CAT A L O G U E OF Natural and Artificial Rarities, Foffils, Ores, Shells, Pla liters, Bronzes, Pictures, Prints, and Drawings, Greek Roman Englijh and Foreign, Gold, Silver and Copper Coins and Medals, Mathematical Inftruments, and other Curiofities, Including the Entire COLLECTION of Mr. EDWARD STEELE, Painter. Which will be fold by AUCTION By SAMUEL PATERSON, At EJfex Houle in EJfex-Street, in the Strand, ’ On Friday the 27th of April 1759. To begin precifely at Twelve o’Clock. The Whole may be viewed on WeMtfday the * 5 ,h Inftant, and to the Time of Saie. Catalogues may be had gratis at the Place of SALE, CONDITIONS of SALE, I. T HE higheft Bidder is to be the Buver • hnt- if , tat two or more Bidders, the Lot in Difpute is to be pTup agl*^ b ' tW *“ *3 !« IZV * round. Ok, We> III. Every Purchafer is to pay down Two Shillings and Six • .u n of Payment and is to give in his Name and Place of AtadTif' "4^ “ P « Three Day's^fs* bTded tS ^ paid 5 in Default of which, the Dep’oht is to f^rnm d f °e Pu L rchafe M °™y to be then Deficiencies, if any, are tobe mad^d byVSftPurfSS* ** ^ 3 " d t 2 ] Friday, April 27, 1759; Fosstls, Shells, and other Curiofities . Lol 1 Parcel of oar?, ftones, Sic. 2 f\ Ditto 3 Ditto 4 Ditto 5 Ditto 6 Sundry foflils, &c. in partition’d drawers 7 Ditto — fpecimens of forty feveral kinds of woods 8 Sundry beautiful ftones, compofitions, &c. 9 A parcel of large and fmall fhells 10 Ditto of fmall fhells in five partition’d boxes. 1 1 A beautiful cockle 12 Sundry fifties 13 An eagle ftone, an oftrich’s egg, a camelion, a tortoife, a guinea deer fluff’d, a millepedes in fpfrit?, a pair of wooden fhoes, a chinefe fhoe, an indian firework, chinefe characters 14 Two pair of indian fandals, a powder horn ditto, a ftraw belt ditto, 2 fcabbards ditto, and 2 flings ditto 15 A Laplander’s fhirt, a tooth of the tyrant Muley Ifhmael, Emperor of Morocco, a hair cap of Mary Queen of Scots, a picktooth made of a fanftick of Queen Elizabeth, two Angular fnuff boxes, and other odd things 16 A collection of tobacco pipes of feveral nations 17 An entertainment of wax, viz. a fine lobfter, tart, cheefecake, cuftard, an orange, half a lemon, and various fweetmeats 18 Four packs of fpanifh cards, all different ; a pair of gloves in a walnut fhell, an indian arrow, fome dry’d plants, feathers, &c. 19 A fpanifti lamp, half minute glafs, cup, and other things taken out of the St. Jofeph in the late war 20 A fmall brafs crucifix and bell, a pilgrim’s crofs, a St. Andrew’s ditto, a garland found in a grave in Bromley Church Yard, and half a ring ditto 21 A filver inaugurating ring, of great antiquity 22 The fword of mercy which was carry’d before King James II. at his coronation 23 A neft of drawers for foflils, fhells, &c. 24 A walnut-tree cabinet for foflils, fhells, medals, &c. Miniatures, Prints, Drawings, Casts, Bronzes, and other Curiofities. 25 A Lady’s head, painted upon ivory 26 Cv Sufanna and the two elders, by Clynjlet 27 Venus, kc. repofing, by ditto 28 A gentleman’s head 29 King James I. and his Queen 30 A fmall enamelled head 31 A grotefque card-playing 32 An hymeneal 33 A curious drawing of our Saviour, with the hiftory of his paflion, written on the out-lines 31 Two drawings of a gentleman and lady’s head, framed and glazed 35 Eleven drawings 36 Three prints, by Valk , fram’d and glaz’d 37 Eleven heads, by Piazzetta, and 4 more, in a portfeuille 38 Ten hiftorical prints of King Charles I. from his marriage to his death [ 3 ] 39 Three imprefflons upon card, 3 ditto plaifter, and an engraving upon wood 40 A colle&ion of plaifters 41 Ditto various, in a partition’d box 42 Sundry cafts in plaifter, ditto feals 43 Ditto in plaifter ( one a flag’s head, by Colley Cibber)- — King William and Queen Mary, in lead, gilt 44 A cock in bronze 45 The bull apis, an antique bronze 46 An infant Hercules, ditto 47 A large caft of Jupiter Ammon, antique 48 Six compofition eggs, double gilt, and two amber ditto with gold rims 49 Ditto 50 Ditto 51 A curious pebble fnuff box double gilt, and an root of olive ditto lined with gold 52 An agate ditto, and an olive root ditto 53 Ditto 54 Two marble figures with cornucopias PICTURES. 55 A N head of Sir George Sydenham ■ — — ■■■ — " *594 56 d\ Chrift’s temptation, by Le Blond 57 A fea piece 58 A large landfcape and figures 59 A lady’s head, by Holbein 60 A large picture of ftill life 61 Two fruit pieces, by Debeem fa Skulls of dogs, painted by Mr, Steele — A horfe grazing *62 Elytnas the forcerer ftruck blind, after Raphael — A fruit piece 63 A dead woodcock 64 A fma!l bead, Italian 65 T wo fmall heads 66 Two ditto 67 A head of Tiberius Caefar 68 A Spanifh merriment 69 A bacchanalian, by Rottenamm r 70 Venus and Adonis 71 A fmall landfcape and figures An head, Dutch 72 A large flower-piece 73 A gentleman and lady at table, Flemijh 74 Dead game ; an hare, a partridge, a woodcock 75 An holy family 76 Mofes dividing the Red Sea 77 A landfcape and figures 78 Jafon aeftroying the dragon, by Gorgona 79 A painter in his ftudy 80 A fmall whole length of Minerva 81 The Veronica, Italian 82 A farrier’s (hop, by Old Wyck 83 Two pieces of ruins and figures, by Harvey 84 An head of a rabbi, by Rembrandt 85 Two fmall oval battle pieces Silver and Copper Coins and Medals. 86 /"ANE hundred and eighty Roman brafs of all fizes iS< 87 One Caraufius, 1 Alledtus, 2 Hellena, 1 Theodora, and 41 more fmall brafs of the lower empire - »■ 4< 88 One filver Roman denarius of Jul. Caefar, and 19 Confular and Imperial denarii n t 4 1 One po^hutnous taa%jp%Mtds, 5 .denarii, and a 1 impnd£ of Antiques . — - 99 One (hilling of Oliver, 1 Qu. Anne’s farthing, 3 fix-pcnces of Qu. Elizabeth, 1 filver .medal of the Qu. of Hungary, 1 filvered ditto of the D. of Cumberland, 2 pieces of gun money, 14 de- narii, 24 cafts of feals, &c. 91 -One hundred and fifty-one copper coins of all nations, abbey pieces, jettons, .&c. 92 Ninety-five Englifh filver farthing, halfpenny, penny, and twopenny pieces from William the Conqueror to King George II. inclufive, all different . 93 Twenty-two groats from Edward III. to Charles II. ditto 94 Forty two halfpenny, penny, three-halfpenny, twopenny, threepenny, and fixpenny pieces of Qu. Elizabeth, all different — ■■ _ 95 Five ounces of filver coin, at per ounce 96 97 A fine halfpenny and farthing of Q. Anne One Carlifle fhillmg, 1 Ormond ditto and fixpence, 11 other fhillings and fixpences — — Newark fhilling and ninepence, and 98 A fingular 20 fhilling piece of King Charles I. without trophies under the horfe 99 A fine Inchiquin crown 100 A well preferved (hilling with Lord Baltimore’s head, &c. 101 A filver medal of King Charles I. by Briot 1626 — - A fine copper medal of Oliver 102 Eleven large and final! medals in pewter, copper and brafs — « 103 A fine filver fatirical medal upon the revocation of the edidl of Nantz 104 A filver medal of Pope Clement X. 1 ditto of Guftavus Adolphus, 1 ditto of Qu. Chriftina and 5 more 105 A fine medal of George Lewis Duke of Brunfwick and Lunenb. (afterwards Kino- of Great Britain) upon his Introdudfion into the Electoral College 1708 106 Ten fine copper medals of Lewis XIV. and 2 ditto of Lewis XV. - - — . 107 A Geneva jubilee medal by Dacier — A copper medal of Sir Ifaac Newton, by ditto , and 3 more — - ■ . . 108 Live fmall medal boards Gold Coins. 109 A Noble of Edward with Aqt. and an angel of Edward IV. both well preferved . no 41 . A noble of Richard II. with Aqt. and an efcu d’or of Philip de Valois of France, about the year 1327, very fair , and in the firjl prefervation III A remarkable double ducat of Ferdinand and Elizabeth, with only their titles Iia An angel of Henry VI. rare, a quarter noble of Edward III. with a remarkable r ever fe (crofs and pellets) and a fcarce half ryai of Edward IV. crown the mint mark 1 13 A half fovereign of Edward VI. . 1 14 A ten fhilling piece of King Charles I. by Briot, and a gold half crown of King James I. *7 47 - 151 95 - 22 42 16 2 1 1 12 2 1 3 1 2 Mathematical Instruments. i 1 5 A Magnifying glafs with an handle, and 2 more for the infpedtion of medals 1 16 A cafe of inftruments for drawing 117 A chinefe dogen for weighing gold, a pair of fcales, and a box of weights to ditto for old Englilh coins 1 1 8 A 16-inch horizontal dial, with the equation of time tig A neat hydroftatic balance, with all the apparatus, by Hawkfbee 1 20 Gunter’s quadrant and fcale ; another quadrant, builders fquare, rules, &c. '21 A 6-foot telefcope !22 A refledling ditto 23 A microfcope 24 A pocket way-wifer 25 A pair of 12 inch globes, by Gufhee 26 Two pieces of elegant Flanders tapeftry hangings ; the ftories, St. Paul letdown by a caflle wall in a bafket, and the people bringing in their treafure and laying them at the feet of the apofUes : the dimenfions 43 and a half ells Flemifh, at per ell FINIS. 1 . 1 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from Getty Research Institute