfore^ ban¬ ditore. A forbidding, prohibition®, diffefa,ban- • do. Forbidding , prohibendo diffondendo, bandendo For/>or«e,lafciato, tralasciato, abbandona¬ to, difmeffa. Force, forza, violenza, potere, poffanza. To force , forzare, sforzare, coltrignere, violentare. To force by neieff ity, ncceffitarc. Of force, a forza, ncceilariamentc. F orceleJJ'e, debole,lenza forze. By force, per forza. To lo fe force, perder le forze. To force down to the bottomc, affondare, metter a fondo. Forceable, che lì può forzare, che fi può sforzare. Forced, forzato, sforzato. Farced downe to the bottame ,afìondato,mef- fo a fondo. To make for celefle, indebolire, rendere feiir za forze. MaJcforCeleffe, indebolì to, refo fenza for¬ ze. A forcer, forzatore, sforzatole. Forcible, violente, potente, jxiderofo, vi- gorofo, nervofo, di momento. Forcibly , violentemente, potentemente, podcrofamentcj vigopolaiiiente,.ncrvo- iamentei. FO „*/brc/«g. forzamento, sforzo. tore-atftimed, preordinato, predeftma- to. k A fore-appointment, preordinamento, pre- dellinamcnto. . F m-tafi ( fikjl. ) providcnz?, antivedi- mento, accortezza. j To forecall, provedere, antivedere, accor- ! Tornali ( Vortici?. ) proveduto, antevif- to. . Ofgreat fore, enfi, accorto aliai. ^ ifore-cafimg , cis force*]}- Fore-chofen, preletto. . . Our fore-fat hers , i noftri antenati, gli avo¬ li, uiaegiori predeceflori. The fore foot of a horfe , mano del cavai- fore-front , or /ore fide of •' kiuft, faccia- ta,frontilpiccio. A fore-goer, precellore. bifore going, precedi mento. Foe-going , precedendo. TheJore-head, la fronte. A forehead cloth) lrontale. ^ forthcad hand? idem. The forehead bone, odo frontele. Cforlelongwzto. the forehead , che amene a Ila fronte. To fore-imagine , pieimaginnre, penlai pu- 11 a. To forejudge, pregiudicare, giudicar pri¬ ma. . ^ far eji-.dgtr.ent) pregiuditio,prcgiudica- ìr.cnto. Tofore-knon -, prefapcre, faperpiima. Pore knowledge prefeien 2 a. Fore-known, prelaputo, pipato prima. r/-f/òre-«ot>«e,l^iiiattin3,rinnanzi pian¬ do. To fore-ordaine , preordinare. i Fore-ordaind , preordinato, tore porch, antiporto, ^4 fore-runner . prccurfore. Fore-runners , prccurfori die battono la firada. i Fore-runner's of an army , feorte. feoprito- j Fere- running, precorrendo. .A fore-rtiming, precorrimento. 7'o for e-fay j predire. ...f fore-faying, predittionc. 7 he fore-fnle of a Jhip , mezzana. To fore-feej prevedere. Afore feeing , pievedimento. F orefecne, preveduto, previllo. To fore fha r, premorti arc. Fore-Jhew’d , or fore-Jhewn , p remolini to. ^ fnrefhewing, premoftramento. Thè fore shhi) prep ut io. Toforeftall. preoccupare? prevenire, anti cipare, ovviare? avvanzare. Forefl.dled) preoccupato, prevenuto, ov¬ viato. anticipato, avvanzato. foreflaller , preoccupatole , ovvia¬ tole , anticipatore , avvànzatc- rc. . ^ fore-fdlmcr.t , pi erccupamcnto, ovvia]- mento, amili, amento, avvanzamem to. Fore flailing) preoccupando? ovviando an¬ ticipando, avvanznndo. To foretell) ltiologarr, prefa gire, alfa as io forefay. ,4 fnetellcr) predicitore? flofogn, profu¬ go- A f ■retelling, as aforejayìngnlfo, ftrologr- tione. Tic fore-teeth, li denti davanti. FO ro To fore-think ? prepenfare , premeditare, ltudiare. Fore- thought) premeditatione. Forethought of , premeditato ? (India¬ to. Fore-told , predetto? ftrologato. To fore-warne ? preavvifare? avvifar innan¬ zi. To forfeit) incorrer in pena? alfo, confida¬ re. A forfeit) pena, molta, taffa, trafgreflio- ne, misfatto. Forfeited, incorfo in pena? che hà trafgref. lo? or trafgredito. A forfeiture , as a forfeit. To forge, fabricate? ritruovare, fludiare, mentile, fingere. To forge with jleele , acciaiare. To forge, or devi fé, inventare, ritruova- re. A forge, fucina. Forged, fabricate» Forged, or devi fed, inventato? fabric a to, ntruòvato. A forger, inventorc,fabricatore, ìifrtiova- torc. A forger, or filfifier of writings, falfario di fentture. A forgery , inventione, ritruovata, rigi¬ ro. A forging, ritruovamento, inveutione, fabrica. To forget, difmennearfi, fcordarli. A forgetter , dilinemicatore, feordato- rc. ' Forget full , difmcntichevole , feordevo- le. Forgetfullnepe, dimenticanza? feordanza, oblio? tmfcurnpginc. Caufìng forgetfullitejje . oblivicfo, che fà feordare or trafeurare. A forgetting, lo feordare? .tifo as forgetf ul¬ ne j,e. To forgive, perdonare. To forgive wholly, perdonare aflolutamen- te, fotteriare. Forgiven, perdonato. ^tforgiver, perdonatole, che perdona. Forgivenefie, perdono? perdonanza, re¬ ni ilfione. Anabfolute forgit ene]]}, afiolutione, per¬ dono afloluto, re mi filone. A forgiving, il perdonare. ' To forgoe, la‘lfarc,l.:fciare, ab ridonare, ce¬ dere. To forgoe his right, cedere del fuo iuf. fe. ' . 4 forgoer, lafciatore, abandonatore. ( A forgoing, lnfciamento, abandonarr.en- to. Forgone, lafeiato. abandonnto. Forgotten, fcordato,dimcnticato? ir.effo in oblio. Aforke , forca. A little forke, forcina, forchetta. The forke-fifi ( a kind of fiate ) fpetie d’ argilla. To fork e, fore are. An oven-forke, fpazza forno, fpazzato- io. Forked, forcuto. A forked arrow-head, ferro forcuto di fila¬ le. Hal fe forked, mezzo forcuto. For keif ,a gitila di forcarla forca,forcuta¬ mente. Fórkednefic, forcaturn, forcutezza. A forkett, dente di forca. F orlarne, tralafciato, difperatc, abandò- nato. Formali, formale in forma. Formalize, formalità. To forme, formare, modellare, difiegnn- re. A forme ( or bench j banca, panco. A little forme, banchetto,fcagno. A forme, fo; ma, maniera, forte,guifi, fog¬ gia, mezzo. The forme of a hair e ? lepraio? covile di le¬ pre. Formed, foimato, di fi cgnato, modella¬ to. i A former , formatore? diifegnatore, mo¬ dellatore. Former, primo primiero, anteriore. Informer times , a’ tempi andati. Formerly, altre volte? primieramente. A forming, il formare, il modellare, il dif- fegnare. F oremofl, primo , anteriore ? preceden¬ te. The firmo ]},il primo? T anteriore? il prece¬ dente. Fornication, fornicatiore. To commit t fornication, fornicare. A fornicatour, fornicatore. Forrdge, forraggio. Toforrage, foraggiare. Forraged, for aggiato. Aforrager, forraggiatore. The forragers of an army , forra ggiatori er, garofano giallo. Gilt, indorato, dorato. Gilt over, Sopra dorato. A gilt-head , dorata,, pefee. yAgimblet fqu filetto, fpilletto. Ginger , zenzero. S cafoni with ginger, Stagionato con zen¬ zero. To tre.tdgingerly, camfnar delicatamente, caminar Sulla trementine. To gingie ( as hawks bells ) luonar conic fanno li fonagli d - un ialcone. A ginne, laccio. Agintte io catch woodcock.es, laccio da bec¬ cacce. A girafole, g’rafole. To gird , cignere, cinturarare, ftrigner con cigno, or cintura. A gird (or twinge ) Stretta,Storta, attac¬ co. To afflici, or taunt with girds , cafrigar con Strette, e Storte. Girded, Stretto, Storto. Girded loofely,girded backwards, cinto alla larga. The l piece of timber calld a) girder cor¬ rente. A girdle, cinto, cintura. A little girdle, cinturino. yAn arming, or fword girdle, armacollo. yA maker of f neh girdles, armacollaro. Without a girdle, difeinto. To undo, or unclofe a girdle , difcignerc. A girdlcr, cinturaro. A girle, fanciulla, figlia, ragazza, zit- tefla. To girne, fee tqgrjpr.c. Girt, cinto. A girth, cigno. To girth, or gird with a girth, cignere. The gifard tifa bird, vemriccio, magone. A gitterne, ghitarra. A finali gitterne, ghitarrina, nmndora. Toghe, dare, donare. To giveamiffe, da c ,or donare fpropolita- tamentc. Toghe hack, rendere, ritornare. To give upon condition, dare a patti, dona, re a conditioni. To give care, afcoltare, Sentire, udi¬ re Toghe OT'O",trala Sciare,abbandonare, dc- liStere. To give' place, or roome, cedere, far fioco, rinculare. Toghe himfélfc /o,appigliarli a- addonar- fi a- rogivehis mind to, :>.(]«: rj :,i.m i j ,i_ Toghe ( as firmefthcr ) Stillare, trapelale.*" * * To give way unto, cedere, concedere, md- : lare. To give to unJerflasidjdir a concicele, dar i ad intendere. ! To give or yield, cedere, rendere. To give unto, dare ad- To give over his right, abandonare il Suo iulfe, cedere del Suo diritto. Given, dato, donato. Given back, refo, rellituito. Given upon condition, dato à patti Given over, abbandonato, tralasciato, di¬ sawezzato. Given io, dedito. Given unto, attribuito a»- A giver, donatore. A giving, donamento, dcnaticne. Giving over tralafaando,abbaiidonando. A giving back, ritirata, ri tiramento, rir.cu- lamento. A giving over, tratafeiamento, abitando¬ li amento. Gl'd, allegro, pioiofo. To be glad, rallegrarli, gioirli. i To make glad, or to gladden, rallegrare, ten- ; der allegro. I am glad of it, me r.e ral'eero, me ne po- • do. = ; Gladded, rallegrato. G 'adly, a caro, con allegrezza. Gladnefe, ailegrez za, gi in, giubilo. : Gladfome , allegro, gioiofo. Toglafe, invetriare. A glaffer, Ihvt ntriatore. i A glaffe ( to drink in ) bicchiere. Glaffe, vetro. The glaffe of a looking glaffe, bambola. ! Aglaflc-houfe, vetraria. Broken glaffe, vetri Spezzati. A glaffe-maker, vetraio, vetraio. To lume or make into glaffe, vetrificare, far vetro. Glaffe-worke, as a glaffe houfe. G!affe-ntaking,\\ Iarde’ vetri, il lavorar de’ j vetri. A glaffe furnace, as a glaffe houfe. A glaffe window, invetriata. A looking glaffe, Specchio. ofglaffe, di vetro. A glaunce, occhiata, tiro d’occhio. A g’attnccat, occhiata ad- Toglaunce , addotchiare. To gltunce at, addocchiare af- Glaitnced, addccchiato. G launced at, addccchiato ad- A glauncing, addocchiamento. Toglile, invetriare. Togla-.e a window, invetriar una finefira. Glazed, invetriato. A gUt\i«g, invetriamento. A frlead, milvo. Togleane , Spigolare. To glean e grapes, mozzare. Gleaned, Spigolato, mozzato. A gleaner. 1pigolatole. A gleaner of grapes ( he) mozzatole ( fi,e ) mozzatine. A gleaning, Spigolamento, mozzamento, j mozza. The glearc of an egg, chiara d’uovo, bianco d - uova. Glebe, pleba. Glew,. fèe ih e. ! To run gito along sdrucciolare. I To glide, Scivolare j To slide along, andar Scivolando. GU d, or glided, chehabbia Scivolato. ; A gliding, sdrucciolamento, fcivolamen- I t°- j Gliding, sdrucciolando. Scivolando. ! CN GO To glimmer , ftral un are. A glimmering, or g/ówp/e,barlume, flralu- namento. To cafl aghmpfc, rifplendere, rilucere al¬ quanto. To gli flea, as to glimmer. To glifltr, lucere, rifplendere. A glifler,fee clyfler. A gliflering . rilucimento. Gliflering , rilucendo, rifplendendo. Gltflcringly, lucentemente. To glitter, lucere, rifplendere. _ A glittering, rifplendiinento. Gltttering , rifplendendo, lucendo. Glitteringly, rifplendemementc, lucente¬ mente. ^4 globe, globo, fpera. Glob-like , da fpera. Globons, globbofo, sferico, orbicolare. Gloontie , ofeuto, tenebrofo. Gloomie weather , tempo feuro, tempac- . cio. ! Gloominefse, ofcurnà.tenebiofità ì Glorie, gloria, honcre. 1 .4fmall glorie, glorietta, glorinola. To glorie, gloriare, vantare. I To glorifi e, glori ficài e. 1 Glorified, glorificato. 1 Glorious , gloriofo- Glorioufly, gloriofamente. ! A glorying. g_\on.uv.cmo. ! To glofe, gioiate, adulare, j Glojedwith, adulato. I A glofer, glofatore, adulatore. A ghfrtgy glofamento, adulamento. a z lo (F e s g lofa - Agloffe ( or Infierì lullro, chiaro. To glofic , luftrare, chiarire. To fetagloflc on, dar ii luftro. Glojied, luitrato, chiarito' A glofer, lu lira tore, che chiarifce. A glojting, or Jetting agloffe on, lultramen- ro, chiarimento. A glove , guanto. Dogs leather gloves, guanti di pelle di ca¬ ni. Winter gloves, guanti d’inverno- Strong gloves for a maj'on to worke with, guardr mano. .4 glover, guantato. To glow, lucere, vampate. A glow-wormc, lucciola. To glo\e. fee to glofc. Glue, cola. To glue, colate. water glue, cola acquarci fa. Of power co glue together, glutinofo, colo- fo. Glued, colato, glutinaro. A gluer colatore, glutinatore. Gluie, full of ‘glue, clammy glue, colofb. GluhtefJ'c, colofnà. A gluing, cola menta. Gluing, colando. Gtuifh, as gita ly. to glut, (atollare fatiate. Glutted , fatollo, fattollaro, fatinto. Aglutting, farollamento, fatiamento. A glutton (he) mangione, crapolòne. pacchione, galofo. ( /Se ) mangiona, crnpolona, pacchiona. To play the glutton, pacchion.it e. Gluttome, pacchioneria, goloiitjr. Gluttonous golofo. G : uttonoujly, golofamente. To girarle, ringhiare. To gnxlh the teeth, digrignate; sbatteri den¬ ti. An angry gnafher of the teeth, digrignato¬ le. j A gnalhing of the teeth, .digrignamento, j sbattimento di denti. -, ignat, zanzara, zenzala. i'ognaw, rodere. A gnaw-cr ufi, rodi crolla. A gnawer, roditore. A gnawing, rodimento Gnaw’tt, rofo. Tognibble, fee to nibble. A goad, (limolo, aculeo- A gode to run at, meta, fcopo,pag!io. The irongoale at pale-mai le, patio. To goare,fee to gore. A he-goat, caprone. AIhe-goat , capra. A bearded goat. Caprone barbuto. A wild goat, cei viotto, caprone falvatico. A young goat, capretto. Of a goat, caprino. A gnat-heard , capraria. A little goat, capriola. A goat milker, mongneapra. {The kind ) of goats, or goats fiefu, capri¬ no. Goats beard , barba di capra. The goats leape ( done by a horfe ) caprio¬ lo. Gnats thorite, dragaganto. Goats leather v drefi’d ) marochino,coi do¬ vano. j A gobbet, bocconcino, boccone, alfo, bic¬ chiere, coppa. At one eobbet, ad un tratto. A goblet, tazza, coppa, b icchiere. A great goblet, tazzone. To gobble up, inghiottire,mandar giù. Gobbled downe, inghiottito, mandato giù. A gobbler, ingiottitore. A goblin, fpi ri to folletto. To play the goblin, far lo fpivito, full etto. God, dio, iddio. The god head, la deità- A godfather, fantolo, padrino. A god mother, fantola, madrina. A godjonne, figlioccio. A goddaughter, figlioccia. A gods-pennie, caparra. A godd effe, deeffa. Godleffe ateo, atcifta, impio. Godhneffe, fintiti, pietà, divotione, Godly, fante, pio, divoro. Togoe, andare, ire, caulinare. To goe a funder of it felfe, fpaccarli, {partir- i li, aprirli. j Togoe a way, andar via, partirli. ; Togo about, andar attorno, volere. : To go nicely, or gingerly, andar bel bello, I pian piano. Togo before, andar manzi, or avanti. | Togo before one ( or out go one ) avanzare, | arrivare, trapanare. | Togo back, ri li rare, andar indietro, rincu- j lare. | To go flowly, andar, or cambiar pian pia¬ no, bel bello. ! To go abroad, andar a fpaffo, andar fuo- I r >- ' Togo beyond, ardir di là, trapif flare. I To go downe , andar giù calare. | To go ftire and foftly, to be overtaken, ’an¬ dar piali piano li che li polla g.ugnc- re. Togo forth or out. ufeire, andar fuori. Togo aflry, or out eftheway , iViarli, fmar rir la (tracia. To go in, entrar, andar dentro. Togo •■bout the lujh andar per ambagi. T ogof rom, lcoilnili da- alienarli d.t Togo .1 fot pai e, andar, or c animar il pafla. Togo in bai, andar al letto, andar al ripo r foiium. To go together, andar inficine, andar ili compagnia. Togoupon amia r l'opra. Togo up, andai Iti-, montai cefali te. Go io ; orlili eviti via. A goer , cambiatore, viandante. - A v [Oti::, cambiamento, siaggio. i , , GO A going away , 1’ andar via. A going awry , l’andar llorto, A going about, a bufineffe, l’andar per facen- de. A going about the bufl;,V andar per ambagi. A going back, 1*andar a reto. A going before, 1‘ andar manzi. signing downe, l andar giù, il calare. A going forth or out, !• ulcire 1- ufeita. A going forward, 1 andar inanzi. Going from, bollandoli da- alienandoli da- A going in,V andar dentro, l entrare. A going out of the way, lo fviare, I- uftiv di Il rada. A going up , il falire,l‘ andar fù,il montare. Going, andando, caminahdo, A goggle eye, occhio rilevato, ochiodi bove. Goggle eyed, che hàgl- occhi rilevati,oc¬ chi di bove. Gold , oro. „ 4 gold mine, miniera d* oro. Round majfic gr antes of gold , grana d- oro maffitie. I.eafegold, oro mordente. Spangle gold, beaten thin for Spangles, oro bi paglia. Bafe gold or painters gold, orpello'. Smooth , or venite gold, oro di ven e tia. j Of gold, di oro. Gold wire, oro filato, oro tirato in fila. A gold-fnith, orefice, argentiere, orafo. A gold fmiths wife, moglie d - orefice. The goldfmiths Trade, or worke, lavoro d' orefice, arted‘ orafo. To work gold' fmiths worke, lavorare cofe d’orefice. Yuli of gold-fmiths, pieno d - orefici. _ 4 gold-fner, rallnatord' oro. Goldperfedlyfined, oro raffinato perfet- tilfimamenre. The gold-flower , chrifomo. A gold-fnch, cardellino. The devils goldring, capriuolo di vite. Agold-finder, curadellri. Golden , d oro, dorato. The herbe, Golden rad , verga dorata. Gome, the blacke greofe of a wrought cart- wheele, grada che fi forma all alle d un } carro. Gone , ito, andato, partito, paflato, prete- ; rito. j Gone awry, andato, or ito florto. Gone back, andato orefo, ritirato, rincula¬ to. Gone before, andato, or ito avanti, or man¬ zi. preceduto. Gone forth, ufeito, ito fuori. Gone forward, avvanzato. To begone, anderfene, irfene. Gone w, entrato, ingreflo.- Goitcfrom, partito. Gone afìray, fviato, che hi fmarrita la flra- da. Gone downe, andato giù, andato a baffo, calato. Gone up, montato, falito, afeefo. I am gone ( or over-eafi) ut bowles,hb pafla¬ to. Good, buono. To make good, menar buono, imbonirne. Made good, menato buono, imbonnito. To thinkegood, (limar bene,e(Ter di parere, appruovar. Thought good, (limato bene, parlo, appro¬ vato. Good Friday, venerdì fanta Good, beili, facoltà. Goods which come by defeent, beni haedi- i tari). 4 good //i)7;f,bpncfìccio, benfatto. In a good fajhion, honeflainente, con bd modo. G coaly, bellamente,gnuiolamentc. j to _ GO GR GO To make it goodly , far il bocchino, far la boccuccia. Goodlineffe. gratia, leggiadria,beltà. Good-matt , huomo da bene,buon’ huo- mo. The good man of the houfe, il patron della cafa, il padre di famiglia. Good will , benevolenza , buona voglia, amidà,affetto. To beare good will, benvolere, voler bene, affettionare, portar amore od affet¬ to. B taring good will unto, affezionato, affet- tuoiò. F ull bfgood will , affettuofo,pieno di buo¬ na voglia.. A joyners googe, gurbio. A goofe, oca, occa. A goofe giblets, regali. A green goofe, oryeunggoofe, papperò. Afiubble goofe, occa da doppia. Goofe cap ! or green-gooj e,fciocco, oca bag¬ nata. A goofe pen, dalla d’oche. A toilers goofe, ferro di fartore. A goofe berry , uva fpina. Redgoofe-berries, beyond feagoofe -berries, uva fpina trafmarina. A goofe-berriebufh, orjhrub, pianta d’uva fpina. A gorbelly , panciuto, ventrùto , trip - pa. Gorbellied, che hà grolla pancia, ventre, o trippa. Gore, or gore blood, fanguiriofo, che fà fan- gue. To gore with homes , cornare, dar torna¬ te. Gored, cornato, feornato. The gorge ( or gullet') gola, goletta. Togorge himfelfe , empirli fin a la gola, pacciuccar/ijfatollarfi. The gorge of a bird, gozzo d’uccello. Gorged , empito, fattollo. Full gorged, pieno fin a la gola. -gorget, gorgiera, collare da donna. A gorgett,or drmourforthe neck, armacollo, gorgiera. -4 gtrgm of male, gorgiera di maglia. Gorgious , allegro. Gorgioufly, allegramente. GorpoHineff '.allegria, allegrezza, magni- ficenza. Gormandifìng, ghiottoneria, ghiottona- menro. Gorfe, fpinofo. A goiling, papero. Thegofpell , l’evangelio,il vangelo. To preach the go f pell, predicar l’ evange¬ lio Of or belonging to the gofpell, che attiene all 5 evangelio,evangelico. A groffe-hawke, ado? c. •A gojjtp, comare. A tattlinggoffipy comare che taccola,lin¬ guacciuta . A gadding goffio , fcaldafedia. Togoflip, for allegria, dar allegramente fra le comari. A go piping {or friendly meeting of neigh¬ bour! ) allegria, converfatione di 'com-, mari. Got, or gotten, guadagnato, ottenuto, ac¬ quetato, procacciato, havuto. '• ^ ihinggotten t coù guadagnata, ottenuta, acquiltata, procacciata, havuta. Gotten, or begotten , generato. Gotten before , Anticipato , Avvanza- to. Gotten upon , montato di fopra. To gov erne, governare, reggere. Governed, governato, retto, regolato, lll-governed,m al governato.mal regolato. A governejje, govematrice. Government, governamene. A governing, or government , il governarci il reggere. The government of a family, il governo d’ una famiglia, economia. Governing , governando, reggendo, rego¬ lando. The governenment of d woman , il governo di donna A governonr, governatore. A gourd, cocuzza, zucca. A great gourd, cocuzzaccia. The gout, la gdtta, le gotte. The gout in any of the joynts , la gotta in al¬ cune delle giontu re- The gout in the hands, chiragra. The gout in the htppe,l ciatica. The gout in the knees , gonagra. The gout in the feet, podagra, podagra. Full of the gout, gottofo, pieno di gotte. Goutie , gottofo, che ha la gotta. Goutinefle , il dolor delle gotte, or got¬ ta. A gowne , vede, robba. Ajhortgowne, robbone. A marriners, or hooded gowne, fchiavina. A light, fummer. gowne , vede da date. Grace, gracia, benignità. A grace , buona gratia, ornamento. With a good grace, con buona gratia. Without grace ft nza gratia, (gradatamen¬ te. To fay grace, benedir la tavola, dir il be¬ nedicite. A grace, or privtledge, gratia, favore, pri- vileggio. Grace , or th.tnksgiving, grade, rendimento di gratie. To grace] or adorne a thing, aggradare, a- dornare To grace one , far onor ad alcuno^aggratiar alctirifc, otiti far alcuno. Graced, honorato,' aggratiato/adornato, fodenuro, 1 appoggiato. Gracefull, °ohóreVoif t , gradato, gratiofo, leggiadro, dicvevole, avvenente. • A gracefull alrejfing, portatura dicevole , portamento gratiofo, leggiadrojavve- nente. ' ’ Gracefull boldneffc, àrdi re gratiofo, con¬ tegno.' ! f ’ . Gracefully s Gncné}o\mtntt, garbatamente, gradatamente, gratiofamente, leggia¬ dramente, ornatamente. Gracefully drefl, leggiadramente accomo- dato,or acconciato. GWce/w/nf/Tè,grada,ornamento,leggiadria, decoro, garbatezza. Gracious , gratiofo, dicevole, garbato, leg¬ giadro, benigno, affabile. Gracioujly, gratiofamente, benignamente, affabilmente. Graciousneffe, as grace fulnefìe. A gradation , gradarione. Graduali, graduale. Gradually , gradualmente. A graduate , candidato. Graduated , graduato. A graduates hood , capuccio. To graffe, innedare. To graffe upon, innedar fopra- A graffe, innedo. Graff ed, innevato. A grafting, innedamento. Graie, biggio, griggio. A dapple gray, biggio pommellato. dapple gray horji, ubero, pelo bigio,po- mellato di cavallo. Graie with age, canuto, griggione. Graie haires , capegli canuti. To grow graie-beaded, divenir canuto, grig- gionare. ù Grom'ngraye, divenuto canuto griggiona- to. One full of graie haires, uno canuto ben be¬ ne. A graie, taffo, A darke fpotted gray e colour of a horfe, par¬ do. Agraiehound , veltro, levriere. Graieifh, or grayifh, che dà nel biggio, grig- Grai e ne fi e , incanutamento, canutezza, canizzie. Graine, grano. To reduce into graine,ridurre ingranojgra- nullarc. Reduced into graine, ridotto in grano,gra¬ nulato. Gold, fìlver, 0 ‘c. ingraines , oro od argento in fementa. ; Graine to die with, grana da tignere. Graine colour, or in graine, color in gra¬ na. Graines, or graints of paradife, cardomo- mo. Ingraines, or [mali fetdlike pieces, in grana, or,in fementa. To give leather-a graine,dar il fior, or la gra¬ na al cuoio. Th? graine of leather, il fiore, or la grana del cuoio. The graines of wood, with fpeckled flreakes, vene ondate nel legno. Grained, full of graines ^ granito, che have, ne. Grained wood , legno venato, che hà ve¬ ne. Grainie, granofo. Grammar, grammatica. A grammer fchoole-boy, grammaticuccio. AJchoole , or crue of petty grammers-fcho - /*rj,fcòla di grammaticucci. A grammarian, grammatico. A mean grammarian, grammaticuccio. Grammatically grammaticale. Grammercy, gràmmercè. A great granchild, nipotino. A grand-f tther, nonna, avo, • A grand-mothcr,nonna,a.\a. A grand fir e, as agranfather. A graniiam, as a grandmother. A grange , procovio, poffeffione, gaftal- dia. A grant, celfione, conceffionc, concedi¬ mento. To grant, concedere. To grant upon condition, concedere a’pat- ti. . Granted, con ceffo. Granted on condition, concedo a’pattljpat- tuito. -, A granter, conceditore, che concede. A granting , concedimento. A grape, uva. A bundle of grapes, grappo d’ uva. A bunch , or clufier of grapes, grappolo. A little clufier of grapes, grappolino, gr ap¬ pello. F ull of grapes, pieno d’ uva. A confettion of grapes, fopa, modo, mof- tarda. The fea-gnpe, uva marina. Grape-geathering, mozza, vendemia. Grape-gleaning, mozzamento d’ uva. Grape paper, carta che ha il merco doll* uva. Grapie, che hà dell’ uva,vinofo. To grapple, attaccare, afferrare, uncinare, allacciare. The grapple of afhip, uncino, ferro, ancora. A grapple, uncino, rampino. Grappled , attaccato, afferrato, Uncinato, attaccato, affibbiato. A grappling, attacco, afferf amehto, unti. naniento,a!lacciamento,affibbiamento ' l Ta abbrancamento,airappamc8to. Gravèli, or the f ones in the r.e/««,nsfritide, To green and make green, render verde, far To grafpe at , afferrare. renella. verde. ! Grafped, abbrancato, arrappato. The..painclygravell in the rentes, nefritti- Sea-green , verde marino. G rafped at, afferrato. ca paffione. Goojc turdgreen, verde d’ oca. A gr.ifpcr, ntfccRtpre. Gravelled, arenato, confufo. Green flh , mollua. ; A ■ rffp/wg, abbrancamene, arrappanten- To be gravelled , orfiche in thegrarvell, are- A feller of grecn-fijh, molluaro. to, afferr amento,. n a riic or donde ri ì. Greenely, v erdemente. Grafping, abbrancando, allappando, af Gravelled , osa /hip, arenato. Greenenefe, verdezza, verdura. lei rando. Graffe, h'erba, pafcolo. Gravelly, full of gravell , arenofo, ghiaio- fo. Full ofgreenenejfe, pjen di verdezza, or di verdura. S»iiiILgraffe»\\cfby .minuta. Gray, fee graie. GrecHi/b, verdeggiante. To feed or, or with graffe, pafeohre. G ray-hound, fee grai e-hound. To grayc, pafcolare, pafecre. To greet, lalutarc, riverire, congratula-! Fed on, or with graffe, pafcolaro* re. A oraffìhapper, or grafopper, faltarella. Graced, pafcolato, pafciuto. Greeted , falutato, riverito, congratula- grillo, locufta- A grazier, vaccinavo, .vaccinalo. to. G raffio, or,Tdl ofgraffc, hcibofj. A graying, pafcolamento. A greeter, falutatore, riveritore, congra-| To grate, grattare, rafehiare. Gracing for ejttle, pafcolo di beftiami. tu latore. Tograte ìhe teeth, a>g tignar li denti. Greuje. graffa. Greet , fabbionc, arena. Grates (ofwood) croffe barr’d» cancello, Hogsgreafe, /frutto, onto. ^plmfall of greti, cm di ùtbionc.cani- sbarba, balu^o. To gr cafe, qgnc.r e, ornare. pagna arenofa. To grate up (with grates, or barrps ) cancel- T° greafe in the fili with a bribe, ugner la Grettie, fabbionofo. lare, sbarrare, baluftrare mano, corrompere. grilling, fallito, falutamcnto, rivcrcn- Al prète of,irons grata di feite,infcrrfata,fer- Greafed , unto, ornato. za, congratuiatione. riata. A ivoodengrate, cancello, pergola. Greafe , or full of greafe, ontofo. A greafe fellow, Sguattero. Grry, fet graie. ‘ To grate finali, graticciare.' Grated , grat.'1to,,rafcbiata. (J refi ìy, graflajnente, on t uofanjentc. Greafnejfe , graffezza,ontuofita. A grey-hound ,,fee a groie-hound. Grated finali, gratucciato. Thegreaffneffe of [keeps, wooll before it be A grice,forchetto di cinghiale- Grated (cr.'fawd) up, fenato con cancel- wajhc d, graffa di lana. Agreafng, ugnimeoto, untamento. A gridiron, granicola. lo, ferriata ó pergola. Fo broile on a gridiron, cuocer filila grati- A grater ’( Agent ) che gratta, cheraf- Great, grande, magno. cola. chia, che gtattuggia. Somewhat , or petty great, grandetto, gran¬ dicello. A gridiron maker , graticolalo. A gritrt&i\fltime3tf, gtntuggia. ■ Grtefe, dolore, doglia, rammarico,ago-i .A 1 mill prater, or nutmeg grater grattug- A great deale, affai, molto, copia, ab mi- danza. nia,anguffia, affanno, anfitrione, an-' ■giuolà. garia. Gratie,full of grates, pieno di cancclh>feria- Great fotfofUf, gravida. To take griefe,pigYudi dolore, doglia, ad-' tc, ó pergole. Great wìthyoung, pegna. dolorarli. | A grating, il grattare, il rafehiare, il già- ll'orfe fon.e, or ware fold by-jhc gredt, rob- To grieve, dolere, alfo as io takegreif. | tacciare, grattamento, rafchiaracnto. ba Vénduta lotto lopra. or qli'Jnsrol- To grieve, or le grieved, dolerli, addolerlì, 1 A gratings erjhvttwgupu’ah.gratcs, can- •fo._ rammaricarli. cellamento, .-ferramento coniéei.*ra. 7 o m.’ke-gfeat, aggranelii;c,,ngign^icare. Made groat, aggrandito, magnificato.. A grievance , dolore, affanno, rammari-ì Grating, grattando, rafchjandò,grattatoi- co aneto. ■ •’ Greatnefse, grandezza, magnificenza. Grieved, dolorato, affannato, rammarica- Grate full, grafo. . ^a'JK,Vt-!4^rgn1 plaifier to pull oj)'haire , inpiaftro da pe¬ lale. Venus haire, or Maidou haire, capelvene¬ re. A bai.rcjace, eamngli.i. A halberdier, libardiere. The halcyon ( bird ) alcione. To hale , tirare, attirare, ftrafeinare. Haled, tirato, attirato» ftrafeinato. An haler , tiratore, attiratole, ftrafeina- rore. Half e, mezzo, metà. A halfe-part, mezza parte. A halfe-penniey mezzo danaro. To divide into halves , fpavtir .pci mezzo, or par metà. * A haling, tiramento, attiramento, ftrafei- namento. A haling of larges, or great boats up a river, tiramento , or amarramento di ban¬ che. A hall, ( ila. A town e hall , an open, or common ball, pa¬ lazzo della città, alfo podeftaria. Hall-dayes, giornicuriali. To hallow, fantificare, confacrare. To hallow ( or whoop ) chiamare forte, gri¬ dare, {trillare. To hallow , or I et on dogs with hallowing, chiamar e confortar i cani ad alta voce. Hallowed, fantilicato, confacrato. Hallowed for, chiamato. An hallowing , fantificamcnto, confacra- mento. An hall owing for, chiamazzo, richiamo, ftriljanicnto. A haije. , tune, or corda da tira: barche per i fiuii". A halfìer, chi tua le battle. To halt, Zoppi ZI ppo, 4 halter, zuppicatore, che caniina zoppo alfo, capcflro, cavezza. To halter , ligar con capcftro. To untie or unclofc a halter, fcapeftrare. Haltered, capellrato. A haltering, capellramento. To doe ones work by halves, far le fue cofc a mezzo. A hammer , martello, maglio, mazzuo¬ la. A mafons hammer , martello da murato¬ re. A doore hammer, battocchio. A little hammer, martelletto, magliette. To hammer, martellare,batter con monel¬ lo. Hammered, martellato, battuto con mar¬ tello. A hammerer, martellatore. - 4 hammering, martellamento. A hamper, paniere, cedo. A hand, mano. The right hand, man dritta,mano de firn. The left band, man manca,man lini lira. The upper part of the hand from thewrifito the knuckles, metacarpo. At hand, a mano vicino, in pronto. The hand o ; a deck , or diali, indice, gno¬ mone, ftilo. To lay hands on, dar di piglio a- afferrare, pigliare, impu gnare, p rende re. Laid hands on, pigliato, prefo, impugnato, afferrato. A laying hands on, pigliamcnto, impugna- niento, atterramento. \ At no hand, nudamente, in conto niffu- no. To %et the upper hand of one, vincerla, ref- tar fup eri ore. Vndtr HA HA HA Vnder band, fottamano. On the right hand ; a destra , dalla man dritta. On the left hand, a finillra, dalla man man¬ ca, or, finiftra. f,mall hand or childs hand ; manina. A heavy dead hand ’, mano greve, e mor¬ ta. In hand or before hand ; in mano, or, d’ av vanzo, anticipato, inanzi tratto. To give in hand j dar in mano. Given in hand or before handed a to in mano, dato d’ avanzo, anticipato, dato inan¬ zi tratto. ffefa. Great tarme \ gran danno, oftefa gran- danneggiate, offendere, nuo- danneegiato, offefo, nociu- To tarme cere. Harmed ; to. Harm, .di S danneggiarne, ofienfivo, no¬ civo, contrario. H arme fully ; dannofamente , oflenliva mente , nocivamente , danneggicvol- niente. .. Harmlefle', innocente, innocuo,Semplice, di buona patta. darmlefiyfnn occentementcminocuamen- te> Semplicemente. Harmleffenefle', innocenza, Semplicità. An harming ; il far male, 1’ offendere, il danneggiare. Harmonie ; armonia, melodia, mulica. Harmonious armoniofo, dclitiofo all’ orecchia. . Harmonioufly; armoniofamente, mulical* niente. . To put on harnef e 5 metter li fornimen¬ ti- Harnefle ; fornimenti, armatura. Harneffe for a draught or teame forni¬ menti. . Harne fje for aihorft i arnefi, alfo, form- i > Jient *- To harneffe a horfe’, fornir il cavallo met¬ ter in arnefe. Harnefjcd ; fornito, meffo in arnele. * 4 i> hirn'Jfìr cfd biffe i fornitore di ca- valli. An harneffe-maker , or armour-maker . che fa li fornimenti, alfo, armaiuo¬ lo. An harp ; arpa. - - ■ To harpe or play on the harpe ; fuonardi ! accelerare,avanzare. H.rft/itteA nr h.tflpJ : nttie 1 harper j fuonator diharpa. in harpfechorie ; arpicoida. I harpy ; arpia; An harqtiebu\ , arcobugio, archibugio. An harquebiya-crocke 5 archibugio da porta. A Fmch harquebu^ archibugio ffance- cevolezza , difpiacevolezza, difgra- tia. A hart -, cervo. Hans-horne-, corno di cervo. * Hans- fodder ', herba cervina, gratia Dei. Harn~ ton gne ; lingua cervina, or, lingua di cervo. Harts, root ; radica cervina. Hans wort ; sabina. A hartichoke', carcioifolo. Harvefl time ; tempo di raccolta, autun¬ no, infrefeata. Belonging unto harvefl ; che attiene alla raccolta, autunnale. Harvefl ', raccolta, meffe, fega. To make harvefl 5 far la raccolta, miete¬ re. A harve(l-man ; mietitore. A late harvefl ; melle, or, raccolta tar¬ da. Harvefl fruiti ; rendite di biade ó altro frutto. H arvcfl-feafls ; felle del tempo della mef¬ fe. To worke harvefl-work, or get in harvefl j mietere, raccogliere. A ha fell nut. nocchia, nocciuola. A hajcll tree ', nocciuolo, avelana. A ha/he , or di/h of minced meat ; minvuz- zata, pilotata, guazzabuglio. A hafpe , ancino, rampino. To hafpe j ancinarc, tampinare, attaccare, appiccare. H ajped ; ancìnato. Tampinato ; attacca¬ to, appiccato. A hafpina -, ancinamento, accecamento, rampinamento.appiccamcmo. Hafle', prefeia, fretta, pieltezza, Solleci¬ tudine. To make too much hafle , or more hafle then 1 goodfpecd , affrettarli troppo. lo hafle or hdflen ; affrettarli, Sollecitare, Haftened or hafled ; affrettato, che habbia fretta, lbllecitato, accelerato. A haflner , affrettatole, folccitatorc, av- vanzatore. Haflening ; affrettando, folecitando, av¬ vallando. A baftening', affiettamentojfollccitamen- to : al jo as hafle. Haflie ■ frettolofo , Solecito , fubita- Tojboot with an harquebti\ tirar, or, Spar¬ ar d 1 archibugio. Shot with an harquebu\ ', tirato, or, Sparato con archibugio. The jhctof an harquebttg', tiro, colpo, or, Sparata di archibugio. An harquibufier ; archibugiere. Good Harry ( herbe ) buon arrigo. To harraffe, or barri e ; tormentare, 1110 - lertare, angariare, turbare, f tratiare. Harraffed or harried , tormentato, molcfra- to, angariato, turbato,Stradato. An berrà (Uni or harrying, il tormentare, moleltare, angariare, turbare,Strada¬ re. An harrow, erpice, raScello. To harrow j erpicare. Harrowed erpicato. An harrojver ", erpicatore. An harrowing j erpicamento. Har'/h ; duro, rozzo, zottico, feonSace- vo'.e, diSpiacevole, ingrato. An harjh found of words ; cacofonia, duro incontro di vocaboli. Harfbly j duramente, rozzamente,^otti¬ camente, Sconf.icevolnientc, difpuia- cevolmente, ingratamente. To fing har/hly j cantar rozzamente, alla . grojjbl.ma, gracchiare. Sounding harjhly j che gracchia, che Suo¬ na la lordina. Harfhnefle durezza, rozzezza , feonfa- neo. Haflilyi infletta, frettolofamente. Hafltnefc : as hafle, H aflìvgs, (pears croppies') primitii. A hafle or hogs hafllet ; corata, or cora¬ tella di porco. To batch', covare. To hatch a hilt ; graffi re, intagliare. The hatch of a doore ; cancello. To hatch , or hatchel fax i pettinare, Sco¬ tolare. Hatched ; covato. Chickens , or birds ncinly hatched ', polli, or uccelli giovani. Hatched as the hilt of a fivord, graffito, intagliato. A hate hell orhetcbfor flax, pettine, Scoto- latore. To hatchel, as to hatch. An iron hatchell ; Scotolatol e di Serro. Hatcheled ; pettinato, Scotolato. An hatcheller pettinatore, fcottolato- re. The hatches of a [hip, palamenti, tolda. A hatchet , accia, accetra- A hatching of chickings See. covamento, . covatura. A hatching the hilt of a f,word graffimento, intagliamcnto. To hate ; odiare, haver in odio, Sdegna re. Hite, or hatred 5 odio, Sdegno. Full of hate pieno di odio, or, Sdegno, Mortali hatred j odio mortale, hofrilita. Hated ", odiato. A hater ; odiatore, che odia, Hi uefull odiofo, Sdegnofo. Hatefully ; odiofamente, fdegnofair.cn- H atefidnefle,as hate. Hating ; odiando, Sdegnando. Ha/ red ; inimici tra : alfa as hate. Worthy of haired j degno di odio, or, Sde¬ gno. F ull of hatred, as full of hate, A hat ; capello. A little, flat, or narrow-brim’d hat ; capel¬ li! ccio colle falde ftretre. Of or belonging to a hat', che attiene a ca¬ pello, capelliere. I A high cround hat, like a fugar-loafe ', ca pcllo all albancfe. A Cardinals haf, capello da cardinale, ca- capello cardinalitiio. A hat-band', cordone di capello. A hatter,or hat-maker', capcllaro,capellaio che fa capelli. To have', havere, pofledere. I have ; Ioho. Thou hafl -, tu hai. He hath', lui ha. We have, &c. noi habiamo, cnc. 1 had j Io havevo, or, haveva. A haven', porto, ricovero. To arrive, or come near to the haven ; affer rar il porto, avvicinarli al porto. Arrived, or come near to the haven ', che ha- bia afferrato, or, prefo porto, An arriving or drawing near to the haven arenamento, or, prendimento di por- to. [, H '.ughty, altiero, fdegnofo. Haughtily- 5 nitidamente , SdegnoSamen- * te. . . r Haughtinejfe ; altierezza, alticreggia- H aulme ', ftoddia. j; A haunch ', anca. Big hatmehed ; ancato, andato. To haunt ', frequentate, praticare , baz¬ zicare. An ordinary haunt, prattica frequenza. Haunted, pratticato frequentato. A haunter ', prattica tore, frequentato- ' re. An ordinary haunter of dicing or rippling- houfes ', bifeazzicro giocatore. A haunting j pratticamento, frequenta- mento. Havock j fconqualfo,Sacco. To havock, or make havock ', far fconqiiaf- fo, or, Sacco. Havocked or made havoke', fconquafla- ro. An havoking or making havock ', SconquaS- . Samento. A hawke ', falcone, Spa rat iere. To hawke, cacciar gli uccelli. Afeeled hawke ; falcon cigliato. A fbort wing'd hawke, aftore. A hawke gentle and paftc to he man'd 5 fal¬ cone piacevole. Hmkes-bells -, fonagli. A hawks hood ; capello. A hawks talons ', griffe, cene, ugne. HorrAt jeffes ', geni. . 4 nofe like the be.ike of an hawke 5 nafo acquilino. Hiwked ', cacciato. A hawkingpole j pertica Tonga. A ham-thorne, amperlo, pandiorfo, al¬ ba Spina. A ban’ ; gratta culo. A haw in a hotfes eye, onphia. Hay j fieno. Timely hay, fieno primi no, temporivo. Latcward hay fieno tardivolo, H \rd hay j fieno 1 tofto. HE HE H E ' To feed,\or infaeme with hay, allenare. Fed, or in/earned with hay, affienato. To make into hay, affienire. Made into hay, affienito. A hay-maker, fcgator di fieno,che fad’ herba fieno. H ayre, or full of hay, fienofo. A hay-flack, hay-cock, hay-reek, bay-mow, hay-loft , hay-houfe, mucchio,montone, cavallone, alfo fenile. H ay-time, or hay-harvefl , ficn aggi one, Itaggione dè fieni. A hay, or hay et, tende. H ay i c, fee hai re. Hazard, rifehio, ventura, fortuna, for¬ te. Full of hazard, pcricolofo. To hazard, pericolare, avventurare. With great hazard, pericolofamente, con gran periglio. The lower hazard of a tenis court, buco . Hazarded, arrifehiato, avventurato. A hct\ardcr, arrifehiatore. Hazardous, arrifehiofo, avventurofo. Ha\ardoufly, amfehiofamente, avventu- rofamcntc. Hr, hee, egli, effo, Ini. A htach, fee hatchell. •A head, tetta, capo. A little head, tellina, fettuccia. To put into the head of, metter in tetta a> A head well furnijh’d, tetta ben guarnita. Draw’n to a head, tirato a capo, confinato, venuto a capo. To bring, or draw to ahead, ridurrc 3 or far venir a capo. An arrow head, ferro di frezza ò ftrale. Thejharp head of a pike,or /a«re, ferro, pon- The head-dag, the broad piece of leather of a head-flail, capettro. Head long. precipitofamente,a prccipitio, a rompicollo. To lafldotvne headlong, precipitare, rovina¬ re. Cafl precipitato,rovinato. A cafling donni headlong, precipitamento, rovinamento. A head-piece, celata, morione, capello di ferro, cimiero, elmo. ( or ability ) tetta, huomo di tetta. A headflall, headflrane , or halter, capettro. The headflall of a bridle, tedierà. The head-flail, headpiece of a barbed horfe, frontale. The head, or homes, of a fltg, tetta, or cor¬ no di cervo; An addle head, tetta vuota. A light f erlhittle) head, tetta leggiera. Belonging to the hinder part of the head, occi¬ pitale. A moores head, tetta di moro ò di negro. The head-piece of a door e, fopra- loglio della porta. A green , or wild head ,tetta verde, cervello balzano. A flags -head, that bath all his rights, tetta di cervo ben nata. A grofje head,or jouli head ,un gnocco, ba¬ lordo, goffo. A drawing to a head, il far venir a capo. Ahead-band, benda, fafeia. The fore part of the head, fronte, parte an¬ teriore della retta. The head-piece of a bridle, fopra capo di briglia. The hinder part of the head, la parte da reto, or poftcriorc della tetta la gnuca. The head of a lute, or violi, manico. The fwimmingof the head, fcotomia. The head of anaile capello. The head of a beare , wolf\ wild-bore,or the like, capo, tefehio. The head of a club , capo di battone, 6 maz¬ za. To head a piece ofeaske, sfondare. The head of a fountain e, origine, canale, forfo. Togivcahorfe thc'headyfciogfiex la briglia. The barbed, or forked head of an arrow, fer¬ ro forcuto, barbuto. Headed, teftuto, che ha capo, alfo decapi¬ tato, or decollato. He adie, or all a head, tutto capo, or tetta. H didie, orh'dadflròiig, caperbio, teftardo, capricciolo, ottinato, perfidiofo. To be he'adie, ottinarfi, ihcapricciarfi- H eadinefle, ottinatione, perfidia, capric- Headflrong, as heady. A head-ftrong maintaining of an ill opinion , perfidia in alcun femimento, or opini¬ one. To beale, curare, guarire, fanni e. To beale throughly, guarir affatto. Healed, curato, guarito, fanato. An healer, medico, che guarifee, fana, cu¬ ra. Healing, curando guarendo, limando. An healing, guarigione, cura. Health , fanirà. Health full, or healthy, fano Healthfully, or healthily, fanamente. H ealthfullncffe,as health. A « heap e, mucchio, montone,cumolo, ca- j Heartened, incoraggiato, inanimato. vallone) malia. j An heartening, incoraggiamento, inani- A little heape, mucchictto, cumulile- j mamento. ciò. I Hear tie, afièttuofoj cordiale. To heape, montonate, accumolare, ridur- j Heartily , cordialmente, afiettuofamen- rein mucchi. ! te. To heape / 0 gMy&er,ammontonare,anzmaffa- Heartiue/fe, coudialità, afiettione. An hearth, focolare. Hearkening, aficoltando. A bear/e, catafalco, deporto. A hearfe-cloth, drappo mortorio. The heart, il cuore. A great heart, gran cuore. A little heart, cuoruccio. Full of heart , picn di cuore, pier, d’ani¬ mo. To have the heart.to doe a thing, haver il cu¬ or di far alcuna a-ceda, .Lattar l’animo ad alcuno di- Tofty by bari, dir amente,or memoria. Sick, or ill at the hart, accuorato. Out of heart , che hà pedo I* animo, avvili¬ to. A fweet-heart , innamorato, innamorata, amica. My fweci-hart, cuore mio, bene mio. A Utile, or young jweet heart, innamorati- na. Hear t-com for ting, che confola il cuore,cor¬ diale. H eart-greife, cordoglio, crepacuore. Heart leflef eiYL' animo yile» codardo, abi¬ etto. To o mu beartiffe, divenir, or diventar vi¬ le, fenz’ animo, fenza cuore. Hear tie ffenffc, viltà, codardia, dapocapoj. ne. The hear t-flrings, le prccordia. Stout-hearted , corraggiofo afiai,animofo affai. To hearten, incoraggiare, inanimare. An heap of earth, or flones,ere. aggere, muc¬ chio di pietre. Heaped , ammonronato , accumula¬ to. Heaped together, ammontonaro, or accu¬ mulato inheme. An heaper, ammontdnatore, accumula¬ tore. An heaping, ammontonamento, accumu¬ lamento. An heard of cattle, [ branco, or gregge di beftiami, or armenti. A cow-beard, or neat-heari, branco dibef- tiame, di vaccine. A fvine-heard, gregge di porci. AJheepe-heard, gregge di pecore. A chjeife heard fetnan, vaccinaro, capo paf¬ fete. Heard, udito, fentito, intefo. Heard perfectly, and gracioufly , effaudi- to. To beare, udire, fentire, tendere, afcol- tarc. To hear gracioufly, and perfectly, efiaudi- re. By heare-fay , d’ udito , per haver fentito d:r '. A hearer , uditore, afcoltatore, intendi¬ tore. The hearing, l’ udire, 1’ afcoltare, 1 • inven¬ dere . Hearing, udendo, fentendo, ascoltando, intendendo. At a hearing, come to a hearing, audienza. HfWKg property of hearing, auditivo. Thick of hearing, fordo. To be thick of hearing , effer fordo. A hearing gracioufly,and petfeflly, effaudi- mento. To harken, afcoltare, lari’ afcolta. Hearkened, afcoltato. A hearkener, afcoltatore. A hearkening, afcoltamento. Heat, caldo, calore, ardore. To beate, 0 fealdare, rifealdare. The extreme J torching heat of the fun, caldo flenninato del foie. Full of beat, pien di calore, caldo, cali- do. With great heat, con gran calore. In heat, in calore, caldamente. In great heatfm calor grande, molto calda¬ mente. Heated, fealdato. A heating, fealdamento. Heating, Scaldando. Heath, erica. Full of heath, crieofo. A heath, or heathy ground, terreno ericofo, campagna cricola. A heathen, pagano, gentile,etnico. Heathenifme, or heath enijbnefle, paganefi- mo, gcntilciimo, emicifmo. To heave up, levare, alzaie, follcvare. Heaved up, levato, alzato, follevato. A heaving up, levamento, alzamento, fol- levamento. H eapitjgup, levando, alzando, lollevan¬ do. Heaven, cielo, paradifo. Heafe«/)/,ccleltialmente. Hcavie, greve, grave,pefante. Heavie-lookingA'cuvo, maiìnonico, penfo- fo, addolorato. To make heavie, aggravare, render più greve pcfante,c on dittare, addolorare. A making heavie , aggravamento, contrif* tamento.’ To wax heavie, divenir grave, diventar pe¬ lame, con t ri Ita ri i a d do 1 orarli. To be heavie , itarlèijte, pcnlbfo, et addolo¬ rato. Made heavie, rèfo greve,pefante, fatto pe¬ line, aljo addolorato, athittato. HE HE H E To uh heavily, dolerfijcontriftarft, acco- Thehelme (or rudder) ofajhip, timone, go. j A hep ( the fruit of the wild bryer ) gratta ! vernaccolo. culo. He.wine (ft, gravezza, grevezza,pefo,do- A helmet, as a head piece. Heps , or haw-thorne berryes, coccole di : lore t Affina. ^ lltght helmet, or Pott [or the head, cela- fpina. j To he full ofheavinejfe, e(Ter pien di dolor ta. Heraldry, aralderia. ó trilli tia' To put on an helmet, metterli il morio- An herauld ; araldo, armiggiante. An hebraifme , hebraif mo. ne. Heraulds araldi, armiggianti. An bebrew, abbreojheb reo, giudeo. Wearing,or armed with an helm'er, Armato di An herbe ; herba, pianta. An hacatombe, hecatomba. morione- A fmall herbe ; herbuccia. An heStck ague', febbre ettica. Helmet flowre, napello. Herbe aloes', aloes. j Sick of an hedickague , che patifee di feb- Helpe, aiuto, foccorlo, aita. Herbe- grace ? ruta. bre ettica. To helpe, aiutare, foccorrcre, affiderò, ni- Herbe Robert ; herba roberto. .Ahedge, fiepe. tare, fovvenirc. Herbe trinity j herba trinità. To Aeew,folic a,iolega limola. A herring , arrenga, renga. trafeuragine, inoUervanza. A peckled wood-hen, gallina bofcareccia. A great, fat, full-rotp 7 d, herring , barile d’ The heele, calcagno, talone. The Jea-hen, gallina di mare. arrenghe. To trip up the heeles , far la gambetta, or A great hentijb hen, or hen of the game, galli- A Ihoiton herring, arrengafenz’ ova ó lat la /cianchetta, trappalfare. na di razza combattente. te. The heele of ahog,{ prone. Apea-hen, paona. A red herring, arrenga affumicata. ^thorfes flinging out with the heeles, cal- A turkit hen, gallina d‘ india,gallinuc- Herring-fcafon, Ilaggione ò pefea d’ar- cifrare. eia. renghe. The heeles , calci. A hen-rooft, pollaro. Of or belonging, or like unto a herring, che Heere, qui qua. A hen-flealer, robba-pollari. attiene ad arrenga. An heifer. giovenca. A hen-turd, or hens dung, fterco di galli- 1 A herring-cellar,fhop,or market, arrenghe- Height, altezza, altitudine. na. j ria. Heinous, fee hainous. Of or belonging to hens, che attiene agalli- | A herring-wife, arrcnghiei-a, che vende le An heir e , herede. na. I arrenghe. An heire female, hercditcice. A hen-harme (or white kite') uccello di Aberrine fellers trade, as a herring feller. Htircdome , heredità. fan marlino. Hefuation, hchtationc, il fermarli nel par- Heire-lootfies ( or goods that come by inherì- A hen-houfe,as a henroojl. lare ò altro. lance ) beni hereditarii. Hen-banc, as hemlock. Anheuhell, fee a hatchell, fcotola, pet- Held, tenuto, ligato, obligato. Yellow hen-banc, cicuta gialla. tine. Held up , foftenuto, fol'pefo. Hens-foot, or hcns-iUw , piè di gallina. To hew, ragliare,minuzzare,tritare. Heliotrope, clitropio. Hen-bit, mal occhio. To hew in pieces, tagliar a - pezzi, fminuz- Hell, inferno, baratro. H enee, di qua, di qui, indi. zare. Hellebore , elleboro. Henceforth , or henceforward , perl* awe- Hewed, or betven , tagliatoci tato, minuz- Black hellebore , elcbboro nero. nirc, da mb inanzi, per 1 ‘ addic- zato. Baflard black , helleboro, elleboro nero fo- tro. Hewed in pieces , tagliato a' pczzr. fillicato et imbalordito. A hench-man, or hentch-boy, paggio eh ho- An hewing , tagIiamemo,tritamcnto, mi* H ellijh, infernale. nore. nuzzamento. HI HO HO ,A hey fot , fee an heifer. An heyre,fee an heirs . Thehickock, finghiozzo. To have the hickock, haver il fingh:.ozzo> patir di linghiozzo. One that hath the hickoeke, che ha il finghi- ozzo, che patifce di linghiozzo. A hide , pelle, cuoio. To dr effe the bides of kine, conciar pelli di vacchetta.! jL hide of corves leather dreffed , cuoio di vacchetta. Hide-bound , tirato, avaro, tangarone, lefi- nante. To hidc 3 nafcondcrc, occultare. To hide under cloths , camuffare, infer aio- larfi. Hidd, or hidden, nafcobo, occultato. Hidd-ntans- blind, a la cieca. Ahider, nafconditore, occultatole. chiding, nal'condimcnto, occultamento. A hiding hole , or place, nafcondiglio J % buco danafcondere. A hiding under cloths, camuffamento, in- feraiolamento. Hideous, orrido, orribile, (parentevole. H ideoufly, orridamente,orribilmente,fpa- ventevolmentc. Htdcoufneffe , orridezza, fpavento. To hie him, or make hafle, affrettarli, far preito. Hied, affrettato,che habbia prefeia 6 fret¬ ta. An hicrarchie, hicrarchia. High, alto, arduo, fublime. On high, ad alro, difopra. To be high in theinfìep, far 1’ altiero, il fu- perbo. High-minded , altiero, fuperbo, ambitio- lo. A high place, loco alto, loco fublime. A high-haw bird, clorionc. Highly , altamente, lublimamente. Highneffe, altezza, fcrenità. A high raiftng, or lifting, alzamento, folle- vamento. High, an old word, chiamato, addimanda- to. Higb-tvalled, d’alte mura. A hill, collina, monticcllo. An ants-hill, or molt-hill, formicaio. A hillock, or little hill , monticello. The hilt of a ftvord , guardia. A binde, cerva. A country binde, villano, ruftico, goffo, | groflolano, lciocco. ì A hmde hired for time ofharvefl , mozza- j tore. I The hind-deck ofdfijip, poppa. } to hinder, impedire, impacciare. I Hindered , impedito, impacciato. Hinderance, impedimento, impaccio, of- tacolo, incommodo. Vuto ones hinderance, incommodamcntc. A hinderer, impeditole, che iinpedifee. A hindering, as hindrance. % The hinder part, parte da reto, l’ultima parte. The hinder moft, 1’ ultimo. The hinges of a doore , gangheri , earde- ni. Off the binges, fu or de’ gangheri. To fie off the hinges ( or be impatiens ) ufeir de’ gangheri. Thehippe, chiappa, anca. Thehipps, chiappe, anche- Plump, or full hippes , che hà le chiappe grolle. Creai hipped, anelito- H ippocras ( trine ) hippocraffo. To hire, luocare, noleggiare, affittare, ap¬ pigionare. Hire, Iuocationc,nolo, (ìtto,piggione. To let out to hire , allocare, appigionare, as to hire. Hired, luocato,noleggiato, affittato, ap- piggionato . An hired horfe, cavallo a nuolo, cavallo da vettura. A hirer, affittaiuolo.'locandierc. An hiring , affidamento, locamento. An hireling , mercenario , ltipcndia- to. H irfe, miglio. Hit, fuo, 1 un. To biffe , libilare , fifehiare , cifola- re. H iffedat, che gli fiano fatte le fifehiate, khcrnito collo fifehiate Hifiing, sibilando, fifehiando. A hi fling, libi lamento, fifehiamento. An hiflorie, hiiloria, boria, Htfloricall, hiltorico, llorieo. An hiflorian, hifloriographer, or writer of hiflories, hiltorico, fautore d 1 ibo- rie. To write hiflories , feriver hiborie, Itoria- re. Hither, qua, qui. H/V/;er and thither, qua e là, qui e li. Hitherto, fin a qua, fin qua, fin qui, fin qui. Hitherwards , all 1 in qua verfo qua,a quella volta. To bitte, toccare, ferire, dare. To hilt violently againfl, urtare, dar forte in alcuna cofa. A hitt, tocco, botta, ferita. H iti, toccate, tocco, ferito. Violently hitt againfl ; urtato. H itile mi fi e ,• chi bene, chi male. A violent hitting againfl ; urtamento. An hitting ; il toccare, il ferire, il dare. Violently hitting ; urtando, dando forj[c. A bee.-hive ; alveario, arnia. A little hive, alvearuccio, arniola. TO hive j make hives ; far alveari,metter nell 5 arnia. A hive-full of', armata, piena un’ arnia. Ho ! ho ! oh oh. Ho ! ho there ! hollà, di cafa ! Hoary ; canuto,bigio, griggione. To grow hoary headed ; divenir, or farli ca¬ nuto, biggio, or griggione Grown hoary, divenuto biggio, canuto, or griggione, griggionato. Hoary, or mouldie , ammuffito. Hoary, as graffe, trees, . withfrofl, bruf- tolato, Urinato. To iva ^ hoary, or mouldy , ammuffirli. Hoarinefje , canutezza, griggionamento. Hoarineffc; or mouldinef]e, muffezza. Hoarfe, arrochito, infreddato. Hoarfely. arrochitamcnte,infiodatamen¬ te. Tofpeak, or fìng hoarfely, luonar la fordina, parlar arrochito. A [peaking hoarfely, il parlar d’ arrochito. Roarfeneffe, infreddatura, infreddamen- to. An hofl,old word, efferato, armata. The hoft of heaven, militia celefte. A hob, or donine, villano, zottico. A hobbtc, cavallo di portante, cavalluc¬ cio. Hobbie-likc, da cavalluccio. A childs hobbie horfe, canna. A hoh-goblin. fpirito folletto.» A hoboy , piva. . A hocke, or holy-hockes, malva cultivata. A hodge-podge, guazzabuglio. A hog, porco. A flie-fcd hog, porca, troia. A young hog ( or jhoot ) porcetta, porci¬ no. Of a hog, bog-likc, da porco porchino. A barrow hog, porco cabrato. A hog-badger, tuffo porcino. n v -gn,,fc, fongsa ili porco. ^bog-hetird, porcai o, porcàio. H y-fy MJ «Z //orai. pi rii porco a loffi o .'tuffati. A hogsflie. portile. A hogs foot, pic di porco. A hegs hafllet, coratella di porco. Sowjcd hogs fleih, carne di porco filata, miffolta. Hogs-wajh, cibi per li porci. A hedge-hog, riccio, porco fpinofo, Afea-hog, porco marino. Hogs fennell, finocchio porcino. Hogs bread, panporcino. Hog; mufìmme, fongo porcino, taratufio- la. H oggtjh, porcino, da porco, A hogs -head, capo, or reità di porco- allo barile. A rude hoidon, villano, zottico, balordo bagnano. A gay ng fpidon, un tarano. To hoife up, alzaie. To hoi fef tiles, alzar le vele. To hoife ttp on é/gWoIlevare,iijaIzare. Hoi fed, alzato. Hoifing, alzando, j A hoifing, alzamento. | hoifing àfirmat « lift tip flouts, &c . altalena. H oi fled in the fubfìde book, foprataffato. ^ hoifiing in the fttbfidybook, fopramlTa- mento. To hold , tenere, capere. To hold back, ritenere, detener, trattene¬ re. To take, or lay fafl hold on, dar di piglio, tener forte, aggrappare,afferrare. To hold in, contenere, ritenere, tener in briglia. To hold off, fcanzare.ftar alla larga. T o hold ones peac e,or hold ones tongue, tacere ftar zitto. To hold up, or up hold, fofienere, appoggi¬ are, alfo accomodarli . A hold, or thing to hold by, prefa,attacco, appoggio. A flrong hold, prefa forte, or gagliarda, attacco. Laid fafl hold on, impugnato, afferra¬ to. To let go his hold, lafeiar la prefa. A laying fafl hold oi/pfferramento, aggrap¬ pameli to. A hold-fafl, un tenace, un tanghcrone, un lelmante, or tirato. Laid hold on , atterrato , prefo, attaccato , impugnato. I hold you { a wager ) fcommetto, vada, gioco. Holden, tenuto, obligato. Holden in, ritenuto, ristretto, tenuto in briglia. HoWe« up, or up-bolden, ritenato, che habbia il braccio. A holder, che tiene, tenitore, poffefforc, occupatole. A holder in, che lit’ene, ritenitore. A holder up. che fofticne,foltenitore. A holding, ritcnimento. loftenimento. A holding /«jiitenimento, trnttonimento. A holding up, or up holding, follenimento, appoggio. A holding oiles peace , or tongue, lo bar zit¬ to il tacerti. A hole, buco, pcrtuggiojaperturaffpiraglio A hole to let a thing downc at into a lower roome, buco per dove li cali cofa alcuna A lurking hole, cava, tana, fegreta, naf- condigl o. Tbearme-hole. affella. A hole underground, grotta, caverna. m Thè HO HO HO T he arfe-hole, buco del culo. Home-bred, cafareccio,c alali ngo, ruuido. To hooke, or grapple with a hooke, arrampi- Th toitch hole of it piece , polverino. rudico. naie, uncinare,aggrapparli. The hole of the eye (wherein tt is feated) Homely , domedico , fempliee» di grolla By hook, or by C'Ooke, per falfc ò nefaffc, a occhiaia. palla. torto ó a rnggionc. i Fidi of holes , bucato, forato,picn di buchi H omelineffe, {implicita, fìmplicczza. Pott-hookes, caiena del focolare.’ bugiato pertugiato. An homicide, liomicida» micida. Thehookes f or binges ) otadoore jpanrhen" Api?con-hole , ceca per nido di coloni- Homicide, homicidio, micidio. cardini. s 6 ’ ba. Ait homily, homilia. An tron-hooke ( wherewith fea-men pull The hole in a prifon,fcg reta, camerotto. Honeft, hone Ita. great fifh vito their flips ) ancino da ref- A hole ( or berry ) nude by et Conie, coni- - in honefiman, huomo dabbene. catore. glicra. An honefhvovjan, donna dabbene. To fumi (h with ffh-hookes, fornir con ha Lend in the hole of a prifon, meffo, or pollo H oneftly, honedamente, honoratamente. mi. in fegreta. Honefiy, honelto. Hooked, arrampinato, uncinato, aggrap- The hole of a Badger, or earth of a Fox. bue- H onte miele. pato. ciolo, or bocca. To make of honie. mellificale. Hooked, or furnifbed with ftjh-hookcs , forni- To make et hole, bucare? forarc,pertuggia- Virgins honie , mel vergine. to, or accomodato con hami. re. To honie, Jweeteit, or dreffe with honie, am- A hooking, arrampinamento, uncinameli- Wherin hole r are nule ? bucato» forato, melare. to, aggrappamento. perni ggiato. The making of honie, ammelamcnto. A hoope, cerchiojcireolo. The hole or a hatchet ( wherein the handle is A feafoning, jweetning, or annoimmg with Tohoope, cerchiare, circolare. put ) buco dove entra il manico» incaf- honie, ammelatura. To hope ( or hollow ) brillare, gridare; trattila . Ofor belonging to honie, -nidifico. fc mama zzare. To grow full of holes, divenir bucato» per- -4 honie combe, favo di miele . Hooped, cerchiato, circolato. t oggi arii. 11 onie-moone, il primo mele di nozze. A hooper ( bird ) upupa, bubbola. Made full of holes . forato, pertuggiato. ilonic-like » mellifluo, che li rallomigha al A hoord of apples, provifone di mele,muc- Growing full of />fl/er,penuggiandoii» dive- miele. chio di pomi. nendo bucato. K onie-fuckle, madrifelva. Ihoord, mucchio, gruzzolo, muffa, cu- hi olio, fanto» facro. benedetto. Honie-fweet, melSiHuato, addolcito. molo. To make Ao//c»fanti{icaie,facrare,benedire. Honied , made, or Jwcetened with honey, ad- To hoord up together, ammucchiare,arnmaf- Made holie, iumiheato, l’aerato, benedet- dolcito con miele. fare, accumolare. to. -A fweetning with honie, mellifluamento, H oorded up together , ammucchiato , am- | A holic man, l.intojbcato, benedetto. addolcimento con miele. maflato, accumulato. A making holie, lantificamcnto, facrifica Honor, honore, riverenza, decoro, vene- A hoorder, ammucchiatore,ammaffatore» ir entojbenidici mento. rati one. accumulatore. To make holie-day » iar feda, guardar la fcf- To honour , honorare, riverire , venera- A hoording, ammucchiamento, ammafla- ra. re. mento, accumulamento. A holie day, fefla. four honor, Aia fi gnor! a To hoot , or fiotti after , drillar, chiamar for- ! Somewhat holie, fantarello. To honour much , honorar molto. tc. Holie write, la facro fanta ferittura. Greedy of honour, ingordo d’honore. Hooted after, chiamato forte. Holy water, acqua benedetta. An exceeding defire of honour, ci trema In- A hooting after, brillamento, il chiamar Court holy water, belle parole e cativi fat gordi ggia d’ honore. forte. ti. Honourable, honorcvole, honornbilé. Hooting, brillando, gridando, fchiamaz- Hcly-thiftlc, cardo fanto. An honourable prefent, prefente honoreve- z andò. Holily, fantameme, beatamente. le, premio. H oottngs, drilli,gridi, fchiamazzi. Holineffe, fantita, beatitudine. Honourably, honorcvolmeu To hope , fpcrare. Outward counterfeit holincfe , hipocrifia, Honoured, honorato. Hope, l’peranza, fpenie. fanti ta fìnta. Much honoured, honorato affai,magnifico. Hoped, fperato. ' H ola ! hola. molto honorato. To hoppe, or hop, andar a calzoppo. Holland ( cloth ) tela d‘ hollanda. A hood, capuccio. A hoppe, palio da calzoppo. A hollander.hoiandefc. The hood of a cloake, bavero. To hoppe, as a coach in an uneven way, sbai- The hollie ( holme,or hulver ) tree , fcopa. A Utile hood or hooded cloake. capuccio. zare, l’altare. A hoi ie wand, ba.chetta. A french hood, capuccio alla franccfe. Hopped , balzato, fairato. Full of hollie wands, pien di bacchette. A hood for the head infowle weather, papa- The hopper of amili, madia, frifcolo. H allow, cavo, concavo» convelle), vacuo» fico. A hopping, V andar a calzoppo, il balzare. vano. A graduates hood, capuccio. il lai tare. , A hollow place, luoco vacuo, or vano. A mourning hood,, capuccio di fcorruc- Hopping, andando a calzoppo, faltando. To hollow , or make hollow, cavare» vacuare cio. balzando. 1cavare. A ridinghood.c apotto. Hoppe, or hoppes, lu pari, lupoli. The hollow parte o( a horjesmouth ( whc c A monkes hood, or cowle,as a graduati hood. Hore-hound, marrubino the tongue lies ) canal della bocca. A womans hood , capuccio da donna. Blacke finking hore-hound, marrobiabro. The hollow of the hand, palma, cavo della A long hood of p ’per, carroccio. Marfi hore-hound, marrubino acquati- mano. A lawyers hood, or a citi fens livery hood, ca- co. Hollowed, or made hollon’, cavato» incavato pticcio da giurida, corolla. White hore-hound, marrubino. refo vano. A hawkes hood, capello. The horizon, l’hoiizonte. Hollowed like a cane, or reed , {cannellato» To hood, cappellate. Home, corno. vuoto come una canna. A great monkes-hood, capuccio da monaco. A home, un corno. A hollowing (or making hollow) cavameli- Hooded, cnpucciato. To wind a home, fuonar il corno. to» fcanncllamento. To hood-winke, incapucciare, bendare. A little home, cornetto. H ollcwnef'c, cavita, fcannellatnra. Hood' winked, jncapucciaro, bendato. To give one homes, far cornuto. A hollowneffe under ground, cavatura, fca- A hoofe, unghia, alfo, taccone. A ipodly paire of homes, un bel paio di 1 vatnra, vacuo, fotterranea. A little hoofe, ringhinola, unghietta. corna,un bel cimiero d’atteonc. The holme tree, agrifoglio. A horfes hoofe, unghia ci cavallo . A bugie horne, cornetto. he holme oke, elice. Hoofed, ungniuto. A writhen and brajen hunters horne , conio Holpen, aiutato, foccorfo. A hooke, aucino, rampino. da cacciatore. Homagt, omaggio. A little hooke, ancnellojirmaincllo. An ink e home , calamaro. Held by homage, tenuto, or goduto per via A fifk-lo)kejiiimo. Afiooing-home, calzatorc. 1 d omaggio. A little fijh-hooke, hamicellc. A chtlds horne-booke, abicì,fanta croce. To ora, or do homage into, far omag- The hooke of a ciaf pc, rampino. A horne-ffh, horne-beake, agofciola. gio. A hoat-hooke , or bill-heokc, danga, unci- The horne owle, barbagianni. dome, a cafi .alfo ofpitio» dimora, danza. naccio- The homes ( or bornie tipps ) of a long bow mangione. A fieih-hooke, nncino. Home-bred, hankering after homc,c\ A fbeep-hooke , padorale. To butt with homes, cozzare go, imbrogliato alla peggio. Things huddled together) cofe rimifchiatc, imbrogliate. ' A confuted huddler of things , imbròglia- tore,mtricatore. Acmfufed huddling together, imb rogl la¬ mento, imtricamento. Huey colore, ciera. of a decayed hue > di color fvanito. Hue and cry, akda, caccia appreffo alcii- - no. To follow with hue and cry, perfeguitar, an¬ dar alla caccia di qualcheduuo. Followed with hue and cry, perfeguifato. Making hue and cry, perfcguitarjdo, andan¬ do alla caccia Humilitài I jin humbler) humiliate*©. . I Humbling) hnmigliando. I Ari humbling) humigiiamento. I Humbly } humilmente. I AnhumeBation, humettatione* j Humide, humido. I Humidity y humidezza, humidita. Humility) as humbleneffe. Tobuvme, lùfurrare, rombare, ronzare. Hummed) fufurrato, rombato, ronzato; .>tfa 7 ;w 7 WTO»g^uf iu lamento,rombamento, lonzamente. or::i;,l HKm»;/»^,lufuirandb,roinbahdo,ronzan¬ do. ' ' V' Humour, humore. r nV-v* The radicali humour, humor-radicàle.' ; of a good humour, dà buon Rumore: A humour, liuinoreiTapriccio. *. . To humour ì dar nel humore, andar ì» fe¬ conda. An humour ( or fancy ) to } humore,capric¬ cio, fan tali a. In an humour, in humore,di capriccio. Hkwozok; ! humoroio, capricciofo. Humorous toyts, l’antafticherie , capricci, ghiribizzi. He is humorous, ha del mercurio in tefla,è capricciofo. Humoroufly, humorofamente, fantaftica- te, caprrcciofamente. An hundred, centanaio. Of an hundred, containing an hundred , che contiene un centinaio. By hundreds) a centenara. To country hundreds, contar a centena- ia. A mounting to above an hundred, che rivi¬ ene a più d’ un centenaio. The hundred-headed thiftle , cardo di cento telle. The hundredth , il centefimo. An hundredth ; centuria, cènto. H««g ( or hanged ) appefo, appiccato,im¬ piccato. il ell-hung ( of eares ) orecchiuto. HttHger ; fame. Pinched with hunger ; affamato, fa meli' CO. Extreme hunger , eftrema fame. To bunger-flarve, affamare. Hunger-fiarved, affamato. An hunger^flarthng, affamamentOi Hungry, che ha fame, affamato. To be hungry , havèr fame. Hungry) as a Wolfe, che ha fame dì lupo. Hungrily, affamatamente. To hunt, cacciale. To hunt out, procacciare. Hunted , cacciato. Hunted out ; procacciato.- A hunt [man; cacciatore. A hunting -, caccia, c acciamente. A hunting-flajfc òr fole ') pertica da cac¬ ciatore. A hunting fpeare for the bore j fpiede per lo cinghiale. An hurdle) gratticela, gratticela, carne- eia. Hurdles) palchi. TO hurdle , make up,hedge, clofe with hurdles , graticciar?, canicolare. Hurdled, made tip, hedged,clofed, or co¬ verà with hurdling ràtticciato, caniecia- tc. To bur lè , gettare, buttare. To burle a dartjhtttìie, tirar un dardo. An burle, getto, tiro. Hurled, gettato, tirttto, faettato. An hurler, gettatore, faetfatore. An hurling, gelamento, frenamento. An hurliburly, mifchia, garbugliò) con- fulìone. To make an hurli-bu' ly, far garbuglio. To hurries affrettarli, precipitarli. Anhurrie, affrettamentó, precipitio. Hurried., affrettato,-precipitato. An hurrying , as an hurry e. To hurt, far male, ferire, nuocere, offen¬ dere. An hurt , male, ferita, offela, nuocimen- fo. To hurt fore,(trie male, nuocer affai,offen¬ dere. Hurt, ferito, offefo. To hurt by Much handling , rammofeinare, paftrugnare. Hurts (in H, inanellate. The jaws, inafcelle, ganafcic, fauci. The jaw-teethydtmi mafcellari. A jay j ghiandaia. A jalc , carcere, prigione. Ajaler, guardiano, or cultodc delle car¬ ceri, or priggione. Ice , ghiaccio, giaccio. To breake the ice, romper il ghiaccio. Icickles, ghiaccinoli. Icy, ghiacciolo. An idea, idea. The ides of a moHCth, ide di mefe. An id/otnejidioma, proprietà di lingua, dia- letto. An idiot, idiota„ignorantc,goffo. ' Idiotifme , or naturallfollie, idiptifmo,follia, {foltezza. idle, odiofo, negligente , trafcurato, in¬ fingardo. An idle fellow, un da poco, un poltrone, un trafcurato, ó negligente. To be idle , liar otiofo, tar niente fiat or guardar in fù. To grow idle, divenir, or diventar otio¬ fo. Grow/* idle, divenuto, or diventato otio¬ fo. Anidle wencb, una da poca, un’ otj’ofa, trafeurata, ó negligente. idle prankes , minchionerie, pazzie. idle difeourfe, difeorfo, or raggionamento fpropolitato. Idlenefle, olio,-otiofità, negligenza, traf- curagine, infingardaggine. Full of idleneJTe, otiofo affai, negligente fuor dimodó. Idly, otiofamente, negligentemente, rraf- curatamente.- To talke idly , or light headed, delirare, va¬ cillare nel difeorfo. To live idly, flarfene otiofamente. An idolatef, idolatra. Idolatrie, idolatria. To idolatrile , idolatrizaré , idolatra¬ re. To idolize,. idem. An idoli, idolo. Iealous, gelofo, ammartallato. Made jelous, or put into ajealojye , ingeloli- to, che habbia prefo martello. To be jelous, eller gelofo. To make jealous , ìpgelofire, dar martello ad alcuno. Extreme jelous , gelofo, or animartellato fuor di modo. Ieloufte , gelolia , martello, diffiden¬ za. To live iti jealoufe, fiat con gelolia ò mar¬ tello. lealoufly, gelofamente, ammartellatamen- tc. To jeet e, dar la baia, or burla, aggirare al¬ cuno. Iellie, gelatina. A jennet, or Jpannifh gennet, ginetto, chi- nca. To jeopard, arifehiare. Ieoparded, arifehiato. Ieopardie, rifehio, rifehiamento. With much jeopardie,con rifehio gvandc. To jerke, sfrezare, frullare. A jerke, sfrezata, frullata. Ierked, sferzato, frullato. A jerker, sferzatore, frullatore. A jerking, sferzamento, frullamcnto. A jerkin , cafacca, giubbone. A loofe-jerkin, giubbone volante. A fpanijh leather jerkin, colletto di maro» chino, d* Ieflemine, as jafmine. Hawkes jeffes, gètti, Tojeaft, burlare, fcherzare, dar la baia, motteggiare, beffeggiare, boffoneggiare. A tpantone,or obfcenejefl , fcherzo Spor¬ co. Ajefl , burla, baia, fcherzo, motteggia¬ mento, beffa. Iefls , burle, baie, fchcrzi, motteggia¬ menti, beffe, buffonerie. Tojeflat , burlarli di- beffeggiarli di- Full ofjefts, burlevole, feherzofo, niotteg- giatore,beffeggiatole. I efted at, che fia burlato, beffeggiato. A. j e fieri buffone. A jefting, burlamento, fcherzamento, motteggiamento, buffonamento, bef¬ feggiamento. Iefling, burlando, fcherzandò, motteggi¬ ando, bfiffonando. Our faviour lèfus , il riòftro falsatore gie- fù, giefù nollro lignote. lei , pietra gogata, paragone. To jet, fallare, ballare, far il gallante,ralle¬ grarli. *• A jetter, faltatore, ballatore,ohe fà il gal¬ lante, A jetting, faltamento, baltameflto, il far del gallante. ■ j A lew, giudeo, abbico, hebreO, A Terpene, giudea, hebrea. Iews-eares, orrechie di giuda. The Iewiy , or place where lew’s dwell : ghetto. A jew ( countéifeitly ) turn’d chriflian, ; marrano. A jewell, gioia, gioello. Little jewelli ( earing, '&-C. ) oreediinì, gemili e. A counterfeit jewell, pietra fifa, gabba- villani. A jeweller, gioielliere. r/,/e, poflo che, dato che. Ignoble, ignobile, villano. Ignominie, ignominio,vituperio. Ignominious, ignominìofo, vìtuperofo, in¬ fame. Ignominioufly/ignominiofamcntc, vitupe- rofamente, infamemente. Ignorance , ignoranza,inlcienza, ciecaggi-' ne. Ignorant, ignorante, buffàIo,animalaccio, pezzo d'alino. He is not ignorant of, non c ignorante di¬ non s’ intende di- Ignorantly, ignorantemente, infcìente- mente. A jig, farfa, intermedio, comedia ridico- lofa. linnie, ( the diminutive of lane ) gianni- na. Ili, male, trillo, eativo. Ill at e afe, or ili difpofed, maldifpollo di mala voglia. Ili favowrd, brutto, fparuto, difformei nato di carnevale, mafehera. ill favour dly bruttamente, difformemen¬ te, fparutamente. ill-favour dneffe, bruttezza, difformità, iparutezza. Ill-will, mah voglia,mal talento, invidia, malitia. With on ill-will , di mala voglia, di mal ta¬ lento, contravoglia. To beare til-will, haver in odio, odiare mal volere, malitiare. That bear et h ill-mill to . che vuol male ad- Illegali, illegale, illcgitimo. lllegallitie, ìllegalità, illepitimezza. Illegitimate, as illegale. i//eg/riwrf/e/^,illegalmonrc,illegirimamen- te. Illiterate, illeutraiofenza lettere,che non hà lettere. To illude, -illudere, ingannare, aggira¬ re. • Jlluded, illufo, ingannato agpirato. To illuminate, illuminare, chiarire. An illumination ,■ illuminatione, chiari¬ mento. An illuminatola, illuminatore, chiarito- re. An illuflon, illulione, frode, inganno.' I llufory, illuforio. ingannevole. To iliuftratei illuftrare, chiarire, rendei- fa- mofo. . ; . llluftrated , illullrato,chiarito, refo femó- fo. An illuflratìon, illuftratore, chiarito¬ le. An illuflratour, che rende famofo. Mofl illuflriqus, illuftriiiìmo, chiari fil¬ mo. An image, imagine, figura, effigie, iA molten image, medaglia, figura in rame ó altro metallo. Images bearing up mainepofls in bniIding,tc lamoni di ìlatue.. Any antick image ( as from whofe-teats, wa¬ ter trillethjBgmz in fontana ó altro che butti acqua. An inuge-rmker, (tatuarlo, fcoltore. Of or belonging-to images, che attiene ad i- magini. A little image, figurina. Images fet on a wall, figure di divotionè trat¬ teggiate fopra un muro. Imaginary, imaginario. lOT«i over great imp oft ion, or impoftion raif- cd upon impoftion , fopr’ impolitione, g.ibbella gravifllma. T mpofibilitie, impoHibilita, I mpofible , impoflibile. To make impofiblc,vender imponibile. Imp oft, gabbeiln, as impoftion. Icvyer of impflfs, gabbelliere. Ahi ini pc four, impoftore, ingannatore, t it; flatore, ciarlatano. A‘i impofitme, poflema. To imp r.fume, orgroiv to an impofitme, ap¬ po ! Le i urne , potlemare. A [oft tmpofume in the hcad,po(ìema fatta, or che ita venuta a capo. The head ofa ripe impofitme, capo. An impofitme about the echnulimento. An incident, incidente, accidente. I ncidently , incidentemente, accidental¬ mente. IN To Hfc/>c/e,incerchiare,intorniare, circon¬ dare. I narcled, incerchiato, intorniato, circon¬ dato. An incir cling, inccrchiamento, intornia- mcnto, circondamento. An incifìon, incilionc. To make an incifon, incidete. Imif on-making, incifivo. An incifon of the arteries, arteriotomia. To iniite, incitare,animare, cllortare,con¬ fortare, provocare. Incited, incitato, animato, elfortato, con¬ fortato, provocato. An inciter, incitatore,animato re, eflorta- tore, confortatore, provocatore. An inciting , incitement, or imitation, inci¬ tamento, animamento, cflortamento, confortamento, provocamento. Inciting, incitando, animando, elfortando, confortando, provocando. Incivili, incivile, feortefe. I ncivilitie, inciviltà, feortefia. An inclination, inclinatione, naturalezza, difpoftezza. Ofhis owneinclination, di propria inclina¬ tione, or difpoftezza, di fua polla. To incline, inclinare, dilporre, muovere, applicare. To indine down-wards, tender all’in giù, pendere. To incline himfelfe unto, appigliarli a- ap¬ plicarli a- dedicarli a- Inclined, inclinato, dedito, applicato. Inclining, inclinando,pendendo. Inclining forwards, or downwards , penden¬ do, tendendo all’in giù. An inclining forwards, or downwards, il tendete ó pendere all’ in giù. To incloifer , inchioftrare, ferrare in chi- olito. Incloiflered , inchioftrato, ferrato in chi- oltro. To\inclofe , chiudere,rinchiudere, astoin- circle. Toinclofe in a corner , incalfare, ferrare ó chiudere dentr’ un coffaro. I nclofcd, chiufo, rinchiufo, as incìrcled. To be inclofed, efier chiufo, rinchiufo. An inclofed grove of trees, parco d’ alberi, bofehetto, palificato. Inclofed into, inchiufo. An indo fng, chiudimene,rinchiudimcn- to. An inclofure, parco, palchetto, fcrraglio. Tobreake downe inclofures, disfare, or rom¬ per alcun ferraglfo ó parco. The inclofure of a court ofjufiice, ruota. To include, inchiuderc, as to inclofe . Included, inchiufo, as inclofed. Incluf z-e/^jinclufivamentc. To incomber, impedire, imbarazzare, im¬ brogliare. An incombrance , impedimento, imbaraz¬ zo, imbroglio. I ncombred, impedito, imbarazzato, im¬ brogliato. An incombring , impedimento, imbaraz¬ zamene, imbrogl lamento. Incombufible , incumbuftibile. I breommodated, incommodato, feommoda- to. Incommodious , incommodo, inutile. IncommodiouJly , incommodamente, inu¬ tilmente. I ncommoditie. incommodità, inutilità. Incomparable, incomparabile,impareggia¬ bile. ' j To incompaffe , circondare, aggirare, intor¬ niare. 4 btcompajed, circondato, aggirato, intor¬ niato. An i?;c0w^rfp«£,cirocondamento,aggira¬ mento, intorniamene. _ bicompafionate j IN Incompaf tonate , fpictato, crudele , lenza compafllorie. Incompatible, incompatibile, inconfilten- té. J.ncompatibilitie , incompatibilità, incon- liuenz.2. * Incompetencie, incompetenza. Incompetent, incompetente. Incomprehenfrble , incomprehenfìbile. Incomprehetifìblenefje , incompiehcnhbi- Jità. Incongruitie, incongruità. Incongruous, incongruo. Inconfiderate, incoili ìdcrato, trafeurato, negligente. Tticonfider ately, inconlidcratamentc, traf- curatainentc, negligentemente. Inconfideraieneffe, ineon1 1 deratezza, traf- curatezza, negligenza. Incoi;loiible , inconlolabile, fconfolabile, difconfolabile. Tnconftancte , fncoftanza, varietà Inconjìant , incorante, vario. lnconflantly, iricoftantentente, variameli, te. Incontinencie, incontinenza, molitìe. Incontinent , incontinente, molle. Incontinently , incontinentemente, inope¬ mente, diffolutàmcntc. Incontinently .prefently, incontinente, Cu¬ bito, quanto prima. An ir.convcr.it ice,inconiniodità,fcommo- clità , difeommodità , inconimodo, feommodo, difeommodo. ; Inconvenient , inconveniente, inconiniodo feommodo, difeommodo. Inconveniently inconveniente, incommo- damente, difcommodamenfc. To incorporate , incorporare. Incorporated , incorporato. Incorporating , incorporando. incorporating, incorporamento. Incorretta feor retto, erroneo. Incorretti)'} feorrettamente, erroneamen¬ te. Incorrigible , incorrìgibibilc. Incorruptible , incorruttibile. To incottnter, incontrare, 1 incontrare, at¬ taccare, imbatterli con-affrontare, ca¬ pitare in- incounter. dentro, rincontro, imbat¬ timento, attacco. A boijìerous incounter} zuffa,niifchia. Incouutred} incontrato,rincontrato, attac¬ cato, affrontato. .in intountering, incontramcnto, imbat- timento, iincontramcnto, attaccamen¬ to. To incurage, incoraggiare, inanimare, dat¬ ammo. To in courage one another} incoraggiarli, in¬ animarli 1’ un l’altro. Incouraged] incoraggiato, inanimato. .In incouragement, incoraggiamento, ina- nimamento. .in incouraging, F incoraggiare, asanin- couragmert Incou aging one another, incoraggiandoli, inanimandoli 1’ un 1’ altro. J?;c>-e.r/e, accrefcin.ento, ampliatone, am¬ pli ^catione, multiplicarione,aumento, aggrondimene, crefccnza , accedo, addinone, ingroffamento. gionta. To increa [e, accrcfcere,ampliare, multipli- care,amplificare,aumentare aggrandire, crefcere, accedere, adilere, ingroliare, giugnerc. Inc.cafed, aecrefciuto, ampliato, amplifi¬ cato, multiplicató, aumentato, aggran¬ dito , crefciuto , ingroffata , gion- - tu. finire efer, accrefcitore, ampliatole, amplificatore, n uHipJicatore, aumeti- | J N tutore, aggranditole, additore, inprof latore, giongitorc. An increjftng,as an increafe. Incre.tfìng , accrefcendo, ampliando, am¬ plificando, multiplicaiido, aumentan¬ do, aggrandendo, crefcendo, ingroi- fando, giugnendo. Incredible , incredibile, da non credere , da non effer creduto, da non creder¬ li. Incredibly , incredibilmente. Incrcdulitie , incredulità. Incredulous} incrcdulojinifcrcdente, diffi¬ dente, fenzafede. To ine roach upon , entrar ne’ beni altrui, ufurpare. Incroncbedoit} ufurpato. An iniroaihing upon, ufurpamento. To inculcate} inculcare. I Inculcated^ inculcato. , An inculcation} ineulcatione. Inculpate} incolpare,sbialfimare, addoffar la colpa ad alcuno. An incumbent} beneficiato. To incumber , ingombrare. Incurable , incurabile, che non lì può gua¬ rire ó fonare. Te incune} incorrere. Incurred , incorfo. | .4 penaltie incurred , pena incorla. I An incur fion, incorlione. ; To indammage , nuocere, offendere, dan- I neggiare. To indammage one another.) danneggiarli 1’ un 1’ altro, nuocerli. Indammaged} danneggiato. ^in indammagement , danneggiamento, nuociinanto, offefa. .in indammaging, 1’ offendere, il danneg¬ giare, l’offendere. To indanger , pericolare, arrifehiar, metter a sbaraglio, metter in compromcffo. Blew inde, indico. To indeavour , ingegnarli,lar sforzo, asto indevor. ^4n indeavour, Audio, sforzo, pruova,ten¬ tativo. To indebolir thoroughly'} far ogni sforzo, far 1’ ultimo sforzo ò pruova. Indeavoured} provato, tentato. An indeavou,ing } l’ingegnarli,il metterli alla pruova, Io sforzarli. Indeaz'ouring , ingegnandoli, sforzandoli, facendo sforzo o pruova. Indebted , indebitato, obligato che hà da dare, che deve. To be indebted} cller indebitato, dovere ad altri, haver da dar ad altri. A being indebted , 1’ effer indebitato 1’ eficr obligato, il dovere ò effer in¬ debitate; atl altri, l’clfer obligato. Indeed , in vero, in verità per certo,da ve¬ ro. Indefatigable , indefaticabiie, che non li flracca mai. Indefinite , indefinito. Indelcble , indelebile, che non fi può leva¬ re. To indemnifies indanneggiare. Indemnified) indanneggiato. To iudemnife, as to indemnfy. Indentiti fed) as indemnefied. Indomiti tie , indennità. To indent) indentare, alfa pattuire, accor¬ dare. Indented , inderitato. alfo pattuito, accor¬ dato. An indenting, mdenramento,rt//o pattui- mento, accordamento. Anindenture, indentatura, alfo patto, or accordo. I N - .An index , indice, tavola. The index of an af, olabe } oflenfore. An indiali) indiano. An indiati mouje , ratto d’ india. To indili} accufare criminalmente, cita- | re. Inditted , accufato criminalmente, cita¬ to. An indittement , accufa criminale, citatio- ne, citamento. An inditter, accufatore, citatore. An indili ion, accufamento, citamento. Indijferency , indifferenza, giu Aita, me¬ diocrità, toleranza, neutralità. Indigent , indigente, bifognofo. neccfiìto- 1 o. & ' ì- n differe*:t) indifferente, neutro, tolerabi- le, mediocre, giufto, paffabilc. Indifferently , indifferentemente, neutral¬ mente, tolerabilmentc,mediocremente, giallamente. Indigence, indigenza, bifogno, ncccffità, carellia, mancamento. Indigefied, indigeno, crudo. Indignation , ind gnatione. sdegno. Indigni tie, indigni tà, infamità. Indirect, indiretto, torto, ingiuriofo. Indirettly, indirettamente, a torto, ingiu- riofamente. Indifcrcet, indifereto, irraggioncvole. Indifcretiou, indiferetfone, irraggionevo- lezza. Indifpofition of body, indifpoAezza di cor¬ po, ordì lalute. Indtfìolu ble, indiffolu bHe. Indìfolubly, indiffolubilmente. ludtfìintt, indiftinto. * Indiflinftly, indiAintamente. Individuali, individuale, Indivifible, indivilibile. Indivifibly, indivilibilmente. Indoctble , indocile. To iniorfe, indolfare. ludorfed, indoffato. .in indorfemer.t, indoffatura. To indow , dotare. Indowed , dotato. To induce indurre,nienare, muoveie, tira¬ re, attirare. Induced, indotto, menato, t;,.uo. An inducement , motivo, occahonej con- giontura. Inducing, inducendo, menando, mouven- do, tirando An induttion, induttione. To indne, imbevere, alfo as to indow. Indued , imbevuto, dotato. Indulgence, idutgenza. /-ull of indulgence , indulgente affai. One which hath an indulgence from the Pope, indultario. Indulgent, indulgente, favorevole. Indurable , infopporrabile, infoffribile. To indurate , indurare, indurire. Indurated y indurato, indurito. To indure , foffrire, patire, durarc,p.-.ficnta- re, haver patienza. Indured) fofferto, patito, durato, paten¬ tato. An induring) foffrimento, patimento, du- ramento. Induring, foffrendo, patendo, durando, paventando. Indufric, indullria, ingegno, Audio, giro, ' rigiro, arte, follecirudinc. Iuduflrious, indullriofo, ingegnofo, rigi¬ ratore, follecito. Indtifrioufy, indullrioffmente, ingegno- famente, foliccitamcnte. To inebriate , imbriacare , ubbriaca- re. Inebriated, inebriato, ubbriaco, cotto,zup¬ po, tocco dal vino. btejfable, ineffabile, indicibile. IN IN IN I#*»M&eftimab.' r e, impreggiabile. Inevitable, inevitabile. Inevitably, inevitabilmente. Inexorable, 'nettorabik:. Inexpiable, inefpiabilc. Inexplicable , inefplicabilc. Inextricable, incftr'cabilc. Infallibilitie , infallib.lit à . Infallible, infallibile. Infallibly, infallibilmente, indubitata¬ mente. Infamie , infamia, vergogna,onta difgratia vituperio. I nfamous, infame, difgratiato, vitup cro¬ io. Infamoufly, infamemente,degradatameli- te, vitupcrofamente. Infancy, infantia/andull-ezza. From his infancy, da fanciullo, da piccini¬ no An infant, infante, creatura. Infant-killing, infanticidio. The infantry, fanteria. Iw/tngaWedndefatigabile.indefetto. To infatuate , infatuare, infatuile. Infatuated, infatuato, infatuilo. To /«/e#,infettare, attaccar male, vitiare, corrompere. As to infett, fpoicare, imbrattare. Infetted, infetto,or infettato.uitiato, col- rotto, fporcato, imbrattato. Infetting; infettando, vitiando, corrom¬ pendo, fpoveando, imbrattando. Infettimi, infettione, contaggio, contag- giofo. Infettious , infettiofo, attaccaticcio. Infetti ve, as infettious. To infeeble, indebolire, infermare. Infecbling, indebolendo, infermando. Infelicity, infelicità,fventura,malora,adif- gratia. To infeojfe, infeudare, dar in feudo. Infeojflng , infeudato, dato infeudo. An infeojfement,or infeojflng, infeudamen¬ to. An inference, inferenza, ìllatione; Inferiour , inferiore , minore, più baf¬ fo. Infernali , infernale. To inferre, inferire. Inferred , inferito, illaro. Toinfeft, or <*«« 07 ,infettare, annoiare, mo- leitàre, appettare, ammorbare, as to in¬ feti. Infeflation, annoiamento, infcftamento, molcftamento, appettamene, ammor¬ bamento. Infefled, infettato, annoiato, molettato, appettato, ammorbato. An infefling , as infeflation. ^in in fi dell, infedele, pagano, marrano, turco, barbaro. Infldelitie, infedeltà, paganefmo, atteif- mo. Infiuitie, infinito. Infinitely, infinitamente. Infiniteneffe , infinità, infinitezza* Infirme, infermo, débile, indifpofto, am¬ malato. An infirmi ti e, infermità, morbo, malatia, male. To infix , Infilare , ficcare, conficca¬ re. Infixed , infilato , ficcato , conficca¬ to. Toinflam, infiammare, avvampare. Inflamed, infiammato, avvampato. To be inflamed efler infiammato, avvam¬ pato. Inflamed with fury , infiammato di furia ò sdegno infuriato. An inflaming, infiammamento, avvampa¬ mento. Inflaming , infiammando 5 avvampen- do. Inflamcable , infiammabile, avvampati¬ le. An iuflamatioK, infiammatone. •An inflation {w indi e Jwelling) gonfiezza, gonfiatura, gonfiaggione. Inflexible, intìeflibile, inpieghevole, alfo inefiorabile. To iuflitt, infliggere. Infiitted, inflitto. An inflitter , che infligge. Inflttting infligendo. An inflittion, inflittone. Inflittive , inflittilo. An influence, influenza, influtto. To infold , involvere involgere, implicare, intorniare, intricare. Infolded, involto, implicato, intorniato, intricato. An infolding, involgimento, implicamen- to , intorniamelo , intricamcn- to. To inforce , forzare, sforzare, cottrigne- re. To in force ìy ne ce fisi ty, neceflitare. Inforced , forzato , sforzato, coftret- to. Inforced by necefiity, neceflitato. An infer cement, sforzo, cottrignimento, coftretto. An information ( inflruttion ) informatone, ragguaglio,avvifo. An information againfl. accufa, citatio- ne. Informe (orfbapeleffe) informe, difforme, brutto, fparuto. T o informe ( inftrutt ) informare, iftruire, accertare, animaeftrare , ragguagliare, avvi fare. To informe againfl, accufare,citare. To informe himfelfc, or get information of, informarli, accertarli, or ragguagliarli di- Informed, informato, iftrutto, accertato, ammaeftrato, ragguagliato, awifa- to. Informed agiinfl, accufato, citato. An informer, informatore, illruttore, novellifta,tf//ò, fpia, referendario. An informing, informamene. iftruimen- to, accertamento, ammaeftramento, ragguagliamento, avvifamento. Infortunate , infortunato, sfornfnato, fventurato, difgratiato,colla malaven Infrangible , infrangibile. To infringe (breake,violate) infingere, vi¬ olare, rompere. Infringed -, infrinto. An infringement , l’infingere. An infringer, infringitore. Toinfufe , infondere. Infufed, infufo. An tn fu [lion, infufione. To ingage , intraprendere^cominciare, met¬ ter le mani in patta, entrar in bal¬ lo. To ingage himfelfe in an attion , intromet¬ terli , or imbarcarfi in alcun negotio, impegnarli. In gaged, intromefio.or imbarcato in alcun negotio, impegnato, I am ingaged therein to my hurt, ci fon im¬ barcato fin alluminia,intrometto. An ingagement, obligatione, giuramento. ^in ingapr, intra.T.crtitore, obliratorc, impegnatole. •An ingaging, as iugagemeiJt. To ingender, generare, produrre. Ingendred, generato, prodotto. Tobeingend;edof, generato, or prodotto di- An ingendrer, generatore, produttore. An tngendring , generamento, produci- menro. Ingenious, ingegnofò, fpirìtofo. Ingentoujly , ingegpofanieme , fpiritofa- mente. Ingenioufnejje, ingenuità^ Ingenuous , ingegnofo, ingenuo, libero, pronto. Ingenuoufly, as ingenioufly, liberamente. Ingenuiiie, as ingerii oufnefife. bigenuoufnefìe, as ingenioufnejje. To ingentilire, innobilire, annobilire. Ingentilire , innobilito, annobilito. Ingentiliyng , innobilimento, annobilì- mento. Inglorious, ingloriofo, vile. Ingine, ingegno, ftromento. To inglobe, inglobare. To inglut, inghiottire,tranguggiarà inglutted, inghiottito, trangugiato. To ingorge, as to inglutt. Ingorged,as inputted. An ingorger , ghiottone, inghiottitore, tranguggiatore. An ingorging, ghiottamento , inghiotti¬ mento, tranguggiamento. An ingot, verga d 7 oro, peneto. A mold for ingots, forma, or ftampa per verghe d 7 oro. To ing affé, inneftare. Ingrajfed, inneftato. An ingrajfing , innettamento. Toingraine, granire, ingranire. I ngraind, granito, ingranito. Ingrate, ingrato, feonofeente. Ingratitude , ingratitudine, feonofeen- za. To ingrave , fcolpir, intagliare. Jfngraz’ewjfcolpito, intagliato. An ingraver , fcoltore, intagliatore. Antick ingravery, mofaico, intagli anti¬ chi. An ingraving, intagliamene» fcolpimcn- to. Ingrailed ( in blaron ) fpinato. An ingrayling, Ipmamento. An ingredient , ingrediente, Ingrefiear.d egrejje, ingretto & egretto,en- trata & ufeita. To ingrojje ( writefail e) copiare, feriver in netto. To mgrofle a commoditie,hr l’ incetta d’ al¬ cuna cofa, haver l’appalto d’ alcuna cofa. Ingrofed, copiato, feritto in netto. Ingrojlcd, as a commoditie , appaltato. An ingroffer of a commoditie, appaltatore,' che fa l’ incetta. An ingroffement , copiamento, loferiver in netto. An in grò fitment of a commoditie into one , or few mens hands, 1’ appaltamene, il far l’incetta. Inhabit-able (which may be inhabited) habi- tabile, che li ci pub flare. An inhabitant , or wbabiier, habitante. To deprive of inhabitants, dishabitar. Without inhabitant, difhabitato. To inhabite, habitare. Inhabited, habitato. An inhabiting in , I 7 habitaft, lo flare in cafa di¬ rt Uhti- IN Inhabiting, h abitando, Ùmido in calìa. -in inherence) inhcrcnza. -yin inheritance, heredita. Inheritance by defcer.t,not by pur chafe, pa¬ trimonio. Of inheritance, d’ heredita, hereditario,he- rcditalc. -4n ancient inheritance ( that one is home to ) patrimonio di nafeita. To inherite , hereditare. Inherited, hcreditato. -An inheritour, herede. -in inheritrix, inhibire, prohibire, defen¬ dere. To inhibit, inhibire, prohibire, defendere. Inhibited , inhibito, prohjbito>diffefo. -in inhibition, inhibitione, prohibit ione, di fie fa. I nhofpitable, inhofpitabile. Inhumane, inhuniano, crudele, fiero. !■: à.'awajre/yjinhumanamcnte, crudelmen¬ te, fieramente. Inhumanity, inhiimanira> crudeltà, feri¬ ta. -An injeSiott, iniettionc. To infoine -, or inioyne, ordinare, comman- dare. I nioined, ordinato, connnandato. -in infoine r, ordinatore, connnandato- re. To in joy, fee to enjoy. Iniquity, iniquità} malitia, triùiria. To initiate, indiare, comminciare. Initiated, inkiato, cominciato. -in injunction, ordinamento, commanda- mento. To injure , ingiuriare, far torto 3 oltraggia¬ re. Injured, ingiuriato} achilia fatto torto, oltraggiato. ~ in injur er , ingiuriatore,chefà torto, ol¬ traggiatore. Iniurie, ingiù ria, oltraggio. I niurious, ingiuriofi>j oltraggiofo. Iniuriou/ly, ingiurioiamente, oltraggiofa- niente. I niuftice, ingiù Aitila. Inke, inchioùro, finta. —in inke-maker, inchioftraro. -in inke home, calamaro. -i pen and inkehorne.c alamaro cpennaruo- io. I ttkie, of or belonging to inke, che hà del in- • chioùro 6 tinta. I nkitteffe, nerezza di tinta. To inkindle , appicciate. I nkindled, allumare. • -An inkindling, appicciato, allumato. -4r. inkling, inditio, cenno, legno. -in inkling given , inditio, or cenno 1 dato , fentore j ombra , apparen¬ za. 7 o inlarge , allargare, metter alla larga, fcarcerare. i I nlarged, allargato, meffo alla larga, fcar- i cerato. ■ -An in larger, allargatore} che mette alla larga 3 fcarccratorc. -in inlarging,or inlargentcnt, allargamento , fcarceramento. ( to inlay, in tarli arc, commettere, brizzo- lare, felli zzare. ' \nlayed, intcrfiatój commeffo,brizzolato, « felli zzato. Inlayen worke, or inlaying, tarila, intarfia- tura. btlayed rvorke (of flotte?) pietracommcf ■ fa. 7*i oinlighied illuniinarc. heightened, illuminaio. IN I N -4n inlightening, illuminamento. -in inmate , famiglio , appigionan¬ te. -in itine, hoùeria, albergo. To keepe an iute, tener hoùeria. To itine, or lodge in aa itine, albergare, al¬ loggiar al hoùeria. To i/it. e eorne, metter il grano nel granaio or aia. -in in holder, or inne-keeper, hoùe,alber¬ gatore. -in inne-keepers ìl’tfe, horteffa. Inncd ( as cor/le ) niello nell’ aia, or grana¬ re. Iwed ( or lodged ) alloggiato} alberga¬ to. Inner, interiore. -in inner parlour , or chamber, camera interiore , dentro camera , tinel- -An infeti ( as an ant, fly, load ) infettile* animaluccio, animaletto. In fen file, infenfibilc. Infeparable, infeparabile. Infepar.-.bly, infeparabilmente. To inferi, inferire} tramezzare. Infertcd, inferito , inietto > tramezza¬ to. The infide, il di dentro,F interiore. -in infight, cognitione, notiria, fape- re. To have an infìght in, haver cognitione, or notitia di- Whitb hitch an infight into things , che ha cognitione, or notitia di-’ intenderli. To in fintiate, inlìnuare, ingerirli- alfo, ac¬ cennare. Infìnuated , inlinuato, ingerito, alfo accen¬ nato. lo. -in inning of come , il metter del grano nell’aia. Innoctkcie, innocenza. Innocent, innocente. Innocents day, il dì degli innocenti. To innovate, innovare, far novità. Innovated , innovato. Innovation, innovatione, novità. -in innovatoùr, innovatore. I Innumerable , innUme pabile. I Innumerably , innumerabilmente i Inofficious, inhumane, feortefe. j Inordinate > inordinato, difordinato, fvia- to. J -An inquefì, inchieùa, ricerco, j To inquire, dimandare, cercare, ricercare, interrogare. ! Inquired, dimandato, cercato, ricercato, interrogato. -in inquiry, dimandato,^//® as inquefl. ! -An inquifition, inciti ifitione. • I The inquifition, F inquilìtionc, il fant’ of- ficcio. To make inquifition after , far inquifitione | ó ricerco. ' -in-inquifitour, inquifitore. j Toinrage, infuriare, (lizzarli, fmaniare, arrabbiare. j I nraged, infuriato, ùizzato, fmaniato, ar- I rabbiato. -in inraging , infuriamento, Aizzamen¬ to , linan'amento , arrabbiamen- i t0 ‘ j Toinrich, arrichite,far ricco. ' I nriched, arricchito, fatto ricco. -in inriching, or inrichment, F arpichi re, il farli ricco. To inrobe, invertire, parare. I nrobed, invertito, parato. -An inrobing, invertimento, parameli* to. -An 7 >>We,incurGone, invafionc. To inroll, arrollare , aferivere, aggrega- I nr oiled , arrollató, aferitto, aggrega¬ to. Fit to be inroiled, erte: arrollato, aferitto, aggregato. -in inrolling , or inrollment , arrolla- mento , alcrWimento, aggregamen¬ to. I nfatiable, infatiabilc. Infatiablencffe, infatiabilira. I nfatiably , in fa t i ab i linen te. In fatiate, infatiato. To inferibe, inferivere, iferivere. Infer tied, infc ritto, ileritto. -in inferiptio t , inferittione, iferittio.» ne. Infer lit a hie, inferutabile. Toirfcitlpe, infeolpire, intagliare. I nfculpcd, infcolpito, intagliato. -in infinuating , inlinuamento, ipgerinien- to, alfo, aciennamento- -4n infinuation, as infinnating. Infipiditie, iniipiditd, infipidezza, feiapi- tezza. To inftfon, infirter fopra, urgere. To injnare, allacciare, innelcare, irretire, intrappolare, invifehiare. Infnared, allacciato, innefcato, irretito, intrappolato, invifehiato. -An inflating, allacciamento, innefeamen- to, irretimento, intrappolamento, in- vifehiamento. Infolencie, infolenza.baldanza^facciatag- gine. Infolent, infoiente, sfacciato, baldanzoso. Infdently, infolcntemente, sfacciatamen¬ te. Infoitele, infolubile. -in injpeclion, inlpcttione, riguardatura. -in i njpi ration , infpiratione, ifpiratio- ne. Toinfpire, infpirare, ifpirare. 1 Infpired. infpirato, ifpirato. I -in infpiringjas infpiration. ' InfUbilitic, inftabilità, incoùanza. To infiali, inrtallare, rtabilire, promuove¬ re fermamente. Inflalled, inftallato, rtabilito, promolfo, fermamente. - iti ta/?.z//g,allett.md -, inducendo,attirando, inefeando, adulando, movendo. ' luticingly , allettevolmentc, inefchévol- mente, inefeatamenre. Intimate, or inward , intimo, or intrinfeco, i fvifeerato, feorporato. T fini inulte fiìgnifìefbew, intimare, moftrarc. Intimated, intimato, moftrato. An intimation , intimationcj moftra. Itt/ire, intiero, intero. Intirely,[ intieramente, intéramente. I ntirenefile, intierezza, integrità. To indile, intitolare, nomare. -1 ntitled, intitolato, nomato, _ n z An 1 IN TO JO ^4«iHt/t/r»g,intitolamento,nomamentoJ l>: toller able, intolcrabilc, infolfribile, in- foppovtabile. Intolerably inroIerabilmente,infopporta- bilntente. To intombe. fotterrare, fepelire. Intornici, fottcrrato, fcpclito, fepolto, To ; aitate-, intofficare, avvelenare. bitoxic i ted, intoflìcato, avvelenato. tut ratable, intrattabile. The wtrails, inteftini, budella. To ire if, ingannare, giognere, arrivare, intrapolare. Intrapped, ingannato} gionto} arrivato, intrappolato. To be intrapped, re (lav ingannato, giop.to, arrivato, intrappolato. An intrapping, ingannamento, inganno, gìonta, trappola. To in treat, fupplicare, dimandare} chie¬ dere. I ntre.ucd, fupplicato, chiedo, dimanda. An intreatte, fupplica, chieda, dimanda. -h: e.-.rnefl intratie, fupplica calda, or con premura. .An tntredtiui, as an intreaty. To intrench, intvendarli, fortificarli. Intrenched, intrcnciato, fortificato. Tntricacie, intricatezza, intrigo. Intricate , intricato. An intricate matter, intrigojlabcrinto im¬ broglio. Intricately, intricatamente, imbrogliata- mente. Intrin fecali, intrinfeco. Intrinfecally, intrinfecalmente. To introduce , introdurre. Introduced, introdutto. An introduction, introdnttione. To intrude, intrudere, ingerirli. Intruded, intrufo, ingerito. An intruder, intrudicore, ingcritore. An intiu fon, intrufione. Intuitive , intuitivo. To invade, invadete, incorrere. Invaded , invafo, incorfo. lnvafble, invadibdc, che li può invadere, or incorrere. An invafìon, invafione, incorfione. A fudnìne vrvdfton, or affatili, iiivaiionc fubitanca, or fp rovi ila. To iKVCftglc. attirare, allettare, lufingare, innefeare. Inveagcled, attirato, allcttato, lufingato, innefeato. Ah inveagler, attiratore, allettatore, lufin- gatore. innefeatore. An ifveagl/xg atticamente),allettamento, iufingamento, innefeamento. An invettive, invettiva, pafqumnta. To inveigh agiin(i, fparlare , calunniare, ingiuriare, villaneggiare. To invelope, inviluppare, raccogliere. Invclopcd, inviluppato, raccolto. To invent, inventare, ritruovaie, ordire Invented , inventato , rifruovato, ordi¬ to. An inventer , inventore, ritntovatore, or¬ ditore. The originali inventer, autore. An inventing , 1’ inventare, il ritruova- re. Inventing, inventando, ritruovando. Ah invention , mventionc , ritruova- ta. Inventive, inventivo, rirruovatore. Ah inventori, inventario. To invert torie , or take inventor ie of, inven¬ tariale. Inventoried or fet in an inventories inventa¬ riato. An invent refe, er ìnventrix, inventri- An inverfìon, inverficne. To invert, invertere, rinverfare. Inverted , invaiò, rinverfato. To invefl, inveiti re. I nvefìed, invertito. An iavtfiing, inveltimento. Ah investiture , or invcjhire , inveiti tu¬ ra. Inveterate, inveterato, ortinato. To inveterate, inveterare. Invincible , invincibile, inoperabile. Invincibly , invincibilmente, infuperabil" niente. Inviolable, inviolabile Uviatablenefe, inviolabilità. Inviolably, inviolabilmente.. Inviolate, inviolato. To invimi, circondare, intorniare. I nvironed, circondato, intorniato. An inv ironing, circojidamento, intornia- mento. Invi o»i;:g , circondando , intornian¬ do. Invìftble, invilitile. An invitation , invitatione, invito, convi¬ to. To invite , invitare, convitare. Invited, invitate, convitato. An inviting, invitamente, ccnvitam.cn- to. To invocate, invocare, I nvocated, invocato. An invocation, invocatione. To involve , involvere, avviluppare, impli¬ care. Involved, involto, avviluppato, implica¬ to. Ah involving, involvin', ento, avviluppa¬ mento, iniplicamento. Involuntary, involonfaiio,contra-voglia. Involution, involutione. Tull of involution, pieno di involution! & anfratti. Ah inundation of waters fmondaùone d’ac¬ que. To imi-, e, avvezzare, accolhmiare. [ Inutilitie, inutilità. ! Invulnerable, invulnerabile, j lnwad, indentro, inrrinfeco, intimo. ! Mofi in ward, intimiamo. A making i rvgrd, p addimcdicare, il fa- nugliarizzàre. To make inwa.d, addimcrticard, famiglia- nzzare. ù biade inward , or familiar, addimefticato, famigliarizzato. The inwards of beafis, interiora, coratella, int taglie. Inwardly , interiormente, intimamente, intrinlecamente, internamente* locund, giocondo, allegro. Grcwne jocund, divenuto, o, fatto giocon¬ do, or allegro. To be jocund , dar allegramente. locundly, giocondamente , allegramen¬ te. ' ù I ocundneffì, giocondità, allegrezza,alle¬ gria. To icggc ry joggle, dimenale, i muovere, bazzicare. To ■ egge with the elbow, fmuover col gom- bi to, accennare colgombito. To jogee, as a coach in an uneven way, ^al¬ zaie. Tie jegge of a coach in an uneven way, sbal¬ zo. logged, dimenato, finofib, sbalzato. Ajoggiug, dimenamento, sbalzamento, fmuovimento lohn, giovanili, gioanni. Saint johnswo t , Sain: joints grafie, mille buca. 4 J J To joy ne unto , attaccare, aggiogneie, ag- To joyne finely, and handfontcly, nggiuf- tar, attaccar polito, aggiogner con def- trezza. To joyne together, congiegncie, commet¬ tere. I oytpd unto, attaccato, aggi onto j aggrega¬ to. Handfomely joy n'd, aggiuftato, attaccato pulito. loynd together, congiònto, commefio. To be joyn’d in conjangumity with .parentar¬ il. congiugnerli in fanguc coli¬ li/ join'd, mal attaccato . mal gion_ o . A joiner , fa legname.’ loine rs-work , lavoro di fa legname. Of , or b dunging to, a joiner , or joiners tporke che attiene a la-legname. I oinir.g to, attaccando, aggiogando. A handfomejoining, aggìuliametmo, attac¬ camento-polito. A joining together f\ congiogner, il metter infieme. A joint, giontura, nodo. A joint in jtalkcs, nctio. joint of the body, giontura. A joint of veale , mutton, c^c. Jaehetta di vitella ocaftrato. A ioint heire , coherede. To outof joint, {locare, fu:;; ove re, fno- dare. difnodare. P ut nut of joint, {locato fmoffo, (hodato, difnodato. Aputting,or being out of joint , fiocamente, llocatione, fmofia. A joint tenant, cnappiggionante. lolite, giulivo, allegro," brillante, vezzo- fo. To be follie, ftar allegro. ' To make jollie, rallegrare, far dar il egra¬ mente. I ollìly, giulivamente, allegramente, vez- zofamente. I ollineffe, giulività, allegrezza, allegria. I ollity, as jolly nefse. A jot, iota, ponto. A little jot , mica, tantino. Every jot of it, tutto quanto,il tutto. Not a jot, mica, non ponto. A jovialifì, giovialità. I ovia.ll, gioviale, allegro. To jouli, fcuotcrc, sbalzare. To jouli with the elbow, fcuoter col gom- bito. A joult, fcofTa, sbalzo. To jouli, as a coach in an uneven way, sbal¬ zare. Thejov.lt of a coach in an uneven way, sbal¬ zo. loi'lted, feofio, sbalzato. A jodler, fcuotitore, sbalzatore. A jo'.dt-heai, teda di bue,gnocco,balordo goffo. A joulting, fornimento, sbalzamen- to. A jnurnall, giornale, diario. A journey, giornata, viaggio. To ioruey, viaggiare, caminar il mon¬ do. A fane journey, lontano viaggio. Togoe, or tabe a long jorney , caminar lon¬ tani paefi, pellegrinare. A journey man, adldentc, che lavora alla giornata. I oumeyed, viaggiato, cantinato. A journeying, viaggiantento. I ourueying, viaggiando, cam in an do. Io)'., allegrezza glande. AJhortjay, allegrezza breve. To joy, rallegrarli, godere. I oyfull, allegro, gioiofo. I oy- IS JU JM Joyfully, allegrameme, gioiofamente. Ioyftdlnefle , allegrezza, gaudio, gioia, Ire (more ancient [y[aid for anger) ìra^sdeg¬ no, colera, llizza. Ir e full, iracondo, sdegnofo, colerico, ftiz- zofo. Irefully, iracondamente, sdegnofamente, colericamente. To irkc, anciently for to fret one , faflidirfi, annoi rii jmoleftarfi, darli falcidio. I rkefome, faflidiofo, annoiofo, moleflo, rincrefcevole. Irkcfonienefc. :':vtidio_, noia,nioleflia, rin crefcimento. Ivo», terrò, alfó matte. Iron wire , fii di ferro. An iron -grated window , fcncftra con gra- | fontanella, cauterio. To iff ue forth , ufeire, buttare, sboccare, tortile. W“edj ufcito, buttato, sboccato, forti- to. IjftHng) ufccndo, buttando, sboccando, fortendo. An it alien , italiano. To italiani ; fpeake italian,p!ay the Italian, parlar italiano, parlarla lùigua italia¬ na. To itch , pnuire, cuocere, pizzicare. Snitch, prurito, cuocimcnto, pizziea- niento, rogna. Itchiefull oftlie itch, rognofo, picn di rog na. -An itching, prurito,pizzicore,cuocimcn- to. ° r cnc f i,l S ivi', -eHera&rpcn. .-^julep, ojulepp 0< luglio. T 7T fo Tf'f'ib crgciha, confondere imbrogliare, rammoRWe, miilic U,McJ c0 „ fc(i imbrogliato, rammolcraato mi/liro' to. 3 jumlltr cf thh,, , imbrogliatene, rammofdnatoic ’ cmfnjei j m ilj„g of thnrsmnbn imbrogl lamento , ramtnofcinanien- to. ^ jomhlìng of fiindry things tógahrr ; m . brogliamaito , millicanza di’y >- na. Old iron, ferro vecchio. A feder of old iron, ferra-vecchio. Iron implements , or tooìes, ordigni di fer¬ ro. An iron toole, or infìrument, flromento, or ordigno di ferro. Òf iron, at hard as iron, di ferro,duro quan¬ to il ferro. An iron mill , or forge, molino da fer¬ ro. An iron barre , sbarra di ferro. S mall iron ware, mercantia di ferro, ferra¬ glia. An iron monger, marcante di ferro. An ironmongers fiopy bottega dove fi ven¬ de il ferro. A feller of old iron trinkettS) asa feller of old iron. Small irott-tvorkc of all forts, as padlocks, finfers , hinges, lavóri di ferro di ogni forte. A feller of [neh [mali iron ware, marcante di ferràglie. An irradiation , irradiatione. Irrecoricileable,irreconc iliabile. Ir/ efragable y irrefragabile. Irrignlar , irregolare. Irregularitie, irregolarità. Irregularly, irregolarmente. Irreligion, irrel.gibìie, ateifino, profani¬ tà. Irreligious , irreljgiofo, ateiila, profa¬ no. IrremìfibUi irrimifiibile. Irremìfibljiy irremiflibilmente. Irreparable irreparabile. Irreparably, irreparabilmente. Irreprehenfible , irreprenfibile. I rreprehenftbly, irreprenfibilmentc. Irrefolute , irrefoluto, mal fermo. Irrcfolutely, irrefolutamente. Jrrefolutìon, irrefolutione. Irreverence, irreverenza. Irreverent, irreverente. Irreverently^ irrcvcrentemente. Irrevocable , irrevocabile. Irrevocably , irrevocabilmente. Irri fon, irrifione. To irritate, irritare, Irritated, irritato. An irritation, irritamento. An irruption ( violent breaking into ) irrot¬ ti one. Jr, è. I/e, ghiaccio, giaccio. An ifland, ifola. A little ifland, ifoletta. An if under, ifolano. An ille, as an ifland. An iffue,end y of going /bri/j>,elfito,fpiraglio, | ufeita, fortita. An i fitte, or fpring, progenie, profapia, fchiatta, razza, generatione. An iffue , or running fore in the body. Itching powder, polvere che pizzica. To iterate, iterare. Iterated , iterato, replicato. An iteration , itcratione , replicatio- nc. An itenerary ( directory for the way ) itine¬ rario. Inhibition ( great Joy ) giubilo, allegrezza, giubilarionc. A i ubile, il giubileo. Iudaicall. giudaico, hebraico. Iudaijme, giuda!fino. To judai^e, giudaizzare. Witt tree, albero di giuda. Judicature, giudicatura. To judge , giudicare, fententiare. Tojud^e wrongfully, giudicar a torto. To judge by award, arbitrare. A judge, giudice, magiftrato. A judge laterali ( or af Ufi ant ) giudice, affeiiorp, or affiliente. A judge criminali ( that fits on life and Death') giudice criminalifla. A judges place, officcio di giudicatura, tribunale. ludged wrongfully, giudicato a torto. judged by award, arbitrato. Judgement, giuditio, fentenza. A wrongfull judgment, or judging, giuditio ' a tòrto ó temeràrio. To deliver his judgement on, dir il fuo pa¬ rer intorno ad alcuna cofa, giudica¬ re. ludging. giudicando, fantentiando. ludiciall , giuditiale, fentiofo. Judicially , giuditialmente , fententiofa- mente. I udiciarie, gluditiario. Iudiciarily , giuditiariamente. I udicious, giuditiofo. I udicìoufly, giuditiofamente. lugge ( the diminutive of joane ) gioannina giannina. A jugge) or flotte jugge, boccale di ter¬ ra. To juggle , giocar di mano, giocar di gherminelle, far il ciarlatano. A notable juggler, un gran ciarlatano, gherminclliere. h'ggler-like 3 da ciarlatano 6 ghcrmìnettie - re. A juggler (he) gherminclliere t or ciarla¬ tano Oc) gherminelliera. A juggling, gherminelleria, ciarlataneria gioco di mano. A juggling trick , or terme, tiro di ghermi¬ nella. I/ficr, fucò,fugo,humore. Thejuce of tart cherries , fuco di vifciole acerbe. Itficie, or full ofjucice, fuccofo, fugofo, pien d’ humore. I uicinefie, humidita. I vie, ellcra. Ground ivie, ellera terreftre. To jump , faltare. A jumpy fai to. trùcia, giubba, giubbone, ca- facca, capotto. To jump usa coach ( in mivtn iruy) sbalza, re, kuotcre. The jumpt of « coach fo , sbalzo di caroz- za. lumped, faltato. A jumper, falcatole. lumping , faltando. lune, giugno. lumper 3 ginepro. Thejhrub of juniper, pianta di ginepro 6 radica To junkeit, far gazzoviglia, far gaudea¬ mus, ftar allegramenre in converfatio- ne. lunketts, gazzoviglia, allegria, gaudea¬ mus. I vorie, avorio. of, or like ivoriCy limile all’ avorio,d’ avo* ■ rio. I tipi ter, giove, A jurie, ofi s men, dodici giurati, I urifdiBion giurifdittione. High jurifdtttion, tribunale a mota maggio¬ re. A jurour, giuratore, luft, giu Ilo, honello. lufl in the nick of time, opportuno, appon tino, per apponto, nel? iileifa con g ion tura. To juflyOr tilt , gioflrate, torneare. A i u ft, or jufls, gioflra, torneo. I ufi as itfmid bey come lì deve, appon¬ to. lufl foy apponto cofi. I«y?/ce,giuflitia, equità. )4‘‘ e , or jujlhcr, giudice, g'uftitie- re. Lord cheife 3 jufliccof thejfings Bench, giuf- ticier maggior del tr, bucale reg- g:o. The Lord cheife Iuflfce t or iufiice in Eire of the kings forreflsjgudlhicic delle fondle ebofehi. To iuflife, giufllficare. To i ufi fie,or confirme hy witneffe. attcflare, teflificare. I uftificdtion, giuflificatione. A iunification by witneffes , attefiatl one tellimonianzea I ufhfied, giuilificato. I ufhfied by witneffesy atteflato. Aiufling ( tilting ) giollramcnto, tornea- mento. To iufllc with the elbow , Urtar col gpmbi- to. To iuflle one eking agahfi another, urta¬ re. A iuflle, urto 5 cozzo. Ìm/?/?, giuftaniente. luftncffc, giuftitia, equità. To tut, or iuttie out or over, fpQTgcr in fuo¬ ri. K E K I orinine , fporgi mento in fuo¬ ri. K kalender, calendaiij, limano, dia¬ rio. The keyes, or feu of keyes of virginali! 3 or organs, tafto,tatti. Small organ keyes, tatterel'e. > l^eylcsf or nine-pins) ofloli. A kibe, buganze, muga. A Small kite. buganzuola. One that hath kites , che patifce di bugan- Kyrs.fce crofie, or crofles. ^4 kafir ell, gheppio. A keeling f 03 merluzzo. Ircene, acuto, aguzzo, aguto. Keenely, acutamente, aguzzamente, a- giitamentc. Kfieneffe, acutezza, agutezza. To keepe ( Active) tenere, guardare, oW ci¬ vaie. To keep,or con thine ( Scuter ) mantenerli, ederdi guardia, conlervarh. To keep back, ritenere, ditencrc, rattene- rc. A hound to keep his game without changing, guardar lo fcaitiDio. To keep dorane, fupprimere, tener abbaf- fo, tener fotto. To keep in, tener dentro, rittenere, intra- tenere. To keep low , tagliar le ali , alfa as to keep down. A place to keep things z»,rip of torio, Juoco da conferv.it vi alcuna cola. A keeper, guardiano, cuflode, conferva- tore. Keeping, guardando, cuftodendo, con- fervando. A keeping3 guardia, cuftodia, confer¬ va. A kegg, bariglione, caratello. A kcie, fee key. A k ell, as caw le. Tokembe, pettinare. Kembollyrrhh ornici [et one kembollfe brac¬ cia in ere ce. To fé: bis hands oh kcmbell, metter le brac¬ cia in croce. To *eH«e,conofccrc,fcuoprire, veder da longi A keunell, cannale. A kcnnell of hounds, muta di cani. A dog kcnnell, canile. Kept, guardato, confervato, cuttodito, oflervato. A kerchetf, cuoprimento di tetta. A hand-kerchief, fazzoletto, pezzuo¬ la. A kernelt (of a nutt) nocciuolo. A kernell ( offijh ) ghianda. Kernel'ie, ghiandolo. A little kernell , gianduia. Kjrnellsin the throat, glandule. Kerne! Is ut the neck and under the roof of the tongue, gavine, gavigne. Kernell-wort, fcroffolaria. The kernell , orfane of a grape, odo. Kjrs, feecreffc. Kjrfy, carifea. A kert'e,fee kirtle. A kefir ell, fee kafir ell. A kettle, caldaia, caldaia. A great kettle, calderone. A kettle full o/ycalderonata di- A kettle-maker , caldararo. key , chia\e. A key hole , buco, foro della ferratu¬ ra. A hey clog , or firing, or pzync to hang keyes on, mazzuòlo. A key of a river , fpondn, ripa, molo. A key-keeper,key-carrier, that hath charge of the keyes , chiavaro, cuttode delle chi¬ avi. Afben keyes , lingua d’ uccello , lingua pa (Tei ina. | 7 e. l e hath kibes, 1 a le bu ganze • To kick, tirar de’ calci , calcitrare. K^icke ( an herbe ) palina di chrifto. A kicker , che tirade! calci, che calci¬ tra. A kicli ig, calcitramcnto, tiramento de 1 calci. A horfes kicking , calci di cavallo. A kidde, capretto. ' A young kidde , capriuolo. I A fu kidd, capretto giallo. 1 To kidd , bring forth young kidds, figliar ca- j pretti. Kjdds-leather , pelle di capretto ; Kjdds-’kin gloves , guanti di pelle di ci- ■ pretto ó cordovano. 1 A tre ed in*,or bringing forth of young kidds, I figliamento di capretti. 1 i\jdded,che habbia figliato un capretto. I The kidneys , rognoni, j A kilder-kin, bariletto, j To kill, ammazzare,uccidere, trucidare, j far morire, metter a fil di fpada. I To kill out right, ammazzar affatto, j filled, ammazzato, u-ccifo, trucidato. ! A killer, ammazzatore, uccifore, trucida- j tore,affaffino, mafnadiere. 1 A killer of father w;d mother, pariicida. A killing, ammazzamento, uccidimento, I trucid amen to, a ifaffin amento. Killing, ammazzando, uccidendo ..truci- I dando, alfallin.indo. , An stniverfal killings malfatto, ttrage, uc- cilior.e generale. I A kill t kilne, or lime-kill, cava, or lomace da calcina. ' A kill, or kilne, for to make-malt, tinello ! da accomodar il grano per la bir- ra. I In its owne kind , nel fuo genere , nel luo I edere, nella l’uà fpetie, natio. To 4 prefent in its en ne kind, prefcntarnel fuo elfcre, nativamente. I Of . dl kinds , di tutte le forti, d’ogni for¬ te. Kind, liumano, grariofo, benevole, cor- tefe, benigno, affabile. Kjndly , fiumanamente, granatamente, benevolmente, cortefcmentc, benigna¬ mente, affabilmente. Kjndlineffe , Immanità, gratia, benevolen¬ za, cortefia, benignità, affabilità. Kjnd, genere forte, 1 petic, fclfo, maniera, parentèla, affinità. Kjndneffe, as kindly neffe. To kindle, allumare, appicciare, attaccar fuoco a- attizzare. A kindle-cole , attizza- fuoco, incendia¬ rio. KJndled, allumato, appicciato, attizza¬ to. To be kindled, effer allumato, appicciato, or attizzato. A kindler. allumatole, appicciatorc, at¬ tizzatole. A kindling, allumamento, appicciamen- to, attizzamento. Kjndred, , parenti, affini, confanguinii, con giorni. A king. Rè. lying of armes, amido, capo arraldo. The kings bench, tribunal maggiore 6 reg- gio. The kings houft , palazzo, reggia, cor» te. The kings eviII, fcrofolc. KN A king-cod ( flower ) piè corvino. A king-fijher, uccello pefeatore, alcio¬ ne. ì\ingly, regalmente, realmente, da rè. Akingdome, rogne,reame. Kjnne, as kind. Of kinne , apparentato, congionto, con- fanguineo. Kjnred by blood , parentela, conlanguini- tà. Kjnred by marriage , affinità. To claimekinred for advantage, dar del cu¬ gino, trattar di cugino. Kjnred by the fathers fide , parente per via di padre. A kinfn in, parente. A near kinjiqan, parente, filetta. Te challenge, or acknowledge for a kìnfntatt > riconofcer per parente. A kinfwoman, parente cugina. A kintali, quintale. Kjpper nuns , noci cattagne. A kirtle, vaichina. An upper kirtle , fopravefte, faio. A kirclemaker, vale binatoie. A kifle, baccio, battio, baggio. To kiffe one another, inter change kiffes, boc¬ ciarli l 1 un l’altro. A little kifle, buccino, buttino, baggi- 110. To kfffe often , bacciar, battjare fpef- fo. To kifle , bacciare, bafdarc, baggiare. A kijiing, bacciamcnto, battian icnto,bag- giamento. Kjjfed, b.icciuto, battuto, baggiato. Kjfl'edoften, bacciato, battiato, baggiato fpcUo. Akiffcr 3 bacciatore, bafciatore,baggia- torc. A kit chin, cucina. A kitchin maid, cuoco, cuciniero. A kitchin boy, fguattero. Kjtchtn lamie , latino di cucina, latino da fguattero. A kitchin fluff e ipewc/;, vendanola di graf- , ciò. A kite, milvo. The white kite ( henn-harme ) gioanniil bianco. Kjtes foot, piè di milvo. A kin ( or finali citterne ) mando», chi- tarrina. To kittle, or bring forth young cats, kitten, far gattucci, A kittling, gattuccto. A kittling , or bringing forth young cans , il fardo’gattucci. ~ 4 k?;/,huomo che pofliede di molt re terre pederofo. A landing , il metter piede a terra 1’,. A landing place, afferrar • orto. The landing piaci- o r -n ha fc pace fiaire, sbar¬ co f.ic-o da sbarcate commodamcn te Lande Jchaep-worke (in painting ) paefaggi, grottefehi. A la dtsknecht, germane footman , staffiere tudefeo. A lane, ftrada, vicolo, contrada. A langate , or rower , rollo d’ impiaftre, impiaftro largo. Languc-de-leuf, lingua di bove. A language, linguagg o, lingua > dialetto, idioma. Clownifh language , linguaggio fciccco, or goffo. Harjh, or rough language, linguaggio brufeo ó rozzo. Langued,aterme of blazon, con una lingua rolfa dipinta nell’ arme. Langued gulcs, dipinto con lingua rof- fa. To languii!}, languire. A tangui/hing, languimCnto. Languishing , languendo. Lattguifhingly, languentemente. A languirmene , "languore, languimen- to. Lanke , fcarnato, fottile, afeiutto, magro, macilente. Lankly , fcavnatamentc, fottilmente, af- ciuttamente, magramente, maciltnte- mente. Lanknefse, fcarnaggione,afciuttezza,ma- grezza. A Ur.ner, laniero, A littlelanner, bnieretto. A lanterne , lanterna. The lanterne of afoip, galley ,or towe , fana le, faro. A dar he, or theeves lanterne, lanterna for- da. A Untente-maker , lantcmiero, or lanter- niere. To lap , or lick up, lappare, lamblie, lecca¬ re. The lap, grembo, fcofl'o, feno. A lap-full, grembiata, quanto cape il To Up, or wrap «^.involgere,involta re, av¬ viluppare, piegare. The Up of the earcs , ponta dèli' orec¬ chie. A lapidary, lapidario. Lapped,or wrapped up, involto, involtato, avviluppato^ piegato. Lapped , or lie kid up, lappato, lambito,lec¬ cato. A Upper, or licked up, lappatorc, lambito¬ le, leccatore. A Upping, or wrapping up, involgimento, involtamento, avviluppamento, piega¬ mento A Upping , or licking up, lappamento, Iam- bimento. leccamento. A lapwing , vanello, pavoncello. A young lapwing, vandlino, pavoncelli- no. The larboard , or left fide of the fu ip, la parte liniltra d’ un vafcello, orza. Lard, lardo. To lard, lardare. The little piece of lard wherewith meat is larded , lardello. Of, or belonging to lard, che attiene alar- do. A tub to keep lard in, lardiera. L arded, lardato. A lardiitgflick, lardaruolo. A lare, or lath, or turners wheele,\he. di torcitoio. Large, largo capace, aperto, dfcipioj Somewhat Urge, alquanto largo. To make Urge , allargare , far lar¬ go- Largely , largamente, apertamente, prodi¬ ga men te. Z.4>-^e«f/7è,Iarghezzajapcrtura,ampiezza, prodigalità A Urgeffe t larghezza, munificenza, pre¬ mio. A larke , lodola.- Thegreatefì kind of larke, calandra. The meadow larke- , gallerita, fodolet- ta. Larses toes , or larkes-fpurres (herbe) piè d; lodola. The capped larke , lodola cappellu¬ ta. Lafcivioks, lafcivo , hifTuriofo , vene¬ reo. A UfcrtoU us fellow, un lafcivo, luffuriofo, ó venereo. A Ltfci-OUut quean, una fafciv3, luffuriofa vene tèi, taràntola. Lafcìbtous toying, traftuflo. Lafcrvioufy, lafc i vamcme.lufTuriofamen- te, venereamente. Lafctvioufneffe , lafcivia, luffuria, vene¬ re. L fet wort, bengioino. To Ufi) , sferzare, frullare , Raggelia¬ te. A U[h , sferzata, fruftara, flaggella- ta. A laf> with an cele-skin, anguillata. To [a], with points, stringare. To lafh out, or be waftfull, fpregare, fguaz- zarc. Ldjhed , sferzato , fruttato , ffaggclla- to. A Ufher, sfèrzatore, fruftatore, ff^ggella- tore. A lafhing , sferzamento, fiuftamento,f metter a parte, metter in falvo. To lay afide, levar fuor de’piedi, metter in dilparte. To lay to the charge of, opporre, accufa- re. To l.ty downc, deporre, pofare. To lay downe or along , difendere, metter alla diftefa. To lay an egg, far un uovo. To lay hands on, or lay hold of, dar di pi¬ glio ad, afferrare, pigliare, prende¬ re. LA To lay violent hands on, afferrare per forza, oltraggiare. To lay on he apes, ammontonare, ammuc¬ chiare, accumulare. To lay in lavender, impegnarci To lay in, or lay downc aJeame , ranniccia- re, cucire. To lay tteere to, metter accanto accodare. To layover , foprametter , metter di l'o¬ pra. To lay out,cl porre, metter di fuori, fpiare, fcuoprire. To lay out of the way, as to lay afide. To layfige unto, affediare metter affedio, ftringer con affedio. To layafleepe , addormentare. To lay under, fottomettere, fottoporre. To lay unto, opporre, attribuire. To lay a wager, fcommettere, or fcom- meffa. To lay wait for , aguatare, ftar all’ erta, or guato, attendere. Lay’d, or layed, melfo,porto, pofato. L ay’d againfl, oppofto. Layd apart, mcifo a parte. L ayd afide , niello fuor de’ piedi, L ay*d afleepe, addormentato. L ayd downe, deporto, melfo giù. Layed as an egge, fatto. Layd hands, or hold on , afferrato, prefo, pigliato. Layd on heapes, ammontonato, ammuc¬ chiato, accumulato. Layd neere to , accodato , melfo accan¬ to. L ayd out , cfpofto. Lay d out of the way , as layd afide. Layd under, fotto porto , porto di fot- to. Layd unto, opporto, apporto. ALeyirtg , il mettere, il porre, pofitione, feommefla. A laying afide, il metter fuor de’ piedi, or in dilparte. A laying afleepe addormentamento. A laying downe , pofamento, il metter giù. A laying hands on , afferramento, prefa, prendimento. A laying on heapes , ammontonamento, ammucchiamento, accumulamento. A laying henne , gallina che fà uova, che frutta. A laying out, 1’ efporre,il metter di fuori. A laying «n/o,opponimento,attnbuimen- to. Lays , or muficall ayres , lai, aria, trillo, tratto. A layer, leprofo. La%ie , da poco, infingardo, negligente ^ feioperato , neghitofo, tardo, otiofo, poltrone. To make la\ie, render dapoco. To grow, or wax la fie, divenir, or diventar dapoco, impoltronire. A lafie vagabond, mendico, guitto, cattan- As lafi e as a begger , dapoco come un men¬ dico. A lafie fellow , un dapoco, un infingar¬ do, un mangia guadagno. La\ily, otiofamente, infingardamente,ne¬ gligentemente. L afinefie, dapoccaggine, negligenza,pol¬ troneria. To ly lafingftarfenc otiofo, impoltronire, poltronizzare. A /etfcWjConcubinario,puttaniere, adul¬ tero. L eacherie, lulfuria, puttanefimo, impudi- citia. _ o Le ac eh - 1 LE L E Leachcrous, lulTuriofo, puttaniere», impu¬ dico. Lette herous jrfting, traflullo, fcherzi vene¬ rei. Lede herous damiti, delieie da muover la luffuria, provocativi. A leacherous quean ,una puttana lufTnriofa, sbordelata. Lead, piombo. Black lead, toccalapis, piombo di miniera. White letti, et ruffa. Red lead, minio, rubrico. Lead-colour , piombino, color di piombo. Soulder of lead , piombatura, falsatura di piombo. A lead p’umbet , or weight , contrapcfo di piombo. A pellet of lead palletta di piombo. A great lead io botte meat in, pila, or caldura di piombo. Lead-oie, orlead-flone, pietra piombaia. The leads of a church , piombarle di due- fa. To lead , foulder, or colour with lead, to fit lead fettles to, piombare, faldare con pi¬ ombo. Leaded , piombato. Leaden, of lead, piombino, di piombo. A leading , a fotdering , a marking of wares with lead , impiombamento, il fegnar con piombo. To lead, menale, condurre. To lead afide, menar in difparte. To lead away, fviare, deviare . To lead back, rimenar, menare indietro, ri¬ condurre. To lead in , introdurre, menar dentro, in¬ durre. To lead ( op toll ) one , attirare , alletta¬ re. To lead unto, ammenar, addurre. To lead the way , guidar, condurre, feorger, far la guida , or feorta , procacci are. A leader , duce, capitano, condottore, guida. A leading, guidamento, condotta. A leading back , ri conduci mento, ricon¬ dotta. A leading in, inducimento. A leading unto, adducimento. Leading, menando, conducendo,guidan¬ do, feorgendo. A leafe, foglia. L eafe-tmxe ( ufedto filver- trifles) orpel¬ lo. A leafe of a booke, foglio, foglietto. A leafe of paper, foglio di carta, Leafe-worke, fognatura. A league ( or French mile ) Iegua. A league ( or confederacy ) lega. In league , entred into league together , colle¬ gato, confederato. To" make a league far lega,patto ó coniéde- rationc. The leakage of a Jhip , danno 6 fcolamcnto di vafcello. To leake, fcolare, danno. Leaked , che habbia fcolato, 6 fatto^dan- no. A leaking, fcolamento. L cane, magro, afeiutto. As leone as a rake , magro quant' una no- tomia. Very leone , molto magro. A making leone, fmagrimento, lo fmagri- re. To make, or become leone, divenir, or diven¬ tar magro. Made leone, divenuto, or diventato ma¬ gro. To be,wax, or become leone ,fmagrire, diven¬ tar, or divenir magro. To leone, appoggiarli. ..A thing to leane on, appoggiatoio. Toleane on his elbow, appoggiarti fui gom- [ bito. j to leane unto , appoggiarli a- applicar¬ li a- To leane bis backe dgd/»;/?,addogarli contro’ alcuna cofa. To leane forwards, fporgere, dar all’ in fuo¬ ri. L eattely, magramente, Totalmente, lcli- nantemente. L eaneneffe, magrezza. A leaning with the back ‘fgainft J V addo (Tar¬ li contra alcuna cofa. A leaning on the elbow , 1’ appoggiarli fui gombito. A leaning-ftock, appoggio, poggio, j Leaning the back againfl, addolJandoli con I tr’ alcuna cofa. | Leaning forwards , fporgendo, dando all’ in | fuori. A leaning forwards , lo fporgere ó dar ali’ i infuori. Toleape , faltare. A leape, or leapingover, falto, or il falcai da li- Taceand a leape, pado e Talco. To leape on, or over, faltar di fopra, or faltar di là- To leape (orbe turned) off a ladder, far il ; falto. To leape over, faltar da là- trap a (far con falto. Toleape (or skip) up, alzare, levar in al¬ to. To'Jeape (as the male upon the fema e) mon¬ tare. Leape-yeare, Anno bi (Tedile. A leap ( or weelefor fifh ) na(Ta. Leaped, faltato. A leape-hcad (or wee,'e made ofbulrujhcs) fpetie di cedo. A leaper (he) falratore. C Jhe ) faltatrice. Leaping, faltando. A leaping on, or over , il faltar fopra, or di fopra, or da la- A leaping, faltamento. To l carne , imparare, apprendere. Apt to learne , docile, difciplinabile. To learne by heart, or without booke , imparar a mente, or a memoria. L earned , imparato , apprefo, a'fo lette- , rato. Learnedly, letteratamente. A learner, che impara,che apprende, novi- ! tio. Learning ( fubftant.) eruditionc, lette- j re. Learning ( Tarticip. ) principiante. A leafe , obligo , ftromento, ferma, ap¬ palto. To leaje out, allocare, affittare, dar a fitto, appaltare. To leafe, as togleane. Leafed out to fa, me, appaltato, affittato, al¬ locato. A leafy, guinzaglio, lafcio, cappindi vel¬ tro ó levrieri A leafing, as gleaning. Leafing ( an old word for lying ) bugia^ien- tita, favola, finta. The leaft , il minimo. At leaft, at the leaft, al meno, al manco. Leaft that, che non, di paura che, accioche non. Leafure, aggio, tempo, opportunità, con- giontura. At leafure, commodo, opportuno, a tem¬ po, che vachi. To be at leafure, haver commodiià, tempo, ó otio. L eafurely, adaggio, commodamente, pian piano, bel bello. LE Leather, cuoio. A leather-drefter, cuoiaro, cuoiaio,che dà la concia al cuoio, or corami. A leather-drefsing, conciamente di cuoio, or covami. Spanijb leather, cordouano, marochino. To give leather a grame,or ir effe it like fpa- ni/h leather , conciar il cuoio da cordo¬ uano. A leather-feller , mercante di pelli, pel¬ licciai. Leather, or leaiberneware, corami. A great leather bottle , otro , borac ciò. Leatherne, di cuoio. A fpaniftj leathern jerkin, collctto di cordo¬ uano, or marrochino. To leave, lafciaie. To leave oft] tralafciare, difmettci e. To leave at randome, lafciaral abbandono. To leave utterly, lafeiar affatto. To leave out, to leave undone , ommettere, tralafciare. Leave, licenza, permifiione,congedo. To leave without company, abandonare, de¬ filare. To take leave of, liccntiarfi di- To give leave to, dar licenza a- Byyour leave ! con licenza. Leaven, fee [even. I had leaver ( an old word yet in ufe among Country people ) vorrei più tofto, anzi arrei più a caro. A leaver , leva, lieva. A leaving, lafeiamento. Leaving, lafciando. A leaving out, ommiffione, tralafciamcn- to. Leavesf plurali of leafe) foglie. Leavie , fogliofo , fogliato , frondo- lo. A leavie branch. fogliame, frafcaia,frafcata. L eavineffe, fogliamento. To turne over the leaves of a book .voltar c ri¬ voltar fogli d’ un libro. Leckagt ( or leakage ) of wines, fcolamento di vini, danno. A letture, lettione, lettura. Led (participle of the verbe to lead) menato, condotto. Led away , menato via,fviato, mal condot¬ to. Led afide . or out of the way, difviato, alfo as led away. Led back, rammenato, rimenato, ricon¬ dotto. Led into , indotto, menato dentro, intro dotto. Led unto, ammenato, condotto a- A ledge ( or outward member in Architec¬ ture ) cima, cornicione. A lee fhore, ridodo. A leech , or horfe leech, mignatta, fanguà- fuga. The leech of a faile , penna, or ala di vela. A leeke, porro. Wild leeke, dogs l ceke , porri falsatici. Cut leeke, blade, or unfet leeke, porrerti. The headed, fet, or uncutt leeke, porro tef- tuto. A bed oflcekes,i>osreto. Green as a leeke, of a leeke, verde quant' un porro. To (cere, guardar bieco, ftralunare, guar¬ dar ltorto, or a traverfo. Leering, guardando bieco, flotto, vr a tra¬ vedo, itralunando. Leer, feccia. The lees of oil e, fondaccio, fond urne d'eglio To leefe , perdere. A leefing , perdimento, perdita. Left, lafeiaro, tralafciato. I left , Iolafciai. Left off, tralafciato, difmeflo. LE Left without company , abandonato, defi¬ lato. Left utterly, orforfaken , abandonato af¬ fatto. Left out] left uudone 3 ommcfio, che non e fatto . The left, manca, finì (Ira. The [eft hand , maninianca, man finiftra. Left handed, mancino. „ A blow with the left-hand , mancjnata. A legacy, legato, lafeita. Legali, legale, giut®. A legate, legato. _A legatejhip, legationc. ^ 4 legend , legenda. The goiden legend, legendaries Legerdemain? , giuoco di mano, furberia, gherminella. Tricks oflegerdemaiue, giuochi di ghermi¬ nella. Thelegg,\a gamba. little leg£, gambetta. of, or belonging to the legg, che attiene alla gamba, A legg of mutton, cofcietto di catrato. To wag the legg in fitting, gambettare. Legg-harneffe , fornimenti per le gambe , gambettiere. Baker legg’d , torto di gambe. Legible, legibile, che li pub leggere. A legion , legione. Legionary, legionario, di legione. Legitimate, legitimo, legale. Legitimately , Jegitfmamente, legalmente. Legitimating, or legitimationftcguimamen- to, legitimatione. Lemnian earth, terra Iennia. A /ewo«,concubina,puttana,cortcggiana To lend, impiotare. To lend at inter eft, impreltar ad ufura,cen- fo, 6 frutto. A lender, imprecatore, che impreta. A lending, impreftamento, impreftito. Lending, imprecando. Length, longhczza, longitudine, altezza, altitudine. To draw out in /«fg/^allongare. A d aw in? out in length, longamento. At length, at the length, alla Ionga, al lon- go andare , alla per fine , al fin de’ fi¬ ni. To lengthen, allongare, rallongare. Lengthened, allongato. Alengthening , allongamento. To lenifie, lenire, addolcire, manfuefare. L enitie, lenitudine, manfaetudinc. A lenitive, un lenitivo. Lenitive, lenitivo, mitigativo. Lent, pretato, impretato, dato adim- preltito. I lent, impreftai. Lent, quarefima, quadrageflnia. Lenten, quadragefimalc. A lenten ( or fijh-day ) giorno di ma¬ gro. A lenten {ordry) fig, fico quadragefì- male. A Untili ( pulfe ) or lent’e, lente,lenti- gHa. Penne, or water lentills , lente di palu¬ de. The lentìske ( or maftick ) tree, Icntif- co. Leo , il leone, fegno del zodiaco. A leopard , leopardo. A leper, leprofo. A Jpittle for lepers, fpedale da lepro- A white leper, leprofo bianco, alfa , hipo- crità. 'heprofie, lepra, lepiota.” LE Infetted with leprofie, infetto, or guaito di leprolia. Whitt leprofie , lepra bianca, or farino- fa. The itching leprofie, lepra che prurifee ó pizzica. Leprous, leprofo. A leprous p ir fon, perfonachc patifee di le¬ pra. L eprotifnéffe, lepiota. Lefte, meno, manco. To grow lefte and leffe in going up pyrami¬ dally, allottigliarli verlola ponta. To leften, fminuire, impiccolire, attenua re, divenir meno, aflottigliato. L eftened, fminuito,impiccolito, attenua¬ to, divenuto meno, affottigliare. A leffoning, fminuimeuto, impiccolimcn- to , attenuamento , afiottigliamen- to. Lf ffening, frinuendo, impiccolendo, at¬ tenuando, alTottigliando. Lefter, minore, più piccolo. The leffes , or dung ofawild bore , Cerco di cinghiale. A leffon , lcttione. To give leffon, dar lettone iCruire. To let, or fuff er, lafciare, fothire, permet¬ tere, alfo impedire, prohibire. L et, che as che ami, let him love, The letame, letania, The lethai gy , letargia, letargo. Sick of the lethargy , clic patifee di letar¬ gia. To let , or hinder, impedire, prohibi¬ re. To let, or let out to Itafe, affittare, allocare, appaltare. To let for yearly rent, affittare, or appigio¬ nare à anno. To let one out , lafeiar ufeire alcuno. To let on in, lafeiar entrare alcuno. Lef out for rent , affittato, allocato, appal¬ tato, appigionato. To let goe, let pafte, let-flip , lafeiar fcap- pare, lafeiar andare. To leu one goe , lafeiar andar alcu¬ no. To let dowue, or let fall down, lafeiar cado* re, lafeiar calcare, aljo calare. A let, impedimento, oltacolo. Let a lone, Particip.l afciatoCare. Let dovane , calato, lalciato giù. Let /«jlafciato entrare. Let out , lafeiato ufeire. Let to hire , affittato, allocato, appaltato, appigionato. L etgoe,letpaffe, let flip , lafeiato frappa¬ re. Letted , impedito. A letter, or hindrer, impeditore,che impc- pedifce. A letter downe, calatore, che lafcia andar giù, A letter, impeditole. A great text letter, lettera maiufcula, A letter-carrier, porta-lettere. A letter of attorney, leteradi procura,man¬ dato di procura. Letters of exchange , lettere di cambio,po- lize di cambio. Letters patents, lettere patenti, lettere rea¬ li To give a letter of attorney to , dar un man¬ dato di procura da. Lettered , letterato. A letting out for m//,affittàmento, alloca- mento,appaiamento,appigionamen¬ to. L E A letting goe , il lafeiar andare, omiffione, tralafciamento. A letting, permiffione, afo imoedinien-' to. A letting down . il calare, il lafeiar andar giù. ■A iettife, fee a lattice. ketiuce, lamica. Cabbadge lettuce , lattuca capuccina. L ambes lettuce, lattuca caprina. Crìfped, curled, or erompici Utluct, lattuca crifpa. Wild lettuce , lattuca falvatica. To levell, Uy leve.l, or make level! , fogna¬ re, livellare. -A carpenters levell ] arcfcipenfolo, livello nivello. Levell] piano, livello. i A levell piece , or plot of ground, aia. I Levell with, g iufto, a livello. The levell button, the end of apiece , mi¬ ra To levell at . mirare, tirar di mira , vi- farc. Leveled, fcjv.ared , or laid by a levell , fpia- nare, livellato. Levelled at] mirato, colto di mira vifa- to. A leveller,that meafures,or lay’s by a levell fpianatoi e,livellatore. A levelling] fpianamento, livellamen¬ to. A levelling at ] miramento, il mirare, or tirar di mira. Leven , fermento. Toleven, orraife with leven, fermenta» re. L evened, raifed with /«^fermentato, Al levening, fcrmentamento. A leveret, lepretto, leprotto. Toievic, levare. ; To [eviefouldiers, levar foldati. A levie , levata. Levied , levato. Lev iti e, levirà, leggierezza. A levying, levamento. Lewd, cativo,trillo, forfante, manigoldo, infame, Yituperofo. Lewdly, carivamente, tritamente, forfan- tefcarr.entc, infamemente, vituperofa- mente. Lewdneffe trilliria, forfantériq. A libbard, infamità, vituperio. To libbe, cattare. Libbed, cattato. Alibell] libellodifamatorio, pafquina- ta. Libera’itie, liberalità, fplendidezza,fran¬ chezza. Liberali, liberale, fplendido, franco. liberally , liberalmente, fplendidamente, francamente. \.ibertie, 1 .berta. To be at hbertie , efferin libertàjelfer libero ó fcapolo. At liberile, in libertà, libero, fcapo¬ lo. To fet at libertie, metter in libertà, metter alla larga, francare. A felting at libertie, allargamento,mano- miffione, rifatto, franchiggia. Too much libertie, troppa libertà, audacia, baldanza. Liberile ofwì‘1, l ibero arbitrio. With full Hbertie , con piena lebertà, con ampia licenza. A libertine, libertino. Libertinifme libere inagio,Jcbertinefimo, Libidinous , libidinofo, lafcivo. L ibìong ( herbe ) porcacchia feivan¬ ca. o z Lib o I III' I Hi Ltbra, b lancia, alfo, fegno celcfe. JL librarie, libraria, biblioteca. Lice ( plurali of low fe ) pidocchi, L ice-bane, herba da pedocchi. Licence, licenza, permiflìone, congedo. The lifts ( two finali cords belonging to the fpirit-Jaile ofajhtp ) le bilancie. Lifted api alzato , inalzato, levato, folle¬ varo, erto. r • Ji lifter up , alzatore inalzatore, levatore, To licence, or give licence unto , licentiare, i lollevatorc, ergitore. congedare, commutare, dar couimia- : ^4 lifting tip , alzamento, inalzamento, to. ; levamento, follevamento, eigimen- Licenced, liccntiato,permeffo,commuta ' to. to .a chi iìa dato congedo. -4 lifting t'-p of the chin in fcor,-te , borbotta¬ ci licentiate , licentiato,candidato. ; ta, barbozzata. L icentioujly, licentiofamente, libertina- ' Lifting up, alzando, inalzando, levando, Tollerando, ergendo. Io light, alight, or light downeoff his horfe, fmontare, or feender da cavallo. To light ( or branch. ) upon ( as birds ) pog¬ giarli, pofarfi. 4 lick-faucc, lcccardo, ghiottone, falcon ! To light on, or light upon (by chance) iru. mente. To lick, leccare. To lick daintily , leccare delicatamente, lambire. Ji lick , leccamento, leccatala. di cucina, golofo. „4 Ticker , leccatore. _4 licking, as a lick. Lickerice, licoritia, regolitia. Lickerijh, lcccardo. To make one lickerijh , render alcun lcccar¬ do, ghiotto. ^4 lickerijh boy, leccardcllo, ghiottoncel- lo. ~4 lickerijl) companion, as a lick fattce. Meats for lickerijh people , ghiottonerie, ci¬ bi delicati. making lickerifo ghiottolamento,ghiot- tonamento. Made lickerif}, refo ghiotto, delicato. L ickerijhnejie, ghiottoneria, leccardia. ^4 lid,or lidde, coperchio. *4pot-lid, coperchio di pila. eye-lid, palpebra. To lie dotvnc, colcare, corcare, coricare, dormir in un luogo, {tendere, difen¬ dere. To lieneereto, far, or colcarfi appreffo j Thetwy light, barlume,crepufcelo. batterli in- incontrarli in- incappar- l lighted upon it, or him, by chance ,mi c imbattei- incontrai, or incappai aca- fo. Light, lcgg : ero, incollante. Light-headed, cervellino, di cervello bai zano. Light horfe , or light ho'fe-men, cavalliggi- eri. ~4n army oflight-horfe, or light-armed foot campo volante. The lights , polmoni. Light, luce, lume, chiaro. Light (adjeftiv.) lucido, chiaro, Jucen- To light on, far lume ad alcuno. Toghe, or caft light, or to be light, Incese, rilucere, far chiaro, rifplcndcre. To light a candle , or torch , appic¬ ciar candela, or fiaccola, accende¬ re. Ji light, candela, or ficaccola, or lumina- To lie in , elfcrin pagliola, elfer di parto, effer per infantare. To lie in wait for , far a guato, far all’ er- r eliding a great light , che fi gran lume,che rifplende affai. Lighted donne, or off, fmontato, or fcefo di- Lighted on, incontrato, truovato. Lighted on by chance, incontrato, or truo¬ vato acafo. Lighted as a candle , appicciato, allumato, accefo. Lighted as a man in the dark is by carrying a candle before him, a chi fia jfatto lu- ntc- To lighten make light, or eafe of a burthen, alleggerire. Tolighten,orgive light to,far lume,chiarire illuminare. To lighten, or kindle, appicciare, accende¬ re, attaccar fuoco. To lighten, or caf forth lightning, lampeg¬ giare. L ightend, or eafed, alleggerito. 1 Lightend, or enlightend, illuminato, a chi fallato fatto lume. rig tardar lofco, or bie- co. To looke fowrely, bravare, far il vifo 6 mof- taccio, fmorfire, minacciare. To looke up, guardar in fit. A maker of Jower looker, che là delle fmor- fie 5 vili ómoftacci. Looked at, riguardato, o {fervalo. Looked after, attefo, guardato Looked in the face, guardato in faccia. Looked for, attefo, afpettato. Looked on wantonly, adocchiato, amoreg¬ giato. Looked to, olfervato, guardato. Ill looked to, mal guardato , mal ofler- vato. One that looker eagerly, earneffly, or greedily, uno che riguarda con avidità 6 pre¬ mura. A looker , riguardatore, che riguarda ó vede. A looker on, fpettatore, circoftantc. A looking, riguardamento, riguardo. A looking about , riguardo, or guardo intor¬ no, circofpettione. A looking for , afpettatione, attendimen- to. A looking unto, guardiano, cu (lode, guar¬ dia. A looking-glafe, fpecchio. A looking-glaffc maker, fpecchiaio, fpec- chiaro. Often looking into a looking glaffe, ilrigu ar- darfi fpelfo nello fpecchio,lo fpecchiar- li IpelTo nello fpecchio. A ( weavers ) home , telaro. L oopes ( of twiff late ) afole, cappict- ti. A hope-hole , afola, alfo veduta, vedet¬ ta. A hope-hole for ord'nancefe ritoia, trincie¬ rà, cannello. Toloofe , perdere. To loofe time , perder tempo, buttar il tem¬ po. Toloofe his labour, perder, ir buttar la fati¬ ca, lavorar indarno. To loofe, make hoje, or untie , fcioglierc, fei- orre, disfare, fnodarc, {laccare, sligare, liberare. Togrow loofe , divenir fciolto, fcioglerfi, disfarti. Loofe, lubrico, laffativo, purgativo-<*//i> fviato, or di{foluto. Grown loofe, divenuto fciolto. A growing loofe , il divenir fciolto, lo feio- glierfi. Loo fed, fciolto, disfatto, fnodato, fligato, liberato. To loojen , allentare, rallentare, ammolli¬ re, aljoas to loofe. Loofened , allentato, rallentato, ammol¬ lito. A loofeneffe ( or laske ) ufeita, feorren- za. Loofeneffe, fcioglimento-<*//«r»eaeJje, tep dezza. Tn lull , accarezzare .vezzeggiare. Toluilafleepe i addormentare, far dormire, aflbpire. To Lull the tninde cdleepe with fune words, j addormentar alcuno con belle paro- l te- . i JL lullaby, mna nma. ' Lulled afieep with faire fptecbes, addormen¬ tato con belle parole. A l utter, addovmentatore. A l idling ajlcep e, addormentamento. A lulling the minde afe epe with faire w grds 3 addormentamento con belle parole. Lumber, m riedito di colè di poco vaio¬ li- .... Little lumpes , pattizie, cole in picciole anaCè. A lumpe, malfa, mucchio. A lampe of earth , poggetto, gleba di ter¬ sa- £ umpijb, maffitio, grafficelo, lordo, ften- tolo, malagevole. Toroexlmfijii, divenir greve, or pelan- Lumfijhlj , maffitiamente , groffamente, grevemente. tumpillmejfe, gravezza, pefo, groffezza, affo fciocchezza, balordaggine, caftro- naggine. Lunacy, frenelia, pazzia. Lunar , lunare. Lunary, lunario. Lunatick, lunatico, pazzo. To become lunaùck, divenir lunatico, or pazzo, impazzire. Al lindi on {orbig piece) tozzo,pezzot- to. A hawkes lunes, correggie. The lungs, polmoni. Lung-wort, herba polmonaria. The {pulfe ) lupines , lupini. To Lurch , guadagnar il marcio, vincerla marcio. The game at tables calPd lurch, marcio, giuo. co fui tavoliere. A lurch , marcio. He was left in the lurch, fu lafciato con tan¬ to di nafo, or in afeiutto, or fecco. Lurched , vinto marcio. A lurching , il vincer marcio. A lurden, as a lourdan m A (faMlceners)lure, lodro. T o lure, to nun, or make for the lure , tirar al Jodro. Lured , tirato al lodro, allettato, innefca- to. To lurkc , coglierfela, batterfela, ritirarli, nafeondern- Tolurkein caves and dens, cacciarli nelle grotte, nafeonderlì nelle grotte. Lurking , cogliendofela, battendofela. A lurking-hole , ritiramento, nafeondi- . mento. Luc erne, fee lutarne. Lufhìous, mielofo, dolce aliai. Lufbioufy, niieiofaniente, dolcemente af¬ fai. Luf, concupifcenza, appetito. To Luf after, concupire, appettere, follecci- To luf, haver il pizzicore, luffuriare, me¬ nare, gongolare. Extreme luf, concupifcenza (terminata. Luf provoking meats , incenti v i cibi,che mu¬ ovono, cibi libidinolì. Luf ed for , concupito, appetito, de fide ra- to caldamente. Luf full, luffuriofoj venereo, Jibidinofo. Luffullnefe, lulfuria, venere, libidine. Lufer, lultro. Lufie, gagliardo,difpodo, appetitofo. Lufiily , gagliardamente, difpoltamente, appetitolamente. Luf ineffe, gagliardia, gagliardiggia, dif- poltezza, alfo as luffulnef e. A Iute, liuto. A luie-ffring, corda di liuto. Luxurie, lu uuria, alfo as luff. Luxurious , lufluriofo, libidinofo. A luxurious wafer, fpregatore, fviato. Luxurioufneffe , as luftfulnes. A lutarne, lupo cervietfo. Tolye , fee to lie. To lye downc , colcarfi, pofarfi.ftar alia dii- tela. To lye neere unto , accodarli, approflimar- li. A lye, bugia, menzogna, alfo mentita. A Iyer, bugiardo, mentitore. A lying , il dir bugie 6 mentite. Lying, mentendo, dicendo bugie. A lying dotane in bed , il colcarli nel letto. The lying in of 'a woman , infantamerito, lo dar in pagliuola, parto. A lying in wait , lo dar in aguato , or all 1 erta. Lying neere unto , accodandoli, giognen- dofi, Lyingly, mentitamente,bugiardamente. A lynx, lince. A lyon, leone. A lyons tvhelpe , or young lyon , leoncello, fi¬ gliolo. AJea lyon, leon marino. A keeper of lyons, guardiano 6 cudode de 1 leoni. Lyon townie colour, color leonino. A lyonefe, lionelfa, liona. Lyon- like, lyonijh, of a lyon , lionefeo, da lione. Lyons-foot, lyons-paw, or lyons-claw , piè di lione. Lyra, or an harpe, lira, harpa. Lyrick, lirico. M A macarottick , macaronira, macaronca, farragine. Macaroons, or maearons, macaroni, vermi¬ celli, lafagne, tagliolini. A mace, mazza, clava. A fergeants macc, veiga. A mace ofarmts, mazza d’araldo. A mace -bearer, a fergeant of the mate, maz¬ ziere, mazziero. Mace ( afpice ) macis. To macerate, macerare. Macerated, macerato. A maceration , maceratione, maceramen¬ to. A mat bell (fijh) maccarello, fgombro. , Mai, matto, pazzo, infenfato, forfenna- j to, arrabbiato. To bemad, divenir, or diventar pazzo, or matto, impazzire. A mad dog, cane arrabbiato. A mad hare-brained fellow, un fcapedrato, un cervello balzano. Madame ! madama, lignota. A madcap , un cervellino , un Aia. to. Madly 3 da pazzo, da matto, arrabbiata¬ mente. Madneffe, pazzia, rabbia. Madder ( to die with ) lobbia da tinto¬ ri. Wild madder, lobbia fe!vatica. Dyed with madder, tinto con lobbia. A madder ground , terreno feminato con lobbia. Made, fatto, alfo creato. I mode, lo feed. Made much of, accarezzato, fedeggiato- Made ready, apparechiato, meflo al ordi¬ ne. To muffle in the mouth, tartagliare. A magatine, magazino, fondaco. A nuigget-a-pie, gazza. A magge t, magagna, tarma. Magically magico. A magician, mago, drologo. Magiche , magia, drologia. Magifracy, magidrato. A magiffrate, giudice, magidrato. Magnanimity , magnanimità , grandezza d’animo. Magnanimous , magnanimo, fplendido. Magn.wimordar per moglie, pigliar per moglie. A match ( or mariagc ) partito, matrimo¬ nio. A match-maker , mezzano ó procuratore di partiti A match, or bargaine, patto, accordo. A match,paire, or equall, uguale, pari. To match , or paire, ugguagliare, pareggi¬ are. That bath not his match , che non hh pari, * impareggiabile. ’ 1 Matched pareggiato, ugguagliato. Il 1 matched, ormaried , mal maritato, mali maritata, buttata A matching , pareggiamento, ugguaglia- mento, ugguaglianza. Matchleffe, impareggiabile, incomparabi¬ le. A mate, compagno, The maflers mate , of a fhip, fotto patro¬ ne. A mate ai cbeffe, matto. Check-mute, fiacco matto. To mate, or give a mate unto, dar fiacco mat¬ to. Mated , che hà havvto fiacco matto. A later math, or crop , tarda raccolta di fie¬ no. Materiali, d’importanza, eflentiale, Matcrnall , materno. Mathematical, matematicale. A mathematician , mattematico. The mathematicks, la mattemarica. Matines, il matutino. Manicane, matricaria. The matrice , or matrix, la matrice,la natu¬ ra. Belonging to, fervingfor the matrix, che atti¬ ene alla matrice. A matricide , or mother killing , matrici¬ dio. A matricular booke , libro della matricola, regiftro. To matriculate, matricolare. Matriculated, matricolato. Mairi moni e, matrimonio. Matrimoniali, matrimoniale. To joyne in matrimoni, dar in matrimo¬ nio, accoppiare con matrimonio. A matron, matrona, lìgnora. Matronali , or matron-like, da matro¬ na. A matt , ftuora. To matt, ftuorare. Of mans, di ftuore. Matted, ftuorato. A matter, or maker ofmatts, ftuoraro,che fà le ftuore. To matter, or grow into matter, marcire,di¬ venir marcia. Matter, or corruption, marcia, porcheria. I Matterie, marcio, putrido, fracido A mattering, or refolding imo matter , lup- puramento, fuppuratione. A matter, matteria, foggetto, cofa That mattereth much, che importa affai. Without matter, immateriale A matreffe , or quilt to ly on , matterazzo, traponto. A courfe matreffe, matterazzo groflo. Of matreffe, di matterazzi. A mattocke, marra, zappa. A Utile mat toc ke, marra picciola, zappet- A double tongued mattocke, bipenne. A maturation, or ripening , ma tura men to, maturatone, Maturative, maturativo. Mature , maturo. To grow mature, maturare , farli matu¬ ro. Maturely, maturamente. Maturine, maturità, maturezza. Maudlin, magdalena,nome di battefimo di donna. Maudlin-wort, margherita bianca Manger his head , contra voglia , voglia ó non voglia Manger their teeth , al lor marcio difpet- to A mavis ( bird ) malvizzo, tordo. A maulkin ( to make cleane an oven ) fpaz¬ za forno, feopa da fpazzar il forno. To make cleane with a man 'kin , fpazzar il forno con tal feopa. Swept with a maulkin, fpazzato con Icopa AJweeping with a maulkin , fpazzamento con fiopa tale Mault , orzo macerato onde li fà la bir¬ ra. A maund, certo, panniere, caneltro. Be onging to a maund, like a maund , che atti¬ ene ad un cedo. A manager, mangiatoia. The maw of a calf e , panza di vitella. TO rnawlè (or cry) asa little child , vagi¬ re. A maxime, mafiima, fentenza, aforif- mo. May ( monetb ) and a maypole , maggio, maio. May-bloffome, may-lidie, {pergola odorata filli convalli. A ma\e, laberinto, intrigo, ' Inumale, perplefio,intrigato. To make (or make like) ama\e, ordinar a guifa di laberinto. Made like a ma^e, ordinato a guifa di labe¬ rinto. A rna\er, boccia, coppa. Me(ormec) me, mi. Me thinketh ; it jee teth to me, mi pare, The drinkc mede, meliorate. A mede, or medow , prato, prateria. Meager ( Leane ) magro, macilento. Somewhat meager , alquanto magro, ma- gretto, afeiutto, fottile, magruccio. Meagerly, magramente, Tortilmente. Meagerneffe, magrezza,fottigliezza. Meale, farina. A mcale, parto. Ameane, or means , mezzo, mezzo ter¬ mine, mediocrità, mifura, moderatio- ne. * To adde a meanes unto, moderare. Meanes , focoltà, beni, ricchezze. Abundant in meanes, facoltofo, ricco aflai, ricco fprofondato, ricco magno, opu¬ lento. That hath good meanes to live on, chehàil modo, che hà di che campare , cheftà commodo. Meane , mezzano, mediocre. Toworke , or e feci by meanes, to be a meanes , • p 2 . operar M E M E ME qual- operar co’ mezzi, adoperarli con q' che mezzo termine. Bj m *«»«, nullamente, in «oro mi- fimo, apatto nifluno, ciò non ir iaia. sy fdf* ««e», furrettitiamcnte, per via B y W ««»«, in qualche modo,in alcun modo, per qualche via o ftrada. UtMivhlt, mi htmmiumt, mentre in tanto, in quello, or quello mentre, tra tanto, ir* tanto. A hundantt of mounts , affai facoltà e rie- con mezzi. To mtane, intendere, voler due. I m'avfo, così la intendo, cosi voglio fPhtit meant yoitbjthdt ? che volete perciò? che intendete perciò ? ^ numus v or werfwwr ) mezzano, media¬ tore, ftromento, mezzo termine. By my m cants , mediante 1 opera mia, per mezzo mio. Meaily, mezzanamente, mediocremen- Th'm'tncr /or. (.f P'°P‘') la minuzza¬ glia, la plebbc, la canaglia. mediocrità,bafìczza. * wwiq, parere, opinione, Pentimento, avvifo. . in HI mtaningj estivo fcntimento,contra¬ rio parere', cativofenfo, pallieròma- t vìa mill meming.con trillo penTic re, ma- litiofamente. J trituriti or owfell, merlo. .. The «i'af'll!,o, impeli!,rogpiola, al/o mor- « % ) fparfo di fcabie 6 rog- rh^.Mn'f' ofhogyj, fpargiriiento di fcabie ò rogna. ^ meafurt, mifnra trediocrlta, mezzo. Richimcafure, indura giuita. romahn mifurare. i BeymJ M »»/««,oltre modo, oltie nufcl- • ra da la de’termini. ; rh, àrpoMt n, et proportioning mufira, U iuIle del mlfurare. • Meafurable, niifurabile. Mcafurabljj mifurab il mente. 1 Mealuredf niifurato. meafurer, mifuratote. I ^meafnrer of Und, perticatene, mlforatore ! di terreni- ^ ^Amcdfrrmg^rmtdfttrdgr, mifuramento, mifura. j Te»ieif>milurare. nìeicwdnd, pertica. _ M«K, magnare, vivere, vivanda, lobba 1 mangiativa, nutrimento. I Roti medtt, arrollo. ! Boiled mente, alellb,ledo,bollito. ! D dim,e medie, dclitie, delicatezza, i White millet, lattìclilil. I Mui'l, ometter, amedttng, di metfurei,d \ mertfitrer, dni d meojumg, perticato, nu- rinrow, or ntednde ( di d idi ) miagolate. ^ medwing,or medalmg, miagolamento. _A medwer, or mcdrrler, miagolatole. Meairiag miagolando. Meri,«mirali,ni eeanico. Mechanic, £ne/ 7 *, mecanicana. A mechantcke, or mtchanica.il work-man, la¬ vorante, artifta, mecanico. The ( indiati ) mcchoacan root, mccoacano. A vedali, medaglia. ^ little metalli medaglietta. Furnifht , or /è/ nuf/; medalls, medagliato,or¬ nato con medaglie. Ancient medalls , medaglie antiche. moulder, or cafter of medalls in fund , get¬ tatore ò fonditore di medaglie. mediation, mediatione, in t tomi filone, mezzaneria, interceifione. mediator , mediatore, mezzano, inter- ceffore. Mediators betweene man and man , arbitri. mediatrix , mediatrice, mezzana, inter¬ ceditrice. ^4 medicament , medicamento, medicina. Medicinable, mcdicinabile, che li può gua¬ rire con medicina. medicine, as a medicament. To medicine, to apply , or cure with a medici¬ ne, medicare, guarire, curare. Medicinali, fervi ng for a medicine, medici¬ nale, attenente a medicina. Medic ined, cured by medicine , medicinato, guarito, curato. Mfrfifte fodder , trifoglio di fpagna. Mediocri tie) med ocrita. Io meditate, meditare. ^4 meditation , or meditating , meditatione, ineditamente. T/»e mediterranian (/e<* ) il mare mediter¬ raneo. ^4 medler, nefpola. j A medler tree, nelpòlo. To med e,or meddle , impacciarli, intricarli, cercar i fatti d’ alcuno, alfo attaccare, milticare, mifchiare. M edlei, mifticato, mifchiato. M edled with , attaccato. _A medley , milticanza, melcolanza, mif- chia, niefcolamcnto. To make a medley , milticare, mefcolare, mifchiare. A meadow 3 or medowground ,prato,prateria. High and dry medowes , prato afeiutto, pra¬ teria afeiutta. A little meadow , or meadow adjoyning to a houfe, praticello Of, or belonging to a meadow, pratofo, che attiene a prato, a prateria. A meadow keeper , guardiano de’ prati o prateria. A little low meadow neere the water , prati¬ cello baffo ballo accanto all’ acqua. Medrianackes ,cancvazzo graffo da far vele Mee, me, mi. Meed, guiderdone, merito,premio,mer¬ cede. Meek, manfueto, piacevole Meekly, manfuctamente, piacevolmente. M eekeneffe, manfuetudine, piacevolezza. Meere, mero, folo, proprio. Meerely, meramente, folamente, propria¬ mente. A meere, maremma. Meere, atto, proprio, conveniente, conve¬ nevole. J/ is meete, conviene, egli è fpedicnte. To meet,to meet with, incontrare,rincontra¬ re imbatterli in, capitare in- Meeter, rima, metro. Valtrie meeter, rimaglia. Made into meeter, ridotto in rima. To make meeter , rimare, ridorre in rima. To make forry meeter , rimacciare, rimaglia- A meeting, incontro, rifeontro, attacco, alfo, radunanza,or ragunanza. Meetly well, medi ocrementc bene. The megrin, la migrania. Troubled mith the megrim , chepatifcedi migrania. A meline , famiglia, cafa, cofe di cafa, go¬ verno di cafa, fervitù Me'r)niem- brana vitriata. The fptderie membrane op the eye, membra¬ na aragnoidc. The middle membrane ( or coate ) in wrap- ing the infant in the wombe, membrana alanatoide. The pleuritiche membrane ( covering the in¬ fide of the ribs ) membrana pleuretica. Full ofmenb• anes, membranofo. Memorable, memorabile. Memorably, memorabilmente. A memorandum t raccordo, avvifo, avver¬ timento. Memorandums, raccordi, avvifij avverti¬ menti. Memorative, memorativo. A memoriali, memoriale, monumento. Memorie, memoria, fovvenimento. To bring to the memorie of, fovvenirfi, rac¬ cordarli, ridurli a mente ò memoria. To blot out of memorie, feordarfi, obliai fi. To have in memorie, haver à mente ó a me¬ moria, ricordarfi. Out of memorie, (cordato. Called to memorie, accordato, fovvenuto. Full of memorie , of a good memorie , che hà buona memoria, ricordevole. Men, huoniini. To menace to threaten, minacciare. A menace, minaccia. Menaced , minacciato. A menacer, minacciatole. ME ^4 menacing, minacciamento. M enacing, minacciando. To wewt/.amendare, correggere,megliorare, rifarcire. To mend old things, raccomodare, raccon¬ ciare, rappezzare, rattoppare. M endable, Amendabile, megli orabile, che li può raccomodare. Mended, amcndato, corretto, megliorato, rifarcito. Mended ( as old things ) raccomodato, rac¬ conciato, rappezzato, rattoppato. A mender, zniendatoce, correttore, meglio- ratore, rifarcitore. A mender ofjlated , tiled , or thatched houfes , ricuopritore. A mender of old things ,raccomodatore, rac¬ conciatole, rappezzatore,rattoppatore. M endicitic, mendicità, fee beggery. A mending , amendamento, corregi mento, ì meglioramento, rifarcimento. . i M eneld , or fpeckled black and white , gri¬ giolato. ! Menflruall , or menflruous, menftruofo, mar- { chefato. Mentali, mentale. Mention , mentione. To mention, or make mention of, far mentio¬ ne, mentionare, nomare. Mentioned, mentionato, nomato. Mercenarie, mercenario, intereflato. A mercer, mcrciaro, mereiaio. Mercerie ware, fete, drappi di feta. Mercy, milcricordia, perdono, gratia, pietà. To have merde on, haver mifericordia di- ? Mercifull, milericordiofo, pietofo. Mercifully , mifericordiofaniente, pietofa- mente. M ercifullneflci as mercy. Merci fullneffe, pietà, compaflione. Mercuriali , or of mercurie , mercuriale. M ercurie ( aplanete ) mercurio. The drug mere urie, mercurio. Wild mercurie, mcrcorella. Of, made of, mercurie, borne under ( the pla¬ nete ) mercurie, mercuriale, nato fotto la coltellatione di mercurio. To mercuria ife , niercurializzare. To mente , meritare, merito. Mente , merito. Merited, meritato. Meritorious, meritorio. M eritorioufly, meritoriamente. The meridian , il meridiano. Meridian ( or fouth ) mezzo giorno, dal aulirò. Meridionali ( foutherly) dal mezzo giorno, dal aulirò. . A merlin, fmeriglio. A mermaid , firena. Merde, allegro, giocofo, gagliardo, fpiri- tofo, vivace, converfevole. To he , or to make merde, liar allegramente, elfer di buona converfatione, rallegra¬ re, rallegrarli. To be feton the merde pinne, elfer trafpor- tato dall’ allegrezza ò allegria. To wax merde , divenir ó diventar allegro e gagliardo. A merdegdgge, un compagnone, un huo- mo di buon tempo, un burlone. Merneconceits,or jeajls, concetti, fcherzi, burle, motti, ftrambotti. A merde fcabd whorfon, as a merry grigg. the merrie thought ( the foiked craw-bone of a bird ) forcina. Merrily, allegramente, giocofamente. M crrineffe, allegrezza.allegria, as mirth. Themefenterie, mefenteria, mediana. M ejlirt, provifionc, apparecchio, falme- ria. A meffage, ambafciata,imbafciata,meflag- g io - MI A meffage-bringing, il far 1* imbasciata, nunciatione, nonciatura. A mefe, quattro a tavola a magnare, alfo fervido. A meffe ofmeate , piatto. A mefe of pottage, mincllra, fcudelladi brodo 6 mineflra. A meffenger , melTo, meffaggicro,procac¬ cio, alfo imbafeiatore o nontio. A mefengerfhip , the office pf a mefsenger, ambafeiaria. The mefsias, il mefla. A mefsuage, cibo, vivanda, portata, or fer¬ vitio di vivanda. Melali, metallo. A mctamorphofis for transformation ofjhape) metamorfefi, tralmu tationc. Tometamophife , metamorfizare, tramu¬ tare. A metaphor, metafora, traflato. Metaphorically , metaforicamente. The metaphyficks , la metafilica. A meteor , meteora. A difeourfe of meteors , meteorologia. Metheglin, hidromele. A mtthode, metodo, ftile, ufanza, manie¬ ra, confuetudine. Methodicall, metodico. M ethridate, metridate. A metope ( afquare fpacebetweene Tngli- phes in a dorick froze ) fpatio quadra¬ to. A metrapo'is, or me trap oli tane city, metro¬ poli, città capitale. Mett, incontrato, rifeontrato, ( part of to meet ) A thing mett with in the way, occorfo, rit- truovato per Itrada. Of, or belonging to mettali , full of mettali, mettallino, attenente a metallo. Made, or reduced into mettle , ridotto in me¬ tallo. A mettle-man ( that deales in mettle ) nictal- Jiere. Full of mettle , or fpirit , vivace, fpiritofo, lello. • l ' A ferchfor mettallfin the bowels of the earth) mettallargia. To mew,or mewle, as acati, To m montando,falendo arrendendo. To mourne, attediarli, dolere, accorarfu To mourne, ovtroo like a dove, geni ire. To mourne, or w ear e mourning , veftire, or portare le fcoruccio, veftir di corrotto, or bruno. A mourner, che porta lo fcoruccio. i M ournefull, dolente, trillo, accorato, j A mourning, fcoruccio,corrotto,bruno. The mournings or crooing of a dove, gemito, gemimento di colombo. Mourning , or mourning appar eli, habito di fcoruccio, corrotto 6 br-no. , Mourning, mourneful, dolente,lugubre, tride, j A mouje, forcio, topo. ' To moufe , or hunt for mice , andar alla caccia de’ forci. To hunt, or feed on mice) pafcerfi di forci. A little, or young moufe, forcino. A dormouje , ghiro, glire. A field motif e, iorcio campedre. A fitter moufe , or reare moufe, pipiftrello. A jhrexv moufe, forcio a ragna. The alpine moufe, forcio da montagna. That hunteth for field mife, cavatore nel ter¬ reno per forci. M oufe-bare ( herbe ) orecchia di forcio. A moufe- hole, buca di forcio. A wo«/ér,cacciatore,orcacciatricediforci. A moufe trap, trappola da forci. Moufìng, loving, or hunting after mice , che và volentieri alla caccia de’ forci. A mouth, bocca, alfo gola, orificio. A little mouth , bocchina, boccuccia. Amouth fui, boccata..quanto cape in bocca To make amouth. far fmorfie. Making mouths, il far delie fmorfie. A maker of mouthes, che fà delle fmorfie. An hares mouth , bocca a grugno di lepre, labbro fefo, or fenduto, or fiaccato. Wide mouthed) largo di bocca. Amouth {or entrance imo a thing) imboc¬ catura, orificio. A wry-mouth, bocca ftorta. The mouth of the flomacb fi^cCofago, bocca dello ltomaco. A mow, or wofjSmorfia. To mow, or make a mow, far le fmorfie. Mowing{making mouth s)i acendo le smorfie Mowings , smorfie. To Mwtvjfegare, falciare,tagliare il fieno. A hay mow, fenile, montone di fieno. Mowed or mowen , fegato,falciato,tagliato. A Mower, fegatare, lalciatorc,tagliator di fieno, 'A mowers hire, mercede di fegatore. A moipr«g,fcgamento,falciamento,taglia- mcnto. Mowing feafon, (loggione da fegarii fieno. A moylt, mulo, mula. A moyle-keeper, mulattiere, mulattiera. To moyle, imbrattarli,(Impazzarli, imbro¬ gliarli, intricarli. Moyled, imbrattato, (trapalato,imbro¬ gliato, intricato. A moyling , imbrattamento, (Impazza¬ mento, imbrogl/amento, intricamento. Moijl and moytie , humido, humidetto. Much, molto, affai. As much, tanto, altretanto, la pariglia, il contracambio, ripartita. For as much as fin quanto che, per efier che, effondo che. For as w«c/>,concioche,conciolia cofa che, dante che. How *»KcA,quanro ? As much as maybe, quanto mai fi può. So much, tanto, altretanto. £xceedingmnch } aliai, fuor di modo 6 mi fura, che palfai termini. Too much) over much, troppo, di foVerchio. To make much of, accarezzare , accogliere con amorevolezza. Much made of , accarezzato, accolto con amorevolezzo. That hath much to take to , ricco, 'opulente, che hà ben ben il modo. A making much of, accarezzamento, ac¬ coglimento con amorevolezza. ■ Makting much of, accarezzando, accogli¬ endo con amorevolezza. Muck, ftabbio. A muck-hill, letame. A muckender, fazzoletto, pezzuola. Mudde, fanga. The mudde of the fea , limo. A heape of mudde, mucchio di fanga. To mudde, bewray, or bedajh tpith muddejflick in mudde, infangare. Loving the mudde,che li diletta, cr compia¬ ce nella fanga. To wallow in f/>e/»/fd,rivolrarfi nella fan©a. Muddcd, bewrayed with mudde,fluckin the mudde, infangato. Muddie,full of mudde, fangofo, A muddieplace , loco fangofo, A muddie place in a river , loto limofo in alcun fiume. A muddie fiougb, pantano, paludaccia. i '-d mudding, or bewraying wither flicking in mudde, mfangamento. A mue, muta, muda, chiufa, alfo for fai- ning of poi try, dia To mite , ammutare, mutare. Mued, ammutato, mutato. ^WKw^,ammut amento, mutamento, muta. A muff, manicolto. To muff himfelfe in Ixs iloakc, infaraiolarfi, camuffirli. Muffled, muffling) iiifaraiolato,camuffato. A w»K^7e»',infaiaiolatorc,camuffatore. Mugwort, herba di fan giovanni. A mulbene, mora. A mulbene, maro. A ground, or grove ofmulberie trees , luogo piantato di mori. A multi, amenda, fio, pena,cadìgo, A mule, nm]*. Agreate mule, or moyle , mulaccia. A little mule, muletto. Of,or belonging to a ìnule che attiene amula. Mules, the kind of mules j a troop of mules, troppa di mule. A muleter {mule ,or moy Le -keeper,or driver) mulattiere. A muller ( toy inde colour with ) pietra o matmo da macinar colori. A mulltt { apinfer ) mollette, forfici. A mullet (fijb ) cefalo. M ulfe, vino ammelato. Multip iable, moltiplicabile, moltiplichevoJe Multiplication,mo\ù^ì\C3itiorìe,moh'vp\ico. Greate multiplication , abounding to muluph- cation, gran moltiplico. To multip lie, moltiplicate. Multiplied, moltiplicato. The multiplicand , or number lobe multipli¬ ed ) il moltiplicato. A multiplier, moltiplicatore. A multiplying, moltiplicamento. Multiplying , moltiplicando. A multitude, mol ti radine,numero grande. To mumble, borbottare, mormorare, tro¬ var a dire- To mumble ( in eating ) mangiar crédette, mangiar con drepito. To mumble with the teeth, paceiuccare. Mumbled , borbottato, mormorato, alfo , pàcciuccato. A mumbling , borbottamento, mormora¬ mento, alfo pacciaccamento. A mummer mafehera del!a mommerià. A companie of mummers , troppa di mom- maridi. , mohimer.a. A mummerie, or mummcnn\ Mummie, mommia. A mumming , l’andar in mafehera colla moriimeria. The rftumpes, drangoglioni. Mumpcs ( or n. ow es) fin orde di bertuccia. Mutnpings, fmorfiamenri. Mumping y fmorfiando,-sbattendo i denti menando ì dènti fù e giù per vezzo. Mandane ( worldly ) mondano. Munday, fee monday, Mundificative , monclificativo. To mundifie, mondificare. Mundified, mondificato. A mundifying)Or mundifica'tión , mondiSca- tione: mondificamento. M undifying, mondificando. A mungrell , baftardo,illegitimo,imbadar- di to. Municipali 1 peculiar to one city) municipale. Munificence, munificenza, liberalità. Munition, monitionc, munitione, muni- I mento. i To flore with munition, fornite di mortitionfc. Storing with munition , fornendo di muni- ticije. Murali ( of or belonging to a wall ) murals che attiene a muro. A murali crown, or garland , corona murale. Te tKumure, mormorare, fufJurare. A murmure, mormorio, fuffurro, fuffura- tionè. Murmurcd.movmofato, fuffu^ato. A murmurer, mormoratore, fuilurràtore, fufTurrone. A murmuring , mormorarlicnto, fufuri à- mento. Murmuringly , mormoratamente, fuffura- tamente. Murratne, contaggio, pede, mortalità. Thè maire, catarro, freddorè. Murrie-colour, color feuro. A murraine, or bead-petee,mortone, celata. Armed with a murriouì armato di morri- one. To murther, ammazzare, mazzare, alTafìi- nare, fvenare, uccidere. Murther, homicidio, micidio, ammazza¬ mento, alfafiinamento. M u thered, ammazzato, mazzato, aflafli- nato, fvxnato, iiccifo. A murtherer , homicida, micida, aflafììno, ucciditore. Murthering , or murtherous , homicidiale, micidiale. A murtheringpeice, cannone da drage. Murtheroujly, homicidialruente, micidial¬ mente. Mufcadell, or mufeàdine, n/ofcatello. The white mufeàdine grape , mofcatella bianca. A mufulous fubflancc , foftanza mofcolofa, A mufcle, mofcolo. M ufculous, mofcolofo. A mufe, mufa. spttingtbe 'K/'tf.rnufkojdedito alle mufe To mufe, lludiate, drologare, ilar pentolo, or adràtto. A place to mufe /«.loco da dudiare, or da drologarcj fludio. To make ‘io mufe, dar da penfhre, far sbi¬ gottire, lbordire,tener a bada. A mufer, balocco, balordo. Muffng, penfando,dud;ando,droIegsndo. Muficall , muficale, dedito alla nmlica_ Mufìeally , muficamenre. A mufician ( aprofeffor ofmufìck ) mufico profelfordi mufica. Mufì'k, rnuficà, armonia. Morning mufich, mattinata. Even «g i nufuk (under a window) ferenata. A mufhwme, fongo. Thefmallefi {anddaintiefl hindi) Ofmuih, ionie, ovoli, bottoncini. niufchip, _ a of MU Of, or belonging to musk, mufcofo, che al- tiene a mufchio. To Musk, perfume with musk, 4 profumar con mufchio, che fa di mufchio. full of musk, pieno di mufchio, niofeofo a dai. A musk-apple , mela mofcatella. A musk-ball , palla di mufchio. -•4 musk-cat, gatta-mufehio. A musk-cherrie, cireggia mofcatellata. Musk-oyl ,oglio mufehiato 6 mofcatellato i A musk-peare, pera mofearola. A musk-rofe, rofa che là damulchio. Musked, (mukie, fveet of musk) mofeatoj mofcatellato che fi da mufchio. Muskie,fveet at, full of musk, or fefloned withmusk, mufehiato, che hà l’odor di muschio forte. A musket , mofeherto. A musket(or taffeV of a fparhawk) terzuolo. A musketeere , muschettiere. A feline muskie, mofcolo carnofo, A muskie (fijh) mitolo. The great fe a muskie, mitolo marino. A mufrollforahorfe, mufaruola. A title mufroll , mufaruolina. A muffe ( the boy-fi) f crumbling for nuts, See.) gioco alla mofcola. Mufl, Biftgna, conviene, è di necefiità. 1 mufl, BiJògnachc fo, mi conviene jftà a me di- He mufl , Bifogna ch’egli, gli conviene, Uà a lui di • IVemufl , bifogna che noi, ci conviene, ftà a vici di >■ IV) or you mufl, bifogna che voi - Theyjnufl, bifogna che eflì 3 convienloro, iti a loro di - Mufl(new mine, unrefined) mofto.vin dolce. To mufl, {or grow mttflie ) ammuffirli. The muflachoe, or muflaches, baffi, baffetti, moftncci. Having et muflachoe, che hàmeflo i baffi, cheli cruovabaffi. Muflard moftarda. Muflard feed , fenapa, lì’hite or garden-muftard, fenapa bianca. Common, or (ìeld-muflard, fenapa campeftre Treacle , or wilde muflard, l'encpa falvatica. A muflard-pnt, moftardicra, vafo da ri¬ porre moli.arda ó fenapa. Of, or offe fling muflard , moftardiero, affet- tionato alla moftarda. A'r.akcror fetier of muflard, moftardicro, chefà moftarda ó fenapa. Tomufler, far inoltra, far piazza d’arme, raflegna. A mnfler, moftra, raflegna. A mufter-mafler,commiliario delle moftre. Muflie, muftbfo che fa di muffa. To grow muflie, ammuffirli, divenir, or di¬ ventai ammuffito, farli muffito. To fitteli muflie, che sà da muffa. Muflineffe, muffa,mucidezza. Mutabili tie, or mutableneffe , mutabilità,in- coftanza,incertezza,mutatione,varictà. ! Mutable, mutabile, vario, incollante. A mutation , mutatìone,cambiamento, ri- volutione,varianza. To mute, (as a Hawk) mutare. Mute, (ordumbe) muto, mutolo. To mutilate, ( ormaime ) mutilare,troncare. Mutilated , ( maimed , or lamed ) mutilato, troncato- 4 mutilation, ( or maiming ) mutilatione, troncamento. Tomutinie (or raife a mutiate) ammutinar¬ li) abbotinarh,mutinare, follevarli, ri¬ bellarli ,muover feditione. A mutinerfraifer of mutinies) abbacinato, mutinato, ribellato) lollevato. A mutinie , inutinamento, follevatione, v ribellione, feditione. A mutiningfii mutinare,follevarfi,ribellarli N A Mutinous , mutinofo, atto a lollevarli ó ribellarli. A mutinous fellow, tumultuofo, feditiofo, oftinato, fattiofo. Mutinoufly , tumultuofamente , feditiofa- mente, abbottinatamente. To mutter , brontolare) borbottare. Muttered, brontolato) borbottato. A mutterer , brontolarore,borbottatore. A muttering, brontolamento, borbotta¬ mento* Muttering, brontolando, borbottando. Mutteringly, brontolofamente, borbottef- camente. Mutton , montone, alfo caftrato. Of mutton, belonging to a mutton , di mon¬ tone, or di caftrato. Laced mutton , corteggiana j alfo tarantola, puttana. A mutton-nysHger, puttaniere. Mutually mutuale, mutuo, reciproco. A mutualiyeilding, reeiprooatione. Mutually, muralmente, reciprocamente. The muTyJe,or fnout of a tcd/Z.muft^gregno. A muipfle, ( with a poake hanging at it, to put provender in) for a mule, facco, baia,mu- faruola. Muyylingior tying up to the muffle) attaccar alla mufaruola. A myrabolane, ( plumme) brugna mirabo- ! lana. j A myriad(or ten thoufand) miriade di dieci | mila. Myrrh , mirra. White myrrbe mirra bianca. The beft kinde of myrrbe, la miglior mirra. A myrrour, fpecchio. The myrtle-tree, mirto.' Forrain myrtle, mirto foraftiero. Dutch myrtle , mirto di Brabante- Noble myrt'e, mirto nobile. Ordinarie myrtle mirro ordinario. Wilde myrtle, mirto falvatico. White myrtle, mirto bianco. The myrtle berrie, bacca, coccola di mirto. Of, or belonging to the myrtle tree , che at¬ tiene al mirto. Myrtle berries, bacche, coccole di mirto. Myrtle oyle, oglio mirto. A myflerie, mifterio, fecreto. A teacher, or interpreter of myflerìes, mifta- gogo, interprete di fecreti. Myflerious, or full of wyfleries, mifteriofo, fecreto Myflicall, miftico, feuro, fecreto. A myflicall fenfe, fenfo miftico, ofeuriat. Seeming myflicall, miftico in apparenza. Myftically. mifticamente, fecretamente. Myflic ally in jbew , as feeming myflicall. Mythoiogie, mitologia, fpolìtione di fa- favole. The miseri filile , trinchetto. N The Nadir,\l nadir,ponto oppofto al zenio A nagge, cavalletto,cavalluccio, ronzino. To natie, chiodare, inchiodare, ficcare un chiodo, conficcare nn chiodo. To naile again, rinchiodare, tornar a chio¬ dare, ò ficcare un chiodo. A great naile, chiodo groflo. A tacck.nail , or finali nail, chiodino tacca. A tenterhook naile, ancino, rampino. The naile of a mans hand or foot , unghia, ugna. A httle naile, unghictta, ugnetta. To fcratch, or mark with the natte , (graffiare, fegnar coll’ugna. To pai e ones nailes very near, tagliar l’un- ghie ben bene. Nailed, chiodato, conficcato, ficcato con chiodo. Nailed, or having nailes, unghitito. N A A nailer , inchiodatore, conficcatole di chiodi. A nail-jmith, chiodaro, chiodaio. A nailing , chiodamento, inchiodamento. Naked, nudo, ignudo. Stark belly-naked, ignudonato. As naked as ones naile, ignudo quanto 1’ onghia. To flrip naked, fpogliare alcuno, render alcuno ignudo. Sript naked , fpogl iato, refo ignudo. Nakedly, nudamente, ignudamente. N akedxeffe, nudità, ignuditi. A name, nome,rinome, riputatione, grido, fama. The proper name, nome proprio. A fintarne, cognome,nome di cafato. A nickname, nome di burla,nomeburlefco. A good name, buon nome. To «i,pizzicatamente,mozzicatamente A nipple of a dug, capezzolo. A nit, lendine. Niter , nitro. Of niter, di nitro. A place where niter is found, nitriera. Nitrofity. nitrofita. Nitrous, nitrofo. Nit tie, full of nits, lendinofo. No, nò, non. In no wife , in no cafe, at no hand, by no means, in niun modo, in modo nifluno, nullamente. By no manner of meaner, in conto nifluno. Nobody, no man, niuno, nifluno, chi che li fìa. Nobtlty, nobiltà, generalità. Noble , nobile, generofo. The noble pai ts of the body, le parti più no¬ bili del corpo.cervello, cuore,fegato. A noble , moneta che vale fei Ihil.ni et ot¬ to penini. A roje noble , moneta d’oro così detta. A noblman, un titolato, un lignor grande, un iìgnorazzo. Nobleneffe, generalità, fplendidezza. Nobly, nobilmente, gencrofamente. A r.ock fu a bow or arrowfcocca, alfo tacca. To nock, (. r make nocks) taccare, intaccare. Nocked, coccato. alfo taccato, intaccato. Tonodde, farnuti. To nodde with the head, farnuti collatella mentre fi dorme. A nodde with the head, nuto } alfo cenno. A nodding, nutamento, nuto. To mock by nodding, (chemire,6 beffeggiare alcuno con nuti ó altro atto limile. Anoddie, or noddie-peab, un gnocco, un pecorone, teda di alino. To carry himfelf like a Noddie , comportarli da gnocco. The noddle, la nuca jalfo la cocuzza 6 teda. Belonging to the noddle , nucale, che attiene, or tocca alla cocuzza, or teda. Thenogg of a mill, fregagnola. A noggin, baccale da "bervi dentro a due manichi. A noife , drepito, rumore,fracaflo. To make a noife, far drepito, far rumore 6 fracaflo. Noifome, nocivo,malfano y Jioiofo,annoio- fo, fchivo. Noifomly, nocivamente,noiofamente fchi- vamente’ Noli-me-tangere, malatiacosì detta. To nominate, nominare, nomare. Nominated , nominato, nomato. A nomination,or nominating, nomination?, nomamento. The nominative cafe, il cafo nominativo. Non-age, età minore, minorità. For the nonce, ap'ofta, di propofito fermo. None, nulla, niente, cofa che fia. The nones of a moneti) , none. To drive to a non-plus, confondere,rendere confu fo. At a non-plus, confufo,foiprefo. To beat a nonplus, redar confido, forprefo. I A non-fuit, accomniodamento di lite,de- I finimento di piatire, j A nooke, canto,cantone,angolo, | A elafe nooke , cantoncino, ripodiglio, : angolo dretto. j Noone, mezzo dì, mezzo giorno. Nor, nc The north, il lettentrione, il nort. The north*eaft winde, greco levante, nor- dede. ; The north-winde. tramontana. The northpole, polo fettentrionale,ó artico. The north-flar tramontana, della polare. Northerly, fettentrionale, del fettentrione. Northern , as northerly. The northweft-winde, vento maeflro. Northweflerly, maedrale. Thenofe, il nalo One with a great nofe,or bottle-nos'd, nafuto, che hàgran nafo, nafone. A high rais’d hawk-nofe, nafo aquilino. A fiat nofe , nafo acciaccato, fchiacciato. I Of, or belonging to thenofe, che attiene al ! nafo. To fpeak in the nofe, parlar col nafo. f The tip,or end of the nofe, ponta del nafo. A nofe of wax , nafo di cera, nafo da buf¬ fala. To play with the nofe of ; to rap, flirt, or fil¬ lip the nofe of, fcherzar col nafo di - zeccardare. A fillip,rap,or flirt on thenofe, nnfato,zec- cardato. Fillipped, or flirted on the nofe 3 nafata, zee* cardata. A fi Hipping,or flirting on the wo/e,nafamen- to, zeccardamento. 'Thegriflle of the nofe. tenerume del nafo, cartilagine. To root with the nofe , nivellare. The nofe-band of a bridle, barbozzale di briglia. To thrufl his nofe into every company, or corner, ingerirli in ogni compagnia,cac¬ cia rii per tutto. A dog of a deep nofe, can di alto nafo. The nofe piece of an helmet , il nafaledel morione. i A nofegay mazzo di fiori. ! A (linking fore in the nofe, piaga puzzo- j lente. ' Well no fed, ben nafuto, Fiat nofed, col nafo acciaccato c fchiac- 1 ciato. Somewhat fiat nofed (/he) donna col nafo acciaccato 6 fchiacciato. To make flat nofed , or to flat the nofe, romper la ponta del nafo,acciaccare,fchiacciare. The being flat nofed, 1* haver il nafo acci¬ accato. The noflrills , nari, narici. Wide and great noflrills, narici. A haws noflrils , narici largaccie. A dog will/ wide noflrils. cane colle nari larghe. Not, non, nò. Notatali, ponto, niente del tutto, nulla mente,non mica. Not fo, non cosi, non già così Not one , not any, non pur uno. Not yet, non ancora, non anco. Notable , notabile, ofiervabile. Notably, notabilmente, oflcrvabilmente. A notary, notaro, notaio. Drawn by, paffed before a notary , of a nota¬ ries office, fermato pervia di notaro, A notch, tacca. . -• A notch in a tally, tacca. To notch down, taccare, intaccare. To notch, (or cut hairs uneven intaccar i ca- capegli, far la fcnletra. Notched, taccato, intaccato. Notched {or cut uneven) intaccato, a cuifià fatta la fealetta. A NU OB A notching, taccanicnto,intaccamento. A note, nota, notatione,billietto, cedola. A note in mufick, nota muficale. To note , notare, annotare, fognare, offer- vare. Of note, di dima, di rilievo, offervabite, degno da effer notato. Little notes, piociole annotationi. Noted, notato, o (Tentato, legnato. Anoter of things, notatore di cofe, offer- vatore, fegnatore. Nothing , niente, nulla, cofa che fia. Native, nativo, natio. To take no notice of, diflimulare, finger di non riconofcere. A notification , notificatione, intimatione. Tonotifie, notificare,intimare. .» Notified , notificato, intimato. A noting, notamento, offervamento, fe- gnamento. A notion , notione, concetto,pcnfiero. Notorious, infame ; alfa famofo. Notorioufly, infarnentc, alfo famofamente. N otorio ufnejfe, infamità. Notwithstanding , non ottante , etiamche, benché, ancorché, tuttavia, nulla di meno, pertanto. A novelty novella. Novelty, novità. Novelties, primitie, delirio,cofe alla moda. A lover of novelties, amatore di novità. November, Novembre. Nought, as nothing. To come to nought, andara male, precipita¬ re, minare. A novice, novitio, novizzo, novo. He is a very novice , eglic novo novo, ’affa - to novizzo. To carry himfelf like a novice, comportarli da novizzo. The eflate or time of a novice, novitiato. To nourijb, nudrire, nutrire, allevare, pattere. Nourijhable, nudribile,nuttribilc, allevar¬ le, pafeibile. Nourilhed, nudrito, nutrito, allevato, paf- feiuto. A nourijher , nudritore, nutritore, alleva¬ re, pallore. A nourijhing, nudrimento, nutrimento,al¬ levamento,patti mento. Nourijhing, nudrendo, nutrendo, allevan¬ do, pafeendo. Nourijhment, as a nouri/hing. Full of nourijhment,or very nourijhing, pieno di alimento,alimentofo,fuccofo,di gran nudrimento ó fottanza. Noto, hora, adeffo, mò. Even non»,non hà molto,poco fa,pur hora. Non» then, hora mò, ora qua, a noi. Well now, o bene, ombene. Now and then, delle volte, qualche volta, volta a volta. Non» at length, not before now, but even now, alla per fine, pure, non prima. The nuell (or fpindle) of a winding (lair, al¬ bore di feala, A nullity, nullità, zero, annidi ilatione. A number, numero. To number, numerare, contare, annotare, calcolare. A furd number ( whereof a perfeB fatture cannot be made) numero fordo. A great number , gran numero, copia grande. Numbered, or numbred, numerato,contato, annoverato, calcolato. A numberer, numeratore , calcolatore, annoveratore calcolatore. A numbering, numeramento, numeratio- ne, conto, calcolo. Numerable, numerabile,che fi pub conta¬ re ó calcolare. N umerofity, numerofità. o A Numerous, numero/o. Nummed, ttecchito dal freddo, afiiderato. To numme , ttecchire, attidcrare. Tohenumme, effer ttecchito 6 afiiderato. Nummed, as numme. N umming, ttecchimento , afiìderamen- to. A nunc hions (lunchions, or afternoons ie- pafi) merenda. To take an afternoons nunchions , merendare. A nuncio, nuntio. Nuncupative, nuncupativo. A nunne, monaca, religiofa,fuora. A lit le nunne, monachina, (uorella. Nuptiall, nuttiale, che attiene a nozze. A nurfe, balia, nudrice. A drie nurfe, gnardia. To nurfe, nutrire, guardare. A nurfery (wherein young plants, kernel Is, feeds,See. arefowed,orfet.) feminario. A nurfing father, O' nurfes husband, balio. Nutriment, nudrimento, nutrimento. Nutritive, nudritivo, nutritivo. A nut, noce. An hafel-nttt, or finali nut, nocciuola, noc¬ chia. A finali nut tree, nocciuolo. A wall nut, noce, f. A wall nut tree, noce, m. An earth nut, or kipper nut, noce eaftagna. Tull of, or (loved with fattali nuts, pieno di nocciuoìe. The Indian nuts , cocus, coco. A Cypres nut, noce di Cipro. Piftick nuts, pi (tacci. The water nut , tribolo, tartuffo di ttagno. The vomitive nut, noce vomica. A nutmeg, noce mofeata. A grove or orchard of wal-nut trees, luogo piantato di noci. A nut-cracker, acciacea-nocchie. A nut kernell, nocciuolo,anima, midollo. Anut (hell* coccia, gufeio, feorza. The nut of a muficall inflrument, noce. Thenut of a crofi-bow, noce di balettra. The nut (or friers piece of a legg of mutton') occhio di giuda. To nu\\le in, innutrirfi,incocciarfi. N u\\led in, innutrito, incocciato. Animph, nimfa. A little nimph, nini ietta. N impb-ltke, da nimfa. O An oake, quercia. The great hardefi gall-bearing oake, rovere. An oak of about fixtieyears funding, quercia di tré fatte, ò di tre tagliate. A littleyoung oak, querciuola A grove ofoakes, querceto. An oak apple, gala. Of oaks, or full of oaks, pieno di quercie. A grove, wood, orforrejl offirong great gall- tree oaks, roveto, affo quercetto. -Oaker, fee Oker. An oar e to row with, remo. To row with oares, remare , vogare. A pair of oares, barca 6 gondola a due remi. Oare of gold, miniera d’oro. Oates, avena. Oats for horfes, biada. Oat-meal flower , farina d’ avena. Oat-meal grout, tritello. Oaten (Iraw, or flubble, doppia d’avena. Oaten bread, pan d’avena. An oath, giuramento. To put to his oath, preftar il giuramento ad alcuno, far giurar alcuno. Put to his oath, fatto giurare,a cui fia preda¬ to il giuramento. The oath of allegienee , giuramento di fe¬ deltà. To falfifie tò fgrida- niento. Objurgaiorie, obiurgatorio. An oblation, oblatione, offerta. ObleBation, oblettatione. An obligation, obligatione, obligo, Obligatorie , obligatorio. To oblige, obligate. Obliged, obligato. Oblique, obliquo, ftorto. 1 obliquely, obliquamente, (tortamente. Oliquity, obiquità,(torta,(torcimento. To obliterate, oblitterare, fcaffare,sfafciare, dipennare, disfare. Oblsterated, obliterato, fcaffato, sfafeiato, dipennato disfatto. Oblivion, oblivione, dimenticanza, oblio. Oblivious, obliviofo, fcordevole. Oblong , oblongo. obloquie, maledicenza,calunnia. To obnubilate, annuvolare, otturare, offuf¬ eare, caliginare. Obnubilated, annuvolato, otturato,offufea- to, caliginato. An obrepiion, obrettione. j Obreptitious , obiettino. Obfcure, otturo, feuro, caliginofo. oc¬ culto. To obfcure, otturare, feurare, occultare. Obfcured, otturato, occultato. obfcurely, ofeuramente, occultamente. Anobfcurtng, or obfcurement. otturamen¬ to, occultamento, Obfcuiity, ofeurità, fcurrezza,occulteZza. An obfacratton, offecratione, fupplica. Obfequies, ef iequie ; as an obit. j Obfequioui , offequiofo, ubbidiente. 1 To be obfequious unto , effer offequiofo in- verfo a cufio. An obfeq 1 tous yeilding unto, offequio, ub¬ bidienza Obfe- - OF OC Obfequioufiy, ofiequiofaniente, ubbid en- temente. Obfervaje, offciv.mza, riverenza, ofle- quio. Obfervmt, oflervante, riverente. An obfe.v.uion, oflervatione, regola, maf¬ filila, principio. AnohfcrvitoU-, ( or mo hour in fchooles ) olTervatorCj monitore. To obfcrvc, oflervare, riguardare To ob). rie dutifully, ofiervarc, riguardare pontualniente, or, come lì deve To obferve other mens dealings , offervar i fatti altrui, or, i fatti d’ altri. Obfervei, oflervato, riguardato. Obferved with duty, oflervato puntualmen¬ te, or, come il deve. An obferver, olTervatore. A dati full obfvrving, oflervatione, ofler- vamento pontuale. An obfìaclc, oftacolo, impedimento, im¬ pacciò. Ohfiincide, ofrinatione, incocciamento, contumacia Obfìinate, ollin: t i,che incoccia,contumace To make mere objìinaie, render più oftinato, ó contumace. Made more obfìinate, refo più odrinato 6 conto mace. To be obfìinate, efler oftinato, ó contuma¬ ce, incocciare. Objìinate in opinion , odinato in alcun pa- parere. oty?.;;-:/7>!,odinatamente J incccciatamcnte. To obfìru.tt, oppilare. Obfìrutted, oppilato. A « obflruftion, oppilatione. Objlruclive, oppilativo. To obtain^ ottenere. To obtaineby requefl, impetrare. Obtained, ottenuto. Obtained by requefl, impetrato. A thing obtained, cofa ottenuta. An obtaining , ottenimento. Toobteji otteftare. An obtefiatioy, òttedatione. An obturation, otturatiooe. Obtufe, ottufo, alfo goffo. Obtufely, ottusamente, aljo goffamente. To obumbraie, obombrare. Obumbrated , obumbrato. jin obumbration, obombratione, Ocafion occalìonc, congiuntura, opportu¬ nità, afo mezzo. Occajìons, fatti, facende, negotii. To occafion, or beoccafto/i of, efler caufadi - occafionare, caggionare. Occasionally $r by occajion, occafionalmente. Occaftoned, occaiionato, caegionato. The Occident or Weft, L’ occidente. Occidentali , Occidentale. jin occupation, occupatone, arte,meftiere, carica,, ufficio. A man of occupation, huomo che fà alcun mediere od arte, artigiano. To occupi occupare, alfa negotiate. Occupied, occupato, «rZ/ònegoriato. The occupier ( or j.offefour ojathing ) pof- felforc; occupatore. An occupying, cccupatione, negotio, alfa chiavatala. To occur, occorrere, fopravenire, intra- venire, accade, c. An occurrence, or cm occurrent, occorrenza, intraver.imen.to, cafo. An unet.pecled occurrence, cafo innafpetta- to. Occurring, occorrendo, accadendo, fopra- venendo,intravenendo. The ocean Sca, il mare oceano. Of or belonging to the ocean, or living in it, c he attiene all’ oceano. edam [to calk S hips with)il oppa da cala¬ fatare vafcelli. jin ottave (or eighth ìri Mujìck) ottava in niulica. The ottave of a Holy-day (the e'ghth day after it ) L’ ottava della feda. Ottober, Ottobre. Ocular, occulare. Oculus Cbrijìi, occhio di Chrido. odd, fparo, difparo. ^ in odd man -, huomo dravagante. Oddes , contefa , contrado , alfo vantag¬ gio. To fallai oddes, contendere, contradare } eflerin rotta 6 difeordia. An ode or fong, oda. A fmallor jhort ode oda brieve or corta. Odious, odiofo, abominevole. Odioufly , odiofamente, abominevolmen¬ te. Odioufnejfe, odio, abominio. Odoriferous, odorifero. Odour , odore, fentorc. Oeconomie, economia, alfo lelina. Oeconomicall, economico , cafarinoi Of. di. Óf the. del, Jing de’, plu. Ojfalls ; vanzumi- An offence, offefa ; ingiuria, noia, mo¬ ledia. To offend i offendere, ingiuriare, an¬ noiare, moledare. To be ojfended ; efler offefo,ingiuriato, an¬ noiato, moledato. Offended, offe(p, ingiuriato, annoiato, moledato. An offending, as an offence. Offending, offendendo, ingiuriando,an¬ noiando, nioledando. An offender, offenditore, che offende.che ingiuria, annoia ó moleda. Offenjìble, offenlìbile,ingiurievole,annoi- abile, moledevole. Offenfive, offenlivo,ingiuriofo, annoi ofo, molefto. Offenfively , offenfivamente, ingiuriofa- mente, annoiofamente, moleltamen- te. To offer, offrire, prefentare, alfo propone. An offer, offerta, predente affo propoda, partito. An offer conditior.a'j, propoda, partito. To offer leffe for a-thing then it is worth, offri troppo poco , offri manco di quello che vai la robba. Offered or offred , offerto, prefentato. An offering or offring, oblatione, offerta Offering, offerendo, prefentando. An offertone (in the muffe) offerto- rio. An office, officio, ufficio, debito, carica. A good office, buon’ officcio j benéff- cio. To do aood offices to ; beneficare, far piace¬ re ad alcuno, adoperarli per alcuno. Officers (or Serjeants ) fergenti, sbirri, la cortesia sbirreria. Officious , ofiicciofo, cortefe,benigno,offe-» quiofo. To ojfufcate. offufeare ; annegriie. Offufcated, offufeato, annegrito. An offfufcation, offufeatione, annegamen¬ to. An ojfufcating, offufeamento. An off-fpringì prole; origine, progenie, difeendenti, fchiatta, razza. Oft or often ; fpeffo. Very often , molto fpeffo, fpefliffime vol¬ te. Oftentimes , fpeffe volte, affai volte. How often ; quante volte ? come fpef¬ fo ? Hot often. Non fpeffo, dirado, rare vol¬ te. Oh ! ah ! Oboe ! ohò ! oi Oile, oglio. To oile or anoint with oil c, ognere or ungere con cglio. f Oile of Amber, oglio d' Ambra. Ode of Elders, oglio di fambuco. Otleofleffamtne flowers , oglio di Gelfonri- ni. Sallad-oile ; oglio di infalate. IVhale-oile, oglio d’ balena. Holy oile, oglio fanto. Virgins oile, oglio Vergine. Ode ofvitrioll, oglio di vitrjolo. An oile-budget, bag, or botile, otro. An oile-man, ogliaro. A Jmall oile-poi, or houle, boccaletto da o- glio. Anoile-fhop, celiar, or houfe, bottega ò magazino da oglio. Oiled, onto con oglio. An oilet-hole, occhielli, occhietti. Full of oilet-holes } pieno d’ occhielli, or ] occhietti. Oile or full of oile, ogliofo, pieno d’ o- glio. Oilineffe ; oleaggine. An oiling i 1 ’ ugnere con oglio. Ointment, unguento. Of or belonging to ointments, che attiene ad unguento. Full of ointments , pieno d’unguenti. An ointment-maker or feller, venditor d‘ unguenti. An oifter , odrica. A bed of oifters (or place where they are found) odricaria. An oake,fccan eke. Oker, oc ria, toccalapis. Red oker , ocria roffa. marked with Red-oker, fegnato con ocria roffa. Old, vecchio, antico. | An old man. Un vecchio, un huomo di tempo. An old-woman, una vecchia, una donna attempata, una donna di tempo. Very old, molto vecchio, vecchio aliai j ì inoltrato ben bene negli anni. 1 Old-age. vecchiezza, vecchiaia, j After the old manner -, All’antica. To wax old ; invecchiare, divenir ò di* | ventar vecchio, farfi vecchio. ( To wax very old, invecchiar^ affai. Some-what old ; alquanto vecchio, che tirafulla vecchiaia - Over-old i troppo vecchio, furanna- to. Growne or become old ; divennuto, or di¬ ventato vecchio, invecchiato. A waxing or growing old ? il divenir vec¬ chio, il farli vecchio, 1’ invecchi¬ arli. Oidi Ih, as fomcwhat old. Oldly da vecchio. Oldnefle as old age , alfo ancianitd. An oligarchie , oligarchia. An olive, uliva. A great olive, uliva grolfa. A little olive, uliva picciola, 6 minu¬ ta. An olive tree, ulivo Of an olive', d’uliva. Like an olive , Simile all’ uliva, uliva- ftro. • The smammi olive trte, .ulivo domedi- co. A wild olive tree, ulivo 'fai vatico. Of an olive or olive tree ,d’ ulivo. A ground or grove of olive-trees, ulive¬ to. An olympìade, olimpiade. A i omelet ( or pancake of eggs ) fritta- ; ta. lidi. Ominous. Portentofo , . di trill’ augu- J rio. ./.O'-::. I An ■ ' O P OR OS An omis/tonjOmiffionej trafcuraggine, ne¬ gligenza. To orniti ommettere, tarafcurare, neglige¬ re. Omitted , ommeffo , trafeurato neglet¬ to. Omnipotence, onnipotenza. Omnipotent, onnipotente. On,f u. inanzi via. On ! Avvanzate. follecitate. On afore ! via inanzi. To fet on , alia li re attaccare, affettare. An on-fet , affatto, attacco. On forward ! horfu via inanzi. Once, una volta. At once : ad una volta, ad un tempo. One, uno, una. One another : 1’ uni’altro,1’ una 1’ altra, gl’ uni gli altri. One for another ; l’un per 1’ altro, alla pa¬ riglia, a vicenda. One with another ; fottofopra. The onely , 1’ unico, l’unica. Onely, folo, {blamente. An onion, Cipolla. The WiLd-feild onion, cipolla felvatica. The ordinary garden-onion j cipolla do¬ menica. The Sea-onion, fquìlla. A bed, plot, or Garden of onions, cipolliera. An onyx, onice. An opali , opale. Open, Aperto ; manifeflo, aprico.' To open, aprire, manifeftare. To open {as a flower) aprirli il fiore, sbuc¬ ciare. , To open a plant at root , zappare. An open-arfe, nesfpola. Open-hearted , ingènuo, libero, franco. Open-heartednejfe , ingenuità, franchez¬ za. Open weather, ièreno, bel tempo chia¬ ro. To keep open hanje j Tener corte bandi¬ ta. Opened, aperto, manifeftato. Opened at the roote , zappato alla radica. An opener. Apritore, che apre. An opening, aprimento, apertura. An opening a plant at roote , zappatu¬ ra. 'Opening, aprendo,manifeftando. Openly, apertamente, manifeftamente. Openeffe of weather, ferenità di tempo. 7 o operate, operare. An operation , operatione. An operatour, operatore. An opiate, oppiata. Opinion j opinione, parere,giuditio. Obtained, ottenuto. Obtained by requefl, impetrato. To have or hold an opinion mantener al¬ cuna opinione ; efler di alcun parere, incocciarli in alcuna opinione. _ To opine, or deliver his opinion, dir il fuo parere, diffinire. Opined, delivered as an opinion, diflinito ', ftabilito. An opining or delivering an opinion ? dicen¬ do il iuo parere, diffinendc^. An opinor, one that delivers his opinion , che dice il fuo parere. A forger of new opinions', ritruovatore di nove opinioni. Opinionate, opinionative, oftinato, che in¬ coccia nel fuo parere. To be opiniate, efler oftinato, incocciar nel fuo parere. O piniondtively ; oftinatamente. O pinionativenejje, oftinatezza. Opium, opio. The ople (or water-elder tree) Tambuco ac¬ quatico. Opobalfamum, opobalfamo. To optiate, oppilares Oppilated, oppilato. Oppilative, oppilativo. An oppila/ ion , opilatione. 1 An opponent, opponente, che oppone. Opportune, opportuno, a propolito. Opportunely, opportunamente. Opportunity, opportunità , congiontura, occalione. To oppofe againfl ; opporre, refiftere. Tooppoje himfelfe again fi, opporli contra, contraltare, reliftere. Oppofed, oppofto, contraftato. An oppofing or oppofition , oppofitione,con¬ tralto, reliltenza. In oppofition with, in oppofitione con. An oppofition of windes, contralto di venti, venti contrarii. Oppofìte, oppofito, oppoftojcontrario. To be oppofite unto, efler oppofto ad, efler in faccia,ad incontra ad- To opprefle, opprimere, aggravare. Opprefsed, oppreflo, aggravato. Oppresfìng, opprimendo, aggravando. Opprefsion. oppreflione. gravezza. Towerfull opp ejsion , tirannide ò tiran¬ nia. An oppreffour, oppreflore, tiranno. A ravenous opp re flour , oppreflore ra¬ pace. Opprobrious ; fcandalofo, rimprovercvolc rinfacciabile. Opprobrious fpeech ; maledicenza,villanie. ingiuria, callonnia. An oppugnatati, oppugnatione. An oppugnatour, oppugnatore. To oppugne, oppugnare. Oppugned , oppugnato. Optitk, ottico. The optick finews, nervi ottici. Option {or choice) elettione, fcielta. Opulencie, opulenza, facoltà, dovine, ri- chezze. Opulent, opulento, facoltofo. dovitio- fo. Opulently , opulenamente, facultofamente dovitiofamente. Or, ò. Orelfe , overo. Orache,orage, atrepice. Wild or ache, piè di oca. An Oracle, oracolo. Oraculous,or oracular , oracolofo. An orange , melangolo, melarancio, na- rancio. A civili orange, mel angolo di mezzo fa- pore. An orange tree, arancio, melarancio, Orange-tawny .or orange coloured, narancia- to, di color rancio. Orange-flower water, acqua nanfa. An oration , oratfone,arringa, diceria. To make an oration , orare,arringare, recita¬ re. Anoratoiir, oratore. Oratour like , da oratore, Oratory, or Rhetorick, oratoria, Retori¬ ca. An oratorie or a private place to pray in, ora¬ torio. An orbe, orbe,globo. Orbicular, orbicularc. tondo. Orbicularly, orbicolarmente, ritondamen¬ te, An orchard, ; horto d’ alberi. To ordaine, ordinare,difporre. Ordained, ordinato ; difpofto. An ordainer, ordinatore, che difpone. An ordaining or ordination , ordinamento, difpofitione. Order, ordine, ordinanza, regola. To order , ordinare, regolare,difporre. ' To order One, or reduce and compell him to order, far ftar a legno. To order decently j parare, decorare, ab¬ bellire. An order of a court, fentenza. ordine curi¬ ale ó camerale, mandato. Out of order , fuor d’ordine, in difordine, feoncertato. The order of the Garter, 1’ inftitutione del¬ la giartiera. The order of the Holy Ghofl, inftitutione dello fpirito fanto. Ordered, ordinato, regolato. An orderer, ordinatore, difpoftore,regola- tore. ù Ordciing, ordinando, difponendo, rego¬ lando. 03 An ordering , ordinamcntOjdifponimento regolamento. Orderly, ordinatamente, regolatamente per ordine. An ordinance, ordine, mandato, precet to. Ordinarie, ordinario, dozzinale. Ones ordinary table, or diet, dozzina, alfa penlione. An ordinary {the Bi/hop or his Suffragan) L ordinario, ò fufiiaganeo. Ordinarily , ordinariamente, dozzinal- mente. Ordinativefor giving and putting into order) ordinativo ; regolativo. Ordnance, Artiglieria. Tofurinjb with ordnance , fornire d’artigli¬ eria. ® Ordure, ordura, fuccidume, lezzo, im¬ mondi tia, fporchezza. To fill with ordure. Imbrattare , forca¬ re. To oretop, fopr’avanzare. An organ, organo. Organs, organi. Organiceli , organico. Organic, Spaniflj origan , origano.’ Wild organie, origano felyatico. Ait organifl, organifta. The orient, l’ oriente, ó levante. Oriental /, orientale, livantino. The orifice, orificcio, buco. An originali, un’originale. Originali, originale, primitivo.’ Originaiy, originalmente, primitivamen¬ te. Originarie, originario, primitivo, O riginarily, originariamente, primitiva¬ mente. Orifons. orationi,preghiere. An orke {a huge fijb) orca. An ornament, ornamento,decoro. Ornaments for women j abbigliamenti conciature. An orphan, orfano, orfalino, orfanel¬ lo. Orphanage, orfanità. Orpiment, orpimento. To colour with orpiment, color d’orpimen¬ to. Orpine, fandaracco. Orthodox, orthodoxall, orfodoflo. Orthogonall {right cornerd) ortogona¬ le. Orthography,' ortografia,lo fcrivercorretto. To write orthography j ortografiare, feriver corretto. Written with orthographic , feritto corret¬ to. The ofier, falice. O ftentation , oftentatione, boria, vanto, bravura, gloria,fuperbia, moftra. An oflentatour , oftentatore, vantatore,bra¬ vato re. An oflentatrix, oftentratricc , vantatrice, bravatrice. An oftler , ftalliere, mozzo di Italia. An oflridge , ltruzzo. Otes O V O V ov OteS) biada. Otmeale , fee oatmeale. Other, altro, altra. . Another , un’altro, un altra. Other-ivhere, altrove. ■ Other-bbile,oi at another time , altre volte. Otherwife, altrimente. Other men, or others, altri. , Another manti altrui ; d’altri. Un otter , lontra. CW/, ovale. ova//, un ovale. Un oven, forno. U little oven , tornello. U co 7 tmoti oveu, forno comrnu ne. To hake in an oven , cuocer nel forno. Un oven full of bread, fornata, or inforna- ta di pane. Un oven-for ke, fpazza-fomo, fpazza- Toput fuellintoan oven ; fcaldar il forno. Un oven tender, frugatore- Oer, fopra, fu, di fopra, oltre,da la. Over and «bove, over and befide, più, di fo¬ pra più, d’avantaggio. Over againfì ,infaccia a-alin contro ,or dir- rrimpetto a. Over-bold , troppo ardito J sfacciato. To over-beare with blowes, accoppare, am¬ mazzare. To over bid another , fcavalcane alcuno nel prezzo. Over-bidding another, fcavalcando altrui nel prezzo. To over-burthen , ftracaricare, caricar trop¬ po, or di fovverchio To over-eafl , or over-cloud, annuvolare.of- cuiarfì, divenir feuro. Over-cajl, annuvolato, ofeurato divenu¬ to feuro. lam over caflor too far gone (at bowles) hó trapalato il fegno, or il lecco. Un over-tafling, Annuvolamento, ofeu- rità, ofcuram«nto. O ver-ceffed, taflato di foverchio. Un over-cefsing , taflamento di fovver- chio. To over-charge , ftracaricare ,c aiicareili fovverchio. To over-charge the fiomach, ftracaricare lo ltomaco, mangiare di foverchio. jin over-charge , carica troppo gran- O vtt-tb»rgti, caricato troppo, «rdifov- verchio. To be over-charged, efler ftracancato, o ca¬ ricato di fovverchio, oppreflo. ^ Un over-charger, che carica troppo, o di foverchio, oppreffore. Un over-charging , il caricar troppo, lo ftracaricare. Un over-charging of the flomach , il man¬ giar troppo ó di fovverchio. To over-tloud, annuvolare,adombrare. Over-clouded , annuvolato , adombra¬ to. To wax over clouded , annuvolarli, nuvo¬ lo. To over come fupcrare, vincere. Over-come, fuperato, vinto. To be over-come , efler fuperato o vinto. Un over-comer , fuperatore , vincitore, vittore. Un over-coming fuperamento, vinci¬ ta. To over-eat mangiar troppo o di fover- chio. To over-fill : ftraempire, fattollare affat¬ to. Un over-full gorge ; crapola, crepa-pan- za. To over-flow j traboccare sboccare, alfe, in¬ ondare. Un over-fiowing, traboccamento, sbocca mento, alfo inondatione. Over-flown ; traboccato , sboccato, in¬ ondato. Toover-go. trapalare,paflar oltre. Over-gone , trapaflato oltre. To over-haflen , affrettar troppo» Over-hafiened,chc habbia afferettato trop- po, Un over-heavy i«r//je»,pefoftragreY,ò fu¬ or di modo greve. To over-lay, caricar troppo, ftracaricare op- „ primere. Over-layed } caricato troppo 6 di fov¬ verchio, opprelfo. Un over-layer ; che carica troppo 6 di fov¬ verchio,opprclfore. Un over-Lyìng -, caricamento di fovver¬ chio, oppreflione. To over-live , fopra vi vere. He hath over-lived, ha fopravifluto. Un over-liver i che fopraviye. To over-load, asto over lay. Un over-load ; troppo gran carica. Over-long, troppo longo. To over looke ; fopravedere. Un over looker, fopravifore, riveditore. Un over-looking fopravcdimento,rivcdi- mento. To over-mafer, predominare. To over-match, furmontare, fcavalcare,ar¬ ri va re. Over matched, furmontato, fcavalcato,ar- rivato. Unover-meafurc, niifura traboccante,mi- fura di fovverchio. The over-mofl part, la parte di più , il fo¬ pra più. Over-much, troppo, fovverchio. Over-old, troppo vecchio,ftraveechio. To over-p tffe, trapaflare, andar di là, Over paffed, trapaflato. Un over pafsing , trapaflamento. To over-peere, fopravedere. Over-peering , fepravedendo. Un over-peering, forravedimento. Un over-plus ; un fopra più, un avvanzo, refto. Over-plus of weight ; fourapefo. To be an over-plus, efler di fopra più, re- ftare. To over-prife , ftimare ó prezzar di fovver¬ chio. Urn over prifer ; ftimatore di fovver¬ chio. To over-rate, foprataflare. Over rated foprataflato. O ver-rought, ortrapaiPd, arrivato, fcaval- cato, ingannato. To over-reach, arrivare, fcavalcare, ingan nare. Un over-reach inpace, arrivare có palli; forprendere. Un over-reacher, armatore, forprendito- re. Un ovfr-reaching, forprendimento, arri vamento. Over-reaching, arrivando, Apprenden¬ do. To oz;er- ree f o»,contar di più ó di troppo, di fovverchio. Over-reckoned, a cui fia contato troppo : arrivato nel conto. O ver-ripe, ftrafatto, ftramaturo. Over-ripe Cowcumbers, cetrioli ftrafatti- Over-ruled , predominato. Toox»cr-rKW,ftracorrere. Over-run, llracorfo. Over-fea, da là del mare. To over-fee , rivedere,ftravedere, erra¬ re,sbagliare. Over-feen, rivifto, alfo, che habbia errato ò sbagliato. Over-jeen in drink, flracotto dalvjno, im- briaco marcio. Unover-feer, fopra intendente,fopravifo¬ re. Theover-feeroftheìkJngs worses, fopravi¬ fore ó fopraintendente delle cofe di fua maeftà. Un over-feeing , fopi’intendenza, mi¬ lione. T* over- fell } vender troppo. Unover-fight (or non-obfervance ) trafeu- raggine, trafeuratezza, sbaglio. U graffe over-fight, trafeuraggine forma¬ ta, sbaglio graffo. To over-lbadow, aodnibrare,- coprire con 1’ ombra. Over-jhadowed, adombrato, coperto con l’ombra. Un over-fhadowing, adombramento. To over-fhoot, trapaflar il fegno, tirar da là del fegno. Over-fhot, trapaflato ; che habbia paflato j il fegno. To over-flip, ommettere, tralafciare, traf- curare. Over-jlipped, ommefl"o,traIafciato,trafcu- rato. Un over-flipping , ommiffione, tralafcia- nicnto, trafeuraggine. O ver-fodden, ftrabollito, ftraleflato, ftra» cotto. Overt, aperto, evidente, manifelto. To ovtftake, arrivare, giugnere. Over-taken, arrivato, gionto. Un over-taking, armamento, giugnimen- to. To over-throw, abbatte re,fovvenire, met¬ tere fotto fopra,akerarc, rinyerfare, mi¬ nare. Un over-throw , abbattimento , forerli- one,alteramente, rinverfa, ruina. Over-thrown, abbattuto, fovvertito, mef- fo fotto fopra, aterrato,rinverfato, rui- nato. Un Over-thrower,abbhorc, atterratore, fovvertitore , rinvcrfatorc , minato¬ re. Un over throwing, as an over-throw. To over-thwart, traverfare, roverfeiare, in¬ crociare. Over-thwart, a traverfo, obliquo, rover- fcio,in croce. Layd over-thwart , melfo a traverfo, rover- feiato, incrociato. Over-thwart words, parole ingiuriofe. vil¬ lanie. One over-thwart another, del altro fcaval- carfi l’un l’altro,l’uno a traverfo. Un over-thwartplanke , tavola a traverfo. j To go over thwart, trapaflare, traverfare, traghettare. i U going over-thwart, trapaflamento, tra- | verfamento, traghettamento. 1 To lay over-thwart, mettere 6 porre a tra¬ verfo, or in croce. Overthwarting, trapalando, traverfando, traghettando. Over-thwartly , a traverfo, in croce. Over thwartncfle, travcrfcia, peiverfìtà, oftinatione. Overtly, apertamente. Too-yfr-;o»/,ftrafFaticarfi, lavorare trop¬ po. Over-toiled, ftraffaticato, che habbia la¬ vorato troppo. Un overture, apertura ; congiontura, oc- calione. To make an overture unto, fare apertura, or ftrada. To over turne, as to over-throw% Over-turned, as over-thrown. Un over-turner, as an over-turner. j Un over turning, or over-turne, as an over- j throwing. Un over-value , fcpravaluta, ftinia troppo j i e rande. ; ® v- ! PA OLI To over-ween , prefumere , efler temera¬ rio. An over-weening ; troppo gran prefun- tione, temerità. Over-wceningly, troppo profontuofomen- te, or troppo temerariamente. To over-weigh, ftrapefare, traboccare. Over-weight, over plus of weight, fourape- (o ; pefo traboccante. To over-whelme, opprimere, fupprimere. To over■ whelme with atterrare, fotter- rare. To over-whelme in the water, affogate, an¬ negare, fommergere. foffocare. Over-whelmed , oppreffo, fopprelio. Over-whelmed in the water, affogato, anne gato, fommerfojfoffocato. Over-whelmed with earth, atterrato, fottcr- rato. - An over-whelming with earth, atterramen¬ to, fotteramen to. Over-worne withyears, forannato, inoltra¬ to negl tanni. Ought, as I ought, devo; bifogna, convie¬ ne,fà di bi fogno, fà di meftieri. Thou ought fi, tù devi He ought , egli deve. We ought, noi dobbiamo. Tee ought , voi dovete. They ought, efiì devono. Ought (alfo for any thing) qualche cofa.al- cuna cofa. Ougly, fee ugly. Ouglinfeffe, fee ugltnefie. Ouìd Jee old. An ounce weight, pefo d’un oncia. Of, or belonging to,an ounce, onciale,ehe at¬ tiene all’ oncia. Our, noftro , noftra, noftri, npftre. Ours, il noftro, quel che ci appartie¬ ne. They be on óur fide ; fono dalia noftra ; To¬ ne de’ noftri. An oufell, niello. Out fuori. Out ! fui, oibò To out bid , incarire, alzar il prezzo, ven¬ dere al incanto. Out-biddenficaxAc atenei prezzo dal com¬ pagno più offrente. To out-brave one, bravare alcuno. ~4n out-cafi, un abietto, un’abbandona¬ to. Otifcafis, riffiuti. An out-cry , incanto. To fell at an out-cry, vender al incanto. An out-cry, or crying out , grido, fchiainaz- zo. To out-go, trapalare, fopragiognere. Out-gone, trapalato, fopragioilto. An out-going , trapaffo, fopragiognimen- to. An out-jutting roome, ftanza che sporge, Jin out-lander, or out-landifh man, foraftìe- re,foraftiero. Out-landifh, foraftiero, che vien di fuori. To out-Ufh in expences , fpregare, sguazza¬ re, buttare il fuo. To out law ; bandite , rilegare, effigiare, proferir ere. Anout-law , bando profcrittionc. Out-lawed , bandito, fuorufeito, proferit- to. An out-lawing, blandimento, lo proferi- vere. An out-lawry, proferittione. To out-lcarne (his fellowes) avanzar alcu no nell* imparare. To out live , fopravivere, forvivere. Out-lived, fopraviffuto, forviffuto. An out-liver , che fopravive, or forvi- ve. An out-living , fopravivimento, forvivi- mento. Out-living, fopravivendo, forvivendo. The ou fimo fi fi diremo,il più in inori,alfo, ogni sforzo. To out pa fie, asto out goe. Out pafied } as out-gone. -An out rage , oltraggio, furia, beftiali- u. To out rage, or dooutrage, oltraggiare, in furiare. Out-raged, oltraggiato, infuriato. An out-rager, oltraggiatore infuriato re. ^ In out-raging , oltraggiamento. Outragious, oltraggioìo, furiofo. Outragicufiy , okraggiofamente, furiofa- mente. Outragioufnefie, furia,beftialità. The out-fide, il di fuori, la fuperficie, 1’ c- fterioref -4n out-funding, fporgimcnto di fabri- ca. Out ward , cftrinfeco; il di fuori, citerio¬ re. Outwardly , eftedormente, eftrinfecamen tc. To owe, devere, effer indebitato, haver de¬ biti. Owing, devendo, effendo indebitato, ha- vendo debiti. - A» owle, civetta, alocco, barbagianni. The home owle, gufo. A fcritch owle, ltrige. A company ofowles, ftorniodi civette, od al occhi. Owne, proprio, fuo. ..Anothers owne , 1’ altrui. To convert to his own ufe, appropriarli. To owne, poffedere, appropriate. Converted to his own ufe, appropriato. A converting to his own wyè,appropri amen to. Owned, poffeduto, appropriato. An owner , poffeditore, proprierario. The owner of a/hip , proprietario d’alcun vaf cello, <*//ò patrone. Asan owner, da proprietario,proprietaria mente. Jin owing , appropriamento , proprie¬ tà. A now fell, merlo. Jl fmall owfell, merlotto. Ow^e or oufe, vafo. ~In ox, bue, bove. Oxen , buoi. vin ox e-fiali, ftalla da buoi. A Wild oxe, bue falvatico, buffala. An oxe flie, tafano. Jln oxe-gag, certa mifura di terra 6 cam¬ po. Oxe-bane, morte a buoi ? herba. Ox-eye, occhio di bue. Ox-tonpue, lingua di bue. Oxymell , odimele Oyle, oyntment , fee oile ointment. Oyfìer , fee oifìer. The Ofier, vinco, vimine. jl ground or eight of ofiers. Vinceto, vin chi to. Full of made with ofiers, pieno di vinci ó vimini. P. A pace, paffo, andata, caminata. The pace of a horfe , il paffo ò andar d’ un cavallo. To pace (or ambi e) andar il portante. Jl pace in dancing, paffo nel ballo. A flow pace, or Aldermans pace, paffo gra¬ ve ? paffo d’Abbate. The great pace (or fathom e) of five foot,! paffo maggiore geometrico. The le fie pace of two foot and a half, paffo minore. v To hold equal/ pace with one, caminar del P ai ! con alcuno,tener i palli adietro del pan. A pacing of a horfe, il portante. Pacing (of a horfe) andando il portante. ■*4 pacification, pacificatone, accommó- damento, raddolciniento Pacifick, pacifico. To pacifìe. pacificare, accomodare raddol- cue. * Pocified, pacificato, accomodato, raddol¬ cito. pacifier, pacificatore, accomodatore, che raddolcire. A pacifying,as a pacification. Package, imballamento ; imballatura. Jl pack, balla, fardello, viluppo,fagot¬ ti little pack, balletta, fardelletto, fagot- tino & Pack- cloth, or a packing cloth, tela,telaccia, tela cerata. To pack up , imballare, inviluppare. To pack up m canvafie, imballare in tela. •A packet of letters, pie"o,fpaccio. Pack-thread , fpago. Small packthread, fpaghetto, cordicel¬ la. -Apack needle, ago afacchi. A pack horfe, Somaro, beftia che porta il ballo, or, Ja fonia. Jl pack fuddle, bafto. To Jaddle with a pack fuddle, metter il bafto addoffo ad una beftia, imballare. Saddled with a pack fuddle, imballato. A maker of pack fuddles, bailiere. Vfudiy carrying a fock fiddle , fomaro, balli ero. Packed up, i mballato, inviluppato , infa¬ gottato, involtato. A packer up, imballatore,involtatore, invi¬ luppatole, infagottatore. Jl pac k et, as a pack. Packing up, imballando, infagottando, inviluppando, involtando. Get thee packing, vattene via. •A pad, fella. To paddle, guazzarejfguazzare. Paddled, guazzato, sguazzato. A pad d ter, guazzatole, sguazzatore. ^4 paddlings guazzamento, sguazzameli- to. P ad lion, piè di lione, A padlock, luchetto. A pagan,, pagano,etnico. Paganifme, paganesimo. A page , paggio. A little pretiy waggi/h page, paggetto tri¬ llo. A fouldiars page, bagaglione. The page (or fide of a leaf e) facciata, pagi¬ na. * A pageant , machina, mifterio, arco tri¬ onfale. Topaie, fee to pay. Apatie, fecchia, fecchio. ; A pai le full of quanto cape una fecchia, fccchiata. ' ! Apailefor milke, vafo da latte. A paile, or [hallow tub, tinetta, tinuzza. A paine, dolore, doglia, pena,male. To be in pain, haver or fentir dolore. ‘ To paine, or put to paine ; dolere,cuocere, tormentare,faftidiic, affliggere. A pain inthe belly, mal di ventre. ! Put to paine, aggravato, afflitto, tormen¬ tato. Paines, fatica, ftento, travaglio, lavoro. To lake paines , affaticarli, travagliare, la- v orare. A paincs taker, che s’ affatica, travaglia t e lavo- PA P A PA e lavora. Paines taking, aspri ad, . With much prints , a gran pena, a mala fati¬ ca, con llento grande. pained, aggravato, addolorato, as , putto Pah frit] faticofojftentofoj laboriofo. Painfully, faticofamente, dentatamente, laboriofameme. To print, pignere, pingere dipignere, aljo imbellettare, imbiaccate. painted , pinto, dipinto, aljo imbellettato, imbiaccato. ^ jtinttr. piffotc.pinforc. a vùnting, pittura, pignimento. Wutmens printing, belletto, lilcio, biacca, roll’etto. A pane, un paio, un paro, una coppia T epane or match, appaiare, accoppiare, rifeontrare. paired. appaiato, accoppiato, nlcontrato. ^ pairing or mulching, appaiamento, ac- coppiamcnto, rifeontro. A palace, palazzo. The palile (of tbe mouth) palato. Of, or belonging to the palate, die attiene al Plìafann'o the palate, abboccato, foave. A Count Palatine, conte palatino The dignity of a Count Vaiatine, or a Palati- nate^ ri pipale, palo. To pale in. or indofe with pa.es, palificare, ferrare con pali. A defence or inclofure with pales, panifica¬ ta, fpalliera. paled, or incompafjed with pales, palificato, ferrato con pali. Vale (of colour) pallido, {morto. Somewhat pale, alquanto pallido,pallidic¬ cio, alquanto fmorto. To look,or wax pale, impallidire, divenir or diventar pallido ó fmorto. Grown pale, impallidito,divenuto or diven¬ tato pallido ò fmorto. A looking,or waxing pale, ciera pallida o fmorta. Palely, pallidamente, (mortamente , con ciera fmorta. Valeneffe, pallidezza. A palfrey (an old word) chinea, A palinodie, palinodia, difcolpa. A palifado, palificata. To defend withpalifadoes , palificaie. Palifadoed, palificato. Pall-maille (a game wherein a little boxen bowle is (truck through an iron arch at ei¬ ther end of an alley) gioco di palla ma¬ glio. A pai et, letticelo, lettierina. To palliate, palliare, coprire, honeftare. Palliative , palliativo. Prima Chrifli, palma chrilli, girafole. The palme of the hand , palma della mano. To flroke or ftrike with the palme of ones hand, dar colla palma. A palme tree, palma. Of, or belonging to the palme tree , che attie¬ ne alla palma,palmiere. Palme fruit, dattilo, dattilo, dattolo. Palme-funday, domenica delle palme. A palmer worme, mille piedi. Palmifiry , chiromantia. Palpable , palpabile. P*/p«i{>->!palpabilmente. The paìfy, paralifia. . A dead pai fie in halfe the body , hemiplelia. Sick of. or troubled with the pal fie, che pa- tifee di parai ilia, paralitico, p altrie, povero, mefehino, trillo,infame. To pamper, palcere delicatamente, far al¬ zar il fianco, gonfiare. To pamper for fa.e, pafeer per haverne fpacciofar venir il morbino. Pampered, pafeiuto delicatamente. A pamphlet, libruccio, libello. A pan, fee a pan. A panado, panata, pan cotto. A pancake, drittata. A pancake of eggs, frittata d’uova. A panch, pancina, ventre, trippa. A pander , rodi ano, mezzano d’amore. A playing the pander , il far il rolfiano, rof- fianelnno. To play the pander, far il roffiano, roffia- neggiare. A pane, or pannell, tenda, tela. A pane of a window, vetro di finedra. A pandi, ballo. To J addle with a pandi , caricar con ballo. A panegyrick, panagirico. A pang, tratto, angofeia. The pangs of deathfC ratti della morte. (The graine) paniek, panico. Ordinary panick, panico domedico. Wild panie k, panico falvatico.' A panne, as a pan. A little panne , padclletta,vafetto. The panne of a chafing dnb,x afo di fcalda-vi¬ vande. The panne of a clofe-floole, cantaro. ! A dripping panne, ghiotta,padella da pcr- gottarci dentro. The fìre-panne, or touch-pan of a gun , fo- I cone. A frying panne, padella da friggere. A Warming-panne ,fcalda letto. The braine-panne, crannio. A finali frying-panne, padelletta da fri gere. A pannell, fee a panel l. A pannier , paniere, cello. A little pannier, panieretta. A pannier ofofier, fporta fatto con vimini or vinchi. A pannier-full, una panierata. A pannier with handles, paniere co mani chi. Panting, anfando, anhelando, sboft'ando, l tirando a gran pena il fiato. A panting, anfamento, anhelamento,pal- pitatione. A panther, pantera. Spotted like a panther, macchiato or pez¬ zato come pantera. A pantler, panetiere, credenziere, botte- glie re. A pantofle, pianella. To f land on hispantojìes, dar fulla dia,far il grande. A pantry , credenza, botteglieria, The papacy , il papato. Papali, papale. Paper, carta. A paper maker or feller, carfaro, cartolaro. Cap-paper, carta {traccia. A paper-book, libro di carta bianca. Old dujlie papers, cartafacci, fcartabelli. To patch, flop, or make up with paper, turar con carta. Patched, flopped , or made up with paper , tu¬ rato con carta. Waflc papers , or loofe difordered papers, as old dufly papers. Brown paper, or wafle paper (to rap wares in) carta da involtar robbe '6 merci, carta flraccfa. Papiflrie , catolicilimo, papelimo. Pappe for children, pappa. A pappe (or dugge) mantella,zinna. Of, or belonging to the pappes, che attiene alle mamelle ó zinne. Pappe-ltkc, aguifadi pappa. A parable, parabola, {imbolo. Paradife, paradifo. The bird ofparadife , uccello di paradifo. A paradox , paradoflo. Paradoxic all, par^doflico. A paragon, paragone. A paragraphe, paragrafo. A paralleli, paralello, d’ ugual didanza. To paralleli, paragonare, uguagliare. (A Lord Paramount) il fignore principa¬ le. A paramour (he) innamorato, amoro fo. ( fhe) innamorata, amorofa. A parapet, parapetto. To paraphrafe, parafrafizzare , dichiarare con parodili. . . A paraphrafe, parafrafi, brieve dichiara- tione. A parapbrdfl, parafrafralta. A parafile, parafìta, (leofante, fcrocco. To p kng uimento,, rtcntamento. - A f mkl (crfiuti flip „ lm ) f u ft a ffluca lottile, brigantino. Aptnke ( flower ) garofano, rotóri», tagliuzzare, mofeare Pmked, tagliuzzato, mofeato. Vini, ' M ^ ta f ,,u , zza , mento >ni 0 fcamenfo, Pulì-, mil e (di' Ihef hoards bodkin,) tetta, dj grue, becco di cicogna. A pinnace, as a pinke. A pin, rpiJJa, /pillo. A little pin, fpillctto. ■ A ", hon pin, wherewith wooden pins are thruft o«/,nfpingitor di ferro. To pinne, attaccar con fpiJJi. A curling pinne, ricciatore. I ^ woodn pin (orpog) caviglia. ^fio. ! The axle-tree pinne, palo. ^4 pm and weh in the eyes , panno, occhio impannate, „//,, orzaiuolo. Pnnteii,attaccato can (pilli,.//, caviglia, 0 orfin-maker, /pillato, fpiH aio ' - A t‘«-':nfe,pm-pillow,orpin-culhi,n,im c . chiarir olo, (lirccietto da /pilli. 5 Pinne dufi, limatura. A pin-fould (or pound) fucidfa ^ S ^fete 5ch i„ JtIt Thepinion (ofalhdsmlng) moncone. -4 pinfir C nipper , or multo) moiette,molle. Pinfers, tenaglie. thlrurgionspinfers, beeco di papaeallo. A pint, pinta, or foglietta. 6 A little pint pintella. Apjntlt, cotale, membro virile, Preifls pintle, aro, gigaro. v ^^ , e°" eer3 g ualtat °re,zappatore,pfcconi- P ionie , peonia. Pious, pio» religiofo, devotoi A pipe, flautorpiva. ° r jzampogna, To pipe, fonar del flauto. A bag-pipe, corna mufa. ' A conduitepipe, canna. A pipe (or trunk) of wood for conveyance for water ) canale. ' The pipe of aflnkc , or gutter, cannello A pipe ( cane-reed ) or little hollow pipe, canna, cannuccia. 11 A wine-pipe, tonnello. The wind-pipe, canna della gola. A piper , fuonator di flauto? A ba S-piper, iuonator di cornamufa ó di zampogna. A pipkin, pila, pignattelJa. Thepippe (inpullain) pipita. A pippin (apple) mela, pomo così detto. The pipping of fruit, granello,acino'. Tirade, corfeggiamento. A pirate, pirara, corfaro. Praticali, da corfaro. Pifces , pefei, fegno celefie. Pith (tufh) oibò : fui. Pifnire, formica. A pifemire- hill, formicaio. Topìffe, orinare, pifeiare. Topiffe often, orinar fpefle volte, pifeiar fpefie volte. Piffe, orina, pifeio. A pipe-pot, orinale. Pijfe-abed (herbe) dentediiione, Piped, orinato, pirciato, A pifing, pifeiata. Pifsing much or ofirn, or full p;r it Qli . nando ò pifeiando fpefle volle! U fifing place, pifeiatoio. Piflacbics (fiftiik-nuts) piflacchi. —____ The PL P L PL The pitch Tree, abete. To pilch hh °- I pape no, fori,, non mene curo, non me ro» C tr aC ’ n °f cened " n,ente ’ 6 nu,h - To paffe amayhis right cedere le fue raggi- oni,o luffe. Pa fled, paffuto. Papd over agnine, rtpalToto. t affedovcr, trapaffato, traghettato. pajsenger , paffaggiere, viandante, affo, PA I peJIerino. ■A paflengerfaulcon, fa !con pafl r ■ Thepaffc.ove, V agnello paVcale™ Pafnbiliiy, paflibilità. A pasflng, paflo, pafTaggio ^pafimgbeyond, il trapali! paffar ol- Faf ing,he banks and bounds, paffandoi 11 miti, trapanando la meta ii L7no l ufsing, paffando. ° * Vafsing well, bciiiflimo,bene per eccellen- Po/negtia/kw.valenrillinio. Pafetngij, eccellentilfimamcnte,lopra mo . Ptfsion, paflione. The pafsion week, la /«rimana fama To grnipaf ionate, rifcaldarfi, adirarli,ftiz- andar m «’•'«.divenire appaffio- ? “[stonate, rifcaldato, fti zza to , coleri- Pafstonate at, sdegnato, adirato Tafsive, paflivd. Pafl, pattato, andato. Pafl, or dow, parta. ’ nc °ii*re, attaccar Pafled, lmpaftatoj affo incollato or attac- cato con cola. W ’ pa,iiccitrc ' I Paflerie, pafticieria. tioné^ paffatempo, ricrea- Touke hispaflinte, darfi bel tempo, ricre- To give paflime unto, trattenere, dilettare, ricreare,dar trattenimento ad alcuno A pa(tor, pallore. ■of young or meane pajior, paftorello. Paflorall , paflorale. ^P^oral 1 office or charge, ufHceio di pa. Paflurahle, pafeibile. ^e. paftura.herbaggio, prateria, | T ° paflare, pafeere, pafcolare. *4 pafure ground, pafcolo -A common pajlure, pafcolo publico ■A pajturing, patimento, pafcolamento. a patch, pezza. To patch, or jet on a patch, rappezzare Patches, pezze. Patched, pezzato, ■A patched oldjbooe, or garment veftito ran pezzato. r J -A patther, rappezzatole. A patching, rappezzamento. Patent, patente, manifefto. Fetters patent, lettere patenti. ^dre^’ paterna,e > P cr via di pa Paternally, paternalmente. Paternity, paternità. Thepater-nofler, il pater noftro,!’ oratione dominicale. A path , fenderò. A puth begun, fenderò inviato. •of pall, beaten much, fentiero incallito iar- tuto ben bene. Pathettcal .paflionato, patetico, (bafsionate) mlmt pateticamen «. ^affienata- F kffìit MmÌk) F3ir,bih patibi1 ' Patient*' PE P A I ~ foffrenza. fopportamento.^ I to beare with patience, fopp LsS*** 46 "" P E n«*. a t" ri *!' hi '‘ i 1Jtrklca '°' Ap atrimonie, patrimonio- Pammo-iiaU, patrimoniale. A patrioti ( or ones cernire-» »» ) P aela ^"°;m;»"°”p arrocinat °’ pro,ct,ioDC ' .Auro», patrone, protettore. pa - tronakche, attiene a patrone. To fatronige, patrocinare, proteggere. To pene, battere, ferire, dare. A wooden patten, zoccolo. » To Oilier or beat thick) pillare, pedar . J P!ecr«c, moftra, effemp.o, modello, r/^ntria Pt-a nroftra,Pori- r 5t,' formar> imitar il modello. („chg) at a patten, «• «»••"» « Md ) mmom " ladricare. . toed, mattonato latitato A paved mouth, golapeloft. gola da due jtptnrnent, mattonato, ladra, laftnco, A^nment beater (a rambling rafealt) svi¬ ato, taglia-cantoni, sgherro.ftracca-mu- ticciuoli, fpazza (trade. tenda, pavi.Uo- ne. „A yavine , or pavdne, pavana. felciamento, mattonamelo, fclciatura. Thepanlme efthehand, jp2\n } 3. To paulter, tormentar, tirature. A pan/terer, tormentatore. ^ vaultrie fellow, un mitico, un zotico. J paunch, panza, pana,, renne, tr.p- 1 Mitili panhi panzetta. Apaunch-belly.or me that huh a great Lombi ventrone, panzuto, trrppaccia. To parneb (orbemeli) sventrare. p«,W («r IrweUn») sventrato. Taunchie, great paunched, ventrate, panzu- To'paa/è, fermarli, ripofare, rifpirare, far paufa. To pouf e m, (ludlare, ruminare. A pdufe, paufa. Wii/i wtwj paufes, con molte paufc. Vctufei, che li fia fatto paufa, che fifia fermato. , r jl paufer on a matter, ruminatore, che lia penfofo. iA paufing, panfamento. A pouting on, romlnamento. _ vUL Tacendo paufa, ruminando. A paw (or fM o) abeaft) zampa. (or/tratti) with the natles, sgraf- To^anr, ger, cr boli, in bit pawes, afferrare, ftrignere colle zampe. F.W (broad, or Urge footed) zamputo, che hàie zampe grofle. Ptntwcfe, <*#d pawfe, fee paunch andpauje. Tannage, ortaggio. ^4 paw ne, pegno. fawned, impegnato, j ^4 pawner, impegnatore. ^4 pawning , impegnamento. To pay, pagare. .. 7*0 pay back, ripagare, .relutune. Pa>d or pajed, pagato. Paired back with tie Me, ripagato, retami caver, or pay-mafler, pagatore.paga. ^4 pujmg or payment, pagamento. » cavie, n polle, fecchio. Apyn,paines,painfull,^. ["(«<*■ 1 ^4 paynim, fee a pagan, or heathen. Peace, pace Peace-loving, che amala pace. TO >«a*e peace, accommodare, accor aggiultare, far pace. A peace maker, pacifico. A peace-making, pacificamento, agg mento,accordo, Pearle-powder, polvere di perle. Pearle colour , color di perla. Peart, vivace, vezzofo,lelto. Aprittieptart lafle } giovane allegra & zofa. To make peart, allegrare. A peafant, fee a boor , clown, country-man, v filano,zottico, eontadinaccio. Peafe , pifelli. Small peafe, pifelli minuti. Great garden rouncevall peafe, pifello grof- fo. peaje fìrained , liikor.or pottage, of peafe, mineftra di pifelli. Apeafecod, or jhale, baccello, fcafia, gu- feio. ìcio. To peck (with the bill as birds do) becca- mento, accorcio. _ TO hold ones paci, tacete, ftatfl zitto fenza dir nulla. I hold npy peace, taccio. I have held my peace, ho taccili». Peace, be fileni, zitto, non dir nulla. Peaceable , pacifico, benigno, quieto,tran¬ quillo,trattabile, manlueto. peaceableneffe, tranquillità, q ulcte ; Peaceably, pacificamente, quietamente, i tranquillamente. A peach, pertico, pefco. Tir or Hairy rubili plichi perlico Di Il¬ eo. Tir block pachi perii co nero. The almond path perlico mandolo. The nut peach, perfico noce. The quince peach, or yellow peach, pertico I cotogno. ! The gold peach, perfico d oro. i The red peach, perlico rollo. 1 A peach irti, perfico. A peach-colour, color di pertico. I Tit peach-bill flower, la campanella. A pea-ceck, pavone. i Ayoungpea-cock , pavoncino, pavoncel- A lame peacock, pavone addimetacato. A wild peacock, pavone falvatico. To from " proudly mih as apeatock, paio- Oflmfeiongmg to a pedernk, pracocUtke (proud) che attiene a pavone. ^emr"/irl > Mfùonar delle campane a feda. To peate, peftare. Pealed , peftato. pe*fi»£» peftamento. To piarci, a /«rcer, &c. /re » perno,aprir cer , &c. ^ pear eh, or perch, pertica. Topearch,or fit on a pearch , pofarfi fulla pertica. Apearchfilh, perchia. The tea pearc/>,perchia marma. Belonging to, or full of pearches, pi«no di cerehie. Pearched, pofato fulla pertica A peare, pera. A beare tree, pero. .A Katherine peare, pera di fanta cateti- na. The Mary peare, orour Ladies peare, pera della madonna. A mutkepeare, mofcaruola. The peare quince, or quince peare, pera co¬ togna. A warden , or winter peate , pera da guar¬ dia. A Pearle, perla. ^^fairefgreali^irieniaUpearle, perla grol- Refùje, or ragged pearles, perle di poco va- lore ò dima. , Aothcr of pearle, madnpcrla. re. A peck (meaft.re) fee a bujhellfcotzo. A peckwith abeake, feorzo col fuo boc¬ chino. Peeked, beccato, pizzicato. A pet king, beccamento, beccatura. Pettorali- pettorale. Peculiar , peculiare, particolare. To make peculiar particolari z zare. A peculiar (or faciali) thing, co fa parti¬ colare, ó lingolare. o peculiariy> particolarmente, lingolarmen- Pr tuniarie, pecuniario. A pecuniary multt, or penalty, pena pecu¬ niaria, condanna in quattrini. pecunious, dannaiofo,ricco di quattrini. The pedali! (or low K.t>") of Organs, labe d’organo. A pedant (or ordinary School-majter) pe¬ dante, maeftro di fcuola. Pedaniiiall,ped2nsko. Pedantic all humours , capricci pedanti- ci or pedantefehi Pedantijme, pedantefuno. To pedanti\e it, or play the pedant, far il pe- A pedigree, genealogia,febiatta, razza,le gnaggio, origine. A ped/ar.merciaruol», mercanticelo,tri¬ tiamolo. Pedlars french ,gergo .lingua corrotta. To fpeake pedlars J rtnih, parlar m gergo. Apce ce, pezzo. Allofupeec f, tutto d un pezzo. ’great peece (or lunchion) un gran pezzo, un tozzo. A fmallpeece, un pezzetto. a piece of minty Ibillmgs (or double Sne- raign) una lira fterlina. iA piece (i/ on a garment) pezza; tjona Ihooe ; taccone. To peece, or fee on apiece; pezzate, rap¬ pezzate, alfa, tacconare,rattopparc. To pull in pieces, disfare, metter in pez. bulled in pieces, or pullingin pecces, disfat¬ to, meffo in pezzi. . A fecce (or game) arcobugio, bocca di fuoco. . A fowling pecco, atcobuggio da cacc ia A fire- lock piece (that goes off with apre- lock) atcobuggio a ruota. Pieced, rappezzato, rattoppato, taccona- to. - A peccir, rappezzatotc, rattoppatole,rat- tacconatore. Veece-meale, or by pieces, a mimizzuolt. Topeece-mealc ( to decide all, rent in pieces) minuzzate, fminuzzare, peece- mealed, minuzzato, fminuzzato. A pece e-i»MÌi»g»minuzzaniento,fnimuz- zamento. , . . Veece-mealing , minuzzando,fmtnuzzan- do- A peering, rappezzamento, rattoppamen- , to j tacconamento. ^ PE A peele, palai A little peele, paletta. Apeel-full, palettata. The peele o)f an oniony doppioni fo , lcorza. To peel of, fee to pill. A peele or peeling, fee a pi 7. Topeepe (as young birds') pi pire, pigolare. Veebepeepe {the voice of chic kins) il pipite? verfo de’ pulcini. To peepe out , fp on tare, fpiccare. Apeeper (or cherper) che pigola. A l-eeping (of Jmall birds) il pipite, 6 p golare, affo il garrire.' To peer out, as to peep out. A peer (or can fie) on the Sea fide, molo. A peer, pari, nobile. Apeer dome, pariaggio, nobiltà. T he pceres of the Realrne, pari ò nobili del regno. Teerlefse , lenza pari, 6 paro. e Peereleffely, impareggiabilmcnte. Teevijh,{aliidio(o, bisbetico, capricclo- fo, ritrofoj brufeo, acerbo. To bepeevijh, efler faAidiofo, bifbcttico ó capricciofo, ritrofo, brufeo. acerbo. Pcez;///!jfy,faAidiofaniente,bisbetticamente, capiicciofamente,ritrofanienie, bruca¬ mente,acerbamente. Peevijh tefse, bisbeitichezza, faAidio, ca¬ priccio, ritrofità,brufchczza. A peg (or pinne of wood) caviglia. To peg , or pin with pegs, incavigliare. PeggedyOt fafined with pegs, incavigliato. A pegger , incavigliatore. A pegging , or f fining with pegs, incavigli- amento. • Apegafus ( or flying horfe ) cavallo pega- leo. 7 o peife, pefare. Tei fed, pelato. Apeifer , pefatore. Apcifeing, pefamento* Teifmt, pefante. Pelfe, robba, ricchezza. A pellet, palla. The round pellet (of dough, and paft,& c.) wherewith fowle is fed, pallottola. A pellican, pellicano. Pellitorie , of Spaine, piretro. Pellitorieof the wall, parietaria. Pell- meli, confu lamento, in milchia. Tell-melled, confalo, mifehiato. A pelt, pelle. Apeltmonger , pellicciato. A peltmongers trade, arte del (pellicciare. A fhepherdspelt (orgaberdine) pelandra. Penali (infhttingpenalties) penale. A penalty, pena condanna. P enee > fee penate , danari, quattrini. A pendant, pendente, orecchino. To penetrate, penetrare, paffare. Penetrated, penetrato, paffato. Penetrative, penetrativo, palfabile. Penitence, penitenza. To be penitent, elfer penitente, trovarli pentito. Penitent , penitente. Penitently , penitentemente. Penninct. as penitence. Apreijìthat enjoyncthperniante, penitenti- ere. The pennant , a rope fervìng to hoife up the boat , and heavie merchandise a-bord a- fhip, altalena. A penne, penna. A fmall penne, pennuccia. Full of peunes, pien di penne. To penne (or write a thing) ferivere, metter incarta. A penner, pennar, or penne-cafe, pennaruo- lo. A penne and inkhorne, penna e calamaro. A penne-knife, temperino. Apenne-knife maker , temperinario. PE Apenne-man (or ferivener that lives by his penne) ma Aro da ferivere, ferivano. A pennie, danarc,quattrino. An earnefl pennie, or Gods pennie, caparra. Apenniworth, danarata, quattrinata. Halft a pennie, mezzo danaro, mezzo quat¬ trino, A pennie father, fpilorcio, mifero, tan gherone, lefinante. Tennie-royall, puleggio. Pennie-wort, bellico di ven re. Apenon (orpenant ) tnajhip, or on the top of a hoifemans fluffe, pennone, banderuo¬ la. A p enfili, pennello. A penfton, provinone , falario, mercede, Aipendio. Apenfioner, Aipendiato. Penfioned (hired by penfton) provilionato, falariato. Penfive, penfofo , fofpefo , col cervello turbato, od altratto. To be penfive, liar penfofo 6 fofpefo, pen- fierofo. Tenfively, penfofamente. Penfiveneffe, penliero, fofpenfìone d’ ani¬ mo, aftrattezza. Pent up, fee {hut in, or up, ferrato, inchiufo, A pent-houfe, tavolato. A pent-houfe of cloatb {to hang afore a fhop window, cenda, Auora. A moveable pent-houfe or mantelet (under which fouldiers approaching a rampier^ire fhrowded) tavolato portatile. Tojhrowd under fuch a pent-houfe, ricovrar- li fotto alcun tavolato ò tenda. Shrowded under fuch a pent-houfe , ricovera¬ to fotto tal tavolato 6 tenda. Penurie, penuria, careftia. Penurious, penuriofo, indigente,che man¬ ca. Peonie, or pioni e, peonia. I*copie, popolo, gente. To people, or furnijh with people , popolare. The common people, the meane or bafe fort of PMp/e,plebbe,canaglia,gentaglia. Full of people, popolofo, pien di popoli. Abundance of people, frequenza di popoli ó di gente. People favoring or pleafing, populare, che tieile dal popolo. The dregs, offals, or rafcally fortof the peo¬ ple, as the common people. Peo}lcd.Jlored with people, popolato. Pepper, pepe, pevere. The pepper plant, pianta di pepe. White pepper, pepe bianco. Long pepper, pepe largo. Indian ginnie , or calecut pepper, pepe di calicutte. The husked pepper called amqmum , pepe e- tiopico. Pepper of the mount, pepe di montagna, Water pepper, pepe acquatico. To take pepper in the nofe at, Aizzarli, pi¬ gliar ombra. To pepper, or feafon with pepper, pepare ftaggionar con pepe. Peppered, or Jeafoned with pepper, pepato, ftaggionato con pepe. A pep per ing,or feafoning with pepper, pe- pamento, llaggionamento con pepe. Pepper-wort, dittamo. Peradventure, forfi. Peragration, (going about) caminata. To perambulate , caminar il mondo, viag¬ gi* 1 *; ... Perambulation,, viaggio, caminata. Perceivable , or perceptible, percettibile, che fi può conoscere. To perceive ; fcuoprire, riconofcere, ac¬ corgerli di- Terceived, feoperto, nconofciutc^aecor- tofi di- ff “I A perceiving, Or perception, i cuoprimento, ! nconofcimento,accorgimento di- Perceptible , and perception, as perceiveable. A perch, fee pearch. Perdition , perditione, Aerminio,ruina. Perdu s (the forlorne hope fanti perduti. Peregrine (or for rain) foraAierc, Aranierc peregrino. peregrine fmlcm, orpafenm, ftlcon P a foggierò. A peregrination (or farre journey) Peregri- natione, viaggio longo. Peremptory, aholuto, imperiofo,oAinato, che incoccia. Peremptorily , affolutamente, imperiofa- mcnte,oAinatamente A peremptory fummons, citamento affolli¬ lo & imperiofo, intimatone ail'oluta & imperiofa. PerfeCt. perfetto, compito, affoluto. To perfect, or bring to perfection, perfettio- nare,comp ire, confommare. Perfected , perfetto, compito,affoluto,con- lommito. A ptrfeder, perfettionatore. Perfection , pefettione , compitezza, affo- lurezza, conlommatezza. To bring tv perfection , ridurre a perfettione. Perfectly, perfettamente, comp.tarnente, affolutamente confommatamente, Perfidious, perfidiofo, difleale. Pe^■> ~ Verfpicacitie, perfpicacità. lApetie {orpaltrie fellow) unmefchmo, n* vcrli'Sm, U profpettiva. | & difgratiato. un’liuomo da niente Per/p/c«fii>, perfpicuità, chiarezza. \A paitìm, memonale, fuppllca, nehlefa. TerfyicKOKS, perfpicuo. chiaro. | To mfwer a f «ilio»,i«ihc margini of u,fo Verfoìiitoufly, perfpicuamente . chiara- ftillare. niente. \Suchananfivev toapetition, postilla. Aperfpiration {or breathing through) per- ì To petition, fupplicaie, richiedere. fpirationc. M petitioner , oratore, fupplicante, cheidi- To pick up, or to gather up, raccogliere, al¬ zare. Topick a pur (e, or pocket, andar alla volta della borfa ó Saccoccie , far le fica alla borfa. Topick aquarrell, attaccar lite, voler far quiftione. To pick a lock, aprir cel grimaldello. A pick-lock theife, ladro che apre col gri¬ maldello, fcatfarore di botteghe. Tbepic-lock {inflrument ) grimaldello. To pick ( or fleale ) fee fio pilfer , to pur - loine. A pick-thank, gratiano, teco-meco. A pick } or diamond {at cards) quadri, mat¬ toni. Picked or chojen , cappato, feelto, cerni¬ to. A picker up, raccoglitore. A picker out, capparare,cernitore A picker of qttarrells, uno che attaccalite, uno che fà quiftioni. Aneare picker, and a tooth picker , fee ear c and tooth. Apickerell ( fifh) luzzo, luccio. Pùkere/r,luzzi,lucci. A picking up, raccoglimento. A puking ojif,cappatura, Scelta, cemimen- to. Pickle , falamoia. To pickle, mettere nella falamoia, infala- re, faleggiare. Pickle of fifh, falfa di pefee. To pickle fijh, mai inai e. Pickled, niellò nella falamoia. Pickled fijh, falcggiaro. A pickled herring , arringa affumicata. PL PO PO Àpleafing, piacimento. piacenza,compi¬ acimento, compiacenza , fodisfattio ne. Plcafure, piacele, guftò, diletto, traftul- lo. To plea/ure, dò plcafure to, far piacere, be¬ neficare. Pleafure-doing, beneficenza,il far piacere. A plcdg, pegno, iicurtà, falvo-condotto, alfo, oltaggio. v To pledge, impegnare, far ficurtà, o falvo- condotto, daroftaggi. To :a lie in plcdg, pigliar, ortaggi. Left inpledgfor, hfeiato in ortaggio. Topledg (being drunk to) far raggionè a- rifponder ali’ invito. Pledged , impegnato, dato in ficurtà ó fal¬ vo-condotto,dato in ortaggio ,alfo a cui fia fatto raggionè. Plenteous, abondantc, co piofo. Plenteoujly, abondantemente, copiofa- nlente, aiofa. piemie , abondanza, copia, grafeia, coca- gna. P lenitoti fnejje, plentiful, as plenty. Plentifully, muifully, as plentioufly. ^4 pleure fie , plurilia, mal di poma. Sick of the pleurefie,c he patifee di plurilia, 6 di mal di ponta. Pliable, or pliam , pieghevole, arrendevole che coniente. To make pliant , mollificare , ammollare metterà molle,addolcire, Pliantnefie , pieghevolezza, mollezza. Toplie (bend, or boxo) piegare, doppiare, torcere. Plied (bent,bowed) piegato , doppiato, torto. The plight of the body, habito od habitu di¬ ne del corpo, compleflìone, difpoftez- za. Good plight , falute, fallita, difpoftezza di corpo. To plight hi stroth, affidare,rertar malleva¬ dore. Aplot, congiura, cofpiratione,tradimen- ' to, machinatione. The upnght plot of a building, dirizzamen- to difabrica. To p/o/,congiurare.cofpirare,tradire, ma¬ chinate. A fiottare plot, quadrangolo. A plot that is more long then broad , quadro ODlongo. Plotted , congiurato , cofpirato.tradito, machinato. Apiover , piviere, piviero. A plough, aratro. To plough, arare, lavorar il terreno. Aplough-man, bifolco, aratore, lavora¬ tore. Plough-geeres, fornimenti d’ aratro,lavoro d’ aratro, A plough 'fluire, coltre di aratro. The plough-handle,plough-bale, or plough- tail. manico d’ aratro. A plow, to plow, a plow-man, fee plough and plough-man. A plow land, feminato, terreno da femina- re. Plowed, or ploughed, arato, lavorato. A plowing, or ploughing, aramento, Iavo- raniento. A pluck, or pull, tiro, tirata. To pluck, tirare. To pluck up, tirar fu,alzare, levare. To pluck from, ritirare, svellere. To pluck up by the root, rtirpare, sbarbicare, sradicare. To,pluck down , tirar giù, far calar giù, ab¬ ballare. Afleepspluck, coratella di caftrato. To pluck up the coat (for dagging) alzarli i panni, raccoglierli la veiled panni. Plucked, tirato. Plucked up by the root, ftirpato, sbarbica¬ to, /radicato Plucked away from, ritirato, svelto. A plucking , tiramento, tirata. Apluckingfrom, ritiramento, svenimen¬ to. Aplucking up by the root,ftirpamento, sbar¬ bicamento, sradicamento. A mafonsplumbe rule, riga di livello* A plume, pennacchio. To plume (pluck the feathers off) fpiuma- re, fpennacchiare, alfo pelare. Plumed, fpiumato, lpennacchiato, alfo pe¬ lato. A plainer (afeatherplucker) fpiumatore, fpennacchiatore, alfo pelatore. 1 pluming (or plucking the feathers from) fpiumamento, fpennachiamento , aljo pelamento. Aplumme, pruna, brugna, fufina. A damaske, or damfon plumme, pruna da- mafeena. The wheat, or white plumme, pinna bianca. ; The wild plumme (bullacc, or floe) pruna lalvatica. A little plumme, pruna picciola. A plumme-tree , pruno, prugnuolo Fearing, or abounding with plummet, fecon¬ do di prune. To plumme or to werke by a plumme rule) mifutar col perpendicolo, contra-pefa- re. A plummer, piombare. A plummet , piombino. A plummet, plum b-rule, or plumb line, per¬ pendicolo. A founding plummet, tentatilo. A little plumb-rule, riga di livello. Plump (full, fat,puffed up) pieno, paffuto, A plump (or fat confiitution of body) vita ben compleffionata. corpo gralfiotto, tondezza. Plumplic, pienamente, paffutamen ti Plurrpntffe, pienezza, tondezza. To plunge (dive, or duck) tuffare. To p unge himfelfe, up to the ears in tuffar¬ li tutto. To put to his plunge, or plunges, ridurre alle llrette. He was put to his plunge, fù ridotto alle llrette. "Plunged(duck 9 d dived) tuffato. A plunger (dueker, diver) tuffatore. A plunging, tuffamento. Plunging, tufi andò. Plunging, or by plunges, tuffandoli. Plurality, pluralità. The plurali number, il numero del più. Plufl, felpa. A plying (bending, or bowing) piegamento. 7 o poche, affogare, /perdere. Pocked, affogato, fpeifo. The fmali pocket, li moriglioni, il vanto- io. The great, or french pocket, il mal francefe, il mal di napoli. To get the french pokes, tutto franefo-fato. To get, or travell forpockes, andar in bran¬ da ò napoli a cattar il mal francefe. pock-holesfegni de*moriglioni. Fullnefie of pock holes, pienezza di fegni de’moriglióni. Full ofpock-ho'.es, tutto pizzicato da* mor biglioni. Pocky . or who hath the pocket, franciofato. - A pocky fore, piaga di mal francefe. Pock-wood, guaiaco, legno fanto. A pocket, faccoccia, fcarfella. A pocket full, faccocciata, fcarfellata. A poeme, poclia, poema, Poefie, orpoetrie, poelia. A poet, poeta. An ignorant poet, poctartro. Apotteffe, poetefla. A paultrie poet effe, poeudra. Poetically , or poet like, poeticamente, da poeta. To poetile, poetare, poetizzare. Topoina (toflarpen at the point ) aguzzare, appontare. 7 o point with the finger, additare, accenna¬ re col dito. A point {prick, period. See.) ponto, ponto fermo. The point (of a weapon, or tooll) ponta. The point (or (harp top) of a rock, cima di rocca,ponta di rocca A little nice point pontiglio. A point of Land (at which two Rivers meet) capo. A point (for the hofe) ftringa. To tie, or truffe the points, ftringare, allacci¬ arli le ftringhe. To whip or Ljhmlh point,, s f crzare con ftringhe. From point to point, di ponto in ponto. Voimid (JhiTp « pom, or jb.rpntd at the point) aguzzato, appontato. Pointed at with the finger, additato, accen- nato col dito. pointing , pontamento, appontamento. To poi'e, pefare, librare. Poifon, veleno, veneno, toffico. Topoifon, velenare. tofficare. To poifon the out-fide of, avvelenare. Poifoned, velenato, avvelenato, toflicato. A poi finer, velenatore, avvelenatore, toffi- catore. A poi fining, velenamento, dvvelenamen- to, tofficamento. A poke, faccoccia, facco. bifaccia. A little poke, faccocciuccia, faccuccio. To pokeup, put into apofe, metter in fac- coecia. To buyapig in a poke , comprar la gatta nel facco. A pole, pertica. A hawking pole, pertica da cacciatore. To beat down with a pole, battacchiare. A beating down with a pole, batacchiata, battacchiamento. The po' e (ofheaven) polo. The pole (or head) tefta,capo. Pole many, tafla. Policie \or politick government) politica, prammatica. To ru e order, or governo with policie, go¬ vernare con politica 6 prammatica. Poligamie (.the having of many reives) poli- gamia. Polipodie, polipodio. To polifl, polire, forbire, brunire. Polifhed, polito, forbito, brunito. Apolifler, politorc, forbitore, brunitore. A polifher, or poliflers burnì fling fione, bru¬ nitoio. A poti fling, patimento, foibimcnto, bru- nimento. Polite, fee fpruce, neat , polito, attilato, gentile, gaibato, da zerbino. Politick, politico. A pollax, mazza. To poli (or/heere) fondere, tofare. Polled , tonduto, tofato. A poller , ton di tore/ tofa tore. A polling , tondimcnto tofamento. To pollute , contaminare, infettare. Polluted , contaminato, infettato. A polluting , or pollution , contaminamen- mcnto, infettamento. A pomander, pom andrò. A pomt-citron, citrone. A pomegranate, mela granata. A pomegranate tree, melagranato. A pomegranate bloffime,a little,pootegranate bottoncino di mela granata. To pommel, fee to knock, buffet. Pommelled , P o PO PO Pommelled, fchiaffe^giato. The portimeli of a fword, pomo di fpada. Pompe, pompa, boria, ollentatione. Pompous, pompofoj boriofo. Pompoufly, pompofamentej boriofamente. A primerspompets,or b rie , or full of pores, porofo, pien di pori. Porke , porco, carne di porco. Porke fauce, (of onions , vinegar, and mu- jlardi faporetto di carne di porco. A porket. young porke, porchetta. Porphirie (a kind ofvtarlble , porfido. Porrage, mineftra, porranger > faldella. Portage, il porto, la portatura. A portali , as a porch. Portative, or portable, portatile, portativo, facile da portarli. A port (or haven) porto di mare. The port of a bit, bowing like a goofeneck collo di oca. A portcullis, raltello, faraeenefea. A porter (at a gate, or door ) portinaio, portiera. A gentleman, or groom porter of the Rings boufhold , capitano maggiore delle porte alfo fopra-intendente ai palazzo. A porter or burden bearer) fachino, fpor- taruolo. port-holes in flrips (for ordnance) cannon- mere. A portion , portione, parte, alfo dote. To portion ( jhare out in portions) fpartire compartire. A pormantue , porta-ferraiolo. To portray, ritrarre, tirare. Portrayed, ritratto, tirato. A por tratte, or portraiture, ritratto» figura tirata al naturale ó al vivo. Thepofe, catarro, d.fcefa. i pofie, divifa,{imbolo, ndovinello motto. A pofie (of flowers) mazzo di fiori. A pofing ( for pafsing of graduates) cflame : laureatione. A pofition , pofitione, conclufione, teli. To paffe downe, calcare, fiacchire. To poffefie, pofl'edere , occupare, godere fruire. P offeffei, pofleduto, occupato, goduto fruito. _ Ptffefledof, impadronito di- impoflefTa- to di- A poflefsion, poflefTo, polfeffione, occupa tione, godimento, fruit one. A poflefsion in trufl, dolleffione affidata To take pojfefsion of, impoUeifarli di- im¬ padronì li di-fequeltrare. A taking pojfefsion of, impolTeflamento di- inipadronimento di - fcquellro Put out of po/se/j/t>M,fpofe(rato,fcacciatofu- or del fuojdilpolletìato. A putting out of pofsefsion ì fpofleflamento, difpoHelfamento. A pofseflor, poflelfore. occupatore. A pofselsorefie (a woman that poffeffeth J polfellora. polleditrice,occupatnce. A poflet, bevanda ò beverone di latte. P olsible, poffibile che li pub fare Pofsibilitie, poffibilità,potere poflanza. Pofstbly, poffibilmente. A poft (bearne, or great flake) puntello, ftipite. A pofi (or carrier) corriera, corriere (taf- fetta, alfo procaccio, alfo condottiere. Pofl, po fling, ridingpoft il montar fulle pofie. To pofl, ride pofl, make pofl-hafle, montar fulle poltc, correr la polla, andar a ftaf- fetta. A pofl-horfe, cavallo di polla. A foot pofl, melfo, porta lettere. To poft , or enter out of one book into another , traferivere, ricopiare, A po(lilion 3 orpofts boy, poilillione , aiu¬ tante di cocchiere. A pofl-date, posdata. Full of pofl-haftc, affrettato,che non vede 1’ horad' montar fulle polle, Voflenour, polterioie, The pofteriors (or binder parts) le polte- riora. Pofteritie, poller iti. A pofternegate, porta fecreta o fegreta,la porta da reto. A poflill (or compendious expofition) poltil. la. Poft-pofed, pofpolto, negletto , trafeura- A little pot, boccaletto, mifuretta vafet- to A great pot (or kettle) boccalone, mifu- raccia, vafone. A feething pot , pentola, pignatta, pila. A watering pot , inaffiatoio. Pot-companions, compagnoni, bevitori, alfo sguizzeri. Pot-hangers, catena del focolare, ancìni. Pot-herbes, herbette, herbuccie. A pot-lid, coperchio. A pot-jheard, teila, coccia. A pot-market, fornace, olleria, piazza de’ pentolari. A pot-full of, pentolata, pignattata, pila- ta. Potable ( which may be drunk ) potabile, che fi può bere, Potent (mighty) potente, pofTentc, A pot-gun. cannello. A potion , potione, purga. Pottage pottaggio, mineftra, frappa, bro¬ do. Barly pottage, mineftra d 9 orzo. Beef pottage, mineftra di bietole. To make pottage, far mineitra, alfo mine- ltiare. Made imo pottage, ‘atto in mineftra. Herbes, or other fluff e to make pottage of, her¬ be da far mineitra. IO. The poflure (of the body) 1’atto della vi¬ ta, la pollura del corpo. A fit pofture, atto decente, poftura giuda A pot, bocale, mifura, vafo. A potter, pentolaro, pentolaio, olJaro,va- faro. A potters Jhop, as a pot market . Potters clay as g Ila. A pottinger, as a por enger, A pottle , mif ra d’un boccale. A pouch, tafea, facco, bifaccia. A little poKcfijtafehetta, facchetta, A poueb-maker, tafcaro. A pouch mouth, bocca del facco. ;J ouder, polvere. Fine pouder, polverina, polvere lotti¬ le. To pouder, polverare. To make, or tume into pouder, ridurre in pol¬ vere Pondered , palvcrato, ridotto in polve¬ re. A pondering , pulverifing, reducing into pou¬ der, polveramento, il ridurre in polvere. Gun-pouder, polvere d 9 arcobuggio. Great grained powder for the cannon, polve¬ re graffa da cannone. Tu pouder with many fpots, mofeare , mac¬ chiare, fegnare. To pouder with falt, falire, falare. TPoudered with many fpots, mofeato, mac¬ chiato fegnato. Pondered with falt,f alito, falato. Pondered beefe, vaccina falata ó falita. A pondering, or falling , il falare ó fali¬ re A pondering tub , or houfe, falatoia, fala- toio. Voudering, falando, falendo. Povertie. povertà,indigenza. A poK/rerer, poliamolo, pollaftricre. A poultis, cataplafma. Poni trie, pollame, Thepoultrie, pollaftreria. The pounces of a hawke, grife, unghie, tal¬ loni. To paure, verfare. To poure out, \crfare fuori, travafare, alfo fpandeie. To poure back, riverfare. To poure upon, verfar fopra, fopraverfare. Poured, verfato, traversato,ni//ére/?e,lodatrice,preggiatrice, prez- zarrice. AL praifer (or prifer) (limatore, apprcz- zatore. To prance up, attilarfi, ingalluzzirli, ren¬ derli zerbino. Ajhretud, bad , or villanous prankfcheczo, tiro, mal/atto. To play afhrewd prank , far un tiro ad alcu¬ no, fuonarla ad alcuno. A fond prank, burla, baia, botta. Pranked, attilato, ingalluzzito. A pranking, attilamento,ingalluzzamen- to To prate, oy to prattle, ciarlare, cianciare, cicalare. They can doe nought but prate and prattle, non fon buoni da altro che da ciarlare, non (anno far altro che cianciare. To prate or prattle foolifljly , favoleggiare raccontar dicerie. Prated or prattled , ciarlato, cianciato, favo¬ leggiato. A prater , orapratler, ciarlone, ciancione. A liti ley ottng prater or prattle-basket, ciar- loneello. A prating or a pratUng, ciarla, ciarlamen- to, cianciare, ciancia, cicalamento, ci¬ caleria. A prating , or a pratling bufwife, orgofsip , ciarlatrice, cianciatrice,ciarliera fcaldr- redia. A prating , or prattling place • (where women meet to prattle) lcggiola, fcannetto, alfo chialfo. (A horfe) to prJunes , andar col pa fio ri¬ levato. A prauncing, 1’ andare col parto rileva¬ to. A fratone, gambarello. An uncafed pratvne , grànchio di ma¬ re. To pray, as to praie,. Prayed unto, fupplicato. A prayer, as a prater. A f rayer both for certain houres ,ufficciuo- lo. A praying, pregamento, fupplica. To preach , predicare , fermoneggia- re. Preached predicato, fermoneggiato. A preacher, predicatore, fermoneggiato- re, alfo predicante. A preaching, predicamene, predica, fer- mone, fermoneggiamento. A preamble, preambolo, piefatione, pro¬ emio. A prebend, prebendato. The place of a prebend, or a prebendarie, pre¬ benderia. A precaution, (or fore warning) precau¬ tion, avVertimento. To precede, precedere. Preceded , preceduto. Precedence , or precedencie, precedenza. Precedent, precedente. Precedenti)/, (formerly ) precedentemente, prima. Precellencie , fee an excelling, or furpaf- precept , precetto, commando, regola, maffima. A frecinB, precinto, riflretto , diftxetto. Precious, pretiofo, preggiofo. Vrecioujly, pretiofamente, prcggiolamen- te, preggiatamente. A precipice , precipitio , ruina, tracol¬ lo. To precipitate (or cd(l down head-long) pre¬ cipitare, rouinare. Precipitate (red pouder of burned quick- fìlver) precipitato. Precipitated, precipitato. Precipitation, precipitatone, rouina. Precife, precifo, pontuale, alfo fcropolo- fo. Precifely, preci famente , pontualmente, alfo fcropolofamente. To f recogitate, penfar imprima , (ludiare inanzi tratto. Precognition , precognitione, pre faen¬ za. P redeceffor, predeceffore. To fredeflinate, predellinare. Predestined, or fredeflinated , predertina- to. A predeflination, prcdeflinatione. A prediction, predittione, prefaggio. Vte-eleBed (orfore-chofen) predetto. A preface, as a preamble. A prcfcB (or prefìdent) prefidente,prefet¬ to, prepófito. Preferment, promotion, awanzamento, grado. Prr/errrog«o;7/c ( rno«,prognollicarione J predit- tione, prognollico. v Aprognojlicator , prognofticatore, predi¬ citore. A progrefsion, progreffione, progreffo. Io prohibit, prohibire, inhibire, diffen- dere. Prohibited , prohibito, inhibito, diffe- fo. ‘ Aprohihiter , prohibitore, inhibitoré, dif- fenditore. •A prohibition, prohibitions , inhibitio- ne, diffcfa. P rohtbitory, prohibitorio, inibitorio.dif- fenfibile. Apnjeft, machina, rigiro, ritmovata, in- ventione. Toprojeft, machinare, ritruovare, inveni- PR «-A prodigie, prodeggio. Prodigious prodipgiofo. P rodigioujly, prodiggiofamente. To produce, produrre, far nafeere. Produced, produtto, prodotto , fatto na- Icere. To be produced by , provenuto , origina- A production, or producing, producimento prodottione, prodotto. Aproe^ne, fee a preface. Profane, Ice prop hone. To prof effe, profeilare, far profeffione. ^ profejsion , profeffione , aite , nieftic- P rojeded, machinato, ritruovato. •A projection , niachinatione, rigiramen- Prolix, proli ffo,longo. Prolixly proli ffamente, longaniente* -Aprologue, prologo. To prolong, prolongate, allongarc. A prolongation , prolongation , longhe- ria,dilatione. procraltinatione. Prolonged , prolongato, allongato, differi¬ to, procraftinato. Aprolonger, prolongatore, allongatore, differitore, procrartinatore. A prolonging, as prolongation P romifeutus, promifeuo, confufo, Promifcuoufly , promifeuamente, confufa- mcme. Topromife, promettere. A promi fe, promeffa. Abarepromife, non altro chela promef- P romifed, a cui fia flato promeffo. A promifer, che promette, promettito- A P'-ofeffnr, profeffore, alfo ardila. A proffer, profferta, motivo. To proffer, profferire, offrire, muovere, far motivo. Proffering, profferendo, offrendo, muo¬ vendo, facendo motivo. Profitable , utile, giovevole, proffitevo- le Profit 'bly, utilmente, giovevolmente, proffitevolmente. Profit, utile, guadagno,proffitto, lucro acqui (lo, intereffe. To profit, guadagnare, profittare, acqui¬ fere, cavare utile od interefle, riufei- To bringinprofitytppoitar utile 6 guada¬ gno- fiaife the profit, la metà del utile, mezzo guadagno. Profited, che habbia fatto proffitto , che fi a riufeito. Profiling, profittando, riufeendo. Profound, fee deep. Profoundly, profondamente, fprofondata- mente. Profoundneffe, or profundity , profondità fprofondita, profondezza. A profu fc fpender, a prodigali , prodigo, fpregatore, sguazzatole. .A progenie ( or offering ) progenie, Ichiatta, razza, origine, generation, dipendenza. A progenitor, progenitore, antenato. To prognofiicate, prognofticare, predire. Prognofltcated, prognoflicato, predetto. A prominence, prominenza, prominente, Iporginiento. Prominent, prominente, che fporge. A promontori, promontorio. A promooter, fpia, apportatore. To promote, promuovere, inalzare, tirare manzi, preferire, avvanzare. Promoted, promoffo, inalzato, tirato in- anzi, preferito, avvanzato. Promotion, promotione, inalzamento, preferimento, avvanzamento. To labour for pi emotion, attender ad inal¬ zarli, a promuoverli, cercare di tirarli manzi. Prompt, pronto, lefto, fpedito, deliro. To prompt , foggerire, loffiarealle orec¬ chie. Promptly , prontamente, fpeditamente fedamente, deftramente. Promptneffe, prontezza, fpeditezza,Ertez¬ za dellrezza. P romptnefie to anger, efeandefeenza. A prompt uarie (fiore houfe) fondaco, magazzino. To promulgate, promulgare. Prone, prono, dedito, inclinato, dato. P roneneffe, propenfione, indinatione, dif. poftezza. A prong, zappone. To pronounce, pronontiai e, profferire Pronounceable, pronomiabile, profferibi- Pronounced, pronontiato, profferito. A pronouncing , or pronunciation, pronon- tia, prononciationc. A pronoune, pronome. A proof, pruova, fpcrienza.mollra effem- pio. A deer proof , pruova chiara ò manife- fla. A proof before the gante beginyvzmi-g\oco : %g>°, pruova, tentiti ~ vv™ra« PrUOVarC ’ Ìr P erienza - afe, a. vverare, mantenere. Vrovei pmovato, fatta fperienza, alfo avverato, mantenuto Pr7J'’?v' t ’ pr0p ^ 3rc .”o 1 'ip)icate. Iropagated, propagato, moltiplicato. A propagate^ propagatore, moltiplicato- K ert ' nente > 3 propoli» zerbino.^ ta S' 10 J dfo, gentile, polito, ’pi P lo prianiente, pettlnentemen- s&tri: ,po,i,ament - da ^°ZtT opiKtk condki ° n ^- Inpropertie, proprictariamente. 1 rophane, profano. TopropUne, profanare, i tfophanely, profanamente. P rophaned, profanato ' pr of« na tio- ne, profanamento. To prophefie profettizzare. Aprophefie, p ofetia. Prophefied , profetizzato. A prophet, proffera. Prophetical, profetico. To propitiate, prop -tiare. A propitiation, propitiatione. A propitiator , propi datore. Propiti,torie. propitiatorio. Propitious, propotiofo. Vrobonion, a proportion, proportionc, mi» fura. To proportion, proportionate, mifura- MuficaUproportion, proportione mufica- Vroporttonable, proponiceli , proportione- vole, mifurabile. Proportionally, proportionatamente. mi- iurevolmente. . Proportionally, proporcionatamente, mi- luratamente. Proportioned , proportionato , mifura- to. To propofe , proporre, far motivo. P ropofed, propoflo. A propofer , proponitore. Apropofition, propolirione, propofl.-yno- To propound, as to propofe. Propounded , as prjpof’d. A propounder as a propofer. A thing f ■ opoaailetl, col a propofta, cofa di cui iia dato fatto motivo. To proppe, pontellare, fortenere, appoggi- A proppe , pomello, foflegno, appog- P ropped, pomellato, foflenuto, appoggia- A proprietarie, proprietario. A proprietie, proprietà, alfo idioma. A prorogation , or proroguing, prorogamen- to, rimeffa,procraibnatione. ro prorogue, prorogare, rimettere, procra- llinare. Prorogued, prorogato, ffmeffo, procrafti¬ nato. To proferito, proferivere, bandire, dilega- III il P R- r rv l’rofe, profa. , To pro fecale, profegu're, perfeguuare. pro [rented, profeguito, perfeguitatp- A pro center , proTcguitorc, perfeguttato- TrlfeMion, proleguiniento, perfeguita mento. A profetile, profclita. A pmfpccl, profpettiva, bel vedere. The pvofpeftive. la profpettiva. Toprofper, profperare, rlulcirbene, facce derbene, avvanzare. Profperitie, profperita. riulcita, buon lue ceffo, ayvanzo, felicita. Profperous, pvofperofo, riufcibile, fucce- devole, felice. To make profperous, felicitare, render alcu¬ no felice ó fortunato. . Pro [pero u fly , urofperamente , nufcibil- ,iicntc, con buon fuccefio, felicemente, fortunatamente. To profittate , proftituire,buttarli. ^ profilate . puttana publica , puttana sbordellata. Proftituted , proftituito, buttato. A pro fi itati on , profhcutione, lo but- tarfì. . r TU profane, protali, inchinarti, rivel i- re burniiilTiniamente. . Troftrated, or prof rate , proflrato, inchina¬ to, in atto di riverire. A proftracing . proitramento, ìnchinamen- to, riverenza. To protect, proteggere, diflendere , patio- cinare, mantenere. ProteBed, protetto, difefoj patrocinato, mantenuto. . A ^rorc’Ao«,protettione, diftefa, patroci¬ nio, mantenimento. ^4 protettori protettore, diffenfore,mante- nitorc. A protectrix , protettrice, mantenetrice. To take into protection, patrocinare. The protector of a Realme , il protettore, il goveinator fupiemo mentre durai m- ter-regno. The proteclorjhip of a Kingdom, la protet- tione. . To proteft, proteftate. To proteft agaìnft, proteftar contra, oppor- Ila- . ,, A proteflant) proteft atione, proteita. A proteftation, proteftatione, proteita. _ / proteftation again ft, oppolitione in con¬ tra, dichiaratione, incontra. Protefted, proteflato. . To protrati prolongare, prorogare, ditteri- ProtraHed, prolongato, prorogato,difìeri- Provided, provilto, provilionato. Providence, previdenza. Provident, providente. A pr crai dent fellow , un huomo previden¬ te, buon cafarino. A provider, proveditore , alfo fpendito A pxovidereffe, proveditrice, alfo fpendi- trice. . P)-ox;jde«:(7,providentemente, da catari- no. A province, provincia. To hep for t provifìon , rifervare, ripor¬ A pi ovifìon, provifione, alfo magnificen¬ za, fpefa. . The provi fon of a lyings court or camp , pio vilìone, apparecchio, falmeria. Provi fonali, provilionale, Provtforic, proviforio. A provocation, provocatione, incitamen¬ to. . . . A provocatorie , provocatorio , infcitati- vo. To provoke, provocare, incitare,muovere, fpìg ne ' e - . . (f provoked , provocato, incitato, mono, fpinto. A provoker j provocatore, incitatore, mo¬ tore, fpingitore. A provoking, provocamento, incitamen¬ to, muovimento, fpignimento. A provoft, prepolto, bargello. A provoft marjhall , prepofto delle mili- tie. Of or fubfetttoa provoft, dipendente dal prepofto. A provoftjhip, prepoflato, bargcllato. The prow (or fore-part ) of ajhip , prora, prua. . . Prowefle , prodezza, valore, valentiggia. Proximitie (or neerneffe) profumici, vici¬ nanza, fangue. Prudence , prudenza, accortezza. Prudent , prudente, accorto. Prudently , prudentemente, accortamen- te. A prune, brugna, pruna.fufina. To prune (ordrefe ) a vine, potare unavi- A protracting, or pvo/rd$/on,prolongamen to, prorogamento, differimento, dila- . tionc. A protractor, prolongatore, prorogatole, diffciitore, dilatore. Proud, fuperbo. orgogliofo, altiero, arro¬ gante, vanaglonofo. 7 n he proud, cllcr fuperbo. To w ix,°rgrow proud , inluperbire dive nir ò diventar fuperbo. A proud bitch, cagna in frega. To make proud, render alcun fuperbo. A puf e, sboffo, fiato. A puff of wind, sboffata dì vento. Puffes in a garment, gonfietti. Puffed, gonfiato, infuperbito. Puf ed in the face ,gonfio di vifo. A puffing, gonfiamento, gonfiatura. Cufffng. gonfiando, sboffando. Vufftngly , gonfiamente, gonfiatamente, sboffatamentc. A puffin, mergo. A pug, fcimiotto,*//o tarantola, sgualdri¬ na, puttana. My prette pug, belluccia mia. Fui fiance, poffanza,potere,abilità. Puifant , potente, poffente, abile. Puiffantly, potentemente, poficntemente, abilmente. To pull ( yOungbirds ) pipita To pull, tirare. To pull away, tirar via. To pull up by the not, ftirpare, s veliere, sra dicare. To pull down, atterrar», deprimere, abbat¬ tere, demolire. To pull of, cavare, cacciare, levare. To pull of hofe, or fhooes, corcar le calcette, ò fcarpe. ^ ... To pull of boote s, cavar ó cacciar ì ftiva- K. , To pull out ofajlough, or mire, cavar o le¬ var dalla fanga. Te pull in, tirar in dentro, ritirare. A pul 1 , tiro, tirata, tratto. Pulled, tirato. Pulled up by the root, flirpato, svelto, sra¬ dicato. Pulled dotPMjatterratOidepreffo^bbattuto, demolito. Pulled in, tirato in dentro, ritirato. A pulling, tiramento, as a pull. A pulling up by the root, ftirpaniento,svel- liniento, abbattimento, demolimento. A pulling in , il tirar indentro, il riti¬ rarli. A violent pulling, tiro per forza. Pullaine, or pullen, fee poultrie . A pullet, pollaltro, pollaftra. A pullie, caruccola, girella putite, LdlUU-UMj gucilrt. ThepuUie-peeces (armourfor the knees^ax- To prune trees, rimondar piante od alberi, | matura da ginocchi. Pruned, rimondato. 1 * e pu},po p.. , Pruneti ( herbe) or h.oke-hede, pruncl- AfnlM, pulpito, piarne, cateto. . v J ; P alfe, legumi, alfo polenta. A priming *H//e,falcino,lalcetto,roncone. Tnjfe (orbene/.he ur.c ne,) polfo. A pfilm rTfalmo. enn,‘.[, (Ione, pomice. ^3 pjatme, ìaimu. A pfalmift , or maker ofpfalmes, falmifla. To fng pfalmes, il cantar falmi, The fingi ng of pfalmes, il cantar falmi. A pflter, or pfalme book, falterio. Ptifane (or barley water) tifana, acqua d A pumetjc pone, pumitc. To fmooth. orpolilh with apomeifeftone) po¬ lire colla pomice. A fmoo thing, or pollilhing with a purneife ftone, polimenco, or lifcianiento colla l pomice. : A pump (to draw up water) tromba. ; pumy^uiutiiw ) - - | The pump of ajhip, tromba di vafcello o orzo, orzata A publican, publicano. A publication, publication, bando. : _ naVe - , ^.«varl^rnin p Mick, publico, noto. : re pump, menar la tromba,cavar 1 acqua, Piiblickly, pubicamente, notamente, | seottate Topnblfb, publicare. | "°- pLibet pubbeato | /«'.boli- ■[JpKkn’ìmnn c.ekpo, or gónzo, alfo j À pnn.h, 01 punch, on, pontarolo, fp.llo. &oàtc"gno. P S \ ^makers T nneh,orpunch,«..ponine, A proua . , ■ r,* „ r in 7 iiro lo da calzolaro. Prc”^ C ,^perbaniente ) orgogrioÌbmente, I ^opudderù,^ pacchiugare ,* pacciucca- | A h^llepnnehion, pontaruolin 0 , fplllet- , Fccbiugamento . pacciuc- To punch, flan,p or noarke M a punch, on, .....cLnJJ ! camento. I camento. j a pudding, lalficcia, lucanica, cervela- perbamente. Top ove, fee to proove. Tffdb f °prov!'tbio{“ detto con.nta- ' fpuUing in on hollow Uri, or belly of any f r beaft, pieno. Proverbiali , proverbiale. To provide, provedere, fornire. To provide of nece fanes ,, proYÌficnarfi,far fua ptovifione A haftie pudding, polenta. A puddle, guazzo. ^/>Ket,pavoncino, To puf e up, gonfiare,infuperbire. poncicare Tunftuail, pontuale. rie crab fijb. called a pannar, grancitel- lo. A punie , novo, novizzo. P umfhable, punibile, cafìighevole. To punijh , punire, caftigare, gaftigare,cor¬ reggere. p ammei, punito, cafugato, gaftigato, J correrò. PII P u corretto. A punilher, punitore, caftigatore, corret¬ tore. A pmifhment, pena, calligo, ga t ligo y cor- rettione. A punke , puttana, zonfrina. Afouldierspunke, bagagliona. A puptll , pupillo, allievo. Pupillarie, belonging to a pupilli pupillare. A puppet , bamboccia, figurina. A pappié, cagnolino. Alitile pappié {prpug lo plttytvilh) ber¬ tuccia. Purblind, lofco, bieco, guercio, a cui fia corta 6 grolla la viltà. P ur blinded . divenuto lofco. VttrblindneJJe , lofchezza. To purchaje, procacciare, acquiftare, otte¬ nere. A purchafe, acquilto. Purcbafed, procacciato, acquilìato. A purchafer , procacciatore , acquiflato- re. A purchasing, procacciamento, acquifi- tione. Pure, puro, fchietto, lineerò. Purely , puramente, fchicttamente, lìnce- ranienre. Purenejìe , or pur/tic, purità, fchiettezza, Jìncerità, A purgation, or purge , purga, medicina. Purgatone , purgatorio. To purge , purgare, medicinare, affo netta¬ re, polire Purged, purgato, medicinato, (tifo nettato, polito. Ap urging, purgamento, medicinamento, alfo nettamento, polimcnto. Purging, purgando, mcdicinando, Putrefarti, imr- v “tritici, putrefatto, infracidilo. A puttacks milro. To fUTpfie, confondere, ingarbugliare,fof- pendere. ° Pmfikdin, confufo, garbogliato. A pyramide j piramide,guglia. Pjjv>»id raccap- l ricciair.ento. A quod ing, mela cotta. To quo ine, fee to coinè. A quoiner , coining, CFc.fie a coiner,coining, &c. A quoite, piattrella. Quoth he, difi* egli. Quoth fie, dilPelTa, diffelei. To quote, allegare, addurre, citare, notare, cotare. Quoted, allegato, addutto, citato, notato, cotato. A quot ng, allegamento, citamene, tota- mento. Quotations, allegationi, citation], notatio- ni, note, cotationi. Quotidian ,coùdtano, giornale. A quotient, quotiente. R . A rabbet, coniglio. A rabbets neaf, conigliera, cava di coni- g'V A rabble, fee a crew. A race, linea, lignaggio, ceppo, fangue, delccndenza. A race (for men or horfes to run in) cor- fo. Ance (of horfes and mares for breed) raz¬ za. A borfi-rate,corto di cavalli,corfo di bar¬ bi, The owner ,or tyverfier of a race(of horfes and mares) cuftode di razza. A race, or dafi with the pen, tiro di penna, Cancellamene, (caliamento, fpegaz- zo. T o race out, Cancellare, Cattare, fpegaz- zare. Raced out, Cancellato, Cattato, fpegazza- to. A rating out, as a race or dafi. To rack, Jet on the rack, tormentare, darla balcttra. A little rack (or cobiron) fpediera, capi fuo¬ chi. The racks (or (ides) of a chariot or waggon, i lati di carro. The rack-flajfe (or nog) of a mill fregagnuo- la. A rack (toput bay in) rattello. At rack and manger, col capo nel lacco. A rack of mutton, un collo di cabrato. To rack wtne(or draw it off the lees ) concia¬ re ó travaiare il vino, fatturare d vi¬ no. Racked (fit on the rack) tormentato, a cui ila data la corda. Racked [or drawn of the lees) conciato, tra- vafato, fatturato, A racking, il tormentare, il darla cor¬ da Full of rack ng, pien di tormenti. A rader of wine, conciatore, travafatore, Otturatore. A racking of wine, conciamene di vino, travaiamene, fatturamene. A racket, rachetta. A racket-maker, rachettaro. Radiant (jhining with beames) radiofo,rag- giofo, pieno di raggi. A radiant brighinef e, radiati one. Radicali, radicale. The radicali moifittre, humido radicale. Radically , radicalmente. A radijh (root) rad ce. A raft (or f.o t-boat of ti.hber) zattera. A rafter , trave. Rafters on a houfe-roo), travi, A Huh rafie, travicello. To rage, arrabbiare > infuriare , (marna¬ re. Rage, rabbia, furia, (mania. In a rage, forfennato, airabbiato, furibon¬ do. Raging, arrabbiando, infuriando, i ’ ai i- R. A Rjtgtnglyj arrabiatamente, infuriatamente, lmaniatamente. A raging, as a rage. A ragge, {traccio, cencio. RAggtS) ftraccì, cenci. Full of raggts, bracciolo, cenciofo, pez¬ zente. To t itter to ranges, tagliar in cenci. Raggedy as full of rdggcs. R agrori, fee Satyrion. A rute, or raye, raggio, radio. A rate of gold, or other melali , foglia d’ o- ro. A rate (filh) raza. The (harp-fiton’ted ray, raza pontuta. To raigne, regnare, dominare, governare, lignoreggiarc. .A raigne, regno, dominio,governo, ugno- ria. Raigning, regnando, dominando, ligno- reggiando. , A raile, sbarra, raftello. A raile that runs a long a terrace , cancello, baluftro. Railes on each fide a gallerie, ere. cancelli, baluftri. To raile, or fet with railes (orbarres ) sbar¬ rare, parare con cancelli. The raile ( crupper raile of a cart ) rido- lo. The middle-rail, ridolo di mezzo. The lotvejl raile of a cart, , ridolo baffo ó di- I fotto. ] To raile on, sgridare, villaneggiare, oltrag- 3 rraggiate, haverla ó volerla con alcu- no. j To raile on fpitefully, callonniare, maliti- j are, opprobriare,rimproverare. Railed on, sgridato, villannggiato, oltrag¬ giato. A railer, sgridatorc, villaneggiatore, ol¬ traggiatore. A railing on, sgridamento , villanaggia- mento, oltraggiamento, A difpitefull railing, calonniamento, op- probrio, rimprovero. Rrt/V/wgfy/oltraggiofamente. Raiment , redimento, veftito, habito. Rame, pioggia, acqua. To raine, piovere. A fuddainfhower of raine, feoffa, roveCio d’ acqua, acquazzone. The raine-botv, arcocelcfte, arco baleno, iride. A raine, or rein of a bridle , redini. , A raine deere, animai minore del cervo. I To raife, alzare, levare, follevave, inalzare, ! lufeitare, rilevare. Raified, alzato, levato, Tollerato, inalzato, ; fufeitato, rilevato. ; A raifer, alzatore, levatoie, follevatore, iualzatore,fufcitatore, rilevatore. ; xi r ai {ing, alzamento, levamento, folleva- mento, inalzamento, fufeitamento, ri¬ levamento. • The raifìngof a bank ( rampier, or caufiy) 1 argine. Raìfìng, alzando, levando. Tollerando, in¬ alzando, fufeitando, rilevando. A raifìn, zibebo. A take, raftello. ! Tt ral^e, raftellare. Torake (orpudderin) frugare. Raked , raftellato, frugato. A rake hell, sviato, fcarpeftato, barone. • ìoung rake-hells, marmaglia. To rallie ( or reajfemble ) radunare , raccogliere. Rallied , radunato, raccolto. Rallying radunamento, raccoglimento. A ramage, hawke , orfaulcon , falcon da ra¬ mo. A ratnme, ariete, monton , alfa bricco- ! ne. R. A Tt ramine, falirc come l’ariete. Rammed, falito. To butt like a ramine , urtare. The battering engine called a ramine , ariete da guerra. A rammescoi, a bail made thereof, coglia d’ ariete. A fea-ramme, ariete marino. To ramine in pouder ( into ordinance tv it ha rammer head) calcare. To ramine in piles , cataftarc. A ratnme , or rammer, bacchetta, mazza- ranga. Rammed in (as piles') cataftato. A ramming in piles, cataftamcnto. Rammifh, rancido, lezzofo. To fmell rammifh. faper del rancido, Taper da lezzo. A rammifh quean, una sgualdina, landrac- cia. » A ramming in, calcamento. To rampe , rampieare. A wench to ramp, Tabellare, sbordellare. A rampe , or ramping wench , sbordella- ta. A rampier , riparo. To fortifiewitb rampiers, riparare. A ramping up, rampicamento. Rampired , rampicato. Rampions , raponzoli. Rancour, odio, rammarico, Fraught with rancour , pieno d’ odio 6 ram* marico. A rande of beef fianco di bue, 6 vacci¬ na. Randotne, furia, potere. Ai randome, a più potere, a tutta furia, all’ abandono. To range fee to rank. To range we fmaniamento, vaneggiamento, deliramento. To ravelli garb u gl ire , ingarbugliare, in¬ tricare, 'alfo mummiare. Ravelled , garbugliato, ingarbugliato, in¬ tricato, mummiato. A raven, corbo, corvo. A young raven , corbetto. corbicino. A fea-rxven , corbo marino. A night raven, corbo notturno.’ The croaking of ravens, gracchiare, lo far il verfo del corvo. A great flight of ravens clouding the skie y dormo di corvi. To ravin, or raven , ghiottoneggiare, divo¬ rare, tranguggiare, inghiottire. R'ttoneggiato, divorato, tran¬ gugiato, inghiottito. R A To ra\e, radere, rafare, fpianarc.^ A ra\e, rafata, fcancellatura, fpianamen- to. To ra\e out, as to rafr out, Ra%ed out, as rafed out. A racing out, fcancellamento, fcaflamcn- to, levamento, dipennamento. Ra^cd, rafo, rafato, fpianato. A racing, as a ra^e. Racing, fee race. To reach, or reach unto, arrivare, giognere, cogliere , ottenere, colpire. Reached, arrivato, giorno, colto, attenu¬ to. * A reaching againe , il giogner di novo. reaching , armamento, giognimento, cogliuiento, ottenimento, colpimen- to. T o read, leggere. To readeover againe , rileggere , tornar a leggere. Reade, or read , Ietto. Read over againe , riletto, tornato a legge¬ re. A reader , lettore, che legge. A reading, lettura, il leggere. Reddie, pronto, lefto, prerto, in ordine, ammanito, apparecchiato. To make readie, apparecchiare, ammanire, metter in ordine. Made readie, apparecchiato , ammanito, meflb all* ordine. A maker ready , apparecchiatore,ammani- tore, che mette in ordine. Readily , prontamente, Ultamente, preda- mente, all’ ordine. R cadincffe, prontezza, ’.ertezza, ordi¬ ne. Readmitted , riammeflo, ritornato- Reali , reale. A franilh reali , reale di fpagna. Really , realmente. A realme (or kingdome) regno, reame. A reame of paper, relìma. To reape , miettere , fegare, raccoglie¬ re. A ravener , or ravenous feeder, ghiottone, mangione, lupo vorace, golofo. A r evening , ghiottoneria,gola, rapacità, ingordiggia. Revenous^— golofo, rapace, ingordo. Ravenoufly, goffamente, rapacemente, ingordamente. Reaped , mietuto, raccolto. Come ready to be reaped , grano ineflerda raccoglierli. A reaper , mietitore, fegatore, raccogl i- torc. A reaping of come , mefle, raccolta, fe- To ravifh , rapire, sforzare. Ravifhed, rapito, sforzato. A r&vifher , rapitore, sforzatore. A ravilhing , or ravi foment, rapimento» sforzamento, ratto, sforzo, To make ( or wax ) raw , incrudire, dive¬ nir ò diventar crudo. Reaping time , ftaggione di raccogliere, mietere, 6 fegare. A reaping fikle, falce. To reare (or rife before, as a browfing goate ) inalborarfi.ttar fù ritto in piedi. A reare-moufe , pipiftrello. Made , or growne raw, incrudito, divenuto, ò diventato crudo. Raw, crudo, alfo novo. I-ie is very raw, egli é novo aliai. Rawly, crudamente. > Rawnejfe, crudità, crudezza. A ray,fcearaie. or reafiie ) rtracco, reftio, alfo ran- fTe , efier rtracco ó reftio, alfoxzn- tefit ( or refiineffe) ftracchezza, ita, alfo rancidezza. R E Reafìns, zibebi. Rcafins of the fun,zibtbi di damafeo, Reafon, raggionc, difeorfo. To incline to reafon, adherire alla raggione, metterli alla raggione. To reafon. raggionare, difeorrere. To reafon eagerly againfl, opporre, contra¬ dire, contraltare. Reafonable, raggionevole. Reafonably, raggionevolmente. R eafoned, raggionato, difeorfo. A rtafoning , raggionamento, dialogo, difeorfo. To reaffemble, radunare, rinvocare, richia¬ mar inficine, ricongregare. Reafiembled , radunati, rinuocati, richia¬ ma ti infieme , ricongregati. A reajfembling (or rallying) radunamen¬ to, rinYocainento, riviamamanto,inlie- me, «congregammo. To rebaptife, ribattezzare. Rebaptifed, ribattezzato. T o rebate, ribattere, levare, sfalcare, didu- rc, abballare. Rebated, ribattuto, levato, sfalcato, didot¬ to, abballato. A rebating, or rebatement , ribattimento, levamento, «falcammo, diducimento, abbaiamento. R ebating , ribattendo, levando, sfalcando, diduccndo, abballando. To rebell, ribellare, folleyarfi , rivoltar- fi. Rebelled, ribellato, follevato, rivoltato. A rebelling , ribcllamento, follevamento, rivoltamento. A rebellion » ribellione, follevatione, ri¬ volta. Rebellious, ribelliofo, dedito alle folleva- tioni e rivolte/cdiriofo. To rebound, balzare, rimbalzare. A rebound, rimbalzo. Rebounded , rimbalzato. A rebounding , rimbalzamento. Rebounding, rimbalzando, To rebuild , rifabricare. Rebuilded, rifabricato. To rebuke , riprendere, mortificare, rim¬ proverare, rinfacciare, corregere. To rebuke difrigbtfuly, opprobriare. A rebuke, riprcnlìone,mortificatione,rim¬ provero, rinfacciata. Rebuked , riprefo, mortificato, rimprovera¬ to, rinfacciato, corretto. A rebuker, riprenditor,mortificator, rim- proveratore, linfacciatore. A rebuking, as a rebuke. Rebuking, riprendendo,mortificando,rim¬ proverando, rinfacciando. Hebukingly , oppropriofamente, calonnio- famente. To recali, richiamare, rivocare, raddiman- dar. A recalling , richiamamento, rivocamen- to. To recant , ritrattale, difdirfi,rinegare. A recantation , or recanting , ritrattionc, difeanto , difdetta , rinega, pailnc- dia. Recanted , difdetto, rinegato: To recapitulate , ricapitolare. Recapitulated, ricapitolato. A recapitulation, ricapitolatione. A receit ( a reception , or receiving ) acco¬ glienza, ricettione. A phifians receit, ricetta. To receive, ricevere, alfo accogliere. To R E R E RE To receive fiolen things, nafcondere, ricuo- prire cofe rubate. Received, ricevuto, alfo accolto. .. A receiver , ricevitore , a'fo accoglito- re. A receiver of (lolen things, nafionditore, ricuopritore di cofe rubate. _ A receiving, ricevimento, alfo accogli¬ enza. A receiving of fiolen things, nafcondimen- do, ricuoprimento di cofe rubate. Recent, recente, frefco, novo. Recently , recentemente, di frefco. A receptacle , or receptorie , ricettaco¬ lo. Al receptary ( note of phyftcall receipts) ri¬ cettano. A reception, a receil , or receiving, as a re - ceit. R echleffe,, negligente , trafeurato, otiofo, infingardo. To be reeb'efie, negligere, trafeurare. R echleffely, negligentemente, trafeurata- rnente, otiofamente. R echleffeneffe, negligenza, trafeuraggine, otio, infingarctaggine. To recidivate, ricidivare' A recidivation, ricidiva, rilaffo. Reciproca l, riciproco, mutuo, vicendevo¬ le, fcambievole. Reciprocally, rcciprocalmente, mutuamen¬ te, vicendevolmente, fcambievolmen- te. To reciprocate, reciprocare, fcambiare, far a vicenda. Riciprocation, recipcocatione, fcambievo- lezza, vicenda. A recitali , ragguaglio, relatione. To recite, recitare, ridire, riferire, raggua¬ gliare. Recited, recitato, ridetto,riferito, raggua¬ gliato. Al reciter , recitatore, ridicitore, riferitorc, ragguagliatole. A reciting , recitamento, ragguagliamen¬ to. To reckon, Contare, computare, calcolare, numerare. Not to reckon o^fprezzare.trafcurare, avvi lire. Reckoned, contato,computato, calcolato- numerate, mefloaconto. A reckoner , contatore, computila, calco¬ latore, numeratore. A reckoning , conto , calcolo , numero, feotto. To over-reach with falfe reckonings , far flra- pagarc. Toreclatme , richiamare. To reclaime a wild thing, addimctticare , manfuefare Reclaimed, richiamato. R ocreMve, ricreativo, di fpaflb.dikttcv. fi. Re creatively, with, orto bis recreation, ri¬ creativamente, confolatamcnte. To recriminate {or retort a crime) ricrimi- nare, rinfacciare ^ wr/w/W/o^ricriiiiinationcjiinfaccia- mento, rimpruovero. To retttfìe, rettificare raddrizzare. R ettiped, rettificato, raddrizzato. AL rettifìer, rettificatore, raddrizzato- A recommendation , raccomandatione, ba- fcamani. To recommend , raccomandare. ri recommender raccomandatore. A. recompence, córrtpenfa , ricompenfa , premio, mercede, guiderdone, rimu- ncratione. To recompence, compenfare, ricompenfa- re, premiare, rimunerare. R ecompenced, compcnfato, ricompenfato, premiato, rimunerato. A recompencer, compenfatore, ricom- penfatore, premiatore , rimunerato. ^ roBificaim.or nSifyhg. -* wompencing, compenfamento,** a re¬ compence. To recompofe, ricomporre. 7 o reconcile, riconcigliare. Reconciled, riconcigliato. Al reconciler , riconcigliatore. A reconciliation, or reconcilement , riconci- gliatione. Torecondutt, ricondurre, rimenare. Arecondutter, riconduttore, rimenato- rimpruoverare. To reconfine, tornar a bandire, ribandi- riconfcrmato rittabili- A reclaiming , richiamamento, addimefti- camento ,alfo riforma. Areclufe ( monke, or nunne fhut up cltfe) rinchiufo, rinchiufa. To recognise, riconofcere, riridere. A recognising, or recognifance, riconofii- mento, rivilione, alfo imprefa. Torecoile, ritirare, rinculamcnto. A recoile, rinculamcnto, ritirata. Recoiled, ritirato, rinculato. R eculing, ritirando, rinculando. A recoiling, asa recoyle. Recof/imcndablc , raccomandevole, lodabi¬ le, lodevole. Re com ■/ endably j raccomandabilmente, lo¬ devolmente. R ecommendative , or recommendato ie , raccomandatorio , raccomandati- R eionfìned, ribandito. To ree on fir me, riconfermare, rilbbili- re. Reconfirmed , to. A reconfirming , riconfermamento, rifta- bilimcnto. To reconfute , riconfutare , riconfonde¬ re. To reconquer , riconquiftare, raccquifta- re. To reconfìgne , riconfegnare. To reeontemplaie, ricontemplare, riandare nella mente. To re con trail, ricontrattare. Recontrattcd, ricontrattato. reconquefl, riconquifto, riacquitto. A record, racordo, riccordo, regittro, rol- To ,ake God to record, chiamar Iddio in te- ftimonio. To record, raccordare,ricordare,legiferare arrollare, metter in nota. 1 To record ( as birds j cinguettare. Recorded, raccordato, ricordato, regiftra- to, arrollato, meffo in nato. A recorder of a city , giudice, afìiflente al podeftà. -4 morder {orfirn) flauto, zampomia. recording, or recordation, regiiiramento, alfo as a record. A recording of birds, cingucttamento. To recover , ricuperare, rihavere. To recover, vigour, fìrength or health, ricu- perare, ripigliar forza, rimetterli, nha- verli,fcampare. To recover a hare (orput her off the fquat ) fermar una lepre y Recoverable, ricuperabile, guaribile, che fi pub fanarc, 6 che fi può rihavere. Recovered, ricuperato, riguanto, rimetto, ritornato in fe, che fia rihavuto. Arecoverie, a recovering, ricuperamento guarigione,faniti rittorata. A recourfc, ricorfo, ricapito. To recourfe,or have recourfe unto, haver ri¬ corfo ó ricapito a- far capo a. A recreant , un dappoco, vile, poltrone, rigliaccOjCodardo. To recreate, ricreare, folaggiarc, dilettare • confidare. Recreated, ricreato, folaggiato, dilettato, confidato. Recreation, or recreating, vicreaùcne fpafio, diletto, folazzo, allegria, allegrez 1 A rettor , rettore, governatore. A rettorlbip, rettorie, rettorato, rettoria Arecufant, catolico romano, alfo papi¬ lla. Red, rofib, rofeio. A darke red, rotto fiuto. brighi {orientali rubie) red, occhio di pernice. A light red , rofio chiaro. To grow red , rofTeggiare, divenir rolTo larfi rofio. A robin red-breafì , petto rofio. A veriered , or bloud-ied , rofib fangui- gno. Made, or growing red , fatto 6 divenuto rofio. To redden herrings , affumicar le arringhe. A redder of then, iffamkator di arringhe. Reddtjh, rofieggiante, che dà nel rofio. A redding, or growing , or making red, il rofTeggiare ò divenir rofib. A red hatred man, rofeio, ro/cino. A fed-h.iircd-woman, rofiia, rofeina. R ed-lead, finopia. R ed-inke ( to rule books with) tinta ro¬ fiia. R fdly, roflamentc, rofeiamente. Redned, made red, fatto rofio, arroffito, timo di rofib. R edneffe, rofiezza, rofiore. Extreame rednefie of the face gran rofibr di vifo, vifo arrubinato od illumina¬ to. R edneffe (with paine) of the eyes s mal di Santa Chiara. Redeemable, ricuperabile, racquilhbile rifiati abile. , racquifla- To redeem redimere, rifiattai re, ricuperare, rifeuotere. To redeem a pledge, or pawne, rifeuotere il pegno Redeemed, rifiactato, raGquillato, ricupe rato, rifio fib. A redeemer, redentore, rifeattatore, rac quifiatore, rifeuotitore. Redelivered, raffmnehito, ritornato. To redeliver, rendere, rettimi re, ritorna- To redemand (or ask agnine) l idimandr- re,vicheidere. Mini {firm /moiling) odoiofo, ode- rifero, che fà da buono. To redouble, riduplicare, ridoppiare, re- plicate. Redoubled, riduplicato, ridoppiato, repli¬ cato. A redouble r, riduplicatore, ridoppiatore, rcplicatorc. A redoubling , riduplicamehto, riddoppìa- mento, replica. Toredoubt , tornar a dubitar, haver in fo- fpetto- Redoubtable, àa fofpettare. Redo«li/eJ,fopettfato. To redound, ridondare, tornare. _ f z To ft. ft ft ft To rcdreflc^ rimediare,raddrizzare,reord i- n are correggere. -A redreffC} rimedio, ripiego, ricapito Redyed, rimediato, reordiaato, corret¬ to. Reiy e ff e d, rimediato,reordinato,corretto. ^redreffer, raddrizzatore, reordinatore, correttore. A redr efsing , raddrizzar*.ento, as a re- drefie. RedreJJUfle, irremed : abile,)difperato, if e- dito,fpacciato. The rcdftert, or redtatlf, rolTignoI di mu¬ raglia. To reduce, ridurre, incaminare, menare, condorre. Reduced, ridotto , incaminato , menato condotto. Reducing, or reduction , reducimento, ri¬ duzione. Redundant , ridondante, foprabbondante, fovverchio, fuperfluo, che avvanza. ^4 reed, canna,calamo. A little reed, cannuccia. A fweet aromaticall reed, canna odorala. „ A reed plot , canneto. Hollowed ,ike a reed, cavo, sbuggiato, fca- vato, (cannellato. A table, or hurdle of reeds, cannaio, cedo fatto >i canne Reedgrajfe, or the burre reed, canna di fta- gno. To reedifie, reedifi.are, rifabricare. Re edified, reedificato, rifabr ©aro. ^A reedifying.or recdificationyecdiUcamen- to, rifabricamcnto. A reek of come, mucchio di fafei, ìyonte di biada, granaio. A reek of bay, mucchio, montone di fie¬ no. To reek , furare, svaporare, e (Talare. „4 reek, {or flrtamj fumo, vapore, efiala- tione. Reeled, che habbiafumato, ó fvapora to od e (Tala to. Reeking, fumando, svaporando, eflalan do. A reeking , as a reek. To reel , innafpare, dipanare, aggomiccio- lare. A ree' , nafpo, palpatolo. Reeled , innafpato, dipanato, aggomiccio- lato. To reel or flagger) barcolare , balenare, dimenarli,vacillare. Keeled, barcolato, balenato , dimenato, vacillato. Keeling, barcolando , balenando, dime¬ nando, vacillando. A reeling, barcolamento , balenamento, dimenamento,vacillamento. The reem that hangs on trees, brina, grandi- nella. The reem to fall, brinare, grandinare. Covered with reem, brinato, grandinato. To reeftabhjh, riftabilite, rimettere. Reeflablijhed , mobilito, rimefio. A reeflthltjhing , riilabilimento, rimetti* mento... To reexamine whttejfes, eflaminare teftimo- nii. To reexamine a copy by the originali , rifeon- traie, confrontare, rivedete. Reexamined {aswitneffes) by the «vignali, effeminato, rifeontrato, conframtato, riviilo. A reexamination, riefiame, confronto, rif- cor.tro, rivifione A reexamination of witneffes , efiame di te- fiimonii. A ref:than, rifertione, rinfrefeo, palio. A refeRuarie , rifettorio. Toreferre, riferire, rimettere. Kc‘erred, riferirò, rimelfo. A referring, riferimento, rimefiione. A reference, rifereoza, rimelfa. To refine , raffinare, purgare. R efined, raffinato, purgato. ^ 4 refiner, raffinatore, purgatole. A refining , raffinamento , purgamen¬ to. To refleR, riflettere, riverberare. R efieRcd, rifleflo, riverberato. R efleRing, or reflcflation, riflettendo,river¬ berando. Kef efting, orreflcRive, riflettente, riflef- livo. A reformation , riforma , riformatione , emenda, correttione. To reforme , riformare, emendare, correg- gere. Rf formed, riformato, emendato, corret¬ to. A rf/omerriformatore, emendatore,cor- rettore. RefraRuarie, refrattario, To refraine, raffrenare, allenere, modera¬ re reprimere, temperare. Kefrained, raffrcnato,afienuto,moderato, ripreffo, temperato, A refraining, raffrenamento, aftenimen- to, moderamento, riprefiìone, tempe¬ ramento. Refraining , raffrenando, allenendo, mo¬ derando, riprimendo, temperando. To refrejh, rinfrefeare, rifrigerare, rifocil¬ lare. R efrefhed, rinfrefeato, rifrigerato, rifocil¬ lato. A rcfrefbing, or refreflment, rinfrefeamen- to, rifrigerio, rifocillamene, j Cool e refrejhments , rinfrefehi. I To refrigerate, as to refrejh. I Refrigerated, asrefrejh’t. A refrigeration, as refrefhing. A refrigeratone, rinfrefeatoio. j A refrigerative, rifrigerativo. A refrigerator, ritrigeratore. i A refufe , rifugio, ricorfo. ' Serving, for refuge, or full of refuges, rifu- giofo. A place of refuge, alilo, facrato , rifu¬ gio. The refufe of things, rifiuto. A refu fall, or refufing, il rifiutare, il ricu- fare To refufe, rifiutare, ricufare,*//# ripudia¬ re To refufe abfolutly , rifiutar ò ricufare affat¬ to. \Kefufed, rifiutato, ricufato. • A refujtr, rifiutatore, ricufatore. ! A refufing, as a refuftll. To refute , confutare, rifellere. Refuted, contutato/rifellito. A refutation , confutatione, rifellimen- to. Regali , regale, reale. Regally, regalmente, realmente. Toregard, riguardare, confiderai, haver mira, (limare, olfervare. Regard, rifguardo, cura, ofleivationc, rif- i petto,-riputatene, cura. Regarded, riguardato, confiderato, olfer- vato, Ilimato, rifpettato. ^4 regarder, riguardatore. confideratore, I oflervatore. (limatore, rifpettatore, I A regarding, as a regard. I To regenerate, rigenerare. To he regenerated, elfer rigenerato. A being regenerated , 1’ efler rig rigenera- A regeneration , regeneratione. R egencie, regenza. A regent, regentc, viceré ó regina. To play the regent ,far il regente 6 la regen¬ te. *A regiment, regimento. RE A regiment {of fouldiers) regiir.ento di fornati. A region, regione, paefe. The middle region of the aire, la reggiondi mezzo. A regifler, regifiro. A regifler of names, or ofeaufes, rollo. To regifler, or enter into regifler, tegillrare, fcriver allibro. Regiftercd, regillrato, fcritto al libro. hit to be regiflered, degno da regillrarfi, da fcriverfi al libro. A regi firing , regi lira mento, il regiilra- re. A regtflrer, regiftratore. Regular , regolare. Regular canons, canonici regolari. Regularly, regolarmente. A rebcarjall, repetione, recitatìone, alfa ragguaglio, relatione. To rehear fe, rep e t tere, reci ta ct,alfo raggua¬ gliare, riferire. Rehearfed, ripetito, recitato, f«d,riprendere,oggiurgare, coi- reggere. Reprehended , riprefo, oggiurgato, cor¬ retto. _A reprehender. «prenditore, oggiurgato- re, correttore. ^4 reprehending, orreprehenfion i xzp'cenA\- mento , oggiurgamento , correttio- ne. To repYefent , rapprefentare, raffigurare, inoltrare, raflembrare. Reprefented, rappiefentato, raffigurato, moftrato, raffembrato. A rf/re/e«w//o«>rapprerentatione, raffigu¬ ramento, inoltra, raflembranza. A reprefentingytts reprefentation. R eprefenttng, rapprelentando, raffiguran¬ do, inoltrando, ratfomigbando. To reprefie riprimere, {opprimete. Reprefìed : ripreflò, foppreflo. _A repreffer, riprendirore, foppreflore. A reprimali, reprefaglie. Letters of reprifill , lettere di reprefa- glie. To reprive from death , indugiare, dar in¬ dugio di morte. ^4 reprobate, reprobo. Reprobation, reprobatione. Rcproachable, vituperevole. A reproach t vituperio, obbrobrio, villa¬ nia. To reproach , vituperare, ingiuriare, villa neggiare. Reproached, vituperato, ingiuriato, rin¬ facciato, rimproverato. Keproàchfull, as reproachable. Reproachful ear ■ es. ingiurie, villanie. Reproachfully, viruperol'amente, vitupere volmente, ingiuriofamente. A reproofe, riprefa, riprenlione, ribuffa, romanzina. Reproveable, riprenltbile, corrigible To reprove , riprendere, ribuffare, correg- gere. Reproved , riprefo, «buffato, corretto. A reprover, riprenditore, «buffatore,cor¬ rettore. A reproving, riprendimento, as a reproofe. Repudiable , ripudiabile. To repudiate , ripudiare. Repugnancie , ripugnanza, inconfiften- za. To bcrepugnant,or to repugne, difeordare, ri¬ pugnare. Repugned, ripugnato, difeordato. To repulfe, ripellere, ributtare, ribattere rigettate. A repulfe, ripulfa, ributta. ! Repulfcd, ripulfo, ributtato, ribattuto, ri¬ gettato. A'repulfer, ripulfore, ributtatore, ribatti¬ tore, rigettatore. A repulfìng ripellimento, ributtameato, ribattimento, rigettamento. Reputation, riputatione rinome,fama. To repute, riputare, ffimare. Reputed , riputato, ftimato. To requefi, chiedere, pregare, fupplica- rc. A requefi, ciucila, priego, fupplica,me- j inoliale. : The mafter of requefis, maftro ó fopra in- I tendente de’ memoriali, j Reijuefìed, chielto, pregato, fupplicato. i ^4 requefiing, chiedimento, asa requefi. | Requeuing, chiedendo, pregando, fuppli- cando. | Requie ab! e, chiedevole, requifito, che fi i può chiedere. A- requi all, xiquifitione. To require, richiedere, dimandare, ricer¬ care. To require a thing according to the Law, fti- pulare. Required , richiefto , ricercato, dimanda- to. Requiring, richiedendo, ricercando, di¬ mandando. Requiring according to the Lcav, ftipolan- do. Requifite, requifito, necelfario, fpedien- te. A requifition, riquifitione. A requitall , compenfa, ricompenfa, ritri- butione,dar il contracambio. To requite , compenfare, ricompenfare, ri- tribuere, render la pariglia 6 contra- cambio. Requited , compenfato, ricompenfato, a cui lia refa la pariglia, contracambia¬ to. To rcre , alzare, follevare. Rered , alzato, follevato. A rerer, alzatore, follevatore. A rering , alzamento, follevamento. Torefcue, campare, {campare, liberare, rifeuotere, ricoverare. A refeue , campo, fcampo, liberationc, ri- feoffa, ricovero. Refcued, campato , fcampato, liberato, rìfeoffo, ricoverato. To refemlle, ralfomigliare, raffigurare. Refembled, ralfomigìiaro, raffigurato. Refemblance , ralfomiglianza, raffigura¬ mento A refembling, raflomigliando, raffiguran¬ do. A refervation, riferva, rifervatione. ff’ith refervation, con riferva,rifervatamen- te. R?fervative,or referving, rifervativo. To referve rifervare, falvare. R eferved, rifervato, falvato. Re fidente, or refidencie, relidenza. To refide, relidere, rimanere, dimorare. A plate of re fidente, foggiorno, dimora. The refidue, il relto, il refiante , il rima¬ nente A refignation, refigning, or refignmetrt, re- fignatione, ceffione,cede bonis. To refigne, refìgnare, cedere. Refigned , refignato, ceduto. A refigner, relignatore,ceditore. A refignee (to whom a thing is refigned) re- fignatario. To refift, refiftere, oliare, opporre ripug¬ nare, far capo. A refinance, or refilling, refiftenza, off aco¬ lo, oppofitionc,ripugnanza. Refilling, refillendo, oliando, oppugnan¬ do. opponendo, ripugnando. Reftfled, a cui fia fatta renitenza, oppofto, ripugnato. A refifler, oppugnatore. To refolve, rifolvere, deliberare, deter¬ minare. Refolved, rilfoluto, deliberato, determi¬ nato, fermo. Refolvtng , rilfolvendo, deliberando, deter¬ minando. Refo ut e. as refiolv'd. Refiolutely, rilfolutamente, determinata¬ mente, fermamente. Refiolution, rilfolutione, fermezza. Torefiort unto, capitare, pratticare, fre¬ quentare. A refort, or refiorting unto, ricapito, pratti- ca, ridotto, frequenza. Reforted unto, frequentato, pratticato. To re found , «Tuonare, ribombare, echeg¬ giare. A rejounding, rifuonamento, rimbombo, ecco. Refiounding, ridonando, rimbombando, ec- cheggiando. Refoundtngly, rifuonantemente. RefpeB, nlpetto , riverenza, offervanza, rifguardo. Refpetled, rilpetrato, riverita, oflervato, «(guardata. To refpeil , rilpettare,riverire,o{Tervare,rif- guardare. Refpeftive, rifpettivo, riverente. Rcfpeftively, rifpettivamente , riverente¬ mente. A refpiration , rifpiratione. To ref pire, rifpirare, tirar il fiato. A refpirer, rifpirarore. A rejpite, intervallo, induggio, tempo di mezzo. To refpite , induggiare, metter rempo, in mezzo. Refpleìtdencie, rifplendenza. Refplendent, rifplcndente. Refponfive, rifponlìvo,mallevadore. To reft, or take rep, ripofaie, pigliar ripofo. To refi (or remaine) rimanere, rellare. To refi upon, appoggiarli fopra, fondarfi fopra. Refi, ripofo,quiete, tranquillità. The refi , il relto, il reliduo, il refiante, 1’ avanzo. A refi,primero > il refio, The refi of the lock of an harkebujh, guarda, pialtra. Refied, ripofato, alfo reftato. A refiing , ripofamento, aljo as reft. A refiing place (or feate) loco da ripofare, ripolata, ripoforio. Refifull, otiofo Reftlefie, inquieto, che hà la formica ad- doffo. Refi-harrow , acutella. Refiie, rcltio. To wax refiie, divenir refifo. Re(lie ( fiubborne , or drawing backward) oftinato, pertinace, perfidiofo, borgo¬ gnone. To be refiie, or play the refiie jade, elfer re- ftio, malvolontieri. Made, or grown refiie, fatto ò divenuto re¬ fi io. To be refiie in duty, elfer dappoco, nelle fue facende. Refttly (or backwardly) refiivamente,tar¬ damente. A refiitution refiitutione. A refiorative, reftorativo. To refiore , «fiorare, rimettete, riparare,«- ftabilire, rifiituire, ritornare To refiore to vigour, ritornar in forze, ri¬ metterli. To refiore to his whole efi.it e, reintegrarli, rifarli come prima. Reflored, «fiorato,rimelfo,riparato, rifta- bilito, riftituito, ritornato, R efiored to force or vigour , ritornato in forze, rimelfo. A refiorer, riftoratore, che rimette, ripa¬ ra, riftabilifcc, lefiituifce, ritorna. A refioring, or refiorall, rifiorationc, refii¬ tutione, riparatione, rifiabilimento, retributione. To reftraìne, reftrignerc, raffrenare, repri¬ mere. R efirained, rifiretto, raffrenato,ripre(fo. Refirainedly, riftrettamente , raffrenata- mente, riprefiamente. A refirainer, rilfrettore, raffrenatore. A refraining , or refiraint, or refirtclion, re- firittione, raffrenamento. Refiriàive,or refiringent , riftringente, fiit¬ tico. Torefume, refumere, ripigliate. Refumed, refonto, ripigliato. A refumption , refontione, riprefa. A lefurrecìion , rifurretione, riforgimento. To RE R E To retaile 3 vendc r ò fpacciar,aminuto, a ri¬ taglio. Retaile, fpaccio a minuto. Retailed, venduto ó fpacciato a minuto. A retailer , venditore ò fpaccjator a mi¬ nuto. retailing, vendita ò fpaccio a minuto. To rettine, ritenere, fermare. Retained, ritenuto, fermato. A retainer, che ritiene ó ferma tifo fami¬ glio domeftico. A retaining, or retention , ritentiorie, rite¬ nuto. The retaining faculty (of nature ) facolta ritentiva, ò ritentrice. To rctcb, ellendcre, ftendere, ftiiacchiare. Retched , ertelo, ftefo, ftiracchiato. A retching, eilendimento, llendimento, ertenhone, ftiramaniento. Retch'ejfe, fee wrote hlcffe. To grow ivrctchltffe, divenir ó diventar ne¬ gligente, infingardo. [ A r eie hlefineffe, Jee tvreuhleffneffe. ! A retention, ritenfione, retentiva. ■ A retinew, feguito, famiglia. Ì-A grette mans retinew, corte, comitiva, I corteggio. • | A re tirali, a retiring, ritirata, i To retire, ritirare, rinculare. Retired, ritirato,rinculato. Retiredly, ritiratamente, rineulatamente. Retiredneffe, ritiratezza. A retiring, asa retirall. A pi ac e of fafe retiring , ridotto,ricorfo, ri- fuggio, alilo, alfo l'aerato. To retort , ritornare, ributtare, rifpondere. .A retort., ritorta, a 'Jo rifpofta. Retorted, ritorto, ributtato, rifpofto. A retortev, ritorcitore, ributtatore, che là rifporte. A retorting , ritorcimento, ributtamento, rifpofta. A retraBation, ritrattatione. A retraile, or retreat , or place of retrait e, ri¬ dotto. To retribuii, ritribuire, Retributed, retribuito. A retribution, ritributione. To returne, ritornare, rivenire, riandare. -Aretarne, ritorno. Returned , ritornato. A returning, il ritornare. To reveale , rivelare, fcuoprire, palefare. Revealed, rivelato, fcuoperto, palefato. Ad revealing , or revelation , rivelatione , fcuoprinicnto, palefamento. To revell, far gaudeamus ò baldoria,mom- miare. R evellors, gioveni di buon tempo. A revenew , entrata, rendita. To revenge , vendicarli, cacciarne la ven¬ detta. Revenge ——- vendetta. Revenged, vendicato, v A revenger, vendicatore. To reverberate , riverberare. Reverberated , riverberato. Reverberation, riverberatione. Reverberating, riverberando. Ad reverberatorie, riverberarono. Reverence, riverenza. To reverence , riverire,oftervare, honorare. Reverenced, riverito, oflervato, honorato. A reverencing , rìverimento, oflervamen- to, honoranza. Reverend, or reverent, reverendo, oflervan do, h onorando. Reverently, or with reverence , riverente- mentejoflcrvantemente, honoratamen- te. To reverfe, annullare, fruftrare. R everjed, annullato, Iruftrato. Ad reverfìon, riverlione, avvanzo, riferva, rimifcuglio . Rcverfions, riverlìoni, avvarizi, riferve, ri- meicugli, fcolature. To revert , rivertere, ritornare, rivoltare. R everted, riverfo, ritornato, rivoltato. To revie ( at play ) riinvitare. To review , rivedere, riconofcere, riguar¬ dare ben bene. A review , revifta, riveduta, riguardo, oc¬ chiata. Reviewed , revifto, riveduto, riguardato, occhiato. Ad reviewer, riyeditore, riguardatore. Al reviewing, rivedimene©, as a review. To revile, ingiuriare, villaneggiare, oltrag¬ giare, ftraprfzzare, proverbiare. To revile extremely, maledire Reviled, ingiuriato, villaneggiato, oltrag¬ giato, (Impazzato, proverbiato. Ai reviling, ingiuriamento, villaneggia- mentOjoltraggiamento, ftrapazzamen- mento, proverbi amento. Reviling, ingiuriando, villaneggiando, oltraggiando, ftrapazzando, proverbi¬ ando. To reni [e, rivedere, rivifitare. Revi fed, ritrattato. A revife , revi/ing. revijfon , rivifione. a! revifitation, rivifitatione. Al revifer, r evif at or, riviforc, riviri tatore. To revive, ravvivare, rinvigorire. Revived , ravvivato, rinvigorito. A reviver , ravvivatore, rinvigoratore. A reviving , ravvivamento, rinvigora- mento. Reviving, ravvivando, rinvigorando. A reame, rhewme,or rewme, catarro. R eumatick, or rewmatick, catarrofo. To reunite, riunire, radunare. Reunited , riunito, radunato. Reunion, reunitement, riunione, raduno. Revocable, rivocabile. Al revocation, revocatione. To revoke , rivocare, ritrattare , richia¬ mare. Revoked, rivocato, ritrattato, richiama¬ to. AL revoking, rivocamento, ritrattamento, richiamamento. To revolt, rivoltare, ribellare. revolt , or revolting , rivolta, follevatio- ne, ribellione. To revolve often in the mind, or thought, ri¬ andar fpeflb nella mente, ripenfare, ru¬ minare. Revolved often in thoughts, riandato fpeflo nella mente, ripensato, ruminato. Ad revolving often in the mind, ripenfamen- to, ruminamento. A revolution, rivolutione, mutatione. A rew ( or ranke ) fila, fchieia. ^4 reward , premio , mercede, rimunera- tione. To reward, premiare , dar la mercede, ri¬ munerare, regalare. To reward plentifully , premiare fplendi- damente. Rewarded, premiato, rimunerato, rega-* Iato. rewarding, il premiare, regalare. Rewbarbe, rabarbcro. Rerme, rhewme,fee rame. Ji reyue of water, pioggia, feofla d’ ac¬ qua. R hetoricall, retorico. R hetorica'ly, retoricamente. Rhetor ick, retorica. At rhetorician , un retorico. To rhetoriy it, or play the rhetorician , far il retorico. A ridll, un reale, un piaftrino. ^4 fpanijh riall , un reale ó pezza d 1 otto. *,4 rebuld, un JulToriofo, un puttaniere. i lAauldrie, puttaneiinio, bordello, rofFa- ! neccio. To play il,e ribiuid, or rufim, far il roffia- no, ^ riblon, bindello, fettuccia, oaftro. Totrìm, tie, or late with ribbon, ornare con fettuccie. aì ribbon-maker , fettucciaro. Ad ribbon , to tie up haire, or worne about the neck, benda da tefta. Ad ribbe, colla. Ad Utile ribbe, coftarella. The ribbs of ajhip, colle di vafcello. Rice, ri/o. A rice to nindyarne on, arcolaio, dipana¬ toio. Rich, ricco, aggiato, opulente, facoltofo. To wax rich, arricchire, farli ricco, divenir ò diventar ricco. Avery rich man, un riccone , unric-co > fprofondato. A rich cb uff e ( lobcock, or boor e') un rie - conaccio, un tangherone. , Ricbtfle, richezze, facoltà, beni. Richly, riccan ente, opulentemente. A riddance , fpedirione, fpaccio, sbriga- mento. To ridde of . or git rid of, fpedire, Ipacciare, sbrigare, To ridde out of the way ( or difpatch ) sfrat¬ tare. fgombrare, alfo as to ridde. Got ridde of, fpeditp, fpacciato, sbrigato, libero. Ridde out of the way, sfrattato, fgombrato. Ridding, fpaeciando, sbrigando. Ridden , cavalcato. A riddle, enimma, indovinello. To ride, cavalcare. To ride back, ritornar indietro a cavallo. A rider , cavalcatore, cavagliere, cayalia- rizzo. Ridiculou/ly, ridicolofamente. A riding, cavalcata, cavalcatura. A riding-rod of hollie, bachetta. The nig of a houfe, retto, coppi. The ridg {ofa hill ) cima del monte, fom- mitàdel monte. The rtdg-bone of the back, fchiena. A ridg of land, folco. To turnc up into ridges, folcare. A ridg ( or roofe ) ti.e, tegola della cima. Rie, ( come ) fegola. Riffe-ruffe, imbratti, imbrogli. To rifle, raffare. Rifled, raffato. A rifling , raflamenfo. Rifling, raffando. A rifling drab, rafFatrice. A rifi, feflu'ra, fedo. To riggp up a (hip, allertir un vafcello, met¬ ter in ponto una nave , alfo calafare. Rigged up , alleftito, meflo in ponto, alfo calafato. A rigger up of/hips, alleftitorc di vafcclli, alfe, calafatòre. A rigging, allertimento, alfo il calafata¬ re. Right, iurte, diritto, dritto, giuftitia, do¬ vere. Right-cornered , ottogonale. Right again fi,\n faccia, dirimpetto. Right forth, a dirittura. Right in the nick, in ponto, nel più belio, apponto, opportunamente. Righteous, giufto. I R ighteoufly, giallamente, alfo giuilificata- \ mente. Rigbtcoufneffe , giuftitia. R iihtfull, giufto, dritto. Rightfully , giallamente, drittamente. • Rightly, lettamente, fchiectanientc, lìnee- j ramente. lot rightly, ingiuftamente, indirettamen- ■ te. To RI R I RO To defaribe rightly, difcrivere, dichiaiare fchiettamente. Rigorous, rigorofo, rigido, fevero, aufte- Rigoroufly , rigorofamente, rigidamente, feveramente, aulleramente. Rigour, rigore,rigidezza, leverità,aufle- rità. A rime ( or falling mifl ) nebbia, neb- biuccia A rime (or meeter) rima. A little rime (or riming poefìe) timet- ,a - ' Some r/»je,rimuecia. To rime , rimare, alfa improvifare. To rime tmlearnedly , improvifare alla peggio. Rimed, rimato, alfa, improyifato. A rimer, rimatore, improvifatore. A farrie unlearned rimer , rimatoruc- cio. A rinde , feorza, coccia, pelatura. A fanali thin rinde , feorza fottile. Full of tbinne rindes , pieno di feorze fot- tili. The inner rinde of the barke of a linden tree, and the outward barke of a birch tree, fcor- ie tenera d’ albero. The rough prickly rtndeof agrecne efaefanut , riccio. A ring , annello. An earc-ring % orecchino. To ««scannellare. Made like a ring, ringed , fattoaguifad annello. An iron ring ( at the end of A fluffe ) annello di ferro, flaffetta. Bound about ( at the end) with a tingi legato con flaffetta,. To ring bells , fuònar le campane. To ring all-irt ( or the lafl peale ) Tuonar 1’ ultimo tocco. Souldiers tocajl themfelvesin a ring , cara¬ collare. The ring-bone in A hot fas foot, fourof- fo. The ring-finger, deto annoiare, A ringing, Tuonata di campane. Ringing, Tuonando le campane. A ringleader, capitano, capomaìlro ? alfa fettario. Great iron rings , that faflett the thill horje to the cart, annelli di ferro da attaccar il cavallo alla carretta. A ripping , fcucimento, feufeimento. A rippier, condotta. i To rife up , levarli , alzarli , rizzar- li. To rifa agame , tornar a levare, riforgere, rinafcerc. To rife off, out , or from , nafeere, originare provenire. To rife (or fpring upon ) fopranafeere/or- crefcere. A rifìng Upon, forcrefcenza. Rifan, levato, alzato, rizzato. Rifen agame, rilevato, riforto. Ri/e» off, nato di- originato di- Rifenor fwollen , gonfiato. A rifìng, gonfiezza, gonfiatura. A rifìng againe , riforgimento, rifurrettio- nc. Rifìng, levando, alzando, rizzando. A round rifìng , or Jxvelling, gobba. The rifìng part of a horfes bitt , rilie¬ vo. Rifìng up, or from, nafeendo di- originan¬ do di- A rite, rito, cerimonia. Rituali, rituale, cerimoniofo. A rivali, rivale, competitor d’amore. To rive , Tendere, fchiantare, fpaccare. Rive», fefo, fchiantato, fpaccato. A ùver affunder. Tenditore , fpaccato- A riving, fendimene,fpaccamento,fchi- antamento. A riveli, crefpa, grinza. To riveli, crefpare,grinzare. Rivelled , crefpato , grinzato , grin- zo. A river , fiume, riviera. The rivers fide, ripa. A fanali river , fiumicello. To rivet , ribattere, ribadire, chiavella- R iveted, ribattuto, ribadito, chiavclla- to. A riveting , ribattimento, ribadimento, chiavellamento. Riveting , ribattendo, ribadendo, chiavel- lando. A road ( for Jhipi ) fpiaggia , ra¬ da. To roame, andar ramingo, vagare,fcorre¬ re, tapinare. A roamer, vagabondo, errante. That hath roamed all the countrey over , che hà feorfo gran paefi. | A rohm-red-brefl, pcttoioffo. j The roch fifa, laica, i R och-allum, allume da rocca. ; - f ( bifhops ) rochet , rochetto. A rock, rocca, Tcoglio, rupe, j A little rock, rocchetto, feogliuccia. A rock pigeon, colombo da rocca. The rock fifa , pefee che vive nelle roc¬ che. Rocks, or rockinefje, rocche, fpezzami di rocca. A rock all of (Ione, rocca viva. A rock, or dijlajfe, rocca, conocchia. To rock a child , cullare, dimenar la cul¬ le. Rocked, cullato. Rocket ( herbe ) rucchetta. Rocket gentle , or garden rocket , ruchetta domenica. Wild, or wall rocket , ruchetta falvati- , ca - Sea rocket, ruchetta marina. Rockie,or of a rock , alpeftre, faffofo, pie- trofo. A rocking ( of a child ) cullamento. A rodde, verga. A little rodde, verghetta, A certame rodde,vergi da cortinaggio. Made ofroddes, or twigs, fatto di verghe. Roddie,full ofroddes, vergofo. A roe , or roe-buck, capriuolo. The faft roe ( or milt ) of fifa latte. The hard roe of fifa, uova. Full, or hard rowed , uovato. A hard- roed herring , arringa coll’ uo- The ringtail e, coda bianca. A ring-worme, impettiggine.. To riot , baccanar, far fmargiaflerie, fvi- arli. A riot, baccano, fmargiaflcria, fviamen- to. A rioter , ftnargiaffo, Tv iato. He is a great rioter, egli è un gran fviato ó fmargiaffo. Riotous, che volentieri fi fvia. Ripe, fatto, maturo. Waxing ripe , divenendo fatto ó matu¬ ro. Ripely, maturamente, fattamente. To ripen, maturare , divenir fatto ó ma¬ turo. Ripened, as ripe. Apples ripened in firaw , mele fatte nella paglia. R ipeneffe, maturezza, maturità. A ripening , inaturamento. . Ripening, maturando, divenendo fatto, maturante, matiuativo. Tonppe, fcucire, feufeire. Ripped, feudi o, fculcito. A ripper, fcucitoie, feufeitore. Roaming up and downc , andarfene ramin¬ go qua e là. A roane horfe, roano. A roane horje with a blackface, roano colla teda da moro. To roare, ruggire, fcrillare. A roarer, ruggitole, {trillatole. Roaring, ruggendo, {trillando. A roa ing, ruggito, Tirilio. To rob'oe , rubbare, depredare, fvaliggia- ’ re. Robbed , rubbato , depredato, Trafiggi¬ ate. A roller, ladro, furbo. A Church robber, Tacrilego. A robber of the princes and publique treafurs, che robba al principe . Robbcrie , rubberia , furto, ladronec¬ cio. 1 A robbing, afTaffinamento. A robbing of the princes, or publique trea- fure, rubberia fatta al principe. A robe, vefte, vef tin lento- A flight robe worne loofe, vefte fottile che s’ accolta a la vita. Robin-good-fellow. buon compagno, fpirito folletto. Rogation week, or daies, rogationi. A rogue , forfante, trifto, mariuolo, fur¬ bo, guitto, monello. A l afa e counterfeit rogue, un Tcrocco, bir¬ bante, cattatozzi. A tattered and lafae rogue, pezzente, cat¬ tante, vagabondo. A ente of rogues, cricca di forfanti, una man di furbi. A naflie place where rogues haunt and low fa, piazza dove fi fpedocchiano li cattati¬ ti. T o play the idle rogue , far lo Tcrocco, fcroc ! care. I To rogue it up and downe the country, andar ! fcroccando per il paefe. ì R oguerie, furberia, forfanteria. > Roguifh, furbefco, forfantefco. R oguifaly , furbefcamenre , forfantefca- mente. To roifl, a roifler, and roifling , to fwagger, a fwaggerer , andfavaggering, fmargiafla- re, bravare, sfoggiare. A roifler , fmargiaffo, bravo, sfoggiato- re. R oifler-like, dafmargiaflo. A roifling, fmargiaflamento, bravamene, sfoggiamene. To roll, tojfe, or tumble, fee rowle, voltola¬ re, girare, rotolate. To roll the eyes up and downe, girargli oc¬ chi. A roll ( of paper, or parchment ) rol¬ lo. A roll (or lifl, or catalogue) lifta, rollo, ca¬ talogo, inventario. The rolls, gli archivi, i regiftri. Thero'.l (which fame women weare under their gowues) guard’ infante. A rollingflone, ruolo. A rollingpinne, fpianntoio. A roode, croce. A roofe (of a ho tifa ) follie to. A rooje-tile, coppi. T he roofe of the mouth, palato . A rooke ( or white bild crow ) coibcccl becco bianco. \A rooke at chefje, rocco. A RO A roombe, or point of the ( mariners ) com¬ pare, r.umbo. Roome, luoco, luogo, fpatio. A roome, camera, itanza. A roome to e.u in, tinello, alfo rifettorio. A little roome, camerino, llanzino. Roomie, largoj fpatiofo. A Jluttifh roome , camera fporca, A roofl, pollaio. To roof, appollaiarli. To take root, radicare, allignare,barbicare. A root, radice, radica. A fmall root, radi cel la. U[> by the root, or from the very root , dalla radice 6 radica. To root in a thing, arradicarfi. To root with the yhon't.grugnare, fgrugnare To root up, or out , {radicare , sbarbicare flirpare, fpiantare. The root of a horfes taile, radice della Coda del cavallo. Rooted, radicato,allignato, barbicato. A rooting , a taking roo^radicamento, allig¬ namene. barbicamene. Rooted up, rooted out, or pulled up by the root, {radicato , sbarbicato , llirpato, {pian¬ tato. Rootie , or full of roots , radicofo, pien di ra dici ò radiche. A rooting up , rooting out , or plucking up by the root, {radicamento , sbarbicamento, {lirpamento, {piantamene. A rope, corda, fune. Ropes, or (lujf ? to make ropes, {loppa, robba da far corde 6 funi. To make ropes , far corde, cordare. To bind to pack up, alfo to meafure with ropes, imballare. A cable rope, gomena, gomona. A repe-ripe , ripe for the rope , or deferving the rope, che merta la corda. A dancer , or tumbler on the ropes, funam¬ bolo. A rope of onions, ferpa di cipolle. A roper , or rope-maker, cordavo. Ros-folts {fanne dew, or youth-wort') roggia- da di fole. A rofe, rofa. Very forward rofcs, rofe primitie. Therofe-hay, rofe-lawrell , rofe-bay tree, or rofe-tree , rofaio. A little rofe, rofetta. The brier hedg, or wild rofe, rofa falvati The damaske rofe , rofa damafcbina. Rofe of the WGunt of lericho , of Ierujalem,or oar Ladies rofè, rofa della Madonna. The province rofe, la rofa di provenza. The red rofe, rofa rolla. The double red rofe, rofa rofia doppia. | The white muske rofe , rofa mufchiata bi- j anca. The yellow rofe , rofa gialla. The ordinane white rofe, rofa bianca ordina¬ ria. A rojc.cake, fchiacciata di rofe. A rofe fill, lambico da rofe. A rofe-tree, rofe-hu[h,or rofe-brier,as a rofe- tree. J Rofe-colour, color di rofa. A > ofe-noble , moneta d’ oro così detta, Rofe-water, acqua rofa. 0 le of rofcs, oglio rofato. A rj furie, or fur ladiespfilter, rofario. Rofe, rofe-like, or belonging to rofes, rofario o che attiene a rofe. R ofne. refina, pece. full ofrofne , refinofo, peciofo. Rofnarie, or rojemarie, rammarino. T arof, arroflirc, metter arrofto. Rofl, or rof meat, arrollo. Rofed a ito di to. A rofier . or roffing cook, vendi-arroflò rafting Cookes wife, moglie di vendi- at rollo. RO R IX r* rafting cookes /hop , bottega dl vcnd’ar-l d romfing up, deliamente, Ivegliamento ro ^°- I eccitamento. By rote, per pratica, fenza regole. jRowfngup, dellando, fvegliando, eccitan- t'~ ' ‘ do. o- —•* j r — ——**, tviiba .• To roti, or rot , infracidaie } infracidire, mar¬ cire. To rot unto earth, marcirli in terra. The rot among (beep, morbo, male che s’ at¬ tacca alle peccare. Rotten, infracidito, infracidato, marcito. To grow rotten, as to rott. Rottcnneffe, fracidezza, alfo fracidume, pu- trefattione. Full of rott enne ffe, pien di fracidume, mar¬ cia ò porcheria, / Rotting , marcendo, infracidando. Soone, or fubjell to rottiti? , che s’infracida predo. • Routing inwardly, putrefatto, marcito. Rotunditie, fee roundnejfe, rotondità, roton¬ dezza. To rove , andar ramingoj vagare. A rover, vagabondo. A fea rover, Corfaro, pirata. At rovers, all abbondono, alla peggio,fen za mira. A roving, 1’ andar vagando. Roving, vagando, errando. Rough, rozzo, afpro, ruvido, pelofo. A growing rought with haire , il divenir pelofo. To rough- cafi, fee toparget, sbozzare. Rough-footed , pennipede, calzato. A rough-footed dove , colombo calzato. Roughly , rozzamente, afpramente , ruvi damentc, pelofamente. Roughneffe, rozzezza, afprezza, ruvidezza, pelofità. Round, tondo, ritondo, sferico, orbiculare. To round, or make wox^attondare,fondare rifondare. The round ( walked in garifons ) la ronda. A round, giro, circolo. Round about, intorno, tutt’ all’ intorno. Half e round, mezzofondo. In a round compafe, in giro. To turne round, girare,andar attorno in giro. A turning round, giramento. A round ( or catch fong ) fuonata. To round one in the ear e, parlar all’ orec¬ chio. Any little round thing { ring, circle ) girello circoletto. Rounded, made round , affondato, refo tondo. rounding, making, or tuning round, atton- damento. Roundly, tondamente, orbicularmente. Roimdncffe, tondezza, rotondità. Ta row ( with ones ) remate, vogare -Arm (or rea.) fila, filata, ordine, fchiera. To fot in a totv, fchierare, metter in fila. Jl row of trees tiene to un houje , filata d’ai- bori. The row of a fijh, Jee roe. Rowed a rower, rematore, vogatore. The rowell ofa fpurref Iella di {perone. A rowing , remamento, vogamento. A rowell, or the rowellmg of a (trained borfe. rimedio per un cavallo rapprefo. To rowle, voltolare, rivoltare, girare. A rowle, rotolo, ruolo Kowled, voltolato, rivoltato, girato. A row'er, put under a great fané , or piece of timber, to helpe to remove it , rollo cheli mette fotto alle beva. To put a rowler under a heavie thing ( to re move tt ) metter il rollo fotto alla lie- A moling, voltolamento, rivoltamento. giramento. Ranking, voltolando, rivoltando, giran jT» rowfe up, dettare,fagliare,eccitare. Rowjei up, dettato, (vegliato, eccitato. To iowte, fee to fiore, or to ftort. A rowt {or multitude of men or beafs) una man di canaglia, ó gentaglia. A rowt ( or overthrow ) rotta, feompi- glio. A royall, moneta d’ oro. Royall, reale, regale, regio. The royall exchange, fee exchange , piazza de’ marcanti,boi fa. The royall of a flag, corniccini di cervo.- realmente, legalmente, reoiamen- te,da Rè. * Royahie, realtà, regalità, maeftd. Rubarle, rabarbaro., Monkes rubarle, habarbarro, da monaci To rubbe, llropicciare, fregare. To ruble with a clout , ftromnare. To rubbe gently, {Impicciare tel bello. Fo rubbe {in bathing) with little bagges of branne , far le Jlrcgolationi , 6 ìe fre¬ ghe. To rubbe at bewles, il fermarli la boccia. A rubbe at bowles, falto, alfo il faltellar del¬ la boccia. Rubbed, llropiccìato, fregato- Rubbedgently , ftropicciato bel bello, ó deli¬ catamente. A rubber , or rubbing cloth, ftroffinaccio panno da Ihoffinarè. Rubbers (i games) at bowles, partita e rihav uta alle boccie. A rubbing , flroffinameilto. R ubbifh, or rubble, calcinacci, rottami. Full ofrubbi/h, or rubile, pien di calcinacci ò rottami. A filing with rubbijh, or rubile, fi’ empire di calcinacci ó rottami. A rubie, rubino. A rubrick, rubrica. The rudder of a fbip 3 timone. The lining, cr back of ajhips rudder, forte del timone. Therudder-hands le bende del timone. Ruddie, rollino, rodeggiante. To wax i-«(/d/e,ro{Teggiare,divenir rodo. Very ruddie , ro{To affai, rubicondo. Ruddi.ieflc, roffezza. Ruddle , or red marking Hone, toccalapis di creta roda. Marked with ruddie, fegnato col toccalapii Rude, rozzo, villano, incivile, fenza terrai ni, rufticone, zotrico, A rude { currifl) )fel,ow, un cagnaccio, un huomobeltiale. ^ rude luggage, una bagaficia , sfacciata, infoiente. Rudely, rozzamente, villanamente, incivil- mente, zoticamente. 1 o. behave htmfetfe rudely, comportarli vii Linamente. R udenefe, rozzezza, villania. Rwe, ruta. Goates rue, ruta di capra. Wallrue, ruta da muro. Wild rue, ruta falvatica. 4 r, *ffe, or ruffe band, lattica. ■Ahmiruffe ««,/,manichette, manichino {Hand) ruffe (ai cards) trionfo. To play ai land-ruffe, gioocat a trionfo. The game ruffe,.,! cards , il gioco del trionfo -a ruffian, roffiano, mezzano di amore. Toplay the ruffian, far il ri!filano. ut ruffìany trae cricca ó brigata di roflianie To ruffle (or diforder) ramnrofcinatc.fconi pigliare., Ruffled, ramniofcinato,(compigliato ^ ruffling (or hurlihurly) muti,lamento. contulione, «ifordmo ■A nii'&fi a rùgge Kan fé, berma.coperta “S™, ruvido, rozzo, pelofo. Rugged y, ruvidamente, rozzamente u Fu??ed»e(l<‘ HU Rutgeinefle , ruvidezza, rozzezza. fo mine, rouinare, precipitare. 4 mine, rouina, prccipitio.- To come to mine , andar in rouìna, andar in tanta ma! hora. The mines of decayed betiding*} rouine,fpez- zami. Ruined , rouinato, precipitato. A miner, roninatOte,precipÌtatòre. A mining, rouinamento'.precipitamento. Ruinous , rouinofo, precipitofo. To m e, regolare, dominar, fignoreggiaie, reggere, governare. Rule', legala, governo, dominio, maei- tranza. Chiefem'e, capo, primo. A rule regola, canone. According to yule, regolarmente, canoni camente. Ruled, regolato, dominato, governato. A ruler ( orgovernour ) governatole, po- deltà. reggente, magi tirato. A ruler to tuie with , riga, (quadra, rego¬ la. Ruling, lineando, lignolando, vergando. A r«//flS>lineamento,lignolamento, verga¬ mene. . To rumble ( to make a rumbling noije ) iar romore, ftrepito, ó fracaffo. To rumble ( as the guts ) gorgogliare. # A tumbler , uno che là romore, ftrepit® o (racallo. A rumbling , rumore , ftrepito, iracal- A horrible rumbling , grandilfimo ftrepi¬ to, ó fracatto. The rumbling of the guts, goigogliamento. To ruminate, rum naie. Ruminated, ruminato. A ri'.minator, ruminatore. A ruminating, ruminamento. A rumour, rumore, voce grido, ftrepito, facatto. The rumpe , groppone, culaccia, codenz- The rampe ( of birds ) mal del coderiz- The Upper part of a rampi of btefe il più bello de,la groppa del bue o della va¬ cillai . . To /•«>M/>/e,rammofcinare,crefpare 3 ltrapaz- R .umpled, rammofeinato, acfpato, ftra- pazzato, frappato. The rurrples of a garment , crelpe, grin- ze. Arundle (or round) cerchio, compatto. A mudici, caratello. A runnagate , vagabondo. A runnaway , fugitivo , che fé la co- glie. To nome, correre. Torunnc (as water) colare, fcolare,rul- cellare, feorrere. zampillate. To runa e away , fuggire , cogliertela HO S A To runne upon , dar adotto, avventarli fo- pra. To runne ( or draine ) out, fcolare, afeiuga- re. Runne out, fcolato, afeiugato. To rti'ine over things flightly , trafeorrer leggiermente. To runne at tilt, correr la lancia, gioftrare, fpezzar una lancia. To runne very fwiftly , correr fpedito o ratto. To tunne tip and downe , feorrere qua e là. A runner , corritore, feorritore, alfo corri¬ ere. , The runner (or upper-ftone) in amili, io- pr amola. A running, corfo. The running of the reines , fcolatio- ne. A ruptorie , rottoi io, A ruptton, or rupture, rottura. A rupture within the cods , rottura , her- nia. _ That hath a rupture ( oris burft ) che ha rotto, herniofo. Rupture-wort, herniaria. Rurali, ruftico, rurale. Rurali worke, lavori ruttici. Rurali provision, orflujfe, robba della villa, robba mitica. A ru/h, gionco. The fweet rufh , gionco odorofo. The fea ru/h, gionco marino. Toftrew (orworke) with rujhes 3 gionca- re. Strewed with rufbes, gioncato. A fremer ofrufhes, gioncatore. A bundle of rujhes, gioncata. Alfo a place (ìrewed with rujhes ( or flowers , graffe , or herbes ) gionca- to. A flrewing with ru/hes e^e. lo gioncare, fpargere gionchi To ru/h in, (pignere, urtare. To ru/h upon, avventarli adotto. Rulhie, or full of rujhes , gioncolo, pien di gionchi. Ruffet, roflìccio. A ruffetin aple, mela rotticela, Rufl, ruggine. Rufl of iron, ruggine di ferro. To rufl, arrugginire. Ruflie, full of rufl, rugginofo. Ruflineffe, rugginezza. Ru flic all, ruftico, villano, zottico. Ruftically , miticamente , villanamen- To behave himfelfe ruftically , comportarli da ruftico. The ru filing noife ( of amour, or armed men) in a ballai le, rumore, ftrepito. A ruflling, il far rumore, ó ftrepito: n rum,e away , luggirc , cogucucia. rujinag, ** -- r rotarne hack] fuggirtene a reto, rincil- The tuli of Deere, or bores , frega di cervo . A rionalf*. tnia. lare. To runne his head again ft the wall , dar della tefta nel muro. To runne hafltly , correre alla sfu gita, ò precipitofamente. To runne \ or pape over ) trapattare, traf- correre. Runne over , trapattato, trafeorfo. To runne hafltly over , trapattare fenza ac¬ corgertene. Tornine over (asa veffell) with fulneffe, traboccare. To runne through and through , paf- far da banda a banda , traffige- lunnc quite through , palmato da banda a banda. ó cignale, foia. A rut ( or rout ) rotta. The rutt made by a cart wheele , rota- ia. Full of rutts, pien di rotaie. Ruth full , mife cabile > compaflionevo- Ruth fully , miferabilmentc, compaflìone- volmente. Rye ( carne ) fegala. S. The Jabbath, or fabbath day , il fabbato : uunud. , *Ìf<> dominica. o runne unto, accorrere, ricorrerà- Of thè Jabbath, labatico. To keepe the fabbath > fabbatizza- re. Sable , nero , aljo pelli di martore. Furred with fables , fodrato di pelli di mar- toie. Sacerdotali, facerdotale. A fachell, faccoccia, bifaccia. Afacl^, lacco. A little fack, facchetto. A 'ack of wooll, lacco di lana. A fack-cloth, cilicio. Like fack-cloth, che ha del ciliccio. Sack ( wine ) vin dilpagna. To fack (countries, or cities) Taccheggia¬ re , depredare , metter a fuoco e lan- gue. Sacked, Taccheggiato, depredato, metto a fuoco e fangue. A Jacking, fa echeggi amento, depredamen¬ to, il metter a luoco et a langue. Sacking , faceheggiando,deprcaando, met¬ tendo a fuoco et a langue. A facrament, facramento. I Sacramentaries, facramentarii. ! Sacred, facro, facrato, beato, lanto. Totnakejacred, facrare, beatificare. Sacredly, lantamente. A /d07jfce,facrificio,fagrificio, hoftia, im¬ molati one. Sacrifìcatory of, or belonging to Jacrifiee, fa- cri ficatorio. To faoiftee, or offer facnfice , facrifieato, immolato. Sacrificed, offered in facrifice , facrifieato, immolato. Sacrilege , facrileggio. Sacrilegious, faciilego. Sacritegioujly, factilegamente. Sud, penfofo, penherolo,l’euro,malinco¬ nico, faturnino. Sad of look , di ciera maninconica , alfo fmorto, pallido. To make fad, addolorare, afflìggete, affan¬ nare, mettei penliere ad alcuno. Made Jad , addolorato , afflitto, affanna- to. To be, or become fad , affliggerli, affannar¬ li. Sadly , afflittamente , affannatamen¬ te. Sadnefe , melancolia , triftezza, affan¬ no. A faddle, fella. A pack faddle, baffo. 7 o faddle a hórfe, fellar un cavallo. A faddle tree, fulto della fella. A ptddle-bow, arcione. Sadled, Tettato. A fadler, fellaro, fellaio. Safe, falvo, fi curo. A fafe keeping, falvamento, guardia, cuf- todia. A Jafe-conduB ; falvo condotto. A fafe-guard , diffefa, riparo , protettio- ne. The fafe guard of a Prince, falute, guardia di principe. A womans fafe guard, gonnella, guarnellcc- to. Safely, fulvamente, ficuramente. Safety, lalute, fieurezza. Saffron, faffrano, zaffrano. Wild, or baflard ftffron, zafferano falvati co ó faracinelco. SeafoneJ,or coloured with faffron,za ffiamto, concio con zaffrano. A feller of faffron, faffranaio. A faffror.-feild ( or ground fowed with faffron ) campo di zafferano. A fag but , cerabottana. Sage herbe ) falvia. Sg'i SA SA SA Sage royalI , [mall, or common fage , fai via minuta. Great fage, broad fage , falvia grande. rfood fage ) wild fage, falvia di bofeo. Seafoned with fage, full of fage, ftaggionato con falvia. Sage of Hieritfalem, polmonaria. Sage or wife, favio, faggio, prudente, ac¬ corto, avveduto. Sagely, faviamente, faggiamente, pruden¬ temente, aecortemente, avvedutamen¬ te. Sagenejfe, finezza, prudenza, accortez¬ za, avvedutezza. Sagie,fnll of fage, as feafoned with fage. Sagittari e Sagittario, legno celelte. To fate, dire, parlare. Said, fee to fay, To faile, navigare, far vela. To faile back, rinavigar. To faile into the main*, navigar in alto ma¬ re. ~A faile, vela. To hoife up faile, alzar vela, far vela. To fir ike faile, calar la vela, abballar la vela. The top faile , trinchetto. The mi\en faile , terzerolo. The faile-yard ( ofa/hip ) antenna. To bear a high faile , navigar colla vela al¬ ta. Sailed, navigato. Sailed back, rinavigato. jailer, marinaro, navigante. failing, navigatone, navigamento. Sailing , navigando, facendo vela. ~A faint , fanto. ~4jheepint, fanta. Saint-like, cb fanto. *Afaints-bell, campanella. Sake, for my fake, per amor mio. For your fake, per amor voftro. For hispke, per amor fuo. -A Jaker ( hawke, or piece ofartillerie fo cal¬ led , fagro.cannone. Salable , vendibile, che fi pub fpaccia- re. Salably, vendibilmente. Salablencfie, or being falable, uendita, fpac- cio. Salade ( or hcad-pièce ) celata, morione. udfalade { or ftllet ) ofherbes, infalata, fa- lata. -A ftlamander, falamandra, Salaria , fee wages, hire , falario, merce¬ de. •A file, asJalublenefe. Tofet, or expofe to faile , vendere, cacciar fuori per vendere. Made faile of, or fet to fale , venduto, cac¬ ciato fuori per ò da vendere. Teoria di mettallo. To fiamme, fchiumare. A fumine fellow, fee a taf all. Stummed, fchiinnato. A yc«wwer,fchiumatore,nieflola da fchiu- mare. A humming, fchiumamento. A little fiummer , meftolina da fchiuma¬ re. Thefurfe, forfora, rogna, tigna,fcabie. Infetied with the fctirfe ,pien di forfora,rog- na ó (cabie. S cttrvie, rognofo, tignolo, (cabiolo. The fiurvy, Icorbuto. A fiurvie woman , donna trifte od infa¬ me. A fiurvie per fon, perfona trifte od infame ó forfantelca Apacke of fiurviefel' owes, cricca di for¬ fanti 6 fuibi. S curvily, triftemente, infamaniente, villa¬ namente. Scurvines, triftezza, infamità, villania. S curvie-graffe. gramigna. A fcucher, bacchetta. A fctichioH, feudo, arma, imprefa. yA futile , bigoncio, cello, fporta. To be -re a futile, portare il cedo 6 la fporta. Afuttle.carrier, celiamolo, fportaruo- lo. A fcuttle full of , celiata di- {portata di- Thefuttles, cr hatches of a fiip , palamen¬ to. The futile of the mafi of a ftp, gabbia. 'The fea, il mare. A f ea ( or billow ) onda , cavallo¬ ne. Of the [tu «cere le , or bread the fea ■ marino. U ordering on the Jea, of the fen coati .mari- timo. A high going fa, mare alto ó gonfio. The fea- banke, or fa-fore , or fa-frond, (piaggia. The adnaticlte fed , the Tyrrhenian fa , the Buxine fea, c7-c. mareadriatico. The fa-bat , ( or rears moufi ) nottola marina. A fea-calf, vitello marino. A Jea fard, or fa-map , boffolo, carta da navigare. A fea-cob , fea gull, gavia. Sea-cole, carbon di terra. A fea-compafe, as a Jea cord. A fe.i-co.te, fchiavina, cappotto. bfea-drake , fea-rtmen, or Jea-tomormt diavolo marino. ^ fea-dragon, dragon marino. Seo-fiflj, pefee di mare f M s 0 ™ e { ° r bn pitied mariners gowne ) as a fea co at. Sea- grafie, alga, herba marina. ' A b h °&%n°rpt>rpofe) tu. rio, porco ma i ino. A fa-onion , fee fluiti and onion. Afa-man, orfea-faring-man, marinaro, galeotto. A great ( or fkilfll ) fa-man , valent’ hu- oino delia marina, valentiffimo mari¬ naro. The fa mew. as a fea cob. Sea-mo ft, afa-weed, muffo marino. Afia-nettle, ortica marina. A fa-toad, botta marina. A fai, iigillo, bolla. To fiale, { igillare, bollare. A fal-fijh, vitello marino. • ! Sealed, ligillato, bollato. AJealer,tig\\htore, bollatore. > A fating, ligillamento, bollamento. A fame, cucitura. To fame, or fow a fame, cucire. lo lay dowuc afame, riempite, rinaccia- rc. The laying downe of a fame, rinacciatura. The fame of the head , futura. Scarne ( or hogs tallow ) levo di porco 1 S earned, cucito. A faming, cucimento, cucitura. Afeamfier, cucitore, cucitrice,^mer¬ cante di panni lini . A fané, or jeytte ( « great and very long fijh- n(ìe ) fagena. A farce, fetaccio, tamiggio. An extraordinary fine J ear ce, tanuVgio fottiliffimo. Tojearce , (etacciare , tanuggiare, paffar per tamiggio. Searced , fetncciato, tatniggiato, paffato, per tamiggio. Searced v-ry finely, feracciato, fottiliffi- mamente. A farcer, feracciatore. A farcing, fetacciamento. A farcing, cerca,ricerca, fcrutinio. A fearch, cerca, ricerca, fcrutinio. A preci fi, or thorough J tar eh imo, pederu- tinio. To Je.-reh, cercare, ricercare,- perferutare. Tojeanh out cunoijly, cercare con curioii- tà 6 con premura. To farch, or fin k imo ) penetrare, in ve Ri¬ gate, perferutare. Searched out , cercato, ricercato, preferuta- A fearcher, cercatore, ricercatore, inveiti- garore, perJcrr tutore. A Jearching, cereamente» alfo as a fearch. ' A Jearching candle, candeletta di cera. SE SE S E To ft ire with a f eating candle, incerare. Se red fo, incerato. ìea-fick, nauicato dal mare. ^t feafon, ftaggione Afitjeafon , itaggione commoda et op¬ portuna. To feafon , Ilaggionare, condire. Sea finable , itàggionevole , apròpofito, opportuno. S eafonablely, ftaggionevolmente, oppor¬ tunamente. Seafonablenefs. opportunità. Seajoned , itaggionato, condito. A fedfoner> ifaggionatore, conditore. AJeafoning, Staggi onamen to, condimen¬ to. To fiat, Situare, locare, porre, mettere. A feat, Tedia, loco da federe, alfo lito. A fit feat to build a fort on, Sito commodo da fabricar fortezze. Se.ited, me (To a feder e,alfo, fituato. A Je. follecitamentc, diligentemen¬ te , lettamente , prettamente, fpedita- niente. See, fà. See thou fiay here, fà che tu te nc Stii qui. To fee I. o efpie ) a fané of, veder, leuoprir da lontano. Seed fowne, feme, Temenza, fementa, Temi- nato. Seed-time , tempo ó flagg : one da femi- nare. The Jced of herbes, plants , c*c. Temi, fe- mentà. To feed, or runne to feed , granire, andar in Temenza. To reduce into feed , far granire, 6 ridurre, in Temenza. Reduced into feed , granito, ridotto in Te¬ menza. Of feed , containing feed , granofo, femen- tofo. Mans feed , fperma. j A feed plot , lemmario. ' The bunch top , or hujke wherein feed of herbs is contained, pannocchia, capo, guf- cio. ■ Seeded, granito. j S eedie, feminofo, che hà del feme. I ^4 Jeeing , viltà, sguardo. i Seeing, vedendo, riguardando. Seeing then, hora dunque. Seeing that, poi che, giache, pofeia che, at- tefo che. Cicero feeing oculato, perfpicace. To feek , cercare , ricercare . Seeking, cercando, ricercando. A feeking , cerca, ricercaniento. Afteker, cercatore, ricercatore. A feekingto, richielta, riquilitione. Tojeele up the eye lids , accigliare. To feele a roome ) fo fiutare. Seeled, Soffittato. A Jcelinz, foffitto. Seeling, Soffittando. The upper feeling ( of a houfe ) foffitto, cielo. To feeme, parere, moflrare, Sembrare. It feemesto me, mi pare, parmi. Seemly, or decent , apparifeente, decente, honorato, garbato. S eemely , decentemente, honoratamente, garbatamente. Seemelyneffe, apparifeenz a 3 decenza, ho- nore, garbo. Afeeming, parere, Sembiante. Seeming, parendo, fembrando. Seewe, fee to fee. To feeth, cuocere alefld, bollire. To feth over, ftrabollire. A [eething, bollimento. A feethingover, Ihabollimento. Seething, bollendo. To fegregate, Segregare. Separare. Segregated, Segregato, feparato. A fegregregation, or ft greeting, Segrega¬ mento, Separamento. Seigniorie, fee Lordfhip, Dominion. To feigniorfie , lignoreggiare, domina¬ re. Tofeife , or fei\e on, afferrare, pigliare, prendere. Seifed on, afferrato, pigliato, prefo. A ftifing on, affenamento, prefa. A Jeifure , occupamento , padronan- Seldome, di rado, rare volte. Seldotnnejfe, rarità. To Jeleft , fcieglicie, capparc , elegge¬ re. Selfe, ftefld, medefimo. Myftife, Io ftelfo, or Iomedeliruo. Yourfelfe, voi itefTo, or voi n.edefimo. Himfelfe, egli llcffo, or egli medefimo. Themjelves, loro lleffi, or loro medefi¬ mo. Selft-conceite, capriccio. Selfe-conceited, capricciofo. S elfe-love, filanda, amor proprio, Selfenejfe, nredelìmezza, Selfe will, oftinatione, perfìdia. Self e-wtiled, oltinato, perfidiofo. Stlfe-wiledneffe , as felf e-w ill. To fell, vende e, Spacciare. A feller, venditore, che vende. A worn n feller, venditi ice, che vende. A felling, il vendete, vendita. A feller, cantina, canoua. A Jelvidge, orlo, Jifta. To ft vidge, orlare. A lin e felvidg, orletto. Se hedged, orlato. A felvedging, orlamento.' Se mblable, pari, Somigliante, che raffomi- glia. Semblably , parimente , fomigliantemcn- te. Afemblance, Somigliànzà, parità. Semicircular , femiciiculare. A femibreefc in mufick, Semibreve. A feminarie, Seminario. A Jemiqudvcr , trillo, fminuimento di vo- Full offe mi quavers, pien di trilli. A ftmiter , Scimitarra. Sempiternali, Sempiterno, perpetuo. A fenate, fenato, configlio. A ftnator, Senatore. To fend, mandare. To fend for, mandar a chiamare. To fend back, rimandare, ritornare, A fending for, chiama. A fending back, rimando, titorno. Sene , Sena. The fene tree , or bajìard ftne, pianta di Se¬ na. Sengreene, fempreviva. A fenior. Superiore, maggiore. Senioritie, Superiorità, maggioranza. A ftnfe, feufojfentimento. Senjelejfe , infenfato, ltupido, che non hà Sentimento. Senfeleffe with cold, flecchito dal freddo. To m ke fenfeleffe , render ltupido. Tabe ftnfe effe with cold , affiderato,Stec¬ chito dal freddo. S enfelejly , Impedantente, infenfatamen- te. S enfelcfnefie, {tepidezza, flupidicà. S enfibìe, fenfible. To be fenfible of, rilfentirfi di- S enfibly, fenfibilniente. Senfibilitie , fenfibilità. S cufittve, fenlitivo. Senfuall, fcnfuale, mondano, brutale, bef- tiale. To be ftnfiali, abbandonarli al mondo, menar vita mondana. Senjualitie, (enfualità, brutalità. Sent, mandato. Sent for, mandato a chiamare. Se«/ back, rimandato, ritornato. To Jent, odorare, fiutare, Sentire, annafa- re. A fent, odore, Sentore. S ented, odorofo, che fà da buono. A fenience , Sentenza, narere, rifolutio- ne. To Jent enee, Sen tiare. Sententious, SE ^criminaliflf ( " ^ } ,obunale dc ’l %*“*. partire, fparmc, fcgre- Sententious , fcntentiofo. Sententioujly fententiofamente. ^ fettling , odoramento, fentimento. Settling, odorando, fentendo. ^ jentinell, orfentrie, fentinella, fpia. Toreleeve , or dijlodg a fentinell , levar di fentinella, far la fentinella a vicenda. jentrie ( or watch tower ) vedetta. Se>ivie (or muftard feed) fenapc. To /epurate, feparare. Separately, feparatamente. Separated, fe para to. S epartatedfrom, feparato da- A[epurai. on, feparatione. Separatone, feparatorio. September , fettembre. 0/,or in jeptember , di fettembre. S eptenarie, lettenario. ^ / epulcher, fcpolcro. ^4 maker of / epulcher:, fepolcraro. Sepulchnall, of, or in afepulcher, che attien i* fepolcri. Sepulture { burying , or intombing J fepoltu- ra, fotterramento. A fequcle, lequela, confcquenza. Sequence, fequenza, feguito. Sequent, fequente, feguente. To fequefler, fequedrare. S eque fired, fequedrato. A [eque(Irati on, fcquedratione. Aferaphin, ferafino. Seraphic all, or feraphin like , ferafìco, da fc- rafino. Serenine, ferenità, chiarezza. A fergeant, or ferjant, fergente, alfa sbieco. Sergeants , fergenti, alfa, sbirri. To play thefergant, far il fergente. •A fergeantjhip, fergenteria. Sergeant-hkc, da fergente. The (luffe jerge, faia. Tine thin [erge, faietta fottilc. Serious , feriofo. Serioujly fedamente, da dovcro. A. fermon, fermone, predica. To make a Jermon , far un fermone, far una predica. A fermon-maker, fermoneggiatorc. Serofttie ( or tvatertjhnefse of blood ) fero- iità. S crous . ferofo. A ferpent , ferpente. TheJea ferpent, ferpente marino. A little ferpent, ferpentino. Of , or like a ferpent, da ferpente, a guifa di ferpente. Serpen ts-tongue ( herbe ) lingua di ler- pente. A fervant , fervo, fervitore, fervente, fami¬ glio, domellico, aljo minidro. A maid, or woman fervant, ferva, fervente, fantefea, malfarà. A hou/hould fervant, fervitor domeftico. A little fervant, lervitorello. To Jerue, fei vue, alfo miniltrarc. To ferve the tinte, accomodarli a’ tempi, temporeggiale. Served, fervito. Service, lervitio, ferviti!. Thefirfl fervile ( ut courfi ) ai talk , poi- tata, alfo fervido. To ky fenice ( in the church) dirl'uffic- ciò. Church fervice, 1’ uflkcio. A fervide ( at tennis ) mandata. The fervice ( berrie, or apple ) foiba. The fervice tree, ferbo. Serviceable, fervitievole. Serviceably, lervirievolmente. Servite, fervile, villano. Serving, fervendo. A fe vtngman , or fervitour, as a fervant. Servitude , fee bondage, faverie. Sefstons , radunanza di giudici crimina¬ li^. & The firft Jefsions of P arliament , prima felli- one di parlamento. To fet, mettere, pofaic, piantare. Scr, niello, pofato. To fet a fide, metter a parte. To fet agnine, tornar a metter, 6 rimettere. Set again fi, op pollo. To fet fajfl, fermare. To fet a bone (or put it in joint agnine) rimet¬ ter alcun olio fvolto. To fet by , riporre, metter a parte, alfo Ili- mare. Set much by, ripollo, alfo /limato. To fet nothing by, or fet at naught, deprezza¬ re, fprezzare, avvilire. To fet down in writing, metter in carta, nictter in nota. To fet a dog at, or upon , attizzar, aizzar un cane adolfo ad alcuno. To fet on foot metter in piedi,piantare. To fet on foot again, or fet up again , rimetter in piedi, redimire, rimettere, rillora- re. Set up again, rimeffo, redimito, adora¬ to. To fet forth, or fet out , efporre, alfo narrare ornare. To fet himfelfe out , vantarli, fpacciarfi per qualche codi. Set out finely , ornato, parato. But if I fet to it, ma le mi ci metto. A fet (by mummers ) at dice, polla. Thin fet, feminato raramente. To fet (or work with) bone , lavorar con of- foli. To fet right , drizzare, metter nel fu 0 luo¬ go 6 ledo. At fun fet, al tramontar del fole. To fet at fixes and fevens, mandar ogni cofa fotto fopra alla peggio. To fet ( as a ruffe ) acconciar una lattu- ca. Set (as a ruffe) acconciato, crefpato. The fet, or felting of a ruffe, acconciatura, crefpatura. Set on (as an egge) couato. To fet upon, all'altare, attaccare, alTalire, avventarli adolfo di- alfalfinare. Set upon, affaltato, affaldo. A fetter, feminatore, piantatore. A fetter up again, rimetritore, reditutore. Setting, mettendo, pofando. Afet ting up again , rimeffa, reditutione, redituimento, fetting upon, a Aalto, attacco, affilimeli., to, aflallinamento. Setting up„n , affamando, affalendo, attac¬ cando, avventandoli adoffo di- Sun fetting, tramontar 6 calar del fole. A fetting apart , il riporre, il metter in dif- parte. fetting out ( to the eye fot fule ) il metter in mo’dra. The frft fating upon , aggreflione, princi- pio. A gardeners fetting iron , piantatoio. A Jettle, banco. A fettle-bed, Jett’ a banco. To fettle fermare, pofare, accurate, alfa metterli a ledere. To Jettle in, habituare, far il callo in- To fettle anew in, rillabilire. Settled, fermo, dabilito, alfo ripofato, ma¬ turo, favio. Settled in, riilabilito. A fettling at bottame, fedimento, pofa- tura. A fettling a new in, ridabilmicnto. Severall, vario., differente, diverfo, pa- rechi. Sverally, variamente, differentemente, di- verfamente. gare. Severed, feparato, partito, fpartito, fegre- gato. Severed in the midfl, fpaccato per mez¬ zo. Severe, fevero, audero, grave, altiero. Severely , feveramente, aulleramente, gra¬ vemente, altieramente. A fevering, leparatione, Ipartimento fe gregatione. Severity , feverità, auderità, gravità, alte- riggia. To few, fee to fow. Afewfler, asafeamfler. A common fewer, cloaca, fogna. A fewer (where into the ordtirsofhoufes are conveyed ) fentina. Sewet, fee fuel. A fex, fello. AfextonoJ a Church, fagridano. A fextrie ( or veflrie ) fagrellia. The ( (luffe ) fay, faia. Shackles, fern, ceppi. To /hackle, metter i ferri a’ piedi. Shaded, a cui fiano meld i ferri a’ piedi. A piade , ombra. To ter into the(hade, cacciarli al ombra. Shady full ofihade,on\bvo(o. A ihaiieplace . under trees, c^c.)coperto,ri- doflo, rezzo. Shadinefse, opacità. Shadow, ombra. Tofltadow , to caft ajbadow on , or give afta- dow to, adombrare, omb eggiare. To be in the/badow, dare ali’ ombra. A littleJhadow, ombietta. The /badow of leaves , ombra delle fi on¬ di. Shadowed , adombrato. S/badowed in blazon, Idem. Shadowed in painting, ofeurato, adombra¬ to. Ajhadowing, ofeuramento, adombramen¬ to. A thick Jhadowing, adombramento gran¬ de. Apadowing with colours , as a Jhadowing. A (haft , diale, frezza, freccia, dardo, qua¬ drello. Shagge, riverfeio cottonato. S ilkejhagge, voluto riccio. 7 ofhakc, .tremare, fcuotere, fcrollare. To /hake often, rifeuorere. To (hake o^,abandonare, tralafciare. Tofljake with cold , tremare dal freddo. Tofhake up andàowne , menare, dimenare dondolare. To fake the voice ( in fìnging ) far il trillo cantando , aljb cantacchia- re. , To (hake ( or tug, as a dog doth a cat ) fcuote¬ re, drapazzare. A Jhake , Icofla, fmuovimento, mena¬ ta. A Jhaker, fcuotitore, che mena 6 dime¬ na. A thing that [takes , cola che trema ò lì fcuote. Shaken , feoffo , menato , ó dimena¬ to. Shaken (as a cat by a dog) feoffo, drapaz- zato. Afhaking, fcuotimento, tremamento,di¬ menamento. Shaking, fcuotendo, tremando, menando, di■enando. Ajhaktng up and down e , menamcnto,di • menamento, dondolamento. A ftallop , dluca , brigantino , tarta- na. ò SH shallow , di poco fondo. Che ihaj.ow part of a river , guado. fallows in the fé*, le balie del mare. Shallowly, baiamente, femplicemente. Sha.ownejfeybattéz./a, allo (implicita. rhe ihambles, macello, beccheiu. ubarne, vergogna, onta. To fiamc, 1 vergognare, infamare. Shamed, Vergognato, infamato. Sbamefaft, vergognofo, modello, contegno- Svergogna, modera, con- regno. Shamefully abominevole, da non lopporta re, alfo as fiamefafi. Shame fullncjfe, abominatane, afottsjbam faftucffe. . S hawelefsc, sfrontato, infoiente, impudente, fenza vergogna. . r . * To he jhamelefs, eiler sfrontato, infoiente, o fenza ve [gogna. S hamelcjly , sfrontatamente, fvergognata- mente, infolen temente. . . S ha relejnefie, sfintaggine, sfronteria, in- foleiua, impudenza. Shamois, fcamoccio. _ The fianke, gamba, (tinca. _i little ibanke, gambetta, Itincherella. 'shape , forma, figura. SH A heap of/heaves, mucchio,biade,montone di fanelli. To /beare, tondere, tofare. S hearers, fee to jheere, and fiecrers. The /heat fìfi ( or the ravenous river whall ) falura. A fieat, fcota. Apeat cable } gomena groffaió maef tra. A (beat, or harrowpigge , porchetto. A/heath, guaina, vagina. A little (heath, guainetta. Thefheath of a beafis pfifiefi odio del mem¬ bro. A jhedde, tavolato, mandra. AJhedde ma le ofboughes , capanna. A jhedde tv her in one may fit dry and warme, ridoflb, coperto. To Ibed , fpandere. Shed, fpanfo. A fiedder, fpanditore. A / bedding , fpandimento. SAee, as fie. A Iheepe , pecora. S beepe, pecore. x . ^4 (heepe wellwoolled, pecora chehàauai lana. A(heepe-cote, or fieepe-fold, ovile, man¬ dra S H ofaiìlharei unóiSrme, alia modi. ^/ 4 «f- 4 o»i.l>aftoralc. To/blpe. formare, figurare. ^ fheeps-pluck, coratella dr cadrato, o d, forma, ne®“tó M figaran>ento. The bejfoot anJ flinch , tefticci- formato,informe,sfigurare, dll- * e pedrlcc granato. A Jh.tr d, orpotjbard , rottame. Shards , ritagli. [bare, parte, portione. ^ plough-jhare, coltre di aratro. To /hare, partire, far a parte, far il participio, parteggiate. Shared, 1 part ito, parteggiato. ^ /barer, fpartitore, parteggiatore. ^faring, (partimento, gatteggiameli- to. Sharpe, acuto, pontuto. Sharp in tafle , agro, acetofo, forte. Sharp or kcenc) acuto. S harp of wit, acuto, furale d’ ingegno. Some what Jharp , acuteiello, «//o agretto, j fortino. I rojharpen, acuire, aguzzare, amiate, ì Sharpned, acuito, aguzzato, affilato, j A [harpener , acuitole, aguzzatole, aftiJa- tore. A /harpening , acuimento, aguzzamento, affilamento UUiaj - Sheep-fieering, tonditura, tonfura, tofa- tura. To jheere , asto (beare. Sheered , tonduto, tofato. Ajheerer, tonditore, tofatore. A woman jheerer, fonditrice, tofatrice. Afieering, tondi mento, tofamento. Sheerers, apaire of jheerers , forbicette, for¬ bicine. A fatali _paire oj (beeres, forbicette, forbi¬ cine. A (beet (.for a bed ) lenzuolo. A fheet of paper, foglio di carta. A (helfe, banco, fcanzia. Ajhelfe of (and ( appearing above water) fecca, rena. A (hell, gufeio, coccia, conca. Alitile /bell, gufeino, coccietta. The(hells ofjnailes periwincles and [neh like , conchiglie. A (bore full of/hells, lito pieno di conchi- glie. The rough (hells ofcheflnuts, ricci. affilamento. , ! inc ‘"‘J,. A /harpening the fight , aguzzamento, od An 'gufali ,.coccia d uovo gufeio. affotiglianiento della villa. S hellie,fullofficili, conchigliofo, coccio- fo. Having, a fieli, of or belonging to a fieli, che hà pulcio, conca, ò coccia Sei thick with fiells, or made like a (hell, in- terfiatodi conchiglie, fattoaguifadi conchiglie. Shell-worke ( made or trimmed with fiells ) conchigliatura. A /belter, fi coperto, tavolato. A fielter thatched , tavolato pagliato. Tofielter , cuoprire , dar il coperto ad al¬ cuno. Sharply , acutamente, aguzzamente, lot¬ ti! mente. . S 'jarpnefie, acutezza, fottigbezza Shirpitejjì ofwil.or conceit , (ottighelia d ingegno. 1 Tofiave , radere, rafare. : Shaven, rafo- | Shave- grafie, coda di cavallo. Afiaver , vaditore, rafatore^ ! Clofe (haven, colla barba rafa rafa. A ihavtng, rafamento. A having fellow , orjhaver, Croceo,ma- , w«.-. rido * ' Ajhepheard ,poftore She, edi, ella, lei. ^ Mfijtifbjri, «po-padore. Shepheards-bodktn paftoria. ' T° lì,'ai /« tofiaU'- (h’P^rd! choke, felt, or galeriin pe- landa i oh of ernie , falello , balio, mai- i A fhtphearit cmoke, oso/beaporii hook. ì -in 1 j A Ihepheards familiar [pint, tollecro. ! rjji-kcKplheofes, or Iberniti, affaltellare, Shepheards needle, ago di pallore, j J C o-ir in balzi. | Shepheardspurfe, or fiepheardspouch, boria ! eo ■nd , or «aie up into (heaves , afFaftellato, ! di pallore. ! lega co ili bulli. . . ÌAlhepheoriefle.pfon ! 4 binder up imo jheaves , legatore in balzi, ; Ayound fiepheardefie , pallore la. I affadellatoce. 1 Afieriffe, bargello. Afieriffe-fiip , bargclleria, bargellato. Tojhew , moftrare, infegnare, lignificare, narrare. Tojhew forth, rapprefentare, efporre. jo fiew himfelfe, dimollrarlì. To fi'ew afair e paire of heeles , coglierlcla, dare un piantone. To moke a fiew oj, far villa ó fembiante di- To make a good jhetv , far bella molil a, od apparifeenza. To make an innocent fiew, or (hem of innocen- cie , liar lui contegno , far la monna honelia. A fiew, villa, mollra, pompa, fpettacolo, rapprefentatione. Made a fiew of, dimoftrato, di cui fìa fat¬ ta mollra. Shewed, moftrato, efpollo. A (hewer, moftratore, che mollra. A (hewing, mollramento, dichiaratione, narratione. Afiicld , feudo, targa, rotella,brocchie¬ re. A great fiield, palvefc. A little fiield, feudetto. To fiield, defend, Jhelter, fhroud , or cover ■with, or under ajhield , coprire ó diffon¬ dere con feudo 6 targa. To fiield ( arme, or defend ) himfelf ( with a fiield ) coprirli ó diffonderli con feu¬ do ó terga. Shielded , covered,firouded, defended, armed C rc : {with a fiield) coperto òdiffofo con feudo ò targa. A (bidding , or covering with a fiield , cuo- primento, ó diffida coir feudo ó tar¬ ga. To Jhift, rigirare, campare, fcampare, im¬ picciarla, vivacchiare,fcroccare. To (hi ft, from one place to another, coglier- fcla hora da qua hora da Ji fioccan¬ do. A fhift , fcampo, rigiro. He wa;put to his fhifts, ridotto alfo flrette, ó rigiri. Shifted, fcambiato, mutato. A fhifter , Cambiatore, muratore. A cheating (hif ter , rigiratore, truffatore ingannatore. A jhifting , rigiramento , inganno, truf¬ fa. A Jhifting fellow,at a fhifter. A jhifting from one place to another , ri¬ giramento, Cambiatura di loco, Croc¬ cheria. Shiftingly, ingannevolmente,fcroccamen- te,da Crocco. A( hilling , fcilino, un par d'i giulii. Tojhine / lucere, rifplendere, rilucere, far chiaro. To (bine upon , fopralucerc. A (hining, lume, fplendore, chiarezza. Shining , lucendo, fplendendo, facendo chiaro. A(hingle , tavola, alfe. The Jhinne, llinco. The jhinne-houe , offo della gamba , (lin¬ eo. A Jhip, nave, valcello. Of, or belonging to Jhips, navale, che attiene a vafcello. Great Jhips, valcelloni, caracche, galeo A (hip-boat, fcafa, facttia, fchiffo. Togeton(hip-boord, to take Jhiping, montar in nave A Jhip-boy, garzon di vafcello. A (hip full of , una navata , una barca¬ ta. A (hip- ladder , ponticello, faletta d* ap- poggio. AJhip man, marinaro, barcaruolo- SH SH S H Afiip mitt) marinaro, barcaiuolo- .■4//,/p-jt>>\ic£,naufraggio- Skip-ivrack-b fingi ng , che mena naufrag- gio. I’.ifpibk byfiipping, navigabile. A (hirey provincia. A fiirt, carni fcia. A jleevelefie (bin ofhairc, cilicio, Tacco, tJbirt ofmailp , giacco. To fitte , cacare, cagare, andar del corpo. Tobe-jhite, fmerdare, incacaie. S/;h, Chiudimene,chiufura,fer- ramento. ^4 fimtting out, efcludimento, efclufionc. _ A ' Jhutting n/>/ro>w,fecludiniento,feclulio- ne, ferramento a parte. „4 weavers Jhuttlc, fpola. ^4 (ibiII (or prophet efse) fibilla. Stccitie,Jee drinefs , or drought , liceità, ar- fura. The fìce at dice , il fei. Sick , ammalato, malato, ìndifpotlo del¬ la fallite. To fall fick, ammalarti. A fìck ward of an hofpitall, infermeria. JL h dter-fick, fee ropc-rtpe ,forfante. capef- trato. Sickly, or fub]eft to ficknejs , ammalaticcio, malaticcio. To mde(ìcklyj ammalare. Sicklynefs , malatia, morbo. Sichtefle, malatia, morbo. The gr cene ficbiefs, oppilatione. A fiele , falce. ^4 reaping file, falce da mietere o da rac¬ colta. Al fide, lato, cotta, banda, parte. Side by fide , da banda a banda. To fide ( or take parts ) parteggiare. Belonging to the fides , laterale, partiale. The fides of hills, colte, pendio The fide of a leaf , of a book , facciata, pagi¬ na. ‘ On the wrong fide of ahorfe, dalla banda ove ' noninnohta. j The fide of a river, of the water , of the fea, j ripa, rivo, fponda, lido, lito. ì one that dwells licere the water fide, riparo, j The fides of a wood, i lari d’ unbofeo. j The fides (or racks ) of a chariot, wagon, ere. i le lponde d’un carro. The fide of a hill , cotta, pendio, calata. ) The fides of a preffe , gl’ alberi d’ un tor- 1 chio 6 torcolo. Sided , on a fide , on one fide, corteggiato, fpondeggiato. Si deling, or fìdc-wayes % a lato, obliquo, da banda. ^4 fide ling, or f oping piece of ground, ditee- fa. calata. ^4 (ideman, parteggiano. infer ( drink ofipples ) fidro, vino di me- le. Siding ( or fail ioti/ne [s ") partialità. Al fiedge, or fiege, affedio. To lay fiege to : fee to te^ege,attediare. ^4 fcience , fee a Jhoote. To fife , crivellare, fetacciare, paffareper feraccio. Tofift out a matter curioufly , crivellar alcun negotio minutamente. Sifted crivellato, partalo per fetaccio. Sifted out narrowly , crivellato minutamen¬ te. ^4 fifier, crivellatore. ^yff/Z^crivellamento^rivellatura. ! ^4 curious fiftingouta matter, crivellamen- to minuto. Siftings , crivellamene, aljo pruove. To figh, fo/pilare. Sighed , fofpirato. A fighing, fofpiramento. Fit to be fighedfor , da fofpirare , fotpira- bile. The fight, la vifta, il vedere,fguardo, la ve¬ duta. *A fight, fpettacolo, moftra, pompa. .Atfirfi fight, a prima vifta, di prima pof- ra. Quick, or fharpe figbted, acuto di vifta, ocu¬ lato, perfpicace. Sightlefse, cieco, orbo. Al fignature, tignatura. ^ 4 figne , fegno, nota, merco, fegnale, in¬ dino, alfa limbolo. A figne manuali, ferma. To figne, fegnare, notare, far la ferma, niercare. Signed, fegnato, notato, fermato, mer¬ cato. Afigner, fegnatore, notatore, fermatore, che ruerca. ^4 fignet, figlilo bolletta. The privie fignet, figlilo, privato, bolla reale. ^4 fignification , fignificatione, notificatio- ne, intimatione. To fignifìe , fignifìcare, notificare, inti¬ mare. Signified, lignificato, notificato,intima¬ to. A (igmfier, fignificatore, notificatore, in¬ timatole. A fignifying, as a fignification . ^4 figning, as a fignature. To put to filence, filentiare,interdire. Silence, lilentio, interdetto. ^4 filenciane (patrone of pat terne of filence) lilentiario. Silent, filente, tacito. To he fileni, tacere, ftarfi cheto. Very fileni, full of filence, taciturno, che^o affai. f . Silent as the night, cheto quanto l’ìlierta notte. Silently , filentemente, tacitamente. Silke, feta, feda. Offilfe' dealing with flk, fetofo, di feta, che tratta lateta The tow , or courfefloj filk, to make Jleave of, capicciuola. ji filk-man, fctaiuolo. ji filk-worme. baco di feta, cavaliere.' Silky, or full offilke,lctofo. ^4 (illable, hllaba. Of one fillable, monofillaba. Of foure fillables, di quattro fillabe.- The upper file of a doore, foprafoglio. Sillte, femplice, goffo, gnoco. Jl fillie fellow, un goffo, un gnoco, novi- tio, balordo. ^4 fillie part, goffaggine, gofferia. ^4 fillie wench , una balorda , goffa, fem- plicciotta. To deal y7//r7)i J trattare,ó contrattare goffa¬ mente. Sillinefs, goffezza, fimplicità. Silver, argento. Fined, or purified filver, argento raffina¬ to. To fijver over, cover, or inclofe in filver , argentare. Quick-fiver, argento vivo. filver mine, plate of filver, miniera, ó ve¬ na d’ argento. Silvered ever, covered , ine ha fed in filver, argentato. Silvery, d’ argento, argenteo. Silvery, or full of filver , argentofo, ar¬ gentino. Silver-weed, becco d’ oca.* Similar, fimiiare. The fimilarparts, le parti fimilari. AL fimilyi, or fimiiitude, fimiiitudine,com- paratione, paragone. Al fimnell, ciambella. Simmetrie (j ufi proportion) fimmetria, pro¬ portion giufta. In jttft fimmetrie f proportionatamen- tc. Simonie, fimonia. fimonifi, fimonifta,o fimoniaco. To fimper it, fare la boccuccia, far la mon¬ na honefta. Simple, femplice. A fimple fellow, as a filly fellow» Al fimple (or foolifh girle) as a filly wench. Semplicità , feniplicità , goffaggine , alfo fchiettezza. A fimplifl, that hath skill in fmples , fempli- cifta. Simply, femplicemente, alfo goffamen¬ te. To deale ftnply, as to deale fyllily. ! Simulation, limulatione, hipocrefia. ! Since , Da poi, da quel tempo in qua. Since that, da poi che. Since that ( or feeing that ) poi che, pofeia che. Not longfince, non hà molto, non hà gua¬ ri, non è molto; Sincere, lineerò, cordiale, fchietto. Sincerely , finceramente, cordialmente, fchiettamente. Sinceritie, fincerità, cordialità, fchicttez- | za. To ftndge, or finge, abbruciare, abbrug- giare. Sindged, or //iqW.abbrufciato, abbruggia- to. jl fingivg, abbrufeiamento, abbruggia- mento. A (new, nervo. To fing, cantare. To fing , as a bird, cinguettare. To fing roundly , or merily , cantipulare, cantare allegramente. ^4 finger, cantore; cantatore. ^4 finging, cantamento. ^4 great finger of fonges, cantore di can¬ zoni. Al finging of birds, cinguettamene. Single, folo, femplice, fchietto, fingola- SI SK S K fingle (or unmarried) perfon , fcapolo, celibe. Single life , celibato. A fingle comitate, duello. S inglenefse, unità, femplicità. Singly , folamente, unicamente, femplice- niente. Singular, (ingoiare, folo. Singularly , lmgola mente. Singularities lingolarità. Simper, liniftro, alfo infelice.- S inifierly finiftroufly , finiftramente 3 alfo infelicemente. To finke , affondare, fommergere. "> o finke to the bottame , fprofondare. * Tofinkeasafijip, c re. andar a fondo, an¬ dar a male. To finke againe, ritornar a fondo. To finke in agame , r’ infondarli. To make to finke under the burthen of oppri¬ mere. Tofnke, or foake, through, penetrare. *4 fnkefor a private houfe , acquaio, fenti- na. A common finke, fogna, chiavica, cloaca. The finke of the pumpe ofajhip , fentina di yafcello. A finke hole, buca della fentina. *4 finkcr of poore people with exaftions, op- preffore. A finking in , affondamento , fommergi- mento. A great fnking downe ( as of earth crc. ) cafcata, fprofondamento, abiffamen- to. Sitine- , peccato, alfo vitio, colpa. Alitile finne, peccatuccio. To fnne, peccare, alfo errare, far manca¬ mento. Sinned, che habbia peccato. A (inner, peccatore, alfo mancatore. A female/inner, peccatrice. S infull, peccante, alfo vitiofo 6 mancan¬ te. 'A fnnet (a threefold rope , or cord in afijip ) corda triplice da vafcello. To tye with finncut cs, Itrignere ó ferrare, con nervi. A finnew (fprung in a horfes leg ) nervo ftrambato. S innewicjfull offinnewes, nervofo. Sinnewie , firength fu Ineffe offnnetpes , ner- vofità, Sinnewie bones , offa nervofe. Sinopie (green colour in blazon) (inopia, color verde nelle divife. A fip, or fppet, fetta di pane da intigne- re. To fp, or fppe , forbire, fucchiare. Sipped, forbito, fucchiato. 'A fpp er , forbitore, lucchiatore. A fpping , forbimcnto , fucchiamento. A fiquis (claxtion a pofi) cartella, cartel¬ lo. Sir, lignore, meffere. S ir (to the King) lire. Sir (the title of a Kpi&ht) Sigr : Cavaglic- re. A fire, fee Father. A frese, fee a Mermaide, li rena. A fringe fchizzo, fchizzetto, A Chirurgiansf ring, liringa. To tnjeB with a firing, lìringare. A frrop, fciroppo, fciloppo. The fife fee affé. Sifers,fjfers, or fibers, forbicine, forbicet- te. A ffter, forella. A little fifler, forellina. A f te, (ito, pollo. A fth (to mow with ) falce. To ft , federe, federli, fentare, metterli a federe. Toft (as a henne with egges ) covare. The fit-fafi ( /welling in a horfes back ) mal di corno. Sit ten, meflb ó pollo a federe, lentato. Sitting ill, ftando fcommodo. A fitting, il metterli a federe, il federe. A fitting-place , or roome to ft in, luoco, or luogo da federe. Sitting, eafe to ft on, commodo da peterfi metter a federe To finiate, innate, locare, porre. Situated, lì tua to, locato, pollo. Situating , lituando, locando, ponendo. / A filiation , as a fte. A five, cribbio. A five (or vanne for come) fetaccio. A haire (or ranging five, fetacciolo. To toffe in a five , balzare. To yeeldfix for one , fruttare fei per uno. A fixt, a fixt pan fello, fella, parte. A fixt (in mufick) fella in mufica. Sixteene , fedici, dieicifei. The fixteenth, decimofello. S'/'am'e, feffanta. Sixtly, fellamente. Si\e, or fife, mifura, fatta. Si\e to gild with, oro mordente. To fi\e, fegnare, as to bastie. A pair e officers, un paio di forbici. To clip, or cut with fibers , tagliar con for¬ bici. Clipded, or cut with fibers, tagliato con for¬ bici. A little ftyr, Cficr, un paio diforbicette 6 forbicine. A sktne of gold, or fiver thread , rocchet¬ to, gomitolo. Toskare , (paventare, impaurire, metter paura ó (pavento ad alcuno. S karedj (paventamelo, impaurimene. A skarre,)ee a /cane. Skatches, fee f catches . A fiate (fifio) raza, argilla. Theflarry fiate, raza /Iellata. A skellet , padella, alfo pila. A skellet-maker , padellalo, pilaro. A skelton, or skeleton, fchcletto. The skie, cielo. Skie-colour , color celelle, azurro, turchi¬ no. A skiff e, fchiffo, navicella, barchetta. A little feiffe, fchiffetro, bare uccia. 0 }, or belonging to a sktjfe, che attiene allo fchiffo. Skill, arte, fapere- habilità, maeftria. Learned skill , feienza, fap ere. Of exelling skill , di grandillìma feienza 6 fapere. A skillet, as a skellet. Skillfull , (dente, faputo, intelligente. Skillfull in il 1 , faputo nel male. To be skillfull in court-jbip, effer buon cor¬ teggiano, laper far ben il corteggia¬ no. Skillfully , feientemente, faputamente. To skimmt, fie to fiumme. To skmke, dar da bere, verfare da bere. Theskinke ( a kind of finali land Crocodile ) cocodrillo terre lire. A sktnker, che verfa da bere. Askinne, pelle. A little skinne , pellicola , pelliccila, pel- luccia. A skinne of fune, pelliccia. A tbinne skinne {or finte) pelle fotulitfì ma, pelle fottile fottile. An upper skinne , foprapelle, pelle Serio¬ re ! To skinne over , coprir con pelle, alfo cica- J trizare. | 1 To skinne, or takeoff thè skinne , levare la • ' pelle, pelare. * A skinne inclofingfeede, foli :cola. The skinne where the calfes lies in the hindes belly, rete. That hath nought but skinne and bone, fcar- nato, fpolpato. The wooding skinne quartering the kernell of a wall nut, pellicina di noce. Skrapings o/jfo«wer,rafchiarure di pelli. The out ward skinne of the hraine , dura ma¬ ter. Skinned over, coperto con pelle ó di pelle, alfo cicatrizato. Hard and tbicke skinned with fore labours , callofo. A skinner, pellicciai o. The trade of a jhop of a skinner, pelliccie¬ rà. Skinnie,full of skinnes , pellofo, pien di pel¬ li. Skinnie , or of thick skinned, che ha la pelle groffa. A little skip-jack , nanuccio, un piccolo- mini. Toskippe, falrellare. Toskippe back , faltelJarin dietro, or a veto. Tofkippe over , faltar da là- crapaffar fat¬ teli andò To shppe up, alzare,levar in alto, rizzarli. A skippe, flit avello. A fiippe over, falcarello in là. Byskippes, favellando a falrarelli. A skipper faltellatore, (aitatole. A skipper (or skip, man) patron di vafcel¬ lo, pilota, marinaro. Shipping, favellando. A skipping back, lo faltellare indietro. To skermifh , fcaramucciare, attaccarli , azzuffarli. A skermifh, fcaramuccia, attacco zuffa. Skirmifhed , fcaramucciato, attaccato, az zuffato A skermifher, fcaramucciatore, attaccatc- re, azzuffatore. Skirmifhtng, fcaramucciando, attaccan¬ do, azzuffando. The skirret root , carvi. A skirt of a doublet, or coat, fcarfcllino, falda. The skirt ( or border ) of a place , orlo orJiccio s kittijh , bisbetico, ombrofo, fantaflico A skittifh humour, humor bizzarro,' ó bif bettico. Skittifh as an old mu lee, bizzarro com’ una mula vecchia. Skittfhly, bisbetticamentc, bizzarramen¬ te, fantallicaniente. To skowl^e, rannicchiai c, appiattare. A fkreene, ftefereened. To skreake , or firike , fie to fereek. To Jlabber, paciuccaie, alfo , sguazzare. Slabbered , paciuccaro, alfo (guazzato. A flabberer, pacciuccatore, alfo (guazza tore. A flabbering, paciuccamento, afo fguaz- zamento. Slack, lento, tardo, rimeffo, pigro. To flacken, lalleiitare rilaffare, allegeri- re, tardare, ritardare. Slackned, rallentato, rilaffato, allegcrito, tardato, ritardato. A jlackening, rallentamento, rilaffamcn- to, allegcrimcnto, tardamento, ritar- damento. Slackly, lentamente, tardamente, ri- meffamente, pigramente. S lacknefie, lentezza, tardità, pigrezza. To flay , fee to flay to kill. The fiate of a weavers loomc , pettine di teffitore. Staine, fie to flay To flake , fpegnere, fmorzare, eflinguerc. To flake hunger , cacciarli ó cavarli lavarne. Slaked, (pento, fmorzato, cltinto. Wbofi SL SL S L whfe hunger is /lucked , a cui lìa cacciata, ó cavata la fame, sfamato, fatollo. Slander, flanderer , crc. fee Jlaunder,{laun¬ der er, ct'c. Slanke, alciutto, fottile, fmilzo. Tofappe , dare, battere,colpire,coglie¬ re , Tofappe up, foibire, fucchiare, mandai' giù. Slapped, battuto, colto. Slapped up, forbito, fucchiato , mandato giù. A Jlapping , battimento. A flapping up ì forbimento , lucchiamen- to. AfUppe-fauce, leccarde, ghiottone. To /l.ijh, tagliare, sfoggiare. A jlajh, taglio, sfreggio. Slajhed, tagl ato, sloggiato. A faflùng , ragliamento , sfreggiamen- to. Afdfber, tagliatore, saggiatore. A fate , pietra da coprire tetti, tego- la. Slated , covered with fi Mesi alfojlatie , co¬ perto di tegole. Tull of, or filled with fates , pieno di te- gole Fafl a fetpe , addormentato. Tofeepe, dormire. To Jlcepc in the afternoone, dormir di gior¬ no. To Jleepc agnine, tornar a dormir, raddor¬ mentarli. In a found heavie, or dead fleepe, Conno pro fondiflìmo. To bring , or cafi into a heavie dead /Jeep , al¬ loppiare. To raijefrom flafy dettare, rifveghare, ec- citare. In bisJleep, dormendo, nel dormire, men¬ tre lì dorme. jfeepe- procuring medicine , dormitorio, medicina alloppiata. S leepie, fonnolento, che ha voglia di dor¬ mire. Sleepineffe , lonnoknza, gravezza di lon- no. A fleeper, dormitore. A f eeve, manica. A fiockfeeve, or kind of halfe f eeve, n\z- nica lombarda. The hanging half e fleeves of fonte gownes. maniche, volanti di velli. A half e f eeve from wrifl to the elbow , mez¬ za manica pole. z. tx i , Jl fatt-pit , or cju.trrìe , cava di pietre da I TheJleeve(fijh) a Calmane fifh,icpz, cala- coprire tetri. A fave, ichiavo, cattivo. To make a fave of cattivare, infchiavire. To flaver , bavare. Slaver , bava. Slavered , bavato. jl Jlaverer, bavatore. Slavering , bavando. A flavering, bavatura, bavamento. Slaveringly, bavatamente. Slovene, bavofo. Slavifh , fervile, foggetto. To make fiavifh , or bring to faverie, as to • make a fave of • Slavifhly, cattivamente, da (chiavo. A flaughter, macello, uccilione. ToJlaughter , macellare, uccidere, ammaz¬ zare. An univerftUJlaughter, maflacro. ' To make a great jlaughter, far un gran maf- facro Slaughtered, macellato, uccifo, ammaz¬ zato. A Jlaughlerer , macellaio, uccifore , am¬ mazzatore, alfo beccaro, or beccaio. Slaunder, calonnia, villania, ingiuria. To founder , calonniare, detraile, (parla¬ re. Slaundered, calonniato, detratto, del qual li fiafparJato. S laundered unjuftly, callonniato,ingiufta- mente, ó a torto. A jhunderer , calonniatore , detrattore , (parlatore. A /laundering, ealonniamento, detrattio- ne, fparlamento. Slaunderous, calonniofo, detrattofo. S launderous tearmes , ingiurie, villanie, fparlamenti. « Slaunderoufy , callonniofamente, ingiu- ! riofamentc. To fay, as to Jlaughter. A llayer, as a fan«hterer. A faying, macellamento, uccidimento. Shying , macellando, uccidendo. Slayne, macellato, uccifo. S leave filk, capitone, AJleed, ctriiola. To fleek, lifeiare. A Jleeke-fione,l\l'chto\e. 'Sleeked over (as linnen cloth ) lifeiato. A jleekir.g,\iLciamento. Sleep , fowio. maro. Slcrv'-Ittfr, fenza maniche. Sleight , dozzinale, di poco prezzo, leg giero. flight matter , cola di nulla, or men te. ... A f eight, or wile, aftutia, arte,rigiro, ura- tagema, artificio. To proceed by fleights , proceder con artifi¬ ci. Sleightly, leggiermente, dozzinalmen¬ te. Sleightneffe , leggerezza , dozzinali- tà. Slender, afeiutto, fottile, fmilzo. Slender and tali, alciutto e longo. Somewhat flender , afciutteiello, fmilzct- t°. . To make fender, alfotigliare, render foni¬ le, magrentino. SlenderlyfoUìlmcme, afeiuttamente, ma¬ gramente. Slenderneffe , fottigliezza, fmilzezza. AJlice, fetta. Alitile Jlice, fetterella. Full offices, pien di fette. Cut into fices, tagliato in fette. ^4 fice of any thing, fetta di cofa che ua. In fices, infette. To jlice, tagliar in fette. Sliced , as cut into fices. _ A Jlicing, tagliamento in fette. Slidde, favolato, fdrucciolato. To fide, fcivolare, fdrucciolare. To fide away, calare, fdrucciolarfene via. Let the world Jlide , voghi la galera, vada come li vaglia. A Jlidtng , fcivolamento, fdrucciolamen- t°. A Jlidingplace (where boyesfide) fdruccio- latoio. Slie, aftuto, fcaltro, trillo, fuibo. A fie fellow, un forniicotto, un mariolo, un’ apri 1’ occhio. S l-ely , adattamente, fcaltraifiente, trille- mente, furbefeamente. S lieneffe, aftutia, triftezza, furbaria. S l’ght, deftrczza. Slightly, deftremente. S lime, vifcfaio tf mocco, cola. Slime of fattiles,\ìi chib delle lumache. Slimy, vifeofo, colofo. To be flimie elfer vifcolo, falivofo. Slimie humors, humori vifeofi. A fonie Joile , terreno vifcolo , terra graf¬ fa. Slimineffe, vilcofità. A finirne , longona. A fling, frombola, fionda. jofunge, frombare, frombolare,faglia¬ re, lanciare. Cafi from a fling, frondato, frombolato, (cagliato, lanciato. The cafl, or blow of a fling , frondata, from¬ bolata, fcagliata, lanciata. To flinke away , coglietela, batter la riti¬ rata. A Jlinking back, ritirata. To fLippe, fdrucciolare, fcivolare. To [lippe away , as to flink away. A flipp?) fdrucciolata, favolata. Slipped , fdrucciolato, favolato. The f lippe of a plant , ramofcello,germo- glio. A flipper, pianella. High flippers, zoccoli. A wooden flipper, zoccolo. Ladies flippers , pianelle gentili ò ligno rili. Slipperie, fcivolofo, fdrucciolofo. A f lipperie place, loco fcivolofo ó fdruc¬ ciolofo. A flipping , fcivolamento, fdrucciola- mento. Slipping, favolando, fdrucciolando. A flip-firing, lafcio, guinzaglio A flit, feflùra, fedo, taglio. To flit , fendere, tagliare. Slit, fefo, tagliato. A flitter , Tenditore, tagliatore. Slitting, fendendo, tagliando. A flitting , fendimento, tagliamento. S loath , pigritia , infingardi, otio, dapO' caggine. S loath full, pigro, infingardo, otiofo, da- poco, neghitofo. A float hfull luske, un dapoco, un huomo da niente. To grow f loath full , impigrire, impoltronì Growne floathfull (as a legger') impigrito, impoltronito. Sloathfully , pigramente, infingardamente, poltronelcamente. Sloathfiline ffe, as [loath. A foe , pruna felvatica. Sloes, prune, fclvatiche. Aifloe-tree, pruno felvatico. Slope , obliquo, in sbiaflo. To flope, andare in sbiaffo, pendere. Sloped, obliquo, in sbiaflo. S lepeneffe, obliquità. A f loping, obliquamelo, 1’ andar in sbialfo. Sloping, obliquando, andando in sbial¬ fo. A floppe, braca. mdefloppes, braconi. The flot ofafiagge, pefta, pi (la. A great ( mijhapen) ftouch, un difgratia- taccio. A flough, fanga, pantano. A floven, un fporco, un fucido. Slovenly, fporcamente, indecentemente. In hisflovenly manner, ali’ ufanza (uafpoi ca. Slovenlinefie, flovenrìe, fporchezza, fpor- chitia, (porco procedere. Slow , tardo, lento, pigio. A flow-back, fchienalonga. A flow girle, una ragazza pigra d tar¬ da. Slowly, tardamente , pigramente, lenta¬ mente. Slowneffe, tardezza, lentezza, pigritia. To Jlubber, imbrattare, (Impazzare. Slubbered SM SM S N Steered, imbrattato, llrapazzato. ^ flubherer over, imbrattatore, flrapaz- zatore, Rubbering (or {oiling ) imbrattamento, flrapazzamento. To fi ugge it } poltroneggiare. Ajlug~a bed, poltrone,dormione. Muggi/h, fonnacciofo, fonnolenco, fon- nacchiante, pigro. Towaxfuggijh , fonnacchiare, impigri¬ re $Ittggi/hlyjConniccbibfementej pigramen¬ te. Sluggifbnejje, fonnolenza, pigritia. *y J lumber, Tonno. To ) lumber, fonnacchiare. A [lumbering, fonnacchiamento. Slung , frombolato. 5 lunke a way, fee to flinke. To Jlurrie, at to /,lubber . Slurried, at Jlubber d. A furring, as a flubbering. Ajluj'e, chiufa. Slufes (to let in fea water into ponds ) chiu- fe. A. fiuti} fporca } fucida. d ra gged fluite , una fporca pezzente. Slutti/h, (porca, che hi del fucido. Somewhat fluttijh , fporcarello, che hi al¬ quanto del lucido. To make flutti/!}} fporcare. A fluttijh draggletailej una pettegola, zac- cherofa. Sluttifhly, fporcaraente, fucidamcnte. Sluttilbne/fe, fporcher^a, lucidezza. To /mack, gallare, aflaporare. A fmack,g uflo, fapore. Apretie [hack, gufto grato. To have a great /mack of. Taper di- haver del- An evill [mack, tanfo, gullo ingrato. That hath a good fmack of, che là di- buono . di- To[macìe (a bifìe) baciare, bafeiare, fcoc- car un bacio 6 bafeio. Smacked, baciato 6 bafeiato. A fmacker ,baciatorc, bafeiatore. Well fmackhtg ( ortafiing) che gulla bene, grato al gullo. Sma l, piccolo, picciolo, minuto,lotti¬ le. Somewhat [mali, or [malli/ j, piccolino, pic- ciolino, che ha del piccolo. Tomike [inali, impiccolire, impicciolire, fminuire, attenuare, alfotigliare. To cut into /inali pieces, tritare, fui inuma¬ re, minuzzare. Made [mali, impiccolito, impicciolito, fminuito, attenuato alfotigliato. Cut [mali , tritato, lminu zzato, tagliato, minuto. A making fmali , impiccolamento, im- picciolamento, attenuamento, affoti- gli amento. Small fifh C °f dfversJorts ) pefciolini, alfo minutaglia, frittura. Small wares (trafh off alls) minuzzaglie. Small-work, lavorucci. Smallage, fellero,feleno. The fmallefl, il più piccolo ò picciolo, il più piccinino. S mallijb , che ha del piccolo ó fottilc,pic- coluccio. SmaTy, picciol.nente, Tattilmente, tenue¬ mente. Smallneffe, piccolezza, picciolezza, tenui¬ tà, fottigliezza. To /mart, cuocere, pizzicare. A /mining, cuocimento , pizzicamen- » to. Smarting} cuocendo, pizzicando. A fmatterer in learning} letteratuccio. To fmeare , imbrattare, tignerò, fporcare, zarcherare. Smeare, macchia, zacchera. ■ A black fmeare, macchia nera. Smeared , imbrattato, tinto, fporcato, zac- cherato. A/mearer, imbrattatore, fporcatore, zac- cheratore. Afmedring, imbrattamento, fporcamen- to, zacchéramcnto. To fmeech to fmutcb, as to fmeare. To [meli} odorare. Tentile, annafare. To Jmeli out, fiutare. To /meli rdnke (under thè armc-boìes , fpuz- zare di lezzo. xA [meli, odore, fentore. An evill/meli, cativ’ odore, fpUzza. Afnell-feaji , parralita, fcrocco, falcon di cucina. AJmell-fmock , puttaniere, divoto della dea venere. Smelled, odorato, fentito. A fmeller} odoratole, che fente. A fmelling, odoranìento, fentimento. tlea/antly /melting , che sà da buono, che rende grato odore. A /me, ling out , fiutamento. The Jenee of fmelling , 1’ odorato, or l’odo¬ rare. Smelling} odorando, femendo. Sweet / melting , lapendo da buono. S melt, as/melted. Smelt out, fiutato, al Jo prefentito. A [melt (fijh)(\ petie di pclce minuto, j To/mile, forridere. A [mile, or fmiling, forrifo. ! Smi'ke, lello, vivace,fpiritolo. To [mite, ferire, dare, percuotere. A [miter, feritore, che dà, pcrcuotitore. A fruiting, ferimento, ferita, botta. A black fmith, marifcalco, ferracavalli. A gold Jmith, orefice, argentiere. A lock- fmith, magnano. A fmiths band, mano fabrilc. Of, belonging to , made by a fmith , fabiile, opra di fabbro. A f / itine ( where iron tooles be made ) fuci¬ na di fabbro. 5 mitten, ferito, percofib. A [mock, camifcia. ' 5 moke, fumo. To [moke, fumare. Smoked, fumato. Smokie, fumofo. Smokilie, fumofamente. A [making, fumamento. A fmoking under, foffimiggio. A [making flick, tizzone. Smooth, lifeio, polito,netto, alfo foave. To fmooth, lifeiare, polire, nettare. Smoothed, lifeiato, polito, nettato. Smoothed over ( alinnen clfth ) flriccato, polito. S/woo/A/)i,jlifciamente, politamente, netta¬ mente. A [mother, lifeiatore, politore, nettato¬ re. A fmoothing , lifciamento, polimento, nettamento. S moothneffe, lifeiezza, politezza, policia, nettezza. To fnootber, foffocare, affogare, fi rozza - re, flrangolare. Smothered, foffocato, affogato, flrozza- to,ftrangolato. A fmoothenng , flrangolamento. Smug, zerbino, politelJo. Smuv'j), da zetbino, politamente. Smttgneffe, politia, pulitézza, purità, net¬ tezza. To fmut, as to [mutch. A Jmutch, as a [matching. Smutched, as [neared. The [jacket (or hafpe) of a cafement, feudet- to di catenaccio. A fnaffle (the mouth of a fnaffle) morfo. A fnaile, lumaca. A fnakc, bifeia, ferpe,vippera. A water fnake, bifeia acquatica. A poorefnake,un mefchino,un difgratia- to, un poveraccio. Snake-weed,[take-wort, ferpentaria. To [nap at, beccare, dar di becco a- A barbers /nap (to pull out teeth) cune. A j nap with the fingers , chioccare, dop¬ piare. A fnap-haunfe \ arcobugio a fucile. A[nare, laccio, trama. To [tare, lacciare, tramare, innefcare. Snared, tacciato, tramato, inncfcato. A fidring, Jee to en/nare. Tofnarle, rinclfare, rignare, ringhiare. Snarling , rinchiando, rignando, ringhi¬ ando. To [natch, abbrancare, arrapparc, afferra¬ re. A [natch, abbrancata, afferramento. Snatched, abbrancato, arrappato, afferra¬ to. A fnatcher , abbrancatore, arrnppatore, afferratole. A Jnatching, as a [natch. Snatching , abbrancando , arrapando, afferrando. To [neake into corners, nafeonderfi. A Jneakcs hie, vifo da babbuaffo. To Jneeje , llernutare, flranutare. S«efy/r;g,ilcrnutando,ftranutando. Snee/e-wort, herba che fà llernutare. A J nee (tug medicine, Uernutatorio. To [lifter (or ft ufie up fnivell) farnac- care. To/nip off, mozzare, ragliare, ritagliare. Full of [tips, pien di ritagli. Snippedojf, mozzato, tagliato, ritaglia¬ to. A [tipping , mozzamento, ragliamento, ritagliamento. S ni pings, ritagli. Sniping off, mozzando, tagliando, rita¬ gliando. A fttile, orfnipe, beccaeina. Snivell, ciambella, buccellati, bifeotto. To fnivell, moccolare. A dot of fnivell, moccc, moccolo. The fnivell (or water drop) that hangs att the nofc in cold weather, gocciola al na- fo. Snivelfy, da moccolone. To [tore, or [tort, tonfare. A Jnorer , or [toner, ronfatore. Snot, mocco del nalo. To Jnot ( or blow ) his nofe, foffiarfi il na- fo. Snoitie, moccolofo. To be fnottie , eller moccolofo. Snottie humors, humori moccofi 0 mocco- lofi. A [tout, mu To. A dogs pretiefnout, mufetto. A hogs fnout, grugno. A Elephants [tout, tromba, probofeide. To tye up the [tout, fermap con mufaruo* la. To /now, nevicare, fioccare. Snow, neve, nieVc. It fnoweth , nevica, fiocca. Sttowie, or full of [tow , nevofo, nevico- fo. To Jnuffe, attirar col nafo. To [luffe with difdaine , crollar la tella dal¬ lo sdegno. To take in f buffe , pigliar ombra, pigliar in mala parte. To [tuff ? a candlefimoccolzc la candela,o’J lume The fiuffe of a candle, moccolo. A little fiuffe, moccoletto. : I so so so f he fluffe of a lampe , moccolo eli lampa-i na. I Snuffed (as a candle) fmoccolato. A flnuffer , fmoccolatoio, fmoccolato- re. A fluffing} finoccolamento. A fluffkin 3 us ‘Z fnujfer. To f luffe , or [mffle often , parlai col nafo, fai fiaccare fpefiio. A Jmff ( or fmoahie paper ) fumac¬ chio. A (neere) fnudge, tanghero, lelinantif- finjo. TO fnyte the noje, lb filarli il nafo. Strytedj che lilla lolfiato il nato. A /«j/cr, lodatore 6 che li foffiato il nafo. A jnyting, faffianiemo. So , cosi, a quel modo. So that, li che, a tal che, di modo che. So be it, cosi ha. Sofoi medio'ciemente, cosi là To foak.Cy i ammollare, metier a molle, ma¬ cerare, inzuppare. A foaker , ammolatore, che mette a m J- To foile a doubt , rifolvere, chiarire. Soiled) imbrattato, fporcato. A foiling , imbrattamento, lporcamen- to. To fojournej foggiomare, dimorare. Sojourned} ^foggiornato, dimorato. A Jojourning, foggiornamento. So/irce.folazzOjdiporto, iicreatione, fpaf- fo, giuoco. Great folace , gran folazzo. To folace himfelfe , folazzarfi, ricrearfi, lpaflarli. To folace bimfelfe in the fimne ; folazzarlì al fole. Solaced , folazzato, ricreato. SolatiouS} folazzevole. A folar } folaro, palco, piano. Sold) fee to fell. To folder , faldare, < tifo affodare. So/e, folo, foletto. The foie of the foot} pianta del piede, fuo- S oaked , ammollato , melTo a molle , in¬ zuppato. Afoaking) ammollamento, inzuppainen- to ' To foare aloft , fvclazzar in alto , vibrarli ad alto. To Jobbe , linghiottire, fingbiozzare. Sober, fobrio. A fober man, huomo ritenuto, huomo fo- brio. Soberly lobviamente. Sober tieffe 3 fobriette , fobl'.età, temperan¬ za. A fobreffault} orfummerfault) fopraffalto. Socage tenure , podere ignobile. Sociable, lodabile, accompagncvole. i A focietjì} focieti, compagnia, confrater- I nità. A fock , fealpino, fcalfmo. Afock ( orjolc ) of dirt (or earth cleaving to the bottóme efthe foot in cloggie way ) gleba. The jacket of a candle flick , fondo di can- dc-gliere. J'nfit , or unpojftble to he Joddcn , che non li può bollire od aletfare. Sod, cocco, bollito, alello, allellato. A round fod, zolla. Covered with green Joddes , zollato. A little fod of earth, zolletta di terra. S oddte,full cffoddeS} zollolo. Sodomie , fodomia. Afodomite, lodomita. Soft} molle, delicato, piano. I Somewhatfofh mollelino, delicatuccio. ; Filthily foft) mollacelo. j To foften , mollifficare, molleggiare. I Softened , mollificato, molleggiato. Affiena-} molliflkarore, molleggiato- re. A fo fining , mollificamento, molleggia¬ mento. Softning, molliflìcando, molleggiando. _ Softly } mollemente, alfo pian piano, dili- catamente. Taire and fifth, bel bello. Softnefse} mollitie, mollezza, delicatezza, tenerezza A foake ( to make a bawkefloop to the lure ) richiamo. Sode, ordura, fporchezza, fporchitia. , Of foile, terreno. 1 Lord of the foile , [ignore, patrone, pro¬ prietario. T he foile of a wild beare , imbratto, fucci- dume. To foile} imbrattare, fporcare. A deercto take foile } pafcolaie, herbeggia- re. The Jole ofafiooe (or flocking) pedule, pe¬ dana. To Jole ajhooe, or flockin , fuolare, rinfolare. To fole} or Jet new foies ona Jhooe 3 rafluo- lare. A fole fijh} fola, linguattola, pcrdice ma¬ rina. A little fole , foletta. Doublé J'oledJhooes , fcarpe a doppie fuo- le. A folici[me, follicifmo. Solely, [blamente. S oiemne 3 folenne. Solemnely, folénnementc. AJ'olemritie, folenmtà. To Jolemnity, follennizare. Afolemniifiiion (or flolemniflng) follenni- zatione. A folfa (a note in (ìnging ) folfà nota in mulica. To folicite 3 folleccitare, affrettare. A folicitation,orfolicitìng , folleccitamen- to, affrettamento. Solicited , lblleccitato, affrettato. A fillcitor, follcccitatore, alfrettatore. Solicitous , follecito, diligente. Solicitude, folleccitudine, diligenza. Solide } folido,fodo. To make folide, folidare, render fodo. Solidely 3 folidamente, fodamente. Soliditie 3 foliditi, folidezza. So itarie 3 folirario. Solitarily, folitariamente. Solitarinejfe, or Jolitude , folitudine. Sollqme, foieime. The folflice, folditio. Of, or in the /o/jfre e, foldicdale. Soluble , folubile. AJolution, folutione. Solutive , lolutivo. Some 3 parte, qualche, alcuno, alcuna. Some-body} qualcheduno, alcuno. Something , or fonte what , qualche cofa, al¬ cuna cofa. Somewhere, in alcunluoco, in qualche luoco. Somewhere clfe , altrove, altronde. Some time 3 alcuna volta, alcun tempo- In fonie meafure , in fónte fort, in alcun mo¬ do,in alcuna maniera,in qualche modo (or) maniera. A fingi canzona, canzone. A contrey fong , villanella. A fonne , figlio, figliuolo. A fonne in law ( or daughters husband ) genero. A fonne in law ( or wives fonne) figliaf- tro. A fonnes wife 3 nuora Sonne-like, da figlio, da figliuolo. A fonnet , fonetto. Sonorous ,fonorofo, canoro. Soone 3 predo, quanto prima. As foone as, quanto prima che. Veryfoone , molto predo, predo a dai, ben rodo. Soone at night 3 fui tardi, verfo la fera. Soor, fuligine. Soothie 3 fuliginofo. Alight foot colour (with an eye of gray in it ) bigio. Sooth} verità. In footh , in verità. Tofooth , adulare, gonfiare, infinocchia¬ re. Soothed , adulato, gonfiato, infinocchia¬ to. A foothing} adulamento , gonfiamento, intìnocchiamento. A footh-fayer , augure , drologo, negro¬ mante. A footh-ftyìng , augurio, indovinatione. Sope, fapone. Of, or belonging to fope , che attiene a fapo¬ ne, faponofo. Sope-balls , faponetti, palle di fapone. To fope , or wajh with fope , faponar, lavar con fapone. Soped} faponato, lavato con fapone. Sopewed, fopewort 3 heiba faponaria. A fophifme } fofifma, fallacia, A fophtfler 3 fofida. To fopbiflicatc j fofidicare, (tifo fatturare, conciare. S ophiflicated , fofidicato, alfo fatturato, conciato. A fophiflicating , or fophiflication, fofiftica- tione, fofidicamcnto. Sophiftrie , fofidichczza, fofidecheria. Soporiferous , foporifero. A foppc 3 ( uppa, zuppa, zuppetta- To foppe , infuppare, inzuppare, intin¬ gere. Soppie, full offoppe, fuppofo, zuppofo. Sopped , infupparo, inzuppato, intinto. A fopper , infuppatore, inzuppatorc. A forb-aple , foiba, alfo lazaruolo. The forb-aple tree , forbo, A forcerer , dregone. A forcerejjèift rega. Sorcerie, dregheria. Sordide, fee f aule fllthie , C re. Sordide mìjery , or miching , fpilorceria,fo- prafina leiina. A fordine (for a trumpet) fordina. A fore 3 piaga, ulcere. Sore, dolente, cuocente, che fà male.* A plague-fore, piaga pedilentiale. A fore enmie, nimico capitale. Sorrell, acetofa. Romane forrell, acetofa romana. Smalt jheepes forrell , acetofa di pecore. Pettiepalletforrell , acetofetta dainfala- te. Wood forrell, acetofa felvatica. Sorrell-colour, fauro. A burnt forrell , fauro feurood abbrug- giato. Sorrie} sdegnato, difgudato, fadidito, af¬ fannato, rammaricato, adirato. l-m fonie for him , me ne fà male, gli ho compadrone. I am very fonie foriti me ne difpiace pur affai,me ne rincrefce. Sorrily , malamente, fdegnatamente, dif- gullatamente. Sorrow, dolore, affanno, rincrefcimcnto, Ì difgudo, grammaglia. To fir rendali annarfi, rammaricarli, addo¬ lorarli. Sorrow ' orrow dtffetnbled , by a fowre face , doJo finto, grammaglia finta. Sorrowfull , dolorofo, dolente , affanna¬ to. Sorrowful’y y dolentemente, alfoosforry- b- A fort, forte, maniera, modo, mezzo. To fortj accompagnare, abortire. Perfetti of fort ( or worth ) perfone di por¬ tata ó di pezza. To flore with di forts , fornire, affortirfi di ogni forte di robba. Sorted, forni to, affortito. Sortable , alfortabile, adoràbile, che ac¬ compagna. Sortably, affortibilmentc, accompagnata¬ mente. v/fyòMw£,affortimento,accompagnamen¬ to. Afati {ciocco, goffo, gnocco,bolto, min¬ chione, balordo. To pUy the fot, far il goffo ó minchione. A foul e foli un balordaccio,un briaconac- cio. To fct,or make fottif],, ftupidire, imbalor¬ dire, render alcuno goffo 6 minchio¬ ne. A little fot , ungoffarello, unminchion- cello. S ottifh, che ha del fciocco, ó goffo. A fottifhparti gofferia, che tiene del gof¬ fo. Sottifhly. goffamente, balordamente. Sottijbneffey fciocchezza, goflezzs , balor¬ daggine. Soveraiguc, foprano, niaeltofo, reale. A fovcraigne, un Uè, un principe fopra¬ no. Soverainty , maelìà foprana 6 fupre* ma. SoyereaW/>^i ferialmente,particolari To J peci fie , fpeci ficare. Specified, fpecificato. Specious, villofo, apparifeente. AJ'peck, or Jpeckle, macchia, r.evo. Speckled, or fpeckled , macchiato. A fpecklivg, macchiainento. Afpeclacle, fpettacolo. A paireoJJpiracies , un paio d’occhiali. AfpeSacle-mak'.r, un occhialaro. A J'peclator, fpettatore, allibente. A fpeftatrix, fpettatrice. To Jpeculate , fp ecu lare, korgere, fcuopri- ie. Afpeculation, fpeculadone, fcorginiento, fcuoprinienco. Speech , Ili * SP SP SP Speech , il parlare, il dire, la parlata, dil- corfo, raggionamento, oratone, lo¬ quela. Fair e fpeech , belle parole, parole da pia¬ cenza, gratianerie. ilifpeech) {parlamento, villanie, maledic¬ tion!. Rudcneffe of fpeech , rozzezza di parlare, | parlar godo. ! in opprobrius fpeech ,- villaneggiamento, parlare ingiuriofo. SpeechleCle , muto, zitto, cheto, alfa che hà perfo la parola. Speed , prede? za, i'péditione, fretta, alfa fucceffo, riufcira. lollecitudine. God fpeed yòu, Dio V* accompagni, Dio vi guardi. To fpeed, fpedirc, fpacciare, avvanzàre, tirar inanzi, riufcire. Gì cat fpeed , gran fetta ò follecitudine, gran diligenza. To fpeed well, prosperare, riufcirbene. Speeded , fpcd-to, Spacciato, avvanzato, tirato inanZf. jL fpeeder, fpeditore, folleccitatore. Specdie, predo, ledo, follecito, fpeditivo, frettolofo, fubitaneo. ; Speedily , predamente, Jedamente, folle- citamente , frettolofamente , fpedita- mente, {libicamente. Speeditiefe, as fpeed. To Jpelli compitare. Spelled, compitato ^4 fpeli (or charme) incanto. Speli (covie) fpelta. Afpence (or larder) difpcnfa, guardama- gnare. To fpeude, {pendere. A fpeuder, fpenditore, che {pende. .A fp ending, fpendimento. Spending , {pendendo. Excejfivcf pending, fpregamento, fguaz- Zamento , buttamento di quattrini fee a fpender. _ A. fpend-ihrift, fpregatore, (guazzatole, che butta Ji quattrini lenza verun ri¬ tegno. Spent , {pefo. Sperages, {paragi. Sperine, {pernia, {erne. Spet, fee fpit. To Jpetr , vomitare, buttare, ributtare- That makes one readie lo fpetr , che move naulea ó voglia da vomitare. Sperved, vomitato, ìibuttato. A fpemng , vonntamento, ributtamen- to. A fphtrc, sfera, {pera. Spherical file rico. The fphinkeSi sfinge. Spice, fpcrie. Spices, urfpicerie, fpetiarie. To fpiic,j\ajbn with jptce, condire con fpe- tic. Spiced , condito con fpetie. A feller off pices, droghhb. Sbicknell, or fpignell. A fpider , ragno, aragno. Full of fpider s, pien d’ aragni, aragnofo. A water fpider, ragno acquatico. Spiderie. aragnene. A foie ,fpia, alfa referendai io i Tofpie, {piate, fcuoprite, feorgere, pene¬ trare. • To fpie afar of , {cuoprire da longi ò lon- ! tano. ! Spied , {piato, {coperto, {corto, penetra¬ to. : A fpier , {piatore, fcuopritore, fcorgito- ! re. penetratore. | Afpyin,, fpiamento, feoprimento, feor- I gimento, penetramento. To fpight, far difpetro, oltraggiare. A /p^/j/jfpiona.ipinetta. I Spike, lavender f pike, fpicanardo. 1 Romane fpike, fpicanardo romano. Olle of fpike, oglio di fpicanardo. Spikenard, as lavender fpike. French fpi knard , fpicanardo francefe. Wild fpikemrd, fpicanardo falvatico. To fpill, fpandeic, buttare. A jpil'cr , fpanditore. A fpilling, fpandimento. Spi t, or j pilled, fpanfo, fpanduto. bpinage, fpinacci. Si jpindle , fu lo A fpindlefull, fufata. Made like a Jpindle, fatto a fufo. A fpindle maker, fufaro. The Jpindle ( or nevell ) of a winding ftaire , albero di fcala. é. mountaine Ipinke , piffera felvatica. 7'o Jpinne, filare. f A f pinner, filatrice. „4 jpinning, filamento. JL Jpinning wheele, filatoio, tornello. A Jpinfler, as a fpinner. A fpirejìeeple , campanile a piramide. Afpiritf pirico A fpirit (goblin ghofì) lpmto folletto- Spirit ( or wit ) {pirico , ingegno , viva¬ cità. Full offpirit, fpiritofo, vivace. Spirituali, fpirituale, divoto, religiofo. Spiritually, fpiritualmente, divotamente, religiolamente. A fpit, fpiede, fchiedone. To fpit ( meate ) fpiedonare. Spitted, fpiedonato. A turne-pit, torn anodo. Spit, dilpetto, malitia, invidia. T o fpite, far difpetto, malitiare. Spite of their hearts , al lor marcio difpetto. Spite full, dilpettofo, malitiofo. Spitefully , difpettofamente , malitiofa- mente- To fpit, or ype/jfputare, fputacchiare. S pit or [pet upon, f putacchiato. _A Jpitter, fputatore, fputacchiatore. A Jpitting , fputamento , lputacchia- mento. _ Spittle, fputojfputacchio, alfo faliva. To be full of. oryeeld much /piale , pien di fputo, alfo falivofo. jL have mg of much fpittle , 1’ haver faliva affai. Spiti lie , full of fpittle , fputofo , fali- vofo. A fpittle , or fpittle houfc , {pedale, infer meria. A fpittle beggar, cattante di fpedale. A fplay foot, piè dorto. Splay-footed, che habbiail piè dorto. The Jpleene, milza, fplena. Troubled with the fpletne , fplenetico. Of, or in the Jpleene, nella milza ò fple¬ na. The fpleene veine, vena fplenetica. Spleene-wort, fcolopendria. Splendor, fplendore, chiarezza. J fplent, or flick to make a fplent of, fchieg- gia, llecco. ^4 fplent in a horjes legs, 1 india. Little Jplents in broken bones , fcheggie d i oflo - i Little fplints (for hawkes broken legs) il- cede. Splinters, fchieggie. To fplit afunier, fpaccare per mezzo, fendere. Split, or fplitted, fpaccato, fefo. Splitting , fpaccamsnto,fendimento. To fpoi'.c ( or rife ) rammofcinarc, fpo- gliare. To fpoile (or marre) guadare. A Jpoile, fpoglia, alfo guado, mina. Spoiled, guado, minato. Si fpoiler, guadatore, minatore. A Jpoiling, guadamento, ruinamento. A Jpoiling woman, guadatricc. Tofpoke of a wheele , raggio di ruota. Spoken, parlato, detto. Si fpokes-man , oratore, alfa mezzano. A weavers fpoke, fpola. A Jpotige,feea/punge. jl Jpoole, and a Jpoolifull , fee fpindle and fpindle-full. A fpoonc, cocchiara, cocchiaro. A fpoonefull, cocchiarata. Sport , fpaffo, ricreatione, gioco, fenerzo, diporto, Tofport , giocare, fcherzare, ricrearli, di¬ vertirli, fpaffai fi. To entertaine with varietie of Jport , tratte¬ nere con fpafiì, e ricreatione. Entertained with fport , trattenuto con fpaf- fi e ricreationi. To make fport unto , dar trattenimento ad alcuno con fpafli. To fport himfelfe inthejunne , fpaffarfial fole, al fuoco de’fpagnuoli. Sported, giuocato, fcherzato, fpaffato. A fporter, giocatore, lcherzatore. AJhee fporter, giocatrice. Sportfull, giocofo. Sportfully , giocofamentc. ^4 fpot, macchia, nevo,nota,fegno. To fpot , macchiare. Spotted, macchiato. ~4 fpot ter, macchi atore, A jpotiing, macchia mento. A fpoufe, fpofa,novitia. To fpout up, or again f, buttare, ributtare. The mouth of a fpout, bocca di cannello. Spouted out, buttato, or ributtato. Si f pouting out , buttamento, or ributta- mento. Spouting out, buttando, ributtando. A fprat, alice. To fpread abroad , allargare, didendere, fpiegare. To fpread upon, didender fopra- Spread,orfpred, allargato, dìdefo, fpie- gato. A fpreadivg, allargamento, didendimen- to, fpiegamento. A fprig , ramuftello, fronda, rampollo germoglio. Small fprigs, ramufcelli, rampolli. Spriggie ( full of fprigs ) ramufcellolo, rampollofo. SprightfuU, fpiritofo, vivace. Sa fpring, fonte, forgente. A new fpring , fonte novello. To fpring out, forgere, buttare. To fpring agame, riforgere, ributta r. To fpring (or raife) upon , forcrefcre, fopra- crefcere. To fpring (asa child in thewombe ) com¬ muoverli. T he f bring, or fpring- time, primavera gio¬ ventù dell’anno. The fpring ofajour.taine, forgivo. The J'pring of a lock, piega molla. A fpring , or Jprtnge ( to catch woodcocks ) ragna. A Jpringing, nafcimcnto, fingimento. The Jpringing (of a child in the womb) com¬ movimento. Springing , nafeendo, fingendo. Springing ( or rifmg ) upon , fopracre- lcendo. To fprinkle, fpruzzare,afpergcre. *A holy-water fprinkle, fpruzzolo, fper- golo. SQ. Afprinkler, lpruzzatore. Sprinkled, fpruzzato, a/perfo. Sprinkling, fpruzzando, a/pergendo. A Jprinkling , fpruzzamento , afpergi- mento. The (frit-faile of a pip, vela civad'era. To (front out, germogliare, fpontare. To f prout out ( as water ) buttare. To f prout hack , ributtare A fprotit , fee a bud (frig. Sprouted out, germogliato, fpontato. AJf routing out, germogliamento, fpon- tamento. Sprouting, germogliando, fpontando. Spruce , gentile, garbato, zerbino, attila to, alla moda. A fpruce fellow, un zerbino, un’ attilato, un’ alla moda,un pro/umatello. To be fpruce , efler attilato, polito, garba¬ to nel veftire. To Jpr uce it, attilarlì, polirli, dimenarli, pavoneggiarli, ringalluzzarli. Sprucely, andatamente, politamente, gat garbatamente. Sprucenejfe, attilatezza, politezza, gar¬ batezza. Sprung out , or up, fee to fprittg, To fpue,fee to fpew to vomit. A fpttnge , /ponga. Spungie, fpongo/o. Spunginejfe , fpungioufneffe , /pongolità. Spunne , fee to (pinne. Sputine upon a fpindle, filato con fufo. To fpurne, calcitrar,menar ò tirar de’ calci. A fpurner,' calcitratole, che tira ó mena de’ calci. A fpumìng, calci tramento, il tirar ó me¬ nar de’ calci. A fpurre, /perone. Walking (pur res (with blunt rowels) /perone eon le ftelle /enza punte. To fpurre , /pèronarè, /pronare, /pignere. A cocks fpurre , /perone. That hath fuchfpurres, /peronato. The having of fuch fpurres,V haver /peroni. Sparred,/peronato, ponto con/perone. A fpurrer, /peronaro. Tofpurre-gall , piagare collo /perone. A (purring, /peronamento, (peronatura. To fpun out, or up, /pomat e, forge te. Spurted out, /pontaro, /orto. A fpurting o«r,fpontamento, /orgimento. A fpying, lpiamento. A fpying from an high, or farre off place , fcuoprimento. Soone fpying, oculato, penetrativo. To fijuabble , zufra,ril7a,conte/a, contrailo. Afquabblc , afquabbling , azzuffamento, contelfotione. S quabbling , azzuffando, conteftando. A fquadron, fouadra, /quadrone. To jquander away, /pregare, /guazzare, buttar a male. Squandered away , {pregato , {guazzato, buttato a male. A fquanderer, /pregatole, /guazzatore, che butta a male. A fquandering , /pregamento , /guazza- memo, il buttar a male. Square, quadro. Afquare, un quadro, una quadratura. A little fquare in a chejfe-boord, ca/a. To fquare, or make fquare , quadrare, /qua¬ drare. A little fquare , quadretto. To fquare it out, mifurarla per quadro. To pave with fquare tiles, lalliicare, matto¬ nare, Tavedwith fquare tiles , hftricato, matto¬ nato. A paving with fucb tiles , laftricamento , mattonamento- S T ^ Squared, made fquare, quadrato, /quadrato. ; A fquaring , quadramente, fquadramen- to, quadratura. To fquajh downe, /chiacciare, ammaccare. \ Squajbcd downe, fchiacciato, ammaccato, j Afquajher , /chiacciatore, ammaccatole. ; Afquajhing downe , fchiacciamento, am- ( maccamento. | Tofquat, appiattare. A hare tojquat, l’appiattarli d’una lepre. Squatted , appiattato. A (quatting, appiattamento. Squatting, appiattando. Tofqueake, orfqueale , {trillare. : Squeaked 3 fquealed, /trillato. A fqueaktng,fquealing 3 Itrillamento. I Squeaking, ltrilJando. j Squeakingly, Itrillatamente. Squeami/h, /degno/o, alfo dilicato. 1 o be very fqueamijh, eiicr molto delicato, alfo bilcchizzo/o. A fqueamijh dame, una fdegnofetta, ó bif- chizzo/a, una monna honelta. Squeamjhly, fdegnofameutCjdelicatamen- te, bi/chizzo/amente. S queamiflmeffe, /degno, bi/chizzo, Tofquee-^e out, /premere. To fquee^e hard, /premer forte. Squeezed out, /premuto. S queening out, /premendo. A fquibbe, razza, raggio, rachctta. j Thejquill (o* fea onion) {quitti. Thefquinan\ie, orfquinfie, /quinantia. Squint-eyed, lo/co, guercio, bieco. A fquint-eyed fellow , un lo/co, guercio ó bieco. & A f quint look , etera lo/ca, /guardo bieco, guardatura bieca. Squinting, guardando bieco. A quinting wench, una lo/ca, ó guercia. Squintingly,' Iole amente, da guercio. A fquire, fee ejquire. A fquirrell, {coiattolo. A (quirt, /chizzo, liringa. Tojquirt , /drizzare, liringare. Tbefquirt, u/cita, cacarella. Tofqutrt, or have the fquirt, haver un’ uf- cita ó cacarella. Squirted, /chizzato, lìringato. A f quirting ,fch i zzam ento, fui ngamento. S quirting , fchizzando, firingando*. A (table , {toccata. 7 o falbe, pugnalare, ferir di /toccata. Stabbed, pugnalato, ferito di (toccata. Stabilitie, orftablenefl, /labilità, fermezza. Stable, ftabile. A ftabbe , Italia. To falbe, or put into a fable, metter in Italia. Stabling (for hor(es) ftallaggio. Tof.ib.ijh,feeto eflabli/h, ftabilire. A flack of come, mucchio ò monte di /at¬ ei di biade. A flack of wood, catafta di legne. A (lack ofhay ,mucchio ó monte di fieno. A fa fé, baftone. A fintali faff e, ba (tonano. A fluff e-beartr , baltoniere, che porta il baffone. The (luffe of a boare-fpeare , manico di/pe¬ done. The fife (of afpearc, halberd, javeline c^r.) afta, hafta. The fl affé of an anchor, ftanga d’ ancora. The bifhops (luffe , paftorale A fl affé of eight verfes, ftanga- A flage,or publique play-houfe, teatro,palco. Aftage-play, comedia, ò tragedia,opera. A fiage-player, comediante, recitante. A (Ugge, cervo. To flagger, balenare, vacillare, barcolare. Staggered (in opinion) vacillante. Staggered, che habbia vacillato. A (laggering, vacillamento, balenamento, barcolamento. s t Stagger won, tior di fan. Giacomo. State, fee flay. To faine, macchiare, contaminare, im¬ brattare. Aftaine , succhia. Stained , macchiato, contaminato, im¬ brattato. A (laming, macchiamento , contamina- menro. A Ihire (orftep) gradino, /calino. A pane offtariesfc ala. A winding (taire, /cala a lumaca. A (lake, palo. Great rownd flakes, or piles, pali groffi e tondi A flake (at play) polla. To flake in play, metter/ù. Staked, or Jet with flakes, palato. Stale, llantivo, ftantio, alfa ftracco. Stale ( orpifle) , i/cio, orina. A growing (tale, il divenir llantivo. To grow (tale, divenir o farfiftantivo. A flalke, itelo, folto. Theflalk e of a leaf e, or of fruit, nervo. The flalke of a clufter of grapes, follone. Theftalkes of eares of cor«e,montiglie. Apeafe,oy beane flalk,(u(lo di pifello ó fava A fiali, moftra, banco. A tailors flail, banco di rappezzatole. A flail, or foddering place in the fields for bc.ifts, mandra. A ftalHon, ftallone. To flammer, tartagliare, fcilinguare. Toftammer.it, hclitare, A (lamm.erìng , tartagliamento, fcilingua- mento. A ftammering at, hefitamento. Stammering , tartagliando, fcilinguando, helìtanclo. Aflammerer, tartagliatore, fcilinguatore, hefìtatoie. To (lampe, orfet a (lampe oh, (lampare, im¬ prontare. A (lampe (or print) (lampa, impronto. To jlampe, or pound , peltare, pillare, am¬ maccare. Toftampe (with the feet ) batter col piede. Stamped, peftato. Afamper, ftampatoro. A [tamping into pieces , macinatura. A ftamping with the feet, battimento co’ I piedi. I S tamping, ftampando. Toftancb. ftagnare, fermare. Stanched, (lagnato, fermato. Aftancher, ltagnatore, fermatore. Aftanching, ftagnamento, fermamento. ^fowdrfrdjConfalone^endardofoaridiera. Thefiandard ofatroope ofhorje , cornetta. A ftandard-bearer, confaloniere. Toftand, (tare, liar in piedi, (for fù ritto. Toftand to it, ftar /al do. A J'tand, or ftandingplace, pofto. Toftand again fi, contraltare, opporre. To make a ftand , (ar alto. To bid ftand. formare, far il chi và lì. To(land ftiffely in an ill opinion, preludiare in alcun parere. T o ftand upright, dar fù ritto. To ftand his ground, tener buono, mante¬ nerli nel foo pofto. A fanti (forale) tina. Standers (trees left in a wool frincreaje arbu/celli. Standing, that hath a ftanding 9 zhe hà pofto 6 loco. Standing, dando, (tante. A ftanding water, acqua (lagnante. A frowaraly ftanding in a wrong opiniw perfidiamento in alcun parere otl ero re, oftinarione. A ftanding toit, lo ftar /aldo. A box-fandiflj , (crittorio. A fianca (fuffe of verfes ) danza. A fianca ( of eight verjes) ottava. , - —■ 5 ^ ST „a ftaple, marcato, publico, piazzo. Starboard ( the right fide oj a flip ) pog- gia. Starch, ami to, falda. To finteti) dar la falda, inanimare. Starched , acuilìa datala falda. Sriami- tato. ^ 4 fare, or flareling, (torno, ftornello. To fare, ftralunare. To make the hairefare, arricciare,aecapric- ciare, raccapricciare. Whofe haire fares , a cui (ì raccapricciano licapegli. Haire to fare, lo raccapricciar de’ cape- gli. Staring , ftralunando. jl faring , ftralunamfehto. Staring up (of the haire) raccapriccia- mento. Starke (orfife) ftecchito, irrigidito. Starke with cold , intirizzato, ó flecchito dal freddo. Starke naught, pefiimo, cativifiimo, trillif- fimo, infainiflìmo. ji fifth* (or red taile) codiroflo. JL far ling, fee a pare. fané , ftella, aftro. ^tvanderingf 'arrc, ftella errante. jl hUfngfarre, cometa. The f even fanes, le pleiadi. Set thick rvith flarres, tempeftato di ftelle. To fet rvith flarres , tempeflare con ftelle. Starrie, full of flarres , ftellato, ftellofo. The pane-chamber , camera ftellara, tri¬ bunale. To fart , ftremire, foprafaltare, alfa ftra- bigliare. To flirt back, faltar a reto; Jl fart, (oprafalto. jl horje to fart, ombrare. JL ftarter, loprafaltatore, flrabigliatoje. ji falling , foprafaltamento, flrabiglia- mento. Starting often , or at every feather, ombro- fo. Startups (or high Ihoocs) calzini. Hawing fl ir tips on, che habbia mfcflb li calzini. To flarve, affamare, far morir di fame. Toflarve in a cookesfhop, morir di fame in un forno. \ Starved, affamato, morto di fame. ^4 flarving , afTamamento , il morire di fame. flan eli ft, un magrentino. A fate ( or e fate) beni, entrata, rendita, facoltà, podere. The fate, lo flato. j -{he fates of the low-countries, gli flati, 6 paefì balli. To take fiate upon him, ftar folla fua. 1 Stately, fuperbamente, alla magnifica, al¬ la grande mignificamente | To become flatcly , divenir altiero, ó fu- perbo. Growne flately, divenuto altiero ó fuper- bo. S tatelily, fuperbamente, magnificamen¬ te. Statclinefc, iuperbia, magnificenza, gran¬ dezza. ^A flation, ftatione. Stationarie, ftationario. ft ationer, cartolaro. Jl ftatuarie,iì atuario. ~4 fatue, (tatua, figura. Stature, ftatura i Of low future, di bafla ftatura. Stet>es,baftoni. The faulkc of a plant, fee aflalke. To faulke, far i palli longhi e dirteli. Toftaunch,fee to Ranch. To fay, fermare, trattenere, tardare. ST To flay againft, appoggiarli a- To flay back, ritenere. T° flay for, allettare. To flay up, fortenere. J flay, fermamento, trattenimento, tar¬ danza, dimora, foggiorno, refidenza, al jo foltegno. _A flay for the hand all along the wall by a ftaire, poggiamano. Stayed, or fluid, fermato, trattenuto. Stayed (or temperate ) fobrio, ritenuto, ri- pofato. Stayed behaviour , il contrattar ó conver- far fobrio e ritenuto. Of a flayed humour, d’ un humor grave, ri¬ tenuto, contegnofo. Stayed againft, appoggiato a- Stayed back, ritenuto. Stayed for, afpettato. Stayed upon, Sopportato. Stayedly , fobriamentc, ritenutamente, gra¬ vemente, fedamente. Stayedneffe , contegno, fobrictà, temperan¬ za. ^A flaying, tardamenfo, dimora. J flaying for, afpettatione, fpettatione. ^i flaying up, fofleniniento, fopporto. Stead, luoco, vece, cambio. Inftead of, in luoco di- in vece di- in cambio di- Steadie, fermo, falcio. Steadily, fermamente, faldamente. Steadineffe, fermezza, faldezza. Steakes, braggiuole. To fteale, rubbarc. To fteale away , coglietela , andarfene via. To fteale privily, rubbare di nafeofto. To fteale a horje, rubbare un cavallo. Jl f caler, fee a theefe, jl dealing, fee theft. Stealing, or by flealth, furtivamente Stealth, furto, latrocinio. ^A fleare, giovenco. Stedfafl, l'aldo, fermo, collante , perfeve- rante. Stedfaflly, faldamente, fermamente, cof- tantemente, perfeverantemente. Stedfafly to remaine in his opinion, or courje, perfidiare, oftinarfi. Steadfaflnejfe , perfidia, oftinatione jfteed (or great horje of fenice) fee horje, deflriero, cavallo di maneggio. Steele, acciaio, acciaro. fteele to ftrike fire with , fucile, accia¬ lino. Thefteele (foile) of a looking glafle, bam¬ bolo. *4 butchers fteele (to whet his knives on) fu¬ cile di macellaro. w/4 Jhort barre of fteele, mafia picciola di ferro To fteele, forge , or temper with fteele, tem¬ prar con acciaio. Steeled, temprato con acciaio. ^4 fteeletto, ftiletto. Steepe, feofeefo, pendente. jlfìccpe downc place , precipito. To [leepe (in liquor) ammollare, metter a molle, temperare. To fleepe hempe in water, macerar cana¬ pa. Steeped, ammollato, meflb a molle, mace¬ rato. Jl fleeping , ammollamento, maceramen¬ to. Jl fleeple, campanile. Stee pene ffe of abili, cre. difeefa, calata, feofeefa. To fleer e (afhip, or beute) governare, con¬ durre, menare. Steerage, condotta, governo. ST Jl fteerejman, nocchiero, pilota. Thejpotted, or ftarry Iflard, ftellion, ftel> lione. jl flemme, tronco d’albero. Jftencb, fee fliuke. The flench of a thing broiled, or burnt, puz¬ za che fà d* abbruggio. ji fep, or fteppe , palio, grado.? andare, 1’ andata. J little flep, un picciol paflb. 1 he (round) flep of a ladder, [calino. The flep of a ftaier, gradino. JL flep ( to helpc to get up a high thing ) predella. The broad fleps of a halfc paced fluire , inter¬ valli. Step, after flep , gradualmente, di paflb in palio. To flep, paflare, marciare. To flep a wry, ftorcer il piede, aljo sbagliar j la rtrada. To flep hack, ritirarli, rincularli. JL foot-flep, veltiggio, traccia , alfa pie- diftallo. ^4 flep, or flepping back, ritiramento, rin- cuJamento. Toftep in unlookedfor , fovvenire, forpren- dere, fopragiugnere. Stepped, andato, caminato, marciato. Stepped 11 wry , che habbia ftorto il piede, che habbia sbagliato la ftrada. Stepped in unlooked for , forprefo, fopra- gionto. Stepping, andando, cambiando, paflando, marciando. flepping , andamento, andata, cambia¬ mento, marciata. J flepping awry, lo ftorcer del piede, lo sbagliar la ltrada. *A flepping in unlaokedfer, forprefa, fopra- giugnimento. Sterili, Aerile. Stcrilitiejee barr enne ffe'. Sterling, fterlìno. Sterne, auflero, fevero, brufeo. jl flerne man , huomo auflero ó leverò ó brufeo. The flerne of a fhip. poppa. Sternely, aufteramente, feveramentc,bru¬ camente. Sternenejse, aufteiità, feverità, brufehez- za. w4 fleward, maggiordomo, maftro di ca¬ la, difpenfatore, economo. The Lord fleward of the Rings houfe, fopra intendente di palazzo, maggiordomo principale. The fteward-Jhip of afamilie, economia. To flew meat , (tuffare la carne. Jl flew (or hot houfe) ftufa. The flew e s, ltufa lecca, aljo chiaflo 6 bor¬ dello. Stewed meat of veale,capon, patrilge minced , manicaretto. Jl flicke, legno, baftone, bacchetta. Ftickof lickoiice, radica di licoritia. To flick , or cleave unto , attaccare, adhe- rire. To flick in, lice arre. To flick ai, ftar fofpefo, penfarci fopra* ~4 flicking, ficcamentOj infilzamento. J flicking unto, attacco, adhcrenza. ^4 ftickler , partiggiano, arbitro, mezza¬ no. Sticklers, partiggiani, arbitri, mezza¬ ni. Jl flickling arbitraggio. jl flic (for fwine) or Jwìnes-fiie, por¬ cile. Stiff e, duro, tofto.rigido, ritto, gagliardo. i To grow fhjfe , indurarli, inrigidirli, riz¬ zarli, ingagliardirli. Crown ST ST ST Growne (liffe, indurito.irriggidito, rizza¬ to, ritto, ingagliardito. S tijfc with cold , llecchito , intirizzato dal freddo. Stiffely j duramente, toftàrfiénte, rigida¬ mente, rittamente, gagliardamente. Toflijfen, indurare, irrigidire, rizzare, alfo attaccare, ammanare. Stiffened, indurato,irrigidito,arrizzato, alfo attaccato, ammarrato. Stiffe-necked , di dura cervice, opinato, pertinace. Stijfeneffe , durezza, rigidezza. A (liffening, induramento, irrigidamento. To fife , foffocare , ftrangolarc, il raz¬ zare. To (life in the water, affogare, annegare. Stifled, foffocato, ftrangolato, llrozzato. Stifled in water, affogato, annegato. A fifing, foffocamento, ftrangolamento, ilrozzamento. The flile (or forme of pleading in law) itilo, maniera, metodo. A flile in writing , itilo nello fcrivere. To file , chiamare, nominare, addiman- dare. S tiled, chiamato, nominato,addiman- dato. A filling, lo chiamare, nominare od addi- m andare. A fliletto , fee fteeletto. Stili , cheto, quieto, tranquillo, pacifico, zitto. To he fiill , ftarfì cheto,quietarli, tacere. To fiill, acchetare, rappacificare, cal¬ mare. Still-borne, abortivo. Stili, tempre, pure, anche, anco. A fiill , or fiillatorie, lambico. To fiill, fee to difilli. Stilled ( or quieted ) acchetato , acquie¬ tato, calmato. Stilled ( ina fiill ) diftillato. A falling ( for windecask.es to Hand on ) poggio. Stillneffe , calma, quiete, tranquillità, fi- lentio. Stilling , acchetando, quietando, rappaci¬ ficando, calmando. Stilly, chetamente, quietamente. Stiltes, zanche. A goer on ftilts , che camma fulle zan¬ che. To fling , {limolare, pungere, poncicare. A fling , ilimolo, pongolo. A fiinger , {limolatole. The fìing of confcicnce , itiinolo della con¬ fidenza. A flinging , ftimolamento. Toflinke, putire, puzzare, fpnzzaae, Ta¬ per di male. To fill with flinke , impuzzare. To begin to flinke, cominciar a fipuzzare. ^<4 flinke, puzza, fipuzza. Slinking , putendo, puzzando, {puz¬ zando. A crueof finking fcoundrells, una cricca di furbacchioni. Stinkingly, puzzolentemente. To flint, limitare , confinare, riftringerc, adegnare, Stinted , limitato, confinato, riilretto, af- fiegnato. Stinted to an houre, limitato, appontato. A ftinting , limitamento, confinamento, rillringimento, affegnamento. Stinting , limitando, confinando, riftrin- genao, adeguando. Aflipend , ilipendio, falario , peniione, provinone. To giue a fiipend unto , proviiionàre. Iti 1 pendiare, ialariare. A flipendiarie , ilipendiario. Stipticke, ftittico. Afip tick medicine , orplaifler , medicina liittica, medicamento riilrettivo. To ftipulate , itipulare. A ftipulator , ilipulatore. A ftipulation, ilipulatione. Toftirre, muovere. To fine up , fuici tare, incitare, deilare, {Vegliare, mitigare. To fine a funking puddle , frugare nella fanga, torbidare. To f irrea horfe in the fable , ilimolare un cavallo in Italia. To fiirre up anddowne, cambiare, dimenar¬ li, commuoverli. 7 o fine vehemently , muoverli, gagliarda- mente. A fine , ilrepito, moto, rumore, fra- caffo. To fine fedii ioufy, mutinare, muover fc- dirìone. A beginner of ftirres , mutinatore. A great fine , gran romore 6 fracaffo. To keepeagreat fitte, menar gran romore ò ilrepito. Stirred, motto. Violentlyfir red, fmoffo, commoflo. Stirred up, fufeitato, dellato, fvcgliato. A finer, motore, muovitore. A finer up , fufeitatore, incitatore, det¬ tatore ; fvegliatore, iniligatore. Stirring, muovendo. A fining, moto, muovimento, cornino- tione. A wanton firring , dimenamento , trai- tullo. Wanton firring , dimenando, traftullan- do. A violent firring, muovimento gagliar¬ do, commotione gagliarda. A turbulent firring, mutinamento, folle- vatione. A fining up, iufeitamento, deilamento, incitamento, fvegliamento, inrtiga- mento. A ftirrupytt affa. A womans ftirrup, tavoletta, poggetto. A jhoocmakers ftin up, tirapieda. A lafb , or thwacke with a ftirrup leather, rtaffilata. A fitch (in fowing) ponto. A fitch in the fide, mal diponta, poli¬ tura. Tbcfithie (adifeafe of horfes and cattle) anticuore. A foccado, fioccata. A ftock ( or kindred ) legnaggio, fchiatta, razza, progenie, genciaiione, ceppo, parentela, fangue. The ftock of a plant, piede . A ftock, a mans folk, capitale, fondo. The ftock of a vine, ceppo di vite. The ftock of a tree, tronco,ceppo d’ arbo¬ re. Full offtockes ( of trees ) ceppofo, pien di tronchi. A little ftock , tronco picciolo. A ftock to graffe on, piantone da mnefio. To ftock a tree (orlare it of branches) ta¬ gliar il furto. Stocked (as a tree ) a cui fia tagliato il furto. A fock-dove , palombo. Stock-fìjh, baccalà. A pah e offtockes, ceppi. Stockings, a pair e of [toc kings, calcette, cal¬ zette. Stirrup fockings, calzette a ftaffetta A fole (long robe, or garment) rtola, velie. He fiale, feetofteale. Staine, or ftollen , rubbato, fvaliggiato. 5 tomackall, ttoinacale. A fomacker, or ftomack cloath, pezza da ilomaco. The ftomack , Io ilomaco. Pf, or in the ftomack , che attiene allo ilo¬ maco. Of a great ftomack , appetito, fame grande, alfo di buon cuore. Again ft the ftomack, contraftomaco. The mouth of the ftomack, bocca dello ilo¬ maco. A fone, pietra, faffo. A precious fane, gioia, pietra pretiofa. Afone very orient, orientali, pietra orien¬ tale. A touch-ftone, pietra di paragone, A flint f 'tone , felce, ielcio. Ragged ftones. pietra molle. A [tone lay ed without morter, pietra fecca. A load ftone, calamita. A thunder ftone, pietra fulminaria. To build of /tone, to hew , J,incontinente, quanto prima, fubito. To f traine , fpremere, colare, pattar per fe¬ ticcio 6 tamiggio. To )traine hard together, fpremere forte,rif- trignere. Strained ciò. A jtraine ( or wrinch ) fiaccatura , sfor¬ zo. A Jtrainor , colatoio, fetaccio. A [training , colamento, fpremimento, /premura. Stratte, dritto ritto, alfo ftretto, fermo. To hold, or keepe ftraite , tener dritto, alfo fermo. A ftraite, ftretto, diftretto, paffo angufto, anguftia. A hard ftraite, neceflità, bifogno grande. TheJìraites, lo ftretto di gibaltarre. The ftraite between Dover and Calais, paffo, traghetto. To Jtraiten, or make ftraite, ftrignere, ferra¬ re, fermare ben bene. Straitned, or made ftraite, ftretto, ferrato, fermato ben bene. Straitning , or making ftraite, ftringimento, ferramento, (ennamentoben bene. Straitely, (dettamente, ferratamente, fer¬ mamente. Straiteneffe , llrettczza, fermezza. A ftrand ( or high fhtare ) fponda , mo¬ lo. Strange , ftrano , ftraniero, ftravagante, bizzarro, fantaftico, novo. S traingely, ftranamente, ftravagantemen- te, bizzarramente, AJtranger , (oraftiero, alfo pellegrino. Strangeneffe , ftranezza. To ftrangle , ftrangolare, affogare, ftroz- zare. Strangled , ftrangolato, affogato, ftroz- zato. The ftrangles ( in a horfts, Crc. ) ciamor- ro. A flrangling, fcrangolamcnto, affogamen¬ to, ftrozzaniento. The f trap of a boot , cordella. The ftrappado, corda, ftrappata. A ftrattageme, ftrattagema, aftutia, tiro, rigiro, deftrezza. Stratagemaicall , full offtratagems , ftrata- gemmatico, pien di rigiri. Straw, paglia, ftrame. A bundle of ftraw, mazzo di paglia. Afìbw-bed, pagliariccio, pagljarizzo. A ftraw-colour, giallo, colordi paglia. A reeke, of ftack of ftraw, pagliara. A heape of ftraw, mucchio ò monton di paglia. To pick up ftraw, raccoglier paglia. A cutting of ftraw, fegamento ai ftoppia. A picker up , or cutter of ftraw , fegatordi ftoppia. Strawie, pagliofo. Bed-flraw , paglia da pagliariccio. A ftraw-berne, fragola, fraola. A ftraw-berrie plant , fragolo, fraolo. To ftray , errare, fviare, sbagliar ò fmarrir Ja fcrada. Strayed, errato, fviato, che habbia fmar- rito ó sbagliata la ftrada. ^yfrrt) 7 H?,erramento,fviamento, sbaglia- mento'o sbaglio, fmarrimento di ftra¬ da. A ftreake, riga. To ftreake, rigare, vergare. The ftreake of a cart wheele, rotaia. Streaked, rigato, vergato. To be ftreakcd, effer rigato ó vergato. A freaking , rigamento, vergamento. A f reame, rufcello, rivo, rivolo. A Jwift violent ft reame , torrente. To ft reame , rufcellare, lcorrcre, zampilla¬ re. A ft reamer, banderuola, pennone. Streamers infhips , pennoni, ò banderuo¬ le. A lìul' fremer , banderuolctta, pennon- nuccio. A ftreet , (brada, contrada, vicolo, piaz¬ za. A little ftreet, vicolletto, piazzetta. A place where four freetsmeet , via croce, crociata. AJtreet walker, un feorritore, alfo un fvia¬ to. Strength , forza, poffanza, potere, vigore, robuftezza. To [rengthen, fortificare. To frengthen againe , rifortificare , rinvi¬ gorire. Strengthened, fortificato, invigorito. Strengthened againe, or anew, rinforzato, rinfortificato, rinvigorito. A firengthening, rinforzamento, rinvigo¬ rimento. To jtretch, tendere, (tendere. To ft retch out , di (tendere. Stretched, tefo, (te(o. A ft retching, rendimento, ftendimento. A Jtr etching ( as in the approaching of an ague ) pendiculatione. Stretching, tendendo, (tendendo To ftrew, Jeeto ftrow. Toftrew with fuger, inzuccherare. Striti, rigorofo, fevero, pontuale. Striftly, rigorofamente/everamente, pon- tualmente Striftnejfe, rigore, rigo, rofità,rigidez¬ za. S/ridde, or Jtridden over , fcavalcato. A ft ride, paffo largo , ftendimento di gamba. To [iride, tender il paffo. A priding over,fc avalcarnentoi Strife , contefa, difputa, lite, confeftatio- ne, zuffa, riffa. Aftrife againft, contrailo, refiftenza. Tofallatflrife , contendere , contraltare, difputare. Full offtrife, contenriofo, riffofo. A frike, mifura d’ un rubbio. To [trike, ferire, percuotere, dare, colpi¬ re, cogliere. To frike back againe , ripercuotere, ritor¬ nare la botta, riverberare. To ftrtke downe, accopare, ammazzare. To frike through , ferire da banda a banda trapaffare. To f trike off . tagliar, mozzar, amputare, buttare,fpiccare, (ininuire. To frike (or kick) with the heeles, tirar de’ calci,calcitrare. To fril^e faìle, calar le vele. Stricken , ferito, percoffo, a cui fia (lato, dato, colto. Stricken downe , accopato, ammazza¬ to. Stricken back againe, ripercoflb , a cui fia fiata ritornata la botta. Stricken with the heele, percoffo colle cal¬ cagna, a cui fian dati de’ capri ó calcag¬ nate. A [trickle ( ujed in meajuri-ng come ) fpia- natoio. A ftriker, feritore, percuotitore. A ftriker back with the heeles, riccalcitra- tore. A friking back againe , ripercuotimen- to. A firing, corda, cordella, fettuccia, cor¬ dicella. The firings of a trumpet , li cordoni d’ una trombetta, A leather firing , correggia, ftrifeia di cu¬ oio. The firings of a purfe, home, c >c. pcndon- eini di borfa. Lute firings, corde] di liuto. The heart firings, lipirccordii. _ To ST ST (piemuto , pailato per fetac- ST ST S U To firing, cordare, metter od attaccar cor¬ de. To firing anew , or put on new firings, rat- taccar corde , metter delle corde no¬ ve. A firing-full of , unafilzatadi- una filata di- Afiripe , fee afir.oke. A (tripling, giovenotto, novo, novitio. Tofirip , orfirippe , fpogliare, render Ig¬ nudo. Stripped , or fiript, fpogliato, refe ignu¬ do. Aflripper, fpogliatore, che rende alcun ignudo. Aftriping, fpogliamento. To firive , contendere, far a gara, far a più potere,di Ipu’tare. To r rive againfi, oliare, contraltare, op¬ porre, relidere. Striven . contefo, contellato, difputato. A firiving , contendimento aljo as a Prfe. A firoke, botta, percofia,colpo. A baci firoke, riverfo, roverlcio. To firoke (Joftly ) palpare, palpeggiare, pafiai berbello colla* mano ìbpra . al¬ cuna cola. Stroked, palpato, palleggiato. A firoktng , palpamento, palpeggiamen¬ to. Stroking , palpando, palpeggiando. A firond , molo, Ipiaggia. A~ fandie ftrond, fponda renofa. Strong , forte gagliardo, vigorofo, robuf- to, nervofojhabile. Somewhat, or prette flrong, fortino, alquan¬ to forte, che ha del forte ó gagliar¬ do. Strongly, fortemente, gagliardamente. To flrow ( or firew ) ltender ò gettar per terra, buttare, fpargere. Strowed , defo, buttato, f >arfo. A firower , {tenditore, buttatore, fpargi- torc. A firower with ru[hes, che (tende gionchi. A ftrowtng, ltendimento, buttamento, fpargimento. Tofirowte out , dimenarli, gonfiarli, sbrac¬ ciarli, sfoggiare, pavoneggiarli. Strowted out , dimenato,sfoggiato, gonfia¬ to, sbracciato, pavoneggiato. Aftrowtingout , dimenamento, sfoggia¬ melo, gonfiamento, sbracciamento, pavoneggiamento. A prowling fop, sbracciatore. Stroivting pulì, sfoggiatore. Strowtingly, sbracciatamente, sfogg'ata- mente. Tpflroy , fee to defìroy. Struck, orfltucken, as firicken. Struck off, tagliato, mozzato, fminuito, amputato, b ittato. fpiccato. Struck back, ripercollo, ributtato. Struck through, ferito da banda a banda, rrapalfato. A flrutture, liruttura. To firuggle , contendere, aljo lottare. A flruggling, as a firife. A firumpet, fee a wbore. Strung, cordato. Strung a new , a che fiano rime (Te le corde. A gitterne well fining , una ghittarra ben accordata, ò ben alfordine. Stubble Itoppia To cut, or mow fiubb'e, fegarle doppie. A mower, or cutter, or picker up of flubble, fegator di doppie. Stubborne, odinato,ritrofo, ribelle, redat¬ tore, dilubidienre. A fiubborne (Jawciej knave, un pertinace, I od infoiente. A fiubborne (Jawciej queane , una pertina¬ ce od infoiente. To be fiubborne , odinarfi , elfer oftina- to. Stubbornely, odinatamente, perfidiola- mente. Stubbornely to perfift, perfidiare. Stubborn fie , ollinatione, perfidia, perti¬ nacia. Stuck, Jee to flick , ficcato, conficcato, at¬ taccato. A fludde , borchia A fiudde- maker, borchiaro , A fiudent , dudiantc. Studte , dudio, alfo cura, folleccitudine, premura, penl'iero. To fludie, dudiare. A fiudte, un dudiolo, un camerino. Tu drive into a browneflkdie , dar da pen- fare , metter il cervello a partito. Studied, dudiato. Studioujly, lludiofamente. Studious, dudiofo. Studying , lludiando. A flue as a flew. A flue to keepefifh in, conferva, pelchicra. Stuffe, robba, materia, foltanza Leaden with flujfe , caricato di robba. Houjbold fluffe, mafieritie, mobili, parati, utenligli/upellettili. To fluffc. riempire, borrare. Stuffed, riempito, borrato. Stujfie jfodantiofo, che hà robba. A fluffing, riempimento, borraniento. Toflumble, inciampare, fcapuzzare. To flumble at a flone, inciampar in una pietra. Afiumbltng, inciampamento, fcapuzza- mento. The fiumpe of a thing, moncone. The flump e of aJhritb, fu do. The fiumpe of a tree, tronco. A little fiumpe, tronchetto. Full of flumps, pien di tronchi. To fiumpe, cut ofatt the fiumpe or make a fiumpe of, moncare, mozzare. A fiumpe foot, pic monco Stung, mozzicato, poncicato, dimoiato. Stupe fattive , ftupefattivo. Stupidly , ilupidamente. Stupid , dtipido,grolTo, gnocco, flfccco, goffo. Stupidity y dupidità, dupidezza , feioc- chezza, goffagine. Tofiupifie, ltupelare, dordire. Stupor , dupore, dordimento. Sturdy, robudo, vigorofo Sturdily , robudamente, vigorofamente. Sturdinefie, robudezza, vigorohtà. Sturgeon ( fijh) durione The Jperme, or fpawne offilurgeon , ova di durione, alfo caviale. To fluitar, fee to flammer. A ffutterer, tartagliatore, feilinguatore. A fluttering , tartagliamento , lcilingua- mento. A fiye, fee (lie. Spajorte, fuaforio. Suavitie, foavità, dolcezza. Subalterne, fubalrerno, fubordinato. A f ib-chaunter, fottocantore. A Jub-deacon, fottodiacono. To fibdelegate, fee to fubflitute. To fubdivide, ripartire, fpartire. Subdivided, ripartito, fpartito. A fubdivifion, ripartimento, fpartiraen- to. Tofubduce, fottrarre, levare. Subduable, vincibile, fuperabile. To fubdue , vincere, fuperare, fotto met¬ tere. Subdued , vinto, fuperato, fottomefio. A fubduing, vincimento, fuperamento. Subjacent , foggiaccnte, lotto podo. Subjett , atto, lottopodo, dedito, inchi¬ nato. A J uh jett, fuddito, vafaljo, fogge tto. To fubjeft , alfoggettire, render fogget- to, Tofubjettunto , ubbidire, afioggettirfi a- Subjetty alfoggiettito. A fubjettion , foggettione, fottomelfio- ne. The fuljunttive moode , il modo foggion- To fublimate, fublimare. Sublimated, fublimato. AJublimating, fublimamento. Sublimatum, or fublimie, follimato. Afublimatorie, fublimatorio. Sublime , fublime. Sublimine, fublimità. Submi fie, fonimefio, humile. Sumifiely, fommeflanjente, humilmente. Submifiion , fommiHione, humiltà. Submiff ve, fommifiivo, humile. Tofubmit, fommettcre, fottomettere. Submitted, fonimeflb, fottomelfo. A fubornatiott, fubornationc. Tofuborne fubornare. Suborned, fubornato. A fuborner, fubornatore. AJ ubar ned fellow, un fubornato, un fper- gi aratore. A fuborning, fubornamento. S ubrepticious, furrettitio. Subrepticioufly, furret diamente. Subreption, forrettione. To jubrogate, fur rogare. Subrogated, furrogato. A fubrogatton , furrogatione. T ojubferibe, fottoferivere, firmare, far la ferma, fegnare. S ubferibed , fottoferitto, fermato, fegna- to. A Jubfcriber , fottoferittore, fegnatore, fermatore. A fubferibing, fottoferirimento, lo fer¬ mare Afubfcription t fottoferittione, fottofciit- ta, ferma. Subfecutive, fofiecutivo. Subftdiarie, fofiidiario. Subfidtarily, folfidiariamente. To fubfigne , fofiegnare. A fubftdte, jfplfidio, gravezza, taffa, ga¬ bella. To layfubfidies on, metrer gravezze. To fubftfi, fo dì de re, vivacchiare, impicci¬ arla, drafeinar la vira, A fubftftence, foflidenza,diche poter cam¬ pare. Sub(ìa>;ce, fodanz'a, robba, materia, facol¬ tà, beni, richezzé. To fill with fubflance, empir di robba Subflanciatl, or fluff ie , fodantiofo, che hà robba. • Stibftantiall, yeelding flub(lance , fodantie- vole, che dà fodanza. A noune fubfiantive, nome fodantivo. A fubflitute, fodituto, fo' rogato. Tofubfiitutey fodituire, forrogare. Subflituted, fòdituito, forrogato. A fubfiitution, foditutione, forrogatione To fuìflratt, fottrarre, didurre, levai e. Subftrattion ,fottrattione, diduttione, leva¬ mento. Subflratting, fottrahendo, deducendo, le¬ vando. A fubterfuge, fcampo, evalione,rigiro. Sub till, lottile, fcalcro, aduro, fino, furbo. A fubtill part, or pra ik } tiro lottile, rigi¬ ro, furbaria. A fubtill fellow , furbo, monello, formi¬ corto. Subnlly, fottilmenre, furbefeamente. Tofubti'i^e, fottilizzare, affottigliare. Subtilising, aifottigliando. A a A su su s u affotiglia-i To fue io, ricercare, pregare , fupplica- A fubtili\ing, or fubtilfiation mento. SubiiHùe, fottigliezza, Attili^. A Artigliatole. Subvention) fee aide, help e, relìefe, ep'C. A fubverfion 3 fovverlione, roverfciamen- ro fotto fopra. To fubvert, Avvertire, roverfciare. Subverted, i ovvcrtito, roverfciato. A fubverier , Avvertitole, roverfciato- re. A fubverting, Avvertimento, rovcrfcia- mento. The fuburbs {of a City ) borghi. 7 o Juccced , Accedere, riufcire. To fuzieed ili inno, riufcir male. A fucceeder and a facceedmg, Jee a fucceffor anda [ucce (lion Accellore. Succeeding, fuccedendo, 1 iufcendo. Succeffe, Accedo, riufcita, buon fine. iiad fucceffe, mal Accedo, mal incontro 3 mal fine, cativa iriulcita. Succeftfon, fucceflione. « Succe five 3 fucceftivo. Succefiively, l'ucceffivamenté. SucceJJeletJe, difgraciato, Augurato, fvcn- turato, sfortunato, che non riefce. A fucceffor, fuccellore. Succinti, fuccìnto. Succintlly, fuccintamente. ( The herbe ) fuccorie, ziccoria. White , or garden fuccorie 3 cicoria bian¬ ca. Wild , or field fuccorie 3 cicoiia falvat:- ca. Succour, foccorfoj aiuto, fufiidio. Fledy or run to for fuccour, rifugiato. To fuccour, Accorrere, aiutare. By may of fuccour , per via di foccorA. S«cco«red,foccorfo, aiutato. Succouring , Accorrendo, aiutando. A fuccouring , foccorrimento, l’aiutare. Succulent , Accolento, Cucco A- Such, tale. Even fuch, pur tale, apponto tale.^ In fuch fort, or wife , in talguifa ò manie¬ ra, di tal maniera. To fuck , Cucchiate, zinnare, tettare, fug- gere. To fuck gently and fmacking'y 3 fucchiac- chiare delicatamente. | To fuck up, afforblre. I to give fuck , dar la zinna, dar da zinna- j re. ; To fuck a dug, tettare. S«cW, Cricchiato. Sucked gcr.tly, andfmackivgly, fucchiac- chiato. | Sucked {as a dugge) tettato. I A (young) fucker , fucchiator novello. | The fucker of a pump , animella. A great fucker ( a child that fucks much ) creatura che zinna o tetta forte. Sticket, zuccherini, conletti. ; A wet Jacket made of ( white )pompion j Jliced , zuccherino di zucca ò cocuz- ; za. AJucking,{ncc\vamcnto. > A fucking up, afforbimcnto. A juckingbottle, vafetto da bambino. Sucking, lucchiando, zinnando, tottando, ! fuggendo. ! A fucking, unafiicchiata. ’ To fitckle, allattare, dar il latte, i Suckled, allattato, a cui fia data la zinna i od il latte. A fickling, allattamento. The fuck (ione ( or fea lamprey ) remora, j Sudden ,lub\co,{i\buaneo. I Suddenly, or onajudden, finitamente, lu- I bitaneamente, in un fubito. ; Suddenneffe, prontezza, preftezza, fpedi- 1 tezza. re. To fue for an office, ambir una carica od u (Uccio. To fue in law, citar in giuditio, litigare, piatire. Sued to, ricercato, pregato, fupplicato. S«e/ 3 grafie, alfo drutto. Suet of a deere, epe, grado di cervo. To fujfer, (offrire, patire, fopportare, to- lerare. Sufferable , foffribie, patibile, fopporta- bile. Long Jufferancc , foffrcnza,paticnza, to- leranza. Longy longanimità, patientia, extrema. Suffered , l'offerto , patito, tolerato, per- meffo. A fuffer ing,(effnmento, patimento, tolle- ramento, permifiione. To fuffice, or be fufficiente badare. S ufficiencie, fofficienza, baldanza. Sufficient, Affienente, badante. Sufficiently , fofficcicntemente, badante* mente. To Juffocate, foffocare, affogare. Suffocated, foffocato, affogato. A Juffocaiion , foffocatione , affogamen¬ to. The fuffocation of the matrix, foffocatione della matrice. A fuffragant fioffraganeo. A y«#r^e, foffraggio, A Jujfur/iigation, loifimigationc. A fuffufion, foffulxone. Sugar , zucchero. P owder fugar, rottame. Refined fugar, zucchero finiffimo. 0/fugar, fmeet as fugar, zuccherino, dolce quanto il zucchero. The fugar cane , cannamele, canna di zuc¬ chero. The inner part of the fugar cane, midollo. To f ugge ft, foggerire. Sicggejled, foggerito. A fuggeftion. loggedione. Sugered , or fuggerie , zuccherato, inzuc¬ cherato. A fuit in law, lite, proceffo. An Midi effe fuite in law, lite fenza fine. A fiate unto , memoriale, fupplica, richi¬ eda. A fuite of apparell, fee Jute , vedilo, habi- to. A fuitor, Applicante, chieditore. To bea fuitor to, Applicare, chiedere. Sullen, ritrofo, arcigno. To be fullen, or look Jullenly, far il vifo ar¬ cigno ó ritrofo. A fullen fellow, un arcigno, un’ altiero. Sullenly , ritrofamente, arcignamente. A fultan ( or fouldan ) foldano. A fubaneffe, Altana. To fullie, fporcare, imbrattare. Sullied , fporcato, imbrattato. Afullying, fporcamento, imbrattamen¬ to. Sulphur e, folforc, zolfo. S ulphurie, folforofo, zolforofo. S ulphurie things , cofe folforofe. A fulphure-pit, folforata. A fummaric, fommaio, ridretto. Summarily, fommariamente, rillrettamen- te. A fumine. Comma. A litile fumme. Ammetta. To funi up, Apputare, Animare, numera¬ re, calcolare. Summed up , fupputato, Animato, nume¬ rato, calcolato. A fummer (or reckoner ) fupputatore,Ani¬ matore, numeratore, calcolatore,com¬ putida. Summer, date, citate. Summer barly, fummer cerne , grano di date. A fummer ( or great mafter bearne in build- tng) trave Ammaro. A fumming up , fupputamento, fomma- mento, numcramcnto, calcolamen- to. To fummon , citare, intimare. Summoned , citato, intimato. A fummoner, citatore, intimatore. A fummoning , or fummons , citamento, in- timamento. A fumpter-horfe, Amaro, cavallo da Co¬ ma ò bado. Sumpturie (oforbelongingtecoft) Contua- rio di CpeCa ò codo. Sumptuous , ContuoCo, Cplendido, magni¬ fico. Sumptuoufly, ContuoCamente, fplendida- mente, magnificamente. Sumptuoufnefte , Contuolità , grandezza, magnificenza. Sunday , dominici. Rogation funday, dcminica degl’ apodoli. Vanne funday , dominica delie palme. To funder , Ceparare, Cpartire, metter a par¬ te. Sundered, Ceparato, {partito, nieffo apar¬ te. A f utidcring , Ceparamento, fpartimento, il metter a parte. Sundrie, fundrie wayes , diverCo,differente. S«»g, cantato. Sunke , affondato, cacciato a fondo. Sunke againe, raffondato. Quite ftnke in debts , ingolfato ne’ debiti. The fuitne, il Ale. To fanne, fet, lay, or dry in the fanne, afeiu- gar alible. Sunfet, il tramontar del Ale, il calar del fole. A falfe fanne, or [alfe appearance thereof, apparenza di fole. Sunna" e, or funning , virtù ó foiza del fo¬ le. A funne bearne, raggio. Tofatne-burne , abbronzare, abbrudare, imbrunire. Sunne-burnt, abbronzato, abbrudato, im¬ brunito. Sunne-burning, abbronzamento, abbruda- mento, imbruni mento. Thefunne-rife, or funne-rtfing , 1’ oriente, il levar del Ale. At Junne-Jet,a\ tramontar del fole, al calar del fole. The extreame feorching heat of the fun , ar¬ dor del fole , abbronzamento , aduf- tione. S unned, hardned, or dried in the fanne , af- ciugato ò fcccato al Ale. Sunoieof, or belonging to the funne , fola¬ rio. To fuperabound , Apt’ abbondare,che av- vanza. Super aboundance , Apr* abbondanza, av- vanzo. To fupererogate , Ape ra rogare. Superexcellent, eccellentimmo." Superfetation, fuperfetatione. The Juperficies (or out fide) vf a thing, filper- ficie. Superficiali, fuperficiale. Superficially, fuperficialmente. Super-fine thred of gold, or filver, filo d’ oro foprafino. Superfluous, fapcrRuo, fovvetchio. To be fuperfluous, effer Aperfluo 6 Cover* chio. Supcrfiuitie, fuperfiuitd, fovverchiezza. SuperfluouJJy , AperfAamente, difovver- chio. To fuperimpofe, fopr’ imporre. A fuperimpofttion, Apr’ impofxtione. Super - su su s u Superintendencie, Copi-’intendenza. A Superintendent , fopr’ intendente. Super tori tie, fu pcrioric à. A fiiperiour,i uperiore. S uperlative, fuperlativo. Superlatively, lupe dativamente. Supeatallj fupernale. Supernally, lupemalmente. Supernatural!, Apernaxurale, da li del na¬ turale. Supernatural!.)') ropernaturalmentc. Supernumerarie, Apernumcrario, che av- vanza. A fuperfeription , fopraferitta, foprafciit- tipn.e. Supcrflition, luperflirione. Superftitious, fuperftitiofo. To mafie fuperjìitious , render fuperditio- fe. Superjtitioufly, Aperflitiofiimente. To fuppe up, forbire, alforbirc. To Juppe, -or caie a fuppcr, cenare. Supped , cenato. Ili Jupped , che habbia mal cenato. A[upper, cena. Slipped up (orfipped) forbito, afforbi- to, A[upper tip, forbiture, afforbitore. To make a reare (or after) [upper, tornar a cenare, ricenare, cenare di nuovo. The Lords Jupper, 1’ eucharillia. The [upper , or [ticker of a pumpe, animel¬ la. A f upping up, adbrbimento , forbimen- to. A [upping meal, forbita. To [upplant , ingannare, fpiantare , mi¬ nare. Supplanted, ingannato, fpiantato, mina¬ to. Supple, pieghevole, arrendevole, che con¬ iente, molle, Somewhat [tipple, alquanto, pieghevole. Loathfomely fupple ( or cjuaggie ) mollac¬ elo. To (tipple ( or make [tipple ) mollifi¬ care. Suppled , mollificato, refo pieghevole. Supplely, mollemente, teneramente. Supplenc/ic , mollezza, pieghevolezza. A[upplcment , a Jitppler, fuppjjmento, giunta. I Suppliant, Applicante, che Applica. AJ application , memoriale. Applica, ri¬ chieda. To make [application , Applicare, richie¬ dere, T° fuppUe, Appli re, fuppeditare. xA fupplie ( of a defective i ompanie of foul- diers riempimento di foldatelche. Supplied, Appli to, Accorfo, Appcsta¬ to. ■A [tpp'ier, Appli tore, Accorri tore. •A[uppltng, mollifìcatione. A [applying, fupplimento. To fuppjrt, Attenere, Apportare, mante¬ nere, patrocinare. A [ttpport, l'ottenimento, Apporto, man¬ tenimento, patrocinio. A [importation, fopportatione. Supportable , fopportabilc, fottenevole. Sopported, Attenuto, Apportato. Ill [up ported , mal Attenuto, ó Apporta¬ to. A[upporter, fottenitore, Apportatore. Supporters, or lupporting images in building, telamoni di ttarne. A Supporting , or [importation , fopporta¬ tione. To fuppo/e, Apporre, penfare. Suppofed , fuppotto, penfato. A Juppofe, or [appofall , fuppofta, fuppo- nimento. AJuppofitorie, Appofitorio. A[uppofition, Appolitione. ! ^/W^Apprimere, nafeondere. ; Supprefed, Appretto, nafeofto. A[uppreffor, Appreflore, nafeonditore. S “PPreffion, fu ppreffìone. Te /appurate, or fuppurc, Appurare. Suppurative, or [appanni, Àppurativo. Suppurated, Appurato. A [upputation, fupputatione. Supreame, Apremo. Supreamacie, primati^. 7 ofurceafe , fofpendere, rimettere, indug- giare. Surceajed, fofpefo, rimetto, induggiato. xA fu re eafi ng, fofpendimento, rimettimen- to, induggiamento. To [urcharge, fopracaricare. Surcharged, fopracaricato. A [urcharge, Apracarica. A Jure barging, fopracaricamento, A [arcingle, fopracigno. A Jurd member ( which cannot be fauared ) numero fordo. Sure, ficuro, lalvo, fermo, fiabile, laido. Surely, licuramente. fulvamente, fer¬ mamente, /labilmente , faldamente. Surene/fe fiemezz*, falvezza, fermezza, ttabihta. Surety, ligurtà. AJuretieforone, mallevadore, rifponden- te, oltaggio. Tobe furety for one, rifponder per alcuno, : far acuità per alcuno. S urerie-fiip, licurtà, maljcvaria. Thefur face of a thing, luperficie. AJurfet, djlordine, crapola. A/urfet oj drinking, difordine di bere. To Jurfet, far di Ardine. Stiffening, facendo difordine. A jurge on the [ea, onda, cavallone. Surged, che habbia fatto onde. A [urging, ondeggiamento. Surging, ondeggiando. A furgion, chirurgo, cirurgo. Surgene , chirurgia. Surly, alricramente, orgogliofamcnte. To bejurly, fa, il fuperbo od altiero. To grow furly, divenir 6 diventar altiero 6 luperbo. Sui lily, atticamente, fuperbamente. S urlineffc, alteriggia, fuperbia. * ' Tofumife, penfare, immaginare. AJurmiJe, penfiero, immaginatione. Surrmfed, penlato, immaginato. To fur mount, formontare,fotpalfare. tra¬ pattare. Surmounted , formontato, forpattato, tra¬ pattato. A furmounting, formontamento, forpaffa- - mento, trapattamento. , fop ra nom e, fo u r a noni c. To give a fur-name to, fopranominare, dar il cognome. Surnamed, fopranominato, cognt minuto. Surpa/fable, fotpattabile. 7 ofurpajse, forpattare, loprapaflare. Surpafsed, forpattato, foprapaflato. xAxjurpafsing , Adattamento, foprapatta- tamento. Surpajsingly, forpeffatamente, foprapatta- tamente. A J'urphfsc, camifciotto. AJurplufse, o jurpluftge, il Apra più, 1’ avvantaggio. A Jurprifall, Arprcfa. Tofurprife, forprcndere. Surprijed , forpreA. ■A furprifor, forprenditore. To furrogate, Arroga e. Surrogated, Arrogato. A furrogation, Arrogatone. To fttrrender, Arrendere, rifegnare. Sarrendrtd, forrefo, rittègnato. , A firrendrtng, forrendimento , riffegna- mento. Surreptitious [\orre t ti tiol o. To [urround (or overflow) inondare. Toftrvcy, fcuoprire, livederc, pertica¬ re. Tofurvey, fcuoprimento, revifta, pertica* mento. Afurveyour, leuopritore, riveditore, per- ticatore. A (urveyeur of the I(ings tvorkes, foprave- ditorc degli affari regii. To furvive, lopravivere, forvivere. A Jurvìving, or [urvivancie,(opvu\ìs\mcn- to, forvivimento. Surviving ffopravivendo, forvivendo. A furvivor, Apravi vicore, forvivi tore. Tojufcitate, Alcitarc, eccitare. A JuJ citation , Afcitamento, eccitamen* to. Tofufpefà, fofpettare. S uj'pettable, lolpcttcvole. S u/pecìcd, fofpettato. I -Jfury'fling, Wfn/pidm, fofpctto. fofpct- tione. Jn [‘[pence, in Afpcfa. A fufpicion, fofpetto, fofpittione, I Sufpicious, fo/pettofo. I Sufpictottjly, folpettofamente. To f tjtaine, Attenere, mantenere. | Suflainable, fottenevole, mantenevole. Su/ltincd, ioltenuto, mantenuto. A[u/laining, foftenimcnto, mantenimen¬ to. Sufìaining, {ottenendo, mantenendo. bujlcnance , Attenenza, cibo, patto, rifet- tione. To take f ufienance, pigliar cibo ó patto, 6 rifettione. Sutablc, confacevole, convenevole. Sutably , confacevolmcnte, convenevol¬ mente. To fute with , confate, accomodare, con¬ venire, quadrare, accompagnare. A Jiite, pennone, memoriale, richiefta. A/ute o/ apparell, veftimento, vellito, ha- bito. To [ute, fornire, a!Jo ai to fate with. Suted, fornito. Well fitting, che fi confà bene, che accom¬ pagna bene, che Ila bene. IliJittmgj che li confà male , che accom pagna male,che ttà male. A future, futura. The Jwab ( or cod , of beanes pcafe, ere. ) fcaffa, gufeio. Swabbie, lcaffofo. To [waddle, or Jwath, fafeiarc, bendare. ‘1 o [waddle, or cudgell, battonare. Swadled, bullonato. A Jwpdling, or [watbing , fafeiamento, bendamento, bendatura. A fwadle, or J wadling band, or clout , fafeia, benda. A /wadling, baflonamento. To [wage, fee to afswagc, mitigare, allevia- j re, addolcire. To fwag on one fide , pendere ó penzolare da una parte. A Jtvng-bellic, panzaccia, trippaccia. Tojwagger, bravare, sfoggiare, fvcrzcl- larc. A [v agger et , bravo, sfogpitorc, fverzel latore. A flagging , pcnzolaniento. Tofwaic, or beare Jway, predominare, A pra intendere, governare, reggere, lip norepgiare. Sway, predominio, Apr’ intendenza, rep- guncnto, governo, fignoria. Swayed 9 predominato, governate,retto lignorcggìato. A [vaine, fee a binde s w s w Co {wallow , inghiottire, trangugiare, A round fuelling, gonfiezza, gobba. mandar giù,tirale. A {welling of the throate , gonfiamento di A {wallow {or gulp) forfo, tratto, tirata. gozzo. _ . One that hath a very wide {wallow, uno che A {welling with billow es, ondeggiamcn- inghiotdfcé bene. j to- A /wallow {bird) rondine. Swept, fcopato, fpazzato, netto, polito. A fea fwalloiv, rondone marino. 'Swift , veloce, pretto, Ipedito, ratto. Swallowed, inghiottito, tranguggiato , Swift flying, veloce di volo. mandato giù, tirato. Swift on foot, veloce di corfo. ^4 fwallow taile v a kind offfiening timber , Swiftly , vel cernente, prettamente, fpedi- or boords together ) coda di rondine. tamente, rattamente. Swallow-wort , celidonia. ! Swiftnefe , velocita , deprezza, fpeditez- .A {watt, cigno. * z-a- r . Swan-like, of a fwan , da cigno, aguifa To {will , pacchiare, dimenarli nella lan- di cigno. I § a - \A fwan-keeper, cuftode di cigni. \ Swill , or {willing ( for {wine ) cibi de The {ward of bacon la pelle di préfcttitto. j porci. A fw.tr me of bees, iciame di api o [ ec- Swilling, pacchiando, alfo dimenandoli chic. j nella fanga. ' Swart bruno, nero, folco, moretto. 1 Afwiller, orJwill-pot , pacchiatore. Towaxfwa t. imbrunire, farli nero, fufeo, A {willing, pacchiamento. ó moretto. To fwitonie, nature, nuotare. 7"o make fwart in the fanne , abbronzare, Tojwhn ne a loft or over, fornatare, andar imbrunire al fole. j a gala, ga.eggiare. ì Swartiè, abbronzato, imbrunito. ! To Jwimme under water , nuotare fott ac- Swartinejie , abbronzamento , imbruni- ( qua, at tuffarli nell’ acqua. mento. A fwimmer, nuotatore. T 0 fwarve, sbagliare, fviare, deviare, uf- Swimming, nuotando cir di ttrada | A fwimming , nuotamento, il nuotare, od Swarved, sbagliato, fviato, deviato, ufei- il nuoto di ttrada. A {waiving , sbagliamelo j fviamento, deviamento, uiumento di ltrada. To jwctjb ( or cloih with {words and armour ) ftrepitar con l’arme. A fwajh-buckler, taglia cantoni, mangia¬ le rro. To fwatb, fee to fwaddle . To fweare, giurare, predar giuramento. To Jweare horribly, gi naie dfecrabilmen- te, rinegare, beftemmiare. To Jwear faljly, pergiurare. A fwearer . giuratole, beftenmiiatore. A /wearing, il giurar lo be.'temmiarc. Swe ring, giurando, te temmiando. To fir eat, itid A fwimming plate, or place to fwimme in loco dove li nuota. By fwimming, col nuotare, a nuoto. The Jwimming of the head , vertiggini, gira¬ mento di tetta. To fwindge, battere, fruttare,sferzare, dar un cavallo a- To fwindge with a collie wand , bailor colla bacchetta. A Jwin'dge■ botta, fruttata, sferzata. Swindged battuto, fruttato, sferzato. Swindged out of doores , fcacciato di cafa a forza di botte. A fwindging , battimento, fruftamento sterramento. Afwindger, battitore, frullatore, sferza- tote. A [wine, porco, troia. IO iii’car, utiidic To Jweat 1 as ftones again fi wet weather ) A fwines-ftie, porcile _. _ .., ! ! r.. i Cm ì,rf*dd nnn noi trapelare, ftillare. Sweat (udore Procuring fweat, fudorifico. ] Sweated, fu datò. 1 A fweater , fu datore, che luda. i Sweating , fudando. ! A fweanng, lo iridare, fudamento. , The fwejting pane } or fickneffe, morbo fu- 1 dorifico ! To [weepe, feopare, nettare, fpazzare, po- • lire, raffettare. / A [weeper, feopatore. , A [weepings , feopamento, nettamento, i f pazzamento, pulimento. ; Sweeping , fpazzature, feopature. • Sweet , dolce, fnave, piacevole. ! To [wee ten, addolcire, render abboccato ó i dolce- ; Sweetened addolcito, abboccato. A fweetening , addolcimento, abbocca¬ ménto. A [fveet-hart , innamorato, innamorata, amante, amorofa, cuoruccio. „4 [wcet-Hps gololo, ghiotto. *Swcet'y, dolcemente.. lòavemente. Sweet meates, conletti, confetture, dol¬ ciumi. Sweeinefie , dolcezza, foavita. ! To [well, gonfiare inflate, i To /well with wind sboffare. ; To {well with billnwes, ondegg : are. I To [well with pride , or difdaine , infuper- bire. A fwellin? , gonfiamento , gonfiatura , , gonfiezza, gonfiaggine. Swiffs-brcad, pan porcile. To fvinp dimenare, penzolare- To {wing a bout, ragg rare. To [wing up and downe, dimenare fù e giù, qua e là, cullare. A Jwing , altalena. Swinged, dimenato, penzolato. A fwtnger , dimenatole, penzolatole. A fi winging , dimenamento, penzolamen- to. Swinke.fee péne toilt labour. A fwiffe,fwt(fer, luizzero, fguizzero. A fivitch, bachctra To fwindge with a fwitch, dar colla bachet- ta. Full of {witches, pien di bachettx To {vive, negotiate, ufare con temine. Swol en, or / wolnc, fee to {well. Swolnewith billowes, ondeggiato. Swollen with pride, or dijdame , infuperbi- to. To fwoone, fvenire, vener meno. Swooned, fvenito, venuto meno. AIwooning , fvenimento. An often fwoontng, fvenimento frequen te A {word, fpada. An arming fwordfpzdz da battaglia. A naked fword, fpada ignuda. To draw a fword hafitly, cacciar fublto man alia fpada A /hort f word ( for an executioner ) nia- naia. To put all to the {word , metter tutti a fil di fpada. T A A haftie drawing , or offer to draw a fword, il iubito cacciar man alia fpada. A fword-bearer , porta-fpada, -4 {word-player, fuadacino, gladiatóre, Thejwori-fijb , peice fpada. 5 worne, jee to Jweare Swuminejee to fwimme. Swung , fee to fwing. The fycomore tree , ficomoro. A fycophant , gradano , licofante, teco- meco Syder , fee ftder. A logicali fyllogifme , fìlogifmo, conclu¬ sone. To jymbolige , fimbolizzare. AJymboliyng , orfymboh\ation, fimboliz- zamento. Symbolizing, fimbolizando. A Jymmetne, limmetria. In juft Jymmetrie, in limmetria giufla. Sympathie, limpatia. ToJympathtze, iimpatizzare, andar a fan- guc. Sympathizing, fimpatizando, andando a fangue. A fymptome i fin tom a. A Jynagogue, iinagopa. A Jyncope, fee fwoonnig. A jyndicke (or Jenfor) his office. A jynode, finodo. Synodall ' of afyiode) finodale. A fy nonima, linonimo. A fynople, minio. Syrrope , feiroppo, fciloppo. Syrropeof vinegar, odimele. T Tabacco , tabacco. A tabernacle tabernacolo, A table, tavola. A lilt e table, tavoletta. A kneading table, tavola da impattarci lo- pra. To keepe a good table , tener buona tavola, tener corte bandita. A table full, tavolata. A table-c oth, tovaglia. A long and large table-cloth, tovaglia lon- gae larga. A basket, or piacelo keepe table linning in , mefeirobba. A writing table, tavola da fcriverci fo- pra. Writing tables, tavolette. Tables to play in, tavoliere. To play at tables, giocar al tavoliere. A tableman, tavola. A tabler ( or boarder ) convittore, pigio¬ nante. A tabling (or boarding) dozzina. A tablet, tavoletta, quadretto. Tablets, tavolette, quadretti A tabor ( or tab et } tamburino. To play on the tabor , Tuonar fui tamburi¬ no. A toborer , tamburino , fuonator di tam- burro. A woman toborer, tamburina, fuonatrice di tamburro. A tabrct,fee a tabor. Taxes armour f or the thìghes ) cofciali. Titciturnitie, taciturnità, filentio. f To hold tack, ttar faldo. The tackle, or tackling of ajhip , fornimenti di vafcello. The great tackle of a [hip, armeggi. Ground tackle Idem Taffetie ortafeti. taffetà, tattetane. A kind of courfe taffetie , taffetane grof- fo. Tuffe-taffette, taffetane velutato. Stript T A Stnpt tafferie, ormeiino lavorato. Of tafferie* di taffetà. A tag of a point] pontale di Aringa. Tag and rag, canaglia. A taile, coda. The plough taile, manico del aratro. A tailor . fartore. A tailors bill, conto, memoiia, lifta. To take, pigliare, prendere. To take away, levare, levar via. To take back againe, ripigliare , ripren¬ dere. To take in hand , intraprendere, pigliar per le mani. To take heed guardarli, Aar avvertito. To take hold on , dar di piglio a— atter¬ rare. To take napping, to take at unawares, coglier alimprovifo, alia fproviAa. To take up ( a thing ) i accogliere, al¬ zare. To take up (or reprove) fgridare, rimprove¬ rare, rinfacciare. To take in tvarre , far priggione, catti¬ vare. To take to wife, pigliar ó prender per mo¬ glie, ammogliarli. Taken , pigliato, preio. Taken away, levato, levato via. Taken back againe , ripigliato, riprefo. Taken in band, intraprefo, pigliato per le mani. Taken hold on, a cui lia dato di piglio, af¬ ferrato. Taken napping, or unawares, colto all’im- previfo,alia fproviAa. Taken up, raccolto, alzato. Taken in wane , fatto priggione, catti¬ vato. A taker , pigliatore, prenditore, che pi¬ glia 6 prende. A taker in hand, intraprenditore,che piglia per le mani. A taker up of things, raccoglitore. A taking , pigliamento, prendimento. A taking away , levamento, il levar via. A taking back againe , ripigliamento, ri- prendimento. A taking in hand, intraprendimento. A taking hold on, il dar di piglio, atterra¬ mento. A taking napping, or at unawarres, il coglier all’improvifo. A tale , favola, baia, bubbola, conto,no¬ vella. Afalfetale, bugia. A tale of a tub, beffa, coglioneria. To teli a tale , or tales, novellare, contar fa¬ vole. A teller of mente tales , novelliAa, novel¬ latore. The invention of tales , inventor di no¬ velle. A tale-bearer , or tell-tale , referendario A talent , talento. Talkative , ciarlone. A talkative fellow , un ciarlone ó ciar¬ latano. To talke, parlare, decorrere. To talke idly, ciarlare, favoleggiare. Talke , il parlare ò difeorfo, raggiona- mento. To fall in talke of, parlar ó difeorrer di- One that loves to beare himfelfe talke , un gran difeorritore. Talked, parlato, raggionato • A talker, parlatore, difeorritore. Talking, parlando, decorrendo, raggio- nanao. A talking , parlamento, difeorrimento. Much talking, gran ciarla. Tallage , taglia. Tali , alto, longOj Taltie , taglia. TA Tallnefe, altezza di vita, itatura. A tallie, una taglia. A (birds) talon, artiglio, bianca, unghia. A little talon, unghietta. A hawkes talon , mano di falcone. Having fharpe talons, che hàgli artigli acuti Talloned. unghiuto. Tallow, fevo. The tallow of a hogge , o r wild beafl , affon- gia, graffa. A tallow- face, vifo di fevo. The tamariskefhrub, tamarifeo. Tame, domeftico, manfo, manfueto. To tame , or make tame, domare, addomeAi- care, manfuefare. To tame [or pull dowiic) the body, macerare mortificare. Tamed, or made tame, addomeAicato, man- fuefatto. Tamely, domeAicamente.manfuetamente. Tameneffc, domelfichezza, manfuetudine. A tamer , domatore, addomeAicatore. ^4ww/»gjdomamento,addomeAicamento. A taming of the body, maceramento, mor- tificamento. Tangible , tangibile. A tankard, boccale. A great tankard , boccalone. To tangle, tangled, ere. fee to intangle , in- tangled, ere. Tangled locks, capegli ingarbugliati. To tanne (leather) conciar il cuoio. Tanned, conciato. A tanner, conciator di cuoio. A tanners wife , moglie di chi concia il cuoio. A tanners mill , molino di chi concia il cuoio. A tanne-houfe, cafa di chi concia il cuoio. A tanne-pit,or tdune-fat,ì\ioco dove fi con¬ cia il cuoio. Tanning, the art of tanning, V arte di chi con¬ cia il cuoio. Tanfte, artemefia. Wild tanfie, artemefia falvatica. A taper , cero,lume. T apif ne, tapezzaria, arazzi, panni razzi. Rich and large tapifrie , tapezzaria fu- perba. ^ A piece of tapiflrie (hung) afore adoore, portiera. To hang ( orfurnìfh ) with tapi fi. ie, parar con tapezzarie, tapezzare. Hung with tapiflrie, parato con tapezzarie, tapezzato. A hanging, or furn'fhing with tapiflry, pa¬ ramento con tapezzarie, tapezzamen- to. A hanging of tapiflrie, astapeflry. A tapiflrie-maker, fapezzaro. A maker of rich and Urge tapiflrie, fabrica- tore di tapezzarie fuperbe. A tappe , fpina. A tappes end, capo della fpina: To tappeavefìell, metter a mano una bot¬ te, fpillare. To tappe (or flrike) battere. Tapped, metto a mano, fpillato. A tappe-houfe, betola,taverna,hoAeriuola. A tapfler , che caccia ò tira da bere nelle bettole. Tardie, tardo, tardivo, lento, pig'o. To take tardie, forprendere,cogliere in fra¬ granti. Taken tardie, forprefo, colto in fragranti. A taking tar die , forprendimento , cogli- mento in fragranti. Tardily , tardamente, lentamente, pigra¬ mente. Tardine[le, tar ditte, tardezza, lentezza, pi- gritia. 1 ares, ceci. A target , or tdrquet, targa. A round tarquet, ruotelìa: _ T A A little tarquet, targhetta. Tojhield , cover, or arme with a tarquet, or tarquet fence, armare con targa. A tarqueteere, che porta la targa. A tarquet-fence, pavefata. To tane, fee to tarrie. Tarragon (herbe) taragone. Tarre, pece. T o tarrie, tardare, afpettare, trattenerli; To tarrie for, attendere, afpettare. Tarried, tardato, trattenuto. Tarried for , afpettato, attefo. A t amane e, or tarrying, tardamento. A tarrying for, afpettarione. Tartar (or argali, old lees of wine ) tartaro, feccia di vino. A tariarie faufton, tartario. Tari, agro, brufeo, afpro. To wax tart, agrire, afprire. To make tart , lender agro ò afpro. Made tart, refo agro ó afpro, inafprito. Somewhat tart, agretto, afprino. 1 A tart, torta, crollata. Tarts, or meats like them, tortelli. • A little tart, tortellina, croAatina. Tartly , agramente, afpramente. TartneOe, agrezza, afprezza. A tafke, opra, lavoro, facenda. To tafke, dar da fare, dar da lavorar,afleg- nar alcun’ opra. Tafked, a cuilia dato da far ó lavorare, attegnato ad alcun 1 opra. A taf king, il dar da fare lavorare, l’afleg- nare ad alcun opra. Al tafìell, fiocco. A taf ell of(tike, fiocco di feta. T aficlls, fiocchi. T otaffell, or trim with taffells, parar con fiocchi. The taf ell , tier cell ( or male bawke ) ter- I zuolo. The tafsell of a faker, mafehio del fagro. TAe tafsell of a fparhawke, mofeardo. Taf selled, trimmed with taf sails, parato con fiocchi. T ajseltie, fioccofo. Tafses.astaces. To taf, faggiarc, atteggiare, guAare. T o taf agame , rattaggiarc. Tafiie. guAo.fapore. Taf ed, faggiaro, atteggiato, guAato. Taf full, guAofo, fapoiito. Taf fully, tafingly } guAofamente ,fapori- tamente. A tafing, guAamento, a Gaggi amen to. A tatter, Aracelo, sfilatura. Tatters , Aracci, sfilature. To tatier, or make into ta//err,Aracciare, sfi-i lare. Full of tatters, Aracciofo, pezzente. Tattered ( cut, or worne into tatters ) Arac- ciato, sfilato. A tattered (old) clout , cencio, Arac-‘ ciò. A tattered houfewife, una Aracciona. Ttf«/e,cicalamento, chiacchiere. To tattle , cicalare, chiacchierare. Tattled, cicalato, chiacchierato. A tattler, cicalatore, chiacchierone. A tattling , esalamento, chiacchiera- mento. A taverne, hoAena, taverna. To get into a taverne , andar all’ hoAe«, ria. A haunter of tav ernes, che và per le hoAe- rie. A taverner , betolante, hoAe, taverniere. Taught, fee to teach. To taunt, oggiorgare,tiprendcre,rimpruo- verare. To taunt defpightfully,vWhneggiace, Attac¬ care, oltraggiare. B b A TE T E T A 1 4 de fumai or ie taunt, villania,Smacco, rim¬ provero. 4 bitter taunt, invettiva, ingiuria. Taunted , oggiorgato, riprefo, rimprove¬ rato. .4 taunter , oggiorgatorc, riprcnditore, rimproveratore. A taunting , oggiurgamento , riprendi- mento, rimprovera mento. A Jharp taunting , oltraggiamento. Taunting , oggiorgando , riprendendo, rimproverando. Tauntingly , oggiorgatamente, fatirica- mente. Taurm , toro, fegno celcfte. To taw ( leather ) conciar il cuoio. Tawed, conciato. ^ 4 tower , or lawyer , concia corami. The tawing ( of leather ) conciamente di corami. Tawings, conciamenti di corami. Tawnie ( colour ) tanè. To d.e into a tawnie , tinger di color ta¬ nè. To wax tawnie , divenir ò diventar ta¬ nè. To tax, ta flare. A tax, tafla. Taxable ( liable unto taxes ) taflabile, lotto- pollo alle tafle. A taxation , tali amento. A greviotis taxation , tafla grande, gravez¬ za. Taxed, taflato. A taxer, talfatore. A taxing, as a taxation. A tuteli, tax e, or teoreti, paflorale. To teach, infegnare, apprendere, ammaes¬ trare, indottrinare. Teachable, docile, animaci! evole. To make teachable , render docile. Made teachable, refo docile. A teacher , niaeftro, dottore, che infeg- na A teaching, infegnamento, ammaeltra- inento. A teale {fowl e) anecra. A tear e, lacrima, lagrima. 1 Tojhed teates, lacrimare, lagrimare, piag- | nere. A fittali teare, lagrimetta. I Wort hi e ofteares lagrimevole. A jhed ding of tear es, il lagrimare, il buttar delle lagrime. Full of teares, lagrimofo, pien di lagri¬ me. To teare, ftracciare, Squarciare. A teare, (tracciatura, Squarciatila. To teare the fic/b with pincers , tenaglia- re To te.rre one another, leuoterfi 6 ftapazz ar¬ ii 1’ un P altro. • 'A tearer , (tracciatore, Squarciatore. A tearing, ftracc.amento, fquarciamen- | to. A tear me, termine, alfa nome. To t carme, nominare, addi mandare. Textmcd nominato, addimandato. A tearming, fee terme. Harjb and bitter tearmes , oltraggiamenti, (trap»* zi di parole od ingiurie. A bcds-teafter, eie! del letto. A round leaf er paviglione. ! The leafier of a cloth of fiate , baldacchi¬ no. A teat e ( or nipple ) poppa, poccia, tet ta. The teate of a cowes udder , capparello di zinna o mammella. A little teate, tetrina. Tedious ted.oSo , longo, moleflo, Safti- dioSo. Somewhat tedious , alquanto tediolo. [ edioujly, tedioSamente.longamente, mo¬ ltamente, SatlidioSamente. Tedioufneffe, tedio, longhezza, moleltia, Saltidio. Toteeme , efler pregna, alfo gravida. Teeth , denti. The cheeke teeth, denti mafcellari. The fide teeth , denti da lato. The teeth ( or toothing ) of a wheel e ( of a lock , c re. ) dentatura d’una ferratu¬ ra To teli ( or Jay ) dire , contare, reci¬ tare. To tell (or number ) numerare, contare, annoverare. To tell (or declare) raccontare, narra¬ re. I cannot tell, non Saprei dire, non ne lo ni¬ ente. A teller , dicitore, contatore, recitato¬ re. A tei 'ing, diceria , conto , recitatnen- to Temeritie, temerità. To temper, temprare, moderare, mitiga- To temper himfelfe, attenerli, raffrenarli, moderarli. Temper, tempra, moderation^. Of a good temper, di buona tempra. Out oft mper, indifpofto, ammalato. To temper with temprare, meScere. Temperance temperanza,Sobrietà. Temperate, temperato, Sobrio. Temperately , temperatamente, Sobriamen¬ te. Temper. iteneffe of weather , temperie, bo¬ naccia, bel tempo. Temperature, temperatura. Tempered, temprato, moderato. A temperer , tempratore, moderatore. A tempering, tempramento, moderamen¬ to. A tempering together , commifiione, mis¬ cuglio, temporale. A tempeft, tempelta, fortuna, borafea. A tempeft to rife , tempeftare, farli for¬ tuna. Taken by a tempeft , colto dalla tempelta, ò iorruna. Tempeftuous, tempeftofo. A tempie or churcb ) tempio. A temple among the turkes, mefehita. The temples (of the head) tempie. Of, or belonging to, the temples, che attiene alle tempie. Temporali, temporale, Secolare. To make temporali, Secolarizzare. Temporalneffe, Secolarità. To temperile , temporizzare, temporeg- giare. Temporised, temponzzato, temporeggia¬ to. A temporizer, temporizzatore, temporeg¬ giatore. A tempori\ing , remporizzamento, tem- poreggiamento. Tempo), sing, temporizzando, temporeg¬ giando. To tempt, tentare provocare. Tempted, tentato, provocato. A temptation , tentatione, provocatio- ne. A tempter, tentatore, provocatore. A tempting , tentamenro , provocamen- to. A temptereffe , tentatrice , provocatri¬ ce. Ten . dieci. Tenacitie , tenacità. A tenant , Attuario, pigionante, appig gionante. A tenant for life , che gode 1’ ufo frutto in * vita. -v- An under tenant , fottefittuario, A tench ( fijh ) tenca. A fea tench, tenca marina. To tend, tendere. To tend (or look to) attendere. Tended, tefo. Tended (or looked to) attefo. Little tended , poco tefo. Tender , tenero, molle, delicato. To make tender, intenerire, ammollire, render delicato. Made tender , intenerito, ammollito, refo delicato. Fit to be made tender , atto ad intene¬ rirli. A making tender, intenerimento, mollifi- camento. A tender fellow, un delicatuzzo ó delica- tuccio. Somewhat tender, alquanto tenero, tene- rello. Tender-hearted , compaflìonevole, indul¬ gente. 7 ender- heart edtteffe , compaflìone, indul¬ genza. To tender,offirie, presentare. TO tender money at a day , offrire ó deposi¬ tar quartrini al tempo prrfiflo. A tender, or tendering of money, offrimen- to ó depoiìtamento di quattrini. Tendered , offerto, presentato. Tenderly , teneramente, mollemente, de¬ licatamente. To uft tenderly , trattar od adoperar con gentilezza ó delicatezza. ! Tender-ujage un tratta delicato. Tenierneffe renerezza, delicatezza. A tending, rendimento, tela. Tending , tendendo. A tendon, tendone. Of or full of, tendons , pien di tendoni. A tendrel, or tender Jprigof plants, una te- nerina. The clajping , and twining tendrels of avine, pampann Ttndrels (or littlegri files) tenerumi. Full of ttndrels, pien di tenerumi. Tenebrous, fee obfeure dark e fonie. A tenement , pofleflb, tenoni ento, po¬ dere. A fmall countrie tenement ,podemccio. Tenne-ttmes , dieci volte. Tennis-play, gioco di palla corda. To flop a ball at tennis, fermar la palla. To play at tennis, giocar a palla-corda. Tojfed at tennis , palleggiato A tennis-court , il gioco di palla-corda A woman-tennis-court-keeper, patrona del gioco di palla-corda. A temus-court-keepers boy, garzone del gioco. A tenon , arpione, flaffone, appicagno- lo Thetenour (of a matter ) tenore, foftan- za. T he tenor , or tenor part in finging , tenore del canto. A tent , tenda, padiglione. A tent-keeper , or dweller in tents , chef ftà nelle tende, che guarda le tende. e A tent ( for a wound) talla. A tenter- hooke, ancino, uncino, rampi-j no. The tenth, decimo. Tcnthes, decime. A tenure , poffella. A chirurgians terebya (or piecerf trapano, attrattore. A tergiverfatìon , tergiverfatione. A terme ( or time ) termine, ftaggio- ne. The TH TH The appointing a terme , apportamene di termine. To appoint a terme , apportar alcun tempo ò termine. Thetermes giorni ó tempi de’tribunali. Termination, terminatione. Terra-figillata, terra iìgillata. --4 tenace) or terraffe , terrazza. A little terrace ( over agate) or on the top of a bouf ; ) balcone, ringhiera. Terre frinii) terreftre. Terrene, terreno. Terrible, tcrribila, fpaventevole. To make terrible , to make a terrible fhew, /paventare, dimortrare una etera hor- ribile. Ternb eneffe, horrore, terribilità. 1 erribhe terribilmente, horrtbilmente, A terrier booth , regirtro delle terre. A terrier i, oraugar) trivellone. A terrier (or earthen beagle ) can bartetto 6 da fermo. Toternfie, impaurire, metter paura 6 fpa- vento. Terrified, impaurito, /paventato. A terrifying, impaurimene , fpaventa- mento. A territorie, territorio, poflerto. Terrour, terrore, fpavento. A tentine ague , febbre terzana. A teflament) tellamento. Teftamentarie , tertamentario. .A teflaior, tel'latore. The tefl ( or purifying of ftlver in dfhes ) copella. A tefier, fee teafler. The teflicles of a man, tefticoli, coglioni. Tefie,fee frotvari, peevtjbjwaiward, biibet- tico, capricciofo. Tefl, ineffe, bisbettichezza, capricciofità. A teflifìcaiion , teitificatione, teltimoni- anza | To tejltfic) terti ficare, teftimoniare. Tefttfied, rettificato, teltimoniato. teftifier , tcftificatore, che rende tefti- monio. -A teflimeniall, fede, certificato. A teflintoure, tertimonio. A tetter) volatica. The text, iltello, a great text letter, lettera maiu/cula. Of, or in a text, tertuale. Text letters, lettere maiufcule. A texture, tertura To thanke , ringratiare , render gra¬ de. Tbankes, grafie, ringratiamenti. Thanked, ringratiato. God be thanked) ringratiato fia Iddio. Thank full, grato, ricono/Cente. A thankfullneffe , gratitudine , riconof- cenza. A thanking , ringratiamento, rendimento j di gratie. j That, ciò, quello. 1 So that, li che, alfo pur che. That man, quell’ huomo, colui. That may, per là, per corti. Thatch, doppia, paglia. To thatch, cuoprirdi ftoppia ò paglia. Thatched, coperto di ftoppie ó paglia. To thatv, dilgelare, rifo, ghigno, gongolamen- to. Tighying , ridendo, ghignando, gongo¬ lando. A tile, tegola. A little tile , or broken tile, tegoluccia. Full of tiles, pien di tegole. A tile-kill, fornace di tegole. A tilery tegolaro. A tile-fljard, or broken tile , teda. To tile ( or cover with tiles ) tegola- rc. A fquare peeving tile, fee pave. A roofe, or ridge tile,Jee rooferidg. A till , cadetta. Till, or untili, infino, infino. Till fuch time as , in fin , or infin a tanto , che. To till the earth , coltivare, lavorar il ter¬ reno. Tillage, agricultura, cultivations» Tilled, cultivato, lavorato. A tiller , cultivatore, lavoratore di ter¬ reno. A tilling , cultivamento , lavoramen- to. Tilth, fee tillage. The ( cloth ) tilt of the poope of a galley, tenda. To tilt, or runne at tilt , gioftrare, correr la lancia. A tilting, gioftra, gioftramento. A tilting (ìaffe, lancia. A timber ( or creajl J morione, cimiero, crefta. To timber ( or furnifl} with a Creafl ) ornar di cimiero. Timbred, ornato di cimiero. Timber, legname. S quared timber , legname meffo irr opra. Timber trees cut downe for building , legni da metter in opra. A peece of timber grained with flreaks, leg¬ no con vene. Timber ( or fluff e ) to build withall, leg¬ name, Atimbrellj to play on a timbrell , fuonar di timpano. A timbrell-player, fuonator di timpa¬ no. A brafen timbrell, timpano di rame. Time TO TO I O Time ( herbe ) timo. Running wild , or creeping time, ferpilloi Time, tempo, hora, ftaggione. -4 bout this time, incirca od incorno quell’ hora. « At this time, a quell’ hora. At no time, or tide, giammai. •At the appointed time, all’ hora apportata , ó prefica, apponto. -At no time after, mai doppo, mai poi. At the time that, all’ hora che. Time in mufick, mifura, tempo. Due time, tempo debito, ftaggione. In good time, alla buon’ hora, opportuna¬ mente. _ I Fullneffe of time, opportunità, congion-', tura. In time, a tempo, in tempo. In trail of cime, al longo andare, in termi¬ ne di tempo. From this time forth, da qui inanzi, da mo inanzi, pec 1* adictro, per 1’ avveni¬ re. Of ten-times, fpefle volte, più volte. Some- ime , alcuna volta, qualche volta. Timely, opportuno maturo. Timely ( adverbe ) opportunamente, matu¬ ramente. Timerom, timido, paurofo. T inter oujly, timidamente,paurofamente. Timeroufnefle,ortimiditie, timidità, pau¬ ra. A time- ferver, temporeggiatore, che tem- poreggia. A timpanie, tirnpania,moIa. A tinture, tintura. Tinder, efea. The ting of a bell, tintino. To tingle tinckle, tintinnire, tinnire. Tinged, tingled, tinckled, tintinnito, tin¬ nito. A tinging , tingling , tinckling , tintinna- mento, tinnamento. Tingling, tinging, tintincndo , tinnen- A tinker, calderaro. Tinne, ftagno. The hefl tinne, ftagno di comovallia. Ttnne ( to foile looking gluffes ) ftagno da fpecchi To tinne gla^e over with tinne ) ftagnare. Tinned, lbagnato. A tinner, or tinne-man, ftagnaro. A tinning , (lagnamene. Tinfell, brocatello. Tinfelling ( or bauldkin worke ) profila¬ tura. The tip , or tippe ( of a thing ) cima, punta, pizzo. The tipp end of thenofe, pizza, punta del nafo. The tip ( lug , or foft part of the eare) il mor¬ bido dell’ orecchia- j The tip end of the elbow , ponta delgom- ' bito. Tipped (or headed with) pontuto. To tipple, bevacchiare. To tipple extremely, sbevacchiare. Tippled, cotto, tocco dal bere. A tippler, bevitore. A tippling , bevimento, sbevacchiamen- to. A tippling-houfe, betola. To tire ( or dreflfe ) fee attire, acconciare, ornare, abbigliare. A tire , acconciamento , acconciatu- ra. A tire-maker, acconciatore, alfo peruc- chiere. To be tongue-tied, e (Ter fcilinguato. Tongue-blade, lingua di cavallo* A toole, ftromento, ordigno. An iron toole, ftromento di ferro. A mans toole , membro, cazzo. Artifiters tooles , tiramenti, ordigni. A tooth , dente, piu. teeth, denti. The cheeke teeth, denti macellari. Thetooth-ach, dolor di denti. A tooth-picker , ftecca denti, ftuzzica- denti. Tooth fonie, delicato, guftofo, appetito- fo. Atopace (fione) topatio. The topickes , la topica, loco d’inventio- ni. The top, or toppe of any thing, cima, forn¬ irla. The toppe of a tree, cima d’ albero. The top ( or fattile ) of a galley , gab¬ bia. From the top to the bottame, da capo a baffo, dalla cima al piede. The toppe, or top-gallant (of a fhip ) vela fu- periore. A toppe (to play with) trottolo. To drive a toppe, menar il trortolo. A topping (or tufi) fiocco, ciuffo. The topping of a tree, cello ò fiocco. Topfit-turvie. fottofopra, a capitombo¬ li. A torch, torcia, cero, fiaccola. A torment , tormento , tortura, fupplic- cio. To torment, tormentare, torturare, cafti- gare. With much torment , con tormento gran¬ de. Tormented , tormentato , niello alla tor¬ tura. A tormenterà tormentatore,che mette alla tortura. Atormenterof, tormentatore di- A tormenting , tormentamento, il metter alla tortura. Tormentile, tormemilla. Ionie, lacerato, Iquarciato. A torrent ( land floud violent flreame ) tor¬ rente. Torride, torrido. The torride \one, zona torrida. A tartoife, tartaruca, teftugg’me. A torture , tortura, quiltione, gehen- na. To torture , torturare , caligare con tor¬ tura. Tortured , torturato, caftigato con tor¬ tura. A torturing , torturamene , caftigo con tortura. A tofpot , un briacone, un sbèvacchia- tore. To tofle, fcuotere, sbalzare. To tofle a ball, ballottare, palleggiare. To tofle (as a foot-ball) cacciai la palla, dar de’calci alla palla. To tofle in a five, dimenar nel cribbio. •/ tofle, feoffa, sbalzo. Tofsed, feoffo, sbalzato. Tofsed in a five , dimenato in un cribbio, A tofser , fcuotitore, sbalzatore. A tofsing , leuotimento , sbalzamen- to. A tofle , brufchino.pane arroftito. The totali, il tutto. Totally, totalmente, onninamente. Totallity, totalità. T o totter , vacillare, penzolare, balenare, barcolare. A totter, vacillamento. Tottered , vacillato, penzolato, balenato, barcolato. A tottering, penzolamene, balenamen¬ to, barcolamcnto To touch, toccare, attignere, palpeggiare, To touch often, toccar fpeffò. A touch , tocco, botta. A home touch , una botta ci* importan¬ za. Touchable , toccabile, cheli può toccare, Touched, toccato. Touched often, toccato fpeffo,maneggiato. A touching, toccamene, lo toccare. A touching often , lo toccar fpeffo ò ma¬ neggiamene. Tough, vobufto, vigorofo. T oughly , robuftemente, vigorofamen- te. T aughnefle, robuftezza, vigore. To tow or hale a long) tirare, attirare. To tow a pup, rammurchiare un vafccl- lo. To wage, rammurchìo. Towed, rammurchiato. A tower, tiratore, A towing, tiramento. Towing off the ground , levato ó tirato eia terra. Ton», ftoppa, canape. Tow of flax, grette. The tow (or cottrfeft ) offìlke, capicciola. Towards, verfo, inverfo. A tower, torre, i A great tower , torrione, j A fmall tower torretta, j The tower of london, il cartello ó la torre. ! A keeper of a tower, cartellano. | Towrie,fet with towers, pien di torri. * Tonde, fee toll. I A towne borgo, cartello. A littleiowne, borgherro caftelluccio, A townes-mm, cirtad n<* borghele, A towne hoafe.fla podeltaria. To towje, rammofeimre, Il apazzare. T otowf e one another , .Impazzarli T un 1* altro. T owfe.l, rammolcinato. ftrapazzato. A tcwfìng . ramofeinamento, ftrapazzo. A toy, bagatelJa. To toy, bsgatellare. Toycs, bagatelle. Fine toyes, bagatelle gentili. Slender toyesj bagatelluccie. A toyer, bagatelliere. Toyings, bagatelliere. A ti aie, truche, or trail, traccia, fentìero, orma. A thick trace, or trail of men, or beafls, mar¬ ciata, andatura. A trail (or cut made by a cart, ruotata To trace, tracciare , leguitare per ]’ or¬ me. A Utile trace, traccia picciola. The traces of a draught- horfe, fianchi di bar de. A trailing, tracciamento, lo leguitare per l’orme. Tracing , tracciando, feguitando per V orme. T railable, trattabile, humano, benigno, manfueto. TraHableneffe , Immanità, manfuetudi- ne. Trail ably, trattabilmente, h umanamente, cortefementc. In trail of time, col tempo. A trade, arte, meftiere. T rade, or trading, negotio, traffico. The game counterfeiting all trades by fignes, le arti, li meftieri. To trade, trafficare, negotiare. Out of trade , fuor di negotio, alfo Tuoi d ! effercitio d’alcun arte. Traded, negotiato, trafficato. A trader , negotiants, mercante.' A tradefman, artiggiano, artifta. A pcttie, orpaltire tradefman, artigianuc- cio, mercantuccio. Tradition, traditione. \ Traditivt, of tradìtion,traditivi, Traffitke, traffico. C c Tc| T R. T R TR T o traffick , »/e//e,difarrnarli. Unarmed , difarmato. Unarmed (or whole arme is burfì) a cui fia llroppiato il braccio. Utiarrefied , che hon è allertato 6 fer¬ mato. Unavoidable, inevitabile. Unavoidably, inevitabilmente. To uiiaulhori^e, difautorizzare. Unauthorised , difautorizzato. Unawakeable , affopito, che non fi può, deftare ò rifvegliare. r hiawàtes, all’ improvifo, alla fprovirta To lake unawares , coglier all* improvifo ó forprendeie. At unawares, as unawares. To unbarbe a horfe, sbarbare un cavallo. To un barre , sbarrare, levar la barra. Unb ir red, sbarrato. U nbtgotten, ingenito,non generato. U nbeieefe, miìcredenza, infedeltà, incre¬ dulità. Unbeleevable , incredibile, da non cre¬ dere. To unbeleeve , mfferedere. An unbeleever , infedele, mlfcredente. I U nheleeving, miferedendo. To Is unbend , sbandare, sbendare, diserra¬ re , rallentare. Unbended, sbandato, sbendato,differrato, rallentato. An unbending, sbandamento, sbandamen¬ to, di Sei lamento, rallentamento. tt r.bent , che non è teff», fciolto, rallen- tato. To unbenumme, di (intirizzare. U nbe.mtmmed, dilintirizzato. An unbenumming , difiutirizzamento. An anbefeeming, inconvenienza, cofa che difdice. U tilt fi renting , di (dicendo, che non ftà be¬ ne, che non d:ce. To unbefot, ri (vegli a re, render accorto. Unbcfotted, rifTegliato, refo accorro. To unbtwrich, difmaliiare. Unbewitched , difmalliato. Unbidden , che non è commandato , che non è invirato. To unbind,, (figa re, feiorre. ì unbinding , Alga mento, (cioglimento. j Unblamable , irreprenfibile , incolpabile, j disbendato, ì Unblinded, difingannato. I to unblock ( a b loch up pafftge ) disbar- J rare. ! Unblocked , disbarrato. Unboiled, crudo. Tc unbolt , difcadenazzare. Unbolted, dffeadena zzato. Unbsoted, a cui li ano levati li ftivali. Unboned, die non hi oda, difoffato. To unbo nkjuttlroulted, fee tt unbolt „stnbo!ted. Unbound, fciolto,fligato. Unbounded, diflimitato. TouitiotP , sfrondare. Unbeatable , sfrondabile , alfo infleflìbile, impiegabile. To mbowell , fveri tra re. U nbvipeUt d, fvent ra t o. To unbrace, sbracciare. Unbraced t sbracciato. 13 nbranc hcd, sfrondar o. Unbreakable, che non fi pub rompere. Tc unbridle , sbrigliare , sfrenare, fcapef- trare. Unbridled , sbrigliato , sfrenato, fcapcf- j trato. Of an unbridled appetite, d' appetito sfre- i nato. ; 13w&T/i/ei«j7e,fcape(lrezza. i Unbroken, intiero, che non c rotto, ì To unbuckle , disfibbiare, sfibbiare, j Unbuckled, disfibbiato,sfibbiato. ' To unbuild, disfar fabriche, rumare. Unbuilt, disfatto, ruinato. To unbunch, levar 6 fpianar la gobba. ibibunched , aeuifìa levata ó fpianaca La gobba. To unhung, fcocconare. Unhanged, fcocconaco- To unburden, levarii pefo, {caricare, dif- ca ricare. To uni urie, diffotterrare, cavar dalla fé* poltura. Unburied, dilfotterrato , cavato dalla fe- pohtira. To unbutton, sbottonare. Unbuttoned, sbottonato. An unbuttoning , sbottonamento. Uncalled , che non è chiamato ó addi- mandato. Uncapable, incapace, inidoneo. UiKapablentfie, incapacità. To unca.pt ivate, liberare. Uncaptivated , liberato. Uncafed, fpogliato. Unc aught, che non è colto ó prefo. Unceajable, inceflabile. Uncerfaine, incerto. Made unter taint, refoincerte. Uncertùnely , incertamente. Uncertainty , incertezza. Vnceffantly, inceffanteniente. Tu uncinine, fcatenare. Vnchained , fcatenato. Unchangeable, immutabile. Unchangeably, immutabilmente. Vnchtritablc, inhumano, che non hà ca¬ nea. To mcharme, fmalliare. yncharmed,(n\aWÌ 2 to. Vhchafl, impudico, incontinente. Vnchaflly, impudicamente, incontinente¬ mente. ynchaflneffe, impudichi,incontinenza. Uncircumctfon, incireoncilione. Hncircumfpeà , feioperato, balordo, incir- cofpctto. Vncivili, incivile. Uncivilly, incivilmente. To behave himfclfe uncivilly , comportar¬ li incivilmente, proceder incivilmente. Ottunde, zio. To unclafpe, sfibbiare, (laccare. Vnclafped , sfibbiato, (laccato. lettele an e , immondo, impuro, impudico, iozzo. Somewhat uncleane , alquanto immondo. yncleanely, immondamente, impuramen¬ te, impudicamente, Tozzamente. iTncleanneffe, immondi eia, imparità, foz- zeziza. yncleanejjc of life, impudici ti. Vncleanfed , che non è polito ó netto. To uncloath, fpogliare, fveftire. Vnc loathed, fpogliato, fvellko. Totmclofe, aprire, fchiudere. Fnchjtd, apertojfchiufo. Vncstmely, inde «ente, difgratiatò, che fti male. Vncomely ( adverbe ) or in uncomely manner, indecentemente, difgratiatamente. Vncomelineffe, indecenza, difgratia. Vn comfortable , inconfolabile , fconfola- bile. * y wcowe/orr4Ì(>,Jinconfolabilmerrte, feon- folabilmente yncontmodioui , inconnnodo, feommodo. yncommunicable, incom munk abile. ! yncompaniable , infociable, incommuni- chevolc, intrattabile. yncontpleat, imperfetto. yncompoundcd , incompofto , feompof- to. ync one livable , incomprehenfibilc, impe¬ netrabile. ynconceivjblenefle, incomprehenfibilità. yncondemned, che non è condannato. yneongealable, che non fi può congela¬ re. ynconquerable , invincibile, inoperabi¬ le. ynconfìancie , incoflanza. Vnconflatu. incollante. To be unconjìant, effer incollante. ynconflraincd, libero, non coftretto. yncùnjumable , che non fi può confuma¬ re, ytic on fumed , che non è confutato. yncontaminated, incontaminato. yncorded, fcoidaco. yncorporall, incorporeo. yncerrupted, incorrotto. yncorruptible, or uncorruptable, incorrut¬ tibile. To uncover T (cuopr\re. To uncover the mouth, durare, didoppa- re. Vncoverei , durato, dldoppato. uln uncovering, Giuramento , didoppa- niento. yncouth , novo, (travagante , bizzar- uncouth place, loco dravagante. Touncoule, or put off the coule, levar il ca¬ paccio, fcapucciare, yncouled, (capucciato. To uncouple, fcoppiate,fpal■ara. , yncoitpled, (coppiato, fparato. The uncoupling of hounds, feoppiamento di bracchi. yncouneous, feortefe, incivile, inhuma¬ no. yncourtcoujly, feortefemente, incivilmen¬ te. To un cr offe, levar la croce, fcrociare. Vncroffei , fcrodato. To uncrowtte, feoronare. yncrowned, feoronato. To uttcrumplc , levar le pieghe. ^tt uncrumpling, levamento di pieghe. To uncrufi, (crollare. VnSton. ontioRe. Vn3uefitte, ontuofità. yn&HotUf ontuofo. Vncunningly, grò nolanamente, indecen¬ temente. Vncurable, incurabile. To uncurl a horfe , sbarbozzare, levar il baibozzalc. yncurbed, sbarbozzata. yncuruufiy, fenza curiolità. yndauntei , relToluto, ch« non ha pau¬ ra. To unddube levar la tinta. Vndecent, indecente,che difdice, yo decently, indecentemente. Vn decided, indecifo. 1 A fuixe undecided , lite indecifa. i yndeckci, che non è ornato, impolito. | Vndec lined, indeclinato. yndefaceablc, che non fi può (canea! lare ò sfefeiare. Vndefled, (chietto, puro, incontamina¬ to. Vnit frayed, che non c papato. y»der, fotto. ynder-age, piccola età, età minore. An under-bearne , fottrave. To under-bid, 'offrir meno di ciò che vale la robba,dilgratiare. Anunder-cater (or Clark of the kitchin ) fottofpendstore. Vnder-hand, fottomano. The under- hatches of a fhip, fottopalamcn- ti. To under-lay a Jhooe, alzarle fuole dalla fcarpa, tacconare. The underlaying of a (hoe , alzamento della fuola della fcarpa, tacconamelo. The under leather of a f purr e, correggiola dello fperonc. The under-lid of the eye, fottociglio. An underling, inferiore , foggetto, vaf- fallo. I Underlying, foggiacend. To undermine , fcavare, fottominare. Undermined , fcavato, fottominato. An undermincr, (cavatore, fottominato- re An undermining, fcavamento,fottomina- mento. The undermofl , il di (otto, P inferio-i re Underneath, di lòtto, da baffo. An underprife, fottopretio, pretio baf¬ fo. To underprop, pomellate, fopportave. Underpropped , pomellato , fopporta- to. Weakly underpropped , pomellato debil mente ó fiaccamente. An underpropping , pontellamento, fop- portamento. To underfland, intendere, capire. To give to underfland, dar ad intendere, dar a capire. Given UN Given to underfland , dare ad intendere 6 capire. Underflandablc , intelligibile , che li pub capire. An underftander, intenditore. The underflanding, l’intelletto, intelligen¬ za, intendimento, raggione. The faciiltie of underflanding, la facoltà in¬ tellettiva. Belonging to the underfunding , intellet¬ tuale. Under(landing ( adjeftive ) intelligente, fa- vio, faputo. U nderflandingly, intelligentemente, favia- mente, faputamente. U ndcrfloodj intefo, capito, penetrato. Eafieto be underflood) facile ad intendere, facile a capire. To undertake, intraprendere. To undertake for, intraprendere per- But if I undertake it , ma fe mi ci metto? fc 1° piglio per le mani. Undertaken , intraprefo. „An undertaker , intraprenditore. An undertaker for an other, intraprendito¬ re per altri, mezzano. An undertaking, intraprcndimento. An under-value , avvilire , difgratiarc, fp reggiate. An under-v affali, fottovaflallo. An under-wood, tagliata, ó legna minu¬ te. Under-year et) minor d’ età. Undejerved, non meritato. Undefervedly , immeritamente, immerite¬ volmente. Undeferving, indegno, immerito. Vndefervingly) as undefervedly. Undeterminable, indeterminabile, indeci- fibile. Undetermined) indeterminato, indecifo. An unda ermined fiate of things , indcci- fione. Undevout , profano, libertino. Undied, che non è tinto. Undigefled , indigefto. Undtgeflible, indigeltibilc. Undigeflivt) indigeftivo. U ndìligent , negligente, otiofo. Undifchargtd , che non è ancora licentia- to ò pagato. Vndifcreet, indifereto. Undijcreet'y, indiferetamente. Vttdifplajablefmcfplicabilc. Undifpofed, indifpofto. Vndiffolvable, indiffolvibile. Vndiffelvably, indiflolvibilmente. Vndiffilved, indiffoluto. Undifiinguifhed , indiftinto. Undivideable , indivilibilc , infeparabi- le. Undivideably, indivifibilmente,infepara- bilmente. Undivided , indivi fo, infeparato. Undivinable , che non li pub indovina¬ re. To undoe, disiare. To undoe a halter , fcavezzàre. To undoe , or flacken , feiorre , rallenta¬ re. To undoe a padlock , aprire un locchet- to. To undoe a pack, or truffe , disfare un maz¬ zo, sballare. To undoe points, feiorre le ftringhe. To undoe {or ruinate) rouinare, precipi¬ tare. To undoe) or untie, fligare, disfare. Undone, disfatto, lciolto. He is halfe undone , egli è mezzo disfatto, ó rouinato. UN An undoing , disfacimento, fcioglimento, rouina. Vndoing, disfacendo , feiogliendo, roui- nando. An tindocr , che disfà, ó feioglie, rouina- tore. Vndoubtable , undoubted, indubitabile. Vndoubtably, indubitabilmente Vndraineable , che non li pub rafeiuga- re. To undreffe) fpogliarfi. Vndreffed) fpogliato. An undreffer , (pogliatoré. Undue) indebito, che non è di debitoó dovere. Unduly, indebitamente. Untafie, difficile, malagevole. Uncafìly, difficilmente, malagevolmen¬ te. Uneafìnefle , difficolta , malagevolez¬ za. Uneatable , che non li pub magna¬ re. Uneffaccablc , che non fi pub Cancella¬ re. Vneffettuall , ineffettuale , fpropofita- to. Uneloquent, rozzo, zotico. Uneloquently , rozzamente, zoticamen¬ te. Unequall, ineguale, inuguale. Unequally , inegualmente, inugualmen- te. TJneftimable , ineftimabile. Vneve», as unequall. To make uneven , (parare, difuguaglia- re. Made uneven, di Eguagliato,fparato. An uneven number of , numero fparo di- ynevenly, inugualmente. Vnevenneffe, inegualità, inugualità. Jfnexteedable ) inoperabile , fterminabi- Ie. VnexcufalUj inefeufabile, fenza feufa. Vnexcufably , inefcufabilmente. yuexecuted , che non è efleguito, od effet¬ tuato. yhexpe&cd) inafpettato, (provifto; Vnexperiented) inefpcrto,mal piattico, no¬ vo. Vnexpert , Idem. He is unexpert, egli è ma) pi attico. Vnexpertly) inelpertamcnte. Vnexpoundable, inefponibile. Vnexprefsable ( bywords) indicibile, in- «fpreffibile Vnexprefsably , indicibilmente, inefpreffi- bilmente. Vnexpugnable , inefpugnabile. ynexterminable, inefterminabile. Vnextinguable, ineftinguibile, Vnfained , lineerò, femplice, fchietto,non finto ynfainedly, finceramente, femplicemente, fchiettamente. ynfainednefse, fincerità, fchiettezza. Vnfaithfull, infedele , difieale, che non c fidato, Vnfaithfully , infedelmente , difiealmen- te. ynfaithfullnefse) infedelrà, diflealtà. ynfallible, infallibile. Vnfafhioned, difforme, fenza garbo. To unftflen, feiorre, /conficcare. Vnfiflened, fciolto, (conficcato. Vnfcatherei , dilpennacchiare, fpiuma- re. ynfeatly) impropriamente, degradata¬ li) ente. y»f ertili) infecondo, infertile. Vnfcrtilnefscj Infecondità, infertilità. UN : To unfetter , liberare da’ ceppi ò dalle c a _ tene. Va fettered, liberato da’ ceppi ò dalle ca- tene. ynfillable , infatiabile. ynfinijhed , imperfetto f che non e for¬ nito. y»fit, inetto, inidoneo, inconveniente. An unfit thing, cofa inconveniente. It is unfit, ftà male, non ftà bene, è incon¬ veniente. Vnfit to t roveti, or labour, indifpofto a’vi¬ aggi o fatica. ynfltly, inettamente, impropriamente. Vnfitnefsc, inettitudine, improprietà. yhfitting, as unfit. To unfix, as to unfaflen . y'ifixed) as unfaflned. T o un floor e ( or pull up a floor e ) levar le ta¬ vole ó affi. yvfloored)levate le tavole ó affi; To unfold, fpiegare, fnodare. Vnfoldable , /piegabile, fnodabile, y* folded, fpiegato, fnodato. An un folder, (piegatore, frodatore. An unfolding , fpiegamento, fnodamento. ynforciblt, invalido. informed, informe, difforme. To un for ti fie, sfortificare. Unfortified) sfortificato. Vnfortunate, sfortunato, feiagurato. yn fortunately, sfortunatamente, feiagura- tamente. To unfould ( as fheepe ) cacciar dalla mandra. y nfoulded, fee to unfold , ynfriendly, non da amico. ynfrequencie, infrequenza. yrfrequent, infrequente. Vn fruitfully infruttuofo, infruttiffero. Vnfruuefully, infruttuofamente, infrutti¬ feramente. ynfruitfalineffe, infruttuofità. To unfurnijh, sfornire, fprovedere. To unfurnifh of moveables , fgombrare, fpa- rare. To unfurnifh of come, fprorifionare. ynfurnifhed, sfornito. yhfurntfhed of tnafure , fprovifto di te- foro. An unfurnifhing of, sfornimento di- fpro- vediniento di- To ungage, dilimpegnare, mallevare. Engaging, difimpegnato,mallevato. yngaged, difinipcgnamento, mallevamen- to, malievaria. yngainly ( or untoward ) fgratiatamentc, fenza garbo. Vngainefullj inutile, feommodo. yngain e filly , inutilmente, (commoda- mentc. yn gentle , intrattabile, inhumano, zo¬ tico. yngently , intrattabilmente, inhumana- racnte. Vngentltnefse, inhnmanità. To ungi Id , levar l 1 indoratura. Vngilt , a cui lia levata l’indoratura. To utigird, feingere, feignere. Ungirt , feinto To ungirth, feiorre 6 levar le cinghie. Vngirthed , a cui fi ano levate le cin- ghie. To unglue , frollare, levar la colla. Unglued, fcolato , a cui fia levata la col¬ la. Ungodlily) indevoto, impio. Ungodly , indevotamente a impanien¬ te Vngodlinefe, indivotione, impietà. Vngratious , cativo federato, fgratia* to. E e An I UN UN U N ,4n ungracious wretch , un infame e vitu- perofo. U ngracieulJy , cattamente, federatamen¬ te, fgratiatamente. i Ungracioufnefse, feeleraggine. i fo iingvapplc , ft aerare, diftaccare, lafciar I le prele. ! U ngrappled, (laccato, diftaccato. U ngratefull, ingrato, feonofeente. Ungratefully , ingratamente, feonofeente- mente. UngrtUefullnefse, ingratitudine, feono- feenza. To ungravellì levar la ghiaia. Ungravelled, a cui ila levata la ghiaia. To ungreaje ( or purge from greafe ) levar il grado, fgraflare. Ungreafed , (graffato , acuì iia levatoi! grado. jLn ungent, ungento. Unguerdoned , fenza guiderdone, òcom- penfa. U nguiltinefst, innocenza. Unhabitable, inhabitabile. Unhabited,inhabiuto, fpiggionato- i <.An unhabited place, loco diihabitato, de¬ ferto. ' To unhaft, levar il manico, i ’U nhafted, a cui li levatoli manico, i *An unhafting, il levar del manico, ì To unhallow , profanare, didacrare. Unhallowed , profanato, dilfacrato. To unhalter , fcavezzare, fcapeftrare. U nhaltered, fcavezzito, fcapeftrato. Unhandfome, chefti male, fc diveniente, che non dice, fgarbato. It is unhandfome , non fti bene » non dice. U nhandfomely, inconvenientemente, dif- gratiatamente, fgarbatamente. Vnhxndfomenefse , Convenienza, {garba¬ tezza, indecenza. To doe a thing unhandsomely, far alcuna co- fa con mala gratia, To unhang , di (impiccare. Unhanged , dilimpiccato. To unhang hangings , ftaccare le tapez- zarie. U nhappie, infelice, fventurato. Unhappily , infelicemente, sfortunata¬ mente. U nhappinefse, infelicità, sfortunio. U nharmefull, innocente. To unharnefse (a horfe ) levari fornimenti, sfornir il cavallo | Unharnefsed, sfornito. I To unh jfpe, dishbbiare. : Unhafped, disfibbiato. Unbeatable , che non fi pub fanare ó j guarire. : U nhealthfull, or unhealthie, malfano, no¬ civo, contrario. ■ Unhealthfullnefse, insalubrità, indifpofi- ! tione. ' Unheard of, inaudito, novo. Unheeded, inavvertito, innoffervato. To unhorfe, Icavallare, Cavalcare. U nhorfed, fcavallato, Cavalcato. To unhofe ( or put ojf the hofe ) Calzare, difcalzare. Unhojfitable, inhofpifabile. U nhumane, inhumano. U nhumanly, inhumanamente. Unhurt , che non c ferito, a cui non Ila fla¬ to fatto male. U nhurtable, invulnerabile. Unhusbanded, inculco, incultivato. To unhuske, fcaffare, fgufeiare. U nhusked, Canato, lgufciato. To unjawe, fganafeiare. Unjawed, Sganasciato. An unicorne , unicorno, leoncorno, Wntforme , uniforme. Vniformely, uniformemente. Vntformtit, uniformità. inimaginable, inimmaginabile, da non immaginarli. inimitable , inimitabile. Vninhabiied, disabitato, fpiggionato. Vninter tamable , che non li può intratte¬ nere. inintermiflive , che non li può difmettere ó tralalciare. Ìnintr eatable , inefforabile. Vn]oyned , difgionto, feparato. To unjoint, difgiontare, fgiontare. injointtd, difgiontato, fgiontato. union , unione, unità. To unite, unire, radunare. Vnited , unito, radunato. An unitie, an as union. An uniting , linimento, radunamento. Vniverfall, univerfale. iniverfally, univerfalmente. Ìniverfalitie,unìvcrh\hà. The univerfe , or univerfalf world , 1’ uni- verfo, il mondo. An univerfìtte, fludio, univerfiti. injujl , ingmfto. injuflly, ingiuftamente. Vnjuflict , ingiuftitià. Vnkembed , che non è pettinato. inkind , duro, rozzo, ingrato > feor- tefe. inkindly , duramente, rozzamente, in¬ gratamente, feortefemente. Vnkinineffe, durezza, rozzezza, ingrati¬ tudine, Cortefia. Vnkingei , a cui Ila levato il regno ó fee ttro. ~4n tinkle , zio. To unknit, Snodare. Vnknit , fnodato. ^ An unknitting, fnodamento. Vnknowne, incognito, ignorato, fenza fa- puta. Unknowingly, incognitamente, ignorante¬ mente. To unlace, Cacciare. Vn aced, Cacciato. in laden ( asafhip, or boote) Caricato. inlawfull, illecito, illegitimo. inlaw fully, illecitamente, illegitimamen- te, illegalmente. inlaw fulnefc, illecitezza, illegalità. To unlearue, dilimparare. Ìnlike, difìimile, alfo che non hà del pro¬ babile. Ìnlikely, improbabilmente, diffimilmen- te. ■An unlikely thing , cofa improbabile, af- fordo. V 1 tlikelineffe, dilfimiglianza, improbabi¬ lità. Ìnlimited , illimitato, fenza limiti 6 ter¬ mini. Tenutine ( or take out the lining ) sfo- drare. Ì nlined , sfodrato. To unload, (c aricare. To unload ajhip , or boote , Caricar alcun vafcello. Ì nloaden , Caricato. An unloading , Caricamento , Carica¬ tura. To unlock. Chiavare. Ì nlookedfor, inafpettato. To unloofc , feiorre, feiogliere , libera¬ re. Tounloofe draught-horjes , diftaccare ca¬ valli. Ì nloofed , Clolro, liberato. V nlooftng , Sciogliendo, liberando. Ì nloved , diSamato. V nluckie, Sciagurato, infelice, sfortunato, j alfo trillo. Ìnluckilie , feiaguratamente, sfortunata- ! mente, mitemente. ! inluckinefft Ciagura, infelicità, sfortu- 1 ilio alfo trifle zza. inmade, che non c fatto, disfatto. To unmaile ( a coat of mai le) fmagliare, levare le maglie ad un giacco. Unmailed, f magi iato. ■An unmAling , Smagliamene. T«tf7d;;/)> } chenon hà deivirile. Ìnmannerly, Senza termini ó creanza. An unmannerly lo\ell, un villano, unruf tico, un zottico. ~4n unmannerly baggage , una villana, una i uftica, una zottica. V nmannerly ( adverbe ) incivilmente , Scoftumatamente, villanamente. Tnmannerly parts , termini di mala cre¬ anza. Vnmannerlineffe , inciviltà, Coftumetezza, malacreanza. J U nheedfull, Jee heedlefsc. Unhidden , che non c nafcolto. Unholfome , as unhealthfull. Unhonefi, difhonefto, inhonefto. . . Unhoneflly, difhoneftamente, inhonefla- j inlearned, difimparato, alfo indotto, ig- mente. norante, imperito. To itnbood, or unhoodwinke, diScapucciare, \ inlearnedly , indottamente, ignorante fcuoprire il capo, alfo Scapellare. mente, imperitamente. Unhooded, or unhoodwinke, diScapucciato. To unleove tries, sfogliare, sfrondare, col capo Scoperto, alfo Capellato. | To unleave ( or unleafe ) ovine , Spampa To unhooke , levar dagl’ ancini, alfo fiaccar j gl* uncinelli. ; Unhooked, a cui fiano levati gl 1 ancini, ò 1 fiaccati gl’ uncinelli. ! Unhoped, infperato. efull, infperabile. | Unhopeful Vnmanured, fee unt iled. ! . ... To unmarie , romper il matrimonio. Vnmaried, chehabbia rotto ilmatrimo- ! nio. To unntaske , fmafeherare, levar 6 cacciar la maSchera. inmasked, Smafchcrato, a cui fìa levata 6 j cacciata la malchera. | To unmatch, Scompagnare. | inmatched , Scompagnato , alfo impareg- j giabile. I inmeafurable , immifurabile, fmifurabi- ! le. I inmeafurably, immifurabilmente, SmiSu- ! ratamente. ir.rueafur aliene ffc, immenfìtà , finifura- tezza Vnmette , indecente, fpropofitato. inmeete for, inidoneo, improprio. iumeetly , indecentemente, fpropohtata- mente, impropriamente. inmerctfull , immifericordiofo, crudele, fiero. inmerci fully , iinmiSericordioSamente , ! crudelmente, fieramente. inmercifullnefe , immifeiicordia, crudel- I tà. fierezza. nare. inleaved, sfogliato, sfrondato. , ^An unleaving , sfogliamento, sfronda- inmindfull , fcoidevole , che fi dnnen- mento. i f ' ca - , inleaved, fenza lievito. | inmindfullnefse , feordanza, oblio. inleffe, fe non, le pure. ' UN UN U IN Zfnmixt, immillo , (diletto, puro , fin- cero. Vnmodefl, immodefto, fporco. Z ’nmodeftly , immodeltamcnte . (porca¬ mente. To unmoor e ( a [hip ) partir dalla riva, far vela. Vnmoored , partito dalla riva , fatto 'eia. Vnmoveable, immob le, faido, fermo. A thing immoveable, cola immobile. VnmoLeabler.efsc, immobilità. To unmould , disformare. Vnmoulded, disformato. To un muffle , disfibbiare, dilinfaraiolarc, fcuoprir il capo. Tnmujfled, disfibbfato , dilinfaraiolato j che hpbbia fcoperto il capo. To unn.tile, (chiodare, (conficcare. ISnnailed, (chiodato, (conficcato. Vnnaturall, inhumano, contra natura. To make unnaturall, difnumanare. To unneaflle , or unneafl, fnidare. Vnneajlled, fnidato. Vnncedfull, non neeeflario. Vnnoble, ignobile. Vnnumberable, or [innumerable , innume¬ rabile. Vnnumberably ,or [innumerably, innumera- bilmente. T'nobedient, difobcdicnte. Vnobfervane, inolVervante. VnofficiOHS, inofficciofo. Vnojfieiotifnejse , inofììciolità. Unorderedlyi difordinato. Unorderedly ( adverbe ) difordinatamen- To unpack , sballare, difimballarc. Unpacked , sballato, difìmballato. V npaid, non pagato. To unpaint ( or tvajh off painting) sbellettare, levar il belletto. Vnpainted, che non è bellettata, alfo sbel- lettata. Tounpaire, (coppiare, fcompagnare, fpa- iare. Vnpaired, fcoppiaro, fcompagnato, fpa- iato. Vnpalpable , impalpabile. Vnpardonable, imperdonabile, da non per¬ donarli. Vnpartable, ìndiviiibile, infeparabile. Vnpartably, indivilibilmente , infepara- bil mente. V npafsiomte, fcnza paflione, compollo , alfo impalchile. Vnpafsionatenefse, compoflezza,contegno, aljo impallibilità. V npai i ent , i m pat ien te. Vnpaiiently , impatientemente. Tounpaivne, fpegnare, dihmpegnare, tif- cuoter il pegno. Vnpawned , fpegnato, dilimpegnato. V npaxvnable, impagabile. Tounpeareh, (perticare, levar dalla per¬ tica. Vnpearched, (perticato, levato dalla per¬ tica. To unpegge, (conficcare. Vnp egged, (conficcato. To unpeople , Ipopolare. Unpeopled, (popolato. Vnperceivable, impercettibile. Vnperceivably, impercettibilmente. Vnperformed, ineffettuato. Vnperijhable, imperibile. Vnperturbed, inperturbato. To unpefler, diftricare, fgombrare. Vnpeftred, dillricato, fgombrato. An unpejìring , dilliicamento, fgombra- mento. Vnpiercible, impenetrabile. To unpile, difamalfare, fcatallare. \\npiled, difamaflato, fcataftato. To unpin, dillaccare, fiaccar (pilli, Mnpinned, diitaccato. To unpitch , levar la pece ó raggia fpe- ciare. Wnpitched , a cui fi levata la pece, fpe- ciato. To unplaifler, fpiailrare. To unplait, (piegare. V» plaited, (piegato. ^4n unpl nt rag, fpiegamento, (piegatura. To unplant, (piantare. Vnplanted, (piantato. To unplant ( artillerie ) sbraccare arti¬ gliere. Vnpleafabley implacabile. Vnpleafant , (piacevole, difpiacevole, in¬ grato. Vnpleafantly, (piacevolmente, di(piacevol- mente, ingratamente. Vnpleafantnejte , (piacevolezza, difpiace- volezza, ingratitudine, Vnpleafmg , as ttnp leaf ant. Vnpleafmgly , as unpleafantly. V npleafmgnef re, as unpleafentnejse. Vnpocketted, vuotato dalle (accoccie. Vnpolijhed, impolito. Unpolluted, incontaminato. Wnpofsible, imponibile. To unpoutch, vuotare dal (acco. Vnpoutched, vuotato dal (acco. Vnpotperfull , impoflente, impotente. Wnporverfully, impoflentemente s impo¬ tentemente. Vnpregnable, impugnabile. Unpremeditated , impremeditato, non flu- diato. Unprepared, impreparato, fprovillo, Vnprifable , impreciabile. V nproftable, inutile. Vnprefitabicnefse, inutilità. Vnprofitably , inutilmente. To unprop , fpontellare, di(pontcllare. Vnpropped, (pomellato, difpontellato. TJnproppcr , improprio, mal a proposto, impertinente. Vnproperly , impropriamente, impertinen¬ temente. Vnproperneffe, improprietà, impertinen¬ za. Vnprofferoits, infelice, difgratiato. Vnproveablc , improbabile. Vnprovcd, non pruovato. Vnprovided , (provillo, improvillo, dif- proveduto To take unprovided, coglier all’ improvifo, or all’ improvifla, forprendere. VnpuniJÌjed, impunito. Vnpure, impuro. ’Vnpunchable ineftinguìbile , che non fi può fpegnere. Vnqutet, inquieto. Jln unquiet per fon , perfona inquieta ò torbolente. ^ An unquiet woman, donna inquieta ò tor¬ bolente. Wantonly unquiet , folazzofo , trallullan- te. Vnquietly, inquietamente. Vnquietneffe, inquietudine. To miratike, dilchierarc, difordinarc. Vnranked, difehierato, difordinato. jln unranking, difchieraniento, difordina- mento, dilordinanza. 7 o unray, (pogliare, fveltire. Vnrayed, fpogliato, fvellito. Vnrayable, indelebile. Unready, as unrayd. To make unready , as to it nr ay. Made unready, as unrayd, Jl maker unready, fpogliato, of che fi fpo glia 6 (velie. Unreafonable, irraggionevole. Unreajbnably, in aggionevolmente. Unreafonablenejje, irraggionevolezza. Un recallable , irrevocabile. Unrecallably, irrevocabilmente. Unreceiveably, inammiflibile. Unreclaimed, fviato. Unreclatmedneffe, (vianiento, di(ordine. Vnrecompenfed, incompenfato, non pre¬ miato. Vnreconcileable, irreconciliabile. 1 Unrecoverable, irrecuperabile. f nrecoverably, irrecuperabilmente. Unredeemable, da non ricattare 6 redi¬ mere. Vnreformable, irreformabile , incorripi- bile. 6 Unregarded, (prezzato, (preggiato. Vnregardfull, inconfiderabile. inconfide- re vole. V nregard'fully, inconlideratamente, in- conliderabilmente , inconliderevol- mente. Ynr emit table, irremiffibile. Vnremittably , irremi/Iibilniente. V nremediable . irremediabile. Vnremediab’y , irrcmediabilmente. Vnrelentable, inflelTibile, che non con- (ente. Unremarkable, irremarcabile. Unrepairable, irreparabile. I VnrepaJJable , irrep a Habile. Vnreprovably, irreprenfibilmente. V nr effe flfull , irrcfpettevole, irreveren¬ te. V nrejpeclfulnefie, irreverenza. Vnrejl, inquietudine. Vnreflorably, irreparabilmente. Vnreturnable, irremeabile. Vnrevealable, irrevelabile. Vnrevenged, invendicato, Vnreverent, irreverente. Vnreverently, irreverenfemente. Vnrevocable, irrevocabile. Vmighteous, ingiullo, iniquo, impio. Vnnghteoujly , ingiullamente, iniquamen¬ te, impaniente. V»rishlemtjntflì, ingiuftma, iniquità, im¬ pietà. To lotrivet , (laccar ó fconficcar un chio- do. Unrivetted, fiaccato, (conficcato. inllabilità , irrefolutez- za. To unjlnukle, levar le paftoie, fpaftoia- re. Vnjhackled, fpalloiato. Te unjhade , levar l’ombra. Vnjhaded, a cui fia levata l’ombra. Vnjbakeable, che non fi pub leuotere. j To unjhale , fc affa re , fgufeiare, faglia¬ re. I Vnjhaled , fcaffato , fgufeiato , fcaglia- to. 1 ynfhamefaft, or unjbamefaced , sfacciato, j impudente. ■ ynfUmefaftly , sfacciatamente, impuden¬ temente. 1 Vnfìumefaflnefse , sfacciatezza, sfacciatag- ; gine, impudenza. I Vnffiapen, sformato, difformato. To un/harpen, rintu zzare. 1 To unfheath, sfodrare, fguainare. Vnfheathed, sfodrato, sguainato. ! An unfheathing, sfodramento , fguaina- I mento. Vnfhod ( asa man ) fcalzo. I Vnfhod ( asahorfe ) sferrato. 1 to unfìme ( or pull off a mans jhooes,or hofe) j fcalzare. I To unfhooe a horfe, sferrare. I To unfhut, fchiudere, aprire. ! Vnfhut, fchiufo, aperto. ! Vn/tlvered , difargentato. ! Unskilfully imperito, ignorante. Vnskilfully , imperitamente , ignorante* mente. ynskilfullnefse, impernia, ignoranza. To tinf.ougb a tvild boare , {cacciar il cin¬ ghiale dal covile, Vnjlaugled, (cacciato, dal covile. To unfnxre, dijretare. Vnfnared , difretato. Vnfociable, infociabile. Vnfodden, che non è cotto. To unfolder, dilTaldare. VnfoUered, diflaldato. To unfole a Jhooe , dipolare una fcar-1 P*- l 7 #yò/ed,dmolato. To unfole ( or pare away the bottone op a horfes foot ) rafchiàr 1’ unghia ad un cavallo. Vnfoted, delfolato, Vnfolide, infolido, infermo. Vnjolidely , inlolidamente, infermamen¬ te. Vnfound, malfano, vinato. Vnfoundly , malfanamente , vitiatamen- te. To un foto, fcucire. Vnfowed, fucito. An unfower, fcucitore. An unfowing, fcucimento, fcucitura. To unfparre,fee to unbarre , or unbolt- Unfpeakeable, indicibile. U ttjpeakeably, indicibilmente. To unfpit, levar dallo fpiede. U n (pitted) levato dallo fpiede. To unfpot, levar le macchie. U njpotted , a cui frano levate le mac¬ chie. U»/?<*fc/e,inftabile, incollante. Unftablenefse , inllabilità, incoltanza. U nflably, inftabilmente , incottantemcn- tc. Unftayed , fviato , intemperato, incom- pofto. Unftayedly,f\izt2mente, intemperatamen¬ te, incompoftamente. Unftayedncjse, inllabilità, mutabilità, in- cod anz a. Unftcadj , inllabile, mal fermo , incol¬ lante. To make unfteady , fcommuovcre. Made unftcadj, feommoflo U nfteadily, inftabilmente, fcommolfanicn* te, incoftantemente. U nfleaiinejse, as unflaydnefse. Unftcadfaft , inllabile, incollante. Unfteadfaftly, as unfteadly , Il nfteadfaftnefse, as unfleadinejsc. TO unftop, furare, diftoppare. Il nftopped, (lutato, diftoppato. *An unflopping , fturamento , diftoppa- mento. To unfiretcby diftendere. Il nflretched) dillefo unftrctching, dillendimento. I ìttfirung, fc ordato, difaccordato. To unftujfct sborrare. llnjiuffedy sborrato. Il nfubduable, invincibile. Il nfubduedy invitto. U nfubfiantiall, infollantialc. Il nfuffeiablc, infoffribile, intolerabile. Il nfujferably, infoffribjlmentc, intollera¬ bilmente. Il nfu/ficiencie, infufficienza. Un/u/ficient, infullicciente. Unfundredy infeparato. U nfuptrable, infeparabile. Vnfupportable, infopportabile. Vnfurej incerto. To be unfure , elfer incerto, vacillare. Unfurely , incertamente. Unfureneffcy ineertezza, UnfurmountabUi or unfurpajfable , che non li puòtrapalfare. Unjutable , fconvenevole, indecente. Unfutablenejfe , fconvenevolezza , inde¬ cenza. To unjwadle, or unfwath , sfaldare. Vnjwadled y or unfwatbed , sfaldato. An unftvaddling y or unfwatbmg , sfafeia- mento. Unfweeti infoave, mal grato. To unfwelli fgonfìare. U nfwelledi or unJwolleHifg onfiato. \ Untameable , che non li può domare. U ntamedy indomito. To untangle , diftricare. Untangled, dillricato. Untaught, indotto, ignorante, rozzo. To unteach , dilimparare. U attackable, indocile. To unteame draught horfes, levar li cavalli | dalla carozza ò dal carro. LIntemperate , intemperato, ftemperato. ; U ntemperateneffe of weather , mal tempo, ! intemperie, Unthankfulf ingrato, f onolcente. : U mhankfullneffe , ingratitudine, feonof- i cenza. To uvthickeu, rarificare. U nthickntd, rarificato. U nthought of , impenfato. U nthought of before, impenfato prima, im¬ premeditato. To unthreaten, (minacciare. Unthrift, prodigo, fguazzatore, fcialac- quatore, fviato. AJpendthrift, Waft-good, un prodigo. Vnthriftilj , prodigamele. Vntbriftinejfe , prodigalità, fguazzo, fvia- mento. To untbrone, levar dal trono. To untie, fiigare, feiorre, Inodare. To untie the codpeecepoint, sbraccare, sbrac- chettare. Untied, lligatOjfciolto, fnodato. Untying, lligando, feiogliendo, liiodan- do. Untili , fin a che, fin a tanto che , infin a tanto che. Untilled, incultivato. Untimely, intempeftivo. U ntireable, indefatigabilc. Unto , A. Unto the, allo, alla, alii, alle. Untollerable, intollerabilejinfopportabile, infoffribile. To untombe, levar dal fepolcro. Untoucheable, intoccabile. Untouched , incoccato. ll»/ 0 n> 4 rd, perverlo. 11 ntowardly, pcrverlamente. Untowardneffe, perverfità. ■ 1 Wntraftable, intrattabile, auftero. U ntraflably , intrattabilmente , auftera- mente. Untraflableneffe , intrattabilità, auftcii- ti. To untrap, (a horfe ) disbardare. Untrapped, disbardato. Untrue , mendace, falfo, bugiardo. An untruth, bugia, menzogna. To tell an untruth , dir una bugia,men¬ tire. Full of untruths, pien di bugie. yntruly, bugiardamente , mentitamen¬ te. To untruffe ( or undoe a trufte ) sbal¬ lare. Untrujsed ( fo ) sballato. An untrujsing, sballamento. To untrujse points , fiaccar 6 fcioglier le ftringhe. Unt. ufsed, sballato, alfo fiaccato. U ntruftie , da non fidare , non fide- vole. To untuck , feiogliere , lafeiar anda¬ re. Untucked , fciolto, lafeiato andare To untwine , or untwift, (torcere, fno- dare. To untwift, or untwine a firing, (torcere una corda. Untwined, or untwifted, ilorto. An * UN An untwining , or untwifting, {torcimen¬ to. An untying , fciogliniento , fnodamen- to. Unvadeable, impagabile. To unvailc, {velare. U availed, {velato. U nv aiuòle-, impreggiabife. Unvanquijhable , invincibile , infuperabi- le. Unvanquifhed, invitto, in fu p e rato. Unvartablc, invariabile. Tounvault, disfar la volta. Unvau'.ted, a cui fi a disfatta la volta.’ U nvinctble, invincibile. Unviolable, inviolabile. Unufed, unufitali, inufi tato, infolito. Unutterable, inneffabile, innarrabile. Unwares, all’improvifo, alla fprovifta. Unwarily % improvifamente, fproveduta- mente, inaccortamente. U nwearincfse jinn-.wenenza. Untveariable, indefatigabile. To unwearie , indefatigate. Unwearied, indefatigato. To unwed , {maritare, romper il matri¬ monio. U nwedded, fmaritato. Unweldie, or unweildie , indifpolto, inha- bile, mal deliro. To wax unweldie, divenir indifpolto. To make unweldie, render indifpolto. Triade unweldie, refo indifpolto. A making unweldie , lo render indif- pofto. | U nweldily, indifpoltamenfc. Unweldinefse, indifpoftezza. Wnwholefome, malfano, contrario. ' Unwilling , di mala voglia. ; Unwillingly, mal volentieri. Unwillingnefse , mala voglia. Unwindable, intorcibile. To unwind, ltorcere. Unwife, imprudente, fciocco, {tolto, mat¬ to, pazzo. Unwi/ely, imprudentemente, (cioccamcn- te, (foltamente , mattamente, pazza¬ mente. Unwitherable, che non pub marcire, im¬ ma: cifcibile. U nwitbered, immarcito. Unwitting to me, fenza mia faputa. Unwitting to him, fenza fua faputa. Unwittingly , impudentemente, fenza fa¬ puta. Unwont, unwonted, infolito. Unwontedncfsc, difavezzamento. Unworne , che non c ufato ó logora¬ to. yinworthie , indegno. Vnworthie ufage , mal trattamento , {tra¬ pazzo. Unworthily, indegnamente. ynworthinejje, indigniti. Vnwoven, che non è telluto, sfilato. Unwound, che non è torcigliato, {torci¬ gliato. Vnwoundable, invulnerabile. To unwrap, fviluppare, sballare, difincar- tare. ynwrctppcd , fviluppato, sballato, difin- carrato. An unwrapping , fviluppamento, sballa- mento, difincartamento. To unwrinkle ,levar le grinze. Vnwrinklei, a cui fiano levate le grin¬ ze. An unwrinkling, levamento di grinze. To unwrithc, (torcigliare. Unwrithen, (torcigliato. To unyoake, feompagnare, feoppiare, leva¬ re dal giogo. tlnyoaked , feompagnato, feoppiato, leva- to dal giogo. VO .A vocabularie, vocabolario. U oc alt, vocale. Vocation, vocationc, artemieltierejelferci- tio, impiego. The vocative cafe, cafo vocativo. A vociferation , vociferatione, bisbiglio. A voice, voce. Voidance , vuotamente. yoide, vuoto. To be voide", vacare. Tovoide, vuotare. To make voide, render vuoto,rivocare. A voide /pace, vano, largo. Voide ( or emptie ) [paces between beds in gardens , (patii frai letti d’ un giar¬ dino. Voided, vuotato. A voider , vuotatore, aljo mefeirob- ba. A voiding, vuotamento. Voiding , vuotando. A voidnefse, vacuità, vacuo, vano, fpa- tio. A vollie of [hot ( given for the wel¬ come of fo/ne great perfon ) falva reale. A great vollie of [mali [hot, falva di mof- chetteria. yolubilitit, volubilità. Voluble, volubile. A volume, libro, volume, tomo. Voluntarie, voluntarìo, fpontaneo. yoluntarily, volontariamente, fpontanca- mente. Voluptuous, voluttuolo, vitiofo. yoluptuoujly, voluttuofamentc, vizziofa- mente. Vtluptuoufntfse, voluttà, vitio, lu (To. To vomit , buttare , ributtare, vomi¬ tare. Readie, or apt to vomit , che (là per buttare, naufeabondo. A will and offer to vomit , but no vomit , naufea. Vomited , buttato, ributtato, vomi¬ tato. A vomiting , buttamento, ributf amento, vomitamento. The vomiting nut, noce vomica. Vomitive, or verni tor ie (that provokes to vomit} vortiitorio. Voracitie, jee ravening. Devouring, devorando. To vouch, fee to avouch. A vouching in law, mantenimento, alfo malleveria. Tovouchfafe. degnare. Vouch fafìng, degnando. To vow, far voto, votare. yowed, fatto voto, votato. A vow, voto. A vowell, vocale. Vowelled , or made a vowell , fatto vo¬ cale. A voyage , viaggio, (bada, camino. A long voyage , viaggio longo , alfo pere- grinatione. Togo a voyage, viaggiare, caminar il mon¬ do. A voyaging , viaggiamento, lo caminar il mondo. Up, sii, e (Ter in piedi,ritto. Up there, la sù,cola sù ad alto. Togo up, falire, montare. Gone up, falito, montato ad alto. A going up , falita, montata, lo mon¬ tare. Up on-end, diritto,dritto. To rife up, levarli, alzarli, rizzarli. Are you up , fete levato? Up betimes, rizzato a buon’ hora. UP To upbraid , villaneggiare, proverbiare, rimproverare. Difgrace fully to unbraid, obrobriare. Upbraided, obrobriato. An upbraiding , obrobriamento. A difgracefull upbraiding, obrobrio vitu- perofo. The upbraiding of the flomack, rimorfo del¬ lo ftomaco. To uphold, foltenere, fopportare, mante¬ nere, spalleggiare. Vpholdtn , or upheld, foftenuto, mantenu¬ to, fopportato, folleggiato. An upholder, loftenitore, mantenitore, fpalleggjatore. An upholding, foftenimento, manteni¬ mento , fopportamento , {palleggia¬ mento. Uplands , paefi montagnoli. Uplandifh, mitico, zottico, villano. Upon, fopra/ùjdifopra. Upper, fupeiiore, più alto. The upper part of a building, parte fuperior di fabrica. The upper face of a plaine, fuperficie. The uppermofi , il più alto di il fupe- riore. An up-raifìng, follevamento, riforgimen- Upright, dritto quant’ un (ufo,ritto, alfo linceio, da bene. Uprightly, linceramente, giuftamente. Uprightneffe , fincerità, integrità, giudi- tia.. Anuprifing, follevamento, follevatione, riforgimento. An uprore, tumulto, feditione, mutila¬ mento. To be in an uprore, azzuffarli. To make an uprore, tumultuare, mutinare, menar ltrepito. Vpfide dovane, fotto fopra. An uprifìng, or up fitting of a woman , il le¬ varli di parto,1’ entrar in fanto. Upwards, all’ in sù montando. Urbani tie, civiltà, creanza, termini, coftu- rai. An urchin, riccio. A Jea urchin, riccio marino. Ure , ufanza, (tile, coftume, habito, mani¬ era, prammatica. To urge, urgere, muovere, provocare, in¬ citare, mitigare. Urged , mollo,provocato, incitato, infti- gato. Urgent, Urgente. An u gent occafion, neceflità. Urgently , urgentemente, neceflariamen- te. An urger, provocatore, mitigatore. An urging , incitamento, ^inftigamen- to. "Urging, incitando, mitigando. Urine, orina, pifeio. Of, or belonging to urine , che attiene all* orina. To urine, orinare, pifeiare. An urinali, orinale. Full of urine, pien d’ orina 6 pifeio. Z/j,noi,ne, ci, Vfage, as ure. Anufance, Idem. Ufe, ufo. The ufe of a thing , T ufo di- aljo 1’ ufo frut¬ to di- To ufe , adoprare, ufare, maneggiare, oc¬ cupare. To ufe a woman , negotiar una don¬ na . To be, or grow out of ufe , andar in difufo, difaccollumarfi. Out of ufe, difufato, diiaccoftumato, o(To- leto. F f yfcmonej: W A W A W A | Vft-tstonty, interette, ufofcucto. Vfei t ufato, adoprato, maneggiato, oc¬ cupato. A ufing, I’ ufare od adoprare. An ufher of a Jchaol , fotto-maftto, aiu¬ tante di fcuola. An ufher, ufeiere, portinaro, alfo, brac- ciere. ■ The office of gira. mento, voragine. The whirlbone of the knee , mola. A whirl- poole, golfo, voraggine. The whir l-poole, ( afea-monfter) mollro marino. A whirl-winde, turbine. A high-going fea , caujed by whirl-winds, boraica. To whirle about like a whirl-wind tempe- flare. Full of whirlwinds, pien di turbini, turbi, nofo. A whirligig, asa whirle'. A whisk, (orwhirle) about , giramento, sferzamento. A whisk, fc ope tta. To whisk , feopettare. tlhisked, feopettato A whisker , fcopettatorc. A whisking, feopettamento. The whisk (or foundof afwìtth, fischio. To whijper in the ear , foffiar all’ orecchio pian piano. pian A whifperer, che follia all’ orecchio piano. VVhift, zitto. To whiftle , fifehiare. To whiftle (as birds ) cinguettare. A whiftle , fifehio, richiamo. yyhiftled , fifehiato. A whiftler , fifehiatore. A whittling, fifehiamento. ■A wbiftlmg of birds , cimmettamento. vrhijUmg, filchiando. VVhifflingfor , richiamato. Wii a ivhiftling found , a fuondifif. chic. A whit, (or little deal ) un tantino. un pochcttino. Not a whit, niente, ponto, cofa che fia. yyhite , bianco, candido. A white thing, cofa bianca. white (or infide) of a skin of parchment, il bianco della pergamina A white (to(hoot at) berfaglio, fegno. The white of an eg ge, chiara d’ uovo. No hit or ftrike the white , colpire nel legno. A white woollen cloth,or white petticoat of it, bombagina. \ The whites of women, menftrui, il mar- chefe. In white, di color bianco, candidamen¬ te. To white, whiten, or make while, imbian¬ care, imbianchire. To whiten ,or wax white, divenir bianco, alfa imbianchire. To wax white, or pale, impallidire. yyhited . or whitened, imbianchito. A whitener of clothes , alfo a white-datvber, or white-liber, imbiancatore. A laundrejsthat whitens clothes , lavandara, lavandaia. vyhite-lime, or whiting for walls , bian¬ co. 1 vhitely, biancamente. Whitenejs, bianchezza. A vicious wbitenefs in the eye , albug- ginc. A bright, or /biningwhitenefs, candore, ( A whitening, whiteing , awhiteliming, or pargetting white, imbiancamento, im¬ biancatura. G g .A W H W I WI white frier, frate bianco 5 frate giaco- i A wicked rogue or wretch , un infame, uni bino. ! vituperofo, un trillo. ith'te clokes, ( an order of begging friers) j Wickedly, cattamente, tòrtamente, vi- frati bianchi mendicanti. tiofamente, iniquamente, infamamen- 'vh.tening , robba onde li poffa imbian-j te, care. I mckednejs, cativeria, triftitia, malitia. W hi tifo , biancheggiante, bianchiccio, flicker, vinco,vimine. whitifh with age, canuto, griggione. j A wicker basket, caneftro di vimini. To wax wbitifo , divenir bianco, canu- | A wicket, fportelJo. yrc. \The keeper of the wicket of a prtjon, guarda 'I'hitijh, (asgrafs with frofl) brinato, j fportello. Whittfbncfs , bianchimento. Jl'ide, largo, ampio. To grow whitijh with age, incanutire, grig* Awide room, ftanzone, luoco largo. gionare. . „ „ , Grown whitifo, imbianchito, incanutito. ; Somewhat wide, alquanto largo. | H idene/s, or width , larghezza, ampiez¬ za. j widely, largamente, ampiamente. gng^ionato. Whither, dove, ove. V,'hitherfoever, dovunque, ovunque, do- . A widow, vedoua. ve che lì fia. A whiting, merluzzo. A dry whiting, merluzzo fecco, merluz¬ zo falato. alfo baccalà. if hilled, cotto, tocco dal bere. A whitlow, cicolino. The whitten tree , oppio. tf hitfon'tide, pentecolte. To whi\\e , fifehiare. Whined, fìfchiato. A whi\\ing, fifehiamento. lVhi\\iìig,, fìfchiando. «Ao? chi? whole , intiero, fano. The whole, il tutto. To make whale, Tana re. Made whole, lanato The whole fumme, la fonima totale. ivbolenejs, integralità, totalità. Wholefowe, fano, falubre. Wholfomly, fanamente, confalute. Wholfomnefs, fanità, falubrità. tvholly, intieramente. Whom, il quale, la quale, i To whoop , (trillare, d//o,fifehiare. To whoop for back , richiamare col fif- chio. A whoop , cerchio. The whoop bird, bubbula Whooped at, a cui lìano fattele fifehia- te. A whooping , Itril 1 amento , fifehiamen- to. Whooping, cerchiando. Whooping! , cerchiamenti. A whore , puttana. I A foldiers whore, or whore that follows the 1 camp, baggagliona. | ^ burn: whore puttana ftanciofata. : A filthy Jcab'd whore, puttana rogno- | fa. I An ugly whore, puttanaccia. I As brazenfaced as a whore , sfacciata. I To whore, puttaneggiare. 1 if horedome, puttanelimo. ! A whore-houfe, bordello, chiaflo. ; to haunt whore-boufes , andar in bor¬ dello. A whore-hunter, or whoremonger, haunter ofwhore-houfes , puttaniere. A whoring , whore-hunting , following or loving of whores, lo puttaneggiare. Whorijh, whore like, puttanelco. Whofoevcr, chi fi lia, chi fi voglia, chiun¬ que* whoje ? di chi ? ! whófe book is this ? di chi è quello li- 1 bro ? Towhurre, whurle {or jarre) as a dog , rig- I nare, ringhiare, brontolare. I Awhurrer , rignatorc,brontolatore. i A whurring , or whittling of dogs, rigna- ! memo, brontolamento, j Why ? perche ? * why fo ? perche cosi ? ! Wicked, capivo, trillo, vitiofo, iniquo. A widower , vedouo. Hiddow-hood, vedouanza. Toweild, maneggiare. Weildable, maneggiabile. A weilding , maneggiamento. A wife, moglie, conforte. A good wife , buona moglie. A houfe wife, cafarina. j An old wife, una vecchia, donna attem- pata. i A wig, bozzolaio. Wilde, felvatico, campeltre, alfo, intrat¬ tabile. A wilde plant, pianta felvatica. wildc-fowle , uccellame felvatico. A ivildernefs, laberinto, folitudine, de- fei to. Wildly, felvaticamente. Htldnejs, felvatichezza. A wile, allutia , arte, rigiro, ritruo- vata. Wily, altuto, accorto. Wilily, allutamentc, accortamente. ! Wilinefs , as a wile. The will , la volontà, il volere, alfo vo- £ Ia - Towitl , volere. A will , or taflwill, teftamento. That can make a will, che puòfartefta- mento. Of a wilv, teftamentario. That hath made a will , che Labbia fatto tellamento. To make a will , or bequeath by will , far te- flamento, delegare. Good-will , benevolenza, buona voglia. ill will , malevolenza, malavoglia. To btar ill will unto, voler male adalcu no. With a good will, di buona voglia, molto volentieri. With an ill will , fore againfo the will , di ma¬ la voglia, malvolentieri. A gain ft their wills , contra voglia, a dif petto, al marcio difpetto. Willed, voluto, deliderato. Wilfull , oftinato, pertinace, capriccio- fo. To be wilful, efler oftinato, &c. As wilfull as a mule , oftinato come una mula od un borgognone. Wilfully, oftinatamente,pertinacemente, cap ricciofamente. VVilfulnefs , oftinatezza, pertinacia. T William, gulielmo. iVtlling , volenterofo, vogliofo, volon¬ tario. VVillingly , volonterofamente, volonta¬ riamente, volontieri. VVillow tree, falice. Vwarfe wiìlow, falice badai do. VVater willow-tree, vinco, vimine, A plot or grove op willows, faliceto. A wimble, trivello. A little wimble , trivellino. A wimble, foggola. To wince, calcitrare, tirar de’calci. A wincer , calcitratore, che tira de’ cal¬ ci. A wincing , calcitramene. vyincings ofhorjes, calci tramenti. The winch of a prefs , vite di torcitoio. Thewinde , il vento. A Utile winde , venticello. Oneswinde, fiato, lena, fpirito. To winde, or make winde , fventare , sfia¬ tare. Towinde,orJcent, fiutare, fentire. To fetch bis winde, refpirare, fiatare. A winde that blows from the Jea , vento da terra, maretta. A gufi of contrary winds, oppofi rione drit¬ ta di venti. To winde a horn hollowly , (uonar la fordi- na. To wind (or turn) about , girare, andar at¬ torno. To wind up a watch, tirar fù un’ horolog- gio. A fhip to go near the winde, falcare a orza. To winde into bottoms , dipanare, aggo- micciolare. An Eaft winde, vento d’ oriente ó le¬ vante. A fere winde at fea, vento in poppa. The north-winde, vento fettentrioMale. The north-eaft winde , greco. The north-weft winde, vento rovaio. A quarte-winde , vento in quarto. A fide-winde at fea, vento a lato. A fouth-winde, vento di mezzo dì. A fouthern winde , vento meridionale. The weft wind, occidentale. A weftern winde, vento da ponente. The winde that comes in ( to a room) by a hole or cranny , vento colato. To have or get the winde •/ , efler fui vento. To gather winde, tirar vento , ventil- lare. A very Jmall winde , venticello. VFinded, che hà vento, alfo allenato. Long winded, di buona lena, che ha buon fiato. Short winded , de poca lena 6 fiato, af- matico The wind-falls of fruits , frutti feofli dal vento. A wind- fall , ( or tree overthrown with winde ) arbore buttato ò atterravo dal vento. ff’indgalls (in a horfe) le acque. Windy , ventofo. Windinefs, ventofitì. A winding , giramento , torniamento , alfo, fiutamento, fentimento. VPinding , (or fenting) fiutando, fenten- do Winding , che gira, girando. A hollow and crooked winding , finuoli- tà. Full of hollow and crooked windings, finu- ofo. A winding fta'rr, feala a lumaca , feala a chiocciola, Vyindies or blades to winde yarn on, nafpOj nafpatoio. A wind-mill, molino a vento. A childs wind-mill , ( made of a card, and a pin, molinello da ragazzi. A wind mill fail, ala. A window, or H indore, feneftra. A little window, feneftrello. A bay window, feneftra di tavole; A Jlope-window , feneftra baftarda. An ir on-grated window , ferrata. A teller- window, fpiraglio. ^ wooden window to (hut over aglafsone, ^ balconetto di feneftra. latti fe window 3 gelofia. Belonging to a window, or looking out at a window , che riefce dalla fene¬ ftra. Windows , or the contriving of windows ,, fabrica di feneftre. To throw the houje out at windows, fguaz- zare. Windowed , feneftrato. The wind-pipe of man or bcafi, canna della gola. The wind-pipes head , nodo della can¬ na. Wine, vino. New-wine, vin nuovo, mollo. Wine that is fined , vino fchiari- to. Red wine , vin rotto. Thick , clammy, and roping wine, vino fpetto ó grotto. A fmall, thin, hedge wine , vino leggie¬ ro. To feafon with wine , or for the holding ef wine , acconciar con vino. Houjhold wine, vino cafareccio, vino da patto. Sour wine, vin forte. Weak, fmall wine , vino, leggiero leggie¬ ro. Of, or belonging to wine, vinofo, che hà del vino. A wine-prefs, torcolo. ~4 wine-prefier, torcolatore. A wiue-tafler , or wine-broker ( for Mer¬ chants ) aflaggiatore, fenfale di vi¬ ni. A wing , ala. A little wing, aletta. A great wing, aloHa, alaccia. The end of awing , ponta d’ ala. To give wings to, or fet Wings on, alare, at¬ taccar 1’ ale. The force of wings, la forza d* ale. To clip the wings off, tarpare. The wings of an army , le ale d’ un effer- cito. The wing of a fie eve, ala. Winged, aiuto. Wine, full of wine, vinofo, pien di vi¬ no. To wink , batter gli occhi, palpebrizza- re, ferrar ó chiuder gli occhi. To wink at, diflimulare, tolerare. To wink with one eye ( or ayme ) guar¬ dare con un occhio , mirare. Ànaffezionate wink {orlook) occhietto, fguardo amorofo. A pretty wink occhietto gentile, occhiata gentile. Lafciviouflytowinkat , adocchiare luffu- riolamente. Winked at lafeivioufiy , adocchiato luffu- riofamente. A winker , che chiude 6 ferra gli oc¬ chi. To wink often , batter gli occhi fpef- fo. Winked , che habbia chiulì gli oc¬ chi. Winked at , tolerato, diffmiulato, A winking, batter d’occhi. A winking often , lo fpeflo batter degli occhi. W I A winking at, toleratione, dilììmulamen- to. -4 winking (or ayming) with one eye , mi¬ ra. To win, vincere, fuperare, alfo, guadag¬ nare. Winmble, v incibile. A winner, vincitore. To winnow corn, vannare. Winnowed , vannato -4 winnower, vannatore. A winnowing , vannamento. Winnowings, vannamenti. To winfe, fee to wince. Winter, inverno, verno. The winter feafon , ftaggionc d 1 inver¬ no. To winter, invernare, far il verno. Fit for, of, or belonging to winter , verno- fo. Wintered, invernato. A winter cherry, cireggia vernale, Wintcry, winterly, winter like, inverna¬ le A wintering , invernamento, inverna¬ ta. To wipe, nettare, polire, afeiugare, alfo fi egare. To wife again, tornar a nettare , ripolire, rasciugare. Toivipe with a clout , ftroffinare. To wipe out , fcalfiarc , Cancella¬ re. To wipe the nofe , nettarli 6 polirli il nafo, afciugarli il nafo, foflìarli il na- fo. wiped, nettato, polito, afeiugato, alfo, fregato. Wiped, (as the nofe ) foffiato, nettato, afei¬ ugato. Wiped out, Caffiato, Cancellato. A wiper of the nofe, che lì afeiuga 6 follìa il nafo. A wiping , nettamento, polimento, afei- , ugamento ó folfiamento del na¬ fo. -4 wiping cloth , ftroffinaccio. Goldwire % filo d’oro. Yelow (lattin, or copper wire ) filo di latta, oricalco. A Gold wire-drawer , filatore 6 tiratore d’ oro. To wire-draw il, filare, tirare. A wire- drawers bench , banco di filatore ó tirarore. Awifard, ftregone. Wife , favio, faggio, faputo. Indifferent wife , mediocremente, fa¬ vio. As wife as Walthams calf e , gnocco, igno¬ rante come una buffala. Wifdome, fapienza, faviezza. A wife-man , un favio ; aljo, as a wi¬ zard. In this wife, a quello modo, di quella maniera, in quella guifa, a quella fog- g ia - In fuch wife , in tal guifa , in tal modo 6 maniera. In no wife, in niun modo, in conto niflu- no, nullamente. T o wifh , deli derare, bramare. Towifhwellto, voler bene a———- A wifh, delìderio, voto, brama. wijhed , delìderato, bramato. wifhedfor, Idem. VV1 ■ Fit co èttvi/hedfor, ddiderabile, brama. I bile. • j A tv: fi, of firm , Uro Minaccio di pa- gba. r ■ | A wififor the tail , carta da foibir il I culo. The wreathed wifi (or clout) for a wen¬ ches head ( when fie carries a thin?") cir- cino. BW, ingegno, intelletto, fenno, fpiri- to. r Switch, ftrega,iattucchiara. Vo witch, affatucchiare, incantare Witchcraft, Gregaria, fattucchieria, incan- teiimo. Witched : fee to bewitch, as to witch. With, con. Together with , infienie, con. -4 with , rirorta. A little with, mortella. To withdraw . ritirarli. A withdrawing , ritiramento, ritira¬ ta. withdrawn . ritirato , in difparte. I o wither, feccare, aljo, abbronzare , ab¬ bruciare. Withered, feccato, alfo, abbronzato, ab- bruftolatr. Witheredly, Cecamente. ■I ithcring, leccamento , alfo, abbronza¬ mento, abbruilolamento. To tvith-hold, ritenere, trattenere. with-hold, ritenuto, trattenuto. A with-holder, ritenitore , trattenito- re. -4 with-holding , ritenimento, tratteni¬ mento. Within, dentro, entro, di dentro. Without, ( prepofition) lenza. Without , ( adverb or prepofition ) di fuo- ìi. To withp-ind, oliare, contraltare, oppor¬ re. A withfiander , che olla, ó contraila, che oppone. -4 with (landing , ottacolo, contrailo, op- polmone, opponimcnto. Withfìanding, contrattando, oliando, op¬ ponendo. Withfiood, contrattato, oppofto. A witnefs , tellinionio, teftimonian- za. A fure witnefs, fede, regittro. To witnefs, teftificare, teftimoniare, affe¬ ttare, far fede; To call to witnefs , chiamar in teftimo- nio. witneffed, rettificato, tettimoniato, af¬ fettato, di cui lìa Hata fatta fe¬ de. i witnefiing, rettificando, tettimoniando, atccllando. irta, aswit. -4 fearching , or piercing wit , ingegno, fiottile & penetrante. Out of his wit, forfennato , impazzi¬ to. To wit, cioè. ~4 wittall, becco contento. Wittie , ingegnofo, fiottile, arguto, fpi- ritolo. Wittily , ingegnofamente, fottilmente, argutamente. VPittìneffe , lottigliezza d’ ingegno. Witting , confapevole , conTentfen te. Wittingly , confapevolmentc , confen- _ tientemente. r __ Moft wo wo wo Mo fi wittingly , volentieriflimamen- te. , iVitlefs , fenza ingegno, fenza fenno, m- . fenfato. | Woad , guado. Wilde woad, guado falvatico. Baflard woad, guado baluardo. Wooded, dy 9 d with woad , tinto di gua¬ do. Woe, dolore, rammarico, mifetia. Wofull , dolorofo, mifero. uofully , dolorofamente, miferamen- Great timber wood , legno ó legname da A merry word , parolaburlefca. fibricar ó metter in opera. , At a wordy in a word, in una parola, alfo Wood of ten years growth , and upwards, leg-, a ponto prefo. W ofulnefs, doglienza, miferia. Woe to, guai a , mal habbia. A wolfe, lupo. The wolfe, ( adifeafe ) lupa. W olfe-bane , aconito. A fhe wolfe, lupa. A young, or little wolfe, lupino. A-wolfe-catcher , cacciatordi lupi. name vecchio. Cops-wood, underwood , legno di taglia¬ ta. Pock-wood , guaico, il legno, legno fanto. A fair, great wood , felva grande, bofco grande. An artificer that works in wood, lavora tor di legname. Tofurnilba/Jjipwith fire-wood, fornir al¬ cun vafcello di legna. To give ill words to, villaneggiare, ingiu¬ riar di parole, (Impazzare. ~ Harffnefs of words, villaneggiamento ó ftrapazzo di parole. Good-words, belle parole. Opprobrious words, villanie, maledicen- za. A work, opera, lavoro. A little work, operetta, lavoretto. To work, operare, lavorare. Work , fatica, travaglio, ftento. To worke needle-worke, lavorar aguc¬ chia. To worke or fet with botte , lavorar d' offa. Checker {or inlaid) work , intarlare,com¬ mettere. A worker , operatore, lavoratore. A great ( priviledged ) wood , bofco rifer- vato. A pile of wood, catafta, mucchio, monto¬ ne di legna Full of woods- , felvofo, pien di bof- chi. Frequenting , or affetting woods , bof-{ A work-houfe, or jlsep to work in, officina, chaiuolo , che prattica le felve I bottega. e bofehi. A work-man, lavorante, operaio , arte- W olvie, wolfe like , of, or belongingto a Wooddage, or prtvtfion of wood, provifionj iice. wolfe, pien di lupi,che abonda di di legna. I Workmanly, orworkmanly done,dz maftro, lupi. woodden, di legno, fatto di legno. I da artefice. A woman , donna. Wood- binde, caprifogli | tf or king, operando, lavorando. A wood-cleaver , ltecca-legna, fpacca- A woman in child-bed , donna in pa- legna. W orkmanjhip, opera,manifattura, gliuola , donna che ftà per infan- Awood-cock. beccaccia. tare. I A wood-culver , palombo. J Expert workmanfhip , maeft.ria, A manly woman , mafehiona , viragine, A wood-feller , mercante bofeaiuo- amazona. lo. The world, il mondo. Womanly , worn mnifb, of a woman, don- A wood-fret ier, (worme) tarlo, tar- The little world , il microcofmo. nefco a feminile. ma. ) The world growes dayly worfe and worfe, Womanly , womanijhly, like a woman , | il mondo vi di mal in donn efcamenre,femininamente,ef¬ feminatamente. Ihewomhe, utero, ventre. Of the wombe, of one wombe , uteri¬ no. Woody , ( of, or belonging to woods) as Worldly, mondano, alfo lccol full of woods . paefe bofeo- W orldlinefs, mondanità, alfo fecolari- A worldling, mondano, huomo di buon tempo. To play the worldling, mondaneggiare, darli ò pigliarli buon tempo. A worme , verme, baco. A little worme, vermicello. An earth-worm , lombrice. A hand-worm , bacolino. A ringworm , canchero. A glow-worme , a flow-worme, a Palmer- worme, epe. fee glow, flow, palmer, ere. lucciola. A wood-worm , tarlo. The wormes in children Worm*, vermi. mal di ver- A wood-knife, roncone. A woodland countrey , fo. A wood- man, guardiano di felv«. ; To wonder , ftupire, reftar attonito, ma- A wood-pecker, pico verde, ravigliarft. A wonder , ftupore, maraviglia. A wood-pile, as a pile of wood. To promife wonders , prometter mari e I monti. tj'ood-roofe, or woodrow, j Wondered , ftupito, maravigliato. W ood-ftge, falvia de’bofehi. Wonderfull, or wonder ous, ltupendo, ma- Wood-forrel, acetofa lelvatica. I ravigliofo. ' Exceeding wonder full, (ironically) un gran A wood-fiack, as a wood-pile. 1 che, gran tatto. Wonderfully , ftupendamente, ma;aviglio- Woodward , asawood man. ! f aniente . A wondering, lo ftupire, lo maravigli- A wood-worm, as awood fretter. arfi. Wonder working, facendo ftupire, facendo To wooe , far 1* amore a-corteggia- A worm-hill, buco di vermi. maraviglie. re. ^ , To root for worms, ( as hogs do ) frugare 6 Wooed, a cui fia fatto l’amore, corteg-1 cacciare per vermi. To wont, to be wont, efler folito , folere, ! giato. A rooter or digger of worms, frugatore ó efler avvezzo. A wooer, amante, amatore, corteg -1 cacciatore di vermi. A wont , folito, ufanza, coftume, giatore. 1 Worm-eaten, magagnato, tarmato, i ftile. A fond wooer, zerbinotto, civetti-! To grow worm-eaten, di venir 6 farli tar- , Wonted, ufato , accoftumato, avvez- no. zato. The woofe , teffitura. | Wood, legno. Woo//, lana. A wood, bofco, felva, forrefta. Newfborn, unwa/ht^ or greafie wooll, lana A finali wood, bofehetto. rofata difrefco. An inclofed wood , bofco palifica- The filthy greafinefs offheeps wooll, lana i to grafia. Round ( unileft ) finali wood , legna fot- A vcellwoolled fheep, pecora ben tenu¬ tile . ta. Brufh wood , or fmall-wood, legna da Woolly, lanofo, pien di lana, fafeine. Branched wood, fu fti d’alberi. J Wonne, guadagnato, acquiftato. Goodly woods, ( of high great trees) arbori fu Itoli. Woofied, ftame. Dead and dry woods in forrefis , arbori fecchi. A word, parola, motto. Log wood, or great fire wood, legna graffa Byword of mouth , a bocca. dabruggiare a little word, paroletta, mottetto. mato o magagnato. Full oftworm-holes , tutto tarlato ó tar¬ mato. The worm of a pieces fcouring flick, rafeia- toio. A being full of worme-holes tarlatu- ir ormy, full of worms, verminolo, 'pien di vermi. A being worm-eaten, magagnatura, tarla- mento. Worm-feed, worm-wort, fcmencina. Wormwood, aflenzo, aftentio. Of wormwood, bitter as wormwood, amaro quanto 1’ aflenzo. Sea wormwood , aflenzo marino. \ wo . W R. W R. Worn , portato, ufato, logorato. IV racking , naufragando , precipitando, Wretched , povero, mifer.ibile, difgratia- To tv ear , portare, ufare. rumando.; to. morn away, or worn out , logorato affatto. To wrangle , conteflare, haver difputa. An ugly wretch , un difgratiatuccio. r.ofe, or wor/er , peggio, peggiore. JL wrangler, canteftatore, che difputa. A wretched fellow ' , as a wretch. io mkifoorjtr > peggiorare. A wrangling , conteftamento, contefa, Wretchedly , poveramente , miferabil- To become , grow, or jvrfx >por/e, divenir contratto. ò diventar peggiore. Ever wrangling , fempre mai conteftan- mente, difgratiatamentc, mefehina Worft and worfe , di mal in peg- do, contrattando. mente. pio. Wrangling) contetlamento, difputa. Wretchednefs, povertà, miferia, difgratia, n orft, or worfe, ( adv'.rb ) peggio.] A wrangling pettifogger , becca-lite, liti- fventura, malhora. .4/ the wo? fi , /è* theworfi come to theworfi, gante. al peggio de peggi. To wrap , involtare, avviluppare, incar- Writ', fee wry. To worjbip , riverire, honorare, adorare. tare, accartocciare, imballare. strapped , involtato, avviluppato, incar- The worjhip due to God , culto divi- To wriggle, (or writh , like a per pent) no. tato, imballato. ferpere , (arpeggiare , andar in bif- Wòrfhip torneh, riverenza, rifletto, ho- A wrapper (to wrap things in) involtatolo, eia. nore. cartoccio. W riggled, ferpeggiato. ( To«r worjbip ) voflìgnoria, la fignoria Awrapping , involtamento, avviluppa- A wriggling, ferpeggiamento. voftra. mento, incartamento , accorcoccia- Uorlhipfull. venerando, riverendo offer- mento, imballamento. Awrimple in the face of one that laughs , vando. By wrapping , involtando, avviluppando, pozzetta. ivorflnpped, riverito, honorato, adora- incartando, accartocciando,imballan- To wrimplc , grinciare, grinzare. to. do. W rimpled, grinciato, gvinzato. ,/i worfhipper, riveritore, honorante, ado- Towraflle, lottare. A wrimpling , grinciamcnto, grinzamen- ratore. Wrafiled,] lottato. ro. A rvorjbipping , riverimento, riverenza, A wrafler, lottatore. Awrinch) ftorcere. honoramenró, adoramento , adorati- A wrafiling, lottamento,lottatura. Towrincba toefidelj caminar unpbftor- Wrath , ira, fdegno, corruccio, colera, A wrinch, (torcimento. The wort of ale or beer, modo d’ ala. Rizza. A wrinch ( or flrain ) by treading awry, Tabe, or wax wrath , adirarli, fdegnarfi, ftretta, (torcimento procacciato dallo Worth , valuta, pretio, preggio» valfente, andar in colera, Rizzarli. caminar (torto. merito, prendo. To drive into wrath , or move into wrath, W'rinched, (torto. Of worth, di valuta, &c. corrucciare, far andar in colera. Perfons of worth, perfonfi di merito. Wrath full, iracondo, fdegnofo, corruccio- A wrtnehing , as a wrinch. To the worth , of of equal worth , all’ equi- fo, colerico. polente, al pari, di propórtionata va- Ur at lì fully , iracondamente , fdegnofa- To wring, torcere,ferrare, ftrignere. luta. mente , corrucciofamcnte , colerica- Towring fore, torcer forte. Defedi, or want of worth , demeri- mente. To wring like the collick , menar doglie ó to. To wreak, vendicare, cacciar la vendet- dolori. worthy , meritevole, degno. ta. Made worthy , refo meritevole ó degno.. Wreaked , vendicato. To wring hard) as to wring fore. worthy of reward , degno di premio. Wreak full, vendicativo. ^4» adì worthy of recotnptnce, opera deg- To wreath, torcere, attorcigliare. A wringing) as a wrinch. na di premio. Worthily, meritamente, degnamente. A wreath, torcitura, attorcigliamen- A wringing as the collick, doglia, dolo worthìnefs, dignità, merito. to. re. Worthless , fenza merito, immeritevole. A Utile wreath , picciol attorcigliamen- A wringing in the belly , tormina. I mrthlefnijs, indignità, immeritevolez- to. | z.a. Wreathed , torto, artorcigliato. A wrinkle, grinza, ruga, crefpa. Towot, fapere. w reathed like a cable , attorcigliato a gui- To wrinkle , grinzare, rugate, crefpa- li oven, tellu to. fa di gomena. re. Woven over , foprateffuto. A wreathing, torcimento, attorciglia- To wrinkle the forehead : raggrinzar la j Any woven fluff e , qual fi voglia teffitu- mento. fronte. ra. W reathing * , or wreaths, torcimenti, attor- Wrinkles, grinze, rughe, crefpc. Would to God , voleffe Iddio, piaceffe a cigliamenti. Wrinkled, grinzato , rugato, crefpa- Dio. A wren, regolo. to. A wound, ferita, piaga, vulnere, sfreg- Towrefi, sforzare, (torcere, ftiraccia- W rinklednefs, grinzezza, rugofità , cref- gio. re. pezza. A great wound, ferita grande. A wrefi , sforzo, sforzamento, ftiraccia- A wr'tnckltng , grinzamento, ruganiento. To wound , ferire, piagare, vulnerare, sfreg- mento. crefpamento. giare. Towrefi back, ritorcere. Woundable , feribile , piagabile, vulnera- To wrefi from , cavar per forza , eftor- Thewrifi, poifò, collo del braccio. bile. quere, eftorcere. T he wrift band, manipolo. Wounded , ( into bottoms) aggomicciola- T o wrefi malicioufiy, pervertire. to. A wrefier from , cavator per forza , che To writh, torcere. Wounded, ferito, piagato, vulnerato. eftorce. T* writh back, ritorcere. sfreggiato. A wrefier back, ritorcitore. Extteamly wounded, mal ferito, &c. A malicious wrefier , pervertitore. To writh , as a wreath. ^4 wounding, ferimento, leritura, piaga- A wrefiing , ltorcimento, sforzamen- mento, piagarura. A wounder , feritore, piagatore. to. Writ hen, torto. Awrefiingback , ritorcìmento Writ ben back, ritorto. Wrack of a (hip, or [hip-wrack, naufraggio, A wrefiing from } lo cavar per forza,eftor- A tbingwritben, cola ritolta. 1’ andar a mal d’ alcun vafcello. pimento. A n r;thing, torcimento. To wrack, naufragare, far naufraggio, pe- A wrefiing malicioufiy , lo pervertire, A writhing backward , ritorcimcnto. rire, precipitare, rouinare. pervertimento. Wrack , naufraggio, rouina, precipirio. Wrefile , wrefiler, and wrefiling , as wrafUe , A writ , breve, brevetto, mandato , elfo if racked , nauiragaco, rouinato, precipi- cirationc. taro. wrafiler , e^c. To returnawrit , rimandar un breve, alfa A wrapper , naufragatore, precipitatole, liferivere. | rouinatoie. A wretch , un poveraccio, un degradato. The return of a ;writ, rimando di breve, I A wracking , naufragamelo , precipita- un fventurato.un mefehino. aljo fiferitta. j mento, rouinamento. The holy writ, la fanta fcrittura. ' H li * To' WR YE To write , fcrivère. To wfite back, rifcrivere. To write ill , amifsy or again ft, fcriver male, fcriver di carivo inchiohro. To write fair, fcriver polito, fcriver in netto. A writer , fcrittore, coppiba , feriva¬ no. A writing, ferittura, feritta, manuferit- to. To Jet down, or couch in writing , ferivere, metter in carta, meter in nota. I A writing back , riferivimento, lo rifcri¬ vere. . Written , feritto. j Written fair, feritto polito, feritto in J netto. I j trrong 3 torto, ingiuria, oltraggio, foper- c lucri a, ftrapazzo. Open wrong , aperta ingiuria , inful- to. To wrong , or do wrong , far torto ad alcu¬ no , oltraggiar o brapazzar od in¬ giuriar alcuno. Tabe in the wrong , haver torto. Wronged , a cui fia flato fatto torto, ol- traggiato , ingiuriato, brapazza- to. Wrongfull, ingiuriofo, oltraggiofo. Wrongfully, ingturiofamenté, oltraggio- famente,a torte : A wronger , ingturiatore, oltraggiatore, j chebrapazza. A wrong-doer, a wronger. Idem. sA wronging, ingiuriamérito, oltraggia- l mento. ! bought, operato, lavorato. Wrought with the needle , lavorato a guc- 1 chia, lavorato col aco. j Wrung, torto, bratto, hi rato. 1 Wrung hard, torto 6 biràto forte. Wrung extreamly , torto © birato fuor | di modo. To wry, asto wreath, , Wrjed, as wreathed. . j To wry , or writh the neck , torcer il collo. I : A wtying, as a wreathing. j alla torta, or alia botta. ; A wryer , as a wreatber. ^ A little b rd called a wryneck , uccelletto col collo torto. A wry mouth , bocca borta. wr y mouthed, or wry faced wench, donna colla bocca borta. k. 4 wry necked fellow , che ha il colio borro. The wythers op a horfe , guidarefeo, gui- dakfeo. YA Y A yard, verga, rnifura di tré pal¬ mi. A yard of, or the length of a yard in, vergata , la longhezza d’ una ver¬ ga. A mans yard, membro virile, cazzo, A Jaile^yard , antenna. A yard to a houfe , cortile. -A n inner yard to a houfe, cortiletto. Yarn , filo di lana. The yarn-beam of a weaver , fubbio. Toyarre, ( as a dog) ringhiare, bronto¬ lare. Ayarrer , ringhiatore, brontolatore. •A yarring , ringhiamento, brontola¬ mento. Yarrow , millefoglio. Great yarrow , millefoglio maggiore. Soldiers yellow , or little yarrow , millefo¬ glio minore. Water yarrow , millefoglio acquatico. To yawn, sbadagliare. divoto, alfo fantone, picchia-petto. ZealouJlyj zclofamente, Zcdaary, zedoario, The^ettith , zenit, ponto verticale. The \odiack , zodiaco. Zoilus, zoilo. are pronounc’d with the found of ts. others with ds. as rfo found tsio, an uncle, z°PP°) found, tsoppo, lame, found dsbro the figure of nought in Arithmetick. The letters b.d. f.l.m.n.p.r, are pronounced as in the Englifh;infteadof(k)weufe (ch) inltead of (ph) (/) And thus much for Pronunciation, which beingobferved, with the Accents, there will be no difficulty in pronouncing the language, for generally the Italian tongue is pronounced as it is written and written as it is pronounced,without loofing any letter or fyjlablc. Oblervationt . A LL our words for the mod part end in vowclls, as anima the foul, fède faith, or truft, Luiggi, Lewis, corpo, a body virtu vertue. Yet obferve that £. 01 0 . are not pronounc’t when they follow l. n. r. and often not expreli in writing, nor lometimes when they follow t.d.oc m. as for example. habbiam hoimai finito. Un mal non vien fólo ■ Lo- j Bel tempo fa. He. j Ver ragion di fiato. No-A Di buon ingegno. Re. 1 Muor di vòglia. il ver odiato. I ra :Bernardo. Gran-Soggetto. _San. Pietro.- \Ve have atlalt made an end, not habbiamo. A mifchief comes not alone, not, male. It is fair weather, noti bello. Out of State Policy, not ragi¬ one. Of a good wit, not Buono. He dies with longing , not Muore. The truth hated, not Vero. brother Bernard , for Frate . An eminent man, not Grande Saint Peter, not Santo. But if they end the fentence, they are written at length. Obferve To the Italian Ton gw Ob ferve that thefe words are never abbreviated, Apolla the God Apollo. Chiaro clear. Duro hard. Ofcurt obfcure. Cólo a ncck. Affanno forrow. Strano ftrange. Sofìegnò a prop. Volo a flight or foring. Inganno deceit. Polo the Poleftar. minimo the mind. Abiffo a bottomlefle pit. Pegno a pawn. Regno a Kingdome. Mora an hour. Nolo fraught or hier. Legno timber. For it were abfurd fitteth in the throne , reft. to fay , ^fpol (tede nel tròno. Apollo but Apollo /tede j Sec. and fo of the The following particles are ufually contratted if the word following begin with a vowell. L *- Le. Lo. Di. Mi. Ti. Si. Ci. Ne. Vi. /’ anima è immortale. The foul is immortali for la anima , &c. L’ eterne pene , the eternali pains, for, le eterne, See. L’ amóre accieca l animo , Love blinds the mind, for lo amo¬ re, Sc c. Egli e l ufan^a d'imitar altrui. It is the fafhion to imitate another, for, di imitar e, &c. M'intendi ? Do’ft underftand me, for, mi intendi ? T intendo , I underftand thee, for, ti intendo. S’ intende, its underftood, for, fi intende. ISemulatione c’ incita , emulation ftirreth us , for , ci in¬ cita. Men 9 andrò, I will go my ways, for, me ne andrò. T impiegai gl 9 amici. I imployed friends therein, for, vi im¬ piegai, Sec. There are feverall convenient obfervations which Iomitt here for brevitys fake , referring the reader either tomy intro- duftion m ottavo, or any other more copious as the reader inali belt fancy. À Table of the moft ufuall abbreviations or contractions, with their explanations. Al, for, ail to the. -Ai. a*, for, alii , to the. Bei, be 9 , for, belli, fai^beautifu!!,' Bell 9 amante , for, bello amante , a fair lover. CW for, che, that, or which. Coi , co , for, conli or conili, with the. Colla , for, conia , with the. Colle, for, cónle, with the. D\ for, di to, or of. Del , for di il, of the. De' , dei, for delti or degli , of the pi. Ei, e 9 , for egli, he or it. E 9 l, for il, and it, and the. Fra 9 , for, fra li, among the, Fè, for fece, he did, or made. Fè, for fede, faith. Fofl, Io, for, fofli i 9 o, were I. Gl ’, for, gli, the. Huomin 9 da bene, for h uomini da bene, honeft men. Huómin 9 inarati, for huomini inarati, ungratefull men Lo mperatore. for, lo Imperatore, the Emperour. L o 9 nventore, for, lo inventore, the inventor. Madonna, for mia donna , my woman : in ordinary compcl- lation, as much a s goody or gommar in Enjlilh , but in Mary ,naly COmp£lIatlon > » the blefled Virgin Me 9 meglio , better. Me 9 1, for a me il, to mee* it. Mie 9 , for miei, mine. Molt’ anni, for molti anni, many years. Ne/, for, in li, in the. NeT, for, ne il, nor the, or for it. No7, for, non il, not the. Kollo, for, non lo, not the. Pel, for, per il, or per lofor the,or through the. Tel, for ,per lo, idem. Tuo 9 , for puoi, thou canft. Quaij lor quali, which. Quei, for quelli , thofe. Quand 9 il, for quando /7,whcn the. Sam 9 Antonio, for Santo Antonio. Suo’, for fuoi,b\s. Se', forfei, thoa art. Se 9 1, for, afeil, to himfelfir, or, if it. Su 9 1, {or, [oprail, upon the. Tra’, for tra li, among the. Te 9 l, for a te il, to theeìt. Tuo 9 , for tuoi , thine. Tu’ l, for/; Via j ,I,oie : pi'onounc’t all in a found. Fir tit, Vcrtuc. Frate, % To the Italian Ton gin. The Apoflrophus is cheifly ufed upon the Articles» comming before vowels, as hath been already hinted. The Definite Article, II, or Lo, the or a, Mafculine.La, the or a, feminine. , < yj. II. the or a \ G. del. of the orofa j D al. to the or to a „ 4c . il. the or a ~P\Ac.tl. \ J V. o. o. lb. dell dal from the or from a lo. the or a \ G. dello, of the or of a ^ Jd. alio, to the or to a 2 v A. lo. the or a ~ ' V. o. o Ab.dallo .from the or from a* r N. la. the or a k G. della, of the or of a / D. alia, to the or to a. S \ Ac. la. the or a. ~ ' V. o.o Ab.dalla Srom the or from a r N. i. or the ^ G. dei or delti of the JD. ai or alii to the Ac. I or //'the. t V. o. o. _ Ab.dai or dalli from the r N.gli. the \ G degli of the ) D. agli to the \ Ac. "gli. the ) Vo. o 6 w Ab . dagli from the '"N. le. the V G. delle, of the ) D. alle, to the. \ ^ 1 c. le- the. I V. o.o Ab. dalle iiom the. The ufe of thefe articles may be under- ftood by the following obfervations. J/, and lo, ferve to the mafculine lingular , i. and gli, to the mafculine plurali. La.to the feminine fingular. Le, to the feminine plurali. As, Il cavallo , a horfe, &c. li cavalli, horfes. Lo Spirito , a fpirit , gli [piriti, fpirits. La / cala , a ladder, le / cale , ladders. ll, is ufed before words, beginning with a fingle confonant, as il cavallo, a horfe, il libro , a book, and fo is, li, as li cavalli. Horfes, but if the following wordbcgins with an/./, is ufed for better found fake, i libri, not li libri , bookes. Io, is ufed before words beginning with a double confonant, the firll whereof is an j, as lofpirito, a (piiit, lo ftrale ,''an ar¬ row or darr. Iris alfo ufed before words beginning with a vowel!, and then it is contracted thus, l’amore, leve, l’odio, CU , is ufed before words beginning with a double confo¬ nant : as hath been faidof/o? and alfo before words begin¬ ning with a vowell, as gli amori, the loves , gli honori, the ho¬ nours : but befo: e /, it is contracted, as gl’ inimici, the enemies, gl’ infedeli, the infidels. 1 , i s ufed before words, beginning with a fingle confo¬ nant, as i fiori, the flowers, i fiati , the blafts ,i libri , the hooks. La , is ufed before wo ds beginning with either fingle, or double confonants , la torre , the tower , Ha fpada , the fword , but if before a vowell , then it is ufually contracted thus ? anima , the foul, L* arte, the trade, or arte. Le, ufed before words beginning with either fingle, or double confonants, as, le torri, the towers, le fpade , the fwords , but if before a vowell, it may either be contract¬ ed , or not, faying, P immicitie, the enmities, or leinimi- citie. La le, li, lo % coming after de, a,da, ne, double their/, as dello, of the , r.ot de lo, allo to the , not a lo, dallo , from the, not da lo, nella, in the,not ne / pi Peccato, a fin, pi. ipeccati , or lepeccata, fins. Pugno, a fili, pi. ipugni, or le pugna, fifts. Quadrello, an arrow, pi. i quadrelli, or le quadreila , ar¬ rows. Raflelto, a rake, pi. ì rafielli, or le raft ella, rakes. Rtfo, a laughter, pi. i ri fi, or le rifa, laughters. Sacco, a bag, pi. i fuchi, or le facca, bags- 5“™} abulhcI >P 1 '' tri} orl yZl babea. Buoni fimo, ) Bene, well. Meglio , better. o"«, t) } mo(lexcel!entw ' !l - cativo. Peggiore, worfe. MaììfiU } WOra ° fa11 - Male, ill. Peggio, worfe. Tefi imamente, moll ill, or in the worfl manner that may be. Grande, great. Map dorc, 1 Tihlrmi' ./S re “ et - Or‘nd,f. m o, Ma fimo , J * Grandemente, greatly. Maggiormente, the rather, or more efpeciatiy, Majiimamente, mofl efpecially. Piccolo, little. Minore , 7 . p,i/.,v™/..r leircr - Superiore, above, fuperioor. Inferiore , beneath, inferiour. Supremo, higheft. Infimo To the Italian Tongue. Infimo, Ioweft. Poco, little. liete. Manco , i Pochifiimo, the fewaft of, or extreame little, v ilio , high. Piu alto, more high. Molto , much, or very. Pun more. Moltififmo , exceeding much , very much , if plur. exceed¬ ing many. . Obferve , that by changing the laft letter of the word end ingmiJJ)»io into amente , youexprefle anexceflein quality as ficurififimo , moil Ture : ficurifif,mamente , moli afTured- 3 m °ft perfeft : perfiettifitmamente , moft per¬ che Pronouns. Pronouns perfonall with their conj undive pronouns. Obferve, that the generali way of comparing is by più . or meno, more or Ielle , as più dotto , more learned 3 men dotto , Ielle learned 5 and that either di, del, che , or che non fol¬ lows 3 as Egli è più avventurato di me, He is more fortunate than I. Egli è più accorto del compagno, He is more wary than his fellow-partner. Egli parla più che nejjùno, He fpeaks more than any body. Hanno più guai che non credono They have more forrows than they believe. The like ifyou put meno inftead of più, as Egli è men avven¬ turato di me, He is lede fortunate than I, &c. The fame of meglio and peggio , better and worfe ; as Egli feyive peggio di ne filmo , He writes worfe than any body 3 Parla meglio di tutti. He fpeaks better than them all. In certe coferieloe meglio del [olito, In fonie things he comes ofl better than ufuall j Incerte altre peggio , In mmeothers worfe. Laprattica fà meglio che la teorica [emplice, The practice is better than meer theory. GP Ingle fi parlano meglio la lingua Italiana che non [annoi Frati cefi , The Englilh fpeak better the Italian Language than the Fienchmen : Mapronontiano poi la lingua Latina peggio the non [anno loro , But then they pronounce the Latin tongue worfe than they do. Obferve, that by putting. ^Afraf\^ ontx ^ lt ^ c the fame which in Englilh > far, or « t* * I much. Via, J Viè, ) Molto più ricco, par more rich. Affiti più letterato , Much more learned. Vie ipiù [pedita, much more ready , nimble. And then di, Via ìdel, che , or che non, may follow , as occafìon ferves. Indeed vie, or via, are not fo frequently ufed as afiai and molto. \ Di me, of mee \ Di noi, of usP me or mi to me. I g ) noi, ci. or ne. to us, \ Me, or nti, me. j S Noi, or ci. us. f O me, O me. V J 0 noi, O wc. v Da me, from me. J Da noi, fromus. '’Tù, thou. \ Di te, of thee, J ^ 1 te, or ti to thee. \ Te, orti thee. / g f 0 tù, O thou. s. Da te, from thee. fi Egli, dye"*, he. Y , \ Di lui, of him. / . v ^d lui, or gli to ^ a < ì Lui, him. (him. ' O ( w Da lui, from him r Ella, lei, fhe. \ Di lei, of her. . i loro, of your Lordlhips or Ladyfhips. Plur.< loro, to your Lordlhips or Ladyfhips. ÌLoro, your Lordfhips or Ladyfhips. loro, from your Lordfhips or Ladyfhips. But then Signorie is commonly put with loro , as Le Signorie loro mhauranno per ific'ii fiato , Your Lordlhips 01 Ladyihips ihall excufe me 3 or allo thus is ufuall in dif- courfe. Lor’ altri Signori, Ye my Lo'ds and Gentlemen. Lor’ altre Signore,Ye my Ladies and Gentlewomen. D/ loro, your Lordlhips or Ladylbip’s. See the Tieatife of addrèflìngofLctrers. A Brief Introduction Fronowns pofleflive. Cll mio, my. Sing, j Del mìo, of my. mafc. )Al mio, to my. /Dal mio, from my. plur. r 7, or li mici , my> ) De’, or delli met, my. ) Ui, or *Ui miet , to my. (.Dai, or dalli miei, from my. Sing J La mia , fern. Imy. arc. r lituo, thy. g jDeltuo, of thy. ùT\~ 4 l tuo , to thy- ■j,c D * Ltu °> {xom th y- j (Lemie, my. «^.following the rules of that termination. r I, or li tuoi , thy. ^ j De’, or delli tuoi , of thy. r % Jii , or *Alli tuoi, to thy. /Dai, or dalle tuoij from thy. Sing.fcm. La tua, thy. C rc. Plur. Le /«e, thy. 'll fuo, his. Del fuo, of his. ^ 4.1 fuo ,to his- Dal fuo, from his. Sing J Lafua, lh 7, or li fuoi, his. - De/‘, or delli fuoi , of his jii, or alii fuoi , to hi$. Dai, or dalli fusi , from his fern. Ihcrs. 5 \ Le l ue > 71 S hers. Singular, mafcular. ll noflro, our. ere. Plural. I» or li, noflri, our. Crc. Singular, mafcular. 7/ voflro, your. Plural. 7, or li vofiri, your. The feminines are made by changing (o) into (.) as »»/!«, mlira , voftro, voflr*, Sing. ««{In, i‘oflre, plur. as hath been fhesra of/, mi*, U t**, U m, r, le tm i as la mia 'afa, my houle , le mie cale, myhoufes. . „ -_j 1 Obferve, that if mio,ino, fao,mia,taa, fanoni not a period, that they are pronounc’d as it were in one found, as e mwptn- fiero. Ids myfancy or invention; , 'penfi'rm o, ins^mycare and duty, crc. The like in Dio, God, Diovogha, God grant, TJolefle D to. Would co God. _ ... z That il mio, il tuo , tlfuo , il'noflro , tl voflro, illoro beine put without addition, f.gmfies my wealth or eitate, thine, his, ours, yours, theirs ; poffedo tl mto, I enjoy my own , jnd Eglipoffede il fuo, Heenjoyes his own. , 1 3 Pronowns polTeffive muff ever have the Article fpec aUy beginning a fcntencc mia cafa, not mia cafa, my houle , tl mto cavallo, not mio cavallo, my horfe. . . „ 4 Obferve, that i noflri, i vofiri, i miei , t fuoi, is meant nearelt friends, kinred , or domcfticks , vi\. dwelling in the fame h°5 (obferve, that fpeaking to, or of more, whether men, or women, loro is indifferent to either jas, ll loro benflare } your welfare. D el loro benflare } of your welfare. M loro ben flare, to your welfare. Dal loro ben flare, from your welfare. . Cll cui, whofe. ^ JDf/ cui, of whofe. c 3 - 41 cui, to whofe. c/5 ^ Dal cui, from whofe. . CLa cui, whofe. = ÌDella cui, of whofe. 3 Mia cui, to whofe. /palla cui , from whofe. r Li cui, whofe. jDe//i cui, of whofe. S ^ 4 Ili cui, to whofe. *Dalli cui, from whofei Pie cui, whofe. )D elle cui, of whofe. \^ 4 lte cui, to whofe. f Dalle cui, from whofe. I* altrui, anothers. Del altrui , of anothers. ^4/ altrui , to anothers. Dal altrui /rom anothers. 'Gli altrui, others. 5 < altrui, of ethers. ! '*AgP altrui , to others. ' .Dagli altrui , from others. And properly lo, del , al, dal , belongs not to altrui , but to the word following ; as F altrui potere , anothers power, that is, il potere di altri , or di alcun altro , the power of others» or of any other. c Cl* altrui, anothers. sii jDelt * altrui, of anothers. eo IP altrui, to onothers. v? C DalP altrui, from anothers. • CLe altrui, others, t.* JiDelle altrui , of others, jr S èlle altrui, to others. {Dalle altrui, from others. Obferve, Di altrui, of another, or others. *Ad altrui , to another, or to anothers. t)a altrui , from another , or from anothers , Is indifferent either for gender or number , as , La robba altrui , anothers wealth j Le robbe altrui , anothers goods. The like of Di cui, whofe, or of whom. cut, to whofe, or to whom. Da cui, from whofe, or from whomi Obferre this elegancy , that di cui comes elegantly be¬ tween the Article and the nown throughout, and in each number j II di cui honore , Whofe honour ; Le di cui richest , Whole riches. As may alfo be laid of lui and lei ; il di lui faptre, la di Iti belila , his knowledge, hat beauty. 4 - Pronouns Demonftrative. Singular. Quello, he, or that. C»c. Plural. Quelli , they or thofe. arc. Angular. Quella , fhe , or that. Plural. Quelle , they , or thofe. Quello and quella being applyed to things as well as per- fons. Singular Queflo, this man or thing. 6^f. Plural. Quefti, thefe men, or things, arc. Singular. Quefla, this woman or thing, ere. Plural. Quefle, thefe women or things, arc, Queflo and quefla indifferently applyed to things or per- fons. C Colui, he or that man. ùìjDi colui, of him. ' 3 > 3^ colu ‘> to k* m - { D t colui, from him. C Coloro, they, or thofe raen. Ì3 jD/ coloro , of them. (T coloro, to them. /Da coloro, from them. To the Italian Tongue. r Colei , (lie or that woman, eii) Di colei, of her. •S ) A colei, to her. Da colei, from her. (* Coloro, they or thofe women. «-* J Di coloro , of them. £ *S co/oro, to them. (^D<* coloro, from them. Colui and colei applyed onely to perfons, and alfo in a kind of flighting way, as pointing at fuch a perfon. Cojlui, this man. Di cojlui, of this man. A cojlui, tb this man. Da cojlui, from this man. f Cojloro, thefe men. ) Di cojloro, of thefe men. A cojloro, to thefe men. (,Dj cojloro, from thefe men. f Cojlei. this woman. tin J Di cojlei, of his woman. p A cojlei , to this woman. (_D*< cojlei, from this woman. f Cojloro, thefe women. ^ ) Di cojloro, of thefe women. y A cojloro, to thefe women. (^D<* cojloro , from thefe women. Obferve, that cojlui, colui , cojlei , colei , fometimes have no Article of their own, but what belongs to the word follow¬ ing, as hath been faid of altrui , il c&jlui amore , This man’s love, that is , L* amore di quejlo , The love of this man. But this Phrafe is not civil, nor is it very frequent. Cojlui and Cojlei are ufed onely to perfons > and in a more flighting manner than colui or colei. Cotejlui this man. Di cote fini, of this man. A cotejlui, to this man. Da cotejlui, ffon this man. T Cotefloro, thefe men. a ) Di cotejloro, of thefe men.' j A cotefloro , to thefe men. (^D<* cotejloro, from thefe men. f Coteflei , this woman. ù) ) Di cotejlei , of this woman. A cotejlei, to this woman. (^Da cotejlei, from this woman. f Cotejloro, thefe women, ìj J Di cotejloro, of thefe women. j *4 cotejloro, to thefe women. (^Da cotejloro, from thefe women. Cotefiui and cotejlei us’d as cojlui and cojlei. CCotejlo, that man or thing- J Di cotejlo, of that man or thing. «5 / A cotejlo, to that man or thing. V.D-* cotejlo, from that man or thing. C Cotejli, thefe men or things. a )Di cotejli j of thefe men or things. E jA cotejli , to thele men or things. C D* cotejli, from thefe men or things. CCotejid, that woman or thing, wjy Dt cotejli , o ( that woman or thing. j A cotejla, to that woman or thing. vDrf cotejla , from that woman or thing. r Cotejlo, thefe women or things. 3 ^)D i cotejle , of thefe women or things. 5 cotejle, to thefe women or things. cotejle, from thefe women orchingj. Cotejlo cote flit us’d a s quejlo,quejla Cotejli, quefli, quegli, are oft us’d in a Angular meaning ; as Cotejli ancor vive. He yet lives; Cotejli è quel tal Capitano del qual vi hò parlato , This is the Captain of which fhave fpokento you of ; Quegli è forajliere pur aneb' egli , He is a Aran®er alfo. Quegli and quejli are us’d in a Angular (ignification, when two things ai e required , quell relating to the fir A , quelli or quegli, to the latter ; Giovanni cr Andrea jon iti in Campagna , John and Andrew are gone into the Countrey 5 Quelli or que¬ gli a cavallo , quejli a piedi , The former on hodeback, the lat¬ ter on foot. The like of quella and quefla , fpeaking in a femi¬ nine (ignification ; L’invidia e i’ emulati one fono qualità molto differenti, quella è vitto qttejla virtu , Envy and emulation are two different qualities, the former is a vice, the latter; virtue. Ctd (lands for quello, that; quejlo , this; as, Non fate ciò Do not that ; C.ò mi da martello , F his troubles me , or that troubles me. Obferve. that quello and quella, with the particle (in) before either, fignifies as much as in the interim, or then when ; as, Lo fchermitore in quello che r ceve it botta fà la rifpojla , The Fen¬ cer in that inteiim that he receives the blow or thru A, returns it, orArikes or thruAs again. Il Cajìellanoin quella chevidde entrar gl’ inimici rimafe cor.fufo , The Captain in the in tenni, or when hefaw the enemies enter in, remain’d aAo- nilh’d. Obferve that il, del , al, dal, is never joyned to quejlo or quel¬ lo, nor La,dclla,allt ì dalla , to quejla or quella. Pronowns Relative. ^ Cll quale, or cui, who, or which. 'k jD el quale , of whom, or which. S j Al quale , to whom, or which. ^ C.D 4 quale , from whom, or which. CLi quali, or cui , who or which, ì; jDe/li quali , of whom or which. £ quali, to whom or which. COullt quali) from whom or which. . CLa quale , who or which. £ jDeilaquale, of whom or which. j^illa quale, to whom or which. C.Dalla quale , from whom or which. f Li quali, who or which, ij jD elle quali, of whom or which. £ )Alle quali, to whom or which. ^D alle quali , from whom of which.' Being applyed to perfons or thing indifferently. Tale,filch ones. 'n jDel tale, of fuch an one. f jAl tale, to fuch an one. C.Dal tale, from or by fuch an one. 1 CI, or It tali, fuch ones, ìj jDe* tali, of fuch ones. £ jA’aali, to fuch ones. CD«’ tali, from or by fuch ones* r La t ile, fuch an one. c jDellatale, ofluchanone. y Alla tale, to fuch an one. ^ C Dalla tale, from or by fuch an one; C Le tali, fuch ones - ^De//e tali, of fuch ones. Alle tali, to fuch ones £ Dale tali, from or by fuch ones.’ Cc * T^ale -,S IO A Brief Introduction Tide with ( j Ad effa, ofher. vi C. D<1 'ffdffrom her,or by her,or it. r Effe, they themfelves. 3 e .(T e > °f them. (ZjA d effe, to them. (_Da effe, from them, or by them. Obferve, that effo is elegantly placed with cow, and noi, voi, loro , lei , a s Con effo noi , Along with us; Con effo voi. Along with you ; Coneff'oloro , Along with them ; C on effo lei, Along with her j alfo. Con effo meco,teco,ffeco, Together with me, thee, him, &c. r Che, who or which. J Di che , of whom or which. j-A che, to whom or which. C-Da che , from whom or which, or by whom or which. CCui, who or which. JDi cui , of whom or which. /A cui } to whom or which. (-Da cui , from whom or which, or by whom or which. Both thefe being indifferent either for number or gender. r II che, which \ Del che , of whom or which. j AI che, to whom or which. C Dal che , from whom or which, or by whom or which, indifferent to peifon or thing, fo either be of the mafeuline gender. Pronowns indefinit. CChi, who. JDi chi. of whom, or whofe. jA chi, to whom. C-Da chi , from whom , or by whom, indifferent to either number or gender. C C/,e,what 3 Di che, of what. A che , to what. (-Da che, front what, or by which, indifferent to either number or gender, either ofperfons or things. C Quale, which or what. quale, of which or of what. }A quale, to which, or what. ( Da quale , from which or whar, or by which or what ; and | fo as hath been exemplified already ; onely this is interrogati, vely , as fpeaking of two or more, Quale *o>eie dire , whicL do you mean ? Altro, another, mafc. 7 ij \ Altri, others. «5 1 Altra, another, fem. Jp / Altre , others. j f I’ altro , the other. t n 3 d elT altro of the other, c ffAll 1 altro , to the other. C D all’ auro, from the other, or by the other. C Gli altri, the others. £ ■? altri, of the others. 5 JAgli altri, to the others. £ D agli altri , from the others, or by the others. . CL' altra , the other. Jj ADeli* altra , of the other. ^ ffAlP altra , to the other. ^DalT altra, from the other, or by the other. CLe altre, the others, g jDèlle altre , of the others, pT j^fllc altre , to the others. CfDallc altre , from the others. I Altro, any other man or thing. 3 D’ altro, of any other man or thing. jAd altro , to any other man or thing. C Da altro , from any other man or thing, or by any ; other man or thing. Altri, is oft put in thefingular, as fignifying any one, any J body ; Niff uno ci vàffe altri non vuole , None goes there unlefs one will. 1 Altri repeated, fignifics fonie , or others ; Altri piangono , altri ridono, Some weep , fome laugh , or others weep, others laugh. Chi lignifica one, or any body, or a body ; Non ffipud, chi non voleffe contravenire al precetto, It cannot be, unlefs one, or a bo¬ dy, would oppofe the command Chi , if repeated , lignifies fome ; as, Chi [i ffcorruccia , Some are angry -, Chi fi gode , Some are pleafed ; and is ever of the lingular number , whereas altri doubled is of the plural. Chi, who, and che , what, Nonfè chi egli (ì ffa, I know not who he is i Nè che egli ft faccia , Nor what he is doing. Mafc. rQualch' uno,*i ■I > 1. L Quale IS una, J fome one. Fem. LQualch Mafc, r Qualcheduno , n < >fome one. Fem. (.Qualcheduna } u Obferve, that nothing muftbe added to thefe words , as it were abfurd to fay. Qualcun or qualchedun huomo , Qual¬ cuna or qualcheduna donna , Qualcun cavallo, or Qualcuna coffa. Sing mafc. Alcuno, fome one man. Sing. fem. Alcuna, fome one woman. Alfo they may be applyed to things as well as perfons as. Plur. mafc. Come ones. J Alcune , Ionie ones, relemng either to perfons or things. . C 'Alcuno, fonie on#lnan or thing.' 5 j D 1 alcuno, of fome one man or thing. tio\ Ad alcuno, to fome one man or thing. ‘J, / from fome one manor thing , or by Ionie one ^man or thing. C Alcuni, iome men or things- ~ AD'alcuni, of fome men or things. - S J Ad alcuni, to fonie men ort hmgs- ^Da alcuni, from or by fonie men or things- Sing. f. To the Italian Tongue. ^ Calcutta, fiamc woman or thing. ^ JD’ alcuna , of fonie woman or thing. ,5 J Adakuna, to fome woman or thing. °° '-b;t alcuna» from or by fome woman or thing. g C Alcune, fome women or things. JD’ alcune, of fome women or things, g jAd alcune , to fome women or things. 'Da alcune» from or by fonie women or things,, Ogtft uno , everybody, will have no addition » therefore be ware of faying » Ogn un huomo , Every man 5 Ogn un cavallo , Every horfe. Ciafcuno, mafc ^Each, or every ; maybe without addi- Ciafcuna , fern, j tion, or with, as Queftolosa ciafcuno, Every body knows this ». or, Ciafcun huomo sh quefto, Every man knows this. Ogni , every, indifferent to perfon or thing, mafctiline, or feminine, and is ever in the lingular number, except before numbers ; as, Ogni fei mefi, Every fix months, or Ogni fanti , All Saints, the Fealt fb called. Ogni maggiore , and ogni qualunque , is as much as to fay , all poflible, or all manner of; Venite con ogni maggior prefte^a, Come with all poflible diligence ; Lo fard con ogni qualun¬ que fìromwQ, l’Jedo it with all, or any manner of inllru- ment. tutti Obfcrve that putting quanto» quanti, or quante, as tuttei occafion ferves., to either , you exprefs all tuttaft without the lead exception, as I quattrini the egli ha- tuttoòveva , fe gli è giuocati tutti quanti. The moneys he had, he hath play’d them all away to the lalt penny. Egli venne dal giuoco di palla corda tutto quanto fudato , He came from the Ten¬ nis- Court all over in a fweat. Quanti fignifìes as many as ; Gli fermorono quanti erano , Theyflaid them, orftopt them, as many as there were of them. Quanto alone, without addition , fignifìes. As much as ; Dimandate quanto fh di lifogno , Ask as much as is need- full. ».Alquanto 1 ^ Alquanti < Alquanta »Alquante I “fignifìes fonie ; alquanto tempo, fonie time; ) alquanti huomini , fonie ilien ; alquanta gen¬ ite , fome people ; alquante cafe , fonie fjoufes. » Alquanto, fomewhat j without addition; Sta alquanto meglio, He is fomewhat better. >■ Alquanti 1, fome , or a part of any thing alquanto di pane, a part or piece of bread. Quale» fometimes exprèffes a way of fi mili tu de ; as Egli qual filofofo argutodifputa » He difputeslike a cunning Philo- fopher. E le buccio le mani qual fervitore humilìftìmo , And 1 kifs your hands in the nature of your moll humble feìvant. Mafc. Nifi uno, n > No one. Fem. NiJfuna, \ Mafc. Veruno, No one, or any one. Fem. Veruna No one. or any one , may be applyed either to perfons or things ; Ni fun cavaglier più garbato , No Gentle¬ man more compleat ; Niftuna dama più leggiadra. No Lady more accompliflfld ; Non c’ è veruna cofa che (Hi bene coftì» There is not any thing that is as it fliould be yonder. Nulla , \ fignifie nothing, or any thing ; Dico niente , I fay Niente ,} nothing ; Volete niente , Will you have anv thing ? J Nullo, as in Englifh null , of no effett ; Il fuo Tegumen¬ to fh nullo , His Will and Teflhment was null , of no effett. Obferve, that non j’oyn’d to nulla or niente , denies the more ; Non voglio niente , I will have nothing at all ; Non ho gufato niente a modo mio, I have tailed nothin? at all to my liking. 5 1 Pronowns Conjunctive or particles fo called, Ci ""tous git to him or them la herorit le them, to her, or to it li to him or them lo \ him or it to me or me to us or us ft to himfelfe or to hcrfelfe, himfelfe or herfelfe to thy felfe or thy felfe vi v_to your felfe, or your felfe Ifeitherof thefe come before any words , they are written apart ; if after, they are incorporated into the fame word, the example will clear it ; Cifcrive, he writes unto us j Stri¬ ved, c^c. Obferve, that if one command by way of foibiddance, then the particle precedes ; as , Non vi accoftate più a quefla cajaper quanto vi è cara la vita, Come no more near his houfe, as you tender your life , notion accoftatevi, e rc. But if one in¬ vite or pray, then the particle is pur after, and incorporated as aforefaid ; as, Accoftatevi al foco , Draw near to the fire ; il, fignifying him, is put before worcb,not after Il vìddi, I faw him,not viddi il. Obferve. that when a word that is ufually marked with an accent hath any of the aforefaid particles added unto it, or incorporated with it, inflead of exprefling the accent, the letter of the particle is doubled, and the accent omitted ; Lo farò » I will or fhall do it ; far olio : mi amò , he lov’d me, amommi. Obferve, that when thefe particles are coupled together, they change i into e, whether they come before the word, or after ; coglier fell, to Heal away fecretly, or (link, hot coglier ftla ; fe la tolfe, he Hole away, not fi la colle. Auuedutofene, being aware of it, not auuedutbfne ", fen auuidde , he was aware of it, not ft «’ auuidde. See more to this purpofe in the Table at the end of my Intro¬ duction in ottavo. Of Verbs. All our verbs in Imitation of the Latins are ranged in four fquadrons by themnariied Conjugations. 1. Thole of the fidi fquadron in thc^ifinitiv'e end in are, with the accent one the lall vowell bùt oiWàs amare, to love, portare, to carry. z. Thofe ofthe fecondfquadron in the infinitive end in ere, with the accent over the lalt ( e) faring one, as havére , to have, godere, to enjoy. %. Thofe ofthe third fquadron in tile infmitivèend in ere, with the accent over the lall vowell faving two , a s córrere , to run, lèggere, to 1 ead. 4. Thofe of the fourth fquadron in the Infinitive end in be, with the accent over the lalt vowell faving one , as dormire, to fleep, morire so die. Of thefe verbs mod are reducible to certain orders and are tearmed Regular thofe which vary or are defettive are tearmed Irregular. Allverbcsare either Attive, Tranfitive, Paflìve,Recipro¬ cali, Perfonall or Imperfonall which are immediatly known to fuch as have infight into the Latin tongue ; others may be pleafed to learne them by wrote out of my Introduction in ottavo, for herd intend to be as breif as maybe. Now becaufe fonie tcnces of all verbs are conjugated cither with the participle and help of the auxiliar verb, havereor elle with the participle and auxiliar ve. o.eftere. Note that Attive and tranfitive verbs that i$ to fay that pafle into the filbjett treated meant or fpoken of ufe the help of the auxi¬ liar verb bavere , faying. Io ho veduti e letti molti libri. I have fccnc and read many books j e ci hò truovate molti fune cofe cu¬ rio ft. And I found therin very many curious things. Pi five The Seheame of Regular Verbs. Obferre that where the terminations miffe in the fourth ranke they are included in the fecond and where they milfe in third and fccond they are included in the firlt. Indicative Prefent Tenfe. Preterirli*- pcrfeft Tenie. The firlt Conjugation Ornare To love. ate f I love. &c. The fecond Conjugation The third Conjugation Thefqurth Conjugation Godere, To enjoy. Perderemo lode. Sentire, Tohearc. S Cavo Jim} avi /ava did love or was ?1 did lo gloving. The Tingle r<« Preterperfeft Am 4 afti Tenfe. The com- Hò balliamo pound Preter- Hai havete perfeft Tenfe. Ha hanno The firft préterpluper- Havev feft Tenfe. avamo ovate avano ammo or aftimo>\ I have afte {.lov’d or arono or orono 3 did love sanato. I have loved. { o amo } i ate Ramato a ano > I had loved. The fecond Hehbi bavemmo ^ They lov’d or Preterpluperf. Havefti havefte Ramato. had lovd Tenie. Hebbe helbero 3 r erù eremo The future. AmJerai erete C era e ranno Imperative. AmJ Optative, or C Subjunctive AmJ prefent Tenfe. / > I fhall or will love. „ Love thou, crc. tamo - tate * ino _ *=} I enjoy. Cevo } eva, evamo j Godervi or evau (,■ leva evano .* ' l r ei efte emmo a I have cn God< efti erono or Vjoycd or Lè ettero 3 did enjoy. I have en- p>Goduto. joyed s Tai 1 Verd « « I had en- \Goduto. joyed. C Goduto. Idem: God 31 filali or will enjoy. God a c a ano. e effi : effimo pShould 1 en- < efti efte SjoyorifI L effe effero jfhouldenjoy tfti C affimo * Should I love or could ./>; vtWì» If I fliould or could eremmoov } r fo ould moerejle (_ or could \erebbero or e- rianoftrebbono love. The preterperf. ca tenfe of the Habbi*i a fame moods. The i preter- r* plu. of the Haveff^i fame moods. The fecond preterpluperf. tenfe of the fame moods. The future tff mitio \\ the fame HOT( , moods. ate >amato, May have loved. imo~i " ? ero J amato. Iforothat 1 had loved Jcfti ™ ver< \ebbe c»m;o,e/?ell I fhould ebbero C^ n would or Mono f ”‘* /0, could have iano J loved. v (5 emo*% » ( a anno-J When I fhall have loved. God Goduto Goduto ) May have > Goduto. enjoyed. I had enjoyed or V ■ >nuj Seri: Verd { Perduto ^ Perduto Perduto ight have enjoy- Infinitive prefent Tenfe. . Amare. To love. Preterperfett Tenfe Haver amato. To have loved. Haver ad - Futur. Dover C amare. To be about to love. Ef serper^ Gerund. Amando, loving. Participle. Amato, i. a. e. Loved Goduto I fiiould would or '’could have enjoyed. -WhcnT fhall have Senjoyed. Godere To enjoyed. Goduto. To have enjoyed. a Godere. i To be about to enjoy. Sent ite ivo ivamo Sent ivi < ivate iva ivano n tmmo ifr irono Sent$ ifli iftt ^ t iroì Sentito Godendo. enjoying. Goduto, i. a. e. enjoyed. Perd Perd Perd ^ Perd { Perd { £ Perduto \ Perduto ^ Perduto Perduto ^Perdere Perduto ^a Perdere perdendo Perduto i. • Sentito ^ Sentito iremo irete iranno irò Sent v irai i irò. Sent >ite Sent 5 jifft iffmó Sent {-iff ifte biffe iffero iremmo irei- ir cbbono trtano . > Sentito ^ Sentito ^ Sentito J Sentito ' Sentire Sentito * 4 f entire Sentendo . Sentito, i. The Englifh of the third andfourth Conjugation is not esprelt for as much as it is eafy to be made by the example of the » Grit. ^ A «• À 'v H A Brief IntroduQion Obfervations about the Ufe of the Tenfes, I In the three laftconjugations in the third perfonsling, eglihmtffiil moda fifaeffe valere The placing of the fame and plural, of the prccerimperfeft tenfe of the Indicative is not materiali, for we may as well fay .(ifmlbt valer'fregi, hj- *. 1 ‘ I r ‘ .. fondini* ' mood, the u. may be omitted, faying. Godea. for Godéva. Per dea, for Pardeva, Sent id, for Sentiva, Godeano, for Godevano , Pcrdcano, for Perdez’ano, Senti ano , for Sentivano , And in all the Conjugations this tenfe is ufed when one would expre/Te the continuing of any atti on , not the compleat- nelleofthe fame as the very word Imperfett intimateth; as, lo Cantava , I was ringing , Godeva , l was enjoying , Per¬ deva , I was looting , Sent, va. i was hearing; moll Stran- gets millake this Tenfe for the Single Preterperfett Tenfe. z The finglc preterperfett tenfe of the fame mood is ufed when we meane to expre/Te a certain time pall , but never the fame day the aftion is done and berides generally there is an adverb of time prefixt, as Hieri feri fi lettere per Livorno , Yelterday I wrote letters for Legorn ; not hieri hò fritto lettere veffeil modo , again parlerei Jpeflo fe baveffi ben la pronontia, I would or fhould/peak often if I had the pronountiation right, not parktffi fpejjo fe havrei la pronontia , eve. And note that the termination of this tenfe is regular in all verbs whatfoever andimplys would, fhould or could, let the verb rignifiewhat it will, as rei, refi, rebbe, or na remmo, or refimo, refe, r ebbero, rebbono or riano. S Note that the preterpluperfett tenfes of the fubjunlive mood have a particular afinity one with another and feeme to play and gingìe as fe non foffe venuto il medico, il poveraccio fareb¬ be morto. If the Phyhtian had not come the poor retch had died. The fame maybe expreft elegantly by a fhorter cutt ; namely, putting both the tenfes into the preterimperfett tenfe of the Indicative mood and the conditionall participle (fe) to it, \ fe non veniva il medico, il poveraccio moriva , being the fame in r anco/alito egli fi in Roma the holy ycare he was at Room, not I lignificatimi with the former, fe mmfofe pernio, Crc. egli è flato in Roma. . j 9 The future tenfe of the fubjunttive or optative moods is , The compound preterperfett tenfe , is made of j uditili with Quando, but at plealure,£«dw• rus) a bout effer per * to love. 12. The gerund is not frequent, but is circumfcribcd with a prepolition and the infinitive, nel morire , dying, oc mo¬ rendo. 13 The participle in the fird and fourth conjugations is regular ending the fird in ( ato ) the fourth in ( ito J ( fome onely excepted ) the other of the fecond and third are lb am¬ biguous, that fet rules cannot be gathered as may compleatly fatisfie without implication orconfulion, as from rimanere , to remain, rimaflo , remained, from ferivere, to writ, feritto, written. I meane ordinarily, but by drift gramarians rules maybe had that may in fome fort fatisfie one, fuch I refer to grammers that interpret by the latin. 14 The preterparfett tenfe of the infinitive mood is often ufd elegantly by putting the article il or lo, to it, andreduc’t into a fubdantive fo ns that the whole phrafe is fubdantively C haver imparato le fetente rende men i o^i U coftumi, to have learn¬ ed or the learning of A rts fweetens behaviou r, alluding to the ’Latin. Didiciffe fideliter artes, Emollit mores, nec finii effe fern. THE To the Italian Tongue, '5 THE MANNER OF FORMING O F VERBS Ufefull for q^AMMA\lA^S. H E prefent tenfe of the indicative mood, is formed of the infinitive, by changing the three laft letters into (o') as, cantare, to fing ; canto, I ling. I z ‘ The preterimperfeft tenfe is form¬ ed from the infinitive alfo by changing the two laft letters into va j as, cantare , to fing, cantava , I did fing, or was finging. 3. Thefingle preterperfeft tenfe is formed alfo of the in¬ finitive , by changing in the firft conjugation are into ai : in the fecond, ere into ei : in the third , the two laft fyllables into sì , or j (ft : in the fourth , ire into ii , as , cantare , to fing j cantai , I fang } godere , to enjoy , godei , I enjoyed,- perdere , to loofe ; perft , I loft j Jcrivere , to write} ferift, I wrote 5 / entire, to heare, fendi, I heard, c rc. 4. The future is alfo formed of the infinitive, by changing, re into rò ; as cantare , to ling,- cantard, 1 (ball or will fing ; godere , to enjoy j goderò , I (ball or will enjoy perdere , to loofe j perderò , 1 (hall or will loofe j [entire, to hear ; [attirò, I (ball or will hear. Obferve by the way , that in the firft conjugation in the future of the indicative and fecond preter- imperieft tenfe of the fubjunftive mood ( (hould I enjoy, or if I enjoyed, perdejti, thou loofedft, perdefft , Ibould I loofe, or if I did loofe, fentifi, thou heardft, fen tifi, fbould 1 hear, or if I Ibould hear. 8. The fecond preterimperfeft tenfe of the fubjunftive mood is formed of the future of the indicative by changing rò into rei, or ria , in all the four conjugations, canterò, < fhall fing, canterei , or canteria, I Ibould fing, goderò, I fhall enjoy, goderei, or goderia, 1 Ibould enjoy , perderò, I (ball loofe, perderei, or per¬ derla. I Ibould loofe, fentirò, I (ball hear , [entirei , or fenliria, I Ibould hear. 9. The gerund, or alfo the aftive participle, as one may call it, is formed of the infinitive prefent, by changing in the firft three conjugations, re into ndo, or me, as, cantare, to fing, can¬ tando ^ cantante, finging, godere, to enjoy, godendo,godente, en¬ joying, perdere , to loofe, perdendo,perdente, loofing\- but in the fourth conjugation,by changing re into endo or e«/e,and calling away the (/') as, [entire, to hear, [emendo, not fentiendo hearing though in the participle the (t) may be kept, faying, femieme, not J entente. 10. The pafilve participle is alfo formed of the prefent of the infinitive , by changing re into to, cantare , to fing, cantato , fune, [entire, to hear ,fentito, heard. The rule is not general' onelyin the firft and fourth conjugation, in the fecond and third, the participle varies very much, therefore look in the ir- regulais of thofe conjugations, fonie being to form the verbs from the prefent of the indicative, as being more after the La- tines : But this way by praftiee , feems to be the eafier, for as much as the infinitives, in dictionaries, are more obvious to a ftrangers eye, than the firft perfon of the indicative : but all is one upon the matter. A Series of fuch verbs as ufually trouble thofe mofi 3 who underftand the Latin Tongue beft, in regard the fignification being one and the fame, they are notwithftaading of different conjugations, as Lat. Ital, C ridere, to fall, Cadere. 1 Capere to hold or contain, Capere. Sapere , to be wife, Sapere. Evadere , I 6 Evaderei to become , tifo to profit, Evadere* Lac. Ita!. •„ Ardere , to burn, .. Ardere . Fulgore , to Arine, Folgere. Làcere , to Aline, Lucere. Mi fiere , to mingle, or glitter, Mefcere. Mordere , to bite, Mordere. Mulcere , to milk, Mulcere. A Brief lntrodn3ion Fa til facciamo noi Do or S. Pi. fatevoi make thou 3 Faccia egli facciano e fi cyc. Statò jli amo noi Stand orbethou, S. Pi. fiate voi cfc. Stia egli fiiatto efii The prefent tenie of the lo vada Noi andiamo "S Voi andiate / Pray The Irregular verbs of the Firtt Conjugation are lower. Andare, to goe, Dare, to give. Tarej to doe, or make, Stare , to ftand, or be. They arc Irregular but in fome tenfes, namely in the prefent tenie of the indicative mood , the firtt preterperfeft tenfe ol the fame mood; the prefent tenfe oft he Imperative of the optative or lubjunttive moods ; and the firtt preterimperfeft tenfe of the optative or fubjunaive moods. ,, , M mn ,iiL tenie of the \ Voi andiate / rray Moine , ’to move, ordir, miurntn , and the compounds of the optative or S. Ocb t dvalu ^no'i andiamo** SPl.< Voi andate J» j Lefii vanno * I go, C W. Noi diamo Voi date Eft danno I give, cyc. Noi facciamo I doe, pi. Voi fate or make, Efii fanno eye. Tloi fiiamo Voi fiate I ftand or am, eye Efii fiatino In the veib andare the tenfe following is Regular. The firtt lo diedi, or preterper- detti, or diei feft tenfe of S. Titdefii the Indica- Egli diede jo feci, or fei Tu face fii Egli fece Io ftei, or fieni Ti/ fiePi Egli fiette, or fiè . Va tii vadi The Imperative. S. or vada Egli Dà tu Noi demmo ^ or defiimo / >P1, Voi defie: efii SI gave, diedero, dettero ( Cyc. 3 diedono, dier J ■% Nei facemmo / or facefimo / I did \Pl. Voi face flètèfii Sor made r Feceroferono, ( eyc. ) or forno J C Noi flemma, or \ flefiimo >Pl. \ ^Andatevoi /Goe ' Tadino, or Srhou, ) Vadano efii ( cyc. Io de fi { noi de fimo Tilde fii >Ph voi defie Egli defe\ efi de fero , _ if or o that gave, cyc. Se or oche . ~ The preterimp. q j0 . /I. tenfe of the opt. ’ Tue ^! t . and fubjunaive, Se or oche Io face ft noi face fimo if or o that S. Tit face fi Pi. voifacefle I did or make Egli facefe efii faccfera &c. Se or o che Io flefsi noi fiefsimo if or o that I Tu fie fii Pi. voifiefie ftood or were. Egli fiefse efiifieferO eye. The Irregulars of the fecond Conjugation; aré ufu- ally fifteen in number and cheifly irregular in the moods and tenles following. Dolere , to greive or complain. I The prefent Io dolgo, ora tenfe of the indicative S* Tu duoli mood. Egli duole . z The fin- ferfeft'"" S ’ tenfe. Jodolfi Tu dolefii pi Fgli dolfe noi dogliamo or dolemo I greive, ^Pl, voi dolete cyc. efii doghiono or dolgono Noi dolemmo or dole fimo I grievd, voi dolcfie cyc. efsi dolf ero 3 The futur of ilo dorrò 7 I Aiall or will greive, C?c. rather the fame mood.) Jthen doterà Diamo noi pi. Diatevoi Give thou, cyc. Dia egli Gioito efii 0 che Io dolga 4 The prefent or doglia tenfe of the q Tii dolga opt. or fub- * or doglia juna. moods. Egli dolga or doglia ? The lecond preterimperfea tenfe of the optative and fub¬ junaive moods. Noi dogliamo or dogliamo O that voi dolghiate I greive Pi. or dogliate eye. Efii dolgano , or dogliano I Qiould could or Dorrei would greive, cyc. rather then doterei. II. Dovere ^ To the Italian Tongue, II. Dovere, To owe. Io debbo, ox devo J Noi dobbiamo , deviamo, I.S. tu devi, C,P 1 . dovemo 1 I ought, egli deve, or debbe.T voi dovete . or owe, 3 efif devono, or debbono, J See. lo devetti “) Noi dovemmo, or dovefimo '"] I ought, i. S. tu dovefii f Pi. Voi dovefle f> or owed, > egli dovette J efi dovettero, J See. 3. Dovro , I fhall or will owe, rather then dovero. 0 che Io debba, J Noi debbiamole deggtamo J O that 4. S. or deggia fpl. Voi debbiate, or deggiate C I owe, tu debba ,or deggia. T e fi debbano, or deggiano ^&c. egli debba ,or deggia j ** y. Dovrei , I Ihould, could, or would owe , rather then, doverei. Uh Parere, To feem. Io paio Noi paiamo ~\ I.S. tupayi Lpl. Voi parete l. I féem. egli pare j efi paiono , J lo parvi, S Noi paremmo, or z. S. or parjt / pare fimo tuparejìi Spi. Voiparefie I Teemed. egli parve \ or par fe. u efsi parvero , or parfero. 3. Farro, X (hall or will feem, rather then parerò , & a O che Io paia'} Noi paiamo'} 4. S. tu paia V>PI. voi paiate > O that I may feem. egli paia j efsi paiano J 5. Parrei, I fhould, could, or would feem, rather then pa¬ rerei. 3. Terrò , I diali or will hold, rather then tetterà, 0 che Io tcnga~ì noitenghìamo ,ox tegnìamo~\ O that I 4. S. tu tenga >pl. voi unghiate > may hold. egli tenga J efsi tengano j 5. Terrei , I fhould, could, or would hold, rather then te¬ tterei. vi. Volere, to will. Io Voglio, or^oT noi voghiamo - ) tu vuoi > [ egli vuole j efsi vogliono J I, S. tu vuoi >pl. voi volete I will, < 5 tc. iovolfi noi volemmo, ox vole fsimo I would or a. S. tuvolefti'f pi. voi volejìe v, have beene egli volfej efsi volfero J Willing. 3. Io Vorrò , I fhall or will be willing, rather then volerò. 0 che Io voglia~\ noi vogliamo 4.5. tu voglia > pi. voi vogliate > O that I be willing, egli voglia -> efsi vogliano J y. Io vorrei, I would, fhould, or could be willing, rather then volerei. VII. Sapere , to know. Iofò noif/piamo') 1.5. tu fai Vpl. voi fapete Iknow. egli fa j efsi fanno j Iofeppi ~v noifepemmo , or fapefiffiO~\ Z. S. tu fapejli >pl. voijapefle > Iknew,&C. egliJeppeJ efsi feppero J 3. Io faprò , I fhall or will know, rather then faperò , c^f.' IV. • Potere, to be able. Io pojfo~\ noi potiamo "1 I. S. tu puoi V pi. voi potete > I can, or ana able, egli pud J efsi pofono , or ponno J &c. z. Regular. 3. Potrò, I fhall or will be able, rather then Poterò. 0 che Io poJJa~) noi pofiamo~\ 4 ;S. tupoffa > pi. voi po fiate j >0 that I may be able. egli pofa. J ejsipoffano _i y. Potrei, I fhould, could, or would be able, rather tlien^o- terei. V. Tènere, to hold. Io tengo ", noi teniamo - ) I. S. tu tieni >pl. voi tenete j> Ihold, &c. egli tiene J efsi tengono J lo tenni noi tenemmo, or tencfimo~) z. S. tutenefti >pi. voi tenefe > I held,&c. egli tennej efsi tennero J 0 che Io Jappial 4, S. tufappid £ eglifappia ^ noi fapniamoT) ■pi- voiJappiate O that I uuy know, efsi fappiano j &c. y. Io fprei, I fhould, would, or could know, rather then fa* perei. via. Solere , to be wont. lo foglio ~\ noi fogli amo, ox falerno 1.5. tu fuoli >pl. voifolete p- lami wont, &o. egli fuole-i efsi fogliono -J folfì folemmo , or folefsimo ~) z. S. folefts V pi. folefte >. I wonted, Jolfe j folfero J 0 che Io foglia 1 noi fogliamo 3. S. tu foglia > pi. voi fogliate O that I may be wont egli foglili J efsi fogliano j IX. Capere to hold or contain, or to be held or contained. Io cappio v no cappiarno 1.5. tu capi pi. voi capete I hold, See. egli cape J efsi cappiono,ox cappono j z. lo capei, Regular. See. I held, See. E e* § Giac Gjacere , to lie down. lo giaccio*? noigicciame ~ì . S. tu giaci Spi. Voi giacete > 1 lie down. egli giace \ efsi giacciono * O che Io vagliaci noi vagliamo^) 4.S . tu vaglia >■ pi. voi vagliate ^ O that I may be egli vaglia J efsi vagliano j worth. ?. Io varrei, I Ihould, would, or could be worth , rather then vaierei . XV.i efsi giacciono noi giacemmo^ or lo foggio, or'N egli fede Sedere , 4ofic. noi fediamo, or efsi feggono, or (ìedono lo taccio p noi tacciamo ■> S. tu taci Spi. Voi tacete > Iamfilent, or hold my egli tace ò efsi tacciono J peace. lo taccqui ? noi tacemmo,oc taccfsimo'ì I held my efsi fdettero 3 . lo fedrò, I fhall or will fit, rather then federò. noi fediamo, or * 0 che lo Jegga, or~\ feggiamo 4* S. figgi* ( voi fediate, or V tufegga r P - foggiai egli fogga J efsifeggano, or^ foggiano O that I may fit. Obferve, that where the numbers do not follow, but skip, there they are regular, and follow the infinitive mood. The Irregulars of the third Conjugation, chiefly vary in the Infinitive mood, in the prefent of the Indicative,in the fecond preterimpcrfed tenfes of the Optative and fubjunttive moods, being fincopated and cut fhort in many of them ,• they vary al fo in the fingle preterperfedenfe of the Indicative , and in the Participle. The other tenfes may be framed by the examples of the fe- cond conjugation, as having coherency one with another in their terminations j for between the fecond and third con¬ jugations there is little or no difference, but in the accenting of the infinitive mood. This following table is neceffary to be perufed , containing the Infinitive mood in the firfl place ; in the fecond place, the firfi: perfori of the prefent tenfe of the Indicative mood ; in the third place, the firft perfon of the fingle preterperfed tenfe of the Indicative mood ; in the fourth place, the Participle : ■ the prefent of the fubrundive mood may eafily be fram’d of the prefent of the Indicative, changing (o') into (a) as , arde , arda, See. I *Arie> c to burn, 2 ardo I bum, 3 ary? I burnt, 4 arfo burnt. i Accorgere to perceive, z accorgo I perceive, 3 accorjì I perceiv’d, 4. accorto perceiv’d. I A ccrefcere to augment, z accrefco I augment, 3 accrebbi I augmented, aaccrefciuto augmented. 1 Accendere to kindle, a accendo Lkindle, 3 accefi 1 kindled, 4 acccfo kindred. 1 Accogliere to gather, 1 Accolgo I gather, 3 Accolfi I gathe¬ red, 4 accolto 'gather’d. 1 Affliggere to afflici, 2 affliggo I affli d, 3 afflici I affli deci, 4 afflitto afflided. VJ J I Ammettere to admit, 2 ammetto I admit, 3 ammefji I ad¬ mitted, 4 ammeffb admitted. I Appendere to hang up, 1 appendo I hang up, 3 appefi I hung up. 4 appejo hung up. 1 A fondere to hide, 2 afcofdo 1 hide, 3 afe of l hid , 4 afeoflo hidden. I A fendere to afeend, 2 afendo I afeend, 3 afefil afeended, 4 afeefo alcendcd. r Affc.mere to allume, 2 affamo I affume, 3 affunfl affirmed, 4 A fun to iff umed. I vlftringcre to bind, 2 a Jl,;„ s o I bind, 3 Jflri.fi I bound, 4 affretto bound. i to abfolye, 2 ejjblvo I abfolvc ,3 dtTM I abfolv’d, 4 affo [to abfolv’d. To the Italian Tongue. I „ Attendere to mind, z attendo I mind, 3 atte fi I minded, 4 attefo minded. 1 Avvincere to bind, z avvinco I bind, 3 avvi»fi I bound., 4 avvinto bound. 1 Battere to beat, z batto I beat, 3 battei ev battetti I did beat, 4 battuto beaten, 1 Bevere to diink, z bevo I drink, 3 bevei or bebbi , I drank, 4 bevuto drunk. 1 Cedere to yield, z cedo I yield, 3 cedei , or cedetti I yielded, 4 Ceduto yielded. 1 Chiedere to ask, z chiedo 1 ask, 3 ebie/t Iaskedjicbicflo as¬ ked. i Chiudere to fliut, z chiudo I (hut up, 3 chiufi I did fhut up, 4 chiufo fhut up. i Cingere to gird, z cingo , or cigno X gird, 3 cinfil girded, 4 cin¬ to girded. 1 Coglierei or corre to gather, z colgo, oc coglia I gather, 3 col¬ pi gathered, 4 colto gathered. i Concedere to grant, 1 concedo I grant, 3 concefli I granted, 4 concelJo granted, or conceduto. I Conchiudere tocpnelude, as chiudere. i Conducere , or condurre , to conduft, as ducere. 1 Cegnofcere to know, 1 conofco I know, 3 conobbi I knew, 4 conojeiuto known, i Coflringere to conftrain, as flringere. 1 Confondere to confound , z confondo I confound , 3 confuft 1 confounded, 4 confufo confounded. I Contendere to content, as tendere. 1 Convertere to convert, z convento I convert, 3 converfi 1 converted. 4 converfo converted, i Correre to run, z corro I run, 3 corf I ran, 4 corfo ran. 1 Crefccre to grow, z crefco I grow, 5 crebbi 1 grew, 4 crefciuto grown. i Croci figgefc to crucifie, as figgere. i Cuocere to cook, 2, ckoco 1 cook, £ cofsi I cook’d, 4 cotto cook’d. i Difiruggere t( } deft coy, as flruggere, I Difendere to defend, as fendere. 1 Diffondere to diftufe, ns fondere. l 'Dividere to decide, z dici do 1 decide, 3 dicifi I decided, 4 di? cifo decided. i aifponcre , or dijporre to difpofe, as ponere,porre. 1 Dividere to divide, z divido 1 divide, 3 divifi I divided, 4 divifo divided. I Ducere or dwrre to lead, z duco I lead, 3 dufsi I did lead, 4 dutto led. I Eleggere to elettj z eleggo I cleft, 3 elefsi I cletted, 4 eletto defied. 1 Ergere to erefl, z ergo I erefl, 3 erfi I eretted, 4 erto ere- flcd. 1 Efcludere to exclude, z efcludo I exclude, 3 efclufi I exclud¬ ed, 4 efclufo excluded. 1 Efprimerc to exprelTe, z e [primo I exprefle, 3 efflrejsi I ex- preft, 4 efpreffo expreil. 1 Eflinguere to extinguìfh , z efiinguo I extinguiln, 3 eft in fi I extinguifht, 4 efiiuto ellinguilhed. 1 Fendere to cleave, 1 fendo I cleave, 3 /e /71 clove, 4/e/ocleft or cloven. 1 Figgereto fallen, z figgo I fallen, 3 fijfi I fallcned, 4 fiffo or fitto fallencd. 1 Fingere to feign, 1 fingo I feign, 3 finfi I feigned, 4 finto feigned. I Frangere to break, z frango l break, 3 franp l brake, 4 fran to broke. 1 Fremere to fret, z fremo l fret, 3 fremei I fretted, 4 fremuto fretted. 1 Gemere to groan, zgemo I groan, 3 gemei I groan’d, 4^e- mute groan’d. i Giugncre, or giungere to arrive, z giungo ox giugno I arrive, 3 giunfi I arrived, 4 giunto arrived. I Imprimere to imprint, as efprimere. 1 Immergere to drown, z immergo I drown, 3 immerfi I drowned, 4 immerfo drown’d, i Inducere to indufi, as ducere, i Intendere to underlland, as tendere. i Intridere tobrnife, z intrido I bruife, 3 intrifi Ibruifed, 4 intrijo bruifed. I Involgere to involve, as volgere. 1 Leggere to read, 1 leggo 1 read, 3 lefsi I did read, 4 letto read. i Mettere to put, 2 inetto I put, 3 mifi I did put, 4 mefio put. I Mejcere to mingle, z mefcio I mingle , 3 me feet I minglecl 4 mefeiuto mingled. 1 Mietere to reap, z mieto I reap, 5 mietei I rcapt, 4 mietuto reapt. 1 Mordere to bite, z mordo 1 bite, 3 mordei or morfi I bit, 4 morfo or morditto bitten: i Mùngere to milk, 2 mongo I milk, 3 monfi I milkt, 4 monto mil kt. i Muovere to move, z muovo I move , 3 mofsi I moved, 4*nofib moved. I Nafcete to grow, or be born , z nafeo I grow, 3 nacqui I grew, 4 «li/o grown or born. I Najcondere to hide, z nafeondo 1 hide , 3 nafeofi I hicb najeofo, nafeoflo hidden. i Cuocere to hurt, z nuoco 1 hurt, 3 noequi I did hurt, 4 no¬ ciuto hurt. I Offendere to offend, ns fendere. 1 Opprimere to opprefle, as premere. I Vafccre to feed, zpafeo I feed, 3 pafeei I fed , 4 pafeiulo fed. I Vendere to hang, z pendo 1 hang, 3 pefi I hung, 4 pejc hung. i Percuotere to llrike, 2 percuoto I llrike, 3 percofii I flrook, 4 percoffo ftrucken. i Perdere to lofe, z perdo I lofe, 3 perdei ox per fi I loll, 4 per- fo or perduto loll. X Piangere , or piagnere to weep. 2 piango or piagno I weep, 3 pianfi I wept, 4 pianto wept. i P ingere orpignere to paint, 1 pingo or pigna I paint, 3 pinfi I painted, 4 pinto painted, 1 Piovere , to pour down, or rain, 1 piovo I pour down, &c. 3 piobbi 1 pour’d down &c. 4 piovuto poured &c. I Ponere , or porre to pur, 1 pongo or pogno 1 put, 3 pofi I did put, 4 pofto put. 1 Po gere to offer, z porgo I offer. 3 porfi I offered , 4 porto offered. I Premere to prefle , 2 premo I prede . 3 prefft or premei I preft, 4 preffo or premuto prefl. i prendere to take, 1 prendo I take , 3 prefi I took , 4 pre/c took. i prejumere to prefume, 2 prefumo I prefume. 3 prefonfi I prefumed, 4 prefonto presumed, I promettere to promile, as mettere . 1 proteggere to protefl, 2 proteggo I proteft, 3 protefii I pro¬ tetteci, 4 protetto protetted. 1 Radere to (have, 1 rado I fhave, 3 rafi I fhav'd, rafo flaav’d. 1 Rc ig ere to govern, 2 reggo I govern, 3 refit I governed, 4 retto governed. I Rendere to render, 2 rendo I render, 3 refi I rcndred 3 4 rejo rendred. 1 Ridere to laugh, 2 rido I laugh, 3 n/illaught, 4 rifo laught, I Riflettere to reflett, 1 rifletto I reflett, 3 riflejfi I refletted, 4 riflejfo refletted. i Rilucere to fhinc, 2 riluco I fhine, 3 rilufsi I did filine, 4 ri¬ lutto Ihined. x Ricevere to receive , 2 ricevo I receive, 3 ricevei I receiv¬ ed, 4 ricevuto ricetto received, r Rifpondere to anfwer, 2 rifpondo I anfwer, 3 rifpofi I anfwe- red, 4.refpoflo anfwered. i Rifsolvere to refolve, 2 nfsolvo l refolve^j ri/solfi I rcfolved a 4rifsoliito refolved. 1 Riforgere to rife again, a sforgerc. I Rifplendere to filine, as fplendere. 1 Rompere to break, 2 rompo I break, 3 ruppi! brake, 4 rotto broken. 1 Ritraere or ritrarre to withdraw, as trabere. 1 Rivolgere to overturn, as volgere. i Scendere to go down, 2 feendo I go down, 3 J cefi I went down, 4 feefo gone down. I Scieghere, or feierre to choofe, 2 fcielgo or jcieglio I chufe, 3 feelfi I chofe, 4 f celta chofen. I Sciogliere, fetorre to loofen, xfciolgo, fcioglio I loofen, 3 fciolfi I loofened, 4 /dolio loofe. I Scorgere to difeover, 2 feorgo I difeover, 3 feorfi I djfcove- red, 4 fcorto difcovercd. I Scrivere to write, 2 ferivo I write, 3 ferifii I wrote, 4 feritto written. I Scuotere to fliake, 2 [cuoio 1 (hake, 3 feofii I (hook, 4 fcofio fhooken. I Soccorrere to fuccour, as correre. I Sommergere to drown, z fowmergo I drown, 3 Jommerfi I drowned, 4 fommerlo drowned. I Sorgere to rife, z forgo l rife, 3 forft I rofe, 4 [orto riferì .• 1 Spargere to fptinkle, 2 fpargo 1 fprinkle, 3 fparfi I {pcinkhd fparfo fpnnkled. *Ec 1 1 f pan derc 20 A Brief Introau&ion 4 Spandere to fpill, z [patio I fpill, 3 [P an ft I fp iIc > 4 fptnjo fpilt. i Spalliere to fpend, ifpnjal fpend, 3 fpefi 1 fpent, 4 fpefa Ipcnt. i Spegnere to quench, z [pengo or [pegno I quench, 3 fpenfil quencht, 4 f pento quencht. t Splendere to glitter, 1 fplendo I glitter, 3 [plendei 1 glittred, Ajplenduto glittered. 1 Spignere or [fingere to (hove, z [fingo or [pigna I fhoye , 3 [pin fi I did fhove, 4 [pinto fhov’d. I Stendere to ftretch, iflndo Ilhetch, 3 [iefi Kfretcht, 4 fte[o dretcht. I Stringere or ftrignere to grafp , z / bingo or frigno I grafp, 3 I Jrinft I grafpt, 4 [retto g rafp’d. I Struggere to wade, z fttuggo I wade, 3 ftruftt I walled, ft rutto waited. I Succcd re rofucceed, z [accedo Ifuceced, 3 [uccefti 1 fuc- ceeded, [ncceffo fucceeded. 1 Svellere to pluck, z [vello 'I pluck, 3 [velft I pluckt, 4 [velto pluckt. T tendere to lay, 1 tendo 1 lay, 3 teft I laid, 4 te[o laid. 1 teffere to weave, z teffto 1 weave, 3 tefti I wove, 4 teffuto woven. Jo coper ft 9 nti coprimmo or*'» i.S.tucoprifti Spi. copri[timo / egli coperftj voi copr.fte /* I covered, Sic. ej'si coperfero J 0 che jo copra ) noi copriamo 7 3 S. tu copra Spi. voi copriate > Q that I may cover, egli copra \ eft, coprano J &c. 4 - Coperto covered. III. lo dico 7 noi diciamo•j I. S. tu dici Spi. voi dite s I fay, egli dite j efti dicono J Io difti ? noi dicemmo, orTl z. S. ut dicefti Spi. die e ft imo ( T , egli dijfe J voi dicefte f * ai< ^* ejsi dijfero j I tingere to die, z ///reo I die, 3 tinfi I died, 4 tinto d'ed. I togliere or torre to take away, z tolgo or loglio I take away, 3 tolft I took away, 4 tolto taken away. I trahere or trarre to draw, z traggo I draw, 3 tra[si I drew, 4 tratto drawn. I Torcere to twill, z torco I twill, 3 tor ft I twilled, 4 torto trpifled. 1 Uccidere to kill, z uccido I kill, 3 uccift I kill’d, 4 uccifto kill’d. 1 Vendere to fell, z vendo I fell, 3 vendei or vendetti I fold, 4 venduto fold. I Volgere to turn,, z volgo I turn, 3 volft 1 turned, 4 volto turned. I Vivere to live, z vivo 1 live, 3 vifti 1 lived, 4 viffuto or vij[o liv’d. I Ungere or ugnere to annoine , z ungo òr ugno 1 annoint, 3 unft I annointed, 4 unto annointed. The fingle preterpei feft tenfe is the main thing to be lookt after and it may be conjugated thus : lo arft q noi ardemmo, or ardeftimo'Z % S. tu Ordefli Spi. voiardefte > I burnt. egli arJeJ eftiarfero 3 0 che io dica ✓ noi diciamo-y 3. S. tu dica Spi. voi diciate C. O that I may fay,' egli dica j efti dicano 3 4. Detto faid. IV* In the verb gire, the prefent is not in uf« Io gii q noi gimmo, or z. S. tu gift: >pl. giftimo egli gì J votgifte efti girono The prelent of the optative and fubjunélive moods is alfo out of ufe. 4. Gito gone : not fo much ufed as ito, from ire of the lame fignification. v. The Irregulars of the fourth Conjugation. The chiefed irregular verbs of the fourth Conjugation are , Jiprire to open, coprire to cover, dire to fay, gire to go, in¬ fluire toinllrudt, morire to die, ojftrire to offer, faine to go up, J offriremo differ , udire to beare, venire to come, ujciretogo out: which vary only in the prefent tenfe of the indicative, and fil li preterperfeft tenfe of the fame mood , and in the pre¬ fent tenfe of the optative and fubjun&ive moods, and in the participles : a3, I Ioirtftruiftco 'j noi inftruimo j I* S. tuinftruifei >pl. vniinftruite C I indruft. egli inftruiJceJ e[i inftruiftono > lo inftru/si noi inflruimmo 7 z. S. tuinftru-fti Spi. or inftrwftimoC . egli inftruffej voi inftruifte S f milructed. t[si inftrujfsero j 0 e he jo inftruiftca noi inftruiamo 3.S. tuinftruiftca Spi. voi influiate So that I may egli inflruijca 3 efti inftruifte ano j inilruid. lo apro o no 1 aprimoj I. S. tu apri Spi. voi aprite > I open. &c. egli apre 3 efti aprono^ là ctperfì 'ì no: aprimmo or *\ z.S- tnaprifh >pl. apr/flimo / egtiaperfe J voi apri (le S I opened. Se c. efti aperftero J 0 che Io apraj noi apriamo 3. S. tu apra -pi. voi apriate SO that I may open, egli apra 3 efti aprano 3 £Vc. 4. ..Aperto opened &c. IL lo copro / noi coprimo"? I. S. tu copri Spi. voicopr.te> I cover. egli copre 3 efti coprono 3 4. infintilo indrUiSed. VI. Io muoio , or I. S. rnuoro tu muori egli muore noi muotamo or morimo t voi morite * efti muoiono or \ m orono . I die, &«.’ z. Mor re, udire , ufteire, are in this tenfe regular, as [entire : though abulively the vulgar will fay , mor ft I died, morje he died, morfero they died, which belongs direftly to the verb morditi to bite. noi muoiamo.ot O the jo muoia , 3 muoviamo 3 • S. or muora. C ■ voi muoiale. t or tu muoia or muora " moriate egli muoia or muora 3 eft' muoiano , or tnuonno 4. Morto dead. See. lo offer0 s O that I may die. To the Italian Tongue. 31 to „ S. tu offen egU " VII. noi off rimo n I offer. ffero 7 ^ noi of rimo j feri Spi. voi offrite S offre i e(ìi offrono ì jo offer ft 7 noi offrimmo^ offrìfti >pl- offri fimo C I offered, 1 r li offertey S. tu „ egl 'icfftrfi offri [limo voi offrifie efi offrirono s vii°Jfr'iZ°tothMl may offer. ■ ‘ egli offra J 'fi if rat } . ofi'W oflcred. Jof>lg°>°r') mi filimi) . S. fisf i0 (pi. h Kuk'nA°tg°u?. tifali r 'fi fulgent. oc" Tal' fi fii egli fai' fagliono >. S. lo fall? -) noi folimmo,ox*ì Jfalifli Li. fimo» C I^™ d ' d >° r eoli filfi S voi fidi fi C wcntu P- * 1 cj, /«//ero 3 0 che lo Wi*, ^ > raglia / nei filiamo t or) - ,„r,L or ( , foli.»»» (O that I may ' S ‘ {adii f * 1 Ji figliai' (-afcendor go Jli Ialga, or \ 'fi filgano J up. faglia J 4. Regular. xx. Io [offro mi [offrirne p v S. m[offri C p ' - vai [offrite p. Ifunen 'glififfr'J 'fi [offrono ± lo [offerii 1 mi [offrimmo, OlT S. m [off, fi Spi fiffif™ Wuffered. 'di ìofferf'J voifoffnjt' C S e ffiM'rftro. 3 Oche Io fiffray noi [offriamo j S la loffra >pl. voi [offriate C 0 that I may fuffer. ’ 'gli [offrii * 'fft [offrano \ Sofferto fuffeted. X. Io odo 1 noi udiamon\ modi Spi. voi udite C ■ ' efi odono J 3. S. tu I heard. Oche lo oda-, noi udiamo') oda Spi- voi udiate S >0 that I may hear, *■ ’ *3 &c. ?gli oda 4. Regular. chiodano • xi. Iovengo,orvegiiOp noi vernino p I S. la vieni Spi- voi venite S IcomS. egli viene S 'fi vengono^ in venni J noi venimmo,or venifmop I.S. tu .nifi Spi. voivemfle > I carne, egli venneò efi vennero -> &c. 0 che lo venga ,or vegna 3. S. tu venga , or vegna egli venga , or vegna t 3 «0» Spi. DO/ e[li veniamo -, veniate C O that I ?Jli vengano S uray come 4 - Venuto come. 1. S. lo efeo tu efi egli e XII. moì ufeimo < efeo «oi «/cimo ^ efei - Cpl. voiufeite I go out, li efeeò eft efeono j 2. Regular. 0 che lo efea 7 mo; ufeiamo >pl. t rgh e/cd A e/?* e/ca, 4. Regular. 0 c/;e lo efia'-s noi ufeiamo 1 . voiufeiate C O that I may go egli elea S efi efeano «à out. Note that the vulgar fayes apriamo for aprimo , copriamo for coprimo, ere. in the firft perfon plural of the prefentof the indicative mood. Befides the aforefaid verbs , there are fome of the faid con¬ jugations, which are irregular, in that they .make ufe of the fyllable (fco) in four perfons of the prefent renfes of the Indi¬ cative, Imparative, Optative, and Subjunctive moods : that is to fay , the three perfons lingular, and the third plural, whofoever can conjugate one , may ealily conjugate the reft, all other tenfes being regular. Indie. praai. ijco; j not 1 S. tu ubidì fei Cpl. voi 'idi fee} efi egli ubi di fee } ubidite fi ubidirono I obey. 7 ubidiamo noi ~ pref. S. ubidìfca egli rpl ubidite voi S, Obeythou. ^ ubidìfcano efi ^ Opt. 0 chela ubidì fcanoi ubidiamo 3 pref . S. tu ubidì fca Spi, voi ubidiate > &c. egli ubidì fca -> efi ubidivano* Riufcire To prove, as ufeire. or coni*» nffin any thing, is conjugated An fo much of the irregulars of the four fcYcrall Conjugations. Note, that there are fome Moods and Tenfes that fome Verbs of all the four Conjugations are frequently contra&ed in Bere to drink, from Beverc Corre to gather, from cogliere. Durre to lead , from ducere , and fo all the derivatives and compounds ol the fame. Poire to put, from ponere , and fo all the derivatives and compounds of the fame. Selene tochufe, from feiegliere. Sciorre tolootenfronifcioghere. Torre to take away, from togliere, and fo any derivative or compound of the fame. Trarre to draw, Irom trahere , and 10 any derivative or compound of the fame. Berrei I fhonld or would drink. Correi I (houle! or would gather. | Durrei 1 (hould or would lead. Porrei I fhould or would put. ....... ..... Scìerrei I fhould or would chufe Scior'rò I filali or wiìiloofen. Sciorrci I (hould or would loofen Tonò I (hall or will take. Terrei l ihould or would take. Trarrò I (hall or will draw. Trarrei I (hould or would draw. Thcfe following are alio contracted in the future ol the In dicative,and the fccond piererimperfeft tenie ol the Op¬ tative and Sub j unitive moods. Ft* Andare Berrò I (hall or will drink Corrà I (hall or will gather. Durrò I (hall or will lead. Porrò I (hall or will put. Scierrò 1 fhall or will chufe. 22 A brief Introduction j ì ^Andare to go. Dolere to grieve. Dovere to owe. Havere to have. Morire to die. Potere to be able.' Rimanere to remaine. Sapere to know. Tenere to hold. Valere to be worth or able. Vedere to fee. Volere to be willing. Venire to come. . Andrò for onderà I fhall or will go. Dorrò for dolorò I fhall or will grieve. Dovrà for doverò I fhall or will owe. Havro for haverb I fhall or will have. Morrò for morirò I fhall or will die. Potrò for poterò I fhall or will be able. Rimarrò for rintanerò I fhall or will remain.’ Saprò for faperd I fhall or will know. Terrò for tenero I fhall or will hold. Varrà for vaierò I (hall or will be worth. Vedrò for veder d l fhall or will fee. Vorrò for volerò I fhall or will be willing. Verrà for venirò I fhall or will come Andrei for anderei I fhould or would go. Dorrei for doterei I fhould or would grieve. Dovrei for doverei I fhould or would owe. Httvrei for baverei I fhould or would have. Morrei for morirei I fhould or would die. Potrei for poterei I fhould or would be able. Rimarrei for rintanerei l fhould or would remain. Saprei (or ftperei I fnould or would know. Terrei for tenerci [ fhould or would hold. Varrei for vaierei I fhould or would be worth,. Vedrei for z lederei I fhould or would fee. Vorrei for volerei I fhould or would be willing. Verrei for venirei I fhould or would come. Obferve that the contra&s are generally more inufe than when written at length. Of the Verb paffiye* In all Verbs it is made by putting the Verb [otto to any paf five participle : as for example. rio fono amato J pm loved. Sing. < Tu fei amato thou art loved. LEgli è amato jie is loved. rNoi fumo amati we are loved. Plur. Voi ftte amati yea are loved. 1 LE[si fono amati they are loved. And fo of all the reft of the tenfes : and if feminine, amata t or amate. Only in the third perfon lingular and plural by putting/? before or after, the paflivation is expreft, asfiama, amafi he,or it is loved; fi amano, arnanfi, they, or thofe things are loved, and fo quite through the Vetb, fi being ever written apart if comming before, if after, incorporated, and the yowel loft, as appears by aman[\ and ama/tnfi. Note, that fi never comes before Infinitives, Gerunds or Parti¬ ciples, as appears in this example , unleflc non or nè come immediately before fi, as non or nè fipotendo far di menofit not being pofiible to do otherwife. Verbs Neuters conjugated by the auxiiiar Verb Hitvere to have. Jo ho cantinato I have walkt. Jo ho devuto I have owed. Jo ho dormito Ihavoflept. Jo ho nocciuto I have hurt. Jo ho f editto I have fate. Jo ho potuto I have been able. Io ho voluto I have been willing, not fon carni nato, Jon dovuto , Verbs Neuters conjugated by the Verb EJfcre to be, Jo fono entrato I have come in, or am come in. Jo fon* ufeito I am gone out, or have gone out. lo fon nato I am born. lo fon reftato I have forborn. Jo fon rimaflo, idem.' lo fon ritornato I am returned. lo fon volato I have flown, not ho entratole, Thcfe Verbs are very frequent in difeourfe, and therefore good heed oughc to be taken that they be not mifap- plied. The Verb reciprocal how conjugated. /o mi dico I fay ray folf. Tu fidici thou fay eft thy felf. Egli fi dice be fayeth himfelf. Noi ci diciamo we fay our felvesi Voi vi due ye fay your fclves. Efsijl dicono they fay thcmfelvcs. And fo throughout all along, Jo mi dicevo I (aid my felf, tu ti dicevi thou fayedft thy fell, &c. Others are reciprocali with particles , relating to perfons or things, or both. lo mi fido di Itruftin — Tutifididi thoutrufteftin —* Egli fi fida di he trufteth in — Noi ci fidiamo di wetruftln — Voi vi fidate di ye truft in — E fit /f fidano di they truft in — lo me ne rido I laught at it. j Tu te ne ridi , thou iaugheft at iti Egli fe ne ride he laughs at ir. Noi ce ne ridiamo we laugh at it. Voi ve ne ridete ye laugh at it. E fi fe ne ridono they laugh at it. Verbs imperfonals abfolutely without any Particles.' Piove itraineth. Tuona it thunders. Nevica it fnoweth. Diluvia it pours down amain. Tempefia it ftorms or hails. Balena it lightens. The following verbs are ufed imperfonally, Tocca it concerns. Cale it’s ones care. Duole it grieves. Rincrejce its irkfome. Conviene its fitting. Lice its lawfull. Deve one ought. Pud it is pofiible. Puole it may be. Dice it becomes. Difdice it misbecomes.' Confà itfuits. ~ Appartiene it belongs. Ricerca it requires. But efpecially with fonie of thefe Particles j ni, fi.li, vi, ci, li, as for example. Mi tocca it concerns me, or conjes to my Ibare. Mi toccava it did concern me. Mi è toccato it hath concerned me. Mi toccò it concerned me. —------ Mi Miera'toccato ir had concerned me. Mi fu toccato, idem. Mi toccherà it will concern me. Mi tocchi let it concern me. Che mi tocchi may it concern me. Che mi toceaffe would it concern’d me. Mi toceaffe Ihould it concern me. Mi toccherebbe it would concernine. O che mi fia toccato pray God it hath concern’d me. O che mi /offe toccato would God it had concern’d me Mi farebbe toccato it would have concern’d me. Quando mi farà toccato when it fhall have concern’d me. Toccarmi to concern me. Havermi a toccare to be about to concern me. 1 Toccandomi it concerning me. Toccatomi it having concern’d me. Effermi toccato to have epneem’d me. Efendomitoccato it having concern’d me. Effendo per toccarmi. It being about to concerne me. And fo of the reft. The Verb ejfere is ofc put imperfonally with the Par¬ ticles ci or vs, fignitying as much as there in Englifh. Ci trecci y there is, is there ? or it is there. Cifono, fonti, there are, arc there ? or they are there. 2 * Ci era , there was, was there ? Ci erano , or eranci, there were, or were there. And fo putting (vi) in the like manner, -vi è, evvij vi era , oravi fk c. and in thè infinitive, effere or e (fervi, there to be, ef- fendocii or effindovi, there being, or being there. Note, that in the conjugations Ihaveufed thepronownsw Io, Tu, Egli, quite thorow, on purpofe to ufe the LearJ ' ncr to know the Perfons, not that they are alwayes ne- ceflary m diicourfe or writing, praftife w jH make this clear. And fo much for the Verbs. The Contrai Participles of the firft Coujugation, which are moft frequen* both in writing and diicourfe- •Accetto for accettato , acceptable or accepted. •Avveggo for avverato, accuHomed. * Acconcio for accomiato , fit or fitted. Adorno for adornato, trimm’d. xAjcitato for afeiuttato , drained, dried. Calpeflo for calpefiato, trampled. Carico for caricato, loaded. Caffo for C affato, cafhiered. Cerco for cercato, fought. Comincio for cominciato , begun. Concavo for concavato, hollow. Confeffo for conftffato , confeft. Contento for contentato, contented: Conto for contato , counted. Culto for cultivate, manured. Deflo for de fato, awaked. Dimefiico for dimeficato, tamed. Domo for domato , idem. Fermo for fermato , Hopt. Franco for francato , freed. Gttaflo for guaflato, fpoiled, Gonfio for gonfiato , fwelled or puff. Inchino Hooped unto for inchinato Infetto for infettato, infeèled. involto for involtato, wrapt. Lacero fot lacerato , torn. Logro for latrato, worn. La[fo forlaffato, wearied. Lejfo for le fato boiled ; Mac ero for macerato, bruis ’d. Manife fio for manifeflato, manifefied. Moggo for molato cropt. Moftro for mofrato fhovvn. Netto for nettato , cleanfed. Ofo {orofato, dared. T Tattico for praticato, ver ft, Feflo forpefiato , bruifed. Privo for privato, deprived. Vago for pagato, fatisfied. Rafo for rajato, fhaved. Ritorno for ritornato returned. Racconto for raccontato, recited. Ritocco for ritoccato, toucht over again. Refio for refiato, remained. Raccheto for racchetato. Hilled or quieted. Ri\\o for ridato, got up . Sacro for Jacrato, devoted. Sdutto for feiuttato, dried. Scemo for Jccmato, Ieffened. Secco for Jeccato, dried. Sconcio for fiondato, d.fordered. Sgombro for Igombrato, freed. Stanco for fiancato, wearied. Stracco for firaccato, idem. Sicuro for ficurato, fccurcd. Tocco lor toccato, toucht. Trito for tritato, minced or hacked. Tronco for troncato, cut off. Volto for voltato, turned. Vuoto tor Vuotato, emptied. Urto for urtato , j uftlcd. Ufo for ufato, ufed. i. Of Adverbs of Affirming. SI yes. Signor il yts Sit, idem: òtgnora si ye s Madam, si Signora idem! MaJ m „a sì yes Gammer, or Goody, &c. Certamente truly. J Sì del certo yes truly. Certamente poi dii cftly now . forno juft now, the lad chini; I did ; Veramente truly. Invero in truth. Come voi fi la forte asluckwould have it In verità intrurh. Da vero in good earneH. •Affatto ablolutely, altogether. Così fo. Per mia difgratia to my wo. 2. Of Augmenting, •Affai much. Pitt more. Vie, O Molto, > far more. •Affai pih,\ Di fiver eh io overplus. Davvango, tofpare. Maggiormente fo much the rather. - Oltre ogni credenza beyond all belief. Tam maggioratole lo much the rather . Maf imamente efpecially. •A ba fianca fufficiemly. Di gran longa by far. 3- Of calling. Il olà ho. Nei idem. Dahbaffo below. •Ad alto above there 0 di cafa. who’s at home here ? 4 Of I 24 A Brief Introduci ion 4. Of Comparing. 10. Of Excepting. Meglio di better than. foggio di worfethan. Il doppio as much again. ^ Altre tanto as much again. Tré cotanti thrice as much. Mafitmo efpecially. j>:u del hi fogno more than need. ■ : fiotto dii or del in companion of. Fume- folito more thanufuall. 5 . Of Chufing. jln\i nay, rather. Più prefio fooner, or rather. Tilt lofio , idem. Meglio farebbe it were better. Ter buona forte by good hap. 6. Of Demonftrating, Ecco behold. Eccolo look here it is. Lo vedi doll fee it ? Di fi fatta maniera in fuch a like manner. Si fattamente , idem. Inguifa in fuch a manner or fort. Eccetto excepting. Salvo che, faying that. Fuorché but that, excepting. Da un in fuori all but one. Drf due in poi all but two. Eccettuatine due but, or except two. Solamente only. Purché fo that. Se non è ifitbenot. Da Dio in giù from God downwards. Da mio padre in là, all but my Father. 11. Of forbidding. Guarda take heed, upon no termes : Guardala gamba look to the main chance. Stà in cervello look about you. Non vedi ciò che fai ? doll not fee what thou doll ? what thou art about. Hai gli occhi ne 9 calcagni } where are thy eyes,behind thee? Non dir fie coje a me tell not me thefe things. Non fare do not offer it. Non voler do not go about it. Non mi toccar quefia corda harp not me upon this llring* ^4 Dio non piaccia marry God forbid. Dio ve ne guardi God defend you from ic. Troppo farebbe ’cweretoo hard, too much. 11. Of Interrogation. 7. Of denying. Nò no. Signornò no Sir. Non Signore idem! Signora nd no Madam. Vtadonna nò no Gammer, or Goody. Maidisi yes I warrant you. jLnrfi che nò I fay rather not. Manco no, not fo much as. Per nulla by no means. Non già nofure. Non pure no Non che not only, no not, much lefle, Non mica not in the lead. Non è mica vero no luch matter. Non per certo no indeed. Per certo nò idem. Non mai lo nò never mot I. Non monta niente it’s not material at all. •8. Of doubting. 4 Porfi perhaps. Per avventura perchance. Per fortuna, idem. Cafoche put cafe that. Pofto che idem. Chi fa ? who can tell ? . Che che non è before you can fay, whatisthis. Non feria gran cofa not unlikely. E facil cofa però its likely though. Già finche fuppofe that. Patria beneffer it might well be. 9, Of exhorting. Horfu come. Via away. minimo courage. . Sit allegramente come couragiouily. il Diavol è morto a Malomocco the Dive Sped if ila away with it quickly. F inficila una -volta once have done. Deh per vita tua I prithee now. Dimmi di gratia prithee tell me. is dead,&c. Chiavali'} who goes there? Chi è ? who is there, who is’t ? Donde vieni ? whence conimeli ? Di dove fei ? whence art thou ? Che vuol dire ? what is the reafon ? Donde fei t'u ? what place art of ? Perche ? why ? Per qual cagione ? for what caufe ? Per fin dove ? how far ? Quanto fiorai ? how long wilt day ? Perfino quanto* how longtime? Quanti anni ha che ? how many years is it linee ? Chi viva ? who are ye for ? -v Quant' hà ? how long is it lince ? U ? where ? 13. OfLefleniog. Meno lefle. Almeno at lead. ► almanco , idem. Poco poco very little. »Alquanto fomwhat. Tantin tantino never fo little. Quanto farebbe un cece about the bignelfe of a pea. Ogni poco never fo little. 14. Of Number. TJna volta one time, once. Due volte two times, twice. Più volte feveral times. Quante volte ? how many times ? Tante volte fo many times. Ogni tal volta che as often as that. In quante volte in how many times ? Intorno a tante volte a matter of fo many times. Intorno a mille a matter of a thoufand. Da cento about a hundred. Cento incirca , idem. Ogni volta che as often as that. ^Ancor una volta once more. Mille volte 2 thoufand times. Tutti quanti every one, every Mothers Son. is. of Tt the It&li*n Tongue* 15 ♦ Of Order or fequence. Prima, fir ft, in the firft place. Voiy next, then, afterwards. Ter^o, thirdly. Quarto fourthly : c và difcorrendo } znd fo on. Per la prima in the firft place. Vn dì sì, P altro nò every other day. V altro hieri, or hieri /’ altro the other day. Fra tanto 1 . . Tra tanto , >■> the time. ^ ilia per fine at the laft. ^4 vicenda by turns- Vicendevolmente, idem. 'Ultimamente laftly. Vo feta afterwards. Da poi fi nee. ^4 prima vifia at firft fight. Primieramente , esprima. Quanto al primo as to the firftj Doppo quefio after this. - Alla fila a row, or in rank. Soffopra topfie turvy, one with another. * . -Aliar overf eia wrong fide outwards. Oltre a ciò moreover. Del pari equally. Di due in due two by two. v Ann a uno one by one. ^4 branchi in troops. ^4 ftuolo in company. fchi ere in ranks. In frotte in multitudes. v/4 poto a poco by little and littlc 3 by degrees. i 6 . Of Place. „ Altrove elfewhcre. D’ altrove from elfewhere. */ 4ppreJfo near. * Accanto clofeby. allato, idem, 4 or by your fide. addietro behind, v Attorno about. ci, there. % Cojli there, or thither. Cofih thither. Di colà from thence. Di colà via , idem. In quei contorni , in tbofe quarters. Dove where. Dovunque wherever. Dentro within. Dentro via inwardly. D’ onde ? whence ? Dietro behind. Di dietro, idem. Indietro backward. Per dove ? which way. Davanti before. Fuori without. Di fuori idem. Di fuoravia from abroad. Gilt down. In gilt downwards. xAlingiu, idem. Ivi there. Indi thence. Intorno about- Là yonder. In Ogni luogo every where. Lontano a far off. Per alcun luogo in forne place. Jn alcun luogo, idem. I nnifiitn luogo nowhere, in no place. Da qualunque Uro go from any place. Per ogni lato on every fide. Per la cafa about the houfe. Di longi from a far off. man manca on the left hand, v 4 man dritta on the right hand. Onde whence. Ove where. __ a /5 Per tutto everywhere. Dove , idem. Ovunnqne wherever. In pubico in publick. ~4l paefe in his own Countrey. Qu i here. Quà hither Di qua this way. Quinci thence. Quivi there. Quindi thence. D,r qualunque luogo from what place foevei In fin a quà hitherto. Verfo quà towards this place. Sin qui hithertOj as far as hither. Sit above. In ft upwards. Sopra above, or upon. Di / opra , idem. Setto underneath. Dj fotto, idem. Vt there. sAlla volta di cafa homewards. Verfo cafa, idem. -A cafa home. Vicino hard by. 17. OfPofture. ^4 roverfeio backwards. *A pic giorni with feet dole together. mangionte wit-h clafpcd hands. *A tentone gropingly. Scarpone grovingly. Brancolone crawlingly. In ginocehione on ones knees. Boccone with ones face downwards. Supino with ones face upwards, *4 cavalcione a ftride over. In fulla vita bolt upright. In fulla poma de’piedi a tip toes. 18. Of Quality, Infiemc. together. ! Parimente fikewife. -Ambidue both. ripari equnlJyj Deipari , idem. Jchi ere in 1 ows, or ranks.' Scambievolmente mutually. *A bel aggio fair and foftly. Bel bello, idem. Alpofia apurpofe. Bene well. Pe burla injeft. Di buon cuore heartily. Al cafo by chance. Dadovero in earned. D aperfe of ones felf, of it (elf. Fedelmente faithfully. Forfi perhaps. Fortemente ftrongly. Forte aloud. A gara thrivingly in competition. In giro ina round. Male ill. Meritamente dcfervingly. Ad ogni modo however. Ottimamente moft excellently. Ornatamente neatly. P ermamente moft bafely. Pian piano very foftly. Con raggiane with reafon. D-* fenno in earned. Da fcher^o injeft. AIla sfuggita curforily. A bello fittdio for the very once. Per forte by chance. Smif -.ratamente unmeafmably; A torto wrongfully. Volentieri willingly. Di buona voglia , idem. G g * Molto Ì6 A brief Introduction Molto volentieri very willingly. Ter poco within a little, or a final! matter. St retti fintamente moftclofely, or near. A morevolmente kindly. ConJ enti en tern ente by confent. Jn profa in profe. In rima in vede, or rime. Allaballorda dizily. Alla buona di Dio in a downright way. Allagroffolana clownifhly. A piu potere with all might and main ■ A minpofla at my difpoial. In piu modi feveral ways. Jnfullagrande (lately. lillà [piccata lingly,a part. A modo mio as 1 lift. Da par ftto like your felfe, or himfelfe. Alla eortegiana Court-like, or Courtizarv-like. Spafimatamente paflionately. Strabocchevolmente precipitately. Ip. Of Quantity; Affai much, or enough, orrery. Abaftan^a fufficiently. Cotanto fomuch. Davantaggio more. Di gran lonza far more, more by far. Molto much. Meno lefle. Manco, idem. Fuor di modo out of meafure; Toco little. Fiu more. Pochetto very little. P ochettino very little as may be. Tochifiimo, idem. Molto poco very little. Poco meno li ttie Ielle , Per lo più for the moll part. Per la maggior parte, idem. Pur affai very much, Tutto quanto , tutta quanta , all, every bit, all over. Troppo, too much. t |> Tantino , a little thought, no bigger than this., 20. Of fimilifude. Come as. Sicome even as. Cioè, viz. that js. Così fo. A quel modo thus, after that manner. Aqueftomodo thus, after this manner. A giti fa di after the nature of. Quale even as. Verbo gratia for example. Pereffempio idem. Ter modo di dire o 8 ragionare. °ne would fiy. 2 I. Of Separation. Separatamente apart. Da banda afide. Jn diparte of one fide, afide. f cautamente feparately. Per via di participio fiiaringly. Da canto afide. Dal canto mio for my part. 22. Of profeffiog and fwearing. Così mi guardi iddio fo God help me. Poter di - by the power of - Può far SanP Antonio by Saint Anthony, or all he can do. Affé in good faith. Da chrifìian battetypito as I am a Chriilian. Per queftét carne batte^ata by this Chriftened flefh, in point¬ ing to their hand, Cofpetto di Bacco before Bacchus. Da fervitor chele Jono as lam yourfervant. Da povero Sacerdote as I am a poor Priell. Da Cavagliere as I am a Gentleman. Da quel che fono as you take me. Afe di Chriftiano by the faith of a Chriftian; Se Dio m aiuti fo God help me. Iu confcien\a del anima min upon my conference. Sopra del anima mia upon my foul. S opra P anima mia , idem. Per queffi Santi Vangeli by the Evangelifts : Then a croffe is made either on a table, or ones breaff Corpo di chi non vu3 dir by the body of——-• I was going to fay fomething — Corpo del Antichriflo by the-body of Antichrift. Tal fa di me,fe — fo may I thrive,if — Sangue del inimico di Dio Pox of the Devil, 23. Of Time. Adeffo now. Alhora then. Alhoraalhora newly newly, juft now. Ancora again. 1 Jnun batter d? occhio in the twinkling of an eye. In un baleno idem. Circa about. Jn un credo in a tnce, or as much time as one might fay his Creed. Dimani 7 Dimani sorrow. Dimatina 7 Dommm»' r° Dipot afterwards. Da che ever fince that.- Trà tanto in the mean time. Alla per fine atthelaft. Fin che until that. Tin a tanto che until fuch time thari Di giorno in the day time, alfo in the afternoon. Già formerly, or late.that it, dead. Cià now. « Guari anytime. Ogni giorno everyday. Moggi today. Moggi di this very day, now a dales. Moggi giorno, idem. Meri yellerday. Hor hora by and by. Inanii before. Perl inani} formerly, allo, hereafter. Per /’ avvenire from hence forward. Perloinanfi -y Da qui inany 5 * or c “ e c > me to come. Va mò \nan\i, idem. Ter P adietro, idem. Ter tempio betimes. Incontinente inftantly, out of hand. i AlP improvi fo on the hidden. Da un anno in là a year before. Mò now. Di merìggio at noon day. Di me^o dì, idem. Di me^o giorno , idem. Stammane this morning. In capo alP anno at the years end. In qneflo mentre in this Interim. Di notte in the night time. Sta notte this night. Ter adeffo for the prefenr. Tofdimani alter to morrow. Tei then. Toco fa a little while agoe. Per lo p affato for the time paft. Da granpe^o not a long time. Preffo near. Il più delle volte for the moll part. Vn tteiyfifa a good while agoe. Più anni fono many years ago. Quei pochi annic e flato not a few years hath he dwelt there pointing to their hair. Pofcia afterwards. Quando when. D; quando in quando from time to time. To the It oli in Tongue. V Da molto in qua notofJate. Da tent' anni in qua not thefe hundred years , any time thefe hundred years. Qualunque volta at any time. Ogni volta che as often as. Tutte le volte che, idem. Quant’ un 4ue Maria, an Avemary time or while. Quant' un Miferere a Mifereye while. Quafi alinoli. A wan a matto, idem. D a qui ad un poco within this little while. Da qui ad una Settimana a week hence. Quando che pa when ever it be. In pn a quando ? till whenj how long ? Di rado feldome.f Rarifiime volte very feldom. Stu ferà this evening. Sin a qui hitherto. Subito prefently. Sempre alwayes. Sempre mai evermore; • Sovente often. Quanto tempo pi ? how long is’tfince. Tardi late. Sintantoché fill fuch time that. Non e troppo it is not very long linee. Toco tempo è idem. Egran tempo it’s a long time lince. Talhora fometimes. Spejfe volte oftentimes. Tal volta fometimes. Volta h volta every foot, or ever and anon. Ogni tratto Hill ever. Delle volte at times, Alle volte idem. Tantofio fuddenly. Da raga^o of a lad, lince I was a boy. Tratto tratto ever and anon, 24. Of williing. Ten aggio,' happinefle attend you, or him,' 5 Buon prò, fan ita & allegrerà happinefle and joy at¬ tend you. O D (0 voglia che God grant that_ O fe Dio volefje che would to God that •_. Piaceffe a Dio che, idem. Piaccia a Dio che pray God that- Faccia Dio Gods will be done. Facejfe Iddio would to God >—. Dio la ne guardi God defend you from it. Buon dì, e buono anno God day. Venga a buon porto, e falvamento may he return fafe. 2J. Of Imprecation. Malprò may it never thrive. Mal aggia goodier on him. Va in bordello away with a pox. Che gli venga il mal di fan Layro mifchiefe light on him. Sulle forche hang him ; Muoia, idem. Crepi in tanta mal bora let him luffer with a ven¬ geance. Che fi rompa ili collo may he break his neck. Morir popi/ mayell thoU die. Cheglipoffh capar un occhio may one of his eyes drop out of his head. Venga la rabbia a quanti fono pox take them all. Sen^a prò never to thrive. Conjunctions . J. Of Addition. Oltre befides. Di più moreover. Quel che più è what is more. Inoltre over and above, orbelides. Tanto maggiormente fo much the rather. 2, OfCaufc. Cheperchio ? what then ? Perche becaule. Perchiochè idem. Perche nd why not. Accbioche to the end that. Ter amor che by reafon that. Però therefore, oryet. Ilperche the why, or wherefore,' Per il che for the which. Ter la qualcauft for the which caule» Poi then. Effe ndo che feeing that. 3. Of Concluding. Uora now. Infortuni in conclulion. Al fin de’ fini when all is done. Tur at length, yet. Confeguentemente confequcntly. Donque then. Adonque fo then. A tal che fo that then, it fliould feeni then that- Per refietto by reafon that. Del refto Del reftante T>el rimanente 4 . Of Comparing,’ 'Anche alfo. Anco, idem. Ancora , idem. Cioè videlicet. Di novo afrefli. Difrefco lately.' Tanto fo much. Quanto as. E, e both, and. Si afwell. Come as. Si come even as. E ? Et Sand.- Ed $ Etiandio alfo. 5 - OfCondition 0 Con patio upon condition. Dato che 1 r , Tolto chef Cotia <- Non di meno 7 Nulla di meno J’ncverthelelle,' Niente di meno j Nono fante che notwithftanding that. Tuttavia yet. Ma but. Tuttavolta however. Come che forafmuch as. Tutto che although that. Ancor che , idem. Sebenej idem. Al contrario degli altri contrary to others. ^otherwife,elfe. 28 A Brief Introduction A la che butjfo that. Q^ant' a mè as lor my part. Altresì as well, alfe. Aveti ga che albeit that. Se non che but that. &c. Pi'.r pure yet, for all that. Con queflo però butta» that. Quantunque although. Quando bene although that. Tra due in a quandary, in doubt. N on pure not only. Nonfolo, non foUmente, non che idem. 6 . Of Continuation and Confequence. yon fer tanto not for all that. In modo fothat. In maniera , idem. In sì fatta maniera in fuch a like manner. Onde whereupon. Pofca che feeing that. Attefo che, idem. Giache linee that. Dato che grant that. Conciofiache feeing that. Concio fìacof.t che for as much as that. Da che lince that. Dapoiche, idem. 7. Of Disjoining. O or. oPu.nò l’ altro either the one or the other. Overo orelfe. ^ nor. Nè l’ uno nè P altro neither the one, nor the other. Od or. O veramente orelfe. 0 <5 or either. 8. Of chufing. Più lofio che \ - . , Piùprejlo che > rathcr > or fùoncr than ‘ An\i rather. Anft che rather than. Avanti che before that. Vrmxche, Idem. Prima di — befo; e, or ere that. 9. or Excepting. Fuorché except. Sì ma Ibut. Ma si, idem. Se non che but that. Se non but. Non foffe che were it not that. Eccettuato che excepting that. Con il, lo, li, gli, U, le — with the — Contra p or S de/ 1 —— againll the ■ - « Contro i Di là di, de 1 , or dal —— beyond the —■■■■» Dentro di, a, or al - within the --- Davanti a , or al - before the —— Dietro a , or di — behind the - Di rimpetto al or a —- over againft the, or a — Doppo il, or di- —* af er the -• Prò if or la’-— ’iwixtthe—• Final, oc a -■ until the - Fuor del, oidi —. out of the, orola-- A guifadel or di - alter the natuie of- -- Giuft.t il - according to the - Inanydi , or a -- beloicthe——■-- Incontro 1 Incontra f or —■ over againft the-- Infra il, lo, la , le, Sec. - below' the- In fin \ a ^ or a — as ^ ar as t ^ e - or until t ^ ie "' Infula —- upon the— or in the ■ — - Longo il -alongftthe- Lontano di, or del -far from the —— NclmcT^o del' —• in the midtfc of the- In me\\oal, oca —. idem. Olirà di , ox del -belides the- Per il, ox la ——- through the- Di quà del, or di -of this iide of - - * Rafente il, 8cc .—■ dole by the -- Secondo il, See. - according to the --. Sopra il, ox del- —< upon the-— Sul. - idem. Sotto il, See. — under the - - Sensati, See. — without the-- Trail,See .—. 'twixtthe- Verfo il, or di , or del ■ ■— towards the — Vicino di ox al -near unto the-. ‘Prepofitions, < Prepofitions. With their Applications, the tacks fignifying the fenfe to be imperfed, and tint they msy be ap¬ plied to any purpofe one hath a mind to. Acccanto il, ox al - near to the- Adoffo al, it> or di - upon the —• A fronte al - oppolitc to the — In faecia al -idem. allato a or d -clofe by, or to the-- Al incontro di or del — contrary ro the —— Appiè del, ox di-— at the foot of-—• Appettoal, oca -in companion of - - Appreffo di) ox al - near unto the - Circa di, or a — about the— or as lor the — Which are infeparable.or that fignifie nothing apart from the words to which they are prefixed. Ante — porre, anteporre to prefer. D if — porre , difporre to difpofc, Dt— porre, deporre to depofe. Ef— porre, efporre, to expofe. Inter —porre, interporre to interpofe. Mif— f itto, misfatto a mifdeed, Pof—l or re, pofporre to put in the lad place: Rac— corre, r accorre to gather R — a'tentare , rallentare toflacken. Re — fpirare, ref pirare to breath. Ri — prendere, riprendere to check, or re-alTumc. S— parare, fparare to uncouple, or make odde. Sira-— parlare, (Iraparlare to flander or backbite. Traf— portare, traj portare to tranfport. Note, that Di, a, da, which feem indefinite articles are Prc- pofitions fignifying motion from place to place. D/ r vengo di cafa I come fi om hon e. A < mene và a Napoli I go to Naples. D a t pano da Veneti a I go from Venice. Inter - Int&rjeftions. \Ahy wretched me. Poveretto me \ Che Diavole mai quefio , what a Devil can this be ; what is the matter ? Che domine \Vhat à Gods name ? Ha che fai ? ha, what art about ì Eh how. Fuor de’piedi out of the way. Fui, fui fie, fie. Ha, ha fo, fo. Hoi cudfo. Oh cofa brutta O bafe. Ihi itrange. Huh Signor Iddio Lord God. Levati di quà away hence. Zaffò me woes me. Madonna Santi (Urna blefled Lady. Oibày fie. Oimè O me. Polito affé brave ifaith, cleverly ifaith. ti orfù via a noi away, minde n .e. Tuh fie. Sia costi Cui fiat beitfo. Sì eh ? I, fa j you may fo ? Buonanotte Cola good night Gaffer. quefio modo ah fi tratta ? I, thus do you ufe me ? O può fare fo, if [ come to you. Benefl, ì it’s well. Levamiti dinanzi out of my fight. Creperai v 'e mifchiel will befall thee. Di che forte to fonie tune, to fome purpofe. Viva let him live, live he. Via away. Ben bè well, go to. 2 itto whofht, not a word. P ut ting the fore-finger a croffe ones mouth. By thefe Inter je&ions is expreft forrow or joy, admira¬ tion or difdain, provocation or intreaty, asoceafion ferves. i 1 30 A brief Introduction A N APPENDIX TO THE INTRODUCTION: OR, A S UMMARY of Miscelany OBSERVATIONS: The right and ready underftanding of which, prefuppofes fome infight of the Latine Tongue, or at leaft of terms of Grammer : All which, after a diligent perù fai of the former part of this Introdu&ion , may competently be underltood , even by weak capacities, I mean fuch as had rather learn by rote then by rule. I G Hncrally. the finite Articles; il, lo, lo, le, lignine as much as (the 3 in Englilh, efpecially in the oblique cafes, as delio of the, alio to the, ilallrt Irom the ; delle, alle, dalli, alii, oe da¬ gli,ere. it is put alter the nature ol the Greeks , at the begin¬ ning ofwQrds, rather for ornament than necelhty, in relation tofenfe, though neceflary in relation to cuftome , andfoit may fignifie as much as (a) in Engliflij as, /’ amico compatì fee i diffetti dell’ amico, a friend bears with thedefe&s of a friemd : It were abfurd to fay, dAmico compati fc^, See. alfo, La virtù è di de fiderare, virtue is to be defired, not virtu è da defi derate. II. Homogeneal things, that is, things of the fame matter, or fubltance. alfo the dements, things of nature , that grow, as fruits of the carih, ufually have the finite , iddio creò il cieloe la terra, God created heaven and earih , it were not proper to fay, creò cielo e terra ; and the genitive cafe of the finite a: tide is ufed, if any uncer tain quantity thereof be implied, Vntal contadino m? ha portato dellifonghi , a certain Countrey fellow hath brought me fonie Muftiromes, dimani m* apporterà delle mele, to morrow he will bring me fome Apples,&c. and in this cafe it feems to lofe the fenfe of (the,) and fo alfo where there is an indefinitenefie ofnumbers, egli ha de' bei figli , he hath handfom children ; as alfo the fame finite article ferves when we exprefle a flight of any thing ; as, le parole non fono che del vento , words are but fome wind, fignifying fomethmg more than le parole non fono che vento ; and alfo being put be¬ fore any appellative noun, it lignifieth quantity, part or fome of the fam esolete del pane, will you have fome bread?o del vino, or fonie wine; but if poco be ufed, then ufe the indefinite article di as, volete un poco di pane ? will you have a little bread ? or, un poco divino ,a little wine,unlefle fome wine be fpecified after poco as, dammi un poco del r of ciò .O' un poco del bianco,give me a little of the red, and a little of the white, relating to wine, if adveibs of quantity follow thefubftantive, then the finite arti- dei s ufed, not the i ndefinite, egli ha de quattrini affai > be bath moneys enough, not, rg'i ha di quattrini affai. III. ^t, M Mi Mio, MU, M\,M t^gliìMU, Mie : a s, gli,Ih le,mi,ti, fi, ciivi,me,te,fe, ce,ve, ne,coming with verbs of privati¬ on, fignifie as much a$( from,)contrary to their natural fignifi- tion, which isfto,)eg/r ha levatala fpada al nimico, he hath taken away the fword from the enemy ;gli affafimi gli hanno rubbati i f noi quattrini , the thieves have ftoln away his moneys. IV. D4, dal, da?, dalli, dagli, dalla, dalle, following any verb im¬ plying motion, fo that the perfon or perfons to whom the mo¬ tion is made or intended, be named, lignifies not (from) but { to) or (at) as, andate dal medico , go to the Phylitian ; venite da me, come to me, E ito afUr dalla Signora Vittoria, he is gone to dwell at Mrs, Vittorio's. V. The finite artici es, dal .dalle, See. ferve for adverbs of exception, but then the perfon or thing excepted muft immediatly follow the article, with in fuori,OT elfe, in poi , as tutti gl'ufficiali furono fcaffati dal ^Alfiere in poi, All the officers were cafhiercd.but the Enlìgn : Tutte le donne ci ponno entrare dalle Corteggiane infuori, all the women may come in but the Courtezans. VI. comming before words of number, ferves for the prepofi- tion intorno, ox incirca j that is, about, or, a matter of, a snella battagliavi furono da mille feriti , e da cento morti, in the battei there were about a thoufand wounded, and a matter of a hun¬ dred kill’d out-right. VII. if the pronoun poffeffive precede the fubftantive,. the article finite precedes the pronoun , if the pronoun come after , then there is no article prefixt to the pronoun , quefìa è cafa mia this is niy houfe, quefìa è lamia cafa,See'. VII I. "Da, fra, per, in, a, tacitely imply the finite article, Io dicevo fret mio cuore, I faid in my heart : da neteflitd corretto, confi rai¬ ned by neceffitic, per mio diporto, for my pleafure ; fie meffo in braccia ala fortuna , he hath put himfelf into the arms of for¬ tune, a fuo modo , after his own way ; that is, fra il mio cuore, dalla neceflith cofìrettoj per il mio diporto, nelle braccia alla fortu- i na , al fuo modo . IX. ! ■ Articles, Nowtis, Pronowns and Participles agree with their 1 fubftantives, in gender, number, and cafe, i frutti acerbi fono •_ (limati To the Italian Tongue . 3 1 ftimxti malfari. green frairs are edeemed unwholfom, le fue belle opere fono quelle che l y hanno immortalato , his fine works are thofe which have immortalized him : and if there be two fub- ftantives of feveral genders , the adjeftive plural agrees with the worthied, il pai' e eia madre fon morti, the father and the mother are dead : alio two lingulars require a verb plural, as in the example aforefaid, but plainer in this , lo il mio com¬ pagno faremo dimani in Borgo, my partner and I to morrow will be in the Borough : Giovanni, „Antonio &• lo andaftimo a ffaffo, John Anthony and I went abroad. X. D/‘is ufed in an ablative fenfe : as, levato fi il capello di capo, having pulled off his hatjwewe di Napoli,he comes from Naples ; allo with pronouns demondratives, it implies iimilitude or iikenefle, fate di quefto, do thus. xi. Subdantives may be adjeCiives, implying aCiion or pafiion The finite article del, dello, delli, degli , dalla, delle , is ufed in b y «king away the lad vowel, providing it be not an foi and - -• • ' ■ putting o/à to It; as , paura fear, paurofo (earful ; onore love «W» loving, «r amorous; but when they endinf.jpui only(/.) toitjM, bt fogno need, bifognofo needful, or needy : the fenfe of (for) ringratio V. S. del favore , I thank you for the favour; not per il favore, as Englifh men are apt to fay,/< >•*«- gratio delle fua amorevole-^a, I thank you for your kindnefle ; not per la fua amorevole ^a. XII. The indefinite article da, before infinitives, makes the fame to be ofapadive fignification : as, carta da ferivere, writing paper, or paper to be written on : carne da magnare, meat fit to be eaten : vitto da bere, wine fit to be drunk : and with fub- ilantivesjitiignifies fitnefle, or proprietie, guanti da buomoe da donna, gloves fit or proper for men and women, as much as abile able, atto fit, degno worthy, XIII. The finite article never comes before proper names, unlefle exprefling the works of fuch a perfon ,il Cicerone ft'allies works, il TaJJq the Poet Taffus his Poems or works. XIV. The finite article cometh elegantly before an appellative or adjeftive, with a proper name after it, for comparifon or di- it-in&ion fake,*/ magno - Alleffandro , Alexander the great ; but if the proper name precede, then the appellative fhall have no ar¬ ticle; as, .Aleffandro magno : obferve withall, that before names of months, as at the dating of a letter, the article is ele¬ gantly omitted ; as, adì 10 .D ecembrc, 1658 . the lO.ofDe- cember, for alii vinti di Tie cernir e. XV. Generally the fubdantive precedes the adje&ive ; as, fan bianco white-bread, vin puro pure wine : here cudom mud be j attended where it deviates , for many adjedlives that ini- 1 ply quality, good or bad , or number, go before their j (ubftantives ; as, mille feudi a thoiifand crowns, brutto negotio j a feurviebufineflè , buon compagno a good fellow, bella giornata a fair day, cativa gente ill people, infelici incontri unhappy in- counters : the placing alters the fenfe in many, that the mean¬ ing is meerly different ; as b uomo gallante a brave fe\\ovr,gallant' buomo a well dealing man ; bucino valente a valiant fellow, valent* buono an able fellow in his calling; rolla buona good ware, buona robba, a Courtezan or Whore. XVI. The finite articles, il, lo, preceding an adjeftive , make the fame to be a fubdantive, il timido P ammonititene di Brefcia noi armerebbe, a fcarfull bodie, all the arms of Breftia would not fumeetò arm, relating toperfons: if relating to things or qualities, the abdraft or fubdantive is meant thereby ; dicefti mai il vero would thou wouldd once fpeak truth, rather than Inverila ; col vivo del cuore with a zealous heart, rather than viveri del cuore the livelinefs of the heart. XVII. Of noun adjectives ending in le, ro, re, you make adverbs of •jualiue, namely by taking away (e) adding menu to them ; os, facilmente eafily ; not facilcmentc : leggiermente, lightly,not leggteromente : pm, talarmente particularly , not pbrticolnre- m Tu ji- fen,lnlne ^djeatves ending in (a) make adverbs only by adding mente to them ; as, /troia wife, favimence wife- v * fonia holy, fatuamente holily. XVIII. Generally names offices are of the mafculine gender the fruits oi the fcnunuie , a s.pero, a Peat-tree,pe M a Pear." X I X; and and ifyi fyou would have the adjetfive to exprefTe chiefly palilo^ turn the kit vowe ,„to(e) cafe it fliould not end fo and put vole to it ; as, b, fogno need, bifagnevole, full of need, or that may be needful; ga/Zetafte gufinole well faded, Waajed burlevole that may be jededwith. To the fame purpofe if you will have the adjeitive to end in (big) if the fubdantive end in (a) put We to it, as./m/a anexcufe, futfabile cxcufa- ble . if in any other vowel, then take away that vowel, and put altiero ,t ; a, lode praife, lodabile praifable : otherwife this adjeCtive ■( aide ) may be framed of the third perfon, prefent tenfe, indicative mood of verbs of the fird conjugation i as ama he io^eth^malile that may be loved. 6 * XX. Taking the participle of the preterperfeft tenfe of ahy verb adlive and putting (re) unto the fame , you frame a fubilan- uve that exprefleth aftion ; as, amato loved, amatore a lover : which may be alfo made of the feminine gender, by chanoing tore into trice-, amatore a Lover, amatrice a lhe-lover,or lovercfs] retto governed, rettore a governor, rettrice a govet nefs. Alfo by nf,'hfs h n ,h,rdperf?n0ft a e f r ' fent tonfi indicative mood conjugation and ti* lecond perfon fingular of the fame tenfe of any verb of the other three coni usrafiom and putting any noun fubdantive to the fame, you e^prede the in- lltument, and alfo the artificer of the fame. Scali.,-vivande a chafing-d.dl, p 0 rM-/«ifrea letter-carrier ; capifuochi hand! irons . and alfo the fubdantive may be of the plural number, though not often ; asjeopri-feemi a blab or tel-tale , falda¬ te,,,, a warming-pan, for feopri-fecreto, falda-letto, XXI. Taking away from mafculine words belonging to anv Art orttade the hd vowel, and adding are, ora/eVir ° you prede che profedor or the artificer of the fame ■ as libro a book /tirare a bookfellet, or libraio-, capello a hat ; cape’-iaro or capellato a hat-maker or feller. And to expreffe the fcmi nine turn are or ato into ara or aia, faying capei a,or capetlaia a woman that makes or fels hats. Alfo any fubdantive or ad- jeCtivCj Or verb ending m (a) put mele to ir, and you exprede the arftficer ; frutta fruit, fruttaruolo a fruit-feller ; barca a boat, barcaruolo a boat man ; pirica he taketh up ,phyicaruolo one that retailed! as a Chandler: and alfo in manyj a ruolo ” a Lw»“d=m lnt ° * "* 1 woodmonger, XXII. From feminine nouns ending in (a) by adding fro) or (io) thereto, you likewife exprede the artificer ; as,/Wa a fword, padaro or / padaio a cutler ; bottega a fiiop, bottegaro, or botte¬ gaio a IWkcejer ; change (re) or (io) into (ra) or (ia) and you make the femminei of the fame ; as fptiara or fpaiaia a woman cutler, bat,egara, bottegaia a woman Ihop-keeper XXIII. From 3 2 A Brief lniroduQion XXIII. From all names of tools or inflruments, by which it is pofli- ble tollrike, or otherwife to exprefle capacity and fulnefs of any thing or place, or the worth or value of any coin, if maf- c u line, taking away the laft vowel, and adding thereto ata, you exprelie the power and efl’eft, or blow , or worth of the fame; as, ar cob ugh a gun . arcobugiata a gunfhot ; b afone a cudgel, bafionata a blow with a cudgel ; fiffio ailone, /affitta a flones call, or a blow with a Hone ; capello a hat, cap filata a hat-full ; baiocco a Roman penny, baloccata a pennyworth : but if feminine, the vowel remains and only ta is added ; as, lancia a lance, lanciata a thrull with a lance ; carola a coach, carolata a coach-full. XXIV. Putting alia to an adjeflive of the feminine gender, you ex- prelTe the fimilitude or likenefle of any thing , or the fafhion orcultom of any thing, perfon, or place; as, all' Italiana, af¬ ter the Italian fafhion , alia Tedefia after the Germane fa¬ fhion, alia Francefe after the French fafhion, alla --cale royally, or really 3 all’ antica after the old fafhion, alla Cardinale Cardi ! nal-Jike. where obferve, that Cardinale is an adjeftive. unply goods or wealth, or the eftate of the body ; as, Jon patron del mio I am mailer of my own, il tuo lo puoi dar a chi tu vuoi , thy ellate thou mayell bellow on whom thou wilt : but if the pronouns polfeflives be expreft in the plural number, and the finite article likewife in the plural, then they fignifie relations of kindred or friends , la più parte delli miei Jon ancor vivi per gratia di Dio , the greatell number of my relations are as yet alive, by the grace of God, I tuoi fon morti thy relations are dead. XXXI> The finite Article, whether mafeuline or feminine, fingular or plural, is frequently put before pofleffive pronouns, which] concord with their fubflantives that follow them,in cafe, gen- j der and number, il mio cavallo my horfe, il tuo, ilJuo , il no- i Jlro, il vojìro, il loro, thine, his, ours, yours, theirs ; i miei ca- ! valli my horfes , i tuoi, i fuoi , ino Jirì, i voftri, i loro, thrne, ! his, ours, yours, rheirs ; la mia tartufi* my coach , la tua, la ' fua, la nojira, la vojfra. la loro, thine, his, ours, yours, theirs; I le mie corone, my coaches ; letue,lefue, le nofire, levofire, le ] loro , his, ours, yours, theirs • fometime the indefinite article is only ufed, as, di mia mono, of my hand, &c. a mio modo , after my own way; da mio fratello from my brother, the like of tuo,fuo, &c. XXXII. XXV, Putting da before any fubllantive, whether mafeuline or fe¬ minine, hath the fame force as alia before an adje&ive ; sfog¬ gia da Principe he layes it on dike a Prince, ftà da Principeffit me dwels Princefle-like. XXVI. In certain exprellions implying doubt, or condition, inflead of Io I, tu thou, egli he, etla ihe ; me,te,lui, and lei, are rather us’d ; as, Tu P hai riverito penfando che fuffeme thou falutedfl him , thinking ’twas I ; not, lo : egli mm riverito penfando che fofii te, he laluted me, thinking ’twas tbee ; Se lo fofii lui farei altrimente, Iff were he I would do otherwife ; not, Se fofii egli : Se fieffie a lei di parlare, if it were for her to fpeak, not,/e fieffe a ella. XXV II- Theconiunftive Pronouns , or ponoun particles, mi , ti,fi, ci , vi, ne, if they follow, verb, gerund, or participle, are incor¬ porated with the fame, if they precede the verb , they are writ¬ ten apart ; as, miferive, he writes to me, ferivemi : but they 1 cannot immediarly precede a gerund or participle , pohtively , i fpeaking ; as, mi dicendo , but dicendomi ; mi pentito, but penti- [ tomi: Note, that if ne, lo, la, li,gli, le, come between , then the (z) of the participle is turned into (e) me neferive,he writes me of it ; ferivemene, not mi ne ferive, or Jcrivemine. XXVIII. Two negatives deny moll, whereas in Latine they affirm Havetevifio niente in piagai Saw you nothing in the llrcet ? lo non hù vifia nulla, 1 law nothing at all, or in the leali. XXXIII: When ne ferves for an adverb of diffin&ion or denial, it is accented, and ufually it is iterated ; as, quefia medicina nò mi giova, nè mi nuoce , this phylick neither doth me good nor hurt: when it iignifies an adverb of place, namely , comming before or after verbs of motion, implying as much as hence, or thence, or away , it is written without an accent, egli fe ne viene alla volta noftra , he is comming thence towards us/ vattene per i fatti tuoi, get thee hence about thy bufinefle, and comming before or after verbs that imply not motion, it figni- fies as much as (at it,) or (of ir,) fencridehc laughs at i t.fene lamenta, he- complains ofit : alio written without an accent, it Iignifies as much as (us) or, (for us); being become a pro¬ noun of the dative and accufative cafes plural, egli ne diede il buon dì e’/ buon anno ; he gave us the good day, and good year ; havendonevifii fubitone sfuggi, having feen us , piefently he fhun’d us : for matter of knowing when it relates to pcrlcn or place, the fenfe mull declare it. The fame is alio ufed as an adverb of quantity, for an abbreviation, and to avoid tautolo¬ gies, lignifying (fome, part of the lame, whereof, or ol them) voi tr? havete ricercato dì certe cofe che fe lo ne havefii, voi ne farefit patrone , ma non havendone voi me ne baurete per ifctifato, you have ask’d me about certain things , that it I had any, you fhould be mailer of them ; but having not any of them, you will excufe me for the fame, when it is apoftrofi’d, as ,ne\ the mafeuline finite article (i) is underllood , bora ne’ prati non fi nuova un puoco d’ herb* per miracolo , now in the fields there’s not to be feen a handful of grafs , if one would give never fo much ; alfo it is apollrophied when it is put intero- gatively, o' vero »’è ? it is true, is’t not ? The pronoun perfonal is generally underflood in verbs after the manner of the Latines; ferivo a l'. S. I write to you, parlo di poco I fpeak of little : yet in verbs reciprocali, it feems more graceful to exprefs the pronoun , Io non rtP inganno , I do not millake or deceive my fclfe ; egli s’ affatica come un cane, he labours like a dog. XXIX. The finite articles , il, lo, i , li, gli, la, le , in the dative and accufative cafes a flu ni e the nature of pronouns relatives, quan- 1 do ilviddi when Ifaw him , quando gliparlafii when thou fpa- | kefl to him,&c. havete vi fio V amico ? have you feen our friend? Signor sì P ho vi(to, yes Sir, I have feen him. XXX. Pronouns poffeflives in the (iugular number, exprefl with a fubllantive, and with a finite article of the lingular number XXXIV. Si generally hath thefe three qualities, it makes verbs paf- lives, fi ama la virtù, virtue is beloved ; or, amaft la virtù : or it makes verbs reciprocal, being affixed to verbs, gerunds or participles relating to perfons ; as, egli fi raccorda, he re¬ members him felf, raccordar// , to remember ones fclf ? rac- cor dan doji , remembring ones felf; raccordato / , having re- membred himfelf ; and fo of the refi : and it makes verbs to be imperfonal-, as, fi dice che Jia feguita una gran bat.'glia, they fay, or it is faid, that there hath been a great battel .'but it alfo hath fonie other fignifications ; as ufually it is an adverb of affirmation; as fisi Signor, or Signor si , si Signora, Signo¬ ra si, yes Sir, yes Madam ; and then it is accented : alfo it is an adverb of comparifon, or fimilitude, lignifying fo, or as sveli ; as cavagliero fi avventurato non fu mai , there was ne¬ ver fuch, or fo fortunate a Gentleman: orfometimes an ad- vei b of quantity , lignifying as well, as much ; ambo felici, sì la moglie come il marito , both happy, as well the wife as the to the Italian longue. 33 1 husband -, lo tri tiopn stper it vojlroinltreffe quinto per tlmio, l endeavour as well for your intereft as my own } and then it is alfo accented : fometimesit fignifies yet, oc nevertheleffe, fe per altro non mi vuoi amare , slamami perche ti fon parente , if thou wilt love me for no end, yet love me becaufe I amthy kinfman: alfo then it is accented. Laftly obferve , that it is more elegantly put before the auxiliar verb, than after the infinitive mood following ; as it is more elegant and ufuall in difeourfe , to fay, ft pud veramente lodar queflamoda, this falhion may truly be commended } rather than, può veramente lodar/? quefa moda. XXXV. The particles di, e’, egli, ei, ben, ne, già pur, me, che, il, have veryoftnofignification, and are only pur or inferted into a phrafe, for ornament- fake ; as, vi fono di molti the nolla credono quefa nova, there are many who believe not this news, &c. XXXVI. As gli accompanied with ne, la, fo , le, ferves in the lingular number both to mafeulines and feminines ; gitene parlai , I Ipake to him or her of it ; gliela diedi , I gave it him or her ; gl.elofcrifi, I wrote it him or her : fo it ferves in thedative plural, both to mafeulines and feminines , lignifying fo much as loro to them , fpecially the particle (fe) that is (, fi) the (») turned into (e) preceding, which caufeth an imperfonality or pajfivation j non hanno vino, ma fe gliene darà , they have no wine, but there fhall be lome given them : where them may re¬ late to either gender, ilprefente'e ammanito, però fe gl elo potrà mandare , the prefent is ready,and therefore it ruay be fent them. XXXVII. To interrogations made of di dove ? that is, whence are you? what Countrevman are you ? if it be of a general place, as of a Kingdom or Commonwealth , anfwer is made by di j as, di dove fete ? anfwar, di Italia, di Spagna, o ( . Italy, of Spain, that is as much as Italiano an Italian, Spagnuolo a Spaniard : but if of a particular place, as of lome Town or City, or fo then anfwer is bef^made by da j as, di dove fete ? whence are you ? anfwer, da binano, da Tivoli , of ^4iban, or of Tivoli : fonie fay da dove fete ? * XXXVIIL Verbs that imply addition or application to any thing} as verbs of comming, feeling, going, exhorting, ftudying, learn¬ ing,indenting,beginning, making, forcing,prepai ing, inviting, moving, perTwading, inventing, require rather a or ad, after them then di (to) -, comincio a capire I begin to conceive or apprehend, not di capire t egli ft prepara a combattere he pre¬ pares himfelf to fight : ti affretti troppo ad arrichirei thou makeft too much haft to be rich , not di combattere, di arrichire : mi pongo à federe perche fonfiracco , I fet me down, becaufe Iam weary ; not, di fede e : mi avvedo a parlare , I ufe my felf to fpeak } not, di parlare : the like of mi sformo I force my felf ; mi trattengo I ltay, mi ritardo l linger, j lòl ftand, or am , confi¬ gli Icounfel, fupplico 1 intreat, arrivo I arrive , perfuado I perfwade , efforto I exhorr, /limolo I provoke, vengo I come> feguo I follow : all better with a or ad then di. XXXIX. i The malculine finite article put before an infinitive, makes the fame to alfume the nature of a fubftantive , or gerund in Englifhj as, il parlare di Jouuerchio è fegnale dipana excefiive fpeech, or over much fpeaking, is a ngn of folly or madneffe : thel kc if it be joynedwith any prepofition or pronoun de- monltrative j as, col (ludiare r’ impara ; that is, con lo /indiare, ere by ftudying one learns : quel parlar tanto al ultimo frac ca, that fpeaking fo much, at laft wearieth. XL Allphralesorexpreffions which fuppofe a thing to be cer¬ tain, the conjunflion (che) following the fame, require the in¬ dicative mood, not thefubjunCtivemood,- as, sd or conofco I know, vedo I fee, afirmo I affirm, accorgo I perceive, o/fervo I obferve, odo I hear , fento I feel, tocco I touch, guflo I taftfc, ta/ìo I feel, truovo I find, giudico I judge, raccanto I relate, man¬ tengo Imaintaine; a s, foche dici laverità, or il vero, I know thou fayft true, &c. but thefe following ,penfo I think, credo I believe , /limo I fuppofe, dubito I doubt, mi rallegro I am glad, mi doglio I amforry, mi maravglio I wonder, after the conjun¬ ction (rie) either the indicative or fubjunttive may indiffe¬ rently follow, lo penfo che è donna honorata , I think ftieisan honeft woman, or, che fia donna honorata : but if a negative particle come before thefe, then it is beft the fubjunftive fol¬ low (che) j as, non penfate che Io fia cosi trafeurato , che non fappia il fatto mio, do not think that I am fo overfeen, as that I know not my intereft, or what is beft for me} though fonie verbs are indifferent to a, ad, di ; or che.- XLL Verbs generally have after them a, ad, ordì, with an infini¬ tive, orelfe(c/>e )with a fubjunftive, Prego V. S. a farmi que/la gratia, I pray your Lordfhip to do me this favour . la prego di farmi que/la gratia, I pray you to do me the favour ; or, U prego che mi faccia que/la gratia, I pray you that you wauld be plea- fed to do me the favour ; or, la prego che mi voglia far la gratia: Ufe muft make perfeftnefle in thefe occafions. XL 11. Per, with an infinitive, or any perfeCl tenfe of the fame, im¬ plies caufality or reafon, wherefore any thing is done , or hath been done, fit liberato per efferfore fiere, he was freed, becaufe he was a ftranger : fu giu/litiato per haver affafinato, he was exe¬ cuted for having robb’d and murther’d, or becaufe he robb’d andmurther’d : mi fon meffo a tavola per effer che non Jete ve¬ nuto all’ bora determinata, 1 fate me down to meat , forafmuch as you came not at the appointed hour. xml. When the prefent tenfe of the indicative mood is ufed, then the prefent tenfe of the fubjunftivc mood anfwers to it ; egli mi prega che Io li faccia quel fervitio , he intreats me to do him that civility ; not, che li face fi : but if the preterimperfeCl tenfe, or proterperfeft tenfes of the indicative mood be ufed, then the preterimperfett tenfe of the fubjundive mood an¬ fwers to it j as. egli mi pregava cOr.i(lan\a che Io li face fi quel fer¬ vitio , he prayed me, or was at me earneftly , that I would do him that civiity } not, li faccia. Alfo, mi pregò, or, n? hauea pregato che li faced i, ere. he prayed me , or had prayed me , thatl would, Sic. XL IV. The infinitives of verbs may lofe their laft vowel, amar , go¬ der, legger, fentir, unlefle they end a period ; then, amare,go¬ dere, leggere, /entire: the like ofnoun fubftantives oradjeftives ending in are or ore, mi fà favor particolare , mi fa particolar fa¬ vore, writing the word at length ft i U , if it end the period j il bel morir tutta la vita honora, a noble death crowns a mans whole life } amor fa’ l bel fervire , love makes fenice plea- fant. - X L V. The verbs, ftpere, to know or be able, fare to do, dovere to owe , accadere to happen , folere to be wont , are feldome or never expreft with (di) m , as , egli fà parlar latino, he can fpeak latine } not, Ja di parlar latino , fà fcrìverc una mano corf va, he can write a running hand ; not, ft di ferivere: though it is proper to fay, fa di latino , he hath skill in the la¬ tine ; or, fa di ferittura, he underftands writing, &c. di is ge¬ nerally ufed after a fubftantive} as, ha voglia di magnare , he hath a mind to eat} hh /’ animo di mortificarmi , his mind is to punifti me } not, hh voglia a magnare ; or, ha animo dmówfiiarmi. XL VI. The particle fils elegantly put before the auxiliar, which is due to thè infinitive} as, quefle cofe non fi hanno da dire, thefe things ought not to be laid, inftead of non hanno da dirfi : qttefe cofe non ft poffonodire, thefe things cannot be faid,.inftead of nonpoffono dirfi : la lett ione fi ha da imparar a mente , the leflon is to be learnt by heart, inftead of ha da impararfi a mente. . I i * XLVXI. The 34 A brief Introduction XLVII. The verbs, poffb I can , voglio I will, being accompanied with reciprocals, admit either of the auxiliar verbs, Acereto have , or effete to be , il they have the pronoun particles after them, then they take the verb bavere , as, lo non hò potuto attri¬ buirmi tal lode , I have not been able to attribute to my felfc j fuchpraife: but if the pronoun particle precede , then the ; verb effete is uf«d ; as, non mi fon voluto attribuir ul lode. XLVIII. There being neuters aftives and neuters paflives, heed is to be taken in the . ight ufe of them, for the aftive neuters in their compound precerperfeft tenfes are joyned with the verb bavere to have ; as, hù caminato 1 have gone, walkt, or marcht. not, fon cantinato : hò dormito I have ilept , not, fon dormito : ho potuto I have been able, not, Jon potuto : hò dovuto I have owed, not, fon dovuto : hònocciuto I have offended, or done hurt unto, not, fon nocciuto : hò voluto I have been willing, not, fon voluto', whereas paflivc neuters in their compound preterperfeft tenfes are joyned with the verb effete j as, lo fono flato I have been, not, lo ho (iato : Io fono andato I have gone, not. Io hd andato : Io fono entrato 1 have entred, not, hà en trato : fono ufeito I am gone out, or, I went out, not hò ufeito: fon nato I was born, not hò nato : fon reflato , or rimaflo 1 tarried or remained, not Ai) reftato or rimaflo : fon ritornato 1 returned, not, hò ritornato : fon volato I have flown, not ho volato : And thefe arc only paflìve by name , inasmuch as they aflume to them the verb rffere , but in effeft they ate aftives: and to this purpole obferve, that neuter paflives, fo called in their compound preterperfeft tenfes , have, or ought to have their paflive participle agreeing in gender and number with their agent, due fanciulli fon nati ad un parto , two children born at a birth : la Signora fe «’ è ujcita in carro\\a. my Lady is gone out in a coach : whereas in the neurers aftive it is not neceflaryfo to be : as, i patroni hanno havuto bel temp* , our mafters have had fair weather ; not, havutt bel te>npo . la Sig¬ nora he partorito due figli ad un parto , my Lady hath brought forth two children at a birth ; not, partorita, or partoriti : hà penato a partorire, (he hath had pains in her delivery, not penata. Obferve alfo that lome neuters may aflume either of the auxi- liars, tffere , or havere, Io mi fon fatto male, 1 have done my felf hurt j or, mi hò fatto male. XLIX. The Verb fare , when it fignifies to play, aft, or reprefent any perfon or thing, fometimes requires an acculative cafe; as, coflui fà il pedante , this felow plays or afts the pedant : fometimes the genitive, as, cofluij'h del pedante. L. Verbs of giving or privation, recommending, promifing, or interceding, belile* an accufative cafe of the thing require a dative cafe of the perfon : as, Io gli hà imparato la Retorica, 1 have taught him Rhctorick : egli mi ha levato il pane, he hath taken away my bread or livelihood, &c. LI. Thefe verbs, havere , toccare , piccare, fapere, arc put with a genetive cafe, and the Anice article , when they are meant to expreffe either fimplicity or confidence, as, hd del ignorante, he hath fomething of a dull man in him : ttcca del Franceje , he hath a touch of the French humour: pirica del vi [ano, he hath fomewhat of a Clown in him , fà del pedante , it’s pe- dantical. ; LI I. What ever tenfe the queftion is of, the anfwer ought to be in the fame , dove andaflt hitri ? where went A: thou yelterday ? anlwer, andaifuor di Rom*, I went out of Rome. LI II. One may command or intreat in the following ways : fpea- king to an equal, ufe the fecond perfon plural of the prefent tenie oftheindicative mood, parlate forte acciò che vi fenta,(peak loud, that I may hear you : alfo by the fecond perfon plural of the prefent tenfe of the fubjunftive mood of any Wtxb pappiate melo dire a tempo fe volete venire , tel it me in time , or give me notice in time whether you’l come. or if you come : fpeaking to a luperior,or much honoured friend, ufe the third perfon of the fubjunftive mood prefent tenfe, V. S. mi dica ilfuoparere , be pleas’d to tell me your opinion . if fpeaking to more than one, dicano le Signorie loro i loro pareri , be pleas’d my mafie i s to fpeak your opinions : fpeaking to an inferior, or clfe a bo- fome friend, ufe the imparative, va preflo,esmina, go quickly, march away, parla piano, fpeak foftly. L I V. The ways of forbidding or difwading are as follows .* fpeak¬ ing to an equal ule the fecond perfon plural of the prefent tenf e of the indicative mood, and prepofe thereto the negative par¬ ticle (non) : non andate che ve ne pentirete, do not go, foryou’l repent you of it j alfo you may life the auxiliar verb Were, in the fecond perfon plural of rhe fubjunftive mood, prefent tenfe puteng thereto the negative (non) : non vogliate dre quefìe cofe ad un par mio, I pray do not offer to tell thefe things | to fuch a one as I : fpeaking to a liipcrior or much honoured friend, ufe the third perfon Angular of the fubjunlivc mood, prefent tenfe , with the negative particle j as, non dica quefto per grati t, fay nor fo, I befecch you Sir: non vada che è tardi, do not go, Sir, for it is late : if fpeaking to more then one then, non dicano quefla lor altri Signori, non vadano, che e tardi, fay not this my mafters go not, for it is late: fpeaking to an inferior or intimate friend, put rhe negative particle to the in¬ finitive mood ; as, non fare quefli fpropofiti che non ti riuniranno , commit not fuch abfurduies, they will not fudge 5 non dir queflo a niff imo , do not tell this to any body. LV. The negative (non) and rhe pronoun particle , are elegantly put betwixr dt, and the infinitive mood, egli fa fìnta di non mi vedere , he makes as though he fees me nor, inlteadof, fa finta di non vedermi. LVI. The gerund accompanied with rhefc two verbs flò I Hand, or am, vo I go, is not only proper, buternphatical ; as, flò ferivendo lettere al iaefe , I ain writing lerters home ro my Countiey : vò facendo delle righe, \ am drawing of lines j ra¬ ther than lo ferivo al paeje , or Iofò delle righe. L V 1 1. The gerund ufually hath a noun, or pronoun after it ; as, fa- 1 pendo lui che è robba di contrabando non dovrebbe compra ne , he I knowing that it is a prohibited commodity, (houldnotbuy j any of it. L V111. No pronoun particle precedes a gerund, unlefle non precedes the particle,- as, non gli dicendo il vero come vuoi che egli ftp pia \ giudicare, you not telling him the truth, how would you have him judge. LIX. j Effendo and havendo are elegantly omitted , both in dif- 1 courfe and writing, and the paflive particle us’d, which agrees i in gender and number with the fubflantivc j as, fatte le fefle tornerà h fludiare , when the holidaies are done, or are over, l’le fludy again ; inflead of effendo fatte le fefle, the holidaies being ended : fatto pranzo farò da voi, when dinner is done, or as foonas dinner is ended, I’le be with you,or for you, inflead ot havendo pranzato, having dined: alfo fubtto is elcganrly put before the participle, Jubito pranzato andar a dormire è mal fane, as foon as one hath fup’d, to go to bed is unwholfome. LX. The j To the If than Tongus. 55 LX. The paflive particle is elegantly us’d with the comunffion r*r,fo lowing the lame, and the futures hauròjarà, I filali have, or lhal betas .finita, rie havrd U latine me n’andrò à Ibtflb as foot! as my ellon is done, I’le go abroad, inllead of annodo havr'o jf- muU lattone, and the participle may alio agree in gender with thefL.blkant.veor not, it: being no error to fay, finite the I, avrò ! U lettine : but the other Teems more graceful : Alfo the paflive : participle is elegantly ufed after the third perfon lingular , or ! plural of the verbs, ondare to go, or venire tocomc;as, Iole, fina nan va adoperata ne eon Magri ni con Medici , niggardlineffe ought not to be ufed either with Mailers or Phyiitians : le cofe vanno fatte a queflo modo, things ought to be done after this manner : fe mi ventfe fatto, if it [hould fall out patforme Jem, verranno Jcritte le nuòve, if the news Ihall be written to I me. LX I. The pailive participle in compound tenfes of verbs, is ufed without regard to gender or number, if the verb have a neuter I fignmcatlon ; as, n ha conjoin,0 etnei pochi che gavina per di- : fiera ,jr he hath comforted a good many who were like to de- ipair : come ha ben capito i nofìn modi d, dire , how well he hath I apprehended our manner of fpeaking : mìa mad e h'a infantato hggiiny mother was brought to bed today, not infamala : \ hm c ' fth ' «*! uv ? a tranfitlvefenfe , and that the accufatiye cafe hath a paflive: dependai.ee from the fame , then the parti¬ ciple may elegantly agree with the fubltamive, in eafe, gender and number; hd ferme quejle lettere apòfiaper darpania r t’ d, vantai fegu, to qnifr'a , ! have written unto youthefc lettets, for to acquaint you what hath happened he,e among 1 1 ' >’ 0 “ m , : ‘>' alfo ' nd ' ff!: rentlyfay, hi ferino quefle lettere a! I already hath been hinted ; but if the participle be abfolmelj pamve, and that it come with the verb e/ere, as may appeal m the conjugation of the paliive verb , then the partfdple agrees ,n cale gender, and number with its fubftaitive - I» /mo/imtoal/ 4 ro ! amletdowninthebook , ifa manfpeak 1 , foni firma allibro, lfawoman fpeak : noi fiomo ferini d l libro we are fet down in the book, if men fpeak • L r ferine al libro, if women fpeak. P ' "" ^ 4mo L X11. The aflive participle is us'd rather in the nature of a f u b. rhZ'll' th “ nas i l P art,ci P lc i « vivente, israthera perfon, than the aft of living: ogni vivente, every living creature- for when we expreffe fuch a one being living the ferund in do j is ufed , as, vivendo la matrigna non c ’ i da far bene, the mother jin law yet living, there’s no good to be done; rather than vivente U matrigna : and though it were not an errour in fyn- taa, yet tt were an errour in propriety; and though it may ! have been ufed, yet it is not mutable. 6 ^ L X 111. Gerunds generally affarne the nature of noun adicSives - I mltabircoùcdt *' ,reVer ' nd ^A^openfiero, an ad- LXI V. - Th r' p crLmd many times is accompanied with the prepofi- tton fin) in pagando gliene farà molto, as I palle by Ile give bin, notice ol it ; winch is as much as, nel poffare , in the paffage or in parting. r ° ’ LX V. LX VII. 1 When (ft) is added or incorporated with any third perfon of any verb lingular or plural, orto any infinitive mood, the laftvow'lofthefatd verb, sto be omitted; as fidicene tree laid . diconfi f not dteomft ) da qui pud argomentarfi, hence it may be argued, nor, argomentarefi ; and beìides, the accent ne¬ ver removes from the firil place, though ic be pofition. LX VI. Putting pare after any verb, fpecially in the fenfe of entreaty Ol command , you urge and provoke to that pnrpofe ; as dite pure il fatto vojiro, fpeak but yourbufinefTe, out with it cinrt- ent y . entri pure, be pleas’d to come in, here is no danger. Thefe foliowing particles, t - v!> gerund P ro P cr, y- ln >med.ately after the infinitive, gerund, part.c.ple, or impararne of any verb, and not fo pro' petly betwixt the prepofition, the inSnirive, g rund pa tiefpie pa mi far p,acre, facendomi piacere, doing me a pleafure ■ not 2 lmving S done ^“pleafure; kmdX^, do me a pleafure ? ufe me the fpecified pànici^"'’ 3nd f ° confe, 3 ucntl y of the reft of LXVIII. beufed^hanTh 11 partic ^^ cs m ’> u > &c. are more properto d fttfliofiV TT* m r‘ e ^ xxcept fotite etnphafis or d ftmaron be tn,piled; as, fe incolpa d' ogni cofa, he blames wftnfffe "" y 1 “ ChUm ° ~*fi»** 1 1 «JI thee to L XIX. a, ^7 Engliftt Interrogations lay, whofe ? Italians fay, f j‘I ; d ‘ cl " P f“ el "“«« ! whole horfe is that ; anfwer, e ■ nr vn r Tir Sir Anthonies } or delfuo Signor ¥°> or your Unkles. J * L X X. ,0an. lina H Tr’ÌT a f bOUt dittanccs ofplac 'a™fuch, quan- lie ton” f ' hl "• U f U " ted ! ° N “P‘‘C ! qname gior¬ nate ponnoeff, ria qn> a Loreto > how many days journeycitit be from hence to Lore,of ,n quan,a tempi ft piò L aldi arl- c > a°T 5 ’ ° r J" hoW lon S one be going to TZrf “ a madc ’ fomany miles. Le giornate fo many days journey, i„ lami giorni in fo many days. LX X I. With verbs of motion, after the nature of the Latines in hue and iflue. we ufe qui St Id. and with verbs of teli qui and Hanfwenng to hie St illic : but the vulvar , J mtfcuouily ; the bell way and the faflft i ^ P T" Latines, paffaqud come Either, ^ go yonder, rather thanwi/l: dovei where ishef éutn' he is here, not qua. e h he is there, not là, ^ L X X 11. eitiw be wIt l ai U one'w r oufd b!cffe S or 1I curfc eP clr d /,c 0 p2tt '^P^ C£ » fr"; bk,rcd b ='h^reaftstha.gavfhim fuck, che maladetio fa il ponto e P bora che nacque, curfed be Tr u 0Ur,k eWaSb0rn ; a^ufed 1 trper. bent^ready am0nSthe ‘° nJUna,0nS - the ampler ^iil L X X II I. were ten thoufand kill'd, what in fo{t, whatTn hakf" L X XIV. The prepofition di, in an exprellion that implies negation or -Lenta!, hath the meaning of avami, before ; as, cll'TolrZ. thedayoftheweek, .n ZLt^X” ’ ^ “ LX XV. When d, comes before any word, f,g„if y ing tinteor feafon oftheyear.ttfigntfiesas "tuchastn; digiorno, d,none, in the day tutte, pr ,n then.gltt time ; d,y?.„?t n fummet , i'in- Ì verno , in winter. J ---J__ LXXVI. The] h,. 3 S A Brief Introduci! on LXXVI. The prepofition in is preSxt to words fignifying motion or left, he is gone into che place or ftreet : or alio it iignlSes reft , expreit without any article ; is, egli tin tufo, he is at home, or in the houle. LXXVII. The negative non is put in anfwcr.when the verb is repeated, as, [eiefintoti PMtzo 1 have you been at Court ! soncijon (iato, I have not been there : but nò is put in anfwer, when nothing elfe follows j volete venire > will you come ? anfwer, nòj not, LXXVIII. The prepolition per is local fometimes, as,eg/i caminaper Ro¬ ma he walks in Rome, or through the ltreets ol Rome, or about Rome-, or camma per U camera , he walks in the chamber, of about the chamber. L X XI X. The fame prepolition fervès by way of diftribution or divi¬ sion . un piccione per gentiluomo , every man a pidgeon i un feudo per uno , a crown a piece. L X X X. The fame prepofition, with verbs that imply not motion, iignifies as much as tn or all over j as, egli fi/ente una doglia per tutu U vita } be feels an ach in, or all over bis body. LXXXI. The prepofition re of the Latines, in compounds before a lingle conlonant, for the mod part change (e) into (*) , as, renovate to renew, rinovarc j but before double conlonants, it changeth not ; as, refpirare to bicath, ref.are to remain, reflituire to reftore, bemg the lame, both in Latine and Ita¬ lian, except rijplcnderc tofhine, rijpondere to anfwer, not refplendere , rejpondere. LX XXII. The prepolitions in, is } dis, mist s, added to any active or pafiive verb, or otherwife to any noun fùbllantive, adjetìive or participle , the lamt becommcth of a privative fenie j as, 1 in-dijpofio indifpofed, if memorato forgetful, dtf-fxtto undone, ! mtj-credente, an unbeliever : f-facendato idle, out of imploy- mentj yetinfomethe /doth not make privation, but a gen¬ tle polition i a s } forcare to force, sformare to force the more} correre to run, (correre to over-fun. LXXXIII. Thefe prepofitions(a)to (e) and (<5) or, if they come before words beginning with vowels, the {a) receives a (d)the(e)a (/,) ora^d,) the(<5) a(d,;for the pleaiantnefle of pronun¬ ciation i ferivo ad Andrea , I write to undrew i ad Antonio, and to Anthony j 6 lui od,alcun altrot either he or fonie other. | As for monofytables, as ci, ne, &c. more may be had in their ! fevtrall places in the Didionary it felf. AN APPENDI Of fome few choice ITALIAN PROVERBS, with the Englifh to them. I • Hi non può bitter il cavalio batte la fella- VvAVho cannot beat the horfe, beats the faddle. i. Citi pecora fifa il lupo la mangia. Who makes himfelf a fheep, the wolf devours him. 3- Se tu ti lafci metter in /palla il vitellojquindi a poco ti metteranno la vacca. If thou differed i calfe to be clapt on thy Ihoulders ? fud- denly they’l clap on the cow alfo. 4. Morfo di pecora non p affa mai pelle. The bite of a fheep never pierceth the skin. •). La rana non morde , perche non può. The frog bites not, becaufe (he cannot. 6. Non fa la rana ufeir del Pantano. A frog cannot out of her bog. 7. Il lupo perde il pelo ma non il vitio. A wolfe cads his haire, but not his malice; 5. Rana di palude fempre ft fulva. A meadow frog, ever makes her efcapc. 9- ^id ogni volpe piace il pollare. Every Fox loves a hen-rood. 10. Placato il cane facile è il rubhare , The dog once appeas’d it’s eafic dealing. 11. Egli e meglio dar la lana che la pecora. It is better to part with the wool then the fheep. 11. E meglio hoggi un uovo che domani una gallina. Rather have an egg to day then to morrow a hen. 13. Chi tutto abbraccia nulla(Irigne. Who imbraceth all, nothing grafps. 14. Chi lafcia il poco per haver V affai, nè P uno nè P altro haverh mai. Who leaves the little for the much filali never have cither. I y. chi lava la tefla al afìnoperde il Japone , e chi predica al deferto perde il fermane. Who wafhes an Affcs head loofes his fope , and who prea- ebeth in a wjldernefs, lofeth his fpeech. 1 6. Ta^xo è colui che va a piè per commodo del cavallo. He is a fool who goes afoot for the cafe of his horfe. j *7- Non voglio ferrar la mula et altri la cavalchino. I I vrill not fhooc my mule, and others to ride her. : I 8- Il lupo fipafee etiam delle pecore numerate. The wool/e feeds even of fheep that are told. I?- -A cavallo the non porta fella biada non II crivella. To a horfe that carries not a faddle, oats are not to be lifted. 1 zo. Più volte le migliori pera cadono in bocca a porci. j Very oft the belt pears drop into the mouth offwine. ' 11 • Savoèquel tale, che vuol cavar il ferpe dal pertuggioper j man d'altri. He is wife who can pull a fnake out of her hole with another mans hand. zz. Trtfe quel topo che ha un fol pertuggio per falvar/ì. Thar is a fad moufe that hath bufone hole to make her cfcape at. *3. Lafcia che il pefee f cuoca nel fuo oglio. Let the fifh fry in its own far and greafe. 14. Lafcia che li [pinaccift choc ano nella lor acqua . Let Spinage boyl in their own water. 25. Chi troppo P affotiglia prefola fcavezptpt. Who wire draws a thing too much, fuddenly breaks it. z6. ^4 chi non duole bene fonica. It is good fiea.ing when there is no feeling. *7. Chi due lepri caccia una perde e l’altra lajcia. Who hunts two hares, lofeth the one, and deferts the other. 2 8. Chi tutto vuole di rabbia muore , Who covets all dies a mad-man. 29. Chi più vuole meno adopra. Who delires moil, makes ufe of the lead, 30. T// compri il lardo dalla gatta. Thou buyeft làrd from the cat. il. La lingua non ha offa e sì rompe il doffo. A tongue hath no bone in it , yet it breaks ones back. 3 2. Chi rubba P oca alla Cone in capo all * anno ne paga le penne. Whofoever deals a goofe at Court,ere the year comes about payes for the feathers. 33. Non voler introdur P afìno in fait che poi ti fc acclerk e della fala e della camera. Bring not an Afl'e into thy hall, led afterwards he drive thee out of hall and chamber both. 34- E meglio effer tefla di Luccio che coda di Sturione. It is better to be the head of a Pike then the tailcofa Sturgion. 3 S- Chi afino è, e cervo effer ft crede, al J altar del foff fen ’ avvede. He that is an Ade , and believes himfelf a Hart, Andes it at the leaping of the ditch. 3 6. 0 fervi come fervo 6 fuggi come cervo. Elt ^^ ervc as a fervant, or get thee gone as fpeedily as 37. La coda è piu diffìcile da fcorticarfi The tail is the hardeft to be dead. 3 8. Hi P occhio al pefee cr alla padella. He looks to the fifh and the pan two. 39- Chi befliavà a Roma, befia ritorna. He that goes an Animal to Rome returns the fame. ^°‘ fi grida mai al lupo che non fa 6 il lupo 0 lavolpe. People cry not O the Wolfe ; but there is either a Wolfe ot a Fox. 41. Pecora che bela perde il boccone A bleating fheep lofeth her padure. 41. Pecora che bela il lupo la flro^a. A bleating fheep the woolfe devours it. 43 • E meglio effer porco graffo che becco magro. It is better to be a fat hog, then a lean rafeal goaf, 44. Meni e il lupo [carica il ventre la pecora ffulva. Whild the Wolfe is doing his excrements , the Ihccp gets away. 0 45■ Il lupo non mangia il lupo. One wolfe devours not another. 4tf • Corvi con Corvi non fi cavarono mai gli occhi. Ravens with Ravens never pull'd out one anothers eyes. 47- Il lupo morde le carni d"* altri e le proprie lecca. The wolfe bites the ftefh of others, but licks his own. 4 8. Chi c on cani dorme con pulci fi leva. Who layfcs him down with dogs rifes with fleas. 49 Ch‘- fegue il rofpo cadenelfoffo. He who follows a toad Tails in a ditch. 5 o. chi cucina la mìuèfira colle fraf he la fa faper difumo. ■ . Who cooks his pottage with brambles , will make it Aneli of rhe /móke. y I. Chi al carbone. p ateo fa 6 ft tinge Of fotta Who approcb.es to a cole, cither fmutcheshimfelfor burns himfelf. 1 ( an vati ut 0 (tal va - - . —- mi liti '.TrlLT.l, 1 A dog beaten with a fticfc. is afraid of the (tiadcW ofir. ! 3. cmjmt .to da.U(fm calda ha fampul dell, freddi. A dog folded with hot water is afterward, afraid ofcoji 5 *. - An Appendix of 54. Chi teme licane fi afiicura dal morjo. Whofo fears a dog enfures himfelffrom being bitten. 55. A tal nave tal batel e. . As tke fhip is io is her skiff. / 1 h/ .', / 5 6. si ui po-^otilfecchio. j * lUf j //'* As the well is , so is the bucket. f ■ 57. A talpropofla talrifp fia. As the qv.el.lion fo the anfwer. 58 A tal mina tal pomello. As the"ruine is, fo the prop. 59. A gran fole grand’ occhio. As the Sun fo the eye. 60 Tu cerchi meghor pane che di grant. Thou look’ll; for better bread, then can be made of cor*. 61.1? afinopur pigro, {limolato tira qualche calcio An Alfe though flow, if provtìk’d, will kick. 61. None è pelo che non hahbia la fua ombra. There is no ha/rbut hath its fhadow. 6 3. Non è tifone che non habhia il fuo fumo. There is no firebrand but will fmoak. 64. Can da bofeo e da riviera. A land and water-dog both. 6 matrigna. He who believes not the mother, afterwards mud be forced to believe rhe Stepmother. 116. T ri fio è quel barbiere che hà un fol pettine. He is a fad barber who hath but one comb. 117. Chi ha accordato l’ hofte può andar fen * a dormire. He who hath reckoned with his hod may go his wayes fo bed. 118. Ch fabriea la cafa m piatta 3 che è troppo alta, 6 troppo baffa. Who builds a houfe in the open ftreet, either it is too high or too low. 119. Chi tardi arriva mal alloggia. Who comes late fares -. 11 . I 20. chi prima arriva al molino prima macina. Fird come to the mill fird grinde. 1 21. Chi fa li fatti fuoi non s* imbratta le mani. Who doth bis own affairs defiles not his hands. 122. Vna mano lava l 9 altra cr ambidue lavano il volte. One hand wadies another, both the face. I 23. Chi U fh l 9 affiena. Who does an injury expefts a revenge. 12 4 - Chi troppo parla a pochi dh con figlio. He who prates too much councels but a few. 125. Vn bel morire tutta la vita honora. A fair death honours a mans whole life. I 26. Ogni fatica vuol premio. Every labour will have its reward. 1 27. Ver allentar d 9 arco piaga non fi fana. It is not the unbending of a bow that cures the wound. 1 28. Poppo il fatto non vale il pentimento. When a thing is done, 1 am forty, comes too late. 1:9. Sa meglio il matto il bifogno fuo che il favio gli altrui. A fool knows better his own bufineffe than a wife man soo¬ thers. 1 3 0. t’n di for dine fh un ordine. A diferder begets an order. 1 31. Loda il mare e tienti a terra. Commend the fea. but keep at la*d, 132. Il patto » ompe leggi. Conditions break Jaws. 133. Fatta la legge truovata la malitia. No fooner a law made, but there is an evafion. 134- No*; Italian Proverbs, 59 13 4. Non cono fee il bene chi non ha pruovato il male. He knows not what good is who hath not tried what evil is. 13 Dove l' oro parla ogni lingua tace. Where gold (peaks every tongue is filent. 136. La fornace pruova P oro,e L' oro la donna. The furnace tries gold, and gold a woman. 137. Muro bianco carta da matti. A white wall paper for fools. 138. Peccato vecchio penitenza nova. An old fin a new penance. • 139. Chi ret eve non dimentica. Who receives forgets not. 140. La modeflia è madre d' ogni buona creanza. Modefty is the mother of good manners. 141 .Il hen dire appartiene a pochi,ma il ben vivere convien a tutti . To fpeak well belongs to few , but to live well concerns all. 141. La lode giova al forvio, al matto nuoce. Praife doth good to a wife man, and to a fool it doth hurt. 143. Muro [en\a croce, c cavagher fen\a entrata da tutti è fcom- pifeiato. A wall without a erode, a Knight without revenues, is abu- fedby every one. 144. Ad ogni gran flato un inimico è troppo , e cento amici pochi. One enemy is too much to any great State , and a hundred friends too few. 1 4 S- Chi vuol vadi , chi non vuol mandi. Who hath a mind to any thing let him go himfelf, if not let him fend. 146. Ch muta paefe muta ventura. Change of Countrey, change of fortune. 147. E diffidi il cuflodire ciò che da molti vien de fi derato. It is hard to keep that which is defired by many. 148. T rè cofe fempre ci cofano , carene del cane , amor di corteg¬ giano, cr invito d y hofie. Three things alwayes brings coft, the fawning of a dog, the love of a whore, and the invitation ofan hoft. 149. Matto è colui che di quattro cofe f vantaci buon vinoni buon cavallo, di bella moglie, e di danari affai. He is a fool that makes his brags of four things, good wine, a handfom horfe, a handfom wife.of good flore of mony. 150. Alla fella il cavallo, al baflo /’ afino, al aratro il bue, il cane alla caccia , al corfo i barberi , ma P huomo a quell’ arte alla qualle la natura lo invita. The horfe to the (addle, the Ade to the pack , theOxeto plough, the dog to the chafe, the barbes to the race, but man to that Art which nature calls him to; If I. Nè occhio in carta , nè man in tajea. Keep your eye off writings,and your hand out of ether mens pockets. 15 a. Non s' inganna fenon chi fi fida. No body’s deceived but he that confides. 153. Chi biafima vuol comprare. Who findes fault means to buy. 154. Chi compra hà bi fogno di cent’ occhi , chi vende tp ha affai d'uno. Who buyes hath need of a hundred eyes, whofels hath e- enough of one. 15 <. Chi non hd memoria , habia gambe. Who hath no memory, let him have legs. 1 $6. Chi fi pente , fe fleff) cafiiga. Who repents, chaflifeth himfelf. I ?7. Chi hà ben un dì non fid mal tutto P anno He who hath but one dayes felicity, is not unhappy all the year. I«f8. Chi hd danari e capperi,è fornito ben per la quarefima. Who hath moneys and capers, is well fumifht for Lent. 159. Chi ben dona care vende. Who gives well fels dear. \ 60. che hd mangiato le candele caca li flopphii. Who hath eaten the candles voids the weeks. i6\. Chi vive fperando muore cacando. Who lives in hopes dies at (tool. 1 6z. T rifto chi (id tra P incudine e’l martello. Sad is he who ftands between the anvil and the hammer. j 163. Da una parte hai il lupo, dalp altra il precipitio. On the one fide the wolfe, on the other the precipice. 164. Quefia farina non è del tuo facco. This is no flower of thy fack. I 5. I fatti fon mafehi , e le parole fon femine. Deeds are males, words are females. 1 66. chi da ciancie imbocca colla cucchiara vuota. Who g ves good words feeds with an erupty fpoon. 167. c’ e chi s 9 annegherebbe in un bicchier a acqua. There are fonie that would be dr o v/n«à in a glafle of water. 1 68. E troppo di metter P unguento e le pe^c. Its too much to find falvc and lint. 1 79- Bianco ó bruno tanto per uno. Fair or brown, fo much a pcecc, higledy pickledy. 170. chi non rifica non ro fica. Nothing hazzard nothing knaw. 171. Amico da fiernuti il piu che ne hai è un Dio P aiuti. A friend at a fneefe, the moil thou canfl get fro$i him is, God help thee. 172. De’ gioveni ne muoiono di molti,de' vecchi ne fcampa n iff uno, Ofyong men there dies many/of old men feapes not any. 173 • Vn viaggio e due fervitii. One journey and two errands. 174 . Non ft raccordano i morti a tavola. The dead are not to be mentioned at board, 1 7 ? • La cocu-^a muore col feme in corpo. The pompkin dies with the feed in its belly. 176- Primavera per P occhio, Autunno per la bocca. The Spring for the eye, but the Fall for the mouth. 177 - Sacco vuoto non ftitin piedi. An empty bag cannot (land upright. 178. Vn paio di orecchie bafiano a feccar cento lingue. One pair of ears is enough to dric up a hundred tongues. 189. Chi vuol faper quel che il fuo fa non faccia malleveria. He who will know wh at he is worth, let him not be a furety. 180. La neve per otto dì è madre, dipoi matrigna. The fnow for eight dayes is a mother, after a flep-mother. I 8 1. S peffo fiotto habito vile fi afeonde te for gentile. Often under a mean habit is hid a fine treafure, 182. Nè fiale voler apprejentar, nè tefìa d’ animale. Offer not to prefent fait, or the head of any creature. I 83. U mondo è tondo e chi non fi nuotar vd a fondo. The world is round, and he that cannot fwim finks to the bottone. 184. Chi ti dà un offo non ti vorrebbe morto. Who beltows a bone on thee wi(hcs thee not dead. 185. Affai pampani e poca uva. Leaves enough, but few grapes. 186. I panni rifanno le firanghe. Clothes adorn poles. x 187. Le parole non s’ infilzano. Words arc not linkt. 188. 1/ piu duro paffo è quel della foglia. The worft ftep is that over the thrclliofd. 189. Patto chiaro , amico caro. A clear bargain, a dear friend. 190. Di coltello (he non taglia, dP amico che non vaglia, non te ne caglia. A knife that cuts not and a friend that is worth nought* value not. 191. Tanto vale la per fona, quanto fi fd valere. A body is efteemed according as he values himfelf. 192. Chi fa l’ altrui mefiiere fd la \uppa nel panie ; e. Who drives another mans trade, makes a fop in a panier. 193. Vn buon paflo , un cativo, c* un merlano mantengono l’huomo fano. A good meal, abadmeal ? and a middling meal, prelervea many in health. 194. Volete ? fi dice a gli ammalati. Will you? is fpoken untofickfolks. 19?. Chi va a letto fienosa cena tutu notte ft dimetta. Who goes to bed fupperleffe, all night tumbles and toffes. 196. Git holandef hanno P ingegno nelle mani. The Dutch have their wits in their hands. 197. Cofit fatta per for~a uon vai una fiordo. A thing done by force is not worth a rufli. 198. chi vuol pigliar imprefiito quando non hà, ne pigli, quando n hd Who will borrow when he has not, let him-borrow when he has. 199. Gli h nomiti non fi mifurano a braccia. Men are not meafured bv the yard or ell. 100. Otiojo di rado virtttofii. An idle man feldom virtuous. 201. E meglio otiofo flare che otiof amente operare. It is bitter to Hand idle then to perform a thing idly. 202. Chi fatica è tent ’io du un demonio , chi fin in otio da mille. Who labors is tempted by one Devil, but who (lands idle byathoufand. ^ 103. Oriundo di parole, non di fur. ; À raporcr in worth, but noi c in deeds. ,| 104. son tutti che vanno in chief a fanno oratione. A 11 who come into a Church fay not their prayers. Nf «O.v-V- AÒ An Appendix of Itili j» Frovcrbt. 10 S . Sè ran /’ archi» *b con la Fede, s' had* burlare. There is no jelling either with ones eye, or ones Religion. io 5 . chi vuol l* uòvo fid d* patir lofchi*m*%y> doll* MU**. Who means to have the egg mult indure the cachi ingot the hen. 107. Pann» conbfcer /’ huomo i. carico e P officcio. A place or office difeovers what a man is. toS. No* menu di dar leggi chi «t* può patir dì riceverlo. He deforces not to give lawes who cannot indure to receive them. 209. Chi ad altri infegna ancora per fe impara, Who readeth toothers rcadeth alfo to himfelf. 110. S’ impara per intendere , non per contendere. We learn for to underhand, not for to dilpute. ill E men degno del onore chi piu lo cerca. He is lealt worthy of honour who moft feeks it. 111. Il guadagnare iufegna lo [pendere. Ones gettings orders ones findings. z 1 3. Una buona in falata principio d" 1 una cativa cena, A good fai lad the beginning of a bad fupper. 114. I fium non fingroffano d ’ acqua chiara. Rivers fwell not with clear water. 2.17. La fame hà fempre bnon cuoco. Hunger hath alwayes a good cook, xi 6. .A tavola rotonda non ft contende del Ihoco. At a round table there is no difputc of place. Z17. Chi invita paga, Who invites bears the charges. 18 1 . Chifuofecreto dice fervo fifa. Who tels his fecrets makes himfelfa flave. 2,19. I difetti fono degli ’ huomini non dell' arte. The defers are the mensj not the Arts. 110, Ogni canee leone a cafafua. Every dog is a Lion at home. 111. La candela gli altri allumi, fe fieffaconjuma. A candle lights others and confumes it felf. iix. Moggi c af iere , dimani c affato. One day calh-keeper, the next cafheer’d. 1x3. Moggi in figura , dimani in fepoltura. To day in a pofture> or fhape, to morrow in ones grave, xz4. Vincepiu cortefia. che for\a d? arme. Civility gains more then tbrength of arms. 1x5. Configlto frettolofo di rado frùttuofo. Haity counfel feldome profitable, xx6. Bonaccia tempera fpeffo minaccia, A calm oft portends a ftorm. 2x7. Chi fà il carro lo fh anche disfare. Who makes a Cart knows alfo how to take it in pieces, zz8. No» vi è abbaflan^a 1 e niente awon\a. There is not enough, if nothing be left. \ x 2.9. Brieve benedittione e Unga gratia Afhort Grace, and a long thanfgiving. 130. 1 mici la con danno lajctala andar col malanno. Prejudiciall friendfhip, let it go with a vengeance. 231. Vien prefio confumato Pingiuflanjente acquifUtQ, 111 got, foon confumed. 13 x. Vn avvertitone vai due. Oneforewarnd as good as two. 133. S1 mira pii alT affetto , che all’ ejfettto. One regards more the will than the deed. 134. No» è bello quello cb’ è bello, h bello quello che piace. That’s not handfome which is handfomc, but that is hand- fomc which takes. \ F I IS, ti i> CrMltK LIBRARY