anxa 85-B 4422 . .. mm Cuata i-Qii 11c ^ ^ ^ % to 4 \w tl; to/ to/ to/ to/ w iiz XUnton . . . \v to tot to tA Mr W Soapstone \v to to to to w f VI/ > to/ ' VI/ Company.. to to ~ 9 ' to/ • to/ ¥T It 1902 Discount from List, 25 per cent. CATALOGUE OF THE Union Soapstone Company, MINERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF SOAPSTONE, AND MANUFACTURERS OF HARBLE AND SLATE. 14 MARSHALL STREET, BOSTON, MASS. MILLS AT CHESTER DEPOT, VERMONT. 1 & O 2 . UNION SOAPSTONE COMPANY. TO THE TRADE. TN presenting this Catalogue to the trade, we desire once more to call their attention to the fact that we are quarrying and manufacturing the Chester Soapstone ; also that we are the pioneers in this business. Our Soapstone has been sold throughout the country for more than twenty years. We could not still have the confi- dence of the trade if we were manufacturing an inferior article. Our workmanship must be the best, as other concerns have adopted our method of building their soapstone goods. We carry a full line of manufactured goods in Boston, and at our mills, Chester Depot, Ver- mont. We respectfully solicit your patronage. 14 MARSHALL STREET, BOSTON, MASS. UNION SOAPSTONE COMPANY. SINGLE COMPARTMENT SOAPSTONE LAUNDRY TRAY. Plate 201 . Length. Width, Depth, Plain. 6- inch 12-inch Inches. Inches. Inches. Back. Back. 24 22 14 $8.00 $8.75. $9.50 24 24 H 8.00 8.75 9-50 14 MARSHALL STREET, BOSTON, MASS. 4 UNION SOAPSTONE COMPANY. SOAPSTONE LAUNDRY TRAY. WITH HIGH BACK. Plate 203. Length, Width, Depth, 6- inch 12-incli Inches. Inches. Inches. Back. Back. 42 22 14 $ 15-50 $17.05 42 24 14 T 5 - 5 ° 1705 48 22 14 17 05 18.80 48 24 Special I 4 17.05 sizes made to order* 18.80 14 MARSHALL STREET, BOSTON, MASS. 6 UNION SOAPSTONE COMPANY. THREE COMPARTMENT SOAPSTONE LAUNDRY TRAY. Plate 2C4. Length, Inches. Width, Inches, Depth, Inches. Plain. 2 4 14 $24.67 Special sizes made to order. 12 MARSHALL STREET, BOSTON, MASS, UNION SOAPSTONE COMPANY. THREE COMPARTMENT SOAPSTONE LAUNDRY TRAY, WITH HIGH BACK. 14 MARSHALL STREET, BOSTON, MASS. Plate 205. Length, Width, Depth, 6-inch 12-inch Inches. Inches. Inches. Back. Back. 72 24 14 # 27-47 $30.27 Special si^es made to order* UNION SOAPSTONE COMPANY. BUTTED AND CAPPED SOAPSTONE SINK AND TRAY. Plate 206 . Size of Sink, Size of Tray, AVidth, Plain. 6-inch 12-inch Inches. Inches. Inches. Back. Back. 30x24 42 24 $ 22.00 $24.52 $27.05 30x22 42 22 2 2.00 24.52 27.05 36x24 42 24 24.OO 26.72 29-45 36 X 22 42 22 24.OO 26.72 29-45 36x24 48 24 25-35 28.27 31.20 36 X 22 48 22 25-35 28.27 31.20 42x24 48 24 26.65 29.80 32.95 42x22 48 2 2 26.65 29.80 32.95 Special sizes made to order. 14 MARSHALL STREET, BOSTON, MASS. UNION SOAPSTONE COMPANY. SOAPSTONE KITCHEN SINK. Plate 207 . Length, Width, Depth. Plain. Inches. Inches. Inches. 30 24 8 $6.67 30 22 8 6.67 36 24 8 8.67 36 22 8 8.67 42 24 8 10.00 42 22 8 10. CO 48 24 8 12.00 Special sizes made to order. 14 MARSHALL STREET, BOSTON, MASS. 10 UNION SOAPSTONE COMPANY. SOAPSTONE KITCHEN SINK, WITH HIGH BACK. Plate 208 . Length, Width, Depth, G-inch 12-incli Inches. Inches. Inches. Back. Back. 30 24 8 $ 7-67 $8.67 30 22 8 7.67 8.67 36 24 8 9.87 1 1.07 36 22 8 9.87 I I.07 42 24 8 I 1.40 12.80 42 22 8 1 1 .40 12.80 48 24 8 13.60 15.20 Special sizes made to order. H MARSHALL STREET, BOSTON, MASS. 11 UNION SOAPSTONE COMPANY, 14 MARSHALL STREET, BOSTON, MASS. " ■“ j SOAPSTONE KITCHEN SINK, WITH DRAIN BOARD. Plate 209. These Sinks are not carried in stock, but are made up to order. Any size Sink or Drain Board, with Drain Board on right hand or left hand of sink. 12 UNION SOAPSTONK COMPANY. SOAPSTONE TRAY PLUG, WITH COUPLING. Plate 210. i^-inch Brass, each, $ 65 i} 4 -inch Brass, each, $1x0 SOAPSTONE SINK STRAINER, WITH COUPLING. Plate 211. 5-inch Brass, each, .$1.35 6-inch Brass, each, $2.00 Fittings for Trays and Sinks* Legs t Plugs and Cesspools* 13 UNION SOAPSTONE COMPANY, 14 MARSHALL STREET, BOSTON, MASS. 14 UNION SOAPSTONE COMPANY, If AVIIS J prov< AVING recently put in new and im- r ed machinery for the manufacture of Slate, we are now prepared to fill orders promptly, either in Monson, Pennsylvania, or Vermont Slate. We carry a large stock of Slabs in Boston for the purpose of build- ing special work. We also have in stock Tubs and Sinks of the regular standard || sizes. %2) Send us specifications for estimates. 14 MARSHALL STREET, BOSTON, MASS. 15 UNION SOAPSTONE COMPANY. Plate 214. Plate 215. 16 UNION SOAPSTONE COMPANY, MARBLE SLABS. S ro • n M [See opposite page.J jp We carry a large stock of Marble Bowl §?« Slabs, both in Italian and Knoxville, at Sg Boston. We also manufacture special mar- || ble work of every description in Boston, having new and improved machinery, spec- ially adapted for this kind of work. We will be pleased to give estimates for interior marble work upon receipt of detail drawings. Slabs as per cuts are kept in stock, and p* can be shipped at short notice — Round or || Oval Bowl, as may be desired. 14 MARSHALL STREET, BOSTON, MASS. 17 UNION SOAPSTONE COMPANY. 14 MARSHALL STREET, BOSTON, MASS. Standard Iron Sink Legs, Laundry Tray Legs. Hade for 18, 20, 22 or 24=inch .Sink. Plate 213. Painted Iron, each $1.35 Galvanized Iron, each 2.00 $ .80 15 Plate 212. Painted Iron, each Galvanized Iron 18 UNION SOAPSTONE COMPANY, AIR=TIGHT SOAPSTONE STOVES FOR WOOD These stoves are especially fine in sitting rooms, furnishing a soft, even heat that no other stove throws out, People who use them praise them highly. Thijee Sizes, $20.00, $25.00 and $30.00 respectively. OPEN GRATE SOAPSTONE STOVE. Dimensions.— Height, 2 ft. G in. ; width. 1 ft. 6 in. ; hearth shows 11 in. Opening —Height, 1 ft. G in. ; width, lft. 7 in, A SPLENDID HEATER AND VERY NICELY FINISHED. 14 MARSHAUU STREET, BOSTON, MASS. UNION SOAPSTONE COMPANY, Soapstone Foot Warmers. M 4 inches x 6 inches, per dozen, $2.50 5 “ x 7 “ “ . . 3. 12 6 “ x 8 “ “ . . 3-75 7 “ x 9 4-37 7 “ X IO “ 11 . 4-75 8 “ X IO “ “ . 5.00 8 “ X 12 “ “ . 5.62 IO “ X 12 * 1 “ . 6.25 12 “ x 15 “ 7-50 Hand Stones, per dozen, . $1.2 5 Soapstone Griddles. IO inches, Round, per dozen, $ 8.75 12 “ “ “ . , . 12.50 I 4 “ “ “ . . . 16.25 16 “ “ “ . . . 18.75 8 inches x 16 inches, Oval, per dozen, 13.00 9 “ x 18 “ 15.00 IO “ x 20 “ 18.75 1 1 “ X 22 “ 22.50 12 “ x 24 “ 27.00 Send for Discounts. 14 MARSHALL STREET, BOSTON, MASS. 10