. J^RINTS and DRAWIXGj^ ■ LOGUE OF A COLLECTION OF PHINTS, , ^ . * BY BARTOLOZZI, BERVIC, MORGHEM, SHARPE, &c. •ul* L i Many Procfst and in "Colours; ^ RARE ENGLISH PORTRAITS, I BY ' ' DELAllAM, ELSTRACK, FAtTHORNE, HOLLAR, PASS, Ac. I Jnd. a, few Modern Drawings; . ' ' i WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY iRI€/ ]Hl ^ RJDS O At Jiis House, No. 31, Corner of A*iiliers*Street, in the Strand, On Tuesdav, IMarch 12, and the following Evening, at Six oClock. i.- • I To be viewed the Mornings of Sale, Catalogues to be had of Mf. Richardson, No. 31, Strand. Collections of Prints, Books, &c purchased in Town or Country, or Sold by Auction — Money advanced on Property intended for Public Sa;c. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. The highefl Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any Difpiite arifes between two or more Bidders, the Lot fo difputed {ball be immediately put up again and re-fold. II. No Perfon to advance lefs than 6d. ; above One Pound One Shilling; above Five Pounds 2s. 6d.; and fo in Pro^ portion. III. The Purchafers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, in Part of Payment of the Purchafe-money ; in Default of which, the lyot or Lots fo purchafed to be immediately put up again and re-fold. IV. The Lots to be taken away, with all Faults, at the Buyer’s Expence, within Three Days after the Conclufion of the Sale; and the Remainder of the Purchafe-money to be abfoluteiy paid on or before Delivery. V. Upon Failure of complying with the above Condi- tions, the Money depofited in Part of Payment fhall be forfeited; and all Lots uncleared within the Time afore- faid ihaH be re-fold by public or private Sale, and the Deficiency (if any) attending fuch Re-f^le fhall be made good by the Defaulters at this Sale. Gentlemen who cannot attend the Sale, may have their (Jommifiions faithfully executed by thek humble Servant, W* Richardson. Fir.f^i^Evening’s Sale PRINTS. Lo t ^ 1 EN — Modern Prints, two of them in Colours 2 Six — Cipriani, Smith, &c. 3 Nine — Modern Portraits, Bartolozzi, 5 cc. 4 Twenty — Foreign Portraits 5 Fourteen — Englifh, by Loggan, &c. 6 Twenty-four — Foreft Scenery by Gilpin, proofs before the letters 7 Eleven— Ditto, ditto, in Colours 8 Eleven— Etchings, Landfeapes by Wierotter, &c, fcarce 9 Six — after Angelica, by Bartolozzi, &c. 10 Eight — after- Cipriani, by ditto 11 Ten — various, Tomkins, &c. 12 Six— by Bartolozzi and Clieefman 13 Tv/elve — after Hamilton and Bur.bury 14 Five — by Caroline Watfon, &c. 15 Four — after Angelica, by Bartolozzi 16 Six— Portraits, Bartolozzi and Sherwin 17 Eight — Ditto, King and Chieen of France, See. iB Four^ — Angelica and Cipriani 19 Four— Archduke Charles, 5 :c. Colours 20 Six — Admiral Nelfon, &c. Coloiks 2 1 Five — Angels appearing to the Shepherds, See. Rembra vdt 22 One — Landfeape, the three Trees, di[tv> 23 Four — Ditto, after Loutherbourfr, Wouvermanv A 2 ^ ( 4 ) 24 F our— iiiie Landfcapes and Figures, after Polemberg 25 Tv/o — Cipriani and firji impreffiom 26 Four— in Colours, Cipriani, &c. 27 Four— by Tomkins, See. 28 Seven— Portraits, by Bartolozzi, fcarce 2Q Oliver Cromwell, by Lombart, very fine and fcarce 30 Fred. Henry, Prince of Orange, by Pafs, with’ various Emblems, -very fcarce 31 Wood and Dawkins’ firft Difeovery of Palmira, 2 very fcarce Etching, by Hall 32 Six — of Fans, &c. by Bartolozzi 33 One— Innocence, by Bervic, fine 34 One— Study endeavouring to ftop Time, by Ariel, ditto 35 Two— Beauvarlet 36 Jofeph and his Miitrefs, &c. proofy by ditto 37 Two— Judgement of Paris, &c. by ditto, 38 Two — Ledture Efpagnole and Companion, by ditto, fine 39 Apollo crowning I'ruth, very fine 40 One— Lord AHiburton, after Sir J. proof he fore the arms 41 One — after RiilTel], by Nutter, proof 42 One — by Sharp, proof before the letters 43 One — Sheridan, after Sir Jofliua, ditto 44 Mrs. Seaforth as a Veftal, after ditto, proofy by Tomkins 45 .One — His Majcfty George III. Sec. after Hamilton, un- finfiiedy by Bartolozzi, very fcarce 46 One — -Admiral Lord Graves, proof before any lettersy by • Bartolozzi, and before the Medal on his Breajly private plate 47 One — Prince of Wales, whole length, proofy by ditto 48 One — Holy Family, after Carlo Marratti, very fine proof y by ditto 49 Two — after Bunbury, proof Sy by ditto, Sec. 50 Seven — finO Views, by Fittler, See. 51 Three— large Views of Paris, &c, Colours 52 One — Rubens and his Wife as a Shepherd and Shepherdefs, before the letters 53 One— Repre.fentation of the Plague at Marfeilles, very fine and fcarccy proof before any letters 54 Tv/o — line large Chinefe Battles, by Le Bas, proofs he- fore the letters, very fcarce 55 One — l.irge Frieze, Alexander and Demoflhenes, proof 56 One — large, after Teniers, by Le Bas 57 Two— Madona and Child, and Unbelief of St. Thomas, proof before any letter's 5S Three— of Leopards, Tigers, Sec, after Rubens { 5 ) 59 Two— fine large Landfcapes, afier Claude Lorraine 60 Tv/o — Abraharti and Hagar, &c. after ditto 61 One— -Belifarius, after David, hy MoveWy fine 62 One—Venus difarming Cupjd, ditto 63 Two— after Pouflin, &c. by Bonillard, proofs 64 One— rSufanna in the Bath, by Porporati, fine and fcarec 65 Three— large Views, zittr \ fi.ne irnprejjhns 66 Two — after Raphael, by Morghen, &c. 67 One— the Repofe in Egypt, after Poufiin, by ditto DRAWINGS. 1 Three— Views from Nature, in Water Colours 2 Two — ditto. 3 Two — ditto 4 Two — ditto 5 Two — Views in South Wales^ &c. fine 6 Two — Views from Nature, India Ink 7 Three: — jditto in Water Colours, View at Conway, Stains, &c, fine 8 Two — ditto in North Wales, &c. .9 Six — Views in Deyonfhire, Yorkfhire, 5 cc. 10 Four— Ludlow Caftle, Knarefborough, 11 T wo— -Monmouth Church, Malvern Hills and Priory, Worcefterfhire PRINTS CONTINUED. 68 Painting, Poetry, &c. by Morghem 69 Six — very fine Heads, after Mengs, &c. 70 Three — large Huntings, after Carlo Vernst, very fine 71 Six— Views of the Port of Nice, 6rc. Colours, fine 72 Two — Summer and Autumn, proofs^ by Fitticr, very fine 73 One — Duke of Leeds, after Lawrence 74 One — Veftal, by Tomkins, Cplours 75 I’wo— fine engraved Portraits, by Bartolozzi 76 Two — after Bigg, by Gaiigain 77 One — a remarkably curious Scene of a Cavern, proof] fore the letters 78 Two — Adriadne forfaken by Thefeiis, 5 cc. very fine 79 One — ‘Alexander and his Phyfician, by Pichler, fne 80 One — Le Par Joji, by Mallard, very fine ( 6 ) 8 1 One— the lafl Interview of Louis XVI. and his Family, by Tomkins 82 One — Holy Family, by Bartolozzi, proof 83 Cottagers at the Bottom of MountVefuvius, by ditto, proof .84 One — Holy Family, by Sharp, fine 85 Venus adorned by Cupids, after Lady D. Beauderc, proof before any letters 86 One — Ditto, ditto, Colours 87 One—the Monument of Lord Chatham, after Bacon, by ’ Green, firie proof 88 One — Duke of Rutland, after Sir J. Reynolds, proof 89 James Mingay, Efq. after Romney, ditto 90 idght Hon. Lord Keith, by Reynolds 01 Lord Vifeount Duncan, by Smith 92 Lord Macartney, by Tovvrley, proof 93 Hon. Geo. Cranheld Berkeley, after Gainfborough, proof 94 One — Lady Lambton as Domeftic Happinefs, by Young, very fine 95 One — Holy Family, after Leonardo da Vinci 96 One— Allegro and Penferofc, after Romney, fine 97 I'wo- — Labourers and Farmer "s Wife, by Stubbs 98 One— Peace, by Jofi, f^ne 99 The TVoodmaii, by Bartolozzi 3 03 T'v/o— Fifiiery, and Cafeade at Tivoli 101 Four — Plates, after Morland, of the Deferter 102 One— the infant Hercules, after Sir J. Reynolds 203 Founding of the Settlement of Port Jackfon IC4 Two — Virgin, Child, and St. John, after Vandyck, by Green 105 Four — -Ti'iumph of Bacchus, &c. after Lady D. Beau- clerc 106 Two— Sacrifice to Love, &c. after ditto 107 One— the Sheepfhearer, by Cardon 308 One— Suppiicium Veftatis', by Wilkin 109 One — Captain Faulkner in the ^ebra 2:10 Four— Views of Fov/erfeourt Waterfall, &c. Colours' 1 1 1 Tv/o — Kilkeniiy Bay, &c. Colours 1 12 Two— Views in the Eaft Indies, by Daniel, Colour s J { 3 T wo— V iews inW effmoreland, and Liangothlen Bridge, N. W. Colours 3 i4 Three — Views on the River Wye, by Jukes, Colours ji5 Tv/o— the Dram and Storm, by Morland 1 i6 l^wo — Barn-door and Gypfies, ditto, firji hnprcjjlon 117 Two — Cottagers and Travellers, by ditto, ditto I iS The Nurfe jind Children in the Fields, after ditto, preef J 19 I'wo— Earls Chatham and Sutherland, farce i 1 ) 120 Four— Cli'cles, after Angelica " fr» 12 1 Four — Titian and Spagnoiett 122 Two — after WeRal, by Bartolozzi 123 Four — after Hamilton, See. 124 Two — French Prints, proofs^ before the letters 125 Two — Dutch Mi hftrel, after Rembrandt, &c. 126 Four — after Hogarth and Bigg End of the Firjl Eveninfs Sale, Second Evening’s Sale. \ PRINTS. lOT 1 Se VENT Y-TWO— F oreign Portraits 2 Twenty>three— -Ditto, fome Englifh 3 Twelve — by Pafs, 5 cc. 4 T welve — various ^./>5 Nineteen^ — ditto 4 * 4)6 Eight— by Hollar, Marfhall, &c. Hi Four — Lord Bath, by Martin, &cc, ^ Six — Henry, Earl of Holland, &c. Fifteen — Pcrtiaits, various /•^lO ITirty-fix — Views in Flolland II Five — Berghern and Pvideli Seven — Mary, Duchefs of Portland, by Junius, by Hollar^ ' 6 cc. ' - ^ Thirty- oneL-Views^ by Ifrael, kc. 14 'Fhree— Death of Sir P. Sydney, after Mortimer — King Edward VI. in an ova], ^.^16 One — John Newton, set 39-1660, r ( 8 ) ^ 17 Four — Charles V. after Titian, Rudolphus 11 . Prince Maurice,' &c. 18 Two — Lady Brandon, hj Smithy and Countefs of Car- 1 narvon, by Morri$x 4 |'PI 9 Four*— Vignets, by Bartolozzi, proofs 20 Eight — by Bartolozzi, proofs and in colours 21 Thirteen — after Stothard, by Bartolozzi 22 Six— ditto in colours 23 Five — 'Denton, by Vertue, &c. y.^24 Eight— Sir Henry Sidney, &c. Ten — Earl of Abercorn, &c. ^^26 Six— Portraits, by Van Schuppen, &c. Seventeen — by Valok, Gunft, &c. ^*^ 28 Eighteen — by Vertue, Gunft, &c. /%^ 2 g Ten — after Van Dyck, by Lombart, fine 30 Four^ — Artifts, Dobfon, by G. White, fine, &c. 31 Four — John, Duke of Lauderdale, hy Beckett Jarl of Arg}de, by Vanderbank, &c. /* l*^2pL Nineteen — King Charles 1 . and the Loyalifts, by Vertue, with the charadlers from Clarendon " / ; • ^'*^33 — Beau h'ielding, altered ■■ C}l Z^ — Henry, Earl of Monmouth, by Faithorne, M. Le Blon, &c. ?35 Four — King Charles 1 . &c. ^ 36 Five— Edvv^ard, Earl of Devonfhire, Sir James Dyer, by DrapentieTy Ortelius, &c. 7 /- 37 Three; — Sir George Rawdon, by R, White j R. Fielding, ^ by Beckett, &c. 38 One — Lady Grey, after Sir P. Lely, by Corbutt ' 39 — Duchefs of Northumberland, Ditto ~40 Four — Edward Boys, by Faithorne, &c. 41 Two — Earl of Egmont and Catherine Percival, from the Houfe of Yvery, by Faber !• Earl of Efiexon horfeback, by Hollar, One — Charles, Earl of Derby, by Blooteling, /^•^44 One — The Countefs of Litchfield, by Beckett y^-^45 One — Thomas, Earl of Arundel, by Vorfterman, fine ^ 46 Three — Colonel Charteris, &c. 2.*.? 47 Two — The Seven Biftiops going to the Tower, &c. *"^ 48 Two — Baron Tilli on Horfeback, &c. 49 Two — Thomas Stanley, by Faithorne', and Andrew Ri« vet, by Suyderhoef 5 ^ — Henry Blackwood, by Mellan 5 J. Barclai, by Ditto, &c. /04 5 i S ix— King Charles 1 . and 11 . 52 Fourteen — from the Heroologia, fine ( 9 ) ^ 54 Five — Smith, Countefs of Salifbury, &c. ' 55 Five — Sir Hew Dalrymple, by R. Cooper, &c. Four— Tenducci, Haydn, &c. JVO 57 Eight— Sir Robert Shirley, &c. Eight — Lord Poulett, &c. S' OSg One — Robert Rich, fdn of the Earl of Warvvick, 1664, by Crofs, fcarce 60 Four— Portraits, Drawings /<9'^ 61 One — Henry IV. by Goltzius, fine O' 062 Two — Conftantine and Chriftian Huygens, by Bloote- ling, fine S' 0 One — Samuel Butler, fine afi 64 Three — Henry Coley, by Loggan\ Braithwait, by Marfhall, &c. • One — Philip Evans, Jefuit, by Voet, firie and fcarce y‘ b 66 Twenty — The Inns of Court, the Etchings, fcarce "^*^67 Fourteen— Founders, Mez. Twelve— Lady Ruflell, &c. Eighteen— Views of Colleges, With Portraits of the Founders /. ;‘^7o OtiQ-^Lady Lljier^ by White, and fcarce ^♦^ 71 Two— Vander Velde, by Mitham, 5 and Stradanus, ^ by Goltzius^ proof 72 Oiie— Noah Bridges, by Loggan, fine and fcarce Ont— William Perkins, hy ijlavet, fcarce 7. <7 74 One— ^^arie de Medicis, by C. de Pas, fcarce liV One— Alderman Leate, by Payne, extra fine and fcarce %.{> 76 Three — ^Dalton, Taylor, by Crofs, &c. fd;0 yy Two — W. Sermon and John Pettus, by Sherwin, fine One— Douglas, after Seue, by R. Lochon, fcarce frPyc) One— Mrs. Anne Killigrew, by Beckett, and fcarce /A'i 80 One— Gerarde in the title page, by Payne, fine and fcarce. One — James IL Mez. rare Six — Chriftian, Duke of Brunfwick; P. P. Rubens, &c. . after Van Dyck, 83 One— Lady Butler, by Browne, ditto 84 One — William, Prince of Orange, after A. Cooper, by t H. Hondius, fine and fcarce t do* 0 I85 One— Lady Shirley, Mez. very rare and fine S'o 86 One — Madam Kirk, after Van Dyck, by Beckett, fine and fcarce • 87 One — Henry Lawes, by Faithorne, fine arj fcarce '. /- 0 88 One — Edward, Earl of Worcejhr, bv S. Pals, Ibuid by William Peake, ( 10 t* 0 6^6 S9 One— “George, Duke of Buckingham, 90 Ont-—^John Parkinjon^ in the title page, by W. Marfhall, jim andfcarce 91 One-^M. A. de Dominis, by Elftrack, andfcarce 92 T wo—^Hollar and Jeremiah Burroughs, hf R* Gaywoody fcarce /f0 93 Two — Jefuits Bel and Bullaker, fine and fcarce i>*^94 One — ^The Duchefs of Monmouth, 9^ 0 95 One — John Ogilby, by Faithorne, fine A o- e 96 One— iS'/r Thomas IJham^ by Loggan, f,ne andfcarce /ii"/^97 One— Philip, Earl of Pembroke, by W, Sherwin, df/V/d ^98 One— Gen, V/ill iam Fairfax, hy Drou/hoot^ fcarce 99 One — William Lilly, in an oval, by Hollar, lOQ One — Madam Graham, by Thompfon, andfcarce f '9 joi One— Queen Marv, by Browne, ditto /' ^*0iO2 One— Elizabeth, Lady Harvey, after Van Dyck, by Hollar, fine andxrare 16103 One— ‘Thomas, Earl of Strafford, ditto P One — Edward Wettenhalf Bifhop of Rofs, by Beckett, a reverfe^ fine /^*#I05 One— William Petyt, by R. White, fine y -h 106 Madam Davis ^ hy Thornpfony ditto ' n'*^ 107 One — Bi/hop JVard^ by Loggan^ ditto l-Al'iioS One — Thomas^ Earl of Elgin^ by W. Faithorne, 109 Mary^ ^leen of Scots^ arid Henryy LordDarnley^ 2 ovals in I plate, rare and curious One — Sir John Webller^ with eight Latin Verfes, by fine and rare • III Six-^James, Marquis of Hamilton ; Sir Ken. Digby, &c, after Van Dyck, by Voerft, &c. fine 112 Ont^-^John Dodd^ st. 96, byCrofs, and rare J * 0 1 13 Ont~^Prince Rupert^ mez. very rare 114 One — G. Rodolphus Weckerliny by W, Faithorne, ^ fine On^-^William Dohfony by himfelf, and rare n6 One — Peter Roeftraton, mez, by Blooteling, rare 4 117 One — Margaret Lemon, by Hollar /' /ii' ^118 Ont~^Robert Aylett^ by Crofs, fine and rare J' rO 1 19 One — John Goodwin, with the Windwill, fine and rare /• 0*0 J20 One — Henry Hibbert, by Loggan, ditto /* ^-^0 121 One — Heneage, Earl of Nottingham, by R, White ^ fine /* 122 One— Shakefpeare, in an Oval, with Tragedy and Co- medy, ficarce h f • O 122 One— Walter Curie, Biihop of Wincheiter, by Cecily fine and ficarce ( 11 ) S* ^ J2^ Four— Prifc II la Cooper, by Smith, Maria Scurman,6cc. ^'0 125 Six — various S 126 Thirteen — after Stothard, by Bartolozzi, &c. 127 Five — after Opie, &c. i^i28 Six — Portraits, by Smith, See, 7 1 29 T welve — Charles V. &c. Six — Books, Views in Rome, Heads of the Kings of France, Virgil’s iEneid in Italian, See. plates 2*0 131 Two— A. Durer’s Drawing Book, and Book of Vafes End of the Sale. '* r’-**- ; : ' T'l- ^ ■ i a-grif^'i lie. ”''0 '’b^i^I'i pT’. n '>'.■, ;1 ■ ''.V.' ’. V v.^T) ; Li 1 ■i .'j''o ,;i::Hj^il fii f . 'i ;;ii ^ • io lllqU b:n ^nlv. .riLi 'll V. o C /' . ';/> ■• ■.-■ ^ ■'"' •■■ ,r '.'i ■>.’ ' ■; <- ‘ ^ 1 - ■^\.. •■- . ■•'bi-i;-": 'i ■ ...Lr; . ;>: - .-■Liir" 5rc 'X. Js^OOTIOa/ C'lWSJ [ 1 P L. 2.0} fH**- "'.-ii s CLuTER ..f^^ 'i|l j LIBRARY b