CATALOGUE or A MOST CAPITAL AKD VALUABLE COLLECTION OF PICTURES, THE CHOICEST WORKS OF THE GREAT AND CELEBRATED MASTERS IM THB ftaltan, jFrendj, jFlemtsf), anti Butclb ^ SCHOOLS, T/IE PROPERTY OF AN EMINENT COLLECTOR, PURCHASED BY HIM CHIEFLY IN THE COURSE OF SEVERAL TOURS ON THE CONTINENT, UNDER VERY FAVORABLE CIRCUMSTANCES, AND AT LIBERAL EXPENCE. 1 / Sp**- '«* 1 \ to '] June 20 LoCh In this Fnluahk Collection, are eminently Fine: Berghem, a Subject from the Revelations, an elegant and surprising Picture; a Landscape, Caspar Poussin, from the Bolognetti Palace; Abraham about to offer up Isaac, in a Land- scape, Domenichino, a beautiful Gem, from the Orleans; a Teniers, from the Dundas Collection; Cuyp, the Conversion of St. Paul, capital; a grand View of Nimeguen, by Hackaert and Van de V'elde, and others, in the finest Condition, by Titian. Giorgione. Cangiagio. Carracci. Claude. S. Bourdon. Fernet. Vandyke. Teniers. Snyders A. Vandevelde. Netscher. Slingelandt. De Form. Fan Os, AND particularly The FATHERS OF THE CHURCH, by RUBENS, A well known Picture at the Hague, one of bis finest Works ; AND A IT O T V F A M I L V, BY RUBE N S, From the Theatinc Convent, at Munich, a divine Chef d’CEuvre. WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION By Mr. CHRISTIE, AT HIS GREAT ROOM, PALL MALL, On SATURDAY, JUNE the 20th, 1807, AT TWELVE O’CLOCK. May be Viewed Three Days preceding the Sale, when Catalogues may be had at Is. each, in Pall Mall. r AP<’-0- CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. higheft Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any Difpute arife between two or more Bidders, the Lot lb difputed fliall be immediately put up again and re-fold. II. No Perfon to advance lefs than Is, Above Five Pounds 2s. 6d. and fo on In Proportion. III. The Purchafers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound in Part of Payment of the Purchafe Money; in Default of which, the Lot or Lots fo purchafed, to be immediately put up again and re-fold. IV The I -ots to be taken away with all Faults, at the Buyer’s Expence, within One Day after the Sale. V. To prevent Inconveniences that frequently attend Jong and open Accounts, the Remainder of the Purchafe Money to be abfolutely paid on or before the Delivery. VI. Upon Failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money depofited in Part of Favment fltall be forfeited ; all Lots uncleared within the Time aforefaid, lhall be re-iold by public or private Sale ; and the Deficiency (if any) attending fuch Re-fale, fliall be made good by the Defaulters at this Sale. A P . SAT Molyn Seb. Franks C. Dolce F. Hals . - F. Bassano Le Sueur CATALOGUE OF C T U R E S, U R D A Y, 20th JUNE, 1807. . A Broken Woody Landscape, with Sand Hills, Cottages and Figures ; an agreeable picture, 2 The Daughter of Herodias with the Head of St. John in a Charger ; a female following her : a little brilliant Picture in the taste of Al. Veronese — on copper. 3 Plead of St. John the Baptist — very highly finished on a ground in imitation of marble, circular. 4 An Old Woman’s Head ; spirited, and highly finished. 5 A small Pieta by Torchlight, spirited and fine. 6 V^irgin with the Infant Christ seated on a panier beneath a hovel; an elegant Picture. [ ♦ ] Franks 7 Belshazzar’s Feast, a warm and richly colored Picture. F. Xatery 8 A little high finished Landscape with a Peasant and a female mounted, driving Cattle to water; an Evening Scene. L, Giordano 9 An Historical subject; elegant. N. Poussin 10 Moses and the Burning Bush; a cabinet Picture. Q. Matsys 11 Portrait of a Lady of Distinction, with a Missal, her attention diverted from the book ; very animated, a highly finished and fine Specimen. Lr Due ........ 12 A Vanity — a Female sleeping, drinking Vessels and other emblems thrown down, and Musical Instruments unstrung in difl’erent parts of the Chamber; colored with great Warmth, and highly finished. WouvERMANs .. 13 A Party attacking a Military Convoy On a March, moming I scene — the Figures spirited. J. Mi Eli ........ 14 The Passion of Our Saviour; the Disciples sleeping in the P'orcgrouiid, very finely painted. In the distance is seen Judas, introducing a Band of Soldiers, by Moonlight. Rubens .... 15 Portrait of Helena Forman, a genuine and pure Picture of the Master; the Face finely colored and very carefully ’ finished, the Drapery free; from the Collection of the late Marquis of Lansdowne. Moucheron l6 A pt^ss through a Wood, with Figures in a sandy Landscape; Water and a lively Distance — an elegant Picture of the Master. 4 . Lingleback ... 17 A halt of Figures Hawking, a pleasing Picture in the style of Wouvermans. Griffies 18 View on the Rhine, with many Figures, a Frost Piece — • highly finished. r 5 ] V. SrRY Van Hagen V. DER Neer V. Os V. Dyck A. V. DE Velde . L. Caracci J. Eckels Ditto * - Wynants and \ Lingleback » 19 A group of Cows and Sheep, in a sunny Landscape ; a Tree and the inclosure of a Straw Yard in the right hand corner of the Picture, a River and Windmill in the distance. The Cattle touched with animation and spirit; worthy of Potter. 20 The City of Arnheim with a Bird’s-eye View of the Rhine, an interesting Scene, painted with warm effect. A Cart and Figures descending in the foreground, are by John Wouvermans. 21 View of a Village in Holland, and Canal by Moonlight, clear, and rich effect of color — a sweet Specimen of the Master, in his best manner. 22 A group of Flowers, and a Nest with Bird’s Eggs, a little beautiful bit of Nature, in his best Style of finishing. 23 Head of St. Peter, a beautiful Specimen of this Master's handling — a fine Study. 24 A Heifer and other Cattle, and a female Peasant with a Basket of Flowers, reposing at the Foot of a ruined Monument — a warm and beautiful Picture. 25 The Virgin lifting up Drapery and shewing the infant Christ sleeping, St. Joseph and an Angel near them. 26 View of the Anatomical Theatre at Amsterdam, with various interesting groups of Figures, in the open Square before it. The Shops with Merchandise exposed, and other minutias are detailed with accuracy, and uncommon neatness of finishing. 27 Back View of the same Building and Public Place, Peasants. driving Cattle, and View of a Market in the distance — equally fine. 28 A winding Road ascending to a Chateau, with Figures by Lingleback — a beautiful Picture. [ ] Cafella V. Stry . VV’ynants G. Bassano Eg LON Vander- NE ER I Teniers L. Giordano Parocei Platzer J. OuWATER ‘29 A Calm on a River, Boats and Vessels pleasingly grouped ; effect n^Morning Sun on the point or appearing through the Mist. 30 A Milk Woman seated at the Door of a House, her brass milk Vessels and \oke on the Ground near her ; before her is a wheelbarrow of Vegetables, and a homely Market Roy, leaning on a ’hurel. A high finished and # pleasing J'lcture, by the Brother of V. Stry, whose avocations in Life rarely permit his practice in the Art — this Picture is an admirable Specimen of his talent. .SI A little beautiful Landscape, with Figures by Lingleback. 32 A musical Conversation, Portraits of the Bassan Family — an interesting and well-colored Picture. 33 A Chamber with five Figures, among which is a Lady fainting, supported by xhe Family and Attendants — a very high finished Picture. 34 A Vanity, style of Van Dyck; a Female seated, amidst emblems of Luxury, her thoughts elevated in meditation ; a Boj’^ descending is finely foreshortened— the whole is touched w'ith spirit. • 35 Apollo and Diana slaying the Cliildren of Niobe — a spirited Picture. » 3t) Armida and the fallen Knight, from Tasso — painted in the grand style of S. Rosa. 37 A concert of Cavaliers and Ladies— a brilliant and lively Picture, eomposetl with elegance and exquisitely finished. 38 View of the West Chnrch at Amsterdam, a pleasure Schuyt and Boats upon the Amstel, and various Figures — a [ 7 - ] beautiful and high finished Picture, not inferior to Van der Heyde. Ditto 39 View of the Mint Tower, and the Culver Straat, at Amsterdam, with various Figures — the Companion. P, Sn AYERS 40 A Landscape, with various Figures, representing the entry of Prince Leopold into the Netherlands. J. Steen 41 A Feast on New Year’s Day, an Interior with many Figures at Table, and Children playing. Among the former is introduced the Portrait of the Artist — tlie whole admirably colored, and touched with the spirit of A. Ostade. See. Bourdon .. 42 The meeting of Jacob and Esau, in a grand and solemn Landscape, embellished with Buildings, and Egyptian Monuments — a fine and perfect Picture of the Master. Alban o 43 The Holy Family attended by Angels, a Reposo, in a , beautiful Landscape — elegant and very richly colored. Joachim 44 St. Sebastian bound to a Tree, by two Figures, an Infant Wten VVael Angel descending to comfort the Saint. In the back 1(500. • ground is a Romantic Landscape and Soldiers advancing — the design possesses considerable vigor, the coloring exceeding rich. Alb ANO 45 Vision of St. Francis, style of— an elegant and high finished Picture. Vermeulen .... 46 A Frost Piece, view on a River, with a sledge and Figures Skaiting. To the left in front a Cavalier dismounted at a booth, and Animals baiting — a richly colored Pic- > ture, an admirable Specimen of the talents of the modern Dutch School. [ 8 ] V. Hacen 47 A Landscape, View on the Rhine, a Wharf and Buildings on the left, and Vessels navigating — a genuine Scene from Nature. Vernet 48 A View on the Coast of Italy, a Storm and Shipwrecked Figures, in his best manner— a beautiful cabinet Picture. Ditto 49 A Ditto, a harbour with Fishermen drawing their nets, by Moonlight — painted with sweet effect. A. Carracci.... 50 St. Sebastian bound to a Tree, in the back ground a rich and beautiful Landscape ; the sufferings of the Saint are affectingly expressed — the Drawing correct and fine. V. OS.., 51 A Vase of Flowers, and Fruits at the bottom of it, on a Marble table. Buildings and Garden Scenery in the Back ground — more ease and correctness in the grouping and design, and complete illusion in the Fruit, never was expressed by the Pencil of any Master: it is beautiful Nature — capital. DITTO . .. 52 A ditto with Fruit, Flowers, a Bird’s Nest and other Objects inimitably Painted — the Companion. Teniers 53 The Adoration of the Magi, a splendid Composition of many Figures, wherein the Artist has vied with the ' great Historical Painters of almost every School ; the Virgin and Child are replete with Italian Grace — a capital Chefd’CEuvre. Ftnarer...... 54 A grand Landscape, View of a Road with Figures and Cattle, Romantic Mountainous Scenery on the left. To the right a part of a Vale with a River — warm Evening efl’ect of Sunshine after a Shower — spirited and fine. [ 9 } A. Cakracci . .1. . 55 The assumption of the Virgin, supported by numerous Angels — a grand Sketch for a cieling; very fine. Ruysdael 56 Woody broken Scene, with Cottages, beneath them a Field with Corn in Sheaves and a Female bindins: them — O a fine and brilliant Picture of the Master — very fine. De Lorm and 57 Interior of a Church in the Netherlands, with a group of A. CuYP distinguished personages entering on the Left in front, to visit a Tomb by Torchlight — a warm Glow of color pervades the whole — powerful effect — richly harmonised. The Figures are by A. Cuyp. Wynants 58 An extensive View with a winding road; Figures by A. V. de V elde ; a Chateau upon an elevation in the Distance — a transparent beautiful Picture. \ Both 59 An upright Landscape, view of a ruined Fortress with a Stream rushing thro’ an Arch below it ; a warm Distance. ■ I Both is represented on the left hand in the Act of Designing — a beautiful gem. WEST 60 Europa dejected, Venus and Cupid enjoying her Distress; an elegant composition— painted for the late Earl Grosvenor — capital. A Snyders 6l Fighting Dogs with Dead Game— spirited and vigorous execution. A C A PELLA 62 A River with Boats, Lighters, and Vessels in motion, painted in the rich tone of Cuyp — a fine Picture. Berghem 63 A Peasant driving Cattle and others crossing a Bridge over - a rapid Brook ; a warm Evening Scene — a beautiful Picture — engraved, P. Neefs 64 View of the great Church at Antwerp with Figures by Teniers — a clear and silvery Picture. B [ 10 ] SUNGELANDT... V. DER My TEiMERS V. DER MEULEN Hackaert and V. DE Velde RUBENS 65 View of a Kitchen, with female Figures in domestic Employment 66 A Shepherdess with favorite Sheep— -for beauty of finishing not inferior to V. der WerfF. 67 An interior with a group of Card Players; in the Distance are Boors regaling over a fire ; a Spaniel and various Utensils, in the Front Ground, are finished in the true piqmnte manner of Teniers. This perfect and Silvery Specimen was from the Collection of Sir Lawrence Dundas. 68 A Landscape with Louis XIV. in his Coach of State accompaijied by Guards, going to review his Troops, the Coach drawn by six grey Horses, designed with the Correctness of Wouvermans, is finished with the Precision of a delicate Miniature, the Procession conduc* ted over an undulated Landscape has a most pleasing effect : This Chef d’CEuvre was purchased by the late M. de Calonne in France, but it did not reach England until after the decease of its celebrated owner. 69 A Grand View of the City of Nimeguen, the River and Distant level Country : various Figures in Agricultural Employment, and Waggons embellish the foreground of the Picture ; these are by the Pencil of V. de Velde: the Sky is in the most lively and brilliant style — a Chef