mmm m % - s ■ V- «. — > f t. I /. ^ .> u / * Digitized by the Internet Archive * . in 2019 with funding from Getty Research Institute 1 < ( 1 ----— ! A " T rue gentlewomans DELIGHT ' V I Wherein is contained all manner of Cookery: (a Prefervingj ^ Conferving, Together with << Drying * Y and (a Candying , f' . “ - - 4 Very neceflary for all Ladies and Gentlewomen. Published by W. I. Gent. LONDON, Printed by G. D. and are to be fold by William Shears, at the Sigh ©f the Bible inS r . Pauls Church-yard , 1 6 j $. j 1 — u *T o the *Dertuous and moft Hopefull Gentlewoman, Mis. Anne Pile, E Ideft Daughter of the Ho- norable S r . Hands Pile Baronet 3 deceafed. Moft accomplrthc Lady, He many Angular favours, which I have received , not onely from your worthy felf 5 but alfo from your thrice noble progenitors, juftly ob¬ lige me by all the due tyes of gratitude* to tender a juft acknowledgement: I wifh the fame heart* that for many and juft caufes truly honours you, had any prefent worthy your acceptance. Now ftiall it be your Angular goodnes to pa¬ tronage thisfmall T reattfe , which ( if I miftake non)carries with it two parts. Delight, and Utilitie . I doubt not then, but that it will And a generall ac~ A 2 ceptance The EpiHle Dedicatory . ceptance among all thofc, who arc any way the Icaft Lovers of fuch pleafing and all delight full ftudies . I intena not 2 to paraphrafe upon its worth, its ute, and Angular profit, which abun¬ dantly fpeaks it fecond unto none that have been publifhed of the like nature: So hoping you will accordingly efteem of it, I begg pardon for my boldnes, and reft ever* A true and faithfull henuorer of jour tranfpa- rent Fertues , w.-j. TO THE READER. Friendly Reader. [' — ] \ v || . H Eer thou haft a fmall Treatife en- timled, A true Gentlewomans Delight 5 prefented to thy view : be fo courteous as to read before thou cenfure it. jf then the ejfebl be anfwerable to its name 5 1Jball be rihhtglad : if their be any Errors 5 it will be no err or 5 but a fin - gular token of thy exemplar humanity to paft it by , *and Jign it * with thy pardon j for which I engage my felf. Thine on the like occafion A Table of the Contents# 0 make an excellent Jelly. To make a Chriftall Jelly. To make Apple Cream . To make a trifle Cream . To make clouted Cream . To make a Quince Cream . To make afrefb (flheefe. To make a Codling Cream • How to make a Goosbery Toole. How to make a white Tool. To make a Goosbery Cuflard . To make a Toole. To make Cheefe-cakes. To make a Sack ^ Pojfct, To make Leach . To make yellow Leach- To make a flip-coat Cheefc.. To make Cheefe-loaves. How to make a good Tdnfie. To make blackTart fluffs A 4 1. 2 . 3 * ibid. ibid. 5 ' 6 . ibid. 7 * ibid. £• . 9 * ibid. ic* ibid. f ib. h- To The Contents. ■ — ■- l ■' -r--r-r T ■ ,, ■■ - T - * , , — ■■■■» To make yellow Tart fluff. ibid. To make * made dijh. 14 * To make fauce fir a Shoulder of Mutton . To fiie Aplepies. * 5 * To make Curd-Cakes. ib. To make Furmenty. ibid. To make an Artechoke pie. 16. To make a Chicken pie. 17. To bake beef like red Deer. 18. To rofi a Shoulder of iJMutton with Thyme • • « • • • ibid. To rofi a Jhoulder of c Mutton with Oyfiers. x 9 . To make Angelets. ib. To make blacky puddings* 20 * T0 make white puddings. ib. T0 make Almond puddings. 2 1. To make a pudding to bake- ' 22. To make a pudding toboyle. ib. To make a (Jr earn pudding to be boy led • 23. To make a whitepot. 24. T 0 make a forced dijh of any cold meat. ib. T 0 make a forced dijh of a Leg of Mutton or Lamb. 25. How to boyle a Calves head with Oyfiers. ibid. T 0 frie a Coafi of Lamb. 2 6 . ‘‘ ' ' : . T? I I' .. * * "'■ ' I ■* The Contents. k ■ _ To Stew Saucedges. ib. To boy Is Ducks. ib. To make ‘white broth with a Capon. 27. To make fiewed broth. 28. To make Gallendine Sauce for a Turky. ibid. A good way to ftew C hie kens. 2 9. To boyle a leg of C Mutton . ibid. T0 keepe Quinces all the year* 3 O. To pickle C owe umber t. 31. To pickle Pur [lane. ib* To doe (flove-gillifowers for Salleting all the year. 32. To pickle Broom-buds. v ibid. To pickle Oyfiers. 33= To make grout. 34 * T 0 make felly of Marmalade. ib. T0 make Jelly of Pippins. , 35 ° T opreferve Oranges. 36. To preferve green W dllnuts. ib. T 0 preferve white Quinces. T 0 make Goosberry T arts. ib. To preferve Rasberries. *’ ib. To preferve Currans . 38. To preferve Medlers. ib. To preferve Goosberries. 39. To make Goosberry-Cakes. 4 °« To do Goosberries like Hops. ib* ' To. The Contents. To preferve Apricockj. 41 . To make Apricocf fakes. ibid. To make Mackaroons. ib. How to preferve white Damfons green. 42. How to preferve Mulberries. ibid- How to preferve Pippins white . 43, To make white Quince Cakes, ibid. Which way to preferve grapes. 44. How to preferve Damfons. ib. How to make Cakes of Lemons or Violets. ibid. How to preferve Quinces red. 45 . How to make Biskjt bread. ib. How to preferve Grapes to looke clear and green. 46 How to fandie Apricockj. 47. How to make pafie of Barberies , or Englifh Currans , or Goo sherries. , r 43. How to make pafie of Oranges and Lemons . 49 How to make pafie Roy all in Spice. 50. Howto (fandie Pears, Plums , or Apricockj, that fhall loo fas clear as. Amber. ibid. How to make pafie Roy all white , that you may make Court bowles, Caps , Gloves , Shoes , or any pretty thing printed in moulds 5 1 • How to make fine Diet-bread 52. How to preferve Apricockj. i b . How to preferve Damf ons. 53. How The Contents. How to make pap of Barly. 54 . How to Candy Lemons and Oranges. 55 . How to make Cakes of Almonds. How to make white Lemon (fakes. ibid. How to make oyle of Violets. 57 * How toprefcrve Pomecitron. ib. How to Candy Rinro roots. 58. How to Candy all kind of Trnitrates, as Oranges and Lemons, See. 59 * How to Candy all kind of flowers in ways of the Spanifh Candy. ibid. How to make LJfings* 60. How to make Sugar Cakes. 61. How to make a Calves-foot Pie. ibid. How to make a very good Pie. 62. How to make Simbals. ib. How to preferve Angelico roots. Howto boyle a Capon with Brewis • ibid. How to make a Spice (fake • 64 To make broth for a Neats-tongue. 65. To f wee a ('arpe or Gurnet. ib. To make a fine Pudding. ibid. To make a broth to drinks 66 . To boil a Chicken,Partridge, or Pyton . ibid. A broth to eat on Fafiing days. 67. T omake Tonado. 68. To make a Caudle. ib. To make Almond Butter. 69 To The Contents, To flew Beef ibid. T9 fouce a young Pig . 7 o To boyle Thunders or Pickerels after the Trench fafljion. ibid. To make flefh of Apricockes . ibid. To make-fie Jb of Quinces- 7 1 T o dry Cherries . 7 * To dry Peaches. 7 5 7 " o boyle Veale. 74 To boyle a Capon in white broth ibid. To boyle a Capon or Chicken in white broth with Almonds 75 To boyle Brawn . ibid. To boyle a Gammon of Bacon 76. How to boyle a Rabbet . ibid . How to boyle a Adallard with a Cabbage. 77. How to boyle a Duekwith T ff mips. ibid. How to boyle Chickens and Sorrell fops. 78 . How to boyle a Pike in white broth ibid. Hew to boyle divers kind of Tifhes. 79. How to make Salletof altmanner of Hearbs. 80. How to few fieakes between two difbes . ibid. Howto few Calves feet. ibid. How to few a Afallard. 81. How to few T routs. ibid. How to few Smelts or Thunders 8 How to few a Rabbet. ibid. * How ' ■ The Contents. How to flew a Pullet or Capon, 83. How to flew cold (fhickns. ibid. How to make pafie fir a Pafiy of Veit if on,ibid. How to make pafie for a Pie to keep long, 84. How to make pafie for a Cufiard. ibid. How to wake pafie for buttered Loaves, ibid. How to make pafie fir Dump tins. ' 85. How to make pujfe-pafie. ibid. Hew to bake a Gammon of Bacon, 8 6 , How to bake Fillets of Beef or Clods i infiead of red Dear. ibid. How to bake Calves-feet. 87. How to bake a T urkey. ibid. How to bake a Hare. ibid. How to bake Quinces or Wardens, fo as the fruit lookjred and the cruft white . 8 8. How to bake Chuckj of Veal. ibid. How to bake a Chicken Pie. 8 9. How to bake a Steak^Pie . ibid. How to wake an Italian Pudding. 90. How to bake a Florentine. ibid. How to roafi a Breafi of Veal. 91, How to roafi a Hare . » ibid. How to roafi a Shoulder of CMuttcn. 92 • How to roafi a Neats-tongue. ibid. *1 0 roafi a Pig with a Pudding in the belly *9 3 • How to roafi a Leg ofCMutton. ibid. Hop to roafi a neckjjf CMutton, 94 - How The Contents. How to roafi a Shoulder, or Haunch ofVeni - fon % or Chine of Adutton. ibid. How to roafi a Shoulder or Fillet of Veal . 95 How to roaft a Gigget of Ad utton . ibid. How to fry Bacon , 96 How to fry Chickens . ibid. Howtofry Calf es feet. ibid. To fry Tongues. 97. To make Fritters. ibid. To fence Brawn* 98. To fouce a Pig.\ ibid. To fouce Feles. 99 To fouce a Breafl of Veal ibid. To fouce a Tench or Barbell . IOO. To fouce a Fillet of Veal. ibid. T0 marble Beef, Adutton , or Vemfott, I o 1. To marble Fifh . ibid. To make a Tart offVardens . 102. To make a Tart of green Pcafe . ibid. T 0 mu ke Tart of Rice. I o3 • To make a Tart of CMedlers. ibid. To make a Tart of Cherries . ibid. T0 make a Tart of Strawberries . 104. To make a Tart of Hips. ibid. To make a Pippin Tart. ibid. T0 feald Adilftafrer the tVefiernfafiion . 105. To make ajnnket. ibid. To wake Bonny Clutter. 306. To The Contents. To make a pphitepot. ibid. To make a Pudding in ha fie. 107. To make a Pudding in a Difh. ibid. , To Boil Cream. 108. To draw Butter. ibid. Lady of Arundels Manchet. ibid. To boil Pigeons. 109 A Florendine of fweet-breads or Xidnies. ibid. A Pork L. Fie. IIO. A Chicken Pie. ibid. A Lamb Pie. in. Sauce for a Jbaulder of Mutton. ibid. A Lumber Pie. ibid. An Oyfter Pie . I 12. A Hart echo ak^ Pie. 113, A (falves foot Pie. 114. A Skerret Pie. ibid. A Calves head Pie for Supper. 115. A Lark^Pie. ibid. A hot Neats tongue for Supper. 116. A cold Neats-tongne Pie. J17. A Potato Pie for Supper. ibid. Pigeon or Rabbet Pie. 1 j 8. To make a puffe Pafte. ibid. A Pudding. T 19 . A Frigafit of Veal. 120- A Frigajie of Lamb . ibid. A The Contents. A Frigafie of Chickens. 121 A Frigafie of Rabbets . ibid. To barfh a Shoulder of Mutton. 122 To make a (fake* ibid To make a Leg of Mutton three or four dijhes . ibid. To fouce an Eele . 124. To fence a Calfes head . 125. A ftewed Rabbit . 1 26 To boyle Chickens. ibid. To boyle a Rabbit . 1 127 To boyle+aDuck* ibid. roafted Shoulder of LMutton* 128. 122 . bid. ®5S!®5I3 bid. 24, 2J. d y iid. ll k djfcn^b <^> t^> <|j i^h|> «|> ^1 <£ 1^1 „ A TRUE : GENTLEWOMANS Dp LIGHT. To make an Excellent fellj . I Ake three gallons of fair water, boyl in it a knuckle Of Veal, and two Calves feet flit in two, with all the fat dear ta¬ ken from between the daws, fo let them boyl to a very tender Jelly, keeping it dean feummed, and the edges of the pot, alwayes wiped with a clean doth, that none of the feum may boyl in, then ftrain it from the meat, and let it ftand all night, the next morning take away the top and the bottome, and take to every B quart 2 A True Gentlewomans Delight . quart of this Jelly, half a pint of Sherrie Sack, half an ounce of Cinnamon, and as much Sugar as will feafon it, fix whites of Eggs very well beaten, mingle all thefe together, then boyl it half an hour, and let it "run through your Jelly Bag. r ” i' > * ■ » To mak$ a Chrijlall Jelly* •' «•*” • , * * " '“J ^ ^ k * - w ■>. ■ ■* •; 1 Take two Calves feet, fley them, and lay them in fair fpring water with a knuckle of Veal, (hift it in Half a dofen waters, take out the fat betwixt the claws, but doe not break the bones, for if you doe,the marrow of the Bones will Bain the Jelly, when they are foft and pickt very elean,boyl them very tender in fpring Water, when they be boyled tender, take them up, and ufe them at your pleafure to eat, let the broth Band in an earthen pot or Pipkin till it be cold, then take away the bottome and the top, and put the clear into a fair Pipkin, put into it half a pound of fair Sugar Candie, or other Sugar, three drops of oyle of Nutmeg, three drops ofoyle of Mace,* and a grain of Musk, and lo let it boil ieafurely a quarter of an hour>then lent run through ;P a a Jellie A True Gentlewomans Delight. 3 a Jellie bag inco a gallie pot when it is cold, you may ferve it in little carelefs lumps being taken out with a childes fpoon, and this is the beft way to make yourChriftal Jelly. To make Apple Cream at anj time * Take twelve Pippins,pare and flit them, then put them in a skillet, and fome Cla¬ ret Wine, and a race of Ginger Aired thin, and a little Lemon pilled fmall, and a little Sugar, let all thefe fland together . till they be foft, then take them off, and put them in a difh till they bee cold,then take a quart ol Cream boyld with a little Nutmeg a while, then putin as much of the apple ffuffe , to make it of what thick- ftefs you pleafe, and fo ferve it up. To make a Trifie Cream . Take fome Cream, and boyl: if with a cut Nutmeg, and Lemon pill a while, then take it off, cool it a little, and fea- fon it with a little Rofewater and Sugar to your tafte, let this be put in the thing you ferve it in, then put in a little Run- B 2 net 4 ^ True Gentlewomans Delight . net to make it come, then it is fit to 7 1 < eat. \ ', - , f * i r ' * , Ttf clouted Cream. Take three gallons of new Milk, fetit on the fire till it boyleth , make a hole in the middle of the cream of the Milk, then take a pottle or three pints of very good cream, put it into the hole you made in the middle of the Milk as it boyleth, and let it boil together half an hour, then put it into three or four milk-pans, fo let it ftand two dayes, if the weather be not too hot, then take it up in clouts with a feummer or dice, and put it in that which you will ferve it, if you like it feafoned, you may put fome Ho fewater between every clout as you hy one upon another, with your dice ic the didi you mean to ferve it in. > To make a ggmnce Cream* Take the Quinces and put them into boyling water unpared, and let them boil very faff uncovered that they may not Colour i and when they arc very tender, take A True Gentlewomans Delight . 5 take them of, and peel them, and beat the pap very fmall with Sugar, and then take raw cream, and mixe with it, till it be of fit thicknefs to eat like a cream, but if you boil the cream with a ft!ck of Cinna¬ mon,! thinke it the better, but it muft Hand till it be cold before you put it to the Quinces. 1 To make a frejh Chcefe . Take a pint of frefh cream fet it on the fire, then take the white of fix eggs, beat them very well, and wring in the juyce of a good Lemon into the whites, when the cream feeths up, put in the whites, and Hir it about till it be turned , and then take it off, and put it into the cheefe- cloth, and let the whay be drawn from it, then take the curd and pound it in a Stone morter with a little Rofe water and Sugar, then put it into an earthen Cullender, and fo let it Hand till you fend it to table, the n put it into a difh, and put a little fweet cream to it, and fo ferve it in. X - b a To 0 A True Gentlewomans Delphi* To make a Codling Cream- After your Codlings be throughly coo- ' j led andyeelded, put them into a (liver di(h, and fill the difbalmoft half full with Rofewater, and half a -pound of Sugar, boyl all this liquor together, untill half be confumed, and keep it (firring till it be ready, then fill up your difli with fweet cream, and fbirr it till it be well mingled, and when it hath boyld round about the difh, take it up,fweeten it with Sugar, and ferve it cold. How to make a Goosberrie Tool . ’fake your Goosberries and pick them, and put them into clean water, and boyl them till they be all as thick that you cannot difeern what it is to the value of a quart, take fix yolks of Eggs well beat¬ en with Rofewater, and before you put in your Eggs feafon, it well with Sugar , then drain your Eggs, and let them boil a little while, then take it up, and put it into a broad difh, and let it ftand, till it fee cold, thus it rrmft be eaten. ‘ How - -r--- l ~ — A True Gentlewomans Deugnu y How to make a white Toole. Take a quart of Cream, and fet it over the fire, and boyleit with whole Cinna¬ mon, and fliced Nutmeg, and Sugar, their when it is almoft ready take the whites of fix Eggs, well beaten with Rofewater, and skum off the froth from them, and put it into the Cream, and boyle it together a pretty while, then feafon it, and take the whole Spice out of it, and put it up in a broad difh,and when it is cold then it rauft be eaten. To make a Goo sherry Cuftard. Take as many Goosberries as you pleafe, boyle them till they be (oft, then take them out, and let them ft and and cool, and drain them, draw them with your hand through a canvas Strainer, then put in a little Rofewater, Sugar, and three Whites, and ftirre them all together, and put them in a Skillet,and ftirre them apace elfe they will burn,let them ftand and coo) a little while, and take them off, and put them in a glaffe. B 4 To 8 A Trite Gentlewomans Delight* To make a Toole , Take two quarts of Cream, fet it over the fire, and let it boyle, then take the yolks of twelve Eggs, and beat them very well with three or four fpoonfuls of cold Cream , before you put the Eggs into the hot Cream, take three or four fpoonfuls of the Cream out of the Skillet, and put it into the Eggs, and ftirre it together, and then drain the Eggs into the Skillet of hot Cream, ftirring it all the time to keep it from turning, then fet it on the fire, and let it boyle a little while, but keep it with ftirring for fear of burning, then take it off, and let it ftand and cool, then take two or three fpoonfuls of Sack and put it in the difh, andfome four or five Sippits, and put them in the Sack in the difh, fet the difh and Sippits a drying, and when they be dry that they the difh, fweeten the Cream, and pour it in the difh foftly becaufe the Sippits fhall not rife up, this will make three difhes, when it is cold it is fit to be eaten. \ • A True Gentlewomans Delight . g To make ffleefe- cakes. For the cruft take half a pint of Flower, and four fpoonfuls of cold Water, and three parts of a quarter of a pound of Butter,beat and knead thefe together, and put the pafte afunder feveral times, then roule it fquare, and turn it over, then take a pint of Cream, and feven Eggs, and a quarter of a pound of Sugar, and a quar¬ ter of a pound of Currens plump before you put them in, and a whole Nutmeg grated on a knife, the Pepper muft be beaten but not too much, it rrwuft be gent¬ ly boyled and Birred as you doe buttered Eggs, the ftuffe muff be cold, and then put in the coffin and fo bake it. To make a Sack Pcjfet. Take two quarts of pure good Cream,' a quarter of a pound of the heft Almonds, ftamp them into the Cream, and boyle Amber and Musk therein, then take a pint of Sack ; n a bafon,andfet it on a chafing- difh till it be bloud-warm, then take the yolkes of twelve Eggs, with four whites. jo A T rue Gentlewomans Delight, and beat them very well together, and fo put the Eggs into the Sack, and make it good and hot, let the Cream coole a little before you put it into the Sack, then ftirre all together over the coales till it be as thick as you would have it, if you take fome Amber, and Musk, and grind it fmail with Sugar, and ftrew it on the top of the Pofiet, it will give it a moft delicate and pleafant tafte. To wake Leach. Make your Jelly for your Leach with Calves feet,as you do your ordinary Jelly, but a little ftiffer, and when it is cold take off the top and bottom, and fet it over the fire with fome Cinnamon and Sugar, then take your Turnfele, being well fteep in Sack,and cruftiit,and fo ftrainit into your Leach,and let it boyle to fuch a thicknefte, that when it is cold you may flice it. To makejeHow Leach . Your yellow Leach is juft the fame, but inftead of Turnfele you muft colour it with Saffron,and when it is boyled enough then put A True uentiewomms Delight. 11 put in your Saffron and not before, it muff not boyle in it. i To make a Jlipcoat Cheefe. Take five quarts of new Milk from the* Cow, and one quart of Water, and one fpoonful of Runnet, and fhrre it together, and let it Rand till it doth come, then lay your Cheefe cloth into the Vate, and take up your Curd as faR as you can without breakiug, and put into your Vate, and let the Whey foak out of it felf ; when you have taken it all up, lay a cloth on the top of it, and one pound weight for one hour, then lay two pound for one hour more, then turn him when he hath Rood two houres, lay three pound on him for an hour more, then take him out of the Vate, and let him lie two or three houres, and then fait him on both (ides, when he is fait enough, take a clean cloth and wipe him dry, then let him lie on a day or a night, then put Nettles under and upon him, and change them once a day, ifyou find any Moufe turd wipe it off, the Cheefe will come to his eating in eight or nine dayes. 12 A True Gentlewomans Delight, To wake Cheefe-loaves. * Take the Curds of a tender new milk; Cheefe, and let them be well prefTed from the Whey, and then break them as fmall as you can poffible, then take Crumesof Manchet, and yolkes of Eggs,with half the whites, and fome fweet Cream, and a little fine flower, mingle all thefe together, and make a pafte of it, but not too fliffe, then make them into little loavfes and bake them, when they be baked, cut off the tops and butter them; with Sugar,Nutmeg, and melted Butter, and put it in with a fpoon, and ffirreit altogether, then lay on the tops,and feare them with fcraped Sugar. Howto make a very good Tanjie Take fifteen Eggs,and fix of the whites, beat them very well, then put in fome Su¬ gar, and a little Sack, beat them again, then put about a pint or a little more of Cream, then beat them again, then put in the juyce of Spinage,or of Primrofe leaves, to make it green , then put in fome more Sugar if it be not fweet enough, then beat A True Gentlewomans Delight, i j it again a little, and fo let it ftand till you fry it,the firffc courfe is in, then fry it with a little fweet Butter, itmuB: be ftirred and fryed very tender,when it is fryed enough then put it in a difh, and flrew fome Sugar Upon it, and ferve it in. To make blackTart fiuffe. To a dozen pound of Prunes take half a dozen of Malligo Raifins, wa(h and pick, them clean, and put them into a pot of water, fet them over the fire till all thefe are like pulpe, and ftirre them often leaft they burn too, then take them off, and let them be rubbed through a hair Sieve hard with your hands, by little and, little till all he through,then feafon them to yourtafte : with fearc'd Ginger. To make yellow Tart fiajfe. Take four and twenty Eggs, and bear them with Salt together, and put into a quart of feething Milk , ftirring it until it caudles, then take it off, and put it into a napkin,hanging it up till all the Whey be fun through, when it is cold, take it and 14 A True Gentlewomans Delight . grind it in adoneMorter with Sack and Sugar to your tade, and otkerwife to make it look white, leave the yolks, and Jndead of Sack put in Rofewaten To make a made Dijh. T ake a quarter of a pound of Almonds* beat them fmall, and in the beating of them put in a little Rofewater to keep them from ovling,drain them into Cream, then take Arterchoak bottomcs , and Marrow, and boyle the redneffe of the Marrow out, then take a quart of Cream, and boyle it with Dates, Rofewater, and Sugar, and when it is boyled to a conve¬ nient thicknefle take it off, and take your Arterchoak and pare of the leaves, and lay them into the di(h, and fome Marrow upon them,then pour fome Cream upon them , then let it upon codes till you ferve it in.- To make Sauce for a Jhotildcr of Mutton^ - ■ C mf tf < Take a few Cyders, arid fome fweet hearbs, and an Onion, and a pint of white Wine, and a little beaten Nutmeg, a little Salt, A True Gentlewomans Delight 15 ~ _ Salt, and a large Mace , a little Lemon pild and a little Sugar, a little leaker pof- fet, if you have no Oyfters take Capers in the room of them, and fome gravie of the Mutton. To fry Applepies 9 Take Apples and pare them, and chop them very fmall,beat in a little Cinnamon, aTittle Ginger, and fome Sugar, a little Rofewater, take your pafte, roul it thin* and make them up as big Patties as you pleafe, to hold a fpoonful or a little lette of your Apples, and fo ftir them with But¬ ter not to haftily leaft they be burned. To wake Curd-Cakes. ' , i Take a pint of Curds, four Eggs, take out two ofthe whites, putin fome Sugar* a little Nutmeg, and a little flour, ftir them well together, and drop them in,and fry them with a little Butter. To wake Furmentie . Take a quart of fweet Cream, two or three 1 6 A True Gentlervomans Delight . - - — ■ —■■■■ -■ ■ — ■ ■ - — •» ... three fprigs of Mace* and a Nutmeg cut in half, put into your cream , fo let it boil, then take your French Barlie or Rice, be¬ ing firffc wafhed clean in fair water three \ { times, and picked dean, then boyle it in fwcet milk till it be tender, then put it in¬ to your cream, and boil it well, and when it hath boiled a good while, take the yolks of fix or feven eggs, beat them very well, and thicken on a foft fire, boyl it, and fiir it for it will quickly burn, when you thinke it is boyled enough, fweeten it to your taffe, and fo ferve it in with Rofewater, and Musk Sugar, in the fame manner you may make it with wheat. To make an Arterchoak^Pie. ..i Take the bottome of fix Arterchoaks,' being boyled very tender, put them in a difii, and put fome vinegar over them, feafon them with Ginger and Sugar, a lit¬ tle Mace whole, putting them into a Pie, and when you lay them in, lay fome mar¬ row, and Dates iliced in, and a few Rai- finsof the Sun in the bottome, with good , jlore of butter, fo clofe the Pie, and when it !| A True Gentlewomans Delight . tj it is half baked, take a difh of Sack, be¬ ing boyled firft with Sugar, and a pill of Orange, put it in your pie, and fet it in the Oven again, till you ufe it. To make a Chicken Pie* I Make your pafte with good ftore of Butter, and yolks of Eggs and Sugar, then take fix chickens fmall, taking out the breaft-bone, and trailing them round., take two Nutmegs, and a good quantity of Cinnamon, and put it in in little pieces* take two yolks of eggs, and beat them with fix fpoonfuls of verjuyee, then take your juyee and verjuyee, and a little fait, ftir them well together, take a good, deal of butter, and wet it in the verjuyee., and put it in the bellies of the Chickens,, f© lay them in the pie with butter unden them, then take half a pound of Currants wafhed and dried, fo lay them on the top of the Chickens, with a little piece of Marrow, Barberies, Grapes, and good {lore of Butter and Sugar as will feafon it, £ little before you draw out your Pie, pot in Verjuyee and Sugar boyled together. —- 1 ----4r- - -—-—-j- 18 A True Gentlewomans Delight . Te hake Beef like red Deer. Take a pound of Beef, and flice it thin, and half a pint of good wine Vinegar, fome three Cloves, and Mace above an ounce, three Nutmegs, pound them alto¬ gether. Pepper and Salt according to your difcretion, and a little Sugar, mix thefe together, take a pound and half of Suet, fhred and beat it fmall in a morter, then lay a row of Suet, a row of Beef, flrow your fpices between every lain, then your Vinegar, fo doe till you have laid in all, then make it up, but firft beat it clofe with a rowling pin, then prefle it a day before you put it in your part. To rofi a fhmlder of Mutton with Thyme. Draw your (houlder of mutton, and when it is half roafted, favc the gravie , &nd cut a good deal of the infide of it, and mince it groffe, and boylitin adifli with the gravie, and Time, Claret wine, and fliced Nutmeg, and when your ftioul- der is rofted, lay it in the difh with fli¬ ced Lemon , but remember to fcorch your A True Gentlewomans Delight . 1 9 your Mutton in rolling, as you doe when you boil it. > » v » ■ Torofi a Jhoalder of mutton with Oyfters . When you open the Oyfter fave the li¬ quor, then feafon them with Pepper, and a little Cloves, and Mace, and Hearts finely chopped, and the yolk of two or three eggs chopped (mail, and fome Cur¬ rans parboiled a little , then ftuffe your . fhoulder of mutton thick with your Oy- fters, then feafon it, and lay it to the fire, and roft it, then take the reft of your Oyftersand boil them with a little white Wine, and fome Butter, this is fauce for your fhoulder of mutton, when your • Oyfters are opened,you may perboil them in their own liquor, then take them out and feafon them. » •*. _, To make AngeUets. Take a quart of new Milk, and a pint of cream, and put them together with a lit¬ tle runnet 5 when it is come well, take ic up with a fpoon,and put it into thevatc foftly, and let it ftand two dayes till it is C 2 pretty 20 A 7 rue Gentlewomans Delight . pretty ftiffe, then flip it out, and fait it a little at both ends, and wheii you thinke it is fait enough , fetit a drying, and wipe them , and within a quarter of a year they will be ready to eat. To make Blacky Puddings. Take your bloud when it is warm, put infomefalt, and when it is cold through¬ ly, put in your groats well pickt, and let it (land foking a night, then put in hearbs, which muff beRofemary, large Savorie, Penniroyal, Thyme and Fennel, then make it Toft with putting of good cream hot, untill the bloud look pale, then beat four or five eggs whites and all, and mingle it, then feafon it with Cloves, Mace,Pepper, Fennel feeds, then put good ftore of Beef Suet in your Ruffe, and mince your fat not to fmall. To make white Puddings* After the humbles are very tender boyled,take feme of the lights, with the hearts, and all the fiefh and fat about jhem, picking from them all the finnews A True G entCewomans Deitgnt, z i and skin, then chop the meat fmail as can be, then put to it a little of the Li¬ ver finely fearced , Lome grated bread fearced, fourpr five yolks ot Eggs,a pint of very good cream, a fpoonful or two of Sack, a little Sugar, Cinnamon, Cloves and Mace, a little Nutmeg, a few Canary feeds, a little Rofewater mingled with a good deal of Swines fat, a little Sa!t,roul it in rouls two houres before you goe about it, let the fat fide of the skin be turned and fteepedin Rofewater till yog fill them. To waka Almond Puddings. Take a pound of Almonds blanched, and beat them very final!, with a little Rofewater, boyl good milk with a jlake of Mace, and a litle diced Nutmeg, When it is boyied take it clean from the fpicc, then take the quantity of a penny loat orate it, and fearce it through a Collender, and then put it into the milk, and let it ftand till it be prettie cool, then put in the almonds,and five or fix yolks of Eggs, and a little Salt and Sugar, what you, Ci thinke 22 A True Gentlewomans Delight. thinke fit, and good (lore of Beet fuet , and Marrow very finely fhred. Tc make a Pudding to bake. Take apennie loaf, pare it,flice it in a quart of Cream, with a little Rofewater, and break it very fmall, take three ounces of Jordan Almonds blanched, and bea¬ ten fmall with a little Sugar, put in fome eight Eggs beaten, a Marrow bone, and two or three Pippins fliced thin, or any way, mingle theie together, and put in a little Amber greece if you pleafe. To make a bojld Pudding . Take a pint of cream or milk, boyl it with a flick of Cinnamon a little while, and t ake it off, & let it (land till it be cold, put in fix Eggs, take out three whites,beat your Eggs a little before you put them into the milk, then flir them together, then take a pennie roule and dice it very thin, and let it lie and foke,and then braid it very fmall, then put in fome Sugar, and batter your cloth before you put it in, it Will take but a little while feething, and when A True Gentleivomans Delight. 2 3 when you cake it up, melt a little frefh Butter and a little Sack, and Sugar, beat ail thefe together, and put it into the difh with your pudding to be ferved in. To make a Qream Pudding to be boiled. Take a pint and a half of thick cream TJ and boil it with Mace, Ginger, and Nut¬ meg quartered, then put to it eight Eggs, with four whites beaten, and Almonds blancht a pound, and ftrained in with the cream, a little Rofewater and Sugar, and a fpoonful of flour fearced very fine, then take a thick napkin,wet it, and rub it with flour, and tie the pudding up in it where Mutton is boyled, or in the Beef- pot, remember to take out the whole fpice out of the cream when it is boyled, the fauce for this pudding is a little Sack , and Sugar, a prettie piece of Butter, you rauft blanch fome Almonds, when they are blanched,cut every Almond in three or four pieces the long way,and flick them up an end upon the pudding very thick. 2 4 ^ True Gentlewomans Del**bt. 71 ? a whitqot* \ . ^ " • * Take a pint and a half of eream, a quar¬ ter of a pouud of Sugar, a little Rofe- water, a few Dates fliced, a few Raifins of the Sun, fix or feven Eggs, and a lit¬ tle large Mace, a fliced Pippin, or Lemon cut fippet fafhion, for your difhes you bake in, and dip them in Sack or Rofe- water. V • To make a forc'd difh of any cold meat;. Take any cold meat and fhred it fmall, a little Cloves and Mace, and Nutmeg, and two yolks of Eggs, a fpoonful or two qf Rolewater, a little grated bread, a little Beef fuet fhred finally make it up into balls or any fafhion you pleafe, and boyl them in fried fuet between two ear¬ then difhes, your fuet muff boil before you put in your meat; for fauce, a little Rutter, Verjuyce, and Sugar. To A True gentlewomans Delight. 25 To ntaks & forc'd dijb of a Leg of Mutton , or Lamb. Take a Leg of Mutton, or Lamb, cut out the flefh, and take heed you break not the skin of it, then perboyle it, andnnnce ft with a little Beef faet, put into it a little fweet Hearbs {bred , three or four Dates fliced, a little beaten Nutmeg, Cloves, and Mace, a few Currans,a little Sugar, a little Verjuyce, three or four Eggs, mis them together,and put them in the skin, and fet it in a difh and bake it. To bcjle a (falves head with Ojfteys. ' • / * " Take the head, and boyle itwith Water and Salt, and a little white Wine or Ver¬ juyce, and when it is ^Imoft enough, then cut fomc Oyfters, and mingle them toge¬ ther, and a blade or two of Mace, a little Pepper, and Salt, and a little liqttour of the Oyfters, then put it together, and put it to the Calves head, and the largeft Oy¬ fters upon it,and a flit Lemon 3 and Barber- rips, fo ferye it in. ll To 26 A True Gentlewomans Delight. To fry a coafi of Lamb. Take a coaft of Lamb, and pcrboyle it, take out all the bones as near as you can, and take fomefour or five yolkes of Eggs beaten, a little Thyme, and fweet Majo- ram, and Farfly minced very fmall, and beat it with the Eggs, and cut your Lamb into fquare pieces, and dip them into the Eggs and Hearbs, and fry them with But¬ ter,then take a little Butter, white Wine, - and Sugar for fauce. To flew Saucefedges. Boyle them in fair Water and Salt a little, for fauce boyle fome Currans alone, when they be almoft tender, then pour out the water, and put in a little white Wine, Butter, and Sugar. >■ . To boyle. Ducky* When they be half boyled,take a quart of the liquour and ftrain it,and put a quart of white Wine, and fome whole Mace, Cloves, and Nutmegs fliced, and Cinna¬ mon A True Gentlewomans Delight. 2 7 mon, and a few Onions fhred, a bundle of I fweet Hearbs, a few Capers, and a little Sampire, when it is boyled put fome Sugar to feafon it withall. To make white Broth with a Capon. Truflfe your Capons, and boyle them in fair Water , and when they are half boyled,take out three pints of theliquour, and put it to a quart of Sack, and as much white Wine,and (lice two ounces of Dates half or quarter wife as you pleafe, a little whole Mace, Cloves, and Cinnamon, a Nutmeg (hred, of each a little quantity, boyle the broth in a pipkin by it felf, un¬ till the Dates begin to be tender, then put in the marrow of two bones, and let it boyle a little, not too much for fear, then i when your Capons be near ready, break j twenty Eggs, fave the yolkes from the whites, and beat the yolkes untill you may •i take up a fpoonful and it will not run be- fide the fpoon, then you muftput a little cold broth to them, and fo flrain them through a cloth, then take up fome of the hot broth to heat your Eggs, becaufe elfe it. will turn, let it have a walm or two after 28 A True Gentlewomans Delight. after your Eggs be in, but not feethtoo much for fear it turnes, then difti your Capons, and pour your broth on them, and garnilh your difti as you pleafe. To make fiewed Broth. Take a neck of Mutton, or a rump of Beef,let it boyle,and fcum your pot clean, thicken your pot with grated bread, and put in feme beaten Spice, as Mace, Nut¬ megs, Cinnamon, and a little Pepper, put in a pound of Currans, a pound and a half ofRaifins of the Sun,two pound of Prunes laft of all,then when it is fiewed, to feafon it putina quart of Claret, and a pint of Sack,and fome Saunders to colour if, and a pound of Sugar to fweetenit, or more if need be, you mud feeth feme whole Spice to garnifh your difh withal!, and a few whole Prunes out ofyour pot. To make gallendine Saucefor a Turkej . Take fome Claret Wine, and fome gra¬ ted Bread,and a fprig of Rofemary,a little beaten Cloves, a little beaten Cinnamon, and fome Sugar. An A True Gentlewomans Delight z to preferve white Damfins green* Take whiteDamfons,feald them in wa¬ ter till they be hard, then take them off, and pick as many as you pleafe, take as much Sugar as they weigh, ftrew a little in the bottome, put two or three fpoon- fnlls of water, then put in the Damfons and the Sugar, and boyl them, take them off, and let them ft and a day or two,then boil them again, take them off, and let them ftand till they be cold. ‘To preferve Mulberries. Take as many Mulberries as you pleafe, and as much Sugar as they weigh : Fir ft wet the Sugar with fome juyee of Mulbe- ries, ftir your Sugar together, then put in your Mulberries, then boil them apace, till you thinke they are boyled enough, then take them off, and boil the Sirupe a while. A True Gentlewomans Delight , 43 while, and put it into the Mulberries, let them fland till they be cold. * 'N To preferse Pippins white. Take feme Pippins and pare them, and cut them the crofle way, and weigh them,, and to a pound of Sugar, a pint of wa¬ ter, then put the Sugar to the water, and then let it boyl a while,and then put in the Pippins, and let jhem boyl till they bee clear at the Core, take them off, and put diem up. i i ^ k , To make white ^hinte Cakes- Take Quinces and let them ftand till they be cold, but not feethed till they be tender enough, then take them off, and pare them, then ferape off the foftefl, and doe it through a fieve, and then weigh as much Sugar as it doth wefgh, and beat it, and fift it into the Quinces, and ftir it al¬ together, and fet it on the coals, and flit it about, but let it not boil at all, but let it ftand and cool, till it be pretty thick, then take it off, and put it in glafs fau~ cers. To 44 -A T rue Gentlewomans Delight, To preferve Grapes . Stamp and ftrain them, let it fettle a while, before you wet a pound of Sugar, or grapes with the juyee fione the grapes, fave the liquor, in the ftoning take off the ftalks, give them a boyling, take them off, and put them up. To prefer ve Hamfons. Take as many as you pleafe.and weigh as much Sugar as they weigh, and ftrew foye in the bottome,and feme on the top, and you may wet the Sugar with fome Sirupe of Damfons, or a little water, then fet them upon the fire, and let them ftand and foke foftly about an hour, then take them off, and let them (land a day or two, then boil them up, till you think they be e- nough, take them off, and put them up. Ho w to make Cake of Lemons or Violets . t Take of the fineft double refined Su¬ gar, beaten very fine,and fearced through fine Tiffente, and to half afilver porin- ger A True Gentlewomans Delight 45 ger of Sugar, put to it two fpoonfuls of water, and boil it till it be almoft Sugar again, then grate of the hardeft rinded Lemon, then {fir it into your Sugar, put it into your Coffins of Paper, and when I they be cold take them of. To prefer ve Quinces red, v • , x i * i l ’ ' 1 Take your Quinces and weigh them, to a pound pat a pound of Sugar, and half a pint of water, put your water to your Su¬ gar,^and let it {land ,your Quinces muft be fcalded till they be tender, take them off, pare them, and core them, but not too much, then put them in tht skillet where the Sugar is, then fet them on the fire,and let them boil two hours, if it be not enough, boil it a little more, pour it to the Quinces,and ftop it clofe. To make Bisket Bread . Take a pound and a half of white loaf Sugar, and fomuch flower, as much An- nife feed, Coliandef feed, and Carraway feed as you pleafe, and twelve Eggs, three whites left out, take the Sugar and fift it fine. 46 A True Gentlewomans Delight. fine, and the flower alfo, and beat your Eggs a little, then mingle them well toge¬ ther with four fpoohfuls of damask Rofe- water, beat them well together, and put in two fpoonfuls more, and beat it again about an hour and a half in all, then but¬ ter plate trenchers, and fit them with Ruffe, fcr ape fomc Sugar on them, and blow it off againe, heat your oven hot enough to bake a Pie , and let the lid Rand up a little while, to draw down the heat from the top, then take the lid down again, and let it Rand till it be cool, that you may fuffer your hand in the bottom; then fet in the plates, and fetup the lid again , untill they rife, then take them out and loofe them from the plates, and fcrape the bottoms, and let them Rand four houres, then they be fit to eat. To prefcrve Grapes to look^ cleer and green. / ' Take a pound of Grapes with no ftalks on them , .when they doe begin to be ripe, then weigh as much double re¬ fined Sugar beaten fmail, then take the Grapes that were weighed,Rone them at the place where the Ralks axe, puUoff the ATrue Gentlewomans Delight . 47 skins, and ftrain Tome Sugar in the bot- tome of the thing you doe them in, and fo lay them in the Sugar you did weigh, till y#u have ftoned and pilled them, and fo ftrewthe Sugar upon them, then fee I them on the fire, and let them boil as faff as can be, till the .Syrup be prettie thick, then take them off, and put them up till they be cold. To Candle Apricoeks, Take your Apricoeks the faireft, and feald them, and peel them, between two clothes crufh the water foftly out of them as dry as you can, without too much flat¬ ting them,then take as much fearced Sugar almofl as much as they weigh, and boil it altogether to a Candie height then take it off the fire , an.d lay the Apricoeks in it one by one, with a feather annoint them over, then fetthemona chafingdilh of coales, and let them be through fod but not boil, then take them off the fire, andfet it in a (lone or bioudwarm oven, and twice a day fet them on a fire, and turn them once at every heating,annoint- ing them with a feather, and the fame Si- rupe 4 § A True Gentlewomans Delight . rup every time you take them off the fire, this doe untill you fee the Sirupe be¬ gin to fparkle, and full of eyes, then take them out of the Sirupe, and lay them on glaffe plates, and dry them in a ftpne or Oven,turning them a day or two, till they be dry, white Pear plums fnay be done thus. To make Pa fie of Goosberries^or Bar- bevies , or Englijh Currants • I . s . ' h ■ v Take any of thefe tender fruits, and boyl them foftiy on a chafingdifh of coals, then ftrain them with the pap of a rotten Apple, then take as much Su¬ gar as it weighs, and boil it to a Candie height, with as much Rofewater, as will melt the Sugar,then put in the pap of your fruit into the hot Sugar,and fo let it boil leafurdy,till you fee it reafonable ftiffe, almoft as thick as for Marmalet, then fafhionit on a fheet ofglaffe, and fo put it into the Oven upon two Billets, that the glaffe may not touch the bottome of the Oven, for if it doe it will make the pafte tough* and fo let it dry leafureiy,and when it A True Gentlewomans Delight. ^9 it is dry,you may box it, and keep it all the year. To make Pafie of Oranges and Lemons . Take your Oranges and Lemons, and have on the fire two vefTels of fair water at once, boyl them, and then {Lift the water feven times, that the bitternefs may be taken from them, and they very ten¬ der, then cue them through the midland take out the kernels, and wring out all the water from them, then beat them in an Alablafler morter, with the paps of three or four Pippins, then flrain it through a fine ftrainer,then take as much Sugar as that pap doth weigh, being boi¬ led to a Candie height, with as much : Rofe-water as will melt the Sugar, theri put the pap of your Oranges and Lemons into the hot Sugar, and fo let it boil lei- ; Purely with flirting, and when you fee it ftiife as for Manchet, then fafhion it on a flieet of glaffe, and fo fet it in a Stove or Oven, and when it is throughly ; dry, boxe it for all the year. 5 o A True Gentlewomans Delight • To make Pafie RojaU in Spice . Take Sugar the quantitie of four oun¬ ces, very finely beaten and fearced, and put into it an ounce of Cinnamon, and Ginger, and a grain of Musk, and fo beat it into pafte, with a little Gum-Dragon fteeped in Rofewater, and when you have beaten it into pafte in a ftone morter, then role it thin 5 and print it with your mouldors, then dry it before the fire, and when it is dry, box and keep it all the year. To Candie Pears , Plums , or Apricocks , that (hall look„ as cleax as Amber . Take your Apricocks and Plums, and give every one a cut to the ftone in the notch, then caft over Sugar on them , and bake them in an Oven as hot as for Manchet clofe flopped, bake them in an earthen platter, let them ftand half an hour, then take them out of the difh, and lay them one by one upon glafle plates, and fo dry them, if you can get glaffes made like Marmalet boxes to lay over them they will be fooner candied, this A True Gentlewomans Delight. 41 is the manner to candie any fuch fruit. To make pafte Roy all white that you may ( ourt Bouls , or Caps , or Gloves^ Shoots, or any prettie thing Print - ted in Moulds. Take half a pound of double refined Sugar, and beat it well, and fearce it through a fine lawn, then put it into a fine Alablafter morter, with a little Gum- dragon Beeped in a little Rofe-water and a grain of Musk, fo beat them in a mor¬ ter,till it come to a prettie pafte, then roul it thin with a routing pin,, and print it with your moulders, like Gloves, Shooes, or any thing elfe, and fome you may roul very thin with a rouling pin, and let dry in an Afhen difh, otherwife called a Court cap, and let it Band in the difh till it be dry, and it will be like a faucer, you mull dry them on a board far from the fire, but you muff not put them in an Oven, they will be dry in two or three houres and be as white as fnow ? then you may,guilt Box and Cap. ' E a To 52 A True Gentlewomans Delight . To make Fine Diet-Bread. Take a pound of fine flower twice or thrice dreff, and one pound and a quar¬ ter of hard Sugar finely beaten, and take feven new laid Eggs, and put away the yolks of one of them, then beat them very well, and put four or five fpoonfuls of Rofewater amongft them, and'then put them into an Alablafter or Marble morter,and then put in the flower and Su¬ gar by degrees, and beat it or pound it for the fpace of two houres, untill it be perfedly white, and then put in an ounce of Canary feeds, then butter your Plates or Saucers, and put into every one, and fo put them into the oven ; if you will have it gloffe and Icie on the top, you maft wafla it with a feather, and then ffrew Sugar very finely beaten on the top before you put it into the Oven. To prcfcrve Apricdckj . Take your Apricocks, and put them into a skillet of fair water, and put them over the fire, until! they be lomething tender. A True Gemlewomans Deligh t. 55 tender,then take them up out of the water, and take a bodkin and thrufl: out the ftone at the top, and then peel off their skins, and when you have fo done put them into a filver difh or bafon, and lay Sugar very finely beaten over and under them, then put a fpoonful or two of water unto them, and fet them over a very foft fire until they be ready, then rake them up, and lay them into another difh a cooling, and if you fee good boyle the firupe a little more , when they are cold, and the firupe airnofi cold, put them up in a gally-pot or glaffe altogether. To preferve Damfons. Take a pound or fomething more of pure Sugar finely beaten, and then take a pound of Damfons and cut crtiefcotch in the fide of each of them, then pur a row of Sugar in a filver difh or bafon, and then lay in a row of Plums, and then co¬ ver it with Sugar, and fo lay it in till they be all in, and then take two fpoonfuls of clean water^ and make a hole in the mid¬ dle of them, and fet it over a very foft fire, an 4 look to it carefully, for fear the Sugar E 3 fhould 54 4 True Gentlewomans Delight. (houid burn, and when the Sugar is all diffolved, {hake them together, and ftirre them gently , and then let them down and cover them till they be cold, and when • they are cold, fet them upon the coales again, and then let them boyle gently till they be ready, and when they are ready take them down, and take them every one by its flem, and cover them with the skins as well as you can, and then putthem all one by one in a difh, and if the firupe be notboyled enough, fet it over and let it boyle a little longer, and when the Plums be cold, put them in a gally-pot or glaffe, and pour the {irupe to them while it is a little warm, you mnff not forget to take , away the skin of the Plums as it rifeth. % To maize Papp of Barlj. TakeBarlv, and boyle it in fair water foftly untill it begin to break, then put that liquour out, then put as much hot water to it as you put forth, and fo let it bovle till it be very foft, then put it into a Cullender and ftrain it, then take a hand- full of Almonds, and grind them very well with your Barly and fome of the li¬ quour. A True Gentlewomans Delight . J 5 quour, fofeafon it with Sugar, and a little Rofewater, a little whole Mace, and Cin¬ namon, and boyle them well together. To canty Lemons and Oranges. Take the peels of your Oranges and Lemons,the white cut away, then lay them in water five or fix dayes, fhifting them twice every day, then feeth them till they be very tender, then take them out of the water, and let them lye till they be cold, then cut them infmall pieces fquare, the bignefte of a penny or leffe 5 then take to every three two ounces of Sugar , put toic a quantity of fair Water, and a leffe quail- tity of Rofewater,and make a firupe there- Ij ©f,then skum it very clean, and put in your peels, and let them boyle for the fpace of an hour or longer,if you find your liquour wanting you may put in more water at your pleafure, then boyle them a little fpace after with a little fharp fire, ftirring it alwayes for burning, then take it off the fire three or four times, ftirring them all the while,and fet them on again untill they be candied. E 4 To 56 A True Gentlewomans Delight . To make Cakes of Alrnwds. r ^ ' t ' ' ' Take one pound and a half of fine Flower, of Sugar twelve ounces beaten ve¬ ry fine, mingle them well together, then take half a pound of Almonds , blanch them, and grind them fine in a Morter, then {train them with as much Sack as will mingle the Flower, Sugar, and Almonds together, make a pafte, bake them in an oven not too hot. ✓ To make white Lemon Cakes. Take half a dozen of yellow lemons the befl you can get, then cut and pare them, leave none of the yeilow behind, then takeaway the fowre meat of it, and referveall the white, and lay it in water two dayes, then feeth it in fair water till it be foft, then take it out, and fet it by till the water be gone from it, then weigh it, and take twice the weight in Sugar, mince the white fluffe very fine, then take an earthen pipkin, and put therein fome fair Water,and fome Rofewater, if you have a pound of Sugar, you muff have half a pint. of A True Gentlewomans Delight. 5 7 of water,of both fores alike, let your water arid Sugar boyle together, then skum it, and put in the ftuffe, and fo let them boyle together, alwayes ftirring it till it be thick, it will (hew very thin,and when it is cold it will be thick enough. * To make Ojle of Violets, Set the Violets in Sallade oyle, and ftrain them, then put in other frefh Vio¬ lets, and let, them lye twenty dayes^ then ftrain them again, and put in other frefh Violets, and let them Hand all the year. V_ To preferve Pome citron. Take Pomecitron and grate off the up¬ per skin , then (lightly cut them in pieces as you think good, lay them in water four and twenty houres, then fet over a pofnet with fifir water, and when it boyles put them in, andfo {hifttill you find the wa¬ ter be not bitter , then take them up and weigh them, and to every pound of Pome- citron put a pound and quarter of Sugar, then take of your laft water a pint and quarter, fet your water and Sugar over the fire. 5 8 A True Gentlewomans Delight. fire, then take two whites of Eggs and beat them with a little fair water, and when your firupe begins to boyle caff in the fame that rifeth from the Eggs, and fo let it boyle, then let it run through a clean fine cloth,then put it in a clean Pofnet,and when your firupe begins to boyle put in yourPomecitron, and let it boyle foftly three or four houres, until you find your firupe thick enough ; be fure you keep them alwayes under firupe, and never turn them, take them up, and put them into your glaffe, and when they be cold cover them. To candy Ringus Roote. Take your Ringus Roots and boyle them reasonable tender, then peel them, and pith them, then lay them together, then take fo much Sugar as they weigh, and put it into a pofnet with as much Rofewater as will melt it, then put in your Roots, and fo let it boyle very foftly until the Sugar be confumed into the Roots, then take them and turn them, and (hake them till the Sugar be dryed up, and then lay them a drying upon a lattice ofwyer • until f A True Gentlewomans Delight. 5 9 until! they be cold, in hke fort you tnav candy any other Roots, which you pleafe. To. candy aH hind of Vrmtrages s as Oranges ,, Lemons, Citrons, Lettice floches, the Su¬ gar-candy fitch as the Comf t~ makers doe candy the Fruits. Take one pound of refined Sugar, and put it into a pofnet with as much water as will wet it, and fo boyle it untill it come to a candy height then take all your fruit being preferred and dryed , then draw them through your hot Sugar, and then lay them on your hardle, and in one quar- of an hour they will be finely candied. •* * • . r To candy all kjnd of Floures in wayes of the Spanijh Candy . i'l '• : - • . .. ■ I Take double refined Sugar, put it into a pofnet with as much Rofewateras will melt it, and put into it the papo of half a roafted Apple, and a grain of Musk, then let it boyle till it come to a candy height, then put in your Floures being pick'd, and fo let it boyle, then call: them on a fine plate, 60 A True Gentlewomans Delight. plate, and cut it in wayes with your knife, then you may fpot it with Gold and keep it. To make EJfings. ' '■ u ' jjl Take one peck of Oatmeal grots, the greatefl you can get and the whiteft, pick it clean from the black, and fearce out all the fmalleft, then take as much evening Milk as will cover it and fomething more, boyleit, and cool it again till it be bloud- warm, then put it to the Oatmeal and let it foakall night, the next morning ftrain it from your Milk as dry as you can through a cloth, then take three pints of good Cream, boyle it with a Mace and the yolkes of eight Eggs,when it is boyled put it into your ftuffe, then put in fix Egg$ more whites and yolkes, feafonit with a good quantity of Cinnamon , Nutmeg, and Ginger,and a lefle quantity of Cloves and Mace, put in as much Sugar as you think will fweeten it, have a good ftore of Suet fined fmall, and forget not Salt, fo boyle them. A True Gentlewomans Delight 6 1 To make Sugar Cakes. || . * ' :/ " 2 ''S* Take one pound of fine Flower, one pound of Sugar finely beaten, and mingle them well together, then take feven or eight yolkesof Eggs, and if your Flower be good, take one white or two as you fhall think good, take two Cloves, and a pretty piece of Cinnamon, and lay it in a fpoonfull of Rofewater all night, and heat it almoft bloud-warm, temper it with the reft of yourftuffe, when the pafte is made, make it up with as much haft as you can, bake them in a foft oven. To make a Calfes-f&ot Pie. '» , t Take your Calfes-feef, boyle them, and blanch them, then boyle them again till they be tender, then take out all the bones, feafon it with Cloves, Mace, Ginger, and. Cinnamon, as much as you fhall think good, then put in a good quantity of Cur¬ rans and Butter, bake your Pie in a foft oven, and when it is baked,talce Haifa pint of white Wine Vinegar, beat three yolkes ofEggs } and put to the coals,feafon it wit4 Sugar 62 A True Gentlewomans Delight. Sugar and a little Rofewater, alwayes flirringit, then put it into your Pie, and let it ftand half a quarter of an hour. To make a'very good Pip. Take the backes of four white Herrings watred, the bones and skin taken away, then take fo much Wardens in quantity pared and cored, half a pound of Raifins of the Sun ftoned, tnince allthefe toge¬ ther, and feafon it with Cinnamon and Ginger, and when the Pie is baked put in a little Rofewater, and fcrape Sugar on it, if you put in Butter then putina handful of grated bread. To make Slmbals . Take fine Flower dryed, and as much ' Sugar as l lower, then take as much whites of Eggs as will make it apaRe, and put in a little Rofewater, then put in a quantity of Coriander feed, and Annife feed, then mould it up in thatfafhion you Will bake A True Gentlewomans Delight . 63 To prefer ve Angelico roets . Take the roots and wafh them, then flice them very thin, and lay them in water three or four dayes, change the water every day, then put the roots in a pot of water, and fet them in the embers all night, in the morning put away the water, then take to a pound *of roots four pints of wa¬ ter, and two pound of Sugar, let it boyle, and skumit clean, then put in the roots, they will be boy led before the firupe, then take them up, and boyle the firupe after, they will ask you a whole dayes work, for they muft boyle very foftly ; at Saint Andrewes time is the belt time to doe them in all the year. , :; g : To boyle a Capon with Brewis , Take a Capon, and truffe him to boyle, fet him on the fire in a good quantity of water, skum it very clean, before you fee on your Capon put a little winter Savory and Thyme into the belly of it, and a little Salt and groffe Pepper, when you have skummed it clean, cover it clofe to boyle, then 64 -A True Gentlewomans Delight. then take a good handful of Hearbs, as Marigolds,Violet leaves,or any fuch green Hearbs, as you {hall think fit, wa(h them, and fet them on the fire with fome of the uppermoft of the broth that boyles the Capon, then put into it good ftore of Mace, and boyle it with the Capon, when the hearbs be boyled-, and the broth very green, and almoft confumed away, take the uppermoft of your Capon and ftrain it together, and fcald your Brewis, and put it into a difh, and lay the Capon ori them. ‘ ' J * i . ’ ' (‘jt I To make a Spice-Cake- Take onebufhel of Flower, fix pound of Butter, eight pound of Currans, two pints of Cream, a pottle of Milk, halfa pint of good Sack, two pound of Sugar, two ounces of Mace, oneounce ofNut- ounce of Ginger, twelve yolkes, two whites, take the Milk and Cream and ftirre it all the time that it boyles, put your Butter into a bafon, and put your hot feething Milk to it, and melt all the Butter in it, and when it is bloud-warm temper the Cake, putnotvour Currans in till A True Gentlewomans Delight. 6 % till you have made the -paffe, you muft have fome Ale yeft, and forget not Salt. . x - To make Broth for a Neats-tongae. Take Claret Wine, grated Bread, Cur¬ rans, fweet Butter, Sugar, Cinnamon, Ginger, boyle them altogether, then take the Neates tongue, and (lice it, and lay it in a difhupon fippets, and fo ferve it. . To [once a Carp or Gurnet, Take fair Water, and Vinegar, fo that it may be fharp, then take Parily, Thyme, Fennel, and boyle them in the broth a good while, then put in a good quantity ofSalt, and then put in your Fifh, and when it is well boyled put the broth into a veffel, and let it Band. T o make a fine Pudding. Take Crums of white Bread, and fo much fine Flour, then take the yolkes of four Eggs, and one white, a good quan¬ tity of Sugar, takefo much good C ream as will temper it as thick as you would p make 66 A True Gentlewomans Delight . make Pancake batter, then butter your pan, and bake it, fo lerve it, cafting fome Sugar upon it, you rauft {bred fuet very imall, and put into it. To make a Broth to drmke* K Take a Chicken, and a little of the neck of Mutton, and let them on, and fcum it well,then put in a large Mace, and fo let it to boil while the Chicken be tender, then take the Chicken out, and beat it all to pieces in a Hone morter, and put it in again, and fo let it boil from four pints to a little more then half a pint, then call it through a ftrainer, and feafon it. To boil a Chicken , Partridge , or Pytcn. Take your Chicken, ar.d fet it a boiling with a little of the neck of Mutton, and fcum it well, then put in a Mace, and fo let it boil down, and when it is almoft foiled, have fome few hearbs perboiled, as Lettice, Endive , Spinage , Marigold leaves, for note thefe hearbs are ufually | ufed to be boiled, which by courfe will Siold their colour in boy!ing,and put fome of A True Gentlewomans Delight. 67 of thefe forefaid hearbs to the Chicken and Mutton., if you thinke your broth ftrong enough, take out your mutton, if you fee it not put a little piece of fweec Butter, and a little verjuyce, and a very little Sugar, and Salt, fo ferve it m with Tippets. A Broth to drink*' Take a Chicken and fet it on, and when it boils fcum it, then put in a Mace, and a very little Oatmeal, and fuch hearbs as the partie requires, and boil it well down, and bruile the Chicken,and put it in again, and it is a prettie broth, and to alter it you may put in half adofen Prunes, and leave out the hearbs, or put them in fo when it is well boyled, drain it, and fea- fon it. . • A Broth to eat on Fafiing dajes . Take fair water, and fet it a boyling, and when it boileth, put to it fo much ftreined Oatmeal as you thinke will thicken it, and a large Mace, a handrail or Ratlins of the Sun, as many Prunes, and as C „ F 2 *nany, 68 A True Gentlewomans Delight, maiiy Currants, if your quantity require It, fo boil it, and when it is boiled, feafon it with Salt and Sugar, and a piece of fweet Butter if the time will allow it, and for an alteration, when this broth is boi¬ led, put in a quantity of cream, and it will doe well. To make Ponado. The quantity you will make fetonin a pofnet of fair water, and when it boyles put a mace in, and a little piece of Cin¬ namon, and a handfuli of Currants, and fo mtich bread as you think meet, fo boil it, and feafon it with Salt, and S*gat, and Rofewater, and fo ferve it. To make a Caudle . T ake Ale, the quantity that you mean to make, and fet it on the fire, and when it is ready to boil, feum it very well, then caftina large Mace, and take the yolks of two Eggs for one meffe or one draught, and beat them well, and take away the skin of the yolks, and then put them in¬ to the Ale, when it feeths, be fure An¬ them A True Gentlexvomans Delight . 69 them well till it Teeth again for a young¬ ling, then lei itboifa while, and put in your Sugar, and if it be to eat, cut three or four tofts of bread thin, and tofte them dry, but not brown, and put them to the caudle, if to drinke, put none. To make Almond Butter. Blanch your Almonds, and beat them as fine as you can with fair water two or three houres, then ftrain them through a linnen cloth, boil them with Rofe-water, whole Mace, and Annife feeds till the fub- ftance bethick,fpread it upon a fair doth draining the whey from it, after let it hang in the fame cloth fome few houres, then ftrain it, and feafon it with Rofe- water and Sugar. v To flew Beef. Take a good Rumpe of Beef cut from x the bones, fhred Turnips and Carroots fmall, and Spinage, and Lettice, put all in . apan, and letitftew four hoales with fo much Water, and a quart of white Wine as will cover it when it h ftewed enough 3 f 3 yo A True Gentlewomans Delight . then put in a wine glaffe full of Elder vi¬ negar, and ferve it in with fippets. Do Souce a young Pig. Take a young Pig being fcalded,boil it in fair water,and white Wine, put there¬ to fome Bay leaves, fome whole Ginger, and fome Nutmegs quartered, a few whole Cloves, boil it throughly, and leave it in the fame broth in an earthen pot. Do boy l Flounders or Picky els after the French Fajhion. Take a pint of white Wine, the tops of young Thyme, and Rofemary, a little whole Mace, a little whole Pepper, feafo- ned with Verjuyce, Salt, and a piece of fweet Butter, and fo ferve it; this broth will ferve to boyl fiih twice or thrice in, or four times. Do make flejh of Apricocks . Take Apricocks when they are green, and pare them and.flice them, and take ^faiftheir weight in Sugar, put it to them, 1 ' - fo A True G entlewomans DeJight . 71 fo put them in a skillet, and as much wa¬ ter as you thtnke will melt the Sugar, fo let them boil, and keep them with ftirring till they be tender, and fo take them off, and fcum them very clean, fo put them forth of the skillet and let them {land,take as much Sugar as you had before, and boil it to a Candie height, and then put in your Apricocks, and let them over a fort fire, but let them not boyl, fo keep them with oft {lining, till the Sirupe begin to jellie, then put them in glaffes, and keep them for your ufe. . To make flefhof Quinces- Take Quinces, pare them, and core them, and cut them in halfs,boyi them in a thin Sirupe till they be tender, then take them off, and let them lye in Sirupe, then take Quinces , pare them , and quarter them, take out the cores, put as much water to them as will cover them, then boil them till they be very tender, and then {train out the liquor clean from them , and take unto a pint of that liquor, a pound of Sugar, put as f 4 much 7 2 A True Gentlewomans Delight . much water to the Sugar as will melt it, then boyle it to a Candie height?, then ftir the Quinces that are in the Sirupe as thin as you can : when your Sugar is at a full Candy height , put in a pint of the liquor, then Jet it over a fo ft fire ftirring it leifurely till the Su¬ gar be diffolved, then put in half a pound of your flices, keeping it (fill flirring but not to boil, you muff take the Jellie of Quince kernels, that have lain in water two or three hours, take two good fpoon- fuls ofitandput it to the flefh, fo keep it flirring leifurely till it begin to jellie upon the fpoon, then put it into thin glaffes, and keep it in a (love. To dry Cherries. v'-‘. f , Take the faireft Cherries, ftone them, take to fix pound of Cherries a pound of Sugar, put them into a skillet, (training the Sugar amongft them as you put them in, then put as much water to them as will boii them, then fet them upon a quick lire let them boil up,then take them off, and ffrain them very clean, put them in- y to A True Gentlewomans Beltght . 73 to an earthen pan or pot, fo let them (land in the liquor four dayes,then cake them up and lay them feverally one by one upon filver diihes, or earthen diflies, fet them into an oven after the bread being taken out, and fo fhift them every day upon dry diflies, and fo till they be dry. To dry Peaches . Take Peaches and coddle them,take off the skins, Hone them; take to four pound of Peaches a pound of Sugar, then take a gaily pot and lay a laier of Peaches, and a laier of Sugar, till all be laid out, then put in half a pint of water, fo cover them clofe, and fet them in embers to keep warm,fo let them Hand a night and a day, then put them in a skillet, and fet them jn the fire to befcalding hot, then put them ii)to your pot again, and let them Hand four and twentie houres, then feald them again, then take them out of your Sirupe, and lay them one filver didies to dry, you may dry them in an Oven, when the bread is taken out, but to dry them is the Sun is better, you mull turn them 74 A True Gentlewomans Delight. them every day into clear Difhes. To boll Veal. Take Veal, and cut in thin dices, and put it into a Pipkin with as much water as will cover it, then wafh a handfull of Currants, and as much Prunes, then take a Court roul, and cut it in long flices like a Butchers skiver, then put in a little Mace, Pepper,and Salt, a piece of Butter, a lit¬ tle vinegar, fome crumbs of Bread, and when it hath flewed.two houres, take it up and ferve it. To boil a Caponin white Broth. * ■ & * - Truffe a Capon to boyle, and put it in¬ to a Pipkin of water, and let it boil two hours,and when it is boiled, take up a lit¬ tle ofthe Broth, then take the yolks of Eggs, and beat them very fair with your broth-that you take up, then put it by the the fire to keep warm, feafon it with gra¬ ted Nutmeg, Sugar and Salt, then take up your Capon, and pour this broth on it with a little Sack,if you have it, garnifh it with lippets, and ferve it, remember to boil A True Gentlewomans Delight. 7 5 boil whole Mace with your Capon , and Marrow,if you have it. To boil a Capon or Chicken in white Broath with Almonds. Boil your Capon as in the other, then take Almonds, and blanch them, and beat them very fmaiK putting in fometimes fome of your broath to keep them from i oyling, when they are beaten fmall enough, put as much of the uppermoft broath to them as will ferve to cover the Capon,then drain it, and wring out the fubdance clear, then feafon it as before, and ferve it with marrow on it. To boil Brawn. Take your Brawn four and twentie houres, and wafh and fcrape it four or five times, then take it out of the water, and lay it on a fair table, then throw a handfull of Salt on every coder, then bind them up as fad as you can, with Hemp, Bafs, or Incle, then put them in¬ to your kettle when the water boyleth, and when it boiletb, fcum it clean,, let it I 6 A True Gentlervomws Delight • boil untill it be fo tender that you may throft a flraw through it, then let it cool untill the next morning, by the fonced meats you may know how to fouce it. » ./ • To boil a gammon of Bacon. Water your Gammon of Bacon twen¬ ty four houres, then put it into a deep ket¬ tle with fome fweet bay, and let it boil foftly fix or feven houres, then take it up with a fcummer and a plate, and take off the skin whole, then flick your Gammon full of Cloves, ftrew on fome grofs Pep¬ per, then cut your skin like Sippets, and garnifh your Gammon, and when you. ferve it, iWck it with baye?. To boil a Rabbet. Fley and wafli aRabbet,and flit the hin¬ der leggson both fldes of theback-bone, from the forward,and trufs them to thebo- dy,fet the head right up with a fciver right down in the neck, then put it to boy- ling with as^iuch water as will cover it, when it boyls,fcum it, feafon it with Mace, Ginger, Salt, and Butter, then take a handful A True Gentlewomans Delight 77 handful of Parfley, and a little Thyme, boil it by it felf, then take it up, beat it with a back of a knife, then take up your Rabbet, and put it into a difh, then put your Hearbs to your Broth,and fcrape in aCarret root, let your broth boil a little while, put in fait, pour it on your Rabbet, and Pnrve it. To boil a Mallard with a Cabbage* Half roll your fowl, then take it off, and cafe it down, then put it into a Pipkin with the gravie, then pick and wafli fome Cabbage, and put to your Mallard with as much fair water as will cover it, then put in a good peece of Butter, and let it boyl an hour, feafon it with Pepper and Salt, and ferve it upon fops. To boil a Duck^with Turnips. Half roft her, then cover it with liquor, ; boil your Turnips by themfeives half an houre, then cut them in Cakes and put them to your Duck, with Butter and Par¬ ley chopt fmall, and when it hath boiled half 78 A True Gentlewomans Delight. half an houre, feafon it with Pepper and Salt, arid ferve them upon fops. To boil d'hickrns^ and Sorrel Sops . Truffe your Chickens, and boil them in water and fait very tender, then take a good handful of Sorrel, and beat it (talks and all, then drain it, and take a Man- chet, and cut it in Sippets, and dry them before the fire, then put your green broth upon the coals, feafon it with Sugar, and grated Nutmeg, and let it dand untill it be hot, then put your fippets into a difh, putyour Chickens upon them, and pour your fauce upon it, and ferve it. To boil a Pike in White Broth. Cut your Pike in three pieces, and boil it with water and Salt, and fweet Hearbs, let it boil untill it dain,then take the yolks of half a dozen eggs, and beat them with a little Sack, Sugar, melted Butter, and fome of the Pikes broath, then put it on the fire to keep warm, but dir it often, lead it curdle, then take up your Pike, ajid put the head and tail together* then cleave A True Gentlewomans Delight • 79 cleave the other peices in two,take out the backbone, and put the one piece on the one fide, and the other piece on the other fide, but blanch all, then pour on your white broth, garnifh your difh, with fip- pits, and boy led Parflie, and drew on pouder of Ginger, and wipe the edge of the difti round, and ferve it. Do bojle divers kinds ofFiJhes . Bat,Conger,Thornback,Plaice,Salmon, Trout,or Mullet, boyle any of therewith Water, Salt, and fweet Hearbs, when they boyle skum it very clean, then put in Vi¬ negar, and let it boyle till you think it is enough, your Hquour mufl be very hot of the Salt, then take it off, you may let it ftand five or fix dayes in the liquour, then if you will keep it longer,pour that liquour away and put Water and Salt to it, or foucing drink, you mud remember to let your Mullets boyle foftly,and your Thorn- back and other Fifh very fad, you mufl blanch your Thornback while it is warm, and when you ferve any of thefe Fifties, drew on feme greenHearbs„ : ^ . ' ' P 8o A True Gentlewomans Delight . To wake Sallet of all manner of He arks . Take yourHearbs, and pick them clean, and the Flowers, wafh them clean, and fwing them in a drainer, then put them in¬ to a difli, and mingle them with Cowcum- bers, and Lemons, diced very thin, then fcrape on Sugar, and put in Vinegar and Gyle, then fpread the floures on the top, garnifh your difh with hard Eggs, and all forts o and ferve i To fle w Steakes between two difbes . * i You mud putPardy, Currans, Butter, Verjuyce, and two or three yolkes of Eggs, Pepper, Cloves, and Mace, and fo let them boyle together, and ferve them upon fops, likewife you may doe fteakes of Mut¬ ton or Beef. To flew Calves feet . Boil them, and blanch them, cut them in two, and put them into a Pipkin with drong broth, then put in a little pouder■] of f your Floures, fcrape on Sugar, * A True Gentlcwo&ans Deligpjt. 81 bf Saffron, andfweet Butter, Pepper, Su¬ gar, and fome fvveet hearbs finely min¬ ced, let them flew an hour, put in fait and ferve them: , * > To flew a Mallard. *. » , 5 Roft your Mallard half enough, then take it up, and cut it in little pieces, then put jt into a difh with the gravie, and a peice of frefh Butter, and a handfull of Parlley chopt fmaM, with two or three Onions, and a Cabbage-lettice> let them flew one hour, then feafon it with Pepper and Salt, and a a little Verjuyce,tben ferve it. T '. I • - To flew Trouts. Draw your Trouts and wafh them, and then put them into a difh with white Wine i and water, and a piece of frefh Butter, then take a handful of Parfley, a little Thyme and a little Savorie, mince thefe fmall, and put to your Trouts with a lit¬ tle Sugar, let them flew half an houre,theri imingle the yolks of two or three hard j£ggs,and flrew them on your Trouts with G Pepper § 2 A True Gentlewomans Delight. Pepper and Salt, then let them flew a quarter of an hour, and ferve them. To ftew Smelts or Flounders. . < ■ s,-' ‘ Put your Smelts or Flounders, into a deep tlifh with white Wine and Wa¬ tery little Rofemary and Thyme, apiece of frefh Butter and fome large Mace, and fait, let them flew half an hour, then take a handful of Parfley, and boyl it, then beat it with the back of a knife, then take the yolks of three or four Eggs, and beat them with fome of your fifh broth, then difhup your fifli upon fippets, pour on ^our fauce, fcrape on Sugar, and ferve it. To flew a Rabbet. Half rod it, then take it off the fpit, and cut it in little pieces, and put it in- xo a difli with the gravie, and as much li¬ quor as will cover it, then put in a piece of frefk Butter, and fome pouder of Gin¬ ger, fome Pepper and Salt, two or three Pippins minced fmall, let thefe flew an houre, then difti them upon fippets. True Gentlewomans Delight* To flew a Pullet or {apon. Half roll: it, then tut it into pieces, and put it into a di(h with the gravie, and put ! in a little Cloves and Mace, with a few Barberies or Grapes, put thefe to your Pullet with a pint of Claret, and a piece of Butter, let thefe flew an hour, difli them upon fippets, and ferye it. jT b fle w c old Chickens* f . Cut them up in pieces, put them into a Pipkin of ftrong broath, and a piece of butter, then grate fome bread, and a Nut¬ meg , thicken your broth with it, fea- fon your meat with grofs Pepper and Salt, difh it upon fippets, and ferve it. To make Pafie for a pafly of Venifon . Take almoft a peck of flower, wet it with two pound of butter, and as much fuet, then wet your Paftie, put ill the yolks of eight or ten Eggs, make it reafonable lithe pafte, then roul it out, and lay on fuet; Firfllay a paper under your pafie, G 2 then 84 ^ T w Gentlewomans Delight . then lay on your Venifon, clofe it, pinke it, bade it with butter, and bake it, when you draw it out, bade it with butter. To make Pafte for a Pie to keep long. Your flower mud: be of Rye, and your liquor nothing but boiling water, make your pafte as ftiffe as yoH can, raife your Coffin very high, let your bottomeand lides be very thick, and your lid alfo. To make Pafle for a (jufiarL Your Liquor muft be boyling water 3 make your pafte very ftiffe, then roul outvour pafte, and if you would make a great Tart, then raife it, and when you have done, cut out the bottome a little from tht fide, then roul out a thin fheet of pafte,lay a paper under it,ftrew flower that it may not ftick to it, then fetyour coffin on it of what fafhion you will,then dry it, and fill it, and bake it. To make Pafle for buttered Loaves . Take a pottle of Flower, put thereto A True G emlervomans Delight . • 8 j Ginger and Nutmegs, then wet it with Milk, yOlkes of Eggs, Yed, and Salt, then make it up into little loaves, then butter a Paper, and put the loaves on it, then bake them, when they are baked, draw them forth, and'cut them in Cakes, but¬ ter them,then fet them as they were,fcrape on Sugar, and ferve them. To make Pafte for Damplins. / Seafon your flower with Pepper, Salt, and Yeft, let your water be more then warm, then make them up like Manchets, but let them be fomewhat little, then put them into your water when it boyleth,and let them boil an hour$ then butter them. To make Pujfe-pafie- Take a quart of flower, and a pound and a half of butter, and work the half pound of butter dry into tne flowei, then pur three or four Eggs to it, and as much cold water as will make it lithe pade,then work it in a piece of a foot long, then drew a little flower on the tanle, and cake it by the end, beat it untill it ftretch lo^g, G 3 then 26 A True Gentlewomans Delight. ___I • then put the two ends together, and beat it again,and fo doe five or fix times, then work it up round, and roul it up broad, then beat your pound of butter with a rouling pin, that it may be lithe, then take little bits of your butter, and flick it all over the pafle, then fold up your pafle clofe, and coafl it down with your rowling pin, and roul it out again, and fo doe five or fix times, then ufe it as you will. To bake a gammon of Bacon. i You muft firfl boil it two hours, before you fluffe it, ftuffe it with fweet hearbs, arrd hard Eggs chopt together with Par- fley. / To bake filets of Beef, or clods, infiead of red Deer. Firfl take your Beef, and lard it very thick, then feafon it with Pepper and Salt, Ginger , Cloves, and Mace good flore,With a great deal more Pepper and Salt then you would doe to a piece of Vcnifon, then clofe it, and when it is ba¬ ked A True Gentlewomans Delight . 8 7 ked putin forae Vinegar, Sugar, Cinna- mon and Ginger, and {hake it well, then p ftop the vent-hole, and let it ftand three weeks before you fpend it. To bake Calves Jreet. \ Seafon them with Pepper, Salt,and Cur¬ rans, when they be baked, take the yolks of three or four Eggs, and beat them with , Verjuyce or Vinegar, Sugar, and grated Nutmeg, put it into your pie, ferape on Sugar, and ferve it. T0 bake a Turkic. Take out her bones and guts,then wa(h I him, then prick his back together again, then perboil him,feafon him with pepper and fait, ftick fome Cloves in the breafl ofhim, then lard him,and put him into your Coffin with Butter, in this fort you may bake a Goofe, Feafant, or Capon. To bake a Hare. Takeout his bones, and beat the flefli inamorter with the Liver, then feafonit G 4 with 8 § A True Gentlewomans Delight. with all forts of fpices, then work it up with three or four yolks of £ggs, then lay fome of it all over the bottome of your pie, then lay on fome Lard, and fo doe untill you have laid on all, then bake it well with good ftore of fweet butter. To bake ^Quinces or Wardens fo , as the fruit loo he red , and the crufi white. Your Wardens muft be ftewed in a Pip¬ kin with Claret Wine, Sugar, Cinnamon, and Cloves,then cover your Pipkin with a fheet of paffe, and let it fland in the oven five or fix houres, then raife a Coffin of fhort pafle , put in your Wardens with ugar, and put it into the Oven, when it hath flood an home, take it out and wafh it with llofe-water and Butter,then ferape an Sugar, and put it in a quarter of an hour more, and it will be red upon the t top,then ferape on Sugar and ferve it. To bake Chucks of Veal. Perboil two pound of the lean flefh of a leg of Veal, fo it may be eaten, mince it as fm all as grated bread,with four pound n - . ; ■ ) '! 0 f A True Gentlewomans Delight. 89 | of Beef Suet, then feafon it with Biskay Dates, and Carraways, Rofewater, Sugar, Raifins of the Sun and Currants, Cloves, Mace, Nutmeg, and Cinnamon, then mingle them all together, fill your pies, and bake them. To Bake a Chicken Pie. Seafon your chicken with Nutmeg,Salt, and Pepper, and Sugar, then put him into your coffin, then take fome Marrow and feafon with the fame fpice, then roul it in I yolks of Eggs, and lay it on your Chic¬ ken with minced Dates, and good ftore of butter, then bake it, and put in a lit¬ tle Sack, or Mufcadine , or white Wine and Sugar, then (hake it, fcrape on Sugar, andferve it. To bake a Steaks Pie. Cut a neck of Mutton in fteaks, beat them with a cleaver, feafon them with pepper and fait, and Nutmeg, *then lay them on your Coffin , with butter and large Mace, then bake it, then take a good quantity of Parfley,and boil it, beat ifas (oft 9 ° A True Gentlewomans Delight . foft as the pulp of an Apple, put in a quar¬ ter of a pint of Vinegar, and as much white Wine with a little Sugar, warm it well, and pour it over your fteaks, then {hake it, that the gravie and the liquor may mingle together,fcrape on Sugar and ferve it. To make a* Italian Pudding Take aManchet, and cut it in fquare peeces like a Dte, then put to it half a pound of Beef fue't minced {matt, Raifins of the Stin the Rones picked out, Cloves, Mace, minced , Dates, Sugar, Marrow, Rofe-water JBggs, and Cream, mingle all thefe together,and put it into a difh fit for your Ruffe, in lefTe then an hour it will be baked, then fcrape on Sugar, and ferve it. To bake a Florentine. Take the kidney of a loin of Veal, or the wing of a Capon, or the leg of a Rabbet, mince any of thefe fmall with the Kidney of a loin of Mutton, if it be not fat enough, then feafon it with Cloves, Mace, Nutmegs, and Sugar, Cream, Cur¬ rans, A True Gentlewomans Delight . 91 rans, Eggs, and Rofewater, mingle thefe four together, and put them into a difh between two {beets of pafte, then clofe it and cut the pafte round by the brim of the difb, then cut round about like Virginal keyes, then turn up one, and let the other lie, then pinke it, cake it, fcrape on Sugar,and ferve it. To roaft a Breaft of Veal. Take Rarfley and Thyme, wafh them, and chop them fnaall, then take the yolks of five or fix Eggs, grated bread and cream, mingle them together with Cloves, Mace, Nutmeg, Currants, and Sugar, then raife up the skin of the breaft of Veal, and put in your ftuffe, prick it up clofe with a skiver, then roft it, and bafte it with butter, when it is roafted, wring on the j'uyce of Lemon, and ferve jjt. To ytbafl a Hare . *. Cafe your Hare, but cut not off her eares,norher leggs, then wafh her, and dry her with a cloth, then make a pud¬ ding and put into her belly, then fow it '} $2 A True Gentlewomans Delight. Up clofe,then truffe her as if (he were run¬ ning, then fpit her, then take fome Claret Wine, and grated bread. Sugar, and Gin¬ ger, Barberries, and Butter, boyle thefe together for your fauce. To r&aft a Shoulder of ^Mutton. Roafl it with a quick fire that the fat may drop away, and when you think it is half roafted,fet a dith under it, and flaih it with a knife acroffe asyou doe Pork, but youmuftcut it down to the bone on both thelides, till the gravy run into thedifh, bafie it no, more after you have cut it, put unto the gravy half a pint of white Wine Vinegar, a handful of Capers and Olives, five or fix blades of Mace, and & handful of Sugar, and flew all thefe together, and pour it on your meat. To roafl a Neats-tongue . Boyle him, and blanch him, cut out the meat at the but end, and mingle it with Beef-fuet as much as an Egge, then feafon it with Nutmeg, and Sugar, Dates, Cur¬ rans, and yolkesof raw Eggs, then put your A True Gentlewomans Delight 9 3 your meat to your Tongue, and bind it with a Caul ofVeal or Mutton, then roaft it, bafte it with Butter, fave the gravy, and put thereto a little Sack or Muskadine , let it flew a little while, then pour it on your Tongue, and ferve it. To roaft a Pig with a Pudding in his belly . Fley a fat Pig, truffe his head looking over his back, then temper as much ftuffe as you think will fill his belly, then put j it into your Pig,and prick it up dofe,when it is almoft roafted wring on the juyce of a Lemon, when you are ready to take it up, take four or five yolkes of Eggs, and wadi your Pig all over, mingle your bread with a little Nutmeg and Ginger, then dry it, and take it up as faft as you can, let your fauce be Vineger, Butter, and Sugar, the yolk of a hard Egge minced, and ferve it hot. I To roaft a Leg of Mutton, Cut holes in a Leg of Mutton with a' knife, then thruft in fli&es of Kidney feet, and flick it with Cloves, roaft it with a S quick ^4- A True Gentlewomans Delight. quick fire, when it is half roaftcut off a piece,underneath and cut it into thin flices, then take a pint of great Cyders with the liquour, three or four blades of Mace, a little Vinegar and bugar, dew thefe till the liquour be half confumed, then difli up your Mutton, pour on the fauce, and ferveit. To roafi a Neckjf Mutton. Cutaway thefwag, and road it with si- quick fire, but fcorch it not, bade it with Butter a quarter of an fhour, afccr wring on the juyce of half a Lemon, fave the gravy, then bade it with Butter again, wring on the other half of the Lemon, when it is roaded dry it with Manchet and grated Nutmeg, then difh it, and pour on your fauce. To roafi a Shoulder or Haunch ofVenifonjr a £hine of c Mutton . Take any of the treats and lard them, prick them with Rofemary, bade them with butter, then take half a pint of Claret Wine, Cinnamon, Ginger, Sugar, and grated i A True Gentlewomans Delight . 9 5 grated Bread, Rofemary, and Butter, let all boyle together until it be asthick as Watergruel, then putin a little Rofewater and Musk, it will fnake your Gallintine tafte very pleafently, put it on a fitting dilh, draw off your meat, and lay it into a difh, flrew it with Salt. Do roaft a Shoulder or Fillet ofVeaL Take Parfly,winter Savory,and Thyme, mince thefefmall with hard Eggs, feafon it with Nutmeg, Pepper, Currans, work tbefe together with rawyolkes of Eggs, then ftuffe your meat with this, roaft it with a quick fire, bafte it with Butter, when it is roafted, take the gravy and put thereto Vinegar, Sugar, and Butter, let it ; boyle, when your meat is roafted pour this fauce on it, and ferve it. Do roafia Giggit o f Mutton* Take your Giggit, with Cloves and Rofemary,and lard k,roaft it, bafte it with Butter, and fave the gravy, put thereto fome Claret Wine, with a handful! of Ca¬ pers , feafon it w' % an( j[ sugar, when 96 A True Gentlewomans Delight* well, difh up your your fauee. To fry Bacon, ( : • i • f> 4 v ' r s s- ' Take Bacon and flice it very thin* then bruife it with the back of your knife, and fry it with fweet Butter, and ferve it with Vinegan To fry Chickens* Boyle your Chickens in Water and Salt, then quarter them into a pan with fweet Butter, and let them fry leifurely, then put thereto a little Verjuyce, and Nutmeg,Cinnamon,and Ginger, the yolks of two or three raw Eggs, ftirre thefe well together, and difh up your Chickens, pour the fauce upon them. To fry Calfes-feet* Boyle them, and blanch them, then cut them in two, then take good ftore of Parfly, put thereto fomeyoikes of Eggs, feafon it with Nutmeg, Sugar, Pepper, and Salt, and then roul your Calfes-feet in them. when it is boyled git, and pour on ) A True Gentlewomans Delight . 97 them, and fry them with fweet Butter, then bayle fome Parfly and beat it very tender, put to it Vinegar, Butter, and Sugar, heat it hot, then difh up your Feet upon fippits, pour on your fauce, ferape on fome Sugar, and ferve it hot. * To frjTongues. Boyle them, and blanch them, cut them in thin dices, feafonthem with Nutmeg, Sugar, Cinnamonjand.Salt, thenpu*' there¬ to, theyolkes of raw "Eggs, the core of a Lemon cut in fquare pieces like a Die, then fry them in fpoonfuls with fweet Butter, let your fauce be white Wine, Sugar, and Butter, heat it hot, and pour it on your Tongues, ferape on Sugar, and ferve It. To make Fritters. Make your Batter with Ale, and Eggs; and Yeft, feafon it with Milk, Cloves, Mace, Cinnamon, Nutmeg, and Salt, cut your Apples like Beanes, then put your Apples and Butter together, fry them in FI boylirig I ^8 A True Gentlewomans Delight . boyling Lard, flreW on Sugar, and ferve them. To /once Brawn. Take up your Brawn while it be hot out of your boyler, then cover it with Salt, when it hath flood an hour, turn the end that was under upward, then flrew on Salt upo n that, then boyle your foucing drink, and put thereto a good deal of Salt, when it is cold, put in your Brawn with the Salt that is about it, and let it fland ten dayes, then change your foucing drink, and as you change your foucing drink put in Salt, when you fpend it, if it be too fait, change it in frefh drink. To [once a Pig. Cut of the head, and cut your Pig into two fleikes, and take out the bones, then take a handful of fweetHearbs andmince them fmall, then feafon your Pig and Hearbs with Nutmeg , Ginger, Cloves , Mace, and Salt, then flrew your Hearbs in theinfide of your Pig, thenroul them up like two Collers of Brawn, then bind them in > A True Gentlewomans Delight . 99 in a cloth fall, then put them a boyling in the boyling pot, put in fome Vinegar and Salt, when they are boyled very tender, take them off, let them Hand in the fame liquour two or three dayes, then put them into forcing drink, and ierve it with Mu- ! ftard and Sugar. To fence Deles. Take two fair Eeles and ftey them, cut them down the back, and take out the bones, and take good fiore of Parfly, Thyme, andfweet Majoram, mince them fmail, feafon them with Nutmeg, Ginger, Pepper, and Salt, firew your Hearbs in the infide of your Eeles, then rotil them up like a Coder of Brawn, put them into a cloth,and boyle them tender with Sait and I Vinegar, when they are boyled, then take them up,let it be in the pickle two or three dayes,and then fpend them. To fouce a Breafi of Veal * .1 , Take out the bones of a Bread of Veal, and-lay it in water tenor twelve houses," then take all manner of fweetHearbs and H 2 minte ( ic o A True Gentlewomans Delight . mince them fmall,then rake a Lemon and cut it in thin flices, then lay it with your Hearfes in the infide of your Breaft *of Veal, then roul it up like a Coller, and bind itin a cloth,and boyle it very tender, then put it into foucing drink, and fpend it. To fouce a Temh or Barbell* Firft cut them down the back, then wafhthem, then put them a boylingwith no more water then will cover them, when they boyle, put in fome Salt and Vinegar, feum it very clean, when it is boyied e- nough, take it up and put it into a difh fit for theFifh, then take out the bones, pour on as much liqueur as will cover it, with grated Nutmeg, andpouderof Cin¬ namon, when it is cold ferve it To [once a Fillet of Veal. Take a fair Fillet of Veal and lard it very thick, but take out the bones, feafon it with Nutmeg , Ginger, Pepper, and Salt, then roul it up hard, let your liqKotar be the one half white Wine, the other half VM&ter* A True Gentlewomans Delight. 10T - — . __.. a —— ———.. ■■ - - - ■ i ■- • — Water, when your liquour boyleth putin your meat, with Salt, and Vinegar, and the peel of a Lemon, then feum it very clean, let it boyle until! it be tender, then take it not up until! it be cold, and fouce it in the fame liquour. To marble Beef \ Mutton , or Venifo h. Stick any of thefewith Rofemary and Cloves, then road it, being firft joynted jffery well, then bade it often with Water and Salt, and when it is throughly roaded take it up and let it cool, then take Claret Wine, and Vinegar, and as much Water, boyle it with Rofemary,Bayes, good dore of Pepper, Cloves, Salt, when it hath boyled an hour take it off and let it cool, then put your meat into a Veffell, and cover it with this liquour and Hearbs, thendopitup clofe, the clofer youdop it the longer it will keep. / m To marble Fifb . Take Flounders, Trouts, Smelts, or Sal¬ mons, Mullets, Makrels, or any kind of (hell Fifh, wafh them, and dry them with a FI 3 cloth* ( 102 A True Gentlewomans Delight. cloth, then fry them with Sallade oyle or clarified Butter, fry them very crifpe, then make your pickle with Claret Wine, and fair Water, fome Rofemary, and Thyme, with Nutmegs cut in dices, and Pepper, and Salt, when it hath boyled half an hour take it off, and let it cool, tj^en put your If fh into a veffell, cover it with liquour and Spice, and flop it ciofe. To make a Tart of Wardens* You mml: firfi- bake your Wardens in a pot, then cut them in quarters and core them, then put them into your Tart, with Sugar, Cinnamon, and Ginger, then ciofe up your Tart, and when it is aimed baked doe it as your Warden Pie, jfcrape on Su¬ gar, and ferve it. To make a Tart of green Peafe. Take green Peafe ad feeth them tender, then pour them out into a Cullender, feafon them with Saffron, Salt, and fweet Butter, and Sugar, then ciofe it, then bake it almofi: an hour, then draw it forth and ice it, put in a little Verjuyce atfd ‘ » , ihake A True Gentlewamans Delight • 103 fhake it well, then fcrape on Sugar, and ferve it. To make a Tart of Rice. Boyle your Rice, and pour it into a Cul¬ lender , then feafon it with Cinnamon 3 Nutmeg, Ginger, and Pepper, and Sugar, the yolkes of three or four Eggs, then put it into your Tart with the juyce of an Orange, then clofe it, bake it, and ice it, fcrape on Sugar, and ferve it. ♦ ■ '1 To make a Tart of Cfrledlers. I , Take Medlert that are rotten, then fcrape them, then fet them upon a Cha- fingddh of coales, feafon them with the yolkes of Eggs, Sugar, Cinnamon, and Ginger, let it boyle well, and lay it on pafte, fcrape on Sugar, and ferve it. T0 make a Tart of Cherries. v Take out the ftones, and lay the Cher¬ ries into your Tart, with Sugar, Ginger, and Cinnamon, then clofe your Tart, bake it, and fee it, then make aiirupeof H 4 Muska- x 04 -4 True Gentlewomans Delight • Muskadine and Damask-water, and pour this into your Tart, fcrape on Sugar, and ferve it. To make a Tart of Strawberries. Vv alb your Strawberries, $nd put them into your Tart, feafon them with Sugar, ^tnnamon, Ginger, aijd a little red Wine, thenclofeit, and bake it half an hour, ice it, fcrape on Sugar, and ferve it. #• To make a Tart of Hips, Take Hips, and cut them, and take out the feeds very clean, then wadi them, fea¬ fon them with Sugar, Cinnamon, and Ginger, then clofeyour Tart, bake it. Act it, fcrape on Sugar, and ferve it. To make a Pippin Tan. Take fair Pippins and pare them, then cut them in quarters and core them, then Hew them with Claret Wine, Cinnamon, and Ginger, let them ftew half an hour, then pour them out into a Cullender, but break them not, when they are cold lay ' ’ them A T rue Gentlewomxns Delight. 105 them one by one into the Tart, then lay on Sugar, bake it, ice it, fcrape on Sugar, andferve it. To feald Aiilk^after the Wefternfa(bion> When you bring your Milk from the Cow ftrain it into aa earthen pan, and let it ftand two houres, then fet it over the fire untill it begin to heave in the middle, then take it off, but jog it as little as you can, then put it in a room where it may cool, and no dufl: fall into it, this Milk or Cream you may keep two or three dayes. Toma kg a^unket. V \ * ' * f. _ ■ Take Ewes or Goats Milk, if you have neither of thefe then take Cowes Milk, and put it over the fire to warm, then put in a little Runnetto it, then pour it out into a diffi and let it cool, then firew on Cinnamon and Sugar, then take fome of your aforefaid Cream and lay on it, fcrape on Sugar, and ferve it. To io 6 A True Gentlewomans Delight . To make Bonny Clutter. \ l ' / • • x ' 1 Take Milk, and put it into a dean earthen pot, and put thereto Runnet, let it Rand two dayes, u will be all in a curd, then feafon it with fome Sugar, Cinnamon, j and Cream, then ferve it, this is heft in the hotteft of the fummer. r To make a whitefot. Take a quart of Cream and put it over the fire to boyle, feafon it with Sugar, Nutmeg, and Cinnamon, Sack, and Rofe- water, theyolkesof feven or eight Eggs, beat your Eggs with Sack and Rofewater, then put it into your Cream, ftirreitthat it curdle not, then pare two or three Pip¬ pins, core and quarter them, and boyle them with a handful of Raifins of the Sun, boyle them tender, and pour them into a Cullender, then cut fome fippits very thin, and lay fome of them in the bottome of the difti, and lay on half your Apples and Currans, then pour in half your Milk, then lay on more fippits, and the reft of your Apples and Raifins, then pour on the reft A True Gentiemmms Delight. i oj of your Milk, bake it, fcrape on Sugar, and ferve it. To make apndding fnha/le. Takea pint of Milk T and put thereto a handful of Raifins of the Sun, and as much Currans, and a piece of butter, then grate a Manchet, and a Nutmeg alfo, and put thereto a little flower when your Milk boyleth, put in your bread, let it boil a quarter of an hour, and put in a piece of butter in the boyling of it, and ftir it al- wayes, then diOl it up, pour on butter,and ferve it. To make a Pudding in a Dijh. Take a quart of Cream, put thereto a pound of Beef Suet minced fmail, put it to your Milk, feafon it with Nutmeg, Sugar and Rofewater , and Cinnamon, then take feme feven or eight Eggs, and beat them very well, then take a call: of Manchets and grate them,and put unto it, then mingle thefe together well, then put it into a dida, and bake it, when it is ba¬ ked, fcrape on Sugar, and ferve it. To i o8 A TrueGentlervomans Delight * To Boil Cream- Take a quart of C*eam, and fet it a boU ling with Mace, whileft your Cream is boyling, cut fome thin fippets, then take fetfen or eight yolks of Eggs, beat them with Rofewater, and Sugar, and a little of your cream, when your cream boileth , take it off the fire, and put in your Eggs, and ftir it very faff that it curdle not, then put your fippets into the difh, pour in your cream and let it cool, when it is cold, fcrape on Sugar, and ferve it. To draw B utter* Take your Butter and cut it into thin flices,putit into a difh, then put it upon the coals where it may melt leifurely, ftir it often, and when it is melted put in two or three fpoonfuls of water, or Vinegar, which you will, then ftir and beat it until! it be thick. Lady of Arundels Manchct. Take a bufhel of fine Wheat-flower, twenty eggs, three pound of Frefh butter, then A'True Gentlewomans Delight iop then take as much Salt and Barme, as to the ordinary Manchet, temper it together, with new Milk prettie hot, then let it lie the fpace of half an hour to rife, fo you may work it up into bread, and bake it, let not your Oven be too hot. 4 To boil Pigeons . Boil them in water and fait,take a hand¬ ful of Parfley, and as much Thyme ftript, two fpoonfuls of Capers minced altoge¬ ther, and boil it in a pint of the fame li¬ quor a quarter of an hour, then put in two or three fpoonfuls of Verjuyce, two Eggs beaten, let it boil alittle, and put to a little Butter, when you have taken it off the fire,ftir this altogether, and pour it upon the Pigeons, with Bppets round the difh. A Plorengine of fwcet-breads or Kidnies* Parboil three or four Kidnies,and mince them fmall, feafon them with Nutmeg,one flick of Cinnamon, beat as much Sugar as will fweeten it,and a pennie lo,af gra¬ ted, and the Marrow of three bones in j i o A Trite Gentlewomans Delight. good pieces, and a quarter of a pound of Almond pafte,a glafs of Maliego Sack, two fpoonfuls of Rofe-water, a grain of Musk, and one grain of Ambergriece,and a quarter of a pint of Creatn, three or four eggs, and mixe it altogether, and make it up in puffe pafte, and bake it three quarters of an hour. A Pork L Pie. 'V < • . ■ Roil your leg of Pork, feafon it with Nutmeg, and Pepper, and Salt, bake it five houres in a high round Pie. A Chicked Pie . Scaldand feafon your Chickens with Nutmegs, as much Sugar as Cinnamon 5 Pepper and Salt, then put them into your Pie, then put three, quarters of quartered Lettice, and fix Dates quartered, and a handful ofGoosberries, and half afliced Lemon, and three or four branches of Barberies, and a little Butter, you may nfe to four Chickens three Marrow bones, rould in yolks of Eggs, and Ringo roots, and fome preferved Lettice j make a Cau¬ dle, A True Gentlewomans Delight. 111 die, and put in when the Pie comes out of the oven, an hcfur and a half is enough to fland in the oven. A Lamb Pie. • i Take the fame Ingredients you did for the Chicken pie , onely leave out the Marrow, the Ringo roots, and the preferr ved Lettice, make youf caudle of white- Wine, Yerjuyce and Butter, put it in when your pie comes out of the oven. Sauce for a {boulder of Mutton. Take a fpoonful of Hearbs.and as many Capers,half a pint of white Wine, half a Nutmeg, and two Eggs, when it is boiled put a piece of butter to the gravie, when \is boiled,take it off,and put the butter in. A Lumber Pie. Take three or four fweet-breads of Veal, perboil and mince them very fmall, then take the curd of a quart of Milk, turned with three Eggs and half a pound of Almond pafte, and a penny loaf gra¬ ted, mingle thefe together, then take a fpoonful 112 A True Gentlewomans Delight . fpoonful of fweet hearbs minced very fmall, alfofix ounces of Oringado and mince it, then feafon all this with a quar¬ ter of Sugar, and three Nutmegs, then take five Dates, and a quarter of a pint of Cream, four yolks of Eggs, three fpoon- fuls of Rofe-water, three or four Marrow bones, mingle all this together, except the Marrow, then make it up in long boles about the bigneffe of an Egg, and in eve¬ ry bole put a good piece of Marro^ , put thefe into the pie, then put In a quarter of a pound of butter, and half a fliced Lemon,then make a caudle of white wine. Sugar and Verjuyce, put it in when yoifi take your pie out of the Oven, you may ufe a grain of Musk and Ambergriece. An Ojfier Pie• . * * _ Seafon your Oyfters with Nutmeg,Pep- per and Salt, and fweet hearbs, your Oy~ fters being firff thrown into fcalding wa¬ ter and parboiled, feafon them and put them into the Pie,put two or three blades of Mace, and half a fliced Lemon, and the marrow of two bones rouled in the yolks, of Eggs and^ fome butter, then let A True Gentlewomans Delight. 11 j yemr Pie (land almofl an hour in the oven, then make a caudle of verjuyee, butter, and fugar, put it in your pie when you take it out of the oven ; you may ufe two Nutmegs to one quart of Oyfters, and as muth Pepper as the quantity of three Nutmegs,but leffe fait, and one fpoonfui of fweet Hearbs. A Hartechoak^ Pie. Take the bottomes of boy led Harter choaks and quarter them, and take the meat from the Leaves, feafon it with half an ounce of Cinnamon, and half an ounce of beaten Nutmegs,and two ouncesof Su¬ gar,and put them into your pie, and boild marrow rold in yolks of Eggs, and fix blades of large Mace, Lemon diced, fix quartered Dates, and a quarter of a,pound of Ringo roots, half a pound of frefh' butter; then let it ftandinthe Oven one houre, and when you take it out put af caudle into your pie ,* made of whitg Wine, Sugar, and Verjuyee. I A 114 A True Gentlewomans Delight. A £ dives foot Pie . Mince your Calves feet very fmall,then feafon them with two Nutmegs, and three quarters of an ounce of Cinnamon, one quarter of a pound of Sugar, half a pound of Currants, two Lemon peels mi need ,and ten Dates minced,three fpoonfuls of Rofe- water, and half & pound of frefh butter, bake it an hour, and put a caudle into it, made of white wine. Sugar and Verjuyce. A Skerret Pie, Take a quarter of a peck of Skerrets blanched, and fliced, feafon them with three Nutmegs, and an ounce of Cinna¬ mon, and three ounces of Sugar, and ten quartered Dates* and the Marrow of three bones rouled in yolks of Eggs, and one quarter of a pound of Ringo roots, and prefervcd Lettice, a fliced Lemon, four blades of Mace, three or four branches of preferved Barberies, and half a pound of Butter, then let it Band one hour in the oven, then put a caudle made of white- Wine, Verjuyce, Butter, and Sugar, put it into A True Gentletiomdns Delight, i i J into the pye when it comes out of the oven. - - A Calves head fie for Supper. Boil your Calves head almoft enough* cut it in thin flices all from the bone, fea- fon it with three beaten Nutmegs, a quar¬ ter of an ounce of Pepper, and as much Salt as there is feafoning, then take a fpoonful of fweet hearbs minced fmall,and two fpoonfuls of Sugar, and two or three Hartechoak bottoms boyled,and cut them in thin flices, and the Marrow of two bones, routed in yolks of Egg$,a quartet of a pound of Ringo roots, and a quarter of a pound of Currants, then put it into your pie, and put a quarter of a pound of butter, and a fliced Lemon, three or four blades of Mace, three or four quartered Dates, let itfland an hour or more in the oven, then when you take it out, put in¬ to it a caudle made of Sugar a wliitg Wine, Verjuyce, and Butter. A LdrJ^Pie* I ^ Take 3 doferi of Larks,feafon theta wi th I z four ll xi o A i rue Gentlewomans Delight . ■ , i i „ in- ■ i - ii n> .i in i | , „ I, - , - ■ | | | i-nn npw i ~ - - -- - four Nntmegs, and half an ounce of Pep¬ pery quartet* of an ounce of Mace beaten, then tike the Lumber pie meat, and fill their bellies ifyou will,if not, take half a pound of fuet, and one pound of Mutton mincedjialfa pound of Raifins of the Sun, and fix Apples minced altogether very fmall, then feafon it with a Nutmeg, Pep¬ per and Salt, and one fpoonful of fweet hearbs,and a Lemon peel minced,one pen¬ ny loaf grated,a quarter of a pint of cream two or three fpoonfuis of Rofewater,three ‘fpoonfuis of Sugar, one or two fpoonfuis j 6f ver/uyee, then make this in boles, and put it into their bellies, and put your Larks in your Pie, then put your Marrow rold in yolks of Eggs upon the Larks, and large Mace, and fliced Lemon, and frefh butter, let it ftand in the oven an hour, when you take it out, make your caudle of butter. Sugar, and white Wine vinegar, put it in¬ to the pie. A hot Neats tongue for Supper . Boil your tongue till it be tender, blanch it,and cut it in thin pieces, feafon it with a Nutmeg,and a quarter of an ounce ofPep¬ per, and as much Salt asfeafoning, then take A True G emlervomans Delight. 117 take fix ounces of Currants, feafon altoge¬ ther, and put it into the pie, then put a le¬ mon diced, and Dates, and butter, then bake it, and let it (land one hour and a half, then make a caudle of white wine, andverjuyce, fugar, and eggs, and put it in when you take it out of the Oven. A cold Neats-tonvue Pie . Your tongue being boyled, blanched, and larded with Pork or Bacon, feafon it; with the fame Ingredients the Deer hach, that is three Nutmegs, three races of Gin¬ ger, half an ounce of Cloves and Mace together, and half an ounce of Pepper, beat your fpices altogether,more fait then feafcning ,and likewife lay in the liquor, bake it two houres, but put one pound of butter in your Pye before you lid it. A Potato Pie for Suppen Take three pound of boyled and blan¬ ched Potatoes, and 3 Nutmegs, and half an ounce of Cinnamon beaten together, and three ounces of Sugar, feafon your Potatoes, and put them in your Pie, thea I 3 take 118 A True Gentlewomans Delight* take the marrow of three bones, rouled in yolks of Eggs, and diced Lemon, and large Mace, and half a pound of butter, fix Dates quartered , put this into your pie, and let it (land an hour in the oven ; then make a (harp caudle of butter. Su¬ gar, Verjuyce, and white Wine, put it in when you take your Pie out of the oven* Pigeon or Rabbet Pie, Take one ounce of Pepper, and more Salt , then feafon your Pigeons or Rabbets, and take two Nutmegs grated with your feafoning, then lay your Rab¬ bet in the Pie, and one pound of butter, if you heit the pie hot, then put in two or three dices of Lemon, and two or three blades of Mace, and as many branches of Barberies, and a good piec£ of frefh But¬ ter melted, then take it, and let it ftand an hour and half, but put not in the frefh butter till it comes out of the oven. * To make a puffe Pafte, Break two Eggs in three pints of flow¬ er, make it with cold water,the* roul it out pretty I A True Gentlewomans Delight* 119 __ ^ pretty thick and lquare,then take To much Butter as parte, and lay it in rank, and di¬ vide your Butter in five pieces, that you I may lay it on at five feverall times, roul your parte very broad, and take one part 3 of the fame Butter in little pieces all over j] your patte, then throw a handful of flow¬ er flightly on, then fold up your parte and beat it with arouling pin, fo roul it out again, thus doe five times and make I it up. A Pudding, I Take a quart of Cream,and two Eggs, beat them,and ftrain them into the cream, and grate in a Nutmeg and half, take fix fpoonfuls of flower, beat half a pound o£ Almonds with that cream, and put it into the cream, and mix this together, boil f your pudding an hour and no more; Hrfl: flower the bag you put it in,then melt frefh butter, and take Sugar and Rofewatcr, beat it thick, and pour it on the pudding, you may put to a little Milk, and ftick blanched Almonds,and Wafersinit; add to the fame pudding,if you will, a pennie loaf grated,a quartern of Sugar, two Mar¬ row bones, one glafle of Mallago Sack, I 4 ^ 120 A True Gentlewomans Delight., fix dates minced,a grain oFAmber-griece, a gr in of Musk, two or three fpoonfuls of Rofewater, bake this pudding in little wood diflip?, but firffc butter them, your Marrow rmift be Puck to and again, then bake it half an hour, five or (even at a time, and fo fet them in order in the difli, and garnifh them with a fprig in the mid¬ dle,and wafers about it, drew Sugar about the branch , and fiiced Lemon, fet four round, and one in the the top. Frigajie of Veal. Cut your meat in thin flices jbeat it well with a rouling pin, feafon it with Nut¬ meg, Lemon, and Thyme, fry itflightly in the pan, beat two eggs, and one fpoonful of yerjuyee, and put it into the pan, and ilir it together, ancj difh Frigajie of Lamb- . CutyourLarr.bin thin flices, feafon it with Nutmeg, Pepper,and falt,mince fome Thyme, and Lemon, and throw it upon your meat, then fry it (lightly in a pan, then throw in two Eggs beaten in Ver- juyee and Sugar into the the pan, alfo a handful ofGoosberries,fhake it together and dlfK it. Frigajie a A T rue Gentlewomans Delight. 121 Kill your Chickens, pull skin and fea¬ thers off together, cut them in . thin dices, feafon them wlthThyme & Lemon minced and fait, a handful of Sorrel min¬ ced, and then fry it well with fix fpoonfuls of water, and fome frefh Butter, when its tender, take three fpoonTils of Ver- juyce, one fpoonful of Sugar, beat it to¬ gether,fo difh it with ftp pets about. Another Trigafe of Chickens. Take the former Ingredients, and adde to it, boyled Hartecboak bottomes,with the meat of the leaves, and a handful of fcalded Goosberries, aud boiled Skerrets and Lettice tofs’d in butter when they are Boiled, adde two fpoonfuls of Sugar,two Eggs and Verjuyce beaten together, and lay your Lettice upon your Chickens, as before, and diced Lemon upon it, and fippets about, die difh. A Frigafie of Rabbets . Cut your Rabbets in fmall pieces, and mince a handful of Thyme and Pardey to- gether,and aNutmeg,Pepper and Salt,fea¬ fon your Rabbets,then take two Eggs,and veerjuyce beaten together, and throw it in the pan,dick it, and difh it up in fippets. 122 A True Gentlewomans Delight* Toharjb a Shoulder of Mutton, Half roaft your Mutton at a quick fire, cut it in thin flices, flew it with Gravy, Tweet Majoram, and Capers, and Onions, three Anchovies, two Oyfters, half a Nut¬ meg,half a fliced Lemon, ftirre this altoge¬ ther with the meat, let it flew till it be ten¬ der in a difh, then break three or four yolkes of Eggs, and throw it in the difh with fome Euuer 5 tofsit well together, and difh it with fipp^ts. Tfymaks a Caks* Take half a peck of Flower, two pound and half of Currans, three or four Nut¬ megs, one pound of Almond pafte, two pound of Butter, and one pint of Cream, three fpoonfuls ofRofewater, three quar¬ ters ofa pound of Sugar, half a pint of Sack, a quarter ofa pintofYeft, and fix Eggs,fo make it,and bake it. To make a Leg of Mutton three or four difies. Take a Leg of Mutton, cutout the flefh an> A Trut Gentlewomans Delight . 125 and the bone, but fave the skin whole, di¬ vide the meat in three pieces, and take the tendered, and cut it in thin flices, and beat it with a rouling pin, feafon it with Nutmeg , Pepper, and Salt, and mince Thyme and Lemon peel, fry it till it be ten¬ der, then beat two Eggs with a fpoonfull ofVerjuyce, throw two Anchov'ies into the pan,fhakeit altogether, and put ic into the di(h with fippets round the di(h, being dreft with Barberries fcalded, Parfly and hard Eggs minced. Another part of the fame meat ftewin a difh, with a little white Wine, a little But¬ ter, and fliced Lemon, one Anchovy, two Oyfters, two blades of Mace , a little Thymein abranch,and one whole Onion, take out the Thyme and the Onyon when it isftewed,doe it altogether on a chafing- difti of coales till it be tender, then difli it, garnifh your difli with hard Eggs, and Barberries, and Diced Lemon, andiippets, round the difti. Take another part of the fame meat, mince it fmall with Beef-fuet, and a hand- full of Sage, to three quarters of a pound of fuct adde one pound of meat, you may ufe a fpoonfull of Pepper and Salt, mix this 124 A True Gentlewomans Delight. this altogether, and ftuffe the skin of the Leg of Mutton,hard skiver it dofe,and fpit it at a quick fire, and weliroaft it in an hour. Take another part of the fame meat, then put in the Pepper and Salt,with a gra¬ ted Nutmeg,fome fweetHearbs, and a Le¬ mon peel minced,a penny loaf grarcd, one fpoonfull of Sugar, a quarter of a pound of Raifins, and a quartern of Currans, mince altogether with the Meat, and the Suet, and the reft of the Ingredients, put too two fpoonfuls ofRofewater, and a§ much Salt as Spice,then make it up in little long boles or roules, and butter your difh, and lay, them in with a round bole in the middeft, fet them in an oven half an hour, then pour out the liquour which will be in the difh, and melt a little Butter, VerJoyce, and Sugar, and pour upon it, garnifh your difh, ftick in every longroul a flower of pafte, and a branch in the middle. To [once an JZek> Secure yourEele with a handful of Salt, plit it down the back, take out the chine one, feafonthe Ede with Nutmeg, Pep¬ per, A True Gentlewomans Delight 125 - _ . _ — -- -- .. per, and Salt, and fweet Hearbs minced, then lay a packthread at each end, and the middle roul up like a Coller of Brawn,then boyle it in Water, and S-alt, and Vinegar, and a blade or two of Mace,and half a fli* ced Lemon,boyle it half an hour,keep it in the fame liquor two or three dayes, then cut it out in round pieces,and lay fix or fe- veninadilh, withParfly and Barberries, and ferve it with Vinegar in faucers. 1 To fouce a Calfes head. Boyle yourCalfes head in Water and Salt fomuch as will cover it, then put in half a pint of Vinegar, a branch of fweet Hearbs, a diced Lemon, and half a pint of white Wine, two or three blades of Mace, and one ounce or two of Ginger fl>ced, boil it altogether till it be tender,keep it in the liquor two or three dayes, ferve it, the difh upright, and dick a branch in the mouth,and in both theeyes,garnidnhe difh with Jelly or pickled Cowcumbers with faucers of Vinegar, and Jelly, and Lemon minced. xi 6 A rut Gentlewomans Delight. ~~T T" 4 * Un A ftewed Rabbit. I it Cut your Rabbit in pieces, and feafon it with Pepper,and Salt,Thyme,Parfly,winter Savory,and fweet Majoram, three Apples, and three Onions minced altogether, ftew it till it be tender with Vinegar and Water, T put a good piece of Butter in, ftir it toge- R ther in your difti, put ftp pets in the bottom, ti then ferve it up with the head in the mid- i die of the difli,with fippets in the mouth. 1 Lay your Pig in the fame Ingredients i you did for your Calfes head,*ufe the fame for a Capon, and the fame for a Leg of Mutton. To boyle Chic hens. Boyl your Chickens in Water, and Salt* and Wine Vinegar, a blade of Mace, a good handful of Endive,and as much Suc¬ cory, two handfuls of Skerrets boy led and blanched, when the Chickens and thefe things arc ftewed, take a pint of liquor up, and put to a quarter of a pint of white Wine, and one ounce and half of Sugar, and ji True Gentlew omans Delight. 127 and three Eggs to thicken it, a piece of Butter to lay them in the difh* and pour k on. To bojle a Rabbit, Boyle them in Water and Salt* mince Thyme and Parfly together, a handful of each, boyle it in fome ofthe fame liquor* then take three or four fpoonfuls ofVer- fuyee, a piece of Irifh Butter, two or three Eggs, ftir the Eggs together in the liquor, fet it upon the fire till it be thick,thcn pour it upon the Rabbit, fo ferveit in. To bojle a Ducks Half roaft your Duck with a quick fire, take as much Wine and Water as will co¬ ver them, take fome Thyme and Parfly, and one handful offweet Majoram, two blades of Mace, half a Lemon diced, ftew thefe together half an hour without Oni¬ ons, take fome of your liquor and thicken it with three or four Eggs, two or three fpoonfuls ofVerjuyce, apiece of Butter, and as much Sugar as will lye upon it, difh your Duck, and boyle three or four dices ofLemori by it felf,arid hard Eggs minced, put this upon your Duck, then pour your liquor upon it with Barberries 5 fo you ! may boyle Pigeons with the fame Ingredi¬ ents, or Plover, or Teale. # — v ii , \ I A roafted Shoulder ofUMatton. - 1 | When it is roafted flafh it,and carbons do it, take two fpoonfuls of Capers, and a little Thyme, and Lemon minced, half a Nutmeg,two A nchovies,a quarter of a peck of Oyfiers, mixed altogether, boyle them one hour in ftrong broth and white Wine,, then pour it upon the meat, with hard Eggs minced, and fippets round the difti, throw firft Salt on the meat, then the hard Eggs, ! fliccd Lemon, and Barberries. * r * 2 O 'q -g, Lf