1/28/99 to 12/16/99 ^ ikc» ^ >t. /A. i^ 11.^%^' ui**^" % OA.TA.rjOC3J-XJE ^ OP THE ^v-0 L^ COLLECTION OF PICTDRES BY OLD MASTERS THE PEOPEKTY OF A GENTLEMAN, Removed from his Country Residence in Sussex; v ALSO PICTURES OF SIR HENEY HAWLEY, BAET., Removed from Leybourne Grange, near Maidstone ; AND FROM OTHER PRIVATE SOURCES: WHICH mill ht ^aib bg Mction h^ Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS AT THEia ©EEAT K0@M8, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES'S SQUARE, jSG^^"^ On SATURDAY, MARCH 4, 1899, AT ONE o'clock PRBaSELT. May be viewed Three Days preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods' Offices, 8 Kinf; Street St. James's Square, S. W. » CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer ; and if any dispute anse between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. TI. No person to advance less than Is. ; above Five Pounds, 5s. ; and 80 on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, -if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V , The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer's expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale ; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot, and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconTenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase -Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots un- cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. On SATITRDA7, MARCH 4, 1899, , r ^^ •A^T ONE o'clock Wecisely. TEE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN. Removed from his Residence in Sust-ex DUTCH, FLEMISH AND GERMAN SCHOOLS. N. BERCHEM. J(j _ij_— — . n 1 A Lake Sobne, with castle and figures Ir^ I j tiii v . / On panel — 14 m. by 12^ «w. ' , ,. / N. BEEOHEM. <0 fj Jj 2 The Ambuscade : Banditti attacking travellers, and storming a ) t"^ // bridge on the right 43 in. by 60 in. VAN DEN BERGEN. 3 Cattle and Peasant, near ruins On panel — 15 in. by 19 in. B 2 ^ BERKHEYDEN. // (^ 4 BtJiLDiNGB ON A Canal, with figures and bridge ^jAjfAjA-Lt / 20i tn. by 24^ in. / s U J. T. BLANKHOFF. 6 A Wbkok near Gibraltar On panel — 13 in. by 16^ in. F. BOL. 6 Head of a Jewish Rabbi 20^ in. by 16^ in. (Pouh^C- Ci- F. BOL. ''^ 7 Head or a Young Gikl, in jewelled cap and dress On panel, oval — 24 in. by 18 in. J. BOTH. *^ 8 A Landscape, with peasants and donkeys near a riyer 21 in. by 25^ in. P. BREUGHEL. P / '^ /J /-/ ' 9 A Landscape, with wagons and figures jy^lV^^' ^ On panel — 3 in. by 4 in. VAN DER CAPELLA. / / . 10 A Ruined Castle, on the banks of a river, and angler ^/ On panel — 16^ in. by 20 in. A. CUYP. ^ O Jj^ 11 Portrait op a Girl, with cap KA -^ ^....'j.y*''^''^^^^ -^ On panel — 10 in. by 8 in. 5 DIETRICY. mdlelight On panel — 7 in, by 8 in. j ^{J^^^-"^^"^^^ S. VAN DER DOES. ittle a 17 in. by 16 in. 12 Domestic Harmony : Candlelisbt I \) 13 A Woman, with cattle and goat at a pool jZ-^^ rt 9^L/'h-AJ\^ (J ^ A. DURER. 14 A Pilgrim and the Devil /V^^-'^-'*^-'^-~'p^'lA^ On panel — 20 in. by 16^ in. / VAN DYCK. (V 15 Head op an Old Woman On panel — 22 J in. by 19 in. J. VAN DEN EECKHOUT. 16 Portrait of a Young Man, with cap 26 in. by 20^ in. J- On panel-21 in. hjl7h in. ^ t^VX. OQ. CM^T'^ ^ Q. MATSYS. h\ 32 Salvator Mundi 15^ in. by 11 in. W. MIERIS. r^i 33 A Musician Tuning a Guitar /\ ^t^Jt-hJ\(^^^ O On panel — 7^m. byS.^in. / ' A H. MOMMERS. \k 34 Peasants, with cattle and sheep at a ford i yf j I jtA/'-CJ^^'^ 24^ in. by 31 ^ in. . ^ ^ P. NEEFS. / 35 Interior of a Church Jul /\ , U U O \ b V' H in. by 5i ,n. n{JJiUyO UW-'^ E. VAN DER NEER. V/ 36 Louis XIV. and Madame la Valliere U-ir 17 11 in. hy 8^ in. \^ P. OMMEGAXCK. 37 A Landscape, with peasants and animals crossing a ford On 2)anel — 21 in. by 28 in. F. POURBUS. 38 PORTBAIT OF WiLLIAM THE SiLENT On panel — 16^ in. by 13^ in. heaA/^ 10 A. PYNACKER. 39 Peasants, with cattle, near a ruin On panel — 19 in. by 16 in. fU'^.' ^ 1 1 Y' A. PYNACKER. 40 A Landscape, with figures and animals On panel — lU^^ in. by 8^ in. ^%- A. PYNACKER. 41 Peasants, with cattle, near a brook On panel — 13 in. by 12^ in. A. PYNACKER. <\ / 42 A Landscape, with peasants and sheep crossing a pool fy^ On panel — 11 in. by 15^ in. C^v -K J. VAN RAVESTEIN, 43 Portrait of an Old Woman, in black dress, with ruff 1^ (0 On panel, oval — 24 in. by 18 in 1^ 9 )^-^ REMBRANDT. v^ C 44 Head o: On panel — 8 in. by 6^ in. \f^<:. 44 Head op a Rabbi RUBENS. 45 An Apostle, holding a scroll 25 in. by 18^ in. iA R. RUYSCH. 46 Fruit, on a slab a ^ 19 in. by 15|^ m. KJ/^ /? !2,V SOLEMACKER. ■ /cttAMjt 47 A Woman Milking Goats On panel — 8 in. by 9 in. SOLEMACKER. 48 Figures and Cattle, near ruins M^-^l ^ 5^ in. by 6^ in. JAN STEEN. ,^ f) ,/■ 49 Portrait op the Artist '^ Uk^< oaAaaj 20 in. by 16 in. C H. STEENWYCK / . 50 Figures on the Terrace of a Palace J\ 1/ o ^KXy^^"^ Lr On copper— 6 tn. by 7i m. .^ tM/V^ ^ /^ A. STORCK. /] 51 A Seaport, with shipping and figures (|r / iyvt'J^L>(^/ 12i tn. by 15 tn. ^' [ B 3 ^ 1 1 7 10 D. TENIERS. 52 A Landscape, with chateau and figures 11 in. by 9^ in. A. DE VOTS. ',A ' 53 A Merry Toper /A/^ r\^-^Ot^ W^ \ I 53 A Merry Toper yi \ I 7^ in. by 5^ in. / J. B. WEENIX. /,/ ? i 64 The Day's Work J \l- tu^^^ ^^ A dead hare, lying on a slab, and several small birds near it, the y\ most prominent of which is a kingfisher; behiml is a basket, containing various accessories of the chase ; landscape background. 27 in. by 33 in. Exhibited at Burlington House, 1885 cess, kneeling AL/ On panel — 15^ in. by 10^ in. A. VAN DER WEEFF. 55 The Madonna, in mauve and blue dress, kneeling on clouds, in prayer, two cherubs' heads below \0 A. VAN DER WERFF. 56 Christ Crowned with Thorns 31 in. by 23 in. E. DE WITTE. ) CA. i \/^y^ 57 A Bonfire ^ . '^ On panel — 17 in. by 14^ in. 1^ P. WOUVERMAN. 58 Boys Rabbiting / / On panel — 9^ in. by 12 in. ' 11 SPANISH SCHOOL. ^i ^ / 1 tj 59 St. Matthew Visited by an Angel in a Cave 60 in. by 46 in. / 60 The Infant Saviour and St. John, with a lamb ,\- /^ ^'^ (p OwaZ— 39 in. by 30 in. S. COELLO. A / • /O 61 Philip II. op Spain, in black dress J\ Sy ^ Jt Q/L»^ . \ / 21 in. by 161 in. /4 C/l^^(^<>V^ MUEILLO. f) 62 St. FiiANCis, with a crucifix aud book //^ 46 in. by 34 in. MUEILLO. 1^ (^. 6B Portrait of the Artist, in black dress (\) f] J f\ a/^ JyV 13 in. by 11 in. J tyL/^U^-^^^-^ MUEILLO SCHOOL. .^ y ^ / ?he ^-^ 13 in. by 9 in. f , 64 St. Francis and the Beggar ^ r U65 St. James the Less AA^ ^ V,^OVtC' l^^AA 22^ in. by 18^ in. ^ ^ f^ J. SUSTEEMANS. ^■v 66 Portrait op a Spanish Lady, in red dress "• ) \ Y\ C\ 261 in, by 19L in. VELASQUEZ. 67 Portrait of the Infanta, in red and white dress ^ ^' 28 in. by 23^ in. 12 FRENCH SCHOOL. C. LE BEUN. f) \ 68 Adobation of the Magi ^yA^A.^KT^LX"^-'^ Q 23 in. by 29 in. H. FEAGONARD. ^^^V^ 69 Thk Coquette / • y^ ^ Oval—1h in. by 20^ in. (^ ^IxHJLO^^ ITALIAN SCHOOL. ^^ Ia.v-J^ ^ li^ 5^ 40 in. by 22 in. L. CAEACCI. y- J^ 73 Pobtbait of a Caeacci /L^yl^^ (v! "*2^ On jpanel — 18 in. by 14^ tn. 13 O y CARLO DOLCI. /I 74 St. Fbancis ^t>| ■ On panel — 10^ in. by 7^ tn. CL . DOMENICHINO. ^ , 75 The Dead Chbist ^""^ 28 in. by 21 tn. \^ DOMENICHINO. 76 The Sibyl and Apollo ^ 10 in. by 12 in. C. FERI. 77 The Infant Savioue, with St. Joseph 3 33^ in. by 27^ in. S. FERRATO Ou-^r^^z^ "/) 78 The Viegiw, holding the Infant Saviour J I I i C /^ ^r 28 in. by 24 in. (.^(Wayi^dL^-^ ^ Q 79 St. Anthony and the Infant Saviour Jl^ (tXi^^'HoLAj/' 24£ in. by 18 in S. FERRATO. 80 The Madonna and Child 18^ in. by 14^ t». .FRANCIA. • 81 The Madonna and Child Vv...^ On^aneZ— 25 m. by 19 tn. 1^ ',' 14 F. GUAEDI. ^ 82 The Aesenal Gate, Venice /. /^ / U^KP Hi i«. by 15 en. ^/^ K^ O^/]^ F. GUAEDI. 83 View on the Giudeoca, Venice ^ X' 10 in. by 15 m. k GUIDO. 84 A Delphic Sibyl f \y\ i 31 in. by 25 in. ^ B. LUINI. v^l^^ 85 St. Cathebine ^^ Ow^anei— 25 in. by 19^ in. / JL/^^^^^^^^^^'^ MAEIESCHI. 86 View on the Grand Canal, Venice fV^ "Kn 21 in. by 33 in. nJv^ L&U^^ G. NOGAEI. V / / 87 An Old Woman, with a letter J^' / ^ i jj /-^ 20^ in. by 17 in. ' ^ ^^Q^ U^-W ^^^;/^ STEFANO pieel ^ ^ 88 The Holt Family, with St. John ^ C^A/^x-VVLA s A. DEL SAETO. 89 The Madonna and Child, with St. John .. r! _ On panel — 35 tn. by 27 tn. 15 C A. DEL SAETO. ' 90 The Madonna and Child On panel — 27 in. by 20 in. From the Colleetion of Marquis Gerino, of Florence /^ B. STROZZI. Q 91 PiFFERARI 35 in. by 52 in. f^jz^-^i^ufOvu-r^^ 1 TIEPOLO. 92 Adobation of the Magi 14^ in. by 10^ in. l/ffvi^^^d TOBAE. J 93 St. Mark and St. Anthony 21^- in. by 15^ t». PALMA VECCHIO. ^ S4 The Holy Family, with Mary Magdalen f ^]) v-/ On panel — 26 in. by 40^ in. ^U; 16 THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN. 95 PoKTBAiT OP A Ladt, in black dress, with lace collar and pearls 281 t„. by 23 in. G. CUYP. 96 PoETEAiT OP Sara van dee Gbaep, in black dress, with large lace collar and ruff On panel — 22 in. by 19 in. G. CniSOLFI. LE 24 in. by 18 in. 14-wykM^ L^'a» 97 KuiNS OF THE Temple op Jupitbb, at Kome / y^ 24 in. bv 18 tn. (' SIEBOLD. 98 Head of an Old Woman ■> ^ yi\ in. by 14 in. J. VAN CEAESBECKE. ii 'J 99 An Intebioe, with card players ^ 1^ \ /Aj^ On panel — 16 in. by 21 in. G. HONTHOEST. ^/,_, f t^ ^Lx 100 PoBTKAiT OP THE KiNG OP BoHEMiA, in armouT, with lace / 1/ collar On panel — 26 in. by 21J in. 17 SIR P. LELY. '^ 101 PoBTRAiT OP A CHANCELLOR, in wi'g and embroidered robe, seated, holding a roll of parchment — three-quarter length^^ 49 in. by dO in. t'^^iL^ ^^'t^" =( KNELLER. 102 PoRTBAiT OF IsAAC Nkwton, Seated at a table U Kiy^ 47^ in. by 37^ in. Jr)^ kJ,>^ dA/A/K THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN. J. G. CUTP. l^fj^CKaOL ' 104 Portrait of a Child, in a white dress, holding a carnation — ^ whole length Dated 1648 35 in. by 27 in. J. RUYSDAEL. 105 A Landscape, with cottages, windmill, peasant woman and child \j on a road 25 in. by 21 in. F. BOL. 106 Two Children, holding wreaths of foliage ^pj ^(yO'liH/ltyt 41 in, by 27 in. i^i\aM\ 18 D. TENIEES. f 107 Still Life, with a drum, skull, utensils, &c. \ 1 , i ^UcU^ On panel — 19 in. by 23 in. G. HONTHORST. * 108 Portrait of a Gentleman, in red cloak and armour / \ O On panel— 28 in. by 22 in. '^ ^(jLiM^l J. OPIE, R.A. 109 Portrait of Charles Townley, Esq., collector of the Townley marbles, seated, in claret-coloured dress and white stock OJU 30 tM. by 25 in. ^ ,• ' ''ict.\\y Described in Bogers' " Opie and his Works," page 236 J. RICHAEDSON. 110 The Love-Sick Youth: A boy, in red coat, with a dog in a J U- landscape 5lt>f i^ ^ j^ 43 in. by 30 in. Ij ' ^ ^ R. WEST ALL, R.A. Ill Cleopatba {J'l^ 50 in. by 40 in. 19 The following are the Property of SIR HENRY HAW LEY, Bart, removed from Leyhourne Grange, near Maidstone. DUTCH AND FLEMISH SCHOOLS. C. VAN EVERDINGEN. 112 PoBTRAiT OP A Lady, in black dress, lace collar and sleeves ' c /^ . Inscribed " Eataiis 19, Anno 1671 " 28 in. by 22 in. EAELY FLEMISH. 113 Margaret Txjdor, in brown dress, with fur, jewelled cap, \ represented as Sopuinisba On panel — 17^ in. by 13 in. From the Collection of J. N. Hughes, Esq. C. VAN HAARLEM. i^' 114 Portrait of a Judge, in black robe and cap, with fur, wearing 5^' one glove — shield of arms / ^^ On panel — 35 in. by 28 in. / /)/j ^J2/^ ) C. VAN HAARLEM. On panel — 13^ in. by 19 in. t2 115 Time Vanquishing Strength and Beauty HOLBEIN. 116 Portrait of Pomarania, in black dress and cap, holding his gloves On panel — 25 in. by 16^ in. fr 1^ o 20 HOLBEIN. (j^flt^VUyX/et/M. 117 PoBTB\iT OF AN Old Lady, in black dress with red sleeves and ) '2^ coiffe On panel — 13 in. by 9^ in. LUCAS VAN LEYDEN. 118 The Marriage of the Virgin : a composition of eleven figures s/| under the arches of a church i /^ j /' On panel — 30 in. by 28 w. J\ -S^Iaa^ \ 4"* C SCHOOL OF LUCAS VAN LEYDEN. 119 A Tbipttch, with the Descent from the Cross in the centre: a composition of seven figures round the dead Christ, in a /J I mountainous landscape ; saints and donors on each wing — inscribed 1577 28 in. by 221 in. \i ^ \J *^) ua^ ck/i/^ ' SCHOOL OF MABUSE. 120 PoBTRAiT OF A Man, in black robe and cap with fur, holding a scroll and lantern, landscape background r> On panel — 15^ in. by 12^ in. •'^ , ^ I, K J. DE MABUSE. '' 4. f. t ..^ Axttuyl^ 121 The Madonna, in red robe with fur, holding the Infant Saviour, a dish of fruit in the foreground On "panel — 22 in. by 14-^ in. t TERBUKG. Q -r 122 A Sick Lady, and other figures 23 in. by 18 in. 21 ITALIAN AND GERMAN SCHOOLS. ^ 123 The Madonna and Infant Saviour, with St. John and an 241 in. by 19 in. / "O^ U \^ • L. ORANACH. (V^ ^^^ 124 The Virgin, in blue robe, seated with the Infant Saviour on her lap, holding a bunch of grapes On panel — 19^ in. by 13 in. A. DURER. 125 Portrait of Joachim Patinir, painter, of Dinant pC---G/v/\x«' KxC- On panel — 9^ in. by 6 J in. A. DURER. '^V Y\Q^ ,y^ 126 St. Luke, in red and green dress, holding a picture of the Virgin and Infant Saviour On panel — 16^ in. by 12 in. EARLY GERMAN. 127 The Descent from the Cross On copper — 10^ in. by 8^ in. EARLY GERMAN. 128 A Tripttch : the centre panel representing the Adoration of the Magi, and numerous figures among ruins ; the Nativity, and the Presentation in the Temple, on either wing On panel — 41 in. by 28 in. ^'nS^] 22 EARLY ITALIAN. [^CXA4'^^^10 f 129 The Madonna and Child, with St. Catherine, St. Ijucy and L^ angels On panel — 15 in. by 11^ in. EARLY ITALIAN SCHOOL. P>-' 130 The Vibgin Adoring thb Infant Saviour, supported by \\ angels, St. John the Baptist behind On panel — 18 in. by 11^ in. ITALIAN SCHOOL. fi 131 St. Catherine, in black and gold dress, holding a book and a 47 .•„. by 221 .•„. "j'-^' Sy (j^.<^ ;.: ZUCCHERO. 132 Portrait of a Gentleman, in black robe lined with fur, black I hat ; holding his gloves ; two shields of arms "J On panel — 38 in. by 28 in. n ^ 1% r. ENGLISH AND FRENCH SCHOOLS. 13 I. J. HOPPNER, R.A. ' * ,/ 133 Portrait op a Young Girl, in white dress, and blue kerchief /' round her hair — in an oval 30 in. by 25 in. G. MORLAND, 1796, Ct^lje^V 134 A Winter Soeme, with a lady and child on a pond, and other skaters 27^ in. by 35^ in. 23 SIR J. REYNOLDS. . Sob 29 in. by 24 in. O 135 PoRTEAiT OF Mrs. Somberwells, in brown dress and bat I S ^y\^/\ji/^W /■"^ QQ in Ktt 91 in \ N. LANCRET. ^ Lj^^ut U^-^y-^jljk^ 136 A Woody Lake Scene, near a castle: A boat with ladies and f gentlemen being rowed across to figures on the opposite bank ; a dog and swans 22^ in by 18 in. PINIS. London : Printed by William Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross. /