JSuclington fine Bets Club. CATALOGU E OF A SERIES OF ILLUMINATIONS from MSS PRINCIPALLY OF THE ITALIAN AND FRENCH SCHOOLS. PRINTED FOR THE BURLINGTON FINE ARTS CLUB. 1886. From the Library et Frank Simpson Burlington jfine Hrts Club. CATALOGUE OF A SERIES OF ILLUMINATIONS from MSS PRINCIPALLY OF THE ITALIAN AND FRENCH SCHOOLS. PRINTED FOR THE BURLINGTON FINE ARTS CLUB. 1886. Metchim ^ Son, so, Parliament Street, S. W., and 32, Clements Lane, E.C. CATALOGUE Of a Series of ILLUMINATIONS from MSS., principally of the Italian and French Schools. Lent by Mr. C. Brinsley Marlay. Italian. 1 INITIAL "M." Cutting from a choir book. Subject :" The ANNUNCIATION." XIV. century. 2 INITIAL "G." Cutting from a choir book. "The Death of the Virgin." Christ holding her soul. XIV. cent. 3 INITIAL "M." From a choir book. " King David." Early XV. cent. 4 INITIAL "O." "Christ's Entry into Jerusalem." Early XV. cent. 6 THREE LETTERS. From choir book, with Saints. XV. cent. 6 INITIAL " S." From choir book. " The Presentation in the Temple." The artist was Dom Silvestro degli Angeli, a monk at Camaldoli. He painted several choral books in that monastery that were written by Dom Jacopo Fiorentino, 1350. See Vasari, in the life of Dom Lorenzo Monaco degli Angeli, a painter and scholar of Gaddi, who might, perhaps, have designed these choral paintings. Vasari, prima parte, p. 229, edit. 1568. From the Meyrick and Douce Collections. Avery good example. 7 MINIATURE. "Martyrdom of Sts. Peter and Paul." Italian, XIV. cent. Very good, and the earliest in date in the Collection. 8 EIGHT BORDERS. From a grand folio Service Book executed for Pope Clement VII. ; with his Arms and Eagle and Ring Emblems. Dated 1523, the year of his election. From the Cellote and Wilson Collections. 9 FULL PAGE MINIATURE. From the same book. " The Descent from THE CROSS " ; with very elaborate borders, into which are introduced medallions of the Four Evangelists, with Adam in Paradise, and a Saint ; also Pope Clement's Arms and Emblem of the Burning Glass. From the Cellote and Wilson Collections. 10 MINIATURE. From the same book. " The Blessed Virgin appearing to A Pope." Similar full borders, in which are medallions containing four female Saints, the Pope's Arms, and his Emblems of the Burning Glass, Ring and Feathers, and Yoke. ILmnfcavtr j£tgle. 11 MINIATURE. "The Crucifixion." In this is introduced the portrait of Cardinal Antoniotto Pallavicini, 1489- 1507, for whom the book was painted. 12 BORDERS, cut from same book, containing initials " A. C. S. P." (Antoniottus Cardinalis Sanctse Praxedis.) 13 BORDERS, from same book, with the Arms of Cardinal Pallavicini. 14 A FRAME BORDER, enriched with architectural arabesques, executed for Pope Pius V., in 1556, by Appolonius de Bonfratelli, Illuminist to the Apostolic Chamber. From the Cellote, Rogers, and Hippesley Collections. Venetian jScfjool. 15 Cutting from a DUCALE, being a Commission from the Venetian Senate to an Officer, in which the portrait of the Commissioner was usually introduced, as here. X VI. cent. 16 A similar cutting from a DUCALE, in which the Doge is presenting the Commission. From the Rogers Collection. 17 A similar cutting from a DUCALE, with portrait of the Commissioner before an altar on which is a crucifix. Coat of arms below, and motto " Principium inspice rarum." 18 A similar cutting from a DUCALE, having the portrait of a member of the Gradinego family, whose arms appear at the foot. Date 1560. Italian jrrljool. 19 MINIATURE. "Adoration of the Magi." XVI. cent. 20 MINIATURE. " The Annunciation," with eight medallions of female Saints in the arabesque border. Early XVI. cent. From the Cellote, Ottley, and Rogers Collections. 21 INITIAL " C." From a large choir book. " The Holy Family." End of XVI. cent. jFrenri) jBcfjool. 22 Cutting from BOOK OF HOURS. " The Betrayal." End of X V. cent. 23 Cutting from same book. " The Descent of the Holy Ghost." 24 FOUR MINIATURES, from a Book of Hours. About 1500. Presentation in the Temple. Descent of the Holy Ghost. St. John in Patmos. Adoration of the Magi. 25 MINIATURE. "The Death of the Virgin." End of XV. cent. 26 MINIATURE. Vision of St. Gregory. Early XVI. cent. Italian j&cijool. 27 MINIATURE, containing St. Luke and St. Matthew, with the name of Pope Innocent VIII. (1484-1492) on panel. jFrenci) £?cf)ooI. 28 Circular MINIATURE. A Feast. Late XVI. cent. Hutci), in dfrenci) j&tgie. 29 TWO MINIATURES, from BOOK OF HOURS. " The Annunciation " and " The Holy Family." Late X V. cent. jFrnui). 30 Cutting from BOOK OF HOURS. "The Holy Family." About 1500. Italian j&cijool. 31 ARABESQUE BORDERS, from a folio MS., executed for Pope Innocent VIII. (1484-92), by an unknown but most skilful miniature painter. In another sheet from this volume (formerly in the possession of W. Y. Ottley) the Arms of Pope Innocent VIII. occur. These are copied in Shaw's " Illuminated Ornaments." From the Ottley and Rogers Collections. A very good example. 32 INITIAL " B," from large choir book. " King David." North Italian. Late X V. cent. 33 TWO BORDERS, probably cut from the same book as Nos. 11, 12 and 13. 34 COAT OF ARMS of Pope Pius V. (1566) by Apollonius de Bonfratelli, Illuminist to the Apostolic Chamber. From the Rogers and Cellote Collections. 35 A FRAME BORDER, with Angels holding wreaths of flowers, and a terminal figure ; the arms of Pius V. supported by Amorini. Probably from same book as No. 34. 36 INITIAL "O." Cutting from choir book. A Saint (?" St. Andrew") with cross. Late X V. cent. Jfvctuij. 37 Cutting from printed BOOK OF HOURS. A Battle Scene. XVI. cent. Hutdj. 38 Cutting from BOOK OF HOURS. " The Saviour." Late XV. cent. j^pantsi)- 39 j 40 f Cuttings from Service Book, each containing four Saints. Executed in 41 ( Spain by a Flemish Artist. XVI. cent. 42 Italian. 43 Cuttings from Book of Hours, with miniatures of " The RESURRECTION " and "King David." About 1500. 44 A coloured Engraving. French or German. 45 A Drawing. X VIII. cent.