No. 1 Self-Inking Model Press, inside of chase, 5 X 7^2 inches, Price, $22.00. FOR PRINTING CARDS. LETTER AND BILL HEADS, SHIPPING TAGS, pimmXl |tak|, |wEtopi, mi |e?Ip^, AND IN FACT ALL PRINTING NECESSARY FOR BUSINESS MEN. rrioo, -Crcyxxx to dSO.OO READY PROOF Printing Prrss is capable of doing with ordinary care and skill. We wish to Bend out the MonM. Pn^-TiNa PiiKSS entirely upon its merits. This is the only true way ot s»icce.ssful introduction. Tiik Modei- 1 hess is creat- ins a sensation wherever seen in operation. The wonderment is how a printing press, so simple iii its construction, and furnished at such a low price, can turn out such excellent work, and so rapidly. There is no mystery in the matter, however. It is simply a perfection of mechanism, which always results in simplicity of construct on. Any boy or girl often or twelve years, with ordinary skill and ingenuity, can produce a job with a MonEi. *"« '^t- ING Press equal to the one here presented, and where extra care and larger experience are brought into requibition even much better work can be done. " The Model Printing Press used by me for over one year gives perfect satisfactioti. I have done several hundred dollars' worth of work on it, and yet it is as good as the day I got it." ^ SAMPSOK, Columbus, 0., General Agent for A. S. Barnes & Co., Publishers, New York. Note — igS^This side of this sheet was printed by us on a power Job Press, (the price of which is $^S|>-<10,) under the direction of a practical printer. OULBEIITSON & BACHE, Printers, 8th and Jayne Sts., Philadelphia. :l « « ; .5* — *o — k!> -.J — ^ — ^ — ji-:^ — -jp — "'1 hi liiEi PiliTlii Pi 14 No. 1 Model Press, size of Chase, 5 x 714 inches. Price, $10.00. Of the Twenty Points of Excellence which we claim for the Moael Printing Press, can be obtained at once, by simply examining this Circular. The page which you are now reading was printed in colors, just as you see it, upon ^he (Celebrated (Model printing (gress. The presswork was done by one who is not a practical printer, and hence inexperienced in the mysteries of the art. What could be accomplished bj' one thorougiily conversant with the business can readily be imagined. We preferred, however, to give a sample of work done by a non-professional, in order to show what might reasonably be expected from ANY one who observes the instructions, and is ready to try his hand and skill with a MODEL. JSJOSJKr THE TEJST! The other side of this sheet was printed by an experienced pressman, upon a job press costing $550. Please compare, and decide upon the character of work the Model Press is capable of doing under ordinary circumstances. You may think A MODEL PRESS AGAINST A $550 PRESS, ind an unpractised hand against a professional printer, an extremely severe test, but we are willing to abide an impartial decision, after a careful comparison of the work shown. Full particulars in reference to the Model Printing Press, together with information in regard to Outfits of Type, ted, to see that it is perfect in every respect, and is shipped without iakiiia apart, so that it is ready for operation at once, when taken out of the case. To secure prompt attention all orders must be sent in strict compliance with our directions and terms of pavment. Our prices are very low, and based upon cash payment in all cases. Goods of course will be sent C. O. D. upon receipt of at least twentv-five per cent, of the amount of the order. The prices given in each case are net cash, and no discounts can be allowed, and all remittances must be made in checks or drafts upon some Philadelphia or New York bank, or bv post-oflSce money orders or registered letters. We prefer however, P. O. money orders to any other method of sending money, and it should al'wavs be used when a money-order office can be reached. There can be no possible risk in sending money by post-office money orders. COMPLETE OUTFITS FOR PRmTHSTG. We have carefully prepared the following estimates of complete Printing Outfits for the guidance of those who wish to make up orders for Model Presses" and printing material. In each case everything is included that is essential for printing. Purchasers are at liberty to make any changes they wish • keepino' in mind, however, that such articles as are marked with an asterisk * should alwavs be included in a first order for press and material. _ These schedules are' made up with great care and with a knowledge ot just what will be most needed by a "'new beginner" in the business, and we would advise those not accustomed to the use of types to be guided as much as possi- ble bv tliem. . , 1 , • J T 11 Additional type, etc., can always be furnished by us as required, in all orders for type," however, be careful to select as great variety as can be allordea ; exercising-, at the same time, taste in the choice of such founts as will work to-ether attractively and harmoniously. Plain roman-faced type can be used in almost every job to a greater or less extent, and always looks well, no mat- ter what ornamental or display type you use with it. 00 No. 1 " Model Printing Press," with chase, ink-table, iilai en-bands, liey-wrench, etc., complete ' Model j'.b fount, No. 204 J »o " No. 102 1 10 *Furniture, iron side sticks, and leads.. . 75 Model Outfit "A," $16. *Pive-inch Model ink-rAller 75 *Can of fine black printing ink 50 Two *Model type cases, 'W cents 80 Keglets, assorted thicknesses 25 Total $1« 00 With the above outfit many small but very profitable jobs can be printed, 18 THE MODEL PRINTING PRESS. such as address or business cards, labels, envelopes, etc. ; sufficient to pay for Itself in a short time. By the addition of more type, as necessity requires the variety of printing can be increased indefinitely. The No. 1 Model Press prints a form 5 by 7^ inches. Model Outfit "B," $20 No. 1 "Model Printing Press," witli chase, ink-talile, etc., complete. Prints form 0 by inches $10 00 Model job fount. No. -JO 4 1 85 " " No. 103 1 0(1 " No. IS.", 1 CO *Furnitnre, iron side sticks, and U-ads... . T-') *Five-inch Model ink-roller Tj *Can of fine black printing ink 50- Three *iVIodel type cases, 40 cents 1 20 Bash, gauge pins, and extra leads eo Plain and dotted brass rules 25 Reglets, assorted sizes 25 Adjustable composing stick 1 25 Total $M oa Model Outfit "BB," No. 1 "Model Printing Press," with chase, ink-table, etc., complete, as «li"ve , . .$10 00 Model job fount. No. 270 1 lo No. 284.. " " No. ;J01 " " No. 213 " " No. 340 . *Furniture, iron side sticks, and leads. *Five-inch Model ink-roller 90 1 20 2 50 1 75 7r> ir, *Can of fine black printing ink 50 Five *Model type cases, 40 cents 2 OO Dashes Plain, dotted and double rules Reglets. assorted sizes Adjustable composing stick Mallet and planer Gauge pins and extra leads 45 50- 25 ] 25 50- 60 Total $25 00 With these outfits much profitable work can be done, such as card.s, letter- heads, small circulars, labels, etc, etc. The ordinary printing of a business house could be readily done by adding a few more' founts of type, etc., as a httle experience will dictate. Model Outfit "C, No. 1 "Model Printing Press," with chase, ink-table, etc., complete, as „ • $10 00 Model job fount, No. 204 l 85 " No. 103 ;:; loo " No. 183 1 60 " No. 135 1 15 " No. 212 3 50 " No. 185 1 75 " No. 131 ilo ♦Furniture, iron side sticks, and leads. . . 75 *Flve-inch Model ink-roller 75 $30. Can of fine black printing ink 50 7 *.Model type, 4(1 cents 2 80 Plain and dotted rule , . 25 Extra leads . . . 75 Pteglets. a-ssortpd thicknesses . . . 35 Six-inch adjustable composing stick 1 25 Plan-r 25 Mallet ..............* 25 Gauge Pins . . . 20 Dashes 45 7a Total 00 With this outfit a great variety of job printing can be done, .such as and business cards, circulars, bill-heads, letter-head.s, labels, envelopes, tags, etc., etc. Extra type can be added at any time, as needed. > B , Model Outfit "D," $40. No. 2 " Model Printing Press," with ink-table, chase, etc., as above, com- plete. Prints form G by 9 inches $18 00 Model job fount. No. 201 l 85 " " No. 103 10) " No. 183 1 60 " " No. 195 1 50 " " No. 185 1 25 " " No. 212 3 50 "Furniture, iron side sticks, and leads. . . 1 CK) *Six-inch Model ink-roller i oo *Can of fine bliiclc printing ink 5o Six *Model type cases 2 40 Extra leads Reglets, assorted thicknesses . '. 25 Planer o- Mailot 25 Eight-inch adjustable comiwsing stick '. 1 50 Imposing table, large size i 25 Plain and doited rule cO Double rule . . . . 95 Two dashes . . . . . ' ,30 Printing paper 1 00 Total $40 0(> THE MODEL PRINTING PRESS. 19 Model Outfit " DD," $40. No. 1 " Model Press," with complete Self- Inking attacUnient, including inking rollers, etc 522 00 Model job fount, No. 284 90 " No.l2.i 1 60 » No. 240 1 50 " " No 18:} 1 60 " " No. 204 1 85 " No. 345 2 00 ♦Furniture, iron side sticks, and leads. . . 75 Can of fine black printing ink 50 Si.x: *Model type cases, 40 cents 2 40 Plain and dotted rule 60 Extra leads 75 Reglets, assorted thicknesses 25 Six-inch adjustable composing stick 1 25 Planer 25 Mallet 25 Gauge pins and galley 95 Dashes 60 Total $40 00 Model Outfit "E, ' $50. No. 2 "Model Printing Press," wiih chase, ink-table, platen-bands, key- wrench, etc., prints form G by 9 inches $18 00 Model job fount. No. 204 1 85 " No. 131 3 00 " " No. 103 1 CO " " No. 195 1 50 « " No. 183 1 60 " " No. 185 1 25 " " No. 212 3 50 " " No. 139 1 00 ♦Furniture, iron side sticks, and leads... . 1 00 *Six-iuch Model ink-roller 1 00 *One can fine black printing ink 50 One can red ink 1 00 Ten *Model type cases 4 00 Extra leads 50 Reglets, assorted thicknesses 25 Extra chase and gauge pins 1 20 Mallet and planer 60 Eight-inch adjustable composing stick.. . 1 50 Imposing table 1 25 Moilel type-case cabinet 3 50 Plain and dotted rules 50 Four dashes, assorted, 15 cents 60 Total. Model Outfit " P," $50. No. 1 "Model Press," with complete self- inking attachment, including inking- rollerc, etc, etc $22 00 Model job fount. No. 101 2 00 '• " No. 280 90 " " No. 154 1 10 " No. liiS 1 50 « " No. 2 2 1 60 " " N... -.^12 3 50 " " No. 410 2 50 " " No. 36ti 2 50 ♦Furniture, iron side sticks, and leads. . . 75 *One CAU fine black printing ink 50 Eight *Model type cases 3 20 Extra leads ' 1 00 Reglets, assorted thicknesses 35 Extra chase, red ink, and gauge pins — 2 20 Mallet and planer 50 Eight-inch adjustable composing ttick.. . 1 50 Imposing table 1 00 Plain and dotted rules. . 80 Four dashes, assorted, 15 cents 60 Totol $50 00 A very wide range of profitable work can be done with these outfits. They are sufficiently large to start a Model Job Office, and as more type and other material are needed they can readily be forwarded. By the addition of a twenty-five pound fount of Long Primer Roman type a neat paper could be printed, one or more pages at a time, according to size of sheet. No. 2 " Model Press," with complete self- inking attachment, including inking- rollers, etc, etc S35 00 Model job fount, No. 101 2 00 No. 131 3 00 « " No. 270 1 10 " No. 281 1 20 " " No. 300 1 20 " " No. 124 1 10 " " No. 322 2 75 " " No. 211 2 10 « " No. 349 3 00 " " No. 201 2 25 ♦Furniture, iron side sticks, and leads. . . 1 00 ♦Can of fine black piinting ink 50 Model Outfit " G," $75 Can of fine red ink 1 00 Two sets gauge pins ^ Exti'a leads Reglets, assorted thicknesses . . Planer Mallet Eight-inch adjustable composing stick, Imposing table Plain and dotted rule Three dashes Two galleys. 1 00 35 25 25 1 50 1 25 65 46 1 60 Cabinet and ten cases, No. 40^ 10 00 Total »75 00 Boxing, No. 2 Self-inking Press, $1 0', extra. THE MODEL PRINTING PRE3SS. Model Outfit No. 2 "Self-Inking Model Press," includ- ing chase, inkiiig-iollers, revolving disk, etc., etc 5:35 00 Modul job fount, No. 272 " " No. lul 2 m " " No. 105 1 10 " " No. 121 2 76 " " No. 129 1 60 " '■ N .. 303 1 -Jo " " No. 171 2 00 " No. 3:il 1 50 " '• No. 346.. 2 50 " " No. 3G1 2 75 " " No. 3 0 2 50 " " No. 37'J.. 2 GJ " No. 216 5 (JO " No. 416 3 35 ^„ ." No. 378 4 50 urmture, iron side sticks, etc 1 OO H," $100, *One can fine black printing ink $ 50 One tan red ink , _ _ j qq E.xtra leads 1 25 Keglets, assorted 35 Planer ' " ' Mallet Eight-inch adjustable composing stick Imposing table Plain and dotted rules . . . . . . I 30 Four dashes, assorted, 15 cents. .. .. .. . . . cO Three galleys ' [ i gQ Can of gold sizing .". . . . .'.* 25 Gold bronze 50 One extra chase '. . . . 1 25 Gauge pins, assorted [ [ [ \ 75 Walnut cabinet, with cases. No. 411^. !."! 15 00 25 25 1 60 1 25 ^ . Total s^iou 00 Boxing, No. 2, Self-inking Press, $1 00 extra. No. 2 "Self-Inking Model Press," includ ing chase, ink-rollers, revolving disk grippers, etc Twenty-five pound fount. Long Primer, Roman type Model job fuunt. No. 103.! . " " No. 104 " No. 170 " " No. 104 " " No. 212 " " No. 213 " " No. 3 ]0 " " No. 340. " '• No. 362 " '• No.36B " No 370 " " No. 378 " " No. 1042 " '• No. lOHS " " No. 1098 " " No. 1120 " " No. 1128 " " No. 11.-35 " " No. 1226 '' " No. V-'56 Furniture, iron side sticks, etc Ten yards extra furniture Roglets, assorted Model Outfit "I," $150. *35 00 14 00 1 00 1 40 2 26 2 50 3 50 2 50 1 20 1 75 2 60 2 50 2 60 4 50 2 00 1 50 2 25 3 00 3 00 2 25 4 00 5 00 1 00 50 80 Can of bbick ink Can of extra fine black ink. . . .' . . . . . . . . . Can of red ink Four-inch ink-roller Ten pounds leads . Planer , " Mallei Eight-inch composing stick Iniijosing t;(blc, marble Brass rule, assorted Bi'ass dashes, assorted Gold bronze Gold sizing ' , Extra chases Extra ink disk . . . One printer's job case Walnut cabinet, with cases. No. 41U, and five additional cases Three galleys ' . Two Sets corner jiieces, Nos. 620 and 521. Gauge pins, assorted Bodkin Twee/el's Assortment of cards and paper Brass roller njunld complete Two extra roller-stocks Boxing press 19 00 2 00 80 50 15 75 2 35 2 50 50 1 00 Total $ioU 00 Model Outfit "K," $200. No. 2 "Self-Inking Model Press," includ- ing chase, ink-rollers, revolving disk, grippers, etc $35 OQ iwenty-five pound fount, Nonpareil, Roman type 19 00 Twenty-five pound fount, Long Primer, Roman type 14 00 Model job fount, No. 10:i.. . '. '. . . . . . . . .' ] ." '. ] oO " " No. 125 1 60 " No. 138 1 75 " No. 182 1 40 " " No. 190. 2 faO " No. 212 3 50 " No. 214 2 2U " " No. 215 2 80 " No. 280 1 00 Model job fount. No. 310 $1 75 " " No. 314 75 " " No. 331 1 ,50 " " No. 345 2 00 " No. 3G0 3 50 " " No. 371 3 00 " " No. 393. 1 75 " Nn. 411 2 75 " " No. 420 2 25 " " No. 438 3 10 " " No. 1010 !0 " " No. 1023 60 " " No. 1027 2 60 " " No. 1044 1 75 " " No. IO80 1 10 " " No. 1127 2 50 THE MODEL PRINTING PRESS. 21 Brass rule, assorted 31 80 Brass dashes, assorted 75 Three galleys 1 fiO Gold bronze '>() Gfold sizing 2'> Two exti-a chases 2 50 One extra ink disk I f O Brass roller mould, oomplote 2 .'pO Extra set roller-stocks ;"() Gauge-pins, assorted . . 50 Two printers' job cases 3 50 Two walnut cabinets, \vith cases. No. 41^. 30 00 Brass galley. No. 471^ 1 50 Boxing press 7 1 00 THodel jobfount, No. 1150 82 fiO " " No. 1159 3 75 " " No. 1204 3 75 " " No. 12.52 5 00 " " No. 12G3 7 50 Furniture, iron side sticks, leads, etc. ... 2 00 Reglets 50 Can black ink 50 Can extra fine black ink 1 00 Can red ink 1 00 Kour-inch ink-roller 50 Twelve pounds leads 3 00 Planer 25 Mallet 25 Eight-inch composing stick 1 50 Imposing table, marble 1 25 Total $200 00 With the above Outfits any ordinary job of printing can be tastefully exe- cuted, and will be sufficient to establish an office which would pay largely from the first. More type and material and additional presses can be added as the business demands. In many cases two and even three presses could be run profitably ; the same general variety of type and material answering for all. GENERAL PEICE LIST OF MODEL PRESSES, PRINTING MATERIAL, ETC. 4®=-Always order both by Name and Catalogue Number of article.'"®8 ■CATALOGUE NO. TRICE 0 Model Card Press, including chase, ink-table, key-wrench, etc. Size of chase S]4X5}4 inches % 00 •00 Self-Inking Model Card Press, including revolving distributing disk, ink- roller, gripper, etc. Size of chase S%X5^ inches 1'? 00 1 No. 1 Model Press, including chase, ink-table, key-wrench, etc. Size of chase 5 X7K inches ... 10 00 1}4 No. 1 Self-Inking Model Press, including revolving distributing disk, ink- rollers, grippers, key -wrench, etc. Size of chase 6X7>^ inches 22 00 ■2 No. 2 Model Press, including chase, ink-table, key-wrench, etc. Size of chase 6X9 inches 18 00 2}^ No. 2 Self-Inking Model Press, including revolving distributing disk, ink- rollers, grippers, key-wrench, etc. Size of chase 6X9 inches 35 00 Boxing i'l.OO extra. 3 Extra chases for No. 1 Model Press, each ...^ 75 3^4 Extra chases for Model Card Press, each 50 4 Extra chases for No. 2 Model Press, each 1 00 ■5 Extra ink-tables for No. 1 Model Press, each 75 5}4 Extra ink-tables for Model Card Press, each f.O 6 Extra ink-tables for No. 2 Model Press, each 1 00 7 Extra chases for No. 1 Self-Inking Model Press, each ,,, 100 73^ Extra chases for Self-Inking Card Press, each 7.> 8 Extra chases for No. 2 Self-Inking Model Press, each 125 S}4 Extra ink-disks for Self-Inking Card Press, each 1 00 9 Extra ink-disks for No. 1 Self-Inking Model Press, each 1 25 10 Extra ink-disks for No. 2 Self-Inking Model Press, each 1 50 10}4 Extra ink-rollers for Self-Inking Model Card Press, each 50 11 Extra ink-rollers for No. 1 Self-Inking Model Press, each 12 Extra ink-rollers for No. 2 Self-Inking Model Press, each 75 13 Sponge 25 14 Four-inch ink-roller 50 15 Key-wrench (fits any press) 15 16 Five-inch ink-roller, with handle 75 " " without handle 50 17 Six-inch ink-roller, with handle 1 00 " " without handle.. G,> 22 THE MODEL PRINTING PRESS. 18 Model type case, single, 12 12)^ inches $ 40 193^ Model job type case, walnut front and extra finish, (upper and lower) 80 20 Best hard wood reglets, and furniture under six line, per yard 05 2l}4 Model type case, single, walnut front and extra finish 50 22 Black ink, per can 5P 23 Six-inch composing stick, 51.25. Eight-inch 150 23>^ Quoins, assorted, per doz., 12 cts. ; per hundred 75 25 Black ink, per can, extra 1 00 26 Eed " " 1 00 27 Blue " " 1 CO 28 Green " " 1 00 29 Gold sizing, per can 25 30 Tint ink, any color, per can 31 Printer's varnish, per jar 10 32 Gold bronze for printing in gold, per package 50 33 Printer's bodkin 15 34 Printer's tweezers 40 34>^ " " extra "^5 35 Imposing table 7X10 inches 1 00 36 " " 9X12 inches 125 37 Planers and Mallets, each 25 38J^ Printers' rack, to hold 12 Model job cases. No. 19J^ 4 50 39 Type case cabinet, with drawer and ten type cases, complete 7 00 40 Type case cabinet with drawer, no cases 3 50 4D}4 Type case cabinet, walnut, with drawer, and ten walnut front type cases, complete 9 50 41 Type case cabinet, walnut, with drawer, no cases 5 00 41 Type case cabinet, with drawer, full walnut, panneled and finished all round, "with ten type cases, No. 19>^, closed fronts and porcelain knobs 15 00 42 Galleys, four sizes 50 cents to 1 00 43 Gauge-pins, per set 20 44 Brass roller mould, complete, 5 inches 1 75 45 Brass roller mould, complete, 6 inches 2 00 46 Brass roller mould, complete, 8 inches 2 25 47 Brass roller mould, complete, 10 inches 2 50 473^ Brass job galley, 6X9 inches 1 50 Printing Paper. Any color desired, per 960 sheets. 48 Cut to 6X93^ inches, medium quality 75 49 Cut to 6X91^ inches, fine quality 1 50 50 Cut to 9)^X12 inches, medium quality 1 75 51 Cut to 9>^X12 inches, fine quality 2 50 Paper can be furnished cut to any size required. Writing Paper. 52 Commercial Note, ruled, with wide head for printing, per half ream 1 00 63 Letter Paper, ruled, with wide head for printing, per half ream 2 00 Bill-head Paper. Ruled, with wide head for printing. 64 Six lines for writing, per 100 sheets 35 " per 480 sheets 1 00 55 Eighteen lines for writing, per 100 sheets 50 per 480 sheets 1 50 56 Fifty to seventy-five lines for writing, per 100 sheets 75 per 460 sheets 2 50 THE MODEL PRINTING PRESS. 23 No. 1 Self-Inking Model Press, Size of Chase, 5 by V/^ Inches. Price, 122.00. SPECIALTIES. The following articles can be furnished to order. 'Slazed Label Paper. Any color desired, cut to order in quantities of 500 sheets or over, per quire 30 eta. Envelopes. All sizes and styles furnished by the 500 or 1000 per 1000, 1 50 to 3 50 Shipping tags. All sizes and qualities furnished by the 500 or 1000.. per 1000, 1 00 to 2 50 Paper bag.s. All sizes furnished by tbe 500 or 1000 per 1000, 2 50 to 6 00 Lead cutters from 2 50 to 10 00 Paper Cutters, from 12 to 28 inches long 20 00 to 50 00 Regular printer's (upper and lower), per pair 2 50 Printer's job cases, each 1 75 " triple cases, each 1 75 Brass galleys, from 2 00 to 6 00 Printer's knife, tweezers, bodkin, knife, and screw-driver combined 2 25 Benzine brush 40 Labor-saving quotation furniture, per pound 30 Best composition for printer's rollers, per pound 50 The American Printer, a complete hand-book for beginners 1 50, by mail 1 70 Printers' Price List, giving prices for all kinds of book and job printing, 4 00, by mv. il 4 25 Electrotypes of labels, blanks, cuts, letter and bill-heads, business and address cards, and for job work generally, set up from new type by skilled workmen, furnislied to order at very moderate prices. Old type will be taken in exchange for new at 10 cents per pound, if delivered to us free of expense. 24 THE MODEL PRINTING PRESS. PRICE LIST OP CARDS. We furnish only the very best quality of the styles of cards specified below, and the prices quoted are in each case strictly net. Cards ordered in quantities of less than 1000 must be at the 100 rate. When cards are to be sent by mail, /ottr cents per hundred, in addition to the price, must be forwarded to prepay postage. When ordering, always mention both the Catalogue number and the size of the card required. Catalogue Number. 84. 92. 96. White China, per Colored China, " 2^iy;' :""zz:::::::::;;;;:"::::: - Business Bristol " 2-piy 'Z:ZZ''ZZZZZ Snow-Flake, assorted tints, " Marble " Double Satin Enameled, " Repp, extra white and tinted " Gelatine, " Damask, assorted colors " 1000 100 1000 100 1000 100 1000 100 1000 100 1000 100 1000 100 1000 100 1000 100 1000 100 1000 100 Size of Cards and Price. 1 50 6 60 7 90 10 70 8 95 10 2 50 25 2 00 21 1 25 13 2 20 24 4 75 50 2 20 24 $ 60 8 75 9 1 15 12 85 9 1 20 13 2 90 80 2 60 26 1 60 17 2 90 30 5 75 60 2 90 30 5 70 9 85 10 1 25 13 90 10 1 35 14 3 35 35 3 00 31 1 85 19 3 50 36 6 25 65 3 50 36 f 75 10 90 11 1 35 14 95 11 1 45 15 3 60 38 3 25 33 2 00 21 3 60 37 8 £0 90 3 60 37 4 11 1 10 12 1 65 17 1 10 12 1 75 18 4 40 45 3 50 37 2 40 25 4 75 50 5 U 40 15 1 50 16 2 00 22 1 35 15 1 95 20 4 C5 2 55 27 4 90 50 Relative Size of Cards. When ordering, mention both Catalogue Number and Size. The above scale includes the regular sizes of cards, up to No 5 Those desirine- larger or odd sizes can have them cut to order. " > ^^u- o. inose aesiriug THE MODEL PRINTING PRESS. 25 PRICE OF ROMAN, ITALIC, AND OLD STYLE TYPE. Nonpareil per lb., 10 lb. founts, 90 cts. 25 lb. founts, 76 cts. 50 lb. founts, 66 cts. Brevier per lb., 15 lb. founts, 80 cts. 25 lb. founts, 64 cts. 50 lb. founts, 55 cts. Long Primer,.. per lb., 15 lb. founts, 70 cts. 25 lb. founts, 56 cts. 50 lb. founts, 50 cts. Pica per lb., 15 lb. founts, 65 cts. 26 lb. founts, 52 cts. 50 lb. founts, 46 ctB. Great Primer, per lb., 15 lb. founts, 60 cts. 25 lb. founts, 52 cts. 50 lb. founts, 46 cts. Other sizes furnished to order at foundry rates. Also Foundry Job Founts from any Type Foundry in the United States will be furnished at the regular foundry prices. LAYING THE TYPE IN THE CASE. Unwrap the package of type very carefully, and, after untying the fount, begin at the top line and place the let- ters and other characters in the boxes in the order indicated in the diagram. Care must be taken not to batter the face of the letter by rubbing it against the side of the case. In small founts both the capitals and small letters may be placed in the same box. In large founts two cases should be used. When there are more characters in the fount than are indicated in the diagram, place them in the boxes or compartments not marked, in any order that will seem most conve- nient. 1 2 3 4 5 e 7 8 9 0 & /E CZ • r <• • /i I? A B C D E F H K L M N 0 P Q. R S T V w X Y Z J U Spa AND 1 US lUADS EXCHANGING PRESSES. We will exchange Model Presses upon the following terms : Model Card Self-Inker will be given in exchange for Model Card Hand-Inker and $6.00. No. 1. Self-Inker will be given m exchange for Model Card Hand-Inker and $16.00. No. 2. Hand-Inker will be given in exchange for No. 1 Hand-Inker and 18.00. No. 1 Self-Inker will be given in exchange for No. 1 Hand-Inker and $12.00. No. 2 Self-Inker will be given in exchange for No. 2 Hand-Inker and $17.00. No. 2 Self-Inker will be given in exchange for No. 1 Hand-Inker and $25.00. Customer to pay express or freight charges both ways. On comparing the above terms of exchange with price-list, it will be observed that in each case full retail price is allowed for the press returned. Presses to be exchanged must be returned to us in good order. "WEIGHT OP THE MODEL PRESS. The different styles and sizes of the Model Press weigh, when boxed, ready for shipment, without other printing materials, about as follows : Model Card Press 30 lbs. Self-Inking Model Card Press.. 45 lbs. No. 1 Press 50 lbs. No. 1 Press, Self-Inking 75 lbs. No. 2 Press ^ 85 lbs. No. 2 Press, Self-Inking 100 lbs. SHIPPING DIRECTIONS. When ordering Presses and material always give us full and explicit direc- tions in reference to shipment, naming express or freight office to which the goods are to be sent, with County and State. Also give Post-office address^ as we always notify customers by mail at the time of shipment. 26 THE MODEL PRINTING PRESS. Exchanging for other Presses. Letters are received in almost every mail asking us if we will send a Model Press in exchange for a press of some other make. In order to save corres- pondence on this sub- ject, we would say that we make and sell the Model Press exclusive- ly, and are therefore compelled to decline all offers to exchange for any but our own presses, as specified on jiage 25 of this Catalogue. Model Card Press, Size of Chase, 3%X5H In- Price, 86.00. Postage on Type and Mailable Material. It is often much cheaper to liave sin- gle founts of type and other small ar- ticles of printing material forwarded by mail, but unless an amount sufficient to prepay the post- age thereon is sent, in addition to the price, we make it a rule to forward by Exi^ress. The post- age ranges from 15 to 60 cents a fount, acccording to size. Self-Inking JiloDEi, Card Press, Size of Cliase, o%x^\i Inches. Price, 812.00. THE MODEL PRINTING PRESS. 27 SPECIMENS AND PKIOES OF TYPE. We give in the following pages a carefully selected assortment of styles and sizes of types, from which choice can be made to suit all the different varie- ties of job printing. Our Model Job Founts are put up by us in our own establishment, without reference whatever to other price-lists. We deal directly with all the prin- cipal Type Foundries in the United States, and buying largely, as we are coni- pelied to do by the extent of our business, we receive the best trade discounts, and are therefore able to furnish type at the very lowest prices consistent with founts guaranteed to be full and perfect. In some instances our prices may vary from other dealers, but it will be found, upon examination, that the Model Job Founts are more complete and better suited to the purpose for which they are intended, than any other similar founts offered for sale. In many instances, by actual comparison, our founts are from one-fourth to three- fourths of a pound heavier than those put up by other dealers at the same prices. As a guarantee that the Model Job Founts contain not only the requisite number of A's, but that all the other letters, figures, points, etc., run full throughout, we put with each package a proof of the fount itself, which shows exactly what it contains. Should any types be missing which are shown in the proof, they will be supplied by us free of charge. A limited number of spaces and quadrats, enough for small jobs,_accompany €ach fount. Extra spaces and quadrats for any size type are furnished at the uniform price of fifty cents per fount. Spaces and quadrats can be used with any fount of type of corresponding size. Over each specimen line of type is given, first, the Catalogue number; second, the number of A's in the fount; thirci, the price. Always order by the Cala- logue number only, and do not cut or mutilate the specimen pages, as you will constantly need them for reference. Whatever you send_ for, state distinctly its Catalogue number, and there can be no mistake in getting what you wish. You will observe that in a fount of type there is not an equal number of each letter of the alphabet. The letters vary according to use. Notice any printed page and see the preponderance of some letters over others. Such founts as have figures, lower case letters, or small capitals, show the same in the specimen line. In all cases when type or other material is to be sent by mail, the postage must be sent in addition to the price. Goods sent by mail are always wholly at the risk of the purchaser, as no receipts are given by the post-office department, as in the case of express companies or freight lines. The prompt and systematic manner in which the whole post-office depart- ment is conducted, however, render it a comparatively safe and very conve- nient method of sending small packages, and it is very rarely that they fail to go through promptly and satisfactorily. In all cases particularly state address in full, giving Name, Post-office, or Express Office, if package is to go by Express, County and State. 28 THE MODEL PRINTING PRESS. Model oTob Fount, No. 1114, 6 A, 10 a. Below we give the representation of a Fount of Type as put up by us Tlie size of a fount is always known by the number of a's in it, for instance' "6 A, 10 a," signifies that there are 6 capital and 10 small a'-, and all the other letters in proper proportion to the a's, as used in ordinary printed mutter. Each fount also contains an assortment of spaces and quads. aaaaaaaaaa bbbbcccccddddddeeeee eeeeeeeefffffggggghhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiijjk klllllll mmmmm nnhnnnnnnnooooooo ooo.pppp qq rrrrrrrrrrsssssssssstttttttttt uuuuuuvvwwwwxxyyyyzzaeceAAAAAAB BBCCCCDDDDEEEEEEEFFFGG 'GHHHHIIIIIIJJKKLLLLMMMNNN NNOOOOOOPPPQRRRRRRSSSS SSTTTTTTU U U VV WWWXXYYYZZ& &/ECE„„„„,„„;;;;::: — J""Mm$£, 1 2233445566778899000 Nonpareil. No. 100. Extra spaces and quadrats, which will fit any Nonpareil size type,, are put in separate founts, at fifty cents each. ' Model Job Fount, No. 101. 12 A, 6 a, 60 a, $Z00. JESUS ANSWERED and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him. — Bibli!. 1234 Model .Tob Fount, No. 102. 9 A, $1.10. GRAND OPENING OF SPRING HATS AND BONNETS FOR 640,532 LADIES Mrdel Job Fount, No. 103. 9 A, 17 a, $1.00. TIME, NATURE AND PATIENCE are the Three Greatest Physicians In the World. 1876 Model Job Fount, No. 104. 9 A, 17 a, $1.40. IliliFSTRATED DAILY NEWSPAPERS are Attractive. 3 cents Model .lob Fount, No. 105. 10 A, 14 a, fl.lo. YOUTHFUL AMBITION ! a Tale for the Young ; Price, $1.50. For sale at Pleasnie Model Job Fount, No. 100. 12 A, 23 a, $1^0. SCHOOL-DAYS IN NEVERMORE CASTLE. By Night. 1334678. Model Job Fount, No. 107. 9 A 90 c. 94,357' SIIsra-TJXiAR IvriSTA-KES COIiRiBCTEI> Model Job Fount, No. 108. 12 A, 90 c. DECENT BOLDNESS EVER MEETS WITH FRIENDS. CHAWSIR THE MODEL PRINTING PRESS. 29 Brevier. No. 120. Extra spaces and quadrats, which will fit any Brevier size type, are put up in separate founts, at fifty cents each. ' Model Job Fount, No. 121. 12 A, 6 a, 60 a, 12.76. JESUS ANSWERED AND SAID UNTO HIM, If a man love me he will keep my words : and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him. — Bible.* 1234 Model Job Fount, No. 122. 9 a, 17 a, S1.30. RAMBLES AROUND ROXBOROUGH; or, Getting Knowledge. $700 ModeL Job Fount, No. 123. 7 A, $1.00. FASHIONABLE FEMALES' FINE FOLLIES. 12 Model Job Fount, No. 124. 9 A, 13 a, $1.10. MEDDLESOME MEN reap disgrace to themselves. J 2 3 4 5 67 Model Job Fount, No. 125. 8 A, 9 a, $1.60. 654 RESIDENCES Erected in Fonr Months Model Job Fount, No. 126. 9 A, 13 a, $1.60. NUMEROUS CHARACTERISTIC and Miscellaneous Observations. 2 Model Job Fount, No. 127. 7 A, 14 a, $1.50. W4i&^S city of (MagniSceat (gistances. (Elm 12233445S6677889 Model Job Fount, No. 128. 12 a, 23 a, $1.60. ORDERS BY MAIL WILL RECEIVE Prompt Attention. 1234567 Model Job Fount, No. 129. 9 A 10 a $1.60. WASHINGTON IRVING'S Sketches 123456 Long Primer. No. 130. Extra spaces and quadrats, which will fit any Long Primer size type, are put up in separate founts, at fifty cents each. Model Job Fount, No. 131. 12 a, 6 a, 60 a, $3.00. JESUS ANSWERED AND SAID UNTO HIM, If a man love me, he will keep my words : and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him. — Bible. 123 Model Job Fount, No. 1.-52. 9 a, 13 a, $1.25. SILVER THREADS: a Story of Love and Honor 5 cents Model Job Fount, No. 133. 7 A 10 a, $1.25. RATVDOI» THOUGHTS, Published Daily; 9 cts, 30 THE MODEL PRINTING PRESS. Long 'Primer— Continued. Model Job Fount, No. 134. Y $1 10 MASONIC TEMPLE PHOTOGRAPHS. 3 Model Job Fount, No. 135. 7 ^ ORACEFUL and HEALTHFUL Accomplishments. 1234 Model Job Fount, No. 136. 7 A 10 a $1.30. FOBTUJSE FAVOnS THB BMAVJE^hoys. 123 Model Job Fount, No. 137. 6 A 9 a $2.00. Model Job Fount, No. 138. 12 A 17 a $1.75. 234 STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS of Fairmount Park Scenes Model Job Fount, No. 139. 7 a, 10 a fl.OO. FRUGALITY in Private Life InfluSnces Public Expenditure. 12 Model Job Fount, No. 140. 8 A, 10 a, $1.60. A Strong Made Iron Safe IRONY 34! Model Job Fount, No. 141. 4 A, 14 a, $1.25. %zxt is a S^ik itr i\t sfiairs of Pan, - Irabs on to ^aximxz, W^p.\^t^mt Pica. No. 150. Extra spaces and quadrats, which will fit any Pica size type, are put up in separate founts, at fifty cents each. Model Job Fount, No. 151. 12 A, 6 a, 60 a, $4.00. JESUS ANSWERED AND SAID UNTO HIM, If a man love me, he will keep my words : and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him^, and make our abode with him. — Bible. 12345 Model .Tob Fount, No. 152. 5 A, 8 a, $1.20. GOLDEN MOMENTS: a Story for Everyone; 75 Model Job Fount, No. 153. 8 A, $1.10 PHILADELPHIA TO N. T. 90 M. Model Job Fount, No. \nx. 5 A, 8 a, $1.10. :BRILIiIAHT DIAMOKDS from California, $43 each THE MODEL PRINTING PRESS. 31 Pica. — Continued. Model Job Fount, No. 155. 6 A, 11.10. ^7 €OLLEF1HG 1DLEI|S LEjlNIf UPO\ INDUSTIjY, 123 Two-line Pica. Model Job Fount, No. 212. 3 A, 12 a, f3 50. Model Job Fount, No. 250. 8 A,i CURIOUS HUNTING. 12 Two-line Great Primer. Model Job Fount, No. 260. Model Job Fount, No. 261. 4 A, 6 a, $2.50. wmv/e 81 3 A, $2.25. . 1 36 THE MODEL PRINTING PRESS. Specimens of Additional Type. 4i®=- Always order by the number. Pearl. Model Job Fount, No. 270. 9 A 17 a SUO RECEIPT FOR MAKING MILLIOKAIRESi Five Hundred Acres of land With a Sho!, of Oil and «123,456 Model Job Fount, No. 271. 6 A 00 Model Job Fount, No. 272. 6 A 80 c IP E3Et SPUME OSMSAI-HIWrCSr :POTJ3VTAI3Vs'. ix234: Nonpareil. Model Job Fount, No. 280. 9 A 90 BBororieia Ktouorie oTMie >ausx)RAx.XAiK gox.)o Hiecxoms! Model Job Fount, No. 281. 13 A, *1.20 HE WHO ,S CONT,.U...V .OOK.NO *T THE 0,SPL.„,N» S.OE, W,LL SO.R t,SPOS,T,ON ANO ,„P.,„ „,s „.PP,«,SS. ,.3.. Model Job Fount, No. 282. o A 75 c EVERY OBJECT HAS ITS BKIGPIT AJ^D DARK SIDES. ' 18345678 Model Job Fount, No. 283, 23 GRAND CONCENTRATION .F UNAPPROACHABLY TALENTED HORSEMEN AC, AC Model Job Fount, No. 284. ^ ^ 9^ c ISP msA^ wmmmm. wmmmm^, mm Model Job Fount, No. 285. 6 A, 8 a, 90 c. EXTREMELY TROUBLESOME. Preparing Specimens. 12345 nr..,.. 'lob Fount, No. 286. 5 A, 14 $1.00. COMPETENT PRESSMEN and SKILLED COMPOSITORS in search of practical knowledge. 123 , , . Brevier. BTodel .Tob Fount, No. 300. 5 A, 14 a, $1,20. SOCRATES' LECTURES on Economical Questions. 1234 Model Job Fount, No. 301. 5 a, u a, $1.20. I'JEA.^jY S03€:E2 JIIjrG, Experience teaches fools. / 23 4.6 Model Job Fount, No. 302. -^^ ^ c COMPREHENDING AN ACTIVE BUSINESS EDUCATION AND PRACTICAL BOOK-KEEPING. Model Job Fount, No. 303. 4 A 10 a |] 25 Model Job Fount, N 304. g A, 7 a, $1.30. Model .Job Foint, No. 305. 6 A 80 0 TIE Tiiiss T0 11ST1I1T0W1 Hi ijiiiEssmLi. \m%m Model Job Fount, No. 306. q ^ ^ PATILIONS FOR GENEROUS REERESHMEOT. 123 Model Job Fount. No. ."07. 9 A 70 c IMPORTANT INTELLIGENCE FROM WASHINGTON. THE MODEL PRINTING PRESS. 37 Long Primer. Model Job Fount, No. 310. 5 A, 14 A, $1.76, Jji^ JAJp,Jf:ji]p'jJ^ JA]}.]JJ>Lj PATHETIC LETTERS. 123 Model Job Fount, No. 392. 6 A, $1.20. THAT ENDURING MEMORIAL. Model Job Fount, No. 39;i. -^^ S1.75. Two-line Long Primer. Model Job Fount, No. 4C0. 5 A, 7 a, $2.00. KI\/IGHTS TEMPLAR Signs, 123 Model Job Fount, No. 401. o A, $l.GO. SHE SWEETLY DREAMS. 12 Model Job Fount, No. 402. ^ A, S1.75. Model Job Fount, No. 403. A, 9 A, 2.25. •XCOKATIONS. 123 Model Job Fount, No. 404. 5 A, $1.7-5. -Igifiii sii'iii Si'fiiSi- 44 THE MODEL PRINTING PRESS. Two-line Great Primer. Model Job Fount, No. 410. 3 A $2 50 ABUMDAIUCE Model Job Fount, No. 411. 5 A, 82.75. BASHFUL MAIDEN Model Job Fount, No. 412. 5 A, S2 75. JPEMIE BOOT BLACKS. 12 Model Job Fount, No. 413. 3 A,52.75. STOLEN KISSES. 2 Model Job Fount, No. 414. 4 A, $3.75. THE MODEL PRINTING PRESS. 45 Two-line Pica. Model Job Fount, No. 420. 4 A, 5 a, $2.25. LUXUHIOTJS Tranquil Beau. 4 Model Job Fount, No. 421. 5 A, 82.60. MIDNIGHT SPECTER. 2 Model Job Fount, No. 422. 3 A, 6 a, $3.60. < Model Job Fount, No. iZi. 7 A, *\50. CHERUB SPROUTS. 2 Model Job Fount, No. 424. 3 A, $2.00. Model Job Fount, No. 425. 3 A, OTTOPi PICICER. Two-line Bourgeois. Model Job Fount, No. 430. 4 A, $2.00. 6 A, $1.40. DRESSED SANDSTONE. 12 Model Job Fount, No. 4;!1. Model Job Fount, No. 432. 4 A, $2.60. 46 THE MODEL PRINTING PRESS. Two-line Paragon. Model Job Fount. No. 43,5. ""f^fe ^^^^ ^^^^ li^^^ 3 A, 7 c, .S4.25. Model Joh Fount. No. 436 Model Job Fount, No. 437. 3 A, 4 a, S3.75. ti0iier 3 A, 4 a, 12.75. IIFENBENT Mrap Hmk 1 Model Job Fount, No. 438. 3 A, $ 1 Pour-line Pica. Model Job Fount, No. 440. 3 A, 5 a, $4.50. Model Job Fount, No. 441. 3 A, $3.26. Model Jr,|, Fount, No. 4-12. •3A, $3.( 0. THE model printing press. 47 Specimens of Additional Type. 4®=- Always order by the number.'=®6l Nonpareil. Model Job Fount, No. 1000. 12 A, 6 a, 60 a, $2.00 JESUS ANSWERED AND SAID UNTO HIM, If a man love me, he will keep my words : and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.— Bible. 123. Model Job Fount, No. 1001. 12 A, 60 a, 81 .90. yESUS ANSWERED AND SAID UNTO HIM, If a man lm>e me, he will keefi my words : and 7ity Father will love him, and we will come unto him, a>td vtake our abode with htm.— Bible. Model Job Fount, No. 1002. 12 A, 60 a, %\ .no. JESUS ANSWERED AND SAID UNTO HIM, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Fat/ier will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him. Model Job Fount, No. 1003. 10 A, 14 a. 90 c. IT IS ONLY A SPUEIOUS PEIDE that is Mortii and Sensitive, and Shrinks from Every Touch. 12 Model Job Fount, No. 1004. 5 A, 14 a, $1.00. M03)JE3tpiTE TitAJ^SsiCTIOJVin Government Securities and Sonds. Model Job Fount, No. 1005. 6 A, $1.) SPEAKING- A. PIECE OF HEft MINI^. 123 Model Job Fount, No. 1006. 0 A, 10 a. f l.oO. WMJSN VMMOU&M TELE TOMM 8AII1 the WiM Tempest is Sti-smning. 12 Model Job Fount, No. 1007. 5 A, 7 a , $l.:i5. Model Job Fount, No. 1008. T) A, 7 a. 11.50. Model Job Fount, No. 1009. 5 A, 8 a, Sl.on. BSQEIVID WllE SIOWQBS of BOC^^lf S &M Stotms of Uainyifledl Ipprod^tioa. £2 Model Job Fount, No. 1010. 5 A, 7 a, nn c. ZSv^^TEZ^IiT^Ij :P-u.r3e-Stxxa3.g>s :Pers-a.a,si->7-el3r Opeaa.ea. ±23 Model Job Fount, No. 1011. 5 A, .-i a, 10 a, $1."5. REPENTANCE IS A Gra.ce, but iz ia One that Grows upon DefcrmiUes. 1234 Model Job Fount, No. 1012. C A, 7 a, $1.00. THE SOLUTION OF Mathematical Prol:>len:is. 19345 Model Job Fount, No. 1013. A, ll.oo. 48 THE MODEL PRINTING PRESS. Brevier. Model Job Fount, No. 1020. 12 A, 6 a, 60 a, $2.75. JESUS ANSWERED AND SAID UNTO HIM, If a man love me, he will keep my words : and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him. — Bible. 123. Model Job Fount, No. 1021. 12 a, 60 a. $2.50. ySSUS ANSWERED AND SAID UNTO HIM, If a man love me, he will keep my words : and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with hifn. — Bible. Model Job Fount, No. 1022. 12 A, 60 a, $2.26. JESUS ANSWERED AND SAID UNTO HIM, If a man love me, he vnll keep my words : and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him. Model Job Fount, No. 1023. 7 A, 60 cents. / SKILLED Pf(OFESSO[\ OF SMyiLL Ty\LK ^I^D j\GI\EEyiBLE l^OTHlI^GS 0FFE1[S SIS SEI[YICES. 1 Model Job Fount, No. 1024. 4 A, 6 a, $1.00. I^II^ST Tra-iru for tlie So-o-tli.. 1. Model Job Fount, No. 1025. 7 A, 14 a, $1.00. THE GOLDFINCH LIVES A FEW Summers and the Baven a Century. 12 Model Job Fount, No. 1026. 7 A. $1.50. Model Job Fount, No. 1027. 7 A, 6 a, 10 a, $2.50. OF KNOWLBJi&JS Poured into Youthful Meads. 1 Model Job Fount, No. 1028. 5 A, 8 A, $1.6 Model Job Fount, No. 1029. 6 A, $1.10. Model Job Fount, No. 1030. 9 A, 17 a, $1.10. THE PERFECTLY LEGITIMATE and Highly EnteHaining Discussions at Home. 12 Model Job Fount, No. 1031. 6 A, 12 a, $1.10. HYPOCRISY is Homage that Vice pays to Tirtue. 13 Model Job Fount, No. 1032. 9 A, $1.10. THE MODEL PRINTING PRESS. 49 Brevier. — Continued. Model Job Fount, No. 1033. 6 A, 7 a, $1.36. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Washington, D. C, July 4, 1876. Model Job Fount, No. 1034. 6 A, $1.10. Model Job Fount, No. 1085. 5 A, 8 a, $1.40. gitSANi ^FBE&Mt Q&sseoi Gm^mh Mmmsms GQmmge-, WM Long Primer. Model Job Fount, No. 1040. 12 A, 6 a, 60 a, $3.00. JESUS ANSWERED AND SAID UNTO HIM, If a man love me, he will keep my words : and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him. — Bible. 123 Model Job Fount, No. 1041. 12 A, 60 a, $2.75. yESUS ANSWERED AND SAID UNTO HIM, If a man love me, he will keep my words : and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.— Bible. Model Job Fount, No. 1042. 12 A, 60 a, $2.G0. JE8m ANSWERED AND SAID UNTO HIM, If a man love me, he will keep my words : and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him. Model Job Fount, No. 1013. 4 A, 10 a, $1.40. THE fillCH OF THE HEJl VEJTS is Glowing- with Glory. IS Model Job Fount, No. 1044. 5 A, 14 a, $1.75. WE fRESTECTFULLY call the Attention of all Printers. 1^3 Model Job Fount, No. 1045. 3 A, 8 a, $1.25. W W/Y WHEI^E FjlLSEHOOD GOES 12 Model Job Fount, No. 1093. 4 A, 5 a, $1.75. Model Job Fount, No. 1094. 6 A, 10 a, »1.60. PTIRITISHED in Large or Small Packages. 123 Model Job Fount, No. 1095. 4 A, 6 a, 90 c. THE UOSERH SALLKOOU SSLLE, Fro&cient in Delicate Ejelid f enciling. 12 Model Job Fount, No. 1096. 4 A, 10 a, 1.75. (BEHIJ^(D THE CLOUQS the Sun is Still Shining. 12 Model Job Fount, No. 1097. 3 A, 9 a, fl.65. Model Job Fount, No. 1098. 5 A 7 a 82.25. Model Job Fount, No. 1099. 6 A, 81.50. COHSlQlJlMTmL humanity/ 12 Model Job Fount, No 1100. 5 A, 7 a 82.35. Model .Tob Fount. No. 1101. 6 A, 8 a. 82.15. A YOUTHFUL Bachelor's Reveries. 1 Model Job Fount. No. 1102. 3 A, 6 a, 81.75. ^ Cj^onthfy 'rgaUefin for ifnquiring 4{eaders, is S4 THE MODEL PRINTING PRESS. Pica. — Continued. Model Job Fount, No. 1103. 5 A, «1.50. Model Job Fount, No. IIW. 5 A, 81.20. Sll&KIli All illlf II© i&f . 11 Model Job Fount, No. 1105. 5 A, $1.20. Model Job Fount, No. 1106. 5 A, 7 a, 12.00. F&MMMWMMMM &£ Wmivmmi Frmi^m^ iM Great Primer. Model Job Fount, No. 1110. 3 A, $1.00. mXi^W BMMB QrWMM^ 11 Model Job Fount, No. 1111. 3 A, 7 a, $2.15. Model Job Fount, No. 1112. 3 A, S1.65. Model Job Fount, No. 1113. 3 A, 5 a, $2.75. Model Job Fount. No. 1114. 6 A, 10 a, $2.25. CHARACTERISTIC Principles, iq Model Job Fount, No. 1115. Model Job Fount, No. 1116. 4 A, 4 a, $4.00. 3 A, 4 a, $3.00. THE MODEL PRINTING PRESS. 6S Great Primer. — Continued. Model Job Fount, No. 1117. Model Job Fount, No. 1118. 3 A, .3 a, $3.00. 6 A, 9 a, $1.75. STICKING- to Truth a Lost Accomplishment. 1 Model Job Fount, No. 1119. 3 A, 4 a, $2.75. Model Job Fount, No. 1120. 3 A, 5 a, $3.00. Model Job Fount, No. 1121. 4 A, 5 a, $2.75. ©TO ITPl Imporimm. iii Model Job Fount, No. 1122. 3 A, 4 a, $3.00. Model Job Fount, No. 1123. 3 A, 8 a, $3,50. JOiTIOyjlL Ciiy Sank. 1 Model Job Fount, No. 1124. 3 A, 6 a, $3.00. "PlS'^Si" ITsefuZ Type. 1 Model Job Fount, No. 1125. 3 A, 5 a, $1.75. Model Job Fount, No. 1126. Model Job Fount, No. 1127, 4 A, 8 a, $2.50 4 A, 8 a, $2.50, 9 Mf^ THE MODEL PRINTING PRESS. Great Primer. — Continued. Model Job Fount, No. 1128. 3 A, 1 A, 12 a, J3.00. f Sho/udtmd u IfmF' m tC. iS. fSf^mMe^. -IS Model Job Fount, No 1129. 4 A, 5 a, 82.fiO. STOCSZ a^rn-d Scri;pt- l Model Job Fount, No. 1130. 4 A, 6 a, 81.15 . IBS MOST UOMEHTUS Questions Seciied to Beneral Satisfaction. 12 Model Job Fount, No. 1131. 3 A. 8 a, $2.10. HASTE TO (become a Master. U Model Job Fount, No. 1132. 4 A, »1.50. iiiO Model Job Fount, No. 1133. 5 A, J1.50. Tiiiii mm Mi iiEL. i Model Job Fount, No. 1134. 3 A, 5 a, $2.50. Model Job Fount, No. 1135. 3 A, 6 a, $3.30. txmm Two-line Brevier. Model Job Fount, No. 1140. 4 A, $2..'i0. Model Job Fount, No. 1141. 5 A, SL-iO. 5 A, $1.75. Model Job Fount, No. 1142. THE MODEL PRINTING PRESS. 37 Two-line Small Pica. Model Job Fount, No. 1150. 3 A, 6 a, «2.50. Model Job Fount, No. 1151. 3 A, 5 a, 83.50. Model Job Fount, No. 1152. 3 A, 4 a, 83.30. Model Job Fount, No. 1153. 3 A, 4 a, $3,76. Model Job Fount, No. 1154. 3 A, 4 a, «3.50. Model Job Fount, No. 1155. 3 A, 5 a, $2.25. mm Ti iiM Effieleiif. fii Model Job Fount, No. 1156. 5 A, 7 a, $2.00. k gUESTIOMBLE Arrangement 12 Model Job Fount, No. 1157. 3 A, 7 a, $2.75. Model Job Fount, No. 1158. 3 A, 7 a, $2.75. Model Job Fount, No. 1159. 3 A, 1 A , 12 a, $3.7.5. 68 THE MODEL PRINTING PRESS. Two-line Small 'PiOSL— Continued. Model Job Fount, No. 1160. 3 A, 12 a, $2.75. Model Job Fount, No. 1161. 3 A, 5 a, $2.25. mMMM^M^ a^d §liss. 1 5 A, 7 a, 82.60. r lia?j Isafti. 121 4 A, 7 a, 81.50. tlllllll l^^s®^ I*® f®f I Model Job Fount, No. 1162. Model Job Fount, No. 1163. Model Job Fount, No. 1164 h a mi Model Job Fount, No. 1165. 4 A, 9 a, $2.10. 3 A, $3.00. Model Job Fount, No. 1166. 5 A $2 10 II eiiiiim Mill. % Model Job Fount, No. 1167. 3A, S2.50. Model Job Fount, No. 1168. Model Job Fount, No. 1169. 3 A, 5 a, $.S.50. 5 A, $2.50. €0TOT OF IBMOMa 1 THE MODEL PRINTING PRESS. Two-line Pica. 59 Model Job Fount, No. 1180. 3 A, 7 a, $2.75. IjBS $im anb ^ngsth "^irfuFS. 1 Model Job Fount, No. 1181. 4 A, »1.60. COLLEGE CADETS. 12 Model Job Fount, No. 1182. 3 A, 5 a, $4.25.. Model Job Fount, No. 1183. Model Job Fount, No. 1184. 3 A, 4 a, f4.75. 5 A, 7 a, 12.00. IS roreidlings of i Sodois anil Goirrak. 12 Model Job Fount, No. 1185. 3 A, 3 a, $5.75. Model m Model Job Fount, No. 1186. 3 A, 3 a, $5.25. Model Job Fount, No. 1187. 3 A, 7 a, $3.60, filling l^|§@l i litifi. Model Job Fount, No. 1188. 3 A, $3.75. 60 THE MODEL PRINTING PRESS. Two-line "Pica..— Continued. Model Job Foxint, No. 1189. Model Job Fount, No. 1190. 3 A, $3.00. 1 3 A, 3 a, $5.00. Two-line English. Model Job Fount, No. 1200. 3 A, 5 a, $4.00. Model Job Fount, No. 1201. 3 A, $2.7fi. EAVESDROP. IZ Model Job Fount, No. 1202. 3 A, 7 a, $3.75. ^I|f Hr^QoI foF Jtrto. 12 Model Job Fount, No. 1203. 3 A, 4 a, PECIE WmjmmL % Model Job Fount, No. 1204. 3 A, 5 a, $3.76. ii¥ fif ip ilk. fl THE MODEL PRINTING PRESS. 61 Two-line 'English— Continued. Model Job Fount. No. 1205. 4 A, 6 a, «2.75. METHODS of Ezamining. 123 Model Job Fount. No. 1206. 3 A, 5 a, «3.50. Model Job Fount, No. 1207. 3 A, 5 a, $3.50. Model Job Fount, No. 1208. S A, 1 A, 12 a, $6.50. Model Job Fount, No. 1209. 3 A, 5 a, $3.50. Si§mSM of §elight. 1 Model Job Fount, No. 1210. 3 A, 5 a, $3.00. B4L1 f§i Iir? ®ii SpMli. 11 Model Job Fount, No. 1211. 3 A, $2.50. PITCIPOEIS. 11 Model Job Fount, No. 1212. 3 A, $6.00. Model Job Fount, No. 1213. 3 A, 4 a, $4.00. 62 THE MODEL PRINTING PRESS. Two-line Great Primer. Model Job Fount, No. 1220. S A 4 a $4 75 Model Job Fount, No. 1221. 3 A, 4 a, $4.60. Jl ^inb ^^ougpf. 12 Model Job Fount, No. 1222. 3 A $2.C0 ORDERS. 12 Model Job Fount, No. 1223. 4 A $2 20 SOLAR RAYS. Model Job Fount, No. 1224. , 3 A, 4 a, $4.00. 1 1 Model Job Fount, No. 1225. 3 A, 4 a, 54.00. © (0 Model Job Fount, No. 1226. 3 A, 4 a, $4.00. Moderjob Fount, No. 1227. 3 A, 6 a $3 50 THE MODEL PRINTING PRESS. 63 Two-line Great Frimer —Continued. Model Job Fount, No. 1228. 3 A, 5 a, $4.00. SHOET Notice. 12 Model Job Fount, No. 1229. 3 A, 5 a, 52.10. Ojierators d Tricksters. 12 Model Job Fount. No. 1230. Model Job Fount, No. 1231. 4 A, $5.25. 4 A, $3.50. BABEHEAO Model Job Fount, No. 1232. 3 A, $3.50. IB Pour-line Pica. Model Job Fount, No. 1250. 4 A, $4.00. IGNORANT. Model Job Fount, No. 1251. 4 A, $4.50 64 THE MODEL PRINTING PRESS. Pour-line Tica..— Continued. Model Job Fount, No. 1252. 3 A, $5.00. MOTHER Model Job Fount, No. 1253. i ^ ^ 1 ii ^ i. i Model Job Fount, No. 1254. 3 A, 5 a, $5.26. mm Mm. 123 Model Job Fount, No. 1256. 3 A, 85.00. PREAD Model Job Fount, No. 1257. 3 A, $4.00. THE MODEL PRINTING PRESS. 68 Five-line Pica. Model Job Fount, No. 1260. 3 A- DIMNESS. Model Job Fount, No. 1261. 3 A, 86.00. FARMER Model Job Fount, No. 1262. 3 A, «o.50. HiBRUIiES. 2 Model Job Fount. No. 1263. 3 A, 4 a, S7.50. RED Rum. 2 Model Job Fount, No. 1264. 3 A, $5.00. mwwm. 1 THE MODEL PRINTING PRESS. 67 Corner Pieces. Four constitute a set. Price 40 cents per set. 68 THE MODEL PRINTING PRESS. 72 THE MODEL PRINTING PRESS. ADDITIONAL SPECIMENS OF RULES, BORDERS. CUTS, ETC. Brass Rule. No. 650. Per foot, 15 cents. No. 65 1. Per foot, 18 cents. No. 652. Per foot, 35 cents. No. 653. Per foot, 60 cents. No. 654. Per foot, 25 cents. No. 655. Per foot, 45 cents. No. 656. Per foot, 50 cents. No. 657. Per foot, 16 cents. No. 658. Per foot, 25 cents. No. 659. Per foot, 20 cents. ^ No. 660. Per foot, 30 cents. No. 661. Per foot, 40 cents. No. 662. Per foot, 40 cents. Brass Dashes. N o. 663. 20 cents^ No. 664. 20 cents. No. 671. $1.35. No. 666. $1.00. Comer Pieces. Per set of four. O No. 667. $1.00. THE MODEL PRINTING PRESS. 73 Borders. No. 675. Per fount, $1.10. No. 676. Per fount, $1.20. No. 677. Per fount, $1.20. QSLJULSU^JiJLSLJLJiJLJLSULJLJLZ.^JUULSLJLJLSLXJiJUL^ No. 678. Per fount, $1.20. No. 679. Per fount, $1.20. No. 680. Per fount, $1.20. n= =- No. 681. Per fount, $1.20. No. 682. Per fount, $1.10. No. 683. Per fount, $1.10. No. 684. Per fount, $1.10. No. 685. Per fount, $1.10. 686 712 687 I 699 701 713 714 Card Logotypes. 10 cents each. iO 690 691 G92 693 694 695 696 702 715 m 12 cents each. 703 704 705 15 cents each. 716 717 718 7^ 719 707 708 720 721 722 697 'i 709 711 i 723 I 78 THE MODEL PRINTING PRESS. No. 787. 40 cents. No. 788. 60 cents. No. 793. 35 cents. No. 794. 35 cents. No. 795. 35 cents. No. 796. SO cents. No. 797. 60 cents. No. 798. 50 cents. No. 799. 75 cents. No. 800. 50 cents. No. 801, 50 cents. No. 802. 50 cents. THE MODEL PRINTING PRESS. 79 No. 803. No. 804. No. 805. No. 806. No. 807. No. 808. No. 809. lets." Sets. 15cts. 15ct8. locte. 15cts. 15 cts. 15 cts. No. 811, No. 810. 25 centa. 10 cts. No. 812. 25 cents. No. 813. 35 cents. No. 814. 15 cts. No. 817. No. S15. 20 cts. No. 816. 15 cts. 15 cts. No. 818. 20 cts. No. 819. 20 cts. No. 820. 20 cts. No. 821. 15 cts. No. 822. 20 cents. No. 8-'3. 25 cents. No S24. 25 cts. No. 825. 20 cts. No. 826. 35 cents. No. 827. 35 cents. No. 828. 30 cts. No. 829. • No. 833. 12 cts. No. 830. 15 cts. No. 831 . 20 cts. No. 832. 20 cts. 15 cts. No. 834. 15 cts. No. 835. 15 cts. No. 836. 20 cts. No. 837. 30 cts. No. 838. 30 cts. No. 839. 30 cents. No. 840. 35 cts. No. 841. 20 cts. No. 842. 30 cents. No. 843. No. 845. 35 cts. No. 844. 20 cts. 20 cts. 82 THE MODEL PRINTING PRESS. Borders. No. 1300. Per fount. S1.20. No. 1301. Per fount, $1.20. No. 1302. Per fount, $1.20. No. 1303. Per fount, $1.20. No. 1304. Per fount, $1.20. No. 1305. Per fount, $1.20. No. 1306. Per fount, $1.20. No. 1307. Per fount, $1.20. No. 1308. Per fount, $1.60. Corner Pieces, Per Set of Four. No. 1309. 50 cts. No. 1310. 40 cents. No. 1311. 40 cents. No. 1312. 40cts. No. 1314. 35 cents. No. 1315. 35 cents. No. 1313. 50cts. t?^^ O No. 1316. 50 cts. A) No. 1314H. 35 cents. No. 1315i^. 35 cents. 84 THE MODEL PRINTING PRESS. No. 1332. No. 1333. No. 1335. No. 1336. No. 1337. No. 1338. 15 cts. 10 cts. No. 1334. 25 cents. 10 cts. 15 cts. 15 cts. 10 cts. No. 1344. No. 1345. 15 cts. 15 cts. No. 1346. 20 cts. No. 1347. 20 cts. No. 1348. 15 cts. No. 1349. 15 cts. No. 1350. 15 cts. No. 1351. 15 cts. No. 1352. 20 cts. No. 1353. 35 cts. No. 1354. 30 cts. No. 1355. 30 cts. No. 1356. 30 cts. No. 1362. 40 cts. No. 1363. 50 cts. No. 1364. 35 cts. THE MODEL PRINTING PRESS. 8S No. 1365. 60 cents. No. 1366. 40 cts. No. 1367. 50 cts. No. 1368. 35 ets. No 1369. 40 cents. No. 1370. 60 cents. No. 1371. 45 cents. No. 1372. 50 cents. No. 1373. 40 cents. No. 1374. 45 cents. No. 1375. 50 cents. No. 1376. 50 cents. No. 1377. 50 cents. No. 1378. 50 cents. 90 THE MODEL PRINTING PRESS. No. 1410. $L26. No. 1425. $1.65. THE MODEL PRINTING PRESS. 97 A BRIEF DICTIONARY OF PRINTERS' TERMS NECESSARILY USED IN THIS CATALOGUE. In this Catalogue we have avoided, as far as it was possible, the use of the technical terms of printing offices. Such as we have been compelled to use in our descriptions and instructions we have arranged alphabetically in the follow- ing list, which can readily be referred to as occasion may require. Alteration. Changing words or letters after the job is set up, so that it reads differently from " copy." Blur. A printed sheet in which the ink looks dauby or ragged. " Bed and Platoi" Press. A press that prints the whole form at once by a direct pressure upon the face of the type. Chase. An iron frame in which to secure the type for printing. Composition. The setting up of types. Composing Stick. An adjustable iron instru- ment in which type are placed while being set up. Copy- Any written or printed matter which is to be set up in type. Correcting Form. Removing types which have been used incorrectly, and replacing them by the proper ones. "Dwell" on the Type. Permitting the sheet remaining pressed to the face of the type for a brief period, so as to " set the ink" on the surface of the paper. Electrotype. A copper-faced plate, blocked on wood or metal type high. Form of Type. The types after they are set up and locked in the chase ready for printing. Fount of Type. An assortment of the different letters, figures, points, etc., of any one kind of type, in the proper proportion for use. Furniture. Wood or metal pieces to place around the types when " locking up." Gauge Pins. Brass or steel pins to place the sheet or card against when printing. Galley. A flat tray for holding types when set up. Gold Sizing. A substance to use instead of printing ink when you wish to use bronze. Gold Bronze. A fine golden powder to use in printing in gold. Hair Lines. Very fine lines. Impression. The pressure of the sheet upon the face of the type. Imposing Table. A level, smooth-surfaced slab of marble or other substance to place type upon when ready for putting in the chase. yob. Something to be set up and printed. justifying. Spacing the types in each line sa that they are exactly of the same length. Leads. Thin strips of type metal to put be- tween lines of type. Locking Up. Making the types secure in the chase. Making Ready. Getting a perfect impression of the face of the type upon the sheet or card to be printed. Nick. The notch near the lower end of types. Overlaying. Pasting thin layers of paper on the bedding of the platen, to bring up certain portions of the type. Platen. The movable plate that carries the sheet to be printed, and presses it upon the face of the types. Platen-Bands. The iron bands which hold the paper bedding to the face of the platen. Planer. A flat piece of wood, with a smooth, level face, to use in leveling the types when locking up. Proof. A first impression from a form. Proof Reading. Rftading a proof to find and mark the errors. Quoins. Small wedges of wood often used to " lock up " a form in the chase. "Quads." Short blank types ranging in width from the thick ness of an n to that of three m's, thus : ; ~ ~~ All regular sizes of type have quadrats or " quads." Register. When a job is printed on both sides of a sheet, to cause the impressions to back each other precisely. In color work, to have the colors to come precisely in the proper place. Reglets. Thin strips of hard wood of different thicknesses, to put between lines. Roller. An instrument made to place the ink upon the type. Spaces. Short blank types used for separating the words in a line. Shir. A printed sheet moved during the im- pression. Type ifigh. Just the height of a type form. Underlaying. Pasting layers of thin paper under the form. THE MODEL PRESS. Read its Record! " I would most respectfully, and without solicitation, pronounce the Model Printing Press the best I have ever seen or used, and I speak after six years' experience in a job printing office. t: J. TRIMMER, Spartanburg, S. C." " I have had one of your Model Presses for the past four months, and it works like a charm. It is much more desirable than any other of the low-jiriced presses. E. E. PETTINGILL, 1713 New York Ave., Washington, D. C' 98 THE MODEL PRINTING PRESS. Read its Record! "Pleaae send me a Self-Inking Model Press. It is the best I have seen. W. W. HARDING, Editor and Publisher Philadelphia Inquirer:^ " The Model Press ordered, arrived just on time. It is the best press I ever saw. THOMAS A. BARNAEP, Big Kapids, Mich." "The Model Press and material came a few days ago ; and after a fair trial, I can say that it gives entire satisfaction. M. J. B. BROOKS, Sinnemahoning, Pa." " My Model Press came to hand on last Saturday. I have never been so well pleased with anything in niy life. It works like a charm. HOMER HALLECK, Heppner, Oregon." "I received my Model Press in due time, and am delighted with it. It is a perfect success "We get printing orders all the time. W. M. McFARLAND, Cannonsburg, Pa." "I received my No. 2 Self-Inking Model Press on the 18th inst., and am very much pleased with it. W. H. JOHNSON, Cashier, Bank of Hornellsville, Hornellsville, N. Y." " The Model Press is superior in every respect to the ' Lowe,' ' Novelty ' and ' Young America ' all of which I have owned and tried thoroughly. J. L. DENNIS, Geneva Ga." ' "I have used the 'Novelty,' 'Lowe,' 'Adams,' ' Cottage,' and have seen the ' Young America' at work ; but for a good and cheap press, the ' .Model ' beats them all. J. M. SCHREIBER, Moorefield, Ohio." "I have had many presses and outfits, but can truly say that the 'Model' performs neater and quicker work, and with less trouble, than iiny I ever worked upon. E. C. JACKSON, Wilmington, Del." " The $10 Model Press, purchased of you almost a year ago, still works to perfection. Would not exchange it for a $30 ' Novelty.' A. W. HENRY, Mechanicsburg, Pa." " My Self-Inking Mod^l Press works splendidly. Am more than pleased with it. 0. II. PENDLETON, Wassaick, N. Y." " I have sold my Novelty Press to ' make room for the Model.' Send immediately ; I have orders to fill. GEO. W. FREDERICK, Wellsville, N. Y." "The 'Model' is the best small press made. Having one in use for about a year, I know what I am talking about. W. H. SIVITER, Pittsburgh, Pa." "I have one of your Model Presses, and I now write to tell you how I like it. It is indeed THE Model Press. I have earned over $20 with it already, out of school hours, and did it easily. In one day I printed 2,5(iO tickets. The ' Model' is the best press out. I highly recommend it to anybody who wants to buy. PRANK W. GREENE, Riverpoint, R. I." " It affords me great pleasure to be able to say still, that no press can at all compare with the ' Model.' I bought the press of you in February, 1875, and had never set a type before then. Since that time, I have cleared more than one hundrrd dollars on the ' Model.' It is more than up to your strong commendations of it. I have tested it carefully, and am delighted with it in every respect. I print on Mondays, the proverbial 'blue' day for ministers; but since I pur- chased the 'Model,' I have not known a single 'blue' day. In fact, Mondays have been about the brightest days of the week. " The ' Model ' Press will perfectly print any form the chase will hold. A comparison of the ' Model's' work with that done on a $5i50.i)0 press is what clinches conviction of the 'Model's' superiority. (Rev.) J. W. SANBORN, Scottsville (late of Spencerport), N. Y." " We are delighted with the No. 1 Model Press bought of you, and would not take $50 and be without one in our business. You may refer to us if you see fit. LINDSAY" & Co., 107 N. 2d St., Philadelphia, Pa." "I received the No. 2 Model Press some three weeks ago, and it works to my entire satisfac- tion. A. M. LAMPHBER, Atcheson, Kan." "The Model Printing Press is the press to do good work. It is compact, easily worked, and well adapted for the use of business men. From The Philadelphia Evening Telegraph." "The Model Printing Press is really a model machine, and just the thing for your office, your store, your boy, or yourself. From The Philadelphia Keystone Independent." THE MODEL PRINTING PRESS. 99 Read its Record! "We are nmch pleased with the Model Press. After a little further trial ve will notice it favorably in our Magazine, the Childrkk's ^^^^^^^^ BRADLEY, Coatesville, Pa." " I have for some time been using the Model Printing Press I have oth«^.^o«i this coxmtrv and in England, but have never seen tlie equal of the Model. Thiee ^\ teks ago i nr nted 30 OOrchecl^ or tickets, a sample of vhich I enclose. I have also printed a great nanj drcu?ai-s MATTHEW TRACY, 2340 Emerald St., Philadelphia, Pa. "I am hiehlv pleased with my ' Model Press,' purchased of you a few months ago It Sivea peifecLat sfaftion,7rrv1ng itself to be. ymc represent it. I ^yould not take doub e he ^mmint U citt a'nd \lo without it. I now do all ™' spending money and a great deal besides. AARON SNYDER, Mount yEtna, 1 a. "After some months' trial of your Model Printing Press, I am entMy satis^fied wWr ^i^^^ working, and am ready to say that it is one of the very best presses "'f e I ha o 'scd the 'Bxcelstor,' the ' Novelty,' and the ' Adams,' but none work so easy and so veil as the Model. I have printed 1,000 Business Cards in oi.o horn- -'Wx^^^iuirte. ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^.^^ „ " The Model Press gives entire Batisfaction.^^^^^.^^_ gtroudsburg Bank,' S^rtS, Pa." " After about six months' almost constant use of the ' Model,' I can P']"* ?^ work than over before. I have put it to a seve, e and critical test. ^ f ,\-en of different kinds, and to my admiration every letter came " t"ii P'^*' ; the largest, can give a finer impression. I print tracts and evervthing w ordered church I showed one of these tracts to a minister friend, but he would not believ e n ^^ as dot on a Bmall press, nor would he be fully satisfied until he saw -^l^^^^V," ' M^ur? w^^ a,ua.ed and eyed the ' Model ' as if to discover ^Wl^re t^^ greater heartiness than at first. (Kev.; j. >v. i5/v.>ijwivxi, i " The Model Printing Press is a success. ^ We ^V^^^^ ^ Wellsville, York Co., Pa." " The Model Printing Press job Printer, Hyde Park, HI." " Received the $10.00 Model Press in due time. T. works to my entire satisfaction. I think tt is superior to the Novelty. S. G. METCALF, Canandaigua, N. Y. "The Model Press came in due season. I think it is the most complete press that has ever beenolTered. It works like a charm. No press can do better work. I am perfectly delighted •with it. R. A. HUNTER, 146 Bidwell St., Alleghany City, Pa. "The Model Press has proved a success fully up to our most sanguine expectations, and it is to-day the delight of the household, iis every one seems interested in it. L. A. KITTNEGER, M. D., 724 King St., Wilmington, Del. " I received my No. 1 Model Press, and am very much pleased with It. I would not exchange it for a $20 Novelty. I can do finer work than on the Novelty, as I have used both. * ^ EDWARD WILER, 2525 Carson St., Pittsburgh, Pa. "I am working three presses, viz: the ' Excelsior.' the ' Novelty,' and the ' Model,' but the 'MODEL' is far superior, and leads them all for go°«