Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/catalogueofexten01chri_0 FINAL PORTION OF /gy an R lo.23 UeuK, THE EXTENSIVE COLLECTION OF OBJECTS OF ART & VERTU, PICTURES, &c., FORMED BY JAMES RAWCLIFFE, ESQ. Deceased, Late of WEST END VILLA, BURNLEY, LANCASHIRE: which (by Order of the Executors ) mill tie rolD toy auction toy Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, A’S Iism GREAT ROOMS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, And WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1897, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed Saturday and Monday preceding, and Catalogues had of Mr. R. H. Matthews, 14 Manchester Road, Burnley, and at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Street, St. James's Square, S. W. CONDITIONS OF SALE. - 0 - 1. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Chbistie, Manson, and Woods not being responsible for. the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no lot can on any account bo removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. Third Day’s Sale. o>®ioo-- On TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1897, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. OLD ENGLISH WATCHES. 310 A watch, by Samson, in gold case and Louis XV. outer case chased with classical figures 311 A watch, with black and white enamel dial, in plain gold case ; a small watch, by S. Eust, in plain gold case; and one, by C. Hardy, in metal-gilt case and tortoiseshell outer case 312 A watch, by Spencer, No. 11,538, in metal-gilt case and outer case with enamelled back painted with nymphs, and outer shagreen case; and a watch, by Fontac, No. 459, in gilt case with enamel back and jewelled border 313 A watch, by Sims & Son, No. 1045, with enamelled dial painted with a landscape and buildings, in silver case and outer case; and a lady’s watch, in silver case 314 A watch, by Tupman, No. 866, in engraved gold case enamelled with flowers in colours 315 A large watch, by James Green, No. 6309, with dials showing the moon’s age and day of month, and centre seconds hand, in metal-gilt case, and engraved outer case with border of coloured stones 316 A clock watch, by W. Story, No. 11,319, in gilt case and outer case, the back enamelled with figures in coloured borders and set with white and coloured pastes b 2 4 OLD FRENCH WATCHES. 317 A watch, by C. Le Roi, No. 7274, in gold case, the back enamelled with a harbour scene, the borders enamelled and set with sparks; and a watch, by Gudin, the case enamelled and set with sparks 318 A watch, by Chevalier, in gold case with chased borders, the back enamelled with figures ; and one, by Roman Melly and Roux, in gold case, the back enamelled with figures 319 A small watch, by Filon, in chased gold case set with sparks; and a minute watch, in enamelled gold case set with sparks 320 A watch, by Balthazard, in engraved gold case enamelled with figures; and a minute watch, by Melly frere, in gold case with crimson enamelled back 321 A watch, by Resalv, in gold case with chased borders, the back enamelled; and a lady’s keyless watch, in engraved gold case 322 A watch, by Duchene, in gilt case with enamelled back and border of sparks; and one, by Miville, in nearly similar case 323 Another, by C. Oudin fils, in chased gilt case; and one, in nearly similar case 324 Two watches, in gilt cases, the backs chased; and one (the dial missing), in case of dark blue enamel with flowers 325 A watch, in oval-shaped case of Viennese enamel on silver, painted with classical figures; and a larger watch, in case of enamel and metal-gilt 326 A watch, in case of Viennese enamel painted with figures; and two gilt watch cases, with chased and enamelled backs BOXES, ETUIS AND OBJECTS OF VERTU. 327 A circular horn box, inlaid with vases and borders in gold; and a tortoiseshell ditto, with a miniature of a nymph and Cupid in the lid 5 328 A patch-bos, of red jasper, inlaid with Roman mosaics and gold- mounted ; and a circular tortoiseshell and wood box, with an enamel of a dog’s head on the lid 329 A circular Vernis-Martin box, with two miniature paintings of landscapes; and a circular tortoiseshell box, the lid painted with The Marriage of St. Catherine 330 A circular tortoiseshell box, the lid painted with a chateau, by D. v. Ballarini; and one, with a landscape, figures and cattle 331 A circular engine-turned tortoiseshell box, with a miniature of two figures inside the lid; and an octagonal-shaped box, of black agate, with double lid 332 A circular wood box, the lid carved with figures at the tomb of Napoleon, St. Helena; and an oblong tortoiseshell box, with a view of the Great Exhibition 333 A Louis XVI. oval box, of metal-gilt, engine-turned and lined with tortoiseshell, a miniature of a lady in the lid 334 An engine-turned silver cigar-case; a metal box, with enamel lid formed as a dog; and an enamelled metal-gilt bouquet- holder 335 An oblong old Dutch tobacco-box, of engraved brass and copper, with sliding panels enclosing pierced and engraved groups of figures 336 A chatelaine, with etui and two other pendants, of engraved pearl and metal-gilt; and a mothor-o’-pearl etui, with silver fruit knife and fork 337 A single opera glass, of metal-gilt and mother-o’-pcarl; a Louis XV. etui, of chased metal-gilt; and a Venetian glass scent- bottle, with gilt mount 338 An inlaid tortoiseshell etui, with fittings mounted with chased silver-gilt; a small ditto, inlaid with silver ; and a lacquered tortoiseshell cigarette-case 339 A small marqueterie work-box, with chased silver fittings; an enamel scent-bottle; and a horn snufl'-box, carved with The Last Supper 340 An old English casket, of chased metal-gilt and engraved mother- o’-pearl, the lid inlaid with a large miniature of a lady with a harp 6 341 A small fan, of pierced metal-gilt, with chicken-skin mount, painted with landscapes and figures 342 A paper weight, with a metal-gilt figure of a peacock, studded with stones, and a group of mythological figures in Tassie’s enamel, on marble slab 343 An enamel and ebony facade, with figures of Cupids, &c.; three oval enamel plaques, with figures; a pearl carving of The Nativity ; and a gold brooch 344 A small bowl, of striated agate, on gilt stem and open foot, set with small turquoises; an oval enamel tray, with pierced border, set with turquoises and coloured stones; and an enamelled column, surmounted by a figure of an ostrich, set with carbuncles and turquoises 345 Chief’s Keturn from Hawking—in needlework —framed FRENCH MINIATURES. 346 Madame D’Arblay, in hat with feathers; and a lady, in blue and white robe and head dress—in oval lockets , 2 347 A girl with flowers— circle; and a lady, in turban with feathers —in oval gilt frame 2 348 Madame de Motteville; and a lady taking tea: two large minia¬ tures—in oval lockets 2 349 A lady, with roses in her hair— signed Martin; and a lady, in blue dress, lace collar and cap— circles 2 350 A lady, wearing roses in her dress and hair— signed Halle, 1760; and two other portraits of ladies— circles 3 351 A lady, in large hat with roses; and ladies: a pair— circles 3 352 Madame de Maintenon ; Princesse de Lamballe; and two other portraits of ladies 4 353 A lady, with powdered hair, wearing roses; and a lady, in pale yellow and blue dress 2 354 Ladies: a pair— circles—signed J. B. Eoyby ; and a lady, in white dress and head-dress—in gilt frames with ribbon loops 3 355 A lady, iu turban —signed Van Deck; and a lady, in large hat with feathers —signed Faure —in or-molu frames with ribbon loops 2 ENGLISH MINIATURES. 356 A lady, in pale yellow robe—in oval silver locket with border of pastes 357 A gentleman, in blue coat and powdered wig—in oval gold locket with hair at the back ; and a gentleman, in blue coat and white cravat—in locket with hair, and initials T. G. in seed pearls 2 358 A lady, in brown robe and white cap ; and a gentleman, in blue coat and white cravat—in oval lockets 2 359 A gentleman, in naval uniform; and a gentleman, in black coat —in oval lockets with hair at back and initials in seed pearls 2 360 Two portraits of gentlemen—in oval lockets with hair; and a gentleman—mounted in chased gold brooch 3 361 Mrs. Siddons, in hat and feathers—in oval gold locket, engraved M. M. Barrick at the back 362 The Old Pretender—in gold locket 363 A lady, in crimson dress, white scarf and head-dress 361 Another portrait of the same 365 Portrait of a lady, iu white dress—iu oval gold locket with hair and initials G. T. 366 A lady, with curling hair—in oval gold locket with hair, initials E. S. and date 1812 367 The Duchess of Devonshire; and Lady Elizabeth Compton, after Eeynolds 2 368 The Marchioness of Salisbury, after Cosway; and a lady, in green and white robe 2 369 Two portraits of ladies—in gilt lockets 2 370 Two ditto— signed G. E., 1788-9 2 371 Lady Elizabeth Foster; and a lady, in pink and grey dress 2 372 A lady, in high collar; and a gentleman, in blue coat and white cravat, temp George IY. 2 8 373 Mrs. Somers Cox; and a lady, in pale blue dress 2 374 A young lady, in crimson and white robe—in large oval locket; and a lady, in slate-coloured dress, wearing brooch 2 375 Lady Hamilton; and two portraits of ladies, with powdered hair—in oval gilt metal frames 3 376 Lady Wortley Montague, in turban; Lady Milne, in hat and feathers; and a lady, in white dress 3 377 The Duchess of Gordon; Mrs. Stephens— signed S. Julien; a lady, in crimson dress; and a lady and child 4 378 Barry Cornwall; and three other portraits of gentlemen 4 379 Admiral Lord Nelson — in oval locket; and Lady Hester Stanhope—in black frame 2 380 Mrs. Jordan, after Morland; and Lady Gertrude Yilliers—in metal-gilt frames 2 381 Mrs. Sheridan ;*'and Nell Gwynn, after Lely, by Dumont—in or-molu frames chased with laurel, and ribbon hoops 2 382 Lady Hamilton; Mrs. Siddons, after Downham; and two other portraits of ladies—in oval gilt frames 4 383 Lady Spencer; and three other portraits of ladies—in small gilt frames 4 384 Mozart; a lady, in white dress; and a gentleman, in black coat -—in square gilt frames 3 385 The daughters of George III., after Cosway—in chased or-molu frames with ribbon loops 4 386 Jack Bannister; and his Son, by Wheelwright—in gilt lockets 2 387 Horne Tooke ; and Copernicus—in similar lockets 2 388 The Princess Elizabeth; Mungo Park; and a gentleman, in a dark blue coat 3 389 Lady Suthurst; a lady, in white robe with pink ribbons; and a gentleman, by W. J. Thompson, 1809 3 390 Braham; and two portraits of ladies—in gilt frames with twisted borders 3 391 Cromwell; Milton; and Shakespeare—in similar frames 3 392 Queen Anne ; Nell Gwynn; the Duchess of Portsmouth ; and Mrs. Middleton—in chased gold frames 3 393 Admiral Lord Nelson— circle —in gilt wood frame 9 394 Admiral Keppel; and Sir Horace Mann—in chased metal-gilt frames 2 395 C. J. Fox; Horace Walpole; and a gentleman, in blue coat— in oval gilt frames with twisted borders 3 396 Lady St. Asaph; and two other portraits of ladies—in similar frames 3 397 George Morland ; and the Duke of Wellington—in circular frames, similar 2 398 The Duchess of Devonshire; and a lady, in blue dress— signed L. V. —in oval gilt frames 2 399 Two portraits of ladies, by Royby—in similar frames; and one other 3 400 Two portraits of ladies ; and an officer—in square gilt frames 3 VIENNESE ENAMELS, CHIEFLY ON SILVER. 401 A watch, in case formed as an arm-chair, painted with figures; an oblong table, painted with a garden scene and figures, on metal-gilt stand; a settee and two chairs, en suite 402 A miniature Sedan chair, forming a scent-bottle; and a ewer, with dragon handle 403 A small oliphant, with cover, painted with figures and foliage, on stem formed as an eagle; and a figure of a retainer, enamelled in colours, on ebonised plinth 404 A pair of small globular bottles, with long necks, painted with landscapes and figures; and six coffee spoons, painted with figures, and terminal busts on the handles 405 A cup and saucer, painted with The Triumph of Amphitrite, Neptune, Ac.; and a box and cover, formed as a tortoise, painted with Flora, and mounted with enamelled silver-gilt 406 Two boxes and covers, formed as tortoises, painted with numerous classical subjects and mounted with enamelled silver-gilt 407 An octagonal-shaped tray, formed of nine plaques painted with classical subjects and mounted with chased metal-gilt borders; and a circular bowl, with lid painted with land¬ scapes and figures, and mounted with metal-gilt 10 408 A small time-piece, in oval enamel case painted with Venus and Adonis, on silver stem formed as a camel, and enamel foot— 7 in. high 409 Another, nearly similar, the stem formed as a figure of a stork 410 Another, on stem formed as a negro—8 in. high 411 A time-piece, in oval enamel case painted with Amphitrite, on metal-gilt figure stem and enamel foot—11 in. high 412 A pair of ditto, in circular enamel cases, on partly enamelled metal-gilt figure stems—9 in. high 418 A tankard and cover, painted with a landscape and peasants dancing, after Teniers, with metal-gilt handle CARVED IVORY FIGURES. 414 The Seasons: a set of four carvings, with Cupids and children . in high relief—mounted on ebony frame 415 Venus reclining with Cupid: an oblong plaque in high relief; and a pair of upright ditto, each with a nymph and Cupid on clouds-— in velvet frames 416 A lady, in hat with feathers, carved in high relief, in pierced ivory frame with caryatid figures and scrolls—on ebonised mount 417 A small group of an officer and performing dog ; two groups of a lady at a spinning wheel; a small figure of the Madonna; and a fisher girl 418 The Village Band, with conductor: a set of nine figures—7 in. high —on square-shaped carved wood pedestals 419 A pair of figures of house-breakers—7} in. high —on carved ebonised pedestals 420 A chamberlain ; and a bugler; a pair— 7h in. high —on ebonised pedestals inlaid with ivory 421 Venus fastening her cloak: 8J in. high —on circular ebony pedestal 422 Venus and Adonis : with flowers, a group—71 in. high —on oval ebonised pedestal 11 423 Voltaire and Rousseau: a pair of statuettes— in. high —on circular ebony and ivory pedestals 424 Druids: a pair of statuettes—5 in. high— on similar pedestals; and Venus at the Bath—on metal-gilt stand 425 Italian Pfifferari: a pair—6J in. high —-on square carved wood pedestals; and a falconer—5 in. high— on similar pedestal 426 A man with a fruit—6^ in. high —on ebonised pedestal; and a nobleman in XVIth century costume—7j in. high 427 Children dancing, with castanets—6J in. high —on square ebonised pedestals; and a pair of busts of Roman warriors PICTURES. H. ANDREWS. .3- 428 A Ball J. S. BECK. i . ~ 429 Pheasant and Fox BOUCHER. — 430 Blind Man’s Buff J. CONSTABLE, R.A. U — 431 A Landscape, with a church and figures a*) T. S. COOPER, R.A., 1886. 4^- - 432 A Cow and Three Sheep T. S. COOPER, R.A. Three Cows, in a landscape 12 fr /o. - -Z- S'- - 7-^- <26. sz ~ /x- /x. - y. /y. 6 /S'- - . - /x . /. C> /(o. /£. - 3- s: _ W. CRUICKSHANK. 434 Dead Game —a pair—in water-colours 2Ji* v- ELMORE. 435 Figures on a Terrace XVKItT % ^7oOiM/ J 6 ENGLEHART. 436 The Village Fair ^/our^tAjA J. FABER. 437 The Departure ; and The Return —a pair Xif_x3S J. F. B ERRING. 438 Horses in a Straw Yard HERRING. 439 The Runaway C. HUNT. 440 The Bargain 6 C. HUNT. 441 An Interior, with Irish peasant mending his coat Xla ISRAELS. 442 Children with a Toy Boat /.AxAo E. N. 443 A Peasant Filling his Pipe 13 • • — M W. L. 444 The Toy Seller /£x/o /Qu/rry&nst? MORRIS. 445 Sheep in a Landscape 4- G MORLAND. 446 Setters— a pair ^ A '\/3 MORLAND. 449 The Yule Loo MORLAND. 450 Figures, Cows and Donkey )• - MORLAND. 451 A Farm Yard, with grey horse and figures 'ty***i_'o •C _ MORLAND. 452 A Coast Scene f- MORLAND. 453 A Peasant Family * 4 ^*^ - *200 14 MORLAND. £ 7 - - - 454 The Death of the Fox .2 6>* rx-y ^KxxxtJlsuiM MULLER. JL /S- - 455 A Landscape, with cottage NASMYTH. /A. /A- - 456 Near Chislehurst /3~XSlO PRICHARDS. 5U i § i 457 The Toy Boat *^)/rxHsH4j6 - PYNE. 7- 7- - 458 View of a Ruined Abbey Soy-3 G EDWIN ROBERTS. /S'- - 459 “Polly, What Time is it?” SHAYER. S'- S'. - 460 A Coast Scene, with horses, figures and boats C. STANFIELD, R.A., 1850. 4- 4-- - 461 A Mountain Pass //*A5c UNKNOWN. l f - - 457. _ 462 Tillage Gossips &&coJLa^ DUTCH SCHOOL. 5- _ 463 An Interior, with a philosopher 464 A Bull * v x /q s J2o/ 15 465 The Holy Family 466 Crossing the Ferry 467 Boors COETONA. /*X ax CUYP. C. DUSAET. HOEEEMANS. 468 Interior, with Peasants, with Vegetables and Fruit o NETSCHEE. dL 469 Portrait of a Lady T ENIERS . 470 Interiors, with Figures and Still Life— a pair UNKNOWN. 471 Love, Music and Wine UNKNOWN. 472 A Classical Composition, with figures VAN BLOEMEN. 473 Figures and Horses at a Ford /.Tx/8- VEEWEE. 474 A Winter Scene in Holland //x fS~ End of Third Day's Sale. '-Jkcetc/h Fourth Day’s Sale. On WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1897, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. JAPANESE CARVINGS IN IVORY. 480 A group of a warrior ancl two other figures—4J in. high —a woman with a bird; and a woman carrying a child and tray 3 481 A figure of a musician; a man dancing; and a seated woman, with a bird and cage ' 3 482 A man, with a bamboo staff, fish and dog; a man, with a scroll; and one other figure 3 483 A group of two figures, with a small shrine; and a lady, with attendant 2 484 A short sword, with ivory sheath and handle carved with figures ; and two knives, in carved ivory sheaths 485 An articulated figure of a lobster, coloured red ORIENTAL CARVINGS AND OBJECTS OF ART. 486 A Chinese ivory fan, pierced and carved with figures ; a carved needle case ; and a small box containing pierced ivories 487 Two pierced ivory fans; two pierced match-pots; a circular box ; and a Bombay-work card case 17 488 An Indian carved ivory group of an elephant, bearing a howdah with three figures—7f in. high 489 A ditto group of a bullock cart; a palanquin, with bearers; and a group of an elephant and figures 490 A figure riding a camel ; a Burmese deity ; a pierced and carved panel of three figures; a model of a guillotine; and three other pieces 491 An Indian group of deities; a circular engine-turned work-box containing reels, Ac.; and a paper-knife, with oxidised handle 492 Six miniatures of an Indian Prince and Princesses—in metal-gilt frames; and one—in gilt wood frame 7 493 A short Indian sword, with silver dragon handle and sheath, chased with ornaments in relief 494 A reclining figure of an animal, carved in pale green jade ; a pair of small ditto vases; and a group of two bamboos, a relief in green jade 495 A pair of figures of magpies, of Chinese cloisonne enamel, black and white, on stands of the same with flowers on turquoise ground 496 A nest of five Canton enamel fluted bowls and covers, painted with flowers in pink on pale green ground; and an egg- shaped box, of Japanese cloisonne enamel, with ornaments on pale green ground 497 A small oblong casket, of Goojerat work, inlaid with foliage in gold 498 A Benares tea-pot, coffee-pot and milk-jug, inlaid with birds and foliage— in case ENGLISH MINIATURES. 499 The Hon. Seymour Conway—in oval gold locket 500 A gentleman, in blue coat and white cravat—in locket with hair 501 Portrait of an officer—in locket with hair and initials “ R.P.” 502 A gentleman, in blue coat and wig—in oval gold clasp C 18 503 Mrs. Billington, as “ St. Cecelia,” after Sir J. Reynolds 504 Simplicity, after ditto 505 A lady, in black cape and hood, in locket with blue and opal enamel back, set with pearls and containing hair 506 Mrs. Robinson, as “ Perdita ”—in metal-gilt frame ; and a lady, in white robe—in oval locket set with stones 2 507 A lady, with powdered hair—in small oval locket with chased gold border; and an officer—in gilt locket with open filigree border 2 508 Portrait of a gentleman, in blue coat and white cravat; and a lady, with curling hair, by Sir W. Ross 2 509 Two portraits of ladies—in large oval lockets 2 510 Duchess of Gordon; and a lady, wearing pearls in her hair—in metal-gilt frames with ribbon loops 2 511 H.M. Queen Victoria; and the Prince Consort—in oval gilt lockets 2 512 Lady Horatio Seymour; and Lady Charlotte Campbell—in gilt lockets 2 513 Lord Mornington— signed T. B.—in gilt frame surmounted by a coronet 514 Portraits of Pope and Peg Woffington 2 515 Charles I., in embroidered doublet and lace collar 516 Charles I., in armour; and Mary Queen of Scots—mounted in a brooch 2 517 George Washington; and the Duke of Bridgwater, by Wheel¬ wright 2 518 Sir Robert Boyle, by ditto ; and Dr. Johnson 2 519 A lady, in white muslin robe and head-dress—in oval locket with hair at the back 520 A lady, in a turban—signed Cats— circle 521 Miss Linley—in oval gilt frame 522 Mrs. Robinson, after Gainsborough—in square gilt frame; and Lady Audley—in black frame 2 523 A gentleman, in green coat and white cravat—in small gilt locket; and Lord Castlereagh 2 524 A gentleman, in blue coat, gold-laced— signed H. N., 1758—in small gilt locket • 2 d £) 19 525 A lady, in white robe and veil; and the Eight Hon. W. Pitt 2 526 Mrs. Fitzherbert: and the Duchess of St. Albans—in chased metal-gilt frames 2 527 Queen Philippa, of Hainault—in similar frame; and Queen Anne —in oval frame 2 528 Henrietta Maria—in chased or-molu frame with ribbon loop ; and the children of Charles I.—in gilt frame 2 529 A lady, wearing pearls— temp Charles II.—in chased locket ; and a lady, at a window—in ebonised frame 2 530 Madame Fontana— signed D. Orme ; and three other portraits of ladies—in chased gilt frames 4 531 Charles Wesley—in square gilt frame ; and Van Dyck—in oval frame 2 532 Burns; Lord Donald ; and two othei’s 4 533 An officer, in uniform; a gentleman, with powdered hair—in chased metal-gilt frame ; a lady—in chased frame ; and one other 4 534 A lady, in yellow dress—in square gilt metal frame; two other portraits of ladies ; and a gentleman—in chased locket with hair 4 535 Miss Mary Anderson ; Head of the Madonna; and a gentleman, in dark blue coat and white cravat—in gilt frames 3 536 The Duchess of Eichmond ; and six other portraits— unframed 7 537 Hogarth; and Morland : a pair—in carved and gilt wood frames 2 538 Lady Hobhouse; Lady Pilkington ; the Marchioness of Exeter, &c —in two velvet frames 6 539 Lady Hobhouse ; Lady Pilkington, &c.—in similar frame 3 540 Lady Waldegrave; Countess Grey; Lady Marshall, &c.—in two ditto 6 541 Lady Blessington— signed Violet, fecit 1793; and Lady Grey and child— signed V. C., 1803 ; two large miniatures—in leather cases 2 542 Queen Elizabeth; Mary Queen of Scots; and Anne Boleyn: three ditto—in similar cases 3 20 543 Dr. Younge—in ebonised frame; and a gentleman, in blue coat — signed S. Roche, 1818—in morocco case 2 544 A lady, in blue robe and white cap—in oval ebonised frame; and a lady, at a piano—in leather case 2 545 Lady Hamilton ; and a lady, temp Queen Anne—in black frames 2 546 A lady, seated in a landscape: a large oval miniature—in ebonised frame; and portrait of a gentleman—in gilt wood frame , 2 547 The Maid of Saragossa, by F. M. Robinson, 1834; and portrait of a lady, in pink and white lace shawl and cap—in gilt frames 2 FRENCH MINIATURES. 548 Eugene Beauharnais, in military uniform— signed Gauche; and Catherine Leczinska, Queen of Poland— signed Y. Loo— in repousse silver frames 2 549 Philippe d’Orleans, in armour— signed Andee Feme ; and Madame de Montespan—in pierced silver frames 2 550 The Dauphin ; a lady, in blue and white robe—in pierced silver frames; and a lady, in Directoire costume, in oils on copper —in black frame 3 551 Two portraits of noblemen, in XVIth century costume—in engraved gilt frame 2 552 A Knight of the Golden Fleece, in armour and ermine robe; and a German emperor—in oblong gilt frame 2 553 A lady, with auburn hair; and a lady, with a rose in her hair— in oval gilt lockets 2 554 Lovers, after Greuze—in oval locket; and a lady, in white head-dress—small 2 555 A girl, seated, holding a rosebud—in oval gold locket with hair 556 A lady, in crimson bodice trimmed with pearls, and ruff—in square gilt frame 557 Portraits of two ladies, with powdered hair and feather head¬ dresses 2 21 JZ 558 Frangoise Bertant; and a lady, in pearl necklace —signed K. T. —in oval gilt lockets 2 559 A lady, in striped dress and pink head-dress; and a lady, with powdered hair, wearing pearls 2 ENAMELS. 560 The Prince de Conde—in oval metal-gilt frame; and a man’s head—in gilt locket 2 561 The Duchess of Devonshire and child: an oblong enamel, after Sir J. Reynolds—in chased or-molu frame 562 A pair of small oblong plaques, painted with interiors and figures, after Teniers—in chased or-molu frames 2 563 An oblong plaque, painted with a Satyr and nymphs in a landscape—in metal-gilt frame 564 The Madonna della Sedia, after Raffaelle—in metal-gilt frame; Aurora, on porcelain —in ebonised frame; and a small circular landscape, painted on glass 3 565 A vision of St. Hubert and another saint—oval—in silver-gilt frame, filigree border 566 Portrait of a lady, in hat and feathers—in oval gilt locket; and a girl, with flowers—in square-shaped pendant, the border set with coloured stones 2 567 Views in Venice: a pair—oblong—in gilt wood frames 2 568 Five small enamels, with figures and portraits; and a small painted porcelain plaque 6 569 A square plaque, of Limoges enamel, painted with The Nativity; and an upright ditto, with The Resurrection—in velvet frames 2 570 A muse, with a lyre and Cupid—oval; and a Roman soldier— in velvet frames 2 ENAMEL BOXES, &c. 571 An oblong snuff-box, enamelled with flowers and landscapes, and figures in relief on engraved gilt ground 572 An oblong box, with raised white flowers on brown ground, a basket of flowers inside the lid; and a circular bonbonniere, with figures and gilt scrolls on white ground 573 An oval box, with double lid, painted with garden scenes, figures, and portrait of a lady; and an etui, with figures and arabesques, containing a scent-bottle 574 An oval box, enamelled with river scenes and figures on white ground, with gilt trellis 575 An octagonal-shaped box, of Viennese enamel on silver, painted with classical subjects, the lid containing a watch 576 A shaped double box, painted with landscapes and figures and pug dogs in pink 577 An oblong box, painted with a Teniers subject and river scenes on white ground ; and a shaped box, with Cupids and arabesques 578 An oval Battersea enamel box, painted with a landscape on blue ground; and an egg-shaped bonbonniere, painted with fruit and flowers on dark blue and gold ground 579 A cylindrical scent-bottle, of French enamel, painted with nymphs and Cupids on pink ground; and one, with Cupids on dark blue ground 580 A box, formed as a model of a mandoline, pale blue and gold, painted with the portrait of a lady, landscape and figures 581 A pair of small tulip-shaped vases, of pink and gold Dresden enamel, painted with seaports and flowers 582 A figure of an elephant bearing a time-piece, of blue and white enamel and metal-gilt; and a pair of candlesticks, en suite PORCELAIN BOXES. 583 A pair of oval Vienna boxes, coloured and gilt, the lids painted with Diana, Europa, Ac. 584 A dark blue, white and gold porcelain box, with a miniature painting of Diana and Cupids on the lid in border of pearls 585 Another, similar 23 586 A shaped porcelain box, painted with seaports and figures in coloured and gilt scroll borders; and a leaf-shaped box, with Cupid and Psyche in gilt borders with roses 587 An octagonal-shaped box, marbled dark blue and gold, painted with figures and views ; and a shaped box, with seaports in pink scale borders 588 A semicircular shaped box, painted with figures, flowers, &c. in gilt borders; and a small Neapolitan box, with figures in relief 589 A casket-shaped box, painted with figures and flowers in lake in gold borders ; and a box, with children and views on coloured and gilt ground 590 A casket-shaped box, of Lille faience, painted with landscapes in coloured borders; and an oval-shaped box, nearly similar, dated 1767 591 A globular-shaped box, painted with figures and flowers in gilt borders; a hexagonal dark blue and gold box; aud one, of enamel, green and gold, painted with figures 592 An oval Vienna porcelain box, coloured and richly gilt, and painted with The Reading Magdalen 593 A shuttle-shaped box, gros-bleu and gold, the lid painted with figures; and a pair of boxes, formed as fish, painted with flowers 594 A scent-bottle, with Chinese figures in relief on gilt ground; a scent-bottle, painted with birds; and a needle-case, painted with flowers VIENNESE ENAMELS, CHIEFLY ON SILVER. 595 A bonbonniere, formed as a fruit, painted with figures and con¬ taining a watch ; and a scent-bottle, formed as a barrel, painted with figures 596 A heart-shaped box, painted with nymphs and Cupids; a scent- bottle, formed as a barrel; and a gourd-shaped ditto, painted with figures 24 597 Twelve small spoons, the bowls painted with figures and land¬ scapes, tbe handles of enamelled metal-gilt 598 A small hand-mirror, in metal-gilt frame enamelled with flowers in colours on pale and dark blue ground From Earl Cathcart’s Collection 599 An oval fluted snuff-box, painted with Cupids; a scent-bottle, painted with Europa; and a pair of small vinaigrettes 600 A small oval-shaped tray, with fluted border, painted with Europa; and one, with classical figures 601 A vase-shaped ornament, painted with amorini and figures at an altar, and containing a watch, mounted with metal-gilt figures; and an oviform vase and cover, painted with land¬ scapes and figures and mounted with metal-gilt 602 A pair of small oliphants, with covers, painted with classical subjects, mounted with enamelled silver, on kneeling figure stems 603 A ewer, with square-shaped silver-gilt body, and oviform enamel plaques painted with classical figures, and mounted with enamelled silver-gilt—74 in. high; and an oval-shaped fluted tazza, painted with the arts, &c. 604 A pair of oviform vases, painted with Apollo, Europa and other classical subjects, and mounted with enamelled silver arabesque handles, and fitted with enamelled groups of flowers—10 in. high 605 A pair of oval-shaped fluted tazze, on dragon stems and feet, painted with classical subject, garden scenes and figures, and with terminal bust handles—4J in. high 606 A model of a sleigh, shaped as a shell, painted with landscapes and figures, on enamelled silver stand with two figures of the same 607 A figure of a peacock, with outspread tail, painted with alle¬ gorical and classical subjects and arabesques, mounted with silver, forming a casket—12J in. high 608 A rose-water ewer, painted with classical subjects in numerous medallions, mounted with silver, with enamelled terminal figure handle, and arabesque ornament in relief, set with coloured stones—12 in. high IVORY BOXES. 609 A pair of circular boxes, with miniatures of Napoleon I. and J osephine 610 One, with the Dauphin ; and one, with a lady of the French court 611 Another, with a portrait of a lady— signed Anilez; and one, with a girl, after Greuze 612 A hox, with a miniature of the Chapeau de Poile, after Euhens ; and an oval ditto, with Henrietta Maria 613 A circular box, with a miniature of Einaldo and Armida; and a small ditto, with flowers on the lid 614 An oval box and cover, carved with hunting scenes; busts of H.M. the Queen and Prince Consort— a pair ; and a grotesque figure, in revolving case 615 A memorandum case, carved with a group of flowers in high relief; a bust of Flora; a group of flowers, mounted as a brooch; and a plaque, carved with a landscape 616 An oblong box, the lid carved with Amphitrite, a miniature painting inside the lid; an oval ivory box, with a Wedgwood plaque in the lid ; and a circular box, the lid enamelled with Cupid 3 617 An oblong casket, formed of plaques of pierced and engraved ivory, slightly coloured 618 An oblong casket, of ebony and satin-wood, overlaid with ivory panels pierced and engraved with trophies of arms, flowers and ornaments CARVED IVORY FIGURES, &c. 619 Faith, Hope and Charity : three small groups—3J in. high 620 Children at Play: a pair of small groups—on circular ivory pedestals—8 in. high; and a pair of female water carriers— on cbonised pedestals D ^2 /JL 26 621 A man, with geese—6^ in. high —on ebonised pedestal; and a figure of the Madonna 622 A courtier and a lady : a pair—8 in. high —on ebonised pedestals 623 A nymph and muse: a pair—9 in. high —on similar pedestals 624 The Seasons: a set of four figures of children—9 in. high -on ebonised plinths 625 A peasant woman, with a broom ; and a man reading: a pair 626 Itinerant musicians, dancing: a pair—41 in. high —on circular walnut and ivory pedestals 627 A showman, with a monkey—7 in. high —on ebony pedestal; and a fisherman, with net—5 in. high —on carved wood pedestal 628 Earth and Fire: a pair of allegorical figures—6^ in. high —on octagonal carved ebony pedestals 629 Michael subduing Satan : a group—6 in. high 630 Venus fastening her cloak, after the antique—61 in. high ; and a bust of Flora—on ebony and ivory pedestal 631 Itinerant musicians, with a serpent and rats: a pair—6^ in. high —on square carved wood pedestals 632 Skittle players : a pair—8 in high —on similar pedestals 633 Disturbed harmony : a pair of figures of musicians quarrelling— 7J in. high —on octagonal ebonised pedestals 634 A cavalier and lady: a pair— 7\ in. high —on circular ebonised pedestals 635 A pair of larger ditto—7j in. high —on hexagonal ivory pedestals 636 A set of five figures of actors, in XVIth and XVIIth century costumes—7 in. high —on square wood pedestals 637 A small ewer, carved with children sporting with a goat, in high relief 638 A triptych, carved with a Homan soldier carrying off a Sabine woman; and an early Flemish plaque, carved with The Crucifixion 639 A triptych, carved with the Virgin and Child, saints, &c., in high relief: and a convex plaque, carved with The Adoration of the Magi, in high relief 640 A sword liilt, carved with a lion holding a shield and crown ; and a priming, carved with a hound’s head, shield-of-arms, and date 1738 641 A canister and cover, carved with a Satyr, youthful Bacchanals and goats, in relief, and a child asleep, with gilt drapery FINIS. London : Printed by Wu. Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross.