IP® MM MW) BY AUCTION, BY MR. THOMAS DODD, AT HIS ROOM, ENTERING THE EXCHANGE, IN EXCHANGE STREET, On TUESDAY, October 10 th, 1820 , and three following days, Commencing precisely at ELEVEN o'clock in the Forenoon and THREE in the Afternoon. A VALUABLE COLLECTION OF BOOKS, INCLUDING THE Hthiari) of a Haby of litanfe, DECEASED. A FEW RARE PORTRAITS, PRINTS AND DRAWINGS. Among the Books are, FOLIO. SHAKESPEARE’S Comedies, Histories and Tragedies, third edition, portrait, very rare , 1664. Hearne and Byrne’s Views in Great Britain, 2 vols fine impressions, uncut. Boccaccio; St Chrysostom, 1470; Aquila Volante, 1508; Dodd’s Bible. Virgil, 1492; Biblia Sacra, 1516; Romae Triumphant, 1482. Hindoostan Drawings, containing forty original Designs, in gold and colours, extra rare . London and Oxford Gazettes, from the beginning in 1665, to 1746, 14 vols. very scarce , Caesars .and Empresses of Rome, their Portraits, after Titian, russia . Works of Boyle, Dapper, Plato, Vitringus, Fludd, Baxter. QUARTO. Old Quarto Plays,by Gascoigne, Shabespere, Beaumont, Massinger, 1566,