o .a. t a. Hj o o xj jb /w OF DalmtMt Utokrii Artists’ |proaf ETCHINGS & ENGRAVINGS OF Me. M. NEILSON, FINE ART DEALER, Of HIGH STREET, PAISLEY, N.B.: OF THE REMAINING STOCK WHICH Ulill bx Solfr bo tuition bg Messes. CHRISTIE, MATTSON & WOODS, AT 'VWSXBL <£BEAT E©©MS, 8 KING STEEET, ST. JAMES’S SQUABE, On WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6, 1897, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues bad, at Messrs. Christie, M anson and Woods’ Offices, S King Street, St. James's Square, (S’. IK. b 1 o i |0 CONDITIONS OF SALE. - 0 - I. THE highest Bidder to he the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall he immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Cheistie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale: and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE Oil WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6, 1897, AT ONE o’clock PRECISELY. ARTISTS’ PROOFS (except where otherwise described). 1 The Favoured Slave ; and Reflection, after C. Lowcock 2 Cupid and Maiden, after Aubert ; and Art Wins the Heart, after P. Thumann 2 3 The Fencing Lesson, after Joanowits; and The Way through the Stream, after G. Aumonier 2 4 The Rivals, after Haigh Wood 5 The Bridal Eve, after H. Gandy, by Batley— remarque proof ; and Charity, after Knaus 2 6 My Dance; and The Proposal, after Haynes Williams 2 7 A Connoisseur, after E. de Blaas; and Cupid and Maid, after Aubert 2 8 Crossing the Brook, after Turner, by Handford ; and Melrose Abbey, by F. C. Farrer 2 9 The Great Frost of 1890, after H. Colls— remarque proof 10 The Same; and Their Bread is on the Waters, after N. Hcmy— remarque proofs 2 4 11 The Minstrel, after H. S. Marks, R.A., by M. Maris —remarque proof 12 Sweethearts and Wives, after P. R. Morris, A.R.A., by Lhuillicr; and Steady 1 after F. Morgan 2 13 Their Bread is on the Waters, after N. Hemy —remarque proofs 2 14 Alethe, after E. Long, R.A., by E. G. Hester; and The Squire’s Daughter, after ditto 2 15 A Greek Girl, after Sir E. J. Poyntor, P.R.A.; and The Squire’s Daughter, after E. Long, R.A. 2 16 Greek Girls playing Ball, after Lord Leighton 2 17 La Zingarella, after L. Fildes, R.A. 18 A Welsh River Scene ; and Carting Timber, after B. W. Leader, A.R.A. 2 19 With Ivy Mantle Clad; and Carting Timber, after ditto 2 20 Tho Return from Waterloo, after A. C. Gow, R.A. 21 A Visit to iEsculapius, after Sir E. J. Poyntcr, P.R.A. 22 Tho Same ; and Tho Return from Waterloo, after A. C. Gow, R.A. 2 23 When tho World was Young, after Sir E.J. Poyntcr, P.R.A.; and Waiting for the Ferry, after G. D. Leslie, R.A. 2 24 “ Move on,” after A. Strutt 2 25 Ditto 2 26 Ditto 3 27 The King’s Daughter, after H. Schmaltz ; and Tho First Born, after Stcfano Novo 2 28 Led by a Thread, after Marshall; and A Posy for You, Sweet¬ heart, after II. Sutcliffe 2 29 A wakened Memories, after Sheridan Knowles; and Led by a Thread, after Marshall 2 5 30 Noblesse Oblige, after Haynes Williams 31 The Same ; and Accepted, after Haynes Williams 32 A similar lot 33 A similar lot 34 Steady! after F. Morgan 35 Ditto 2 36 In the Shade, after Marcus Stone, R.A.— remarque proof 37 The Same ; and Memories, after F. Dicksee, R.A.— remarque proof 2 38 A similar lot 2 39 A similar lot 2 40 A similar lot 2 41 A similar lot 2 42 Watching the Tournament, after M. Goodman ; and The King’s Daughter, after H. Schmaltz 2 43 The Symbol, after F. Dicksee, R.A.; and The King’s Daughter, after H. Schmaltz 2 44 Venetians, after Luke Fildes, R.A.; and A Visit to iEsculapius, after Sir E. J. Poynter, P.R.A. 2 45 Wrecked at the Harbour’s Mouth, after H. Moore, R.A.: and To the Death, after J. Pettie, R.A., by A. Turrell 46 A Day with the Hounds, after Heywood Hardy— a set of three 47 Hunting Scenes, after T. Blinks 48 The Leap ; and The Finish, after ditto 49 An Aerial Poacher, after D. Adams; and Polo, after Dollman 50 After the Grouse-Drive, after Heywood Hardy ; and Steady ! after T. Blinks 2 51 Yearling Sale at Newmarket, after J. Cullin —with hey 52 The Parson’s Daughter, after Romney, by G. Robinson ; and Sweet Violets, after Dicksee, by G. Dale 2 B 3 6 53 Lead Kindly Light, after A. E. Emslie, by G. Dale; and Prayer, after A. Piot 2 54 Lady Cumberland, by M. Cormack; and Enid, after Sheridan Knowles, by Macbeth Raeburn 2 55 Doves, after Greuze, by J. D. Miller ; and Mrs. Siddons, by N. Kenealy 2 56 Viscountess St. Asaph, after Hoppner, by T. G. Appleton; and Floral Offerings, after J. Sant, R.A. 2 57 Miranda, after Hoppner, by Scott Bridgewater ; and The Countess of Mexborough, after ditto, by T. G. Appleton 2 58 Lady with the Muff, after Mme. Le Brun, by Norman Hirst 59 Countess of Mexborough, after Hoppner, by Appleton; and The Lady with a Muff, after Mme. Le Brun, by Norman Hirst 2 60 Hon. Mrs. Graham, after Gainsborough, By R. Clouston 61 The Same ; and The Little Fortune-Teller, after Reynolds, by ditto 2 62 Sweethearts ; and Compulsory Education, after Burton Barber, by F. Stacpoole, A.R.A. 2 63 The Honeymoon, after Landseer, by J. B. Pratt— proof before letters 64 The Loving Cup, after Seymour Lucas, A.R.A., by J. B. Pratt; and Memories, after F. Dicksee, R.A.— remarque proof 2 65 Paid For, after A. Wardle, by R. B. Parkes; and The Lover’s Return, after Marcus Stone, R.A. 2 66 My Lady Sweet Arise, after Mordecai; and The Lover’s Return, after Marcus Stone, R.A. (2) 3 67 Love or Country, after Marcus Stone, R.A., by J. Chant 68 Home from the Honeymoon, after S. E. Waller, by E. G. Hester ; and A Run-Away Match, after ditto 2 69 In his Father’s Footsteps, after ditto, by ditto; and A Run- Away Match 2 7 70 Love’s Barrier; and Forgiven, after Hey wood Hardy, by T. G. Appleton 2 71 After a Storm in the Highlands, after Rosa Bonheur, by J. B. Pratt 72 “ Where are You Going ? ” after Kilburne, by L. Ruet— re- marque proof, on vellum ; and Magdalen College, Oxford, by E. Slocombe 2 73 On the Way, after M. Goodman, by E. Slocombe 74 The Same; and Nerina, after Perugini, by ditto 2 75 Memories, after F. Dicksee, R.A., by H. Dicksee— remarque proof 76 Ditto— ditto 77 Balmoral Castle, by D. Law 78 The Cast Shoe, by R. W. Macbeth, A.R.A. 79 Marie Antoinette, by A. Mathey 80 Cherry Garden Pier; and Limehouse Reach, by R. E. Roe 2 81 H.M.S. “ Exmouth,” by W. L. Wyllie, A.R.A. 82 The Same; and Mont Orgueil, Jersey, by G. Montbard 2 83 Amiens Cathedral, by E. Slocombe 84 Lichfield Cathedral, by C.'O. Murray 85 Wargrave on Thames, after E. Parton, by C. Murray— remarque proof 86 Ditto— ditto ; and Returning from Harvest, after F. Morgan, by ditto 2 87 Regulus leaving Rome, after Turner, by Evans; and Salmon Fishing, by F. Slocombe 2 88 Room for Two, after Haynes Williams, by J. Jacquet— remarque proof 89 Two’s Company, after E. de Blaas, by A. Mathey; and Morning, after Mesdag, by C. Dahe— remarque proof 2 90 Luther’s ITymu, after W. Firle— remarque proof 91 The Same ; and Eloped, after Seymour Lucas, A.R A. 2 8 92 The Age of Innocence, after Reynolds, by R. Clouston ; and The Proffered Kiss, after Lawrence, by R. Smythe 2 93 Musidora, after Gainsborough, by Laguillermie —remarque proof ; and The Age of Innocence, after Reynolds, by Clouston 2 94 Autumn Leaves, after J. MacWhirter, R.A., by F. Slocombe 95 Ditto 96 The Same; and Evening, by M. Fisher 2 97 A similar lot 98 Dawn, after S. E. Waller, by A. Lamotte— remarque proof 99 The Same ; and Memories, after F. Dicksee, R.A.— remarque proof 2 100 The Passing of Arthur, after F. Dicksee, R.A. 101 The Same ; and Memories, after ditto— remarque proof 2 102 The Pool below London Bridge, after C. W. Wyllie, by Masse; and Going to the Fair, after W. H. Bartlett, by J. Dobie 2 103 Hesperia; and Memories, after F. Dicksee, R.A., by H. Dicksee —remarque proofs 2 104 The Glebe Farm, after Constable, by D. Law ; and The Reckon¬ ing, after Morland, by Schuter 2 105 The Burgomaster, after Rembrandt, by G. Robinson ; and A Poor Flower, after J. Israels 2 106 ‘ Two’s Company, Three’s None,’ after D. Downing, by Macbeth Raeburn 107 Ferry Boat Ahoy! after T. Lloyd, by Macbeth Raeburn; and October Woodlands, after Keeley Halswelle, by D. Law 2 108 The Young Troubadour, after E. Manby, by A. Mathey— remarque proof 109 Mrs. Siddons, after Gainsborough, by L. Monzies— remarque proof 110 La Cruche Cassee, after Greuze, by Laguillermie 111 Ditto 112 The Coquette, after Fragonard, by C. Waltner // ^ 9 113 The Halt, after Morland, by Letorrior— remarqueproof ; and The Reckoning, after ditto 2 114 On the Loire, after Daubigny, by Greux— remarque proof ; and Tho Gliding River, after Byrne, by Lhuillier 2 115 The Prayer, after Pearce, by R. de Los Rios— remarque proof 116 Evening, after Debat-Ponsan— remarque proof 117 Golf, after Stevenson, by 0. 0. Murray— remarque proof ; and Partridge Shooting, after T. Blinks 2 118 Venus and Endymion, after G. F. Watts, R.A., by F. Short 119 Love and Life, after ditto, by R. Clouston 120 “ If Music be tho Soul of Love,” after W. Q. Orchardson, R.A., by Macbeth 121 La Bella, after Titian, by Laguillermie 122 Windsor, after K. Heffner, by B. Debaines 123 Lingering Autumn, after Sir J. Millais, by T. Chauvel 124 Christmas Eve, after ditto, by Macbeth— remarque proof 125 Afternoon Tea, after Sir J. Millais, by Laguillermie 126 The same; and The Memories, after Dicksee— remarque proof 2 127 Cambria’s Coast, after B. W. Leader, A.R.A., by T. Chauvel 128 Gathering Mistletoe, after Corot— remarque proof ; and Hard Times, after Caldwell 2 129 News from France, after C. De Lort, by Ruet— remarque proof 130 The Water Carrier, after Pearce, by De Los Rios —remarque proof 131 An Algerian Villa, after Bridgman— remarque proof 132 Venezia, aftor Passini ; and A Lake Scene, after Corot— remarque proof 2 133 La Becquee, after J. F. Millet, by Rodriguez— remarque proof 134 The Dunes, by C. Stark— remarque proof 135 The Flute Player, after Corot, by Greux— remarque proof 136 En Batterie, aftor E. Detaillo, by L. Kratke— remarque proof 137 Skirmishors, after ditto, by A. Jacquet— ditto /// 10 AFTER J. L. E. MEISSONIER. 138 A Reconnaissance, by E. Boilvin —remarque proof 139 The Dragoon, by A. Boulard —ditto 140 Partie Perdue, by F. Bracquemond — remarque proof 141 Staff Officer Reconnoitring, by C. Courtry —ditto 142 1806 (Jena), by J. Jacquet —remarque proof, on vellum AFTER L. ALMA TADEMA, R.A. 143 Eloquent Silence, after L. Alma Tadema, R.A., by Arendsen— remarque proof 144 Ditto —ditto 145 Ditto —ditto 146 Ditto —ditto 2 147 Ditto —ditto 2 148 Ditto —ditto 2 149 Ditto —ditto ; and Comparison 2 150 A Silent Greeting, after ditto, by Lowenstam —ditto 151 Hide and Seek, after ditto, by Lowenstam —remarque proof 152 Companions, after ditto 153 The Parting Kiss, after ditto, by A. Blanchard ; and Comparisons 2 154 A Dedication to Bacchus, after ditto, by ditto 155 Mother and Child ; and Love in Idleness, after ditto 2 156 A similar lot 2 157 A similar lot 2 AFTER W. DENDY SADLER. 158 The Victim, by Gaujean 2 159 Ditto, ditto 2 160 The Doubtful Guest, by Macbeth Raeburn —remarque 'proof 161 The Wrong Side of the Hedge, by Boucher —remarque proof 11 162 The Rivals ; and Tea and Scandal, by Gaujean 2 163 When we were Boys together ; and The Doubtful Bottle, by J. Dobi e—remarque proofs 2 164 The Doubtful Bottle, by J. Dobie— remarque proof 165 Ditto— ditto 2 166 Ditto— ditto-, and The Rivals, by Gaujean 2 167 A Hunting Morn, by Macbeth Raeburn— remarque proof 168 Ditto— ditto ; and The Punch Bowl, by T. L. Atkinson 2 169 A similar lot 2 170 His Favourite Bin, by W. Boucher— remarque proof 171 His Favourite Bin; and The Butler’s Glass, by W. Boucher— remarque proofs 2 172 Ditto— ditto 2 173 Ditto— ditto 2 174 Ditto— ditto 2 175 Ditto— ditto 2 176 Ditto— ditto 2 177 In the Camp of the Amalekites, by P. A. Masse— emarque proof 178 For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow, by W. Boucher—- remarque proof 179 Retonr de la Peche, by Damman ; and The Banks of the Oise, by Garen— remarque proof 2 180 The Sign Painter, after Meissonier, by Margelidon : and Head of Rembrandt, by C. Courtry 2 181 Lady Bountiful; and His Last Copper, by R. W. Macbeth; and Coming up on the Flood, by Wyllie 3 182 The Haywain, after Constable, by Brissy —remarque proof; and Mont St. Michel, by T. Ellis 2 183 An al fresco Toilette, after L. Fildes, R.A. 184 Enfants de la Mer, after J. Israels —remarque proof 185 The Prelude, after Poetzelbergor, by Gaujoan— remarque proof, and Jessamine, after W. Etty, R.A. 2 186 Boulogne, after T. Weber, by Martin— remarque proof ; and A Shipwreck, after E. Mailard— ditto 2 187 Day’s Dying Glow, after J. Farquharson, by F. Short 188 Hingham, Norfolk, after Crome, by F. Short 189 In a Rose Garden, after Alma Tadcma, by Lowcnstam— remarque j proof 190 Ditto— ditto 191 Ditto— ditto 2 192 Antwerp, by C. F. Allbon; and Thursday, by F. Slocombe 2 193 Going Westward, after A. Parsons, by Flamong; and Kit’s Hole Reach, by W. L. Wyllie 2 194 Between the Acts, after P. 0. Belleuse, by Piguet— remarque proof, on vellum 195 The Cottage, after Constable, by L. Kratke— remarque proof 196 The Guitar Player, by A. Gilbert; and The Connoisseur, by A. Boilot —remarque proofs 2 197 La Cigale, after Metzmacher, by A. Lamotte— remarque proof FINIS. London: Printed by William Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross.