ASIATIC GALLERY, Baker St. Bazar, Portman Sq. GRAND MOVING DIORAMA HZNDOSTAN DISPLAYING THE SCENERY OF THE HOOGLY, THE BHAGiRATHI, and THE GANGES, FROM Fort William Bengal , TO GANGOUTRl m THE HIMALAYA. The Diorama has been Painted by Mr. PHILIP PHILLIPS. The Figures and Animals by Mr. LOUIS HAGHE. The Shipping by Mr. KNELL. The whole of the Scenes of the Diorama have been arranged by LIEUTENANT COLONEL LfJARD, from his own original and un¬ published sketches, taken during a residence of fourteen years in India; aided by the kindness of friends, who have placed at his disposal their original sketches. " - - Fort William, Bengal. Prinseps Ghat. The Water Gate. Babu Ghat. Chandpaul Ghat. The Steam Mills. The Mint. Bengal Cottage scenery. The Fakir. The Nach. Offering of lights to the river. The Murda Ghat. The Plpal Tree. Panhuttl. The Well and Palm Trees. The Rathjattra. Water carriers. The views consist of — Plassey. The Elephant establishment. Mosque, near Moorshedabad. Moorshedabad—The Palace. The Wreck. A Tufan. Rai Mahal. -*■ Sickri-gali. The Rajmahal hills. The foolish Fakir. Sunset—a wild scene. Benares—Raj Ghat. The Minarets. Rajrajeswurree Ghat. The Snake Charmers. Julsyn Ghat. Mankurnlka Ghat. The Hindu School. The balancing Goat. The fortress of Chunar. The Persian wheel. Mirzapur. The timber raft. Allahabad. The Satl. Sultan Khusru’s Mausoleum. The gram grinder. Hurdwar. The bathing Ghat. Barh. Simla—The conical hill. Simla. Fagoo. . . The Ganges. Tin- Snowy Regions. Gangoutrl. Barrack pore. The Traveller’s Palm. The Scenes are accompanied by Descriptive Detail, & appropriate Music. Doors open Half an Hour before each Representation, to enable Visitors to see THIS SI U S E II M. Morning, 12 o’Clock;-Afternoon, 3 ‘ -Evening, 3. Omnibuses, from all 'parts of London, pass the Gallery every minute. ADMISSION ' ONE SHILLING. STALES, 2s. 6d. Children, Half-Price, * vv - X V PRINTED BY T. BRETTELL, RUPERT STREET, HAYMARKET. C