r $)• a l i c e ♦ There are now two Editions published :— i I. The copies in cloth containing seventy-six blanks of Twenty-three questions each, called, on account of the comparative brevity of the Mental Photograph, the “ Carte-de-Visite ” edition. This edition will be generally preferred by those to whom the Album is a comparative novelty. II. The copies in cloth containing thirty-eight blanks of forty questions each, called, because each “ Mental Photograph ” is of fuller dimensions than those of the other edition, the “Imperial edition.” This edition will be preferred by those already fond of the amusement. In ordering, please state the edition wanted. The sizes and prices are the same. Styles and Prices as follows : Cloth, gilt, - - - - - - - - - $150 Fancy Leather, gilt edges, with twice the number of pages contained in the copies bound in cloth, - - - - - - - - 4 00 Rich Levant morocco, full gilt, with three times the number of pages contained in the copies bound in cloth (an elegant book for presentation), - 12 00 March, 1870. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1869, by LEYPOLDT & HOLT, In the Clerk’s office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. I preface. This (Book is intended to serve as a record for the tastes and character = istics of friends; in short, for their mental photographs, just as another class of Albums serves to keep their physical ones. The set of questions on which the system is founded, has long been the favorite diversion of a small circle of friends, to whom this brief preface will recall many a pleasant hour. Very naturally, a mental photograph book zvas ultimately formed, in which both questions and answers were zvritten, and every one giving a mental photograph was required to give also a carte de visite for the ordinary photograph book, so that as complete a portrait as possible, both of the inner and outer man, was obtained. In the present volume, better facilities for combining the two elements are furnished, and many new questions have, of course, been added to those previously in use. It is needless to say, that the questions can be multiplied ad infinitum, and that the anszvers can be made in jest or earnest, as best suits the mind and manner of the sitter. Examples of both modes of reply are given on a subsequent page, taken from the editor's book of " mental photographsV Another very amusing way of using the questions, is to zvrite down the photograph of an absent friend, or rather, what zve suppose it to be, and then obtain the real anszvers, and compare them with those previously given. I remember two instances of this kind, in which, out of thirty anszvers, only one was wrong Of course, even a slight examination of these questions will make it evident that they are intended rather to form a key to the tastes than to the characters of those who use them conscientiously; but nevertheless, however used, they are apt to give some idea of character. When (to quote instances already notorious) Napoleon III. replied to the question, “ Who would you like to be P" that he would gladly be his own grandson if it were possible, we know that the answer is a humbug, and that he knows it to be so, but is it not thoroughly characteristic of the man ? And when the (Prince of Wales as^ serts with charming impudence, that his 11 favorite occupation " is improving his mind, we know that the reply is a piece of impertinent mockery, but is it not characteristic of the manner in which that serious and admirable young % man throws impertinence and defiance in the teeth of the respectable and fastidious John (Bull ? We are not claiming too much for these questions in a psychological point ttfp view, when we assert, that if seriously and thoughtfully treated, they will lead to very interesting psychological researches; nor, on the other hand, that if treated as a mere jest and pastime, they will prove an endless source of amusement. For the sake of variety and completeness, more questions have been given in this Album than it will ordinarily be found practicable to take time to answer. Each person should make a selection according to taste. To attempt to answer all may be sometimes found more tedious than entertaining. (R. S. Tour Favorite 1. Color ? . i 2. Flower? . 3 . Treat . . . Hour in the day? . „ i/ r Season of the year ? . .. s q frames, male and female ? . f (Poets ? .._ ... 8. Prose authors f . g Character in (Romance ? . . (0 . in History ? . 2 :j What booh (not religious) would you part with last ?„ . (2. Where would you best Wee to live ? 3 . Your favorite occupation t . The trait of character you most admire in man? . (5 . in woman? ... r.g The trait you most detest in each ?._. . ■_y If not yourself, who would '' you rather be? . . 2. Your idea of happiness ? .. . of misery? . )f The sublimestpassion of which human nature is capable ? .. j < 7 The sweetest words in the world ? . v h. The saddest ? .. 2. Your motto ? .. ■ < _ PLACE FOR PHOTOGRAPH. Take an ordinary carte de finite, and soak it in cold water for about three hours. The thin paper on which the photograph is printed will peel off from the card without being injured. Let the portrait paper dry, trim it to the neces¬ sary size, and paste it in this place, very lightly, by the corners, and one or two spots on the side. Let the book be under pressure till the paste dries. The light pasting and pressure are necessary to prevent warping. This method is preferable to the use of the entire carte de finite, as a book suitable for holding the heavy cards without warping, would be very cumbrous. H- ■ Tour Favorite 1. Golor ? . 2. Flower t 3 . I 5. 6. Trot ? __ Hour in the day? t/ Season of the year? _ flames, male and fern,ale ?... y. (Poets ?. 8. P. Prose authors ? . Character in (Romance? _ 10 . '.in History ? 11 . What book (not religions) would you part with last? 12. Where would von best like to live ?. 13. UjL. 15. 16. Your favorite occupation ?... The trait of character yon most admire in 'man ? _ 17 - 18. 20 . 21 . . in woman? _ The trait you most detest in each ? _ If not yourself \ who would von rather be ? .. PLACE FOR PHOTOGRAPH. Take an ordinary carte de visile, and soak it in cold water for about three hours. The thin paper on which the photograph is printed will peel off from the card without being injured. Let the portrait paper dry, trim it to the neces¬ sary size, and paste it in this place, very lightly, by the corners, and one or two spots on the side. Let the book be under pressure till the paste dries. The Uyht pasting and pressure are necessary to prevent warping. This method is preferable to the use of the entire carle de visile, as a book suitable for holding the heavy cards without warping, would be very cumbrous. 3 Your idea of happiness ? _ . . of misery f__..— The sublimest passion of which human nature is capable ? _ The sweetest words in the world ? ___ 22. The saddest I*........ 23. Your motto? _ u / 79 7/ ...: -r JL. Tour Favorite Color ? 2. Flower?.^ . .. F Tree f. Hour i7i/ 5. 6. the day ? Tj.. _ . . o Season of the year t_ - JIames, male 7 - 8 . P. and female PH ... (Poets t ..... _ Prose authors ? . T7i .. & A — Character v~ ym in (Romance ?..... f __ 10 . 11 . c . in History $...._ What loo ok (not religious) would you part with last?.... a. PLACE FOR PHOTOGRAPH. Take an ordinary carle tie visile, and soak it in cold water for about three hours Tiie thin paper on which the photograph is printed will peel off from the card without being injured. Let the portrait paper dry, trim it to the neces¬ sary size, and paste it in this place, very lightly, by the corners, and one or two spots on the side. Let the book be under pressure till the paste dries. The light pasting and pressure are necessary to prevent warping. This method is preferable to the use of the entire ctxrte tie visile, as a book suitable for holding the heavy cards without warping, would be very cumbrous. I fei 12 . 13. IF 15. 16. Where would you test like to live ? . —— ————• Your favorite occupation f. The trait of character you most admire in man ? _ JT, ---- .. ..... (/ .......—...... — /i 1 7 - 18. . in woman f . The trait you most c / detest in each ? _ If not yourself \ who would you rather he f Your idea of happiness ? /' y/ fr . of misery ?. 20 . 21 . Hue suolimest passion of which, human nature is capable. JL., -The owe most words in the world ? .. 22 . 23. The saddest ?.... Your motto ? _ yUi5 (Prose authors ? . Character in (Romance ?..... 10 . 11 . . in History ? . What book (not religious) 16. 17- 18. 20 . 21 . 22 . 23. The trait you most detest in each ? . .• . If not yourself \ who would you rather be ? . . Your idea of happiness ?_ . . . of misery? . The sublimest passion of which human nature is capable ? .. . The sweetest words in the world ? .... The saddest ? _ Your motto? _ Take an ordinary carte dt visite, and soak it in cold water for about three hours The thin paper on which the photograph is printed will peel off from the card without being injured. Let the portrait paper dry, trim it to the neces¬ sary size, and paste it in this place, very lightly, by the corners, and one or two spots on the side. Let the book be under pressure till the paste dries. The light pasting and pressure are necessary to prevent warping. This method is preferable to the use of the entire carte de finite , as a book suitable for holding the heavy cards without warping, would be very cumbrous. a UUi/ JUL/LU Ljl/JU j^sA/l U UVi/l/fV i/i/UCu if _ 12. Where would you best like to live ? _ _. ___ \s 13. Your favorite occupation? .. - The trait of character you most admire in man ? . 15 . in woman .. 1 . 2 . 3 . k- 5 . 6. 7- 8. 9. 10 . 11 . 12 . 13. l^. 15: 16. 17 - Your Yayorile Color ? .. Flow or f _ Tree ? . Hour m the day?.... . k/ " Season of the year ? _ JIames, male and female ?.. (Poets ? .. Prose authors ?, Character in (Romance ? . in History ? .... What Tooele (not religious) would you jour t with last? ... Where would you test Wee to lire ?. PLACE FOR PHOTOGRAPH. Take an ordinary carte de visile , and soak it j in cold water for about three hours. The thin paper on which the photograph is printed will peel off from the card without being injured. Let the portrait paper dry, trim it to the neces¬ sary size, and paste it in this place, very lightly, by the corners, and one or two spots on the side. Let the book be under pressure till the paste dries. The lif/ltt pasting and pressure are necessary to prevent warping. This method is preferable to the use of the entire c/irle de visile , as a book suitable for holding the heavy cards without warping, would be very cumbrous. Your favorite occupation ? . The trait of character you most admire in man ?_ ... . in woman?.. . The trait you most detest in each ?. .. If not yourself, who would you rather Toe ?„ . 18. Your idea of happiness? . of misery ?.„ . 2 q The sublimest passion of which human nature is capable ? _ ny The sweetest words in the world ? .. 22. The saddest ?... 23. Your motto? _ y < (!< * tfji 10 . in History/.... . What books(not religions) Take an ordinary carte de visife , and soak it in cold water for about three hours. The thfri paper on which the photograph is printed will peel off from the card without being injured. Let the portrait paper dry, trim it to the neces¬ sary size, and paste it in this place, very lightly, by the corners, and one or two spots on the side. Let the book be under pressure till the paste dries. The light pasting and pressure are necessary to prevent warping. This method is preferable to the use of the entire carte de visite , as a book suitable for holding the heavy cards without warping, would be very cumbrous. \ o - ■>- .w would yon p art with lastf _ (J u. /* v ./. . < ... 12. Where wonld yon best like to live $ / Itx-w. . :k J : slt. Pw c- ty,, - /? 13. Yonr favorite occupation ? . tw//s, .hi. ?. / >/ x try* c/ f , (l 'ct.trlv j. The trait of character yen f , / , most admire in man ? . t Vx -cu ci^ f t 2 QCiokk . x.v..^.<...... _f 15: . in woman $ . 26 The trait yon most (/ detest in each f ._ _ fr jy If not yonrself \ who djuould / ' ’ you rather be f . 1/ ((4 ■ 18. Your idea of happiness ? . _ LUAJ* . «*&: ' ? .■.../...I. . . Cj .mserj 3 . 2 q The sublimest passion of which rf g / > _// human nature is capable f . yffccc Yj x Uz W^o . (Yhvhhh The sweetest words 21 . in the world f. 22. The saddest f. 23. Your motto ~ y ^ E 2'our Favorite 1 . Color ? . 2 . Flow or? .. 3 . Tree? . . Hour in the day? . «✓ 5 Season of the year? _ %/ q flames, male and female ?.. f (Poets? _ 8 . Prose authors ?. g Character in (Romance?. 10 . 11 . 12 . 13. U- . in History ? . What booth (not religious) would you part with last? . Where would you best Wee to live ? Your favorite occupation? . The trait of character you most admire in man ? .. 15 . in woman? . The trait you most detest in each . If not yourself, who would ' * you rather be? .. 18. Your idea of happiness? .. . of misery? . He sublimest passion of which human nature is capable ? . ny The sweetest words in the world ? ... PLACE FOR PHOTOGRAPH. Take an ordinary carte de visile, and soak it in cold water for about three hours. The thin paper on which the photograph is printed will peel off from the card without being injured. Let tlie portrait paper dry, trim it to the neces¬ sary site, and paste it in this place, very lightly, by the corners, and one or two spots on the side. Let the book be under pressure till the paste dries. The light pasting and pressure are necessary to prevent warping. This method is preferable to the use of the entire carte de visile , as a book suitable for holding the heavy cards without warping, would be very cumbrous. 22 . The saddest f 23. Your motto?... _ Your Favorite 1 . Color ? _ 2 . Flower » ' . g ' ' * i * f ' r , i <5. Tree? . .. . Hour in • r*^* ^ the day f^ V ■ ^ Season of ills year? _ PLACE FOR PHOTOGRAPH:* . ■.t ;U» j -»*»■> ■; ~ J\ames, mate 0 • _ 7 _/•__ " _ S? ‘ _i a/Zcf femaie y. (Poets?. _ | . <■/ : "* :/ ' ( ■ kc. ■. «b »i’« aitirrfi 8 , Prose authors t±:S‘j*eiLL. ._ . . /7- / Aasrid/Tj-' i rrev !p Unaracier in (Romance? _ _1. 2<9 . History? . I 11 ( n °t religious) would yon pari with last ? ___ 12 . -Where would youoesi like- to- live Tlf Take an ordinary caiie - *■. • '+■ — O vl;. w Gj' •r.rr - - ^ m v^ \ X- VA .O x W'J VeVjO^ G C v , 1. \ '*•_ \ r- V' ^ v c - • . ~ - r ^ m 'vjr •- r * • •’ - i^-Vs-JwVA v' \ C\>. -JC 5 - fetA'C - V V Q Q. V T ^ +6lding the heavy cards without warping, would be very cumbrous. 12 . Where would you best like to lire f H/jS 13 . Your favorite occupation? .. j. The trait of character you i / f most admire in man ?. . €p -2 z ^yiy y. 15 . in woman?... jq The trait you most yj / detest in each ? . lJsS.. .. . .YrTzy... .-^r. yy If not yourself \ who wout ' * you rather be? a 18 . Your idea of happiness ? . . of misery? 2q The sublimestpassion of which human nature is capable ? . 7 The sweetest words/ / ; . in the world ?. . s'/'Pl-U- yi fl <^4/. 2 o 2 . Tine saddest f. J ?-V ^ ,r.T?:uh:%*&?... 23 . Your motto ? --- L .(Z. _ £!u ..— y.L..4ziU„ . Tour Favorite 1 . Color? „ ._z__. Zo -VnD 5. Flaw er \ TYedfl... h~r^ j ~/* ~ -i. -X ^ ^ fc .. 5 . f.. . .. ' / ^ . _A_ w/ V'W' / ^ dorlfj ..,.. , - SecCsort cf ' o. *•* ' year?. 6 Jfa:ne3,,mal6 ^ ' iT/zi female L.. _ ygruasycx,. 3. (Prose authors t . yfeygydy Character P. ztz (Romance f. 10 .z'tz History $ . y^^-^cy jj What do oh (not religious)f would you part with last ? _ 12 . Where would uou \best like to lire ? d .\‘VSYU^y PLACE FOR PHOTOGRAPH. . V\ .O Take an ordinary carte de visile, and soak it in cold water for about three hours The thin • paper on which the photograph is printed will peel off from the card without being; injured. Let the portrait paper dry,' trim it to the neces- ^ ' sary size, and paste it in flits' place, very lightly, by the corners, and one Of two spots on the side. Let the book be under pressure till the paste dries. The light pasting and pressure are necessary to prevent warping. This method is preferable to the use of the entire curie de visile, as a book suitable for holding the heavy-cards without warping, would be very cumbrous. -> '.v \ i , V 13. Your favorite occur alien ? . K/:&r . The trait cf character you most admire in man ?— HTl 15 . in woman f. . Yea. _._ * The trait you most y egy dSvCSs i.a eacn . u&e. . . . 7 w If not yourself , who ivould / * 7/ 0"/. ■v~f~L'ip~ / ' ~np. 9 / \er ca %/ 13. Your idea cf happiness? 2 . Cf misery? . .yP.....YfrY. . .. q The suoilmest passion cf which human nature is car aide ? » o-l fj n V 7 /i p Q~ / *P P P ^ — / * o-i -o' o ^ ^ Uv^/Lio /'rfy/'' .j in the world ? . . v 2 yl z_ .. yL..dy. A..^2W1 W mJl . 2. Flowerf. ' /' SJ/D/sCtf _££_ YzU V. /?/ 'L&=l _ ijtzkTYYd- _ 3. Tree ? _ . Hour in the day ?.. . K Season of year?. /) q flames, male /// ’ and female ? _- / ff-c^ , /. (Poet/? ... fdR- 8. Prose authors ?. Character /j>Oh 9. in (Romance ?. 10 . in History? . Jzf 22 What boolc (not religious) , * * m ~r would you part with last ? the yearf __ *✓ q JPames, male and female ?..... Y- (Poets'? .. 8 . (Prose anthers ?.... g Character in (Romance?... 10 . in History ? . 22 What booh (not religions) would yonjpart with last? . 12 . Where would non best like to live ? Is' 13. Yonrfavorite occupation? . 7/ The trait of character yon most admire in man ? . 15. 13. y- . in woman?. . The trait yon most detest in each . If not yourself \ who would yon rather be ?_ . happiness ? . . of misery? . r j The snbl i me si passion of wh ich human nature is capable ? . n j The sweetest words * in the world ?.. . 22. The saddest ? . 23. Yonr motto? .... 18. Yonr idea of PLACE FOR PHOTOGRAPH. Takk an ordinary carte de visile, and soak it in cold water for about three hours The thi* paper on which the photograph is printed will peel off from the card without being injured. Let the portrait paper dry, trim it to the neces¬ sary size, and paste it in this place, very lightly, by the corners, and one or two spots on the side. Let the book be under pressure till the paste dries. The liyht pasting and pressure are necessary to prevent warping. This method is preferable to the use of the entire carle de visile, as a book suitable for holding the heavy cards without warping, would be very cumbrous. y'^ YsK/lI'S/{yiisl w^A.rFkC:. P&Pzuc. k '.*&£< :■?.-. Z.* PLACE FOR PHOTOGRAPH. Take an ordinary carte de cistVe, and soak it in cold water for about three hours The thin paper on which the photograph is printed will peel off from the card without being injured. Let. the portrait paper dry, trim it to the neces¬ sary sire, and paste it in this place, very lightly, by the corners, and one or two spots on the side. Let the book be under pressure till the paste dries. The light pasting and pressure are necessary to prevent warping. This method is preferable to the use of the entire carte de tisite, as a book suitable for holding the heavy cards without warping, would be very cumbrous. _ - , P., 8. (Prose authors g Character - - , « in (Romance * c. ylc i l r _ . If ( tFftst */ <6? • ' j V 10 . in History ./YLIsZ..;..:Y.'. . - - What book (not religions) •mmrlCJ i/m/. -nnr-ri. iivi.ilfi. if Z2 /•/ ^ Q -£ 12 . Where would you best Wee to live ? . 13. Your favorite occupation? . .few.,../// The trait of character you Q most admire in man ?. . / U- -+ t 15. 16. in woman?. The4 ( &ffi{Yvou most / . ne-vrwvu you most K « r } , d ete st in each ?_. . ■7 a/ If not yourself, who would n. n 17. rather -y f _ . g JZtz^ a^r you 18. Your idea of happiness ?..., 20 . 21 . . of misery ? .. The sublimest passion of whip human nature is capable ? . The sweetest words he sweetest words -W , /> * ^ . in the world? C Aia.A-YC\AfC fd&TrCs — « . 77 . ) 22 . The saddest ?.„... 28. Your motto? _ Tour Favorite 1. Color? ___ 2. Flower? __ 3. Tree? ___...... Hour in the day? __,. 4/ t- Season of the year? __ >, flames, male and female ? ___ f (Poets ? _ 8. Prose authors ? ... c Character in Pomanee? . 10 . in History? . 7 - What 'booh (not religious) * ’ would you go art with last? . 12. Where would you best like to live ? 13. Your favorite occupation? . - The trait of character yon most admire in man ? _ 15 . in woman? ____ - „ The trait yon most detest in each ?_.. ... 7A/ If not yourself \ who would ' * you rather be ? .. 18. Your idea of happiness ? ... . .. . . of misery? .. . ..... . He sublimest passion of which human nature is capable? . 9 ^ The sweetest words in the world ... 22. The saddest ? ..... 23. Your motto? _ _ _ PLACE FOR PHOTOGRAPH. Take an ordinary carte de visite, and soak it in cold water for about three hours. The thin paper on which the photograph is printed will peel off from the card without being injured. Let the portrait paper dry, trim it to the neces¬ sary size, and paste it in this place, very lightly, by the corners, and one or two spots on the side. Let the book be under pressuve till the paste dries. The light pasting and pressure are necessary to prevent warping. This method is preferable to the use of the entire carte de visite , as a book suitable for holding the heavy cards without warping, would be very cumbrous. 1 . 2 . 3. U- 5. 6 . 7 - 8 . 9. 10 . 11 . 12 . 13. 14 . 15: 16. 17. 18 . 20 . 21 . Your Favorite Color ? __ Flower ? . . Tree ? .... .. Sour in the day ? ... Season of the year ? __ flames, male- and female ? _..._ (Poets ? ..... Prose authors ? .... Character in (Romance? __ . in History ? . . What booh (not religious) would you part with last ? _ Where would you best Wee to live ? Your favorite occupation ? . The trait of character you most admire in man ? _ . in woman? ... The trait you most detest in each ? _ _ If not yourself ’ who would you rather be ? _ Your idea of happiness ? _ . of misery?^ . The sublimest passion of which human nature is capable ? _ The sweetest words in the world . PLACE FOR PHOTOGRAPH. Take an ordinary carte de visile , and soak it in cold water for about three hours. The thin paper on which the photograph is printed will peel off from the card without being injured. Let the portrait paper dry, trim it to the neces¬ sary size, and paste it in this place, very lightly, by the corners, and one or two spots on the side. Let the book be under pressure till the paste dries. The light pasting and pressure are necessary to prevent warping. This method is preferable to the use of the entire carte de visile , as a book suitable for holding the heavy cards without warping, would be very cumbrous. 22 . The saddest ? 28. Your motto? Your' Favorite 1. Color? __ 2. Flower? .. 3. Tree ? .. . Hour in the day? . %/ 5 Season of the year? .. q JTames, male and female ?„ . /. (Poets ? ___ 8. Prose authors ? . g Character in Pomance? .. 10 . in History? . ^2 What book (not religious) would you jo art with last? . 12. Where would you best like to live ? 13. Your favorite occupation? . The trait of character you most admire in man . . in woman? .. The trait you most detest in each ? ..'. If not yourself \ who would you rather be ? .. 18. Your idea of happiness ? .. . of misery ? .... p r. The sublimest passion of which human nature is capable ? . 9 - The sweetest words in the world ? .. IT- 15. 16. 17 - PLACE FOR PHOTOGRAPH. T.ake an ordinary cacte de visile, and soak it in cold water for about three hours. The thin paper on which the photograph is printed will peel off from the card without being injured. Let the portrait paper dry, trim it to the neces¬ sary size, and paste it in this place, very lightly, by the corners, and one or two spots on the side. Let the book be under pressure till the paste dries. The light pasting and pressure are necessary to prevent warping. This method is preferable to the use of the entire carle de visite, as a book suitable for holding the heavy cards without warping, would be very cumbrous. m - --si 22 . The saddest ? 23. Your motto?... Tour Favorite 1 . Color ? .. 2 . Flower ?.... . 3. Tree? . ... . . Hour in the day? . t- Season of the year? .. q JPames, male and female ? ...... f (Poets ? ... . <5. Prose authors ? .. g Character in (Romance? . . 10 . in History ? . What booh (not religious) would you part with last? . 12 . Where would you best Wee to live ? 13. Your favorite occupation? . j. The trait of character you most admire in man ?..._ . 15 . in woman? . jq The trait you most detest in each ? . . yy If not yourself \ who would ' * you rather be ? .. 18. Your idea of happiness? . . of misery ? ...„. 2 q The sublimest passion of which human nature is capable ? . n y The sweetest words in the world ? . 22 . The saddest ? . 23. Your motto? .. PLACE FOR PHOTOGRAPH. Take an ordinary carte de visile, and soak it in cold water for about three hours. The thin paper on which the photograph is printed will peel off from the card without being injured. Let the portrait paper dry, trim it to the neces¬ sary size, and paste it in this place, very lightly, by the corners, and one or two spots on the side. Let the book be under pressure till the paste dries. The light pasting and pressure* are necessary to prevent warping. This method is preferable to the use of the entire carte de visile, as a book suitable for holding the heavy cards without warping, would be very cumbrous. — 7* /! ' _ CP y '/ _ <~'£'£4S-Zr—z~-g>/_ , . cfy Lstd ZpSytyU^ Of/H / P 2'our Favorite 1. Color f PuCc 2. Flow err? (zrrcJn^H cl chops _ 6*. TreetY Hour 17 * . *" the, day Vf/llL. -»<-o PLACE FOR PHOTOGRAPH. Cp-fcn/c ^ Season of / the year $ zlCsf, sFUa^wahtt... Cl . Zirp SS crnsyw ? /yu q JTames, male' and female t_i ¥• (Poets f st \ - n (0 * C / " y i / / L ' „ / entire < 8. (Prose autnors $ (Ytu/ dJ/srr /H of /PWfa^s fsu wa A j holding on/ , 9 * W be very / i' Ll'/C g SS.M, ^ - in (Romance ? _ sJYM&f .. ' s/ ' yy / 10 . in History f Take an ordinary carte de visite, and soak it t tp n cold water for about three hours The this paper on which the photograph is printed will peel off from the card without being injured. Let the p"rtriitrim it to the neces¬ sary size, anjlr#aste j t j n tliivklace, very lightly, by the corpora, and one or tw^pots on the side. Let the bdok t^e till the paste dries. Title light hasting and pressure are Q 9 essary t\ prev enttv arping. This methoHs ^pref ejafble to the use of the / entire carte de visite, as a book suitable for the heavy cards without warping, would ery cumbrous. 22 What look (not religions) , would yon jpart with last i 12. Where would yon lest like to lire f..M 13. Your fay oilte occupation f .. nr CCCi^z^a 7/ The trait of character yon s 7 n /' _ * /m 1j *' most admire in man t _ - . 15. m woman $ *7fl Wp 2 q The trait you most r y, t C f n, , y detest in each f.. luccsWi . . QCuuC..cflWWg . jkJlhzC&ckn _ If not yourself,\ who would y 7 r\ / * mm. •Y'ntil/) p-v* "ho. 9 "T?' 7 ' my> ^ s von rather le f t! "f . 7 . 7 . ff~\ . ~T 18. Your idea of happiness ? 1 . of misery $ Tryssuf. 6l ferret 'CCvtf yifj, n v r g The sullimest passion of which^ f (j / jl// / x| human nature is capalle f _ f si , fn/cifsmcH Csjl yHte zuW pfo. - m 7 21 . capaoi The sweetest words "^ ^ a a in the world ? _ W Hfu .f oUC J C fvufo l ^ c f/oiw // /(si/ ' // 22. The saddest f _ $Is hc^ul y&> fy. Z) (Tr /nff _ 23. Your motto ? fShruW _ ~ . \Ajj u 4> Qo zf- G'i'fQ.JLA. . 2$digs Yt - 'hr-ts /j2^ . _y , Jft . the year flames, male and female i (Poets f„..cZ^?. & .-Z Color f . 2. Flow erf..... 3. TrPP f 4 . ree j Hour in the day? P? Season of the year f .. q flames, male and female ?_ f (Poets f _ 8. Prose authors f. Character in Pomance f. 9 . 10 . in History ? . c/ ^2 What book (not religious) would youpart with la**® cv y 12. Where would you best like to live f. 13. Your favorite occupation f .. j. The trait of character you ^ most admire in man f _ 15 . in woman t ... 26 The trait you most detest in each f . . . . 7 „ If not yourself, who would "/ * 7/m/, ■vn.-f/) p.’v* ~hp. 9 you rather be f. 18. Your idea of happiness? ... . of misery . 2 q . The sublimest passion of which human nature is capable . p - The sweetest words in the world ? __ 22. The saddest .. 23. Your motto? .. PLACE FOR PHOTOGRAPH. Tike an ordinary carte de visile, and soak it in cold water for about three hours. The thin paper on which the photograph is printed will peel off from the card without being injured. Let the portrait paper dry, trim it to the neces¬ sary sire, and paste it in this place, very lightly, by the corners, and one or two spots on the side. Let the book be under pressure till the paste dries. The light pasting and pressure are necessary to prevent warping. This method is preferable to the use of the entire carte de visile, as a book suitable for holding the heavy cards without warping, would be very cumbrous. 2 . 3. 4 - 5 . 6 . 7 - 8 . 9 . 10 . 11 . 12 . 13. U- 15. 16. 17 - Tour Favorite Color f . Flow or f ...... Tree ? .. Hour in the day? . i/ Season of the z/ear? . flames, male and female ? . (Poets ? . Prose authors ? . Character in Pomance? .. . in History ? . . . What booTc {not religious) would you part with last ? .. Where would you best Wee to live ? voriie occupation ? . The trait of character you most admire in man ? . . in woman ? . The trait you most detest in each ? .. If not yourself \ who would you rather be . PLACE FOR PHOTOGRAPH. Take an ordinary carte de virile, and soak it in cold water for about three hours The thin paper on which the photograph is printed will peel off from the card without being injured. Let the portrait paper dry, trim it to the neces¬ sary size, and paste it in this place, very lightly, by the corners, and one or two spots on the side. Let the book be under pressure till the paste dries. The light pasting and pressure are necessary to prevent warping. This method is preferable to the use of the entire carte de visile, as a book suitable for holding the heavy cards without warping, would be very cumbrous. ! 18. Your idea of happiness f . . of misery? . 2 q The sublimesi passion of which human nature is capable ? . 22 The sweetest words in the world f . 22 . The saddest 28. Your motto _ y. ® human nature is cavaoie a 9 -. The sweetest words in the world ? .. 22. The saddest? _ 23. Your motto? _ PLACE FOR PHOTOGRAPH. Take an ordinary carte de visile , and soak it in cold water for about three hours. The thin paper on which the photograph is printed will peel off from the card without being injured. Let the portrait paper dry, trim it to the neces¬ sary size, and paste it in this place, very lightly, by the corners, and one or two spots on the side. Let the book be under pressure till the paste dries. The light pasting and pressure are necessary to prevent warping. This method is preferable to the use of tire entire carle de visite , as a book suitable for holding the heavy cards without warping, would be very cumbrous. -..... I I ' • I, i / M' ■ ■ — ' • . • % •• ' ■-< ■ • .