THOmSON-HOUSTON ELECTRIC CC, MANUFACTURERS OF fluToniHTic Focusing Ljiinps OF ANY DESIRED CANDLE POWER. Adapted to all Photographic Work. LAMPS CAN BE FASTENED TO CAMERA TRIPOD. 148 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111. Gould Building, Atlanta, Ga. 403-405 Sibley Street, St. Paul, Minn. 115 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 509 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Penn. 414 Wood Street, Pittsburg, Penn. 831 N.Y. Life B'ld'g, Kansas City, Mo. 1333 F Street, Washington, D.C. New Kirk Building, Syracuse, N.Y. 264 West Fourth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. 115 North Third Street, St. Louis, Mo. 15 First Street, San Francisco, Cal. Front and A Streets, Portland, Oregon. 209 Alamo Plaza, San Antonio, Texas. Thompson Block, Helena, Mont. TnomsDn-Houston ElBctiic Co., B20 Atlantic Hyb., Boston, Hlass. London Marne^^ Agency FROM THE BEST MAKERS IN LONDON AND PARIS. -HARNESS- =SABBliES= OLD STYLE CURVED SEAT. NKW STYLE STRAIGHT SEAT. . . AND . . STABLiE OUTFITS. NEW eO0D5 TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT. HESS THAN IF MABE HERE. P. P. M.arpl)\5 er Co., « zo6 DevonsI)ire 3t. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2014 CATALOGUE OF EXHIBITS Fiftf) Annaal Joint Bxl^ibition OF THE Photographic Society of Philadelphia, .... The Society of Amateur Photographers of New York, and The Boston Camera Club. HINDER THE AUSPICES OF THE BOSTON ^MERA CLUB Open to all Photographers— American and Foreign. AT THE galleries OF THE Boston Art Clal), Boston, May 2 to May 7. 1892, Inclusive. COPYRIGHT BY BENJAMIN KlflBALL 1892 Note.— This copyright protects this entire book, cover, text, and illustrations. AH rights reserved 5 T|-Jg last generation has been notable for a wonderful advance in the discovery of new processes and appliances in the art of photography, and so rapidly has step followed step that there has not been time for the full development of its possibilities, particularly in the direction of beauty or truth of pictorial representation. This wealth of material and method has in a degree justified the opinion hitherto common among artists that photography is little more than a process in which tools and chemical agents work, almost automatically, and produce a lifeless result, with nothing of aesthetic or artistic selection, composition, or treatment. Professionals, or those who practise the art in its remunerative applications, have done much to perfect technical processes, but have done little to change the opinion of which we speak by using the camera as the artist uses his pencil or his brush. The opening of the art to the great army of amateurs has, however, already brought about a significant change in the estimation in which photography is held by artists of discrimination. Not that the great mass of amateur work maintains a high standard. This is not to be expected, when it is possible for a person with an hour's instruction to produce photographs at once possessed of merits and faults each equally beyond his comprehension. The movement has, however, called into the tleld many persons of a true instinct in art, with powers of discrimination and selection, who have acquired sufficient mastery over the technique to reproduce some measure of the beauty which they see. They have worked con amore, bound by no traditions, courageous in experiment, having regard only for the result. It is by such workers as these, caring only for beauty and truth, that the possi- bilities of their art in reproducing beauty and truth have been unfolded. The number of steps in the process of making a photograph which call for the exercise of the same artistic powers that must be possessed by the painter will be surprising. The artist-photographer must select his picture with reference to its composition of lines, masses of light, shade, and texture. By his choice of lens he determines the width of angle or the scope of the picture. In focussing and diaphragming, he divides his definition and his vagueness to suit the requirements of his sense of pictorial beauty. 6 25oi8tou Camera Club — ," from negative taken by Mr. George M. Morgan, of the Boston Camera Club, with a Ross lens upon a Seed plate, and developed with Pyro. Reproduced in a Gelatine print by the Heliotype Printing Company of Boston, and printed upon Japanese paper To face page 24 Number Four. suiting the Sbeepr from negative taken by Mr. Charles H. Currier, of the Boston Camera Club, with a Dallmeyer lens upon a Seed plate, and developed with Pyro. Reproduced in Photogravure by the Heliotype Printing Company of Boston, and printed upon Japanese paper To face page 40 Number F IVe. "Portrait from negative taken by Mr. Benjamin Kimball, of the Boston Camera Club, with a Euryscope No. 3 lens upon an 8x10 Seed 26x plate, and developed with Hydroquinone. Reproduced in Gravure-Etching by Mr. John H. Foster, of Boston, and printed upon Plate paper To face page 56 Number Six. %ural Group." from negative taken by Mr. Wilfred A. French, of the Boston Camera Club, with a Voigtlander's No. 2 Euryscope lens upon a Carbutt B plate, developed with Pyro-Potash. Reproduced in a Gelatine print by the Heliotype Printing Company of Boston, and printed upon Plate paper To face page 72 s ^o^ton €amcra Club — Y% Plates 4^ are universally acknowlediied to be the best, quickest, and -jfj A' most reliable made Unapproached for iiiiifonn excellence of quality HE high standard of our plates, which T in the past has evoked fl attering testi- monials, will be fully maintained. The Libby Dry Plate Company, Portland, Maine, U. S. A, Boston Camera €hib — €vl)ibition, 1S92. 13 Mr. J. PRINCE LOUD, 135 Mount Vernon Street, Boston. Boston Camera Club. 22 23 24 25 26 27 Castleton, Derbyshire, England. Tintern Abbey, Monmouthshire, England. Brook near Dolgelley, N. Wales. The Nant Gwnant, Beddgelert, N. Wales. The River Conway, Betteos-y-Coed, N.Wales. Lens. Developer. Plate. Ross Rapid Reel. Pyro. Carbutt Films. Development and positive, work of exhibitor. Print. Bromide Enlargement. Mr. WALTER G. CHASE, ID Central Street, Boston. Boston Camera Club. 28 The Amateur Violinist. 29 Japanese Girls. 30 Portrait. 31 A, B, c Japanese Dancing Girls. 32 Miss Howells. 33 Umbrella Mender. 34 Portrait. Lens. Developer. Eurygraph. Hydro. Dallmeyer. " Eurygraph. " Dallmeyer. " Euryscope. " Dallmeyer. " Plate. Print. Carbutt. Silver. Cramer 50. " Exposure and development, work of exhibitor. Mr. M. E. RENCURREL, 7 Cedar Street, Charlestown. Lens. Developer. Plate. Print. 35 A Modern Priscilla. Waterbury. Pyrogallic. Chautauqua. Bromide Enlarg. 36 A Twilight Melody. 37 Oldest House in U.S., Pembroke, Mass., built a.d. 1628. " " " Albumen Paper. Exposure and development and print of 37, work of exhibitor. Mr. ADAM DISTON, Leven, Fife, Scotland. 38 Relics. 39 The Broken Toe. 40 After the Storm. 41 The Deserter's Home. An Alarm! 42 A Wee Customer. 43 Highland Smugglers. Lens. Developer. Plate. Dallmeyer's Portrait. Pyro. Mawson. Print. Platinum. Silver. Platinum. Silver. Exposure, development, and print, work of exhibitor. 14 ^o^fton Camera »iriub — ofiijibition, 18^2. FERB. F. FRENGH Zl CQ, (Ll/niTED.) COACH-BUILDERS TO PRIVATE TRADE EXCLUSIVELY. OdR NEW DESIGNS IN VIGT0RIAS m GABRieiiETS FOR The year 1592 Surpass in Elegance and artistic beauty the produc- tions of the best London and Paris Builders. Correspondence invited. SaDBdRY ANB FRIEND STREETS, AND MdL^BERRY PLACE, BesreN, mass. 2B>o8ton Camera OTIuIj — 4Exi)itJitioii, 1892. 15 Mr. LYDDELL SAWYER, Singleton House, Newcastle. Northern Counties Society. 44 The Toper. 45 Reflections. 46 The Last Rehearsal. 47 Lighten our Darkness, O Lord ! 48 Crewel (cruel) Works. 49 The Smoky Tyne. 50 The Boat Builders. 51 Tarn O'Shanter and Souter Johnnie. Lens. Dallmeyer's R. R. Darlot's Portrait. 52 The Rivals. 53 Rare old Gossips. 54 In the Twilight. 55 Foggy Weather. Dallmeyer's R. R. Developer. Pyro and Ammonia. Negatives and positives, work of exhibitor. Plate. Print. Edwards. Platinotype. Mr. clement WILLIAMS, F.R.I. B.A., 13 Akeds Road, Halifax, England. Halifax Photographic Club. Lens. Developer. Plate. Print. Single > Meniscus, 30 in. Focus. Alk-Pyro. Ilford Slow. Carbon. 56 A Sea Dream. 57 A Coming Storm. 58 Sail on, Little Boat, for the Night is Bright. 59 Listening to the Cuckoo. The three sea pictures are from direct negatives, 20 x 16 in., and are not enlargements. The negatives were taken with a pale smoked glass screen in front of the lens, the invention of exhibitor. The woodland scene is also. direct. The four negatives are untouched, and no double printing. Mr. F. DUNDAS TODD, 29 Pansmore Place, Edinburgh. Edinburgh Photographic and {Edinburgh) Viewjinders. Lens. Developer. Plate. Print. 60 Baiting the Lines. R. R. Pyro-Am. Ilford. Platinotype. 61 A Village Smithy. W. A. " Thomas. " Exposure, development, and print, work of exhibitor. Mr. HOWARD R. BARTON, 70 Trinity Terrace, Boston. Technology Photographic Society. Lens. Developer. Plate. Print. 62 An Overflow from the Mill-race on the Walkill River, Hamburg, N.J . Ross R. S. Pyro-Soda. Seed 26. Carbon. 63 The Old Mill-race on the Walkill, Hamburg, N.J. 64 Resting. Gundlach. Eiko-Potash. Alleti & Rowell. Albumen. Exposure and development, work of exhibitor. 16 ^o^fton Camera *(rhib — ofjrljibition, 1892. Morgan, Robey # Company, Successors to C. H. Codman & Co. Manufacturers, Importers, and Dealers in Photographic Supplies HAWKEYE, KODAK, f /ll/l/l £> IT /l C ^'^'^ OTHER KNACK, IRVING, \^ CI filC f HAND CAMERAS. Camera^ Lense^ Dry Plate^ ALBUMEN, PLAIN J-^/1^l?'V f 11 4^ ft' OMEGA, ARISTO, AND SENSITIZED. ^ dUfu I JOT Clll pfOCCjJC'S AND BLUE PAPER. Card Stock Shutter^ Pure Chemical^ ^ etc. PICTURES, PICTURE FRAME MATERIALS "ORTHO," MORRISON, # P1/1Q/?C '^'^'^ DARLOT, BECK, J-^ty fldC \ OTHER MAKES. ALL BRANDS. 1^1 1/ i LLllC \ ALL BRANDS. COLLIN'S f \tnrlp COLLIN'S PHOTOGRAPHIC U/ KjlULrC PHOTOGRAPHIC. TIME, Shuttpr^ ™^ AND INSTANTANEOUS KJ l^ll^ I \ AND INSTANTANEOUS. 34 Street, Boston, Mass. •:3o^ton Camera Ciub — €rl)ibmon, 1S92. 17 Mr. O. a. EAMES, Boston, Mass. Boston Camera Club. 65 After the Shower, Boston Harbor. 66 Sunrise, Nantucket. 67 68 Twilight, Boston Harbor. 69 Surf, Nahant. 70 Wood Island. 71 Young America. 72 Beggar Girl. 73 At Crescent Beach. 74 A Summer Afternoon. 75 Behind the Clouds. 76 The Children's Paradise. Leus. Euryscope. A. G. Clark. Darlot. Euryscope. Darlot. Developer. Pyro-Soda. Plate. Cramer. Print. Plain Salt. Ii.\posure and development, work of exhibitor. Mr. CHARLES L. MITCHELL, M.D., ioi6 Cherry Street, Philadelphia, Pa. The Photographic Society, Philadelphia. 77 The Loen Vand at Vasenden, Norway. Lens. Steinheil. Developer. Hydro- Eiko. Plate. Print. Carbutt Eastman's Ortho. Film. ]]romide. 78 The Naero Fjord at Gudvangen, Norway. " 79 The Old Borgund Chuich, Norway. Beck. 80 The Sandven Vand, Hardanger, Norway. Ross. 81 The Lote-fos Hardanger, Norway. Steinheil. 82 In the Maderaner Thai, Switzerland. " Exposure, development, and print, work of exhibitor. Mr. WM. GARRISON REED, 19 Kilby Street, Boston. Boston Camera Club. 83 North Conway and Kearsarge. 84 Goodrich Falls. 85 Old Shingle Mill, Kearsarge. 86 Swift River Falls. 87 Mount Chocorua and Lake. 88 Cathedral Ledge. 89 West Channel of the Saco. 90 Old Mill Pond, North Conway. 91 Saco River and Mount Washington. 92 White Horse Ledge. Lens. Developer. Plate. Beck. Ox. A. & Rowel Darlot W. A. Beck. Print. Eastman's Bromide Paper. Carbutt Ortho. Film. A. & R. Film. Exposure, development, and positives (excepting No. 92), work of exhibitor. 18 25o^ton OTamcra Club — OExijibition, 1892. Photographic Apparatus for Amateurs. BEING the oldest firm of the kind in New England (founded in 1846), we have the longest ex- perience^ in the business, and our large and well-assorted stock comprises only the best of Lenses, Cameras, Printing-Papers, Chemicals, Dry Plates, Albums, etc. THE BEST LENSES FOR AMATEURS ARE Voigtlander's • • Celebrated • . ARE Euryscope Lenses, constructed by the greatest living optician, in seven different series, of special Jena glass, and adapted to every species of portraiture, interior, exterior, and instantaneous work. Also the new Zeiss An astigmat Lenses, working at full aperture without astigmatism. Made by Voigtlander & Son, according to formulae by Carl Zeiss of Jena, Germany, under the German Patent. Also The Well-known Darlot • • • • Lenses For all kinds of Portrait, inside, and Outside Photography. Special Lenses and Condensurs, Singly or in Matched Pairs, for Stereopticons. To protect our patrons against imposition, our initials (B. F. & Co.) are engraved on all Darlot's lenses of our importation, which is a sure proof of their genuineness and superiority. <=^a Complete and Illustrated Catalogue sent free on application. SOLE AMERICAN AGENTS: BENJ, FRENCH & COMPANY, NO. 319 WASHINGTON ST. (opp. Milk St.), BOSTON, MASS. Mr. HAMILTON EMMONS, London, England. The Camera Club, Ens^la/id. Developer. Plate. Print. 93 Native Dahabayahs, Egypt. Pyro. England's Film. Plain , Silver Paper. 94 The Last Rays of Sunset. " '• 95 Then came Still Evening on. • " " '• 96 Harvest Time. " Carbutt's Film. " 97 The Western Waves of Ebbing Day. " England's Film. 98 Sunset on the Nile. 99 In the Fayum, Egypt. *' " " Exposure, development, and print, work of exhibitor. Mr. ROBERT S. REDFIELD, 3706 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. Photographic Society of Philadelphia. Lens. ■ Dtc'eloper. Plate. 100 Hesitation. 12 in. Ross R. S. Pyro-Soda. Cramer. 101 Mending their Ways. 16 " Dallmeyer R. R. 102 A Morning by the Brook. 16 •' it Seed. 103 Warranted Safe and Gentle. 16 " u Eiko-Hydro. Cramer. 104 Navigation, 16 " 105 Study of Sheep. 16 " i( ii Exposure, development, and print, wor k of exhibitor. Print. Black Platinotype Hot Process. Sepia Platinotype Hot Process. Mr. ARTHUR R. WILMARTH, 51 Eliot Street, Jamaica Plain, Mass. Boston Camera Club. Lens. Developer. Plate. Print. 106 Dropping Corn. Dall. (y\ x 8i Pyro- Potash. Seed. Brom. Enlarg. Silver Print. 107 Cinnamon Roses. " Japan Paper, Silver Print. 108 Richardson's Creek, Merrimack River. Harvard. demons Paper, Silver Print. 109 A Winding Way. " Seed. Salted Paper. 110 Mill Pond, West Boxford, Mass. Carbutt (( Ortho. 111 Brook at West Townsend, Mass. '• Seed. Silver Print, Japan Paper. 112 November. " 113 Elm Trees. " Kallitype. Japan Paper. Exposure, development, and print, work of exhibitor. 20 25o^ton Camera €lul) — €i:l)itiition, 18^2. Structureless film. cAMi^niDCiE, THE LEADING PLATE FOR fVrnatcurj. SEE REPORTS OF THE EXHIBITS OF PRINCIPAL AMATEUR SOCIETIES IN ALL PARTS OF THE COUNTRY. Photograph Cards. All the best Photographs made in this country are mounted on cards made at the extensive factories of A. M.Collins Mannfactnring Co. Philadelphia, where may be found styles and qualities of cards for Photographers' use such as will be looked for in vain elsewhere. No. 1. FOR TIME EXPOSURES AND ORDINARY OUTDOOR WORK. * No. 2. FOR INSTANTANEOUS EXPOSURES, AND WHERE EXTRA SENSI- TIVENESS IS REQUIRED. Ieep^ shirts" Are the Standard Shirts of America. Best Quality Made to Order. SIX FOR $9.00 KEEP'S Celebrated "K" Unlaundered Shirt, 85c. each. Open back or open front or both. NEGLIGEE SHIRTS from CHEVIOT, FLANNEL, MADRAS, and SILK in great variety and of special designs to order and in stock ready for use from $ 1 .00 upwards. Our UNDERWEAR and HOSIERY Department is the largest and most complete in the city. Complete line of MEN'S OUTFITTINGS at popular prices. Keep Manufacturing Co., 114 tremont street, Boston. 25o^fton Camera €hil> — Cxljibition, 1892. 21 Mr. W. S, clow, The Press, Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Lens. Beck. Developer. Eiko-Hyd. 114 828 in the Sun. 115 SoHd Comfort. 116 Making Apple Hutter. The Start. 117 Making Apple Butter. The Finish. 118 Roadside Gossip. 119 Listen to my Tale of Woe. " Pyro-Soda. 120 Home at Last. Exposure, development, and print of No. iiS, woi k of exhibitor. Plate. Eagle. Print. Platinum. Silver. Miss HELEN M. MURDOCH, 62 Clifford Street, Roxbury, Mass. 121 A Taken by Moonlight. October. Lens. Developer. Piatt-. Hawk-eye. Hoover. Harvard. B Eclipse of the Moon, November 15, 1891. " Negative enlarged by C. H. Currier, c Taken by Moonlight. February. '' 122 A U. S. S. "Chicago." R " " "Newark." c " " "Boston." D " " "Atlanta." " E " " "Yorktown." F " " "Vesuvius." 123 Cobweb on a Foggy Morning. " 124 Studies on Orthochromatic Plates. " All exposures and prints, and all developments except No. Print. Contact Bromide. 23, work of exhibitor. Miss ALICE G. CHANDLER, Lancaster, Mass. 125 A Brown October's Wood. Lens. Developer. Euryscopic Hydrochinon. Rectilinear. B The Frost Spirit comes, c The Dusk of Fir and Pine. D The Song of April Brooks. E The Swimming Hole. F The Seven-bridge Road. G The Last Load. H Through the Blossomed Apple-boughs. I 'Most Milking Time. J Virgin Snow Path. Plate. Allen & Rowell. Chautauqua. Allen & Rowell. Chautauqua. Forbes. Allen & Rowell. Chautauqua. Print. Eastman's Bromide B. 22 25oj^tou Camera €liib — €rl)itJition, \S^2. The "Universal" Camera. CAMERA FULLY EXTENDED. SIZE OF VIEW. SINGLE SWING. DOUBLE SWING. six 4i $27 00 $29 00 4 X S 28 00 30 00 4i X 6i 30 00 32 00 5 X 7 33 00 35 00 5 X 8 36 00 38 00 6ix 8i 40 00 43 00 8 X 10 45 GO 48 00 lO X 12 52 00 56 00 I I X 14 60 00 65 00 14 X 17 72 00 80 00 17 X 20 90 00 100 00 The " Universal " Camera is a modified English pattern, and is the most compact Camera in the market, the 6^'2xS% being but 2^ inches thick when folded, and weighs but five pounds, and has a draw of 20 inches. The "Universal" is conceded to be the best View Camera in the market, every part being strictly first-class. Send for catalogue to ROCHESTER OPTICAL CO., Or to any Dealer in Photo. Supplies. ROCHESTER, NEW YORK. 25o^ton Camera €hit) — €j:I)iliition, 1892. 23 Lens. Developer. Plate. K The Haunted House. Euryscopic Hydrochinon. Chautauqua. Rectilinear. L At Set of Sun. M An Old Settler. N Why doesn't He Come ? '■ 126. o King of the County. p Where the Rude Forefathers of the Hamlet sleep. " " Q The White Pagodas of the Snow. •' " R Twilight on the River. s Beside the River's Tranquil Flood. '' " T The Homeward Path, u Maiden Meditation. " V Where the Gentle Nashua flows. " " w The Old Causeway. " X The Ford. V Grandmother's. " ■ " z The Haunt of the Pickerel. " " A A The Winter's Grasp. " " B B The Walnut in the Pasture. " " Exposures, development, and prints, work of exhibitor Print. Eastman's Bromi de B. Allen & Rowell. Chautauqua. Rochester. Chautauqua. Seed. Chautauqua. Mr. CHARLES I. BERG, 34 Gramercy Park, N. Y. City. N. y. Society A. P. 127 A B C ^{ E K G 128 A H Posing and Lighting. Portraits. Letts. Developer. Plate. Print. Dallmeyer. Hydrochinon. Seed 26. Platinotype. Aristo Matt Surface. Exposure, development, and print, work of exhibitor. Miss ROSAMOND W. SILSBEE, Hotel Nightingzrie, Dorchester, Mass. Lens. Plate. Print. 129 The Coquette. Beck. Allen & Rowell. Bromide Enlargement from 4 X 5 in. Negative. 24' 25oston vtamrra €lul) — oErbiBition, 1892. The Premier Camera. jjiMMiMiinmimjiiuiiiiiiiijiu. PREMIER, CLOSED. The PREMIER is conceded to be the ■ best Hand Camera in market fqr anywhere near the price, and possesses some advan- tages over all others. The Shutter is a novel device, and is so constructed that it revolves in one direction -only, not requiring to be set, and only re- quires to be wound up to be always ready. It will make six exposures without rewinding. Any lens can be fitted to the PREMIER. Price, Price with I PREMIER, WITH FRONT LOWERED. SEND FOR OUR CATALOGUE. Rochester Optical Co ROCHESTER, N. Y. 25oston ^amcrn €hib — aEx1)ibitiou, 1892. 25 Mr. JOHN C. LEE, Brookline, Mass. Boston Camera Club. 130 131 132 133 \ Portraits. 134 135 136 Lens. Developer. Plate. Print. T7 XT r> A • Plain Salted Euryscope No. ryro-Ammonia. Lramer. j ah ' o 3 gj^fj Albumen. Exposure and development by exhibitor. mr.'henry troth, 330 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Photographic Society of Philadelphia. Lens. Developer. Plate. Print. 137 On the Rancogas. Brown's Mills, Bausch & Lomb Hydro-Eiko. Carbutt"B." Platinotype. New Jersey. Rapid Universal. 138 Montmorency River, Canada. " " 139 Chaudifere Falls, Province of Quebec, Canada. " " 140 Chaudibre Falls, Province of Quebec, Canada. " " 141 Road through the Holly, Wildwood Beach, N.J. 142 A New Jersey Swamp in October. " " Exposure and development, work of exhibitor Carbutt " Eclipse." Carbutt " Orthochro." Mr. T. JAMES BABCOCK, Coolidge Avenue, Dorchester, Mass. Boston Camera Club. Lens. Developer. 143 A " Grotto," No. Easton, Mass. No. 3, Eury. W. A. Pyro-Soda. B " Dear Old Lady." No. i, a " c Residence, Cambridge, Mass. No. 3, Darlot W. A. " D " Fern Grotto," No. Easton, Mass. No. 3, Eury. W. A. Hydroch. E Pierce House, Dorchester. No. 3, Darlot W.A. Pyro-Soda. F " Pines," James Russell Lowell, Cambridge, Mass. " " G " Birches," Franklin Park. " " H " Begging for Sugar." No. i, a Eury. " I Lodge Gate, No. Easton, Mass. No. 3, W. A. Eury. " Exposure, development, and print, work of exhibitor. Plate. Print. Cramer B. Alb. Silver. " C. Carbutt B. Cramer B. " Carbutt B. Plain Salt. Cramer C. " Carbutt B. Cramer C. Alb. Silver. B. Plain Salt. Pa. untoned. 26 F. L. DUNNE , Tailor and Importer. New Location, TRANSCRIPT BUILDING,— 328 Washington Street, cor. Milk, Boston. . . A SPECIALTY MADE OF THE . . MOST CORRECT LONDON STYLES. ONE OF OLR TESTIMONIALS READS: Boston, December 30, i8go. Mr. Thomas Hall, Dear Sir, — The View Lantern which I bought of you last winter has given perfect satisfaction. . . , Any Slide not too dense for a lime light is not too dense for this lantern . . . Lenses, con- densers, and lamps are, in my opinion, the height of excellence. W. C. LEWIS, Boston, Mass. THOMAS HALL, MANUFACTURHR ANO lU-ALER IN AT. I, KINI)^ OF OPTICAL AND ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES, 19 Bromfield St., Boston, Mass, PHOTOGRAPH MATERIALS -« AT THE S<- Lowest Prices in New England. W/^ have one of the largest stocks of materials for Amateur Photographers to be found in this country, and we aim to keep our prices below our competitors. All the prominent makes of Cameras, Lenses, Plates, and materials of every description in stock. Hawkei/e Camera from $13. 13 upwards. Ruby Lanterns from 50c. upwards. Harvard , Standard, Stanley and Allen and Rowell Plates, size 4x5 inches, 45c. a box. Other sizes in proportion. No matter what you want in this line, we know you can save money by purchasing of us. = HOUGHTON & BUTTON = TREMONT AND BEACON SIS. 25ositon Camera €lub — aEjcbibition, 1892. 27 Mr. JOHN W. ALEXANDER, Yonkers, New York. Am. PJioto. Confereiici. 144 A Sunrise. Lens. Developer. Plate. Print. Gundlach. Hydrochinon. Cramer Isochromatic. Platinotype (Hot Process). 146 B Sunset. " In maiden mediiation, fancy free." " Pyro-Soda. 146 A Indolence. " I! " Cheerful Industry." ' " 147 "The flower she touch'd on dipt and rose, And turned to look at her." Exposure, development, and print by exhibitor. Mr. JOHN H. TARBELL, 124 Lexington Avenue, New York Lens. 148 Twilight in the Adirondacks. 149 Easter-tide. Ih vclopcr. Darlot R.H. Eiko- Hydro. " Pyro-Soda. Plate. Print. Cramer B. Aristo Paper. " demons Mat Surface Paper. Eiko Hydro. Pyro-Soda. Cramer's Isochrom. Carbutt's Eclipse Film. Stanley. Aristo Paper. Kallitype, No. 2. 150 A Flashlight Study. 151 Bronze Group of Indians at Entrance of Parliament Buildings, Quebec, Can. 152 Scene at a Quebec Restaurant. 153 The Citadel of Quebec from the St. Lawrence River. " " " " " 154 A Quebec Window Scene. " " " " " 155 " Sous le Cap" Street, Quebec. " " •• Carbutt's Eclipse Film. Exposure, development, and print, work of exhibitor. Mr. WILLIAM H. DODGE, 261 Stevens Street, Lowell, Mass. Lowell Camera Club. Lens. Developer. Plate. Print. 156 "When evening touched the mount's high rim, And dark fell on the waves. We only saw processions dim Of clouds, from shadowy caves. O. A. Euryscope. Pyro Spec. Carbutt. Omega. Potash. 157 In Pastures Green. " " " " 158 Winter. ' " Cramer, No. 60. " 159 Quietude. " " Spec. Carbutt. Exposure, development, and print, work of exhibitor. 28 camera: l5 (oNTTKU(TErDoiiCoKRE-CT PKmciPLfS AfID IS BELIEVED To CoABINf tPPICItfiCY AnD * PoRTABIl-ITY In ASuPtKloKnAnneKAnoTo AeKEATEREXTenTTHANAnYllANDCAnEKA OP-1 FE-KED The- PKopESSieNAL OR AMATEUR- I FtloToCfRAPntR. ^ <^ <^ ^ <^ ^ j iTlsisT iPohCtiflncfi ATlVtsTnATTtienAK-) i;r>) orTni3 InSTRUMfNTBflm |jHEII?CLAIfiS«FSUPERl?RITY, But rKonTMECERTAinTY • vOpTwELVE- Pictures HRon Every DozE-M ^ ♦ ^ ' Exposures • < | i 3oToje> w-sooTt-iiT, ; E this is not true. ■VA/INNERS of prizes in photographic exhibitions are almost invariably USERS and PRAISERS of Prosch Shutters. T"HE PROSCH "TRIPLEX" SHUTTER is excelled by no shutter in its class in simplicity of make-up, and yet it is very much the most efticient shutter for all-round work. IT is twice or thrice as quick as its closest competitor; ^ and, besides, for either TIME or SLOW=INSTAN= TANEOUS exposures, COnPETlTIVE tests show it to have decided advantages. UR "ATHLETE" SHUTTER for VERY QUICK work has no competitor. O Circulars and Information cheerfully furnished. Prosch Hfo. Co., 389 Broome St., = New York. t^arl street 66 99 0000 l=^©^4©^4mfwy Lltl^la Water 25oston Camera €lul> — €),1)itJitiou, IS 92. 29 Mr. E. ABBOTT FULLER, 246 Marlboro' Street. Boston Camera Club. Lens. 160 A Portrait. Eurygraph. Developei . Hydro. Plate. Stanley. Exposure and development, work of exhibitor. Mr. WILLIAM SUMNER BRIGGS, Boston. Boston Camera Cltih. 161 Forest in Winter. 162 The Frozen Brook. 163 December's Bareness. 164 Winter Woods. 165 The Snow-clothed River. 166 Winter Study in an Orchard. 167 168 "Hemlocks turned to pitchy black Against the whiteness at their back.' 169 Winter Study of a Birch Tree. 170 Winter Study of a Mountain River. 171 Winter Study of a Road at Sunset. 172 The Silent Stream. 173 Poplar Bridge. 174 The Mill Farm 175 Meditation. 176 In the Forest. 177 A Summer Road. 178 A Duxbury Road. 1 79 The Haunted House. 180 A Mountain River. 181 A Mountain Stream. 182 The Lily Pond. 183 A Corner of the Lake. 184 November. Lens. Ross. Euryscope. Ross. Euryscope. Ross. Euryscope. Ross. Euryscope. Ross. Darlot. Ross. Dmeloper. Plate. Pyro. Allen & Rowel) Film. Print. Alb. Silver. Print. Plain Silver. Darlot. Standard. (I Allen & Rowell Film. Standard. Carbutt Film. Standard. Carbutt Film. Allen & Rowell Film. Standard. (I Allen & Rowell Film. Exposure, development, and print, work of exhibitor. Mr. HENRY R. HALLETl^ 310 Harvard Street, Brookline, Mass. 185 Old Town Mill, New London, Ct., built 1650. 186 Wright Tavern, Concord, Mass., built 1745. 187 Minott House, Concord, Mass., built 1780. 188 Fairbanks House, Dedham, built 1636. Exposure and developr Lens. Developer. Plate. Print. Darlot No. 2. Pyro. Carbutt B. Platinum. u u u u U t< U (. 11 l( 11 11 nt, work of exhibitor. 30 ^o^fton Camera C'Uib — ition, 1892. 45 307 Early Spring. 308 Cloud Study. 309 Study of Foliage. 310 A Pike County Road. 311 Suicide's Lane. 312 Snap Shots. 313 The Coming Storm. Lens. Ross. Developer. Pyro-Potash. Plate. Cramer. Print Plain Paper and Platinum. Exposures and development, work of e.vhibitor. Mr. ALFRED STIEGLITZ, 14 East 6oth Street, New York. A?fi£itetif Photo^ycipheys op ^^eiu Yot'k. Lois. Developer. Plale. Print. oil I Weary. oLcUiiicli nyaro, wx., n oc Aplanat, ig. in. and Pyro. Ortho. (Eosine Silver). Platinotype. 315 2 Stones of Venice. 316 Prof. Vogel. 317 4 Little Innocence. " 318 5 The Wanderer's Return. a 319 6 On Lake George. 320 7 Cortina. u 321 8 A Summer Afternoon. " 322 9 The Village Smithy. 323 10 Biarritz. " 324 II A Study in Gray. " 325 12 November Days. " 326 13 At Interlaken. " ii 327 14 A Nook in Pallanza. " %i 328 '5 Marina. " 329 16 Marva. " 330 17 A Flashlight Study. 331 18 Evening. Exposure, development, and print. work of exhibit or. Mr. HUGO S. MACK, 1x3 West 38th Street, New York, N.Y. Amateur Photographers of New York. Lens. 332 In the Glen. Gundlach. 333 On the Wallkill. 334 Another View. 335 Kaffeemiidel und Kellnerin. 336 II Penseroso. 337 A Siamese Twin. 338 Marine. The "Newark." Exposure and development, work of exhibitor. Developer. Pyro. Eiko. Pyro. Plate. Wuestner. Carbutt Film. Cramer B. Print. Platinum. Plain Print. Platinum. 46 ^o^fton €amcra €lub — aJrfjibition, 1892. Walter Kimball & Co No. 9 PARK STREET. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Worlds of 7\rt Cngratingjs, mater Colons, pi)oto5vapl^?j, etc. Framing of all kinds. Novelties in Leather Frames, Vignette, Card, and Cabinet Si{es. BAUSCH & LOMB OPTICAL CO. Manufacturers of the Popular American Standard RAPID UNIVERSAL LENSES, for Group work in Studios and all ouldi or work, and ALVAN G. CLARK LENSES, on both" of wliich there has been a decided reduction ni price'^. The New and Wondeiful ZEISS-ANASTIGMAT LENSES, of whicli we are tlie Sole American Matiufaciurers. In three Series, for Studio, Architecture, Landscape, and Copying. DIAPHRAGM SHUTTER, which stands without rival. ROCHESTER, N.Y., P.O. Drawer 1033. NEW YORK CITY, P.O. 15ox 432. Send for NEW CATALOGUE, Just Out. z _ O uJ Zl 11 a >- > o ^ □ b K an P > as < 23o^ton Camera €Iuti — €r()ibmon, 1S92. 47 Mr. W. W. BYINGTON, Albany, N.Y. Amateur Photographers of New York. Lens. Developer. 339 Apiary. H. & L., 8 x lo. Hydro. 340 Bees at Work. 341 East Gloucester Light-house. B. & L., 6.^ x Pyro. 342 Excursion Steamer, Cape Ann. 343 Spouting Rock, Cape Ann. " " 344 Splash of Water. Exposure and development, work of e.xhibitor. Plate. Print. Cramer. Silver Print Miss SARAH J. EDDY, 4 Bell Street, Providence, R.I. Boston Camera Club. 345 A Listening to the Birds. Lens. B The Spirit of a Flower. Rapid Rect. c " The little bird sits at his door in the sun." " D A Sunny Kitchen. Euryscope No. I, A. Developer. Pyro-Pot. Hydro. Voigtliinder's Eikonogen. Hydro. E A Tea Party. F Spring Blossoms. " 346 G Please buy my Flowers. " H Signing the Band of Mercy Pledge. I Our Baby. J A Quiet Hour. " K A Precious Load. " L Alexander. " " Exposure, development, and print, work of exhibitor Eikonogen. Pyro-Pot. Plate. Ortho. Chromatic. Eoside of Silver. Allen & Rowell. Cramer Crown. Eagle. Cramer Crown. Cramer Banner. Cramer Crown. Allen & Rowell. Cramer. Print. Platino- type. Mr. henry W. BELKNAP, 15 Charles Street, Boston, Mass. Boston Camera Club. 347 A On the Charles, Riverside, Mass. D Pool, near Magnolia, " 348 A Fishermen at Anchor, Manchester, Mass. B Dana's Beach, Manchester, Mass. c Essex Ship Yards, Essex, " p 11 (( U <( i( Ross Developer. Plate. R. R. Seed Hydro. Seed. Harvard" Harvard. Print. Plain Salted. Albumen. 48 GEORGE H. ELLIS, PRINTER AND PUBLISHER, 141 FRANKLIN ST., BOSTON. =°Zo'^l i^^ateur Pf?oto^ra piker's Supply Stor(? Where Are Sold The Wonderful Eurygraph Lenses "Our Own" Hydrochinon Developer "Our Own " Toning and Fixing Solution "Our Own" Superb Outfits "Our Own" Superfine Blue Paper Flash-light, Negative on 6 1-2x8 1-2 Stanley Plate, Eurygraph W. A Lens, " Our Own " Develope Prosch Lamp. . . Also, . . KODAKS, HAWKEYES, KAMARETS, Etc. PLATES, FILMS, AND CHEMICALS. Barker & Starbird, • • • 56 Bromfield Street, boston, mass. T>eveloping and Trinting promptly done. Send for our Catalogue. 25o?tou Camera €lut) — oBxIjibitiou, 1892. 49 Lens. Developer. Plate. 349 A The Flume, Franconia Notch, N.H. Ross R. R. Seed Hydro. Seed. B On the Charles, Riverside, Mass. c The Flume, Franconia Notch, N.H. D 350 A Magnolia Woods, Magnolia, Mass. " Harvard " B Duck Brook, Bar Harbor, Maine. " " Print. Albumen. Harvard. Aristotype. Seed Films. " Darlot W. A. Pyro-Soda. ' View. D Outlet of the Pool, Franconia Notch, N.H. 351 A Newgate Prison, Simsbury, Conn., a relic of Colonial times. B Newgate Prison, Simsbury, Conn., a relic of Colonial times, c Valley of the Farmington River, Simsbury, Conn. D Valley of the Farmington River, Simsbury, Conn. " " " ' E.xposure, development (and prints in frame 350), work of exhiljitor. Miss MARY F. RUSSELL, 151 Commonwealth Avenue. Lens. Developer. Plate. VVaterbury. Eikonogen. Allen & Rowell. Exposures, work of exhibitor. Harvard. " Carbutt B. Bromide. 352 Portraits. Print. Albumen Silver. Mr. LOUIS B. SCHRAM, 18 E. 60th Street, New York- City. New York Soeiety of Amateur Photographers. Lens. Developer. Plate. 353 A Shady Lane. Beck. Eikonogen. Cramer. 354 In the Pasture. Exposure, dovelepment, and print, work of exhibitor. Mr. ALRED L. SLMPSON, 127 1 Broadway, New York City. Amateur Photographers of New York. Print. Chloride of Silver Emulsion. Lens. Developer. Morrison. Pyro. 355 A '' Puritan " in First National Cup Race. B " Genesta " in " c " Priscilla " Trial Race. B " Mayflower " Second National Race. Hermagis. E " Galatea " and " Mayflower " Start. F "Galatea" Second National Cup Race. G " Atlantic " Trial Races. " H " Volunteer " Last Cup Race. " I "Thistle" Exposure, development, and print, work of exhibitor Plate. Print. Harvard. Albumen. 50 25o^ton Camera €liit) — €ii)ibition, 1892. A. W. ELSON & CO. PHOTO- GRAVURE (GILBO) 146 Oliver St., - Boston, AND AT CAMBRIDGE. Art Reproductions of Oil Paintings, Water Colors, Etc., for Fine Illustrated Books, Subscription Publications, Framing Purposes^ Etc. T'lates up to 24 x j2 incbes work. OLD . WEDGWOOD . WARE. 1810 892 THE above represents a reproduction of an old pattern made by Josiah Wedgwood & Sons, the world famous Potters of Staffordshire, England, in 1810. The same engriavings and moulds are used in making this reproduction that were used when first made. The color is royal blue, and the ware unexcelled for beauty and durability. We control this pattern exclusively, and offer it at very low prices. RICHARD BRIGGS & CO., 287 WASHINGTON STREET, 2 TO 8 SCHOOL STREET, BOSTON, MASS., U. S. A. 2E>o^ton Camera Club — €rl)ibmon, 1S92. 51 Mr F. ALCOTT PRATT, 3 Somerset Street, Boston. Boston Camera Club. Lens. Developer. Plate. Print. 356 A Ricketson's Bust of Miss Alcott. Eurygraph. Hydroquinone. Carbutl B. Bromide. B C D " " " " " " " " Exposure, development, and print, work of exhibitor. Mr. JAMES A. WELLS, 2 Pemberton Square, Boston. Boston Camera Club. Lens. Developer. Plate. Print. 357 Ripogenees Gorge. Dallmeyer. Pyro-Soda. Allen & Rowell Bromide Films. Enlargement. 358 The Little Heater. 359 October Morning. " " " " 360 Twilight. Exposure, development, and print, work of exhibitor. Mr. RALPH TRAUN FRETWELL, Dortmund, Westphalia, Germany. Lens. Developer. Plate. Print. 361 A Little Brook in the Black Lynkeioscop, made Westendarp & Forest. by Goerz of Berlin, Eikonogen Gebhardt, Engehuann's 362 Haymaking in the Black Germany. Series and Hy- Cologne, Ger- Aristopaper. Forest. C, No. 3. 9 inch droquinon. many. 363 A Farmyard in the Black Forest. Focus. Exposure, developrnen', and positive, work of exhibitor. Mr. WILFRED A. FRENCH, No. 10 Newbury Street, Boston. Boston Camera Club. 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 A Fair Opponent. Between the Sets. The Critical Moment. Embarrassment. " Mistress Mary, quite contrary, How does your garden grow ? With silver bells and cockle shells, And pretty maids all in a row." Consultmg the Oracle. Confiding the Secret. For whom is she making it ? Studio Portrait Study. Lens. Extra , Rapid ' Eury. No. 2. Euryscope. No. 3. De'oeloper. Pyro- Potash. Print. Silver. 52 2Doston €amcm €luli — aErljibition, 1S92- - Books for Students of Art.- American Architecture: Studirs. By Muntgomkrv Schuvlhr With Illuslrations. Svo, Full Leather, Ornatnental, Uncut Edges and Gilt Top, $2 50. History of Mediaeval Art. By Dr. Fi;an/! vu.n Reber. Translated and augmented by Joseph Thacher Clarke. With 422 Illustrations and a Glossary of Technical Terms. Svo, Cloth, $5 00. History of Ancient Art. By Dr. Fkanz von Rebek. Revised by the Amhor. Translated and augmented by Joseph Thai iii:r Ci..\k|vE V\ iih 310 Illus- trations and a Glossary of Technical Terms. ,Svo, Cloth, J3 50. Historical Studies of Church Building in the Middle Ages: Venice, Siena. Florence. By Charles Eliot Norton. Svo, Cloth, Uncut Edges and Gilt Top, $3 00. Hints to Amateurs. A Hand-book on Art. By Louise Joi ling. Paper Covers, 50 cents. Post Svo, Ornamental Published by Harper & Brothers, New York. The above 7vo> ks are for sale hy all booksellers , will be sent by mail ^ postage prepaid^ to any part of ike United States^ Canada, or Mexico., on receipt of the price. P. G. HAMERTON. " Readers of Mr. Hamerton's works have acquired a well-grounded confidence that he will touch no subject of which he has not something fresh or original or instructive to say, and that whatever he does say will be said in a manner which of itself would suffice to attract and hold the attention.'' A Painter's Camp. Thoughts about Art. The Intellectual Life. Chapters on Animals. Round my House. The Sylvan Year and the Unknown River. Portfolio Paper, French and English. vols. Cloth. $2.00 eac/i. Oxford S/j'/c, $/.Jo each. Half calf , $j6.oo per set. Wenderholme. Modern Frenchmen. Life of J. M. W. Turner. The Graphic Arts. Human Intercourse. Landscape ETCHINGS AND ETCHERS. A Treatise Critical and Practical. Illustrated with Etchings printed in Paris under the supervision of Mr. Hamerton. a new revised and enlarged edition. Svo. $5.00. DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE MAILED FREE. ROBERTS BROTHERS, BOSTON. 'FHE-ART-lNTEiRGHANGEi. Published Monthly. $4.00 a Year. Send for THE ART INTERCHANGE for April, May, June. July, August. 1892, and get IS lovely pictures in color. |0 deco- rative art work supplements, and 5 copies of a beautifully illustrated Art and Home Decoration magazine. THIS OFFER WILL COST YOU ONLY $1.50. PANSIER 1 \ 1:1 KCH I. A I I To be pttblished Avgust , j -^ijj The subjects of some of tlie color pictures are: Lit- tle Friar (charm- ing water-color painting of a child's head); Pansies (in oil colors); Chky- s.wTiiEMUM Pan- !■ L ; Fifteenth I 1!N ruKV Gentle- M \ N (hue old man trail) ; Wild Clover : S ; KAVVBKKRiEs and Melons (beautiful fruit piece); The i'^OGE OF THE FlELO harming land- sc.ipe) ; In the StNSHiNE (female fi ure shov\ing out- of-door effects) ; Pansies in Birch Park CANOE(illnstrated,. Other color pictures will include floral sprays, Dresden designs, etc. The magazine itself will contain articles on American artist.^ modern French artists, an account of the famous lulian Academic, clearly written reviews of foreign picture shows, and aVt gossip from all over the world. The Instruction Department includes elementary lessons i i dr.Twing, embroidery notes for beginners and advanced woikers; china painting instructions; and careful directions for water and oil color and tapestry painting. Hundreds of designs are given for cards, cups, screens, table covers, doyleys, fans, and, in fact, decorations for all classes of home objects. . Send for this Five MonthS (or $ | .50 offer, and see what a big return you will get for your money. .Sample copy w ith three pictures in color (OF our selection), 25 cents. Catalogue sent for stamp. The Art Interchange Co., no. 9 desbrosses st., new york. Nature in Ornament. l!y Lewis F. Day, With 123 full-page p'ates, 192 illustrations in ihe Te.\t. Thick cown Svo, 44 50. BV THE SAME AUTHOR. THE ANATOMY OF PATTERN. 35 illustrations. $1.40. THE PLANNING OF ORNAMENT. 3.S illustrations. $1.40. THE APPLICATION OF ORNAMENT. 42 illustrations: $1.40. ORNAMENTAL DESIGN. 116 illuslrations. $4.20. SOME PRINCIPLES OF EVERY=DAY ART. Illustrated, fi.50. *^*For sale by all booksellers, or sent postpaid by CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS, 743 and 745 Broadway, New York. I 2B»ostou Camera €lu£i — ition, 18^2. 53 Lens. A Household Idol. A " Drink, Pretty Creature, drink ! " B c D E F G H Euryscope. No. 4. Voigtlander Portrait. " Euryscope No. 2. " 373 Group of Old Landmarks. A Pierce House, Dorchester, Mass., 1745. Euryscope B Old Garrison House, Newburyport, Mass. No. 2. c Birthplace cf Oliver Wendell Holmes, Cambridge, Mass. D Historic Homestead, Quincy, Mass., 1635. 374 Iron-bound Island, Mt. Desert, Maine. 375 The Roberts Oak, Waltham, Mass 376 377 A Peep through the Willows, Thornton, N.H. " " A Rural Group. " " On the Banks of Mad River, N.H. Artists' Retreat, Waterville, N.H. " " A Sunny Road, Campion, N.H. " " Near the Brook, Waterville, N.H. Farm at Thornton, N.H. " " 1 Glimpse of the Neponset River at Hyde Park, Mass. Exposure, development, and printing (but not toning), work of exhibitor Mr. CHAS. R. PANCOAST, 144 N. 2d Street, Philadelphia. The Photographic Society of Philadelphia. Developer. Pyro-Potash. 378 Halloween. (Flashlight.) 379 A New England By way. 380 Mt. Everett, Mass. 381 An Afternoon in the Berkshires. 382 The Broken Egg. 383 A Berkshire Road. 384 An Out-of the-way Spot. Lens. Ddllmeyer R. R., II in. Wray single Landscape Lens, 15 in. Dalimeyer R. R., II in. Wray single Landscape Lens, 15 in. Developer. Pyro. Plate. Cramer 50. Eikonogen Seed 26. and Hy- drochinon. Pyro. Fer. Ox. Carbutt B. Exposures, developments, and print of 376, work of exhibitor. Mr. GEORGE H. EATON, 385 386 387 388 389 390 10 Mt. Washington Avenue. Boston Camera Club. Lens. Developer. Portrait. Euryscope. Pyro-Soda. Plate. Cramer. Seed. Print. Silver. Print. Hot Process Platinotype. Print. Plain Paper. Exposures and development, work of exhibitor. 54 25o^fton Camera Club — €xl)iBition, 1892. Heliotype Printing Company, Donald Ramsay, Treas. 211 Tremont Street, Boston, Mass. Printers by all modern lithographic and photo-mechanical methods, including HELIOTYPE, PHOTOGRAVURE, PHOTO-LITHOGRAPHY, COLOR PHOTOGRAPHY, HELIOCHROME, CHROMO LITHOGRAPHY, AND MAKERS OF FINE HALF TONE AND RELIEF PLATES. PHOTOGRAPHY BEC01VIES A PLEASURABLE CERTAINTY BY USING CARBUTrS^DRY PLATES TRADE MARK "CELLOLOr FILMS. For Sale by All Dealers. Ask For and Take No Other. Keystone Dry Plate and Film Works. Wayne Junction, Phila. 25o^tou Camera €lutJ — agle Head, Manchester. Mass. Ross. Rap. Sym. Manchester Coast. Kettle Cove, Magnolia. Rafe's Chasm, " " Chebacco Lake, Wenham. " Portrait. Not retouched. " 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 ^' ^ Portrait Studies. Not retouched, c, D 403 A, B, c 404 405 406 A, B Di-veloper. Pyro. Plate. Print. Seed. Albumen Silver. Oxalate. Pyro. Hydrochinon. " " Voigtliinder. " Ross. Pyro. Exposure and development, work of exhibitor. Bromide Paper. Albumen Paper. PI. Silver Paper. Libby. Mr. victor ANGERER, Vienna, Austria. Lens. Developer. Plate. Print. 407 Hungarian Tinker. Voigtliinder Euryscope. Pyro. His Own. Plain Silver Print. Exposure, development, and print, work of exhibitor. Mr. FREDERICK D. STACKPOLE, M.D., 59 Dudley Street, Roxbury. Boston Camera Club 408 "Ye Olden Time." Lens. Developer. Plate. Print. Ross. Hydrochinon. Seed. Silver Process. I'^xposure and development by exhibitor. Mr. CHAS. H. CURRIER, 50 Bromfield Street. Boston Camera Club. 409 A Interior. I^ens. Developer. Plate. Print. No. 3. W. A. Pyro. Libby. Albumen. Euryscope. 56 2^o^^tou Camera €lutJ — oBrlnbition, 1892. Lens. Developer. Plate. Print. 410 A Little Deer Isle, Me. Dallmeyer. Pyro. Seed. Albumen. c D " 411 Salting the Sheep. Exposure and development, work of exhibitor. Miss ELIZABETH MURDOCH, 62 Clifford Street, Roxbury, Mass. Lens. Developer. Plate. J^rint. 412 Collection of Portraits taken at home with light from north window. Hawkeye, 1889. Hoover's. Harvard. Omega. Exposure, development, and print, worlc of exhibitor. Mr. benjamin KIMBALL, Boston. Boston Camera Clul'. Enlar(;ements. 413 My Little Mystery, enlarged from 8 X ID plate; not re- touched. 414 Portrait, enlarged from 4x5 plate ; not retouched. 415 Portrait, enlarged from 4x5 plate ; not retouched. 416 Surf at Magnolia, Mass., en- larged from (i\ X 8.V plate. 417 Sand Dunes on Ipswich Bay. 418 Pond at Magnolia. 419 A Wake on the Pacilic. Direct Prints. 420 A ] Portrait Studies, not re- n ) touched. 421 ^ I Rossetti Heads, not re- touched. 422 A } Rossetti Heads, not re- ^ ) touched. 423 A I A Handicraftswoman, not ^ i retouched. 424 A } A Fair Violinist, not re- K ) touched. 425 A Study from the Anti- gone, not retouched. Lens. Developer. Plate. Print. Euryscope, No. 3. Hydrochinon. Seed 26X. Bromide Paper. Darlot. Ferrous Ox. Eastman. " Euryscope, No. 3. Hydrochinon. Seed 26x. '" a a it Darlot. Ferrous Ox. Eastman. " Pyro. Harvard. Ross. Hydrochinon. Seed 26x. Plain Silver. Euryscope, No. 3. Pyro. 57 Lens. Developer-. Plate. Print. 426 A Study from the Anti- gone, not retouched. Kuryscope, No. 3. I'yro. Seed 26X. Plain Silver. 427 A ) 1! ^ Portraits, not retouched. " " " " (' ) 428 Figure Study, not re- touched. " Hydrocliinon. " " 429 Figure Study, not re- touched. Furyscope, No. 3. " " 430 Figure Study, not re- touched. '• " " " 431 Figure Study, not re- touched. '• " " " 432 Portrait, not retouched. " " " " 433 434 ' " Pyro. 435 • ■• Ross. Hydrochinon. " ■' 436 " " ^^uryscope. No. 3. " " " 437 438 '^^Q A '-Portraits. I! \ 440 A I p traits. 441 A ( n , Ross. S Portrait. u x, ,, .. B ) Furyscope, No. 3. ' " " 442 A ^ " " " B V Portraits. " Ross. " " " c ) Furyscope, No. 3. " " " 443 A) B )- Portraits. " Ross. " " " c ) 444 A Somes Sound. Euryscope, No. 3. " " " B Magnolia Willows. " Pyro. " " c The Meadow Pasture. •' " " " 445 The Happy Valley, Southern California. Euryscope, No. 3. " '• " 446 The Willow Road. " Hydrochinon. " " Enlargements on Porcelain 447 Among the Asters. Euryscope, No. 3. Pyro. Harvard. Carbutt's Opals. 448 Lobster Lane, Magnolia. " " Seed 26x. " 449 Left-handed Violinist, not re- touched. Ross. Hydrochinon. " '• 450 Portrait, not retouched. " " " '■ i< << ii i< li -.(. 452 All exposures and developments and prints of Nos. 420 A and I!, 424 a and 1:, 427 c, 42S, 439 A, 444 a, b, and c, 447, 448, 449, 450, 451, and 452, work of exhibitor. 58 25o.sfton Camera Cliit) — oErljitiition, 1S92. Mr. WILLIAM H. RAU, 1324 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Photographic Society of Philadelphia. Lens. Dt'velopcr. Plate. Print. 453 Horseshoe Curve, Pennsylvania R.R. Ross Pyro-Potash. Carbutt Fil n. Contact Bro. Portable. 454 Packsaddle, 455 On the Blue Juniata, " " " •' 456 On the Conemaugh, " '' Carbutt Ortho. 457 Mt. Johnson Island in the Susquehanna. " 458 Red Rock Curve, Sang Hollow, Penn. " •' E.xposure, development, and print, work of exhibitor. Mr. CORNELIUS CHENERY, 194 Boylston Street. Boston Camera Club. » Lens. Developer. Plate. Print. 459 Captain. Darlot. Pyro. Cramer C. Bromide Enlara:. 460 Jersey Lily. " " Seed 26X. u 461 A Pair of Jerseys. " " u 462 On the Sands. " " Cramer C. u 463 Tremont Street Mall. " u 'iD't Concord Bridge. W. A. Euryscope. " Seed 23. 465 Chocorua. Cramer B. 466 A Cape Cod Breeze. Darlot. " Cramer C. it 467 What is It ? u 468 Stepping Stones. W. A. Euryscope. " Cramer B. 469 " Nature's own Exceeding Peace." " " u Plain Paper. 470 Anticipation. " " Harvard. Bromide Enlarg. 471 The First Step. Exposures, developments, and prints, excepting No. 469, work of exhibitor. Miss C. E. SEARS, 132 Beacon Street. Boston Camera Club. Lens. Developer. Plate. Print. 472 A Summer Sketches. Euryscope. Allen & Rowell. Allen & Rowell. Aristotype. B C D E F G H Exposures, developments, and prints, work of exhibitor. 2Bo^ton Camera ^\uh — ^lExljibition, 1892. 59 Mk. w. o. witherell, 15 Warren Place, Roxbiiry, Boston Camera Club. Lens. De-<'eloper. Plate Pritit. Beck. Soda-Pyro. Seed. Albumen Silver. Wray Single. 473 A Meadow, Marshfield. I! Brook, c Bridge, Grand Falls, N.B. D Meadow Brook. Beck. E Road, West Roxbury. Wray Single. F Spring Street Bridge, West Roxbury. " G Fishing Schooner, Massachusetts Bay. Darlot W. A. H Poling Rapids. 474 Duxbury Beach in October. Darlot. 475 St. John's River, near Grand Falls, N.B. Wray Single. E.xposures, developments, and prints of 474 and 475, work of exhibitor Cramer. Seed. Bromide Knlarg. Mr. EDW. H. graves, 314 Fifth Avenue, New Vork. Ni~v York Camera Club. Lens. Developer. Plate. Print. 476 October. Platinum Print. Ross. Pyro Soda. Newcomb & Owen. Platinum Print. 477 Under the Willow. Platinum Print. " " " " 478 My Jack. 479 Along the Canal " " " " " 480 A Corner of Wales. Exposures, developments, and prints, work of exhibitor. Mr. JOHN H. THURSTON, 50 Bromfield Street. Boston Camera Club. 481 A R C D E F G H 482 A B C D E F G Town Hall at North Easton. Mount Desert Kodaks. Lens. Developer. Plate. Print. No. 4, W. A. Eury. Pyro. Eagle. Albumen. Kodak. Hydro. Eastman Film. " Harvard Annex," Cambridge. No. 5, Clark (4X 5). I A., Eury. Libby. Seed. Cramer. Interior of Trinity Church, Boston. No. 4, W. A. Eury. " Allen &: Rowell. Mount Desert Kodaks. Kodak. Hydro. Eastman Film. II u (1 a li Exposures, developments, and prints Nos. 481 A and 482 e, work of exhibitor. Public Library, No. 3, Darlot W. A. No. 2, Darlot R. H. Pyro. 60 2^^o^ton Camera Cub — itiou, 1892. Mr. I. W. EVANS, 52 Darlington Street. WoI\'erhanipton. Honorable Secretary Wolverliantpton PJwtographic Society. Developer. Ptate. Print. 632 A Only a Street Arab. Pyro-Am. Matchless. Matt Surface Albumen. V. A Bit of News, c A Street Arab. 633 A Tettenhall Wood, Wolverhampton. B Henwood Lane, " c Tettenhall Wood, " Exposures, developiiient, .iiid prints, work of exhibitor. Edwards Isochro. Aristotype. Mr. S. TUDOR STRANG, 1728 Willington Street, Philadelphia. Colttmbia Scenogra/^hic Association. Lens. Developer. Ptate. Print. 634 Yacht "Minerva" on the Delaware, Bausch & Loinb Pyro. Seed 26x. Omega Print. opposite Philadelphia. Universal. All work of exhiliitnr. Mr. J. S. MASON, 196 Marlboro Street. Bostoji Camera Club. Developer. Plate. Print. 635 Portrait. Pyro Am. Cramer. Plain. 636 Exposure and development, work of exhibitor. Mr. WM. gibbons PRESTON, 204 Dartmouth Street, Boston. Lens. Developer. Plate. A "Aunt" Keziah Randall, and Great-grand-daughter. 108 Years Old. Ross. Eiko. Film. B " Prince." Seed. C House in Auburndale. D "Aunt Keziah's " House, Mattapoisett. i. E A Dewy Foreground. F An Old Smithy. Hermitage. No. 5. Kodak. G Court-house Tower, Savannah. U H Portrait. i i A A Shady Lane. Ross. Eiko. B " Oft in the Stiljy Night." C Hydrangeas. D The Young Gardener. E Discussing the Account. Beck. Eiko-Hydro. F The Surgeon. Ortho. G Gourd Blossoms. H Spider-web. it I Winter Scene. No. 5. Kodak. Seed. 25ositon Camera Cliit) — oSrljitiition, 1S92. 73 Mr. ALFRED CLEMENTS, 39 South loth Street, Philadelphia. Philadelphia Society. 639 Cocoanut Trees at Lake Worth, Florida. 640 Tropical Scene, Lake Worth, Florida. 641 Gypsy and Child, Normandy. 642 On a Normandy Farm. 643 Normandy Cottages. 644 An English Roadway. Lens. Developer. Plnte. Print. Wray 13 in. Pyro-Soda. Carbutt Ortho. 23. Platinotype. Grubb 8 in. All work of exhibitor. Abney. Carbutt Ortho. MEMBERS MYSTIC CAMERA CLUB, Medford, Mass. Lens. Developer. Plate. 645 Mr. Will C. Eddy. A Nahant Breaker. Alvan G. Clark. Hydro. Eagle. 646 " Joseph H. Wheeler. Picking Daisies. 647 " Elmer E. Pitts. Lone Fisherman. 648 " John F. Wade. Portraits. 649 " Gilbert Hodges. Pulpit Rock, Nahant. 650 " John F. Wade. Portrait. 651 " Geo. L. Stone. The Bend by the Willows. 652 " W. F.Thode. The Little Plumber. No. 2 R. H. Darlot. 653 " B. D. B. Bourne. Winter Hill Sta- tion, B. & L. R.R. Darlot. Euryscope. Codman Ortho. Euryscope. Dallmeyer R. R. Pyro. Hydro. Pyro. Print. Albumen. Harvard. Eagle Ortho. Bromide. Eagle. Albumen. Eagle Ortho. Bromide. Harvard. Albumen. Standard 50. Alvan G. Clark. Hoover's Seed 26.\-. Potash. Mr. C. G. HINE, 137 Broadway, New York. Society Amateur Photographers, New York. Lens. Developer. Plate. Print. 654 A Winter Scene. ^ Optimus. Pyro-Potash. Cramer. Aristo. B " I Beck. • A.&R. Film, c " ' Optimus. " Cramer. . D " 1 , Beck. " A.&R. Film. January. . n E Optimus. Cramer. F " Beck. '• A.&R. Film. 74 ^BojEfton Camera Clut) — aErljibition, 1892. 655 A Cloud Effect. B ^ * December. D " E '•" 656 Early Spring. 657 Col. Washington'.s Headquarters (i 755), Winchester, Va. 658 Blue Monday. 659 Snow Scenes. Prims. A, B, D, E, F. 660 " C, G. Lens. Developer. Plate. Print. Optimus. Pyro-Potash. Cramer. Aristo. (( tc ^. l( Beck. Optimus. '• " " Beck. Dallmeyer. Beck. Optimus. A.&R.Fiim. Plain Silver Paper. Cramer. " " Blue,onJap. Tissue Pa- per. A.&R.Film. Toned Blue Prints. Cramer. Untoned Blue Prints. All work of exhibitor. 25oj5tou Camera €IuIj — Hyd 'eloper. rocliinon. Miss CATHARINE WEED BARNES, Western Avenue, Albany, N.Y. Amateur Pliotographers of New Yorh. 2il I Watching the Snow birds. 2 Statue of Robert Burns. 3 Cinderella. 4 Home made Statues. 5 Greek Study. Lens. Developer. Plate. Print. Dall. W. A. Eikonogen. Allen & Dry Plate. Rowell. 25o.ston Camera Ciul) — €jcl)il)itiou, 1S92. 79 22 6 Look in Mother's Eyes. 23 Lens. Dall.W. A. 7 <§ 12 15 i6 17 i8 Portrait Prof. Chas. Ehrmann. Entrance Hall. Drawing-room. Room for One More. Through the Woods. "The world forgetting, by the world forgot." Early Morning. At the Source. Seven Times One. Seven Times Five. Seven Times Six. By Still Waters. (Jean Tngelow.) Developer. Eikonosen. Eikonogen Intensified with Silver. Eikonnoen. Plate. Allen & Rowell. Print. Dry Plate. All work of exhibitor. Mr. H. a. LATIMER, Boston Camera Club. Lens. Developer. Plate. Print. 24 I Yacht " Hypatia," — Cruising Race. Ross Port, Sym. Pyro Soda. Eastman. Dry Plate. 2 Sunset, Marblehead, Mass. " J King Philip, Marblehead. " 4 Parlor of the Ponce de Leon. '• 5 Old Witches' House, Deerfield, Mass. Wet. 6 The Antiquarian of Deerfield, Mass., in his favorite corner. Dry. 25 I Sunset, Ware River, Nantasket, Mass. " 2 Mt. Washington Signal Station in October. " J Amusing the Baby. Carbutt. " 4 South Fork Falls, Yosemite Valley, Cal 5 Yosemite Fall (2,634 feet high). Eastman. 6 The Woods in Autumn. Wet. 26 / North Dome, Yosemite Valley. A. & R. Dry. 2 The River Path, Rockledge, Fla. Wet. 3 4 Tropical View on Indian River. " 5 Old Wreck, Indian River. 6 Surf, Pt. Lobos, Monterey, Cal. 80 23o^ton Camera Club — ■ Dry. 5 Street View, Monterey, Cal. 6 A Cuban Hut, Campo Florido, Cuba. / Oldest Inhabitant, Silver Springs, F!a. Wet. 2 River View, Silver Springs, Fla. 3 City Gates, St. Augustine, Fla. 4 Verena, Marblehead. Dry. 5 The River Road, Palatka, Fla. " 6 View on Charles River. '• All work of exhibitor Mr. EDGAR G. LEE, CuUercoats, Newcastle- on-Tyne. Honorary Secretary Ncwcastle-on-Tyne Photograplnc Association . 28 / Sunny Hours. 2 The Evening Hour. 3 Rest and Refreshment. 4 The Smoky Tyne. 5 The Gypsies. 29 6 Sunlight and Shadow. 7 The Brook. 8 Outward Bound. g The Hay Harvest. 10 By the Old Mill. 11 An Autumn Sunset. Lens. Single. Doublet. Single. Doublet. Single. Doublet. Developer. Plate. Hydroquinone and Edwards' Instantaneous Carbonate Potass. Isochromatic Plates. Print. Gelatine Bromide L. Plates. 12 The Student. All work of exhibitor. ^25o^tou Camera €luh — €j.i)ilittion, 1892. SI Mr. JOHN W. DUNN, 3418 Meramec Street. Louts Camera Club. 30 A " If I had a donkey that wouldn't go," &c. B Balanced Rock, Garden of Gods, Colo, c Mountain Valley, near Empire, Colo. D " The Bell(e)s." E Crossing Clear Creek, Colo. 31 F Georgetown Pass, Colo. G Mountain Climbing, Colo. H Caught in the Ice, St. Louis. K Sitting for his Picture. L At the Well. M At the Spring. N Altar in Sacred Heart Convent, St. Louis. 32 o Meramec River at Glencoe, Mo. p Off Cape Ann. Lens. Hermagis. Steinheil. Hermagis. Steinheil. Hermagis. Steinheil. Hermagis. Steinheil. Hermagis. Developer. Pyro. Plate. Seed. Eagle. Seed. Print. Ferrous Oxalate, Carbutt L. S. Carbutt B. Seed. Cramer B. Seed. Cramer B. Mk. WILLIAM M. BUTLER, 2636 Osage Street, St. Louis. St. Louis Camera Cinh. Lens. Developer. Plate. 33 gs Levee. North of Bridge, St. Louis. No. o Eury- Pyro. Seed scope. Jj^ Siallion " Louis Napoleon, Jr." " " " // Niagara Falls. •• " A Cemetery Entrance, Jefferson Bar- racks. B On River des Peres, Forest Park, St. Louis. c Arch over Entrance to Cemetery, Jefferson Barracks. 34 D Officers' Quarters, Jefferson Bar- racks. E Out for a Ride. F Steamer "Grand Republic" on an Excursion. G Grand Avenue Bridge, St. Louis. No. 5 Bausch & Lomb. H Rafting Logs on Upper Mississippi River. I A Picnic Party. A.S.Aloe&Co. K Shakespeare, Tower Grove Park, St. Louis. No. 5 Bausch & Lomb. All work of e.\hibitor. Eastman's Film. Seed. Print. FeYrous Ox. Hydrochinon. Ferrous Ox. Hydrochinon. Ferrous Ox. Hydrochinon. 82 23o^?ton Camera Club — €j:f)ibition, 1892. TRANSPARENCIES. Mr. clarence B. MOORE, 132 1 Locust Street, Philadelphia. Photographic Society of Philadelphia. Lens. Developer. Plate. 1 A Florida Afternoon. Darlot. Pyro-Potash. Seed 26. 2 The New Slipper. Beck. Pyro-Soda. " 3 What's That? Dallmeyer. " Stanley. 4 Wissahickon Creek from Valley Green Bridge. Francais. Pyro-Potash. Seed. 5 Flo. Beck. Eikonogen. Seed 26. 6 A Brotherly Attention. Francais. Hydrochinon. " Negatives and jjositives, work of exhibitor. V Prifit. Carbutt A Plate and Oxalate Developer, ex- cept No. 5, developed with ■ Hydrochinon- Eikonogen. Mr. WILFRED A. FRENCH, Boston. Boston Camera Club. 7 Old State House, Boston, Mass. 8 Ditto. 9 Historic Homestead at Quincy, Mass., erected in 1635. 10 Brook near Waterville, N.H. 1 1 Mad River, near Thornton, N.H. 12 Hyde Park (view of the Neponset River). All work of the exhibitor. -Boston CamccA Club — ^Erljibition, 1892. Mr. ROBERT L. BRACKLOW, 1 13 West 3Sth Street. Amateur Photographers of New York. Lens. Developer. Plate. 13 Castle Rock, Marblehead Neck, Mass. Gundlach Pyro-Potash. Carbutt's Rectigraphic. Special. 14 Belleville Hotel, Belleville, N.J. Built in 1685. " " 15 View on Second River, near Belle- ville, N.J. 16 Washington Bridge, over Harlem River, New York. High Bridge in the distance. Darlot W. A. " " 17 View on the Bronx River, Bronx Steinheil, Park, New York. Series II. Seed 26. 18 Egyptian Obelisk, Central Park, N.Y. Gundlach " Carbutt's Rectigraphic. Special. 19 St. Mark's Church, Second Ave., N.Y. Darlot W. A. 20 Vista, Main Street, Concord, Mass. Gundlach '• " Rectigraphic. Exposures, developments, and prints, work of e.xhibitor. 84 25oiSton Camera €lulj — o^iiitbition, 1892. . ♦ Sinticjc of ciErl)tbitor!S , . Catalogue No. Page. Alexander, Mr. John W. Andrews, Mr. Edward R. Angerer, Mr. Victor Babcock, Mr. T. James Bain, Mr. Robert E. M. Balliurd, Mr. Charles . Barnes, Miss Catherine Weed Lantern Slides Barton, Mr. Howard R. Belknap, Mr. Henry W. Bennett, Mr. E. S. Berg, Mr. Charles I. . Blake, Mr. Francis Bracklow, Mr. Robert C. Transi)arencies Breese, Mr. James L. . Briggs, Mr. William Sumner Bullock, Mr. John G. . Butler, Mr. William M. Byington, Mr. W. W. . Chamberlain, Mr. Joseph Chandler, Miss Alice G. Chase, Mr. Walker G. Clarke, Mr. S. Francis Clarke, Mrs. S. Francis Fantern Slides Clarkeson, Miss Emilie V. Lantern Slides Clements, Mr. Alfred . Clow, Mr. W. S. . Coleman, Miss E. L. Cole, Mr. E. Court Currier. Mr. Charles H. Dana, Mr. W. T. Diston, Mr. Adam Dodge, Mr, William H. Dresser, Mr. Arthur R. Dumont, Mr. John E. . Dunn, Mr. John W. Lantern Slides Fames, Mr. (). A. Lantern Slides Eaton, Mr. Geo. H. Eddy, Miss Sarah J. Emmons, Mr. Hamilton Evans, Mr. L W. Fitz, Miss Emma J. Eraser, Mr. William A. French, Mr. Wilfred A. Transparencies Fretwell, Mr. Ralph Trann Fuller, Mr. E. Abbott (Joldschmidt, Mr. Julius Graves, Mr. Edward H. Grisdale, Mr. H. M. . Hallett, Mr. Henry R. . Harding, Mr. Martin J- Harvey, Mr. J. H. Hine, Mr. C. G. . Holman, Mr. John C. . Hull, Mr. Chas. Wager Kimball, Mr. Benjamin Latimer, Mr. H. A. Lantern Slides Learning, Mr. Edward . 144—147 27 62 407 '43 25 J 62 264-268 41 24.1—2 XI Of 21-2'? 78 62-64 15 J'T/ J J 47 216 35 127, 23 1-6 9 13-20 83 202-205 31 161-1S4 29 613-618 70 33' 34 81 339-344 47 580 66 125, 126 2 1 28-34 1 ! .J 619-626 70 627-630 7 ' I, 2 75 77 639-644 7"? 1 14-120 21 48^402 60 584-586 67 409-4 1 1 CC J J i;26— "^o ^8-4^ 1 1 1 1;6— I c;q 27 592-597 68 501-509 61 30-32 81 65-76 17 7^ 'j8 t:— 70O r -3 Jj 345, 346 47 93-99 '9 632, 633 72 583 66 191-194 3' 364-377 53 7-12 82 361-363 5' 160 29 271 41 476-480 59 283-3 '3 43 185-188 29 604-606 69 578 65 654-660 73 51 '-5' 5 62 226-235 37 413-452 55 531-565 63 24-27 80 269, 270 41 Lee, Mr. John C. Lantern Slides Lincoln, Mr. Pldwin H. Little, Mr. James L. Loud, Mr. J. Prince Mack, Mr. "Hugo S. . Mansell, Mr. Thomas . Mansell, Mr T. . Mason, Mr. J. S. . Meldon, Mr. Louis Miller, Mr. Charles Howell Mitchell, Mr. Charles L. Lantern Slides Moore, Mr. Clarence B. Transparencies Morandi, Mr Francis W. Morgan, Mr. George M. Murdock, Miss Elizabeth Murdock, Miss Helen M. Mystic Camera Club Nelson, Mr. George A. Norton, Mr. H. A. Pancoast, Mr. Charles K. Pearson, Mr Horace B. Pineiro, Mr. F. R. Pond, Mr. Quincy Pratt, Mr. F. Alcott Preston, Mr. Wm. Gibbons Rau, Mr. Wm. H. Redfield, Mr. Robert S. Lantern Slides Reed, Mr. Wm. Garrison Rencurrel, Mr. M. E. . Ruppert, Mr. Ferdinand Russell, Miss Mary F. . Sawyer, Mr. Lyddell Schoen, Mr. Alfred P. Schram, Mr. Louis B. . Sears, Mrs. Sarah C. Sherman, Mr. Edward i' . Silsbee, Miss Rosamond W. Simpson, Mr. Alfred M. Slade, Miss Elizabeth Almy Lantern Slides Stackpole, Mr. Frederick D, Stengel, Mr. George J. Stettinius, Mr. John L. Stieglitz, Mr. Alfred Lantern Slides Strang, Mr. S. Tudor Symcnds, Mr. Harry Tarbell, Mr. John H. . Thurston, Mr. John H. Todd, Mr. Dundas Troth, .Mr. Henry Wells, Mr. James A. . Williams, Mr. Cleinent Wilmarth, Mr. Arthur R. Witherell, Mr. W. O. . Wood, Mr. Geo. B. Wright, Mrs. James Osborne Wundram, Mr. G. W. Catalogue No. 130-136 28, 29 495- 496 206-2 1 2 22-27 332-338 631 493. 494 635, 636 58 r 587-591 77-82 5-9 7-21 1-6 566, 567 391-406 412 121-1 24 645-653 607-61 1 568 378-384 612 598-603 189, I go 356 637, 638 453-458 100-105 10, r I 83-92 35-37 217-225 352 44-55 272-282 353' 354 579 195-201 129 355 236-240 1 2 408 407-500 2f3-2I5 314-33' 1 5-20 634 582 I48-IS5 481,482 60, 61 137-142 357-360 56-59 ic6-i 1 3 47J-47S 5''9-577 255-262 263 Page. 25 80 61 33 '3 45 71 60 72 60 67 17 76 1 1 82 64 55 56 21 73 6q 65 53 69 68 31 51 72 58 19 76 17 '3 35 49 15 43 49 65 31 23 49 55 61 45 78 66 27 59 '5 25 51 15 '9 59 ''5 39 39 mnmittee of ilrrantrcments. QWr* 'WtKim ^umntt (gti^ze, €)f (gosfon Camera Cfufi.