L;. \ '■■ '. \ \ ■ _^ ^5^ V^ r^^t%. E.W LLOYB -^ ^^ r* * *'^ iV A-^ \ % ^ »* t W ^:=^^ OF MODERN PICTURES i@lat^r-r0l0itr Brattrings. PEOM THE COLLECTION OF THE LATE COLONEL MCMUEDO AND FROJVI VARIOUS PRIVATE SOURCES; ALSO Two Fine Portraits by G. ROMNEY, THE PROPERTY OF SIR THOMAS THOENHILL, Bart. : WHICH Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES'S SQUARE, On SATURDAY, JULY 21, 1894, AT ONE o'CLCiCK PRECISELY. c.J*Cc May be viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues liad, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods' Offices, 8 King Streeif St. James s Square, S. W. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer ; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less th^n Is. ; above Five Pounds, 5s. ; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer's expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale ; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot ; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale ; and the remainder of the Purchase-Monev must absolutely be paid on the delivery. ni. Dpon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; ail Lots un- cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. (>»:« On SATURDAY, JULY 21, 1894, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN, DRAWINGS. G. A. FRIPR 1 Hatfield: Sonning ''^'^'V- X^M^n^ J. MOGFORD. 2 On the Coast of Arran /^x/'/ 12 On the Welsh Coast /x>./i 13 BuRPHAM : near Arundel pX"H 14 Welsh Mountains ^x/v- 15 Dee Sands ^x// 16 Near Barmouth ^^ ^c>Hm — 17 Blackwall BONINGTON. yy^c(MCo X ^/i. T. GIRTIN. 18 The Rainbow /^x/S 1 19 Lake akd Mountains?-^''' '20 Battebsea Reach //x/^ 21 Near Exmouth TURNER. X <:wL2. PICTURES. A. EVERSHED. 22 Old Houses : Sandwich /.'*• x/ o 23 LiTTLEHAMPTON MiLL ^ 24 Strand on the Green .'6^- .^Ai/^9, dO A Landscape, with sheep, a church and hills in the bajpkground puMj^ rPZ 41 A Moorland Scene, with hills in, the background ^^W^«^ /iL J. ORROCK, R.L 42 A YoRKSHiRE<^IS[ooR, with a sportsman Exhibited /S-x-^ 43 BODLDBRS ON THE COAST — 1867 ^V 44 An Old Hdlk, in the Solent— 1869/^'^ 45 A Coast Scene: rough water — 1870 /x^ 46 The Solent— 1871 V^x^ 47 A Landscape, with cottage — 1872 3c 66 The Communion v^^o ^-V^ A. FERRARIS. ^ 67 ViBiTi DU Grand Chbik a l'Universite au Caire yM.M&i, G. BEETEGNIER. 68 In the Market Place *^x/6 ^y^^-i^-tKr P. JOANOWITZ. 1 69 The Guard H. REELING. r 70 The Spy E. ZIMMERMAN %- 71 A Serenade E. DUEZ. 72 In the Bois -^ /^ G. SCHACKINGER. 73 A Venetian Lady /'Xft- E. SVETISLAV. 74 A Feuit Merchant / ^ W. S. JAY. •^ 75 The Return of Spring ^^^^ UoMo UkUc W. LOGSDAIL, 1880. ^' 76 In Antwerp, 1800 ^^^^ W. LOGSDAIL. -• - 77 The Eubtio Bridge ^^^9 10 J/.i 78 Venice "^^'^ W. LOGSDAIL. W. LOGSDAIL. ^AA^£hy /'A- 79 A Welsh Chimney Cobner ^Yh H^vJL The following are the Property of the late COLONEL McMURDO. P. CHALMEKS. 80 The Old Widower ^^xJ2_ tr^eu JiO Jitr Jit ^ 7 J. W. GODWARD, 1889. 81 A Greek Girl ^^y N. STEFANO, 1889. 82 Interior of St. Mark's, Venice A. BEANDEIS. 83 CoBTiTB DE Palazzo Ducale A. BEANDEIS. 84 La Fonta di Tuevi a Eoma ISABEY. 85 Children Playing with Dogs , ^yfo oQ. CXHypx^ 11 The following are the Property of A GENTLEMAN. J. AECHER, R.S.A. 86 How THE Young Lady Stood to Velasquez BACKHOUSE. 87 Whiter than Snow ^ ^^/S" CROME. 88 A Woody Landscapb 1, with cottage «0(// R. GARDEN. 89 Going Home 'y-Ki'x- F. D. HARDY. 90 The Toilet /i^-K/V E. T. LUCAS. 91 The Angleb /^-x,/t> A. LUGARDON. 92 Neab Lake Geneva — a pair H. S. MARKS, R.A. 93 Ned Poynty 9-k ^ R. MENGS. 94 Peteb of Obvieto ^iv/{f_ 2 12 ^ MIGNET. 95 Lagunb at Guayaquil /d^y^xc J. MICAS. /'A 96 Pet Babbits F. MUSIN. yA 97 A Coast Scene E. OLIVER. ^■■A 98 Mart, Queen op Soots /oxr ^/^ E. OSBORN. 99 Children with Holly 6% ^~ jPETHER. 100 The Tower, by night ^OK-xy A 'd/nx/j yWiT: ^ *--riff^rrJ'i^^^7\, Ov <^A ^oi/nji/ yA r / A. E. ROBINSON. 101 A Street Arab /f^/^ OTTO SCHOLDERER. 102 A Girl, with a basket of fruit A. SCHULTZ. 103 RiVEB SOKNES, with figures — a 'pair J. VARLEY. 104 Windsor Castle— dmiomgr ^tf »-^4Wi nhs»i^c-r\y 2 13 W?WEST. 105 Falls of I^VER8NAID ■^pasQ, L. J. WOOD. /^ 106 Rouen Cathedral /^i\/6 W. F. YEAMES, R.A, 107 Rustic Coubtship tx^ ^ "/r^ "U^ 108 The Crucifixion DURER. •2c K/^ ^^^<^i^^Kyy\/?L/r\yn, TEE PROPERTY OF A LADY. PICTURES. 109 A Forest Scene, with a hunting party ^)s6o <^\>^-ri'yryotyyyrv 110 A Woody River Scene h-oxSv '^^^^l/^-ldy CRADDOCK. 1 11 Birds — a 'pair — on copper /■»- x / ^ 2 P. PANNINI. y. 6 112 The Forum at Rome ^^-*^ ^aocAUl 14 3; JOSEPH VERNET. 113 A RIVER SCENE, with buildings, boats and figures S^aA Signed, and dated 177G E. TILY. 114 A River Scene, with rustic bridge UNKNOWN. 115 A View op a Church, with figures 116 A Garden Scene, with figures rxjOy^nJi, A DIFFERENT PROPERTY, DRAWINGS. 117 Zaandam .^ /iMA.'yUKoAynJi. H. HERKOMER, R.A. 121 At Cookham J/i^ -*. 6 PM. 'dia/n^ 15 R. W. MACBETH, A.R.A. '3.^ 122 A Stage Coach: Moonlight ^■^i^M/fZTT G. J. PINWELL. 123 Regent's Park: Winter ci>>^ jCdT" 124 Sketch of a Woman Jx5 125 A Study of Figuees.*^^ 126 Interior : a study ^r ^ J. MACBETH, 1873. 127 Evening Practice '^xtj^ A. S. STOKES. 128 Apple Blossom /a--> 135 On the Thames ^<^9 16 7 PICTURES. 186 Ballet Girls ^^5^ C. NAPIER HEMY, 1875. 137 A. Nobth-East Gale, coast of Scotland G. J. PIN WELL. 138 In the Fields J~*.S' ) I \ [139 The Flower Market ^^^ L. ALMA TADEMA, R.A. 140 Connoisseurs ffXtf J4aMJ\i£ AJii/Ti/tJOi- 1/nt --^tP /'QJia/yv ^i ¥- A DIFFERENT PROPERTY. DRAWINGS. S. PALMER. 141 Returned from India /<"^^<' E. DUNCAN, 1850. 142 A Dredger on the Medwat G. A. BENWELL. 143 Arabs in Sight op Jerusalem— pc/wre Vr. /VfLG- 17 A. PAESONS. 144 Blackthorn y 4^7*9 i^^^-Zurruan^/ G. CHAMBERS, 1836. 145 A Harbour Scene, with shipping — picture -^/uMS^kJU PICTURES. G. MOELAND. 146 The Interior of a Stable f^'V '(H^i'UrvA SIE THOMAS LAWEENCE, P.E.A. ^ 147 Portrait of Mrs. Blackshaw, sister of Beau Brummell Jy^ The folloicing are the Property of SIR THOMAS THORNHILL, Bart. G. EOMNEY. ^ 148 MES. THOENHILL, wife of Thomas Tbornhill, Esq. l^A^iy^yyj;- ^^0 /^aAtoaA- 30 in. by 25 in. '5^ Iz/X/ .-- -?^ 11^