02 S \%JLt < \ n In Valuable Pictures ; Modern Stained Glass ; old China; Bronzes : Oriental Silver Filligree; Books ; about 12 Bozen of Madeira > and Effects ; - The Property of a Gentleman, BROUGHT FROM HIS SEAT IN THE COUNTRY. CATALOGUE OF A SMALL COLLECTION OF CAPITAL Original Pictures, BY DISTINGUISHED MASTERS J Particularly The Virgin and Child, with Angels, in a Landsdape, by Vandyke; A Landscape, Cattle and Figures, Singltbuck.', and a highly-finished Church Piece, by Stenwick : 23ron$c£; SPECIMENS OF SEVE AND OTHER PORCELAIN j Curious Oriental Silver Filligree ; A BOUT THIRTY LOTS OF BEAUTIFUL Modern Stained Glass ; BOOKS; Twelve Dozen of Madeira ; and Effects ; 3Bf)ict} toiH 6c J 50 I 6 ftp Auction, By Mr. HERMON, AT IIIS GREAT ROOM, CONDUIT STREET, BOND-STREET, O/i Thursday, May 10, 1810, at Twelve o'Clock , WITHOUT RESERVF.. Jo Ire ticwed Two Days preceding the Sale, and Catalogues had at the Room. (I 8RE f I’ELU Sc Cn. Printer •>, MaiuUaU- jt; e.-t, GolJeu-S juare, London. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer ; and if any Dispute shall arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in Dispute shall be put up again. II. No Person to advance less than one Shilling; above Five Pounds, Two Shillings and Sixpence; and so on in Proportion. III. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, if required ; and to pay down Five Shillings in the Pound in Part of Payment; in Default ofwhich, the Lot or Lots so purchased, to be immediately put up again and re-sold. IV. The Lots to be taken away, with all Faults and Errors of every Description, at the Buyer’s Ex¬ pence, within one Day after the Sale, and the Remainder of the Purchase-money to be abso¬ lutely paid on or before the Delivery. I Lastly. Upon Failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money so deposited in Part of Payment shall be forfeited ; the Lots uncleared within the Time aforesaid shall be re-sold by Publicor private Sale, and the Deficiency (ifany), together with ail Charges attending such Re-sale, shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. 0*0 €>>©< '9-00 ©‘©■O*© 1 ©'OOOO O •O-'<£>>•©'<3*-©•<2>‘ -e>»<£H0-0< ©w&OOO* <£> K5> < •0*' < 2>•0 , , 0••0^0 , '©•• < £>•0 <> €> , 0 , •O O’-O'tO* / S> , - > '2 H ©•'0 ^©**©<^ k-< £>*0*>©*<2 >u 0 , '0' > 0' > ^V A CATALOGUE, &C. THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1810 Pictures. ta ian 1 Jf§L PAIR of elegant Friezes Gainsborough 2 A Landscape with Gypsies going and Dupont to Market Grijfier 3 A View on the Rhine Vandyke 4 A Portrait of a Gentleman Poussin 5 A Landscape Murillo 6 A pair of Conversations M. Angelo 7 A Flower-piece S. Ricci 8 Bacchus and Ariadne 4 Old Slone Borgognone Joerdaens Vandyke Vertangen Zorg M. Angelo Vandyke Wright of \ Derby 5 Vandernier Rubens Decker Both T. Buys dale Rubens N. Poussin Rays da el Tint or it to Wilson Scott Tempest a 9 A Portrait of Sir K. Digby, after Vandyke 10 A Portrait, Titian, and a Battle- piece 11 A Man with his Pipe, laughing 12 Portrait of Algernon Sidney 13 A pair of Landscapes and Figures IF An Interior of a Kitchen, with Figures, highly finished 13 Venus, finely dr axon and coloured 16 A Portrait of Charles the First 17 A Moonlight 18 A View in Holland, Moonlight 19 A spirited Study of a Head 20 A Landscape with Figures 21 A Landscape—Cattle & Figures 22 A View on the Banks of a River 23 A spirited Head of Diogenes 24 A Landscape and Figures, a grand composition 25 A Landscape, painted with great effect 26 St. Peter Healing the Lame, a spirited and fine-coloured pic * ture 27 A Landscape, painted with great spirit 28 View of Plymouth Dock 29 A View in Italy, with Cattle and Figures, a Cabinet Picture Ditto Hemokerk Valasquez Carravaggio Vandyck Ruysdael Solimena Valasquez Singleback Van Uden Ibbettson Barrett 8$} Gilpin S S. Ricci Bartolomeo Ditto Vandevelde Merris Van Harp Dominichino 30 The Companion, of equal merit 31 Harvest Home 32 A large Interior View of a Temple, with Allegorical Figures 33 Cain slaying Abel, finely composed 34 The Repose, in a landscape, with Angels, a charming composition, finely drawn and coloured 35 A Landscape and Figures, fine 36 Holy Family 37 A view of the Escurial, with Fi¬ gures, a spirited and brilliant picture 38 A view in Italy, with a variety of Cattle and Figures, painted with great truth 39 A Landscape 40 A Landscape, with Bulls Fighting 41 A Landscape, Cattle and Figures, painted with great truth. 42 An Historical 43 A view in Italv, with Vessels and Figures 44 The Companion 45 A Sea-Piece 46 Conversation 47 Christ disputing with the Doc¬ tors in the Temple 48 Christ and St. John Embracing, a pleasing composition, finely drawn and coloured 6 Stemvick 4 9 An Interior view of the great Church at Antwerp, a capital high-fnished picture L> Giordano 50 The Holy Family, in a Landscape Ann.Carracci 5 1 A Magdalen, in a Landscape, with Angels 51 Portrait of His Majesty 53 Ditto of the Queen, the compa¬ nion 7 2 - / - /_ /O 3- o ‘ 2 -2 €(p-71- Beautiful Modem Stained Glass. V 1 A Landscape, after IVurotten 2 A ditto 3 A ditto 4 A ditto 5 A ditto 6 A ditto — 7 A Cobler at Work, after Teniers 8 Six Chinese Figures 9 Twenty-four Butterflies 10 A Frost-Piece 11 A Cupid, after C. Vanloo —12 A Moonlight 13 A Philosopher, after Millar 14 A Summer Scene, Wurotten 15 Winter, the companion to ditto Id Le Marinier Francoise, Green 17 La Vendaguise Francoise, Ditto 18 Boors Regaling, Teniers _ 19 A Landscape 20 An Evening Scene 21 A Cottage ditto 22 A Figure, Teniers 23 A ditto, Ditto 24 Holy Family, Ccerlo Dolce 25 Boors Regaling, Teniers 26 A Woman Scowering Kettles, Graro Dow 1 Z- —g- / 'H-Cc-6-V-iS-e. zify 8 \ 27 Spring, Wurotten 28 Summer,, ditto 29 Autumn, ditto 30 Winter, ditto 3) A Waterfall 32 The Camel-Driver ^5^-. 33 A Waterfall , Ch ina , Bronzes, and Miscellanies . Vi Two'-cur+eus fossils, and glass covers 2 A cork model of the Tomb of Plautius 3 A ditto ditto of Scipio 4 A set of 7 beautiful jasper vases .5 Twcwnair of China flower-vases 6 TwoMiall bronzes 7 An Etruscan vase 3 A real Spanish guitar, curiously inlaid, and deal case 9 An Etruscan vase, and 2 Dresden sauce-boats 10 A beautiful female figure, carved in ivory 11 A curious knife, fork, and spoon, silver-gilt, case 12 A set of 3 large fine Derby-spar vases, and a marble pyramid 13 A French cabinet cup and saucer, paiated with figures, and 1 other ditto ~~ "T4 A ”$&tre cabinet cup and saucer, painted with figures, and 1 other 15 A pair of bronze female figures, mounted in ormoulu, supporting 3 lights each, on statuary plinths 16 A fine bronze of the Apollo Belvedera 17 A ditto of Venus 18 A s6ve cabinet cup and saucer 19 A ditto, of the rich mazarine blue ground, painted with figures 20 21 A ditto broth-bason, cover and plate, richly gilt 22 Two cabinet cups and saucers 23 Two ditto and a tea-pot 24 Two fine china flower-pots, with flowers, and glass shades 25 A pair of handsome china semicircles, painted in flowers 26 A French cup and stand, tortoise and gold 27 Two ditto flower-pots and stands 58 Two Berlin high-handled cups and stands, green wreaths 29 A Vienna cup and saucer, blue-and-gold wreaths 3® A ditto, ditto flowers, on black ground 31 Six blue-and-gold chocolate cups, covers, and stands 32 A Dresden can and stand, birds, and blue border 33 A ditto ditto, birds and centres 34 A Berlin can and stand, cupid and birds 35 Five glass shades 36 A Vienna can and stand, birds 37 Two Angoul6me vases 38 A pair of curious silver gilt oriental filligree essence vases 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 ~T 10 A pair of ditto beakers Two ditto leaves Two filligree pool-dishes An oval ditto, and a small box with counters Boohs, Abr^gd de Thou 10 Oeuvres de Defou, 10; Journees Amusantes, 3; Ecole Militaire, 3 16 The Rambler, 3 ; Looker-On, 4 7 Mead’s Works, 1 ; and Parson’s Remains of Japhet, 1 2 Seneca’s Works, 1; and Dryden’s Juvenal, 1 2 Green’s Rarities of Gresham College, 1 ; and Barclay’s Argenis and Stripium Adversaria Nova, 1 2 Swift’s Miscellanies 13 Eusebii Historia Ecclesiasti 2 Derby’s Ornamental Architecture 1 Gibbs’s Designs 1 Chaplet, 1; Annals of Geo. III. 2; Ninon de Lenclos, 1 ; and Tale of a Tub, 1 7 Letters of the Swedish Court, 1 ; Alphonsine, ou La Tendresse Maternelle, 3 ; and 2 more 6 Chambers’s Dictionary 2 Life of Lord Nelson, fine proof plates 2 Aristotle on Government I Le Maitre’s Travels through France 3 Cumberland's Exodiad 2 Macpherson’s Annals of Commerce 4 11 11 6'1 Carr’s Tour in Holland, fine plates 1 62 Guthrie’s Travels in the Crimea I 63 The Antiquarian Repertory, with plates 2 64 Charnock’s History of Naval Architecture, with numerous fine plates S 65 Indian Field Sports, with fine plates 2 66 Annual Review, 1 ; Staunton’s Embassy to China, 1 2 67 Parkinson’s Tour in America, 1 ; Life of Louis 16th, 1 ; Stockdale’s School Encyclopedia, 1 3 68 Smith's Tour on the Continent 3 69 Bible, with plates and Maps 3 70 Travels in Sicily and Malta, 1 ; Paley’s Ho¬ rae Paulinas, 1 ; and Karamsin’s Russian Tales, 1 3 71 Hughes’s History of Barbadoes 1 72 Belve’s Anecdotes 2 73 Moore on Female Education, 3; Solitude, 2; and Fairy Tales, 2 7 74 Bertrand’s Account, 1 ; Brocquiere’s Travels in the East, 1 ; and Gordon’s History of the Irish Rebellion, 1 3 75 Shakspeare’s Plays, 1 ; Thespian Dictionary, 1 ; Miseries of Life, 1 ; and Comforts of Life ; l 4 \ 12 Fine-Jiavoured Madeira , at per doz . Twelve to the dozen, bottles included. 76 Two dozen of highly flavoured Madeira, at per dozen 77 Two ditto 78 Two ditto 79 Two ditto SO Two ditto 81 Two ditto FINIS.