t ( I ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE AND PRICE LIST OF THE •a* Patent Champion SASH-:-LOCKS AND CHAMPION SPOKESHAVE. MANUFACTURED BY THE Champion Safety Lock Co., CLEVELAND, • OHIO. U. S. A. I / f-. © © 1893 © © CATALOGUE AND PRICE-LIST OF THE cnmapioii sasn locks MANUFACTURED BY The Champion Safety Lock 6o., SOLE MANUFACTURERS AND PROPRIETORS. CLEVELAND, O., U. S. A. Co/' 'S' NOTICE TO THE TRADE. ' 3 I N PRESENTING you with our 1893 Catalogue, we take pleasure in calling your attention to the fact that we manufacture the most complete line of Sash Locks of any manufacturer in the country, and fully satisfy the varied demands of the building public with our three forms of Sash Locks, viz : The Champion Meetingrail Lock, (made in four sizes.) The Champion Side Lock, (made in two sizes.) The Champion Mortise Lock. These Locks are made in all the popular finishes, and any special finish desired. All our Sash Locks are manufactured under patents, and we caution all parties against making, using or selling Sash Locks which are an infringement on our patents. Thanking our customers for their liberal patronage in the past, we are with best wishes. Yours Truly, THE CHAMPION SAFETY LOCK CO. THE GETTY CENTEf^ HBRARY THE CHAMPION SAFETY LOCK CO. 2 THE CHAMPION PATENT ADJUSTABLE AND REVERSIBLE SPOKE SHAVE Fig. 1 .—Champion Adjustable and Reversible Spokeshave. Fig. 2 .—Back View of Champion Spokeshave. This tool is a recent invention and is far superior to any other spoke shave in the market. Its blade can be easily adjusted so as to cut fine or coarse. It Avill cut on a flat surface, and can be quickly re¬ versed so as to cut on a small curve, which is a decided advantage over all other spoke shaves. The workmanship is first-class. The many mechanics who are already using them are unanimous in their verdict, that it is the best and most practical spoke shave they have ever used, and would not part with it for several times its cost if another could not be had. The tool is guaranteed to be perfect in every respect Retail Price - - - - SO.75 Liberal Discount to Trade. 3 THE CHAMPION SAFETY LOCK CO. POINTS OF MERIT OF THE Gliairipioii '^•JVEeetingpail'S* Locl^. Three things are demanded in a modern Meetingrail Sashlock, viz.: To pick up the sash from that point to which it usually rebounds, and raise it to its proper position. Perfect security against opening or picking from the out side, and to lock the sash so as to prevent them from rattling. THE CHAMPION MEETINGRAIL LOCK meets this demand in every particular. It has the merit of extreme simplicity combined with the greatest efficiency of any lock now known. It has remarkable strength, works easy and locks securely. Architects, Builders and Hardware Dealers everywhere bear testimony to their unequaled merits. A thorough investigation will convince you of their superiority over all others. Patented Cliampien Sash Litter. No. 64. Iron-Bronzed.List Price, per dozen, $ 40 No. 66. Real Bronze Plain. “ “ 1 50 Packed, j Dozen in a Box. These lifiers are a great convenience for operating modern single light sashes. They overcome the difficulties met especially in adjusting the sashes where inside screens or sliding blinds are used. One or more lifters are placed at accessible points on both sides of the sash (by the side of the glass) and thus they are never in the way of anything, but always in easy reach to move the sash. The shape of the under side of the base is made to conform to the Ogee or bevel of the sash. Their convenience is highly appreciated by all who use them. THE CHAMPION SAFETY LOCK CO. 4 DESCRIPTIVE PRICE-LIST • -AND-- . POINTS OF MERIT -OF- CHAMPION MORTISE LOCKS. PER DOZ. No. 60. Malleable Iron Lock, Plain Real Bronze Metal Key.$8 00 These Locks do away with the annoyance of rattling windows, as the sash when locked is as firm as in a vice. They are neat, being all ont of sight, except the handle of the key. They are durable, made of malleable iron, no springs and can be mortis¬ ed with a one inch bit. One of the principal advantages gained by the use of them is that you can raise or lower your sash for ventilation and at the same time have it locked securely. They do not damage the finish on a window. They have been in extensive use for a number of years and ate giving universal satisfaction. 5 THE CHAMPION SAFETY LOCK CO. POINTS OF MERIT OF THE CHAMPION SIDE SASH LOCKS. Patented Aug. 7, 1883, Aug. 2S, 1885, and Jan 26, 1886. The Champion Side Sash Locks do away with the incessant rattling of the windows, as the sash, when locked, is as firm as in a vice. They will lock the sash, upper or lower securely at any desired point, affording an excellent and safe means of ventilation. By simple pressure against the sash, when locking, it acts as a weather¬ strip, and keeps out the dust and cold air. They are neat in appearance, easily put on, cannot get out of order, and do not damage the finish of the window. They are CHEAP, SIMPLE, DLTRABLE, made of malleable iron or bronze metal, have no springs to break or rubber to soften or wear out. They are just the thing for window screens or sashes without weights. These locks have been in extensive use for a number of years and have rapidly gained the public favor from the Atlantic to the Pacific Coast. Try them and you will buy them. BEWARE OF WORTHLESS IMITATIONS. THE CHAMPION SAFETY LOCK CO. 6 DESCRIPTIVE PRICE-LIST . . OF THE . . CHAMPION SIDE SASH LOCKS. No. 10 No 12. No. 15. No 18. No. 19 No. 20 No. 22 No. 25. No. 28. No. 30. No. 32. No. 35. ORNAMENTAL AND PLAIN. PER DOZ. Ornamental Malleable Iron, Bronzed..$1 20 Ornamental Malleable Iron, Polished, Bronzed. 1 40 Plain Malleable Iron, Bronzed, Nickle Plated Face. 1 80 Plain Malleable Iron, Polished, Electro Bronze Plated. 1 75 Ornamental Malleable Iron, Polished, Electro Bronze Plated, No. 3 Finish. 1 75 Plain Real Bronze Metal, Polished. 3 50 Plain Real Brass Metal, Polished. 3 50 Ornamental Real Bronze Metal, Polished, No. 3 Finish. 3 50 Plain Real Bronze Metal, Polished, Nickle Plated. 4 00 SPECIAL LARGE SIZE. Ornamental Bronze Metal, Bronzed. 3 50 Ornamental Bronze Metal, Bronzed, Polished face. 5 00 Ornamental Bronze Metal, Polished, No. 3 Finish. 6 00 LEFT HANDED SIDE LOCKS. No. 40. Plain Real Bronze Metal, Polished. 3 50 No. 48. Plain Real Bronze Metal, Polished, Nickle Plated.4 00 The above two styles are for the left hand side of the sash and of the same size as the No. 20. Packed, one dozen in a box, with screws to match. THE CHAMPION SAFETY LOCK CO. DESCRIPTIVE PRICE-LIST . . OF THE . . 0HAAVP1ON SASH LO(3K5. SIZE No. 1 , ORNAMENTAL. DOZ. No. 403. Ornamental Iron, Bronzed. SI 20 No. 404. Ornam’l Iron, Bronzed, Bronze Metal Lever, No. 1 Finish 1 95 No. 405. Ornam’l Iron, Bronzed,Bronze Metal Lever, No. 3 Finish 1 95 No. 406. Ornamental Iron, Bronzed, Plain Bronze Metal Lever... 2 10 No. 407. Ornamental Iron, Coppered. 1 40 No. 408. Ornamental Iron, Electro Bronze Plated, No. 1 Finish.. 3 80 No. 409. Ornamental Iron, Electro Bronze Plated, No. 3 Finish.. 3 80 No. 411. Ornamental Heal Bronze Metal, Polished, No. 1 Finish. 6 65 No. 413. Ornamental Real Bronze Metal, Polished, No. 3 Finish. 3 65 No. 414. Ornamental Real Bronze Metal, Polished, No. 4 Finish. 6 65 Packed, one dozr?i in a Iwx, wiiii screws /o match. THE CHAMPION SAFETY LOCK CO. 8 DESCRIPTIVE PRICE-LIST . . OF THE . . 6HAA\PION SASH LOSK5. SIZE No. 1, PLAIN. DOZ, No. 400 Plain Iron, Bronzed.$ 1 35 No. 401 Plain Iron, Bronzed, Plain Bronze Metal Lever. 2 15 No. 402 Plain Iron, Coppered. 1 55 No. 410 Plain Iron, Polished, Electro Bronze Plated. . .. 4 25 No. 410A. Plain Iron, Bower Barff. 3 35 No. 410At'. Plain Iron, Polished, Bower Barff. 3 00 No. 410B. Plain Iron, Polished, Old Copper Finish. 4 00 No. 410N. Plain Iron, Polished, Nickel Plated. 5 75 I N . 415 Plain Rea’ Bronze Metal, Polished. 7 15 I N •>. 415X. Plain Real Brass Metal, Polished. 7 15 No. 416 Plain Real Bronze Metal, Polished, No. 2 Finish . 7 15 No. 417 Plain Real Bronze Metal, Polished, Nickel Plated. 8 65 No. 415A. Plain Real Bronze Metal, Polished, Old Copper Finish. 7 90 No. 415AM. Plain Real Bronze Metal, Copper, Mottled Finish. 7 90 No. 415B. Plain Real Bronze Metal, Polished, Antique Copper Finish. 7 90 N . 415C. Plain Real Brass Metal, Polished, Old Brass Finish. 7 90 No. 415D. Plain Real Brass Metal, Polished Antique Brass Finish. 7 90 No. 415E. Plain Real Bronze Metal, Polished, Old Silver Finish. 10 25 No. 415F. Plain Real Bronze Metal, Polished, Antique Silver Finish. 10 25 Packed, one dozen in a box, with screws to match. THE CHAMPIOI^ SAFETY LOCK CO. 10 DESCRIPTIVE PRICE-LIST . . OF THE . . CHAMPION SASH LOCHS. SIZE No. 2, PLAIN. PER DOZ. No. 200. Plain Iron, Bronzed. $1 40 No. 205. Plain Iron, Bronzed, Plain Bronze Metal Lever.2 25 No. 207. Plain Iron, Coppered.;. 1 GO No. 110. Plain Iron, Polished, Electro Bronze Plated.. 4 50 No. 110A. Plain Iron, Bower Barft'ed. 3 00 No. IIOAP. Plain Iron, Polished, Bower Barffed. 4 00 No, HOB. Plain Iron, Polished, Old Copper Finish. 5 50 No. IIO.N Plain Iron, Polished, Nickle Plated. 6 00 | No. 115. Plain Real Bronze Metal, Polished. . 7 50 No. 115X. Plain Real Brass Metal, Polished. 7 50 No. 116. Plain Real Bronze Metal, Polished, No. 2 Finish. 7 50 No. 117, Plain Real Bronze Metal, Polished, Nickle Plated . 9 00 ! No. 115A. Plain Real Bronze Metal, Polished, Old Copper Finish_ 8 25 No. 115 AM.Plain Real Bronze Metal, Polished. Copper Mottled Finish.. 8 25 No, 115B. Plain Real Bronze Metal, Polished, Antique Copper Finish 8 25 No. 115C. Idain Real Brass Metal, Polished, Old Brass Finish. 8 25 No. 115D, Plain Beal Brass Metal, Polished, Antique Brass Finish... 8 25 No. 115E. Plain Real Bronze Metal, Polished, Old Silver Finish.10 50 No. 115F, Plain Real Bronze Metal, Polished, Antique Silver Finish. .10 50 Packed, one dozen in a box, with screws to match. 11 THE CHAMPION SAFETY LOCK CO, DESCRIPTIVE PRICE-LIST . . OF THE . . CHAMPION SASH LOCKS. SIZE No. 3, ORNAMENTAL. No. 303. No. 304. No. 305. No. 306. No. 307. PER DOZ. Ornamental Iron, Bronzed.$ 2 25 Ornamental Iron, Bronzed, Bronze Metal Lever, No.l Finish 4 00 Ornamental Iron, Bronzed, Bronze Metal Lever, No.3 Finish 4 00 Ornamental Iron, Bronzed, Plain Bronze Metal Lever. 4 25 Ornamental Iron, Coppered. 2 75 No, 308. Ornamental Iron, Polished, Electro Bronze Plated, No. 1 Finish . 6 50 No. 309. Ornamental Iron, Polished, Electro Bronze Plated, No, 3 Finish. 6 50 No. 311. Ornamental Real Bronze Metal, Polished, No. 1 Finish. 10 00 No. 313. Ornamental Real Bronze Metal, Polished, No. 3 Finish. 10 00 No. 314. Ornamental Real Bronze Metal, Polished, No. 4 Finish_ 10 00 Packed, one dozen in a box, ivith screzvs to match. THE CHAMPION SAFETY LOCK CO. 12 DESCRIPTIVE PRICE-LIST OF THE CHAMPION Sash locks SIZE No. 3, PLAIN. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 300. 301. 302. 310. 310A. 310AP. 31 OB. 315. 315X. 316. 317. 315A. 315 AM 315B. 315C. 315D. 315E. 315F. Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain PER DOZ. Iron, Bronzed.$ 2 25 Iron, Bronzed, Plain Bronze Metal Lever. ... 4 Iron, Coppered. 2 Iron, Polished, Electro Bronze Plated. 7 Iron, Bower Barffed. 4 Iron, Polished, Bower Barffed. 6 Iron, Polished,Old Copper Finish. 8 Real Bronze Metal, Polished. 10 Real Brass Metal, Polished . 10 Real Bronze Metal, Polished, No. 2 Finish. 10 Real Bronze Metal, Polished, Nickle Plated. 12 Real Bronze Metal, Polished, Old Copper Finish. 11 Real Bronze Metal, Polished, Copper Mottled Finish... 11 Real Bronze Metal, Polished, Antique Copper Finish.. 11 Real Brass Metal, Polished, Old Brass Finish. 11 Real Brass Metal, Polished, Antique Brass Finish. 11 Real Bronze Metal, Polished, Old Silver Finish. 13 Real Bronze Metal, Polished, Antique Silver Finish.... 13 25 90 00 50 00 00 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Packed, one dozen in a box, with screws to match. 13 THE CHAMPION SAFETY LOCK CO. DESCRIPTIVE PRICE-LIST . . OF THE . . CHAMPION SASH LOCKS SIZE No. 4, ORNAMENTAL. i Packed one-half dozen in a box with screzvs to match. | PER POZ. No. 124. Ornamental Iron Bronzed.I? 3 00 No. 125. Ornamental Iron, Bronzed, Plain Bronzed Metal Lev’er. 5 00 No. 123. Ornamental Iron, Pcjlished, Electro Bronze Plated No. 3 Finish 0 00 No. 121. Ornamental Real Bronze Metal, Polished, No. 3 Finish . IG 00 THE CHAMPION SAFETY LOCK CO. 14 DESCRIPTIVE PRICE-LIST . . OF THE . . CHAMPION SASH LOCKS SIZE No. 4, PLAIN. PER DOZ. No, 135. Plain Iron, Bronzed,. $3 OU No. 136. Plain Iron Bronzed, Plain Bronze Metal Lever. 4 50 No. 122. Plain Iron, I'olished, Electro Bronze Plated. 10 00 No. 122A. Plain Iron, Bower Barfted. 5 50 No. 122A1’. Plain Iron, Polished, Bower Barffed. 7 50 No. 122B. I’lain Iron, Polished, Old Copper Finished. 12 00 No. 119.- Plain Beal Bronze Metal, Polished. 17 00 No. 119X. Plain Beal Brass Metal, Polished. 17 00 No. 120. Plain Beal Bronze Metal, Polished, Nickel Plated. 20 00 No. 119A. Plain Beal Bronze Metal, Polished, Old Copper Finish ... 18 25 No. 119AM. Plain Beal Bronze Metal, Polished, Copper Mottled Finish 18 25 No. 119B. Plain Beal Bronze Metal, Polished, Antique Copper Finish.. 18 25 No, 119C. Plain Beal Brass Metal, Polished, Old Brass Finish. 18 25 No. 119D. Plain Beal Brass Metal, Polished, Antique Brass Finish.. 18 25 No. 119E. Plain Beal Brass Metal, Polished, Old Silver Finish. 20 00 No. 119F. Plain Beal Bronze Metal, Polished, Antique Silver Finish 20 00 Packed one-half dozen in a box, zuith screzvs to match. ETTY CENTER LIBRARY I lllillillllllll 3 3125 00140 5840