Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/catalogueofcolleOObark At 7 1-2 o’clock P. M. A sufficient deposit will be required from all purchasers, at the option of the auctioneer, which deposit shall apply to all articles purchased at this sale. All purchases must be paid for and the articles removed within twenty-four hours after the close of the sale, or the deposit will be forfeited and the sale annulled, at the option of the auctioneer. All reclamations must be made on or before 12 o’clock A. M. of the day after the sale. CL. k a ■ - - - ■ ' ' ■ LIBRARY NO. M.KNOEDLEB&CO, 9 556-8 Fifth Ave. ACC New York * Vi\e CATALOGUE. 1 Photograph Views of Home. 2 2 Old Pictures—Figure Pieces. A. D. B. 3 Interior—Mother and Child. ROSSITER (T. P.) 4 View in Orange Co. HOMER (Winslow.) f> Sharpshooters. \ HILLIARD 6 Madame DuFont. CRAYON (Paul.) 7 Morning on the Lake. > HOPE (J.) 8 Gray Squirrel. COOPER (London) 9 Interior—Stable MARTIN E. 10 Sunset. 2 MARTINE. 11 Companion. FRANCIS (W.) 1 1 12 Marine. 13 Portrait. 10 WILLIS (A. V.) 14 Watching the Baby 6 F AIRMAN. / 15 Rest in the Wood. fa DeVOS il 16 Steeple Cliase. JULLIARD (L. ) 17 Chickens. 1 &~ 18 Coast Scene. 19 Companion. /sP NEHLIG- (Y.) U /— ' 20 The Flower Market. HOIJGET, (Chas) f 21 Marine. SCHAEFR. K 22 Swiss Scene. 3 HOYOLL, (Philip) 23 Our Pet Polly. HOYOLL (Philip.) 24 Done it at Last. ROSSITER (T. P. ) 25 Hot Day. BROWN (W. M.) 26 Fruit. NEHLIG (Y.) 27 Hiding the Love Letter. VERMEULEN (A. F. J.) 28 Effect bv Candle Li Hit. BLOCK (LhonE) 29 Jaungrrau, Lauterbrunen. water color / V BORLAND (A.) 30 Trout Fishing. BROWN (W. M.) 31 Strawberries. P J, MULLER (Carl.) 32 The Card Players GAY. (Edward.) 33 The Meadow. 4 CQDEHAUSY (Alfred.) 34 Marine. WILLIAMSON (J.) 35 Morning on Hudson River. RICHARDSON (S.) 36 Harvest. White Mountains. CAROBAIN. 37 Street Scene in Amsterdam. ORDWAY (A) 38 Near Concord, Mass. BUSH (N.) 39 A glimpse of the Cordilleras. PATROIS. 40 Peasant Girls. MOZIN, (C. H.) 41 Mountain Torrent. YOUNG,, (H. O.) 42 Scene in Yo-Semite Valley. BREVOORT. (J. R.) 43 Autumn, River Bank. GURNOCK, (James) 44 Gypsey Camp, Morning. 5 GURNOCK. (James) 45 Gypsey Camp, Evening. BLAKELOCK. (R. A.) 46 The Charcoal Burners of Agunquit. 1 tv RUYTEN. (J.) Antwerp. 47 Street Scene. 1 6 LANG. (Louis.) 48 The Trappers. (fO McEWAN, (W.) 49 Lazybones IsQ VAN WILLIS. (W.) 50 On the Scent. Op POPE. (J.) 51 Landscape and Cattle. & 'ipj HEKKING. (J. A.) 52 Landscape. McEWAN. (W.) 53 Ain’t it Pretty. BEERS. (Mrs. Julia H.) Vo if/ 54 On Croton River. NEHLIG. (V.) 55 The Excursion Party. 3 A/ POPE (J.) 56 Grapes. V3- POPE (J.) 57 Grapes, companion. BLACKMAN (Walter). 58 View in New Hampshire. BRISTOL (J. B.) 59 View on the Hudson. WASH1NTON (W. D.) 60 Maud. PARTON. (Arthur) 61 Hudson River, Sunset. LASSALLE. (Louis) 63 Dissatisfied VAN MELLAERT. (G.) Antwerp. 68 Exterior, Sheep. VAN MELLAERT. (G.) Antwerp. 64 Interior, Sheep—Companion. POPE. (J.) 65 Landscape and Cattle. MURRILLO. 66 Holy Family, from the Burton collection. BADE. (M.) 67 Madonna. 7 DOLPH (J. H.) 68 Fishermen Hauling the Net. WILLIAMSON. (J.) 69 Adirondac Mountains. PLATHUER, (R.) 70 Teaching the Crow. STRONG, (S. R.) 71 Fruit and Wine. LOCKERT. 72 The Wind Mill. WYANT, (A. H.) 73 The Mountain Stream. CORTES, (A.) 74 Lanpscape and Cattle. DICKEY, (J. F.) 75 Trout Fishing. FOSTER. 76 Fruit. GUY. (J. S.) 77 King Charles’ Spaniel. MELBYE. (F. G. S.) 78 Coast Marine. BERTRAM. Z- / 79 Flowers. 8 BERTRAM. 80 Flowers,—Companion. COOMANS. 81 Coast Scene PEALE. (J. T;), London. 82 Female. GUY (S. J.) 83 Return from the Well. VAN OPSTAL. 84 Madonna, Infant Savior. ROSITER. (T. P.) 85 Scene on the Hudson. BOONE. (Const.) 86 Mendicants. // 30 2-0 ORDWAY. (A.) 87 Artist’s Fall, North Conway, N. H. HE SENG-ROURT. (Aline) 88 The Pleasure Party. CARTER. (D. M.) 89 The Wise and Foolish Virgin. LAUX. (A.) 90 Fruit and Wine. PRATT. (R. M.) 91 Apple Blossoms ST ACHE Y. (A.) 92 The Guitarist. LOVERIDGE. (C.) 93 Morning. LOVERIDGE. (C.) 94 Evening. 95 Beatrice. STOVER. (A.) 96 Moonlight. TAYLOR. (E.) 97 Lillies. MARSDEN. 98 Lady Thorne. GA1NESBOROUGH. 10 Second Evening. VAN WILLIS. (W.) 100 Fox after Game. WALLER. River Scene. 102 Street Scene. CANATELLO. 108 View in Italy. WIGGINS. (J. C.) 104 Landscape, Spring. MERVINS. 105 Boats on the Shore—Water Color. 106 The Young Hawker—Water Color. Coast Scene—Water Color. The Hog Khell—Pencil drawing. Winter Landscape—Pencil Drawing. Swiss View—Water Color. The Battle—Water Color. 11 WARD. (M. A.) 112 Flowers—Water Color. WARD. (M. A.) 113 Flowers—Water Color. NEHL1G. (V.) 114 Agriculture—Pencil Drawing. NEHLIG, (V.) 115 Poetry—Companion—Pencil Drawing ANKER, (D.) 116 Street Musician. SOYER, (Paul) 117 Literary Cook. FRERE, (Theo.) 118 Evening Prayer. BROWN, (W.M.) 119 Peaches BARRON, (E.) 120 Watching. DOUGHTY, (Tho.) deceased. 121 The Mountain Torrent. HART, (Wm.) 122 Sketch, Old Mill. MELBYE. 123 Coast View. ROSSITER, (T. P.) 124 Crow Nest on the Hudson. COLLINS, (R. A.) 125 Harbor View. VANDERBILT. 126 Harbor View. CARPENTERO. 127 Interior. DONAGHY. (Jno.j 128 Trout Fishing*. KUHNEN. (F.) 129 Landscape. BADE. (M.) 130 Landscape and Cattle. CRAYON. (Paul.) 131 Twilight. RONDEL. (F.) 132 Sketch. TINTERETTA. 133 Interior. Circumcision. PARKS. (R. H.) 134 Marble Medallion — Innocence. PICKETT. r 135 Marble Medallion. 136 Marble Statue—Tile Prayer. 137 Marble Bust—Madonna. HUTCHINGS. (W. E.) 138 Mount. Tuscorora on the Susquehanna. BLACKMAN. (Walter) 139 Ferns. VAN LEEMPUTTEN. (C.) 140 Sheep. WILLIAMSON. (J.) 141 In the Highlands. McEWAN. (W.) 142 Girl and Sheep. COUTURIER. (P. L.) 143 Chickens. BOLPH. (J. H.) 144 Study of Ravine. POPE. (J.) 145 Landscape and Cattle. DICKEY. (J. F.) 146 Autumn. \ 14 DOLPH. (J. H.) 147 Berries and Apples. MOORMAN (A.) 148 Winter Scene. OGILVIE. (C.) 149 Cottage by the Brook. PAR-TON (Arthur) 150 Landscape. BLAKELOCK (R. A.) 151 The Old Mill. Adirondacks. VAN STARKERBOROUGH (J. N. T. 152 Sunset View from Harper’s Perry. WILLIAMSON (J.) 153 View ('ii the Hudson. IOJPPER. (F.) 154 The Waiting Maid. POPE (J.) 155 Landscape at Plymouth, N. H. TAYLOR (E.) 15G Ctrapes. WIGGANS (J. C.) 157 Landscape. WILLIS (A. V.) 158 English Landscape. 3 ? A : lD 15 SMETZ (L.) 159 Winter Landscape. ORDWAY (A.) 160 White Mountains. / r- ? / o / HUBNER, (Carl) 161 Returned Yoluuteer. AFTER (Bougniet) 162 Returned from the Ball. /fix ( si' WILLIAMSON, (J.) 163 Autumn on the Lake. o i tJ SHAYEK, /VVm.) 164 Landscape and Cattle. THOMPSON, (Jerome) i / m 16 ARNOLD,' (C.) 170 The Music Lesson. WEBB, (0. M.) 17L Sunday Afternoon. NAVIER. (G.) Paris. 172 The Gallant, or If You Please Madam. BREVOORT. (J. R.) 173 Summer, River Bank. BRISTOL. (J. B.) 174 Afternoon. POPE. (J.) 175 Gold Brook, Stowe, Yt. PAIR MAN. (J.) 176 Landscape and Cattle. ARNOUX. (M.) 177 The Little Spinner. SMILLIE. (G. H.),» 178 Lake in the AdArondacks. BLAKELOCK. (R. A.) 179 Valley of Agamenticus, Me. DE GOVAIMI. (G.) 180 The Music Lecture. 181 The Holy Family. CARTA. (W.) Rome. 182 Diana at the Bath. CARTA, (X.) Rome. 188 Peace and Justice. CARTA, (N.) Rome. 184 Charity. VAN LEMPUTTEN. 185 Sheep. BROWN. (W. M.) 186 Pea (“lies. PRATT. (R. M.) 187 Lilly Buds. r xfcfcms. (A.) 188 Interior. M< EWAN. (W.) \ 189 (gathering Chesnuts. CAY. (Edward.) 190 Birches. WALLER. (F.) ' 191 Messina, Italy. WALLER. (F.) 192 St. Malo, Brittany. N EH E R. (M i o i r a el . ) 193 The Gate Way. WALLER, (F.) 194 Sangiorgio, Venice. WILLS. (A. V.) 195 Haying. 196 The Watering Trough LOAMANS. 197 Bay of Naples. NOIL. (.Jules.) 198 Boats on Shore.