Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/catalogueofpreseOOchri CATALOGUE OF PRESENTATION SHYER PLATE, f finds, JKhtiatam, Straff Harrs, PORTRAITS & THEATRICAL DECORATIONS, &c. FORMERLY THE PROPERTY OF, OR RELATING TO, THE Celebrated Actor and Actress, MR. it MRS. CHARLES J. KEAN; AND OTHER JEWELLERY, SILVER, Lace, Decorative Furniture, &c. THE PROPERTY OF THE LATE MRS. MARY MARIA LOGIE, Only daughter of Charles Kean and grand-daughter of Edmund Kean: which (by Order of the Executor) tiEUl bp fag Ruction by Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AT THKIB GBEAT BGQM3, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On MONDAY, JULY 11, And TUESDAY, JULY 12, 1898, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed Friday and Saturday preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Wood’s Offices, 8 King Street, St. James's Square, S. W. CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IT. The Purchasers to give m their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defeet in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. • First Day’s Sale. On MONDAY, JULY 11, 1898, AT ONE 0 CLOCK PBEOISELY. SILVER —At per Oz. 1 Twelve plain table-spoons; and a soup-ladle . 2 Twelve plain tea-spoons; four salt-spoons; a mustard-, ladle; and a pair of sugar-tongs . . . <7 3 Six fiddle-pattern table-forks; six dessert-forks; six dessert-spoons; a pair of foreign silver table-spoons; and six dessert-spoons, similar fOr 4 Eight fiddle-pattern toddy-ladles —Elgin hall mark 'y* 5 Six toddy-ladles, with twisted and figure handles . [7/t 6 A pair of sugar-nippers ; a medicine-spoon ; a tea-strainer • and a pair of vine-leaf spirit-labels . . //*' 7 A pair of fruit-spoons, the bowls embossed with flowers; a*, pair of parcel-gilt engraved ditto ; and a ladle, en sui 8 A pair of grape-scissors, with chased vine-branch handle and four knife-rests ..... 9 Four old Dutch spoons, with twisted handles surmountec^. by figures ...... 10 Four ditto, with figure-top handles 7 ; Jfr - 1 4 n a 6 9 fluted bowl, chased in relief and gilt inside; spoon, with chased handle Thebowl inscribed “ Dudley,7 th Dari of Guilford, to his godson, Charles Harry Gordon Logie, boi'n 1 6th Deer., 1876 ” 12 A fluted wine-funnel, the border chased with flowers 13 A plain tea and coffee-service, with chased foliage han'dles and flower knobs, consisting of five pieces 74 8 14 A tea-kettle, on tripod stand with lamp, nearly similar>i / ^70 15 A fluted sugar-basin, on three feet, chased with masks j'tmd a ladle, with twisted and figure handle 16 An oblong toast-rack, with chased foliage and gad border. £/& 17 A pierced mustard-pot, with blue glass liner . 18 A small sugar-dredger, chased with flowers and a shield— 1723 14 4 19 A 7- 20 A circular hash-dish and cover, forming two dishes, with reeded borders and handles, on open stand with lamn/f' pierced breakfast-cruet, with four glasses (two with silver mounts) and 1 eaded mustard-spoon . >3 7 21 A plain pipkin—1737 .... ■Wj 2 22 An oil and vinegar cruet-frame, with gadroon rims,/on chased shell feet; and two silver-mounted cut-glass ewers—1774 . 13 24 A 23 A pair of oval sauce-tureens and covers, with chased foliage handles and feet ..... Zyyfc 43 Circular Waiter, with chased centre and shell am scroll border—8 in. diam. .... 12 Inscribed “ Presented to Miss E. Tree hf %e Trustees of the Jewish Charities, in gratitude for her gratuitous performance, 4th Feby., 1840 ” ✓ / Larger Ditto, nearly similnr—9^ in. diam. . / ^ 16 Inscribed “Presented to Miss Ellen Tree by the Western Philanthropic Institution , Lodge No. 2, as a token of respect for her gratuitous performance at Covent Garden Theatre, 11 Feby., 1840” 25 A 18 6 19 2 ft 36 15 4 10 dr (LA 5 oz. dwL 26 A 22 23 A 50 29 A Waiter, with chased centre and scroll border, chased with fruit and shell ornament in high relief — 10^ in. diam. ....... Engraved with initial K, and wild-boar crest 27 An oval two-handled bread-basket, pierced and chased with^ foliage and flowers .... 28 Large Claret-Jug, with shell lip, and foot, with bands of flowers and foliage in relief . &/& Inscribed “ Presented to Charles Kean, Esq., as a token of esteem for his private character and admiration of his talents, by a few friends in his native city of Waterford, June 28, 1838 ” Pair of Goblets, on round feet, chased with bands of- flowers and scroll foliage in relief, and gilt inside ^26 Inscribed “ To Edmund Kean , Esq, from' his friend Edmund Simpson, of New York ” 30 A child’s mug ...... //** 3 Inscribed underneath, “From Grandmamma Tree to Mary Maria Kean on the first anniversary of her birth, 18 tli September, 1844.” sy' 31 A goblet, engraved with a band of vine foliage and grapey^ 7 32 A plain oblong ink-stand, with taper bolder and two silver- mounted cut-glass bottles .... 1( 33 A King’s-Pattern Service, consisting of— Forty-one table-forks Forty table-spoons Twenty-four dessert-forks Twenty-four dessert-spoons Six gravy-spoons A pair of soup-ladles Six sauce-ladles A pair of salad-servers A pair of fish-slices Three skewers A cheese-scoop A pair of asparagus-tongs Thirty-four tea-spoons Ten salt-spoons A caddy-spoon Two pairs of sugar-tongs, and A butter-knife .... fa. 18 JE3- 514 SILVER —All at. O' A. 4 «/ ' 0 38 /S' A J 9 40 A*—, & // 1 lT. / 44 45 a Twolve engraved fish-knives and forks, with beaded handles; and a plated fish-slice and fork, with king’s-pattern silver handles i/s*, Eighteen dessert-knives and forks, with chased handles, engrarod with boar crest Ten small steel knives, with partly fluted silver handles; a butter- knife, with ivory handle ; and two corks, with silver-gilt mounts-^ A chased silver fruit-knife and fork, with mother-o-pearl handle^ and a silver crumb-scoop, with ivory handle —in case a A large black tankard, with oak branches and acorns in relief, by Wedgwood and Bentley, mounted with silver rim ; and a punch- ladle, with plain round bowl and horn handle A pair of dwarf Corinthian column candlesticks, with beaded nozzles and square feet; and a set of four decanter-stands, the borders? pierced with scrolls A Set op Four Column Candlesticks, wreathed with oak foliage and acorns, and with chased Corinthian capitals, on square feet]/ with gadroon borders— Sheffield, 1774-5 An old silver group of three emblematic figures, mounted as a brooch/, This was worn by Mr. Kean, in his cay, as Louis XI. A child’s silver knife, fork and spoon, with chased handles, engraved “ Mary Maria Kean ”—in case An old Dutch silver toy warming pan; four miniature silver spoons and pair of sugar-tongs; two silver buttons; a small pearl- handled fruit-knife ; a pencil-case; a sixpence, engraved Jany. 29th, 1864; and four other small pieces A small silver dog-collar, engraved “ Kean,” with boar crest above, and “ Theatre The World ” J Charles Kean’s Dressing Case, of brass-bound rose-wood, the lid engraved “ Charles Kean, 1842,” and “ O. C. Logie, August 25th, 1876,” containing ivory-handled implements and silver-mounted c toilet boxes and bottles, engraved with the boar crest ( weight f about 7 oz.) —in outer leather case 7 & Mrs. Charles Kean’s Dressing Case, of brass-bound rose-wood, containing ivory- and pearl-handled implements, and chasec silver-mounted fittings ( weight about 9 oz. 10 divt.) 47 An Indian silver figure of Buddha, on pedestal chased with foliage /ft s • ^ and drapery ^7" SILVER-GILT. oz. dwi. 48 A set of four shell-shaped salt-cellars, on three scroll feet, and four convolvulus-pattern salt-spoons, parcel-gilt /J 4/16 49 Four circular fruit-dishes, the borders fluted, and repousse, with laurel festoons ..... ft* 43 50 An Oval Dish, with fluted border and escalloped eage^ chased with panels of fruit, flowers and foliage . ^20 Inscribed “ The gift of Ellen to her beloved husband Charles Kean, on their Silver Wedding, January 29 ih, 1867 ” 51 A vase-shaped ink-stand and cover, on circular tray richly chased with winged monsters, foliage, flowers, sheUs and scrolls in high relief .... Inscribed “ Charles and Ellen Kean, from Greerge Jepson , Oct. 1856.” Fluted Campana-Shaped Vase and Cover, with scroll foliage handles, chased with groups and borders of flowers and foliage in high relief, and surmounted by a figure of Shakespeare in flowing robe writing at a draped pedestal, on square-shaped pedestal chased with dramatic emblems and engraved shield-of-anus, and inscription, “ Presented to Charles Kean, Esq., by the admirers of his distinguished talents, at a Public Dinner given to him in the Saloon <@f the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, the Right , Hon. Lord Viscount Morpeth, M.P., in the Chair , March 30 th, 1838 28 in. high ..... In oak case 52 A ye!, A — 6 27 0 212 3 '/J f 8 53 A pair of glass claret-jug3, engraved with the regimental monogram, Garter motto and crown, and mounted c? 0 ' with silver-gilt handles, beaded neck-bands and covers — all at Inscribed “ To Cosmo Gordon Logie, from his brother officers in the Royal Horse Guards, February 1876” In oak case oz. dwt. The Testimonial Presented to CHARLES KEAN, at St. James’s Hall, on Saturday, March 22nd, 1862, the Rt. Hon. W. E. Gladstone, M.P., in the chair; consisting of the following nine pieces, viz. : 54 A Large Vase, with quatrefoil lip and four handles, in partly gilt oxidised silver, designed and modelled by H. H. Armstead, chased in relievo round the body with portrait models of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kean, in the plays of ‘ Lear,’ ‘ Hamlet,’ ‘ Macbeth,’ ‘ King John,’ ‘Richard II.,’ ‘Henry V.,’ ‘Richard III.,’ ‘ Henry VIII.,’ ‘ The Winter’s Tale,’ ‘ Much Ado about Nothing,’ and ‘ The Merchant of Venice,’ and with a figure of Shakespeare seated between Tragedy and Comedy; on the neck are medallion heads of Queens Elizabeth and Victoria ; and on the foot terminal elfin figures supporting medallion portraits of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kean—28^ in. high . . . On square-shaped pedestal of ebony, mounted with silver, and inlaid with silver chasings of Eton College from the River, the Eton Fete on the 4th of June, the School Yard at Eton, and the following inscription: “ R resented to Charles John Kean, F.S.A., by many of his fellow Etonians, together with numerous f riends and admirers among the public, as a tribute oz. diet. 9 to the genius of a Great Actor, and in recognition of his unremitting efforts to improve the tone and elevate the character of the British stage , March 22, 1862” In oak case - t 55 A Pair of Candelabra, en suite, with branches for five lights, the bases chased with medallion portraits of Shakespeare in low relief, and masks of Tragedy and Comedy in bold relief, and with inscription round tjie plinths ...... A In oak case 56 A Set of Four Tazze, en suite, the plinths chased relief with subjects from ‘Henry IV.’ (first part), ‘ The Merry Wives of Windsor,’ ‘ As you like it,’ and ‘ Twelfth Night,’ and on the stems with monogram C. J. K., bearing circular glass dishes with gilt borders —11 in. high ..... In oak case 57 A Pair of Groups, in oxidised silver, illustrating ‘ The Midsummer Night’s Dream,’ containing a portrait model of Miss Chapman (Mrs. Charles Kean’s Niece), as Oberon, with figures of Titania and Puck; and « The Tempest,’ containing a portrait model of Mr. Charles Kean as Prospero with the sleeping Miranda, attended by Ariel—14 in. high —on oblong ebony plinths mounted with silver and inscriptions round the edge ...... y/ o • In oak case oz. dwt. 319 0 in [) UUiUUiO fr 116 0 276 10 PLATED. 58 A fruit-knife and fork, with pearl handles; six napkin-rings, in case; a fish-knife and fork ; a joint-holder; skewer; nmrrow- - spoon; three nut-crackers; pair of sugar-tongs; two salt-spoons ; two salt-cellars; an oval muffineer ; a reading-lamp ; one other piece ; and a gadroon wine-funnel B 3 10 f-/* ^ 59 £ * J * & 60 1 7 * * 61 62. J *//? * <^ 63 64 /if, /* . o \ 7* & 65 4 4 if * 2. -, - 2^66 67 69 /*,/£>, o 70 A plain tea-pot; small coffee-pot; hot-milk jug ; butter-dish and cover, on rustic stand ; a toast-rack ; and an electrotype table bell, with Cupid handle A fluted vase-shaped hot-water jug ; an oval engraved tea-pot; an egg-frame, with six cups and spoons; two plain shaving-pots; and four shell salt-cellars rfr A pickle-frame, with three cut-glass bottles ; an oval cruet-frame, W’ith six glasses, two with silver mounts, and silver mustard- spoon ; a shell spoon-warmer; two escallop shells ; and a paiivr of nautilus shell salt-cellars, on dolphin stems, and two spoons , A plain tea-kettle, on tripod stand with lamp and mahogany coaster; a cruet-frame, with six glasses ; a soda-water frame, with tumbler; a bottle-stand; a mug; a pair of gadrooned decanter- stands ; a wine-funnel; four salt-cellars, with figures of children ; and three spoons A pair of two-handled vase-shaped wine-coolers; and a circular vege¬ table-dish and cover, with gadroon border Four oblong-shaped entree-dishes, covers and heaters, with reeded^ borders and chased foliage handles / An oval soup-tureen and cover, with chased foliage handles and feet; and a venison-dish and cover A set of four plain oval dish-covers, with chased foliage handles A large oval engraved salver, with pierced border; and three oval fluted dish-covers * A pair of candelabra, on plain baluster stems and oval feet, with branches for three lights each A pair of table candlesticks, with chased borders and round feet; a pair of small plain candlesticks, formerly belonging to Mrs. Cox, grandmother to Mrs. Charles Kean ; a gadroon snuffer-tray and snuffers; and six candle-shade holders ■ . An epergne, on triangular-shaped chased stem and plinth, with centre basket, branches for six dishes, and three hanging baskets Inscribed “ On our Marriage, from Lord and Lady Guil¬ ford, 23 rd Febry ., 1376 ” 11 -on circular ) 71 A group of cattle, round the stem of an oak tree ebonised plinth 72 A parcel-gilt vase, of classical design, chased with figures in relief, V and fitted with cut-glass centre dish—on ebonised plinth, in¬ scribed “ To Cosmo Gordon Logie, Febry., 1876, from General Lord Strathnairn, G.C.B., G.C.S.I., Colonel of the Royal Horse Guards , Colonel Owen Williams , Lt.-Col. Corny, the Royal Horse Guards, and others who have served with him in the Regiment ” 73 A pair of metal-gilt candlesticks, on dolphin stems and square chased feet 74 A pair of metal-gilt dwarf candelabra, on plain vase-shaped stems and round feet, with branches for three lights each; and an vase, en suite 7 75 Two carving-knives and forks, with ivory handles; a round-of-bee carver; a steel; and a bread-knife 7 76 Fifty dinner-knives ; forty-two small knives ; and seven carvers ancL forks, with ivory handles T°. carvers ancU ^ JEWELLERY, Etc. 77 A gold ring, partly enamelled black, and engraved “ C. J. Kean OU. 22nd Jany., 1868, AE* 57”; a gold posy ring, engraved “ United hearts Death only parts ” ; and a small gold ring, with an emerald ^78 A small circular gold locket, with hair, engraved “ Edmund Kean”; a larger ditto, with hair ; and an oval gold locket, with hai^ en graved “ E. K.” 79 A gold brooch, partly enamelled black and set with hair,Rhe back engraved “ M. K., 30 th March, 1849 ” ; a hair bracelet; a small gold-mounted ditto; various locks of hair of the Kean family; and a baby’s shoe, of quilted white satin 80 A gold band bracelet, with large polished carbuncle, set with a ^ & brilliant and in border of brilliants, engraved “ A Birthday Gift to Ellen Kean, from her affectionate husband, 21 st Deer., 1862/' 12 & , /<*£ 0 81 A flexible gold band bracelet, with locket centre containing a minia¬ ture portrait of Charles Kean, the back set with hair, and en¬ graved “ 18^ Septr. 1856 ” gold band bracelet, set with a large onyx cameo head of Charles Kean in border of pearls; and an oval gold brooch, set with a shell cameo carved with a scene from 82 0 King John ’ 83 0 84 A A ring, with a double row of small brilliants J%z Chased Gold Ring, with brilliant cluster eJ£ * 85 A Half-Hoop Ring, with three emeralds and two brilliants ./•r, /?86 A pair of brilliant cluster top-and-drop earrings Z yf'/o- <£>87 A small brilliant pendant Latin cross, with brilliant pave hearty above and brilliant loop 89 £A—„ & 90 A c 91 * 2 < 6 , £ 8 A Brilliant Star Pendant, or hair ornament, the centre formed of a sapphire and diamond cluster in dark blue enamel borders C / Brilliant Scroll-Pattern Brooch, with flower centre set with three large brilliants, numerous smaller stones and an oj>aJ, and with a pear-shaped emerald and two pearl drops Pair of Brilliant Pave Loop Earrings, of scroll^ foliage design l Brilliant Festoon Necklet, with three knots of ^ribbon, and ** pendant formed as a dove holding a heart set with brilliants, with two pieces of gold chain and fittings to form broocheSc^^V^ In case inscribed “ The Gift of Charles Kean to his beloved wife Ellen on their Silver Wedding, 29 th Jany., 1867 ” y 92 George Frederick Cooke’s Watch, by J. White & Co., Edin¬ burgh (No. 9983) in plain gold hunting case engraved with / monogram “ G. F. C.,” and inscription “ The watch of George ^ Frederick Cooke, presented by his Widow to Charles Kean, at St. Louis, in 1847 ” . " ^93 An old English watch, by Alexr. Hare, London (No. 508), in plain gold case ; and short gold chain and key attached— labelled “ for ( llarry, Grandpapa Logies watch ” A re P ea Bng watch, by J. G. Fearn (No. 1818) in engine-turned gold . case with chased border; and a chased gold key 97 A zy 98 A ^95 An old English clock watch, by J. Windmills, in pierced metal-gilt case and outer case; a short gold chain with metal seal, and silver and bloodstone ditto with Persian inscription t//e£ ** 96 A watch, by Le Comte, Geneva, in plain gold case engraved with , O monogram “ C. K. and boar crest ” and inscription inside, “ To Charles Kean, given as a token of heart felt esteem and brotherly affection, from his attached and devoted friend William Platt, Novr. 1859 ” ^ Large Chrovoweter Watch, repeating hours and quarters, ayy John Arnold (No. 68), in plain gold case ; and gold ring \ytli^ key ///* PEES I AN DAGGEPi, with pierced Made, damascened with floral Zy and conventional arabesque ornament and inscription in gold, the hilt of chased gold, set on one side with six table diamonds and seven large rubies, the other side set entirely with rubies, in rectangular collets, the scabbard and grip of Indian white jade, one side of the scabbard beautifully damascened with scrolls in gold, the other side set with forty-three table rubies, in collets/ joined by an interlaced pattern of twisted gold wire, the grip decorated in the same manner with forty-nine rubies—14 in. long 99 An Oblong Tortoiseshell Box, lined and mounted with gold, ** the borders chased with oak foliage and acorns, flowers and, laurel, the lid inlaid with a Roman mosaic of a boar hunt f / Inscribed inside “ The Gift of Lord Byron to Edmund Kean, Esq., March 1814 ” On crimson velvet plinth mounted with a gold medallion portrait head of Lord Byron, engraved borders and claw feet Exhibited at the Guelph Exhibition, New Gallery, 1891 00 A circular tortoiseshell snuff-box, mounted with borders of chased metal-gilt, the lid set with a cairngorm Inscribed “ Presented to Charles John Kean by his sincere. friend Stair Primrose Scott, Edinr., 14 th April 1837yyO^ 101 The silver watch, brooch, and pair of earrings, worn by Clffoies Kean in the ‘ Corsican Brothers ’; and metal chatelaine with four pendants 14 102 4 /z <£ K 104 «/ r /*,* 108 A, i. . <3109 /. <3t 110 A chased metal-gilt snuff-box, set with paste diamonds, used by Charles Kean as Claude Melnotte ; and the paste ruby and rp diamond ring, used by Charles Kean as Cardinal Wolsey /Jr* The Order of the Winged Lion, in silver, set with paste diamonds, Worn by Charles Kean as Othello, in 1838 A paste diamond cross; and a large ditto star of an Order bofKy, Worn by Charles Kean as Hamlet Paste diamond and silver star of the Order of St. Andrew, worn by John Kemble, and given by Mr, Cook to Charles Kean Star of the Order of the Garter, set with pastes and enamelled motto, worn by Henderson as Hamlet , and given to Charles Kean by Cooper Garrick’s Star of the Order of the Garter, in pastes— given by his widow to Edmund Kean ; and twelve large paste buttons— J originally the property of David Garrick Order of the Garter, with motto and buckle, set with pastejji^m^nds, on blue velvet embroidered with gold thread Worn by Charles Kean in ‘ Richard 111’ An oval locket, with paste diamond border, containing an engraved portrait of Kemble as Brutus, and long metal-gilt neck-chain Worn by Charles Kean as Hamlet A pair of metal-gilt armlets, terminating in animals’ heads ; anc^a^n pair of ditto, set with large coloured pastes / / // Worn by Charles Kean in ‘ Sardanapalus ’ A hunting-horn, mounted with metal-gilt as a snuff-box, and / vinaigrette, the rim engraved “ Maid Marian ” an 1 “ Maria'Jfyh-* Charles Kean’s leather-covered despatch-box, with ivory fittings, &c., containing his passport, dated 5th August, 1857 X microscope, by A. Koss, London {No. 368), in brass case, aith . extra eye-piece and two objectives A Waterloo Life Guardsman’s breast-plate ; two back-plates ; and k £& pair of shoulder-straps 15 MINIATURES, Etc. & 115 /ll6 o lU Portrait of Charles Kean, as Hamlet, by S. J. Stump, 1§#0: a large oval miniature—in leather case Portrait of Kemble as Brutus, by the same—in similar case ^— Portrait of Charles Kean as Sir Edward Mortimer— i square leather case O 118 Portrait of Mrs. Quin (Miss Martha Tree), in large hat with a 19 white feathers and pink ribbon : oval miniature—in sa leather case Portrait of Miss Ellen Tree (Mrs. Charles Kean), with curling hair, in white satin and lace dress : a large miniature, by Sir W. C. Koss, K.A.—m chased metal-gilt frame, in leather case Portrait of an Old Lady, seated, in mauve-coloured dress, lace collar and cap: a large miniature—in leather case ^ Portrait of Mrs. Edmund Kean, in black dress and various jet ornaments ; and a pair of scent-bottles—in red leather case /S 156 0 19 ^157 A gold-nugget scarf-pin; one, with crown and enamelled Star and Garter motto ; a claw pin, with turquoise; a death’s-head and cross-hones pin; and five others f ft-C^7 £ 158 A gold ring, with an onyx cameo head; a gold signet ring, engraved with two crests ; a chased gold signet ring ; and a gold band ring, engraved “ Mrs. E. S. Logie, Obt. 12 th April 1824, M- 38 ” 159 O > 160 161 ^ 162 ^ 163 ^164 o 165 -166 o 167 > 168 169 An enamelled ring, set with a small brilliant; a black enamel serpent ring, with diamond eyes; a black enamel ring, with hair; a gold-mounted camei ring; a chased gold seal; four smaller seals ; and two watch-keys ^ A gold snake necklet; and an oval gold locket, set with pearls and _ small diamonds An oval gold locket, set with a diamond star in dark blue enamel border, a large brilliant in the centre, the back enamelled with , a monogram M.M. in dark blue A gold snake ring, the head set with a ruby, and emerald eyes ' 4 £ ^ A gold gipsy ring, with a sapphire and two brilliants cjZ' f f A ring, with three brilliants in pale blue enamel ribbon borders^ A chased gold bracelet, pendant, and pair of earrings, set with on} in enamelled borders An oval gold brooch, with a large carbuncle, set with a star in diamonds; and a gold-mounted carbuncle drop pendant and pair of earrings, set with diamond stars A gold band bracelet, with locket centre set with a carbuncle, with a flower in small diamonds ; and an engraved gold bracelet, formed as a wristband, set with small carbuncle and diamond^ star and engraved “ A New Years Gift to Mary Kearijfnwy/ - her affectionate father, Janry 1863” A gold snake necklet, with ball pendants; two ditto brooches and two pairs of earrings ; and a loop-pattern gold brooch ancLpair of earrings A gold “ Souvenir de Yenise ” brooch, with mosaic centre ; a gold snake bracelet, with pendant; a chased gold brooch, with shell cameo head ; a small filigree brooch, with cameo ; and a pendant, with pearls and hair r pendancy 20 6.M *£ 171 «/r 27 7> ^ \ 172 (■ 173 *r; 174 ^ 175 ♦ 0-, & 0 , O 176 /177 (l78 / 01 0 , 180 , / 181 Ay, /0 - <7 A gold cable bracelet, with two heart lockets ; a larger ditto, with twisted links ; a circular gold brooch ; and a serpent-brooch, set with turquoise A gold pendant and pair of earrings, set with turgnoise ; three gold and topaz pendants and a pair of earrings ; a small gold necklet, with slide and pendant; aud a gold button, en^m^ dark blue and set with sparks A gold-mounted brooch, three pendants and pair of earrings, formed of lychee nuts; two ditto bracelets; forty-five nuts, unmounted; and a carved and pierced nut bracelet A necklet, bracelet, pendant and pair of earrings, with gold- mounted malachite balls A fine gold necklet, with enamelled gold and coral beads and tassels; another, with enamelled cross set with coloured stones; a Trichinopoly necklet; and filigree pendant, with pink topaz and pearls ; and a pair of Indian gold earrings^seL with ' polished rubies, diamonds and seed pearls , Taken from the Palace at Delhi Two pairs of gold sleeve-links; four gold studs; three ditto, with small diamonds ; five gold-mounted buttons ; three ditto studs; a two small lockets ; two pieces of fine gold chain ; a small ban£ /y bracelet; a gold-mounted pencil-case ; and six other small pieces A narrow gold bracelet, formed of oblong panels enamelled dark blue and set with pearls ; and a small pendant cross, setwhhy pearls A hair ornament, with five stars set with seed pearls, with larger pearl centres A gold pendant Latin cross, set with pearls, emeralds and small diamonds, and with pearl loop A necklet, composed of one hundred and thirty-six small pearls.^ and with pearl clasp A lady’s watch, by Frodsham, with compensated balance, in plain / gold case (No. 05098), in leather strap bracelet ft 0 A small lady’s watch, by Morse (No. 4587), in engraved gold case, with short chain and Breguet key attached ; and a long gold^ neck-chain 21 182 Another (No. 12,171), with silver dial, in engraved gold case ; and a gold chain, with key, two seals and two small lockets^;?^ attached 0 183 ? 184 J85 Jr 186 ,^37 o 188 189 A gold snake brooch chain ; a piece of gold chain ; and a Watery' bury keyless watch, in gilt case A long gold neck-chain ; a gold-mounted crystal locket, enamelled \ with a sphinx, and set with small diamonds and rubies A necklet, formed of twenty gold coins, comprising a guinea of George III., an Australian sovereign, Noble of Henry VI., and various other pieces of the South American Republics, &c. ; and a pair of sleeve-links, formed of four small Turkish gold coins —weight 3 oz. 3 dwt. A brooch, formed of a 10,000 reis piece of Joannes V. of Portugal; a pair of earrings, formed of two Japanese gold coins ; and two small Spanish ditto; another pair, of American dollars, a gold Indian Miihr, and a half-sovereign of Victoria, 1872 Fourteen silver crown pieces of George III. and Geor^h IV.; crown piece of Victoria, 1845 ; and six small silver coins^ 21^ A necklet, composed of twenty-two silver coins; a bracelet, of seven ' ditto; a pair of coin earrings ; and four other coins, A silver war medal, to celebrate Rodrigues, 6 July 1809, Bourbon, 8th July, and Isle of France, 3rd December, 1810, with Turkish * inscription and clasp Silver medal, with head of Minerva, the reverse engraved “ To Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kean u'pon their Retirement from the Management of the Princess's Theatre, 29 August 1859, from One of the Public' ; and a silver medal of the Edinburgh MedicaJ School, awarded to C. A. Logie, 1834 Silver medal of John Philip Kemble; bronze medals of David Garrick, George Cooke, Joseph Munden, John Philip Kemble, William Henry West Betty, “ The Young Roscius ” ; various ' Zr-LxJ medals relating to the O. P. riots, Ac. 19 22 t> * ^ 192 A motker-o’-pearl fan, with applique lace mount; two tortoiseshell card-cases, inlaid with motlier-o’-pearl; a Chinese ivory chop- stick case, carved with dragons and birds in relief; and two j ditto cylinders / / ^193 A Louis XY. chatelaine, with etui and two other pendants, of metal-gilt, chased with figures, flowers and scrolls, m black > shagreen case 194 An Indian pattern bangle, of metal-gilt, enamelled in colours; an Empire metal-gilt comb, with paste diamonds ; a gilt head necklace; a bouquet holder; a band bracelet; andthree coloured agate boxes, mounted with metal-gilt 195 A cut amber bead necklace ; a jet neck-chain and cross; a ditto bracelet; two combs; a tortoiseshell and gold pique brooch and earrings; a bracelet, with small Homan mosaics; and various metal-gilt buttons, studs, brooches, &c., in two leather-covered jewel-cases > 4 % s LACE. 7 * v x- (203 Qy* $) . ^£204 /J * 0^-iJ 205 An embroidered lace fichu; two lace caps; one large piece of embroidery; and various small pieces ditto Jy tfy&'r ^ An Irish crochet handkerchief; one tatting ditto; and five em¬ broidered ditto, trimmed with Valenciennes lace Maltese flouncing— nearly 3 yds. ; four pieces narrow ditto ; and, sundry other pieces A pair of Venetian point sleeves; and six pieces ditto , A point de Venise cape e# A point de Venise berthe; two small pieces ditto ; a ditto lappet; ' and two small pieces ditto An old Italian lacis work cover ; and a muslin embroidered baby’s robe Italian Guipure—6 yds. ; and a finer ditto cape * A large point de Venise cape Tj' An old French shawl; and a ditto square veil aZt~~ 23 *206 Maltese flouncing—6^ yds. ; a black Maltese shawl; and six pieces, l of white lace [207 A pair of old Brussels lappets; four pieces ditto lace; a pair of Mechlin lappets ; and a small piece of ditto lace 208 A rose point collar; four pieces of old Flemish lace: four small pieces of old Brussels ; nnd three pieces ditto 209 An old point lace apron; and sundry pieces of white lace ^210 A white lace half shawl; black Maltese lace—3 yds .; and sundry > pieces of black lace (3 FINIS London : Printed by Wm. Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street end Charing Crosr.