O -A. T A Hi O O TJ IE3 THE VALUABLE COLLECTION OF Objects of Art FORMED BY THE LATE MONTAGU PARKER, ESQ. THE PROPERTY OF THE RT. HON. THE EARL OF MORLEY, COMPRISING Egyptian, Greek and Roman Antiquities, Limoges Enamels, Gubbio and Urbino Ware, Oriental and European Porcelain, German and Delft Ware, and a variety of other interesting Objects of Art: WHICH raid be irolti bn Auction bp Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AT TKEIE GREAT RG0XES, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On TUESDAY, JULY 13, 1897, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. { * May be viewed Saturday and Monday preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Street, St. James’s Square, S. TV. la CONDITIONS OF SALK -0 I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds* 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Cheistie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. On TUESDAY, JULY 13, 1897, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. ANTIQUITIES. 1 Bust of Jupiter Serapis, in agate: an Egyptian scarab of greon ^7 stono with eleven lines of hieroglyphs ; a metal vase in form of a duck ; an Egyptian triad, in glazed ware; a medallion, in blue glass, with head of Medusa ; various fragments of glass, beads, &c. 2 An Egyptian signet, of glazed ware, with cartouche; sacred eye, q of blue glazed ware inlaid; a gold seal, set with a modern intaglio representing seated hunter, with hounds ; an intaglio, mounted in gold ring, engraved with a figure of Cupid and two cocks, &c.; and an unmounted intaglio, on sard, engraved with figure of Pallas 5 cr-yv 3 An Egyptian pectoral, in gold, emblematical of tho soul, the upper surface inlaid with lapis lazuli, turquoise and red jasper, set in gold cloisons; the under side has in the centre the human' headed bird, and two loops for suspension B 2 db -- 4 4 An Athenian lccythus, painted with figures in black and red on wkito ground, representing two warriors and a figure playing a double flute before an altar; another, painted with red figures on black ground, Artemis and attendant sacrificing at lighted altar; a small vase, of red ware with floral pattern in relief, and set with coloured pastes; and a blue glazed Ushabti figure 4 5 Yase of late style, with looped handles and cover, painted with red figures on black ground, representing on one side seated female figure holding pyxis and flabellum, and on the other side a seated female figure holding patera, and before her a youth with flabellum ; two small lecythi, painted with red figures on black ground ; and another, with black figures on white ground 4 6 A 'e3ythus, of late style, painted with red figures on black ground, representing Demeter suckling tho infant Dionysos, to right, malo figure with palm and carrying a lccythus, at his feet a panther— 11 in. high ANCIENT GLASS. O 7 ^ y An alabastron, of blue paste, decorated with chevron pattern in white and yellow—6 in. long ; and a small amphora, of similar make—3 in. high—neck chipped 2 A small amphora, of elegant form, of blue paste, the centre orna¬ mented with a broad band with chevron pattern in green and yellow— in very fine slate of preservation—on gilt wood stand — 2| in. high 1 An CEuochoc, of tapering form, with trefoil lip, of dark blue paste, the entire body decorated with waved design in turquoise- e, yellow and white—5 in. high 1 10 0 A bottle, with handle of pale green glass, of barrel form— probably from Amiens — the bottom has the maker’s name froti in relief ; a small globular-shaped bottle, of blue glass ; of white glass 5 PALISSY WARE. r 2 * 11 12 f V 3 —* 14 15 r - * i6 A Boat-Shaped Vessel, with figures of Cupid and Psyche in tho^y interior—8 in. long An Oval Dish, with sunk centre, and four circular sunk panels, pierced scroll border—11 in. by 8^ in. An Oval Palissy Dish, with a figure of Flora in the centre in relief, a view of a chateau in the background—12 in. by 10 in. A Cikoulak Dish, pierced and cut with female masks and acan¬ thus loaf ornament—9^ in. diam. A Circular Dish, with shaped border, with alternate grotesque male and female masks, festoons of drapery—91, in. diam. An Oval Dish, with the Baptism of Christ, gadrooned border-^^ 12 in. by 10 in. - MAJOLICA. O 17 { ,£\ X, A Gubrio Bottle, painted with a kneeling figuro of a saint, zigzag ornament below—9j in. high An Urbino Salt Cellar, supported by winged arabesque female /S figures and painted in brilliant colours—6 in. high ' ' A Faenza Dish, painted in the centre with a malo bust in grisaillo, the border composed of interlaced branches of oak leaves in slight relief in colours—10 in. diam. A LUST RED GUBBIO DISH, with deep centre, painted with a shield-of-arms supported by ribands in iridescent ruby, bluo and orange on a dotted ground, the border painted with panels of scroll ornaments in white on a pale grey ground— lOf in. diam. , O 21 —Z> 22 A Fluted Majolica Dish, painted in brilliant colours with Moses aud Aaron—12 in. diam. An Urbino dish, painted with a classical river scene aud figures —94 in. diam. >/* 6 2/. 23 A Pesaeo Dish, on slight foot, painted with the bust of the V * 11 , .0 TT _J* _ 1_:_J.T.* 1_J „4> 04. Tf.Vr> daughter of Herodias bearing the head of St. John the /y Baptist in a charger, inscribed s.giva bastista —10 in. diam. /J. /J, * 24 An Ukbino Dish, with deep centre painted with an emblematical figure of a boy with sword and banner, in grisaille on a yellow i ground, trophies of arms and scrolls with inscriptions and date 1540 on the border, buff on a blue ground—94 in. diam. r & 27 //; /r. /o < 29 4,/^ 0 30 /, 31 L* c^tcp A Terre de Pipe jug, around the centre is a band of dancing peasants, and dated 1589—mounted with pewter— in. high 2/^ A money box, painted with scriptural subjects in blue and brown —8-4 in. high A faience pilgrim bottle, of marbled red and buff faience— 11 in. high An Hexagonal Canister and Cover, painted with a lady and * gentleman in the garden of a palace, flowered border in colours // 2, and gold An Hexagonal Barrel-Shaped Canister, of Cologne ware, with the mythical gods in relief in colours, with attributes and masks—mounted with pewter—9 in. high A mug, of similar faience, with the twelve Apostles in relief in colours, scrolls above and below—pewter cover and rim— 8 in. high A pear-shaped gres-de-Flandres water-bottle, with loops for sus¬ pension, with double coat-of-arms in relief and rosette orna¬ ments ; and a double gourd-shaped bottle, similar A Delft dish, with fluted border, painted with sprigs of flowers, &c. in red and blue—13J in. diam. J J & 'A / 6/■* 34 A fluted deep dish, with a figure of a horseman in the centre in colours ; and a fluted dish, with blue and white decoration in the Chinese taste—13^ in. diam. A shaped dish, on three short feet, pierced centre painted with landscapes and figures in brilliant colours and gold / MISCELLANEOUS OBJECTS OF ART. 35 A hexafoil-shaped cup, of rock-crystal, shaped base and pilaster stem, engraved with bunches of fruit, and trees, mounted with 6ilver-gilt, engraved with scrolls and set with amethyst-?- / 6j in. high 36 A Small Gbey-Beard Jug, with oak foliage and acorns in high O relief, mounted with Elizabethan silver-gilt neck band, pot and rim engraved with interlaced scrolls, chased with a classical head in relief with the letters above, p i d—6 in. // , » high /" ^ 37 An Oval Cup, carved, of carbuncle, faceted base; and cup, mounted with silver-gilt, supported by a figure of a boy holding a pendant set with rubies and diamonds—3£ in. high —in leather case igh j2 / y 38 A Trefoil-Shaped Cup, of rock-crystal, on triangular base, the cup engraved with interlaced vine ornaments, mounted with ■' . z ^ silver—4^ in. high, 5 in. diam. 39 A repousse iron plaque, with classical figures in relief, damascened in gold, gilt background— in ebony frame // —-A 40 A Cup and Cover, carved, of striated onyx, circular foot and 0 stem mounted with chased 6ilver-gilt, sot with rubies, the handles formed of small camei—6^ in. high From Chevalier Franchi’s Collection Bought at Bogers Sale, No. 813 41 A PARCEL-GILT CHALICE, hexafoil-shaped base, hexagonal V / o Btcm, and globular knop with circular projection, silver bell¬ shaped cup, the whole engraved with annular and rosette ornaments, and further decorated with twelve circular and two shield-shaped medallions with the Saints in champlove enamel, the 6tem enamelled with diamond-shaped oruamont^l- , * 8 in. high —15 th century 8 42 A snuff-box, of Capo-cli-Monti porcelain, with classical busts in M- ■ - relief in white scroll borders in colours on a gold ground, mounted with silver-gilt ^ O 43 A Battersea enamel candlestick, painted with small mauve panels n 1 high; and a sprinkler and cover, painted with _ 7.1 * I in. bunches of flowers J. J , /O , & 45 LIMOGES ENAMELS. (p 44 An upright plaque, painted in an oval panel in grisaille and flesh tints with Christ washing the feet of St. Peter, inscribed b. + ionnes +.i+.—carved and gilt wood frame—4 in. by 3^ in., 17 th century § Diptych, with two oblong plaques of enamel, painted in grisaille and flesh tints with the Saviour and the head of the Virgin Mary, plaques of angels above 7 46 An Oval Convex Plaque, from an cscarcelle, enamelled in colours with The Adoration of the Magi, scroll borders, signed . on the back—BAP* NOUAILLIER A LIMOGES— century O 47 An upright plaque, with the figure of St. Catherine holding a sword and palm leaf, in translucent colours, stained ground— gilt wood frame, 4| in. by 3| in. 48 A IIexagonal Salt-Cellar, enamelled in grisaille and flesh tints with mythical figures in six panels, bands of laure ; foliage above and below L A «r A' j /f.iT. 16/ h century 49 A two-handled bowl, enamelled in grisaille, six embossed panels on the borders with figures of peasants, view of a landscape below in colours—5J in. diam. —17 th century 50 A small flat plate, enamelled in the centre w'ith Judith with the // head of Holoferncs, in translucent colours, scrolls in white and /M gold on the border, signed I. L.—6 in. diam. —17/A century /*./*- . 51 ^ Large Standing Salt-Cellar, of hexagonal form, with circu¬ lar top painted with a female bust, and figures with musical f/j instruments in brilliant colours on the sides, foliage and arabesques—4 in. high, G in. diam. 9 / 52 A two-handled flat-shaped cup, painted inside with Tho Annuncia-// ' ✓ J ^ tion and arabesques, scrolls and a river scene outside / ^ Jr —* ’ rs 53 An oblong plaque, painted with the Madonna and Infant Saviour * ^ seated at the base of a ruin, and three cherubs bearing a cross in grisaille and gold, signed J. L.—in gilt wood frame > D 54 Another, with St. John and a lamb at a fountain, in raised border of scrolls, inscribed “ Laudin au faubourgs de Manigne a Limoges. J. L.”—in similar frame O 55 An oval plaque, painted with St. Louis in royal robes, at prayer, and angels, a shield-of-arms at the side in border of flowers, inscribed on the back “ N. Laudin l’aisno ”—in gilt wood frame 7 "** 56 A fluted vase, of Venetian enamel, with gilding on a dark W / ». 1 f t t n ground ; and a roso-water dish, nearly similar—8 in. diam. XVIth century metal work. 1 , 57 A copper-gilt plate, tho centro engraved with a feast, throo panels of carnations on tho border—7 in. diam. PORCELAIN. t & 58 A white glazed Plymouth triple sweetmeat-dishes, encrusted with shells 59 A Chelsea dish, painted with birds in tho centre, branches of fruit and foliage in relier on tho border , O GO A shaped Chelsea dish, with vine-leaf handles; and a sauce-boat, similar V • & 61 A Chelsea dish, shaped as a cabbage leaf; and a fluted cup and saucer, with festoons of flowers f £>62 A Low cream-jug, with coloured flowers in relief, a white ditto, with river scenes in blue; a blue and whito Worcester toilet- pot ; and a small ditto dish 10 £1, /, i /. /o . 4 , S. £/S. l/r. / / 6 63 An Old Woecesteb Fluted Sebvice, painted with flowers in panels in red and gold borders in Oriental taste, consisting Of— Tea-pot, cover and stand f Sucrier and cover r Canister, bowl, milk-jug and stand Two dishes Eight tea-cups, six coffee-cups and seven saucers 64 Five Old Wokoestee Cups and Sauoees, painted with tropical birds and insects in shaped medallions on dark blue ground 65 A Wedgwood bowl, blue and white jasper, with a frieze of Cupids sporting; a ditto cup and saucer; and a small bowl 66 A two-handled Wedgwood cup and cover, pink and white jasper, with classical figures in relief; a salt glaze tureen ; Stafford¬ shire ware jug and cover; and a cream-jug 67 A flat Loosdrecht bottle, with landscapes and figures in lake; a Ludwigsberg cup and saucer ; and a Frankenthal dish 68 A Chantilly plate, painted with flowers; a faience plate, with garden scenes and views in panels; and one, painted with a lake scene and buildings 0 69 A blue, white and gold cup and saucer, with a medallion head; . two tea-pots and covers; a blue vase, with flowers in whit§ j V ^ and three other pieces // 70 A Ludwigsberg jug and cover, painted with Watteau figures ; and a Berlin ditto, with bouquets of flowers [71 A Tournay jug and cover, painted with river scenes, figures and buildings in lake A 0 72 A Hague two-handled cup, cover and saucer, painted with birds in Ltrt u colours, dark blue borders marbled with gold 73 A small Loosdrecht vase and cover, with busts and festoons in relief; and a Hochst mug, painted with a woman and children at a fountain in pink 11 DRESDEN. 74 V Two shaped cups and saucers, painted with landscapes and figures and flowers on canary-coloured ground ; and two ditto, with landscapes and figures on pale blue ground A cup, cover and saucer, painted with Cupids on canary-coloured ground; and a fluted cup and saucer, with landscapes and^^, / figures and flowers on pink ground A sucrier, cover and stand, with figures in medallions on yellow ground; and a cup and saucer, painted with birds and insects and encrusted with flowers 77 A cup and saucer, painted with coast scenes and figures in lake ; and a basket-pattern plate, painted with a landscape and ^78 79 buildings' *0 A pair of two-handled cups, with pierced stands, painted with J'V f v bouquets of flowers / A pair of ditto cups, covers and stands, painted with birds and flowers in medallions in gilt borders on blue scale-pattern ground V 80 ’ O 81 82 A two-handled cup, cover and saucer, painted with seaports and figures in medallions, and pink and gold scrolls An Ecuelle, Cover and Stand, pale blue ground, painted with * / } landscapes and figures in medallions in gilt borders, tho' cover surmounted by a lemon Another, with pink scale borders, painted with bouquets and ^-- festoons of flowers, the cover surmounted by a strawberry 83 A tea-cup and saucor, apple-green ground, painted with birds in medallions in gilt foliage borders 84 Another, painted with landscapes and birds in medallions on bleu-de-Roi ground, by Evans 12 85 89 A coffee-cup and saucer, gros-bleu ground, painted with a nymph and child in a landscape ; and a Bacchanalian trophy in two medallions in jewelled borders, and with richly gilt foliage, by Le Guay A plate, painted in the centre with a bouquet of flowers, rose-du- Barri borders with apple-green ribbons A An octagonal tray, turquoise borders, with flowers in medallions,-^' painted in the centre with two Cupids A turquoise and gold saucer, painted with bouquets of flowcrsAn medallions ; and a gros-bleu and gold ditto A toilet-pot and cover, rose-du-Barri and apple-green ground, painted with flowers, mounted with or-molu, forming an ink-^ stand / OLD CHINESE PORCELAIN. 90 An egg-shell cup and saucer, with European subjects in Indian ink, red and gold scrolls ; another, with similar subjects ; and £j- one, with pastoral scenes 91 Three egg-shell cups and two saucers, enamelled with quails in colours; a cup and saucer, with a landscape and pagoda ; and an old Japan cup and saucer r 92 A pair of coral-coloured bowls and covers, with foliage and characters in white 93 A bowl, cover and stand, enamelled green, white and red 94 A pair of small deep dishes, enamelled with horses and clouds in white on green ground 95 A ruby plate, enamelled with a Ho-Ho bird and flowers in colours in medallions M 96 A plate, with a landscape and a man and cow on a road in gil diapered border 97 A plate, enamelled with a mandarin and attendants with kylin and one, with iris and butterfly in European taste 98 A pair of plates, enamelled with figures and landscapes in small ^ medallions on yellow ground ; and a dish, with butterflies ff and flowers 13 99 ^ 100 / 101 4 102 /Z 103 l //104 O 105 A tea-pot and cover, and a canister and cover, with domestic scenes in shaped panels on gold ground A tea-pot and cover, enamelled with children riding cattle; and an oval-shaped dish, with figures on a red and gold ground ^ A fluted bowl, enamelled with birds, vases of flowers and utensils; and a bowl, with flowers in red and green J , A bowl, with a pagoda, fir trees and flowers; and one, with ( dragons and famille verte border A bowl, with flowers and fruit in brown and bluo; and smaller, with figures in panels on bluo ground A buff-coloured bowl, with flowers in medallions in bluo ; and __ an old Nankin bowl, with a river scene and figures and numerous characters A white glazed figure of a bird on a tree trunk; a white tea-pot J and cover ; a grey crackle cup ; two bluo and white 6aucors; ^ ^ and a boat-shaped dish i 10G An old Japan bowl and cover, with flowers in colours and gold in panols; and two small ditto bowls GLASS. T- An avanturino glass tazza ; an oval fluted bowl, of ruby glass ; a green glass goblet; a turquoiso opaque glass canister; a Viennese jug, of purple glass ; and a square-shaped Indian bottle, with figures in colours and gold A marble glass flagon, formed as a barrel; and a cut-glass goblet, with scrolls ■ , A jug, enamelled with a figure, inscribed Fides and tho date 1573, , mounted with pewter A Wicderkom, enamelled with a coat-of-arms of many quartcr- ings, inscribed with initials and date 1G38 Anoihcr, painted in throe bauds with a doer hunt, a boar hunt, and a coursing scene 112 A goblet, on three small feet, painted with a hunting scene coat-of-arms in brown; and one, nearly similar 113 A goblet, painted in colours with a view of a castle; and one, nearly similar, with a shepherd 114 A goblet and cover, engraved with scrolls and flowers ; and a goblet, with spiral ornaments, three ring handles in ami coloured glass 115 A glass, engraved with a parrot and festoons of flowers and German inscription ; another, engraved with ears of corn; and one, with inscription, “ Vivat de Koning van Peutssen ” 116 A goblet, engraved with a coat-of-arms; another, with vine orna¬ ment ; and a canister, enamelled with scrolls and birds 117 A Schmeltz glass bowl; a ditto bead; and a bowl, with slight specks of avanturine 118 A Wiederkom, enamelled with a double coat-of-arms, wreaths, and the date 1693 119 A small cup and cover, with fluted in colours, inscription, and the dt 120 A goblet, of opal glass, enamelled with the arms of the Elector of Saxony, inscription and date 1681 121 A cylindrical goblet and cover, of dark green glass, enamelled with the heads of the Electors of Saxony in brilliant colours —17 th century OLD VENETIAN GLASS. 122 A jug, of ruby glass, with spirally fluted silver-gilt cover and base 123 A small ewer and cover; a faceted bottle, with single handle of sapphire-colour glass ; and a hexagonal Yitrodi Trina bottle, with raised corners 124 A pear-shaped Vitro di Trina bottle, with mask feet, silver - stopper ; a small oval bowl; and a flat-shaped flask ZS- 15 A bowl, with fluted blue ball in the contrc; a bottle, with open lip, masks in relief; a bottle, with shaped neck; and a spirally fluted hunting horn, of green glass A Vitro di Trina ewer; a goblet, with open lip; and a cylindrical mug, with spiral stripes of green, red and white A goblet and cover, with lions’ masks in relief, partly gilt; and^,,^ a goblet and cover, of mauve glass, with raised ornaments A curious goblet, of Vitro di Trina, in iridescent colours, base pewter A frosted goblet; a two-handled jug, with eight rings of pale amber-colour glass; and two goblets, with shaped stems FINIS. London : Printed by William Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross.