CL Be LIBRARY NO 201 iTi. ivnoeoier a lo. 14 East 57th St. #CC WJ New York - - m jp $s V ,,f : r? • . : I:'' 1 :,"** 1 Hi t y ■ 1 ’ 'i 4 i Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2018 with funding from Getty Research Institute THE ART PALACE. WORLD’S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS REVISED CATALOGUE » Department of Fine Arts WITH INDEX OF EXHIBITORS FOR THIS CATALOGUE, THE PICTURES ARE NUMBERED CONSECUTIVELY, AS THEY AP¬ PEAR ON THE GALLERY WALLS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLICITY AND PROMOTION MOSES P. HANDY, CHIEF .o* EDITED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS f/f CHICAGCLV V W. B. CONKEY COMPANY, PUBLISHER*? TO THE E^QflmON 1893 I Entered according to Act of Congress in the year A. D. 1893, in the office of Librarian of Congress at Washington, D. C., by THE WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION. For the exclusive use of W. B. Conkey Company, Chicago. W. B. CONKEY COMPANY, PRINTERS AND BINDERS, CHICAGO. PREFACE It is the aim of this book to assist those who visit the Art Department of the World’s Columbian Exposition to see the various works of art easily, and—through the index— to locate the works of any particular artist without difficulty or loss of time. The arrangement of the numbering of the galleries suggests the order in which the works can be seen to the best advantage. Each work of art, it will be noticed, now bears two numbers—one in black figures, the other in red. The numbers to which this catalogue refers are the numbers printed in RED. CLASSIFICATION DEPARTMENT K— FINE ARTS. GROUP 139. SCULPTURE. Class 820. Figures and groups in marble; casts from original works by modern artists; models and monumental decorations. Class 821. Bas-reliefs in marble and bronze. Class 822. Figures and groups in bronze. Class 823. Bronzes from cire perdue . GROUP 140. PAINTINGS IN OIL. GROUP 141. PAINTINGS IN WATER COLORS. GROUP 142. PAINTINGS ON IVORY, ON ENAMEL, ON METAL, ON PORCELAIN OR OTHER wares; fresco painting on walls. GROUP 143. ENGRAVINGS AND ETCHINGS: PRINTS. GROUP 144. CHALK, CHARCOAL, PASTEL AND OTHER DRAWINGS. GROUP 145. ANTIQUE AND MODERN CARVINGS; ENGRAVINGS IN MEDALLIONS OR IN gems; cameos, intaglios. GROUP 146. exhibits from private collections. Loan Collection of Foreign Works from Private Galleries in the United States FROM GROUPS 139-145. architecture as a fine art. 4 INDEX OF NATIONAL EXHIBITS, 5 INDEX OF NATIONAL EXHIBITS AS CATALOGUED NATIONS REPRESENTED. Sculpture, Medals, etc. Oil Paintings. Water Colors. Pastels, Drawings, etc. Etchings, Engravings, etc. Architecture and Decoration. PAGE. PAGE. PAGE. PAGE. PAGE. PAGE. United States... 25 32 79 86 112 133 U. S. Loan Collection... 154 147 Austria. 156 157 162 163 163 163 Belgium. 166 168 176 176 176 Brazil. 180-186 181 185 Canada. 188 188 Denmark... 196 197 F ranee. 207-238 213 235 235 238 253 Germany. 278 282 297 297 301 303 Great Britain. 310 312 329 344 337 347 Holland. 354 359 362 Italy. 366 etc. 368 etc. 379 379 Japan . 384 384 384 384 384 384 Mexico. 396 396 New South Wales. 402 403 406 411 Norway. 414 414 418 418 Russia. 420 421 421 Society of Polish Artists 428 Spain. 434 437 443 443 443 446 Sweden. 450 451 454 454 454 Venezuela. 460 Artists, Index of. 461 Art Palace, Description of. 8 Art Palace, Ground Plan of. 6 Art Palace, View of.Facing title Awards by the International Board of Judges. 14 Department of Fine Arts—Classification. 4 Department of Fine Arts—Official Direction. 9 Judges, International Board of. 13 Juries of Selection, American. 10 Works of the United States Artists not in Competition.. 23 'iarri 56 . Brown, Matilda (New York). An Unwilling Model. 357 . Curran, Charles C. (New York) Winter Morning in a Barnyard. Lent by Mr. George I. Tyson, New York. 358 . Wiles, Irving, R. (New York) Sunshine and Flowers. 359 . Clark, Walter (New York). Spring. 360 . Herter, Albert (New York). Portrait of Mrs. H. 361 . Gross, P. A. (Paris France) Essegney near Charmes, Vosges. 362 . Cohen, George W. (New York) A Tale of the Sea. 363 . Vonnoh, Robert W. (Philadelphia) A Peasant Woman’s Garden. 364 . Lambert, John, Jr. (Philadelphia) Portrait. Lent by Mrs. Lambert, Philadelphia. 365 . Vonnoh, Robert W. (Philadelphia) Moist Weather. 366 . Harwood, J. T. (Salt Lake City) Preparing Dinner. 367 . Davis, Charles H. (Mystic, Conn.) Abandoned. 368 . Fisher, Mark (Stockbridge, England). Moonrise. 369 . Wiles, Irving R. (New York) Sunlight in the Studio. Lent by Mr. Charles D. Miller, Jersey City. 370 . Merritt, Mrs. Anna Lea (Andover, Hampshire, England). Portrait of Mrs. Reginald DeKoven. Lent by Mrs. Joseph Lea, Philadelphia. 371 . Fisher, Mark (Stockbridge, England). Timber Wagon, Normandy. 372 . Day, Francis (New York). A Table d’Hote. EAST WALL. 373 . Nourse, Elizabeth (Paris, France). A Family Meal. 374 . Sewell, Mrs. Amanda Brewster (New York). By the River. 375 . Woodwell, Joseph R. (Pittsburg) White Rocks, Magnolia, Mass. 376 . Rice, Wm. M. J. (New York) Portrait. 377 . Collins, Alfred Q. (New York) Portrait of Joe Evans. Lent by Mr. Joseph Evans, New York. 378 . Foster, Ben (New York). A Maine Hillside. Lent by Mr. James T. Pettus, New York. 379 . Hallowed, Maria (West Medford, Mass.). Portrait. Lent by Miss A. N. Hallowell, West Medford Mass. 380 . Colman, Samuel (Newport). The Inner Gorge of the Grand Canon of the Colorado. 381 . Blenner, Carle J. (New York) Contentment UNITED STATES—GALLERY 6—OIL PAINTINGS. 43 382 . Pauli, Richard (deceased). Sunset in New Jersey. Lent by Mrs. Pauli Leonia, N. J. 383. Huntington, Daniel (New^ York). Portrait of the Hon. Seth Low. 384 . Weir, J. Alden (New York). Autumn. 385 . Weir, J. Alden (New York). The Young Student. 386 . Holme, Lucy D. (Philadelphia) A Holiday Occupation. 387 . Smith, J. Francis (St. Louis). Young Girl of Feuillee. 388 . Gutherz, Carl (St. Paul). Light of the Incarnation. 389. Eaton, Charles Warren (New York). Moonrise. 390. Wall, A. Bryan (Pittsburg). Across the Meadow. 391 . Duveneck, Frank (Cincinnati). Portrait of William Adams. 39 2 . Whittredge, W. (New York) Rhode Island Coast. 393 . Cox, Kenyon (New York). Diana. 394 . Thompson, Wordsworth (New York). The Deserted Inn. 395 . Enneking, John J. (Boston) Autumn afternoon. 396 . Vinton, Frederick P. (Boston) Portrait of C. C. Langdell. 397. Young, Charles Morris (Gettysburg, Pa.). Wet Weather. 398 . Sewell, Mrs. Amanda Brewster (New York). Portrait of Mother and Son. 399 . Walker, Henry O. (New York) Hagar and Ishmael. 400 . Norton, Wm. E. (London, England) A Moment’s Rest. 401 . Keller, Charles F. (Munich, Bavaria) Canal at Schleissheim, near Munich. SOUTH WALL. 402 . Schwill, William V. (Munich, Bavaria) The Closing Hymn. 403 . Davis, Charles H. (Mystic, Conn.) A Winter Evening. Lent by Mr. Thomas E. Waggaman, Washington, D. C. 404 . Haskell, Ida C. (New York) Mother Love. 405 . Stephens, Alice Barber (Philadelphia). Harvesting in the Meadows. 406 . Weeks, Edwin Lord (Paris, France). Interior at Toledo, Spain. 407 . Loomis, Chester (Englewood, N. J.). Hester. 408 . Weeks, Edwin Lord (Paris, France). Study at Bombay, India. 409 . Butler, Howard Russell (New York). Church of Guadaloupe, Aguas Calientes. 410 . Weeks, Edwin Lord (Paris, France). The Last Voyage: A souvenir of the Ganges. Two Hindoo Fakirs meet while on a pilgrimage to the Holy City of Benares. Oner” them, being at the point of death, urges his comrade to carry him across the stream, in order that he may breathe his last on the sacred shore. 411 . Butler, Howard Russell (New York). Sea Weed Gatherers, Finisterc, France. 412 . Webber, C. T. (Cincinnati) The Underground Railroad. (A souvenir of slavery days.) 413 . Davis, Charles H. (Mystic, Conn.) The Valley. 414 . Weeks, Edwin Lord (Paris, France). Marble Court at Agra, India. 415 . Turner, C. Y. (New York) Washing Day 416 . Dodson, Sarah P. Ball (Brighton, England). Honey of Hymettus. 44 WORLD’S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEp’t K—FINE ARTS. WEST WALL. 417. Sonntag, William L. (New York) Mt. Jefferson and Mt. Adams, White Mountain, New Hampshire. 418. Cady, Henry, N. (Philadelphia) Sunset at Narragansett Pier, Rhode Island. 419. Nettleton, Walter (Finistere, France). December Sunshine. 420. Fowler, Frank (New York). Portrait—A Figure in White. Lent by Mrs. William A. Fowler, Brooklyn, N. Y. 421. Rolshoven, Julius (Paris, France). Hall in the Doge’s Palace, Venice. 422. Tryon, D. W. (New York) New England Village, Evening. 423. Homer, Winslow (Scarboro, Me.). The Fog Warning. 424. Tiffany, Louis C. (New York) Market at Nuremberg, Bavaria. 425. Brouwer, T. A., Jr. (East Hampton L. I.) Musk Melons. 426. McComb, R. Lee (Paris, France). Summertime. 427. Wade, Caroline D. (Chicago) Portrait of a Lady. 428. Bridgman, Frederic A. (Paris, France) Coast of Algiers, The Morning Bath. 429. Shurtleff, R. M. (New York) Autumn Forest. Lent by Mr. W. T. Evans, New York. 430. Bridgman, Frederic A. (Paris, France) Fellahineand Child, The Bath, Cairo. 431. Parrish, Stephen (Philadelphia). Evening. 432. Bridgman, Frederic A. (Paris, France) A Hot Day at Mustapha, Al¬ giers. 433. Bridgman, Frederic A. (Paris, France) Passage of the Red Sea. 434. Ketcham, Susan M. (New York) Portrait of a Lady. 435 * Ryder, Henry Orme (Auburndale Mass.). Old Breton Farmhouse, Even¬ ing. 436. Benedict, Enella(Lake Forest, Ill.). Brittany Children. 437. Albright, A. E. (Chicago) Morning Glories. 438. Johnson, Eastman (New York). Portrait of the Artist. 439. Pattison, James William (Jacksonville, Ill.). Sheep. 440. Wuerpel, Edmund H. (Paris, France) September Twilight. Lent by Dr. William Taussig, St. Louis. 441. Henry, Edward L. (New York) The Wedding Day. Lent by Mr. Dick¬ enson, Mt. Holyoke, Mass. 442. Bristol, J. B. (New York) Mount Chocorua, N. H. 443. Minor, Robert C. (New York) The Close of Day. Lent by Mr. W. T. Evans, New York. 444. Stokes, F. W. (Philadelphia) The Orphans. 445. Amsden, William T. (New York) Spanish Meadows. 446. Grover, Oliver Dennett (Chicago). Thy Will be Done. 447. Sewell, Mrs. Amanda Brewster (New York). Sappho. 448. Fry, John H. (St. Louis) Labor. 449. Sewell, Robert V. V. (New York) In Shanty-town. UNITED STATES—GALLERY 7—OIL PAINTINGS. 45 GALLERY 7—OIL PAINTINGS. NUMBERS 450 TO 508, INCLUSIVE. NORTH WALL. BEGINNING AT ENTRANCE FROM GALLERY 6. 450. Enneking, John J. (Boston) A South Duxbury Clam Digger. 451. Enneking, John J. (Boston) November. 452. Enneking, John J. (Boston) October Twilight. 453. Rose, Guy, (New York). Food for the Laborers. 454. Mignot, Louis R. (deceased) Niagara. 455. Perry, Roland Hinton (Paris, France). Portrait of Mrs. Perry. 456. Wigand, Otto C. (Mt. Vernon, N. Y.) The Old Willow Tree. 457. Turner, C. Y. (New York) The Coppersmith. Lent by Mr. Theodore Marburg. 458. Fisher, Mark (Stockbridge, England). A Hampshire Dairy. Lent by Mr. McCulloch, London. 459. Homer, Winslow (Scarboro, Me.). Dressing for the Carnival. 460. Evans, Joe (New York). The Red Gate. 461. Tiffany, Louis C. (New York) Pottery Market at Wurtzburg. 462. Weeks, Edwin Lord (Paris, France). Three Beggars of Cordova. Lent by the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia. 463. Raught, John Willard (New York). Gorse Cutters, Brittany. 464. Fowler, Frank (New York). Portrait. Lent by Dr. Neftel, New York. 465. Wiles, L\ M. (New York) The Old Quarry. 466. Cox, Kenyon (New York). Echo. 467. Armstrong, Maitland (New York). White House at Pont Aven, Brittany. EAST WALL. 468. Boggs, Frank M. (Paris) The Brooklyn Bridge, New York. 469. Volk, Douglas (Minneapolis, Minn.). Mending the Canoe. 470. Jones, H. Bolton (New York). Spring. 471. Church, F. S. (New York) The Viking’s Daughter. Lent by Mr. John Gellatly, New York. 472. Hovenden, Thomas (Plymouth Meeting, Pa.). When Hope Was Darkest. 473. Peyraud, F. C. (Chicago) Autumn Morning. 474. Towner, Flora L. (Albany, N. Y.) Portrait. 475. Clarke, Thomas Shields (Pittsburg). Morning, Noon and Night. 476. Peck, Orrin (Munich, Bavaria). Love’s Token. Lent by Mrs. P. A. Hearst, Washington, D. C. 477. Shirlaw, Walter (New York). Toning the Bell. Lent by Mr. J. H. Wil¬ ling, Chicago. 478. Hetzel, George (Pittsburg). Wood Scene. 46 WORLD’S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP’t K—FINE ARTS. 479. Loomis, Chester (Englewood, N. J.). Memoria. 480. ‘White, Henry C. (Hartford, Conn.) Spring Landscape. 481. Wiles, Irving R. (New York) The Sonata. Lent by Mr. W. T. Evans, New York. 482. Koehler, Robert (New York). The Strike. 483. Howe, Wm. H. (Paris, France) Morning, Kartenhof Meadows, Hol¬ land. 484. Vonnoh, Robert W. (Philadelphia) “Show What You Can Do!” SOUTH WALL. 485. Cranch, Mrs. C. A. (Boston) Portrait of Mr. Christopher Cranch. 486. Boughton, George H. (London, England) An English Spring Day. 487. Gifford, R. Swain (New York). Over the Summer Sea. 488. Gay, Walter (Paris, France). Charity. 489. Allen, Thomas (Boston). Moonrise. 490. Ertz, Edward (Paris, France). The Potato Gatherer. 491. Beckwith, Carroll (New York). Mr. Isaacson. 492. Fisher, Mark (Stockbridge, England). A Small Holding. 493. Henry, Edward L. (New York) The County Fair. Lent by Mr. W. F. Havemeyer, New York. 494. Thompson, Wordsworth (New York). In the Sweet Summer Time. Lent by Mr. George H. Babcock, Plainfield, N. J. 495. Gay, Walter (Paris, France). A Mass in Brittany. 496. Koopman, August B. (New York) The Orphan. WEST WALL. 497. Munseli, Albert H. (Boston) Danger Ahead. 498. Truesdell, Gaylord S. (Paris, France) Cows on the River Bank. 499. Howe, William H. (Paris, France) Early Start to Market, Holland. 500. Ochtman, Leonard (New York). Along the Mianus River. 501. Sewell, Mrs. Amanda Brewster (New York). Portrait of Mrs. Boudinot Keith. Lent by Mrs. J. M. Wheeler, New York. 502. McEwen, Walter (Paris, France). The Witches. 503. Abbey, Edwin A. (Fairford, Gloucestershire, England) Galahad Brought to Arthur’s Court. (Section of frieze for the Delivery Room of the Public Library, Boston.) Lent by the Public Library, Boston. 504. Low, Will H. (New York) Love Disarmed. Lent by Mr. Gardiner G. Hubbard, Washington, D. C. 505. Ochtman, Leonard (New York). Harvesting by Moonlight. Lent by Mr. Frederick Benedict, New York. 506. Harrison, Birge (Paris, France). The Return of the Mayflower. 507. Parton, Arthur (New York). Evening after the Rain. Lent by Mr. George I. Seney. 508. Bell, E. A. (New York) Portrait. Study of a Lady in Gray. FROM GALLERY 7 , THE VISITOR SHOULD RETRACE HIS STEPS TO GALLERY 3 . (SEE PLAN.) UNITED STATES—GALLERY 3—OIL PAINTINGS. 47 GALLERY 3—OIL PAINTINGS. NUMBERS 509 TO 590, INCLUSIVE. NORTH WALL. BEGINNING AT NORTHWEST CORNER. 509. Sargent, John S. (London, England) Portrait. Lent by Mr. F. S. Pratt Worcester, Mass. 510. Fisher, Mark (Stockbridge, England). Teste Valley Meadows. Six. Wyant, A. H. (deceased) Landscape. Lent by Mr. Thomas B. Clarke, New York. 512. Beaux, Cecilia (Philadelphia). Last Days of Infancy. Lent by Mr.W. F. Biddle, Philadelphia. 513. Sargent, John S. (London, England) Portrait. Lent by Mr. Dunham, New York. 514. Cox, Kenyon (New York). Flying Shadows. Lent by Mr. Stanford White, New York. 515. Sargent, John S. (London, England) Portrait. Lent by Mr. Elliott F. Shephard, New York. 516. Fisher, Mark (Stockbridge, England). Orchard in Normandy. 517. Wyant, A. H. (deceased) A North Woods Brook. Lent by Mr. Thomas B. Clarke, New York. 518. Nettleton, Walter (Finistere, France). Approach of Harvest Time. 519. Richards, Samuel (Denver). Blissful Hours. Lent by Mr. David Geb- hart, Dayton, Ohio. 520. Chapman, Carlton T. (New York) On Cape Ann. Lent by Mrs. John Hutton, New York. 521. Fisher, Mark (Stockbridge, England). Sorting the Flock. 522. Sargent, John S. (London, England) Portrait of Mrs. Inches. Lent by Dr. C. E. Inches, Boston. 523. Metcalf, W. L. (New York) Summer Twilight. 524. Thayer, Abbott H. (Scarboro, New York) Portrait of a Lady. Lent by Miss C. F. Stillman, New York. 525. Fowler, Frank (New York). Portrait of Walter Shirlaw. Lent by Mr. Walter Shirlaw, New York. 526. Gifford, R. Swain (New York). Telegraph Station at Sandy Hook. 527. Forsyth, W. (Indianapolis) In the Garden. Lent by Mr. Carl H. Lieber, Indianapolis, Ind. EAST WALL. 528. Whiteman, S. Edwin (Baltimore). Over Autumnal Hills. 529. Gottwald, F. C. (Cleveland) Along the Docks. 530. Wiles, Irving R. (New York) Portraits. 531. Murphy, J. Francis (New York). November Grays. 4 * 532 . 533 - 534 - 535 - 536 . 537 - 533 . 539 - 540. 541 - 542 * 543 - 544 - 545 - 546 . 547 - 543 - 549 - 550 . 55 1. 552 . 553 * 554 - 555 - 556 . 557 * 558 . 559 - 560. 56 1. 562. 563. 564. 565 . world’s COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP’T K—FINE ARTS. Hitchcock, George. Tulip Culture, Holland. De Haas, M. F. H. (New York) New England Coast. Fisher, Mark (Stockbridge, England). Cows in Orchard. (Winter.) Freer, Frederick W. (Chicago) Portrait of a Lady in Black. Lent by the Boston Art Club. Brown, J. G. (New York) A Card Trick. Tarbell, Edmund C. (Boston) In the Orchard. Vail, Eugene L. (Paris, France) Dordrecht. Elwell, D. Jerome (Boston). Bruges, Belgium. Fowler, Frank (New York). Portrait, Girl in Black. Dewey, Charles Melville (New York). The Hush of Day. Lent by Mr. L. A. Ault, Cincinnati. Stewart, Jules L. (Paris, France) The Hunt Ball. Lent by the Essex Club, Newark, N. J. Bisbing, Henry S. (Paris, France) On the River Bank. Rudell, P. E. (Greenwich, Conn.) Autumn. Tompkins, F. H. (Boston) Mother and Child. Lent by Boston Art Club. Murphy, J. Francis (New York). The Hazy Morn. Whiteman, S. Edwin (Baltimore). Lowland Pastures. SOUTH WALL. Clinedinst, B. W. (New York) Monsieur’s Mail. Haynes, C. Coventry. Poplars. Cranch, Mrs. Caroline A. (Boston) Portrait of Mrs. E. D. Cranch. Lent by Mrs. Caroline A. Cranch. Colman, Samuel (Newport). Mt. Tacoma from Puget Sound. Benson, Frank W. (Salem, Mass.) Girl with a Red Shawl. Lent by Mrs. David Kimball, Boston. Mowbray, H. Siddons (New York). The Evening Breeze. Lent by Mr. Thomas B. Clarke, New York. Dewing, T. W. (New York) Portrait of W. M. Chase. Lent by Mr. W. M. Chase, New York. Harris, Charles X. (New York) The Mowers. Lent by Mr. Frederick James, New York. Fowler, Mary B. O. (New York) Marie. Brown, J. G. (New York) Homeward Bound. Lent by Mr. W. T. Evans, New York. Wickenden, Robert J. (Paris, France) Whisperings of Spring. Candidus, Harry W. T. (Munich, Bavaria) Landscape. Colman, Samuel (Newport). Mexican Hacienda. Benson, Frank W. (Salem Mass.) Portrait of a Lady in White. Dewey, Charles Melville (New York). Shadows of the Evening Hour. Lent by Mr. W. T. Evans, New York. Nettleton, Walter (Finistere, France). Teasel Gatherer. Cox, Kenyon (New York). Portrait of L. H. K. Lent by Mrs. Kenyon Cox. WEST WALL. Norton, Wm. E. (London, England) Off the Dnteh Coast UNITED STATES—GALLERY 3—OIL PAINTINGS. 49 566. Beck Carol H. (Philadelphia) Portrait. 567. Sword, J. B. (Philadelphia) Off the Scent. 568. Leigh, William R. (Munich, Bavaria) The End of the Play. 569. Picknell, W. L. (New York) Early Morning. 570. Flagg, Charles Noel (Hartford, Conn.). Portrait of Mark Twain. Lent by Mr. Samuel L. Clemens, Hartford, Conn. 571. Crane, Bruce (New York). The Harvest Field. Lent by Mr. Andrew Carnegie. 572. Miller, Charles H. (New York) A Gray Day on Long Island. 573. Melchers, Gari (Paris, France). The Sermon. Lent by Mr. Potter Pal¬ mer, Chicago. 574. Macomber, M. L. (Waverly, Mass.) The Annunciation. Lent by Mrs. D. P. Kimball, Boston. 575. Melchers, Gari (Paris, France). Skaters. 576. Loring, Francis W. (Florence, Italy) Great Bridge at Chioggia, Italy. 577. Sargent, John S. (London, England) Portrait of Ellen Terry as Lady Macbeth. Lent by Mr. Henry Irving, London. 578. Macomber, M. L. (Waverly, Mass.) Love Awakening Memory. Lent by Miss Elizabeth Howell, Boston. 579. Melchers, Gari (Paris, France). Married. Lent by Mr. Potter Palmer, Chicago. 580. Melchers, Gari (Paris, France). The Pilots. 581. Richards, William T. (Newport, R. I.) February. Lent by Mr. Edward H. Coates, Philadelphia. 582. Vezin, Fred (Munich, Bavaria). Boys in a Boat. 583. Volk, Douglass (Minneapolis). Portrait of Madam X. 584. Millet, F. D. (New York) The Window Seat. Lent by Mr. Charles Fairchild, Boston. 585. Millet, F. D. (New York) Lacing the Sandal. Lent by Mr. Thomas B. Clarke, New York. 586. Brush, George de Forest (New York). The Head Dress. Lent by Mr. H. H. Fay, Boston. 587. Low, Will H. (New York) In An Old Garden. Lent by Dr. C. B. Kel¬ sey, New York. 588s Moran, Edward (New York). The First Ship Entering New York Harbor. 589. Smillie, George H. (New York) From West Mountain, Conn. 590. Moran, Edward (New York). Life Saving Patrol, New Jersey Coast. Lent by Mr. Amedee Fargis, New York. FROM GALLERY 3 , NEXT IN ORDER IS GALLERY 1 . (SEE PLAN.) 4 50 WORLD’S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP’t K,—FINE ARTS, GALLERY 1—OIL PAINTINGS. NUMBERS 591 TO 630, INCLUSIVE. WEST WALL. BEGINNING AT NORTH SIDE OF ENTRANCE FROM THE NORTH COURT. 591. Reinhart, C. S. (New York) Washed Ashore. 592. Kavanagh, John (Cleveland, O.). Washer-women. 593. Nourse, Elizabeth (Paris, France). Good Friday, Rome. 594. Paxton, William M. (Boston) An Idyl. 595. Sartain, William (New York). Sand Dunes at Manasquan. 596. Melchers, Gari (Paris, France). The Nativity. NORTH WALL. 597. Butler, Herbert (Chicago). Hard Times. 598. Wentworth, Cecilia E. (New York) Prayer. 599. Blashfield, Edwin H. (New York) Christmas Bells. 600. Baer, William J. (New York) Day Dreams. 601. Reinhart, C. S. (New York) Awaiting the Absent. 602. Nettleton, Walter (Finistere, France). Watching for the Return of the Fishing Fleet. EAST WALL. 603. Boutwood, Charles E. (Chicago) Portrait of the Hon. Charles B. Far- well. Lent by Mrs. Dudley Winston, Chicago. 604. Lampert, Emma E. (Rochester, N. Y.) Behind the Dunes. 605. Gross, P. A. (Paris, France) Road to the Spring, Liverdun, France. 606. Rose, Guy (New York). Potato Gatherers. 607. Pearce, Charles Sprague (Auvers-sur-Oise, France). A Village Funeral, Brittany. 608. Pearce, Charles Sprague (Auvers-sur-Oise, France). Mother and Child. Lent by the Hon. Lewis Emery, Jr., Bradford, Pa. 609. Deining, E. W. (New York) A Mourning Brave. 610. Bicknell, Frank A. (Paris, France) Along the River Oise. 611. Carl, Kate A. (Paris, France) Head of a Man. 612. Koopman, August B. (New York) Dreaming of One Afar. 613. Goldman, Martha (Pittsburg, Pa.). Study Head. 614. Couse, Eanger I. (Paris, France). My First Born. 615. Thomas, S. Seymour (Paris, France) An Innocent Victim. SOUTH WALL. 616. Grayson, Clifford P. (Philadelphia) November. Lent by the Art Club, Philadelphia, UNITED STATES—GALLERY I—OIL PAINTINGS. 5 I 617. Gardner, Elizabeth (Paris, France). Soap lobbies. Lent by Mr. Arthur Tooth, London. 618. Bigelow, D. F. (Chicago) Lake Champlain and the Adirondacks. 619. Richardson, F. H (Boston) Breton Widow at Prayer. 620. Gross, P. A. (Paris, France) A Rainy Day. 621. Browne, Charles Francis (Chicago). Old Poplar Trees. 622. Rose, Guy (New York). The End of the Day. 623. Hippie, Sarah Levis (Philadelphia). Sardine Fishing Boats. Lent by Mrs. F. K. Hippie, Philadelphia. 624. Lyman, Joseph (New York). Early Snow in the Adirondacks. 625. Blashfield, Edwin H. (New York). Portrait. 626. Sewell, Robert V. V. (New York) Winter. 627. Norton, Mary S. (Boston) A Tea Party. 628. Van Elten, Kruseman (New York). Late Autumn. WEST WALL. 629. Sewell, Amanda Brewster (New York). Washing Place in the Gatinais. 630. Vail, Eugene L. (Paris, France) On the Thames. 52 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP'T K—FINE ARTS. # GALLERY 9—OIL PAINTINGS. NUMBERS 630 TO 782, INCLUSIVE. WEST WALL. BEGINNING AT LEFT OF ENTRANCE. 631. Millet, F. D. (New York) Sweet Melodies. Lent by Mr. D. M. Ferry, Detroit Mich. 632. Coffin, William A. (New York) Evening. Lent by Mr. J. M. Lichtenauer, New York. 633. Inness, George (Montclair, N. J.) Nine O’Clock. Lent by Mr. Thomas B. Clarke, New York. 634. Merritt, Mrs. Anna Lea (Andover, Hampshire, England). Love Locked Out. 635. Harrison, Alexander (Paris, France). The Amateurs. 636. Whistler, J. McNeill (Paris, France). The Princess of the Land of Porce¬ lain. Lent by Mr. Alexandei Reid, Glasgow, Scotland. 637. Coffin, William A. (New York) Twilight. Lent by Mr. John B. Ladd, Brooklyn, N. Y. 638. Faxon, William Bailey (New York). Maia. 639. Wyant, A. H. (deceased) Forenoon in the Adirondacks. 640. Butler, George B. (New York) Girl with Tambourine. NORTH WALL. 641. Walker, Henry O. (New York) The Gift-Bearer. Lent by Miss E. H. Bartol, Boston, Mass. 642. Eaton, Charles Warren (New York). October. 643. Elwell, D. Jerome (Boston). The Moorlands, Cape Ann. 644. Gifford, R. Swain (New York). Landscape. Lent by Mr. J. B. Wheeler, New York. 645. Simmons, Edward E. (New York) The Carpenter’s Son. 646. De Forest, Lockwood (New York). Moonrise Among the Ruins of Palmyra. 647. Walker, Henry O. (New York) Boy on a Donkey. Lent by Mrs. S. D. Warren, Boston. 648. La Farge, John (New York). Study of a Boy’s Head. Lent by Mr. Edward W. Hooper, Cambridge, Mass. 649. Curran, Charles C. (New York) A Corner in a Barnyard. Lent by Mr. Thomas B. Clarke, New York. 6$o. Moeller, Louis (New York). Searching. Lent by Mr. Thomas B. Clarke, New York. 631. Caliga, I. H. (Boston) Portrait. Lent by Mrs. Robert F, Herrick, Brookline, Mass. UNITED STATES—GALLERY Q— OIL PAINTINGS. 53 652. Haynes, C. Coventry. Portrait. Lent by Mrs. F. W. Haynes. 653. Phelps, Helen Watson (New York). Abandon. 654. Stewart, Jules L. (Paris, France) Portrait of the Viscountess de Gouy d’Arcy. Lent by the Viscountess de Gouy d’Arcy, Paris. 655. Tryon, D. W. (New York) Night. Lent by Mr. Thomas B. Clarke, New York. 656. Curran, Charles C. (New York) A Breezy Day. Lent by Mr. Thomas B. Clarke, New York. 657. Chase, William M. (New York) Portrait of Mrs. L. 658. King, James S. (Upper Montclair, N. J.) Evening Glow. 659. Gilman, B. F. (Philadelphia) Portrait Study. 660. Vanderpoel, J. H. (Chicago) Portrait of a Lady. Lent by Mr. J. B. Humphreys, Tracy, Cook Co., Ill. 661. Stewart, Jules L. (Paris, France) Portrait of the Baroness Benoist Mechin, Paris. Lent by the Baron Benoist Mechin, Paris. 662. Gifford, R. Swain (New York). Autumn. Lent by Mr. Thomas B. Clarke, New York. 663. Eaton, C. Harry. Normandy Landscape. Lent by Mr. W. T. Evans, New York. 664. Brush, George de Forest (New York). The Indian and the Lily. Lent by Mr. C. D. Miller, Jersey City. 665. Martin, Homer D. (New York) Old Manor at Cricquebceuf. Lent by Dr. D. L. Stimson, New York. 666. Hassam, Childe (New York). Autumn. 667. Eakins, Thomas (Philadelphia). Portrait of a Lady. Lent by Miss A. B. Van Buren, Detroit, Mich. 668. Foster, Ben (New York). The Returning Flock. 669. Johnson, Eastman (New York). Portrait of a Girl. Lent by Mr. D. L. Einstein, New York. 670. Mcllhenny, C. Morgan (Shrub Oak, N. Y.). On the Beach. 671. Tarbell, Edmund C. (Boston) My Sister Lydia. Lent by Miss Lydia Souther, Dorchester, Mass. 672. Corwin, Charles A. (Chicago) Edge of the Clearing. 673. Frye, Miss Gertrude (Philadelphia). Portrait of Miss E. Lent by Mr. F. Evans, Philadelphia. 674. Smillie, George H. (New York) Mill Pond at Ridgefield, Conn. Lent by Mr. John S. White, New York. 675. Vinton, Frederick P. (Boston) Portrait of a Lady. 676. Turner, C. Y. (New York) Gossips. Lent by Mr. Thomas B. Clarke, New York. 677. Millet, F. D. (New York) At the Inn. Lent by the Union League Club, New York. 678. Melchers, Gari (Paris, France). Communion. (Holland.) 679. Smillie, George H. (New York) A Lush Place. Lent by Mr. Washing¬ ton Wilson, New York. 680. Sargent, John S. (London, England) Portrait. 681. Picknell, William L. (New York) Sunday Morning. 54 world's COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP’t K—FINE ARTS. 682. Connah, Douglas John (New York). Douglas John Connah. Lent by Mrs. John Connah. 683. Foster, Ben (New York). First Days of Spring. Lent by Mr. James F. Pettus, New York. 684. Chase, William M. (New York) Lady in Pink. 685. Gifford, R. Swain (New York). The Sea-weed Gatherers. 686. Sargent, John S. (London, England) Portrait. Lent by Mr. Augustus St. Gaudens, New York. 687. Coffin, William A. (New York) Early Morning. Lent by Mr. W. Seward Webb, New York. 688 . Keith, Mrs. Dora Wheeler (New York). Portrait of Lawrence Hutton. Lent by Mr. Lawrence Hutton, New York. 689. Howe, William H. (Paris, France) Return of the Herd. 690. Inness, George (Montclair, N. J.). Near Marshfield. Lent by Mr. Thomas B. Clarke, New York. 691. Brown, J. G. (New York) Pull for the Shore. Lent by Mr. Isidore Strauss, New York. 692. Inness, George (Montclair, N. J.). Sunburst. Lent by Mr. Thomas B. Clarke, New York. 693. Homer, Winslow (Scarboro, Me.). Lost on the Grand Banks. 694. Cauldwell, Leslie (Paris, France). A Sun Bath. 695. Cauldwell, Leslie (Paris, France). A Daughter of Eve. 696. Lutz, Lewis C. (Cincinnati) Portrait of J. H. Gest. Lent by Mrs. J. H. Gest. 697. Cunningham, J. Wilton (Paris, France). Caught in the Briers. 698. Dewing, T. W. (New York) The Days. Lent by Miss A. W. Cheney and Miss Louise Cheney, South Manchester, Conn. 699. Thayer, Abbott H. (Scarboro, N. Y.) Brother and Sister. Lent by Mr. A. A. Carey, Boston. 700. Robbins, L. Lee (Paris, France). My Portrait. 701. Boyden, Dwight Frederic (Paris, France). The Pines of Mauve. 702. Tryon, D. W. (New York) Springtime. Lent by Mr. C. L. Freer, Detroit. 703. Turner, C. Y. (New York) On The Beach, Easthampton. Lent by Mr. W. M. Chase, New York. 704. Millet, F. D. (New York) Old Harmonies. Lent by Mrs. H. K. Porter, Pittsburg. 705. Brush, George de Forest (New York). Mother and Child. Lent by Mr. J. M. Sears, Boston. 706. Cox, Kenyon (New York). Music. Lent by Mr .E. N. Finney, Milwaukee. 707. Gifford, R. Swain (New York). Sand Dunes. Lent by Mrs. Robert Carter, New York. 708. Moran, Leon (New York). Back from the Post-office. 709. Gill, Mariquita (Giverny, France). A Midsummer Morning, Giverny. 710. Lee, Laura (Boston). Retrospection. « EAST WALL. 711. Wigand, Albright (Mt. Vernon, N. Y.). Portrait of Mrs. J. Albright. 712. Dewing, T. W. (New York) Summer Twilight. Lent by Mr. C. L. Freer, Detroit. UNITED STATES—GALLERY 9 —OIL PAINTINGS. 55 713. Dewing, T. W. (New York) A Portrait. Lent by Mr. Stanford White, New York. 714. Dewing, T. W. (New York) A Musician. Lent by Mr. C. L. Freer, Detroit. 715. Thayer, Abbott H. (Scarboro, N. Y.) Virgin Enthroned. Lent by Mr. J. M. Sears, Boston. 716. Twachtman, J. H. (Greenwich, Conn.) Decorative Landscape. 717. Weir, J. Alden (New York). Portrait of Webb Weir. 718. Tryon, D. W. (New York) Autumn. Lent by Mr. C. L. Freer, Detroit. 719. Wiggins, Carlton (New York). Evening, Village of Grez. Lent by Mrs. Charles M. Kurtz, New York. 720. Dewing, T 0 W. (New York) A Portrait. Lent by Mr. Stanford White. 721. Davis, Charles H. (Mystic, Conn.) April. 722. Coman, Mrs. Charlotte B. (Waterville, N. Y.) A Stony Brook. 723. Jenkins, H. T. (Philadelphia) Still Life. 724. Donoho, G. Ruger (New York). La Marcellerie. 725. Chase, William M. (New York) Lilliputian Boats in the Park. Lent by Mr. R. L. Knoedler, New York. 726. Dielman, Frederick (New York). A New York Arab. Lent by Mr. Will¬ iam Semple, Louisville, Ky. 727. Gifford, R. Swain (New York). Salt Works of Padanaram. 728. Schilling, Alexander (New York). A Day in Spring. Lent by Mr. Alexis Ludwig, Leonia, N. Y. 729. 730 . 73 1 * 732. 733 - 734 - 735 * 736 . 737 - 738 . 739 - 740. 741. 742. 743 - SOUTH WALL. Turner, C. Y. (New York) Afternoon Tea. Lent by Mr. Chester W. Chapin, New York. Maynard, George Willoughby (New York). Flora. Lent by Mrs. K. R. Papin, Chicago. Inness, George (Montclair, N. J.). A Gray Lowery Day. Lent by Mr. Thomas B. Clarke, New York. Clarke, Thomas Shields (Pittsburg). A Fool’s Fool. Lent by the Penn¬ sylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, Pa. Van Boskerck, Robt. W. (New York) A Rhode Island River. Sheppard, Warren (Brooklyn). The Restless Sea. Lent by Mr. J. S. Fassett, Tonawanda, N. Y. Wyant, A. H. (deceased) In the Woods. Simmons, Edward E. (New York) Darby and Joan. Tryon, D. W. (New York) Starlight. Lent by Mr. Thomas B. Clarke, New York. Allen, Thomas (Boston). Under the Willows. Tryon, D. W. (New York) Sunset at Sea. Lent by Mr. C. L. Freer, Detroit. Church, F. S. (New York) Knowledge is Power. Lent Mr. by C. L. Freer, Detroit. Bogert, George H. (New York) Moonlight, Etaples, France. Gay, Walter (Paris, France). A Gregorian Chant. Coffin, William A. (New York) September Breeze. Lent by Mr. W. Seward Webb, New York. world’s COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEp’t K—FINE ART'S. 56 744. Whistler, J. McNeill (Paris, France). The Chelsea Girl. Lent by Mr. A. J. Cassatt, Philadelphia. 745. Brush, George de Forest (New York). The Sculptor and the King. Lent by Mr. Henry Failing, Portland, Ore. 746. McEwen, Walter (Paris, France). The Judgment of Paris. Lent by Mr. Albert A. Munger, Chicago. 747. Eakins, Thomas (Philadelphia). Mending the Nets. 748. Eakins, Mrs. Thomas (Philadelphia). Reflection. Lent by Mr. W. H. MacDowell, Philadelphia. 749. Lampert, Emma E. (Rochester) A Hillside in Picardy. 750. Bates, Dewey (Cookham Dene, Berkshire, England). Spring. Lent by Mrs. A. C. C. Bere, London. 751. Whistler, J. McNeill (Paris, France). The Fur Jacket. Lent Mr. by Alex¬ ander Reid, Glasgow, Scotland. 752. Tryon, D. W. (New York) Morning. Lent by Mr. John Newell, Chicago. 753 - Tryon, D. W. (New York) Rising Moon, Autumn. Lent Mr. by C. L. Freer, Detroit. 754. Tryon, D. W. (New York) Winter Evening. Lent by Mr. Thomas B. Clarke, New York. 755. Pearce, Charles Sprague (Auvers-sur-Oise, France). The Shepherdess, 756. Jenkins, H. T. (Philadelphia) Landscape. 757. Gifford, R. Swain (New York). The Cove Road, Naushon Island, Mass. Lent by the Detroit Club. 758. Whistler, J. McNeill (Paris, France). The Lady with the Yellow Buskin. Lent by Mr. Alexander Reid Glasgow. 759. Millet, F. D. (New York) Antony Van Corlear, the Trumpeter. 760. Turner, C. Y. (New York) The Grand Canal, Dordrecht, Holland. Lent by Mr. John Taylor Johnston, New York. 7610 Anderson, David J. (Woodiridge, N. J.) Landscape. 762. Vanderpoel, J. H. (Chicago) Blessed are They that Mourn. 763. Duvall, Fannie E. (Los Angeles, Cal.) Study of Onions. 764. Chase, William M. (New York) Portrait of Mrs. E. Lent by Mrs. E. 765. Jones, Francis C.(New York) On the White Sand Dunes. Lent by Mr. John Gellattly, New York. 766. Dearth, Henry J. (East Hampton, L. I.) Autumn. Lent by Mr. George I. Tillotson. 767. Stewart, Jules L. (Paris, France) The Baptism. 768. Whistler, J. McNeill (Paris, France). Harmony in Blue and Silver. Lent by Mr. J. J. Shannon, London. 769. Chase, William M. (New York) Alice (a portrait.) 770. Shurtleff, R. M. (New York) In Autumn Woods. 771. Tyler, James G. (New York) The Norman’s Woe. Lent by Mr. J. M. Jones, New York. 772. Keith, William (San Francisco). Autumn Sunset. 773. Stewart, Jules L. (Paris, France) On the Yacht Namouna, Venice, 1890 . Lent by Mrs. Henry Borie, Philadelphia. Mowbray, H. Siddons (New York). The Rose Harvest Lent by Mr. T. Helman, New York. 774 * UNITED STATES—GALLERY 9—OIL PAINTINGS. 57 775. Mowbray, H. Siddons (New York). Arcadia. Lent by Mr. W. T. Evans, New York. 776. Mowbray, H. Siddons (New York). Scheherazade. (“Arabian Nights.”) Lent by Mr. Thomas B. Clarke, New York. WEST WALL. 777. Gaugengigl, I. M. (Boston) The Manuscript. Lent by Mr. Wm. A. Slater, Norwich, Conn. 778. Gaugengigl, I. M. (Boston) The Rehearsal. 779. Gaugengigl, I. M. (Boston) The Love Song. Lent by the Tavern Club, Boston. 780. Davis, Charles H. (Mystic, Conn.) Summer Morning. 781. Waugh, Ida (Philadelphia). Hagar and Ishmael. Lent by the Penn¬ sylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. 782. Richards, William T. (Newport, R. I.) Old Ocean’s Gray and Melan¬ choly Waste. Lent by Mr. Edward H. Coates, Philadelphia. 58 world's COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP’T K—FINE ARTS, GALLERY 8-OIL PAINTINGS. NUMBERS 783 TO 815, INCLUSIVE. WEST WALL. BEGINNING AT NORTH SIDE OF ENTRANCE FROM GALLERY 9 . 783. Tryon, D. W. (New York) A Winter Afternoon. 784. Johnson, Eastman (New York). Portrait of Dr. McCosh. Lent by Mr. Alexander Maitland. 785. Blackman, Walter (London, England). A Capri Belle. 786. Story, Julian (Paris, France). Mile. De Sombreuil. (Episode of th.e French Revolution—) Sombreuil appears. He is condemned. The door opens. His daughter glides for¬ ward and hangs upon the neck of the old man, shielding him with her body and beg¬ ging the assassins to spare her father or kill her with the same blow. The sublimity of her devotion and the fervor of her supplications move these butchers. The cry that Sombreuil be spared is raised by the mob. The weapons are lowered and the life of the father is granted the daughter, but at a horrible price. It is exacted that to signify her abjuration of the aristocracy she drink from a glass filled with the blood of the aristocrats. Madame de Sombreuil seizes the glass with a firm hand, raises it to her lips and drinks to the health of her father. This act saves him. (Lamartine— History of the Girondists.) 787. Whistler, J. McNeill (Paris, France). Nocturne, Valparaiso. Lent by the Hon. Sir John Charles Day, London. 788. Tryon, D. W. (New York) A Salt Marsh. December. 789. Homer, Winslow (Scarboro, Me.). Eight Bells. 790. Van Boskerck, Robert W. (New York) The Hackensack Meadows. 791. Vanderpoel, J. H. (Chicago) Weary. Lent by Mr. C. L. Hutchinson, Chicago. 792. Parton, Arthur (New York). In the Month of May. Lent by Mr. W. T. Evans, New York. 793. Freer, Frederick W. (Chicago) Portrait. Lent by Mr. Henry C. Champ- lin, Chicago. 794. Toaspern, Otto (New York). Music. NORTH WALL. 795. Hartwich, Herman (Munich, Bavaria). A Bleachery in Lombardy. 796. Dessar, Louis P. (Paris, France) Evening. 797. Marr, Carl (Munich, Bavaria). The Flagellants. History records the fact that, owing to wars, the plague, religious persecution, internal dissensions, the contention of Church and State and the despotic rule of relentless tyrants, the people of Southern Europe in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries were in a despairing condition. When prayer proved unavailing in mitigation of their distress, the most devout among them sought to gain the favor of the Almighty by self-torture in public places in the towns. Their example was followed, and soon young and old practiced self-flagellation. With scourge in hand, praying, weeping, groaning and singing, the people formed into great processions led by fanatics. Be¬ ginning at Perugia, they overran Italy, and, to some extent, the northern countries of Europe. UNITED STATES—GALLERY 9—OIL PAINTINGS. p 59 798. Picknell, William L. (New York) The Edge of Winter. Lent by Mr. F. A. Hammond, New York. 799. Dessar, Louis P. (Paris, France) The Fishermen’s Departure. (Etaples, France.) EAST WALL. 800. Knight, D. Ridgway (Paris, France). Hailing the Ferry. Lent by the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia. 801. McEwen, Walter (Paris, France). Telling Ghost Stories. 802. Harrison, Alexander (Paris, France). In Arcadia. 803. Denman, Herbert (New York). The Trio. SOUTH WALL. 804. Woodbury, Charles Herbert (Boston). North Sea Dunes. 805. Pearce, Charles Sprague (Auvers-sur-Oise, France). Portrait of Mrs. P. 806. Harrison, Alexander (Paris, France). The Bathers. 807. Harrison, Alexander (Paris, France). Twilight. Lent by the St. Louis Museum of Fine Arts. 808. Lyman, Joseph (New York). Sand Dunes at Annisquam, Mass. 809. Sargent, John S. (London, England) Mother and Child. Lent by Mr. Edward Davis, Boston. 810. Cox, Kenyon (New York). Painting and Poetry. 811. Cox, Kenyon (New York). An Eclogue. 812. Marr, Carl (Munich, Bavaria). A Summer Afternoon. Lent by Mrs. P. A. Hearst, Washington, D. C. WEST WALL. 813. Harrison, Birge (Paris, France). A Surprise in the Forest of Com- piegne. 814. Grayson, Clifford P. (Philadelphia) A Rainy Day at Pont Aven. Lent by Mr. Charles J. Singer, Chicago. 815. Moore, H. Humphrey (Paris, France). Japanese Musicians. 6o WORLD’S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP’t K—FINE ARTS. GALLERY 37-OIL PAINTINGS. NUMBERS 816 TO 911, INCLUSIVE. NORTH WALL. BEGINNING AT ENTRANCE FROM GALLERY 8. 8 16. Weir, John F. (New Haven, Conn.) Forging the Shaft. 817. Eaton, Charles Warren (New York). On the Maine Coast. 818. Tryon, U. W. (New York) October. Lent by Mr. Thomas B. Clarke, New York. 819. Gifford, R. Swain (New York). Moorlands. 820. Throop, Frances Hunt (New York). Spring Carnations. 821. Rudell, P. E. (Greenwich, Conn.) A November Day. 822. Picknell, William E. (New York) The Road to Concarneau. Lent by Mr. Thomas B. Clarke, New York. 823. Turner, C. Y. (New York) John Alden’s Letter. 824.. Volk, Douglas (Minneapolis). A Puritan Girl. Lent by Mr. Thomas B. Clarke, New York. 825. Shirlaw, Walter (New York). Sheep-shearing in the Bavarian High¬ lands. 826. Sartain, Emily (Philadelphia). Marie. 827. Irwin, Benoni (New York). Portrait of Hubert Herkomer. 828. Sewell, Mrs. Amanda Brewster (New York). Pleasures of the Past. 829. Cox, Kenyon (New York). Portrait of St. Gaudens. Lent by Mr. Augustus St. Gaudens, New York. 830. Throop, Frances Hunt (New York). Portrait of a Lady. 831. Cunningham, J. Wilton (Paris, France). For My Rabbits. 832. Minor, Robert C. (New York) Evening. 833. Hassam, Childe (New York). Cab Station, Rue Bonaparte, Paris. 834. Jones, H. Bolton (New York). The Flax Breaker. Lent by Mr. R. J. Menefee, Louisville, Ky. 835. Turner, C. Y. (New York) Courtship of Miles Standish. Lent by Mr. Henry C. Howells, Flushing, L. I. 836. Walker, Horatio (New York). A Stable Interior. 837. Huntington, Daniel (New York). The Goldsmith’s Daughter. 838. Kellogg, Alice D. (Chicago) The Mother. 839. Martin, Homer D. (New York) Mussel Gatherers at Villerville, Nor¬ mandy. Lent by Mr. F. L. Gunther, New York. 840. Nicoll, J. C. (New York) “Will it Rain To-morrow?” 841. Beck, Carol H. (Philadelphia) Portrait of Governor Pattison, of Penn¬ sylvania. Lent by the Hon. R. E. Pattison, Harrisburg, Pa. 842. Hippie, Sarah Levis (Philadelphia). The Road to Puteaux. Lent by Mr, F. K. Hippie, Philadelphia.. UNITED STATES—GALLERY 3 ?—OIL PAINTINGS. 61 843. Nourse, Elizabeth (Paris, France). The Reader. 844. Woodwell, Joseph R. (Pittsburg) Rocks at Low Tide, Magnolia, Mass. 845. Van Boskerck, Robert W. (New York) Sand Road from the Sea. Lent by Mr. H. R.C. Watson, New York. 846. Hovenden, Thomas (Plymouth Meeting, Pa.). Breaking the Home Ties. Lent by Mr. Charles C. Harrison, Philadelphia, Pa. 847. Fraser, John A. (New York) An English Spring Morning. 848. Cox, Kenyon (New York). Portrait of Roger D. Lent by Mr. Charles Deering, Evanston, Ill. 849. Donoho, G. Ruger (New York). The Explorers. Lent by Mr. J. Hull Browning, New York. 850. Shirlaw, Walter (New York). Rufina. Lent by the Century Associa¬ tion, New York. 851. Eaton, C. Harry (New York). Landscape. Lent by Mr. Henry A. Rust, Chicago. 852. Chase, Harry (deceased). The Battery Park, New York. Lent by Mrs. Harry Chase, St. Louis. 853. Johnson, Eastman (New York). Two Men. 854. Chase, Harry (deceased). At Anchor Off Scheveningen. Lent by Mrs. Harry Chase, St. Louis. 855. Tompkins, F. H. (Boston) Good Friday. 856. Cox, Kenyon (New York). The Pursuit of the Ideal. 857. Smith, Henry P. (New York) Old Oaks at Waterford. Lent by Mr. Latham A. Fish, Brooklyn, N. Y. 858. Shields, Thomas W. (Brooklyn, N. Y.) Cavalier, Time of Louis XIII. 859. Buttles, Mary (New York). Peasant Woman of Alsace. 860. Homer, Winslow (Scarboro, Me.). Herring Fishing. 861. Jones, Francis C. (New York) Exchanging Confidences. Lent by Mr. Thomas B. Clarke, New York. 862. Rosenthal, Toby (Munich, Bavaria). A Dancing Lesson of Our Grand¬ mothers. 863. Boggs, Frank M. (Paris, France) Fishing Boats Going Out, Isigny, France. Lent by Mr. James H. Dole, Chicago. 864. Sewell, Mrs. Amanda Brewster (New York). A Sylvan Festival. SOUTH WALL. BEGINNING AT EAST END. 865. Gardner, Elizabeth (Paris, France). The Water’s Edge. Lent by Mr. W. H. Tailer, Dobbs Ferry, N. Y. 866. Cox, Kenyon (New York). A Vision of Moonrise. Lent by Mr. Charles Deering, Chicago. 867. Eakins, Thomas (Philadelphia). The Writing Master. 868. Gill, Rosalie Lorraine (New York). Twilight on St. Ives Bay. 869. Smith, Henry P. (New York) Landscape at Waterford, Conn. 870. Hasbrouck, D. F. (New York) A Winter Morning in the Catskills. Lent by Mr. E. W. Gillette, Chicago. 871. Brown, J. G. (New York) The Stump Speech. 872. Story, Julian (Paris, France). Portrait of the Artist’s Father. 62 world’s COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEp’t K—FINE ARTS. 873. Brown, J. G. (New York) When we were Girls. Lent by Mr. E. Asiel, New York. 874. Poore, H. R. (Philadelphia) The Bridge. (At Close of Day.) 875. Rehn, F. K. M. (New York) Close of a Summer Day. Lent by the Buf¬ falo Fine Arts Academy, Buffalo, N. Y. 876. Brown, J. G. (New York) Training the Dog. 877. Whitman, Sarah W. (Boston) Portrait of Oliver Wendell Holmes. Lent by the College of Physicians, Philadelphia. 878. Whittemore, William J. (New York) Autumn Sunshine. 879. Nicoll, J. C. (New York) Sunlight on the Sea. 880. Poore, H. R. (Philadelphia) The Night of the Nativity. 881. Kappes, Alfred (New York). Tattered and Torn. Lent by the Boston Art Club. 882. Whittredge, W. (New York) The Old Hunting Ground. Lent by Mr. J. W. Pinchot, New York. 883. Browne, Charles Francis (Chicago). On the Oise, France. 8S4. Baker, Mary K. (Boston) Chrysanthemums. 885. Ciinedinst, B. W. (New York) The Water Colorist. 886. Dohn, Pauline A. (Chicago) What the Stork Brought. 887. Turner, C. Y. (New York) The Days that are no More. 888. Grayson, Clifford P. (Philadelphia) Idle Hours. 889. Allen, Thomas (Boston). Coming Through the Woods. 890. Maynard, Guy F. (Chicago) Dutch Interior. Lent by Mr. P. C. Maynard, Chicago. 891. Fisher, Mark (Stockbridge, England). Evening. 892. Maynard, George Willoughby (New York). Portrait of F. D. Millet. Lent by Mr. F. D. Millet, New York. 893. Shurtleff, R. M. (New York) Looking East at Sunset. 894. Ulrich, Charles F. (Munich, Bavaria) In the Land of Promise. (Castle Garden, New York). Lent by Mr. W. T. Evans, New York. 895. Hayden, Edward Parker. October Sunlight. 896. Howe, William H. (Paris, France). A Norman Bull. 897. Foss, Harriet Campbell (New York). A Flower Maker. 898. Truesdell, Gaylord S. (Paris, France). The Shepherd’s Lunch. 899. Gaul, Gilbert (New York). Charging the Battery. Lent by Mr. W. T. Evans, New York. 900. Palmer, Walter L. (Albany, N. Y.) Autumn Morning; Mist Clearing Away. Lent by Mr. John G. Myers, Albany. 901. Cox, Mrs. Kenyon (Louise H. King) (New York). The Lotos Eaters. 902. Stone, J. M. (Boston) Leukopis. 903. Wallace, Laurie (Omaha). Portrait of Mr. James W. Scott. Lent by the Chicago Press Club. 904. Baker, William Bliss (deceased). Silence. Lent by Mr. Thomas B. Clarke, New York. 905. Melchers, Gari (Paris, France). Portrait of Mrs. H. 906. Koehler, Robert (New York). At the Cafe. 907. Schilling, Alexander (New York). Landscape. Lent by Mr. A. Ludwig. Leonia, N. Y. UNITED STATES—GALLERY ^—OIL PAINTINGS. 63 908. Trego, William T. (North Wales Pa.) The Pursuit. Lent by Mr. J. B Wheeler, New York. 909. Koehler, Robert (New York). The Carpenter’s Family. 910. Maynard, George Willoughby (New York). Pomona. 911. Tryon, D. W. (New York) Daybreak, New Bedford Harbor. Mr. W. T. Evans, New York. Lent bv 64 world’s COLOMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEp’t K—FINE ARTS, GALLERY 38-OIL PAINTINGS. NUMBERS 912 TO 936, INCLUSIVE. WEST WALL. BEGINNING AT NORTH SIDE OF ENTRANCE FROM GALLERY 37 . 912. Wiles, Irving R. (New York) A Girl in Black. Lent by Mr. W. M. Chase, New York. 913. Ulrich, Charles F. (Munich, Bavaria) Glass Blowers. Lent by Mr. Thomas B. Clarke, New York. 914. Hardie, Robert Gordon (New York). Portrait of the Artist’s Wife. NORTH WALL. 915. Moran, Edward (New York). Melodies of the Sea. Lent by Mrs. Martha E. French, Chicago. 916. McEwen, Walter (Paris, France). The Absent One. (All Soul’s Day.) 917. Dvorak, Frant (Chicago). Mother’s Pleasure. 918. Wyant, A. H. (deceased) In the Adirondacks. Lent by Mr. W. T. Evans, New York. 919. Coman, Mrs. Charlotte B. (Waterville, N. Y.) The Road to Town, Florida. 920. De Crano, F. F. (Philadelphia) Mentone, France. EAST WALL. 921. Johnson, Eastman (New York). Life size Portrait. Lent by Mr. Archi¬ bald Rogers, Hyde Park, New York. 922. Kappes, Alfred (New York). Rent Day. Lent by Mr. Thomas B. Clarke, New York. 923. Ulrich, Charles F. (Munich Bavaria) An Italian Idyl. 924. Parsons, Orrin Sheldon (New York). A Lady in Black. Lent by Mr. J. L. M. Hunt, New York. SOUTH WALL. 925. Fitz, B. R. (deceased) Autumn Showers. Lent by Dr. George W. Fitz, Cambridge, Mass. 926. Fowler, Frank (New York). Portrait. Lent by Mr. H. W. Goodrich, New York. 927. Gutherz, Carl (St. Paul). The Temptation of St. Anthony. 928. Browne, Charles Francis (Chicago). Sand Dunes of Drummadoon, Arran. 929. Freer, Frederick W. (Chicago) Gold Fish. Lent by Mr. James C. Brooks, Chicago. 930. Curran, Charles C. (New York) A Cabbage Garden. Lent by Mrs. J. A. Hewlett, Brooklyn, N. Y. 931. Hassam, Childe (New York). On the Way to the Grand Prix. 932. Taggart, George (Watertown, N. Y.). A Portrait. UNITED STATES—GALLERY 38—OIL PAINTINGS. 65 WEST WALL. 933. McCormick, M. Evelyn (San Francisco). Morning at Giverny, France. 934. Vonnoh, Robert W. (Philadelphia). Bad News. 935. Blakelock, R. A. (Cloverdale, N. Y.) Landscape. Lent by Mr. Thomas B. Clarke, New York. 936. Smedley, W. T. (New York). Embarrassment. Lent by Mr. Thomas B. Clarke, New York. 66 WORLD’S COLOMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP’T K—FINE ARTS. GALLERY 39-OIL PAINTINGS. NUMBERS 937 TO 991, INCLUSIVE. WEST WALL. BEGINNING AT ENTRANCE FROM GALLERY 38 . 937. Bridgman, Frederic A. (Paris, France) Women at the Mosque, Algiers. 938. Moeller, Louis. Stubborn. Lent by Mr. Thomas B. Clarke, New York. 939. Wiggins, Carlton (New York). Clouds and Sunshine. Lent by Mr. Charles E. Dingee, Brooklyn. 940. Wiles, Irving R. (New York) A Lady in Green. 941. Davis, Charles H. (Mystic, Conn.) On the New England Coast. 942. Wyant, A. H. (deceased) Evening. Lent by Mrs. A. L. Wyant, New York. 943. Inness, George (Montclair, N. J.). A Winter Morning. 944. Brown, J. G. (New York) At the Old Cottage Door. Lent by Mr. Gilbert Gaul, New York. 945. Low, Will H. (New York) May Blossoms. Lent by Smith College, Northampton College, Mass. 946. Wiggins, Carlton (New York). Midsummer. Lent by Mr. John F. Din- gee, Brooklyn, N. Y. 947. Huntington, Daniel (New York). Portrait of Mr. Elliott F. Shepard, Jr. 948. Blakelock, R. A. (New York). Moonlight. Lent by Mr. W. M. Laffan, m New York. 949. Major, Ernest L. (Boston) Portrait. Lent by Mrs. S. Clark, Williams- town, Mass. 950. Inness, George (Montclair, N. J.). Sundown in the Lane. 951. Curran, Charles C. (New York) The Iris Bed. Lent by Mr. Wm. S. Hol¬ lingsworth, New York. 952. Wyant, A. H. (deceased) Sunset in the Woods. Lent by Mr. J. M. Lich- tenauer, New York. 953. Green, Frank Russell (New York). My Sweetheart. Lent by Mr. Thomas B. Clarke, New York. 954. Johnson, Eastman (New York). The Cranberry Harvest, Nantucket Island, Mass. Lent by Mr. Auguste Richard, New York. 955. Bridgman, Frederic A. (Paris, France) In a Village at El Biar, Algiers. 956. Vander Weyden, Harry (Paris, France). Katwijk Herring Boats. (Hol¬ land.) 957. Vinton, Frederick P. (Boston) Portrait of Augustus Flagg. Lent by Mr. Augustus Flagg, Boston. 958. Inness, George (Montclair, N. J.). Threatening. 959. Reid, Robert (New York). Pier First Born. united states—gallery 39 —oil paintings. 67 960. Gaugengigl, I. M. (Boston) The Hat. Lent by Mr. W. F. Weld, Boston. 961. Curran, Charles C. (New York) Sealing the Letter. Lent by Mr. Hen¬ derson, Minneapolis. NORTH WALL. 962. Irwin, Benoni (New York). Sweet Sixteen. 963. Peters, Clinton (Paris, France). Portrait of Mile. N. C. 964. Helmold, Adele von (Philadelphia). Marigolds. 965. Martin, Homer D. (New York) Behind the Dunes, Lake Ontario. 966. Lownes, Anna (Philadelphia). The Raven. 967. Browne, Charles Francis (Chicago). Back from the Beach, Cape Ann. 968. Beckwith, Carroll (New York). Portrait of Miss E. A. H. Lent by Miss Hall, New York. EAST WALL. 5 969. Inness, George (Montclair, N. J.). The Millpond. Lent by Mr. Thomas B. Clarke, New York. 970. Coffin, William A. (New York) Moonlight in Harvest. 971. Turner, C. Y. (New York) The Pride of the Farm. 972. Whittredge, W. (New York) The Plains. Lent by the Century Club, New York. 973. Inness, George (Montclair, N. J.). A Day'in June. 974. Curran, Charles C. (New York) Hall of the Venus de Milo, in the Louvre, Paris. Lent by Mr. H. T. Shriver, New York. 975. Palmer, Walter L. (Albany, N. Y.) An Early Snow. Lent by Mr. F. D. Plurtt, New York. 976. Vanderpoel, J. H. (Chicago) Twilight Reverie. 977. Inness, George (Montclair, N. J.). September Afternoon. Lem by Mr. Thomas B. Clarke, New York. 978. La Farge, John (New York). Halt of the Wise Men from the East. Lent by the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. 979. Vinton, Frederick P. (Boston) Portrait of Theodore Chase. Lent by Mr. Theodore Chase, Boston. 980. La Farge, John (New York). Visit of Nicodemus to Christ. 981. Maynard, Guy F. (Chicago) Looking Out. Lent by Mr. P. C. May¬ nard, Chicago. 982. Wyant, A. H. (deceased) Clearing Off. 983. Johnson, Eastman (New York). The Nantucket School of Philosophy. Lent by Mr. E. D. Adams, New York. 984. Evans, Joe (New York). The Plainfield Road. 985. Fitz, B. R. (deceased) Reflection. Lent by Mr. W. T. Evans, New York. 986. Gifford, R. Swain (New York). The Rock of Gibraltar. Lent by Mrs. H. E. Lawrence, New York. 987. Ochtman, Leonard (New York). Night. 988. Tyler, Bayard H. (New York) Waiting. 989. Wyant, A. H. (deceased) An October Day. 990. Bisbing, Henry S. (Paris) Lapsing Waves on a Quiet Shore. 991. Jones, Francis C. (New York) The Favorite Grandchild. 68 world’s COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP^T K—FINE ARTS. 992. 993 - 994. 995 . 996. 997 - 998. 999. 1000. 1001. 1002. 1003. 1004. 1005. £006. 1007. GALLERY 40-OIL PAINTINGS. NUMBERS 992 to 1011, INCLUSIVE. SOUTH WALL. BEGINNING AT THE EAST END OF THE WALL. Wyant, A. H. (deceased) Sunset. Lent by Mr. Frederick B. Pratt, Brooklyn, N. Y. Allen, W. S. (New York) Evening at the Lake. Inness, George (Montclair, N, J.). The End of the Shower. Lent by Mr. Thomas B. Clarke, New York. Inness, George (Montclair, N. J,). Twilight. Lent by Mr. Thomas B. Clarke, New York. Inness, George (Montclair, N. J.). The Delaware Valley. Lent by Mr. Thomas B. Clarke, New York. Dewing, T. W. (New York) A Lady in Blue. Lent by Mr. C. L. Freer, Detroit, Mich. Inness, George (Montclair, N. J.). A Sunny Autumn Day. Lent by Mr. Thomas B. Clarke, New York. Inness, George (Montclair, N. J.). A White Mountain Valley. Lent by Mr. Thomas B. Clarke, New York. * EAST WALL. BEGINNING AT ENTRANCE TO FRENCH GALLERIES. Vedder, Elihu (Rome, Italy). The Sorrowing Soul between Doubt and Faith. Lent by Mr. W. George Webb, Salem, Mass. Vedder, Elihu (Rome, Italy). The Cup of Love. Lent by Mrs. A. F. Roudebush, New York. Vedder, Elihu (Rome, Italy). F. Roudebush, New York. Vedder, Elihu (Rome, Italy). Johnson, New York. Vedder, Elihu (Rome, Italy). The Young Marsyas. Lent by Mrs. A. A Venetian Model. Lent by Mr. Davis The Fisherman and the Geni. Lent by (A design Mr. Martin Brimmer, Boston. La Farge, John (New York). A Venetian Guitar Player, for stained glass.) Vedder, Elihu (Rome, Italy). Delilah. Lent by Col. J. G. Moore, New York. Vedder, Elihu (Rome, Italy). Sampson. Lent by Col. J. G. Moore, New York. UNITED STATES—GALLERY 40—OIL PAINTINGS. 69 1008. Vedder, Elihu (Rome, Italy). Morning. Lent by Mr. J. B. Wheeler, New York. 1009. Vedder, Elihu (Rome, Italy). The Roc’s Egg. Lent by Mr. Martin Brimmer, Boston. 1010. Vedder, Elihu (Rome Italy). A Soul in Bondage. Lent by Mrs. A. F. Roudebush, New York. 1011. Vedder, Elihu (Rome, Italy). The Lair of the Sea Serpent. Lent by the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Mass. Note. —The North and West walls of Gallery 40 contain pictures belonging to the United States Loan Collection (Foreign Masterpieces owned in the United States). These are catalogued as Group 146 —“Exhibits from Private Collections”—beginning with No. 3003 . From Gallery 40 the numbering of the oil paintings belonging to the United States Section is continued in Alcove 115 , in the upper gallery of the East Court (Northeast corner), reached by a staircase from the Northeast corner of the East Court, main floor. The visitor should not neglect the paintings in the galleries. Among them are some of the most meritorious works in the United States Section. JO world’s COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP’T K—FINE ARTS. UPPER GALLERY OF EAST COURT- OIL PAINTINGS. NUMBERS 1012 TO 1135, INCLUSIVE. NORTH WALL—ALCOVE 115. BEGINNING AT STAIRCASE LEADING TO THE UPPER GALLERY. 1012. Bunker, Caroline (Boston). Goosefield. 1013. Newcomb, Mrs. Marie Guise (New York). Sheep in the Clearing. 1014. Trotter, Mary K. (New York) Daphnis. 1015. Weber, Carl (Philadelphia). Trout Stream near Dingman’s Ferry. 1016. Moran, Thomas (New York). Grand Canon of the Yellowstone. 1017. Vonnoh, Robert W. (Philadelphia) Portrait of Dr. J. M. Da Costa. Lent by the Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia. 1018. Couse, Eanger I. (Paris, France) Milking Time. 1019. Parrish, Stephen (Philadelphia). An Orchard. 1020. Dessar, Louis P. (Paris, France) Study—French Peasant Girl’s Head. Lent by Mr. Meyer Jonasson, New York. 1021. Dunsmore, John Ward (Detroit). Mozart. 1022. Curran, Charles C. (New York) A Winter Fog. 1023. Witt, J. H. (New York) The Celestial Choir. ALCOVE 114. 1024. Slade, Emily (New York). Portrait of Miss C. C. C. 1025. Cox, Mrs. Kenyon (Louise H. King Cox) (New York). A Rondel. 1026. Morris, Jennie H. (Moorestown, N. J.) Still Life. 1027. Fisher, Mark (Stockbridge, England). Cattle Crossing a Stream. 1028. Wagner, Jacob (Boston). A Bit of a Lark. 1029. Walkley, D. B. (Pittsburg) The Potter. Lent by Mr. W. A. Shaw, Sharpsburg, Pa. 1030. Metcalf, W. L. (New York) Tunisian Market. Lent by Mr. H. R.' Astor Cary. 1031. Dow, Arthur W. (Ipswich, Mass.) Marsh Islands. 1032. Hill, Roswell S. (New York) Young Girl Reading. 1033. Eakins, Thomas (Philadelphia). Portrait of Prof. George Barker. Lent by Prof. George Barker, Philadelphia. 1034. MacDowell, Elizabeth (Philadelphia). Day Dreams. Lent by Mr. Walter MacDowell, Philadelphia. 1035. Woodwell, Johanna K. (Pittsburg) Study Head of a Young Lady. 1036. DuMond, Frank Vincent (New York). Monastic Life. 1037. Tolman, Stacy (Allston, Mass.). The Etcher, UNITED STATES—ALCOVE 114—OIL PAINTINGS. /I 1038. Allen, Thomas (Boston). Thoroughbreds. Lent by Mrs. Thomas Allen, Pittsfield, Mass. 1039. Buttles, Mary (New York). Julie. 1040. Woodbury, Charles Herbert (Boston). The Tide River. 1041. Cox, Kenyon (New York). May. ALCOVE 113 . 1042. Hamilton, John McLure (London). The Knitting Lesson. 1043. Sargent, John S. (London England) Study of an Egyptian Girl. 1044. Eakins, Thomas (Philadelphia). Portrait of Mr. William D. Marks, Lent by Mr. William D. Marks, Philadelphia. 1043. Twachtman, J. H. (Greenwich, Conn.) The BrooklyA Bridge. Lent by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. 1046. Cochrane, J. G. (Boston) Old Stone Stairway, Pont Aven, France. 1047. Grenet, Edward (Levallois-Perret, France). Forgotten. 1048. Vedder, Simon Harmon (Paris, France). Indian Head. 1049. Bridgman, Frederic A. (Paris, France) Day Dreams. 1050. Gottwald, F. C. (Cleveland) Sunday On the Docks. 1051. Delachaux, Leon (Paris, France). The Miller’s Son. 1052. Eakins, Thomas (Philadelphia). Portrait of Dr. Agnew. Lent by the University of Pennsylvania. 1053. Woolfolk, E. Marshall (Paris, France). Washer-women, Nemours, France. 1054. Low, Will H. (New York) A Woodland Glade. 1055. Haynes, C. Coventry. At Home. 1056. Martin, Homer D. (New York) Head-waters of the Hudson. Lent by Mr. Thomas B. Clarke, New York. 1057. Huntington, Daniel (New York). Elise. 1058. Craig, Thomas B. (New York) An Upland Pasture. (Morning.) 1059. Minor, Robert C. (New York) Autumn. 1060. Corner, Thomas C. (Baltimore) Industry. 1061. Eakins, Thomas (Philadelphia). Portrait of Dr. Gross. Lent by the Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia. ALCOVE 112 . 1062. Howland, A. C. (New York) Fourth of July Parade. Lent by Mr. W. H. Fuller, New York. 1063. Robbins, L. Lee (Paris, France). Before the Looking Glass. 1064. Thouron, Henry (Philadelphia:). A Precious Bit. 1065. Hatfield, J. H. (Canton Junction, Mass.) The Doll’s Bath. 1066. Chapman, Carlton T. (New York) Five O’clock at St. Ives, England. 1067. Thouron, Henry (Philadelphia). Resting. Lent by Mrs. E. A. Thou¬ ron, New York. 1068. Bunker, Caroline (Boston). Wheat Stacks, Afternoon Sunshine. 1069. Thouron, Henry (Philadelphia). A Rainy Prospect. Lent by Mr. Howard Hancock, Philadelphia. 1070. Homer, Winslow (Scarboro, Me.). Sunlight on the Coast. Lent by Mr. John G. Johnston, Philadelphia, 72 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP'T K—FINE ARTS. 1071. Peters, Clinton (Paris, France). Portrait of Dr. George Bull. Lent by Dr. George Bull, Paris. 1072. Lamb, F. M. (Houghton, Mass.) End of the Trail. 1073. Baird, W. B. (Paris, France) Waiting their Turn. 1074. Emmet, Lydia Field (New Rochelle, N. Y.). Noonday. Lent by Miss A. B. Phelps, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. 1075. Munger, Gilbert (Paris, France). The Rising Moon. 1076. Koopman, August B. (New York) Asking a Blessing. 1077. James, Frederick (New York). An Impromptu Affair in the Days of “The Code.” 1078. Morris, Jennie H. (Moorestown, N. J.) A Corner in a Turkish Bazaar. 1079. Clarke, Thomas Shields (Pittsburg). Portrait of Madame d’E. 1080. Gifford, R. Swain (New York). Nashawena. Lent by Mr. Thomas B. Clarke, New York. 1081. Homer, Winslow (Scarboro, Me.). The Two Guides. Lent by Mr. Thomas B. Clarke, New York. 1082. Duvall, Fannie E. (Los Angeles, Cal.) Chrysanthemum Garden in Cal¬ ifornia. 1083. Eakins, Thomas (Philadelphia). Cowboys at Home on a Ranch. 1084. Meeks, Eugene (Florence, Italy). Macaroni Hot. 1085. Niles, Edward Glover (Boston). Portrait. 1086. Boston, Joseph H. (Brooklyn, N. Y.) Gladys. A portrait. 1087. Palmer, Walter L. (Albany, N. Y.) January. Lent by Mr. Thomas B. Clarke, New York. ic88. Coffin, Elizabeth R. (Brooklyn, N. Y.) Hanging the Net. 1089. Smith, De Cost (New York). Sioux Lovers. Lent by Mr. E. Reuel Smith, New York. ALCOVE 111 . 1090. Major, Ernest L. (Boston) St. Genevieve. 1091. Tryon, D. W. (New York) The Rising Moon. Lent by Mr. Charles L. Freer, Detroit. 1092. Low, Will H. (New York) The Portrait. Lent by Mr. V/. T. Evans, New York. 1093. DuMond, Frank Vincent (New York). Holy Family. 1094. Dodson, Sarah P. Ball (Brighton, England). The Morning Stars. 1095. Cain, Neville (Louisville). The Satyr and the Traveler. 1096. Dellenbaugh, Frederick S. (New York) On the Moquis Cliffs, Ari¬ zona. 1097. Trotter, Mary K. (New York) Lamplight. 1098. Butler, Howard Russell (New York). Marine. 1099. Nettleton, Walter (Finistere, France). A Dark Interior. 1100. Dewey, Charles Melville (New York). The Return of the Hay Boats. Lent by Mr. W. T. Evans, New York. iioi« Rolshoven, Julius (Paris, France). A Spanish Dancer. 1102. Shepley, Annie B. (New York) The Wonderful Story. 1103. Hodgkins, Belle D. (Salem) Low Tide at Annisquam. 1104. Barnard, E. H. (Boston) Portrait of E. H. B. 1105. Harrison, Alexander (Paris, France). A Misty Morning. UNITED STATES—ALCOVE III—OIL PAINTINGS.. 73 1106. Homer, Winslow (Scarboro, Me.). The Camp Fire. Lent by Mr. Thomas B. Clarke, New York. 1107. Needham, Charles Austin (New York). Mott Haven Canal, New York City. ALCOVE 110 . 1108. Homer, Winslow (Scarboro, Me.). March Wind. Lent by Mr. Thomas B. Clarke, New York. 1109. Moran, Edward (New York). The White Squadron’s Farewell Salute to Commodore John Ericsson, mo. Perry, Lilia C. (Boston) Portrait of Alice, mi. Bryant, Wallace (Boston). Noon. 1112. Homer, Winslow (Scarboro, Me.). A Great Gale. Lent by Mr. Thomas B. Clarke, New York. 1113. Miller, Charles H. (New York) The East River, New York. 1114. Young, Charles Morris (Gettysburg, Pa.). The Harvest of Death. (Wheat Field at Gettysburg after the battle.) 1115. Walden, Lionel (Paris France). Boulogne Fishing Boats. 1116. Homer, Winslow (Scarboro, Me.). The Return from the Hunt. Lent by Messrs. Reichard & Co., New York. 1117. Millet, F. D. (New York) Rook and Pigeon. Lent by H. McK, Twombly, New York. 1118. Homer, Winslow (Scarboro, Me.). Hound and Hunter. 1119. Homer, Winslow (Scarboro, Me.). Maine Coast in Winter. Lent by Mr. Thomas B. Clarke. 1120. Moran, Peter (Philadelphia). Down the Arroya to Santa Fe. 1121. Raught, John Willard (New York). The Highway, Brittany. 1122. Norton, William E. (London, England) Moonlight on the River. Lent by Messrs. Williams & Everett, Boston. 1123. Millet, F. D. (New York) A Difficult Duet. Lent by Mrs. C. M. Ray¬ mond, New York. 1124. Homer, Winslow (Scarboro, Me.). Sailors Take Warning. (Sunset.) 1125. Parrish, Stephen (Philadelphia). A Mountain Road. ALCOVE 109 . 1126. Brooks, A. F. (Chicago) The Primrose Way. 1127. Green, C. A. (Brooklyn) Peonies. 1128. Curran, Charles C. (New York) Early Morning in June. Lent by Mr. Samuel T. Shaw, New York. 1129. Walden, Lionel (Paris, France). Fog on the Thames. 1130. Blashfield, Edwin H. (New York) The Angel With the Flaming Sword. " PIER BEYOND STAIRCASE ( 187 ). 1131. Pritchard, J. Ambrose (Boston). Prayer. 1132. Eakins, Thomas (Philadelphia). The Crucifixion. PIER OF ROTUNDA ( 186 ). PASSAGE FROM EAST COURT TO NORTH COURT. 1133. Robbins, Lucy Lee (Paris, France). My Mother’s Portrait. *134. Kronberg, Louis (Boston). Behind the Footlights. 1135. Churchill, W. W., Jr. (Boston) Portrait. 74 WORLD’S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP’T K—FINE ARTS. UPPER GALLERY OF NORTH COURT -OIL PAINTINGS. NUMBERS 1136 TO 1292 INCLUSIVE. EAST WALL. BEGINNING AT PANEL 184 — AT STAIRCASE. 1136. Gay, Walter (Paris, France). A Dominican Monk. 1137. Homer, Winslow (Scarboro, Me.). Coast in Winter. Lent by Mr. John G. Johnson, Philadelphia. ALCOVE 183 . 1138. Story, Julian (Paris, France). Portrait of Mme. Eames-Story. 1139. Coffin, William A. (New York) A Pennsylvania Farm after a Thun¬ der Shower. 1140. Clements, Gabrielle D. (Philadelphia) Andarina. 1141. Holman, Frank (Paris, France). Venice. 1142. Faxon, William Bailey (New York) Lady in Profile. 1143. Vanderpoel, J. H. (Chicago) Summer Morning in the Orchard. 1144. Healy, G. P. A. (Chicago) Portrait of Adolphe Thiers. Lent by the Newberry Library, Chicago. 1145. Graves, Abbot (Boston) Poppies. 1146. Curran, Charles C. (New York) Under the Awning. Lent by Mrs. K. R. Papin, Chicago. 1147. Nowottny, Vincent (Cincinnati). Landscape near Munich. 1148. Major, Ernest L. (Boston) Youth. 1149. Coffin, Esther L. (New York) Grapes. ALCOVE 182 . 1150. Weir, J. Alden (New York). The Open Book. 1151. Weir, John F. (New Haven) Portrait of Admiral Farragut. Lent by the University Club, New York. 1152. Parshall, De Witt (Paris, France). The Cliffs of Ayerne. 1153. Dearth, Henry J. (Easthampton, L. I.) A Long Island Garden. 1154. Hamilton, John McClure (London, England). The Rt. Hon. W. E. Gladstone, at Downing Street. 1155. Holman, Frank (Paris, France). Young Warrior. 1156. Tracy, John M. (deceased.) Southern Field Trials, 1891 . Lent by Mr. C. Klackner, New York. 1157. Smith, De Cost (New York). Driven Back. 1158. Theriat, C. J. (Paris, France) Young Girl Spinning. (Biskra.) 1159. Cox, Kenyon (New York). A Solo. UNITED STATES—ALCOVE 182—OIL PAINTINGS. 75 1160. Woodwell, Joseph R. (Pittsburg) A Rocky Coast, Magnolia, Mass. 1161. Cameron, Edgar S. (Chicago) In*the Studio. 1162. Moran, Thomas (New York). Iceberg in Mid-Atlantic. 1163. Lorenz, Richard (Milwaukee). Alone. 1164. Theriat, C. J. (Paris, France) An Arab Goatherd. 1165. Woodwell, Joseph R. (Pittsburg) Cobblestone Beach, Magnolia Mass. 1166. Weir, John F. (New Haven) Roses. Lent by Mr. J. R. Ball, New York. 1167. Dewey, Charles Melville (New York). The Prelude of Night. 1168. Norton, S. Mary (Boston). In the Locomotive Cab. 1169. Perry, Lillie C. (Boston) An Open Air Concert. 1170. Johnston, Humphreys (Paris, France). Moorish Fountain in the Church of Santa Maria del Alhambra. ALCOVE 181 . 1171. Needham, Charles Austin (New York). A Street in New York City. 1172. Van Gorder, L. E. (New York) The Terrace, Central Park, New York 1173. Nettleton, Walter (Finistere, France). Left in Charge of the Farm¬ yard. 1174. Senat, Prosper L. (Philadelphia) In the Gulf of Ajaccio. 1175. Stephens, Alice Barber (Philadelphia). Rainy Day Effect in Philadel¬ phia. 1176. Johns, Laura A. (New York) Apple Trees in Sunlight. Lent by Mr. H. C. Johns, Decatur, Ill. 1177. Conant, Lucy S. (Boston) The Orchid Meadow. 1178. Penfold, Frank: C. (Buffalo) Herring Season, Pas de Calais. 1179. Lambert, John, Jr. (Philadelphia) Landscape, Midday. 1180. Twachtman, J. H. (Greenwich, Conn.) Autumn Shadows. 1181. Vezin, Fred (Munich, Bavaria). Dogs. 1182. Jamison, Henrietta L. (Columbus, O.) The Lanterns. 1183. Stewart, Jules L. (Paris, France) Venice. Lent by Mr. James Gordon Bennett, Paris. 1184. DuMond, Fred Melville (Paris, France). A Legend of the Desert. 1185. Cauldwell, Leslie (Paris, France). A Breton Garden. 1186. Forsyth, W. (Indianapolis) Landscape. Lent by Mr. L. Weisenberger, Indianapolis. 1187. Hammer, John J. (New York) Spring Flowers. 1188. Sewell, Robert V. V. (New York) Boys Bathing. 1189. Sewell, Robert V. V. (New York) Sea Urchins. 1190. Hale, Ellen Day (Boston). Bessy. 1191. Curran, Charles C. (New York) A Dream. 1192. Hamilton E. W. D. (Boston) Evening. 1193. Vonnoh, Robert W. (Philadelphia) Blanche. 1194. Senat, Prosper (Philadelphia). On the Nile near Beni Hassan. 1195. Munsell, Albert H. (Boston) Beacon Hill in Winter. ALCOVE 180 . 1196. Pearce, Charles Sprague (Auvers-sur-Oise, France). Portrait of Mrs. P. 76 world's Columbian exposition—dep’t k—fine art§. 1197. Johnston, Humphreys (Paris, France). Study of Breton Peasants, late Afternoon. « 1198. Norton, William E. (London, England). Return of the Herring Fleet, Holland. 1199. Weir, J. Alden (New York). Portrait. 1200. Hetzel, George (Pittsburg). Study from Nature. 1201. Horsfall, Bruce (Clinton, Iowa). The Musical Hour. 1202. Gill, Rosalie Lorraine (New York). Portrait of Miss Inglis. 1203. Gay, Edward (Mt. Vernon, N. Y.). Mother Earth. 1204. Whitman, Sarah W. (Boston) Niagara. 1205. Gaul, Gilbert (New York). Silenced. Lent by Mr. W. M. Chase, New York. 1206. Bogert, George H. (New York) Morning. 1207. Grenet, Edward (Levallois-Perret). Evening Harmony. 1208. Hallowell, Maria (West Medford, Mass.). Portrait. 1209. Ives, Percy (Paris, France). Brittany Fishermen. 1210. Dillon, Julia (New York). Peonies. 1211. Eakins, Thomas (Philadelphia). The Sculptor. Lent by William R. O’Donovan, New York. 1212. Clarke, Thomas Shields (Pittsburg). A Gondola Girl. NORTH WALL—PANEL—ALCOVE 179 . 1213. Rook, Edward F. (Paris, France) Moonrise, Normandy. 1214. Lambert, John, Jr. (Philadelphia.) A Commissionaire (Public Porter and Messenger). 1215. Smith, E. Boyd (Auvers-sur-Oise, France). Return from the Fields. PASSING, FOR THE TIME, THE WATER-COLORS IN ALCOVES 179 - 178-177 AND 176 WE CONTINUE THE EXHIBIT OF OIL PAINTINGS ON THE PANEL—ALCOVE 176 . 1216. Singer, Winnaretta (Paris, France). Spring Study. WEST WALL-ALCOVE 175 . 1217. Harper, W. St. John (Easthampton, L. I.). Autumn, Easthampton. Lent by Mr. W. T. Evans,'New York. 1218. Stone, J. M. (Boston) A Summer Dream. 1219. Hatfield, J. H. (Canton Junction, Mass.) A Letter from Papa, Pal¬ myra. 1220. Richards, Samuel (Denver). The Hour of Prayer. Lent by Mrs. L. Richards, Denver. 1221. Kendall, Wm. Sargent, (New York). St. Yves Pray for Us. 1222. Elwell, D. Jerome (Boston). Moonrise at Domberg, Zeeland, Holland. Lent by the St. Botolph Club, Boston. 1223 Leigh, William R. (Munich) A New Acquaintance. 1224. Ramsdell, F. Winthrop (Paris, France). Portrait of Mrs. Reynolds. Lent by Mr. T. J. Ramsdell. UNITED STATES—ALCOVE 1 75 —OIL PAINTINGS. 77 1225. Needham, Charles Austin (New York). Near Factory Hollow, Turner’s Falls, Mass. 1226. Hale, Philip (Paris, France). Old Woman Reading. Lent by Rev. E. E. Hale, Roxbury, Mass. 1227. Tompkins, Clementina M. G. (New York) A Beginner in Art. 1228. Theriat, C. J. (Paris, France) Path in the Oasis of Biskra. 1229. Perry, Lilia C. (Boston) Reflection. 1230. Dodson, Sarah P. Ball (Brighton, England). Saint Thekla. 1231. Alexander, Henry (New York). Chinese Interior. 1232. Beaux, Cecilia (Philadelphia). Portrait of a Boy. 1233. Gill, Mariquita (Giverny, France). A Gray Day, Giverny, France. 1234. Perry, Lilia C. (Boston) Child in a Window. 1235. Bunker, Caroline (Boston). Study of Snowballs. Lent by Mrs. F. D. Cross, Providence. ALCOVE 174 . 1236. De Camp, Joseph (Boston). Carnation and Black. 1237. Johnston, Humphreys (Paris, France). Study in a Grenada Garden. 1238. Meteyard, T. B. (Paris, France) Road at Giverny. 1239. Cooper, Colin C. (Philadelphia) Portrait. Lent by Gen. St. Clair A. Mulholland, Philadelphia. 1240. Greene, Lillian (Boston). A Brittany Landscape. 1241. Smith, Frank Eugene (Munich, Bavaria). Portrait of My Brother. Lent by Mr. F. L. Smith, New York. 1242. Scott, Jeannette (Paris, France). Hollyhocks. 1243. White, Robert H. (Camden, N. J.) Morning in February. 1244. Blenner, Carle J. (New York) Portrait of El Senor Don Roderigo de Saavedra, Jr. Lent by Senor Roderigo de Saavdra, Jr., Royal Spanish Legation, Washington. 1245. Bicknell, Frank A. (Paris, France) An Old Apple Orchard. 1246. Foster, Ben (New York). In Fontainebleau Forest. Lent by Mr. J. F. Drummond, New York. 1247. Strickler, John R. (Brooklyn) Interrupted. 1248. Clarke, Thomas Shields (Pittsburg). Night Market, Morocco. 1249. Pape, Frederic L. M. (Paris, France) The Site of Ancient Memphis. 1250. Muhrman, Henry (London, England). The Two Trees. 1251. Lamb, Ella Condie (New York). The Advent Angel. 1252. Clark, Rose (Buffalo) Mother and Child. 1253. Dube, Mrs. Mattie (New York). Pumpkins and Onions. 1254. Newman, Carl (Philadelphia). A Study. Lent by Mr. Charles M. Chabot. 1255. Peralta, S. B. de (Boston). Among the Lilies. 1256. Paulus, Francis P. (Munich, Bavaria) A Rainy Day. 1257. Whelpley, A. Renouf (Munich, Bavaria). Portrait of Mile. Hausen. Lent by Mile. Hausen, Brunswick. 1258. Vedder, Simon Harmon (Paris, France). Head of a Young Girl. 1259. Didier, Ida Joy (Allegheny, Pa.). Portrait. t ?6o. Fairchild, Lucia (Boston). Portrait of a Boy with a Hat. Lent by Mrs, C. Fairchild, Boston. 78 world’s COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP’x K—FINE ARTS. 1261. Perry, Lilia Cabot (Boston) Little Angele. 1262. Emmet, Lydia Field (New Rochelle, N. Y.). The Mere. ALCOVE 173 . 1263. Putnam, Sarah G. (Boston) Portrait. Lent by Elizabeth R. Hooper, Boston. 1264. Mathews, Arthur F. (San Francisco) Judith. 1265. Kendall, William Sargent (New York). The Glory of Fair Promise. 1266. Ipsen, Ernest (Boston). Interior of a New England Blacksmith Shop. 1267. Meeks, Eugene (Florence, Italy). Ready for the Chase. 1268. Rice, William M. J. (New York) Portrait. 1269. Perry, Lilia C. (Boston) Child with Violoncello. 1270. Hess, Lydia Purdy (Chicago). Portrait of Miss E. H. Lent by Miss Ena Hutchison, Mineral Point, Wis. 1271. Peixotto, George D. Maduro (Paris, France). Portrait of a Child. Lent by Senator J. P. Jones, California. 1272. Van Briggle, A. (Cincinnati) Portrait of Mrs. Charity Van Briggle. 1273. Vonnoh, Robert W. (Philadelphia) Studio Comrade. Lent by the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. 1274. Maynard, George Willoughby (New York). Civilization. Lent by the National Academy of Design, New York. 1275. Thouron, Henry (Philadelphia). Up Hill. Lent by Miss Moss, Phila¬ delphia. 1276. Thouron, Henry (Philadelphia). Patches—Soup. Lent by Mr. Caleb Cresson, Philadelphia. 1277. Grenet, Edward (Levallois-Perret, France). Portrait Study. 1278. Corner, Thomas C. (Baltimore) Mother and Child. 1279. Bregler, Charles (Philadelphia). Portrait of a Woman. Lent by Mrs. Wm. Bregler, Philadelphia. 1280. Perry, Lilia Cabot (Boston.) Portrait of a Child. Lent by Mr. Roger Wolcott, Boston. 1281. Theriat, C. J. (Paris, France.) Waiting for Supper. 1282. Thouron, Henry (Philadelphia). Etruria. Decorative study in Neutral Tints and Complementary Colors. 1283. Benson, Frank W. (Salem, Mass.) Figure in White. 1284. Sartain, Wm. (New York) Nubian Sheik. 1285. Woodward, William (New Orleans). Persimmons. 1286. Norcross, Eleanor (Paris, France). In My Studio. Lent by Mr. A. Norcross. 1287. Delachaux, Leon (Paris, France). The Mill in the Meadows. 1288. Kellogg, Alice D. (Chicago) Intermezzo. 1289. Grenet, Edward (Levallois-Perret, France). Grandmother’s Return. 1290. Cooper, Colin C. (Philadelphia) Portrait of a Lady. IN STAIRCASE NORTH WEST OF ROTUNDA. 1291. Orrin, Peck (Munich, Bavaria). Portrait of Mrs. H. 1292. Orrin, Peck (Munich, Bavaria), Blessing the Flowers. UNITED STATES—ALCOVE 179—WATER COLORS. 79 Group 141-Water Colors. SECOND FLOOR, NORTH END OF NORTH COURT—AL¬ COVES 179, 178, 177 and 176—NUMBERS 1293 TO 1512, INCLUSIVE. ALCOVE 179 —SCREEN A—SOUTH SIDE. 1293. Hartson, Walter C. (Chicago) The Outskirts of the City. 1294. Moran, Edward (New York). Outskirts of the Forest. 1295. Henry, Edward L. (New York) Before the Days of Rapid Transit. Lent by Mr. Sheppard Knapp, New York. 1296. Helmick, Howard (Washington, D. C.). Portrait. Lent by Mrs. Stoddart, Washington, D. C. 1297. Hassam, Childe (New York). Indian Summer, Madison Square, New York. 1298. Dana, Charles E. (Philadelphia) A Doorway in Arles, (South of Franee.) 1299. Turner, Ross (Salem, Mass.). Oleanders and Lilies. 1300. Tyler, James G. (New York) Dark Days at Sea. 1301. Kappes, Alfred (Van Courtlandt, New York). Apple Pie. 1302. Senat, Prosper L. (Philadelphia) The River Bend at Ventimille. SCREEN A—NORTH SIDE. 1303. Smedley, W. T. (New York) Entrance to the Hall of Mines, World’s Columbian Exposition. Lent by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. 1304. Gifford, R. Swain (New York). The Mountains of Chobet el Akra, North Africa. 1305. Twachtman, J. H. (Greenwich, Conn.) Winter. 1306. Whittemore, William J. (New York) Misty Twilight. 1307. Gibson, W. Hamilton (Brooklyn, N. Y.). A Connecticut Hamlet. 1308. Powers, Ellen (Florence, Italy). Convolvulus. 1309. Nicoll, J. C. (New York) During a Storm. 1310. Jones, H. Bolton (New York). Early Snow. Lent by Mr. Walter Watson, New York. 1311. Perrie, Bertha E. (New York) Bound for the Banks. 1312. Turner, Ross (Salem, Mass.). Old Japan (b). 1313. Dixey, Ellen Sturgis (Boston). Dresden in January. 1314. Thulstrup, T. de (New York). At the Opera. 80 WORLD’S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP’t K— FINE ARTS. ALCOVE 179 . BEGINNING ON THE NORTH WALL. 1315. Farny, Henry F. (Cincinnati) A Sioux Camp. Lent by Miss Jane Eckstein, Cincinnati. 1316. Jones, Francis C. (New York) Waiting. 1317. La Farge, John (New York). “Just Flowers.” Lent by Mr. J. M Sears, Boston. 1318. La Farge, John (New York). Water Lilies. Lent by Mr. J. M. Sears, Boston. 1319. Eaton, C. Harry (New York). Nordhoff, New Jersey. 1320. Tiffany, Loui^C. (New York) Cathedral at Morlaix. 1321. Farny, Henry F. (Cincinnati) Mountain Trail. Lent by Mr. Solomon Sharp, Cincinnati. 1322. Farny, Henry F. (Cincinnati) Got Him. Lent by Mr. Frank Duhme, Cincinnati. 1323. Whittemore, William J. (New York) The Fairy Story. 1324. Walton, William (New York). A Great Enchantment. 1325. Minor, Robert C. (New York) Moonlight. 1326. Lauber, Joseph (Leonia, N. J.) Lane of the Willows. 1327. Foster, Ben (New York). A Swineherd. 1328. Ihiefeld, Henry (New York). My Puppy. 1329. Smith, F. Hopkinson (New York). In the Fishing Quarter, Venice. 1330. Keller, Arthur I. (New York) Bavarian Peasants. 1331. Jones, H. Bolton (New York). Winter. Lent by Mr. J. C. Nicoll, New York. 1332. Sears, Sarah C. (Boston) Portrait. 1333. Rix, Julian (New York) October. 1334. Drake, W. H. (New York) At Sea. 1335. Nicholls, Rhoda Holmes (New York). Washing Day. Lent by Mr. Louis J. Francke, New York. 1336. Herter, Albert (New York). The Great Mystery. 1337. Edwards, George Wharton (New York). An Interesting Subject' 1338. Drake, W. H. (New York) Misty Weather. 1339. Fraser, John A. (New York) A Bit of the Upper Thames. 1340. Fraser, John A. (New York) A Gray Bit on Long Island. 1341. Eaton, Charles Warren (New York). The Witching Hour. 1342. Redmond, J. J. (New York) Market Day in Thun, Switzerland. 1343. Baker, J. Elder (New York). Chysanthemums. ALCOVE 178 —SCREEN B—SOUTH SIDE. 1344. Smith, F. Hopkinson (New York). The Rialto. Lent by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. 1345. Smedley, W. T. (New York) Site for the Statue of the Republic (World’s.Columbian Exposition). Lent by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. 1346. Pattison, James William (Jacksonville, Ill.). A Meadow in Spring. 1347. Senat, Prosper L. (Philadelphia) Head of the Creek, Kennebunk- port, Me. UNITED STATES—ALCOVE I 78 —WATER COLORS. 8 1 1348. Fraser, John A. (New York) The Heart of Scotland. 1349. Tiffany, Louis C. (New York) Feeding the Flamingoes. Lent by Mrs. Van Doren, New York. 1350. Smith, F. Hopkinson (New York). Venetian Fishing Boats. Lent by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. 1351. Guerin, Jules (Chicago). Early Morning in a Village Street, Kentucky. Lent by Mr. George Middleton, Chicago. 1352. Blaney, Dwight (Boston). The Temple, of Neptune, at Paestum, Italy. SCREEN B—NORTH SIDE. 1353. Fraser, John A. (New York) An Old English Street. 1354. Rix> Julian (New York). Button-ball Trees. 1355. Gifford, R. Swain (New York). Salt Works at Batz, France. 1356. Conant, Lucy S. (Boston) Nasturtiums. 1357. Rice, H. M. Interior. 1358. Church, F. S. (New York) Pandora. Lent by Mr. W. T. Evans, New York. 1359. Lauber, Joseph (Leonia, N. J.). The First Day of School. 1360. Fraser, John A. (New York) Bad Weather, Kirk Lake, N. Y. 1361. Edwards, George Wharton (New York). In the Dunes, Flanders. 1362. Stackpole, Alice (Boston). Late Afternoon in Beverly, Mass. 1363. Smillie, N, S. J. (New York) Pink and White. Lent by Helene de Cordova, New York. ALCOVE 178 . THE NUMBERING BEGINS ON THE EAST SIDE. 1364. Thulstrup, T. de (New York). A Moujik. 1365. Hartson, Walter C. (Chicago) Old Willows at Glendale. 1366. Smith, F. Hopkinson (New York). After the Catch. 1367. Bricher, A. T. (New York) A Summer Morning. 1368. Greatorex, Kathleen H. (Paris, France) The Carnival. 1369. Rascovich, Robert (Chicago). A Canal in Venice. 1370. Tiffany, Louis C. (New York) Summer. 1371. Rehn, F. K. M. (New York) The Reef. 1372. Bridges, Fidelia (Canaan, Conn.). In an Old Orchard. 1373. Dana, Charles E. (Philadelphia) The Farm of Amont, Etretat, Nor¬ mandy. 1374. Mente, Charles (New York). An Evening Pastoral. 1375. Mcllhenny, C. Morgan (Shrub Oak, N. Y.). A Bull Calf. 1376. Maynard, George Willoughby (New York). A Sea Witch. 1377. McChesney, Clara T. (New York) Still-life. 1378. Hallett, Hendricks A. (Boston) Winter Moonlight. 1379. Foster, Ben (New York). Night. 1380. Sears, Sarah C. (Boston) Roinola. 1381. Mcllhenny, C. Morgan (Shrub Oak, N. Y.). Old Friends. Lent by Mr. T. B. Clarke, New York. 1382. Schilling, Alexander (New York). An Autumn Evening. * 383 - Scott, Mrs. E. M. (New York) Still-life, 82 world’s COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP’t K—FINE ARTS. 1384. Snell, Henry B. (New York) Crossing the Bar. 1385. Crum, Clark. Sympathy. Lent by Mr. J. M. Sears, Boston. 1386. McChesney, Clara T. (New York) The Old Cobbler. 1387. Maynard, George Willoughby (New York). Sirens. Lent by Mr. F. G. Bourne, New York. 1388. Daingerfield, Elliott (New York). Woman with a Pumpkin. 1389. Sears, Sarah C. (Boston) A Spanish Girl. 1390. Lampert, Emma E. (Rochester, N. Y.) A Breadwinner. 1391. Mcllhenny, Charles Morgan (Shrub Oak, N. Y.). Moonrise. 1392. Ochtman, Leonard (New York). Frost. 1393. Mente, Charles (New York). The Shepherd and his Flock. 1394. Clusmann, William (Chicago). A Wood Interior, Wisconsin. 1395. Tiffany, Louis C. (New York) A Street in Algiers. 1396. Satterlee, Walter (New York). Adirondack Trout. 1397. Carter, Fernando A. (Syracuse, N. Y.) Dutch Boats at Rotterdam. 1398. Mente, Charles (New York). Money to Lend. 1399. Hassam, Childe (New York). Springtime in the City. 1400. Allen, Thomas (Boston). Changing Pasture, Dartmoor. 1401. Franzen, August (New York). Afternoon. ALCOVE 177 —SCREEN C—SOUTH SIDE. 1402. Colman, Samuel (Newport, R. I.). Ruins of a Mosque, Tlemcin, Algeria. 1403. Dana, Charles E. (Philadelphia) Gruyere. Lent by the Art Club of Philadelphia. 1404. Hartson, Walter C. (Chicago) Along the Baraboo River. 1405. Smith, Joseph Lindon (Boston) Bartholomeo Coleone. 1406. Sawyer, D. Wallace (New York). Bourboule Washerwoman. 1407. Bredin, Christine S. (Cincinnati) A Peasant Woman of Dachau, Ba¬ varia. 1408. Nicoll, J. C. (New York) Twilight, Late Autumn. 1409. Turner, Ross (Salem, Mass.). Flood Tide. 1410. Bradley, Horace (New York) A Glimpse of W. M. Chase’s Studio. SCREEN C—NORTH SIDE. 1411. Pierce, Charles F. (Boston) A New England Pasture. 1412. Rotch, Arthur (Boston). Limburg Cathedral. 1413. Lampert, Emma E. (Rochester) Through the Meadows in Holland. Lent by Miss Louise Imlach, New York. 1414. Tiffany, Louis C. (New York) Cobblers at Bouferik, Algeria. 1415. Needham, Charles Austin (New York). A Dream of Autumn. 1416. Robinson, Will S. (Philadelphia) In the Harbor (sunlight effect). 1417. Senat, Prosper L. (Philadelphia) A Corner in San Remo. 1418. Tiffany, Louis C. (New York) A Street in Algiers. 1410. Gastello, Eugene (Philadelphia)i Gate of Justice, Cairo. 1420. Gibson, W. Hamilton (Brooklyn, N. Y.) Rain Clouds. ALCOVE 177 . THE NUMBERING BEGINS ON THE EAST WALL. Brown, J, G. (New York) A Wall Flower, 1421, UNITED STATES—ALCOVE I j6 —WATER COLORS. 83 1422. 1423. 1424. I425- 1426. 1427. 1428. 1429. 1430. 1431 - 1432. 1433 . 1434- 1435 . 1436. 1437- 1438. 1439- 1440. 1441. 1442. 1443 . 1444- 1445 . 1446. 1447. 1448. 1449. 1450. 1451. 1452. 1453- 1454- 1 455- 1 456 - 1457 - 1458. 1459. Vanderveer, Mary A. (Amsterdam, N. Y.) Study of Peonies. Breul, Hugo (Providence). Twins. Senat, Prosper L. (Philadelphia) Capri from Sorrento. Nicholls, Rhoda Holmes (New York). The Scarlet Letter. Thulstrup, T. de (New York). Swedish Interior Hassam, Childe (New York). Montmartre. Jones, H. Bolton (New York). Winter. Satterlee, Walter (New York). Garden Weeds. Jones, Annie W. (Chicago) Easter Lilies. Tewksbury, Fanny W. (Boston) A New England Homestead. Silsbee, M. (Boston) Monadnock. Gibson, W. Hamilton (Brooklyn). Upland Meadows. Lent by Mr. Charles H. Wacker, Chicago. Wells, Newton A. (Syracuse) Rest. Moser, James Henry (Washington, D. C.). November Evening. Colman, Samuel (Newport, R. I,). Mosque at Tlemcin, Algeria. Pattison, James William (Jacksonville, Ill.). East Gloucester Ferry Landing. (Massachusetts.) Cabot, Edward C. (Brookline, Boston, Mass.) Wind-swept Beeches, Naushon Island, Mass. Lent by Mrs. Charles Perkins. Chapman, Carlton T. (New York) Toilers of the Sea. Millet, F. D. (New York) A Roman Maiden. Lent by Mr. Henry G- Marquand, New York. Gibson, W. Hamilton (Brooklyn, N. Y.). Russet Meadows. Gifford, R. Swain (New York). A Tile Kiln on the Northern Canal. Foster, Ben (New York). The Shepherds. Allen, Thomas (Boston). Portal of a Ruined Mission, San Jose, Texas. Robinson, William S. (Philadelphia) Arrival of the Boats, Coast of Holland. Birney, William Verplanck (New York). Backyard Pets. Eaton, Charles Warren (New York). Winter. Nicoll, J. C. (New York) Evening After a Gale. Eaton, Charles Warren (New York). The Snow Mantle. Dawson, Arthur (Chicago). Snow Scene. Eaton, C. Harry (New York). Indian Summer. Hardwick, Melbourne H. 'Boston) Looking Inland. Allen, Thomas (Boston). Pasture by the Sea. Franzen, August (New York). Before the Rain. Eaton, Charles Harry (New York). Autumnal. Lent by Mr. J. D. Grant, San Francisco. Scott, Mrs. E. M. (New York) Roses. Gibson, W. Hamilton (Brooklyn). September Rain. Whittemore, William J. (New York) Early Worshippers, St. Ives, Cornwall. ALCOVE 176 -SCREEN D—SOUTH SIDE. Lungren, F. H. (Cincinnati) A Snowy Evening. Lent by Mr. Dwight Huntington, Cincinnati. 84 world’s COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP’t K—FINE ARTS. 1460. Ni:holls, Rhoda Holmes (New York). Chrysanthemums. 1461. -medley, W. f. (New York) “ Up Among the Great Iron Arches”— r "tures and Liberal Arts Building, World’s Columbian Expo- si non. Lent by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. 1462. Hammer, John J. (New York) In the Dry Docks. 1463. Smedley, W. T. (New York) A Lazy Companion. 1464. Woodwell, Johanna K. (Pittsburg, Pa.) Portrait of Miss L. 1465. Pomeroy, Grace V. (New York) Home of the Bullfrog. 1466. Brooks, A. F. (Chicago) Boys Fishing. 1467. Gibson, W. Hamilton (Brooklyn, N. Y.) Landscape. 1468. Smedley, W. T. (New York) Before the Agricultural Building, World’s Columbian Exposition. 1469. Twachtman, J. H. (Greenwich, Conn.) Pier near Newport, R. I. 1470. Hassam, Childe (New York) The Rain. SCREEN D—NORTH SIDE. 1471. Blashfield, Edwin H. (New York) The Duo. Lent by Mrs. John H. Sherwood, New York. 1472. Smedley, W. T. (New York) “There could be no doubt,” thought Miss Latymer, “that it was to be the ‘intense elderly.’ ” Lent by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. 1473. Curran, C. C. (New York) Cupid Asleep. 1474. Gibson, W. Hamilton (Brooklyn, N. Y.). A Honey-dew Picnic. 1475. Bradbury, M. R. (New York) Santa Maria della Salute, Venice. 1476. Smedley, W. T. (New York) Jackson Park; Part of the Exhibition Grounds. Lent by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. 1477. Young, Charles M. (Gettysburg, Pa.) The Forest. 1478. Colman, Samuel (Newport, R. I.). At the Fountain. 1479. Sherwood, Rosina Emmet (New York). In the Orchard. 1480. Sherwood, Rosina Emmet (New York). Sunlight in the Orchard. 1481. Mente, Charles (New York). Willows and Sheep. 1482. Turner, Ross (Salem, Mass.). Old Japan (a). 1483. Smedley, W. T. (New York) Near the Hall of Mines, World’s Columbian Exposition. Lent by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. 1484. Gibson, W. Hamilton (Brooklyn, N. Y.). On the Canal at Dort, Holland. 1485. Ertz, Edward (Paris, France). Sunset, Chartres, France. 1486. Smedley, W. T. (New York) The Administration Building, World’s Columbian Exposition. Lent by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. ALCOVE 176 . 1487. Nicoll, J. C. (New York) Near York Harbor, Maine. 1488. Holman, Frank (Paris, France). Melody. 1489. Bradley, Susan H. (Philadelphia) Mount Monadnock, New Hampshire. Lent by Miss Sears, Boston. 1490. Dawson, Arthur (Chicago). When Evening Twilight Gathers ’Round. 1491. Bellows, A. F. (deceased) Sunday Afternoon in New England. Lent by Mr. J. H. Willing, Chicago. UNITED STATES—ALCOVE I —WATER COLORS. 8$ 1492. Richards, William T. (Newport, R. I.) An Atlantic Beach. 1493. Schilling, Alexander (New York). Fields in Early Spring. 1494. Dana, Charles E. (Philadelphia) Street in Morat, Switzerland. 1495. Abbey, E. A. (Fairford, Gloucestershire, England) Mariana (“Meas¬ ure for Measure”). Lent by Mr. Henry G. Marquand, New York. 1496. Holman, Frank (Paris, France). A Sun Effect. 1497. Parrish, Clara Weaver. Study of a Southern Negro. 1498. Coffin, Esther L. (New York) The Madison Square Tower, New York, at Night. 1499. Scott, Mrs. E. M. (New York) Summer Roses. 1500. Manley, Thomas R. (New York) A Wet Day from My Studio Win¬ dow. 1501. Harison, Mary A. (Brooklyn, N. Y.) Pansies. 1502. Gifford, R. Swain (New York). A Summer Afternoon, New England. 1503. Hassam, Childe (New York). Fifth Avenue, New York. 1504. DeLuce, Percival (New York). Busy Idleness. 1505. Coffin, Esther L. (New York) Grapes. 1506. Pitkin, Caroline W. (New York) Porgies. 1507. Whittemore, William J. (New York) In Old Edinburgh. 1508. Curran, C. C. (New York) Night. Lent by Mr. William T. Evans, New York. 1509. Scott, Mrs. E. M. (New York) White Rose. 1510. Gibson, W. Hamilton (Brooklyn, N. Y.). An Afternoon Pastoral. Lent by Mr. Charles L. Hutchinson, Chicago. ON PILASTER BY STAIRCASE. 1511. Greatorex, Kathleen H. (Paris, France) Corner of the Strozzi Palace, Florence. 1512. Whittemore, William J. (New York) The Coast of Cornwall, Eng¬ land. 86 WORLD’S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP'X K—FINE ARTS, Group 144-Chalk Charcoal, Pastel and Other Drawings. PASTELS. SECOND FLOOR, SOUTH SIDE OF EAST COURT—ALCOVES 125 AND 126.—NUMBERS 1513 TO 1577, INCLUSIVE. ALCOVE 125 . BEGINNING ON THE EAST WALL. 1513. Brown, J. Appleton (New York). Sand Dunes. 1514. Champney, J. Wells (New York). Portrait of Mrs. Champney. 1515. Gibson, W. Hamilton (New York). Moonlight in Opelousas. 1516. Eaton, Charles Warren (New York). Flowers of Autumn. 1517. Hecker, Caroline T. (New York) Roses. 1518. Wagner, Jacob (Boston). Portrait of My Mother. 1519. Brown, J. Appleton (New York). Springtime. 1520. Allan, W. R. (New York) A Portrait. 1521. Cauldwell, Leslie (Paris, France). Evening. 1522. Wadsworth, Adelaide (Boston). Fishing Boats at Anchor, Venice. 1523. Rolshoven, Julius (Paris, France). A Chioggia Fisherman. 1524. Muhrman, Henry (London, England). An Old Tree. 1525. Allan, W. R. (New York) The Gleaner. 1526. Muhrman, Henry (London, England). Houses, Hampstead Heath, England. 1527. Muhrman, Henry (London, England). Vale of Health, Hampstead Heath, England. 1528. Binney, Martha G. (New York) Sketch of Haystacks. 1529. Muhrman, Henry (London, England). A Field of Buttercups. 1530. DuMond, L. A. (Paris, France) Priscilla and John Alden. 1531. Eaton, Charles Warren (New York). Wintry Fields. 1532. Josephi, J. A. (New York) Midnight. 1533. MacKubin, Florence (Baltimore). Portrait Study in Yellows. 1534. Beaux, Cecilia (Philadelphia)! Portrait. Lent by Mr. William Bum- ham, Philadelphia. 1535. Reaugh, Frank (Oak Cliff, Texas). Landscape with Cattle. 1536. Muhrman, Henry (London, England). View of Highgate. 1537. Necker, Caroline T. (New York) Yellow and White Roses. 87 UNITED STATES—ALCOVE 12 $ —PASTELS. 1538. Muhrman, Henry (London, England). Shells. 1539. Chase, William M. (New York) Good Friends. 1540. Rolshoven, Julius (Paris, France). A Chioggia Fisherman Reading Tasso. 1541. Corwin, Charles A. (Chicago) Oat Harvest. 1542. Klumpke, Anna E. (Boston) Portrait of Miss K. H. Lent by Miss Lilian Horsford, Cambridge, Mass. 1543. Muhrman, Henry (London, England). Dawn, Hampstead Heath, Eng¬ land. 1544. Rolshoven, Julius (Paris, France). In the Shade. 1545. Reaugh, Frank (Oak Cliff, Texas). February in Texas. 1546. Eaton, Charles Warren (New York). Morning on the North River, New York. 1547. Muhrman, Henry (London, England). Trees and Pond, Hampstead Heath, England. 1548. Rolshoven, Julius (Paris, France). Ave Maria. 1549. Sherwood, Rosina Emmet (New York). The Black Cockade. 1550. Young, Charles Morris (Gettysburg, Pa.). The Cornfield at Twilight. 1551. Hamilton, John McLure (London, England). Cardinal Manning, the Palace, Westminster, 1890 . 1552. Twachtman, J. H. (Greenwich, Conn.) Le Gorge d’Enfer (Throat of Hell). Lent by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. 1553. Sherwood, Rosina Emmet (New York). A Sleeping Child. 1554. Weil, Gertrude (Philadelphia). Silence. 1555. Champney, J. Wells (New York). Portrait of the Rev. Robert Collyer. 1556. Sherwood, Rosina Emmet (New York). A View in Central Park, New York. 1557. -Brown, J. Appleton (New York). December. 1558. Rolshoven, Julius (Paris, France). Two Types, Sotto Marina, near Venice. 1559. Allan, W. R. (New York) An Ideal Head. 1560. Allan, W. R. (New York) A Landscape. 1561. Muhrman, Henry (London, England). Landscape, Hampstead Heath, England. ALCOVE 126 . 1562. Wuerpel, Edmund H. (Paris, France) “Majella,” a Study. Lent by Dr. William Taussig, St. Louis. 1563. Brown, J. Appleton (New York). Summer. 1564. Mills, Lena (New York). Portrait of a Lady. 1565. Stewart, Jules L. (Paris, France) Portrait of Mrs. Broleman. Lent by Mr. William H. Stewart, Paris. 1566. Muhrman, Henry (London, England). Study of Birch Trees. 1567. Muhrman, Henry (London, England). Firs and Gorse. 1568. Muhrman, Henry (London, England). Scene on Hampstead Heath, England. 1569. Reynolds, Alice M. (New York) A Portrait. 1570. Eaton, Charles Warren (New York). A December Sunset. 1571. Mills, Lena (New York). A Boy’s Head. 88 WORLD’S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION— DEp’t K—FINE ARTS. 1572. Champney, J. Wells (New York). “Suzanne.” 1573. Harrison, Birge (Paris, France). Evening on the Seine, France. 1574. Thomson, William (London, England). Study of a Head. 1575. Cauldwell, Leslie (Paris, France). Twilight. 1576. Sherwood, Rosina Emmet (New York). September. Lent by the Bos¬ ton Art Club. 1577. Emmet, Lydia Field (New York). A Portrait Sketch by Lamplight. UNITED STATES—CHARCOALS, PENCIL DRAWINGS, ETC. 89 CHARCOALS, PENCIL DRAWINGS, WASH DRAW¬ INGS, WORKS IN BLACK-AND-WHITE, ETC. IN THE PASSAGE ( 129 ) BETWEEN THE EAST AND SOUTH COURTS (SECOND FLOOR)—NUMBERS 1578 TO 1594 INCLUSIVE. 1578. Tyler, Bayard H. (New York) Indian Head, Palisades. (Charcoal.) 1579. Reinhart, Charles S. (New York) “Liberal and Conservative.” (Pencil.) 1580. Rhodes, Charles Ward (Chicago). Study Head. (Charcoal.) Lent by Mrs. Charles R. Rhodes, Marietta, Ohio. 1581. Reinhart, Charles S. (New York) Portrait of Charles Dudley Warner. (Pencil.) 1582. Hammer, John J. (New York) Study Head. (Charcoal.) 1583. Millet, F. D. (New York) A Prisoner. (Pencil.) 1584. Reinhart, Charles S. (New York) A Near-Sighted Deputy. (Pencil.) 1585. Attwood, F. G. (Boston) “The Glorious Fourth”—Full-page cartoon for Life. (Pen and ink.) 1586. Tyler, Bayard H. (New York) Group of Trees. (Charcoal.) 1587. Reinhart, Charles S. (New York) A Tramp. (Pencil.) 1588. Sterner, Albeit E. (Paris, France) My Cousin Fanny. (Pencil.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 1589. Millet, F. D. (New York) Study of Heads. (Pencil.) 1590. Chase, William M. (New York) Like Mother, Like Daughter. (Pen¬ cil.) Lent by Harper and Brothers, New York. 1591. Hyde, W. H. (New York) At Home. (Pen and ink.) 1592. Reinhart, Charles S. (New York) Christmas Morning. (Pencil.) 1593. Robinson, Theodore (New York). Portrait of Claude Monet. (Char¬ coal.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 1594. Wiles, Irving R. (New York) Ignace Jan Paderewski. (Charcoal.) STAIRCASE AT NORTHEAST OF ROTUNDA—.NUMBERS 1595 TO 1626 INCLUSIVE.—WORKS IN BLACK-AND-WHITE. TOP LANDING. 1595. Metcalf, W. L. (New York) “He Drove the Knife Through his Hand.” 1596. Woodward, J. D. A Pond Effect. Lent by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. 1597. Parsons, Alfred (New York). Ischatal, St. George’s. Lent by Harper & Brothers, New York. 1598. Denman, Herbert (New York). “Another Visitor who Never Misses a Welcome is the Bringer of Eatables.” Lent by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. 1599. Remington, Frederick (New Rochelle, N. Y.). “Boots and Saddles,” Lent by the Century Co., New York. 90 WORLD’S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP’t K—FINE ARTS. 1600. Metcalf, W. L. (New York) The Picture Gallery. Lent by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. 1601. Parsons, Alfred (New York). Camp Opposite Kalafat. Lent by Har¬ per & Brothers, New York. THIRD LANDING OF STAIRCASE—PENCIL DRAWINGS. 1602. Woodbury, Charles Herbert (Boston). Rutch Lane. 1603. Woodbury, Charles Herbert (Boston). In Switzerland. 1604. Woodbury, Charles Herbert (Boston). Building at Hoven. 1605. Woodbury, Charles Herbert (Boston). Cedar Tree, Beverly, Mass. 1606. Woodbury, Charles Herbert (Boston). Thun Castle, from the River. (Switzerland.) 1607. Woodbury, Charles Herbert (Boston). Market at Thun, Switzerland. SECOND LANDING OF STAIRCASE—BLACK AND WHITE, DRAW¬ INGS, WASH DRAWINGS, ETC. 1608. Wiles, Irving R. (New York) A Mendicant. (Wash drawing.) 1609. Fraser, John A. (New York) Cathedral Rocks, Yosemite. (Black and white.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 1610. Fraser, John A. (New York) Back of the Village, Chiddingstone, Kent, England. (Black and white.) 1611. Burns, M. J. (New York) “By George! I’ve Got Him!” (Black and white.) 1612. Wiles, Irving R. (New York) A Study. (Wash drawing.) Lent by Mr. C. C. Curran, New York. 1613. Burns, M. J. Danger Ahead. (Black and white.) 1614. Wickenden, Robert J. (Paris, France) Study of Oaks, Island of Jersey. (Pencil and wash.) 1615. Smedley, W. T. (New York) In the House of Representatives, Wash¬ ington, D. C. (Black and white.) 1616. Wiles, Irving R. (New York) The Morning Paper. (Wash drawing.) Lent by Mr. W. M. Chase, New York. 1617. Zogbaum, R. F. (New York) A Landing—The Advanced Skirmishers. (Black and white.) Lent by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. FIRST LANDING OF STAIRCASE—WASH DRAWINGS. 1618. Wiles, Irving R. (New York) A Jewish Wedding. 1619. Wiles, Irving R. (New York) Confirmation, Temple Emanuel, New York. 1620. Wiles, Irving R. (New York) Class in Phonography. 1621. Wiles, Irving R. (New York) In the Designing Room, Young Women’s Christian Association, New York. GROUND FLOOR OF STAIRCASE—BLACK AND WHITE DRAWINGS. 1622. Mowbray, H. Siddons (New York). Ben Hur. Lent by Harper & Brothers, New York. 1623. Castaigne, A. (Baltimore, Md.) “To the Mistral”—Festival of the Felibres, Provence, France. UNITED STATES—CHARCOALS, PENCIL DRAWINGS, ETC. 9T 1624. Denman, Herbert (New York). “As Satisfactory as any Visitors are the Children.” Lent by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. 1625. Parsons, Alfred (New York). Daffodils. 1626. Blashfield, Edwin H. (New York) Vision of Saint Anne. Lent by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. STAIRCASE AT SOUTHEAST OF ROTUNDA. NUMBERS FROM 1627 TO 1665 INCLUSIVE—BLACK AND WHITE DRAWINGS. GROUND FLOOR. 1627. Helmick, Howard (Washington, D. C.). “Faith’d Fetch It.” Lent by the Century Co., New York. 1628. Thulstrup, T. de (New York). Columbian Exposition Workers in Staff —World’s Columbian Exposition. Lent by Harper & Brothers, New York. 1629. Helmick, Howard (Washington, D. C.). “On the Floor Lay Berrian Cozart.” Lent by the Century Co., New York. 1630. Small, Frank O. (Boston) After the Game. Lent by Mitchell & Miller, New York. 1631. Small, Frank O. (Boston) The Last Picnic of the Season. Lent by Harper & Brothers, New York. 1632. Metcalf, W. L. (New 'York) Cable Hut at Shore End. Lent by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. FIRST LANDING OF STAIRCASE—BLACK AND WHITE DRAWINGS. 1633. Small, Frank O. (Boston) A Forgotten Ancester. 1634. Sterner, Albert E. (Paris, France) “‘Passionnement’ was What I Wanted.” Lent by the Century Co., New York. 1635. Zogbaum, R. F. (New York) Shore Drill—Pegging Away at an Im¬ aginary Enemy. Lent by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. 1636. Parsons, Alfred (New York). In Silistria. Lent by Harper & Brothers, New York. 1637. Smedley, W. T. (New York) “Illustration.” 1638. Helmick, Howard (Washington, D. C.). “Many a Bride Stepped from Aboard Her Husband’s Whaler.” Lent by the Century Co., N. Y. 1639. Fenn, Harry (Montclair, N. J.). East End of Ganne’s Hotel, Barbizon. Lent by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. 1640. Fenn, Harry (Montclair, N. J.). On the Common, Gardiner’s Island. Lent by the Century Co., New York. 1641. Small, Frank O. (Boston) The Dawn Struggling with the Night. SECOND LANDING OF STAIRCASE—BLACK AND WHITE DRAWINGS, ETC. 1642. Burns, M. J. Interior of a Round House. (Black and white.) Lent by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1643. Blum, Robert (New York). “Where the Proprietor, Stark Naked, Prestles the Paddy. (Wash drawing.) Lent by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. 92 world’s COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP’t K—FINE ARTS. 1644. Parsons, Alfred (New York). Pig Wallow. (Black and white.) Lent by Harper & Brothers, New York. 1645. Gibson, C. D. (New York) “I Wish to God Yon Were Out of the Busi¬ ness.” (Wash drawing.) Lent by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. 1646. Bacher, Otto H. (New York) Unloading a Banana Steamer. (Black and white.) Lent by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. 1647. Parsons, Alfred (New York). The Snowdrops. (Black and white.) 1648. Blum, Robert (New York). Tea Pot and Crockery. (Wash drawing.) Lent by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. 1649. Zogbaum, R. F., ’‘All Hands to Skylark.” (Black and white.)- Lent by Harper & Brothers, New York. THIRD LANDING OF STAIRCASE—BLACK AND WHITE DRAWINGS, ETC. 1650. Blum, Robert (New York). “She Looked at Me and Spoke Trust¬ ingly.” (Wash drawing.) Lent by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. 1651. Cox, Kenyon (New York). Drawing of bust of J. Alden Weir, by Olin L. Warner. (Pen drawing.) 1652. Blum, Robert (New York). Japanese Dinner at the Golden Koi. (Wash drawing.) Lent by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. 1653. Blum, Robert (New York). The Tall Ladder of a Fire Station. (Wash drawing.) Lent by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. 1654. Small, Frank O. (Boston) Pop Concert. (Black and white.) Lent by Harper & Bros., New York. 1655. Bradley, Horace (New York). Still-Life Class Room. Art Students’ League, New York. 1656. Blum, Robert (New York). Benteen Cave, Enoshina. (Wash draw¬ ing.) Lent by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. 1657. Blum, Robert (New York). “My Eye was Caught by the Gleam of a Brass Doorknob.” (Wash drawing.) Lent by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. 1658. Blum, Robert (New York). The Amina Japonica. (Wash drawing.) Lent by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. 1659. Fenn, Harry (Montclair, N. J.). First Glimpse of the Kusneh, Petra. (Black and white.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. GALLERY FLOOR, AT TOP OF STAIRCASE—BLACK AND WHITE DRAWINGS, ETC. 1660. Thulstrup, T. de (New York). Circassians of the Imperial Guard. (Black and white.) 1661. Frost, A. B. (Courent, Morris County, N. J.) “If You Pull that Trigger and Hit the Mark, Ye can Ride off Free.” (Wash drawing.) Lent by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. 1662. Edwards, George Wharton (New York). At Dinner. (Black and white.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 1663. Fenn, Harry (Montclair, N. J.). Sepulchres of Ferdinand and Isabella, Philip, and Joanna in the Royal Chapel Grenada. Lent by the Cen¬ tury Co., New York, UNITED STATES—CHARCOALS, PENCIL DRAWINGS, ETC. 93 1664. Thulstrup, T. de (New York). A Moujik’s Funeral. (Black and white,) 1665. Perard, Victor (New York). Pelham Park. (Wash drawing.) Lent by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. STAIRCASE AT SOUTHWEST OF ROTUNDA—NUMBERS 1666 TO 1677 , INCLUSIVE (WORKS AT TOP OF STAIRCASE—AT THE THIRD LANDING AND AT THE FIRST LANDING ARE CATALOGUED WITH ARCHITECTURE AND DECORATION.) SECOND LANDING OF STAIRCASE—WASH DRAW¬ INGS, ETC. 1666. Wiles, Irving R. (New York) The Salesroom, Young Women’s Christ¬ ian Association, New York. (Wash drawing.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 1667. Small, Frank O. (Boston) Said in Passing. (Black and white.) 1668. Smith, F. Hopkinson (New York). Scene in Venice. (Black and white.) 1669. Stephens, Alice Barber (Philadelphia). Their Perfume Flooded the House. Lent by Leslie’s Weekly, New York. 1670. Burns, M. J. Working Drops from the First Fly Gallery. (Black and white.) Lent by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. 1671. Perard, Victor. River Police Patrol Boat. (Wash drawing.) Lent by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. GROUND FLOOR—WASH DRAWINGS, ETC. 1672. Gibson, C. D. (New York) A Serious Question. (Wash drawing.) Lent by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. 1673. Gibson, C. D. (New York) In the Studio. (Wash drawing.) Lent by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. 1674. Sterner, Albert E. (Paris, France). “Where is That Idiot, That Dolt, That Sluggard, That Snail, with my Mail?” (Wash drawing.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 1675. Smith, F. Hopkinson (New York). Windmill. (Charcoal.) 1676. Nichols, H. D. Interior of Manufactures and Liberal Arts Building, World’s Columbian Exposition. (Black and white.) Lent by Harper & Bros., New York. 1677. Chapman, Carlton T. (New York) The Largest Steamer on the Lakes. STAIRCASE AT NORTHWEST OF ROTUNDA—NUMBERS 1678 TO 1719 , INCLUSIVE—GROUND FLOOR—BLACK AND WHITE DRAWINGS, ETC. 1678. Bacher, Otto H. (New York). Grain Elevator. (Wash drawing.) Lent by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. 1679. Blum, Robert (New York). A Little City Back Yard, Japan. (Wash drawing.) Lent by Charles Scribner’s Sens, New York. 1680. Sterner, Albert E. (Paris, France) “Wanting Away With a Shrug of the Shoulders.” (Wash drawing.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 1681. Small, Frank O. (Boston) Afternoon, Commonwealth Avenue, Bos¬ ton. (Black and white.) 04 WORLDS' COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP*T K—FINE ARTS. 6812. Smedley, W. T. (New York) Illustration. (Wash drawing.) 1683. Blum, Robert (New York). “Be Pleased to Bring in the Honorable Ac¬ count. (Wash drawing.) Lent by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. 1684. Sterner, Albert E. (Paris, France) “I Wept, I Wept, I Wept.” (Black and white.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 1685. Wiles, Irving R. (New York) The Choir. (Wash drawing.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 1686. Smedley, W. T. (New York) A Bit of Decoration. (Black and white.) Lent by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. 1687. Parsons, Alfred (New York). Crossing the Weir. (Wash drawing.) Lent by Harper & Brothers, New York. FIRST LANDING OF STAIRCASE—BLACK AND WHITE DRAW¬ INGS, ETC. 1688. Smedley, W. T. (New York) On the Down-Town Ferry, New York. (Black and white.) 1689. Fraser, John A. (New York) Sentinel Rock. (Black and white.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 1690. Fenn, Harry (Montclair, N. J). Rousseau’s House and the Stairs to the Studio, at his Death, 1867. (Black and white.) Lent by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. 1691. Gibson, W. Hamilton (Brooklyn). Orange Boughs. (Charcoal.) 1692. Gibson, W. Hamilton (Brooklyn). A Relic of the Departed South. (Black and white.) 1693. Smith, F. Hopkinson (New York). “It Was Near the Close of a Sum¬ mer Afternoon.” (Charcoal.) Lent by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. 1694. Blum, Robert (New York). The Plankway to Benteen Cave. (Wash drawing.) 1695. Redwood, Allen C. (Bergen Point, N. J). “I’m Ready to Begin Right Now.’ (Black and white.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 1696. Redwood, Allen C. (Bergen Point, N. J). Three drawings in one frame: “Here.” (Black and white.) “Our March Against Pope.” (Pen drawing.) “A Stag Dance.” (Black and white.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. SECOND LANDING OF STAIR-CASE—BLACK AND WHITE DRAW¬ INGS, ETC. 1697. Rogers, W. A. (New York) In the Narrow Trail. (Black and whhe.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 1698. Smedley, W. T. (New York) Relics of George Washington. (Black and white.) 1699. Shirlaw, Walter (New York). Broad Street Railway Station, Phila¬ delphia. (Black and white.) Lent by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. 1700. Blum, Robert (New York). “‘The Man is Dead!’ he Said.” (Black and white.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. UNITED STATES—CHARCOALS, PENCIL DRAWINGS, ETC. 95 1701. Taber, W. (New York) A Rescue. (Wash drawing.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 1702. Thulstrup, T. de (New York). A Belated Passenger. (Black and white.) Lent by Harper and Brothers, New York. 1703. Birch, Reginald B. (New York) The Little Lovers. (Blackand white.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 1704. Birch, Reginald B. (New York) Brother Stoltz’s Beat. (Wash draw¬ ing.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 1705. Rogers, W. A. (New York) Lost. (Black and white.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 1706. Cox, Kenyon (New York) A Veiled Moorish Woman. (Pen draw¬ ing.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. THIRD LANDING OF STAIRCASE—BLACK AND WHITE DRAW¬ INGS, ETC. 1707. Fraser, John A. (New York) The Corner, Kent, England, (Wash drawing.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 1708. Fenn, Harry (Montclair, N. J). Kiga, Japan. (Wash drawing.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 1709. Blum, Robert (New York). “She Laid her Hand on His Arm.” (Wash drawing.) Lent by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. 1710. Wiles, Irving R. (New York) Photo-Negative Retouching, Young Woman’s Christian Association, New York. (Wash drawing.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 1711. Fenn, Harry (Montclair, N. J). Castillo de la Mota, Near Medina (Wash drawing.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 1712. Fenn, Harry (Montclair, N. J). Tower of Trinity Church, Boston. (Black and white.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. GALLERY FLOOR, AT TOP OF STAIRCASE—BLACK AND WHITE DRAWINGS, ETC. 1713. Blum, Robert (New York). Head of the Street, Enoshina, Japan. (Wash drawing.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 1714. Parsons, Alfred (Newt York). The Singing Shepherd. (Black and white.) Lent by Harper & Brothers, New York. 1715. Sterner, Albert E. (Paris, France) The Rivals. (Wash drawing.) Lent by Harper & Brothers, New York. 1716. Blum, Robert (New York.) Watching the Election Returns, Japan. Lent by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. 1717. Meza, Wilson de (Lakewood, N. J). Drawing for Illustration. (Black and white.) 1718. Blum, Robert (New York). On the Hillside at Enoshina, Japan. (Black and white.) Lent by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. 1719. Blum, Robert (New York). A Street Scene, Enoshina, Japan. (Wash drawing.) Lent by Charles Scribner’s sons, New York. C)6 WORLDS COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEp’t K—FINE ARTS. THE EXHIBIT OF DRAWINGS IN BLACK-AND-WHITE AND OTHER MEDIA CONTINUES IN THE NORTH COURT (GROUND FLOOR) EAST WALL, NUMBERS 1720 TO 1778 , INCLUSIVE, BEGINNING AT THE NORTH END OF THE WALL. 1720. Gaul, Gilbert (New York). The Master’s Lunch, Jamaica. (Black and white, in oil.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 1721. Gaul, Gilbert (New York). The Pilot, Jamaica. (Black and white, in oil.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 1722. Gaul, Gilbert (New York). The Kitchen, Jamaica. (Black and white, in oil.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 1723. Taylor, W. L. On the Beach. (Wash drawing.) Lent by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. 1724. Remington, Frederick (New Rochelle, N. Y). Some Idle Notes on “The Most Noble Profession” in Europe. (Wash drawing.) Lent by Harper & Brothers, New York. 1725. Pennington, Harper (New York). In the Workshop, Philadelphia Manual Training School. (Black and white.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 1726. Rogers, W. A. (New York) “Three Cheers for the First Sod.” (Black and white.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 1727. Wenzell, A. B. (New York) “Won’t You Take Me to My Aunt?” (Black and white.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 1728. Small, Frank O. (Boston) Christmas Presents at the Breakfast Table. (Black and white.) 1729. Gaul, Gilbert (New York). Landing at Chagres. (Black and white, in oil.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 1730. Gaul, Gilbert (New York). Pleasant Weather in the Gulf. (Black^and white, in oil.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 1731. Gaul, Gilbert (New York). The Journey in the Market Cart. (Black and white, in oil.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 1732. Gaul, Gilbert (New York). Dining-Room, French’s Hotel, Panama. (Black and white, in oil.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 1733. Gaul, Gilbert (New York). “A Cheer for the Old Flag.” (Black and white, in oil.) Lent by the Century Co., N7 1945. Reinhart, Charles S. (New York) A Kissing Gate. (Pen drawing.) 1946. Redwood, Allen C. (Bergen Point, N. J.) Barksdale’s Mississippians Opposing the Laying of the Pontoon Bridges. (Pen drawing.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 1947. Gibson, C. D. (New York) The Prisoner at the Bar. (Pen drawing.) ALCOVE 153 —SCREEN 9 —EAST SIDE. 1948. Gibsion, C. D. (New York) At the Gentleman’s Son’s Chowder Club. (Pen drawing.) 1949. Gibson, C. D. (New York) Drifting Apart. (Pen drawing.) 1950. Gibson, C. D. (New York) At Mrs. Flatsharp’s. (Pen drawing.) 1951. Gibson, C. D. (New York) “Aren’t You Pleased With Me?” (Pen drawing.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 1952. Gibson, C. D. (New York) “Yes, it is too Bad!” (Pen drawing.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 1953. Gibson, C. D. (New York) The American Girl. (Pen drawing.) Lent by Harper & Brothers, New York. 1954. Gibson, C. D. (New York) “The Young Men in the House Thought Her a Jolly Girl. (Pen drawing.) Lent by the Century Co New York. 1955. Gibson, C. D. (New York) In the Moonlight. (Pen drawing.) 1956. Gibson, C. D. (New York) “Awfully Kind of You to Come to Our Lit¬ tle Shanty in the Wilderness.” (Pen drawing.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. SCREEN 9 —WEST SIDE. 1957. Gibson, C. D. (New York) A Summer Vacation. (Pen drawing.) 1958. Gibson, C. D. (New York) “I Am Glad that Tempest in a Teapot is Over!” (Pen drawing.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 1959. Gibson, C. D. (New York) In Leap Year—Starting on Their Wedding Journey. (Pen drawing.) 1960. Gibson, C. D. (New York) At Mrs. Van Tappan’s. (Pen drawing.) 1961. Gibson, C. D. (New York) “Time!” (Pen drawing). 1962. Gibson, C. D. (New York) Two Girls and a Man. (Pen drawing.) 1963. Gibson, C. D. (New York) “We are Behind Time, Mrs. Van Benson and I.” (Pen drawing.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 1964. Gibson, C. D. (New York) And the Two Smoked in Silence. (Pen drawing.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. ALCOVE 154 —SCREEN 10 —EAST SIDE. 1965. Gibson, C. D. (New York) Her First Appearance. (Pen drawing.) Lent by Harper & Bros., New York. 1966. Gibson, C. D. (New York) When Lula Lost Her Grip. (Pen draw¬ ing.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 1967. Gibson, C. D. (New York) The Jury. (Pen drawing.) 1968. Sterner, Albert (Paris, France). No Pertinacity. (Pen drawing.) Lent by the Harper & Bros., New York. 1969. Redwood, Allen C. (Bergen Point, N. J.) A Camp Toilet. (Pen draw¬ ing). Lent by the Century Co., New York. 108 WORLD’S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION — DEP’T K —FINE ARTS. 1970. Gibson, C. D. (New York) “He is Waiting for Me.” (Pen drawing.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 1971. Gibson, C. D. (New York) Cartoon for “Life.” (Pen drawing.) Lent by Mitchell & Miller, New York. 1972. Gibson, C. D. (New York) At the Fair. (Pen drawing.) Lent by Harper & Bros., New York. 1973. Gibson, C. D. (New York) The Meeting in Mrs. Van Shuters’ Empire Room. (Pen drawing.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 1974. Gibson, C. D. (New York) The Horse Show. (Pen drawing.) SCREEN 10 —WEST SIDE. 1975. Reinhart, Charles S. (New York) Up the Hudson. (Pen drawing.) 1976. Reinhart, Charles S. (New York) Government Wharf, Fortress Mon¬ roe. (Pen drawing.) 1977. Blum, Robert (New York). The Ameya. (Pen drawing.) Lent by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. 1978. Frost, A. B. (Courent, Morris Co., N. J.) “Is Dese Yer Bobolitionists Got Horns n’ Huffs?” (Pen drawing.) Lent by the Century Co.« New York. 1979. Blum, Robert (New York). A Shop for Lamps, Japan. (Pen drawing.) Lent by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. 1980. Blum, Robert (New York). A Japanese Girl. (Pen drawing.) Lent by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. 198a. Remington, Frederick (New Rochelle, N. Y.). A Member of the Mounted Police, Canada. (Pen drawing.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 1982. Gibson, C. D. (New York) “You Must Tell Your Friend not be Fright¬ ened at the House.” (Pen drawing.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 1983. Remington, Frederick (New Rochelle, N. Y.). The Old Trapper. (Pen drawing.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 1984. Frost, A. B. (Courent, Morris Co., N. J.) “The Negro Leaned, Ex¬ hausted, Against the Wall.” (Pen drawing.) Lent by Charles Scrib¬ ner’s Sons, New York. 1985. Blum, Robert (New York). Wandering Etas, Japan. (Pen drawing.) Lent by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. 1986. Blum, Robert (New York). A Japanese Policeman. (Pen drawing.) Lent by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. 1987. Frost, A. B. (Courent, Morris Co., N. J.) “An’ then He Marched off to Bed by Himself.” (Pen drawing.) Lent by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. 1988. Frost, A. B. (Courent, Morris Co., N. J.) “Have You Happened to Hear Anybody Speak of Me?” (Pen drawing.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 1989. Frost, A. B. (Courent, Morris Co., N. J.) Men at a Card Table. (Pen drawing.) Lent by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. 1990. Remington, Frank (New Rochelle, N. J.). Roping in a Horse Corral, (Pen drawing.) Lent by the Century Co., New York, UNITED STATES—PEN AND INK DRAWINGS, ETC. IOg 1991. Gibson, C. D. (New York) Lord and Lady William Hampshire. (Pen drawing.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. ALCOVE 154 -SCREEN 11 —EAST SIDE. 1992. Abbey, Edwin A. (Gloucestershire,England) The Tempest—Ferdinand: “I am, in my condition a Prince.” (Pen drawing.) Lent by Harper & Brothers, New York. 1993. Abbey, Edwin A. (Gloucestershire, England) Merry Wives of Windsor —Fenton: “And tells me’tis a thing impossible.” (Pen drawing.) Lent by Harper & Brothers, New York. 1994. Abbey, Edwin A. (Gloucestershire, England) Measure for Measure— “Sweet Sister Let me Live.” (Pen drawing.) Lent by Harper & Brothers, New York. 1995. Attwood, Francis Gilbert (Boston). Bacchic Dance. (Pen drawing.) Lent by Mitchell & Miller, New York. 1996. Taylor, Charles J. (New York) Hiring a Butler. (Pen drawing.) 1997. Attwood, Francis Gilbert (Boston). Sketch—No title given. (Pen drawing.) Lent by Mitchell & Miller, New York. 1998. Attwood, Francis Gilbert (Boston). Sketch—No title given. (Pen drawing.) Lent by Mitchell & Miller, New York. 1999. Abbey, Edwin A. (Gloucestershire, England) Tempest—Miranda and Ferdinand. (Pen drawing.) Lent by Harper & Brothers, New York. 2000. Abbey, Edwin A. (Gloucestershire, England) Merchant of Venice—“It falleth like the gentle rain from Heaven.” (Pen drawing.) Lent by Harper & Brothers, New York. 2001. Abbey, Edwin A. (Gloucestershire, England) Tempest—Alonzo, Gonzolo, and Others Enter the Circle. (Pen drawing.) Lent by Harper & Brothers, New York. 2002. Abbey, Edwin A. (Gloucestershire, England) Tempest—Caliban, Trin- culo, Stephano and Ariel invisible. (Pen drawing.) Lent by Harper & Brothers, New York. 2003. Attwood, Francis Gilbert (Boston). Design for Life. Christmas Number, Cover Design. (Pen drawing.) Lent by Mitchell & Miller, New York. 2004. Taylor, Charles J. (New York) At the* Luncheon. (Pen drawing.) 2005. Taylor, Charles J. (New York) The Poet at the Breakfast Table. (Pen drawing.) 2006. Taylor, Charles J. (New York) A Question of Wines. (Pen drawing.) 2007. Attwood, Francis Gilbert (Boston). A July Cartoon. (P6n drawing.) Lent by Mitchell & Miller, New York. 2008. Attwood, Francis Gilbert (Boston). Sketches—No title given. (Pen drawing.) Lent by Mitchell & Miller, New York. 2009. Attwood, Francis Gilbert (Boston). Sketch—No title given. (Pen drawing.) Lent by Mitchell & Miller, New York. 2010. Abbey, Edwin A. (Gloucestershire, England) As You Like It—Rosa¬ lind: “Oh, Jupiter, how weary are my spirits!” (Pen drawing.) Lent by Harper & Brothers, New York. 2011. Abbey, Edwin A. (Gloucestershire, England) Merchant of Venice— Portio: “Away then; I’ve locked in one of them.” (Pen drawing.) Lent by Harper & Brothers, New York. IIO WORLD’S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP’T K—FINE ARTS 2012. Abbey, Edwin A. (Gloucestershire, England) Tempest—Prospero: “Fetch me the hat and rapier.” (Pen drawing.) Lent by Harper & Brothers, New York. 2013. Bellew, F. P. W. (New York) Illustration for Life. Lent by Mitchell & Miller, New York. 2014. Attwood, Francis Gilbert (Boston). The Commencement Season and the Sea of Life. (Pen drawing.) Lent by Mitchell & Miller, New York. 2015. Attwood, Francis Gilbert (Boston). The Irish Question—Political Car¬ toon. (Pen drawing.) Lent by Mitchell & Miller, New York. 2016. Taylor, Charles J. (New York) Two Girls. (Pen drawing.) SCREEN 11 —WEST SIDE. Rogers, W. A. (New York) The Call for Trumps. (Pen drawing.) Rogers, W. A. (New York) A Tug of War. (Pen drawing.) Rogers, W. A. (New York) The Inauguration Ball, Washington, D. C. (Pen drawing.) Rogers, W. A. (New York) “You Put in Two Dollars and Eighty Cents.” (Pen drawing.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. Rogers, W. A. (New York) Illustration for Life. Lent by Mitchell & Miller, New York. Blum, Robert (New York). Fray Innocencio and Flojo. (Pen draw¬ ing.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. Rogers, W. A. (New York) The Postman. (Pen drawing.) Rogers, W. A. (New York) “Public Opinion.” (Pen drawing.) Rogers, W. A. (New York) Illustration for Life. Lent by Mitchell & Miller, New York. Blum, Robert (N«w York). A Begging Priest. (Black and white.) Lent by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. Blum, Robert (New York). Its Tiny Head Swung Hither and Thither. (Pen drawing.) Lent by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. Rogers, W. A. (New York) Armed Peace. (Pen drawing.) Rogers, W. A. (New York) Sunday in Central Park, New York. (Pen drawing.) Rogers, W. A. (New York) Political Cartoon for Life. Lent by Mitchell & Miller, New York. Rogers, W. A. (New York) The Chapel Steps. (Pen drawing.) ALCOVE 155 —SCREEN 12 —EAST SIDE. 2032. Kemble, E. W. (New Rochelle, N. Y.) Polly Ann. (Pen drawing.} Lent by the Century Co., New York. 2033. Kemble, E. W. (New Rochelle, N. Y.) A Field Hand. (Pen drawing.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 2034. Kemble, E. W. (New Rochelle, N. Y.) The Plantation Belle. (Pen drawing.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 2035. Rogers, W. A. (New York) “Home, Sweet Home.” Lent by the Cen¬ tury Co., New York. (Pen drawing.) 2036. Taylor, Charles J. (New York) The Ingle Nook. (Pen drawing.) Lent by Mr. W. C. Gibson, Port Chester, N. Y. 2017. 2018. 2019. 2020. 2021. 2022. 2023. 2024. 2025. 2026. 2027. 2028. 2029. 2030. 2031. UNITED STATES—PEN AND INK DRAWINGS, ETC. 11 I 2037. Rogers, W. A. (New York) Illustration for Life. Lent by Mitchell & Miller, New York. 2038. Taylor, Charles J. (New York) Gossip. (Pen drawing.) 2039. Kemble, E. W. (New Rochelle, N. Y.) (Two pen drawings in one frame.) Uncle Peter Bean, and In the Cotton Mill, Georgia. Lent by the Century Co., New York. 2040. Woodward, E. (New Orleans) Six Pen and Ink Studies. 2041. Kemble, E. W. (New Rochelle, N. Y.) “Have You Forgotten Your Bro¬ ther‘Ab,’Peggy?” (Pen drawing.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 2042. Kemble, E. W. (New Rochelle, N. Y.) A Race Problem. (Pen draw¬ ing.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 2043. Kemble, E. W. (New Rochelle, N. Y.) Food for the Confederate Wounded. (Pen drawing.) 2044. Kemble, E. W. (New Rochelle, N. Y.) Sergeant Bowers Receiving Orders. (Pen drawing.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 2045. Kemble, E. W. (New Rochelle, N. Y.) “Sperrits!” (Pen drawing.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 2046. Kemble, E. W. (New Rochelle, N. Y.) The Cake Walk. (Pen draw¬ ing.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 2047. Blashfield, Edwin H. (New York) The Fairest Maiden. (Pen draw¬ ing.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. SCREEN 12 —WEST SIDE. 2048. Metcalf, W. L. (New York) Stinnard House, Pelham Bay Park, New York. (Pen drawing.) Lent by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. 2049. Taber, W. (New York) The Hanging of Stuart by the First Vigilance Committee. (Pen drawing.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 2050. Johnson, C. H. (New York) Illustration for Life. 2051. Cox, Kenyon (New York). M. Daubray of the Palais Royal. (Pen drawing after photo.) Lent by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. 2052. Fenn, Harry (Montclair, N. J.) Escutcheon and Fireplace in the Manor House, Gardiner’s Island. (Pen drawing.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 2053. Bacher, Otto H. (New York) Statue of Ferdinand in the Cathedral at Malaga. (Pen drawing.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 2054. Pape, Frederick L. M. (Paris, France) The Sphinx by Moonlight. (Pen drawing.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 2055. Bacher, Otto H. (New York) Japanese Armor, 16 th Century. (Pen drawing.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 2056. Bacher, Otto H. (New York) Japanese Armor, 14 th Century. (Pen drawing.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 2057. Broughton, C. (New York) Fifth Avenue Stage, New York. (Pen draw¬ ing.) Lent by Mitchell &>Miller, New York. 2058. Taber, W. (New York) Mission San Dolores, Sunday Afternoon. (Pioneer San Francisco.) (Pen drawing.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 2059. Herford, O. (New York) Illustration for Life. Lent by Mitchell & Miller, New York. Eaton, Wyatt (New York). Asleep on the Grass. Lent by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. 2060. 112 WORLD’S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEp’t K—EiNE ARTS. Group 143-Engravings, Etch¬ ings, Prints. SECOND FLOOR—SOUTH END OF NORTH COURT, NEXT TO ROTUNDA.—NUMBERS 2061 TO 2402 INCLUSIVE. THE NUMBERING BEGINS AT SCREEN E (THE SCREEN FURTHEST EAST) at POINT NUMBERED 185 ON THE PLAN. ETCHINGS. SCREEN E—EAST SIDE. 2061. Mygatt, Robertson K. (New York) Along the Quay, Carlsbad, Ger¬ many. 2062. Mygatt, Robertson K. (New York) Cloisters, Santa Barbara, Cal. 2063. Whittemore, Wm. J. (New York) Mont St. Michel. 2064. Whittemore, Wm. J. (New York) Head of the Harbor. 2065. Mygatt, Robertson K. (New York) Markt Strasse, Carlsbad, Ger many. 2066. Mygatt, Robertson K. (New York) bad, Germany. 2067. Mygatt, Robertson K. (New York) many. 2068. Mygatt, Robertson K. (New York) 2069. Mygatt, Robertson K. (New York) dow. 2070. Mygatt, Robertson K. (New York) 2071. Mygatt, Robertson K. (New York) 2072. Mygatt, Robertson K. (New York) 2073. Chapman, Carlton T. (New York) 2074. Chapman, Carlton T. (New York) 2075. Chapman, Carlton T. (New York) 2076. Chapman, Carlton T. (New York) 2077. Chapman, Carlton T. (New York) 2078. Chapman, Carlton T. (New York) 2079. Chapman, Carlton T. (New York) 2080. Chapman, Carlton T. (New York) 2081. Chapman, Carlton T. (New York) 2082. Chapman, Carlton T. (New York) land. 2083. Chapman, Carlton T, (New York) 2084. Chapman, Carlton T. (New York) Restaurant in Stadts Park, Carls- A Tepel Bridge, Carlsbad, Ger- Market Place, Carlsbad, Germany. A Slushy Morning, from My Win- Twilight from my Window. Pragergasse, Carlsbad, Germany. Street Scene, Carlsbad, Germany. Street in Chartres, France. Abandoning the Ship. Old Houses, Chester, England. English Fishing Boats. Rue de la Victoire, St. Malo. Calm Morning. Bridge Over Old Moat, Chartres. Twilight by the Sea. Fishing Boats at Anchor. Bakehouse Close, Edinburgh, Scot- Evening in the Harbor. Moonrise. UNITED STATES—ETCHINGS. 13 2085. 2086. 2087. 2088. 2089. 2090. 2091. 2092. 2093. 2C94. 2095. 2096. 2097. 2098. 2099. 2100 . 2101 . 2102 . 2103. 2104. 2105. 2106. 2107. 2108. 2109. 2110 . 2111 . 2112 . 2113. 2114. 2115. 2116. 2117. 2Il8. 2119. 2120 . 2121 . 2122 . 2123. Chapman, Carlton T. (New York) Gloucester Harbor. Chapman, Carlton T. (New York) Street in Mont St. Michel. Chapman, Carlton T. (New York) Driven Ashore. Chapman, Carlton T. (New York) Street in St. Malo. SCREEN E—WEST SIDE. Weir, J. Alden (New York). Weir, J. Alden (New York). Weir, J. Alden (New York). Weir, J. Alden (New York). Weir, J. Alden (New York). Child Reading. Weir, J. Alden (New York). Weir, J. Alden (New York). Weir, J. Alden (New York). Weir, J. Alden (New York). Weir, J. Alden (New York). Weir, J. Alden (New York). Weir, J. Alden (New York). Weir, J. Alden (New York). Weir, J. Alden (New York). Weir, J. Alden (New York). Weir, J. Alden (New York). Weir, J. Alden (New York). Weir, J. Alden (New York). Weir, J. Alden (New York). Weir, J. Alden (New York). Weir, J. Alden (New York). Weir, J. Alden (New York). Weir, J. Alden (New York). Weir, J. Alden (New York). One Etching and One Dry Point. The Lamp. Three Etchings and Three Dry Points. Head. Two Dry Points: The Frugal Repast .and Portrait of John F. Weir. (Last state.) One Dry Point and One Etching. Christmas Tide. (After a water color.) Three Etchings. The Little Fountain. H. E.Weir and Robert Weir. (Dry points.) Figure with Sleeping Dog. One Dry Point and One Etching. The Blacksmith Shop. Four Heads. By the Evening Lamp. Two Etchings and One Dry Point. The Back Yard. One Dry Point and One Etching. Portrait of a Young Lady. Two Dry Points. Dr. R. F. Weir. Two Etchings on Zinc. Head. PIER OF ROTUNDA—NUMBERED 185 . Weir, J. Alden (New York). A Castle. Weir, J. Alden (New York). Sulby Glen. King, James S. (Upper Montclair, N. J.) The Golden Hour (Harvest). Rosenthal, Max (Philadelphia). High Altar at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, New York. Wittemore, Charles E. (New York) Twilight over Bedloe’s Island, New York Harbor. Ritchie, Henrietta (Philadelphia). The Connoisseur. SCREEN F—EAST SIDE. Moran, Peter (Philadelphia). A Summer Afternoon. Moran, M. Nimmo (New York). Summer, Easthampton (Long Island). Moran, M. Nimmo (New York). Between the Gloaming and the Murk. Moran, M. Nimmo (New York). The Edge of Georgia Pond. Moran, M. Nimmo (New York). The Old Homestead. 114 WORLD’S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP J T K—FINE ARTS. 2124. Moran, Peter (Philadelphia). A Passing Storm, York Downs, Me. 2125. Moran, M. Nimmo (New York). Evening, Easthampton( Long Island, N. Y.) 2126. Moran, M. Nimmo (New York). Twilight, Easthampton (Long Island, N. Y.) 2127. Moran, M. Nimmo (New York). A Florida Forest. 212S. Ritchie, Henrietta (Philadelphia). Race Street Wharf, Philadelphia. 2129. Moran, M. Nimmo (New York). Bushkill Bridge. 2130. Moran, Peter (Philadelphia). Return of the Herd. 2131. Moran, Peter (Philadelphia). An Old New England Orchard. 2132. Moran, M. Nimmo (New York). Point Isabel, Fla. 2133. Moran, M. Nimmo (New York). Haunt of the Muskrat. 2134. Moran, M. Nimmo (New York). Conway Castle, Wales. 2135. Moran, M. Nimmo (New York). Bridge Over the Delaware. 2136. Moran, Emily K. (Philadelphia) On the Road to the Farm. 2137. Moran, Peter (Philadelphia). Under the Willows. SCREEN F—WEST SIDE. 2138. Dielman, Frederick (New York). Head. (Dry point.) 2139. Nicoll, J. C. (New York) In the Harbor. 2140. Van Elton, Kruseman (New York). The Hudson River. 2141. Van Elten, Kruseman (New York). Lily Pond. 2142. Canby, Louise Prescott (Philadelphia). Shipping Ice on the Kenne- beck. 2143. Canby, Louise Prescott (Philadelphia). Oswego Harbor. 2144. Nicoll, J. C. (New York) An East Wind. 2145. Lauber, Joseph (Leonia, N. J.). A Shingle Maker. 2146. Lauber, Joseph (Leonia, N. J.). The Shower. 2147. Lauber, Joseph (Leonia, N. J.). The Pond. 2148. Lauber,"Joseph (Leonia, N. J.). A Study in Dry Point. 2149. Nicoll, J. C. (New York) Cruising by Moonlight. 2150. Bloodgood, Robert F. (New York) “Who’s Afraid?” 2151. Canby, Louise Prescott (Philadelphia). Sunset. 2152. Schoff, S. A. (Greenfield, Mass.) The Prelude. 2153. Nicoll, J. C. (New York) The Smugglers’ Landing Place. 2154. Lauber, Joseph (Leonia, N. J.). Morning on the Farm. 2155. Lauber, Joseph (Leonia, N. J.). Lowlands Near the Ocean. 2156. Nicoll, J. C. (New York) The Reef. 2157. Van Elten, Kruseman (New York). Repairing the Bridge. 2158. Bloodgood, Robert F. (New York). Hard Times. 2159. Schoff, S. A. (Greenfield, Mass.) Portrait of Judge Devens. (After F. P. Vinton.) 2160. Schoff, S. A. (Greenfield, Mass.) Portrait of a Girl. (After Abbott H. Thayer.) 2161. Schoff, S. A. (Greenfield, Mass.) Portrait of Mrs. Fowler. After Frank Fowler. UNITED STATES—ETCHINGS. 2162. 2163. 2164. 2165. 2166. 3167^ 2168. 2169. 2170. 2171. 2172. *173- 2174. 2175 . 2176. 2177. 2178. 2179. 2180. 2181. 2182. 2183. 2184. 2185. 2186. 2187. 2188. 2189. 2190. 2191. 2192. 2193. 2194. 2195. SCREEN G—SOUTH SIDE. n 5 Manley, Thomas R. (New York) Weehawken Ferry. Manley, Thomas R. (New York) The Cottage. Gifford, R. Swain (New York). Salt Vats of Padanaram. Gifford, R. Swain (New York). The Cove Road, Naushon Island, Mass. Johnson, Thomas (New York). Portrait of Walt Whitman. (After a photograph). Manley, Thomas R. (New York) Near King’s Bridge, New York. Manley, Thomas R. (New York) After the Shower. Ertz, Edward (Paris, France). The River Loire and the Chateau of Vernon. (Three etchings in one frame.) Gifford, R. Swain (New York). An October Day. Gifford, R. Swain (New York). Near the Sea (Evening). Gifford, R. Swain (New York). Barney’s Joy. Johnson, Thomas (New York). Portrait of Abraham Lincoln. (After a photograph.) Manley, Thomas R. (New York) The Lane. Manley, Thomas R. (New York) Bridge in Central Park, New York. Manley, Thomas R. (New York) Newark Bay (Evening). Gifford, R. Swain (New York). The Bank of the River. Faber, Erwin F. (Philadelphia) St. Philips, Charleston. Lent by Mr. H. L. Smith, Philadelphia. Yewell, George (New York). Cloister of the Monastery of St. Elena, near Venice. Mercier, Gustave (New York). Education of the Virgin. (After Rubens.) Yewell, George H. (New York) House of the Bell Ringer of Rouen Cathedral, France. Whittemore, Charles E. (New York) A Gloucester Water Side. Whittemore, Charles E. (New York) Off Old Point Comfort, Virginia. Mercier, Gustave (New York). “Vive la Fidelity.” (After Franz Hals.) Faber, Herman (Philadelphia). The Challenge. Walker, Charles A. (Boston) Landscape. Walker, Charles A. (Boston) Group of Seven Etchings. (Two after Corot, two after Daubigny, one after Troyon, one after Dupre, one after Meissonier, (Le Sieur.) Walker, Charles A. (Boston) On the Oise, after Daubigny. Faber, Herman (Philadelphia). Faust—A Mastiff. Smith, Sidney L. (New York) Jade Bowl, Teakwood Stand. (From the collection of Mr. Heber R. Bishop, New York.) Smith, Sidney L. (New York) Silver Coffee Pot, made by Tiffany* & Co., New York. Smith, Sidney L. (New York) Jade Plaque, Green Jade Stand. (From the collection of Mr. Heber R. Bishop, New York. Smith, Sidney L. (New York) A Portrait. Smith, Sidney L. (New York) Opaque Gray Jade, Teakwood Stand. (From the collection of Mr. Heber R. Bishop, New York.) Smith, Sidney L. (New York) Jade Vase, Teakwood Stand. (From the collection of Mr. Heber R. Bishop, New York.) Il6 WORLD’S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEp’t K—FINE ARTS. 2196. Smith, Sidney L. (New York) Light and Dark Green Jade, Teakwood Stand. (From the collection of Mr. Heber R. Bishop, New York.) 2197. Smith, Sidney L. (New York) Jade, with Teakwood Stand. (From the collection of Mr. Heber R. Bishop, New York.) 2198. Smith, Sidney L. (New York) Europa. (After antique terra cotta.) (Feuerdent collection.) 2199. Smith, Sidney L. (New York) A Portrait. 2200. Smith, Sidney L. (New York) Green Jade Jar, Teakwood Stand. (From the collection of Mr. Heber R. Bishop, New York.) 2201. Smith, Sidney L. (New York) Green Jade Plaque, Teakwood Stand. (From the collection of Mr. Heber R. Bishop, New York.) 2202. Monks, J. A. S. (Boston) Evening After the Storm. 2203. Ferris, Stephen J. (Philadelphia) Six Etchings. 2204. Mercier, Gustave (New York). Automedon. (After Henri Regnault.) 2205. Paulus, Francis P. (Munich, Bavaria) A Summer Landscape. 2206. Paulus. Francis P. (Munich, Bavaria) Spring Morning on the Isar. 2207. Paulus, Francis P. (Munich, Bavaria) Scene near Munich. 2208. Rosenthal, Max (Philadelphia). Portrait of George W. Childs. 2209. King, James S. (Upper Montclair, N.J.) An August Aiternoon. Lent by Mr. C. Klackner, New York. 2210. Sartain, Emily (Philadelphia). In the Twlight. (After a painting by Elliott Daingerfield.) SCREEN G—NORTH SIDE. 2211. Whistler, James McNeill (Paris, France). The Unsafe Tenement. Lent by Mr. Edward J. Kennedy, New York. 2212. Whistler, James McNeill (Paris, France). The Kitchen. Lent by Mr. George W. Vanderbilt, New York. 2213. Whistler, James McNeill (Paris, France). The Old Rag Woman. Lent by Mr. George W. Vanderbilt, New York. 2214. Whistler, James McNeill (Paris, France). Longshoremen. Lent by Howard Mansfield, New York. 2215. Whistler, James McNeill (Paris, France). Rotherhithe. Lent by Mr. Howard Mansfield, New York. 2216. Whistler, James McNeill (Paris, France). Tyzac, Whiteley & Co. Lent by Mr. Edward G. Kennedy, New York. 2217. Whistler, James McNeill (Paris, France). Black Lion Wharf. Lent by Mr. George W. Bramhall, Orange, N. J. 2218. Whistler, James McNeill (Paris, France). The Lime Burner. Lent by Mr. Edward G. Kennedy, New York. 2219. Whistler, James McNeill (Paris, France). Portrait of Mr. Mann. (Dry point.) Lent by Mr. John Caldwell, Pittsburg. 2220. Whistler, James McNeill (Paris, France). Portrait of Drouet, the Sculptor. (Dry point.) Lent by Mr. Howard Mansfield, New Fork. 2221. Whistler, James McNeill (Paris, France). Portrait of Becquet. Lent by Mr. Howard Mansfield, New York. 2222. Whistler, James McNeill (Paris, France). The Forge. (Dry point.) Lent by Mr. Edward G. Kennedy, New York. UNITED STATES—ETCHINGS. II7 2223. Whistler, James McNeill (Paris, France). Portrait of Annie Haden. (Dry point.) Lent by Mr. Howard Mansfield, New York. 2224. Whistler, James McNeill (Paris, France). Early Portrait of Whist¬ ler. Lent by Mr. Edward G. Kennedy, New York. 2225. Whistler, James McNeill (Paris, France). Portrait of Whistler. (Dry point.) Lent by Mr. Edward G. Kennedy, New York. 2226. Whistler, James McNeill (Paris, France). The Engraver Riault. (Dry point.) Lent by Mr. Edward G. Kennedy, New York. 2227. Whistler, James McNeill (Paris, France). Putney Bridge. Lent by Mr. Howard Mansfield, New York. 2228. Whistler, James McNeill (Paris, France). Battersea Bridge. Lent by Mr. Edward G. Kennedy, New York. 2229. Whistler, James McNeill (Paris, France). Joe. (Dry point.) Lent by Mr. Howard Mansfield, New York. 2230. Whistler, James McNeill (Paris, France). Portrait of Axenfeld. (Dry point.) Lent by Mr. Edward G. Kennedy, New York. 2231. Whistler, James McNeill (Paris, France). Portrait of Arthur Sey¬ mour. (Dry point.) Lent by Mr. Charles L. Freer, Detroit. 2232. Whistler, James McNeill (Paris, France). The Balcony. Lent by Mr. Edward G. Kennedy, New York. 2233. Whistler, James McNeill (Paris, France). The Two Doorways. Lent by Mr. Howard Mansfield, New York. 2234. Whistler, James McNeill (Paris, France). The Doorway. Lent by Mr. Howard Mansfield, New York. 2235. Whistler, James McNeill (Paris, France). Battersea, Dawn. (Dry point.) Lent by Mr. Howard Mansfield, New York. 2236. Whistler, James McNeill (Paris, France). The Storm. (Dry point.) Lent by Mr. Edward G. Kennedy, New York. 2237. Whistler, James McNeill (Paris, France). The Dyer. Lent by Mr. Howard Mansfield, New York. 2238. Whistler, James McNeill (Paris, France). The Traghetto. Lent by Mr. John Caldwell, Pittsburg. 2239. Whistler, James McNeill (Paris, France). Nocturne, The Riva (Venice). Lent by Mr. Howard Mansfield, New York. 2240. Whistler, James McNeill (Paris, France). The Palaces (Venice). Lent by Mr. Bryan Lathrop, Chicago. 2241. Whistler, James McNeill (Paris, France). Little Venice. Lent by Mr. John Caldwell, Pittsburg. 2242. Whistler, James McNeill (Paris, France). The Little Putney (No. 3 ). Lent by Mr. Howard Mansfield, New York. 2243. Whistler, James McNeill (Paris, France). The Garden. Lent by Mr. Howard Mansfield, New York. 2244. Whistler, James McNeill (Paris, France). The Riva, Venice (No. 2 ). Lent by Mr. John Caldwell, Pittsburg. 2245. Whistler, James McNeill (Paris, France). The Beggars. Lent by Mr. George W. Bramhall, Orange, N. J. 2246. Whistler, James McNeill (Paris, France). Steamboat Fleet. (Dry point.) Lent by Mr. Edward G. Kennedy, New York, Il8 WORLD’S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP'T K—FINE ARTS. 2247. Whistler, James McNeill (Paris, France). Weary. (Dry point.) Lent by Mr. George W. Bramhall, Orange, N. J. 2248. Whistler, James McNeill (Paris, France). Nocturne, Palaces (Venice). Lent by Mr. Howard Mansfield, New York. 2249. Whistler, James McNeill (Paris, France). San Giorgio (Venice). Lent b'y Mr. Howard Mansfield, New York. 2250. Whistler, James McNeill (Paris, France). The Large Pool. Lent by Mr. Howard Mansfield, New York. 2251. Whistler, James McNeill (Paris, France). Palace, Brussels. Lent by Mr. Bryan Lathrop, Chicago. 2252. Whistler, James McNeill (Paris, France). Portrait of Fanny Leyland. (Dry point.) Lent by Mr. Howard Mansfield, New York. 2253. Whistler, James McNeill (Paris, France). Court-Yard, Brussels. Lent by Mr. Edward G. Kennedy, New York. 2254. Whistler, James McNeill (Paris, France). The Little Sweet Shop Lent by Mr. Walter S. Carter, Brooklyn. 2255. Whistler, James McNeill (Paris, France). The Smithy. Lent by Mr Howard Mansfield, New York. 2256. Whistler, James McNeill (Paris, France). Windsor. (Dry point.) Lent by Mr. Charles L. Freer, Detroit. 2257. Whistler, James McNeill (Paris, France). Clothes Exchange (No. 2 ). Lent by Mr. Howard Mansfield, New York. 2258. Whistler, James McNeill (Paris, France). Mayoralty Building, Loches, Lent by Mr. Charles L. Freer, Detroit, Mich. 2259. Whistler, James McNeill (Paris, France). Chancellor’s Office, Loches. Lent by Mr. Charles L. Freer, Detroit, Mich. 2260. Whistler, James McNeill (Paris, France). The Barber’s Shop, Chelsea. Lent by Mr. Howard Mansfield, New York. 2261. Whistler, James McNeill (Paris, France). Hotel Lallemant, Bourges. Lent by Mr. Charles L. Freer, Detroit. 2262. Whistler, James McNeill (Paris, France). City Hall, Loches. Lent by Mr. Charles L. Freer, Detroit. 2263. Whistler, James McNeill (Paris, France). The Steps. Lent by Mr. Walter S. Carter, Brooklyn. 2264. Whistler, James McNeill (Paris, France). The Embroidered Curtain. Lent by Mr. Walter S. Carter, Brooklyn. 2265. Whistler, James McNeill (Paris, France). The Balcony, Amsterdam, Lent by Mr. Walter S. Carter, Brooklyn. 2266. Whistler, James McNeill (Paris, France). The Long House. Lent by Mr. Charles L. Freer, Detroit. 2267. Whistler, James McNeill (Paris, France). The Mill. Lent by Mr. Walter S. Carter, Brooklyn. 2268. Whistler, James McNeill (Paris, France). Pierrot. Lent by Mr. Walter S. Carter, Brooklyn. 2269. Whistler, James McNeih$(Paris, France). Zaandam, Holland. Lent by Mr. Walter S. Carter, Brooklyn. UNITED STATES—ETCHINGS. HQ 2270. 2271. 2272. 2273. 2274. 2275. 2276. 2277. 2278. 2279. 2280. 2281. 2282. 2283. 2284. 2285. 2286. 2287. 2288. 2289. 2290. 2291. 2292. 2293. 2294. 2295. 2296. 2297 . 2298. 2299. 2300. 2301. SCREEN H (AT PIER 170)—EAST SIDE. Mielatz, Charles F. W. (New York) The Tombs, New York. (Dry point.) Mielatz, Charles F. W. (New York) Newport Wharves. Mielatz, Charles F. W. (New York) The Road to the Sea. Mielatz, Charles F. W. (New York) Coenties Slip, New York. Mielatz, Charles F. W. (New York) Mott Haven Canal, New York. Mielatz, Charles F. W. (New York) East River, New York. Mielatz, Charles F. W. (New York) Madison Square, New York, at Night. Mielatz, Charles F. W. (New York) Grand Central Station, New York, at Night. Mielatz, Charles F. W. (New York) Trout Pond, Moorsfield, R. I. (Dry point.) Mielatz, Charles F. W. (New York) The Falls of Pawtucket. (Dry point.) Mielatz, Charles F. W. (New York) In the Bowery, New York. Mielatz, Charles F. W. (New York) The Battery, New York. Mielatz, Charles F. W. (New York) Elevated Station, New York, at Night. Mielatz, Charles F. W. (New York) A Tow on the North River, New York. Mielatz, Charles F. W. (New York) A Bit of Baxter Street, New York. Mielatz, Charles F. W. (New*York) Mill at Block Island, R. I. (Dry point.) Mielatz, Charles F. W. (New York) Entrance to Brooklyn Bridge, New York. Mielatz, Charles F. W. (New York) Spar Yard, South Street, New York. Mielatz, Charles F. W. (New York) Sectional Docks, East River, New York. Mielatz, Charles F. W. (New York) Two Bridges on the Harlem, N. Y. (Dry point.) Mielatz, Charles F. W. (New York) Strangers in Wallabout. (Dry point.) SCREEN H—WEST SIDE. Parrish, Stephen (Philadelphia). Parrish, Stephen (Philadelphia). Parrish, Stephen (Philadelphia). Parrish, Stephen (Philadelphia). Parrish, Stephen (Philadelphia). Parrish, Stephen (Philadelphia). Parrish, Stephen (Philadelphia). Parrish, Stephen (Philadelphia). Parrish, Stephen (Philadelphia). Parrish, Stephen (Philadelphia). Parrish, Stephen (Philadelphia). Charenton, Paris. Winter Evening, Windsor, N. S. Market Place, Yvetot, France. Winter. Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Mills, New Brunswick. A Passing Shower. On Cape Ann, Massachusetts. Near Frejus, France. A Gale at Fecamp (France). On the Ranee, Brittany. 120 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP’t K—FINE ARTS. 2302. 2303 . 2304. 2303 . 2306. 2307. 2308. 2309. 2310. 2311. 2312. 23I3- 23I4» 23X5- 2316. 2317. 2318, 23X9- 2320. 2321. 2322. 2323. 2324 . 2325 . 2326. 2327. 2328. 2329. 2330. 2331- 2332. 2333. 2334- 2335- 2336. 2337- 2338 . 2339- 2340. 2341. 2342. Parrish, Stephen (Philadelphia). Parrish, Stephen (Philadelphia). (Dry point.) Parrish, Stephen (Philadelphia). Parrish, Stephen (Philadelphia). Parrish, Stephen (Philadelphia). Parrish, Stephen (Philadelphia). Parrish, Stephen (Philadelphia). Parrish, Stephen (Philadelphia). Parrish, Stephen (Philadelphia). Parrish, Stephen (Philadelphia). Parrish, Stephen (Philadelphia). Parrish, Stephen (Philadelphia). Parrish, Stephen (Philadelphia). Parrish, Stephen (Philadelphia). Parrish, Stephen (Philadelphia). Portland, New Brunswick. Gloucester Harbor, Massachusetts. On the Thames, London. Market Day, St. Augustine, Florida. A Canal in Venice. Port of Cannes, France. Near Dinan, Brittany, France. Port of Nice, France. Swamp Land. Winter at Windsor, N. S. Bass River, Cape Cod, Mass. Near Quebec, Canada. Riverdale. Northern Moorland. On the Dee, Chester. « PIER OF ROTUNDA—NUMBERED 170. Vanderhoof, Charles A. (New York) A New York Shanty. Vanderhoof, Charles A. (New York) East River. Vanderhoof, Charles A. (New York) Morning. Vanderhoof, Charles A. (New York) Castle William,New York Harbor. Vanderhoof, Charles A. (New York) A Kansas Windmill. Vanderhoof, Charles A. (New York) Dordrecht, Holland. Vanderhoof, Charles A. (New York) Sunset on the Marne, France. Vanderhoof, Charles A. (New York) Solitude. Vanderhoof, Charles A. (New York) The Fish-Hawk’s Nest. Vanderhoof, Charles A. (New York) Morning Light. Vanderhoof, Charles A. (New York) The Passing Storm. Vanderhoof, Charles A. (New York) Sand Dunes of Virginia. King, James S. (Upper Montclair, N. J.) Christmas Morning in Col¬ onial Times. Vanderhoof, Charles A. (New York) The First Snow. Calahan, James J. (New York) Mandolin Player. Loveweii, Rominer (Chelsea, Mass.). Green’s Dock, East Boston. Schilling, Alexander (New York). An Interior. Schilling, Alexander (New York). The Maas near Dort, Holland, Low Tide. SCREEN I—EAST SIDE. Schilling, Alexander (New York). A Breezy Day on the Hackensack, (New Jersey). Schilling, Alexander (New York). The Edge of the Forest. Schilling, Alexander (New York). Toll Gate and Bridge. Schilling, Alexander (New York). A Holland Landscape. Schilling, Alexander (New York). Near Ridderkerk, Holland. Schilling, Alexander (New York). A German Landscape. Schilling, Alexander (New York). At Sunset. Schilling, Alexander (New York). Spring. UNITED STATES—ETCHINGS. 121 2343 - 2344- 2345. 2346. 2347- 2343. 2349- 2350 . 2351. 2352. 2353* 2354- 2355* 2356 . 2357- 2358 . 2359- 2360. 2361. 2362. 2363. 2364. 2365. 2366. 2367. 2368. 2369. 2370. 2371 - 2372. 2373. 2374- 2375- 2376. Schilling, Alexander New York). Heerjahusdam, Holland. Schilling, Alexander (New York). The Maas at Schiedam, Holland. Schilling, Alexander (New York). A Lowery Autumn Day. Schilling, Alexander (New York). On Weehawken Hights (New Jersey). Schilling, Alexander (New York). Evening. (Dry point.) Schilling, Alexander (New York). The Brick Barge. Schilling, Alexander (New York). Dordrecht from Pappendrecht, Holland. Schilling, Alexander (New York). Windmill on the Maas, Holland. Schilling, Alexander (New York). Dry Point, with burr Removed. Schilling, Alexander (New York). The Dyke. Schilling, Alexander (New York). Old Shed and Willows. Schilling, Alexander (New York). Hauling Wood. Schilling, Alexander (New York). Landscape, Spring. Schilling, Alexander (New York). Church Street, Detroit; Winter. Schilling, Alexander (New York). Oostendam, Holland. Schilling, Alexander (New York). A Holland Landscape. Schilling, Alexander (New York). The Juniata, near Lewistown, Pennsylvania. SCREEN I—WEST SIDE. Platt, Charles A. (New York) Platt, Charles A. (New York) Platt, Charles A. (New York) Platt, Charles A. (New York) Platt, Charles A. (New York) Platt, Charles A. (New York) Platt, Charles A. (New York) Platt, Charles A. (New York) Platt, Charles A. (New York) Platt, Charles A. (New York) Platt, Charles A. (New York) Platt, Charles A. (New York) Platt, Charles A. (New York) Platt, Charles A. (New York) Platt, Charles A. (New York) Platt, Charles A. (New York) Platt, Charles A. (New York) A Brittany Farm, France. Honfleur, France. The Meuse, France. Willows on the Coast. Arnheim, Holland. An Inland Port. Passenger Boats on the Seine, France. Brittany Landscape, France. Brooklyn Bridge. Pier at Larmor. A Spring Flood. Dordrecht, Holland. Two Sloops. ■ Naples. Under Pont Ste. Marie, Paris. Dieppe, France. Pont St. Michel, Paris. SCREEN J—NORTH SIDE—ETCHINGS, MONOTYPES, ETC. 2377. Walker, Charles A. (Boston) Evening Approaching. (Monotype.) 2378. Bloodgood, Robert F. (New York) The End of the Outlaw. (Etch¬ ing.) 2379. Closson, W. B. (Lancaster, Mass.) The Nymph and the Great Bubble. 2380. Closson, W. B. (Lancaster, Mass.) Rembrandt’s Mother. 23S1. Faber, Herman (Philadelphia). Study of a Lion’s Head. 122 WORLD’S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEp’t K—FINE ARTS. 2382. Mercier, Gustave (New York). The Day’s Work Done. (After Jules Breton.) 2383. Sartain, William (New York). Symphony. (Mezzotint.) (After the painting by H. Siddons Mowbray.) 2384. Closson, W. B. (Lancaster, Mass.) Portrait of Whittier. 2385. Rosenthal, Max (Philadelphia). Crossing the Brook. 2386. Clossen, W. B. (Lancaster, Mass.) The Belated Bird. SCREEN J—SOUTH SIDE. 2387. Walker, Charles A. (Boston) Rough Weather. (Monotype.) 2388. Sartain, William (New York). lone. (Mezzotint.) 2389. Walker, Charles A. (Boston) Winter in Holland. (After A. Mauve.) 2390. Faber, Erwin F. (Philadelphia) The Repentance of Eve. 2391. Colman, Samuel (Newport, R. I.). Japanese Inro with Netzukies (No. 2 ). 2392. Colman, Samuel (Newport, R. I.). Japanese Inro with Netzukies. (No. 1 .) 2393. Sartain, John (Philadelphia). Irene. (Steel engraving after Joseph Coomans.) 2394. Rosenthal, Max (Philadelphia). Romola. (Mezzotint.) 2395. Colman, Samuel (Newport, R. L). Life in Mexico. (From note book sketches.) 2396. Colman, Samuel (Newport, R. I.). A Gray Day at Dieppe. 2397. Colman, Samuel (Newport, R. I.). The Terraces at Naples. 2398. Colman, Samuel (Newport, R. I.). Olive Grove and Mill, Bordighera, Italy. 2399. Walker, Charles A. (Boston) After the Storm. (Monotype.) Lent by Mr. J. Reed Whipple, Boston. 2400. Colman, Samuel (Newport, R. I.). Olive Trees of the Riviera. 2401. Faber, Erwin F. (Philadelphia) Thrown. Lent by Mr. C. Klackner, New York. IN ALCOVE 175 —NORTH END OF NORTH COURT. 2402. Wiseman, R. R. (New Haven, Conn.) New Haven Elms. UNITED STATES—WOOD ENGRAVINGS. 123 % WOOD ENGRAVINGS. (MOSTLY THE EXHIBIT OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF WOOD ENGRAVERS.) ON SCREENS IN GALLERY ON SOUTH SIDE OF WEST COURT- SECOND FLOOR—NUMBERS 2403 TO 2694 INCLUSIVE. ALCOVE 149 —SCREEN 1 —EAST SIDE. 3403. Closson, W. B. (Lancaster, Mass.) The Immaculate Conception. (After Murillo—F ragment.) 2404. Aikman, Walter M. (Brooklyn, N. Y.) The Sheep Pasture. 2405. Aikman, Walter M. (Brooklyn, N. Y.) Wordsworth. (After Alfred Parsons.) 2406. Closson, W. B. (Lancaster, Mass.) Saxon. 2407. Bernstrom, Victor (Grandview-on-Hudson, N. Y.). A Little Music (After Theodore Wores.) 2408. Aikman, Walter M. (Brooklyn, N. Y.) The Pendant Jewel Weed. 2409. Closson, W. B. (Lancaster, Mass.) The Young Squire. (After Couture.) 2410. Bernstrom, Victor (Grandview-on-the-Hudson, N. Y.). Drawing Water for the Camp. 2411. Closson, W. B. (Lancaster, Mass.) The Quadroon Girl. (After George Fuller.) 2412. Closson, W. B. (Lancaster, Mass.) Winnifred Dysart. (After George Fuller.) 2413. Bernstrom, Victor (Grandview-on-the-Hudson, N. Y.). Philip II. 2414. Aikman, Walter M. (Brooklyn, N. Y.) Rowing Down to Iffley. 2415. Aikman, Walter M. (Brooklyn, N. Y.) Under the Willows. (After Alfred Parsons.) 2416. Bernstrom, Victor M. (Brooklyn, N. Y.) Pirates Haven, Shark River, N. J. 2417. Aikman, Walter M. (Brooklyn, N. Y.) Sunset, La Hulpe, Belgium. 2418. Aikman, Walter M. (Brooklyn, N. Y.) Bringing Home the Christmas Tree. 2419. Bernstrom, Victor (Grandview-on-Hudson, N. Y.) The Snow Angel. 2420. Closson, W. B. (Lancaster, Mass.) Mother and Child. (After Abbott H. Thayer. 2421. Closson, W. B. (Lancaster, Mass.) Flowers. 2422. Closson, W. B. (Lancaster, Mass.) Springtime. (After E. Major.) 2423. Bernstrom, Victor (Grandview-on-the-Hudson, N. Y.). The Shepherd¬ ess. (After Charles Sprague Pearce.) 2424. Closson, W. B. (Lancaster, Mass.) The Listeners. (After W. M. Hunt.) 2425. Closson, W. B. (Lancaster, Mass.) The Irrigating Ditch. 2426. Bernstrom, Victor (Grandview-on-the-Hudson, N. Y.). The Moujik. (After T. de Thulstrup.) 124 world’s COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP’T K—FINE ARTS. 2427. Bernstrom, Victor (Grandview-on-the-Hudson, N. Y.). The Dead Mat¬ ador. 2428. Bernstrom, Victor (Grandview-on-the-Hudson, N. Y.). Limbering Up. 2429. Aikman, Walter M. (Brooklyn, N. Y.) Grand Canal, Venice. 2430. Aikman, Walter M. (Brooklyn, N. Y.) A Modern Comanche. (After F. Remington.) 2431. Bernstrom, Victor (Grandview-on-the-Hudson, N.Y.). Trapped at Last 2432. Closson, W. B. (Lancaster, Mass.) The Mirror. (After D. M. Bunker.) SCREEN 1 —WEST SIDE. 2433. Cole, Timothy (New York). Man with a Violin. Lent by the Century Co., New York. 2434. Cole, Timothy (New York). A Knight of Malta. (After Giorgione.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 2435. Closson, W. B. (Lancaster, Mass.) Night Moths. 2436. Closson, W. B. (Lancaster, Mass.) An Ideal Head. (After Abbott H. Thayer.) 2437. Cooper, Edith (New York). The Springtime of Love. (After Thuman.) 2438. Cole, Timothy (New York). The Miracle of St. Mark. (After Tintor¬ etto.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 2439. Cooper, Edith (New York). White Birches. (After Miller.) 2440. Cooper, Edith (New York). Sheep. (After A. B. Davies.) 2441. Cole, Timothy (New York). Venice Enthroned. (After Paolo Ver¬ onese.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 2442. Cole, Timothy (New York). Madonna of the Goldfinch. (After Raph¬ ael.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 2443. Comstock, Mrs. Anna Botsford, (Ithaca, N. Y.) Rendezvous by Moon¬ light. 2444. Cole, Timothy (New York). Two Cherubs. (After Andrea del Sarto.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 2445. Bernstrom, Victor (Grandview-on-the-Hudson, N. Y.). The Mystery of Life. (After Carl Marr.) 2446. Cole, Timothy (New York). Mary Magdalen. (After" Bartholomeo.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 2447. Cole, Timothy (New York). St. Agnes. (After Andrea del Sarto.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 2448. Comstock, Mrs. Anna Botsford (Ithaca, N. Y.). Moths. 2449. Comstock, Mrs. Anna Botsford (lathca, N. Y.). Moths. 2450. Comstock, Mrs. Anna Botsford (Ithaca, N. Y.). Tropical Moths. 2451. Cole, Timothy (New York). The Tribute Money. (After Masaccio.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 2452. Cole, Timothy (New York). yEneas. (After Raphael.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 2453. Cole, Timothy (New York). Mona Lisa, (After Leonardo Da Vinci.) 2454. Cole, Timothy (New York). Detail of “The Last Judgment.” (After Fra Angelico.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. Cooper, Edith (New York). Garrison Marching out with Honors of War, Lille, France, 1708 . 2455 . UNITED STATES—WOOD ENGRAVINGS. 125 2456. Cole, Timothy (New York). Madonna and Child. (After Bellini.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 2457. Cole, Timothy (New York). Battle of St. Ephesius. (After Spinello.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 2458. Cole, Timothy (New York). The Concert. (After Giorgione.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 2459. Cole, Timothy (New York). Verrocchio. (After Lorenzo di’Credi.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 2460. Comstock, Mrs. Anna Botsford (Ithaca, N. Y). Cherry Blossoms and Moths. 2461. Comstock, Mrs. Anna Botsford (Ithaca, N. Y.). A Moth. ALCOVE 150 —SCREEN 2 —EAST SIDE. 2462. Cole, Timothy (New York). Madonna and Child. (After Botticelli.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 2463. Davis, John P. (New York) The Spring Song. (After Arthur B. Davies.) 2464. Davis, John P. (New York) Joe Jefferson as Bob Acres. (After John W. Alexander.) 2465. Davidson, Harry (New York). Afternoon on a Ranch. 2466. Davidson, Harry (New York). An Old Mill. (After A. Castaigne.) 2467. Davis, John P. (New York). The Bohemian. (After Paul W. Bartlett.) 2468. Del’ Orme, E. H. (New York) The Birthplace of Beethoven. 2469. Cole, Timothy (New York). The Three Ages of Man. (After Lorenzo Lotto.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 2470. Del’ Orme, E„ H. (New York). Esquimaux Life. (After W. L. Taylor.) 2471. Dana, William Jay (Brookline, Mass.). Sunset. (After Corot.) 2472. Davis, John P. (New York) Among the Old Poets. (After Walter Shir- law.) 2473. Cole, Timothy (New York). The Entombment. 2474 Davis, John P. (New York). Autumn Hillside. 2475. Cole, Timothy (New York). Unknown Man. (After Francia.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 2476. Cole, Timothy (New York). Group of Angels. (After Gozzoli.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 2477. Cole, Timothy (New York). Madonna and Child (with Cherubs.) (After Bellini.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 2478. Cole, Timothy (New York). St. Liberalis. (After Giorgione.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 2479. Del’Orme, E. H. (New York) The Dutch Fleet Frozen in the Texal. (After C. Delort.) 2480. Davidson, Harry (New York). Israel. 2481. Cole, Timothy (New York). The Delphian Sibyl. (After Michael Angelo). Lent by the Century Co., New York. 2482. Davidson, Harry (New York). The Bowery at Night. 2483. Cole, Timothy (New York). St. Jerome. (After Ghirlandajo.) Lent by the Century Co., New York. 126 world's COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP’t K—FINE ARTS. 2484. Davidson, Harry (New York). Canterbury Cathedral. 2485. Del’Orme, E. H. (New York) An Iceberg. (After W. L. Taylor.) 2486. Davis, John P. (New York) Woman and Bull. (After Roth.) 2487. French, Frank (East Orange, N. J.) Valentine. 2488. Davidson, Harry (New York). A Hard Winter. 2489. French, Frank (East Orange, N. J.) A Christmas Vigil. SCREEN 2 —WEST SIDE. 2490. French, Frank (East Orange, N. J.) An Old Residenter. 2491. French, Frank (East Orange, N. J.) The Rare Vase. (After Fortuny.) 2492. French, Frank (East Orange, N. J.) Daisies. 2493. French, Frank (East Orange, N. J.) Heneyah. (After F. A. Bridgman.) 2494. Johnson, Thomas (NewYork). Portrait of A. Lang. (After Richmond.) 2495. Johnson, Thomas (New York). Portrait of Liszt. (After Munkacsy.) 2496. French, Frank (East Orange, N. J.). Clara. 2497. Johnson, Thomas (New York). Head of a Man. (After Rembrandt.) 2498. Johnson, Thomas (New York). Portrait 'of a Child. (After John V/. Alexander.) 2499. French, Frank (East Orange, N. J.). Three Wood Engravings: Show¬ ery Days in the Meadows, Canterbury Meeting House and Morning in the Meadow. 2500. French, Frank (East Orange, N. J.). Rose Leaves. (After H. Hum¬ phrey Moore.) 2501. Johnson, Thomas (New York). Portrait of Bishop Horatio Potter. (After D. Huntington.) 2502. French, Frank (East Orange, N. J.). Abundance. (After Philip Mar- tiny’s Statue for the Art Palace, World’s Columbian Exposition.) 2503. Johnson, Thomas (New York). Portrait of Columbus. 2504. Davis, John P. (New York) The Cobblers. (After Edgar M. Ward.) 2505. French, Frank (East Orange, N. J.). The Country Store. 2506. French, Frank (East Orange, N. J.). Bust of Mark Twain. , 2507. French, Frank (East Orange, N. J.). Under the Mistletoe. 2508. Johnson, Thomas (New York). Portrait of Robert Browning. 2509. Johnson, Thomas (New York). Portrait of Miss Bradley-Martin. (After Carolus-Duran.) 2510. French, Frank (East Orange, N. J.). Lacing the Sandal. (After F. D. Millet.) 2511. French, Frank (East Orange, N. J.). An African Woman. 2512. Johnson, Thomas (New York). Portrait of Tennyson. 2513. French, Frank (East Orange, N. J.)„ The Tiger Hunt. (After Barye.) 2514. French, Frank (East Orange, N. J.). Portrait of a Lady. (After Fred¬ erick Dielman.) 251$. French, Frank (East Orange, N. J.). The Vale of Tears. 2516. Johnson, Thomas (New York). Portrait of a Girl. ALCOVE 150 —SCREEN 3 —EAST SIDE. 2517. King, Francis S. (Roseville, N. J.) Battle of the Sirens. (After F. S. Church.) Lent by Harper & Brothers, New York. UNITED STATES—WOOD ENGRAVINGS. 127 2518. King, Francis S. (Roseville, N. J.) The Sibyl. (After F. S. Church.) 2519. King, Francis S. (Roseville, N. J.) Pandora’s Box. (After F. S. Church.) Lent by Harper & Brothers, New York. 2520. Kingsley, Elbridge (Hadley, Mass.). The Old Homestead. (After J. F. Murphy.) 2521. Kingsley, Elbridge (Hadley, Mass.). A Winter Evening. (After D. W. Tryon.) Lent by Mr. N, E. Montross, New York. 2522. King, Francis S. (Roseville, N. J.) The Quartet. (After W. T. Dannat.) 2523. King, Francis S. (Roseville, N. J.) Charge of the Cuirassiers. (After Aime Morot.) Lent by Harper & Bros., New York. 2524. Johnson, Thomas (New York). Portrait of Daubigny. 2525. King, Frances S. (Roseville, N. J.) A Christmas Fantasy. (After F. S. Church.) 2526. French, Frank (East Orange, N. J.). In the Enemy’s Country. (After Gilbert Gaul.) 2527. French, Frank (East Orange, N. J.). Christmas Chimes. 2528. French, Frank (East Orange, N. J.). Portrait of Isaac Walton. (After ' George H. Boughton.) 2529. Johnson, Thomas (New York). Portrait of Dr. S. Weir Mitchell. (After Frank Holl.) 2530. King, Francis S. (Roseville, N. J.) Knowledge is Power. (After F. S. Church. 2531. King, Francis S. (Roseville, N. J.) The Sorceress. (After F. S. Church.) Lent by Harper & Bros., New York. 2532. King, Francis S. (Roseville, N. J.) A Difference. (After E. H. Blash- field.) 2533. Kingsley, Elbridge (Hadley, Mass.). The Journey Northward. 2534. King, Francis S. (Roseville, N. J.) Girl and Tigers. (After F. S. Church.) Lent by Harper & Brothers, New York. 2535. Muller, R. A. (Brooklyn) The Taking of Numantia. (After Vera.) 2536. King, Francis S. (Roseville, N. J.) Ivan, the Terrible. Lent by Har¬ per & Brothers, New York. 2537. Johnson, Thomas (New York). Portrait of Paderewski. 2538. King, Francis S. (Roseville, N. J.) Rose. Lent by Harper & Brothers, New York. SCREEN 3 —WEST SIDE. 2539. Kingsley, Elbridge (Hadley, Mass.). The Old Well. (After J. F. Murphy.) Lent by Mr. C. Klackner, New York. 2540. Kingsley, Elbridge (Hadley, Mass.) New England Elms. 2541. Kruell, Gustav (East Orange, N. J.) 2542. Kruell, Gustav (East Orange, N. J.) 2543. Kruell, Gustav (East Orange, N. J.) 2544. Kruell, Gustav (East Orange, N. J.) 2545. Kruell, Gustav (East Orange, N. J.) 2546. Kruell, Gustav (East Orange, N. J.) rison, Portrait of William M. Hunt. Portrait of Charles Darwin at 70 . Portrait of U. S. Grant. Portrait of Asa Gray. Portrait of Daniel Webster. Portrait of William Lloyd Gar- 128 world’s COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP’T K—FINE ARTS. 2547- 2548. 2549- 2550. 2551- 2552. 2553. 2554- 2555. 2556 . 2557- 2558. 2559- 2560. 2561. 2562. 2 5 6 3- 2564. 2565- 2566. 2567. 2568. 2569. 2570. 2571 - 2572. 2573. 2574- 2575. 2576. 2577- 2578. 2579- Kingsley, Elbridge (Hadley, Mass.). Morning. Kruell, Gustav (East Orange, N. J.). Portrait of Abraham Lincoln. King, Francis S. (Roseville, N. J.) F. S. Church in his Studio.. Kruell, Gustav (East Orange, N. J.). Portrait of James Russell Lowell. Kruell, Gustav (East Orange, N. J.) Portrait of Harriet Beecher Stowe. Kruell, Gustav (East Orange, N. J.). Portrait of General W. T. Sher¬ man. Kruell, Gustav (East Orange, N. J.). Portrait of Charles Darwin, 1854 . Kruell, Gustav (East Orange, N. J.) Rent Day. (After Alfred Kappes.) Kingsley, Elbridge (Hadley, Mass.). The White Mountain. Kingsley, Elbridge (Hadley, Mass.). Midsummer. Lent by Mr. C. Klackner, New York. ALCOVE 151 —SCREEN 4 —EAST SIDE. Powell, Caroline A. (Trenton, N. J.) The Three Marys. (After John LaFarge.) Wellington, Frank H. (Passaic, N. J.) One Day in June. (After W. T. Smedley.) Wolf, Henry (New York). A Tiger. (After Adolf Menzel.) Wolf, Henry (New York). Thirst. (After Gerome.) Tinkey, John (Brooklyn, N.Y.). Apache Indian Firing on a Teamster. (After F. Remington.) Wolf, Henry (New York). My Sister Lydia. (After E. C. Tarbell.) Putnam, S. G. (Corona, Long Island, N. Y.) A Cozy Corner. (After F. D. Millet.) Wolf, Henry (New York). The Virgin Enthroned. (After A. H. Thayer.) Putnam, S. G. (Corona, Long Island, N. Y.) Portrait of the Princess Marie of Austria. (After Velasquez.) Powell, Caroline A. (Trenton, N. J.) An Organist. Wellington, Frank H. (Passaic, N. J.) Miles Standish’s Challenge. (After E. A. Abbey.) Powell, Caroline A. (Trenton, N. J.) The Resurrection. (After John La Farge,) Putnam, S. G. (Corona, Long Island, N. Y.) Pirates Seizing a Ship. Wolf, Henry (New York). Madonna and Child. (After Dagnan- Bouveret.) Wolf, Henry (New York). The Portrait. (After Will H. Low.) Putnam, S. G. (Corona, Long Island, N. Y.) At the Continental Spring. State, Charles (New York). Indians in Council. Powell, Caroline A. (Trenton, N. J.) A Gorilla. (After Fremiet.) Powell, Caroline A. (Trenton, N. J.) Bubbles. (After Couture.) Wolf, Henry (New York). Alice. (After W. M. Chase.) Wolf, Henry (New York). Miss Beatrice Goelet. (After J. S. Sargent.) Wolf, Henry (New York). The Roadside. (After R. Swain Gifford.) Wolf, Henry (New York). The New England Peddler. (After East¬ man Johnson.) UNITED STATES—WOOD ENGRAVINGS. I2Q 2580. Wolf, Henry (New York). Twilight. (After Alexander Harrison.) 2581. State, Charles (New York). A Street Scene. (After A. Castaigne.) 2582. Tinkey, John (Brooklyn). All Halloween. SCREEN 4 —WEST SIDE. 2583. Kingsley, Elbridge (Hadley, Mass.) Silence. (After W. Bliss Baker). Lent by Mr. C. Klackner, New York. 2584. Lindsay, Albert M. (Philadelphia) Shades of Evening. 2585. Putnam, S. G. (Corona, Long Island, N. Y.) Waterfall by Moonlight. (After R. A. Blakelock.) 2586. Kingsley, Elbridge (Hadley, Mass.). The Connecticut Valley. 2587. Kingsley, Elbridge (Hadley, Mass.). Late Summer. (After R. Collin.) 2588. Powell, Caroline A. (Trenton, N. J.) Windmills. 2589. Davidson, Harry (New York). Balaam and his Master. (After How¬ ard Helmick.) 2590. Powell, Caroline A. (Trenton, N. J). A Harpist. 2591. Muller, R. A. (Brooklyn) “I Am Perfectly Happy.” (After J. G. Brown.) 2592. Putnam, S. G. (Corona, Long Island, N. Y.) Identity. (After Elihu Vedder.) 2593. Muller, R. A. (Brooklyn, N. Y.) Sir William Temple. (After Sir Peter Lely.) 2594. Powell, Caroline A. (Trenton, N. J.) A Bit of Sunshine. 2595. Putnam, S. G. (Corona, Long Island, N. Y.) Crane Castle. 2596. Putnam, S. G. (Corona, Long Island, N. Y.) A Sheep Pasture. 2597. King, Francis S. (Roseville, N. J.) Fog. (After F. S. Church.) 2598. Muller, R. A. (Brooklyn, N. Y.) Gilbert Burnett. (After Riley.) 2599. Muller, R. A. (Brooklyn, N. Y.) Lost. (After A. Schenck.) 2600. Putnam, S. G. (Corona, Long Island, N. Y.) Mirabeau and the King’s Messenger. 2601. Kingsley, Elbridge (Hadley, Mass.). An Autumn Evening. (After D. W. Tryon.) Lent by Mr. N. E. Montross, New York. 2602. Powell, Caroline A. (Trenton, N. J.). Lady and Horse. (After A. H. Thayer.) 2603. Muller, R. A. (Brooklyn, N. Y.) The DeBrehan Miniature of Washing¬ ton. 2604. Muller, R. A. (Brooklyn., N Y.) The DeBrehan Miniature of Nelly Custis. 2605. Kingsley, Elbridge (Hadley, Mass.). The Flying Dutchman. (After A. P. Ryder.) v ALCOVE 151 —SCREEN 5 —EAST SIDE. 2606. Cleaves, W. P. (Springfield, Mass.) Swift River, Conway, N. H. 2607. Cleaves, W. P. (Springfield, Mass.) A Chocorua Vista. 2608. Dana, William J. (Brookline, Mass.) Twilight. (After J. Appleton Brown.) 2609. Collins, Robert C. (Rockville Centre, L. I., N. Y.) Florence on the Arno. 9 130 WORLD’S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEp’t K—FINE ARTS. 2610. Baker, Horace (New York). Scene in Tasmania. 2611. Collins, Robert C. (Rockville Centre, L. I., N. Y.) Landing Stairs at Leghorn. (After J. Pennell.) 2612. Baker, Horace (New York). A Malay Pirate. 2613. Aitken, Peter (New York). The. Conspirators. 2614. Davis, Samuel P. (Brooklyn.) An After Dinner Nap. (After J. H. Dolph.) 2615. Cleaves, W. P. (Springfield, Mass.) A Chocorua Sunset. 2616. Collins, Robert C. (Rockville Centre, L. I., N. Y.) Henry VII Chapel, Westminster Abbey, London. 2617. Tinkey, John (Brooklyn, N. Y.) Swine-herd, River Danube. (After F. D. Millet.) 2618. Cleaves, W. P. (Springfield, Mass.) Silver Lake. 2619. Tinkey, John (Brooklyn, N. Y.). Exchanging Confidences. (After F. C. Jones.) 2620. Tinkey, John (Brooklyn, N. Y.). An English Cathedral. 2621. Closson, W. B. (Lancaster, Mass.) Hawthorne’s Boat House. (Relief engraved by a method of Mr. Closson’s own invention.) 2622. Del’Orme, E. H. (New York) Garden Scene in Venice. (After Rico.) 2623. Aitkin, Peter (New York). A Scene in Kent, England. (After J. A. Fraser.) 2624. Davis, Samuel P. (Brooklyn) French Hunting Dog. (After Rosa Bonheur.) 2625. Collins, Robert C. (Rockville Centre, L. I., N. Y.) An Archway in Siena, Italy. 2626. Baker, Horace (New York). Castles in the Air. 2627. Brown, W. Lamont (Boston). Portrait of Corot. 2628. Cleaves, W. P. (Springfield, Mass.) Chocorua Mountain and Lake. 2629. Closson, W. B. (Lancaster, Mass.) Sheep Shearers. (After J. F. Millet.) 2630. Cleaves, W. P. (Springfield, Mass.) Springfield, Mass. 2631. Dana, William J. (Brookline, Mass.) The Mill at Cleeve. (After J. Appleton Brown.) 2632. Davis, Samuel P. (Brooklyn, N. Y.) Cat and Kittens at Play. (After Madame Henrietta Ronner.) 2633. Closson, W. B. (Springfield, Mass.) The Mother. (After E. E. Sim¬ mons.) 2634. Dana, William J. (Brookline, Mass.) Pine Woods in Canada. (After F. Hopkinson Smith.) SCREEN 5 —WEST SIDE. 2635. Lindsay, Albert M. (Philadelphia) A Chinese Restaurant. 2636. Lindsay, Albert M. (Philadelphia) The Singing Shepherd. 2637. Lyouns, H. F. W. (Boston) Nydia. 2638. Evans, John W. (Brooklyn) Indian Horse Race. (After Frederick Remington.) 2639. Del’Orme, E. H. (New York) Canoeing in Florida. (After V. Perard.) 2640. Sylvester, Harry E. (New York) St. Giles’ Church. Lent by the Cen¬ tury Co., New York. UNITED STATES—-WOOD ENGRAVINGS. I^I 2641. Sylvester, Harry E. (New York) Twilight, Westminster Abbey, London. Lent by the Century Co., New York. 2642. Pettit, F. A. (Brooklyn, N. Y.) Sandhills. 2643. Evans, John W. (Brooklyn, N. Y.) Fallow Deer. (After B. Hook.) 2644. Evans, John W. (Brooklyn, N. Y.) With Fate Against Them. 2645. Lindsay, Albert M. (Philadelphia) Bowling. 2646. Del’Orme, E. H. (New York) Cumnor Church, England. 2647. Evans, John W. (Brooklyn, N. Y.) Moving the Fourth Cavalry. (After Frederick Remington.) 2648. Lindsay, Albert M. (Philadelphia) The Coup. Block owned by Harper & Brothers, New York. 2649. Lindsay, Albert M. (Philadelphia) The Departure to the Convent. Block owned by Harper & Brothers, New York. 2650. Girsch, F. (Mount Vernon, N. Y.) Grandma’s Toast. (After M. R. Dixon.) (Steel Engraving.) 2651. Grosch, Oskar (Cincinnati). Women Knitting. Lent by Mr. G. Mein- shausen, Cincinnati. 2652. Fillebrown, F. E. (Boston) The Pleiades. (After Elihu Vedder.) 2653. Pettit, F. A. (Brooklyn, N. Y.) The Centaur. 2654. Sylvester, Harry E. (New York) Westminster Abbey, London, Early Morning. Lent by the Century Co., New York. 2655* Jungling, J. F. (Jersey City) The Queer Old Lady. 2656. Heinmann, Ernest (Fort Wadsworth, L. I., N. Y.). The Mermaid. (After F. S. Church.) 2657. Pettit, F. A. (Brooklyn, N. Y.) By the Black Sea. (After A. Parsons.) 2658. Lindsay, Albert M. (Philadelphia) Yosemite Dame. Block owned by Harper & Brothers, New York. 2659. Lindsay, Albert M. (Philadelphia) Presentation of a Circus to a Spanish Town. (After Galofre.) Block owned by Harper & Brothers, New York. 2660. Lindsay, Albert M. (Philadelphia) A Relic of the Departed South. Block owned by Harper & Brothers, New York. 2661. Lindsay, Albert M. (Philadelphia) An April Birthday at Sea. (After Rosina Emmett Sherwood.) Block owned by Harper & Brothers, New York. 2662. Lyouns, H. F. W. (Boston) Lost in a Cypress Swamp. 2663. Lyouns, H. F. W. (Boston) Solitude. 2664. Lindsay, Albert M. (Philadelphia) The Golden Wedding. (After A. L. Frost.) Block owned by Harper & Brothers, New York. 2665. Sylvester, Harry E. (New York) Ship in the Fog. ALCOVE 152 —SCREEN 6—EAST SIDE.—STEEL ENGRAVINGS, ETC. 2666. Schlecht, Charles (New York). Love’s Young Dream. (After Jennie Brownscombe.) (Steel engraving.) 2667. Meinshausen, George (Cincinnati).. The Life Boat. Lent by Mr. R. J. Witer & Co., Cincinnati. 2668. Schwarzburger, C. (Brooklyn, N. Y.) JE tna. (After Harry Fenn.) 2669. Tietze, Richard G. (New York) Portrait of Elsie Leslie Lyde. 1§2 world’s COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP*T K—FINE ARTS. 2670. Schladitz, E. (New York) Love Locked Out. (After Anna Lea Merritt.) 2671. Schoff, S. A. (Greenfield, Mass.) Portrait of Ralph Waldo Emerson. (After S. W. Rowse.) (Steel engraving.) 2672. Miller, William (New York). Seven wood engravings in one frame: Sunset. (After George Inness.) Bohemienne. (After Franz Hals.) Etretat. (After George Inness.) Head. (After Rubens.) Kiss Me Quick. (After Munier.) Baby Mine. (After V. Tojetti.) Early Affection. (After V. Tojetti.) 2673. Schlecht, Charles (New York). Eyes to the Blind. (After A. F. Bel¬ lows.) (Steel engraving.) 2674. Schlecht, Charles (New York). Thoughts by the Sea. (After J. G. Brown.) (Steel engraving.) 2675. Schoff, S. A. (Greenfield, Mass.) Marine View. (After M. F. H. De Haas.) (Steel engraving.) 2676. Schladitz, E. (New York) Grandmother. Lent by Harper & Brothers, New York. 2677. Sugden, Thomas D. (Flushing, L. I., N. Y.) The Drinking Place. 2678. Pettit, F. A. (Brooklyn, N. Y.) Guyskill Mill. SCREEN 6—WEST SIDE. 2679. Closson, W. B. (Lancaster, Mass.) Helen. (Mezzotint.) 2680. Williams, George P. (Philadelphia) The Alderman. 2681. Schoff, S. A. (Greenfield, Mass.) The Bathers. (After W. M. Hunt.) (Steel engraving). 2682. Aitken, Peter (New York). On the Otumni Pass, Japan. (After A. Castaigne.) 2683. Tietze, Richard G. (New York) Portrait of Abraham Lincoln and his Son. 2684. Schlecht, Charles (New York). The Wish. (After Percy Moran.) (Steel engraving.) 2685. Moran, Peter (Philadelphia). A Country Smithy. (Mezzotint.) 2686. Reed, Charles H. (Philadelphia) “Sarah Crewe.” Lent by the Cen¬ tury Co., New York. 2687. Wickenden, Robert J. (New York) The Approach of Evening. (Orig¬ inal lithograph.) 2688. Williams, George P. (Philadelphia) The Gladiators. 2689. Girsch, F. (Mount Vernon, N. Y.) Bank Note Vignettes. (Steel en¬ gravings.) 2690. Schlecht, Charles (New York). The Smoker. (After Leon Moran.) (Steel engraving.) 2691. Tietze, Richard G. (New York) The Little Frenchmen at School. 2692. Castaigne, A. (Baltimore) Portrait of Mile. Roumanille. (Charcoal drawing.) 2693. Schwarzburger, C. (Brooklyn, N. Y.) On the River Thames, Ontario. (After F. Hopkinson Smith.) 2694. Reed, Charles H. (Philadelphia) On the Lowest Step of a Deserted House, St. Pasquale. Lent by the Ladies’ Home Journal, Philadelphia. UNITED STATES—ARCHITECTURE AND DECORATION. 133 Architecture and Decoration AS INCLUDED IN GROUPS 139 TO 145. GROUND FLOOR—NORTH, WEST AND SOUTH COURTS— NUMBERS 2695 TO 2751 , INCLUSIVE. 2695. Fosdick, J. William (New York.) Lady Godiva. Decorative Burnt- wood drawing (Pyrography.) (Hung on East wall of North court, near entrance to staircase at Northeast of the Rotunda.) 2696. Kimball & Thompson, (New York.) Plaster Model of a Building for the Manhattan Life Insurance Company, New York. (Placed in front of pier at left of the entrance to the Rotunda from the West Court.) 2697. Hunt, Richard M. (New York) Plaster Model of a part of the House of William K. Vanderbilt, New York. Lent by the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. (Placed in front of pier at right of the entrance to the Rotunda from the West Court.) PANEL OF ALCOVE 95 , WEST COURT. DECORATION. 2698. Thouron, Henry (Philadelphia). Jubilate. (Water color.) (Design for stained glass.) 2699. Thouron, Henry (Philadelphia). The Lord’s Prayer. (Water color.) (Design for mural decoration.) 2700. Thouron, Henry (Philadelphia). Constancy. (Study for stained glass.) 2701. Tiffany, Louis C. (New York) A Window. (Water color.) (Design for stained glass.) 2702. Thouron, Henry (Philadelphia). I am the Life, the Light and the Way. (Water color.) (Design for stained glass.) 2703. Thouron, Henry (Philadelphia). Designs for three figures in stained glass: Michael, The Advocate, Gabriel. 2704. Thouron, Henry (Philadelphia). St. Luke and St. John. (Design for stained glass.) PASSAGE LEADING FROM WEST COURT TO SOUTH COURT. 2705. Thouron, Henry (Philadelphia). Adoration, Praise, Thanksgiving, Love. (Water color.) (Designs for stained glass.) 2706. Northrop, Agnes F. (Flushing, N. Y.) Window. (Design for stained glass.) 2707. Becker, A. H. (St. Louis). Design for a Drawing-room Ceiling. (Water color.) 2708. McDowell, Mary (Tiffany Glass Co., New York). Window. (Design for stained glass.) 2709. Sperry, Edward Peck (Tiffany Glass Co.). Window for Mr. Potter Palmer. (Water color.) (Design for stained glass.) 134 WORLD’S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION —DEP’t K—FINE ARTS. 2710. Fowler, Frank (New York). Panel for Three-Fold Screen. (Oil painting.) 2711. Thouron, Henry (Philadelphia). An Evangelist. (Design for stained glass.) 2712. Sperry, Edward Peck (Tiffany Glass Co., New York). Window. (Water color.) (Design for stained glass.) 2713. Thouron, Henry (Philadelphia). St. John Chrysostom and St. Basil, Doctors. (Design for stained glass.) 2714. Thouron, Henry (Philadelphia). St. Barnabas, St. Paul, St. Peter and St. Tames the Greater. (Designs for stained glass.) 2715. Bush-Brown, Mrs. M. Lesley (Newburg, N. Y.). Detail Fragment of Mural Decoration for a Music-Room. 2716. Bush-Brown, Mrs. M. Lesley (Newburg, N. Y.). Scheme for the Mural Decoration for a Music-Room. 2717. Thouron, Henry (Philadelphia). The Angeles. (Water color.) (De¬ sign for stained glass.) 2718. Thouron, Henry (Philadelphia). The Prophets. (Study for mural decoration.) 2719. Little, Brown & Moore (Boston). Design for Interior Decoration of a Dining-Room. (Water color, by G. P. Fernald.) 2720. Everett, Herbert E. (Philadelphia) Design for a Theatre Curtain. (Water color.) 2721. Becker, A. H. (St. Louis) Smoking-Room Ceiling Decoration. (Water color.) 2722. Thouron, Henry (Philadelphia). The Evangelists. (Design for mural decoration.) 2723. Price, F. L. & W. L. (Philadelphia) Sketch for Decoration of a Hall. (Water color.) 2724. Burns, Charles M. (Philadelphia) Design for Choir Screen of Metal. (Water color.) 2725. Thouron, Henry (Philadelphia). “I will Draw all Things to Myself.’* (Water color.) (Design for mural decoration.) 2726. Thouron, Henry (Philadelphia). Moses and David. (Design for stained glass). PANEL—SOUTH COURT, AT ENTRANCE TO STAIRCASE AT SOUTH¬ WEST OF ROTUNDA. 2727. Henri, Robert (Philadelphia). Study in Oil Colors for Mural Decora¬ tion. Church of the Evangelist, Philadelphia. 2728. Henri, Robert (Philadelphia). Christ Entering Jerusalem. (Study for mural decoration, in oil colors.) 2729. Tiffany, Louis C. (New York) Pieta. (Cartoon in charcoal.) Lent by the Tiffany Glass & Decorating Co., New York. STAIRCASE AT SOUTHWEST OF ROTUNDA—FIRST LANDING. 2730. Reid, Robert (New York). “Textiles.” Drawing of Figure for Decoration of Interior of Dome at South Entrance of Manufactures and Liberal Arts Building, World’s Columbian Exhibition, UNITED STATES—ARCHITECTURE AND DECORATION. 1 35 2731. Reid, Robert (New York). “Metal.” Drawing of Figure for Decoration of Interior of Dome at South Entrance of Manufactures and Liberal Arts Building, World’s Columbian Exposition. STAIRCASE AT SOUTHWEST OF ROTUNDA—THIRD LANDING. 2732. Reid, Robert (New York). •‘Ornament.” Drawing of Figure for Decora¬ tion of Interior of Dome at South Entrance of Manufactures and Liberal Arts Building, World’s Columbian Exposition. 2733. Reid, Robert (New York). “Design.” Drawing of Figure for Decoration of Interior of Dome at South Entrance of Manufactures and Liberal Arts Building, World’s Columbian Exposition. SECOND FLOOR—TOP OF STAIRCASE, AT ENTRANCE TO WEST COURT. 2734. Fowler, Frank (New York). Sketch for the Ceiling Decoration of the Ball-room in the Hotel Waldorf, New York. 2735. Adler, Sullivan & Ramsey (St. Louis). Union Trust Company’s Build¬ ing, St. Louis. (Pen drawing.) 2736. Fowler, Frank (New York). Figure-Study for Ceiling, Hotel Wal¬ dorf, New York. 2737. Fowler, Frank (New York). Figure-Study for Ceiling, Hotel Wal¬ dorf, New York. WALL BETWEEN ENTRANCES TO WEST AND SOUTH COURTS. 2738. Fowler, Frank (New York). Figure-Study for Ceiling, Hotel Wal¬ dorf, New York. 2739. Fowler, Frank (New York). Figure-Study for Ceiling, Hotel Wal¬ dorf, New York. 2740. Fowler, Frank (New York). Figure-Study for Ceiling, Hotel Wal¬ dorf, New York. 2741. Smith, Joseph Lindon (Boston). Marble relief by Pietro Lombardo in Santa Maria dei Miracoli, Venice. (Water color.) 2742. Price, Bruce (New York). Design for proposed Gas Industries Build¬ ing, World’s Columbian Exposition. (Water color.) 2743. Hewlett, J. M. (New York) Design for a Museum—Elevation. 2744. Dempwolf, Reinhardt (York, Pa.) Detail of Restoration of Cornice of the Temple of the Sun, Rome. (Wash drawing.) 2745. Lacy, Adin Benedict (Philadelphia). Design for Cover of the Year Book of the T. Square Club, Philadelphia. (Water color.) 2746. Fowler, Frank (New York). Figure-Study for Ceiling, Hotel Waldorf. 2747. Fowler, Frank (New York). Figure-Study for Ceiling, Hotel Waldorf, New York. WALL AT RIGHT OF ENTRANCE TO SOUTH COURT. « 2748. Fowler, Frank (New York). Figure-Study for Ceiling, Hotel Waldorf, New York. 2749. Fowler Frank (New York). Figure-Study for Ceiling, Hotel Waldorf. 136 world's COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP'T K—FINE ARTS. 2750. Jackson, W. E. (Philadelphia) A Country House, Claymont, Del. (Pen drawing.) 2751. Lawler, Joseph M. (Paris, France) Pencil Sketches of Travel. SOUTH COURT—NUMBERS 2752 TO 2773 INCLUSIVE. ALCOVE 143 —AT SOUTH OF ENTRANCE FROM STAIRCASE. 2752. Ittner, W. B. (St. Louis) Study for a Stone Residence. (Water color. 2753. Green & Wicks (Buffalo). House for Mrs. George V. Foreman, Buffalo. 2754. Ittner, William B. (St. Louis) Residence for Mrs. Ellen J. L. Chase. (Pen drawing.) 2755. Griffin & Randall (New York). Music Hall, Buffalo, N. Y.—Plan of Main Floor. 2756. Griffin & Randall (New York). Music Hall, Buffalo, N. Y.—Plan of Gal¬ lery. 2757. Griffin & Randall (New York). Music Hall, Buffalo, N. Y.—Plan of Long Section. 2758. Griffin & Randall (New York). Music Hall, Buffalo, N. Y.—Perspective. 2759. Peabody, Stearns & Furber (St. Louis). Three Designs for a St. Louis Residence. (Drawings in water color.) 2760. Adler, Sullivan & Ramsey (St. Louis). St. Nicholas Hotel, St. Louis. (Pen drawing.) 2761. Adler, Sullivan & Ramsey (St. Louis). Main Entrance to Union Trust Co.’s Building, St. Louis, Mo. (Pen drawing.) 2762. Nattress, George (Philadelphia). Remains of King Ina’s Palace, Somerset, England. (Water color.) 2763. Eames & Young (St. Louis). House in Portland Place, St. Louis. (Water color, by Hughson Hawley.) 2764. Cary& Trowbridge (Buffalo, N. Y.). Project for Erie County Savings Bank. PANEL 145 —NORTH OF STAIRCASE ENTRANCE. 2765. Herts, Henry B. (New York) Design for the Columbian Arch, New York. (Water color.) 2766. McKim, Mead & White (New York). Perspective of Bates Hall, New Public Library Building, Boston. ON PIER OF ROTUNDA 146 —PASSAGE FROM SOUTH COURT TO WEST COURT. 2767. Lamb & Rich (New York). Berkeley School, New York City. (Photo.) 2768. Lamb & Rich (New York). Germania Fire Insurance Building, New York City. (Photograph.) 2769. Cram, Wentworth & Goodhue (Boston, Mass.). St. Paul’s Church, Brockton, Mass. (Wash drawing.) 2770. Cram, Wentworth & Goodhue (Boston, Mass.). All Saints Church, Dorchester, Mass. UNITED STATES—ARCHITECTURE AND DECORATION. I 37 2771. Cram, Wentworth & Goodhue (Bostdn, Mass.). Accepted Design for St. Matthews Cathedral, Dallas, Texas. (Pen drawing.) 2772. Clinton, Charles W. (New York) Front Elevation of Mutual Life Insurance Building, New York. (Pen drawing.) 2773. Clinton, Charles W. (New York) Competitive Design for Grant Mon¬ ument (Elevation). (Wash drawing.) WEST COURT—NUMBERS 2774 TO 3002 INCLUSIVE. PANEL 147 , EAST OF STAIRCASE ENTRANCE. 2774. Price, F. L. & W. L. (Philadelphia) House for Mr. Monroe Smith. (Water color.) 2775. Price, Bruce (New York). Perspective of Sun Building, New York. (Water color.) ALCOVE 149 . 2776. McKim, Mead & White (New York). New York State Building, World’s Columbian Exposition. (Water color, by F. Hoppin.) 2777. McKim, Mead & White (New York). West Point Monument. (Water color.) 2778. McKim, Mead & White (New York). Metropolitan Club House, New York City. (Water color.) 2779. McKim, Mead & White (New York). The Century Club Building. New York. (Photograph.) 2780. McKim, Mead & White (New York). Century Club Building, New York. The Loggia. (Pen drawing.) Lent by Bates, Kimball & Guild, Boston. 2781. McKim, Mead & White (New York). Arcade and Central Motif of the Madison Avenue Facade of Madison Square Garden, New York. 2782. McKim, Mead & White (Boston). Gate at Harvard College, Cam¬ bridge, Mass. (Pen drawing.) 2783. McKim, Mead & White (New York). Washington Memorial Arch, New York City. (Water color.) 2784. McKim, Mead & White (New York) Bird’s-eye View of Tower and Roof Garden, Madison Square Garden, New York City. (Water color. 2785. McKim, Mead & White (New York). Century Club Entrance, New York. (Pen drawing for the Architectural Review by P. G. Culbert¬ son.) Lent by Bates, Kimball & Guild, Boston. ALCOVE 150 . 2786. Rossiter & Wright (New York). Home for S. B. Howes, Brewsters, N. Y. 2787. Hickman, Louis (Philadelphia). Balcony on a Domestic Structure. 2788. Turner, Thornton Floyd (New York). Design for a Presidential Man¬ sion—Facade. (Water color.) 2789. Huss, George Martin (New York). Sketch for Cathedral of St John the Divine, New York. (Pen drawing by Clarence Luce.) 2790. Blaney, Dwight (Boston). The Arch of Titus, Rome. 138 world’s COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEp’t K—FINE ARTS. 2791. Huss, George Martin (New York) Sketch for Cathedral of St. John the Divine, New York. (Pen drawing by Clarence Luce.) 2792. Nash & Plympton (Cincinnati). Cincinnati Crematory. (Water color.) 2793. Rossiter & Wright (New York). The Emma S. Clark Memorial Library, Setauket, Long Island, 2794. McKim, Mead & White (New York). The Tower of Madison Square Garden, New York. (Photograph.) 2795. Turner, Thornton Floyd (New York). Design for a Presidential Man¬ sion—Section and Plan of Second Floor. 2796. Turner, Thornton (New York). Design for a Presidential Mansion— Plan of First Floor. 2797. Bare, H. Bloomfield (Philadelphia). Oak Altar Table, Seventeenth Century. 2798. Price, Bruce (New York). Project for Sun Newspaper and Office Building, New York. (Water color.) 2799. Wheelwright & Haven (Boston). Stable of W. F. Weld, Brookline Mass. (Water color.) 2800. Wheelwright & Haven (Boston). House of S. D. Warren, Boston. (Water color.) 2801. Wheelwright & Haven (Boston). Stable of W. F. Weld, Brookline, Mass. (Photograph.) 2802. Wheelwright, Arthur W. (Boston) Suggestion for a School of Fine Arts for a University. 2803. Walker & Kimball (Boston and Omaha). Residence at Lincoln, Nebraska. (Water color.) 2804. Romeyn & Stever (New York). Hotel at North Augusta, South Caro¬ lina. (Wash drawing.) 2805. Wheelwright, Arthur W. (Boston) For a Fine Arts Building—Plans of the First and Second Stories and a Section. 2806. Wheelwright, Edmund March (Boston). Perspective View of New City Hall for Boston. (Pen drawing by Charles D. Maginnis.) 2807. Wheelwright, Edmund March (Boston). Hospital for Contagious Diseases. (Pen drawing.) 2808. Wheelwright, Edmund March (Boston). Design for Arcading the Old Stat'. House. (Pen drawing by Charles D. Maginnis.) 2809. Munoz, A. C. (Philadelphia) Design for a Belfry. (Sepia drawing.) 2810. Wheelwright & Haven (Boston). House of M. Odgen Jones, Wood’s Holl, Mass. (Pen drawing.) 2811. Wheelwright & Haven (Boston). Inn at Isleboro. (Photograph.) 2812. Hickman, Louis (Philadelphia). Hardware for a Club House Door. 2813. Wheelwright, Edmund March (Boston). Robert Gould, Shaw Gram¬ mar School, West Roxbury, Mass. (Pen drawing by Charles D. Maginnis.) 2814. Wheelwright, Edmund March (Boston). New Police Station for Brighton District, Boston. (Pen drawing by Charles D. Maginnis.) 2815. Wheelwright, Edmund March (Boston). Primary School-house, Ja maica Plain, Boston. (Pen drawing by Charles D. Maginnis.) UNITED STATES—ARCHITECTURE AND DECORATION. 139 2816. Babb, Cook & Willard (New York). Competitive Design for Office Building at Newark, N. J. (Water color.) 2817. Babb, Cook & Willard (New York). Office Building at Minneapolis, Minn. (Water color.) 2818. Babb, Cook & Willard (New York). Office Building at St. Paul, Minn. (Water color.) 2819. Little & O’Conner (New York). Kenilworth; House for Mrs. S. M. Andrews, Greenwich, Conn. (Water color.) 2820. Rotch & Tilden (Boston). House in Washington, D. C. (Water color.) 2821. Rotch, Arthur (Boston). In the Alhambra. (Water color.) 2822. Smith, Joseph Lindon (Boston). The Loggia, Ducal Palace, Venice. (Water color.) 2823. Babb, Cook & Willard (New York). Office Building a L Minneapolis—• Court Showing Stairway. (Photograph.) 2824. Babb, Cook & Willard (New York). Office Building at Minneapolis— Court. (Photograph.) 2825. Wood, William Halsey (Newark, N. J.). Design for Cathedral of St. John the Divine, selected as one of four in the final competition, 1891 . (Pen drawing.) ALCOVE 151 . 2826. Sturgis & Cabot (Boston). Mission Church of St. Augustine, Boston. (Water color.) 2827. Stewardson, John (Philadelphia). Sketches in Pistoja. (Water color.) 2828. Carrere & Hastings (New York). New York Mail and Express News¬ paper and Office building, Fulton Street Elevation. (Photograph.) 2829. Babb, Cook & Willard (New York). Office Building at St. Paul—Por¬ tico. (Photograph.) 2830. Dull, John (Philadelphia). Study for a Pulpit. 2831. Carrere & Hastings (New York). Hotel Ponce de Leon, St. Augustine, Fla.—Elevation. (Water color.) 2832. Carrere & Hastings (New York). Hotel Ponce de Leon, St. Augustine, Fla.—Court. (Pen drawing.) 2833. Babb, Cook & Willard (New York). New York Life Insurance Co.’s. Building, Montreal—Clock Tower. 2834. McKim, Mead & White (New York). Details of Upper Part of Madi¬ son Square Garden Theater, New York. (Pen drawing for the Architectural Review , by Harold Magonigle.) 2835. Carrere & Hastings (New York). Design for Cathedral of St. John the Divine—Perspective. (Pen drawing.) 2836 Carrere & Hastings (New York). Design for Cathedral of St. John the Divine, Perspective—Longitudinal Section. (Pen drawing.) 2837 Carrere & Hastings (New York). Hotel Ponce de Leon, St. Augustine, Fla.—Ground plans, including Cascade and M. E. Church. (Water color.) 2838. Carrere & Hastings (New York). Hotel Ponce de Leon, St. Augustine. Fla.—Perspctive of Fronts. (Water color, by Robert Blum.) 2839. Carrere & Hastings (New York). Design for Cathedral of St. John the Divine, New York—Perspective—Ground plan. (Pen drawing.) 140 WORLD*S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP’t K—FINE ARTS. 2840. Carrere & Hastings (New York). Design for Cathedral of St. John the Divine, New York. Perspective—Main Elevation. 2S41. Carrere & Hastings (New York). Proposed Auditorium Building, Baltimore, Md.—Plan of Main Floor. 2842. Carrere & Hastings (New York). Proposed Auditorium Building, Baltimore, Md.—Elevation on Mt. Royal Avenue. 2843. McKim, Mead & White (New York). Pavilion and Colonnade, Madi¬ son Square Garden, New York. (Pen drawing made for the Archi¬ tectural Review by Harold Magonigle.) 2844. Tubby, William B. (New York) Brooklyn Savings Bank. (Water color, by F. Hopkinson Smith.) 2845. Tubby, William B. (New York) Premises of the Brooklyn Warehouse and Storage Co. (Water color, by R. Adams.) 2846. Babb, Cook & Willard (New York). New York Life Insurance Com¬ pany’s Building, Montreal. (Photograph.) 2847. Wheelwright, Edmund March (Boston). Two Views of House for Mr. E. C. Stedman, New Castle, N. H. (Photograph.) 2348. Cope & Stewardson (Philadelphia). Design for Proposed Building for the Pennsylvania Company for Insurance on Lives, Etc. (Water color.) 2849. Cope & Stewardson (Philadelphia). Design for Proposed Building for the Pennsylvania Company for Insurance on Lives, Etc., No. 2 . (Water color.) 2850. Cope & Stewardson (Philadelphia). Design for Cathedral of St. John the Divine, New York. (Pen drawing, by Arthur Truscott.) 2851. Cope & Stewardson (Philadelphia). Design for Pennsylvania Railroad Station, Philadelphia. (Water color.) ALCOVE 152 . 2852. Berg & Clark (New York). Three Houses in Manhatten Square, North, New York. 2853. Babb, Cook & Willard (New York). Competitive Design for Building to be Erected for Manhatten Life Insurance Co. (Water color.) 2854. Shepley, Rutan & Coolidge (Boston and Chicago). Ames Building, Boston, Mass. (Water color.) 2855. Hardenbergh, H. J. (New York) Llotel Waldorf, New York. (Water color, by Hughson Hawley.) 2856. Eyre, Wilson, Jr. (Philadelphia) House at Southport, Long Island Sound. (Pen drawing.) 2857. Kendall, Edward H. (New York) Seventeen Story Building. (Water color.) 2858. Schweinfurth, Julius A. (Boston, Mass.) Study fora Villa. (Water color.) 2859. Cary, George (Buffalo). Proposed House for J. N. Scatchard, Buffalo, N. Y. (Water color.) 2860. Evans, Alfred F. (Chicago) A Fountain to Commemorate the Dis¬ covery of America. 2861. Little, Brown & Moore (Boston, Mass.). Sketch for Front Entrance to the Peabody Farm. (Pen drawing by G. P. Fernald.) UNITED STATES—ARCHITECTURE AND DECORATION. 14 2862. Brown, A. Page (San Francisco). The California State Building, World’s Columbian Exposition. (Water color.) 2863. Day, Frank Miles (Philadelphia). House for H. Cummings, at German¬ town, Pa. (Water color.) 2864. Sturgis & Cabot (Boston). Doorway, Rexleigh School, Salem, New York. 2865. Boring, Tilton & Mellon (New York). Competitive Design for Brooklyn Savings Bank, Brooklyn, N. Y. (Perspective drawing in water color.) 2866. Daus, R. L. (Brooklyn, N. Y.) Thirteenth Regiment Armory, Brook¬ lyn, N. Y. (Water color.) 2867. Day, Frank Miles (Philadelphia). House of C. W. Bergner, at Ambler. (Water color.) 2868. Schweinfurth, Julius A. (Boston) House in Roxbury, Mass., and Design for a House in Brookline, Mass. (Water color.) 2869. Tubby, William B. (New York) Pratt Mausoleum, Glen Cove, Long Island. (Wash drawing.) 2870. Cusack, William H. (Poughkeepsie, N. Y.) Design for Cathedral, Side Elevation. (Pen drawing.) 2871. Hardenbergh, H. J., Walter C. Hunting and John C. Jacobson (New York). American Fine Arts Society’s Building, West Fifty-seventh street, New York. (Pen drawing.) 2872. Schweinfurth, Julius A. (Boston) Competitive Design for Building for the American Fine Arts Society, New York. (Water color.) 2873. Cusack, William H. (Poughkeepsie, N. Y.) Design for a Cathedral, Front Elevation. (Pen drawing.) 2874. Stoughton, Arthur A. (New York) Loggia, Hotel d’ Escoville, Caen. (Water color.) 2875. Gregg, D. A. (Boston) Equitable Building, DesMoines, Iowa. (Pen drawing.) Lent by Andrews, Jacques & Rantoul, Boston. 2876. Holabird & Roche (Chicago). Water Tower at Fort Sheridan, Ill. (Water color by Paul Lautrop.) 2877. Holabird & Roche (Chicago). Residence at Grand Rapids, Mich. (Water color by Paul Lautrop.) 2878. Holabird & Roche (Chicago). Old Colony Building, Dearborn Street, Chicago. (Water color by Louis Rasmussen.) 2879. Robertson, R. H. (New York) Design for a Country Hotel. (Water color by J. N. Hutchinson.) ALCOVE 153 . 2880. Hays, Frank A. (Philadelphia) Old Door, Clarkson Street, New York. 2881. Klauder, Charles Z. (Philadelphia) Balcony. 2882. Warren, H. Langford (Boston). Entrance to House of S. A. Orr, Troy, N. Y. (Water color.) 2883. Warren, H. Langford (Boston). House for C. E. Patterson, Troy, N. Y. —Main Entrance, (Photograph.) 2884. Warren, H. Langford (Boston). Orphan Asylum. Infirmary at Troy, N. Y. (Water color.) 142 world’s COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION - DEP’t K - FINE ARTS. 2885. Warren, H. Langford (Boston). Study for the Entrance of a House at Troy, N. Y. 2886. Rixson, O. C. (Chicago) Design for a Suburban Residence—Longitu¬ dinal Section. 2887. Hays, Frank A. (Philadelphia) Rear of the Hamilton House, Philadel¬ phia. (Pen drawing.) 2888. Hays, Frank A. (Philadelphia) Sketch for a House. (Water color.) 2889. Nash & Plympton (Cincinnati). Residence of Mrs. C. A. Plympton, Cincinnati. (Water color.) Lent by Mr. Lucian F. Plympton, Cin¬ cinnati. 2890. Flagg, Ernest (New York). Study for an Academy of the Fine Arts, New York—Section. (Water color.) 2891. Warren, H. Langford (Boston). House for C. E. Patterson, Troy, N. Y. (Photograph.) 2892. Bisseger, John J. (Philadelphia) Design for an Art Museum. 2893. Klauder, Charles Z. (Philadelphia) Design for an Art Museum. 2894. Hamlin, A. D. (New York) Design for Central Pavilion of a Palace. (Water color.) 2895. Rixson, O. C. (Chicago) Design for a Suburban Residence—Front Ele¬ vation. 2896. Codman, Stephen (Boston). Design for Boat Club House on proposed embankment on Charles River—Water Front. 2897. Codman, Stephen (Boston). Design for Boat Club House on proposed embankment on Charles River—Facade. (Water color.) 2898. Codman, Stephen (Boston). Plans for a Boat House on Charles River. 2899. Totten, George O., Jr. (New York) Design for a Small Museum. (Wa¬ ter color.) 2900. Rixson, O. C. (Chicago) Design for a Suburban Residence—General Plan. 2901. Rixson, O. C. (Chicago) Design for a Suburban Residence—Side Ele¬ vation. 2902. Wells, Edmund B. (New York) Competitive Drawing for Proposed A. F. A. S. Building, Perspective of Front. (Water color.) 2903. Bisegger, John J. (Philadelphia) A Choragic Monument. 2904. Klauder, Charles Z. (Philadelphia) Front fora Club House. 2905. Klauder, Charles Z. (Philadelphia) A Choragic Monument. 2906. LeBrun, N. & Sons (New York). Metropolitan Life Insurance Build¬ ing. (Water color by, Hughson Hawley.) 2907. Kent, W. W. (New York) Study for a Country House. (Water color.) 2908. Blaney, Dwight (Boston). The Cathedral at Chartres, France. (Water color.) 2909. Peabody & Stearns (Boston). Nine Office Sketches. (Water colors.) 2910. McKay, Henry S. (Boston) Design for Massachusetts State Library and Office Building. 2911. Ihnen, Henry S. (New York) Hoboken Quartette Club Hall. (Etch¬ ing-) 2912. Peabody 8 c Stearns (Boston). South Porch of Machinery Hall, World’s Columbian Exposition. (Water colo**) UNITED STATES—ARCHITECTURE AND DECORATION. 1 43 2913. Fraenkel & Schmidt (Chicago). A Mountain Home. (Water color, by T. C. Fraenkel.) 2914. Klauder, Charles Z. (Philadelphia) Madison Square Garden. (Pencil sketch.) ALCOVE 154 . 2915. Gregg, D. A. (Boston) The Equitable Building, Denver, Col. (Pen drawing.) Lent by Andrews, Jacques & Rantoul, Boston. 2916. Walker & Kimball (Boston and Omaha). Public Library, Omaha, Neb. —Main Facade. 2917. Gibson, R. W. (New York) Competitive Design for the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, New York. (Pen drawing.) 2918. Cope & Stewardson (Philadelphia). Denbigh Hall, Bryn Mawr Col¬ lege, Pa. (Pen drawing.) 2919. Hays, Frank A. (Philadelphia) Entrance to St. Joseph’s Church. Philadelphia. (In the Court Yard, Willing’s Alley.) (Pen drawing.) 2920. Andrews, Robert D. (Boston) Unexecuted Design for a House for J. Montgomery Sears, Southboro, Mass. (Wash drawing.) Lent by Andrews, Jacques & Rantoul, Boston. 2921. Walker & Kimball (Boston). Main Facade of the Omaha Telephone Exchange. (Pen drawing.) 2922. Green & Wicks (Buffalo, N. Y.) Bank of Commerce, Buffalo, N. Y. (Wash drawing.) 2923. Green & Wicks (Buffalo, N. Y.) House for Mrs. C. H. Strong, Erie, Pa. (Wash drawing.) 2924. Parfitt Brothers (Brooklyn, N. Y.) Competitive Design for the Cathe¬ dral of St. John the Divine, New York. (Water color.) 2925. Gilbert & Taylor (St. Paul, Minn.). Endicott Building—Entrance Hall, three views. (Photographs.) 2926. Warren, H. Langford (Boston, Mass.). House for C. E. Patterson, Troy, N. Y.—Private Entrance. (Photograph.) 2927. Brunner & Tryon (New York). Main Entrance, Temple Beth-el, New York. (Pen drawing.) 2928. Longfellow, Alden & Harlow (Boston, Mass.). City Hall, Cambridge, Mass. (Photograph.) 2929. Green & Wicks (Buffalo, N. Y.). Market Arcade, Buffalo. 2930. Walker & Kimball (Boston and Omaha). Public Library, Omaha. Perspective View. (Water color.) 2931. Jamieson, James P. (Philadelphia) Club Front, Italian Renaissance. (Pen drawing.) 2932. Aldrich, Chester Holmes (New York). Well—S. Pietro in Vinculis. (Water color.) 2933. Tuthill, William B. (New York) Portico at Woodlawn Cemetery, New York. (Pen drawing.) 2934. Ripley, H. G. (Melrose, Mass.) Proposed Buildings for Colorado College, Colorado Springs, Col., Lent by Andrews, Jacques & Rantoul, Boston.) 2935. Shepley, Rutan & Coolidge (Boston, Mass.). The Art Institute of Chicago, 144 world’s COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP’T K—FINE ARTS. 2936. Winslow & Wetherell (Boston, Mass.). Edison Electric Co.!s Build¬ ing, Boston. (Pen drawing.) 2937. Gilbert & Taylor (St. Paul, Minn.). Cottage on Manitou Island, Minn. (Pen drawing.) 2938. Gilbert & Taylor (St. Paul, Minn.). Three Interior Views, Endicott Arcade, St. Paul, Minn. (Photographs.) 2939. Cope, Walter (Philadelphia). Four Pencil Sketches—( 1 ) Church of St. Gilles, near Arles, France; ( 2 ) Mount St. Michael; ( 3 ) Venice; ( 4 ) Old Bridge at Verona. 2940. Winslow & Wetherell (Boston). Portland Railway Station. (Pen drawing.) 2941. Nattress, George (Philadelphia). Drawing of the Interior of Brompton Oratory, England. (Water color.) 2942. Jamieson, James P. (Philadelphia) Doorway and Window, Spanish Re¬ naissance. (Pencil drawing.) 2943. Winslow & Wetherell (Boston, Mass.) Shreve, Crump & Low Building. 2944. Brunner & Tryon (New York). Buildings to be erected for W. F. Havemeyer. 2945. Tuthill, William Burnett (New York). Entrance to the Carnegie Music Hall, New York. (Photograph.) 2946. Price, W. L. (Philadelphia) Sketch of a Church Tower near Pontoise, France. (Water color.) 2947. Green & Wicks (Buffalo, N. Y.). House for Mrs. C. H. Strong, Erie, Pa.—Dining-room. (Water color.) 2948. Tuthill, William B. (New York) Design for the Fourth Presbyterian Church, New York. (Pen drawing, by Waldemar R. Storck.) 2949. Parfitt, Brothers (Brooklyn, N. Y.). St. Augustine’s Roman Catholic Church, Brooklyn. (Water color, by Hughson Hawley.) 2950. Kent, W. W. (New York) Land View of House for Charles Sooy Smith, Green’s Farms, Conn. (Pen drawing, by W. A. Hewlett.) 2951. Kent, W. W. (New York) House at Lawrence Park, Bronxville, N. Y. 2952. Walker, Sc Kimball (Boston and Omaha). McCague Building, Omaha, Neb. (Water color.) 2953. Brunner & Tryon (New York). Sahlein Building, New York. (Water color.) 2954. Tuthill, William B. (Adler & Sullivan, Associate Architects, New York) Music Hall, New York; founded by Andrew Carnegie. (Pen drawing.) 2955. Brunner & Tryon (New York). Shrine for the Temple Beth-el, New York. (Water color.) 2956. Kent, W. W. (New York) Summer Residence of John G. Moore, Grind¬ stone Neck, Winter Harbor, Maine. (Pen drawing.) ALCOVE 155 . 2957. Newton, George F. (Boston) Maison de la Voute, Angers, France. (Three frames hinged together.) 2958. Boring, Tilton & Mellen (New York). Competitive Drawing for the Carnegie Library, Pittsburg, Pa. (Pen drawing.) UNITED STATES—ARCHITECTURE AND DECORATION. M5 2959. Walker & Kimball (Boston and Omaha). Presbyterian Church, Omaha, Neb. (Water color.) 2960. Truscott, Arthur (Philadelphia). Front for an Office Building. (Pen drawing.) 2961. Walker & Kimball (Boston and Omaha). Mt. Vernon Church, Boston. (Water color.) 2962. Truscott, Arthur (Philadelphia). A Memorial Tower. (Pen drawing.) 2963. Eyre, Wilson, Jr. (Philadelphia) House on Locust St., Philadelphia. (Pen drawing.) 2964. Walker & Kimball (Boston and Omaha). Design for a Church. (Pen drawing.) 2965. Hays, Frank A. (Philadelphia) Sketch for a House near Upsal, Phila¬ delphia. (Water color.) 2966. Longfellow, Alden & Harlow (Boston, Mass). House at Cambridge, Mass. (Photograph.) Lent by E. H. Abbott, Cambridge, Mass. 2967. Aldrich, Chester Holmes (New York). Tomb—Museo Madonna di Gagini. 2968. Gilbert & Taylor JSt. Paul, Minn.). Endicott Arcade—Two views showing construction. (Photographs.) 2969. Walker & Kimball (Boston and Omaha). House at Montclair, N. J. (Water color.) 2970. Cope & Stewardson (Philadelphia). House at Overbrook, Pa. (Pen drawing.) 2971. Eyre, Wilson, Jr. (Philadelphia) House at South Bethlehem, Pa. 2972. Van Pelt, John V. (Paris, France) Design for a Structure on an Island in a Park. (1.) (Water color.) 2973. Ash, Percy (Philadelphia). Memorial Chapel on a Rocky Coast. (Water color.) 2974. Longfellow, Alden & Harlow (Boston, Mass.). First Floor Plan of Carnegie Library and Music Hall, Pittsburg. (Photograph.) 2975. Longfellow, Alden & Harlow (Boston, Mass.) Second Floor Plan of Carnegie Library and Music Hall, Pittsburg. 2976. Price, F. L. & W. L. (Philadelphia) Sketch for Stable for Hon. Alan Wood, Jr. (Pen drawing.) 2977. Gilbert, & Taylor (St. Paul, Minn.). Facade of Endicott Building, St. Paul, Minn. (Photograph.) 2978. Eyre, Wilson, Jr. (Philadelphia) Kebo Valley Club House, Bar Harbor, Me. 2979. Longfellow, Alden & Harlow (Boston, Mass.). Carnegie Library and Music Hall, Pittsburg. (Photograph.) 2980. Longfellow, Alden & Harlow (Boston, Mass.). Carnegie Library and Music Hall, Pittsburg. (Photograph.) 2981. Van Pelt, John V. (Paris, France) Composition, Italian Renaissance. Design for a Structure on an Island in a Park. (Water color.) 2982. Van Pelt, John V. (Paris, France) Design for a Structure on an Island in a Park. (2.) (Water color.) 2983. Warren, H. Langford (Boston, Mass.). Desigr Troy Orphan Asylum. (Pen drawing.) 146 world’s COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP’t K—FINE ARTS. 2984. Warren, H. Langford (Boston, Mass.). North View of Troy Orphan Asylum. (Water color.) 2985. Gilbert & Taylor (St. Paul, Minn.). Entrance to Endicott Building, St. Paul, Minn. (Photograph.) 2986. Warren, H. Langford (Boston, Mass.). Study for Conservatory of Music, Troy Female Seminary. (Water color.) 2987. Sturgis & Cabot (Boston, Mass.). Rexleigh School, Salem, New York. (Pen drawing.) 2988. Gilbert & Taylor (St. Paul, Minn.). The Little Stone Church at the Foot of the Hill, St. Paul, Minn. (Pen drawing.) 2989. Boggs, Edward T. (Pittsburg) Design for a Choragic Monument. 2990. Warren, H. Langford (Boston, Mass.). Plan of First Floor, Troy (N. Y.) Orphan Asylum. 2991. Winslow & Wetherell (Boston, Mass.). Residence of E. D. Jordan, Jr., Brookline, Mass. 2992. Price, Bruce (New York). Residence of Addison Cammack, Tuxedo, N. Y. (Water color.) 2993. Eyre, Wilson, Jr. (Philadelphia) Study for a Country House. (Water color.) 2994. Price, F. L. & W. L. (Philadelphia) Sketch for a Library at Wayne, Pa. (Water color.) 2995. Stone, Carpenter & Willson (Providence, R. I). Rhode Island State Building, World’s Columbian Exposition. 2996. Truscott, Arthur (Philadelphia). Balcony on a Domestic Structure. (Pen drawing.) 2997. Gilbert & Taylor (St. Paul, Minn.). Endicott Building, Bt. Paul—Bal¬ cony. (Photograph.) 2998. Ash, Percy (Philadelphia). Study for a Country House. (Water color.) 2999. Longfellow, Alden & Harlow (Boston, Mass.). Carnegie Office Build¬ ing, Pittsburg, Pa. (Photograph.) Lent by Carnegie, Phipps & Co. 3000. Welsh, Alexander M. Staircase in the Chateau of Blois, France. (Pen drawing.) 3001. Cooke, James H. (Philadelphia) Memorial Chapel on a Rocky Coast. (Pen drawing.) Cope & Stewardson (Philadelphia). House at Merion, Pa. (Water color.) 3002. UNITED STATES—PRIVATE COLLECTIONS. 147 Group 146 — Exhibits From Pri¬ vate Collections. LOAN COLLECTION OF FOREIGN WORKS FROM PRIVATE GALLERIES IN THE UNITED STATES. GALLERY 40-OIL PAINTINGS. NUMBERS 3003 TO 3026, INCLUSIVE. WEST WALL. BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER. 3003. Fortuny, Mariano, 1838-1874 (Spain). Beach at Portici, Italy. Lent by Mrs. Prescott Hall Butler, New York. 3004. Pissarro, Camille (Paris, France). The Village. Lent by Mr. Potter Palmer, Chicago. 3005. Monet, Claude (Paris, France). Dawn on the Coast of the North Sea. Lent by Mr. Albert Spencer, New York. 3006. Degas (Paris, France). The Dancing Lesson. Lent by Mr. Alexander J. Cassatt, Philadelphia. 3007. Cazin, Jean-Charles (Paris, France). The Expulsion from Paradise. Lent by Mr. Potter Palmer, Chicago. 3008. Puvis de Chavannes, Pierre (Paris, France). Summer. Lent by Mr. J. H. Wade, Cleveland. 3009. Monet, Claude (Paris, France). Morning Fog. Lent by Mr. Albert Spencer, New York. 3010. Raffaelli, Jean-Frangois (Paris, France). The Absinthe Drinkers. Lent by Mr. Potter Palmer, Chicago. 3011. Uhde, Fritz von (Munich, Bavaria). A Sewing Bee in Holland. Lent Mr. L. Crist Delmonico, New York. 3012. Pissarro, Camille (Paris, France). Summer. Lent by Mr. Frank Thomson, Philadelphia. NORTH WALL. 3013. Michetti, Francesco Paolo (Naples, Italy). Springtime and Love. Lent by Mr. Albert A. Munger, Chicago. 3014. Monet, Claude (Paris, France). Harbor of Havre. Lent by Mr. Frank Thomson, Philadelphia. Degas (Paris, France). Race Horses. Lent by Mr. Albert Spencer, New York, 3oi5- 148 world’s COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP’T K—FINE ARTS. 3016. Zorn, Anders L. (Stockholm, Sweden) Interior of a Brewery in Stock¬ holm. Lent by Mr. Potter Palmer, Chicago. 3017. Raffaelli, Jean-Frangois (Paris, France). On the Coast. Lent by Mr. Potter Palmer, Chicago. 3018. Besnard, Paul-Albert (Paris, France). Head. Lent by Mr. Potter Palmer, Chicago. 3019. Helleu, (Paris, France). Interior of Saint Denis Cathedral, showing effect of light through Stained Glass Windows. Lent by Mrs. John L. Gardner, Boston. 3020. Pissarro, Camille (Paris, France). Spring. Lent by Mr. Alexander J. Cassatt, Philadelphia. 3021. Monet, Claude (Paris, France). Snow Scene. Lent by Mr. Alexander J. Cassatt, Philadelphia. 3022. Raffaelli, Jean-Frangois (Paris, France). Place de la Trinite, Paris. Lent by Mr. Potter Palmer, Chicago. 3023. Puvis-de-Chavannes, Pierre (Paris, France). Autumn. Lent by Mr. Martin A. Ryerson, Chicago. 3024. Renoir, A. (Paris, France) In the Garden. Lent by Mr. Albert Spen- cor, New York. 3025. Sisley, Alfred (Paris, France). Village Street, Moret, France. Lent by Mr. Potter Palmer, Chicago. 3026. Bastien-Lepage, Jules ( 1848 - 1885 , France). Revery. Lent by Mr. Potter Palmer, Chicago. UNITED STATES—PRIVATE COLLECTIONS. 149 GALLERY 41-OIL PAINTINGS. NUMBERS 3027 TO 3084, INCLUSIVE. SOUTH WALL. BEGINNING AT THE WEST SIDE OF THE ENTRANCE FROM GALLERY 40 . 3027. Rousseau, Theodore ( 1812 - 1867 , France). A Lone Tree—Autumn. Lent by Mr. Frank Hill Smith, New York. 3028. Gericault, J. L. A., Theodore ( 1791 - 1824 , France). Study of a Cuirassier. Lent by the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. 3029. Troyon, Constant ( 1810 - 1865 , France). The Surf. Lent by Mr. Gari Melchers. 3030. Lefebvre, Jules-Joseph (Paris, France). La Cigale. Lent by the St. Louis Museum of Fine Arts. 3031. Mauve, Anton ( 1838 - 1888 , Holland). The Flock. Lent by Mr. Joseph Jefferson, New York. WEST WALL. 3032 . Van Beers, Jan (Brussels, Belgium). “You Are Welcome.” Lent by Mr. Charles T. Yerkes, Chicago. 3033. Bonington, Richard P. ( 1801 - 1828 , England) Landscape. Lent by Mr. R. Hall McCormick, Chicago. 3034. Cazin, Jean-Charles (Paris, France). Midnight Moonlight, Abbeville France. Lent by Mr. Charles T. Yerkes, Chicago. 3035. Israels, Josef (The Hague, Holland). A Frugal Meal. Lent by Mr. Charles T. Yerkes, Chicago. 3036. Knaus, Ludwig (Berlin, Germany). A Country Festival. Lent by Mr. Charles T. Yerkes, Chicago. 3037. Alma-Tadema, Laurens (London, England). A Reading from Homer. Lent by Mr. Henry G. Marquand, New York. 3038. Leys, Baron Hendrik ( 1815 - 1886 , Belgium). The Book Stall. Lent by Mr. Charles T. Yerkes, Chicago. 3039. Dupre, Jules ( 1812 - 1889 , France). At Sea. Lent by Mr. Charles T. Yerkes, Chicago. 3040. Corot, Jean-Baptiste-Camille ( 1796 - 1875 , France). The Path to the Vil¬ lage. Lent by Mr. Charles T. Yerkes, Chicago. 3041. Meissonier, Jean-Louis-Ernest ( 1813 - 1891 , France). The Reconnais¬ sance. Lent by Mr. Charles T. Yerkes, Chicago. 3042. Isabey, Eugene ( 1804 - 1886 , France). A Fete at the Hotel de Rambouil- let. Lent by Mr. Samuel M. Nickerson, Chicago. 3043. Couture, Thomas ( 1815 - 1879 , France). Portrait of Madame Couture. Lent by the Museum of Fine Arts, Best on. 150 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP'T K—FINE ARTS. 3044. Troyon, Constant ( 1810 - 1865 , France). A Drove of Cattle and Sheep. Lent by Mr. Cornelius Vanderbilt, New York. 3045. Detaille, Edouard (Paris, France). Flag of Truce. Lent by Mr. E. Burgess Warren, Philadelphia. 3046. Michel, Georges ( 1743 - 1833 , France). The Plain of Montmartre, Paris. Lent by Mr. William H. Fuller, New York. 3047. Breton, Jules-Adolphe (Paris). The Song of the Lark. Lent by Mrs. Henry Field, Chicago. 3048. Corot, Jean-Baptiste-Camille ( 1796 - 1875 , France). Evening. Lent from the collection of the late Mr. Jay Gould, New York. 3049. Maris, Jakob (The Hague, Holland). Canal in Holland. Lent by Mr. John G. Johnson, Philadelphia. 3050. Constable, John ( 1776 - 1837 , England). Weymouth Bay. Lent by Mr. William H. Fuller, New York. 3051. Troyon, Constant ( 1810 - 1865 , France). Going Home. Lent by Mrs. Henry Field, Chicago. 3052. Dupre, Jules ( 1812 - 1889 , France). The Open Sea. Lent by Mr. Will¬ iam H. Fuller, New York. 3053. Lhermitte, Leon-Auguste (Paris, France). Washerwomen on the Banks of the Marne. Lent by Mr. E. Burgess Warren, Philadelphia. NORTH WALL. 3054. Dagnan-Bouveret, Pascal-Adolph-Jean (Paris, France). Brittany Peas¬ ant Girl. Lent by Mr. J. H. Wade, Cleveland. 3055. Rousseau, Theodore ( 1812 - 1867 , France). Near Barbizon. Lent by Dr. Henry C. Angell, Boston. 3056. Breton, Jules-Adolphe (Paris, France). Colza Gatherers. Lent by Mr. Collis P. Huntington, New York. 3057. Manet, Edouard ( 1833 - 1883 , France). The Dead Toreador. Lent by Mr. James S. Inglis, New York. 3058. Millet, Jean Francois ( 1814 - 1875 , France). After the Bath. Lent by Mr. Alfred Corning Clark, New York. 3059. Corot, Jean-Baptiste-Camille ( 1796 - 1875 , France). The Inn. Lent by Mr. Martin A. Ryerson, Chicago. 3060. Millet, Jean Francois ( 1814 - 1875 , France). Shepherdess. Lent by the ' Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. 3061. Manet, Edouard ( 1833 - 1883 , France). A Marine. Lent by Mr. Alex¬ ander J. Cassatt, Philadelphia. 3062. Delacroix, Ferdinand-Victor-Eugene ( 1798 - 1863 , France). Christ at the Tomb. Lent by Mr. Alfred Corning Clark, New York. 3063. Millet, Jean Francois ( 1814 - 1875 , France). Peasants Carrying a New¬ born Calf. Lent by Mrs. Henry Field, Chicago. 3064. Cazin, Jean-Charles (Paris, France). Elsinore, the Home of Hamlet. Lent by Mr. Potter Palmer, Chicago. 3065. Regnault, Henri ( 1843 - 1871 , France). In the Pyrenees. Lent by Mr. John G. Johnson, Philadelphia. 3066. Ribot, Thdodule-Augustin ( 1823 - 1891 , France). The Young Politician. Lent by Mr. John T. Davis, St. Louis. UNITED STATES—PRIVATE COLLECTIONS. I 5 1 EAST WALL,. 3067. Bonheur, Mile. Rosa (Paris, France). A Pastoral. Lent from the col¬ lection of the late Mr. Jay Gould, New York. 3068. Dagnan-Bouveret, Pascal-Adolphe-Jean (Paris, France). La Bernoise. Lent by Mr. John G. Johnson, Philadelphia. 3069. Knaus, Ludwig (Berlin, Germany). The Potato Harvest. Lent by Mrs. Henry Field, Chicago. 3070. Manet, Edouard ( 1833 - 1883 , France). A Marine. Lent by Mr. Frank Thomson, Philadelphia. 3071. Millet, Jean Francois ( 1814 - 1875 , France). The Sheep Shearers. Lent by Mr. Peter C. Brooks, Boston. 3072. Bastien-Lepage, Jules ( 1848 - 1885 , France). The Thames. Lent by Mr. John G. Johnson, Philadelphia. 3073. Swan, John M. (London, England) The Approaching Combat. Lent by Mr. John G. Johnson, Philadelphia. 3074. Corot, Jean-Baptiste-Camille ( 1796 - 1875 , France). The Shrimp Fisher. Lent by Mr. Potter Palmer, Chicago. 3075. Corot, Jean-Baptiste-Camille ( 1796 - 1875 , France). Environs of Ville d’Avray, France. Lent by Mr. Charles T. Yerkes, Chicago. 3076. Delacroix, Ferdinand-Victor-Eugene ( 1798 - 1863 , France). Turks Ab¬ ducting a Girl. Lent by Mr. William H. Crocker, San Francisco. 3077. Thompson, Harry (Paris, France). The Shepherdess. Lent by the St. Louis Museum of Fine Arts. 3078. Rousseau, Theodore ( 1812 - 1867 , France). Landscape in Berri, France. Lent by Mr. Charles T. Yerkes, Chicago. 3079. Millet, Jean Francois ( 1814 - 1875 , France). The Pig Killers. Lent by Mr. Charles T. Yerkes, Chicago. 3080. Daubigny, Cbarles-Francois ( 1817 - 1878 , France). Banks of the Oise, Auvers-Sur-Oise, France. Lent by Mr. Charles T. Yerkes, Chicago. 3081. Meissoni jr, Jean-Louis-Ernest ( 1813 - 1891 , France). View near Poissy. Lent by Mr. John G. Johnson, Philadelphia. 3082. Corot, Jean-Bapiste-Camille ( 1796 - 1875 , France). Dance of the Nymphs. Lent by Mr. William H. Crocker, San Francisco. SOUTH WALL. 3083. Neuville, Alphonse-Marie de ( 1836 - 1887 , France). The Spy. Lent by Mr. Collis P. Huntington, New York. 3084. Fantin-Latour, Henri (Paris). Vision of Tannhaeuser. Lent by Mr. J. H. Wade, Cleveland. 152 world's COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP ! T K—FINE ARTS. GALLERY PAINTINGS. NUMBERS 3085 TO 312-r, INCLUSIVE. SOUTH WALL. BEGINNING AT THE WEST SIDE OF THE ENTRANCE FROM GALLERY 41 . 3085. Delacroix, Ferdinand-Victor-Eugene ( 1708 - 1863 , France). Tiger Quenching his Thirst. Lent by Mr. Alfred Corning Clark, New York. 3086. Millet, Jean-Franr 421. Weichberger, Eduard (Weimar). Summer Evening. 422. Rodeck, Carl (Hamburg). Evening in the Woods. 423. Brandt, Professor Jos. v. (Munich) A Sudden Attack. Loaned by the State of Bavaria. 424. Gabl, Professor Alois (Munich). Brauschenke (Bavarian Inn). 425. Kdrner, Ernst (Berlin). Gebel Schech Haridi on the Nile. 426. Bunke, Franz (Weimar). Before the Townlet. 427. Kornbeck, Julius (Castle of Oberensingen, near Mirtingen). In the Vil¬ lage. 294 WORLD’S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP’t K—FINE ARTS. 428. Rocholl, Th. (Dusseldorf) You Must First Catch a Man Before you Hang Him. 429. Roman, Max (Karlsruhe). Street near Tivoli. 430. Schnars-AIquist Hugo (Berlin). A Narrow Escape. EAST WALL. 431. Willroider, Professor Ludw. (Munich) Landscape from Upper Italy. 432. Thumann, Professor Paul (Berlin). Psyche. 433. Wenglein, Professor Jos. (Munich) Chalk Stone Gatherers in the Isar Riverbed. Loaned by the State of Bavaria. 434. Massau, Edm. (Dusseldorf) A Spring Day. 435. Bombach, F. (Berlin) Railroad Crossing. 436. Bachmann, Hans (Dusseldorf). The Morning After the Wedding. (Switzerland.) 437. Bdhme, Karl (Karlsruhe). View from the Lighthouse on Skomvaer. 438. Ludwig, Professor Carl (Berlin). Taubergrund in Franconia. 439. Gude-Hans, Professor (Berlin). Breakers. 440. Mtiller-Kurzwelly, Dr. K. (Berlin) After the Thunderstorm. 441. Hamacher, Willy (Berlin). Rocky Coast. 442. Jacobides, Professor Georg (Munich). Portrait. 443. Fahrbach, C. L. (Dusseldorf) A Mill from the “Black Forest.” 444. Pltihr, Heinr. (Weimar) In the Sunshine. NORTH WALL. 445. Schleich, Hans (Berlin) Braselet Bay. (South Wales.) 446. Bohrdt, Hans (Berlin). Hamburg Pilot. 447. Neuhaus, Fritz (Dusseldorf). The Little Tyrant. 448. Weichberger, Eduard (Weimar). Forrest Pond. 449. Muller, Carl W. (Dresden-A) German Forest. 450. Wansleben, Arthur (Dusseldorf). Swamp Landscape. 451. Dieffenbacher, Aug. (Munich) A Heartrendering Return. 452. Kauffmann, Hugo (Munich). Girl’s Head. 453 . Seiler, Professor Carl (Munich). The Tailor of Count Briihl. 454. Kauffmann, Hugo (Munich). A Snuffer. 455. Zimmermann, Professor Ernst (Munich). Still-life. Loaned by the State of Bavaria. 456. Papperitz (Munich). Salome, the Daughter of Herodias. 457. Sturtzkopf, Franz (Weimar). The Cooper’s Workshop. 458. Strhtzel, Otto (Munich). On the Heath. 459. Muller, Peter Paul (Munich). A Melee. Loaned by the State of Bavaria. 460. Blau, Tina (Munich). Autumn. 461. Geiger, Fanny Edle v. (Munich) Landscape (Spring). 462. Bergmann, Jul. (Karlsruhe) Under the Willow Trees. 463. Schenker, Jaques (Dresden-A). At the River Ems. 464. Hoff, Karl (Karlsruhe). Children from the Black Forest. 465. Metzener, Alfred (Dusseldorf). Tyrolese Landscape. 466. Schiiz, Theod. (Dusseldorf) Winter Landscape (Moonlight). 467. Bergmann, Jul. (Karlsruhe) Returning Home. GERMANY—OIL PAINTINGS. 295 468. Ruths, Valentin (Hamburg). Twilight. Loaned by the National Gal¬ lery of Berlin. 469. Hildebrand, Professor E. (Berlin) Tullia. (Tullia, daughter of Servius Tullius, in unbounded lust of ruling, drives over the body of her father.) 470. Meyerheim, Professor Paul (Berlin). A Menagerie. Loaned by the National Gallery of Berlin. 471. Delug, A. (Munich) For the Month of March. 472. Nabert, Wilhelm (Dusseldorf). Landscape from the Harz. (Valley of the Ocker.) 473. Arnold, Professor Herm (Weimar). My Little Mother. 474. Pohle, Herm (Dusseldorf). Castle in the Parks of Benrath. 475. Smith, Professor Carl Frithjof (Weimar). Children in the Nursery Garden. m 476. Schoenleber, Professor Gust (Karlsruhe). In the Lagoons of Venice. 477. Grlitzner, Professor Eduard (Munich). Cloister Kitchen. Loaned by Mr. Jacob Schiff, New York. 478. Schoenleber, Professor Gust (Karlsruhe). High Tide. (Clovelly.) 479. Bracht, Professor E. (Berlin) Mount Sinai. 480. Vorgang, Paul (Berlin). Evening at the Lake. 481. Ravenstein, Paul von (Karlsruhe). Serenade on the Grand Canal at Venice. 482. Schmitgen, Georg (Berlin). Evening. 483. Smith, Professor Carl Frithjof (Weimar). Portrait of the Norwegian poet, Henrik Ibsen. 484. Muller, Peter Paul (Munich). Beachwood in Autumn. 485. Hartmann, Karl (Munich). Autumn Evening. 486. Rummelspacher, J. (Berlin) The Tschapit Rivulet in the Tyrol. 487. Nelson, Ernst (Berlin). Hard Times. * 488. Petersen-Angeln (Dusseldorf). At Sunset. 489. Holmberg, Professor Aug. (Munich) Pensive. 490. Ztigel, Professor Heinr (Munich). Hard Labor. 491. Ludwig, Professor Carl (Berlin). Spring at Genitz Valley in the Tyrol. WEST WALL. 492. Arp, Karl (Kiel). A Bridge at Saalfeld. 493. Volkmann, Hans von (Karlsruhe). Return of the Flock. 494. Grethe, Professor Carlos (Karlsruhe). The Spoiled Soup. 495. Schnars-Alquist, Hugo (Berlin). S. S. Paris. 496. Grethe, Professor Carlos (Karlsruhe). At the Helm. 497. Ttibbecke, Paul (Weimar). Pottery Mart at Weimar. 498. Meyer, Kunz (Munich). A Legend. 499. Grethe, Professor Carlos (Karlsruhe). The Last Chance. 500. Hellwag, Rudolf (Karlsruhe). Ruins of the Old Hanseatic Town Wisby. 501. Oenicke, R. (Berlin) Palm Woods in Uruguay. 502. Wielandt, Manuel (Karlsruhe). A Summer Day in the Riviera. 503. Andersen-Lundby, Anders (Munich). Winter Evening. 296 world’s COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP’t K—FINE ARTS. SOUTH WALL. 504. Falat, J.(Berlin) Bear Hunting. Loaned by the National Gallery of Berlin. 505. Thedy, Professor Max (Weimar). Spring. 506. Pietschmann, Max (Dresden-N). Polyphemus Fishing. 507. Ttircke, Rud von (Dresden-A). Landscape from the Riviera near Mentone. 508. Staats, Gertrud (Breslau). Before the Gate. 509. Deiters, H. (Dusseldorf) At the Brook. WEST COURT (ALCOVE 102)—NUMBERS 510 AND 511. 510. Daelen, Ed. (Dusseldorf) High Fldwn Madness. 511. Klein-Chevalier (Dusseldorf). Inauguration of the Niederwald Monu¬ ment in the Presence of Emperor William I. SECOND FLOOR. WEST COURT—ALCOVE 168—NUMBERS 512 TO 514, INCLUSIVE. 512. Fischer-Corlin (Berlin). Love Teases, Love Pleases. 513. Fricke, A. (Berlin) On the Island of Sylt. 514. Schauss, Professor E. (Berlin) Elegy. PASSAGE FROM WEST COURT TO EAST COURT—ALCOVE 169 NUMBERS 515 TO 522, INCLUSIVE. 515. Stockmeyer, Karl (Malsch Amt Ettlingen). And St. Peter Went Away and Wept Bitterly. 516. Rusch, Dietrich (Weimar). North German Kitchen. 517. Hasemann, Wilhelm (Gutach Amt Wolfach). He is Coming. 518. Arnz, Albert (Dusseldorf). Still-life; Morass Birds. 519. Wimmer, Rud. (Berlin) Portrait of H. M. Emperor William II. 520. Sturm, F. (Berlin) Wreck Waiting for a Pilot. 521. Henseler, Professor E. (Berlin) The Harvest Repast. 522. Brandt, F. (Rome) The Dome at Tivoli. EAST COURT—ALCOVE 171—NUMBERS 523 TO 526, INCLUSIVE. 523. Hirschler-Kunwald, Ernestine (Weimar). My Studio. 524. Ochmischen, Hugo (Dusseldorf). Brother and Sister. 525. Hasemann, Wilhelm (Gutach Amt Wolfach). Girlfromthe Black Forest. 526. Schaefer, M. (Berlin) Please Come! ALCOVE 172—NUMBERS 527 TO 533, INCLUSIVE. 527. Schlabitz, A. (Berlin) Inmates of an Asylum for the Blind, Entering a Church. 528. Becker-Gundahl (Munich). Forsaken. 529. Kurtz-Gallenstein, A. (Munich) Sunday. 530. Liesegang, H. (Dusseldorf) Mills at Dordrecht. 531. Behmer, Herm. (Weimar) Re-Convalescent. • 532. Normann, A. (Berlin) Narofjord (Norway). 533 . Volckmann, Hans von (Karlsruhe). Going to the Fair. GERMANY—WATER COLORS, DRAWINGS, ETC. 297 Groups 141 and 144. —Water Colors, Drawings, Etc. GALLERY 28—NUMBERS 534 AND 535. 534. Menzel, Professor A. (Berlin) Beer-garden at Kissingen. (Gouache.) 535. Menzel, Professor Ad. (Berlin) Bakery at Kissengen. (Gouache.) GALLERY 29 (IN THE OFFICE)—NUMBERS 536 TO 533 , INCLUSIVE. 536. Herwegen, V. M. (Munich) View of Rome from the Palatin. (Water color.) 537. Behmer, Herm. (Weimar) Portrait of the Artist Sixt Thou. (Water color.) 538. Reinecke, Rene (Munich). In the Waiting Room. (Central Station at Munich.) (Gouache.) SECOND FLOOR. WEST COURT—ALCOVE 166—NUMBERS 539 TO 556, INCLUSIVE. 539. Menzel, Professor Dr. A. (Berlin) Designs for a Table-set for the Crown Prince of Prussia. (Water color.) 540. Menzel, Professor Dr. A. (Berlin) The Blue Arras. (Water color.) 541. Menzel, Professor Dr. A. (Berlin) Chinese Women and Pheasants. (Water color.) 542. Menzel, Professor Dr. A. (Berlin) A Squirrel. (Water color.) 543. Menzel, Professor Dr. A. (Berlin) TreeTrunk with Bird. (Water color.)* 544. Menzel, Professor Dr. A. (Berlin) A Cocatoo. (Water color.) 545. Menzel, Professor Dr. Ad. (Berlin) Study. Loaned by the National Gal¬ lery of Berlin. (Gouache.) 546. Menzel, Professor Dr. Ad. (Berlin) Study. Loaned by the National Gal¬ lery of Berlin. (Gouache.) 547. Berlepsch, Hans Ed. Von (Munich) India Ink Drawings. 548. Menzel, Professor Dr. Ad. (Berlin) Portrait of Dr. Puhlmann. Loaned by the National Gallery of Berlin. (Water color.) 549. Menzel, Professor Dr. Ad. ^Berlin) 12 Studies. (Pencil.) Loaned by the National Gallery of Berlin. 550. Menzel, Professor Dr. Ad. (Berlin) A Study of Armor. (Pen drawing.) 551. Menzel, Professor Dr. Ad. (Berlin) A Study of Armor. (Pen drawing ) 2g8 world’s COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP’T K—FINE ARTS. 552. Menzel, Professor Dr. Ad. (Berlin) Study of Helmet. (Pen drawing.) 553. Menzel, Professor Dr. Ad. (Berlin) “Muzzle.” (Pen drawing.) Loaned by the National Gallery of Berlin. 554. Menzel, Professor Dr. Ad. (Berlin) A Study of Armor. (Pen drawing.) 555. Seitz, Professor Otto (Munich). Drawings. 556. Stuck, Franz (Munich). Fdme. Loaned by the artist. (Drawing.) ALCOVE 165—NUMBERS 557 TO 590, INCLUSIVE. 557. Mannchen, Adolf (Halle a-S). Potato Dumplings. (Water color.) 558. Woltze, Professor Berth (Weimar). A Cotquean. (Pastel.) 559. Lutteroth, Professor Ascan (Hamburg). The Palatine Hill, at Rome. (Water color.) 560. Skarbina, Professor Franz (Berlin). Christmas Fair in Berlin. (Water color.) 561. Hein, Franz (Karlsruhe). The Sweet Tooth. (Water color.) 562. Stichart, Alexander (Dresden-Strehlen). Spooks. (Water color.) 563. Leistikow, W. (Berlin) Twilight. (Water color.) 564. Lutteroth, Professor Ascan (Hamburg). The Arch of Titus at Rome. (Water color.) 565. Doring, Willy (Charlottenburg). A Portrait. Loaned by the artist. (Pastel.) 566. Hertel, Professor Alb. (Berlin) Rapollo. (Water color.) 567. Rogge, Professor Th. (Weimar) Portuguesian Coast. (Water color.) 568. Bartels, Hans von (Munich). A Wave. (Water color.) 569. Arnold, Karl (Weimar). Siesta. (Gouache.) 570. Arnold, Karl (Weimar). A Poor One and a Rich One. (Gouache.) 571. Lutteroth, Professor Ascan (Hamburg). Castle Angelo and St. Peter’s at Rome. (Water color.) 572. Choulant, Th. (Dresden-A) Torietto. (Water color.) 573. Choulant, Th. (Dresden-A) Torietto. (Water color.) 574. Skarbina, Professor Franz (Berlin). Conversation. Loaned by the National Gallery of Berlin. (Water color.) 575. Fehr, Conrad (Berlin). A Pious Monk. (Pastel.) 576. Choulant, Th. (Dresden A) Verona. (Water color.) 577. Choulant, Th. (Dresden A) Venice. (Water color.) 578. Eckenbrecher, Th. v. (Berlin) Street in Cairo. (Water color.) 579. Eckenbrecher, Th. von (Berlin). On the Bosporus. (Water color.) 580. Pohle, Herm. Emil (Dusseldorf). Eloping Four in Hand. (Water color.) 581. Volcker, Hans (Berlin). Straits^of Gibraltar. (Water color.) 582. Bartels, Hans von (Munich). Moonlight Night at the French Coast. (Water color.) ^ 583. Herzog, Lewis (Dusseldorf). On the Rhine. (Lowland.) (Water color.) 584. Normann, A. (Berlin) Evening (Norwegian coast). (Pastel.) 585. Herwegen, V. M. (Munich) Temple of Antony at Rome. (Water color.) 586. Hein, Franz (Karlsruhe). Spring. (Water color.) 587. Kallmorgen, Professor Fr. (Karlsruhe) Grandfather’s Pets. (Water color.) GERMANY—WATER COLORS, DRAWINGS, ETC. 299 588. Heim, Heinz (Darmstadt). A Series of Studies from Life. (Drawing.) 589. Mannchen, Adolf (Halle-a-S.). In the Cloister. (Water color.) 590. Dammeier, Rud (Munich). Tyrolese Peasants at the Mass. (Water color.) ALCOVE 164—NUMBERS 591 TO 629, INCLUSIVE. 591. Leistikow, W. (Berlin) Summer. (Water color.) 592. Looschen, Hans (Berlin). Tap House in the Woods. (Gouache.) 593. Gleichen-Russwurm, Freiherr Ludwig von (Weimar). Autumn (Land¬ scape). (Water color.) 594. Deiters, H. (Dusseldorf) At the Mill-brook. (Water color.) 595. Schnee, H. (Berlin) Summer Morning. (Water color.) 596. Barthel, P. (Berlin) Peace. (Water color.) 597. Heim, Heinz (Darmstadt). A Series of Studies from Life. (Drawings.) 598. Leistikow, W. (Berlin) Autumn. (Water color.) 599. Gleichen-Russwurm, Freiherr Ludwig von (Weimar). Orchard. (Water color.) 600. Deiters, H. (Dusseldorf) Village in Westfalia. (Water color.) 601. Hertel, Professor Alb. (Berlin) Mentone and the Campo Santo. (Water color.) 602. Herrmann, Hans (Berlin). Dutch Harbor Scenery. Loaned by the National Gallery of Berlin. (Water color.) 603. Leistikow, W. (Berlin) A Winter Day in the Mountains. (Pastel.) 604. Herrmann, Hans (Berlin). The “ Singel” at Amsterdam. (Water color.) 605. Teschendorff, Professor E. (Berlin) Old Peasant from Meran. (Water color.) 606. Hertel, Professor Alb. (Berlin) Evening on the " Nassfeld,” near Gas- tein. (Water color.) 607. Weichberger, Eduard (Weimar). Village Garden in May. (Water color.) 608. Hertel, Professor Alb. (Berlin) View of Rome, seen from Mount Pincio. (Water color.) 609. Hertel, Professor Alb. (Berlin) Gastein Nassfeld. (Water color.) 610. Dettmann, L. (Berlin) In Spring. (Water color.) 611. Dettmann, L. (Berlin) A Bridge in the Eiffel. (Water color.) 612. Dettmann, L. ( 3 erlin) German Forest Lake. (Water color.) 613. Breitbach, Carl (Berlin). Cross-passage at Berchtesgaden. (Water color.) 614. Eitner, Ernst (Hamburg). Afternoon Sun. (Gouache.) 615. Breitbach, Carl (Berlin). Fruit-shop at Venice. (Water color.) 616. Dettmann, L. (Berlin) A Fishermen’s Village (Twilight). (Water color.) 617. Dettmann, L. (Berlin) House on the Island of Norderney. (Water color.) 618. Dettmann, L. (Berlin) Hay Time. (Water color.) 619. Breitbach, Carl (Berlin). Campiello San Barbara. (Water color.) 620. Bombach, Wm. (Berlin) Winter at the Riviera. (Water color.) 621. Klimsch, Professor Eugen (Frankfort-on-the-Main). A Fan. (Water color.) 622. Seliger, M. (Berlin) Parrots (Fan). (Water color.) 623. Bergmann, Jul. (Karlsruhe) A Czikos. (Water color.) 300 WORLD’S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP’t K—FINE ARTS. 624. Seliger, M. (Berlin) Elfs and Night-fires (Fan). (Water color.) 625. Haber, Rudolph v. (Dresden-Neustadt) Still-life. (Water color.) 626. Kubierschky, Erich (Munich). Autumn (River Rhine). (Water color.) 627. Kubierschky, Erich (Munich). Spring (River Rhine). (Water color.) 628. Hertel, Professor Alb. (Berlin) Harbour of Mentone. (Water color.) 629. Herrmann, Hans (Berlin). The Lindengracht at Amsterdam. (Water color.) ALCOVE 163-NUMBERS 630 TO 634, INCLUSIVE. 630. Behmer, Herm. (Weimar) Portrait of the poet Gustav Kastrupp. (Pencil drawing.) 631. Thedy, Professor Max (Weimar). Chalk drawing; pen and ink drawing; red chalk drawing. 632. Oberlander, Ad. Adam (Munich). Two frames with pencil drawings. Loaned by the artist. 633. Feldmann, W. (Berlin) Six Pen Drawings in Indian Ink. 634. Heim, Heinz (Darmstadt). Study of Life (Drawing). Germany—engravings, etchings, prints. 301 Group 143-Engravings, Etch¬ ings, Prints. SECOND FLOOR. WEST COURT—ALCOVE 163-NUMBERS 635 TO 687, INCLUSIVE. 635. Meyer, Professor Hans (Berlin). War. (Copper engraving.) 636. Eilers, Professor G. (Berlin) Portrait of Joachim. (China-print.) 637. Platow, J. (Berlin) Pains Forgotten,. (Etching after Gallait.) 638. Erdmann, Mor. (Munich) Near Berchtesgaden. (Etching.) 639. Koepping, Professor Carl (Berlin). Portrait of an Old Man, after Rem¬ brandt. Loaned by the artist. (Etching.) 640. Krauskopf, Professor Wilh. (Karlsruhe) Landscape. (Copper engraving.) 641-660. Etchers’ Association at Weimar. Twenty etchings. 661. Erdmann, Mor. (Munich) Maderno at Lake Garda. (Etching.) 662. Eilers, Professor G (Berlin) Saint Cecilia, after Rubens. (China-print.) 663. Kohnert, H. (Berlin) Spring Morning. (Etching.) 664. Kohnert, H. (Berlin) Autumn Evening. (Etching.) 665. Jahnke, Karl (Munich). Death of “Renard,” after Gebler. (Etching.) 666. Erdmann, Mor. (Munich) Near Bozen (Moonlight). (Etching.) 667. Barenfanger, Max (Munich). Portrait of a Young Wife. (After Hals.) (Wood carving.) 668. Barenfanger Max (Munich). John Chambers, Physician in Ordinary to King Henry VIII, after Holbein. (Etching.) 669. Koepping, Professor Carl (Berlin). Summer Idyl. Loaned by the artist. (Original etching.) 670. Bottcher, F. (Steglitz). The Ascension. (Etching after von Gebhardt.) 671. Krtiger, A. (Berlin) Eight Etchings after Ancient Masters. Loaned by the artist. (Etchings and engravings.) 672. Feldmann, W. (Berlin) Evening in Westfalia. (Etching.) 673. Meyer-Basel Carl Theod. (Munich) (Original etchings.) 674. von Fichard, Freiherr Max (Baden Baden). Three Etchings. 675. Raab, Doris (Munich). Portrait. (Etching after Rembrandt.) 676. Krauskopf, Professor Wilh. (Karlsruhe) Portrait. (Copper engraving.) 677. Krostevitz, F. (Berlin) Landscape. (Etching.) 678. Feldmann, W. (Berlin) The Castle “Em.” (Etching.) 679. Ritter, Lorenz (Nuremberg). At St Lorenz’s. (Etching.) 680. Art Association of the Rhinelands and Westfalia. After the Struggle. (Copper print.) 681. Art Association of the Rhinelands and Westfalia. After the Funeral. (Copper print.) 302 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP't K—FINE ARTS. 682. Art Association of the Rhinelands and Westfalia. With the Lawyer. (Copper print.) 683. Art Association of the Rhinelands and Westfalia. A Service of Love. (Copper print.) 684. Art Association of the Rhinelands and Westfalia. The Sharpers. (Copper print.) 685. Schultheiss, Albrecht (Munich). The Tribute Penny. (Engraving.) 686. Art Association of the Rhinelands and Westfalia. A Saloon Tyrolese. (Copper print.) 687. Art Association of the Rhinelands and Westfalia. Sketch from the Erft. (Copper print.) ALCOVE 161—(ON THE SCREEN) NUMBERS 688 TO 692, INCLUSIVE. 688. Meyer, Professor Hans (Berlin). Six Etchings. (The Dance of Death.) 689. Horte, Max (Berlin). Columbus Scoffed at by the Council of Salamanca. (Original Etching.) 690. Burger, Johann (Munich). Aurora. (Engraving after Guido Reni.) 691. Eilers, Professor G. (Berlin) Portrait of Menzel. (Etching.) 692. Struck, H. (Berlin, Wilmersdorf) The Village Fates. (Etching after Gussow.) 693. Doepler, Professor (Berlin). “The Beginning of the End.” Loaned by the National Gallery of Berlin. (Damaged, not exhibited.) (Water color.) GERMANY—ARCHITECTURE, 303 From Groups 139 to 143-Archi¬ tecture. WEST COURT (ALCOVE 108) NUMBERS 694 TO 709, INCLUSIVE. THE NUMBERING BEGINS AT THE NORTHEAST END OF THE WEST COURT. 694. Imperial Ministry of the Interior (Berlin). Model of the Imperial In¬ surance Institute. Built by Architect A. Busse. 695. Busse (Berlin). Plans for the Imperial Insurance Institute at Berlin. 696. Imperial Ministry of the Interior (Berlin). Model of the Imperial In¬ stitute for Patents, Berlin. A. Bussee, Architect. (See No. 676 .) 697. Busse (Berlin). Plans for the Imperial Institute for Patents at Berlin. 698-700. Warth, Eggert, Jsleibcr, Salomon Jacobsthal, Brion, Professors (Strassburg). Several new buildings for the University at Strassburg. (See. 849 .) 701. Licht, Director H. (Leipzig) Project for a Town Hall at Leipsic. 702. Ende & Beckmann (Berlin). Landeshaus at Danzig. 703. Ende & Bockmann (Berlin). Office Building of the Bank of Commerce and Industry, Berlin. 704. Tiede, Professor Aug. (Berlin) Project for a Museum for Classical Art. 705. Licht, Director H. (Leipzig) Court of Police at Leipsic. 706. Ende& Bockmann (Berlin). Court House at Tokio. 707. Ende & Bockmann (Berlin). Parliament House at Tokio. 708. Ende & Beckmann (Berlin). Ministry of Justice at Tokio. 709. Poppe, J. G. (Bremen) Enlargement of Council Hall at Bremen. WEST COURT ALCOVE 107 -NUMBERS 710 TO 727, INCLUSIVE. 710. Hauberisser, Professor G. (Munich) Villa Naher at Lindan. 711. Schaede, Bernh. (Berlin, Charlottenburg) Project for a National Monu¬ ment for Emperor William I. 712. Hofmann, K. (Worms) Storehouse at Worms. 713. Hofmann, K. (Worms) Waterworks Tower at Worms, built in 1889 - 90 . 714. Hoven, Franz von (Frankfort-a-M). View of the Essighaus at Frank- on-the-Maine. 715. Levy, Professor L. (Karlsruhe) Synagogue at Kaisers Lautern, built 1883 - 86 . Inner decoration done by Gustav Ballin, from Frankfort- a-M. 716. Tushaus a von Abbema (Dusseldorf). The Drachenburg near Konigs- winter. 304 WORLD’S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP’t K—FINE ARTS. 717. Hauberisser, Professor G. (Munich) Court House at Wiesbaden, built 1884 - 90 . 718. Schmidt, Professor A. (Munich) New Synagogue at Munich, built 1884 - 1887 . 719. Abesser & Kroger (Berlin). Synagogue at Glogau in Silesia, built 1890 - 92 . 720. Schmidt, Professor A. (Munich) Church at Munich. 721. Schmidt, Professor A. (Munich) Castle Paehl, built 1882 - 83 . 722. Hoven, Franz von (Frankfort-a-M). Designs and Views of the Village Andreas. 723. Durm, Dr. Jos. (Karlsruhe) Archducal Direction of Public Works. Empress Augusta Baths. 724. Seeling, Chr. Heinr. (Berlin) Projects for a Theatre at Stockholm. 725. Neumeister, Professor A. (Karlsruhe) Castle Altenstein near Lichen- stein-i-Thuringia, built for the Duke of Saxe-Meiningen. 726. Durm, Dr. Jos. (Karlsruhe) Archducal Direction of Public Works. Church at Schopfheim and Badenweiler. 727. Durm, Dr. Joseph (Karlsruhe). Archducal Direction of Public Works. Archiducal Palace. WEST COURT ALCOVE 106—NUMBERS 728 TO 749, INCLUSIVE. 728. Schwechten, Franz (Berlin). Model of the Emperor William Memorial Church at Berlin. 729. Imperial Ministry of Public Works (Berlin). Church at Alt Geltow. 730. Imperial Ministry of Public Works (Berlin). Reformed Church at Jus- terburg. 731. Imperial Ministry of Public Works (Berlin). Grace Church at Berlin. 732. Imperial Ministry of Public Works (Berlin). Dome at Schleswig. 733. Imperial Ministry of Public Works (Berlin). Church at Liitgendort- mund. 734. Imperial Ministry of Public Works (Berlin). Luther Church at Stettin. 735. Imperial Ministry of Public Works (Berlin). Physical Institute of the University at Halle. 736. Imperial Ministry of Public Works (Berlin). Government Building at Hildesheim. 737. Imperial Ministry of Public Works (Berlin). Government Building at Munster. 738. Imperial Ministry of Public Works (Berlin). Court House at Kempen. 739. Imperial Ministry of Public Works (Berlin). Physical Science Insti¬ tutes on the Telegraphenberg near Potsdam with Map of Situation. 740. Imperial Ministry of Public Works (Berlin). Court House at M. Glad- bach. 741. Imperial Ministry of Public Works (Berlin). New Buildings for the Clinical Institute of the University at Gottingen. 742. Imperial Ministry of Public Works (Berlin). Pathological Institute of the University at Breslau. 743. Imperial Ministry of Public Works (Berlin). Chirurgical Clinic at Breslau. GERMANY—ARCHITECTURE. 30$ 744. Imperial Ministry of Public Works (Berlin). Court House at Aix-la- Chapelle. 745. Imperial Ministry of Public Works (Berlin). Mineralogical Museum of the University at Kiel. 745a. Imperial Ministry of Public Works (Berlin). Archives and Library at Hanover. 746. Imperial Ministry of Public Works (Berlin). Reception Hall and Build¬ ing at the Station of Primkenau. 747. Imperial Ministry of Public Works (Berlin). Court House at Cologne. 748. Imperial Ministry of Public Works (Berlin). Skylight Court in the Court House at Cologne. 749. Imperial Ministry of Public Works (Berlin). University at Marburg. CENTER OF WEST COURT. 750. Imperial Ministry of the Interior (Berlin). Model of the House of Parliament at Berlin, built 1884-93 by Architect Wallat, model Sculptured by Sculptor Berger. WEST COURT ALCOVE 105—NUMBERS 751 TO 771, INCLUSIVE. 751. Imperial Ministry of Public Works (Berlin). Museum of Physics at Berlin. 752. Imperial Ministry of Public Works (Berlin). Court House at Frankfort- on-the-Main. 753. Imperial Ministry of Public Works (Berlin). Augusta School at Berlin. 754. Imperial Ministry of Public Works (Berlin). Court House at Neurode. 755. Imperial Ministry of Public Works (Berlin). Archives at Aurich. 756. Imperial Ministry of Public Works (Berlin). Penitentiary at Gross 757. Imperial Ministry of Public Works (Berlin). New Buildings for the Clinical Institute of the University at Gottingen. 758. Imperial Ministry of Public Works (Berlin). Reception Hall and Build¬ ing at the Depot at Dusseldorf. 759. Imperial Ministry of Public Works (Berlin). Morgue at Berlin. 760. Imperial Ministry of Public Works (Berlin). Gymnasium at Sigmarin- gen. 761. Imperial Ministry of Public Works (Berlin). Court House at Crefeld. 762. Imperial Ministry of Public Works (Berlin). Pathological Institute of the University at Gottingen. Strehlitz. 763. Imperial Ministry of Public Works (Berlin). Reception Hall and Build¬ ing at the Depot at Halle. 764. Imperial Ministry of Public Works (Berlin). Court-House at Bochum. 765. March, O. (Charlottenburg) Town Festivity Hall at Worms; built 1888-89; Facade and Views of the Stage with Equipment for Opera and Plays for the People. 766. Walther, Professor E. (Nuremberg) The Von Tucher Brewery at Berlin. 767. Groszheim, Kayser and von (Berlin). Hotel Dornhof at Cologne; built 1891-93. 20 306 WORLD’S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEp’t K—FINE ARTS. 768. Dollinger, Professor C. (Stuttgart) Facade of the Court-House at Tubingen; built in 1435 ; restored in 1877 . 769. Hehl, Christoph (Hannover). Court-House at Harburg on the Elbe. 770. Schwarz, G. (Hildesheim) Reconstruction of the Town Hall at Hildes- heim; com. from 1883 - 88 . 771. Department of Public Works (Town of Frankfort-on-the-Main). Wil- mer Frankenstein School. WEST COURT ALCOVE 104—NUMBERS 772 TO 791, INCLUSIVE. 772. Spitta, Professor v (Berlin). Model of the Grace Church at Berlin. 773. Otzen, Professor Johannes (Berlin). The Luther Church at Berlin. 774. Otzen, Professor Johannes (Berlin). Reformed Church at Wiesbaden. 775. Meckel (Frankfort-a-M). Pilgrimage Church, St. Rochus, at Bingen-on- the-Rhine. 776. Hase, Professor C. W. (Hannover) Church at Georg Marienhiitte in Westfalia. 777. Hehl, Christoph (Hannover). Saint Mary’s at Hanover. 778. Hehl, Christoph (Hannover). Garrison Church at Hanover. 779. Strigler, Ph. (Frankfort-a-M.) Catholic Church at the Gartenfeld at Mainz. 780. Hehl, Christoph (Hannover). High Altar at St. Mary’s at Hannover. 781. Schmitz, Franz (Strassburg). Reconstructions at the Dom at Stras- burg. 782. Schmitz, Bruno (Berlin). Project for a National Monument for Emperor William I. 783. Tornow, P. (Metz) Reconstruction of the Dom at Metz. 784. Tornow, P. (Metz) The Liebfrauen Church at Metz. 785. Schmidt, Freiherr Professor H. (Munich) Reconstruction of St. Cath¬ arine’s at Oppenheim; finished 1889 . 786. Hehl, Christoph (Hannover). Project for Restoring the Dom at Bremen. 787. Winkler, C. (Colmar) Reconstruction of St. Theo Caldus at Thann in Alsatia. 788. Hauberisser, Professor G. (Munich) Herz-Jesu Church. 789. Salzmann (Bremen). Reconstruction of the Dom at Bremen. 790. Schmidt, Freiherr Professor H. (Munich) Town Hall Tower at Passau. 791. Schmidt, Freiherr H., Professor (Munich). St. John’s at Darmstadt. WEST COURT ALCOVE 102—NUMBER 792. 792. Heinevetter, Hans (Munich). Project for an Exhibition Building con¬ taining Theatre, Concert and Ball-rooms and a Circus. SECOND FLOOR. ALCOVE i59^NUMBERS 793 TO 801, INCLUSIVE. 793 " 795 * Welczien, V. von, Wagner, H., Erwin, Marx, Professors (Darm¬ stadt). Buildings of the Technical High School at Darmstadt. 796. Lambert & Stahl (Stuttgart). National Museum at Bern. GERMANY—ARCHITECTURE. 30? 797. Horst, Chr., and Weltzien, V. von (Darmstadt). Clinical .nstitute at Giessen, built 1887 - 90 . 798. Horst, Chr., and Weltzien, V. von (Darmstadt). Lunatic Asylum at Giessen. 799. Klingenberg, E. (Freseburg in the Harz) Enlargement project of the Museums at Berlin. 800. Kayser & von Groszheim (Berlin). Office Building of Book Traders at Leipzic; built 1886 - 88 . 801. Haller, M. (Hamburg) Office Building, the “Doventrop” at Hamburg. ALCOVES 160 AND 161—NUMBERS 702 TO 858, INCLUSIVE. 802. Klingenberg, E. (Freseburg, in the Harz) Project for a Dom at Berlin. 803-849. Royal Photometric Institute, Meydenbauer, Prof. (Berlin) Forty- three ( 43 ) Photographs, three Drawings and one Reproduction. 850. Wellb, C. and C. Private Flathouse. 851. March, O. (Berlin) Zum “Hausvoight.” 852. Wellb, C. and C. Private Flathouse. 853. Walther, Prof. C. (Nuremberg) The von Tucher Brewery at Berlin. 854. Walther, Prof. C. (Nuremberg) The von Tucher Brewery at Berlin. 855. Walther, Prof. C. (Nuremberg) The von Tucher Brewery at Berlin. 856. Seeling, Chr. Heinr. (Berlin) Projects for an University Library at Leipzig. 857. Seeling, Chr. Heinr. (Berlin) Project for a Kur-Trinkhalle at Wiesba¬ den. 858. Neher, L., and von Kauffmann (Frankfort-a-M.). Castle Pfliigensberg, near Eisenach. ALCOVE 162-NUMBERS 859 TO 880, INCLUSIVE. 859. Licht, Director H. (Leipzig) Enlargement of the Museum at Leipzic. 860. Wolff, Felix. Flathouse at Vienna. 861. Wolff, Felix. Elevations of the Same. 862. Neher, L. and von Kauffmann (Frankfort-a-M). Band Office Building at Frankfort-on-the-Main. 863. Hase, Professor C. W. (Hannover) Facade of the Central Depot at Oldenburg. 864. Kramer, Professor Th. von (Nuremburg). Museum of Industry at Nuremburg. 865. Solf (Berlin). Villa in the Grunewald, near Berlin. 866. Department of Public Works (Town of Frankfort-on-the-Main). Opera House at Frankfort-a-M., designs by R. Lucal. 867. Kreyszig, Ed. (Mainz) The “Stadthalle” at Mainz. 868. Haller, M. (Hamburg) Office Building of the Hamburg-American Packet Company, Hamburg. 869. Heim, L. (Berlin) Hotel Continental at Berlin. 870. Blumberg & Schreiber (Berlin). Designs for a Circus at Berlin. 308 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN E jEp't K—FINE ARTS. 871. Rossbach, A. (Leipzig) Library of the University at Leipzig. 872. Neckelmann, Professor Skjato (Stuttgart). Museum of Industry at Stuttgart. 873. Neckelmann, Professor Skjato (Stuttgart). Public Library at Strassburg. 874. Neckelmann, Professor Skjato (Stuttgart). University at Strassburg. 875. Heim, L. (Berlin) Hotel Monopol at Berlin. 876-878. Royal Direction of the State Railways of Bavaria (Munich). Cen¬ tral station at Munich. Built 1876-83 by Jacob Graff. 879. Huber, Franz (Neustadt-a-H). Album with architectural designs. 880. Linse, Ed. (Aix-la-Chapelle) An album with projects for private houses. Samples of inner decorations for decorators. J. W. BECK, GREAT BRITAIN President of the I^oyal Commission, H. R. H. THE PRINCE OF WALES, K. G. Secretary of the Royal Commission, SIR HENRY TRUMAN WOOD, R. A., Victoria House, Jackson Park. Superintendent of the Fine Arts Section, J. W. BECK, Victoria House, Jackson Park. Committee on Fine Arts. SIR FREDERICK LEIGHTON, Bart., P. R. A., Chairman. SIR RICHARD WEBSTER, Q. G., M. P. SIR FREDERICK BRAMWELL, Bart., D. C. L., F. R. S. WILLIAM AGNEW. J. MACVICAR ANDERSON, P. R. I. B. A. WYKE BAYLISS, F. S. A., P. R. B. A. PHILIP H. CALDERON, R. A. SIR PHILIP CUNLIFFE-OWEN, K. C. B., K. C. M. G., C. I. E. HENRY WILLIAM BANKS DAVIS, R. A. SIR JOHN GILBERT, R. A. President of the Royal Society of Painters in Water Colors. F. SEYMOUR HADEN, P. R. P. E. ALEXANDER HENDERSON. SIR JAMES D. LINTON, P. R. I. W. E. LOCKHART, R. S. A. H. STACY MARKS, R. A. Deputy-President of the Royal Society of Painters in Water Colors. WALTER WILLIAM OULESS, R. A. EDWARD J. POYNTER, R. A. WILLIAM CUTHBERT QUILTER, M. P. FREDERIC STACPOOLE, A. R. A. MARCUS STONE, R. A. W. HAMO THORNYCRAFT, R. A The EARL OF WHARNCLIFFE. For information regarding exhibits for sale, apply at desk in Gallery 18 . 309 310 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP'T K—FINE ARTS. GREAT BRITAIN. THE NUMBERS TO WHICH THIS CATALOGUE REFERS ARE PRINTED IN RED. MANY OF THESE WORKS ARE FOR SALE. PARTICULARS AND PRICES MAY BE OBTAINED AT THE DESK IN THE EAST END OF GALLERY No. 18 . Group 139-Sculpture. THE ROTUNDA—NUMBERS 1 AND 2. x. Leighton, Sir Frederick, Bart., P. R. A. (London) The Sluggard. 2. Thorneycroft, Hamo, R. A. (London) Teucer. SOUTH COURT-NUMBERS 3 TO 50 , INCLUSIVE. BEGINNING AT THE NORTH END OF THE EAST SIDE OF THE COURT. 3. Ford, E. Onslow, A. R. A. (London) Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone. 4. Pomeroy, F. W. (London) Giotto. 5. Frampton, George (London). Caprice. 6. Goscombe, John W. (London) Study of a Female Head. 7. Moore, Miss E. M. (London) A Ruffian. 8. Moore, Miss E. M. (London) Bust of a Child. 9. Palmer, Miss Ada M. (Chigwell, Essex) The Pied Piper of Hamelin. 10. Goscomb, John W. (London) Morpheus. 11. Joy, Albert Bruce, R. H. A. (London) The Archbishop of Canterbury. 12. Dressier, Conrad (London). Bacchaute. 13. Mac Lean, T. Nelson (London). Comedy. 14. Montalba, Miss Henrietta S. (Venice) Boy Catching a Crab. 15. Woolner, Thomas R. A. (the late) Bust of Carlyle. Lent by Mrs. Woolner. 16. Ford, E. Onslow, A. R. A. (London) Statue of Henry Irving as “Hamlet.” 17. Woolner, Thomas, R. A. (the late) Bust of Lord Tennyson. Lent by Mrs. Woolner. 18. Lee, Thomas Stirling (London). Bronze Medallion. 19. Montford, Horace (London). The Birth of Venus. 20. Frampton, George (London). St. Christina. GREAT BRITAIN—SCULPTURE. 311 21 . Woolner, Thomas, R. A. (the late) Medallion Portrait of Lord Tenny¬ son. Lent by Mrs. Woolner. 22. Pomeroy, F. W. (London) Dionysius. 23. Mac Lean, T. Nelson (London). La Source. 24. Mac Lean, T. Nelson (London). Tragedy. 25. Thornycroft, Hamo, R. A. (London) The Mower. 26. Watts, G. F., R. A. (London) Clytie. 27. Drury, Alfred (London). The First Reflection. 28. Montford, Horace (London). Threatened Reprisals. 29. Dressier, Conrad (London). “Mewling and Puking in the Nurse’s Arms.” 30. Toft, Albert (London). The Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone. 31. Holiday, Harry (London). Sleep. 32. Thornycroft, Hamo, R. A. (London) Edward I. 33. Brown, Miss B. A. M. (Beckenham, Kent) The Pearl (marble group). 34. Thornycroft, Hamo, R. A. (London) Putting the Stone. 35. Dressier, Conrad (London). Girl Tying on her Sandals. 36. Woolner, Thomas, R. A. (the late) Bust of Cardinal Newman. Lent by Mrs. Woolner. 37. Lee, Thomas Stirling (London). The Kiss of Dawn. 38. Woolner, Thomas, R. A. (the late) Bust of the Right Hon. W. E. Glad¬ stone. Lent by Mrs. Woolner. 39. Frampton, George (London). Singing Girl. Lent by A. L. Collie, Esq. 40. Joy, Albert Bruce, R. H. A. (London) The Marquis of Salisbury. 41. Joy, Albert Bruce, R. H. A. (London) Mrs. Mary Anderson Navarro. 42. Rhodes, Roland (Newcastle). Youth’s First Recognition of Love. 43. Fehr, H. C. (London) Morning. 44. Leighton, Sir Frederick, Bart., P. R. A. (London) Needless Alarms. Lent by Sir John E. Millais, Bart., R. A. 45. Swan, John M. (London) Tigress. 46. Swan, John M. (London) Lioness. 47. Swan, John M. (London) Panther. 48. Rhodes, Roland (Newcastle). Egyptian Harpist. 49. Ford, E. Onslow, A. R. A. (London) General Gordon on a Camel. 50. Allen, Charles J. (London) Repulsed. 312 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEPT K—FINE ARTS. Group 140-Oil Paintings. GALLERY 12—NUMBERS 41 TO 109, INCLUSIVE. SOUTH WALL. BEGINNING AT WEST SIDE OF ENTRANCE TO GALLERY 18 . 51. Waller, S. E. (London) The Empty Saddle. 52. Lockhart, W. E., R. S. A. (London) The Swineherd. Lent by the Trustees of the Dundee Free Library. 53. Goodall, T. F. (Dulwich) The Last of the Ebb: Great Yarmouth from Breydon Water. WEST WALL. 54. Laidlay, W. J. (London) The Approach. 55. Long, Edwin, R. A. (the late) Rose Bradwardine. From Sir Walter Scott’s “Waverly.” Lent by Messrs. Thomas Agnew & Sons. 56. Stott, Edward (Amberly). Peaceful Evening. Lent by Andrew Muir, Esq. 57. Ward, Mrs. E. M. (London) The Ugly Duckling. From Hans Ander¬ sen’s Fairy Tales. 58. Parsons, Alfred, R. I. (London) The Flowers Appear on the Earth. 59. Pickering, J. L. (London) An Old World Home. 60. Brown, Frederick (London). “When the Evening Sun is Low.” 61. Holl, Frank, R, A. (the late) Portrait of the Late J. S. Morgan. Lent by Pierpont Morgan, Esq. 62. Smart, John, R. S. A. (Edinburgh) A Glen without a Name, Ben Crua- chan. 63. Stone, Marcus, R. A. (London) The Gambler’s Wife. Lent by George McCulloch, Esq. 64. Stokes, Adrian (London). Early Spring, Roman Campagna. 65. Topham, Frank W. W., R. I. (London) Naaman’s Wife.—II Kings, v. 1 - 2 . Lent by Sir Robert Romer. 66. Forbes, Stanhope A., A. R. A. (London) Forging the Anchor. Lent by George McCulloch, Esq. 67. Baden, Powel F. (London) The Wooden Walls of Queen Victoria. Lent by E. S. Heywood, Esq., J. P. Portraits of the last of England’s wooden bulwarks, lying off Portsmouth Dockyard, about 1840. The “Britannia,” of 120 guns, on the right, was flagship of the port; the two- decker being the “London,” of 92 guns whilst the central three decker, drying her sails, is the “Queen,” of 110 guns; and on the extreme left lies the fast-sailing frigate “Arethusa.” 68. Stone, Marcus, R. A. (London) The Passing Cloud. Lent by Arthur Lucas, Esq. 69. Noble, Robert (Haddingtonshire, N. B.). September, 70. Hartley, Alfred (London). Trafalgar Square, GREAT BRITAIN—OIL PAINTINGS. 313 •71. Ouless, W. W., R. A. (London) Portrait of Sir Donald Smith, K.C.M.G. Chairman of the Hudson Bay Co. Lent by Sir Donald Smith. 72. Hague, Anderson, R. I. (Llandudno) Gyffin Old Mill. 73 . Wyllie, Chas. W. (London) The Mighty Fallen. Lent by S. N. Castle, Esq. 74. Rooke, T. M. (London) King Ahab’s Coveting. Lent by Merton Rus¬ sell Cotes, Esq., F.R.G.S. 75. Olivier, Herbert A. (London) Portrait of the Venerable Archdeacon Farrar. Presentation portrait. Lent by The Ven. Archdeacon Farrar, D.D. 76. Storey, G. A., A. R. A. (London) The Padre, a Spanish Interior. 77. Joy, G. W. (London) Danaids. NORTH WALL. 78. Fisher, S. Melton (London) A Summer Night. 79. Huson, Thos., R. I. (Liverpool) “Mists hung wide o’er Moor and Fell.” 80. Forbes, Stanhope A., A. R. A. (London) Soldiers and Sailors. Lent by George McCulloch, Esq. 81. Grace, A. F. (Steyning) Working Late in Valley of the Arun. 82. Beavis, Richard, A. R. W. S. (London) A Stampede in the Highlands. 83. Poynter, E. J., R. A. (London) White Roses. 84. Armstrong, T. (London) A Music-piece. Lent by J. Walker, Esq. 85. Cameron, Hugh, R. S. A. (Fife, N. B.) Kilmeny Coming Back from Fairy¬ land. From the Poem by Hogg, “The Ettrick Shepherd.” Lent by James Lindsay, Jr., Esq. 86. Clark, James (London). Early to Bed. 87. Charlton, John (London). The Royal Jubilee Procession Passing through Trafalgar Square. Lent by Her Majesty the Queen. 88. Hayes, Edwin, R. H. A., R. I. (London) Hard a Port. 89. Ellis, Edwin (London). Full Summer, Flambro’. Lent by W. E. Harts¬ horn, Esq. 90. Frith, W. P., R. A. (London) The Race for Wealth (a Series of Five Pict¬ ures)—The Spider and the Flies. Lent by Maurice N. Newton, Esq. 91. Frith, W. P., R. A. (London) The Spider at Home. 92. Frith, W. P., R. A. (London) Victims. 93. Frith, W. P., R. A. (London) Judgment. 94. Frith, W. P., R. A. (London) Retribution. 95. Walker, J. Hanson (London). A Portrait—“May.” 96. Lindner, M. P. (London) Moonlight. Lent by Henry Roche, Esq. 97. Collier, the Hon. John (London). The Death of Cleopatra. Lent by the Corporation of Oldham. 98. Walker, J. Hanson (London). Mrs. Frank Grimwood, of Manipur. 99. Stott, Edward (Amberley). The Bathers. Lent by John Maddocks, Esq. 100. Riviere, Briton, R. A. (London) Daniel. Lent by Thomas H. Ismay, Esq. 101. Calthrop, Claude (London). Attempted Assassination of William the Silent, Prince of Orange. 314 world’s COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP’T K—FINE ARTS. 102. Barclay, Edgar (London). “Hush.” 103. Macwhirter, John, R. A. (London) Corrie-Arran. 104. Sadler, W. Dendy (London). Lea Roachers. Lent by H. L. Lefevre, Esq. 105. Beadle, J. P. (London) In the Pas de Calais. Lent by General Beadle. 106. Goodall, T. F. (Dulwich) When the Sun Sets and the Moon Rises. SOUTH WALL. 107. Johnson, C. E., R. I. (London) The Slopes of Ben Nevis. 108. Grace, A. F. (Steyning) The Valley of the Cuckmere. Lent by the Cor¬ poration of Brighton. 109. Emslie, A. E. (London) Saving the Shipwrecked. GALLERY 13-OIL PAINTINGS. NUMBERS 110 TO 163, INCLUSIVE. WEST WALL. BEGINNING AT THE SOUTH END OF WALL—AT SOUTH ENTRANCE FROM GALLERY 12 . no. Nicol, J. Watson (London). “The Good Old Rule, the Simple Plan, That They Should Take Who Have the Power, And They Should Keep Who Can.” hi. Reid, John R. (London) The Yarn. Lent by J. S. Forbes, Esq. 112. Titcombe, W. H. Y. (Balham) Primitive Methodists, St. Ives, Cornwall. 113. Wyllie, W. L., A. R. A. (London) Davy Jones’ Locker. 114. Rattray, Well wood, R. S. A. (Glasgow) Golden. October on the Forth. 115. Bourdillon, Frank W. (Dorking) “’Twasin 55 .” 116. Watts, G. F., R. A. (London) Love and Life. 117. Charles, James (Bosham). A Frosty Morning. 118. Mason, George (the late). The Harvest Moon. Lent by Alexander Henderson, Esq. 119. Collier, The Hon. John (London). Circe. Lent by Elliott Lees, Esq., M. P. 120. Calderon, W. Frank (London). “Fire!” 121. Watts, G. F., R. A. (London) Love and Death. 122. Knight, Joseph R. I. (Llandudno) A Turnip Field. Lent by Col. W. W. Mawson. 123. Prinsep, Val. C., A. R. A. (London) The Broken Idol. A Christian slave, who in his religious zeal has broken one of the family gods, is brought as an amusement before his mistress, a Roman lady of the time of Diocletian, to explain his conduct. He is under the charge of the cicarius (master of the slaves), and is attended by his fellow Christians. 124. Archer, James, R. S. A. (L.ondon) St. Agners, One of the Early Christ¬ ian Martyrs. GREAT BRITAIN—OIL PAINTINGS. 31$ 125. Millais, Sir John Everett, Bart., R. A. (London) Bubbles. Lent by Messrs. Pears. 126. Stokes, Mrs. Adrian (London) “Hail, Mary!" 127. Clark, James (London). The Favourite. NORTH WALL. 128. Leader, B. W., A. R. A. (Guildford) Conway Bay and the Carnarvon¬ shire Coast. Lent by George McCulloch, Esq. 129. Furse, Charles W. (London) Lady in Grey. 130. Jolley, Gwilt (London). Consolation Afflictorum. 131. Yeames, William F., R. A. (London) Prisoners of War, 1805 . 132. Waller, S. E. (London) One-and-Twenty. Lent by George McCul¬ loch, Esq. 133. Graham, T. (London) The Last Boat. 134. Jacomb-Hood, G. P. (London) Summer. 135. Furse, Charles W. (London) Lady in Brown Riding Habit. EAST WALL. 136. Dawson, Nelson (London). The Sunset Breeze. 137. Leader, B. W., A. R. A. (Guildford) When Sun is Set. Lent by George McCulloch, Esq. 138. Bigland, Percy (London). Portrait of the Countess Cairns. Lent by the Countess Cairns. 139. Stokes, Adrian (London). The Setting Sun. Lent by George McCul¬ loch, Esq. 140. Armitage, E., R. A. (London) Faith. 141. Brown, Ford Madox (London). Wiclif on Trial. Designed for Man¬ chester Town Hall. Lent by Henry Boddington, Esq. 142. Brett, John, A. R. A. (Putney) “Some Fall on Stony Ground.” 143. Corbet, Mrs. M. Ridley (London). On the Coast near Pisa. 144. Wyllie, W. L., A. R. A. (London) The Port of London. Lent by the Fine Art Society. 145. La Thangue, H. H. (Bosham) Leaving Home. Lent by Isaac Smith, Esq., M. P. 146. Lucas, Seymour, A. R. A. (London) St. Paul’s. 147. Crane, Walter (London). Freedom. 148. Corbet, M. Ridley (London). The Carrara Mountains. 149. Hitchens, A. (London) Fisherwomen Awaiting the B.oats, Holland. 150. Boughton, G. H., A. R. A. (London) Winter Sunrise. 151. Armitage, E., R. A. (London) After an Entomological Sale. 152. Logsdail, William (London). Venice From the Public Garden. 153. Charles, James (Bosham). Jack at Home. 154. McCulloch, George (London). Caliban and Ariel. 155. Jopling, Mrs. Louise (London). “Dear Lady Disclaim” 156. Jones, Sir Thomas A. the late, P. R. H. A. (Dublin) Loreli. 157. Small, William, R. I. (London) Returning From Market, Connemara Rough on Biddy. 316 WORLD’S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP’t K—FINE ARTS. SOUTH WALL. 158. Lawson, Cecil (the late). The Hop Garden. Lent by Mrs. Cecil Law- son. 159. Schloesser, Carl (London). Moliere Reading to his Servant, “La Foret.” 160. Lockhart, W. E., R. S. A. (London) Portrait of John Poison, Esq. Lent by John Poison, Esq. 161. Morris, P. R., A. R. A. (London) Sons of the Brave. Duke of York’s School for Soldiers’ Orphan Boys. Lent by James Dole, Esq. 162. East, Alfred, R. I. (London) An Angty Dawn. Lent by George McCul¬ loch, Esq. 163. Kennington, T. B. (London) The Curse of the Family. GALLERY 14-OIL PAINTINGS. NUMBERS 164 TO 214, INCLUSIVE. WEST WALL. BEGINNING AT THE SOUTH END OF THE WALL AT SOUTH ENTRANCE FROM GALLERY 12 . 164. Bourdillon, Frank W. (Dorking) On Board the “Revenge,” 1591 . “Sink me the Ship, Master Gunner.”— Tennyson . 165. Linton, Sir J., P.R.I. (London) The Benediction. Lent by C. Jacoby, Esq. 166. Leighton, E. Blair (London). The Secret. Lent by T. J. Hirst, Esq. 167. Poole, P. F., R.A. (the late) Greek Exiles. Lent by David Jardine, Esq. 168. Poole, P. F., R.A. (the late) The Prodigal Son. Lent by James Leat- hart, Esq. 169. Tayler, A. Chevallier (London). The Pedlar. 170. Holl, Frank, R. A. (the late) Samuel Cousins, R.A. Lent by Mrs. Frank Holl. 171. Rae, Henrietta (Mrs. E. Normand) (London). La Cigale. 172. Bramley, Frank, Penzance. “For of Such is the Kingdom of Heaven.” Lent by George McCulloch, Esq. 173. Lund, Niels M. (18 Fitzroy Street, London) A Scotch River. “Where crowded waters glitter to the Moon.” 174. Millais, Sir John Everett, Bart., R.A. (London) The Last Rose of Sum¬ mer. 175. Shannon, J. J. (London) Portrait of G. Hitchcock, Esq. Lent by G. Hitchcock, Esq. 176. Waterlow, Ernest A., A.R.A. (London) Over the Sandhills, Bristol Channel. 177. Hopkins, Arthur, A.R.W.S. (London) “Springtime, the Only Pretty Ring-time.” 178. Moscheles, Felix (London). Reciter in an Arab Cafe, Cairo. 179. Hunter, Colin A., R.A. (London) Fishers of the North Sea. GREAT BRITAIN—OIL PAINTINGS. 317 180. Halswelle, Keeley (the late). A Breezy Common. Lent by Messrs. Arthur Tooth & Sons. 181. Hunter, G. Sherwood (London). Carrying the Viaticum, Finisterre, . F ranee. 182. Fletcher, Morley (London). Shadow of Death. NORTH WALL. 183. Sant, James, R.A. (London) Oliver Twist. “He Walks to London.” (Chap, viii.) 184. Lavery, John (Glasgow). An Equestrienne. 185. Swan, John M. (London) Maternity. Lent by the Hon. C. N. Law¬ rence. 186. Kennedy, C. N. (London) Perseus. EAST WALL. 187. Belgrave, Percy (London). Combe Valley, near Morwenstow. 188. Schmalz*. Herbert (London). Christianae ad Leones. “ The sec' - who were first called Cnristians in Antioch had that day borne good wit¬ ness to their faith in Rome. The grim work was over for the stong; only the tenderest, the most innocent, saved from that death they envied for a crueller fate, had been borne to the circus with ribald jest and vile indignity. In the fierce glare of the arena waiting for the end—waiting there under the pitiless eyes of the populace, from sena¬ tor and patrician dame, to low buffoon and parasite, weary of slaughter but insatiate for further blood—waiting till fear was lost in hope, and shame grew sht .neless, before the presence of death.” 189. Rae, Henrietta (Mrs. E. Normand) (London). Doubts. 190. North, J. W., A.R.A., R.W.S. (Taunton) “Seest how Fresh my Flowers be Spread, in Lily-White and Crimson Red.”— Spenser. Lent by Colonel North. 191. Fisher, Horace (London). The Card Players. 192. Waterlow, Ernest A., A.R.A., A.R.W.S. (London) The Evening Hour. 193. Shannon, J. J. (London) Portrait of Mrs. Hitchcock. 194. Morris, P. R., A.R.A. (London). Fete Dieu, Dieppe, Normandy. 195. Parton, Ernest (London). Misty Morn. Lent by Arthur Hill, Esq. 196. Knight, J. W. Buxton (London). Sunday Morning, Hadley Church. Lent by J. Maddocks, Esq. Hadley Church is close to Barnet, on the London and York road. It is very old and has a “ fire cradle ” for signaling in olden times. The battle of Barnett was fought close to it; when the Earl of Warwick and his brother fought back to back for a long time before they were slain. 197. Waterlow, Ernest A., A.R.A. A.R.W.S. (London) The Misty Moon, Isle of Arran. 198. Shannon, J. J. (London) Portrait of Mrs. Charlesworth. 199. Murray, David, A. R. A. (London) The River Road. Lent by George McCulloch, Esq. 200. Pickering, J. L. (London) An Autumn Gust. 201. Hunter, G. Sherwood (London). Funeral of a Fisherman’s Child, Volen- dam, Zuyder Zee. 202. Symonds, W. R. (Kensington) Mignon. 293. Clausen, George R. I. (Newport) Brown-eyes. Lent by C. N. Lux- moore, Esq. 3 1 8 WORLD’S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP’T K—FINE ARTS. 204. Rae, *so. (Paris) A Little Peasant. 205. Macartney, Carlile H. H. (London) Moorland. Lent by F. Scorer, Esq. SOUTH WALL. 206. Burgess, J. B. R. A. (London) The Spanish Letter-Writer. Lent by Joseph Pulley, Esq. 207. Margeston, W. H. (London) Pygmalion. 208. Goodall, Frederick, R. A. (London) By the Sea of Galilee. 209. Macbeth-Raeburn, H. (London). Nurse Ann—A Portrait. 210. Walton, E. A., A.R.S.A. (Glasgow) Girl in Brown. 211. Glazebrook, Hugh de T. (London) Portrait. 212. East, Alfred R. I. (London) The Arms of Peace. 213. Macallum, Hamilton, R. I. (London) “Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep.” Lent by J. P. Heseltine, Esq. 214. Bates, David (Birmingham). The Sphnix. GALLERY 15-OIL PAINTINGS. NUMBERS 215 TO 282, INCLUSIVE. BEGINNING AT THE SOUTH END OF THE WALL AT SOUTH ENTRANCE FROM GALLERY 15 . 215. Tayler, A. Chevallier (London). The Encore—“Home, Sweet Home.” 216. Moore, Albert (London). A Reverie. Lent by Henry Moore, Esq. R. A. 217. Stott, Edward (Amberly). The House Pond. Lent by John Maddocks, Esq. 218. Hare, St. George (London). Reflections. 219. Millais, Sir John Everett Bart., R. A. (London) Lingering Autumn. Lent by George McCulloch, Esq. 220. Hare, St. George (London). The Victory of Faith. 221. Riviere, Briton, R. A. (London) The Magician’s Doorway. Lent by W. Cuthbert Quilter, Esq., M. P. 222. Moore, Henry R. A. (London) Sunset After a Storm. 223. Beadel, James Prinsep (London). Masquerade. The outside of the Grand Opera, Paris, during Carnival; masques coming out from a ball masque' mounted Garde de Paris in the foreground. 224. Leighton, Sir F., Bart. P.R A. (London) Perseus and Andromeda. 225. Hayes, Edwin R.H.A., R.I. (London) Saved. 226. Leslie, G. D., R. A. (Wallingford) “Home, Sweet Home.” Lent by Messrs. Thos. Agnew & Sons. 227. Wood, Miss E. Stewart (London). Autumn. 228. White, John (Axminster). Beer Head, Devon. Lent by E. Homan, Esq. 239. Wortley, Archibald Stuart (London). Mrs. H. Grenville Wells. 230. Bartlett, W. H. (London) The Village Billiard Players Lent by E. de la Penha, Esq. GREAT BRITAIN—OIL PAINTINGS. 319 231. Brangwyn, Frank (Penzance). Pilots, Peurta de Passages. 232. Leighton, E. Blair (London). How Lisa Loved the King. Lent by Merton Russell Cotes, Esq., F. R. G. S. “ Lisa, the only child of a rich merchant of Palermo, having fallen ill through love of King Pietro of Sicily, asks his favorite musician, Minuccio, to come and sing to her. 233. Bartlett, W. H. (London) Practicing for the Swimming Match. Lent by Henry Whitehead, Esq. 234. Lavery, John (Glasgow). Katherine and Esther—Daughters of Lord McLaren, Lent by Lord McLaren. NORTH WALL. 235. Holl, Frank, R. A. (the late) Portrait of Sir John Tenniel. Lent by Will¬ iam Agnew, Esq. Sir John Tenniel was born in 1820 . In 1851 he became a member of “ Punch’s ” staff, and from that time he has contributed to the illustrations of that celebrated periodi¬ cal. For a long period, without the break of a single week, he has produced the political cartoon, and may thus claim a high place, not only as an artist, but as a his¬ torian of the time. 236. Johnson, Cyrus, R. I. (London) A County Boundary. 237. Hall, Fred (Penzance). Adversity. 238. Brett, John, A. R. A. (Putney) The Promise of a Wild Night. 239. Hall, Fred (Penzance). The Result of High Living. 240. Steer, P. Wilson (London). The Sofa. 241. Linnell, John (the late). Storm at Harvest. Lent by Samuel Montagu, Esq., M. P. 242. Solomon, Solomon J. (London) Orpheus. 243. Hunter, Colin, A. R. A. (Kensington) The Island Harvest. 244. Loudan, Mouat (London). Fish Market, Cornwall. 245. Calkin, Lance (London). “ The Campbells are Coming.” 246. Horsley, J. C. R. A. (London) Finishing Touches. 247. Perugini, Mrs. Kate (London). Happy and Careless. Lent by Mrs. Mackie. 248. Hargitt, Edward, R. I. (London) The Isle of Skye from the Mainland, near Plockton. EAST WALL. 249. Canziani, Madame Louisa Starr (London). Two Little “Home Rulers” —the Honble. Dudley and Archie Gordon, Sons of the Earl of Aber¬ deen. Lent by The Earl of Aberdeen. 250. Bramley, Frank (Newlyn, Penzance). A Hopeless Dawn. Lent by T. Harry Eve, Esq. 251. Thomson, Leslie (London). The Homeless Sea. 252. Lehmann, Rudolf (London). The Reaper and the Flowers (Longfellow). 253. Wylie, Charles W. (London) The Brimming River. 254. Sadler, W. Dendy (London). Darby and Joan, Lent by John Ashby, Esq. 320 world’s COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP’t K—FINE ARTS. 255. Haynes-Williams, J. (Southampton) Gallery of Francis I—Palace of Fontainebleau. 256. Perugini, C. E. (London) A Summer Shower. 257. Smythe, Lionel P. (London) Summer Holidays. Lent by W. L. Wyllie, Esq., A. R. A. 258. Cameron, Hugh, R. S. A. (Fife, N. B.) Buttercups and Daisies. Por¬ trait of a little girl—the artist’s daughter. 259. Dicksee, Frank, A. R. A. (London) The Redemption of Tannhauser. Lent by Thomas D. Galpin, Esq. 260. Hunter, Colin, A. R. A. (London) The First Plunge of Niagara. 261. Alma-Tadema, L., R. A. (London) An Audience at Agrippa’s. Lent by J. S. Roberts, Esq. 262. Stott, Edward (Amberly). In an Orchard. 263. Clausen, George, R. I. (London) The Breakfast Table. 264. Weguelin, J. R. (London) The Maidens’ Race. Lent by The Earl of Eldon. 265. Lorimer, J. H., A. R. S. A. (London) Pot Pourri. 266. Starling, Albert (London). Saved from the Sea. Lent by Charles Lucas, Esq. 267. Butler, Lady. The Roll Call. Lent by Her Majesty the Queen. 268. Walton, Frank, R. I. (Dorking) Wreck of Spanish Armada Ships. 269. Knight, J. Buxton (London) Plymouth. The Home of the First English Settlers in America. Lent by Henry Bonger, Esq. 270. Small, William, R. I. (London) Love Laughs at Rain. SOUTH WALL. 271. Burgess, J. B., R. A. (London) “ Maidens, Like Moths, are Ever Caught with Glare.” Lent by George McCulloch, Esq. 272. Brown, Ford Madox (London). Romeo and Juliet. Lent by James Leathart, Esq. . 273. Macbeth, Robert W., A. R. A. (London) Stag Hunting in a Sea Fog. 274. Bayliss, Wyke, P. R. B. A. (London) Interior of St. Peter’s, Rome. 275. Lemon, Arthur (Betchworth). All Among the Barley. 276. Charlton, John (London). Incident in the Charge of the Light Brigade. 277. Alma-Tadema, Mrs. (London) Battledore and Shuttlecock. Lent by E. H. Van Ingen, Esq. 278. Clark, Joseph (London). Playmates. 279. Etherington, Miss L. (London) A Norfolk Dyke. 280. Macallum, Hamilton, R. I. (London) Return from Lance Fishing. 281. Walker, Francis S., R. H. A. (London) The Convent Garden. Lent by The Corporation of Leeds. 282. Mottram, C. S. (London) A Winter Sea on the Yorkshire Coast, Morn¬ ing. (Water color.) GREAT BRITAIN—OIL. PAINTINGS. 321 GALLERY 18-OIL PAINTINGS. NUMBERS 283 to 409, INCLUSIVE EAST WALL. BEGINNING AT THE SOUTH SIDE OF THE ENTRANCE TO GALLERY 17 . 283. Hayes, Claude (Addlestone). Moonrise. 284. Mason, G. H., R. A. (the late) Return from Ploughing. Lent by Her Majesty the Queen. 285. Carter, William (London). Portrait of Wm. Sheppard Hoare, Esq. Lent by W. S. Hoare, Esq. 286. Barnes, Robert, A. R. W. S. (Brighton) Her First Visit. Lent by J. B. Sutherland, Esq. 287. Thornley, Charles (East Moulsey). Dutch Fishing Boat. 288. Wehrschmidt, Daniel A. (Bushey) “Finding the Head of Orpheus.” When the Thracian women tore Orpheus in pieces, it is said that his head, together with his lyre, fell into the river Hebrus, and that the head floated on the lyre, while the former sang in lamentation over Orpheus, and the latter echoed the song as the breezes 6wept the chords. And so both were wafted, amid the sounds of music, to Lesbos, where the Lesbians took up the head and buried it on the spot where their Temple of Bacchus now stands.— Lucian. 289. Waterhouse, J. W., A. R. A. (London) Mariamne Leaving the Praetorium. Lent by W. Cuthbert Quilter, Esq., M. P. 290. Corbet, M. Ridley (London). The Mouth of the Arno. Lent by Mrs. Devitt. 291. Carter, William (London). Portrait of G. Trenchard Cox, Esq. Lent by E. A. Cox, Esq. 292. Peppercorn, A. N. (West Horsley, Leatherhead) The Cornfield. 293. Phillips, Laurence B., R. P. E. (London) A Mill in Kent. SOUTH WALL. 294. Bartlett, Charles W. (London) An Incident in the Life of the Dauphin During the French Revolution. 295. Lorimer, J. H., A. R. S. A. (London) A Child’s Thank-offering. 296. Leslie, G. D., R. A. (Wallingford) Hen and Chickens. Lent by E. H. Van Ingen, Esq. 297. Millais, Sir J. Everett, Bt., R. A. (London) Shelling Peas. Lent by Sir Frederick Leighton, Bart., P. R. A. 298. Morris, P. R., A. R. A. (London) Edward I Demanding the Oath of Allegiance to the First Prince of Wales. 299. Reed, George Ogilvie, R. S. A. (Edinburg) The Stroller’s Tale. 300. Clark, Joseph (London). Waifs and Strays. Lent by Charles B. Clarke, Esq. 301. Morgan, Fred (London). The Favored Swain. 302. King, Yeend, R. I. (London) The Lass That Loved a Sailor. Lent by George McCulloch, Esq. 303. Linton, Sir James D., P. R. I. (London) Victorious. Lent by C. Jacoby, Esq. 304. Hacker, Arthur (London). Portrait of Miss W. 21 $22 WORLDS’ COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP’t K-—FINE ARTS. 305. Stokes, Mrs. Adrian (London). “Go; Thou Must Play Alone, My Boy.” Lent by Mrs. P. Hearst. 306. Bayliss, Wyke, P. R. B. A. (London) Interior of Amiens Cathedral. 307. Hook, J. C., R. A. (Farnham) Wreckage from the Fruiter. 308. Ouless, W. W., R. A. (London) Portrait of T. S. Cooper, Esq., R. A. Lent by T. S. Cooper, Esq., R. A. 309. Parsons, Alfred, R. I. (London) The Daylight Dies. 310. Jopling-Rowe, Mrs. Louise (London). Salome. 311. Ward, Mrs. E. M. (London) Mrs. Fry Visiting Newgate in 1818 . 312. Davis, H. W. B., R. A. (London) A Gleamy Day, Picardy. Lent by G. McCullocgh, Esq. 313. Murray, David, A. R. A. (London) Season of Mists and Mellow Fruit¬ fulness. 314. Holl, Frank, R. A. (The late) The Earl Spencer, K. G. Lent by the Earl Spencer, K. G. 315. Titcomb, William Holt Yates (Balham). Old Sea Dogs. 316. Osborn, Miss E. M. (London) Summer Shroud. “When Nature’s Dying Face is Veiled.” 317. Herkomer, Herman G. (London) David Bisphan in “La Bosche.” 318. Hook, J. C., R. A. (Farnham) “Little to Earn and Many to Keep.” Lent by Messrs. Thomas Angew & Sons. 319. Alma-Tadema, L., R. A. (London) A Dedication to Bacchus. Lent by His Excellency Monsieur E. Gambart, Spanish Consul, Nice. 320. Leighton, Sir Frederick, Bart. P. R. A. (London) Hercules Wrestling with Death for the body of Alcestes. Lent by Sir Bernhard Samuelson, Bart. M. P. 321. Merritt, Mrs. Anna Lea (Andover). Eve. Lent by Alfred Waterhouse, Esq., R. A. 322. Norris, H. L. (London) Twilight. 323. Laidlay, W. J. (London) Moonrise on Hoxsey Mere. 324. Holiday, Henry (London). Aspasia. 325. King, Edward (Petersfield). A Frolic. 326. Hunt, Alfred W., R. W. S. (London) From Peak to Peak in Cloudland. Lent by W. S. Caine, Esq., M. P. 327. Mason, G. H. (the late). Girls Dancing by the Sea. Lent by the Lord Wantage, K. C. B., V. C. 328. Holl, Frank, R. A. (the late) Portrait of Major-General Sir Henry Rawlinson, Bart., G. C. B., F. R. S., etc. Lent by Sir H. Rawlinson, Bt., G. C. B. 329. Fahey, Edward H., R. I. (London) Autumn. 330. Pyne, Thomas, R. I. (Colchester) Streatley Hill on the Thames. 331. Herkomer, Herman G. (London) Portrait of Professor Hubert Kerko- mer, R. A. 332. Herkomer, Professor H., R. A. (Bushey) The Last Muster. Lent by W. Cuthbert Quilter, Esq., M. P. 333. Moore, Henry, R. A. (London) St. Alban’s Race. 334. Hayes, Claude (Addlestone). Across a Surrey Common. 335. Jenkins, Miss Blanche (London). A Water Nymph. GREAT BRITAIN—OIL PAINTINGS. 323 336. Fahey, Edward H., R. I. (28 Dawson Place, Bayswater, London) The Nether Pool, a Nibble. 337. Robertson, Henry Robert (London). “The Ploughman Homeward Plods his Weary Way.” 338. Grey, Alfred, R. H. A. (Dublin) An Irish Harvest Field: Peasants Loading Corn. 339. White, John (Axminster). Our Village. Lent by John Ure, Esq. 340. Jay, W. S. (Arundel) Early Primrose, Herald of Spring. 341. Dicksee, Frank, A. R. A. (London) The Passing of Arthur. Lent by Stephen G. Holland, Esq. 342. Osborne, Walter, R. H. A. (Dublin) The Ferry. 343. Bartlett, W. H. (London) A Wrack Harvest. Lent by E. Stainton, Esq. 344. Ingram, W. Ayerst (Falmouth). Surf. 345. Parsons, Alfred, R. I. (London) In a Cider Country. 346. Mason, G. H., R. A. (the late) Only a Shower. Lent by Thomas L. Devitt, Esq. 347. Marks, H. Stacy, R. A. (London) The Gentle Craft. Lent by E. Homan, Esq. 348. Brett, John, A. R. A. (Putney) The Highland Summer. 349. Barber, C. Burton (London). The New Whip. Lent by William Yeats Baker, Esq. 350. Smallfield, Frederick, R. W. S. (London) Colonel Newcome in Charter- house: Grace after Meat. WEST WALL. 351. Glazebrook, Hugh de T. (London) C’est L’Empereur. Napoleon I Finding a Sentry Asleep on Duty. 352. King, Yeend, R. I. (London) Autumn Wooing. Lent by George Mc¬ Culloch, Esq. 353* Stone, Marcus, R. A. (London) Two’s Company, Three’s None. Lent by Messrs. Frost and Reed. 354. Grace, James E. (Godaiming) An Isle of Wight Pastoral. 355. Palin, W. M. (Milford) Orphans. 356. Steer, P. Wilson (London). Bathers. 357. Farquharson, David, A. R. S. A. (London). After the Storm, Glenlyon, Lent by F. Acton, Esq. 358. Riviere, Briton, R. A. (London) Requiescat. . WEST WALL. 359. Burgess, J. B., R. A. (London) The Church Door. Lent by Sir Julian Goldsmid, Bart. M. P. 360. Helcke, Arnold (London). Sandbanks. 361. Symons, W. Christian (Mayfield). Diana and Endymion. Lent by R. Le Brasseur, Esq. 362. Waller, Mrs. Mary L. (London) The Card Dealer. Lent by W. B. Readhead, Esq. 363. Horsley, Walter C. (London) Fortune Teller—Cairo. 324 WORLD’S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP’T K—FINE ARTS. 364. Millais, Sir J. Everett, Bt., R. A. (London) Halcyon Weather. 365. Calderon, P. H., R. A. (London) Farewell. Lent by the Fine Art Society. 366. Waterlow, Ernest A., A. R. A. (London) The Night Before Shearing. 367. Parker, John, R. W. S. (London) Cockle Gatherers. 368. Fletcher, Blandford (Enfield). Evicted. 369. Graham, Peter, R. A. (London) The Hamlet on the Cliff—A Rocky Coast. Lent by George McCulloch, Esq. 370. Goodall, Frederick, R. A. (London) The Palm Offering. Lent by Merton Russell Cotes, Esq., F. R. G. S. 371. Hacker, Arthur (London). Fire Fancies. 372. Detmold, H. E. (Hastings) A Glimpse of Future Seas. 373. Symons, W. Christian (Mayfield). The Figure Head of the Cupid. Lent by R. Le Brasseur, Esq. 374. Murray, David, A. R. A. (London) A Mangold Field. Lent by George McCulloch, Esq. 375. Davis, W. H. B., R. A. (London) The Western Highlands. 376. Alma-Tadema, L., R. A. (London) The Sculpture Gallery. Lent by George McCulloch, Esq. 377. Lindner, M. P. (London) A Winter Sunset. Lent by M. Lindner, Esq. 378. McLachlan, T. Hope (London). Mists in Early Autumn. 379. Macbeth-Raebrun, H. (London) Lewis Waller, Esq.—A Portrait. 380. Emslie, A. E. (London) Portrait of the Rev. James Martineau, D.D., D.C.L., LL.D. 381. Tuke, Henry S. (Hanwell) Sailors Playing Cards. 382. Cole, Vicat, R. A., (the late) Abingdon. Lent by George McCulloch, Esq. 383. Millais, Sir John Everett, Bart., R. A. (London) The Ornithologist. 384. Brangwyn, Frank (London). The Convict Ship. 385. Overend, W. H. (London) “Victory!” The Prize Crew Taking Pos¬ session. 386. Stokes, Adrian (London). Through the Morning Mist. 387. Poynter, E. J., R. A. (London) Diadumene. Greek woman, binding her hair preparatory to the bath. 388. Miller, P. H. (London) The Old Arm Chair. “I love it, I love it, and who shall dare to chide me for loving that old arm chair.”— Eliza Cook. 389. Coke, Alfred Sacheverel (Isle of Wight). Hagar. 390. Macgregor, Miss J. (London) In the Reign of Terror. Lent by the Corporation of Liverpool. 391. Fisher, Horace (Elmfield, Half Moon Lane, Herne Hill, London). A Midday Rest. 392. Gow, A. C., R. A. (London) Queen Mary’s Farewell to Scotland. Lent by George McCulloch, Esq. 393. Sant, James, R. A. (London) My Lady Dorothy. 394. Graham, Peter, R. A. (London) “Caledonia Stern and Wild." Lent by George McCulloch, Esq. GREAT BRITAIN—OIL PAINTINGS. 325 395. Stephens, W. R. (London) Summer. 396. Wilkinson, Hugh (Brockenhurst). A Cloudy Morning. 397. Price, J. M. (London) Viaticum. 398. Childers, Miss Milley (London). The Last Survivor of Trafalgar- Emmanuel Cartigny, died 1892 , aged 100 years. 399. Schmiechen, H. (London) Portrait of Mrs. Bloomfield Moore. 400. Woods, Henry, R. A. (Venice, Italy) Steps of the Scuola San Rocco. Lent by Stephen G. Holland, Esq. 401. Moynau, R.T., R. H. A. (Dublin) Military Manceuvers. 402. Aumonier, J., R. I. (London) An English Wood. 403. Macgregor, Miss J. (London) The Mistletoe Bough. Lent by Mrs. Miers. 404. Orchardson, W. Q., R. A. (London) A Portrait Group. 405. Clausen, G., R. I. (Newport) A Woman of the Fields. Lent by J. Dun- nachie, Esq. 406. Peppercorn, A. N. (Leatherhead) A Surrey Village. EAST WALL. 407. Swan, John M. (London) The Fallen Monarch. 408. Rattray, Wellwood, R. S. A. (Glasgow) Summer Eve, Kintyre. Lent by R. Derby Anderson, Esq. 409. Stott, William (of Oldham, London). Kissing-Ring. GALLERY 17-OIL PAINTINGS. NUMBERS 410 TO 500, INCLUSIVE. WEST WALL. BEGINNING AT THE NORTH SIDE OF THE ^ENTRANCE FROM GALLERY 18 . 410. Boughton, G. H., A. R. A. (London) Love in Winter. 411. Dobson, W. C. T., R. A. R.W.S. (Pentworth) The Wandering Minstrel. 412. Reid, John R. (London) The Mate of the “Mermaid’s Wedding.” NORTH WALL. 413. Pash, Miss Florence (London). Over the Way. 414. Joy, G. W. (London) Lady Daffodil. 415. Barclay, Edgar (London). A Breeze in the New Forest. 416. La Thangue, H. H. (Bosham, Chichester) A Gaslight Study. Lent by John Maddocks, Esq. 417. Parsons, Alfred, R. I. (London) “The Voice of the Turtle is Heard in the Grove.” 418. Wortley, Archibald Stuart (London). Miss Maud Waller. 419* Swynnerton, Mrs. A. L. (London) Portrait of Miss Jane Atkinson. 420. Rooke, T. M. (London) Judith’s Adventuring. 421. Wortley, Archibald Stuart (London). Miss Clare Davies. 422. Leighton, Sir F., Bart., P. R. A. (London) Portrait of Captain Burto> 423. Watts, G. F., R. A. (London) Portraitof Walter Crane. 326 WORLD’S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEp’t K—FINE ARTS. 424. Stokes, Adrian (London). Roman Campagna, Sunset. 425. Fahey, Edward H., R. I. (London) Distant View of Florence, Looking up the Arno. 426. Lucas, Mrs. Seymour (London). Henry VI. “By the Grace of God Kynge of England, of France, and Lord of Ireland.” 427. Forbes, Mrs. Stanhope (London). The Witch. Lent by George Mc¬ Culloch, Esq. 428. Logsdail, Wm. (London) Sunday in the City. 429. Hacker, Arthur (London). Christ and the Magdalen. 430. Stacey, Walter S. (London) Rough Courting. 431. Smythe, Lionel P. (London) Harvest of the Sea, Boulogne. Lent by the late Sir George Findlay. 432. King, Yeend, R. I. (London) A Grey Day in July. 433. Parton, Ernest (London). The Night Ferry. 434. Montalba, Miss Clara, R. W. S. (Venice) A Thames Barge off Chelsea. 435 * Wetherbee, G. (London) Glad Spring. 436. Allan, Robt. W., R. W. S. (London) Pilgrims Resting, India. EAST WALL. 437. Farquharson, J. (London) Looking West. 438. Pettie, John, R. A. (the late) Monmouth Pleading for his Life before James II. Lent by Messrs. Thomas Agnew & Sons. 439. Boughton, G. H., A. R. A. (London) Dancing Down the Hay. Lent by Sir Edward H. Carbutt, Bart. 440. Fulleylove, John, R. I. (London) A Royal Palace. Lent by the Corpo¬ ration of Leicester. 441. Clausen, George, R. I. (Newport, Essex) Ploughboy. Lent by Alex. Young, Esq. 442. Farquharson, J. (London) The Temple of Karnac. 443. Barber, C. Burton (London). “Lieder ohne Worte.” Lent by William Yeats Baker, Esq. 444. Peruguini, C. E. (London) Crossing the Torrent. 445. Moore, Henry, R. A. (London) Storm Brewing. 446. Leighton, Sir Frederick, Bart., P. R. A. (London) Garden of the Hes- perides. Lent by G. McCulloch, Esq. 447. Maclaren,' Walter (London). Fruit Harvest Time in an Orange Garden, Capri, Italy. 448. Perugini, Mrs. Kate (London). Tomboy. Lent by John Brickwood, Esq. 449. Kilburne, G. Goodwin (London). Good Accommodation for Man and Beast. 450. Gotch, T. C. (London) “My Crown and Sceptre.” 451. Davis, H.W. B., R. A. (London) “Now Came Still Evening on.” Lent by George McCulloch, Esq. 452. Lucas, Seymour, A. R. A. (London) Louis XI. Lent by John Cheet- ham, Esq. 453. Allan, Robert W., R. W. S. (London) Lowlands of Holland. 454. McLachlan, T. Hope (London). A Wind on the Hill. 455. Swynnerton, Mrs. Annie L. (London) Mater Triumphales. GREAT BRITAIN—OIL PAINTINGS. 327 SOUTH WALL. 456. Leslie, G. D., R. A. (Wallingford) The Monks of Abingdon. 457. Armstrong, T. (London) A Fountain. Lent by Mrs. Lees Evans. 458. Kennington, T. B. (London) The Fair Harpist. (Portrait of Miss Clara Palmer.) 459. Logsdail, Wm. (London) Flower Gathering, South of France. 460. Wirgman, T. Blake (24 Dawson Place, London). A Portrait—Mrs. Wirgman. 461. Lehmann, Rudolf (London). Undine. 462. Cole, Vicat, R. A. (the late) Ripening Sunbeams. Lent by the Lord Brassey. 463. Herkomer, Hubert, R. A. (Bushey) Entranced. “In some diviner mood of self oblivion solitude.” 464. Watts, G. F., R. A. (London) Paolo and Francesca. 465. Herkomer, Hubert, R. A. (Bushey) Miss Katharine Grant. 466. Normand, Ernest (London). Death of Pharaoh’s First-born. 467. Wyllie, W. L., A. R. A. (Rochester) The German Emperor and Prince of Wales Inspecting the White Star Steamer “Teutonic” at Spithead, 4 th August, 1889 . Lent by T. H. Ismay, Esq. 468. Grace, James E. (Godaiming) A Surrey Pond. 469. Long, Edwin, R. A. (the late) A Welsh Girl. Lent by Messrs. Thomas Agnew & Sons. 470. Clausen, George, R. I. (Newport) Ploughing. Lent by Messrs. Bous- sod, Valadon & Co. 471. Watts, G. F., R. A. (London) Robert Browning. 472. Perugini, C. E. (London) Clare. 473. Parton, Ernest (London) When Daylight Dies. WEST WALL. 474. Macwhirter, John, R. A. (London) “Fairy of the Glen.” Lent by Henry Evans, Esq. 475. Horsley, John Callcott, R. A. (London) Hide and Seek. In Kentish churchyards many 17th century tombs are still to be found in varied con¬ ditions of picturesque decay, and amongst them the village children spend much of their playtime. Bright young life seen literally hiding in the tomb formed a striking contrast, which suggested a subject for pictorial record. 476. Macbeth, Robert W., A. R. A. (London) The Fen Farm. Lent by Messrs. Thomas Agnew & Sons. 477. Logsdail, William (London) Ninth of November. 478. Macwhirter, John, R. A. (London) “Hail, Gentle Spring.” 479. Millet, F. D. (Worcestershire) How the Gossip Grew. Lent by Robert Dunthorne, Esq. 480. Millais, Sir John Everett, Bart., R. A. (London) Sweet Emma Morland. 481. Horsley, Walter C. (London) The Captive. “Till the end of the eighteenth century, European children were often captured in merchant vessels, seized by the corsairs of the Mediterranean. They were purchased for youthful attendants in the harems, and eventually trained as mamelukes or military slaves. These existed in Egypt as a military aristocracy, and were a powerful body at the time of the French invasion.” 328 world’s COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP’t K—FINE ARTS. NORTH SIDE OF SCREEN. 482. Charles, James (Chichester). In Memory of. Lent by John Maddocks, Esq. 483. Alma-Tadema, Miss Anna (London). A Portrait. 484. Wirgman, T. Blake (London). Portrait of Miss Applin. 485. Poynter, E. J., R. A. (London) On the Terrace. Lent by Max Waech- ter, Esq. 486. Swan, Mrs. (London) The Chorister. 487. Charles, James (Chichester). Left in Charge. Lent by John Maddocks, Esq. 488. Watts, G. F., R. A. (London) The Genius of Greek Poetry. 489. Poynter, E. J., R. A. (London) Under the Sea Wall. Lent by W. Cuth- bert Quilter, Esq., M. P. 490. Kilburne, G. Goodwin (London). A Difficulty. 491. Schmalz, Herbert (London). Topsy. 492. Cohe^ Miss Ellen G. (London) A Little Refugee from Russia. 493. Alma-Tadema, Mrs. L. (London) Fireside Fancies. Lent by E. H. Van Ingen, Esq. SOUTH SIDE OF SCREEN. 494. Clark, Joseph (London). The Sick Child. Lent by H. J. Turner, Esq. 495. Radford, Edward, A. R. W. S. (London) Weary. Lent by H. R. H. The Duchess of Albany. 496. Swan, Mrs. (London) The Duet. 497. Wetherbee, G. (London) Fishermen’s Wives. Lent by Tom Mitchell, Esq. 498. Reid, Miss Flora M. (London) In the Market Place. 499. Reid, Miss Flora M. (London) Hush! Lent by A. W. Barradale, Esq. 500. Alma-Tadema, Mrs. L. (London) Always Welcome. Lent by Merton Russell Cotes, Esq., F. R. G. S. GREAT BRITAIN-WATER COLORS. 329 Group 140-Water Colors. GALLERY 16—NUMBERS 501 TO 634, INCLUSIVE. SOUTH WALL. BEGINNING ON THE WEST SIDE OF ENTRANCE FROM GALLERY 17 . 501. Haag, Carl, R. W. S. (London) The Schone Brunnen at the Market Place of Nurnberg. 502. Dealy, Miss Jane M., R. I. (Blackheath) A l^resh Breeze and Away. 503. Brewtnall, Edward F., R. W. S. (London) Christian and Evangelist. 504. East, Alfred, R. I. (London) Early Night. 505. Fowler, Robert, R. I. (Liverpool) The Tempest. Lent by Joseph Duckworth, Esq. 506. Gotch, T. C. (London) A Letter from America. 507. Thornycroft, Miss Helen (London) Orchids. 508. Evershed, Arthur, A. R. P. E. (London) The Quay, Bowdsey, Suffolk. WEST WALL. 509. Henshall, J. Henry, R. W. S. (London) “Merry goes the Time When the Heart is Young.” Lent by John Carbery Evans, Esq. 510. Wollen, W. B. (London) Capture of French Guns by the Union Brigade, at Waterloo. 510. Nash, Joseph, R. I. (Chiswick) A Winter Sunset, Ben Nevis. 512. Waite, R. Thorne, R. W. S. (London) Between the Showers. 513. Langley, Walter, R. I. (Newlyn, Penzance) Disaster. Lent by J. C. Holder, Esq. 514. Brierly, Sir Oswald, (R. W. S. (London) H. R. H. the Prince of Wales, Commodore of the Royal Yacht Squadron and the Royal Thames Yacht Club, Starting the Ocean Yacht Race, Round the United King¬ dom from Southend, June 14 , 1887 . Lent by H. R. H. The Prince of Wales. 515. Holloway, C. E. (London) The Old Town of Rye. Lent by Robt. Rid¬ dick, Esq. 516. Rigby, Cuthbert, A. R. W. S. (Kendal) The Fells Above Coniston. Lent by C. T. Arnold, E sq. 517. Stevens, A. (Chiswick) Durham. 518. Elgood, George S., R. I. (Leicester) “Down Where the Garden Grows Gay as a Banner.” Lent by W. Baldwin, Esq. 519. Hunt, Alfred W., R. W. S. (London) Robin Hood’s Bay, North York¬ shire Coast. Lent by W. S. Caine, Esq., M. P. 520. Alma-Tadema, L., R. A. (London) Calling the Worshippers. 521. Macallum, Hamilton, R. I. (London) A Capri Boy. Lent by E. Ho¬ man, Esq. 330 WORLD’S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP’t K—FINE ARTS. 522. Weedon, A. W., R. I. (London) Evening Shadows, Richborough, Kent. 523. Pilsbury, Wilmot, A. R. W. S. (Porlock) A Duckpool. 524. Elgood, George S., R. I. (Leicester) Sunflowers. Lent by E. C. A. Leigh, Esq. 525. Gilbert, Sir John, R. A., P. R. W. S. (Blackheath) Richard II. Resigning the Crown to Bolingbroke. Lent by W. Y. Baker, Esq. 526. Brierly, Sir Oswald, W., R. W. S. (London) H. R. H. the Prince of Wales’ R. Y. S. Yacht “Aline,” manoeuvring the Royal Yacht Squad¬ ron at Cowes, August, 1885 . Lent by H. R. H. the Prince of Wales. 527. Knight, Joseph, R. I. (Llandudno) Twilight. Lent by Col. W. W. Mawson. 528. Collier, Thomas, R. I. (the late). Two Green Roads. Lent by James Orrock, Esq., R. I. 529. Gow, Andrew C., R. A. R. I. (London) Requisitionists. Lent by W. Cuthbert Quilter, Esq., M. P. 530. Gregory, Chas., R. W. S. (Ripley) The Sorcerer. 531. Hopkins, Arthur, A. R. W. S. (London) Saturday Evening on the Quay. 532. Williams, Alexander, R. H. A. (Dublin) The Port of Dublin—Sunset. 533. Dobson, W. C. T., R. A., R. W. S. (Petworth) Summer Roses. Lent by L. Blumfeld, Esq. 534. Linton, Sir James D., P. R. I. (London) Abandoned. Lent by J. T. Wigzell, Esq. 535. Lloyd, Tom, R. W. S. (London) The Last Load. Lent by Charles Maw, Esq. 536. Hayes, Edwin, R. H. A., R. I. (London) Fishing Smack Leaving Port. 537. Nash, Joseph, R. I. (Chiswick) After the Gale. 538. Yeames, William, F., R. A. (London) The Law’s Delay, Barnard’s Court. 539. Thornycroft, Miss Helen (London). Shirley Poppies. NORTH WALL. 540. Topham, Frank W.W., R. I. (London) Recruiting^for Savonarola: “Ye Cannot Serve God and Mammon.” 541. Walton, E. A., A. R. S. A. (Glasgow) Phillis. 542. Hagg, Carl, R. W. S. (London) A Druidical Novice. 543. Goodall, Edward A., R. W. S. (London) Interior of the Mosque of Sul¬ tan Hassan, Cairo. 544. Henshall, J. Henry, R. W. S. (London) In Wonderland. Lent by the Corporation of Birmingham. 545. Richardson, J. J., R. I. (London) Carting Faggots, Sussex. 546. Callow, William, R. W. S., F. R. G. S. (Great Missenden) On the Lake of Como, Looking Towards Menaggio. 547. Ellis, Tristram (London). The Acropolis, Athens, From the Hill of the Nymphs. 548. Nash, Joseph, R. I. (Chiswick) The Haunted Chamber. 549. Orrock, James, R. I. (London) Cardross Moss, Perthshire. Lent by Alderman Boothroyd, GREAT BRITAIN—WATER COLORS. 331 550. Hunt, Alfred W., R. W. S. (London) A November Rainbow. Lent by W. S. Caine, Esq., M. P. 551. Fowler, Robert, R. I. (Liverpool) The Witch of Atlas. 552. McGinness, Bingham, R. H. A. (Dublin) Hangman’s Bridge, Nurem¬ berg. 553. Becker, H. (Colchester) The Mower. 554. Gregory, Charles, R. W. S. (Ripley) Luther’s Abstraction. “When writing his ‘Commentary on the 22d Psalm,’ Luther shut himself up for three days, with nothing but bread and salt; until, at last, his wife had to send for a lock¬ smith to break open the door, when they found him absorbed in meditation.” 555. Bayliss, Wyke, P. R. B. A. (London) Interior of Westminster Abbey. EAST WALL. 556. Smallfield, F., R. W. S. (London) Prato, Tuscany, the Ringhiera of Donatella Outside the Duomo. 557. Thornycroft, Miss Helen (London). Azalea, with Bronze Figure of “The Mower.” 558. Murray, David, A. R. A., A. R. W. S. (London) Hayfield. Lent by Col. W. W. Pilkington. 559. Nisbet, R. B. (Edinburgh) A Borderland Sunset. 560. Hague, Anderson, R. I. (Llandudno) Winter. Lent by Robert F. Rid¬ dick, Esq. 561. Allan, Robert W., R. W. S. (London) Loch Ranza, Arran. 562. Dadd, Frank, R. I. (Blackheath) The Captain of the Troop. 563. Weatherhead, William, H. R. I. (London) Chelsea Pensioners. Lent by J. Carbery Evans, Esq. 564. Thomas, William L. (London) Once Upon a Time. 565. Montalba, Miss Clara, R. W. S. (Venice) After a Storm, Venice. 566. Poynter, E. J., R. A., R. W. S. (London) In a Garden. 567. Green, C., R. I. (London) Nell and Her Grandfather. Lent by William Lockwood, Esq. 568. Nash, Joseph, R. I. (Chiswick) A Winter Morning. 569. Haag, Carl, R. W. S. (London) One of Our Ancestors. 570. Langley, Walter, R. I. (Penzance) Departure of the Fleet. Lent by David Hedges, Esq. 571. Moore, Henry, R. A. (London) Scheveningen: Waiting for the Shrimp Boats. 572. Waite, R. Thorne, R. W. S. (London) The Blue Waggon. Lent by James Orrick, Esq., R. I. 573. Wetherbee, G. (London) A Fisher Maiden. Lent by H. W. Hill, Esq. 574. Hodson, Samuel J., R. W. S. (London) Cordo, Verona. 575. Foster, Birket, R. W. S. (Witjey) Ben Nevis. Lent by John H. Foster, Esq. 576. Buckman, Edwin, A. R. W. S. (London) Preparing Oranges for the Packers, Andalusia. 577. Aumonier, J., R. I. (London) Old Shoreham, Sussex. 578. Hine, Henry George, V. P. R. I. (London) Durelstone Head, Dorset¬ shire. Lent by Joseph King, Jr., Esq. 332 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP't K—FINE ARTS. 579. Green, C., R. I. (London) The Pickwick Club. Lent by William Lock- wood, Esq. This drawing forms part of a series of 14 subjects from Charles Dickens, painted for Mr. Lockwood. 580. Martineau, Miss Edith, A. R. W. S. (London) In Sweet Music. 581. Rooke, T. M. (London) North Transept, Troyes Cathedral. 582. Pilleau, H., R. I. (London) Entrance to the Ducal Palace, Venice. SOUTH WALL. 583. Parker, John, R. W. S. (London) The Village Rendezvous. 584. Wyllie, W. L., A. R. A. (London) Orient Liner “Bearing” off the Eddy- stone. Lent by Messrs. Anderson & Co. 585. Severn, Arthur, R. I. (London) Waves Breaking, near Kilkee, West Coast of Ireland. 586. Robertson, Arthur (London). Minerva. 587. Hodson, Samuel J., R. W. S. (London) Corner of the Ducale, Venice. 588. Moore, Henry, R. A. (London) Bright Morning after a Breeze. 589. Lloyd, Tom, R. W. S. (London) Ferry Boat, Ahoy! Lent by F. H. Woodroffe, Esq. 590. Smythe, Lionel P. (London) The Field of the Cloth of Gold. Lent by the late Sir George Findlay. 591. Brierly, Sir Oswald, R. W. S. (London) H.M.S. “Black Prince” (Capt. H. R. H., the Duke of Edinburgh.) Lent by H. R. H. the Duke of Edinburgh. 592. Hopkins, Arthur, A. R. W. S. (London) Outward Bound. 593. Haag, Carl, R. W. S. (London) A Bridal Procession at Damascus. SCREEN IN GALLERY No. 16 —EAST SIDE. 594. Martineau, Miss Edith, A. R. W. S. (London) Her Favorite Doll. 595. Norman, Phillip (London). The Courtyard of the George Inn, South¬ wark. 596. Richardson, John I., R. I. (London) Snowstorm in Glencoe. Lent by J. Carbery Evans, Esq. 597. Allan, Robt. W., R. W. S. (London) Gwalior, India. 598. Dobson, W. C. T., R. A., R. W. S. (Petworth) Ada with the Golden Hair. Lent by W. Howard, Esq. 599. Du Maurier, George (London). Time’s Revenge. 600. Macquoid, Thomas R., R. I. (London) At Kampen, Holland. 601. Earle, Charles (the late). Arance Dolce Amalfi. 602. Hunt, Alfred W., R. W. S. (London) ’Twixt Sea and Land, North Wales. Lent by W. S. Caine, Esq., M. P. 603. Montalba, Miss Clara, R. W. S. (Venice) 1 A Venetian Ferry. 604. Stillman, Mrs. (Rome) Fra Currado d’Ofhdi. 605. Lamont, T. R., R. I. (London) The End of the Prologue. 606. Walker, W. Eyre, A. R. W. S. (London) Moonrise on the Lowther. 607. Martineau, Miss Edith, A. R. W. S. (London) Shelling Peas. 608. Hodson, Samuel J., R. W. S. (London) Piazza dei Signori, Verona. 609. Radford, Edward, A. R. W. S. (London) Eros. Lent by William Crox- ford, Esq. GREAT BRITAiN—WATER COLORS. 333 610. Walton, Frank, R. I. (Dorking) Torrisdale, Kintyre. 6 n. Stock, Henry J., R. I. (London) A Youth in the Flames of First Love. Lent by D. Dyce Brown, Esq., M. D. 612. Smallfield, Frederick, R. W. S. (London) The Velvet Hat. 613. Bulleid, G. Lawrence, A. R. W. S. (Glastonbury) At the Temple Gate. WEST SIDE OF SCREEN. 614. Smith, Carlton A., R. I. (London) A Corner of the Studio. 615. Rainey, W. (Chichester) The City Wall. 616. Grace, A. F. (Steyning) Old Farm House, Sussex. 617. Allingham, Mrs., R. W. S. (London) The Sick Duckling. 618. Fripp, Chas. E., A. R. W. S. (London) Shrine at Seta, Japan—After Rain. 619. Fulleylove, John, R. I. (London) Magdalen Tower and Bridge, Oxford. Lent by Gaspard Farrer, Esq. 620. Smythe, Lionel P. (London) Boulogne Shrimpers. Lent by the late Sir George Findlay. 621. Pilsbury, Wilmot (Taunton). An Old Village Cross. 622. Radford, Edward, A. R. W. S. (London) A Hero. Lent by William Croxford, Esq. 623. Hunt, Alfred W., R. W. S. (London) Summer Sunshine, Capel Curig. Lent by W. S. Caine, Esq., M. P. 624. Rivers, Leopold (London). Harvest Home. 625. Crane, Walter (London). Legend of the Goose and Golden Eggs—- Misfortune. 625a. Crane, Walter (London). Legend of the Goose and Golden Eggs—Fortune. 626. Crane, Walter (London) Refectory, Rievaulx Abbey. 627. Crane, Walter (London). Church of Rievaulx Abbey. 628. Marrable, Mrs. (London) Piazza Communale Nebbiolo, Lago di Como. 629. Alma-Tadema, Miss Anna (London). The Drawing Room, Townshend House. 630. Marrable, Mrs. (London) Val de Fex, Engadine, Switzerland. 631. Gregory, Chas., R. W. S. (Ripley) In Winchester. 632. Rigby, Cuthbert, A. R. W. S. (Kendal) An October Flood. Lent by Theo. R. Fothergill, Esq. 633. Norman, Philip (London). Interior of Barnard’s Inn, Holborn (now dismantled). 634. Gow, Miss Mary L. (London) The Story of the Willow Pattern. EAST COURT. ALCOVE 89—NUMBERS 635 TO 666, INCLUSIVE. 635. Grace, A. F. (Steyning) Maytime on Downs, Isle of Wight. Ports¬ mouth in Distance. 636. Hargitt, Edward, R. I. (London) Eridge Park, Kent. 637. Hatherell, W., R. I. (London) Quarter Deck of a P. and O. Steamer. 638. Severn, Arthur, R. I. (Herne Hill) Florence, from San Miniato. 639. Whaite, H. Clarence, R. W. S. (London) Legendary Castle of Arran, 334 world’s Colombian exposition—dbp’t k—fine arts. 640. Hargitt, Edward, R. I. (London) The Undercliff, Isle of Wight. 641. Earle, Charles, the late (London). Evening in the Forum at Rome. 642. Phillip, Colin B., A. R. W. S. (London) Evening in the Glen. 643. Hine, Harry (St. Albans). Lincoln. 644. Gilbert, Sir John, R. A., P. R. W. S.(Blackheath) Conspiracy. Lent by Edward Priestman, Esq. 645. Hare, St. George (London). Captives. (Pastel.} 646. Hall, Oliver, R. P. E. (London) The Duddon Valley from Above Leathwaite. 647. Pilsbury, Wilmot (Porlock). A Farmstead. 648. Stott, William, of Oldham (London). Portrait of a Child. (Pastel.) 649. Orrock, James, R. I. (London) Rough Sea off the Isle of Arran. Lent by John Crossfield, Esq. 650. Wright, Miss E. (London) Pierette Eneroyable. (Pastel.) 651. Hall, Oliver, R. P. E. (London) A Windy Day. 652. Macallum, Hamilton, R. I. (London) Caught by the Tide. Lent by E. Homan, Esq. 653. Macquoid, Percy, R. I. (London) Excommunicated. 654. Stott, William, (Oldham). The Jungfrau. (Pastel). 655 . Gow, Miss Mary L. (London) Beggar My Neighbour. Lent by Messrs. J. & W. Vokins. 656. Youngman, Miss A. M., R. I. (Greenwich) Pelargoniums. 657. Caldecott, Randolph (deceased). Hunting Scene. (Oil.) Lent by Messrs Agnew & Sons. 658. Squire, Miss Alice, R. I. (London) A Quiet Stream. 659. Pilleau, H., R. I. (London) Amalfi, South Raly. 660. Marrable, Mrs. (London) Old Cedar Trees, Boyle Farm, Thames Ditton, Surrey. 661. McGuinness, Bingham, R. H. A. (Dublin) Kilchurn Castle, Loch Awe. 662. Wollen, W. B. (London) “It May be for Years, It May be forever.” 663. Walker, W. Eyre, A. R. W. S. (London) “The Brief Silence of An Hour Reigns o’er the Fields.” 664. Weedon, A. W. R. I. (London) Near Sandwich, Kent. 665. Righy, Cuthbert, A. R. W. S. (Kendal) Summer Days. 666. Stott, William (Oldham). The Eiger. (Pastel). Great Britain—water colors. 335 SCREEN IN GALLERY 18—WATER COLORS. NUMBERS 667 TO 705, INCLUSIVE. NORTH SIDE OF SCREEN. 667. Stock, Henry J., R. I. (London) Immortality’s Sunrise. Lent by D. Dyce Brown, Esq., M.D. 668. Holiday, Henry (London). Street of Tombs, Pompeii. (Oil.) 669. Holiday, Henry (London). Sunset and Moonlight on the Atlantic 670. Rainey, W. (Chichester) The Old Bronn. 671. Norman, Philip (London). Courtyard of the White Hart Inn (now destroyed). 672. Fulleylove, John, R. I. (London) Hampton Court Palace. Lent by John Carbery Evans, Esq. 673. East, Alfred, R. I. (London) Northampton. 674. Fripp, Charles E., A. R. W. S. (London) Afternoon in a Japanese Village. 675. Steer, H. R., R. I. (Hinckley) “Long was the Good Man’s Sermon.” Longfellow. Lent by Mrs. Crompton. 676. Brewtnall, Edward F., R. W. S. (London) The Dragon’s Cave. 677. Green, Towneley, R. I. (London) A Way They Have in the Army. 678. Smith, Carlton A. R. I. [(London) “Oh, woman, in our hours of ease, Uncertain, coy, and hard to please.” 679. Radford, Edward, A. R. W. S. (London) Nausicaa. Lent by S. K. , Muspratt, Esq. 680. Macquoid, Thomas R., R. I. (London) In Mercia, Spain. 681. Walton, Frank, R. I. (Dorking) Arran, from Carradle. 682. Dillon, Frank, R. I. (London) The Temple of Gertassee, Nubia. 683. Fripp, Charles E., A. R. W. S. (London) Steps of Kurodani Temple on a Fete Day, Japan. 684. Hatherell, W. R. I. (London) Monaco and Monte Carlo, from Roque- brune. 685. Dealy, Miss J., R I. (Blackheath) “One foot up and one foot down, That’s the way to London town.” 686. Parsons, Alfred, R. I. (London) Bodenham Church. SOUTH SIDE OF SCREEN. 687. Squire, Miss Alice, R. I. (London) Springtime. 688. Squire, Miss Alice, R. I. (London) An Autumn Afternoon. 689. Thornycroft, Miss Helen, (London) Orchids. 690. Marquoid, Thos. R., I. (London) Water Carriers, Spain. 336 WORLDS COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEPT K—FINE ARTS. 691. Evershed, Arthur, A. R. P. E. (London) An Essex Barn. 692. Steer, H. R., R. I. (Hinckley) Oliver Goldsmith’s Social Gatherings, Green Arbour Court, 1759 . Lent by F. Newcombe, Esq. 693. Montalba, Miss Clara, R. W. S. (Venice) St. Mark’s, Venice. 694. Youngman, Miss A. M., R. I. (London) Rhododendrons. 695. Thomas, William L. (London) Frame of drawings of Highland Scenery. • 696. Coutts, H. (Windermere) A Sheep-Farm in the Duddon. 697. Goodall, Edward, A. R. W. S. (London) Bab Zooaleh, one of the Gates of Cairo. 698. Whitley, Miss Kate Mary, R. I. (South Wigston) Ammonite and Min¬ erals. 699. Parsons, Alfred, R. I. (London) Somersetshire Hills. 700. Hine, Harry (St. Albans) Durham: The Castle, Town, and Cathedral. 701. Bulleid, G. Lawrence, A. R. W. S. (Glastonbury) In Doubt. 702. Duffield, Mrs. William, R. I. (London) Japanese Roses. 703. Phillip, Colin B., A. R. W. S. (London) A Summer Day. Loch Etive, N. B. 704. Johnson, Cyrus (London) The Sun Inn, Dedham. 705. Bulleid, G. Laurence, A. R. W. S. (Glastonbury) A Custodian. GREAT RBiTAIN—ENGRAVINGS AND ETCHINGS; PRINTS. 337 Group 143-Engravings, Etch¬ ings and Prints. NUMBERS 706 TO 837, INCLUSIVE. EAST COURT—UPPER GALLERY, SOUTH SIDE. ALCOVE 120 . 706. Evershed, Arthur, A. R. P. E. (London) Nine Outdoor Etchings, drawn directly on copper from nature. 707. Cameron, D. Y., A. R. P. E. (Glasgow) Frame of Etchings. 708. Hall, Oliver, R. P. E. (London) A Windy Day. (Etching.) 709. Watson, Chas.J., R. P. E. (London) Campden, Gloucestershire. Etching.) 710. Watson, Chas. J., R. P. E. (London) St. Jacques, Lisieux. (Etching.) 711. Spread, William, R. P. E. (London) A Street in Bruges. (Etching.) 712. Heseltine, J. P., R. P. E. (London) Six Etchings from Nature. (Etching.) 713. Haig, Axel H., R. P. E. (Haslemere) The Portals of Rheims. (Etching.) 714. Wehrschmidt, Daniel A. (Bushey) Earl of Yarborough. (After F. Holl, R. A.) (Etching.) 715. Robertson, Percy, A. R. P. E. (Godaiming) Winchester. (Etching.) 716. Slocombe, Edward, R. P. E. (Watford) The Grand Place, Antwerp. (Etching.) 717. Watson, Chas. J., R. P. E. (London) St. Etienne du Mont, Paris. (Etching.) 718. May, W. Holmes, R. P. E. (London) Sunrise on the Welsh Coast. (Etching.) 719. Piper, Miss Elizabeth, R.P.E. (London) The Cloisters, Bristol Cathedral. (Etching.) * 720. Lowenstame, Leopold (London) A Favorite Author. (Etching.) * 721. Macbeth-Raeburn, H. (London) Portrait, (hatching after Vandyke.) 722. Robinson, Gerald, A. R. P. E. (Leatherhead) Queen Henrietta Maria. (Etching.) 723. Evershed, Arthur, A. R. P. E. (London) The Tower of London. (Etching.) 724. Robinson, Gerald, A. R. P. E. (Leatherhead) The Burgomaster. (Etching.) 725. Macbeth, Robt. W., A. R. A. (London) Autumn. (Etching after Fred Walker.) Lent by Messrs. Thomas Agnew & Sons. 726. Martyn, Miss Ethel King, A. R. P. E. (London) Illustrations to Milton’s “Lycidas.” (Etching.) 727. Paton, Hugh, A. R. P. E. (Manchester) A Cheshire Lane. (Etching.) 728. Spread, William, R. P. E. (London) En Normandie. (Etching.) 729. Macbeth, Robt., W. A. R. A. (London) Harbour of Refuge. (Etching after Fred Walker). Lent by Messrs. Thomas Agnew & Sons. 22 33& WORLD’S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP’t K—FINE ARTS. 730. Macbeth, Robt. W., A.R.A. (London) Fen Farm (original etching). Lent by Messrs. Thomas Agnew & Sons. 731. Finnie, John, A.R.P.E. (Liverpool) By Pastures Green and Quiet Waters. (Etching.) 732. Ellis, Tristram, A. R. P. E. (London) St. Michael’s Mount, Cornwall. (Etching; artist’s proof.) 733. Robinson, Gerald, A. R. P. E. (Leatherhead) Earl Spencer, K. G. (Etch¬ ing.) 734. Macbeth, Robt. W., A. R. A. (London) Spring. (Etching after Fred Walker 7 .) Lent by Messrs. Thomas Agnew & Sons. 735. May, W. Holmes, R. P. E. (London) The Garden Front, Haddon Hall. (Etching.) 736. Paton, Hugh, A. R. P. E. (Manchester) Highland Pasturage. (Etching.) 737. Urwick, W. H., R. P. E. (London) Sonning-on-Thames. (Etching.) 738. Lowenstam, Leopold (London). In a Rose Garden. (Etching.) 739. Clouston, Robert S. (Watford) The Viscountess Crosbie. (Mezzotint after Sir Joshua Reynolds.) 740. Phillips, Laurence B., R. P. E. (London) A Brittany Castle. (Etching.) 741. Wehrschmidt, Daniel A. (Bushey) Sir Edward Watkin, M. P. (Etch¬ ing after H. Herkomer, R. A.) 742. Slocombe, Fred, R. P. E. (Hendon) Going Home. (Etching.) 743. Slocombe, Edward, R. P. E. (Watford) The Matterhorn. (Etching.) 744. Watson, Charles J., R. P. E. (London) Cheyne Walk, Chelsea, 1889 . (Etching.) 745. Lewis, C. W. Mansel, R. P. E. (Llanelly) A Welsh Hat. (Etching.) 746. Slocombe, Fred, R. P. E. (Hendon) The Avon at Salisbury. (Etching.) 747. Menpes, Mortimer, R. P. E. (London) Dorothy. (Original drypoint.) 748. Wehrschmidt, Daniel A. (Bushey) Marquis of Dufferin and Ava. (Etch¬ ing after Frank Holl, R. A.) 749. Sternberg, Frank, R. P. E. (Bushey) Canon Ellison. (Etching after Professor Herkomer, R. A.) J750. Ellis, Tristram, A. R. P. E. (London) A Corner of the Parthenon, Athens, , The Yein Djami, Constantinople. (Etchings—artist’s proof.) 751. Evershed, Arthu^, A. R. P. E. (London) Nine Subjects, drawn directly on copper from Nature. (Etching.) 752. Menpes, Mortimer, R. P. E. (Fulham) A Captive Persian. (Original drypoint.) 753. Short, Frank, R. P. E. (London) Diana and Endymion. (Mezzotint after G. F. Watts, R. A.) 754. Law, David, R. P. E. (London) Water Meadows. Lent by The Fine Art Society. (Etching.) 755. Macbeth-Raeburn H. (London) Wind on the Wold. (Etching after Mason.) 756. Lowenstam, Leopold (London). Harvest Festival. (Etching.) 757. Robertson, Arthur, A. R. P. E. (London) “I won’t Sit.” (Etching after J. G. Cotman.) GREAT BRITAIN—ENGRAVINGS AND ETCHINGS; PRINTS. 339 758. Dalgleish, T. Irving, R. P. E. (London) Caele Mayor, Fuentenabia. (Etching.) 759. Sternberg, Frank, R. P. E. (Bushey) A Bacchante. (Etching after G. F. Watts, R. A.) 760. Wehrschmidt, Daniel A. (Bushey) The Love Letter. (Etching after Luke Fildes, R. A.) 761. Short, Frank, R. P. E. (London) Per Horse Power per Hour. (Original mezzotint.) 762. Short, Frank, R. P. E. (London) Swiss Pass. (Mezzoti it after J. M. W. Turner, R. A.) 763. Law, David, R. P. E. (London) Birthplace of Burns. Lent by Robert Dunthorne, Esq. (Etching.) ALCOVE 121 . 764. Short, Frank, R. P. E. (London) Rye Pier (Original aquatint). 765. Allbon, Chas. F., A. R. P. E. (London) Lago di Como. (Etching.) 766. Law, David, R. P. E. (London) Arundel Castle. Lent by Messrs. Dowdeswell. (Etching.) 767 Lewis, C. W. Mansel, R. P. E. (Llanelly) Counting the Flock. (Mezzotint.) 768. Macbeth, Robt. W., A. R. A. (London) Plough. (Etching after Fred Walker). Lent by Messrs. Thomas Agnew & Sons. 769. Menpes, Mortimer, R. P. E. (London) Drypoint. 770. Allbon, Chas. F , A. R. P. E. (London) Venice. (Etching.) 771. Thomas, Percy, R. P. E. (London) The Old Tabard Inn, Southwark. (Etching.) 772. Appleton, T. G. (Shalford) The Beautiful Catherine Clements. (Mez¬ zotint after Sir Joshua Reynolds. 773. Allbon, Charles F., A. R. P. E. (London) On the Sands, Scheveningen. (Etching.) 774. Thomas, Percy, R. P. E. (London) The White Hart Inn, Southwark. (Etching.) 775. Piper, Miss Elizabeth, R. P. E. (London) Old Chelsea Church. (Etching.) 776. Allbon, Chas. F., A. R. P. E. (London) Antwerp. (Etching.) 777. Robertson, Henry Robert, R. P. E. (London) Ulysses Deriding Poly¬ phemus. (Etching.) 778. Dicksee, Herbert, R. P. E. (London) Memories. (Etching.) 779. Phillips, Lawrence B., R. P. E. (London) The Piazzetta, Venice, After Rain. (Etching.) 780. Pratt, Joseph B. (London) Daniel’s Answer to the King. (Engraving after Briton Riviere, R. A.) 781. Hole, William, R. S. A. (Edinburg) The Jumping Horse. (Etching after John Constable.) 782. Piper, Miss Elizabeth, R. P. E. (London) The Spinning Wheel. (An Interior with a Woman Spinning). (Etching.) 783. Murray, Chas. O., R. P. E. (London) The Virgin Porch, Oxford. (Etching.) 784. Ball, Wilfred, R. P. E. (London) Evening Light. (Etching.) 785. Macbeth, Robert W., A. R. A. (London) Alozo Cano. (Etching after Velasquez.) 346 world's COLUMBIAN DEPOSITION—DDp't K—FIND APTS. 786. Hole, William, R. S. A. (Edinburgh) Don Gaspar de Guzman, Count of Olivezez. (Etching after Velasquez). 787. Dicksee, Herbert, R. P. E. (London) A Tigress. (Etching.) 788. Ellis, Tristram, A. R. P. E. (London) The Golden Horn. (Etching artist’s proof). 788a. Ellis, Tristram, A. R. P. E. (London) The Midnight Sun, North Cape. (Etching; artist’s proof.) 789. Burgess, Walter W., R. P. E. (London) From Waterloo Bridge. (Etching.) 790. Ellis, Tristram, A. P. P. E. (London) The “Victory,” Portsmouth. (Etching; artist’s proof.) 791. Robertson, H. R., R. P. E. (London) An Upland Farm. (Etching.) 792. Macbeth, Robert W., A. R. A. (London) The Garden of Love. (Etch¬ ing after Titian). 793. Macbeth, Robt. W., A. R. A. (London) Bacchus and Ariadne. (Etch¬ ing after Titian.) 794. Dicksee, Herbert, R. P. E. (London) His Majesty. (Etching.) 795. Urwick, W. H., R. P. E. (London) Clovelly. (Etching.) 796. Baskett, Charles E. (Colchester) Stratford, St. Mary Bridge. (Etching.) 797. Menpes, Mortimer, R. P. E. (London) Banquet of the Officers of the Archers of St. Adrian. (Etching after F. Hals). 798. Chattock, R. S., F. R. P. E. (London) Poplars. (Etching.) 799. Chattock, R. S., F. R. P. E. (London) The Holt. (Etching.) 800. Macbeth, Robt. W., A. R. A. (London) The Spinners. (Etching after Velasquez.) 801. Pratt. Joseph B. (London) After a Storm in the Highlands. (Etching after Rosa Bonheur.) 802. Bigland, Percy (London). The Rt. Hon. W. E. Gladstone. (Mezzotint.) 803. Haden, Francis Seymour P. R. P. E. (Alresford) Undercliff, Dorset Coast. (Charcoal.) 804. Haden, Francis Seymour, P. R. P. E. (Alresford) Study of Oaks, Ches¬ terfield, Derbyshire. (Charcoal.) 805. Haden, Francis Seymour, P. R. P. E. (Alresford) An Inn Kitchen in Corfe, Dorset. (Charcoal.) 806. Haden, Francis Seymour, P. R. P. E. (Alresford) Corfe Common, Dorset. (Charcoal.) 807. Haden, Francis Seymour, P. R. P. E. (Alresford) A Village Street in Corfe, Dorset. (Charcoal.) 808. Haden, Francis Seymour, P. R. P. E. (Alresford) Durleston Head, Dorset Coast. (Charcoal.) 809. Haden, Francis Seymour, P. R. P. E. (Alresford) Evening, near Swa- nage, Dorset. (Charcoal.) 810. Haden, Francis Seymour, P. R. P. E. (Alresford) Morning, near Swa- nage, Dorset. (Charcoal.) 811. Finnie, John A. R. P. E. (Liverpool) Margin of Rydal. (Etching.) 812. Stacpoole, F., A. R. A. (London) The Night Watch. (Engraving after Briton Riviere, R. A.) GREAT BRITAIN—ENGRAVINGS AND ETCHINGS; PRINTS. 34 1 813. Huson, Thomas, R. I., R. P. E. (Waterloo, Liverpool) Heralds of a Storm. (Mezzotint.) 814. Chattock, R. S., A. R. P. E. (London) Blast Furnaces. (Etching.) 815. Robertson, Percy, A. R. P. E. (Godaiming) A Wet Day, Witley. (Etching.) 816. Chattock, R. S., A. R. P. E. (London) The Moonhen. (Etching.) 817. Appleton, T. G. (Shalford) The Sisters. (Mezzotint.) 818. Hole, William’ R. S. A. (Edinburgh) The Wood Sawyers. (Etching.) 819. Burgess, Walter W., R. P. E. (London) Norwich. (Etching.) 820. Murray, Charles O., R. P. E. (London) Haymakers. (Etching.) 821. Stacpoole, F., A. R. A. (London) “They Say the Lion and the Lizard Keep the Courts where Jamshyd Gloried and Drank Deep.” (En¬ graving after Briton Riviere, R. A.) 822. Ball, Wilfrid, R. P. E. (London). Venice. (Etching.) 823. Robertson, Henry Robert, R. P. E. (London) “The Ploughman Home¬ ward Plods his Weary Way.” (Etching.) 824. Baskett, Chas. E. (Colchester) An Old Stockyard, Winter. (Etching.) 825. Hall, Oliver, R. P. E. (London) A Windy Day on Angerton Moss. (Etching.) SCREENS IN ALCOVE 121 . 826. Sternberg, Frank, R. P. E. (Bushey) Pauline. (Mezzotint after G. P. Jacomb-Hood.) 827. Dalgleish, T-Irving, R. P. E. (London) Anita. (Etching.) 828. Short, Frank, R. P. E. (London) Low Tide and the Evening Star (orig¬ inal etching). 829. Hall, Oliver, R. P. E. (London) A Study of Trees. (Etching.) 830. Watson, Chas. J., R. P. E. (London) Rue St. Martin, Bayeux. (Etching.) 831. Appleton, T. G. (Shalford) Rembrandt, en Officer. (Lithograph.) 832. Spread, William, R. P. E. (London) Fauberts Place, Regent St., Lon¬ don. (Etching.) 833. Murray, Chas. O., R. P. E. (London) The Patriarch. (Engraving.) 834. Spread, William, R. P. E. (London) An Old Shop, Vitre, France. (Etching.) 835. Sherborn, Chas. W., R. P. E. (London) Oliver Cromwell. (Etching.) 836. Lewis, C. W. Mansel, R. P. E. (Llanelly) A Vagrant. (Etching.) 837. Baskett, Charles E. (Colchester) Donyland Wood, Winter. (Etching.) 838. Burgess, Walter W., R. P. E. (London) Bits of Old Chelsea. (Etching.) 839. Burgess, Walter W., R. P. E. (London) Bits of Old Chelsea. (Etching.) 840. Slocombe, Fred, R. P. E. (London) A Hunting Morn. (Etching.) 841. Sherborn, Chas. W., R. P. E. (London) Shakespeare. (Etching.) 842. Dalgleish, T. Irving, R. P. E. (London) Sunset. (Etching.) 843. Burgess, Walter W., R. P. E. (London) Canterbury Cathedral. (Etching.) 844. Urwick, W. H., R. P. E. (London) Culloden Field. (Etching.) 845. Baskett, Charles E. (Colchester) A Mend by the Way. (Etching.) 846. Pratt, Joseph B. (London) Stolen Kisses. (Engraving after Briton Riviere, R. A.) 847. Urwick, W H., R., P. E, (London) Yorkshire Cottages. (Etching.) 342 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP'T K—FINE ARTS. 848. Urwick, W. H., R. P. E. (London) The Woods in Winter. (Etching.) 849. Sternberg, Frank, R. P. E. (Bushey) Napoleon. (Mezzotint after Greuze.) 850. Haig, Axel H., R .P. E. (Huslemere) The Aisle of Chartres. (Etching.) 851. Short, Frank, R. P. E. (London). A Sussex Down. (Engraving after John Constable, R.A.) 852. Charlton, Edward W., A. R. P. E. (Ringwood) Manning the Pilchard Boats, Cornwall. (Etching.) 853. Macbeth, Robt. W., A. R. A. (London) The Lost Shoe, Lynn Ferry. (Original etching.) 854. Charlton, Edward W., A. R. P. E. (Ringwood) Repairing the Coast Road. (Etching.) 855. Chattock, R. S., A. R. P. E. (London) On Hampstead Heath. (Etching.) 856. Murray, Charles O., R. P E. (London) The Great Frost of 1891 on the Thames. (Etching.) ALCOVE 122 , 857. Hole, William, R. S. A., R. P, E. (Edinburgh) Mill on the Yare (Etching after J. Crome.) 858. Dicksee, Herbert. A Wanderer 859. Pratt, Joseph B. [(London) Trim (Engraving after Sir E. Landseer). 860. Clouston, Robert S. (Watford) The Jew Merchant (Engraving after Rembrandt). 861. Sherborn, Chas. Wm, R. P E (London) Frame of Book Plates. (Etching.) 862. Dale, Mrs. G. (London) Sweet Violets. (Mezzotint after F Dicksee). 863. Sherborn, Chas. W., R. P. E. (London) Archbishop of Canterbury. (Engraving.) 864. Slocombe, Frederick. Landscape. (Etching) 865. Piper, Miss Elizabeth, R. P. E. (London) Le Musee de Cluny, Paris. (Etching.) 866. Robertson, Arthur, R. P. E. (London) The Villa d’Este, Tivoli. (Etching.) 867. Burgess, Walter W., R. P. E.(London) Bits of Old Chelsea. (Etching.) 868. Robinson, Gerald, R. P. E. (Leatherhead) The Parson's Daughter. (Engraving.) 869. Gardner, W. Biscombe, R. P. E. (Haslemere). Wood Engravings (Artist’s proofs). SCREEN IN ALCOVE 122 . 870. Cameron, D. Y. (Glasgow) Frame of Etchings. 871. Charlton, Edward W., A. R. P. E. (Ringwood) The Old Harbour. (Etching.) 872. Charlton, Edward W., A. R. P. E. (Ringwood) Tramps. (Etching.) 873. Law, David, R. P. E. (London) Silver Birches. (Etching.) Lent by The Fine Art Society. 874. Dalgleish, T. Irving, R. P. E. (London) An Eastern Procession, Northern Spain. (Etching.) 875. Robertson, Percy, R. P, E. (Godaiming) But One. (Etching.) GREAT BRITAIN—ENGRAVINGS, ETCHINGS AND PRINTS. 343 876. Watson, Chas. J., R. P. E. (London) Rue Chanomerse, Paris. (Etching.) 877. Piper, Miss Elizabeth, R. P. E. (London) The Chelsea Homes of Carlyle, Rossetti, Turner and George Eliot. (Etching.) 878. Charlton, Edward W., A. R. P. E. (Ringwood) Southampton. (Etching.) 879. Sternberg, Frank, R. P. E. (Bushey) Dr. Butler (Mezzotinte after Professor Herkomer R. A). 880. Macbeth-Raeburn, H. (London) The Cello Player (Etching after Metzu). SCREEN IN ALCOVE 124 . 881. Sternberg, Frank, R. P. E. (Bushey) In Fairyland. (Mezzotine after C. E. Halle.) 882. Hall, Wm., R. S. A. (Edinburgh) He is Coming. (Engraving aftei Matthew Mario.) 883. Gascoyne, George, R. P. E.( London) A Wayfarer. (Etching.) 884. Gascoyne, George, R. P. E. (London) Ploughing. (Etching.) 885. Charlton Edward W., A. R. P. E. (Ringwood) Coasters in Harbor. (Etching.) 886. Slocombe, Fred, R. P .E. (Hendon) A Yorkshire Lane. (Etching.) 887. Paton, Hugh, A. R. P. E. (Manchester) A Reef in the Foresail. (Etching.) 344 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP'T K—FINE ARTS. Group 144-Chalk, Charcoal. Pastels, Etc. NUMBERS 888 TO 959, INCLUSIVE. EAST COURT—UPPER GALLERY—SOUTH SIDE. ALCOVE 122 . 888. Weguelin, J. R. (London) Illustrations to Anacreon. (Wash drawing.) Lent by Messrs. Laurence & Sullen. 889. Keene, Charles (the late). Extremes Meet. (Pen drawing.) Lent by Harry Keene, Esq. 890. Du Maurier, George (London). Six Pen and Ink Sketches—Originals of Cuts in “ Punch.” 891. Granby, Marchioness of (London). The Speaker of the House of Com¬ mons. (Pencil drawing.) 892. Tenniel, Sir John (London). The White Elephant. (Pencil drawing.) 893. Tenniel, Sir John (London). Innings Closed. (Pencil drawing.) 894. Charlton, John (London). An Impending Catastrophe. (Drawings.) Lent by 1 he Graphic. 895. Charlton, John (London). Equestrians at a Meet of the Coaching Club, Hyde Park. (Drawing.) Lent by The Graphic. 896. Tenniel, Sir John (London). “ Will They Work? ” (Pencil drawing.) 897. Tenniel, Sir John (London). When Greek jyieets Greek. (Pencil drawing.) 898. Keene, Charles (the late). A Hungry Claimant. (Drawing.) Lent by Harry Keene, Esq. 899. Keene, Charles (the late). Impracticable. (Drawing.) Lent by Harry Keene, Esq. 900. Keene, Charles (the late). Irresistible. (Drawing.) Lent by Harry Keene, Esq. 901. Keene, Charles (the late). Over-pressure. (Drawing.) Lent by Harry Keene, Esq. 902. Keene, Charles (the late). Our Village Industrial Competition. (Draw¬ ing.) Lent by Harry Keene, Esq. 903. Overend, W. H. (London) Illustrations to “ In a Conning Tower”—The Wounded Captain in the Conning Tower. (Drawing.) 904. Overend, W. H. (London) The “ Majestic ” Ramming the Enemy’s Ship. (Drawing.) 905. Overend, W. H. (London) Shell Bursting in “ Majestic’s ” Battery. (Drawing.) 906. Overend, W. H. (London) The Shannon Disabled Returning Home. (Drawing.) 907. Overend, W. H. (London) The Midshipman Watching the Torpedo, (Drawing.) GREAT BRITAIN—CHALK, CHARCOAL, PASTELS, ETC. 345 908. Granby, The Marchioness of (London). The Lady Susan Keppel. (Drawing.) 909. Tenniel, Sir John (London). A Waiting Game. (Pencil Drawing.) 910. Tenniel, Sir John (London). The Political “ Johnny Gilpin ”—The Start. (Pencil drawing.) 911. Tenniel, Sir John (London). The Political “Johnny Gilpin”—The Fin¬ ish. (Pencil drawing.) 912. Tenniel, Sir John (London). Back! (Pencil drawing.) 913. Tenniel, Sir John (London). The New Queen of the May. (Pencil draw¬ ing.) 914. Tenniel, Sir John (London). “William the Wheelman.” (Pencil drawing.) 915. Swan, J. M. (London) Polar Bear. (Pastel.) 916. Swan, J. M. (London) Lioness Walking. (Pastel.) 917. Swan, J. M. (London) Indian Leopards. (Pastel.) 918. Charlton, John (London)., Meet of the Devon and Somerset Staghounds. Lent by The Graphic. (Drawing.) 919. Swan, J. M. (London) Puma (Female). (Pastel.) 920. Swan, J. M. (London) Tigress Drinking. (Pastel.) 921. Swan, J. M. (London) Lioness Walking. (Pastel.) 922. Crane, Walter (London). The Triumph of Labor. (Artist’s proof of a woodcut.) 923. Keene, Charles (the late). Wages. Lent by Harry Keene, Esq. (Draw¬ ing.) 924. Charlton, John (London). Waiting for the Queen, Rotten Row. (Draw¬ ing.) Lent by The Graphic. 925. Charlton, John (London). “’Twixt the Devil and the Deep Sea.’ (Drawing.) Lent by The Graphic. 926. Charlton, John (London). Horse Show; Harness Horses Trotting. (Drawing.) Lent by The Graphic. 927. Gardner, W. Biscombe (Haslemere). Palace of Fontainebleau. (Draw¬ ing.) 928. Linton, Sir James D„ P. R. I. (London) Twelve Illustrations to Shake- peare’s “Henry VIII.” Lent by Messrs. Cassell & Co. (Drawing.) 929. Charlton, John (London). Halt!—Charge of Lancers at Military Tour¬ nament. Lent by The Graphic. 930. Charlton, John (London). Musical Ride of the 17 th Lancers. Lent by The Graphic. 931. Charlton, John (London). Cover for Christmas Number (Sledging). Lent by the proprietors of The Graphic. 932. Keene, Charles (the late). Round the Studios. (Drawing.) Lent by Harry Keene, Esq. 933. Keene, Charles (the late). Oppression. (Drawing.) Lent by Harry Keene, Esq. 934. Keene, Charles (the late). Deceivers Ever. (Drawing.) Lent by Harry Keene, Esq. 935. Keene, Charles (the late). Polo for the People. (Drawing.) Lent by Harry Keene, Esq. 346 WORLDS COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEp’t K—FINE ARTS. 936. Charlton, John (London). Ladies Tilting. (Drawing.) Lent by The Graphic. 937. Keene, Charles (the late). The Haunted Room. (Drawing.) Lent by Harry K eene Esq. 938. Keene, Charles (the late). Railway Risks. (Drawing.) Lent by Henry Keene, Esq. 939. Keene, Charles (the late). The Last Resource. (Drawing.) Lent by Harry Keene, Esq. 940. Greenaway, Miss Kate (London). Little Phillis. “Marigold Gardens.” (Drawing.) 941. Greenaway, Miss Kate (London). Girl Drawing Chaise with Two Chil¬ dren. (Drawing.) 942. Greenaway, Miss Kate (London). Mulberry Bush, “Children’s Games.” (Drawing.) 943. Greenaway, Miss Kate (London). My Little Girlie, “Marigold Gar¬ dens.” (Drawing.) 944. Greenaway, Miss Kate (London). Game Play, “Hyacinth’s Language of Flowers.” (Drawing.) 945. Greenaway, Miss Kate (London). Title-page, “ Marigold Gardens.” (Drawing.) 946. Thomas, Percy (London). The Old Tabard Inn, Southwark. (Drawing.) 947. Keene, Charles (the late). Little Wife. (Drawing.) Lent by Harry Keene, Esq. 948. Keene, Charles (the late). Bon Chenie. (Drawing.) Lent by Harry Keene, Esq. 949. Stacey, Walter S. (London) Drawings for the “ Strand Magazine.” Lent by George Newnes, Esq., M. P. 950. Charlton, John (London). Ludgate Hill: a Slippery Pavement. (Draw¬ ing.) Lent by The Graphic. 95ic Charlton, John (London). A Carriage 'Accident. (Drawing.) Lent by The Graphic. 952. Overend, W. H. (London) Sir Richard Greville in the “Revenge.” (Drawing.) “ Sink me the ship, Master Gunner, Sink her, split her in twain. Let us now fall into the hands of God, Not into the hands of Spain.” 953. Keene, Charles (the late). Directions. (Drawing.) Lent by Harry Keene, Esq. 954. Keene, Charles (the late). Reprisals. (Drawing.) Lent by Harry Keene, Esq. 955. Keene, Charles (the late). The Pictures. (Drawing.) Lent by Harry Keene, Esq. 956. Keene, Charles (the late). Art. (Drawing.) Lent by Harry Keene, Esq. 957. Stacey, Walter S. (London) In Greek Waters. (Drawing.) Lent by Messrs. Blackie & Son. 958. Charlton, John (London). Ware Wire. Lent by The Graphic. 959. Charlton, John (London). A Veterinary Examination. Lent by The Graphic . GREAT BRITAIN—ARCHITECTURE. 34 1 Groups 139 to 14S— Archi¬ tecture. NUMBERS 960 TO 1105, INCLUSIVE. EAST COURT—UPPER GALLERY—SOUTH SIDE. ALCOVE 123 . 960. Tree, Phillip Henry, F. R. I. B. A. St. Leonards on Sea. Proposed New Workhouse, Hastings. 961. Brooks, James, V. P. R. I. B. A. (London) South-East Exterior View, St. Mary’s, Woolwich. 962. Jackson, T. G. A. R. A. (London) New Campanile for the Cathedral of Zara, in Dalmatia. 963. Neale, James, F. S. A. F. R. I. B. A. (London) St. Albans Abbey, Herts. 964. Fenning, Arthur R. G. (London) St. Luke’s Church, Winnington, Ches¬ hire. 965. Fenning, Arthur R. G. (London) St. Paul’s Church, Oswaldtwistle, Lancashire. 966. Nevill, Ralph, F. S. A. (London) Lodge and Cottages, Warley. 967. Blomfield, Reginald, M. A. (London) House and Grounds at Broken- hurst, Hants. 968. Gribble, Herbert A., A. R. I. B. A. (London) Altar of St. Philip Neri, the Oratory, Brompton. 969. Cutter, Thomas W., F. R. I. B. A. (London) A Card and Billiard Room. 970. Pearson, John L., R. A. (London) The North Transept of Westminister, as now Restored. 971. Horsley, Gerald C. (London) New Organ, Bottesford. 972. Aitchison, Professor George, A. R. A. (London) Ceiling for Sir Sydney Waterloo, Bart., M. P. 973. Jackson, Thomas G., A. R. A. (London) New Tower and Spire for St. John’s Church, Wimbledon. 974. Cutler, Thos. W., F. R. I. B. A. (London) Renaissance Gallery, Avery Hill. 975. Artchison, Professor George, A. R. A. (London) The Arab Hall for Sir F. Leighton, Bart., P. R. A. 976. Belcher, John (London). Design for South Kensington Museum, Ex¬ terior View. 977. Leiper, William, F. R. I. B. A., A. R. S. A. (Glasgow) A Scotch Mansion. 978. Robson, E. R., F. S. A. (London) Interior of the Library and Reading Room of the People’s Palace. 348 WORLD’S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEp’t K—FINE ARTS. 979. CarOe, W. D. (London) St. Sepulchre’s Holborn. Design for Organ. 980. Webb, George W. (Reading) The “Roebuck” Hotel, on the Thames Mapledurham. 981. Robson, E. R., F. S. A. (London) Clock Tower at the People’s Palace. 982. Jackson, Thos. G., A. R. A. (London) The New Examination Schools and Buildings for Non-Collegiate Students in the High Street of Oxford. 983. Stevenson, J. J. (London) St. Leonard’s Church, Perth. 984. Robson, E. R., F. S. A. (London) Interior of the Queen’s Hall of the People’s Palace. 985. Anderson, R. Rowand, L. L. D. (Edinburgh) New Medical School, Edinburgh University. 986. Brooks, James, V. P. R. I. B. A. (London) Mansions, Ruede Bord, Cape Town. 987. Neale, James, F. S. A., F. R. I. B. A. (London) Frognal Gardens, Hamp¬ stead. 988. Spiers, R. Phene (London). Mansion at Impney ir-'Worcester. (Built in association with E. Tronquois of Paris.) 989. Horsley, Gerald C. (London) A Small Country House. 990. Aitchison, Professor George, A. R. A. (London) Drawing-room for Eustan Smith, Esq., M. P. 991. Watson, R. L., F. R. I. B. A. (Glasgow) Design for Glasgow Municipal Buildings. 992. Gribble, Herbert A., A. R. I.B. A. (London) Interior of the Oratory Church, Brompton. 993. Ashlin, George C., R. H. A. (Dublin) Exterior View of the O’Connell Memorial Church, Caherciveen, Co. Kerry. 994. Robson, E. R., F. S. A. (London) View of the Royal Institute of Painters, in Water Colours, Piccadilly, London. 995. Honeyman, John, & Keppie (Glasgow). Premiated Design for Glasgow Art Galleries, Prospective View. 996. Stevenson, John J. (London) Kenhell Norfolk. 997. Cutler, Thos. W., F. R. I. B. A. (London) Billiard Room, Avery Hill. 998. Cutler, Thomas W., F. R. I. B. A. (London) Sculpture Gallery, Avery Hill. 999. Simpson, Fred M. (London) New Staircase, for Sir George R. Sitwell, Bart., M. P. 1000. Tree, Philip H., F. R. I. B. A. (St. Leonard’s-on-Sea) Highland Man¬ sions—Entrance Front. 1001. Robson, E. R., F. S. A. (London) Exterior of the People’s Palace at the East End of London. 1002. Aston-Webb & E. Ingress Bell, Messrs. (London) Victoria Courts, Birmingham. 1003. Cutler, Thos. W., F. R. I. B. A. (London) Drawing-room, Avery Hill. 1004. Goddard, Paget & Goddard, Messrs. (Leicester) Houses, Regent St., Leicester. 1005. Young, William (London) Gosford House, N. B. GREAT BRITAIN—ARCHITECTURE. 349 1006. Astor-Webb & E. Ingress Bell, Messrs. (London) Completion of South Kensington Museum. 1007. Tree, Philip H., F. R. I. B. A. (St. Leonard’s-on-Sea) Highland Man¬ sion—The Garden Front. 1008. Nevill, Ralph, F. S. A. (London) Cottage Block of S. W. R. 1009. Clarke, T. Chatfield & Son (London). New Buildings on the Duke of Westminster’s Estate, South Audley Street, London. 1010. Ernest, George and Peto (London). Shiplake on Thames, Exterior of Hall. ion. Champneys, Basil (London) St. Mary Star of the Sea Church, Hast¬ ings. 1012. Horsley, Gerald C. (London) Design for a Country Museum and In¬ stitute. 1013. Honeyman, John & Keppie (Glasgow). Premiated Design for Glasgow Art Galleries, Part of Elevation to Large Scale. 1014. Ashlin, George C., R. H. A. (Dublin) Exterior View of St. Colman’s Cathedral, Queenstown. 1015. Street, Arthur E. (London) Frame of Designs. 1016. Jackson, Thomas G., A. R. A. (London) New Front of Brasenose Col¬ lege, in the High Street of Oxford. 1017. Anderson, R. Rowland, L. L. D. (Edinburg) Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburg. 1018. Ernest, George & Peto (London). Collingham Gardens Houses, S. W. 1019. Champneys, Basil (London). Harrow School. 1020. Spiers, R. Phene (London). No. 7 Chelsea Embankment. 1021. Nevill, Ralph, F. S. A. (London) Snowdenham, Surrey, Interir of Hall and Stairs. 1022. Scott, J. Oldrid, F. S. A., F. R. I. B. A. (London) Organ, Halifax Par¬ ish Church. 1023. Stokes, Leonard (London). New Church, Folkestone. 1024. Nevill, Ralph, F. S. A. (London) House on Dartmoor. 1025. Blomfield, Reginald, M. A. (London) Drawing of 20 James Street, S. W. 1026. Webb, George W. (Reading) Memorial Fountain, Reading. 1027. Anderson, R. Rowland, L. L. D. (Edinburg) Catholic Apostolic Church, Edinburg. 1028. CarOe, W. D. (London) Adelphi Bank New Buildings, Castle Street, Liverpool. 1029. Cutler, Thos. W., F. R. I. B. A. (London) Staircase, Avery Hill. 1030. Blomfield, Reginald, M. A. (London) Proposed English Church at Berne. 1031. Tree, Philip Henry, F. R. I. B. A. (St. Leonard’s-on-Sea) Church, School and Parsonage. 1032. Scott, J. Oldrid, F. S. A., F. R. I. B. A. (London) Tower and Spire, Stoke Newington. 1033. Tree, Philip Henry, F. R. I. B. A. (St. Leonard’s-on-Sea) House and Office at Battle, Sussex. 350 world's COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP't K—FINE ARTS. 1034. Aston-Webb & E. Ingress Bell, Messrs. (London) Peverey, Shrop¬ shire. 1035. Ashlin, George C., R. H. A. (Dublin) Interior View of St. Colman’s Cathedral. 1036. Street, G. E., R. A. (the late) Northwest Porch, Bristol Cathedral. 1037. Anderson, R. Rowland, L. D L.Ed. )inburg) Dumblane Cathedral. ALCOVE 124 . 1038. CarOe, W. D. (London) St. John the Evangelist, Stanstead, Essex, Interior. 1039. Fenning, Arthur R. G. (London) St. Matthew’s Church, Blackburn, Lancashire. 1040. Street, G. E., R. A. (the late) North Aisle, Bristol Cathedral. 1041. Scott, J. Oldrid, F. S. A., F. R. I. B. A. (London) Design for the New Town Hall at Hamburg by the late Sir G. G. Scott and Mr. J. Oldrid Scott. 1042. Scott, J. Oldrid, F. S. A., F. R. I. B. A. (London) Lahore Cathedral. 1043. Clarke, T. Chatfield & Son (London). Block of New Buildings on the Duke of Westminster’s Estate, Nos. 385 to 397 Oxford Street, London. 1044. Watson, T. L., F. R. I. B. A. (Glasgow) Royal Clyde Yacht Club, Hunter’s Quay. 1045. Scott, J. Oldrid, F. S. A., F. R. I. B. A. (London) Summingdale Parish Church. 1046. Cutler, Thos. W., F. R. I. B. A. (London) Picture Gallery, Avery Hill. 1047. Cutler, Thos. W., F. R. I. B. A. (London) A Corridor. 1048. Aston-Webb & E. Ingress Bell, Messrs. (London) Metropolitan Life Assurance Society’s Officers. 1049. Adams, Maurice B., F. R. I. B. A. (London) Glen Ridge, New Jersey, U. S. A. 1050. Dean & Son, Sir Thomas N. (Dublin) Elevation of Design for the Imperial Institute. 1051. Neale, James, F. S. A., F. R. I. B. A. (London) Reredos and Altar, St. Peter’s Church, Bushey Heath. 1052. Aitchison, Professor George, A. R. A. (London) Drawing Room for Sir Wilfred Lawson, Bart., M. P. 1053. Aitchison, Professor George, A. R. A. (London) Royal Exchange As¬ surance, 29 Pall Mall, S. W. 1054. Pearson, John L., R. A. (London) View of the Cathedral of Truro, when completed—from the southwest. 1055. Clarke, T. Chatfield & Son (London). The New Bishopsgate Girl’s School and Chapel, Recently Built in Spital Square, Bishopsgate Street. 1056. Fenning, Arthur R. G. (London) St. Matthew’s Church, Blackburn, Lancashire. 1057. Stokes, Leonard (London). St. Clare’s Church, Liverpool. 1058. Stevenson, John J. (London) Kensington Court. 1059. Anderson, R. Rowland, LL. D. (Edinburgh) Central Station Hotel, Glasgow. GREAT BRITAIN—ARCHITECTURE. 351 1060. Brooks, James, V. P. R. I. B. A. (London) Extension, North East View, St. Mary’s, Hornsby. 1061. Goddard, Paget & Goddard, Messrs. (Leicester) An Architect’s Home. 1062. Waterhouse, Alfred, R. A. (London) National Liberal Club, Thames Embankment. 1063. Belcher, John (London). Design for South Kensington Museum, In¬ terior View. 1064. Ashlin, G. C., R. H. A. (Dublin) Interior View of the O’Connell Me¬ morial Church. 1065. Brooks, James, V. P. R. I. B. A. (London) Southwest View, Holy Inno¬ cent’s, Hammersmith. 1066. Waterhouse, Alfred, R. A. (London) Natural History Museum, South Kensington. 1067. Brooks, James, V. P. R. I. B. A. (London) West Exterior View, Liver¬ pool Cathedral. 1068. Brooks, Jame. V. P. R. I. B. A. (London) Interior Looking East, Liv¬ erpool Cathedral. 1069. Aitchison, Professor George, A. R. A. (London) The Hall for Rt. Hon. Lord Leconfield. 1070. Campbell, Douglas and Morrison, Messrs. (Glasgow) Carnegie Free Library, Ayr, Scotland. 1071. Edis, R. W., F. S. A., F. R. I. B. A. (London) Convalescent Home and Hospital. 1072. Edis, R. W., F. S. A., F. R. I. B. A. (London) Constitutional Club, Northumberland avenue. 1073. Ernest, George, & Peto (London). 47 Berkeley Square, Interior. 1074. Anderson, R. Rowland, L.L. D. (Edinburgh) 999 Govan Parish Church. 1075. Stokes, Leonard (London). Brownwood Court, Hereford. 1076. Adams, Maurice B., F. R. I. B. A. (London) Bungalow, Nine-Mile Ride, Berks, England. 1077. Mausoleum, near Sydney, Australia, in the memory of the Hon. John Frazier. 1078. Scott, J. Oldrid, F. S. A., F. R. I. B. A. (London) St. Paul’s, Man¬ chester. 1079. Glasgow University. Central Tower. 1080. Scott, J. Oldrid, F. S. A., F. R. I. B. A. (London) Design for New Town Hall, Manchester. 1081. Scott, J. Oldrid, F. S. A., F. R. I. B. A. (London) Falkland Island Cathedral. 1082. Fenning, Arthur, R. G. (London) St. Luke’s Church, Winnington, Cheshire. 1083. Street, G. E., R. A. (the late) Kingstone Church, Dorset. 1084. Binyon, Brightwen (Ipswich). Sunderland Town Hall, View of the Exterior. 1085. Edis, R. W., F. S. A., F. R. I. B. A. (London) Junior Constitutional Club, Piccadilly. 1086. Anderson, R. Rowland, L.L. D. (Edinburgh) St. Paul’s Church, Greenock. 352 WORLD’S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP’T K—FINE ARTS. 1087. Ernest, George, and Peto (London). Shiplake on Thames, Interior of Hall. 1088. Cutler, Thos. W., F. R. I. B. A. (London) A Card and Billiard Room. 1089. Tree, Philip Henry, F. R. I. B. A. (St. Leonard’s-on-Sea) New Wesleyan Church, St. Leonards. 1090. Sherborn, Chas. W. (London) Frame of Book Plates. (Drawing.) 1091. Watson, T. L., F. R. I. B. A. (Glasgow) Offices of the Glasgow Evening Citizen Newspaper. 1092. Stokes, Leonard (London). Corpus Christi Priory Church, Manchester, Exterior. 1093. Corpus Christi Priory Church, Manchester, Interior. 1094. Tree, Philip Henry, F. R. I. B. A. (St. Leonard’s-on-Sea). Estate Cot¬ tages at Lunsford, near St. Leonard’s-on-Sea. 1095. Robson, E. R., F. S. A. (London) Cross Erected in Memory of the Late John Whichcord. 1096. Cutler, Thos. W., F. R. I. B. A. (London) Turkish Bath Room, Avery Hill. 1097. Sherborn, Chas. W. (London) Haden, Esq. (Drawing.) 1098. Nevill, Ralph, F. S. A. (London) Snowdenham, Surrey —2 views. 1099. Champneys, Basil (London). Mansfield College, Oxford. 1100. Champneys, Basil (London). “ Moxley,” Holmbury, near Dorking, Surrey. 1101. Ernest, George Neto (London). East Hill, Ramsgate. 1102. Aitchison, Professor George, A. R. A. (London) Small Drawing Room for Sir W. Lawson Bart., M, P. 1103. Aitchison, Professor George, A. R. A. (London). New Drawing Room, London. 1104. Neale, James, F. S. A., F. R. I. B. A. (London) New Residences, Tun¬ bridge Wells, Kent. 1105. Jackson, Thos. G., A. R. A. (London) Decorated Case of a Grand Pianoforte for Athelstan Riley, Esq. HUBERT VOS. H. W. MESDAG. A. PREYER, HOLLAND Royal Commissioner of Fine Arts, H. W. MESDAG, The Hague, Holland. Acting Royal Commissioner of Fine Arts, HUBERT VOS, 816 Pullman Building. General Manager of the Holland Art Exhibit, A. PREYER, 17 East Forty-Third Street, from whom information may be obtained regarding exhibits that are for sale. Office in Gallery 26 of the Holland Section. 354 WORLD’S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP'T K—FINE ARTS. HOLLAND. THE NUMBERS TO WHICH THIS CATALOGUE REFERS ARE PRINTED IN RED. MANY OF THESE WORKS ARE FOR SALE. PRICES MAY BE OBTAINED FROM MR. A. PREYER, AT THE DESK IN GALLERY No. 2. Group 140-Oil Paintings. GALLERY 26—NUMBERS 1 TO 71 INCLUSIVE. NORTH WALL. BEGINNING AT THE EAST SIDE OF THE ENTRANCE FROM ALCOVE 100 , WEST COURT. 1. Apol, Louis (The Hague). Sunset in Autumn. 2. Maris, William (Voorburg). Cow and Calf. 3. Sadee, Ph. (The Hague). Shrimp-fishing at Scheveningen. EAST WALL. 4. Schwartze, Miss Thevese (Amsterdam). Portrait of the Artist. 5. Eerelman, O. (The Hague) Winter in Holland. 6. Maris, William (Voorburg). Dutch Pasture. 7. Valkenburg, H. (Amsterdam) Pleasant Gatherings. 8. De Bock, Theophile (The Hague). Beech Trees. 9. Vrolyk, Jan. (The Hague) Cow Resting. 10. Roosenboom, Mrs. M. (Voorburg) A Garland of Roses. 11. Apol, Louis (The Hague). Winter Morning. 12. Maris, Jacob (The Hague). The Two Mills. 13. Bakhuyzen, J. J. van de Sande (The Hague). Sunset in Drenthe, 14. Neuhuys, Albert (The Hague). Mother’s Delight. 15. Tholen, W. B. (The Hague) Autumn. 16. Mesdag, H. W. (The Hague) In Danger. 17. Muller, Gerard (Amsterdam). Afternoon Tea. 18. Ronner, Mrs. Henrietta (Brussels). Mischief. HOLLAND—OIL PAINTINGS 355 19. Bakhuyzen, J. J. van de Sande (The Hague). Summer Morning. 20. Gabriel, P. J. C. (Scheveningen) A Wind Mill in the Low Lands. 21. Henkes, Gerke (Voorburg). The Benevolent Society, “Dorcas.” 22. Chattel, Fred J. du (The Hague) A Bright Day. 23. Blommers, B. J. (Scheveningen) Fishing for Shrimps at Scheveningen. 24. Artz, D. A. C. (deceased 1890 ) Girl Knitting. 25. Hugenholtz, Miss A. (Amsterdam) On the Heath. 26. Mesdag-Kzn, Taco (Scheveningen). View of the Hague from Scheven- ingen. SOUTH WALL. 27. Wysmuller, J. H. (Amsterdam) Scene in Amsterdam. 28. Berg, Joan (Paris). Spring. 29. Nakken, W. C. (The Hague) Farm House in Welsden. 30. Bastert, N. (Amsterdam) Fall on the River Vecht. 31. Vos, Hubert (London). A Breton Interior. 32. Moes, Wally (Amsterdam). Praying Together. 33. Neuhuys, Albert (The Hague). Can I Have It, Mother? 34. De Haas, J. H. L, (Brussels) Cows on the Dunes. 35. Maris, William (Voorburg). Milking Time. 36. Ronner, Mrs. Henrietta (Brussels). In Confidence. 37. De Bock, Theophile (The Hague). The Rising Moon. 38. Neuhuys, Albert (The Hague). Rocking the Cradle. 39. De Haas, J. H. L. (Brussels) Cows Resting. 40. Bastert, N. (Amsterdam.) Little Breeze on the River. 41. Bisschop-Swift, Mrs. K. (Scheveningen) Motherly Cares. WEST WALL. 42. Nibbrig, F. Hart (Amsterdam) In the Tulip Fields near Haarlem. 43. Poggenbeek, Geo. (Amsterdam) Between Two Dikes. 44. Mesdag-Kzn, Taco (Scheveningen). In the Dunes. 45. Klinkenberg, K. (The Hague) Canal at Alkmaar. 46. De Haas, J. H. L. (Brussels) Cows Resting. 47. Henkes, Gerke (Voorburg). In the Distillery. 48. Blommers, B. J. (Scheveningen) On the Beach. 49. Dommershuizen, Chr. (The Hague) The Maas near Rotterdam. 50. Zilcken, Ph. (The Hague) Golden Leaves. 51. Artz, D. A. C. (deceased 1890 ) Girl Sleeping in the Dunes. 52. Vos, Hubert (London). The Angelus on the Zuyder-Zee. 53. Roosenboom, Mrs. M. (Voorburg) A Garland of Roses. 54. Jansen, H. W. (Amsterdam) Canal at Amsterdam. 55. Artz, D. A. C. (deceased 1890 ) Idle Hours in the Dunes. 56. Apol, Louis (The Hague). Near the Water-mill. 57. Verveer, Elchanon (The Hague). Gazing into the Horizon. 58. Klinkenberg, K. (The Hague) Drawbridge at Amsterdam. 59. Haaxman, P. (The Hague) Summertime. 60. De Zwart, W. (The Hague) A Village Corner. 61. Henkes, Gerke (Voorburg). The Managers of an Asylum. 356 world’s COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP’t K—FINE ARTS. 62. Flier, H. F. van der (Baarn). A Flock of Sheep; Afternoon. 63. Mesdag-van Calcar, Mrs. G. (Scheveningen) The Village Road (Vries, Drenthe). NORTH WALL. 64. Meulen, F. P. ter (The Hague). Winter. 65. Klinkenberg, K. An Old Tower at Amsterdam. 66. Veth, Bas (Dordrecht). On the River in December. 67. Mesdag, H. W. (The Hague) Summer Morning at Scheveningen. 68. Tholen, W. B. (The Hague) Through the Woods. 69. Maris, Jacob (The Hague). Between The Hague and Delft. 70. Kever, J. S. H. (Amsterdam) A Little Greedy Gut. 71. Abrahams, Miss A. (The Hague) Still Life. GALLERY 27-OIL PAINTINGS. NUMBERS 72 TO 124 INCLUSIVE. NORTH WALL. BEGINNING ON THE WEST SIDE OF THE ENTRANCE FROM GALLERY 26 . 72. Maris, Jacob (The Hague). Fishing Shells. 73. Bakhuyzen, Miss G. J. van de Sande (The Hague). Roses. 74. Bosboom, J. (deceased 1891 ) Dutch Reformed Church. 75. Martens, Willy (The Hague). A Cosy Corner. 76. Maris, Jacob (The Hague). Dordrecht, Sun Effect. 77. Weele, H. J. vander (The Hague). Ploughing in Summer. 78. Mauve, Anton (deceased 1888 ). Ploughing the Field (Drenthe). 79. Bosboom, J. (deceased 1891 ) Synagogue, Amsterdam. 80. Blommers, B. J. (Scheveningen). Washing Day. 81. Weele, H. J. vander (The Hague). Ploughing in Spring. 82. Mauve, Anton (deceased 1888 ). Cows Going Home. 83. Martens, Willy (The Hague). At the Well. 84. Israels, Josef (The Hague). Sweet Home. 85. Bakhuyzen, Miss G. J. van de Sande (The Hague). Plums. WEST WALL. 86. Bakhuyzen, J. J. van de Sande. Driving the Cattle Homeward. 87. Calisfendorf, A. (Ryswyk) Lawn Tennis. 83 . Haas, J. H. L. de (Brussels). Donkeys on the Shore of Picardy. 89. Eerelman, O. (The Hague) Horse Fair at Rotterdam. 90. Roelofs, W. (The Hague) Dutch Canal. 91. Mesdag-van Houten, Mrs. S. (The Hague) Still Life. Q2. Josef (The Hague). Fisherwomen of Zandvoort, HOLLAND—OIL PAINTINGS. 35 ^ 93. Mauve, Anton (deceased 1888 ). Wood Carts on the Heath. 94. Mesdag-van Houten, Mrs. S. (The Hague) Moonlight on the Heath. 95. Haas, J. H. L. de (Brussels). Landscape With Cattle. 96. Mesdag, Kzn Taco (Scheveningen). Water-mill at Ruurlo. 97. Wysmuller, J. H. (Amsterdam) Winter Evening, Monnikendam. 98. Henkes, Gerke (Voorburg). A Dutch Peasant. SOUTH WALL. 99. Weissenbruch, J. H. (The Hague) Village Interior. 100. Valkenburg, H. (Amsterdam) Will You Give Me a Flower. ici. Mesdag, H. W. (The Hague) At Anchor. 102. Frankfort, Ed. (Amsterdam) Writing an Important Letter. 103. Israels, Josef (The Hague). Summer Day on the Shore. 104. Israels, Josef (The Hague). Alone in the World. 105. Mauve, Anton (deceased 1888 ). Pasture near the Dunes. 106. Vos, Hubert (London). A Room in a Brussels Almshouse. 107. Mesdag, H. W. (The Hague) Morning on the Shore at Scheveningen. 108. Maarel, M. vander (The Hague). A Cook. 109. Breitner, G. H. (Amsterdam) Dutch Cavalry. no. Bock, Theophile de (The Hague). Summer Evening, in. Neuhuys, Albert (The Hague). Sunlight. EAST WALL. 112. Cate, S. J. ten (Paris). The Thames (flood tide). 113. Gabriel, P. J. C. (Scheveningen) The Harvest near Utrecht. 114. Papendrecht, J. Hoynck von (Amsterdam). Artillery Review at Utrecht. 115. Neuhuys, Albert (The Hague). A Frugal Meal. 116. Maris, William (Voorburg). Duck Pond. 117. Apol, Louis (The Hague). Thaw on the River Yssel. 118. Breitner, G. H. (Amsterdam) Dutch Artillery. 119. Kever, J. S. H. (Amsterdam) In the Garden. 120. Cate, S. J. ten (Paris). The Thames (low tide). 121. Vos, Hubert (London). Pauvres Gens (The Poor). 122. Mesdag-van Houten, Mrs. S. (The Hague) On the Heath (evening effect). 123. Klinkenberg, K. (The Hague) Canal at Amsterdam (sunset). 124. Roelofs, W. (The Hague) Pasture Grounds near the Dunes. GALLERY 25-OIL PAINTINGS. NUMBERS 125 TO 188, INCLUSIVE. SOUTH WALL. BEGINNING AT THE ENTRANCE FROM GALLERY 26. 125. Maris, Jacob (The Hague). Canal at Rotterdam. 126. Oppenoorth, W. (The Hague) A Mill in the Swamp. 35’S WORLD’S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEp’t K—FINE ARTS. 127. Ronner, Mrs. Henriette (Brussels). Coquetry. 128. Verveer, Elchanon (The Hague). Expecting the Return of the Boats. 129. Poggenbeek, George (Amsterdam). Sunset. 130. Melis, H. J. (Charlois near Rotterdam) Washing Day. 131. Bastert, N. (Amsterdam) The White Sail. 132. Schwartze, Miss Therese (Amsterdam). The Orphan Girls of Amster¬ dam Singing Psalm 146 : 9 . 133. Tholen, W. B. (The Hague) Skating. 134. Verveer, Elchanon (The Hague). Here They Are! 135. Mesdag-Kzn, Taco (Scheveningen). Sheepcot at Loenen Gelderland. 136. Martens, Willy (The Hague). Housework. EAST WALL. 137. Abrahams, Miss A. (The Hague) Flowers. 138. Mesdag van-Houten, Mrs. S. (The Hague) Cottage. 139. DeZwart, W. (The Hague) Father’s Darling. 140. Ten Kate, Mari (The Hague). Feeding the Sparrows. 141. Bilders-van Bosse, Mrs. M. (The Hague) Little Woods near Ooster- beek. 142. Poggenbeek, George (Amsterdam). Near the River. 143. De la Mar, D. (Amsterdam) In July. 144. OHermans, Tony (The Hague). The Village Carpenter. 145. Gabriel, P. J. C. (Scheveningen) A Corner in the Village Veenendaal. 146. Wysmuller, J. FI. (Amsterdam) Winter Evening, Amsterdam. 147. TenKate, Mzn. J. M. (The Hague.) Sailing Out. 148. Maris, William (Voorburg). Under the Willows. 149. Jansen, H. W. (Amsterdam) In the Docks. 150. Bastert, N. (Amsterdam) The Bridge at Nederhorst. 151. Heemskerck VanBeest, J. E. (The Hague) On the Zuyder Zee. 152. Muller, Gerard (Amsterdam). Disappointed. 153. Gabriel, P. J. C. (Scheveningen) Windmills on the Moerdyk, Holland. 154. TenKate, Mzn. Johan M. (The Hague) On the Zuyder Zee, Isle of Marken. 155. Nakken, W. C. (The Hague) Farmhouse in Limburg. 156. Poggenbeek, George (Amsterdam). In the Meadows of Holland. 157. De la Mar, D. (Amsterdam) Peasant Girl. 158. Du Chattel, Fred J. (The Hague) The Lake in the Wood. 159. Wysmuller, J. H. (Amsterdam) A Dutch Town. 160. Van der Maarel, M. (The Hague) A Flower Woman from Haarlem. 161. Melis, H. J. (Charlois near Rotterdam) The Neighborhood of Rotter¬ dam. NORTH WALL. 162. Boks, E. J. (Antwerp) Surprised. 163. Veder, H. (Rotterdam) View at the Harbor of Flushing 164. Haaxman, P. (The Hague) Pleasant Correspondence. 165. Roelofs, W. (The Hague) Mills near Rotterdam. 166. Van Hogendorp’s-Jacob, Mrs. A. (The Hague). Roses. HOLLAND—OIL PAINTINGS—WATER COLORS. 359 WEST WALL. 167. Neuhuys, A. (The Hague) Dutch Woman and Child. 168. Oppenoorth, W. (The Hague) The Pond in the Woods of the Hague. 169. Henlies, Gerke (Voorburg). The Knitting School. 170. Essen, Jan van (Scherpenzeel). A Dutch Farmhouse. 171. Hamel, W. (Rolde) Harvest Time. 172. Sadee, Ph. (The Hague) On the Beach at Sheveningen. 173. Schwartze, Miss Therese (Amsterdam). Portrait of My Mother. 174. Israels, Joseph (The Hague). Type of a Fisherman. 175. Ter Meulen, F. P. (The Hague) A Sandy Road. 176. Artz, D. A. C. (Deceased, 1890 ) The Pet Lamb. 177. Blommers, B. J. (Scheveningen) At Breakfast. 178. Eerelman, O. (The Hague) St. Bernard Dog. 179. Ter Meulen, F. P. (The Hague) At the Riverside. 180. Vos Hubert (London). Study of a Russian Peasant. 181. Mesdag, H. W. (The Hague) Ready to Sail Out. 182. Du Chattel, Fred J. (The Hague) On the River Vecht. 183. Ten Cate, S. J. (Paris) Night Scene at Havre. 184. Essen, Janvan (Scherpenzeel). Going Homeward. 185. Mesdag-van-Calcar, Mrs. G. (Scheveningen) Street at Hattem. 186. Vrolyk, Jan (The Hague). Evening near the Farmhouse. 187. Vogel, J. G. (Voorburg) In the Cornfields. 188. Calissendorf, A. (Ryswyk) In the Almshouse of Ryswyk. Group 141-Water Colors. NUMBERS 189 TO 263, INCLUSIVE. ALCOVE 101 . BEGINNING AT THE EAST SIDE OF THE ALCOVE. 189. Weissenbruch, J. H. (The Hague) A Young Artist. 190. Apol, Louis (The Hague). Winter Night. 191. Bakhuyzen, Miss G. J. vande Sande (The Hague). Roses. 192. Ten Cate, S. J. (Paris). Dutch Landscape. (Oil painting.) 193. Koster, A. L. (Haarlem) The Last Autumn Leaves on the Ancient Bul¬ warks of Haarlem. 194. Hogendorp’s-Jacob, Mrs. A. (The Hague) Chrysanthemums. 195. Bilders-van-Bosse, Mrs. M. (The Hague) An Alley of Beech Trees. 196. Ten Cate, S. J. (Paris) Eight Different Views of Paris. 197. Stortenbeker, P. (The Hague) Milking Time. 198. Hubrecht, Mrs. Donders-Grandmont (Taormina, Sicily). A Tired Nurse. 199. Gabriel, P. J. C. (Scheveningen) A Dutch Mill. 360 world’s COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP’t K—FINE ARTS. 200. Schutz, W. J. (Middelburg) Low Tide on the Westerschelde. 201. Mesdag, H. W. (The Hague) In Danger. 202. Bilders-van-Bosse, Mrs. (The Hague) Under the Beeches. 203. Mesdag-van-Calcar, Mrs. G. (Scheveningen; Violets. 204. Veth, Bas (Dordrecht). River Scene in December. 205. Ten Cate, S. J. (Paris) La Rue de la Chapelle, Paris. 206. Roelofs, W. (The Hague) Water Gulls in the Swamps. 207. Veder, H. (Rotterdam) View of the Maas. 208. Koster, A. L. (Haarlem) Bridge on the Maas at Maarstricht. 209. Van Borselen, J. W. (Deceased, 1892) A Nook of the Farm. 210. Oppenoorth, W. (The Hague) Cut Trees. 2ri. Henkes, Gerke (Voorburg). View of Delftshaven. 212. Rochussen, Chas. (Rotterdam) Before the Races. 213. Mesdag-Kzn, Taco (Scheveningen). After Harvest. 214. Nakken, W. C. (The Hague) Farmhouse in Limburg. 215. Verveer, Elchanon (The Hague). To the Market. 216. Ten Cate, S. J. (Paris) Summer Evening, Finistere. 217. Roelofs, Jr., W. (The Hague) Still Life. 218. Veder, H. (Rotterdam) View of the Old Harbor of Flushing. 219. Ten Kate, Mari (The Hague). The Chickens. (Isle of Marken.) 220. Wysmuller, J. H. (Amsterdam) Sawmills at Amsterdam. 221. Ten Kate-Mzn, Johan M. (The Hague) On the Shore. 222. Henkes, Gerke (Voorburg). A Blacksmith Shop. 223. Mesdag-Kzn, Taco (Scheveningen). Mill at Leende, Noord Brabant. 224. Nakken, W. C. (The Hague) Farmhouse in Zuyd, Holland. 225. Borselen, J. W. van (Deceased, 1892). Dutch Landscape. 226. Oppenoorth, W. (The Hague) Dutch Pasture. 227. Ten Cate, S. J. (Paris). Six Different Views of Paris. 228. Bastert, N. (Amsterdam) Winter. 229. Stortenbeker, P. (The Hague) Under the Trees. 230. Mesdag van-Houten, Mrs. S. (The Hague) Heath. 231. Henkes, Gerke (Voorburg). A Confidence. 232. Mesdag, H. W. (The Hague) On the Dutch Coast. 233. Weissenbruch, J. FI. (The Hague) A Sunny Day in Holland. 234. Ten Kate, Mari (The Hague). A Bombardment. 235. Ten Kate-Mzn, Johan M. (The Hague) The Coffee Call. . ON SCREEN A—WEST SIDE. 236. Jong, P. de Josselin de (The Hague). Sandbarge. 237. Bastert, N. (Amsterdam) Near the Farm. 238. Roelofs, W. (The Hague) Mill at Abcoude. 239. Klinkenberg, K. (The Hague) Canal at Amsterdam. 240. Vrolyk, Jan (The Hague). Cow House. 241. Jong, P. de Josselin de (The Hague). Autumn. 242. Offermans, Tony (The Hague). In the Hothouse. SCREEN A.—EAST SIDE. 243. Weissenbruch, J. H. (The Hague) Landscape in Holland. HOLLAND—WATER COLORS. 361 244. Wysmuller, J. H. (Amsterdam) A Dutch Landscape. 245. Mesdag-Van-Houten, Mrs. (The Hague) Still-life. 246. Blommers, B. J. (The Hague) A Frugal Meal. 247. Veth, Ba. (Dordrecht) Discharging a Steamer. 248. Eerelman, Otto (The Hague). Little Pugs. 24}. Weissenbruch, J. H. (The Hague) At the Dutch Coast. SCREEN B—WEST SIDE. 250. Roosenboom, Mrs. M. (Voorburg) Iris. 251. Maris, William (Voorburg). Young Pigs. 252. DeBock, Theo. (The Hague) Landscape. 253. Kever, J. S. H. (Amsterdam) The Old Gardener. 254. Vos, Hubert (London). Homerulers. (Pastel.) 255. Roosenboom, Mrs. M. (Voorburg) Helianthis. 256. Ter Meulen, F. P. (The Hague). In the Snow. SCREEN B—EAST SIDE. 257. Vrolyk, Jan (The Hague). Cowherders. 258. Valkenburg, H. (Amsterdam) Woman Reading. 259. Mesdag, H. W. (The Hague) On the Beach of Scheveningen at Twi¬ light. 260. Bosboom, J. (Deceased, 1891 ) Farm Interior. 261. Bosboom, J. (Deceased, 1891 ) Landscape in the Dunes. 262. Ter Meulen, F. P. (The Hague) Sheep Grazing. 263. Valkenburg, H. (Amsterdam) Mother and Child. ALCOVE 100.—NUMBERS 264 TO 299, INCLUSIVE. WATER COLORS ON THE EAST AND WEST WALLS. TWO OIL PAINTINGS ON THE SOUTH WALL. 264. DuChattel, Fred J. (The Hague) Autumn Evening. 265. Vander Weele, H. j. (The Hague) In the Snow. 266. Artz, D. A. C. (Deceased, 1890 ) A Fisherwoman. 267. Blommers, B. J. (Scheveningen) Mother’s Darling. 268. Kever, J. S. H. (Amsterdam) The Little Sister. 269. Voerman, J. (Hattem) Violets. 270. Melis, H. J. (Charlouis near Rotterdam) Grandmother and Grand¬ daughter. 271. Bosboom, J. (Deceased, 1891 ) Church Interior. 272. Maris, Jacob (The Hague). The Old Nurse. 273. Klinkenberg, K. (The Hague) Canal at The Hague. 274. Sadee, Ph. (The Hague) After the Storm. 275. Israels, Joseph (The Hague). Motherly Cares. 276. Offermans, Tony (The Hague). On the Threshold. 277. Voerman, J. (Hattem) Still-life. 278. Melis, H. J. (Charlois near Rotterdam) Complaints. 362 world’s COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP’t K—FINE ARTS. 279. Van der Maarel, M. (The Hague) On the Altar. 280. Apol, Louis (The Hague) A Snowy Road. 281. Artz, D. A. C. (Deceased, 1891 ) Sorrow. 282. Vos, Hubert (London). Portrait of H. M. Wilhelmina, Queen of the Netherlands. (Oil painting.) 283. Martens, W. J. (Berlin) The original “Love’s Dream. (Oil painting.) 284. Verveer, Elchanon (The Hague). A Happy Family. 285. Gabriel, P. J. C. (Scheveningen) The White House near Deventer. 286. Pruys, Miss C., van der Hoeven (The Hague). An Interesting Novel. 287. Poggenbeek, Geo. (Amsterdam) The Duck Pool. 288. Moes, Miss Wally (Amsterdam) Just Awakened. 289. DuChattel, Fred J. (The Hague) The Fisherman’s Home. 290. Artz, D. A. C. (Deceased 1890 ) Sorrow (first sketch). 291. Van der Weele, H. J. (The Hague) Sand Cart. 292. Roosenboom, Mrs. M. (Voorburg) A Branch of Roses. 293. Maris, William (Voorburg). Ducks. 294. Moes, Miss Wally (Amsterdam). In a Village Church. 295. De Bock, Theo. (The Hague) Mill and River. 296. Kever, J. S. H. (Amsterdam) The Young Gardener. 297. Mesdag-vanHouten, Mrs. S. (The Hague) Moonlight. 298. Valkenburg, H. (Amsterdam) Neighbors. 299. Neuhuys, Albert (The Hague). The Mother and Her Children.— Lately removed to the Office of the General Manager, Room 2 S, North¬ west corner. Group 143-Etchings. NUMBERS 300 TO 326, INCLUSIVE. ALCOVE 99 . BEGINNING ON THE EAST WALL. 300. De Zwart, W. (The Hague) Eight Etchings in One Frame. 301. Gravesande, C. N. Storm van’s (Brussels). Boats on the Meuse. 302. Gravesande, C. N. Storm van’s (Brussels). The Meuse off Dordrecht. 303. De Zwart, W. (The Hague) Four Landscapes in One Frame. 304. Gravesande, C. N. Storm van’s (Brussels). Breakwater. 305. VanHouten, Miss B. E. (The Hague) (After J. F. Millet.) 306. Dake, Prof. C. L. (Amsterdam) Portrait of Ludwig van Beethoven. 307. Koster, A. L. (Haarlem) Ten Original Etchings. (Artist’s proofs.,' (Picturesque views along the canal from The Plague to Delft. 308. VanHouten, Miss B. E. (The Plague) Study of Birds. 309. Croiset van der Kop, Miss J. (The Hague) Two Studies of a Boy. HOLLAND—ETCHINGS. 363 310. De Zwart, W. (The Hague) Three Etchings in One Frame. 311. Gravesande, C. N. Storm van’s (Brussels). The Pier. 312. VanHcuten, Miss B. E. (The Hague) (After Blommers.) 313. De Zwart, W. (The Hague) Seven Different Etchings in One Frame. 314. Hubrecht, Mrs. Donders Grandmont (Taormina, Sicily). Worn Out. (Drawing.) 315. Gravesande, C. M. Storm van’s (Brussels). Flushing. 316. VanHouten, Miss B. E. (The Hague) (After Jules Dupre. 317. Zilcken, Ph. (The Hague) Evening. (After H. W. Mesdag.) 318. Gravesande, C. N. Storm van’s (Brussels). A Dead Calm. 319. Zilcken, Ph. (The Hague) The Bridge. (After J. Maris.) 320. Croiset [vander Kop, Miss J. (The Hague) Two Still-Lifes in One Frame. 321. VanHouten, Miss B. E. (The Hague) Three Etchings in One Frame. 322. Croiset van der Kop, Miss J. (The Hague) Three Etchings in One Frame. 323. VanHouten, Miss B. E. (The Hague) (After Eug. Delacroix.) 324. Dake, Prof. C. L. (Amsterdam) Portrait of H. M. Wilhelmina, Queen of the Netherlands. (Original etching from life.) 325. Zilcken, Ph. (The Hague) J. L. Motley (C. Bischop). 326. Van der Weele, H. J. (The Hague) A Sandy Road. (After A. Mauve.) (Unpublished Etching, Artist’s Proof; plate for sale.) 327. Croiset vander Kop, Miss J. (The Hague) Two Marines. (After H.W. Mesdag.) 328. VanHouten, Miss B. E. (The Hague) Four Etchings in One Frame. 329. Croiset van der Kop, Miss J. (The Hague) Japanese Bronze. 330. Zilcken, Ph. (The Hague) Primavera. (After M. Maris.) 331. VanHouten, Miss B. E. (The Hague) Six Etchings in One Frame. 332. Koster, A. L. (Haarlem) Etching Artist Proof. (After Beguin.) The Quarry in the Museum at The Hague. ' r ANGELO DEL NERO. ITALY Royal Special Commissioner of Fine Arts for Italy to the World’s Columbian Exposition. ANGELO DEL NERO, 339 Michigan Avenue. For information, prices and copyrights please apply to the Italian Official Agent, Fine Art Building, West Pavil¬ ion, Gallery 76 . 366 world's COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEp’t K—FINE ARTS. ITALY. THE NUMBERS TO WHICH THIS CATALOGUE REFERS ARE PRINTED IN RED. MANY OF THESE WORKS ARE FOR SALE. FOR PARTICULARS AND PRICES APPLY AT THE OFFICE OF THE ITALIAN SECTION, SOUTHWEST CORNER OF GALLERY 76 . Groups 139 and 140-Sculpture and Oil Paintings. SAjT*In the Italian section the sculpture and oil paintings are catalogued collectively by galleries, instead of separately under group headings. GALLERY 76-SCULPTURE. NUMBERS 1 TO 73, INCLUSIVE. 1. Apolloni, A. (Rome) American Mythology. 2. Bottinelli (Rome). The Kiss. 3. Andreoni, O. (Rome) Flora. 4. Albacini, A. (Rome) Innocence. 5. Pellini, E. (Milan) An Urchin. 6. Bottinelli, A. (Rome) Etrusca. 7. Bottinelli, A. (Rome) The First Communion. 8. Dausch (Rome). Night. 9. Dausch (Rome). Day. 10. Apolloni, A. (Rome) Love’s Dream. 11. Apolloni, A. (Rome) Beatrice. 12. Apolloni, A. (Rome) The Hon. Chauncy M. Depew. 13. Apolloni, A. (Rome) Mrs. Julia Ward Howe. 14. Apolloni, A. (Rome) Plaster Cast, Burns Monument. 15. Apolloni, A. (Rome) Original Design in Plaster for a Monumental Foun¬ tain. 16. Apolloni, A. Rome) Mother Most Pure. ITALY—SCULPTURE 17. Gemito. A Capri Girl. 17a. Gemito. A Fisher Boy. 18. Gariboldi (Milan). Arianna. 19. Cantu (Milan). An Ideal. 20. Bistolfi, L. (Rome) The American Flag. 21. Bistolfi, L. (Rome) Companions in Misfortune. 22. Fiaschi (Florence). The High Wave. 23. Argenti, G. (Milan) A Martyr. 24. Andreoni, O. (Rome) Ruth. 25. Ramazzotti, S. (Padua) A Flower Girl. 26. Soldini, A. (Milan) A Thought. 27. Calvi, P. (Milan) The Minstrel. 28. Gariboldi, E. (Milan) Providence. 29. Gariboldi, E. (Milan) Gluttony. 30. Gariboldi, E. (Milan) Flowers Among Flowers. 31. Gariboldi, E. (Milan) Project for a Clock Tower. 32. Gariboldi, E. (Milan) First Gain- 33. Gariboldi, E. (Milan) Folly. 34. Gariboldi, E. (Milan) Exiled. 35. Gariboldi, E. (Milan) Pierrette. 36. Calvi, P. (Milan) Spiteful. 37. Gariboldi, E. (Milan) Mignon. 38. Calvi, P. (Milan) Othello. 39. Calvi, P. (Milan) Aleydak. 40. Gariboldi, E. (Milan) The Archangel Gabriel. 41. Gariboldi, E. (Milan) After Supper. 42. Barbella, C. (Castellamare, Adriatico) The Love Song. 43. Barbella, C. (Castellamare, Adriatico) The Departure, 44. Barbella, C. (Castellamare, Adriatico) The Return. 45. Barbella, C. (Castellamare, Adriatico) Alone. 46. Barbella, C. (Castellamare, Adriatico) Believe Me. 47. Barbella, C. (Castellamare, Adriatico) Harmony. 48. Barbella, C. (Castellamare, Adriatico) “Bourn!” 49. Barbella, C. (Castellamare, Adriatico) More! More!i 50. Soebock, F. (Rome) Faun and Bacchant. 51. De Leva, G. (Naples) Papa’s Son. 52. Gariboldi, E. (Milan) The First Pose. 53. Zocchi, C. (Florence) A School Boy. 54. Gariboldi, E. (Milan) Ophelia. 55. Biondi, E. (Rome) Triclinium. 56. Gariboldi, E. (Milan) Mignon. 57. Civiletti (Palermo). The Fisher Boy. 58. Gariboldi, E. (Milan) Arianna. 59. Bastiani (Florence) The Return from the Feast. 60. Biondi, E. (Rome) Oriental Tales. 61. Biondi, E. (Rome) Remembrances. 62. -^Biondi, E. (Rome) Christmas Eve. 63. Biondi, E. (Rome) In the Desert. 368 WORLD’S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP*T K—PINE ARTS. 64. Biondi, E. (Rome) Arab Family Traveling. 65. Biondi, E. (Rome) On a Spree. 66. Fambri, R. (Venice) A Duel. 67. Biondi, E. (Rome) Rosetta. 68. Biondi, E. (Rome) Concettella. 69. Luzi, A. (Rome) Sortie du Bal. 70. Cantu (Milan) Parthenope. 71. Gariboldi, E. (Milan) A Wreath. 72. Biondi, E. (Rome) Gennarina. 73. Biondi, E. (Rome) Bad Luck. 74 - 75 - 76. 77 - 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85 . 86 . 87. 88 . 89. 90. 91. 92. 93 - 94, GALLERY 76.-OIL PAINTINGS. NUMBERS 74 TO 112, INCLUSIVE. WEST WALL. BEGINNING AT ENTRANCE FROM GALLERY 75 . Spiridon, I. (Rome) Sappho. (Over the Doorway.) Spiridon, I. (Rome) Follette. EAST WALL. Conconi, L. (Milan) The Declaration of Love. (Over the Doorway Gallery 77 .) SOUTH WALL. Dovera, A. (Genoa) Marine. Dovera, A. (Genoa) Marine. Dovera, A. (Genoa) Marine. Dovera, A. (Genoa) Marine. Dovera, A. (Genoa) Marine. Dovera, A. (Genoa) Marine. Dovera, A. (Genoa) Marine. Dovera, A. (Genoa) Marine. Dovizielli, C. (Rome) Still Life. Fedrighini, P. (Sinigallia) Niagara Falls. Tamajo, E. (deceased) A Tiger’s Head. Tamajo, E. (deceased) A Bull’s Head. Carcano, F. (Milan) Sunset at Spezzia. Carcano, F. (Milan) Ten Studies in one Frame. Carcano, F. (Milan) A Study. Carcano, F. (Milan) A Study. Carcano, F. (Milan) A Study. Carcano, F. (Milan) A Study. ITALY—OIL PAINTINGS. 369 95. Carcano, F. (Milan) A Study. 96. Carcano, F. (Milan) A Study. 97. Carcano, F. (Milan) A Study. 98. Carcano, F. (Milan) A Study. 99. Carcano, F. (Milan) A Study. 100. Carcano, F. (Milan) A Study. 101. Carcano, F. (Milan) A Study. 102. Carcano, F. (Milan) A Study. 103. Nani, N. (Venice) Persuasion. 104. Fedrighini, P. (Sinigallia) The Niagara Rapids. 105. Tamajo, E. (deceased) A Cow’s Head. 106. Tamajo, E. (deceased) A Tiger’s Head. 107. Dovizielli, C. (Rome) Still Life. IMITATIONS OF TAPESTRY. 108. Brugo & Paglici (Rome). Bacchus and Ariadne. (North Wall.) 109. Brugo & Paglici (Rome). The Toilet of Venus. (North Wall.) no. Brenda & Simonetti. The Mysterious Basket. (East Wall.) in. Brenda & Simonetti. Bacchus and Venus. (East Wall.) 112. Brenda & Simonetti. The Agreeable Lesson. (South Wall.) GALLERY 77-SCULPTURE. NUMBERS 113 TO 119, INCLUSIVE. 113. Allgetti, A. (Rome) Eve After Sinning. 114. Biondi, E. (Rome) In the Desert. 115. Biondi, E. (Rome) An Arab Family Traveling. 116. Ramazzotti, S. (Padua) Springtime Song. 117. Galli, R. (Milan) Bebe. 118. Gariboldi, E. (Milan) The Chimney Sweeper. 119. Gariboldi, E. (Milan) Displeasing. GALLERY 77-OIL PAINTINGS. NUMBERS 120 TO 187, INCLUSIVE. WEST WALL. BEGINNING AT ENTRANCE FROM GALLERY 76 . 120. Ferrara, O. (Naples) Faith. (Over the Doorway.) 121. Guerra, A. (Badia di Cava) A Capri Girl. 370 WORLD’S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP*T K—FINE ARTS. 122. Ricci, F. (Rome) Sweet Remembrances. 123. Rotta, A. (Venice) The First Egg. 124. Wolf (Venice). Grandmama’s Story. 125. Corelli, A. (Rome) In the Woods. 126. Aquadro, F. (Chicago) Flowers. 127. Guerra, A. (Badia di Cava) Beatrice Cenci. 128. Savini, A. (Bologna) Post Nubila Phoebus. NORTH WALL. 129. Bottero, G. (Turin) Boatmen’s Canal. 130. Da Molin, O. (Venice) At the Pawnshop. 131. Bazzani, L. (Rome) At the Fountain, Pompeii. 132. Vollaro, P. (Naples) A Moment of Leisure. 133. Joris, Pio (Rome). An Afternoon in the Villa Pamphili. 134. Rinaldi, C. (Florence) Hopeless. 135. Moradei, A. (Ravenna) The Joys of the Family. 136. Moradei, A. (Ravenna) Maternal Anticipations. 137. Bazzani, L. (Rome) At the Fountain. 138. Novo, St. (Venice) Fruit Shop in Venice. 139. Joris, Pio (Rome) Grandfather’s Birthday. 140. Bottero, G. (Turin) Mestre Canal. 141. Savini, A. (Bologna) A Child of the Fields. EAST WALL. 142. Guerrieri, A. (Florence) Love and Curiosity. 143. De Martini, G. (Naples) The Flower Market at Pompeii. 144. Tromboni, A. (Naples) The Cowherds. 145. Milesi, A. (Venice) Papa’s Boat. 146. Bertolotti, C. (Milan) The Giddy Monk. 147. Coleman, F. (Rome) Queen Catherine of England. 148. Guerra, A. (Badia di Cava) Raphael and Cardinal Sigismondo Conti. 149. Simoni, G. (Rome) Algerian Women on the Terrace. 150. Bompiani, A. (Rome) Southern Flowers. 151. Boldini, A. (Paris) An Extra Team. 152. Ricci, F. (Rome) An Interrupted Nap. 153. Fragiacomo, P. (Venice) An Idyl in the Lagoon. 154. Andreotti, F. (Chicago) A Sweet Note. 155. Fragiacomo, P. (Venice) Summer Clouds. 156. D’ Andrea, F. (Venice) Surprised. 157. Bordignon, N. (Venice) At the Country Inn. 158. Fragiacomo, P. (Venice) Little Amalia. SOUTH WALL. 159. Carcano, F. (Milan) Environs of Genoa. 160. Guerra, A. (Badia di Cava) The Fortune-Teller. 161. Novo, St. (Venice) A Fruit Seller in Venice. 162. Capone, G. (Majori) Summer. ITALY—OIL PAINTINGS. 37i 163. Zanetti, Miti G. (Venice) The Canal of Torcello. 164. Ricci, FJ (Rome) Rehearsing the Lesson. 165. Mariani, C. (Rome) Celestial Harmony. 166. Denza, Ciro (Naples). A Bit of the Bay of Naples. 167. Bompiani, A. (Rome) Playing Truants. 168. Tiratelli, A. (Rome) A Flock of Sheep on the Roman Campagna. 169. Capone, G. (Majori) Winter. 170. Zanetti, Miti G. The Island of Malamocco. 171. Guardabassi, G. (Rome) The Old Gipsy. 172. Carcano, F. (Milan) A Procession. 173. Mariani, C. (Rome) Yo Triumphai. 174. Novo, St. (Venice) The Worst of All. WEST WALL. 175. Malaspina, A. (Milan) Shepherd. 176. Roi, P. (Venice) Variety. 177. Guardabassi, G. The Mayor’s Wedding. 178. Guardabassi, F. M. (Perugia) H. H. Pope Leo XIII. 179. Gabrini, P. (Rome) At Sea. 180. Reycend, E. (Turin) The Po Embankment in Turin. 181. Roi, P. (Venice) Once Friends. 182. Santoro, Rubens (Naples) Gipsies. 183. Barbarini, S. (Modena) Sketch from Nature. 184. Barbarini, S. (Modena) Sketch from Nature. 185. Carcano, F. (Milan) By the Window. 186. Barbarini, S. (Modena) The Train is Coming. 187. Barbarini, S. (Modena) Sketch from Nature. GALLERY 78-SCULPTURE. NUMBERS 188 TO 198a, INCLUSIVE. 188. Bottinelli, A. (Rome) The Dance. 189. Bottinelli, A. (Rome) Poetry. 190. Bottinelli, A. (Rome) Music. 191. Bottinelli, A. (Rome) Painting. 192. Bottinelli, A. (Rome) Sculpture. 193. Bottinelli, A. (Rome) Architecture. 194. Sportini, A. (Milan) The Volunteer. 195. Ramazzotti, S. (Padua) A Dream. 196. Nelli, A. (Rome) Spring. 197. Luzi, A. (Rome) Tresteverina. 198. Pardo, V. (Rome) Christoforo Colombo. 198a. Ferrari, Ettore (Rome). Lesbia. 3 7 2 WORLD’S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEp’t K—FINE ARTS. GALLERY 78—OIL PAINTINGS. NUMBERS 199 TO 255, INCLUSIVE. WEST WALL. BEGINNING AT THE ENTRANCE FROM GALLERY 77 . 199. Juglaris, Tommaso (Milan). The Prayer on the Mountain. (Over the door.) 200. Wolf (Venice). Spring. 201. Wolf (Venice). Flirtation. 202. Van Elven, P. T. (Milan) The Market at Chaumont. 203. D’ Andrea, F. (Venice) Flora. 204. Malaspina, A. (Milan) A Swiss Mail Coach. 205. Gasperini, L. (Venice) The Eviction. 206. Wolf (Venice). Summer. 207. Wolf (Venice). A Venetian Girl. 208. Van Elven, P. T. (Milan) A Caravan by the Dead Sea. NORTH WALL. 209. Carcano, F. (Milan) Snowfall at Pescarenico. 210. De Matteis, A. (Chicago) Fruit. 211. Bruenn, L. (Rome) The First-born. 213. Guerra, A. (Badia di Cava) Sanctuary of la Cava. 214. Quaranta, G. (Naples) A Country Milkwoman. 215. Costa, A. (Genoa) The Side of St. Lorenzo Cathedral. 216. Quaranta, G. (Naples) A Fruit Grove in Spring. 217. Nobili, R. (Florence) Listening. 218. Carcano, F. (Milan) Believers. 219. Corrodi, H. (Rome) Tower of Charles V. at Spezia. 220. Musso, G. (Palermo) Visit to the Temple. 221. Quaranta, G. (Naples) Milanese Dairy Farm. 222. Bruenn, L. (Rome) Music Hath Charms. 223. Bolimbau (Leghorn). The Lady of the Pearl. 224. Carcano, F. (Milan) Venice from the Lagoon. 225. Capone, G. (Maiori) A Good Piece of Game. 226. Petiti, F. (Rome) Sorrento Marine. 227. De Matteis, A. (Chicago) Fruit. 228. Capone, G. (Maiori) “Hush! There is Sister!’ WEST WALL. 229. Quaranta, G. (Milan) Blockaded. 230. Ciardi, G. (Venice) On the Lagoon. 231. Ciardi, G. (Venice) Canal of St. Mark. 232. Ciardi, G. (Venice) A Southeast Wind. 233. Ciardi, G. (Venice) The Basin of St. Georgio Venice. 234. Ciardi, G. (Venice) Sunset at Ver ice. ITALY—OIL PAINTINGS. 373 235. Ciard'i, G. (Venice) Spring Clouds. 236. Bazzaro, L. (Milan) The Second Nurse. south Wall. 237. Guerra, A. (Badia di Cava) A Roman Flower Girl. 238. Berti, G. (Venice) On the Banks of the Brenta. 239. Barucci, P. (Rome) On the Roman Apennines. 240. Quaranta, G. (Milan) The Environs of Milan. 241. Mariotti, F. (Chicago) Portrait of Mrs. E. B-. 242. Da Molin, O. (Venice) The Ill-Fed. 243. Menegazzi, C. (Venice) An Alpine Landscape. 244. Quaranta, G. (Naples) Without the Sempione Gate. 245. Bompiani, A. (Rome) On the Sly. 246. Santoro, R. (Naples) In the Bay of Naples. WEST WALL. 247. Lombardo-Calamia, G. (Palermo) • Temple of Segesta, Sicily. 248. Quaranta, G. (Milan) Flamenga. 249. Bertolotti, C. (Milan) Louise. • 250. Quaranta, G. (Milan) Luino, Lake Maggiore. 251. Capone, G. (Maiori) Curiosity (Costume of a Maiori). 252. Battistini, L. (Coimbra) Labor and Death. 253. Denza, Ciro (Naples). Sunset on the Bay of Naples. 254. Wolf (Venice). A Venetian Girl. 255. Moliica, A. (Naples) The Rivals. GALLERY 79—SCULPTURE. NUMBERS 256 TO 274, INCLUSIVE. 256. Trenta e, G. (Florence) The Last of the Spartans. 257. Bastiani (Florence). During the Vintage. 258. Galli, R. (Milan) Othello. 259. Galli, R. (Milan) Desdemona. 260. Nelli, A. (Rome) The Satyr Unmasked. 261. Barbella, C. (Castellamare, Adr.) The Farewell of the Bride. 262. Quadrelli, E. (Milan) Giuseppe Verdi. 263. Troubetskoy, P. (Milan) An Indian Scout. 264. Troubetskoy, P. (Milan) Regrets. 265. Troubetskoy, P. (Milan) An Arabian Steed at Rest. 266. Ximenes, A. (Palermo) Caught. 267. Trentanove, G. (Florence) Mrs. Alfred G. Harrison. 268. Calzolari, O. (Florence) Fraternal Love. 269. Luzi, A. (Rome) An Arab Shepherd. 374 WORLD’S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP'T K—FINE ARTS. 270. Maccagnani, E. (Rome) Isn’t it Cold? 271. Troubetskoy, P. (Milan) A Bedouin with a Camel. 272. Troubetskoy, P. (Milan) An Indian Warrior. 273. Troubetskoy, P. (Milan) A Bedouin Steed. 274. Gariboldi, E. (Milan) Stolen Pleasure. GALLERY 79—OIL PAINTINGS. NUMBERS 275 TO 314, INCLUSIVE. WEST WALL. BEGINNING AT THE NORTH SIDE OF THE ENTRANCE FROM THE ROTUNDA, 275. Mariani, P. (Monza) Sunset in-Liguria. 276. Bordignon, N. (Venice) Mathelda. 277. Prati, E. (Aniedo) First Flowers in Venice. 278. Coen, S. (Venice) A Girl of the People. NORTH WALL. 279. Lancerotto, E. (Venice) A Regatta at Venice. 280. Nani, N. (Venice) The Consequences of Vice. 281. Armenise, L. (Milan) The Village Fete. 282. Corelli, A. (Rome) The Angelus on St. Peter’s Day. 283. Bordignon, N. (Venice) Emigrants. 284. Gasperini, L. (Venice) The Golden Wedding. WEST WALL. 285. Lancerotto, E. (Venice) The Madonna. 286. Lancerotto, E. (Venice) Vanity Fair. 287. De Tommasi, P. (Rome) Golden Dreams. 288. Dali, Oca Bianca, A. (Verona) The Ouadrille. 289. Moradei, A. (Ravenna) “Would You Like My Rose?” 290. Corrodi, H. (Rome) The Convent of St. Lazaro. 291. Bottero, G. (Turin) The Jurors. 292. Corrodi, H. (Rome) Fishermen at their Shrine. 293. Carcano, F. (Milan) The Fall of the Balloon. 294. Carcano, F. (Milan) The Lombard Plain. 295. Carcano, F. (Milan) Rest of the Fishermen at Chioggia. 296. Tarenghi, E. (Rome) Contemplation. SOUTH WALL. 297. Denza, Cero (Naples). Sunset on the Bay of Naples. 298. Battaglia, D. (Naples) Pergolese Rehearsing his Stabat. 299. Carcano, F. (Milan) Harvest of Indian Corn. ITALY—OIL PAINTINGS. 300. Mancini, F. (Naples) A Charge of Cavalry. 301. Martinetti, M. (Rome) Malaria. 302. Corrodi, H. (Rome) The Overflow of the Nile at the Pyramids. 303. Sartorelli, F. (Venice) On the Lagoon. 304. Carcano, F. (Milan) Iseo Lake. 305. Bruenn, L. (Rome) A Summer Afternoon in a Roman Villa. 306. Zanetti, Miti F. (Venice) The Public Gardens of Venice. 307. Nani, N. (Venice) Teasing Surprise. 308. Tano, E. (Florence) A Tuscan Farm. 309. Battaglia, D. (Naples) A Stable with Cattle. WEST WALL. 310. Corteggiani, M. (Palermo) The Capucins’ Catacombs. 311. Buzzaro, L. (Milan) The Second Nurse. 312. Boldini, G. (Paris) Portrait of Miss- 313. Boldini, G. (Paris) Portrait of a Girl. 314. Boldini, G. (Paris) Portrait of a Lady. GALLERY 80-SCULPTURE. (THE ROTUNDA.) NUMBERS 315 TO 330, INCLUSIVE. 315. Nelli, A. (Rome) H. M. King Humbert of Italy. 316. Bazzaro, E. (Milan) At the Cafe Chantant. 317. Bazzaro, E. (Milan) Bedouin Mother. 318. Troubetskoy, P. (Milan) The Times. 319. Bistolfi, L. (Rome) Portrait of Prof. T. 320. Bardi, A. (Carrara) America. 321. Maltoni, A. (Ravenna) Disinherited. 322. De Paoli, L. (Pordenone) Icarus. 323. Bardi, A. (Carrara) Europe. 324. Luzi, A. (Rome) President Cleveland. 325. Bistolfi, L. (Rome) Portrait of Mr.- 326. Bardi, A. (Carrara) Asia. 327. Gugliandolo, V. (Messina) Rosa Donato, Sicilian Heroine. 328. Barbella, C. (Castellamare, Adriatico) Noli me Tangere. 329. Bardi, A. (Carrara) Africa. 330. Bistolfi, L. (Rome) Portrait of Mrs.-- 3^6 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEPT K—FINE ARTS. GALLERIES 60 AND 61. REPRODUCTIONS OF CLASSICAL BRONZES (MOSTLY FROM THE EXCAVATIONS OF POMPEII AND HERCULANEUM.) FROM THE ORIGINALS IN THE NATIONAL MUSEUM, NAPLES. THESE REPRODUCTIONS MAY BE ORDERED OF SIGNOR ANGELO DEL NERO. (THIS COLLECTION HAS BEEN PURCHASED FOR THE ST. LOUIS MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS.) NUMBERS 331 TO 441, INCLUSIVE. GALLERY 61 . 331. Psyche. 332. The Mercury of Gian Bologna. 333. Adoration. 334. Ptolemy Lathros. 335. Ptolemy Soter. ON TOP OF GLASS CASE A. 336. Faun with a Wine Skin. (Statuette.) 337. Figure of Winged Victory. (Statuette.) 338. Cupid with a Dolphin. (Statuette.) 339. Cupid with a Jug. (Statuette.) INSIDE OF GLASS CASE A. 340. Steelyard. (Hanging from top.) 341. Dolphin Lamp. (Hanging from top.) 342. Steelyard. (Hanging from top.) 343. Satyr and Pan-pipes Lamp. 344. Human Foot Lamp. 345. Statuette of Faun. 346. Epicurus (with inscription). * 347. Fortune on the Globe. (Statuette.) 348. Apollo with Lyre. (Statuette.) 349. Jug with Figure. 350. Stag’s Head Cup. 351. Jug with Goats. 352. Venus at her Toilet. 353. Bat Lamp. 354. Juno Vase. 355. Young Satyr with Thyrsos. 356. Eagle Jug. 357. Hermarchus (with inscription). 358. Demosthenes (with incription). 359. Abundance, ITALY—SCULPTURE. ON TOP OF GLASS CASE B. 360. Cupid with a Vase. 361. Faun with a Wine Skin. 362. Faun Astride a Wine Skin. 363. Faun with a Dog. 364. Cupid with a Mask. INSIDE OF GLASS CASE B. 365. Silenus Lamp. 366. Zeno Citiacus. 367 Mortar Cup with Grapes. 368. Agrippina. 369. Cupid and Goose Lamp. 370. Three-light Lamp. (Hanging from top.) 371. Ram’s-head Jug. 372. Jug with Faun. 373. Appollo Vase-handle. 374. Lucius Caecilius Jucundus. 375. Sea-Horse Jug. 376. Cupid and Dolphin. 377. Small Jug. 378. Knocker—Medusa’s Head. 379. Knocker—Medusa’s Head, with Tongue Out. 380. Venus Anadyomene. 381. High Relief Knocker, with Medusa’s Head. 382. Jug with Satyr. 383. Metrodorus. 384. Centaur Vase. (Nickel.) 385. Ruvo Cup. 386. Doryphorus. GALLERY 60 . 387. Head of Dante. 388. Cupid with a Dolphin. 389. Sleeping Faun. 390. Cupid and Goose. 391. Alexander. 392. A Drunken Faun. 393. Campanello (gong). 394. Armor of a Gladiator (helmet). 395. Armor of a Gladiator (greave). 396. Armor of a Gladiator (greave). 397. Narcissus. 398. Mercury in Repose. 399. Amazon on Horseback. 400. The Dancing Faun. 401. Demosthenes (with inscription). 402. The Angler. 378 WORLD’S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP*T K—FINE ARTS. 403. Scipio Africanus. 404. Apollo with Plectrum. 405. A Gazelle. 406. Silenus and Bacchus. 407. A Gazelle. 408. Apollo Hermaphroditus. 409. Youth. 410. Faun with a Wine Skin. 411. Seneca. 412. Wrestler or Runner. 413. Hermes. 414. Sylla. 415. Apollonius. 416. Bearded Dionisius. 417. Berenice. 418. Sylla. 419. Democritus. 420. Archytas. 421. Ptolemy Alexander. 422. Heraclitus. 423. Youth with Chlamys. 424. Amazon. 425. Archaic Apollo. 426. Westler or Runner. 427. Ptolemy Philadelphus. 428. Sappho. 429. A Dancer. 430. A Dancer. 431. A Dancer. 432. Candelabrum. 433. The Borghese Faun. 434. A Dancer. 435. A Dancer. 436. A Dancer. 437. Agrippina. 438. Silenus. 439. Tripod-Satyrs. 440. Hercules Taming a Stag. 441. Tripod-Sphynxes. Italy—water colors. Group 141-Water Colors. GALLERY 61—NUMBERS 442 TO 472 INCLUSIVE. NORTH WALL. BEGINNING AT THE EAST SIDE OF THE ENTRANCE FROM GALLERY 62 . 442. Corelli, A. (Rome) Woman of Latium. 443. Crisafi, N. (Palermo) Monte Pellegrino. 444. Nobili, R. (Florence) Service at St. Mark’s, Venice. 445. Lessi, Tito (Florence). The Bibliophile. 446. Crisafi, N. (Palermo) Guadagna on River Oreto. 447. Aureli, G. (Rome) Presentation of Monsieur Richelieu to Henry IV. 448. Corelli, A. (Rome) Serenata. 449. Rossi, L. (Paris) Reception at the Doge’s Palace. 450. Capranica, Grillo G. (Rome) Truth. 451. Capranica, Grillo G. (Rome) Nennella. 452. Capranica, Grillo G. (Rome) Thecla. 453. Da Molin, O. (Venice) A Fisher’s Head. 454. Martinetti, M. (Rome) A Beggar. 455. Simoni, G. (Rome) Fruit Market, Sorrento. 456. Guardabassi, G. (Rome) The Scholar Monk. 457. Battaglia, A. (Rome) Mower Girls in the Campagna. 458. Pennacchini, D. (Rome) The Lost Child. 459. Barbarini, S. (Modena) Still Water. 460. De Tommasi, P. (Rome) Making Ready for the Procession. 461. De Tommasi, P. (Rome) Puzzled. 462. Guardabassi, G. (Rome) Holy Water Cup, St. Peter’s. 463. Tiratelli, C. (Rome) The Patron Saint Day. 464. Simoni, G. (Rome) The Last Day of the Ramadan. 465. Pennacchini, D. (Rome) Tarantella. 466. Corelli, A. (Rome) Man of Latium. Group 143-Engravings, Etc. (REGIA CALCOGRAFIA, ROME.) GALLERY 60—NUMBERS 467 TO 494, INCLUSIVE. NORTH WALL. 467. Heliodorus. (After Raphael.) 468. Dispute of the Sacrament. (After Raphael.) 380 world's COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP't K—FINE ARTS. EAST WALL. 469. Prison of St. Peter. (After Raphael.) 470. Mount Parnassus. (After Raphael.) 471. Sybilla Cumana. (After Raphael.) 472. Transfiguration. (After Raphael.) 473. Madonna Regia of Naples. (After Raphael.) SOUTH WALL. 474. Prophet Ezekiel. (After Michael Angelo.) 475. Attila. (After Raphael.) 476. Sybilla Delphica. (After Michael Angelo.) 477. The Prophet Jeremiah. (After Michael Angelo.) 478. The Prophet Joel. (After Michael Angelo.) WEST WALL. 479. Moses. (After Michael Angelo.) 480. Miracle of Bolzena. (After Severati.) 481. Fire of the Borgo. (After Raphael.) 482. Sybilla Persica. (After Michael Angelo.) 483. Sybilla Eritrea. (After Michael Angelo.) 484. The Prophet Isaiah. (After Michael Angelo.) 485. The Prophet Daniel. (After Michael Angelo.) NORTH WALL. 486. Calves. 487. Innocenzo X. (After Velasquez.) 488. The Violinist of Raphael. (After Trevenin.) 489. Marino Palace, Milan. 490. The Prophet Jonah. (After Michael Angelo.) 491. The Iconoclasts. (After D. Morelli.) 492. Asses. 493. Madonna with Child. (After Murillo.) 494. Lisa Gioconda. (After Leonardo da Vinci.) CENTRAL PAVILION—SCULPTURES. NUMBERS 495 TO 539, INCLUSIVE. WEST COURT. 495 * Spalmach, O. (Rome) Romeo and Juliet. 496. Tabacchi, O. (Turin) Baigneuse. 497. Zocchi, C. (Florence) Rebecca. 498. Canessa (Genoa). Carla. 499. Tabacchi, O. (Turin) Tuffolina. 500. Albacini, A. (Rome) Roman Type. 501. Albacini, A. (Rome) Pompeiian Water Girl. 502. Spalmach, O. (Rome) Pereat. 503. Astorri, E. (Milan) Serenade. ITALY—SCULPTURE. 381 504. Ferrari, Ett. (Rome) Lincoln Dying. 505. Olivari, G. (Genoa) Bronze Wreath. 506. Gariboldi, E. (Milan) A Minstrel. 507. Albacini, A. (Rome) Bathing Woman. 508. Bardi, A. (Carrara) Flower Girl. 509. Canessa (Genoa). Willard. 510. Garella, A. (Florence) Fishing. 511. Galli, R. (Milan) Mandolinata. 512. Albacini, A. (Rome) Pompeiian Flower Girl. 513. Bertone (Florence). Fruit Seller. 514. Galli, R. (Milan) Page. 515. Bardi, A. (Carrara) The Angel of the Resurrection. 516. Calvi, P. (Milan) Zelika. 517. Argenti, G. (Milan) Modesty. 518. Galli, R. (Milan) Bebe. 519. Bardi, A. (Carrara) Labor. 520. Bardi, A. (Carrara) Physics. 521. Bardi, A. (Carrara) Fidelity. 522. Bardi, A. (Carrara) Sea Nymph. 523. Bardi, A. (Carrara) Mechanics. 524. Bardi, A. (Carrara) Genius of Science, 525. Monzini, G. (Clivio) Flora. 526. Monzini, G. (Clivio) Modesty. 527. Albacini, A. (Rome) Roman Type. 528. Garella, A. (Florence) The Love Letter. 529. Lavezzari, G. (Genoa) The Fisher Boy. 530. Nelli, A. (Rome) Ismael. 531. Gonella, E. (Milan) Curiosity. 532. Troubestkoy, P. (Milan) Model of a Monument to Dante. 533. Troubestkoy, P. (Milan) Model of a Monument to Garibaldi. 534. Ventura, A. (Milan) Incroyable. 535. Galimberti, G. (Milan) Alpine Guide. 536. Gariboldi, E. (Milan) Communism. 537. Astorri, E. (Milan) Friendship. 538. Andreoni, O. (Rome) Cupid. 539. Bracony, L. (Paris) Echo (Marble). (Lately removed to gallery 77 .) I PROF. S. CHOYO. JAPAN Imperial Commissioners, Hon. n. yamataki, hon. s. tejima, 5503 Cornel'. Avenue Examiner of Art Works, S. AMANO, 5503 Cornell Avenue. Officer in Charge of Exhibits, S. CHOYO. For information concerning exhibits for sale, apply to Mr. S. Choyo, Gallery 24 , West Court, Central Pavilion, 383 384 WORLD'S COLTJMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP'T K—FINE ARTS. JAPAN. THE NUMBERS TO WHICH THIS CATALOGUE REFERS ARE PRINTED IN RED. MANY OF THESE EXHIBITS ARE FOR SALE. PRICES MAY BE OBTAINED FROM MR. S. CHOYO, GALLERY 64. Groups 139 to 145 Inclusive. The art productions of Japan, differing so widely from those of Western nations, and the installation being made to secure the best artistic effect in the space at command, there has been little attempt to separate the different groups of the classification. In cataloguing the exhibits, therefore, the order of installation has been followed rather than the order of classification. WEST COURT. NUMBERS 1 TO 9, INCLUSIVE. ALCOVE 98 . BEGINNING IN THE CENTER OF THE SPACE AT THE ENTRANCE. 1. Niwa, Keiskd. Yasaka Pagoda. (Wood.) With separate model in wood, showing details of the construction of a pagoda. (On pedestals.) 2. Okazaki, Sessei. Kongdriki. (Bronze.) (On pedestal.) 3. Okazaki, Sessei. An Eagle. (Bronze.) (On pedestal.) 4. Okazaki, Sessei. A Pair of Dragons in Clouds over the Water, (Bronze.) 5. Ishikawa, Mitsuaki. Kannon—The Goddess of Mercy. (Ivory.) EAST WALL OF ALCOVE. 6. Taki, Katei. Peacocks. (Painting.) SOUTH WALL OF ALCOVE. 7. Iida, Shinbichi. A pair of embroidered wall screens. 8. Yamada, Kisai. A Wrestler. (Wood.) WEST WALL OF ALCOVE. 9. Nogchi, Yukok, A Group of Carp, with Water Weeds. (Painting.) JAPAN. 385 GALLERY 24. NUMBERS 10 TO 100, INCLUSIVE. THIS PRINCIPAL GALLERY OF THE JAPANESE SECTION IS SEPARATED BY SCREENS INTO THREE SECTIONS. SECTION 1. NORTH WALL. BEGINNING ON THE WEST SIDE OF THE ENTRANCE FROM ALCOVE 98. 10. Kono, Bairei. A Landscape in Autumn. (Painting.) • EAST WALL. 11. Kawashima, Jimbei. Wall hanging. (Kawashima Isure.) Nikko. (A Festival Procession.) 12. Hashimoto, GahO. A Landscape in Misty Atmosphere. (Painting.) SOUTH WALL. 13. Kmagai, Naohiko. A Landscape. (Painting.) [4. Watanabe, Seitei. Roosters on a Cart in the Snow. (Painting.) 15. Kajima, Ippu. Landscape. (On metallic plate.) 16. Kano, Natsuo. Herons Among the Reeds. (Metal plaque.) 17. Kagawa, Katsuhiro. Monkeys Playing with Insects. (On metal plate.) 18. Unno, Shomin. Kanjogaka, A ‘LW’-Dance. ' (Metal plaque.) 19. Shoami, Katsuyoshi. A Bird on the Nandia Japonica, in Snow. (Metal plaque.) • WEST WALL. 20. Kishi, Chikdo. A Tigress. (Painting.) 21. Ishikawa, Mitsuaki Sekiza (Kannon Sitting on the Rock). (Wood.) 22. Unno, Shomin. An Arat with a Dog of Fo. (On tablet in a medallion.) 23. Unno, Shomin. Frog:—The Hermit. (On tablet in a medallion.) 24. Namikawa, Soske. The Top of Fujisan. (Cloisonne, without wire.) 25. Okazaki, Sessei. Benten, Goddess of Music. (Bronze.) 26. Mrakami, Tetsdo. Nitta Yoshisada. 27. Kishi, Chikdo. A Fight between a Kite and a Crow. (Painting.) NORTH WALL. 28. Ogata, Gekko. A Festival of Sanno (a temple) at Edo. (Painting.) ON A PEDESTAL. 29. Takamra, Koun. An Old Monkey with the Feathers of an Eagle. (Cherry wood.) 25 386 WORLD’S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP’T K—FINE ARTS. IN GLASS CASE—No. 1 . 30. Namikawa, Yasuyuki. A pair of vases. (Cloisonne.) 31. Jomi, Eiskd. A “No” Dance. (On a red copper vase. 32. Yoshida, Shiuzo. Cherry Flowers, Maple Leaves, etc. (On metal box.) 33. Kuroba, Gimbei. Three Sages. (On metal.) 34. Ito, Katsuyoshi. Card receiver, with flowers and birds. (Metal.) 35. Tsukada, Shuky 5 . An Eagle on a Rock. (On metal incense box.) 36. Sguira, a pair of metal vases with figures behind curtains. (Exhibited by Otsuka Takzo.) 37. Shoami, Katsuyoshi. (a) Silver incense-burner, with designs represent¬ ing spring plants and fowls. ( b) Incense box, with stand; with deco¬ ration of autumn chrysanthemums. 38. Tsukada, ShukyS. Card receiver. (Metal.) 39. Sawada, Ginjinro. Sixteen Arats. (On metal incense box.) 40. Essai, Masami (Kotanino). Card receiver with Spring Scene. 41. Funakoshi, Shummin. Peacock and Peony.. (On metal box.) 42. Kanaya, Gorosabro. A small table-screen, with Bamboo, Moon, etc. (Metal.) 43. Morimra, Ichitard. Lacquered cabinet. 44. Kagawa, Katsuhiro. A pair of vases. (Metal.) SECTION 2. NORTH WALL. BEGINNING ON THE EAST SIDE OF THE ENTRANCE FROM SECTION 1. 45. Suzki, Shdnen. Spring Scenery. (Painting.) 46. Hasegawa, Gyokjun (Kinkakji.) The Temple of the Golden Pavilion. (Painting.) % EAST WALL. 47. Hashimoto, Chikanob. Customs in the Tokgawa Period. (Painting.) 48. Kose, Shdseki. A Great Japanese Teacher—Shotoktaishi. (Painting.) 49. Imao, Keinen. A Group of Carp. (Painting.) 50. Tsulzawa, Tanshin (Oshokun). An Old Chinese Court Lady. (Paint¬ ing.) SOUTH WALL. 51. Araki, Kampo. A Rooster and a Hen among Banana Plants by the Water Side when it is Raining. (Water color painting on silk.) 52. Kawada, Shibataro. Hotei (one of the Seven Gods of Fortune) with a Child. (Cloisonne.) 53. Suzki, Shonen. A Snow Scene. (Painting.) 54. Tanigchi, Kokyo., A Cherry Blossom Picnic in the Middle Ages. 55. Nomra, Runkyo. A Landscape during Rain. (Painting.) WEST WALL. 56. Ikeda, Shinsai. The Kawanakajima Battle. (Painting.) JAPAN. 387 57. Nishimra, Sozaemon. Waterfall at the source of the Hotzgawa. (Em¬ broidered panel.) NORTH WALL. 58. Sgitani, Sessho. A Landscape in black and white on silk. (Painting.) 59. Kikchi, Hobun. Herons by a Pine Tree alongside the Water. (Paint¬ ing.) ON PEDESTAL IN CENTER. 60. Otake, Norikni. A Rooster with a long tail on a Plum Tree, beneath which are a hen and little chickens. (Bronze.) SECTION 3. NORTH AND EAST WALLS. BEGINNING ON THE EAST SIDE OF THE ENTRANCE FROM SECTION 2. 61. Nishimra, Sozaemon. A six panel screen, decorated with embroidery. (Kyotd Higashiyama scenery.) SOUTH WALL. IN GLASS CASE 2—BEGINNING AT EAST END. 62. Sasaki, Seihichi. The Gion Festival. (In textile fabric.) 63. Seijigaisha. Incense burner. (Porcelain.) 64. Miyagawa, Kozan. Peach-blow vase. Crawling dragon design. 65. Slijigasha. A pair of flower vases. (Incised metal.) 66. Miyagawa, Kozan. Peach-blow vase. Flying dragon design. 67. Higchi, Halzane. A flower vase; rice grains. (Porcelain.) IN GLASS CASE 3—BEGINNING AT EAST END. 68. Cawashima, Jimbei. Wall hanging flower-basket. (Kawashima Tsu- zre.) 69. ifamada, Kisai. Heidchi Monogatari (A military procession of the olden time). (Wood.) 70. Ikeda, Taishin. Enoshima Scenery. (Lacquer panel.) 71. Morishita, Morihachi. Lacquer box. Black ground with fan patterns. 72. Kawanobe, Itcho. Gold-lacquered double box, with tray. Flower deco¬ ration. 73. Aosno, Sozabro. Lacquered box. 74. Seihu, Yobei. A white vase with tree peony patterns. 75. Miyagawa, Kozan. Vase. Dragon and waves pattern. 76. Seiha, Ydhei. Celadon vase. 77. Tasaki, Sakan (S6un). The Top of Fujisan. (Painting.) 78. Mochizki, Gyoksen. Fish in the Hotzgawa River. (Painting.) 79. Imao, Keinen. Monkey Running from an Eagle. (Painting.) 588 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP T K—FINE ARTS. NORTH WALL. 80. Kawabata, Gyoksho. A Toy Seller. (Painting.) 81. Mrass, Gyokden. Japanese Pheasants. (Painting.) ON TOP OF GLASS CASE NO. 4 (iN CENTER). 82. Iida, Shinhichi. The Ranzan Rapids. (Embroidered panel.) IN GLASS CASE NO. 4. 83. Morishita, Morihachi. Lacquer box. Gold ground with butterflies and wisteria. (With tray.) 84. Sawada, Jiro. Double box lacquered with chrysanthemums. (With tray.) 85. Igarashi, Tajiro. A table. (Lacquer.) (Exhibited by Hirasawa Kisabro.) 86. Igarashi, Tajiro. Writing case. (Exhibited by Hirasawa Kisabro.) (Nos. 85 and 86 belong together.) 87. Igarashi, Tajiro. Gold lacquer box. (Exhibited by Yokoyama Ryuhei.) 88. Nihon Makie Gaisha. A cake box. 89. Nihon Makie Gaisha. A cake box. 90. Nihon Makie Gaisha. A writing case. 91. Igarashi, Tajiro. Box and writing case. (Lacquer.) (Exhibited by Yoko¬ yama Ryuhei.) 92. Kobayashi, Kojiro. Writing case. (Lacquer, with chrysanthemum design,) 93. Matsuoka, Kichiheri. A writing case. (Lacquer.) 94. Kawagchi, RyGzo. A small incense burner. (Cloisonne.) 95. Nishimra, Biun. Hana Kanon. (Wood.) 96. Namekawa, Sadakatsu. Top on globular iron censer.—Carp and Turtle design. 97. Asahi, Meido (Hats). A Japanese boy with a dove and a cat. (Ivory.) 98. Asahi, Gyokzan. A skull. (Ivory.) (In the hands of figure No. 99 .) 99. Okiokag (Asahi Eizo). Ikkyu—a great Japanese thinker. (Rosewood.) 100. Shimamra, Shummei (Kamatari). A Japanese Warrior of olden time. (Ivory.) WEST COURT—SECOND FLOOR. EAST END (NEXT TO ROTUNDA). SCREEN I—NORTH SIDE. 101. Tanigchi, Taichi. Peacocks on a Pomegranate Tree. (Painting.) 102. Miyake, Gokyo. Cats, butterflies and peony. SCREEN II—SOUTH SIDE. 103. Kobayashi, Gokyo. A Flock of Ducks. 104. Hara, Ryutaro. A Falcon on a Pine Tree. (Painting.) . 105. Mumemura, Keisan. Autumn Flowers in Moonlight. (Painting.) JAPAN. 389 EAST WALL—(PANEL 167 ). 106. Mraoka, Oto. A “No” Dance. (Painting.) 107. Takahashi, Gyokuen. A Flock of Ducks. (Painting.) SCREEN II—NORTH SIDE. 108. Lfjti, Yajiro. A Group of Carp. (Painting.) 109. Mori, Shungak. An Eagle watching his Prey from a Tree. (Painting.) SCREEN II—SOUTH SIDE. no. Suzuki, Kason. One of six paintings in the Nikko Temple. hi. Suzuki, Kason. One of six paintings in the Nikko Temple. 112. Suzuki, Kason. One of six paintings in the Nikko Temple. ON A LONG STAND OCCUPYING THE CENTRAL SPACE. 113 Suzuki, Chokichi. Twelve falcons. (Bronze.) Made under the designs and instruction of the exhibitor, Hayashi Tadamasa, Tokyo. A combina¬ tion of Sculpture, Casting and the production of Patina. The result of four years of labor. SCREEN III—NORTH SIDE. 114. Suzuki, Kason. One of six paintings in the Nikko Temple. 115. Suzuki, Kason. One of six paintings in the Nikko Temple. 116. Suzuki, Kason. One of six paintings in the Nikko Temple. SCREEN III—SOUTH SIDE. 117. Asae, Ryukyd. A Peacock on a Cherry Tree. (Painting.) 118. Fuju, Gyoksho. Birds and Flowers. (Painting.) EAST WALL—(PANEL 148 .) 119. Yuike, Masaaki. A Battle (Maeda Inuchiyo). (Painting.) 120. Hada, Gesshu. Kinkakuji Temple. (Painting.) SCREEN IV—NORTH SIDE. 121. Takeuchi, Seiho. A Landscape. (Painting.) 122. Yamamoto, Shunkyo. Snow Scenery. (Painting.) SCREEN IV—SOUTH SIDE. 123. Kawabe, Mitate. The Battle of Nambok Court. (Painting.) 124. Takahashi, Gyokuen. Cherry Tree and Swallows. (Painting.) 125. Ikeda, Keisen. A Flock of Ducks. (Pointing.) SOUTH COURT-SECOND FLOOR. NORTH END (NEXT TO ROTUNDA.) 126. Watano, Kichiji.. A pair of vases with censer. Hydrangea design. 127. Miyagawa, Kozan. A pair of vases. Dragons in' conventional waves, incised. 128. Kato, Tomataro. A landscape on a vase. 129. Watano, Kichiji. A censer with peacock-top. 390 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION —DEP't K—FINE ARTS. 130. Taizan, Yohei. A vase with chrysanthemum decoration. 131. Miyagawa, Kozan. A vase with plum-blossom decoration on a yellow ground. NORTH WALL (PANEL 144 ). 132. Shobei, Shiino. A panel of embroidery. A landscape. IN GLASS CASE No. 5 —WEST SIDE. 133. Shobei, Shiino. An embroidered panel. A bird on a plum tree. IN GLASS CASE No. 5 —EAST SIDE. 134. Shobei, Shiind. An embroidered panel. A hoo bird on a kiri tree. 135. Suzuki, Chokichi. An Eagle. (Bronze.) IN GLASS CASE No. 6—WEST SIDE. 136. Iida, Shinhichi. A wall hanging of cut velvet. 137. Tanaka, Soyu. A gate of the Nikko Temple. (Higrashimon.) IN GLASS CASE No. 6—EAST SIDE. 138. Omura, Wakichiro. A pair of embroidered curtains. Peacocks and chrysanthemums. 139. Moriyama, Yoshihei. Textile fabric, in flower pattern. SCREEN V—WEST SIDE. 140. Kano, Tomonobu. Heichi Battle. (Painting.) SCREEN V—EAST SIDE. 141. Nakagawa, Soske. Rice Field and Rising Sun. (Painting.) 142. Kubota, Beisen. Two Eagles Carrying off a Rabbit. (Painting.) 143. Kael-yama, Tokusabro. “Hakkok.” (Painting.) IN GLASS CASE No. 7 —WEST SIDE. 144. Omura, Wakichiro. A pair of embroidered wall hangings. IN GLASS CASE No. 8—EAST SIDE. 145. Nishimra, Sozaemon. Screen of Yuzen cut velvet. Ducks among Reeds. IN GLASS CASE No. 9 —BOTH SIDES. 146. Nishimra, Sozaemon. Six panel screen, with embroidered front and Yuzen cut velvet back. EAST COURT. WEST END (NEXT TO ROTUNDA). ON A PEDESTAL. 147. Fujita, Bunzo. Victory. (Plaster.) JAPAN. 391 SCREEN VI—SOUTH SIDE. 148. Ando, Chiutato. A Temple. (Oil painting.) 149. Ando, Chiutato. Flower Sight-seers. (Oil painting.) ON A PEDESTAL. 150. Fujita, Bunzo. Temptation. (Plaster.) SCREEN VI—NORTH SIDE. 15s. Kobayashi, Mango. A Shiba Temple. 152. Shiino, Shobey. Landscape with Fujisan. (Embroidery.) WEST WALL—PANEL No. 167 . 153. Takenouchi, Kyuichi. Yuima—A Chinese Buddhist Sage. (Lacquer carving.) ON A PEDESTAL. 154. Yuga, S. The Kondo Tennoji Temple. (Wood.) IN GLASS CASE No. 10 —SOUTH SIDE. 155. Nishimra, Sozaemon. Peacocks on a Pine Tree. (Embroidered wall hanging.) IN GLASS CASE No. 10 —NORTH SIDE. COLLECTION OF SOLID COLOR PORCELAINS. 156 to 212, inclusive. Makz, K 5 zan. A collection of solid color porcelains, exhibited by Hayasni Tadamasa, Tokyo. (57 specimens.) 213. Miyagawa, K 5 zan. A pair of vases ornamented with reproductions of characteristic examples of the various kinds of old Japanese and Chi¬ nese pottery, oorceiains, etc., giving a historical review of the art. IN GLASS CASE No. 11 . COLLECTION OF DECORATED KYOTO EARTHENWARE. 214 to 253, inclusive. Hayashi, Tadamasa. A collection of decorated Kyoto earthenware. An attempt to revive the lost art by Tozan, under the instruction and design of the exhibitor. IN GLASS CASE No. 12 —SOUTH SIDE. COLLECTION OF SOLID COLOR PORCELAINS. 2 54 to 353 > inclusive. Takemoto, Hayata. A collection of one hundred vari¬ eties of solid color porcelains. Exhibited by Hayashi Tadamasa, Tokyo. These pieces are the fruit of ten years of study and labor in the effort to revive the lost arts of China and Japan. These works are the last results of the artist’s untiring labor and numberless experiments. They were made especially for exhibition at the World’s Columbian Exposition. The artist’s over-exertion led to his untimely death. He died shortly after the last of these pieces were taken from the oven. 354. Namekawa, Sosuk6. Bottle. Translucent green enamel on silver. Exhibited by Hayashi Tadamasa, Tokyo. 392 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEp’t K—FINE ARTS. 355. Namekawa, Sosuke. Bottle. Marbled pink enamel. Exhibited by Hayashi Tadamasa, Tokyo. 356. Namekawa, Sosuk6. Bottle. Marbled blue enamel. Exhibited by Hyashi Tadamasa, Tokyo. 357. Namekawa, Sosuke. Enameled picture of a white rooster and hen. Exhibited by Hayashi Tadamasa, Tokyo. 358. Takemoto, Hayato. Vase of brown porcelain. 359. Takemoto, Hayato. Vase of polychromatic porcelain. ON A PEDESTAL. 360. Takeuchi, Kyuichi. Gigeiten.—A Buddhist mythological personage. (Wood carving, colored.) IN GLASS CASE NO. 12 — NORTH SIDE. 361. Nishimra, Sozaemon. A wall hanging of Yuzen cut velvet, the eight Scenes of Omi. ON A STAND. 362. Isogaya, S. Sengen palace in Shizuoka. (Wood.) ON THREE SCREENS. 363. Kokka-Sha. Colored prints. Three frames from wood cuts showing the process of producing a finished illustration in color. 364. Kokka-Sha. Xylographs for the monthly magazine. 365. Kokka-Sha. Xylographic blocks. 366. Takenouchi, Kyuichi (Shiteuno). A Buddhist Ethnological Creature. (Wood.) 367. Nishiwo, Kisabro (Tokyo). Group of Tortoises. (Bronze.) 368. Wakai, Kanesabro (Tokyo). A Falcon. (Bronze.) 369. Wakai, Kanesabro (Tokyo). A Heron. (Silver.) 370. Wakai, Kanesabro (Tokyo). The Buddhist Goddess of Mercy. (Ivory.) 371. Morikawa, Sobun. A Herd of Stags. (Painting.) 372. Matsuoka, Kichihei. Small lacquer box. 373. Matsuoka. Small rectangular box. (Lacquer.) 374. Miyamoto, Kats. Incense box. EAST COURT—GROUND FLOOR—WEST END OF COURT. UNDER A CANOPY. 375. Suzuki, Shirozayemon (Yokohama). Two vases and an incense bumcy, in Cloisonne. These three pieces are the largest examples of Cloisonne enamel ever made. 'The vases are eight feet eight inches high. Work upon them was begun in 1890 and finished in January, 1893. They were designed especially for exhibition at the World’s Columbian Exposition, and upon their completion were viewed by the Empress of Japan. The designs on the vases were the idea of Mr. Shin Shiwoda, Special Counsellor for Arts of the Japanese Commission to the World’s Columbian Exposition. Their manu¬ facture was undertaken by Mr. Shirozayemon Suzuki, of Yokohama, with the co-opera¬ tion of Mr. Seizayemon Tsunekawa, at Nagoya. The original design was painted by Mr. Kanpo Araki, of TOkyO, and the black ink sketch on the copper was made by Kiosai JAPAN. 393 Oda, of Nagoya. The men directly in charge of making the vases were Gisaburo Tsuka- moto and Kihio ye Hayashi, of Toshima. The design for the wood carving was made by Setsuko Nishiyama, of Nagoya, and the carving was done by Kinzaburo Yeguchi, of Nagoya. The bronze American eagle was made by Yukimune Sugiura, of TOkyO. The general design represents the seasons of the year: the group of chickens typifying spring; the dragon, summer, and the two eagles, autumn; while on the reverse, with two red eagles, a winter scene is portrayed. The same design also symbolizes three virtues —wisdom, honesty and strength, symbolized respectively,by the dragon, chickens and eagles. Another idea conveyed by the front design is, that the dragon typifies China; the two eagles, Russia; the group of chickens, the Corean Islands, and the rising sun, the Empire of Japan; while the bronze eagle on the cover of the censer is the American eagle. The silver stars inlaid on the horizontal red and white stripes on the top of the vases and censer are emblematic of the American stars and stripes, while the chrysanthe¬ mums and other Imperial floral emblems strewn on the stripes symbolize the close friendship between Japan and the United States. The handles of the vases are shaped after chrysanthemum leaves—the chrysanthemum being the imperial crest of Japan. The blossoming cherry tree on the censer is symbolic also of spring. The full moon with the flight of birds, on one of the vases, symbolize summer and autumn. The lower portion of each vase shows bouquets of grasses of flowers native to Japan. The pedestals on which the vases rest are made from keyaki, a hardwood tree grown in Japan, the wood of which is prized for its fine grain and durability. The pieces from which the pedestals are formed are two hundred years old, having been taken from a temple recently destroyed by an earthquake. The panels in the pedestals are carved from this wood and show seventy different specimens of flowers. PROF. NATAL PESADO, MEXICO Commissioner General, MIGUEL SERRANO, Lexington Hotel. Office, 5038 Washington Ave. Commissioners for Fine Arts, JOSE MA VELASCO, 1328 Michigan Ave. FRANCISCO VELASCO, 1328 Michigan Ave. NATAL PESADO, 5038 Washington Ave. 396 world’s COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP’T K—FINE ARTS. MEXICO. THE NUMBERS TO WHICH THIS CATALOGE REFERS ARE PRINTED IN RED. Group 119-Sculpture. NUMBERS 1 TO 13, INCLUSIVE. UPPER GALLERY—EAST END OF EAST COURT—ALCOVES 116 , 117 , 118 AND 119 . 1. Contreras, Jesus (City of Mexico). “The Past.” (A head.) 2. Guerra, Gabriel (City of Mexico). Bust of Leandro Fernandez, Civil Engineer. 3. Guerra, Gabriel (City of Mexico). Bust of General Carlos Pacheco. 4. Contreras, Jesus (City of Mexico). Bust of the Ex-President, Benito Juarez. 5 . Centurion, Jose Maria (Puebla). Bust of Esteban Antunano. 6. Centurion, Jose Maria (Puebla, Mexico). Bust of Francisco Morales. 7. Guerra, Gabriel (City of Mexico). Bust of the President of the Republic, General Porfirio Diaz. 8. Guerra, Gabriel (City of Mexico). Bust of Christ. 9. Contreras, Jesus (City of Mexico). Bust of the President of the Republic, General Porfirio Diaz. 10. Guerra, Gabriel (City of Mexico). Bust of the Holy Virgin Mary. 11. Guerra, Gabriel (City of Mexico). Bust of General Manuel Gonzalez Cosio. 12. Contreras, Jesus (City of Mexico). Bust of General Felipe Berriozabal AT EAST END OF EAST COURT—MAIN FLOOR—FACING THE ENTRANCE. 13. Guerra, Gabriel (City of Mexico). “A Mockery of Cupid.” (Bronze group.) MEXICO—PAINTINGS IN OIL. 397 Group 140-Paintings in Oil. EAST END OF EAST COURT. BEGINNING ON THE STAIRCASE AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE EAST COURT. 14. Almanza, Cleofas (Zacatecas). Courtyard of the National Museum of Mexico. 15. Velasco, Josd Ma. (City of Mexico) The Valley of Oaxaca. 16. Almanza, Cleofas (Zacatecas). River of Orizaba. 17. Almanza, Cleofas (Zacatecas). Grove of Chapultepec. 18. Yzaguirre, Leandro (City of Mexico). Columbus at the Rabida. 19. Bribiesca, Alberto (City of Mexico). The Good Samaritan. 20. Martinez, Ysidro (City of Mexico). The Resurrection of the Princess Papantzin. Aztec legend. 21. Mendoza, Francisco (Saltillo). La Viosna, branch of the Oise, France. 22. Yzaguyrre, Leandro (City of Mexico). Episode of the Foundation of the City of Mexico. 23. Ybarraran, Josd Ma. (City of Mexico) Christian Charity. 24. Ramirez, Manuel (City of Mexico). The Aztec Baptism. 25. Ocadiz, Felipe (City of Mexico). Margarete. 26. Coto, Luis (City of Mexico). View of “Molino del Rey.” _ 27. Montenegro, J. G. (City of Mexico) Pandora. ON THE STAIRCASE TO THE THIRD FLOOR GALLERY.' 28. Tenorio, Adolfo (City of Mexico). View of Puebla. ALCOVE 116. 29. Ybarraran, Josd Ma. (City of Mexico) The Dream of the Martyr. 30. Valdez, Pablo (City of Mexico). Ishmael. 31 . Velasco, Jose Ma. (City of Mexico) The City of Mexico, from the Hill of Santa Ysabel. 32 . Carrasco, Gonzalo (City of Mexico). Job. 33. Carrasco, Gonzalo (City of Mexico). Saint Luis Gonzaga. 34. Velasco, Josd Ma. (City of Mexico) View of Chimalhistac. ALCOVE 117. 35. Jara, Josd (City of Mexico). “ Un Velorio,” a Mexican Funeral Custom. 36. Coto, Luis (City of Mexico). View of Chapultepec. 37. Monroy, Luis (City of Mexico). The Roman Daughter. 38. Yzaguirre, Leandro (City of Mexico). Torment of Cuauhtemoc. 39. Parra, Felix (City of Mexico). Galileo. 39§ WORLD’S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP’T K—FINE ARTS. 40. Rivera, Carlos (City of Mexico). The Glen of Metlac. 41. Almanza, Cleofas (Zacatecas). The Spring of Saint Peter. 42. Pina, Jose, Salome (City of Mexico). Flower Girl. ALCOVE 118 . 43. Velasco, Jose M. (City of Mexico) The Volcano of Orizaba, Viewed From Cordoba. 44. Tenorio, Adolfo (City of Mexico). The Square of Guadalupe Hidalgo. 45. Rivera, Carlos (City of Mexico). The River of Jalapa. 46. Alrnanza, Cleofas (Zacatecas). The Tree of the “ Noche Triste.” (Cor¬ tes the Conqueror wept under this tree.) 47. Obregon, Jose (City of Mexico). Hochitl Presenting the Pulque to the King Tepalcatzin. 48. Velasco, Jose Ma. (City of Mexico) View of Chimalpan. 49. Velasco, Jose Ma. (City of Mexico) The Valley of Mexico. 50. Velasco, Jose Ma. (City of Mexico) Glen of Metlac. 51. Pesado, Natal (Orizaba). General Bravo forgiving the Spanish prisoners after having received a letter informing him that his father had been assassinated by the Spaniards. 52. Valdez, Pablo (City of Mexico). The Supper at the Pharisee’s House. 53. Pesado, Natal (Orizaba). Cloister. 54. Pesado, Natal (Orizaba). Cloister. 55. Pesado, Natal (Orizaba). The Hunter. 56. Gutierrez, Rodrigo (City of Mexico). The Senate of Tlaxcala. 57. Almanza, Cleofas (Zacatecas). The Hill of the Tepeyac. 58. Velasco, Jose (City of Mexico). A Mexican Landscape. 59. Velasco, Josd Ma. (City of Mexico) Pitahaya. 60. Pesado, Natal (Orizaba). A Part of the Church of Asis. ALCOVE 119 .—OIL PAINTINGS, EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE NOTED. 61. Almanza, Cleofas (Zacatecas). Ruins of the Quesnada. 62. Velasco, Josd Ma. (City of Mexico) The Herd. 63. Velasco, Jos 6Ma. (City of Mexico) The Tree of the “Noche Triste.” 64. Velasco, Josd Ma. (City of Mexico) The City of Mexico, from the Hill of Atzacoalco. 65. Unsueta, Adrian (City of Mexico). The Offer of the Crown to Monte¬ zuma II. 66. Bribiesca, Alberto (City of Mexico). Ruth. 67. Unsueta, Adrian (City of Mexico). Ophelia. 68. Belmont, Andres (City of Mexico). Basket of Flowers. (Pen drawing.) 69. Pesado, Natal (Orizaba). Portrait of the King of Italy. 70. Cisneros, Luis (City of Mexico). Medal of Christopher Columbus, (bronze.) ON STAIRCASE TO THIRD FLOOR GALLERY.—OIL PAINTINGS. 71. Velasco, Josd Ma. (City of Mexico) Volcanos Tlaxtaccihuatl and Popo¬ catepetl. 72. Tenorio, Adolfo (City of Mexico). View of Cordoba MEXICO~K>IL PAINTINGS, WATER COLORS, ETC. 399 73. Coto, Luis (City of Mexico). View of Toluca. 74. Pastrana, Manuel (Zacatecas). A Fisherman. 75. Pastrana, Manuel (Zacatecas). Portrait. 76. Pastrana, Manuel (Zacatecas). A Fisherman. ON THE STAIRCASE, LEADING TO THE MAIN FLOOR—(SOUTH¬ EAST CORNER OF THE EAST COURT.)—OIL PAINTINGS, EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE NOTED. 77. Portillo, Miguel (City of Mexico). Columbus before the Catholic Kings. (Etching.) 78. Campa, Luis (City of Mexico). The Tlaxcalteca Guard. (Etching.) 79. Campa, Luis (City of Mexico). Aztec Flower Girl. (Etching.) 80. Alcerreca, Ygnacio (City of Mexico). View of Tizapan. 81. Alcerreca, Ygnacio (City of Mexico). A Head. 82. Herrera, L. Alberto (City of Mexico). Cuauhtemoc Monument. 83. Tovilla, Jose (Aguascalientes, Mexico). A Portrait. 84. Tovilla, Jose (Aguascalientes, Mexico). A Portrait. 85. Alcerreca, Ygnacio (City of Mexico). “The Evening.” 86. Martinez, Ysidro (City of Mexico). The Blind. 87. Rios, Andres (City of Mexico). The Return from “Santa Anita.” 88. Rivera, Carlos (City of Mexico). The Grove of Chapultepec. 89. Monroy, Luis (City of Mexico). Atala. 90. Velasco, Jose Ma. (City of Mexico) The Volcano of Orizaba, viewed from Cordoba. 91. Velasco, Jose Ma. (City of Mexico) The Town of Guelatao. 92. Jara, Jose (City of Mexico). Episode of the Foundation of the City of Mexico. 93. Velasco, Jose Ma. (City of Mexico) Penon de los Banos (Natural Hot Springs). 94. Velasco, Jose Ma. (City of Mexico) The Valley of Mexico, from the Hill of Santa Ysabel. . ) DR. ARTHUR RENWICK, NEW SOUTH WALES Executive Commissioner, HON. DR. ARTHUR RENWICK, M. L. C., Australia House, Jackson Park. 401 402 WORLD’S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP'T K—FINE ARTS SOUTH WALES. THE NUMBERS TO WHICH THIS CATALOGUE REFERS ARE PRINTED IN RED. FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING EXHIBITS WHICH ARE FOR SALE, APPLICATION SHOULD BE MADE TO THE EXECUTIVE COMMISSIONER, AUSTRALIAN HOUSE, WORLD’S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION. Group 139-Sculpture. UPPER GALLERY OF SOUTH COURT. • ALCOVE 135 . r. Simonetti, A. (Sydney) Portrait bust in marble of the Hon. A. Kenwick, M. D., M. L. C. Note. —Under the authority of the Director-General of the Exposition, the works of art from New South Wales, for which space could not be found in the Art Palace, were placed in the New South Wales Government Building, Australia House, where they may be inspected between the hours of 9 a. m. and 6 P. M. daily, except Sunday. The following sculpt¬ ure is IN AUSTRALIA HOUSE. 2. Chevreux, A. F. (Sydney) Specimens of Fruits carved in New South Wales marble. 3. Hooworth, G. (Sydney) Figure of “Diana,” executed in New South Wales freestone. 4. McCarthy, C. W., M. D., F. R. C. S. I. (Sydney) Portrait bust, in plas¬ ter, of Madame Sara Bernhardt. 5. McCarthy. C, W., M. D., F. R. C. S. I. (Sydney) Portrait bust, in plaster, of Mr. John Dillon, M. P. NEW SOUTH WALES—OIL PAINTINGS. 403 Group 140-Oil Paintings. UPPER GALLERY OF SOUTH COURT. ALCOVE 135 . PART OF A LOAN COLLECTION EXHIBITED BY THE TRUSTEES OF THE NATIONAL ART GALLERY OF NEW SOUTH WALES, SYDNEY. 6. Ashton, J. R. The Prospector. 7. Lister, W. Lister. After the Shower. 8. Mahoney, Frank P. Rounding up a Straggler. 9. Piguenit, W. C. The Upper Nepean. 10. Mahoney, Frank P. “As in the Days of Old.” 11. Hunt, C. H. Sydney from the North Shore, Evening. 12. Spence, Percy. “The Ploughman Homeward Plods His Weary Way.” 13. Fullwood, A. H. The Station Boundary. 14. Stoddart, Mary. “From Earth and Ocean.” 15. Roberts, Tom. Aboriginal Head. THE FOLLOWING OIL PAINTINGS ARE SHOWN: IN AUSTRALIA HOUSE. A COLLECTION OF PAINTINGS IN OIL BY MEMBERS OF THE ART SOCIETY OF NEW SOUTH WALES, SYDNEY. 16. Piguenit, W. C. Sunset, Looking up Lane Cove from the Avenue. 17. Piguenit, W. C. Spring; Lane Cove from Italia. 18. Stephens, Miss E. A. White Peonies. 19. Stephens, Miss E. A. Portrait of Hon. James Norton, M. L. C., M. D. 20. Williamson, Mrs. Hollyhocks. 21. Williamson, Mrs. Gum-Tree Blossoms. 22. Williamson, Mrs. Single White Roses. 23. Williamson, Mrs. Christmas Bush. 24. Williamson, Mrs. View from Coalcliff, New South Wales. 25. Creed, Miss. Star of Bethlehem. 26. Creed, Miss. Sunflowers. 27. Collingridge, A. Woy Woy, Brisbane Water. 28. Reid, D. G. Autumn Pasture, Richmond, New South Wales. 29. Fischer, A. J. “Revenge.” 30. Gant, J. Sunset, Ruamahunga River, New Zealand. 31. Halligan, Mrs. G. Kennedyea Rubeia. 32. Halligan, Mrs. G. Wistaria. 404 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP’T K—FINE ARTS. 33. Willis, Miss. Study of Loquats. 34. Fullwood, A. H. “How sweet the moonlight sleeps upon this bank, Here we will sit and let the sounds of music Creep in our ears; soft stillness of the night Becomes the touches of sweet harmony.” 35. Fullwood, A. H. Shoalhaven River, from Cambewarra. 36. Fullwood, A. H. Rain and Sunshine. 37. Hunt, C. H. Summer. 38. Hunt, C. H. The Milkmaid. 39. Mcllwaine, Mrs. Australian Swamp Oaks. 40. Mcllwaine, Mrs. In the Shade of the Gum Tree. 41. Mcllwaine, Mrs. A Bit of Australian Bush. 42. Bell, Miss Ada. Flowers from the Residence of Sir Spencer Wells, Hampstead, London. 43. Bell, Miss Ada. English Blue Flags. 44. McGregor, A. S. Derelict. 45. McGregor, A. S. Port Phillip by Night—A Calm. 46. Collinridge, Arthur. Discovery of the Hawkesbury River by Captain Phillip. 47. Collinridge, Arthur. Man-of-War Steps, Sydney Harbor. 48. Combes, Edward, C. M. G., M. L. C. (Sydney) Monument of La Perouse, Botany Bay. 49. Doyle, Miss J. M. (Goulburn) Scene from Lake Bathurst. 50. Drinkwater, Charles (Newcastle). Nambucca River, from Fernmount, looking north. 51. Flemming, Mrs. M. P. (Sydney) William Ewart Gladstone Eyre. 52. Flemming, Mrs. M. P. (Sydney) Portrait: The Most Rev. Archbishop Vaughan, Sydney. 53. Holden, R. Henry (Kiama). Aborigines of New South Wales Hunting Wild Duck. 54. Holmes, Cecil (Sydney). Portrait from life: Sir Henry Parks, G. C. M. G., M. P. 55. M’Carthy, C. W., M. D., F. R. C. S. I. (Sydney) Portrait: Madame Sarah Bernhardt as “Cleopatra.” 56. Pinhey, Mrs. Charles, “Aratong” (Sydney). Southdown Sheep. 57. Rowan, Mrs. Ellis (Upper Macedon, Victoria). Panels of Lilies. 58. Rowan, Mrs. Ellis (Upper Macedon, Victoria). Panel-Acanthus. 59. Sherman, Mrs. L. S. (Sydney) The Young Medical Student. 60. Thomas, Woolaston J. (Sydney) A Pioneer’s Quarters, Campbelltown. Trustees of the National Art Gallery of New South Wales (Sydney). A loan collection of paintings in oils by artists of New South Wales. 61. Ashton, J. R. Portrait of Sir Henry Parkes, G. C. M. G., M. P. 62. Condor, C. Departure of the “Orient.” 63. Roberts, Tom. Eileen. Watson, A. E. (Sydney) Loan collection of oil paintings by J. H. Carse: 64. Cattle Watering, Bulli Pass. 65. Farmyard at Mulgrave. (N. S. W.) NEW SOUTH WALES—OIL PAINTINGS. 405 66 . Scene at Tilba Tilba. (N. S. W.) 67. Weatherboard Falls, Blue Mountains. (N. S. W.) 68 . Mountain Scene, Katooma. (N. S. W.) 69. Miner’s Camp by Moonlight, Lithgow. (N. S. W.) 70. Scene on the Mountains, Mount Victoria. (N. S. W.) 71. Pallette Knife Scene, Bulli Pass. (N. S. W.) 72. Coast Scene, near Botany. (N. S. W.) 73. Wheeny Creek, Hawkesbury River. (N. S. W.) 74. Bulli Pass and Kiama in the Distance. (N. S. W.) 75. Scene at Mossmana’s Bay. (N. S. W.) 76. Scene at Emu Ptains. (N. S. W.) 77. Scene at Richmond. (N. S. W.) 78. Scene on the Hawkesbury River. (N. S. W.) 79. Coast Scene, Bondi. (N. S. W.) 80. Scene, Parramatta River. (N. S. W.) 81. Scene at Pitt Town, on the Hawkesbury River. (N. S. W.) 82. Coast Scene, Broken Bay. (N. S. W.) 83. Hut by Moonlight at Broken Hill. (N. S. W.) 84. Scene at Port Jackson. (N. S. W.) 85. Swamp Scene near the Coast, Manly. (N. S. W.) 86 . Scene at Randwick. (N. S. W.) 87. Scene at Narrabeen. (N. S. W.) 88 . Bark Hut, Clyde River. (N. S. W.) 89. Creek Scene, Blue Mountains. (N. S. W.) 90. Scene at Gosford. (N. S. W.) 91. Mountain Scene, Kurrajong. (N. S. W.) 92. Three Deserted Hut Scenes—Morning, Noon and Night. (N. S. W.) 93. Scene at Broughton Pass. (N. S. W.) 94. Grose Valley. (N. S. W.) 95. Coast Scene, Newcastle. (N. S. W.) 96. Wattle Flat. (N. S. W.) 97. Bulli Pass. (N. S. W.) 98. Scene at Black town. (N. S. W.) 99. Coast Scene at Coogee Bay. (N. S. W.) 100. Bushrangers’ Bay. (N. S. W.) 101. Scene at Woy Woy, Brisbane Water. (N. S. W.) 102. Scene in New Zealand. 103. Three Pallette-Knife Scenes, Lane Cove River. ro4. Scene on the Lynn. (N. S. W.) 105. Scene on the Lynn. (N. S. W.) 106. Loch Ard. 107. Scene on the Nepean River. (N. S. W.) 108. Bush Fire. 109. Cattle Track. 406 WORLD’S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP’T K—FINE ARTS. Group 141-Water Colors. PART OF A LOAN COLLECTION EXHIBITED BY THE TRUSTEES OF THE NATIONAL ART GALLERY OF NEW SOUTH WALES, SYDNEY. no. Bevan, E. “A Preliminary Puff.” in. Ashton, J. R. The Shoalhaven River at its Junction with the Brough¬ ton. 112. Lister, W. Lister. Stonehenge, New England. 113. Commons, Donald. The Coast, near Ben Buckler. 114. Hern, C. E. Govett’s Leap. 115. Fullwood, A. H. Jervis Bay, Shoalhaven River. 116. Minns, B. E. Crescent Head, Point Plomer. 117. Hanson, Albert J. Silvery Seas. 118. Lister, W. Lister. Graham’s Valley, New England. THE FOLLOWING WATER COLORS ARE IN AUSTRALIA HOUSE. A COLLECTION OF PAINTINGS IN WATER COLORS, BY MEMBERS OF THE ART SOCIETY OF NEW SOUTH WALES, SYDNEY. 119. Hunt, C. Horbury. On the Hawkesbury. 120. Hunt, C. Horbury. Valley of the Murrumbigbee. 121. Minns, B. E. Lady Macquarie’s Chair. 122. Spence, P. F. S. Sheep Droving, Australia. 123. Heron, W. Looking Seaward, Little Coogee Bay. 124. McGregor, A. S. A Rift in the Storm. 125. McGregor, A. S. A Summer Day, Cape Schank. Rowan, Mrs. Ellis. (Derreweit, Upper Macedon, Victoria.) A collection of 99 pictures of the flora of Australasia; painted by the ex¬ hibitor. 126 \ Goodennis Coerules. (W. A.) ( Leschenaultia Floribunda. (W. A.) 127. Cassia Brewsterii. (Cairns Ranges, Q.) 128. Alectryon Excelsum. (N. Z.) 129. Rhodomyrtus Macrocarpa. (Q.) 130. Albizzia Lucyi. (Cairns, Q.) { Persoo Niapinifolia. (N. S. W.) C Capparis Nobilis. (N. S. W.) j Coleus Scutellarioides. (Q.) (Aneilema Gramineum. (Q.) f Verticordia Nitens. (W. A.) 133. J Verticordia Nitens. (W. A.) \Verticordia Nitens. (W. A.) NEW SOUTH WALES—WATER COLORS. 134- 135 . 136. 137- 138. 139- 140. 141. 142. r 43* 144. 146. 147. 148 •I 149. 150. 151. 152. 153 . 1 54 . i55- 156. i57- 158. i59- 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. ( Josephinia Grandiflora. (Somerset, Q.) ( Grivillea Polystachya. (Q.) Hibiscus Hugelii. (W. A.) Erythrina vespertilio. (Prince of Wales Island.) Gossypium Sturtii. (N. S. W.) f Tylophora Grandiflora. (N. S. W.) J Hemigenia Purpures. (N. S. W.) ^Eremophila Bignoniflora. (N. S. W.) Brachychiton Bidwilli. (Q.) Asclepias Curassavica. (Normandy, Q.) Dendrobium Bigibbum. (New Guinea.) ( Cordlyine Murchisoniae. (Rockhampton.) ( Melaleuca Leucadendron. (Rockhampton.) ( Boronia Microphylla. (N. S. W.) Lasiopetalum Ferrugineum. (N. S. W.) Mitrasacme Polymorpha. (N. S. W.) Drasophyllum Secundum. (N. S. W.) Sesbania Grandiflora. (W. A.) 1 . Andersonia Coerulea. (W. A.) 2 . Cryptandra Arbutiflora. (W. A.) Hibiscus Manihot. (W. A.) Erythrina Indica. (Somerset, Q.) Metrosideros Florida. (N. Z.) Hoheria Populnea. (N. Z.) Eucalyptus Calophylla. (W. A.) Boronia Ledifolia. (N. S. W.) Boronia Triphylla. (N. S. W.) Hoheria Populnea. (N. Z.) 1 . Dendrobium Sumneri. (Q.) 2 . Dendrobium Canaliculatum. (Q.) ( 1 . Eriostemon Danceolatus. (N. S. W.) ( 2 . Eriostemon Umbllatus. (N. S. W.) Euyptus Ficifolia. (W. A.) Capparis Lasiantha. (W. A.) Clianthus Dampierii. (S. A.) Grevillea Robusta. (Q.) ( Cryptandra Arbutiflora. (W. A.) ( Hovea Triaperma. (W. A.) Hibiscus Heterophyllus. (N. S. W.) f Actinotus Helianthi. (N. S. W.) J Hovea Linearis. (N. S. W.) \Euphrasia Brownii. (N. S. W.) fCalycothrix Muricata. (W. A.) J Calycothrix Strigosa. (W. A.) \Calycothrix. (W. A.) Ceratopetraleum Gummiferum. S. W.) Albizzia Tozeri. (Q.) Clematis Aristata. (N. S. W.) 408 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP’t K—FINE ARTS. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173 . I 74- I 75* 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. Eugenia Macrocarpa. (Q.) 1 . Dampiera Spicigera. (W. A.) 2 . Triraphis Bromoides. (W. A.) Tetratheca Nuda. (W. A.) f 1 . Sprengelia Incarnata (N. S. W.) J 2 . Epacris Pungens. (N. S. W.) [ 3 . Thryptomene Ciliata. (N. S. W.) f Melaleuca Wilsoni. (Viet.) J Kunzea Corifolia. (Viet.) [Melaleuca Ericifolia. (Viet.) ( Ipomcea pes Caprse. (Somerset, Q.) ( Hypoestes Floribunda. (Q.) ( Arauja Albens. ( Styphelia Aggregatta. (N. S. W.) Eugenia Var. Macrocarpa. Dendrobium Speciosum. (N. S. W.) Billardera Longiflora. (Tas.) Gualtiera Hispida. (Tas.) Eucalyptus Maculata. (Viet.) f Halgania Corymbosa. (W. A.) J Spinifex Longifolius. (W. A.) [Stylobasium Spathulatum. (W. A.) ( Hakea Amplexicaulis. (W. A.) ( Bossiaea Pulchella. (W. A.) ( Abutilon Geranioide. (W. A.) ( Claytonia Polyandra. (W. A.) ( Ipomcea Grandiflora. (Q.) ( Dracaena Angustifolia. (Q.) Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis. (China.) f Eremaea Violacea. (W. A.) j Eremaea Acutifolia. (W. A.) | Melalauca. [Balaustion Pulcherrmum. (W. A.) Telopea Speciioissima. (N. S. W.) Cochlospermum Gillivrayi. (Q.) Bombax Malabaricum. (Q.) Dendrobium Superbiens. (Q.) f Candollea Pilosa. (W. A.) Sphenotoma Squarrosum. (W. A.) Scaevola. (W. A.) Lobelia Tenuior. (W. A.) Conospermum Densiflorum. (W. A.) Dendrobium Undulatum. (W. A.) Kennedya Coccinea. (W. A.) Clitoria Ternatea. (Fern Island, Q.) Pimalea Sulphurea. (W. A.) J Gompholobium Polymorphum. (W. A.) ( Marianthus Coeruleo-punctatus. (W. A.) NEW SOUTH WALES—WATER COLORS. 409 T92. i93< 194. 195- 196. *97• 198. 199 - 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 2iz. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. 220 . ( Marianthus Ringens. (W. A.) ( Astartea Fascicularis. (W. A.) Kennedya Nigricans. (W. A.) Melaleuca. (N. S. W.) ( Anthocercis Viscosa. (W. A.) ( Kennedya Comptoniana. (W. A.) Victorian Flowers. Aster Exul. (W. A.) Group of Stylidiums. (W. A.) Group of Hakeas. (W. A.) Grevillea. (N. S. W.) Group of Sundews. (W. A.) Patersonia Glabrata. (N. S. W.) ( Evolvulus Alsinoides. (Q.) ( Lindernia Crustacea. (Q.) Tecoma Australis. (Q.) Epacris Impressia. (Viet.) Ipomoea Grandiflora. (Q.) Erica. (N. S. W.) Eugenia. (Q.) Hugonia Jenkinsii. (Q.) Tabernaemontana Pubescens. (Q.) f Exocarpus Cupressiformis. (Viet.) j Aster Myrsinoides. (Viet.) j Aster Ramulosus. (Viet.) ^Varonica Derwentia. (Viet.) f Zyris Pauciflora. (Q.) J Aneilema Granmineum. (Q.) j Philhydrum Lanuginosum. (Q.) tCandollea. Erythrina Indica. (Q.) f Chloris Ventricosa. (Q.) J Wahlenbergia Gracilis. (DeCandolla, Q.) Phaseolus Adenanthus. (Meyer, Q.) Marianthus Bignoniaceu. (F. v. M. Viet.) ( Anigozanthos Manglesii. (W. A.) ( Anigozanthos Bicolar. (W. A.) ( Anigozanthos Fuliginosus. (W. A.) ( Abutilon Micropetalum. (Q.) f Aristotelia Peduncularis. (Tas.) J Notelea Ligustrina. (Tas.) [Styphelia Billardieri. (Tas.) ( Platytheca Galioides. (W. A.) ( Tetratheca Hirsuta. (W. A.) f Styphelia Xerophylla. (W. A.) J Daviesia Cordata. (W. A.) ^Ricinocarpus Glaucus. (W. A.) 410 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP'T K—FINE ARTS. 22I \ Hovea Celsi. (Perth, W. A.) ( Daviesia Nudiflora. (Perth, W. A.) f Bauhinia Hookeri. (Q.) 222. ^ Eurycles Amboinensis. (Q.) ^Erythrina Indica. (Q.) 223. Sharp, Alferd (Newcastle). The Christmas Tree of New Zealand in Bloom. 224. Sharp, Alferd (Newcastle). Banks of Camden Haven River, New South Wales. 225. Sharp, Alferd (Newcastle). The Vegetable Octopus of New South Wales. Trustees'of the National Art Gallery of New South Wales (Sydney). Loan collection of water-color drawings, by artists of New South Wales. 226. Fullwood, A. H. Kangaroo Valley. 227. Fullwood, A. H. Cathedral Rocks, Kiama. 228. Roth, A. B. Bathurst Plains, from Kelso Churchyard. MISCELLANEOUS. 229. Grice, Benjamin J. (Sydney) Design for Ceiling Decoration. 230. Montefiore, E. L., J. P., R. A. A. S. A. (Sydney) Original drawing in candle-smoke: Coast Scene, Bondi, Sydney. NORWAY Royal Commissioner General, CHR. RAVN, Hyde Park Hotel. \ Commissioner of Fine Arts, OTTO SINDING, Hyde Park Hotel. For information regarding exhibits for sale, apply to MISS ANGETTE FAUGNER, at desk in Gallery 71 , West Pavilion. 413 414 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEp't K—FINE ARTS. NORWAY. 'I HE NUMBERS TO WHICH THIS CATALOGUE REFERS ARE PRINTED IN RED. MANY OF THESE WORKS ARE FOR SALE. PRICES WILL BE GIVEN AT THE DESK IN GALLERY No. 73. Group 143-Sculpture. GALLERY 71 —NUMBERS I TO 5 , INCLUSIVE. 1. Svor, Anders (Christiania). David. 2. Sinding, Johanna (Copenhagen). By the Sea. 3. Tonesen, Ambrosia (Bergen). Hjordis. 4. Sinding, Johanna (Copenhagen). A Child. 5. Svor. Anders (Christiania). A Little Girl. GALLERY 72 —NUMBERS 6 AND 7 . 6. Skeibrok, Mathias (Christiania). Bust of Bjornstjerne-Bjornson. 7. Svor, Anders (Christiania). A Farmer. GALLERY 71.-OIL PAINTINGS. NUMBERS 8 TO 94, INCLUSIVE. NORTH WALL. BEGINNING AT THE EAST SIDE OF THE ENTRANCE FROM GALLERY NO. 70. 8 . Stromdal, George (Christiania). The Beacon Lighted the Enemy in the Country. 9. Thaulow, Fritz (Paris). By the River. 10. Thaulow, Fritz (Paris). In March. NORWAY—OIL PAINTINGS. 415 11. Petersen, Eilif (Christiania). Sheep Shearing. 12. Hansteen, Nils (Christiania). Winter Day at Skagen. 13. Holmboe, Thorolf (Christiania). Snow Storm. 14. Somme, Jacob (Christiania). Three Fishers. ♦ EAST WALL. 15. Gude, Nils (Christiania). Heartsick. 16. Singdahlsen, Andreas (Christiania). Sunset. 17. Kolsto, Fr. (Bergen) The Ship’s Boy. 18. Eugen, Prince, H. R. H. Landscape. 19. Eugen, Prince, H. R. H. A Lake 20. Sinding, Otto (Christiania). Mountain Pasture. 21. Kielland, Kitty (Stavanger). An old Bridge in Norway. 22. Somme, L. (Christiania) Interior. 23. Falsen, Mimi (Christiania). In Thought. 24. Heyerdahl, Hans (Christiania). Portrait of Mr. Sivert Nielsen, President of the Storthing (Norwegian Congress.) 25. Sinding, Otto (Christiania). From Rondane. 26. Kolsto, Fr. (Bergen) A Summer Day on the Coast. 27. Holmboe, Thorolf (Christiania). Autumn. 28. Kaulum, H. (Laurkullen) From Skiorhalden. 29. Kaulum, H. (Laurkellen) Herring Fishery at Hvalorne. 30. Kaulum, H. (Laurkullen) Herring Fishery Winterday. 31. Holmboe, Thorolf (Christiania). Marine. 32. Kielland, Kitty (Stavanger). Summer Night in Norway. 33. Sinding, Otto (Christiania). Misty Morn. 34. Sinding, Otto (Christiania). Summer Night. 35. Strom, Halfdan (Lillehammer). Siesta. 36. Kaulum, H. (Laurkullen) From the Herring Fisheries. 37. Petersen, Eilif (Christiania). Evening. 38. Munthe, Ludo. (Dusseldorf) Norwegian Village. 39. Gude, Nils (Christiania). Portrait (Henrik Ibsen.) SOUTH WALL. 40. Hansteen, Nils (Christiania). Norwegian Landscape. 41. Tannes, Maria (Christiania). River. 42. Munthe, Gerk. (Sandviken, Chr.) Frightened. 43. Munthe, Gerk. (Sandviken, Chr.) The Wise Bird. 44. Munthe, Gerk. (Sandviken, Chr.) The Child and the Angel. 45. Munthe, Gerk. (Sandviken, Chr.) The Song. 46. Munthe, Gerk. (Sandviken, Chr.) The Serpent. 47. Munthe, Gerk. (Sandviken, Chr.) Three Princesses. 48. Munthe, Gerk. (Sandviken, Chr.) The Wicked Stepmother. 49. Jorgenson, So. (Drammen) Want of Employment. 50. Hansteen, Nils (Christiania). Norwegian Fjord. 51. Werenskiold, E. (Christiania) Portrait (Bjornstjerne Bjornson.) 52. Munthe, Gerk. (Sandviken, Chr.) The Hell Horse. 4l6 WORLD’S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP’T K—FINE ARTS. 53. Munthe, Gerk. (Sandviken, Chr.) Wooers. 54. Munthe, Gerk. (Sandviken, Chr.) Troll’s Cave. 55. Skredsvig, Chr. (Sandviken. Chr.) Winter. WEST WALL. 56. Normann, Adelsten (Berlin.) Raftsund Lofoten. 57. Borgen, Fr. (Christiania) Landscape (Autumn.) 58. Holmboe, Thorolf (Christiania). Nocturne. 59. Ring, Helga (Fredrickstad.) Busy. 60. Rusti, Olav. (Leikanger Sogn) From the Cloister of Maulbronn. 61. Petersen, Eilif (Christiania.) A Strand Bird. 62. Borgen, Fr. (Christiania) From Ojer. 63. Hansteen, Nils (Christiania). From Hornbak, Denmark. 64. Heyerdahl, Hans (Christiania). Fishers. 65. Rusti, Olav (Leikanger-Sogn). Cloisterhall. 66. Larum, Oscar (Christiania). Twilight. 67. Petersen, Eilif (Christiania). Summer Day. 68. Collett, Fredrik (Christiania). Thawing Weather. 69. Wentzel, Gustav (Christiania). Confirmation Banquet. 70. Normann, Adelsten (Berlin). North Wind. (Coast of Norway). 71 Diriks, Edvard (Christiania). Winter. 72. Heyerdahl, Hans (Christiania). Oui on Non. 73. Konow, Karl (Gausdal, Norway). Going to Church. 74. Hjersing, Arne (Christiania). From Asker. 75. Petersen, Eilif (Christiania). Portrait. (Alexander Kielland.) 76. Sorensen, Jorgen (Christiania). From Romsdalen. 77. Krohg, Oda (Christiania). Summer Evening. 78. Hjerlow, Ragnvald (Christiania). Springtime in Paris. 79. Ring, Helga (Fredrikstad). Carriage Gentry Passing. 80. Borgen, Fr. (Christiania) Norwegian Landscape. 81. Krohg, Oda (Christiania). Sun Spots. 82. Bratland, Jac (Christiania). A Commission for Tax Assessment. 83. Stenersen, Gudmund (Stavanger), peasant’s House. 84. Somme, Jacob (Christiania). The Lay Preacher. 85. Diriks, Edvard (Christiania). On the Norwegian Coast. 86. Holmboe, Thorolf (Christiania). I11 the North Sea. 87. Muller, Johns (Ostre Aker). Cloudy Weather. NORTH WALL. 88. Tannes, Maria (Christiania). Winter. 89. Sorensen, Jorgen (Christiania). The Old Pavilion. 90. Borgen, Fr. (Christiania) From Gudbrandsdalen. 91. Gloersen, Jacob (Christiania). After Sunset. 92. Hansteen, Nils (Christiania). FromOresund. 93. Munthe, Gerhard (Sandviken, Chr.). Girl, Hallingdal. 94. Borgen, Fr. (Christiania) From Southern Norway. NORWAY—OIL PAINTINGS. 4i; GALLERY 72—OIL PAINTINGS. NUMBERS 95 TO 133, INCLUSIVE. WEST WALL. BEGINNING AT NORTH SIDE OF ENTRANCE FROM GA l PERY 71. 95. Skredsvig, Chr. (Sandviken) The Son of Man. NORTH WALL. 96. Thaulow, Fritz (Paris). Behind the Mills. 97. Thaulow, Fritz (Paris). Winter at Christiania. 98. Sinding, Otto (Christiania). Wreckers. 99. Wentzel, Gustav (Christiania). Morning. 100. Sinding, Otto (Christiania). From Lofoten. 101. Arbo, P. N. (Christiania) Uolkyrie. 102. Wentzel, Gustav (Christiania). Midsummer Night. 103. Torgerson, Thorv. (Christiania) A Moor. 104. Grimelund, Johs. (Paris) At the Entrance of the Hardenger-fjord. 105. Muller, Johns (Ostre Aker). The Last Sun-rays. 106. Heyerdahl, Hans (Christiania). Portrait of Mrs. Laura Gundersen. 107. Heyerdahl, Hans (Christiania). By the Shore. 108. Werenskiold, E. (Christiania) Portrait (Erika Nisson). 109. Backer, Harriet (Christiania). From Tannums Church, no. BraUafid, Jac. (Christiania) Going to Church. EAST WALL. in. Uckerraann, M. (Christiania) A Drama of the Woods. 112. Werenskiold, E. (Christiania) Portrait (Mother of Bjornstjerne Bjorn- son.) 113. Collett, Fredrik (Christiania). Winter. 114. Muller, N. B. (Christiania) Norwegian Landscape. 115. Schiewe, Jacob (Helsinger), Winter in Germany. 116. Berg, Gunnar (Svolvar). From Lofoten. 117. Normann, Adelsten (Berlin). Summer Night, Lofoten. SOUTH WALL. n8. Wentzel, Gustav (Christiania). Sunday Evening. 119. Collett, Fredrik (Christiania). The Devil’s Hole. 120. Moe, Sigurd (Stavanger). From Hafrsfjord. X2i. Munthe, Gerhard (Sandviken Chi.). The Old Farm. 122. Sinding, Otto (Christiania). The Glacier. 123. Tannes, Maria (Christiania). Landscape. 124. Munthe, Gerhard (Sandvikeij Chr.). Evening in Eggedal, Norway. 125. Steineger, Agnes (Bergen). Les No'urrissons. 126. Stenersen, Gudmund (Stavanger). Sunday. 418 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP't K—FINE ARTS. 127. Heyerdahl, Hans (Christiania). Bathing Boys. 128. Kielland, Kitty (Stavanger). The Christiania Fjord. 129. Hansteen, Nils (Christiania). Marine (Pilot). 130. Werenskiold, E. (Christiania) Portrait (Edv. Greig). 131. Collett, Fredrik (Christiania). After Sunset. 132. Strom, Halfdan (Lillehammer). Portrait. WEST WALL. 133. Krohg, Christian (Christiania). Leif Ericksson Discovers America. CENTRAL PAVILION. UPPER GALLERY—SOUTH COURT. SOUTH END OF COURT. ALCOVE 156 —WEST WALL—MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 134. Nordhagen, Joh. (Christiania) Five Etchings. 135. Nielsen, Eivind (Christiania). Several Drawings in one Frame. 136. Rusti, O. Drawing. 137. Throudsen, Ivar (Kongsberg). Medallions. H. E. P. DE GLOUKHOVSKOY. RUSSIA • Commissioner General, H. E. P. DE GLOUKHOVSKOY, Imperial Chamberlain 2702 Michigan Avenue. # Commissioner of Fine Arts, F. KAMENSKY. For information regarding exhibits for sale, apply in Gallery 20, South Court. 419 420 world’s COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEp’t K—FINE ARTS. I RUSSIA. THE NUMBERS TO WHICH THIS CATALOGE REFERS ARE PRINTED IN RED. MANY OF THESE WORKS ARE FOR SALE. FOR PARTICULARS AND PRICES APPLY AT THE DESK IN GALLERY NO. 20 . Group 149-Sculpture. GALLERY 19. NUMBERS 1 TO 6, INCLUSIVE. x. Gunzburg, Ilia Jakovlevitch. The Bathing Boys. (A group in plaster in the center of the gallery.) 2. Dillon, Maria Liuovna Bliss. (Statue in bronze in southeast corner of the gallery.) 3. Gunzburg, Ilirf Jakovlevitch. Bust of Professor D. D. Mendeleieff. 4. Gunzbug, Ilia Jakovlevitch. Bust of the Count L. Tolstoi. 5. Adamson. The Dying Hyacinthe. (Wood carving.) 6. Adamson. The Helpless. (Wood carving.) GALLERY 20. NUMBERS 7 TO 16, INCLUSIVE. 7. Gunzburg, Ilia Jakovlevitch. Statuette—Count L. Tolstoi (in the south¬ east corner.) 8. Gunzburg, Ilia Jakovlevitch. Statuette—Mr. V. V. Veretschaguine. 9. Gunzburg, Ilia Jakovlevitch. Statuette—Mr. P. T. Tchaikovsky. 10. Gunzburg, Ilia Jakovlevitch. The First Music. (Statue in bronze.) 11. Dillon, Maria Lwovna. Caprice. (Plaster.) 12. Beklemischeff, Vladimir Alexandrovitch. A Run Away Slave. (A group in plaster.) 13. Gunzburg, Ilia Jakovlevitch. An Interesting Story. (A group in bronze.) 14. Gunzburg, Ilia Jakovlevitch. Statuette—Mr. T. T. Schischkine. 15. Gunzburg, Ilia Jakovlevitch. Statuette—Mr. A. T. Rubenstein. 16. Gunzburg, Ilia Jakovlevitch. (Statuette in bronze.) Mr. V. V. Stassoff. RUSSIA—OIL PAINTINGS AND WATER COLORS. 421 Groups 140 and 141-Oil Paintings and Water Colors. (all WORKS ARE IN OIL EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED.) GALLERY 19. NUMBERS 17 TO 51 INCLUSIVE. EAST WALL. BEGINNING AT THE SOUTH SIDE OF THE ENTRANCE FROM THE SOUTH COURT. 17. Krushitsky, Constantin Jakovlevitch. A Night in Little Russia. 18. Miasoiedoff, Gregory Gregorievitch. The Harvest; a copy of the Pict¬ ure belonging to the Emperor. 19. Polenoff, Helena. Before the Examination. 20. Vasilieff, Feodor Alexandrovitch. After the Rain. (Property of the Academy.) SOUTH WALL. 21. Endoguroff, Sergey Ivanovitch. After the Storm. (Water color.) 22. Aivazovsky, Ivan Constantinovitch. A Lantern on the Sea of Mar¬ mora. 23. Aivazovsky, Ivan Constantinovitch. The Gondola. (In Venice.) 24. Aivazovsky, Ivan Constantinovitch. Yalta at Night. 25. Endoguroff, Sergey Ivanovitch. A Quiet Day. (Water color.) 26. Wrangel, Helena Karlovna Baroness. A Winter Landscape. (Water color.) 27. Aivazovsky, Ivan Constantinovitch. Breakers on the Sea of Asof. 28. Klagis, Feodor Andreievitch. Interior view of the Church of the Saviour at Moscow. 29. Bruni, Nicolay Alexandrovitch. The Candle-Bearer. (Property of the Academy.) 30. Aivazovsky, Ivan Constantinovitch. Naples, by Moonlight. 31. Aivazovsky, Ivan Constantinovitch. A Storm on the Crimean Coast. 32. Endoguroff, Sergey Ivanovitch. Evening. (Water color.) 33. Polenoff, Helena. After the Bath. (Water color.) 34. Aivazovsky, Ivan Constantinovitch. Breakers on the Coast of the Black Sea. 35. Aivazovsky, Ivan Constantinovitch. A Boat in a Storm. 36. Dmitrieff-Orenburgsky, Nicolay Dmitrievitch. The Studio of a Military Artist. 422 world's COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP 'T K—FINE ARTS. WEST WALL. 37. Kovalevsky, Pavel Osipovitch. Excavation in Rome ( 1878 ). (Property of the Academy.) 38. Savitzky, Constantin Appollonovitch. For Christ’s Sake. 39. Aivazovsky, Ivan Constantinovitch. Constantinople. 40. EndogurofF, Ivan Ivanovitch. A Winter Evening in a Village. 41. Novoskolzeff, Alexander Nicolaievitch. The Last Minutes of the Metro¬ politan Philipp. 42. Sedoff, Gregory Semenovitch. Vasilisa Melentievna the Mistress of Ivan the Terrible, Czar of Moscow. (Painted in 1882 .) NORTH WALL. 43. Asknazy, Isaak Lwovitch. The Parents of Moses. 44. Tvoroshnikoff, Ivan Ivanovitch. A Lay Brother Selling Images ( 1888 ). (Property of the Academy of St. Petersburg.) 45. Makovsky, Constantin Egorovitch. A Bacchanal. 46. Bronnikoff, Feodor Andreievitch. Christian Martyr ( 1878 ). (Property* of the Academy.) 47. Dmitrieff-Orenburgsky, Nicolay Dmitrievitch. Sunday in a Village. 48. Pimonenko, Nicolay Karlovitch. Easter Halloween. (Property of the Academy.) EAST WALL. 49. Aivazovsky, Ivan Constantinovitch. The Parthenon. 50. Stepanoff, Alexey. The Hunt. 51. Fedders, July Ivanovitch. My Villa. (Property of the Academy.) GALLERY 20-OIL PAINTINGS. NUMBERS 52 TO 133, INCLUSIVE. EAST WALL. BEGINNING AT THE SOUTH SIDE OF THE ENTRANCE FROM GALLERY 19 . 52. Zagorsky, Nicolay Petrovitch. A Sore Heart. (Property of the Academy.) 53. Makovsky, Constantin Egorovitch. The Bride’s Attire. 54. Kratchkovsky, Josiff Evstaffievitch. A July Morning. 55. Golumsky, Vasily Andreievitch. The Mushroom Gatherers Taking a Rest ( 1888 ). (Property of the Academy.) SOUTH WALL. 56. Bodarevsky, Nicolay Kornilovitch. A Wedding in Little Russia. 57. Endoguroff, Ivan Ivanovitch. The Early Spring. (Property of the Academy.) RUSSIA—OIL PAINTINGS AND WATER COLORS. 423 58. Levithan, Isaac. Holy Day in a Convent. 59. Aivazovsky, Ivan Constantinovitch. Environs of Malaga. 60. Aivazovsky, Ivan Constantinovitch. The Farewell of Columbus in Palos Before Going to Sea. 61. Korovin, Constantine. Taking Tea. 62. Korzuhin, Alexey Ivanovitch. Peasant Life. (Property of the Acad¬ emy.) 63. MakoVsky, Vladimir Egorovitch. The Niggard. 64. Peroff, Vasily Grigorievitch. Pugatchoff, a Cossack from the River Don. (The Personator of Peter III, Czar of Russia.) 65. Makovsky, Vladimir Egorovitch. Little Russians Smoking. 66. Kuznezoff, Nicolay Dmitrievitch. The Interrupted Breakfast. 67. Asknazy, Isaak Lwovitch. The Bridegroom (a Talmudist) on Pro¬ bation. 68. Mestchersky, Arseny Ivanovitch. The Narva Roads ( 1886 ). (Property of the Academy.) 69. Asknazy, Isaac Lwovitch. Celebration of the Sabbath. 70. Shuravleff, Firs Sergeievitch. The Family of a Street Musician. 71. Grandkovsky, In the Swing. 72. Siemiradsky, Henry Ippolytovitch. Phryne (Property of the Czar.) Phryne was a Celebrated Beauty, who lived about 250 years before Christ. She inspired Appelles and Praxiteles to immortal works of painting and statuary. At a procession, given in honor of Venus, Phryne appears to the admiring people (painted in 1887). 73. Kuriard, Palageia Petrovna. A Landscape. 74. Krushitsky, Constantin Jakovlevitch. After Work. 75. Klodt, Von Jurgensburg, Baron Mihail Constantinovitch. The Czar’s Bounty. 76. Svertchkoff, Nicolay Egorovitch. The Pony that Killed a Wolf. 77. Makovsky, Vladimir Egorovitch. The Wayfarer. 78. Korovin, Constantine. Spanish Girls. 79. Aivazovsky, Ivan Constantinovitch. Young Columbus Saving Himself on the Mast of a Ship, set on fire by a Venetian Galley, off the Coast of Portugal. 80. Korzuhin, Alexey Ivanovitch. The Evening Before the Wedding. (Property of the Academy.) 81. Kuznezoff, Nicolay Dmitrievitch. In the Garden ( 1889 ). 82. Alexeieff. Head of an Italian ( 5 irl ( 1889 ). 83. Aivazovsky, Ivan Constantinovitch. The Arrival of Columbus’ Flo- tille on the American Shore. 84. Krushitsky, Constantin Jakovlevitch. Winter. 85. Willewalde, Bogdan Pavlovitch. You To-Day and I To-Morrow. (Property of the Academy.) 86. Tchistiakoff, Pavel Petrovitch. The Grand Duchess, Sophia Vitov- tovna at the Wedding of the Grand Duke Vasily II, “The Dark” ( 1433 ). Tearing of Dmitrie Donskoy’s Belt from the Duke Vasily, “The One-Sighted” ( 1882 ). (Property of the Academy.) 87. Pasternak, Leonid. Going Home Again, 424 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP'T K—FINE ARTS. WEST WALL. 88. Tvoroshnikoff, Ivan Ivanovitch. Grandmother and Granddaughter ( 1889 ). (Property of the Academy.) 89. Siemiradsky, Henry Ippolytovitch. Christ in the House of Lazarus. 90. Krushitsky, Constantin Jakovlevitch. The Heat Over, a Fresh Breeze Blowing ( 1889 ). (Property of the Academy.) 91. Alexeieff. An Italian Girl ( 1884 ). 92. Volkoff, Efim Efimovitch. Morning. 93. Makovsky, Constantin Egorovitch. Romeo and Juliet. 94. Ducker, Evgeny Eduardovitch. Noon. (Property of the Academy.) NORTH WALL. 95. Kivschenko, Alexy Danilovitch. At the Craters of Ledgy. 96. Venig, Karl Bogdanovitch. A Russian Girl ( 1889 ). (Property of the Academy.) 97. Aivazovsky, Ivan Constantinovitch. Yalta in the Morning. 98. Peroff, Vasily Grigorievitch. The Fishermen ( 1878 ). 99. Makovsky, Vladimir Egorovitch. A Public Market in Moscow ( 1879 ). 100. Kratchkovsky, Josiff Evstafievitch. The New Moon. (Property of the Academy.) 101. Pelevin, Ivan Andreievitch. The First Born. (Property of the Academy.) 102. Aivazovsky, Ivan Constantinovitch. The ship “Santa Maria” on its way to America, when Columbus during a heavy storm was surrounded by the mutinous crew. 103. Makovsky, Vladimir Egorovitch. The Gamblers’ Quarrel. 104. Shuravleff, Firs Sergeievitch. Hay Makers at Rest. 105. Zagorsky, Nicolay Petrovitch. Morning Tea. 106. Lemoch, Karl Vikentievitch. Peasant Girls. 107. Aivazovsky, Ivan Constantinovitch. Saving Himself in a Boat. 108. Kramskoy, Ivan Nicolaievitch. Portrait of Mr. Solovieff. (Property of the Academy.) 109. Galimsky, Vladislaff Mihailovitch. Forest. no. Shuravleff, Firs Sergeievitch. tie Loves Me—He Loves Me Not. in. Frentz, Rudolf, Feodorovitch. An Inn. (Property of the Academy.) 112. Repine, Elias Efimovitch. The Cossack’s Answer to the Sultan of Turkey. (Property of the Czar.) 113. Kivschenko, Alexey Danilovitch. The Military Counsel at Fily ( 1812 ). (Property of the Academy.) 114. Endoguroff, Ivan Ivanovitch. A Heavy Rain. (Property of the Acad¬ emy.) 115. Novoskolzeff, Alexander Nicolaievitch. Head of a Negro. (Property of the Academy.) 116. Klever, July Julievitch. Forest. (Property of the Academy.) 117. Kramskoy, Ivan Nicolaievitch. Portrait of the Artist’s Daughter. (Property of the Academy.) 118. Kivschenko, Alexey Danilovitch. Assorting Feathers. 119. Morozoff, Alexander Ivanovitch. The Foundry of Omutings, RUSSIA—OIL PAINTINGS AND WATER COLORS. 425 120 . Aivazovsky, Iaan Constantinovitch. Columbus Landing with His Suite at San Salvador. 121. Navosoff, Vasily Ivanovitch. A Free Dining-room. (Property of the Academy.) 122. Kuznezoff, Nicolay Dmitrievitch. The Justice of the Peace, 1888 . 123. Miasoiedoff, Gregory, Gregorievitch. The Escape of Gregory Otrepieff, near the frontier of Lithuania. (Property of the Academy.) 124. Aivazovsky, Ivan Constantinovitch. Garibaldi and the Garibaldians on the deck of a Steamer. 125. Kivschenko, Alexey Danilovitch. A Wolf Caught Alive. (Property of the Academy.) 126. Litovschenko, Alexander Dmitrievitch. The Italian Embassador r Cal- vuci, drawing the favorite falcons of the Czar, Alexey Mihailovitch. (Property of the Academy.) 127. Makovsky, Constantin Egorovitcli. Portrait of a Lady. 128. Bobroff, Victor Alexeievitch. A Jew from Kovna, 1886 . 129. Aivazovsky, Ivan Constantinovitch. A Street in Bachtchisaray (Cri¬ mea.) 130. Dmitrieff-Orenburgsky, Nicolay Dmitrievitch. A Drowned Man in a Country Place. EAST WALL. 131. Jacoby, Valerian Ivanovitch. The Ice Palace, 1881 . (Property of the Academy.) 132. Schischkine, Ivan Ivanovitch. A Forest. (Property of the Academy.) 133. Savinsky, Vasily Evmentievitch. The Invitation of the Sick Duke Posharsky to accept the command of the army. (Property of the Academy.) SOCIETY OF POLISH ARTISTS GEORGE SOSNOWSKI. MICISLAS NIEDZWIEDZINSKI. VALERY BROCHOCKI. Delegates of the Society of Polish Artists at the World’s Columbian Exposition. For information regarding Polish Works which are for sale, apply at the desk in Gallery No. 62 , West Pavilion. 427 428 WORLD S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION-DEP'T K-TiNE ARTS Society of Polish Artists. THE NUMBERS TO WHICH THIS CATALOGUE REFERS ARE PRINTED IN RED. MANY OF THESE WORKS ARE FOR SALE. FOR INFORMATION AND PRICES INQUIRE AT THE DESK IN GALLERY 62 —WEST PA¬ VILION. GALLERY 62-OIL PAINTINGS. SOUTH WALL. BEGINNING AT THE WEST SIDE OF THE ENTRANCE FROM GALLERY 61 . 1. Gerson, W. (Warsaw) Hedwige, Queen of Poland. 2. Ryszkiewicz, J. ^Warsaw) Cossacks. WEST WALL. 3. Stankiewicz, L. (Warsaw) Winter. 4. Alchimowicz, K. (Warsaw) Milda (Goddess of Love). 5. Podkowinski, W. (Warsaw) In the Forest. 6. Matejko, J. (Cracow) Wernihara Relating the History of Poland and Prophesying her Resuscitation. 7. Kedzierski, A. (Warsaw) A Rustic Astronomer. 8. Mastawski, S. (Warsaw) Before the Impressment. NORTH WALL. 9. Malezewski, J. (Cracow) Death of An Exiled Woman in Siberia. 10. Chelmonski, J. (Warsaw) Hares. 11. Dukszynska, E. (Warsaw) A Pet. 12. Matejko, J. (Cracow) St. John’s Night. 13. Pawliszak, W. (Warsaw) At the Gate of Zhan Margli Tivej. 14. Zmurko, F. (Warsaw) A Lady in Fur. 15. Kendzierski, A. (Warsaw) Return from Town. 16. Zmurko, F. (Warsaw) The Feudal Law. 17. Gerson, W. (Warsaw) Crossing the Brook. 18. Szyndler, P. (Warsaw) Dolce far niente. 19. Kawsik, J. (Warsaw) Reverie. SOCIETY OF POLISH ARTISTS—OIL PAINTINGS. 429 EAST WALL. 20. Alchimowicz, K. (Warsaw) A Traveling Merchant. 21. Poswikowa, B. (Warsaw) Fruit. 22. Poswikowa, B. (Warsaw) Fruit. 23. Popiel, T. (Cracow) After the Storm. 24. Piotrowicz, L. (St. Petersburg) Birches. 25. Zmurko, F. (Warsaw) Pieta. 26. Alchimowicz, K. (Warsaw) A Moorish Girl. 27. Popiel, T. (Cracow) A View of Lakapane (A Village in Poland). SOUTH WALL. 28. Jasinski, L. (Warsaw) Holiday Divine Service. 29. Stankiewicz, L. (Warsaw) Forest Scene. 30. Maszynski, J. (Warsaw) An Algerian Boy. 31. Stankiewicz, L. (Warsaw) Forest. WEST COURT AND ON SECOND AND THIRD FLOORS. ALCOVE 102 . IN THE NORTH-WEST STAIRCASE OF THE WEST COURT. 32. Geneli, M. (Warsaw) A Study. 33. Geneli, M. (Warsaw) A Study. 34. Podkowinski, W. (Warsaw) Ladies Playing Billiards. 35. Kawrik, J. (Warsaw) A Young Mother. 36. Stasiak, L. (Cracow) Moonlight Night. 37. Dukszynska, E. (Warsaw) Autumn. 38. Gramatyka, A. (Cracow) Environments of Cracow. 39. Geneli, M. (Warsaw) A Model. 40. Szwignicki, R. (Warsaw) Bailiff. 41. Szwignicki, R. (Warsaw) Electioneering. 42. Piotrowski, A. (Cracow) A Young Mother. 43. Maszynski, J. (Warsaw) Mephistopheles Serenade. 44. Pillati, X. (Warsaw) From the Ferry. 45. Garyer, M. (Warsaw) A Study. 46. Podkawinski, W. (Warsaw) In the Garden. 47. Podkawinski, W. (Warsaw) The “New World,” a Street in Warsaw. 48. Podkawinski, W. (Warsaw) The Dance of Skeletons. 49. Daniszcwska, M. (Warsaw) A Warsaw Straw Mat Dealer. 50. Gramatyka, A. (Cracow) A Pond. 51. Cichacki, F. (Warsaw) Shepherd Boys. 52. Stasiak, L. (Cracow) Winter. 53. Daniszewska, M. (Warsaw) A Warsaw Coal Seller. 54. Pawlawski, J. (Warsaw) Harvest in Landomir. 55. Poswikowa, B. (Warsaw) Flowers. STAIRCASE LANDING AT SECOND FLOOR. 56. Piotrowski, A. (Cracow) Waiting. 57. Owidzki, T. (Warsaw) Waiting. 430 WORLD’S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP’T K—FINE ARTS. 58. Laremlaski, M. (Warsaw) A Somnambulist. 59. Goscimski, W. (Warsaw) The Valley of Oicaw. 60. Ciaglinski, J. (St. Petersburg) A Study. 61. Maszynski, J. (Warsaw) A Game Dealer. 62. Gramatyka, A. (Cracow) Environments of Cracow. 63. Dukszynska, E. (Warsaw) Abandoned. STAIRCASE LANDING AT THIRD FLOOR. 64. Luchadolski, L. (Warsaw) Gypsy Camp. 65. Maleszewski, T. (Warsaw) A Polish Fiddler. 66 . Mroczkowski, A. (Cracow) Tatry Mountains. 67. Alchimawicz, A. (Warsaw) Ginski in Prison. 68. Szwojnicki, R. (Warsaw) In the Morning. 69. Reyzner, M. (Paris) Bretan Peasants. 70. Pruszkowski, W. (Cracow) Love’s Secret. (Pastel.) 71. Trembaer, M. (Warsaw) The Good Samaritan. AROUND THE TOP OF THE NORTHWEST STAIRCASE. 72. Alchimawicz, K. (Warsaw) Gathering Mushrooms. THIRD FLOOR, WEST END OF WEST COURT. 73. Tetmayer, W. (Cracow) The Penman. 74. Zmurko, F. (Warsaw) Under the Influence of Hasheesh. 75. Styka, J. (Cracow) Queen of Poland Pray for Us. 76. Gerson, W. (Warsaw) The Baptism of Lithuania. 77. Gerson, W. (Warsaw) Music. (Design for a ceiling.) 78. Gerson, W. (Warsaw) Dance. (Design for a ceiling.) 79. Kossak, S. Taudos (Cracow). Twenty-five Views of Cracow. (In water colors.) 80. Zmurko, F. (Warsaw) Evening Song. 81. Tetmayer, W. (Cracow) Wedding. 82. Gerson, W. (Cracow) King Sigismund’s Vision. AROUND THE TOP OF THE SOUTH-WEST STAIRCASE. 83. Wisniewski, B. (Warsaw) Shepherd Boy. 84. Ryszkiewicz, J. (Warsaw) Summer Night. 85. Gerson, W. (Warsaw) Above the Clouds. 86 . Maleszewski, T. (Warsaw) Cupids Doing Penance. 87. Dukszynska, E. (Warsaw) Meditation. STAIRCASE, BETWEEN THE SECOND AND THIRD FLOORS. 88. Maszynski, J. (Warsaw) In Despair. 89. Zalewski, M. (Warsaw) Interior View of a Church. 90. Brochacki, W. (Warsaw) In the Park. 91. Gryglewski, A. (Warsaw) Interior of a Church. 92. Mirecki, K. (Warsaw) Disconsolate. 93. Mirecki, K. Warsaw) Bohun’s Attack. 94. Zmurko, F. (Warsaw) Children’s Heads. SOCIETY OF POLISH ARTISTS—OIL PAINTINGS. 43* STAIRCASE, BETWEEN SECOND AND THIRD FLOORS. 95. Modcustein, D. (Warsaw) In Christian Care. 96. Iztencel, M. (Warsaw) Ophelia. 97. Pioutkowski, H. (Warsaw) Murder. 98. Guminski, W. (Warsaw) The First Snow. 99. Kasiewicz, M. (Warsaw) Where Shall We Go? 100. Maszynski, J. (Warsaw) In the Forest. 101. Picchawski, W. (Warsaw) The Four Seasons. 102. Piotrowski, A. (Cracow) Winter Morning. 103. Wodzinowski, W. (Cracow) Poisonous Mushrooms. 104. Kendzicrski, A. (Warsaw) To Church. 105. Kauzik, J. (Warsaw) A Woman’s Head. 106. Ciaglinski, J. (St. Petersburg) Reverie. 107. Piotrowski, A. (Cracow) Tossed by the Ocean’s Wave. 108. Rosen, P. (Warsaw) Strolling. 109. Stasiak, L. (Cracow) Peasant Custom, After the Wedding, no. Cichocki, F. (Warsaw) Farewell. in. Stasiak, L. (Cracow) Sacrificed. 112. Goscimski, W. (Warsaw) At a Pond. 113. Modenstein, D. (Warsaw) The Hour of Rest. 114. Garyez, M. (Warsaw) A Buga Type. 115. Stasiak, L. (Cracow) Scene from Brzesk Life. 116. Modenstein, D. (Warsaw) A Woman’s Head. 117. Geneli, M. (Warsaw) At Work. 118. Garyez, M. (Warsaw) Reconvalescent. WEST COURT—GROUND FLOOR. ON SCREEN NEXT TO SPANISH ART EXHIBIT. ALCOVE 95 . 120. Picchowski, W. (Warsaw) Via et Vita Nostra. 121. Maszynski, J. (Warsaw) A Rustic Choir. 122. Ciaglinski, J. (St. Petersburg) Birch Trees. t SPAIN Delegate General, H. E. Senor DN- ENRIQUE DUPUY DE LOME, Hotel Metropole, Chicago. Commissioner for Fine Arts, Senor DN; A. G. DEL CAMPILLO 82 Twenty-Sixth Street, Chicago. For information relating to the works of art exhibited, apply at the office in Alcove 97 , West Court, Central Pavilion. 433 434 WORLD’S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP’T K—FINE ARTS. SPAIN. THE NUMBERS TO WHICH THIS CATALOGUE REFERS ARE PRINTED IN RED. MANY OF THESE WORKS ARE FOR SALE. FOR INFORMATION AND PRICES APPLY AT THE DESK AT THE ENTRANCE TO THE SPANISH SECTION. ALCOVE 97 , WEST COURT. Group 139.-Sculpture. WEST COURT. BEGINNING AT THE EAST END OF THE COURT. 1. Gandarias y Plangan, Justo de (Madrid). Fortune. (Plaster.) 2. Nunez Fernandez, Ramon (Madrid). A Slave in the Market Place. (Plaster.) IN ALCOVE 96 . 3. Alcoverro y Amoros, Jos6 (Madrid). A Duet. (Bronze group.) 4. Marinos y Gracia (Segovia). Model Resting. (Bronze.) WEST COURT. 5. Gandarias y Plangan. Japanese Woman. (Marble.) 6 . Reynes, Josd (Barcelona). San Luis Gonzaga. (Plaster.) 7. Claraso, Enrique (Barcelona). Remorse. (Plaster.) 8. Gandarias y Plaugan (Madrid). Shipwrecked. (Plaster.) Owned by the National Museum of Painting and Sculpture (Madrid). 9. Viziano y Marti, Jose (Valencia). Cardinal Cisneros. (Plaster.) 10. Parera y Saurina, Antonio (Barcelona). Labor’s Reward. (Plaster.) 11. Cipriano, Folgueras. Mars. (Plaster). 12. Marinas y Garcia, Aniceto (Segovia). The Fishers Caught. (Group in plaster.) ALCOVE 97 . 13. Gines y Ortiz, Adela (Madrid). A Struggle for Life. (Plaster.) 14. Vallmitana Abarca, Agapito (Barcelona). The Lion Hunter. (Baked clay.) 15. Lopez, Francisco de Asis (Madrid). Wax Design for a Medal to Com¬ memorate the 400 th Anniversary of the Discovery of America, Group 145 . SPAIN—SCULPTURE. 435 16. Vallmitjana, Venancio (Barcelona). Beauty Vanquishing Force. (Baked clay.) 17. Arneu y Masent, Eusebio (Barcelona). Obverse and reverse of bronze medal. 18. Susiilo, Monument to Columbus for Havana, Cuba. Bronze bas-relief representing Columbus before the Catholic kings on his return from America. SOUTH COURT. IN FRONT OF ENTRANCE TO GALLERY 21 , SPANISH SECTION. 19. Montero y Navas, Jose (Madrid). The Allegory of Architecture. (Plas¬ ter.) GALLERY 21 . 20. Estrada de Picabia, Francisco de Asis (Barcelona). Portrait bust. GALLERY 22 . 21. Querol, Augustin (Tortoso). Tradition. (Bronze.) Lent by the Museo Nacional de Pintura y Escultura, Madrid. GALLERY 23 . 22. Amutio, Federico (Madrid). A Love Story. (Bronze group.) 23. Castellanas y Escola, Miguel (Barcelona). Bust of Monturiol. 24. Querol, Augustin (Tortosa). Child and Duck. (Bronze.) Lent by the Museo Nacional de Pintura y Escultura, Madrid. IN THE SPANISH GOVERNMENT BUILDING. NEAR THE LAKE FRONT. 25. Serra, Francisco de Asis (Barcelona). A Nazarene. (Bust in baked clay.) 26. Serra, Francisco de Asis (Barcelona). St. Gerome. 27. Serra, Francisco de Asis (Barcelona). The Child Jesus. 28. Alsina y Amils, Antonio (Madrid). Child’s Head. (Baked clay.) 29. Arnau y Masent, Eusebio (Barcelona). Hope. (Group in plaster.) 30. Arnau y Masent, Antonio (Madrid). Ave Maria. (Group in baked clay.) 31. Campeny y Santamaria, Josd (Barcelona). Female Bull Fighter. 32. Campeny y Santamaria, Josd (Barcelona). A Beauty. 33. Campeny y Santamaria, Jose (Barcelona). A Fop. 34. Campeny y Santamaria, Josd (Barcelona). Bust in baked clay.) 35. Casananas Gonzales, Antonio (Madrid). Bust of the Countess de Pin- edo. 36. Duque y Duque, Eugenio (Madrid). The Genius of War. (Plaster.) 37. Duque y Duque, Eugenio (Madrid). Bust of Christino Martos. (Plas¬ ter.) 38. Estrada de Picabia, Francisco de Asis (Barcelona). Saint Cecilia, (Baked clay.) 28 436 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP^T K—FINE ARTS. 39. Estrada de Picabia, Francisco de Asis (Barcelona). Meditation. (Baked clay.) 40. Inurria Lainosa, Mateo (Cordoba). Santa Teresa de Jesus. (Artificial marble.) 41. Monserrat y Portella, Jose (Barcelona). The First Attempt. (Plaster.) 42. Folguras, C. The First Pair of Earrings. Lent by the Museo Nacional de Pintura y Escultura, Madrid. 43. Alcoberro. Mars. Lent by the Museo Nacional de Pintura y Escultura, Madrid. 44. Vallmitjana Abarca, Agapito (Barcelona). The Lion Hunter. (Baked clay.) IN THE MANUFACTURES AND LIBERAL ARTS BUILDING. 45. Riera y Casanovas, Juan (Barcelona). Imitation of Metal Decorative Plaque—The Barcelona Exposition of 1888 . 46. Riera y Casanovas, Juan (Barcelona). Bas-relief—Music. 47. Cubero, Jose (Malaga). Exhibit of Sculptures in baked clay. Seven¬ teen subjects in a group. SPAIN—OIL PAINTINGS. 437 48. 49. 50. 51 . 52 . 53 . 54 . 55 - 56 . 57 - 58 . 59 - 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65 . 66 . 67. 68 . 69. 70. 7 1 * 72. 73 . 74 * 75 - 76. 77 - 78. 79 . Group 140-Oil Paintings. GALLERY 23—NUMBERS 48 TO 120, INCLUSIVE NORTH WALL. BEGINNING AT THE EAST SIDE OF THE ENTRANCE FROM THE NORTH COURT (ALCOVE 97). Agrasot y Juan, Joaquin (Valencia). To the Health of the Bride. Agrasot y Juan, Joaquin (Valencia). Sisters of Charity. Arroys Fernandez, Rafael (Madrid). Landscape. Larrocha Gonzalez, Jose de (Madrid). The Gold Hunter. Uria, Jose (Madrid). Papa’s Sword. Jadraquey Sanchez Ocana Miguel (Madrid). Great and Small Game. EAST WALL. Bilbao, Gonzalo (Sevilla). Balbao, Gonzalo (Sevilla). Balbao, Gonzalo (Sevilla) Bilbao, Gonzalo (Sevilla). Bilbao, Gonzalo (Sevilla). Return from Work. Oliva Rodrigo, Eugenio (Madrid). Young Savoyards. Loubere, Juan (Malaga). Rest. Herrer, Cesar (Madrid). Santi Apostoli Canal, Venice. Ramirez y Ibanez, Manuel (Madrid). Head of a Child. Bilbao, Gonzalo (Sevilla). Orange Pickers in Andalusia. Friday in a Cemetery in Morocco. San Trovato, Venice. Resting. “Come Back Soon.” Pelayo Fernandez, Eduardo (Madrid). The Guadarrama Mountains. Cortes y Cordero, Eduardo (Seville). Head of an Andalusian Woman. Martines Abades, -Juan (Madrid). In the Bay. Cortes y Cordero, Eduardo (Seville). Head of an Andalusian Woman. Morera, Jaime (Madrid). Coast of Normandy. Gil Bias. “Go On.” Don Quixote and the Flock of Sheep. Port of Barcelona. Cavalry Crossing a Ford. Trumpeter of Chasseurs. Moreno Carbonero, Jose. Moreno Carbonero, Jose. Moreno Carbonero, Jose. Roig y Soler (Barcelona). Cusachs y Cusachs, Jose (Barcelona). Cusachs y Cusachs, Josd (Barcelona). Cusachs y Cusachs, Jose (Barcelona). Lancers on the March. Parlade y Heredia, Andres (Seville). Journey to Pavia. Garnelo, Josd (Madrid). Interior of St. Mark’s, Venice. Garnelo, Jose (Madrid). An Englishman. Garnelo, Josd (Madrid). “I Could Have Been a Minister.” 438 world’s COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION-DEP’T K— FINE ARTS. 80. Ocon y Rivas, Emilio (Malaga). The Last Hurrah. 81. Vegay Marrugal, Jose de la (Seville). Corral at Seville. 82. Vega y Marrugal, Jose de la (Seville). Chaplain of Santa Clara, Seville. SOUTH WALL. 83. Frances y Pascuai, Placido (Madrid). Father’s Advice. 84. Manterola, Lucia (Madrid). The Lover’s Torment. 85. Murillo Carreras, Rafael (Malaga). The Tower of Homage. A Moorish Relic in Malaga. 86. Martinez Abades, Juan (Madrid). Communion on Board the Ship. Lent by the Museo Nacional del Pintura y Escultura, Madrid. 87. Triado y Mayol, Josd (Barcelona). In the Laboratory. 88. Jimenez Aranda, Luis (Paris). The Lovers. 89. Paternani, Enrique (Haro). Mother’s Visit. 90. Garcia y Rodriguez, Manuel (Seville). Summer in Seville. 91. Cortes y Cordero, Eduardo (Sevilla). Head of an Andalusian Woman. WEST WALL. 92. Lorenzale Rogent, Ramiro (Barcelona). Contrast. 93. Lafita y Blanco, Jose (Seville). An Inn, Seville. 94. Kumetra y Ragull, Fernando (Barcelona). The Arts Saluting Immor¬ tality. 95. Ah^arez Dumont, Cesar (Madrid). Episode of the War of Independence, 1808 . 96. Brugada y Panizo, Luis (Barcelona). Lost! 97. Planeila y Rodriguez, Juan (Barcelona). The Little Weaver. 98. Esteban y Vivero, Enrique (Madrid). Flying Artillery. 99. Villegas Brieva, Manuel (Madrid). Memories. 100. Porro, Angel (Habana). Landscape in Calabazar. 101. Beruete, Aureliano de (Madrid). The Guadarrama Mountains, from Madrid. 102. Firado, F. (Seville) An Audalusian Singer. 103. Tapiro, Jose. A Moorish Wedding Dance. 104. Munoz-Degrain, Antonio (Valencia). The Lovers of Teruel. Lent by the Musdo de Pintura y Escultura, Madrid. 105. Dapousa Bengoechea, Niceto (Madrid). Birds. 106. Dapousa Bengoechea, Niceto (Madrid). Flowers. 107. Ferrer, Antonio de (Barcelona). Leaving Church. 108. Reyna, Antonio. San Trovaso, Venice. 109. Rusifiol, Santiago (Barcelona). Garden in Winter. no. Hidalgo, Felix Resurreccion (Paris). Farewell to the Sun. in. Hidalgo, Felix Resurreccion (Paris). Twilight. 112. Herrer, Cesar (Madrid). Study of Ships. 113. Garnelo, Jose (Madrid). The First Homage Paid to Columbus in the New World. NORTH WALL. 114. Garnelo, Jose (Madrid). Suicide for Love. 115. Texidor y Torres, Modesto. Unlucky, SPAIN—OIL PAINTINGS. 439 116. Trias y Giro, f ederico (Barcelona). Under Tutelage. 117. Barbara y Balza, Joaquin (Madrid). The Last Farewell. 118. Vega y Marrugal, Jose de la (Seville). Grapes. 119. Vega y Marrugal, Jose de la (Seville). Grapes. 120. Maureta y Aracil, Gabriel (Madrid). Mary Stuart Just Before the Execution. GALLERY 22-OIL PAINTINGS. NUMBERS 121 TO 178, INCLUSIVE. WEST WALL. BEGINNING AT THE NORTH SIDE OF THE ENTRANCE FROM GALLERY 23. 121. Pena y Munoz, Maximino (Madrid). A Dainty Mouthful. 122. Casas, Ramon (Barcelona). Looking over Books. 123. Jimenez Aranda, Luis (Paris). A Hospital Ward. Visit of the Chief Physician. 124. Jimenez Aranda, Luis (Paris). The Cloth Market in the Temple, Paris. 125. Pena y Munoz, Maximino (Madrid). Art in the Country. 126. Sorolla, Joaquin (Madrid). Another Marguerite. 127. Checa y Delicado, Felipe (Badajoz). Making Use of an Opportunity 128. Frances y Arribas, Fernanda (Madrid). Field Flowers. 129. Frances y Arribas, Fernanda (Madrid). Crabs. 130. Cutanda, Vicente (Madrid). A Strike in Vizcaya. 131. Alvarez, Luis (Barcelona). The Visit. 132. Gonzaivo Perez, Pablo (Madrid). St. Mark’s, Venice. 133. Aranjo Ruano, Joaquin (Madrid). Mouth of the Vigo. 134. Rusinol, Santiago (Barcelona). Pawnbroker’s Shop. 135. Gaiofre Oiler, Francisco (Barcelona). A Public Whipping, in Barcelona in the Middle of the Seventeenth Century. 136. Rusinol, Santiago (Barcelona). Gardens at Montmartre. 137. Araujo Ruano, Joaquin (Madrid). Fish Market on Vigo. 138. Araujo Ruano Joaquin (Madrid). “Who is to Pay? ” NORTH WALL. 139. Casas, Ramon (Barcelona). Erik-Satie. 140. Madrazo y Garreta, Ricardo de. The Bathing Hour. 141. Martinez y Altes, Gabriel (Barcelona). Tavern, Sixteenth Century. 142. Frances y Pascual, Placido (Madrid). In the Garden. 440 WORLD’S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP*T K—FINE ARTS. 143. Arpa y Perea, Jose (Seville). A Peasant Girl. 144. Rusinol, Santiago (Barcelona). Cemetery of Montmartre. 145. Soroila, Joaquin (Madrid). The Watchman. 146. Andrade, Angel (Cindad Real). An Anniversary. Lent by the Museo Nacional de Pintura y Escultura (Madrid.) 147. Baixas Carreter, Juan (Barcelona). Contemplation. 148. Abades-Martinez, Juan (Madrid). Breaking Waves. 149. Maura y Montaner, Francisco (Madrid). Alcala Street, Madrid, after the Bull Fight. 150. Lopez Cabrera, Ricardo (Seville). The Spinner. 151. Aguado y Guerra, Jose (Madrid). A Stable. 152. Campuzano, Tomas (Madrid). The Cantabrian Coast. 153. Lopez Cabrera, Ricardo (Seville). Daphnis and Chloe. 154. Diez Francis, Jose (Barcelona). Early Dawn. 155. Arnedo, Jorge de (Seville). The Rest at the Spring. 156. Lhardy, Augustin (Madrid). Landscape. EAST WALL. 157. Texidor y Torres (Modesto). The Little Sailors. 158. Beruete, Aureliano de (Madrid). The Heights of Fuenfria. 159. Beruete, Aureliano de (Madrid). Landscape at Torrelodones. 160. Jimenez Aranda, Jose (Madrid). The Saint’s Sweets. 161. Jimenez y Aranda, Josd (Madrid). Who is Being Fooled.' 162. Carboreno Moreno, Jose. Conversion of the Duke of Candia. 163. Lafita y Blanco, Josd (Seville). Banks of the Guadalete. 164. Jimenez Aranda, Jose (Madrid). An Accident in the Bull Ring. 163. Jimenez Aranda, Jose (Madrid). On the Terrace. i 6 g. Sorollo, Joaquin (Madrid). In a Group. 1^7. Sorollo, Joaquin (Madrid). Relics. 168. Sorollo, Joaquin (Madrid). Flower Girls. 169. Gessa y Arias, Sebastian (Madrid). Autumn Fruits. 170. Gessa y Arias, Sebastian (Madrid). Spring Flowers and Fruit. 171. Jimenez Aranda, Luis (Paris). “For a Good Boy.” 172. Simonet, Enrique, Malaga. Flevit Super Illam. 173. Gonzalvo Perez, Pablo (Madrid). Chapel of St. Isidoro, St. Mark’s, Venice. 174. Bermudo Matios, Jose (Madrid). The Cafe Thief. 175. Urgell y Xnglada, Modesto (Barcelona). “Be Still.” 176. Vayreda y Vila, Mariano (Barcelona). Repose. 177. Jaraba Jimenez, Manuel Enrique (Malaga). Study of a Figure. SOUTH WALL—NO. 160 . 178. Rosales, Eduardo (Madrid). Isabella the Catholic Dictating Her Will. Lent by the Museo Nacional de Pintura y Escultura, Madrid. Spain—Oil paintings. 441 GALLERY 21 -OIL PAINTINGS. NUMBERS 179 TO 219, INCLUSIVE. WEST WALL. BEGINNING AT NORTH SIDE OF ENTRANCE FROM GALLERY 22. 179. Pinos y Pala, Juan, Barcelona. Shepherd. 180. Santa Maria Sedano, Marceliano (Burgos). The Triumph of the Holy Cross. EAST WALL. 181. Riquer y Inglada, Alejandro de (Barcelona). The Divine Shepherd. 182. Rosales, Eduardo (Madrid). Study of an Italian Peasant. 183. Texidor y Torres (Modesto). Melancholy. 184. Menocal, Armando (Habana). Embarcation of Columbus, by order of Boabdilla. 185. Riquer y Inglada Alejandrode (Barcelona). The Duck Tender. 186. Maurita y Arcie, Gabriel (Madrid). Twilight. 187. Barrau, Laureano (Barcelona). Peasant and Women. 188. Ramirez Ibanez, Manuel (Madrid). Suburbs of Madrid. 189. Comba y Garcia, Juan (Madrid). Artillery Passing. 190. Ramirez y Ibanez, Manuel (Madrid). In the Garden. 191. Rosales, E. (Madrid) Study of Landscape. 192. Garnelo, Eloisa (Madrid). Mountain Vintagers. 193. Olaria, J. (Madrid) A Jolly Time. EAST WALL. 194. Utrillo y Viadera, Antonio (Barcelona). Carmen, 195. Arroyo Fernandez, Rafael (Madrid). Andalusian Dancer. 196. Loubere, Juan (Malaga). Study from the Nude. 197. Villalobos y Diaz, Manuel (Seville). Head of an Andalusian Woman. 198. Madrazo y Garreta, Ricardo de (Paris, France). Consuelo. 199. Turina, Joaquin (Seville). Seville. 200. Alcayde y Montoyo, Julia (Madrid). The Great Square. 201. Dominguez, M. (Madrid) Venetian Terrace. 202. Triado y Mayol, Jose (Barcelona). Coast of Ampurdan. 203. Rusiflol, Santiago (Barcelona). An Old Woman. 204. Moragas y Torras, Tomas (Barcelona). Morocco Caravan Resting. 205. Dominguez, M. (Madrid) A Royal Ball. 206. Bermudo Mateos, Jose (Madrid). In Guinoi. 207. Camoyans, G. Flowers. 208. Diez Frances, Josd (Barcelona). Ruined Houses. SOUTH WALL. 209. Clemente y Peru, Salvador (Seville). The Summer Swallows Will Return. 442 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP'T K—FINE ARTS. 210. Garcia Prieto, Andres (Santander).’ The Tarantella. 211. Robles y Martinez, Jose (Oviedo). Florinda. 212. Robles y Martinez, Jos<§ (Oviedo). Sunday in a Village. 213. Parlade y Heredia, Andres (Seville). The Treaty of Caspe. 214. Crespo Villanueva, Manuel (Madrid). Entrance to the House in Which Columbus Died. 215. Pefia y Muftoz, Maximino (Madrid). In Labor’s Field. 216. Laforet, Eduardo (Castellon de la Plana). Interior of the Cathedral of Toledo. 217. Lafita y Blanco, Josd (Seville). Pier of the Port of Santa Maria. 218. Garcia Prieto, Andres (Santander). One Angel More. 219. Gonzalvo Perez, Pablo (Madrid). The Arabian New Tower, Saragossa. SOUTH COURT. WEST WALL-OIL PAINTINGS. NUMBERS 220 TO 230, INCLUSIVE. BEGINNING AT THE NORTH SIDE OF THE ENTRANCE TO THE RUSSIAN SECTION 220. Roig y Soler, Juan (Barcelona), Beach at Sitges. 221. Tolosa-Alsina, Aurelio (Barcelona). A Moorish Story. 222. Ferran, Luis (Madrid). May Day in Madrid. 223. Arpa y Perea, Jos6 (Seville). Port of Seville. 224. Arpa y Perea, Josd (Seville). Landscape. 225. Santa Maria Sedano Marceliano (Burgos). Preparing the Mass. 226. Garcia Prieto, Andres (Santander). Portico of Ducal Palace, Venice. 227. Ferran, Luis (Madrid). The Palace Gate on Reception Day. 228. Tolosa-Alsina, Aurelio (Barcelona). The Cock Fight. 229. Vivo Tarin, Eugenio (Valencia). A Cosy Nest. 230. Ortiz Gamundi, Jose (Valencia). Landscape near Valencia. SPAIN—OIL PAINTINGS, WATER COLORS, DRAWINGS, ETC. 443 GROUPS 140 to 144. OIL PAINTINGS, WATER COLORS, PASTELS, DRAWINGS, ETCHINGS, ENGRAVINGS, ETC. WEST COURT. NUMBERS 231 TO 319, INCLUSIVE. ALCOVE 96. 231. Rios, Ricardo de los (Madrid). Prayer. (Etching after the painting by Charles Sprague Pearce.) 232. Tapiro, Jose (Tangiers). Bandits of the Sus. (Water color.) 233. Pando, Jose de (Seville) The Gardener. (Pastel.) 234. Garcia Prieto, Andres (Santander). The Ginaleca Canal, Venice. (Oil painting.) 2 35 * Gonzaleo Sevillano, Antonio (Seville). The First Kiss. (Oil painting.) 236. Flores, Eduardo (Madrid). Landscape (Water color.) 237. Flores, Eduardo (Madrid). Landscape. (Water color.) 238. Flores, Eduardo (Madrid). Landscape. (Water color.) 239. " Rios, Ricardo de los (Madrid). Portrait of Columbus. (Etching.) 240. Rios, Ricardo de los (Madrid). Portrait of Garibaldi. (Etching.) 241. Tapiro, Jose (Tangiers). Moorish Bride. (Water color.) 242. Rios, Ricardo de los (Madrid). Prelude. (After C. S. Pearce.) (Etching.) 243. Tapiro, Jose (Tangiers). A Moorish Cafe. (Water color.) 244. Tapiro, Jose (Tangiers). A Moorish Bridegroom. (Water color.) 245. Palliser, J. L. (Province of Barcelona) A Drawing for Illustration. (Black and white.) 246. Rios, Ricardo de los (Madrid). Potatoes. (After Lerolle.) (Etching.) 247. Comba y Garcia, Juan (Madrid). The Arenas Pier — Bilbao. (Pastel.) 248. Aguirre y Rodriguez, Miguel (Madrid). Monaguillo. (Water color.) 249. Florez, Eduardo (Madrid). Don Quixote and the Sheep. (Water color.) 250. Gonzalez Sevillano, Antonio (Seville). Fair Time. (Oil painting.) 251. Florez, Eduardo (Madrid). Landscape. (Water color.) 252. Pando, Jose de (Seville). The Bath. (Pastel.) 253. Araujo-Ruano, Joaquin (Madrid). Vandyke and the Marquis of Bristol. (Etching after Vandyke.) 254. Quinones, Arthuro (Habana). Crayon Portrait. 255. Tapiro, J. (Tangiers) Moorish Saint. (Water color.) 256. Rios, Ricardo de los (Madrid). Reaper. (Etching after Lerolle.) 257. Checa y Delicado, Felipe (Badajoz). Flowers. (Oil painting.) 444 world’s COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP’T K—FINE ARTS. 258. Sans y Corbella, Tomas (Barcelona). The Norman Coast. (Oil paint¬ ing.) 259. Araujo-Ruano, Joaquin (Madrid). Portrait of Prince Baltasar Carlos. (After Velasquez.) (Etching.) 260. Rios, Ricardo de los (Madrid). Water Bearer. (Etching after C. S. Pearce.) 261. Pando, Joseph de (Seville). Good to Another. (Pastel.) 262. Pellicer, J. L. (Gracia) Book Illustrations. (Pen and ink.) 263. Rios, Ricardo de los (Madrid). Curiosity. (Etching after Pasini.) 264. Rios, Ricardo de los (Madrid). Fisher Girl. (Etching after C. S. Pearce.) 265. Florez, Eduardo (Madrid). Landscape. (Water color.) 266. Sans y Corbella, Tomas (Barcelona). The Catalanian Coast. (Oil paint¬ ing. 267. Garcia Prieto, Andres (Santander). War News. (Oil painting.) 268. Anaya y Leon, Francisco (Seville). Street in Granada. (Oil painting.) 269. Garcia Prieto, Andres (Santander). Ducal Palace, Venice. (Oil paint¬ ing-) 270. Tornia, Julio (Tangiers). Reading the Koran. (Oil painting.) 271. Garcia Hispaleto, Manuel (Madrid). The Belle with the White Man¬ tilla. (Oil painting.) 272. Bermudo Mateos, Jose (Madrid). Under the Awning. (Oil painting.) 273. Fierros y Alvarez, Dionisio (Oviedo). A Roman Boy. (Oil painting.) 274. Fierros y Alvarez, Dionisio (Oviedo). The Timid Girl. (Oil painting.) 275. Gartner, Jose (Malaga). The Invincible. Wreck of the Spanish Ar¬ mada. (Oil painting.) 276. Gari Torrent, Onofre (Madrid). Fishers Casting Nets. (Oil painting.) 277. Fierros y Alvarez, Dionisio (Oviedo). Marine, near Cantabria. (Oil painting.) 278. Gomez-Salvador, Constantino (Valencia). View of Pardo, Madrid. (Oil painting.) 279. Garcia Hispaleto, Manuel (Madrid). A Moorish Woman. (Water color.) 280. Alarcon, Julia (Madrid). Flowers. (Oil painting.) ALCOVE 97 . 281. Gasch y Blanch, Luis (Valencia). An Idyl. (Oil painting.) 282. Maura y Montaner, Francisco (Madrid). View of Palma de Mallorca. (Oil painting.) 283. Guillen, Pedemonte (Madrid). The Last Blessing. (Oil painting.) 284. Turina, Joaquin (Seville). Return of Columbus to Palos. (Oil painting.) 285. Grante Tejada, Luis (Malaga). Flowers. (Oil painting.) 286. Porro, Angel (Havana, Cuba). A Ceiba Tree. (Oil painting.) 287. Vila Prades, Julio (Valencia). Grave Diggers. (A Spanish Bull Fight (Oil painting.) 288. Gomez Salvador, Constantino (Valencia). The Flower Girls. (Oil painting.) 289. Castelucho, A. y C. (Barcelona) Rest. (Oil Painting. 290. Lopez Cabrera, Ricardo (Seville). Grandpa’s Story. (Oil painting.) SPAIN—OIL PAINTINGS. WATER COLORS, DRAWINGS, ETC. 445 291. Garcia Prieto, Andres (Santander). The Grand Canal, Venice. (Oil painting.) 292. Alarcon, Julia (Madrid). A Peasant Girl from Valencia. (Oil paint¬ ing.) 293. Martinez y Altes, Gabriel (Barcelona). Tavern, Sixteenth Century. (Oil painting.) 294. Checa y Delicado, Felipe (Badajoz). Flowers and Fruit. (Oil paint¬ ing.) 295. Martinez y Altes, Gabriel (Barcelona). Monks Redeeming Prisoners in Tangiers, 1500 . (Oil painting.) 296. Piera, Francisco (Havana, Cuba). Crayon Portrait. 297. Rios, Ricardo de los (Madrid). The Minister’s Friends. (Etching after D. Ridgway Knight.) 298. Piera, Francisco (Havana, Cuba). Crayon Portrait. 299. Pellica, J. L. Book Illustrations. (Pen and ink.) 300. Pellica, J. L. Book Illustrations. (Pen and ink.) 301. Gonzalez-Sevillano, Antonio (Seville). The Hall of Ambassadors. (Oil painting.) 302. Martinez y Altes, Gabriel (Barcelona). Gamblers, Sixteenth Century. (Oil painting.) 303. Piera, Francisco (Havana, Cuba). Crayon Portrait. 304. Tolosa, Alsina Aurelio (Barcelona). Flowers. (Oil painting.) 305. Porro, Angel (Havana, Cuba). Field of Labor. (Oil painting.) 306. Vilar Torres, Jose (Valencia). Autumn Twilight. (Oil painting.) 307. Lopez-Cabrera, Ricardo (Seville). The Lazy Corner. (Oil painting.) 308. Garcia, Camoyano Fernando (Seville). A Lullaby. (Oil painting.) 309. Roig y Soler, Juan (Barcelona). Beach at Blanes. (Oil painting.) 310. Barraie, Laureano (Barcelona). A Procession. (Oil painting.) 311. Buxo y Tresangels, Luis (Barcelona). Court of the Geese, Cathedral of Barcelona. (Oil painting.) 312. Porro, Anad (Havana, Cuba). Noon on the Lake. (Oil painting.) 313. Villar-Torres, Jose (Valencia). The Mill. (Oil painting.) 314. Criado y Vaca, M. (Madrid) Landscape. (Oil painting.) 315. Jaraba Jimenez, Manuel Enrique (Malaga). Marine. (Oil painting.) 316. Araujo Ruano, Joaquin (Madrid). A Head. Etching after Rembrandt’s “Syndics.” (On pedestal.) 317. Aurajo Ruano, Joaquin (Madrid). Philip IV’s Fool. (Etching after Velasquez.) (On pedestal.) 318. Xumetra y Ragull, Fernando (Barcelona). The Liberal Arts. (Screen with four panels. Painted in oil.) 319. Ottero y Colomines (Havana, Cuba). Pen and Ink Portrait of Mrs. President Cleveland. 446 WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP't K—FINE ARTS. GROUPS 140,141, 142,143,144 and 145, OIL PAINTINGS, WATER COLORS, DRAWINGS, PASTELS, ETCHINGS, ENGRAVINGS, ARCHITECTURE, ETC. IN THE SPANISH GOVERNMENT BUILDING, ON THE LAKE FRONT. NUMBERS 320 TO 411, INCLUSIVE. 320. Aldana Montes, Francisco (Madrid). Landscape. 321. Algarra y Hurtado, Cosme (Madrid). San Francisco de Asis. 322. Anaya y Leon, Francisco (Seville). The Drama of Montiel. 323. Anaya y Leon, Francisco (Seville). Souvenir of Seville. 324. Arpa y Perea, Jose (Seville). Pompey’s Funeral. 325. Brockmann y Llanos, Elisa (Madrid). A Procession in the Cloisters of San Juan de los Reyes, Toledo. 326. Castelucho, A. y C. (Barcelona) A Portrait. 327. Checa y Delicado, Felipe (Badajoz). “I Have Had Enough; it Stings.” 328. Clemente y Peru, Salvador (Seville). Under the Vine. 329. Clemente y Peru, Salvador (Seville). Flowers. 330. Fernandez Gil, Federico (Malaga). Bay of Malaga. 331. Ferrer, Antonio de (Barcelona). Interior of a Catalan Farmhouse. 332. Ferrer, Antonio de (Barcelona). The Pilgrim. 333. Ferrer, Antonio de (Barcelona). Catalan Girl a Hundred Years Ago. 334. Ferrer Calatayud, Pedro (Madrid). Wrecks; a Stormy Day in the Levant. 335 - Galdacano y Avellaneda, Antonio de (Barcelona). “Here he Comes.” (Sdene in bull fight.) 336. Galvez, Mariano Miguel (Zaragoza). Right Bank of the Ebro, in Sara¬ gossa. 337. Garcia Prieto, Andres (Santander). Landscape, Picos de Europa. 338. Garcia Prieto, Andres (Santander). Landscape. 339. Garcia Prieto, Andres (Santander). The Campagna, Rome. 340. Garcia Tome, Balbina (Seville). A Florist. 341. Garcia Tome, Balbina (Seville). A Tradeswoman. 342. Garcia Tome, Balbina (Seville). Preparing for a Festival, spain—oil paintings, water colors, drawings etc. 447 343. 344- 345- 346 . 347- 348 . 349- 350 . 35i- 352 . 353- 354- 355- 356 . 357- 358. 359- 360. 361. 362. 363- 364- 365. 369. 3^7- 368. 360. 370- 371 - 372 . 373- 374- 375- 376 . 377- 378. 379- 380. 381. 382. 383. 384- Arab Festival. Don Miguel de Manara, Founder Garneo, Elosia (Madrid). Mountain Vintagers. Gartner, Josd (Malaga). Port of Malaga. •« Genoves Bernal, Eulogio (Malaga). Changing the Course. An inci¬ dent in the discovery of America. Gonzalez Sevillano, Antonio (Seville). Gonzalez Sevillano, Antonio (Seville). of La Caridad (Charity) in Seville. Gonzalez Simancas, Manuel (Barcelona). A Flank Attack. Gonzalez Simancas, Manuel (Barcelona). After the Battle. Jaspe, Juan Nepomuceno (Corunna). Near Rome. Jaspe, Juan Nepomuceno (Corunna). The Road up to Panticosta. Jimenez Aranda, Josd (Madrid). A Game of Chess. Lopez Cantero, Manuel (Seville). Hall of Ambassadors, the Alcazar, Seville. Lopez Cantero, Manuel (Seville). Court of Figures, Alcazar, Seville. Loubere, Juan (Malaga). Andalusian Peasants. Marcon y Carcel, Julia (Valencia). Peasant Woman of Valencia. Flowers. Maria (Madrid). The Seamstress’ Marcon y Carcel, Julia (Valencia). Marquez y Hernandez, Joaquin Room. Munoz, Lucena Tomas (Madrid). Munoz, Lucena Tomas (Madrid). Palm Sunday. Garden of the Escurial. Coaching Station in Granada. Martinez-Abades, Juan (Madrid). Burial of the Pilot. Pacheco y Fuente, Ricardo (Santander). “Well?” Pacheco y Fuente, Ricardo (Santander). Study of a Head. Pirala, Maria (Madrid). Sea Fish. Pirala, Maria (Madrid). Autumn Flowers. Primelles, Angel (Habana). Port of Habana in a Storm. Primelles, Angel (Habana). Dawn on the Beach of San Lazaro. Ramirez e Ibanez, Manuel (Madrid). Suburbs of Madrid. Rodriguez de Rivera, Maria (Madrid). Grapes and Peaches. Rodriguez de Rivera, Maria (Madrid). Pansies and Pelargonios. Ruiz Luna, Justo (Cadiz). October 12 , 1492 . Sanchez Cuello, Alonzo (Madrid). Hernando Cortes. Sans y Castano, Francisco (Barcelona). A Clown. Triado y Mayol, Jose (Barcelona). Interior of a Catalan House. Villegas Brieva, Manuel (Madrid). The Washing Place at Montecellio. Villegas Brieva, Manuel (Madrid). War. Castelucho, A. y C. (Barcelona) Office in a Palace. Castelucho, A. y C. (Barcelona) Bath-room, Moorish Style. Castelucho, A. y C. (Barcelona) Bed-room, Modern. Castelucho, A. y C. (Barcelona) Vestibule for a Court House, Renais- Houghton, Carrie (Madrid). Columbus Before the Catholic Kings. (Water color on kid.) (Fragment of the painting by Jover.) Alzamora, Federico (Habana). “Minerva.” (Enamel.) Rebollo, Emilia (Malaga). Decorative Painting by a Special Process. 44 $ world's COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP'T K—PINE AR 1 S. 385. Rieusset, Francisco (Barcelona). Samples of Etchings and Engravings on Steel and Copper. 386. Rieusset, Francisco (Barcelona). Samples of Etchings and Engravings on Steel and Copper. 387. Colomines y Calvet, Enrique (Habana). Pen and Ink Portrait of Artist. 388. Pasco, Jose (Barcelona). Designs for a Phototype and Chromo Litho¬ graphic Calendar. 389. Quinones, Arthuro (Habana). Crayon Portrait. 390. Fernandez de Robles, Maximo (Madrid). The Holy Family. (Carved in ivory.) 391. Zoido, Antonio (Badajoz). Bridge over the Albarragena. (Picture carved in black marble.) 392. Alonso, Arsenio (Leon). Designs for a Trimphal Arch. (Four draw¬ ings.) 393. Amador de los Rios, Ramiro (Madrid). Temple of Florus in Egypt. (Three drawings.) 394. Amador de los Rios, Ramiro (Madrid). Temple of Antoninus and Fausta, Rome. (Six drawings.) 395. Dalet, Domingo (Barcelona). Designs for Decoration of Theatre of the Lyceum, Barcelona. 396. Dalet, Domingo (Barcelona). Printing House of N. Ramirez & Co., Barcelona. 398. Dalet, Domingo (Barcelona). Hot Baths of La Garriga. 398. Dalet, Domingo (Barcelona). Villa Planas in Sardonola. 399. Dalet, Domingo (Barcelona). Vault of the Vilumara Family. 400. Garcia y Cabrera, Vicente y Herraiz, Pascual (Madrid). Designs for a Provincial Legislative Building at Vizcaya. (Ten drawings.) 401. Iturralde, Antonio de (Valladolid). Design for a Hospital. 402. Iturralde, Antonio de (Valladolid). Design for a Provincial Legislative Building. 403. Junta gestora del Mausoles, de los Bomberos (Habana). Plan of the Monument and Descriptive Pamphlet. (Zapata, Architect; Querol, Sculptor.) 403. Pavia y Birmingham, Joaquin (Rome). Restoration of th$ Temple of Vesta, Roman Forum. (Nine drawings.) 405. Repulles, Enrique Maria (Madrid). Designs for the Royal Basilica de Atocha, Madrid. (Fifteen drawings.) 406. Salas, Ramon (Tarragona). Church of St. Peter, Tarragona. 407. Salas, Ramon (Tarragona). Monument to Admiral Roger de Lauria. 408. Salas, Ramon (Tarragona). Bull Ring. 409. Torre, Felix de la (Madrid). Design for Manicomio de Valencia. (Twenty-three drawings.) 410. Villar, Francisco del (Barcelona). Design for a Great Circus. (Three drawings.) 411. Zapata, Julio M. (Madrid) Design for a Provincial Legislative Build¬ ing. (Six drawings.) ANDERS L. ZORN. V SWEDEN Royal Commissioner, ARTUR LEFFLER, Swedish Pavilion, Jackson Park. Special Commissioner of Fine Arts, ANDERS L. ZORN, Swedish Pavilion, Jackson Park. For information regarding exhibits for sale apply to MR. JOHN HAMMAR, in Gallery 69 . 44 iJ 450 WORLD’S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEp’t K—FINE ARTS. SWEDEN. THE NUMBERS TO WHICH THIS CATALOGUE REFERS ARE PRINTED IN RED. MANY OF THESE WORKS ARE FOR SALE. PRICES WILL BE GIVEN ON APPLICATION TO MR. JOHN HAMMAR, AT THE DESK IN GALLERY 69. Group 139-Sculpture. WEST COURT—CENTRAL PAVILION. NEAR WEST ENTRANCE. NUMBERS 1 TO 6, INCLUSIVE. 1. Hasselberg, Per. (Stockholm) The Snowdrop. (Plaster statue.) 2. Hasselberg, Per. (Stockholm) The Frog. (Plaster statue.) 3. Eriksson, Christian (Paris); Carl von LinnG (Plaster relief.) Bought by Mr. Peterson Rosehill and presented to the Chicago Art Institute. 4. Borjesson, John Prof. (Stockholm) The Brothers. 5. Nystrom, Alf. (Stockholm) The Lion of Gothia. (Plaster.) 6. Akerman, W. (Paris) Madonna. GALLERY 68—WEST PAVILION. 7. Eriksson, Christian (Paris). “ 1779 .” (Marble.) 8. Hasselberg, Per. (Stockholm) Portrait of P. Furstenberg. (Bronze statuette.) Lent by Mrs. Furstenberg, Gothenburg. 9. Eriksson, Christian (Paris). Blindman’s Buff. (Bronze vase.) GALLERY 69 . 10. Wallgren, Antoinette (Paris). Bretonne. (Plaster statuette.) 11. Akerman, W. (Paris) “Sensitiva.” (Plaster statue.) 12. Matton, Ida (Paris). “Mama.” (Marble statue.) GALLERY 70 . 13. Hasselberg, Per (Stockholm). Prince Eugen. (Bronze bust.) Lent by Her Majesty, the Queen of Sweden. 14. Zorn, And. L. (Paris) Statuette of the Artist’s Grandmother. (Wood.) 15. Hasselberg, Per. (Stockholm) The Water Lily. (Plaster statue.) SWEDEN—SCULPTURE. 451 16. Hasselberg, Per. (Stockholm) Olof Wijk. (Bronze statuette.) Lent by Mr. Olaf Wijk, Gothenburg. SCULPTURE IN THE SWEDISH GOVERNMENT BUILDING. 17. Lundberg, Prof. Th. (Stockholm) Relief for the Decoration of a Mantel Piece. 18. Soderman, N. Aug. (Stockholm) John Ericsson. (Plaster statuette.) 19. Hasselberg, Per. (Stockholm) Portrait of Louis de Geer. (Plaster bust.) Group 140-Oil Paintings. GALLERY 68—NUMBERS 20 TO 49, INCLUSIVE. EAST WALL. BEGINNING AT THE NORTH SIDE OF THE ENTRANCE FROM GALLERY 67 . 20. Thdrne, Alf. (Stockholm) Oats Harvest. 21. Bjork, O. (Stockholm) Interior of a Cow-House. Lent by the National Gallery, Stockholm. 22. Bergh, R. (Stockholm) Portrait of Miss E. B. 23 Wallander, Alf. (Stockholm) Coffee Party Sixty Years Ago. 24. Albert, G. (Paris) French Landscape. 25. Andersson, J. A. G. (Stockholm) Winter Fishing. 26. Lindman, Ax. (Stockholm) Surf at Bagno di Tiberio. 27. Arborelius, O. (Stockholm) Hay Carting in Dalecarlia. 28. Salza, C. F. von (St. Louis). Portrait. Lent by Mrs. von Salza. 29. Arborelius, O. (Stockholm) Bridal Procession in Dalecarlia. 30. Arborelius, O. (Stockholm) Sunday Morning in Dalecarlia. SOUTH WALL. 31. Ekstrdm, P. Segerstad (Oland). Moonrise Saro. 32. Larsson, Carl (Gothenburg). “Ulf” in Sunset. 33. Larsson, Carl (Gothenburg). My Family. 34. Ekstrom, P. Segerstad (Oland). Dawning. Normandy. 35. Larsson, Carl (Gothenburg). A Swedish Fairy Tale. (The Boy who killed the Ogre, saved and married the Princess and secured half the Kingdom!) WEST WALL. 36. Schultzberg, A. (Grangarde) Evening (Picardy). 37. Schultzberg, A. (Grangarde) The Last Sunbeam. 38. Kreuger, Nils (Warberg). Winter Idyll. 39. Pauli, Hanna (Stockholm). The “Name’s-day.” 40. Pauli, G. (Stockholm) Midsummer’s Night. 41. Osterlind, Allan (Stockholm). The Orphans, 42. Pauli, G. (Stockholm) Legend. 29 452 WORLD S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP’t K—FINE ARTS. 43. Tradgardh, Carl (Paris). Going to Market. 44. Lundstrom, Ernst (Stockholm). Berzelii Park, Stockholm. 45. Lundstrom, Ernst (Stockholm). The Norrstrom, Stockholm. NORTH WALL. 46. Liljefors, Bruno (Upsala). Foxes. 47. Ekstrom, P. (Segerstad, Oland). Autumn, Oland. 48. Liljefors, Bruno (Upsala). Hawk’s Nest. Lent by Mr. P. Furstenberg, Gothenburg. 49. Liljefors, Bruno (Upsala). Wild Geese. GALLERY 69-OIL PAINTINGS. NUMBERS 50 TO 90 INCLUSIVE. EAST WALL. BEGINNING AT SOUTH SIDE OF ENTRANCE FROM GALLERY 68. 50. Thegerstrom, R. (Stockholm) Calm. 51. Hermelin, O. Baron (Osterby, Torshalla). Autumn. 52. Chadwick, E. (Stockholm) Carmencita. 53. Zorn, And. L. (Paris) Summer. Property of Mr. Charles Deering, Chicago. 54. Jungstedt, A. (Stockholm) Railroad Laborers. 55. Bonnier, Eva (Stockholm). My Housekeeper. 56. Bergh, R. (Stockholm) The Maiden and Death. Lent by Mr. G. Pauli, Stockholm. 57. Bonnier, Eva (Stockholm). Music. Property of Mr. T.Williams, New York. 58. Behm, Wilhelm (Gnesta). Winter Landscape. 59. Nordstrom, Karl (Hoga, Bohuslan). The Yellow House. Lent by the Museum of Gothenburg. 60. Wallander, Alf. (Stockholm) “ Putte.” 61. Bonnier, Eva (Stockholm). Portrait of Mr. H. L. Lent by Mr. H. Lund- bohm, Stockholm. SOUTH WALL. 62. Sparre, Emma, Baroness (Stockholm). Interior of Gripsholm’s Castle. 63. Hagborg, Aug. (Paris) Evening. 64. Wahiberg, Prof. Alf. (Paris) Night on the Swedish Coast. 65. Wahiberg, Prof. Alf. (Paris) View from the West Coast of Sweden. 66. Wahiberg, Prof. Alf. (Paris) River Landscape. (Eure.) 67. Bergh, R. (Stockholm) Landscape. Lent by Miss E. Bonnier. 68. Rosen, G. von Count, Prof. (Stockholm) Portrait of Prof. G. W. Palm, Lent by the Royal Academy, Stockholm. 69. Wahiberg, A.f., Prof. (Paris) Evening. Hallands Vadero, 70. Wahiberg, AIL, Prof. (Paris) Misty Night, Oise. 71. Wahiberg, Alf., Prof. (Paris) Morning, Oise. 72. Lindholm, B. (Gothenburg) Rocks, Scania, SWEDEN—OIL PAINTINGS. 453 73. Rosen, G. von, Prof. (Stockholm) Portrait—Count Lagerberg. Lent by the officers of the Royal Second Guard, Stockholm. WEST WALL. 74. Schultzberg, A. (Grangarde) The First Snowfall. 75. Ericsson, Joh. (Gothenburg) Moonrise. 76. Kreuger, Nils. (Warberg) Summer Evening. 77. Rosen, G. von Count Prof. (Stockholm) Portrait of Nordenskiola, the Swedish Arctic Explorer. Lent by the National Gallery, Stockholm. 78. Norrman, H. (Tranas) Autumn. 79. Kreuger, Nils. (Warberg) Street View from Warberg. 80. Ekstrbm, P. (Segerstad, Oland), Breaking up of the Ice, Oscarshamn. NORTH WALL. 81. Chadwick, E. (Stockholm) “My Boy.” 82. EkstrOm, P. (Segerstad, Oland) Landscape, Marstrand. 83. Wahlberg, Alf., Prof. (Paris) Stockholm in Moonlight. 84. Lindman, Ax. (Stockholm) Way at the Coast of Amalfi. Property of Mrs. Roland Lincoln, Boston, Mass. 85. Pauli, G. (Stockholm) Winter Morning in Stockholm. 86. BjOrck, O. (Stockholm) Portrait of Baron J. M. Nordenfalk. Lent by the Royal Academy of Liberal Arts, Stockholm. 87. Lindman, Ax. (Stockholm) Terrace in Positano. 88. EkstrGm, P. (Segerstad, Oland) December Midday Sun, Oland. 89. Hagborg, Aug. (Paris) Low Tide. 90. Hagborg, Aug. (Paris) Beggar. GALLERY 70-OIL PAINTINGS. NUMBERS 91 TO 122, INCLUSIVE. EAST WALL. BEGINNING AT SOUTH SIDE OF ENTRANCE FROM GALLERY 69 . 91. Lindholm, B. (Gothenburg). The Cattegat off Halland’s Vadero. 92. Jansson, Eng. (Stockholm) Twilight in May. 93. Kreuger, Nils. (Warberg) Evening. 94. Zorn, And. L. (Paris) Omnibus. Property of Mrs. John Gardner, Boston, Mass. 95. Albert, G. (Paris) French Landscape. 96. Kreuger, Nils. (Warberg) Evening. 97. Hagborg, Aug. (Paris) “Bijou and Honore.” 98. H. R. H. Prince Eugen of Sweden and Norway. A Summer Day. SOUTH WALL. 99. H. R. H. Prince Eugen of Sweden and Norway. The Forest. 100. H.R. H. Prince Eugen of Sweden and Norway. The Temple. 454 world's COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP'T K—FINE ARTS. xoi. H. R. H. Prince Eugen of Sweden and Norway. An Autumn Day. 102. Lindman, Ax. (Stockholm) Naples, Riviera di Chiaia. 103. Wallander, Alf. (Stockholm) Evening Sun. 104. Tradgardh, Carl (Paris)., Cow Herd. 105. Zorn, And. L. A Toast in “Idun” (An Art Club in Stockholm). 106. Nordstrom, Karl (Hoga, Bohuslan). Winter Landscape. 107. Nordstrom, Karl (Hoga, Bohuslan). Night. WEST WALL. 108. Westman, Edw. (Stockholm) Haymaking in Normandy. 109. Liljefors, Bruno (Upsala). Night. Property of Mrs. Marianne Wright, Philadelphia, Pa. no. Zorn, And. L. (Paris) A Forest Study. Property of Mr. Charles T. Yerkes, Chicago. in. Zorn, And. L. (Paris) Ball. 112. Zorn, And. L. (Paris) Sunset. Property of Mr. Charles T. Yerkes, Chicago. 113. Westman, Edw. (Stockholm) Spring Evening. 114. Liljefors, Bruno (Upsala). Grouse Shooting. Lent by Prince Carl, of Sweden. NORTH WALL. 115. Schulzenheim, Ida von (Stockholm). Greyhounds. 116. Zorn, And. L. (Paris) “Margrit.” Lent by M. Faure, Paris. 117. Nordstrom, Karl (Hoga, Bohuslan). Twilight. Lent by Prince Carl of Sweden. 118. Bredberg, Mina (Stockholm). Portrait of a Russian Artist. 119. Zorn, And. L. (Paris) Fair in Mora, Sweden. 120. Pauli, Hanna (Stockholm). Portrait—Vennie S. X2X. Nordstrom, Karl (Hoga, Bohuslan). In Winter Harbor. 122. Pauli, Hanna (Stockholm). Portrait—K. Nordstrom, the Artist. GROUPS 140, 141, 143 and 144. OIL PAINTINGS, WATER COLORS, PASTELS, ETCHINGS, ETC. UPPER GALLERY—WEST END OF WEST COURT. NUMBERS 123 TO 178, INCLUSIVE. ALCOVE 156 —ON THE NORTH WALL (OR PARTITION). 123. Chadwick, E. (Stockholm) Rainbow. (Oil painting.) 124. Wahlstrom, Charlotte (Stockholm). Moonrise. (Oil painting.) 125. Keyser, Elisabeth (Stockholm). Peasant Woman from Normandy. (Oil painting.) SWEDEN—OIL PAINTINGS. 455 ALCOVE 157 . 126. Jolin, Ellen (Stockholm). The Baptistery in Sienna. (Water color.) 127. Larsson, Carl (Gothenburg). Portrait—Mrs. F. (Water color.) Lent Mr. Furstenburg, Gottenburg, Sweden. 128. Jasson, Eug. (Stockholm) Venus. (Pastel.) 129. Haig, A. H. (Haslemere, Surrey, England) In Rhineland. (Etching.) 130. Haig, A. H. (Haslemere, Surrey, England) The Cathedral of Burgos. (Etching.) 131. Haig, A. H. (Haslemere, Surrey, England) Arab Students, Cairo. (Etching.) 132. Haig, A. H. (Haslemere, Surrey, England) Wisby Twilight. (Etching.) 133. Haig, A. H. (Haslemere, Surrey, England) Stockholm. (Etching.) 134. Haig, A. H. (Haslemere, Surrey, England) Towing in the Prize. (Etching.) 135. Haig, A. H. (Haslemere, Surrey, England) Arab Quarters (Cairo). (Etching.) 136. Rosen, G. von Count, Prof. (Stockholm) Six Etchings. 137. Haglund, R. (Stockholm) The German Church in Stockholm. (Etching.) 138. Boberg, F. (Stockholm) St. Catherine Church, Stockholm. (Etching.) 139. Boberg, F. (Stockholm) Church Choir (Italy). (Etching.) 140. Boberg, F. (Stockholm) Terrace (Italy). (Etching.) 141. Boberg, F. (Stockholm) Birger Jarl. (Etching.) 142. Boberg, F. (Stockholm) The Choir of San Marco (Venice). (Etching.) 143. Boberg, F. (Stockholm) Italian Porchway. (Etching.) 144. Boberg, F..(Stockholm) Italian Courtyard. (Etching.) 145. Boberg, F. (Stockholm) Italian Church. (Etching.) 146. Boberg, F. (Stockholm) Landscape. (Etching.) 147. Wallander, Alf. (Stockholm) Poulterers. (Pastel.) 148. Schulzeheim, Ida von (Stockholm). “Too Hot.” (Oil painting.) 149. Ericsson, Anna (Gothenburg). Moonrise. (Water color. ALCOVE 158 . 150. Lindman, Ax. (Stockholm) Capri with Castiglione and Monte Salaro. (Oil painting.) 151. BjOrk, O. (Stockholm) Portrait Study. (Pastel.) 152. Ericsson, Anna (Gothenburg). View from Ronneby, Sweden. (Water color.) 153. Liljefors, Bruno (Upsala). Suspicious. (Black and white.) Lent by Prince Eugen of Sweden. 154. Liljefors, Bruno (Upsala). Booty. (Black and white.) Lent by Prince Eugen of Sweden. 155. Haglund, R. (Stockholm) “KornharmV Stockholm. (Etching.) 156. Liljefors, Bruno (Upsala). Woodcocks. (Black and white.) Lent by Prince Eugen of Sweden. 157. Liljefors, Bruno (Upsala). Division. (Black and white.) Lent by Prince Eugen of Sweden. 158. Zorn, Anders L. (Paris) Mme. S. (Etching.) 159. Zorn, Anders L. (Paris) M. Faureat Home. (Etching.) 456 world’s COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP'T K—FINE ARTS. 159a. Zorn, Anders L. (Paris). Mrs. Olga B. (Etching.) 160. Zorn, Anders L. (Paris) Ball. (Etching). 161. Zorn, Anders L. (Paris) Omnibus. (Etching.) 162. Liljefors, Bruno (Upsala). “Caught.” (Black and white.) 163. Zorn, Anders L. (Paris) A Toast in “Idun” (an art club in Sweden). (Etching.) 164. Zorn, Anders L. (Paris) Professor Renan. (Etching.) 165. Zorn, Anders L. (Paris) Mrs. and Mr. Z. (Etching.) 166. Zorn, Anders L. (Paris) Pecheur. (Etching.) 167. Zorn, Anders L. (Paris) Orage. (Etching.) 168. Zorn, Anders L. (Paris) Cigarette (Mll’e. X). (Etching.) 169. Zorn, Anders L. (Paris) Gipsy. (Etching.) 170. Haglund, R. (Stockholm) The Furstenberg Art Gallery in Gothenburg. (Etching.) 171. Liljefors, Bruno (Upsala). Wild Ducks. (Black and white.) Lent by Prince Eugen of Sweden. 172. Liljefors, Bruno (Upsala). Wild Geese. (Black and white.) Lent by Prince Eugen of Sweden. 173. Liljefors, Bruno (Upsala). Elks. (Black and white.) Lent by Prince Eugen of Sweden. 174. Liljefors, Bruno (Upsala). Woodcocks. (Black and white.) Lent by Prince Eugen of Sweden. 175. Boberg, Anna (Stockholm). View from Menaggio. (Water color.) 176. Larsson, Carl (Gothenburg). Interior of Dalecartian Cottage, Winter Time. (Water color.) Lent by Mr. Vulb von Steyern, Stockholm. 177. Boberg, Anna (Stockholm). Venice. (Water color.) 178. Boberg, Anna (Stockholm). Gondolas. (Water color IN THE SWEDISH GOVERNMENT BUILDING. (near the fisheries building.; NUMBERS 179 TO 214, INCLUSIVE. 179. Rosenberg, Edw. (Stockholm) View of Norrstrom and the Royal Palace in Stockholm. 180. Tiren, J. (Stockholm) Lapps Catching Reindeer. 181. Svensson, C. F. (Stockholm) Sailors in the Oresound. 182. Svensson, C. F. (Stockholm) View of the Entrance to Stockholm by Sea. 183. Gellerstedt, Prof. A. T. (Stockholm) Swedish Views. 184. Tir6n, J. (Stockholm) Down the Falls. 185. Tiren, J. (Stockholm) Boating. 186. Thorne, Alf. (Stockholm) Namdo in the Archipelago of Stockholm. 187. Kindborg, J. (Stockholm) Landscape, Wermland, Sweden. SWEDEN—OIL PAINTINGS. 188. Lindstrom, A. M. (Stockholm) Landscape, Westmanland, Sweden. 189. Behm, Wilhelm (Gnesta). Birch-grove, Sodermanland, Sweden. 190. Behm, Wilhelm (Gnesta). River Valley of the Indals River. 191. Genberg, A. (Stockholm) View from Are, Jemtland, Sweden. 192. Tiren, J. (Stockholm) Landscape with Lapps. 193. Liljefors, Bruno (Upsala). Fox Hunting. 194. Liljefors, Bruno (Upsala). Bear Hunting. 195. Tiren, J. (Stockholm) Laplanders. 196. Borg, A. (Stockholm) Scene from Fair in Orebro, Sweden. 197. Liljefors, Bruno (Upsala). Bird Shooting. 198. Borg, A. (Stockholm) Elkhunt. 199. Tiren, J. (Stockholm) Lapp on Snow Skates. 200. Palm, Anna (Stockholm). The Stockholm Skating Club. 201. Hermelin, T. Baron (Stockholm). Runic Monuments. 202. Hermelin, T. Baron (Stockholm). The Barrows of Upsala. 203. Genberg, A. (Stockholm) The Church of Are in Jemtland, Sweden. 204. Andersson, J. A. G. (Stockholm) Skating With Sails. 205. Genberg, A. (Stockholm) View of the Tottehummeln, Areskutan, Sweden. 206. Sparre, Emma. Rowing to Church in Dalecarlia. 207. Tiren, J. (Stockholm) The Gullo Falls, Trollhattan. 208. Kjellin, C. (Sala) Charcoal Burning in Westmanland, Sweden. 209. Kjellin, C. (Sala) Foundry in Bergslagen. 210. Kulle, J. (Stockholm) Scanian Peasant’s Cottage. 211. Thorne, Alf. (Stockholm) Trolling. 212. Andersson, J. A. G. (Stockholm) Saltwater Fishing in Winter. 213. Jungstedt, A. (Stockholm) Portrait of H. R. M. King Oscar II of Sweden and Norway. 214. Kronberg, Julius, Professor (Stockholm). Portrait of King Charles XII . : ■. VENEZUELA General Commissioners, DR. MANUEL VICENTE TOLEDO, 113 East Eighteenth Street, New York. JACINTO LOPEZ, 2244 Michigan Avenue, Chicago. Special Delegate, DR. A. ERNST, 2949 Groveland Avenue, Chicago. 459 460 world’s COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION—DEP’t K—FINE ARTS. VENEZUELA. Note. —Venezuela’s application for space in the Art Palace was received long after the expiration of the period fixed for filing such application, and when all the space .at the command of the department of Fine Arts had been assigned. The Art Exhibit of Venezuela was placed, therefore, in the Venezuela Government Building (North of the Fisheries Building.) It is considered, however, as belonging to the Department of Fine Arts, and, as such, was examined by the International Board of Judges. Groups 140 and 144-Oil Paint¬ ings, Drawings, Etc. EXHIBITED IN THE VENEZUELA GOVERNMENT BUILDING. (works are in oil except as otherwise specified.) 1. Michelina, Arturo. Penthisilea. 2. Michelina, Arturo. Portrait of General Simon Bolivar. 3. Michelina, Arturo. Charity. 4. Michelina, Arturo. The Broken Pike (Bull Fight). 5. Michelina, Arturo. The Hail Storm. 6. Michelina, Arturo. Charlotte Corday Going to the Scaffold 7. Michelina, Arturo. General Crespo and his Staff. 8. Michelina, Arturo. Venezuela Doing Homage to Columbus. 9. Michelina, Arturo. An Antiquarian in his Study. 10. Rojas, Cristobal. Purgatory. 11. Rojas, Cristobal. A French Tavern. 12. Rojas, Cristobal. The First and Last Communion. 13. Rojas, Cristobal. A Girl Reading. 14. Rojas, Cristobal. An Old Beggar. 15. Rojas, Cristobal. An Eviction. 16. Rojas, Cristobal. A Christening. 17. Toro, Herrera. A Drop of Water. 18. Toro, Herrera. Children in the Sun. 19. Toro, Herrera. Charity. 20. Toro, Herrera. Two Children. (Crayon.) 21. Maurie, E. Marguerite Coming from Church. 22. Maurie, E. Portrait of the Artist’s Wife. 23. Inciarte. Buffaloes in the Roman Pontines. 24. Ravelo, M. M. Pen and Ink. 25. Ravelo, M. M. Pen and Ink. SUMMARY OF ART EXHIBITS. 461 SUMMARY OF ART EXHIBITS. In this summary, certain groups have been consolidated—as “ Sculpture ” with “ Engraving in Medallions, Gems, Cameos, Etc.,” aud “ Painting on Ivory, on Enamel, on Porcelain, Etc.,” with Keramics ahd general decorative art work. Certain groups and classes overlap to such an extent that separation is almost impossible. Under Architecture there is included much that belongs equally to Sculpture and to Decora¬ tion ; under Carviugs, etc., much that belongs to Sculpture. COUNTRY. Sculptures, Medals, Carvings, Etc. Oil Paintings. Water Colors. Pastels Drawing Etc. Etchings, Engravings, Etc. Decorative Art Work, Etc. , Architecture. i Summary. United States. 160 1,132 220 548 634 32 308 3 , 034 (a) U. S. Loan Collection 4 122 126 Austria. 16 132 13 1 4 166 Belgium. 46 210 17 4 15 292 Brazil. 12 114 9 135 Canada. 132 64 196 Denmark. 18 158 176 F ranee. 167 473 69 44 139 147 161 1 ,200(b) France, Historic Sclpt 116 116 Germany. 113 420 80 22 59 187 881 Great Britain. 50 450 205 72 182 146 1,105 Holland... 190 109 33 332 Italy. 172 199 25 28 5 429 Italy, Ancient Sclpt.. 111 111 Japan. Not s ubject to Art depar tment Classi ficat’n 375 Mexico. 13 81 94 New South Wales.... 5 104 119 2 230 Norway. 8 126 2 1 137 Russia. 16 117 133 Society Polish Artists. 122 122 Spain. 47 232 13 13 14 ( Uncla ss’d 92 ) 411 (c) Sweden. 19 108 8 11 32 ( ii “ 36 ) 214 (d) Venezuela. 25 25 1,093 4,647 951 717 1,141 186 802 10,040 NOTES. (a) The total indicated by the last number in the U. S. section is 3 , 002 . This is increased by Decorative Art Work (examples of Rookwood pottery) not bearing Art Department numbers, though exhibited in the Art Palace. {b) This total includes 5 extra numbers marked “a.” (f) and ( d ) The “unclassed” works are works hung in the Government buildings of these countries, INDEX OF ARTISTS, 463 INDEX OF ARTISTS. THE NUMBERS GIVEN ARE THE NUMBERS OF THE WORKS CATALOGUED. To find the position of an artist’s works, note, FIRST, the COUNTRY in which he exhibits, and find the number IN THE SECTION OF THAT COUNTRY. The numerous page headings and sub-headings readily will enable anyone to locate the GALLERY and PLACE of any particular work. The plans of the Art Building (pages 6 and 7 ) will be found of great ser¬ vice to visitors to the galleries. Abades-Martinez, Juan, Spain. Oil paint¬ ing 148. Abbema, Louise, France. Oil painting 494. Abbey, E. A., United States. Oil painting 503. Water color 1495. Pen drawings 1992, 1993, 1994, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2010, 2011, 2012. Black and white drawings 1833, 1836, 1839,1840. Abesser & Kroger, Germany. Architecture 719. Abrahams, Miss A., Holland. Oil painting 71, 137. Abry, L6on, Belgium. Oil painting 130. Achen, G., Denmark. Oil painting 92. Achenbach, Prof. Osw., Germany. Oil paint¬ ing 414. Achille-Cesbron, France. Oil painting 254. Adam, Franz, Germany. Oil painting 302. Adam, Jul., Germany. Oil painting 135. Adams, H., United States. Sculpture 76,114, 116. Adams, J. M. F., Canada. Oil painting 8. Adams, Maurice B., F. R. I. B. A., Great Britain. Architecture 1049,1076, 1077 Adamson, Russia. Sculpture 5,6. Adan, Louis-Emile, France. Oil painoings. 141,173. Adler, Sullivan & Ramsey, United States. Architectural drawings 2735, 2760, 2761. Agache, Alfred-Pierre, France. Oil paintings 167, 175, 177. Agersnap. Hans, Denmark. Oil painting 111. Agrasot y Juan, Joaquin, Spain. Oil paint¬ ings 48, 49. Aguado y Guerra, Jos6, Spain. Oil painting 151. Aguirre y Rodriguez, Miguel, Spain. Water color 248. Ahrens, C., A. R. C. A., Canada. Oil paint¬ ing 6. Aikman, W. M., United States. Wood engrav¬ ings 2404, 2405, 2408, 2414, 2415, 2417 , 2418, 2429, 2430. Aitchison, Professor George, A. R. A., Great Britain. Architecture 972, 975, 990,1052, 1053, 1069, 1102. Aitken, P., United States. Wood engravings 2613, 2623, 2682. Aivazovsky, Ivan Constantinovitch, Russia. Oil paintings 22, 23, 24, 27, 30, 31,34, 35,39 49, 59, 60, 79, 83, 97, 102, 107, 120, 124, 129. Akerman, W., Sweden. Sculpture 6,11. Alarcon, Julia, Spain. Oil paintings 280, 292. Alasoni&re, Henri, France. Etching 865. Albacini, A., Italy. Sculpture 4, 500, 501, 507, 512 527 Albert, G., Sweden. Oil painting 24, 95. Alberts, J., Germany. Oil paintings 388, 389, 391. Albrecht, C., Germany. Oil painting 371. Albright, A. E., United States. Oil painting 437. Alcayde y Montoyo, Julia, Spain. Oil paint¬ ing 200. Alcerreca, Ygnacio, Mexico. Oil paintings 80, 81. Water color 85. Alchimawicz, K., Polish. Oil paintings 4, 20, 26, 67, 72. Alcoverro y Amoros, Jos6, Spain. Sculpture 3, 43. Aldana Montes, Francisco, Spain. Oil paint¬ ing 320. Aldrich, C. H., United States. Architectural drawings 2932, 2967. Alexander, C., Canada. Oil paintings 3, 81. Alexander, H., United States. Oil painting 1231. Alexander, J. W., United States. Black and white drawing 1743. Alexeieff, Russia. Oil paintings 82, 91. Algarra y Hurtado, Cosme, Spain. Oil paint¬ ing 321. Allan, Robert W., R. W. S., Great Britain. Oil paintings 436, 453. Water colors 561,597. Allan, W. R., United States. Pastels 1520, 1525, 1559, 1560. Allbon, Chas. F., A. R. P. E., Great Britain. Etchings 765, 770, 773, 776. All&gre, Raymond, France. Oil paintings 159, 418. Allen, Charles J., Great Britain. Sculpture 50. Allen, T., United States. Oil paintings 489, 738, 889, 1038. Water colors 1400, 1444, 1453. Allen, W. S., United States. Oil painting 993. Allegretti, A., Italy. Sculpture 113. Allingham, Mrs., R. W. S., Great Britain. Water color 617. Allonge, Au&uste, France. Water color 756. Charcoal drawing 720. Allston, W. (deceased), United States. Oil paintings 234, 252, 260. Almanza, Cleofas, Mexico. Oil paintings 14, 16,17, 41, 46, 57, 61. 464 INDEX OF ARTISTS. Alma-Tadema, Mies Anna, Great Britain. Oil painting 483. Water color 629. Alma-Tadema L., United States Loan col¬ lection. Oil painting 3037. Great Britain. Oil paintings 261, 319, 376. Water color 520. Alma-Tadema, Mrs. L., Great Britain. Oil paintings 277, 493, 500. Almeida, Jr., J. F. de, Brazil. Oil paintings 6 , 10 , 11 . Alonzo, Arsenic, Spain. Drawing 392. Alsina y Amils, Antonio, Spain. Sculpture 28. Alt, Rudolph, Austria. Oil paintings 127-132. Water colors 117, 119, 153, 159,161, 164, 165. Alvarez, Luis, Spain. Oil painting 131. Alvarez Dumont, Cesar, Spain. Oil painting 95. Alzamora, Federico, Spain. Enamel 383. Amador de los Rios, Ramiro, Spain. Draw¬ ings 393,394. Aman-Jean, Edmond, France. Oil painting 465,471. Americo, Pedro, Brazil. Oil painting 90. Ameseder, Eduard, Austria. Oil painting 30, 74 . Amoedo, Prof. Rodolpho, Brazil. Oil paint¬ ings 12, 17, 49, 92, 93. Amsden, W. T., United States. Oil painting 445. Amutio, Federico, Spain. Sculpture 22. Anaya y Leon, Francisco, Spain. Oil paintings 268, 322, 323. Anchor, Anna, Denmark. Oil paintings 33, 36. Ancher, Michael, Denmark. Oil paintings 55, 62, 77. Ancient Sculpture. Bronze reproductions from Pompeii and Herculaneum, Italy, 331 to 441, inclusive. Andersen-Lundby, Anders, Germany. Oil painting 503. Anderson, D. J., United States. Oil paint¬ ing 761. Anderson, R. Rowand, LL. D., Great Britain. Architecture 985, 1017, 1027, 1037, 1059, 1074, • 1086. Andersson, J. A, G., Sweden. Oil paintings 25, 204, 212. AndO, Chiutato, Japan. Oil paintings 148, 149. Andorff, Paul, Germany. Oil painting 334. Andrade, Angel, Spain. Oil painting 146. Andreoni, O., Italy. Sculpture 3-24-538. Andrews, R. D., United States. Architect¬ ural drawing 2920. Andrews, Jacques & Rantoul, United States. Architectural drawings 2875, 2915, 2920,2934. Andreotti, F., Italy. Oil painting 154. Angeli, Heinrich von, Austria. Oil paintings 84,93. Anglade, Alexandre, France. Sculpture 41. Annedouche, Alfred-Joseph, France. En¬ graving 831. Anten, Djef, Belgium. Oil painting 208. Apol, Louis Holland. Oil paintings. 1,11, 56, 117. Water colors 190, 280. Apolloni, Italy. Sculpture 1,10, 11, 12,13, 14, 15,16. Appian, Adolphe, France. Oil painting 892. Appleton, T. G., Great Britain. Mezzotints 772, 817. Lithograph 831. Aquadro, F., Italy. Oil painting 126. Araki, Kampo, Japan. Water color 51. Araujo-Ruano, Joaquin, Spain. Etchings 253, 259, 816 317. Arbo, P. N., Norway. Oil painting 101. Arborelius, O., Sweden. Oil paintings 27,29, 30. Archer, James, R. S. A., Great Britain. Oil painting 124. Ardail, Albert, France. Etchings 853, 857. Arden, Henry, Belgium. Oil painting 133. Argence, Eugene d’, France. Oil painting 154. Argenti, G„ Italy. Sculpture 23, 517. Armenise, L., Italy. Oil painting 281. Armitage, E., R. A., Great Britain. Oil paint¬ ings 140, 151. Armstrong, M., United States. Oil painting 467. Armstrong, T., Great Britain. Oil paintings 84, 457. Arnau y Masent. Antonio, Spain. Sculpture 30. Arnau y Masent, Eusebio, Spain. Sculpture 1729. Arnedo, Jorge de, Spain. Oil painting 155. Arnesen, Vilh., Denmark. Oil painting 103. Arnold, Professor Herm, Germany. Oil painting 473. Arnold, Karl, Germany. Gouache 569, 570. Arnz, Albert, Germany. Oil painting 518. Arp, Karl, Germany. Oil painting 492. Arpa y Perea, Jose, Spain. Oil paintings 143, 223, 224, 324. Arroyo Fernandez, Rafael, Spain. Oil paint¬ ings 50,195. Art, Berthe, Belgium. Pastels 284, 285. Art Association of the Rhinelands and West- falia, Germany. Copper prints 680, 681, 682, 683, 684, 686, 687. Artz, D. A. C., Deceased 1890, Holland. Oil paintings 24, 51, 55, 176. Water colors 266, 281, 290. Araujo Ruano, Joaquin, Spain. Oil paintings 133, 137, 138. Asae, RynkyO, Japan. Painting 117. Asahi, Gyokzan, Japan. Ivory 98. Asahi, Meido, Japan. Ivory 97. Ash, Percy, United States. Architectural drawings 2973, 2998. Ashlin, George C., R. H. A., Great Britain. Architecture 993, 1014,1035,1064. Ashton, J. R., New South Wales. Water color 111. Oil paintings 6,61. Asknazy, Isaac Lwovitch, Russia. Oil paint¬ ings 43, 67, 69. AsOnO, Sozabro, Japan. Lacquered box 73. Asperger, Max, Germany. Oil painting 269. Asselbergs, Alphonse, Belgium. Oil paintings 156,207. Astanifcres, Clement Comte d’, France. Sculpture 24, 26, 82, 125, 133, 135. Aston-Webb & E. Ingress Bell, Messrs., Great Britain. Architecture 1002, 1006, 1034, 1048. Astorri, E., Italy. Sculpture 5035, 27. Atkinson, W. E., Canada. Oil paintings 27,113. Attendu, Ferdinand, France. Oil painting 143. Attwood, F. G., United States. Pen drawings 1585, 1995, 1997, 1998, 2003, 2007 , 2008, 2009, 2014, 2015. AubO, Jean-Paul, France. Sculpture 50. Aubert, Ernest-Jean, France. Oil painting 296 Aublet, Albert, France. Oil paintings 168, 170, 176. Auguin, Louise-Augustin, France. Oil paint¬ ing 194, Aumonier, J., R. I., Great Britain. Water color 577. Oil painting 402. Aureli, G., Italy. Water colors 447. Axilette, Alexis, France. Oil paintings 181, 185 Babb, Cook & Willard, United States. Archi tectural drawings 2816, 2817, 2818, 2846, 2853. Photographs 2823, 2824, 2829, 2833. Bache, Otto, Denmark. Oil paintings 108,114. Bacher, O. H., United States. Pen drawings 2053, 2055,2056. Wash drawing 1678. Black and white drawings in oil 1646,1749. INDEX OF ARTISTS. 465 Bacher, Rudolph, Austria. Oil painting 89. Bachmann, Hans, Germany. Oil painting 436. Bachman, M., United States. Sculpture 96, 127, 136,141. Backer, Harriet, Norway. Oil painting 109. Baden, Powel F., Great Britain. Oil painting 67. . Baer, W. J., United States. Oil painting 600. Baerwald, Robert, Germany. Sculpture 1,107. Bahuet, Alfred, France. Lithograph 823. _ Bail, Jean-Antoine, France. Oil painting 376. Bail, Joseph, France. Oil painting 235. Baillet, Ernest, France. Oil painting 226. Baird, W. B., United States. Oil painting 1073. Baisch, Professor Herm., Germany. Oil paintings 147, 310. Baixas, Carreter, Juan, Spain. Oil painting 147. Baker, Ellen K., United States. Oil paint¬ ing 313. Baker, G. A., United States. Oil painting 194. Baker, H., United States. Wood engravings 2610, 2612, 2626. Baker, J. Elder, United States. Water color 1343. Baker, Mary K., United States. Oil painting 884. Baker, W. B. (deceased), United States. Oil painting 904. Bakhuyzen. Miss G. J. van de Sande, Holland. Oil paintings 73, 85. Water color 191. Bakhuyzen, J. J. van de Sande, Holland. Oil paintings 13, 19, 86. Ball, T., United States. Sculpture 32, 84, 109, 110 , 111 . Ball, Wilfrid, R. P. E., Great Britain. Etch¬ ings 784, 822. Balle, Otto, Denmark. Oil painting 149. Ballu, Albert, France. Architecture 1036,1037, 1038, 1039, 1040, 1041, 1042, 1043, 1044, 1045, 1046, 1047, 1048, 1049, 1050, 1051, 1052, 1053. 1054, 1063, 1074, 1109, 1110, 1111. Bamps, Paul, Belgium. Water colors 251, 277. Bantzer, Carl N., Germany. Oil painting 195. Bapst & Falize, France. Work in silver 935, 938. Barau, Emile, France. Oil paintings 20, 298. Barbara y Balza, Joaquin, Spain. Oil paint¬ ing 117. Barbarini, S., Italy. Oil paintings 183,184,186, 187, 459. Barbella, C„ Italy. Sculpture 42, 43,44,45, 46, 47,48, 49, 261, 328. Barber, C. Burton, Great Britain. Oil paint¬ ings 349, 443. Barclay, Edgar, Great Britain. Oil paintings 102, 415. Bardi, A., Italy. Sculpture 320, 323, 326, 329, 508, 515, 519, 520, 521, 522, 523, 524. Bare, H. B., United States. Architectural drawing 2797. Barenfanger. Max, Germany. Wood carving 667. Etching 668. Bargas, Armand, France. Medallions 913, 920. Barillot, Leon, France. Oil paintings 144, 242. Barnard, E. H., United States. Oil paintings 281,1104. Barnes, Robert, A. R. W. S., Great Britain. Oil painting 286. Barnsley, James M., Canada. Oil paintings 55, 115, 136, 137. Baron, Theodore, Belgium. Oil paintings 64a, 201 . Barrau, Laureano, Spain. Oil painting 187. Barraie, Laureano, Spain. Oil painting 310. Barrias, Felix-Joseph, France. Oil paintings 184, 186, 218, 531. Barrias, Louis-Ernest, France. Sculpture 16, 91. Barthel, P., Germany. Water colors 568, 582, 596. Bartholdi, Frederic-Auguste, France. Sculpt¬ ure 11. BartholomA, Albert, France. Oil paintings 534. Sculpture 10, 137. Bartlett, Charles W., Great Britain. Oil painting 294. Bartlett, P. W., United States. Sculpture 77, 119, 124, 132. Bartlett, W. H., Great Britain. Oil paintings 230, 233, 343, Barucci, P., Italy. Oil painting 239. Baschet, Marcel, France. Oil paintings 231, 255. Baskett, Charles E., Great Britain. Etchings 796, 824, 837, 845. Bastert, N. Holland. Oil paintings 30,40,131, 150. Water colors 228, 237. Bastet, Victorien Antoine, France. Sculp¬ ture 131. Bastiani, Italy. Sculpture 59, 257. Bastien-Lepage, J. (deceased), United States Loan collection. Oil paintings 3026, 3072. Bates, David, Great Britain. Oil painting 214. Bates, D., United States. Oil painting 750. Battaglia, A., Italy. Water color 457. Battaglia, D., Italy. Oil paintings 298, 309. Battistini, L., Italy. Oil painting 252. Baud6, Charles, France. Wood engravings 874, 883, 884. Baudoin, Franck, France. Wood engraving 800. Baudouin, Paul-Albert, France. Oil paint¬ ings 157-171. Baumbach, Max, Germany. Sculpture 34, 93. Baur, Professor Albert, Germany. Oil paint¬ ing 299. Baur, T., United States. Sculpture 103. Beaux, Cecilia, United States. Oil paintings 512, 1232. Pastel 1534. Bayart, Paul, Belgium. Oil painting 217. Bayliss, Wyke, P. R. B. A . Great Britain. Water color 555. Oil paintings 274, 306. Bazin, Leon, France. Wood engraving 849. Bazzani, L., Italy. Oil paintings 131, 137. Bazzaro, E., Italy. Sculptures 316, 317. Bazzaro, L., Italy. Oil painting 236. Beadle, J. P., Great Britain. Oil paintings 105, 223. Beasileuse, Oliveira, Brazil. Oil painting 119. Beauvais, Armand, France. Oil painting 187. Beauverie, Charles-Joseph, France. Oil paintings 222, 244. Beavis, Richard, A. R. W. S., Great Britain. Oil painting 82. Beck, Carol H., United States. Oil paintings 566, 841. Becker, A. H., United States. Decorative designs 2707, 2721. Becker II, Carl, Germany. Oil painting 248. Becker-Gundahl, Germany. Oil painting 528. Becker, H., Great Britain. Water color 553. Becker, Professor C., Germany. Oil painting 411. Beckwith, C., United States. Oil paintings 491, 968. Becquet, Just, France. Sculptures 19, 74._ Beeck, Theodor, Y. D., Germany. Oil paint¬ ings 186, 250. Beernaert, Euphrasine, Belgium. Oil paint¬ ings 285,106. Begas, Professor Carl, Germany. Sculptures 57, 59. Begas, Professor Reinh, Germany. Sculptures 55, 58. 466 INDEX OF ARTISTS. B&guine, Michael-Leonard, France. Sculpt¬ ures 72, 83. Behm, Wilhelm, Sweden. Oil paintings 58, 189, 190. Behmer, Herm., Germany. Oil painting 531. Water color 537. Pencil drawing 630. Behrend, Friedr., Germany. Oil painting 296. Beklemischeff, Vladimir Alexandrovitch, Russia. Sculpture 12. Belcher, John, Great Britain. Architectures 976, 1063. Belgrave, Percy, Great Britain. Oil paint¬ ing 187. Belimbau, Italy. Oil painting 223. Belin, Joseph, France. Sculpture 46. Bell, Miss Ada, New South Wales. Oil paint¬ ings 42, 43. Bell, E. A., United States. Oil painting 508. Bell, Mary A., R. C. A., Canada. Oil paint¬ ings 108, 111, 118. Bell-Smith, F. M„ R. C. A., Canada. Oil paintings 88,106,110,116,127,162,174,178,186, 196. Bellanger, Camille-Felix, France. Pastel 609. Drawing 750. Bellew, F. P. W., United States. Pen draw¬ ing 2013. Beilis, Hubert, Belgium. Oil paintings 160, 239. Bellows, A. F„ United States. Water color 1491. Belmiro, de Almeida, Brazil. Oil painting 39. Belmont, Andres, Mexico. Pen drawing 68. Benedict, Enella, United States. Oil paint¬ ing 436. Benner, Emmanuel, France. Oil painting 227. Benner, Jean, France. Oil paintings 166, 259. Benjamin-Constant, Jean-Joseph, France. Oil painting 467. Benoit, Clement, Belgium. Etchings 257,273. Beraud, Jean, France. Oil painting 161. Benson, F. W., United States. Oil paintings 552, 561, 1283. Berg, Gunnar, Norway. Oil painting 116. Berg & Clark. United States. Architectural drawing 2852. Berg, Joan, Holland, Oil painting 28. Bergeret, Pierre-Denis, France. Oil paintings 160 528 902 Bergh, R., Sweden. Oil paintings 22, 56,67. Bergmann, Jul., Germany. Oil paintings 221, 462, 467. Water color 623. Bergmeier, C. A., Germany, Sculpture 3. Berkemeier, Ludolf, Germany. Oil painting OODt Berlepsch, Hans Ed. von, Germany. India ink drawing 547. Bermudo Mateos, Jose, Spain. Oil paintings 174, 206, 272. Bernardelli, Henrique, Brazil. Oil paintings 60, 61, 62, 67, 68, 69, 70, 72, 74, 75, 76, 78, 87. Bernardelli, Prof. Rodolpho, Brazil. Sculpt¬ ures 1, 2, 3, 4. Bernatzik, Wilhelm, Austria. Oil painting 73. Bernewitz, C., Germany. Sculptures 95, 97. Bernier, Camille, France. Oil painting 443. Bernier, Louis, France. Architecture 1179. Bernuth, E. von, Germany. Oil painting 347. Bernstrom, V., United States. Wood engrav¬ ings 2407, 2410,2413,2416,2419,2423,2426, 2427, 2428, 2431, 2445. Berquin-Yeragoz, France. Agate vases 969, 978. Besnard, P. A., United States Loan collec¬ tion. Water color 3018. Berteaux, Hippolyte, France. Oil painting 462. Berthelon, Eugene, France. Oil painting 396. Berti, T., Italy. Oil painting 238. Bertone, Italy. Sculpture 513. Berton, Paui-Emile, France. Oil painting 150. Bertolotti, C., Italy. Oil paintings 146, 249. Bertrand, Paulin, France. Oil painting 405. Beruete, Aureliano de, Spain. Oil paintings 101, 158, 159. Besnard, Paul-Albert, France. Oil painting 507. Bethune, Gaston, France. Water colors 648, 658, 661, 667, 682, 683, 688. Bevan, E., New South Wales. Water color 110. Beyle, Pierre-Marie, France. Oil painting 188. Bicknell, F. A., United States. Oil paintings 610,1245. Bida, Alexandre, France. Engraving 724. Aquarelles 699, 707. Biedermann-Arendts, Hermine, Germany. Oil painting 400. Biederman, Ernst, Germany. Oil painting 361. Bigaux, Louis, France. Architecture 1059. Bigelow, D. F., United States. Oil painting 618. Bigland, Percy, Great Britain. Oil painting 138. Mezzotint 802. Bilbao, Gonzalo, Spain. Oil paintings 54, 59, 61, 62, 63, 60. Bilders-van-Bosse, Mrs. M., Holland. Water colors 195, 202. Oil paintings 41, 141. Bilkvisf, Joh. B., Denmark. Oil painting 73. Billotte, Rene, France. Oil paintings 189,289. Pastels 619, 625, 629. Binet, Adolphe, France. Oil paintings 156,442. Binet, Yictor-Barthelemy, France. Oil paint¬ ings 256, 535. Bingham, G. C., (deceased), United States. Oil paintings 206, 209, 218, 220. Binje, Franz, Belgium. Oil painting 109. Binney, Martha G., United States. Pastel 1528. Binyon, Brightwen, Great Britain. Archi¬ tecture 1084. Biondi, E., Italy. Sculptures 55, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 67, 68, 72, 73, 114, 115. Biot, Gustave, Belgium. Engravings 276, 280. Birch, T., (deceased), United States. Oil painting 250. Birch, R. B., United States. Wash drawing 1704. Black and white drawing 1703. Birney, W. V., United States. Water color 1446. Bisbing, H. S., United States. Oil paintings 284, 543, 990. Bispham, H. G, (deceased), United States. Oil painting 259. Bissen, R., Denmark. Oil painting 109. Bissen, V., Denmark. Sculptures 2, 3. Bissell, G, E„ United States. Sculpture 20. Bisseger, J. J., United States. Architectural drawings 2892, 2903. Bisson, Edouard-Louis, France. Oil paint¬ ing 182. Bistolfi, L., Italy. Sculptures 20,21, 319,325, 330. Biva, Henri, France. Water color 712. Oil painting 532. Bjorck, O., Sweden. Oil paintings 21, 86. Pastel 151. Blaas, Eugen, Austria. Oil painting 131. Blache, Chr., Denmark. Oil paintings 24,154. Blanche, Jacques-Emile, France. Oil paint¬ ing 140. Pastel 620. Blanchard, Jules, France. Sculptures 27, 128. Blackburn, J. B., (deceased), United States. Oil painting 256. Blackman, W., United States. Oil painting 875. INDEX OF ARTISTS. 467 Blakelock, R. A., United States. Oil paint¬ ings 935, 948. Blaney, Dwight, United States. Water color 1352. Architectural drawings 2790, 2908. Blashfield, E. H., United States. Oil paint¬ ings 599, 625, 1130. Water color 1471. Pen drawing 2047. Black and white drawing 1626. Black and white drawings in oil 1868, 1871. Blau, Tina, Germany. Oil paintings 369, 460. Austria oil painting 46. Blenner, C. J., United States. Oil paintings 381,1244. Block, Jos., Germany. Oil painting 187. Blom, Gerhard, Denmark. Oil painting 116. Blomfield, Reginald, M. A., Great Britain. Architectures 967,1025, 1030. . . Blommers, B. J„ Holland. Oil paintings 3* - ^48, 80, 177. Water colors 246, 267. Bloodgood, R. F., United States. Etchings 2150, 2158, 2378. Blumberg & Schreibei, Germany. Architect¬ ure 870. Blum, R., United States. Pen drawings 1977, 1979,1980, 1985,1986, 2022, 2027. Wash draw¬ ings 1643, 1648, 1650, 1652, 1653, 1656, 1657, 1658, 1679, 1683, 1694, 1709, 1713, 1716, 1719. BJack and white drawings 1700, 1718, 2026. Blume, Ed., Germany. Oil painting 140. Bluhm, Oskar, Germany. Oil painting 320. Boaventura, Caron H., Brazil. Oil painting 33. Boberg, Anna, Sweden. Water colors 175,177, 178. Boberg, F., Sweden. Etchings 138,139,140,141, 142, 143, 144, 145,146. Bobroff, Victor Alexeievitch, Russia. Oil painting 128. Bock, Th6ophile de, Holland. Oil painting 110 . Bockelmann, Ch. Ludw., Germany. Oil painting 123. Bodarevsky, Nicolay Kornilovitch, Russia. Oil painting 56. Boddien, G. von, Germany. Oil paintings 124, 213. Boegebjerg, R., Denmark. Sculpture 4. Boesen, Johan, Denmark. Oil paintings 27, 54. Bogert, G. H., United States. Oil paintings 741, 1206. Boggs, E. T., United States. Architectural drawing 2989. Boggs, F. M., United States. Oil paintings 468, 863. Bohme, Karl, Germany. Oil painting 437. Bohrdt, Hans, Germany. Oil painting 446. Boilvin, Emile, France. Etchings 803, 809,833. Boks, E. J., Holland. Oil painting 162. Boldini, A., Italy. Oil painting 151. Boldini, G., Italy. Oil paintings 312, 313, 314. Bombach, F., Germany. Oil painting 435. Bombach, Wm., Germany. Oil painting 141. Water color 620. Bompard, Maurice, France. Oil painting 251. Bompiani, A., Italy. Oil paintings 150, 167, 245. Bonheur, Isidore, France. Sculptures 132,134, 136. Bonheur, Rosa, France, Oil paintings 426, 501. United States Loan collection. Oil paintings 3067, 3101. Bonington, R. P., (deceased), United States Loan collection. Oil painting 3033. Bonnat, Leon-Joseph-Florentin, France. Oil paintings 263, 295. Bonnefoy, Adrien-Adolphe, France. Oil paintings 318, 223, Water color 636. Bonnier, Eva, Sweden. Oil paintings 55, 57,61. 30 Borchardt, F., Germany. Oil painting 189. Bordes, Ernest, France. Oil painting 389. Bordignon, N., Italy. Oil paintings 157, 276, 283 Borg, A., Sweden. Oil paintings 196, 198. Borgen, Fr., Norway. Oil paintings 57, 62, 80, 90, 94. Borghum, J. G., United States. Sculpture 147. Boring, Tilton & Mellen, United States. Ar¬ chitectural drawings 2865, 2958. Borjesson, John, Prof., Sweden. Sculpture 4. Borrel, Alfred, France. Medals 709, 734. Borselen, J. W. van (deceased, 1892),Holland. Water color 225. Bosboom, J. (deceased, 1891), Holland. Oil paintings 74, 79. Water colors 260, 271. Boston, J. H., United States. Oil painting 1086. Bottcher, F., Germany. Etching 670. Bottee, Louis Alexandre, France. Medals 745, 746. Bottero, G., Italy. Oil paintings 129, 140, 291. Bottinelli, A., Italy. Sculptures 2, 6, 7, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193. Boucher, Alfred, France. Sculpture 36. Boucher, Alfred-Jean L France. Oil painting 236. Bouchor, Joseph-Felix, France. Oil paint¬ ing 357. Boudry, Alois, Belgium. Oil paintings 90, 95. Boughton, G. H., United States. Oil paint¬ ing 486. Great Britain. Oil paintings 150, 410, 439. Bouguereau, Willi am-Adolphe, France. Oil paintings 237 } 243, 430. Boulard, Emile-Alexandre, France. Oil painting 211. Bource, Henri, Belgium. Oil painting 188. Bourdillon, Frank W., Great Britain. Oil paintings 115, 164. Bourgain, Gustave, France. Oil painting 400. Bourgeois, Eugene-Victor, France. Oil paint¬ ing 252. Bourgeois, Maximilien, France. Medal 732. Bourgogne, Pierre, France. Oil painting 195. Bourgonnier, Claude, France. Oil painting 406. Bourotte, Auguste, Belgium. Oil paintings 74, 230. Boutalie, Louis, France. Steel engravings 856, 901. Boutet-de-Monvel, Maurice, France. Water colors 643, 652, 653, 655, 659. Boutigny, Emile, France. Oil paintings 178, 216. Boutwood, C. E., United States. Oil paint¬ ing 603. Bouvier, A., Belgium. Oil painting 128. Boyden, D. F., United States. Oil painting 701. Boyle, J. J., United States. Sculpture 21. Bracht, Professor E., Germany. Oil paintings 317, 479. Bracony, L., Italy. Sculpture 539. Bracquemond, Felix, France. Etchings 829, 860, 879. Bradbury, M. R., United States. Water color 1475. Bradley, Amy Aldis, United States. Sculpt¬ ures 8, 100. Bradley, H., United States. Water color 1410. Black and white drawing 1655. Bradley, Susan H., United States. Water color 1489. Braecke, Pierre, Belgium. Sculpture 30. Braendekilde, H. J., Denmark. Oil painting 110,115. Braith, Professor Anton, Germany. Oil paint¬ ings 200, 266. 468 Index of artists, Bramley, Frank, Great Britain. Oil paint¬ ings 172, 250. Bramtot. Alfred-Henri, France. Oil paintings 201,482. Brandt, F., Germany. Oil paintings 363, 522. Brandt, J. H., Denmark. Oil painting 69. Brandt, Professor Jos. v., Germany. Oil painting 423. Brangwyn, Frank, Great Britain. Oil paint¬ ings 231, 384. Brasen, Hans, Denmark. Oil painting 20. Brateau, Jules-Panl, France. Medal 719. Work in pewter 936 and 933 to 994, inclusive. Bratland, Jac., Norway. Oil paintings 82, 110. Brausewetter, Professor O., Germany. Oil painting 278. Breasson, Jean, France. Architectures 1101, 1102, 1103, 1106. Bredberg, Mina, Sweden. Oil painting 118. Bredin, Christine S., United States. Water color 1407. Bredsdorff, Johan Ulrik,Denmark. Oil paint¬ ing 83. Bredt, Ferd. Max, Germany. Oil paintings 125, 166. Bregler. C., United States. Oil painting 1279. Breidwiser, Theodor, Austria. Oil painting 144. Breitbach, Carl, Germany. Water colors 613, 615, 619. Breitner, G. H., Holland. Oil paintings 10 118. Bremont, Jean-Louis, France. Oil painting 200 . Brenda & Simonetti, Italy. Oil paintings 110, 111 , 112 . Brendel, Professor Alb., Germany. Oil paint¬ ing 150. Breneck, Anton, Austria. Sculpture 15. Brest, Fabius, France. Oil painting 510. Breton, Jules-Adolphe, France. Oil paint¬ ings 202, 203, 214. United States Loan col¬ lection. Oil paintings 3047, 3056. Brett, John, A. R. A., Great Britain. Oil paintings 142, 238, 348. Breuer, Peter, Germany. Sculpture 84. Breul, H., United States. Water color 1423. Brewtnall, Edward F., R. W. S., Great Brit¬ ain. Water colors 503, 676. Bribiesca, Alberto, Mexico. Oil paintings 19, 66 . Bricher, A. T., United States. Water color 1367. Bridges, Fidelia, United States. Water color 1372. Bridgman, F. A., United States. Oil paint¬ ings 428, ^30, 432, 433, 937, 955, 1049. Brierly, Sir Oswald, R. W. S., Great Britain. Water colors 526, 591. Bringhurst, R. P., United States. Sculpture 2,115. Brispot, Henri, France. Oil painting 220. Bristol, J. B., United States. Oil painting 442. Brocard & Son, France. Glass cup 951. Brochacki, W., Polish. Oil painting 90. Brockmann y Llanos, Elisa, Spain. Oil painting 325. Brocos, Prof. M., Brazil. Oil paintings 30, 31, 34, 35, 36, 37, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45,46, 47, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54. Broereman, Eugene, Belgium. Oil paintings 161, 162. Bronnikoff, Feodor Andreievitch, Russia. Oil painting 46. Bronze reproductions, Pompeii and Hercu¬ laneum, Italy, 331 to 441, inclusive. Brooks, A. F., United States. Oil painting 1126. Water color 1466. Brooks, Caroline S., United States. Sculpt¬ ure 33, 34, 38, 39. Brooks, Carrie L., United States. Sculpture 71. Brooks, James, Y. P. R. I. B. A., Great Brit¬ ain. Architecture 961, 986, 10C5, 1060, 1067, 1C68. Brossmann, Professor Gust, Germany. Sculpture 25, 66. Broughton, C., United States. Pen drawing 2057. Brouillet, Andre, France. Oil painting 169. Brouwer, T. A., Jr., United States. Oil paint¬ ing 425. Brown, A. Page, United States. Architect¬ ural drawing 2862. Brown, Miss B.A. M., Great Britain. Sculpt¬ ure 33. Brown, Ford Madox, Great Britain.' Oil paintings 141, 272. Brown, Frederick, Great Britain. Oil paint¬ ing 60. Brown, J. A., United States. Oil painting 334. Pastels 1513, 1519, 1557, 1563. Brown, J. G., United States. Oii paintings 536, 557 , 691, 871, 873, 896, 944. Water color 1421. Brown, Matilda, United States. Oil paint¬ ing 356. Brown, M. L., United States. Wood engrav¬ ing 2627. Brown, W. F., United States. Oil painting 332. Browne, C. F., United States. Oil paintings 621, 883, 928, 967. Brownell, F., Canada. Oil painting 96. Brozik, Vacslav, Austria. Oil paintings 23,78, 114. Bruenn, L., Italy. Oil paintings 211, 222, 305. Brugada y Panizo, Luis, Spain. Oil painting 96. Brugo & Paglieci, Italy. Oil paintings 108,109. Brun, Charles, France. Oil painting 210. Bruneau, Eugene, France. Architecture 1145, 1146, 1147, 1148,1186,1188,1189,1190,1191,1192, 1193, 1194,1195. Brunet-Debaines, Louis, France. Etchings 885, 886, 898. Brunet, Jean, France. Oil painting 172. Bruni, Nicolay Alexandrovitch, Russia. Oil painting 29. Brunin, Leon, Belgium. Oil paintings 149, 163. Brunner & Tryon, United States. Architect¬ ural drawings 2927, 2944, 2953, 2955. Brush, G. de F., United States. Oil paint¬ ings 586, 664, 705, 745. Brlitt, Ad., Germany. Sculpture 44,63,92,104. Briitt, Ferdinand, Germany. Oil painting 297. Bryant, W., United States. Oil painting 1111. Brymner, William, R. C. A., Canada. Oil paintings 14, 15, 72, 93, 130. Buckman, Edwin, A. R. W. S., Great Britain. Water color 576. Buhot, Felix, France. Etching 822. Buland, Eugene-Jean Charley, France. Oil paintings 155, 395. Bulleid,G.Lawrence, A.R.W.S., Great Britain. Water colors 613, 701, 705. Bundgaard, A. J., Denmark. Sculpture 5, 8. Bunke, Franz, Germany. Oil paintings 329, 426. Bunker, Caroline, United States. Oil paint¬ ings 1012, 1068, 1235. Burgkau, Mile. Berttie, France. Oil paint¬ ing 511. Burger, Johann, Germany. Engraving 690. Burgess, J. B. R. A., Great Britain. Oil paintings 206, 271, 359. INDEX OF ARTISTS. 469 Burgess, Walter W., R. P. E., Great Britain. Etchings 789, 819, 838, 839, 843, 867. Burnaud, Eugene, Austria. Oil painting 137. Burns, C. M., United States. Design for choir screen 2724. Burns, M. J., United States. Black and white drawings 1611, 1613. Black and white draw¬ ings in oil 1642, 1670. Burney, Francois-Eug6ne, France. Etchings 854, 855. Bury, Victor, France. Architecture 1112. Bush-Brown, H. K., United States. Sculpture 56. Bush-Brown, Mrs. M. L., United States. De¬ signs for mural decoration 2715, 2716. Busse, Germany. Architecture 695, 697. Busson, Charles, France. Oil paintings 233, 234. Butler, G. B., United States. Oil painting 640. Butler, H., United States. Oil painting 597. Butler, H. R., United States. Oil paintings 409, 411, 1098. Butler, Lady, Great Britain. Oil painting 267. Buttersack, Bernh., Germany. Oil painting 374. Buxo y Tresangels, Louis, Spain. Oil paint¬ ing 311. Buttles, Mary, United States. Oil paintings 859, 1039. Buzzaro, L., Italy. Oil painting 311. Byrne, J. A., United States. Sculpture 68. Cabot, E. C., United States. Water color 1438. Cady, H. N., United States. Oil painting 418. Cagnard, Emile, France. Oil painting 148. Cagniart, Emile, France. Pastels 608, 743, 751. Cain, Auguste, France. Sculpture 40, 44, 55. Cain, Georges-Jules-Auguste, France. Oil painting 454. Cain, Henri, France. Oil painting 209. Cain, Neville, United States. Oil painting 1095. Calahan, J. J., United States. Etching 2331. Calandrelli, Professor A., Germany. Sculpture 79. Calcografia, Regia, Rome, Italy. Engravings 467 to 494, inclusive. Caldecott, Randolph (the late), Great Britain. Water color 657. Calder, A. S., United States. Sculpture 4, 79. Calderon, P. H., R. A., Great Britain. Oil painting 365. Calderon, W. Frank, Great Britain. Oil paint¬ ing 120. Calinaud, Mathurin-Eug&ne, France. Archi¬ tecture 1166, 1167, 1168, 1169. Caliga, I. H., United States. Oil painting 651. Calissendorf, A., Holland. Oil paintings 87, 188. Calkin, Lance, Great Britain. Oil painting 245. Callow, William, R. W. S., F. R. G. S., Great Britain. Water color 546. Calthrop, Claude, Great Britain. Oil paint¬ ing 101. Calvi, P., Italy. Sculpture 27, 36, 38, 39, 516. Calzolari, O., Italy. Sculpture 268. Cambos, Jean-Jules, France. Sculpture 9. Cameron, E. S., United States. Oil painting 1161. Cameron, D. Y., Great Britain. Frame of etchings 707, 870. Cameron, Hugh, R. S. A., Great Britain. Oil paintings 85, 258. Camoyans, G., Spain. Oil painting 207. Campa, Luis, Mexico. Etchings 78, 79. Campbell, Douglas & Morrison, [Messrs., Great Britain. Architecture 1070. Campeny y Santamaria, Jos6, Spain. Sculpt¬ ure 31, 32,33, 34. Canby, Louise P., United States. Etchings 2142, 2143, 2151. Candidus, H. W. T., United States. Oil painting 559. Campuzano, Tomas, Spain. Oil painting 152. Cannessa, Italy. Sculpture 498, 509. Cannon, H. L., United States. Sculpture 137, Canon, Hans, Austria. Oil painting 75. Cantu, Italy. Sculpture 19, 70. Canziani, Madame Louisa Starr, Great Brih ain. Oil painting 249. Cap, Constant, Belgium. Oil painting 135. Capone, G., Italy. Oil paintings 162,169, 225- 228 251 Capranica,Grillo G.,Italy. Pastels 450,’451,452. Carabain, Jacques, Belgium. Oil paintings 105,110. Caraud, Joseph, France. Oil painting 481. Carboreno Moreno, Jose, Spain. Oil paint¬ ing 162. Carcano, F., Italy. Oil paintings 89,90,91,92, 93,94, 95, 96, 97,98,99,100,101,102,159,172,185, 209, 218, 224, 293, 294,295,299, 304. Carl, Kate A., United States. Oil painting 611. Carles, Antonin-Jean, France. Sculpture 15. Carl-Nielsen, Anna M., Denmark. Sculpture 15, 16. Caroius-Duran, Emile-Auguste, France. Oil paintings 303, 310, 316. United States Loan collection. Oil paintings 3095, 3120. CarOe, W. D., Great Britain. Architecture 979, 1028, 1038. Carpentier, Evariste, Belgium. Oil paintings 79, 220. Carrasco, Gonzalo, Mexico. Oil paintings 32, 33. Carr&re. & Hastings, United States, Archi¬ tectural drawings 2831, 2832, 2835, 2836, 2837, 2838, 2839, 2840, 2841, 2842. Photograph 2828. Carrier-Belleuse, Louis-Robert, France. Oil paintings 239, 565, 566. Carries, France. < Earthenware vase 952. Carstensen, A. Riis, Denmark. Oil painting 125. Carter, F. A., United States. Water color 1397. Carter, William, Great Britain. Oil paintings 285,291. Cary, G., United States. Architectural draw¬ ing 2859. Cary & Trowbridge, United States. Archi¬ tectural drawing 2764. Casananas Gonzales, Antonio, Spain. Sculpt¬ ure 35. Casas, Ramon, Spain. Oil paintings 122,139. Castagneto, J. Baptista, Brazil. Oil paintings 18, 42. Castaigne, A., United States. Drawings 1623, 1677, 1878, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1886, 1887, 1888, 1889, 1890, 1891, 1894, 1895, 2692. Castellanas y Escola, Spain. Sculpture 23. Castello, E., United States. Water color 1419. Castelucho, A. y C., Spain. Water colors 326, 878, 379, 380, 381. Oil painting 289. Cate, S. J. ten, Holland. Oil paintings 112,120, 183. m- Catlin, G., United States. Oil painting 189. Cauldwell, L., United States. Oil paintings 694, 695, 1185. Pastels 1521, 1575. Cavh, Jules-Cyrille, France. Oil painting 632. Cazin, J. C., United States. Loan collection. Oil paintings 3007, 3034, 3064. 3113. Cazin, Mme. Marie, France. Pastels 607, 627. Cazin, Michel, France. Medals 736. Central Society of Architects, of France. Case of medals 730. 4 70 INDEX OF ARTISTS, Centurion, Jose Maria, Mexico. Sculpture 5,6. Chadwick, E., Sweden. Oil paintings 52, 81, 123. Chaigneau, Ferdinand, France. Etching 791. Chaigneau, Jean-Ferdinand, France. Oil paintings 311, 369. Challener, F. S., A. R. C. A., Canada. Oil paintings 34, 35, 36, 98, 107. Chalon, Louis, France. Oil painting 228. Champney, J. W., United States. Pastels 1514, 1555, 1572. Champneys, Basil, Great Britain. Architect¬ ure 1011, 1019, 1099, 1100. Chaperon, Eugene, France. Oil painting 505. Chaplain, Jules Clement, France. Medals 722. Chaplet, Ernest, France. Porcelains 914, 919, 942, 964, 979, 981, 982, 1000, 1004, 1008, 1011, 1012, 1018. Chapman, C. T., United States. Oil paint¬ ings 520,1066. Water color 1439. Wash draw¬ ing 1765. Black and white drawings 1677, 1774. Chapman, C. T., United States. Etchings 2073,2074, 2075, 2076, 2077 , 2078, 2079, 2080, 2081, 2082, 2083,2084, 2085, 2086, 2087, 2088. Chapon, Leon-Louis, France. Wood engrav¬ ing 871. Chapu, Henri-Michel, France. Sculpture 61. Charlemont, Eduard, Austria. Oil paintings 21, 55, 109, 134, 136, 142. Charlemont, Theodor, Austria. Sculpture 12. Charles, James, Great Britain. Oil paintings 117, 153, 482, 487. Charlier, Guillaume, Belgium. Sculpture 29, 32 39 Charlton, Edward W., A. R. P. E., Great Britain. Etchings 852, 854, 871, 872, 878, 885. Charlton, John, Great Britain. Drawings 894, 895, 918, 924, 925, 926,929,930,931,936, 950, 951, 958, 959, Oil paintings 87, 276. Charpentier, Gaston, France. Oil painting 282. Chartran, Theobald, France. Oil painting 513. Chase, H. (deceased), United States. Oil paintings 852, 854. Chase, W. M., United States. Oil paintings 657, 684, 725, 764, 769. Pastel 1539. Pencil drawing 1590. Chatrousse, Emile, France. Sculpture 54. Chattel, Fred J. du, Holland. Oil paintings 22 158 182 Chattock, R. S., F. R. P. E., Great Britain. Etchings 798, 799, 814, 816, 855. Chaussemiche, Benjamin, France. Architect¬ ure 1121,1126. Chauvel, Thhophile, France. Etchings 868, 872. Checa y Delicado, Felipe, Spain. Oil paint¬ ings 127, 257,294,327. Chedanne, Georges-Paul, France. Architect¬ ure 1130, 1131, 1132,1133. Chelmonski, J., Polish. Oil painting 10. Cheret, Joseph, France. Bronzes 909, 910,1030. Cheret, Jules, France. Pastel 717 Chevrh, Paul, France. Sculpture 86. Chevreux, A. F., New South Wales. Sculpt¬ ure 2. Chigot, Eugene, France. Oil paintings 413, 450. Childers, Miss Milley, Great Britain. Oil painting 398. Choppin, Paul-Francois, France. Sculpture 6 . Christiansen, Paul S., Denmark. Oil paint¬ ing 167. Christiansen, R., Denmark. Oil paintings 66, 129. Christofle & Cie., France. Work in silver 928, 929, 939. Choulant, Th., Germany. Water colors 572, 573 576 577. Church, fr. S., United States. Oil paintings 471, 740. Water color 1358. Black and white drawings 1771, 1783. Churchill, W. W., United States. Oil paint¬ ing 1135. Ciaglinski, J. Polish. Oil paintings 60,106, 122 . Ciani, V. A., United States. Sculpture 160. Ciardi, G., Italy. Oil paintings 230, 231, 232, 233 234 235 Cichocki’ F., Polish. Oil paintings 51,110. Cipriano, Folgueras, Spain. Sculpture 11. Cisneros, Luis, Mexico. Bronze 70. Civiletti, Italy. Sculpture 57. Clairin, Georges, France. Water colors 663, 690. Oil painting 151. Claraso, Enrique, Spain. Sculpture 7. Clark, James, Great Britain, Oil paintings 86, 127. Clark, Joseph, Great Britain. Oil paintings 278, 300, 494. Clark, Rose. United States. Oil painting 1252. Clark, W., United States. Oil painting359. Clarke, T. Chatfield & Son, Great Britain. Architectures 1009,1043, 1055. Clarke, T. S., United States. Sculpture 43. Oil paintings 475, 732. 1079, 1212, 1248. Clary, Eugene, France. Oil painting 577. Claude, Georges, France. Water colors 638, 662. Claude, J. Max, France. Oil painting 580. Water color 686. Claudel, Mlle.Camille, France, Sculpture 111. Claus, Emile,Belgium. Water colors 253, 279. Oil painting 124. Clausen, George R. I., Great Britain. Oil paintings 203, 263, 405, 441, 470. Clawson, J. W., United States. Oil painting 342. Cleaves, W. P., United States. Wood engrav¬ ings 2606. 2607, 2615, 2618, 2628, 2630. Clements, Gabrielle D., United States. Oil painting 1140. Clemente y Peru, Salvador, Spain. Oil paint¬ ings 209, 328, 329. Clinedinst, B.W., United States. Oil paint¬ ings 548, 885. Clinton, C. W., United States. Architectural drawings 2772, 2773. Closson, W. B. .United States. Wood engrav¬ ings 2403, 2406, 2409, 2411, 2412, 2420, 2421, 2422, 2424, 2425, 2432, 2435, 2436, 2629, 2633. Other engravings 2379, 2380, 2384, 2386, 2621. Mezzotint 2679. Clouston, Robert S., Great Britain. Mezzo¬ tint 739. Engraving 862. Clousmann, W., United States. Water color 1394. Cobb, A. M., United States. Oil painting 310. Cochrane, J. G., United States. Oil painting 1046. Codman, S., United States. Architectural drawings 2896, 2897, 2898. Coen, S., Italy. Oil painting 278. Coenraets, Charles, Belgium. Oil paintings 227, 235. Coenraets, Ferdinand, Belgium. Water colors 260, 274. Coffin, Elizabeth R., United States. Oil paint¬ ing 1088. Coffin, Esther L., United States. Oil paint¬ ing 1149. Water colors 1498, 1505. INDEX OF ARTISTS. 471 Coffin, W. A., United States. Oil paintings 632, 637, 687, 743, 970, 1139. Cogen, Felix, Belgium. Oil painting 221. Cohen, Miss Ellen G., Great Britain. Oil painting 492. Cohen, G. W., United States. Oil painting 362. Cohen, Katherine A., United States. Sculpt¬ ure 107. Coke, Alfred Sacheverel, Great Britain. Oil painting 389. Cole, J, F., (deceased), United States. Oil painting 226. Cole, Timothy, United States. Wood engrav¬ ings 2132, 2434, 2438, 2441, 2443, 2444, 2446, 2447, 2451, 2452, 2453, 2454, 2456, 2457 . 2458, 2459, 2462, 2469, 2473, 2475, 2476; 2477 , 2478, 2481, 2483. Cole, Thomas, (deceased), United States. Oil paintings 243, 262. Cole, Vicat It. A. (the late), Great Britain. Oil paintings 382, 462. Coleman, F.. Italy. Oil painting 147. Collart, Mme. Marie, Belgium. Oil paintings 144, 287. Colie, Charles-Alphonse, France. Sculptures 69, 118, 118a. Collett, Fredrik, Norway. Oil paintings 68, 113,119,131. Collier, the Hon. John, Great Britain. Oil paintings 97, 119. Collier, Thomas R. I. (deceased), Great Britain. Water color 528. Collin, Raphael, Fiance. Oil paintings 205, 249, 412. Collinridge, Arthur, New South Wales. Oil paintings 27, 46,47. Collins, A. Q., United States. Oil painting 377. Collins, R. C., United States. Wood engrav¬ ings 2609, 2611, 2616, 2625. Colman, S., United States. Oil paintings 380, 551, 560. Water colors 1402, 1436, 1478. Etchings 2391, 2392, 2395, 2396,2397,2398,2400. Colomines y Calvet, Enrique, Spain. Pen and ink 387. Coman, Mrs. C. B., United States. Oil paint¬ ings 722, 919. Comba y Garcia, Juan, Spain. Oil painting 189. Pastel 247. Combes, Edward, C. M. G., M. L. C., New Sooth Wales. Oil painting 48. Commons, Donald, New South Wales. Water color 113. Comstock, Mrs. Anna B., United States. Wood engravings 2443, 2448, 2449, 2450, 2460, 2461. Comut, Emile, France. Architecture 1134, 1135, 1136. Conant, Lucy S., United States. Oil paint¬ ing 1177. Water color 1356. Conconi, L., Italy. Oil painting 76. Condor, C., New South Wales. Oil painting 62. Connah, D. J., United States. Oil painting 682. Constable, J., (deceased),United States Loan collection. Oil paintings 3050, 3100, 3118. Contal, Mile. Jeanne, France. Miniature 748. Contreras, Jesus, Mexico. Sculptures 1,4,9,12. Cooke, J. H., United States. Architectural drawing 3001. Cooper, C. C., United States. Oil paintings 1239, 1290. Cooper, Edith, United States. Wood engrav¬ ings 2437, 2439, 2440, 2455. Coosemans, Joseph-Theodore, Belgium. Oil painting 132. Cope, W., United States. Architectural sketch 2939, Cope & Stewardson, United States. Archi¬ tectural drawings 2848, 2849, 2850, 2851, 2918, 2970, 3002. Copley, J. S., (deceased). United States. Oil paintings 203, 249. Copp, Ellen Rankin, United States. Sculpt¬ ure 97. Corbet, Mrs. M. Ridley, Great Britain. Oil paintings 143, 148, 290.. Cordonnier, Louis-Marie, France. Archi¬ tectures 1062,1064,1065,1066,1070,1071,1072,1073. Corelli, A., Italy. Water colors 442, 448,466. Oil paintings 125,282. Corner, T. C., United States. Oil paintings 1060,1278. Corot, T. B. C.(deceased), United States Loan collection. Oil paintings 3040, 3048, 3059, 3074, 3075, 3082,3090, 3105,3107, 3110, 3114, 3119. Corpus Christi Priory Church, Great Britain. Architecture 1093. Corrodi, H., Italy. Oil paintings 219,290,292, 302. Corteggiani, M., Italy. Oil painting 310. Cortes y Cordero, Eduardo, Spain. Oil paint¬ ings 65, 67.91. Corwin, C. A., United States. Oil painting 672. Costa, A., Italy. Oil painting 215. Costeau, Georges, France. Oil painting 221. Coto, Luis, Mexico. Oil paintings 26,36,73. Courant, Maurice-Francis-August, France. Oil paintings 420,476. Water colors 644,677, 684. Courbet, G., (deceased). United States Loan collection. Oil painting 3115. Courtens, Franz, Belgium. Oil paintings 203, 204. Courtois, Gustave, France. Oil paintings 139, 146. Couse, E. I., United States. Oil paintings 614, 1018. Couteriur, L6on, France. Oil painting 415. Coutts, H., Great Britain. Water color 696. Couture, T., (deceased). United States Loan collection. Oil painting 3013. Cox, C. B., United States. Sculpture 55. Cox, Kenyon, United States. Oil paintings 393, 466, 514, 564, 706, 810, 811, 829, 848, 856, 866, 1041, 1159. . Pen drawings 1651, 1706, 2051. Black and white drawings 1784,1831. Cox, Mrs. Kenyon, United States. Oil paint¬ ings 901, 1025. Crabeels, Flor. (Antwerp), Belgium. The Re¬ turn to the Farm. Oil paintings 100, 211. Craig, T. B., United States. Oil painting 1058. Cram, Wentworth & Goodhue, United States. Architectural drawings 2769, 2770, 2771. Cramer, H§Rne, Germany. Oil painting 206. Cramer, Molly, Germany. Oil painting 193. Cranch, Mrs. C. A., United States. Oil paint¬ ings 485, 550. Crane, B., United States. Oil painting 571. Crane, Walter, Great Britain. Water colors 625, 625a, 626, 627. Oil painting 147. Wood cut 922. Creed, Miss, New South Wales. Oil paintings 25, 26. Crespo Villanueva, Manuel, Spain. Oil paint¬ ing 214. Criado y Vaca, M., Spain. Oil painting 314. Crisafi, N., Italy. Water colors 443, 446. Cristallerie of Baccarat, France. Vase 943. Croiset van der Kop, Miss J., Holland. Etch ing 322. Water colors 309. 320, 327, 329. Croisy, Aristide, France. Sculpture 67. Crola, Professor Hugo, Germany. Oil paint¬ ing 131. Cruikshank, W., A. R. C. A., Canada, Oil painting 77, 472 INDEX OF ARTISTS. Crum, Clark, United States. Water color 1885. Cubero, Jose, Spain. Sculpture 47. Cullen, M. G., Canada. Oil paintings 120, 182. Cunningham, J. W., United States. Oil paintings 697, 831. Curran, C. C., United States. Oil paintings 357, 649, 656, 930, 951, 961, 974, 1022, 1128, 1146, 1191. Water colors 1473, 1508. Cusachs y Cusachs, Jos6, Spain. Oil paint¬ ings 73, 74, 75. Cusack, W. EL, United States. Architectural drawings 2870, 2873. Cushing, ft., United States. Sculpture 102. Cushman, G. H., United States. Miniatures 175, 179. Cutanda, Vicente, Spain. Oil painting 130. Cutter, Thomas W., F. R. I. B. A., Great Brit¬ ain. Architectures 969, 974, 997, 998, 1003, 1029, 1046, 1047,1088, If 96. Da Costa, J. Baptista, Brazil. Oil paintings 13,14,29, 38,48,58. Da Costa, Prof. Zefferino J., Brazil. Oil paintings 88,89. Dadd, frank, R. I., Great Britain. Water Colors 562. Dael, Auguste, Belgium. Oil paintings 75, 152. Daelen, Ed., Germany. Oil painting 510. Dagnan-Bouveret, P. A. J., United States Loan collection. Oil paintings 3054, 8068. Dahl, Hans, Germany. Oil painting 215. Daillion, Horace, France. Sculpture 89. Daingerfield, E., United States. Water color 1388 Dake, Prof. C. L., Holland. Water color 306. Etching 324. Dale, Mrs. G., Great Britian. Mezzotint 862. Dalet, Domingo, Spain. Drawings 395, 396, 397 398 399 Dalgleish, T. Irving, R. P. E., Great Britain. Etchings 758, 827, 842, 874. Dali, Hans., Denmark. Oil paintings 52,166. Dali, Oca Bianca, A., Italy. Oil painting 288. Dallin, C. E., United States. Sculptures 1, 64. Dalpayrat, Adrien, France. Earthenware 917, 974, 1005, 1009, 1026. Dameron, Emile-Charles, France. Oil paint¬ ings 401. Damman, Benjamin-Auguste-Louis, France. Etching 817. Dammeier, Rud, Germany. Water color 590. Dammouse, Albert, France. Porcelain 715. Decorated porcelains 924, 955, 957,1015. Da Molin, O., Italy. Oil paintings 130, 242. Pastel 453. Da Motta, Agostinho, Brazil. Oil paintings 78, 79. Damoye, Pierre-Emmanuel, France. Oil paintings 219, 238. Dana, C. E., United States. Water colors 1298, 1373, 1403, 1494. Dana, W. J„ Uuited States. Wood engrav¬ ings 2471, 2608, 2631, 2634. D’Andrea, F., Italy. Oil painting 156, 203. D’Anethan, Alix, Belgium. Oil painting 288. Danguin, Jean-Baptiste, Frances. Engravings 782, 838, 882. Wood engraving 882. Daniszewska, M., Polish. Oil paintings 49, 53. Dan, Johanne, Denmark. Sculpture 91. Dannat. W. T., United States. Oil painting 300. Dantan, Edouard, France. Oil paintings 206, 300. Dapousa Bengoechea, Niceto, Spain. Oil paintings 105, 106. Dardoize, Emile, France. Oil paintings 317, 386, hr D’Argence, Engine, France. Pastel 728. Dargent, Jan, France. Oil painting 240. Darrah, Mrs. S. T., United States. Oil paint ing 253. Dastugue, Maxime, France. Oil painting 180. Daubigny, C. F., (deceased), United States Loan collection. Oil paintings 3080, 3096, 3108. auphin, Eug6ne, France. Oil painting 433. aus, R. L., United States. Architectural drawing 2866. Dausch, Rome. Night 8, 9. Dauvergne, Louis -Rene- Alphonse-Alfred, France. Architecture 1182, 1183, 1184, 1185, H87. David, Mile. Marie, France. Decorated porce- lain 945. David de Sauzea, Jean, France. Oil painting 145. David-Nillet, Germain, France. Oil paint¬ ing. Davidson, H., United States. Wood engrav¬ ings 2465, 2466, 2480, 2482, 2484, 2488, 2589. Davis, C. H., United States. Oil paintings 367, 403, 413, 721, 780, 941. Davis, H. W. B., R. A., Great Britain. Oil paintings 312, 375, 451. Davis, J. P., United States. Wood engrav¬ ings 2463, 2464, 2467, 2472, 2474, 2486, 2504. Davis, S. P., United States. Wood engrav¬ ings 2614,2624, 2632. Dawant, Albert-Pierre, France. Oil paint¬ ings 266, 270. Dawson, A., United States. Water colors It 50, 1490. Dawson, Nelson, Great Britain. Oil paint¬ ing 136. Day, Forshaw, R. C., Canada. Oil paintings. 29, 51, 139, 191, 193. Day, F. M., United States. Architectural drawings 2863, 2867. Day, F., United States. Oil painting 372. Wash drawing 1835. De Almeidi, Belmiro, Brazil. Oil painting 84. Dealy, Miss Jane M., R. I., Great Britain. Water colors 502,685. Dean & Son, Sir Thomas N., Great Britain. Architecture 1050. Dean, W. L., United States. Oil paintings 322, 339, 347. Dearth. H. J., United States. Oil paintings 766, 1153. Debat-Ponsan, Edouard-Bernard, France. Oil painting 199. De Bats, Auguste Marie, Belgium. Oil paint¬ ing 107. De Beul, Franz, Belgium. Oil paintings 202, 242. De Bihvre, Marie, Belgium. Oil painting 289. De Blois, Charles Th§odore, France. Etch¬ ing and burin 802. De Bock, Theo., Holland. Water colors 252, 295. Oil paintings 8, 37. De Bourtzoff, Nathalie, Belgium. Oil paint¬ ings 112, 116. De Bruya, Frans, Belgium. Oil painting 151. Debufe, G. fils, France. Oil paintings 498, 524. De Camp, J., United States. Oil painting 1236. Decamps, A. G,. (deceased).. United States Loan collection. Oil painting 3123. Decisy, Eugene, France. Lithograph 812. Deck, France. 949, 953. DeCrano, F. F., United States. Oil paint¬ ing 920. De Figuerdo, Aurelio, Brazil. Oil painting 83. De Forest, H, J., Canada. Oil painting 122. INDEX. OF ARTISTS. 473 De Forest, Lockwood, United States. Oil painting 646. Defregger, Professor Franz von, Germany. Oil paintings 238, 291, 134. Austria. Oil paintings 29, 91. Degas, United States Loan collection. Oil paintings 3006, 3015. De Haas, J. H. L., Holland. Oil paintings 34, 39, 46. De Haas, M. F. H., United States. Oil paint¬ ing 533. De Hem, Louise, Belgium. Oil paintings 126, 134 DeHeuvel, Theodore-Bernard, Belgium. Oil painting 247. Deiters, H., Germany. Oil painting 509. Wa¬ ter colors 594, 600. De Keghel, Desire, Belgium, Oil paintings 73,172. De Keyser, Jean Baptiste, Belgium. Sculpt¬ ure 14. De Keyser, Nicaise, Belgium. Oil painting 137. Delachaux, L., United States. Oil paintings 1051,1287. Delacroix, Henry Eugene, France. Oil paint¬ ings 390, 522, 573. Delacroix, F. Y. E., (deceased), United States, Loan collection. OiJ. paintings 3062, 3076, 3085. Delaherche, Auguste, France. Faiences 903 to 908, inclusive; 915, 921, 922, 923, 947, 958, 1016, 1017, 1025, 1028, 1029. De la Mar, D., Holland. Oil paintings 143, 157. Delance-Feurgard, France. Oil painting 217. Delance, Paul-Louis, France. Oil painting 285. Delaplanche, Eugene, (deceased), France. Sculpture 64. Delauncy, Alfred-Alexandre, France. Etch¬ ings 810, 893. Delavalle, Henri, France. Aquatints 894, 895. De Leva, G., Italy. Sculpture 51. Dell’ Acqua, Cesare, Belgium. Oil painting 241. Dellenbaugli, F. S., United States. Oil paint¬ ing 1096. Delobbe, Fran^ois-Alfred, France. Oil paint¬ ing 258. Del’ Orme, E. H., United States. Wood en¬ gravings 2488, 2470, 2479, 2485, 2622, 2639, 2646. DeLort, Charles; France. Oil painting 407. Delpy, Camille, France. Oil painting 549. De Luce, P., United States. Water color 1504. Delug, A., Germany. Oil painting 471. De Martin, G., Italy. Oil painting 143. De Mathelin. Maurice, Belgium. Sculpture 7. De Matteis, A , Italy. Oil paintings 210, 211. Deming, E. W., United States. Oil paint¬ ing 609. Demont, Adrien Louis, France. Oil paintings 207 , 213,215. Demont-Breton, Mme. Yirginie, France. Oil paintings 191, 192, 208. Dempwolf, R., United States. Architectural drawing 2744. De Naeyer, Charles, Belgium. Oil paintings 157, 246. Den Duyts, Gustave, Belgium. Oil painting 147. Denman H., United States. Oil painting 803. Black and white drawings 1598, 1624. Denza, Giro, Italy. Oil paintings 121, 253, 297. De Paoli, L., Italy. Sculpture 322. Department of Public Works, Germany. Architectures 771, 866, Deperthes, Pierre-Joseph-Edouard, France. Architecture 1035. Derbier, Emile-Louis, France. Wood engrav¬ ing 875. De Rickx, Louis, Belgium. Oil paintings 114, 248. De Schampheleer, Edmond, Belgium. Oil paintings 189, 195. Des Condres, Adolf, Germany. Oil painting 340. Des Enfans, Albert, Belgium. Sculptures 17, 22 25. De Smeth, Henri, Belgium. Oil painting 108. Desmoulins, Fernand, France. Etching 889. Dessar, L. P., United States. Oil paintings 796, 799, 1020. Detail! e, Edouard, France. Water color 680. United States Loan collection. Oil paint¬ ing 3045. Detmold, H. E., Great Britain. Oil painting 372. De Tombay, Alphonse, Belgium. Sculptures 4, 26, 35. De Tommasi, P., Italy. Oil painting 287. Water colors 460, 461. Dettmann, L., Germany. Oil painting 355. Water colors 610, 611, 612, 616, 617, 618. Deully, Eug&ne-Auguste-Fran^ois, France. Oil paintings 276, 538. Deutsch, Ludwig, Austria. Oil paintings 43, 130.. Deverin, Henri, France. Aquarelle designs 1003, 1022. Deville, Maurice, France. Etching 783. De Vigne, Emma, Belgium. Oil painting 191. De Vigne, Paul, Belgium. Sculptures 11, 12, 20,24,24,38. De Yriendt, Albrecht, Belgium. Oil painting 145. De Vriendt, Juliaan, Belgium. Oil painting 64. Dewey, C. M., United States. Oil paintings 541, 562,1100, 1167. Dewing, T. W., United States. Oil paintings 554, 698, 712, 713, 714, 720, 997. Deyrolle, Theophile-Louis, France. Oil paint¬ ing 196. De Zwart, W., Holland. Oil paintings 60,139. Water color 303, Etchings 300, 310, 313. Diaz dela Pena, N. Y. (deceased), United States Loan collection. Oil paintings 3103, 3112, 3117. Dicksee, Frank, A. R. A., Great Britain. Oil paintings 259, 341. Dicksee, Herbert, R. P. E., Great Britain. Etchings 778,787,794,858. Didier, Adrian, France. Engravings 771, 784, 834, 878. Didier, Ida Joy, United States. Oil painting 1259. Dieffenbacher, Aug., Germany. Oil painting 451. Dielman, F., United States. Oil painting 726. Etching 2138. Dielman, Marguerite, Belgium. Oil painting 118. Dierickx, Omer, Belgium. Oil paintings 104, 146,185. Dieterle, Georges-Pierre, France. Oil paint¬ ing 404. Diez Frances, Jos§, Spain. Oil paintings 154, 208. Dignam, Mary E., Canada. Oil paintings 40, 123. Dillens, Albrecht, Belgium. Oil painting 236. Dillon, Frank, R. I., Great Britain. Water color 682. Dillon, Henri-Patrice-France. Lithograph 786. 474 INDEX OF ARTISTS. Dillon, Julia, United States. Oil painting 1210. Dillon, Maria Liuovna Bliss, Russia. Sculpt¬ ures 2 11. Diriks, Edvard, Norway. Oil paintings 71, 85. Ditscheiner, Adolph, Austria. Oil painting 34. Dixey, Ellen S., United States. Water color 1313. Dmitrieff-Orenburgsky, Nicolay Dmitrie- vitch, Russia. Oil paintings 36,47, 130. Doat, Taxile, France. Porcelain 759. En¬ amel 760. Dobbertin, O., Germany. Sculpture 52. Dobson, W. C. T., R. A., R. W. S., Great Britain. Water colors 533, 598. Oil paint¬ ing 4>1. Dodson, Sarah P. B., United States. Oil paintings 416,1094, 1230. Doepler, Professor, Germany. Water color 693. Dohlmann, Augusta, Denmark. Oil paintings 47, 60. Dohn, Pauline A., United States. Oil paint¬ ing 886. Dollinger, Professor C,, Germany. Architect¬ ure 768. Dominguez, M., Spain. Oil paintings 201, 205. Dommershuizen, Chr., Holland. Oil paint¬ ing 49. Donoghue, J., United States. Sculptures 129, 130, 131. Donoho, G. R., United States. Oil paintings 724, 849. Doring, Willy, Germany. Pastel 565. Dorn, Carl, Germany. Sculptures 81, 98, 99. Dorph, A., Denmark. Oil painting 143. Dorph, N. V., Denmark. Oil paintings 68, 121 . Doucet, Lucien, France. Oil paintings 152, 225, 297. Doughty, T. (deceased), United States. Oil painting 190. Douzette, L., Germany. Oil paintings 174, 175. Dovera, A., Italy. Oil paintings 1 7, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84. Dovizielli, C., Italy. Oil paintings 85,107. Dow, A. W., United States. Oil painting 1031. Doyle, Miss J. M., New South Wales. Oil painting 49. Drake, W. H., United States. Water colors 1334, 1338. Dressier, Conrad, Great Britain. Sculptures 12, 29, 35. Drinkwater, Charles, New South Wales. Oil painting 50. Drury, Alfred, Great Britain. Sculpture 27. Dub6, Mrs. M., United States. Oil painting 1253. ' Du Bois, Henri, France. Medals and medal¬ lions 726, 742. Dubois, Paul, France. Sculptures 104,106, 108, 110 . Dubouchet, Henry-Joseph, France. Engrav¬ ings 775, 877. Dubufe, Guillaume fils, France. Pastels 610, 614. Water colors 644, 645, 648, 647. Dubnssion, Albert, France Oil painting 229. DuChattel, Fred J.. Holland. Water colors 264, 289. Decker, Professor Eugen, Germany. Oil painting 181. Ducker, Evgeny Eduardovitch, Russia. Oil painting 94. Duez, Ernest Ange, France. Oil paintings 329, 330, 333. Duffaud, Jean-Baptiste, France. Oil paint¬ ing 193, Duffield, Mrs. William, R. I., Great Britain. Water color 702. Dufour, Camille, France. Oil paintings 819. Dukszynska, E., Polish. Oil paintings 11, 63, 87. Dulac, Charles, France. Oil painting 574. Dull, J., United States. Architectural draw¬ ing 2830. Dumaresq,Charies-Edouard-Armand, France. Oil painting 307. Du Maurier, George, Great Britain. Water color 599. Ink sketch 890. Du Mond, F. V., United States. Oil paint¬ ings 291, 1036, 1093. Drawings 1854,1859,1860, 1862,1863. Du Mond, F. M., United States. Oil painting 1184. Du Mond, L. A., United States. Pastel 1530. Dumoulin, Louis, France. Oil painting 245. Dunsmore, J. W., United States. Oil paint¬ ing 1021. Dupain, Edmond-Louis, France. Oil paint¬ ing 515. Dupius, Daniel, France. Medal 716. Dupr6, Julien, France. Oil painting 147, Dupre, J.(deceased),United States Loan col¬ lection. Oil paintings 3039, 3052, 3092. Duque y Duque, Eugenio, Spain. Sculptures 36, 37. Duraud, A. B. (deceased), United States. Oil painting 255. Durand, Ludovic, France. Sculpture 71. Durm, Dr. Joseph, Germany. Architectures 723,726,727. Durst, Auguste, France. Oil paintings 212, 4H. Dutocq, Victor-Antoine-Ferdinand, France. Architecture 1150,1151, 1152, 1153, 1154, 1156, 1157, 1158, 1159, 1160, 1161, 1162, 1163, 1164. Duvall, Fannie E., United States. Oil paint¬ ings 763, 3082. Duveneck, F., United States. Oil painting 391. Duverger, Theophile-Emmanuel, France. Oil painting 581. Dvorak, F., United States. Oil painting 917. Dyonnet, E., A. R. C. A., Canada. Oil paint¬ ing 26. Eakins, T., United States. Oil paintings 667, 747, 748, 867, 1033, 1044, 1052, 1061, 1083, 1132, 1211 . Eakins, Mrs. T., United States. Oil painting 748. Eames & Young, United States. Archi¬ tectural drawing 2763. Earle, Charles, The late, Great Britain. Water colors 601, 641. East, Alfred, R. I., Great Britain. Oil paint¬ ings 162, 212. Water colors 504, 673. Eastman, S., United States. Oil painting 188. Eaton, C. H., United States. Oil paintings 663, 851. Water colors 1319, 1451, 1455. Eaton, C. W., United States. Oil paintings 299, 389, 642, 817. Water colors 1431, 1347, 1449. Pastels 1516, 1531, 1546, 1570. Eaton, Wyatt, United States. Pen drawing 2060. Eberle, Ad., Germany. Oil painting 128. Eberlein, Professor G., Germany. Sculpture 50. Eckenaes, Jahn, Germany. Oil paintings 149, 258. Eckenbrecher, Th. V., Germany. Oil paint¬ ing 406. Water colors 578, 579. Ede, F. C. V., Canada. Oil paintings 37, 44, 53, 64, 66, 105. Edis, R. W., F, S. A., F. R. I. B. A., Great Britain. Architectures 1071,1072, 1085, INDEX OF ARTISTS. 47$ Edwards, G. W., United States. Water colors 1387,1361. Black and white drawings 1662, 1744. Eerelman, O., Holland. Oil paintings 5,89, 178. Egan, J. EL, Canada. Oil painting 4. Ehrentrant, Professor J., Germany. Oil painting 285. Eichfeld, Herm., Germany. Oil painting 372. Eichholtz, J. (deceased), United States. Oil painting 235. Eilers, Professor G., Germany, China-prints 636, 662. Etching 691. Eitner, Ernst, Germany. Gouache 614. Ekstrom, P. Segerstad,Sweden. Oil paintings 81, 44^47, 80, 82, 88. Elaas, J ulius von, Austria. Oil painting 18. Elgood, George S., R. I., Great Britain. Water colors 518, 524. Eliot, Maurice, France. Pastel 630. Oil paintings 349, 539. Elliott, C. E. (deceased), United States. Oil painting 202. Ellis, Edwin, Great Britain. Oil painting 89. Ellis, Tristram, A. R. P. E., Great Britain. Water color 547. Etchings 734, 750, 788, 788a, 790. Eister, G., Germany. Sculptures 17, 22. Elwell, D. J., United States. Oil paintings 305, 539,643, 1222. Elwell, F. E., United States. Sculptures 26, 112 . Emmet, Lydia Field, United States. Oil paintings 1074, 1262. Pastel 1577. Emslie, A. E., Great Britain. Oil paintings 109, 380. Ende & Bockmann, Germany. Architecture 702. 703, 706, 707, 708. Endoguroff, Ivan Ivanovitch, Russia. Oil paintings 40, 57,114. Endoguroff, Serge Ivanovitch, Russia. Water colors 21, 25, 32. Engelhart, Josef, Austria. Oil painting 104. Engelsted, M., Denmark. Oil painting 84. Enneking, J. J., United States. Oil paintings 315, 395, 450, 451, 452. Epler, Heinr., Germany, Sculpture 69. Erdmann, Mor., Germany. Etchings 638, 661, 666 . Erelman, Otto, Holland. Water color 248. Ericsson, Anna, Sweden. Water colors 149, 152. Ericsson, Joh., Sweden. Oil painting 75. Eriksson, Christian, Sweden. Sculptures 3, 7,9. Ernest, George and Peto, Great Britain. Ar¬ chitecture 1010, 1018, 1073, 1087, 1101. Ernst, Rudolph, Austria. Oil painting 118. Ertz, E., United States. Oil painting 490. Water color 1485. Etching 2169. Escalier, Nicolas, France. Water colors 668, 755. Eschke, Professor H., Germany. Oil paint¬ ing 257. Eschwege, Elmar V., Germany. Oil painting 130. Espouy, Hector-James-Baptiste, France. Ar¬ chitecture 1060. Essai, Masami, Japan. Card receiver 40. Essen, Janvan, Holland. Oil paintings 170, 184. ' Esser, Theodor, Germany. Oil painting 366. Esteban y Yivero, Enrique, Spain. Oil paint¬ ing 98. Estrada de Picabia, Francisco de Asis, Spain. Sculptures 20, 38, 39. Etchers’ Association of Weimar, Germany. Etchings 641, 660. Etherington, Miss L., Great Britain. Oil painting 279. Eubufe, G., fils, France. Oil painting 560. H. R. H. Prince Eugen of Sweden and Nor¬ way, Sweden. Oil paintings 18,19, 98, 99, 100,101. Evans, A. F., United States. Architectural drawing 2860. Evans, E., United States. Oil painting 297. Evans, Joe, United States. Oil paintings 460, 984. Evans, J. W., United States. Wood engrav¬ ings 2638, 2643, 2644, 2647. Evans, Mrs. M. E., United States. Oil paint¬ ing 279. Everett, H. E., United States. Decorative design 2720. Evershed, Arthur, A. R. P. E., Great Britain. Etchings 706, 723, 751. Water colors 508, 691. Eyre, Wilson, Jr., United States. Architect¬ ural drawings 2856, 2963, 2971, 2978. 2993. Faber, E. F., United States, Etchings 2178, 2390, 2401. Faber, H., United States. Etchings 2185, 2189,2381. Facchinetti, Nicolau, Brazil. Oil paintings 56, 57. Fahey, Edward H„ R. I., Great Britain. Oil paintings 329, 336, 425. Fahrback, C. L., Germany. Oil painting 443. Fairchild, Lucia, United States. Oil paint¬ ing 1260. Falat, J., Germany. Oil painting 504. Falize, Lucien, France. Gold, silver and enamel work 967, 968, 975,976. Falsen, Mimi, Norway. Oil painting 23. Fambri, R., Italy. Sculpture 66. Fannifere, Freres, France. Silver work 937. Fantin-Latour, H., United States Loan Col¬ lection. Oil painting 3084. Farasyn, Edgard, Belgium. Oil paintings 206, 215. Farny, H. F., United States. Water colors 1315, 1321, 1322. Farquharson, David, A. R. S. A., Great Brit¬ ain. Oil painting 357. Farquharson, J., Great Britain. Oil paint¬ ings 437,442. Fath, Ren6-Maurice, France. Oil painting 312. Faxon, W. B., United States. Oil paintings 638,1142. Fedders, July Ivanovitch, Russia. Oil paint¬ ing 51. Fedrighini, P., Italy. Oil paintings 86, 104. Fehr, Conrad, Germany. Pastel 575. Fehr, H. C., Great Britain. Sculpture 43. Feldmann, Louis, Germany. Oil painting 303. Feldmann, W., Germany. Drawing 633. Etchings 672, 678. Fcnn, H., United States. Pen drawing 2052. Wash drawings 1708, 1711. Black and white drawings 1639, 1640. 1659, 1663, 1690, 1712. Fenning, Arthur R. G., Great Britain. Archi¬ tectures 964, 965, 1039, 1056, 1082. Fernandez de Robles, Maximo, Spain. Carv¬ ing 390. Fernandez Gil, Federico, Spain. Oil paint¬ ing 330. Ferran, Luis, Spain. Oil paintings 222, 227. Ferrara, O., Italy. Oil painting 120. Ferrari, Ettore, Italy. Sculptures 198a, 504. Ferrer, Antonio de, Spain. Oil paintings 107, 331, 332, 333. Ferrer Calatayud, Pedro, Spain. Oil paint¬ ing 334. Ferrier, Gabriel, France. Oil paintings 232, B23, 548. 476 INDEX OF ARTISTS. Ferris, S. J., United States, Crayon 1858. Etching 2208. Feyen, Eugene, France. Oil painting 475. Fiaschi, Italy. Sculpture 22. Fichefet, Georges- Francois-Paul, Belgium. Oil painting 166. Field, R., United States. Miniatures 173,178. Fierros y Alvarez, Dionisio, Spain. Oil paint¬ ings 273, 274, 277. Fillebrown, F. E., United States. Wood engraving 2652. Fink, Professor Aug., Germany. Oil paint¬ ings 288, 417. Finnie, John, A. R. P. E., Great Britain. Etchings 731,811. Firado, F., Spain. Oil painting 102. Fischer, A. J., New South Wales. Oil paint¬ ing 29. Fischer, Ludwig H., Austria. Water colors / 115, 162,166. Oil painting 116. Fischer, Poul, Denmark. Oil painting 97. Fischer-Corlin, Germany. Oil painting 512. Fischer, Horace, Great Britain. Oil paintings 191, 391. Fisher, M., United States. Oil paintings 295, 368, 371, 457, 492, 510, 516, 521, 534, 891, 1027. Fisher, S. Melton, Great Britain. Oil paint¬ ing 78. Fitz, B. R., (deceased), United States. Oil paintings 925, 985. Fiuza, Guimaraes, Jose, Brazil. Oil paintings 7, 8, 9, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27. Fjelde, J., United States. Sculptures 139, 156. Flad, G., Germany. Oil painting 387. Flagg, C. N., United States. Oil painting 570. Flagg, E., United States. Architectural draw¬ ing 2890. Flameng, Francois, France. Oil paintings 434, 441, 521. Flameng, Leopold, France. Etchings 790, 797, 798. Flameng, Marie-Auguste, France. Oil paint- ings 540, 570. Flamm, Albert, Germany. Oil painting 115. Fleischer, Fritz, Germany. Oil paintings 279, 323. Flemming, Mrs. M. P., New South Wales. Oil paintings 51, 52. Fletcher, Blandford, Great Britain. Oil painting 368. Fletcher, Morley, Great Britain. Oil paint¬ ing 182. Fleury, Mme. Fanny, France. Oil painting 257. Flickel, Paul, Germany. Oil painting 407. Flier, H. F. van der, Holland. Oil painting 62. Flores, Eduardo, Spain. Water colors 236, 237,238, 249, 251,265. Focillon, Yictor-Louis, France. Wood en- £ gravings 794, 891. Floguras, C., Spain. Sculpture 42. Fonvielle, Ulric de, France. Oil painting 392. Forbes, J. C., R. C. A., Canada. Oil paint¬ ings 56, 73, 75, 79. Forbes, Stanhope A., A. R. A., Great Britain. Oil paintings 66, 80. Forbes, Mrs. Stanhope, Great Britain. Oil painting 427. Ford, E. Onslow, A. R. [A., Great Britain. Sculptures 3, 16, 49. Forster, J. W. L., A. R. C. A., Canada. Oil paintings 2, 59. Forsyth, W., United States. Oil paintings 329, 527,1186. Fortuny, M., (deceased). United States Loan collection. Oil painting 3003. Fosdick, J. W., United States. Burnt wood drawing 2695. Foss, Harriet C., United States. Oil paint¬ ing 897. Fosse, Athanase-Theodore-Frederic, France. Sculpture 79. Foster, Ben, United States. Oil paintings 378, 668, 683, 1246. Water colors 1327, 1379, 1443. Foster, Birket, R. W. S., Great Britain. Water color 575. Fouace, Guillaume Romain, France. Oil painting 408. Foubert, Emile, France. Oil painting 224. Fouques, Henri-Amedee, France. Sculpture 18. Fourie, Albert, France. Oil paintings 421, 553. Fournier, Anatole-Alexis, France. Enamel on copper 1023. Fournier, Hippolyte. France. Oil painting 290. Fournier, Louis-Edouard, France. Oil paint¬ ing 585. Fowler, Daniel, R. C. A., Canada. Water colors 91, 133, 150, 152, 153, 156, 159, 160, 167, 177, 179, 180, 184, 189. Fowler, F., United States. Oil paintings 420, 464, 525, 540, 926. Decorative designs 2910, 2734, 2736, 2737, 2738, 2739, 2740, 2746, 2747, 2748, 2749. Fowler, Mrs. M. B. O., United States. Oil painting 556. Fowler, Robert, R. I., Great Britain. Water colors 505, 551. Fraenkel & Schmidt, United States. Archi¬ tectural drawing 2913. Fragiacomo, P., Italy. Oil paintings 153,155, 158. Frampton, George, Great Britain. Sculptures 5, 20, 39. Francois, F. L.. United States Loan collec¬ tion. Oil painting 3094. Frances y Arribas, Fernanda, Spain. Oil paintings 128,129. Frances y Pascual, Placido, Spain. Oil paintings 83,142, Franchere, J.C.,Canada. Oil paintings 24, 61. Frank, Lucien, Belgium. Oil painting 120. Frankfort, Ed., Holland. Oil painting 102. Franzen, A., United States. Water colors 1401,1454. Franzmi, D’lssoncourt, Charles-Henry- Michel, France. Oil painting 301. Frappa, Jos6, France. Oil painting 551. Fraser, J. A., R. C. A., Canada. Oil paint¬ ing 1. Fraser, J. A., United States. Oil paintings 847. Water colors 1389, 1340, 1348, 1353, 1360. Wash drawing 1707. Black and white draw¬ ings 1609, 1610, 1689. Canada. Water colors 84, 86, 147, 148, 158, 161, 168, 170, 172, 185, 187,195. Fraser, M., United States. Wash drawing 1855. Freeman, G., United States. Miniature 170. Freer, F. W., United States. Oil paintings 535, 793, 929. Fremiet, Emmanuel, France. Sculptures 13, 66, 84. French, D. C., United States. Sculptures 74, 115. French, F., United States. Wood engravings 2487, 2489,2490, 2491, 2492, 2493, 2496, 2499, 2500, 2502, 2505, 2506, 2507, 2510, 2511, 2513, 2314, 2515, 2526, 2527 , 2528. Frenes, Hirt du, Germany. Oil paintings 127, 269. Frentz, Rudolf, Feodorovitch, Russia. Oil painting 111. Frenzel, Oskar, Germany. Oil painting 182. Fr6re, Carles-Edouard, France. Oil paint¬ ing 583. INDEX OF ARTISTS. 47? Fr&re, Jean, France. Sculpture 4. Frey, Wilhelm, Germany. Oil painting 348. Freytag-Loringhoven, M. von, Germany. Oil pninting 364. Fr.ant, Emile, France. Oil paintings 164, 313. Fricke, A., Germany. Oil painting 156. Friedlaender, Camilla, Austria. Oil paint¬ ing 100. Friedrich, Otto, Germany. Oil painting 256. Friese, Richard, Germany. Oil painting 264. Fripp, Chas. E., A. R. W. S., Great Britain. Water colors 618, 674, 683. Frith, W. P., R. A., Great Britain. Oil paint¬ ings 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, Froelich, Edma, Denmark. Oil painting 93. Froelich, L., Denmark. Oil paintings 123, 124. Froment, Eugene, France. Wood engravings 769, 881. Fromentin, E.,(deceased),United States Loan collection. Oil paintings 3093, 3097. Frost, A. B., United States. Wash drawings 1661,1761. Black and white drawings 1760, 1766,1767,1768.1879,1880. Pen drawings 1978, 1984, 1987, 1988, 1989. Fry, J. H., United States. Oil painting 448. Frye, G , United States. Oil painting 673. Fujita, Bunzo, Japan. Sculptures 147, 150. Fuju, Gyoksho, Japan. Painting 118. Fuller, G., (deceased), United States. Oil paintings 229, '233. Fulton, R., (deceased), United States, Oil painting 237. Fullwood, A. H., New South Wales. Oil paintings 13, 34, 35, 36. Water colors 115, 226 227 Fulleylove, John, R. I., Great Britain. Oil painting 440. Water colors 619, 672. Funakoshi, Shummin, Japan. Metal work 41. Furse, Charles W., Great Britain. Oil paint¬ ings 129, 135. Gabl, Professor Alois, Germany. Oil paint¬ ings 418, 424. Gabriel, P. J. C., Holland. Oil paintings 20, 113, 145, 153. Water colors 199, 285. Gabrini, P., Italy. Oil painting 179. Gagen, Robert F., A. R. C. A., Canada. Water colors 85, 143. 157. Gagliardini, Julian Gustav, France. Oil paintings 334, 519. Gailliard, Francois, Belgium. Oil painting 63. Galdacano y Avellaneda, Antonio de, Spain. Oil painting 335. Galerne, Prosper, France. Oil painting 388. Galimberti, G., Italy, Sculpture 535. Galimsky, Vladislaff Mihailovitch, Russia. Oil painting 109. Galle, France. Decorated glasses 927, 931,933. Galli, R., Italy. Sculptures 117, 258, 259, 511, 514, 518. Galofre Oiler, Francisco, Spain. Oil paint¬ ing 135. Galvez, Mariano Miguel, Spain. Oil paint¬ ing 336. Gandarias y Plangan, Justo de, Spain. Sculptures 1, 5, 8. Gant, J., New South Wales. Oil painting 30. Garaud, Gustave-Cesaire, France. Oil paint¬ ing 579. Garcia, Camoyano Fernando, Spain. Oil painting 308. Garcia Hispaleto, Manuel, Spain. Oil paint¬ ing 271. Water color 279. Garcia Pri6to, Andres, Spain. Oil paintings 2 T 0, 218, 226, 234, 267, 269, 291, 337, 338, 339. Garcia Tome. Balbina, Spain. Oil paintings 340, 341, 342. Garcia y Cabrera, Vicente y Herraiz Pascual, Spain. Architectural drawings. Garcia y Rodriguez, Manuel, Spain, Oil painting 90. Gardner, Elizabeth, United States. Oil paint¬ ings 617, 865. Gardner, W. Biscombe, R. P. E., Great Britain. Wood engraving 869. Drawings 891 908 927 Garella, A., Italy. Sculptures 510, 528. Gariboldi, E., Italy. Sculptures 18, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37, 40, 41, 52, 54, 56, 58, 71, 118, 119, 274, 506, 536. Gari Torrent, Onofre, Spain. Oil painting 276. Garnelo, Eloisa, Spain. Oil painting 192. Garnelo, Jos§, Spain. Oil paintings 77, 78, 79, 113, 114. Gartner, Jose, Spain. Oil paintings 275, 344. Garyez, M., Polish. Oil paintings 45,114 ( 118. Gasch y Blanch, Luis, Spain. Oil painting 281. Gascoyne, George, R. P. E., Great Britain. Etchings 883, 884. Gasperini, L., Italy. Oil paintings 205, 284. Gates, J. H., United States. Black and white drawing 1806. Gaudet, Julien, France. Architecture 1055, 1061. Gaudez, Adrien, France. Sculpture 73. Gaudin, F., France. Architecture 1129. Gaugengigl, I. M., United States. Oil paint¬ ings 777, 778, 779. 960. Gaujean, Eugene, France. Engraving 811. Gaul, Gilbert, United States. Oil paintings 899, 1205. Black and white drawings in oil 1720, 1721, 1722, 1729, 1730, 1731, 1732, 1733, 1735, 1736, 1737, 1738. Gautier, Amand, France. Oil painting 364. Lithographs 847, 848. Gay, E., United States. Oil painting 1203. Gay, W., United States. Oil paintingc 488, 495, 742,1136. Geertz, Jul., Germany. Oil paintings 198, 199. Geiger, Fanny Edle v., Germany. Oil paint¬ ing 461. Geiger, Mrs. H., Germany. Sculpture 38. Geiger, N., Germany. Sculpture 32. Gelert, J., United States. Sculptures 28, 93, 149, 152. Gelibert, Jules-Bertrand, France. Oil paint¬ ing 595. Gellerstedt, Prof. A. T., Sweden. Water color 183. Gemito, Italy. Sculptures 17,17a. Genberg, A., Sweden. Oil paintings 191, 203, 205. Geoeli, M., Polish. Oil paintings 32, 33, 39, 117. Genoves Bernal, Eulogio, Spain. Oil paint¬ ing 345. Genzmer, B., Germany. Oil painting 179. Geoff roy, Adolphe-Louis-Victor, France. Sculpture 42. Gerard, Theodore, Belgium. Oil paintins 115. G6ricault, J., L. A. T., United States Loan collection. Oil painting 3028. Gerome, J. L., Unitpd States Loan collec¬ tion. Oil paintings 3104, 3106. Sculpture 3125. Gersan, W., Polish. Oil paintings 1, 17, 76, 77, 78, 82, 85. Gervex, Henri, France. Oil paintings 260, 280, 281. Gervex, Henri (and A. Stevens), France. Oil paintings 702, 718, 741, 757. Gessa y Arias, Sebastian, Spain. Oil paint¬ ings 169, 170. 47§ INDEX OF ARTISTS. Gevers, Helen, Belgium. Oil paintings 68, 94. Gibson, C. D., United States. Pen drawings 1928, 1929, 1930, 1931, 1932, 1933, 1934, 1935, 1947, 1948, 1949, 1950, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1982, 1991. Wash drawings 1645, 1672, 1673. Gibson, R. W., United States. Architectural drawing 2917. Gibson, W. Hamilton, United States. Water colors 1307, 1420, 1433, 1441, 1457, 1467, 1474, 1484, 1510. Pastel 1515. Charcoal drawing 1691. Pen drawing 1810. Black and white drawings 1692, 1808, 1809, 1811, 1812, 1813, 1814,1815,1816, 1817, 1819. Smoke drawing 1818. Gifford, R. Swain, United States. Oil paint¬ ings 487, 526, 644, 662, 685, 707, 727, 757, 819, 986, 1080. Water colors 1304, 1355, 1442, 1502. Etchings 2164, 2165, 2170, 2171, 2172, 2177. Gifford, Sandford R. (deceased), United States. Oil painting 219. Gignoux, R. (deceased), United States. Oil painting 266. Gigoux, Jean, France. Oil paintings 438, 474, 478. Gilbert, Achille, France. Engravings 815, 820. Gilbert, Sir John R. A., P. R. W. S., Great Britain. Water colors 525, 644. Gilbert, Ren§, France. Oil painting 391. Gilbert, Yictor-Gabriel, France. Oil paint¬ ings 253, 402. Gilbert & Taylor, United States. Architect¬ ural drawings 2937, 2988. Photographs 2925, 2938, 2968, 2977, 2985. 2997. Gill, Mariquita, United States. Oil paintings 709, 1233. Gill, Rosalie L., United States. Oil paintings 868 , 1202 . Gilman, B. F., United States. Oil paintings 659. Gines y Ortiz, Adela, Spain. Sculpture 13. Girard, A.. France'. Oil painting 198. Girard, Firm in, France. Oil painting 350. Giraidet, Prof. A., Brazil. Medallions 129,133. Cameos 130, 131, 132, 134. Girardot, Louis-Auguste, France. Oil paint¬ ings 445, 547. Girsch, F., United States. Steel engravings 2650, 2689. Gisela, Josef, Austria. Oil paintings 57, 69,77, 106. Gjoedsen, Aage, Denmark. Oil painting 164. Glaize, Auguste-Barthelemy, France. Oil paintings 287, 611. Glaize, Pierre-Paul, Leon, France. Oil paint¬ ing 309, 517. Glauflugel, Otto, Germany. Sculptures 29, 87. Glazebrook, Hugh de T., Great Britain. Oil paintings 2U, 351. Gleichen-Russwurm, Freiherr Ludwig von, Germany. Oil paintings 311, 593, 599. Gloersen, Jacob, Norway. Oil painting 91. Gloss, Ludwig, Austria. Oil painting 86. Goddard, Paget & Goddard, Messrs., Great Britain. Architectures 1004,1061. Godding, Emile, Belgium. Oil painting 240. Godin, Franpoise - Augustine - Marguerite, France. Oil painting 432. Goemans, Gustave-Hubert, Belgium Oil paintings 129, 214. Goeneutte, Norbert, France. Etching 806. Dry point 788. Oil painting 509. Goldman, M., United States. Oil painting 613. Goltz, Alexander D., Austria. Oil paintings 41, 125. Golumsky, Vasily Andreievitch, Russia. Oil painting 55. Gomez-Salvador, Constantino, Spain. Oil paintings 278, 288. Gonella, E., Italy. Sculpture 531. Gonzalez-Sevillano, Antonio, Spain. Oil paintings 235, 250, 301,346, 347. Gonzalez Simancas, Manuel, Spain. Oil paintings 348, 349. Gonzalvo Perez, Pablo, Spain. Oil paintings 132, 173, 219. Goodall, Edward, A. R. W. S., Great Britain. Water colors 543, 697. Goodall, Frederick R. A., Great Britain. Oil paintings 208, 370. Goodall, T. F., Great Britain. Oil paintings 53,106. Gorguet, Auguste-Francois, France. Oil painting 480. Goscimski, W., Polish. Oil paintings 59, 112 . Goscombe, John W., Great Britain. Sculpt¬ ures 6, 10. Gosselin, The late Charles, France. Oil paint¬ ing 533. Gotch, T. C., Great Britain. Water color 506. Oil painting 450. Gottwald, F. C., United States. Oil paintings 529, 1050. Gotz, I., Germany. Sculptures 45, 46, 102. Goubie, J ean-Richard, France. Oil painting 527. Goulard, Emile F61ix, France. Cameo 696. Bas-relief, etc., 738. Gow, A. C., R. A., Great Britain. Oil paint¬ ing 392. Gow, Andrew C., R. A. R. I., Great Britain. Water color 529. Gow, Miss Mary L., Great Britain. Water colors 634, 655. Grace, A. F., Great Britain. Oil paintings 81, 108. Water colors 616, 635. Grace, James E., Great Britain. Oil paint¬ ings 354, 468. Grafly, C., United States. Sculptures 70,123. Graham, J. L., Canada. Oil paintings 21, 82. Graham, Peter, R A., Great Britain. Oil paintings 369, 394. Graham, T., Great Britain. Oil painting 133. Gramatyka, A., Polish. Oil paintings 38, 50, 62. Grandhomme, France. Enamel 961. Grandkovsky, Russia. Oil painting 71. Grant Tejada, Luis, Spain. Oil painting 285. Gravesande, C. N. Storm van’s, Holland. Etchings 301, 302, 304, 311, 315, 318. Graves, Abbot, United States. Oil painting 1145. Gravillon, Arthur de, France. Sculpture 62. Gray, H. P. (deceased), United States. Oil painting 238. Grayson, C. P., United States, Oil paintings 616, 814, 888. Greatorex, Kathleen H., United States. Wa¬ ter colors 1368, 1511. Green, C., R. I., Great Britain. Water color 579. Green, C. A., United States. Oil painting 1127. Green, F. R., United States. Oil painting 953. Green, Towneley, R. I., Great Britain. Water color 677. Green & Wicks, United States. Architectural drawings 2753, 2922, 2923, 2929, 2947. Greenaway, Miss Kate, Great Britain. Draw" ings 940, 941, 942, 943, 944, 945. Green, William, United States. Oil paint¬ ing 1240. INDEX OF ARTISTS. 479 Greenwood, J. H., United States. Oil paint¬ ing 273. Gregg, D. A., United States. Architectural drawings 2875, 2915. Gregory, Chas., R. W. S., Great Britain. Water colors 530, 554, 567, 631. Grenet, E., United States. Oil paintings 1047, 1207,1277, 1289. Grethe, Professor Carlos, Germany. Oil paintings 164, 494, 496, 499. Greuse, Louis, Belgium. Engraving 265. Pencil drawing 266. Greuze, J. B., (deceased). United States Loan collection. Oil painting 3111. Grey, Alfred, R. H. A., Great Britain. Oil painting 338. Gribble, Herbert A., A. R. I. B. A., Great Britain. Architectures 968, 992. Grice, Benjamin J., New South Wales. Water color 229. Grier, E. W., A. R. C. A., Canada. Oil paint¬ ings 95, 128. Griffith, J. M., United States. Sculptures 6, 9, 31,140, 148. Griffiths, James, R. C. A., Canada. Water colors 175, 176, 181. Griffin & Randall, United States. Architect¬ ural drawings 2755, 2756, 2757, 2758. Grimelund, Johs., Norway. Oil painting 104. Grobe, German, Germany. Oil painting 294. Grolleron, Paul, France. Oil painting 393. Gros, Lucien, France. Water colors 654, 672, 679. Grosch, O., United States. Wood engraving 2651. Gross, P. A., United States. Oil paintings 361, 605, 620. Groszheim, Kayser and von, Germany. Archi¬ tecture 767. Grover, O. D., United States. Oil painting 446. Griitzner, Professor Eduard, Germany. Oil paintings 410, 477. Gryglewski, A., Polish. Oil painting 91. Guardabassi, F. M., Italy. Oil painting 178. Guardabassi, G., Italy. Oil paintings 171,177. Water colors 456, 462. Guay, Gabriel, France. Oil painting 304. Gude, Nils, Norway. Oil paintings 15, 39. Gude-Hans, Professor, Germany. Oil paint¬ ing 439. Gudmundsen-Holmgren,Denmark. Oil paint¬ ings 49, 145. Gueldry,Joseph-Ferdinand,France. Oil paint¬ ing 419. Guerar, Henri, France. Burnt wood 1034. Guerard, Henri, France. Etchings 850, 851, 852. Guerin, J., United States. Water color 1351. Guerra, A., Italy. Oil paintings 121, 127, 148, 160, 213, 237. Guerra, Gabriel, Mexico. Sculptures 2, 3, 7, 8, 10,11,13. Guerrieri, A., Italy. Oil painting 142. Gueyton & Cie., France. Silver work 960. Guffens, Godefroid, Belgium. Oil paintings 244, 245. Gugliandolo, V., Italy. Sculpture 327. Guglielmo, Lange, France. Sculpture 30. Guichard, Mile. Louise, France. Etching 867. Guiette, Jules, Belgium. Etchings 268, 275. Oil painting 164. Guignard, Gaston, France. Oil painting 241. Guignery, Gustave-Alfred, France. Oil paint¬ ing 321. Guillaume, Edmond J. B., France. Archi¬ tectures 1089, 1095, 1099, 1100. Guillemet, Antoine J. B., France. Oil paint¬ ings 278, 365. Guillen, Pedemonte, Spain. Oil painting 283. Guillon, Adolph lren6e, France. Oil paint¬ ing 735. Guillon, Alfred, France. Oil painting 409. Guillon, Eugene-Antoine, France. Oil paint¬ ing 348. Guminski, W., Polish. Oil painting 98. Gunther, Erwin, Germany. Oil painting 345. Giinther-Naumburg, Germany. Oil painting 244. Gunzburg, Ilia Jakovle vitch, Russia. Sculpt¬ ures 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10,13, 14, 15, 16. Gusman, Pierre, France. Wood engraving 828. Gutherz,C., United States. Oil paintings 319, 388, 927. Gutierrez, Rodrigo, Mexico. Oil painting 56. Gysis, Professor Nicol, Germany. Oil paint¬ ing 307. Haag, Carl, R. W. S., Great Britain. Water colors 501, 542, 569, 593. Haas, J. H. L. de, Holland. Oil paintings 88, 95. Haas, M. F. H. de, United States. Oil Paint¬ ing 533. Haaxman, P., Holland. Oil paintings 59, 164. Haber, Rudolph v., Germany, Water color 625. Hacker, Arthur, Great Britain. Oil paintings 304, 371, 429. Hada, Geshin, Japan. Painting 120. Haden, Francis Seymour, P. R. P. E., Great Britain. Charcoals 803, 804, 805, 806, 807, 808, 809, 810. Hagborg, Aug., Sweden. Oil paintings 63, 89, 90, 97. Hagemans, Maurice, Belgium. Oil painting 153. Water color 287. Hagen, Professor Theod., Germany. Oil painting 151. Hagland, R., Sweden. Etchings 137, 155,170. Hagn, Richard v., Germany. Oil painting 383. Hague, Anderson, R. I., Great Britain. Water color 560. Oil painting 72. Haig, A. H., Sweden. Etchings 129, 130,131, 132 133 134 135. Haig’ Axel h!, R. P. E., Great Britain. Etch¬ ings 713, 850. Hale, Ellen Day, United States. Oil paint¬ ings 289, 1190. Hale, P., United States. Oil painting 1226. Hall, Fred, Gref + Britain. Oil paintings 237, 239. Hall, Oliver, R. P. E., Great Britain. Etch¬ ings 708, 825, 829. Water colors 651, 648. Hall, Wm„ R. S. A., Great Britain. Engrav¬ ing 882. Halle, Oscar, Belgium. Oil paintings 85, 175, 175. Hallett, H. A , United States. Water color 1378. Haller, M., Germany, Architecture 801, 868. Halligan, Mrs. G., New South Wales. Oil paintings 31, 32. Hallowell, Maria, United States. Oil paint¬ ings 379, 1208. Halswelle, Keeley (The late). Great Britain. Oil painting 180. Hamacher, Willy, Germany, Oil painting 441. Hambresin, Albert, Belgium. Sculptures 6, 10, 19, 21. Hamel, W., Holland. Oil painting 171. Hamilton, E. W. D., United States. Oil paintings 314,1192. Hamilton, J., (deceased), United States. Oil painting 193. Hamilton, J. McL., United States. Oil paint¬ ings 1042,1154. Pastel 1551. 480 INDEX Or ARTISTS, Hamlin, A. D., United States. Architectural drawing 2894. Hammer, Erich, Germany, Oil painting 185. Hammer, J. J., United States, Oil paint'ng 1187. Water color 1462. Charcoal drawing 1582. Hammond, J., A. R. C. A., Canada. Oil paintings 42, 63, 119, Hammond. Jane Nye, United States. Sculpt¬ ures 66, 99. Hamza, Johann, Austria. Oil painting 94. Harburger, Edm., Germany. Oil painting 212. Hannaux, Emmanuel, France. Sculptures 76, 90. Hansen, Adolph H., Denmark. Oil painting 81. Hanson, Albert J., New South Wales. Water color' 117. Hansen, Hans Nicolai, Denmark. Oil paint¬ ings 107, 130, 131. Hansen, Joseph,Th.,Denmark. Oil paintings 86, 87, Hansen, Peter, Denmark. Oil painting 82. Hansteen, Nils, Norway. Oil paintings 12,40, 50, 63, 92. Hara, Ryutaro, Japan. Painting 104. Hardenbergh, H. J., W. C. Hunting, and J. C. Jacobsen, United States. Architectural drawing 2871. Hardenbergh, H. J., United States. Archi¬ tectural drawing 2855. Hardie, R. G., United States. Oil painting 914. Harding, C., United States. Oil painting 218. Hardwick, M. H., United States. Water color 1452. Hare, St. George, Great Britain. Oil paint¬ ings 218, 220. Water color 645. Hareux, Ernest Victor, France. Oil paint¬ ing 165. Hargitt, Edward, R. I., Great Britain. Oil painting 248. Water colors 636, 640. Harison, Mary A., United States. Water color 1501. Harper, W. St. John, United States. Oil painting 1217. Harrach, Count v., Germany. Oil painting 226. Harris, C. X., United States. Oil painting 558. Harris, Robert, Pres. R. C. A., Canada. Oil paintings 10, 58, 67, 74, 102, 109. Harrison, A., United States. Oil paintings 317, 635, 802,806, 807, 1105. Harrison, B., United States Oil paintings 506,813. Pastel 1573. Hartley, Alfred, Great Britain. Oil painting Q V^i^rtley, J. S., United States. Sculptures 122, .- 150,158. Hartmann, Karl, Germany. Oil paintings 399, 485. Hartson, W. C., United States. Water colors 1293, 1365, 1404. Hartwich, H., United States. Oil painting 795. Harwood, J. T., United States. Oil painting 366. Hasbrouck, D. F., United States. Oil paint¬ ing 870. Hasch, Carl, Austria. Oil painting 113. Hase, Professor C. W., Germany. Architect¬ ures 776, 863. Hasegawa, Gyokjun, Japan. Painting 46. Hasemann, Wilhelm, Germany. Oil paintings 517, 525, 275. Hashimoto, Chikanob, Japan. Painting 47. Hashimoto, Gaho, Japan. Painting 12. Haslund, Otto, Denmark. Oil painting 58, Haskell, Ida C., United States. Oil painting 404. Hassam, Childe, United States. Oil paintings 326, 337, 666, 833, 931. Water colors 1297, 1399, 1427, 1470, 1503. Hasselberg, Per., Sweden. Sculptures 1, 2, 8, 13,15, 16, 19. Hasselries, L., Denmark. Sculpture 1. Hatfield, J. H., United States. Oil paintings 1065, 1219. Hatherell, W. R. I., Great Britain. Water colors 637, 684. Hauberisser, Professor G., Germany. Archi¬ tectures 710 717, 788. Haviland & Cie. and Chaplet, France. Earth¬ enwares 934, 948. Hayashi, Tadamasa, Japan. Decorated Kyoto earthenwares 214 to 253, inclusive. Hayden, C. H., United States. Oil paintings 275, 303, 348. Hayden, E. P., United States. Oil painting 895. Hayes, Claude, Great Britain. Oil paintings 283, 334. Hayes, Edwin, R. H. A., R. I., Great Britain. Oil paintings 80, 225. Water color 536. Haynes, C. C., United States. Oil paintings 549, 652, 1055. Haynes-Williams, J., Great Britain. Oil painting 255. Hays, F. A., United States. Architectural drawings 2880, 2887, 2888, 2919, 2965. Healy, G. P. A., United States. Oil painting 1144. Heberer, C., United States. Oil painting 308. Hecker, Caroline T., United States. Pastels 1517, 1537. Heger, Louise, Belgium. Oil painting 148. Hehl, Christoph, Germany. Architectures 769, 777, 778, 780, 786. Heichert, Otto, Germany. Oil painting 287. Heidepriem, T., Germany. Sculptures 53, 112, 113. Heilmann, Gerhard, Denmark. Oil paintings 70, 95. Heilmann, Max, Germany. Oil painting 337. Heim, L., Germany. Architectures 869, 875. Heim, Heinz, Germany. Drawings 588, 597, 634. Heimes, Heinr., Germany. Oil painting 393. Hein, Franz, Germany. Water colors, 561,586. Heinemann, E., United States. Wood en¬ graving 2656. Heinevetter, Hans, Germany. Architecture 792. Heins, Belgium. Etchings 252, 283. Helcke, Arnold, Great Britain. Oil painting 360. Helleu, United States Loan collection. Oil 3019. Hellwag, Rudolf, Germany. Oil paintings 139 500. Helmick, H., United States. Water color 1296. Black and white drawings 1627, 1629, 1638. Helmold, Adele von, United States. Oil painting 964. Helsted, Axel. Denmark. Oil painting 57. Henkes, Gerke, Holland. Oil paintings 21, 47, 61, 98, 169. Water colors 211, 212, 231. Henner, Jean-Jacques, France. Oil paint¬ ings 271, 272, 273. Henri, R., United States. Studies for mural decorations 2727, 2728. Henry, E. L., United States. Oil paintings 441, 493 Water color 1295. Henseler, Professor E., Germany. Oil paint¬ ings 521, 273. Henshall, J. Henry, R. W. S., Great Britain. Water colors 509, 544. Herain, Jean, Belgium. Sculptures 9, 28. INDEX OF ARTISTS. Herbo, Leon, Belgium. Oil painting 154. Herford, O., United States. Pen drawing 2059. Herkomer, Professor H. R. A., Great Britain. Oil paintings 332, 463, 465. Herkomer, Herman G ., Great Britain. Oil paintings 317, 331. Hermanns, Heinr., Germany. Oil painting 262. Herrmann, Hans, Germany. Oil painting 332. Water colors 602, 604, 629. Hermann, L6on Charles. France. Oil paint¬ ing 599. Hermelin, O. Baron, Sweden. Oil painting 51. Hermelin, T. Baron, Sweden. Water colors 201 , 202 . Hermes, J., Germany. Oil painting 267. Hermuth-Kallmorgen, Margarethe, Germany. Oil painting 160. Hern, C. E., New South Wales. Water color 114. Heron, W., New South Wales. Water color 123. Herrer, Cesar, Spain. Oil paintings 57,112. Herrera, Mexico. Oil painting 82. Hertel, Professor Alb, Germany. Oil paint¬ ing 178. Water colors 566, 601, 606, 608, 609, 628. Herter, A., United States. Oil painting 360. Water color 1336. Herter, Professor E., Germany. Sculptures 8, 75, 83. Herterich, Professor L., Germany. Oil paint¬ ing 127. Herts, H. B., United States. Architectural drawing 2765. Herwegen, V. M., Germany. Water colors 536, 585. Herzog, Louis, Germany. Oil painting 312. Water color 583. Heseltine, J. P., R. P. E., Great Britain. Etching 712. Hess, Lydia Purdy, United States. Oil paint¬ ing 1270. Hetzel, G., United States. Oil paintings 478, 1200. Hewlett, J. M., United States. Architectural drawing 2743. Heyerdahl, Hans, Norway. Oil paintings 24, 64, 72, 106, 107, 127. Heyl, Philip H. G., Germany. Oil painting 314. Heyser, F., Germany. Oil painting 207. Hickman, L., United States. Architectural drawings 2787, 2812. Hidalgo, Felix, Resurreccion, Spain. Oil paintings 110, 111. Higchi, Halzane, Japan. Porcelain 67. Hildebrand, Bernard, France. Cameo 710. Hildebrand, Professor E., Germany. Oil paintings 251, 469. Hilgers, Professor C., Germany. Sculptures 51, 54, 74. Hill, R. S., United States. Oil painting 1032. Hine, Harry, Great Britain. Water colors 643, 700. Hine, Henry, Y. P. R. I., Great Britain. Water color 578. Hinrichsen, Lorenz Y., Denmark. Oil paint¬ ing 94. Hippie, Mrs. S. Levis, United States. Oil paintings 623, 842. Hirou, Ernest, France. Sculpture 65. Hirsch, Auguste-Alexandre, France. Oil painting 468. Hirschl, Adolf, Austria. Oil paintings 37, 47. Hirschler-Kunwald, Ernestine, Germany. Oil painting 523. Hirt, Professor Joh., Germany. Sculpture 20. Hischen, Ernst, Germany. Sculpture 15. 48 l Historic Sculptures, France, 1196 to 1311, in¬ clusive. Hitchcock, G., United States. Oil paintings 292, 532. Wash drawing 1837. Black and white drawings 1832, 1834. Hitchcock, L., United States. Oil painting 343. Hitchens, A., Great Britain. Oil painting 149. Hjersing, Arne, Norway. Oil painting 74. Hjerlow, Ragnvald, Norway. Oil painting 78. Hochhaus, C., Germany. Oil painting 216. Hodgkins, Belle D., United States. Oil paint¬ ing 1103. Hodson, Samuel J., R. W. S., Great Britain. Water colors 574, 587, 608. Hoecker, Professor Paul, Germany. Oil paintings 395, 260, 142. Hoelzel, Ad., Germany. Oil painting 145. Hoermann, Theo. v., Austria. Oil painting 19. Hoeterickx, Emile, Belgium. Oil painting 194. Hofer, Gottfr., Germany. Oil painting 420. Hoff, Karl, Germany. Oil painting 464. Hoffmann, Josef, Austria. . Oil paintings 59, 129. Hoffmann von Fallerslebeu, F., Germany. Oil painting 274. Hofmann, K., Germany. Architectures 712, 713. Hogendorps-Jacob, Mrs. I., Holland. Water color 194. Holabird & Roche, United States. Architect¬ ural drawings 2876, 2877, 2878. Hoi be, Kud., Germany. Sculpture 85. Holden, R. Henry, New South Wales. Oil painting 53. Holden, Sarah B., Canada. Oil paintings 28, 47, 99. Hole, William, R. S. A., Great Britain. Etch¬ ings 81,786, 818, 857. Holiday, Harry, Great Britain. Sculpture 31. Holiday, Henry, Great Britain. Oil painting 321. Water colors 668, 669. Holl, Frank, R. A. (deceased). Great Britain. Oil paintings 61, 170, 235, 314, 328. Holloway, C. E., Great Britain. Water color 515, Holloway, T., United States. Engraving 199. Holman, F., United States. Oil paintings 1141, 1155. Water colors 1488,1496. Holmberg, Professor Aug., Germany. Oil paintings 489, 344. Holmboe, Thorolf, Norway. Oil paintings 13, 27 , 31, 58, 86. Holme, Lucy D., United States. Oil paint¬ ing 386. Holmes, Cecil, New South Wales. Oil paint¬ ing 54. Holten, Sofie, Denmark. Oil paintings 78 85,118. Homer, Winslow, United States. Oil paint¬ ings 423, 459, 693, 789, 860, !070, 1081, 1106, 1108, 1112, 1116, 1118, 1119, 1124, 1137. Honeyman, John & Keppie, Great Britain. Architectures 995, 1013. Hook, J. C.,R. A., Great Britain. Oil paint¬ ings 307, 318. Hoorickx, H. G. Ernest, Belgium. Oil paint¬ ing 212. Hooworth, G., New South Wales. Sculpture 3. Hope, William, Canada. Oil painting 121. Hopkins, Arthur, A. R. W. S., Great Britain. Oil painting 177. Water colors 531, 592. Horenbant, Joseph, Belgium. Oil painting 62. Horsfall, Bruce, United States. Oil painting 1201. 482 INDEX OF ARTISTS. Horsley, John Callcott, R. A., Great Britain. Oil paintings 246, 475. Horsley, Gerald C., Great Britain. Architect¬ ures 971, 989,1012. Horsley, Walter C., Great Britain. Oil paint¬ ings 363, 481. Horst, Chr. and Weltzien, V. von, Germany. Architectures 797, 798. Horte, Max, Germany. Etching 689. Hou, Axel, Denmark. Oil painting 142. Houbron, Frederie, France. Water color 695. Houdain, Andred, France. Sculpture 8. Houghton, Carrie, Spain. Painting in water color 382. Houghton, Margaret, Canada. Oil paintings 81, 60. Houssay, Mile. Josephine, France. Pastel 723. Houssin, Edouard-Charles, France. Sculpt¬ ure 53, 99, 102. Hoven, Franz von, Germany. Architecture 714, 722. Hovenden, T., United States. Oil paintings 277, 472, 846. Howe. W. H., United States. Oil paintings 483, 499, 689, 896. Howes, E. M., United States. Oil painting- 323. Howland, A. C., United States. Oil painting 1062. Hradecky, Yacslav, Austria. Oil painting 27. Huber, Franz, Germany. Architecture 879. Huber, Rudolph, Austria. Oil paintings 36, 57. Hubrecht, Mrs. Donders-Grandmont, Hol¬ land. Water color 198. Drawing 314. Hugenholtz, Miss A., Holland. Oil painting 25. Hugues, Jean, France, Sculptures 52, 59, 97. Hultzsch, Professor Herm, Germany. Sculpt¬ ure 21. Hummel, Theod., Germany. Oil painting 351. Hundrieeer, Professor Emil, Germany. Sculpt¬ ure 30. Hunt, Alfred W., R. W. S., Great Britain. Oil painting 326. Water colors 519, 550, 602, 623. Hunt, C. Horbury, New South Wales. Oil paintings 11, 37, 38. Water colors 119, 120. Hunt, R. M., United States. Architectural model 2697, Hunt, W. M. (deceased), United States. Oil paintings 242, 251, 257. Hiinten, Professor Emil, Germany. Oil paint¬ ing 137. Hunter, Colin, A. R. A., Great Britain. Oil paintings 243, 260. Hunter, G. Sherwood, Great Britain. Oil paintings 181, 201. Huntington, D., United States. Oil paint¬ ings 383, 837, 947, 1057 Huson, Thomas, R. I., R. P.E., Great Britain. Oil painting 79. Mezzotint 813. Huss, G. M., United States. Architectural drawings 2789, 2791. Huysmans, Jean Baptiste, Belgium. Oil paint¬ ing 88. Hyatt, Harriet Randall, United States. Sculpt¬ ure 125. Hyde, W. H., United States. Pen drawing 1591. Icard, Honore, France. Sculpture 49. Idrac, Antoine-Jean-Marie, France. Sculpt¬ ure 109. Igarashi, Tajiro, Japan. Lacquer works 85, 86, 87, 91. Ihlefeld, H., United States. Water color 1328. Ihnen, H. S., United States. Architectural drawing 2911. Iida, Shinhichi, Japan. Embroideries 7, 82, 136, Ikeda, Keisen, Japan. Painting 125. Ikeda, Shinsai, Japan. Painting 56. Ikeda, Taisbin, Japan. Lacquer 70. listed, Peter, Denmark. Oil painting 38. Imas, Keinen, Japan. Paintings 49, 79. Imperial Ministry of Public Works, Ger¬ many. Architecture 729, 730, 731, 732, 733, 734, 735, 736, 737, 738, 739, 740, 741, 742, 743, 744, 745, 745a, 746, 748, 749, 751, 752, 753, 754, 755, 756,757, 758, 759, 760, 761, 762, 763, 764. Imperial Ministry of the Interior, Germany. Architecture 694, 696, 750. Inciarte, Venezuela. Oil painting 23. Ingham, C. C. (deceased), United States. Miniature 171. Ingram, W. Ayerst, Great Britain. Oil paint¬ ing 344. Ingres, J. A. D. (deceased). United States Loan collection. Oil painting 3109. Inman, H. (deceased), United States. Oil painting 230. Inness, G., United States. Oil paintings 633, 690, 692, 731,943, 950,958,969, 973, 977, 994,995, 996, 998, 999. Inurria, Lainosa, Mateo, Spain. Sculpture 40. Ipsen, E., United States. Oil painting 1266. Irminger, V., Denmark. Oil paintings 29, 39, 44, 170. Irving, J. B. (deceased), United States. Oil painting 261. Irwin, B., United States. Oil paintings 827, 962. Isabey, E., United States Loan collection. Oil painting 3042. Isembart, Emile, France. Oil painting 554. Isham, S., United States. Oil painting 269. Ishikawa, Mitsuaki, Japan. Wood 21. Ivory Israels, Joseph, Holland. Water Icolor 275. Oil paintings 84, 92,103,104,174. U. S. Loan collection. Oil 3035. Itasse, Adolphe, France. Sculptures 58,129. Itasse, Mile. Jeanne, France. Sculpture 57. Ito, Katsuyoshi, Japan. Metal 34. Ittner, W. B., United States. Architectural drawings 2752, 2754. Iturralde, Antonio de, Spain. Architecture 401, 402. Ives, Percy, United States, Oil painting 1209. I will, Marie-Joseph, France. Oil painting 360. Water color 708. Pastel 762. Iztencel, M., Polish. Oil painting 96. Jackson, T. G.. A. R. A., GreatBritain. Archi¬ tectures 962, 973, 982, 1016, 1105. Jackson, W. E., United States. Architect¬ ural drawing 2750. Jacob-Bazin, Madame, France. Wood en¬ graving 789. Jacob, Stephen, France. Oil painting 374. Jacobi, O. R., R. C. A., Canada. Oil paint¬ ings 7, 9, 33. Jacobides, Professor Georg, Germany. Oil paintings 129, 442. Jacobs, Adolphe, Belgium. Oil painting 173. Jacobs,Louis, Belgium. Oil paintings 136,181. Jacoby, Valerian Ivanovitch, Russia. Oil painting 131. Jacomb-Hood, G. P., Great Britain. Oil painting 134. Jacomin, Marie-Ferdinand, France. Oil painting 485. Jacque, Frederick, France. Etching 778. Jacquet, Achille, France. Engravings 766,779, 785. Jacquet, Jules, France. Engravings 772, 773, 780. Jadraquey Sanchez Ocana Miguel, Spain. Oil painting 53. INDEX OF ARTISTS. 483 Jahnke, Karl, Germany. Etching 665. James, F., United States. Oil painting 1077. Jamin, Paul-Joseph, France. Oil painting 230. Jamison, Henrietta L., United States. Oil painting 1182. Jamieson, J. P., United States. Architectural drawings 2931, 2942. Jan-Montchablon. Ferdinand, France. Oil paintings 305, 500. Jansen, H. W., Holland. Oil paintings 54, i49. Janssen, Professor Peter, Germany. Oil painting 214. Jansson, Eng., Sweden. Oil painting 92. Japy, Louis, France. Oil painting 398. Jara, Jos6, Mexico. Oil paintings 92, 35. Jaraba Jimenez, Manuel Enrique, Spain. Oil paintings 117, 315. Jarl, Otto, Austria. Sculpture 8. Jarvis, J. W., United States. Oil painting 225. Jasinski, L., Polish. Oil painting 28. Jaspe, Juan Nepomuceno, Spain. Oil paint¬ ings 350, 851. Jasper, Victor, Austria. Engraving 154. Jassen, Eug., Sweden. Pastel 128. Jaubert, Leon, Franco. Oil painting 843. Jay, W. S., Great Britain. Oil painting 340. Jeanniot, Pierre Georges, France. Pastel 626. Water colors 664, 687. Oil paintings 158, 162. Jenkins, Miss Blanche, Great Britain. Oil painting 335. Jenkins, Mrs. H. T., United States. Oil paintings 723, 756. Jensen, Carl Milton, Denmark. Oil painting 132. Jensen, J.Th., Denmark. Oil painting 144. Jensen, Karl, Denmark. Oil painting 146. Jerndorff, A. A., Denmark. Oil paintings 122, 127, 134, 135. Jespersen, Henrik, Denmark. Oil paintings : 22, 23. Jettel, Eugen, Austria. Oil paintings 28, 32, ; 79, 88, 92, 139, 148. Jimenez Aranda, Jos6, Spain. Oil painting 352. Jimenez Aranda, Luis, Spain, Oil paintings 88, 94, 123, 124, 160, 161, 164, 165, 171. Johansen, Viggo, Denmark. Oil paintings 43, 61, 65. Johns, Laura A., United States. Oil painting 1176. Johnson, Cyrus, R. I., Great Britain. Oil paintings 107, 236. Water color 704. Johnson, C. H., United States. Pen draw¬ ing 2050. Wash drawing 1838. Johnson, Eastman, United States. Oil paint¬ ings 438, 669, 784, 853, 921, 954, 983. Johnson, T., United States. Etchings 2166, 2173. Wood engravings 2494, 2495, 2497, 2498, 2501, 2503, 2508, 2509, 2512, 2516, 2524, 2529, 2537. Johnston, Humphreys, United States. Oil paintings 1170, 1197, 1237. Johnston, J. B., United States. Oil painting 195. Jolin, Ellen, Sweden. Water color 126. Jolley, Gwiit, Great Britain. Oil painting 130. Jolyet, Phillippe, France. Oil painting 343. Jomi, Eiske, Japan. Vase 31. Jones, Annie W., United States. Water color 1430. Jones, F. 0., United States. Oil paintings 765, 861, 991. Water color 1316. Jones, H. B., United States. Oil paintings 470, 834. Water colors 1310, 1331, 1428 31 Jones, Sir Thomas A. (The late), P.R.H.A., Great Britain. Oil painting 156. Jong, P. de Josselin de, Holland. Water colors, 236, 241. Jopling-Rowe, Mrs. Louise, Great Britain. Oil paintings 155, 310. Joris, Francois, Belgium. Sculptures 5,40,41. Joris, Pio, Italy. Oil painting 133,139. Jorgenson, So., Norway. Oil painting 49. Josephi, J. A., United States. Pastel 1532. Jouett, M. H. (deceased), United States. Oil painting 254. Miniature 174. Jourdain, Frantz, France. Architectures 1096, 1097, 1104, 1105. Jourdeuil, Adrien, France. Oil painting 153. Joy, Albert Bruce, R. H A., Great Britain* Sculptures 11, 40, 41. Joy, G. W., Great Britain. Oil paintings 77, 414. Jrmer, Carl, Germany. Oil painting 284. Juber, Jean Henri, France. Water color 641. Juglaris, Tommaso, Italy. Oil painting 199. J ungling, J. F., United States. Wood engrav¬ ing 2655. Jungstedt, A., Sweden. Oil paintings 54, 213. Kaan, Arthur, Austria. Sculpture 13. Kabell, Ludwig, Denmark. Oil painting 169. Kael-Yama, Takasabra, Japan. Painting 143. Kagawa, Katsuhiro, Japan. Metal works 17, 44. Kahle, Anna von, Germany* Sculptures 4, 65. Kajima, Ippu, Japan. Metalwork 15. Kalckreuth, Professor Count Leop. von, Ger¬ many. Oil painting 350. Kallmorgen, Professor Friedr., Germany. Oil paintings 283, 333, 339, 341. Water color 587. Kampmann, Gustav Germany. Oil paintings 346, 349. Kanaya, Gorosabro, Japan. Metal 42 Kano, Bairei, Japan. Painting 10. KanO, Natsuo, Japan. Metal plaque 16. Kano, Tomouobu, Japan. Painting 140. Kansik, J., Polish. Oil paintings 19, 35,105. Kappes, A., United States. Oil paintings 881, 922. Water color 1301. Karger, Karl, Austria. Oil painting 103. Kasiewicz, M., Polish. Oil painting 99. * Kato, Tomataro, Japan, Vase 128. Katzer, Anton, Austria. Oil painting 105. Kauffmann, Hugo, Germany. Oil paintings 452, 454. Kaufmann, Isidor, Austria. Oil painting 87. Kaulbach, Professor Herm., Germany. Oil painting 192. Kaunlum, H., Norway Oil paintings 28, 29, 30, 36. Kavanagh, J., United States. Oil painting 592. Kawabata, Gyoksho, Japan. Painting 80. Kawabe, Mitate, Japan. Painting 123. Kawada, ShibatarO, Japan. Cloisonne 52. Kawagchi, RyuzO, Japan. Cloisonne 94. Kawanobe, Itcho, Japan. Flower decoration 72. Kawashima, Jimbei, Japan. Embroideries 11 , 68 . Kayser & von Groszheim, Germany. Archi¬ tecture 800. Keene, Charles, Great Britain. Drawings 889, 898, 899, 900, 901, 902, 923, 932, 933, 934, 935, 937 , 938, 939, 947 , 948, 953, 954, 955, 956. Kehr, Karl, Germany. Oil painting 180. Keitel, Germany. Oil painting 240. Keith, Mrs. D. W., United States. Oil paint¬ ing 688. Keith, W., United States. Oil painting 772. Kegeljan, Franz, Belgium. Oil paintings 142, 182 Keller, A. I., United States. Water color 1330. 484 INDEX OF ARTISTS. Keller, C. F., United States. Oil painting 401. Keller, Professor Ferd., Germany. Oil paint¬ ing 243. Keller-Reutlingen, Paul Wilh., Germany. Oil paintings 357, 370. Kellogg, Alice D., United States. Oil paint¬ ings 838,1288. Kendall, E. H., United States. Architectural drawing 2857. Kendzierski, A., Polish. Oil paintings 7, 15, 104. Kennedy, C. N., Great Britain. Oil painting 186. Kennington, T. B., Great Britain. Oil paint¬ ings 163, 458. Kemble, E. W., United States. Pen drawings 2032, 2033, 2034, 2039, 2041, 2042, 2043, 2044, 2045,2046. Wash drawing 1867. Black and white drawing 1866. Kendall, W. S., United States. Oil paintings 1221, 1265. Kensett, J. F. (deceased), United States. Oil painting 258. Kent, W. W., United States. Architectural drawings 2907, 2950, 2951, 2956. Kerneys, E., United States. Sculptures 25, 27, 44, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 57. Ketcham, Susan M., United States. Oil painting 434. Kever, J. S. H., Holland. Oil paintings 70, 119. Water colors 253, 268, 296. Keyser, Elisabeth, Sweden. Oil painting 125. Kidd, J. M., Canada. Oil painting 49. Kielland, Kitty, Norway. Oil paintings 21, 32, 128. Kiesewalter, H., Germany. Sculptures 67, 70. Kilburne, G. Goodwin, Great Britain. Oil paintings 449, 490. Kimball & Thompson, United States. Ar¬ chitectural model 2696. Kindbarg, J., Sweden. Oil painting 187. King, C. B., Great Britain. Oil painting 231. King, Edward, Great Britain. Oil painting 325. King, F. S., United States. Wood engravings 2517, 2518, 2519, 2522, 2523, 2525, 2530, 2531, 2532, 2534, 2536, 2538, 2549, 2597. King, J. S., United States. Oil painting 658. Etchings 2115, 2209, 2329. King, Yeend, B. I., Great Britain. Oil paint¬ ing 302, 352, 432. Kingsley, E., United States. Wood engrav¬ ings 2520, 2521, 2533, 2539. 2540, 2547 , 2555, 2556, 2583, 2586, 2587, 2601, 2605. Kingsburger, Sylvain, France. Sculpture 47. Kinsley, Nelson G., Germany. Oil paintings 196, 247. Kinzel, Josef, Austria. Oil painting 146. Kishi, Chikdo, Japan. Paintings 20, 27. Kitchi, Hobun, Japan. Painting 59. Kitson, H. H., United States. Sculptures 104, 117, 118, 146. Kittendorff, Ad., Denmark. Oil painting 156. Water color 157. Kivschenko, Ale y Danilovitch, Russia. Oil paintings 95,113,118, 125. Kjellin, C., Sweden. Oil paintings 208, 209. Klagis, Feodor Andreievitch, Russia. Oil painting 28. Klauder, C. Z., United States. Architectural drawings, 2881, 2893, 2904, 2905, 2914. Klein-Chevalier, Germany. Oil painting 511. Klein, Max, Germany. Sculpture 9. Kleyer, July Julievitch, Russia. Oil paint¬ ing 116. Klimsch, Professor Eugen, Germany. Water color 621. Klingenberg, E., Germany. Architectures 799, 802. Klinkenberg, K., Holland. Water colors 239, 273. Oil paintings 45, 58, 65, 123. Klumpke, Anna E., United States. Pastel 1542. Klodt, Von Jurgensbnrg, Baron Mihail Con- stantinovitch, Russia. Oil painting 75. Kmagai, Naohiko, Japan. Painting 13. Knabl, Karl, Germany. Oil paintings 155,210. Knaus, Professor L., Germany. Oil paintings 143, 231, 236. U. S. Loan collection. Oil paintings 3036, 3069. Knight, A., United States. Oil painting 288. Knight, D. R., United States. Oil painting 800. Knight, J. W., Buxton, Great Britain. Oil paintings 196, 269. Knight, Joseph, R. I., Great Britain. Water colors 122, 527. * Knowles, F. McG., A. R. C. A., Canada. Water color 135. Knuepfer, Benes, Austria. Oil paintings 22, 24. Kobayashi, GokyO, Japan. A Flock of Ducks 103. Kobayashi, Kojiro, Japan. Lacquer 92. Kobayashi, M., Japan. Oil painting 151. Koehler, R., United States. Oil paintings 482, 906, 909. Koepping, Professor Carl, Germany. Etch¬ ings 639, 669. Kofoed, H. C., Denmark. Oil painting 155. Kohnert, H., Germany. Etchings 663, 664. Kokken, Henry, Belgium. Oil paintings 179, 205. Kokka-Sha, Japan. Colored prints 363, 364, 365. Kolsto, Fr., Norway. Oil paintings 17,26. Koner. Professor Max, Germany. Oil paint¬ ing 219. Konig, H., Germany. Oil paintings 286, 342. Konow, Karl, Norway. Oil painting 73. Konstantin-Hansen, Elise, Denmark. Oil painting 90. Koopman, A. B., United States. Oil paint¬ ings 496, 612, 1076. K< rnbeck, Julius, Germany. Oil painting 427. Korner, Ernest, Germany. Oil painting 425. Kornerup, Valdemar, Denmark. Oil paint¬ ing 160. Korovin, Constantine, Russia. Oil paintings 61, 78. Korzulrin, Alexey Ivanovitch, Russia. Oil paintings 62, 80. Kose, Shoseki, Japan. Painting 48. Kossak, S. Taudos, Polish. Oil painting 79. Koster, Alexander, Germany. Oil painting 159. Koster, A. L., Holland. Water colors 193, 208. Etchings 307, 332. Kovalevsky, Pavel Osipovitch, Russia. Oil painting 37. Kramer, Professor Th. von, Germany. Archi¬ tecture 864. Kramskoy, Ivan Nicolaievitch, Russia. Oi paintings 108, 117. Krafchkovsky, Josiff Evstafievitch, Russia Oil paintings 54, 100. Krauskopf, Professor Wilh., Germany. Cop¬ per engravings 640,676. Krebs, Johanne, Denmark. Oil painting 168. Kreider, Alexis, France. Oil painting 341. Kretschmar, H., United States. Sculpture 95. Kreuger, Nils, Sweden. Oil paintings 38, 76, 79, 93, 96. Kreutzer, Alexandre-Ferdinand, France. Oil painting 315. Kreyszig, Ed., Germany. Architecture 867 INDEX OF ARTISTS. 485 Krohg, Oda, Norway. Oil paintings 77, 81, 133. Kronberg, Professor Julius, Sweden. Oil painting 214. Kronberg, L., United States. Oil painting 1134. Kronberger, Carl, Germany. Oil paintings 163, 165. Kroner, Prof. Christian, Germany. Oil paint¬ ing 265. Krostevitz, F., Germany. Etching 677. Kroyer, P. S., Denmark. Sculptures 10, 11, 12, 13, 14. Oil paintings 30, 42, 139. Kruell, G., United States. Wood engravings 2541, 2542, 2543, 2544, 2545, 2546, 2548, 2550, 2551, 2552, 2553, 2554. Krug, Edouard, France. Oil painting 575. Kruger, Germany. Etching and engraving 671. Kruse, Bruno, Germany. Sculptures 37, 103, 105. Kruse, Max, Germany. Sculptures 14, 77. Krushitsky, Constantin Jakovlevitch, Russia. Oil paintings 17, 74, 84, 90. Kubierschky, Erich, Germany. Oil painting 203. Water colors 626, 627. Kubota, Beisen, Japan. Painting 142. Kulle, J., Sweden. Oil painting 210. Kuhl, Professor Gotth., Germany. Oil paint¬ ing 326. Kumetra y Ragull, Fernando, Spain. Oil painting 94. Kunz, L. Adam, Germany. Oil paintings230, 235. Kuriard, Faiageia Petrovna, Russia. Oil painting 73. Kuroba, Gimbei, Japan. Metal work 33. Kurtz-Gallenstein, A., Germany. Oil paint¬ ing 529. Kurzbauer, Edward, Austria, Oil painting 108. Kuznezoff, Nicolay Dmitrievitch, Russia. Oil paintings 66, 81,102. Kyhn, Vilhelm, Denmark. Oil painting 120. Labatut, Jules-Jacques, France. Sculpture 127. Lachenal, Edmond, France. Faiences 912, 916, 918, 930, 941. La Cour, Janus, Denmark. Oil paintings 37, 59. Lacy, A. B., United States. Architectural drawing 2745. Lafallye, Charles-Paul, France. Architecture 1056,1057. La Farge, J., United States. Oil paintings 648, 978, 980,1005. Water colors 1317, 1318. Lafita y Blanco, Jose, Spain. Oil paintings 93,163, 217. Lagarde, Pierre, France. Pastel 606. Oil paintings 371, 372. Laguillermie, Fred eric-Auguste, France. Etchings 890,896, 897. La Haye, Alexis-Marie, France. Oil paint¬ ings 525, 557. LaidJay, W. J., Great Britain. Oil paintings 54, 323. Lalauze, Adolph, France. Etching 858. Lamb, Ella Condie, United States. Oil paint¬ ing 1251. Lamb, F. M., United States. Oil painting 1072. Lamb & Rich; United States. Architectural drawings 2767, 2768. Lambert, J., Jr., United States. Oil paint¬ ings 364, 1179, 1214. Lambert & Stahl, Germany. Architecture 796. Lameire, Charles-Joseph, France. Architect¬ ures 1087, 1088, 1090,1091,1092,1093,1094,1098. Lami, Stanislas, France. Sculptures .5, 68. Lamont, T. R., R. I., Great Britain. Water color 605. LamoriniSre, Framjois, Belgium. Oil paint¬ ings 140, 150. La Motte, Alphonse, France. Engraving 801. Lampert, Emma E., United States. Oil paint¬ ings 604, 749. Water colors 1390, 1413. Lamy, P. Franc., France. Oil painting 394. Lancerotto, E., Italy. Oil paintings 279, 285, 286. Landelle, Charles, France. Oil painting 269. Landsberg, Max, Germany. Sculptures 88, 89, 90. Langhammer, Arthur, Germany. Oil paint¬ ing 353. Lang-Laris, Hermine, Austria. Oil painting 82. Langley, Walter, R. I., Great Britain. Water colors 513, 570. Lanigchi, Taichi, Japan. Painting 101. Lanson, Alfred, France. Sculptures 23, 116. Larche, Raoul, France. Sculpture 1460. Laiemlaski, M., Polish. Oil painting 58. Laroche, Amand, France. Oil painting 473. Larroux, Antonin, France. Sculpture 92. Larsen, Knud Erik, Denmark. Oil paint¬ ings 56, 140. Larsen, Mimmi, Denmark. Oil painting 172. Larson, Carl, Sweden. Water colors 127,176. Oil paintings 32, 33, 35. Larum, Oscar, Norway. Oil painting 66. Lasch, Herm., Germany. Oil painting 404. La Thangue, H. H., Great Britain. Oil paint¬ ings 145, 416. Lathrop, C. W., United States. Oil painting 341. La Touche, France- Pastel 612. Oil paints ings 453, 602. Lauber, J., United States. Water colors 1326, 1359. Etchings 2145, 2146, 2147 , 2148, 2154, 2155. Laug6e, DSsire-Francois, France. Oil paint¬ ing 283. Laugee, Georges, France. Oil painting 550. Laupheimer, Anton, Germany. Oil painting 308. Laurens, Jean-Paul, France. Pen drawings 698, 705, 713, 723, 744, 752, 761. Oil paintings 429,506. Lavery, John, Great Britain. Oil paintings 184, 234. Lavezzari, G., Italy. Sculpture 529. La Villette, Mme. Elodie, France. Oil paint¬ ing 469. Law, David, R. P. E., Great Britain. Etch¬ ings 754, 763, 766, 873. Lawlor, J. M., United States. Architectural sketch 2751. Lawson, Cecil (The late), Great Britain. Oil painting 158. Layraud, Joseph-Fortune, France. Oil paint¬ ing 444. Leader, B. W., A. R. A., Great Britain. Oil paintings 128, 137. Lebayle, Charles, France. Oil painting 288. Lebiedzki, Eduard, Austria. Oil painting 35. Le Blant, Julien, France. Oil painting 355. Le Bran, N. & Sons, United States. Archi¬ tectural drawing 2906. LeCamus, Louis, France. Oil painting 284. Lechevrel, Alphonse-Eugfene, France. Med¬ al, cameo and intaglio 729. Lecomte, Victor, France. Oil painting 436. Lecouteux, Lionel, France. Etching 816. Engravings 777, 821. Leduc, O., Canada. Oil paintings 70,101. Lee, Laura, United States. Oil painting 710. Lee, Thomas Stirling, Great Britain. Sculpt¬ ures 18, 37. Leempoels, Jef., Belgium. Oil paintings 71, 180. Leempulten, Corneille van, Belgium. Oil paintings 121, 190. 486 INDEX OF ARTISTS. Leempulten, Frans van, Belgium. Oil paint¬ ing 65. Leenhardt, Max, France. Oil painting 431. Lefebvre, Charles, Belgium. Oil painting 67. Lefebvre J. J., United States Loan collec¬ tion. Oil painting 3030. Lehmann, Wilhelm, Germany. Oil painting 408. Lehmann, Rudolf, Great Britain. Oil paint¬ ings 252, 461. Leigh, W. R., United States. Oil paintings 568, 1223. Leighton, E. Blair, Great Britain. Oil paint¬ ings 166, 232. Leighton, Sir Frederick Bart, P. R. A., Great Britain. Sculptures 1, 44. Oil paintings 224, 320,422, 446. « Leiper, William, F. R. I. B. A., A. R. S. A., Great Britain. Architecture 977. Leistikow, W., Germany. Oil paintings 183, 377. Water colors 563, 591, 598. Pastel 603. Le Liepyre, Maurice, France. Oil painting 427. Leloir, Maurice, France. Oil paintings 373, 597. Lemaire, Georges, France. Bust in hard-stone 9.5. Lemaire, Georges-Henri, France. Cameos 714. Medals and cameos 765. Lemaire, Hector, France. Sculptures 25, 28, 29, 81, 32, 33, 35, 130. Lemaire, Mme. Madeleine, France. Sculpture 437. Oil paintings 370, 387. Water colors 676, 681. Le Mayeur, Adrien, Belgium. Oil paintings 213, 216. Lemoch, Karl Vikentievitch, Russia. Oil painting 106. Lpmon, Arthur, Great Britain. Oil painting 275. Lenbach, Professor Franz von, Germany. Oil paintings 241, 304. Lenain, Louis, Belgium. Engravings 264, 269. Lepcke, Ferd., Germany. Sculptures 49, 69. Lephre, Auguste, France. Wood engravings 768, 795, 813. Lepere, Auguste-Louis, France. Oil painting 142. Lepoittevin, Louis, France. Oil paintings 423,439. Leroux, Etienne, France. Sculpture 63. Leroy, D’Etiolles, Mme. Helen, France. Oil painting 375. LeRoy, Hipp, Belgium. Sculptures 1,8,18, 43. Oil paintings 87, 237. Leroy, Paul-Alexander-Alfred, France. Oil painting 456. Le Senechal De Kerdreoret, Gustave-Edmond, France. Oil painting 545. Leslie, C. R., (deceased), United States. Oil paintings 200,265. Leslie, G. D., R. A., Great Britain. Oil paint¬ ings 226, 296, 456. Lessi, Tito, Italy. Oil 445. Lessore, Henri-Emile, France. Dry point 861. Lessing, H., Germany. Oil painting 324. Lessore, Henri-Emile, France. Oil painting 279. Levasseur, Henri-Louis, France. Sculpture 7. Levasseur, Jules-Gabriel, France. Engrav¬ ings 874, 899. Leveille, Ernest-Baptiste, France Orna¬ mented glasses 970, 973,977, 995, 1020, 1027. Leveille, Auguste, France. Etchings 818, 863, 876. Levithan, Isaac, Russia. Oil painting 58. Levy, Gustave, France. Engravings 836, 880. Levy, Henri-Leopold, France. Oil painting 589. Levy, Professor L., Germany. Architecture 715. Lewis, C. W. Mansel, R. P. E. Etchings 745, 836. Mezzotint 767. Ley, Sophie, Germany. Oil painting 322. Leys, H., United States Loan collection. Oil painting 3038. Lhermitte, L§on-Augustin, France. Oil paintings 523, 603. United States Loan col¬ lection. Oil painting 3053. Lheureux, Louis-Eruest, France. Architect¬ ure 1107, 1108, 1113, 1114, 1115, 1120, 1149. Lichr, Director H., Germany. Architecture 701, 705, 859. Lichtenfels, Ed. v., Austria. Oil painting 66. Liebermann, Max, Germany. Oil paintings 325, 358. Liesegang, H., Germany. Oil paintings 409, 530. Liljefors, Bruno, Sweden. Oil paintings 46, 48, 49, 109, 114, 193, 194, 197. Black and white 153, 154, 156, 157, 162. 171, 172, 173, 174. Lindenschmidt, Professor W., Germany. Oil painting 118. Linderum, Richard, Germany. Oil painting 305. Lindholm, B., Sweden. Oil paintings 72, 91. Lindman, Ax., Sweden. Oil paintings 2*% 84, 87, 102, 150. Lindner, M. P., Great Britain. Oil paintings 96, 377. Lindsay, A. M., United States. Woed engrav¬ ings 2584, 2635, 2636, 2645, 2848, 2 49. 2658, 2659, 2660, 2661, 2664. Lindstrom, August, United States. Sculpt¬ ure 105. Lindstrom, A. M., Sweden. Oil painting 188. Linnell, John (The late). Great Britain. Oil painting 241. Linse, Ed., Germany. Architecture 880. Linton, Sir James D., Great Britain. Drawing 928. Oil paintings 165, 303. Water color 534. Lister, W. Lister, New South Wales. Oil painting 7. Water colors 112, 118... Litovschenko, Alexander Dmitrievitch, Rus¬ sia. Oil painting 126. Little, Brown & Moore. United States. Deco¬ rative designs 2719, 2861. Little & O’Connor, United States. Architect¬ ural drawing 2819. Lloyd, Tom, R. W. S., Great Britain. Water colors 535, 589. Locher, Carl, Denmark. Oil paintings 89, 148 Lock, Michel, Germany. Sculpture 31. Lockhart, W. E., R. S. A., Great Britain. Oil paintings 52, 160. Locher, A., United States. Sculpture 29. Logsdail, William, Great Britain. Oil paint¬ ings 152, 428, 459, 477. Lombard, Henri-Edouard, France. Sculpt¬ ure 39. Lombardo-Calamia,G.,Italy. Oil painting 247. Long, Edwin, R. A. (The late), Great Britain. Oil paintings 55, 469. Longfellow, Alden & Harlow, United States. Architectural plans and photographs 2928, 2966, 2974, 2975, 2979, 2980, 2999. Loomis, C., United States. Oil paintings 407, 479. Looschen, Hans, Germany. Gouache 592. Lopez Cabrera, Ricardo, Spain. Oil paintings 150, 153, 290, 307. Lopez Cantero, Manuel, Spain. Oil paintings 353, 354. Lopez, Francisco de As is, Spain. Sculpture 15. Lorenz, R., United States Oil painting. 1613 INDEX OF ARTISTS. Lorimer, J. H., A. R. S. A., Great Britain. Oil paintings 265, 295. Loring, F. W., United States. Oil painting 576. Loubere, Juan, Spain. Oil paintings 56, 196, 355. Loudan, Mouat, Great Britain. Oil painting 244. Loustaunau, Louis-Auguste-Georges, France. Oil paintings 183, 598. Louveau-Rouveyre, Mme., France. Etching 869. Lovewell, Rominer, United States. Etching 2332. Low, W. H., United States. Oil paintings 504, 587, 945, 1054, 1092. Wash drawing 1870. Black and white drawing 1875. Black and white drawing in oil 1872. Lowenstame, Leopold, Great Britain. Etch¬ ing 720, 738, 756. Lownes, Anna, United States. Oil painting 966. Lubschitz, John Leopold, Denmark. Oil painting 141. Lucas, A. P., United States. Oil painting 333. Lucas, Felix-Hippolyte, France. Oil paint¬ ing 572. Lucas, Seymour, A. R. A., Great Britain. Oil paintings 146, 426, 452. Luchadoiski. L., Polish. Oil painting 64. Ludwig, Professor Carl, Germany. Oil paint¬ ings 438, 491. Luminais, Evariste-Vital, France. Oil paint¬ ings 486, 590. Luminais, Mme. HM6ne, France. Oil paint¬ ings 337, 588. Lunois, Alexandre, France. Oil painting 536. Lund, C. Emil, Denmark. Oil painting 105. Lund, Niels M., Great Britain. Oil painting 173. Lund, Soeren, Denmark. Oil painting 104. Lundberg, Professor Th., Sweden. Sculpt¬ ure 17. Lundstrom, Ernst, Sweden. Oil paintings 44, 45. Lungren, F. H., United States. Water color 1459. Lunois, Alexandre, France. Lithographs 796, 804, 807. Lutteroth, Professor Ascan, Germany. Wa¬ ter colors 559, 564, 571. Lutz, L. C., United States. Oil painting 696. Lutzhoft, N. Holten, Denmark. Oil paintings 71, 117. Luzi, A., Italy. Sculpture 69, 197, 269, 324. Lybaert, Theophile, Belgium. Oil paintings 99, 223. Lyman, J., United States. Oil paintings 624, 808. Lyouns, H. F. W., United States. Wood en¬ gravings 2637, 2662, 2663. Maarel, M. van der, Holland. Oil painting 108. Macallum, Hamilton, R. I., Great Britain. Oil paintings 213, 280. Water colors 521, 652. Macartney, Carlile H. H., Great Britain. Oil painting 205. Macbeth, Robt. W., A. R. A., Great Britain. Oil paintings 273, 476. Etchings 725, 729, 730, 734, 768. 785, 792 793, 800, 853. Macbeth-Raeburn, H., Great Britain. O paintings 209, 379. Etchings 721, 755, 880. Maccagnani, E., Italy. Sculpture 270. Macomber, M. L., United States. Oil paint- ines 574, 578. MacDonnell, Harriet J., Canada. Water color 140. 487 MacDowell, Elizabeth, United States. Oil painting 1034. Macgregor, Miss J., Great Britain. Oil paint¬ ings 390, 403. Machard, J uies, France. Oil painting 339. MacKubin, Florence, United States. Pastel 1533. Maclaren, Walter, Great Britain. Oil paint¬ ing 447. MacLean, T. Nelson, Great Britain. Sculpt¬ ures 13, 23, 24. MacMillan, D. P., Canada. Oil painting 124. MacMonnies, Mary Fairchild, United States. Oil paintings 301, 307. Macquoid, Percy, R.I., Great Britain. Water color 653- Macquoid, Thomas R., R. I., Great Britain. Water colors 600, 680, 690. Macwhirter, John, R. A., Great Britain. Oil paintings 103, 474, 478. Madrazo y Garreta, Ricardo de, Spain. Oil paintings 140, 198. Maeterlinck, Louis, Belgium. Oil painting 102 . Mahoney, Frank P., New South Wales. On paintings 8, 10. Maignan, Albert, France. Oil paintings 483, 492. Maillart, Diogene-Ulysse, France. Oil paint¬ ing 275. Maison, Rud., Germany. Sculpture 42. Major, E. L., United States. Oil paintings 949, 1090, 1148. Makagawa, Soske, Japan. Painting 141. Makart, Hans, Austria. Oil paintings 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 98. Makovsky, Constantin Egorovitch, Russia. Oil paintings 45, 53, 93, 127. Makovsky, Vladimir Egorovitch, Russia. Oil paintings 63, 65, 77, 99, 103. Makz, Kozan, Japan. Porcelains 156 to 212, inclusive. Malaspina, A., Italy. Oil paintings 175, 204. Malbone, E. G., (deceased). United States. Oil painting 223. Miniatures 176, 177. Malchin, Professor Carl, Germany. Oil painting 209. Malczewski, J., Polish. Oil painting 9. Maleszewski, T.. Polish. Oil paintings 65, 86. Mancini, F., Italy. Oil painting 800. Manesse, George-Henri, France. Etchings844, 845. Manet, E., United States Loan collection. Oil paintings 3057, 3061, 3070. Manley, T. R., United States. Water color 150. Etchings 2162, 2163, 2167, 2168, 2174, 2175, 2176. Manly, C. McD., A. R. C. A., Canada. Water colors 144, 169, 190. Mannchen, Adolf, Germany. Water color 589. Manterola, Lucia, Spain. Oil painting 84. Manthe, Alb., Germany. Sculpture 100. Marais, Adolphe, France. Oil painting 422. Marcel, Alexandre-Auguste-Louis, France. Architectures 1075, 1076, 1077^ 1078, 1079, 1080, 1081, 1082, 1083, 1084, 1085, 1086. March, O., Germany. Architectures 765, 851. Marcon y Carcel, Julia, Spain. Oil paintings 356, 357. Margeston, W. H., Great Britain. Oil paint¬ ing 207. Mariani, C., Italy. Oil paintings 165, 173. Mariani, P., Italy. Oil painting 275. Marinos y Gracia, Spain. Sculptures 4, 12. Marinus, Michel, France. Oil painting 291. Marioton, Eugene, France. Sculpture 77. Mariotti, F., Italy. Oil painting 241. Maris, Jacob, Holland. Water color 272. Oil paintings 12, 69, 72, 76, 125. United States Loan collection. Oil painting 3049. 488 INDEX OF ARTISTS. Maris, William, Holland. Water colors 251, 293. Oil paintings 2, 6, 35, 116, 148. Marks, H. Stacy, R. A., Great Britain. Oil painting 347. Marqueste, Laurent-Honore, France. Sculpt¬ ures 37, 48. Marquet De Yasselot, Anatole, France. Sculpt¬ ure 45. Marquez y Hernandez, Joaquin Maria, Spain. Oil painting 358. Marr, C., United States. Oil paintings 797, 812. Marrable, Mrs., Great Britain. Water colors 628, 630, 660. Marron, Ferdinand, France. Iron works 1031, 1032,1033. Martens, Jean Baptiste, Belgium. Sculptures 27, 37. Martens, Willy, Holland. Oil paintings 75, 83, 136. Martin, E. May, Canada. Water color 138. Martin, H., A. R. C. A., Canada. Water color 182. Martin, H. D., United States. Oil paintings 665, 839, 965, 1056. Martin, Jean-Guillaume-Henri, France. Oil paintings 347, 417, 451. Martineau, Miss Edith, A. R. W. S., Great Britain. Water colors 580, 594, 607. Martens, W. J., Holland. Oil painting 283. Martiu, T. M., R. C. A., Canada. Oil paint¬ ings 12, 13. 41, 104. Martinelli, S. Paulo, Brazil. Sculpture 5. Martinetti, M., Italy. Water color 454. Oil painting 301. Martinez, Ysidro, Mexico. Oil paintings 20, 86 . Martinez Abades, Juan, Spain. Oil paintings 66, 88, 362. Martinez y Altes, Gabriel, Spain. Oil paint¬ ings 141, 293, 295, 302. Martiny, P., United States. Sculpture 73. Martyn, Miss Ethel King, A. R. P. E., Great Britain. Etching 726. Marx, Gust, Germany. Oil painting 335 Mason, George (The late), Great Britain. Oil paintings 118, 284, 327, 346. Massau, Edm., Germany. Oil paintings 211, 434. Massier, Clement, France. Faiences 922, 950, 956, 971, 980, 997 , 998, 999, 1001, 1002, 1006, 1007, 1010, 1013, 1014, 1019, 1021, 1024. Massoulle, Andre-Arthur-Paul, France. Sculpture 12. Mastawski, S., Polish. Oil painting 8. Maszynski, J., Polish. Oil paintings 30, 43, 61, 88, 100, 121. Matejko, J., Polish. Oil paintings 6, 12. Matthews, A. F„ United States. Oil paint¬ ing 1264. Matthews, M., R. C. A., Canada. Water colors 134, 154, 164, 166, 192. Mathey, Paul, France. Oil painting 544. Matiegzeck, Jos., Germany. Oil painting 169. Matsuoka, Kichiheri, Japan. Lacquers 93, 372, 373. Matthiesen, Oscar, Denmark. Oil paintings 41, 101, 147. Matton, Ida, Sweden. Sculpture 12. Mattoni, A., Italy. Sculpture 321. Maurita y Arcie, Gabriel, Spain. Oil painting 186. Maura y Montaner, Spain. Oil painting 282. Maura y Montaner, Spain. Oil painting 149. Maurie, E., Venezuela Oil paintings 21, 22. Mauve, Anton (deceased 1888), Holland. Oil paintings 78,82,93,105. United States Loan collection. Oil painting 3031. Max, Professor Gabriel, Germany. Oil paintings 114, 276. May, W. Holmes, R. P. E., Great Britain. Etchings 718, 735. Maynard, G. F., United States. Oil paint¬ ings 890. 981. Maynard, G. W., United States. Oil paintings 730, 892, 910,1274. Water colors 1376, 1387. Mayne, Jean, Belgium. Oil paintings 77, 200 . McArthur, L. C., Canada. Oil painting 71. M’Carthy, C. W., M. D., F. R. C. S. I., New South Wales. Sculptures 4, 5. Oil paint¬ ing 55. McChesney, Clara T., United States. Water colors 1377, 1386. McComb, R. L., United States. Oil painting 426. McCormick, M. Evelyn, United States. Oil paintings 321, 933. McCulloch, George, Great Britain. Oil paint¬ ing 154. McDowell, Mary. United States. Design for stained glass 2708. McEntee, J., (deceased), United States. Oil paintings 166,168, 241. McEwen, W., United States. Oil paintings 502, 746, 801, 916. McGregor, A. S., New South W T ales. Oil paintings 44, 45. Water colors 124, 125. McGuinness, Bingham, R. H. A., Great Brit¬ ain. Water colors 552, 661. Mcllhenny, C. M., United States, Oil paint¬ ing 670. Water colors 1375, 1381, 1391. Mcllwaine, Mrs., New South Wales. Oil paintings 39, 40, 41. McKay, H. S., United States. Architectural drawing 2910. McKim, Mead & White, United States. Architectural drawings 2766, 2776, 2777, 2778, 2779 (photograph), 2780, 2781, 2782, 2783, 2784, 2785, 2794 (photograph), 2834, 2843. McLachlan, T. Hope, Great Britain. Oil paintings 378, 454. Meckel, Ad. von, Germany. Oil paintirg 168. Meckel, Germany. Architecture 775. Meeks, E„ United States. Oil paintings 1084, 1267. Meinshausen, G., United States. Wood engraving 2667. Meirelles, Victor, Brazil. Oil painting 94. Meissonier, Jean-Louis-Ernest (deceased), France. Sculptures 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124. United States Loan collection. Oil paintings 3041, 3081. Melchers, G., United States. Oil paintings 573, 575, 579, 580, 596, 678, 905. Melis, H. J., Holland. Oil paintings 130,161. Water colors 270, 278. Mendoza, Francisco, Mexico. Oil painting 21. Menegazzi, C., Italy. Oil painting 243. Menier, Jules-Alexis, France. Oil paintings 446, 526. Menocal, Armando, Spain. Oil painting 184. Menpes, Mortimer, R. P. E., Great Britain. Etching 797. Original dry points, 747, 752. Dry point 769. Mente, C., United States. Water colors 1374, 1393, 1398, 1481. Menzel, Professor Ad., Germany. Oil paint¬ ing 301. Water colors 539, 540, 541, 542, 543, 544, 548, 557. Gouaches 534, 535, 545, 546. Pencil drawing 549. Pen drawings 550, 551, 552, 553, 554. Mercie, Antonin, France. Sculptures 17, 105, 926. Mercier, G., United States. Etchings 2180, 2184, 2204, 2382. Merker, Max, Germany. Oil paintings 176, 316. INDEX OF ARTISTS 489 Merlot, Emile-Justin, France. Oil painting 569. Merritt, Mrs. A. L., United States. Oil paint¬ ings 870, 634. Great Britain. Oil painting 321. Mesdag, H. W., Holland. Oil paintings 16, 67, 101, 107, 181. Water colors 201, 232, 259. Mesdag-Kzn Taco, Holland. Oil paintings 26, 44, 96, 135, 213, 223. Mesdag-van Houten, Mrs. S., Holland. Oil paintings 91, 94, 122, 138. Water colors 230, 245, 297. Mesdag-von Calcar, Mrs. G., Holland. Oil paintings 63, 185. Water color 203. Mestchersky, Arseny Ivanovitch, Russia. Oil painting 68. Metcalf, W. L., United States. Oil paintings 344, 523, 1030. Pen drawing 2048. Black and white drawings 1595, 1600, 1632. Meteyard, T. B., United States. Oil paint¬ ings 328, 1238. Metzener, Alfred, Germany. Oil painting 465. Meulen, F. P. ter, Holland. Oil painting 64. Meunier, Georgette, Belgium. Oil paintings 93, 290. Meyer, Professor Claus, Germany. Oil paint¬ ing 270. Meyer, Professor Hans, Germany. Oil paint¬ ing 295. Copper engraving 635. Etching 688 . Meyer, Kunz, Germany. Oil painting 498. Meyer-Basel, Carl Theod., Germany. Oil painting 119. Etching 673. Meyerheim, Professor Paul, Germany. Oil paintings 405, 470. Meyer-Mainz, Paul, Germany. Oil painting 292. Meyers, Isidore, Beigium. Oil paintings 174, 198. Meza, W. de, United States. Black and white drawings 1717, 1755, 1-03, 1804, 1805. Mezzara, Madame, France. Panel in wax 725. Miasoiedoff, Gregory, Gregorievitch, Russia. Oil paintings 18, 123. Michalek, Ludwig, Austria. Etchings 152, 156, 158. Michel, G., (deceased). United States Loan collection. Oil paintings 3046, 3099. Michel, Gustave, Belgium. Oil painting 234. Sculptures 3, 70, 96. Michel, Marius, France. Oil painting 546. Michelina, Arturo, Venezuela. Oil paintings 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Michetti, F. P., United States Loan collec¬ tion. Oil painting 3013. Mielatz, C. F. W., United States. Etchings 2270, 2290. Mignot, L. R.,(deceased), United States. Oil paintings 244, 454. Milesi, A., Italy. Oil painting 145. Millais, Sir John Everett, Bart., R. A., Great Britain. Oil paintings 125, 174, 219, 297,364, 383, 480. Miller, C. H., United States. Oil paintings 572,1113. Miller, P. H., Great Britain. Oil painting 388. Miller, W., United States. Wood engraving 2672. Millet, F. D., Great Britain. Oil painting 479. United States. Oil paintings 584, 585, 631, 677, 704, 759, 1117, 1123. Water color 1440. Pencil drawings 1583, 1589. Black and white drawings 1865, 1873, 1874. Millet, J. F., (deceased). United States Loan collection. Oil paintings 3058, 3060, 3063, 3071, 3079, 3086, 3088, 3124. Mills, J. H., United States. Sculpture 10. Mills, Lena, United States. Pastels 1564, 1571. Minns, B. E., New South Wales. Water colors 115, 121. Minor, R. C., United States. Oil paintings 443, 832, 1059. Water color 1325. Mirecki, K., Polish. Oil paintings 92, 93. Mirmont, Mile. Renee de, France. Minia¬ ture 754. Miyagawa, Kozan, Japan. Vases 64, 66, 75, 127, 131, 213. Miyamoto, Kato, Japan. Metal work 374. Mochizki, Gyoksen, Japan. Painting 78. Modenstein, D., Polish. Oil paintings 95,116, 113. Moe, Sigurd, Norway. Oil painting 120. Moeller, L., United States. Oil paintings 650, 938. Moerman, A., Belgium. Water colors 278, 282. Moerman, L., Belgium. Pen drawing 272. Moes, Wally, Holland. Oil painting 32. Water colors 288, 294. Moll, Karl, Austria. Oil painting 17. Moller, N. B., Norway. Oil painting 114. Mollica, A., Italy. Oil painting 255. Mols, Niels Petersen, Denmark. Oil paint¬ ings* 74, 75. Mombur, Jean-Ossaye, France. Sculptures 51, 114. Monet, C., United States Loan collection. Oil paintings 3005, 3009, 3014, 3021. Monginot, Charles, France. Oil painting 277. Monguin, Augustin, France. Etchings 830, 846. Monks, J. A. S., United States. Etching 2202. Monroy, Luis, Mexico. Oil paintings 37, 89. Monserrat y Portella, Jose, Spain. Sculpt¬ ure 41. Montalba, Miss Clara, R. W. S., Great Britain. Oil painting 434. Water colors 565, 603, 693. Montalba, Miss Henrietta S., Great Britain. Sculpture 14. Montefiore, E. L., J. P., R. A. A S. A., New South Wales. Smoke drawing 230. Montenard, Frederic, France. Oil paintings 367, 383. Montenegro, J. G., Mexico. Oil painting27. Monterio, Firmino, Brazil. Oil paintings 85, 86. Montero y Navas, Jose, Spain. Sculpture 19. Montford, Horace, Great Britain. Sculptures 19, 28. Monticelli, A., United States Loan collection. Oil painting 3102. Montigny, Jules Leon, Belgium. Oil paint¬ ing 125. Montzaigle, Edgard de, France. Oil painting 384. Monzini, G., Italy. Sculptures 525, 526. Moore, Albert, Great Britain. Oil painting 216. Moore, Miss E. M., Great Britain. Sculptures 7, 8. Moore, Henry, R. A., Great Britain. Oil paintings 222, 333, 445. Water colors 571, 588. Moore, H. H., United States. Oil painting 815. Moradei, A., Italy. Oil paintings 135, 136, 289. Moragas y Torras, Tomas, Spain. Oil paint¬ ing 204. Moran, Edward, United States. Oil pain¬ tings 588, 590, 915, 1109. Water color 1294. Moran, Emily K., United States. Etching 2136. 490 INDEX OF ARTISTS Moran, Leon, United States. Oil painting 708. Moran, M. Nimrao, United States. Etchings 2120. 2121, 2122, 2123, 2125, 2126, 2127, 2129, 2132, 2133, 2134. 2135. Moran, Peter. United States. Oil painting 1120. Etchings 2119, 2124, 2130, 2131, 2137. Mezzotint 2685. Moran, Thomas, United States. Oil paint¬ ings 1016, 1162. Moreau, Adrien, France. Oil painting 351. Water colors 642, 651, 660, 670. Pastels 618, 623, 631. Moreau, Mme. Camille, nee Nelaton, France. Faience 954. Moreau-De Tours, Georges, France. Oil paintings 399, 587, Moreau-Vauthier, Augustin-Jean, France. Sculptures 75, 115, 117, 117a. Moreno Carbonero, Jos6, Spain. Oil paint¬ ings 69, 70, 71. Morera, Jaime, Spain. Oil painting 68. Morgan, Fred, Great Britain. Oil painting 301. Mori, Shungak, Japan. Painting 109. Morikawa, Sobun, Japan. Painting 371 Morimra, IchitarO, Japan Lacquer 43. Morishita, Moribachi, Japan. Lacquer works 71, 83. Moriyama, Yoshihei, Japan. Embroidery 139. Morland, G., (deceased). United States Loan collection. Oil painting 3091. Morion, Antoine-Paul-Emile, France. Oil painting 552. Morot, Nicolas-Aime, France. Oil painting 353. MorozofE, Alexander Ivanovitch, Russia. Oil painting 119. Morrice, J. W., Canada. Oil paintings 17, 68. Morris, Jennie H., United States.' Oil paint¬ ings 1026, 1078. Morris, P. E., A. R. A., Great Britain. Oil paintings 161, 194, 298. Morse, Auguste-Achille, France. Engravings 870, 900. Moscheles, Felix, Great Britain. Oil paint¬ ing 178. Moser, J. H., United States. Water color 1435. Moser, Professor Jul., Germany. Sculpture 71. Moteley, Jules-Georges, France. Oil paint¬ ing 512. Motte, Alphonse, France. Oil painting 502. Motte, Henri-Paul, France. Oil painting 582. Mottram, C. S., Great Britain. Oil painting 282. Mount, W. S., United States. Oil paintings 161, 198. Mouren, Henry, France. Aquarelle 763. Water color 753. Mousset, Pierre-Joseph, France. Oil paint¬ ing 499. Moutte, Alphonse, France. Oil paintin’^ 568. Mowbray, H. S., United States. Oil paintings 553, 774, 775, 776. Black and white drawing 1622. Moynau, R. T., R H. A., Great Britain. Oil painting 401. Moyse, Edouard, France. Oil painting 596. Mrakami, Tetsdo, Japan. 26. Mraoka, Oto, Japan. Painting 106. Mrass, Gyokden, Japan. Painting 81. Mroczkowski, A., Polish. Oil painting 66. Mueller, Leopold C., Austria. Oil paintings 40, 95. Muench-Bellinghausen, Austria. Water colors 157, 160. Muenier, Jules-Alexis, France. Oil painting 593. Miihlig, Hugo, Germany. Oil painting 202. Muhrman, H., United States. Oil painting 1250. Pastels 1524, 1526, 1527, 1529, 1536, 1538, 1543, 1547. 1561, 1566, 1567, 1568. Muller, Carl W., Germany. Oil painting 449. Muller, Gerard, Holland. Oil paintings 17, 152. Muller, Johns, Norway. Oil painting 87. Mueller, Peter Paul, Germany. Oil paintings 459, 484. Muller, R. A., United States. Wood engrav¬ ings 2535, 2591, 2593, 2598, 2599, 2603, 2604. Muller-Kurzwelly, Dr. K., Germany. Oil ^paintings 153, 157, 440. Mumemura, Keisan, Japan. Painting 105. Munger, G.,United States. Oil painting 1075. Munier, Emile, France. Oil painting 174. Munkaczy, M. de, Austria. Oil painting 140. Munoz, A. C., United States. Architectural drawing 2809. Munoz, Lucena Tomas, Spain. Oil paintings 359, 360, 361. Munoz-Degrain, Antonio, Spain. Oil paint¬ ing 104. Munsch, Josef, Germany. Oil painting 272. Munsell, A. H., United States. Oil paintings 296, 497,1195. Munthe, Gerk., Norway. Oil paintings 38, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 52, 53, 54, 93, 121, 124; Muntz, Laura A., Canada. Oil painting 62. Muraton, Louis, France. Oil painting 504. Murillo Carreras, Rafael, Spain. Oil paint¬ ing 85. Murphy, J. F., United States. Oil paintings 531, 546. Murray, Chas. O., R. P. E., Grea+ Britain. Etchings 783, 820, 856. Engraving 833. Murray, David, A. R. A., A. R. W. S., Great Britain. Oil paintings 199, 313, 374. Water color 558. Murray, S., United States. Sculpture 59, 61. Musch, Leo, Germany . Sculpture 28. Musin, Auguste, Belgium. Oil painting 80. Musso, G., Italy. Oil painting 220. Mygatt, R. K., United States. Etchings 2061, 2062, 2065, 2066, 2067, 2068, 2069, 2070, 2071, 2072. Myslbeck, Josef V., Austria. Sculpture 7. Nabert, Wilhelm, Germany. Oil painting 472. Nadler, Robert, Austria. Oil painting 138. Nakken, W. C., Holland. Water colors 214, 224. Oil paintings 29, 155. Namekawa, Sodakatsu, Japan. Metal work 96. Namekawa, SOsuke, Japan. Enameled work 354, 355, 356, 357. Namikawa, Soske, Japan. Painting 24. Namikawa, Yasuyuki, Japan. Vases 30. Namur, Francois, Belgium. Oil painting 76. Nani, N., Italy. Oil paintings 103, 280. 307. Nardi, Francois, France. Oil painting 563. Nash, Joseph, R. 1., Great Britain. Water colors 510, 537 , 548, 568. Nash & Plympton, United States. Archi¬ tectural drawings 2792, 2889. Nattress, G., United States. Architectural drawings 2762, 2941. Navosoff, Vasily Ivanovitch, Russia. Oil painting 121. Neagle, J., (deceased), United States. Oil paintings 186, 224. Neale, James, F. S. A. F. R. I. B. A., Great Britain. Architecture 963, 987. 1051, 1104. Neckelmann, Professor Skjato, Germany. Architecture 872, 873, 874. Needham, C. A., United States. Oil paintings 1107, 1171, 1225. Water color 1415. Neff, Friedr., Germany. Oil painting 190. Neher, L. and von Kauffmann, Germany. Architecture 858, 862. Nehlig, V., United States. Oil painting 232. INDEX OF ARTISTS. 491 Nelli, A., Italy. Sculpture 196, 260, 315, 530. Nelson, Ernst, Germany. Oil painting 487. Nemoz, J. B. Augustin, France. Oil paint¬ ing 397. Nettleton, W., United States. Oil paintings 419, 518, 563, 602, 1099, 1173. Neuhaus, Fritz, Germany. Oil painting 447. Neuhuys, Albert, Holland. Water color 299. Oil paintings 14, 33, 38, 111, 115,167. Neumeister, Professor A., Germany. Archi¬ tecture 725. Netiville, A.M. de, (deceased). United States Loan collection. Oil painting 3083 Nevill, Ralph, F. S. A., Great Britain. Archi¬ tecture 966, 1008, 1021, 1024, 1098. Newcomb, Mrs. M. G., United States. Oil painting 1013. New Drawing Room, Great Britain. Archi¬ tecture 1103. Newell, P. S., United States. Black and white drawing 1851. Newman, C., United States. Oil painting 1254, Newton, G. F., United States. Architectural drawing 2957. Newton, Gilbert Stewart, (deceased), United States. Oil paintings 165, 264. Nibbrig, F. Hart, Holland. Oil painting 42. Nicholls, Rhoda Holmes, United States. Water colors 1335, 1425, 1460. Nichols, H. D., United States. Black and white drawing 1676. Nicol, J. Watson, Great Britain. Oil paint¬ ing 110. Nicoll, J. C., United States. Oil paintings 840, 879. Water colors, 1309, 1408, 1448, 1487. Etchings 2139, 2144, 2149, 2153, 2156. Niehaus, C. H., United States. Sculpture 5,11. Nielson, Elvind, Norway. Drawings. Nihon Makie, Gaisha, Japan Lacquer work 88, 89, 90. Niles, E. G., United States Oil painting 1085. Nisbet, R. B., Great Britain. Water color 559. Nishimra, Biun, Japan. Wood 95. Nishimra, Sozaemon, Japan. Embroideries 57, 61,145, 146, 155, 361. Nishiwo, KisabrO, Japan. Bronze 367. Niss, Thorvald, Denmark. Oil painting 128. Niwa, KeiskA Japan. Wood 1. Nizet, Charles, France. Architecture 1070, 1171. Nobili, R., Italy. Oil painting 217 Water color 444. Noble, Robert, Great Britain. Oil painting 69. Nogchi, Yukok, Japan. Painting 9. Noirot, Emile, France. Oil painting 308. Nomra, Bunkyo, Japan. Painting 55. Norcross, Eleanor, United States. Oil paint¬ ing 1286. Nordstorm, Karl, Sweden. Oil paintings 59, 106, 107, 117, 121. Norman, Phillip, Great Britain. Water colors 595, 633, 671- Normand, Ernest, Great Britain. Oil paint¬ ing 466. Normann, A., Germany. Oil paintings 532, 161. Pastel 584. Normann, Adelsten, Norway. Oil paintings 56, 70,117. Norris, H. L., Great Britain. Oil painting 322. Norrman, H., Sweden. Oil painting 78. Norton, S. Mary, United States. Oil paintings 627, 1168. Norton, W. E., United States. Oil paintings 287, 400, 565, 1122, 1198. North, J. W., A. R. A., R. W. S., Great Britain. Oil painting 190. Northrop, Agnes F., United States. Design for stained glass 2706. Nourse, Elizabeth, United States. Oil paint¬ ings 373, 593, 843. Novo, St., Italy. Oil paintings 138, 161, 174. N ovoskolzeff, Alexander N icolaievitch, Russia. Oil paintings 41, 115. Nowak, Ernst, Austria. Oil painting 96. Nowak, Leopold, Germany. Sculpture 72, 73. Nowottny, V., United States. Oil painting 1147. Nozal, Alexandre, France. Oil paintings 338, 414. Pastels 613, 621, 628. Nunez Fernandez, Raman,Spain. Sculpture 2. Noboe, Fritz, Denmark. Oil paintings 88, 91. Nys, Carl, Belgium. Oil painting 171. Nystrom, Alf., Sweden. Sculpture 5. Oberlander, Ad. Adam, Germany. Pencil drawing 632. Obermullner, Adolf, Austria. Oil painting 111 . Obregon, Jose, Mexico. Oil painting 47. O’Brien, L. R., R. C. A., Canada. Water colors 346, 149, 151, 155, 171, 183, 194. Ocadiz, Felipe, Mexico. Oil painting 25. Ochmischen, Hugo, Germany. Oil paintings 172, 524. Ochs, Franz, Germany. Sculpture 16, 23. Ochtman, L., United States. Oil paintings 500, 505, 987. Water color 1392. Ockelmann, Robert, Germany. Sculpture 96, 109, 110. Ocon y Rivas, Emilio,Spain. Oil painting 80. O’Donovan, W. R., United States. Sculpt¬ ure 154, 155. Oenicke, R.. Germany. Oil painting 501. Offermans, Tony, Holland. Oil painting 144. Water @olors242, 276. Ogata, Gekko, Japan. Painting 28. Ohmann, R., Germany. Sculpture 26. Okazaki, Sessei, Japan. Bronze 2, 3, 4, 25. Okioka, AsahiEizo, Japan. Rosewood 99. Olaria, J., Spain. Oil painting 193. Olde, Hans, Germany. Oil painting 356. Oliva Rodrigo, Eugenio, Spain. Oil painting 551. Olvari, G., Italy. Sculpture 505. Olive, Jean-Baptiste, France. Oil painting 561. Olivier, Herbert A., Great Britain. Oil paint¬ ing 75. Olsen, Alfred, Denmark. Oil painting 133. Omura, Wakichiro, Japan. Embroidery 138, 144. Ooms, Karel, Belgium. Oil painting 119. Oppenoorth, W., Holland. Oil paintings 126, 168. Water colors 210, 226. Oppler, Ernst, Germany. Oil painting 116. Orchardson, W. Q., R. A., Great Britain. Oil painting 404. Orrock, James, R. I., Great Britain. Water colors 549, 649. Ortiz Gamundi, Jose, Spain. Oil painting 230. Osborn, Miss E. M., Great Britain. Oil painting 316. Osborne, Walter, R. H. A., Great Britain. Oil painting 342. Osterlind, Allan, Sweden. Oil painting 41. Otake, Norikni, Japan. Bronze 60. Otemar, Edouard d\ France. Oil painting 306. Ottero y Colomines, Spain. Oil painting 319. Otto, Professor Paul, Germany. Sculpture 108. Otzen, Professor Johannes, Germany. Archi¬ tecture 773, 774. Oudine, E. A., France. Medals 730. Ouless, W. W., R. A.. Great Britain. Oil paintinsrs 71, 308. Owirzki, T., Polish. Oil painting 57. 492 INDEX OF ARTISTS. Overend, W. H., Great Britain. Oil paint¬ ing 385. Drawings 903, 904, 905, 906, 907, 952. Pacheco, Insley, Brazil. Oil paintings 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112. 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118. Water colors 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128. Pacheco y Fuente, Ricardo, Spain. Oil paint¬ ings 363, 364. Pacht, Axel, Fred’k, Denmark. Sculpture 17. Pacht, Vilh., Denmark. Oil painting 32. Page, W., (deceased), United States. Oil paintings 164, 191. Palin, W. M., Great Britain. Oil painting 355. Palliser, J. L., Spain. Black and white 245. Palm, Anna, Sweden. Oil painting 200. Palmer, Miss Ada M., Great Britain. Sculpt¬ ure 9. Palmer, W. L., United States. Oil paintings 900, 975,1087. Palmie, Charles, Germany. Oil painting 352. Pando, Jose de, Spain. Pastels 233, 252, 261. Pannemaker, St§phane, France. Wood en¬ gravings 814, 835. Pannier, Freres, France. Decorated glass 932. Pape, F. L. M., United States. Oil painting 1249. Pen drawing 2054. Papendrecht, J. Hoynck yon, Holland. Oil painting 114. Papperitz, Germany. Oil painting 456. Paradis, Adrien, France. Oil painting 163. Pardo, Y., Italy. Sculpture 198. Parera y Saurina, Antonio, Spain. Sculpture 10 . Pariitt Brothers, United States. Architectural drawings 2924, 2949. Paris, Alfred, France. Oil painting 600. Paris, Auguste, France. Sculpture 56. Paris, Camille, France. Oil painting 516. Parker, John, R. W. S., Great Britain. Oil painting 367. Water color 583. Parlade y Heredia, Andres, Spain. Oil paint¬ ings 76, 213. Parlaghy, Vilma, Germany. Oil painting 188. ParrajFelix, Mexico. Oil painting 39. Parreiras, Antonio, Brazil. Oil paintings 80, 81, 82. Parrish, Clara W., United States. Water color 1497. Parrish, S., United States. Oil paintings 290, 349,431, 1019, 1125. Etchings 2291, 2316. Parshall, De Witt, United States. Oil paint¬ ing 1152. Parsons, Alfred, R. I., Great Britain. Oil paintings 58, 309, 345, 417. Water colors 699, 686 . Parsons, A., United States. Wash drawing 1687. Black and white drawings 1597, 1601, 1625, 1636, 1644, 1647,1714. Parsons, O. S., United States. Oil paintings 324, 924. Parton, A., United States. Oil paintings 507, 792. Parton, Ernest, Great Britain. Oil paintings 195, 433, 473. Partridge, W. O., United States. Sculpture 15, 18, 30, 41, 45, 78,82, 101, 106, 134. Pascal, Jean-Louis, France. Architecture 1142,1143,1144. Pasco, Jose, Spain. Phototype and chromo lithographic calendar 388. Pash, Miss Florence, Great Britain. Oil painting 413. Pasternak, Leonid, Russia. Oil painting 87. Pastrana, Manuel, Mexico. Oil paintings 74, 75, 76. Paternani, Enrique. Spain. Oil painting 89. Patey, France. Medals and medallions 727, 740. Paton, Hugh, A. R. P. E., Great Britain. Etchings 727, 736. Patricot, Jean, France. Wood engravings 825, 837. Pattison, J. W., United States. Oil paint¬ ing 439. Water colors 1346, 1437. Paul, Ernst, Germany. Sculpture 62. Pauli, G., Sweden. Oil paintings 40, 42, 85. Pauli, Hanna, Sweden. Oil paintings 39, 120, 122 . Pauli, R., (deceased). United States. Oil painting 382. Paulsen, Julius, Denmark. Oil paintings 26, 51,64. Paulus, F. P., United States. Oil painting 1256. Etchings 2205, 2206,2207. Pausinger, Franz von, Austria. Oil paintings 67,107. Pavia y Birmingham, Joaquin, Spain. Archi¬ tecture 403. Pawlawski, J., Polish. Oil painting 54. Pawliszak, W., Polish. Oil painting 13. Paxton, W. M., United States. Oil painting 594. Payer, Julius von, Austria. Oil painting 51. Paynot, Mile. Gabrielle, France. Etching 862. Peabody & Stearns, United States. Archi¬ tectural drawings 2909, 2912. Peabody, Stearns & Furber, United States. Architectural drawing 2759. Peale, C. W., United States. Oil painting 167. Peale, J., United States. Oil painting 197. Peale, R., United States. Oil painting 169. Pearce, C. S., United States. Oil paintings 346, 607, 608, 755, 805, 1196. Pearson, John L., R. A., Great Britain. Ar¬ chitecture 970, 1054. Peck, Orrin, United States. Oil paintings 476, 1291, 1292. Pecou, Jean-William-Henri, France. Sculpt¬ ure 126. Pedersen, Ole, Denmark. Oil paintings 106, 126. Pedersen, Thorolf, Denmark. Oil paintings 112, 113. Pedersen, Yiggo, Denmark. Oil paintings 96, 98, 99, 100 t 151. Pedro. Weingartner, Brazil. Oil paintings 16, 19, 20. Peel, Paul, R. C. A. (deceased), Canada. Oil painting 80. Peele, J. T., (deceased), United States. Oil painting 211. Pehne, Augustin-Pierre-Charles, France. Sculpture 87. Peixotto, G. D. M., United States. Oil paint¬ ing 1271. Pelayo Fernandez, Eduardo, Spain. Oil paint¬ ing 64. Pelevin, Ivan Andreievitch, Russia. Oil painting 101. Pellicer, J. L„ Spain. Pen and ink 262, 299, 300. Pellini, E., Italy. Sculpture 5. Pelouse, Leon-Germain, (deceased), France. Oil paintings 293, 314, 584. Pena y Munoz, Maximino, Spain. Oil paint¬ ings 121, 125, 215. Penfold, F. C., United States. Oil painting 1178. Pennacchini, D., Italy. Water colors 458, 465. Penne, Oliver de, France. Water colors 637, 691; Pennell, J., United States. Pencil drawing 1923! Pen drawings 1911, 1912, 1913, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920, 1921, 1924, 1925, 1926, 1927, 1936, 1937, 1938, 1939, 1940, 1941, 1943. Wash drawings 1910, 1926, 1942. INDEX OF ARTISTS. 493 \ Pennington, H., United States. Black and white drawing 1725. Peppercorn, A. N., Great Britain. Oil paint¬ ings 292, 406. Peraire, Paul, (deceased), France. Oil paint¬ ing 581. Peralta, S. B. de, United States. Oil painting 1255. Perard, V., United States. Wash drawings 1665, 1671. Peres, Pedro, Brazil. Oil painting 91. Peroff, Vasily Grigorievitch, Russia. Oil paintings 64, 98. Perrault, L6on, France. Oil paintings 416, 541. Perret, Aime, France. Oil paintings 261, 455. Perret, Marius, France. Oil painting 362. Perrey, Lbon-Auguste, France. Sculpture 85. Perrie, Bertha E., United States. Water color 1811. Perry, Lilia C., United States. Oil paintings 1110, 1169, 1229, 1234, 1261, 1269, 1280. Perry, R. H., United States. Oil painting 455. Perugini, C. E., Great Britain. Oil paintings 256, 444, 472. Perugini, Mrs. Kate, Great Britain. Oil paint¬ ings 247, 448. Pesado, Natal, Mexico. Pen drawing 69. Oil paintings 51, 53, 54, 55. 60. Peter, Victor, France. Medal 749. Peters, C., United States. Oil paintings 963, 1071. Petersen, Anna Solie, Denmark. Oil paint¬ ing 176. Petersen-Angeln, Germany. Oil paintings 319, 488. Petersen, Eilif, Norway. Oil paintings 11, 37, 61, 67, 75. Petersen-Flensburg, Germany. Oil painting 402. Petersen, G. D., United States. Sculpture 128. Petit, Corneille, Belgium. Oil painting 225. Petiti, F., Italy. Oil painting 226. Petit jean, Edmond, France. Oil paintings 368, 378. Pettenkofen, Aug. von, Austria. Oil paintings 48,49, 99, 101, 135. Pettie, John, R. A., the late, Great Britain. Oil painting 438. Pettit, F. A., United States. Wood engrav¬ ings 2642, 2653, 2657, 2678. Peyraud, F. C., United States. Oil paintings 274, 473. Peyrol, Hippolyte, France. Sculpture 38. Peyrol-Bonheur, Mme. Juliette (deceased), France. Oil paintings 559, 601. Pezant, Aymar, France. Oil painting 447. Phelps, Helen W., United States. Oil paint¬ ing 653. Phillip, Colin B., A. R. W. S., Great Britain. Water colors 642, 703. Phillips, Laurence B., R. P. E., Great Brit¬ ain. Oil painting 293. Etchings 740, 779. Phillips, Mary M., Canada. Water color 89. Piatrowicz, L., Polish. Oil painting 24. Picard, Louis, France. Oil painting 586. Picchawski, W., Polish. Oil paintings 101, 120 . Pickering, J. L., Great Britain.' Oil paint¬ ings 59, 200. Picknell, W. L., United States. Oil paint¬ ings 569, 681, 798, 822. _ Piera, Francisco, Spain. Crayon portraits 296, 298, 303. Pierce, C. F., United States. Water color 1411. Pietschmann, Max, Germany. Oil painting 506. Piguenit, W. C., New South Wales. Oil paint¬ ings 9, 16, 17. Pillati, X., Polish. Oil painting 44. Pilleau, H., R. I., Great Britain. Water colors 582, 659. Pilsbury, Wilmot, A. R. W. S., Great Britain. Water colors 523, 621, 647. Pimonenka, Nicolay Karlovitch, Russia. Oil painting 48. Pina, Jose, Salome, Mexico. Oil painting 42. Pine, R. E., United States. Oil painting 236. Pinhey, Mrs. Charles, New South Wales. Oil painting 56. Pinhey, J. C., A. R. C. A., Canada. Oil paint¬ ing 78. Pinos y Pala, Juan, Spain. Oil painting 179. Piotrowski, A., Polish. Oil paintings 42, 56, 102, 107. Pioutkowski, H., Polish. Oil painting 97. Piper, Carl, Germany. Sculpture 11. Piper, Miss Elizabeth, R. P. E., Great Britain. Etchings 719, 775, 782, 865, 877. Pirala, Maria, Spain. Oil paintings 365, 369. Pissarro, C., United States Loan coUection. Oil paintings 3004, 3012, 3020. Pitkin, Caroline W., United States. Water color 1506. Planella y Rodriguez, Juan, Spain. Oil painting 97. Plasky, Eugene, J. B., Belgium. Oil painting 143. Plass, Ernst, Germany. Oil paintings 217, 315. Platow, J., Germany. Etching 637. Platt, C. A., United States. Oil paintings 283,293. Etchings 2360, 2376. PlimsoU, Fanny G., Canada. Oil painting 69. Pliihr, Heinr, Germany. Oil painting 444. Plumot, Andre, Belgium. Oil paintings 98, 192. Podkowinski, W., Polish. Oil paintings 5, 34, 46, 47, 48. Poggenbeek, Geo., Holland. Water color 287. Oil paintings 43, 129, 142, 156. Pohle, Herm Emil, Germany. Oil painting 474. Water color 580. Pointelin, Auhuste Emanuel, France. Pastels 622, 703. Oil paintings 379, 380, 381, 543. Polenoff, Helena, Russia. Water color 33. Oil painting 19. Pomeroy, F. W., Great Britain. Sculpture 4, 22. Pomeroy, Grace V., United States. Water colors 1465. Pompeii and Herculaneum, Reproductions of Bronzes, Italy, 331 to 441, Inclusive. Pompon, Francois, France. Sculpture 1. Poncet, Jean-Baptiste, France. Engravings 774, 781, 793, 805. Oil painting 779. Poole, P. F., R. A. (the late), Great Britain. Oil paintings 167, 168. Poore, H. R., United States. Oil paintings 874, 880. Popiel, T., Polish. Oil paintings 23, 27. Porro, Angel, Spain. Oil paintings 100, 286, 305, 312. Portaels, Jean, Belgium. Oil painting 60. Portillo. Miguel, Mexico. Etching 77. Possin, Rud., Germany. Oil painting 259. Poswikawa, B., Polish. Oil paintings 21, 22, 55. Potter, Bessie O., United States. Sculpture 108,133. Potrsch, Paul, Germany. Oil paintings 245, .362. Powell, Caroline A., United States. Wood engraving 2557, 2566, 2568, 2574, 2575, 2588, 2590,2594,2602. Powers, Ellen, United States. Water color 1308. Powers, Preston, United States. Sculpture 14, 87. 494 INDEX OF ARTISTS. Poynter, E. J.. R. A. R. W. S., Great Britain. Water color 566. Oil paintings 83, 387, 485, 489. Prati, E., Italy. Oil painting 277. Pratt, Joseph B., Great Britain. Etching 801. Engravings 708, 846, 859. Prescott, Katherine. United States. Sculpt¬ ure 135, 143. Price, Bruce, United States. Architectural drawings 2742, 2775, 2798, 2992. Price, F. L &W. L., United States. Arcihtect- ural drawings 2723, 2774, 2976, 2994. Price, J. M., Great Britain. Oil paintings 397. Price, W. L., United States. Architectural sketch 2948. Primelles, Angel, Spain. Oil paintings 367, 368. Prinsep, Yal. C., A. R. A., Great Britain. Oil painting 123. Priou, Louis, France. Oil painting 479. Pritchard, J. A., United States. Oil paint¬ ing 1131. Probst, Carl, Austria. Oil painting 147. Proctor, A. P., United States. Sculpture 80, 81, 85. Proost, Frans, Belgium. Oil painting 238. Pruszkowski, W., Polish. Oil painting 70. Prays, Miss C. van der Hoeven, Holland. Water color 286. Puech, Denys, France. Sculpture 98,103. Pujol, Paul, France. Water colors 657, 689. Oil painting 294. Pull, Pere et fils, France. Hard porcelain 963. Putnam, Sarah G., United States. Oil paint¬ ing 1263. Wood engravings 2563, 2565,2569, 2572, 2585, 2592, 2595,2596, 2600. Puvis de Chavannes P., United States Loan collection. Oil paintings 3008, 3023. Pyle, Howard, United States. Black and white drawings 1842,1844,1845. Black and white drawings in oil 1841, 1843, 1846, 1847, 1848,1849. Pyne, Thomas, R. I., Great Britain. Oil painting 330. Quaranta, G., Italy. Oil paintings 214, 216, 221, 229, 210. 244, 248, 250. Quadrelli, F., Italy. Sculpture 262. Quartley A., (deceased), United States. Oil painting 263. uerol, Augustin, Spain. Sculpture 21, 24. uignon, Fernand-Just, France. Oil paint¬ ings 529, 556. Quinones, Arthuro, Spain. Crayon portraits 254, 389. Quinton, Clement, France. Oil painting 435. Quitton, Edouard, Belgium. Oil painting 224. Quost, Ernest, France. Oil paintings 292, 362. Raab, Doris, Germany. Etching 675. Raehou, IIenri, France. Oil painting 484. Radford, Edward, A. R. W. S., Great Britain. OiL painting 495. Water colors 609, 622, 679. Rae, Henrietta (Mrs. E. Normand), Great Britain. Oil paintings 171,189. Rae, Iso.. Great Britain. Oil painting 204. Raflaelli, Jean Frangois, France. Pastels 615,616. Oil paintings *57, 460, 461. United States Loan collection. Oil paint¬ ing s3010, 3017, 3022. Rainey, W., Great Britain. V^ater colors 615, 670. Raissignier, Emile-Paul, France. Sculpture 138. Ramage, J., (deceased) United States. Minia¬ ture 181. Ramazzotti, S., Italy. Sculptures 25,116, 195. Rambaud, Pierre, France. Sculpture 20. Ramirez, Manuel, Mexico. Oil paintings 24. Ramirez y Ibanez, Manuel, Spain. Oil paint¬ ings 58, 188, 190, 360. RamsdelJ, F. W., United States. Oil paint¬ ings 355, 1224. Ransy-Putzeys, Felicie, Belgium. Oil paint¬ ings 228, 291. Raphael, Frederico, Brazil. Oil paintings 71, 73. Raphael, W., R. C. A., Canada. Oil paintings 43, 57, 129. Rapine, Frangoise, France. Engraving 866. Rasch, Otto, Germany. Oil painting 132. Rascovich, R., United States. Water color 1369. Rasmussen, Georg Ant., Germany. Oil painting 239. Rasmussen, J. E. Carl, Denmark. Oil paint¬ ings 89, 153. Rasmussen, R. C., Denmark. Oil painting 50. Rattray, Wellwood, R. S. A., Great Britain. Oil paintings 114, 403. Raught, J. W., United States. Oil paintings 463,1121. Raupp, Karl, Germany. Oil painting 290. Ravelo, M. M., Venezuela. Oil paintings24,25. Ravenue, Gustave, France. Oil painting 776. Ravenstein, Paul von, Germany. Oil paint¬ ings 126, 481. Realier-Dumas, France. Oil painting 262. Reaugh, F., United States. Pastels 1535, 1545. Rebollo, Emilia, Spain. Decorative paint¬ ing by a special process 384. Reboul, Albert-Clement-lules, France. Archi¬ tectures 1116,1117, 1118, 1119. Redmond, J. J., United States. Water color 1342 Redwood, A. C., United States. Pen draw¬ ings 1696, 1946, 1969. Black and white drawings 1695, 1853,1861,1869, 1900. Reed, C. H., United States. Wood engrav¬ ings 2686, 2694. Reed, George Ogilvie, R. S. A., Great Britain. Oil painting 299. Regia, Calcografia, Italy. Engravings 467 to 494, inclusive. Regnault, H., (deceased), United States Loan collection. Oil painting 3065. Rehn, F. K. M., United States. Oil paintings 312, 875. Water color 1371. Reichert, C., Austria. Oil painting 54. Reid, D. G., New South Wales. Oil painting 28. Reid, Miss Flora M., Great Britain. Oil paintings 498, 499. Reid, G. A., R. C. A., Canada. Oil paintings 32, 76, 103, 125. Pastel 163. Reid, John R., Great Britain. Oil paintings 111, 412. Reid, Mary H., A. R. C. A., Canada. Oil paint¬ ings 25, 94, 117. Reid, R., United States. Oil paintings 285, 304, 330, 959. Decorative designs 2730, 2731, 2732, 2733. Reinecke, Rene, Germany. Gouache 538. Reinhart, C. S., United States. Oil paintings 591, 601. Pencil drawings 1579, 1581, 1584, 1587, 1592. Pen drawings 1945, 1975, 1976. Wasli drawing 1893. Black and white draw¬ ing 1909. Remington, F., United States. Pen drawings 1981, 1983, 1990. Wash drawings 1724, 1739, 1740, 1741, 1742, 1745, 1747, 1748. Black and white drawings 1599, 1734,1746. Black and white drawing in oil 1892. Renard, Emile, France. Oil painting 149. Renoir, A., United States Loan collection Oil painting 3024. INDEX OF ARTISTS. 495 Renouard, Paul, France. Pencil drawings 700, 701, 706. Repine, Elias Efimovitch, Russia. Oil paint¬ ing 112. Reproductions of Ancient Bronzes from Pompeii and Herculaneum, Italy, 331 to 431, inclusive. Reproductions of Historic Sculptures, France 1196 to 1311, inclusive. Repulles, Enrique Maria, Spain. Architecture 405. Reycend, E., Italy. Oil painting 180. Reyna, Antonio, Spain. Oil painting 108. Reynes, Jose, Spain. Sculpture 6. Reynolds, Alice M., United States. 1569. Reyzner, M., Polish. Oil painting 69. Revell, W. M., A. R. C. A., Canada. Water colors 92,142. Rohde, Johan, Denmark. Oil paintings 48, 159. Rhodes, C. W., United States. Charcoal drawing 1580. Rhodes, Roland, Great Britain. Sculptures 42, 48. Ribarz, Rudolf, Austria. Oil paintings 20, 26. Ribot, T. A., (deceased), United States Loan collection. Oil painting 3066. Rice, II. M., United States. Water color 1357. Rice, W. M. J., United States. Oil paintings 340, 376, 1268. Ricci, F., Italy. Oil paintings 122, 152, 164. Richard, Mme. Hortense, France. Miniature 692. Painting on porcelain 766. Richards, S., United States. Oil paintings 519, 1220. Richards, W. T., United States. Oil paintings 581, 782. Water color 1492. Richardson, F. H., United States. Oil paint¬ ing 619. Richardson, John I., R. I., Great Britain. Water colors 545, 596. Richemont, Alfred-Paul-Marie de, France. Oil painting 594. Richet, Leon, France. Oil paintings 459. 463. Richir, Herman, Belgium. Oil painting 78. Riera y Casanovas, Juan, Spain. Sculptures 45, 46. Riesch, Otto, Germany. 6, 36, 86, 111. Riess, Paul, Germany. Oil paintings 223, 419. Rieusset, Francisco, Spain. Samples of etchings and engravings on steel and copper 385, 386. Rigby, Cuthbert, A. R. W S., Great Britain. Water colors 516, 632, 665. Rigolot, Albert-Gabriel, France. Oil paint¬ ing 562. Ring, Helga, Norway. Oil paintings 59, 79. Ring, L. A., Denmark. Oil paintings 136, 137. Rinaldi, Italy. Oil painting 134. Ringel, d’ Illzach, France. Sculptures, 2, 88. Rios, Andres, Mexico. Oil painting 87. Rios, Ricardo de los, Madrid. Reapers 231, 239, 240, 242, 216, 256, 260, 263, 264, 297. Ripley, H. G., United States. Architectural drawing 2934. Riquer y Inglada, Alejandro de, Spain. Oil paintings 181, 185. Ritchie, Henrietta, United States. Etchings 2118, 2128. Ritter, Professor Caspar, Germany. Oil paintings 184, 234. Ritter, Lorenz, Germany. Etching 679. Ritter, Wilh. G., Germany. Oil painting 330. Rivera, Carlos, Mexico. Oil paintings 88, 40, 45. Rivers, Leopold, Great Britain. Water color 624. Riviere, Briton R. A., Great Britain. Oil paintings 100, 221, 358. Rivoire, Francois, France. Water colors 674, 685. Rix, J., United States. Water colors 1333, 1354. Rixens, Andre, France. Oil painting 503. Rixson, O. C., United States. Architectural drawings 2886, 2895, 2900, 2901. Robbins, R., United States. Oil painting 350. Robbins, L. Lee, United States. Oil paint¬ ings 700, 1063, 1133. Robert, Charles, France. Engraving 824. Robert, Eugene, France. Sculpture 95. Robert-Fleury, Tony, France. Oil paint¬ ings 464, 470. Roberts, Tom, New South Wales. Oil paint¬ ings 15, 63. Robertson, A., United States. Miniatures 180,182. Robertson, Arthur, Great Britain. Water color 586. Etchings 757, 866. Robertson, Henry Robert, Great Britain. Oil painting 337. Etchings 791, 823. Robertson, Percy, R. P. E., Great Britain. Etchings 715, 777, 815, 875. Robertson, R. H., United States. Architect¬ ural drawing 2879. Robie, Jean, Belgium, Oil painting 96. Robinson, Theodore, United States. Oil paintings 336, 338, 354. Charcoal drawing 1593. Robinson, Thomas, (deceased),United States. Oil paint ing 228. Robinson, W. S., United States. Water col¬ ors 1416, 1445. Robinson, Gerald, R. P. E., Great Britain. Engraving 868. Etchings 722, 724, 733. Robles y Martinez, Jose, Spain. Oil paint¬ ings 211, 212. Robson, E. R., F. S. A., Great Britain. Archi¬ tectures 978, 981, 984, 994, 1001, 1095. Rochegrosse, Georges, France. Oil paintings 345, 477. Water color 669. Rochling, Carl, Germany. Oil painting 225. Rocholl, Th., Germany. Oil paintings 146, 428. Rochussen, Chas., Holland. Water color 212 . Rodeck, Carl, Germany. Oil painting 422. Rodin, Auguste, France. Sculptures 43, 101. United States Loan collection. Sculptures 3136, 3127, 3128. Rodriguez de Rivera, Maria, Spain. Oil paintings 370, 371. Roeber, Fritz, Germany. Oil paintings 280, 233. Roehrer, Lina, Austria. Oil painting 44. Roelofs, W., Holland. Oil paintings 90, 124, 165. Water colors 206, 238. Roelofs, W v Jr., Holland. Water color 217. Rogers, J., United States. Sculpture 42. Roger-Jourdain, France. Oil painting 274. Rogers, W. A., United States. Pencil draw¬ ing 2035. Pen drawings 2017, 2018, 2019, 3020. 2021, 2023, 2024, 2025, 202-, 2029, 2030, 2031, 2037. Wash drawing 1907. Black and white drawings 1697, 1705, 1726, 1750, 1896, 1899, 1901, 1902, 1905, 1906. Rogge, Professor Th., Germany- Water color 567. Rohl-Smith, C., United States. Sculptures 121, 151. Rohlfs, Christian, Germany. Oil painting 385. Roi, P., Italy. Oil paintings 176, 181. Roig y Soler, Juan, Spain. Oil paintings 72, 220, 309. 496 INDEX OF ARTISTS. Rojas, Cristobal, Venezuela. Oil paintings 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16. Roll, Alfred-Philippe, France. Oil paintings 448 449 452. Rolpli, J*. T., A. R C. A., Canada. Water colors 173, 188. Rolshoven, J., United States. Oil paintings 421,1100. Pastels 1523, 1540, 1544, 1548, 1558. Roman, Max, Germanj. Oil painting 429. Roneyn & Stever, United States. Architectu¬ ral drawing 2804. Rondel, Henri, France. Oil painting 356. Rongier, Mile. Jeanne, France. Oil painting 508. Ronner, Alice, Belgium. Oil painting 111. Ronner, Mrs. Henrietta, Holland. Oil paint¬ ings 18,36,127. Ronot, Charles, France. Oil painting 604. Rook, E. F., United States. Oil painting 1213. Rooke, T. M., Great Britain. Water color 581. Oil paintings 74, 420. Rookwood pottery (in glass case, between Nos. 57 and 58. United States sculpture). Rosales, Eduardo, Spian. Oil paintings 178, 182, 191. Rose, G. United States. Oil paintings 422, 453, 606. Rosen, G. von Count Prof., Sweden. Etching 136. Oil paintings 68, 73, 77. Rosen, Jan, Germany. Oil painting 293. Rosen F., Polick. Oil painting 108. Rosenberg, Edw., Sweden. Oil painting 179. Rosenboom, Mrs. M., Holland. Oil painting 1053. Water colors 250, 255, 292. Rosenthal M., United States. Etchings 2116, 2208, 2485. Mezzotint 2394. Rosenthal T., United States. Oil painting 862. Rosier, Jean Guillaume, Belgium. Oilpaint- ings 165, 178. Rossbach, A., Germany. Architecture 871. Rosse, Franz, Germany, Sculpture 18. Rosseels, Jacques, Belgium. Oil paintings 117, 167. Rosset, Granger, France. Oil paintings 286, 530,592,. Pastel 624. Rossi, L., Italy. Oil painting 449. Rossiter & Wright, United States. Archi¬ tectural drawings 2786, 2793. Roszmann, Augusta, Belgium. Oil painting 81. Rotch, A., United States. Water color 1412. Architectural drawing 2821. Rotch & Tilden, United States. Architectural drawing 2820. Roth, A. B., New South Wales. Water color 228. Rotta, A., Italy. Oil painting 123. Roubaud, Louis-Auguste, France. Sculpture 81. Rouband, Professor Franz, Germany. Oil painting 162. Rougelet, Benedict, France. Sculpture 34. Rouillard, Marie-Marcel, France. Oil paint¬ ing 567. Roullet, Gaston, France. Water colors 639, 650. Rousseau, Alfred, France. Etching 808. Rousseau, Eugene, France. Decorated glass 940, 944. Rousseau, T. (deceased), United States Loan collection. Oil paintings 3027, 3055, 3078, 3122. Roussin, Georges, France. Oil painting 340. Rowan, Mrs. Ellis, New South Wales. Water colors 126 to 224, inclusive. Oil paintings 57, 58. Roy, Marius, France. Oil painting 326. Royal direction of the state railways of Bava¬ ria, Munich. Central depot at Munich. Built 1876-83 by Jacob Graff 876, 878. Royal Photometric Institute, Meydenbauer, Prof., Berlin. Forty-three (43) photographs, three drawings and one reproduction, 803, 849. ' Royer, Lionel, France. Oil painting 299. Rozier, Dominique, France. Oil painting 344. Ruben, Franz, Austria. Oil paintings 31, 71. Ruckstuhl, F. W., United States. Sculpture 120 . Rudell, P. E., United States. Oil paintings 544, 821. Buggies, Theo. Alice, United States. Sculpt¬ ure 12, 13, 60, 126. Ruiz Luna, Justo, Spain. Oil painting 372. Rul, Henry, Belgium. Oil painting 226. Rullens, Jules, Belgium. Oil painting 210. Rummelspacher,J.,Germany. Oil painting 486. Rumpf. Carl, Germany. Sculpture 35. Rum pier, Franz, Austria. Oil painting 102. Rusch, Dietrich, Germany. Oil paintings 173, 359, 516. Rusinol, Santiago, Spain. Oil paintings 109, 134, 136, 144, 203. Russ, Robert, Austria. Oil painting 141. Oil paintings 60, 65, ;435. , 84. 6, 7, 172. Rusti, Olav., Norway 136. Ruths, Valentin, Germany. Oil painting 468. Ruy, Alphonse, France. Architecture 1180, 1181. Ryder, H. O., United States. Oil paintin Ryszkicwicz, J., Polish. Oil paintings : Saabye, A. W., Denmark. Sculpture 18. Sadee, Ph., Holland. Oil paintings 3, Water color 274. Sadler, W. Dendy, Great Britain. Oil paint¬ ings 104, 254. Sain, Edouard, France. Oil paintings 320, 336. Sain, Paul-Jean-Marie, France. Oil painting 342. Saintin, Henri, France. Oil paintings 325, 424,472. Saint-Germier, Joseph, France. Oil paint¬ ings 327, 363. Saint-Marceaux, Renfe de, France. Sculpture 107. Saint-P^re, Charles, France. Architecture 1067, 1068,1069. Saint-Pierre, Gaston Casimir, France. Oil paintings 385, 458. Salard, Mile. Celine, France. Water color 694. Salas, Ramon, Spain. Architecture 406, 407, 408. Saltzmann, Professor Carl, Germany. Oil painting 232. Salza, C. F. von, Sweden. Oil painting28. Salzmann, Germany. Architecture 789. Samuel, Charles, Belgium. Sculpture 3,13. Sanchez Cuello, Alonzo, Spain. Oil painting 373. Sandham, H., R. C. A., Canada. Oil paint¬ ing 100. Sandham, H., United States. Black and white drawing 1876. Sandier, Alexandre, France. Architecture 1165, 1172. Sanson, Justin Chrysostome, France. Sculpt¬ ure 78. Sans y Castan., Francisco. Oil painting 374. Sans y Corbella, Tomas, Spain. Oil paintings 258, 266. Sant, James, R. A., Great Britain. Oil paint¬ ings 183, 393- INDEX OF ARTISTS. 4g; Santa Maria Sedano Marceliano, Spain. Oil paintings 180, 225. Santoro, R., Italy. Oil paintings 182, 246. Sanzay, Adrian Jacques, France. Oil paint¬ ing 747. Sargent, J. S., United States. Oil paintings 509, 513, 515, 522, 577,680, 686, 809, 1043. Sartain, Emily, United States. Oil painting 826. Etching 2210. Sartain, J., United States. Mezzotint 2393. Sartain, W., United States. Oil paintings 595, 1284. Mezzotints 2383, 2388. Sartorelli, F„ Italy. Oil painting 303. Sasaki, Geihichi, Japan. Embroidery 62. Satterlee, W., United States. Water colors 1396, 1429. Saubes, Daniel-Leon, France. Oil painting 354. Sautai, Paul-Emile, France. Oil painting 267. Savage, E., United States. Oil painting 162. Savini, A., Italy. Oil paintings 128, 141. Savinsky, Yasily Evmentievitch, Russia. Oil painting 133. Savitzky, Constantin Appollonovitch, Russia. Oil painting 38. Sawada, Ginjinro, Japan. Metal 39. Sawada, Jiro, Japan. Lacquer 84. Sawyer, D. W., United States. Water color 1406. Schachinger, Gabr., Germany. Oil painting 416. Schaede, Bernh., Germany. Architecture 711. Schaefer, M., Germany. Oil painting 526. Scharff, A., Austria. Sculpture 16. Schauss, Professor E., Germany. Oil paint¬ ing 514. Schenker, Jaques, Germany. Oil painting 463. Schennis, Fr. von, Germany. Oil painting 255. Scherres, Alfred, Germany. Oil painting 365. Scherres, Professor C., Germany. Oil paint¬ ing 253. Scherrer, Jean-Jacques, France. Oil paint¬ ing 564. Scheurenberg, Professor J., Germany. Oil painting 300. Schickhardt, Karl, Germany. Oil painting 382. Schiewe, Jacob, Norway. Oil painting 115. Schilling, A., United States. Oil pa.ntings 728, 907. Water colors 1382, 1493. Etch¬ ings 2333, 2359. Schindler, Jac. E., Austria. Oil paintings 39, 72. Schischkine, Ivan Ivanovitch, Russia. Oil painting 132. Schlabitz, A., Germany. Oil paintings 177, 527. Schladitz, E., United States. Wood engrav¬ ings 2670, 2676. Schlecht, C., United States. Steel engrav¬ ings 2666, 2673, 2674, 2684, 2690. Schleich, Hans, Germany. Oil painting 445. Schleich, Robert, Germany. Oil paintings 281, 379. Schlichtkrull, Johan C., Denmark. Oil paint¬ ings 40, 53,161,162. Schloesser, Carl, Great Britain. Oil painting 159. Schmalz, Herbert, Great Britain. Oil paint¬ ings 188, 491. Schmid, Julius, Austria. Oil painting 25. Schmid, Mathias, Austria. Oil painting 123. Schmidt, Professor A., Germany. Architect¬ ure 718, 720, 721. Schmidt, Freiherr Professor H., Germany. Architecture 785, 790, 791. Schmidt, Friedr. Alb., Germany. Oil paint¬ ings 197, 336. Schmidt, HansW., Germany. Oil painting 220 . Schmidt, Professor Max, Germany. Oil painting 227. Schmidt-Phiseldeck, Carl, Denmark. Oil painting 81. Schmiechen, H., Great Britain. Oil painting 399. Schmitgen. Georg, Germany. Oil painting 482. Schmitz, Bruno, Germany. Architecture 782. Schmitz, Franz, Germany. Architecture 781. Schnars-Alquist Hugo, Germany. Oil paint¬ ings 430, 495. Schnee, H., Germany. Water color 595. Schoenleber, Professor Gust, Germany. Oil paintings 476, 478. Schoff, S. A., United States. Etchings 2152, 2159, 2160, 2161. Steel engravings 2671, 2675, 2681. Scholtz,, Professor Julius, Germany. Oil paintings 120, 338. Scholz, Rich., Germany. Oil painting 401. Schonchen, Leopold, Germany. Oil paint¬ ing 396. Schott, Walter, Berlin. Bust of Prince Stol- berg (piaster) 7, 19, 24, 27, 48, 60, 61. Schreiber, C. M. B., Canada. Oil painting 5. Schrodl, Norbert, Germany. Oil painting 154. Schroedl, Anton, Austria. Oil painting 58. Schroter, Wilh., Germany. Oil painting 268. Schuch, Professor Werner, Germany. Oil paintings 224, 413. Schuler, Max, Germany. Oil painting 194. Schultheiss, Albrecht, Germany. Engraving 685. Schultzberg, A., Sweden. Oil paintings 36, 37, 74. Schultze, Carl, Germany. Oil painting 228. Schulz, Professor Moriz, Germany. Sculpt¬ ure 5. Schulzeheim, Ida von, Sweden. Oil painting 148. Schulze-Naumburg, Paul, Germany. Oil painting 242. Schutz, W. J., Holland. Water color 200. Schuz, Theod.. Germany. Oil painting 466. Schwave, E., Germany. Oil painting 254. Schwaiger, Hans, Austria. Oil paintings 110, 112 . Schwartze, Miss Therese, Holland. Oil paint¬ ings 4, 132,173. Schwarz, G., Germany. Architecture 770. Schwarz, Stefan, Austria. Sculpture 3, 4, 5, 9, 11. Schwarzburger, C., United States. Wood en¬ gravings 2668, 2693. Schwechten, Franz, Germany. Architecture 728. Schweinfurth, J. A., United States. Archi¬ tectural drawings 2858,2868, 2872. Schweitzer, Ad., Germany. Oil painting 201. Schwill, W. V., United States. Oil painting 402. Scott, Mrs. E. M., United States. Water col¬ ors 1383, 1456, 1499,1509. Scott, F. E., United States. Oil painting 282. Scott, Jeannette, United States. Oil paint¬ ing 1242. Scott, J. Oldrid, F. S. A., F. R. I. B. A., Great Britain. Architecture 1022, 1032,1041, 1042, 1045, 1078, 1080. Sculpture, Historic (reproductions), France 1196 to 1311, inclusive. Sears, Sarah C., United States. Water colors 1322, 1380, 1389. Sedoff, Gregory Semenovitch, Russia. Oil painting 42. Seel, Ad., Germany. Oil painting 298. 498 INDEX OF ARTISTS. Seeling, Chr. Heinr., Germany. Architecture 724, 856, 857. Seghers, Franz, Belgium. Oil painting 186. Seihu, Yohei, Japan. Vases 7476. Seijigaisha, Japan. Porcelain 63. Sei er, Professor Carl, Germany. Oil paint¬ ing 453. Seitz, Professor Ant., Germany. Oil painting 201 . Seitz, Professor Otto, Germany. Drawing 555. Seliger, M., Germany. Water colors 622, 624. Seligmann, Adal, Austria. Oil paintings 42, 76,81. Seligmann, Georg, Denmark. Oil painting 152. Senat, P. L., United States. Oil paintings 1174, 1194. Water colors 1302, 1347, 1417, 1424. Serra, Francisco de Asis, Spain. Sculpture 25,26, 27. . . , Severn, Arthur, R. I., Great Britain. Water colors 5.85, 638. Sevres (National Pottery), France. Vase 911. Sewell, Mrs. A. B., United States. Oil paint¬ ings 374, 398, 447, 501, 629, 828, 864. Sewell, R. V. V-, Uniied States. Oil paintings 272, 449, 626, 1188, 1189. Seymour, M., Canada. Oil painting 46. Seyppel, C. M., Germany. Oil painting 373. Sgitani, Sessho, Japan. Painting 58. Sguira, Japan. Vases 36. Shannon, J. J., Great Britain. Oil paintings 175, 193, 198. Sharp, Alferd, New South Wales. Water colors 223, 224, 225. Sharp. J. H., United States. Oil painting 294. Shaw, J., United States. Oil painting 267. Shiino, ShCbey, Japan. Embroidery 152. Shepley, Annie B., United States. Oil paint¬ ing 1102. Shepley, Rutan & Coolidge, United States. Architectural drawings 2854, 2935. Sheppard, W., United States. Oil paintings 734. Sherborn, Chas. Wm., R. P. E., Great Britain. Etchings 835, 841, 861, 863. Architecture 1090,1097. Sherman, Mrs. L. S., New South Wales. Oil painting 59. Sherwood, Rosina Emmet, United States. Water colors 1479, 1480. Pastels 1549, 1553, 1558, 1576. Sherwood, W. A., A. R. C. A., Canada. Oil painting 11, 83. Shields, T. W., United States. Oil painting 588. Shimamra, Shummei, Japan. Ivory 100. Shirlaw, W., United States. Oil paintings 477, 825. 850. Black and white drawing 1699. Shoami, Katsuyoshi, Japan. Metal plaque 19. Silver work 37. Shobei, Shiino, Japan. An embroidered panel 134,134. Short, Frank, R. P. E., Great Britain. Mezzo¬ tints 753, 761, 762. Aquatint 764. Etching 828. Engraving 851. Shuravleff, Firs Sergeievitch, Russia. Oil paintings 70, 101, 110. Shurtleff, R. M., United States. Oil paint¬ ings 429, 770, 893. Siber, A. Hall, Austria. Cartoon in sepia 150. Siemering, Professor R., Germany. Sculpt¬ ure 106. Siemiradsky, Henry Ippolytovitch, Russia. Oil paintings 72, 89. Silsbee, M., United States. Water color 1432. Simm, Franz, Austria. Oil paintings 85, 90. Simm, Franz, Germany. Oil paintings 122, 378. Simmons, E. E., United States. Oil paint¬ ings 392, 645, 736. Simonet, Enrique, Spain. Oil painting 172. Simonetti, A., New South Wales. Sculpture 1. Simoni, G., Italy. Oil painting 149. Water colors 455, 464. Simons, J. Frans, Belgium. Oil painting Simpson, Fred M., Great Britain. Architect¬ ure 999. Sinding, Johanna, Norway. Sculptures 2, 4. Sinding, Otto, Norway. Oil paintings 20, 25, 33, 34, 98, 100, 122. Singdahlsen, Andreas, Norway. Oil paint¬ ing 16. Singer, Winnaretta, United States. Oil paint¬ ing 1216. Sinibaldi, Paul, France. Oil paintings 424, 425. Sirouy, Achille, France. Lithographs 792, 859,877. ' Sisley, A., United States Loan collection. Oil painting 3025. Skarbina, Professor Franz, Germany. Oil paintings 237, 327. Water colors 560, 574. Skeibrok, Mathias, Norway. Sculpture 6. Skovgaard, N. K., Denmark. Oil paintings 25, 76, 102. Skrectsvig, Chr., Norway. Oil paintings 55, 95. Slade, Emily, United States. Oil painting 1024. Slijigasha, Japan. Metal vases 65. Slingeneyer, Ernest, Belgium. Oil paintings 155, 184. Slocombe, Fred, R. P. E., Great Britain. Etchings 716, 742, 743, 746, 840, 864, 886. Small, F. O., United States. Black and white drawings 1630, 1631, 1633, 1641, 1654, 1667, 1681, 1728. Small, William, R. I., Great Britain. Oil paintings 157 , 270. 'Smallfield, Frederick, R. W. S., Great Brit¬ ain. Oil painting 350. Water colors 555, 612. Smart. John, R. S. A., Great Britain. Oil painting 62. Smedley, W. T., United States, Oil painting 936t Water colors 1303, 1345, 1461, 1463, 1468, 1472, 1476, 1483, 1486. Pencil drawing 1792. Wash drawing 1682. Black and white drawings 1615. 1637, 1686, 1688, 1798, 1752, 1756, 1757, 1777, 1779, 1785, 1786, 1791, 1793, 1798,1822,1826,1827, 1897, 1898,1903,1904,1908. Smidth, Hans, Denmark. Oil paintings 165, 175. Smillie. G. H., United States. Oil paintings 589 674 679 Smillie, Mrs. N. S. J., United States. Water color 1363. Smith, Carlton A., R. I., Great Britain. Water colors 614, 678. Smi:h, Professor Carl Frithjof, Germany. Oil paintings 475, 483. Smith, De Cost, United States. Oil paint¬ ings 1089, 1157. Smith, E. Boyd, United States. Oil painting 1215. Smith, F. E., United States. Oil painting 1241. Smith, F. Hopknson, United States. Water colors 1329, 1344, 1350,1366. Charcoal draw¬ ings 1675, 1693. Black and white drawing 1668. Smith, H. P., United States. Oil paintings 857 869 Smith, J. F., United States. Oil painting 387. Smith, J. L., United States. Water color 1405. Architectural drawings 2741, 2822. Smith, S. L., United States. Etchings 2190, 2191, 2192, 2193, 2194, 2195, 2196, 2197 , 2198, 2199, 2200, 2201. INDEX OF ARTISTS. 499 Smybert, J. (deceased), United States. Oil painting 212. Smythe, Lionel P., Great Britain. Water colors 590, 620. Oil painting 257. Snell, H. B., United States. Water color 1384. Soci6te Centrale des Architects, France. Panels 1123. Soderman, N. Aug., Sweden. Sculpture 18. Soebock, F..Italy. Sculpture 50. Soldini, A., Italy. Sculpture 26. Solf, Germany. Architecture 865. Solomon, Solomon J., Great Britain. Oil painting 242. Sommer, Professor Aug., Germany. Sculpture 101 . Somme, Jacob, Norway. Oil paintings 14, 22, 84. Sonderland, Fritz, Germany. Oil painting 208. Sonntag, W. L., United States. Oil painting 417. Sorensen, Jorgen, Norway. Oil paintings 76, 89. Sorolla, Joaquin, Spain. Oil paintings 126, 145,166,168, 197. Soules, Felix, France. Sculpture 93. Spalmach, O., Italy. Sculptures 495, 502. Spangenberg, L„ Germany. Oil painting 133. Sparre, Emma, Sweden. Oil paintings 62, 206. Spence, Percy, New South Wales. Oil paint¬ ing 12. Spence, P. F. S., New South Wales. Water color 122. Sperry, E. P., United States. Designs for windows 2709, 2712. Speyer, Christian, Germany. Oil painting 246. Spielter, C., Germany. Oil painting -397. Spiers, R. Phene, Great Britain. Architect¬ ures 988,1020. Spiridon, I., Italy. Oil paintings 74, 75. Spitta, Professor v., Germany. Architecture 772. Sportini, A., Italy. Sculpture 194. Spread, William, R. P. E., Great Britain. Etchings 711, 728, 832, 834. Spring, Alfons, Germany. Oil paintings 136, 191. Spurr, Gertrude E., Canada. Oil paintings 45, 97. Water colors 87, 141, 165. Squire, Miss Alice, R. I., Great Britain. Wa¬ ter colors 658, 687 , 688. Staats, Gertrude, Germany. Oil painting 508. Stacey, Walter S., Great Britain. Oil paint¬ ing 430. Drawings 949, 957. Stackpole, Alice, United States. Water color 1362. Stacpoole, F., A. R. A., Great Britain. En¬ gravings 812, 821. Stacquet, Henry, Belgium. Water colors 250, 270. Stadler, Toni, Germany. Oil painting 360. Stahl, Fr., Germany. Oil painting 380. Stahlschmidt, Max., Germany. Oil painting 170. Staigg, R. M. (deceased). United States. Oil painting 192. Miniature 183. Stair, Ida, United States. Sculpture 65. Stankiewicz, L., Polish. Oil paintings 3, 29, 31. Stanley, L. C., United States. Oil painting 187. Staples, O. B., Canada. Oil painting 131. Starling, Albert, Great Britain. Oil minting 266. Stasiak, L., Polish. Oil paintings 36, 52, 109, 111, 115. State, C., United States. Wood engravings 2573. 2581. 32 Steele, T. C., United States. Oil paintings 235, 345. Steer, H. R., R. I., Great Britain. Water colors 675, 692. Steer, P. Wilson, Great Britain. Oil paint¬ ings 240, 356. Stein, Alwyn v., Austria. Oil painting 45. Steineger, Agnes, Norway. Oil painting 125. Steinemann. H., Germany. Sculptures 68, 91. Steinmetz, Fritz, Germany. Oil painting 171. Stenersen, Gudmund, Norway. Oil paintings 83,126. Stepanoff, Alexey. Russia. Oil painting 50. Stephens, Mrs. A. B., United States. Oil paintings 405, 1175. Wash drawings 1669, 1778. Black and white drawing 1772. Stephens, Miss E. A., New South Wales. Oil paintings 18 19. Stephens, W. ., Great Britain. Oil painting 395. Sternberg, Frank, R. P. E. Etchings 749, 759. Mezzotints 826, 849, 879, 881. Sterner, A. E., United States. Pencil draw¬ ing 1588. Pen drawings 1944, 1968. Wash drawings 1634, 1674, 1680, 1715. Black and white drawing 1684. Stetten, Carl von, Germany. Oil paintings 121, 398. Stevens, A., Great Britain. Water color 517. Stevens, Alfred (and H. Gervex), France. Oil paintings 702, 718,741, 757. Stevenson, John J., Great Britain. Archi¬ tectures 983, 996, 1058. Stewardson, J., United States. Architectural drawing 2827. Stewart, J. L., United States. Oil paintings 542,654, 661, 767, 773, 1183. Pastel 1565. Stichart, Alexander, Germany, Water color 562. Stillman, Mrs., Great Britain. Water color 604. Stock, Henry J., R. I., Great Britain. Water colors 611, 667. Stockmeyer, Karl, Germany. Oil painting 515. Stoddart, Mary, New South Wales. Oil paint¬ ing 14. Stokes, Adrian, Great Britain. Oil paintings 64, 139, 386, 424. Stokes, Mrs. Adrian, Great Britain. Oil paintings 126, 305. Stokes, F. W., United States. Oil painting 444. Stokes, Leonard, Great Britain. Architect¬ ures 1023, 1057, 1075, 1092. Stone, J. M., United States. Oil paintings 902,1218. Stone, Marcus, R. A., Great Britain. Oil paintings 63,68, 353. Stone, Carpenter & Wilson, United States. Architectural drawing 2995. Storey, G. A., A. R. A., Great Britain. Oil painting 76. Stortenbeker, P., Holland. Water colors 197, 229. Story, J., United States. Oil paintings 786, 872, 1138. Stott, Edward, Great Britain. Oil paintings 56, 99, 217, 262. Stott, William, Great Britain. Oil painting 409. Water colors 648, 654, 666 Stoughton, A. A., United States. Architect¬ ural drawing 2874. Strecker, Constanze, Germany. Oil painting 403. Strecker, Emil, Austria. Oil painting 68. Street, Arthur E., Great Britain. Architecture 1015. Street, G. E„ R. A. (The late), Great Britain. Architectures 1036, 1040,1083. 5 'oo INDEX OF ARTISTS. Strickler, J. R., United States. Oil painting 1247. Strigler, Ph., Germany. Architecture 779. Strom, Half dam, Norway. Oil paintings 36, 132. Stromdal, George, Norway. Oil painting 8. Stromeyer, Helene, Germany. Oil painting 158. Stroobant, Francois, Belgium. Oil paintings 219, 229. Struck, H., Germany. Etching 692. Strutzel, Otto, Germany. Oil paintings 376, 458. Stuart, Gilbert (deceased). United States. Oil paintings 205, 207 , 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 221 , 222 . Stuck, Franz, Germany. Oil painting 381. Sculpture 83. Drawing 556. Sturgis & Cabot, United States. Architectur¬ al drawings 2826, 2864, 2987._ Sturm, F., Germany. .Oil painting 520. Sturtzkopf, Franz, Germany. Oil painting 457. Styka, J., Polish. Oil painting 75. Sugden, T. D., United States. Wood engrav¬ ing 2677. Suguki, Chokichi, Japan. Bronze 113. Suguki, Kason, Japan. Paintings 110, 111, 112, 114, 115, 116. Sully, T. (deceased), United States. Oil paint¬ ing 163. Sulpis, Emile Jean, France. Engraving 827. Surand, Gustav, France. Oil paintings 403, 491. Suski, Schonen, Japan. Paintings 45, 53. Susillo, Spain. Sculpture 18. Suzuki, Chokichi, Japan. Bronze 135. Suzuki, Shirozayemon, Japan. Vase 375. Svensson, C. F., Sweden. Oil paintings 181, 182. Svertchkoff, Nicolay Egorovitch, Russia. Oil painting 7 6. Svor, Anders, Norway. Sculptures 1, 5, 7, Swan, John M., Great Britain, Sculptures 45, 46,47. Oil paintings 185, 407. Pastels 915, 916, 917 , 919, 920, 921. United States Loan collection. Oil paintings 3073, 3089, 3116. Swan, Mrs., Great Britain. Oil paintings 486, 496. Sword, J. B., United States. Oil painting 567. Swynnerton, Mrs. A. L., Great Britain. Oil paintings 419, 455. Sylvester, H. E., United States. Wood en¬ gravings 2640, 2641, 2654, 2665. Symonds, W. R., Great Britain. Oil paint¬ ing 202. Symons, W. Christian, Great Britain. Oil paintings 336, 473. Szwignicki, R., Polish. Oil paintings 40,41, 68 . Szyndler, P., Polish. Oil painting 18. Tabbachi, O., Italy. Sculptures 496, 499. Taber, W., Uni ted States. Pen drawings 2049, 2058. Wash drawing 1701. Taft, L., United States. Sculpture 92. Taggart, G., United States. Oil painting 932. Taizan, Yohei, Japan. Vase 130. Takahashi, Giokuen, Japan. Painting 107, 124. Takamva, Koun., Japan. Wood 29. Takemoto, Hayata, Japan. Porcelains 254 to 353, inclusive. Vases 358, 359. Takenouchi, Kyuichi, Japan. Wood 360, 366. Laquer carving 153. Takeuchi, SeihO, Japan. Painting 121. Taki, Katei, Japan. Painting 6. Tamajo, E., deceased, Italy. Oil paintings 87, 88, 105, 106. Tanaka, Soyu, Japan. Architecture 137. Tanigchi, Toyko, Japan. Painting 54. Tannes. Maria, Norway. Oil paintings 41, 88. Tano, E., Italy. Oil painting 308. Tarenghi, E., Italy. Oil painting 296. Tanzi, L6on, France. Oil painting 264. Tapiro, Jose. Watei colors 232, 241, 243, 244, 255. Oil painting 103. Tarbell, E. C., United States. Oil paintings 278, 537, 671. Tasaki, Sakan, Japan. Painting 77. Tassaert, N. F. O., United States Loan col¬ lection. Oil painting 3098. Tattegrain, Francis, France. Oil painting 346. Tavernier, Paul, France. Oil painting 576. 6 Tayler, A. Chevallier, Great Britain. Oil paintings 169, 215. Taylor, C. J., United States. Pen drawings 1996, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2016, 2036, 2038. Black and white drawing 1823. Taylor, W. L., United States. Wash drawing 1723. Tchistiakoff, Pavel Petrovitch, Russia. Oil painting 86. Temple, Hans, Austria. Oil paintings 33,124, 145. Ten Cate, S. J., Holland. Oil painting 192. Water colors 196, 205, 216, 227. Ten Kate, Johan M. Mzn., Holland. Oil paintings 147, 154. Water colors, 221, 235. Ten Kate, Mari, Holland. Water colors 21Q 234. Oil painting 140. Tenorio, Adolfo, Mexico. Oil paintings 28, 44, Tenniel, Sir John, Great Britain. Pencil drawings 892, 893, 896, 897, 909, 910, 911, 912, 913, 914. Tenre, Henri, France. Water colors 633, 634, 635, 649. Ter Meulen, F. P., Holland. Water colors 256, 262. Oil paintings 175,179. Teschendorff, Professor E., Germany. Water color 605. Tetmayer, W., Polish. Oil paintings 73, 81. Tewksbury, Fanny W., United States. Water color 1431. Texidor y Torres, Modesto, Spain. Oil paint¬ ings 115, 157, 183. Thaulow, Fritz, Norway. Oil paintings 9, 96, 97. Thayer, A. H., United States. Oil paintings 524, 699, 715. Thedy, Professor Max, Germany. Oil paint¬ ings 144, 505. Drawing 631. Thegerstrom, R., Sweden. Oil painting 50. Themon, Paul, Belgium. Water colors 256, 261. Theriat, C. J., United States. Oil paintings 306, 1158, 1164, 1228, 1281. Therkildsen, M., Denmark. Oil painting 21. Thesmar. Fernand, France. Translucent en¬ amels 965, 966, 996. Oil paintings 495, 496, Thiebaut Freres, France. Bronze vase 962. Thierbach, Rich, Germany. Oil painting 394. Thieriat, Mile. Melitine, France. Miniature Thirion, Eug&ne-Romain, France. Oil paint¬ ings 555, 605. Tholen, W. B., Holland. Oil paintings 15,68, 133. Thomas, Paul, France. Oil painting 247. Thomas, Percy, R. P. E., Great Britain. Etchings 946, 771, 774. Thomas, S. S., United States. Oil painting 615. Thomas, William L., Great Britain. Water colors 564, 695. Thomas, Woolaston J., New South Wales. Oil painting 60. INDEX OF ARTISTS. 501 Thompson, E. E., United States. Wash drawing 1796. Thompson, Ernest E., A. R. C. A., Canada. Oil painting 30. Thompson, H., United States Loan collec¬ tion. Oil painting 3077. Thompson, J. S., United States. Sculpture 88 . Thompson, W., United States. Oil paintings 394, 494. Thomson, Leslie, Great Britain. Oil paint¬ ing 251. Thomson, W., United States. Pastel 1574. Thoren, Otto v., Austria. Oil painting 60. Thorne, AIL, Sweden. Oil paintings 20, 186, 211 . Thorneycroft, Hamo, R. A., Great Britain. Sculpture 2, 25, 32, 34. Thornley, Charles, Great Britain. Oil paint¬ ing 287. Thornycroft, Miss Helen, Great Britain. Water colors 507, 539, 557, 689. Thouron, H., United States. Oil paintings 1064* 1067,1069, 1275, 1276, 1282. Designs for stained glass and mural decoration 2698, 2699, 2700, 2702, 2703, 2704, 2705, 2711, 2713, 2714, 2717 , 2718, 2722, 2725, 2726. Throop, Frances H., United States. Oil paintings 820, 830. Throudsen, Ivan, Norway. Oil painting 137. Thulstrup, T. de, United States. Water colors 1314,1364, 1426. Wash drawing 1781. Black and white drawings 1628, 1660, 1664, 1702, 1780, 1782, 1787, 1788, 1789, 1790, 1794, 1795, 1797, 1820, 1824,1828 Black and white draw¬ ing in oil 1829. Thumann, Professor Paul, Germany. Oil painting 432. .— Thurner, Gabriel, France. Oil painting 319. Thys, Gaston, France. Oil painting 331. Tiede, Professor Aug., Germany. Architect¬ ure 704. Tietze, R. G., United States. Wood engrav¬ ings 2669, 2683, 2691. Tiffany, L. United States. Oil paintings 424, 461. Water colors 1320, 1349, 1370, 1395, 1414,1418. Designs for stained glass 2701, 2729. Tilden, D., United States. Sculpture 3, 16, 19, 46. Tilgner, Victor, Austria. Sculpture. 14. Tilton, J. R., United States. Oil painting 239. Tinkey, J., United States. Wood engravings 2561, 2582, 2617, 2619, 2620. Tiratelli, A., Italy. Oil painting 168. Tiratelli, C., Italy. Water color 463. Tiren, Sweden. Water colors 180, 184, 185, 192, 195, 199, 207. Tissot, James, France. Oil paintings 487, 488, 489,490. Etching pastels 617,839, 840,841,842. Titcombe, W. H. Y., Great Britain. Oil paint¬ ings 112, 315. Toaspern, O., United States. Oil painting 794. Toberentz, R., Germany. Sculpture 43. Toefart, Albert, Belgium. Oil paintings 89, 103. Toft, Albert, Great Britain. Sculpture 30. Tolman, S., United States. Oil painting 1037. Tolosa-Alsina, Aurelio, Spain. Oil paint¬ ings 221, 228; 304. Tomec, Heinrich, Austria. Water color 120. Oil painting 133. Tompkins, Clementina M. G., United States. Oil painting 1227. Tompkins, F. H., United States. Oil paint¬ ings 545, 855. Tonesen, Ambrosia, Norway. Sculpture 3. Tonnellier, Georges, France. Cameo 711. Tooley, J., Jr., United States. Miniature 184. Topham, Frank W. W., R. L, Great Britain. Oil painting 65. W ater color 540. Torgerson. Thorv., Norway. Oil painting 103. Tornia, Julio, Spain. Oil painting 270. Tornoe, Wenzel, Denmark. Oil painting 171. Tornow, P., Germany Architecture 783, 784. Toro, Herrera, Venezuela. Oil paintings 17, 18, 19, 20. Torre, Felix de la, Spain. Drawing 409. Totten, G. 0-, Jr., United States. Architect¬ ural drawing 2899. Toudouze, Edouard, France. Water color 671; Tournee, Etienne, France. Oil painting 190. Tovilla, Jose, Mexico. Oil paintings 83, 84. Towner, Flora L., United States. Oil paint¬ ing 474. Tracy, J. M., United States. Oil painting 1156. » Tradgardh, Carl, Sweden. Oil paintings 43, 104. Tree, Phillip Henry, F. R. I. B A., Great Britain. Architecture 960, 1000, 1007, 1031, 1033, 1089, 1094. Trego, W. T., United States. Oil painting 908. Trembaer, M., Polish. Oil painting 71. Trentanove, G., Italy. Sculpture 256, 267. Triado y Mayol, Jose, Spain. Oil paintings 87, 202, 375. Trias y Gino, Federico, Spain. Oil painting 116. Triebel, F. E., United States. Sculpture 83, 86, 90, 91, 113, 142, 144. Triest-VanMulders, Camille, Belgium. Oil painting 168. Trocadero and Other Collections—Historic Sculpture, France 1196 to 1310, inclusive. Tromboni, A., Italy. Oil painting 144. Trotter, Mary K., United States. Oil paint¬ ings 1014, 1097. Troubetskoy, P., Italy. Sculpture 263, 264, 265, 271, 272, 273, 318, 532, 533. Troy on, C., (deceased). United States Loan collection. Oil paintings 3029, 3044, 3051, 3121. Triibner, Wilh., Germany. Oil paintings 343, 306. Truchet, Abel, France. Oil painting 268. Truesdell, G. S., United States. Oil paintings 498, 898. Trumbull, J., (deceased), United States. Oil painting 204. Trupheme, Auguste, France. Oil painting 493. Truscott, A., United States. Architectural drawings 2960, 2962, 2996. Trustees of the National Art Gallery of New South Wales, New South Wales. Oil paint¬ ings 61 to 109, inclusive. Tryon, D. W., United States. Oil paintings 422, 655, 702, 718, 737, 739, 752, 753, 754, 783, 788, 818, 911, 1091. Tschaggeny, Charles, Belgium. Oil paintings 91, 158. Tsukada, Shukyo, Japan. Metals 35, 38. Tsulzawa, Tanshin, Japan. Painting 50. Tiibbecke, Franz, Germany. Sculpture 76. Tiibbecke, Paul, Germany. Oil painting 497. Tubby, W. B., United States. Architectural drawings 2844, 2845, 2869. Tuke, Henry S., Great Britain. Oil painting 381. Tully, S. S., A. R. C. A., Canada. Oil paint¬ ings 18,19, 20, 38. Turcan, Jean, France. Sculpture 21. 5 02 INDEX OF ARTISTS. Turcke, Rud yon, Germany. Oil painting 507. Turina, Joaquin, Spain. Oil paintings 189, 284. Turner, C. Y., United States. Oil paintings 271, 415, 457 , 676, 703, 729, 760, 823, 835, 887, 971. Turner, Ross, United States. Oil painting 320. Water colors 1299, 1312, 1409, 1482. Turner, T. F.. United States. Architectural drawings 2788, 2795, 2796. Turner, W. G., United States. Sculpture 62, 63, 69, 89. Turpe, Paul, Germany. Sculpture 33, 94. Tushaus, a yon Abbema, Germany. Archi¬ tecture 716. Tuthill, W. B., United States. Architectural drawings 2933, 2945, 2948, 2954. Tuxen, Lauritz, Denmark. Oil paintings 67, 72, 150, 163. Tuxen, Nicoline. Denmark. Oil paintings 63, 158. Tvoroschnikolf, Ivan Ivanovitch, Russia. Oil paintings 44, 88. Twachtman, J. H., United States. Oil paint¬ ings 270, 276, 716, 1045, 1180. Water colors 1305, 1469. Pastel 1552. Tyler, B. H., United States. Oil painting 988. Charcoal drawings 1578,1586. Tyler, J. G., United States. . Oil painting 771. Water color 1300. Tytgadt, Douis, Belgium. Oil painting 196. Uckermann, M., Norway. Oil painting 111. Uechtritz, Cuno von, Germany. Sculptures 39, 40, 41, 56. Uhde, Prof. Fritz von, Germany. Oil paint¬ ings 117, 354. United States Loan collec¬ tion. Oil painting 3011. Ujii, Yajiro, Japan. Painting 108. Ulrich, C. F., United States. Oil paintings 884, 913, 923. Ullrich, F., Germany. Oil painting 386. Umbricht, Honore, France: Oil painting 440. Unger, Max, Germany. Sculpture 10. Unger, William, Austria. Etchings 122, 126, 128. Unknown. Bronze reproductions from Pom¬ peii and Herculaneum, Italy, 331 to 441, in¬ clusive. Unknown Artist, United States. Miniature 172. Unno, Shomin, Japan. Medallions 22, 23. Metal plaque 18. Unsueta, Adrian, Mexico. Oil paintings 65, 67. Uphues, Jos., Germany. Sculpture 78. Urgell y Inglada, Modesto, Spain. Oil paint¬ ing 175. Uria, Jose, Spain. Oil painting 52. Urwick, W. H., R. P. E., Great Britain. Etchings 737, 795, 844, 847, 848. Utrillo y Viadera, Antonio, Spain. Oil paint¬ ing 194. Uyfterschaut, Victor, Belgium. Water colors 255, 271. Vail, E. L., United States. Oil paintings 538, 630. Valadon, Jules-Emmanuel, France. Oil painting 542. Valckenaere, Leon, Belgium. Oil painting 187. Valdez, Pablo, Mexico. Oil paintings 30, 52. Valkenburg, H., Holland. Water colors 258, 263, 298. Oil paintings 7, 100. Vallmitjana Abarca, Agapito, Spain. Sculpt¬ ure 14, 44. Vallmitjana, Venancio, Spain. Sculpture 16. Vanaise, Gustave, Belgium. Oil painting 86. Vanaise, Leon. Belgium. Oil painting 131. Van Beers, Jan, Belgium. Oil paintings 47. 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 92. United States Loan collection. Oil painting 2032. Van Beurden, Alphonse, Belgium. Sculpt¬ ure 2, 15, 16. Van Borselen, J. W., Holland. Water color 209. Van Boskerck, R. W., United States. Oil paintings 733, 790, 845. Van Briggle, A., United States. Oil painting Van Caillie, Florimond, Belgium. Oil paint¬ ings 59, 122, 123. VanDamme, Frans, Belgium. Oil painting Van Damme-Sylva, Emile, Belgium. Oil painting 233. Van den Eycken, Charles, Belgium. Oil painting 176. Van der Hecht, Henri, Belgium. Oil paint¬ ing 97. Vanderhoof, C. A., United States. Etchings 2317, 2318, 2319, 2320, 2321, 2322, 2323, 2324, 2325, 2326, 2327, 2328, 2330. Vanderlyn, J., (deceased),United States. Oil painting 208. Van der Maarel, M., Holland. Oil painting- 160. Water color 279. Van der Meulen, Edmond, Belgium. Oil paintings 69, 72,169. Van der Ouderaa, Pierre-Jean, Belgium. Oil painting 209. Vanderpoel, J. H., United States. Oil paint¬ ings 660, 762, 791, 976, 1143. Van der Straeten, George, Belgium. Sculpt¬ ures 31, 44, 45, 46. Vanderveer, Mary A., United States. Water color 1422. Van der Veken, G. P., Belgium. Etchings 259, 281. Van der Weele, H. J., Holland. Water colors 265, 291. Etching 326. Vander Weyden, H., United States. Oil painting 956. Van Eeckhout, Gen’l Frederic, Belgium. Etchings 262, 263. Van Elten, Kruseman, United States. Oil painting 628. Etchings 2140, 2141, 2157. Van Elven, P. T., Italy. Oil paintings 202, 208. Van Geert, Flora, Belgium. Oil paintings 82, 292. Van Gorder, L. E., United States. Oil paint¬ ing 1172. Van Haanen, R., Austria. Oil painting 52. Van Hogendorps, Mrs. A. Jacob, Holland. Oil painting 166. Van Houten, Miss B. E., Holland. Etchings 305, 308, 312, 316, 321, 323, 328, 331. Van Hove, Edmond, Belgium. Oil painting 58. Van Kuyck, Frans, Belgium. Oil painting 61. Van Leemputten, Corneille, Belgium. Oil paintings 121, 190. Van Leemputteen, Frans, Belgium. Oil painting 65. Van Luppen, Frans, Belgium. Oil painting 70. Van Luppen, Prosper, Belgium. Oil painting 57. Van Overbeke, Edouard, Belgium. Oil paint¬ ing 232. Van Pelt, J. V., United States. Architect¬ ural drawings 2972, 2981, 2982. Van Schaick, S. W., United States. Black and white drawings 1799, 1800, 1801, 1802, 1807. Van Seben, Henri, Belgium. Oil paintings 183, 243. Van Severdonck, Joseph, Belgium. Oil painting 231. INDEX OF ARTISTS. 503 Van Snick, Joseph, Belgium. Oil paintings 83, 218. Van Trump, Miss R. N., United States. Mini¬ ature 286. Varney, Luella, United States. Sculpture 72, 75, 153. Vasilieff, Feodor Alexandrovitch, Russia. Oil painting 20. Vaudet, Auguste, France. Cameo 737. Medals and plaquettes 764. Yaudremer, Joseph-Auguste-Emile, France. Architecture 1124, 1125, 1127, 1128,1173, 1174, 1175, 1176, 1177, 1178. Yauthier, Pierre-Louis, France. Oil paint¬ ing 578. Yautier, Professor B., Germany. Oil paint¬ ing 276. Yayreda y Nila, Mariano, Spain. Oil paint¬ ing 176. Yedder, E., United States. Oil paintings 1000, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1006, 1007, 1008, 1009, 1010, 1011. Yedder, S. H., United States. Oil paintings 1048, 1258. Yeder, H., Holland. Water colors 207, 218. Oil painting 163. Vega y Marrugal, Jose de la, Spain. Oil paintings 81, 82, 118, 119. Velasco, Jos6 Ma., Mexico. Oil paintings 15, 31,34, 43, 48, 49, 50, 58, 59, 62, 63, 64, 71, 90,91, 93, 94. Velten, Wilhelm, Germany. Oil paintings 148, 390. Venig, Karl Bogdadovitch, Russia. Oil paint¬ ing 96. Ventura, A., Italy. Sculpture 534. Verangoz, France. Inlaid bronze 959. Verhaert, Pierre Joseph, Belgium. Oil paint¬ ing 56. Verhas, Franz, Belgium. Oil paintings 139, 141, 197, 199. Verhas, Jan, Belgium. Water colors 254, 258. Verheyden, Isidore, Belgium. Oil painting 193. Verlet, Raoul-Charles, France. Sculptures 94, 113. Verner, F. A., A. R. C. A., Canada. Oil paint¬ ings 22, 29. Water color 145. Vernier, Emile Seraphin, France. Medal 733. Vernon, Frederick, France. Plaquette 758. Plaquette and medallion 739. Verstraete, Theodore, Belgium. Oil paint¬ ings 113, 170. Verveer, Elchanon, Holland. Oil paintings 57, 128, 134. Water colors 215, 284. Veth, Bas, Holland. Oil painting 66. Water colors 204, 247. Veyrassat, Jules-Jacques, France. Oil paint¬ ing 265. Vezin, F., United States. Oil paintings 582, 1181. Vila Prades, Julio, Spain. Oil painting 287, Vilar, Torres, Jose. 306, 313. Villalobos y Diaz, Manuel, Spain. Oil paint¬ ing 197. Villar, Francisco del, Spain. Drawing 410. Villegas Brieva, Manuel, Spain. Oil paint¬ ings 99, 376, 377. Villemsens, Adrien, France. Wood engrav¬ ing 832. Vimont, Edouard, France. Oil painting 324. Vincent, H. A., United States. Oil painting 331. Vinton, F. P., United States. Oil paintings 396, 675, 957, 979. Vintraut, Frederic-Godefroy, France. En¬ graving 787. Wood engraving 770. Visconti, Elisen d’ Angelo, Brazil. Oil paint¬ ings 15, 26, 55, 59, 63, 64, 65, 66. Vivo Tarin, Eugenio, Spain. Oil painting 229. Viziano y Marti, Jose, Spain. Sculpture 9. Voerman, J., 'Holland. Water colors 269, 277. Vogel, J. G., Holland. Oil painting 187. Voisin, Henry Leon, France. Medal 697. Voisin & Delacrois, France. Vase 946. Volcker, Hans, Germany. Oil painting 249. Water color 581. Volckmann, Hans Von, Germany. Oil paint¬ ings 533, 313, 493, 289,152. Volk, D., United States. Oil paintings 469, 583 824 Volk, L. W., United States. Sculptures 37, 40, 67. Volkoff, Efim Efimovitch, Russia. Oil paint¬ ing. Vollaro, P., Italy. Oil painting 132. Volz, Wilhelm, Germany. Oil painting 331. Von den Bos, Georges, Belgium. Oil paint¬ ings 159, 249. Von Fichard, Freiherr Max, Germany. Etch¬ ing 674. Von Haas, Eugen. Austria. Oil painting 53. Vonnoh, R. W., United States. Oil paintinsrs 809,311, 327, 351, 352, 353, 363, 365, 484, 934, 1017, 1193, 1273. Vordermayer, M., Germany. Sculpture 80. Vorgang, Paul, Germany. Oil paintings 480, 283 Vos, Hubert, Holland. Pastel 254. Oil paint¬ ings 31, 52, 106,121,180, 282. Vrolyk, Jan, Holland. Oil paintings 9, 186, Water colors 240, 257. Vuillefroy, Felix de, France. Oil paintings 359, 361. 366. Wable, Charles, France. Architectures 1137, 1138, 1139, 1140, 1141. Wade, Caroline D., United States. Oil paint¬ ing 427. Wadsworth, Adelaide, United States. Pastel 1522. Wagmiiller, Mich., Germany. Sculpture 2. Wagner, J., United States. Oil paintings 316, 1028. Pastel 1518. Wagner, Otto, Austria. Pen drawing 149. Wahlberg, Professor Alf., Sweden. Oil paint¬ ings 64, 65, 66, 69, 70, 71, 83. Wahlstrom, Charlotte, Sweden. Oil painting 124. Waite, R. Thorne, R. W. S., Great Britain. Water colors 512, 572. Wakai, Kanesabro, Japan. Bronze 368. Sil¬ ver 369. Ivory 370. Walden, L., United States. Oil paintings 1115, 1129. Waldo, S., (deceased), United States. Oil painting 196. Walker, C. A., United States, Etchings 2186, 2187, 2188, 2389. Monotypes 2377, 2387, 2399. Walker, Francis S., R. H. A., Great Britain. Oil painting 281. • Walker, Horatio O., United States. Oil paint¬ ings 399, 641, 647, 836. Walker, J. Hanson, Great Britain. Oil paint¬ ings 95, 98. Walker & Kimball, United Stat°s. Archi¬ tectural drawings 2803, 2916, 2921, 2930,2952, 2959, 2961, 2964, 2969. Walker, W. Eyre, A. R. W. S., Great Britain. Water colors 606, 663. Walkley, D. B., United States. Oil painting 1029. Wall, A. B., United States. Oil painting 390. Wallandar, Alf., Sweden. Pastel 147. Oil paintings 23, 60, 108. Wallace, L., United States. Oil painting 903. Waller, Mrs. Mary L., Great Britain. Oil painting 362. 504 INDEX OF ARTISTS. Waller, S. E., Great Britain. Oil paintings 51,132. Wallgren, Antoinette, Sweden. Sculpture 10. Walther, Prof. C., Germany. Architectures 766, 853, 854, 855. Walton, E. A., A. R. S. A., Great Britain. Water color 541. Oil painting 210. Walton, Frank, R. I., Great Britain. Oil painting 268. Water colors 610, 681. Walton, W., United States. Water color 1324. Wandel, Elizabeth, Denmark. Oil painting 173. Wang, Albert E., Denmark. Oil painting 174. Wansleben, Arthur, Germany. Oil painting 450. Ward, Mrs. E. M., Great Britain. Oil paint¬ ings 57, 311. Warner, O. L., United States. Sculptures 7, 36, 58, 98, 138, 157, 159. Warren, H. L., United’States. Architectural drawings 2882, 2884, 2885, 2983, 2984, 2986, 2990. Photographs 2883, 2891, 2926. Warth, Eggert, Jsleiber, Salomon Jacobsthal, Brion, Professors, Germany. Architectures 698, 700. See 849. Warthmtiller, R., Germany. Oil painting 321. Watanabe, Seitei, Japan. Painting 14. Watano, Kichiji, Japan. Censer 129. Yase 126. Waterhouse, Alfred, R. A., Great Britain. Architectures 1062, 1066. Waterhouse, J. W., A. R. A., Great Britain. Oil painting 289. Waterlow, Ernest A., A. R. A., A. R. W. S., Great Britain. Oil paintings 176, 192, 197, 366. Watson, A. E., New South Wales. Oil paint¬ ing 64. Watson, H., R. C. A., Canada. Oil paintings 23, 34, 114,126. Watson, Chas. J., R. P. E., Great Britain. Etchings 709, 710, 717. 744,830, 876. Watson, T. L., F. R. 1. B. A., Great Britain. Architectures 991, 1044,-1091. Watts, G. F., R. A., Great Britain. Sculpt¬ ure 26. Oil paintings 116, 121, 423, 464, 471, 488. United States Loan collection. Oil painting 3087. Watts, J.W.H.,R. C. A.,Canada. Oil paintings 48, 50, 112. Waugh, Ida, United States. Oil painting 781. Way, C. J., R. C. A., Canada. Water color 90. Weatherhead, William, H. R. I., Great Britain. Water color 563. Webb, George W., Great Britain. Architect¬ ures 980, 1026. Webber, C. T., United States. Oil painting 412. Weber, C., United States. Oil painting 1015. Weber, Theodore, France. Oil painting 352. Weedon, A. W., R. I., Great Britain. Water colors 522, 664. Weeks, E. L., United States. Oil paintings 318, 406, 408, 410, 414, 462. Weele, H. J. vander, Holland. Oil paintings 77, 81. Weemskerck Van Beest, J. E., Holland. Oil painting 151. Weerts, Jean-Joseph, France. Oil paintings 335, 518, 520. Wegmann, Bertha, Denmark. Oil paintings 19, 28, 45, 119. Weguelin, J. R., Great Britain. Oil painting 284. Wash drawing 888. Wehrschmidt, Daniel A., Great Britain. Oil painting 288. Etchings 714, 741, 748, 760. Weichberger, Eduard, Germany. Oil paint¬ ings 421, 448. Water color 607. Weigl, Robert, Austria. Sculptures 1, 2,10. Weil, Gertrude, United States. Pastel 1554. Weingartner, Pedro, Brazil. Oil paintings 25, 28. Weir, J. Alden, United States. Oil paintings 280, 298, 325, 384, 385, 717, 1150, 1199. Etch¬ ings 2089, 2114. Weir, J. F., United States. Oil paintings 816, 1151, 1166. Weir, R. W., United States. Oil painting 268. Weishaupt, Victor, Germany. Oil painting 368. Weissenbruch, J. H., Holland. Oil painting 99. Water colors 189, 233, 243, 249. Weisz, Adolphe, France. Oil painting 179. Wellb, C. and C., Germany. Architectures 850, 852. Wellington, F. H., United States. Wood en¬ gravings 2558, 2567. Wells, E. B., United States. Architectural drawing 2902. Wells, N. A., United States. Water color 1434. Welsh, A. M., United States. Architectural drawing 3000. Weltzien, V. von, Wagner, H., Erwin, Marx, Professors, Germany. Architectures 793, 795. Wenck, E., Germany. Sculpture 12. Wencker, Joseph, France. Oil paintings 358, 377, 466. Wenglein, Professor Jos., Germany. Oil painting 433. Wentorf, Carl C. F.. Denmark. Oil paint¬ ing 80. W r entscher, .J., Germany. Oil paintings 384, 222 . Wentworth, C. E., United States. Oil paint¬ ing 598. Wentzel, Gustav, Norway. Oil paintings 69, 99,102, 118. Wenzell, A. B., United States. Black and white drawings 1727, 1753, 1754, 1758, 1759, 1762, 1763, 1764, 1769, 1770, 1773, 1775, 1776, 1821, 1825, 1830. Werenskiold, E., Norway. Oil paintings 51, 108, 112, 130. Werner, Professor Anton von, Germany. Oil painting 252. Werner, Professor Fritz, Germany. Oil paint¬ ing 218. Wertheimer, Gustav, Austria. Oil painting 38. Wertmuller, A. V., (deceased), United States. Oil painting 245. Wessel, Ludwig, Germany. Oil painting 138. Wesselhoeft F. G., United States. Sculptures 17, 22. West, B., (deceased), United States. Oil paintings 210, 247. Westman, Edw., Sweden. Oil paintings 108, 113. Wetherbee, G., Great Britain. Water color 573. Oil paintings 435, 497. Weyl, Mme. Jenny, France. Sculptures 80, 100 . Weyns, Jules, Belgium. Sculptures 33, 36. Whaite, H. Clarence, R. W. S., Great Britain. Water color 639. Wheelwright, A. W., United states. Archi¬ tectural drawings 2802, 2805. Wheelwright, E. M., United States. Archi¬ tectural drawings 2806, 2807, 2808, 2813, 2814, 2815, 2847. Wheelwright & Haven, United States. Archi¬ tectural drawings 2799, 2800, 2801 (photo¬ graph), 2810, 2811 (photograph). Whelpley, A. Renouf, United States. Oil painting 1257. Whistler, J. McN., United States. Oil paint¬ ings 636, 744, 751, 758, 768, 787. Etchings 2211 to 2269, inclusive. INDEX OF ARTISTS. 505 White, A. R., United States. Sculpture 94. White, H. C., United States. Oil painting 480. White, John, Great Britain. Oil paintings 228, 339. White, R. H., United States. Oil painting 1243, Whiteman, S. E., United States. Oil paint¬ ings 528,547. • . Whitley, Miss Kate Mary, R. I., Great Britain. Water color 698. Whitman, Sarah W., United States. Oil paintings 877, 1204. Whitney, Anne, United States. Sculpture 23. Whittemore, C. E., United States. Etchings 2117, 2182. 2183. Whittemore, O. J., United States. Oil paint¬ ing 878. Water colors 1306, 1321, 1458, 1507, 1512. Etchings 2063, 2064. Whittredge, W., United States. Oil paint¬ ings 392, 882, 972. Wickender, R. J., United States. Oil paint¬ ing 558. Pencil and wash drawing 1614. Lithograph 2687. Wickson, Paul G., A. R. C. A., Canada. Oil painting 52. Wielandt, Manuel, Germany. Oil paintings 502, 309. Wiesinger, Florain O., Austria. Oil paintings 50, 83, 143. Wigand, A., United States. Oil painting 711. Wigand, O. C., United States. Oil painting 456. Wiggins, C., United States. Oil paintings 719, 939, 946. Wiles, I. R., United States. Oil paintings 358, 369, 465, 481, 530, 912 940. Charcoal drawing 1594. Wash drawings 1608, 1612, 1616, 1618, 1619, 1620, 1621, 1666, 1685, 1710, 1850, 1852, 1856, 1857,1864. Black and white drawing 1751. Wiles, L. M., United States. Oil painting 465. Wilkinson, Hugh, Great Britain. Oil paint¬ ing 396. Willems, Joseph, Belgium. Sculptures 23, 34, 42. Willewalde, Bogdan, Pavlovitch, Russia. Oil painting 85. Williams, Alexander, R. H. A., Great Britain. Water color 532. Williams, G. P., United States. Wood en¬ gravings 2‘‘80, 2688. Williamson, Mrs., New South Wales. Oil paintings 20, 21, 22, 23, 24. Willis, Miss, New South Wales. Oil paint¬ ing 33. Willroider, Professor Ludw., Germany. Oil painting 431. Wimar, C., United States. Oil painting 201. Wimmer, Rud., Germany. Oil painting 519. Wind, Joh., Germany. Sculpture 47. Win ler, C., Germany. Architecture 787. Winslow & Wetherell, United States. Architectural drawings 29 56, 2940, 2943, 2991. Winther, Fred., Denmark. Oil painting 46. Wirgman, T. Blake, Great Britain. Oil paint¬ ings 460, 484. Wiseman, R. R., United States. Etching 2402. Wisniewski, B., Polish. Oil painting 83. Witt, J. H , United States. Oil painting 1023. Wodrinowski Yinc. v., Germany. Oil paint¬ ing 415. Wodzinawski, W., Polish. Oil painting 103. Woernle, W., Austria. Etching 143. Wolf, Italy. Oil paintings 124, 200, 201, 206, 207, 254. Wolf, H., United States. Wood engravings 2559, 2560, 2562, 2564, 2570, 2571, 2576, 2577, 2578 2579 2580 Wolff, Felix, Germany. Architectures 860, 861. Wollen, W. B., Great Britain. Water colors' 510, 662. Woltze, Professor Berth, Germany. Pastel 558. Wood, Miss E. Stewart, Great Britain. Oil painting 227. Wood, Joseph, United States. Miniature 185. Wood, W. H., United States. Architectural drawing 2825. Woodbury, C. II., United States. Oil paint¬ ings 804, 1040. Pencil drawings 1602, 1603, 1604, 1605, 1606, 1607. Woodcock, P., R. C. A., Canada. Oil paint¬ ing 16. Woods, Henry, R. A., Great Britain. Oil painting 400. Woodward, E., United States. Pen drawing 2040. Woodward, J. D., United States. Black and white drawing 1598. Woodward, W., United States. Oil painting 1285. Woodwell, Johanna K., United States. Oil painting 1035. Water color 1464. Woodwell, J. R., United States. Oil paint¬ ings 375, 844, 1160, 1165. Woolfolk, E. M., United States. Oil paint¬ ing 1053. Woolner, Thomas R. A. (The late), Great Britain. Sculptures 15,17, 21, 36, 38. Wopfner, Professor Josef, Germany. Oil painting 328. Wortley, Archibald Stuart, Great Britain. Oil paintings 229, 418, 421. Wrangel, Helena Karlovna Baroness, Russia. Water color 26. Wright, Miss E,. Great Britain. Water color 650. Wright, J., United States. Oil paintings 227, 240, 246. Wuerpel, E. H., United States. Oil painting 440. Pastel, 15G2. Wuertiz, E. H., United States. Sculpture 24. Wyant, A. H., (deceased). United States. Oil paintings 511, 517, 639, 735, 918, 942, 952, 982, 989, 992. Wyllie, Chas. W., Great Britain. Oil paint¬ ings 73, 253. Wyllie, W. L., A. R. A., Great Britain. Oil paintings 113, 144, 467. Water color 584. Wysmuller, J. H.. Holland. Oil paintings 27, 97, 146, 156. Water colors 220, 244. Wytsman, Juliette, Belgium. Oil paintings 101 . 222 . Wywiorski, Michel G., Germany. Oil paint¬ ing 261. Ximenes, A., Italy. Sculpture 266. Xumetra y Ragull, Fernando, Spain. Painted in oil 318. Yamada, Kisai, Japan. Wood 8, 69. Yamamoto, ShunkyO, Japan. Painting 122. Ybarraran, Jose Ma., Mexico. Oil paintings 23,29. Yarz, Edmond, France. Oil paintings 302. 826. Yeames, William F., R. A., Great Britain. Oil painting 131. Water color 538. Yewell, G'., United States. Etchings 2179, 2181. Yon, Edmond-Charles, France. Water colors 656, 666, 673. Oil painting 514. Yoshida. Shiuzo, Japan. Metal work 32. Young, C. M., United States. Oil paintings 397, 1114. Water color 1477. Pastel 1550. Young, William, Great Britain, Architecture 1005. Youngman, Miss A. M., R. I., Great Britain. Water colors 656, 694. Yperman, Louis, France. Oil painting 246. Yzaguirre, Leandro, Mexico. Oil paintings 18, 22, 38. Yvon, Adolphe, France. Oil painting 428. 506 INDEX OF ARTISTS. Yuga, S., Japan. Wood 154. Yuike, Masaaki, Japan. Painting 119. Zacho, Chr., Denmark. Oil painting 138. Zagorsky, Nicolay Petroviteh, Russia. Oil paintings 52, 1G5. Zahrtmann, Kristian, Denmark. Oil paint¬ ings 34, 35. Zalewski, M., Polish. Oil painting 85. Zanetti, Miti G., Italy. Oil paintings 103, 170, 306. Zapata, Julio M., Spain. Drawing 411. Archi¬ tecture 403. Zearing, H. H. United States. Sculpture 35. Zetsche, Eduard, Austria. Water colors 151, 155. Zetsche, Edward, Austria. Oil painting 97. Zewy, Carl, Austria. Oil painting 80. Zilcken, Pb., Holland. Etchings 317, 319, 325, 330. Oil painting 50. Zillhardt, Jenny, France. Oil painting 197. Zimmerman, Professor Ernst, Germany. Oil paintings 237,445. Zocca, C., Italy. Sculpture 497. Zocchi. C., Italy. Sculpture 53. Zoff, Alfred, Germany. Oil painting 307. Zogbaum, R. F., United States. Black and white drawings 1617, 1635,1640. Zoido, Antonio, Spain. Picture carved in black marble 391. Zorn, Anders L., Sweden. Oil paintings 53, 94, 105, 112, 116, 119. Etchings 158, 159, 160, 161, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169. Sculpt¬ ure 14. United States Loan collection. Oil painting 3016. Zmurko, F., Polish. Oil paintiugs 14, 16, 25, 74, 80, 94. Zuber, Jean-Henri, France. Water colors 665, 675. Oil paintings 232, 382, 558. Ziigel, Professor Heinr., Germany. Oil paint¬ ings 490, 318.