Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/catalogueofgreek01hunt Catalogue of Greek Coins in The Hunterian Collection This Catalogue of the Greek Coins in the Hunterian Colledtion University of Glasgow has been presented to the University by James Stevenson of Hailie CATALOGUE OF GREEK COINS IN THE HUNTERIAN COLLECTION , UNIVERSITY Ol- (iLASGOW VOLUME I. ITALY, SICILY, MACEDON, THRACE, AND THESSALY BY GEORGE MACDONALD, M.A. LECTURER IN GREEK IN THE UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW GLASGOW JAMES MACLEHOSE AND SONS ^nblishers to the Slnibersitj) THE J. PAUL GETTY MUSEUM LIBRARY MEMORIAE GVLIELMI HVNTER CVM AESCVLAPII TVM MVSARVM CVLTORIS INDEFESSI NECNON ALMAE MATRIS FILM OPTIME MERITI D D D ' PEEFATORY NOTE BY THE KEEPER OF THE HUNTERIAN MUSEUM The Catalogue of whicli the first part now appears owes its existence to a suggestion made some thirteen years ago by ]\Ir, James Stevenson, that the Greek coins in tlie Hunterian Collection should be made more available for study by being catalogued and photographically illustrated, that suggestion being accom- panied by a munificent offer to bear the whole expense of printing and publica- tion. At the time it seemed impossible to meet Mr, Stevenson's wish in a manner worthy of the Collection or of his generosity : indeed, the scheme remained in abeyance long enough for most people to have given up interest in a proposal which was not carried out. Mr. Stevenson, however, did not lose sight of the matter. Accordingly, when Mr. George Macdonald accepted my invitation to under- take the work, the responsibility for the offer made nine years before was promptly and cordially accepted, the necessary sum being shortly afterwards placed in the hands of Mr. Macdonald, Mr. James J. MacLehose and myself as trustees, and every arrangement made by Mr. Stevenson to facilitate uninterrupted progress. Since Mr. Macdonald began work in 1894 no time has been lost : rather the progress has been remarkable when account is taken of the difficulties. To begin with, the Collection had to be completely rearranged, a geographical order being substituted for the alphabetical one in which the coins had remained since they reached Glasgow. Again, Combe had described only the autonomous pieces, but it was now necessary to include the imperial and regal coinages for the same areas, while additional trouble was caused by the fact that since Combe's time the trays had got somewhat out of order, not everyone who had to do Avitli them having been careful to replace specimens in the right compartments. Lastly, there was a large, too large a gathering of Nummi Incerti, which had to be cleared up, as far as possible, before confidence could be felt in the finality of the arrangement. The uncertainties are now mainly specific rather than generic, being b ii PREFATORY NOTE chiefly confined to difficulties of attribution within an area or an epoch. The preliminaries were in a sense the chief work of the Catalogue, and their settlement warrants me in calling attention to the comparatively short time taken to deal with these, to meet the critical questions raised since Combe wrote, and to make the selection of coins for illustration. In inviting Mr. Macdonald's assistance, I had no inducements to offer beyond the pleasure of the work and the credit which its successful accomplishment Avas sure to bring. These were sufficient to one who combined scholarship with archaeological tastes ; and I gladly take this opportunity of acknowledging the fidelity Avith which Mr. Macdonald has discharged his wholly honorary task, and the unsparing energy which he has given to its accomplishment. The selection of Collotypes as the mode of reproducing the coins is one for which I take the sole responsibility, and my confidence in Mr. James Gardner's skill has been amply justified. In the first conversation I had with Mr. Stevenson publication in Glasgow was made a condition, but it was found desirable to place the printing with a firm which already possessed most of the specialities of block and type required. The succeeding parts will be issued Avitli the least possible delay. JOHN YOUNG, M.D. Keeper. Hdnterian Museum, University of Glasgow. 21a-/ Jnnnary, 1899. PREFACE This Catalogue has but few features in common with Charles Combe's well-known Descrljjtio. It was with genuine regret that I found it impossible to build upon that time-honoured foundation. But the alphabetical arrangement had of necessity to give place to the geographical, while among other changes demanded by modern methods was the inclusion of several series that Combe had set aside for separate treatment. As a consequence of this extension the whole number of coins to be dealt with has been much more than doubled. The geographical order followed is practically that laid down by Eckhel. For Northern Greece, however, the important modifications suggested by Head have been adopted, while considerations of mechanical convenience have led to the Aes Grave being gathered into a group by itself. In addition to the weights of the gold and silver pieces those of the autonomous bronze coins are recorded. The brief notes that accompany the chronological headings make no pretence to completeness. They are mere finger-posts to guide those who are not specialists through what might otherwise prove a confusing wilderness of detail. Assistance of a like kind is furnished in Index XI., where will be found transliterations of legends in unfamiliar scripts such as Oscan and Phoenician. In inserting aids of this sort, I have not been without hope that the book may serve to quicken an interest in the study of ancient history and art among the students of the University of Glasgow, the direct heirs of William Hunter's noble bequest. The second volume, with which considerable progress has already been made, will comprise the remainder of European Greece, the Islands, and the greater part, if not the whole, of Asia Minor. Should space permit, a place will be reserved in the third and last for the ancient coins of Spain, Gaul, and Britain, all well represented in the Cabinet, and also for an appendix showing precisely how each of the pieces described by Combe has been disposed of in the new Catalogue. Scholars will have no difficulty in recognising the authorities I have used. Other works have, of course, been consulted, but the books most constantly in my hands have been Head's Ilisforia Ninnnrum and the Coin Catalogues issued from the British Museum. The latter have done more than provide me with a general model. The help I have derived from them h 2 iv PREFACE has been so extensive and so varied in character as to render specific acknowledgment altogether impossible. And the same may be said of Mr. Head's great treatise, wherein were laid down once for all the lines along which any attempt at the chronological classification of Greek coins must proceed. It is bnt natural that in the twelve years that have elapsed since its publication advances should have been made in various directions. Our knowledge of the coinages of Southern Italy, for instance, has been largely increased by the researches of Mr. A. J. Evans. All such recent results I have endeavoured to gather up, giving references to the books or periodicals in which they were originally published. Dr. Adolf Holm's Hi >> tori/ of Greece has been fruitful both in direct and in indirect suggestion. The third volume of tlie same authors Geschichte Siciliens im Alterthiim, with its valuable and exhaustive numismatic appendix, appeared while the following pages were passing through the press. As the footnotes will show, I was able to make some use of the latter in revising the proofs ; but I cannot help regretting that it was not available at an earlier stage. Its value and interest are enhanced by the fact that it was prepared with the co-operation of Dr. J. P. Six. My indebtedness to the writings of Dr. F. Imhoof-Blumer will be more marked in the succeeding volumes than in this one, but even here it is heavy enough to call for special mention. In particular I may refer to the important list of corrections of Combe's attributions, published in 1874 in the Zeitschrift fur Numismatik. The earlier list of Dr. Julius Friedlaender {Numismatische Zeitschrift, 1870) was unfortunately not accessible to me until my re-arrangement of the coins was almost completed. Among aids of first importance I must also rank, so far as they are already issued, the Catalogues of the rich series of coins in the Royal Museum at Berlin. To Professor Young, ]\I.D., I am under a singularly deep obligation. It was he who as Keeper of the Museum invited me to compile the Catalogue, and the whole work has been carried on under the influence of his unwearying encouragement. His official connection with the book renders it impossible for me to speak as freely as I should wish. But I must at least be allowed to say that without his active assistance the preliminary re-arrangement would have been a much more laborious task than it actually proved to be, and that the success attained in the Plates is largely due to his taste and care. The casts from which the photographs were taken were all made with his own hands. My debt to Mr, Head and his colleagues of the British Museum extends farther tlian their published works. Enquiries — sometimes, I fear, of a trivial nature — were readily answered, and casts furnished when necessary. Special thanks are owing to Mr. Warwick Wroth for help in connection with the Introduction, Besides sending me definite information on one or two points regarding which no materials for research were available here, he was good enough to read it in proof, and to give me the benefit of the criticisms and remarks dictated by his familiarity with the history of coin-collecting in England. PREFACE V As regards the proof of the text, I have had to bear the sole responsibility for the correction of the greater part of it. For the remainder I have enjoyed assistance of a quite exceptional kind. Professor Behrendt Pick of Gotha and Dr. Hugo Gaebler of the Eoyal Museum, Berlin, have for a number of years past been engaged on a special study of the money of Northern Greece, in their capacity as editors of the first division of the monumental Corpus Nnmmorvm of the Berlin Akademie der Wissenschaften. Early proofs of such portions of this Catalogue as concerned them were by request placed at their disposal. In return they most kindly sent me full notes of a careful revisal of each sheet, pp. 263 — 287 and 327 — 376 being read in this way by Dr. Gaebler, and pp. 377 — 448 by Professor Pick. The great accumulation of ordered material at their connnand made revision by these scholars extremely valuable, and I cannot be too grateful to them for the amount of trouble they have taken on behalf of the work of another. Thanks are also due to Professor Gilbert Murray of this University for help of various kinds, and to Mr. W. M. Lindsay of Oxford and Professor R. S. Conway of Cardiff for special communications regarding several of the Italic coin-legends. Professor Conway's Italic Dialects came into my hands too late for me to make almost any use of it in the text, but it was of material assistance in the preparation of Index XI. » In conclusion I have to express my warm appreciation of the keen personal interest with which the donor of the Catalogue has foUoM-ed the progress of a work that owes its existence to his large-minded liberality. GEORGE MACDONALD. The University, Glasgow. Januarii, 1899. CONTENTS PAGE Prefatory Note by Keeper of Hunterian Museum . . . . . i Preface ......... iii Corrections and Additions ... ... viii Introduction. The Hunter Coin Cabinet ...... ix Appendix to Introduclion. Dr. Hunter's Account of Purchases . . . xlv Signs and Abbreviations ........ 2 Italy ......... 3 Ae.s Grave ........ 3 Etruria ........ 16 Umbria ........ 19 Picenuni ........ 20 Latium ......... 21 Samniuni ........ 22 Prentani . . . . . . . .25 Campania . . . . . ... 26 Apulia , . . . . . . . .53 Calabria ■•...... 61 Lucania ........ 85 Bruttium ........ 120 Uncertain of Italy •••.... 150 Sicily ......... 153 Macedon, Thrace, etc. ........ 263 Pangaean District ....... 263 Emathian District ....... 266 Bisaltian District ....... 268 Chalcidice ........ 270 Sti-ymonian and Bottiaean Districts . . . . . 275 Kings of Macedon ....... 283 Kings of Paeouia ....... 348 Macedon Semi-Independent ....... 350 Macedon under the Romans ...... 354 Southern Coast of Thrace ....... 377 CONTENTS Tbracian Chersonesus . Islands of Thrace European Coast of the Propontis Danubian District Tauric Chersonesus Thracian Kings and Dynasts Inland Cities of Thrace Thessaly PACK 385 388 393 405 422 425 438 449 Indexes ......... 461 I. Geographical . . . . . - . . 4C3 II. Kings and Dynasts ...... 465 III. Roman Emperors and Impeiial Personages .... 466 IV. Types ....... 467 V. Symbols ........ 480 VI. Countermai'ks ....... 485 VII. Magistrates' Names on Autonomous Coins .... 485 VIII. Magistrates' Names on Imperial Coins .... 488 IX. Roman Magistrates' Names ...... 488 X. Engravers' Nanies ...... 489 XI. Remarkable Inscriptions, Titles of Cities, etc. .... 489 (a) Greek ...... 489 (/3) Latin ....... 491 (y) Oscan ...... 492 (S) Etruscan ...... 493 (e) Punic ...... 493 Table of the Relative Weights of English Grains and French Grammes . . . 494 Table for converting English Inches into Millimetres and into the MeasiU'es of Mionnet's Scale 495 CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS Page xxiii, 1. 27, for octodrachms read octadrachms ,, xxvii, footnote +, for this volume read vol. II. Pages 277 and 278, No. 22 thoidd precede No. 21, followinrj No. 20 diredhj Page 328, No. 303, for /^ read /^ ,, 328, No. 306, for -^^ read ^^ ,, 343, Nos. 1 and 2, add footnote: 'Tiic hnad may, however, ho that of Perseus, Philiji's e'dest son. See G. F. Hill, in Num. Chron., 1896, pp. 3-i ff.' ,, 458, footnote, add; ' See, however, Num. Chron., 1898, p. 286 (Plate xix. 1), whore Mr. Errle- Fox, from a fine specimen in his own collection, shows that the nearer animal is a monster resembling a centaur but having the bod}' and legs of a bull, while the faither one is a bridled hor.se.' INTRODUCTION THE HUNTEB COIN CABINET To tlie Eighteentli Century is mainly clue the liononr of re -discovering an almost forgotten aspect of Greek and Roman antiquity. The Italian Humanists and the men of the Renaissance had shown themselves possessed of a keen eye for the beauty of ancient works of art.* But in the Middle Ages such an interest was possible only for those who dwelt in lands strewn thickly with the wreckage of the past. The advance in civilisation that followed the concentration of power in the hands of central governments, changed all that. Communication between one country and another became easier than it had ever been before. Foreign travel was no longer left to diplomatists, traders and soldiers of fortune. Scholars and dilettanti from many quarters began to move with comparative freedom through the towns of Italy and the Levant ; and, as a result, Europe suddenly woke to an enthusiastic appreciation of the scattered fragments that had survived the neglect of ages. The collecting of statuary, of vases, and of coins became a fashion, and numbers of these objects found their way northwards and westwards, particularly to England, whose rapidly increasing wealth gave her citizens the means of outbidding most of their continental rivals. Conspicuous among the London collectors was Dr. William Hunter, whose cabinet of coins and medals remains the finest ever got together by a private individual. Its trays contain about 30,000 specimens, of which over 12,000 are Greek and nearly the same number Roman. Nor is it on the ground of size alone that it is remarkable. For, extensively as he purchased, Hunter did not purchase at random. Many of the coins are of extreme rarity, some are absolutely unique, while the great majority are in exceptionally good condition. Their owner, as lie more than once explicitly states, possessed no scientific knowledge of numismatics. But he kept himself constantly in touch with those who did, and availed himself of the advice of experts in all cases where the instinct of the amateur was likely to be at fault. He collected in the first instance "for pleasure." Being, however, a man of singular foresight and breadth of view * We hear of coins as articles of merchandise in Venice as early as 133o. Miintz, Lea Precwseurs de la Renaissance, p. 38. Cf. Dr. Rudolf Weil, Zur Geschwhte des Studiums der Numismatik, in vol. xix, of the Zeitschvift fur Ni/mismatik. c X mTRODUCTIOX m every department of intellectual life, lie early became alive to the important part that coins might play in " the illustration and confirmation of history." The more fully he realised the exceptional opportunities for study afforded by a large collection, the more generously did he spend money and labour in the endeavour to make his own as complete as possible. Indeed, it is no exaggeration to say that he regarded the possession of his Cabinet as a public trust, and its augmentation as a public diity. And when he bequeathed it in its entirety to the University of Glasgow, it was because he believed that such a step was most likely to lead to its resources being adequately utilised " for the improvement of knowledge." The story of the formation of the Hunter Cabinet is worth telling for its own sake, and incidentally it may throw light on the character of the man whose name the collection bears. In more than one respect posterity has done William Hunter's memory scant justice. The materials for the following sketch have been drawn partly from the brief Latin preface to Combe's Veicrijjtio, and partly from unpublished papers and correspondence now in the Hunterian Museum at Grlasgow. As the references show, free use has been made of the ordinary " sources " for | the private history of the Eighteenth Century. Among the original documents, which are unfortunately but fragmentary, the most valuable is the autograph ' Account ' of the sums expended in various years on the purchase of coins and medals ; this will be found printed at length in an Appendix. All the more interesting letters are reproduced in the course of the narrative. Of the dealers' receipts few are sufficiently detailed to yield any information of importance. In 1770, Hunter, who was by this time the foremost medical man in London, removed from Jermyn Street to Great Windmill Street, where he had built himself a large house, including one magnificent room specially fitted up to sei've as a museum. There is some reason to thijik that his taste for numismatics developed at an earlier period. But it was not until now that the foundations of the Coin Cabinet were really laid. The nucleus was formed by the collectiuu of the Eev. William Dawes, who had lived some years at Aleppo,* where the whole of his coins were picked up. The catalogue of these has been preserved. As was to be expected from the locality in which they were gathered, they are chiefly silver and bronze of Syrian kings, and bronze, both autonomous and imperial, of Syrian cities. In all there are about 450 entries. The actual number of specimens is, however, considerably larger, as in many cases several coins are grouped together under one heading as " duplicates." Unfortunately, a misunderstanding as to the interpretation of this word led to a serious difference of opinion about the terms of the purchase. The owner being dead, the sale was carried through by his brother, also a clergyman, the Kev. Arthur Dawes. The bargain was that Hunter should pay £220 and " return the duplicates." But buyer and seller took very different views as to what the phrase meant, and the latter was grievously disappointed when he saw how few coins were sent back. Writing from Mile End on June 29th, 1770, he says indignantly : — " If your friends, w[h]ether Duane Snelling or Sandwich, t I care not which, have found out some small letters, to prove a nan Duplicity ; I am sure when I left the medals at your house, you nor myself had any Idea of Duplicates extending or being multiplyed * As we sliall .o. from young Mr Whitej jMr Le 8age Eom. Silver & Greek A proof Guinea... m White. Charles' 4 Crown Do.'s Nephew Do.'s Crown 497 13 1 10 10 15 1 15 2 13 1 11 16 5 11 12 16 13 5 7 1 2 1 / 17 16 7 1 2 1 4 6 6 6 4i 582 * Dr. George Fordyce of Essex Street was one of the Trustees under Hunter's will See p. xlii. I "Young Mr. White," who signs "Joseph White Junior," appears, from the last entry on this page, to have been a nephew of John White (see pp. xxiii. f.). Mr. Warwick Wroth informs me that a man named 'White' was a large purchaser at the John White sale in 1788, and suggests that this was perhaps " Joseph White Esq. of Islington . . . well-known for his numismatical pursuits and enquires," whose books and coins (chiefly English) were sold, after his death, in 1810:- the designation and description are quoted from the sale-catalogue. The contents of Joseph White's collection (which included a manuscript account of English coins by Jo/in White, as well as other books connected with him, e.ff. four copies of Withy and Kyall's plates) make it highly probable that he is identical with "young Mr. White." APPENDIX lix Brought over . . Septr 8 1778 A crown of Ch. I 9 Dumfries Premium by Kirk Octr 2 Various English 23 Mr White various Do. . . Novr Morison & Miles Toplady's Groat of Ed. III. &c 25 Various English Deer 3 Do 7 Mr South [g]ate 10 Mr White various 21 Mrs Kirk* for Medals 9th year, or 1778, in all . . . Formerly . Total at this time, or in nine years exclusive of Duane Coll. & 2 Cabinets .. :582 4 i 1 1 — — 5 2 17 — 3 13 6 2 2 — 32 7 6 2 3 — 1 16 — 2 2 — 7 8 6 8 8 — ... 645 17 6U 8416 12 9 9062 10 3i * The widow of John Kirk, the medallist, whose death probably took place in the course of this year, and not in 1776, as is usually stated. See Warwick Wroth in Diet, of National Buyrapliij. t This total is too small by 10 shillings. i 2 Ix INTRODUCTION Tenth Year. Medals contiuixed 1779 Jany. 27 Mr White various Feb. 8 BaUauce at Gerard's sale 20 Mr White various Eng. 22 Mr Gerard's sale 23 Mr White various 26 Christie's sale ... 28 Mr White, a half Crown arms supported April 2 A Greek Parcel, ]\Ir Brereton 27 Mr Wliite, Saxon from Hamb. May 3 Various at sales 8 Mr White June 11 Lady Abdy, for two July 10 Various from Mr White 30 At the Tower, Proofs . Augt. 7 Various Greek. Mr White 30 A Gold British, Mr White A Groat of Ed. VI. to Do. 9062 10 3i 20 10 6 10 10 — 22 9 4 18 — 66 11 — 11 11 — 77 — — 63 23 — 2 6 1 11 6 5 5 — 13 15 — 1 11 6 8 8 — 9392 APPENDIX Ixi Paid for medals exclusive of Duane's . . . 1779 Septr 20 Mr Samuel a few 22 Do. for his whole Collection . . 25 A Gold Roman ... Octr. 1 A 5 Gr. piece of Charles II. . . . No 2 Various Mr White &c. Deer. 3 At Gerard's & Christie's. English 23 Antiochus I. Alexr. I. Total paid for medals in the first teu years, besides the Du- ane Collection and 2 Cabinets Duane Collection 9392 5 215 2 5 1 3 2 I 5 Oh 5 — 2 — 10 — 4 6 3 — 2 9626 11 6i 8000 9626 11 6i 17626 11 6h t Ixii INTRODUCTION The eleventh year 1780 Jan. 11th Some Greek, and Win Conqueror Feb. 5 A Cabinet from Mr Anstruther 12 Some English . March 10 A Scotch David English from Mr White 13 Gerard's sale &c 26 Dr Mackenzie's sale* Gerard's sale 30 Mr Thane at Gerard's sale Two i crowns, one changed May 30 Tygranes, three asses &c. June 17 A Saxon Queen, through Mr Dolbynf Octr 1 Thane Greek Kings Young, Two Greek Towns White, 3 Greek 1 English Sir Christ. Wren 3 18 138 10 2 12 6 21 — — 6 16 6 1 13 6 1 11 6 13 3 6 25 15 5 7 16 — 5 5 — 16 16 7 6 12 6 2 12 6 250 15 01 * See p. xiv., footnote. t Probably J. E. Dtilben, son of Sir William Dolben, one of the Judges of the King's Bench. His name is recorded " honoris causa " in the IJescrijitio. t The total should be £248 h'js. APPENDIX Ixiii 1780 Broualit over Mr Bosanquet's Collection Mr Martin, Greek Gold A Charles I. medal Some Greek imperial ... Mr White, English Townpiece Mr Samuel, English ... Octr 23 28 Novr 20 Deer. 10 17 Total in 1780 In the first Ten years, besides "i 2 Cabinets and the Duane Collect, i The Duane Collection 250 15 1000 15 10 — 7 — 4 14 6 10 6 8 3 — 1279 13* — 9626 11 Qh 8000 18906 6i * This total is too .small liy 7 .shillings. INTRODUCTION 1781 The 12th year Brought over ... 18906 4 CA Jan. Mr Crofts 425 15 Feb. 12 Mr Brown,* English 1 3 — March 1 Mr Sothehy's Cabinet 300 — — April Several English ... Some articles here forgot. 5 7 — Aug. 15 Two Greek cities silver 10 6 — 26 Six Greek cities and Agatliocles 4 14 6 Sepr. 12 A collection by Sir Wm Hamilton. t 333 21 Mr White for English 2 2 — Nov. To Mr Snelling's Executors 5 5 — English, Mr Haynes 3 5 6 Deer 2 Some Greek & 2 English 2 2 — 20 From Mr Lee's Cabinet 160 — — 27 Sundry English ... 1 16 6 20151 15 61 * Probably tho collector mentioned by Pinkerton {Esmy on Medals, ed. 1789, vol. i., p. 11). t A large proportion of this was refunded. See p. xxxiii. X This total is too large by 10 shillings. The payment for the Giraldi Collection has been accidentally omitted ; it amounted to £230 Os. Qd., including the commission to the experts who examined it. See p. xxxiii. APPENDIX Ixv 1782 The 13th year. Brought over... Feb. Various Koman and GoLl April 15 Mr Hesse's Collection ... 22 Mr Crofts, his 2d Collectionf May 9 New Trials of Tower Guineas June 31 A broken piece Dtto. ... (^)mmission to Brusselst July ] S. Samuel, for various ... 30 A Gold proof of Charles I. .. Augt. 24 A l)arbarous Gold Philip Septr 15 Several Greek & Koman 20 Zacynthus &c Greek Octr. 25 By Sir George Baker Novr. Mr White &c ... Deer. 15 Saxon &c. Mr Bartlet Victor tt Wra . . . Brought over 20,121 15 64^ 5 6 6 2400 71 6 6 — 15 10 7 14 — 8 2 6 6 16 6 1 11 6 2 2 — 10 10 8 8 7 8 5 17 1 1 22664 14 4i 22664 14 H * The "carry over" is too small by £"30. t The receipt for this (see p. sxviii.) is signed by "John Crofts," and is "for Me(Uils vaUied ]>y Mr. Cracherode and Mr. Coiiibe." X This was probably part of the expenses incurred in the tran.sfer of the Hess Collection. Ixvi INTRODUCTION 1788 Jan. Mr Jackson* British 8 14 (5 Feb. Gold Medallion of Alexr (^-cf 10 ]0 * A well-known collector of British coins. See Pinkerton, Essay on Medals (ed. 178!)), vol. i., ji. 11. t I suspect that the " Medallion of Alexr," whose purchase is here recorded, was a f:;ilded ' Paduan ' medal now in the Hunter Cabinet, similar to that figured in Num. Chron., 3rd Series, vol. xvii., p. :{U), when^ it is attributed by Dr. F. P. Weber to Alessandro Cesati (" II Grechetto "). CATALOGUE SIGNS AND ABBREVIATIONS In printing tlie inscriptions the following conventions have been observed : — (1) Square brackets indicate that the place of the letters they enclose is off the coin. :E.g. AeHNAi[nN] (2) Short strokes on the level of the line indicate an uncertain number of illegible letters. E.g. RE (3) Dots on the level of the line indicate a definite number of illegible letters, each letter being represented by one dot. E.g. TAPAN . . . . N (4) A dot placed beneath a letter indicates that, while the letter is certain, it is impossible to decide between two or more forms of it. E.g. AAE5ANAPOZ In references for illustrations 'B.M.C means in each case the appropriate volume of the British Museum Series of Coin Catalogues. I T ALY No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse AES GRAVE The Aes Gi-ai-e of Home and Latium, which begins circa 350 B.C., in all prohahiJity formed the model for that of Etruria, Umhria, and other parts of Italy. Some towns issued no money until they came into the hands of the Romans. Etburia VOLATERRAE After circa 350 B.C. Class I. {No type on reverse.) Sextans 1 294 M 1-2 Head of beardless Janus, -weariiig a flat cap rising to a point in the centre. 1 ^ O fl J 3 ^ running round • • Class II. {Club on reverse.) As 2 2412 M 2-35 Similar type. MO flj^^ Club, downwards: in field, 1., 1 Semisses Similar type | Similar ; but ) 3 882 M 1-75 4 845 ^ 1-8 ( 3 ill iiiscr.) Q,uadr ans 5 544 M 1-4 Similar type. Mo fl «J 3 3 Club downwards, between * and • Class III. [Dolphin on reverse.) As 6 2295 xE 2-5 Similar lype. MO flJ3^ ])oli>lnii 1. ; above, ITALY No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse Umbuia ARIMINUM * AbotU 268 B.C. tlie Bonmns planted a ' colonia' at Anminum in what had been the country of the Senonian Gauls. The coinarje prohahlij began then. After circa 268 B.C. Guadrans Bust of Gaul r., weai-ing torquis. Ornamental trident ; in field r., • 1 1473 JE 1-95 • Sextantes Similar type. Dolphin r. ; beneath. • • 2 1134 JE 1-8 3 1037 JE 1-75 • IGUVIUM Before circa 260 B.C. The heavy lueight of the coins of Iguvium shows that they loere cast before the influence of the Tricntal Reduction at Borne (circa 268 B.C.) had made itself felt in Umbria. Sextans Branct, within circle. • within circle. • 1 397 JE 1-25 [Plate i. 1.] TUDERf Class I. (Heavy Weight.) Before circa 260 B.C. T r ie n 6 1 HOC, JE 19 R. hand r., in cestus ; around, • • * See also p. 19 3 3 + V . Two clubs r. ; around, • • t See also p. 10. AES GRAVE No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 10 679 479 431 382 261 2G1 212 ISG JE 1-4 M 1-3 M 1-3 JE 1-2 Class 11. (Reduced Weight. After circa 260 B.C. Semi sse s Traces of inscr. Dog sleeping 1. ; plain border. 303+ VK Similar type ; beneath, ); same border. Lyre ; in field r., ( ; all on raised field ? Similar type ; in field 1., ) M 1-05 M 11 JE 11 JE -9 JE -7 11 20267 JE 5-35 X 2-8 Trientes Right hand r., in cestus ; around, •• 3Q3'V'VK Tyvo clubs r. ; around, • • j ( ^illegible) Quadr antes Toad ; around, traces of marks of value ; V h Anchor with ring at either end ; in plain border. field r., •, (only two marks of value visible) Sextans Cicada, between • and • ; plain border Inscr. not visible. Ornamental trident, between • and • ^ U n c i a Two-handled vase ; above, • ; plain border. VK Spear-point; in field 1., TUDER ? Thfi find-spot of coins of this class is Todi, the ancient Tuder. Ox r., with head facing. Fish-spine ornament. ITALY No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse UNCERTAIN OF UMBRIA (OR ETRURIA) Reduced Weight Almond-shaped Sextantes Club. 431 408 313 M 1-45 JE 1-3.-) JE 1-2 or branch '? [Plate i. 2.] AES GRAVE No. Weight Metal Size Obvehse Reverse 5537 ^ o'l 1213 JE 1-9 258 JE 11 PiCENUM HATRIA The Bomans occupied Hatria as a'colonia' in 289 B.C. Its coins are all on the heavij system. After circa 289 B.C. As H AT Head of SeileTios, facing, with long ears hanging down ; wears wreath of ivy. Dog sleeping r. Quadr ans H AT Dolphin upside down 1. H Fish (ray ?) r. ; beneath, • • • S e muncia AE * On the attribution of this coin to Hatria instead of Asculum, see Berlin Catah, iii. i., pp. 15, 16. ITALY No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 2075 1990 751 570 563 373 319 308 M 2 JE 21 M 1-4 jE 1-35 M 1-4 M 1- JE 1- M 1-05 1012 Ji 1-6 Uncertain op Central Italy" The folloivtng scries are all on the heavy system, which cannot have very long survived the Triental Beduction at Borne (^circa 268 B.C.). Circa 350—250 B.C. FIRST SERIES (TIBUR OR PRAENESTE) Semisses Head of Pallas r., wearing crested Corin- Same as obverse, 1. thian helmet ; beneath, /^^ Sextantes Cockle-shell ; above, Astragalos ; above, Inside of shell rudely represented ; no marks of value. shell hollow. shell flat. shell hollow. XJn c ia e Same type as obverse ; no mark of value. Open hand r. neath, • • • SECOND SERIES (TIBUR OK PRAENESTEj Q,u adr ans above, club r. ; be- Same as obverse, AES GRAVE No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse Un c i ae Astragalos ; above, club r. Same as obverse, 1. 2 364 M 1-05 3 340 JE -95 4 269 M 1- THIRD SERIES (ARDEA ?) As Head of beardless Janus, bound with diadem, on raised field ; above, | Head of Hermes 1., wearing winged petasos, on raised field ; above, | 1 4876 M 2-8 Semisses 2 2672 ^ 2-5 Head of Pallas 1., wearing crested Corin- thian lielmet; beneath, ^s Female head 1. ; beneath, ,^ 3 2576 M 2-2 4 2509 M 2-2 5 2259 ^ 2-4 Trientes Thunderbolt ; on either side, J and * Dolphin r. ; beneath, • • • • 6 1658 ^i: 1-95 7 1347 JE 1-9 Guadr ante s 8 1233 ^ 1-7 Open hand 1. ; beneath, • • • Two barleycorns, in opposite directions ; between them, • • • 9 ■ ]i(;s JE 1-65 10 1077 ^ 1-6 10 ITALY No. 11 12 13 14 15 Weight 1020 960 913 457 440 2053 1878 1374 1261 7«8 623 5369 4916 Metal Size ^ lo5 M 1-5 jE 1-5 ^ 1- ^ 1-15 JE 2-2 M 2-2 jE 1-9 JE 1-85 JE 1-5 M 1-4 JE 2-8 .^ 2-7 Obverse Reverse Cockle-shell ; above, • Sext antes Caduceus, betvreen • and Astrag.alos ; above, Un c iae FOURTH SERIES (UNCERTAIN TOWN OF LATIUM OR APULIA) Semisses Head of Pallas 1., wearing crested Corin- thian helmet ; beneath, «i^ Female head 1. ; behind, reaping-hook r. ; beneath, ^ Trientes Thunderbolt, between • and Dolphin r. ; above, reaping-hook horizon- tally placed, 1. ; beneath, •••• Sext antes Cockle-shell ; above, • • Caduceus, between reaping-hook r. and • ; on r., FIFTH SERIES (FORMIAE, FUNDI, or FREGELLAE) Asses Young male head r., weainiig narrow diadem, on raised field ; above, | Same as obverse, but type 1. AES GRAVE 11 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse Semis Pegasos r. ; beneath, ^ ; all on raised Same as obverse, but type 1. field. 3 2413 jE 2-1 Trientes Head and neck of horse r. ; beneath, •••• Same as obverse, but type 1. 4 1840 JE 2-1 5 1739 JE 1-9 6 1405 JE 1-8 Quadr antes Boar running r. ; beneath, • • • Same as obverse, but type 1. 7 1338 JE 1-6 8 1337 jE 1-G 9 1297 JE 1-6 - 10 112*; JE 1-7 - • Sext antes Young male head r., wearing pilos ; Same as obverse, but type 1. behind, * 11 1033 JE 1-5 12 917 JE 1-55 13 834 ^ 14 14 530 JE 1-3 Un c i ae Barleycorn ; in field r., • Same as obverse, but mark of value 1. 15 2G4 ^ -95 16 258 ^ 1- SIXTH SERIES (ALBA FUCENTIS ?) Dupondius Young head r., wearing Phrygian helmet ; Archaic wheel of six spokes, between two behind, ~ ; all on raised field. of which, II; all on raised field. 1 «699 JE 3-4 C2 12 ITALY No. Weight Metal Size 1356 M 1-7 910 JE 1-6 G8G 673 566 M 1-4 JE 1-25 M 1-3 Obverse Reverse Tr ie ns Horse galloping, 1. ; around, raised field. • • on Similar, with four dots as marks of value, each between two spokes. Quadrans Hound 1., with raised head and forepaw ; i Similar, Avith tloi-ee dots as marks of value, beneath, • • • j all on raised field. Tortoise ; on raised field. each between two spokes. Sext antes Similar, with two dots as marks of value, each between two spokes. marks of value in opposite spaces, only one mark of value visible. AES GRAVE 13 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 826 M 1-35 Campania VELECHA Third Century B.c, Tr ie n s Head ofj* Helios, facing ; on either side • and • Head of ram 1.; beneath, •••• ; above, traces of CE [Plate i. 3.] 14 ITALY No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Keverse Apulia LUCERIA * In the course of the Second Samnite War Luceria changed hands more than once. Oh its final ccqjture hy the Romans it was made a 'colonia ' (314 B.C.). Heavy System (Circa 314—250 B.C.) Asses Head of Apollo 1., laureated ; in front, __ Cock, 1. 1 3361 ^ 2-6 2 3182 M 2-75 TJnc iae Toad. Ear of barley ; in field 1., • 3 577 M 11 4 558 M 1-2 Triental System (After circa 250 B.C.) As Head of young Herakles r., iu lion's skin ; beneath neck, club 1. Horse trotting r. ; above, star of eight rays ; beneath, ^ 5 1411 M 1-9 Quin cunx Nave and four spokes of ai'cbaic vrlieel ; on raised field. Same type as obverse ; between upper spokes, •,*,• ; between lower, l^ ; all on raised field. 6 555 ^ 1-3 Trientes Thunderbolt, on raised field. Club r. ; above, •••• ; beneath, ^ ; all on raised field. 7 538 ^ 1-2 8 271 M -95 (much worn) * See also p. 56. AES GRAVE 15 No. Weight 4655 1577 1143 708 661 436 101 Metal Size Obverse Reverse M 3-05 M 1-8 JE 1-6 ^ 1-5 M 1-5 vE 1- JE -85 Uncertain (PRmCIPALLY OF CENTRAL ITALY) Heavy System (Circa 350 — 268 B.C.) As Head of young Herakles r., wearing lion's skin. Head of griffin r. Tr i e ns Wheel of eight spokes, each ending in double hook. Crescent ; within which, star of eight rays ; in field, • • • • Head of ram 1. ; aroiind, ••• Anchor, between • and Tortoise, between • and Qu a d r an s Head of dolphin 1. ; around, ••< Sextantes Ornamental trident, between • and • Head and neck of snake r., with crest and beard ; on either side, • Bird 1. Uncertain Denominations Plain. [Plate i. 4.] Head of caduceus. A * This coin is sometimes attributed to Asculum in Picennm, or to the town of the same name in Apulia. The find-spot of the two Berlin specimens points rather to Campania. See Berlin CataL, III., i. p. 29. 16 ETRURIA T ! No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Eeveese STRUCK COINS The struck coinage of Italy is not necessarily later than the Acs Grave ; but casting was the easier and cheaper method of coining when large lumps of metal had to be dealt with. The silver and gold of most of the Italian towns probably ceased to be issued soon after circa 268 B.C., ichen Rome, having established her supremacy over the peninsida, reorganized her coinage, and began to strike silver. In many cases the issue of bronze continued, sometimes lasting until 89 B.C., when the provincial mints of Italy, tvith the exception of Paestum, loere finally closed by a Lex Plautia Papiria. Eteqeia POPULONIA* Silver Circa 350—269 B.C. Eubolc- Syracusan Standard (Reduced by Half)f Pieces of Twenty Units Gorgon's bead, diademed; beneath, XX; border of dots. Two caducei, in opposite directions ; in plain held. 1 132-9 JR -9 mark of value on r., off coin. [Plate r. 5.] Similar type ; beneath, X X ; on either side of which, small ring ; border of dots. Plain. 2 123-5 M -85 [B.M.C, p. 3 (9).] Head of beardless Herakles, facing, wear- ing lion's skin ; at sides of throat, X and X ; border of dots. Club, in plain field. 3 130-2 u'R -9 mark of value on 1., off coin. [Plate i. 6.] * It is not certain that all the following uninscribed coins belong to Populonia. Nos. 4 and 5 are later in style than the others. See Berlin CataL, III., i. pp. 36—39. t The largest coins of this series are about th marks show that the monetary unit== yy = 6-C gr e weight of Euboic-Attic didrachms. The valne- ain.s, i.e. about one half of the Sicilian silver litra. POPULONIA— VETULONIA 17 No. Weight Metal Size Obveese Reverse I 28- 2G-9 JR -55 129-5 JE -9 208-O ^ 105 M •1»5 Head of Hermes r., wearing winged petasos ; behind, 3 ; {)lain border. Pieces of Five Units Plain. uncertain marks in field, no marks. Bkokze Third Centunj B.C. Earlier System Sextans Head of Pallas r., wearing crested Corin- thian helmet ; above, •• ; border of dots. M V J ... Owl r., on two balls (value- niarks) ; above, crescent between two stars of six rays. Reduced Weight T r i e n 8 Head of (beardless ?) Hephaistos r.. wear- ing pilos bound with wreath and having a loop at the top ; in front of forehead, • ; behind, X ; border of dots. R MV>J A\J A Hammer and tongs ; be- tween which marks of value ; border of dots. three value-marks \'isible. (Restruck on sextans of the Earlier System.) VETULONIA Bronze lliird Centurij B.C. Sextans fl3 Head of Herakles r,, in lion's skin; I Trident: on either side of which, dolphin beneath head, • • ; border of dots. downwards and • ; plain border. I dolphin and value-mark on r., off coin. [Platk I. 7.] 18 ETRURIA No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reveese UNCERTAIN OF ETRURIA Bronze TJn c i ae Wheel of six spokes ; between two of which, • Anchor, with ring at either end ; on either side, • and > ; border of dots. 1 144-5 M -9 2 143-5 M -85 3 instead of > [B.M.C., p. 23 (3).] Uncertain Denominations ' The types of Nos. 3 — 5 possibly refer to HannihaVs victory at Lnl-e Trasimene (217 B.C.) , ivhen all Ms clepltants had pert sled of cold, except the one which carried himself* The head on the Obverse would then he that of the driver. Head of negro r. ; bordex- of dots. Elephant r. ; border of dots. 3 75- JE -75 beneath, ^\ 4 57- M -75 (border plain.) beneath, 3 5 C 64-5 42- JE -75 JE -6 Head of jontb r., wearing skin of animal (young Herakles ?) ; border of dots. beneath, ^ (border doubtful). Dog (spaniel) running 1.; beneath, VW i border of dots. [Plate i. 8.] Head of Apollo r., laur., quiver at shoulder; in front, < ; border of dots. Owl towards r. ; in front, < 7 42-5 ^ -6 1 * Polybius, iii. 79. See E. Babclon, in Rccue Num., 1896. • ■ UMBRIA i;) No. Weight Metal Size Obveese Reverse 1 i Umbria ARIMINUM* Bronzk Circa 268 n.o. Bust of Hepliaistos 1., bearded and having long hair ; he wears pilos bound with wreath, and drapery about neck ; border of dots. GauHsh warrior, wearing torquis, advan- cing 1., with drawn sword, under shelter j of large oval shield, the boss of which ' ends in long ridge ; sheath of sword visible behind ; border of dots. 1 73- JE -8 in ex., traces of inscr.? • 2 72-5 M -7 ex., off coin. [Cf. B.M.C., p. 25 (7).] * TUDER t Bronze Circa 260 B.C. Head of Seilenos r,, wearing wreath of ivy; border of dots. 1 3 3 + V K Eagle 1., wings open ; border of dots. 1 48- M -7 * See also p. 4. t See also p. 4. 1 D 2 20 PICENUM No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 106- JE -8 PiCENUM* ANCONA Ancona, icliicJi had heea founded hy Syrucusan exiles circa 390 B.C., was conquered hy the Jtomans circa 290 B.C. The Beverse type is a ' canting badge ' referring to the name of the town. Bronze Circa 290—268 B.C. Head of Apbrodite r., laur., with earring ; hair in knot ; drapery about neck ; behind, A\ ; border of dots. APKHN Bent r. aiin, holding palm- branch 1. ; above, two stars. IB.M.C., p. 40 (1).] * See also p. 7. LATIUM 21 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Eeveese lG-9 84- M -6 M -8 Lateum* ALBA FUCENTIS I'ltr Bomans planted a ' colonia ' at Alba Fucentis in 303 B.C. Circa 303—268 B.C. Silver N ummu s ? Head of Hermes r., wearing petasos. AUBA Winged griffin running r. AQUimJM Bronze Certain cities in Central Italy apparenth/ had the privilege of stril-ing bronze conceded them by Borne in 268 B.C. See under Cales, Suessa, Teanum and Uncertain of Italy. Circa 268—217 B.C. Head of Pallas r., weaiung crested Corin- | [A]QVINO Cock r. ; beLind, star of thian helmet ; haii' hanging down ; : eight rays ; border of dots. border of dots. * See also pp. 8 ff. 22 SAMNIUM No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 123- M -85 116- M -8 128- JE '8 Samnium AESERNIA Aeseruia was made a ' colonia ' hy the Somans circa 263 B.C. Bronze After circa 263 B.C. VOUC/XNOM Head of beardless Hepliaistos 1., wearing laur. pilos with loop at top ; behind, forceps ; border of dots. VOUj3Th3 (downwards) Female head 1.. laur., wearing earring and necklace; border of dots. Man standing facing, head r., wearing helmet and cloak ; his r. hand rests on the top of an inverted spear, his 1. grasps sword in sheath ; liis 1. foot rests on small object Ipng on ground ; at his feet 1. are visible head and chest of ox reclining ; border of dots. in ex , R [Plate i. 9.] no necklfice visible. Similar type ; in front of neck, X ; border of dots. traces of inscr. aVTROaVViaJI-TVWl Yoanghead 1., wearing ornamented helmet with crest and feather ; border of dots. V N 3TI-I1 Bust of youth r., whiskered ; wears helmet with crest and feather, and cloak ; behind neck, x ; border of dots. in ex., I ]>I3V-J-IM Similar lype ; R '? ; border of dots. ] innfsin-> (in ex.) Youth kneeling 1., with head turned up towards r., holding in his anns young pig (head 1.); on either side a soldier, bareheaded, taking oath, leaning on inverted spear with 1., and touching pig with sword held in r. ; border of dots. •>-hinRnn> (in ex.) Youth kneeling with pig, as above ; on either side two soldiers, bareheaded, taking oath, touch- ing pig with swords held in r., and gi'asp- iug sheaths with 1. ; border of dots. 24 SA^INIUM No. Weight Metal Size Obveese Reverse 10 11 12 65-5 /R -7 60-5 .^l -75 57-5 M -75 54- M -7 58-5 .56-5 .^l -75 M -8 Female head 1., laur., wearing earring (and necklace ?) ; border of dots. Youth, as above ; behind him, a standard ; on either side four soldiers in same attitude as above ; in ex, , R 1 1 ? ; border of dots. Wtfh Latin Inscriptions Female head r. , laur., wearing earring and necklace j in front of neck, X ; border of dots. ITALIA Similar type; in front, X; border of dots. Female bust r., laur., weai'ing earring and necklace ; drapery about neck ; in front, XV I ; border of dots. traces of inscr. ITALIA Female head 1., laur., wearing earring and necklace ; border of dots. ITALIA (in ex.) Italia 1., seated on top of pile of thx'ee shields ; leans on spear with r., and grasps with 1. sword in sheath ; behind stands Nike, crowning her ; in Held 1., \Y\ ' border of dots. Similar type; in ex., uncertain letter. Similar type ; but Italia sits on edge of three shields, while Nike is larger ; border of dots. ex., off coin. [Plate i. 10.] Type similar to no. 7 ; border of dots. in ex., A [Pl,ATE I. 11.] I in ex., V TRENT ANI 25 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse FlIENTANI LARINUM Bronze After circa 217 B.C. There (ire coiiiK of earlier date with Greek inscriptions. The folloicing, vith Oscan inscri^jtions, are struck on the Uncial System, and are therefore subsequent to the Uncial Reduction at Borne. Quin cu nx 1 212-5 JE -95 Head of young Ares r., in crested Corin- thian helmet ; border of dots. UADINOD Warrior on horse, galloping 1. ; spear couched, cloak flying behind him ; carries round shield with device ; in ex. , • • • • • ; plain border. [Plate i. 12.] Tr i ens 2 127-5 ^ -9 Head of Dodonacan Zeus, wi-eathed with oak-leaves, r. ; border of dots. UADINOD Eagle r., on thunderbolt, with wings open and head thrown back ; underneath, •••• ; plain border. IB.M.C., p. 71 (7).] Sextans Head (of Dione ?) r., veiled and wreathed ; wears earring ; border of dots. UADINOD Dolphin r. ; beneath, •• ; plain border. 3 70-5 jE -7 • Unc ia ■i go- JE -6 Head of (bearded ?) youth, laur., r. ; beneath, < ; border of dots. UADI Coniucopiae, ending in head of NOD horned animal; in field r., • ; plain border. . 2(; CA^klPANlA No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 10-8 9-2 8-6 10-4 M -45 M -45 M -4 .R -45 377 M 1-25 Campania ALLIBA Silver Litrae Circa 400—350 B.C. Head of Apollo r., laur. ; around, tlu'ee doljiliins ; border of dots. (dolpliins only partially visible.) (no border visible.) Skylla r., dog's head on either shoulder ; she holds cuttle-tish in lowered r. hand, and shell (or fish ?) in 1. ; beneath, naussel ; plain border. traces of iuscr. AAA_- (dolphins only partially %'isible.) A B (Barbarous work) I AAAAA/ A\ (Very barbarous work) ATELLA "he roivn of Afella are ov the Tricutid Sijsfem, and are therefore suhscqncnt to the^ lYlental Reduction. The city joined Ilminihal after Cannae, and shared the fate of Capua in 211 B.C. Tlie Obverse type of No. 1 should be comjpared ivith Ca;piia Nos. 1 and 2. Th 1 Bronze Circa 250—211 B.C. Tr i ens Head of Zeus, laur., r. ; behind. JOa^n Zeus thundering in galloping quadi-iga r. ; sceptre in 1. hand ; behind, Nike as charioteer ; in ex., marks of value ; plain border. onlv three value-marks visible. ALLIBA— CALES 27 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 20^ 109 107-5 106-6 112-2 M 1-05 112-2 .11 -85 .'R -85 M 9 .11 pi. ■[) Al -85 M -85 Sextans Similar type ; behind, • ; plain border. >JQ39n (in ex.) Two soldiers, bare- headed, and weai-ing cloaks and high boots, standing facing one another, with swords in uplifted r. hands, taking oath over a j)ig which they grasp with 1. ; in field 1., ? ; boi-der of dots. [Plate i. l^.j CALES Circa 334— 2G8 B.C. The Bomans made CuJcs a ' cohniia ' in 33-4 B.C. Silver Campanian (Phocaean) Standard * Didrachms Head of Pallas 1., in crested Corinthian helmet, with eai-ring and necklace ; on helmet, small crest at side, beneath which serpent; behind, cornucopiae. CAUENO (in ex.) Nike in biga, driving 1. ; holds reins in 1. ; with r. touches horses with goad. [Plate i. 14.] Similar head ; (ni helmet, serpent, but no small crest ; itehind, club u])wards ; beneath, E Similar head r. ; no earring ; necklace doubtful. on helmet, serpent ; behind, dagger. (same die) on helmet, pentagi-am ; behind, bipennis. on helmet, branch (?) ; behind, sili)hium- like symbol. [Plate [CA]UENro] Similar type; but Nike holds goad stretched out in r. ; front rail of chariot straight. CAUENO Similar type ; but front rail of chariot rises to a point. L 15.] * See under Yri.i.v. V. 2 28 CAMPANIA No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Eeverse i 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 114-5 92-5 98- 108-5 99- 99-5 IIG- 8G-5 99-5 101- 89-5 •85 •8 •85 ■85 ■85 M -S m -85 M -8 M -75 102- M •85 1125 M •8 86^5 M •85 114-5 M -85 Bkonze CAUENO Head of Apollo 1., laur. ; border of dots. behind, cock r. ,, „ (inscr., off coin) , behind, aplustre. behind, helmet with cheek-pieces. CAUENO Head of Apollo 1., laur. ; border of dots. behind, sword downwai'ds. behind, club downwards, behind, spear-head npwai-ds. behind, thunderbolt. Head of Apollo 1., laur. ; at back part of head, beneath wreath, portion of a dotted diadem is visible ; border of dots. behind, oval shield. no symbol visible. CAUENO Head of Apollo 1., laur.; behind, star ; border of dots. no inscr. or symbol visible. Man-headed bull r., showing full face ; above, lyre ; border of dots. beneath, P beneath, E beneath, X CAUENO (in ex.) Man-headed bull r., showing full face ; above, lyre ; plain border. beneath, A beneath, no letter visible. beneath, uncertain letter or symbol j (ex., off coin). beneath, star of eight rays. CAUENO (in ex.) Man-headed bull r., showing full face ; above, Nike flying r., to crown bull. CAUENO (in ex.) Man-headed bull r., showing full face ; above, large star of sixteen rays ; border of dots. beneath, A beneath, O beneath, star (eight rays ?). After circa 2G8 B.C. Bronze Sec under Aquinum. Head of Pallas 1., in crested Connthian helmet ; border of dots. CAUENO Cock r. ; behind, stai- of eight rays ; Ijorder of dots. [Plate i. 1G.] CALES— CAPUA 29 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Eeverse 207 22G 130 122 102 126 113 lO!) M -95 M 1- M -85 JE -8 M -85 JE -85 .E -85 /E -85 CAPUAf Bronze Ci'rm 250—211 B.C. TJie bronze with vahie-mnrlcs is on the Tricntal Si/ stem. Capua revolted after Cannae, and was reduced to complete subjection in 211 B.C. Sextantes Head of Zeus r., laur.; behind, | ; border of dots. Similar. DHRM (in ex.) Eagle standing r., on thunderbolt, with wings open, looking back; in held, r. and 1., *; border of dots. 3nR^ (in ex.) Selene in galloping biga r. ; above, * * ; bordei- of dots. [B.M.C, p. 82 (;)).] XJn c i ae Bust of Artemis r., with diadem sur- rounded by small rays ; hair gathered in knot at top ; drapery alx)ut neck ; behind, bow and quiver ; border of dots. rays visible mainly in front. 3nn^ (in ex.) Boar running r. above, • ; border of dots. [BJI.C, p. 81 (4).] Head of Zeus r., laui*. ; behind, * ; border of dots. Femal^ head r., wearing earring, necklace, and turi-eted headdress adorned with thunderbolt ; behind, sjnnbol resembling pedum j beneath, O ; border of dots. D n R ^ (in ex.) Nike r., ci-owning trophy; in field r., * ; border of dots. DHRM (in ex.) Amied horseman, bare- headed, r., with spear couched and cloak fljnng ; horee pi'ancing ; beneath, shell ; in field 1., * ; border of dots. [Plate ii. 1.] f See also pj). 50-52. ao CAMPANIA No. 9 10 11 12 13 Weight 83- 48-5 42-5 68-5 118-4 118-5 Metal Size M -7 JE -7 JE -65 JE -6 JE -65 M -7 M -75 Obverse Reverse Uncertain Denominations Bust of Hera r., wearing stejDliane, neck- i DflR^ Two archaic idols; above, fillet; lace, and earring; drapery about neck; j in field 1., tripod-like object; border of at shoulder, sceptre ; border of dots. dots. IB.M.C, p. 83 (15).] Head of Hera r., wearing veil and stephane; at shoulder, sceptre; border of dots. 3 n R ^ Ear of barley with two leaves ; in field r., tripod-like object ; border of dots. [Plate ii. 2.] Head of Apollo i-., laur., hair long; border of dots. 3 n R M Ijyi'e, on side of which, fillet ; border of dots. CUMAE Ctimae perliaps struck coins first {circa 500 — 490 B.C.) on the Aeginetic, and subsequently {circa 490 — 480 B.C.) on the Euhoic-Attic Standard. Then came the following series. The city was captured by the Samnites circa 421 B.C. Silver Campanian (Phocaean) Standard* Circa 480—421 B.C. Didr achms Female head (Kyme ?) r., diademed ; early ; KWMAIOVi Mussel-shell r., hinge style ; haii' caught up behind and passed through diadem so as to fall over it in a small bunch. pointing downwards ; beneath, nautilus 1.; border of dots. [Plate ii. 3.] Similar. Mussel-shell 1., hinge pointing upwards ; above, long fish 1. ; double ling border. ti'aces of inscr. * See under Velia. CAPUA— HYRIA 31 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Eeverse 109-4 114-4 107-3 114-9 112-7 .'R -8 .R -So /R -8 .R pi. -8 /R -9 M -85 Female liead r., diademed ; later in style; KVA\AIOA/ Mussel-sliellr.,liinge point- hair rolled behind ; wears necklace ? ing upwards ; above, long fish r. ; border of dots. [Plate ii. 4.] Similar head r., without necklace ; haii' waved. Similar. N OIAAA VX (beginning r. and running down) Mussel-shell r.. hinge pointing downwards ; beneath, barley- corn ; boi'der of dots. NOlAMY^I (beginning r. and ranning up) Same type, more realistically executed ; same symbol ;• border of dots. [Plate ii. 5.] Similar. Similar. KVMAIOA/ Mussel-shell r., hinge pointing upwai-ds ; above, barleycorn; border of dots. KV M AlO/V Mussel-shell 1., hinge pointing downwai'ds ; beneath, barley- corn ; border of dots. HYRIA The coins of this unhwwn town Khouhl be compared irith those of Nenpolis and Nola. Silver Campanian (Phocaean) Standard Circa 420—340 B.C. Didr achms Head of Pallas r., wcai-ing Athenian helmet, on which traces of olive-leaves. [H] VPI ETEf Man-headed bull butting r. ; between its legs A and ^ , and a plant showing three blades. 5 only partially visible. [Plate ii. 6.] 32 CAMPANIA No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Keveese Head of Pallas r., wearing Athenian helmet, on which owl and olive-wi-eath ; the whole within a I'im in high relief. fl M E d Y Man-headed bull advancing r. ; line of exergue, double. 2 109-1 M -8 [Plate ii. 7.] Similar type ; no inm. Similar type. 3 111-5 JR -85 AMI a Y line of ex., double. 4 110-4 JR -9 YD !NA line of ex., single. 5 1109 M -85 V ^ 1 Np^ line of ex., single. 6 110-.7 M -8 .MMY beneath bull /t. ; line of ex., double. [Plate ii. 8.] Similai-. Similar type 1.; line of ex., double. 7 109-4 M -85 VD>INAI 8 107-8 M -85 Similar tj-pe 1. [Vt>]INAI flt1lIN^AI 15 103-5 M -75 VDINP\I 16 yR pi. -S Female head r., wearing diadem, earring, and necklace, as on coins of Neapolis. [Plate ^ VI 1 a Y Man-headed bull r. ex., off coin. II. 10.] HYRIA— NEAPOLIS 33 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 17 18* 112-4 112-2 112-8 9-ANOY5 inscr., off coin. only first foui* letters of inscr. visible. inscr., barely legible. Similar head ; behind, bunch of gi'apes ; beneath, ear of barley? r. Similar head ; behind, kantharos ; beneath, Ai Same type r. ; inscr. in ex. NEoroAIT[H§J A/EoroAIT . [$] beneath bull, T Same type 1. ; inscr. in ex. ; line of ex. double. NEoroAITH$ NEOrOAITA^ NEOPOAITH^ (in ex.) Man-headed bull r., showing full face ; above, Nike flying r., crowning bull. beneath bull, p^ beneath bull, E3 Similar ; but beneath bull, ivy-leaf up-wards. Similar, but no symbol ; line of ex., dotted. [Plate ii. 15.] NEAPOLIS 35 No. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Weight 103-1 112-2 107-2 115-2 112-2 113-2 113-8 111-8 113-3 113-2 115-3 114-6 lli-7 Metal Size M -8 /R -75 /R -75 M -8 Al -8 M -75 M -75 ^•85 M -8 .11 -8 ^11 -75 yR. -7 Jl -75 Obverse Reverse symbol imperfect ; letters, off coin, no letters visible. Similar head ; but one or two locks escape behind ear and cover central pax-t of diadem ; rove of dots visible at back, beneath diadem ; behind, amphora. beneath bull, Bl Similar type ; line of ex., double. inscr., doubtful. Circa 340—268 B.C. or later. Didrachms Similar head, veith oi'dinary diadem, visible throughout ; earring of three di'ops ; behind, Artemis r., holding lighted torch in each hand ; beneath, APTEMI ARTE Similar head ; behind, bunch of grapes ; in front, X ; beneath, $TA NEOroAITHN (in ex.) Man-headed l)ull r., showing full face ; above, Nike flying r., crowning bull. beneath bull, M (inscr., off coin.) beneath bull, N beneath bull, \f] (inscr., off coin). Similar ; but beneath bull, K [Plate ii. 16.] Similar head (somewhat larger) ; behind, bunch of grapes. Similar head (usual size) ; behind, Artemis running r., holding with both hands loDg torch lighted. Similar head ; behind, astragalos. Similar head, but diadem broader than usual ; locks escape here and there. behind, ^ behind, X Similar head ; diadem of usual breadth ; behind, club downwiu-ds. Similar : nothing beneath bull. Similar. Similar. NEOPOAITXIN (on raised band of ex. Similar type ; beneath bull, O inscr., off' coin. [Plate ii. 17.] Similar type ; beneath bull, ex., off coin. 36 CAMPANIA No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 34 112-5 .11 -8 Similar head ; row of dots visible at back, beneath diadem ; behind, cornucopiae ; in frout, A ? [NEjOroAITON (in ex.) Similar type. beneath bull, f* 35 113-2 /R -75 Similar head ; behind, traces of symbol or letter. Similar. beneath bull, EYE 36 110-7 yR 75 Similar head (smaller than usiial) ; hair very wavy ; behind, bunch of grapes. [Plate Similar head (usual size) ; locks escape behind ear and cover centi-al part of diadem ; no row of dots \-isible beneath ; behind, bucrauium ; jslain border. Similar. beneath bull, AI ; in field r., 0E II. 18.] Similar type ; plain border. 37 109-2 Al-7 ex., off coin. 38 107-7 ^•85 Similar head ; diadem of slightly difEerent form ; behind, quiver with belt. Similar head ; locks escape behind and cover lower part of diadem ; row of dots visible at back of head, beneath diadem ; behind, Artemis running r., holding long torch in both hands. Similar type ; inscr. in ex. ; no border. [NJEoroAITON Similar. 39 110-7 .^-8 beneath, TAPME [N]EonoAIT[nN] beneath bull, bee 1. 40 .'R pi. -8 beneath, XAPI Similar head ; behind, astragalos length- wise. inscr. illegible ; beneath bull, ^ N EO r O A 1 TX2N Similar ; but beneath bull, K 41 111- MS beneath, XAPI A E (inscr., partly off coin). 42 112-4 Ai -8 beneath, X Similar head ; behind, kantharos. (same die). Similar. 43 113-6 M-7b beneath, XAPI (ex , off coin). 44 Alp\.-7o )> » 45 115- JR-S beneath, XA [Plate II. 19.] ■ 46 109-5 .R -8 >> )) no letter beneath bull. NEAPOLIS 37 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Keverse 47 48 49 50 51 52 54 55 5G 58 59 (JO 113-S M -8 mpl.-85 112-5 113-6 112-3 1U9-8 109-2 112-2 109-6 ^pl.-75 yR pi. -8 M -75 M -ir) M -8 ^•75 M -75 M pi. -8 M -75 ^pl.-8 M -8 1111-7 ' .11-85 Similar head 1.; diadem visible througliout ; locks escajie bei-e and there; row of dots visible at back of head, beneath diadem ; behind, £Y Similar head ; locks escape behind ear and cover central part of diadem ; row of dots as above ; behind, helmet with- out crest, facing. Similar type 1. ; inscr. in ex. ; beneath bull, AOY NEor-AITflN NEonoAITON N EOnoAITIlN (in ex.) Similar type r. ex., almost off coin, [Plate ii. 20.] Similar head ; behind, tintinnabulum. Similar head. behind, pentagi'am. behind, toi'ch lighted. behind, Nike flying r., holding Avreath ; beneath neck, PX ? Similar. ex., almost off coin. N EO r O A I Tn N Similar ; but beneath bull, IZ (ex., almost off coin). [Plate ii. 21.] behind, ear of com. behind, thyrsos with fillet attached. diadem dotted throughout ; behind head, crane r. double row of dots thi-oughout diadem ; behind, tripod. diadem plain, and quite visible tlu'oughout; behind, trident. Similar head ; locks escape behind ear and cover central part of diadem ; border of dots. behind, trident. I^ehind, liarpa. NEoroAITflN (in ex.) Similar tj-pe. (ex., off coin). beneath bull, A 38 CAMPANIA No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse Drach.m Similar. Similar. 61 51-5 yR-65 behind, harpa. beneath bull, A Didrachms Similar. Similar. 62 109-8 M:9 behind, vase. beneath bull, A 63 110-5 jR -86 behind, oinochoe 1. beneath bull, B 1 [Plate hi. 1.] 64 108-6 JR -9 behind, round shield. | „ ,, (The flan of the three preceding coins is unusually large.) 65 iflpl.-75 behind, diota ; (earring of single drop). beneath bull, Bl 66 108-1 ^-75 behind, quiver with belt. beneath bull, E 67 105-1 M -75 head smaller than in preceding coins ; behind, trident. )> )j 68 M pi. -8 Similar head ; usual size, but different in style ; behind, astragalos ? ; no border. Similar; beneath bull, E inscr., partly off coin. 69 106-9 M -7 Similar head ; locks escape and partly cover lower portion of diadem ; beneath, M ; behind, B Similar ; same letter, ex., almost off coin. 70 107-9 .11 -75 » !> 71 JR pi. -8 Similar head, smallei- in size ; lower part of diadem quite concealed ; beneath, A , on either side of which, traces of letter. Traces of inscr. Similar type ex., almost off coin. ; same letter. 72 112-2 yR-75 Similar head. behind, TAP ; beneath, EYE NEOPOAITON (in ex.) beneath bull, EPI Similar type ; [Plate hi. 2.] 73 114-2 ^-8 behind, EYE 74 110-9 /R-9 Female head r., with wavy hair, wearing diadem, earring, and necklace ; locks escape behind ear and cover centi-al part of diadem ; at back of head, beneath diadem, row of dots ; around, foui' dolphins ; border of dots. [Plate NEOPOAirnN (nex.) bull r., showing full face; flying r., ci'owning bull. HI. 3.] Man-headed above, Nike, NEAPOLIS 39 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 7.") lU6o .11 -9 beneath bull, OE 7G 116-3 M -85 )j )) 77 107-2 M-8 beneath bull, OYIA 78 107-1 M -85 >> )) Bronze Before eirea 340 B.C. — After circa 268 B.C. Head of Apollo r., laur. ; back hair in formal curl. On03M (in field 1.) Forepart of man- headed bull swimming r. ; above, dol- phin r. ; border of dots. 79 52-5 ^ -55 [Plate hi. 4.] Similar type. Forepart of man-headed bull swimming r. ; on shoulder, star of four rays. 80 72- JE -65 [N]EoroAITH[$] 81 80-5 JE -7 [N]EoroAirTH$] 82 72-5 JE -7 [NEo]roAITH$ 83 75- M -7 inscr., off coin. 84 37-5 M -55 Similar head ; wreath formed of smaller leaves. NEYPOAITflN Forepai-t of man- headed bull swimming r. ; behind, A • [Plate hi. 5.] 85 39- JE -6 Similar type, of later style ; border of dots. N EoroAITHN Similar type, plain border. 86 21- JE -55 Similar type 1. ; behind, X ; border of dots. no border visible. N EOPOAITIIN Similar type ; behind, IS 87 22-5 JE -55 88 27-5 ^ -6 bad condition ; no letter visible. nothing visible behind. 89 35-5 ^ -6 NEoPOAITflN Head of Apollo r., lanr. ; hair loose. Forepart of man-headed bull, swimming r.; above, dolphin r. ; border of dots. 90 14- JE -55 border of dots. behind bull, <|>| 40 CAMPANIA No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Eeveese 91 10-5 JE -5 Similar, but tj-pe 1. ; border of dots. Head of Apollo r., laur. ; Ijair loose ; border of dots. Similar, but type and symbol 1.; behind bull, E ; no border visible. NEoroAITUN (in ex.) Man-headed bull r., showing full face ; border of dots. 92 72- M -7 above bull, fly; beneath, EK 93 54- JE -65 ex., almost off coin ; above, Phrygian helmet with cheek-pieces, r. ; beneath bull, A\ ? ; no border visible. 94 98- ^ -8 Similar type, of different style ; three rows of laurel in wreath ; behind, /D [Platk N EVroAITIlN (in ex.) Similar type ; above, star of eight rays in laurel-wreath ; beneath bull, A ; border of dots. ni. 6.] 95 56-5 M -7 Similar type 1. ; border of dots. [N]EoroAITn[N] (in ex.) Similar type 1. ; above, cornucopiae ; beneath, H 9G 94- M -7 N EO r O A 1 Til N Similar type r. ; border of dots. Similar tyjie r. ; above, star of eight rays ; border of dots. 97 90- JE -75 behind, astragalos ; only traces of inscr. Similar type 1. Similar type. 98 69-5 JE -7 traces of inscr. above, bunch of grapes on vine-leaf ; beneath bull, traces of V> ; ex., off coin ; border of dots. 99 73-5 JE -7 inscr., off coin ; behind, A above, thunderbolt ; beneath which, E ; ex., off coin ; no border visible. 100 74- JE -65 [NE] O roAITON ; border of dots. above, kantharos ; beneath bull, E ; ex., off coin ; no border visible. 101 G7- JE -7 NEOrOAITflN (reading outwards) Similar type ; border of dots. Similar type 1. ; above, kantharos and letters (A ? and £1) ; in ex., traces of letters. 102 G7- M -7 Similar type r. ; around, dolphins ; border of dots. four dolphins visible. [NE]oroAITnN (in ex.) Similar type r. ; above, trident r, ; border of dots. NEAPOLIS 41 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 IIG 117 118 119 120 77- 93- 55- 78- 100-5 84- 85-5 67- 63- 71- 79-5 92- 32-5 41-5 36- 98- 97- 114- 121 M -8 M -85 M -75 JE -8 M -8 JE -8 M -8 JE -8 JE -8 JE -75 JE -85 M -75 JE -5 JE -65 JE -55 .E -8 JE -8 JE -85 78-5 JE -8 NEOroAITHN Head of Apollo 1., laur. ; liaii- loose ; border of dots. bebind, B A N O Man-headed bull r., showing full face ; above, Nike flying r., crowning bull. beneath bull, IZ P O (border not visible.) P T H (nothing visible behind.) Ill ex.. [Plate hi. 7.] in ex., IS t^ beneath bull, AZ [Plate hi. 8.] e.x., off coin. Similar type r. ; behind, A ; in front, H ? ; border of dots. Similar type 1. ; border of dots. Head of Apollo 1., laur. ; border of dots. behind, AS behind, helmet with spike and cheek- pieces (or star ?). behind, traces of letters. Similar type r. ; behind, XAI ; border of dots. NEonoAITHN (in ex.) Similar type NEOnoAITflN (in ex.) Similar type; plain border. (ex., off coin.) NEOPOAITHN (in ex.) Omphalos and lyre. beneath inscr., caduceus 1. ; border plain. beneath inscr., trident? 1.; border of dots. above omphalos, crescent between two stars ; beneath inscr., uncertain object formed of dots ; border of dots. Similar ; but above omphalos, serpent 1. ; beneath inscr., club r. ; border of dots. 42 CAMPANIA No. 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 Weight 92- 53- 102- 92-5 109-5 44- 53-5 52-5 44- 37-5 45- 47-5 54- 49- 27-5 30-5 Metal Size JE -85 M -75 M -8 M -8 M -85 iE -6 M -65 M -65 M -65 M -65 JE -6 JE -65 JE -65 M -65 JE -6 M -6 Obverse Eeverse Similar type 1., lam*. ; within laurel- wreath, behind, Ifl Inscr. in ex. Similar type ; border of dots. NEonoAITjQN in field 1., caduceus with filleted handle. I n m n T [Plate hi. 9.] as preceding. N En n O A I TUN no symbol. „ beneath inscr., EH I „ above omphalos, bu- cranium ; in field 1., EH I downwards. [Plate hi. 10.] Young male head r., with short hair ; behind, star ; border of dots. Similar. NEOroAITn[N] (in ex.) Figure on prancing horse 1. ; r. hand raised ; be- tween horse's forelegs, A5 ; plain border. (border not visible.) Similar. Similar ; but chlamys visible behind figui-e. (N EoroAITOM) ; beneath horse, EH I ; beneath inscr., palrti-branch r. beneath horse, AY ; beneath inscr., vine- branch with leaves and grapes ? [Plate hi. 11.] beneath horse, AY (pilos visible on head ; lower part of ex., off coin). beneath horse, | E ; no symbol visible in ex. beneath inscr., palm- branch r. N EO n O A [ I TH N ] curved beneath type. Horseman, as above, with chlamys and sword ; beneath horse, A H J no exer- gual line ; border of dots. Head of Artemis r., wearing necklace ; behind, top of quiver ; border of dots. NEOro AITflN (beginning on r.) Cornucopiae r., bound with fillet; plain border. NEfl in inscr.? NEAPOLIS 43 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse Bust of Ai'temis r., wearing necklace, and showing di'apery about shoulders ; behind, bow and quiver ; border of dots. NEorO AITIIN (beginning on 1.) Cornucopiae. 138 32- m -6 in front, AH bound with fillet ; border of dots. 139 34- M '55 behind, A ; in front, traces of H (border not visible). no fillet ; in field 1., PO downwards ; border of dots. 140 34- M -55 no letters. fillet ; in field 1., AY ; boi-der plain. [B.M.C, p. 118 (255).] 141 32- M -55 n Head of Apollo 1., laur. ; hair short ; border of dots. fillet; in field 1., fi(/\; border of dots. NEOPO AITHN Tripod; border of dots. 142 42' M -6 behind, star. between legs, B 1 143 53- M -6 place of symbol, and border, off coin. )) 5) 144 42- M -65 behind, M N Y 145 48' M -GS place of symbol or letter, off coin. no letters. 14G 27-5 M -65 place of symbol or letter, and border, off coin. „ border not visible. 147 20-5 M -5 Similar ; but type r. behind, PO Similar ; but uiscr. reads downwards in- stead of ujDwai'ds. 148 37-5 M -55 Similar; but type 1. behind, cornucopiae. Similar ; but inscr. reads upwards ; plain border. 149 29-5 M -55 symbol doubtful, but probably cornucopiae. inscr. almost illegible. 150 48' M -6 lighted torch. border of dots. [Plate hi. 12.] Probably struck at Neapolis Circa 340 B.C. Head of Apollo r., laur. ; back haii' in formal curl. PflMAinN Forepart of man-headed bull, swimming r. 151 48-5 M -7 on shoulder, no star visible. o2 44 CAMPANIA No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Eeverse NOLA For types and style compare the coins of Hyria ami of NeapoUs. The earliest of the following series are Nos, 6 and 7. Circa 340—268 B.C. Silver Campanian (Phocaean) Standai-d Didrachms Female Lead r., wearing diadera orna- mented vi'itli maeander pattern, earring, and necklace. [N]nAAIO$ (in ex.) Man-headed bull 1. ; above, Nike flying 1., crowning bull ; line of ex., double. 1 1111 M -7 upper part of diadem not visible. head of bull, off coin. [Plate hi. 13.] 2 110-9 M -8 Similar head, of somevphat different style; diadem tied with bow in front. NUAAIOS Similar type; bull shows full face ; line of ex., dotted. 3 113-2 M, -8 Similar head 1. NnAAin[N] (in ex.) Similar tyiDe r. ; line of ex., double. • 4 111-6 M. -8 Similar head r., of later style. NXlAAIflN (in ex.) Similar; but line of ex., single. 5 110- yR -7 Head of Pallas r., wearing helmet, on which olive-wreath with owl. NflAAinN (above) Man-headed bull r., face in profile ; beneath, /^ 6 107-2 ^ -8 [Plate hi. 14.] 7 107-3 ^ -85 NOLA— PHISTELIA 45 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 111-5 109-6 47-5 39- 113-2 .•R pi. -8 M -9 M -8 M -7 M -6 M -8 NUCERIA ALFATBRNA* Nuccria was captnycd hi/ the liomans in the course of the Samnife War. After circa 308 B.C. Silver Campanian (Phocaean) Standard Didraclims Young male head 1., Avith ram's horn and long hair ; border of dots. Dioskouros 1. with sceptre, holding bi-idle of lior.se 1. wvnoBT noviRmvma>i3VM [Plate hi. 15.] mvMa3TPi8Pi>jnmvmi3VM i WIVM . 3T Bronze Young male head 1., bound with wreath ; hair long ; border of dots. Hound r., on the scent. inscr. divided. PHISTELTA This toion is Imovni only from its coins. liecent finds point to its having been iit Sanmiuiii, rather than in Campania. Circa 420—400 B.C. Silver Campanian (Phocaean) Standard Di drachm Female head, three-quarter face towards r., wearing diadem and necklace ; hair floating. [ 8] I ^ T U V ^ Man-headed bull 1. in ex., traces of symbol. * The letters on the following coins arc so small and indistinct that it is impossible to be certain. iu every case, of the exact form in which they appear, 46 CAMPANIA No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Eeveese 10 11 12 13 14 10- 9-4 7-5 8-8 8-3 6-5 9-7 7-9 7-5 10-2 8-7 M -45 JR -45 M -45 JR -45 M -45 zll -5 M -45 JR -45 JR -45 JR -4 JR -45 JR -45 yR -4 Obols Similar head, towards 1. Lion advancing towards 1.; in ex., serpent; line of ex., dotted. [Plate hi. 16.] (No. 5 is of barbarous workmansliip. ) I above lion, star of eight rays. [Plate hi. 17.] Young head, without neck, three-quarter face towards r. ; haii" short. ^ I V vl T^ I 8 Barleycorn ; above, mussel- shell, hinge r. ; beneath, dolphin 1., inverted. L itr ae <|)|$TE AIA Young head, with neck, three-quarter face towards r. ; hair short. Similar. [Plate hi. 18.] (Mucli woru.) PHISTELIA— SUESSA AURUNCA 47 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse SUESSA AURUNCA Snessa Aurunca was made a 'colonia' in 313 B.C. Circa 313—268 B.C. Silver Campanian (Phocaean) Standard Didrachms 1 105-7 M -9 Head of Apollo r., laur. behind, owl 1. ^VE^ANO (in ex.) A horseman 1., wearing pilos, holding with 1. hand filleted palm over shoulder, and leading a spare horse, which is slightly in advance. [Plate iii. 19.] 2 108- M -85 behind, crescent. | Bronze 3 103- M -85 Similar type 1. ; behind, Q ; border of dots. SVESAN[0] (in ex.) Man -headed bull r., showing full face ; above, Nike flying r., crowning bull. After circa 268 B.C. See under Aquinum. Head of Pallas 1., wearing crested Corin- thian helmet ; border of dots. SVESANO (in field r., upwards) Cock r. ; behind, star of eight i-ays ; border of dots. 4 117-5 M -8 5 94-5 ^ -85 (The fabric of No. 5 is flatter, and the flan more spread.) Head of Hermes 1., m winged petasos fastened at chin ; drapery about neck ; in front, letters ; border of dots. SVESANO (in field 1., upwards) Herakles, facing, struggling r. with Nemean lion ; between legs, club. 6 115-5 M -85 _ - BOVA\ 7 94- ^ -8 TROBV/n [Plate III. 20.] 48 CAMPANIA No. Weight 106-5 104-9 72-5 86-5 79- 85- 95-5 Metal Size Obveese Eevebse JR -85 /R -9 ^ -75 M -8 JE -8 M -85 M -75 TEANUM SIDICimJM The Sidicini probahly snhmifted to Rome hcfore the end of the Second Samniie War, and their coinage may have begun then. Circa 300—268 B.C. Silver Campanian (Phocaean) Standard Di dra c hms Head of young Herakles r., in lion's skin behind, cornucopiae. SJ V M R KT (in ex.) Nike in triga r., hold- ing goad and reins ; horses cantering. h in inscr., which is partly off coin. [Plate hi. 21.] Bronze gVURKT Head of Apollo 1., laiir. ; at back of head, beneath wreatli, row of dots. behind, O behind, thunderbolt. Head of Apollo 1., laur. ; hair tied behind, in front, traces of letters. Man-headed bull r., showing full face ; above, Nike r., crowning him. beneath bull, pentagram. ^IRIKIM[VR] (in ex.) Man-headed bull r., showing full face ; above, lyre. Circa 268 B.C. Bronze Sec under Aqitinum. Head of Pallas 1., wearing crested Corin- thian helmet ; border of dots. Tl A NO (in field r., upwards) Cock r. ; behind, star of eight rays ; border of dots. TEANUM SIDICINUM— UNCERTAIN" 49 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Revbrse UNCERTAIN OF CAMPANIA Beonze Compare the early bronze coins of NeajwUs {Nos. 80 — 83). Circa 340 B.C. 1 8G- M -7 Head of Apollo r., laur. ; hair in fornaal cui-1. ' NO_LdOV (on raised band)* Forepart of man- headed bull swimming r. ; on shoulder, star of four rays ; plain border. [Plate iv. 1.] 2 80-5 M -75 inscr., obscure. After circa 340 B.C. It is possible that the following 'were not struck within the limits of Campania, but they arc certainly imitations of well-known Campanian types. They are much ruder in style than the pieces on which they are modelled. Head of Apollo r., laur. ; hair in formal carl. Man-headed bull 1., with forefeet well advanced. 3 50- ^ -65 IDNOI 4 39- M -6 IDN®H [Plate iv. 2.] CAMPANIAN (ROMANO or ROAAAj Gold The following gold coins are believed to have been issued in South Italy by the Boman generals opposing Hannibal. Circa 216—211 B.C. Piece of Sixty Sestertii Head of bearded Ares, helmeted, r. ; ROMA Eagle, with outstretched wings, beneath, ^\ ; border of dots. standing r,, upon thunderbolt. 1 51-8 vni. I AT -6 [Plate iv. 3.] * This legend must be considered doubtful, although the one or two numismatists who have seen the original, agree with me as to the probable reading. H4- 50 CAMPANIA No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Revebse Piece of Twenty Sestertii 2 17-2 N -35 Similar type ; beneath, XX ; border of dots. Similar type, inscr., off coin. Silver and Bronze Circa 338 — 268 B.C. The following coins {here arranged according to the Obrerse type) are generally attributed to Capua, and doubtless 7)iany of them were struck there. Head (Hist. Num., p. 28), following Mommsen, assigns the chan) '> i> 5i APULIA No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse AZETIUM ■ Bronze Third Century 'B.C. 1 115- M -85 Head of Pallas r., wearing crested Coriii- tliian lielinet, earring, and necklace ; border doubtful. AIETINjQN Owl r., standing on top of Ionic column ; in front of owl, olive- branch ; plain border. 2 95- M -8 BARIUM Bronze Sextantal System. Circa 220 B.C. Sextans 1 75-4 M -75 Head of Zeus r., laur. ; behind, | ; border of dots. BAPINOJN Prow r., upon which Eros leaning forward and bending bow to shoot ; beneath, dolphin r. ; plain border. CAELIA Bronze Circa 268—200 B.C. Sextautes 1 113- M -8 Head of Pallas r., wearing crested Corin- thian helmet ; above, • • ; border of dots. KAIAINflN Trophy, consisting of crested helmet r., round shield, lance, sword, cuii'ass ; on either side, star ; plain border. 2 82- M -8 (inscr. illegible.) 3 7y M -85 on helmet, serpent. helmet placed 1. ; in field 1., thunderbolt ; stars lower down. 4 65-7 ^ -8 )i >> as preceding. AZETIUM — GRUMUM 55 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse Head of Zeus r., laur. ; behind, * ; border K A 1 A 1 Pallas running 1., wearing crested of dots. NCON helmet, holding small shield and 5 86-5 M -8 spear ; plain border. Uncertain Denomination Head of Pallas r., wearing crested Corin- KAIAI (in e.x.) Dio.skouroi on hor.seback, thian helmet ; border of dots. prancing r., with spears couched ; plain border. 6 32 5 jE -55 CANUSIUM Caniiiiiuiu .•iuhiiiittcd to Rome in the course of the Second Sdinnite War. area 300 B.C. Silver Obol Amphora between cornucopiae and oino- choe 1. KA Lyre of three stiings, on 1. side of which a fillet ? 1 5-5 M -4 Beonze Male head 1., l>are. KANYZINn[N] Horseman galloping r., wearing crested helmet, and holding 2 118- JE -85 spear couched. GRUMUM Bkmnze Circn 300 B.C. Female head r., wearing necklace; hair in rPY Horse prancing r. knot. 1 37- M -55 [Plate IV. 12.] 56 APULIA No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse LUCERIA* Bronze Sextantal System Before 217 B.C. Q,uin cunx Head of Pallas r., wearing crested Corin- thian helmet; above, ••••• ; border of dots. L O V C E R 1 Wheel of eight spokes ; inner line of tyre dotted. I 219- M 105 T r i ens 2 175-5 M 1- Head of young Herakles r., in lion's skin ; behind, J ; border of dots. • • LOVCER 1 Quiver r., club r., and strung bow ; inscr. between club and bow ; plain border. Romano-Lucerian Series Third Century B.C. Dextan s 3 350- M 1-25 Head of Apollo r., laur. ; plain border. ROM/X Nike driving galloping quadriga r. ; 'above, U; in ex., C«*«*; plain border. Se xt ans 4 Ul- jE -9 Head of Hermes in winged petasos r. ; drapery about neck ; above, • • ; border of dots. ROMA Prow r. ; beneath, •U* XTncia 5 98- ^ -7 Head of young Ares r., in close-fitting crested helmet ; behind, • ; border of dots. * See al Similar ; but U • so p. 14. LUCERIA— RUBI 57 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse MATEOLA Bronze Sextantal System Circa 250—217 B.C. Sextans Head of Pallas r., wearing crested Corin- tliian helmet, necklace, and earring ; above, • • Lion seated r., showing full face; holds bi'oken spear in mouth and with 1. fore-paw ; in front, 7V\ ) plain lx)rder. 1 94'3 M -7 monogram only partially visible. IB.M.C, p. 141 (1).] NEAPOLIS This town is hioirn only from Us coins. BiJONZE Circa 300 B.C. Head of IVIaenad r. , wearing wreath of ivy ; behind, filleted thyrsos ; in front, N 1 NEAR Bunch of grapes with vine- leaves on either side. 1 50- M -7 [Plate IV. 13.] RUBI BUONZE Third Century B.C. rf>'. LEOE Head of Zeus r., laur. ; border of dots. PY Female figure 1., holding patera and cornucopiae ; plain border. 1 24-5 M -65 58 APULIA No. Weight Metal Size Obveese Reverse 108- 124- 126-5 41-5 306- 270- 226- 164- M -8 M -9 M -85 M -7 M 1-1 M 1-1 ^105 M 1- SALAPIA* Bronze Circa 250—200 B.C. With llic iiKKjisiratc's name compare Arpi, Nos. 8 and 9. ZAAAniNnN Head of Zeus 1., laur. ; behiud, thunderbolt ; border of dots. ^AAAniNUN Head of Apollo r., wreathed ; at shoulder, quiver. Z in inscr. ZAAAniNXlN Young male head r. * (Pan V) ; behiud, pedum ; border of dots. riYAAOY (in ex.) Kalydonian boar running r. ; above, trident r. Horse prancing r. ; above, trident r. beneath, RYAAOY Eagle on column r. ; above, star of eight rays; in field r., PYAAOY TEATE Bronze Uncial System After circa 217 B.C. Uuincunces Head of Pallas r., wearing earring, and crested Corinthian helmet ornamented with griffin ; border of dots. Similar type, but helmet plain ; border of dots. part above helmet off coin. TIATI Owl r. on bar; beneath, •••••; in field r., thunderbolt upwards; plain border. no symbol visible. TIATI Owl r. on Corinthian capital ; in front, J ; plain border. above marks of value, crescent with horns upward ; inscr., partly off coin. [Plate iv. 14.] above helmet, traces of value-marks. | above marks of value, doubtful symbol. * See also Uncertain of Italy, No.";. 6 and 7. SALAPIA— VENUSIA 59 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Eeverse 9 10 11 175- 233- 165- 197- 123- 115- 90- 279' 155- M -9 M 1- M -9 JE -9 m -75 JE -75 M -85 M 1- .E '9 Similar type ; bordei' of dots. T I AT I Owl on palm-branch r. ; beneath, • • • • • ; plain boi'der. Trie ntes Head of bearded Herakles in lion's skin r. XI AX I Lion r. ; above, club r. ; in ex., •••• beneath lion, star. in field r., crescent -with horus upwards ; plain border. [Plate iv. 15.] Quadr an s Head of Pallas r., wearing crested Corin- thian helmet, with eariing and necklace; border of dots. X I AX I Owl r. on bar ; beneath , • • • plain boi'der. Sextantes Similar type ; border of dots. XIAXI Similar type; in ex., •• plain border. in front, wreath. no symbol visible. (No. 11 is a restruck coin.) VENUSIA Bronze Triental System After circa 250 B.C. Quadrans Head of Zeus 1., laur. ; beneath, \£ ; behind, • Thi'ee crescents, back to l^ack ; within each, star of twelve rays. Sextans Head of Pallas r., wearing crested Corin- thian helmet ; above, • • N£ between two dolphins downwards, back to back ; plain border. I 2 60 APULIA No. Weight Metal Size Obveese Keveese Sextantal System Circa 250—217 b.c, and later Nummus 3 539- M 1-4 Head of young Dionysos r., wearing wreath of ivy. place of monogram, off coin. Dionysos, wearing short chiton and endro- mides, seated 1. on rock, holding bunch of grapes and filleted thyrsos ; r. foot on stone ; behind, N * 1 ; plain border. Guinc unx 4 211- M 11 Head of Zeus 1., laur. ; beliiud, , ; border of dots. • Eagle 1., with wings open, on thunderbolt; in front, ^ ; plain border. Quad r ans Head of Hera 1., wearing stephane, veil, and earring ; in front, \£ ; behind, • ; border of dots. Z Three crescents, back to back; within each, star of twelve rays ; in centime, single dot ; plain border. 5 117- JE -9 [Plate iv. 16.] Sextans 6 76- M -8 Head of Pallas 1., wearing crested Corin- thian helmet ; above, • • ; border of dots. Owl 1. on palm-branch, showing full face ; behind, ^ • • *■ i CALABRIA 61 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse Calabria BRUNDUSIUM Brundusium was made a ' colonia ' hij the liomans In 245 B.C. Broszb Triental System. {Circa 245—217 B.C.) Sextant e s Head o£ Poseidon (without neck) r., laur. ; behind, trident ; beneath, • • BR VN Figure seated on dolphin 1., holding kantharos in r. and lyre in 1. ; beneath, •• 1 261-5 M 1-1 Similar ; but above trident, wreath-bearing Nike r. ; border of dots. Similar; but in r., wi^ath-bearing Nike r. ; plain border. 2 251- M 1-05 XTnc ia Similar, with Nike; but beneath, • ; border of dots. Similar, with Nike; but in 1., coniucopiae instead of lyre ; in field r. . club npwai-ds ; beneath, • ; plain border. 3 128-5 M -9 Uncial and Semuncial Systems. {Circa 217—89 B.C.) Semisses Head of Poseidon r., lanr. ; behind, trident and wreath -bearing Nike i'.; beneath, o^ ; border of dots. Figure seated on dolphin 1., holding ■wi-eath -bearing Nike r. and lyre ; in field r., 5 ; plain border. ■i 198-5 M 1- without neck. BR VN 5 122- iE -9 witli neck. ?? [Plate iv. 17.] 6 119-5 yE -8 )) BRVN 7 144-5 M -85 n BRVN ; i" ^^^^ '■' 3 8 103- ^ -85 5) )) 1} J 9 11(3-5 M -85 :? „ „ star of eight rays. 62 CALABRIA No. 10 11 12 13 14 15 Weight Metal Size 71- 58-5 102- 51-5 61-5 121- 52- Obverse Reverse M -7 M -7 M -8 M -7 M -7 M -8 M -35 Tr lent e s Similar type ; same symbols ; beneath, • • • • ; border of dots. without neck. with neck. BR VN Similar type, with Nike and lyre ; beneath, • • • • ; plain border. in field 1., crescent. no symbol in field. Guadrantes Similar type ; same symbols ; beneath, • • • ; border of dots. without neck. BR VN Similar tyj^e ; beneath, ••• plain border. Similar ; but beneath, without neck. Sextans Similar; but beneath, •• With Magistrate's Name. Semis Similar head (with neck); in front, A\ • Q E ; no border visible. no symbols visible behind ; Q uncertain. BR VN Figm-e seated on dolphin 1., holding wreath -bearing Nike and lyre; in field r., § ; border of dots. GRAXA Bronze Semuncial System. {Circa 200—89 B.C.) Quad r ans Head of Zeus r., laur. ; border of dots, traces of value-marks. PR A (in ex.) Two eagles r. on thunder- bolt ; in front, crescent ? [Plate iv. 18.] 1 BRUNDUSIUM— HYRIA 63 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 185-5 157-5 8-i- 83-5 br 25 M -9 M -8 M -8 JE -75 ^ -66 JE HYRIA OR ORRA Bronze Uncial System. {Circa 217—200 B.C.) Semis Head of young Herakl'es r., wearing lion's I OPPA Winged thunderbolt; beneath, skin ; beneath head, ^ ; border of dots. POP ; plain border. Guin cunx Young head (Pallas?) r., wearing triple- crested helmet ^\ith feather ; beneath, A A ; border of dots. ORRA Eagle on thunderliolt r., with wings extended ; beneath, ••••• Semuncial System. {('irca 200 — 89 B.C.) Quincunees Bust of Aphrodite r., with wreath, ste- phane, earring, and necklace ; drapery about neck ; over 1. shoulder, sceptre ; border of dots. ORRA Eros advancing r., playing on lyre ; he is naked, but wears ring i-ound r. ankle ; behind, [Plate iv. 19.] I ; plain border. Uncertain Denominations Head of young warrior r., wearing conical helmet with crest ; behind, A A ORRA Eagle r. on thunderbolt; win^ closed. Similar ; letters lower down. [Plate iv. 20.] OP Sijnilar ; but eagle looks back. 64 CALABRIA No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 41-5 JE -6 STURNIUM Bronze Second Century B.C. Cockle-sliell. STY Eagle r., witTi open wings, on thunderbolt. TARENTUM* A. Early Coinage. Silver Tarentum was a Lacedaemonian colony, founded circa 700 B.C. Its earliest coinage (circa 550 B.C.), not represented in the Hunter Cabinet, consisted of staters of the same wei(jht and fabric as those issued by the Monetary Confederation of Achaean cities, for trhich see under Mbtapontum. The peculiar fabric was abandoned before very long, but the Achaean weight of the stater (126 grains) continued to be maintained until circa 281 B.C. Circa 520 B.C. Didrachms 122-8 M -7 120-7 yR -7 131 M -35 ^AT Taras seated on dolphin r. ; r. hand rests on dolphin's back ; 1. arm extended in front ; beneath, cockle- shell ; raised border ornamented with dots. Wheel of four spokes. [Plate iv. 21.] XA R Similar type 1. ; same symbol ; raised l^order. no dots visible, but coin much woi'n. Cockle-shell ; l)order of dots. Similar type. Diob ol Similar type. * The following arrangement of the coins of Tarentum is based on the classification given by Dr. A. J. Evans in his Horsemen nj Tarentum (Nnm. Chrnn., 3rd Scries, vol. ix.). The description of the individual specimens owes much to the same masterly monograph. STURNIUM— TARENTUM 6.5 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 119-2 119-5 M -85 120-8 123-9 122-1 119-1 ^R -75 M M -95 /R -9.5 yR -95 Circa 500 b.c. Didrachms ^A^AT Taras on dolphin r., haii" long and gathei-ed into a queue ; behind him in r. he holds a cuttlefish ; 1. arm extended in front ; cable border. ^A^AT Sea-horse with curled wing 1. ; beneath, cockle-shell ; incuse border of radiating lines. [Plate v. 1.] Similar type ; border doubtful, ti'aces of inscr. ^A^AT Taras on dolphin r., with both arms extended ; beneath, cockle-shell ; border of dots. inscr. almost illegible. TA>A^ Same type r. and border. same symbol Similar type 1. ; no symbol visible ; border doubtful. Circa 473—420 B.C. In 473 B.C. the Tarenfines (and Bhngians) met with a disastrous defeat at the hands of the lapijfjinns. The flower of the Tareniine aristocraeij mere slain, and in con- sequence apolitical revolution ensued. The cstcthlishment of the deiiiocracy was marlccd hij a new coin tijpe (Nos. Iff.). None of the following specimens are among the earliest of the series. Frohahl/j (dl (f them are later than circa 460 B.C. Didra chm s $ A9AT Taras on dolphin r., with both arms extended in front ; beneath, cockle- shell ; border of dots. type 1. ; inscr. illeg-ible. Male figure (' Demos ' of Tarentum P), naked to waist, seated 1. on four-legged stool ; leans with 1. arm on staff that rests on ground behind him ; line of ex., dotted. in r., distaff. in r., uncertain object. [Plate v. 2.] Tai'as on dolphin r. ; 1. arm extended in front ; in r., cuttlefish ; beneath, un- certain object ; plain border, double. traces of inscr. Similar figure ; but in r., kantharos ; staff raised from 1. shoulder; line of ex., dotted. [Plate v. 3.] 66 CALABRIA No. 10 11 12 13 14 15 IG 17 Weight 126-7 117-2 117-3 11-1-1 11-4 11-1 9-7 5-1 Metal Size Obveese Eeverse ^-95 M -8 M 1- M -85 JR -4 M -4 .R -4 yll -3 Taras on dolpliin 1. ; in extended r. hand, wreath ; beneath, crayhsh L Similar ? much worn. T APA N Tl NHN Taras on dolpliin r. ; r. hand re.sts on dolphin's back ; 1. arm extended in front ; beneath, cockle-shell. [T]APA N Tl Nn[N] _ Taras, with crested helmet, on dol])hin 1. ; in r. hand, acrostolion ; in 1., small round buckler with two javelins ; beneath, fish 1. ; on back of dolphin, a small E Similar figure ; but r. foot rests on foot- stool ; in r. hand, kantharos ; in 1., distaff. line of ex., not -visible. Similar; but in r., spindle ; in 1., lekythos tied with string, and strigil. no dotted line visible. Similar figure ; but in r., kantharos ; in 1., distaff. * Similar. object in r., off coin. Litr ae Cockle-shell ; plain border. Similar. Ai'chaic head (Taras ?) 1. hair-knot more prominent. [Plate v. 4.] Hemilitron Similar, but type r. ; hair-knot promi- nent. TARENTUM No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse B. After circa 420 B.C. («.) Gold The folJowivfj gold coins should he studied in connection wlih the various series of silcer to ivliich they naturalhj attach themselves hij their dates. Euboic- Attic Standard Circa 330—302 b.c. Stater Head of goddess r., wearing stej^liane, veil on back of head, and earring; in front and beliind, dolpliin downwards ; beneath, A? Y 18 131-2 N -75 traces of inscr. The Dioskouroi on horseback 1., side by side ; horses walking, farther one in advance, crowned by rider ; above, two stars of eight rays ; in ex., traces of § A [Evans, Horsemen of Tarenfum, Pl. v. 10.] Drachm 19 66-4^ AT -6 TAPANTINflN Head of goddess r., wearing stephane, earring, and necklace ; hair loose on neck ; behind head, E ; on cheek, S ; border of dots. TAPA5 Taras seated on dolphin 1. holding small dolphin 1., and trident: below, h H [Plate v. 5.] Diobol TAPAS Head of Apollo 1., laur. ; in front, S A , 'lud dolphin downwards. 20 221 M -15 Herakles 1., head turned r., wielding clnb mth r., a^^d about to strike Nemean lion which he strangles with 1. ; in field 1., bow and quiver ; beneath, \- H Circa 300 B.C. 21 132-7 N- -75 Stater TAPA Head of goddess 1., wearing stephane, veil on back of head, earring, and necklace; around, three dolphins ; border of dots. TAPA$ (in ex.) Yoimg horseman, with r. hand placing wreath on horse's head ; horse walking r. ; above, Nike crowning horseman with both hands ; in front, dolphin downwards r. ; beneath horse, $ A ', between its forelegs, stai- of eight rays. [Ev*ns, Pl. v. 14.] K 2 68 CALABRIA No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 4//e'' <'"<^'* 281 B.C. Stater 22 132-2 AT -7 Head of Zeus r., laiir. ; beliiucl, NK TAPANTINIIN Eagle h, with open wings, standing on thunderbolt ; in fi'ont, Pallas Pi'omachos 1. [Plate v. G.] Hemidraclim 23 32-8 ^ -45 Head of Apollo r., laur. TAPANTIN[nN] Eagle 1., with open wings, standing on thunderbolt. D i ob ol 24 16-4 N -35 Head of Pallas, in crested CorintLian helmet, r. ; beneath chin, NK Owl r., with open wings, standing on thunderbolt. Sicilian Litra 25 12-9 AT -35 Head of young Herakles r., wearing lion's skin. TAPAS Taras seated on dolphin 1., holding kantharos and trident. (/;.) Silver Didrachms (' Horseman' Class) and Drachms Full Weight Circa 420—380 B.C. ' Horsemen ' prohaltlji heijan to he issued in the hitier part of the precedimj period, hut all the folloioimj specimens arc suhsequent to 420 B.C. 1 20 117r, M -85 Naked horseman, helmeted, 1., on cantering horse ; his r. holds hor.se's bridle, and in his 1. he has a round shield and lance ; bis r. knee is bent under him, as if he were vaulting from his horse ; beneath, § ; plain bordei'. TAPAS (beneath dolphin) Taras astride on dolphin 1. ; 1. hand, stretched out behind, holds large oval shield ; in r. hand he has helmet with cheek- pieces and flowing crest ; in fi-ont, S ; 1 plain border. 1 TARENTUM 69 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Revekse Similar type, without helmet or lance ; plain border. TAPA[S] (iu field r.) Taras astride on dolphin 1. ; he holds acrostolion in out- stretched r. hand ; 1. rests on dolphin's back ; plain border. 27 117-3 M -85 beneath, 5 beneath, S [Plate v. 7.] 28 116-9 ^-85 no letter. Naked Ephelros 1., crowning his horse with r., and holding in his 1. behind him a small round sliield ; plain border. no letters visible ; much worn. T A P[A$] (in field r.) Taras astride on dolphin r. ; points downwards with 1. hand, and holds a dart in r., uplifted, as if he were about to stiike ; plain border. 29 115-9 yR-85 Naked Ephebos r., crowning his horse ; in front, caduceus upright ; plain border. TAPA$ (in field 1.) Similar type; r. hand rests on dolphin's back ; 1. hand extended ; beneath, A ; plain border. 30 116-2 M -9 [Plate v. 8.] Naked Ephebos galloping r. ; with r. hand thrown back, grasping l)y the middle a short javelin (or whip ?) TAPA$ (beneath) Similar type 1.; Taras holds acrostolion in outstretched r. hand ; plain border. 31 115-9 M'8 beneath horse, A 32 118-7 M -85 no letter. Circa 380—345 B.C. This teas a period of jrrosperiti) under the government of the philosopher ArcJii/tas. Naked youth galloping r., grasping reins with both hands. TAPAS (beneath) Taras astride on dolphin 1. ; holds acrostolion in out- stretched r. hand. 33 119-8 ^-85 beneath, A in field 1., V ; plain border. 34 120-9 yR-8 ,, ,, plain border. beneath, A ; no border visible. 35 120-9 yR-75 no letter visible ; plain border. on dolphin, H 5 plain border. [Plate v. 9.] 3; 117-9 /R-8 beneath, A ; no border visible. type r. ; object in extended 1., off coin ; beneath, A ; no border visible. CALABEIA No. Weight 37 llG-1 38 121-2 92-1 40 41 42 115-3 119- 117-2 Metal Size ^•85 M -85 Al-8 M-9 M -8 .R-9 43 119-5 44 114-9 M -85 M -85 Obverse Naked youth on horse 1. ; his shield seen sideways behind him ; his head inclined towards the horse's, and his bridle-arm in front of horse's neck ; the horse stands and beneath, Y : raises its off plain border. fore-leg ; Naked horseman, helmeted, on horse cantering 1. ; holds small shield and javelin in 1. ; beneath, A ; plain border. Reveese TAPAS (beneath) Taras seated side- Avays on dolphin 1., his head slightly inclined forward ; beneath, A TAPA$ (in field r.) Taras seated side- ways on dolphin 1. ; holds kantharos in r. ; beneath, E, small dolphin 1., and waves ; plain border. [Plate v. 10.] Naked youth on horse, standing r. r. arm hang-s at his side. his heads of youth and of horse, off coin ; beneath hoi'se, traces of uncertain letters or symbols. Naked Ephebos vaulting from horse cantering 1. ; he holds a small shield in 1. hand. beneath, A ; plain border. r ; no border visible. Similar type, javelin with shield ; beneath. Naked horseman, helmeted, advancing 1., holding reins in r., shield and javelin in 1. ; beneath, A TAPA$ (beneath) Taras astride on dolphin 1. ; his 1. hand resting on back part of dolphin, his r. leg thrown for- ward, so as to be outlined in front of the fish's head ; in his r. he holds out an oinochoc. TAPA5 (beneath) Taras astride on dol- phin 1. ; r. hand outstretched ; farther leg outlined, as above. farther leg not visible ; in r., acrostolion? ; plain border. r. hand, off coin ; beneath, A ; no border visible. in r., fish downwards; beneath, P TAPA $ (in field r.) Similar tj^je; but Taras holds trident which rests on 1. shoulder; beneath, K and waves. Similar. TARENTUM 71 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 45 46 47 123-4 116-6 120-3 48 116-9 49 119-5 50 119-1 51 120-4 52 115-6 113-3 JR -8 M -75 ^-85 yll-8 M-9 M-9 M-85 MS M -85 Naked boy, on horseback, his arm hanging at his side; horse stands r. and lifts its off fore-leg ; beneath, Naked boy on horse cantering r. ; his arm liangs at his side; beneath, A Naked boy on horse standing r. ; himself -with r. ; beneath, P ; r., Y crowns in field TAPA$ (beneath) Taras astride on dolphin 1. ; r. hand ontstretched and pointing forward ; plain border. beneath, above dolphin's tail, TAPA$ (beneath) Taras astride on dolphin 1.; r. hand extended with open palm; farther leg outlined in front of dolphin's head. TAPA^ (beneath) Taras astride on dolphin 1. ; holds small fisb in extended r. hand ; beneath, A [Plate v. 11.] Circa 344—834 B.C. In 344 B.C. the Tarentines, hard pressed by the Messajnans and Lucanians, appealed to Sparta for aid. King Archidamos led an army to their assistance, hut -was defeated and slain in 338 B.C. Naked boy rider to r., crowning stationary horse, which raises oil fore-leg, and croAvned himself by flying Nike ; beneath horse, SIM T A PAS (in field r.) Taras, ]|aked, on dolphin 1., his farther leg drawn up and visible to knee ; his 1., which rests on the fish's back, grasps a trident ; with his r. he holds out a kantharos ; beneath, h H P find curling waves. inscr. not visible. [Evans, Pl. iv. 2.] Naked boy rider r., crowning his horse, wliicb stands still and raises its oif fore-leg ; beneath horse, K and club downwards. TAP A S (in field r.) Taras astride on dolphin 1. ; in r. hand, kantharos ; in 1., small round shield and trident; beneath, H and waves ; plain border. [Evans, Pl. iv. 1.] Naked warrior, helmeted, standing behind his horse r. ; holds spear and large round shield. TAPAS (in field r.) Taras seated side- ways on dolphin 1. ; holds trident in r., and in 1., small round shield; beneath, A and waves. [Evans, Pl. iv. 4.] 72 CALABRIA No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 G2 120-8 1211 119-8 122-5 120-8 120-4 119-1 121-6 90-7 M -9 M -8 M -9 ^•85 JR -85 /R-85 M -85 M-8 MS Naked boy on hoi'seback r. ; above, Nike flying- r. and crowning him ; liorse prancing and embraced by another naked boy ; beneath, I ; border of dots. TAPA5 (beneatli) Taras astride on dolphin L ; holding one handled vase in extended r. ; in front, K ; behind, cockle-shell ; plain border. [Plate v. 12.] Circa 334—330 B.C. This series is confcmporary with the ItuJian expedition of Alexander of Ejnrus, whose aid the Tarcntines had inroked, and who is perhaps dircctlij alluded to in the su)iihol of the eagle. TAP AS (in field r.) Taras, naked, as a plump child, a flower-like top-knot rising from his foi-ehead, astride on dolphin 1. ; he holds a distaff in I. hand. (inscr., off coin ;) in front, <|)| AIS ; behind, eagle 1.; beneath, waves. in front, eagle 1.; beneath, <1)| ; no waves. [Evans, Pl. vi. 4.] Circa 330—302 B.C. In 315 B.C. the Tarenfines and Spartans jointhj nndertoolc an abortive expedition against Agathocles of Syracuse. The Iter, tijpe of No. 18 has been interpreted as an cdlusion to this aUianrc. Naked horseman prancing r., thrusting downwai'ds with spear; ink, large round shield and two spears. beneath, SIM; border of dots, beneath, § | ; no border -visible. Similar type ; but horseman wears helmet ; beneath, AAI Similar type ; but horseman has no helmet ; beneath horse, $A TARAS (in field r.) Taras, naked, seated on dolphin 1. ; holds trident over r. shoulder ; in 1. hand, shield on which sea-horse 1.; in front, <|>| ; beneath, murex-shell. TAPAS (in field r.) Taras, naked, asti-ide on dolphin ].; in r. hand, kautharos ; in 1., trident; in field 1., n ; beneath, small dolphin 1. Similar type ; in field 1., horse, API without i [Evans, Pl. vi. 7.] ; beneath T A PAS (in field r.) Taras astride on dolphin 1. ; in r. hand, kantharos ; in I 1., oar ; in front, KA [Plate v. 13.] I inscr. , off coin ; no letters visible. TARENTUM 73 1 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse Naked boy on horseback r., crowning himself with r. hand ; horse raises near fore- leg; beneath, §A, and capital of Ionic column. TAPA$ (in field r.) Taras astride on dolphin I., his r. leg thrown forward; in r. hand, water-snake; in 1., curved rod ; beneath, KOM 63 123-1 ^•85 (M, off coin) 64> 119-9 ^■9 [Evans, Pl. vi. 11.] Circa 302—281 B.C. In 302 B.C., the arrival of the Spartan Kh-onijmos icith a formidable force overaiced the Lucanians into malcing terms with Tnrentnin. Then, hoirever, Bome, haring crushed the Samnites, stcudilij pushed farther south. The alarmed Tarentines summoned Pijrrhns of Epirus (c. 282 B.C.). Naked boy rider r., crowning his horse, which lifts off fore-leg ; in field to 1., SA TAPA$ (in field r.) Taras astride on dolphin 1., with extended r. hand. 65 120-1 ^■95 APE beneath horse, psr^sA in r., tripod ; beneath, EA$ 66 116-4 ^1-95 )) )> 5) 3i M [Evans, Pl. vii. 1.] 67 119-6 M-d beneath horse, apyo^ in r., bunch of grapes; beneath, ATA [Evans, Pl. vii. 3.] Naked helnieted horseman 1., carrying in 1. small round shield ; he is i-eceived by Nike, wearing diploidiou.wlio seizes fore- lock of horse; beneath, AYKI$KO[5] TAPA^ (in field 1.) Taras kneeling with r. knee on back of dolphin 1. ; r. arm outstretched ; in 1. hand, two javelins, and small round shield, on which E; iu front, lOP; beneath, waves. 6« 120-4 M -85 [Plate V. 14.] 69 110-3 yR-85 letters, off coin. much worn. 7(1 120-7 .R -85 Naked horseman cantering 1.; in 1. hand, small round shield and two javelins. beneath, EY ; in field 1., <|)|AnN TAPA§ (in field r.) Taras astride on dolphin 1. ; r. leg thrown forward ; inr., wreath-bearing Nike r. ; beneath, waves. 71* 97-8 M -8 beneath, <|>IAnN Similar type, without javelins ; beneath, <|)|AOKAH S; in field r., E [T]APA$ (in field r.) Taras astride on dolphin, in usual manner, 1. ; in r. hand, wreath ; beneath, AY 72 122-1 ^11 -85 * No. 71, tlioiigli i)ruiic'rly buloiigiiig- to the iio.s t period, coniieL-ts itself uaturally witli No. 70. L 74 CALABRIA No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 73 74 50- .Rpl.-65 M -65 75 76 99- 101-4 77 78 100-1 98-5 79 99-9 80 95-4 M -85 y5l-85 M -85 M -85 ■R -8 M -85 Head of Pallas r., wearing necklace and crested lielinet, on which Skylla, hurling rock. Similar. TAP Owl r., on olive branch ; in front, lOP (upwai-ds). T A P Owl r. ; in front, club downwards, and lOP [Plate v. 15.] Reduced Weight Circa 281—272 B.C. About the time of Pi/rrhus's arriiutl, the velght of Tureiitine ilidrachms fell more than 20 grains, the drachm harinij been reduced before the close of the j^ircvious period {No. 74). Pijrrhus withdrew from Italy in 274 B.C., and two years later Tarentuni surrendered to the Romans. Pallas Proinachos (No. 22), the eagle (Nos. 22 and 23), and the elephant (No. 79) are all emblems characteristic of the Epirote king. Naked horseman, helnieted, r., thrusting downwards with lance held in r. ; in 1., large round shield and two spears ; beneath, ^^J/ in field 1., FY EY Similar tvpe ; field l.,OE T APA5 (beneath) Taras astride on dolphin 1. ; in r., wreath-bearing JNike r. ; in 1., cornucopiae; in front, PO AY; behind, thunderbolt. [Evans, Pl. viii. 2. J beneath, AAE[i] ; in Similar type ; but to v., small Nike flies 1., crowning horseman; beneath, AYKHN Naked boy on horse walking 1., which is received and cx'owned by a standing male figure; in field r., FY; beneath, API STI r TAPAS (in field r.) Taras astride on dolphin 1. ; holding trident in 1., and wreath in extended r. ; behind, §1 ; beneath, star of eight rays. TAP* A [5] (beneath) Taras astride on dolphin 1. ; in extended r., kantharos ; in 1., trident; behind, P T APA$ (in field 1.) Taras astride on dolphin r. ; 1. leg thrown forward ; in r. hand, arrow ; in ]., bow ; beneath, elephant r. [Cf. Evans, Pi-. viii. 4.] TARENTUM No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Ekverse 81 82 83 100- 101-2 102-4 84 85 86 87 88 89 99-6 98-9 101- 90-6 100-4 101-1 90 91 100-8 100-2 92-* 100-1 M -85 M -9 M -85 M -85 M -85 M -8 M -85 M -85 M -85 M -85 /R -9 M -8 Naked boy-rider r., crowning stationary horse which lifts near fore-leg ; in field NEY 1-, 1X2; beneath, TAPA5 (beneath) Taras seated side- ways on dolphin 1. ; holding Phrygian helmet in extended r. ; on either side, a star. in field r., API§ roAY [Evans, Pl. viii. 6.] in field r., uncertain letters. Helmeted warrior on horse, cantering 1., wearing crested helmet, and holding two spears and a large round shield, on which is an eight-rayed star. hi in field r., IXl; beneath, [AjroAAIl [A]roAAn xn illegible letters. AH . AAfl AroAAH hi [AiroAAn TAPAS (beneath) Taras, of plump Dionysiac type, astride on dolphin 1. ; wears head- covering and anklets ; in extended r., bunch of grapes ; in 1., distaff. in field r. AN0 AN[0] AN0 A NO, and ear of coi'n. A NO, and owl on the wing 1. [Plate v. 16.] Naked boy-rider crowning himself on horse standing r., and lifting up near fore- leg ; in field 1., Ill; beneath, X AAO and caj^ital of Ionic column. Naked youth, with both legs extended together, seated sideways on horse cantering 1. ; in field to r., EY ; beneath, inpY TAPA$ (beneath) Taras, of same ty]3e as on preceding series, astride on dol- jjhin 1.; in r., ap lustre ; in h, distaff; in field r., ANO AN TAPA$ (beneath) Taras astride on dolphin 1., holding jjalm bound with lemniskos, and with r. extending kan- tharos ; in field r., a crested Corinthian helmet; in field 1., 01 [Plate v. 17.] * This coin does not form part of the original Hunter Cabinet. It was one of a small hoard discovered in 1885 in the island of Vulcano (see Nuni. Chron., 3rd Series, vol. xvj., pp. 18o— 19U;. Mr. Stevenson has kindly allowed it to be described and figured here. L 2 7(5 CALABRIA No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reversk 93 50-8 .R -7 Head of Pallas r., wearing ci-ested helmet, on which Skylla hurling rock. Owl r. on olive-branch, showing full face ; in field r., API ; iii field 1., NEYMHNIO5 94 4G7 M -7 95 46-3 M -65 letters in field r., off coin. • 96 50-1 yR -65 Similar type 1., hair long. Owl r., on thunderbolt, with wings open; beneath, A 10 ; in field r., §n§ % [Plate v. 18.] 97 48-5 M 65 98 50-3 M -65 Al sn 99 48-5 M -65 )) >i luo 507 M -65 Al n Circa 272—235 B.C. In spite (if its suryender, Turcntum upparentlij continued to strike silver as a ' civitas foederata.' 101 9G-3 M -8 Naked boy-rider, crowning horse, which stands 1., and lifts off fore-leg ; beneath horse, AP ISTI5, and anchor r. TAPA^ (beneath) Taras astride on dolphin 1., holding in 1. hand distaff. r. hand, off coin. [Evans, Pl. ix. 1.] Similar type, horse advancing ; behind rider, NIAICKOC TAPA$ (in field r.) Taras astride on dolphin 1., holding trident in 1., and kantharos in extended r. ; beneath, tripod. [Evans, Pl. ix. 8.] Horseman in close-fitting lorica and crested helmet, holding spear, with point down- wards, in r., and large round shield on 1. arm ; in front of horse, <|>| ; beneath, hHPAK AHTO§ and and TAPA$ (beneath) Taras astride on dolphin 1., holding flower in r. cornucopiae in 1.; in field r., p" thymiaterion. inscr., ofE coin. [Evans, Pl. ix. 9.] Similar type, but horse cantering; beneath, AroA[A] nN[io§] Naked boy-rider crowning horse walking r.; behind, small Nike flying r., crown- ing hoi'seman ; in front of horse, <|)| ; beneath APISTO TAPAS (in field r.) Taras astride on dolphin 1., wearing chlamys ; over r. shoulder, trident ; in front, Nike flying r., crowning Taras ;. beneath, waves. TAPA 5 (beneath) Taras astride on dolphin 1., holding trident in 1., and kantharos in extended r.; in field 1., n I ; in field r., term. [Evans, Pl. ix. 11.] Similar type ; in front of horse, EYN ; beneath, A AMOKP ITO$ TAPA§ (beneath) Taras astride on dolphin r., holding in 1. a trident, and in extended r. a cornucopiae ; in field 1., [£ [Evans, Pl. ix. 12,] 78 CALABRIA No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Eeverse 114 115 45-7 48-4 M -7 jR -65 116 46-6 M -7 11< 118 98-8 94-9 M -8 JR -8 119 96-3 M -85 120 96-5 JR -8 121 93-4 M -85 Head of Pallas r., wearing- necklace and crested helmet, on which Skylla hurling rock. Similar. Owl r., on olive-branch ; in field r., term ; in field 1., APl$TOKPATH$ in field r., kantharos ; |-HPAKAHTO$ in field 1., TAP (in field r.) Owl r., seated on capital of Ionic column ; in field r., AN; in field L, NIKoKPATHS Circa 235—228 B.C. Tho closing of the mint at Tarenfnm lyroluihlij took place when Borne began to issue a new iuieriiational curreucij, the Victoriatus {circa 228 B.C.). Naked youth at full gallop to r., holding lighted torch in r. behind him ; behind rider, \^ ; beneath horse, AA I M AXOC TA PA[C] (beneath) Taras astride on dolphin 1., holding trident in 1., and with r. extending kantharos ; in field tor., ^ [Evans, Pl. x. 1.] no letters or monogram visible. Boy rider, wearing short tunic, at full gallop r., his body thrown back and his 1. hand clutching mane of horse; beneath, . nPIYPinN, and bu- cranium, between horns of which, $12 [T]A PA5 Taras astride on dolphin ]., holding trident in 1., and sea-horse in extended r.; in field r., head of bearded Seilenos 1., and p" [Of. Evans, Pl. x. 2.] Naked boy-rider, holding palm bound with fillet, cantering r. ; behind horse- man, /S^ ; beneath horse, APICTIPP TA PAC Taras astride on dolphin 1., crowned with wreath ; his 1. hand rests on dolphin's back ; in extended r. he holds a kantharos ; in field to r., /y\ [Evans, Pl. x. 5.] Warrior bare-headed r., in full military costume, on horse cantering r. ; his face is turned towards the spectator ; his r. arm is extended behind him to receive wreath-bearing Nike ; behind horseman, "F~P ; beneath horse, K and uncertain letters. TAP Taras astride on dolphin 1., hold- ing trident in 1., and in extended r. wreath-bearing Nike r. ; in field r., |SE TARENTUM 79 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 58-9 100-1 108-1 114-3 105-G 118 8 110-5 Al -75 ^•75 M -8 /R -75 /R -8 M pi. -8 M -75 M -8 Circa 212—209 B.C. During HannihaV s occupation there teas a brief revival of monetary activity.'* Horseman in crested helmet and cuirass, carrying filleted palm-branch, advancing' r. ; beneath, ^HKAN NAS TAPA§ (beneath) Taras astride on dolphin 1., holding trident in 1., and kantharos in extended r. ; behind, eagle with open wings 1. [Plate v. 19.] 'Campano-Tarentine' Didrachms Campaniau (Phocaean) Standard Third Century B.c."j" These coins ivere intended to circulate outside of Turentine territory. Their types perhaps point to a monetary convention ivith Neapolis. Female head 1., wearing diadem, earring of three drops, and necklace ; locks escape, and cover central jjai't of diadem. XA (behind horseman) Naked horse- man, crowning his horse 1.; beneath horse, dolphin 1. [Plate v. 20.] Similar. no necklace ; earring of single di*op. Similar ; but diadem very broad ; ean-ing of single drop ; no necklace. Similar ; but diadem narrow and orna- mented with dots ; earring of three drops. TA Similar type r.; beneath, dolphin r. inscr., behind horaeman. inscr., between horse's fore-legs, inscr., beneath horse. XA (beneath hoi-se) Same type and symbol; in front, <|)| XA (beneath horse's fore-legs) Same type and symbol ; behind horse, crescent with horns upwards. * Accoi-fling to Evans (op. cit. pp. 196 ff.), the coins then issued were struck on the standard of the Roman Victoriatus (52-6 grains). The weight of the present specimen makes it difficult to accept that view. Compare also the corresponding piece of Metapontum (No. 55). t Evans (op. cit. pp. 170 If.) adduces strong reasons for believing that the bulk of these coins are subsequent to 272 B.C. 80 CALABRIA No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Keveese 130 lU-l M -85 Similar. XA (between horse's fore-legs) Similar; but in place of crescent, cornucojjiae. 131 112-1 M -8 Similar ; with necklace. XA (between horse's fore-legs) Same type ; beneath horse, lion r. ; behind horseman, dolphin r. 132 111-8 y5l-8 Similar. XAP (behind horseman) Same type; beneath, tripod and dolphin r. 133 112-9 M -75 Similar ; diadem plain ; no necklace. Similar ; but in place of tripod, top of Ionic column. 134 101-4 ^•8 Similar; but head considerably smaller; earring doubtful. XA (behind horseman) Same type ; in front, dolphin downwards ; beneath horse, rhyton ending in head and fore- legs of animal r. [Plate' v. 21.] Smaller Denominations of Silver Fourth and Tliird Centuries B.C. Diobols These diohols, which should he compared irlth those of Heraclen, hegau to he issued circa 400 B.C. For the head of Pallas, see under Thurium ; and loith the Heraldes tijpes compare Hekaclea, Nos. 5 ff., and Croton, No. 30. 135 13-7 ^-4 Head of Pallas 1., wearing crested Athenian helmet, on which Skylla. XA Infant Herakles, naked, kneeling r. on 1. knee, strangling serpent with each hand ; in field 1., AyA ; in ex., thunder- bolt. 136 15-3 ^-5 Head of Pallas r., wearing Corinthian helmet, crested and ornamented with snake. [Plate Herakles facing, seizing galloping horse which passes behind him r. ; he holds club in raised r. ; in field 1., ^ ; in field r., A|A VI. 1.] TARENTUM 81 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 137 11-7 M -5 Bust of Pallas, full-face, towards 1., wear- ing Corinthian helmet with three crests ; dress fastened round neck with clasp. TAPANTINflN (in field r.) Herakles, naked, standing r. and sti-angling lion ; behind him, club downwards ; between his legs, pelta. 138 13-1 yR-5 Head of Pallas 1., in crested Corinthian helmet. T (in field 1.) Herakles standing r., graj^pliiig with lion ; his r. hand grasps clab raised to strike. 139 15-5 yR-45 Similar ; but helmet ornamented with griffin. TAP (in field r.) Similar type; behind Herakles, bow and quiver ; between his legs, amphora. 140 13-5 ^•45 Head of Pallas r., wearing crested Athenian helmet, beneath which hair hangs down. .APA.[TINnN] Herakles, naked, r., strangling lion ; behind him, club downwards. [Plate vi. 2.] 141 17- M -5 Similar head r. ; but helmet ornamented with sea-horse. Similar. TAP[ Herakles, naked, standing r., with 1. knee raised, strangling lion; behind him, club. Herakles, naked, r., strangling lion ; behind him, club ; between his legs, A 142* 15- ^■45 Similar. traces of inscr. Herakles kneeling r., and bending forward over lion, which he is strangling. 143 14-7 ^■45 Similar; but Pallas wears necklace and earring. traces of inscr. TAPAN TINnN Herakles, naked, standing r., strangling lion. 144 16-4 M -5 behind him, bow and club; between his legs, K [Plate vi. 3.] 145 17-2 /R-45 behind, club ; between legs, K ; inscr. , off coin. 146 18-2 M-55 * Some of the following diobols may belong No. G of Heraclea. „ X or K ? ; to Heraclea. Cf., for instance, No. 149 with 82 CALABRIA No. i Weight 147 14- 148 17-5 149 lG-3 150 15-4 151 19- 152 16-8 153 20-1 154 18- 155 16-4 15G 16-5 Metal Size Obverse ^1-5 M -ii JR -5 M -45 JR -45 M -45 JR -45 M -5 ^•5 Al •; Reverse Similar. Similai'. Similar ; but on helmet, Skylla, hurling rock. Similar. Similar ; but in front, § Traces of inscr. Herakles, naked, kneel- ing r., strangling lion ; behind him, club ; above lion, owl. [T] ARAN? Similar type ; but Herakles kneels on r. knee only, and grasps club in r. Hei'akles, naked, standing towards r. and strangling lion ; behind him, club and cockle-shell ; between his legs, K Herakles, naked, standing facing, turned towai'ds r., grappling with lion ; behind him, thunderbolt; between his legs, <(>| Herakles, naked, kneeling r., and sti'an- gling lion, above which bow ? and § ? [Plate vi. 4.] Similar; no necklace visible; no letter. Similar. Similar type 1. ; Skylla has hand raised to her head. Similar ; but behind neck, X Similar ; on helmet, sea-horse with curled wing ; no eariing visible ; no letter behind. Herakles, naked, kneeling r. on r. knee, grappling with lion; club in r. hand, di-awn back. Herakles, naked, kneeling r. on r. knee, strangling lion ; behind him, club ; above lion, A TAPA NTINIIN Herakles, naked, standing r., strangling lion; between his legs, § or X ? TAPA . T . . UN Similar type ; behind Herakles, club; between his legs, X TAPANTINIIN Herakles kneeling r. on r. knee, grappling with lion. TARENTUM 83 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 16-i 105 166 167 16.S 18-2 18-3 18-2 8-3 7-7 7-9 87 11-8 10- 9-4 11-5 8- JR -5 ^■5 M -5 M -35 M -45 yR -35 yR-45 M -45 M -4 /R -4 JR -45 M -45 Head of Pallas 1., wearing crested Athenian helmet, bound with olive- wreath. Herakles, naked, kneeling r. on r. knee, strangling lion ; above lion, ^- [Plate VI. 5.] Similar; but helmet winged, and decorated with floral scroll. Head of Herakles, three-quarter face, towards 1., wearing lion's skin; to 1., club upwards. T Herakles, naked, facing, kneeling on r. knee, grappling with lion ; club upright in r. ; beneath club, E Herakles, naked, standing r., strangling lion ; behind hiin, club, above which, H ; between his legs, <|) ; above lion, ^ [Plate vi. 6.] O b 1 s Kantharos, surrounded by dots. five dots ; in field 1., > ; plain border. three dots visible ; no border. one dot visible. three dots visible. Kantharos, suiroundcd by dots. four dots visible. four dots vnsible. one dot visible; in field 1., torch. one dot visible ; in field r., object re- sembling fi-og viewed from above, oi' human figure, facing, seated on its haunches, raising both hands. Litrae and Hemilitra Cockle-shell. Similar, (plain border.) Dolphin r. above, cornucopiae ; beneath, pilos. nothing above ; beneath, bunch of grapes between A and P Dolphin 1. beneath, tripod, beneath, amphora. 84 CALABRIA No, 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 Weight 4-7 5-6 4-5 3-8 11-8 6-3 5-5 6-4 3- 1-9 Metal Size Obveese Reveese 122- 31- 26-5 M -3 M -3 M -35 M -35 M -45 M -4 JR -3 ^•35 M -25 M -3 JE -86 M -65 JE -55 Similar, (plain boi'der.) Dolphin r. beneath, <|>| beneath, sea-horse r. beneath, hare mnning r. [Plate vi. 7.] Uncertain Denominations Female head r., hair rolled ; plain border. Horse's head 1, Horse's head r., bridled. Dolphin 1. ; beneath, pistrix 1., and waves. [Plate vi. 8.] Horse's head 1. Horse's head r., bridled, in front, traces of letters ? „ l Two crescents, back to back. above and beneath, a dot ; plain border. around, three stars ; place of fourth, off coin. around, four dots. Two crescents, back to back, above and beneath, a dot. around, two dots and a star ; place of second star, oif coin. around, four dots. (f.) Bronze TJiird Century B.C. Head of Zeus r., laureated. Cockle-shell. [TJAPANTINflN Nike standing r., wearaig long chiton, holding in 1., by the middle, a thunderbolt, the upper end of which she touches with her r. hand. TAPAN (in field r.) Taras astride on dolphin 1. ; in r. hand, kantharos ; in 1., comucopiae. LUCANIA 85 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse .LuCANIA LUCANI Bronze Latter part of Third Century B.C. 1 124- JE -9 Head of Zeus r., laur.; behind, spear- head ; border of dots. AYK[I] ANUN Eagle 1., with head turned back, and wings open ; in field 1., woK's head r., upwards; border of dots. HERACLEA Heraclea, which icas intended to he a hnlwarh against the Lncanians, was founded circa 432 B.C. hij Tarentum and Thurium, Dorian and Ionian unitinrj against the common foe. Its coinage should be compared icith that of these two cities. Silver Circa 432—380 B.C. Diobols 1 15-G M -55 Head of bearded Heraklea r., in lion's skin ; border of dots. Head of young Herakles r., in liou'is skin. H E Lion running r. ; line of ex., dotted. H E Lion running r. ; line of ex., plain. 2 18-5 M -45 3 15-6 M -5 type 1. type 1. 4* 18-2 M -5 Head of Pallas r., wearing crested Athenian helmet, on which sea-horse. * No. 4 belongs by type rather to the auecccc inscription. HE Herakles, naked, kneeling r. and strangling lion. ling period. It is placed here on account of its 86 LUCANIA No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse Circa 380—281 B.C. D idrachms Full Tarentine Weight* Tlic appeavancc of the Corinthian helmet before the close of this period is perhaps due to the success of Timoleon. See under Syracuse (345 — 317 B.C.). Head of Pallas r., wearing crested Atlieiiian helmet. Herakles, naked, towards r., strangling lion with both hands. 5 M pi. -8 much worn. traces of inscr. 6 119-5 M -95 Similar type, with earring and necklace ; on helmet, Skylla holding rudder over 1. shoulder. J-HPAKAHinN (in field 1.) Similar type; behind, club with cord attached, and pecten-shell. 7 118-6 ^•85 Similar type ; but Skylla hurls rock ; border of dots. [I-HPAKA] HinN Similartype; behind Herakles, club ; between his legs, one-handled vase 1. [Plate vi. 9.] 8 121-3 M -9 Head of Pallas, three-quarter face towards r., wearing triple-crested helmet and necklace. |-HPAKA[H] IflN Herakles, naked, standing facing, strangling lion with 1. r. hand, off coin. 9 119-9 M -8 Head of Pallas r., wearing earring, neck- lace, and crested Athenian helmet, on which, Skylla hui-ling rock ; flap of helmet ornamented ; in front, K '^ [Plate hHPAKAHin N Head of Pallas r., wearing necklace, eai-ring, and crested Corinthian helmet, on M'hich Skylla hurling rock ; behind head, letter. Herakles, naked, standing facing, his r. resting on club, while he holds bow in 1. ; over 1. arm, lion's skin ; in field 1., Nike crowning Herakles, and AA ; in field r., $ VI. 10.] Herakles, as above ; over r. shoulder, strap supporting quiver (or lion's skin ?) ; in field 1., API$ ; above r. hand, owl r. 10 116-3 M -85 behind head, E 11 120-5 JR -9 letter behind, doubtful ; border of dots. * See two arrows visible in 1. p. G4. HERACLEA No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Eeveese 12 116-1 JR. -9 13 99-5 ^•85 14 1004 M -8 15 99-5 M -8 IG 102'1 ^•85 89-5 M -8 hHPAKAHinN Similar type; behind head, K ; border of dots. hHPAKAHinN (in field r.)_ Similar ' type ; one arrow visible in 1. ; in field 1., AG) A, and one-handled vase 1. Circa 281—268 B.C. Didrachms Eeduced Weight The fall in weight at Heraclea was doubtless closely connected urith that at Tarenium, althovgh the two events may nokhave been contemporaneous. Head of Pallas r., wearing crested Corinthian helmet, plain ; above, AAE; behind, EY ; beneath, I [|-HP]AKAEinN Head of Pallas 1., wearing crested Corinthian helmet, on which sea-horse. [l-H]PAKAEinN behind, HH Similar type r. Similar tyjDe, with earring and necklace ; but on helmet, Skylla hurling rock ; behind, HA ; on flap of helmet, I |-HPAKA[HinN]infieldr. Herakles, naked, standing facing, holding club downwai'ds in r. ; in 1., strung bow; over 1. arm, lion's skin; in field 1., owl flying r. Herakles, naked, standing r., his r. rest- ing on club r., his 1. holding lion's skin ; in field 1., []IAO; in field r., traces of Nike flying 1. Herakles, naked, wreathed, standing 1. over altar ; he holds one-handled vase in extended r., and club in 1.; over 1. arm, lion's skin; in field r., thunderbolt. hHPAKAHl (m field 1.) Herakles, naked, facing, head r., crowning himself with r. ; in 1., club resting on ground ; over 1. arm, lion's skin, which falls over 1. shoulder, one end hanging behind, the whole suspended by strap passing over r. shoulder ; in field 1., aplustre ; r., iAn [Plate vi. 11,] Beonze Circa ,330—200 B.C. Head of Persephone 1., bound with wi'eath of corn ; border of dots. [HHPAKAE I leaves. Ear of barley, with LUCANIA No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 18 19 20 21 101-5 117- 61- 30- 124-4 99- M JE -7 ■M -55 M -8 M -8 25- 39-5 M -6 JE -G H PAKAEinN (in ex.) Two figures of Herakles 1., each holding patera in r. , and vyith 1., club over shoulder, and lion's skin. Pallas sacrificing 1. at flaming altar ; she w^ears long chiton with diploidion, and helmet ; holds patera in r., and leans on spear with 1. ; behind, shield, and torch with cross-pieces. I-HPA KAE IflN Herakles, naked, standing r., holding patera in r., and with 1., club over shoulder, and lion's skin. Head of Pallas r., wearing crested helmet. behind, bow-case, no symbol visible. LAUS Lmts icas an ancient colony of Sybaris. Its earliest coins [circa 550 — 500 B.C.) show that it loas a ntenihcr of the Achaean Monetary Confederation, for which see Metapontum. Silver Achaean Standard Stater Circa 500—450 B.C. In 510 B.C. Laiis received an accession of strength in the shape of a number of refugees from the destruction of Sybnrit. ^ AA Man-headed bull 1., looking back ; in ex., acorn r. ; line of ex., dotted ; border of dots. ^ AA Man -headed bull r., with uncertain object on its back ; plain border. [Plate vi. 12.] Bronze Circa 400—350? B.C. Female head r. ; border of dots, much worn. Head of goddess, facing, wearing earrings and hair in knot at top ; border of dots. traces of letters ? AAINHN Crowr. Two crows pas-sing one another in opposite directions ; in field 1., OY ; in field r., YS (beneath the crows are traces of what may- have been a cicada 1. ; but the marks are perhaps due to a flaw in the die.) [Plate vi. 13.] LAUS— METAPONTUM 89 No. Weight Metal Size 119-9 123-5 123-9 112-4 lir,-6 171 191 M 1-15 M 1-1 /R 11 /R -S M -8 39-4 M -7 M -5 M -5 Obverse Reverse METAPONTUM Silver Circa 550—480 B.C. Metapontvm was a colony of Sybaris. In the sixtli century B.C. it united with other Achaean cities (Latts, Sybaris, Caulonia, Croton, etc.) in strila'ng coins of a 'peculiar fabric, on a standard of 126 grains, the stater being subdivided, as at Corinth, by three and by six* Staters A\ ET (in field 1.) Ear of barley ; plain border ; outside of which, border of large dots. Similar type; border of dots on raised band, edges of which defined by lines. '^ETfCI (in field r.) A^ETp\ (infield r.) Similar. A\ET (in field r.) Same type as obv., incuse ; border of incuse oblongs. Similar type, incuse ; incuse border of radiating lines. (Nos. 1 — 3 are of thin, spread fabric.) Similar. AT3 M (in field r.) ; in field 1., uncertain symbol. (No. 4 is a restruck coin.) [Plate vi. 14.] A^ETA (in field 1.); border doubtful; much woi-n. Third /V\ ETA (in field r.) Similar type ; border of dots on raised band. Similar. Sixths MET Similar type ; border of dots, inscr., in field r. Bucranium, incuse. border doubtful. [Plate vi. 15.] inscr., in field 1. type varied ; incuse border of radiating lines. * Tarentum conformed to this coinage as regards fabric and also as regards the weight of the stater ; Poseidonia, Rhegium, and Messana (Zancle) conformed as regards fabric only. N 90 LUCANIA No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 119-7 112-3 117-3 118-9 119-7 118-7 120- yR -8 M -8 M -85 yR -85 M -85 /R -95 ^•85 112- M pi. -9 M -85 Circa 400—350 B.C. The ahnndance of the coinage, as well as the peaceful character of the types, indicates that this icas for Metapontum an era of prosperous development. Staters Female head 1., wearing spliendone, ear- ring, and necklace ; behind, ear of barley ; plain border. Similar head ; plain border. META (in field 1.; letters formed of dots.) Ear of barley, with leaf r. META (in field r.) Ear of barley; in field 1., nim-ex-shell. [B.M.G., p. 24G (71).] Similar head r. ; same border. Female head 1., hair rolled behind, wear- ing earring and necklace; border of dots. A\E (upwards, in field r.) TA (down- wards, in field 1.) Ear of barley ; plain border. /V\E'y[A] (on raised label, in field 1.) Ear of barley, with leaf r. ; in field r., I-HP [Plate vi. 16.] same die. Female head r., wearing earring ; haii- waved and bojind with double fillet, crossed. Similar head, without eai-ring. Female head r., wearing necklace; hair Ijound with double fillet, crossed, scarcely separated behind; beneath neck, wavy double line. inscr., off coin. A\ETA (in field r.) Ear of barley; plain border. /^ET[A] (in field r.) Ear of barley, with leaf 1. SET (in field 1.) Ear of bariey, with leaf r. [Plate vi. 17.] Female head r., wearing necklace and eari-ing ; hair wavy. [AA]ET (in field 1.) Similar type. t METAPONTUM 91 Ko. Weight Metal Size Obveesk Reverse 18 118- M -85 Female head 1., wearing necklace ; liair bound witb. wreath of coi-n, from which hang down in front, an ear of barley, and behind, a leaf. A* ETA (in field 1.) Ear of barley ; in field r., insect resembling mantis. [Plate vi. 18.] Head of Zeus r., laur. ; in front, EAEY OEPI[0$]; behind, A; border of dots ? AAET[A] (in field r.) Ear of barley, with leaf 1. ; above leaf, oinochoii r. ; beneath, A I'J 119-9 M -85 Head of Apollo r., laur., hair very curly ; traces of letters on edge of neck. META (in field 1.) Ear of barley, with leaf r. 20 122- Al -75 Sixth 21 121 M -45 Young male head 1., with ram's horn. M ETA (in field 1.) Ear of barley, with leaf r. Circa 350—330 B.C. In this period, or possiblij earlier {see No. 27), Metapontum abandoned the Corinthian system of dividing the stater by three and by six. Staters 22 126- iH -9 Bearded head of mythical founder Leuk- ippos r., wearing crested Corinthian helmet, bound with Avreath ; behind, Al AAETA (in field 1.) Ear of barley, with leaf r. ; above leaf, triquetra of legs ; beneath, <|>| [Plate vi. 19.] Similar head ; helmet without crest or wreath ; behmd, lion's head r. Al ETA (in field r.) Ear of barley, with * leaf 1. ; above leaf, club downwards ; beneath, AMI 23 121-8 ^ -75 24 120-2 M -8 Similar head ; behind, dog seated 1., with fore-jjaw raised ; beneath, § part of symbol and of legend, off coin. META (in field 1.) Ear of barley, with leaf r. ; above leaf, dove with wings openr.; beneath, AM[I] 25 122-5 ^ -85 in front, [AEYKI]rrOS (symbol, almost off coin.) 2r> 119-9 yR -8 in front, traces of legend. r\ N 2 92 LUCANIA No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse Half-Stater 27 52-5 M -7 A\ETA (in field r.) Ear of barley; cable border. Apollo, facing, head turned to r. ; hair tied in knot behind, r. hand resting on hip, left holding strung bow ; all within laurel- wreath. [Plate vi. 20.] Circa 330—300 b.c. Unlike Tarcnfum, Heraclea, and Thurium, Metapontum struck no silver of 'reduced^ loeigld. It must, therefore, have ceased to coin silver before the fall took place. Probably the Lucanians had captured it. Staters 28 120-4 JR -8 Head of Demeter (or Persephone?) r., wearing earring, necklace, and wreath of barley with ears ; haii' hanging down, and visible in front of neck ; border of dots. META (in field 1.) Ear of barley, with leaf r. above leaf, star of sixteen rays. 29 119G M -8 above leaf, Nike 1., holding with both hands the ends of an untied wreath ; in field 1., close to stalk, AY 30 118-9 M -9 above leaf, plough r.; beneath, AAA[N] 31 121-6 M -85 in front, AAI Similar; but type 1. ., M[AN] Similar ; but inscr. r., leaf 1. 32 119-7 M -8 * no symbol or legend visible. 33 119- M -8 above leaf, tongs ; beneath, AOA 34 .41 pi. -85 as preceding, but A\ inverted. 35 121-7 M -85 above leaf, Artemis running r., holding torch with both hands. 36 119-8 M -8 above leaf, griffin running r.; beneath, AY [Plate vi. 21.] 37 121-5 M -8 (border not visible.) above leaf, agricultural fork; beneath, A A 38 118-4 ^ -85 behind head, K above leaf, crab ; beneath, APXIP 39 118-2 ^ -8 in front, traces of letters. [Plate above leaf, flaming altar ; on r. of stalk, YAi- VI. 22.] METAPONTUM 93 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse Similar type r., but hair does 'not appear in front of neck ; behind, A I META (in field r.) Ear of barley, with leaf 1. 40 118-7 Ai -85 (no ean-ing visible.) above leaf, amphora ; beneath, uncertain letters. 41 121-3 M -85 no letters behind. [Plate above leaf, satyi' r., playing syrinx, VI. 23.] 42 116-3 M -9 Similar head ; behind, A Similar; but inscr. 1., leaf r. ; above leaf, two amphorae ; beneath, [Plate Six OOYPIflN Bull, with 1. fore-foot i-aised and tail erect, butting 1. ; beneath bull, bird with open wings 1.; in ex., fish r. ; line of ex. , double. m. 15.] ths 13 17-G M -45 Head of Pallas r., in crested Athenian helmet bound with olive-wreath. OOYPinN Bull, with head lowered, walking r. ; in ex., fish r. 14 16-7 M -45 Similar. in front of foi-eliead, A GOYPI[nN] Similar type 1.; same symbol 1. 15 17-G Al -5 9) -• 11 16 17-3 Al -45 .. B? 17 16-6 Al -5 Similar ; letter uncertain. Cirra 400 Dist The inojorifij of flic following spccimena Frohabhj only No. 18 is OOYPIIl[N] Smiilar; but tyjie and symbol r. —281 B.C. aters belong to the latter half of the period, uirlier than circa 350 B.C. 18 241-5 M 1- Head of Pallas r., wearing necklace and crested Atlienian helmet, on the side of which is a Skylla with 1. hand raised to her head, and on the flap a grifSn. [0]OYPin[N] Bull, with r. fore-foot raised and tail erect, butting r. ; in ex., tunny-fish r. 19 239-1 M 1- Similar tyjie ; ends of hair gathered in bunch ; behind neck, owl ; Skylla holds trident in i'. ; on flap of helmet, EYO [Plate Similar type, wilh earring; ends of hair, off coin ; l)ehind head, dolphin v. ; Skylla hurls stone with r. ; flaj) of helmet, ])lain. OOYPIHN Similar type; above, tClV , beneath, P{ and bird with open wings r. ; in ex., two tunny-fishes r. VII. 16.] OOYPin[N] Similar type ; above bull, $IAA ; in ex., tunny-fish i-. •20 239- .11 1- no necklace visible. 106 LUCANIA No. 21 •22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Weight Metal Size Obverse 241- 228- 245- 242-9 238-6 244-1 238-9 241-8 M 1- M 1-1 ^R 1-15 M 1-2 .R 1-05 .R 11 M 1- .R 1- Jlpl. -8 Similar ; ends of liair loose ; nothing beliind head. Similar ; ends of hair falling in cnrls. no necklace. Similar ; vpithout eaii-ing or necklace ; ends of hair gathei-ed in bunch ; Skylla holds trident in r. Similai" tj-pe, with necklace and eari-ing ; ends of hair loose ; Skylla hurls stone ■with r. Similar type, without necklace or ear- ring ; ends of hair gathered in bunch. Similar type with necklace ; behind neck, 5 1 ; in front,, aci-ostolion ? Head of Pallas r., wearing necklace, ear- i-ing, and ci-ested Athenian helmet, on the side of which running griffin ; ends of hair loose. Rever.se Similar ; but above bull, $| ; in ex., two dolphins meeting ; between them, txnpod. Similar ; but above bull, EYA ; in ex., two tunny-fishes r. Similar; but in ex., thyrsos r. ; line of ex., dotted. OOYPinN Similar type; in ex., [E]Y P, and owl flying 1., holding wreath; line of ex., j)lain. (E obliterated thi-ough fault in die) OOYPIIIN Similar type ; in ex., lion's head r., between H and PA instead of lion's head, cornucopiae. OOYPin[N] Similar type; above bull, N I ; in ex., coiled sei-jjcnt, advancing r. . YPIflN Similar type ; in ex., laurel- bi-anch r., between H P and AK [Plate vii. 17.] Staters Nos. 29 — 44 vrre pvohahh/ hsticd he/ore circa 350 B.C. ; tlie rest of flic series is later in style. The work of Molot^sos [Nos. 43, 44) comes ahont the heijiuuing of this period* Similar tyjie 1., with earring (and neck- lace '?) ; on helmet, Skj'lla holding trident in 1. ; behind head, T . YPin[N] (in ex.) Bull, with r. fore-foot i-aised and tail ei-ect, butting r. ; above, Nike flying r., crowning bull. [Plate vu. 18.] * See A. J. Evans in Num. Chron., 3rd Scries, vol. xvi. pp. 138 &., for an interesting- discussion of the development of the type of the butting bull. Dr. Evans's argument as to the date of the artist V is however, inconsistent with No. 12 mqira. THURIUM 107 No. Weight 30 108-7 31 1191 32 117-9 33 34 120-6 35 120- 36 118- 37 123-5 38 121-4 39 • 122-4 40 1161 41 116-7 Metal Size Obverse Reverse /R -8^ M -85 M -85 /Rpl.-75 JR -75 M -8 M -8 Ai -8 ^•R -8 M -8 /R -85 M -9 Similar type, without eai-ring or necklace ; Skylla holds her r. hand to her head. Similar tyj>e r. ; Skylla holds oar in 1. Similar type ; ends of hair in bunch ; Skylla holds ti-ident in r. necklace, doubtful ; on flap of helmet, traces of letters ? necklace, doubtful ; ends of haii", off coin. Similar type, without necklace ; ends of hair loose ; Skylla holds her 1. hand to her head. Similar ; ends of hair jjathered in bunch. OOYPinN (above) Similar type, without Nike J in ex., tunny-fish r. Similar. Similar ; line of ex., dotted. beneath bull, A above bull, <|> above bull, spray of olive ; ex., l:)lank Similar ; but beneath bull, olive-leaf 1. ; in ■ex., tunny-fish r. OOYPIflN Similar type; beneath bull, ivy-leaf 1.; line of ex., plain. ex., off coin. [Plate vii. 19.] Similar type, with necklace ; ends of hair loose ; Skylla hurls stone "with r. Similar; Skylla holds oar over r. shoulder. Similar type ; ends of hair gathered in bunch ; Skylla holds trident in r. Similar ; on flap of helmet, K [0]OYPin[N] Similar type ; same symbol r. ; in ex., tunny-fish r. ; ex. marked off by plain line above dotted one. OOYPinN Similar; but line of ex. plain, resting- on waves. ex., off coin. 0OYPI[flN] Similar tji^e ;_ above bull, I ; ex. mai-ked off by plain line above dotted one. QOYPIflN Similar type; in ex., tunny-fish r. ; line of ex., plain. V 2 108 LUCANIA No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Eeverse 42 118-7 JR -85 Similai" type, without necklace ; ends of hail' loose ; Skylla holds rudder over 1. shoulder ; behind head, "E [Plate Similar ; but bull stands on waves ; bordei- of dots. VII. 20.] 43 119-3 M -8 Similar type (wnth necklace ?) ; Skylla holds her 1. hand to her head ; border dots. Similar type; Skylla holds rudder over 1. shoulder. GOYPIflN Similar type; bull stands on bar, on which, MOAO$$0$ ; in ex., tunny-fish r. ; border of dots. OOYPinN Similar type; bull stands on bar, on which miniite letters (MOAO^SO^ ?) ; border of dots. 44 120-7 M 85 Similar type, with necklace ; ends of hiiii- gathered in bunch ; Skylla hurls stone. in ex., traces of symbol. OOYPIIIN Similar type; above bull, ^£1 ; in ex., dolphin r. 45 122-5 M -75 bull stands on waves ; beneath it, I (or §?) and E 46 123-9 JR -75 Similar ; on flap of helmet, $fl • bull stands on dotted line of ex. ; no letters beneath ; inscr., off coin. OOYPIIIN Similar type; in ex., tunny-fish r. 47 120-5 ^ M -85 above bull, Sfi ; line of ex., double (dotted on plain). 48 124-7 M -8 hair loose ; Skylla holds trident in r. UN, off coin; beneath bull, S fl ; line of ex., single. 49 119-5 M -8 Similar ; ends of hair in bunch ; Skylla hurls stone with r. OOYPIflN Similar type ; above bull, §nr ; beneath, bird with wings open r. ; ex., ofl: coin. 60 120-8 yR -85 Similar. Inscr., off coin. Similar type; above bull, ySJ ; underneath, EY0Y ; in ex., tunny-fish r. 51 120-7 M -9 Similar type ; ends of hair loose ; Skylla holds trident in r. no letters visible on helmet. [Plate [0]OYPin[N] Similar type; above bull, §11 r ; in ex., sea-horse with curled wing r. ; hne of ex. , dotted VII. 21.] THURIUM 109 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Eeverse 52 117-3 M -8 Similar. [0]OYPin[N] Similar type ; under- neath, $ n r ; in ex., tunny-fish r. 53 1211 M -75 Similar type, -witliout necklace ; ends of hail- gathered in bunch. Head of Pallas r., -wearing necklace, ear- ring, and crested Athenian helmet, on which running grifEn. [0]OYPin[N] Smiilar type; above, EYA ; in ex., tunny-fish r. ; line of ex., double (plain above dotted). OOYPIflN Similar type; above, EYA ; in ex., thyrsos r. 54 121'8 M -85 [Plate beneath, A A ; line of ex., broken. VII. 22.] 55 121-4 M -85 Head of Pallas r., wearing crested Athe- nian helmet, on which Skylla, holding trident ; ends of haii" gathered in bunch. A A ; line of ex., continuous. GOYPIflN Similar type; in ex., tunny-fish r. 56 120- M -8 beneath bull, H* ; line of ex., dotted. 57 120- M -85 above bull, |-p ; line of ex., plain. 58 121-8 M -85 )> )) 1» 19 59 115'8 JR -8 Similar type, with necklace ; Skylla hurls stone with r. OOYPIflN Similar type; same symbol ; but above bull, H PA GO 119-6 M -85 Similar ; but Skylla holds trident in r. [Plate Similar type, -with earring (and necklace ?) ; Skylla hurls stone with r. Similar; but above bull. A; in ex., dolphin r. VII. 23.] Similar; but above bull, ©E; in ex., tunny-fish r. 61 115- M -8 ends of hair, off coin. Similar type ; ends of hair loose ; border of dots. OOYPIflN Similar type; above bull. OE G2 120-2 M -85 in ex., star of eight rays. 63 120-8 M -8 „ star of sixteen rays. 64 121-2 M -8 ,, laurel-branch r. 110 LUCANTA No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Keverse • Similar ; necklace quite ^■i.sible. OOYP[inN] Similar type; above bull, §aM ; in ex., AA\ and lion 66 118-5 M -8 running r. Similar type, Avitliout necklace oi' earring ; ends of hair in bunch ; on flajj of helmet, | P ; border of dots. 0OYPI[nN] Similar type; above bull, torch r. ; in ex., tiinny-tish r. G6 122-2 .'R -85 [Plate yiii. 1.] Similar type ; ends of hair loose ; on flap of helmet, §| OOYPin[N] Similar type; in ex., torch r. 67 125-9 M -85 Similar type, of later style ; hair falls in curls ; no letters. OOYPin[N] Similar. 68 123-1 JR -9 Similar type, head considerably smaller, with necklace ; ends of hair loose ; Skylla holds trident in r. ; behind head, KAA 0OY[PinN] Similar type; above, §1 ; underneath, KAA; in ex., wreath- bearing Nike, flying r. 69 120-6 /R -85 Similar ; but Pallas wears earring, while Skylla hurls stone with r. 0OYPin[N] Similar type; above, §IA\ "? ; same symbol. 70 122-5 M -85 only traces of letters visible. Similar; behind head, A A (? or AM ?) OOYPin[N] Similar type ; in ex., caduceus r. ; line of ex., dotted. 71 120-2 .R 105 Head of Pallas r., in crested Athenian helmet, on which running griffin ; ends of hau- loose. OOYPin[N] Similar type; above bull, N 1 ; ill ex. , coiled sei-jjent with crest r. 72 121-9 M -8 Sixths Nos. 73 — 75 were prohahly issued before circa 350 B.C. ; tlie others later. 73 20- JR -8 Head of Pallas r., weaiing crested Athenian helmet adoi-ned with water- snake. [Plate OOYPIIIN Bull, Avitli r. fore-foot raised and tail erect, butting r. ; in ex., tunny-fish r. VIII. 2.] THURIUM 111 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 74 io 77 78 79 80 81 82 sa 16- 16-3 173 15-1 U-2 16-5 17-7 16- lUU-5 101- /R -5 .R -45 .R -45 /R -45 .R -5 .R -4 JE -45 .R -8: .11 -8 Similar type ; but on helmet, Skylla. Similar. Sky 11a holds 1. liancl to lier head. Skylla holds 1. hand extended. Similar type ; Skylla holds trident in r. ^ Similar ; but line of ex., double. Similar type (with necklace ?) ; Skylla hurls stone with r. ends of hau', off coin. ends of hair o-athered in bunch. Similar type ; ornament on helmet oblite- rated ; ends of hair loose. Similar head, wearing crested and winged helmet ; ends of hair loose. OoYPinN Similar type. above, AA '.^ ; in ex., traces of symbol (two dol^^hins meeting ?) above, ^£1'-', ex., off coin. I user, illegible. Similar type; in ex., thyrsos r. OOYPinN (in ex.) Similar type; above, Nike flying r., crowning bull. inscr., off coin, behind Nike, H [Plate viii. 3.] Circa 281—268 E.c, or liter. The ivelijht <>/ the stater f(dh about the Ijeginning of the third eeatiiri/ 3.O., Just as at Tarentuiii and Heraclea. Head of Apollo r. beneath, E.Y Staters laur., hair long; OOYPIIIN (in ex.) Bull, with 1. fore- foot raised nnd tail erect, showing full face ; above, IHI type r. [Plate viir. 4.] I *.yi"^ '■ 112 LUCAKIA No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Keverse Bronze After circa 281 B.C. 81 75-5 M -7 Head of Apollo 1., laur., hair long. OOYPI Tripod-lebes, with neck and UN thi-ee handles. 85 91-5 .E -6 86 55- M -6 Similar. OOY PiriN Five-stringed lyre ; beneath, l/^^L 87 135-5 M -85 Head of Apollo r., laur., hair long. O . YPIflN Artemis, wearing short chiton and endroniides, advancing r. ; in her r. hand, torch ; in 1., two javelins ; at her feet, dog r. looking up ; border of dots. VELIA VeJia UHis founded circa 540 B.C., bij Fhocaeans lelio had ahaudoned their home rather than yield to the Persians under Harpugus. Of its history practicaUy nothing is hnown. It shares tcith the sister colonij of 3Iassilia the type of the lion and the weight of the drachm (60 grains). This ' Phocaean' standard became characteristic of Campania. See also under Poseidonia. Silver Circa 540—500 B.C. Obol Forepart of lion devouring prey. Incuse square, quartered. 1 8 M -3 Circa 500—450 B.C. Didra chms 2 110-5 .R -75 YEAH (much -worn; in ex.) Lion, about to spring r. ; above, A Female head r., with necklace (and ear- ring ?), hair bound with diadem and turned up behind ; all in circular incuse. 3 113-8 .11 -85 Similar type ; above, 9 ; border of dots ; line of ex. double (dotted upon plain). YEA HTHN Similar. THURIUM— VELIA 113 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 4 1139 .R -8 Female bead r., wearing necklace ; hair (represented by dots) bound, tied, and tui-ned up behind. YEAHXEjflN Lion about to spring r. Drachms 5 61- M -6 Female head r., with necklace ; ai-chaic style ; hair bound with fillet and tui'ned up behind. YEAH Owl on olive-branch r. ; all in deep circular incuse. [Plate vjii. 5.] 6 611 Ai -6 Female head r., with necklace ; hair rolled behind ; style more advanced. Similar ; behind, T YEAH Similar type. HA3Y Similar type 1. 7 5G-7 M -6 Circa 450—400 B.C. Didrachm YEAH Female head r., wearing neck- lace ; hair tied with narrow stephane and turned up behind. AH (in ex.) Lion about to spring r. ; line of ex., dotted ; border of dots. 8 llol M -8 [Plate VIII. 6.] Drachms Female head r., diademed ; hair waved. YEAH Owl on olive-branch r. 9 531 M -7 [Plate viii. 7.] 10 t;o-2 M -65 behind, A 11 59-3 M -7 type 1. ; behind, C type 1. 12 50-1 M -65 ,, no letter. ?) Circa 400—268 b.c. Didrachms 13 1151 M -85 Head of Pallas 1., wearing crested Athenian helmet, adorned with olive-leaf? and griffin ; behind, <1> Lion leaping on stag r. ; beneath stag, V\ 114 LUCANIA No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse u 116-3 15 115-9 IG 106-2 17 112- 18 113-9 19 113-8 20 115-9 21 115-4 22 112-8 23 116-8 24 117-3 25 114-1 2C. 114- M -8 JR -85 M -85 M -9 M -85 JR -9 ^ -85 ^ -8 yR -9 M -9 ^ -8 M -95 .H -85 Similar head, with necklace ; helmet adorned with olive- wreath. [Y]EAHT.. Similar type. Head of Pallas r., weai-mg necklace and YEAHTflN Similar type; line of ex., crested Athenian helmet, on which gi'iffin ; flap ornamented ; above, A ; behind, <|> double. [Plate viii. 8.] Similar head 1., without necklace ; orna- ment on flap of helmet, different ; behind, "within small square, t E above, A above, A ; ornament varied. )> )j in front, <|) YEAHTHN Similar type 1.; no exergual line. inscr., partly off coin. 1) jj Similar type ; but flap of helmet plain. behind, T type r. ; behind, Similar type r. ; but on flap of helmet, ornament (or monogram ?). Similar ; flap of helmet ornamented. YEAHTflN Lion prowling r. ; plain border. in ex., owl flying r. in ex., bunch of grapes. YE AH TUN Similar type; beneath lion, ^ YEAHTflN (in ex.) Lion prowling r. [Plate viit. 9.] beneath lion, P Similar type 1. ; flaj) of helmet plain. behind, T behind, YEAHTXIN (in ex.) Lion prowling r. ; above, owl flying r. ; beneath, T no letter beneath lion. VELIA 115 No. Weight 27 1121 28 110-3 29 117-1 30 115-3 31 116-3 32 109-5 33 115- 3-i 117-9 35 115-6 36 115-2 37 112-7 38 114-5 39 112-8 40 114-8 41 42 116-6 43 . 116-3 Metal Size Obverse Eevebse ^-85 Al -9 yR-85 M -95 M -9 M -95 ^-85 ^•9 JR -95 M -85 M -85 M -95 yR-8 M -8 ,R pi. -85 M -85 M -85 Similar type r. ; behind, letter. O ; type 1. )5 )5 Similar type r. ; but on either side of neck, dolphin downwards ; behind, YEAHTIIN (in ex.) Lion prowling r. ; plain border. above, 3 above, E; beneath, ,, ,, ,, ,, (border not visible). beneath, )» »7 beneath, X ; line of ex., dotted. YEAHTXIN (in ex.) Lion prowling r. ; beneath, ; plain border. [Plate viii. 10.] Similar type ; behind, letter. type r. ; E typel.; P type!.; ^ type 1. ; type r. ; type r. ; X YEAHTflN fin ex.) Lion prowling r.; above, <|> ; plain border. beneath, [Plate viii. 11.] beneath, ; border not visible. Head of Pallas r., wearing earring, neck- lace, and crested Athenian helmet, adorned with griffin ; behind, A ; in front, <|> head smaller. Similar head r. ; helmet adorned with wing and olive- wreath ; behind, <|> ; above, f Y EAHTUN (in ex.) Lion prowling r. ; above, I , between which, dolphin r. I, not visible. Y EA HTI2N (in ex.) Lion prowling r. ; above, I, between which, bunch of grapes. [Plate viii. 12.] Similar type, later in style ; in front, behind, fi^ Similar; but beneath lion, P, and., instead of grapes, ear of barley r. Q 2 116 LUCANIA No. Weight 44 45 115-3 46 115-3 47 115-2 48 113- 49 116-8 50 114-3 51 1151 52 117-3 53 115-5 54 115-3 55 116- Metal Size Obverse Reverse .llpl.-85 M-9 JR -85 /R -85 M -85 ^•95 .^1-9 M -85 M -85 MS Al -9 M -95 Head of Pallas 1., wearing earring, neck- lace, and crested Athenian helmet, adorned with dolphin ; on flap, <|) ; ends of haii' loose. Similar ; but on helmet, sea-horse with curled wing ; no letter. Similar type r, ; but on helmet, griffin with curled wing ; ends of hair in curls ; above, A in front, <|> Head of Pallas 1., wearing crested Athe- nian helmet, on whicli griffin ; ends of hair wavy ; on flap of helmet, <)) ; behind, /^ Head of Pallas 1., wearing crested Athe- nian helmet, on which olive-wreath ; ends of hair loose. Similar type r,, with eari'ing (and neck- lace ?) ; border of dots. Similar type ; earring and necklace doubt- ful ; ends of hair, oif coin ; no border. Similar type 1. ; head much smaller ; ends of hair loose. Head of Pallas r., wearing crested Athe- nian helmet, on which griffin ; ends of hail' gathered in bunch ; flap of helmet, plain. Similar ; but no letter beneath, and, instead of ear of barley, ti-ident r. ; border of dots. Similar ; but no border. Similar ; but, instead of trident, penta- gram. (same die) YEAHTIIN (in ex.) Lion prowHng r.; above, caduceus r. ; plain border. YEAHTflN (in ex.) Lion prowling r. YEAHTflN (above) Lion pi'owling r. ; in ex., bunch of grapes. Y E AH TflN (above) Lion prowling r. ; beneath, N ; in ex., thyrsos r. Similar. YEAHTilN (in ex.) Lion prowling 1.; beneath, >£ ; plain border. above, 4> [Plate viii. 13.] VELIA 11'; No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse • 56 115-9 M -85 Head of Pallas 1., -wearing crested Atlie- nian helmet, adorned "with curled wing ; in fi-ont, <|> ; behind, K YEAHTflN (in ex.) Lion prowling 1. ; above, <|> | ; between which, triquetra of legs with winged talaria. 57 111-9 M -95 same die. Head of Pallas 1., wearing crested Athe- nian helmet, on which griffin ; flap of helmet, plain. same die. YEAHTUN (in ex.) Lion running 1., with r. fore-foot raised ; beneath, )£ ; plain border. 58 116- M -85 behind, >£ 59 112-9 M -8 behind, 3< above, O 60 115-5 M -85 behind, 3< above, 4> 61 1154 M -9 Head of Pallas 1., wearing crested Athe- nian helmet, on which olive-wreath ; ends of hair loose. YEAHTHN (in ex.) Similar type. [Plate viii. 14.] 62 115-7 .'R -8 behind, star. Head of Pallas 1., wearing crested Athe- nian helmet, on which olive-wi'eath with fruit ; ends of hair loose ; behind. plain border. YEAHTON (in ex.) Lion 1., head turned back, 1. fore-foot on ram's head; beneath, >£ ; plain border. 63 116-5 .11 -85 >E G4 112-2 M -85 [Plate viii. 15.] 65 115-6 M -8 Head of Pallas, three-quarter face towards 1., hair long, wearing- necklace and winged Phrygian helmet, insci-ibed KAEYAHPOY [Plate \ YEAHTIIN (in ex.) Lion 1., tear- ing carrion, held with 1. fore-foot ; beneath, <|) ; between hind-legs, >£ ; plain border. III. 16.] 6G 116-3 JR -85 from fractured die. r,7 116-2 M -9 Head of Pallas 1., -wearing Phrygian helmet, adorned with female centaur, carrying di-apery ovei- 1. arm ; ends of hair loose; flap of helmet plain ; behind, 3< YEAHTHN (in ex.) Similar type; plain border. beneath, A 118 LUCANIA No. Weight 68 114-4 (!9 116-1 70 115-2 71 1161 72 115-8 73 113-7 74 112-6 75 114-5 7G 77 115- 78 111-4 79 115-7 80 115-3 81 113-2 82 115-7 83 115-3 84 85 Metal Size Obveese Reverse ^•85 M -8 M -8 Al -85 M-8 yR-95 M -85 yR-8 M pi. -85 ^-8 M -8 M -85 M -85 M -85 M -9 M -85 M pi. -85 Jlpl.-85 (monogram doubtful.) >E Similar type ; flap of helmet ornamented beliind, 3^ Similar type, beliind, >£ bebiud, 3^ above, A ; beneath, >£ ,, A ,, ,, (border not visible) ?? 1) 99 91 99 beneath, YEAHT[nN] (in ex.) Similar type; above, A ; beneath, serpent r. ; between lion's hind-legs, 3< ; plain border. YEAHTHN (inex.) Similar type. above, O ; beneath, >£ [Plate viii. 17.] above, O ; beneath, >£ ; plain border. Similar type ; flap of helmet plain ; behind, >£ from fractured die. same die. Head of Pallas r., with earring and neck- lace, wearing crested Coi-inthian helmet, adorned with quadriga ; on band beneath crest, ; <|> ; border doubtful. >e; YEAH TUN (on raised band of ex.) Similar type ; above and beneath, <|> letter above, obscure, letter above, off coin. YEAHTflN (in ex.) Lion 1., standing on Iwnes of carcase, gnawing prey, held with r. fore-foot ; above, Nike flying 1. ; plain border. Nike, partially off coin. YEAH Tn N (in ex. ) Lion 1 . , devouring ram's head, held with both fore-feet ; above, <|> I ; between which, grass- hopper r. ; plain boi'der. same die ? [Plate viii. 18.] same die. VELIA 119 No. 1 Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 86 16-2 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 15- 53- 30- 53- 28- 34-5 M -4 M -5 Diobols Female head r., wearing splieudone, ear- ring, and necklace ; behind, YEAH Owl r. ; head facing; wings open ; plain border. [Plate viii. 19.] 28- 35- 59- M -65 ^ -5 JE -65 JE -5 ^ -5 inscr., almost off coin ; border not visible. Bronze Circa 350—250 B.C. Head of yoting Herakles r., in lion's skiu. YEAH Owl 1. on olive-branch M -5 M -5 JE -5 Head of Zeus r., laareated ; behind, A Similar type. Similar tyjie. Head of Apollo r. , diademed ; haii- long ; border of dots. behind, V? Rude helmeted head r. Owl r. ; head facing ; wings open, traces of inscr. YEAH Similar type ; border of dots. YEAHT Similar type. type 1. type r. ; no inscr. visible. Y E Tripod-lebes, with handles. A H [Plate viii. 20.] Similar ; ti-ipod-lebes varied. tripod-lebes varied. 12U BRUTTIUM No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 65-3 N -Ql 32G N 69-6 M -8 Brdttium BRUTTII The Jiruttii first became jjromhient circa 356 B.C. The date of the commencement of their coinage is fixed by the fact that in standard and, to some extent, in type it is modelled on the pieces struclc in Italy by Pyrrhns. They espoused the cause of Hannibal, and icere completely crushed by Home at the end uf the Second Punic War. Circa 281—203 B.C. Gold Euboic-Attic Standard Drachm Head of Poseidon, diademed 1. ; behind, trident r. ; beneath, dolphin 1. and P ; boi'der of dots. BPETTinN Thetis?, veiled and draped, seated 1. on sea-horse sw^im- ming r. ; she supports with r. Eros bending bow 1. ; at foot of Eros, F ; in field r., star of eight rays ; border of dots. [Plate vin. 21.] Hemidrachm Head of bearded Herakles L, wearing lion's skin ; behind, cornucopiae ; beneath, \- ; border of dots. BPETTin[N] (in ex.) Nike in gallop- ing biga r. ; beneath horses, |- , and thunderbolt between two crescents ; border of dots. Silver* Bust of winged Nike r., wearing broad diadem and earring, her hair gathered into a knot behind with a fillet ; drapery about neck : border of dots. below, r BPETTlflN (in field 1.) Figure of Pan naked, horned, facing, crowning himseK with r., and holding in 1. a hunting-spear; chlamys over 1. arm; border of dots. in field r., T and rhyton ending in fore- part of animal. * It is uncertain on what standard the following coins arc struck. Mr. Head suggests {Ilist. Num., p. 77) tliat they arc Attic octobols. No. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 BRUTTII 121 Weight 72-7 (38-2 641 66--S 71-4 72-5 74'4 65-5 72-4 74-5 Metal Size Obverse Reverse .R -75 .'R -8 M -75 /R -75 /R -75 M -8 M -75 M -75 M -7 M -75 70-7 .R -7 [ 72-1 .R -85 IG 24G- M 11 17 241- jE 1-05 18 255- .E 1-or, 1!) 241- V(IL. 1. -K I'].; below, r behind, horse's head r. behind, amphora ? behind, bird r. looking back. behind, fly. behind, stai' of eight rays, and ~\ behind, club downwards, behind, snail in shell ? in field r., crab. [Plate viii. 22.] ill field r., serpent erect r., over S in field r., H in field r., \/5] ,, „ ; execution rude. " " (No. 9 is pierced.) in field r.,. thymiaterion and 5 ,, ,, ; no letter visible. Head of Thetis ? r., wearing veil, stephane, and earring ; over 1. shoulder, sceptre ; below head, P ; border of dots. behind, Macedonian helmet. behind, cicada; Thetis wears necklace B RETT I UN (ill field r.) Poseidon, naked, 1., r. foot advanced and resting on top of Ionic column ; he leans with 1. on long sceptre, while his r. elbow rests on r. knee ; at his feet, f ; border of dots. in field 1., crab. behind, krater ; no necklace; place of letter, off coin. behind, fly ; no letter. in field 1., eagle 1. on thunderbolt, wings open. [Plate viii. 23.] in field 1., eagle I. on thunderbolt, wings open. eagle on wreath ; no letter. Beonze Head of Ares 1., bearded, wearing crested Corinthian helmet, adorned with run- ning griffin; below^ thunderbolt; border of dots. BPETTIflN (in field 1.) Pallas (or Enyo ?), wealing crested helmet, and long chiton with diploidion, running r. and looking back ; she holds shield with both hands, and spear under 1. arm : border of dots. in field r., racing-torch. in field r., bunch of grapes. [Plate ix. 1.] in field r., bunch of grapes; execution rude. in Held r., owl r. with sjjread \\iiigs. K 122 BRUTTIUl'I No. Weight Metal Size Obveese Reverse Similar type ; symbol doubtful ; border of dots. BPE M inN (in field 1.) Similar type ; border of dots. 20 282- M 1- in field r., long torch, fiaming. 21 220- M 1-05 Similar type ; head sliglitly smaller ; boi'der of dots. in field r., bucranium. B P ETT inN (in field 1.) Similar type ; border of dots. 22 259- jE 11 in field r. , thunderbolt slanting ; at Pallas's feet, crab. 23 201- JE 1-05 in field r., thunderbolt slanting. 24 202- M 1-05 in field r., wreath. 25 237-5 M 1- Similai' type, witliin wreath (of olive ?). Similar type ; bordei' of dots. BPETTIIiN (in field 1.) Similar type; in field !•. , lyre ; border of dots. BPE 1 I IIIN (in field 1.) Similar type ; but, within shield, branch ; in field r., tripod. 2G 254- ;E 1- iS^o.s. 27 to 32 arc oi border, off coin. I ilie Tr'icntaJ Sysleni. Sextant e 3 k Head of Ai'es 1., bearded, wearing crasted Corintliian helmet, adorned with run- ning griffin ; beneath head, ear of barley r. ; behind, J ; bolder of dots. BPETTIHN (in field r.) Nike, wear- ing long chiton with diploidion, standing 1., holding palm in 1., and with r. crown- ing a trophy, consisting of helmet, cuirass, spear, shield, and greaves ; border of dots. 27 271- M 1-1 between the figures, comucopiae. 28 254- /E 115 between, cornucopiae, and star of eight rays. 29 240- ^ 11 [Plate between, cornucopiae, and crescent with horns upwards. IX. 2.] 30 240- JE 1-1 value-marks obscure. * between, caduceus upright. 31 190- .^ 1- symbjl and valae-marks obscure. between, open hand. BRUTTII 123 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 32 234- M 1-05 Similar type ; same symbol ; obscure ; border of dottj. « Similar type ; border of dots. value-marks i BPETT IHN Similar type; between, cornucopiae ; in field r., hammer ; border of dots. B P ETT 1 n N (in field r.) Similar type ; border of dots. 33 219- /K 1-05 ( B P ETT [ 1 n N ] ) between, hook. 34 254- M 1- beneath, tliunderbolt (or hai'p X?) between, anchor inverted ; infield!., >B 35 240-5 M 1-1 Head of young Herakles r., in behind, sword uj)wards ; dota. lion's skin ; border of BPETT lilN (in field 1.) Pallas (or Enyo ?) , wearing crested helmet and long chiton with diplo'idion, running r., and looking back ; she holds shield with both hands, and spear beneath 1. arm ; in field r., plough 1. ; border of dots. 36 269-6 M 1-05 no symbol visible. • Head of Zeus r., laur. ; behind, thunder- bolt ; border of dots. BP ETTinN (in field 1.) Naked warrior advancing r., armed with conical helmet, lance, and oblong shield, the boss of which ends in a long ridge ; at warrior's feet, a symbol ; border of dots. 37 lOG-5 M -85 racing-torch. 38 116- M -9 bucranium. [Plate ix. 3.] 39 145-5 M -9 symbol varied. owl flying r. 40 132- jE -85 )5 1> Similar type ; border of dots. bunch of grapes ; B PET Tin N BPET TIHN Eagle 1. on thunder- bolt, wings open ; border of dots. 41 174- M 1- place of sym])ol, off coin. 42 128- M -9 behind head, thunderbolt. in field L, open hand. 43 110- M -9 behind head, ear of barley. [Plate in field 1., coi-nucopiae ; above eagle, star. j IX. 4.] R 2 124 BRUTTIUM No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Rever.se Similar type ; border of dots. BPET TinN Eagle 1., with wings open ; border of dots. 44 ge- M -85 in field 1., caduceus. 45 ns- JE -8 behind Lead, ear of barley. in field 1., cornucopiae ; (border, off coin). 46 119- M -8 5) 55 ,, ,, above eagle, crescent. 47 120- JE -85 5) 5» 5) 55 5? 1 48 119-5 M -8 „ liarpa ? in field 1., anchor inverted ; above which, >B 49 129- M -9 Similar type ; border of dots, behind head, sceptre. BPET TinN Eagle 1., wings open, head turned back ; in field 1., plough r. ; border of dots. 50 120- JE -85 ,, sword, upwards. • 51 134- M -9 )» )) 52 107- ^ -9 „ harpa. 53 126-5 /E -9 ,, star. in field 1., thunderbolt. 54 93-5 JE -85 Similar type ; within wreath. BPE[TTI] n N Eagle ]., on thunder- bolt, wings open ; in field 1., lyre ; border of dots. ^ NIKA Head of Nike 1.. wearing earrinjr (and sometimes necklace), the hair l)ound with broad diadem, and gathered into a knot behind with a fillet, the ends of which hang down ; border of dots. BPETTinN (in field 1.) Zeus, naked, advancing r., brandishing thunderbolt in raised r. hand, and holding spear in extended 1. ; border of dots. 55 91-5 JE -8 behind head, coraucopiae ; beneath, crescent with horns downwards. [Plate [X. 5.] 56 56- M -7 behind head, ear of barley. in field r., cornucopiae. 57 78- ^ -75 M 5) in field r., cornucopiae ; in field 1., hammer. 58 77- JE -75 !■> )? )> )5 )) )| 59 60- ^ -65 5 1 >5 in field r., cornucopiae ; beneath Zeus, star of eight rays. 60 63-5 jE -7 no symbol ^-isible. ^ in field r., cornucopiae ; in field L, hammer. 61 60- ^ -7 55 in field r., cornucopiae; beneath Zeus, star of eight rays. BRUTTII 125 No. Weight Metal Size Obvekse Reverse I 62 63 64 65 6G 67 68 69 70 71 63- 46-5 58- 59- 65-5 6G-^ 48- 41-5 21- 21- 27- M -6 M -6 M -65 ^E -7 M -7 M -7 M -65 M -65 M -65 ^ -55 M -6 ^ -55 12- M -45 Head of winged Nike 1., wearing earring and necklace; hair bound witli broad diadem, and gatliered into a knot with fillet behind ; border of dots. beneath head, traces of symbol, beneath head, thunderbolt. BPETTIHN (in ex.) Zeus, naked, thundering in galloping biga r. ; he gi-asps staff and reins in 1. ; beneath horses, symbol ; border of dots. crab. bucranium. owl flying 1. racing torch, horizontally placed 1. [Plate ix. 6.] bunch of gi'apes. Similar. place of symbol, off coin. type r. ; beneath head, traces of symbol ? Head of Thetis ? 1., wearing head-dress made of a crab's shell, the legs visible above and beneath ; border of dots. Similar ; type smaller. BPETTinN (in ex.) Similar type r. ; beneath horses, plough 1, BPET Crab ; plain border. TinN B P ET Crab ; plain border. TlflN above, bucranium. [Plate ix. 7.] above, cornucopiae. Similar type r. ; in front, thunderbolt ; border doubtful. Head of Pallas 1., wearing crested Corin- thian helmet; hair falling over neck and tied in a bunch behind. BPET Crab; above, plough 1.; i^lain TlflN border. BPET TinN Owl r., on bar. 12G BRUTTIUM No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse jf CAULONIA Caulonia loas a rerjj earl// Acliaeun colonij. Its cltaractcristic coin-tijpc has not yet hceii satisfactoriljj exjdaijied. Silver Circa 550 480 B.C. llie city was a mcmJter of the Achaean Monetary Confederation, ichose standard it always followed. See under Metapontum. Staters KAVp* Naked archaic male figure advancing r. on dotted line ; liair bound with diadem, and falling in ringlets ; in raised r., a branch ; on outstretched 1. ai-m, a small figure, holding a branch in each hand, running r., looking back; in front, stag r. on dotted line, looking back ; dotted cable border. Same lai-ge figure incuse 1., bearing branch in relief in raised hand ; on other arm, small figure in outline in relief ; in front, stag 1., looking back, incuse ; border of incuse oblongs. 1 122-4 M 1-25 small figure wears winged sandals. 2 122-3 M 1-25 small figure varied, no sandals. only traces of small figure. [Plate ix. 8.] 3 109-8 M 1-2 'IVfl^l no border visible ; much worn. large figure's hands empty. - ^ VA "A Naked archaic male figure, hair in ringlets, bearing in raised r. a long branch, and on outstretched 1. arm a small figure running r. and looking back ; in front, stag r. on plain line, looking back ; broad plain border. Large figure and stag as on obv., reversed and incuse ; incuse border of radiating lines. 4 117-3 M -9 in field r., crane r. in relief. 5 114-1 M -So . V A'A ', uo boi'der visible. no symbol ; no border visible. Third 34-4 /R -65 'IVflM Similar types ; raised border of dots. Similar types. CAULONIA 127 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse Circa 480—388 B.C. In 388 B.C. Caulonia fell iato the hands of Dioiiijslns of Sijracusc. Staters KAV Naked male figure advancing v. on dotted line, wearing hair long, hold- ing branch in raised r., and on extended VA>I Stag r. ; in front, a sapling growing. 7 M pi. -8 1. arm a small figure running r. ; in front, stag r. on dotted line, looking back. AVA>1 Similar; but large figiire has short hair, and running figure has drapery on arm. line of ex., dotted. AVA>1 Similar type; sapling varied; border of dots. 8 119-3 jR -85 drapery on 1. arm. ' 9 118-8 M -8 drapery on both arms ; inscr. illegible ; border of dots. [Plate ix. 9.] 10 110-1 jR -85 Similar figure advancing r., with branch in raised r. ; on extended 1. ami, traces of small figure ? ; in front, stag; behind, bucranium. Stag r. 11 115- ^11 -85 [KAVAOA/^AT] A A/ Similar figure advancing r., with branch in i-aised r. ; in extended 1. hand, ivj--leaf with long- stalk ; in fi-ont, stag r. ; border of small oblongs. [Plate KAVAOA/^ATAA/ Stag r.; in front, ivy-le:\f with long stalk ; line of ex. and boi-der, formed of small oblongs. IX. 10.] • 12 115 3 ^-85 Similar figure advancing r., with branch in raised r. ; plain border. Similar type ; in field 1., dolphin r., up- wards ; in field r., dolphin 1., downwards. KAY An [_ -]A - - Stag r.; be- neath stag, A Stag r. 13 114-7 .R-8 [KAYAni beneath, A ^ATAIA^ U 11 ir. A\ -9 dolphin in field I., off coin. KAY An beneath, E . ATA . . 128 BRUTTIUM No. Weight Metal Size Obvekse Reverse Third 15 40-2 M -6 VA^ Similar figure advancing r. ; in front, stag on bar ; border of dots. VA)1 Stag r. ; in front, sapling growing. CONSENTIA The coins of Consentia arc anterior to the time when the town became the melrojjolis of the Brnttii. Bronze Circa 400—356 B.C. Head of Ares r., wearing crested Corin- thian helmet ; above, O Kfl5 Thunderbolt ; beneath, three crescents, horns downwards. 1 87-5 M -75 CROTON Silver Circa 550—480 B.C. Croton (founded hij Achaeans 710 B.C.) ivas a. lucmher of the great Achaean Monetary Confederation, for which see under Mei'APONtum. Its coinage throtujh- oiU is on the ' Achaean ' system. Staters 9f>0 (in field 1.) Tripod-lebes, the legs ending in lion's feet ; it has three handles, and is surmounted by two serpents' heads. Same type as on obverse, incuse. 1 95-6 Al 1- border, ofi: coin. 2 • 122-2 M 1-15 9^0 (in field 1.) Similar tripod, with three handles ; between the legs, two serpents facing each other ; raised border of dots. Tripod incuse, having three handles in relief ; incuse border of dots. 3 127-3 M 1- 0-^9 (ill field r.) Similar tripod; in field 1., crab ; line of ex., dotted; raised border of dots. [Plate Similar type ; biit between legs, two ser- pents' heads in relief, back to back ; in field 1., cuttlefish ; in field r., dolphin 1., upwai'ds ; incuse border of radiating lines. IX, 11.] CONSENTIA— CROTON 129 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 9 10 11 12 13* 14 107-4 117-3 118-3 116-2 llG-3 123- 121-6 115-7 123- 121-4 M 1-05 .R -8 JR -8 M -75 /R -85 JR -75 /R -75 yR -85 JR -9 ^pl.-95 /R -7 9P0 (in field 1.) Similar type; in field r., crane 1.; line of ex., dotted; same border. 9PO (in field 1.) Similar type; in field r., crane 1.; border obscure. [Plate ix. 12.] 990 (in field 1.) Similar type ; in ' field r., crane 1. ; line of ex., plain ; border of dots. inscr., uncertain. „ crane r. ; border not visible. 099 (in field r.) Similar tyjje ; in field 1., crane r. ; in ex., traces of letters ; border of dots. -_/VI? QCj 9 Similar type ; in field, crane r. inscr. to 1. ; symbol to r. inscr. to r. ; symbol to 1.; line of ex., dotted; border doubtful. 0^9 tor.; symbol to 1. ; plain border. 9^0 (in field r.) Similar type; in field 1., crane r. ; line of ex., dotted ; border of dots between tw^o plain lines. Ti-ipod-lebes, incuse ; incuse border of radiating lines. Similar. Tripod-lebes, incuse, with three handles in relief ; incuse border of radiating lines. Tripod-lebes, incuse, with one handle in relief ; incuse border of radiating lines. [Plate ix. 13.] 9P0 (letters barbarous) Tripod-lebes; in field 1., crane r. ; raised border of dots ; execution I'ude. 9P0 (in field r.) Tripod-lebes, with tlu-ee handles ; in field 1., crane r. ; ex. contains floral ornament ; line of ex., dotted ; border of dots. Similar tripod, without handle ; execution rude. Similar type ; outline marked by raised lines ; no border visible. [Plate ix. 14.] * Appiirently a contemporary forgei-y. 130 BRUTTIUM No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Eevebse 15 124-8 M -95 9PO (in field 1.) Similai' type; line of ex., dotted ; dotted cable border. Eagle, incuse, flying, body and "wings marked with lines ; incuse border of radiating lines. 16 123- M -85 0^9 (ii^ field 1.) Similar type; raised border of dots. Similar. 17 1221 M -9 9^0 To Similar type; line of ex., dotted ; same border. [Plate 0^9 (in field r.) Similar type. Similar ; body of eagle marked with lines and dots. IX. 15.] Similar type ; incuse border of dots. 18 116-7 M -75 Circa 480—420 b.c. Staters 9P0 (in field r.) Tripod-lebes, having lion's feet and three handles ; in field 1., crane r. ; line of ex., dotted ; border of dots. Type similar to that on obv. ; border of radiating lines. 19 117-9 yR-85 symbol almost indistinguishable ; inscr., uncertain. 20 113-5 ^-75 inscr., partly off coin. • 9P0T (above) Eagle standing 1., on Ionic capital. 9P0T (in field r.) Tripod-lebes, having lion's feet and three handles ; in field 1., grain of barley ; beneath, £ ; border of dots. 21 123-9 M -85 cable border ? (T, off coin.) 22 106-2 M '9 border of dots. [B.M.C., p. 349 (63).] 28 107-9 M -9 Similar type ; in front, laurel-branch. 9P0 (in field r.) Tripod-lebes, with lion's feet, neck, and three handles ; from 1. handle hangs a fillet, the lower end of which is turned upwards; line of ex., dotted. 24 117- M -8 Similar type r. ; in field r., branch of olive ; border of dots. IB.M.C. ] Similar ? ; border of dots, left side of tripod, off coin. X 349 (66).] CROTON 131 No. Weight Metal Size Ubveese Keverse 25 115-4 M -8 Eagle standing 1., looking back ; border of dots. eagle's feet, off coin. [BJLC, p Similar eagle, standing on nose of stag's head r. 9P0 (in field 1.) Tripod-lebes, with lion's feet, neck, and three handles ; in field r., spray of olive ; Ime of ex., double ; plain border. . 350 (67).] Inscr. in field r. Similar type ; in field 1., ivy-leaf ; same border. 26 104- M -85 [Plate opo IX. 16.] 27 117 ^11 -85 1 9P0 [BJLC, p. 350(68).] Eagle r., head turned back, in pediment of temple, the guttae below visible ; in front, antelope's skull 1. ; plain border. 9PO (in field 1.) Similar type; hi field r., spray of olive with fruit; line of ex., double ; plain border. 28 119-7 .11 -85 (border not visible.) 29 117-8 yR-85 [B.M.C., p . 360 (70).] Diobols Tripod-lebes, with lion's feet and thi'ee handles ; raised border of dots. 9 Pegasos, with curled wing-, flying 1. 30 18-6 M -4 0^9 in field r. 31 17-8 .R -5 9P0 in field 1. Circa 420—390 b.c. The ijroiriaij iiiflueiice of Thuriinu brought the Ionic X2 '"'" favour in Mayna Grnecia ; at the same time *? gare wai/ to K- The artistic impulse that found expression in the new types loas perhaps Attic in its orii/iH* Staters 32 118-4 M -85 Head of Hera Lakinia, full face, towards r. ; wearing necklace with pendants, and Stephanos adorned with honey-suckle ornament and foreparts of two gi'iffins r. ; hair floating ; border of dots. [Plate * A. J. Eviiiis lias sns^-g-ostcil tliat llie llcv. t^ the Theseus of the i'artheiiou. KPOTJCI Herakles naked, reclining 1. on rock, on which is lion's skin ; he holds in extended r. wine-cup 1., while his 1. elbow rests on rock ; in field 1., tripod; in field above, bow and club crossed, and N A '? IX. 17.] k'pc of Nos. '6'2 ff. luuy be a ' meiiiury-iiicture' of 132 BRUTTIUM No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Eeverse 33 34 116- yR-85 M pi. -85 35 101- M -8 36 121- JR -8 37 38 116-7 115-2 M '85 .-11 -85 Similar type ; but no griffins on Stephanos : in Held r., B ; plain border. no letter. Eagle standing r., head turned back; in field r., bearded term of Hermes, facing, holding patera and caduceus ; in field 1., (j) KPOTflNI ATA$ Similar type; but Herakles holds club in 1. inscr. illegible ; in field 1., B ; plain border. ( K j^ ; in field r., P and dolphin r., turning downwards ; plain border. 39 99-5 M -8 [B.M.C., p. 352 (82).] D iob 1 Fourth Centurij. Head of Pallas r., wearing Corinthian KPO OIKI^TA^ Herakles standing helmet. r., lion's skin over shoulder, leaning on club which he grasps with both hands. 40 15-3 ^•45 Bronze Fourth Centurij B.C. Head of Persephone r., wearing wreath K P O Each letter within a crescent, of corn. tlie horns of which are turned outwai'ds. 41 44- JE -65 42 53-5 /E -65 HIPPONIUM Bronze Circa 330—325 B.C. This issue {there had been an earlier our) belongs to the time when the city was liberated by Alexander of Epirus from the Bruttii. Head of Zeus r., laureated. EinnNIEIlN Amphora. 1 SC- M -75 • in field 1., long torch lighted ; fir.st letter of inscr., off coin. 2 SI- JE -7 (behind, A) in field r., caduceus ; only N 1 Eil of inscr. legible. 3 86- JE -S in field r., caducous filleted ; first E and first N of inscr., illegible. 134 BRUTTIUM No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Keverse 140-5 156- 156- 137- 150' 122- 90- JE -95 JE 1- M 1- JE 1- yE -95 M -95 JE -8 Circa 294 B.C. TJie following beloDgs to the time of AgatJwMes, v-lio for a short period rescued the citij once more from the domination of the Bruttii. Head of Pallas 1., wearing crested Corin- thian helmet, on which serpent. [EjmnNIEn N (in Seld l.) Nike, standing 1., wearing long chiton with diplo'idion, holding wreath and palm ? VIBO VALENTIA Bronze Circa 192—89 B.C. In 192 B.C. the liomuns, wishing to strengthen their hold over the Bruttii, planted a ' coluuiu ' at Hipponiniii under the name of Vibo Valentia. Its coins naturaUij folloio the Semuncial Sijstem. Asses Head of Zeus r., laur.; behind, I Similar ; border of dots. VALENTIA (in field 1.) Winged thunderbolt, placed perpendicularly; in field r., staff ending in boar's head, and I VALENTIA (in field r.) type ; border of dots. Similar Similar. in field 1., pilos of Dioskouros, with star, and I in field 1., wreath -bearing Nike r., and I-; border doubtful. VALENTIA Winged thunderbolt, placed horizontally ; border of dots. above, I , and traces of symbol ? above, I , and star of twelve rays. Semisses Female head r., hair long, wearing stephane, earring, and necklace ; behind, 5 j bor- der of dots. VALENTIA Double cornucopiae, lower points turned 1.; beside symbol, 5 in field i.. lyre. HIPPONIUM— VIBO VALENTTA 135 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 89- 81- 63- 68- 53- 64- se- es- e9- 54- 19 JE -75 M -75 M -7 JE -75 JE -7 JE -75 JE -7 JE -7 JE -85 JE -7 JE -7 65- JE -75 34- (bust, not head.) Similar. Similar, but type 1. in field r., dolphin downwards. in field r., wreath-bearing Nike r. ; plain border. in field r., wreath-bearing Nike r. ; plain border. in field r., staff ending in boar's head ; plain border. as preceding coin. in field r., star of twelve rays ; border of dots. VALENTIA Double cornucopiae, lower points turned r. : in field 1., bull butting 1., upwards, and ^ VALENTIA Double cornucopiae, lower j)oints turned 1. ; in field r., murex-shell, and 5 Trientes Head of Pallas r., wearing crested Corin- thian helmet, earring, and necklace ; behind, • ; border of dots. border doubtful. Similar, with plain box'der. VALENTIA Owl r.; in front, •; border of dots. • Similar ; but border plain, and, above marks of value, vase with small handle r. JE -6.") [Plate ix. 20.] Quad r aus Head of bearded Herakles r., wearing- lion's skin ; behind, • ; border of dots. VALENTIA Two clubs upwards, handles united ; in field 1., star of six rays, and * ; border of dots. 136 BRUTTIUM No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 20 23- M -45 *92-5 117- M -8 113-7 M •85 110-2 M •85 111-7 M •9 117-6 JR •9 JR -9 Sextans Head of Apollo r., luur. ; behind, border of dots. VALE NT I A Lyre; in field 1., traces of symbol ; plain border. LOCRI Circa 344—332 B.C. The Locrinns sfruclc. no money until after they had shalren off the yolte of Dionysius. Their issue of Corinthian staters for foreign commerce (see under Colonies of Corinth, iii Vol. II.) began when Timoleon restored the democracy. The following coin, intended for home trade, belongs to the same period. SiLVEB Campanian (Phocaean) Standard Stater Head of Zeus r., laur. ; liaii" short, beneath, traces of letters. Eirene, seated 1. on cippus, holding cadu- ceus in r. no inscr. visible. Circa 332—300 B.C. The next series of Locrian coins can be approximately dated by the change in the style of the head of Zens. The type now resembles that found on the money of Alexander of Epirus (q.v.), ibIio arrived in Italy circa 332 B.C. The standard remained unaltered. The careless worhmanshipj of the following specimens indicates that they are late. (For coins on the Corinthian model struck at this tivie see Vol. II.) Staters Head of Zeus r., laur. ; hair long ; behind, thunderbolt ; border of dots. symbol, in front of forehead, symbol, off coin. A O K P 12 N Eagle 1., wings open, devouring hare; border of dots. (11 N, off coin) (P, off coin) [PLiTE IX. 22. t] * The poor condition of this coin fully accounts for its defective weight. t The piece figured as No. 21 on Plato ix. is a coin of Lyttns in Crete; it will be described in Vol. II. LOCRI 137 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Eeverse AOKPnN Similar type. A O K P n N Similar. 7 107-3 yR -85 AO K Pn N Similar type 1. Similar type. 8 M pi. -85 9 ■ .R pi. -85 Circa 300—280 b.c. Bronze Compare flic monry of Agatholdcs of Syracuse. 10 160-5 ^ -95 AlO§ Head of Zeus r., laui-., liair long; behind, tlianderbolt ; box"der of dots. AOK Winged thunderbolt, placed hori- PX2N zontally ; plain boi'der. 11 140-5 JE -95 12 142- JE -9 A 1 5 Similar type 1 . AOK PUN Similar type ; beneath, caduceus 1. and ; border uncertain. 13 64 5 JE -7 Head of Pallas 1., in crested Corinthian helmet ; border of dots. AOK Similar type ; border of dots. PJQN 14 53- M -6 Similar type ; above, EY ; plain border. [A]OKPnN Winged thunderbolt, placed perpendicularly ; in field 1., cornucopiae. Circa 280— 26S B.C. During the Pyrrhic War, Locri became the ally of Home. The foUowhig silver stater refers directly to that alliance. 15 107 1 Ai -75 Head of Zeus 1., laur., hair long ; beneath, fs£ ; border of dots. [Plate [A]OKP • . (in ex.) Roma seated r. on throne, wearing long chiton and peplos over knees ; her r. ai-m rests on oblong shield, the boss of which ends in long ridge ; under 1. arm, parazonium ; she is crowned by Fides, standing 1., wear- ing long chiton and peplos, one end of which, brought over her 1. shoulder, she holds in her 1. hand; in field 1., PnM[A] ; in field r., traces of letters (ni$Ti5) X. 1.] 138 BRUTTIUM No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reveusb 16 17 163- 180- JE 1-1 18 87- JE Bronze Circa 300—268 B.C., or Infer. 19 221- jE 1-1 20 191- JE -95 74- JE -75 Head of Persephone r.,, wearing diadem, earring, and necklace ; haii' hanging down and tied behind ; behind, lighted torch ; border obscure. Similar type 1., wearing wreath ; behind, eai' of barley ; border, plain. Head of Pallas r., wearing crested Corin- thian helmet, earring, and necklace ; behind, AEY ; border of dots. Ao|. 173 ff. 142 BRUTTIUM No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 12 13 14 15 IG 17 18 19 20 21 22^ 94- 74-5 54- 106- 105-5 123- 146- 145- 76-5 45- 26-8 M -65 M -65 M -55 M -8 M -85 /E -85 JE -8 JE -8 tE -7 ^ -6 M -5 Bronze -Be/ore 387 B.C. Lion's scalp ; border of dots. Similar type. Sprig of olive. HS type 1. PH type r. P H Head of Apollo 1., hair turned up. Circa 350—270 B.C. The cltij iras rcstuied hy Dionijsins II., circa 350 B.C. Lion's scalp ; border of dots. Similar. PHriNIlN Head of Apollo r., laur.; hair long ; boi'der of dots. behind, strigil ? ,, dolphin 1., upwards. ,, bucranium. behind, ivy-leaf. [Plate x. 8.] type 1.; behind, helmet, type r. ; symbol, uncertain. PHr I NUN Lyre; above, crescent with horns downwards ; plain border. [Plate x. 9.] Circa 270—203 b.c. The weight of the silver of this ^jeriod points to close commercial relations with Sicily. Silver Piece of Two Litrae. Head of Apollo 1., laur. ; hair long ; behind, dolphin downwards; border of dots. PHr I NflN Lion's scalp; border of dots. [Plate x. 10.] * This coin does not form part of the original Hunter Cabinet. It was one of the small hoard moutidnod on p. •75 (footnote). RHEGIUM 143 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Eeverse Beonze 23 154- M :9 Head of Apollo 1., laiir. ; liair long; border of dots. PHTI NflN Tripod-lebes, with neck and three handles ; beneath, omphalos ; in field 1., P ; border of dots. 24 35- JE -6 Similar. (behind, traces of symbol ?) PHTI NHN Tripod-lebcs, with three handles ; border of dots. 25 27-5 M -5 tripod-lebes has neck. -» 26 120- JE -9 Similar type 1. ; behind, bow ; border of dots. PHTI NUN Tripod-lebes, with neck and three handles ; border of dots. 27 117- M -85 Similar type 1. ; border of dots, behind, conmcopiae. PHri Similar; handles resemble NUN wheels of four spokes. 28 112- M -85 behind, lyi-e. [Plate /PHTx \NaNJ X. 11.] 29 112-5 M -9 behind, uncertain symbol. (No. 29 is ck ublo-struck. ) 30 190- M -95 Head of Artemis r., wearing earring and necklace ; haii' in knot behind ; behind, bow. and over shoulder, quiver ; border of dots. [ P] H r 1 N n N Apollo, naked, seated 1 . on om]>halos, holding arrow and strung bow ; border of dots. 31 98-5 ^ -9 Head of Artemis r., weai-ing stephane, earring and necklace ; over shoulder, bow and quiver ; border of dots. P H r 1 Lp-e of seven strings ; border of NHN dots. 32 120-5 JE -85 Similar. Pf 1 Lyre of five strings; in field 1., NriN cornucopiae; border of dots. 33 88- ^ -85 34 129-5 ^ 1- Similar. PH r 1 Young Asklepios, standing NriN facing, wearing wreath ; r. hand sti-etched out, holding branch of laurel, and bird ; 1. resting on sceptre ; in field 1., cornucopiae ; border of dots. 35 120- M -95 nuUBf^i 144 BRUTTIUM No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 36 24-5 IE -6 Head of Artemis r., liair gathered in knot behind; bow and quiver over shoulder; border of dots. [Plate • IN Naked male figure standing 1., leaning with r. on long staff, and holding in his 1. a parazonium resting on hip ; in field 1., cuirass. X. 12.] Circa 203—89 B.C. Bronze <- Full Weight Tetrantes Heads jugate r., of Apollo, laur., and Artemis, wearing stephane and necklace ; border of dots. P H r 1 Tripod-lebes, with neck and three NX2N handles; infield r., J ; border of dots. • • 37 179- M 1-05 ben-ies in Apollo's wreath. (No. 37 is restruck.) 38 176-5 M 1- no berries ; behind, O [Plate x. 13.] 39 107-5 JE -95 no berries ; behind, forceps. (No. 39 is restriu-k.) 40 174-5 JE 1- Similar. behind, traces of symbol. PHriNUN Similar; but above mai-ks of value, )^ Reduced Weight Pentonkia 41 202-5 M 1-05 Janiform female head, with modius ; each head wears stephane, earring, and neck- lace ; border of dots. PHriNnN Asklepios, naked to waist, seated 1. on high-backed chair, leaning Avith r. on staff ; in field 1., fl and tripod ; border of dots. Similar. PH n NXIN Similar type ; iu field 1., R ; plain border. i 42 167- M -95 inscr. obscure. 43 183- JE 1-05 Similar. (No. 43 is rostruck on t [Plate Similar ; but serpent twined round staff. I tetras of Full Weight.) X. 14.] 44 136-5 M I- no border visible. 1 no border visible ; inscr. obscure. RHEGIUM 145 No. Weight Metal Size Obveese Reverse 45 171- M 11 Head of Artemis r., wearing stepliane ; over shoulder, quiver ; border of dots. PHPIN . . Apollo, naked, .seated 1. on omjjhalos, holding arrow and strung bow ; in iield 1., TT ; border of dots. 4G 9:3- JE -9 Head of Pallas 1., wearing earring, neck- lace, and crested Athenian helmet, adorned with griffin ; border of dots. (griffin on helmet, not visible.) PHriNnN Pallas, standing 1., wearing long chiton with diploidion ; in r., Nike holding a trophy ; 1. rests on sliield ; spear leans against her 1. shoulder ; in field 1., fl and thunder- bolt ; plain border. 47 90- M -85 48 87-5 JE -85 Tetrantes Heads jugate r., of Asklepios and Hygieia, both laur. ; Hygieia wears necklace ; border of dots. PHPINflN Artemis standing facing, wearing short chiton and endi'omides, holding spear and bow ; at her feet, hound, running r. and looking up ; plain border. 49 73-5 ^ -7 in field r., traces of marks of value. 50 45-5 M -65 Head of Artemis r., wearing stephane. )> J» )! 11 PHriNriN Lyre with five stnngs ; in field 1., MM 51 47-5 JE -65 boi-der obscure. beneath value marks, comucopiae ; border doubtful. 52 34-5 M -6 border of dots. above value marks, crescent with horns upwards ; plain border. 53 53-5 ^ -05 Busts of the Dioskoui-oi r., each wearing laur. pilos and chlamys ; above each head, a star ; border of dots. stars not visible. Similar. [PlHriNHN Demeter standing 1., holding ears of corn and sceptre ; in field 1., nil, above which a crescent; plain border. PHTINriN Hermes standing 1., wear- ing petasos ; chlamys on 1. shoulder ; he holds branch and caduceus ; in field 1., MM ; plain border. 54 58-5 yE -75 [Plate in field 1., coi'iiucopiae. X. 15.] 55 54-5 iE -C no symbol. 140 BRUTTIUM No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse Similar. P H r 1 N n N Young Asklepios standing naked 1., holding branch in r. ; on hia wrist, bird with wings open r. ; lie leans with 1. upon a knotted staff ; in field 1., MM; plain border. 56 49- M -65 (place of stars, and of symbol, off coin.) (border, off coin.) 57 43- M -65 behind, spear-head. 58 38-5 M -65 11 )i • T r i a nt es 59 116- JE -95 Head of Asklepios r., laur. ; border of dots. PHriNriN Hygieia standing 1., wear- ing long chiton ; she feeds serpent from patera held in r. ; with her 1. .she raises her garment ; in fieU 1., 1 1 1 ; plain border. 60 100- JE -9 (No. 00 is re.stnick on a jjieco resembling Nos. 20 if.) fil* 36- JE -55 Head of Apollo r., laur. border doubtful ; no mai-ks of value visible. PHriNnN (in ex.) The Dio.skouroi galloping r. with spears and flowing chlamydes ; plain border. TERINA The Rev. type, here described as Nike, may possibly represent the Siren Liijcia, whos^ tomb was at Terina. Compare the fgure of Eirene at Locri {No. 1). Terina, irhich icas a colony of Croton, naturally adopted the Achaean system for its coins, the wciijht of the stater being slightly depreciated. Silver Circa 440—400 B.C. ' Staters 1 117-4 M -85 Head of nymph Terina r., hair tied into knot on top, and bound twice I'ouiid with cord or narrow diadem ; the whole within wreath of olive. ..PI A/AILOA/] Winged Nike, on ' four-legged seat 1., holding- wreath in r. ; 1. hand rests on back of seat. [Plate x. 16.] j 1 * On this denomination (marked xii) see It should be noted that on the preceding co dency for il to approacli the form Q.. Mommsen, Hist, de la Monn. Rom., i., p. 139. ms, particularly the later ones, thei-e is a ten- I BHEGIUM— TERINA 147 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse llG-3 1171 1141 118-3 12(J- 1221 118-8 9 116-3 10 114-8 Al -9 .'R -85 Ai -85 /R -75 ,R -8 .'R -85 .R -95 .R -75 Al Head of nymph Terina 1., wearing neck- lace and amj)yx ; hair waved ; the whole within wreath of olive. Similar type ; hair rolled ; no wreath. Similar head r., wearing- necklace and ampyx ; liair rolled ; the whole within olive-wreath. [TEPIN]AION Similar head 1.. wear- ing necklace and spheudone ; behind, P TEP I A/ A I O/V Similar head]., wearing necklace ; hair bound with broad diadem, and gathered in knot behind ; behind, P [TE PINA] ION Similar type. [T]EP I A/ A I O A/ Similar type; dialt'in ornamented with maeatider pattern ; behind neck, P A ION Winged Nike, seated 1. on large vase which lies ou its side ; r. arm outstretched. r. hand, obliterated. . . PINAION Similar type; r. hand resting on caduceus. [TEPI] NA [ION] Nike, with open wings, seated 1., holding in r. caduceus downwards ; 1. resting on back of cippus, on which she sits. Winged Nike, seated 1. on cippus, resting her r. on top of caduceus which stands before her; on base of cijjpus, P Similar ; but T Similar type ; but Nike holds caduceus lower down ; in field r., P Similar type ; Nike touches with r. the top of the cnduceus ; her 1. rests on cippus; ill field r., H [Plate x. 17.] [TEPIA/Al lOA/ Similar head r., wearing necklace and diadem ; behind neck, <|> Nike, with open wings, seated 1. on cippus, holding caduc3us, handle forwards, in r., and wreath in 1. [Nam. Chron., 188o, Pl. xi. 5.] [TEP] IN A [ION] Similar head 1., we.iring broad diadem. Winged Nike, seated 1. on cippus; hold- ing in r., by the middle, caduceus with handle forwards ; 1. resting on cippus. IJ Z 148 BRUTTIUM No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 11 116-4 \ 12 117-4 13 1181 1-t 111-6 15 121-4 IG 116-8 17 116-3 18 18-3 19 18-2 20 16-4 21 13-9 i .R -9 /R -9 M -S M -9 M -9 .R -8 M -8 [TEPIN]AI OA/ Similar head r., wearing necklace and broad diadem. Nike, with open wings, standing 1. ; 1. arm supported on column ; in r. she grasps caduceus by the middle, the handle turned tovvaixls her ; in field 1., altar, on which bird 1.; in field r., H [Plate x. 18.] TEP[INAIONl -Similar head; diadem ornamented with maeander pattern ; behind, P Nike, w^ith open wings, seated 1. on cippus, holding in r. a sprig of olive ; 1. hand resting on cippus. [Num. Ch-on., 1883, Pl. xii. 2.] TEP [I/VA] lO/V Similar head 1. diadem plain. Similar. [Plate x. 19.] Similar type ; head-dress obscure. TEPINAION Similar head r., wear- ing small sphendone. [TE] PIN A ION Winged Nike, seated 1. on cippus, holding wreath in r. ; 1. hand resting on cippus. Similar type ; on base of cippus, poppy- head. [Nnm. Chron., 1883, Pl. xii. 10.] TEPINAION Similar type. inscr., in front. ^-45 ^-45 M -45 inscr., behind. Winged Nike, seated 1. on cippus; on back of extended r., dove with .spread wings ; 1. rests on back of cippus. INnin. Ch-on., 1883, Pl. xn. 11.] Sixths Head of nymjih Terina r., wearing sphen- done and earring. TE no letters ; no eaning. type 1, ^R -55 I type 1. ; much woru, Nike, winged, seated 1. on cippus, on which 1. hand rests; r. arm outstretched-. r. hand, off coin, T E PI 111 r. hand, wreath. TE PI no letters vi.sible ; in r., bird Y ; in field 1., stai' of eight rays ; much worn. TERINA 1.49 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 3 35-9 34-1 50-9 30-5 so- il- 48-5 Al-7 M -7 Al -65 Al -65 M -65 .11 pi. -6 yE -65 ^ -65 M -6 C/y-crt 400—356 B.C. Tiiriaa fell into the hands of the Bruttil eirca 356 B.C. Silver Thirds TEPINAIHN Head of nymph Temia, wearing earring and necklace ; hair rolled and very wavy ; behind neck, triquetra of legs ; boi-der of dots. type r. type 1. [Plate x. 20.] type 1. ; inscr., pai-tially off coin. in field 1., star of eighii ray.s. Winged Nike seated 1. on square cippus holding in extended r. a bird r. ; 1. hand rests on cippus. ill field 1., t Traces of inscr. Similar type r. TEPINAiriN Similar type; behind, triqueti-a of legs ; border of dots. Similar type ; in field 1., A Similar type, but Nike holds in r. caduceus by the middle, handle resting on her knee. in field 1., ~£ Bronze Female head I., wearing sphendone, eai-- ring, and necklace ; border of dots. TEPI Crab ; above which, crescent with horns downwards : plain border. border not visible. 150 ITALY No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse JRo .11 pi. -7 102- ^ -75 UNCERTAIN OF ITALY Silver Circa 300 B.C. Head of Pallas r., wearing crested Corin- thi m helmet, earring, and necklace. Eagle, with wings open, standing r. on thunderbolt. Garrucci {Monefe deW Ifalia Aiilicn) fif;nres tliis coin (PL Lxxxii. 18), and assigns it to Alba Pucentib in Latiuiu. It should be compared with the small silver of that town {B.M.C., p. 44). Cirrn lOO B.C. OnH3 Owl 1. on olive-branch, showing Female head r., hair bound with diadem, and waved ; behind, 3 full face. [Plate xi. 1.] No. 2 is a local (Lucanian) imitation of the silver drachms of Velia. Sec p. 113. Bronze Aflcr eircd 26S B.C. Head of Pallas 1., wearing crested Coi'in- thian helmet : border of dots. F E I N R E ? Cock standing r. ; behind, star of eight rays. [Plate xi. 2.] For the types of No. .3, compare the bronze of Aquinum, Cales, Suessa Aurunea, Teauum Sidicinuni, etc. The first three letters of the inscr. arc tolerably clear, the last three doubtful. Garrucci, who figures the Hunter coin from a cast (PI. lxxxviii. 18), and professes to have had a similar one in his own collection, follows Combe in his reading p £ | N N P ' ^^^^ also in his attribution to Venafrum. Apart, however, from the fact that the last letter is more probably £ than F , there are serious linguistic objections to the interpretation which Combe and Garrucci place upon their own reading.* * The compiler of the Catalogue is indebted to the kindness of Mr. W. M. Lindsay, of Jesus College, Oxford, for a full discussion of this difficult legend. Mr. Lindsay is of opinion that F E I N R E J^'ght possibly be a locative case, but he is unable to suggest any Oscan town whose name would be an appropriate nominative. There is a twofold objection to the view of Combe and Garrucci. (1) The e of 'Venafrum' is short, and it is in the highest degree improbable that a short Latin e would be represented in Oscan by ei. (2) It would be surprising to find the same symbol (p) employed in the same word with two distinct values (i' and/); V is usually represented in Oscan by C and / by §. On the second point, see Von Planta, Granumtik J.er Oskinch-Umlirischen Bkdddc (Strassburg, 1893—97), vol. ii., p. 649 (Auhang). UNCERTAIN 151 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse F«rs/ Century B.C. Dionysiac head r., wearing wreath of ivy ; hair falUng iu long tresses ; border of dots. Lion (or panther) r., head facing, grasp- ing with 1. fore-paw a thyrsos which it holds in its mouth ; border of dots. 4 90- JE -9 5 123- M -85 in ex., CAI [Plate xi. 3.] Coins of the types of Nos. 4 and 5 were tentatively assigned to Capua in B.M.C, p. 84. Friedliinder {Oskische Mlinzen, p. 8) read CAI ^'^'^ attributed the series to Caiazzo." Garrucci, who figures a coin similar to No. 5 (PL lxxvii. 3), reads Q,/^-^ CAN ^""1 interj^rets this as a magistrate's name, comparing ^ on a London specimen (-B.M.C, p. 84 (22).). He also points out that these coins appear to be found chiefly in the neighbourhood of Orvieto, the ancient Bolsena. They are, therefore, probably Latin, not Campanian, as was formerly supposed. On the date see Imhoof Blumer, Monn. grecq., pp. 36, 37. Third Cetitury n.c. Horse standing r., raising its off fore-leg. Dolphin 1. ; above which, trident r. 6 105-5 ^ -8 above horse, . AFII ? beneath dolphin, . | N [Plate xi. 4.] 7 91- M -8 no letters visible. beneath dolphin, MXl [Plate xi. 5.] Those coins are probably to be attributed to Salapia in Etriiria. Cf. Garrucci, PI. xciil., Nos. 30 — 34, where, however, there is no trident on the Rev. Head of bearded Herakles r., wearing lion's skin j in front, /t. Q . CEP Between lines of inscr., DE III TOL clubr. 8 107- ^ -7 [Plate xi. 6.] Garrucci figures a similar coin (PI. cxxii. 27^ the Hunter specimen, however, does not cori'es does the explanation suggested in his te.xt n])\w Paestum. , and reads P^tS <'« the Obv. The inscr. on pond to the engraving in Garrucei's plate ; nor ar sufficiently good to justify his attribution to MRin 152 ITALY No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Keverse 196-5 ^ -9 Head of Pallas r., wearing crested Corin- thian helmet with neck-2:)iece ; border of dots. KAISIE EOYMENTHI Thunderbolt, horizontally placed ; beneath, star of eight rays. [Plate xi. 7.] Garriicci figures this coin (PI. xciir. 35), assigning it to Salapia, and interpreting tlie inscr. as a magistrate's name. His chief argument for the attribution is that the dialect is ' Apulian.'* * A more probable suggestion has been made by Mr. W. M. Lindsay, who writes: "I would read the legend as Kaisie Eniisenfei, ' Caesius [name of magistrate] at Uxentum,' the first word being in the nominative {-e for the fuller -es), and the second in the locative case. The dialect of Uxentum was Messapian (the term ' Apulian' is now given up). In the legend OY represents the u- sound (cf. 'AovKos = Aulus, and TlaovWiva = PauUina, C.I.G. 2656 b add., 6665, also aouTf/j. = autem in the Lead tablet of Hadrumetum, 2nd cent. A. D.)— while Y would represent the M- sound — -and the common letter M (sec Mommscn, Vnterital. DiaJekte, p. 5) some sibilant sound, variously transliterated as x, ss (s), etc. The symbol generally used nowadays for tlie latter is «. The name of the town appears in various forms — Uzentini in Livy, OS^evToi' in Ptolemy, Aofc- and O^af- on coins. (See Corpus Inscr. Lat., ix., p. 3)." It is only fair to say that Mr. Lindsay would wish his suggestion to be regarded as tentative, since " the slightness of the material for a knowledge of the Accidence and Orthography of the Messapian dialect makes it impossible to speak with certainty." It should be added that a careful re-examinatiou of the coin has revealed what appear to be traces of the final < of K A I < I E$ . SICILY No. Weighi- Metal Size Obveksk Reverse ABACAENUM r/(C coinage of Abacaenum, Greek hi all hut in iceight, shows to ivhat an extent the non- Greek towns of the island were under Hellenic influence. Cf. Ekys, Morgantina, etc. Silver Circa 450—400 B.C. Litrae 1 9-6 M -55 Bearded head (Zens ?) r., laur. ; hair in bunch behind ; border of dots. Boar standing r. ; plain border. 1 '^Al A>i in front, acorn 1. ; first part of . BA inscr., in exergue. 2 101 M -5 ABAK ABAK (above) ; in front, acorn with leaves upwards, inclined towards r. [Plate xi. 8.] ABAK Similar type ; border of dots. Similar type 1. ; in fi'ont, acorn 1. 3 8- M -46 ABA 4 9'6 JR -5 inscr., almost obliterated. Similar type. ABAK Similar type r. 5 11-6 ^ -45 ABAK • A 1 1 \A 6 11-5 ^l -55 K A A B 1 A plain border. 1 w 7 11- .'R -55 Bearded head (Zeus ?) r. ; hair short ; border of dots. ABA Boar standing r. on narrow oblong ; in front, acorn r. 8 12-4 M -5 type and symbol 1. 154 SICILY No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 9 11-7 M -45 Head of water-nymph, three-quarter face towards 1. BA Sow standing r.; at her feet, pig r. ; A line of ex., double. Bkonze Circa 400—350 B.C. Female head 1., wearing sphendone, ear- ring and necklace ; border of dots. ABAKAINI NUN Forepart of bull swimming 1. ; border of dots. 10 30-5 JE -55 ADRANUM ? Adranum, a foundation and dependency of Dionysiiis, was one of the frst toivns liberated by Timoleon, one of the effects of tvhose expedition teas a lA \AA3 AKrvA AKl^A aKpa aKpa Crab (within circular incuse). 5A3 [Plate xi. 10.] beneath, E V ,, bai'leycorn. Corinthian lielniet, willioul X 2 crest. ■mnni 156 SICILY No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse Similar type r. Similar type. 7 127-8 M '85 A K A 9 8 132-9 M -75 A. A 9 129-1 M -8 A K P A CAZ; in r. claw, mnrex-shell. 10 132-3 M -85 A K (eagle on rcwk ?) P A beneath, A 11 131-3 ^-8 A K P A ,, barleycorn. 12 136-2 M -75 9 H A- A ,, young male head r. 13 128-7 M -8 9 >| plain border. A[A] 55 ;j 14 133-5 M -95 AKPA[C] Eagle with wings closed, 50TVVA standing 1.; plain border. Crab. [Plate xi. 11.] Circa 472 — 415 B.C. Oil the death of Theron a democracy tvas established, and Agrigetdum grew in icealth and importance. rapidly Silver Tetradrachms 15 266-9 M -95 AKPAC h\KTO% Eagle, with wings closed, standing 1. on line of dots. Crab ; beneath, rose, on either which a spray. side of 16 269-7 M -95 A K P A C Similar ; bnt eagle on top of $OT^A Ionic column. Crab ; above, <|> ; beneath, rose, on either side of which two sprays. [Plate xi. 12.] Eagle, with wings closed, standing 1. Crab. 17 269-4 mil5 aKpac SOTMA [Plate xi. 13.] 18 257-2 M 1- AKPAC AA/T05 1 AGRIGENTUM 157 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Eeverse Didrachms Eagle, -witli wings closed, standing 1. Crab. 19 1371 M -9 AKPAC AA/T05 20 135-8 M -85 50T\AA 3A9|>IA Li trae Eagle 1., with closed wings, standing on Crab. capital of Corinthian column ; border of dots. 21 12-9 M -4 A K A q beneath, rose. 22 9-9 Ai -35 5) beneath, Al 23 8-5 M -35 y\ A P A )) 55 Circa 415—406 B.C. Daring the Athenian expedition the city remained neutral ; hut it doubtless shared in the general prosperity that folloved the Syracusan victory. It ivas sacked hy the Carfhayivians in 406 B.C. Gold AKPA Eagle, with wings closed, stand- Crab; beneath, SIAA ; ])laiu border. ing 1. on rocks, teai-ing sei-jient which it holds in its talons ; on i-ocks, • • ; $o\A 24 20-6 N -5 plain border. [Plate xi. 14.] Silver Tetrad rachm Two eagles r., standing on supine hare, which lies on rocks ; the further, with Quadriga 1., driven by Nike, who holds goad in r. and reins in 1.; hoi'ses in open wings, about to tear the prey ; the nearer, with closed wings, raising its head and screaming; in field 1., high action; in ex., club? 1.; border of dots. lion's head 1., with open jaws. 25 213-2 /ll 1- [Cf. RM.i much worn ; traces of insci-ibed tablet, in field 1. ., p. 10 (.55).] Mmnii 158 SICILY No. 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 3i Weight 32-8 30-6 32-3 30-6 31-2 32-6 Metal Size 332- 296- 348- Obverse Reverse M -65 M -6 M -6 M -65 ^•65 /R -7 JE 1- M 1-1 M 1-25 Hemidrachms Eagle standing r., with open wings, on su2)ine liare, which it is about to devour; behind, bai-lejcorn ; border of dots. Similar ; but eagle on supine colt no border visible. A A Crab; beneath, pistrix 1., holding fish in its mouth. [A] K Similar ; but pistrix r. [Cf. £.M.C.,Y>. 12 (64).] Eagle standing 1., as above, on supine hare; border of dots. AK PA Similar. Similar tyjic r. ; border of dots. Crab ; beneath, tunny-fish r. A K P A K PA Crab ; beneath, tunny-fish 1. A^ [^A] Crab; beneath, tunny-fish r., curved. [Plate xr. 1.5.] Bronze Be/ore 406 B.C. Hemilitra Eagle, with wings open, r., standing on tunny-fish, and holding back its head and screaming. AKPAfA A/T I/VOA/ inscr., obliterated. traces of inscr. (retrograde) ; border of dots. Crab, holding eel in 1. claw ; beneath, conch and cuttle-fish; ax'onnd, marks of value. four value-marks visible. six cuttle-fish to 1., conch !A . . P . ; eagle stands on supine pig. Eagle, with wings open, r., standing on tunny-fish, which it tears with its beak; border of dots. Crab ; beneath, two tunny-fishes ; on either side, • tunny-fishes 1. tunny-fishes r. A A Crab ; I)eneath, two tunny-fishes r. and 1., passing ; only one value-mark visible. tTnc iae Eagle, with wings closed, standing on tunny-fish ; head turned back ; behind, cicada. A A type 1. AKP A typer. Crab; above, • beneath, broad fish r. beneath, fish 1. ? AGRIGENTUM 161 No. Weight Metal Size Obveese Reverse Uncertain Denomination 59 36- JE -55 Eagle's head r., without neck ; plain bordei'. ^ Crab ; border of dots. Circa 406—340 b.c. The survivors of the Cartliaijinian massacre found their icay bach. Instead of issuing new coins, they restruck those of the preceding class. Restruck Coins (In no case is it possible to determine the exact variety ; but the types are always the same : Obv., Eagle; Rev., Crab.) Head of young Herakles in lion's skin r., within incuse circle. Plain. 60 276- M 1-15 61 124-5 M -9 62 288-5 M 1-15 within, a second incuse circle, enclosing a scallop-shell. Young male head r., diademed ; behind, dolphin downwards ; plain border ; all 63 187- M 1-05 iu incuse circle. Circa 340—287 B.C. Agrigcnimn was recolonizcd hy Timoleon, and once again hecame prosperous. The new types are characteristic of the era of liberation. Silver Euboic-Attic Standard Hemidrachms Free horse, cantering r. Crab. 64 32-5 M -6 beneath, pellet. 65 28-5 JR -55 above, star. above, f^ 162 SICILY No. Weight Metal Size Obverse- Reverse 6G 67 68 69 70 71 72 16- 14-7 292- 256- 89- 36-5 92' 62- /R -4 M -55 JE 1- M 1- ^ -75 JE -5 M -75 ;E -65 Pieces of One Litra and a Half Head of Zeus 1., laur. ; beneath, A\ Eagle, with wings open, standing r. AKPATALNTI] NHN [AK]PArA[NTI] NHN IB.M.C, p. 14 (78).] BrOiNZE Hemi litra AKPArA$ Head of young river-god Akiugas 1., diademed, and witli short horns ; border of dots. Eagle standing 1. on the cajiital of an Ionic column, head turned back ; in field 1., crab; in field x-., JJJ ; plain border. (value- marks, partially off coin.) [Plate xi. 19.] Uncertain Denominations AKPA TA Head of Zeus 1., laur.; border of dots. Similar type 1. Eagle, with wings open, 1., standing on supine hare, which it teai's with its beak. AKPArrA] NTINn[NJ Winged thunderbolt plain border. Circa 287—279 B.C. Bronze During these eight years Phintias loas despot of Agrigentum, and ruler of a considerable part of Sicily. Head of Apollo 1., laureated. traces of inscr. AKPATANTIN . . Head of Zeus 1., laui'eated ; border of dots. <|>| Two eagles standing 1. on supine hare ; the farther, with wings open, tearing the prey; the nearer, with wings closed, hold- ing back its head and screaming. Eagle, with wings open, 1., standing on supine hare, which it is about to tear with its beak ; behind, <}> | . [Plate xii. 1.] AGRTGENTUM 163 No. Weight Metal Size Obvebse Reverse • 74 47- M -55 AKPATANT Head of Aiwllo 1., laur. ; border of dots. Eagle standing r. ; head turned back ; above, <|)| [B.M.C., p. 20 (133).] T/ie following were siruch hij Fliinfias for circulation in Ms dominions outside the limits of the city. 75 79- .E -8 Head of youuo: river-god Akragas 1., horned, and weai-ing wreath of reeds ; border of dot«. BAZIAEOS Boar standing 1. at bay; 1 N T 1 A plai n border. [Plate xii. 2.] 76 us- yE -8 (border, off coin.) 77 es- M -8 Circa 279—241 B.C. Agriyentnm sided mitli Carthage in the First Punie War, and a.t its close fell under the power of Home. Silver Head of Zeus r. , laur. ; border of dots. AKPAfAN TINHN Eagle, with -wings open, standing r. ; plain border. 78 48-9 M -75 in field r., T 79 42-1 Al -7 in field r., /^ ; (TINI2N, off coin). IB.M.C, p. 14 (83).] Bronze 80 168- M 1- Head of Apollo i-., laur.; border of dots. Two eagles standing 1. on supine hare ; the farther, with wings open, attacking the prey; the nearer, with wings closed, holding back its head and screaming; plain border. 81 111- ^ -75 82 76- M -75 (border obscure) 83 116- JE -9 behind, A 84 94- jE -95 -It n above, A 85 145-5 M -85 ill front, ^ ; no border visible. above, H K ; no border visible. 80 133- 7E -85 no monogram or border visible. in field r., HK; ,, Y 2 164 SICILY No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 87 89 90 91 92 93 94 1 se- ise • 163-5 157- 134- 82-5 74- 97-5 M 1- M -9 M -95 M -95 JE 1- M -8 M -85 2E -9 Similar type ; but crawling over head, serpent ; on either side, A and AP • border of dots. Similar type. [Plate xii. 3.] AKPAr[ANTI]NnN Young male head r., diademed ; behind, bunch of grapes ; beneath, star ; boi-der of dots. AIOZ Eagle, with closed wings, ZflTH POZ standing r. on thunder- bolt, head turned back ; border of dots. IB.M.C, p. 21 (146).] Head of Apollo r.,laur. ; boixler of dots. Similar. behind, h\ ; in front, uncertain letter or monogi-am (^ ?) AKPArAN Tripod-lebes, with neck XI Nil N and three handles; border of dots. A K PA FAN Naked warrior r., having XI NUN clilamys round 1. arm, and thrusting with spear or javelin ; border of dots. n in inscr. Circa 241—210 B.C., and later. Beonze After the settlement of 210 B.C. Agrigentum was allowed to retain special privileges, and pyrohahhj continued to strike money. Head of Persephone r., wearing wreath of barley. behind, traces of letters ; in front, ACKAAROC ti-aces of inscr. Head of Zeus r., laur. ; border of dots. Asklepios, facing, clad in himatiou ; r. hand extended. AKPAPAN . . NUN [AlKPATAN .. NUN AKPArANXINn[N] Eagle, facing, with wings open, on thunderbolt ; head r. ; border of dots. AGRIGENTUM— ALAESA 165 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse AGYRIUM Beonze Circa 420 — 345 B.C. No. 1 is part of the earliest issue of Agyriiim, ivhich continued to strike money until after circa 300 B.C., ichen it came into the hands of Phintias of Agrigentum. 1 267- M -9 Eagle, witli closed wings, r. ; behind, sprig of olive, consisting of two leaves and fruit. AT YP IN Al Wheel of four .spokes, between which, letters of iiiscr. After 241 B.C. At Agyritim, as at many other toicns, the mint teas reojpened under Soman injliience. 2 78- M -75 Head of bearded Herakles r. ; border of dots. ATYPINA 1 niSI lolaos r., naked, bui-ning with an ii'on the necks of the hydra ; plain border. Hexas o 49- M -6 Head of Apollo r., laur. ATYPI NAIHN Female figure (Isis?) standing r., with outstretched r. hand; in front, 1 1 [Plate xii. 4.] ALAESA This toirn was the 7-allying-point of the Sikels and Sicanians who allied themselves with Tiinoleon against the Carthaginians. Nos. 1-3 may have been minted there at that time. But the attribution is by no means certain.* Bronze Circa 340 B.C. 1 no- M -9 KAINON (ill ex.) Horse prancing 1., bridle loose ; plain border. Gi'iffin galloping 1. ; plain boi-der. [B.M.C., p. 29 (6).] 2 us- ^ -95 above liorse, star of eight rays. | beneath griffin, cicada 1. [Plate xii. 5.] o O 147- ^ -9 ,, ,, no inscr. visible. (No. 3 is of rude, almost I * A. J. Evans suggests that they should rath of Sicily, vol. iv., p. ;353.) ,, ,, ; no boi-der. arbarous, workmanship.) n- be assigned to Ccnturipae. (Freeman's Histonj 166 SICILY No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 10 11 12 13 91-5 110-5 79- 105- 106- 207-5 85- 58- 45 50-5 M -9 2E -8 M -85 M -8 M -85 M -95 M -8 M -85 U m- M -55 M -7 IE -75 After circa 241 B.C. Alitesa joined Home at the outi^ct of the First Punic War. After the settlement of 210 B.C. it remained a ^ cifitas libera et immunis.' The title of the town, the fidl form of ivhich is 'Apx'DviSeLo<;, is derived from the name of its founder Archouides. Head of Zeiis 1., laur. ; border of dots, behind, p AAAIZAZ APX Eagle standing 1., "vv-ings open ; boi'der of dots. Similar. no monogram visible, behind, pSj behind, traces of monogi-ani. Head of Apollo 1., laur. ; behind, /^ ; border of dots. Similar type ; behind, sti'ung bow ; border of dots. Similar type r. execution rude. Head of Apollo 1., laur. ; border of dots. in field 1., cornucopiae. [Plate xii. 6.] AAAIZAZ Similar. APX Similar type. in field 1., bucranium ,, thunderbolt?; (inscr. worn). ,, tripod-lebes ; ,, AAAIZAZ Clasped r. hands; above, ear of barley r. ; beneath, caduceus r.; border of dots. AAAI Apollo standing 1., holding in ZAZ r. wreath ; his 1. resting on lyre ; iu field 1., \/> ; border of dots. Similar; but /^ AAAIZAZ APX Lyre ; in field 1., cornu- copiae ; border of dots. inscr. much worn. AAAI ZAZ Lyi'c ; border of dots, ill field r., /\ ALAESA— ALUNTIUM 167 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Eeverse Head of young Dionysos 1., wearing •vvreatli of ivy ; border of dots. AAAIZAS Warrior, wearing helmet A PX and breast-plate, stand- ing 1., looking back r. ; leans with r. on spear ; 1. rests on side and grasps sword in sheath ; boi'der of dots. 15 45- M -65 in field 1., cornucopiae. IG 44- M '7 no symbol visible. 17 36- M -G Young male head 1. ; hair sliort, and tied with fillet. APX Similar type, traces of rest of inscr. 18 40- M -65 Young male head r, ; drapery about neck. AAAI ZAX Similar type; but warrior APX wears ci-ested helmet, and looks 1. 19 33-5 M -55 Head of Artemis 1., wearing stephane ; border of dots. [A]AAIZAZ Quiver with strap; in APX field r., strung bow; in field 1., cornucopiae ; border of dots. ALUNTIUM Bronze Circa 241 — 210 B.C. (or earlier). Head of bearded Herakles r., wearing wreath ; border of dots. AAONTIN UN Eagle standing r. on quarry ; wings open ; plain border. 1 213- iE 1- beneath, P and traces of other letters. [Cf. B.M.C., p. 30 (2).] 2 104- M -95 (A ill inscr.) 3 91- M -8 Young male head 1., wearing Phiygian helmet, bound with wreath and ending at top in bird's head ; border of dots. [Plate A AON Tl NUN Man -headed bull standing 1. ; from his mouth gushes a stream of water ; plain border. XII. 7.] 4 44- 2E -G Head of bearded Hei-akles r. AAONTI Bow with aiTows, in case, N£IN and club 1.; plain border. 168 SICILY No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Beyebse 62 -f) M -6:: 176- M -95 178- M -9 71-5 M -71 82-5 M -7 AMESTRATUS Bronze It is doubtful whetlier Amestratus issued any coins before the 'period of Bonian supretimcij. Cf. AssoKUs, Calacte, Cephaloedium, etc. Circa 241 — 210 B.C. {or earlier). Head of young Dionysos r., wearing Avi'eath of ivy ; border of dots. AMHZTPA Helmeted horseman, cariying large round shield, galloping 1., spear couched ; above horse, AE[Y] ; jjhiin border. [Plate xii. 8.] Bust of Artemis r., wearing stephane with crescent ornament ; behind, bow and quiver. AMHZTPA tinun Apollo, facing, wearing chlamys and playing lyre ; border of dots. ASSORUS Bronze The late date of the coins of Assorus is shotcn bij the fact that all have a Latin inscription. After 210 B.C. ASSORV Head of Apollo r., laur.; border of dots. CRYSAS River-god Chi7i3as stand- ing 1., chlamys over 1. ai-m ; he holds amphora and coruucopiae ; border of dots. IB.M.C, p. 31 (1).] Female head r., wearing stephane, earring, and necklace ; hair in bunch behind ; border of dots. ASSOR[V] of dots. Yoke of oxen r. ; border CALACTE Bbonze Circa 241—210 B.C. With the ttjpes of No. 1 compare Athens, Nob. 64 ff. Head of Pallas r., wearing crested Athenian helmet. KA A [A] KTI NI1[N] Owl standing r. on amphora r. ; plain border. AMESTRATUS— CAMARINA 1G9 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse Head of young Dionysos r., wearing wreath of ivy ; over his shoulder, thyrsos. KA AA Bunch of grapes, with leaves. KTINilN 2 3 67- 62- M -6.5 ^ -6 thyr.sos doubtful. [Plate behind, star of six rays. xn. 9.] in field 1., star of six rays. 4 38- ^ -55 Head of Ajiollo r., laur. ; border of dots. KAAA Lp-e of five strings ; KT 1 N [H N ] border uncertain. 5 34- M -5 Bu.st of Hermes r., weaiing petasos ; chlamys about shoulders. KAAA Caduceus r. ; plain border. KTINHN CAMARINA Silver Circa 495—485 B.C. In 495 B.C. Camarrnn, n-hicli had hem destroyed half a rrntnni hcfore hij Sijravuse, ivas rebuilt hij I£ijj]_)ocrates of Gela. Ten years later the Syracusuns again destroyed it. Litrae Pallas standing 1., wearing long chiton with diplois, aegis, and crested helmet; she rests with r. on spear ; behind her, shield ; plain border. Nike, flying 1., Avearing long chiton with diplois ; at her feet, swan 1. ; all within wreath of olive. 1 11-2 ^ -5 WOIANM qAMA>i [Plate XII. 10.] 2 11-9 M -55 KAAAAP lA/AlOA/; shield in front. | [B.M.a, p. 32 (3).] Circa 461—405 B.C. The town loas once more restored from Gela in 461 B.C. It irns abandoned by its citizens during the great Carthaginian invasion. Euboic-Attic Standard Tetradrachms [VAOI]AVMqA/V\A>l Head of bearded Herakles 1., wearing lion's skin. Galloping quadriga 1., driven by female figui-e (Pallas ?J, who wears helmet, and holds reins in both hands ; horses move in step ; above, Nike flying r. to crown charioteer ; box'der of dots. 3 257-.5 /R 1-3 in ex., crane (or swan) flying r. 170 SICILY No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse Head of young Herakles r., wearing lion's skin, -with paws tied at throat ; plain border. [\MOIA\MqAA\A>! (on raised band of ex.) Gallo])ing quadriga r.; charioteer holds reins in both hands, goad in r. ; above, Nike flying r. to crown him ; in ex., three amphorae. 4 264- M 1- charioteer, almost off coin. [Plate xii. 11.] Didrachm 5 130-2 M -9 Bust of i-iver-god Hipparis, three-quarter face towards 1., with small horns ; hair loose ; on neck, EYA 1 ; on either side, a fish downwards ; all in circle of waves. KAAA A PI /VA Nymph Kaniarina seated r. on the back of a SM'an swim- ming 1. with wings spread ; her head 1. ; her r. arm clasps swan's neck ; her peplos falls over her knees, while the upper part is held with 1. as a sail ; beneath swan, waves ; amid which, fish r. ; in field r., fish leaping ; border of dots. [BJI.C, p. 3G (16).] Bkonze The liijht we'ujlit of the folloichuj coins shotrs that thcij cannot he of eery earlij date. Circa 415 ?— 405 B.C. Tr i ante s Gorgon's head, diademed. KAMA Owl r., holding up with 1. claw a lizard ; in ex. , • • • 6 57- JE -65 7 40- M -6 Head of Pallas 1., wearing crested Athe- nian helmet, adorned with wing ; border of dots. K and ex., off coin. Owl 1., holding up with r. claw a lizard ; in ex.,^ ••• ; plain border. 8 49- M -6 AMA>I [Plate xii. 12.] 9 56- M -55 KAMA 10 50- M -55 ,, ex., off coin. Uncertain Denomination Similar to No. G. Similar to No. 6, but ex., off coin. ]1 23- M -45 CAM ARIN A— C ATANA 171 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Eeveese Circa 345 B.C. im /7ie h'jHc o/ Tiiitoleon tJie m'mt of Camarina again became active. 12 53-5 M -65 KAMAPINAiriN Head of Pallas ]., wearing crested Athenian helmet ; border of dots. Free horse prancing 1. ; in ex. , ear of barley 1. ; plain border. 13 .56- M -65 last two letters of inscr., illegible. CATANA Silver Before circa 476 B.C. Catana uuis a Cludcidian settlement from Naxos. In 476 B.C. Hieron drove out the original inhuhiiants, refounded the town, and changed its name to Aetna. L i t rae 1 111 .R -4 Head of Seilenos r. ; border of dots. Similar. KA Thunderbolt of peculiar form, with A T curled wings ; border of dots. Similar type; in field 1., uncertain object; border of dots. 2 14-2 /R -45 KATA A/ [Plate xn. 13.] 3 11-7 yR -45 Similar. KAT A^ (no border visible). K ATA A/ E Similar type ; uncertain object plficed transversely on thunder- bolt ; border of dots. 4 10-4 ^1-5 5 11- M -45 type 1. Euboic-Attic Standard Circa 461—415 B.C. Some years after Ilieron's death the intruders, irho had in the interval struck money of their own, were exjJclfed (461 B.C.), and founded the second Aetna (q.v.), ichile the former citizens returned. Tetra drachms 6 265-3 /R 1-05 Head of Apollo r., laur. ; hair canglit up behind under string of wreath. [KAJTAA'AIOA/ Slow quadriga r. ; charioteer holds reins with both hands ; above, Nike, flying r., crowns horses ; border of dots. 7 264-3 /R 11 KATAA/[AloA/] line of ex., dotted. z 2 172 SICILY No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Eeverse 262' Al II 253-3 M 105 10 254-6 Al 1-05 11 2G6-3 .R II 12 265- Al II 13 62-3 .R -75 KATAA/A IO\\ Similar tyije ; but head larger. Similar, but Nike flies 1. and crowns charioteer. [Plate xii. 14.] KATAA/AIOA/ Young male head 1., laur., hair sluirt and wa\'y ; behind, laui-el-leaf with berry. Similar, but Nike flies r. ; charioteer holds goad. in ex., traces of symbol. [Cf. B.M.C., p. 44 (24).] Similar head r. ; behind, dolphin upwards, no inscr. visible. Similar tj-pe ; but no Nike visible ; line of ex., dotted. [Plate xii. 15.] Circa 415—403 B.C. Ill this period thr form of the inscription chnnijes. In 403 B.C. Catana was saclied hy Dioiii/sius, and handed over to a hodij of his mercenaries. Tetradrachms Head of Ajiollo, three-quarter face towards 1., laur. ; hair long and floating round him; in field r., HPAKAEIAA^ ; border of dots. KATAA/AiriA/ (in ex.) Quadriga 1., driven by male charioteer, wearing long chiton, holding reins in both hands ; horses galloping, and the rein of the farthest hanging loose ; above, Nike standing r. on reins, crowning charioteer and holding filleted caduceus ; in ex., fish 1. ; plain border. [Plate xii. 17.] Head of Apollo, facing, laiir. ; hair parted in centre ; on r. side, lyre ; on 1., strung- bow ; beneath neck, ArOAAXl/V ; in field 1., XOIPII2A^; border of dots. KATAA/AinA/ (in ex.) Galloping quadriga r., di-iven by male charioteer, holding goad in r. and reins in both hands ; the i-ein of the farthest horse broken and trailing ; above, Nike flying 1., holding ends of open wreath ; beyond the hor.ses, the meta is visible; in ex., cray-fish r. [B.M.C., p. 47 (34).] Drachms . EA/A/AA/0$(s/c) Head of young i-iver-god Amenanos 1., with short hoi-n, diademed ;^ around, two river- fishes and cray-fish. KATANAin (in ex.) Gallojung quad- N riga r. ; charioteer holds goad ; rein of farthest horse loose ; above, Nike, flying 1,, crowning charioteer ; border of dots. [Cf. B.M.C., p. 48 (37.).] CATANA 173 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 61-3 12-4 12-2 11-9 229-^ 73- 113- 21- M -8 M -45 .R -5 JR -5 ^1-05 M -75 M -85 M -5 A/ AMEA/A05 Similar type. KATANAlO (in ex.) Similar type; but no loose rein ; beneath liorse's fore- feet, /V\ [Plate xii. 16.] L i t r a e Head of Seilenos r. ; border of dots. Similar, but head 1. and wreathed ■with ivy. KAT. A/ A lOA/ Thunderbolt with curled wings ; to r. and 1., two small discs ; border of dots. KATAA/ A in A/ Similar type. [Plate xii. 18.] Head of nymph 1., wearing sphendone and earring ; border of dots. KATANAin[N] Bull butting r. ; in ex., cray-iish r. Bronze Fifth Ceniurij B.C. Head of young river-god 1., crowned with reeds ; border of dots. . . . NAin . (in ex.) Man-headed bull walkiuu' 1. [Plate xii. 19.] Second Century B.C. (and earlier). Catana early svhmitted to the Romans. The nhundauce of its hronze coina(je litotes that it prospered under their rvle. The types hear ivitness to the singidur popularity of Egyptian cults in the district. Rivei"-god recumbent 1.; in r., cornu- copiae ; 1. elbow leans on amphora ; over 1. shoulder, branch; border of dots. Head of Seilenos r. ; border of dots. KATANAinN Pilei of the Dios- kouroi ; above each, a star. beneath, lion's head r., between /^ and f^ between helmets, ^ • above which, owl r. ; border of dots. ANA Bunch of grapes ; border doubtful. traces of other letters. [Plate xii. 20.] 174 SICILY No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 22 39- 23 28- 24 25 7«- 71- 2G 113- 27 28 51- 54- 7E -55 M -5 M -7 M -8 M -85 M -65 ^ -0 Heads of Zeus Sarapis and Isis, both r. border obscare. KATA Two ears of barley with. NAI£2N leaves; plain border. inscr., partly ofE coin. Heads of Isis and Zeus Sarapis (?) , both r. ; border of dots. Similar. no border visible. [Plate xii. 21.] wall Maries of Value. Dekonkia Bust of Zeus Sarapis laur., and Isis, both r., wearing high head-dresses, Isis with necklace ; drapery about shoulders ; in front, X ; border of dots. KA TA Apollo facing ; he wears NAIHN chlamys over 1. shoulder, ends wound round each arm ; rests 1. elbow on pillar, and holds laurel-branch and strung bow ; at his feet, omphalos, against which leans quiver ; plain border. (border not visible) Pentonkion Head of Apollo r., laur. ; border of dots. KATA Female figure (Isis ?) stand- NAIHN ing h, holding bird on r., and wearing long chiton ; at her feet, dog 1. ; in front, t fl ; plain border. Hexante s Head of Apollo 1., laur. ; behind, omphalos ; border of dots. KATA Female figure (Isis ?) stand- NAIilN ing 1., weai-ing modius and long chiton ; r, elbow rests on pillar ; in 1. she holds bird; in r,, patera; in field r.. It ; plain border. [Plate xii. 22.] Similar type ; border of dots. Ijehind, uncertain monogram. Similar ; but figure stands erect. CATANA 175 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Eeverse 29 47- /E -7 Similar type r. ; border of dots. KA TA Similar. NAIHN 30 43- ^ -6 (border not visible.) 31 42- ^ -65 32 48- M -6 beliind, X 33 40- M -65 >) )) 34 37- M -55 Similar type r. ; border of dots. [Pi ATE The follouu'ag are without marlcs of value, together, are evidcntlij double Nos AASIO Head of young Dionysos r. ; wearing wreath of ivy ; btliiud, A ; border of dots. [K]ATA NAIQN Similar; but figure holds flower iu 1. ; no border visible. XII. 23.] But Nos. 35-38, where the brothers appear . 39-42, lohere they appear singly. The Catanaean brotliers, wearing chla- mydes, rescuing their parents from the lava- stream ; one advancing 1. with the father, who holds stafl: ; tlie other r., with the mother ; plain border. 35 93- M -85 KATANAinN 36 60- M -8 55 37 85- M -8 inscr. and border, not visible. KA TANAIHN 38 92- iE -85 monogr. and border, not visible. KAT[ANAinN] 39 45-5 ^ -7 One of the Catanaean brothers, advancing r., rescuing his father, with garments flying; between his legs, serpent. KATA One of the Catanaean NA )I2N brothers r., rescuing his mother ; between his legs, serpent ; plain border. 40 32- ^ -6 One of the Catanaean brothers r., rescuing draped figure seated on 1. shoulder ; in field 1., star of eight rays ; border of dots. KAXA One of the Catanaean brothers NAIliN 1., rescuing draped figure seated r. on 1. shoulder ; plain boixler. 41 38- yE -G border not visible. £1 in inscr. 42 17- M -55 One of the Catanaean brothers 1., rescuing draped figure, with staff (his father) ; border of dots. KATA One of the Catanaean brothers NAII2N 1., rescuing draped figure (his mother) ; plain border. 176 SICILY No. WEroHi Metal Size Obverse Reverse KATANAI Q. N Head of young Dioiiysos r., wearing wreath of ivy ; Lair in a bunch behind ; border of dots. Dionysos, seated 1,, draped, holding bunch of grapes and thyrsos, in chariot drawn by two panthers running r. ; border of dots. 43 132- M -9 above, 1E > ^ » a,nd S 44 113- JE -85 only K A visible. nothing visible in field. 45 120-5 JE -85 KATANAIHN Head of Hermes r., weai'ing petasos ; boi-der of dots. (border not visible.) Nike advancing 1., holding wreath and palm; in field 1.,^ , ^P ' $' Ijo^'t^^r of dots. 46 129- JE -8 KATAN ..UN KATANAIGN Head of Zeus Amnion r., laiu'. ; border of dots. Aequifcas 1., holding scales and cornucopiae; in field 1., ^ ; in field r., ^>p- and ^ ; border of dots. 47 130- jE -85 (only fii-st three letters of inscr. visible.) 48 145- JE -9 Head of Zeus Sarapis r., laur., radiate, and sm-mounted by head-di-ess ; border of dots. monograms in field r., obscure. Isis, facing, veiled and wearing head-dress of globe, horns and plumes, and ears of barley ; she holds in r. a long scejitre ; in field 1., j^, |^ , sistrum, and figure of Harpocrates, holding in 1. cornucopiae ; in field r., /^i^ ; border of dots. 49 189- JE 1-1 K . TAN . . £LN 50 198-5 M 1-1 KA .- ; placeof .sistrum in field 1. is occupied by monogr. that occupies field r. in preceding coin ; no cornucopiae. 51 141- JE 1- [Plate Similar. I2N ; as preceding. XIII. 1.] Similar type; in field r., sistrum; border of dots. 52 160- M 1-1 KATAN A . . . ; in field 1., traces of monograms and of figui-e of Har- pocrates. 53 95-5 ^ 1- no border visible. N ; small figure quite dis- tinct. CATANA— CENTURTPAE 177 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Eevkrse Janiform head of Sarapis, surmounted by inodins; in field 1., j^ ; and |d>i- ; in field 1'., ^^ ; border of dots. KATA Persephone (or Demeter?) 1., NAI UN holding in r. two ears of barley, in 1. long torch ; border of dots. 5-i 192-5 M -95 (K, off coin.) 55 139- M -95 monogram in field r., obscure. ?> 56 151- M -9 >» >) jj CENTURIPAE • Bronze Circa 339 B.C. Apparently this SlJ-el town strticlc no money vntil it was liberated hy TinioJeon. The Obo. type is imitated from the Syracusan delcadrachnts of.Euainetos. See Syracuse, Nos. 52 ff. 1 472- M 1-3 Head of Persephone 1., wearing earring and wreath of corn ; around, dolphins ; border of dots. KE....ir.... (in ex.) Leopard (or lynx) advancing 1. ; border of dots. (A restruck coin.) [B.Jf.C, p. 55 (1).] After circa 241 B.C. Dekonkia 2 202- M 1-05 Head of Zeus r., laur. ; behind, eagle r., wings open ; border of dots. KENTO Winged thunderbolt ; P 1 TT 1 N 12 N beneath, A ; plain border. 3 173- M 1- [Plate \iu. 2.] 4 186- M 1- Similar type ; border of dots. Similar ; thundevbolt slightly varied ; no mark of value. 5 173- M -95 G 195- JE 1- KENTO PinNIlN Hemilitron 7 122- ^ -9 Head of Apollo r., laur. ; border of dots. KENTO Lyre; on either side, * piniNUN and ; • • A A 178 SICILY No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse Trias 8 61- M -7.5 Bust of Artemis r., wearing stephane and earring ; behind shoulder, top of bow and quiver ; border of dots. KENTO Tripod-lebes, having neck PiniNUN and three handles; in field 1., J ; plain border. • H exan te s 9 Gl- M -7 Bast of Persephone (or Demeter?) r., weai'ing earring, necklace, and \M'eath of barley ; drapery about shoulders ; border of dots. KENTO Plough r. ; on the share. PI m NUN bird r.; behind, J ; plain border. 10 51- M -65 11 77- M 1 behind head, ear of barley. 12 52- M -65 [Plate Mil. 3.] Uncertain Denominations 13 39-5 M -6 Head of bearded Herakles r., laur. ; border of dots. KENTO Club 1.; below, XI ; plain PiniNQN border. 14 23- M -5 mai-k of value, not visible. 15 22- M -5 Head of Apollo r.. laur.; hair tied with fillet ; border of dots. K E NTO Laurel- bough ; border of dots. 16 16-5 M -4.5 much worn. CEPHALOEDIUM Bronze Ch-co 2.".4- 210 (i.e. {and later'?) CepTialoedium icas originalli] a dependency of Ilimera. It seems to have issued no moneij of its oicn until it came into possession of the Romans. 1 105- M -s:, Head of bearded Herakles r., laur. ; border of dots. KE A Club downwards; behind, lion's skin and bow-case ; border of dots. CEN'ICJRIPAE— ENNA 179 No. Weight Metal Size Ohveese Reverse 2 106-5 JE -85 Similar. KE A Club downwards ; from the handle hangs on one side, by the tail, a lion's skin, on the other side, by the strap, case containing strung bow and three arrows ; border of dots. [B.M.C., 'p. 57 (4).] 3 8G-5 M -85 - 4 54- JE -7 Female head r. ; hair in small knot behind ; border of dots. KE A Dionysos standing 1., holding kantharos, and thyrsos with fillet, his 1. elbow resting on a pillar ; at his feet 1., panther 1. with fore-paw raised, look- ing back ; border of dots. [Plate xiu. 4.] 5 44-5 M -8 •6 87- M -7 Young male head v., wearing wreath of laurel ; border of dots. KE A Apollo, naked, standing towards 1. ; holds in exteuded r. patera, while his 1. elbow rests on lyre supported by omphalos ; border of dots. 7 70-5 • JE -75 traces of lettei-s ? [Plajk xiu. 5.] ENNA The colti-fi/iK's ofEuua lUustrate its connection with the tcorship of Demeter and Ferticjihone, of the latter of whom Prndentivs says '■'■ iilacatur vaccae aterilis cervice resecta."* Bronze Circa 340 B.C. AAMA . Head of Demeter r., wearing earring, necklace, and wreath of bai'ley. Head of cow, with fillets on hoi'ns, towards r. ; above, corn-grain. 1 213- M 1- no inscr. visible. 2 48- yE -6 Similai' type. * CuiUra Sijiiviii. Orat. i., 35!J, aptly quoted EN between two barleycorns ; all in wx'eath of olive. by Torreuuizza. Cf. Virgil, Aca., vi. -ZTA. A A 2 HRin 180 SICILY No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 101- 44- M -9 M -6 354- M 1-2 111-5 M -8 115- M -8 155- ^ -85 8!)- After circa 258 B.C. ENNAI QN Triptolemos standing fa' i)ig, holding in r. sceptre ; over 1. shoulder, chlamys ; border of dots. Two winged serpents r., joked to a ])lougli; beneath, bai-leycoi-n ; border of dots. ENNAIHN Goat reclining r. ; border of dots. [Plate xni. 6.] Boar r. ; boi'der of dots. As a lioman Municipium. [L]A\VN . Head of Demeter 1., A\ • CESTIVS wearing veil and stephane, hair wreathed with barley. AWN -HENNA Female head r. (Artemis '?), wearing earring and neck- lace ; hair in bunch behind. MVN • HEN Hades in fast quadriga r. ; his chlamys arched over his head ; in 1., sceptre ; with r. carrying off Persephone, who leans backwards. AACESTIVS L MVNATIVS IIVI Male hgure 1. (Triptolemos ?) ; r. hand extended ; chlamys over 1. shoulder ; border of dots. ENTELLA EateUa, prohahli/ nt first, a Siranlan town, was seized in 4U4 B.C. hij Cnmpcinians who had served in the Carthatjinian army. Hence the le.ijend on the Itev. of Nos. 1 and 2. No. 3, which originally bore the name of L. Seiiipronlns Atratinns, helouijs to the time of the Second Triiunciratc. Bronze Circa 340 B.C. ENTE Head of Persephone r., wear- ing' wreath of corn, earrine-, and neck- lace ; hair falling behind and gathei-ed together with a coi'd. KAMPANXIN Pegasos flying 1. ; beneath, Corinthian helmet without crest r. [Plate xiii. 7.] ENTE A A AZ Bearded head r., wearing closc-titting helmet with cheek- pieces, adorned with wreath; border of dots. K _ _ _ Pegasos flying r. ; beneath, thunderbolt ; boi-der of dots. After 241 B.C. Head of Helios r., radiate. .E -8 I no inscr. visiljle. €NT€A AIN CON Female figure 1., holding patera and cornucopiae. ENNA— GELA 181 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse ERYX Circa 415 400 B.C. Eryx icaa a town of the FAipnl, hut Its coliifi f:cd. Sec under Abacaencm. Silver Litrae 1 13-4 M -5 Aphrodite 1., seated, wearing long chiton ; her 1. hand resting on seat ; in her r., dove, with wings open, r. ; behind, tree; border of dots. EPV Kl [NON] Hound r. ; above, swastica ornament. [Plate xiii. 8.] 2 11-3 .R -45 border not visible. J GELA Silver Euboic- Attic Standard Before circa 466 B.C. Gela was a colon// from Crete and Bhodes. The follounng coins belong mainly to the reigns of Hippoerutes and Gelon; the latter of n-hom, howecer, wealcened the city greatly by tninsferring half of its inhabitants to Syracuse, ivhere he had made himself tyrant. It is possible that the Nike on the Obr. is a direct cdluston to the victory (/(lived at Olynipia by Gelon in 488 B.C.* It makes its appearance about this time on the coins of Leontini as veil as on those of Syracuse, and remains a usual adjunct of 'agonistic' types. Tetradrachms 1 26S-8 .R 1-1 Slow quadriga r. ; charioteer wears long chiton, and holds goad and reins ; a' ove, Nike r., crowning horses; line of ex., double ; border of dots. CEAA$ Forepart of man-headed bull, swimming r. ; all within circular incuse. [Plate xiii. 9.] 2 261-8 M 1-05 Similar type ; chai-ioteer holds i-eins in both hands ; border of dots. 5A A 3) Similar. 3 266-6 ^l 1-05 Slow quadriga r. ; charioteer wears long chiton, and holds reins in both hands ; bej-ond horses, the meta is visible ; border of dots. * See, however, Imhoof Blumer, Die FliUjelgc {Num. Ziitschr., vol. iii.), -where its origin is trai CEAA$ Similar. stalten der Atlicna und Nike aiif Miinzen, p. 23 :cd to Elis. mm 182 SICILY No. Weight 4 2641 5 268-6 6 264-8 7 130-3 8 131-2 9 130-2 10 130- 11 132- 12 14-2 13 12-4 11- 9-3 Metal Size Obverse Reverse Ai 1-05 M 115 M 1- M -8 .R -85 Ai -85 .'R -8 M -85 M -45 M -5 M -45 Similar ; but chai-ioteer holds goad in 1. Similar type ; charioteer holds goad in r. ; above. Nike flying r., crowning horses; border of dots. in ex., ear of barley r. CEAAS Similar type; above, Nike flying r., crowning bull. CEAAS Similar type; without Nike. [Plate xiii. 10.] Similar type 1. ; no meta visible ; above, Nike flying 1., crowning horses; border of dots. ill ex., baileycorn. 5AA3[)] execution. Similar tyj^e, of rude Didrachms Beai'ded horseman r., naked ; his r. holds raised spear, his 1. reins; horse prancing. horseman wears crested helmet. no helmet. helmet uncertain. Forepartof man-headed bull, swimming r. ; within circular incuse. CEAAS 5AA33 [Plate xiu. 11.] 5 AA 3) horseman wears tall conical helmet with long neck-piece ; boixler of dots. CEAA 5 L i t r a e Horse walking r., with bridle hanging down in the shape of a crescent ; above, wreath ; boi-der of dots. Forejiart of man-headed bull, swimming r. 5A A3> [Plate xui. 12.] traces of iuscr. CEAA GELA 183 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 1.5 262-7 IG 262- 252-2 18 9-1 19 M 1-2 .R 11 M 1- M 91 Al -4 Circa 466 — 415 B.C. Oil the restoration of the democracij at Syracuse (466 B.C.), the deported citly.cns returned, and Gela entered on a period of prosperity. Tetradrachms Slow quadriga r. ; charioteer wears long ! chiton, and holds goad in r., reins in both hands ; above, Nike flying r. with wreath and hllet ; in ex., device consist- ing of honeysuckle ornament between two volutes ; boi'der of dots. )> Circa 415-408 b.c. Hemilitron lAA E Head of nymph 1., v^earing • • within wreath of laurel. spliendone, earring, and necklace ; in • • front, marks of value ; plain border. 22 G6- .E -65 thi-ee value-marks visible. [Plate xiv. 2.] THERMAE HIMERENSES This u-as a loini founded hij those Hlnieraeuiis mho survived the Carthriijininn viassacre. Circa 405—350 ? B.C. SiLVKR Euboic-Attic Standard Tetrobol * OEPM \TAA/ Head of Hera r., wear- Young Herakles, naked, seated 1. on rock ing neckliire and ornamented Stephanos; covered with lion's skin, holding in r. border of dots. club downwards ; 1. resting on rock. 1 •iM .R 7 i [Plate xiv. 3.] 1 * or doubtl'u guuuinciiess. 190 SICILY No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse Obols 0EPMITAA/ Head of Hera r., wear- ing earring, necklace, and Stephanos ■with honeysuckle ornament. Young Herakles, naked, seated 1. on rock covei-ed with lion's skin, holding in r. club downwards ; 1. resting on rock ; behind, strung bow. 2 8-7 Ai 5 plain border. plain border. 3 7-8 .il -5 border of dots. behind bow, Al$ ; border of dots. Bronze 4 117-5 M -8 OEPAMTAN Head of Hera 1., wear- ing eari-ing, necklace, and Stephanos adorned with honeysuckle ornaments; border of dots. Head of young Herakles 1., wearing lion's skin ; border of dots. 5 42-5 M -6 Similar type r. ; plain bordei-. OEPAMTAN Similar type r. ; plain bofdei'. 6 41- M -55 no border visible. inscr. illegible ; no border vi.sible. After circa, 241 B.C. Bronze 7 132- JE -85 Head of bearded Herakles r., wearing lion's skin ; over shoulder, club ; border of dots. [e]€PM IT AN (in ex.) Three nymphs, facing, clad each in chiton and peplos ; the one on the 1. holds in r. a bunch of grapes ; the middle one (the City) is turreted and veiled ; each grasps in I. the end of her peplos ; border of dots. [Plate xiv. 4.] 8 100-5 .E -85 Similar ; no club visible. * e€P Ml Figure of the City 1., T A N veiled and turreted, wear- ing chiton and peplos ; she holds patera and coruucopiae ; border of dots. 9 1 27-5 M -5 Female head r., wearing veil; border of dots. 0€PM[l] She-goat reclining 1. ; border TAN of dots. 1 10 153- /E 1- Female head r.. veiled and turreted ; behind, curnucoi)iae ; boi'der of dots. eEPMITIlN IMEPAinN Aged Stesicliorus. draped, r.. loaning on long staff and reading book ; border of dots. THERMAE HIMEREN-SES— LEONTl XI 191 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 130-5 124- JE -8 M -9 159- 247-8 268-4 261-7 M 1- M -9.5 M -95 M -95 HYBLA MAGNA This toU'ii does not seem, to linre strucTc money till it became subject to Borne. Cf. Amestkati's, etc. After rirra 210 B.C. Female bust r. (goddess Hyblaea), veiled, v^^earing necklace and modius ; drapery over shoulders ; behind, bee r. ; bordei" of dots. (border, ofi coin.) Y^A AZ [M]ErAAAZ Maenad 1., draped, holding kantharos and thyrsos ; at her feet, she- panther r., leaping n]) ; plain border. [Cf. B.M.C., p. 84 (1).] I IAETA Bronze After circa 241 B.C. {See under Amestkatus.) lAI . . N^N Head of bearded I Triquetra of legs; at junction, -winged Herakles r., wearing lion's skin ; border ! Gorgon's head ; beneath -which, X ; of dots. between the legs, three ears of barley ; border of dots. [Plate xiv. 5.] LEONTINI Silver Enboic-Attic Standard Circa 500—466 B.C. The coinage of Leontini, as is clear both from the style and from, the standard used, begins later than that of the other Chalcidic colonies in Sicily {Na.rus, Himera, Zancle). The city formed part of the dominions of Gelon and Hieron. For the.Obv. type, see under Gela. T e t r a d r a c h m s Quadriga r. ; charioteer wears long chiton, and holds goad and reins ; above, Nike flying r., crowning hoi'ses ; border of dots. goad in r., reins in both ; horses galloping. goad in r., reins in 1.; horses walking. Lion's head r., with open jaws ; around, four barleycorns. \A O 3 A AEO /v Tl ^ OA' [Plate xiv. 6.] charioteer applies goad with r. ; horses AEO/VTI/VO/V walking. i 192 SICILY No. Weight Metal SlZ£ Obvebse Reverse 10 11 250-9 131-.5 10-5 9- 269- 271- 259-2 2621 M 1-1 ^•85 M -4: M -4 M 1-05 M 1-05 M 1-1 M 1-05 Slow quadriga r., driven by young male charioteer, r. arm and shouldei- have ; he holds branch in r. and i-eins in 1. ; above, Nike, flying 1., crowning him ; in ex., lion running r. ; border of dots. /VEO /V T\A/ O A/ Head of Apollo r., laur. ; hair cut short over forehead, arranged in formal curls ovei- temple, and plaited behind, with tress falling behind ear ; around, thi-ee laurel- leaves ; beneath, lion running i-. [Cf. B.M.C., p. 87 (10).] Didrachm Naked horseman r., holding whip and reins ; horse walking ; border of dots. AEO/VTIA/OA/ r. with open mouth barleycorns. Lion's head around, four Lion's scalp facing ; border of dots. O b o 1 s Barleycorn ; plain border. AE OA/ AE OA/ Circa 466—422 b.c. When the di/nasty of Gelon was expelled from Syracuse, Leontini naivrally became free. It jyrospered till lour hrolce out with Syracuse, when, in spite of Athenian aid, it was reduced to a condition of dependence. Tetradrachms Head of Apollo r., wearing laurel-wreath, Lion's head r. Avith open mouth ; around, hair cut short in front, and tied in ' four barleycorns, bunch behind with cord ; tress escapes behind ear ; border of dots. wreath has two rows of leaves. A EO /VTI /V wreath has three rows of leaves. V EO /V Tl /VO /V Similar type 1. ; hair rolled behind ; incuse border of dots. wreath has three rows of leaves. Similar type r. ; border of dots. two rows of leaves. VEOA/T[l] A/ OA/ Lion's head 1., with open mouth ; around, four barley- corns. V EO/V T I /V O /V Lion's head r., with open mouth ; around, three barleycorns ; behind, tripod-lebes. [Pl.-^tb XIV. 7.] LEONTINI 193 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 264-2 266- 13- 11-8 11-5 36- 28- 179- Al •9.") M 1 M -55 M -5 /R -45 JE -55 M -6 JE -9 Head of Apollo 1., laur. ; haii- loose behind. no border visible. Similar type r. ; hair short ; border of dots. VE O /^ Tl A'OA' Lion's head 1., with open mouth ; around, four barley- corns. VE OA'TI/V O/^ Similar type r. ; around, four barleycorns ; in tield L, trijjod-lebes. [Plate xiv. 8.] L i t r a e Lion's head r., with open mouth ; border of dots. UEO A' UEOA' River-god, naked, standing 1., holding in r. patera over altar ; in 1., branch ; behind, barleycorn. [Plate xiv. 9.] Head of Apollo r., lanr. ; hair rolled behind ; boi-der of dots. U E Barleycorn ; plain border. Bronze Circa 466—422 B.C. Triantes AE[OA/] Head of Apollo r., laur., with short hair ; behind, laurel-leaf with berry ; plain border. traces of inscr. ; type 1. ; symbol in front. Tiipod-lebss, with three handles ; between the legs, lyre; on either side, barleycorn; in ex., ••• After circa 210 B.C. The citij coined in Timoleons time, and again under the Bonians. Bust of Apollo r.. laur.; chlamys about neck ; behind shoulder, top of quiver ; torder of dots. [AE]ONT [I] NUN Demeter 1., hold- ing in r. ears of corn, and in 1. long- torch ; at her feet, plough 1. ; border of dots. c C 194: SICILY No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 20 110- A^ -8 Head of river-g-od ? r., bound vvitli reeds ; behind, crab. • AEON TINHN Female figure (De- meter ? or Isis?) r., wearing modius and veil ; holding in r. poppy-heads, in 1. long torch. 21 94- M -8 [Pl.vi'k av. 10.] 22 126- JE -85 Bust of Demeter. facing-, wearing wrwitli of corn ; shoulders di'aped; on I., i^lough r. ; border of dots. A EON Naked figure of river-god seated r. on rock, holding cornucopiae and branch ; in field 1., crab ; border of dots. 23 53- M -r.s Head of Demeter 1., wearing corn-wreath and veil ; behind, plough ; bordei- of dots. AEON Sheaf of barley. TINUN border doubtful. 24 53- M -6 no border visible; inscr., partly off coin. 25 44- M -7 plain border. 26 54- M -6 Heads jugate of Apollo and Artemis r., the former laur., the latter weaiing stephane ; behind, plough r. ; border of dots. Two eai'S of barley tied together ; plain border. AE . . Tl NQN 27 57- M -65 (No. 27 AEON Tl NUN (border, off coin). 1 i>i rcstruck.) 28 49-5 ^ -05 AEON Tl NHN 29 40- ^ -e- Head of Apollo 1., laur.; hair long; behind, plough ; border of dots. AE ON Lionl.; plain border. Tl N£LN 30 33- JK -oS 31 26-5 ^ -55 Similar. K^ Forepart of lion running 1.; plain border. 32 29-5 M -5 33 29- ^ -5 Similar type 1. ; behind, plough ; border of dots. Two fishes 1. ; plain border. 34 34- 7E -^S AEON TINnN LE( >NTIN1 — MEN AENUM 195 No. Weight Metal Size (Jhveese Reverse LILYBAEUM Bronze Llh/ba. After 2-il B.C. Head of Aj^ullo r., laui'. ; Ijcn-der of dots. Lyre ; border of dots. 1 12(]- JE -8.-) behind, dot. AIAYBAI ITAN 2 101- M -9 [Plate \rv. 11.] AIAYBAI ITAN o 108- JE -9 over shoulder, l)ow and (juiver. AIAYBAI ITAN -i 303- M 11 AIA TAIC Ermalo liead r.. tui'i'eted and M-ilod. within enclosure. Serpent coiled round ti'ipod. ATPATI-- 5 279- ^E 11 [AITPATINO fiYe . . . 6 135- M -9 CAESAR AVGVSTVS Head of Augustus r., i)aro. QTERENTIO CVLLEONE PRO COS-LILV Head of Apollo r., laur. [Plate xix. 8.*] » MENAENUM After 210 B.r. OriijiiuiJIii II Sihel foioiilatioii, Meiiuenutii icus eiirJij rovqtiered hi/ Dioui/siiis, and rciiKiiiied subject to Syracuse until the time of the Boman dominion. Pentonkia Bust of Sanipis )•., with laurel- wreath and Egyptian head-dress ; boi'der of dots. MEN A Fast biga r., driven by Nike; INI2N plain border. 1 70- /E -7 beneath horses, TT •> ■1.9 • /E -7 * fJCU Jl. - 1) >j )l, I'uul niilf. c2 196 SICILY No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 3 46- M -75 beneath horses, TT 4 .59- M '75 behind, E no letter. 5 53- M -7 Bust of Apollo r.. laur. ; hair long; behind, TT ; boi'der of dots. M EN A Lj're ; plain border. INI2N 6 77- M -7 Siniilai'. MEN A Asklejnos r., holding in r. IN £2N patera, iind in 1. serpent- ' staff ; plain border. 7 Gl- JE -7 Tetrantes 8 47- M -7 Bust of Demetei' r., wearing necklace, wreath of corn, and veil ; border of dots. MEN A Two torches crossed; jilain ^ 1 N n N border. beneath, I III 9 46- M -65 n )) [Plate xiv. 12.] 10 46- JE -65 beneath, ,, 11 57- ^ -7 ,, A ; border, doubtful. T rias Head of bearded Herakles r. ; border of dots. MEN A Clubr.; in field r., J INUN • 12 33- iE -6 border, doubtful. MESSANA Silver A c g i n e t i c S t a n d a i' d Be/ore 493 B.C. Messana, originulhj rallril ZancJc, in its first issue* followed the fahric, hut not the weight, of the coins strnrk by the Achaean Monetary Confederation, for which see Meta- PONTUM. Jfter it abandoned the ^JCcnJiar fibrie, it maintained the Aeginetic weigJit (see under Himeea), apparently vntil 493 B.C., when it teas seized by Saniians and Milesians in the interetts of Ana.iilaos of lihegium. Its name icas then changed to Messana. Drachm 1 85-2 ^ -9 D> A N K U E Sickle - shaped object (hai'bour of Zancle), within which, dolphin 1. ; border of dots between lines. Incuse square of jjeculiar pattern, contain- \ ing scallop. [Plate xiv. 13.] * See A. J. Evans in A^u/t. ChTon ., 3rd Series, vol. .vvi., \>\>. 101 If. MEN A ENUM — MESS AN A 197 No. Weight Metal Size 117 265-3 262- 265 -0 265-9 2(i4-2 257-8 Obverse Revebse M -15 Al I- M 1- A\ 1 M 1-05 Al 11 /R 1 ] Ob ol Siuiilar. Similar. Euboic-Attic Standard Circa 480—420 B.C. From circa 493 to circa 480 b.c. the city struck coins of Attic weight and of types similar to Rhegium Nos. 1 - 3. It was prohahhj oa the expulsion of tlie Saniians that Auaxilaos introduced the folloirinri typtes. The change in the voioel of the inscription during this period is an indication of groicinxj Dorian influence, Tetradrachms Slow biga of mules i". ; charioteer holds reins in both hands, and goad, and sits, with knees drawn up, on seat rising from the a.xle ; in e.v., leaf r. ; line of ex., dotted ; border of dots. Hare running r. ; border of dots. AAESSE V^ lo \\ [Plate xiv. 14.] A\ES9E lO/V Similai- ; but mules show signs of action ; Similar ; beneath type, D above, Nike Hying r., crowning mules. MESS[E| A/IOA/ Similar ; mules walking ; no goad ; leaf has ii-uit. Similar ; beneath type, sprig of olive r. MES9A \^\o\^ [Plate xiv. 15.] Slow biga of mules r. ; charioteer, who is seated, holds reins in both hands ;, above, Nike r., crowning mules ; in ex., leaf r. ; line of ex., dotted; border of dots. charioteer liolds u-nad. Hare running r. ; border of dots. A\E$$A A/IOA^; beneath, sprig of olive. ME$SA VSIONA ; no svmbol. 198 SICILY No. Weight Metal. Size Obverse Beverse Drachm 9 03-9 Al -8 Similar ; cliarioteer without goad ; laurel- leaf has fruit. ME$$A \f\\ 0\A Hare running r. ; the whole within olive-wreath. Cirra 420—396 B.C. Ill 396 B.C. McssfUKi nms raxed to the ijronnd hij the Curthaij'ni'iniis. It was afterwards restored hi/ Dioiii/slns. Tetradrachms 10 264-3 M 1- Slow biga of mules r., di-iven by draped figure (Messaiia) ; she holds reins ia both hands, and stands erect ; above, Nike r., stepping on reins and crown- ing mules ; in ex., laurel-leaf with fruit r. ; border of dots. [B.M.C., p A\E$ $ A /V lO A/ Hare running r. ; beneath, dolphin r. ; border of dots. 103 (37).] 11 2(32-2 M 1-05 Similar type; ^lessana holds goad with reins ; no Nike ; above and in front, M E$$ AN A ; border of dots. [Plate Similar type 1. ; farther nmle seen in advance ; no goad ; above, Nike r., crowning Messana ; in ex., two dolpluns meeting. A\E$$AA/IOA/ Similar. XIV. 16.] MESSAA/IOA/ Hare running r. ; beneath, dolphin r. ; border of dots. 12 265-2 A\ -95 no border visiljle. 13 264- .R 1- Similar ; border of dots. \AO\ MA 5 53M Hare running 1.; beneath, young male head 1., diademed, with short horns ; border of dots. [Plate xiv. 17.] 14 250 9 /R 1-1 Biga of mules 1., driven by Messana, wearing long chiton with chlamys ; she stands upi-ight, and holds in both hands i-eins with goad ; above, Nike r., ci'owii- ing charioteer; in ex., two dolphins meeting ; border of dots. AAE^SANIflN Hare running r. ; beneath, dolphin over waves; border of dots. MESSANA 199 No. Weight Metal Size 1 1 Obverse Reverse Drachm 15 57-3 JR -05 Head of Pelorias 1., wearing necklace, ear- ring, and wreath of coi-u; in front, fEAflPIAS; beneath neck, dolphin 1. ; border of dots. Pheraimon, naked, advancing 1., wearing crested helmet, and holding spear and round shield ; around, <|>EP A 1 M UN ; in field r., I ; border of dots. [Plate xiv. 18.] Li t rae Hare x'umiing r. ; border of dots. ME$ within wreath of olive. 16 10-3 .R .55 beneath, ivy-leaf r. 17 71 /R -5 H )1 18 11-8 M -55 ,, scallop. ■ [Plate xiv. 19.] 19 lO-,5 .R -55 ,, scallop and A | Bronze Circa 420— 39G B.C. Head of Pelorias 1., wearing sphendone and necklace; in front, PEAIIPIA^; on either side of neck, dolphin down- wards ; border of dots. ME S^A N 1 n . Ti-ident; infield 1., scallop ; in field r., hare do\vn\vards. 20 70- JE -7 border, doubtful. [Plate xiv. 20.] Circa 357—282 B.C. By tic time of Dion Messana had so far recovered itself as to talce part in the morenteut against Diorii/sins II. The earliest of the following were prohahh/ struclc then. Head of Poseidon 1., laur. ; in front, PO^EIAAN ; behind, dolphin down- wards. A\ES SA Nl UN Ornamented tri- dent between two dolphins downwards ; between the 2:)rongs, two smaller dolphins downwards ; border of dots. 21 221- M 1- border, doubtful. Similar type; around, [r]0$EI AAN ; border of dots. ME^SANiriN Ornamented trident between two dolphins down- wards ; between the prongs, honeysuckle ornaments ; border of dots. 22 189- JE -95 [Plate xiv. 21.] 2P, 225- M -95 border not visil)ie. ins(rr., obscure. | 200 SICILY No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Eeverse 24 25 26 27 28 29 100- 125 107- 95- 92- 95- 8;^ 89- JE -85 ^ -95 ^ -8 M -75 ^•8 iE -75 Similar type; in front, PO^EI AAN ; behind, ^Jine-torch ? ; border of dots. Head of nymph Pelorias 1., wearing wreath of corn, earring, and necklace ; behind, PEAflPIAS; in front, two dolphins meeting ; border of dots. Similar. no legend visible. Head of young Herakle.s 1., wearing lion's skin ; border of dots. MEZZAMiriM MEZZLANinN] MEZZANION MESSANinN Ornamented trident between two dolphins upwards. border plain ? M EZ Z A N I n N Naked warrior (Pherainion) advancing 1., wearing crested helmet; holding in i'. spear, and on 1. arm, round shield with chlamys trailing ; jjlain border. MES^ANIIIN (in ex.) Fast biga of horses r., driven by Nike, who holds goad in r. and reins in 1. Lion advancing r. ; above, club r. in ex., pine-torch ; border of dots. ,, ,, border not visible. „ coiled serpent ? ; plain border. MAMERTINI Bronze Circa 282—210 b.c. Some time after ilic death of Agathol-les his Italian mercenaries vnclertooh to leace Sicily. Instead of doing so, tlieij tre no letter. MES SANA— MAMERTI NT 201 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse Head of young Arcs r., laur., liaii- short ; in front, APEOZ ; border of dots. Eagle standing 1. on thunderbolt, wings open ; plain border. 3 266- M 11 behind, Macedoiiiiin helmet. [B.3LC., 1 MAMEP TINflN ). 109 (3).] 4 289- JE 1-1 behind, spear-head upwards. MAM[EP] TINnN 5 265- .E 11 spear-head dowuwax'ds. [MAMEP] TINQN 6 275- M 1-1 ,, ,, ; (no legend visible). MAME P TINQN 7 267- JE 1-1 behind, cornueupiae ; A in iiiscr. MAMEPTINUN ; in field 1., A 8 162'o M -95 Head of younf,^ Herakles 1., wearing lion's skin; behind, bow; plain border. MAMEP Tl NUN Eagle standing 1. on thunderbolt ; wings open ; border of dots. 9 167- JE -9 Similar. border not visible. MAMEPTINHN Similar type r. ; in front, serpent with head erect r. ; border of dots. 10 65"5 JE -7 Head of young Zeus r., laur. ; in front, Al . . [Plate Head of young Ares r., laur. ; hair short ; in front, APEOZ; border of dots. ]ME[ Eagle, with open wings, 1. lower part of type, off coin. XV. 1.] MAMEP Tl NnN Bull butting h ; plain border. 11 256- IE 1-1 behind, Macedonian helmet. Similar; no symbol ; APEOZ Similar type ; border of dots. 12 121- yE -85 MAMEPTIN UN 13 112-5 M -U ' traces of inscr. 14 153-5 ^ -85 MAMEPTIN . . ; no border visible. D J) 202 SICILY No. Weight Metal Size Obvekse Reverse Head of Apollo r., laur. ; hair long. Naked warrior, advancing r., holding round shield ; sjiCiU' raised to strike. 15 133- M -9 Head of Apollo 1., laur.; behind, traces of symbol ? traces of inscr. MAMEPTIN .N Omphalos ; border of dots. IG 56- JE -6 border doubtful. After circa 210 B.C. The Mnmcrtlnl rcinniiieil sfaiuirh to Bonn' throiKjhout the runic Wars, MA[M]EPTINnN Artemis running r., holding long lighted torch ; at her feet, dog running r, ; in field v., XII ; border of dots. [PlatK XV. 3.] * See p. 14(5. footnote. D I) 2 204 SICILY No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse MORnANTINA This was a Sikel town. See under Abacaenum. Circa 420—400 B.C. Silver L itra MOPTA N Tl NH N Head of Pallas, three-quarter face towards r., wearing helmet with three ci'ests ; haii- flowing; border of dots. Nike wearing peplos, seated 1. on rocks ; holds in r. wreath, 1. rests on rock ; border of dots. 1 15-4 M -45 traces of letters. [I'latk XV. 4.] Circa 340 B.C. The types of Kos. 2 and 3 hare been suggested hy the coins of Telia. Bronze MOPrANTINXlN Head of Pallas r., wearing a very highly ornamented Athenian helmet, having three crests and adorned -svith serpent ; behind, owl r.; border of dots. Lion r., tearing stag's head ; border of dots. 2 254- m 1- between lion's legs, serpent. 3 284- M 1- Young male head r., laur. no serpent. Tripod-lebes, with neck and three handles border of dots. 4 54- ^ -55 in front, traces of letters ; border doubtful. M oprAN [TINnN] 5 45 -r. ^ -55 behind, leaf ; border of dots. A\ OPr . . TINJQN MORGANTINA— NAXUS 205 No. Weight Metal Size 126- 120-4 240-3 86-5 M -85 M -85 M 1-1 .-R 1- Obveese Reverse MOTYA Silver Eiiboic- Attic Standard Circa 480—420 B.C. Motija nms a Flioenlclan seftlement. It struck no money vnfil the great victory of Theron and Gelon at Himera threw the Carthaginian portion of Sicily ojten to Hellenic influence. It is significant that the inscriptions on the coins of these Phoenician colonies are frequently in Grcelc. D i dr a chms Head of nyrapli v. ; hair boixnd four times round by a tillet; around, three dolphins. beneath, T2 MO TVA lO/V Naked youth seated sideways on horse galloping 1. ; he grasps mane with r. ; line of ex., dotted ; border of dots. youth grasps reins in 1. youth about to leap down ; his 1. rests on horse's flank ; inscr., only partially legible. Circa 420—397 B.C. Motya iras saclfcd hy Dionysius in 397 B.C. The Obr. type of the following coin is apparently imitated from Syracuse, Nos. 63 _//'.* The Rev. type is Agrigentinc. Tetra drachm Female head 1., wearing sphendone, neck- Crab, lace, and earring; around, four dolphins. [Plate xv. 5.] NAXUS Silver Aeginetic Standard Before circa 490 B.C. For the ireight of the early coins of Naxus, see under Himeba. About 490 B.C. the city became subject to Gela, and afterwards to Syracuse. Drachm Archaic liead of Dionysos 1., with pointed beard and long hair, wearing wTeath of ivy ; border of dots between lines. ^Ol XA^ Bunch of grapes hanging from stalk between two leaves ; border of dots between lines. [Plate xv. 6.] * See A. J. Evans, Syracusan "Medallions," etc. {Nii,m. Chron., 3rd Series, vol. xi., p. 272). 206 SICILY No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse Obols Similar tyjie ; border of dots. Bunch of grapes ; border of dots between lines. 2 11-7 M -irj \AOI XAVS 3 11-2 JR -5 NAOIX AVi Euboic-Attic Standard Circa 461 — 415 B.C. Of the fortunes of Naxus under the tyrants nothing is hiown. But on the fall of the dynasty of Gelon at Syracuse it regained its independence (461 B.C.). Tetradrachm 4* 238-9 .R 11 Head of Dionysos r., bearded, wearing wreath of ivy ; Lair long, and gathered into a knot behind ; border of dots. N AXI ON Bearded Seilenos, naked, ithyphallic, with pointed ears and long tail, seated on the ground, facing, head tui'iied to 1., towards wine- cuj) in his r. hand; his 1. hand rests on gi'onnd. [Plate xv. 7.] liitrae or Obols Similar head r. ; border of dots. X A Bunch of grapes on stalk ; the 1 ^ whole within wreath of ivy. 5 101 M -45 Similar. Bunch of grapes on stalk. 6 10-9 M -45 ivl A ' ^*^^^ ^'^^ ^^'^^ leaves. 7 11-4 M -45 ^ AXI ; stalk has leaves and tendrils. 8 9- M -45 /VAX 1 9 13-5 .'R -5 NAXI ; type 1.; hair loose behind. no in.scr. ; „ „ ,, [Plate xv. 8. J * The genuineness of this specimen is doul design on the Rev. has been finished bv tooling. jtful. It is about .10 gr.iin.s too light, and the NAXUS — PANORMUS 207 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse JO 131-6 .11 -8.; 11 31-3 M -6 12 31-2 .11 -55 13 12- .11 -45 12- .R -45 Circa 415—403 B.C. Dlonijsius (letitroyed Naxus in 403 B.C. Didrachm A/AZ\nA/ Head of Apollo r., laur.; hair turned up behind ; behind, laurel- leaf with berry ; border of dots. Seilenos, facing, seated on r. heel, holding kantharos and tliyi'sos ; to 1., term ; to r., vine; plain border. [Plate xv. 9.] Hemid rachms Young head of river-god Assiuos 1., with shoi't horn, weai-ing wreath of vine- leaves ; around, AS^ I /VO S; border of dots. Similar type ; border of dots. A/ AZ I n/V Seilenos, facing, seated on 1. heel, head turned to 1. towards kantharos in r. hand ; in 1. hand, pipes. /VAUfl/V Seilenos, facing, seated on r. heel, holding in r., kantharos ; in 1., branch. Litra or Obol A/AZinA/ Assinos 1., leaves. Young head of i-iver-god wearing wreath of vine- border uncertain. Bunch of gi-apes on stalk, with leaves and tendrils. PANORMUS * Silver Circa 480—409 B.C. Like the other Fhocnician settlements in Sicili/, Panornius coined no money till after 480 B.C. See under Motya. Litra Young male head r., wearing taenia; hair short ; border of dots. ti'aces of inscr. Forepart of man-headed bull swimming r. traces of letters ? and of symbol ? [Cf. BM.C, p. 121 (5).] * For convenience of reference, all the coins reading V^V (^'*) have been classed under Panormus. It should be noted, however, that Imhoof-Blumcr has shown {Zur Miinzlntnde Grossririechenlands, etc., p. 263) that this inscription is not the Phoenician name of Panormus, and particularly {Ibid., pp. 247 fE.) that the bronze coins here numbered 8 — 10 were probably struck at Solus, circa -iOO B.C. The question is discusi^ed afresh by Ad. Holm in the concluding volume of his Ge!eipzig, 1898), pp. 047 fC. 208 SICILY No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse Litra or Obol Vk. \^ forepart of man-headed bull swimming r. 7 9-2 .11 -4 inscr., obscure. Bronze Circa 450—400 B.C.* He militron Cock r. ; border (plain ?). • • • • • • 8 165- JE -95 traces of inscr. [Plate XV. 11.] Trias 9 155- M -75 Similar type •• * Nos. 8 — 10 were more probably str uck at Solus. See footnote on }). 207. PANORMUS 20i) No. 10 \V 12 13 14 1.") k; Weight 51- 185- 8'2 28G' Metal Size 202- 160 99- A^ •().■ M ■{):> N ■?, M 1-2 M 1- M 105 M 1- M -95 Obverse Reverse H ezai Similar type. Circa 4U0— 254 n.c. ranonnus continued to he a Carthaginian stronghold till it fell into the hands of (hi Roiiiaiis ill the coarse of the First runic War. Head of Hera 1.; hair long j she wears ornameuted Stephanos. Man-headed bull 1., showing full face ; above, radiate head of Helios facing. in ex., traces of inscr. (>^'7>Vt ) Goi.u Circa 27<) li.O. It had been uu'csted from the Carthaginians for a brief space hij ri/rrhns in 276 B.(\ The folloiciiig may hare been struck then. But its attribution to Fanoniins is not certain. Head of Pallas r., wearing crested Corin- thian helmet ; border of dots. ^ Owl r. ; plain border. Bronze After circa 254 B.C. Under the Iiomans, Fanormus continued to be jjrosperoiis and important. TTANOP Head of beardless warrior, MITAN helmeted, r. (Pallas ?j ; border of dots. Female head 1. (Perse])li()ue ?), wearing- wreath of coi-n ; bui"der of dots. [Plate xv. 12.] Head of Pallas r., wearing crested Corin- thian helmet. border of dots. . NOP MITAN border of dots. Similar type ; Head of Zeus 1., laur. ; border of dots. TTANOP Female figure standing I., Ml TAN holding patera and cornu- copiae; border of dots. Triqueti'a of legs; at the junction, winged head of Gorgon ; between the legs, ears of barley ; boi-der of dots. TTANOP MITAN Eagle, with open wings, standing 1. on thunderbolt, head turnetl back ; l)order of dots. * According to Gabrici (Tojjojfc. e Nam: delV Antica Imera, p. 97), this piece was struck at Tlmniino Tlimerciisps. E E 210 SICILY No. Weight Metal Size Obversk Revekse Ram standing r. ; between liis legs, head of Janus ; border of dots. Eagle, with open wings, facing, heal turned to 1. 18 138- M -8 HANO P M ITAN 19 90-5 ^ -8 no bordei' visible. HANOPMITAN 20 75- JE 1 Heads of the Dioskouroi r., each wearing laureate pilos ; border of dots. TTANOR within wreath of laurel; bordei- AM TAN of dots. 21 31- M -65 Head of Demeter 1., veiled, wearing wreatli of corn ; behind, ears of corn ; border of dots. \/^ Prow r., adorned with wing ; border of dots. monogr. worn. 22 58-5 M -65 Head of Zeus r., laur. ; border of dots. Similar. TTA Nop Warrior 1., wearing crested AMTAN helmet and cuirass, and holding patei-a and spear; shield leans against spear ; border of dots. HA NOP AMTAN Similar. 23 ,54- m -65 24 59- 5 M 7 25 52- M -7 type 1. (TT in inscr.) 2G 44- M -65 5) Similar; liead much smaller. IT A N Similar. 27 60-5 m -7 type 1. ^ (Barbarous.) ^y\t]| Minl-s of Value. Asees Head of Janus, laur. ; border of dots. |oR within wreath of laurel ; border of dots. 28 94- M -9 mark of vahie, not visible. 29 93- /E -9 51 5> ») PANORMUS 211 No. Weight Metal Size OliVKBSE Reverse Till- iitiiiii-^ on llir foIliiwliKj arc those of Bo man in({(jlsti-at<:s. Head of Zeus 1., laui-. ; border of dots. Warrior 1., wearing crested helmet, cuirass, and sword ; chlamys over 1. shoukler ; he holds patei'a and spear ; shield leans against spear ; border of dots. m 77' ^E -9 T2P :n 88- xE -8 {Sp ; in Held 1., CATO 32 13rr .E -9 no monogr. visible ; in field 1. ; A • fOM 33 73- /E -9 « NAS o 34 112 • JE -85 type r. ; behind, ct)riiucupiae. V^ ; m field 1., [QJFAB 35 48' M -8 ,, no symbol. Head of Zeus r.. laiir. ; behind, sceptre; border of dots. ^ ; border doubtful. TTANOP MITAN Tetrastyle temple; beneath, C ' D • 36 133' a: -85 37 'JCy .^ -8 [mperial ('oliKKje Augustus Head of Augustus r., bare ; bordei- of dots. 1 Triquetra of legs; at the junction, winged Goi-gon's head ; between the legs, ears of bai'ley ; boi'der of dots. 38 ISo- iE -9 riANOP . . TAN (from r. upwards); boi'der oljseure. .'!9 172-5 /E -9 HANOP MITAN (from 1. upwards). ! 40 133- A-: -9 HAMOP MIITAN] i 1 Augustus anil Livia PANORAA [ Head of Augustus r., bai'o ; boi'der of dots. Head of Livia r., veiled, Avithin fi'arae- woi'k of lines; border of dots. H 113 -5 iE -85 [Platl u. 13. J K !•: -^ 212 SICILY No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 42 48 44 4.". 4G 124- 118- 74- 72- 114- jE -9 M -7 M -65 M -95 12G-3 .^•85 After Death of Augustus Doiiiitius I'rocnlus and l.aetoriiis Duuinciri. Head of Augustus 1., radiate. ti'rtces of inscr. PANOR AMTAN Livia as Demeter, veiled, enthroned r., holding patei-a and ears of corn. inscr., partly obscured. Capricorn r. ; beneath, triquetra of legs, at the junction of which, winged Gorgon's head, and between which, ears of barley. ti'aces of inscr. CN • DOM Ram standing 1. A LA inscr., pai'tly obscured. COLONIA P.VXOR.MIS rdiiitriHKS icai> iikkIc a • cvUmla ' jirabdhli/ rircIe. 3 IIAT5 3n35 Similar type r., without earring. Similar type r. ; al)ove, barleycorn; border of dots. 6 128-7 Al -95 diadem very broad ; ring l)oi-der. 7 127-9 .11 -9 ^, off coin; diadem of beads; no neck- lace; no border. [Plate .\v. 15.] 8 119-2 Al 1 ^ II AT$3 3 35 Similar type 1., with earring and necklace ; diadem narrow. Similar type r., without earring ; diadem ijroad. Similar type 1 ; above, murex ; border of dots. Similar type 1. ; dog wears collar ; plain border. 9 132-1 ^l -95 no insci'. no inscr. visible. 10 132-9 ,R -9 a 1 I A T 5 3 . . 5 Similar type r., with earring, but no necklace ; around, a ring border, outside of which is inscr. ; diadem very broad. ( N'o, 10 is restnick. aiiparently on u ilidraclmi of 1 Pl.ATK Similar type 1. ; no collar ; border of dots. Motya. On tiie Rev, ttic letters Y A are visible.) XV. 1(). 1 214 SICILY No. 11 12 18 14 15 IG Weight 11-6 10-5 10-9 123-9 121-6 Metat, Size M -45 Jl -45 Al -45 Al -45 .11 9 /R -9 Obverse Reverse Li t r ae Archaic head of nymph Segesta r. ; hair tui'iied up behind under diadem of beads ; l)oi-der of dots. Head of nymph, facing ; border of dots. [ajiiAT^ana^ $EC E5TAIIB no inscr. ; bordei* plain. Uog standing r. ; above, wheel of four spokes ; jjlaiu border. Similar type ; above, wheel. wheel lias four spokes. immber of spokes uncertain. AT _ _ — ; type 1. ; wheel has five spokes. I Clrai 430—415 B.c. Jt wna in response to traces of letters. no inscr. visible. [Cf. B.M.C.. p. 133 (32).] J Didrachms $ErE$TAXIE Head of nymph r., hair waved. Dog standing r. ; above, bai'lcycorn ; bordei- of dots. 19 128-3 .11 -9 [Plate _ _ _ 0^ Head of nymph r. ; hair rolled behind, over narrow diadem. XV. 17.] . EPE^T (in ex.) Dog advancing r., on the scent; bej'ond, three ears of bai'ley growing from one root ; plain border. 20 129- /ll 90 [TUI.C, p. 135 (39).] Beox/.e Before 409 B.C. Tetrantes Head of nynipli Segesta r. ; hair gathered into bunch at the back by fillet with falling ends ; behind, ivy-leaf. Hound r., worrying supine hare; above, 0000 21 124- M ■%:> border doubtful. 22 136 /K "7.") Head of nymph r. ; hair turned up under broad diadem. Hound r. ; around, marks of value. 0000 (punched) 2:} 139 N. -i:, hair i-oIUmI ; l)order of dots. • • • • 21(5 srciLY Xo. Weight Metal Size Obverse Rever.se Hexantes Head of nymj)li Segesta ]'., wearing si)hendoiie. Hound r. ; around, o O 24 67- M H.") . E . . . . Al . /V Head of Segesta r., hair falling in bunch behind; behind, ivy-leaf ; border of dots. countermai'k, O beneath. Hound r. ; in front, plant; above, QO 2.-. ()()■ M -7 [Plate XV. 18.] After 24,1 D.C. Segesta was finnUij freed from the Carthdijiniana at the end of the First runic War. Head of nymph Segesta r., wearing ste2)hane. . ETES T AIHN Warrior 1., spear over 1. shouldei-, holdings by the bridle horse 1. ; border of dots. 26 M -6 SELINUS SlLVKll Euboic- Attic Standard Before eirrn 4^0 n.c. The rill/ iras railed after the river on u-hich it stood, (did the river again from the wild celerji plant, the leaf of n-hich appears on the followinrj coins. Didrachms 1 181-2 /R 85 Selinon leaf. [Plate Incuse square of twelve divisions, the alternate ones deepei-. XV. 19.] 2 12.V8 ' yR -85 Selinon leaf. Incuse square of eight triangular divisions. SEGESTA—SPJ LINUS 217 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Kkverse Circa 466—415 B.C. In the first half of the fifth century B.C. Selinus was visited hy a malarial pestilence, ichicli was checli-ed hy Ein-pcdoldes, wlio utilised the rivers Selinus and Hypsas to drain the marsh. It is to this incident that the types of the following coins refer. On the Ohv. Apollo and Hcraldes arc seen doing battle against the powers of evil; on the Bev. the river-gods appear sacrificing to Ashlepios. Tetra drachms Slow quadriga 1., driven by Artemis, who holds reins in both hands ; on her r. stands Apollo, his chlamys over his sliouldor ; he bends his bow to shoot ; border of dots. Kiver-god Selinos, naked, 1., with short horns, holding patera and lustral branch, sacrificing at altar, on near side of which, cock 1.; in field r.. bull standing 1. on pedestal, above which, seliuon leaf downwards. 3 271-9 Al 1-2 SEA \N OA/T lONA S feAl VS 0§ [Pl. XV. 20.] ■ 4 270-4 Jl 1-25 [V\0|TVN]0\MA3$ 5 feAIA/ OS r> 266- 7 .11 115 NAOI T OVSIAB 5 S EAI A^ O § C) ■ 257- .11 1-1 Slow quadriga r., driven by Artemis, who holds reins in both hands ; on her r. stands Ajjollo, bending his bow to shoot; in ex., barleycorn. border doubtful . S EAIA/O A/ River-god 1., wearing hinuition i-ound body and over 1. shoulder, holding patera in extended r. and lustral branch in raised 1. ; before him, altar, on near side of which, cock 1. ; in field r., man-headed bull, standing 1. on pedestal; above bull, selinon leaf downwards. 7 2G5-7 .11 1-05 Similar type ; horses moving faster ; same symbol ; border of dots ? [Plate SEA lA'O/^TI River-god 1., naked, holding patera over flaming altar ; in 1., lusti-al branch ; on near side of altar, cock advancing 1.; in field r., bull butting 1. on pedestal ; above bull, selinon leaf upwards. XV. 21.] Didrachm 8 129- .R i* 5 E A 1 Herakles, naked, r., ^AO 1 TO^ seizing by the horn a bull rushing r. ; he presses 1. knee against side of bull, and holds club in i-aised r. ; border of dots. [Plate H W AS River-god Hypsas towards 1 . , naked, with short horn, folding patera over altar, round which snake twines ; in 1. a lustral branch; in field r., marsh- bird stalking away r., over which selinon leaf downvvai'ds. XVI. 1.] F F 218 SICILY No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse Litrae or Obols 9 10-2 /ll -5 Female figure, draped, seated 1. on rock; she lifts veil with 1., while her r. grasjis a bearded snake, which stands before her, coiled and erect ; above, selinon leaf ; border of dots. SEAINOES Man-headed biill r. ; in ex., long fish r. ; plain border. 10 10-7 .11 -45 Similar type ; but female figure j^laces 1. hand on her breast ; border of dots. $EA lA/O A/ TIOA/ Man-headed bull r. ; above, selinon leaf. (No. 10 is pierced.) [Plate xti. 2.] 11 12- vR -4 1 first pai't of inscr., off coin. Circa 41.5 409 b.c. In 409 B.C. Seliiuis ivas destroyed hij the Carthaginians, whom the Segestans had summoned to their aid. Hemidrachm Head of young Herakles, wearing lion's skin, three-quarter face towards 1. [§]EAINONTION (inex.) Galloping quadriga 1. ; charioteer holds reins in both hands ; above, selinon leaf. 12 26-8 Al -6 SILERAE This foirn is Icnown ouhj from its coins. Bronze Circa 340 B.C. 1 121- M -8 [N]niAq3AI . Forepart of nian- headed bull, swimming r. [Plate Helmeted warrior charging r., with spear and shield. XVI. 3.] SELINUS— SYRACUSE 219 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Eeveese SOLUS* Bronze Circa 405—350 B.C. This Phoenician settlement was long a dependency of the CartluHjlnians. Hemilitr on $OA - Head of bearded Herakles r., wearing lion's skin. Cray-fish 1., upside down ; above and below, •••; above, Phoenician letters. 1 110- M -8 inscr. ( = Kfr((), blurred. [Plate xvi. 4.] After 241 B.C. At the end of the First Punic War the city loas left under the dominion of Rome. 2 216- M -95 COAONTI ... Bust of Poseidon 1. ; border of dots. Head of Pallas r. ; border of dots, countermark ; bird 1. 3 50-5 M -6 Head of Poseidon r., laur. ; over shoulder, trident ; border of dots. [MI1MIT]M0A03 Helmeted warrior advancing 1., holding spear and shield ; border of dots. SYRACUSE Silver Euboic- Attic Standard Before circa 500 B.C. Sifracnse was a colony of Corinth, founded circa 734 B.C. Its earliest coins must from their style belong to the period immediately preceding the overthrow of the oligarchy of the Gamori (500 B.C.). T e t r a d r a c h m s 1 266-3 M -95 Slow quadriga r. ; charioteer grasps reins in both hands ; border of dots. 5VPA [Plate Granulated incuse square, divided into quarters ; in the centre, an incuse circle, containing a female head 1. ; hair indicated by dotted lines, and falling stiffly over neck. XVI. 5.] 2 2G0-1 M 1- ^VPAPO in ex., xmcertain symbol. ^lOA/ [Head, Coinage of Syracuse, Pl. i. 1.] * See also p. 207, footnote. TO P 2 220 SICILY t No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Revkr.se Circn 500—478 B.C. The cifij teas governed hy a democracy nntil circa 485 B.C., lohen it j^assed into the hands of Gelon, despot of Gela, to whom is probnhly duo the introduction of the following types. For that of the Bev. see under Gela. Tetradrachms 3 26o-6 Al I- $VP A90 $1 OA/ Female head r., weariug necklace ; hair enclosed in a net and bound with narrow diadem; around, four dolphins r. $VPA (in ex.) Slow quadriga 1.; charioteer grasps reins in both hands, goad in r. ; above, Nike flying r., crown- ing him ; border of dots. [Plate .\vi. 6.] 4 263-7 M 1-1 5VRA90§IO\A: Female head r., wearint^ necklace ; hair indicated by dotted and wavy lines, caught uj) behind and bound with narrow diadem ; around, four dolphins r. Slow quadi'iga r. ; bearded charioteer holds reins in both hands, goad in r. ; above, Nike flying r. and crowning horses ; border of dots. • §VPAKO $IOA/ Female head r., with necklace ; hair indicated by dots and bound with broad diadem ; it falls stiffly over neck behind, and projects over brow in front, while a tress falls over r. cheek ; around, four dolphins r. Similar ; charioteer holds reins in 1. 5 265-6 M 1-05 Female head r., wearing necklace ; hair bound with diadem of beads ; the ends caught up behind and falling over the diadem ; around, four dolphins r. Slow quadriga r. ; bearded chai-ioteer holds goad and reins ; horses crowned by Nike, flying r. ; border of dots. 6 267- Al 1- SVPA K 0$ lOA/; hah- indicated by dots. goad in r., reins in both hands ; Nike has wings spread. 7 2G6-4 M -95 §YPA KO SIO A/; hair in front Nike has wings half closed, indicated by dots. ^ 8 2G8-5 M 1-1 ^ OI$ OMA^ V$ ; hair indicated goad in r., reins in 1.; Nike has wings by lines. half closed. [Plate xvi. 7.] 9 268-2 M -95 $VPAKOS|OA/; hair indicated by lines. Nike has wings spread. SYRACUSE 221 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 11-8 10-9 12- 11-8 11-4 9-9 9-2 8-8 8-7 666- 1 /R -5 JR -45 M -5 M -55 .R -4 M -35 M -35 M -4 /R 1-45 L i t r ae Female head r., wearing earring, necklace, and diadem of beads ; haii' indicated by lines, and projecting over brow ; behind, it is turned up under diadem, over which ends fall ; boi'der of dots. SVPA no inscr. SVqA Cuttle-fish. 5V P A no mscr. [Head, Pl. i. 8.] Similar type, with beaded necklace ; border of dots. Obols Wheel of four spokes. no eaiinng ; necklace plain. [Plate xvi. 8.] [Head, Pl. i. 9.] Similar type, with eaiTing ; border of dots. $ V within four quarters of wheel of 1^ A four spokes. [Head, Pl. r. 12.] Ciixa 479 B.C. After the great victory over the CartJiaginians at Himera, Damarete, unfe of Gelon, caused a commemorative series of coins to be struclc. The lion on the Bev. possihli/ ^ represents ^ Libya subjecta.' Dekadrachm ('Damareteion') 5V f^A KO§ ION outside linear circle, within which head of Nike? r., wearing olive- wreath, earring, and necklace with pendants ; hair waved in front and caught up behind, leaving one loose ti'ess which falls behind the ear; ends of hair gathei'ed up and tied ; around the whole, four dolphins r. Slow quadriga r. ; charioteer holds goad in r., and x-eins in both hands; above, Nike flying r. crowning horses ; in ex., lion running r. ; border of dots. [Plate xvi. 9.] 222 SICILY No. Weight Metal Size Obveese Reverse *. Circa 478—415 B.C. In 478 B.C. Gelon died, and was succeeded hi/ Hieron. Hieron died in 467 B.C., and in the following year a democracij was established. These ])olitical changes did not affect the coin-types. Silver Enboic-Attic Standard Tetradrachms 20 266-1 /R 1- $VPAKO$|0\A Female head r., weariug earring, necklace, and diadem of beads ; hair -waved in front and caught up behind under diadem, over which ends fall ; around, four dolphins r. [Plate Slow quadriga r. ; charioteer holds goad in r. hand and reins in both ; above, Nike flying r., crowning horses ; in ex., pistrix r. ; border of dots. !tVI. 10.] 21 267-2 M 105 SVPAK05I0 A/ Similar head, of later style ; haii' waved throughout. Similar. 22 260-1 M -95 $Y PAKO^IO A/ Female head r., weai-ing earring and necklace ; hair diademed in front, and rolled behind ; around, four dolphins r. [Head, P Similar. L. II. 8.] 23 2G9-1 ^R 1-05 $VPAKO§IO/V Female head r., wearing earring and necklace ; hair waved, gathered in bunch behind, and bound with string of beads ; around, four dolphins r. Similar ; without goad. [Head, Pl. ii. 9.] SYPAKO $lO /V Female head r., wearing earring and broad necklace, on which, string of beads ; hair bound with broad plain diadem, which is crossed ; the back hair is tui-ned up under one part of diadem and projects in a bunch behind ; around, four dolphins r. Similar type ; charioteer holds goad in r., reins in both hands ; border of dots. 24 265-7 M 1-05 ex., off coin. SYRACUSE 223 No. Weight Metal Size Obver.se Reverse 25 2G6-8 M 1- $Y PAKO$ 1 OA/ Female head r., ■wearing earring, and necklace with lion's head pendant ; hair bound with sphen- done, the long ends of which are passed tlu-ee times round the head ; around, four dolphins. Slow quadriga r. ; charioteer holds goad in r. hand, reins in both hands ; above, Nike, flying 1., crowns him ; border of dots. charioteer, almost entirely ofE coin . 26 2G1-5 /ll 1- §YPAKO§IOA/ Female head r., wearing eari'ing and necklace; hair waved and gathered behind into small knot, beneath which a broad diadem passes round the head ; around, four dolphins. [Plate : Female head r. , wearing eaiTing and neck- lace ; hair bound with cord passing foui* times round ; around, four dolphins. Slow quadriga r. ; bearded charioteer holds reins in both hands ; above, Nike, flying r., crowns horses; plain border. A Female head 1., wearing earring and necklace ; hair rolled ; across front of head, am pyx, on which, EYAiH • ai'ound, foui- dolphins. V\OY [Head, P Fast quadriga 1. ; charioteer holds goad in r. hand, reins in both ; horses moving in step ; above, Nike flying r. carrying an untied wreath, about to crown charioteer ; border of dots. L. III. 12.] SYRACUSE 225 No. Weight Metal Size UllVEKSE Reverse 40 262- Jl 1- $YPAKO$|OV\ Female head 1., wearing ean-ing and necklace ; hair bound with a diadem crossed ; behind, EYAAHN OY ; around, four dolphins. Quadriga 1., as above, with Nike about to crown charioteei- with untied wreath ; in ex., EYMHNOY; border of dots. 41 261-5 .11 1- 1 N]0| 5 O >| A SY§ Female head Same die as preceding. 1., wearing earring and necklace ; hair rolled ; around, four dolphins. [Plate xvi. 14.] 1 42 259-9 .R 1-05 SYP[AKOSION] Similar; beneath neck, EY Similar type; beneath horses, EY ; in ex., two dolphins meeting ; border of dots. 43 2G6-5 Jl 1-2 $YPA KOSIO Vi Female head 1., wearing earring and broad necklace, on which, beads; across front of head, ornamented arapyx ; around, four dol- phins. Female bead v., wearing earring and necklace : liair in wavy cui-ls ; behind, doljjhin ; border of dots. Fast quadriga 1. ; chai'ioteer holds goad in r. hand, reins in both ; horses moving in step ; above, Nike flying r. , carry- ing an untied wreath, about to crown charioteer; in ex., two dolphins meet- ing ; border of dots. Fast quadriga ).; cbaiiotetT holds goad in extended r., reins in 1. ; above, Nike flying r. to crown charioteer ; no border visible. 44* 261-9 .11 1 ex., almost off coin. [Plate xvi. 15.] 45 260-2 .R 1- SYPAKO $iri[N] Head of Perse- phone 1., wearing earring and necklace, with lion's head pendant ; hair rolled, and bound with ears of barley; beneath, EVA\ ; around, four dolphins. [Plate : Dra (By Euii Fast quadriga r., driven by naked winged youth, looking upwards towards Nike, flying 1., who crowns him; in ex., EYO, and Skylla swimming r., holding out V. arm towards fish, which swims before her ; with her 1. she holdn tri- dent over shoulder; behind her, dolphin r. ; border of dots. (VI. 16.] 3 hm leiies.) 46 6.3-9 A\ -75 5Y P A ! KJ Ot\OA/ Female head r., wearing eari-ing and necklace ; hair bound with a diad'^m crossed ; beneath, EVAAE/VOV; around, four dolphins r. [Held, Pi * A I'luiic- imitation (.'il' lliiiiiinctos^ AEY K A 5 ri$ Warrior (Leukaspis) charging r., wearing crested helmet with fciMher, and carrying on 1. arm oval shield, and in r. hand sword, the sheath of which hangs behind him, suspended by a strap passing over r. shoulder. . III. 15.] '). iicrluips (irigiiiiilly in^eTiljLMl Zi-.. G G 226 SICILY No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse . He mi drachms 47 31- M 05 §YPAKO$|OA/ Female head 1., wearing eai'ring, BBcklace, and splien- done tied in front ; on either side, doljihin downwards. Fast quadi-iga 1. ; chai-ioteer holds reins in both hands, goad in r. ; the rein of the farthest horse broken and trail- ing ; above, Nike flying r., crowning charioteer; in ex., a chariot-wheel lying on the ground ; border of dots. 48 30-6 Al -6 [Head, Pi .. III. 16.] 49 31-2 .R -7 Similar. Galloping quadi'iga r. ; charioteer holds reins in both hands, goad in r. ; above, Nike flying 1., crowning charioteer; in ex., two doljihins meeting; border of dots. Circa 406—345 b.c. Dionijs'ius retained (lie tyranni/ till his death in 368 B.C., vhen he icas succeeded hy his son, loho was not JinaUy ejpellcd until 344 H.c* Gui.i) Piece of One Hundred Litrae * 50 89-3 N -6 $YPAKO$|[ON] Female head 1., wearing earring, iiccklace, and sphen- done upon which are two stars ; behind, A Hei*akles, kneeling i'. on r. knee, and strangling lion with both arms. [Plate xvi. 17.] Piece of Fifty Litrae SYPAKO §mN Young male head 1. ; border of dots. [$YP]AKOZin[N] on a bar beneath an incuse square, within which a free 51 ■ 44-1 N -5 hoi'se prancing r. * The chronological arrangement, of the Sy be somewhat arbitrary. The same engravers the same die was often used in different coml The lines here followed are those laid down i be noted that Dr. A. J. Evans {Syracusan ' vol. xi.) has shown ground for maintaining th earlier issues of dekadrachms, belong to the jicr rather than to the I'eign of Dionysius. Sec al raousan series of this epoch must necessarily were at work before 406 and after it, while linations, possibly throughout a series of years. n the Historia Numorum. It should, however, Medallions," etc., in Num. Chron., 3rd Series, at many of the following coins, including the lod immediately succeeding the Athenian siege, so Ad. Holm, Oe^chichte Sifilienf, iii., i)j). 608 ff. SYEACUSE 227 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse Silver Euboic- Attic Standard Dekadr achms (By Euainetos.) Head of Persejalione 1., wearing earring, necklace, and wreath of corn ; hair turned up behind, and arranged in wavy curls ; around, foiu' dolphins ; boi-der of dots. Galloping quadi'iga 1. ; charioteer holds goad and reins ; above, Nike flying r., about to crown him ; in ex., a ledge or step, on which is placed a panoply of armour, consisting of helmet and shield, cuirass and greaves ; border of dots. 52 665-8 M 14 SY PA K 0§in[N] ; beneath, traces of letters (IN E, partially visible). [Plate xvi. 18.] 53 657-2 .R 1-4 inscr., almost entirely off coin; beneath chin, A no border visible. 54 6G5-3 M 1-4 ZYP AK OS 1 [UN]; beneath chin, a dot. )5 55 668-5 M 1-4 in.scr., almost entirely off coin ; behind neck, a scallop-sliell. 1) Tetradrachms (By various artists.) Similar type r. ; around, four dolphins ; border of dots. Galloping quadriga r. ; charioteer holding goad in outstretched r. and reins in 1.; above, Nike flying 1., about to crown him ; border of dots. 56* 261- .11 1-1 ^YPAKO^inN Female head 1., weai-ing earring, necklace, and sphen- done, which is tied above, and orna- mented in front with a dolphin 1. above waves, and behind wdth stars ; around, four doljihins. in ex., traces of inscr. Galloping quadriga r.; bearded charioteer holds goad and reins ; the rein of the farthest horse broken and trailing on the ground ; above, Nike flying 1., carrying a wreath, with which she is about to ci'own chai'ioteer, in one hand, and in the other, a cord to which is attached a label reading ^J^^ ; in ex., two dolphins m^feting; border of dots. 57 267-2 .R 1-05 lower dolphin, almost off coin. * A Punic imitation (of Euaineto 3), probably inscribed ras Melkart. G G 2 228 SICILY No. AVeight Metal SlZR Obverse Reverse 58 263-6 .^l 1-05 SYPAKO§in[N] Female head 1., wearing earring, necklace, and splien- done, which is tied above, and orna- mented in front with swan swimming 1., at the back with stars and with engraver's name, EVKA ; aroiuid, four dolijhins. [Head, 1 Similar ; but ornament on sphendone uncertain, except stars behind. Galloping quadi-iga r., driven by female figure holding goad in r. and reins in 1. ; above, Nike flying 1. to crown her ; in ex., a chariot- wheel lying on the ground ; boi'der of dots. head of farthest horse, off coin ; on ex- ergual line, traces of letters ? \. IV. 4.] Same die as No. 42. 59 261-7 M 105 of iiiscr., only ^ visible. Female head 1., wearing earring and necklace ; haii- rolled ; beneath chin, a diptych, on the tablets of which CIAA ' ^^'"^J^tl, four dolphins. Same die as No. 40. 60 260-G M 11 traces of inscr. 1 [Plate xvii. 1.] Female head 1., weai-ing earring and neck- lace; hair bound with broad diadem, over which several tresses fly back ; around, four dolphins. Fast quadriga 1. ; charioteer holds reins in both hands, goad in r. ; above, Nike Hying r. to crown him ; in ex., dolphin ]. ; border of dots. 61 266-4 JR -95 [$]Y PAKO$[inN]; lower part of type, oif coin. [Head, P (line of ex., double.) L. IV. 5.] 62 268-2 M 9- [^YPAKO] $1 n_N; plain border; two dolphins, off coin. rein of farthest horse broken and trail- ing ; no border visible. Dekadrachms (Ry Kimoii.) 63 666- "m 1-45 $YPAKO§inN Female head 1., wearing earring, necklace, hair-band and net ; around, four dolphins; border of dots. hair-band tied above ; in fi-ont of it, ^^ Galloping quadriga 1. ; charioteer holds goad and reins ; above, Nike flying r. to crown him ; in ex., a ledge or step on and against which is placed a panoply of ai-mour, consisting of helmet and shield, cuirass and greaves ; border of dots. on exergual line, traces of letters ? [B.M.C.. p. 175 (200).] 64 657-6 M 1-4 band not tied ; on it, K ; on dolphin below neck, . . A\flN [Pl.\tf, on exergual line, traces of letters ? xvr. 10.] SYRACUSE 229 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 65 262-7 Al 1- 6G 65-3 M 7 67 32-1 /R -65 G8 69 70 12-5 11-3 12-5 M -45 /R -45 M -45 Tetradrachm (By Parme . . .) Female head 1., wearing earring, necklace and sphendone, tied above and orna- mented at the back with stars; beneath neck, n PAPME; around, four dolphins ; plain border. iiiscr., off coin. Fast quadi-iga 1. ; charioteer holds goad in r. hand, reins in both ; above, Nike flying r., crowning him ; rein of the farthest horse broken and trailing ; beneath hind legs of horses, a broken chariot- wheel ; in ex., ear of barley 1. [Plate xvii. 2.] Drachm (Probably by Eukleidas.) Head of Pallas, three-quarter face 1., wearing necklace, and Phrygian helmet with throe crests, on the front of which, honeysuckle ornament ; around, four dolphins ; plain border. in front, 5 Y P SYPAKO§l HN Warrior (Leukaspis) charging r., wearing crested Athenian helmet, carrying sjiear in r. and large oval shield on 1. arm ; at his 1, side, a sword, the handle of which only is seen, suspended by a strajD passing over r. shoulder; behind him, a square altar garlanded ; in front, a sacrificial ram lying on its back 1. ; in ex., AEYKA$n[l$] [Head, Pl. v. 6.] Hemidraclim § Y yimilar type, without ornament on helmet , around, four dolphins ; plain border. Fast quadriga 1. ; charioteer holds goad in 1., reins in both hands; above, Nike flying r., crowning him ; in ex., two dolphins meeting ; plain border. die fractured at ex. [Head, Pl. v. 7.] Li t r ae $YPA Female head r., wearing ean-ing, neckliice, and sphendone ; behind and in front, a dolphin downwards. Cuttle-fish, feelers of which are connected by a web. Similar head ; behind, dolphin downwards. , Similar, $YPAKO$in N ; plain border. | [Head, Pl. v. 9.] $YPAKO§inN ; type 1.; no earring; I border of dots. ] [Head, Pl. v. 10.] 230 SICILY No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse Hemili tr a 71 6-2 M -4 Similar type 1., witliout necklace ; border of dots. [Head, P 5Y PA in the upper quarters of a wheel of four spokes, in the lower quarters of wliich are two dolphins r. and 1. L. V. 11.] 72 (3-2 ^l -45 Similar type v. $V in one quarter of a wheel of four spokes; in each of the other quarters, two dots. 73 4-5 .R -4 Female head 1., wearing necklace; liair in knot on crown ; beneath chin, three dots. Similar type. inscr. uncertain; value-marks confused. [Plate xvii. 3.] Bronze Female head 1., wearing earring and sphendone ; plain border. Incuse square of four quarters in different planes, in the centre of which is an incuse circle, containing a star of six- teen rays. 74 69- JE -65 in front, traces of letters. 75 77- JE -7 „ 5YPA [Head, P Similar ? L. V. 13.] Similar, but star has only eight rays. 76 68- JE -65 no in.scr. and no border visible. 77 58-5 JE -6 Female head 1., weai-ing earring, neck- lace, and sphendone ; plain border. $Y PA in the upper quarters of a wheel of four spokes, in the lower quarters of which are two dolphins r. and 1. 78 53- JE -75 • [Head, Pl. v. 14.] 79 48- M -6 no earring or necklace. 1 1 SYRACUSE 231 No. Weight Metal Size Obvebse Reverse ^ Circa 344—317 B.C. The expedition of Timoleon residted in the liberation of Si/racuse. Tlie restored democracy governed the city %intil the usurpation of Agatholdes. Characteristic types of this period are the head of Zeus, the Corinthio.n Pegasos, and the Free Horse. Electruu* Pieces of One Hundred Litrae $YPAKO§inN Head of Apollo 1., laur., Lair hanging down over neck ; beliind, lyre ; border of dots. Head of Artemis r., wearing earring and necklace ; hair turned np behind over diadem ; behind neck, quiver, and in field 1., lyre; in front, $nT[EIPA] ; border of dots. 80 100-2 El. -75 [Plate xvii. 4.] 81 99-6 El. -7 border not visible. | Pieces of Fifty Litrae Head of Apollo, as above ; border of dots. $YPAK OSiriN Tripod-lebes, with neck and three handles. 82 o5'l El. -6 beliind, pilos. [Plate xvii. 5.] 83 54-6 El. -6 ,, star of eiglit rays. 84 54-4 El. -6 iyi*e. 85 51-4 El. -6 ,, lamp ; no border visible. 86 54-3 El. -65 ,, strung bow ; no border visible. plain border. (No. 86 is pierced.) 87 54-4 El. -6 ,, Avreatli ; ,, ,, | no border; between legs of tripod, P Pieces of Twenty-Five Litrae 88 28-2 El, -4 Head of Apollo 1., laur.; liair falling over neck. Lyre of five strings. SYPAK O^inN [Head, Pl. vi. 5.] 89 27-.3 El. -45 1 SYPAKO §inN * Ad. Holm (Grsch. SicUicni', ii., 463, iii., 65.3) holds that the Electrum coinage bchnigs to the time of Dion (357 B.C.). On No. W see op. cit., i ii.,6i.3. 1 232 SICILY No. Weight Metal Size Obverse 1 Reverse 1 Gold Piece of Thirty Litrae 90 32-8 M -4 [ZEY]$EAEY OEPlO[$] Head of Zeus Eleutlierios 1., laur. $YP A KO§inN Pegasos flying 1. ; in front, ^ ; beneath, «*« [Head, Pl. vi. 4.] Silver For silver stater with Coriiithiim types, prolmhhj issued during tliis period, see Colonies OF Corinth, in Vol. II. Nos. 91 — 94 correspond in weiyht to Corinthian drachms and heniidrachms. Pieces of Three Litrae 91 40-8 ^•6 Head of Kyane 1., wearing earring and necklace ; hair rolled and gathei'ed in knot over the brow ; behind, a lion's head I. ; beneath, EY §YPAKO$inN Pegasos flying L 92 39-2 M -6 [Head, Pl. vi. 10.] Pieces of One Litra and a Half 93 19-3 M -55 Similar. SYPAK OSIIIN Forepart of Pegasos, with curled wing, flying 1. [Head, Pl. vi. 11.] 94 19-5 ^•5 $YP AKOSmN Head of Ai-ethusa 1., weai-ing earring and necklace ; hair rolled ; around, thi-ee dolphin.s ; border of dots. Similar type ; above, a star of eight rays. [Head, Pl. vi. 9.] L i tra 95 11-8 M -4 Head of Kyane 1., as in No. 92 ; behind, EY and lion's head. SY P -A K 0$ in N Cuttle-fish. [Head, Pl. vi. 12.] Piece of Two and a Half Litrae 96 30-3 M -6 5YPAK [OSinN] Head of Pallas, three-quarter face towards 1., wearing necklace and Phiygian helmet with three crests ; in field 1., two dolphins ; plain border. [Head, P Naked horseman r., his hair in knot on crown ; horse walking ; behind, a star of fourteen rays ; beneath it, an ear of barley r., and beneath horse, N ; plain border. L. VI. 13.] SYRACUSE 23;^ No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 23-6 24-2 49G- 512- 133- 124- 111- 120- lOG-5 M -5 ^R -5 M 1-2 M 1-2 JE -75 ^ -85 M -75 M -85 M -G Janiform female bead, lauo.-. ; in field r., two dolphins ; bordei* of dots. Pieces of Two Litrae Free horse pi'ancing r. traces of inscr. (No. 97 is pierced.) ^YPAKOS iriN Similar type; in field r., doljjliin r. tlownwards; border of dots. Free horse prancing 1. ; above, star of fourteen rays. [Plate xvii. 6.] Bronze * SYPA Head of Pallas 1., wearing i Two dolphins; between which, star-fish Corinthian helmet bound with wreath or jellj^-fish, with eight rays, the jjoints of olive ; plain border. $Y illegible. SYPA Similar. (inscr. inverted.) of wliich are connected by a web ; plain border. [Head, Pl. vii. 1.] Sea-horse 1., with ciu-led wing; rein hang- ing loose ; plain border. [Head, Pl. vii. 2.] (inscr. inverted) ; t'ircular countermark, no loose rein visible, enclosing female head r., in front of which, a barleycorn. two countermai'ks, one circular, enclosing female head 1., the other square, en- closing lion's head 1. ; (no border visible). [Plate xvii. 7.] no inscr. visible. circular countennark ; within which, wheel of four spokes ; in the spaces between which, OPKI Head of Pallas !.. wearing Corinthian Cuttle-fish ; plain bordei'. helmet; })laiii border. no inscr. visible. [Plate xvii. 8.] * Ur. luihoof-BlunK'i- (Zur Miinzlunde Grossyriechenlands, etc., pp. 274 ff.) shows tliat Nos. 99 — 105 and ]07 — 109 may represent the litra, trias, and uncia of one and the same system, which he, with J . P. Six, Ad. Holm, and others, believes to be considerably earlier than the tinip of Tiniolron. !Sce als-o Holm, Gesch. SiciUtn^, ii., 4G3, and iii., 621. No. 106 is akin in style to Nos. 09— 105, but no conclusion can safely bo drawn from the weight of a single specimen. II U 234: SICILY No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse Female head 1., wearing earring and necklace ; hair in sphendone ; behind neck, a sprig of olive; plain border. ^Y PA Dolphin r. ; beneath, scallop- shell ; plain border. 107 55- M -65 [Head, Pl. vii. 7.] 108 43-5 M -G 109 35- M -65 110 316- M 1- $YPAKO$ inN Bearded head of legendary founder Ai-chias 1., wearing Corinthian helmet ; border of dots. Pegasos flying 1.; beneath, dolphin 1.; between them, $ ; border of dots. [Head, Pl. vii. 4.] 111 174-5 M -85 $YPAKO . . n N Head of Per- sephone 1., wearing wreath of corn, earring, and necklace ; hair rolled ; border of dots. Pegasos flying r. ; beneath, § ; border of dots. [Head, Pl. vii. 5.] 112 74- M -65 SYPA . . SIHN Head of Aplu-odite 1., wearing earring and necklace ; hair tied with crossed cord ; loose tress at back of head. [Head, Pi Forepai't of Pegasos, with curled wing, flying 1.; beneath, $ .. VII. 3.] 113 35- M -55 Head of young river-god (Anapus) facing, tlu-ee quarter face towards 1. ; border of dots. Head of Zeus Eleutherios 1., laur., with long hair ; plain border. $YPA . . Sm N Forepart of Pegasos with curled wing flying 1. ; plain border. 5YPA K 0$in M Free horse prancing 1. ; plain border. 114 29(3-5 M 11 IEY$ [E A] EYOEPlo^ 115 303-5 M 1-05 [IEY$ E A] EYOEPIOS [Head, P Head of Zeus Eleutherios r,, laur. ; hair short; plain border. SYPA [K o]$in N L. VII. 8.] Thunderbolt upright ; plain border. IIG 225-5 M 1- IEY$ EA EY 0EPIO5 [Head, P SYPAKO SlflN in field r., eagle r. ., VII. 10.] SYRACUSE 235 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 117 233-5 JE -95 lEY^EAEY EPI05 $YPAK O^inN ; in field 1., barley- corn. 118 127- M -9 [lEY^EAEYOE] PIoZ Head of Zeus 1. ; behind, large thunder- bolt. ; plain border. SYPAK 05inN; in field 1., barley- corn. Swastica ornament ; plain border. 119 104- M -9 traces of letters. [Plate traces of letters. XVII. 9.] 120 27-5 M -55 Female head (Kyane ?), three-quarter face towards 1., wearing necklace ; plain border. Cuttle-fish. [Plate xvii. 10.] SYPAKO$inN Head of Apollo 1., laur. ; hair hanging down behind ; border of dots. Pegasos flying 1. ; plain border. 121 76- M -05 behind, traces of symbol. beneath, A 122 82- JE -7 I) 5) )) „ Ar 123 77- ^ -75 ,, oinochoe r. 5> 1> 124 90- JE -8 ,, amphora „ H* [Plate xvii. 11.] 125 72-5 M -8 „ lion's head 1. ? beneath, ^ 126 87' M -7 9 above, A ? 127 74-5 JE -75 ,, pine-torch. beneath, Nl 128 81-5 JE -75 ,, uncertain symbol. )i 11 129 78- M -75 ,, thunderbolt. „ t£l 130 67- M -8 no symbol. „ A 131 75- M -75 Similar type ; behind, thyrsos fastened to cross-pieces of torch ; border of dots. 5YPAK0$inN Pegasos flying 1.; above, J^ ? ; plain border. 132 275 M -5 Head of Apollo 1. laur. ; border of dots. in front, traces of inscr. [Plate > Dog lying 1.; head turned back; in front, A ; ill ex., H > plain border. VII. 12.] 11 H 2 230 SICILY No. Weight Metal Size Obveese 1 Keveese Circa 317—310 B.C. In 317 B.C. the Syraciif^an general Ayathol-les, supported hy h's mercenaries, massacred the leading members of the dominant parly aiul made himself despot. He was soon involved in war with Carthage. Gold Eul)oic- Attic Standard Drachms Head of young Ares (?) 1., laur. Galloping biga r. ; charioteer holds goad in outstretched r. and reins in 1.; beneath, triquetra of legs. 133 65-9 N -65 behind, § 5YP A KO^inN (downwards). 134: 65-6 M -65 behind, ear of barley ; border of dots. SYP AK 0§ 1 UN (downwards). [Platk XVII. 13.] 135 66-3 N -6 no symbol ; no border. §YP A K Ot\ n[N] (upwards). 136 G6-3 N -6 border of dots. $YPAKO$inN (in ex.). Tetrobol Similar type ; plain border. Similar type ; same symbol. 137 43-8 M ■:> in ex., T [Head, Pl. viii. 2.] Diobol Head of Persephone 1., wearing wreath of corn, earring, and necklace. $YPAKO [SI] HN Bull walking 1., head lowered. 138 22-3 N- -4 [Head, Pi .. viil. 3.] Silver Tetradrachms Head of Persephone 1., wearing wreath of corn, earring, and necklace ; around, three dolphins ; border of dots. SYPAKOSinN (in ex.) Galloping quadriga 1.; charioteer holds goad in outstretched r. and reins in 1.; above, triquetra of legs; in ex., beneath inscr., /^ ; border of dots. 139 265- M -95 beneath, Nl 140 260-9 Ai 1- beneath, NK [Head, Pl. viii. 4.] 141 2fi0-9 M 1- beneath, <|>I 1 1 SYRACUSE 237 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Keverse Bronze SYPAKO^inN Head of Persephone 1., wearing wreath of corn and neck- lace ; border of dots. Bull butting 1. ; above and l)eneath, dolphin 1. ; plain border. 142 170- iE -85 behind, star of eight rays. beneath upper dolphin, Al [Head, Pl. viii. 9.] 143 152-5 M -95 5) )) )) as preceding. 144 165- M -85 symbol uncertain. beneath upper dolphin, N^ 145 132-5 M -85 behind, scallop ? J» J5 146 157-5 M -95 OSIflN Similar head varied ; behind, long torch flaming ; border of dots. SYPAKOSiriN Female head 1., wear- ing eaiTing and necklace ; hair rolled and wavy ; border of dots. Similar type ; same symbols ; same border, above upper dolphin, AT Bull butting 1.; plain border. 147 62-5 M -65 behind, poj^py-head. above, E 148 51-5 ^ -7 no symbol visible. above, traces of symbol (or monogr. ?) 149 40-5 M -65 behind, comucopiae? above, dolphin r., beneath which, O ; in ex., N 1 [Head, Pi,, viii. 11.] 150 53-5 M -65 behind, bucraninm. above, dolphin r. ; in ex., JS^ within wi'eath. 151 42- M -6 behind, ear of barley. above, trident r. ; in ex., AT 152 51- M -65 behind, asti-agalos. above, axe 1.; in ex., $ H 153 50- M -65 ): jj )» )) 154 52- JE -65 behind, ear of barley. Similar. above, dolphin 1.; in ex., 5A Similar. 155 26- JE -5 no symbol visible. Similar head ; border of dots. nothing above ; in ex., <|> ^YPAKO^IflN (in ex.) Similar type; above, ^ ; plain border. 150 53-5 M -65 238 SICILY No. 157 158 159* 160 161 162 163 164 Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 63- 108- 84- 2G0-7 258-6 263-5 258-3 M -65 M -75 M -8 M 1-05 M 1-1 .^ 1-2 M 1- 145-5 M -9 Similar head ; in front, dolphin I., down- wards ; behind, ear of barley ; border of dots. 5YPAK0§inN (beneath) Similar type ; ahove, /S^ A ; plain border. [Plate xvji. 14.] Toung male head (Ares ?) 1., laur. ; beneath, A I ? no inscr. visible. Triquetra of legs ; on the feet, winged talaria ; ia the centre, a circle. [Cf. Head, Pl. viii. 8.] Head of Zeus Eleutherios 1 . , laur. ; hair long ; behind, star of eight rays ; plain border. $YPAKO$IIiN Triquetra of legs ; in the centre, a circle, within which, Gorgon's head ; plain border. aroand, lEYS EAEYOEPIOS (partially legible). [Plate xvii. 15.] Circa 310—307 B.C. AgailioTcles carried the war into Africa, for a time with great success. The following series, the earliest that bear his name, loere prohahly struck after his first victories there. SiLVBR Tetradrachms Head of Persephone r., wearing wreath of corn, earring, and necklace ; hair long ; behind, KOPA$ downwards; border of dots. ATAOOKAEIO^ Nike, naked to waist, standing r., holding in r. a hammer and in 1. a nail, with which she fastens helmet to trophy ; in field 1., triquetra of legs ; border of dots. [Plate xvii. 16.] Similar type ; behind, KOPA^ upwards; border of dots. ArAOOKAE[OS] (in ex.) Similar type; in field r., triquetra; in field 1-, /^ For silver staters with Corinthian types, issued circa 317 — 306 B.C., see Colonies of Corinth, in Vol. II. SY PAKOSinN Young male head r., wearing taenia ; border of dots. Bronze Lion advancing r. ; above, club r. in ex., arrow r. ; border of dots. * With the Obverse compare No. 119. If No. 159 really belongs to the time of Agathokles, which seems doubtful in spite of the triquetra, it must be one of his earliest issues. SYRACUSE 239 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Eeverse 165 140- M -9 behind, strung bow. in ex., arrow r. ; no border visible. 166 110-5 M -85 no symbol visible. Similar ; but type 1. in ex., pine-torch flaming r. ; plain border. Similar. 167 124-5 M -85 in ex., pine-torch flaming r. ; plain border. [Cf. Head, Pl. ix. 3.] 168 137-5 M -9 in ex., pine-torch flaming r. ; border of dots. 1G9 95- 2E -85 in ex., pine-torch flaming L; bordei" of dots. 170 132-5 M -85 behind, star. ex., plain ; border of dots. 171 132-5 M -85 behind, tripod. ,, border not visible. 172 132-5 M -9 Bust of Artemis r., wearing eaii'ing and necklace ; hair in knot behind ; top of quiver visible at shoulder; in front, ZnTElPA ; border of dots. [Cf. Head, Similar ; but type 1. ZYPAK Winged thunderbolt; plain OZIIIN border. Pl. IX. 4.] Similar; with fl . 173 32-5 JE -65 [Head, 1 §YPAK O^IHN Head of Pallas r., weai-ing earring, necklace, and crested Corinthian helmet without neckpiece or covering for the ears ; adorned with running griffin. ^L. IX. 5.] Pegaaos flying 1., both wings \asible ; beneath, trident 1.; plain border. 174 162- M -9 behind, traces of symbol. [Head, r >L. IX. 7.] 175 28- 2E -6 Head of Pallas r., wearing earring, neck- lace, and crested Corinthian helmet ; border of dots. [Cf, Hea 178 90- N -7 • beneath, E Silver For silver stater of Corinthian type^, and reduced iceight, issued circa 306 — 289 B.C., see Colonies op Corinth, in Vol. II. Bronze Bu.st of Arteinis r., wearing earring and necklace ; hair in knot behind ; top of quiver visible at shoulder; in front, ZnTElPA; border of dots. ATAGOKAEOZ Winged thunderbolt; BAZIAEOZ i^lain border. 179 169-5 M -95 « 180 156- M -85 [Head, Pl. ix. 13.] Circa 289—287 B.C. For a brief period after the death of Agatholdes Syracuse toas again democratically governed. Bronze Bust of Artemis 1., wearing earring and necklace ; hair in knot behind ; quiver over shoulder; in front, ZI2TEIPA; border of dots. AlOZEAEY Winged thunderbolt; 0EPIOY plain border. 181 114- M -85 182 124- M -8 [Head, Pl. ix. 14.] Head of Zeus Eleutherios 1., laur. ; hair falling in tln-ee long curls behind ; border of dots. ZYPAK Winged thunderbolt; plain OZIIIN border. 183 118- M -85 around, traces of letters ? [Head, Pl ,. IX. lo.] SYRACUSE 241 No. 1S4 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 WEIGfiT 05 -8 65-8 G5-5 190-5 1791 140- 159- 178- 173- Metal Size Obverse Eeverse A^ -GS N -65 A" -GS .R 1- M 11 iE -9 IE -95 JE 1- yE -95 Circa 287—278 b.c. llic foUoir/nf/ coins mere issued during the tyrannij of ITilcetas, who refrained from assuming the roijal title, and placed his name only on the gold. Gold Pieces of Sixty Litrae (= Attic Drachms) SYPAKO^mN Head of Rersephone 1., wearing wi'oatli of corn, earring, and necklace ; liair rolled ; border of dots. behind, cornucojaiae. EP 1 1 KETA (ill ex.) Riga r., driven by Nike, naked to waist, holding goad and reins ; horses prancing. above, moon ; beneath, O [Plate xvii. 18.] beliind, long torch flaming ; (inscr., off coin). same die. above, beneath. above, star of eight rays; beneati) horses, ear of bai4ey 1. Silver* Pieces of Fifteen Litrae (= Attic Tridrachms) Head of Pei'se})honc 1., weaiing wi'eath of corn, eariing, and necklace ; bail' long. behind, bucraninm. behind, bee. SYPAKOZinN (in ex.) Gallophig quadriga 1., driven by Nike, wearing long chiton, and holding goad in out- stretched r. and reins in 1. above, star of eight rays. [Plate xvir. 19.] I no symbol visible. Rronze'' SYPAKO^IflN Head of Persephone 1., wealing wreath of corn, earring, and necklace ; hair long ; border of dots. Riga r., driven by charioteer wearing long chiton, and holding goad in outstretched r. and reins iu I.; horses cantei-ing; al)ove, star of eight rays ; plain border. (no border visible). [Head, Pl. x. 5.] behind, dot and ear of barley. in ex., 7\ 1) )5 in ex., /^ * Ad. Holm {Gesch. SiciJiens, iii. 685 f.) gives strong reasons for ascribing to an earlier period the M and ^ assigned by Head to the time of Hiketas. But, if this transference is made, how is the gap to be filled? It shoxild be explained that after circa 300 u.c, the form of sigma fluc- tuates between £ and §, it being often impossible to distinguish accurately which is employed. I I 242 SICILY No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Rk VERSE 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 168- 149-5 127-5 105- 130-5 171-5 135-5 165- 1G8-5 168-5 171-5 124-5 142- 97-5 177-5 179- M -9 M -9 M -8 M -95 M -95 ^ -85 M -95 JE -95 M -9 JE -95 m -9 M -9 JE -8 M -95 Al -95 behind, dot and ear of bax'lej. .^ -9 A ill place of dot ; border not visible. §YPAKO§inN l)oi-iler of dots. Similar type 1. ; Similar type r., without necklace ; border of dots. §YPA VSI2I§0[>|] inscr. uncertain ; behind, long torch flaming ; no border visible. Head of Zeus Hellenios 1., beardless and laur. ; border of dots. [AlOjS EAAANIOY; behind, un- cei-tain symbol. traces of inscr. ; behind, thunderbolt. [P AI05 EAAANIOY ; behind, trophy. inscr., off coin ; loY ; beneath horses, N ; in ex., Sfl ; (border not visible). above horses, T; in ex., $X1 Similar type ; no star ; plain border, above, thunderbolt ; in ex., /\ beneath horses' feet, triqueti-a of legs. Similar type ; above, stai'. in ex., no X ; plain bordei-. in ex., E X ; 110 border. Eagle 1. on thunderbolt, wings open ; plain border. 5YPAKo$in [N] $YPAK 0§inN; (border not visible). [Plate xvii, 20.] 5YPAK 0$inN; in field 1., star of eight rays. j> ji )) )) AIO$ EAAANIOY; no symbol and no border visible. AAAN lOY ; border of dots. 5YP [AKO] SiriN; in field 1., star of eight rays. traces of inscr. ; in field 1., "^ ; (no border visible). as preceding. field. (No. 205 is rostruck.) n N ; nothing visible in Similar type, traces of inscr. AIO$ EAAANIOY Similar type r. ; hair long ; behind, troj^hy ; border of dots. Similar type. [§YPAKo] §inN ^YPAK OSinN Similar type; in field 1., star of eight rays ; plain border. [Head, Pl. x. 8.] SYRACUSE 243 No. Weight 1 Metal Size Obverse Reverse Siniiliu- ; but no symbol. SYPAKOSinN Similar; but above star, A 209 12b- M 1- (No. 209 is I'osfcruck.) Similar. [^YPAK] 0$inN Similar type ; in field 1., A ; l)lain border. 210 129- M 1- Similar. Similar type ; plain border. 211 101 -5 yE -9 SYPAK 212 131- M 1- $YPAK 0$inN (Nos. 211 f. are rostruck on *E of Agatliokles, resembling Nos. 179 f.) 213 139-5 M -9 (inscr. not visible.) [$YPAK] ...HN 214 79- iE -8 ZYPAK [0]ZinN Circa 278—276 B.C. /*( 278 B.C. Vijfvhus of Eplnis, who iras then in Itahj cliampioninij tlic caitfe of the Tarcnfineit, ipas suiiimonrd hi/ the. Si/racnsans, who u-cre heimj hard jiiesfied hi/ a CarthcKjinian invasion. The ti/pes of the foUoiciuij shoidd he corn-pared icith those of Pi/rrhus's oicn coins. t Head of Persephone 1., weai-ing wreath of Within oak-wreath, long torch, flaming 1. corn, earring, and necklace ; hair long ; behind, stalk of barley ; border of dots. 215 ibo- M 1-05 D.N [Cf. Head, Pl. x. 10.] ^YPAKO^iniSI Head of young Pallas Promnchos r., wearing crested Herakles 1., wearing lion's skin ; bolder helmet, long chiton with diidoidion. and of dots. chlamys over shoulders ; she brandishes spear (or thunderbolt*) in r. and holds shield on outstretched 1. arm ; plain border. 21G 176- M 1- in field 1., thunderbolt. 217 152- IE 1- (inscr., partially off coin.) in field r., owl r. 21b 152- M -95 in field r., owl r. (No. 218 is resfcruck on ^E of Agatliokles, resembling Nos. 179 f.) [Plate xvii. 21.] 219 146-5 M -9 in field 1., liead of trident r. 220 163-5 M -95 in field 1., head of trident upwards. 221 153-5 M -95 i behind, club downwards. * On Nos. 21G f., it is a spear ; 5? n n on Nob. 218 fl'., u thuniierboU. 1 I 244 SICILY No. Weight Metal Size Obveese Revkkse 222 152- JE -95 Similai- type ; boi-der of dots. XYPA KOllHN Similar type, with thunderbolt ; plain border. [Head, Pl. x. 12.] 223 128- M -9 in field r., owl r. ; H in inscr. Circa 275—216 B.C. Oil the inUluli-aiijdJ of rijn-lniA, <(fter a hricf hut hriUiunl series of campaigns, Ilicrdti, one of his o[firers, reiiaiincd us general of the Sijracus((it armi/, and before long hecaiiu; tyrant of Siiraciise. The neio ruler took the side of the Romans in the Second Punic War, and at its close he shared Sicily ivith them. He reigned till 21G B.C. Gold Euboic-Attic Drachms Head of Persephone 1., weai'iiig- wreath of lEPilNOZ Fast biga r., driven by co)-ii, oari-iug, and neckhiee ; hair long ; border of dots. female charioteer, wearing long chiton and holding goad in outstretched r. and reins in 1. ; plain border. 224 6G-4 ^ -6 behind, ear of barley. . (1, off coin.) 225 6G-3 M -G ,, cornucopiae. 226 66- N -GS ,, • bee. 227 G5-G .V •(; ,, wreath. Similar. inscr. in ex. ; above horses, M 1 lEPHNOZ Similar type 1. 228 65-6 N -er) behind, bucrauiuni. beneath horses, E ; plain boi'der. 229 G5-8 N- -7 )> 5> beneath hor.ses, A; border of dots ; (ilV). 230 65-8 ^ -65 „ bee. beneath horses, A^ ; no border visible; „ [Plate xvii. 22.] 231 65-9 N' -6 behind, poppy-head. | no letter ; no border visible. Silver • IIieron''s earliest silrer is struclc on the standard of the coins of Pyrrhits [No. 232). Subsequently he introduced a system (Nos. 233 _//'.) closely related to thd used in Egypt by the Ptolemies, with whom he had commercial relations* Head of Pallas 1., wearing eari-ing, neck- lace, and crested Corinthian helmet 1 EPnN OZ Pegasos Hying 1. without neck-piece or ear -covering, adorned with serpent ; behind, bu- cranium ; bordei- of dots. 232 85'7 yil-85 * Ad. Holm, Gctich. Sic 7ie»s, iii., pp. 34 f., 694. SYRACUSE 245 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Kevekse The head on the Ohv. af the foUowhig is prohahhj that of Gcloa, Ilierou'ti son, who predeceased /it'm.* Pieces of Eight Litrae Beardless male head (Gelon) 1., diademed ; border uf dots. XY P A KO 1 1 1 Fast biga r. , driven by rEAflNOZ winged Nike, naked to waist, holding reins in both hands; second word of inscr. in ex. ; plain border. 233 102-S M -8 in front, BA and K; (no exergual line). [Head, Pl. xi. 4.] 234 102-3 Ai -8 1 above horses, BA ; ,, (No. 231 is pierced.) 235 106-7 ^R -8 beliiud, traces of symbol. beneath horses, BA and E 236 105- ^R -8 Similar. ZYPAKOZIOI Slow biga r., driven by PEAXINOX winged Nike, wearing long chiton, and holding reins in both hands, goad in 1.; in front. Ml ; second word of inscr. in ex. ; plain border. [Plate .wii. 23.] Similar. ZYPAKOZIOl Galloping biga r., [PEA JIINOS driven by Nike as above, holding goad in r. ; head of farther horse well in advance ; beneath horses, z. ; second word of inscr. in ex. 237 104-3 yR -8 border doubtful. [Plate xvii. 24.] Pieces of Four Litrae Beardless male head (Geloii) !., diademed; border of dots. SYPAKOZIOI TEAnNoS Eagle with closed wings, standing r. ou thunderbolt ; plain border. 238 50- /R -65 behind, E ; in front, BA [Head, Pi,, xi. 5.] 239 49 4 A\ -7 1 behind. BA ; in front, K * Some scholars, however, consider tliiit the Hieron II. arc idealized representations of the ea who inclines to this view, sug>;c^.ts that the he Philistis, may really be intended for Daniarete (. portraits of Gelon and Hieron on the coins of rly tyi-ants of those names. Dr. Imhoof-Blumer, id on the next series, usually taken for that of 'ortratkopje auf Antikcn Oricck. Munzcn, p. 21). 246 SICILY No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Eevekse 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 208-8 21C-8 M 1- Al 1- 215-6 21ie treatiucid of the head of Philistis, wife of Hieron, closch/ reseiuhles thai of the head of Arsinoe on contemporary Ptolemaic coins, thus furnishing another indication of relations with Egypt. Pieces of Sixteen Litrae Head of Philistis 1., diademed and veiled. behind, long torch flaaning. BAZIAIZZAZ Galloping quadriga I A I ZT I AO£ r. , driven by winged Nike, naked to waist, and holding rehis in both hands ; horses moving in step. beneath horses' fore-l^s, E [Plate xviii. 1.] type r. ; l)ehind, stalk of bai'ley. beneath horses' fore-legs, < Similar type 1. ; border of dots. yll I'l : behind, traces of symbol. 203-7 M 1-1 Similar type. BAZIAIZZAZ Slow quadriga r., IAIZTIAOZ driven by winged Nike, wearing long chiton ; holds palm over r. shoulder, reins in both hands. underneath horses' fore- legs, A [Cf. Head, Pl. xi. 8.] Similar (with • in inscr.) ; but Nike without palm. 213-6 208- behind, thyrsos with fillet ; border of j in front, A dots. [Head, Pl. xi. 9.] .ifl pl. 1-1 no symbol and no border visible. in front, K ; plain border. A\ 1-05 behind, wreath ; border doubtful. M 1-05 >> n boi'der of dots. in front, traces of letter ; no border. above, <|> ; no border. Piece of Five Litrae Head of Philistis 1., diademed and veiled j border of dots. 247 68- M 7 BAZIAIZZAZ Slow biga r., driven IAIZTIA»Z by winged Nike, wearing long chiton, and holding reins in both hands ; in fiout, K ; plain border. SYRACUSE 247 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse Bronze * Head of Hieron 1., wearing diadem. lEPHNOZ (in ex.) Galloping biga r., driven by winged Nike, n iked to waist, holding reins in lioth hands. 248 559- M 1-35 (border of dots ?) beneath, N 249 525- M 1-3 [Plate beneath, traces of letter, xviii. 2.] 250 273-5 M 1-06 Head of Hieron 1., wearing diadem ; border of dots. behind, lyre; (head laur.). IEP£2N0$ (in ex.) Horseman pi'ancing r. ; he weai-s helmet, cuiriiss, and chlamys, and holds couched spear in r. ; plain border. 251 252 273- 281- JE 1-05 M 1-05 no .symbol vi.sible. [Cf. Head, no symbol visible. beneath hoi-se, A Pl. XII. 1.] A 253 270- M 1-1 behind, thunderbolt. /R 254 259- M 1-1 behind, sci-pent. )j 255 268- M 105 no symbol. 1) 256 265- M 1-1 no symbol visible. I 257 274- M 11 behind, poppy-head. 15 258 255- M 1-05 behind, bucraninm. •>y 259 240- M 1-05 no symbol visible. AY 260 268-5 M 1-05 i> >» Ml 261 261- M 1-15 n 1? N 262 265- M 1-2 ?1 5' >» 263 300- M 1-1 behind, bucranium. NK 264 258-5 M 1-05 ji ij ') 265 290- M 1-05 no symbol visible. ^ 266 265-5 JE 105 Tt ;> % 267 289- M 1-1 " )j 268 269- M 1-05 uncertain symbol. It 269 285- iE 1-1 behind, pine-torch flaming'. [Plate } * Nos. 248 f. represent the double of Nos. 2.50 common convention which distinguished n tet horseman. vviii. 3.] ff. The difference in the Rev. type recalls the radrachm by a quadriga and a didrachm by a 218 SICILY No. Wee&ht Metal Size Obverse Reverse 270 181-5 JE -95 Head of Persephone 1., weaving wroatli of corn, earring, and necklace ; hair rolled ; border of dots. lEPilNO^ Pegasos flying r. ; beneath, § ; pliiin border. [Head, Fh. xii. 5.] Head of Poseidon 1., wearing taenia ; border of dots. lEP UNOS Ornamental trident, on either side of which a doljihin down- wards ; plain border. 271 129- IE -9 in field 1., A" 272 141- M -85 hP [Plate xviii. 4.] 273 127- M -95 27t 133- M -9 N 275 131- M -85 Similar. ,, (fl in inscr.) lEPn N0$ Similar. 276 87-5 JE -75 in field r., AP 277 88-5 JE -75 AP 278 101- JE -75 AY ; (12 in inscr.). 279 102-5 JE -8 in field 1., ; in field r., <|); (fl in inscr.). 280 126- M -85 ZYPAKOZinN* Head of Persephone 1., weai'ing wreath of corn, earring, and necklace ; hair rolled ; border of dots. in field r., A ; no border. IE (in ex.) Bull butting 1.; al)ove whicl), club 1.; ])lain boi'der. 281 97-5 M -75 behind, poppy-head ? beneath club, A 282 76- M -75 no symbol. A [Head, Pl. xii. 6.] 283 88- M -75 po2:)py-hcad. X 284 86- jE -8 no symbol visible. 51 285 88-5 M -8 kanthai-os ? H 2S6 75-5 M -75 poppy-head. O [Plate xviii. 5.] 287 88-5 M -75 poppy-head . lA 288 102-5 M -8 symbol obscui-e. * On all the followino: the inscr. is obscure, where certainty is possible, the form employed if or altogether off tho coin. Tn the few cases n SYRACUSE 249 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 289 74-5 M -75 ii(j symbol visible. M 290 84-5 M -75 symbol obscure. M 291 ^... jE -85 bucrauium N 292 9G- M -8 poppy-head. I 293 8(j- M -75 )) O 294 91-0 iE -75 ?) T 295 102- JE -75 symbol obscure. 11 296 «5- iE •7.-) 110 symbol. Siiiiiiar; AvitLout symbol; no iuscr. 11 Similar. 297 o4'.j iE •(;") beneath club, fi^ 298 65- M -Co AY 299 7()-5 ^ -(iS Z 300 72-0 M a:) 11 301 59- 7E HG 11 302 57- /E G- Similar. 11 Similar tyjje and symbol, both r. ; iu ex., 1 E ; plain border. 303 GO-5 JE -6 beneath club, AY 304 48- ^ -6 no letters beneath club. [Plate xviu. 6.] Circa 216 — 215 B.C. liicrou's yrandsoii, Hiei-oiii/inns, succeeded to the ti/n.') 127-4 Ai -8:, {Q. in iiiscr.j 30'; 1 12«v .11 -9 [Plate > above, Ml .viii. 7.] K K 250 SICILY No. Weight Metal Size Obverse EE VERSE 307 308 132-5 164- 309 310 1572 149-4 311 154- 312 100-8 313 60- Bronze Head of Hieroiijiuus 1., iliiRleinud; border of dots. M -9 M -9 BAZIAEOZ lEPIlNYMoY Winged tluiiulerboU plain border. above, T ; below, A above, <|) ; below, O [Head, Pi.. XII. 13.) Circa 215—212 B.C. Tlie fctitorcd (Iciiiocrnnj. folJoivivr/ the policy initiated hi/ Hieroni/iiiiis, (Icjivitrh/ declared for Carlliaije aijaiiint Hume (214 li.c). In conxcqiiciice, Syractisc icas besieged and captured by the Houians (212 B.C.). SlI.VEU Pieces of Twelve Litrae Head of Pallas I., -wearing earring, neck- lace, cre.sted Corinthian helmet, and aegis tied round throat with snakes ; border of dots. M -95 behind, A" M. -95 uo luojiogr. ZYPAKOZinN Artemis standing 1., quiver on shoulder, bending her bow to shoot ; she wears endromides and short chiton with diplo'idion ; at her feet, a hound i-unning 1. ; plain border. M -95 M -95 M in field 1., ZH [Pl.ATK XVHI. 8.] in field 1., Y A Z A Similar, without aegis ; helmet adorned Similar, with serpent. in field 1., I A Piece of Eig-ht Litrae Head of Pallas 1., Avearing earring, neck- lace, aegis fastened round throat with snakes, and crested CoiTutliian helmet, adoi-ned with rtiiining giiffin ; on back of helmet, A ; border of dots. ZYPAKoZlflN Winged thunderbolt; Y A beneath, .^ . ; plain bordei-. [Plate xviii. 9.] Bronze Head of Poseidon r., bound Avith taenia ; i XYPAKO ZlflN Ornamental trident ; border of dots. : border of dots. [Plate xviii. 10.] SYRACUSE 251 No. I Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 314 315 Sir, 317 318 319 320 41-5 30- 33- 29- 24-5 154-5 179-5 321 322 323 324 33- 49- in9-5 98- M -55 jE "55 JE -G M -45 M JF. -9 JE -85 ZYP AKO Ornamental trident be- Z I ilN tween two dolphins d(j\vnvvai'd.s ; plain border. (12 in in.scr.) Similar. type 1. ;• heliind. tlinnderliolt. ,, behind, ear of barley. type r. ; behind, crescent with horns upwai'ds. type r. ; place of symbol, off coin. ,, no symbol visible. Head of Apollo 1., lani'. ; hair long; ZYPAKOZIHN (in ex.) TbeDioskouroi border of dots. . I on horseback, cantering r. ; r. arms I r.iised ; above the head of each, a star ; beneath them, A ; plain border. (much worn.) Head, Pr.. xiii. 13.] Head of Apollo 1., lanr. ; hair long; ZYPA Tripod-lebes, with neck and border of dots. ; KOZIHLN] three handles; plain border. jE '5 ! behind, thunderbolt. [Cf. Head, Pr,. xni. 14.] ZYPAKO ZinN Similar tyjje ; plain border. JE -6 behind, astragalos ? M 1- jE -8 Tripod-lebes, with neck and three handles, filleted ; bordei' of dots. After circa 210 B.C. After ilie ' fteftleineiU ' of Sicily in 210 B.C. Syraciisc continued to stril-e bronze hi/ favour of the Bomaiis. Head of Zeus i;., laur. ; border of dots. ZYPAKO Statue of divinity flsis ?) ZIHN in triumphal quadriga r., holding flaming torch ; horses walking. [Head, Pr-. xiv. 1.] Head of Zens r., lanr. ; border of dots. ZYPAKO ZIGN Tyche (of Syracu.se) standing 1., tnrreted, holding rudder and leaning on sceptre ; j^lain border. [Head, Pl. xiv. 2.] K K Z SICILY No. 1 Weight Metal Size Obver.se Reverse 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 99- 141- 133- 1'.7- 110- 86-5 138- 114- 99-.-) 110- 75' 141-5 109-5 M -85 M -9 JE -95 M -9 M -8 M -75 M -8 Head of Zeus r., laur. ; border of dots. ZYPAKO ZinN Eagle, with wings open, on thunderbolt r. ; border of dots. [Plate xviii. II.] Head of Zeus 1., laur.; border of dots. ZYPAKOZIQN (below) Galloping biga r., driven by winged Nike, holding whip and reins ; above, crescent with horns upwards ; plain border. [Plate win. 12.] crescent, not visible. Head of Zeus 1., lanr. ; border of dots. ZYPAKOZIQN fin ex.) Fast biga 1., driven by winged Nike, holding goad in r., reins in 1. ; ])lain Ixirdei-. above, star. above, dolphin r [Plate xviil 13.] Head of Zeus r., laur.; border of dots. ZY P A KO^in [ N ] Fast biga r . , driven by winged Nike ; border of riots. [Cf. Head, Pl. xiv. 3.] Head of Pallas r., wearing crested Coiin- thian helmet ; boi-der of dots. M •85 M -85 M -8 M •75 M •85 Au -75 Nike facing, M-ith open wings, holding sword in raised r. ; she wears long- chiton, and kneels with I. knee on the back of a prostrate bull r., which she is about to saci-itice ; border of dots. ZY P AKO ZIHN ZYPA K O Zl UN [Cf. Head, Pl. xiv. 4.] Head of Sarapis r., wearing taenia, and head-dress of horns, globe, and plumes ; border of dots. ZYPAK O CinN Tsis ]., holding sistrumand leaning upon si-eptre; border of dots. [Cf. Head, Pl. xiv. 5.] Isis wears globe and horns. SYRACUSE 253 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 338 86-5 M -75 Head of Isis r., with long hair, wreathed with com and surmounted by head- dress of hoi-ns, globe, and plumes; border of dots. 2;YPA KOZIHN Head-dress of Isis, consisting of horns surmounted by globe and plumes ; behind which, two ears of barley placed crosswise ; plain border. 339 97-5 M -75 [Cf. Head, Head of Persephone r., wearing wreath of of corn ; haii* rolled. Pl. xiv. 7.] Demeter 1., veiled, and wearing long chiton and peplos, holding torch and sceptre. 340 109- JE -8 [XYP]AK O ZI^N 341 115- M -8 ZYPAK [ZliiN] [Head, Pl. xiv. 6.] 342 52-5 M -6 Head of Persephone 1., wearing earring and wreath of corn ; border of dots. ZYPA |- -.. within wreath of barley ; plain -^,.1 border. 343 46- M -65 behind, coi'nucopiae. 344 44- M -6 type r. ; behind, crescent with horns upwards. no border visible. 345 40- M -6 type r. ; no symbol ; no border visible. [Head, Pi ,. XIV. 9.] 346 53- M -6 Head of Apollo 1., laur., of archaistic style ; border of dots. lYP AKO Long torch; border of Zl nN dots. [Plate xviii. 14.] 347 84- M -75 Bust of Helios, radiate r. ; chlaniys about neck ; over shoulder, strung bow and quiver ; border of dots. ZYPAKO ZIHN Naked male figure of Egyptian style, advancing r., holding wreath and bi'anch ? ; i)lain border. [Head, Pl. xiv. 11.] 348 52-5 M -65 Head of Janus, bearded, and wearing wreath ; box-der of dots. ZYPAKO ZinN Quiver-shaped object, ^\itll a circulai" radiate top and two fillets suspended fi-om rings on each side ; border of dots. [Head, Pt,. xiv. 13.] 349 31- 1 M 05 Head of Asklepios r., laur.; border of dots. [Plaie X ZYPAKO ZIQN Staff, round which serpent twines ; border of dots. viu. 15.] 251. SICILY No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse TAUROMENIUM Circa 358—275 B.C. Timronirnltnn, originally (( Sikel po.s/, u-as Ilelleitized in 358 B.C., (rZio; the remnant of the Naxians, whose city had been destroyed half a century earlier, loere settled there hy Andromaclios. It was here that Timoleon landed. Head of Apollo Arcliegetes ]., lanr. ; in iVuiit. APXATETAZ; liordei- of dots. TAYPOM E[NITAN] Man-headed bull walking 1. ; border of dots. J 243-5 a: 1- [Plate x Siniiliii' ; legend obscure. VIII. 16.] TAYPOMENITAN ]5nll butting 1. ; plain border. 2 70-5 M -8 (no border visible.) in ex., H5 ; (inscr. partly off coin). 3 7G-5 JE -85 in ex., N 4 123-5 M -9 Head of Apollo 1., lanr. ; in front, APXAfETAS ; border of dots. Similar ; legend obscure. TAYPOM ENITAN Lyre; border of dots. TAYPOM ENITAN T.ipod - lebes with neck and three handles. 5 80- JE -75 plain border ? G 69-5 M -75 Female head 1., wearing earring, necklace, and Stephanos ; border of dots. no boi-der. Bunch of grapes with two leaves ; plain boi'der. 7* 70-5 M -65 in front, traces of legend ((X1ASA§)- [Plate xviii. 17.] * The at-tril)utiiiii of tliis ooiii '0 Tnuroinoiiinin is not eertaiu. TAUROMENIUM No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 1(1 11 12 13 U 15 16-3 13-2 !»7- 18'J- 99-5 84 • 101-5 N -4 Al -35 ^ -S M -9 M -9 .'E -85 JE -So JE -85 Circa 275—210 B.C. or lafcr. * Tnnrornenriim formed part of tlie Iciiu/dom of Hicrou II. of Si/rarnse. As it is vnlilcli/ that he (tUoirrd it to coin in the precious metals, Nos. 8 and 9 vere prohahUj struck after his death in 21(3 B.C. "j" Tauromenium icas loi/al to Home, and, was made a ^civitus foederata' at the settlement o/210 B.C.; but it issued little or no money afterwards. Gold Piece of Fifteen Litrae Head of Apollo r., laur. behind, sei])eiit round ornj)lialos. TAYPOM[E] Tiipod-lebes, with neck NITAN and three handles; ])lain border. in field r., EY ? [Plate xviii. 18.] Bull's heail facing ; border of dots. SnA'EB L i t r a TAY • P O M Bunch of grapes. Bronze Head of bearded Herakles r., bound svith TAYPOM EN [ITAN] Bull butting r. taenia : border of dots. behind, ^ Head of Apollo 1., hiur. ; l)ehind, bee; border of (k)ts. boi'der not visible. TAYPOM EN ITAN Head of young Dionysos 1., wearing wreath of ivy ; border of dots. border doubtful. TAYPO M EN ITAN Tripod - lebes, Avitli neck and three handles ; border of dots. Head of Pallas 1., wearing necklace and crested Corinthian helmet. APOA AilNOZ Tripod-lebes, with neck and tln-ee handles; plain border. TAYPoMEN I TAN gallojiing ; plain bordei'. Pegasos I. * The Eev. of No. 23, for instance, is of so decidedly late a style th.ifc it is difficult to believe that it is so early as 210 B.C. t See, however. Ad. Holm, (.Icschirhtc SiciUctis. iii., 702. 256 SICILY No. Weight 16 155- 17 82- 18 105- 19 88- 20 85-5 21 49-5 22 CA- 23 77-5 Metal Size Obverse Reverse JE 1- A^. 1 M -8- M -8 ^ -8 M -G M -65 M -85 Similar type ; behind, owl 1. ; border of dots. TAYPoAAENI TAN Pegasos 1., prancing ; plain border. Head of Pallas r., wearing earring, neck- TAYPOM€NITAN Pegasos r., pran- lace, and crested Corinthian helmet ; cing ; plain border, border of dots. behind, K [Plate xviii. 19.] Head of Apollo I., laur. ; border of dots. Bull butting r. ; plain border. TAYPo A\ENITA . (No. 18 is restruck on a coiu of Hioron, similar to Syracuse, Nos. 21^ t'.) behind, traces of symbol. behind, bee. Dionysiac head r., wearing wreath of ivy ; plain border. in front, uncertain symbol or nionogr. (Y visible). Head of Pallas r., wearing crested Corin- thian helmet and necklace. Head of young Dionysos r. ; crowned with ivy. TAYPO MENITA[N] TAYPO . . ITA TAYPOM Bull standing r. ; border [EJNITAN of dots. TAYPO ME NITAN Owl standing r., on amphora r. ; border of dots. (amphora, almost off coin.) TA YPO Dionysos 1., clad in short N'EN[ITAN] chiton; holding in r., patera, in 1., tliyrsos ; at his feet, panther 1. ; border of dots. TAUROMENIUM— ROMANS IN SICILY 257 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse SICULO- PUNIC* Bkonze Fourth Ccidurij B.C. 1 78-5 M -75 Head of Persephone 1., weai'ing- ean-ing and wreath of corn ; phiiii bordei'. Free horse, pi'ancing- r. ; plain border. [Plate xvjii. 20.] 2 76 5 JE -65 f [Plate xvui. 21.] 3 75-5 A% -65 head slightly different in style. 4 S4- M -05 head again vaiied. (border doubtful.) 5 lul- .E -7 head much lai'ger; (no border visible). (no border.) <; «jY TAI Kagle, with wings closed, r. horn. «CTONE The foUdiriiiij coin is j,roh(ddy snlserpient to the time (circa 421 B.C.) irhrn the inhabitants irere put to death by the Athenians, and their foirn h square enclosed in incuse 1 6-7 .11 -35 square. IB.M.C, p. 45 (10).] Bkonze Head of Apollo 1., laur. A A\ Racing torch, flaming 1. ; the <|> 1 whole in lineai' square. 2 96- M -GS behind, bow ? [Plate Head of Apollo? 1., wearing taenia; hair long. XX. 1.] A AA Racing torch. 1 3 23- M -4 4 23-5 M -45 type r. A A\ torch flaming 1. * 1 From 357 to 168 b.c. Amphipolis teas one of the chief mints of the Macedonian Icint/s* Wlien Macedon was reorganised by the Romans after Pydna, it became the capltcd of the first of the four confederacies. For money strnclc then, see p. 354. Cf. also pp. 350 f. * For coins attributcil by Miillcr to this Alex.\.vdek the Gkeat, 6, 11— 1;3, 38—50, etc. i epoch, see PliiiU' 11., 2— -1, 35, 114, etc. ; N X 2 276 STRYMONIAN AND BOTTIAEAN DISTRICTS No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Keverse After circa 146 B.C. On the dissolution of the four confederacies in 146 li.c. [or possihhj earlier), Amjjlti^JoJis, like other towns, began to stril-e in its own name. Bronze Head of young Herakles r., Avearing lion's skin ; border of dots. AMfMPO Lion standing r. ; beneath, A 1 TflN ear of corn. 5 154-5 M -8 [Plate Head of Roma (or Perseus ?) r., weai-ing winged helmet, the top euding in the head of a griffin. second half of iuscr., in ex. XX. 2.] AMin[0] within a wreath of oak- AITUN leaves. (5 102-5 M -7 no border visible. Head of Poseidon r., wearing taenia ; border of dots. AM<|)inO Club Y. ; above and beneath, AITnN monograms ; the whole within a wreath of oak- leaves. 7 118- JE -8 ^P and IyE, ; traces of second mono- gram above. 8 12S- /E -75 trJZ- and W\L ; traces of second monogr. (AP) "'Ijove ; outside wreath on 1., thundei-bolt. 9 109- M -8 Head of Artemis Tauropolos 1., wearing stepliane ; at her shoulder, bow ami quiver ; border of dots. AMinO Bull butting r. AITI2N second half of inscr., in ex. 10 128- JE -85 Similar type. AM in[0] Two goats contend- A ITU [N] ing, on their hind legs, face to face. 11 103- JE -85 . . <|> in[0] in field r., g; ; in field Al TO. N 1 . uncertain monogr. 1 AMPHIPOLIS 277 No. Weight ! Metal Size Obverse Reveuse 12 78- M -7 Head of young Dionysos r., wearing wi-eatli of ivy and band across forehead ; border of dots. Head of Poseidon r., wearing taenia ; border of dots. AM<|)|[no] Goat standing r. ; border AIXnN of dots. AMn lO in field r., AP ; above, AITIIN) traces of /S] Ear of corn r., with leaves. 16 87- M -7 A Mino AITIiN .. 49 (51).] 18 o0-5 M -65 Head of Artemis r., wearing stephane ; border of dots. AM0inO Same type. AITUN 19 70- M -7 AM 1 n Bull galloping r. AixnN Period uf the Scmuucial lleduciiun Semis 1 Head of Zeus r., laur. AMinO Prow r, ; in field 1., M and 21 lol A-] -Sn AITGN S ; i» field r., ^ 278 STRYMONIAN AND BOTTIABAN DISTRICTS No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse Iiiqjerial Times Without Head of Emperor 22 35-5 M -6 Head of Pallas v., wearing helmet adorned with foreparts of hoi'ses; border of dots. [A]M4>inO Bull feeding r. [AITHN] 23 181- M -85 Head of Medusa, facing, winged, and with serpent-hair ; border of dots. AM4>ino Pallas Nikephoros standing AEI XXIN 1. ; she supports shield with 1. ; behind rises spear. 24 245-5 M 1-1 Bust of Artemis Tauropolos r. ; at her shoulder, bow and quiver j border of dots. AM<|)inO AEITIIN Artemis Tauro- polos, holding with each hand one end of veil, riding on bull galloping r. ; bordei' of dots. 25 59- JE -7 Head of Zeus r., laur. ; behind, sceptre ; border of dots. AMinOAEITnN Eagle, with open wings, standing r. on thunderbolt ; head tui-ned back ; border of dots. 26 83- M -7 AM<|)| TTOAIZ Female head (the City), veiled and turreted r.; border not visible. A M * 1 TT O A € 1 Xn N Warrior, wear- ing crested helmet, standing 1., resting upon inverted spear ; border of dots. Augustus 27 M ■& KAIZAPO Head of Augustus r., [ZEJBAXTOV bare. KAIZAPOZ Similar. ZEBAZTOV A/^ inOAITf2N Artemis Tauro- polos, holding with each hand one end of veil, riding on bull galloping r. AMinOA€ITnN Similar. 28 jK -95 countermarked with incuse crescent, within which incuse circle containing pellet marked with wlieel-like ornament. AMPHIPOLIS 279 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 29 M -95 AMinO Bast of Artemis Tauropolos AEITnN r., wearing stephaue; at her shoulder, bow and quiver. KAIZAP The Emperor, his r. ZEBAZT051 hand raised, 1. gi-asp- ing parazonium, standing 1. on " sug- gestum"; ha is being crowned from behind by draped male figure. 30 JE I inscr. illegible. L i V i a ;]i JE -85 [lOVAIJAZEBA ZTH Head of Livia r., veiled, wearing stephane. AM<|)inOAITnN Artemis Tauro- polos, holding with each hand one end of veil, riding on bull galloping r. Tiberius. 32 M -85 [TI]KAIZAPZEB AZTo[Z] Head of Tiberius r., bare. AMinOAITnN Similar. Domitian 33 IE -9 AVTOKPATHP AOMITIANO. Head of Domitian r., laur. AYTKAICAP AOMITIANOC Similar. A/^in OAITUN Artemis Tauro- polos standing 1., weai'ing modius, and holding long torch in r. and branch in 1. ; behind her, a shield. AMin OAITXIN Similar. 34 JE -75 inscr., partially off coin. ■ Trajan 35 JE -8 AVTOKPA TWPTPAIANOC Statue of Emperor, standing 1., his r. hand raised; in his 1., aquila. AAAin OAEI[T](jJN Artemis Tauro])olos, standing L, wearing nu)dius, and holding long torch in r. and branch in 1. ; behind her, a shield. 280 STRYMONIAN AND BOTTIAEAN DISTRICTS No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 38 39 M -8 M -75 40 M -7 41 M -65 42 M -9 M. Aurelius OVHPOC KAICAP Youthful head of J\i. Aurelius v., bare. OYHPOC KAICAP Older head of M. Aurelius r., bare. AMinO AIT . . Artemis Tauro- polos standing facing, head towards 1., leaning with 1. on long torch, and holding branch in r. AMI nOAGITO) . Similar; but Artemis holds torch in r., branch in 1. Faustina Junior AV CEBACTH Faustina r., draped. Bust of AMl nOAeiTHN Artemis Tauro- polos seated on bull galloping r. ; she holds in extended 1. bow, and with r. draws an arrow from her quiver. Commodus /V\ MOANTON Head of Corn- modus r., bearded and laur. AAA4>I . . AeiTIlN Artemis Tauro- polos standing 1., wearing modius ; she holds long torch in r., and branch in 1. ; border of dots. [Plate xx. 3.] Caracalla AVTK ANTHNeiNOC Bust of young Caracalla r., laur., beardless, wearing cuii-ass and paludamentum. AMinO A€ITnN Female figure (the City) seated 1., turreted ; she holds patera in outstretched r., and leans with 1. on bow, lower end of which rests on seat ; in the field 1., crescent with horns r. Plautilla 43 M -75 TTAA VT Bust of Plautilla r. draped; border of dots. [AM] <1>I nOA€ITn[N] Artemis Tauropohis, holding with each hand one end of veil, seated tn bull galloping r. AMPHIPOLIS- PHILIPPI 281 No. Weioht Metal Size 14- l.v 6(1 60- !)4-r) 90 -5 VOL. J. M -6 JE -4 M -4 JE ■c>r, M -65 M -65 M -7 M -6 Obverse Reverse TRAGILUS Bronze Circa 45(1—400 c.c. Head of Hermes r., wearing ])etasos, fiia- T P in the four quai'ters of tlie field tened at bark of liead. | A nf the coin, tlie dividing lines meeting' in a small rirrle in the centre. Similai- type. head 1. T P in ihe four quarters of the field I A no circle in the centre. drcd 400—850 b.( Head nf Hermes r., wearino" petasos. PAIAI Rose. T N o in field r.. crescent. [B.M.C., p. 131 (11).] ] in field r.. Inmcli of grapes. PHILIPPI Cirra 356 — 340 v..C. The settlement made hi/ tlie Atheiilaits in 361 B.C. on the site cf Baton iros eaptnreiJ aooit afierwarih bi/ rhitiji, irho renamed it. It retained its right of coinage for a fen- jiears. Suhse(ii\euthj it hecaiiie an important mint of the Macedonian hinga. Brokze Head of jnuTig Herakles r., wearing lion's | AimiM Tri]i-2- JE -55 [BJI.C, ]) [PYJANAinN . 101 (1).] KINGS OF MACEDON 283 No. Weight Mktal Size Obverse Revekse i Kings of Maoedon ALEXANDER 1. 498 454. B.C. SlfjVEU Phoeiiiciau Standard Circa 480—454 B.C. The /(lUoirliiij coins arc siihsC((iicHf fo the couipicsl of the Bimdtac {after 48U B.C.), whose mines added rjreatlij to the ii-eaUh of Alexander, and irhvse \ money he henceforth imitated in standard and in ti/jic. Octadrachms I 4^7-8 Al 125 Warrior, wearing kausia and chlamys, liolding two speariS. walking r. on tlie farther side of a bridled horse r. ; border of dots. AAEEA NAPO written round a sJiallow incuse squaiv. within which a raised quadiipartite linear square. [B.M.C., p. 15(J (2).] 1 1 Horseman liareheaded, wearing chlamys, Similar. advancing r., carrying two sjjears in r. ; beneath horse, toad squatting ; border of dots. 2 4U8- Al 1-2 (A piece of this coin has been cut off.) [Plate x.\. 5.] ct obol Type similar to No. 1. Similar. ;^ 59- i Jl -6 [B.M.C, p i and /V ill inscr. . 157 (4).] 2 284 KINGS OF MACEDON No. Weight Metal Size 193-2 /U 11 VJ6:i M 1- Obvekse Kevekse PERDICCAS II.* 454 — 413 B.C. Silver Phoenician Standard Tetrad rachms Hur.seniaii advancing 1., wearing kausia Incuse .square containing goat's head r. ; and chhimys, and carrying two spears ; beneath, traces of dotted line, border of dots. Similar type r. ; beneath, A; plain border. Incuse square, within which, liuear square containing forei)art of goat r., kneeling on r. kuee. (^Xo. 2 itj pierced.) [Cf. BMC, p. 159 (2).] Tetrobols 37-4 M -55 Similar type r. ; ijorder of dots. 37-5 Similar, but hoi'se prancing. ^-R '65 beneath. Hower gi'owing. Incuse square, within which, forepart of lion r. Similar. (No. 4 is pierced.) Free horse advancing r. ; beneath, A 27-2 /R G Incuse square, within which, liuear square containing head, without neck, iu crested helmet with cheek-pieces r. [Plate xx. 6. J Free horse prancing r. P E PA[I] K Incuse square, within which, double linear square containing crested helmet with cheek-pieces v. Al -55 (No. 6 is pierced.) [Plate xx. 7.] * The attribution of Nos. 1 — .5 to Perdiccas is not absolutely certain. Hut tliey undoubtedly date from rirca 4.50 B.C. Perhaps the letter (on No. 2 and No. 5) is the initial of Alexander, the preceding king. Hut, if so, the coins must belong to the very end of his reign. Cf. Berlin Catal., ii., p. 183, and llev. Numismatiiiue, 1895, p. 236. PEliDICCAS U.-AEROPUS 285 No. Wkigut Metal Size Obvehsk Reverse ARCHELAUS I. 413—399 B.C. For some lutcxph lined reaaon Archclaiis, irlio effeeled iiianij ve/onns (Tliuc. ii. lUUj, adopted the I'ersie stuiidard ((t his accession. Comiiarc Abdera (A'o.s. 6 //'.) and Maronbia {Nos. ;; If.) Silver Persic Stiuidard Staters Young male head r., weariug taenia; APXE AA[0] Incuse sijuare, within border of dots. which, linear square containing horse walking r., trailing rein on the ground. i 159 '8 /R -95 [Cf. B.M.C., p. lOi (iJj.] Similar; coarser work ; no boi-dei- visible. APX ■ A A O .Similar, without linear squai'e. •> 150-<; .R -9 H e m i b 1 Head of young Herakles r., weariug lion's A P Lion's head 1. ; above, club 1. ; the skin. whole in incuse square. 3 5-5 M -8 border of d )ts ? [B.M.C., p. im (12).] ABROPUS 396 — 392 B.C. Bronze Youijg male head r., wearing kausia. [AJEPOP O Forepai-t of lion i-. 1 34- 2E -55 [Cf. n.M.c, p. 165 (2).] 286 KINGS OF MACEDON No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 1 PAUSANIAS 390—389 B.C. Silver Persic Staudai-cl S t a t e r 1 157-4 M -85 Young- male head 1-., bound with taenia ; PAY^ AMI Incuse square, within border of dots. which, linear square containing horse w^alkiiig r., trailing rein ou the ground. [Plate xx. 8.] AMYNTAS III. First lienjii. 389—383 B.C. In 383 B.C. Anjnioa II. usurped the throne, lohieh he held for two years. Silver Persic Standard Staters 1 139-5 M -85 Head of Ijearded Herakles r., wearing A^Y NTA Incuse square, within lion's skin. which, linear square containing free horse standing r. [B.M.C., p. 171 (2).] 2 132-5 M -85 bordei' of dots. | (No 2 is pierced.) Diobol Head of young Herakles r., wearing lion's AAAYN TA Eagle standing 1., with skill. closed wings, head turned back ; all 3 17-6 M 4 \vithin linear square. i [B.3I.C.. p. 172 (6).] Second Beigri. 381 — 369 B.C. With the t)ji)es compare Pyi)>A, ^os. 1 and 2. Bronze 1 Head of young Herakles r., wearing lion"s skin ; bordei- of dots. AA^YNTA Eagle r.. with closed ' wings, tearing ser2)ent, which he holds \ in his claws. 4 63- M 6- i [B.M.C., p 174 (17).J 1 PAUSANI AS— PHILIP II. 287 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse PERDICCAS III. 365—359 B.C. Bronze Head of young Herakles r., wearing lion's skin ; border of dots. Lion r., holding in his jaws a broken javelin. 1 121- ^ -(35 (border not visible.) TEPAIK KA [B.M.C., p. 175 (2).] (No. 1 is restruck.) 2 .51- JE -6 PEPAIK [KA] 3 47- M -G PE . . IK KA PHILIP II. 359—33(3 B.C. • On liix arqiiifiitioii of the (johl iiiiiies of Pangaeinii (35f) B.C.), Philip reorganized the Marcdonian currency. Hitherto a sHrer standord. had been praciicalli/ universal in Enrojjcan Greece, nihile Persian Dorics circulated freely at the viarliet price if gold. Philip's gold staters were intended to stipcrsede these Dorics, and his new coinage was hiinetallic in pn-inciple, the ratio of gold to silrer being Ji.red at 10:1.* His moneii was struck at various mints within the limits of his Icingdom, and its popular it ij outside of these 'is shown by the large nundtcr of '^barbarous imitations.'" Many of the coins bearing his ti/pes mnst hare been issued by his successors. Gold Euboic- Attic Standard Staters Head of Apollo r., laur., with shoit hair; berries in wreath. 4>IAirrOYt fin ex.) Galloping biga r., driven by charioteer wearing long cliiton, holding goad in r., reins in 1. ; beneath horses, symbol or mcnograni. 1 132(3 A^ -7.5 thunderbolt. 2 132-5 A^ -7 (no berries) ti'ident downwards. 1 [Plate xx. 9.] * When the Athenians struck o;ohl (407 B.C.) they had made one gold stater (IS.I grains) = 24 Attic drachms, of G7 grains each. This gives a ratio of 12 : 1. Philip's gold stater, on the other hand, =24 Phoenician drachms, of 56 grains each, i.e. a ratio of 10: 1. The fall in the value of gold was perhaps due to the opening up of tlie Thracian gold field. See Th. Reinach's articles in the Revue NumisiiMtique, 1893 [L'or et Varijeat dan>< Vaniiquite grecque, esp. pp. 145 ft'.). t On nianv specimens the O appears as • 288 KINGS OF MACEDON No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 8 132-4 A^ -75 trident r. 4 132-1 A' -75 « trident r.. and ^ 5 132-7 A" -7 club r. f) 132-7 A^ -7 /^ and star of eight I'ays. 1 132-4 A^ -7 kantbai'os. 8 132-7 X -8 Nike flying r., holding ends of untied wreath. 9 131-9 A^ -7 Nike as above, bat standing. 1(1 132-7 A^ -7 (no berries visilile) bee 1-. 11 132-2 A^ -7,5 snake coiled, witli liead ei'ect r. ; and A" 12 132- A^ -7 female liead facing, wearing stepliane, ends of veil hanging down on either side ; and /^ 18 132-1 A" -75 Similar ; no ])eri-ies visil)le. Similar ; but nothing beneath horses. 14 131-8 N- -65 Similar; berries in wreatli. above goad, oil-beetle r. 1 Similar; no exergual line; beneath horses, )jee upwards ; l>eneath inscr., spear- head r. 15 131-6 N -7 (No. 15 is pierced.) ^ . [Plate xx. 10.] Similar. TAir'noY ; beneath horse, thunder- bolt ; in ex., AH JR 1- M -95 /R 1' I border of dots. (no ))eri'ies visilile). 01 Air TOY; beneath horse,, club 1. [I'LATE XX. 13.] IAir POY ; beneath horse, star of eight rays; in ex., spear-head 1. IAirroY ; beneath horse, ^ <(>IAIP fOY ; beneath hoi'se, fore j)art of Pegasosl.; between forelegs, Strang bow. IAir' fOY ; between forelegs, A\ Similar type; no bori-ies ; border of dots. Inscr. round top of coin. Nnked youth on horseback advancing i-., beai-ing palm ; boi'der of dots. l A) r roY; beneath horse A and racing torch ; between horse's forelegs, £ (Workmanship rude, but not barbarous.) I as preceding. (Better work.) I IAir'r' ; otherwise, as above. ■ (Workmanship rnrte.) IAirr OY ; as above, but between I forelegs, «t I IAir r«Y ; as above, but between forelegs, kantharos. preceding ; but bet\^■een foi-elegs. up) as 01 Air roY ; but beneath horse. A and bucranium, with r. horn turned do\\-nwards ; between forelegs, |4" PHILIP II, 291 No. Weight Mktal Size Obverse Reverse 51 213-7 ! .-R -95 52 219-4 M 1 33 ! 214-5 Ai 1- 54 55 56 57 220-6 214-5 220- 58 219-9 59 60 i09-3 61 219-2 62 221-3 63 213-6 64 223-4 65 66 67 J19-6 218-9 217-6 M -95 215-8 M 1- .11 -9 .11 -95 Al -9 210-5 .11 -85 Al -95 .11 -95 .11 1- M -95 ^l 1- .R 1- Al -9 M (beri'ies in wreath.) (berries in wreatli.j (no border visible.) (beiries in wreath.) (in front, ijrajfito, 56.) as preceding ; but position of the groups of symbol and letters reversed. 4>IAirr'*Y ; hor.seman cai-ries Avand ; beneath hoi-se, ^ ; between forelegs, trident i-. ; no boi'der. [Plate xx. 14.] <1>I A I n P OY ; horseman carries palm, as usual ; beneath horse, O ; no border. 4>IAir TOY; beneath lioi'se, ^ ; between forelegs, A ; no bordei- visible. 01 Air roY ; beneath horse, crescent with horns r. ; between forelegs, P ; border of dots, as usual. <|)|Air Toy ; beneath horse, aplustre ; between foi-elegs, p^ as above. (Wdikiiiaiisliip rude.) IAir TOY; beneatli horse, wreath; between foi'elegs, p <|)|Air TOY; beneath lior.se, fiat cap with ribands, horizontally placed; be- tween forelegs, T 01 Air roY; beneath horse, Hat cap, perpendiciilarly placed ; between fore- legs, n ; border plain. 01 A IP roY ; beneath horse, ear of com ; between forelegs, P ; boi-der of dots, as usual. ' as preceding. (Workmanship rude.) (beri'ies in wreath ; no border visible.) border doubtful. 0IAin fOY ; between forelegs, cicada r. ; no boi-der visible. [Pla'L'B XX. 15.] ^lAin noY ; between forelegs, Jani- form head, wearing niodius ; boi-der doubtful. 01 Air roY ; beneath horse. A/ ; Ijetweeii foi-elegs, ivy-leaf ; bordei- of dots, as usual. 01 Air POY ; beneath hor.se, female head facing, wearing modius ; border doubtful. p p 2 mmmr- 292 KINGS OF MACEDON No. 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 Weight 219-5 189-9 217-3 193-7 193-3 192-6 182-6 170-6 152-7 73-7 231-1 218-5 2112 207 8 207-4 197-6 201-4 207-7 205-2 206-1 202-9 209-9 199-4 Metal Size Obverse Reverse JR -95 M 105 (base) M -95 .R -9 yR -8 ^l -95 M -8 M -95 .41 1- M -85 M 1- /R 1- M -95 M -85 M -95 M -95 M 1- M -95 JR -95 yR -95 M -95 M -95 iR -95 Barbarous imitation of above type. (couutermarked with head of 3'ouiig Herakles r., wearing lion's skin, all in inc-use circle.) Similar. type 1. Barbarous imitation of abo\e type (or of Nos. 38 &.) 1. no trace of palm-branch. Similar ; but type r. ; no palm-branch. (palm-branch \i8ible.) (palm-bi-anchj )j beneath lioi-se, rude branch. ,, head of Herakles P r. [Plate xx. 16. J beneath hoi-se, head of Herakles V r. uncertain symbols. beneath horse, rude thunderbolt ; around, imitations of letters and monograms. (figure stands on horse's back.) (type 1.) * See footnote on p. ''iHb. PHILIP II, 2&3 No. ' Weigut 91 92 93 94 9.5 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 Metal Size Obverse 192-1 189'6 236-8 146-7 21(1-4 166-2 194-7 167-4 39-6 34-6 40-1 37-8 36-9 37-5 38-6 38-6 38-2 34-6 33- 38-6 .11 I -It:. .R -1 .11 1- .R 1-05 .R 1-4 .11 1-25 208-2 Al -9 Al 9 yE 1- A\ -6 Al -65 .R -55 M -55 Al -55 Al -55 Al -55 M -6 .R -55 .R -5 .R -5 Al -55 type Barbai-uus uiiitation uf type ui' head of young Herakles, weaving lion's skin, i: Heverse Barbarous imitation of type of Apollo's head r., laur. beneath liorse, rude thunderbolt. iSiniilai-. beneatli horse, rude thunderbolt. Siniilai- ; type attempt to reproduce mscr. [Plate xx. 17.] no attempt at inscr. Tetrobols Head of Apollo r., boiind with taenia; !AirroY* Naked horseman pran- boi-der of dots. beneath, thundeibolt. club r. [Plate xx. 18.] crescent, horns r. (4>lAirr • Y). bunch of grapes, antl /^ flat cap. pe]-i)endicuUii-ly placed. bi-anch . J^ and swastica. 1^ pellet. thyi-sos and /^ forepart of lion V i-. arrow-head r., downwards. [Plate xx. 19.] On No. 100 tlie O lias tlio form Q- *J" l'"-' following sijuciiiioiis iL is eiUicr O or • wuMMK' 294 KINGS OF MACEDON No. Weight Metal Size Obveese Reverse 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 128 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 96-5 87-5 103- 97-5 98- 92-5 98- 88-5 105- 94- 78-5 94- 24-5 88- 81- 87'5 94- 97- 93-5 9o- 88- 117-5 103-5 103-5 100- 93- JE -7 M -7 M •- M -7 M -7 M -7 Head of Apollo r., wearing taenia. l)order of dots, (type 1.) ; no border visible, uo bordei- visible; behind, A ,, ,, no letter. border of dots, uo boi-der visible. M •7 bordei- of dots. M -7 >) M -7 no bordei- visible. J& -75 boi-der of dots. M -7 11 M -65 11 M ■5 11 M •7 (tyjje l.j ; iio border visible. M •7 uo border. M -65 \i M •7 boi-der of dots. M -65 (type 1.) ; border of dots. ^ -65 border of dots. M -65 uo border visible. A) -7 Ijorder of dots. ^ -7 boi-der of dots ; behind head, A M -7 )J 5! :) M •7 no ))order visible ; no lettei-. M -7 i> 11 M -65 border of dots. Bronze I A I n P O Y Naked horseman prancing r . beneath, thunderbolt horizontally jjlaced. thunderbolt, placed at au angle. trideut r. trident 1. (type 1.). N, and oruaniental trident r. [Plate xx. 20.] N and plaiu trideut r. yfij and trident r. club r. kautharos. Al If similar V bunch of grapes. spear- head i-. spear- head 1.; (^type l.j. bee r. dolphin r., downwards. n and small dolphin r., downwards. beneath, strung bow ; infield 1., A/ beueath, A/ A r r (type l.j. E 3 (jilain border). PHILIP II.— ALEXANDER THE GREAT 295 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 188 108-5 M -65 (type 1.) ; ne border visible. a 139 S^- M -75 1 border of dots. H- 140 106- M -75 )) OP 141 87- M -7 )i A 142 102-5 M -7 „ Nl 143 109- M -7 ,, behind, A P 144 101- M -7 (type 1.) ; border of dots. uncertain symbol ; (type 1.). 145 169- M -9 Similar type ; Iwrder of dots. Inscr. apparently barliarous ; type; in field r., C similar [Plate xx. 21.] 146 109- M -8 Head of young Herakles r., wearing lion's skin. iAir cbib. roY 147 16-5 M -45 plain boi'der. type r. ; beneath, star. 148 23- M -45 border of dots. type 1. ; beneath, A 1 [Plate xx. 22.] : 149 13-5 M -4 border doubtful. type 1. ; M 150 1 20- M -4 „ type 1. ; symbol or monogr., al 1 coin. ALEXANDER THE GREAT (336—323 R.c.) Circa .336-334 B.C., or later. Alexander ivtroduced the tijpe of flie eagle on his earliest moiiei/. Al first he sllrer [ti'lradnirhiiis on the Phoenician standard, drarhiiis, etc., on the Attir standard ) and hronze. Bronze most ofi' struck 1 44-5 M -65 Head of young Herakles r., -wearing lion's skin ; border of dots. AAEEA NAPOY Eagle head turned back, standing on bolt ; plain border. r., -with thunder- '290 KINGS OF MACEDON No. Wei&ht Metal Size Obverse Reverse 54 '5 65 ■ ^ -65 M -6 265-3 265- 2B5-2 264-8 N -8 .V -85 A^ -85 M -85 in field i\, star ? type r. ; in field 1., wheel of four spokes; border of dots. [Plate xxi. 1.] Afier rirra 384 B.C. Subsequent]!/, Iliomjli i^i-ohalihj itat till (ift.cr liif! rmupient nf Asia, lio tliorom/lili/ rcori/aiu'xed the riin-enc)i, isssni'ng moneii in nil three metnU. lie adopted neir tjipen, the deltiea vhn iioio nppeiir beiiit/ those mho had been most prominent in (lidiiKj the GreeJcs against Troij ,-* and he also entirely abandoned the Phoenician standard, on n-liieh rhilip's silrer hail been striich, retainim/, howcrer, the hi- ..„t.,n: •...:.. i„ i. i\r..„i. ,.r j?.,. ,,,„„^.. ;.„ — .•.,., ai^ 7..'. ' . .. .^ i /-. .... .1 ....... , .... .' (. r . I. j_ /n . c^. .. ....... #. L.... .^ ._'.>.. ..|.# ll.»^#t J ItllffltfUt/, I inrtallir jiriiiciple.^ Mneh of the money bearing Alexander's name his death Eitboic- Attic Standard Gold Distaters | strnch after Head of Pallas r., wearinsj necklace, ear- ring, and crested Corinthian helmet, adorned with serpent; haii- in formal curls. AAEEANAPOY Nike standing with open wings, thi'ee-quarfcer face towards 1. ; in her outstretched r. she holds a wreath, and in her 1. a trophy-stand.^ in field 1., thunderbolt upright, and A thunderbolt upright, and /\ (H douljtful) trident downwards. small male figure stauding 1.. with out- stretched r. hand. [Platr XXL 2.] * See Gardner, Tijpes aj Greet: Coivs, p. 51. t 111 Persia, where bimetallisni liad provailed from the earliest times, the old ratio of 13 3 to 1 was artificially maint.aiiied, the pold Daric (1.30 grains) bein»' — 20 silver sifi'li, of 86j uTaiu.s each. This system was broken down by Alex.ander's cnntinest, and he liad to b.aso his new coinage on the (then) natnral ratio of 10:1. Custom, however, demanded that the old ratio hctn-een tlie miits (1 : 20) should continue. With gold standing to silver as 10 : 1, the gold stater (135 grain.s) was = 20 Aitic drachms. The Euboie- Attic standard was, therefore, substituted for the Phoenician one previously in use for silver. See the article of M. Reinach already referred to (Rev. Num., 1893, esp. p]). 29 f . ). It follows from this explanation of the change of standard that the reorganiza- tion of the coinage did not take place until some time after 334 B.C. And that is probable on other grounds. See Holm, Griech. Gescli., vol. iii., chap, xxvii., note 12. J In dealing- with tlie coins of Philip II., Alexander the Great, and Phili]i III., the various metals and various denominations have been grouped separately, in accordance with the principle employed throughout the Catalogue. Within these groups, however, it has seemed convenient to follow the arrangement adopted by Miiller (NnmisinatAqne d'Ale.vandre le Graiiil, Copenhagen, 1855). As Miiller did not dr.aw upon the material contained in the Iliuiter Cabinet, the present volume records a certain nximber of v.arieties not mentioned by him. Such varieties arc, as a rule, jilaced .at the end of the group to which they belong. Occasionally, where the variation is unimportant, they are inserted where Miiller would naturally have put them. In dealing with the JR of Alexander the (xreat, Miiller's numbers are quoted throughout, in order to facilitate refei-ence ; his geographical attributions have also been given, although many of them are extremely doubtful. See note on p. 299. § This object is more probablv a (ttuAi's. See E. Babelon, Memoire pres. nu coui/res iitternat. de Num. (Brussels, 1891.) ALEXANDER THE GREAT 291 No. Weight I Metal Size Obverse Reverse 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 IS 19 20 21 132-8 132-8 132- 131-1 131-7 127-9 131-6 132-7 16 131-9 17 129- 130-4 132-4 131-9 131- VOt. 1. ^ -7 AT -7 N- -75 A^ -7 N -7 M -7 M -7 N -7 M -7 A^ -7 N A^ -8 A/ -7 A^ -Ti Staters Head of Pallas r., wearing necklace and | AAEHANAP«Y (in field r.) Nike crested Corinthian helmet, adorned with i standing- with open wings, thi'ee- serpent ; hail' falls in foi-nial cm-Is, concealing ear. (no necklace.) (liair in wavj* curls.) fjuarter face towards 1., holding wreath and trophy-stand, as in preceding. (no necklace. in field 1., thnnderholt npright. I and thnnderholt horizontally placed. trident 1. ; (J and O in inscr.). trident downwards ; (Z in inscr.). ,, ,, and ^^ (No. 12 is pierced.) trident downwards, and A Similar type ; but ear and eari-ing visible. (no necklace.) Similar type, with earring; but hair loose. Similar. in field 1., eagle r. Corinthian helmet without crest. Similar. in field 1., head and neck of griffin 1. (Nike holds pnlm in 1.); in field 1., lion's head facing ; (O in inscr.). (No. 17 is pierced.) [Plate xxi. 3.] in field 1., r^ , pentagram, and traces of second symbol. foreparts of two horses, back to back, and jf > (i ^ii*^^ O in inscr.). Similar ; but hair in formal curls. Similar type ; but hair loose. AAEZA NA[POY] (in field 1.) Similar type. in field r., ear of corn. AAEZANAP«Y (in field r.) Similar type. in field 1., snake coiled, with head erect 1. Q Q 298 KINGS OF MACEDON No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Rever.se Similar type ; ear concealed. AAEEANAP»Y (in field r.) Similar type. 22 132- A' -7 • in field 1., /\ , and snake erect, with tail curled and head bent down towards 1. Similar type; but on helmet, hair in formal curls ; ear am griffin ; earring A[AEZ]ANAPOY Similar type. BASIAEHS visible. 23 131-2 A^ -75 (No. 23 is in field 1.. (Yf within wreath. i pierced.) Similar type ; but on helmet, hair loose. serpent ; AAEiANAPOY Similar type. [B]A ZlAEnZ 24 132-2 N -75 in field i-., fYP within wreath; in field 1., OE 25 132- M -7 iu field r.. hP; in field 1., fYP within wreath. (BAZ lAEHZ) 26 132-3 N- -7 (hair in long curls.) (AAEIANAPO[YJ in field h. Ml, and, BAZIAELIISJ) lower down, py^p within wreath. 27 131-7 A^ -75 Similar type. in field r., I¥P within wreath ; in field 1., Ml AAEHANAPOY (in field r.) Similar type. 28 132-3 A^ -75 ear concealed. in field 1., "F 29 128-8 M -75 5) in field r., A ; in field 1., |< (J iu inscr.) 30 129-1) A^ -8 ear visible. in field 1., K and |2S| 31 130-8 AT -7 )T [Plate pomegranate? and \^ (• in inacr.) XXI. 4.] Similar type, with earring ; hair i n formal Similar. cm-Is. 32 131 -r, A^ -7 Similar type ; hair loose. in field r., bunch of grapes ; in field 1., k^ AAEIANAP-Y Similar type. BA $IAEn§ 33 128-4 A^ -75 in field r., T ; in field 1., ffl ALEXANDER THE GREAT 2!)S) Nu. Weight Metal Size Obverse Revekse Similar. AAEZANAPOY Similar. 34 131-i A^ -7 Bai'barous iiiiitiition of iibove type. in field 1., traces of uncertain symbol. * Barbai-ous imitation of above type and 35 130-7 iV -7 inscr. ftuar ter Staters Head of Pallas, as above, with earring and necklace ; hair in formal curls. AAEEANAP»Y Nike standing, as above, holding wi-eath and trophy- stand. 36 33- ^V -45 [Plate Similar type. in field 1., head and neck of grifSn 1. XXI. 5.] AAEZAN Strung bow and club r. ; AP«Y plain border. 37 32- N -4 • above, traces of star. Silver Tetr adrac h ms* Head of young Herakles r., Avearing lion's skin ; boi'der of dots. AAEHANAP«Y Zeus Aetophoros 1., seated on throne without back, feet resting on footstool (Type JV.) ; in front, A and i-acing toi-ch ; border of dots. 38 263-3 Al M beneath seat, t ; (no footstool). (Miiller, No. 33 [Amphipolis].) * See note on p. 296. Miiller (op. cit., pp. off.) has divided the tetradrachms into seven classes, which he distinguishes by the type of the Rev. as follows : — Type I. Thick fabric, severe style, Zeus seated in stiff attitude, liU riijht Icj risible in front of his left. Type II. Similar, but of nobler style and more careful workmanship. Type III. Similar, but work freer and finer. Type IV. Fabric less lumpy j style fine ; work usually (but not always) careful. The riijht let/ of Zeus is drawn back beliind the left. Type V. Similar. Fabric flatter and/a/i more spread ; style free, but usually superficial. Type VI. Thin outspread fabric. Work usually careless, but not rude or barbarous. Type VII. Thin outspread fabric. Work rude and often barbarous. The issue of these tetradrachms, as well as of the other coins of Alexander, continued for many years after his death, the oriy:inal coins being- imitated by various cities and princes, especially in Asia, as late as the second century B.C. The attribution and classification of the numerous series are still far from being finally settled. Miiller jiroceeiled on the assumption that the symbols in the field were the mint-marks of the issuing towns. On the later sj)ecimens (Classes V. — VII.) they undoubtedly are so, but it is probable that on the earlier ones (Classes I. — IV.) they are frequently the badge of the prince or the magistrate responsible for the coinage. A general scheme of geographical distribution will be found in tlist. Num., p. 200. Sec also the important article by Dr. Imlioof-Blnmer in Nainismatisclie Zeitschrift, vol. x.vvii. (1895), on Die Miinzstdtte Babylon zur Zeit der Makcdonischen Satrapen, etc. y y 300 KINGS OP MACEDON No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Eevkrse i','J 263-6 .11 1-05 t (MiiUer, No. 34 [Ampliipolis].) 40 263-3" .H 11 K (Miiller, No. 36 [Ampliipolis].) 41 262-5 M 1-05 1 ^ (no footstool). (Miiller, No. 38 [Aniphipolis].) 42 263-7 M 1-05 A (Muller, No. 43 [Ampliipolis].) 43 2G4-1 JR 1- (Miiller, No. 53 [Ampliipolis].) 44 2G4-3 /R 1- ^ [Plate xxi. 6.] 45 264-5 M 1-05 1 beneath «eat, kautbaros ; (no footstool; { O in inscr.). (Miiller, No. 60 [Ampliipolis].) 46 265-3 M 1- • star of eight rays. (Miiller, No. 62 [Ampliipolis].) 47 262-3 yll 1-05 star of eigbt rays, and M ("Miiller, No. 68 [Ampliipolis]. A pierced coin.) 48 264-7 Al 1-05 1 (lolpbin r. (Miiller, No. 73 [Ampliipolis].) 49 264-1 M 11 (Miiller, No. 74 Similar. forepart of Pegasos 1. (O in inscr.). [Ampliipolis].) AAEEANAP»Y Zeus Aetophoros 1., seated on throne without back (Type I.) ; border of dots. 50 264-1 ^R 11 (Miiller, No. 97 [Amphi Similar type. in front, bucranium. [lolis]. A pierced coiu.) AAEZANAPOY Zeus Aetophoros 1., seated on throne with back (Tyjje IV.) ; boi'der of dots. 51 259-4 M 11 (Muller, No. 135 [ in front, club downwards. Heraclea Siutica].) ALEXANDER THE GREAT 301 1 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse Siiiiiliir type ; border of dots. AAEHANAPOY Similar; but throne without Ijack. 52 258-2 Al 1- in fi'oiit, star of twelve rays ; beueath seat, |CJ ; footstool. (Cf. Muller,- No. 163 [Acmatlum].) 53 258-5 Al 1- Similar type. (Miillor, No. It iu front, star of seven rays, and fr) ; no footstool visible. S-i [ Acroatlion] . ) BA$IAEnS AAEZANAPoY Zeus Aetopiioro.s 1., seated on tlirone with back, his feet resting- on a footstool (Type 111.) ; plain border. 54 263-5 M 1-05 (Cf. Muller, N. in front, wreath-bearing Nike flying r., caduceus upright, and S ; beneath seat, E7 . 203 [Theruui].) Similai- type ; border of dots. AAEZANAP«Y Zeus Aetophoros 1., seated ; in front, caduceus upright ; border of dots. 55 260-2 .il 1-05 Type 1. ; throne without back. (Miiller, No. 207 [Pelagoiiia].) 56 262-G iR 1- Similar. • Type IV. ; throne with back ; footstool. AAEZANAP.Y BASIAEIl^ (title iu ex.) Zeus Aetophoros seated 1. on throne with back, his feet resting on a footstool (Type 111.) ; border of dots. 57 261-7 /R 1-1 beneath seat, Al (Muller, No. 216 [Dium].) 58 262-4 Al 1- Similar type. (Muller, No. 22-i [Unc AAEEANAPOY BA§I AEHS Zeus Aetoplioi-os seated 1. on throne without back (Type I.) ; in front, Macedonian helmet with plumes ; border of dots. ertain of Macedonia].) 302 Eli^GS OF MACEDON No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 2641 263-5 261-4 264-5 257- 259-7 266- 1 261-6 M 115 M 1-1 /R 1- M -95 M -9 M 1- JR 1- Al -95 Similar type ; border of dots. AAEEANAPOY /eu.s AetopUoros seated 1. on throne with back (Typo IV". ) ; in front, Macedonian hehuet with cheek- pieces and plumes. beneath seat, E (Cf. Miiller, No. 232 [Uncertain of Macedonia].) [Plate xxi. 7.] Similar. Zeus Aetophoros seated 1. on throne without l)ack (Type I.) ; in front, cres- cent Avith horns 1.; border of dots. AAEEANAP-Y (Miiller, No. 259 [Uncertain of Macedonia].) ! AAEZANAP-Y BA^IAEfl^ ; be- neat hseat, P (Miiller, No. 261 [Uncertain of Macedonia].) Similar type. AAEZANAP-Y Similar; Imtinfront, aplustre ; beneath seat, (VI (Miiller, No. 280 [Uncertain of Macedonia].) Similar type; border of dots. AAEEANAP«YBA$IAEn[§] Similar type ; border of dots. Similar. Similar type. ill front, cornucoj)iae. (Miiller, No. 368 [Coela]. A pierced coin.) AAEEANAPOY Similar. in front, cock 1. (Muller, No. 392 [Salynibria].) [Plate xxi. 8.] AAEEANAPOY Zeus Aetophoros seated 1. on throne without back (Type III.), his feet resting on footstool. in front, female ligure facing, holding torch in 1. (r., off coin) ; beneath seat, ^ (Miiller, No. 397 [I'erintlius].) ALEXANDER THE GREAT 308 No. Weight Metal Size Obveese E,EVER.SE (57 199-8 /Rpl.115 Similar type. BAZIAEIIZ Zeus Aetophoros seated AAEHAM PY 1. on throne with back (Type VI.) ; beneath seat, W;inex., KO-- (Barbarous imit. ition of Mliller, No. 410 [Odessiis]. A pierced coin.) Similar t.ype. B AZ 1 A EflZ Zeus Aetophoros seated AAEZANAPOY 1. on throne with- out l)ack (Type VII.) ; in fi'ont, 0E 68 252-5 M 1-25 beneath seat, |0| Miiller, No. 419 [Odessus].) 1 Similar. Similar ; but in front, crested helmet r. 69 240-4 .11 1-4 beneath seat, p (Cf. Miiller, No. 440 [Mesembria].) 70 251-4 .R 1-25 (throne with back) ; beneath seat. hPA; i" front, beside helmet, RPO (Miillor, No. 4(51 [Mesembria].) 71 254-3 /R 1-25 (throne with back) ; hPA, and ^A (Miiller, No. 464 [Mesembria].) 72 254-1 M 1-25 hP, and AA (Cf. Miiller, No. 465 [Mesembria].) 7.3 250-3 .R 1-25 Q> and AA (Miiller, No. 460 [Mesembria].) 74 244-8 yR 1-2 t^, and A A (Miiller, No. 467 [Mesembria].) 75 1 254-6 M 1-3 f^, and MA (Miiller, No. 481 [Mesembria].) i 76 256-2 A\ 1 3 BY, and HP (Miiller, No. 48.5 [Me.sembria].) 77 220-1 /R 1-25 no helmet ; in fi-ont. AEI ; beneath seat, P«J~'? ; in ex., MEZA (no ex. line). (Cf. Miiller, No. 488 [Mesembria].) Similar type. AAEZAN AP«Y Zeus Aetophoros seated 1. on tlu'one without back (Type IV.). 78 262-5 .R 11 in front, Al and bee. (Miiller, No. 509 [Melitaea].) 7'.) 263-4 M 1-15 ^ and bee. 3f)4 KINGS OP MACBDON No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse Similar type ; border of dots. AAEZANAPOY BAZIAEHZ (title in ex.) Similar type; but throne lias back ; border of dots. 80 255-8 M 1-1 Similar. (Mtiller, No. in froiit, mirror ; beneath seat, P Y 538 [Tricca]). AAEZANAP»Y Zeus Aeto2:)lioros seated 1. on tin-one without bark (Tjpe I.); beneath seat, P; border of dots. 81 252-8 M 1- in front, dolphin r., downwards ; (bordei- not visible). (Miiller, No. 542 [Uncertain of N. Greece]. A pierced coin.) 82 262-2 .R -95 Similar. (Miiller, No. 549 [One in front, wreath, ertain of N. Greece].) AAEIANAPOY BA^IAEXl^ (title in ex.). Zeus Aetophoros seated 1. on throne with back (Type III.); border of dots. 83 264- M 115 Similar type. (Miiller, No. 550 [Unc in front, wreath; beneath seat, Al ertain of N. Greece].) AAEZANAP-Y Zeus Aetophoros seated 1. on throne without back (Type I.); border of dots. 84 257-1 M 1- (Miiller, No. 558 [Unc in front, flat cap perpendicularly placed ; beneath seat, p ertain of N. Greece].) Similar type; border of dots. AAEZANAPOY BASIAEHS Similar ; beneath seat, P 85 265-3 M 1- in front, branch. (Miiller, No. 560 [Uncertain of N. Greece].) 86 264-2 M 1- Similar. (MuUer, No. 570 [Unc in front, ear of corn ; • in inscr. ertain of N. Greece].) AAESANAPOY Zeus Aetophoros seated 1. on throne without back (Type IV.) ; in front, amphora ; border of dots 87 254-6 M 1-1 (Miiller, No. 594 [Unc ertainjof N.lGreece].) ALEXANDER THE GREAT 305 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reveese 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 260-3 2621 261-9 259-9 252-9 262-1 262-3 263-3 2(;i-(', 262-1 VOL. I. M 1-05 262-4 .R 1-05 /R 1- M l-l .R 1-1 M -95 Ai 1-05 Ai 1-05 Ai 1-1 JR 11 M 1-1 Similar. AAEEANAPOY Similar type, with footstool ; Itordcr (of dots ?). in fi'oiit, \Q() and rudder ; Ijeneath seat, [ l-E? (Cf. Miillor, No. 635 [Uncertain of N. Greece].) I in front, X and conical object surmounted t by star ; beneath seat, P (Miiller, No. 6-43 [Uncertain of N. Greece].) Similar. Zeus Aetoplioros seated 1. on throne with back, his feet resting on a footstool (Type III.) ; beneath seat, Khj ; no ex. line ; border of dots. AAEIANAPOY (Miiller, No. 6G7 [Macedon, 'riirrn-o, .niid 'I'liossnly].) AAEEANAPOY BASIAEjQS (title I beneath) ; in front, A\ (Miiller, No. 672 [Macedon. Tlirace, and Tliessaly].) , AAEJANAPOY BA^IAEH^ (title j beneath); in front, A\ and club upright. (Miiller, No. 682 [Macedon, Thrace, and Thessaly]. A pierced coin.) j AAEEANAPOY ; in front, ear of corn; I beneath monogram, A\ ; monogram has I form, j^ ex . line. (Miiller, No. 700 [Macedon, Thrace, and Thessaly].) as preceding ; but in front, huinan r. eai- ? Similar. AAElANAPoY BASIAEnS (title beneath). Zeus Aetojihoros seated 1. on throne with bfu-k, his feet i-esting on a footstool (Type IV.) ; no ex. line; border of dots. in front, H ; beneath seat, rff within wreath. (Miiller, No. 713 [Macedon, Thrace, and Thessaly].) I in front, (Yp within wreath ; beneath seat, H (Miiller, No. 714 [Macedon, Thrace, and Thessaly].) I ffP within wreath ; and (^ (Miiller, No. 720 [Macedon, Thrace, and Tliessaly].) f¥P within wreath ; and ^ ; (^ in inscr.). Muller, No. 727 [Macedon, Thrace, and Thessaly].) K H ?,0Q KINGS OF MACEDON No. : Weight Metal Size 99 100 101 102 lOE 104 lor, Kifi lOI Obverse Reverse 263-7 205-1 Al 105 M 1- 260-5 JR 1-05 263- M 1- 272-9 263-3 262-5 .R 115 yR 11 M 1-05 Similar type ^ ; and in within wreath ; (title, off coin.) (Miiller No. 728 [Macedciii, Tlirace, aiul Thessaly].) I f^P within wreath ; and M | (Miiller, No. 734- [Macedon, Thrace, and Tliessaly].) Ml ; and fyp within wreath. (Miiller, No. 735 [Macedon, Thrace, and Thessaly].) M I and aplustre ; fyf within wreath. [Plate xxi. 9.] AAEZANAPOY Zeus Aetophoros seated 1. on throne without back, his foot resting on a footstool (Type IV.). in front, M^; beneath seat, |^ (Cf. MuUer, No. 772 [Uncertain].) Similar type ; border of dots. Similar. Similar, without footstool ; )>order of dots. in front, X ; beneath seat, (Muller, No. 803 [Uncertain].) Similar, with footstool ; border of dots. 259-9 2f;3- /R 1- ^l 1- in front, |f| (Cf. Miiller, No. 847 [Uncertain].) Similar type. Similar type. AAEHANAP«Y BAS IAEn$ Zeus Aetojjhoros seated 1. on throne without back (Type 1.); border of dots. in front, |©J (Miiller, No. 860 [Uncertain].) AAEZANAPOY Zens Aetophoros seated 1. on tlirone with back, his feet resting on a footstool (Type IV.) ; border of dots. in front, chimaera r. ; beneath seat, NO (;Miiller, No. 864 [Sicyon].) ALEXANDER THE GREAT •607 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Rkvkb.se 108 256-3 .'ll 1-15 Similar type. [Plate AAEZANAPOY Zeus Aetophoros seated 1. on throne with back (Type V.) ; ill front, naked figure standing 1. with hands raised above head grasping fillet whieh falls behind baek ; beneath Zeus's r. hand, dove flying 1. ; beneath seat, g nN ; no ex. line. (Miiller, No. 1110 [Chios].) 310 KINGS OF MACEDON No. WEIGHT Metal Obveese Keveese 132 I. S3 l.U 135 13(J 137 138 139 140 258-3 2613 263-8 253-7 252-4 247-2 248- Al 1-2 .11 1-3 Al 11 Al 1-35 Al 1-15 R 11 .11 1-1 265-9 yll 1-3 254- Al 1-15 Siiiiilar. Siiiiihir ; but throne witliout back, and no footstool : IZ and • in inscr. Similar. Similar. Similar type. ! ill ex., KPATUN (Miiller, No. 1H9 [Chios].) Similar; but without P* in ex., MENEKPATHZ [Plate xxi. 14.] , AAEZANAPOY Zeus Aetophoros seated 1. on throne with b.ick, his feet resting ; beneath seat, O ; I (H in inscr.). (Miiller, No. 1183 [Philomelium].) in front, and H Similar, (border of dots.) M 1-25 .R 105 /R 1-2 257-8 .'R l-2r Similar (countei-niark, anchor within oblong I and <|> incuse.) (Cf. Miiller, No. 11H4 [Philomelium].) IE aud <|> 1 1 and (Miiller, No. 1187 [Philomelium].) j and KE (Miiller, No. 1193 [Philomelium].) Similar. in front, AZ and H (Miiller, No. 1202 [Aspendus].) AZ and IB (A bri)keu coin.) AZ and 11 (i in inscr.) (Muller, No. 1209 [Aspemlus].) AZ and lO (Miiller, No. 1210 [Aspemlus].) Similar, with i in inscr. in front, I (Miiller, No. 1226 [Sillyum].) KB (Z in inscr.) (Miiller, No. 1238 [Sillyum].) Kr (Z in inscr.) (Muller, No. 1239 [Sillyum].) KA (Miiller, No. 1240 [Sillyum].) 312 KINGS OF MACEDON No. Weight 155 259-1 156 251-3 157 265-3 158 261-9 15!) 264-7 160 264-7 161 263-3 162 263-2 Metal Size Obverse Reverse .-R 1-25 M 11 M 1-1 M 11 .'R 1-05 M 1- M 1-05 M 1- bordei' of dots. KE ' (Miiller, No. 1241 [Sillyum],) AB (Miiller, No. 1240 [Sillyum].) Similar type ; boi'der of dots. AAEIANAPOY BASIAEflZ (title ill ex.) Zeus Aetophoros seated 1. on throne with back, his feet resting on a footstool (Type IV.) ; in front, M ; beneath seat, AY ; border of dots. Similar. Similar. Similar type. Similar type ; border of dots. Similar. (Miiller, No. 1272 [Lycia].) AAEIANAP»Y Zeus Aetophoros seated 1. on tlu'one without back, his feet resting on a footstool (Type II.) ; boz'der of dots. in front, plough ; beneath seat, O (Miiller, No. 1284 [Cilicia].) AAEZANAPOY Similar. in front, strung bow. (Muller, No. 1287 [Ciliciii].) AAE5ANAP0Y BAZIAEflZ (title beneath) Similai' type ; in front, "]< ; border of dots. no ex. line. (Miiller, No. 1294 [Cilicia].) AAEZANAPO[Y] BAZIAEnZ (title in e.\.) Similar ; but Type IV. (Miiller, No. 1294 [Cilicia].) [A]AESANAP0Y Zeus Aetophoi'os seated 1. on throne without back, his feet resting on a footstool (Type II.) ; in front, <^ ; beneath seat, /^ ; border of dots. (Cf. Miiller, No. 1316 [Mallus].) ALEXANDER THE GREAT 313 No. 163 164 165 166 167 IGii Weight Metal Size Obverse Reveese 258-7 264-9 262-8 264-6 257-7 Al -95 .R 1- Al -95 Al 1-05 .R 1-05 1G8 24') -7 Al 1-1 259-6 /R 1- SimiliU". Similar. AAEIANAPOY BA^IAEXl^ (title j ill ex.j Zeus Aetu[)lioi-(>s seated J. on i throue with back (Type IV.) ; in trout, § ; beneath seat, P ; border of dots. (Miiller, No. 1326 [Soli].) AAEBEANAPOY Zeus Aetophoros seated 1. on throne without back, his feet resting on footstool (Type II.) ; border of dots. in front, scorpion; beneath seat, yv^ (Miiller, No. 1337 [Commagene].) Similar. Similar type. Similar ; but no footstool. in front, forepart of ram r. ; beneath seat, AA (Miiller, No. 1338 [Damascus].) AAEZANAPOY BA^IAEXIS (title in ex.) Zeus Aet()[ilioros seated 1. on throne with back (Type 111.) ; in front, caduceus upi'ight ; beneatli seat, ^ ; plain border. (Miiller, No. 1370 [Aradus].) [Plate xxi. 15.] Similar type ; border of tlots. Similar. AAEEANAPOY Zeus Aetophoros j seated 1. on throne without back, his 1 feet resting on footstool (Type IV.) ; j in fi'ont, /^ ; border of dots. (Miiller, No. 1375 [Aradus].) A A EH AN .... Zeus Aetophoros seated 1. on throne without liack (Type V.) ; in front, palm-tree ; beneath seat, A ; ill ex., H (Cf. Miiller, No. 1388 [Aradus].) Similar. A A E H A N A PO[Y] Zeus Aetophoros seateil 1. on tluoiie without back (Ty[)e 11.) ; in front, yo ; boi-der of dots. (Muller, No. 1427 [Ace]. A pierced coin.) S S 314 KINGS OF MACEDON No. Weight 170* 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 2G1-8 265- 260-9 2G4-5 A\ 11 249-7 261 -'J 259 -G 261-1 Metal Size Obvekse /R 1- Al 105 /ll -95 Siiiiiliir. (iKi liortk'i'.) /R 105 Similar. A\ 11 Similar. /R 1-15 M I- Similai'. no bui-der visible. Reverse AAEIANAPOY y^eus Aetoplioros Heated 1. on throne without back, his feet resting on footstool (Type IV.) ; border of dots. in front, HI [= year 3], and yo (inscr. reads AAEEANAPoY) ' in front, yo, and || ||i |||0 [= year 28] ; beneath seat, ^V in front, *" "~ [=; year 30] and yo in front, I "~ ~ [= year 31] and yo (i doubtful). (Cf. MiilkT, Nus. 1430 ff. [Ace].) AAEiAN APOY Zeus Aetoplioros seated 1. on throno without back, his feet i-estiug on a footstool (Type IV.) ; in front, X^ ; border of dots. (Cf. Miillcr, No. 14G7 [Soziisa].) AAEZANAPOY Zeus Aetoplioros seated 1. on throne with back, his feet resting on a footstool (Type 111.) ; in front, crested helmet r. ; beneath seat, AZ ; border of dots. (Mullor, No. 1472 [Ascaloii].) AAEIANAPoYBA^IAEnS (title beneailij. Simihii- ty])e; in front, anchor and P* ; no ex. line; border of dots. beneath seat, £ (Miiller, No. 1496 [Seleucid].) K ; no border visible. (Miiller, No. 1498 [Seleucid].) * Tiie following- four tetradraclims, which bear, in Phoeuiciau characters, the name of the issuing- town, Ace (Acre), are dated according to tlie Seleucid era, which begins in 312 B.C. They belong, therefore, to the years 310, 285, 283, and 282, if the dates (which are obscure) arc correctly read. ALEXANDER THE GREAT 315 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 178 170 180 181 182 18; J 184 185 18(; 202- 263v! 2(31 ■!» 2(;i- 263-7 2(;(>5 267-3 260-4 M 1 05 263-2 .R 1-1 M 1-2 Al 105 A\ 1-1 Al 1-1 .R 1-2 M 115 Al 1-5 SimilaT, iSiinilar. Siniiliii-. Similar. Similar. AAEIANAPOY BA^IAEHS (title in ex.) Zeus Aetoplioi'os seated 1. on throne with back, resting- his feet on a footstool (Type IV.) ; in fi'ont, anchor antl I^ ; Ijeneatli seat, P ; border of dots. (MiiUer, No. 1504 [Seleucirl].) AAEZ A N A POY Zeus Aetophoros seated 1. on (luone without back (Type V.) ; in iVont, linncli of o-rapes. in front, "^ ; Iteneath seat, (Muller, No. 152) [Uncertain].) in fi'ont, ^ ; no ex. line. (Miiller, No. 152i [Uncertain].) Similar; ))ut tlirone has back. in front, X in front, P^ ; lieneath seat, £ AAEZANAPOY Zeus Aetophoros seated ]. on throne without back, his feet resting on a footstool (Type V.) ; in front, ^^ boi'der of dots. (Miiller, No. 15G7 [Uncertain].) beneath seat, J^ ; no Imrder. and no ex. line; « in inscr. (Miiller, No. 1569 [Uncertain].) [Plate xxii. 1.] AAEEAN AP • [Y] Zens Aetophoros seated 1. on throne with back, his feet resting on a footstool (Type IV.) ; in front, EY ; border of dots. (Cf. Miiller, No. 1575 [Uncertain].) S S 2 316 KINGS OF MACEDON No. Weigift Metal Size Obverse Keverse 187 188 189 190 191 192 254-5 258-6 2(;5-3 245-5 264-7 193 260- .11 1-1 M 1-2.^ M 1- ^l 11 261- Ml- M 1- /R 1-15 Similiii" t.ype. AAEj-ANAPOY Zeus Aetophoros BASIAEHS seated 1. on tin-one wif.liout back (TypeV.) ; in front. ^J-l (Miillor, No. Ifi(32 [Uncertain].) Similar type ; border of dots. AAEZANAPOY Zeus Aetophoros seated 1. on throne with back (Type VI.) ; in front, N (Cf. Miiller, No. 1664 [Uncertain].) Siinihir type. AAEIANAPOY Zeus Aetophoros seated 1. on tlu'one without back (Type II.) ; in front, uncertain s^-mbol (or letter ?) ; beneath seat, ^ ; border of dots. [Plate xxii. 2.] Similar. Similar type : border of dots. AAEZANAP«Y Zeus Aetophoros seated 1. on throne with back, his feet resting on a footstool (Type III.) ; in front, trident upwards. [A]AEZANAP*Y Zeus Aetophoros seated 1. on throne without back (Type IV.); beneath seat, poppy-head?; border of dots. [Plate xxn. 3.] Similai- type. AAEZANAP«Y Zeus Aetophoros seated 1. on throne without back (^Type IV.) ; in front, wreath ; beneath seat, star of eight rays ; border of dots. [Plate xxrr. 4.] Similar. AAEEAMAPOY Zeus Aetophoros seated 1. on throne without back, hie feet resting on a footstool (Type IV. ?) ; in front, ^|^ ; border of dots. [Plate xxii. 5.] ALEXANDER THE GREAT 317 No. 194 195 196 197 Weight 247- 258-9 260-1 260- 198 199 20U 259-5 260-5 201 202 261-4 253-3 Metal Stze .'R 11 base M 1-1 M 1-1 A\ 11 5 255-4 .R 1-15 Obverse .R 115 Al 1-2 Al 1-2 .R 1-2 Similar type ; hin'der of dots. Similar type. Similar. Similar. Similar. Reverse AAEZANAPOY Similar type; no foolstool ; throne lias back ; in front, dolphin 1. downwards ; beneath seat, ^ ? ; in ex., star of eight rays ; border of dots. (No. 194 is pierced.) Similar type ; border of dots. Similar. Similar AAEZANAPOY Zeus Aetophoros seated 1. on throne without back, his feet resting- on a footstool (Type V.) ; border of dots. in front, head and neck of griffin r., and Al [Plate xxii. 6.] Similar ; without footstool, or border, in front, ip ; beneath seat, f^ Similar ; with footstool, in front, ^Ji( [A]AEIANA[POY] Zeus Aetophoros seated 1. on tlirone with back, his feet resting on a footstool (Type V.). in front, ^ , and uncertain symbol. AAEZAMAPOY Similar; but Type VI. ; in front, f4*1 ; beneath seat, |^ ; border of dots. AAEZANAPOY Similar type; but throne has no back ; in front, 5s A A E I A N A PO Y Sim i lar type ; but throne has back ; in front, sphinx seated ]., with r. forepaw raised. above sphinx, 7^ ; beneath seat, ^ [PrjATE XXIf. 7.] above sphinx, /^ ; beneath seat, A ; Z in 318 KINGS OF MACEDON No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 203 260-9 /R 115 Similar. AAEZIAPOY (s/V) Zeus Aetopboros seated 1. on throne without back (Type VII.); in front, ^ and /\^ ; in ex., uncertain letters ; border of dots. 2(H 239- /R 115 Similar. [Plate Bai'bai'ous imitation of above type. A A EE AN N APO Y {sir) Similar type ; in front, deer standing 1., beneath which, AA : doulile border of dots. XXII. 8.] Barbarous imitation of above type. 205 203-3 .R 1-1 206 203-5 .R 1-1 D i d r a c h m * Head of yoang Herakles r., wearing lion's skin ; border of dots. AAEIANAROY Zeus Actophoros seated 1. on throne with back, his feet resting on a footstool (Type III.) ; border of dots. 207 132-5 M -8 in front, A\ ; beneath seat, |^ (Miiller, No. 67-1 [Macedniiia, Thrace, and Thessaly].) [Plate xxii. 9.] Drachms Head of young Herakles r., wearing lion's skin ; boi'der of dots. AAEZANAPOY Zeus Aetophoros seated 1. on thx'one without back, his feet resting on a footstool (Type III.) ; border of dots. 208 66- M -65 (Miiller, No. in front, thunderbolt ; beneath seat, [^ 11 [Pella].) 209 62-5 M -7 Similar. (Miiller, No. * Strictly speaking, the classification of Typ tetradrachms. It is here partially extended to description. A A EZA N A[ ROY] Zeus Aetophoros seated 1. on throne without back (Type IV.) ; in iVont, racing torch ; beneath seat, A ; border of dots. 31 [AmjjhipoHs].) es given on p. 299 (footnote) applies only to the the smaller denominations in order to facilitate ALEXANDER THE GREAT 319 Ko. Weight Metal Size Ubvkkse Kevebse 210 211 212 21:j 214 215 21(3 J17 21S 21! 64-6 62-1 64-6 G3-5 64-4 G5-5 63-1 (Jl- 62-9 G4-2 /R -65 M -7 ^R -65 Al Al 7 M - M -7 /R -65 M -65 .R Similar type. Similcir type ; boitler of cluts. AAEIANAPO[Y] Zeus Aetophoros st'iitetl 1. (Miiller, No. 808 [Uncertain].) 257 65- M -7 in front, Kl ; beneath seat, |\/£ ; (Type III. ; no footstool ; Z in inscr.). (Miiller, No. 821 [Uncertain].) 258 61-5 Al -7 in front, Kl ; beneath seat, |\J (Miiller, N.i. 823 [Uncertain].) 259 6(1-7 M -7 in front, EAI ; beneath seat, AA (Miiller, No. 833 [Uncertain].) Siniilai' type. AAEIANA . . . Zeus Aetophoros seated 1. on throne without back, his feet resting on a footstool (Type III.) ; in front, male figure, three-quarter face towards 1., wearing helmet, and carrying shield on 1. arm ; beneath seat, 3; 2r.o 64-9 yR -65 (Miiller, No. ! )03 [Aptera].) Similar type ; border of ck )ts. AAEZANAPOY Zeus Aetophoros seated 1. on tin-one without back (Type IV.). 261 65-8 M -75 (Miiller, No. 1( in front, AfA )57 [Miletus].) T T -1 824 KINGS OP MACEDON No. Weight Metat, Size Obverse Reverse 262 263 264 265 26G 267 268 269 270 62-8 64-7 62-7 64-4 68-8 63-6 /R -7 M -er, M -65 M -7 M -75 /R -7 /R -7 /R -7 Similar. Similar. Similar. Similar. yR '7 border not visible. Similar type, border of dots ? plain border. Similar. in front, @^ ; J)eneath seat, bipennis. (Miiller, No. 1139 [Carin]. A pioreed coin.) AAEZANAPoY BASIAEH^ (title in ex.) Zens Aetoplioros seated 1. on throne with back (Type III.); lieneath throne, /\ ; plain boi'der. in fi'ont, § (Cf. Miiller, No. 1364 [Araclns].) [Plate xxii. 12.] in front, X (Miiller, No. 1371 [Aradus].) Similar ; but Tyjie IV. ; no monogr. beneath seat ; border of dots. in front, A and anchor ; beneath seat, P (Cf. Miiller, No. 1,511 [Seleiicid].) A A EHA N APOY Similar type ; but throne has no back ; footstool ; in front, $ beneath seat, Ay4 (Miiller, No. 1003 [Uncertain].) beneath seat, 3^ (Miiller, No. 1605 [Uncertain].) beneath seat, ^ (Miiller, No. 1607 [Uncertain].) Similar ; but in front. |yi beneath .seat, I (Miiller, No. 1618 [Uncertain].) beneath seat, Jl (Miiller, No. 1621 [Uncertain]. A pierced coin.) ALEXANDER THE GREAT 325 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Eevkr.se Similar tyjie. Similar ; but in froiit^ \Yf 271 62-9 .R -75 beneath seat, ^ (Miiller, No. 1625 [Uncertain].) 272 66-8 M -05 Simiiai' type ; boi-der of dots. I Similar ; but in front, /^ 278 62-1 M -7 (Cf. Miiller, Nn. 1657 [Uncertain].) Similar. Similar ; but in front, N 274 66-5 M -65 (Cf. Miiller, No. 1664 [Uncertain].) Similar. Similar ; but in fi'ont, € 275 64- Al -6 (Miiller, No. 166 Similar type. beneath seat, N 8 [Uncertain].) Similar ; but in front, |-f" 27(; 08-6 /R -7 (Cf. Miiller, No. 1 Similar. beneath seat, "jV^ 676 [Uncertain].) Similar ; but in front, p| ; no footstool. 277 6,3-S .R -7 (Miiller, No. 167 Similar type ; border of dots. beneath seat, 8 [Uncertain].) AAEHANAPOY Similar type. 278 GO- 7 A\ -7 in front, O E (Miiller, No. 1693 [Uncertain].) . | 279 58-8 /R -7 no border visible. beneath seat, O E ; border of dots. 32<5 KINGS OF MACEDON No. 280 281 282 283 284 28r) 286 Weight r,3-7 6(\-r> 62-3 no -2 63 '3 64-5 Metai, Size 64-8 .R -7 287 288 61- 64-4 M M -60 JR -7 Al -65 .R -7 M Al -65 /R -7 OnVERSE Similar. Siiiiilar +y]>e. Similar. Similar type ; border of clots. Similar. Similar. Reverse AAEZANAPOY Zeus Aeto])lioros seated 1. on throne witliout back, his feet resting on a footstool (Type III.) ; in front, ginfRn seated 1.. with r. fore- ]iaw raised ; beneath seat.. ^ [Plate xxii. 13.] AAEEANAPOY Zens Aetophorns seated 1. on throne without l)ack (Type rv.). in fi'ont. A Similar, with footstool. in front, ^i^, and pi'ow 1. [Plate xxii. 14.] Similar. in front, |^ ; beneath sent, (j^ in front, fTJ ; beneath seat, PY V in front, head of lion 1.. and E ; beneath seat, A Similar, without footstool. in front, wreath? ; beneath seat, KH [Plate xxii. 15.] Similai', with footstool. in front, crescent with horns downwards ; beneath seat, hJ^ in front, lion (oi- panther V) springincp 1. ; beneath sent, A within wreath. [Plate xxii. 16.] ALEXANDKR THE GREAT 327 No. Weight Metal Size Obvekse Reverse Triobols Head of J ouiig Hwiikles r., weiuiiig lion's skill ; border of dots. [A]AEIANAPO[YJ BA5IAEn[S] (title beiieatlij Zeus Aetoplionjs seated 1. on tlirone with back, his feet resting on a footstool (Type IV.) ; no ex. line ; border of dots. •Jsy ;jO-7 .R -55 in front. [A\] ; beneath seat, AY •290 31-3 ^l -5 (MuUor, Nu. 127i [Lycia]. ^ Siniihir. as jireceding ; title, off eoin. OS. 289 uud 2J0 ure pierced.) AAEIANAPOY Zeus Aetophoros seated 1. on throne without back (Tyjje 111.) ; border of dots. ■2[n 30-5 .R -55 in front, <|)| (Ci'. iMuller, Nu. liTG [Ascalon]. A pierced cuiii.) Bkonze Head of young Herakles r., Avearing lion's skill. AAEIANAPOY Above, dub r. ; beneath, bow and ({uiver. ■292 121- .i: -7 29:3 129- /E -05 Similar type ; boi'der of dots. AAEZAA/AP[OV] Above, bow and (piiver ; beneath, club 1. [Plate xxiu. 1.] 1 Similar. ' AAEZANAPOY Above, club r. ; beneath, bow and ({iu\er. 21)4, 95-5 M 1 above club, thunderbolt ; (0Y> off coin). 29J 97-5 m -7 Similar. above club, trident r. ; plain border. AAEZANAP-Y Similar ; bordei- of dots. 296 109- M -75 . above, stai- of eight I'ays ; beneath, y 328 KINGS OP MACEDON No. Weiuht Metal Size Obverse liEVEKSE Similiir ; in front, Ciiduceus. Similai' ; above, caduceus 1. ; no border visible. 297 85- ^ -75 beneath, star of eight rays. [Platk xxiii. 2.] 298 91- M -7 (no l)order.) beneath, p ; (countermark, P in incuse circle) . 299 86- M -7 Similar type ; same border. nothing beneath. AAEZANAP[OY] Above, bow and quiver ; beneath, club I. ; plain border. 3U0 93-5 jE -7 beneath club, bunch of grapes 1. 301 95- JE -7 Similar; but. liebiiid liead, Similar type ; boi'der duul)tful. AAEIANAPOY Above, club r. ; beneath, bow and quiver. AAEZANAPOY Similar type; plain bordei'. 302 112-5 M 1 Similar type. above club, A AAEHANAPOY Above, club r. ; BA^IAEnS between two lines of inscr., bow and (juiver. 303 79-5 M -7 Similar type ; boixler of dots. above club, /^ AAEZANAPOY Above, club r. ; beneath, bow and quiver ; plain border. 304 102- M -(15 • above club, H 305 85-5 M -75 Similar type. above club, >E AAEZANAPOY Above, club r. ; BA^IAEnS between two lines of inscr., bow and quiver ; above club, 30G 95- M -7 m. 307 86- M -7 ■ mouogi\ obscui'e. ALEXANDER THE GREAT 329 No. 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 31^ Weight 101-5 29-5 22- 79- 69- 102- 110-5 95- 97-5 9G- vol.. I. Metal Size ^ -7 ^ -55 JE -5 M -7 M -65 M -7 JE -75 /E -75 iE -7 M -75 Obveese Similar type ; border of dots. Similar. Similar type. Similar type ; border of dots. Similar. Similar. Similar. Similar. Reverse AAEIANAPOY Above, bow and quiver ; beneath, club 1. above bow and quiver, A ; beneath club, trident i*. A A E Between two parts of ZANAP ' Y inscr., club r. ; beneath, bow and quiver ; plain border. AAET AN AROY Above, bow in case ; beneath, club r. A A EZ A N A PO Y Similar types ; but club 1. beneath club, one-handled jar 1. Similar ; but club r. beneath club, S I AAEEANAPOY Above, club r. ; beneath, bow in case ; above club, bunch of grapes r. beside symbol, A o AAEEAN[APOY] Above, bow in case ; beneath, club 1. ; beneath club, AA and pellet. AAEEANAPOY Above, club r. ; beneath, bow in case ; beneath bow in case, E r V .'J30 KINGS OP MACEDON No. Weight Metal Size Obveese Reverse 318 319 320 321 328* 329t 88- 70- 89-5 91- 64- 61- m -7 M -7 M -6 322 57- JE •6 323 58- M •65 324 58-5 M ■65 325 62-5 M ■65 326 86- M •6 327 57- M ■6 M -7 M -7 Similar type. border of dots. Similar type ; border of dots. AAEiAN APOY Above, bow in case ; beneath, club 1. beneath club, r'c. and traces of symbol. beneath club r., /^ [Plate xxiii. 3.] AAE?ANAPO[Y] Above, club r. ; beneath, bow in case. beneath bow in case, Capricorn 1. [Plate x.xiii. 4.] Young male head r., weaiing taenia. Similar type ; border of dots. [AAE] ZAN AP«[Y] Free horse prancing r. AAEEANAPOY Similar type, beneath, thunderbolt, i-acing torch. dolphin r., downwards. [Plate xxiii. 5.] flat cap perpendicularly placed? Similar. BAZIAEDZ Horseman, -wearing [A] A EZ A N A [ P OY] kausia, prancing r. ; in field 1., bipeunis and lAI ; beneath horse, f^ [Plate xxiii. 6.] Head of young Herakles r., -wearing lion's skin ; border of dots. B A Above, bow and quiver ; beneath, club r. beneath, thunderbolt. * Dr. H. Gaebler points out that Nos. 303, 306, 307, 328, on all of which the royal title occurs, form a group by themselves. He would attribute them to Alexander V., son of Cassander. t Nos. 32D ff. are post-Alexandrine, and were perhaps struck dui-ing the Interval (sec p. 339). ALEXANDER THE GREAT— PHILIP HL 331 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reveese Similar. Similar ; but club 1. ; border of dots. 330 84- M -65 beneath, mouse r. ; border of dots. 331 89-5 M -75 beneath, "E 332 92- M -66 trident r. 333 93- M -7 trident 1. ; (plain border). 334 93- M -65 Similar. ivy-leaf 1. BAXI Above, club r. ; beneath, bow and quiver ; plain border. 335 103- M -(5 [Plate a'bove club, >£ XXIII. 7.] 336 84- M -75 Head of young Herakles r., wearing lion's skin ; border of dots. BAXIAEI2X between bow in case 1. and club r. ; beneath, racing- torch. 337 88- M -8 countermark, head of lion r. ? ^PHILIP in. (ARIDAEUS) 323—316 B.C. 0/ the following, No. 9 icas struck at Babylon, prohahhj before 321 B.C.* Euboic-Attic Standard Gold Staters Head of Pallas r., wearing earring, neck- lace, and crested Corinthian helmet adorned with running griffin ; hair in formal curls. IAirr*Y Winged Nike standing B AZIAEHS 1.; in 1. hand, trophy- stand (or o-riiAt?'?); in outstretched r., wreath ; in field 1., wheel of four spokes and J^ ; in field r., A 1 131-9 N- -75 » Sec Itnlioof-Blumer, Nvm. Zeitschr., vol. x Nos. 1.57, 289, 290, wliich wero struck at the s.i-m xvii. (1895), p. fi. Cf. Alexander the Great, e mint about tho same tin:o. V V 2 332 KINGS OF MACEDON No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse Similar ; but on helmet, serpent. IAirroY BAZIAEnZ (title beneath) Zeus Aetophoros seated 1., with r. leg drawn back, on throne with back, his feet resting on a footstool ; no ex. line ; border of dots. .5 264-6 M 11 in front, wheel of four spokes, and (v ; beneath seat, (^ (No. 5 is pierced.) 6 262-6 M 1-15 in front, (^ and bunch of grapes ; beneath seat, I; (ex. line). 7 263- M 105 (r. leg in front of 1.) ; beneath seat, A A ; (no border). [Plate xxiii. 9.] 8 252-4 .•R 1-05 in front, @ and ^)^ ; beneath seat, I 9 261-8 .'R 1-05 in front, M ; beneath seat, AY 10 263-6 A\ 1- (title, off coin) ; in front, A\ ; beneath seat, B 11 262 1 A\ 115 (r. leg in front of 1.) ; in front, 31 S beneath seat, /^ 12 262-4 .R 1-2 in front, head of Helios facing ; beneath seat, KY [Plate xxiii. 10.] Drachms Head of young Herakles r., -wearing lion's skin ; border of dots. <|>IAIPnoY Zeus Aetopho]-os seated 1. on throne without back, his r. leg drawn back. 13 65-2 M -65 (Ko. 13 in front, star of eight rays ; beneath seat, s pierced.) PHILIP III. 333 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse li 16 17 18 19 20 21 65 -2 M -65 Similar type. yRpl.-65 65-4. 62-7 64-6 62-7 53-3 6-1-7 22 I 62-4 23 66-2 M -65 .'R -7 M -65 M -65 M -7 M -65 M -65 yR -7 24 6.5-4 .R -7 Similar. Similar type ; jjlain border. Similar type. Similar type ; border of dots. Similar. Similar type ; plain border. Similar, but throne has back. in fi'ont, h4- ; beneath seat, goat's foot ? Similar, with footstool ; throne has no back ; border of dots. in front, lyre. Similar ; but throne has back, in front, bee ; beneath seat, /i^ IAI PP OY Similar type; throne has no back. in front, serpent -like object ; beneath seat, Q in front, pomegranate. Similar ; but in front, ^ beneath seat, A )5 n B IAIPPOY Similar type, with foot- stool ; but r. leg visible in front of 1. beneath seat, /^ in front, )^ ; border of dots. [Plate xxiii. 11.] Barbarous imitation of above type (par- ticularly Miiller, xxviti., No. 79). ummamK^ 334: KINGS OF MACEDON No. Weight Metai, Size Obverse Reverse 25 51-2 ^R-75 Barbarous imitation of above type ; border of clots. Barbarous imitation of above ; imitation of monogr. in front, and of I beneath seat. 26 49-5 M -7 (No. 26 is pierced.) Bronze 27 91- M -75 Young male head r., bound with taenia ; border of dots. BAZIAEflZ Youth on horse prancing IAirroY r.; infield l.jbipennis; beneath horse, j^ CASSANDER ' CassanHcr, son of Anfipnfer, diff not place Ids own name on his cjold and silver currency. Instcdd lie struck in the name and with the types of Alexander. 316 — 297 B.C. Brokze Circa 316—306 B.C. Head of young Herakles r., wearing lion's skin ; border of dots. KAZXAN Lion seated r. APOY 1 62- M -7 in front, EY ( ' for in inscr.) 2 55- ^ -GS traces of monogram. 3 57- m -7 lYI [Plate xxiii. 12.] 4 49-5 ^ -7 1 N Cir^a 306—297 B.C. ' In 306 B.C. Cassander assumed the title -of /Jao-iXev's. Head of Apollo r., laur,, h.iir long. KAZZANAP-Y Tripod-lebes with BAZIAEHZ three handles. 5 93-5 ^ -75 in field r., *^ ; field 1., off coin. G 91-5 ^ -7 in field r., star of eight rays; field 1., off coin ; border of dots. 1 PHILIP III.— CASSANDER 335 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse Similar type ; border of dots. B AZ 1 A E ni. Tripod-lebes. arched KAZZANA[PoY] over at the top with branch of laurel. 7 96-5 M -7 in field 1., f^ ; in field r., i-acing- torch. 8 90-5 M -75 Head of young Hei-akles r., wearing lion's skin ; border of dots. in field 1., /^ ; in field r., traces of symbol. BAZIAEflZ Naked youth on KAZZAN AP«Y horseback r, crowning his horse which advances slowly ; in front, star of eight i-ays ; border of dots. 9 loe- M -75 beneath horse, A 10 ss- jE -7 ,, A ; between its fore-legs, T 11 95- yE -75 >j /\ j i> >■> '■> 12 89- M -85 >) )i )) It yr J (youth holds filleted palm over 1. shoulder). 13 98- JE -8 Similar. beneath horse, <|>; between its fore- legs, Y BAZIAEnZ Similar type; in KAZZAN AP -Y front, Al; border of dots. U 96- JE -8 beneath horse, traces of letters ? 15 96- M -8 Similar. beneath horse, K ; inscr. differently divided. Similar type ; in front, Al 16 78-5 yE -8 [BAZIAEnZ] ; beneath horse, rfl KAZZA N APY 17 63- /E -8 BAZI .... beneath horse, n ; KAZZAN AP Y border of dots. 336 KINGS OF MACEDON No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse Similar. Inscr. obscure. Similar type. 18 94- yE -8 title beneath ; in front, /^ ; beneath horse, |^ r* 19 98- M -8 Similar. title above ; in front, /\/ ; beneath horse, A\ ; border of dots. B AZ 1 A EnZ Similar type ; be- KAZZAN AP[OYj neath horse, O 20 93- M -8 in front, AY ; border of dots. 21 86- M -8 • Head of young Henikles r.,in lion's skin; boi'der of dots. (BAZIAEHZ i^f^^^t j¥i KAZZA NA P-Y) '" *'°'''' ' ' ! BAZIAEIIZ Lion prowling 1. ; KAZZANAP-Y border of dots. 22 54- yE 65 beneath, f^ 23 55-5 M -6 n [Plate xxiii. 13.] m ANTIGONUS 306—301 B.C. For fhe most part Antigonus stmclc in the name and with the types of Alexander. Gold Euboic-Attic Standard Stater Head of Pallas r., wearing crested Corin- thian helmet, adorned with .serpent. ANTir«N»[Y] Winged Nike stand- [B]AZIAE[n£] ing three-quarter face towards 1.; in 1. hand, trophy- stand (or a-rvXi-i ?); in outstretched r., acrostolium ; in field 1., wi'eath. 1 131-9 N -65 [PLAi't; X acrostolium, off coin. XIII. H.J i CASSANDER— DEMETRIUS POLIORCETES 337 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse DEMETRIUS POLIORCETES 306—283 B.C. Demetrius PoUorcefes irasla'ng of Macedon froin 294 to 288 B.C. The types of las coins show that he prided himself on his reputation as a naval commander. Nos. 1 — 3 etc. prohahJij refer dircrthj to the hattle fovtjht off Ci/pnis in 306 B.C., when Demetrius, us admiral fur his father Anti(joiiiis, annihilated the fleet of Ftolemij. Silver Euboic -Attic Standard V Tetradrachms Prow 1., on whicli stands winged Nike L, holding ti'ophy-stand (or cmiAts ?) in 1., and with r. grasping h)ng trumpet which slie is blowing ; border of dots. AHMHTPIOY BA SIAEXl $ (title beneath) Poseidon standing 1., with 1. foot in advance ; he is naked but for chlamys with pointed ends which is twisted i-ound liis 1. arm ; in r. hand lie grasps an ornamented trident, as if about to strike ; bt)rdei- of dots. 1 2631 Al M in field 1., tsP ; in field r., star of sixteen rays. [Plate xxui. 15.] 2 262- Ai 1-1 prow slightly vai'ied. Similar ; prow varied. in field 1., hP ; iu field r., ^ AHMHTPIolY] BA$ lAEHS (title beneath) Similar type ; trident jilaiu ; border of dots. 3 264-4 M 1-05 Head of Demetrius r., horned, wearing narrow diadem ; border of dots. in field 1., hP ; in field r., bipennis. B An A EnZ Poseidon, naked, stand- AHMHTPIOY ing 1., his r. foot resting on a rock and his r. arm on his r. knee ; with his 1. he leans on trident; border of dots. 4 2(J6-7 .R 1-2 in field r., ff 5 259-3 /R 1- in field 1., ^ G 264-2 M 1-2 in field 1.. >E 7 202-8 yR 1-1 in field 1.. >E ; in field r.. hP X X 338 KINGS OF MACEDON No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 8 262-7 M 1-15 in field 1., star of sixteen rays ; in field r., A ; (no border visible). 9 270-3 JR 1-15 - in field 1., -e^ ; in field r., ^ 10 263-5 M 1- Similar. same nnjnograms, in same relative posi- tions, but between type and inscr. AHMHTPlOY Poseidon, with upper BAZIAEnZ part of his body naked, seated 1. on a rock ; he holds in his r. an aplustre, a:id leans with his 1. on trident ; border of dots. 11 263-5 M 1-1 ' in field 1., ^ and I ; in field r., £ [Pf ATE XXIII. 16.] 12 258-9 Al 1-05 » in field r., ^ ; on rock, /^ Drachm Nike on pi'ow, as ou Nos. 1— 3 dots. ; boi'der of AHMHTPlOY BASI AEH S (title beneatli) Poseidon standing 1., as on No. 3 ; border of dots. 13 63-4 Al -65 in field 1., A ; in field r., @) (No. 13 is pierced.) Triobols Similar. Similar. 14 32-3 M -5 in field 1., A ; in field r., @) 15 321 M -5 as preceding. Bronze Head of Pallas r., wearing lielmet witla horn. Corinthian BA Prow of vessel r. ; beneath, I^ 16 49 M -65 17 53- m -6 monogr. obscui-e. 18 38- JE -7 Simili.r ; but lielmet crested ; no l.orn. BA Similar type ; bcnei.th, ^ ; in field r., bipeunis ; in fiold 1., aplustre. DEMETRIUS POLIORCETBS— INTERVAL 339 No. Weight METAL Size Obverse Reverse INTERVAL 286—277 B c. Daring lliesr years fliere iras a continvoiis struggle for the crown of Macedon, icliich had been seized hij Pi/rrhus of Ejiirus (circa 288 B.C.), and hut little money teas issued. For siloer in-ohahly struck then, see under Alexander the Great, Nos. 59, 60. Bronze Macedonian shield, ornamented with five crescents, between which, stars ; in the centre, thunderbolt within double circle ; border of dots. B A Macedonian helmet with double crest. 1 74- M -75 (four crescents) beneath, E (or trident r. ?) ; plain border. 2 72- M -65 Similar; but, in place of stars, groups of five dots. beneath, shell?; border of dots. Similar ; Irat straps for fastening helmet visible beneath ; in field r., >£ ; border of dots. 3 68- ^ -65 4 71-5 IE -6 Similar ; but in place of thunderbolt, Gorgon's head facing. helmet varied ; beneath, pellet. B A Macedonian helmet with double crest and cheek - pieces ; in field 1., caduceus. 6 53- iB -65 in field r., NK 6 63-5 7E -65 51 )) [Plate xxiii. 17.] 7 GS- ^ -65 in field r., ^z 8 58- iE -65 Similar ? Similar; but in field 1., ear of coi'n. 9 BI- M -65 X X 2 ■■■■ 340 KINGS OF MACEDON No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse ANTIGONUS GONATAS 277—239 B.C. Anfiijomis Gonatas loas the son of Dcmetrlns FoUorcetes. The types of Nos. 1 and 2 prohahlij refer to a victory gained over the Egyptian fleet in an engageuient off" Cos (265 B.C.)* The head of Pan on the Ohp. of Nos. 3—6 has hcen interpreted as an allusion to the picnic that overtooJc the Gaids ichen attached by Antigonus in 277 B.C. Cf. also Nos. Iff. For the type of Athena Allcis, see under Pem.a. Silver Euboic-Attic Standai'd Tetradrachms Head of Poseidon r., crowned with marine plant ; border of dots. BAZIAEHS Prow ]., on projecting ANTI roNOY side of which, Apollo seated 1., naked, r. leg drawn back behind 1. ; he holds a bow in r. 1 263-5 yR 1-25 beneath, f^ [Plate xxiii. 18.] 2 263-6 M 1-2 Macedonian shield adorned with seven crescents, within each of which star of six rays ; in centre, within double plain border, head of Pan 1., hoi-ned, with pedum at shoulder, and nebris round neck. prow more ornate ; beneath, ornamented trident 1., and yS^ BAZIAEftZ Athena Alkis standing ANTI roNOY 1., with 1. foot thrust forward ; she wears crested helmet, aegis, chiton, and chlamys with pointed ends ; in r, she wields thunderbolt, wliile on 1. arm she has a round shield on which is Gorgoneion ; in field 1., Macedonian helmet with double crest and cheek- pieces. 3 263-5 M 1-25 in field r., |-P [Plate xxiii. 19.] 4 265-6 M 1-25 in field r., ^ 5 263-7 Al 1-2 stars of eight rays. in field r., XI 6 261-2 /R 1-2 )> in field r., KT; but, instead of double crest, Macedonian helmet has plume rising up at. each side ; shield obscure. (No. 6 is pierced.) * This is the view of Dr. Imhoof-Blumer (M reign of Gonatas has also been sngsjcsted (A. J. onnaies grecques, p. 128). An earlier date in the Evans, Horsemen of Tarentum, p. 150). Mr. Head was at one time inclined to assig'n the coins to the reign of Antigonus Doson (229 — 220 B.C.). ANTIGONUS GONATAS 341 No. Weight Metal Size OBVERi^E Reverse Bronze Some of the followinff hronze, and 2^ossihh/ some of the lyreceiling silrer, may helong to the re'ujn of Autigouns Dosou, Hcj/hew of Gonatas (229 — 220 B.c.j. Head of Pallas r., wearing crested Corin- thian helmet, and necklace. B A Pan r., erecting a trophy ; a /H fawn-skin falls over his 1. arm ; in field 1., Macedonian helmet with cheek -pieces, and plume rising fi-om either side. 7 80- M -75 (border of dots; countermark, head of Herakles ? r.) in field r., uncertain symbol. 8 87- M -8 in field r., star of seven rays. 9 76- M -7 no symbol visible in field r. 10 92- M -75 beneath helmet, fi^ ; in field r., traces of star ? 11 102- JE -7 Similar. in field r., star ? B A Similar type ; but fawn-skin flies /^ behind, over 1. shoulder. 12 109-5 JE -7 [Plate > Similar. in field 1., CXIV. 1.] Similar, without fawn-skin. 13 102-5 M -75 in field 1., K aud <|> 14 98- JE -85 in field 1., <|) (Workmanship rude.) 15 70-5 M -7 in field 1., K IG 30- M -55 in field 1., uncertain monogram. 17 54- M -65 Similar. in field r., T Similar ; but Pan has serpent-like object twined round 1. arm. ]8 65- M -65 [Pr.A'i'K > in field r., star?; in field 1., traces of symbol ? XIV. 2.] 34: KINGS OF MACEDON No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Keverse 1'.) 7.)- JE 7 Head of young Herakles r., wearing lion's skin. Similar. [BAZIAEnZ] Naked rider ad- ANTir ON OY vancingr., crown- ing his horse ; beneath horse, pilos. B A Similar type. 20 69-5 M -65 /in 21 59-5 M -65 22 63- ^ -65 Macedonian shield, adorned with seven crescents, within each of which, and between each pair of which, a pellet : in the centre, within plain circle, ^ BA Zl Macedonian helmet Avith double crest and cheek-pieces ; in held r. , [^ in field 1., traces of monogi-am. 23 65- M -65 six crescents. in field 1., INK DEMETRIUS II. 239—229 B.C. Tilts Icing, the .sou of Anfigoniis Ooiiatas, struclc no gold or sUver in his own name. Bronze Macedonian shield, adorned with six cx-escent- shaped ornaments ; in the centre, witliin plain cii'cle, |0| BA Zl Macedonian helmet, with double crest and cheek-pieces. 1 64- ^ -6 in field 1., bunch of grapes ? 2 28- ^ -6 bunch of gi-apes. 3 63-5 ^ '6 trident upwai'ds ? [Plate xxiv. 3.] 4 62-5 iE -6 anchor. 5 56- M -65 bipennis. 6 .59- ^ -65 pellet between each pair of crescents. pedum ? 7 15- ^ -4 >) j> )) no symbol. ANTIGONUS GONATAS— PHILIP V. 343 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse PHILIP V. 220—178 B.C. ritillp v., the sou of Demetrius II., came into conflict with Home. After the defeat of Cijnoscephulae (1U7 B.C.) he was striji^ ed of all his j;osses.s/o/IA!nnoY wreath. 1 256-6 Al 1-35 above inscr., ^ ; Iieneath, ^ and p ; outside, in field 1., head of caduceus. 2 253- M 1-3 above inscr., ^ ; lieneath, ^ and £ ; outside, in field 1., star; (f in in.scr.J. Didrachm Head of Philip r., wearing bread diadem. iSimilar. o 131-3 ^l 1- same symbol and same monograms as No. 2. [Plate xxiv. 4.] BucjJzK Head of Poseidon r., bound with marine plant, hair long. B A Athena Alkis v., wearing long chiton, chlamys with pointed ends, and cre.sted hehnet ; in her 1., shield and two spears ; in her r. she brandishes a thunderbolt. 4 52- M -65 in field r., thunderbolt. 1 1 5 65- M -7 in field 1-., trident ]. •su KINGS OP MACEDON No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse Similar. B A Prow r. 6 41-5 M •;,5 in field r., star of eight i-ays. 7 32- M -65 no symbol visible. 8 188- M -9 Head of Helios r., radiate. [Plate BAZIAEnZ Thunderbolt; above IAinnoY inscr.,^ ; all within oak -wreath. XXIV. 5.] 9 181- JE -85 beneath inscr., PS^ 10 204- M -95 • beneath inscr., "]< and f^^ ; monogr. above, not visible. 11 153- M -85 Head of beai'del Herakles r., lion's skiu. wearing BAZIAEnZ Harpa r. ; above inscr., IAinnoY /2J ; all within oak- wreath. 12 111- M -9 Head of young Herakles r., weai skin. •ing lion's B A Two goats kneeling r. 13 112- M -85 in field r., ear of corn, and crescent with horns upwards. 14 112- M -75 no symbols visible. 15 88- M -7 Similar type ; border of dots. <|>| Horseman prancing r., with chlamys BA flyi"g behind him ; his r. raised to crown horse. 16 54- ^ -65 Similar type. Similar. B A Horseman r., crowning his horse, 1 which advances slowly. B A Similar. <> 17 79- J5 -65 countermark, small head (of Hel iosV) 1. PHILIP V. 345 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse Head of hero Perseus r., wearing winged cap ; in front, haipa. B A Eagle .standing facing, with wings spread, on thunderbolt. 18 101- M -7 top of cap, off coin. beneath, A 19 79-5 jE -65 Similar type. top of cap, oif coin. • Similar ; cap of Phrygian form, ending in head of bii-d. [B]ASIAE n[Z] Free horse pran- [<|)]IA inn«Y cingr. B A Harpa r. ; all within oak- wreath. 20 43- JE -7 (top of cap, off coin.) 21 49-5 JE -6 22 el- M -65 Macedonian shield, adorned with six crescents, within each of whicli a pellet, and between each pair of which, three pellets ; in the centre, wheel-like orna- ment. B A Club 1. <1> 23 se- M -05 Similar type ; but within each crescent, star of six rays, and between each pair, two pellets ; in the centre, head of hero Per.seus r., wearing winged and pointed cap. B AZ 1 A EflZ Macedonian helmet with <|) 1 A 1 n n Y ch eek-pieces . 24 46- M o UNCERTAIN PHILIP* 1 22- JE 5 Head of young Herakles 1., wearing lion's skin. [Plate * The style and tlie absence of the title B Philip II. 01 A 1 Thunderbolt. rroY XXIV. 6.] AZIAEnZ point to an early king, probably Y Y 34G KINGS OP MACEDON No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse PERSEUS 178—168 B.C. P/»7/j)'s son, Fersetis, attempted to throio off the Boman yolce. He ions decisively defeated hy Aemilius Paulus at Pydaa (1G8 B.C.), after lolilch the Macedonian kingdom came to an end. • Silver Euboic-Attic Standard T e t r a d r a c h m s Head of Perseus r., diademed. BAZI AEflZ Eagle tnrnod towards HEP ZEIIZ r., standing on thunderbolt, wings open ; all within oak-wreatli, outside of which, beneath, plough 1. 1 235-4 M 1-3 (No. 1 is above iuscr., <|> ; in field r., ^ ; between eagle's legs, fij pierced.) 2 259-5 M 1-35 ± and F t 3 256-2 M 1-3 and Ml 4 261-2 /R 1-3 Similar type; beneath, IXIIAOY A and N< Similar ; but outside of wreath, beneath, star ; acorns in wreath. 5 259-3 yR 1-25 in field r., ^ and (£j [Plate xxiv. 7.] Beoxze 6 113- jE -95 Head of hero Perseiis r., -wearing winged cap of Phrygian shape, the top of which ends in head of a bird. B A Eagle, facing, with open wings, £P head turned towards r., stand- ing on plough r. ; between eagle's legs, Z ; in field 1., branch ; iu field r., traces of monogi-am. PERSEUS 347 Metal No. Weight Size Obverse Reverse Similar. B A Similar type. EP 7 124-5 ^ -9 Similar type ; in front, hiirpa. in field 1., Nilce, holding palm in 1., her r. outstretched. B A Similar type ; but eagle stands EP on thunderbolt. 8 97- M -85 in ex., traces of letters. 9 71- M -75 (barpa, o£E coin.) >■> )■> 10 87- M -7 n H EP 11 111- M -7 )5 R ^i ill field, r., X 12 80- M -8 Similar ; Imt harpa over shoulder. „ HA B A Similar type ; in ex., star of six TT E rays. 13 74- M -7 ' 14 79- JE -75 E, off coin. 15 67- M -65 no harpa ^ihible. Head of young Herakles r., wearing lion's skin. ,, i n in inscr. B A Horseman r., crowning his EP horse, which advances slowly. 16 74- JE -75 beneath horse, ^ and ^ ; between fore- legs, star. 17 59- M -65 beneath horse, 5l and ^ ; between fore- legs, traces of letters (H ?)• V V 2 348 KINGS OP PAEONIA No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 192-3 M -95 51-8 39-3 M -65 M -05 194-2 /ll 1- Kings of Pabonia During the difitin-bances that took place hefore JPhllip II. had secured himself on his throne, the I'aeonians succeeded in asserting their independence. Their earliest king, Lykkeios, ivas succeeded by Patraus. Silver Phoenician Standard (debased) PATRAUS Circa 340 — 31.5 B.C. Tetradracbm Head of Apollo? r., laur., hair short. riA T PAO Y Horseman in armour, prancing r., striking with spear at a prostrate foeman. who defends himself ■with a round shield. behind, >^^ and uncertain symbol. [Plate xxiv. 8] Drachm Head of Apollo ? r., wearing taenia. TATPAOY runniuy: r. beneath. Foropai't of wild boar. Barbarous imitation of above type. Barbarous imitation of abo^'e type. AUDOLEON Circa 315—286 B.C. TJic following were struck hefore Andoleon's assumption of the title /Jao-iAeu's (circa 306 E.C.J. On his death, in 286 B.C., Paeonia fell under the sway of Lysimachns. Tetradrachms Head of Pallas with hair in long curls, three-quarter face towards r., wearing necklace and triple - crested helmet ; border of dots. AYAflAE^N T»Z Horse, bridled, advancing r. ; beneath, T ; border of dots. PATRAUS -AITDOLEON 349 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 191- 176-G /R -95 M -85 46-2 42'8 M -6 M -55 Similar ; arrangement of hair, and helmet, varied. AYAIIAE- N TOZ Free horse advancing r. ; beneath, ^R ; between forelegs, uncertain symbol ; border of dots. above, X AYAXIAE NT Z Drachms Head of Pallas, three-quarter face towai'ds 1., wearing triple-crested helmet ; haii' in long curls ; border of dots. AYAXIAE- NT -Z Free horse, trot- ting r. ; border of dots. beneath, ^ I [Plate xxiv. 9.] horse bridled ; rein trailing ; inscr. obscure, but differently divided. (A pierced coin. ) 350 :macedon SEMI- independent No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Keverse . Macedon Semi-independent Ch-ca 185—168 B.C. Some time in the course of his rei{in, probahly in 185 B.C. (cf. Livy xxxix. 24), I'hillp v., fiuh'iKj his hold over tlie Macedonians less secure than he desired, granted them a certain amount of autonomy, in the hope of attaching them more firmly to his cause. Various districts then began to strike money contemporaneously icith the regal issues.* EDONIS The following series were doubtless struck at Amphipolis. Nos. 3 and 4 are possibly as late as Perseus. No. 14 may perhaps belong to a different district. SlIiVEK Euboic-Attic Standard Tetrobols M A Club r. ; the wliole in the centre KE of a Macedonian shield. Macedonian helmet with cheek-pieces 1. 1 3.5-5 /R -6 in field 1., ^Q and ±^ ; in field r., ^, and trident 1. 2 3S-3 JR -or) \_B.M.C., p. 9 (11).] in field 1., <|> and y^ ; in field r., K and star of eight rays. 3 37-2 M -55 Head of Maenad r., wearing earring, neck- MAKE Between two lines of the inscr., lace, and garland of vine-leaves and AONIIN stern of ship, amid waves ; grapes. in field r., A\ [Plate xxiv. 10.] 4 35-5 M 6- i Bronze 5 101- M -9 Head of young river-god Strymon r., with short horns; hair crowned with reeds. MAKE Ornamented trident r. A0NX2N above and below trident, ^ p. 12 (40).] r? 6 126- M -8 [Cf. B.M.C., 7 117- M -75 * See Dr. Hugo Gaebler in Zeiischr. fur Nuv issues of this epoch nre for the first time satis ism., vol. XX., pp. 169 ff., where the M.acedonian factorily arranged. vim EDONIS— AMPHAXITIS 351 No. 10 11 12 Weight 128- 107- 108- 10.5 125- Metal Size Obverse Reverse 138-5 105- 129- 124-5 JE -7 M -8 M -8 M -85 JE -9 M -9 M '8 M -8 M -7 Head of Apollo r., laur. tsr N< rti IVE beneath inscr., A as pi-ecediug ? MAKE Lyi-e ; in field 1., stmng bow ; AONUN r., 7^ IB.M.C., p. 14 (54).] AMPHAXITIS The following were struck at Thessaloiiica, as were other coins bearing the monogram ^ {e.g., Macedonia a Roman Province, No. 7). The district of Amphaxilis laij on the left hank of the river Axius. Bkonze Head of young Herakles r., wearing lion'a skin. AMA Club r. ; all within wreath of ZinN oak. Head of AjioUo r., laur. beneath, traces of /J^ [Cf. B.M.C., p. 42 (1).] type 1. ; beneath, traces of J\f MAKE Tripod -lebes, with cover, AO N n N surmounted by three sprays of laurel; in field 1., ^ [B.M.C, p. 11 (37).] ill field r., ^; iu field 1., traces of pj| and A 352 MACEDON SEMI-INDEPENDENT No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Eeverse 26-8 158- 121-5 128- 98- M -5 M -9 M -85 M -8 M -75 BOTTIAIA The foUowhuj were stniclc at Fella. The Bottiaei had long hefore this been driven out of Macedonia into Chalcidice (see p. 274), hut the district retained their name. Silver Euboic - Attic Standard Piece of Two and a Half Obols Macedonian shield, with wheel-like orna- ment of seven crescent-shaped rays in the centre. BOTTEATflN in very rude letters on stern of ship, amid waves. Bronze Head of Zeus r., wreathed with laurel; border of dots. ( wreath of oak-leaves '?) MA KE Winged thunderbolt 1.; be- AON HN neath, "f Similar type. [Cf. B.3LC., p. 13 (48).] above, crescent with horns upwards, beneath, crescent with horns upwards. MA KE Similar type; beneath, B AO NHN andN<; above, poj UNCERTAIN OF MACEDON 353 No. Weight Metatj Size ■ Obverse Reverse 1 UNCERTAIN OP MACEDON Bronze Head of Zens r., laiir. ; border of dots. Eagle, with closed wings, standing r. on thunderbolt, looking back; in field r., 1 128- M -9 in field 1., W o 124- ^ -85 in field 1., uncertain symlx)!. 3 65- ^ -7 Similar. Engle, with closed wings, standing r. on thunderbolt; in field 1., /t.; i'-, \/^ 4 19-5 .E -45 Similar. Thunderbolt; in field 1., 0; r., J/^ 5 53-5 M -65 Macedonian shield, adorned with five crescents ; in the centre, within double plain border, head of Herakles, facing. [Plate x5 Macedonian helmet with double crest and cheek-pieces ; in field r., caduceus ; and in field 1., \^ CIV. 11.] 6 68-5 .^ -05 Similar ; but between each pair of cres- cents, five pellets. Similar type; in field r., [^; in field 1., caduceus. 7 G5- ^ -55 Similar ; but no pellets ; in the centre, a dot, around which, tiiree circles. Coins of the types of Nos. 1 — 4 are found i Museum specimens is re-struck over a late Mac supplied is confirmed by style. The head of Zeu of BoTTiAiA, Nos. 2 — 5. Possibly the mouograir on the other hand, are regal coins, but it is unce Similar tjqie ; in fijld r., K ; beneath, ear of corn. n Macedonia and Paeonia. One of the British edonian regal coin. The evidence of date thus s on the Obv. closely resembles that on the Rev. I represents the name of a district. Nos. 5 — 7, rtain to what king they should be attributed. z z •SfA MACEDON UNDER THE ROMANS No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Revebse 2(J4- 259-2 26J-2 259-1 2G3-5 M 1- M 1-25 M 1-3 M 1-3 M 1-25 Macedon under the Romans THE FOUR CONFEDERATIONS 168—146 B.C. The Decemviri despatched from, Borne after the battle of Pydna to settle Macedonia, divided it into four rejmblican confederations, independent of each other. The right of coining silver was conferred on these hij the Senate in 158 B.C. Nos. 1 — 5, struck prvhahhj at AnqfhipoUs, the capital of the First liegion, are therefore sub- sequent to that date. SiLVEE Euboic-Attic Standard Tetradrachms Macedonian shield, having in centre a bust of Artemis Tauropolos r., wearing ear- ling, staph ane, and drapery about neck; at shoulder, bow and quiver. no earring. MAKEAONnN Club r.; the whole nPnTHI within a wreath of oak-leaves, outside of which, on 1., a thunderbolt. above, j^ above, /^ above, qTl ; beneath, Ki? and fiE. similar, but uE above, (TE ; beneatb, |. and pSf ; Q in inscr. [Plate xxiv. 12. J FOUR CONFEDERATIONS-ROMAN PROVINCE 355 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 25G-6 254- 141- 192- 163- i<;8- JR 1-2 M 1-3 JE -9 ^ -9 M -9 JE -9 MACEDONIA A ROMAN PROVINCE After 146 B.C. On the final defeat of the Achaean League a fresh settlement of Greeee was carried out. The four Macedonian confederations were dissolved, and, the Roman governor made supreme. Henceforth the coins hear his name, or that of his legate. Silver Euboic -Attic Standard Tet radrachms MAKEAONflN Head of Alexander the Great r., with horn of Amnion ; hair flowing over neck. AESILLAS Chib downwards, between Q_ scrinium (or fi.scu.s ?) on the ]., and subsellium on the r. ; the whole within a wreath of laurel. [Plate xxiv. 13.] behind head, Bronze Head of Poseidon r., wearing taenia. MAKEAONHN TAMIOYTAIOY noRAIAlOY Club V. ; the whole within a wre^ith of oak. IB.3I.C., p. 17 (71).] Head of Roma (or Perseus ?) r., wearing- winged helmet, ending at the top in the haad of a griffin j border of dots. Same inscr., within wreath of oak. TT in inscr. IB.3I.C.. p. 18 (72).] Similar. TAIOYTAMIOY within wreath of oak- noriAIAlOY leaves. y. ■/. 2 356 MxVCEDON UNDER THE ROMANS No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Eeverse 10 11 116- 13^ 126- 1-iO- 152- JE -75 M -8 M -8 Head of young Dionysos r., wearing wreatli of ivy ; baud aci-oss forehead. TAMI [OY] Goat standing r. ; in TAIOY front, A [nojnAiA [loY] [B.M.C., p. 18 (75).] Head of Pallas r., wearing crested Athe- nian helmet. [rjAlOY Bnll feeding r. ; above, [^ ; TAMIOY beneath, "^ ; held 1., off com. Head of Roma (or Perseus?) r., wearing Avinged helmet, ending at the top in the head of a griffin ; border of dots. MAKEAONn[N] Avithin a wreath TAMloYAEYKIO[Y] of oak. 4)0AKINNI0Y above, ~|5 The following ucix issued iriuley the lioinaiis. Such coins are often foiiitd rcsfiitcli on those of the preceding class. D perhaps stands for 'decjelo.' * jE -9 JE -95 Head of Seilenos facing, wearing wreath of ivy ; bordei' of dots. MAKE all within a wreath of ivy. AoNIiN JE -45 IBJI.C, p. 14 (55).] IMPERIAL TIMES No. 1 is comparatively early ; the rest are much later. See footnote on p. 360. Bkonze Macedonian shield, of late pattern. f MAKE within a border of dots. AO NUN [Plate xxiv. 14.] * See Dr. H. Gacbler hi Zeits. far Num., vol. xx. p. 177. t The coin is in poor condition, but the style is late. The ahiokl bears a strong resemblance to that figured on a coin of Vitellius in Berlin Catal., vol. ii., p. 25. IMPERIAL TIMES 357 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Eeverse 2* 21-3 .R -55 91 M ■4- ^ 1-05 ;i<] 1- JE 105 JE S Silver Head of Alexander the Great 1., diademed. APoY Alexander on horseback AAEZAN advancing ]., with hand raised as if to crown liis horse; bis chlamys flies behind him. Similar head r. [Plate xxiv. 15.] Lion advancing r. [Plate xxiv. 16.] Bronze AA6IANAPOV Head of Alexander as yoaug Herakles r., wearing lion's skin. KOINONMAKeAON Alexander on N€nNU horse pran- cing r. ; he holds spear in r., and his chlamys flies behind him ; in frcmt. Nike, grasjjing horse by the bridle r., turns towards r., with trophy over 1. shoulder. [Plate xxiv. 17.] AA65ANAPOV Similar. AA€±AN APOV Similar type. AA€ZANA POV Similar type. KOINONMAK€AONr2NBN€n Pallas Nikej)hon)8 seated 1., holding spear on 1. arm ; behind her, shield. KOINONMAK €AONnN N€n Zeus seated 1., holding patera in r., and leaning on sceptre with 1. within wreath of laurel. KOI MAK€ AONUN B • Nea * Of doubtful iiuthentioity. Tliis piece was formerly considered a great rarity, as being " the only coin yet found of Alexander, with his head, and struck during his reign" (Pinkerton, Essay nn ifrdaJs, London, 1789, vol. i., p. 24.5). If genuine, however, it belongs to Imperial times. Dr. Hu"o Gaobler, who has seen a cast, believes it to be false, and I incline to agree with him. 358 MACEDON UNDER THE ROMANS No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Beverse ^ 11 M 1-05 10 jE m 11 M 1- 12 M 1-05 13 M 1- U JE 1- 15 A A€ I A N A PO V Head of Alexander the Great r., diademed. AA€IANAPOV Similar type. AA€ iANAPOV Similar type. AA€XANAPy Similar type. AAe IANAPjV Similar type. AA€ZANAPO V Similar type. JE !• AA€2AN APOV Similar type. AA€IANAP0V Similar type. KOINONMAK6 AONnNBN€ Pallas Nikephoros seated 1., holding on 1. arm, spear ; behind her, shield. KOINONMAK€AONnNBN Similar type ; but Nike extends wreath towards Fallas. KOINONMAK€AONnNAICN€n Cista mystica with open lid ; fx'om it issues a serpent r. KOINONMAK€AONn N Alexander on horseback, advancing r., with chlamys flying behind him ; in his r., a spear. K O ! NONMAK€AONnNN€n Similar type ; but horse at full gallop. KOI NONMAK€AONnNBN Similar type, horse prancing; Alexander's r. arm is raised, as if to crown horse. beneath horse, star of eight rays. KOINONMA K€AONnfMBN€ The Emperor in military attire, stand- ing facing, head r. ; he rests with r. on inverted spear, and holds in 1., para- zonium. KOINONMAK€A ONHMBNenK Similar typej but head towards 1., spear in L, and parazonium in r. timn IMPERIAL TIMES 359 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Eevebse AA€ZAN[AP0V] Similar type. [KOIN ON]MAK€AONn N B N€nKO P Two tetrastyle temples turned inwards, at right angles to each other ; between them, column, on the top of which, statue of the Emperor, standing, and holding spear. 16 M 1- beneath neck, sei-pent. AA€IANAP0V Similar type. above, traces of agonistic urns ? KOINONMAK€AONIlN • BNE • Table with lion's feet ; upon it, two agonistic urns, each containing a palm. 17 JE 105 in field r., star. 18 JE 1-05 AA€IANAP OV Similar type. beneath neck, star. [Plate x KOINONM AKEA ONnNN€ D. Alexander 1., naked but for chlamys, which hangs over his shoulder, taming Bukephalas, who rears r. XIV. 18.] 19 M 1-05 AA6IANAPOV Similar type. K . . NONMAK6 AONUN |vE Zeus Nikephoros seated 1., leaning with 1. upon sceptre. 20 ^ 1-05 AAGEANAPOV Similar type, beneath neck, serpent. KOINON BN€nK Nike, driving biga r. 21 - M 1- AA€I ANAPOV Bust of Alexan- der' the Great r., diademed, wearing cuirass. KOINONMAKeAONflNBN €11 KO Alexander r., naked but for chlamys, which flies behind him, taming Bukephalas, who rears 1. 22 ^ 1- AA€ lANAPoV Bust of Alexander the Great 1., diademed, wearing cuirass and holding shield and spear. KOI NONMAK€AONnMM€n Alexander on horseback, prancing r., with r. hand raised, chlamys flying behind him. 3 GO MACEDON UNDER THE ROMANS No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 23 24 26 27 28 M 1- JE 1- M -85 JE -95 ^ 1- /E 1- AA€ZANAP0V Head of Alexander the Great r., vvecariiig crested Atlieniau helmet, adorned with grifSn ruiiuing r. KOINO NMAK€AON[nNB] NeilKo P Two tetrastyle temples turned inwards, placed at light angles to each other ; above each, agonistic urn with palm ; between them, column, on the toji of which, a statue of the Emperor, resting on spear and holding parazouium. [Plate x.xiv. 19.] Similar. inscr., doubtful. AA€iANAPOV (reading upwards) Similar ty2)e ; beneath neck, thunder- bolt. KOINONMAK€AONnNBN€nK0 Lion advancing r. ; above, club 1.; above club, eOC [year 275 = a.d. 2-i5-6].* KOlMAK€AoNnNBNEIl Table; on which, agonistic urn containing palm. IMPERIAL COINAGE BliONZE Claudius Tl • KAAYAIOZ KAIZAP of Claudius 1., bare. Head ZEBAZTOZ • MAKEAONHN Macedonian shield. Nero NEPHN KAIZACP] 1., bare. Head of Nero Similar. M. Aurelius K . . . . PAN Ta)NIN[OC] Bust of M. Aurelius r., wearing cuirass and paludamentum. KOI N ON MA KGAONCON Thundei'bolt, with four wings. * The occurrence of the same date on a coin with the head of Philippus Senior (Mionnet, Suppl. iii., pi. iii. 2), shows tliat the year is reckoned according to the Bra of Augustus (iiO B.C.). Most of tlie bi'onze evidently belongs to the same late period. IMPERIAL COINAGE — DIIJM 3G1 No. Weight Mktal Size Obverse Eevkrse 29 ^ 1- K A 1 C A P A N TOJ N 1 N OC Head of M. Aurelius r., nwliatu. Similar. Caracalla 30 M 1- AVKMAV PANTWSEINe Bust of youthful Caracalla r., laur., wearing cuirass and pal ud amentum. KOINONMA K€AONnN Zeus, naked but for chlaniys on 1. arm, stand- ing 1., holding thunderbolt, and resting on sceptre; at his feet 1., eagle 1., looking back. Severus Alexander AVKMAVPC€ BhPAAeiAN A PoC Bust of Severus Alexander r., wearing cuirass and jialudamentum; head laui". KOIMAK€AONnNBN€OKO PJQN Pallas Nikephoros seated 1., I. arm resting on shield, which stands behind her. 31 M 1-05 ■DIUM As a lioman Cvlonia. BUONZE Tibei'ius Tl • CAESA Head of Tiberius r., biu-e. COLONIAIVLDIEN9I9 D D Female tigure seated r., veiled, holding patera and sceptre. 1 xE -8 inscr., obscure. Gordian III. IMPCMANT GORDIANVS' Bust of Gordian v., wearing cuirass and paludanieiituni ; head laur. COLIVLD 1 ENSIS Pallas stand- D D ing h, holding patera and resting on spear; at her feet, on either side, a serpent 1. 2 IE -95 [Plate XXV. 1.] 362 MACEDON UNDER THE ROMANS No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse M 1-05 JE 1- EDESSA * Jiiqteyial Times BliONZK Caracalla M -95 113- /E -8 AVK • M AVP ANTnNINOC€V Bust of youthful Caracalla r. laur., weai"iug paludameutum. €A€C C € Roma Nikeplioros seated Nn 1- on cuirass, grasping parazonium with 1. ; sl)ield behind cuirass ; on farther side of her, goat ] . ; she is crowned from behind by the City, turreted and holding coriiucopiae. Gordian III. AVTKMANTNIOC rOPAIANOC (.s/c) Bust of Gordian r., laar., wearing cuirass and paludamentmn. ATK- MTNIOC rOPAIANOC (s/V) Similar type. €A€C CAI riN Similar type, without goat ; iioma seated on shield and cuii-ass ; City wears modius. €A€ CCAI n N Similar type, without goat ; Roma seated on cuii'ass ; no shield ; City wears modius. PELLA Pelhi ir((s for lonij tlie rajiilal of Macedonia. Lilce other cities in the l-lnfidom, it striiclc 110 moncij in its own name until after the orerthrov of the wonarvhy by the Jloinans. 'The type of the hvll fecrliny refers to the old n(('nie of Bowo/xos. Th(tt of Athena All-is illustrates Livy xlii. 51. After 168 B.C. Bronze Bust of Pan r., with nebris; he has pointed ear and short horn ; at his shoulder, pedum. border doubtful. TTEA Athena Alkis r. ; in field 1., yOJ" ; A HZ in field r., I [Plate xxv. 2.] ** For coins! lA this cAty under its oai-lier name of Aegac, see p. 267. EDESSA— PELLA 363 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reveese Head of Poseidon r., wearing taenia ; border of dots. TTEA Bull standing r. AHZ 2 99 -.5 yE -75 ^ beneath, "[^1" ; in front, ^ 3 121-5 JE -65 Head of Apollo r., laur.; border of dots. beneath, JAJ-" ; in front, traces of monogr. HEAAHZ Lp-e; in field r., ^ N< 4 99- JE ■- 5 88- JE -7 6 74- M -7 letters in field r., off coin. 7 123- M -8 Similar. Head of Pallas r., ■wearing crested Athe- nian helmet, adoi-ned with griffin and foreparts of horses ; border of dots. TTEA Tripod, with cover and liohnos. AHZ TTEA Bull feeding r. AHZ 8 99- JE -75 (no border visible.) .9 ir)7- JE -7 beneath, K 10 J21- xE -7 (no border visible.) beneath, plough r. 11 102- JE -lo beneath, Rl ; in front, fi^ 12 140- M -75 beneath, |^ ; in front, traces of EK 13 84- JE 1 beneath, ^ ; in front, traces of vA 14 97-5 M -8 beneath, (^ ; in front, ^ 1.5 63- M -05 Head of Demeter, facing, veiled ; border of dots. beneath, 3E ; in front, traces of p^j TTEA Bull feeding r. ; beneath, Af^ AEZ and ear of corn. IG 141- iE -75 in front, p^sk 17 Hi)-:. iE -7 in front, ti'aces of monogr. 3 A 2 3Gi MACEDON UNDER THE ROMANS No. Weight Metal Size Obveksk Keverse 18 M -8 19 JE -95 20 M -95 21 M 105 22 M 1- 23 M 1- Tiiiperial Times Caracalla MAVR ANTONINVS AV Bust of Caracalla r., laur., wearing cuirass and paludamentum. IMPCMAVP Similar type. ANTONINVS COIVLA VGPELLA Pan, naked, seated 1. on rock ; holding his r. arm raised to his bead, and leaning with his \. on syrinx. pedum in L hand ? COIVL type. ■AV 9-PeLLA Simihar (No. 19 is pierced.) Julia Mamaea IVLIAMAMAEAAVG Bust of Julia ]\Iamaea r., draped, wearing ste])hane. COLIVLA VG P6LLA Similar type ; Pan holds pedum in 1. ; syrinx in field 1. [Plate xxv. 8.] Severus Alexander IMPCMAVR9EVALEXAND AVG Bust of Severus Alexandei' r., laur., wearing cuirass aiul paluda- mentum . COL-IVL-A VGPELLA Similar type ; but Pan leans with 1. arm upon syrinx. Maximus CIVLVER • MAXIMVS CAES Bust of Maximus r., bareheaded, wear- ing cuu'ass and paludamentum. OLIVLA VG PELLA tyjje ; but s^T.'inx in field 1. Similar Gordian III. IMPCMANTGORDIANVSAVG Bust of Gordian r., I'adiate, wearing cuirass and paludamentum. COLIVL AV . . PELLA Similar type; but Pan leans with 1. arm ujjon syrinx. PELLA— STOBI 36^ No. Weight Metal Size Obveese Eeverse 24 JE 1- IMPCMANTGORDIANV9 Similar, but head laur. • [Plate COLIVL AVG PELLA Female figure (the City ?), wearing modius, seated 1. on throne; she holds her r. hand to her face. XXV. 4.] 25 jE -95 Similar. COLIVL A VG PELLA Female figure, veiled, seated 1. on chair with low back and lion's feet ; she holds r. hand to her face; 1. elbow rests on back of seat. 26 M 1- . . . . MANX GORDIANVS Similar type, but head radiate. COLIVL A VGP€LLA Similar type, with turreted head-dress instead of veil. STOBI Iiii^ierta I Times Julia Domna IVLIA AVGV9TA Bust of Julia Domna r., draped. MVNIC 9TOB Nike facing, head 1., holding wreath and palm. 1 /E -85 Similar. MVNIC 9 TO BE Nike advancing r., holding wreath and palm. 2 M -95 Cara calla 3 yE -85 M AVRE ANTONIN Bust of Caracalla r., laur. MVNI STOB Nike, as above. 4 M -95 MAVRE ANTONIN M-AVR ANTONINVS AG Similai', ^ith cuirass and paluda- MVNIC STOB MVN 1 CISTOBE Similar, but type 1. ') 7E 1- mentnm. 366 MACEDON UNDER THE ROMANS No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 97- JE -7 129- ^E -75 126-5 M -8 139- M -8 89- M -8 87- M -7 THESSALONICA TJiessalontca was the name given to Tlierma tchen it was rebuilt by Cassander (315 B.C.). The Bomans made it the capital of the second of the four republican confederations (see p. 354), and stibscqncntlij it became the most important city in the country. The cult of the Kahetroi, n:ho app>ear on the coins of Tlicssalonica of the Imperial period, loas probably Fhocniclan in its origin; its chief seats were Leinnos and /Sumothrace. Some of the types allude to the games called KajSeipia. After 168 B.C. Bkonze Head of young Heraldcs r., weax-ing lion's skin ; border of dots. Head of Zeus v., laur. ; border of dots. Head of yonug Dionysos r., ■wearing wreatli of ivy ; band aci'oss forehead ; border of dots. Similar type. Similar tyjie ; border of dots. S7-.5 7E 7 Similar type. Head of Dionysos r., wearing v.-rcatli of ivy ; border of . 16 and 17 is shown by their weight. Asses 20 66- JE -Go Head of Janus, laur. ; above, | ; border of dots. GEZZAA[0] (in ex.) Two centaurs prancing Ijack to back, each holding a myrtle branch and wearing a chlamys. 21 64- jE -8 inscr., obscure. Inqicrial Times 22 .^ -6 Free liorso walking 1. EZ within wreath or ornamental ZAAO border. NIKEn N 23 M -65 Free horse walking r. ; above, crescent, within which, star; between horse's forelegs, •¥■ 0EZA (sic) within laurel-wreath. AONIK EHN 2J< ^ -65 Nike 1., on globe, holding wreath and palm ; border of dots. e€CCAAO NIK€CJN Bust of the City r., turreted and di-aped ; border of dots. 0EZ within oak- wreath; border of ZAAO dots. NIKE UN KAB€I POC Kabciros standing 1., holding rhyton and hammer; border of dots. 25 ^ -9 inscr., obscure. 26 ^ -8 IB.M.a, p. 113 (47).] 27 ^ -9 e€CCAAO Similar. NiKenN KA Bl POC Similar. 2S M -8 e€CCAAO NIKH Bust of the the City r., veiled and turreted; border of dots. [PL.vrL; KABI PO C Similar. XXV. 5.] THESSALONICA 369 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 JE -75 M -85 jE -7 JE -7 M -8 M -85 ^ -85 ^ -75 ^ -8 Similar. eeCCAAO NIKH e€CCA AON _ - e€CC[A A]ON€IKH e€CCAAO Nl Similar. 0€C within laurel-wreath ; border CAAO of dots. NIK€ UN e€CCA Similar AONI K€nN iM^iCi-lal Coinage Julias Caesar and Auo^ustus 0€OZ (in front) Head of Julius Caesar r., laur. ©EISA AONIKEnCN] Augustus r., iiare. Head of countermark, N< underneath neck, A [Plate xxv. 6.] A obscure. 0€OC (behind) Head of Julius Caesar r., bare. Similar. Similar. eeccA A ONiKenN similar eCCCAAO NIKEflN Similar, uncertain countermark. OE . . CEBACTOV Similar 3 ri 370 MACBDON UNDER THE ROMANS No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse M. Antonius and Octaviaiius The foUowing coins ivcre 2)cr]i(:q)s struck in honour of the victor >j at PhiUjipi (42 B.C.). OEZZAAONIKEnN • EAEYOE PIA[Z] Bust of Libei-tas r. M . ANT . AYT T • KAI • AYT Nike advancing 1., carrying wreath and palm. 38 ^105 beliiud, E [Plate XXV. 7.] 39 JE -9 AmNOOE _ - Head of Agono- tliesia r. ANT within a laurel- wreath. KAI Angustus 40 JE -95 KAIZAP ZEBAZ[TOZ] Head of Augustus r., bare. KAIZAPSEB AZTOZ Similar. t 0ESZAAO within a laurel- wreath. NEIKEI2N 0EZZA within a laurel- wreath. AONI KEHN 41 M -7 above inscr., star. Tiberius and Livia 42 M -9 Tl . KAIZAP [ZEBAXTOZ] Head of Tiberius r., Itiur. [Plate 0EZZAONIKE HNZ EBAZTH Bust of Livia r., wearing stephane; di-aped and veiled. XXV. 8.] 43 JE -85 Tl KAIZA[P ZEBAJSTOZ Similai'. Inscr., obscure. Bust of Livia r., draped and wearing stephane. Tiberius and Drusns 1 I4 A'] ■«.=) TIBEPIOZ KArSAP Head of Tilserius v., bai'e. [PLA'it, eEZZAAONI KELXIN] Heid of i Drusus r., bare. XXV 9.] warn THESSALONICA 371 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reveese Caligula and Antonia 45 M -8 r- KAIZAP ZEBAZ[TOZ] Head of Caligula 1., laur. ANTflNIA ZEBAZTHOEZZA Head of Antonia 1., wearing stephane and veiled. Claudius 4G ZE -95 [TIKA]AYA10CKAICAPCEBAC [TOC] Head of Claudius 1., bare. 0EZZA within oak-wreath. AONIKE UN • Claudius and Britannicus 47 M -95 Tl • KAAYAIO[ ] Head of Claudius 1., bare. BP . . . NNI[KOC9€C]CAAONI K€nN Head of Britannicus L, bare. 48 M -9 Tl KAAYAIOC K[ ] Similar, uncertain countermark. BP€TANNIKOCe€CCAAONIK Similar ; the whole within a laurel- wreath. Nero 49 M -85 N€Paj . KAICAP Head of Nero 1. countermark, 0€C OEZZA Above inscr., an eagle, with AONIKE spread wings, holding UN branch in its claws; the whole within oak-wreath. 50 M 1-1 - . . . NZEBAZZTOZKAIZAP Similar type. countermark, 0€C PliMHZEBAZZTHOEZZAAO N 1 KEXIN Roma, wearingshortchiton, standing facing, head towaixls r., leaning on inverted spear, and holding para- zoniuni ; chlamys over 1. arm. [Plate x\v. 10.] Trajan 51 ■ IE -85 . AICAP TPA ..... Head of Trajan r., laiu'. 0€C Above inscr,, eagle with spread CAAO wings ; the whole in laurel- N 1 K€ wreath. CON •J n 2 372 MAOEDON UNDER THE ROMANS No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Eeveese Commodus 52 JE 1-1 AVTKMAVPKOM MANTIlNei NON Bust of Comiuodns r., laur., wearing cuirass and paludanientum. inscr. obscure. eeCCAAO NIK€nN Nike standing r., her 1. foot resting on globe; she writes upon shield, which she supports with her 1. knee. 53 M 1-05 AVTKMAVPKOMMANT. Nl NON JSiiuilar tyjJe. 0€CCAAO NIKGHN Nike, advancing 1., carrying wreath and palm. 54 M -95 AVTKMAVPKOMMANT^ Nl NON Similar type. Similar (with in inscr. ; XI doubtful) ; in front, crescent. 55 M 1- ANT Head of Commodus r., laur. Similar (with and (jj) ; but type r. Septimius Severus AYKAC€n C€YHP _ - Bust of Septimius Severus r., wearing cuii-ass and paludameutum ; head laur. 06CCAA ONIK€flN Nike advancing L, carrying wi'eatli and palm. 5G M 1- 57 M 1-05 (0 in inscr.) Julia Domna 58 JE -95 lOVAIA AOMNAC€ Bust of Julia Domna r., draped. OeCCA[AONI] K€nN Nike advancing 1., holding Kabeii'os and jjalm. 59 M -9 lOYAIA AOMNA Similar type.. ©eCCAAON IK€ n N Nike advancing 1,, holding wreath and palm. 3M" THESSALONICA S7i No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 60 JE -9 Similar type. lOVAIA . . . NA e€CCA AO Nl K€nN Distyle temple ; within which, Kabeii'os facing, head left ; he holds rhyton and hammer. Gl M -95 ILOVAIA] AOMN . Caracalla G2 M 1-1 AV K • MAVP ANTONINOC Head of Caracalla r., laur., beardless. eeCCA AONIK€nN Nike advancing 1., carz-ying wreath and palm. 63 jE 1-1 AV K M AVP AN-- Similar. e€CCAA O NIK€nN Nike advancing r., carrying a trophy fastened on a pole. 64 M 1-05 AVKMAVP ■ ANTXININ . . Bust of Caracalla r., radiate, wearing cuirass. eCCCAAONI K€nN Nike advancing L, holding Kabeiros (with rhyton and hammei') and palm. Geta - - €r€T ACKAICAP Bust of Geta r., wearing cuirass and paluda- nientum. K AB €IPOC Kabeiros standing facing, head 1., clad in chiton and himation ; he holds rhyton and hammer. 65 M -8 Elagabalus 66 M -85 AVKMAVPANT flNINOCeVC Bust of Elagabalus r., laur., weariug paludamentum. eeCCAA O NIK€nN Nike advancing 1., holding Kabeiros (with rhyton and hammer) and palm. 67 ^ -85 Similar. inscr., partly off coin. eeCCAA pNIK€nN Kabeiros standing facing, head 1. ; he holds rhyton and hammer; on either side of him, an .anvil (or altar?), with horn- like projection. 374 MACEDON UNDER THE ROMANS No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reveese 68 JE I- 69 Ai 1-05 70 JE -95 71 M 1- 72 M -9 JE 1- 74 yE -95 Julia Maiuaea lOVAIA MAM€A AVr Bust of Jalia Mamaea r., wearing stephane, and draped. ee C CAAON IK€nN Nike advancing 1., holding Kabeiros (with rhyton and hammer) and palm. Maximinus AVKnOVOVHP MA.IM6INOC liust of Maximinus r., laui'., wearing cuirass and paludamentum. ee CCAAO type. Nl K€nN Similar Maximus lOVAOVHP MAIIMOCK€ Bust of Maximus r., head bare ; he wears paludamentum. eeCCAA ONIKCIIN Kabeiros standing facing, head 1. ; he holds agonistic urn, with palm, and hammer ; at his feet 1., lighted altar; r., anvil with horn-like projection. Gordian III. AVKMAfsiT- rOPAIANOC Bust of Gordian r., wearing cuirass and paludamentum ; head laur. AVTKMANTnNIOCrOPAIA N O C Similar tyjje. e€ C CAAON I K€nN advancing 1., holding Kabeiros rhyton and hammer) and palm. Nike (with [e€C]CAA O NlK€nNNEnKOP Ajiollo, naked, standing 1., holding Kabeiros and strung bow (with branch V); in Held 1. and r., flVe lA (No. 72 is pierced.) Similar. e€CCAAONIK€nNnVGIA Tripod, on which, five balls ; to 1. of tripod, uncertain object; to r., amphora. AVTKMANTN lOCrOPAIANOC e€CCAAONIK€nNN€nKOPnN Similar typo. KA Bl P€IA Agonistic urn, containing palm. on urn, TTV©IA THESSALONICA 37^ No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 75 M 1-05 76 JE 1- 77 M 1- 78 JE 1- 79^ M -95 AVTKMANTn • rOPAIANOC Bust of Goitlian r., radiate, weariug cuirass and paludamentum. AVTKMATNIOC Similar. rOPAIANOC AVTKMANTnNIOCrOPAl ANOC Similar. eeCCAAONIKeilN NEHKORnN Tetrastyle temple, placed sideways. [e€CC]AAONIK€XlNN€n K O P 12 N Kabeiros standing facing, head 1., holding rhyton and hammer ; at his feet 1., agonistic urn with j^alm ; r., horn-like object ; in field 1. and r., nve lA e€C CAAO NIK€nN N€nKn (s/c) priN within laurel- wi'eath. Philippus Senior AVKMAIOV[A]<|)IAinnOC Bust of Pliilippus r., hull'., weiuing cuii'ass and paludamentam. e€CCAAONIK€nNN€nKOP Ti-ipod, on which, five balls j in held 1. and r. , n ei Al V A B ( No. 78 is pierced.) AVKMIOV Tr i obols Foi'epai'i of pranciug horse 1.; trancatiou dotted. [AM H '[T] A N O t/S n Similar type r. ; no dots. M A Forepart of prancing horse r. Incuse square, within which, dotted square enclosing vine-branch, with bunch of grapes, 1. M A MA ; in field 1., kantharos. A\ A Similar type ; branch r. E n EPI MHT POA nPO around a dotted square containing a vine-branch, with bunch of grapes, 1. [Plate xxv 19.] M -6 I (A\ ill iuscr.) EPI NOY A\H NIOY; branch r. (A ijierced coin.) Bronze Horse prancing r. ; beneath, NK MAP flNI TflN round three sides of a linear square, containing a vine. beneath, /^ monogi'am, off coin. MARONEIA 381 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse J/^CJ- circa 146 B.C. Maroneia teas made a free ritt/ hi/ the Romans in the leyiiiniiuj of the second ceuturij B.C. On the closing of the Macedonian mints it commenced to issue large numbers of tetradruchins. Cf. Thasos, Nos. 14 ff. Silver AtticStandard Tetradrachms Head of young Dionysos r., Aveai-ing wreath of ivy ; baud across the forehead. AIONYZOY ZIITHPOS MAPHN ITHN Dionysos, naked, standing 1., holding grapes in r., and two stalks of narthex in 1. ; his chlamys -wrajiped round his 1. arm ; in field 1. and r., monograms. 12 243-5 .11 1-35 ,' /^ and J/^ 13 250-9 Al 1-3 NT and M 14 242-8 M 1-3 T»E aiid €Y 1 15 248- .R 1-25 (above front pai-t of wreath, Z) TIE and ]/^ 16 243-9 .R 1-3 lAh. and y* [Plate xxv. 20.] 17 247- M 1-35 ■fe and :CA 18 238-9 Al 1-3 (in front part of wreath, Z) ffE and PE [Cf. B.M.C., p. 129 (63).] 19 254-7 yR 1-45 t^ and ^ 20 248-2 yR 1-4 57 )) 21 234-7 Al 1-3 [71 and A€ 22 249-5 M 1-25 (in front part of wreath, Z) |«b and T 23 248-5 M 1-2 „ and "pj 24 255-2 yR 1-35 ^ and B^ 25' 239-2 A\ 1-25 • "r*k and T^ 1 •■^*-i 238-9 -K !-:{ 1 T*r and A 382 SOUTHERN COAST OF THRACE No. 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 246-1 249-4 235-4 >49-2 234- 120-5 100- 73- 234-3 M 1-25 M 1-3 yll 1-3 M 1-3 M 105 M -8 M -75 JE -65 M 105 Barbarous imitation of above type. P8j and A- and 1?sE and Barbarous imitation of above type. Bronze Head of young Dionysos r., wearing "wreath of ivy ; baud across forcliead. AIONYSOY ZHTHPOZ MAPIIN IXilN Dionysos, naked, 1., holding bunch of gra])es in r. and two stalks of the narthex in 1. ; chlamys wrapped round his 1. arm. in field 1., tt(? Similar. M A PX2 N \T£1N Similar type. in front, H ? (No. 32 is restruck.) in front, T?t nothing visible in front. ABDERA Silver Grca 500—450 B.C. Ahclera, onr/hiaVij a colony of Clazomenae, was recolonized from Teas circa 544 B.C. its colnfi follow (he type, but not the standard, of those of Teas. The continuous fall in iveight is remarkable. Phoenician Standard T e t r a d r a c h m s I Griffin, with rounded wings, seated 1., farther foreleg raised; behind, AEO; in fjont, cock 1. ; border of dots. Shallow quadripartite incuse square. [PlATK XXVI. 1.] MARONEIA— ABDERA 383 No. Weight Metal Size Obterse Reverse Similar type, but wing less rounded ; griffin rears witli both forelegs ; border of dots. Similar. 2 233-3 M 1- above, ASP A ; no ex. line. 3 226-3 M 1- above, HP O ; above, large pellet ; beneath, pecteu-shell ; ex. line dotted. [Plate xxvi. 2.] Draclim Griffin, with rounded wing (feathers not indicated), seated 1., with fai-ther fore- leg raised ; iu front, TEAE Similar. 4 53-2 M -6 Chxa 450 430 B.C. Ill the earl ij liar t of this period the fetradrachm loas 8 or 10 grains heavier than in the later part. Phoenician Standard (reduced) Tetradrachm 5 223-9 ^ 1-05 Griffin, with pointed wing, rearing 1. ; border of dots. AP TE MI2N ai-ound three sides of a shallow incuse square, within which, linear square containing kantharos ; on fourth side, ivy-leaf. [Plate xxvi. 3.] Circa 408 350 B.C. Coins struck hetween 430 and 408 B.C. exhibit a further alteration in nieight. In the latter year Ahdera came into the hands of the Athenians, and about that time yet another change of standard is noticeable, for which see under Aechelaus III. The autonomous coinage ended tohen the cifij passed under the sway of Philip II. Persic Standard (a) Earlier Series Triobol 9 6 37-9 .H -65 Griffin, with pointed wing, rearing 1. beneath, traces of letters? (No. 6 is ABA HPI TE nN written round linear square, witliin which, head of Apollo r., laur. pierced.) 38 i SOUTHERN COAST OP THRACE No. 10 11 12 13 14 15 Weight 31-7 156-9 14S7 37-8 5G-7 61-5 19- 80- 122-5 Metal Size .R -55 M -85 yR 1- ^l -55 M -55 JE -6 JE -45 M -7 M 85- Obverse Reverse GrifEn. with pointed wing, recumbent 1. farther foreleg raised. [EPI] [r]AY§ANI[n] (in ex.) Similar. inscr., hardly visible. (b) Later Series {Eednced We'(jJit) Tetradrachms ABAH[P] Griffin, with pointed wing, ITEriN recumbent 1., farther foreleg raised. (I, off coin.) Head of Apollo r., laur. En [o]/v\HPoY EPIEYPH sirroY (No. 9 is pierced.) Triobols 5imilar. (first half of inscr., off coin.) Magistrate's name written round linear square, within which, head of Apollo, laur. EPI [PYjeo KAE OS headl. [EPI Alo] NYS AA[oS] Bronze Circa 400—350 B.C. Griffin, with pointed wings, recumbent r. on club ; farther foreleg raised. ABA [HPI] TE p.N written around linear square, witliin which, young male head r. [Plate xxvi. 4.] Griffin, with pointed wing, seated 1., farther foreleg raised. A BAH Similar type. [Pi]TnN Head of Apollo r., laur. ; hair long. EPI [EPM II] N A KTOS around quadripartite linear square, within each of the divisions of which, a pellet. _ _ O r — — written around a linear square, within which, young male head r. A B A H P I rn N (in ex.) Griffin recumbent 1., farther foreleg raised ; border doubtful. (A restrnck coin ?) THRACIAN CHERSONESUS lis:. No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse ! The Thracian Chersonesus Silver Aeginetic Standard | Circa 480— 3S0 B.C. lie/ore 480 B.C. tetradracTims of Attic tceiijht had been struck for tha Cliemonesiis, probably under Miltiades* The mint from which these and the folloiciiuj tcere issued is uncertain ; perhaps it was Cardia. Hemidracliins Forepart of lion r., looking back, paws raised. Quadripartite incuse square ; the alternate depressions deeper. 1 36-3 M -5 in the deeper depressions, pellet and bunch of grapes. 2 37-G M -5 • similar; tendril shown with grapes; above pellet, A 3 36-4 JR -5 in depressions, plough r. and /^ 4 34-1 JR -5 in depressions, amphora, and \£ beside pelhit. AEGOSPOTAMI No tou-H of this name is mentioned in histori/ ; the stj/le of the coins shows tJiem to he later than the Racing torcli flaming, bound - with fillet, between caps of the Kabeiroi. in field r., caduceus. MYRINA (LEMNOS) Bkonze Circa 300 B.C. Head of Pallas r., Corinthian helmet. weai'iiis: crested MYPI Owl facing; in field r., olive- branch. SAMOTHRACE Bronze Circa 300 B.C. The ram is a symhol of the cnlt of llerwes, whose worship assumed a peculiar fo) {Pelasgic) among the Thracian islands. Cf. Hephakstia, No. 1. Bust of Hermes r.. wearing close-fitting putasos ; over shoulder, caduceus ; chlamys about neck. ZAMoePAKHN ZEIPnNoZ TPinBoAo Ram siandiug r. [Plate xxvi. 7.] * See Holiv, Qricch. Gesch. iv., chap, xxvii., note 8. LEMNOS— THASOS 38;) No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 25- M -55 147- 168-G 148- /R -75 121 55 '2 /R -9 .R -8 M -s:; .R r. Head of Pallas r., wearing crested Corinthian helmet. XAM Forepart of ram standing r. ; behind, AKHP (A pierced coin.) THASOS Silver Circa 550—403 B.C. In type and weight the early coinage of Thasos should he compared with that of the Orrescii and of Lete. The island loas brought under the stvaij of the Athenians hy Kiinon circa 4G3 B.C. Babylonio Standard Staters Ithyphallic satj'r, bearded, running r., carrying in hi.s arms a nymph clad in a long chiton ; the satyr's r. knee appears to rest upon the ground, while the hair of both figures is long and indicated by dots. fabric lumpy. Similar, fabric Hat. Quadripartite incuse square. Similar. [Plate xxvi. 8.] Circa 463—411 B.C. Under Athenian domination the style of the coins improrcd, while their iccight gradually decreased. In 411 B.C. the estahlishment of an oligarchy was folloued by a recolt from Athens. Stater Similar type ; nymjjh wears bracelets ; hair of both figures indicated by stream - insT lines. Similar. [Plate xxvi. 9.] Ithyphallic satyr, bald, bearded, and with horse's tail, carrying in his arms a nymph clad in long chiton with diplois ; her luur gathei'ed in a knot. Drachm Quadripartite incuse square. 300 ISL.\NDS OF THRACE No. Weight Metat. Size Obverse Reverse ( V/f(( 411 — 350 B C. The recolt loas iiiarlccd Jiij a clutiujc vf types and standard. The coinaije ceased when the island passed tinder the rule of Philip. f P h e 11 i c i a u S t a n d a i' d Didrachm Head of bearded Dioujsos 1., wearing OA^ION Horakles kneeling r. on r. wreath of ivy. knee, bending hi.s bow to shoot ; he wear.s lion's skin about his head and shoulders, and a short skirt ; the whole within a linear square. T) 104-9- Jl -7 in field r., |-P • Drachm Similar. Similar. 7 ,571 .R -55 in.scr., off coin ; iu field r., thunderbolt. [Plate xxvi. 10.] Tr ihe tniobol Satyr, with long heard and hor.su's OA[S] IXIN Amphora in incuse tail, kneeling 1. on 1. knee, holding square. kantharos. 8 12-1 .R -45 After circa 280 B.C. 1 Tin- folia winij were issued after the death of I.ijsimachns, of whose l-ingdom Thasos formed part. No. 9 is considerahlij earlier than the others. Bronze Head of Demeter r., wearing veil and GABION Heads of the Dioskouroi * ■wreath of corn. jugate r., each wearing laureate pilos, surmounted by a star ; in field 1. and r., vine- branch. 9 1-20- M -9 * See Dr. B. Pick, Thral^i^clic MiiH:.lilder (in Jahrhuck den Kais. VcvAgchcu Arch. Jitslit., vol. .\iii , 1898), p. I."i3. THASOS 391 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reveese Head of bearded Herakles r., wearing lion's skin. OAZIIIN Strung bow, and club r. ; within bow, anipliora. 10 • 56- M -65 in field, ^j^ ; 11 r.3- M -55 . AA HP > 12 51-5 M -65 „ "Fa ? : 13 46- JE -6 ffl • Bust of Artemis r., weai-ing stepliane ; bow and quiver at slioukler ; drapery about neck ; border of dots. QAZIHN Herakles, naked but for lion's skin about shoulders, advancing r., with bent bow. 1-1 125- M -95 in field r., |<^, Ti and |^ ; lion's .skin covei-s head, A\'hich is bearded. lo 125- M -75 radar style. in field r., 0, and traces of other letters ; head l)ai-e ; (head beardless r"). After circa 146 B.C. Tliasos VHis freed from Macedonian influence hy tJie Itomans in 196 B.C. The foJldiritKj coins arc contrmporarij with Maroneia Nos. 12 ff'. (q.v.). tSii.vEi: Attic Standard ^ Tetradrachms - Head of young Dionysos r., wearing wi'eath of ivy ; band a(.'ross forehead. HPAKAEOYZ ZilTHPOZ 0AZII1N Herakles, naked, standing 1., laur., holding- club downwards in r. , and lion's skin over 1. arm, the lion's scalp appearing over 1. shoulder. 16 248-8 /Il 1-2 in field v.. Yh 17 262-4 .R 1-35 in field 1., M [Plate xxvi. 11.] 18 259-3 .R 13 in field 1., M 19 262-5 .R 1-25 o M 20 254-8 .R 1-25 5' 7? [BMC, p. 223 (74).] 21 259- .R 1-3 in field ]., |S| (or H '0 22 255-4 .R 1-25 , H 392 ISLANDS OF THRACE No. Weight JIetal Size Obverse Reverse f 23 24 25 26 27 28 239-3 247-9 237-9 259-7 226-8 M 1-25 .11 1-4 A\ 1-4 .11 1-3 M 1-5 Barbarous imitation of above type. Barbarous imitation of above type. THOIVT A3HI-A±0 0HAH05 in field 1., I [Platk XXVI. 12.] 2VHZO znvzoz ozmz in field 1., M letters, formless. (No. 25 is pierced.) Imperial Coinage M. Aurelius AYTOKPAXnP ANTXINEINOC Head of M. Aurelius r., laur. .E -75 ©ACIXIN Herakles, naked, standing facing, head 1. ; lie holds lion's skin over 1. arm, and leans with r. upon club. [Plate xxvi. 13.] 4 EUROPEAN COAST OF THE PROPONTIS 393 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 80-5 M -6 European Coast op the Propontis BYZANTIUM Circa 400—350 B.C. The follovnng is a specimen of the earliest silver issue of Byzantium. Previously there had been a local currency of iron. After circa 354 B.C. silver loas struck on the Fhoenician standard. ^P, xohich is peculiar to Byzantine coins, is not unlike the Corinthian form of B • Silver Pei'sic Standard Drachm N^Y Heifer 1., standing upon dolphin Incuse square quartered (mill-sail pattern). (To crossing the Bosporos?).* 212G 213-9 M 1- M 1- [Plate xxvi. 14.] After circa 277 B.C. The following series prohahhj began after the Byzantines bought off the Gauls, loho had systematically raided their territory. Coins with the types of Nos. 2 and 3 continued to be issued until at least 221 B.C. In the latter part of this period money was struck loith regal types. See Lysimachus, Nos. 8, 9, 32 _^'. Silver Phoenician Standard T 6 1 r a d r a c h m s Head of Demeter r., veiled, wearing earring, necklace, and wreath of corn. ^P Y Poseidon seated r. on rocks, himation round knees, holding aplustre in extended r. and tiident over 1. shoulder; in ex., EriCOAPIA 1^ in field r. [Plate xxvi. 15.] in field 1., $1 ; no ex. line; § in inscr. * See J. N. Svoronos, NonifrftaTLK&. 'AvdAiKra (in Ephemeris, 1890, pp. 69 fF.). To the same article is due the explanation of the Rev. type of Byzantium and Nicaea, Nos. 1 — 4. 394: EUROPEAN COAST OF THE PROPONTIS No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 10 11 112- 10-t- 166- 132-5 108- 117-5 67- 81- ^ -9 M -9 M 1- JE -85 JE 1- M -85 M -75 JE -85 Beonze Head of Poseidon r., -wearing taenia. PI/ Trident 1., ornamented -with two dolphins ; above and below wliicli, Eni AIOZKOYP (No. 5 is pierced.) Head of Demeter r., veiled and wearing wreath of corn. countermark, bunch of grapes. Head of Apollo 1., laur. Dionysiac head r., -wearing wreath of ivj'. countermai-k, helmet. BYIAN _ _ Cornucopiae. infieldl., EniHPAK in field ]., traces of letters; countermark, dolphin ; X in iuscr. BYIANTI Obelisk on a round base ; nN in field 1., En I MEN EK BYIANTCIXIN] Poseidon standing 1., holding- Nike in r. and trident in 1. in field 1. EH I Arnni[OY] [Plate xxvi. 1G.] First Cenlin-y B.C., and later. The majority of ilie folloicing belong to Imperi(d Times. Cf. Nos. 10 /. vnth No. 25, and Nos. V2 ff. loitli No. 34. The crescent, inhicli appears on Nos. 10 and 11, was a Bijy.antinc eiuhlem. It was adopted hij the Turhs on their capture of Constantinople. Head of Artemis r., -wearing stephane ; at her shoulder, quiver ; border of dots. Bust of Artemis r. ; drapeiy about neck ; no stephane ; at her shoulder, quiver ; border of dots. in front. strnnAVCT€IN ACGBACTH Bust of Faustina r., draped. €niTVXHC • noAewc • bysan TIOJN Two tunny-fiblies 1. ; between them, dolphin r. Conimodus and Crispina BPKPICniNACeBAVT . AAYPH KOMO AOC Busts, face to face, of Conimodus 1., head bare, and wear- ing cuirass and paludameutum, and of Crispina r., dra2)ed. BYZANTinN€ni AIHONTI KOYH Hekate running 1., carrying two flaming torches, that in r. raised, that in 1. lowered. Jnlia Domna lOVAl AAVr r., draped. Bust of Julia Domna A NT I - which is a star. Crescent, within Caracal! a AVTKMAVPH A NTflNElNOC AVr Bust of CaraciiUa, radiate, r., wearing cuirass and j^aludamentum. enXITAIAK AniTOA€INOVBV ZAN (around) ; TII2N (in ex.) The City, wearing modius, standing r., holding cornncopiae in 1., while with r. she hands agonistic urn with palm to Emperor standing 1. [Plate xxvii. 1.] ANTnNEINOC AVTOVCTOC Bust of Cai-acalla r., laur., wearing cuirass and aegis, and holding spear over 1. shoulder. AYTK M AY PH ANTnNEINOC AYr Bust of Caracalla r., I'adiate, wearing cuirass and paludamentum. enTITAIAKAniTH A€INOVAN TnN€INIA (around) BVZAN (in ex.) TIX2N Agonistic urn, containing palm, and inscribed C6BACTA €nTITAIAKAniTnA€INOVBY (around); ZiNTIIlN (in ex.) Emperor on horseback, prancing 1. (This coin has a raised rim on both sides.) [Plate xxvii. 2.] BYZANTIUM 397 / No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse ANTIININOC AVrOVCTOC Bust of Caracalla r., laur., wearing cuii-ass and paludamentum. EnAinOrTlKOV BVZANTinN Tyche, standing facing, head 1., wealing modius, and holding rudder and cornu- 29 JE 1-2 copiae. 30 jE 1-05 Similar. EniAinorTlKOVBVUANTinN (sic) Dolphin 1., between two tunny- fishes r. and 1. Severus Alexander 31 M 1-5 AVTKMAVPCEV AAEZAN AP[0]C AVr Bust of Sevems Alexander 1., radiate, weaiing paluda- mentum, and armed with spear and sliield. (No. 31 i EnMAVP4>PONTrNOCKAIAIA <1)HCTHC (around) BVZAN (in ex.) T[i]nN Emperor on horse, prancing r., spear couched, chlamys flying behind. s pierced.) 32 M 1-5 Similar. MAVPCE VHAAE5ANAPOL AVr (*■«'') Bust of Severus Alexander r., wearing cuii'ass and paludamentum. EnMAVP<|)PONTnNOCKAIAIAI HCTHC (around) BVZANTI (in ex.) nN Empei'or on hoi'se, galloping r., about to spear a lion which runs beneath his horse. BVSANTinNEniBAEAIMI- EEVHPOV Nike standing 1., holding wreath and palm ; in front, cippus, on which is a crested Corinthian helmet. 33 JE 1-3 34 JE -8 MAVPEEVHAA EZANAPOCA Bust of Severus Alexander r., laur., wearing paludamentum. Volus BVZANTinN Vine-branch, with bunch of grapes and two leaves. ianus 35 JE -9 AVTKrBEIBOVOAOCEIANOCA Bust of Volusianus r., laur., wearing cuirass and paludamentum. EniCAV PIKOVBVZANT 1 nN Dolphin r., between two tunny- fishes 1. 398 EUROPEAN COAST OF THE PROPONTIS No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse Valeiianus Senior 36 JE 95 nAIKOVAAEPIANOCCE Bust of Valeiianus r., laur., wearing cuii-ass and paludamentum. BY ZA NTinN Nike facing, slightly turned towards 1., holding wreath and palm. BYZANTIUM AND CALCHEDON IN ALLIANCE Bronze Third Century B.C. Head of Poseidon 1., wearing taenia. BY I AN Prow 1. KAAXA 1 93- JE -9 [Plate xxvii. 3.] Head of Demeter r., veiled, and wearing wreath of corn. BYIAN Poseidon seated r. on rock, ' KAAXA himation round knees; he holds aplustre in extended r., and in 1. trident over shoulder. 2 160- m -95 3 130- M -9 in field r., /2^ BYZANTIUM AND NICAEA IN ALLIANCE Imperial Coincuje Valeiianus 1 M -9 nOVAI KOVAAEPIANOCCE Bust of Valerianus 1., radiate, wearing cuirass and paludamentum, and armed with shield and spear. NIKAIEHN BYZANTlOsI OM ON Ol A Two lorches of "fish-basket" shape; between them, animal standing r. (or vase containing ears of corn ?). 2 JE 1- - (Nos. 1 and ; i uru piuruod.) B YZANTIUM — PERrNTHUS 399 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse Gallienus 3 M -95 n NrAAAIHNOCC€B Bust of Gallienus r., radiate, wearing cuii-ass and paludanientum. NIKAEHN BYZANTinN OM ON O 1 A Similar type ; l^etween torches, lighted altar ? 4 M -95 [Plate xxvii. 4.] nOVAIKErNrAAAIHNOCClEB Similar. NIKAIEnNBYSANTinNOMON OIA Uolpliiu r., between two tunny- fishes 1. and r. 5 /E -85 first part of inscr., obscure. PERINTHUS Though Perinthus teas a veri/ ancient settlement, its earliest coins were of regal types. See under Lysimachus, No. 31. Bronze Under the Bomans 1 49- M -7 Bust of Apollo 1., laur. ; in front, laurel- branch ; border of dots. [Plate x riEPIN OinN Lyre; border of dots. XVII. 5.] 2 95- M -8 Busts of Sarapis and Isis, jugate, r. ; Sarapis wears modius ; Isis, head-dress of horns, globe and plumes; plain border. [Plate x HEPINO IHN Bull Apis r., with disc between horns ; plain border. XVII. 6.] 3 88- M -85 Bust of Sarapis r., wearing modius; plain border. riEPIN OIHN Harpocrates, naked, standing 1., wearing on his head the lotus, raising his r. hand to his mouth, Orud holding cornucopiae and chlamys on r. arm ; border of dota. 400 EUROPEAN COAST OP THE PROPONTIS No. Weight 10 11 46- 47- 83- Metal Size iE -7 M -55 M -85 M -9 M 1-05 JE 1-3 M -85 yE '9 Obveese Reverse Bust of Demeter r., veiled ; in front, ears Vase, containing poppy-Lead and ears of of corn ; border of dots. corn ; border of dots. HEPI NeiXlN REPIN eiXlN TONK TILTH N Head of bearded Hei'akles r. ; border of dots. nEPiNGiriN Bi^nKo PUN Humped bull standing r. ; boi-der of dots. [Plate x.xvii. 7.] Imperial Coinage Poppaea nonnAiA zebazth Bust of Poppaea r., draped, and wearing Stephana. n E Head-dress of Isis, consisting of horns, globe, and plumes, ci'ossed beneath by two ears of corn ; the whole within wreath of olive. Domitian AYTOKKAIZAPAOMjTIANOZ- ZEBP Head of Domitian r., laur. HEPIN OinN Zens seated 1., leaning on sceiitre, and holding jsatera in extended r. Trajan AV • KAINE TPAIA NOZZE BAZPE Head of Trajan r., laur. AVKAINETPAIANOZZEBATE Head of Trajan r., radiate. HEP IN . . HN standing, and lioldinc cornucopiae. Homonoia 1., patera and PEP I NGinN Tyche standing 1., wearing niodius, and holding rudder aiid cornucojjiae. Julia Domna lOYAIAA OMNACEB Julia Domna r., draped, Bust of HEPIN eiriN NEHKOPriN Homonoia standing 1., holding patera and cornucopiae. PBRINTHUS 401 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 12 ^ 1-65 13 M 1-65 li M 1-65 JE 1-65 16 M i(;5 17 M 1-5 Caracallii AYT K MAYP C€OVI-P AN OCAVr Bust of Caracalla r., laur., wearing cuirass, with Gorgon's liead on b) eastplate, and aegis on 1. shoulder, holding spear in 1. AVT- K- MAVPC60VI-P A fT flNINOC-AVr Similar. AVPC€OVI-P ANTflNIN OCAVr Bust of Caracalla r., laur., wearing cuii'ass and paludamentum. HEPINGI n N NEnK[0]PnN Sarapis standing 1., wearing modius, and having sceptre in 1., while with r. he holds uncertain object.* n EPiNemNNE hkop UN Caracalla in quadriga 1., holding patera and sceptre, ou the top of which is an eagle ; horses walking. TTEPI N einN Two temples at NEXIKOPUN riglit angles to each other; above, two agonistic urns containing palms, beneath wliich, AK TIAHVeiA (No. 14 ha!< been gilt.) AVTKM AVP CEOVI-P ANTH NINOCAVr Similar. Similar. Similar to No. 13. (No. 15 has been tooled.) n€PiNeinN NGUKOPn N Similar. Similar ; but agonistic urns much smaller, and beneath them, AKTiAnvei A n€PiNei nNN€nKOP HN Herakles standing facing, naked but for lion's skin round 1. arm ; he crowns himself with r., and holds in 1. bis club ; behind him, a tree, from which are suspended his bow and quiver; at his feet r., lighted altar, garlanded. [Plate xxvii. 8.] See Pk-k, Viv Aniilun Mlnncn Nonhjriedierdaiuh, iid. i. p. 311. note 3. 3 F 402 EUROPEAN COAST OP THE PEOPONTIS No. Weight Metal Size Obveese Keverse Similar. nePING IHN N€ flKO PHN Demeter and Homonoia standing facing. Demeter on ]., head r., holds in r. ears of corn, and in 1. long torch, on which she leans ; at her feet 1., cista mystica, from which issues serpent. Homonoia on r., head 1., wearing modius, holds patera and cornucopiae; at her feet 1., altar. 18 yBl -65 MAYPHAAN TflNINOCKAl Bust of youthful Caiticalla r., wearing paludameutum ; bead bare. n€PINeinN N€IiKOPI2 Zeus seated 1., holding patera and leaning on sceptre. 19 M 1- Geta AVTHC EnrETACCE Bust of IAAAEAEIA HEPINeinN Geta r., Lmr., wearing cuii-ass and NEI1KOPX2 ])aludanientum. N Herakles advancing r., naked but foi' lion's skin, which hangs from shoulders ; high above his head he holds the Ery- manthian boar which he is about to fling- down before Eurystheus, who stands in circular vessel 1., raising his hands as if in fear. 20 M 1-55 [Pl>ATE XXVII. 9.] Acenxr ctackaicap Bust TT€PiNeinN N€nKOPn of Geta r., wearing cuiras.s and paluda- Dionysos standing, three-quarter face meutum ; head bare. towards 1., holding grapes and leaning upon thyrsos. 21* M -7 Elagabalus AVTKMAVPHA ANTI2NEINOC HEPINeinNAI C NEflKOPIlN AV~ Bust of Elagabalus r., laur. Dionysos standing, as above; but thyrsos filleted ; at his feet, panther 1. 22 M 1-05 AVTKMAVPCEVH ANTIINEIN OCAV Similar. nEPINGinNAICNEIlKOPnN Naked male figure (athlete?) facing, head r., dipping his r. arm into amphora. 23 m 1-1 * No. 21, on which Geta is only Caesar, is, of course, earlier than No. 20, as No. 19 is earlier than Nos. 12 ff. The games of " brotherly love," mentioned on No. 20, were probably instituted 1 ' in lys B.C. {Num. ZviUchr., xxiii., 1891, pp. 78f.) ' PERINTHUS 403 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Eeverse 2i* 26 27 28 Severus Alexander AVKMAVPCEV AAEJANAPOC Bust of Severus Alexander r., laur., wearing cuirass and jjaludamentum. TIC 125 M 1-15 29 M 11 M -9 M 1-05 M 1- riEPIN eiWSl Within a dotted BNE WKO circle, Zeus seated PWN IWSWSI facing, holding patera and sceptre ; at his feet 1., eagle ; in field above are Helios r. in a quadriga, above ■which, crescent, and Selene 1. in a biga of bulls, above which, star ; beneath the figure of Zeus are Gaia and Thalassa recumbent; Gaia r., hold- ing cornucopiae, Thalassa 1., holding rudder, wearing head-dress of crab's claws, and having at her feet, prow 1. ; between the inner circle and the outer border are the signs of the Zodiac. IB.M.C, p. 187 (58).] AYKMAYPLEYAE2ANAPOC A[Yr] Similar type. AVKMAVPC€VAA€ Similar type. ANAPOC HEPINGinNB N EHKOPHN Sarapis standing 1., wearing niodius ; Lis r. hand is raised, and he holds sceptre in 1. PEPIN© within wreath of laurel. inNAIC NEIIKO PUN Julia Mamaea lOVAIAMA MAIAAVrO of Julia Mamaea r., draped. Bust rEpmeinNB NEnKOPUN Homonoia 1., wearing modius, holding patera and cornucopiae. (No. 27 is pierced.) Gordian III. AVTKMANTr OPAIANOE Bust of Gordian r., laur. ANT M ANTrOPAl ANOC AVTO Similar type. nEPINGin. AICNEHKOP Naked athlete advancing r., holding wreath and palm. PEPIN within laui'el-wreath. eiXlNAIC NEHKO PflN * No, 24 is nndoiibtcdly false; it has all the appearance of a cast coin. Five geiiuino specimens are known ; I have had before mo an impression of the line ono in the liiitish Museum. :3 F 2 404 EUROPEAN COAST OF THE PROPONTIS No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Kevekse 30 M -9 CI -I jE -85 Tranquillin; CABEINIAT PANKVAAEINA Bust of Ti'iiuquilliiia r., drajjed and wearing stephaiie. Similar. inscr. obscure. HEPINeinN AICNEIIKO Demeter standing 1., veiled, holding ears of corn in r., and leaning with 1. on long torch. HEPiNeinN Winged Nemesis scales and bridle. BNEHKOPHN standing r., holding I DANUBIAN DISTRICT 405 No. 1 Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse Tub Danudian Distkict DACIA Imperial Coinage The Era of Dacia hegins in the summer of 246 A.D. The eagle and the Hon on the Bev. are the emhlems of the v. and the xiii. legions respectively. See partiodarly No. 2, and cf. the coins of Viminacium. Philippi Ls Senior IMPMIVLPHILIPPVSAVG Bust of PliilippTis r., radiate, wearing cuirass and paludanientuni. PROVINCIADACIA Dacia 1., wealing Phrygian cap and long chiton ; holds in r. curved sword, in 1. standard ; on her r., eagle facing, looking up, holding wreath in beak ; on her 1,, lion advancing 1. 1 JE -85 Similar, but head laur. in ex., AN 1 Similar; but on standard in 1. is inscribed XIII, while in the ground to 1. is planted another standard inscribed V- 2 M 1-05 in ex., AN • II [Plate xxvn. 10.] 3 M 1-1 Otacilia MARCIAOTACIL lASEVERA AVG Bust of Otacilia Severa r., draped and wearing stephane. AN III (PROV INCIADA CIA) Severa PROVINCIADACIA Dacia standing as on No. 1, between eagle and lion, holding cui'ved sword and standard. 4 ^ 11 Trajanu!^ IMPTRAIANVSDECIVSAVG P)Ust of Trajaiuis Decius r., laur., wearing cuirass and paludamentum. in ex., AN • 1 ' Decius PROVIN C [lADACIA] Dacia standing 1. between eagle and lion ; she wears a crown, and holds branch and sceptre. f) M 1-05 in ex., AN nil 406 DANUBTAN DISTRICT No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Eeverse Herennia Etruscilla HERETR[ySCI]LLAAVG Bust of Herennia Etruscilla r., draped and wearing stepliane. PROVN C . . ADACIA («>, with 1 omitted, and two confused letters before A) Similar type. 6 M 1-25 in ex., AN nil Hostilianus CVALHOSTMQVINTVSC Bust of Hostilianus r., head bare, wearing cuirass and j'aludamentum. PROVIN CI ADACIA Similar type. 7 511- M 1-2 in ex., AN V (No. 7 is '2 of an inch in thickness.) Volusianus IMPCCVIBVOLVSIANVSAVG Bust of Volusianus r., laur., wearing cuirass and jjaludaraentum. PROVI N C [IAD]ACIA Similar type ; but Dacia wears Phrygian cap, and holds curved sword and stan- dard ; a standard planted in ground 1. 8 JE 1-05 in ex., A N V VIMINACIUM Imperial Coinage The Era of Viminaciuin hegins in the antmnn of 239 A.D. The hill and the lion are the emblems of Hie vii. and iv. legions respeciivelij. See particidarly No. 11, and cf. the coins of Dacia. Gordian III. IMPCAESMANTGORDIANVS AVG Head of Gordian r., radiate. PMSCO LVIM Female figure (Moesia ?) facing, head 1., wearing long chiton, holding her hands over the heads of a bull and a lion, which stand r. and 1. on either side of her. 1 ^ -85 IMPCAESMANTGORDIANVS AVG Bust of Gordian r., laur., wearing cuirass and paludamentum. in ex., AN • 1 • Similar. 2 M 1-2 in ex., AN • 1 • 1 • DACIA— VIMINACIUM 407 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse Similar. PMSC OLVIM Similar type. 3 M -95 head radiate. in ex., AN • 1 • 1 • •i M 1-2 head laur. IMPGORDIANVSPIVSFELAVG Bust of Gordian :■., radiate, wearing cuirass and paludamentum. inex., ANIII Similar. 5 M -9 in ex., ANIII 6 yE ■',) Similar ; but head laur. inex., ANIII Similar. 7 M ll,-) inex., ANIIII 8 M 1-2 [Plate x Similar ; but head i-adiate. XYII. 11.] Similar. 9 M 1- inex., ANIIII 10 M -85 Similar. PMS C O LVIM Similar type, but figui'e holds in her hands standards inscribed V 1 1 and 1 1 1 1 respectively. 11 ^ -9 inex, ANIIII Philippus Senior IMPMIVLPHILIPPVSAVG Bust of Philippus r., laur., wearing cuirass and paludamentum. PMSC OLVIM Similar type. 12 M 1-15 in ex., ANV i;! ^ -9 IMPIVLPHILIPPVSPIVSFEL AVGP M Similar type; but head radiate. Similar. iu ex., ANV 408 DANUBIAN DISTRICT No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Eeveese IMPMIVLPHILIPPVSAVG Similar type ; head laur. Similar. u M 12 in ex., ANVI 15 M 115 in ex., ANVII 16 M 115 • in ex., ANVII 1 17 /E 11 IMPMIVLPHILIPPVSAVG Bust of Philippus r., laur., wearing cuii-ass and paludamentum. in ex., ANVI III Similar. 18 M 1-1 in ex., AN XI Trajanus Decius IMPCAESCMESQDECIVSPF AVG ]3ust of Trajanus Decius r., laur., wearing cuii'ass and j'^'luda- mentum. PMSC OLVIM Similar type ; but figure holds branch and sceptre, on the top of which stands a Nike 1. cariying wreath aud palm. 19 M 1-2 Similar. in ex., ANXI Similar ; but figure holds nothing in her hands. 20 JE 11 in ex., ANXI 1 Hostilianus CVALHOSTMQVINTVSCAE Bust of Hostilianus r., head bare, wearing cuirass and jjaludamentum. PMSC OLVIM Similar type. 21 --E 1- in ex., ANXII 22 M 105 >> » Trebonianus Gallus 23 M M IMPCGALLVJPFELIXAVG Bust of Gallus r., laur., wearing cuirass and paludamentum. Similar. in ex., ANXI II 24 vE -95 M J) VIMINACIUM— CALLATIA 400 No. Weight Metal Size 25 26 M 105 M 11 27 JE -9 28 M 1- 54- M -65 M 105 Obverse Reyeese IMPCCVIBVOLVSIANVSAVG Bust of Vuliisiamis r., ]aur., wearing cuirass and paludamentum. (IMPCAECVIBVOLVSIANO AVGj Volusianus Similar. ine.x., ANXII in ex., AN XIII IMPCMAEMILAEMILIANVSA Bust of Aeiiiiliauus r., laur., wearing cuirass and jjaludanientum. Aemilianus Similar. in ex., AN XIV IMPVALERIANVSPAVG Bust of Valei'iiuius r., hiur., wearing cuirass and paludamentum. Valerianus Similar. in ex., AN XVI CALLATIA See also nncler Lysimachus, No. 10. Bronze Third Centtirij B.C. Head of young Herakles r., wearing t <|>|A Club r. wreath. KAA poor condition ; rim slightly raised. Imperial Coinage Caracalla AV K MAVP ANTHNINO C Bust of Caracalla r., laiu'., wearing cuirass and paludamentum. KAAAAT lANHN Artemis, in short chiton and endromides, running r., chlamys flying behind her; in r., a bow ; with 1. she plucks arrow from quiver at her shoulder ; in field r. , € * On this value-mark, see p. 417. 3 G 410 DANUBIAN DISTRICT No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 3 M 1-1 Similar. KAA A A TIA NHN • € Eagle [ facing, head r., wings open, standing on ! altar between two standards. Gordiau III. AVTKMANTrOPAIANOCAVr Bust of Goi-diaii r., laui"., wearing cuirass and paludamentuni. 1 KAAAA T lANHN Sarapis seated 1. on throne, wearing modius ; r. ! extended ; with 1. he leans on sceptre ; at his feet, Cerberus. 4 M 1-1 in field 1., E DIONYSOPOLIS Imperial Coinage Gordian III. ANTWNIOC rOPAIANOL A/" AVT • K • M • Busts, face to face, of Gordian r., laiu'., wearing cuirass and paluda- mentuni, and of Sarapis 1., wearing modius. AlONVCOCn] OAITXIN Hygieia : standing r., feeding serpent out of ! patera. 1 1 JE 1-1 in field 1., E ISTRUS Silver The Ohv. type of the coins of Istrus probably refers to the cult of the DiosTcouroi. Nos. 1 and 2 ctppear to be Phoenician staters, and to date from circa 400 — 350 B.C., while No. 3 is an Aeijinetic drachm, and slightly later. Two young male heads, side by side, facing, one of them inverted. ISTPIH Sea-eagle, with closed wings, standing 1. on dolphin 1., and tearing it with his beak. 1 104-3 M -9 beneath eagle's tail, <|> 2 103-7 M -75 „ E [Plate xxvii. 12.] 3 85-6 yR -7 beneath eagle's tail, A; beneath dolphin, traces of ^ CALLATIA— MARCIANOPOLIS 411 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse M 1-1 jE 1 JE -85 M -6 .E ] iE 1- MARCIANOPOLIS When the name of a person occurs on tlte Rev., it is that of the Bonian governor of Moesia Inferior, who loas nsnallij of consular rank (vTrartKoq), though once at least of inferior standing (/;y€/xoji/), as on No. 9.* Imperial Coinage Septimius Severus AYKAC€n C€YHPOCn Bust of Septimius 8everus v., Uiuv., wearing cuii'ass and paladamentum. VKPENTIANOV MAPKIANO TTOAITnN_ Tyche standing 1., wearing modius, and holding rudder and cornucopiae. AVKA type. C€VHPOC Similar _ _] AOVAni ANOV MAPKIA NOTTO [ Honionoia 1., wearing modius, and holding cornucopiae in 1. r. hand, obliterated. AVAC€nTI C6VHPOC type. AV KA C€ C€VHPO type. Similar Similar MAPKIANO nOAITHN Tyche 1., wearing modius, and holding rudder and cornucopiae. MAPKIANO nOAITIlN Ilomonoia 1.. wearing modius, and holding patera and cornucopiae. Caracalla ANTflNINO C ni OC Bust of Caracalla r., laur. VHKVNTIAIA NOVMAPKIANO AIT (sic) n N Zeus, naked, standing r., holding patera and sceptre ; at his feet 1., eagle. VnKVNTIAlANO VMAPKIANO no A I T n Homonoia 1., wearing modius, holding patera and cornucopiae, standing before flaming and garlanded altar. * Poi full troatmout of the qiiestious conuectod with the luagistratoi' nauies on the followiiiu- coins, see Dr. B. Pick in Num. Zeitschr., vol. x.\iii. (1891), pp. 32 ff. 3 Li 2 ANTHNINOC HIOC AVTOVC XOC Similar type. 412 DANUBIAN DISTRICT No. Weight Metal Size Obvebse Reverse M 11 JE 1- 10 11 12 l;^ M 1- .-E -95 .E 1- M 1-05 M 1-05 Cai'acalla and Julia Domna ANT IlNINOCAY[rOYCT]OC lOVAI A Busts, face to face, of Caracalla r., laur., wearing cuirass and paludamentum, and of Julia Domna 1., draped. above, traces of [A]OM^A VnKVNTIAIANOVM APKIANO TTOAITUN Dcnieter standing 1., holding ears of corn and sceptre. in field 1., € (No. 7 is pierced.) Elagabalus AVTKMAVPHAI ANTilNEINOC Bust of Elagabalus r., laur. VniOVAANTCEAE VKOVMAP K I AN OTTO Nemesis 1., holding scales and staif ; at her feet 1., wheel. in ex., traces of AITX2N Severus Alexander AVT[KMAVPC]EVH AAEZAN APOC Bust of Severus Alexander r., laur., wearing cuirass and paluda- mentum. AVTKMAVP CEVH AAEZAN APOC Similar type, without cuirass and paludamentum. Similar, with cuii^ss and paludamentum. Similar, without H hi inscr. K"^MTEPEBENTINOV MAPKIA NOnOAl T rN Homonoia 1., holding patera and cornu- copiae. VnTIBIOVAIP! i_ -vr '• ■ i quiver. Dr. B. Pick, Nuiit. Zciischr.. xxiii., 18SJ1. pji. 33 f. 414 DANUBIAN DISTRICT No. Weight Metal Size 6 JE -75 7 M -75 8 .E -85 9 yE 105 10 JE 11 11 .E 105 12 .E 1- 13 yE 1'05 Obverse AVKA CEVHPOC Similar. no K visible. Similar. Reverse NiKonpAinpocic coiM serpent, with head erect r. NIKOnOAimNnPOCI similar type. Julia Doinua lOVAIAAO MNAC€BA Bust of Julia Domua r., draped, wearing stephane. NIKOnOAIT IlNnPOCICT . . . Pallas facing, head r., helmeted ; she leans with r. upon inverted spear, and lays her 1. on shield, which rests on a pedestal. Geta A • CEHTIMI • r€TAC • KAICAP lUi.st of Geta r., liead bare, wearing cuirass and paludameiitum. --JTAAAOVNEI KOnOAITIlN TTPOC[ Aj)ollo Saiiroktouos r., his 1. arm leaning on the trunk of a tree ; in his r., an arrow. [Plate xxvii. 14.] Mil acrmus AVTKMOnEAA[IC€V] MAKPEI NOC Bust of Alacrinus r., laur., Aveai'ing cuii'ass and paludamentuin. AVTKMOn€AA C£VMAKPI NOC Similar type. AVT .On€AC€V MA..€INOC Bust of Macrinus r., laur. AVTKMOneAC€V MA - _ - Bust of Macrinus r., laui-., wearing cuirass and paludanieutum. VnCTAAONriNOVNIKOnOAl TUNTTPOCI Apollo, naked, stand- ing 1., holding laurel-branch and bow. h'ame inscr. Warrior standing 1., hel- meted ; he res*:s his r. on his shield, and leans with 1. upon inverted sjDcar. first part of inscr., obscure. VnCTAAONTINC JHP Similar OCICT type vnCTAAONTINOVN IKOHOAI TUNTTPOCIC Hermes standing r., holding purse and caduceus; chlauiys over 1. arm. I NICOPOLIS AD ISTRUM 415 No. Wp:ight Metal Size Obverse Keverse 14 M 1-0.5 15 M 11 16 M 1- 17 M 11 18 M 1-05 19 M 11 AVTKMOn€A C6VHMAKPI N OC Siimlar type. AVTKMOneAA Similar type. CeVMAKPI VnCTAAONriNOVNIKOnO AITilNnPOC I c Apollo, naked, standing 1., holding patera and branch. vncTAAONn N ov[N] I K ono AITXINHP ociCTPn Zens seated 1., lioldiug patera, and leaning upon sceptre. Diadumenianus MOHEAAIA AOVMENIANOC Bust of Uia.ilumenianus r., head bare, wearing cuii'ass and paludamentum. VnCTAAO t\r I N y N I KOnOAl THNTTPOCI Asklepio.s facing, head 1., leaning on stall:', I'ound which serpent twines. Gordian III. AVTKMANTr OPAIANOCAVr Bust of Gordian r., laur., wearing cuirass and paludamentum. AVTKM ANTIl Similar type. rOPAIANOC VnCABMOA€CT [ ] HN rpocic Similar type. T P O N AVTKMANTr OPAIANOC AVr Similar type. VnCABMOA€CTOVN ... HO A€ITnNnP c T P O N OCI Similar type. VnCABM _ N nPOCICTPON Tetrastyle temple, ^vithi^ which, statue of goddess 1., holding cor unco piae. 416 DANUBIAN DISTRICT No. 20 Weight "r:30- Metal Size Obverse M 11 M -9 JE -71 M -65 M -65 AVTKMANTr OPAIANOCAVr Similar type. Reverse VnCABMOA€CTOVN [IKOHO AiTjrNrpoc I c Nemesis 1., holding staf? and cornu- copiae ; at her feet, ^\ heel. TOMIS Bronze Before Boman Dominion For gold probably struck at Tomis at this time see Lysimachus, Nos. 11-13. Head of Poseidon r., wearing taenia. countermark, small head (of Hermes ?) r. TO Ml Eagle r. ; beneath, ZK all within oak-^^Teath. Period of Boman Dominion. TOMOC KTICTHC Young male bust r., diademed ; shoulders draped ; border of dots. TOM€ITnN Herakles 1. Head of bearded KTICTHCTOMOC Young male TOM€ fl C Bearded Herakles head r., diademed ; border of dots. standing 1. ; he is naked but for lion's skin round 1. arm ; leans with r. hand upon club, and holds in extended 1. patera; border of dots. [PXiATE xxvii. 15.] Head of Demeter r., veiled, wearing wreath of corn ; border of dots. TO M I Two ears of corn upright ; "Yit) N border of dots. beneath, AnOAW [Plate xxviii. 1.] TOMIS 417 No. Wkioht Metal Size Obverse 1 Reverse Imperial Coinage The letters Ad B, P, A. AC, aid E on the Bcv. of the coins of this and other Euxine towns are marks of value indicating 1|, 2, 3, 4, 4|, and 5 aa-adpia respectively. They point to the existence of an important Monetary League.* Marcus Aurelius Bust of M. Auivlius, laur., r. MHTPOnoN TOVTOM€ £1 C Apollo 1.. naked but for clilamys round 1. arm, holding branch and bow ; in front, tripod- lebes ; in field r., B 5 M -8 traces of inscr. [Plate xxviii. 2.] Plautilla 6 M -9 nAAVTIAAAC€B Bust of Plautilla r., clra}>L\l. MHTPOn O TOM€nC Nike ndvaneing r., holding wreath and palm; in field 1., F Geta n C€nTi r€TAC k Bust of young Geta r., head bare, wearing cuirass and paludameutum. MHTP HON . . M€nC Artemis standing r., with drawn bow; quiver on shoulder ; in field 1., traces of -|? 7 ■ JE -95 [Plate xxviii. 3.] Julia Mamaea 8 rE -95 lOVAIA MAMAIAAVr Bust of Julia Mamaea, r., dra])ed. MHTPOnON TOVTOMEnC Artemis, clad in short chiton and endromides, running r., holding in 1. bow ; with r., drawing arrow from quiver; in field 1., P Maximini;8 AVTMAI 1 M 1 NOCEVCEBI-CAV- Bust of Maximinus, laur., r., wearing cuii-ass and paludameutum. MHTPOnONT oVToMErt: Military figure facing, wearing helmet and cuirass ; liead towards 1. ; he leans on spear with 1. and rests r. on shield ; in field 1., A 9 vE 1-05 * Sco Prof. r. Gardner in Num. Chroii., 187() 1891, pp. 41 tt'. , pp. 307 if., and Dr. B. Pick, in Num. Zcilschr., 3 H 418 DANUBIAN DISTRICT No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse GorJiau III. 10 ZE 1'05 AVTKMANXr OPAIAN - - Bust of Gordiiin r., laui'., wearing cuirass and paliidanientuin. MHTPOnON TOVTOM Enc Kybele seated 1., holding in r. patera, and leaning with 1. elbow on tympanum; on either side of her, lion 1. ; in field 1., traces of A 11 M 11 AVTKMANT Similar type. MHTPOnONTOVT OMEnC Hygieia r., feeding serpent out of patera ; in field 1., A 12 IE 1- AVTKMANTr OPAIANOC/^ Similar tyite. MHTPOnON [TOVTOME] n . ^ . Military figure facing, wearing helmet and cuirass ; head towards 1. ; he leans on spear with 1., and rests r. on shield; in field 1., A ODESSUS 27*6 ' mighty god ' of Odessn.s was doubtless originnlli/ a Hellenic divinity, though in laic times there inny have been a tendency to identify him loiih Sara2}is.* For other coins of this town, sec under Alexandek the Gkeat, Nos. 07 and 68. Second Century B.C. Silver Attic Standard (reduced) Tetradrachm 1 232-2 /R 1-35 Bearded male head r., wearing taenia ; hair falling in lank locks. [Plate x * See Dr. B. Pick, Thralci, 0EOYM EPAAOY The ' mighty god ' OAHZITHN of Odessus standing 1., draped, and holding patera and cornucopiae ; beneath, KYPXA xviii. 4.] chc Mihtzhilder, jip. 155 ff. TOMIS -ANCHIALUS 419 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Revekse ^ -65 M 1-05 M 1- yE l-O: I JE 1 Iiujjerial Cohuxjc Antonimis Pius A AAPIAANTnN€INOC C€BAC Head of Aiitoniuus Pius, laur., r. OAHCC€ I First six letters of TUN inscr. on a base, on Avliich tlie ' mighty god ' of Odessus recumbent 1. ; lie leans 1. ai'm on a cushion, and holds patera and coi-uu- cojiiae ; at his feet, uncertain object. [ Plate XXVIII. 5.] Caracal la AVKMAVPCeVhPOC ANXniSE I NO C Bust of Caracalla r., laur. OAHCC € ITriN The 'mighty god' of Odessus standing 1., draped, and wearing modius ; he holds patera and cornucopiae; at his feet l.,a lighted altar. MAYPAA€ ZANAPOC Bust of Severus Alexander r., head bare, wearing cuirass and paludamentum. [Cf. B.M.C, p. 138 (13).] Severus Alexander OAHCC EITHN Similar type. Gordian III. ANTIlNIOCrOPAIANOC AVTKM ]3usts, face to face, of Gordian and Sarapis ; Gordian r., laur., wearing cuirass and paludamentum ; Sarapis 1., wearing modius, with shoulder draped, and cornucopiae at 1. shoulder. OAHCC El TXIN Sarapis standing 1., wearing- modius, he raises r. hand and holds sceptre transversely in 1. in field 1., E ANCHIALUS Imperial Coinage Anchialus, with other iovms, received the title of OVATTIA i't honour of Trajan. Septiraius Severus AVTKC - - CEVHPOCHE Bust of Septlmius Severus r., laur., wearing ciiirass and paludamentum. TKC: doubtful. OVAHIAC ArXIAA^ Sarapis seated 1., wearing modius, and holding patera and scepti-e ; at his feet, Cerberus. [Plate xxviu. G. 3 H 2 420 DANUBIAN DISTRICT No. Weight Metal Size Obverse ' Reverse Julia Domna 2 JE -95 lOVAIA AOMNA - _ Bust of Julia Domna r., di'aped. ArXIA AEHN Dionysos, naked, standing 1., holding kantharos and filleted thyrsos ; at his feet, panther 1. Tranquillina CABINTPANKVAAINAAVr Bust of Ti-auquilliiia r., draped, and wearing stephane. APXIAA EflN Homonoia 1., wearing niodius ; .she holds patera and cornu- copiae. 3 M -85 APOLLONIA Silver 450—350 B.C. Phoenician Standard Drachms Nos. 1 — 3 have long been of nncertain attrihutton. At last, on the evidence of finds, a settled home appears to have been secured for them in Thrace* A Anchor inverted ; in field 1., crayfish. Head of Gorgon in incuse circle. 1 48-2 .11 -65 [Cf. B.M.C. Mijsia, II. 3.] 2 52-5 M -55 Similar type ; in field r., ci-ayfish. Head of Gorgon in shallow incuse circle. [Cf. B.M.C. Musia, ii. 2.] 3 42-1 M -5 in field 1., A type varied. [Cf. B.M.C. Mijsia, 11. 6.] * It is not, however, quite certain that have been struck at a town of similar name D. E. Taccliella and Dr. B. Pick in Rev. Numi they belong to Apollonia Pontica. They may on the Aegean coast. See articles by Signer smatique, 1898, pp. 210 ff. No. 1 is pierced. ANCHIALUS-MESEMBRIA 421 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse M 1-05 Iiiqicrial Coinage Septimius Severus AVKAC€TT C€VHPOCn Bust of Septimins Severus, laur., r., wearing? cuirass and jjaludameiitum. AHOAA HNI HT GHN ENHONTn Tetrastv'le temple, facing ; between the two central pillars, figure of divinity, standing with crossed legs, leaning with r. arm upon pillar (?) ; in the pediment, small circular ornament. [Plate X.WIII. 7.] 181 Al -4 The famous statue of Apollo by Kalamis was carried off to Rome by Lucullus (Strabo, 319), so that it is very doubtful whether it can bo connected with the Rev. typo of this coin. The figure here is turned to 1. ; otherwise, its pose recalls that of the Apollo Sauroktonos on the Rev. of Nicopolis, No. 9. I do not, however, feel sure that it is Apollo at all ; it may be Artemis wearing short chiton, and having quiver on 1. shoulder. MESEMBRTA Circa 450 — 350 B.C. Jlie fotiii of the sibilant ichich appears on the Bev. of No. I is peculiar to the coins of this city. For A\ struck here at a later date see under Alexander the Great, No. 77. Silver Attic Standard? Diob ol Ci-ested helmet, facing. AAETA between the four spokes of a wheel, sui'rounded by couvei-giug lines or rays. (A pierced coin.) [Plate x.xviii. 8.] Imperial Coinage Philippns (Senior or Junior ?) and Otacilia M 1- AVTMIOVA (Miiller, No. 21.) border of dots. inscr. differently arranged ; in front, fore- part of Pegasos 1.. and forepart of lion 1. ; beneath throne, flaming torch. (Miiller, No. 24.) The coins of Lysimachns, like those of Alexander the Great, were struck at mimerous mints, and were largely imitated by succeeding generations. In Byzantium and the cities of the Euxine they continued to he issued till the middle of the First Century B.C. Nos. 12 — 14, for instance, are of the time of Mithradates the Great. Gold Euboic- Attic Standard Staters Head of Alexander the Great* diademed, and having ram's horn. Similar type. B A Z I A E n Z Pallas Nikephoros AYZIMAXOY seated 1. on throne witli lion's feet ; her lance leans asrainst her r. shoulder, and her 1. arm rests on shield with uncertain device (lion's head ?). no symbols or monograms. Similar; in ex., ornamented trident 1. in front, ITT ; beneath throne, BY ; on shield, lion's head ? [Plate xxviii. 15.] (Cf. Miiller, No. 151 [Byzantium].) * Contrary to the view generally accepted, Dr. von Sallet regards this as the head of Lysimachus, his reason being that it occurs on the coins of Lysimachia. See Berlin Catal., i. p. 302. Inihoof-Bliimcr {PortriitkorSe, p. 17) believes it may occasionally be the head of Lvsimachus. LYSIMACHUS 427 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 128-6 N -85 130-3 130-8 127-2 128-2 126-4 N -75 N -85 N -85 N -8 N- -8 129-9 130-4 131-4 AT -8 ^ -7 AT -75 92-2 N- -85 Similar type. in front, J^ ; beneath throne, BY ; on shield, human face surrounded by rays (Gorgon ?). (Miiller, No. 171 [Byzantium].) in front, ^ ; beneath throne, KAA device on shield, uncertain. (Cf. Miiller, No. 258 [Callatia].) in front, A I ; beneath throne, TO ; on shield, Gorgon's head on aegis. (Miiller, No, 270 [Tumi].) in front, OEM; beneath throne, TO ; on shield, star-like ornament. (Miiller, No. 273 [Tomi].) in front, AlO ; beneath throne, TO on shield, star-like ornament. (Miiller, No. 277 [Tomi].) in front, A I ; beneath throne, |Z ; device on shield, uncertain. (Miiller, No. 284 [Istria].) BAZIAEflZ Similar type; no AYZIMAXOY trident. in front, ^^ ; on shield, lion's head. (Miiller, No. 483 [Uncertain].) in fi-ont, fi^ ; on shield, lion's head ? (Miiller, No. 508 [Uncertain].) in front, yfij* ; device on shield, uncertain. (Miiller, No. 518 [Uncertain].) Barbarous imitation of above type. Barbarous imitation of above inscr. and type, with trident 1. underneath. [Plate xxviii. 16.] 3 1 2 428 THRACIAN KINGS AND DYNASTS No. Wkight Metal Size Obverse Eeveese Silver Euboic - Attic Standard Tetradraclims Head of Alexander the Great r., diademed, and having ram's horn. BAZIAEHZ Palks Nikephoros in AYZ 1 M AXO Y same attitude as on the gold staters. 19 259-9 M 1-15 boi'der of dots. (Miiller, No. 37 in front, forepart of lion 1. ; on shield, lion's head ? [Lysimacliia].) 20 26C-2 .41 1-2 no border. in front, lion's head 1., and ^ ; beneath throne, f^ ; shield plain. 21 256-4 Al 1-25 border of dots. (A pierced coin. Miille in fi'ont, lion's head 1. ; beneath throne, j\ ; on shield, Gorgon's head on aegis. -, No. 51 [Lysimacliia].) 22 258-5 /R 1-2 no boi'der. (Miiller, No. 53 in front, pentagram and /^ ; in ex., lion's head 1. ; on shield, uncertain device. [Lysimacliia].) 23 2G0-5 M 1-3 no borde]'. [Miiller, No. in front, bearded term 1., and ^ ; on shield, lion's head. 91 [Sestus].) 24 268-3 M 1-25 border of dots. (Miiller, No. in front, caduceus, the lower half of the handle of which forms the long stroke of a P J behind, 't- ; on shield, lion's head. 102 [Aenus].) 25 264-G yR 1-2 border of dots. (Miiller, No. similar to preceding ; but behind, |^ (or K)- 106 [Aenus].) 26 2G3-2 .R 12 border of dots. (Muller, No. in front, caduceus ; behind, fly upwai'ds ; on shield, Goi-gon's head on aegis. 112 [Aenus].) 27 253-1 .R 1-25 border of dots. in front, caduceus ; place of symbol behind, off coin ; device on shield, \ doubtful. LYSIMACHUS 429 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 28 262-8 M 1-25 110 border. (Cf. Miiller, No. in front, X ^^^^ buncli of gi'iipes ; on shield, lion's head. 12-1 [Maroiieca].) 29 2G0-9 .11 1-25 border of dots. (Miillor, No. ] in front, head and neck of griffin 1. ; beneath throne, |^ ; on sliield, lion's head. -•26 [Abder.a].) 30 261-6 .H 1-25 HO border. ill front, head and neck of griffin 1., and m ; on shield, lion's head. (Miiller, No. 127 [Abdera].) 31 264-4 .11 1-25 110 boi'der. (Cf. Miiller, No. in front, foreparts of two horses back to back; in ex., ^ ; on shield, lion's head within dotted cii'cle V 130 [Periuthus].) 32 261-6 /R 1-35 Similar type. [Plate xx in front, fo^ ; on throne, BY ; on shield, Gorgon's head on aegis. VIII. 17.] BAZIAEnZ Similar type; ou AYSIMAXOY throne, BY; in ex., ornamented trident 1.; on shield, Gorgon's head on aegis. 33 253-5 M 1-3 (Miiller, No. 15. in front, ^ 5 [Byzantium].) 34 233-7 .R 1-2 (Miiller, No. 16>' i [Byzantium].) 35 254-2 M 1-4 (Miiller, No. 18c [Byzantium].) 36 255-2 .R 1-5 (Miiller, No. 191 I [Byzantium].) 37 260-3 .R 1-45 (Miiller, No. 19.- 1^ ) [Byzantium].) 430 THRACIAN KINGS AND DYNASTS No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 257-1 254-9 257-3 254-7 255-9 249-3 262-1 M 1-4 M 1-4 iR 1-4 .^l 1-45 /R 1-4 .R 1-4 Al 1-35 262- 221-8 M 1-3 .R 1-05 285-3 .R 1-3 255-6 R 115 257 9 .R 1-05 Similar type. ^ BAZIAEHZ AYZIMAXOY Similar type. in front, P^ ; in ex., ear of corn 1. ; device on shield, uncertain. (Double-struck. Cf. Miiller, No. 251 [Callatia].) (beneath neck, K) in front, ithyphalUc term 1., and trophy on pole facing ; in ex, -8- ; on shield, lion's head. (Cf. Miiller, No. 287 [Uncertain Thracian].) in front, P, and trophy on pole facing; on shield, star of eight rays within three concentric circles, of which the centre one is dotted. [Plate xxviu. 18.] (In spite of its exceptional weight, No. 47 appears to be genuine. Cf. Miiller, No. 291.) (beneath neck, K) ; border of dots. in front, crescent with horns 1., and trophy on pole facing ; in ex., I ; on shield, lion's head. (Cf. Miiller, No. 294 [Uncertain Thracian].) border of dots. in front, g?^ within wi'eath ; on shield, lion's head. (Miiller, No. 301 [Uncertain Thracian].) LYSIMACHUS 431 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse .50 51 52 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 264- 261- 260'6 53 261-3 257-3 255-8 265-1 .R 1-2 M 1-2 M 115 M 115 M 115 M 1-15 M 1-15 257-7 M 1-25 257-9 262- 257-8 M 1-25 M 1- M 1-2 border of dots. border of dots. border of dots. border of dots. no border. border of dots. border of dots. no border. border of dots. border of dots. border of dots. similar, -with addition of § in front. (Miiller, No. 302 [Uncertain Thracian].) in front, |\/E ; in ex., ^ ; on shield, lion's head. (Cf. Miiller, No. 314 [Uncertain Thracian].) in front, flower ; on shield, lion's head. (Miiller, No. 331 [Traelinm].) in front, star of eight rays, and hP ; on shield, lion's head. (Miiller, No. 339 [Uranopolis]. A pierced coin.) in front, eagle r. ; on shield, lion's head. (Miiller, No. 342 [Aphytis].) in front, aplustre, and |-P ; on shield, lion's head. (Miiller, No. 356 [Uncertain Macedonian].) in front, 5v ^^^ ^ I beneath throne, club r. ; in ex., ear of corn 1. j on shield, lion's head. (Cf. Miiller, No. 371 [Heraclea ad Pontum].) in front, AN ; in ex., ear of corn 1. and KAAXA ; on shield, series of rajs radiating from circle in centre. (Cf. Miiller, No. 376 [Calchedon].) in front, ^, and crescent with horns 1. ; on shield, lion's head. (Miiller, No. 392 [Sigeum].) in fi'ont, ^ ; in ex., crescent with horns 1. ; on shield, lion's head. (Miiller, No. 399 [Sigeum].) similar; biit in front, H-* (Miiller, No. 401 [Sigeum].) ■>X1 432 THRACIAN KINGS AND DYNASTS No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse Gl 62 63 64 65 66 67 OS 69 246-3 258-8 247-3 258-2 261-2 257-8 259-9 256-9 260-1 70 262-8 .-R 1-05 Al 1-1 M 1-25 M 1-2 /R 1-25 M 1-3 rR 1-2 M 1-2 JR 1-15 M 1-15 257-9 .R 1-2 border of dots. Ijorder of dots. border of dots. 110 border. border of dots. border of dots. border of dots. no border. border of dots. border of dots. border of dots. in front, traces of monogr. ; in ex., S ; on shield, lion's head. (Cf. Miiller, No. 40a [Pergamum].) in front, , and female head r., wearing turreted crown ; on shield, lion's head. (Miillcr, No. 408 [SmyrnaJ.) in front, club downwards, and ^N. ; in ex., bow in case, and \-^ ; on shield, lion's head. (Cf. MuUer, Nos. 409 S. [Erythrae].) similar, but P] and 2^ (Miillcr, No. 410 [Erythrae].) similar, but j^ and /^ (Miillcr, No. 415 [Erythrae].) in front, club downw.ards ; in ex., ^ f and bow in case ; on shield, lion's head. (Miiller, No. 419 [Erythrae].) in front, bee 1. ; in ex., E (Miiller, No. 426 [Ephesus].) in front, /^ and bee upwards ; in ex., thunderbolt ; on shield, lion's head. [Plate xxviii. 19.] (Miiller, No. 433 [Ephesus].) in front, f^ ; in e.x., maeander pattern ; on shield, lion's head. (Cf. Miillcr, No. 438 [Magnesia].) in front, racing torch ; on throne. ^ within plain circle ; on shield, lion's head. (Miiller, No. 4i2 [Chrysaoris].) in front, racing torch filleted, and on shield, lion's head. (Cf. Miiller, No. 41-3a [Chry.saoris].) LYSIMACHUS 433 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 72 267-6 M 1-2 border of dots. in front, racing-torch ; behind, bee up- wards ; on shield, lion's head. ■ 1 (Cf. Miiller, No. 445a [Chrysaoris].) 73 261-8 M 1-15 uo border. in front, >£ ; on shield, lion's head. 1 (Miiller, No. 479 [Uncertain].) 1 74 260-4 yR 1-1 border of dots. similar ; but ^ 75 259-8 M 115 no border. in front, |^E ; on shield, lion's head. 1 (Cf. Miiller, No. 484 [Uncertain].) 76 261-8 ^l 1-2 no border. in front, fSf and ^ ; on shield, lion's head. (Miiller, No. 492 [Uncertain].) 77 258-8 yR 115 no border. in front, 3K ; on shield, lion's head. 1 (Miiller, No. 527 [Uncertain].) 78 261-4 yR 115 no boi-der. (Cf. Miiller, No. in front, M ; device on shield, doubtful. 534 [Uncertain].) 79 250-2 yR 1-15 no l>oi-dei-. in front, \^ ; in ex., ^ ; device on shield, doubtful. (No. 79 is pierced.) 80 263-7 yR 1-2 border of dots. in front, |^ ; behind, }fif ; on shield, lion's head. (Miiller, No. 542 [Uncertain].) 81 262-4 yR 1-2 boi-der of dots. in front, R* ; behind, >^ ; on shield, Gorgon's head on aegis. (Miiller, No. 548 [Uncertain].) 82 259-1 M 1-15 no border. in front, (^ ; on shield, lion's head. (A pierced coin. Miiller, No. 5.50 [Uncertain].) 83 263-1 yR 1-2 no Ijorder. in front, 1^ ; on shield, lion's head. (Miiller, No. 555 [Uncertain].) 84 261-3 yR 1-2 no border. (Miiller,, No. 56 in front, A 5 o" shield, lion's head. 3 [Uncertain].) 3 K 434 THRACIAN KINGS AND DYNASTS No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 85 86 87 89 90 91* 263- 253- 260-5 263-2 66-4 64-8 62- M 1-1 M 1-25 M 1-3 JR 1-2 JR 75 M -75 M -7 Similai- type ; border of dots. Similar type. Similar type ; border of dots. Similar type. BAriAEnZ Similar type. AYZIMAXOY on shield, lion's head. [Plate xxviii. 20.] Similar ; Pallas holds spear in 1. above, A I ©UN ; in front, ithyphallic horned satyr 1., with r. hand raised, and gi'aspiug pedum in 1. ; in ex., ornamented trident 1. ; device on shield, uncertain (probably Gorgon's head). [Plate xsis. 1.] Similar ; spear as usual. in front, FyI , and club downwards ; in ex., p*j ; on shield, lion's head. (No. 87 is pierced.) Similar. in front, |<, ^ and ithyphallic term 1. ; in ex., ear of corn 1. ; on shield, lion's head. [Plate xxix. 2.] Dr ac hms Head of Alexander the Great r., diademed and ha^'ing ram's horn ; border of dots. BAZIAEI^Z AYZIMAXOY Pallas Nikephoros in same attitude as on tetradrachma. in front, bow and quiver ; on shield, lion's head? (Miiller, No. 296 [Uncertain Thracian].) as preceding. (AYZIMAX[0Y] inverted and retro- grade ; spear omitted) ; in front, ^ ; on shield, human face. [Plate xxix. 3.] * Probably false ; an imitation of Miiller, No. 344 (Dium). LYSIMACHUS 435 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reveese 92 64-8 M -75 - in front, lyre ; on throne, A ; on shield, lion's head. 1 (Miiller, No. 355 [Uncertain Macedonian].) 93 64-2 M -7 similar; but on throne, uncertain mono- gram . 94 64-4 M 7 spear omitted ; in front, spear-head down- wards ; on throne, A ; on shield, lion's head. [Plate xxix. 4.] Bronze 95 113- M 1- Head r., wearing Phrygian helmet ; plain border. Similar. A YZIMAXOY Trophy, consisting BA SIAEI2Z of crested helmet, round shield, and spear placed cross- wise. Similar. 96 120' M 75 in field 1., flower ; in field r., Y [Plate xxix. 5.] (Cf. Muller, No. 332 [Traelium].) Head of Palla.s r., wearing crested Athe- nian helmet ; border of dots. BAZIAEnZ Lion running r. ; AYZI M AXOY beneath, spear-head? r. 97 86- JE -7 to 1. of spear-head, /JA 98 77-5 M -75 on helmet, traces of letter ? ») 5) )> (Miiller, No. 74 [Lysimachia].) 99 78- M 7 on helmet, traces of letter ? (Cf. Miiller, No. 8 Similar. to 1. of spear-head, T ? and p^ 1 [Lysimachia].) BAZIAEI2Z Forepart of lion r. ; A YZIMAXOY behind. El; be- neath, speai'-head ? 100 38-5 JE -6 (Miiller, No. 75 r. [Lysimachia].) 3 K 2 m 436 THRACIAN KINGS AND DYNASTS No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Beveese 236-8 131-3 126-3 SCOSTOCOS Circa 300 B.C. Silver Euboic-Attic Standard Tetradrachm Head of Alexander the Gi'eat r., diademed and having- ram'.s horn. /ll 1-2 BAZIAEnZ Pallas Nikephoros AYZIMAX«Y seated 1., in same attitude as on coins of Lysimacihus ; in front, ithyphallic term 1. ; in ex., ZK«2:T«K»Y; on shield, lion's head. [Plate xxix. 6.] COSON * Circa 42 B.C. Gold Euboic-Attic Standard Staters A^ -76 N -8 KOZXIN (in ex.) The fir.st consul L. Brutus, advancing 1., in civic costume; before and behind, a lictor 1., with fasces over shoulder ; border of dots. in front, ^ Eagle 1., standing uj)on sceptre, holding a wi-eath in raised r. claw ; Ijorder of dots. [B.M.C, p. 208 (1).] * Dr. von Sallet (Berlin CataL, ii., p. 23) assigns these coins to Macedon. Adopting Eckliel's view : " cHsos eos imp-rante Bruto in urbe qnapiam Graeca Cosone operi praefecto," he suggests that Coson may possibly have been a Roman official. Dr. Pick also believes them to be Macedonian. SCOSTOCOS — RHOEMETALCES I. 437 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse « RHOEMETALCES I. Beonze 11 B.C. 12 A.D. This Icimj icas under the proteriioii of Aiuptstun. The »ih(iU head vn the Her. o/Ao. -i is in nil prohahilitii that of his son, ('oti/x IV. 1 M 1- KAIZAPOZ ZEBAZTOV Head of Augustus r., bare. KAIZAPOZ ZEBAZTOV AVTO KPATOPOZ Similar type. BAZIAEnZ POIMHTAAKOY Heads of Rhoenietalees and bis wife r., jugate, the king diademed. Similar. 2 M -95 insci'., obscure, but probably has A 3 M -75 KAIZAPOZ ZEBAZTOY Similar type. BAZIAEnZ POIMHTAAKOY Head of Rhoenietalees i'., diademed. 4 iE -85 KAIZAPOZZ EBAZTOY Head of Augustus r., laui'. ; in front, Capricorn with globe between forefeet. Similar. 5 M -8 KAIZAPOZZ EBAZTOY Similar; but behind capiicorn, cornucopiae. [Plate x BAZIAEnZ POIMHTAAKOV Similar type; in front, small bead r. ; on king's neck, obscure monogram. XIX. 7.] ,-i>;-ioccco*r-x- vicim 438 INLAND CITIES OF THRACE No. Weight Met.\l Size Obverse Reverse Inland Cities of Theacb BIZYA Bronze Imperial Times Head of young Dionysos r., wearing wreath of ivy ; bordei' of dots. BISV HNflN Seilenos 1., wearing girdle, and holding kantharos and wine- skin ; border of dots. 1 JE 75 Female head r., wearing wreath (of coru'f') ; border of dots. BIZV [HNflN] Basket, in which, poppy-head and ears of coi'u. 2 M -6 [Plate : sxix. 8.] ■ Imperial Coinage Sejatimius Severus 3 JE 1-2 AVKACEH EEYHPOCn Head of Sejitimius Severus r., lam-. - - BAPBA POVBIZVHNnN Kapaneus, naked, helmeted, running r., his head turned back ; he wears sword at his side; and carries spear in r., and round shield and scaling ladder in 1. ; his 1. foot rests on thymiaterion (?).* 4 M -8 AVKACEH C€VHPOCn Similar type. [Plate BIZVHNn N Figure reclining on coach 1., holding kantharos ? in out- stretched r., and sceptre in LI sxix. 9.] DEULTUM Imperial Coinage Diadumenianus 1 M -9 MOPELANTDIADVMENIANC Bust of Diadumenianus v.. head bare ; he wears cuirass and paludameutum. * See J. N. Svoronos, in 'Y.^T)jxipU 'kpxo-ioKoy reproduced (Plate ll. 15). t See Pick, Thrakische Miinzbilder, p. 152. COLFLP ACDEVL Asklepios and T Hygieia; Asklepios facing, looking 1., holds serpent-staff ; Hygieia r., feeds serpent out of patera. k4 1889 (pp. 101 ff.), where the Hunter coin is BIZYA— DBULTUM 439 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse Severus Alexander 2 M -9 IMPCMAVRSEVALEXANDAVG Bust of Sevei-us Alexander r., laur., wearing cuirass and paludamentum. COLFLPA CDEVLT Hermes, naked, facing, head 1. ; he carries chlamys over 1. arm, and holds purse and caduceus. Julia Mamaea 3 iE -85 IVLIAMA MAEAAVG Bust of Julia Mamaea r., draped, and wearing stephane. COLFLPA CDEVLT Nemesis ]., holding cornucopiae in 1. ; her r. hand raised to her lips ; at her feet 1., wheel. Maximinus 4 M -95 IMPMAXIMINVSPIVSAVG Bust of Maximinus r., laur., wearing cuirass and paludamentum. COLFLPAC Wolf r., suckling DEVLT twins. Gordian III. IMPCGORDIANVSPIVSAVG Bust of Gordian r., radiate, wearing cuirass and paludamentum. COLFL PA CDEVLT Hermes, naked, facing, head 1. ; he carries chlamys over 1. arm, and holds purse and caduceus. 5 JS 1- Tranquillina 6 ^ -9 SABTRANQVI LLINAAVG Bust of Tranquillina r., draped, and wearing stephane. [Plate x COL FLP . . D EVLT Pallas (or Enyo ?) r., in attitude of defence ; she holds shield in raised 1., and prepares to hurl javelin with r. XIX. 10.] 7 ^ -7 SABTRAN[QVILLI N]AAVG Bust of Tranquillina 1., draped, and wearing stephane. [Plate x C F Aphrodite standing 1., in the P D attitude of the Medicean Venus ; at her feet 1., a vase. SIX. 11.] 440 INLAND CITIES OF THRACE No. Weight Metal Size Obveese Reverse Philippus Senior 8 M -85 .... IVLPHILIPPVSAVG Bust of Philipjius r., radiate, weai'ing cuirass and paludamentum, IMPMIVL PHILIPPVSAVG Bust of PhilippTis r., radiate, wearing cuirass and paludamentum. COLFLP A CDEVLT Marsyas r., with r. hand raised ; carries wine- skin over 1. shoulder. COLFLPA .DEVLT Pallas, helmeted, facing, head 1. ; she leans on spear with 1., while r. rests on top of shield. 9 M -85 Otacilia 10 JE -9 MAPCIAOTAC ILSEVHRAAJG (.s/f) Bust of Octacilia r., draped, and weariag stephane. C OLPACD E Wolf r., suckling VLT twins. HADRIANOPOLIS Imperial (!oiii<(AVCTEINA CEB .... Bust of Faustina r., di'aped ; hair in knot. OVAHIACn AVTAAIAC Hygieia r., feeding serpent fi-oni patera. L. Ve AV-TKAIA- AVP _ Bust of L. Verus r., wearing cuirass and paludamentum. HTTOVAAIOVMAIIMOV HAVTAAI nrnN Biga r., driven by Nike; horses walking. (No. 2 is twice pierced.) [Plate xxix. 13.] Septimius Severas AVKACEH [L]€OyHPOi:n Head of Septimius Sevei'us r., laur. OVAniACHAVTAAl AC River-god recumbent L, hokling coi'nu-- copiae, and resting upon vase, from which water flows. beardless ? HADRIANOPOLIS— PHILIPPOPOLIS 443 No. Weight Metal Size Obyeese Eeveese Julia Domna lOVAIA • AO MNACEB Bust of Julia Domna r., dra^Jecl. HA VTA AlHTflN Tychel., weai'ing niodius, and holding rudder 4 JE -95 and cornucopiae. Geta 5 M 1-15 [AV]KnC€ nXIMirCTAC Head of Geta r., laur. OVAHIAC HAVTAAI AC Serpent coiled, with head erect, r., open-mouthed; its tail divides into three points. 6 JE 7 AC€n r€TACK Bust of Geta r., head bare ; he wears cuirass and pal udamen turn. OVAHIAC rnAVTAAIJAC Herakles standing r., leaning with 1. ai'm upon club with lion's skin (Farnese type). [Plate xxix. 14.] PHILIPPOPOLIS The situation of PhilipiiopoJis is referred to on the Bev. of Nos. 1 and 2. The number of allusions to (jaiiies is notcvorthij. Imperial Coinage Antoninus Pius 1 JE 1-15 AVTAIAAPIA ANTHNEINOC Head of Antoninus r., laur. HrErAPriAIANTIKOV«l>IAin nono AITXIN River-god Hebi'os, bearded, recumbent 1. on rock, from which water flows ; he holds branch in r. M 1-2 (AEITUN ; branch obscure.) :} ^ -7 AVTAIAAPI ANTHNEINOC Head of Antoninus r., bare. <|)|AIIIIIOnO AEITXIH Dionysos naked 1., holding kanthai'os and filleted thyrsos. 3 L 2 444 INLAND CITIES OF THRACE No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 10 M -7 M I- M -8 JE 1- M 1-7 M 1-65 M I- [AVTA]IAAPIA ANTnN[EINOC] Head of Antoninus r., laur. OlAimTO no A El . . . Homonoia 1., sacrificing at altar, and holding patera and cornucopiae. Crispina KPICneiNA C€BACTH of Crispina r., draped. Bust iAin no noAiTON Nike, advancing 1., with wreath and palm. Caracalla AVTKAIMAVPCEVHPOCANXn NEINOCAVr Bust of Caracalla r., laur., wearing cuirass and paluda- meiitum (or aegis ?) . KOINONGPAKHNA AEZAN APTTV9IA<|)| Apollo standing r., naked but for chlamys, which hangs behind him ; in 1., he holds a bow, and in r., strap of quiver, lower end of which rests upon the ground. [Plate xxix. 15.] AVTKMAVPCEVH ANTIINEI NOC Bust of Caracalla 1., laur., wearing aegis. Similar. KOINONGPAKHNAAEZANnvei AEN<|)|Ain n o Emperor on horseback galloping r., about to spear prostrate foeman. KOI NONGPAKHNAAEZAN APIAEN<|)|AI mono Diskobolos standing 1., holding three balls and disk ; in field 1., uncertain object; across the field, TTV0IA PHILIPPOPOLIS — PLOTINOPOLIS 445 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 11 M 1-2 AVTKMAVP ANTHNEINOC Bust of Caracalla r., laui-., wearing cuii'ass and paludameutum. iAinnon oaeithn Thanatos, winged r., leaning on inverted torch. Elagabalus 13 M 1-45 AVTKMAVPHAIOC ANTHNEI NOCCEB Bust of Elagabalus r., I'adiate, wearing cuirass and paluda- meutum. AVTKMAVP ANTnN€INOC Head of Elagabalus r., laur. kenapeiceiae NiAinno noAi NEHKO pq. Table, with lion's feet ; on which, agonistic lira containing hve balls ; beneath the table, amphora and palm. 4>iAinnonoA€iTnNNEnKOP UN Apollo, naked 1., holding patera and lustral branch. 14 M -8 PLOTINOPOLIS Imperial Coinage Faustina Junior AVCTEINA CEBACTH Bust of Faustina r., draped, liair in knot. HAnTEINO nOAEITUN Female figure 1., holding ears of corn and leaning on sceptre (or long torch ?) ; at her feet, flaming altar. 1 M -9 Caracalla 2 M -65 AVK MAVP - _ - Head of Caracalla r., laur. * See Dr. B. Pick, ThraMs nAnT€iN[o n]OA€iTnN Thanatos, winged, standing r., leaning with 1. elbow on inverted tbich. :he MUnzbilder, pp. 135 ff. 446 INLAND CITIES OF THRACE No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse M 115 M 1-3 M 1-2 JE 1-15 M 11 ^ 115 SERDICA For the title of Serdica, see under Anchialus. Imjjerial CohiiKje Caracalla AVTKMAVPCEV ANTHNEINOC Bust of Caracalla r., laur., wearing cuirass and paludamentum. AVTKMAVPC€VH ANTHNEI NOC Head of Caracalla r., laur. OVAniAC CePAIKHC Female tigure 1., holding ears of corn and lean- ing upoa sceptre ; at her feet, altar. OVAHIAC C€PAIKHC Apollo, naked, standing facing, head 1. ; r. hand rests on serpent - staff ; 1. is placed against his side ; hair bound with wreath. [Pi,ATE XXX. 1.] AVTKMA ^ ANTHNEINOC Bust of Caracalla r., laur., wearing cuii'ass and paludamentum. AVTKMAVPH ANTONEINOC Bust of Caracalla r. OV ATT I AC CEPAIKHC Herakles standing r., holding club downwards, and apple ; lion's skin on 1. arm. OVAHIAC C€PAIKHC Female figure seated 1., holding patera, and leaning upon sceptre. [Plate xxx. 2.] AVTKMAVP Similar type. ANTON I NOC AVTKMAVPCEV ANTHNEI NOC Bust of Caracalla r., wearing cuirass and paludamentum. OVAHIAC CePAIKHC Hygieia r., feeding serpent out of patera. OVAHIAC CEPAIKHC Apollo standing 1., naked but for chlamys, which hangs behind him ; he holds bow in r., and with 1. grasps strap of quiver, the lower end of which rests on the ground. SERDICA— AUGUSTA TRAJANA 447 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse 7 M -75 AVTKMAVCEV ANTilNINOC Bust of Caracalla r., luur., wearing cuirass and paludamentum. C E PA [n N ] Infant Herakles r., kneeling on 1. knee, strangling a serpent with each hand. Geta 8 M 1-15 CE HTirETAC Bust of Geta r., laur., wearing cuii-ass and paludamentum. OVAHIAC CEP . . . . HC Asklepios r., leaning with both hands upon serpent-staff. Gallienus _ _ KfAA AIHNOC-- Bust of OVAniAC C€PAIKHC Military 9 M 1-1 of Gallienus r., laur., wearing cuirass and paludamentum. figure facing, leaning with r. upon sjjear, and resting 1. ujaon shield. TOPIRUS Geta 1 M -95 AVTKnC€n TIMirETAC Bust of Geta r., laui'., wearing cuirass and paludamentum. OVAHIAC TOniPOV Herakles naked 1., seated on rock, on which lies lion's skin ; his 1. rests on rock, while his outstretched r. holds club down- wards, with lower end on the ground. [Plate xxx. 3.] AUGUSTA TRAJANA This town must he distinguished from Trajanopolis, leith winch it was formerly confused. * Septimiua Severus 1 /E -8 AVAC€n C€VHPOC Head of Severus r., laur. * See Foucart, Ball, de AVrOVCTHCTPAIANHC Lion, slowly advancing r, Covr. Hell, vi. (1882), p. 179. us UNCERTAIN No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Eeverse 39-6 M -55 UNCERTAIN THRACO - MACEDONIAN * Cow r., with fore-knees on the ground, lookins: back : border of dots. Triquetra of legs within circular iucuse. (A pierced coin.) [Plate xxx. 5.] * Sec Inilioof-Blumer, Monn. grccq., p. 100. THESSALY No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse CRANNON Circa 480—400 B.C. The liorse on the Eev. is the emblem of Poseidon, ichence the trident. The type of the Ohv. represents the characteristicaJlij Thessalian feat of the ravpoKa6dij/ia, practised at the games held in honour of Poseidon raijpeos. The hnlf-types indicate the hemidrachm. For drachms, see Larissa, Nos. 2 and 3. Silver 43-9 M -6 134- M -8 Aeginetic Standard Hemidrachm + A M . Youth r., with chlamys hang- ing from shoulder and kausia at neck, subduing forepart of bull galloping r. ; border of dots. A ^ [^] Forepart of bridled horse prancing 1.; behind neck, trident; all in incuse square. [Plate xxx. 5.] After circa 400 B.C. Bronze Bust of Thessalian youth r., wearing kausia ; chlamys round shoulders. KPA N Horseman prancing r., [NnNlflN] wearing kausia ; chlamys flying behind him ; Ijelow horse, |^A£ [BM.C, Pl. II. 15.] 3 M 450 THE S SAL Y No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse DEMETRIAS Circa 290 B.C. TJie following coin ivas probably issued soon after the Demetrius Foliorcetes. Silver Aeginetic Standard Hemidrachm ! foundation of the city by Head of Artemis r. ; at her shoulder, quiver. AHMH TPIEHN Forepart of galley r., between two lines of inscr. 1 34-7 M -6 in field 1., ^ IBJI.C, Pl. hi. 1.] GOMPHI Circa 300—200 B.C. Bronzk 1 112- M -85 Head of nymph with floating hair, three- quarter face towards 1. j border of dots. roM4>E Zeus, seated 1. on throne, grasping thunderbolt, and leaning upon sceptre. [Cf. B.M.C., Pl. m. 4.] GYRTON" Circa 300—200 B.C. Bronze 1 120- ^ -8 Head of Zeus 1., laur. ; border of dots. rvPT n NiriN Bridled horse advancing r. ; beneath, A}-\ ; between forelegs, bunch of grapes. 2 124- ^•: -do Similar. TYPT aNinN Similar ; but beneath, N ? ; bunch of grapes in front. DEMETRIAS— LARISSA 451 No. Weight Metal Size Obveese Reverse LAMIA Circa 400—344 B.C. The following coins were struck before Thessahj was made part of the empire of Pldlip of Maccdon. Silver Aeginetic Standard Hemidrachms Head of young Dionysos 1., wearing wreath of ivy. A AM IE UN Amphora; above, ivy- leaf r. ; in field r., one-handled vase 1. 1 401 /R -6 (A in inscr.) 2 38-5 .'R -65 • [2?.i¥.C., Pl. III. 13.] LARISSA Silver Aeginetic Standard Before circa 480 B.C. The followivtj is one of the earliest coins struck in Thessaly. Ob 1 Head and neck of bull 1., head facing; border of dots. [A] A Head and neck of bridled horse r. ; all in incuse square. 1 131 M -4 [Cf. B.M.a, Pl. IV. 7.] Circa 480—430 B.C. For the types of Nos. 2 and 3, see under Crannon. Drachm Youth r., with kausia at neck, subduing unruly bull r. ; border of dots. A A Bridled horse prancing r. ; ring /\5ICJ on bridle; all in incuse square. 2 8G-3 Al -7 [Cf. B.M.C., I 'L. IV. 12, 13.1 3 M 2 4r)2 THESSALY No. Weight Metal Size Obveese Reverse Circa 430—400 B.C. Prachm 3 93-4 M -75 Similar type, of more advanced style ; Traces of inscr. Bridled horse prancing youth wears chlamys; no kausia visible. r., rein loose ; all in incuse square. [Plate xxx. 6.] Tr ihemiobol 4 20-2 M -6 Horseman advancing 1., wearing kausia A A Nymph Larissa seated r. on and chlamys, and carrying two spears ; chair, r. hand raised ; she holds wreath above horse, ^ ; beneath, O ; border in 1. ; all in shallow incuse, of dots. [Plate xxx. 7.] Circa 400—344 E.G. The issue of silrer ceased after PMUp's final conquest of Thessahj (344 B.C.). For money of a much later chcte prohahhj struck at Larissa, see tinder TuESSALi. Drachms Head of nymph Larissa 1., wearing sphendone and earring ; border of dots. A5ISA A Bx-idled horse prancing r. ; lA all in shallow incuse circle. 5 92-3 JR -75 6 ■ 93-9 M -75 Head of nymph Lai-issa, three-quarter face towards 1. ; she wears necklace, and her hair, confined by fillet, floats loosely round her ; border of dots. A A PI Horse prancing r., with rein hanging loose ; all in incuse circle. 7 92-4 M -75 Similar. A APIS Horse feeding r. ; off foreleg AlilN raised. 8 93-3 M -70 [B.M.C., Similar. Pl. VI. 1.] AAPIS Similar type ].; beneath, plant Ain[N] gi'owing. 9 92'2 Al -8 [Plate xxx. 8.] LARISSA— MAGNETES 453 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse ■ Similar ; necklace doubtful. [A] A PISA 1 Horse feeding 1. 10 90-9 /R '8 (No. 10 is pierced.) H e m i d r a c h m s Similar type ; no necklace visible. A APIS Horse feeding r. ; off foreleg [AinN] raised. 11 28- M -55 inscr., off coin. (More than a fourth of this coin is broken off.) 12 36-8 M -G border of dots. beneath, i IB.M.C, Pl. VI. 5.] Tr ihemiobol 13 21- M -5 Similar type ; border of dots. AAP IS Horseman, holding short AinN spear or javelin, pran- cing r. ; his chlamys flies behind him. Beonze Circa 400—344 B.C. 14 97-5 JE -75 Head of Larissa, three-quarter face towards 1.; her hair confined by fillet, and floating loosely ; bordei' of dots. Similar type. * AAP 1 S Bridled horse advancing r. [NnjiA AAP IS Horseman prancing r., AII2N holding spear. 15 73- JE -75 dress uncertain. MAGNETES Circa 197—146 B.C. Tie Magnetes sfrnclc federal coins, prohahhj at Demetrias , in the interval between the liberation of Thessahj by Flaminius and its tnchision in the Roman province of Macedonia. Compare the money of the Thessali. Bronze 1 114- M -8 Head of Zeus r., laur. MAPN H Centaur advancing r., with Xn N r. ai'm outstretched ; he holds a branch over 1, shoulder. 454 THESSALY No. Weight Metal Size 91-7 JR -8 89-5 122-5 jE M -8 Obverse Reverse M pi. -8 PELINNA Circa 400—344 B.C. Silver Aeginetic Standard Drachm Horseman cantering 1. ; lie v^^ears kausia and chlaniys, and holds spear in r. ; above, in minute letters, A I ; border of dots. n E A I M M A I K (sic) Warrior retreating 1., looking back ; he wears kausia and chiton ; gi-asps javelin in r. and holds shield and two spare javelins in 1. ; his sword is suspended by a strajj passing over r. shoulder ; all within incuse square. [Plate xxx. 9.] PHALANNA Circa 300—200 B.C. Bronze Young male head r., with short hair; boi'der of dots. <|>AAAN[NAinN] Head of nymph r., hair in net ; she wears earring and necklace. [Cf. B.M.C., Pl. VIII. 15] Head of Pallas, wearing triple - crested helmet, three-quarter face towards 1. <|>AA (in ex.) Wolf r. ; beneath, lioar's head 1. [Plate xxx. 10.] PHARSALUS Circa 480—344 B.C. The Bev. type of No. 1 rccaUs the well-hiown proicess of the Thessalian cavalry. Compare No. 4 ; also Crannon, No. 2, and Larissa, No. 13. Silver Aeginetic Standard Drachm Head of Pallas r., wearing crested Athe- nian helmet, adorned with wing. fine style. <|) [A] Horseman prancing r. ; he $ q wears chlamys and chiton ; and holds whip over shoulder. head, off coin. PELINNA— SCOTUSSA 455 No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reverse ft Hemidrachms Similar type. Head and neck of horse r. 2 49 '2 .'R -55 eai-ly style ; helmet plain. A P 5 3 445 M -65 fine style ; helmet adoriied with wing. 4) A ; all in incuse square. Circa 300—200 B.C. Bkonze 4 130- iE -85 Head of Pallas, wearing triple-crested helmet, tlu-ee-quarter face towards 1. ; on either side, spear and shield. [Cf. BJI.C, <|>A . Horseman r., striking with whip ; A . horse prancing. Pl. IX. 18.] PHERAE Third Ccntunj B.C. Bronze Head of Hekate, wearing wreath of myrtle, three-quarter face towards 1. ; beside her, her r. hand holding torch ; border of dots. EPAir2N Hekate, holding torch, seated sideways on horse galloping r. ; in field 1., lion's head 1. 1 122- M -8 {BM.C, Pt. X. 16.] SCOTUSSA Third Century B.C. Bronze 1 1 102-5 JE -85 Head of nymph , three - quarter face towards 1. ; hair floating loosely. [Plate > SKOTOY55[AI] Vine-branch, with XI N grapes and tendrils. cxx. 11.] 456 THESSALY No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Reveese TRICCA Circa 480 400 B.C. Fur the types of the following, see under Crannon. Silver Aeg'inetic Staiidai-d Hemidrachms 1 43-5 Al -75 Youth r., wearing clilamys and having kausia at ueck, subduing unruly bull, of which forepart only is seen ; border of dots. Forepart of bridled horse, galloping r. ; all in incuse square. TP 1 KK Al o >A (No. 1 is pierced.) 1 2 43-9 .-R -7 V^oi A>i >l 1ST 1 [€f B.3I.C., Pl. XI. 5, 6, and 7.] THESSALI 196— ]4G B.C. The Tltcssali, lilcc the Magnetes, received their freedom from Fldininiiis after the battle of Ci/nosccjihalae, and formed a confederacy. On the settJeiuent of Greece by Muhimius thcij were made subordinate to the Roman governor of Macedonia, and their coinage ceased. The name on the Obv. of No. 5 is that of Nilcokrates, uTpaT-qyo'i of the League in 182 — 181 B.C. Nos. 1 — 10 are struck on a standard * double the iccight of the Roman Victoriatus. Silver Head of Zeus of Dodona r., crowned with oak ; of late style. OEZZA AIIN Athena Itonia, in attitude of attack r.; above and beneath, name of magistrate. 1 83-3 M -85 [A]AE EA[N] MENEKPA[THZ] 2 97-i .il -85 (less debased style.) rop riAZ GE Ml ZT or [Plate xxx. 12.] 3 87' .R 1- [KIAZZ ANAPO[Y] EPEKPATH[Z] TRICCA— THESSALI 457 No. Weight i 97-1 5 95-8 6 86-1 7 86- 8 92-5 9 77-2 10 91-2 11 60-4 12 G3-5 13 C6-3 li G3-3 15 1 62-8 Metal Size Obverse Reverse /R 1- M -9 M -95 M 1- M -9 ^l 9 M I- Al -7 M -8 yR -7 /R -75 M -75 (above, NIKOKPATOYZ) MENE KPATOCVZ] AAEZANAPOZ <|>IA0H ENIA[OY] in field r., palm. HETPAIOZ [Plate xxx. 13.] (uncertain countermai'k.) (less debased style.) noAV ZEN[OV] EVKOAOZ as preceding. [n]VO flNOZ in field r., tripod. KAEOMAXICAHZ] as preceding. »Am noY OEMISTorENN[HZ] (sic) in field r., Ilekate running r., holding two torches. Euboic-Attic Standard Drachms Head of Apollo r., laur. ; hair long behind head, /kj behind head, TAYANA behind head, E OEZZA Af2N Athena Ttonia in attitude of attack r. above, in field r., owl r. [Plate xxx. 14-.] on either side of Athena, PI O ; in field r., bunch of grajjes. A Y on eitlier side of Athena, PI O A Y Head of Athena Itonia r., wearing crested OEZ Corinthian helmet adorned with run- ZAAXIN ning' griffin. [Plate xxx. 15.] Similar type ; helmet plain ; above fore- head and behind neck, nVOXl NO[Z] OEZ ZAAn N [Plate xxx. 16,] Bridled horse trotting r. beneath, ^ Similar type. 3 N 458 THESSALY No. Weight Metal Size Obveese KE^^5ESE Bronze 16 220- JE -9 Heacl of Zens r., crowned with oak. [Plate x Head of Apollo r., laur. ; liair long. 0EZZA Two animals bounding r. ; [Afl N ] above, [ E] Y B 1 OTOY ; beneath, nETPAI[OZ] XV. 11.*] OEZZA AHN Athena Itonia in attitude of attack r. 17 139- M -8 in field r., J-R 18 116- JE -8 in field r., kC 19 144- JE -75 • on either side of Athena, T 1 M A 20 96- M -8 in field above, 1(111 OAO ; on either side of Athena, A P 1 21 107- JE -75 in field alcove, ] fl N [ ; in field r., tripod. 22 94- IE -7 Similar type ; less debased style. in field above, ]TA A[ Similar type 1. 23 47- M -6 Head of Athena Itonia r., wearing crested Corinthian lielmet. no inscr. visible. 0EZ Bi'idled horse ti'otting r. ZAAn N 24 8r5 JE -7.5 above, [E]ENinnoV in front, caps of Dioskonroi with atai's. 25 89- JE-75 above and l)eneath, NYZ . AN APoY in fi'ont, ear of corn. 26 97-5 M -75 )) 11 >» * This coin owes its place on the Plate to th to Thessalonica. Comparison with a cast of a the missing letters of the ethnic name as well coins the nearer animal appears, to judge from the farther one is almost certainly a horse ; on centaur. Mionnet (Suppl. iii. p. 264), citing f two lions (No. 23), in another as a hor.se and , " Ceniaim duo." e fact that it was at first doubtfully assigned similar piece in the Berlin Museum has supplied as of the names of the magistrates. On both its tail, to be a bull. On the Berlin specimen the Hunter coin it has more resemblance to a roni Sestini, describes the type in one case as X bull (No. 24). Combo {Descripio, p. 327) says ril THESSALI 459 No. Weight Metal Size Obvekse Reverse 27* M -7 Imperial Times After the battle of Pharsalia, Julias Caesar declared Thessaly free. No. 27 may iHtssihly have been struck then. Hearl of HomuuOia r. ; belimcl, [OJMO NOIA EZ Bridled horse galloping r. ; ZAA ring on bridle ? [Plate xxx. 17.] 28 M 1-05 Livia SEBAZTHn N 0EZZ AAX2N Livia (?) seated r., leaning on sceptre, and holding ears of corn (?) in out- stx'etched 1. ZTPATHrOYAY KOYTOY Demeter (?) standing r., holding ears of corn ? and leaning upon long sceptre (or torch ?). [Plate xxx. IS.] Under Hadrian A coin of Hadrian bearing the name of NiJcomachos is figured in B.M.C., Pl. i. 12. 29 AXIAA €YC Head of Achilles r., in crested Corinthian helmet. NIKO MAXOY Horse advancing 1. [iJ.iU.C, Pl. r. 8.] * In the B.M.C. (J,Iacedon), two specimens of this coin are catalogued under Thessalonica (p. 113, nos. 43 and 44). Von Sallet {Berlin Catal., ii. p. 141) considers that what has been read as ON is merely the continuation of the bridle with a ring attached to it, such a ring being common on Thessalian coins. (Cf. Laeissa, Ko. 2.) The specimen here described is not in sufficiently good condition to enable one to arrive at a definite opinion on the question of reading. It is, therefore, placed under Thessaly on account of its Rev. type, which has much resemblance to that of Nos. 21 fi. K 2 460 ISLANDS ADJACENT TO THESSALY No. Weight Metal Size Obverse Eeverse Islands Adjacent to Thessaly PEPARETHUS Tills ishtnd was famous for its wine. Cf. the ti/jjes of Nos. 1 and 2. Bronze Circa 350—200 b.c. 1 24- M -6 Head of bearded Dionysos r., wearing wreath of ivy. r E Kanthaix)s, wreathed with vine- branch. [B.M.C., Pl. XI. 14.] Circa 200—27 B.C. 2 42-5 M -7 Head of young Dionysos r., wearing wreath of ivy. nenAPHGIIlN Kantharos ; behind it, pahii. 3 56- M -55 Athena Itonia, armed with spear and shield, in attitude of attack, r. [Plate TTETTA Owl ]., head facing. XXX. 19.] Inqicriul Coinage Augustus ZEBAZ Head of Augustus r., bare. riEriA Bearded head r. 4 M -75 [Plate : head of Zeus ? (XX. 20.] 5 i ■1 yE -8 uncertain comitennark (thyrsos bound to cross-pieces of a torch V). head of Dionysos ? INDEXES In nil of the Indexes the numbers refer to the pages of the Catalogue. I. G-EOGRAPHICAL. II. Kings and Dynasts. III. Roman Emperors and IxM ferial Personages. IV. Types. V. Symbols. VI. Countermarks, VII. Magistrates' Names on Autonomous Coins. VIII. Magistrate.?' Names on Imperial Coins. IX. Roman Magistrates' Names. X. Engravers' Names. XL Remarkable Inscrifiion.s, Titles op Cities, etc. (a) Greek. (/3) Latin, (y) Oscan. (S) Etruscau. («) Punic. INDEX I. GEOGRAPHICAL Tlie names printed in italics in this Index are those of cities or districts which, according to L. Miiller, were mints for the money of Alexander the Great or Lijsimachus. See, however, footnotes on pp. 296 and 299. Abacaenum, 153 Abdera, 382 Abdern, 429 Acanthus, 270 Ace, 313 Acroathon, 301 Adranum, 164 Aegae, 267 Aegospotami, 385 Aenus, 377 Aenus, 428 Aeserriia, 22 Aetna, 154 Agrigentum, 155 Agyrium, 165 Alahanda, 310 Alaesa, 165 Alba Fucentis, 11, 21 Alliba, 26 Aluntiam, 167 Amestratus, 108 Ampliaxitis, 351 Ampliipolis, 275, 350, 354 A^iphipolis, 299, 318 Ancona, 20 Ancliialus, 419 Aphytis, 272 Aphjtis, 319, 431 Apollonia (Macedon), 270 Apollonia (Thrace), 420 Aptera, 323 Apulia, 14, 53 Aqninum, 21 Aradus, 313, 324 Ardea, 9 Ariminum, 4, 19 Arpi, 53 Ascalon, 314, 327 Asjyendus, 311 Assorus, 168 Assus, 308 Atella, 26 Augusta Trajana, 447 Azetium, 54 Barium, 54 Bisaltae, 208 Bizya, 438 Bottiaia, 352 Bottice, 274 Brundusiura, 61 Bruttii, 120 Beuttium, 120 Byzantium, 393 Byxantium, 426, 429 Byzantium and Calchedon, 398 Byzantium and Nicaca, 398 Caelia, 54 Calabkia, 61 Calacte, 168 Calchedon, 431 Calchedon and Byzantium, 398 Cales, 27 Callatia, 409 Callatia, 427, 430 Camarina, 169 Campania, 13, 26 Campanians in Sicily, 180 Canusium, 55 Capua, 29 Cardia, 386 Curdia, 320 Caria, 310, 324 Cassandrea, 273 Catana, 171 Caulonia, 126 Centuripae, 177 Cephaloedium, 178 Chalcidice, 270 Cherronesus, 422 Chersonescs (Tauric), 422 Cheesonesus (Thraciak), 385 Chios, 309 Chrysaoris, 432 Cilicia, 312 Cnidus, 310 Coela, 386 Coela, 302 Commagene, 313 Consentia, 128 Crannon, 449 Croton, 128 Cumae, 30 Dacia, 405 Damascus, 313 Danubian District, 405 Demetrias, 450 464 INDEX I. Deultum, 438 Dionysopolis (Moesia), 410 Dium, 361 Dium, 301, 434 Edessa, 362 Bdonis, 350 Eion, 265 Bmathian District, 266 Euna, 179 Entella, 180 Ephcms, 432 Eri/thrae, 432 Eryx, 181 Etruria, 3, 16 Porraiae, Fundi, or Fregellae ? 10 Frentani, 25 Gela, 181 Gomphi, 450 Graxa, 62 Grumum, 55 Gyrton, 450 Hadrianopolis (Thrace), 440 Hatria, 7 Hephaestia, 388 Heraclea (Lucania), 85 Herachd louiae, 309 Heraclea ad Pontinn, 431 Heraclea Sintica, 300, 319 Heracieum Pierlae, 319 HerbessTis, 185 Himera, 186 Hi])poniurii, \3S Hybla Magna, 191 Hyporon and Mystia, 138 Hyria (Calabria), 63 Hyria (Campania), 31 laeta, 191 Iguvium, 4 I stria, 427 Istriis, 410 ITALY, 3 Lamia, 451 Larinum, 25 Larissa, 451 Latium, 21 Laus, 88 Lemnos, 388 Leontini, 191 Lete, 266 Lilybaeum, 195 Lipara, 260 Locri (Epizepbyrii), 136 Lucani, 85 Lucania, 85 Luceria, 14, 56 * Lycia, 312, 327 Lysimacbia, 387 Li/simachia, 428, 435 MACEDON, 263 Macedon Semi-Independent, 350 Macedon under the Romans, 354 Macedonia a Roman Province, 355 Macedonian Confederations, 354 Macedon, Thrace and Thessaly, 305, 318 Mafjnesia, 309, 432 Magnetes, 453 Mallus, 312 Mamertini, 200 Marcianojiolis, 411 Maroneia, 379 Maroneia, 429 Mateola, 57 Melitaea, 303, 321 Menaenum, 195 Mesembria, 421 Mesemhria, 303 Messana, 196 Metapontum, 89 Miletus, 309, 323 Morgantina, 204 Motya, 205 Myrina, 388 Mystia and Hyporon, 138 Mijtilem, 308 Mytistratus, 259 Naxus, 205 Neapolis (Apulia), 57 Neapolis (Campania), 33 Neapolis (Macedonia), 264 Nicaea and Byzantium, 398 Nicopolis ad Istrum, 413 Nola, 44 Nuceria Alfaterna, 45 Nuceria (Bruttium), 139 Odessus, 418 Odessus, 303 Olynthus, 272 Orra, 63 Orrescii, 263 Paeonia, 348 Paestum, 99 Pangaean District, 263 Panormus, 207, 257 Panticapaeum, 423 Pautalia, 442 Pelagonia, 301 Pelinna, 454 Pella, 362 Pell a, 318 Peparethus, 460 Pergamum, 432 Perinthus, 399 Perinthus, 302, 429 Petelia, 139 Pbalanna, 454 Pbarsalus, 454 Pberae, 455 Philippi, 281 Pbilippopolis, 443 Philomelium, 311 Pbistelia, 45 Picenum, 7, 20 Plotinopolis, 445 Populonia, 16 Poseidonia, 96 Praeneste, 8 Priene, 309 Propontis, European Coast op the, 393 Pydna, 282 Rbegium. 140 Bhodes, 310 Romano-Campanian, 49 Romano-Lucerian, 56 Romans in Sicily, 257 Rubi, 57 Salapia, 58, 151 INDEX II. 465 SaJijmbyia, 302 Samnium, 22 Samothrace, 388 Saiiiothrace, 320 Sardinia, 262 Scione, 272 Scotussa, 455 Segesta, 212 Si'leucld Enniire, 314, 324 Selinus, 216 Serdica, 446 Sestus, 387 Sestus, 428 SICILY, 387 Sicily, Islands op, 260 Siculo-Punic, 205, 207, 219, 225, 227, 257 Sicyon, 306 Siijeum, 307, 431 Silerae, 218 Sill yum, 311 Smyrna, 308, 432 Social War, 23 Soli, 313 Solus, 219 Soznsa, 314 Stobi, 305 Steymonian and Bottiaean Dis- tricts, 275 Stumium, 64 Suessa Aurunca, 47 Sybaris, 102 Syracuse, 219 Tarentum, G4 Tauromenium, 254 Teanum Sidicinum, 48 Teate, 58 Tcmnus, 308 Teas, 308 Terina, 146 Thasos, 389 Therma, 301 Thermae Himerenses, 189 Thessali, 456 Thessalonica, 366 THESSALT, 449 Thessaly, Islands of, 460 THRACE, 377 Thrace, Inland Cities of, 438 Thrace, Islands of, 388 Thrace, Southern Coast of, 377 Thurium, 103 Tibur, 8 Tomis, 416 Tomi, 427 Topii-us, 447 Traclium, 319, 431, 435 Tragilus, 281 Tricca, 456 Triccn, 304 Tuder, 4, 19 Umbria, 4, 19 Uncertain Aes Grave, 15 Uncertain of Apulia, 10 Uncertain of Campania, 49 Uncertain of Etruria, 6, 18 Uncertain of Italy, 150 Uncertain of Latium, 10 Uncertnin of N. Greece, 304, -321 Uncertain of Macedon, 352 Uncertain of Macedonia, 301, 319, 431, 435 Uncertain of Sicily, 259 Uncertain Thraciaa, 430, 434 Uncertain Thraco-Macedonian, 448 Uncertain of Umbi'ia, 6 Uranopolis, 431 Uxentum, 152 Velecha, 13 Velia, 112 Venafrum (!), 150 Vemisia, 59 Vetulonia, 17 Vibo Valentia, 134 Viminacium, 406 Volaterrae, 3 Zancle, 196 INDEX II. KINGS AND DYNASTS Aeropus, 285 Agathokles, 238 Alexander I., 283 Alexander the Great, 295 Amyntas III., 286 Antigonus, 336 Antigonns Gonatas (or Doson?), 340 VOL. I. Archelaus I., 285 Audoleon, 348 Cassander, 334 Coson, 436 Demetrius (Bisaltae), 269 Demetrius Poliorcetes, 337 Demetrius II., 342 Gelon, 245 Hieron, 244 Hieronymus, 249 3 4r>(; Hiketas, 2-il Lysimaclius, 425 Mosses, 269 Patraus, 348 INDEX III. Pansanias, 286 Perdiccas II., 284 Perdiccas III., 287 Perseus, 346 Philip II., 287, 3i5 Philip III. (Aridaeus), 331 Philip v., 343 Philistis, 246 Phintias, 162 Rhoemetalces I., 437 Scostocos, 436 Uncertain Thracian Dynast, 425 INDEX II L EOMAN EMPEROKS AND IMPERIAL PERSONAGES Except ivliere otherwise stated, the coins included in this Index have for their types the heads or busts of the person binder whose name theij appear. Julius Caesai', — Thessalonica, 369 ; crowning Augustus, — Philippi, 282. Augustus, — Lilybaeum, 195, Panor- mus, 211 f., Amphipolis, 278, Thessalonica, 369 f., Rhoeme- talces I., 437, Peparethus, 460 ; standing and being crowned, — Amphipolis, 279, Philippi, 282. Livia, — Panormus, 211, Ainjjhipolis, 279, Thessalonica, 370; seated, Panormus, 212, The.ssali, 459. Antonia, — Thes.salonica, 371. Tiberius, — Amphipolis, 279, Dium, 361, Thessalonica, 370. Drusus, — Thessalonica, 370. Caligula, — Thessalonica, 371. Claudius, — Cassandrea, 273, Phi- lippi, 282, Macedon under the Romans, 360, Thessalonica, 371. Britannicus, — Thes.salonica, 371. Nero, — Cassandrea, 273, Macedon under the Romans, 360, Thes- salonica, 371. Poppaea, — Perinthus, 400. Vespasian, — Cassandrea, 273. 'J'itus and Domitian, — Ciissandrea, 274. Domitian, — Amphijjolis, 279, Perin- thus, 400. Trajan, — Thessalonica, 371, Perin- thus, 400; on horsebach, riding over foe, — Amphipolis, 279 ; statue of, standing, — Amphi- polis, 279. Antoninus Pius, — Odessus, 419, Philippopolis, 443 f. M. Aurelius, — Amphipolis, 280, Macedon under the Romans, 360 f., Thasos, 392, Tomis, 417. Faustina Junior, — Amphipolis, 280, Byzantium, 396, Hadrianopolis, 440, Pautalia, 442, Plotinopolis, 445. L. Verus, — Pautalia, 442. Commodus, Amphipolis, 280, Thessalonica, 372, Nicopolis ad Istrum, 413. Commodus and Crispiua, — Byzan- tium, 896. Crispina, — Philippopolis, 444. Septimius Severus, — Thessalonica, 372, Marcianopolis, 411, Nico- polis ad Istrum, 413 f., Anchia- lus, 419, Apollonia, 421, Bizya, 438, Pautalia, 442, Philippo- polis, 444, Augusta Trajana, 447. Julia Domna, — Stobi, 365, Thessa- lonica, 372 f., Byzantium, 396, Perinthus, 400, Nicopolis ad Istrum, 414, Anchialus, 420, Pautalia,443, PhiUppopolis,444. Julia Domna and Caracalla, — Mar- cianopolis, 412. Caracalla, — Cassandrea, 274, Am- phipolis, 280, Macedon under the Romans, 361, Edes.sa, 3(12, Pella, 364, Sl,obi, 365, Thessa- lonica, 373, Byzantium, 396 f., Perinthus, 401 f., Callatia, 409 f., Marcianopolis, 411, Odessus, 419, Hadrianopolis, 440, Philippopolis, 444 f., Plo- tinopolis, 445, Serdica, 446 f. ; standing loith City -goddess, — Byzantium, 396 ; on horseback, -^Byzantium, 396 f. ; on horse- back, and spearing lion, — By- zantium, 397 ; riding over foe, ^Philippopolis, 444 ; in quad- riga, — Perinthus, 401. Plautilla, — Amphipolis, 280, Tomis, 417. INDEX IV 467 Geta, — Thessalonica, 373, Perinthus, 402, Nicopolis ad Istriim, 414, Tomis, 417, Hadrianopolis, 441, Pautalia, 443, Philippopolis, 445, Serdica, 447, Topivus, 447. Macrinus, — Nicopolis ad Istriim, 414 f. Diadumenianus, — Nicopolis ad Istrum, 415, Deultura, 438. Elagabalus, — Cassandrea, 274,Tlies- salonica, 373, Perinthus, 4'j2, Marcianopolis, 412, Philippo- polis, 445. Severus Alexander, — Macedon under the Romans, 361, Pella, 3C4, Byzantium, 397, Perinthus, 403, Marcianopolis, 412, Odessus, 419, Deultum, 439. Julia Mamaea, — Pella, 364, Thes- salonica, 374, Perinthus, 403, Tomis, 417, Deultum, 439. Maximinus, — Thessalonica, 374, Tomis, 417, Deultum, 439. Maximus, — Pella, 3G4, Thessalonica, 374. Gordian III., — Dium, 361, Edessa, 362, Pella, 364 f., Thessalonica, 374 f., Perinthus, 403, Vimi- nacium, 4V,6 f., Callatia, 410, Marcianopolis, 412, Nicopolis ad Istrum, 415 f., Tomis, 418, Deultum, 43'.), Hadrianopolis, 441 f.; with Surnjns, — Dionjso- polis, 410, Odessus, 419. Gordian III. and Ti'anquillina, — Marcianopolis, 413. Tranquillica, — Perinthus, 404, An- chialus, 420, Deultum, 439. Philippus Senior, — Thessalonica, 375, Dacia, 405, Viminacium, 407 f., Deultum, 440. Philippus and Otacilia, — Mesembria, 421. Otacilia, — Dacia, 405, Deultum, 440. Trajanus Decius, — Dacia, 405, Vimi- nacium, 407. Herennia Etruscilla, — Dacia, 406. Hostilianus,— Dacia, 406, Vimina- cium, 408. Trebonianus Gallus, — Coela, 386, Viminacium, 408. Volusianus, — Byzantium, 397, Dacia, 406, Viminacium, 409. Aemilianus, — Viminacium, 409. Valerianus Senior, Byzantium, 398, Byzantium and Nicaea, 398. Gallienus, — Coela, 386, Byzantium and Nicaea, 399, Serdica, 447. INDEX IV. TYPES Achilles, head of, — Thessali, 459. Adranos, head of, — Mamertini, 200. Aegis with Gorgoneion, — Syracuse, 224. Aequitas, standing, — Catana, 176. Agonothesia, head of, — Thessalonica, 370. Akragas, head of,— Agrigentum, 162. Alexander the Great on horseback, — Macedon under the Romans, 358 ; crowning his horse, — Macedon under the Romans, 357 f. ; escorted by Nihe, — Macedon under the Romans, 357. Alexander the Great taming Bukejihalas, — Macedon under the Romans, 359. Alexander the Great, bust of, armed, — Macedon under the Romans, 359. Alexander the Great, head of, with horn of Amman, — Macedonia a Roman l*rovince, 355 ; with diadem, — Macedon under the Roma,ns, 357 fP. ; loiih diadem and horn of Amman, — Lysimachus, 426 ff., Scos- tocos, 436 ; as young HeraMes, — Macedon under the Romans, 357 ; in Athenian helmet, — Macedon under the Romans, 360. Amenanos, head of, — Catana, 172 f. Ammon, head of, — Catana, 176, Aj^hytis, 272, Cas- sandrea, 273 f. Amphipolis. See City-goddess. Amphora, — Canusium, 55, Hipponium, 133, Apollonia (Macedon), 270, Thasos, 390, Lamia, 451. Anapus, head of, — Syracuse, 234. Anchor, — Tuder, 5, Uncertain Aes Grave, 15, Uncer- tain of Etruria, 18, Paestum, 102, Apollonia (Thrace), 420. Anchor and rudder, — Paestum, lOl. Animals, two, bounding r., — Thessali, 458. Aphrodite, seated, with duve, — Eryx, lb] . 3 o2 468 INDEX IV. Aplirodite (Medicean), standing, — Deultum, 439. Aphrodite, head or bust of, — Aiicona, 20, Hyria (Calabria), 63, Syracuse, 234, Neapolis (Mace- don), 264, Scione, 272. Apis, standing, — Perinthns, 399. Apollo, seated, on omphalos, — Rheginm, 143, 145 ; on prow, — Antigonus, 340. Apollo, standing, loith boin, — Metapontum, 92 ; tritli bow and quiver, — Philippopolis, 444, Serdica, 446 ; with how and branch, — Catana, 174, Nicopolis ad Istrum, 414, Tomis, 417 ; icilh Kabeiros and hoio, — Thessalonica, 374 ; icitli Kabeiros and lyre, — Thessalonica, 375 ; with wreath and lyre, — Alaesa, 166 ; pilaying lyre, — Amestratus, 168 ; witli patera and lyre, — Cepha- loedium,179 ; with patera and branch, — Nicopolis ad Istrum, 415, Philippopolis, 444 f. ; Sanro- ktonos, — Nicopolis ad Istrum, 414; icith staff of AsMepios, — Serdica, 446 ; in qnadriya, dis- charging arrows, — Selinus, 217. Apollo, head or bust of, laureate, — Luceria, 14, Uncertain of Etruria, 18, Cales, 28, Capua, 30, Neapolis, 39 ff., Saessa Aurunca, 47, Teauum Sidicinum, 48, Uncertain of Campania, 49, Eomano-Campanian, 50, Romano- Lucerian, 56, Salapia, 58, Tarentum, 67 f., Metapontum, 91, Thurium, III f., Croton, 132, Vibo Valentia, 136, IMystia and Hyporon, 138, Nuceria, 139, Petelia, 140, Rhegium, 141 ff., 146, Adranum, 154, Agrigentum, 162 &., Agyrium, 165, Alaesa, 166, Assorus, 168, Calacte, 169, Catana, 171 f., 174 f., Centuripae, 177 f., Leontini, 192 ff., Lilybaeum, 195, Menaenura, 196, Mamertini, 202 f., Naxus, 207, Syracuse, 231, 235, 251, 253, Tauromenium, 254 ft'., Romans in Sicily, 257, Olynthus, 272, Bottice, 274, Amphipolis, 275, PhiHp II., 287 1, 293 if., Cassander, 334 f., Patraus, 348, Edonis, 351, Amphaxitis, 351, Pella, 363, Abdera, 383 f., Byzantium, 394, Perinthus, 399, Panticapaeum, 424, Thessali, 457 f. ; laureate, and toith serpent, — Agrigentum, 164 ; laureate, and surrounded by dolphins, — Alliba, 26, Neapolis, 40 ; laureate, and showing full face, — Catana, 172; wearing diadem or taenia, — Velia, 119, Amphipolis, 275, 277, Patraus, 348 ; radiate, — Aetna, 154. See also Helios. Apollo and Artemis, heads of, jugate, — Rhegium, 144, Leontini, 194. Archias, head of, — Syracuse, 234. Ai'es, young, head of, hehncted, — Larinium, 25, Romano-Campanian, 51, Romano-Lucerian, 56, Consentia, 128 ; laureate, — Mamertini, 201 ft'., Syracuse, 236, 238, Lipara, 261. Ai'es, bearded and helmeted, head of, — Romano- Campanian, 49 ff., Bruttii, 121 ff. Arethusa, head of, — Syracuse, 232. Ai'istaios, seated, — Rhegium, 141. Arm, bent, — Ancona, 20. Artemis, loith torch, — Petelia, 140; with torch and dogs, — Thurium, 112, Mamertini, 203 ; icith torch and branch {Tauro polos), — Amphipolis, 279 f. Ai'temis, Huntress, icith how, — Rhegium, 145, Cal- latia, 409, Nicopolis ad Istrum, 413, Tomis, 417 ; discharging arrow, — Sj'racuse, 250, Tomis, 417 ; slaying stag, — Cherronesus, 422. Artemis, riding on bull (Tauropolos), — Amphipolis, 278 fE. Artemis, driving quadriga, slow, — Selinus, 217 ; fast, Cherronesus, 422. Artemis, head or bust of, — Capua, 29, Neapolis, 42 f., Pae.stum, 102, Rhegium, 143 ff., Alaesa, 167, Amestratus, 168, Centuripae, 178, Enna, 180, Syracuse, 231, 239 f., Thessalonica, 367, Thasos, 391, Byzantium, 394, Cherronesus, 422, Deme- trias, 450 ; Tan.ropolos, — Amphipolis, 276 ff., Macedonian Confederations, 354, Barbarous Mace- donian, 376. Artemis and Apollo, heads of, jugate, — Rhegium, 144, Leontini, 194. Asklepios, seated, — Rhegium, 144. Asklepios, standing, — Agrigentum, 164 ; with serpent- staff, — Menaenum, 196, Aenus, 378, Nicopolis ad Istrum, 415, Hadrianopolis, 440, Serdica, 447. Asklejiios, young, standing, with branch and bird, — Rhegium, 143, 146. Asklepios, head of, — Rhegium, 146, Syracuse, 253. Asklepios and Hygieia, standing, — Nicopolis ad Istrum, 413, Deultum, 438. Asklepios and Hygieia, heads of, jugate, — Rhegium, 145. Asklepios, stalf of, — Syracuse, 253. Assinos, head of, — Naxus, 2U7. Astragalos, — Tibur or Praeueste, 8 f., Ardea, 10. Athena Alkis, — Antigonus Gonatas, 340, Philip V., 343, Pella, 362. Athena Itonia, — Thessali, 456 f., Peparethus, 460. Athena Itonia, head of, — Thessali, 457 f. Atliena. Sec Pallas. INDEX IV. 469 Athlete, dippiiKj arm in amphora, — Periutlms, 402 ; holdiug wreath and palm, — Perinthus, 403. B Barbarous Imitations, — Alliba, 26, Uncertain of Italy, 150, Philip II., 283 f., 292 if., Alexander the Great, 299, 318, Philip III., 333 f., Patraus, 348, Macedon, 376, Maroneia, 382, Thasos, 392, Lysimachus, 427. Barley, ear of, — Luceria, 14, Capua, 30, Heraclea, 87, Metapontum, 89 ff. See also Ear. Barley, two ears of, — Leontini, 194. Barleycorn, — Pormiae, Fundi, or Fi'egellae, 11, Leon- tini, 192 f. Barleycorns, tioo, — Ardea, 9, Enna, 179 ; three, — Metapontum, 95. Barleycorn, with mussel-shell and dolphin, — Phis- telia, 46. Basket, with poppy-heads and ears of corn, — Bizya, 438. See (dso Vase. Biga, slow, — Syracuse, 241, 245 f., Pautalia, 442 ; fast, — Aesernia, 22, Cales, 27, Capua, 29, Bruttii, 120, 125, Menaenum, 195, Messana, 200, Syracuse, 236, 241, 244 f., 247, 252, Philip II., 287 ff., Macedon under the Romans, 359. Biga of mules, — Messana, 197 f. Bii'd, — Uncertain Aes Grave, 15 ; standing on plough, — Centixripae, 178. Boar, — Formiae, Fundi, or Fregellae, 11, Capua, 29, Arpi, 53, Salapia, 58, Paestiim, 101, Abacaenum, 153, Agrigentum, 163, Enna, 180 ; pierced hij javelin, — Pa?stiiin. 102. Boar, forepart of, — Paestum, 100 f., Patraus, 348. Bow and club, — Philip II., 289, Alexander the Great, 299, Thasos, 391. Bow in case, and club, — Alexander the Great, 329 ff. Bow, arrows, and club, — Aluntium, 167. Bow, quiver, and club, — Luceria, 56, Alexander the Great, 327 ff. Branch, — Iguviam, 4, Uncertain Aes Grave, 6. Brothers, Catanean, rescuing their parents, — Catana, 175. Brutus, L., with lictors, — Coson, 436. Bucranium, — Metapontum, 89, Tauromenium, 255. Bull, standing, — Poseidonia, 97 ff., Sybaris, 103, Thurium, 111, Tauromenium, 256, Pella, 363; biting his ?*((c-A-, — Sybaris, 102 f. ; feeding, — Amphipolis, 278, Macedonia a Roman Province, 356, Pella, 363, The^ssalonica, 367 ; advancing, — ■ Thurium, 103 ff., Gcla, 184, Syracuse, 236 ; hutting, — Arpi, 53, Poseidonia, 98 f., Thuriiim, 104 ff., Catana, 173, Mamertini, 201, Syracuse, 237 f., 248 f., Tauromenium, 254 ff.. Uncertain of Sicily, 259, Amphipolis, 276 ; galloping, — Amphipolis, 277, Thessalonica, 367. See also Apis, Nike, and Youth subduing bull. Bull, forepart of, loolcing back, — Acanthus, 271; swimming, — Abacaenum, 154. Bull, head and neck of, — Lanssa, 451. Bull, humped, standing, — Perinthus, 4C0. Bull, man-headed, — Cales, 28, Hyria, 31 ff., Neapolis, 33 ff., 40 f., Nola, 44, Phistelia, 45, Suessa Aurunca, 47, Teanum Sidicinum, 48, Uncertain of Campania, 49, Laus, 88, Catana, 173, Panor- mus, 208 f., Seliuus, 218, Tauromenium, 254 ; with stream of vmter gushing from mouth, — Aluntium, 167. See also Nike. Bull, man-headed, forepart of. — Neapolis, 33, 39 f., 43, Uncertain of Camjiania, 49, Gela, 181 ff., Herbessus, 185, Panormus, 207 f., Silerae, 218. Byzas, head of, — Byzantium, 395. C Caducei, two, — Populouia, 16. Caduceus, — Ai'dea, 10, Uncertain Aes Grave, 10, Calacte, 169. Caduceus, head of, — Uncertain Aes Grave, 15. Calf, head of, — Rhegium, 140. Capricorn, — Panormus, 212. Catanean brothers, — Catana, 175. Centaur, carrying off nymph, — Orrescii, 263, Lete, 266; holding rouud, object, — Lete, 266; carrying branch, — Magnetes, 453. See also Thessali, 458. Centaurs, two, back to back, — Thessalonica, 368. Chrysas, standing, — Assorus, 168. Cicada, — Tuder, 5. Cista Mystica, — Macedon under the Romans, 358. City -goddess, seated, — Amphipolis, 280, Pella, 365. See also Female figure. City - goddess, standing, — Syracuse, 251 ; ivith two nymphs, — Thermae Hiraerenses, 190; «(-•///( ^mperoj-, — Byzantium, 396; crowning lloma, — Edessa, 362. See also Female figure. 470 INDEX IV. City -goddess, biist or head of, — Amphipolis, 278, Thessaloiiica, 368 f. Club, — Volaterrae, 3, Uncertain Aes Grave, 6, Luceria, 14, Poi^ulonia, IG, Uncei-tain of Italy, 151, Cen- turipae, 178, Menaenum, 196, Ampliipolis, 276, Philip II., 295, Philip v., 345, Thessalonica, 366, Callatia, 409 ; between scrinium and suhsellium, — Macedonia a Roman Province, 355 ; in Mace- donian shield, — Edonis, 350 ; in wreath, — Philip v., 343, Amphaxitis, 351, Macedonian Confede- rations, 354, Macedonia a Roman Province, 355. Clubs, two, — Tuder, 4 f., Vibo Valentia, 135. Club and bow, — Philip II., 289, Alexander the Great, 299, Thasps, 391. Club, and bow in case, — Alexander the Great, 329 ff. Club, bow, and arrows, — Aluntium, 1G7. Club, bow, and quiver, — Luceria, 56, Alexander the Great, 327 ff. Club, lion's skin, and bow-case, — Cephaloedium, 178 f. Cock, — Luceria, 14, Himera, 186 f., Panormus, 208 f. ; ■with star, — Aquinum, 21, Cales, 28, Suessa Aurunca, 47, Teanam Sidicinum, 48, Uncertain of Italy, 150. Cockle-shell, — Tibur or Praeneste, 8, Ai-dea, 10, Uncertain Aes Grave, 10, Sturuium, 64, Taren- tum, 64, 66, 83 f. Concordia. See Homonoia. Corn, stalk of, — Romans in Sicily, 257. See also Barley, Ear, and Sheaf. Cornucopiae, — Neapolis, 42 f., Paestum, 100 f., Aetna, 155, Byzantium, 394 f. ; ending in head of horned animal, — Larinum, 25 ; double, — Vibo Valentia, 134 f. Cotys IV., head of, — Rhoemetalces I., 437. Cow, kneeling, — Uncertain Thraco-Macedonian, 448. Cow, head of, — Enna, 179. Crab,— Bruttii, 125, Terina, 149, Agrigentum, 155 ff., Himera, 187, Motya, 205 ; holding eel, — Agri- gentum, 158 f. Crayfish,— Solus, 219. Crescent and Star, — Uncertain Aes Grave, '15, Byzan- tium, 394, 396, Nico polls ad Istrum, 413, Hadrianopolis, 441. Crescents, two, back to back, — Tarentum, 84. Crescents, three, — Croton, 133 ; loith stars, — Venusia, 59 f. Crimisus, as hunter, — Segesta, 215. Crow, — Laus, 88. Crows, two, passing, — Laus, 88. Cuttle-fish,— Syracuse, 221, 223 f.. 229, 232 f., 235. Dacia, standing between eagle and lion, — Dacia, 405. Demeter, seated, — Sestus, 387. Demeter, standing, with ears of corn and sceptre, — - Rhegiura, 145, Marcinnopolis, 412, Mesembria, 421, Thessali, 459 ; with ears of corn and torch, — Catana, 177, Leontini, 193 f., Perinthus, 402, 404; with torch and sceptre, — Syracuse, 253. Demeter, standing with Homonoia, — Perinthus, 402. Demeter, head or bust of, wearing corn-wreath, — Metapontum,— 92 f., 95, Paestum, 100 f., Cen- turipae, 178, Enna, 179 ; facing, and wearing corn-wreath, — Gela, 184, Leontini, 194; wear- ing corn-wreath and rc'd, — Petelia, 139, Enna, 180, Leontini, 194, Panormus, 210, Lysimachia, 387, Thasos, 390, Byzantium, 393 f., Byzantium and Calchedon, 398, Tomis, 416 ; facing, and toearing corn-wreath and veil,^ — Menaenum, 196, Pella, 363, Perinthus, 4C0 ; icearing Stephanos, ■ — Aegospotami, 385. Demetrius, Poliorcetes, head of, — 337 f. Dione, head of, — Larinum, 25. Dionysiac head, with ivy- wreath, — Uncertain of Italy, 151, Tauromenium, 256, Byzantium, 394. Dionysos, seated, on rock, Venusia, CO ; in chariot drawn hij panthers, — Catana, 176. Dionysos, standing, with Icantharos and thyrsos, — Cephaloedium, 179, Anchialus, 420, Philippopo- lis, 443 ; until patera and thyrsos, — Tauromenium, 256 ; with grapes and thyrsos, — Perinthus, 402 ; with grapes and narthex- stalks, — Maroneia, 381 f. Dionysos, young head of, wreathed with icy, — Venusia, 60, Alaesa, 167, Amestratus, 168, Calacte, 169, Catana, 175 f., Tauromenium, 255 f., Amphi- polis, 277, Macedonia a Roman Province, 356, Thessalonica, 366, Maroneia, 381 f., Thasos, 391, Byzantium, 395, Bizya, 438, Lamia, 451, Pepare- thus, 460 ; wreathed with vine, — Paestum, 100. Dionysos, beai-ded head of, wreathed with ivy, — Naxus, 205 f., Thasos, 390, Peparethus, 460. Dioskouroi, on horseback, — Caelia, 55, Tarentum, 67, Rhegium, 146, Syracuse, 251. Dioskouroi, heads or busts of, — Metapontum, 95, Paestum, 102, Rhegium, 145 f., Panormus, 210, Thasos, 390. See also Istrus, 410. Dioskouroi, caps of, — Catana, 173. Dioskouros, standing beside horse,— Nuceria Alfaterna, 45. INDEX IV 471 Diskobjlos, holding diskos and balls, — Philippopolis, 444. Dog, — Uncertain of Etruria, 18, Eomano-Campanian, 52, Segesta, 212 ff. ; lying, — Syracuse, 235 ; sleepiiii], — Tuder, 5, Hatria, 7. See also Hound. Dolphin, — Volaterrae, 3, Arimimim, 4, Hatria, 7, Ardea, 9, Uncertain Aes Grave, 10, Larinnm, 25, Tarentum, 83 f., Paestum, 100, Uncertain of Italj, 151, Syi'acTise, 234, Lipara, 2G0 ; round trident, — Byzantium, 395 ; between timnij-fishes^ — Byzantium, 396 f., Byzantium and Nicaea, 399 ; icithin sickle - shaped object, — Messana, 196 f . ; ivith rider, — Brundusium, 61 f. See also Eros and Taras. Dolphin, head of, — Uncertain Aes Grave, 15. Dolphins, two, — Venusia, 59 ; with star-fish, or jeUij- fish, — Syracuse, 233. See also Trident. Doves, two, meeting, — Scione, 272. E Eagle, standing, — Croton, 131 f., Agrigentum, 155 S., 162, Agyrium, 165, Aphytis, 272, Amyntas HI., 286, Thessalonica, 367 ; loith icings open, — Tuder, 19, Lucani, 85, Bruttii, 124, Agrigentum, 162 f., Alaesa, 166, Mamertini, 201, Panormus, 210 ; on thunderbolt, — Lai-iuum, 25, Capua, 29, Roniano-Campanian, 49 f., Venusia, 60, Hyria (Calabria), 63, Sturnium, 64, Tarentum, 68, Bruttii, 123 f., Locri, 138, Uncertain of Italy, 150, Agrigentum, 164, Mamertini, 201, Panor- mus, 209, Syracuse, 242 f., 245, 252, Amphipolis, 278, Alexander the Great, 295 f., Philip V., 345, Perseus, 346 f., Uncei'tain of Macedon, 353, Thessalonica, 367 ; on column, — Salapia, 58, Croton, 130, Agrigentum, 156 f., 162 ; in pedi- ment of temple, — Croton, 131 ; on stag's head,— Croton, 131 ; on branch, — Croton, 133 ; on hare, — Agrigentum, 159 ; on tunny-fish, — Agrigentum, 158 ff. ; on colt, — Agrigentum, 158 ; on inverted bird, — Agrigentum, 160 ; on quarry, — Aluntium, 167 ; on pA.ough, — Perseus, 346 f. ; nnth serpent, — Aesemia, 22, Agrigentum, 157, 160, Mamer- tini, 201, Pydna, 282, Amyntas HI., 286 ; attacl-- ing hare, — Locri, 136 f., Agrigentum, 158 ft., 162 ; attadcing tunny-fish, — Agrigentum, 158, 160 ; attacking dolphin, — Istrus, 410 ; holding wreath, — Marcianopolis, 412 ; on sceptre, and holding wreath, — Coson, 436 ; within wreath, — Tomis, 416; on cdtar, between standards, — Callatia, 410. Eagle, flying, — Croton, 130 ; loith serpent, — Uncertain Thracian Dynast, 425. Eagle, head of, — Agrigentum, 161. Eagles, two, oh thunderbolt, — Graxa, 62 ; on hare, — Agi-igentum, 157, 162 ff. Ear of com, — Paestum, 102, Amphipolis, 277. See also Barley. Ears of com, two, — Catana, 174, Tomis, 416. Eirene, seated, — Locri, 136. Elephant, — Uncertain of Etruria, 18. Emperors and their families. See Index HI. Enyo, fighting, — Bruttii, 121 ff., Mamertini, 202, Deultum, 439. Ephebos. See Horseman. Eros, playing lyre, — Hyria (Calabria), 63 ; seated on prow, — Barium, 54 ; seated on dolphin, — Paestum, 99 ; on sea-horse, — Bruttii, 120. F Female head, or bust, in profile, — Ai'dea, 9, Uncertain Aes Grave, 10, Grumum, 55, Tarentum, 84, Laus, 88, Metapontam, 90, Velia, 113, Cepha- loedium, 179, Enna, 180, Syracuse, 223 ff., 230, 237 f.. Uncertain of Sicily, 259 ; bound with diadem, or fillet, — • Cumae, 30 f., Hyria, 32, Neapolis, 33 ff., Nola, 44, Tarentum, 79 f., Metapontum, 90, 93, Velia, 112 f.. Uncertain of Italy, 150, Syracuse, 221 ; bound ivith wreath, — Social War, 23 f., Metapontum, 91,95, Bizya, 438 ; turreted, Capua, 29, Romano-Campanian, 52 ; tiirreted and veiled, — Thermae Himerenses, 190, Lily- baeum, 195 : veiled, — Thermae Himerenses, 190 ; wearing sphendone, — Metapontum, 90, 93, Velia, 119, Terina, 149, Abacaenum, 154, Syracuse, 224, 226, 229 f ., 234 ; icearing stephane, — ViboValentia, 134 f ., Assorus, 168 ; wearing Stephanos, — Tauro- menium, 254 ; surrounded by dolphins, — Neapolis, 38 f., Motya, 205, Sj^acuse, 220 ff. -See also Nymph. Female head, facing, — Phistelia, 45 f., Syracuse, 235. See also Hera, Nymph, Pallas. Female figure, seated, tcith snake, — Selinus, 218 ; with patera and sceptre, — Dium, 361, Serdica, 472 INDEX IV. 446 ; holding hand to face, — Pella, 365. See also City-goddess. Female figure, standing, with patera and coniKCopiae, — Rubi, 57, Entella, 180, Panormus, 209 ; with jtatera and sceptre, — Philippopolis, 444; with ears of corn and sceptre, — Plotinopolis, 445, Serdica, 44fi. See also City-goddess. Fides crowning Roma, — Locri, 137. Pish, — Hatria, 7, Amphipolis, 275. See also Dolphin. Fishes, two, — Leontini, 194. Fish-spine ornament, — Tuder, 5. Fortuna. See Tyche. G Gaia,— Perinthus, 403. Galley. See Prow, Stern. Gateway, — Hadrianopolis, 442. Gaul, bust of, — Aa-iminum, 4. Gaulish warrior, — Ai-iniinum, 19. Gelas, head of,— Gela, 183 ff. Gelon, head of, — Syracuse, 245. Goat, reclining, — Enna, 180, Himera, 190; Ineeling, — Aegae, 267 ; standing, — Amphipolis, 277, Mace- donia a Roman Province, 35G, Thessalonica, 366, Aenus, 377, Aegospotami, 385 ; tcith rider, — Himera, 188 f. Goat, forepart or head of, — Perdiccas II., 284. Goats, two, contending, — Amphipolis, 276, Thessa- lonica, 366 ; hieeling, — Philip V., 344. God, mighty, of Odessus, standing, — Odessus, 418 f. ; reclining, — Odessus, 419. Goddess, head of, in pjrofile, — Tarentum, 67 ; facing, Laus, 88. Goose, — Eion, 265. Gorgon, head of, — Populonia, 16, Camarina, 170, Himera, 188 f., Neapolis (Macedon), 264, Apollonia (Thrace), 420; on aegis, — Syi-acuse, 224. Grapes, bunch of, — Neapolis, 57, Calacte, 169, Catana, 173, Naxus, 205 ff., Tauromenium, 254 f., Byzan- tium, 395, 397, Hadrianopolis, 440. See also Vine-bi-anch . Griffin, seated, — Abdera, 382 if. ; rearing, — Abdera, 383 ; running, — Alba Fucentis, 21, Alaesa, 165 ; holding lance, — Panticapaeum, 423. Griffin, forepart or head of, — Uncertain Aes Grave, 15, Panticapaeum, 423. H Hades, caiTying oS Persephone, — Enna, 180. Hammer and tongs, — Populonia, 17. Hand, in cestus, — Tuder, 4 f. ; open, — Tibur or Prae- neste, 8, Ardea, 9. Hands, clasped, — Paestum, 101, — Alaesa, 166. Hare, — Rhegium, 140, Messana, 197 ff. Harpa, in oak- wreath, — Philip V., 344 f. Harpocrates, standing, — Pex-inthus, 399 ; ivith Isis, — Catana, 176. Hebros, reclining, — Hadrianopolis, 441, Philippopolis, 443. Heifer, — Byzantium, 395; on dolphin, — Byzantium, 393. Hekate, running, icith torches, — Byzantium, 396; riding on hull, — Pherae, 455. Hekate, head of, facing, — Pherae, 455. Helios, in qixadriga, — Perinthus, 403. Helios, head or bust of, in profile, — Aetna, 154, Entella, 180, Syracuse, 253, Philip V., 344; facing, — Velecba, 13, Metapontum, 95. Helmet, facing, — Mesembria, 421 ; in incuse square, — Lete, 266, Perdiccas II., 284; Campanian, — Uncertain of Sicily, 259 ; Macedonian, — Mace- don, 339, Antigonus Gonatas, 342, Demetrius II., 342, Philip v., 345, Edonis, 350, Uncertain of Macedon, 353. Hen, — Himera, 186. Hephaistos, seated, — Lipai'a, 260. Hephaistos, head or bust of, — Populonia, 17, Arimi- num, 19, Aesernia, 22, Lipara, 261. Hera, head or bust of, in profile, — Capua, 30, Venu- sia, 60, Thermae Himerenses, 189 f., Panormus, 209 ; facing,— Rjna., 33, Croton, 131 f. Herakles, seated, — Thermae Himerenses, 189 f., Topii'us, 447. Herakles, reclining, — Croton, 131 f. Herakles, standing, with usual attributes, — Heraclea, 86 f., Croton, 133, Thasos, 391 f. ; Farnese type, — Pautalia, 443 ; loith patera, — Heraclea, 88, Tomis, 416 ; tcitli apple, — Serdica, 446 ; croion- ing himself, — Heraclea, 87, Perinthus, 401 ; crowned by Nike, — Heraclea, 86. Herakles, strangling serpents, — Tarentum, 80, Croton, 132, Serdica, 447; contending icith lion, — Suessa Auranca, 47, Tarentum, 67, 81 ff., Heraclea, 85 f., Syracuse, 226 ; seizing horse, — Tarentum, 80; seizing hidl, — Selinus,217; shooting, — Thasos, 390 f. ; carrying Erymanthian hoar, — Peiinthus, 402 ; seizing stag, — Hadrianopolis, 441. INDEX IV. Herakles, head of, bearded, — Agyrium, 165, Menae- num, 196, Romans ia Sicily, 258, Perinthus, 400, Tomis, 416 ; wearing lion's shin,— Tea.te, 59, Lncani, 85, Briittii, 120, Vibo Valenfcia, 135, Uncertain of Italy, 151, Caraarina, 169, Gala, 184, Thermae Himerenses, 190, laeta, 191, Solus, 219, Amyntas III., 286, Philip V., 344, Thasos, 391 ; wearing wreath, — Aluntiiim, 167, Centuripae, 178, Cephaloedium, 178 f.; wearing taenia, — Tauromenium, 255. Herakles, head of, beardless, icearing lion's shin, — Luceria, 14, 56, Uncertain Aes Grave, 15, Vetu- lonia, 17, Uncertain of Etruria, 18, Teaniim Sidiciuum, 48, Romano-Campanian, 51, Hyria (Calabria), 63, Tareutiim, *68, Lncani, 85, Metapontum, 95, Velia, 119, Bruttii, 123, Agri- gentum, 161, Camarina, 170, Gela, 183 f., Thermae Himei'enses, 190, Messana, 200, Mamer- tini, 201, 203, Syracuse, 224, 243 f., Romans in Sicily, 257 f., Amphipolis, 276, Philippi, 281, Pydna, 282, Archelaus I., 285, Amyntas HI., 286, Perdiccas III., 287, Philip II., 289, 293, 295, Alexander the Great, 295 f., 299 ff., Philip III., 332 ff., 345, Cassander, 334 ff., Antigonus Gonatas, 342, Philip V., 344, Perseus, 347, Amphaxitis, 351, Maoedon under the Romans, 357, Thessalonica, 366, Lysimachus, 425 f. ; wearing lion^s shin, and facing, — Popu- lonia, 16, Tarentum, 83, Selinus, 218, Uncertain of Macedon, 353 ; wearing wreath, — Callatia, 409. Herakles, two figui-es of, — Heraclea, 88. Hermes, standing, holding caduceiis, — Metapontum, 94, Aenus, 378 ; holding branch and cadnceus, — Rhegium, 145 ; holding purse and caduccus, — Aenus, 378, Nicopolis ad Istrum, 414, Deultum, 439, Hadrianopolis, 441. Hermes, agalma of, — Aenus, 378 ; on throne, — Aenus, 377. Hermes, head or bust of, — Aenus, 378; wearing petasos, — Ardea, 9, Populonia, 17, Alba Fucen- tis, 21, Suessa Aurunca, 47, Romano-Liicerian, 56, Metapontum, 95, Calacte, 169, Ca+ana, 176, Tragilus, 281, Aenus, 378, Sestos, 387, Samo- thrace, 388 ; facing, -with close-fitting petasos, — Aenus, 377. Hieron, head of, — Syracuse, 247. Hieronymus, head of, — Syi'aciise, 249 f. Himera, sacnficing, — Himera, 187 f. Hipparis, bust of^ facing, — Camarina, 170. Homonoia, standing, — Perinthus, 400, 403, Marciano- polis, 411 ff., Anchialus, 420, Philippopolis, 444 ; with Demeter, — Perinthus, 402. Homonoia, head of, — Thessali, 459. Horse, standing, — Nuceria, 139, Uncertain of Italy, 151, Amyntas HI., 286; feeding, — Larissa, 452 f. ; loalhing, — Gela, 182, Demetrius (Bisal- tae), 269, Perdiccas II., 284, Archelaus I., 285, Pausanias, 286, Audoleon, 348 f., Thessalonica, 368, Gyrton, 450, Larissa, 453, Thessali, 459 ; prancing, cantering, or trotting,- — -Luceria, 14, Romano-Camjjanian, 50 f., Arpi, 53, Grumum, 55, Salapia, 58, Agrigentum, 161, Alaesa, 165, Camarina, 171, Gela, 185, Syracuse, 226, 233 f., Siculo-Punic, 257, Uncertain of Sicily, 259, Amphipolis, 277, Perdiccas II., 284, Alexander the Great, 330, Philip V., 345, Audoleon, 349, Thessalonica, 367, Maroneia, 379 f., Uncertain Thracian Dynast, 425, Larissa, 451 f., Thessali, 457 f. ; gcdloping, — Alba Fucentis, 12, Thessali, 459. Horse, forepart of,— Maroneia, 379 f., Crannon, 449, Tricca, 456. Horse, head and neck of, — Formiac, Fundi or Fre- gellae, 11, Romano-Campanian, 51, Larissa, 451, Phar.salus, 455. Horse, head of, — Tarentum, 84. Horseman, armed, loalhing, — Tarentum, 70, 77, 79, Alexander I., 283, Perdiccas II., 284, Larissa, 452 ; prancing or cantering, — Capua, 29, Nea- polis,42, Tarentum, 70, 72 ff., 77 f., Gela, 182 f., Syracuse, 247, Perdiccas II., 284, Byzantium, 397, Lai-issa, 453, Pelinna, 454 ; galloping, — Larinum, 25, Canusium, 55, Amestratus, 168, Romans in Sicily, 258 ; crowning his horse, — ■ Tarentum, 69; strihing at foe, — Pati'ans, 348, Philippopolis, 444 ; spearing lion, — Byzantium, 397 ; vaulting from horse, — Tarentum, 68 f . ; ivelcomed hi/ Nihe, — Tarentum, 73 ; dismounted, — Tarentum, 71, Mamertini, 203, Segesta, 216, Bisaltae, 268, Mosses, 269, Alexander I., 283. Horseman, unarmed, standing, — Tarentum, 70 f., 77; walhing, — Leontini, 192, Sp-acuse, 232, Pliilij) II., 290 ff. ; prancing or cantering, — Neapolis, 42, Tarentum, 71, 78, Philip II., 293 ff., Alexander the Great, 330, Philip HI., 334, Crannon, 449, Pharsalus, 454 f. ; g(dloping, — ■ Romano-Cam- panian, 52, Tarentum, 69, 78; crowning himself, — Tarentum, 71, 73, 75 ; crowning his horse, — Tarentum, 67, 69, 71, 73, 75 ff., 79 f., Cas.sander, 335 f., Antigonus Gonatas, 342, Philip V., 344, 3 p 474 INDEX IV. Perseus, 347, Macedon under the Romans, 357 ; leiiih'ng spare horse, — Suessa Aurunca, 47 ; vault- ing from horse, — Tarentum, 70, 75, Himera, 188, Motya, 205; iceh'omed hy youth, — Tarentum, 72, 74. Horsemen, two. Sec Dioskouroi. Hound, — Alba Fucentis, 12, Nuceria Alfaterna, 45, Eryx, 181, Mamertini, 200, Segesta, 215 f. ; worrying hare, — Segesta, 215. Sec also Dog. Hunter, with dogs, — Segesta, 215. Hyblaea, bust of, — Hybla Magna, 191. Hygieia, standing, — Rhegium, 146, Dionysopolis, 410, Nicopolis ad Istrum, 413, Tomis, 418, Pautalia, 442, Serdica, 446. Hygieia and Asklepios. See Asklepios and Hygieia. Hypsas, sacrificing, — Selinus, 217. Idols, two archaic, — Capua, 30. Incuse square, quadripartite, — Velia, 112, Orrescii, 263, Neapolis (Macedonia), 264, Eion, 265, Lete, 266, Aegae, 267, Bisaltae, 268, Acanthus, 270 f., Maroneia, 379, Abdera, 382 f., Thasos, 389, Panticapaeum, 423 ; ^ mill -sail' pattern, — Himera, 186, Selinus, 216, Byzantium, 393 ; containing scallop, — Messana, 196 f.; containing female head, — Syi'acuse, 219, 224; containing star, — Syra- cuse, 230; containing helmet, — Lete, 266, Per- diccas II., 284 ; containing ram's head,- — Maroneia, 379 ; containing symbols and letters, — Thracian Chersonesus, 385 ; containing square, — Mosses, 269, Alexander I., 283. Id crossing Bosporos, — Byzantium, 393. lolaos, burning heads of hydra, — Agyrium, 165. Isis, standing, — Agyrium, 165, Catana, 174 f., Leon- tini, 194, Syracuse, 252 ; with Harpocrates, — Catana, 176; in quadriga, — Syracuse, 251. Isis, head of, — Syracuse, 253. Isis and Sarapis, heads or busts of, jugate, — Catana, 174, Perinthus, 399. Isis, head-dress of,— Syracuse, 253, Perinthus, 400. Italia, seated on shields, — Social "War, 24. Italia, head of, — Social War, 23 f. Janiform head, female, — Rhegium, 144, Syracuse, 233 ; of Sarapis, — Catana, 177. Janus, head of, — Volaterrae, 3, Ardea, 9, Panormus, 210, Syracuse, 253, Romans in Sicily, 257 f., Thessalonica, 368. K Kabeiros, standing, with rhyton and hammer, — Thes- salonica, 368, 373, 375 ; tcith agonistic urn and hammer, — Thessalonica, 374 ; in shrine, — Thes- salonica, 373. Kamarina, seated on swan, — Camarina, 170. Kantharos, — Tarentum, 83, Abdera, 383, Peparethus, 460. Kapaneus, storming city, — Bizj-a, 438. Kyane, head of, — Syracuse, 232, 235. Kybele, seated, — Tomis, 418. Kyme, head of, — Cumae, 30. Larissa, seated, — Larissa, 452. Larissa, head of, facing, and in profile, — Larissa, 452 f. Laurel-bough, — Centuripae, 178. Leaf, — Selinus, 216. Leopard, — Centuripae, 177. Leukaspis, charging, — Syracuse, 225, 229. Leukippus, head of, — Metapontum, 91. Libertas, bust of, — ^Thessalonica, 370. Lion, seated, — Cassander, 334 ; standing, — Teate, 59, Paestum, 101, Leontini, 194, Amphipolis, 276 ; walking, orproicling, — Phistelia, 46, Velia, 114 ii'., Messana, 200, Syracuse, 238 f., Cassander, 336, Macedon under the Romans, 357, 360, Augusta Trajana, 447; running, — Heraclea, 85, Velia, 117, Lysimachus, 435 ; about to spring, — Velia, 112 f. ; with pjrey, — Velia, 117 f., Morgantina, 204 ; leaping on stag, — Velia, 113 f . ; leaping on bull, — Acanthus, 270 f. ; holding sword, — Romano- Campanian, 50; holding spear, — Mateola, 57; holding thyrsos, — Uncertain of Italy, 151 ; holding javelin, — Perdiccas III., 287, Cardia, 386. Lion, forepart of, — Perdiccas II., 284, Aeropus, 285 ; running, — Leontini, 194, Lysimachus, 435; devour- ing prey, — Velia, 112, Acanthus, 270; looking bade, — Thracian Chersonesus, 385. Lion, head of, — Leontini, 193, Archelaus I., 285 ; amid barleycorns, — Leontini, 191 ff. i INDEX IV. 475 Lion, scalp of, — Rhegium, 140 ff., Leontini, 192, Panticapaeum, 423. Lyre, — Tuder, 5, Capua, 30, Canusium, 55, Thurium, 112, Vibo Valentia, 136, Rhegium, 142 f., 145, Adranum, 154, Alaesa, 166, Calacte, 169, Cen- turipae, 177, Lilybaeum, 195, Menaenum, 196, Syracuse, 231, Tauromenium, 254, Olynthus, 272^ Bottice, 274, Edonis, 351, Pella, 363, Perinthus, 399. Lyre and omphalos, — Neapolis, 41 f. M Maenad, standing, — Hybla Magna, 191. Maenad, head of, — Neaijolis (Apulia), 57, Edonis^SSO. Male figure, seated, holding various objects, — Tareu- tum, 65 f., Rhegium, 141, Aenus, 378. Male figure, reclining, holding kantharos and thyrsos, — Bizya, 438. Male figure, standing, n-ith small figure on extended arm, — Caulonia, 126 f. ; lioJd'mg hranch and hij- leaf, — Caulonia, 127 ; holding hranch, — Cau- lonia, 127 f. ; icith staff and parazoninm, — Rhe- gium, 144 ; of Egi/ptian type, with loreath and branch, — Syracuse, 253. Male head, — Canusium, 55 ; archaic, — Tarentum, 66 ; helmeted, — Velia, 119 ; hehneted and inifhoiit nccl-, — Perdiccas II., 284 ; diademed, — Hephaestia, 388 ; bearded, and lanrente, — Abacaenum, 153 ; bearded, and rearing taenia, — Odessus, 418 ; bearded, and wearing peculiar head-dress, — Sar- dinia, 262 ; bearded, and helmeted, — Entella, 180, Syi'acuse, 234. See also Adranus, Byzas, Leuk- ippos, and Yoang male head. Marks of Value, — Volaterrae, 3, Iguvium, 4, Uncertain Aes Grave, 6, Hatria, 7, Ardea, 10, Himera, 188 f., Panormus, 208 f. ; within wreath, — Himera, 189. Marsyas, standing, — Coela, 386, Deultum, 440. Medusa, head of,— Amphipolis, 278. Moesia, standing, between bull and lion, — Viminacium, 407 ff. Monster, forepart of, — Himera, 188. Mussel-shell, — Cumae, 30 f. N Negro, head of,— Uncertain of Etruria, 18. Nemesis, standirg. — Marcianopolis, 412, Nicopolis ad Istrum, 416, Deultum, 439 ; loinged, — Perinthus 404. Nike, seated, — Terina, 146 ff., Morgantina, 204. Nike, standing, crowning trophy, — Capua, 29, Bruttii, 122 f . ; erecting trophy, — Syracuse, 238 ; attach ing wreaih to pahn-hrancli, — Romano- Campanian, 52 ; holding thunderbolt, — Tarentum, 84 ; holding caduceus, — Terina, 148; holding wreath and palm, — Hipponium, 134, Mamertini, 203, Philippi, 282, Alexander the Great, 297, Stobi, 365, Thes- salonica, 368, Byzantium, 397 f. ; sacrificing hull, — Syracuse, 252 ; holding wreath and arvXis, — ■ Alexander the Great, 296 ff., Philip III., 331 f. ; holding acrostolion and a-rvXU, — Antigonus, 336 ; OH pron\ blowing trumpet, — Demetrius Poliorcetes, 337 f . ; writing on shield, — Thessalonica, 372 ; welcoming horseman, — Tarentum, 73. Nike, advancing, — holding icreath and palm, — Catana, 176, Stobi, 365, Thessalonica, 370, 372 f., Tomis, 417, Hadrianopolis, 441, Philippopolis, 444 ; escorting Alexander the Great, — Macedon under the Romans, 357 ; carrying trophy on pole, — Thessalonica, 373 ; holding Kabeiros and palm, — ■ Thessalonica, 372 ff. Nike, flying, — Camariua, 169; holding aplustre, — Himera, 188 f . ; crowning Poseidon, — Brun- dusium, 61 f . ; crowning Tarus, — Tarentum, 77; crowning Herakles, — Heraclea, 86 ; crowning horseman, — Tarentum, 67, 71 f., 74, 77 f., crowning biga, — Messana, 197 f. ; crowning quad- riga, — Camarina, 169 f., Catana, 171, ff., Gela, 181 ff., Himera, 187, Leontini, 191 f., Syracuse, 220 ff. ; crowning man-headed bull, — Cales, 28, Neapolis, 33 ff., 41, Nola, 44, Suessa Aurunca, 47, Teanum Sidicinum, 48 ; crowning forepart of man-headed hull, — Gela, 182 ; crowning bidl, — Thurium, 106, 111 ; crowning lion, — Velia, 118; crowning tripod, — Croton, 132. Nike, driving, in biga, — Atella, 26, Cales, 27, Bruttii, 120, Menaenum, 195, Messana, 200, Syracuse, 241, 245 ff., 252, Macedon under the Romans, 359, Pautalia, 442 ; in triga, — Teanum Sidici- num, 48 ; in quadriga, — Romano-Lucerian, 56, Agrigentum, 157, Syracuse, 241, 246. Nike, head or bust of, — Metapontum, 94 f., Bruttii, 120 f ., 124 f. ; surrounded by dolphins, — Syi'acuse, 221. Nymph, seated, on swan, — Camarina, 170; in chair, — Larissii, 452. 3 p 2 476 INDEX IV. Nymph, sacrificing, — Himera, 187 f. Nymph, abduction of, hij centaur, — OrrescLi, 263, Lete, 266 ; hij saf,/r,—ThiiSos, 389. Nymph, head of, i)i profile, — Catana, 173, Himera, 189, Motya, 205, Plialanna, 454 ; fHdng,—Aha- caenum, 154, Segesta, 214, Gomphi, 450, Scotussa, 455. See cdsu Larissa, Pelorias, Segesta, Sikelia, Terina. NymphSj three, standing, — Thermae Himerenses, 190. O Oatli, taking of,— Social War, 23 f., Atella, 27. Obelisk on base, — Byzantium, 394. Olive, sprig of, — Rhegium, 141 f. Omphalos, — Mamertini, 202. Omphalos and lyre, — Neapolis, 41 f. Orpheus, ])laying lyre, — Philippopolis, 445. Owl, standing, — Uncertain of Etruria, 18, Tarentum 74, Vibo Valentia, 135, Panormus, 209, Myrina, 388, Peparethus, 460 ; on value-marks, — Popu Ionia, 17 ; on colunni, — Azetium, 54, Teate, 58 Tai'entum, 78 ; on hrancli, — Teate, 59, Venusia 60, Tarentum, 74, 76, 78, Velia, 113, 119 Uncertain of Italy, 150 ; on bar, — Teate, 59 Bruttii, 125; on thunderboH, — Tarentum, 68 76; on amphora, — Calacte, 168, Tauromenium 256; lioldlng lizard, — Camariua, 170. Ox, — Tuder, 5. Ox, head of, — Panticapaeum, 423. Oxen, yoke of^ — Assorus, 168. Pallas, seated, holding Nike, — Macedon under the Romans, 357 f., 361, Lysimachus, 426 ft'., Scos- tocos, 436. Pallas, standing, — Locri, 138, Camainna, 169, Dium, 361, NicoiDolis ad Istrum, 414, Deultum, 440 ; liolding Nike, — Rhegium, 145, Amphipolis, 278 ; before alfar, — Heraclea, 88 ; on the dcfotsirc, — Mamertini, 202, Deultum, 439 ; Jiyhtimj, — Syracuse, 243 f . See alno Athena. ' Pallas, running, — Caelia, 55, Bruttii, 121 ff. Pallas, driving quadi'iga, — Camarina, 169. Pallas, bust or head of, in profile, icearing Athenian helmet, — Myriii, 31 f., Neapolis, 33, Nola, 44, Tarentum, 74, 76, 78, 80 &., Heraclea, 85 f., 88, Metapontiim, 94, Thurium, 103 ff., Velia, 113 ff., Rhegium, 145, Calacte, 168, Camarina, 170 f., Moi-gantina, 204, Solus, 219, Syracuse, 224, Acanthus, 271, Am})hipolis, 278, Macedonia a Roman Province, 356, Pella, 363, Thessalonica, 367, Lysimachus, 435, Pharsahis, 454 f. ; wear- ing Corinthian helmet, — Tibur (or Praeneste), 8, Ardea, 9, Uncertain Aes Grave, 10, PoiDulonia, 17, Aquinum, 21, Aesemia, 22, Cales, 27 f., Suessa Am-unca, 47, Teanum Sidicinum, 48, Romano- Campanian, 51, Azetium, 54, Caelia, 54 f., Luceria, 56, Mateola, 57, Teate, 58 f., Venusia, 59 f., Tarentum, 68, 80 f., Heraclea, 86 f., Metapontum, 94, Velia, 118, Bruttii, 125, Croton, 133, Hipponium, 134, Vibo Valentia, 135, LocH, 137 f., Uncertain of Italy, 150, 152, Panormus, 209, Syracuse, 233, 239 f., 244, 250, 252, Tauromenium, 255 f., Uncertain of Sicily, 259, Alexander the Great, 296 If., Philip HI., 331 f., Antigonus, 336, Demetrius Poliorcetes, 338, Antigonus Gonatas, 341, Thessalonica, 367, Myrina, 388, Samothrace, 389 ; loearing Phrygian helmet,— Velia, 117 f. Pallas, head or bust of, facing, — Tarentum, 81, Heraclea, 86, Metapontum, 95, Velia, 117, Mor- gantina, 204, Syracuse, 229, 232, Audoleon, 348 f., Phalanna, 454, Pharsalus, 445. Pan, seated,— Pella, 364. Pan, standing, — Bruttii, 120 f . ; erecting trophy, — Antigonus Gonatas, 341. Pan, head or bust of, — Salapia, 58, Pella, 362 ; in 3Iacedonian shield, — Antigonus Gonatas, 340; bearded, — Panticapaeum, 423. Pegasos, — Formiae, Fundi or Fregellae, 11, Romano- Campanian, 51, Croton, 131, Locri, 138, Entella, 180, Syracuse, 232, 234 f ., 239, 244, 248, Tauro- menium, 255 f. ; feeding, — Panticapaeum, 424. Pegasos, forepart of, — Syracuse, 232, 234. Peloiias, head of, — Messana, 199 f. Persephone, seated, — Locri, 138. Persephone, standing, — Catana, 177. Persephone, head of, icearing wreath of corn, — Arpi, 53, Heraclea, 87, Metapontum, 92 ff., Paestum, 100 f ., Croton, 133, Aetna, 155, Agrigentum, 164, Entella, 180, Panormus, 209, Syracuse, 234, 241 ff., 248 f., 253, Siculo-Punic, 257, Cardia, 386; burrounded by dolphins, — Centuripae, 177 f., Syracuse, 227, 236 ff. ; diademed, — Locri, 138. Perseus, hero, head of, — Amphipolis, 276, Philip V., INDEX IV. 477 345, Perseus, 346 f., Macedonia a Roman Province, 355 f. ; in Macedonntn shichi, — Philip v., 343, 345. Perseus, King, head of, — Perseus, 346. Pherainion, charging, — Messana, 199 f. Philip v., head of,— Philip V., 343. Philistis, head of, — Syi-acuse, 246. Pig, — Paestum, 102, Abacaenum, 153. Pilei of Dioskouroi, — Catana, 173. Plough, — Centui'ipae, 178; drcacii hij serpenis, — Euna, 180. Poseidon, seated, JiohUiuj doljtMn and trident, — Panor- mus, 208 ; liold'uKj apliistre and trident, — Deme- trius Poliorcetes, 338, Byzantium, 393, Byzantium and Calchedon, 398. Poseidon, standing, holdimj seeptrc, — Bruttii, 121 ; strilciiKj with trident, — Poseidonia, 96 ft"., Sybaris, 103, Demetrius Poliorcetes, 337 f. ; leanimj on trident, — Demetiius Poliorcetes, 337 f. ; holdiuij Nilcc and trident, — Byzantium, 394. Poseidon, bust or head of, wreatlied, — Brundusium, 61 f., Paestum, 99 ff., Messana, 199 f.. Solus, 219, Antigonus, 340, Philip V., 343 f., Byzan- tium, 395 ; icenring diadem or taenia, — Paestum, 100, Bruttii, 120, Syracuse, 248, 250 f., Amphi- polis, 276 f., Macedonia a Roman Province, 355, Pella, 363, Aenus, 378, Byzantium, 394, Byzan- tium and Calchedon, 398, Tomis, 416. Prow, — Romano - Lucerian, 56, Panormus, 210, Amphipolis, 277, Demetrius Poliorcetes, 338, Philip v., 344, Byzantium, 395, Byzantium and Calchedon, 398, Demetrias, 450. See also Apollo, Eros, Nike, Warrior. Q Quadriga, /'(s/, — Atelhi, 26, Luceria, 56, Agrigentum, 157, Camai'ina, 170, Catana, 172 f., Leontini, 191, Selinus, 218, Syracuse, 224 ff, 236, 241, 246, Cherronesus, 422 ; slow, — Catana, 171 f., Gela, 181 ff., Himera, 187, Leontini, 191 f., Selinus, 217, Syracuse, 219 ff., 246, 251, Periiithus, 401 ; containing agr2N, Alexander the Great, 309 APOA, Tarentum, 76 AroAAH, Tarentum, 75 APOAAIlNlOg, Tarentum, 77 AnoACJ, Tomis, 416 APEOnN, Tarentum, 73 API, Tarentum, 72, 76 APIS, Tarentum, 75, Heraclea, 86 APISTir, Tarentum, 74 APICTirr, Taventum, 78 APISTIS, Tarentum, 76 APISTOKAHS, Tarentum, 77 APISTOKPATHS, Tarentum, 77 f. APTE, Neapolis, 35 APT EM I, Neapolis, 35 APTEMriN, Abdera, 383 A PX I r , Metapontum, 92 AS, Neapolis, 41 f. ACKAAFIOC, Agrigentum, 164 ASP A, Abdera, 383 AZnniOY, Byzantium, 394 B I , Neapolis, 43 BY , Alexander the Great, 303 TAYANA, Thessali, 457 TEITAZ , Alexander the Great, 308 rOP, Hyria (Calabria), 63 rOPriAZ, Thessali, 456 FY, Tarentum, 74. AA, Metapontum, 92, Thurium, 110 f., Alexander the Great, 303 AAI, Tarentum, 72, Metapontum, 92 AAIMAXOC, Tarentum, 78 AAMOKPITOS, Tarentum, 77 AAIOY, Arpi, 53 AEI, Alexander the Great, 303 AEO, Abdera, 382. AH, Neapolis, 42 f. A H M l-l T P I OY , Cherronesus, 422 Al, Neapolis, 34, 36, Tarentum, 76, 77, Metapontum, 93, Lysi- machus, 427 AlO, Tarentum, 76, Lysimaehus, 427 AIONYSAAOS, Abdera, 384 AlOZKOYP, Byzantium, 394 A I O (t> A N H Z , Alexander the Great, 310 Al0A, Thurium, 106, 109 EYP, Thurium, 106 EXE(l)NIK0Z, Alexander the Great, 308 CAZ, Tarentum, 73 lAAO, Tarentum, 75 10 P, Tarentum, 73 f. in, Tarentum, 75 ini, Thurium, 111 miAOY, Perseus, 346 IXIPY, Tarentum, 75 inPYPinN, Tarentnm, 78 mPYPoS, Tarentum, 77 |- H , Tarentum, 67, Heraclea, 87 J- H P, Tarentum, 71, Metapon- tum, 90 HPA, Thurium, 106, 109, Alexan- der the Great, 303. HPAK, Thurium, 106, Byzantium, 394 hHPAKAHTOS, Tarentum, 77 f. HPO, Abdera, 383 0E, Neapolis, 36, 39, Tarentum, 74, Thurium, 109 OEM, Lysimaehus, 427 OEMIZTor, Thessali, 456 OEMIZTorENNHZ, Thessali, 457 Ol, Tarentum, 75 \~ I , Tarentum, 75 I E , Neapolis, 42 innoAO, Thessali, 458 ITAA[, Thessali, 458 KAISIE[S], Uncertain of Italy, 152 KAA, Thurium, 110 KAAAIKPATEOS, Maroneia, 379 KA, Tarentum, 72 INDEX VII. 487 KAEOMAXIAHZ, Thessali, 457 KOM, Tarentum, 73 KPATflN, Alexander the Great, 310 KPI, Metapontum, 93 KYPZA, Odessus, 418 AAZIO, Catana, 175 AEY, Locri, 138 AOY, Neapolis, 37 AY, Neapolis, 42 f., Tarentum, 73, Metapontum, 92 f. AYKINOS, Tarentum, 76 AYKI$KO§, Tarentum, 73 AYKHN, Tarentum, 74 M A , Alexander the Great, 303 MAN, Metapontum, 92 M EN E K , Byzantium, 394 MENEKPATHZ, Alexander the Great, 310, Thessali, 456 MENEKPATOVZ; Thessali, 457 MHT, Maroneia, 380 MHTPoAnPO; Maroneia, 380 MOAO$$0$, Thurlum, 108 NEYAAH, Tarentum, 75 NEYMHNIO$, Tarentum, 76 Nl, Thurium, 110 NIKOKPATH^, Tarentum, 78 NIKOKPATOYZ, Thessali, 457 N OY/n H N I OY , Maroneia, 380 NY, Neapolis, 43 NYZZANAPOY, Thessali, 458 ZENinnoV, Thessali, 458 OMHPOY, Abdera, 384 OYIA, Neapolis, 39 OY Y$, Laus, 88 PAPME, Neapolis, 36 PAY^ANia, Abdera, 384 HETPAIOZ, Thessali, 457 f. POAY, Tarentum, 74 f. noAY, Thessali, 457 noAVZENOV, Thessali, 457 n PO , Alexander the Great, 303 HYeinN , Lilybaeum, 195 TYeoKAEO^, Abdera, 384 nVQUNoZ, Thessali, 457 f. HYAAO, Arpi, 53 riYAAOY, Salapia, 58 PO , Neapolis, 43 $A, Tarentum, 67, 72 f. §AM, Thurium, 110 ZEIPIINOZ, Samothrace, 388 $1, Tarentum, 72, 74, Thurium, 106, 110 $ I AAA/0 S, Agi-igentum, 157 $IM, Tarentum, 71 f., Thurium, 105, 110 ZK[Y0?], Tomis, 416 ST A, Neapolis, 35 5Y, Tarentum, 76 CEPEKPATHZ, Thessali, 456 IAIS, Tarentum, 72 IAICKOC, Tarentum, 77 <|)|AO, Heraclea, 87 <1>IA0KAHS, Tarentum, 73 IAOKPA, Tarentum, 76 [AOHENIAOY, Thessali, 457 IAn, Heraclea, 87 HCTHC, Byzantium, 397 AIMICEVI-POV, Byzantium, 397 [AVPjrAAAOV, Nicopolis ad Istrum, 414 MAVP<|>PONTnNOC, Byzantium, 397 TAPriAIANTIKOV, Philippopolis, 443 CN . DOM, Panormus, 212 lOVAANTCEAEVKOV, Marcianopolis, 412 TIBIOVAHCTOV, Marcianopolis, 412 ICAVPIKOV, Byzantium, 397 KAIKCEPOYEIA, Nicopolis ad Istrum, 413 KFENTIANOV, Marcianopolis, 411 KVNTIAIANOV, Marcianopolis, 411 f. A • LA, Panormus, 212 AYKOYTOY, Thessali, 459 N I KO M AXO Y , Thessali, 459 ^MTEPEBENTINOV, Marcianopolis, 412 CAB MOA€CTOV, Nicopolis ad Istrum, 415 f. CTAAONTINOV, Nicopolis ad Istrum, 414 f. ETATBAPBAPOV, Bizya, 438 Q -TERENTIOCVLLEONE, Lilybaeum, 195 TEPTVAAIANOV, Marcianopolis, 413 TOVAAIOVMAIIMOV, Pautalia, 442 IP<|)IAOTTATTTTOV, Marcianopolis, 412 <|)AOVATnANOV, Marcianopolis, 411 INDEX IX. ROMAN MAGISTRATES' NAMES A ES I LLAS , Macedonia a Roman Province, 355 M "ANT, Thessalonica, 370 L • ARTVE, Pae.stum, 102 M • ATIVS BALBVS, Sar- dinia, 262 ATPATINO, Entella, 180, Lily- baeum, 195 CATO, Panormu's, 211 Q • CEP, Uncertain of Italy, 151 A\ -CESTIVS, Enna, 180 C • COM I, Paestum, 102 CN • COR, Paestum, 102 QFAB, Panormus, 211 L • FA)> Paestum, 101 r • KAI, Thessalonica, 370 INDEX X., XL 489 L • MVNATIVS, Enna, 180 NASO, Panorinns, 211 Orri , Romans in Sicily, 258 A • noM, Panormus, 211 TAIOY noHAIAlOY, Mace- donia a Roman Province, 355 f. M ■ QE?, Brnndusium, 62 L • SEIO, Romans in Sicily, 258 SEPTEIBA/B, Romans in Sicily, 258 M • TVC, Paestum, 102 QV\ , Paestum, 100 f. AEYKIOY 0AKINNI0Y, Macedonia a Roman Province, 356 INDEX X. ENGRAVERS' NAMES Some of the names included in Index VII. maij potisihhj he fhofic of Emjrarers, while <|>, in some cases at, least, maij he no more than a niint-marlc. r, Hyria, 32 f. EYAI, Camarina, 170 EYAINETO, Syraciise, 227 EYO, Syracuse, 225 EYKAEIAA, Syracuse, 228 EVM , Syracuse, 225 EVMEA/OV, Syracuse, 225 EYMHNOY, Syracuse, 224f., 228 HPAKAEIAAS, Catana, 172 KIMHN, Syracuse, 228 KAEYAIiPOY, Velia, 117 PAPME, Syracuse, 229 <|), Thurium, 105, Velia, 113 ff., Terina, 147 4!lAI5TinNO$, Velia, 118 XOIPIflN, Catana, 172 INDEX XI. REMARKABLE INSCRIPTIONS, TITLES OF CITIES, AND OF MAGISTRATES, Etc. (a) GREEK One or two of the shorter combinations of letters may represent magistrates^ names. ATAOOKAElO^ vLK-q, Syracuse, 238 ArriNOOEZIA, Thessalonica, 370 VOL. I. AAPANOY, Mamertini, 200 Al, Pelinna, 454 3 R 490 Al$, Thermae Himerenses, 190 AKPATAS, Agrigentum, 162 AKTIAnVeiA, Perinthus, 401 AAEIANAPOV, Macedominder the Romans, 357 £E. AAEZANAPnveiA, Philip- popolis, 444 AMEA/(/V)AA/0$, Catana, 172 f. ANTnN€INIA, Byzantium, 396 AOPTON ■ ? , Uncertain of Cam- pania, 49 AroAAHN, Catana, 172 AnoAAf2NO$, Tauromenium , 255, Apollonia (Macedon), 270 APr, Alexander the Great, 309 APEOZ, Mamertini, 201 f. APXAF ETAS, Tauromenium, 254 APXwvi^aos, Alaesa, 166 f. ASSIA/OS, Naxus, 207 AYToKpttTcup, Thessalonica, 370 AXIAA€YC, Thessaly, 459 BACiXeW, ETTI, Byzantium, 397 BVZAZ, Byzantium, 395 rP • EEOE, Rubi, 57 AAMAT^P, Enna, 179 AHMHTPOC TO B, €ni, Byzantium, 395 AIONYXOY ZHTHPoZ, Maroneia, 381 AlO§, Locri, 137, Mamertini, 201 AIOZ EAEY0EPIOY, Syracuse, 240 INDEX XI. AlOS EAAANIOY, Syracuse, 242 f. AIOZ SnTHPOZ, Agrigentum, 164 AnAN ? ? , Metapontum, 93 EAKAIA, Thessalonica, 366 OnH3, Uncertain of Italy, 150 EAEYOEPIAZ, Thessalonica, 370 EAEYOEPIO$, Metapontum, 91 EAI , Alexander the Great, 323 E N no N TH , Apollonia (Thrace) , 421 EO Y M E N T H I , Uncertain of Italy, 152 EP I , Maroneia, 379 f., Abdera, 384, Byzantium, 393 ff. CEXex"'* Velecha, 13 ZEY$ EAEYOEP 10$, Syracuse, 232, 234 f., 238 Hre/xovevovTos, Marcianopolis, 412, Nicopolis ad Istrum, 413, Pautalia, 442, Philippopolis, 443 HPAKAEOYZ ZflTHPOZ, Thasos, 391 hPwos, Byzantium, 395 f. G€OZ, Thessalonica, 369 OEOY MEfAAoY, Odessu8,418 IZ, Neapolis, 37, 39, 41 I WsW^J > Perinthus, 403 KAB(€)IPOC, Thessalonica, 368, 373 KABIPEIA, Thessalonica, 374 KAINON, Alaesa, 165 KAMTANnN , Entella, 180 KENAPEICEIA, Philippopolis, 445 KOINONGPAKHNAAEZA NAPIA, Philippopolis, 444 KOINONGPAKHNAAEZAN A p n V e I A , Philippopolis, 444 KOINONMAKEAONUN, Macedon under the Romans, 357 fE. KOPA5, Syracuse, 238 KTILTHN, TON, Perinthus, 400 KTICTHC TOMOC, Tomis, 416 AEY, Amestratus, 168 AEYKA$ri5, Syracuse, 225, 229 AEYKirroS, Metapontum, 91 MESS AN A, Messana, 198 MHTPO^o'Aews nONTOV, Tomis, 417 f. • NEIlKOPflN, Macedon under the Romans, 357 ff., Thes- salonica, 374 f., Perinthus, 400 ff., Philippopolis, 445 NEHKOPIIN, B(AIC), Mace- don under the Romans, 357 ff., Perinthus, 400, 402 ff. * Probably Oscan. See Conway, Italic Dialects, pp. 147 f. I INDEX XT. 491 NIKA, Metapontum, 94, Bi-uttii, 124 OBOAOS, Metapontum, 94 OTKIa, Syracuse, 233 OiKlSTAS, Croton, 133 OMONOIA, Byzantium and Nicaea, 398 f., Thessali, 459 OV ATT I AC, Ancbialus, 419, Pautalia, 442 f., Serdica, 446 f., Topirus, 447 PEAnPIAS, Messana, 199 f. ni§TI$, Locri, 137 PO^EIAAN, Messana, 199 f. nV0IA, Thessalonica, 374 f., Perm thus, 401, Philippopolis, 444 nVeiAAlB, Thessalonica, 375 PUMatW, Thessali, 459 PUMA, Locri, 137 PXlMAinN , Neapolis, 43 PriMH ZEBAZZTH, Thes- salonica, 371 $ArESTAIIB, Segesta, 212 f. lflA^A$, Tauromenium, 254 CEBACTA, Byzantium, 396 ZEBAZTHUN GESZAAnN, Thessali, 459 SEfESTAIIB, Segesta, 213 f. $ErESTAIIE, Segesta, 215 $EAINOES, Selinus, 218 SEAIA/OS, Selinus, 217 q3TO§, Himera, 188 ZTPATHrOY, Thessali, 459 ZYPAKOZIOI rEAHNOZ, Syracuse, 245 SHTEIPA, Syracuse, 231, 239 f. TAMIOY, Macedonia a Roman Province, 355 f. TOMOC KTICTHC, Tomis, 416 TPIUBOAO, Samothrace, 388 TVXHC nOA€CJC, GHI, Byzantium, 396 W r\ a-TtvovTO?, Marcianopolis, 411 fl;., Nicopolis ad Istrum, 414 ff. YPIANO^, Hyria, 32 HVPIETE^,* Hyria, 31 HVVA$, Selinus, 217 EPAIMnN, Messana, 199 <|)IAAAEA4>EIA, Perinthus, 402 XAAKIAEHN, Olynthus, 272 (j8) LATIN AELianum M(0)VNICIP, Coela, 386 /X 1 5 ER N I N O , Aesernia, 22 Al PERNIO, Aesernia, 22 AQVINO, Aquinum, 21 CALENO, Gales, 27 f. COHOR PRAE PHIL, Phihppi, 282 COLAVGIVL, Philippi, 282 COLFLarm PACensis, Deultum, 438 fP. COLIVLAVG , Cassaudrea, 273 f., Pella, 364 f. COLONIAIVL, Dium, 361 COLP/\Ccnsis, Deultum, 440 ComitioC?) Decurionum(2), Panormus, 211 CRYSAS, Assorus, 168 Decreto(7), Macedon under the Romans, 356 Decreto • Decurionuin, Romans in Sicily, 258, Dium, 361 DE • Ml • TOL, Uncertain of Italy, 151 II VI(R), Paestum, 102, Enna, 180, Romans in Sicily, 258 HISPANORVM, Romans in Sicily, 258 ITALIA, Social War, 24 UADINOD ( = L(ir!nor[um']), Larinum, 25 LEX XXXX, Paestum, 102 * This is undoubtedly the true reading. The aljjhabet employed is pure Greek, and not a mixture of Greek and Oscan, as was formerly supposed. 3 K 2 492 INDEX XI. MVNICI, Stobi, 365 AWN • HENNA, Enna, 180 PAI^TANO, Paestum, 99 PATR onus, Paestum, 102 PR actor, Sardinia, 262 HRBOVM, Suessa Aurunca.. 47 PROBVM, Suessa Aurunca, 47 PRO " COS , Lilybaeum, 195, Romans in Sicily, 258 PROVINCIA, Dacia, 405f. Provinciae Moesiae Superioris COL, Viminacium, 406 fE. Quaestor, Macedonia a Roman Province, 355 QVI, Paestum, 102 ROMA, Romano- Campanian, 49 ff., Romano- Luceriau, 56 ROMANO, Romano-Campanian, 50 fE. SARD PATER, Sardinia, 262 ^VE^ANOj Suessa Aurunca, 47 TIANO, Teanum Sidicinum, 48 VIC AVG, Pliilippi, 282 VOUC/XNOM, Aesernia, 22 (y) OSCAN Some of the legends in the preced'uKj Index, though written in the Latin alphabet, are prohahly Oscan in dialect. * >ia39n {aderl), Atella, 26 f. 3nR>i {Icapn), Capua, 29 f. aVTROama (^emlratur). Social War, 23 ^IVvlT^IS ifistluis), Phistelia, 46 8I5TUV^ {fistUs), Pliistelia, 45 1>I3V>I • m (ni luvlc _ _ ), Social War, 23 H^VMa3TR8R>IF]kMVma>l3VM (nuvh-inum alafatermim), Nuceria Alfaterna, 45 ^MVMa3TR8jR mvma>lDVM {nuclcrinum alfaternum), Nuceria Alfaterna, 45 > • h I n R R n ■> (g ■ paapii ■ g ■), Social War, 23 JhTVm [ ^m f^f^n ■> {g-paapi.. muttl), Social War, 23 ^IPI KINVP (sidikinnd), Teanum Sidicinum, 48 ^VMRKT (tianud), Teanum Sidicinum, 48 VU3Tt-D (vlteliu), Social War, 23 flME<1Y (urena), Hyria, 32 V ^ I N A I (urinai), etc., Hyria, 32 * See Conway, Italic Dialects, pp. 143 f., 146, 199 f. Such confusion of tongues and alphabets is quite to be expected in cases where Latin colonies were planted among Oscan-speaking tribes. Cf. op. cit., pp. 31 (Note IV.) and 171. INDEX XI. 493 (8) ETRUSCAN^ ID NO I (i>'n$i), Uncertain of Campania,! 49 IDN® M {irndt), Uncertain of Campania, 49 flMVJIV^ (piqjhnia), Populonia, 17 Ifl^ (i-at), Vetulonia, 17 FEIN RE? {veinae),X Uncertain of Italy, 150 MOflJ3^ (veh6ri), Volaterrae, 3 («) PUNIC \^\ (ziz), Panormus, 208 f., Syracuse, 225, footnote >^\')y (^[«]/[«]'-")> Sohis, 219 yo ('((A-), Alexander the Great, 314 /''NV^y**'^ (r[rt]sw[e]/5 [«]/•/), Syracuse, 227, footnote ^^^1,0^^ (,s7( Irnal zh), Panormus, 208 * An Umbrian inscription {tu, tutere) occurs on pp. 4 f. and 19. t Prof. Conway {Italic Dialects, p. 148, n. xviii.) regards this and the following legend as Etniscan. His opinion, he informs me, is based on "the thoroughly un-Oscan group of consonants rnth, which is at the same time common in Etruscan inscrip- tions." It is, therefore, in no way modified by the fact that Plate iv. 2 shows distinctly the Oscan -|, which has hitherto been doubtful on this class of coins ; see Berlin Catalogue, ill. i. 163. t To the footnote on p. 150, I have to add that Professor Conway writes to me that, assuming my reading to be correct, he would class the legend as Etruscan rather than Oscan. " The spelling -ae is distinctly non-Oscan, and can be due only to either Etruscan or Latin influence. The ending -ae appears in Etruscan inscriptions, e.g., Italic Dialects, p. 527, 22*, and may or may not have lost an -s in pronunciation. The loss is common enough in inscriptions under Etruscan influence and others {Ital. Dial., p. 288, footnote), but both -e (nom.) and -es (gen.) are recognized Etruscan endings (Pauli, Altital. Stud. 3, p. 21)." ( 494 ) TABLE OF THE RELATIVE WEIGHTS OP ENGLISH GRAINS and FRENCH GRAMMES Grains Grammes Grains Grammes Grains Grammes Grains Grammes Grains Grammes Grains Grammes 1 •064 54 3-498 107 6-933 160 10-368 213 13-802 266 17-236 2 ■129 55 3-564 108 6-998 161 10-432 214 13-867 267 17-301 3 •194 56 3-628 109 7-063 162 10-497 215 13-932 2G8 17-366 4 •259 57 3-693 110 7-128 163 10^562 216 13-996 269 17-431 5 •324 58 3-758 111 7-192 164 10^626 217 14-061 270 17-496 6 •388 59 3-823 112 7-257 165 10^691 218 14-126 271 17-560 7 ■453 60 3-888 113 7-322 166 10^756 219 14-191 272 17-625 8 ■518 61 3-952 114 7-387 167 10^821 220 14-256 273 17-689 9 ■583 62 4-017 115 7-452 168 10^886 221 14-320 274 17-754 10 ■648 63 4-082 116 7^516 169 10^951 222 14-385 275 17-819 11 ■712 64 4-146 117 7^581 170 11^016 223 14-450 276 17-884 12 ■777 65 4-211 118 7-646 171 ll^OSO 224 14-515 277 17-949 13 ■842 66 4-276 119 7-711 172 11^145 225 14-580 278 18-014 14 ■907 61 4-341 120 7-776 173 ir209 226 14-644 279 18-079 15 ■972 68 4-406 121 7-840 174 11-274 227 14-709 280 18-144 16 1-036 69 4-471 122 7-905 175 11-339 228 14-774 290 18-79 17 1-101 70 4-536 123 7-970 176 11-404 229 14-839 300 19-44 18 1^166 71 4-600 124 8-035 177 11-469 2:30 14-904 310 20-08 19 1231 72 4-665 125 8-100 178 11-534 231 14-968 320 20-73 20 1^296 73 4-729 126 8-164 179 11-599 232 15-033 330 21-38 21 1^360 74 4-794 127 8-229 180 11-664 233 15-098 340 22-02 22 1^425 75 4-859 128 8-294 181 11-728 234 15-162 350 22-67 23 r490 76 4-924 129 8-359 182 11-792 235 15-227 360 23-32 24 1555 77 4-989 130 8-424 183 11-858 236 15-292 370 23-97 25 1^620 78 5-054 131 8-488 184 11-922 237 15-357 380 24-62 2t) 1-684 79 5-119 132 8-553 185 11-988 238 15-422 390 25-27 27 1-749 80 5-184 133 8-618 186 12-052 239 15-487 400 25-92 28 1-814 81 5-248 134 8-682 187 12-117 240 15-552 410 26-56 29 1-879 82 5-312 135 8-747 188 12-182 241 15-616 420 27-20 30 1^944 83 5-378 136 8-812 189 12-247 242 15-680 430 27-85 31 2-008 84 5-442 137 8-877 190 12-312 243 15-745 440 28-50 32 2-073 85 5-508 138 8-942 191 12-376 244 15-810 450 29-15 33 2-138 86 5-572 139 9-007 192 12-441 245 15-875 460 29-80 34 2-202 87 5-637 140 9-072 193 12-506 246 15-940 470 30-45 35 2-267 88 5-702 141 9-136 194 12-571 247 16^005 480 31-10 36 2-332 89 5-767 142 9-200 195 12-636 248 16^070 490 31-75 37 2^397 90 5-832 143 9-265 196 12-700 249 16^135 500 32-40 38 2-462 91 5-896 144 9-330 197 12-765 250 16-200 510 33-04 39 2527 92 5-961 145 9-395 198 12-830 251 16-264 520 33-68 40 2-592 93 6-026 146 9-460 199 12-895 252 16-328 530 34^34 41 2^656 94 6-091 147 9-525 200 12-960 253 16-394 540 34^98 42 2-720 95 6-156 148 9-590 201 13-024 254 16-458 550 35-64 43 2-785 96 6-220 149 9-655 202 13-089 255 16-524 560 36-28 44 2-850 97 6-285 150 9-720 203 13-154 256 16-588 570 36-93 45 2-915 98 6-350 151 9-784 204 13-219 257 16-653 580 37-58 46 2-980 99 6-415 152 9-848 205 13-284 258 16-718 590 38-23 47 3-045 100 6-480 153 9-914 206 13-348 259 16-783 600 38-88 48 3-110 101 6-544 154 9-978 207 13-413 260 16-848 700 45-36 49 3-175 102 6-609 155 10-044 208 13-478 261 16-912 800 51-84 50 3-240 103 6-674 156 10-108 209 13-543 262 16-977 900 58-32 51 3-304 104 6-739 157 10-173 210 13-608 263 17-042 1000 64-80 52 3-368 105 6-804 158 10-238 211 13-672 264 17-106 2000 129-60 53 3-434 lOG 6-868 159 10-303 212 13-737 265 17-171 3000 194-40 ( 495 ) TABLE FOR CONVERTING ENGLISH INCHES INTO MILLIMETRES AND THE MEASURES OF MIONNET'S SCALE English Inches FRE^ IflO 95 90 85 SO 75 70 65 GO £5 50 45 40 3S 30 25 20 15 10 5 ICH Millimetres 3-5 2-5 2- IS 1- •9 •8 ■7 ■t •s .3 •i • MIONNET'S Scale 28 i^ 14 It DO — 7, — — 2 LONDON : PRINTED BY GILBERT AND RIVINGTON, LD. ST. John's house, clebkenwell. PLATE I 'CSU' ;!• 1 M 2 JE 3 R. 4- y€ 5 A 6 fsl 7 /E 8 y£ .f^^ J-^ 9 yR 10 yR rv, '%'^-- 11 ^ 12 /£ 13 yE 14 yR 15 R 16 /E PLATE II -.«■« 1 /E 2 yE 7v.iZ 3 -R ■/I 4 JR 5 yR 6 ^ 7 ^ 8 ^ 9 M ^^t^ii^r i 10 >R 11 >R 12 .« /•':,'# ^^;^ 13 M. 14 iR 15 vR 16 m. 17 >R 18 M. 'm V --. ^f^ f[;>^^^J 19 fA 20 -R PLATE III *, ■rm m^ i^^^ -^i. 1 ;« 2 >R 3 i«. .;^^. ^ 4 ^ 5 R 5 A .-i*«?" ^i 7 ^ 8 a; <^-?.?A' ^>«-^ 9 y£ 10 /E :>>:, ^ n « 12 /c. 13 /R « §%■ #,.2^^ 14 B. 15 yR ■V?? 16 PA. 17 ^ r llliR PLATE IV :fPf, ^ 1 K. 2 fL 3 N 4 /E ■K. ... / .''.'0 5 >R 6 /R m€'^ 9 yE 7 JE 8 yR 10 ^ ^ ] t U yE 12 R 13 ^ l* yE 15 R. "' ^> r> "\ >SV ^y^y^ ^AF' 16 M 17 iE '^ in 18 iE 20 JE 21 v4^ 19 /E PLATE V .^1^' - "♦(•S'-.rjii'' 1 JR 2 M # ® 4 ^c ''} h ^ ^^?^' % S N m ^ «a:^\ ^.:'yf >*y ^ „fx 6 N ^■Vx- 1 /R 8 M 9 M ^W- ^T "k^ m)i W. '¥h !0 ^ 11 JR 12 ;4^ ^^ 4^A 13 M \ ,J^f^ 16 M .^M ''m' 14 yR /) \ A l\ 15 ^ 18 .'R 19 JR 20 y?l 21 JR PLATE VI 1 JR 2 ;R ;# *-^ 3 M 4-^ 4 M 5 M ^^li 6 yR 7 /R K^) 1^' 8 >R 9 B. 10 i4^ a /R 132. : V r 12 y*-: 13 M 14 « 15 R >*^"*"^'!^ 16 R )7 /R 18 B. .^3F^2?^ /^ ;^ ^^^^ ^ijE<^ 19 * ■:e^ ^ -. 20 v4< ^~,, 'i?'-^! : A ^^^ ~ .^^ ■"■c; #1 V 21 ;« 22 ^ 23 « r- / ' / 24 B 25 * 26 /E 27 >E PLATE VII 1 JR €l# 5 JE w 9 ,£ .■rff J' 2 yR -^>>yt. 6 .£ 7 ^ 10 B. ' ^- '. ^ ■ --^n 3 ^ 4 ^ ^Jy' 8 ^ 11 JR 12 ^ 13 JR 14 yR 15 JR 16 ^ T^-*, ^1-^ 17 /R *. . '>*^- ' f^^tJ^ ^'•^^ 18 ,4i r^* ?/ 19 ^ 20 « ?*¥jI^ >«*^3^; 21 ^ 22 /R. 23 JR I PLATE VHI j0!jpi^ 1 JR 2 JR 3 M 4- M i f 5 R. 6 PR 7 ^ 8 m. 9 ,« 10 ^ ^«/ 1! yR 12 >R 13 !R 14. ^ 15 B. 16 yR *^i5; 17 fR 18 ;4^ 19 .4^ 20 J3, 21 ^ 22 IR 23 ^ f PLATE IX / 1 JE 2 M i£ /> 7- ai f^^ vr >''--. 4 M. 5 ^ 6 A 7 >E r 8 >R 9 A 10 ^ 11 JR 12 y« 13 /R ^■^^ 'y . .^ 14 fR. 17 .«. :/>^ 15 R 18 R 20 ^ 21 v€ 16 /R '-^ W^- -^ W =gIF 19 /R ./€ 22 R PLATE X 1 JR 4 JE n 1 B. ^^'-'/a; 2 yE ;/'• ^ -.0 5 i4^ 8 /E 4 3 .^ 6 >R '£ 9 .£ 10 ^ 11 K. 12 ^ 13 v£ 16 R. 14 i« \ n 17 ^ /.^l 15 /E 18 M. 19 yft 20 R PLATE XI ^S'i- " -t^' ^' iL' -^ 'E 8 ./E 9 M Mm 10 TR 11 JR 12 iE ^■■^ '^'Vf,^ 13 /R ^^ ^ j 14 ^ 15 .R 16 R 17 .« 18 ^ 19 A m'^ \% m W 20 X. 21 ^ 22 >E 23 i« * 4 PLATE Xni 'f'^'S'% ^//j 1 JE 2 JE -itri 1 JP. 2 M 3 /R 4- M 5 M 6 /R 9 JR 7 .« 8 R 10 ^ U ^ 12 /€ 13 /R 1+ JP. 15 ^ 16 >R #V 19 /R ^ii ,#^ 17 /R / 18 ^- 20 /E 21 y£ I f PLATE XV • 1 R. 4 B. *; ■^i^J^jjiuf 3 K. 5 /R 6 R. 7 j« • 10 B. 8 j« 9 B. * ; 11 K. 12 .£ , .. ■ 4 13 it 14 i^ 15 iR ..y ; I, 16 B. '.^^ i 17 /K 18 M 0> \ i \ 19 >R 20 /R 21 iR PLATE XVI 1 M 2 JR :^ 3 j£ 4 JE 7 JR ^f^P 8 M 10 !?. 9 B. m 12 M 11 JR 14 ^l 13 JE 18 ^ 19 « PLATE XVII f?. 2 /R 3 B. 8 R. 12 N. 16 ^ ^'^n ^ '} 19 ^ 6 ^ "!♦ 9 yE 10 R 13 A' 14- R d^^ ^^^^B fe*r 7 ^ 11 ^ 15 R 17 /^ 18 N 20 >E 21 yC 22 A' 23 19. 24 Pk PLATE XVIIl '^v 1 JR 3 JE #• 6 JE 9 M 12 A :■!/ 15 Fl 18 N -^ijl^^'" 4 >E •'»'^>i: rrras 7 R. 10 JE 13 yE (/«■ 2 /E 5 /E 8 i« 11 /€ ■4 14 >E 16 /C "^U^-^ 17 /E ^^ 21 yE^^ 19 JE 20 .C PLATE XIX ft-^ 1 R / 4 /€ 5 /E 7 >E ft 9 ^ 10 >R >:::^ 3 /€ 6 iE 8 J^ T '^W^. 11 iR 12 iR 13 yR 14 R- % ^■■ 15 ;R 16 iR 0-^^ '^%^I 17 ^ >*/" =:.^ 19 /R 18 ^ 20 M 21 /€ 22 A PLATE XX 1 yt 2 /€ yfmj if^/n xir-^^ 3 JE 4 /€ 6 ^ 5 JR 8 jR 9 A' 10 JV 11 JR 12 A/ 13 ^ H ,« 17 v« 15 M 16 ^ ^>:^ ^ :^^ '\^^^ "^^^^ \ 9 .'V 22 JE 20 € 21 M PLATE XXI /i m % 1 M 2 A' 5 A' ^ •^^ 3 /^ 4 A' 6 ^ t:„ '-^ ■« •/y..^ $ / 1 JR 9 ^ / W^ 10 /R / / y - j>^ \ 12 ift 8 M- 11 v« r^ \ 13 JR 15 /R 14 JR PLATE XXII 1 M. J*k. ^.y ■■■' J^c\ 4 ;R 2 R /: j' /• ^. r/: ':?y -^ 3 /R 5 i^^ 6 M 7 M. /' ■. , 4 J V 4 9 M 10 ^ 8 /R r4 ' ■^/ ■.Ai, ^ r^A ^ 11 >R 12 >R 13 R 14 yf( <><:/>! 15 ^ 16 ^ PLATE XXIII 1 JE 2 A 3 JE 9 M 10 ^ H .R 12 /E 13 ^ 14 A' 15 ^ 16 v« 18 /« 19 ^ 4^fi 2 M PLATE XXIV 3 i£ 1 M ^' '£^^\ §^m ■SLIP'S :- -•^ 4 JR 6 M 7 M 8 M *'-.'-i .^'^«~Wk^ ■3 « 10 /« n JE '■'<%>->*<' 12 >R 19 J^ PLATE XXV 1 ^ 2 /E 3 /E 4 ^ 5 yE 6 ^ 10 .£ 13 R = c«^^J5^■ 9 yE ;^:^ •^ }*?/-<'- /- s^^' 12 JR j , i,' C/. ; -/ 15 ^ 14 iR # 17 ^ \iO >R 19 ^ 18 B. i I PLATE XXVI (v**.. / -^ 3 iR 4 /€ '-"'Wi 6 i£ & yE 7 ^ ^r^/* «*>'' 10 M 8 ;1^ 9 M ^J?^^ ^ 11 >R 12 >R ^9 14. M 13 >E 15 yR 16 i£ 18 i€ PLATE XXVII ■''**«.v«.^!<'"'- 1 >£ 2 >€ 3 ^ 4 A JR. V.. r*-; 5 ^ 6 y€ 7 /E ^?r^"^^ / ^' <^0tm^ J 8 /E 9 it 10 fc. 11 y£ 15 /£ 13 ^ 14 i£ PLATE XXVni >v.: 4 /R 7 JE 2 J€. 5^; 8 JR 10 /R '^''"^.i 3 i£ 6 JE '*5' ^ 9 M 12 ^ 11 /V 13 /t S'. t' 1+ ^ ■r) 15 A' 17 m 18 R 19 >R 20 >R 4 PLATE XXIX 1 JR 2 M Wy \ 3 JR 4 R 5 M 6 M. ■i A ^^:».. 10 /C .•^.•'- ■f J 8 a: U ;€ Z* ■*%■ 12 >E ji^f^'j ;?^: 13 ^ ^M^-''* I %^^- V 14 ^E ■ .^•''W^^S'*^- 15 >E 16 it; ! PLATE XXX 1 yt 3 yE 1^ V 4 /R • 2 fl \^ 5 .R 6 j« 7 vR 8 ^ 9 R<. '■■/'^ 12 /R 15 .« '/h*^] 10 yE ^ r^ ^^ 13 jR 16 yR ^:^. / 11 A. # 14 >R .#^ 17 /E ^ ^^^y ^^^^ ^^^^ 19 A ^^m"^ 20 * 18 ^ ■< A .' I / /. GETTY CENTER LIBRARY 3 3125 00952 2984 ^^ .% v^ i^^SSSSSSlL.