lA/93 to U/29/93 < 4t * &m € I #«L_ ^■■\' ^^a? ^C~jjtf| ' *T OA-TAILOGTTIB ANCIENT & MODERN PICTURES THE PROPERTIES OF THE EXECUTORS OF THE LATE SAMUEL JOB, ESQ., Of Liverpool ; COLONEL R. P. LAURIE, C.B.; .^ome Tmt Draimtt05 of the (Bnglislj & Jfomgn ^rijool, THE PROPERTY OF W. DALLAS 0. GREIG, ESQ.; PICTURES BY OLD MASTERS, THE PROPERTY OF A LADY; ALSO THE COLLECTION OF A GENTLEMAN: WHICH Mill t)p i?olti t)£ Huction, by Messrs. CHRISTIE, MAN80N & WOODS, AT TMMm GEE AT ROOMS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES'S SQUARE, On SATURDAY, JANUARY 21, 1893, AT ONE O'CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues bad, at Messrs. Christie, Manson & Woods' Offices, 8 King Street, St. James's Square, S. W. \^Cy\^ CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THE highest Bidder to he the Buyer ; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is. ; above Five Pounds, 5s. ; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on benalf of the seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer's expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale ; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. r VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots un- cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. On SATURDAY, JANUARY 21, 1893, AT ONE O'CLOCK PRECISELY. The following are the Property of COL. R. P. LAURIE, C.B. ENGRAVINGS. 1 Kemble, as Hamlet, after Sir T. Lawrence, by S. W. Reynolds 2 Nelson, after Hoppner, by Meyer 3 Scenes from the Life of Louis XVI., by M. Bovi i DRAWINGS. J. H. D'EGVILLE. 4 San Geeemia, Venice 5 Venetian Boats D. COX, 6 Cottages and Figures — a pair, early works C. GREEN. 7 The Last Glass ,- f tit /■ mc *><-(. b 2 D. MACLISE, R.A. / 8 Puospero and Miranda D. H. MoKEWAN. j. /j - . - 9 Moorland and Mountain F. R. PICKERSGILL, R.A • /g 10 The Landing of Othello C. ROLT. / „ /ll Hastings vj.2 Cookham Bridge C. WERNER. 7. - ■ - 13 A Moorish Love Tale / PICTURES. T. S. COOPER, R.A., 1867 2 J ~f 14 Sheep in the Snow ^c&^^^-^O W. GALE. 2 15 Head of an Ayah FRENCH SCHOOL. V /O - - 16 Girls at a Window — a pair /? 2 C. SMITH. / j __ 17 A River Scene SIR F. LEIGHTON, P.RA. 9 18 PAOLO E FRANCESCA " Ma solo un punto fu quel che ci vinse Quando legemmo il disiato riso Esser baciato da cotanto aniante, Questi, che mai da me non fia diviso La bocca mi bacio tutto tremante : Galeotto fu'l libro e chi lo scrisse : Quel giomo piii non vi legemmo avante. Exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1861 H. NORLAND 19 Portrait of Mr. Wright C. VAL PRINSEP, A.RA. £^/V S- 20 A VENETIAN GAMING HOUSE IN THE SIXTEENTH / CENTURY " Heureux en amour, malheureux en jeu." Exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1867 MARIESCHI. 21 The Procession of the Nobles 22 The Procession of the People G. SMITH. U~ 23 A Moonlight Scene J 7 he following are the Property of W. DALLAS 0. GBEIG, Esq. WATER COLOUR DRAWINGS. J. BELL. si . /ft. - 24 The Leger ; The Cesarewitch ; and The Great Metropolitan Stakes — a set of three 3 MBS. ALLINGHAM. 2 //- 25 Washing Bay Jo-z>f£ BIEKET FOSTEE. j 2 26 A Fishing Village BIEKET FOSTEE. 2 J' 27 A View on the Ehine— oval BIEKET FOSTEE. J I 28 Spuing Flowers /^^ BIRKET FOSTEE. ^^X 29 A Stokm . A BIEKET FOSTER. V. CHEVILLlARl). ^J 81 A PniEBT ANP IIIK MONKET A* ^V E. W. COOKE, R.A. 32 Yarmouth S. T. DADD. 33 A Dog and Cock /*€U~^- W. L. LEITCI1, 1839. 37 View in Catania HARLAMOFF 34 A Peasant Girl ^^^^ J. ISRAELS. 35 Interior of a Cottage /Vc<^-&j E. K. JOHNSON. 36 At the Organ lL^/Zj ch W. L. LEITCH £ 38 An Italian View /"W^^tv J. LINNELL, Sen. ? 39 Hay-making : Mid-day rest TOM LLOYD. 40 Taking Home the Cow and Calf V // TOM LLOYii. 41 The Barley Field A^/' 8 ^^^^ TOM LLOYD. £ / 42 The Harvest Moon E. LUNDGREN. '0 . - - 43 A Fkuit Set-ler L. MARCIIETTI. /J'/ 44 The Dispatch P. MARIA. fa . — - — 45 A Mandolin 1'layer E. TOFANO. / _ . - 46 Head of a Girl E. TOFANO. / /£) . — 47 Going for a Walk ^« J. M. W. TURNER, It A. £0 48 Harlech Castle R. THORNE WAITE. j ^ 49 A Woody Landscape, with sheep djorrcCe^t- & E. M. WIMPERIS. // 50 A Valley, with sheep H, B. WILLIS. //._.- 51 Highland Cattle F. WALKER, A.R.A. J'/ 52 FATHER'S DINNER , AnrM, PICTURES. ?~" F. MIRALLES. 53 The Guitar Player ; and the Companion — unframed cJ^t^^- J 3 - H. BRELkjNG, 7 , 54 Hawking — unframed /£*~e*~^. HARLAMOFF. 55 Head of a Girl JAN VAN BEERS, 1883. 56 A Girl JL V. CAPOBIANCHI. 57 The Mandolin Shop TITO CONTI. 58 A Smoker TITO CONTI. 59 The New Weapon J. EHRENTRANT. 60 The Guitar Player CONRAD M. KEISEL. 61 Apple Blossom c/o~z>~/'JL G. KUEHL. . - 83 A Battle Scene / 20 ALBEETINELLI. 84 The Salutation J. WARD, E.A., 1832. tf 85 Ewes and Lambs in a Landscape c^t^Vc S TENIERS. /£) 86 A Village Kekmesse /voi^u^e^ UNKNOWN. 87 A Female Saint /h^^c/^f^ * -J 13 P?r T. JONES BARKER. [88 The Farm of Hougomont: after the Battle J. ISRAELS. 89 SAILING THE TOY BOAT $* fiLz^c/p E. H. NIEMANN. . - 90 Kirkbt Overblow, on the Wharfe, Yorkshire GUSTAVE DORE, 1868. 91 Christ Leaving the Pr^etorium A Sketch for the Large Work The following are from, the Collection of SAMUEL JOB, Esq., deceased, late of Liverpool. Sold by Order of the Executors, R. J. BOND. 9 2 On the Dingle R. P. BONINGTON. 93 A Coast Scene, with children and fish /6usl /. C • > / zW^> R. P. BONINGTON. 94 St. Mark's Quay, with the Dogana and the Church of Santa Maria della Salute, Venice /- 6 14 A. FRASER, 1809. 95 The Doubtful Shilling J. C. HORSLEY, R.A. 96 Father's Grave — an early loork /J G. LANCE. 97 Grapes and Plums G. LANCE. \98 A Vase, with peaches and grapes f -Jr0-&stJz S G. LANCE. j fo 99 A Fruit Piece, with ewer and glass / SJ G. MORLAND. 100 FISHERMEN DEPARTING Signed, and dated 1792 J 3 G. MORLAND. 101 THE SHEPHERD'S MEAL Signed, and dated 1793 G. MORLAND. 102 A SPORTSMAN RELIEVING A POOR FAMILY /V*££t4 Signed jOy.H^ W. MULLER, 1837. 2 / 103 A Swiss View, with a female peasant on a mule, and goats 15 ERSKINE NICOL, A.R.A. ^ 104 Paddy's Siesta /Xjcw^ " Oil ! sleep, it id a gentle thing, Beloved from pole to pole." — Coleridge. T. WESTCOTT. 105 A Sea Piece, with fishing boats T. WESTCOTT. 106 A Rural Scene J. WRIGHT (of Derby), 107 A Lighthouse : Moonlight J. WRIGHT (of Derby). JL08 Coniston Lake J. WRIGHT (of Derby). 109 The Bay of Naples OLD MASTERS. ALBANO. 110 Christ Blessing Little Children JAN ASSELYN. 111 A Mountainous Landscape, with peasants and animals crossing a ford BOUT and BODWYNS. 112 A Landscape, with figures and horses at an inn door 16 f^^f^^ - A. (gfUYP . / y 113 A Coast Scene, with fishing boats u^Crv^t^^t^ ^^ A. CUYP. /J' 114 A Landscape, with church and animals ^ /» 'f~C^UO'-*5tsC^ f/. J. EARLY GERMAN. 135 The Martyrdom of a Saint : The wing of a triptych, with a saint on the reverse HOBBEMA. /Z 135 A Woody Landscape, with cottage, and peasants feeding poultry J. LE DUC. / fo 136 Interior, with a Lady, seated at her toilet cfcJL&^f&i. . 19 ^ N. MAES. /#. - 137 Portrait of a Dutch Gentleman ^to^o^A^ MEMLINC. 138 A Triptych, with the Crucifixion in the centre, St. John and St. Margaret on the wings : the Annunciation in grisaille outside J. C. MERTENS. 9 . - 139 Interiors, with a Musical Party, and figures at a repast — a pair 2 Signed P. MIEEIS. 140 A Lady and a Child, with a dog, attended by a negro page Signed and dated, 1665 MIGNARP. 141 Louis XIV. when Young OPIE. r*. - 142 A Mother and Child, with a Kitten A. PALAMEDES. 143 Interior of a Guard-room Z e J^^z^^^t^u- Signed and dated, 1665 i ROMNEY. 144 Portrait of Mrs. Trimmer &£o 20 J. F. RIGAUD, R.A. J 145 A Landscape, with ruins, with portrait of the artist and a £ "J^j. musician VANDYCK. S 146 The Dead Christ, with the Marys and Joseph of Arimathea x^^ H. VAN EYCK. /> 147 The Interior of a Cathedral, with the baptism of Antoine £ op WILSON. 'V. /^ • - 149 A Biver Scene, with figures on a terrace finis. London: Printed by Wm. Clowes & Sons. Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross. Jf r^>\ %?•**. & • 5 * iMM 1 it ». * f MJT !► TT P * « A» - • |5p~ ;^ TT-,^ arrrv center \* ,# * GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE 3 3125 009871050