CATALOGUE OF IVORY FIGURES, CUPS, &c., 3n tbe ©rawing IRoom, AT MADRESFIELD COURT. ARRANGED 1883. SHELF A, 1 Hunting powder flask of circular shape ; nozzle lost ; mounted in silver. Subject, heads of stags, boars, and dogs. Width, 4 inches. 2 Top of handle of feather fan, richly carved in relief, with Indian masks and figures. Width, 4 inches ; height, 3 inches. 3 Cup mounted on embossed gilt stem. Sub- ject, children at a vintage ; gilt cover surmounted by two Amorini playing. Total height, 14^ inches. 4 Hunting powder flask of circular shape ; rims engraved in black. Subject, hunting of stags and boar ; on sides, boars and dogs. Nozzle, head of Griffin. Width, 3^ inches. 5 ^'Kaiser Rudolf, Graf Habsburg." Full length in mediaeval armour, with battle-axe, sword, and mace. Height, 11 inches. 6 Tazza and cover, surmounted by Venus Anadyomene. Subject, Amphitrite, Sea Nymphs and Dolphins. Stem, a Triton carrying away a Nereid. Total height, 15 inches. 7 Hunting powder flask of circular shape, mounted in silver, with silver nozzle and spring top. Subject, elephant, boars, stags, and dogs. Width, 2,% inches. 8 "Arthur Konig von England." Full length in mediaeval armour with sword. Height, 10 inches. 4 9 Tazza with cover, surmounted by a Cupid holding a cup. Tazza cover highly carved in relief, with bands, masks, and pomegranates. Height, 15 inches. 1537 B.C. 10 Hunting powder flask of circular shape ; mounted in brass. Subject, heads of Stags, Boars, and Hounds. Width, 4 inches. 1 1 Whole length figure from Tintoretto's picture of the Ascension, now destroyed. Height, 7 inches. SHELF B. 12 Cup with handle. Subject, mermaids, sea horses, and tritons. Height, 4^ inches. 13 Ewer, beautifully carved in high relief. Sub- ject, infant tritons playing with dolphins ; on neck, a triton and sea horse ; Handle, a boy pouring water from a jug on the head of a faun ; Stem, three mermaids ; inscription round octagonal base : — " [F Baldi], Per mare [sculp'] per terras [Anno Di] proesto [1633] et persto." 14 Tankard of circular shape ; hinged cover surmounted by figure of huntsman, with spear and horse. Subject, mounted huntsmen at death of stag. Height, 85/8 inches. 1 5 Tray of oval shape ; in centre, half length figures of Francis H. and Mary Stuart ; date 1558. Fran9ois de Val : Roy. Dauphin de Fr : et Marie Royne d'Escos." Length, 20 inches; width, 15^ inches. Round the centre are twelve compartments, 4 and 8, richly carved in high relief, with pageants of war. t6 Hunting cup. Subject, hunters with dogs bringing to Diana the head of a huge boar. Handle, Pan playing a syrinx. Height, 6 inches. 5 1 7 Tankard of circular shape, with hinged cover surmounted by a boy on a goat. Subject, Libation to Bacchus. Handle, a fawn half-length ; on rim of cover and base, grapes and vine-leaves. Height, 6^ inches. 1 8 Tazza, with cover set in silver, surmounted by King David with harp, around whom are eight boys dancing ; on tazza, three medallions with scripture subjects — (i) the well of Samaria; (2) the Marriage at Cana ; (3) Noah. Stem, three boys on the heads of three other boys. Base, six masks in high relief, between richly carved feet. Total height, ijy2 inches. 19 Cup, unmounted ; on front, half length figures of Francis H. and Mary Stuart; "Francois de Valois. Dauphin de Fr : et Marie Royne descos. FM," surmounted by crown and enriched with Thistles and Fleur-de-lys. SHELF C. 20 Upon square black marble pedestal, figure of Nymph carrying a boar's head. Height of figure, lo inches ; and of pedestal, 4 inches. 21 Cup, unmounted. Subject, a Bacchanalian procession. Height, 3^ inches. 2 2 Elephant, with emerald earrings and trappings ; Howdah set with emeralds, lorquoises, and green enamel : attended by six figures playing musical instruments. In the Howdah a splendidly-decked figure with hook and attendant. On head of elephant a Mahout carrying poinard. The whole upon a platform representing a temple, in the niches of which stand ten figures, painted and gilt. Total height of platform, 4 inches ; of elephant, 10 inches. 6 2 3 The Apollo Belvedere. Height 9^ inches. 24 Fork, with inscription ''Louis XII. Roy. de F." Handle, surmounted by a crown is richly carved with masks in relief and Fleurs-de-lys in relief. Length, 8 7^ inches. 25 Tankard of oval shape ; hinged cover, sur- mounted by boy on a goat. Subject, Libation to Bacchus ; on box, grapes and vine leaves ; cover and rim carved with pattern. Height, 63/g inches. 26 Venus seated after the bath. Height, 6 inches. 27 Spoon (companion of 24); Handle, surmounted by a porcupine, is richly carved with masks and Fleur-de-lys in relief Length, 8 ^/^ inches. 28 Tankard mounted in silver gilt. Subject, in high relief, a combat of mounted warriors, F X D reversed ; on hinged metal cover, figure of un- mounted warrior with shield. Total height, 12 inches. 29 Upon square black marble pedestal pastoral figure partially draped, flowing hair ; in the right hand a spud, in the left a sheepskin. Height of figure, 10 inches ; and of pedestal, 4 inches. 30 Hunting powder flask, unmounted. Subjects, hunting and pastoral. Width, 4 7^ inches. SHELF D, 31 Bust of nymph on marble pedestal. Height of bust, 7 inches ; and of pedestal, 6 inches. 32 Amorino, with garland of flowers, reclining. - Height, 4j4 inches. 33 Tazza. Subject, Procession in honour of Bacchus ; stem, four nude Amorini ; on lid, Amorino with basket of fruit. Total height, 15^ inches. 7 34 Hercules on black pedestal. Height of figure, 8 inches. Marchino F." 35 Tv/o-handled vase. Subject, Figures draped and undraped in various attitudes ; statue of Diana. Height, 9^ inches. 36 Infant Bacchus reclining on cushion. Height, 4 inches. Companion of 32. 37 Bust of Bacchante. Height, 9 inches. Com- panion of 31. 38 Hercules in high relief ; frame of Lapis Lazuli and Porphyry. Height, 5^^ inches. 39 Satyrs carrying away a Nymph in a wood ; at back, ''Jan Lanckhorst inv : et fe." CABIHET II, (ABOVE.) 40 Figure partially draped ; hair dressed after a classical manner (? Venus). Height, 1 1 inches. 41 Flora, undraped. Height, 12^ inches; on square ivory pedestal of classical design. Height, 5 inches. 42 Hebe holding a cup. Height, 11% inches. SHELF A, 43 Amorino, with cocked hat and coat ; Louis XV. playing the violin (bow lost) ; on black pedestal with ivory base. Total height, 6 '/^ inches. 44 Oval plaque within richly carved frame ; figure in relief of Venus, Height, 5 inches. 45 Seal handle (antique) ; three boys supporting basket of grapes. Height, 3 inches. 46 Infant Bacchus (antique) supporting drapery ; left foot resting on flagon. Height, 2^3 inches. 47 Seal handle (antique) ; horse's head, eyes agate. Length, 2 ^/s inches. 48 Oblong plaque in ebony frame. Subject, Clelia crossing the Tiber. 49 Infant warrior with shield and battle-axe. Height, 5 inches. 50 Medallion, carved on both sides in high relief, and set in metal frame. Subjects, (i) The Holy Family; (2) the Three Kings. Height, 2 ^/^ inches by 2 inches. 9 51 Infant holding bunch of grapes. Height, 5^ inches. 52 Seal handh (antique), carved in high relief ; on one side a woman half length plunging dagger into her bosom ; on the other, half length of youth with helmet and uplifted sword holding head of a Satyr. Height, 2 inches. 53 Oblong plaque in ebony frame. Subject, Marcus Curtius. Total length, 4^ inches by 3^ inches. Companion to 48. 54 Companion to 46. Cupid, with eyes bandaged. Height, 2^8 inches. 55 Group of S. George and the Dragon. Height, 3 inches. 56 Companion to 44. Muse holding wreath. 57 Group Laocoon. Height, 2^ inches. SHELF B. 58^ Busts on fluted pedestals of Corneille and 59 ) Racine. Total height, 65/8 inches. 60 Plaque, cinque cento. Height, 5 inches by 3^ inches. Circular medallion with female head, surrounded by arabesques in relief. 61 "Agnus Dei," by Fran9ois Duquesnoy, called Fiamingo. Length of recumbent figure, 5 inches. 62 Companion of 48 and 53, Roman battle. (?) Rape of Sabines. 63 Medallion of Roman Emperor, in high relief, set in gold, frame, 'Tvaioi." Total height, ^3/^ inches. lO 64 Base of cup (antique) with fruit. Height, I 7^ inches ; greatest width, 3 inches. 65 Boy drinking from shell, on tortoiseshell pedestal, with ivory plaques representing the four seasons, Opera di Francesco Du Quesnoy do il Fiammingo." Total height, loS/g inches. 66 Companion to 63. 67 Stem of cup. Figures in relief. Fete Champetre. Height, 2^ inches. 68 Nereid leaning against dolphin. Apparently companion of 44 and 56. 69 Boy squeezing grapes into shell. Total height, 4 inches. 70 Sleeping child. Length, 4'/^ inches. 71 Oval plaque, with bust of Queen Anne in high relief. D.L.M. Height, 5 inches; width, 37^ inches. 72 Nude figure of a youth, on square ivory base. Total height, 5 74 inches. SHELF E. 73 Square plaque, with figures of Bacchus and Venus in high relief. Height, 2^ by 23/s inches. 74 Lid of box, with figures of three Amorini drawing a wine cask. Length, 274 by 173 inches. 75 Cupid, with bow and arrow, on black pedestal. Total height, 7^ inches. 76 Oval plaque, with bust in high relief of gentleman (? George L) in armour, with tie wig. Length, 4 by 3^ inches. 77 Boy with drapery (antique) 372 inches. 1 1 78 Medallion, ApLcrC^oiday^og,'' mounted in metal frame. 2 '/s by 2 Vs inches. 79 Medallion, "Apuleius," mounted in metal frame. 2 '/a by 2 '/g inches. 80 Boy with dove. Height, 6 inches. 81 Recumbent Cupid (antique). Length, 35/3 inches. 82 Oval plaque, companion of 44 and 56, Apollo. 83 Boy, with spear, transfixing serpent, on black pedestal. Total height, 7^3 inches. 84 Medallion, companion of 78 and 79, " M. Varro." 85 Ditto, companion, " M. ." 86 Half length of Judith with head of Holofernes. Height, 43/4 by 2^/8 inches. 87 Plaque, two Tritons playing with Dolphin. Length, 373 by 22/3 inches, 88 Oval plaque, Beguiling Time," by Verscovis. 2\l^hYi'l,. T.W. RSA. 89 Girl holding bird's nest ; cat on shoulder on black pedestal. Total height, 7^ inches. SHELF D. 90 Case for dagger. Classical subjects and ornaments in low relief, surmounted by ducal coro- net. Length, gyi inches. 91 Bust on pedestal, Inigo Jones Architectus '* A.D., 1572. Giovanni Rubise, ft. and sculp., 1784. (?) Total height, 8j^ inches. 92 Candlestick, carved in high relief, with triangular base, on which rest 3 sphinxes. Height, 1 1 inches. I 2 93 Bust of Minerva on pedestal. Total height, 6yi inches. 94 Figure of water carrier, holding staff. Height, 9 inches. 95 Handle of hunting knife ; lion and dogs in high relief. Length inches. 96 Spoon handle ; bust of nymph. Length 6'/^ inches. 97 Child holding a chain ; (antique). Height, 2 inches. 98 Circular Bonbonniere, set in gold ; crabs, lobsters and fish in low relief Width, 2'/^ inches. 99 Candlestick on triangular base ; carved in high relief ; two women supporting stem, on which rests a trophy. Height, loYg inches. 100 Hunting powder horn ; gold mounted. Subject, a boar and dogs ; on the spout a dolphin's head. Length inches. 10 1 Oblong plaque, set in black frame ; 5 children playing with goat (antique). Length of plaque, 4^^ by 3^8 inches. 102 Knife, carved with boar and hounds. Length, 7 inches. 103 Two-pronged fork, carved with birds. Length, 7 inches. 104 Gold spoon, carved with hsh and dolphins. Length 67^ inches. 102, 103, and 104 are said to be the work of Benevento Cellini. 105 Nude figure dashing child to the ground ; on marble pedestal Total height, ii'/^ inches. 106 Handle of stafT, mounted in silver. Subject, boys contending. Height, 5 inches, 13 107 Candlestick, companion to 99. 108 Seal, mounted in gold ; back of Minerva. Total height, 4^8 inches. 109 Handle, two boys wrestling (antique). Height inches. 1 10 Handle, two boys contending for apple. Height, 3 74 inches. 111 Charles I., after Van Dyck, on foot, with staff and sword. Height, 10 inches. 112 Candlestick, companion of 92. 113 Bust on pedestal, ''Nicolas Poussin, A.D. 1594. Giovanni Rubise, ft. et sculp., 1784." Com- panion to 91. 114 Hunting powder flask, silver mounted. Subject, a fox hunt. Total length, 57^ inches. 115 Gold mounted and fluted mug, glass bottom, gold handle. Height, 3 7^ inches. 116 Bust on pedestal of Roman lady. Total height, 5 inches. 117 Oval box, mounted in gold. Height, 3 inches ; greatest width, 5 inches. 118 Bust on pedestal of Roman lady wreathed with vine leaves. Total height, 8 72 inches. 119 Bust in black frame of lady (cinque cento) wearing locket with cypher, A.S., " S. W. Pervatti, Scu^-' 1648." 120. Long flat jewel box, with wreathed pattern incised. "E.P.L." Length, 2072 inches by 972 inches. H 12 1 Silver mounted horn. Length, 17 ^4 inches. 122 Bust in black frame, companion of 119, of noble (cinque cento), S. W. Pervatti, Scu" ' 1648." 123 Bust on pedestal of Roman lady with wreath of ivy leaves and berries. Total height, 8 7^ inches. 124 Gold mounted tankard, glass bottom ; cover surmounted by wheatsheaf. Total height, 6 Y4 inches. 125 Circular pot, lid mounted in gold with trees and landscape. Total height, 3 7^ inches. 126 Dagger and sheath, set with torquoise, coral, rubies and emeralds ; the handle to which contains two concealed springs, set with torquoise, rubies, diamonds, and emeralds. Total length, 13 inches. THE FIVE SENSES. 127 L'Odoro. ''Giovanni Fiamingo, mdlxvi." (Rose detached). Height, 13 inches. 128 La Vista. ''Giovanni Fiamingo, mdlxvii." Height, 13 inches. 129 II Gusto. "Giovanni Fiamingo, mdlxv." Height, 14 inches. 130 Sensibilita. "Giovanni Fiamingo, mdlxiv" Height, 13 inches. 131 L'Udito. "Giovanni Fiamingo, mdlxviii." (Violin and bow detached.) Height, 13 inches. 15 132 Cup, with cover, on base with four heads. Stem, four boys with dolphins' heads on the body. Feast of Bacchus. Cover on the rim of which are four boys, holding grapes and wheat sheaves, surmounted by boy playing with kid. Total height, 21 inches. 133 Warrior, with sword and battle axe ; buskins, armour, and helmet of gold, collar set with precious stones, helmet ditto. On wooden base, enriched with ivory and torquoise. Total height, 22 inches. 134 Companion to 133. Warrior with sword, buskins, armour, helmet of tiger skin, and head and shield all of gold ; on base, enriched with ivory and torquoise. Total height, 20 inches. W. HENRY ROBINSON, STEAM PRINTING WORKS, WALSALL. \