^6 CATALOGUE OF THE Patljrinatital |]i$tarital,- ^iWiograpIjiral anb lliscclfanfous rORTION OF THE CELEBRATED LIBRARY OF M. GUGLIELMO LIBRI, INCLUDING RARE ALDINE EDITIONS; A LARGE COLLECTION OF SCARCE MUSICAL WORKS ; KAEE PAGEANTS ; TREATISES 0>" PENMANSHIP ; |)Oohs forilteit in tin Catalan, |1rob£iual mxh otlm Jliakds; IMPORTANT WORKS RELATING TO ITALIAN HISTORY &TOPOGRAPHY; INCLCDIXG NUMEROUS PUBLICATIONS RESPECTING MILAN, NAPLES, PIEDMONT, SICILY SARDINIA, TUSCANY, VENICE, &c.; PAPAL OEATIONES OBEDIENTIALES ; PEOVINCIAL STATUTA ; A large Collection of Works illustrating the Literary History and Bibliography of Italy ; scarce Englisli and Spanish Books; Treatises on Torture; rare Romances of Chivalry, and Novelle; FINE OFFICIA WITH SPLENDID ILLUxAIINATIOXS AND OTHER MANUSCRIPTS UPON VELLUM OF THE XIth AND SUBSEQUENT CENTURIES ; ^umtrous |JublkatioiTS relatmg to t^t Wjistor^ of tl^t ^tmut^ ; A MOST IMPORTANT COLLECTION OF THE R.VEEST MATHEMTICiL AXD ASTEOXOMICAL WOEKS U EXISTENCE, Comprising the first printed Aljianacs and Prognostications, and numerous Treatises respecting Per- spective, Theory of Numbers, &c., includmg Original Editions of the scarcest productions of Magini Maueoltccs, Meeseitse, Monteregio, Mtdoege, Neper, Newtox, Pacioli, Porta, Renaldini Reisch, Scheinee, Slusius, Stenone, Tabtaglia, Tatlor, Torricelli, Vieta, Leoxardo da Vixci, ViTEUvius, TiTiANi, Wallis, Waeing, Zarlino, &c., &c. SEVEEAL \Xim AUTOGEAPH AXNOTATIOXS WEITTEN BY ELUSTETOL^S MEN. - PART t1ie"^Ec6nD, M-Z. - IN WHICH WILL EE FOrND MAKGnEKlTE DB Valois, rHeptanieron, Payis, 1567; Makulli Htmxi, 1^97; Collection de Mazabixades; Le Eecueil de Jbhan Marot, Paris {circa 1532) ; Mazzuchelli, Scrittori d'ltalia; Missa, the first book printed at Esslingen; MO'IAIGNB Essais ^1593 et 1602) ; Monieeegio Ealendarium (in Latin, in Italian, and in German, 1476 and 1178) ; MoRO dei Crostacei, 17i6; Mubatoki, Antiquitates, and other Works ; Music : Evangeliunt S. Lucae et Lamexta- TIONES Jeresiiae cum notis musicis, MS. upon Tellitm of the XIth Century; Napoli, Eaocolta di scrittori e croniche; Newcastle, Extraordinary Invention; Nizolius, de veris principiis Philosopbandi, 1553; Officium B. Mabiae, a Manuscript of the XVth Century, executed for the Boxacossi family formerly Lords of Mantua; Pacioli Divina Proportioue, 1509 ; Pageaxt : Entree de Charles IX. dans Paris, 1571 ; Palisst (B.) Moyen de derenir Eiche 1636 ; Pascal sur la Eovleite (1658) et Tkia^'Glb Arithmeiique (1665) ; Pateicii Isova Philosophia (1593) ; Academie des Sciences de Petehsboueg, 47 toI. ; Petri de Aliaco VigintUoquium, with autograph notes of Politiano ; Petbonius, first edition; PoNTiFicrM Episiol.i, Eomas, Aldus, 1591; Pubbachii Theoricie Planetarum (1472); Eelatioxi Varie (55 tracts) ; Mabeian (15S0) ; Jehan de Saixibe, 1553; Saeum Book, Buaci, 1601 ; Savonaeola (Prediche rarie) ; Sfobza Ordine delle nozze, 1475; Spaxish Dialects and Eomaxces (various collecti(ins) ; Taliacgthts, 1597 ; Theory of Numbers : Ghisi, 1616 ; TuRilf Academie des Sciences, 41 vol. ; Uebanus Bellunensis Veneiiis, Aldus, 1497; Valla, Venetiig, Aldus, 1501; Vebantii Machinae nova; (1595); Vieta, Canon, 1579; Vienna: various Catalogues of the Imperial Library (24 voL) ; Shefheabd's Kalendkb, 1656, &c. &c. Mljitfj bill h Bola biT f uctbir, BY MESSES. ^ S. LEIGH SOTHEBY & JOHN WILKINSON, AUCTIONEERS OF LITEKAEY PROPERTY AND WORKS ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE FINE ARTS, AT THEIR HOUSE, 13, (late 3) WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, W.C. On THURSDAY, the 18th of JULY, 1861, & Seven following Days, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY EACH I>AT, (SCXDAT EXCEPTED.) MAT BE VIEWED THEEE DATS PEIOE, AND CATALOGIES HAD. PRIKTED BX J. DAVX AND SONS, 137, LOITG ACRE, lONDPN. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. The highest bidder to be the buyer ; and if auy dispute arise between bidders, the lot so disputed shall be immediately put up again, provided the seller cannot decide the said dispute. II. No person to advance less than Gd. ; above ten shillings, Is. ; above five pounds 2s. Gd. ; and so on. III. The purchasers to give in their names and places of abode, and to pay down 10.?. in the pound, if required, in part payment of the purchase- money ; in default of which the lot or lots purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. IV. The lots to be taken away, at the buyer's expense,immediately after the con- clusion of the sale; and in default of which Messrs. S. LEIGH SOTHEBY and JOHN WILKINSON will not hold themselves responsible if lost, stolen, damaged, or otherwise destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. If, at the expiration of One Week after the conclusion of the sale, the books or other property are not cleared or paid for, they will then be catalogued for immediate sale, and the expense, the same as if re-sold, will be added to the amount at which the books were bought. Messrs. S. LEIGH SOTHEBY and JOHN WILKINSON will have the option of re-selling the uncleared lots either by public or private sale, without any notice being given to the defaulter V. The books are presumed to be perfect, unless otherwise expressed ; but if, upon collating, any should prove defective, the purchaser will be at liberty to take or reject them, provided they are returned within One Week after the conclusion of the sale, when the purchase-money will be returned. VI. The sale of any book or books is not to be set aside on account of any stained or short leaves of text or plates, want of list of plates, or on account of the publication of any subsequent volume, supplement, appendix, or plates. All the manuscripts, autographs, all magazines, and reviews, all books hx lots, and all tracts in lots or volumes, will be sold with all faults, imperfections, and errors of description. The sale of any lot of prints or drawings, is not to be set aside on account of any error in the enumeration of the numbers stated, or errors of description. VII. No Impeeeect Books will be taken back, unless a note accompanies each book, stating its imperfections, with the number of lot and date of the sale at which the same was purchased. VIII. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the purchases, no lot can on any account be removed during the time of sale. IX Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money required and deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; and if any loss is sustained in the reselling of such hooks as are not cleared or paid for, oil charges on such re-sale shall be made good hy the defaulters at this sale. Gentlemen who cannot attend this Sale may have their Commissions faithfully executed hy their hv/mhle Servants, S. LEIGH SOTHEBY & JOHN WILKINSON, Wellington Street, Strand. DAYS OF SALE. First Day's Sale Thursday, July 18th, 1861 . Page 477 Second Day's Sale . Friday, July 19th, ;> 513 Third Day's Sale . Saturday, July 20th, » 556 Fourtli Day's Sale . Monday, July 22nd, 5> 597 Fifth Day's Sale . . Tuesday, July 23rd, >> 640 Sixth Day's Sale . . Wednesday, July 2-lth, J> 684 Seventh Day's Sale . Thursday, July 25th, >J 718 Eighth Day's Sale . . Friday, July 26th, » 757 NoTA Bene. — In consequence of iU health the proofs of this Catalogue were not as carefully revised by me as they ought to have been, and some misprints and even slight inaccuracies escaped my attention (for instance in the notes of lots 5271, 5653-55, 6445, &c. &c.) which the inteUigent reader will easily detect and forgive. a L. CATALOGUE or THE MATHEMATICAL, HISTORICAL, BIBLIOGRAPHICAL, AND MISCELLANEOUS PORTION OP THE CELEBRATED LIBRARY OF M. GUGLIELMO LIBRI. PAilT THE SECOND, M-Z. FIRST DAY'S SALE. LOT 4336 Mabillon (T.) Vetera Analecta, sive Collectio veterum aliquot Operum. et Opusculorum omnis generis, Carmiiium,Epistolarum, Diplomatuin, Epitaphiorum, &c. best edition, rare, uncut folio. Parisiis, 1723 4337 Mabillon (J.) Tractatus de Studiis Monasticis, in tres partes distri- butus, 3 vol. in 1, calf extra 4to. Venetiis, 1745 A learned work, of great utility for the history of manuscripts and of learning during the Middle Ages. 4338 Mabillon (J.) Histoire des Contestations sur la Diplomatique avec I'Analise de cet Ouvrage, calf ^vo. Naples, 1767 4339 Mablin (^M.) Lettre sur le Teste des Lusiades (de Camoens) 8w. Paris, 1826 In this interesting dissertation, the learned author maintains that both the editions of the Lusiad, bearing the date 1572, were given by Camoens himself. 4340 Macaronic. BoUa (B.) Poemata Italica ex Valle Bergamaacorum \2mo. 1603 A scarce collection of poems in Macaronic verse, with several in the dialect of Bergamo. 4341 Macaeokic. Marguere (M,) Poeme Macaronique en Forme de Declaration de Guerre a tous mecbants Payeurs et Gens de mau- vaise Foi, &c. half calf gilt Svo. Paris, 1783 1 478 THE MISCELLANEOUS POETION OE 4342 Mac Cartliy-Eeagb (Comte) Catalogue des Livres et Manuscrits rares et preeieux de sa ]3ibliotheque, 2 vol. plates of facsimiles calf Svo. Paris, 1815 An extraordinary collection, containing, amongst other things, block-books, splendid manuscripts, and 825 vokunes printed upon vellum ; including the Mazarine Bible, of wliich there is a facsimile in the first volume of this Catalogue. The printed prices are at the end. 4343 Maccioni (Miglioratto) Osservazioni e Dissertazioni varie sopra il Diritto Eeudale concernenti I'lstoria, e le Opiiiioni di Antonio (Minucci) Da Pratovecchio celebre Giureconsulto del Secolo XV e Eiformatore dei Libri Feudi, si aggiunge un Opuscolo inedito di Leonardo Aretino (de Militia) LAEGE PAPER, micut 4:to. Livomo, 1764 A most interesting work, in which Maccioni has proved that the true birth- place of the celebrated jurist Minucci was Pratovecchio, and not Bologna, Florence, Naples or Sienna as has been falsely asserted by historians of these places. 4344 Maccioni (Miglioratto) Congetture sopra tina Carta Papiracea dell' Aj-cbivio Diplomatico di S. A. E. Pietro Leopoldo Granduca di Toscana, facsimiles 4fo. Firenze, 1781 This most learned dissertation on a deed of gift executed in the Vth century, is jjreceded by an erudite preface, written by the Proposta Fossi. In it Maccioni has forestalled Massmann as respects the Cursive Character, and Savigny with regard to the uninterrupted use of the Roman Law in the Middle Ages. 4345 Maccleseteld Papers. Correspondence of Scientific Men of the 17tb Century, including letters of Barrow, Elamsteed, Wallis, and Newton, printed for the first time from the Originals in the Collec- tion of the Earl of Macclesfield (edited by S. J. Eigaud), 2 vol. diagrams, cloth, uncut ^vo. Oxford, 1841 4346 Macedo. Pictura Venetse TJrbis ejusque Partium in Tabulis Latinis, Coloribus Oratoriis expressa, & Pigmentis Poeticis Colorata Peni- cilio P. Eraucisci a S. Augustino Macedo, unciit 4ito. Venetiis, 1670 4347 Machiavelli (N.) Historic Eiorentine, MS. titlcpage vellum 4ito. Soma, Antonio Blade d^Asola, 1532 First edition ; so rare that Count G. Camposanpiero inscribed on his copy — " Princeps et corvo rarior albo." This copy, wanting titlepage and the eighth book, was probably issued before the work was completed. Pre- fixed is a very rare poi'trait of the renowned Baron de Werth, with the inscription — " Hic est Ioannes de Werth Vir cujus Virtus Nullos titulos amhit, omnes nieretur : marti miles, hosti terror exejplu magnis Ducilnis" 4348 Machiavelli (N.) Historie fine large copy, rare, vellum 8uo. Vinegia, fglivoli di Aldo, 1540 4349 Machiavegli (N.) Historie Eiorentine, vellum, a very scarce edition, unlcnown to Gamba, Vinegia, P. di Nicolini di Sahbio, 1539 — Machi- avelli (N.) Mandragola, Comedia Eacetissima, bad copy, Fiorenza, Giunti, 1556 — Macchiavel (N.) Histoire de Castruccio Castracani, calf Paris, mdlxxi {pro 1671) Svo. 3 vol. 4350 Machiavelli (N.) Discorsi sopra la prima Deca di Tito Livio calf gilt Svo. Vinegia, Aldus, 1540 4351 Machiavelli (N.) Libro dell' Arte della Guerra fine copy, ivith Aldine anchor on titlepage, very rare, vellum Svo. Vinegia, per Comin da Trino, 1541 This Counterfeit was unknoAvn to Eenouard. THE LIBEI LIBEART. 479 4352 Machiavelli (N.) Libro dell' Arte della Guerra scarce, calf 8yo. Vinegia, Aldo, 1546 With the autograph of the poet " De Cailly," better known ixnder his Pseudonyme of the Chevalier d'Aceilly. 4353 Machiavelli (N.) Tutte le Opera tJie JEdizione della Testina 4ito. s. I. mdl. There were no less than five different editions printed under this date, of which this copy represents the rarest, or the No. 1 of Gamba's List, bemg that cited by the Crusca. It is quite complete and in excellent condition. A similar copy sold for £ 5. 10s. in Hibbert's sale. 4354 [Machiavelli (jN".)] Niccollucci (A.) de' Discorsi Politici e Militari Libri tre, scielti fra gravissimi Scrittori 4^o. Venetia, 1G48 As at that time publishers were not allowed to reprint in Italy the works of Machiavelli, they published them imder a false name, relying that the ignorance of the censors would not be able to detect the true author. 4355 Machiavelli (X.) Opere inedite (tra le quali 39 lettere), portrait scarce, large paper, vellum 4:fo. Londra, 17 GO 4356 Machiavelli (X.) Opere minori (frammenti storici, commedie, decen- nali, etc.) con Note filologiche e critiche di F. L. Polidori 8^0. Firenze, 1852 4357 Machiavel's Discourses upon the first Decade of T. Livius, translated by E. Dacres, with marginall Animadversions noting his Errours calf 12mo. London, 1636 4358 Mackay (A.) on Dr. Halley's Problem (presentation copy), Edinh. 1796 — On Perpetual Motion, London, 1771 — Eamsden (J.) on Specific Gravities of Fluids, il). 1792 — On Berkeley's Minute Philosopher, ib. Ylhl — Charter, &c. of the Eoyal Society, 25. 1800 — Statutes of the Eoyal Society, ib. 1770 4^0. (6) 4359 Mackenzie (M.) on Maritim Surveying, plates, 1774 — Maskelyne (J\.) Mariners' Guide, 1763 — Thomson (E.) Synopsis of the Planisphere of the Earth, 1788 'kto. 3 vol. 4360 MacLaurin (C.) Treatise on Fluxions, 2 yo\. plates uncut 4ito. Edinburgh, 1742 This important work contains a complete treatise (for the time) of differential and integi'al calculus, written in the notation of fluxions. 4361 Maclaurin (C.) Account of Sir Isaac Newton's Philosophical Dis- coveries, published from the author's manuscript papers, ^Z«^e5 calf 4^0. 1748 4362 Maclaurin (C.) Account of Sir Isaac Newton's Philosophical Dis- coveries, ^/fl^^es Svo. Lond. 1750 4363 Maclaurin (C.) Treatise on Fluxions, with Life, 2 vol, port, and plates calf 8yo. London, 1801 4364 Macometto, L'Alcorano nel qual si contiene la Dottrina, la Vita i Costumi, et le Leggi sue, Tradotto dall' Arabo in Lingua Italiana, woodcut titlepage 4:to. (Venetia), 1547 This edition is pronounced by Brunet "rai'e et recherchee." See respecting the rarity of this book, the Pinelli Catalogue by Morelli. 4365 Maddison (J.) Catalogue of his valuable Library, prices in MS. nncut, Lond. 1809 — Farmer (Eev. E.) Catalogue of his curious Library (containing rare English Poetry, old Plays, early printed Books, &c.) uncut, 1798 — Eawlinson (E.) Catalogus Librorum, Lond. 1756 8i'o. 3 vol. 4366 Madrisio (N.) Poesie Toscane con un Saggio aucor di Latine, vellum, 12mo. Padova, 1713 — Manfredi (E.) Eime con Vita e con alcune sue Prose, portrait, nncut, 8t"o. Bologna, 1760 — Maggi (C. M.) la 480 THE MISCELLANEOUS POETION OP Scelta di alcune Eime sacre e morali, uncut, Svo. Pisa, 1793 — Pananti (F.) il Poeta di Teati^o, Eomanzo Poetico in sesta Eima, Jmlf calf, Svo. Londra, 1S08 — Torti (G.) Scetticismo e Eeligione, Poemetto, Svo. Milano, 1836 — Cabianca (J.) Torquato Tasso, Cauti tre, Svo. Milano, 1836 (6) 4367 MafFei (G. C) Scala Naturale overo Pautasia dolcissima iutorno alle Cose occulte e desiderate nella Pilosofia, woodcut portrait scarce, vellum Svo. Venefia, 1563 A very curious -work, unknown to Lalande, treating inter alia of comets, meteors, the motions of lieavenly bodies, and astronomy in general. 4368 Maffei (H.) Ritratto dell' Iluomo nel quale si discorre della Morte, &c. vellum, Trevigi, 1593 — Maifei (S.) Tre Lettere (sopra il primo Volume di Dione, le nuove Scoperte d'Ercolano, e I'lscrizione poco fa scavata nel Piacentino), Verona, 1718 — Maffei (Scipione) De' Teatri Antichi, e Moderni, Trattato, tcncuf, an excellent defence of the stage, Verona, 1753 4:to. 3 vol. 4869 Maffei (S.) Notizia de Volgarizzamenti d' Antichi Scrittori Latini, e Greci e Notizia del nuovo Museo d'Iscrizioni in Verona, vellum, Venezia, 1720 — Maffei (S.) della Scieuza chiamata Cavalleresea, libri tres, vellum, Palermo, 1717 — Maffei (S.) Merope e Demodice (di G. E. Recanati) Tragedie, large paper, calf, gilt edges, Londra, 172 1 — Maffei (S.) Merope, Tragedia, Firenze, 1782 Svo. 4 vol. 4370 Maffei (S.) Jstoria diploraatica che serve d'introduzione all' arte Critica in tal materia; con Raccolta de' Documenti (del quinto, sesto e set- titno sccolo) non ancor divulgati, che rimangono in Papiro Egizio, plates, vellum 4:to. llantova, 1727 4371 Maffei (S.) Osservazioni Letterarie che possono servir di continuazione al Giornal de" Letterati d'ltalia, Q \o\. 2>lates and facsimile of ancient manuscripts, half vellum, uncut Vlmo. Verona, 1787-40 4372 Mapfei. Componimenti Poetici et Descrizioue del Catafalco per le Esequie del Marchese Scipione Maffei, with a large plate 4to. BomcE, 1682-92 A scarce and important work, making mention of numerous scientific works, then in manuscript, but now lost. See, for instance, Eschinardi, Cesi, &c. 4446 Mandosii (Prosp.) Theatrum in quo maximorum Christiani Orbis Pontificum Archiatros speetandos exhibet, Bomce, 1784 — Marini (Gaetano) Degli Archiatri Pontificii nel quale sono i supplimenti e le correzioni all' opera del Mandosio, e I'Appeudice de' Monumenti e gl' Indici a tutta I'opera, 2 vol. Boma, 17S4, 3 vol. lABGE PAPER, boards, uncut royal 4:to. An important work for the scientific history of Italy. See also Manni in the present Catalogue. THE LIBEI LTBEART. 487 4447 Manente (C.) Historie nelle quali si raccontano i Fatti success! dal 970 al 1400 4^0, Vinegia, 1561 Very scarce — a continuation was published in 1567. 4448 Manenti (F.) Deliberationi Astronomiche perpetue nel trovar con vero Modo li Giorni critici, &c. volvelles, unknoivn to Lalande, scarce 4:fo. Mantova, 1643 4449 Maufredius (Gr.) De Constructione ^quationum DifFerentialium primi Gradus, ivith the autograjph of C. Sutton, the Mathematician half calf 4ito. Botwnice, 1707 A work wliich, written by the author when only twenty-four years of age, is celebrated in the history of the integi-al calculus. 4450 Manfredi (E.) Eime con Vita ed alcuui lugubri Componimenti in Occasione della sua Morte, j^ortrait, calf, 8vo. Bologna, 1748 — Frugoni Canzonette Anacreontiche e Sonetti, 12mo. Pavia, 1794 — Parini (G.) Poesie, calf, Syo. Venezia, 1803 — Pindemonte (I.) Sermoni, uncut, royal 8vo. Veroiia, 1819 (4) 4451 Mangili (G.) Elogio di Lorenzo Masclieroni 8vo. Milano, 1812 Although restrained by the French Italic Censiire, at that time supreme, the author states that the celebrated mathematician Mascheroni died from stai'vation in Paris. 4452 Mangili (G.) Dei Mammiferi soggetti a periodico Letargo, Memoria V very interesting 8>vo. JPavia, 1818 4453 Mangione (H.) Utile Instructioni et Documenti per qualsevoglia Persona ha da eliger Officiali circa il Eegimento de Populi, &c. u'oodcuts, rare, vellum Na^oli, per S. Mayr, 1517 This fu-st edition was totally unknown to Toppi. It contains the Sonnet of Instruction for governing. 4454 Maniaco (Lionardo da) Prima Parte delle Historie del suo Tempo fine copy, large paper, uncut 4to. Bergamo, 1597 Containing much information respecting English and French history. 4455 IManilii (M.) Astronomicon a J. Scaligero repurgatum cum ejusdem notis, vellum 4ito. Lugd. Batav. 1599 With the autograph signature and emendation of Casper Gevartius, who as appears from a long inscription in his handwriting, presented this copy to Father W. Hese, of the Society of Jesus. 4456 Manilii Astronomicon a Jos. Scaligero ex vetusto codice Gemblacensi infiuitis mendis repurgatum cum ejusdem Xotis et castigationibus (an important edition for the history of sciences, on account of Scaliger^s annotations, calf) Lugd. Bat. 1600 — Censorinus di Die Xatali, cum Fragmento Incerti Scriptoris, Henr. Lindenbrogius recensuit et Notis illustravit, cuts, vellum, Lugd. Bat. 1642 — Martellii (Hugo- lini, Episcopi Glaudatensis) De expedita disceudi ratione ad Ausonii Carmen de Demosthene commentatio, a very scarce commentary, Florentice, apud Barth. Sermartellium, 1591 8vo. (3) 4457 Manliis de Boscho (J. J. de) super Descriptiones Antidotarii et Practicse D. Joanuis Mesuse et aliorum illustrium Medicorum cla- rissima Interpretatio dicta Luminare Majus. Accedit Libellus intulatus Lumen Apothecariorum editus a Quirico de Augustis de Terthona, in the original oak hoards folio. Venetiis, 1520 4458 Manni (D. M.) De Florentinis Inveutis Commentarium uncut 4ito. Ferraris, 1731 Important for the History of Sciences. 4459 Manni (D. M.) Degli Occhiali da Naso inventati da Salvino Armati Trattato Istorico, uncut 4:to. Firenze, 1738 A most interestmg Dissertation on the Invention of Spectacles, and important for the History of Science. 488 THE MISCELLANEOUS POBTION OE 4460 Manni (D. M.) Osservazioni istoeiche sopra i Sigilli antichi de' Secoli Bassi, yO vol, bound in 8, numerous cuts of seals VERT RARE, uncut 4:to. Fircnze, 1739-86 A most important work for the History of Italy during the Middle Ages. To the Genealogist and Antiquarian it is almost invaluable, but of the greatest rarity to find complete. 4461 Manni (D. M.) Notizie Istoricbe intorno al Parlagio ouvero Aufi- teatro di Firenze, ivith plate, Bologna, 1746 — Descriptio Numis- raatis Hieronymi Equitis Odam ex Museo Victorio prolati, with plate, Momce, 1742, vellum 4:to. in one vol. 4462 Manni (D. M.). Novella autica del Grasso Legnaiuolo scritta in pura Toscana Eavella ed ora ritrovata vera Historia da D. M. Manni e da esso illustrata e coll' A into di buoui Testi emendata, a rare Testo di Lingua (see Poggiali and Gamba) Firenze, 1744 - — Degli Occhiali da Naso inventati da S. Armati Trattato istorico, ivi, 1738— Memorie della Eioreutina famosa Accademia degli Al- terati, ivi, 1748 — II Maggio e le oscene Eeste di Eomani Eagiona- mento istorico di Tubalco Panicliio Pastore Arcade (i e. D. M. Manni) scarce and curious, ivi, 1740, vellum 4ifo. in one vol. 4463 Manni (M.) il Maggio (e sulle oscene feste de Eomani) ragionamento istorico di Tubalco Panicbio Pastore Arcade 4ifo. Firenze, 1746 4464 Manni (D. M.) Istoria degli Anni Santi fino al MDCCL, conaggiunte notabili del medesimo di Memorie, d' Inscrizioni, e di Medaglie, loood- cuts of medals 4>to. Firenze, 1750 This History of Jubilees is the fullest we have on the subject, and is replete with interesting information and ancient documents. 4465 Manni (D. M.) Metodo per istudiare con Brevita e profittevolmente le Storie di Firenze Swo. Firenze, 1755 An interesting and ahnost unknown bibliographical work, in which numerous ancient manuscripts are described. 4466 Manni (M.) Lezione sopra 1' cmeudare alcuni Luoghi delle Vita di S. Eilippo Neri 4>to. ivi. 1760 4467 Manni (D. M.) Delia prima Promulgazione de' Libri in Firenze 4'usceipts. Boutourlin (Comte D.) Catalogue de sa Bibliotheque 8ro. IPlo-rence, 1831 Of this Catalogue (of rare and curious books and 244 manuscripts) only 200 copies were printed. 4494 Ma:nusceipts. Bruce (James, African Traveller^ Catalogue of his Collection of Manuscripts concerning Oriental Literature 4^. London, 1842 All interesting catalogue of manuscripts, chiefly respecting the ^thiopic and Coptic literature (one on pap}TTis), and containing numerous extracts. 4495 ]VIa>'USCEipts. Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Cottonian Li- brary deposited in the British Museum (by J. Planta) uncut folio. 1802 4496 MA^'^scBIPTS. Catalogue of the Harleian Manuscripts in the British Museum, 3 vol. folio. 1808 4497 Maxusceipts. Catalogue of an extraordinary Collection (consigned from Holland) of unpublished Manuscript Historical Documents and Autographs of Descartes, Salmasius, Huyghens, &c. 1825 — Talleyrand, Catalogue of a Splendid Library, (ancient books and MSS. upon vellum) consigned from the Continent, 1816 — Biblio- thecaB Fagelianje Part 2 Svo. in one vol. 4498 Maxusceipts. Catalogue of Manuscripts of the Abbate Canonici, 1836, scarce — Library of W. Godwin, 1836 — Latiu, Spanish, Ita- lian, and French Books and Manuscripts, 1836 — Library of AVilliam Lord Stowell, 1836 — Arabic, Persian, Hindostanee, Bengalee, San- scrit, and other Oriental Books, 1836 — Ancient Mathematical Books, and others, sold hy Sothehy and Son, in one vol. boards 8vo. 4499 Maxttscetpts. Catalogue of the Bruce Collection of Oriental Manu- scripts, the greater part purchased in Turkey in 1811 and 1812, privately printed 4ito. 1840 \* This collection is now in the Bodleian Library at Oxford. It contains several early works on arithmetic and algebra written in Arabic, in Persian and in Sanscrit. 4500 Manusceipts. Catalogue des Livres Eares et Curieux (including important early MSS. ancient books upon vellum, Groliers, etc.) de Jean Neaulme, 6 vol. iti I, calf Sfo. La Haye, 1765 The printed prices are curious, e. g. " Chroniques de France," 2^^nt€d upon vellum, by Verard (two folio vols, in red morocco), 190 florins. Mons- trelet, by Verard, 3 vols. Grolier's copy, 36 florins. Roman de la Rose, u^on vellum, u-ith 34 illuminations. King Charles IXth's copy, with his arms on the binding, 100 florins, etc. etc. 4501 Maxusceipts. Catalogue des Livres, Manuscrits et Imprimes, de De Milly, icith the prices, calf gilt Svo. Paris, 1799 Curious prices, A MS. upon vellum of the Roman de la Rose and the Matheolus, 10 francs. The Esplandian, and the Lisvarte (Burgos and 492 THE MISCELLANEOUS POETION OF Sevilla, 1525-1526), 3 folio volumes, 3 francs. The Baudoin Comte de Flandres, Paris, 1498, 4 francs, etc. 4502 Manusckipts. Catalogue des Livres, rares et curieux, Manuscrita et Imprimes, d'Estarnpes, Tableaux, Medailles, &c. de feu le Ciloyen D. Milly, THICK PAPEE, calf gilt edges ^vo. Paris, 1799 4503 Manuscripts. Catalogue des Livres (rares et anciens nianuscrits) provenant du Ponds d'Ancienne librairie du Citoyen J. G. Merigot, prices in MS. calf. Curious prices. A collection of 70 folio volumes of ancient autograph letters of kings, queens, princes, etc. etc. of the XV and XVlih Centuries, sold for 510 francs ^vo. Paris, 1^00 4504 Manuscripts. Catalogue de la riche Bibliotheque de Eosny LARGE PAPER royal 8fO. Paris, 1837 Containing the description of 86 Manuscripts, formerly belonging to Pithou, most of them being from the Vlth to the Xlth Century, as is shown by the facsimiles appended. 4505 Manuscripts. Catalogue des Livres rares et precieux, imprimes et manuscrits, de M. Ch. G. Giraud, with printed list of prices uncut ^vo. Paris, 1855 One of the most splendid libraries of rare printed books and manuscripts, with ancient historical bindings, ever collected. 4506 Manuscripts. Catalogue de Livres rares et precieux coraposant la Bibliotheque du feu M. I'Abbe Jean Baptiste Chevalier de Bearzi 8^0. Paris, 1855 Remarkable for the numerous rare books and ancient manuscripts contained therein, amongst which are several scarce works on the Abbaco and ancient mathematics. 4507 Manuscripts. Catalogus Bibliothecse Savrsezianse (important manu- scripts), ^rjcet? llrno. Hagce Comitum, 1715 Mr. Heber's copy, with the following note in his autograph : " N.B. Very curious and well-chosen library, apparently in splendid bindings. Cat. well drawn up, rather too much puffing of rarities, but not ignorantly done." 4508 Manuscripts. Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliolbeca Collegii Corporis Christi in Cantabrigia quos legavit M. Parkerus Archiepiscopus Cantuariensis, calf folio. Lond. 1722 4509 Manuscripts. Catalogus Manuscriptorum Codicum Collegii Claro- ^ montani et Bibliothecae Domus Professse Parisiensis, 2 vol. in 1 uncut 8vo. Parisiis in Palatio, 1764 A very important and scarce catalogue, containing the description of several hundi-ed manuscripts, Oriental (50), Greek (341), Latin (349), French (91), etc. etc. most of them of the VII, VIII, IX, X, and XI Centuries. 4510 Manuscripts. Catalogus Manuscriptorum Arabicorum in Bibliotheca Gothana et de Nummis Orientalibus, 2 parts i^i 1, plate of coins uncut 4ito. Gothce, 1826 4511 Manuscripts. Catalogus Codicum Manuscriptorum Orientalium qui in Museo Britannico asservantur. Pars I. et 11. cum Continuatione ^ parts, facsimiles folio. 1838-1852 Part I contains Codices Syriaci et Carshunici described by F. Rosen ; and Part II Codices Arabici by the Rev. W. Cureton. A very important work, containing numerous extracts from unpublished manuscripts. The Continuatio, which in some portions was compiled by Dr. Rily, contains the description of numerous and important unpublished Arabic works on arithmetic and algebra. 4512 Manuscripts. Cochran (J.) Catalogue of Manuscripts, no plates 8vo. 1829 An interesting catalogue, ably compiled by the late Mr. Holmes, of the British Museum. THE LIBEI LIBEART. 493 4513 Manuscripts. Codices Manuscript! et Impressi cum Notis manu- scriptis, olim D'Orvilliani, qui in Bibliotheca Bodleiana apud Ox- onienses adservantur 4^o. Oxonii, 1806 4514 IVIanuscripts. Cypriani (E. S.) Catalogus Codicum Manuscriptorum (Sa?culi IX, etc.) Bibliotheca? Gothauaj. Acceduut C. Schlegelii de Codice Willigisano Epistola et Clarorum Virorum Epistolae exyii e Bibl. Goth, autographis cum Pr?efatione E. S. Cypriani, Lipsiae, 1714, — Thurmanni (C) Bibliotheca Academica de Eebus et Juribus, ih. 1700, calf 4:to. in one vol. Among the Gotha letters will be found a long one from Henry VIII to the Dukes of Gotha, several from T. Beza to Piscator, several of the Scotch John Jonston, &c. &c. 4515 Manuscripts. Halliwell (J. O.) Brief Account of Theological Manuscripts in the Library of J. O. Halliwell 4to. Venetia, 1641 — Mascardi (A.) Discorsi morali su la Tavola di Cebete Tebano, Mo. ib. 1642 — Mascardi (A.) La Congiura del Conte Gio. Luigi de Fiesclii, with an engraved title-page hy Sianchi, Svo. Milano, 1629 (3) 4621 Mascheroni (L.) Geometrie du Compas. Ouvrage traduit de I'ltalien par A. M. Qareite, plates a celebrated worh Svo. Paris, 1798 4622 Mascou (J. J.) Einleitung zu den Geschichten dcs Eomisch-Teutschen Eeichs, ivith MS. annotations, interleaved vellum 4ito. Leipzig, 1747 An interesting work, containing an extensive bibliography of woi'ks on the Roman-Germanic laws. 4623 Masenii (J.) Anima Historige hujus Temporis in juncto Caroli V et Eerdinandi I Fratrum Tmperio representata, frontispiece containing portraits of both Emperors by M. Kilsel fine copy in old red morocco, gilt edges, the sides and bacTc covered with rich gold tooling Mo. Colon. Agripp. 1684 Containing an account of the discovery of Brazils by Amerigo Vespuccio, and much interesting information respecting Henry VIII, Anne Boleyn, Edward VI, Queens Mary and Elizabeth, Cardinal Pole, the Reformation, &c. &c. 4624 Masini (A.) Bologna perlustrata, 3 vol. in 1, frontispiece Mo. Bologna, 1666 The first part contains a Calendar of the Saints arranged under months. The work is important as giving accounts of Bolognese Art, the Lives of Cardinals, Archbishops, and Bishoi^s, the political events, &c. 4625 Maskelyne (N.) on Harrison's Watch, London, 17(57— Maskelyne on Latitude and Longitude (^presentation copy), ib. 1787— Maskelyne on Halley's Comet, ib. 1786 — Maskelyne, Astronomical Observa- tions at Earbadoes, ih. 1765— Maskelyne, Transit of Venus, ib. 1769 — Maskelyne, Equation of Time, ih. 1765 — Maskelyne, Instructions on the Transit of Venus, ib. 1768 — Vie de Maskelyne, Londres, 1813 Mo. (8) THE LIBRI LIBEART. 605 4626 Maskelyne (N".) Tables for computing the apparent places of the Pixt Stars and reducing Observations of the Planets, 1774 — Boydell (J.) Merchant Freighter's Assistant, 1764 folio, together 2 vol. 4627 Maskelyne (N.) on the Micrometer, London, 1778 — Maskelyne on Harrison's Watch, ih. 1767 — Yie de Maskelyne, ih. 1767 — Maske- lyne on the Comet of 1532 and 1661, ih. 1786— Pond (J.) on the fixed Stars, ih. 1806 — Ferguson (J.) on the Parrallax of Venus, ih. 1761 Uo. (6) 4628 Mason (Rev. R.) The Indulgent Father, or Reclaimed Prodigal, with six Sermons,_^/ie copy in old English red morocco, gilt edges, tJie sides completely covered ivith elahorate gold tooling 8yo. printed in the year 1742 Printed for subscribers only. This was probably the Dedication copy to Sir Watkin Williams W}Tm, Bart. 4629 Massoni (Papirii) Libri sex de Episcopis TJrbis, qui Romanam Eccle- siam rexerunt, Rebusque gestis eorum 4z'o. Parisiis, 1586 On back and on each side of binding is the Device of a Tree springing from a flame, surmounted by a star, and having on obverse the motto, " Ardet nee uritur," and on reverse, " At semper idem." 4680 Massucci (N.) La Costanza Tragedia, col Yelettaio Commedia del me- desimo, Fiorenza, Giunti, 1585 — GelU (G. B.) La Sporta, Comedia, rare, ih. 1566 — Alamanni (L.) Epigrammi con alcuni Epitafi, et alcuni compositioni del S. Batista suo F. che fu poi Vesc. di Macone, Parigi, 1587 Svo. in one vol. This edition of Alamanni's Epigi'ams, of which species of poetry he was sup- posed to be the Italian inventor, is so rare that Mazzuchelli, and other Italian bibliogi'aphers, were ignorant of its existence. The Rime of the Bishop of Macone, his son, consist of a Poem in ottave and 13 Sonnets, although Mazzuchelli positively asserts that only three addressed to Varchi were ever published. 4631 Mastrella (M.) Notice sur la Vie et les Ouvrages de Charles Botta 8yo. Paris, 1837 4632 Matagonis de Matagonibus (i. e. Franc. Hottomanni) Monitoriale ad versus Italo-Galliam sive Anti-Franco- Galliam Antonii Matha- relli, s. I. 1575 — Strigilis Papirii Massoni sive Remediale charitati- vum contra rabiosam Frenesim P. Massoni Jesuitse excucuUati per Matagonidem de Matagonibus, s. I. 15T5 scarce, calf Svo. iti one vol. 4633 Mathematical Bibliogeapht. Catalogue des Livres (de Mathe- matiques) de M. Labey, ^vo. Paris, 1839 — Catalogue des Livres de Mathematiques, et d'Astronomie de feu M. * * * 8yo, Paris, 1841 Very important Collections. 4634 Mathematical Bibliography. Catalogues of the Mathematical and Astronomical Libraries of And. Mackay, Nevil Maskeline and John Farquhar, sold by Leigh and Sotheby, 1810-27 — Folkes (Martia President of the Royal Society) Catalogue of his Valuable Library, large paper, uncut, Lond. 1756 Svo. 2 vol. 4635 Mathematical BiBLiOGRAPHr. Catalogues of Astronomical and Mathematical Libraries, Instruments, &c. of W. Wales, T. Sheldon, A. Aubert, M. Bree, A. Mackay, N. Maskelyne, T. Cavallo, W. Walker, J. Farquhar, and F. Baily, sold by Leigh and Sotheby, Phillips, &c. some loith prices and names, Svo. 1799-1845 (12) 4636 Mathematical Bibliogeapht. Catalogues, viz. W. Wales, 1799 — W. Larkins, 1800 — James Fergusson — R. G^ovdion, priced, 1802 — 606 THE MISCELLANEOUS POETION OP Jones, 1803— Browne, 1803— J. Bagnall, Esq. 1804— A. Aubert, 1806 — T. Hawys, 1807; and 5 others, partly priced 8yo. in one vol. Scarce Catalogues, almost entirely composed of mathematical books. 4637 Mathematical Bibliogbapht. Miilier (J. W.) Eepertorium der Mathematiscben Literatur in Alpbabetiscber Orduung 8vo. Augsburrj, (circa) 1820 4638 Mathematical Bibliogeaphy. Miilier (J. W.) Auserlesene Matbe- matiscbe Bibliotbek 8vo. Niirnherg, 1820 4639 Mathematical Bibliogeapht. Eogg (J.) Handbucb der Matbe- matiscben Literatur vom Anfange der Bucbdruckerkunst bis zutn Scblusse des Jabrs 1830, Erste Ahtheilung 8vo. Tubingen, 1830 4640 Mathematical Insteuments. Mountaine (W.) on Gunter's Scale, London, 1778 — Use of Matbematical Instruments, 1766, MS. — Robertson (J.) on Matbematical Instruments, Loud. 1747 — Eams- den (J.) on Matbematical Instruments, plates, ih. 1777 — On tbe Sector, ih. 1746 8yo. (5) 4641 Mathematical Iksteuments. Sarrus (P.) Description d'un Astro- labe construit a Maroc en I'An 1208, 6 pZ^fe* 4>to. Strasbourg, 1852 4642 Mathematical Instruments. — Webster (W.) on a Case of Pocket- Instruments, London, 1768 — Mountaine (W.) on Gunter's Scale, ib. 1778— Mackay (A.) on tbe Sliding Rule, ih. 1799 (2 cojnes)— Mereditb (N.) Cases of Matbematical Instruments, ib. — Hensball (J.) on tbe Slide Eule, Manchester, 1835 (3 copies) 8vo. (8) 4643 Mathematical Miscellanies. Atkinson (H.) New Metbod of extracting tbe Boots of Equations a curious paper 4:to. Newcastle, 1831 4644 Mathematical Miscellanies. Barrow (I.) Matbematical Lectures, portrait and plates, London, 1734 — Bezout, Cours de Matbematiques, plates, 6 vol. (and duplicates of vol. 3, 4), 1798-1800 — Hymers (J.) Integral Calculus, Part I. Cambridge, 1831 — Bland (M.) Algebraical Problems, lialfrussia, 1841 — Mazzani (T.) Elementi di Matematica, Boma, 1845 — Corridi (P.) I'Aritmetica libri tre, Firenze, 1846 8vo. 13 vol. 4645 Mathematical Miscellanies. (Euvres Matbematiques du Citoyen Carnot, Membre du Directoire executif de la Bepublique Pran9aise et de r Institut National, ancien Capitaine du Corps Eoyal du Genie uncut, scarce Svo. Basle, 1797 4646 Mathematical Miscellanies. Cowley (J. L.) on Solid Geometry, London, 1787 — Cowley, Appendix to Euclid, ib. — Wilson (G.) on Algebraic Equations {presentation copy) ib. 1799 — Eamsden (J.) Matbematical Instruments, plates, ib. 1777 — Wallace (W.) Some Geometrical Porisms {presentation copy) JEdinb. 1796 — Defaure (J.) Le Cercle Primitif, Geneve, 1766 4ito. (6) 4647 Mathematical Miscellanies. Digges (L.) Tectonicon ; or tbe Art of Measuring Land, &c. blacfe letter, loants titlepage, London, 1634 — Pale (T.) Horologiograpbia ; tbe Art of Dialling, numerous diagrams, blacfe letter, vellum,, unknoivn to Lalande and scarce, hut wanting V 4 {the last page of Tables), sold therefore with all faults, 1652 — Dou (J. P.) Tractaet vant Maken ende Gbebruyken eens nieu gbeordonneerden Matbematiscben Instruments, tvith the folding plate and diagrams, Leyden, 1612 — Anderson (E.) on tbe genuine Use and Eftects of tbe Gunne, witb Tables of Projection, &c. by T. Streete, plate, London, 1674 4^o. 4 vol. THE LIBEI LIBEAEY. 507 4648 Mathematical Miscellanies. Dodson (J.) Calculator, being Tables for Computation, half hound, folio, 1747 — Emerson (W.) Method of Increments, 4/o. 1763 — Hales (Gr.) Analysis Fluxionum, uncut, 4:to. Lond. 1800 — Graves (I. T.) on a Eectification of tbe inaccuracy of some Logarithmic Formulae, 'presentation copy, 4'ics. Bessoni (J.) Theatrum Tnstrumentorum et Machmarum cum F. Beroaldi Figurarum Declaratione demonstrativa et Addi- tionibus per Julium Paschalem, numerous large plates of neio Inven- tions, including Turning-Lathes, Spring Carriages, Fire-Engines, 3Iills, Musical Instruments (unknown to Fetis), Ploughs, Levers, Wells, Hydraulic Engines, Cloth-Press, Sfc. ^c. fine copy in vellum folio. Lngduni, 1582 This edition was unknown to Cicognara. 514 THE MISCELLANEOUS POETION OF 4704 Mechakics. Braraala (J.) on Locks, London — SympsoQ (A.) on Wool, ib. 1741 — Higgius (AV".) on Bleaching, DuHin, 1799 — Savigny (J.) on the Razor, London — Hints upon Hats, ih. 1803 — Parker (T. N.) on Grates and Wickets, ih. 1801 — Jackson (H.) on Isinglass, ih. 1765 St'o. (7) 4705 Mechakics. Bridges. Hutton (C.) Principles of Bridges, Lond. 1801 — Langley (B.) Design for the Bridge at Westminster, ^:>/rt/e*, ih. 1736 — Rion (S.) on Stone-Bi'idges, plates, ih. 1760 — Le Tare, Descrip- tion des Fermes, ih. 1781 — Andrea?, Wooden Bridge at SchafFliausen, ih. 1799— Tappen (Gr.) & J. Narrien, on Groined Arches, ih. 1808 Svo. ^ Uo. (6) 4706 Mechanics. Cotes (R.) Hydrostatical and Pneumatical Lectures, ih. 1775, two cojjies — Hales Statical Essays, 2 vol. calf, London, 1769 — Poisson (S. D.) Traite de Mecanique, 2 vol. imperfect, Paris, 1833 — Lloyd's (B.) Elementary Treatise of Mechanical Philosoj^hy, vol. I. calf gilt, 8i7o. Duhlin, 1828— Gregory (O.) Treatise of Me- chanics, 2 vol. London, 1826 8vo. 9 vol. 4707 Mechanics. Fenwick (T.) Practical Mechanics, Newcastle, 1801 — Robison (J.) Mechanical Philosophy, Edinhurgh, 1781 — Imison (J.) Mechanical Powers, London — Mechanics, Optics, &c. plates, with MS. Additions — Perrault (C.) Reeueil de plusieurs Machines, 5c«rce, Leide, 1720 _ Svo. Sf 4:to. (5) 4708 Mechanics. Gilbert (D.) On the Mathematical Theory of Suspension Bridges, 1826 — Smeaton (J.) Recherches experimentales sur I'Eau et le Vent, traduit, et precede d'une Introduction par P. S. Girard, plates, uncut, Paris, 1810 — Emerson (W.) Principles of Mechanics, plates, London, 1794 — Langsdorf (C. C.) iiber die Gesetze des Stosses vorziiglich du Belier hydraulique, ^:)/«fes, Berlin, 1810 Mo. 4 vol. 4709 Mechanics. Guidi TJbaldi e Marchionibus Montis de Cochlea Libri IV. numerous diagrams, scarce folio. Venetiis, 1615 For other works of this aixthor, see Del Monte. 4710 Mechanics. Heronis Alexandrini Spiritalium Liber a F. Comman- diuo ex Gra;co nuper in Latinum conversus, numerous cuts 4tto. UrUni, 1575 4711 Mechanics. Memmo (F.) Vita e Macchine di Bartolommeo Ferra- cino, celebre Bassanese Ingegnere colla Storia del Ponte di Bassano dal medesimo rifabbricato, ^;o;-^r«/i; «;u/ j^Zfcies 4^0. Venezia, 1754 Ferracino, a poor peasant, born in the year 1G92, near Bassano, became the most celebrated engineer of his time. When only 10 years of age, being employed by his brother to work a hand-saw, be mvented an ingenious engine to execute the same labour by means of the wind only. This life contains curious early documents, some in the local dialect. 4i1V2i Mechanics. Piccolomini (A. Arcivescovo di Patras) Parafrasi sopra le Mechaniche d' Aristotile, tradotta da O. Vannocci Biringucci, cuts, vellum, Roma, 1582 — Poletti (G.) Nuovo Metodo per misurare la Velocita delle Acque, &c. presentation copy, with autli07'''s auto- graph inscription, Modena, 1824 — Arcari (G.) Ricerche intoruo aU' Applicazione delle Machine locomotive ai Piaui inclinati deUe Strade di Ferro, plate, three copies, Venezia, 1841 4't Legee (B.) Observations sur I'Asie et I'Amerique, MS. the latter ]) or tion in the autograph of this celebrated hihliographer 4:to. S^c. xviii And two legal MSS. (timbres) relating to the Ancien Eveque de Blois, the celebrated Gregoire 4794 Meeciees, Gteossiees, Jottailliees. Extraict des Eegistres de la Cour des Monnoyes, 1660 — Ordonuances du Eoy Louis XIII, ser- vant de Statut aux Marchands Merciers, Grossiers, Jouailliers de Paris, 1613, 1645 — Extrait des Eegistres du ConseLl d'Estat, sur les Contestations entre les Corps des jMarchands Drapiers & celuy des Marchands Merciers de Paris, 1674 — Arrest du Grand Conseil du Eoy rendu en faveur des Maistres Espingliers de Paris, 1684 — Sentence de Police pour les Maitres & Marchands Tissutiers-Euban- niers-Erangers, Ouvriers en Draps d'Or, d' Argent et Soye a Paris, Contre les Ouvriers & Ouvrieres de ladite Profession, 1740 — Arrest de la Cour de Parlement entre les Merciers & les Menuisiers- Ebeuistes, 1749 4ito. Seven interesting pieces. At that period it was necessary to institute legal proceedmgs, in order to enable " Passementiers et boutonniers d'achepter des Marchands Orfevi-es I'Or et I'Ai-gent dont ils avoient besoin." 4795 Mercurialis (H.) Nomothelasmus seu Eatio lactandi Infantes, Svo. 1778 Reprint of the extremely rare edition of 1552 by G. Forabosco. 4796 Mercurio Trimegisto, Pimandro, tradotto da T. Benci, 'Firenze, L. Torrentino, 1548 — Eacetie et Motti arguti di alcuni eccellentissimi Ingegni, et Xobilissimi Signori, da Lodovico Domenichi, ivi, 1548 — La Sporta di G. B. Gelli, Commedia, loith tcoodcut portrait, very scarce, ivi, 1548 fine large copies, apparently on finer paper than ustial, in the original stamped pigskin Sro. in one vol. The Collection of " Facetie " is the fii-st edition, and contams many passages suppressed in the subsequent. Gamba describes it as "molto raro." The Sporta of Gelli is in reality thought to have been the production of Machia- velli, and that after the MS. falling into Gelli's hands he had added a few things and appropriated it to himself. This edition is mentioned by Gamba as " elegante e rara." 524 THE MISCELLANEOUS POETION OF 4797 Merigot (J. J.) Catalogue de ses Livres, with the prices in MS. calf ^vo. Paris, 1800 A veiy important catalogue. In lot 3235 are described seventy volumes of autograph letters of ancient kings, queens, and princes, &c. of the royal family of France, which produced only 570 francs (less than 23 pounds). 4798 Merlini Ambrosii, Prophetia Anglicana, cum septem libris explanationum in eandem Prophetiam Alani de Insulis 8yo. Francofurti, 1603 A scarce edition in seven books, at the end of which the volume has " finis libri ultimi." M. Brunet (in article Galfridus) quotes only modern editions of this romance of chivalry in Latin. 4799 Merseburg (Michael, Biscboff zu) Catecbismus oder Cbristlicbe TJn- derweisung zu Mejntz geprediget, spirited woodcuts, Meyntz durch F. Beheni, 1561 — Feri (J.) Auslegung dreyer Hystorien von dreyen Konigen Ezecbia, Nabucbodonosor und Baltbasarn, ih. 1567 tilacfe letter, vellum folio, in one vol. Containing the Bishop of INIerseburg's Sermons on the Creed, Lord's Prayer, Decalogue and seven Sacraments. The good Bishop condemns the prac- tice of painting nude figures in churches, and exclaims, " Jetzt werden die BQder also auszgestrichen, wann es nit in der Kirchen were, so mocht man sprechen, Das wehre ein feine htiren riistung," &c. 4800 Meesenni (F. Marini) Qusestiones celeberrimse in Genesim, cum accurata Textus Explicatione Item Observationes et Emendationes ad F. Georgii Veneti Problemata, 2 vol. in 1, with the Mtisie folio. Lut. Paris. 1623 One of the most extraordinary works ever issued from the press, into which the author has athnitted discussions on almost every subject. The most curi ous of these are those on Astronomy, Mathematics, Music (p. 1G33-1678, with musical notes), his new French Orthography, and his Tirades against Atlieists and Atheism. This work contains a long poem, in French, in hex- meter verse. 4801 Mersenne (M.) L'Impiete des Deistes et des plus subtik Libertins decouverte et refutee par liaisons de Tbeologie et de Philosophie. Avec un Poeme qui renverse le Poeme du Deiste de Point en Point (par N. Girault). Ensemble la Eefutation des Dialogues de Jordan Bruu, &c. Seconde Partie, scarce ^vo. Paris, 1624 4802 Mersenni (Marini) Cogitata Physico-Matbematica, soil. De Mensuris Ponderibus et Nummis. Hydraulica Pneumatica ; Arsque ISTavigandi, Harmonia Theorica, Practica (Music). Mechanica Phaenomena. Universae Geometriae, mixtaeque Mathematicae Synopsis, et bini Eefractionum demonstratarum traetatus. Novae Observationes Physico-Mathematica3 quibus accessit Aristarcbus Samiua de Mundi Systemate. Ballistica et Acontismologia, 3 vol. in 2, with numerous woodcuts ; from Sir George ShuclcburfjV s Library EAEE \to. Paris, 1644-47 An exceedingly interesting collection, which is of a very rare occurrence, and seldom to be found complete. Father Mersenne was m constant corres- pondence with all the most celebrated men of his time, namely, Galileo, Torricelli, Pascal, Descartes, Fermat, Roberval, &c. and in this collection has published, besides his own writings, most imjiortant works and letters of his eminent friends not to be found elsewhere, and including, not only tlieir discoveries, but also their scientific quarrels. In these volumes, so highly important for the history of sciences, there are ancient marginal annotations, very probably in the handwriting of Mersenne himself. THE LIBRI LIBEAPvY. 525 4803 Mersenni (Marini) Tractatus JMechanicus, Theoricus et Practicus, tvith xcoodcnts, vellum 4fo. Paris, 1644 Oue of the scarcest of Mersenne's woi'ks. It gives a measure of the celerity of sound. 4804 Mersexxi (P.M.) Harmonicorum Libri XII, tcith cuts of instrument:!, ^c. and musical notes, having the title-pnje in red and hlacJc (most of the copies are entirely in Mack) very scarce folio. Lut. Faris. G. Baudry, 16-18 Fetis considers this work of Mersenne in Latin very superior to his French one on the same subject, and pronounces it " le plus satisfaisant de ses ouvrages." 4805 Mertens (P. H.) Catalogue Methodique de la Bibliotheque Publique d'Anvers (contenaut un grand Dombre d'anciens ouvrages sur raritbmetique et les matbematiques en general), 2 vol. portrait of Christopher Plantin, and facsimiles, uncut roy.Svo. Anvers, 1843-6 4806 Merulae (G.) Antiquitatis Vicecomitum Libri X, sVujhtly ivormed folio. Mediolani, s. a. sed ante 1500 Tliis history of the Visconti Family is liighly esteemed. 4807 Mesmer (M.) Precis Historique des Paits relatifs au Magnetisme Animal, jusques en Avril 1781, uncut 8io. Londres, 1781 De Prony's copy of this scarce work on Mesmerism. 4808 Mes^ia (Pietro) Vite di tutti gl' Imperadori, da Lodovico Dolce tra- dotte, ampliate ecc. con le Yite di Carlo V, Perdinando II, et Massimiliano, old calf Venet. Giacomo Sansovino, 1569— Siri ( Y.) Bollo nel Mercurio veridieo del S. Dottore Birago, frontispiece, tincut, Modona, 1653 — Giovio, Annotationi nella prima et seconda parte dell' Istorie del Giovio dell' Infortuuio (Carlo Passi) coUa Tavola delle Provincie, Citta, Castella, Popoli, Monti, Mari, Piumi, et Lagbi de' quali il Giovio ha fatto Mentione, Tenetia, 1555— Declamatione tutta Hiperbolica contra una Donna Crudele, very scarce, ivi. 1555, vellum, in one vol. 4to. 3 vol. 4809 Messia (P.) Selva di varia Lettione colle Aggiunte di M. Eoseo e P. Sansovino e con la nuova seconda Selva accresciuta da B. Dionigi da Pano, 6 vol. in 1, numerous curious ivoodcuts calf 4:to. Venetia, 1638 A most curious work full of all sorts of information, some of which we may wonder to discover in an Italian book at this period, as for example, the account of Pope Joan. In it will be found several Xovellette, an account of the Invention of Writing and Printing, witt^- sayings, the Dis- coveiy of America and adjacent Islands, with an account of the Manners and Customs of the Inhabitants, Description of Ethiopia and Prester John, the Origin of the Gipsies, &c. &c. 4810 Mesne (Johannis Heben) Liber de Consolatione Medecinarum simpli- cium solutivarura et alia Opuscula, cum P. Apponi (Petri de Abano) Additione, Fapice per Francischum de Sancto Fetro, 1478 — Incipit Antidotarium Xicolai et quidam alii Tractatus. Liber Servitoris Liber XXYIII Bulcbasim Benaberazerin translatus a Simone Januensi, interprete Abraam Judeo Tortuosiensi. Gentiles de Pulgineo de Pro- portionibus Medicinamm, ttc. ih. 1479 — Scriptum Gentilis de Pulgineo super totum tertium canonis Avi, Impressum Fapie per Damianum de Conphaloneriis de Binascho, s. a. very large copy, hut stained at leginning and end folio, in one vol. This very rare edition was unknown to Hain and Brunet. 4 52G THE MISCELLANEOUS PORTION OP 4811 Mesue, cum additiouibus Francisci de pedemontium. Et additionibus Petri de Apouo. Et cum Commento Dini super CanoB. generales. Et cum Commento Christophori de honestis super antidotarium Mesue. Platearius super autidotarium Nicolai et Saladinus de compo- neudis Medicinis fine copy in the original oak hoards, having four pages of a Theological Manuscript of the Xlth Century as fly-leaves folio. Voietiis, 1491 4812 Mesue, lo Antidotario (colTesto Latino), wants leaf at end, containing the additional Recipes not in Mesue — Siso (Henrici) Horologium Sapieutije et Officium de eterna Sapientia, corner of first leaf torn off, Venetiis, 1492— Sabellicus (A.) de Venetis Magistratibus, ih. 1488 — Albumasaris Tractatus Florum Astrologiae, looodcuts, imperfect — Apiani (P.) Secimda Pars Libri Cosmographise, this portion, con- taining Ameeica, complete with the four leaves of Appendix generally deficient, Landshutae, 1524 ^to. (5) 4813 Mesne, cum expositione Mondini super Canones TJniversales : ac etiam cum expositione Christophori de Honestis in Antidotarium ejusdem. Additiones Petri Apponi (sen de Abano). Additiones Erancisci Pedemontium. Antidotarium Nicolai : cum expositione Platearii. Tractatus quid pro quo. Tractatus de Sinonimis. Libellus Bulcasis sive Servitoris. Compendium Aromatariorum Saladini. Joannes de Sancto Amando super Antidotarium Nicolai half calf folio. Venetiis, 1508 A scarce collection of the translations and original works of the earliest Italian physicians. 4814 Meursii (J.) de Gloria liber unus, cum Auctario Philologico presentation copy to '■'■Jac. Orutey-o," ivith the author's autograph inscrip- tion, vellum 8tJ0. Lugd. Batav. 1601 Bound up in the same volume are : " Petri Martinii Gratulatio ad Senatum Civesque Rupellenses de Academia, printed at RiipellcB {La Rochelle), 1572, scarce " and " M. Porcii Catonis quai extant, cum notis A. Popmse, Lugd. Bat. 1590." 4815 Meuselii (J Gr.) Bibliotheca Historica, cum Indice Auctorum et Rerum, 11 vol. in 22 8yo. Li2}sice, 1782-1804 Indispensable to the Historical Collector. As this copy is damaged in the Index volume (which, however, can be readily obtained separately) it will be sold with all faults. 4816 Mexican Hieroglyphics, on a roll A very cwxiowa facsimile of an extremely scarce original Azteque manuscript. 4817 Mezeray (F. Eudes de Historiographe de France) Sa Vie (avec son Testament, par D. de Larroque) fine copy in " veaufauve small Suo. Amsf. 1726 4818 Mezzofanti (Cardinals G.) Catalogo della sua Libreria, compilato da F. Bonifazi royal 8vo. Roma, 1851 This Catalogue contains the extraordinary Collection of Works on Languages and Dialects amassed by Cardinal Mezzofanti, so renowned as a profound universal linguist. 4819 Meteorology. Bunsen (Eob. Gul.) Euumeratio ac Descriptio Hygrometrorum quje inde a Saussurii temporibus proposita sunt, with plates, half calf gilt 4>to. Gottingce, 1830 4820 Meteokology. Barometers. De Luc's Rule, London, 1774 — Adams (G.) on the Barometer, &c. ib. 1790 — Saul (E.) on the Barometer, ih. 1766 — Account of the Barometer, ih. 1791 — M'Causland (R.) Phenomena of the Barometer, J£dinh. 1788 — Chaugeux Met6oro- grapbie, p)lntes, scarce, Paris, 1781 8vo. (6) THE LIBRI LIBRAEY. 527 4821 METEOBOLOoi'. D'Ortous deMairan (M.) Dissertation sur les Varia- tions du Barometre et Dissertation sur le Glace, 2 vol. in 1, the original editions of these Prize Essays, \2vio. Bordeaux, 1715-16 Dortous de Mairan (M.) Dissertation sur la Glace calf 12mo. Paris, 1749 The Preface respecting Sir Isaac Newton is interesting. In this edition the original Essay is so enlai'ged that it may be considered a dilierent work. Brandes (H.W.) Untersuchungen iiber den mittleren Gang derWarme- ^nderungen durclis gsnize J ahv, plates, half calf 8vo. Leipz. 1820 Dove (H. W.) Meteorologische Untersucliungen, plates half calf 8yo. Berlin, 1837 (4) 4822 Meteokolo&t. Eoucher (M.) Traite des Hygrometres, ^Za/es calf 12mo. Paris, 1686 4823 METEOROLoaY. Fuster (Docteur) des Changements dans le Climat de la France : Histoire de ses Revolutions Meteorologiquea 8«o. Paris, 1845 A work mteresting for the history of science. 4324 Meteorology. Goubert, des Barometres, Paris, 1781 — Parker (G.) Portable Barometer, London, 1720 — Saul (E.) on tbe Barometer, ih. 1766 — Jones (T.) Mountain Barometer, ib. 1817— Belville (J. H.) Manual of tbe Barometer, ib. 1849 — Adams (G.) on the Barometer, &c. ib. 1790 8yo. (6) 4825 Meteorology. Herrenschneider (J, L. A.) Resume des Observations Meteorologiques faites a Strasbourg depuis 1811 jusqu' a la fin de 1820 et pendant 1828, 2 vol. presentation copy, toith autograph in- scription of author, '^vo. Strasbourg, 1823-29 — Lamarck (J. B.) Annuaire Meteorologique pour 1807, 8vo. Paris, 1807 — Morin (P. E.) Instruction pour faire des Observations Meteorologiques, 8<'o. ib. 1834 — Gautier sur les Obs. Met. faites a Geneve et au Grand Saint-Bernard en 1837-38, presentation copy, 8vo. Geneve, 1839 — Dul'raisse (N.) Projet d'Institution d'Obs. Met. dans le Departement de la Dordogne, presentation copy, loith aiithors auto- graph inscription, 8vo. Perigueux, 1847 — Obs. Met. faites a Nijne- Taguilsk (Monts Oural) en 1843, ray. 8vo. Paris, 1845 (7) 4826 Meteorology. Observations Meteorologiques faites a Nijne-Taguilsk (Monts Oural) Gouvernement de Perm, 1839-1845, 6 parts roy. 8vo. Paris, 1842-1846 4827 Meteorology. Peltier (A.) Meteorologie : Observations et Recher- ches experimentales et historiques et bibliographiques sur les causes qui concourent a la formation de Trombes, plates, Paris, 1840 — Garnier (J. G.) Traite de Meteorologie on Physique du Globe (avec des recherches historiques), Bruxelles, 1837 — Clos (J. A.) Nouvel Aper9U sur la Meteorologie, 8 plates, Paris, 1828 8vo. 3 vol. 4828 Meteorology. Quetelet (A.) Resume des Observations sur la Meteorologie, sur le Magnetisme, sur les temperatures de la terre, sur la floraison des plantes, &c. presentation copy, 4ito. Extrait dio tome XIV des Memoires de V Academie Boyale de Bruxelles, 1841 — Observations des Pheuomenes Periodiques, 5 parts, presentation copies, 4ito. Extraits de V Acadtmie lioyale de Bruxelles, vol. 16 to 20 (6) 4829 Meteorology. Rao (C.) I IMcteori (treating of Comets, Earth- quakes, and other Meteors), vellum, Venetia, 1582 — Zuccolo (Don Vitale) Dialogo delle Cose Meteorologiche, vellum, ib. 1590 4/o. 2 vol. Both works unknown to Lahxnde. 4 a 528 THE MISCELLANEOUS PORTION OF 4830 Meteorology. Wedgwood (J.) on the Thermometer, London, 1784 — Sur la reforme des Thermometres, Tours, 1779 — Goubert, sur les Thermometres, Faris, 1789 — Variations of the Barometer, London, 1794) 4to. and Suo. (4) 4831 Meteobologt. Zalliuger (E. von) Innsbrucker Meteorologische Beobachtuugen von fiiuizig Jahren mit eiuer L^ebersicht derselben 8t'0. LnnshrucTi:, 1833 4832 Michaelis (J. D.) Recueil de Questions proposees a une Societe de Savants qui par ordre de Sa Majeste Danoise font le Voyage de I'Arabie, Jialf calf 4to. Amsterdam, 1774 This volume forms a desirable accompaniment to Niebuhr's Voyage. 4833 Michaud (M.) Histoire des Croisades, avec la Bibliographie des Croisades contenant 1' Analyse de toutes les Chroniques d' Orient et d' Occident qui parlent des Croisades, 7 vol. a classical work uncut 8vo. Paris, 1813-1822 4834 Micheli (P. A.) Catalogus Plantarum Horti Csesarei Elorentini, cum continuatione ab J. Targionio Tozzettio (una cum historia horti botanici Elorentini a ScTbcuIo XVI), ivith plates uncut folio. FlorenticB, 1748 4835 Micheova (M. di) Historia delle due Sarmatie tradotta per A. Maggi 8fo. Vinerjia, Giolito, 1561 A scarce work, containing much information respecting Russia, Tartary, &c. 4836 Microscope. Adams (G-.) Use of the Solar Microscope, London, 1769, 3/;S'.— Lupieri (Gr. M.) Del Microscopio, Vicenza, 1784— Mann and Ayscough, Pocket Microscope, London (two copies) — Nairne, Compound Microscope, ib. — How to use the double reflect- ing Microscope, ib. — Watkins (F.) I'Exercise du Microscope, plates, Londres, 1754 — Universal Microscope, ib. 1786 — Lindsay (Gr.) on a portable Microscope, ib. 1742 — Descriptions of Microscopes by W. Eobertsoii, J. Cufl:', J. Mann, and J. Ayscough, Cary, Nairne, Eraser, Chevalier, C. Lincoln 8i'0. (19) 4837 Midgeley (W.) Bibliotheca Selecta, or Catalogue of a Eare Assemblage of Old English Poetry, History, &c. printed Books and Manuscripts, MS. prices, Lond. 1818 — Catalogue of the Library of the Eev. C. Ubele, 18:13— Sir J. Chichester, 1812, lialfcalf 8i;o. together 3 vol. 4838 MiLANO. Allegranza (G.) Spiegazione e Eiflessioni sopra alcuni Sacri Monumenti Antichi di Milano, |>Z«^es, calf, 4^o. Milano, 1757 4839 Milano. Borrhomaei (S. Caroli, Cardinalis S. Praxedis) Acta Ecclesife Mediolanensis, vellum, scarce folio. Mediolani, 1582 4840 MiLAKO. Capella (Galeacius) de Eebus getis {sic pro gestis) pro Eestitutione Francisci II Mediolanensium Ducis fine copy, vellum 4"0. Decretum super Flumine Abduae reddendo navigabili jNledio- lanum usque cum Testificatione Christianissimi Regis in banc Urbem Liberalitatis et Munificentise (Scriptore C. Pagano), engraved title and plate, very rare Mediolani, 1520 A portion of this rare Tract on rendering tlie Adda navigable is -written in Italian. 4848 MiLATs^o. Distinto Ragguaglio dell' ottava Maraviglia del Mondo il T^uomo dii^lWdino, plans, half calf Svo. Milano, 1739 4849 MiLAXO. Grratiolii (P.) de pr^eclaris Mediolani ^dificiis quae iEuobarbi Cladem antecesserunt Dissertatio cum duplici Appendice de Sculpturis et de Carcere Zebedeo, plates uncut 4:to. Mediolani, 1735 4850 MiLA^fo, ETC. Mazzucbelli (C.) Memorie de' Provvedimenti ordinati dal S. Maestrato della Sanita dello Stato di Milano durante il Cou- tagio nella Provenza, etc. 1720-21, vellum, 4:to. Milano, 1722 — Medio- lanensis Domiuii Constitutiones, imperfect in Index, sold icith all faults, 4:to. JSfovaricB, 1571 — Anaeoringio (Idrenia) Tre Dialoghi sopra la Descrizione della Citta di Milano, frontispiece and folding plate, vellum. Sro. Milano, 1738 — Cantu (C.) sulla Storia Lombarda del Secolo XVII per Commento ai Promessi Sposi, foolscap) Svo. Lugano, 1833 — Jovii (Pauli) Descriptio Larii Lacus, vellum, 4tto. Venetiis, 1559 (5) 4851 MiLA>'0. Merulpe (Gr.) Antiquitatis Yiceeomitum libri X, Mediolani, 1623 — Jovii (P.) Duodecim Yiceeomitum Mediolani Principum Yitds, portraits, ih. 1630, j?«e copies, vellum folio, in o?ie vol. 4852 MiLA^ro. Puccinelli (P.) Zodiaco della Chiesa IMilanese, con Yite di S. Simpliciano (e di Altri Santi) e del S. Senatore Settala, Arci- vescovi di Milano, e IMemorie Antiche ed iscrizioni di Milano, 4 vol. in 1, portraits and coats of arms vellum, very scarce -ifo. Milano, 1650 Only the Memoi-ie seems to have been seen by Coleti, who finds fault -with Hayra and Giandonati for adjoining " malamente la Vita di Simpliciano," thinking they must cite some other edition " o un altro Autore." Neither of them, however, mention the Zodiaco or the Life of Settala. 4853 MILA^'0. Puccinellii (P.) Chronicon Monasterii DD. Petri et Pauli de Grlaxiate Mediolani, 2?or^?•«^Y and cuts of seals, coats of arms, ^'c. uncut 4^* At the commencement of this curious work, unknown to Lalandc, are five pages of commendatory verses, including; two Epigrams (one of 20 and the other of 14 lines) by the Admirable Crichton. 4884 Mingarelli (J. A.) Grseci Codices Manuscripti apud Nanios Patricios Venetos asservati, half russia 4to. Bononice, 1784 A most important collection of BibHcal, Patristic, Liturgical, Ecclesiastical, and Miscellaneous Manuscripts, from the iXth Century downwards, from which Mingarelli has given some interesting Extracts. 4885 Mingarelli (J. A.) -^gyptiorum Codicum Eeliquiae Venetiis in Biblio- theca Naniana asservatfe, 2 vol. uncut 4ito. Bononice, 1785 An important work for the Coptic scholar. THE LIBEI LIBRAEY. 533 4886 Miniatura (Trattato di) per imparare facilmente a dipingere senza Maestro, per fare oro brunito, &c. uncut 12mo. Milano, 1758 4887 Minsheu (I.) Pleasant and Delightfull Dialogues in Spanisli and English, MS. additions folio. 1623 These Dialogue are interlarded with curious old Proverbs, facetious Anecdotes, and witty sayings. 4888 Minuci (Minucio, Arcivescovo di Zara) Historia degli Usochi 4^0. s. I. Sf a. (Venetia, 1602) The Uscochi were a nest of barbarous Pirates infesting the Coast of lUyria, and setting the Venetian Authorities at defiance. 4889 MiNUCCi. Osservazioni e dissertazioni varie sopra il Diritto Eeudale concernenti 1' Istoria, e le Opinioni di Antonio da Pratovecchio (A. Minucci) celebre Giureconsulto del Secolo XV. Si aggiunge un opuscolo inedito di L. Aretino, signature E, a ononh sheet .uncut 4ito. Livorno, 1764 4890 Mirabeau (M.) Abrege du Code de la Nature, very scarce, Londres, 1770 — Systeme de la Xature (discours preliminaires) ih. s. a. 8yo. — Helvetius, De I'Homme, 2 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1786 — Aime Martin (L.) Lettres a Sophie sur la Physique, la Chimie et I'Histoire Na- turelle, 2 vol, 12mo. Paris, 1847 _ (6) 4891 Mirabeau (M.) Catalogue de ses Livres (contenant aussi ceux de Buffon avee ses annotations manuscrites) 8i?o. Paris, 1791 4892 Miraei (Auberti) Elogia lUustrium Belgii Scriptorum (Erasmi, Jans- senii, Agricolae, etc) calf Swo. Antverp, 1602 4893 Mi*scellanea Italica Euridita, collegit Graudentius Eobertus, with cuts,, 4 vol. 4^0. Parma, 1690-2 *;^* Buffon the Naturalist's copy, with his autograph on the title of each volume, dated 1737. This curious collection, amongst other valuable contributions, contains : P. Manucci de Civitate Eomana ; A Mariscoti de Personis et Larvis ; F. Licetus de Qusesitis per Epistolas ; P. ]\Ianu- tius de Legibus ; Aldus Manuccius de Laudibus Vitse llusticse ; P. Manu- tius de Comitiis ; J. Nereii Analecta ; &c. &c. &c. 4894 Miscellanea Italica Physico-Mathematica, collegit Gaudentius Eobertus, with plates, vellum 4:to. Bononice, 1692 %* Buifon's copy, with his autograph, dated 1731, on the title-page. This valuable collection contains : D. Gulielmini Aquarum lluentium Mensura nova Methodo inquisita et Epistolse hydrostaticse ; E. TorriceUi de Sphsera, etc. ; F. de Mezavachis de Terrasmotu ; J. D. Cassiui de Solari- bus Hypotesibus et Refractionibus Epistote et ejusdem Theoria Motus Cometse Anni 1664; M. Campani Nova Experimenta physico-mathe- matica ; and various memoranda respecting Comets, by G. Montanari, Bongiovane, J. D. Cassini, and others. 4895 Miscellanea di Varie Operetta, 8 vol. uncut 12mo. Venezia, 1740-44 A valuable collection of interesting Works, including Dialoghi Poetici deU' Card. G-. Delfino ; U. Puscoli Constantinopolis ; A. Cornazani Carmina nunc priraum edita ; L. Cozzandi de Plagiariis ; J. Sporeni Forumjulium ; P. ^[. Paciaudj intorno a' Principi Ne\rtoniani ; V. Rotae Epistolse ; Notomia degli Occhi, Canzonette Anacreontiche di Megildo Isio (P. Anton M* de Lugo) ; P. Manuzio iunanzi Demostene de Corona ; G. Galilei Lettera a P. Saipi ; Epistolje P. Manutii, Jacobi Cardinahs et P. Sadoleti ; P. M. Cardi Apologia pro J. B. Mezetto ejusque Discipulo J. M. Mo- d&nesio (icith 2}ortrait of the last) ; Constantise Varaneje Pisauri Principis Orationes et Epistolpe ; Capitolo di Erasmo Valvasone ; Bessarionis Cardi- jialis Acta ; degli Italiani che seppero il Greco ; &c. &c. 534 THE MISCELLANEOUS POETION OF 4896 MiscELLAKEOTJS (Astbonomt). Hell (M.) de Satellite Veneris, flate, Viennce, 1765 — Astronomica Opuscula ex Ephemeridibus Mediolanensibus selecta, flates, Mediolani, 1789 — Kelly (P.) Astro- nomical Computations, London, 1812 — Moll (G.) Oratio de Vitanda in Astronomiae Studio fingendi temeritate, et Coeli Observatione quam diligentissime instituenda, Trajecti ad RJienum, 1819 — Casamia (Pietro Gr. P.) Griro Astronomico, loith portrait, autograph of Br. Q. JVott, Faenza, 1822 Svo. (5) 4897 MiscELLAKEOUs. Books on Mathematics, Biography, Poetry, &c. including Works by Manzoni, G-ianni, Tommaseo, Ch. Dupin a large parcel 4898 MissA. Explicit exhortaco de celebracoe misse per modum dyalogi inter pontifieem et sacerdotem Anno LXX3 )'c. VERT RARE, Jine copy in hlue morocco, gilt edges ; from the Hev. W. MashelVs Collection 4ito. Esslingce, C. Fyner, 1473 According to Panzer the first book prhited at Esslingen. Formerly priced £3. 13s. 6d. See fly-leaf. 4899 Missale secundum E-itum Ecclesi^e Augustensis, large ivoodcuts, beautifully printed in semi-gothic letter, ivith the Rubrics in red, and the entire sheet P, including the Service of the Mass, struck off on TELLUM,j^?ie copy in pigskin, loith clasps folio. Aug. Vind. E. Ratdolt, 1491 Van Praet does not mention any copy or portion of this edition on vellum. 4900 Missale E-omanum, cum Missis approbatis, &c. 2 vol. in 1, looodcuts, in the original Vettetian morocco, gilt edges, with clasps, having the sides covered with gold tooling, the Crucifixion forming the centre ornament., with S. V. above and G. C. beloio in gilt letters 8vo. Venetiis, 1610-27 4901 Missirini (M.) degli illustri Italiani e lore Scoperte nelle Scienze, nelle Lettere e nelle Arti Svo. Sienna, 1858 This work, wi'itten in the form of Epitaphs, arranged under subjects, contains much I'econdite information res2>ecting the scientific history of Italy. Those on Napoleon I, Galileo, Columbus, Americo Vespucci, &c. are interesting. 4902 MiTTARELLT ( J.B.) audD. A. Costadoni Annales Camaldulenses Ordinis Sancti Benedicti, 9 vol. p)l(ites, vellum folio. Venetiis, 1755-73 Besides many very mteresting Ecclesiastical Documents (Charters, Bulls, Donations, Letters, &c.) the Appendices contain some curious original works, including a Vetus Sacramentarium ; Excerjita ex variis Sacramen- tariis ; Necrologia varia; Ejnstolica Commercia; B. Hieronymi a Praga Sermones; &c. &c. This capital work begins with the year 907. 4903 Mitternacht (J. S.) de Ominatoribua (Dreamers, Interpreters, Pro- phets, Sorcerers, &c.), scarce 4:to. Jenae, 1754 4903* Mocenici (A.) Bellum Cameracense Svo. Venetiis, 1525 Interestmg also for the French history. 4904 Mizaldi (A.) Planetologia et de Eerum Coeli Osoribus. Accedunt Luciani Querimonia de neglectis Eebus Coeli et J. J. Pontani Dialogus quo docetur quatenus procedant Coeli et Stellarum Agita- tiones, vellum 4fo. Lugduni, 1551 4905 MoDENA. Vedriani (L.) Memorie di Molti Santi Martiri, Coufessori, e Beati Modonesi, e di tutti i Corpi Santi che riposano nelle Chiese di Madona, &c. 45 portraits of saints., martyrs, ^c. {including that of St. Pellegrino, son of the King of Scotland) veUu/m 4'to. Modona, 1663 \* Respecting Modena, &c. see also Tiraboschi, Venturi, &c. in the present Catalogue. THE LIBEI LIBEART. 535 4906 MoDE>'A. Yedriani (L.) Catalogo de Tescovi Modonesi, j^ort raits, half velliMii 4:to. Modona, 1669 Bound up in the same volume is another very rare -work of Vedriani, en- titled " Vite et Elogii de' Cardiuali Modonesi," printed at Modona in 1662. 4907 MoDE>'A E Eeggio. Guasco (Gr.) Storia litteraria di Eeggio con diverse composizioni Latine eToscane, vellum Mo. Seggio, 1711 A scarce volume containing many unpublished pieces, and amongst them several soiietti by Bojardo, " diversi (says Guasco) da quelli che si vedono nelle raccolte." 4908 Modena (Leon, Maii Hehreo da Venetia) Novo Dittionario Hebraico et Italiano, Fadoa, 1640 — Eaccolta delle Yoci Eabiniche non Hebraiche de Caldee usate da Eabini, &c. Venetia, 1610 scarce, vellum 4:to. in one vol. 4909 Moivre (A. de) Miscellanea Analytica de Seriebus et Quadraturis 4ito. Londini, 1730 A celebrated work, ' 4910 Moivre (A. de) The Doctrine of Chances, or a Method of Calculating the Probabilities of Events in Play LARGE PAPEE, scarce, half calf 4ito. 1756 Best edition of this celebrated -^'ork. 4911 Moletii (Josephi) Mathematici, Ephenierides, annis viginti inservientes, ab anno 1564 ad annum 1584, ad meridianum Yenetiarum urbis supputatre in the original pigskin binding, having the figures of Faith, Hope and Charity, the cypher C H, a coat of arms, and other devices stamped on the sides, and on the inside a coat of arms, emhlazoned 4:to. Venet. apud F. Frajic ischium, 1564 4912 Moliere (J. B, Poquelin de) Les precieuses Eidicules Comedie vellum 12m. Amsterdam, 1660 Reprint of the first edition, printed at Paris in the same year, and as rare, if not rarer than the original. 4913 Moliere (J. B. Poquelhi de) ffiuvres, 8 vol, portrait and plates uncut 12mo. Paris, 1753 4914 Molini (Gr.) Documenti (inediti del Secolo XY e XYI) di Storia Italiana copiati su gli Originali autentici e per lo piu Autografi esistenti in Parigi, con Note (di Grino Copponi), e con 1' indice di molti manoscritti relati^-i all' Italia esistente neUe librerie di Parigi, 2 vol. uncut Sro. Firenze, 1836-37 4915 Molynenx (W.) JSciothericura Telescopicum, or a new Contrivance of adapting a Telescope to an Horizontal Dial (with Tables) 4^0. Dublin, 1686 4916 Molza (P. M.) Poesie Yolgari e Latine colla vita dell' autore (vissato nel Secolo XYI) da P. A. Serassi e gli Opuscoli di Tarquiuia Molza, 3 vol. in 2, best editio'n, cloth, gilt edges %vo. Bergamo, 1747-54 4917 Monardo (N.) Trattato della Neve e del Bere Eresco ridotto in Lingua Toscana per G. B. Searampo scarce 4:to. Fiorenza, JB. Sermatelli, 1574 4918 Moneglia (J. A.) de Aquae TJsu Medico in Febribus, cui accedit Celer Excursus in Hippocratem de Decenti Ornatu 4ito. Florentice, 1700 Presentation copy from the Author, with his autogi-aph msci'iption. 4919 MoNETA (E.), La Cortona Convertita o sin la A^irtu trionfante nella Bocca de' JMincbioni, Poema Biu-lesco di M. J. Grillonzucca da Monte Asinario, rare, calf gilt Svo. s. I. et a. Tliis satirical Poem, filled with the most biting ^nt, was made m 1677, on the occasion of the Jesuit Petriccioli performing in Cortona " le Sacre Missioni." 63G THE MISCELLANEOUS POETION OE 4920 Moneti (Fraucesco) TJrania Fatidica, Commedia Nuova, Capriccio Astromanti-Poetico, vellum 8vo. Firenze, 1685 Unknown to Lalande, containing " Lunazioni di tutto I'Anno 1685." 4921 MoDge (M.) Application de I'Analyse a la Geometrie a I'usage de I'Ecole Imperiale Polytechnique, plates half russia 4^to. Paris, 1809 Monge's " G^om^trie descriptive," is universally read ; but this original edition of the present totally different and most important work, is very scarce and little known. 4922 MoKSTER, Nuova, e distinta Relazione del Gran Monstro ritrovato in una Tartana di Corsari di Cipro, curious woodcut at end 4to. Venezia, 1733 This monster was vastly similar to the celebrated Siamese brothers, 4923 Monstrelet (Enguerran de) Chroniques, 3 vol. old calf ^ folio. Paris, chez Pierre T Huillier, 1572 This edition was superintended by the famous Denys Sauvage, and is pro- nounced by Brunet " le plus belle que nous ayons de ces Chroniques." Monstrelet commences precisely where Froissart leaves off, and although his pages are not painted in the delightful style of his predecessor, still there is a quaint charm about his writings that will always attract numerous readers. In spite of Eabelais' reproach of his being " baveux comme un pot a moutarde," the naive pages of Monstrelet must be studied by all who wish to fathom the causes of recorded effects. These Chrouicles are a_ fruitful mine, whence may be dug out an immense quantity of precious historical documents in the shape of harangues, edicts, pleadings, decla- rations of war, treaties, &c. &c. all given entire. 4924 Montaigne (Michel Seigneur de) Livre des Essais divise en deux Parties, 2 vol. in 1 8yo. Lyon, pour Gabriel Lagrange lihraire d'' Avignon, 1593 A scarce edition, containing the most interesting " Apologie pour Raimond Sebond." and also 29 Sonnets by Estienne de la Boetie. At page 609 there is a slight original breakage in the paper. Fine copy. 4925 Montaigne (Michel de) Essais, edition nouvelle prise sur rExemplaire trouve apres le deees de I'Auteur fne copy of a scarce edition in old calf, with tJie arms of L. C. d'Lntragues ^vo. Paris, A. L AngelUcr, 1602 4926 Montaigne (M.) Journal du Voyage en Italia en 1580 et 1581, avec des notes par M. de Queron, 2 vol. portrait 12mo. Pome, 1774 First edition of this curious work, written partly in Italian and partly in French by the celebrated author of the Essais, and more interesting than is generally supjjosed. Prefixed is an interesting biography of Montaigne, with unpublished documents. 4927 Montaigne. Documents inedits ou peu connus sur Montaigne recueillis et publies par J. F. Payen, portrait, and several p)lates of facsimiles, scarce Svo. Paris, 1847 Containing also a List of all the Books known to contain his signature or autograph notes. 4928 Mont' Albani (0.) Diologia, overo delle cagioni, e della naturalezza del parlare, e spetialmente del piu antico, e piii vero di Bologna, &c. slightly ivater-stained 4fo. Bologna, 1G52 One of the scarcest of works respecting Italian dialects. 4929 [Montalbani, Marchese Cesare] Paleologeide ovvero Diana Flagellata di Virbio Academico tra Spensierati lo Sfaccendato, with the frontis- piece in two states very scarce, vellum 8t'0. Sjnzherga, per Puggicro JSTemesiano, 1720 A free Poem, written in imitation of the celebrated Cicceide, with MS. cor- rections by the author. THE LIBEI LIBEART. 637 4930 Montana (G.B.) Scielta di varii Tempietti, 65 architectural delineations .of Temples, with ground plans, having an engraved Dedication to Carditial Borghese, signed G. B. Soria fine impressions, scarce folio. Boma, 1624 4931 Montanari (Geminiano) Speculazioni Fisiche sopra gli efi'etti di que' Yetri Temprati, che rotti in una parte si risolvono tutti in polvere, %1'ith the plate, Bologna, 1671 — La Livelia Diottrica de Geminiano Montauari, ih. 1674 — La Fiamma Volante, da Gr. Montanari, plate, ih. 1676 presentation copies to the celebrated GirSEPPE del Papa, from the author, icith his autograph inscriptions vellum 4!to. in one vol. 4932 Montecuccoli (E.) Opere illustrate da Ugo Foscolo, 2 vol. in 1, fine portrait and plates, half calf folio. Milano, 1807-8 Containing the Works of one of the most celebrated -warriors of the XVIIth Century, and now abnost shamefully neglected. Of this fine edition only 170 copies were printed. (See Brunei.) 4933 Montecuccoli (Eaimondo) Opere, accresciute ed illustrate da G. Grassi, 2 vol. portrait and facsimile letter LAEGE PAPER, imcut,- rare in this state 4ito. Torino, 1821 Best edition of the Military Works of Montecuccoli, the celebrated rival of Turenne, which, although little kno-mi out of Italy, are of great impoi't- ance, especially to military men. They certainly deserve to be read with as much attention as the " Arte della Guerra " of Machiavelli. 4934 Montegnana ( Bartholomei de) Tractatus de TJrinarum Judiciis perutilis, VEET EAEE, fine copy small 4ito. Padua per Matheum Cerdon is de Vindischgreez, 1487 Desirable specimens of this printer are of extraordinary rarity. In the same volume are bound up two other works (imfortimately imperfect), namely, Regimen Sanitatis cum Expositione Magistn Arnaldi di Villanova, wanting the end, and Egidius de cognoscendis Urinis, cum Expositione Gentilis de Fulgineo, Venetiis, 1494, deficient at the beginning. 4935 Montelatici (D.) Villa Borghese Fuori di Porta Pinciana, plates vellum Svo. Boma, 1700 " II Libre ben fatto," (Cicognara). 4936 Montemagno. Prose e Eime de due Buonacorsi da Montemagno con Annotazioni ed alcune Eime di Xiccolo Tinucci vellum 12mo. Firenze, 1718 4937 MoNTEifAT (Mademoiselle Georgette de) Cent Emblemes Chrestiens (en Vers), avec la Traduction Latine, 100 curious etclnngs (including Death, icith a rope round the Soldier's neck, sfopjnng the Horseman, the good Man, ^'c.) rare, vellum ; from the Colhert Collection 4ito. Tiguri, 1584 4938 MoNTEEEGio (Joannis de) Kalendarium Anni 14?6, quo Eclipses Lunae et Solis (1475-1530), Tabulae Festorum, &c. volvelles and cuts of Eclipses, Sfc. fine copy in the original stamped Venetian morocco folio. Venetiis, B. Pictor de Augusta, P. Loslein de Langencen, Erhardus Batdolt de Augusta, 1476 This Work is so excessively rare that Lalande coidd never see a copy, and it is extremely interesting to the collector, as containing the earliest known title-page bearing the printers' names and date on the first page, which up to this time were invariably placed as a colophon at the end. The fly- leaves (four leaves) of ancient veUum have been taken from an ancient manuscript of the IXth or Xth Century, of a very curious character, but much defaced. 538 THE MISCELLANEOUS PORTION OF 4939 MoNTEREGio (Joanne de) Kalendario : Questa opra da ogni parte e un libro doro Non fu piu preciosa gemma mai Dil Kalendario : che tratta cose asai Con gran facilita : ma gran lauoro, &c. LARGE COPT, cuts foUo. VeiietUs, B. Pictor de Augusta, P. Loslein de Langencen, Erhardus Eatdolt de Augusta, 1476 This Italian version of Monteregio's Kalendar is far rarer than the Latin, and indeed, as the title expresses, " un libro doro," of which there never was " piu preciosa gemma." The Calendarium itself is the same as the Latin, and the other parts differ only in having Italian for the letter-press, the cuts and capitals being identical. It has the same title as the Latin one, with the date and the names of the three printers, but in Italian. This Calendar was undoubtedly printed at the same time for the learned and unlearned, and like Almanacs of the present day those (the Latin) fell into the hands of astronomers, by whom copies were carefully preserved, whilst these (the Italian) when the year was out were destroyed as no longer of use. 4940 MoNTEREGio (J. de). Das Biichlin Kalendarius durch M. Johan von Kiingsperg (Monteregio), cuts folio. Venedig, Bernhart Maler'Erliart Batdolt voiiAvgspurg, 1478 This German edition is still rarer than the Latin or Italian copies of 1476, and has escaped Ebert and even the indefiitigable researches of M. Brunet, who does not mention it. The Kalendar itself is in some parts different from the Latin, the cuts, capitals, and figures however being identical, having, also German letter-press substituted for the use of the vulgar. The forms had evidently been kept standing, and a Kalendar for Germany havmg been called for this edition was the result. Speaking of Monte- regio's Kalendar, the verses on title-page state : — " Das hat gemacht maister hans von kiinigsperg genannt In teutschen und welschen landen wol erkant," &c. No copy of this rarity appears to have been ever sold by public auction. \* The three Almanacs described above are of such extreme rarity that the first two have been seen only by very few, and the last seems to have escaped the notice of aU the principal bibliographers. In a learned dissertation "On the earliest printed Almanacs," inserted in the "Companion to the Almanac for 1 846," Mr. De Morgan quotes from the Plamsplmrium of Bartsch the first of the above three, the Latin Kalendarium printed at Venice, in 1476, but does not seem to have been acquainted -with the second (the Italian one), pi-inted by the same printers in the same year, in the same town, and possibly printed (for Italian people in Italy) previously to the Latin edition. As for the German Kalendarium, published at Venice in 1478, with the exception of Hain, w?i,o saw only an imperfect co^n/ of it, it seems to have remamed unknown to all bibliographers; although besides its rarity, it has also the merit of being the second German book printed out of Germany, the first being the Golden Bidl printed by Jenson, also at Venice, in 1476 or 1477. This German Kalendarium differs in many points from the previous two of 1476; the arrangement of the matter and contents seeming different. We must add, that the number of leaves differs also in the various editions, and even in the various copies, in consequence of the plates having been in some copies pasted together (on the blank sides of the leaves) as it is often the case in block books, while in others they remained separated. The Latin and Italian editions of 1476 consist of 32 leaves each, while the German edition of 1478 has 30 leaves. No doubt, from the inspection of an hnperfect copy, Hain was induced to say that tliis last edition has only 28 leaves instead of 30. 4941 Monteregio (Johannis de) Calendarium, pZw^es of instruments {the last slightly damaged), and of the Eclipses (the p>ortions not ohscured in red colours) Venetiis, E. Batdolt, Idtis 5 Augnsti, 1482 Lalande, trusting to the Opuscoli d'Autori Siciliani, erroneously supposed this rare edition to be the first. Scoti (Michaelis) Liber Phisionomise s. I. ^ a. {circa 1470) A very early edition of this singular book, printed in a rude type, ccrtaiidy THE LIBEI LIBRARY. 539 anterior to the fii-st with a date (1477). It contains 64 leaves, with 28 lines to a full page, and concludes on the reverse of the last with : Alichaelis Scoti de procreatione z hominis. Phisionomia opus feliciter Unit. 4tto. in one vol. 49-42 MoNTEREGio. Eegiomonte (Joannis Germani de) TabuL-e directionum profectionumque in Nativitatibiis niultum utiles, with tlie Tabella Sinus recti, 16 leaves, and also manuscript additions, occupying 12 leaves, Aug. Vind. E. Ratdolt, 1490— Tabulae Astronomicse Elisa- beth Eeginfe Hispanise et Sicilise, ab Alfonso de Corduba editse, Venet. P. Lieclitensteyn, 1503 EAEE,/«e copies, calf ^to. in one vol. Both these tables are rare. 4943 Monteregio. Kalendarius teutsch Maister Joannis Kiingspergers und auch Hyginius von den XII Zaychen und XXXVI Bildern des Hymmels und auderen schonen Exempeln und Eiguren, ctits of the Hclipses, Quadra^it, and Volvelle {with the extremely rare xylographtc slip pasted below), and woodcuts of the signs of the Zodiac and Con- stellations, the occupations during the months, the ivinds, Sfc. Augst- lurg, 1518 — Creutzer (Peter, Johan Liechtenhergers Biscipel) AVeissagung waszerlei Gliicks, Art, Natur und Neygung ein jeder Mensch, man oder Weibs Person sein werde, s. I. &f a. — Creutzer (P.) Practica darinn angezeygt werden Neygung und Infliessuug der Sternen, icoodcut, with " Directio Ascendentis," and " Yon Naigung und Einfluss der Planeten genant Directores, s. I. Sf a. — Eeynman (L.) Buchlin von Naigung und Einfluss der Stern, tvood- cut, s. I. ^ a.— Eeynman (L.) Nativitet Kalennder, Nurmberg, F. Peypus, 1515— Planeten- AYerck, Coellen, 1517— Miinnster (Sebas- tiani) Erklerung des newen Instruments der Siinnen. Item eyn Yermanung an alle Liebhaber der Kixnstenn im Hilff zu thun zu warer und rechter Beschreybung Teutscher Nation, ivith curious xylograpUc map of the " Heydelberger BecircTc;' Gedrucht durch Jacob Kobel Stat Screiber zu Oppenheym, 1528— Geomantia eyn Kunst des warsagens (partly in verse), icoodcut, Meintz bey Peter Jordan, 1532— De Celo et Mundo, woodcut, a single Zeff/— Hsec opera fient in opido Nuremberga Germanise ductu Joannis de Eegio Monte, INlA^^^rscJiTPT or the pekiod, containing a list of the loorks printed by the celebeated Johann Muller yok Koi^igsbekg, usually called Eegiomontanns or Monteregio (the frst of these works being the Purbachius described in this Catalogue under that name), much more complete than any of the lists that are printed 6lacfe letter 4^o. in one vol. A volume of extraordinary rarity, m the finest condition. The pieces by Creutzer, and the Planeten-Werck, were totally unknown to Tanzer. 4944 Monteregio (J. de) de Triangulis Libri Y. numerous diagrams scarce, but loants titlepage and first leaf of preface, vellum Norimb. 1533 4945 Mokteregio. Eegiomontaui (J.) De Triangulis planis et Spba?ricis Libri quinque una cum Tabulis Sinuum, &c. edente D. Santbecb, cujus accedunt Problematum Astronomicorum et Geometricorum Sectiones septem, 2 vol. in 1, cuts, rare, calf folio. Basilece, 1561 4946 Monteregio. Murr (C. T. de) Notitia trium Codicum Autograpbo- rum Johannis (Miiller) Eegio montani,/aesM«i7es of MSS. 4:to. Norimbergce, 1801 4947 Montesquieu (M.) CEuvres Completes, avec des notes de Dupin, Cre- vier, Yoltairc, La Harpe, &c. portrait royal Qvo. Pans, 1838 540 THE MISCELLANEOUS POETION OF 4948 Montesquieu (Baron de) Le Temple de Guide, et I'Essai sur le Gout, calf, Londres, 1760 — La Motte (A. H. de) L'Esprit des Poesies, avec le supplement, calf, Geneve, 1767 — Vandervelde (C. F.) Contes et Legendes Historiques, 4 vol. half calf gilt, Paris, 1827 — Eey- Dussueil (M.) Chroniques Marsellaises, Samuel Bernard et Jacques Borgarelly, 4 vol. Paris, 1830— Peellaert (A. de) Le Bourreau de Verone, Briixelles, 1854 12mo. 11 vol. 4949 Montfortii (L. H.) Historic! de Bello Germanico (Caroli Y cum princip. Germ.) libri septem, Basilece, 1560 — Lindani (D.) de Teue- raemonda Libri tres, old calf gilt edges, Antverpice, 1612 — Rosch- manni (A.) Veldidena Urbs antiquissima Augusti Colonia et totius Ehfetiae princeps, JJlmcB, 1744 Mo. 3 vol. 4949* Monti (J.) De Monumento Diluviano nuper in Agro Bononiensi ^ttQcto, plates, uncut 4ito. Pononice, 1719 This curious geological dissertation belonged to C. Allioni, author of the " Flora Pedemontana," and has his autograph on fly-leaf. 4950 Monti (Vincenzo) Aristodemo, Tragedia (prima edizione), uncut, ' Parma, Podoni, 1787 — Monti (V.) In Morte di Ugo Bassville, Can- tica, Seconda Edizione, Milano, 1821 8t?c». 2 vol. 4951 Monti (y.)Opere, cioe : in Morte Lorenzo Mascheroni Cantica, Milano, 1801 — II Pericolo, Canto, ib. — La Musogonia, ih. 1804 — Poesie in Occasione dell' Esaltaraento al Trono d'ltalia di Napoleone I. ib. 1805 — La Supplica di Melpomene e di Talia Cantata, ib. — II Beneficio Yisione, Prescia, 1805 — II Bardo della Selva Nera, Poema Epico-Lirico, Firenze, 1806—11 Decreto del XIV Marzo 1807 Ode, Brescia — La Jerogamia di Creta, Inno con tre A'ersioni Latine, Cremona, 1810 — II Eitorno di Astrea, Milano, 1816 — II Cespuglio delle quattro Eose per le Nozze di Eosina Trivulzio con Don G. Poldi-Pezzoli d'Albertone — Prolusioni agli Studj dell TJniversita di Pavia, Milano, 1804 — Del Cavallo Alato di Arsinoe, Milano, 1804 calf 8z/"o. in one vol. A collection of scarce tracts, illustrating the frequent political vacillations of an eminent poet. 4952 Monti (V.) Proposta di alcune Correzioni ed Aggiunte al Vocabolario della Crusca, 4 vol. in 8 parts 12mo. Milano, 1828-31 A celebrated work. 4953 Monti. Eisposta d' un Accademico della Crusca ad un Amico cbe lo interrogava intorno all imminente Publicazione del Voca- bolario ^vo. Firenze, 1842 Presentation copy, with the author's autograph inscription. 4954 Monti (V.) Soncini (V.) Appendice alia Proposta di alcune Corre- zioni ed Aggiunte al Vocabolario della Crusca uncut 8ro. Milano, 1826 4955 MoNTiBUS (P. Cardinalis de) Elogia Cardiualium illustrium a Ponti- ficatu Alexandri III ad Beuedictum XIII apposita eorum Imagi- nibus quae in Pinacotheca sua spectantur, 2)rintcd wifltin beautiful engraved arabesque borders, with frontisjyiece and vignettes vellum folio. Pomcc, 1751 . Presentation copy from the Cardinal dei Monti to A. Niccolini. 4956 Montigny (M. de) Instructions et Avis aux Habitans des Provinces Meridionales de la France sur la Maladie putride et pestilentielle qui detruit le Bctail calf with the arms of Louis XV on sides stamped in gold 4:to. Paris, 1775 THE LIBEI LIBEAET. 541 4957 Montis (G-uidiubaldi e Marchionibus) Perspectivse Libri YI, numerous diagrams folio. Pisauri, 1600 On the importance of this ■work, and the new principles it contains, see Moutucla (vol. I, p. 709). Other works of the same author were described in the present catalogue under the headmg Del Monte. 4958 Montresor (M. de) Memoires. Diverses Pieces dui'ant le Ministere du Cardinal de Eichelieu. Eelation de M. de Fontrailles. AiFaires de MM. le Comte de Soissons, Dues de Guise et de Bouillon, &c. Jine large copy, tcith the hiiffalo's head 12mo. Cologne, avec la Sphere {Ehevier') 1664 4959 Montrose. Eelation of the Victorie in Scotland obtained over Mon- trosse, 'ZA. Zuccbi (B.) Tre illustrissime di Monza per la Vita della Eeina Theodelinda, per la Corona ferrea e per la Vita di S. Gherardo, 3 vol. in 1 4ito. ih. 1613 4963 Moore (John, Bishop of Norwich) Thanksgiving Sermon before the King, LAEGE PAPEB, 4^0. London, 1696 William the Third's copy, in old English blue morocco, gilt edges, sides richly tooled in gold, having the king's c}-pher and cro'U'n at each of the corners. 4964 Moore (Thomas) Catalogue of upwards of 1000 Autograph Letters addressed by him to J. Power, his music publisher FiKE PAPEE, only 12 copies printed 8ro. ib. 1853 A curious volume, containing many letters that were not published by Lord John Russell. 4965 Morales (Ambrosio de) Viage a los Eeynos de Leon, y Galicia, y Principado de Astimas, con notas y vida del autor por Henrique Florez, with portrait , calf folio. Madrid, 1765 This journey was undertaken by order of Philip II, for the pm-pose of reporting on existing Relics of Saints, Regal Sepulchres, and Manuscripts in the Cathedral and Monastic Libraries, and it contains the description of several hundi-ed ancient manuscripts now lost. 4966 Morando (F. E.) Lettera intoruo a quanto fu scritta nella Storia letteraria d' Italia contro le Osservazioni sopra il Comento del P. Venturi, laege papee, uncut 8vo. Padova, 1754 4967 Morato (Fulvio Pellegrino) del Significato de Colori 8vo. Vinegia, G. A. de Sahio, 1535 A curious work illustrating the symbolic amorosa corres])ondenza, which at that time was going on in Italy by the means of nosegays. 4968 Morato (F. P.) del Significato de Colori, e de Mazzoli (con Proverbj in Italiano e in Dialetto Veneziano) half morocco Byo. Tenetia, Fahhio et A. Zoppini, 1584 5 542 THE MISCELLANEOUS PORTION OF 4969 Morbus Gallicus. Liber de Morbo Gallico iu quo diversi celeber- rimi in tali materia scribentes medicinse continentur auctores videlicet : Nicolaus Leonicenus, TJlrichus de Hutten, Petrus Andreas Mattheolo, Laurentius Pbrisius, loannes Almenar, Angelus Bolog- iiinus, VERT RARE 8^0. VcnetHs, 1535 4970 Morbus Gallicus. Omnia quae extant apud omnes Medicos cnjns- cunque nationia, cura A. Luisinii, 2 vol. scarce folio. Venet. apud Jordanum Zilettum (Ti/pis Aldinis) 1566-7 These volumes contain reprints of numerous excessively rare and expensive tracts on the Venereal Disease, the obtaining of which separately would almost be impossible in a life-time, 4971 Morea. Pacifico (P. A.) Breve Descrizione corografica del Pelopon- neso o Morea, Venefia, 1700 — Paciaudii (P. M.) Monuraenta Pelo- ponnesia Commentariis esplicata, 2 vol. {vol. I waiits part of Index) plates, uncut, Itomee, 1761 4^o. 3 vol. 4972 Morei (M. G.) Memorie Istoricbe dell' Adunanza degli Arcadi vellum ^vo. Bomce, 1761 Useful as affording a key to the eccentric PseudonjTnes, adopted by mem- bers of the Arcadi, and placed on the titlepages of theu* works. 4973 Morel- Vinde (M. le Viconite) Catalogue des Livres rares et precieux, des Manuscrits d'Heures, de Romans de cbevalerie, avec miniatures, &c. de sa Bibliotheque 2>vo. Paris, De Bure, 1822 4974 MoRELLi (J.) Dissertazione Storica della pubblica Libreria di San Marco in Venezia, uncut 4ito. Venezia, 1774 Containing much biographical and bibliographical information. 4975 Morelli (J.) Catalogo di Commedie Italiane (del Earsetti) half calf 12mo. Venezia, 1776 A scarce bibliographical work. 4976 Morelli (J.) Catalogo di Storie Generali e Partlcolari d' Italia (del Earsetti) half vellum 12mo. Venezia, 1782 With bibliogi-aphlcal notes. 4977 Morelli (J.) Catalogo di Libri Italiani, Testi di lingua, poeti, etc. half vellum 8vo. Venezia, 1785 4978 Morellii (I.) Bibliotbeca (librorum rariss. et Codd. MSS.) Mapbaei Pinelli, descripta et Annotationibus illustrata, 6 yo\.. fine fortrait hy Bartolozzi, thick paper, uncut, half russia 8t'o. Venetiis, 1787 With many valuable bibliographical notes by Morelli, the learned librarian of St. Mark, This copy was formerly priced £3. 5s. 4979 Morelli (J.) delle Solennita e Pompe Nuziali gia usate presso li Veneziani (con anticbi documenti), calf extra Ato. Venezia, 1793 Of this curious work only a few copies were printed for private distribution. 4980 Morelli (J.) Catalogo della Biblioteca Eoscarini di Carmini , 8vo. Venezia, 1800 The catalogue of this library, so celebrated for its bindings, was attributed to the learned Abbate Morelli. 4981 Morelli (J.) Bibliotbeca Manuscripta, Graeca et Latina, Divi Marei Venetiarum, tomus 1 (all published), half calf 8vo. Bassani, 1802 A classical catalogue, containing numerous extracts and illustrations, inclu- ding some very important (see p. 330-338) respecting the history of Arithmetic. THE LIBEI LIBKARY. 543 4982 Morelli (J.) Dissertazione iutorno ad alcuui Viaggiatori eruditi Vene- ziani poco noti (P. Trevisano, G. Bembo, A. Bembo, etc.), plate of ilie arms of Count Manino printed on hlue paper {carta azzurina), scarce Mo. Venezia, 1803 With numerous extracts of unpublished early travels. The whole of the works wi-itten by the celebrated Abate ISIorclli are of great importance to the bibliogi-apher and to the historian of sciences. 4983 Moreni (D.) Memoria sulle Belle A-rti e due Vite inedite del Bru- nellesco (con docunienti inediti) 8vo. Firenze, 1812 These Lives of the Florentine Architect Briinellesco were written by Filippo Baldinucci and an anonymous contemporary. 4984 Moreni (D.) Memoria intoruo al Eisorgimento delle Belle Arti in Toscana, uncut 8vo. Firenze, 1812 An interesting work, full of recondite information. 4985 Moreni (D.) Annali della Tipografia Fiorentina di Lorenzo Torrentino Impressore Ducale (edizione seconda ampliata) Syo. Firenze, 1819 \* Respecting Moreni see also Toscana in the present Catalogue. 4986 Mores (E. E.) Catalogue of his Valuable Library (containing Eare Old Tracts, Manuscripts (136 in number), Prints, Drawings, &c.) prices in MS. with title iiilaid and last two leaves in MS. half russia, uncut 8yo. Land. 1779 4987 Moretti (Gr.) Biblioteca xYgraria 12mo. Milano, 1844 A very excellent bibUogi'aphy of all works respecting Agricultiu'e or Vete- rinary Art, either written in ItaUan or connected with Italy. 4988 Morgan (S.) Horologiographia Optica Dialing Universall and per- ticular, speculative and T^vdkcticdi^, frontispiece hy Glover and cuts half calf 4:to. 1652 This scarce work, by the author of the Sphere of Gentry, was unknown to Lalande. It is interspersed with poetry. This copy has autograph cor- rections by the author. 4989 Morgan (W.) on Price's "Writings, London, 1795 — Speeches against W. Hastings, ib. 1787 — Bancroft (E. N.) on Military Enquiry, ih. 1808— On Continental Alienation, ii. 1808— Clinton (Sir H.) Nar- rative, ib. 1783 (two copies)— On the Property Tax AcJ, ib. 1803 — Drummond (H.) Fate of Christendom, ib. 1854 Svo. (8) 4990 Mori (T.) Lucubrationes Utopia, Progymnasmata. Epigrammata. Ex Luciano con versa qusedam. Declamatio Lucianica? respondens. EpistolaB. Item D. Erasmi et Gr. Covrini ISTucerini Epistolse de Vita et Morte T. Mori et Episcopi Eoffensis, title mended vellum Svo. Basil. 1563 4991 MoEiscos. Mendoza (D. de) Guerra de Granada hecha por Felipe II contra los Moriscos de aquel Eeyno sus Eebeldes, Mo. Madrid, 1674 4992 Moreland (S.) on Speaking Trumpets, plates, scarce, London, 1671 — Hatcbett (C.) on an A-rtificial Substance, ib. 1805 — On the Fir — On the Cocoa Tree, &c. — Eamsden (J.) on Mathematical Instru- ments, ih. 1779 Mo. (5) 4993 Morland (Sir Samuel) Description and Use of two Arithmetick Instru- ments, with short Treatise on Arithmetick, a perpetual Almanack, and useful Tables, ivith the scarce portrait of tlie author, and plates of his calculating Machine, fine copy in calf 12mo. London, 1673 This curious work by the celebrated historian of the Vaudois is of rare occur- rence. This copy has both the titlepages, the second being dated 1672. 544 THE MISCELLANEOUS POETION OF 4994 MoEO (Ant. Lazzaro) De' Crostacei e degli altri Marini Corpi die si trouano su' monti libri II, idth j^lat^s, from Dr. Fitton's Collection vellum 4uido D'Arezzo, restauratore della Scienza e dell' Arte Musica (nel Secolo X-XI) calf 8z;o. Parigi, 1811 Interesting for the history of Italian Sciences. At the end is appended an enlarged edition of the Latin Verses of Q. Remnius Fannius Palemo on the weights and measures of the Eomans. 5040 Music. Arie Napoletane, a collection of 45 Songs (with Music to each) in the Neapolitan Dialect, woodcuts cloth Ollong 4to. together 4 vol. 5087 Music. Malcolm (A.) on Music, London, 1778— Stanhope (Earl) Science of Tuning, ih. 1806 — Anderson (A.) on the Organ of St. Paul's Chapel, Aberdeen, 1799 — Eeyjoo on "Women and Music, London, 1778 — Warren (A.) The Tonometer, plates, ih. 1725 ^vo. (5) 5088 Music. Manuscript Music, Vocal and Instrumental, by various Authors (F. Foggia, A. G. Fabri, F. Gasparini, &c. including Anthems by Deering, Wylbie, Orlando Gibbons, T. Warwick, Dr. Child, Kogers, Wilkinson, &c.) 14 vol. folio, etc. XVIIth and XVIIIth Centuries THE LIBEI LIBEAEY. 553 5089 Music. Marenzio (L.) Terzo Libro de Madrigali a cinque Yoci. Quinto olJoiifj 4ito. Venetia, 1582 Marenzio is considered one of the most beautiful of the composers of Madri- gals. This edition is not mentioned by Fetis. 5090 Mrsic. Mattel (Loreto) Hiunodia Sacra : Parafrasi Armonica de gl' Hiuni del Nuovo Brevlarlo Eomauo 12mo. Bologna, s. a. In this work, unknown to F^tis, the original Latin of the Hymns is placed on the opposite pages. 5091 Music. Matteis (N.) Arie, Preludij, Alemande, Sarabande, &c. piu difficile e studiose per il Yiolino, 2 parts in 1 (part I loants title), very rare, unTcnoion to Fetis, ohlong 8fO. (ivitli 10 leaves to the slieet), s. I. et a. Londra, circa 1680) — Yitali (G, B.) Senate a due Yiolini. The Organ Accompaniment only, 4:to. Bologna, 1667 2 vol. 5092 Music. Mattel (S.) Memorie per servire alia Yita del Metastasio e Jomelli, unciit Bi'o. Colle, 1785 5093 Music. Mengoli (P.) Speculation! di Musica, calf 4to. Bologna, 1670 By a pupil of Cavalieri, the precursor of Infinitesimal Calculus. In tliis work he forestalled the theory of Morel. 509i Music. Morning and Evening Services, by Portman, Sogers, Bryne, Parrant, Tompkins, Eogers, Perrabosco, Abudd, and Child IMai^usceipt ohlong 4:to. SiEC. xviii. 5095 Music Musiciens et Danseurs : Edit du Eoy concernant le Corps de la Musique du Eoy, donne a Yersailles, 1782 — Arrest de la Cour de Parlement qui retablit la Communaute des Maitres a Danser & Joueurs d'lustrumens de Paris au droit de nommer a la Cbapelle S. Jullien, Paris, 1718 — Arrest du Conseil d'Etat du Eoy en Paveur des Maistres a Danser, ih. 1720 — Sentence de Police du 6 Avril, 1736, qui ordonne que les Statuts de la Communaute des Maistres a Danser seront executez, ib. 1736 4:to. 4 Tracts. Yery curious. From the last Tract we learn that no one, except a ]\Iember of the Corporation of the Maitres de Dame, was allowed in France to teach dancing, or even to clonner Serenades! 5096 Music Ordo Baptizandi et alia Sacramenta administrandi exEomanfe EcclesisB Eitu, woodcuts, scat'ce, vellum 4'usceipt folio, (about 1720) 5118 Music. Spenser's Amoretti (Sonnets), set to Music by Dr. Greene, London, J. Walsh — Six Select Odes of Anacreon, in Greek, and six of Horace, in Latin, set to music by Dr. Musgrave Heighington, London, J. Simpson, 2 vol. in 1 oblong folio, {circa 1750) 5119 Music. Tigrini (O.) Compendio della Musica, nel quale brevemente si tratta dell' Arte del Contrapunto, vellum 4ito. Veiietia, 1588 Fkst edition, vnih. the Dedication to Zarlino and Zarlino's Answer. The musical notes are printed with moveable t}"pes. 5120 Music, Torniello (G.) Sette Canzonette in Aria Marinaresca sopra le sette principal! Teste di Nostra Signora ; coll' Aggiunta di quella che un Pastor Arcade Bolognese fece nello stesso metro in morte dell' Autore, with the nota del canto Svo. Bologna, 1780 5121 Music. Viotti's Grand Concerto in G, Edinb. and other Concertos, Sonatas, &c. by Steibelt, Dussek, Pleyel, &c. in one vol. — Italian Arietts, by Gyrometz, Biancbi, Pfeiffer, Ehigini, &c. in one vol. — Italian Songs, by Aufossi, Albertini, Mengozzi, Gresnick, &c. in one vol. — Krietzer's Overture to Lodoiska; Three Sonatas by Pleyel; Songs by Dibden, Suett, Arnold, &c. in one vol. folio, togetlier 4 vol. 5122 Music. Yittoria (L. da) Motett in Pesto Corporis Christi " O sacrum Convivium," set for four voices oblong 4:to. 5123 Music. Yuillaert (A.) Musica nova Cantus, Bassus, Altus, Quintus, sexta pars, septima pars, 6 vol. portrait vellum 4ito. Ferrara, 1558 A very rare Collection (especially complete, as the present copy) of 33 Motets and 25 Madrigals for 4, 6, 6, and 7 voices, many of them remarkable for their sweetness and elegance. The only edition known to Fetis is that of 1559. 556 THE MISCELLANEOUS PORTION OF THIRD DAY'S SALE. LOT 5124 Mutlnelli (P.) del Commercio dei Yeneziani 8vo. Venezia, 1835 An important work for tlie early history of commerce and cosmography, concluding with the discovery of America. 5125 Mutio (H.) le Yergeriane, Discorso se si convenga ragunar Coucilio. Trattato della Comuuione de Laici ; & delle Moglie de' Cherici vellum 8z;o. Vinegia, G. G-iolito, 1551 A scarce work against Vergerio, the celebrated Italian reformer. 5126 Mutio (H.) tre Testimonii Eedeli, Basilio, Cipriano, Irenio vellum 8vo. Pesaro, B. Cesano, 1555 5127 Mutio Justinopolitano, Lettere dedicate al Signer Lodovico Capponi half morocco 4to. Napoli, 1769 Written by a cotemporary, and highly esteemed. Bound up in the same volume is another most interesting work on the Revolution of Masaniello, entitled " Istoria del Tumulto di Napoli di Tommaso de Santis, Napoli, 1770." 5138 Napoli. Antinori (A. L, Arcivescovo di Matera) Raccolta di ]\Iemorie Istoriche delle tre Provincie degli Abbruzzi, 4 vol. plates, uncut ^to. Napoli, 1781-83 A most important and almost unknowTi work respecting the pro-voncial his- tory of the Kingdom of Naples. 5139 Napoli. Antonini Barone di S. Biase (G.) La Lucania, Discorsi uncut ito. Napoli, 1795 An important historical work. 5140 Napoli. Antonini Barone di S. Biase (G.) La Lucania, 2 vol. vellum, facsimiles Uo. Napoli, 1795 & 1717 (1797) An important historical work. 5141 Napoli. Aquila. Difesa per la fedelissima Citta dell' Aquila contro le Pretensioni de Castelli, Terre, e Villaggi, che Componeano r antico Contado Aquilano, intorno al Peso deUa Buonatenenza (da Carlo 'Praxich.x), folding plans and plates Neapolitan binding 4ito. Napoli, 1752 Interesting for the provincial history of Naples, and containing several ancient documents. 5142 Napoli. Bacco (E-) il Regno di Napoli, woodcuts of arms vellum 8vo. Napoli, 1624 5143 Napoli. BaldaccLini (M.) Storia Napoletana dell' Anno 1647 12mo. Italia, 1836 6144 Napoli. Baldacchini (N.) Prose Storiche. Assedio d'Otranto. Studii di Storia Napoletana, etc. 12mo. Napoli, 1839 6145 Napoli. Balzano (F.) L' Antica Ercolano, vellum, 4ito. Napoli, 1688 5146 Napoli. Breislak (S.) Topografia Fisica della Campania uncut 8vo. Firenze, 1798 5147 Napoli. Brigauti (T.) Pratica Criminale delle Corti del Regno di Napoli, vellum folio. Napoli, 1770 A celebrated work, in which the author requests the abolition of the tortura. 5148 Napoli. Brioschi (C.) Comentari Astronomici deUa Specola Reale di Napoli, Volume \. p)lates, imcut Mo. Napoli, 1824-26 5149 Napoli. Capecelatro (Francesco) Istoria della Citta, e Regno di Napoli fiuo dal tempo di Ruggero primo, 2 vol. uncut 8vo. Napoli, Vll^ The first volume is entirely devoted to the Sicilian history under the Nor- mans. 5150 Napoli. Carletti (N.) Topografia della Citta di Napoli uncut 4^0. Napoli, 1776 558 THE MISCELLANEOUS POETION OF 5151 Napoli. Casotti (Conte G. B.) Lettera al G-. B. Eecanati intorno alia Fondazione del Eegio Monastero di Saii Francesco delli Scarioni della Citta di Napoli (foudato da 27 Fanciulle di Prato in Toscana) 4:to. Firenze, 1722 5152 Napoli. Castaldo (Notar Antonino) Giornali Manuscript 4^o. ^jec. xvii. Prefixed is an account of the Embassy of Gio. Paolo Coraggio to Charles V, and at the end are other Giornali which are not by Castaldo, who was a Notary Public at Naples. His Giornali are veiy valuable as affording much curious information respecting the Emperor and the Neapolitan manners in tlie XVIth Century. His work has been printed, but as his publisher took bribes to suppress those details which might be an annoy- ance to certain wealthy Neapolitan families, the uncastrated MSS. are eagerly sought for in Italy. 5153 Napoli. Castaldo (Notar A.) Istoria di Napoli dal Principio clie Carlo V ebbe Dominio del Eegno sino all' Anno 1571 Mantjsceipt 4^0. S^c. xvii. These Memoirs, entering into the most minute details of public and private events during the reign of Charles V, contain more information respecting the manners and customs of the Neapolitans during the XVIth Century than any work written on the subject. They were printed in the Raccolta di Btorici Napoletani, but according to Giustiniani and Soria in an expurgated form, as the publisher negotiated with some wealthy Neapolitan families to suppress for a stipulated sum of money all facts derogatory to their ancestors. This MS. would therefore be important in restoring the muti- lated portions, and be most valuable for a new edition. 5154 Napoli. Causa di Stravaganze o vero Compendio historico delli Rumori e Sollevatione de Popoli, Successi nella Citta e Regno di Napoli dal primo di Gennaro 1648 per tutto il Mesa d' Aprile di detto Anno, e seguente. Parte terza Manuscript folio. S^c. xvii. A most valuable and interesting MS. respecting the Masaniello insurrection, the Duke of Guise, &c. and containing political squibs of the tune, in verse, including some in the Neapolitan dialect. 5155 Napoli. Cesare (Cav. G. di) Storia di Manfredi Ee di Sicilia e di Puglia (nel Secolo XIII), 2 vol. in 1, half calf ^vo. Napoli, 1837 An important work, almost unknown in England. 5156 Napoli. Checcbi (Antonio, da Terni) Dissertazione sopra 1' antica Cassa d' Anolo Pontiff- ritrovata nel Territorio dell' Aquila nel Mesa di Maggio, 1697, autograph MS. loith dratvings of the Ring 4.to. 1697 5157 Napoli. Chronologi quatuor antiqni, Herempertus Langobardus, Lupus Protospata, Auonymus Cassinensis, Falco Beneventanus cum Appendicibus historicis, nunc primum editi opera ac studio A. Caraccioli, rare, old red morocco, gilt edges 4to. Neapoli, 1626 5158 Napoli. Collenucio (P.) Compendio della Historie del Regno di Napoli, vellum 8vo. Venetia, 1543 The author was seized and strangled in prison by order of John Sforza, m the year 1500. 5159 Napoli. Collenucio (P.) Compendio dell' Historie di Napoli vellum 8i'o, Vinegia, 1552 5160 Napoli. Collenutii (P.) Historise Neapolitanre Libri VI. woodcut portrait, vellum 'ito. Basilece, 1572 THE LIBEI LIBEAEY. 559 5161 Napoli. CoUenutio (P.) Histoire du Eoyaume de Naples, revue et augmentee de ce qui est advenu depuis 1459 jusques a present vellum ^vo. Toin-non, 1595 Dr. Cotton does not seem to have been aware of any work printed.'at this place. 5162 Napoli. Collenuccio (Pandolfo) Mambrino Eoseo, et Tomaso Costo, Compendio dell' Istoria del Eegno di Napoli, con le annotationi del Costo, ecc, 3 vol. in 1, vellum 4ito. Venet. Giunti, 1613 The edition is according to Ha}-m and Giandonati "molto rara." 5163 Napoli. Crivelli (D.) Delia prima e della seconda Giovanna Eegine di Napoli 12mo. Faclova, 1832 5164 Napoli. Di Tapia IVIarchese di Belmonte (Carlo) Trattato dell' Ab- bondanza, A"(7/;o/i, 163S — Groflredo (Gr. A.) Eagguaglio deli'Assedio della Armata Irancese nella Citta di Salerno, scarce, Navoli, 1649, vellum 4ifo. 'in one vol. 5165 Napoli. Dolomieu (D. de) Memoria sopra i Tremuoti della Calabria, 1783. Traduzione dal Francese, uncut 12mo. Napoli, 1785 5166 Napoli. Dominici (B. De) Yite de' Pittori, Scultori, Architetti Napoletani, 3 vol. in 2, vellum 4ifo. Napoli, 1742 This important work for the history of Neapolitan art is now very scarce. 5167 Napoli. Egizzio (M.) Lettre amiable d'un Napolitain a I'Abbe Leuglet du Fresnoy par laquelle il est prie de corriger quelque Eudroit de sa Geographic touchant le Eoyaume de Naples calf 12mo. Faris, 1738 This correction of Lenglet Du Fresnoy's blunders is made with so much knowledge and poHteness that even the Abb^ felt bound to express his thanks to his learned critic. 5168 Napoli. Engenio Caracciolo (Cesare di) Napoli Sacra (con gli epitaffi dei sepolcri), vellum 4ifo. Napoli, 1623 Giandonati styles this work " raro." 5169 Napoli. Estat du Eoyaume et da la Ville de Naples, depuis leur Naissance jusques a present, 18 Nos. — Gazette de Naples, 37 Nos. 1647-1648, morocco 4ito. (1647) A scarce collection of contemporary Gazettes relatmg to the Masaniello insurrection and to the journey of the Duke of Guise to Naples. 5170 Napoli. Facius (B.) de Eebus gestis ab Alphonso I Neapolitanorum Eege. Accedit F. Contareni de Eebus in Hetruria gestis Com- mentarius, 2 vol. in 1, calf 4:fo. Lugduni, 1562 5171 Napoli. Frederici (G. B.) degli anticbi Ducbi e Consoli o Ipati di Gaeta, vellum ^to. Napoli, 1791 Napoli. Filiazioni dei Eei di Stato condannati dalla Suprema Giunta di Stato e da Yisitatori Generali in Vita e a tempo ad essere as- portati da' Eeali Domini folio. Napoli, 1800 Scarce, ha\ing been printed only for official use. The descriptions of all the condemned are very minute. 5173 Napoli. Franchi (C.) Dissertationi istorico-legali su I'Anticbita, Sito, ed Ampiezza della nostra Liberia Ducale, o siasi dell' Agro e Territorio di Napoli in tutte le varie epoche de' suoi tempi (specialmente Normanni, con documenti del Secolo XI) large paper, old red morocco, gilt edges 'ifo. Napoli, 1756 5174 Napoli. Galatei (A.) Liber de Situ lapjgise. Descriptio Urbis Callipolis. De Villa L. Vallae. Alpbonsi Eegis Neapolitani Epi- taphium Svo. Basilece, 1558 6 a 5172 560 THE MISCELLANEOUS PORTION OE 5175 Napoli. Gatta (C.) Memorie Topografico-Storiche della Provincia di Lucania comprese al presente nelle Proviucie di Basilicata e di Principato-Citeriore colla Serie Grenealogica de' Principi Longo- bardi di Salerno, veUum 4^o. lia^oU, 1732 5176 Napoli. Giacomo (Notar) Cronica di Napoli pubblicata per Cura di Paolo Garzilli Imperial 8ro. Ncqwli, 1845 An unpublished Chronicle ending with 1513, written by an eye-witness "of many of the events he describes. It contains much information relating to tiie War of the Freneli in Italy, the Irruption of Charles VIII, and the English affairs of the period. " It mentions various meteorological phfenomena, the Disfida di Barletta, &c. The work is written in the Neapolitan dialect, of which the following under the date _ of _ 1496 is a specimen : " per li franciosi fo presa una terra nominata li liuninlaquale nee trouaro dui soldati napolitani, de re ferrando quali dicti franciosi li mpiccaro et si nee amazaro in quella piu homini et poy la sacchizaro^et mesero ad foco et dallo adui di fecero lo semele abono allebergo." 5177 Napoli. Gianpietri (E.) Lettera intorno alle Monete Aragonesi ultimamente trovate nella Cupa di S. Efrem, plate, Napoli, 1819 — Lettera sul Miglioramento delle nostre Commedie, ivi, 1819 LAEGE PAPEE, uncut ^to. in One vol. 5178 Napoli. Grimaldi (Gregorio) Isloria delle Leggi e Magistrati del Eegno di Napoli, colla Continuazione dal Ginesio Grimaldi, 9 vol. vellum 4^to. Napoli, 1749-71 This work complete is of rare occurrence. Weiss, who wrote the Life of F. A. Grimaldi in the "Biographic Universelle", erroneously attributes this Istoria to that writer, and even then mentions only the first four volumes, evidently proving that he knew nothing of its having been continued by Ginesio Grimaldi. It is a very important work for the History of Southern Italy. 5179 Napoli. Guardia (D. Eerrante della Marra Duca della) Discorsi delle Eamiglie estiute, Eorastiere o nou comprese ne' Seggi di Napoli, imparentate colla Casa della Marra, numerous coats of' arms, rare, hut slightly stained folio. Napoli, 1641 5180 Napoli. Guarino (L. M.) Coucordanza della Legislazioue Civile a Eorma di Eepertorio, uncut 4kto. Napoli, 1838 5181 Napoli. Jasolino (G.) de Eimedi Naturali che sono nell' Isola di Pithecusa, hoggi detta Ischia Libri due, wormed 4to. Napoli, 1588 5182 Napoli. Lasena (Pietro) Dell' Antico Ginnasio Napoletano, en- graved titlepage, vellum 4:to. Napoli, (1688) Important for the literary and scientific history of Italy. 5183 Napoli. Lettere su Eoma e Napoli 12«;o. Milano, 1834 5184 Napoli. Libro de Cose autiche del Eegno (dal t^ecolo XIII in poi) extratto da un Libro anticbo del S. Hettore Fignatello primo Duca di Monteleoue, MA]srrscEiPT,_/row tlie Capucin Monastery at Naples, to which it had been presented in 1666 folio. SiEC. xvii 5185 Napoli. Lombardi (E.) Compendio Crouologico delle Vite degli Arcivescovi Baresi, 2 parts in 1 vol. woodcuts of arms, vellum 4to. Napoli, 1697 5186 Napoli. Maiuri (A.) delle Opere pubblicbe nel Eegno di Napoli e degl' Ingegneri preposti a constrixirle Svo. Napoli, 1836 5187 Napoli. Manicone (M. A.) La Fisica Appula, 5 vol. in 2 half calf Svo. Napoli, 1806-1807 A curious work respecting the meteorology, natural history, and productions of the Puglia. In the Vth volume there is an article on the Paragrandini, a subject so much spoken of about 35 years ago in Italy. THE LIBEI LIBEAET. 561 5188 Napolt. MassanieUi Seditio Neapolitana, a Maiolino Cotnite Bis- acc^nio & aliis autoribus Lingua Hetrusca descnp a, ^^^<^ Jf ^^^^ reddita imcut, hut sheet a icormed, 12»^o CV«./«n ^^, 1660 - Belmonte (E. C. di) il Primo Yicere di Xapoli, '«^/«^/ ,.f'^ ' l^"^.^: pi%T 183S-Mazzella (Scipione) Sito, et Antichita della Citta di Pozzuolo con le figure de gli Editicii, e con gh Epitafi che vi sono ; aSn ok vinApparatodelle Statue ritrovate m Cuma, &c tcood- IfSTdhun, ^J%oli, 1606-Capaccio (G. C.) La vera .^txchxta di Pozzuolo, looodcuts, vellum, 8vo. ^apoli, 160/ W 5189 Napoli. Miseno e Cuma. Dissertazione corografico-istorica delle due antiche distrutte Citta Miseno e Cuma, map, 4^0. A apoh, 1 / / 5 5100 NAPo\x? Montan. (H.) Controversi. Eorenses ad "ud.nes ]S'eapolitana3 -^ ^ This Tvork has prefixed the approbation of J. B. Hodieraa Tvho must not be tnfovmdS S is frequently the case,^th his celebrated contemporary the aiciUan Astronomer of the same name 5191 Napolt. Montelione (Hettore Pignatello prima Duca di)Libro de "^^ Cose Antiche del Kegno (1266-147S).-Item Tumultt di M^oli del 1517, &c. MA>^rscBiPT fi^'^- ^^^- ^'''' Important local chronicles. 5192 Napoli a very extraordinary Collection of Political Broadsides 5192 ^^^^oiA ^J .^^^^^ ^^^ Carbonari and their Opponents iust previous to and during the -seapolitaix Eevolution ot lb21, ioUected at the Time and bound m 3 voL^^,^^ ^^^^^^^. ^^^^_^^ Amnn-.t the rarer may be enimierated "La Eivoluzione di Masaniello ;" S?o taper ITlalTesI data dall' Ammiraglio Inglese ai Palerm,tani ; Le EXnze della Patria ; la Mascherata di un Impiegato d^ Mfdici le SmSiedi Medici; Medici m Turchia ; Miserere; Satire deUe Satire ; IrTorte di G Murat; Imio Carbonaro; Assassmio dal Gia Capitan GenerSeNuUm; Le Medicine di Medici Medico spacciate da Pasqumo e TaSmno ifoma'ni ; Dies ilia (« cunous Parody on the Bus vce) ; &c. &c. SeverLl of the poetical Satires are m the Neapohtan Dialect. 5193 Napoli. Delectus Scriptorum Eerum Xeapolitanarum edente '''' \. Jordano, partem nunc primum editi P-t- -t.re^^P^^^^^^^ ^^^^ vellum, leaves uncut -^ i^ . and much respecting the Norman history. 5191 NAPO.I. Nicastro (J. de) Beneventana Biblioth^eca ^^^^^^^^^. ^,^ K^a- '-^^!ln,T Ooerette Yarie : Yarietk estratta dal Giornale Costitu- '''' zfonale deUe due Sicile, .. I. et «.-Progetto di Modificazioni alia rostituzione delle Spa-na, A^apoU, 1820-Osservazioni sopra uno Lrtto inUtola o I Borboni di Xapoli, e Eiflessioni d'un Xapolitano, rf ISll-Lettera di un Inglese nel suo Eitorno m Inghilterra da unA^aigioki Italia, ISll-L'Amico della Costi^uzione Fascicolo 2toi2 V^?.oZi,182b-Lo Spirito de' Giornali Politiei, ISos. I. to Z to 1^, -^"rr!"' 7 ^ ij? i-r 4^0. in one vol. Tl, all published, half calf '*^^; A very curious coUection respecting the Neapolitan Eevolution of 1821. 5196 Napoxx. Origlia Paolino (G. G.) Istoria ^ello ^tu^o (U^^^^^^^^^^ di Xapoli, 2 vol. • ^ ' . . Important for the history of Itahan Sciences and Literature, contammg many interesting historical documents. 5U2 . THE MISCELLANEOUS POETION OP 5197 Napoli. Origine della Popolazione di S. Leiiclo e suoi progress! fino al giorno d' oggi colle Leggi corrispondenti al buon Governo di Essa di Eerdinando IV Svo. ' NapoU, 1816 A most curious tract, written by King Ferdinand IV himself, who established at St. Leucio, in the year 1778, a sort of model farm, with special laws and regulations, generally of the most liberal, and even, in some measure, of almost a socialist character, as, for mstance, " Perfetta uguaglianza " — " Matrimoni fatti per libera scclta dei futuri conjugi " — " Abolizione dei testamenti," etc. 5198 Napoli. Paglia (L.) Istorie della Citta di Giovenazzo, con la Vita del B. Nicolo Paglia da L. Sagarriga, coats of arms and portrait of the Saint, scarce, hut sliglitly stained, vellum 4:to. Napoli, 1700 5199 Napoli. Parrino (D. A.) Teatro Eroico, e Politico de' Governi de' Vieere del Eegno di Napoli dal tempo del Ee Eerdinando il Cat- tolico fino al presente, 3 vol. «e//2<;« \2mo. Napoli, 1692-94 5200 Napoli. Perillo (D.) Eagguaglio delle A^ille e Luogbi prescelti per Uso delle Caccie, Pesche, &c. da Eeguanti ed altr' iusigni Person- aggi 4ifo. Napoli, 1737 5201 Napoli. Phoebonii (M.) Historise Marsorum libri tres, una cum eorundem Episcoporum Catalogo, frontispiece, map, cuts, and fac- similes of ancient seals 4ito. NeapoU, 1678 5202 Napoli. Pietri (E. de') Historia Napoletana, icoodcuts of arms and medals, vellum folio. Napoli, 163-4 Haym, Lenglet Du Fresnoy and Giandonati pronounce this work " Libro assai rai'o."' 5208 Napoli. Porta (Aniello della) II nuovo Eitorno de' Erancesi & Presa di Castellamare con 1' Elettione di Alessandro VII et altri Eventi successi nella Citta di Napoli nell' Anni 1654 & 1655. Parte quarta Manusceipt, illustrated witli valicahle engravings, including equestrian portrait of the Viceroy, portrait of Innocent N, his Funeral Pro- cession, the Conclave, portrait of Alexander VII, his Procession, portrait of Cardinal Mazarin, and Plan of Pavia, royal 4:to. SiEC. xvii. 5204 Napoli. Privilegii et Capitoli con altre Gratie concesse alia Citta di Napoli, & Eegno per li Sereniss. Ee di Casa de Aragona (fino dall' anno 1306, in Latino e in autico Italiano) vellum folio. Venet. 15S8 This copy has inserted at end the very scarce " Capitula Papre Honorii." 5205 Napoli. Eaccolta di varii libri, overo Opuscoli d'Historie del Eegno di Napoli, wormed, vellum 4'ese)itaiion copy, loitli autograph inscription of the aiitlior, Fir enze,\'6'2& 8vo. (4) 5246 Natural Htstort. Catalogues des Bibliotbeques de MM. Sainte- Hilaire, Paris, 1845 — M. Le Baron Pappenheim, ih. 1826 — A. Thory, ih. 1830— M. Desfontaines, ih. 1834— J. P. F. Deleuze, ih. 1835^Baron de Ferussac, ih. 1836— V. Audoin, ih. 1842— F. Cuvier, ih. 1846 8t'o. 8 vol. 5247 Natural History. Costasi (J.) de TJniversali Stirpium Natura Libri duo, Uo. Aug. Taurin. 1578 — Vettori (P.) delle Lodi et della Coltivatione de gl' Ulivi, first edition, scarce, hut damaged in the top onargin, Fircnze, Giunti, 1569 — Scacco (F.) Trattato di Mescalzia, tvoodcuts, sliglitly ivormed, Teiietia, 1603 — Caniilli (A.) Del Bagno di Nocera n'ell' TJmbria, Ferugia, 1638 — Schiavetti (A.) sopra I'Acque, & Bagni di San Casciano, Orvieto, 1601, half hound, in one vol. — Moebii (Gr.) Anatomia Campliors3, vellum, Jence, 1660 — Marabelli (F.) De Zea Mays Planta, Fapiae, 1793 Uo. 6 vol. 5248 Natural History. Donati (V.) della Storia Naturale Marina dell' Adriatico, Saggio. Giuntavi una Lettere del Dott. L. Sesler intorno ad un nuove Genere di Piante Terresti'i, plates half calf 4to. Tolosce, 1693-97 " Tons cet morceaux sont doues d'une Elegance charmante" (Montucla). Nicolas was a great admirer of Fermat and quotes his letters. 5308 Nicoli (Nicolai) Sermones Medicinales, 7 vol. bound in 4 vellum folio. Venetiis, 1491 A fine copy ; the largest medical work perhaps ever printed, and which is seldom to be found complete. This work is mmutely described by Ham. 5309 Niebubr (B. Gr.) Life and Letters, with Essays on his Character and Influence, by the Chev. Bunsen and Professors Brandis and Loebell, 2 vol. cloth 8uo. Land. 1852 5310 Nieto Molina (Don Francisco) La Perromachia, Eantasia poetica en Redondillas con sus Argumentos en Octavas fine copy in calf extra, gilt edges, by Niedree 8t»o. lifadrid, 1765 5311 Nieuwentiit (B.) Analysis Infinitorum, Amst. 1695 — Ejusdena Con- siderationes circa Analyseos Principia et Calculi Differentialis Usum, ib. 1694 — Ejusdem Considerationes secundse et Eesponsio ad Leib- nitzium, ib. 1696, plates, vellum 8vo. in one vol. These works were answered by Leibnitz and John Bernoulli. 5312 N'grisoli (F. M.) Considerazioni intorno alia G-enerazione de' Viventi e particoiarmente de M.ostri, plates of monstrosities uncut, scarce Ado. Ferrara, 1712 5313 Niphi (A.) De Verissimis Temporum Signis Commentariolus vellum 8vo. Venetiis, 1540 This rare work was unknown to Lalande. 5314 NisMES. Gautier (H.) L'Histoire de la Yille de Nismes et de ses Antiquitez, flates %vo. Paris, 1724 5315 Nismes. Poldo d'Albenas (J.) Discours Historial de I'antique et illustre Cite de Nismes en la Gaule Narbonoise (avec un poeme de J. Pinedos au commencement), ^ne^j^ai^e^, vellum folio. Lyon, 1560 A curious and scarce topographical work. 5316 Nitri (Conte M.) Eagguaglio dell' ultime Guerre di Transilvania et J^ngdiriz,, frontispiece by L. David, vellum 4ito. Venetia, 1666 5317 NizoLii (M.) De Veris Principiis et Vera Eatione Philosophandi contra Pseudophilosophos Libri IIII, calf Ato. Farmce, 1553 First edition of a celebrated work, written to impugn the authority of Aris- totle, and to bring into contempt the ridiculous doctrmes and the barbarous language used by his disciples, wliom Licetus terms PseudophilosopM. The book had in 1670 become so rare that the illustrious Leibnitz in that year republished it with a preface, in which he bestows very great praise upon its merit. 5318 Noble-Lalauziere (Mr. de) Abrege Chronologique de I'Histoire d' Aries, numerous plates and inscriptions half calf Uo. Aries, 1808 THE LIBEI LIBEAEY. 573 5319 NocEEA. Massimi (L.) Dell' Aqua Salubre e Bagni di Nocera old red morocco, gilt edges, from Card. Alhanis Library Uo. Soma, 1774 5320 Noceti (C.) De Iride et Aurora Boreali Carmina, cum Notis J. E. Boscovich (de Atmosphaera solari, etc.), plates, calf, 4fo. Homce, 174!7 5321 Nodier (C.) Melanges tires d'une petite Bibliotheque ou Varietes Litteraires et Philosophiques uncut, curious and scarce Svo. Paris, 1829 5322 Nodier (C.) Description Eaisonnee de sa jolie Collection de Livres, avec la vie de JSTodier par Weyet, et une introduction par Duplessis uncut 8vo. Paris, 1844 5323 Nollekins (J. the Sculptor) Catalogue of his Prints and Drawings, 1823— Hibbot (H.) British Portraits, 1819,^nce^— Eodd (T. & H.) British Portraits, 1819, and 10 others, in 1 vol. Svo. 5324 NoN-Juuoiis. Satisfaction tendered to all that pretend Conscience for non-submission to our present Governours, and refusing of the New Oaths of Fealty and Allegiance, by E. B. 4ito. London, 1689 — Noble (E.) Grodly Adversity far better than wicked Prosperity, 4^o. ib. 1661 — Middlesex : The Proceedings of the Grand Jury in Easter Term 1681, (broadside'), folio. London, 1681 (3) 5325 Nopheris (Cosmse de) Opusculum Geometricum in quo Proportionis Parabolarum cum diversis Superficiebus enucleatur doctrina lini]) vellum, gilt edges 4ito. Florentice, 1660 A scarce work, unknown both to Montucla and Chasles. 5326 Nores (P.) Storia della Guerra di Paolo IV, Sommo Pontefice, contro gli Spagnuoli, corredata di Documenti 8z)0. Firenze, 1847 5327 Norman (E.) The Newe Attractive, with the Application thereof for finding the true Variation of the Compas by W. Burrowes, cuts blacfe letter, scarce 4:to. London, 1614 AVith tables, scarce, and unknown to Lalande. 5328 Northampton. True Eelation of the Souldier's preaching and mur- dering a Woman, &c. scarce 4ito. ib. 1646 5328* NoKTUMBEiA (E. Dudleo, Duca di) dell' Arcauo del Mare Parte prima del Tomo terzo contenente il Libro quiuto nel quale si tratta della Navigazione scientifica e perfetta, cioe Spirale o di gran Circoli, plates, including volvelles, by A. F. Lucini OEiGiNAL EDITION, very scarce, vellum royal folio. Firenze, 1647 This portion of a very celebrated work contains the treatises on the mariner's compass, theodolite, quadrant, &c. illustrated by elegant engravings and volvelles. 5329 Notffi Grsecorum, sive vocum et numerorum compendia. Accedunt Dissertationes ex quibus marmora quajdam exponuntur, ac emen- dantur, ab E. Covsinio, plates of antiqidties, and facsimiles vellum folio. Florentiae, 1749 An important work, containing much information respecting the history ol Greek arithmetic. 5330 Northwick (Lord) Catalogue of his Extensive Collection of Ancient and Modern Pictures, Miniatures and Enamels, &c. plate cloth 4to. 1859 5331 Notices et Extraits des Manuscrits de la Bibliotheque du Eoi, 9 vol. jjlans, and plates of facsimiles 8 vol. in calf and vol. 9 sewed 4fo. Paris, 1787-1813 A very important collection ; containing, amongst other things, facsimiles oi the most beautitul bindings of books, formerly belonging to Diane de Poitiers. The volumes published subsequently may be easily procured in Paris, these nine volumes forming the scarce poi'tion of the collection. 7 574 THE MISCELLANEOUS POETION OF 5332 Notitia Diguitatum Imperii Eoraani, ex nova recensioiie P. Labbe cum pkiribus aliis 0i:)usculis ac Notis, scarce 12mo. Parisiis, 1651 5333 Notizie Biograficho e Letterarie degli Scrittori della Stato Estense, in 2G parts Uo. Beggio, 1833-37 Intended as a supplement to Tiraboschi's Biblioteca Modonese. 5334 NovarifB Civitatis Statuta very scarce, hut loormed, vellum folio. Novarice, 1583 Unknown to Coleti. Many of these local laws are curious. Adultery per Vim is punished -with a fine of 100 lihrm Imxwrialium, and " sine vi " with 50, but the woman is to be burnt if the husljand desires it. If known as " Mei'etrices," whether married or single, there is to be no punishment. Rape with 100 librse. Gamblers are to be fined. Blasphemy and even assaults on images of the saints were subject only to fine, or in default of payment to whipping. Millers guilty of forestalling are to be fined doubly. Winedealers to use stamped measures. Black not to be worn for the dead, &c. &c. 5335 NoTELLE. Arnigio (B.) Le diece Veglie de gli ammendati Costulni deir humana Vita, loith Aldine Anchor on titlepagc scrace, velhom 4vo. 5384 Oderico (Gr. L.) Lettere Ligusticbe ossia Osservazioni criticbe suUo Stato Geografico della Liguria fino ai tempi di Ottone il Grande con la Memorie storiclie di CaiFa ed altri Luogbi della Crimea, \Q folding plates, containing coats of arms, ^c. uncut ^vo. Bassano, 1792 A very important work for the history of the eastern colonies of Genoa. 5385 Odescalchi Duca di Ceri (D. Baldassare) Memorie istorico criticbe dell Accademia do' Lincei e del Principe Eederico Cesi secondo Duca d' Acquasparta Eondatore della medesima, plate calf extra 4:to. JRoma, 1806 A most valuable account of this famous Academy, in which Galileo sustained so prominent a part. 5386 Odorico. Elogio Storico del Beato Odorico, con la Storia da lui dettata de' suoi Viaggi Asiatici (da E. Giuseppe Venni) p>lates and map royal 4'^e in Londea alle due Cameee, s. I. Sf a. (1715) — Lizzolii (A.) in Eunere J. Zandemariae Orationes, Macerates, 1690 — Elogia et Inscriptiones pro J. Zandemaria, ih. 1690 — Paladini (O.) Oratio pauegyrica de Philippo Y, Neapoli, 1702 — Paladini (O.) Discorso in Lode di S. Tomaso d' Aquino, Napoli, 1702 — Oratio gratulatoria coram Card. C. Barberino, ih. 1702 — Benedetto (P.) Discorso per I'Elettione di Clemente XI, Vrhino, 1701 — Pucciuelli (C.) il Gonfaloniere della Tirgine, Bologna, 1671 — Amaldi (G.) Discorso delle Azioni glorioso dello Card. D. Capranica, Roma, 1708 — Eubeis (M. A. de) de S. Trinitatis Arcane, ih. 1674 — Fantautii (A.) de S. Ivone Oratio, ih. 1672 — Ciampoli (D.) de D. Ivone Oratio, ih. 1673 — Eubeis (M. A. de) de S. Ivone, ih. 1671 — Pascucci (T.) S. Petrus Apostolus Dux Exercitus Christian!, ih. 1686 — Lauretti (J. D.) in Honorem Principis Apostolorum Oratio, ih. 1687— Centoflorenius (H.) de D. Spiritus Adventu, ih. 1673— Ilyacinthus S. Martinus ab AUadio de S. Spiritus Adventu, ih. 1669 — Arcbintus J.) de Spiritus Sancti Adventu, ih. 1670 — Corbelli (A.) de S. Spiritus Adventu, ih. 1707 — Bancherius (A.) de S. Spiritus Adventu, ih. 1687 — Malvetius (March. J. Y.) de S. Spiritus Adventu, (j,h. 1663) — Gervasoni de Augelinis (J. B.) de Christi Ascensione Oratio, ih. 1707 — Schiarae (A. T.) Orationes in Eeria lY Cinerum, ih. 1707 — Marchiori (S.) Orationes in Studiorum Instauratione habita, Patavii, 1694 et 1692 — Abbatibus (B. de) Oratio fuuebris de E. Card. Nerlio, Romce, 1708 — Ayrolus (J. M.) de Prastantia Lingua^ Sanctae, ih. 1705, vellum 4 Maximi, Venetiis, 1510 — Moncata (Bart. Spatafora di) quattro Orazioni in Morte del Screnissimo M. A. Trevisano, &c. Venetia, 1554 — Galuppi (V.) in Eimere Cardi- nalis Geuii Oratio, Venetiis, 1573 — Picedi (P.) Oratione in Morte della Signora Donna Maria di Portugallo Principessa di Parma e Piacenza, scarce, Parma, 1578 — Vaz Motta (J.) Oratio ad Card. Estensem, Bomce, 1584 — Ejusdem Oratio cum inciperet explicare Lib. Topic. M. Tullii, 4ito. ib. 1585— ^Paladini (Orontii) Oratio in Eunere P. Eusci, Neapoli, 1704 — Pauli (S.) pro H. Alexandre Vincentino Arcbiepiscopo Tbessalonicensi Laudatio funebris, Napoli, 1723 — Eunerali per lo stesso, ib. 1723 — Porta (P. a) in Eunere J. Pici Oratio, 1574— Contucci (C.) Oratio in Eunere J. B. Cardinalis Ptolemsei, BomcB, 1726 Uo. (11) 5415 Okationes Eunebees. Marini (J.) pro A. Suriano funebris Oratio, Venetiis, 1508 — Oratione consolatoria in Morte da Helisabetta Dotta Capodelista, Padova, 1555 — Marcbesinii (A.) Oratio in Eunere H. Seripandi Cardinalis, Patavii, 1563 — Vaz Motta (J.) Exmebris Oratio in Card. G. Sirletum, Bomce, 1585 — Ludovici S. Erancisci Oratio funebris in Obitu M. Valladaris, ib. 1587 — Casta- lionis (J.) Oratio Die Depositionis Orintbia) Columna?, ib. 1594-^ Eosieres (E. de) Oratio panegyrica in Commendationem Camilli Burgbesii, ib. 1596 — Castalionis (J.) Oratio in Eunere P. N. Mutii, ib. 1596— Zibelli (T.) Oratio in Eunere J. B. Lancii, ib. 1598— Oratio in Eunere A . Luciagi, Brixice, 1602 — Barberino (E.) Oratione funebre in Morte del Don G. Salimbene, unJcnown to Mazzuchelli, Pavia, 1604 — Stepbonii (B.) Laudatio iii Eunere E. Delpbini, portrait, Bomce, 1606 — Laudatio in Eunere A. M. Marcbionis Salviati ab uno ex Alumnis Collegii Salviati, ib. 1617 — Cappello (M. A.) Eagionamcnto funebre per le Esscquie della D. Lucretia Tomacelli Ducbessa di Paliano, Boma, 1623 — Guinisii (J.) in Eunere Card. J. B. Spada Oratio, Lucce, 1676 4to. Romce, 1591 5429 Obationes Obediektiales. Gregorius XIV. Bernardi Episcopi Luceoriensis, Sigismundi III Regis Poloniso Oratoris, Oratio obedi- entialis coram Gregorio XIV 4^o. ih. 1591 5430 Oeationes Obedientiales. Clemens VIII. Sessa (J. A. de) Oratio Pbilippi II Nomine Obedientiam prsestante L. de Suarez de Figueroa et Cordusa, Duce de Feria, &c. ivith allusion to Britain'' s Infidelity, Mediolani, 1592 — Catii (F.) Oratio pro Sabaudiae Duce cum ejusdem Nomine Obedientiam praestaret, Bomce, 1594 — Terzanni Cremonae (J. F.) Oratio Nomine Alphonsi II Estensis Ducis, &c. 2 copies, ib. 1592 — Peregrini (L.) Oratio Obedientialis pro Sigis- mundo III Poloniae Roge, ib. 1594 — Peregrini (L.) Oratio Obe- dientialis pro Magno Equitum Rhodiensi Magistro, ib. 1593 4^0. 5 tracts 6431 Oeationes Obebtentiales. Paulus V. Guarini (B.) Oratio in prsestanda pro Civitate Ferrariae Obedientia 4^o. ib. 1605 5432 Obationes Obedientiales. Gregorius XV. Bernardinii (B.) Oratio obedientialis pro Eepublica Lucensi 4ito. ib. 1621 5433 Oeationes Obedientiales. Urbanus VIII. Castro (B. de) Oratio obedientialis pro Philippe IV, ib. 1625 — Bertrandi (T.) Honorarium Clientelare Magistratus Populique Avenionensis, ib. 1624 — Carafa (C.) Urbano VIII, wants title 4ito. (3) 5434 Obationes TnEOLoaic^ & Miscellaneje. Ilgonii (P.) de Sanc- tissima Cruce Oratio, Bomce, 1587 — Panigarolae (F.) de Sacrarum Stationum veteri Institute a Xisto V revocato Oratio, ib. 1587 — Peretti (B.) Orationes in Die Cinerum et Ascensionis Domini, 2 tracts, ib. 1590— Fulvii (F.) Oratio ad Card. Sfondratum, ib. 1591 — Monte S. Savini (N. a) Oratio ad Gregorium XIV, Dominica III Quadragesimae, ib. 1591— Sandoval (S.) de SS. Trinitate Oratio, ib. 1591 — Peregrini (L.) Oratio ad Clementem VIII Fer. IV Cinerum, ib. 1593 — Ugonii (P.) de Deo uno et trine Oratio, ib. 1593 — Papathodari (A.) Conoio de Paracleti Spiritus Sancti Adventu, ib. 1596 — Tornielli (C.) Laudatio S. Caroli Borromei, ib. 1610 — Caroli (F.) Sermo de Deo trino et uno, ib. 1610 — Vignati (H.) ad L. Vignatum Gratulatio, Medial. 1623 — Sermo inter Solemnia pontificaliter habitus Ventimilii, Bomce, 1626 — Arsagi Ripaltse (H.) Oratio Don A. Ferrer Regenti dicata, 2 copies, Medial. 1631— Polus (G.) de Rita ad Aras Evocata, Bomcs, 1642 — Ansaldis (A. de) Oratio in Vaticano, Florentice, 1697 4:to. 18 tracts 686 THE MISCELLANEOUS POETION OP 5435 Oratiottes vaki.'e ad Pontifices. Paul III. Sensi (L.) ad Civea Perusinos Conciones quinque, all in praise of Paul III, scarce, Momce 1543 — Leonard! (A.) Oratio Latina in Laudem Pii IV, Patavii, 15G5 — Oratione Volgare del medesimo, Padova, 1565, the last two in one vol. — Ugonius (P.) de Deo Uno et Trino ad Cle- mentem VIII, Bomce, 1593 — Idem De Sanctissima Cruce, ih. 1587 — Bonacina) (A.) de S. Gregorio XIV Oratio, unJcnoion to 3Iazzuchelli, MecUolani 1590 — Comanini (Gr.) al S. Padre Gregorio XIV Oratione, Milano, 1591 — Garciae (V. B.) de Gregorii XIV Pontificatu, Pomce, 1591 — Rainoldi (A.) Oratio ad Gregorium XIV, lb. 1591— Girardi (S.) ad Gregorium XIV Gratulatio, ib. 1591— Ugonii (P.) ad Clementem VIII Oratio 2 copies, ih. 1592 — Garcise (V. B.) Oratio qua Gratias agit pro novo Pontifice, ih. 1592 — Suaresii (L. A.) Oratio de Deo Trino et uno ad Clementem X, ih. 1670— Scarellii (J.) Innocentio XII Oratio Patavii, s. a. — Honor Ursinorum et Prsedicatorum PamiliaD abunde restitutus a Benedicto XIII, Romce, 1724 4^o. 16 tracts 5436 Oeationes VAEiiE, Campegii (J. B, JEpiscopi Maioricensis) de Tus- culana Villa sua Epistola, Bononice, 1567 — Eeguli (S.) Oratio in Academia Bononiensi, ih. 1563 — Corradi (S.) de Officio Doctoris et Auditoris Oratio, very scarce, Plor entice, L. Torrentinus, 1548 — Peliciani (B.) Oratio de Historia in Expositione Sallustii de Bello Jugurthino, Venetiis, 1567 — Beffse de Nigrinis (A.) Ode ad Ludo- vieam Datam Tyrabuscam, s. I. 1566 4^o. 5 tracts 5437 Orationi volgarmente scritte da diversi Huomini illustri de Tempi nostri raccolte da P. Sansovino, 2 vol. in 1, scarce fine copy in vellum 4ito. Vinegia, 1584 Amongst these Oi'ations are that of Anne of Cleves against her Divorce from Henry VIII, the famous one made by Alberto LoUio the Ferrarese Ambassador to Queen Mary and her Privy Council on the return of England to its obedience to the Pope, and that of Cardinal Pole to Charles V persuading him to peace ; &c. &c. 5438 Orationi volgarmente scritte da diversi Huomini illustri, 2 vol. in 1 4^0. Vinegia, 1584 5439 Obazioni. Buonamici (F.)DiscorsipoeticinellaAcademiaEiorentinain Difesa d' Aristotile, written against L. Castelvetro, 4ito. Fiorenza, 1597 — Cittadini (C.) Tre Orationi (della Toscana Pavella, &c.) portion of Printer's name on title Sf date in MS. ^vo. Siena, 1602 — Pranchi (P. A.) i Pregi della Poesia, half hound, 4^o. Firenze, 1758 — Calvi (Giovanni) Delia Morte di Soerate, discorso, large paper, vellum, 4ito. Pisa, 1763 — Piaccbi (L.) Lezione detta neU' Accademia della Crusca, il Di 12 Marzo 1816 (intorno le novelle del Lasca) 8vo. Firenze, 1816 (5) 5440 Oeazioni. Mercuriale (M.) il Punerale nell' Esequie dell' Eccel- lentiss. Sign. Girolamo suo Padre (celebre Medico) large copy, nearly tmcut 4ito. Firenze, Giunti, 1607 With the Latin Oration on the occasion, and with Latin and ItaHan Poems at end. Dedicated to Madama Cristina di Lorena, Grand Dnchessa di Toscana. 5441 Oeazioni, Peruzzi (B.S.) Esequie Del Ser. Giovan Gastoue Gran Duca di Toscana, in Pirenze coll' Orazione funerale dell' Abate G. Buon- delmonti, with large folding plate, vellum ^to. Firenze, 11^1 THE LIBRI LIBEAEY. 587 54i42 Orbellia (Nicolai de) Cursus Librorum Philosophiso Naturalis secundum A'^iam Doctoris subtilissimi Scoti, numerous Diagrams illustrating cosmograpJii/, meteors, ^c. rare, hut stained 4:to. Basilece, 1503 The margins of this scientific Cyclopjedia are filled with MS. Notes, written in the early part of the XVIth Century. 5443 Ordonnance et Instruction pour la generale capitale Imposition, &c. a rare Decree for a Capitation tax, Bruxelles, 163 L — Traite de Paix entre Sa Majeste et Son Altesse Eoiale de Savoie, a Utrecht le 11 Avril 1713, Amst. (1713) ; Manifesto de Sa Majeste contenant les Motifs de sa Declaration de guerre centre la Porte Otto- manne, Liege, (1736) ; Seren. Perdinando Grandse Yota, in Elegiis expressa, xcanting the titlepage — Eaisons pour quoi sa Majeste Imperiale n'a pas concouru a la Paix conclue a Utrecht, le 11 Arril 1713, A la Saye, 1713 — Projet presente le 6 JuiUet 1714, contenant les Poiats pour servir de Plan pour convenir avec S. M. Imperiale au sujet de la Barriere dans les Pays Bas Espagnols, 1714 — Traite de la Toute-Puissance Spirituelle et de I'lmpuissance Politique du Clerge de Prance, two copies, Paris, 1845 — Damuis Seigneur d'Hilorue (Brsechmus) Eemonstrance aux Habitans du Pais Bas pour les reunir au Devoir de vrays et loyaux Subjets, Rheims, 15T8 4^0. ^ ^vo. (9) 5444 Oricellarii (B.) de Bello Italico Commentarius. Item de Bello Pisano, 2 vol. riKST EDITION, uucut 4ito. Lond. 1724 Tiraboschi does not seem to have known this first edition of Bernardo Rucellai's (Latinized into Oricellarius) History of the Italian and Pisan Wars, and of the Arrival of Charles VIII (to whom he was ambassador), as he only mentions that of 1733. Of Rucellai, Erasmus says, " Although 5'ou would pronounce him another Sallust if you read liis History, yet, I never been able to get him to talk in Latin." Tiraboschi also considers him a model of writing history. 5445 ORiEJfTAL. Bresciano (P. Organtino) Due Lettere scritte dal Meaco del Giapone, Jine copy in Jimp vellum Svo. Soma, 1597 5446 Oriental. Eliseo Storico Armeno del quinto Secolo Yersione del Prete G-. Cappelletti, Venetia, 1840 — Lobo (G-.) Eelazioni Yarie cavate da una Ti'aduzione Inglese (di P. Wisbe) dell' originale portogbese (da L. Magalotti), vellum, Firenze, 1693 — Marconi (P.) Notizie storicbe della Crimea, calf, Milano, 1787 — Japan : Cere- monies usitees au Japon pour les mariages et les funerailles, a series of 19 coloured plates, Paris, 1819 — Chandler's (E.) Travels in Asia Minor, Dublin, 1775 — Conformita deUe Cerimonie Cbinesi colla Idolatria Greca e Eomana, vellum, Colonia, 1701 Suo. 6 vol. 5447 Oriental. Giorgieuits (Bartolomeo) Propbetia de Maometani, et altre cose Turcbescbe, tradotte per Lodovico Domenichi, vellum, 8vo. Firenze, L. Torrentino, 1548 — MafFei (G. P.) Istorie dell' Indie Orientali (scritte nel secolo XYI e tradotte da P. Serdonati) 3 vol. portrait, tincut, 8yo. Milano, 1806 — Bremond (G.) Yiaggi nell' Egitto, uncut, 8vo. Bologna, 1680 — Marmosa da Somera (G.) L'Oceano imboscbito in cui pati funesto Xaufraggio Emanuel Sosa Cavalier Portogbese, vellum, 12mo. Pavia, 1643 (6) 5448 Oriental. Melanges d'Histoire et de Litterature Orientales, Paris, 1817 — Catalogue de cinq cents Manuscrits Orientaux, ib, 1817 — Catalogues des Collections de Medailles, Pierres Gravees, Tableaux, Dessins, Estampes et Pierres Fines, ib, 1817 half morocco Svo. in one vol. 588 THE MISCELLANEOUS POETION OE 5449 Oeiental. Mose Corenese Storico Armeno del quinto Secolo Ver- sione di G. Cappelletti, 8 parts Svo. Venezia, 1841 Important for Oriental history. 5450 Orlandi (P. A.) Origine e Progress! della Stampa o sia dell' Arte Impressoria e Notizie dell' opere stampate dall Anno 1457 al Anno 1500, half hound 4to. Bononice, 1722 5451 Orleans (Pere d') Histoire des Revolutions d'Angleterre, 3 vol. portraits, calf 12mo. Paris, 1724 5452 Orleans (Charles Due D') Poesies publiees sur le Manuscrit de la Bibliotheque de Grrenoble, par Aime Champollion-Figeac presentation copy, ivith the Editor^s autograph inscription 12mo. Paris, 1842 Charles Duke of Orleans was taken prisoner at the Battle of Agincourt, and resided for many years in England, "where tliese poems were written. 5453 Ormond's (Marquesse of) Declaration proclaiming Charles II, with his Summons to. Col. Jones for the Surrender of Dublin, &c. ' "'^to. London, IGid 5454 Ornaments of Goldsmiths' Work, Jewelry and Blasonry, engraved by Michel le Blon, a celebrated German Goldsmith, who was born at Frankfort-on-the-Maine, 1590, and died at Amsterdam, 1G56. (This Collection is divided into three parts of 6 Engi'avings in each part, most of them with his monogram M . B, and are mounted in an oblong volume, having at the end, also mounted, an Engraving, time of Louis XIV, entitled, "The Tournament of Children.") Alljyroofs, a very interesting volume half blue morocco ohloitg 4", rare, in the original 2ng skin folio. Argentorati, 1513 With the autograph signature of " Erasmus Strenbergeh, 1539," on title- page, and a large wood-engraving of his arms, with the words " Erasmus Strenberger Chorherr zu Triendt," as a frontispiece. Otto Bishop of Frisingeu was the son of St. Leopold of Au-stiia, and half- brother to the Emperor Conrad III. His history is very valuable, and his Life of Frederic Barbarossa is highly praised by jEneas Sylvius (Pius II), for its strict adlierence to truth. 5462 Ougbtred (W.) Trigonometria, calf gilt 4:to. Londini, 1657 Fouquet's copy, with his * * stamped in gold in back, and one of the books which he bequeathed to the " College Louis le Grand." C. Wase's Eton Ode ^vill be foimd after the Dedication by R. Stokes. 5463 Overbury (Sir T.) His Wife (a poem), with additions of New Characters, and many other wittie conceits never before publislied, wants portrait, lialfrussia, scarce IQmo. Lon7 Pagea>-t. Memorie de' Yiaggi e Feste per le Eeali Nozze de Sere- nissimi Sposi Yiolante Beatrice di Baviera e Ferdmando Prmcipe di Toscana (con le Sonetti sparsi agli Spettaton dagli Amorini volanti pel Teatro nella Festa Teatrale del Greco in Troia) t^ 7 7 4:to. Firenze, looo rare, vellvm , n , . ■ 5528 Pageants. Mocante (G. P.) Eelatione dell' Entrata solenne fatta m ^^^^ Fe™ (13 Nov. 1598) per Margarita d'Austria Eegma di Spagna et del Concistoro publico, &c. _ ^to. Soma, lo98 A Pageant of considerable rarity. 5529 Pageants. Eeglement wie drey vomehme Personen in den K. Preus- zlchen Eitte?-Orden 13 Jul. 1712 aufgenommen und eingekleidet Wen soUen, CoUn an der Spree, 1712-Franckenstein (H^ WO von Bericht von dem neuen Chur-Bayeriscben Eitter-Orden des H. Geor<-ii mmh. 1736— Ordens-Gesetze des K. Schwedischen Sera- phinen-brdens,ira;«&. 1748, 7m7/m7/ 4^^^ ''' Tl'k 5530 Pageant. Salvador! (A.) Guerra d' Amore Festa del S. Gran Duca di Toscana Cosimo II fatta m Firenze il Carnevale den615^_^^^^^ ^^^^ 5531 Pageant. Solennita celebrate in Urbino per lo Nascimento^^^^^^^^ simo del Serenissimo Prencipe . J^to. L> oino, xouo 5532 PagTz (J.) Essais sur les Miracles de la Creation du Monde et sur les plus merveilleux Effects de la Nature v inq9 calfe:ctra,hyPadeloup 8... P«r.., 1632 5533 Pagliarini (L. M.) II Fuoco ristretto et unito, ^^^'^I'^J^^a^l A curious work, in which is described a new apparatus for warming by means of metalhc balls, &c. without the direct action of any chmmey. 5534 Pa-nini della Yentura (G. F.) della Decima e di varie altre Gravezze hnooste dal Comune di Firenze, della Moneta e della Mercatura de Sen ini fino al SecoloXVI; con la ^-tica della Mercatura scr.tta daF. Balducci Pegolotti e da Giovanni di Antonio da IJzzaBonel 1419 4 vol. uneut ^to. Lislona e Lucea {Firenze) 1/65-66 A vprvimnortant work, full of original documents relating to the mtercourse ^SSom^lSns, not oiny with the Eastern and At-- -tions rlnrinfr the XlVth and XVth Centuries, but even with bnglana. luib coSion contains also much mformation respecting the history of Astro- nomy, Alchemy, Navigation, &c. 596 THE MISCELLANEOUS POETION OF 5535 PagnonccUi (A.) dell' Anticliita Origiue e Coutinuazione dei Governi Municipal! in Italia, 2 vol. 8vo. Bergamo, 1823 A most important work on the origin and history of Italian Municipalities. 5536 Paintings, Drawings, Prints, &c. Catalogues of the Duchess of An- caster's Collection, interleaved, with prices and names, Lond. 1791 — (Ottley's) Cabinet of Drawings, ib. 1803 — Hayley (W.) Pictures, Drawings, Prints, and China, 1821 — Fagel (H.) Prints, and Books of Prints, ISOl— Perignon (A. N.) Description des Tableaux, Des- sins et Miniatures du Cabinet du Baron V. Denon, scarce, Paris, 1826 — Paterson (S.) Bibliotheca Universalis Selecta, or Catalogue of Books, 1786 — Croft (T.) Curious Library (Scarce English, French, and Italian Works, Editiones Principes, etc.) 1783 — Pinelli (M.) Catalogue of his celebrated Library (Printed Books and MSS.) 1789 8yo. 8 vol. 5537 Paitoni (J. M.) Bibliotheca degli Autori Antichi Greci«e Latini volga- rizzati, 5 vol. in 3, vellum 4ito. Venezia, 1766-67 An interesting work, containing the descriptions of a great number of Manu- scripts, and also much bibliographical information. Paitoni (J. B.) Catalogue of his Library, 8vo. 1790-91 — Williams (D.) Bibliotheca quam bono publico legavit Catalogus, 8yo. Londini, 1801 — Boucher (Eev. J.) Catalogue of his Valuable Library, Svo. 1806 6 vol. 5538 Pakenii (J.) Hercules Prodicus seu Carolus Julite Clivise ac Moutium Princeps in Joanne Wilhelmo Comite Palatino Eheni Nepote post Sseculum redivivus, imcut 4to. Carpentras, 1808 5608 Peacham (H.) The Worth of a Penny, linlf calf Uo. London, 1704 A curious and witty performance, on the vray to keep money, by one who if fame has not belied him never could keep any in his Ufe. " 5609 Peechio (G.) Osservazioni semi-serie di un Esule sull' Inghilterra, Vlmo. Lugano, 1833 — Peechio (G.) Storia critica della Poesia Inglese, 4 vol. Vlmo. ih. 1833-35— Peechio (G.) Relazione degli Avvenimenti della Grecia nella Primavera dell 1825, 8i'0. ib. 1826 (6) 5610 Peignot (G.) Repertoire Bibliographique L^niversel tmcut _ _ Svo. Paris, 1812 A very interesting work, full of ciuious information. See, for instance, the " Notice de la decouverte des manuscrits de quelques auteurs anciens," etc. 5611 Peignot (G.) Manuel du Bibliophile ou Traite du Choix des Livres, 2 vol. uncut _ _ Svo. Bijon, 1823 A cm-ious biographical and bibliographical work, including the history of bookbinding, in which is contained information respecting the bibhopegistic ornamentations of Grolier, Catherine de Medicis, Henry II, Diana of Poictiers, &c. &c. 5612 Peignot (G.) Essai historique et archeologique sur la Reliure des Livres et sixr I'Etat de la Librairie chez les Anciens, plates LAEGE PAPEE, half hliie morocco, uncut imperial ^vo. ih. 1834 A verj^ interesting work, of which 200 copies were printed on common, and 12 only on large paper. 5613 Peignot (G.) Amusements Philologiques, ou Varietes en tons Genres uncut 8vo. ib. 1842 A most curious and amusing work, by the celebrated bibUographer Peignot, under the pseudonyme of G. P. Philomneste. 5614 Pellegrini (A.) I Segui de la Xatura ne 1' Huomo calf, Vinetia, 1545 — Paiorani (O.) Lettere affettuose di Madonna Emilia X. Xobile Fiorentina scritte al Cav. Bernardino X. Siena, 1594 Svo. (2) The second not mentioned by Cicognara, although it contains much informa- tion respecting fine arts. 9 GOG THE MISCELLANEOUS POETION OF 5615 Peleterii (C.) Yita, P. Pithsei ejus Proavi Vit» adjuacta, accurante J. Boivin, calf ^to. Paris, 1716 Containing a most interesting account of the Library of Pithou, wth the catalogue of the celebrated ancient manuscripts collected by him during the XVth Century, and now almost entirely lost. 5616 Peletier (J.) de I'llsage de Geometrie fine copy, very scarce ^to. Paris, 1573 5617 Pellegrini (M.) I Fonti dell' Ingegno, " Donum Auctoris Julio Cino,'" vellum, 12mo. Bologna, 1650 — Loredano (Gr. F.) Bizzarrie Aca- demiche, " La Morte de Volestain (Wallenstein) ; Vita del Mariuo ; Eagguagli di Parnaso ; gli Amori infelici ;" &c. &c. 2 vol. in 1, 12mo. ib. 1676 — Comazzi (Conte Gr. B.) La Mente del Savio, vellum, 8vo. Vienna, 1709 — [Berretta] Lettera d' Istruzione a una Monaca Novizia, uncut, 8w. Padova, 1738 — Franklin (B.) Scelta di Lettere e di Oposculi, tradotti dall' Inglese, tincut, Svo. Milano, 1774 — Castiglia'(B.) Opuscoli, presentation copy, Svo. Palermo, 1838 (6) 5618 Pelliccia (A. A.) Instituzioni dell' Arte critica Diplomatica Tomo 1, all puhlished, vellum Svo. Napoli, 1822 An interesting work, containing inquiries on the invention and origin of modern numerical figures, the history of paper and water-marks, &c. 5619 Pellicer (Don J.) el Fenix y su Historia Natural (in prose and verse) vellum Svo. Madrid, 1629 6620 Pellison Fontanier (P.) Eelation contenant I'Histoire de rAcademie Fran9oise, laege paper, rare, calf Svo. Paris, 1653 5621 Peltier (F. A.) Notice sur la Vie et les Travaux Scientifiques (relatifs a la Meteorologie, etc.) de J. C. A. Peltier, portrait, with, autograph inscrip>tion of the author Svo. Paris, 1847 5622 Pemi (Vice- Admiral) Grreat^Yictorie against tlie Hollanders 4^0. London, 165-| 5623 Pekmanship. Comiers (M.) L'Art d'^crire et de parler occultement et sans soup^on, loith the large folding plate scarce 12mo. Paris, 1690 5624 Penmakship. Dureri (A.) Institutiones Geometricse, mimerous diagrams, including designs for monuments, alphabets, &(c. scarce, vellum folio. Lutetice, 1532 5625 Penma^stship. Domenichi (C.) Delle Lettere nominate Maiuscole Antiche Eomane, 2 parts in 1 vol. geometrical plates of capital letters uncut, stained "^to. Boma, 1602 With the " Errovi della Stampa" in the author's autograph. 5626 Penmaksiiip. Grethings (R.) Gethings Eedivivus : or the Pens Masterpiece restored, containing exemplars of all curious hands written in England and Europe, with directions towards the attain- ment of Fair Writing, engraved throughout, with the exception of title and preface oblong folio. London, 1664 Scarce, nearly all the copies having been destroyed in the Great Fire of London. 5627 Penmanship. Habert (Pierre) Miroir de Vertu (en Prose) et Chemin de bien vivi'e (en Quatrains et Distiques) avec le Stile de composer toutes Sortes de Lettres, &.c. 12mo. Bouen, s. d. (circa 1626) A scarce and curious work, almost entirely in verse. At the end are " In- struction de I'Art d'Escriture et Alphabet de I'Art," both in verse. 5628 Penaianshtp. Haintzelmann (Elia?) Kurtze und einfaltige Fiir- weisuns unterschidlicher Lateinischer und Teutscher Art Schrifften 5633 THE LIBRI LIBR.IRT. 007 sanibt etlicben Handels Kechnungen ueben einem kurtzen Billau- zionirten Buchbalten AuTOGEAPn Manusckipt on Yellum, containing fine specimens of penmanship heightened ivith gold ohiong folio. Augsburg, 1G68 Whoever by erasing the top of the last 6 in tlie date intended these speci- mens to appear as if written in 1608, showed liimself a fool as well as a knave, for_ he forgot to alter the 1668 in the Balance-sheet, and thus betrayed his folly. Haintzelmanu is mentioned as an arithmetician by Professor De Morgan in his Index, but no title of his works is given. 5629 Penmanship. Hofmann (B. U ) Anweisung zur zierlichen Schreib- Kunst, specimens of penmanship ohiong folio. Niirnherg,s. a. 5630 PeNxManship. Mietb (J. C.) Der curiose Schreiber,^;?«^e5 of propor- tional letters, short-hand, deaf and dimh alphalet, finger numerals, drawing of figures, Sfc. scarce Svo. Dresden, 1679-80 This copy has both title-pages. At the end is " Job. Bollwers (Bulwer's) eines beriihmten Engellanders Gedancken von unterschiedener Formirimg der Hande." Besides Directions for the Formation of Letters this work contains Recipes for preparing inks of difterent colours, writing in gold, &c. &c. 5631 Penmanship. Neff (Caspar) Schatzkamer der Schreibkuust imd Cleinott der Cantzley, specimens of penmanship «^«*'<^« ohiong ito. Coin, 1576 5632 Penmanship. Ollyffe (T.) Tbe Practical Penman, a Xew Copy Book, containing tbe usual Hands of England, with jyortrait, en- graved throughout, scarce ohiong, 4to. London, 1713 Penmanship. Palatino (G. B.) Libro nuovo d'imparare a Scrivcre tutte sorte lettere anticbe et moderne di tutte natioui con nuove regole misure et esetnpi, con un breve & utile trattato de le Cifere woodcut portrait, rehuses, Hebrew and other alphabets, ornamental tSf " rognose" letters, ^'c.velhvm 4.(0 Soma appresso Campo di Fiore nelle Case di M. Benedetto Gionta, per Baldassare di Francesco Cattolari Perugino, 1510 Penmanship. Palatino (G. B.) Libro nelqual s'insegna a Scriver ogni sorte Lettera, Antica & Moderna di qualunque natione, con le sue Eegole & Misure, & Essenipi, woodcut portrait and 'capitals {including that of Leda and the Swan), slightlg stained vellum 4vo. Firenze, Giunti, 1522 The last of the four editions published by the Giunti, and, in the opinion of Professor Marsand, the best on account of the superiority of its text. (5) 5690 Petrarchc-e (P.) Epistolse, vellum Svo. Lugduni, 1601 This is the best and most complete edition of the epistles of Petrarch, a work so important for the literary Italian history during the XlVth century. 5691 Petrarca (P.) Le Eime, riscontrate co i Testi a penna della Libreria Estense, e co i fragmenti dell originale d'esso Poeta s'agiungono le Annotazioni d' A. Tassoni, Gr. Muzio ed L. A. Muratori 4^0. Modena, 1711 5692 Peteaeca (F.) Eime, vellum Svo. Padova, Comino, 1722 Prefixed is the Life by Beccatelli, and a bibliographical list of editions. This excellent edition is quoted by the Crusca. 5693 Petrarca (P.) Eime, 2 vol. portraits of Laura ly Morglien and of Petrarch hy Gandolfi, and plates LARGE PAPER, uncut, half red morocco large 4:to. Padova, nella Tipografia del Seminario, 1819-20 Beautiful and accurate edition, edited by Antonio Marsand, who has added a copious " Biblioteca Petrarchescha " at the end of the second volume. This copy was a present from the editor, and has the following inscription on the sides, " A Sua Altezza il Signor Barone Theotochi Presidente del Senato lonico, in Argomento di stima ed ossequio Antonio Mai-sand." 5694 Pethaeca. Alunno (P.) Osservationi sopra il Petrarca, tcoodcut portrait and plate, fine copy in vellum, scarce, Tinegia, 1550 — Barba (Simone de la) Nuova Spositione del Sonetto che comincia, Innohil sangue vitahumile, e' queia, Firenze {L. Torrentino), 1554 — Barba (Pompeo de la) Spositione d'un Sonetto Platonico, ivi, 1554, vellum, in one vol. — Vieri detto il Verino Secondo (P. de') Lezzione dove si ragioni delle Idee et delle Bellezze ; et Discorso della Gran- dezza et felice Portuna d'una Donna Laura, 2 vol. in 1, scarce, fine copies, Fiorenza, 1581 Svo. 3 vol. 5695 Peteaeca. Annotationi brevissime sovra le Eime di M. P. P. con la Traduttione della Canzona, " Chiare fresche ^ dole' aque ; Italia mia; Vergine bella;" e del Sonetto, " Quando veggio dal Ciel scender raurora," in Latino (da Marco MantoYa.'BenaYides), scarce, Padova, ]566 — Domo (Ubaldo de) Discorso sopra la XXII' Canzone del Petrarcha, scarce, vellum, Perugia, 1604 — Lapini (P.) Lettione sopra il Sonetto di Petrarca, Lasciate hai morte senza Sole il Mondo, Fiorenza, 1567 — Massini (P. sotfo il Nome delV Estatico Insensato) Lettioni (sopra alcuni Sonetti del Petrarca e del Guidiccioni), calf, very scarce, and apparently unhnown to Marsand, Perugia, 1588 — Salviati (L.) Cinque Lezzioni, della Speranza, della Pelicita, e varie tnaterie con I'Occasione del Sonetto del Petrarca, Firenze, Giunti, 1575 4^0. 5 vol. 614 THE MISCELLANEOUS POETION OF 5696 Peteakca. Averaui (B.) Lezioni sopra il quarto Sonetto del Petrarca, presentation copy to P. S. Federighi, ivith the author's autograpih inscription, vellum, 4rinted, Copenhague, 1751 — Le Brun (M.) Ode sur le Sujet propose par I'Academie Fran- 9oise, 1749 — Lettre a M. le President De Eulfey sur I'Election de 11 038 THE MISCELLANEOUS PORTION OF S. A. le Comte de Clermont a I'Academie Eran^oise, 1753 — Kelation de la Conspiration tramee par le Bacha de Rhodes contre risle de Malthe, Paris, 1749 — Josset (M.) Le Pour et Contre entre deux Dames sur la difference du bon Esprit et de 1' Esprit a la Mode — Ximenes (Marquis De) Les Lettres ont autant contribuc a la Gloire de Louis XIV qu'il avoit contribue a leurs Progres, Poeme, 1750 Mo^S^NET (M.) PeOJET POUE L'ETABLISSEMEIfT d'un Opeea Italien dans la Ville de Londees, teet scaece — Pope (A.) La Priere Universelle, traduite de I'Anglois, 1760 — Discours sur I'lndnlgence pour des Defauts d'Autrui, 1751^ Histoire des Pyramides de Quito elevees par les Academiciens, plate, teet scaece, 1751 — Decouverte interessante pour rorneraent de la Teste des Dames, scaece— Avanture Singuliere arrivee en Angleteeee an mois de Mai, 1751, scaece — Oraison Eunebre de M. Louis Mandrin Colonel Generale des Faussauniers et Contre- bandiers de France, eaee — Precis de la Vie de Louis Mandrin, avec un Recit de sa prise & I'execution de son Jugement — Chanson sur la Vie de L. Mandrin, 1755 — Critique de Catilina (en Vers) — Lettre de M. Racine Fils a M. M * * * (Marmontel), par M. de St. Croix — Lettre a une Jeune Dame (Angloise) nouvellement mariee, 1749 — Recueil d'Edits, Arrets, Declarations, et Memoires con- cernant la Direction & Jurisdiction que les Tresoriers de France exercent en Matiere de Domaine & de Voirie, 1700 — Resumes des Memoires du Parlement de Toulouse concernant la Jurisdiction Contentieuse du Domaine, 1761 4^o. in one vol. The Lamoignon copy of a collection of curious and uncommon tracts. 5934 Pomponii Laeti de Romanis Magistratibus, Sacerdotiis, Jurisperitis, & Legibus, ad M. Pantagathu libellus, cum annotationibus R. Grorrsei, Farisiis, 1552 — Pompei Festi (Sexti) De Verborum Signi- ficatione quae supersunt cum Pauli Epitome, emendata et annotata a C. O. Muellero, JiaJf hound, Lipsics, 1839 — Pomponio Mela del Site, forma e misura del Mondo, tradotto per Tho. Porcacchi, ttncuf, scarce in this state, Vinegia, G. Giolito, 3557 — Pompouius Mela de Situ Orbis cum Is. Vossii Observationibus, vellum, HagcB Comitis, 1658 — Aeciaioli (Donati) in Aristotelis Politica Commeutarii nunc primum in Lucem editi, in the original stamped pigsYin, Venetiis, 1566 — Lycophronis Alexandra, cum I. Tzetzis commentariis Or. et Lat. per G. Canterum, vellum (Genevce), P. Stephanus, 1601 — Callimachi Hymni cum Scholiis nunc primum editis, Graece. Sen- tentiae Or. ex diversis coUectse, Basilece, 1532 — Ciceronis Epistolae cum P. Manutii Scholiis, loith the autograph signature and notes of "S. DE Pothiee Aeciiiepiscopus Tueonensis," Paris,B. Stephanus, 1541 4/0. c^ 8ro. (8) 5935 Pomponius Mela De Situ Orbis cum annotationibus P. J. Olivarii apparently on laege papee, half calf Svo. Parisiis, apud S. Colinceum, 1539 At the end is bound up " Elementale Geometricum ex Euclidis Geometria a J. Vcegelin decerptum, Paris, 1543." 5930 Pona (G.) Monte Baldo descritto in cui si figurano & descrivono molte rare Piante de gli Antichi, da' Moderni sin' hora non conos- ciute. Et due Commenti da N. Marogna sopra I'Amomo de gli Antichi, 2 vol. in 1, woodcuts, vellum 4:to. Venetia, 1617 THE LIBEI LIBEAEY. 639 5937 Poatani (Joannis Joviani) De Liberalitate, de Beneficentia, de Magni- ficentia, de Splendore, de Conviventia Libri, small jwrtion of b ii in MS. half vellum, Uo. Neapoli, per J. Tresser de Hoestet et Martinum de Amsterdam, 1498 — Poggii Florentini Opera, sold u'ith all faults, as his Translation of Lucian's Ass has been cut out, folio, Argent. 1513_G-ravina5 (J.V.) Opera Juridica, calf, 4/o. Lipsice, 1737 — Eisposta air Arringa del Sig. Talon, 4>to. s. I. ^ «.— Agneto (Gr. M.) Arringhe seelte ed altri Componimenti, 4^o. Palermo, 1760 (5) 593S PoNTANi (J. J.) Opera soluta Oratione composita, viz. De Prudentia et de Magnanimitate, JSfeapoli, s. a. — De Bello Neapolitano et de Sermone, ih. 1509 — Actius, J^gidius et Asinus, Dialogi, ih. 1507 — De Fortitudine, de Principe, Charon, Autonius, de Liberalitate, de Beneficentia, de Magnificentia, de Splendore, de Conviventia, et de Obedientia, Venetiis, 1512 — Commentationes super centum Sen- tentiis Ptolemtei, Neapoli, 1512 — De Eebus coelestibus, ib. 1512 — De Portuna, ib. 1512 calf, all unknotvn to Lalande folio. 7 vol. in 2 These first editions of the Prose Works of Pontano, -written with exquisite purity, are of great rarity, and those on scientific subjects of great impor- tance, as it is asserted that he was the first to discover the well-kno-vvn law of Continuity, and that the light of the jNIilky Way was caused by an infinite number of small stars. 5939 Pontani (J. J.) De Bello Neapolitano et de Sermone, 2 vol. one vol. half bound, the other sewed (original scarce editions) folio. Neapoli, S. ISIayr, 1509 5940 Pontani (J. J.) Opera Poetica (Urania, Meteora, &c.) old jEVench red morocco, gilt edges 8to. Venetiis, Aldus, 1513 5941 Pontani (J. J.) Amores et alia Poemata scarce, very large copy in old stamped pigskin 8yo. Venetiis, Aldus, 1518 5942 Pontani (J. J.) de Sermone libri sex, de Aspiratione ' libri duo, et de Bello Neapolitano libri sex, with the autograph signature and notes of the celebrated '■ L. GrEEa. GtIEALDI Ferearese " %vo. Florentice, Juntce, 1520 5943 Pontano (Gr. G.) Historia della Guerra di Napoli (nel Secolo XV), tradotta da M. Giacomo Mauro, vellum 4ito. Napoli, 1590 11 a 640 THE MISCELLANEOUS PORTION OF FIFTH DAY'S SALE. LOT 5944 Pontecoulant (Vicomte de) des Eepresentaiions Zodiacales presentation copy, with author s autograph inscription imperial Svo. Paris, s. d. 5945 PoNTiricuM Summorum Epistol.e Deceetales, 3 vol. TEBT EAEE, Vellum folio. RomcE, in u^diius Populi Romani {Aldus'), 1591 Presentation copy, in 1720, from Cardinal Passionei to Pope Clement XI, with the following inscription in the autogi'aph of that distinguished scholar : " Sanctissirao ac Beatissimo Patri Nostro Clementi XI. Vicessimum Pontificatus Annum feliciter inchoanti Hanc Epistolarum Decretalium Summorum Pontificum rarissimam et nitidissimam Editionem Dominions Passioneus D. D." 5946 Pope Joan. Hinlangliclier Beweis dasz etedessen eine "Weibes- Pei'son Nahmens Gilberta insgemein Pabst Agnese genannt unter dem Nahmen Pabst Johann VIII den Stuhl Petri besessen, &c. very scarce, having been rigidly suppressed 8t>o. Im Jalir, 1741 5947 PoPEET. Dialogue between the Pope and a Phanatick concerning Affairs in England, and a Sober Discourse of the Honest Cavalier with the Popish Couranter. To which is annexed a serious Epistle to Hodge, uncut 4to. Neapoli, 1593 This copy also belonged to the Accademia dei Lincei and to the Albani Library, as impressions of the seals of Prince F. Cesi and Clement Xlth are on title-page. This is the original edition of a celebrated work often quoted in the History of the Discovery of the Telescope. 5963 Porta (Gr. B. della) Delia Eisonomia dell' Huomo libri IV, tradotti per Griovanni di Eosa, with portrait of Mar cello Cavaniglia, Marquis of Santo Marco, and very curious engravings, a few leaves mended, sold therefore not subject to collation, rare folio. Napoli, 1598 5964 Portse (J. B.) Pneumaticorum libri III, quibus accesserunt curvilineo- rum elementorum libri II, 2 vol. woodcuts scarce ^to. Neapoli, 1601 5965 Portae (J. B.) Ars Eeminiscendi, with curious woodcuts, showing how to form the various letters of the alphabet hg different positions of the human hody, and tJie numerical figures hy different instruments of the various arts 4ito. Neapoli, per J. B. Suhtilem, 1602 Brunet mentions this work as one of the rarest of this author. 5966 Porta (J. B.) de furtivis Uterarum Notis vulgo de Ziferis vellum folio. Neapoli, ]602 Fine copy of a scarce book, with numerous woodcuts and singular alphabets. The fifth book was first added to this edition. 5967 Portae (J. B.) Coelestis Pbysiognomonise Libri ^&x, fine plates scarce, vellum 4:to. Neapoli, 1603 In this work Porta attacked the follies of judicial astrology, but nevertheless attributing great influence in sublunary affairs to the celestial bodies. 5968 PoETA. Ptolemsei (Claudii) Magnse Constructionis liber primus, cum Tbeonis Alexandrini Commentariis Jo. B. Porta Interprete, numerous diagrams, vellum 4:to. Neapoli, 1605 One of the scarcest of the works of Porta. 5969 Porta (Gr. B. della) i tre Libri de' Spiritali cioe d'inalzar acque per forza deir aria, tiumerous woodcuts vellum, with rough leaves 4fo. Neapoli, 1606 A work of great rarity. At page 75 is the cut of a machine for forcing up water by steam, which Arago considered so important for the history of the steam-engine that he gave a facsimile of it. At page 76 there is the figure of a kind of thermoscope 5970 Porta (J. B.) De Distillatione Libri IX, portrait hy I. Laurus, and woodcuts, fine copy in " veaufauve'''' ito. liomce, 1608 Prefixed are commendatory verses in Hebrew, Greek, Latin, Chaldee, Per- sian, IllyHc, and Armenian. 5971 Portaj (J. B.) Elementorum Curvilineorum libri tres, in quibus de Circuli Qaadratura, numerous diagrams, vellum 4:to. ih. 1610 In this scarce work the author flattered himself that he had discovered the solution of squaring the circle. For an account of it see Montucla. 5972 Portse (J. B.) De Aeris Transmutationibus libri IV original edition, vellum 4ito. ibid, 1610 5973 Porta (J. B.) de Aeris Transmutationibus, cuts scarce, vellum 4:to. ibid, 1614 5974 Porta (O. B.) de i Miracoli & maravigliosi AfFetti dalla Natura prodotti Libri IV, vellum 8vo. Venetia, 1618 THE LIBRI LIBRAEY. 643 5075 Porta (G-. B. della) Delia FisonoDiia di tutto il Corpo Humano breve- mente in Tavole Sinottiche ridotta, & ordinata da F. Stelluti Linceo, frontispiece, vellum, a scarce work 4:to. Roma, 1637 5976 Porta (Gr. B. De La) Commedie, 4 vol. portrait vellmi 12«2o. Napoli, 1726 By the celebrated author of the well-known " Fisonoraia " and " Magia Naturalis," so often reprinted, whose comedies deserve to be more read than they are in England ; some of the personaggi speak in the Neapohtan dialect. 5977 Portail (Nic. Johannes Sieur du) Histoire du Temps ou le veritable Eecit de ce qui s'est passe dans le Parlemeut depuis Aoust 1647 jusques Novembre, 1648, Rouen, 1649— Journal du Parleraent depuis 13 May, 1648 jusques Avril, 1649, Lyon, 1649— Suitte et Conclusion du Journal, Paris, 1653, vellum Uo. 3 vol. Very important for the history of the Fronde. 5978 Portii (L. A.) de Motu Corporum NonnuUa et de Nonnullis Pontibus '^aXviVSiWhw.^, fi'ontispiece and plates uncut, vellum 12mo. Neapoli, 1704 5979 Portio (C.) La Congiura de' Baroni del Eegno di Napoli contra il Ee Perdinando I, scarce, calf 4(jjf 8vo. Paris, 1669 Containing amongst the rest a portrait of Joan of Arc. 5983 PoBTKAiTS of Eminent Mathematicians, Chemists, &c.— viz. Maske- lyne, La Lande, Hutton, Montucla, La Place, Lavoisier, Margaret Bryan, Pourcroy, Mendoza Eios, Maclaurin, Wbistou, &c. &c. ; and other Engravings ^ « parcel 5984 Port Eotal. Pontaiae (M.) Memoires pour servir a I'bistoire de Port-Eoyal, 2 vol. \2mo. Cologne, 1738 An interesting work, containing curious information respecting Pascal, and other celebrated men. 5985 Portugal (P. de) Arte de Galanteria 4^o. Lishoa, 1670 A very scarce and curious work, written in Verse and Prose. 5986 Possevini (Ant.) Christiana Metbodus ad Jurisprudentiam, from Bp. Butler's and H. R. S. Duke of Sussex's libraries folio. Roma;, ex Typographia Apostolica Vaticana {Typis Aldinis) 1593 Published whilst Aldus Manutius had the direction of the Vatican Press, and one of the rarest of the Aldine Series. It was totally unknown to M, Renouard. G44 THE MISCELLANEOUS PORTION OF 5987 Pott (A. F.) die quinare und vigesimale Zahlmethode bei Yolkern aUer "Welttheile, nebst ausfuhrlicheren Bemerkungen iiber die Zablworter Indogermaniacben Stammes und einem Auhange iiber Fingernamen 8vo. Salle, ISi? A very important work for the liistory of numeration. 5988 Potter (M. de) Considerations Philosopbiques sur I'Histoire des principaux Conciles, 2 vol. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1825 6989 Potter (M. de) Vie de Scipion de E-icci, Eveque de Pistoie et Prato, uncastrated edition, witb tbe original " Processo " relating tbe turpi- tudes of the Nuns of Prato with the Monks, 3 yoI. portrait ^fac- similes 12mo. Bruxelles, 1826 5990 Potter (M. de) Histoire Philosophique, Politique et Critique du Chris- tianisme et des Eglises Chretiennes depuis Jesus jusqu'au XIX* Siecle, 8 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1836-7 5991 Pratensis (D. Jasonis) Liber de arcenda Sterilitate et progignendis Liberis doctus et elegans, tvitli autograph of Paul Cruceus, in old binding covered ivith hlanh tooling 4>to. Antverpice, 1531 5992 Prateoli (G.) De Vitis, Sectis, et Dogmatibus omnium Haereticorum, Elenchus Alphabeticus, vellum folio. Colonics, 1569 Bound up at end is another work, entitled " H. Manfredus de Cardinalibus S. Rom. Ecclesise Bononise 1564." 5993 Predari (P.) Origine e Vicende dei Zingari ; con un saggio di G-rama- tica e di Vocabolario dell' Arcane lore Linguaggio J(AEGE 'Sh.V'EiVi, portrait of^'' II Zingaro," the painter, and plates 8vo. Milano, 1841 A valuable contribution to literature, throwing much light on the Manners and Language of the Gipsies. 5994 Pretender. Capoa (L. di) Vita d' Andrea Cantelmo, Pareri sopra diverse Materie di State, e di Guerra di D. Andrea Cantelmo, ^or- trait, vellum 4vo. A collection of scarce bibliograpliical tracts. 6052 Pulci (Luigi de) Tractato del Prete colle Monache (Novella inedita in ottava rima) woodcut printed on gelloio-tinted paper, unique 8vo. Parigi, 1840 A free poem, privately printed by S. Audin, who took off 50 copies only, including those on tinted paper. 6053 Pulci. Sonetti di Matteo Franco e di Luigi Pulci assieme con la Confessione, Stanze in lode della Beca, ed altre Rime del medesimo Pulci nuovamente date alia luce, con la sua vera lezione de un Manoscritto Originale di Carlo Dati dal Marchese Filippo de Rossi LARGE PAPEE, rare, slightly wormed, uncut royal Hvo. Senza luogo {Lucca), 1759 605i PuEBAcnii (Geoeoit) Theoetc.e nov^. Planetaetjm, toith elegant diagrams containing Xylographic inscriptions EXTEEMELT BARE, MAGNIFICENT COPT in limp Vcllum folio, s. I. Sf a. (sed circa 1472) This is considered the first edition, and was printed by John Mliller, better known as Johannes Regiomontanus or de Monte Regio, the famous astronomer, who established at Nuremberg a printing ofiice, whence issued the first edition of Manilius, his various Kalendaria, and a few other scientific works, the whole of them of extreme rarity. See also Monte Regio in tlie present Catalogue. It is well kno^ni that Monte Regio died at Rome in 1475, and therefore this work, which is supposed to be the first of those which were issued from the press of Regiomontanus, must be some years earlier. See lot 4943 in the present Catalogue. THE LIBKI LIBRAE Y. 651 G055 Peurbaclui (Gr.) Nova? Tbeoricfe Planetarum a P. Apiano ad omnem Veritatem reductae et eruditis Figuris illustratae, looodcut diayrams calf, gilt edges (imknoivn to Lalande) 'Svo. Venetiis, Sabio, 1537 G05G Peurbachii (G.) Tractatus super Propositiones Ptoloma?i de Simibus & Cbordis. Item Corapositio Tabularum Sinuura, per Joaunetn de Regiomonte. Adjectae sunt & Tabulae Sinuum per eundem Eegiomontanum, Nuremlerga;, 1541 — Cataneo (Girolamo) Rote perpetue per ritrovar quando si fa la Luna, le Teste mobili, la Patta, &c. ENGRAVED ON wooB, icitJi Aldine anchor on title-page, JBressa, per L. de Sahhio, 15G2 in one vol. folio This curious work of Cataneo -was unknown to Lalande. G057 Purbachii (G.) Theoricse nova? Planetarum, woodcut diagrams, limp vellum, {imknown to Lalande') ^vo. Paris, 15^0 G0.j8 Puricello (J. P.) Ambrosianse Mediolani Basilicas ac Monasterii bodie Cistertiensis Monumenta, vol.1 (ll74i pages, all pull islied,) plates, calf 4:to. Mediolani, 1G15 A most important work, containing many unpublished documents illustrating tlie history of Lombardy from 387 to 120L The plates of the ancient monuments of the IXth Centurj^ (and earlier) are highly interesting and, amongst others, give fine authentic portraits of Charlemagne, St. Ambrose, Peter Oldradus Archbp. of Milan, and St. Bernard. G059 Puscb (S.) et E. Eroelich Diplomataria Sacra Ducatus Styriae, 2 vol. uncut 4^to. Yiennce, PragcB et Tergesti, 1756 Containing documents from the Xth Century doAvnwards. 6060 Puteani (E.) Historiae Cisalpinae Libri duo Res potissimum circa Lacum Larium a Joanne Jacobo Medicseo gestae. Accedit G. Capellae de Bello Mussiano Liber, vellum 4:to. Lovanii, 1614 Presentation copy from the Author to the Jesuit College at Louvame, with his autograph inscription. 6061 Puteani (Petri) Vita, cura N. Rigaltii. (Accedunt Putaneorum Encomia et C. Puteani Tumulus), portrait ly Nantueil, LARGE PAPER, calf 4S'. 8^0. Paris, n^^ In this scarce volume we find the Catalogue of the whole Library of the great poet Racine, sold after the death of his son ; most of his books, as is well known, having his autograph signature written on the title-pages. 6089 Radini (T.) Sideralis Abyssus, edente N. Beraldo, woodcuts, including a sphere with xylographic inscriptions, and the device of Hemon Le Fevre, rare, calf extra 4^o. Lutecice, T. Kees, 1514 The editor's advice is worth following : — " Accede lector et tarn rarum, tam- que preciosum hunc thesaurum modico sere tibi redime." 6090 Ragioni di Precedentia (tra il Duca di Ferrara et il Duca diFiorenza), slightly stained, very rare folio. {Roma, Aldo, 1562) Unknown both to Renouard and Moreni. 6091 Ragland Castle. The gallant Siege of the Parliaments Forces and desperate Exploits of the Besieged, half calf gilt 4ito. Land. 1646 6092 Ragusa. Luccari (Gr. di Pietro) Copioso Ristretto de gli Annali di Rausa, portrait of author in titlepage 4^to. Venetia, 1605 6093 Railuoads. Memoire aconsulter sur les Chemins de Fer en general, et sur le Systeme de Joufiroy en particulier, par G. Sarrut, cuts, Paris, 1844 ; and 4 others on Railways, 4y Flstrach, portrait of the author and cuts fine copy, limp vellum ^to. Bond, hy Nicholas OJces, 1613 6229 Eidolfi (Cav. C.) le Maraviglie dell' Arte overo le Vite de gV Illustri Pittori Veneti, e dello Stato, 2 parts in 1, fine portraits, sheet a beautifully facsimiled in MS. rare, vellum 4ito. Venetia, 1648 6230 Eigoli (L.) sul Testamcnto di Leramo di Balduccio. Si aggiugne il detto Testamento (fatto nel 1389) in cui libera una sua Schiava Cristiana 4/;o. Firenze, 1828 6230* Eigbei (L.) Triumpbus Eeligionis Virtutumque ancillantium 4, and portion of table of contents ci^nd sold tlierefore not suhjecf to collation folio, s. I. Sf a. {circa 1480) This Spii-itual Komance and Legend, attributed to John Bishop of Hildesheim (circa 1370) is stiU a great favourite with the Cologne mhabitants, and m an abridgment, as a chap-book, forms and will probably continue to be the delight of the rising^eneration. 6297 EoMANCE OE Chitalbt. Alexandei Magni Eegis Macedonum DoMiNATOEis TOTius Orbis Libee compilatus per Symonem V irum clarum et illustrem Principem Capadocise et Panagonise Cancella- rium Alexandri, Mafu script on papee 4ito. S.ec. xv. A very complete copy of this Romance of Chivalry, with the following colophon, " Liber Johannis de Londersele scriptus a me Henrico de Misna fideliter amore patris mei." At the end there is a ciuious history respectmg a magician, the Magister Gibertus. 6298 EoMANCE OF Chivaley. Argalus and Partbenia, a most pleasant and deligbtful history newly reviv'd, looodcuts black letter, half calf gilt, slightly cut in the head line, and a few leaves misj)laced ^to. At the ZooJdng Glass on London Bridge, 1691 A romance of chivalry, interspersed with poetry. 6299 EoMANCE OF Chivalry. Aetus de Beetaigne. Histoire des Mct- veilleux faicts du preux & vaillant Cbevalier Artus de Bretaigne, Et des grandes adventures ou il s'est trouve en son temps, tooodcuts, xvants signature A 2, sold therefore not subject to collation ^^jf 4to. Fans, 1584 A scarce edition of this prose romance of chivalry. Debure's copy sold for 79 francs. .. .r^ . -r^ -rx i ta 6300 EoMANCE OF Chtyalry. Bartbolini Filii (T.) De Holgero Dano qui Caroli Magni tempore floruit Dissertatio Historica uncut Svo. Safiice, 16/7 Holger, better known as Oger le Dannoys in romances of chivalry, married Clara, the only daughter of the Kmg of England. 6301 EoMANCE OF Chivalry. Belli (E.) Accidenti di Cloramindo Principe della Grhenuria,/He copy in vellum ^to. Venetia, 1639 A scarce romance of chivalry, in prose, unknown to Count Melzi. 6302 EoMAKCE OP Chivalry. Charlemagne Ses Conquestes, avec les faits et gestes des douze Pairs de Erance et du grand Eierabras, tooodcuts (a prose romance of chivalry) 8vo. Troyes, 1738 6303 EoMANCE OF Chivaley. Delfino di Francia et Angelina Loria. His- toria de i felici Amori del Delfino di Erancia et di Angelina Loria Nobile Siciliana ; dall lingua Normanna tradotta nella Itahana da G. Eiloteo di Amadeo Siciliano, 4 vol. in 3, not tmiform, and a few leaves at end of vol. III. very slightly loormed ^ _^^ , ^^„ . _ . _ Svo. Venetia, 1609-1609-1562-1609 A scarce romance of chivalry, written in prose. 078 THE MISCELLANEOUS POliTION OF 6301 EoMANCE OF Chivalry. Ehinoen (G. ton) Itinekarium das ist : historische Beschreibuug seiner Eaisen iiacli dor EittersclialFt, voi* 150 Jareu in X underschidlicbe Konigreicb, eiu/raved title and full- length fine portraits of the 10 Potentates and Kings he served or visited by D. Custodis, including those of Henry VI of England and James II of Scotland, both unknown to Bromley very rare ' folio. Augspurg, 1600 The adventures of this Knight-Errant are as interesting as any romance of chivahy. George of Ehingen informs us that James II, king of Scotland, was his wife's brother ; and the portraits in this work are said by Custodis to be exact copies from originals painted by command of Ehingen for him- self, whilst visiting at the courts of the Emperor Frederic, Charles Vll of France, Henry VI of England, Ladislaus of Bohemia, Henry IV of Castile, Alphonso of Portugal, John of Navarre, Rene of Sicily, James II of Scotland, and John of Cyprus. The travels of this Knight-Errant (although generally without date to guide u,s) seem to have commenced in 1454 and ended in 1457. He has preiixed a genealogy of his family, from which it appears he Avas one of nineteen children, and that in his father's castle resided four other noblemen all with similar large families, the chil- dren of the five together amounting to 100, all of whom Sir George sundved. This work is so rare that it was reprinted at Stuttgard in 1842 by the Societe des Bibliophiles. 6305 Romance of Chivalry. Eiu scbone unnd warbafFte History von dem teureu, gehertzteu imd inaunhaiFtigen Hugen Schappler, wel- cher, von wegen seiner Kiinbeit nnnd Eitterlichen Thaten (wiewol er von seiner Muter metzigers Gescblecbt geboren was) zuletst in Frankreicb zu einem Kiiuig erwdlet und gekront ward blacfe letter, spirited icoodcuts, extremely" rare folio. Straszhurg , B. Gruniger, 1537 An amusing romance of chivalry, detailing how Hugh Capet, although the sou of a butcher's daughter, for his high and mighty deeds became Iving of France. 6306 E-OMANCE of Chivalry. (Eoman des Sept Sages). Erasto doppo molti Secoli ritornato al fine in Luce, et con somma dilligenza dal Greco fedelemente tradotto in Italiano iivo. Vinegia, A. Bindoni, 1550 A scarce romance. This rare edition appears to have been unknown to Argelati, Gamba, Brunet and all other bibliographers, who, however, mention several printed subsequently. 6307 EoMANCE OF Chivalry. Erasto. I compassionevoli avvenimenti di Erasto opera dotta & morale di Greco ridotta in Volgare 8vo. Venetia, 1646 A scarce romance of chivalry, being a translation of the " Roman des Sept Sages." 6308 EoMANCE OF Chivalry. Eebusso e Breusso poema (della Tavola Eotonda scritto nel Secolo XIV) ora per la prima volta pubblicato, facsimile of an ancient manuscript, half bound, roy. 8vo. Firenze, 1847 6309 EoMANCE OF Chivalry. Fortuuato ligUvolo di Passamonte, il qual libro tratta delle gran Battaglie, cbe lui fece per vendetta di suo Padre contra de Magancesi, i677/i woodcuts, tree marbled calf gilt edges, by Kalthoeber 8yo. Venet. Q. A. Giuliani, 1626 A romance poem of gi'eat scarcity, printed in double columns, totally un- known to Count Melzi. 6310 Somakce of Chivalry. Gabriel (L.) Nova Spagna d'Amor et Morte de iPaladini (iii ottava ~Kva\?C),n.'oodcuts, half vellum, 4to. Vinegia appresso Pietro ^ Giovanmaria Pratelli : dei Nicolini da Sabbio, 1550 A very rare romance of chivalry. As, according to Count Mclzi, this volume THE LIBEI LIBEAEY. G79 should contain 210 leaves, and as this copy has only 181, it will be sold with all faults. 0311 EoMAXCE OF Chitalet. Galien Eestauk^. Histoire des nobles Provesses et A'aillaucea de Galien restaure Fils du uoble Olivier le Marquis et de la belle Jaqueline Fille du Eoy Hugon Empereur de Constantiuoble, icoodcuts fine copy in blue morocco, joinis, gilt edges, from iJie lihraries of JVhite Knights, Heher and Victor JIassena Prince d'EssJing, very scarce 4/0. Troyes, X. Oiidot, 1606 6312 EoMANCE of.Chitalht. Guerino prenoiuinato Meschino. In questo libro se tracta una hysteria breve de Ee Carlo Imperatorc Pol del Bascimento di qllo famosissimo cavalliero noniinato Guerino, et de le grande battaglie che lui fece co Turchi e Saracim, &c. icoodcuts vellum 4ito. (J'enetia, Bindoni, 1525) An extremely rare edition. A small portion of the la^t leaf being deficient, the work is sold with all faults. 6313 EoMA>'CE OE Chivalbt. Histoire des quatre Eils Aymons tres- nobles et tres-vaillans Chevaliers, half bound 4ito. Troyes, (1726) Scarce. This copy belonged to the Prince d'Essling a celebrated collector, and has his initials V. M. (Victor Massena) at the beginning. 6314 EoMA>"CE OF Chitalbt. Jan van Paris Konink van Vrankryk die trouwde de Dochter van den Konink van Spagnien, de welcke onder- trouw was met den Konink van Exgelakt, icoodcut blatfe IcitfC ^to. Antwerpen, s. a. Brunet does not seem to have known this Dutch version of a famous French romance, of which Heber's copy sold for £ 15. 10s. 6315 EoMAXCE OF CuiTALBT. Jean de Paris, Eoi de France, son Histoire, icoodcut Sfo. Troyes, 1728 A romance of chivalry in prose, detailing the heroic deeds of John of Paris, m his conflicts with the King of England. 6316 EoMAXCE OF Chivalbt. Le Livre intitule le Triumpbe des Xetif Pbeux, ouquel sont contenus tous les fais et proesses quilz out achevcz duraut leurs vies avee lystoire de Bertran de Guescliu, icoodcuts of the Nine Worthies, ivith xylographic inscriptions lilacfe letter, extremely babe, but unfortunately wanting title and prologue, and having also tico other leaves (v and vi) siqJiJlied in MS. ; sold therefore not subject to collation folio. Abbeville, par Pierre Gerard, 1487 A very good copy of this romance (cited in Don Quixote, imder the title of the A^/^e Wo7-thies) admirably adapted for a speculative amateur, as it contains the last leaves, which are those generally deficient and supplied in MS. Brunet calls it " Premiere edition aussi rare que precieuse," in confirmation of which we adduce the fact that a copy made complete by four leaves in MS. sold for 595 francs at Revoil's sale. 6317 EoMAycE OF Chitalby. Mabeia:n. Les proesses & vaillanccs du redoute Mabi'ian, Lequel fut Eoy de Jerusalem, & de Inde la Maiour, apres la mort du Eoy Suon son pere, fils de Eegnault de Montauban. Semblablement les faicts & gestes des quatre tils Aymon, Eegnault, Alard, Guicbard, & Eicbard, & de leur couyiu Maugist. Ensemble la mort & martyre d'iceux, tcoodcuts TEBY BABE 4:to. Souen, pour Theodore jRinsart, s. d. circa loSO A prose romance of chivalry, forming a branch of the " Romans de Charle- magne et des douze Pairs." The title is printed in red and black. 680 THE MISCELLANEOUS PORTION OF 6318 EoMANCE OF Chivalet. Moliere (Fran9ois de) La Polyxene avec la vraye Suitte (par Pomeray), 2 vol. old calf, gilt edges Paris, 1644 & 1634 A curious and scarce imitation of the ancient romances of chivalry. 6319 EoMAKCE or Chivalry. Ortunez de Calahorra (Diego) L'admirable Histoire du Chevalier du Soleil ou sont racontees les immortelles Proiiesses de cest invincible Guerrier et de son Prere Rosicler Enfans du grand Empereur de Constantinople, tradviite de FEspagnol par F. de Kosset et L. Douet, 8 vol. rare, vellum Svo. Paris, 1643^5-33-33-26-26-26-26 The volumes of this rare romance of chivalry (cited in Don Quixote) having been printed in various years, a complete series is of gi'eat rarity. Colonel Stanley's copy sold for £ 8. 8s. 6320 EoMANCE OF Chivalet. Peleeinage de Vie et Nature humaine Fine Manusceipt on Papee, calf extra folio. SiEC. xv. A very interesting romance of chivalry. 6321 EoMANCE OF Chivalet. Pierre de Provence et la Belle Maguelonne, xooodcuts 8vo. Troyes, 1728 Romance of chivahy in prose. 6322 EoMANCE OF Chivalet. Eeali de Francia ne li quali si contien la Generatioue de gli Imperadori, Ee, Ducbi, Principi, Baroni & Pala- dini di Francia con li gran Fatti & Battaglie da loro fatte calf Svo. Venetia, 1582 A very scarce romance of chivalry in prose. According to Melzi, one other copy only (in the Royal library of Paris) is kno'vvn of this edition. 6323 EoMANCE OF Chivalet. Eicbard sans Peur Due de Normandie Fils de Eobert le Diable qui fut Eoi d'Angleterre 8vo. Troyes, 1738 6324 EoMANCE OF Chivalet. Eobert le Diable (La terrible et Merveil- leuse Vie de) lequel apres fut bomme de bien, woodcuts 8yo. Troyes, 1738 A prose romance of chivalry, pretending to be the true life of the father of Richard Coeur de Lion. 6325 EoMANCE OF Chinalet. Eomans du Eenard (Les) examines, analyses et compares par A. Eotbe LARGE PAPEE, uncut 8fo. Paris, 1845 6326 EoMANCE OF Chivalet. Eoquefort (J. B. B. de) Notice Historique et Critique du Eoman de Partonopex de Bloys half calf , uncut 4-CE OF Chit ALKY. Teluccini, sopranominato il Bernia (Mario) Le Pazzie Ainorose di Eodomonte Secondo (in ottava Eima), woodcut capitals, vellum 4^to. Farma, 1568 This metrical romance of chivahy is of rare occm-rence. 6330 EoMvKCE or Chivalbt. Tromba (Girolamo) Dauese Ugieri, Opera beila et piacevole d'Armi & d'Amore (in ottava Eima), tvoodcuts Jialfrussia 8?;o. Venetia, 1638 Count Alelzi cites this rare edition of a famous metrical romance on the authority of Quadrio, never haA-ing been able to see it. On the titlepage stands " composto da Gii-olamo Tromba da Nocera," confirmmg Quadno s assertion that he was the author. Count Melzi observes " Nessuna deUe edizioni da noi vedute porta il nome di Girolamo Tromba, che da alcum vuolsi autore di questo poema. 6331 EoMAXE Lai^guage. Las Flors del Gay Saber estier dichas las Leys d' Amors. Les Fleurs du Grai Savoir autrement dites les Lois d' Amour, en Fran9ais et en Laugue Eomane, 3 vol. ^;7r/ife of fac- simile of the ancient manuscript, uncut royal Sw. Toulouse, s. a. An important collection of ancient poems in the Romane oxProvengal language, with a complete treatise of rhetoric, written during the XlVth Century at Toulouse, by the ancient Academy of the Jeux Floreaux. 6332 Eomani (G.) Opere (Teorica e Dizionario de' Sinonimi Italiani, sul Vocabolario della Crusca, Teorica della Lingua Italiana ed Opuscoli scelte), 8 vol. in 7, vellum, uncut Milano, 1825-27 An miportant work for the Italian scholar. 6333 Eomano (B.) Proteo Militare, curious engravings on icood and copper, velhm 4^0. mpoli, 1595 This scarce work was unknown to Lalande. The plates exhibit figures of compasses. Astronomical Instruments, capital letters, &c. 6334 Eomei (Conte Annibale) Discorsi tra Dame e Cavaglieri della Bellezza. deir Amor humane, dell' Honore, dell' iniquita del Duello, deUa Nobilfca, delle Eicchezze, della precedenza dell' Arme, e delle Lettere, vellum., scarce, Ferrara, Vittorio Baldini, 15S6 — Primaudaye (P. della) Academia Prancese coUa Continuatione transportata della Lingua Prancese nell' Italiana per A. Eaverii, 2 vol. in 1, vellum, Venetia, 1595-96~Porro (P. P.) L'Eris d' Amore dialogo (sul mal Prancese, lo Strascino, etc.), last leaves mended icitli manuscript; sold therefore not subject to collation, vellum, Milano, 1575— Falcone (H.) Narciso al Ponte cioe 1' Uomo che si specchia nella propria Miseria, uncut, Venetia, 1702— Zeti (P. Betto il Gohho di Parione) Altro Parere intoruo alia Cioccolata, Firenze, 1728 '^to. 5 vol. 6335 Eomitii (Camilli) Ecloga Eegis Eom.e (Napoleonis filii) Natali Die privately printed '^to. Augusta Farisiorum, ISll 6336 EooTH (Davidis, Fpiscopi Ossoriensis Sihernice) Analecta Sacra nova et mira de Eebus Catholicorum in Hibernia, pro Fide et Eeligione 682 THE MISCELLANEOUS POETION OP gestis, cum Additamento. Accedit de Processu Martyriali quorundam Eidei Pugilum in Hibernia pro Complemento Sacrorum Analectorum, 3 parts formiug 2 volumes in 1 calf, gilt edges, stamped sides 8uo. Colonic, 1G17-19 A very important work on Irish history, and much sought after by collectors. Sir R. Gordon's copy sold for £10. 10s. and Mr. Hanrott's for £13. 5s. 6337 Rosa (Cav. Don Michele) delle Porpore e delle Materie vestiarie presso gli Anticbi, ivith the large folding plate vellum 4to. Modena, mcclxxxvi {pro 1786) Containing much information respecting the history of dying. 6338 Eosario della Gloriosisima Vergine Maria, con le Miracoli, e con le Brevi, Bolle, Indulgenze, &c. raccolte da Gr. Beroaldi, G. S. Valentino, etc. 3 vol. in 1, numerous fne plates hy G. Franco vellum 4ortrait and i^lates, uncut 8vo. Firenze, 1823 6343 Eosellis (A. de) Tractatus de Potestate Imperatoris ac Pappp, et an apud Papam sit potestas utriusque gladii, et de materia consiliorum qui appellatur Monarchia folio. Venetiis, H. Lichtenstein, 1487 6344 Eosello (L. P.) H Eitratto del Vero Groverno del Principe dal I'Essempio vivo del Gran Cosimo de Medici, con due Orationi d' Isocrate con- formi air istessa materia, woodcut, vellum 8vo. Yinegia, 1552 " Rarissimo." (See Moreni). 6345 EosETTi (G. V.) Plinctho de Larte deTentori cheinsegna tengerPani Telle Banbasi et Sede si per larthe magiore come per la comune, xylographie title-page and cuts half russia 4to\Si, frontispiece ^vo. Firenze, 1825 6377 Bueus (E.) De Gemmis aliquot praesertim earum in D. Joannis Apocalypsi, Parisiis, 1547 — Gallissardi (P.) Pulieis Encomium, Lugduni, 1550 — Landi (C.) Methodus de Bona A^aletudine tuenda, ib. 1557 — Thylesii (A.) Opuscula, Basilece, 1545— Sardi (G.) Epis- tolse, Florentice, L. Torrentinus, 1549 (AutograpTi signature and motto of Tabourot, Sieur des Accords) — Calentii (E.) Croacus. Homeri Batrachomyomachia, scarce, Sagonooe, s. a. — Garrault (E.) Eechercbes des Monnoies, Poix et maniere de nombre, autograjih of Tabourot, Paris, 1576, vellum ^vo. in one vol. Garrault's work is not raeutioned by the learned Professor De Moi-gan. 6378 Euffo (Sesto) e Cassiodoro, Le Dignita de' Consoli e de gl' Imperadori e i Eatti de' Eomani da L. Dolce tradotti ed ampliati, autograph of Giovan Lanfranco, the celebrated painter, vellum 4to. Vinegia, 1518 (3) 6441 Sallustii Bella Catilinarium et Jugurtinum cum Commentariis L. Vallfe et J. C. Soldi, vellum folio, s. I. ^. a. (Sjec. xv.) On the cover is the autograph signature of the celebrated Octavius Boldoni, Librarian of the Vatican. 6442 Sallustio e Tacito volgarizzati da B. da San Concordio (nel Secolo xiv) e da Bernardo Davanzati, with portrait and plate royal 8t;o. Fadoua, 1841 6443 Salomonis Proverbia, Ecclesiastes, Cantica Canticorum, Liber Sapieu- tise, Ecclesiasticus, ruled old morocco 12mo. Fugduni, apud S. Oryphitim, 1543 6444 Salomon der loblicben Stat Riiremiind Physicus, Ein uewe Prognosti- cation mit wunderlichen Propheccyen von dera Jar XLI bisz zuui Ende des L Jars, tilacfe letter 4ito. {Biiremilnd, 1539) The author was a converted Jew. This " Prognostication," &c. was unknown to Lalande. 6445 Salusbury (T.) Mathematical Collections and Translations, containing Galilei's System of the "World, Letter to Madama Cristina, and Mathematical Discourses and Demonstrations ; with the Reconciling of Scripture Texts by Kepler, Stunica, Eoscarini, &c. 2 vol. portrait of Salusbury inserted, and plates folio. London, 1661-65 Scarce ; most of the copies of the second volume having been destroyed in the great Fire of London. THE LIBEI LIBEAEY. 693 6446 Salutati (Lini Colucii Pierii) Epistolse, ex Cod. MSS. nunc primum in Lucem editae a Josepho Eigaccio et Sclioliis illustratsD, 2 vol. in 1 French calf 8i'o. Florentics, 1741-42 These Letters, so interesting for the History of the XlVth Century, contain no less than fifteen Epistles addressed to the renowned warrior Sir John Hawkwood, the Honour of the Tailors, at that time the leader of the Condottieri in Italy, and whose adventures sugge.sted to Sir AValter Scott his Quentin Durward. They appear to have been on intimate terms, for Salutato addresses Hawkwood, " Magnifice IMUes Amice carissime." 6447 Saluthio (E. P. F. Bartolomeo) Vita dell' Anima (in ottava Eima), engraved title, and 35 plates illustrating the Life of Christ scarce, vellum Svo. Soma, 1614 6448 Salvadori (A.) La Natura al Presepe Panegirico Sacro, e Piori del Calvario Sonetti, 2 vol. in 1 scarce 4to. Fiorenza, nelle stamperia delle stelle medtcee, 1623 6449 Salvini (A. M.) Discorsi Accademici, 2 vol. (containing much informa- tion and inquiries respecting Dante) 4to. Firenze, 1713 6450 Salvini (A. M.) Prose Toscane, vellum, original edition, quoted ly the Crusca {see Gamla) 4ito. Firenze, 1715 6451 Salvini (A. M.) Sonetti, fne portrait LAEGE paper, vellum {cited ly the Crusca) 4to. Nurnberg, Joist GutTcnecht, 1518 6562 Schrick (M.) von den TJszgebrenten "Wassem, woodcut, similar to the former edition fclacfe letter, scarce Mo. Straszburg, J. Knoblauch, 1519 6563 Schumacher (H. C.) Sammlung von Hiilfstafeln, 2 vol. Copenhagen, 1822-25— Astronomische Hiilfstafeln fiir 1822-25, 4 vol. ib. 1822-25 — Tables auxiliaires astronomiques pom- 1827-29, 3 vol. ib. 1827-29 scarce 8yo. 9 vol. Presentation copies, with the author's autograph inscriptions. 6564 Schumacher (H. C.) Tables auxiliaires Astronomiques pour 1828 presentation copy %vo. Copenhague, 1828 6565 Schwarz (C. G.) et P. L. Huth de Ornamentis Codicum veterum, plates, uncut 4to. Altorfii, 1733 A very curious dissertation respecting the ornamentation and binding of ancient Manuscripts. 6566 Schwarzius (C. G.) De Ornamentis Librorum et varia rei Librariae veterum supellectile, with curious plates of ancient bindings 4ito. Zips. 1756 6667 Scilla {A.. Pittore detto "lo Scolorito'') La Vana Speculazione disingan- nata del Senso, Littera risponsiva circa i Corpi Marini, che Petrifi- cati si trovano in varii luoghi terrestri, beautiful frontispiece and plates from this painter' s oion designs, vellum 4to. Napoli, 1670 A most interesting work, deservedly praised by Cuvier. The author was renowned both as a painter and as a naturalist. 6568 Scina (D.) Memorie sulla Vita e Filosofia d'Empedocle Gergentino, 2 vol. uncut ^vo. Palermo, 1813 A very important work for the history of sciences. At the end of vo4. II is a collection of the Fragments of Empedocies, in Greek and Italian . 6569 Scina (D.) Topografia di Palermo e de suoi Contorni, map uncut ^vo. Palermo, 1818 15 702 THE MISCELLANEOUS POETION OF 6570 Scina (D.) Discorso intorno ad ArcMmede, a very important scientific hiography ^vo. Palermo, 1823 6571 Scina (D.) Prospetto della Storia Letteraria di Sicilia nel secolo XVIII. 3 vol. half hound, a very important loorh 8uo. Palermo, 1824-27 6572 Scina (D.) Elementi di Fisica generale e particolare, 4 vol. plates uncut 8vo. Milano, 1833-34 A celebrated work, much sought after on account of the admirable historical and philosophical introduction prefixed. 6573 Scioppii (G.) Infamia Famiani. Accedunt Judicium de Stilo Histo- rico, de Oificio Historici Diatriba, &c. vellum \2mo. Amstelodami, 1663 6574 Scolari (F.) Su la pietosa morte di Giulia Cappelletti e Romeo Mon- tecchi lettere critiche di F. Scolari con documenti e poesie inedite, interesting to ShaJcesperian collectors 8t'o. Ldvorno, 1831 6575 Scoti Erigenae (Joannis) de Divisione Naturg9 Libri V. Accedit Appendix ex Ambiguis S. Maximi, Gr. ct Lat. titlepage cut folio. Oxonii, 1681 An important work, which is not in the " Opera Omnia." 6576 Scotti (Eanutio, Vescovo del Borgo di 8. Donino) Helvetia Profana e Sacra, 2 vol. in 1, rare, vellum 4to. Printed 1640 6578 Scotland. Scots Declaration to Parliament for Eeformation of Kirke and State, London, 1643 — Declaration of the Assembly, ih. 1643 — Seven Propositions from the Parliament of Scotland to the Parlia- ment of England, ih. 1648 — Packets of Letters from Scotland and the North of England, ih. 1648 — Bloudy Newes from Scotland, ih. 1648— Message from the Estates, ih. 1648 4ito. (6) Six interesting tracts. 6579 Scotland. Declaration of the Commissioners of the Parliament of Scotland concerning the Paper sent to the Marquesse of Ormond 4to. (4) 6649 Sicilia. Bui'igny (Signor de) Storia generale di Sicilia, tradotta dal Francese da M. Scasso e Borello (con uumerose giunte), 6 vol. vol. I damaged, sold therefore not subject to collation half vellwm, 4:to. Palermo, 1787-94 6650 Sicilia. Cajetani (O.) Isagoge ad Historiam Sacram Siculam, plates of coins, ^c containing many ancient inscriptions scarce, vellum 4:to. Panormi, 1707 6651 Sicilia. Capitoli ed Ordinazioni della Felice e Fedelissima Citta di Palermo (dal Secolo XVI in poi) raccolti da G. E. La Placa e Vin- ceuzo Parisi Senatore d'Ordine dell' Ecc"""- Senate Grande di Spagna, &c. 2 vol. folio. Palermo, 1760 6652 Sicilia. Capozzo (G.) Memorie su la Sicilia, con aggiunte e note, 3 vol. maps 8vo. ivi, 1840-42 An interesting collection of scarce works, written by different authors, respecting Sicily, its history (including Arabic and Norman periods), its bibliography, &c. 6653 Sicilia. Capitula Regni SiciliaD (Sseculi xiii, etc.) quae ad Hodiemum Diem lata sunt edita cura ejusdem Regni Deputatorum, 2 vol. ^or- traits and elegant vignettes, velJum folio. Panormi, 1741-43 A most important collection of Sicilian Laws. THE LIBRI LIBEAEY. 709 G654 SiciLiA. Carafa (J.) de Capella Eegis Utriusque Siciliae et aliorum Principum folio. N'eapoU, 1772 A very learned work on Chapels Royal, especially of Sicily from the time of the Normans, and also of other countries, including those of England, as well as of the rites perfonned therein. Amongst the more curious subjects treated of are the clu-istenings, marriages, coronations, burials, &c. of the English Sovereigns, the Order of the Garter, &c. 6655 SiciLiA. Caraffa (P.) La Chiave dell' Italia Compendio hisfcorico della nobile ed exemplare Citta di Messina scarce, veJlum 4ito. Venetia, 1670 6656 Sicily. Carrectus (P.) de Expulsione Ugonis de Moncada Siculi Proregis et de Africano Bello per Carolum Y gesto — Giardina (D.) Discorso sopra la Pata Morgana di Messina comparsa nell' anno 1643, and other pieces in tbe volume, plates 4:to. {Palermo, 1758) 6657 SiciLiA. Carusii (I.) Bibliotbeca Historica, sive Historicorum qui de Eebus Sicidis a Saracenorum Invasione usque ad Aragonemsium Principatum illustriora monumenta reliquerunt amplissima Collectio, 2 vol. with autograph of Henry Gaily Knight, author of " the Normans in Sicily" folio. Panormi, 1723 A scarce collection of twenty-six ancient Chronicles, many of which relate to Norman history. 6658 SiciLiA. Caruso (Gr. B.) Memorie istoriche di quanto e accaduto in Sicilia dall Tempo de suoi primieri Abitatori sino alia Coronazione del Ee Yittorio Amadeo, 6 vol. VEEY EIRE, vellum folio. Palermo, 1742-45 Henry Gaily Knight's copy, with his autograph. 6659 Sicilia. Castelli Principe di Torremuzza (Y.) Fasti di Sicilia (dal 1075 in poi con molte biografie) 2 vol. 4>to. ivi, 1819-20 6660 Sicilia. Cesare (Cav. Gr. di) Storia de Manfredi Ee di Sicilia e di Puglia (con documenti del Secolo XIII, etc.) 2 vol. an important icorTc 8vo. Napoli, 1837 6661 Sicilia. Cliiarelli (F. P.) Discorso cbe serve di preliminare alia Storia IS'aturale di Sicilia 4ito. Palermo, 1789 6662 Sicilia. Collurafi (Conte) Le Tumultuationi della Plebe in Palermo, scants title folio, ivi, 1651 6663 Sicilia. Cutellii (Marii) Glossse sive Notae Juridico-Politicae ad Leges Siculas a totidem Siciliae et Aragonise Eegibus latas, with engraved title-page, vellum, scarce folio. ATessance, 1636 6664 Sicilia. Descrizione geografica dell' Isola di Sicilia e dell altre sue adjacenti, 2 vol. tcncut 8vo. Palermo, 1806-7 6665 Sicilia. Diario di tutto queUo successe nell' ultima Guerra di Sicilia fra le due Armate Allemana e Spagnuola, 2 parts in 1 vellum 4ito. Colonia, 1721 6666 Sicilia. Discorso Istorico-Politico dell' Origine, del Progresso, e della Decadenza del Potere de'Chierici su le Signorie Temporali con un Eistretto dell' Istoria delle due Sicilie vellum 8vo. Filadelfia, 1788 6667 Sicilia. Discorso del Origen Principio y Uso de la Monarquia de Sicilia desde el Conde Eogerio basta el Eey D. Felipe III, Valla- dolid, 1605 — Gaufredus Monacbus de male instituta Monarcbia Sicilije Occasione Diplomatis Urbani II hoc anno (1097) dati Eogerio Siciliae Comiti, s. I. ^ a. folio, in one vol. The author of this rare work, which is most important for the Norman His- tory of Sicily, was J. B. del Puevara, Archbishop of Salerno. 710 THE MISCELLANEOUS PORTION OF 6668 Stoilia. Famin (C.) Eevolution de Sicile en 1820, Paris, 1832— La Sicile et de ses rapports avec I'Angleterre a I'epoque de la constitu- tion de 1812, ih. 1827 — Ferrara (F.) Memorie sopra il Lago Naffcia nella Sicilia Meridionale, sopra 1' Ambra Siciliana, sopra il Mele Ibleo e la Citta d' Ibla Megara, sopra Nasso e Callipoli, Palermo, 1805 8vo. together 3 vol. 6669 Sicilia. Fazello T.) Storia di Sicilia, con Continuazione (e note) dal 1556 al 1750 del P. D. Vito Amico, 9 vol. uncut 12mo. Palermo, 1830-36 Best edition of this important work, containing much matter relative to Norman history. 6670 Sicilia. Ferrara (F.) Storia G-enerale dell' Etna, plates, half calf, Catania, 1793 — Ferrara (F.) Memorie sopra il Lago Naftia neDa Sicilia meridionale, sopra 1' Ambra Siciliana, sopra il Mele Ibleo e la Citta d' Ibla Megara, sopra Nasso e Callipoli, scarce, Palermo, 1805 — Ferrara (Abate F.) Gruida dei Yiaggiatori in Sicilia, portrait, map and 'plates, Palermo, 1822 8vo. (3) 6671 Sicilia. Ferro (Griuseppe M. di) Biografia degli TJomini Illustri Trapanesi dall' Epoca Normanna sino al corrente Secolo, 2 vol. plate uncut Svo. Trapani, 1830 Containing lives of several mathematicians, e. g, G. Barlotta Bp. of Teletta, L. Ximenez, A. Cimmello, &c. 6672 Sicilia. G-aetani (Conte C.) Notizie della Chiesa di Siracusa — Cas- telli (V.) Memorie Storiche su la Dignita, e le Preminenze del Turcopiliere dell' Ordine sacro militare di S. Giovanni Eattista di G-erusalemme, in the Chronological List of Knights of the Order occur the following English names, viz. Peter Ilolt, Pohert Tong, John Weston, Robert Daniel, W. Weston, Clement West, Pichard Shelley, Sfc. Sfc. — Gallo (C.) Istoria del Setificio in Sicilia, etc. vellum 4ito. in one vol. 6673 Sicilia. Giurba (Marii) Tribunalium Sicilias Decisa? Observationes, folio, Messance, 1646 — dementis VIII, Bulla super reformations paroecbiarum Panormi, folio, Parnormi, 1695 — Gervasii (Nicolai) Summa Sicularum Sanctionum, per alphabetum digesta ab Augustino Tetamo, velhcm, scarce, hut slightly wormed, folio, Panormi, 1758 — Sicile et des ses rapports avec I'Angleterre a I'epoque de la consti- tution de 1812, Svo. Paris, 1827 — Lanza Principe di Scordia (P.) degli Arabi e del loro Soggiomo in Sicilia, Memoria, 8vo. Palermo, 1832 — Martorana (C.) sulla Proprieta delle Miniere (Siciliane) e sul dritto di scavarle, 8yo. Palermo, 1833 — Sicily and England, a Sketch of Events in Sicily in 1812 and 1848, 8uo. Lond.^ 1849 (7) 6674 Sicilia. Gregorio (R.) Rerum Arabicarum quae ad Historiam Siculam spectant ampla Collectio, Arabice et Latine LABGE VA^'EB,, uncut, facsimiles ofCufic inscriptions folio. Panormi,1790 This most valuable collection of Writers on Sicily under the Arabs contains " Abu Abd AUah Al Novairi Historia Sicilia;, Arab, et Lat. nunc primum edita ; Chronicon Siciliae, Arab, et Lat. ex Cod. Cantabrigiensi ; Al Kadi Sheaboddmi Historia SicUiae;" with Extracts from Abulfeda, Edrisius, Ebn el Khatib, &c. &c. The existence of any copy on large paper seems to have been unknown to Brunet, who mentions one on smaU selling for 76 francs at Millin's sale. In tlais work we find a plate representing the ancient imperial dress of Germany, with embroideries, wliich are verses of the Alcoran in Cufic character. 6675 Sicilia. Gregorio (Canonico Rosario) Tntroduzione alio Studio del Dritto Pubblico Siciliano, half calf, uncut Svo. Palermo, 1794 THE LIBEI LIBEAET. 711 6676 SiciLiA. Grregorio (R. di) Discorsi intorno alia Sicilia, con Discorsi inediti, 2 vol. half hound ^vo. Palermo, 1821 A very important work, containing biogi'aphical and historical researches on the celebrated wi-iters and artists of Sicily, on the Ai-abs, on silk, &c. &c., besides a large collection of ancient Italo-Siculo poetry of the Xlllth Century, &c. 6677 Sicilia. Inveges (A.) La Cartagine Siciliana, Historia di Caccabe hoggi Caccarao, oiumerous woodcuts of arms, especially of Nohility descending from Norman, French, and Spanish Families vellum, slightly stained Uo. Palermo, 1651 6678 Sicilia. Johanne (J. de) Codex Diplomaticus Sicilise Notis ac Dissertationibus illustratus. Tomus primus {all published) tmcut folio. Panormi, 1743 Commencing with the year 314, and ending at 1059. 6G79 Sicilia. Marcbese (A.) Parlamenti generali, ordinari e straordinari, celebrati nel Sicilia dal 1494 sino al 1658 con I'Aggiunta di quelli del 1661 sino al 1748 da P. Battaglia et A. Mongitore, 2 vol. folio. Palermo, 1717-49 6680 Sicilia. Martorana (C.) Notizie Storicbe dei Saraceni Siciliani, 2 vol. uiicut 12mo. Palermo^ 1832-33 A curious work, scarce in England. 6681 Sicilia. Mongitoris (A.) Bibliotbeea Sicvila sive de Scriptoribus Siculis NotitisD locupletissimse, 2 vol. folio. Panormi, 1707-14 Including the bibliography and biography of Sicilian mathematicians, such as Archimedes, Maurolycus, Hodierna, &c. in which even their unpublished works are noticed. 6682 Sicilia. Mongitore (A.) Palermo Ammonito, Penitente e Grrato nel Pormidabil Terremoto del prime Settembre 1726. JSTarrazione Istorica ed il Mostro di Palermo, 2 vol. in 1 vellum 4to. Firenze, 1811 6756 Sohncke (L. A.) Bibllotheca Matliematica, a Catalogue of Books in every branch of Mathematics published from 1830 to 1854 8vo. Leipsic, 1854 6757 Soldani (A. Abate Camaldolese) Saggio Orittografico ovvero Osserva- zioni sopra le Terre Nautilitiche ed Ammonitiche della Toscana (Soldani's discoveries on the small microscopical shells are celebrated hy Cuxier), plates, half hoimd 4resentation copy, tvith author's autograph inscrip>tion, Faris, 1841 — Cellcrier (C.) sur la Propagation du son dans les Corps solides elastiques, Faris, 1839 — Dissertatio Physico-Mathematica di Propagatione Soni, Bomce, 1826 — Blanchet (P. H.) sur la Propaga- tion et la Polarisation du Mouvement dans un Milieu elastique indt'fini (Polarisation of Motion is herein considered in a general point o£ Yiew) , presentation copy, Faris, 1840 4o. 12 vol. 6800 Spectres. Gehren (G. E. von) de Morbis a Spectrorum Apparitione oriundis, curious -^to. Mostochii, 1729 6801 Spectres, Lavaterus (Lod.) de Spectris, a curious and rare ivorJc on Apparitions, Genevce, 1570 — Lemiiii (Levini) Occulta Naturae Mira- cula, Gandavi, 1571 — Antoniui Liberalis Tranaformationum Con- geries. Phlegontis de Mirabilibus libellus et de Olympiis Apollouii Hibtoriaj mirabiles, etc. Antigoni Mirabilium Narrationum Con- THE LIBEI LIBEART. 723 geries : Marcus Antoninus Imp. de Vita sua. Omnia, Gr. ct Lat. Gr. Xylandro iuterprete, tiest edition, scarce, Basil, 1568 original binding, the sides impressed with various heads of Saints and scrolls, the initials a. s. y. and the date 1571 %vo. in one vol. This copy was bound for Andreas Severimis Vdleius, whose autograph signa- ture is on the title-page of Lavater's work. G802 Spectres. Lenglet Du Fresnoy (Abbe) Eecueil de dissertations Anciennes et Nouvelles ; sur les Apparitions, les Visions et les Songes, avec une Preface historique, 4 vol. uncut 12mo. Avignon, 1751 A most interesting work. At the end is an excellent bibliography of works on these subjects. 6803 Speeches (Last Dying) of T. Whitebread, Provincial of the Jesuits, AV. Harcourt, J. Penwick, J. Gavan, and A. Turner, all Jesuits tmcut folio. London, 1679 6801* Speidell (Jobn) Geometricall Extraction, nwnerous cuts, stained Uo. lb. 1617 6805 Speneri (P. J.) Genealogico-Historica Preecipuarum Pamiliarum, qxiibus sues Principes Germauia nostra debet, Franco. 1677 — J. P. Eei- manni Historia Literaria de Fatis Studii Genealogici apud Hebrajos, Grsecos, Eomanos, & Germanos, Ascan Sf Quedlimb. 1702 (« curious work), half vellum in one vol. Svo. 6806 Speroni (M. S.) Dialoghi nuovamente ristampati, et con molta diligenza riveduti, et corretti ancient binding, ivith arms on sides Svo. Venetia, Aldo, 1543 6807 Speroni (Speron) Dialoghi vellmn, sides ornamented ivith gold Svo. Venetia, 1564 6808 Speroni (Speron) Dialoghi (del Cathaio, delle Lodi delle Donne, etc.) Venetia, 1596 — Camerata (G.) Trattato dell' Honor vero et del vero Dishonore, con tre Questioni qua! meriti piu Honore, 0' la Donna, o' I'Huorao, o' il Soldato, o' il Letterato, o' I'Artista, o' il Leggista. (Bound up in the same volume is " Betti (C.) de I'Honore Conside- ratione, ^oZo?2o, 1567 "), vellum, Bolona, A. Benacci, 15Q7 — Mag- nanini (O.) Lezioni Accademiche sopra gli Occhi della Donna, scarce, vellum, Ferrara, 1689 — Collini (L.) che I'Accademia deve prendersi cura delle Produzioni Teatrali e della loro Eecitatione, Lezione, atitograph of the author, 1814 4tto. 4 vol. 6809 Speyr-Passavant (J. H. de) Description de la Bible ecrite par Alchuin de I'An, 778 tx 800, et offerte par lui a Charlemagne Svo. Par. 1829 An account of a very early MS. of a Latin Bible now in the British Museum, which, however, was certainly not wTitten by Alcuin. 6810 Sphinx Geometra sen Qusesita Geometrica proposita et soluta a Comite E. de Vigintimilliis, H. Saccherio, &c. plates uncut Svo. Barmce, 1694 6811 Spinelli, Duca di Aquaro (T.) Degli Affetti Umani in old ornamental binding, gilt edges Svo. Napoli, 1741 6812 Spinula? (Francisci) Opera, Poematon libri III, Carminum libri IV, Epodon liber, Carminum secularium liber, Elegorum libri X, Hen- decasyllaborum liber, et Epigrammaton lib. Ill, 8 vol. in 1 Svo. Venetiis, Jordanus Ziletus (typis Aldinis), 1563 Amongst these rare Poems are those addressed "ad D. Mariam Britannise Reginam ;" De Carolo Vicecomite Mediolanensium Legato a Britannia Germaniaque reveniente ; " ad D. INIariam, Britannioi Reginam, Reguialdi Poll Cardmalis sobrinam ;" de Porcia Vicecomite suaque Delia Libri sex; " ad Paulum Mamdium de Aloysii Mocenici ingenio ;" de Torquato T^vxo Bernardi filio ; &c. &c. 724 THE MISCELLANEOUS PORTION OF 6813. Spolverini (Marcliese G. B.) La Coltivazione del Eiso, fine portrait iincut ^to. Verona, 1796 A very splendid edition of this celebrated Poem. 6814 Spolveriui (Marehese G. B.) La Coltivazione del 'Ei^o, frontispiece and vi(jnettes, slightly stained, Verona, 1763 — Gravina (V.) della Eagion Poetica, presentation copy from T. J. MatJiins the Editor, 1806 — Morando (F. E.) Sonetti e Canzoni, vellum, printed throughout in capital letters, Verona, 1756 — Componimeuti Poetici a Lode e Onore di 8. E. E. M. Autonio Colonna BraBcifoi'ti de' Principi di Scordia Arcivescovo di Tessalouica, &c, Firenze, 1764 — Giordani (L. U.) Quattro Componimeuti Poetici fatti in Villa, uncid, Farma, 1797 — Lodoli Fra Carlo de' Conti) Apologbi, portrait, calf, Bassano, 1787 — [Stanze] nelle Nozze della figlia di Flamio Brauronio e di Erminia Meladia, laege papee, vellum, scarce, per Jacopo Vallarsi, Stampatore Arcadico, s. a. — Eavina (J. A.) in Morte di Giorgio Canning Canti, uncut, London, 1828— Strocchi (Cav. D.) Versi, Bologna, 1820 4:to. ^ ^vo. 9 vol. 6815 Spon (J.) Eeponse a la Critique publiee par M. Guillet sur le Voyage de Grece de J. Spon jjresentation copy, icith the autograph of J. Sjwn 12mo. Lyon, 1679 6816 Sponcir (O.) Historia delle Attioui de' Ee dell' Ungaria, portrait of Leopold I, map and plates, scarce, calf 4:to. Venetia, 1685 6817 Spontone (C.) Attioni de' Ee dell' IJngaria, genealogical trees and other ivoodcuts folio. Bologna, 1602 6818 Spontoni (Cav. Ciro) Historia della Transilvania vellum ^to. Venetia, 1638 6819 Spontoni (C.) La Metoposcopia, woodcut heads, Venetia, 1G42 — Priuli (C.) della Maggioranza tra la Medicina e' la Legge, ivi, 1641 fine copies in vellum Svo. in one vol. 6820 Spobts. Gallo (A.) Le Died Giornate della Vera Agricoltura e Piaceri della ViUa (including Eemarks on Fisbing, Hawking, &c.) calf Svo. Vinegia, 1565 6821 Stampa (Gaspara celebre Poetessa del Secolo XVI) Eime (e Lettere) eon alcune altre di Collatino, e di Vinciguerra Conti di Collalto e di Baldassare Stampa, fine portraits, calf 8ro. Voiezia, 1738 6822 Stampioen d'Jonghe (J.) Algebra ofte Nieuwe Stel-Eegel, /ron#. and fine portrait hy Quehorn, and cuts, 'sOravenliage, 1639 — Scultetus (B.) Winckelige-Wyzer van de Sonnevolgen, 2 parts, cuts, very scarce, unknown to Lalande, Amst. 1670, vellum Mo. in one vol. 6823 State Trials. Tryal of W. Stayley, Goldsmith, for Higb Treason, Land. 1678— Trial of Ed. Colemon, for conspiring tbe deatb of the King, imperfect, ib. 1678— Tryals of W. Ireland, T. Pickering, and J. Grove for conspiring to murder tbe King, ib. 1678 — of E. Green, H. Berry, and L. Hill for tbe Murder of Sir Edmund-Bury Godfrey, ib. 1679— of T. Wbite, W. Harcourt, J. Fenwick, and others for Higb Treason, ib. 1679— True Speeches of White, Harcourt, &c. previous to their Execution at Tyburn, 1679— TVial of E. Langhorn for Conspiring the death of the King, 1679 — Langhorne's Memoires, also his Speech at his Execution, 1679— Trials of Sir G. Wakeman, W. Marshall, &c. for Higb Treason, 1679— of Lord Strafford, 1681— of N. Eeading, 1679— of Elizabeth Cellier for Libel, 1680— of Titus Gates for Perjury, 1685— Narrative of the Popish Plot, 1680— England's second Warming Piece, 1680 — Examination of Ed. Fitz- harris, 1681 — Narrative of J. Smith, 1679 — City of Londons Plea, 1682— Parody against Liberty (in Averse), 1679 ' ' folio. 2 vol. THE LIBRI LIBRARY. 725 6824 Stati Eomani. Ancone. Relation du Miracle dans la Cathedrals d'Ancona, par I'lmage de la tres Saiute Vierge, qui a ouvert & ferme les yeux 4^o. {Ancone), 1796 This Miracle was the signal of an in-^urrection against the French. 6825 Stati Romaxt. Angeloni (F.) Historia di Terni, colle Vite de' Santi e Nota de' Beati che appartengouo alia Citta di Terui, front, and plan, autograph of"Stephanus Bahizius TuteJensis^' 4to. Iioma,lQ4:G 6826 Stati RoiiA>'i. Angeloni (F.) Historia di Terni (con iscrizioni e docuinenti antichi), velluni, (tJiis editio7i is described hi] Mazzuchelli as " assai vara ") 4ito. Roma, 1646 6827 Stati Romani. Bibliografia Storica delle Citta, e Luoghi dello State Pontificio col Supplemeiito, 2 vol. uncut 4to. Soma, 1792-1793 An interestmg work, containing at the end of each volume a sepai'ate list of the most scarce works mentioned in this Bibliografia. 6828 Stati Roma^ti. Bonoli (G.) Storia di Lugo ed Annessi (e de' suoi uomini illustri) Libri tre, vellum 4:fo. Faenza, 1732 6829 Stati Romaxi. Briganti (T.) Memorie di Monte Cicardo Castello del Contado di Pesaro (con antichi documenti) view vellum 4:to. Pesaro, 1784 6830 Stati Romani. Camerini (P. Filippo) Confutazione di Cio che I'Autore de Etruria Metropoli ha scritto intorno agli Antichi Camerti IJmbri Mo. Perugia, 1739 6831 Stati Romax'i. Civita Vecchia. Torraca (G.) delle antiche Terme Taurine esistenti nel Territorio di Civita Yecchia uncut 4to. Soma, 1761 6832 Stati Romaxi. Contatoris (D. A.) de Historia Terracinensi Libri quinque 4to. Somce, 1706 This curious local history is eni'iched by the insertion of ancient charters and other original documents. 6833 Stati Romatsti. Crescimbeni (M. A.) Annotazioni Storieo-Critiche , sopra certo Libro intitolato, DelF Origine di Cento, plan, Venezia, 1771 — Eri'i (G. F.) Trattenimenti in Risposta alle Annotazioni, Modena, 1772 — Xuove Annotazioni sopra la Storia di Cento dal medesimo, Tenezia, 1772 — Frammenti di un' Opera intitolata la Zucca mal cresciuta al vento, indirizzati al M. A. Crescimbeni dal Torchio Zatta, map, Modena, 1773 vellum (all unknown to Coleti) 4to. in one vol. 6834 Stati Romaxi. Erri (G. F.) deli' Origine e storia di Cento e di sua Pieve della Estensione de' Limiti, e degl' Interramenti delle Yalli Circumpadane Esaine storico-critico coll' indice delle famiglie piii antiche, &c. uncut 4ito. Pologna, 1769 6835 Stati Romaxi. Erri (G. F.) Dell' Origine di Cento e di sua Pieve, colla Storia di Cento in compendio, e Supplemento (col catalogo degli uomini illustri) ojiap and plates, presentation copy from the author {unknown to Coleti) 4:to. Bologna, 1769-70 6836 Stati Romaxt. Fen'o (F.) Tstoria dell' Antica Citta di Comacchio, jjlan and i)lates, vellum {containing facsiw.iles and many curious inscriptions) 4to. Ferrara, 1701 6837 Stati Romaxi. Frangipani (Marchese A.) Istoria della Citta di Cinta Yecchia, half hound -ita. Boma, 1761 6838 Stati Romaxi. Galletti (P. L.) Gabio Antica Citta di Sabina scoperta ove e' ora Torri, map, laege papee, scarce, Boma, 1757 — Gioveuazzi (Y. M.) Delia Citta di Aveia ne Yestini ed altri Luoghi di Antica Memoria, ivi, 1773 — Cognolato (G.) Saggio di Memorie della Terra di Monselice, Padova, 1794 half vellum, uncut 4:to. in one vol. 726 THE MISCELLANEOUS PORTION OE G839 Stati Ecmani. Gaudenti (A.) Storia della Santa Casa di Loreto, frontispiece taken off in red, and plates 4:to. Loreto, 1786 0840 Stati Eomant. Giannini (Egidio) Memorie Istoriclie di Pergola e degli Uomini lUustri di Essa, a scarce'' and interesting work uncut 4to. Boma, 1711 6847 Stati Eomani. Medaglia (N.) Memorie istoricbe della Citta di Cluana detta oggi volgarmente Terra di S. Elpidio. Coll' Aggiunta delle Memorie dell' istessa Citta lasciate da A. Bacci e C. Medaglia, plate, vellum 4to. Milano, 1618 6855 Statuta. Coustumes d' Auvergne, parapbrasees par Aymon et Bessian, traduits du Latin et euricbies d' observations par G. Durand 41)G9 Tartalea (N.) Xova Seientia, woodcuts, Vinegia, Si. da Sabio, 1537 — Tartaglia (X.) liegola geuerale da sulevare cou Ragione e Misura nou solamente ogui affbndata Xave ma una Torre solida di Metallo, ivoodcut j)oyt. and cats, ivi,s. a. — Kagioiiaineuti de X. Tartaglia sopra la sua Travagliata luventione nelli quali se dechiara Arcliimede de insidentibus Xqute, poi'trait and cut, ivi, 1551 4/y. in one vol. In the " Nova Seientia," Tartaglia states that the maximum of the eflFect in a gun is when the angle of it is at 45° with the horizon. The Rdgiunamenti relate the algebraic discussions between TartagUa, Cardan, and Ferrari. G970 Tartaglia (Nicolo) Eegola Generale da sulevare con ragione e misura non solameute ogni affbndata Xave : ma una Torre Solida di Met- tallo, intitolata la Travagliata luventione con il Supplimento, et li Eagionamenti con Eicakbo AVextwortu, Ixglese, suo Compare sopra la sua Travagliata luventione, col modo d'audare sott' acqua cou un trattato dei segni della mutazioue dell' aria, etc. withjjort. and other woodcuts, very scarce 4:to. Venet. per Z^icolo Bascarini, 1551 ■\* This edition is not mentioned by Brmiet. GD71 Taktaglia (X.) GE:srEnAL Thattato di Xumeri, et Misure, 6 parts iu 3 vol. woodcut portrait and mimerous diufjrams SCARCE, vellum folio. Vinrfjiu, 1556-60 A celebrated work, dedicated '• al molto uobile et egregio Signor il Signer Ricardo Ventvorth (Went worth) Gentil' huomo Inglese." 6972 Tartaglia (X.) La nuova Seientia, cuts -ito. Vinegia, 1558 GO 73 Tartaglia (Xicolo) La Xova Seientia cou una Gionta al terzo Libro, cuts, Vinegia, 1558 ; and other curious Tracts in the vol. on Gun- nery, Meteorology, IMagnetism, Hydrostatics, the Raising of sunken Vessels, &c. so)ne icitliout titlepages, sold therefore not subject to col- lation 4:to. in one vol. 6.")71 Tartaglia (X.) La nuova Seientia, cuts, Venetia, 1583 — Quesiti e Ee- gola di solevare ogui fondata Nave, cuts, icants titlepage, Vinegia, 15G2 4ito. in one vol. GdTo Tartaglia (X.) Opere, cioe Quesiti, Travagliata Inventione, nova Seientia, e Eagionameuti sopra Archimede, woodcut portrait and plates, vellum 4to. Venetia, 1606 This is a reprint of several of the most curious works of Tartaglia on Gun- nery, the Solution of Cubic Equations, the imswcrs to questions put to him by More, Coi, R. "Wentworth, and otiiers. tlie Letters of Cardan, &c. The Quesiti are dedicated to Henry YIII, and the Ragionaiaenti &vq imaginary dialogues between liimself and Richard Went worth, whom he describes as '• Gentil' huomo della Maesta del Re d'Jughilterra," and who was a 738 THE MISCELLANEOUS POETION OF younger son of the famous Thomas Wentworth, called from his wealth Golden Thomas, who paid a large fine to be excused from being created a Knight of the Bath, and who in 1528 obtained from the king the uncommon license to remain with his bonnet on in the royal presence. 6976 Tartarotti (Girolamo) Memorie Antiche di Eovereto e de Luogbi circonvicini (colle iscrizioni, la descrizione d'alcuni manoscritti, etc.) vellum 'ito. Venezia, 1754 6977 Tartarotti (Girolamo) Apologia delle Memorie Antiche di Eovereto, (with an Appendix of inedited Documents, including a " Calendario Trentino Veronese del Secolo XIII,") vellum 4to. Lucca, 1758 6978 Tartarotti (G.) e D. F. Todeschini Saggio della Biblioteca Tirolese, o sia notizie degli scrittori della provincia del Tirolo colla Giunta, frontispiece, uncut St'O. Venezia, 1777 6979 Tartini (F.) Memorie sul Bonificamento delle Maremme Toscane, witJi folio atlas of " Tavole e Prospetti Statistici," uncut, 8vo. Firenze, 1838 6980 Taezo. Statuta Tartii recentioribus Sanctionibus adjectis. Latine et Italice, large paper, scarce royal ^to. {Venetiis), 1775 6981 Tasso (B.) Libro primo de gli Amori, first edition, autograph of G. B. Peranda 4:to. Vinegia, Sahbio, 1531 6982 Tasso (B.) Amori, stained and last leaf mended, sold with all faults, vellum, 8vo. Vineg. Giolito, 1555 — Tasso (B.) Lettere, con la vita dell' autore dal A. F. Seghezzi, 2 vol. port, vellum, 8vo. Padova, 1733 — Tasso (T.) Aminta, Favola Boscareccia, '^to. Parigi, 1656 — Tasse (T.) Aminte en Vers Fran9ois (par I'Abbe de Torche) avec le Texte en regard, vellum, 12mo. Bouen, 1679— Tasso (T.) Aminta, vellum, 32mo. Boma, 1666 — Tasso (T.) Aminta, Favola Boscareccia, plates by T. Le Clerc, calf S2mo. Amst. D. LJlzevier, 1678 — Tasso (T.) Aminta, Favola Pastorale, calf, 12mo. Parigi, 1781 — Tasso (T.) Aminta (e il Congresso di Citera dall' Algarotti), 24»io. Londra, 1783 — Tasso (T.) Aminta, Favola Boschereccia, portrait on title, 4:to. Crisopoli, Bodoni, 1789 — Aunotazioni di Scipio Geutili & Giulio Guastavino & Notitie di Lorenzo Pignoria nella Gierusalemme di Torquato Tasso, 48«20. Venetia, 1621 — Fioretti (C.) Considerazioni intorno a un Discorso di G. Ottonelli sopra ad alcune Dispute dietro alia Gierusalem di T. Tasso, scarce, vellum, 8vo. Firenze, 1586 — Tasso (T.) il Goffredo overo Gierusalemme liberata, Poema heroico, woodcuts, vellum, 12mo. Venetia, G. B. Giotti, 1599 — Tasso (T.) Goffredo overo Gierusa- lemme Liberata, con le cinque canti di Camillo Camilli, wanting the first titlepage, and part of the table, 4to. Venet. 1601 — Tasso (T.) II Goffredo overo Gierusalemme Liberata, Poema '\i.evo\co, fine copy, vellum, IQmo. Venetia, 1620 — Tasso (T.) Apologia in difesa della sua Gierusalemme Liberata con alcune altre Opei-e parte in accusa pai"te in Difesa dell' Orlando Furioso dell' Ariosto, della Gierusa- lemme istessa e dell' Amadigi del Tasso Padre, vellum, 8vo. Ferrara, 1585 — Gentili (S.) Annotationi sopra la Gierusalemme Liberata di Torquato Tasso, calf scarce, 8vo. Leida, 1586 — Tasso (T.) Discorsi deir Arte Poetica ; et in particolare del Poema Heroico con le Lettere poetiche, vellum {undoubtedly an Aldine), Mo. Venetia, ad instanza di G. Vassalini Lihraro a Ferrara, 1587 — Tasso (T.) Discorso del Poema Heroico, e Dialogo dell' Imprese, 2 vol. in 1, '' rarissiina" (Gavtba), Mo. Napoli (1594)— Tasso (T.) Eime, et Prose, 3 vol. not uniform and title of vol. 2 in MS. 12mo. Ferrara, 1585-1589 — Tasso (T.) Eime et Prose, Parte Terza, sold with all faults, several leaves being mended, 12mo. Venetia, G. Vasalini, 1584 Tasso (T.) II Einaldo alia sua vera lezione ridotto da L. Nardini, half bound, Vlmo. Londra, 1801 — Tasso (T.) il Torrismondo Tragedia (iu Versi sciolti), 12mo. Ferrara, 1587 together 25 vol. THE LIBEI LIBEAEY. 739 6983 Tasso (Bernardo) L' Amadigi, Poema in ottava rima, loith woodcut portrait and capital letter FIEST EDITION, rare, vellum 4ito. Vineqia, Giolito, 1560 *^* From the library of the late Duke of Eoxburghe, at whose sale it was purchased by Mr. Heber for ±.2 4s. Torquato Tasso regarded this Poem as the best of all the romances of chivalry in verse. 6984 Tasso (B.) Eime con i Salmi & Ode, 4 vol. in 1 Jine copy in vellum 12/)io. Vinegia, 1560 6985 Tasso (B.) Letters con la Vita dell' Autore da Ant. Fed. Seghezzi, 8 vol. 2 (an important collection, the third volume is scarce), por- trait, vellum 8uo. Padoua, Comino, 1733-51 6986 Tasso (T.) Discorso della Virtvi Feminile, e Donnesca, first edition, fine copy, scarce, Yenetia, Giunti, 1582 — Tasso (T.) Grerusalemme Liberata, Venetia, con licenza del Signor C. Malespina, 1582 — Tasso (T.) Discorso della Yirtii Heroica, et della Charita,j^ne copy, scarce, Venetia, Giunti, 1582 4^o. (3) 6987 Tasso (T.) II Mesaggiero, Dialogo, Venetia, 'Giunti, 1582— Tasso (T.) II Ee Torrisraondo Tragedia, riEST edition, ivormed, rare,lBergamo, 1587 — Cremonino (C.) Le Pompe Funebre overo Aminta e Clori, Favola Silvestre, eiest edition, scarce, vellum, Ferrara, 1590, in one vol. — Tasso (T.) il GoflEredo overo la Gierusalemme liberata col Comento del Beni, vellum, Padova, 1616 — Tasso (T.) la Gerusa- lemme Liberata, con gli Argomenti a ciascun Canto di B. Barbato, e con le Annotationi di L. Pignoria, cuts, Padova, 1628 — Tasso (T.) La Gerusalemme Liberata con gli Argomenti a ciascun Canto di B. Barbato, jylai^s, vellum, Venetia, S. Curti, .?. a. 4fo. 5 vol. 69.88 Tasso (T.) il Forno overo della Nobilta Dialogo, Vinetia, Aldo, 1583 — II Padre di Famiglia dal stesso, ivi, 1583 — Aggiunta alle Eime et Prose del Sig. Torquato Tasso, xooodcut portrait, ivi, 1585, rare, fine copies in vellum 12mo. in one vol. 6989 Tasso (T.) Eime et Prose, di novo riviste et corrette, 4 vol. calf 12mo. Ferrara, G. Vassallini, 1583-87 At the end of Vol. Ill is bound up the rare " Aggiunta " printed by Aldo at Venice, in 1585. 6990 Tasso (T.) II Eogo di Corinna, Poemetto pastorale, illustrato con note dal E. G. de Poveda, labge papee, portrait, uncut, imperial 8yo. Firenze, 1824 — Tasso (T.) La Gierusalemme Liberata, con gli Argomenti a ciascun Canto di B. Barbato e con le Annotationi di S. Gentile, G. Guastavino, e L. Pignoria, ivoodcuts, calf, gilt edges, 4!to. Padova, 1628— Tasso (T.) il GofFredo overo la Gierusalemme liberata col Commento del P. Beni, scarce, vellum, ito. Padova, 1616 — Ottonelli (G.) Discorso sopra 1' abuso del dire sua Santita, sua Maesta, sua Altezza, senza nominare il Papa, 1' Imperatore, il Prin- cipe, con le Difese della Gierusalemme Liberata del T. Tasso daU' Oppositione de gli Academic! deUa Crusca, vellum, 8vo. Ferrara, 1586 — Tasse (T.) Les Veillees, avec le texte Italien en regard ; precedees de Memoires historiques et de Eecherches litteraires sur sa Vie, traduites par B. Barere, 4 plates, 12mo. Paris, 1804— Tasso (T.) dell' Ammogliarsi Discorso, Svo. Verona, 1796 — Tasso (T.) le Sette Giornate del Mondo Create, portrait on title, calf, first com- plete edition, 8vo. Viterho, G. Discepolo, 1607 — Tasso (T.) Eime et Prose, woodcuts, slightly cut in the head line, sold therefore with all faults, 3 vol. 12/Ho. Venetia, Aldo, 1583, e Ferrara, Vasalini, 1585 — Pazzi (A. de') Stanze inedite in Biasimo delle Donne ed altre pet Eisposta di T. Tasso in Lode delle medesime, 4/o. Venezia, 1810 (11) 740 THE MISCELLANEOUS PORTION OP G991 Tasso. Dell' Nfarinato Academico della Crusca risposta all' Apologia di T. Tasso iulorno all' Orlando Eurioso, et alia Gierusalemme Liberata, 3Iantova, 1585 — Risposta di T. Tasso alia lettera di B. Rossi, ivi, 1585 — Parere di T. Tasso sopra il discorso del H. Lombardello, ivi, 1586 — Discorso intorno a' eontrasti che si fanno sopra la Gieru- salemme Liberata di T. Tasso, ivi, 1586, veUtcm 12mo. in one vol. 6992 Tasso (T.) Apologia in difesa della sua Gierusalemme Liberata, a gli Accademici della Crusca, Ferrara, 1586 — Tasso (T.) Risposta alia Lettera di B. Rossi in difesa del suo dialogo del Piacere Honesto et detta lettera, ivi, 1585 — Lombardelli (O.) Discorso intorno a i eontrasti, cbe si fanno sopra La Gierusalemme Liberata di T. Tasso, ivi, 1586 — Tasso (T.) Risposta al Discorso del O. Lombardelli, ivi, 158G — Ottouelli (G.) Discorso sopra 1' abuso del dire sua Santita, sua Maesta, sua Altezza, &c. ivi, 1586, vellum 8vo. in one vol. 6993 Tasso (T.) Discorsi dell' Arte Poetica et in particolare del Poema Heroico, et Lettere Poetiche, vellii?n 4fo. Venetia (Aldo) 1587 First edition, extremely rare and unknown to Renouard. Gamba says it is decidedly an Alcline. 6991 Tasso (Torquato) Gerusalemme Conquistata, libri XXIIII riKST EDITION, LARGE PAPER, rare, portrait on titlepage, vellum 4ito. Roma, G. Facciotti, 1593 This rifacimenio, by the celebrated Italian bard, was burnt by the hangman by order of the Parliament of Paris. The portrait is quite difterent from the usual representation of the poet, and clearly shows that in consequence of so many sufferings Tasso was fast approaching his untimely end. 6995 Tasso (T.) II Secretario, e Lettere Eamiliari, 2 vol. in 1 vellum Svo. Vinegia, A. Salicato, 1596 ]\Iilton's beautiful lines " Hail wedded love," &c. are evidently borrowed from the passage at p. 150 of the second volume of Tasso's Letters, commencing " dolce congiuntione de' cuori," &c. 6996 Tasso (T.) Opere non piu stampate, 3 vol. in 2, autograph of Ahhate Tassis, vellum 4:to. Soma, 1666 6997 Tasso (T.) Godfrey of Bulloigne done into English Heroical Verse by E. Eairfax Svo. London, 1687 6998 Tasso (T.) Opere, conle Controversie sopra la Gerusalemme Liberata e con le Amiotazioni intere di varj Autori notabilmente in questa Impressione accresciute, 12 vol. uncut, half morocco ^to. Venezia, 1735-42 6999 Tasso (T.) L'Aminta, e L'Alceo Eavola Pescatoria di Antonio Ongaro (colla bibliograiia delle edizioni dell' Aminta) French calf, gilt edges 'Svo. Fadova, Comino, 1763 7000 Tasso (T.) Raccolta di varie Poesie ricavate da suoi Manoscritti inediti 12mo. Monte Ciforio, 1789 7001 Tasso (T.) Versi inediti di 8vo. Farma, 1812 7002 Tasso (T.) Lettere e Versi di, che si publicano la prima volta LARGE PAPER, only a few copies 2yrinted Svo. Milano, 1821 7003 . Tasso (T.) Lettere ed altre prose inedite raccolte da Pietro Mazzuc- chelli, with a portrait on the titlepage LARGE VA.V'E.'Ei, privafeh/ printed, calf extra roy. Svo. Milano, 1822 7004 Tasso (T.) Trattato della Dignita ed altri inediti Scritti premessa una Notizia intorno ai Codici MSS. di Cose Italiane conservati in Eran- oia, &.C. del Cav. C. Gazzera Svo. Torino, 1838 Presentation copy from the learned Abate Gazzera, with his autograph inscriptif)ii. At p. 103 is a Sonnet in the Piodmontese dialect by Allieri. Tills "Tnittato della dignita" is not included in any other edition of the works of Tasso." THE LIBEI LIBEAEY. 741 7005 Tasso. Ducci (L.) Oratione tunerale nell' Essequie di T. Tasso, scarce, Uo. Ferrara, 1600— Giacomini (L.) Oratione in Lode di Torquato Tasso, calf, l2mo. Milano, s. «.— Griacomini (L.) Oratione in Lode di Torquato Tasso, Fiorenza, 159G— Chiabrera (Gr.) Poemetti, Uo. Fiorenza, 1598, vellum _ _ (3) 7006 Tasso Piangente cioe i primi tre Canti del Tasso, trasformati in Piauti di Sincere Valdesio, velUm 8yo. NapoU, 1682 A curious poem, written with the same rhymes as the Gerusalerame, the original text and the parody being printed on opposite pages. 7007 Tassoni (A.) Avvertimenti di Crescenzio Pepe (A. Tassoni) al Sig. Giosefo de gli Aromatari intorno alle Eisposte date da lui alle Con- siderazioni del Sig. A. Tassoni sopra Ic Eime del Petrarca, scarce, old gilt calf, Si'o. Modofia, 1611— Area ovvero P. Carli (Conte A. dell') Essamina intorno aUe Eagioni del Conte L. Tesauro in Uifesa d'un Souetto del Cav. Marino, with the very rare etching of Hercules destroying the Hydra, vellum, 'ito. Bologna, 1614 — iVprosio (P. Angelico sotto Nome finto di Sapricio Saprici) Sferza Poetica, per Eisposta alia prima Censura dell' Adone del Cav. Marino, fatta dal Cav. T. Stigliani, vellum, 12mo. Venetia, 1543 (1643)— Garopoli (&.) Apologia alia Censura fatta dall' Accademico Partenio contro lI Carlo Magno (con la Censura), 2^mo. Boma, 1660— Moneglia (G-. A.) Eisposte alle Eeplicbe Yoarcadumicbe del Sig. Dott. J. A^alentini, Uo. Firenze, 1663— Badini (C P.) Bilancia di Pandolfo Scornabecco, nella quale si pesa la dottrina di Yincenzio Marti- nazza, with frontispiece inscribed" V. M. the Antichrist of Wit.Pojje's Bunciad;' 4,to. Torino, 1779 (6) 7008 Tassoni (A.) La Tenda Eossa, Eisposta di G-. Nomisenti (i. e. A. Tas- soui) ai Dialogbi di Falcidio Melampodio (i. e. G. degli Aromatari) scarce (see Gamba), vellum Svo. Francfort {Modena), 1613 7009 Tassoni (A.) Pensieri diversi Astronomici, Pilosofici, etc. (unknown to Lalande) Venetia, 1627— Tassoni (A.) Dieci Libri di Pensieri Di- versi corrette ed amplicati dall' autore, vellum, Venezia, 1638— Tas- soni (Alessandro) De' Pensieri Diversi libri X, ne' quali si trattano le piu curiose materie Naturali, Morali, Civili, Poeticbe, Istoricbe, ecc. Venet. Bominico 3Iiloco, 1676 4/0. (3) 7010 Tassoni (A.) La Secchia Eapita, Poema Eroicoraico, colle dicbiarazioni di G. Salviani, e la vita del Poeta da L. A. Muratori, with portrait and vlates, calf gilt, '' Stimatissima edizione"' (Gamba) ^ ' •/ ^ ' g^^_ Modena, 1744 7011 Tata (D.) Memoria suUa Pioggia di Pietre avvenuta nella Campagna Sanese il 16 di G-iugno di questo corrente anno scarce ^vo. Napoli, 1794 7012 Tatio (G.) La Imagine del Eettore della bene ordinata Citta e dell' Institutione del Cancelliero al detto Eettore, 2 vol. in 1, vellum, Vinetia, 1573— Trotto (C. A. B.) Dialogbi del Matrimonio e Yita A^edovile, icoodcut portrait, Turino, 1588— A^icoperti (A.) La Statera politica ne' Giorni di Giugno 1628, Antopoli, 1630— Guelii (A.) La Pena del Talione osservata moralmente, parte prima, vellum, Boma, 1645— (Pascoli) Testamento Politico, con diversi progetti per ista- bilire un ben regolato commerzio nello Stato della Chiesa, ecc. vellum, Colonia, 1733 4^o- ^ vol. 7013 Tavgeti (J. A.) Hymuus ad Yirginem Dei Matrem, woodcuts scarce 4^. Brixuc, 1562 742 THE MISCELLANEOUS PORTION OF 7014 Taylor (Brook) Methodus Incrementorum Directa et Inversa scarce^ calf 4:to. Lond. 1715 Respecting the mathematical discoveries contained in this celebrated and scarce work see Montucla (vol. Ill, p. 121 and 659). 7015 Taylor (B.) Methodus Incrementorum directa et inversa, scarce, Lon- dini, 1715 — Landen (J.) Eesidual Analysis, Book 1, plates, ib. 1764 — Landen (J.) Mathematical Lucubrations, plates, ib. 1755 — Emer- son (W.) Method of Increments, ih. 1763, half hound 4ito. in 2 vol. First issue of the first edition (dated 1715) of Taylor's famous work. The works of Landen are celebrated for the discoveries respecting elliptical functions which they contain, and which were afterwards enlarged by him in 1775. 7016 Taylor (B.) Methodus Incrementorum Directa et Inversa rare ^to. Lond. VlVJ *^* This copy of a celebrated work contains at the end a leaf of " Corrigenda et Addenda," not in the preceding. The apparently two editions, with the dates of 1715 and 1717, are in fact the same, a new title only with the second date having been substituted, and the Corrigenda added at the end. It is well known that the celebrated theorem of Taylor was for a long while neglected, and that D'Alembert gave it as a new invention several years afterwards. 7017 Taylor (B.) Principles of Linear Perspective, pZ«^es, Jialfcalf London, 1749 — Lespinasse (L. N.) Traite de Perspective lAnemre, plates, Paris, 1801— Allix (J. A. P.) Theorie de I'XJnivers, ib. 1818 8yo. 3 vol. 7018 Taylor (T. G.) Eesult of Astronomical Observations made at the Madras Observatory, vol. 1 for 1831 scarce in Europe 4^to. Madras, 1832 7019 Tegrimi (N.) Vite di Castruccio Castraeani, de gl' Antelmi nelle Prin- cipe di Lucca, e del Minore Scipione Africano di M. A. BendineUi da Lucca, Tradotte da Gr. Compagni da Volterra, scarce, Lucca, V. Busdrago, 1556 — Sannazarii (J.) Opera omnia, Lugduni, apud S. Grgphium, 1536, vellum Svo. in qne vol. 7020 Tegrimi (N.) Vita Castruccii Antelminelli Lucensis Ducis una cum Etrusca Versione Gr. Dati nunc primum vulgata vellum 4>to. Iaiccb, 1742 7021 Teixeiba (P.) Eelaciones d'el Origen, Descendencia y Succession de los Eeyes de Persia y de Harmuz, y de un Viage hecho por el mismo Autor desde la India Oriental basta Italia por Tierra EAEE, Jialfrussia Svo. Amheres, 1610 Colonel Stanley's copy sold for £7 7s. 7022 Teleki de Szek (S. Comitis) Bibliotbecse Pars prima Auctores Clas- sicos et Scriptores Ecclesiasticos veteres covsi^\ex?i, fine portrait printed for ptrivate distribution only Svo. Viennce, 1796 7023 Telescopes, &c. Green (W.) on Telescopes, ^Za^e, London, 1778 — Account of Guinard and Flint Glass, ib. 1825 — Eapport sur du Flint- Glass Fran9ais, Faris, 1811 — Mendoza Eios (J. de) on a reflecting Circle, plates, London, 1801 — Cavallo (T.) on the Micrometer, ib. 1793— Eowning (J.) Optics, ib. 1743 Svo. and 4to. (6) 7024 Telescopes. Newton (Sir I.) on Eeflecting Telescopes — Cavallo (T.) on the Micrometer, London, 1793 — Edwards (J.) Metals of Telescopes — Eand (C) Military and Naval Telescope, London, 1799 — Green (W.) on Telescopes, ib. 1778 — Two Manuscripts on Tele- scopes Svo. (7) THE LIBEI LIBEAET. 743 7025 Telescopes. Eand (C.) Military and Naval Telescope, London, 1799 — ou Burning Glasses made by Villette, ih. 1718 — Green (W.) on Telescopes, ih. 1778 — Scherffer on Dioptrical Telescopes, by S. Hardy, ib. 1768— Edwards (J.) on the Metals of Telescopes — Cavallo (T.) on the Micrometer, ih. 1793 — Dollond, La Lunette Achromatique, scarce, ih. — Mudge (J.) Eeflecting Telescopes, ih. 1777 ^vo.^4^to. (8) 7026 Tabaein. La Querelle arrivee entre le Sieur Tabarin et Francisquine sa femme, tliick paper, Paris, 1622 — Eencontre de Gautier Garg- \ille avec Tabarin en 1" autre monde, ib. 1Q34< — Eesponse et Gestes de Arlequin au Poete fils de Madame Cardine, en langue Arlequine, Jine paper, two copies, ih. 1585 — Sermon joyeulx de Monsieur Sainct Haren, blacfe letter, icoodcuts, s. I. et a. — Le Plaisant Boutehors doysiuete, en Vers, blactt letter, two copies, Paris, s. a. Sfc. Teclieners reprints {limited to 76 copies each) square IQmo. (10) 7027 Temanza (T.) Yita di Andrea Palladio, portrait, Venezia, 1762 — Vita di Vincenzio Scamozzi, del medesimo, portrait, ib. 1770 half morocco 4:to. in one vol. 7028 Tentori (C.) II vero Carattere Politico di Bajamonte Tiepolo (con documenti inediti del Secolo XIV in Dialetto Yeneziano) uncut Svo. Venezia, 1798 7029 Terentius cum Commento, Piguris & Additionibus, ivoodcuts, Lug- duni, per J. Remy, 1522 — Sallustii Opera, cum Jodoci Badii Ascensii Expositione, ib. \o\4i,Jine copies in the original oak boards, covered with stamped pigskin, and clasps folio, in one vol. 7030 Terentii (P.) Comoedise Sex ex Eecensione Heinsiana, oeiginal EDITION, calf, gilt edges, Lugd. Bat. Elzevir, 1635— Petronii Arbitri (T.) Satyricon cum Petroniorum Fragmentis. Accedunt ISTotse Variorum, vellum, Lugduni, 1615 — Lucanus cum notis H. Grotii et T. Parnabii, vellum, Amst. 1643 — Martialis Epigrammata in Caesaris Amphitheatrum et Yenationes, cum notis T. Marcilii, vellum, Lutetice, 1584— Poet» Latini Minores ex Editione P. Burmanni, calf, Glasguce, Foulis, 1752 12;«o. 5 vol. 7031 Terracina (Laura) Eime, ivoodcut portrait, Vinegia, G. Giolito, 1549 — Eitne seconde,j?«e woodcut portrait, Fiorenza, 1549 — Quarte Eime, Vinegia, 1550, fine copies, vellum, 8yo. in one vol. — Terracina (L.) Eime e Canti, ivoodcuts, wanting the title-page and four other leaves, Vinegia, Giolito, 1550 — Oracoli de Moderni Ingegni si d'huomini come di donne, wanting one leaf of table, ivi, 1550, velliun, Svo. in one vol. — Paterno (L.) Le nuove Eiamme (Sonetti, Canzoni, &c.) vellum, IQmo. Lione, 1568 — Polengo (Teofilo) Delia Humanita del Figlivol di Dio (in ottava Eima), numerous icoodcuts, rare, hut ivants title-page, fiiie copy in limp vellum, 8t70. Venetia, 1533 ? (4) 7032 Terrien ('G.) Commentaires du Droict Civil, tant public que prive, observe au Pays & Duche de Normandie, with the autograph signa- ture and notes of " Son. Daines Barrington," the Commentator on the Statutes folio. Paris, 1578 7033 Terzagi (P. M.) Musseum Septalianum (Manfr. Septalae) descriptum cum Logocentronibus de Natura Crystalli, Coralii, Testaceorum montanorum et lapidificatorum, Achatis, Succini, Ambari et Mag- netis, portrait, vellum 4^o. Bertonce, 1664 A very interesting work, containing (p. 43) an account of a Franciscan monk at ]\Iilan having been killed by the fall of an aerolite, in the presence of Septala himself. 744 THE MISCELLANEOUS PORTION OF 7034 Tesoro Politico cioe Relatioui, Instruttioiii, Trattati, e Discorsi vari di Ambasciatori (relative all' lughilterra e alia Eegina Elisabetba, alia Francia, alia Pollonia, alia Persia, &c.) Svo. Colonia, 1598 7035 Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs the Sons of Jacob. Translated out of Greek into Latine by Eobert Grosthead, Bishop of Lincoln, and now Englished by E. Day, ivoodcuts lilacfe letter, scarce, calf Svo. London, 1699 7036 Testi di Lingua. jEsopo volgarizzato per uuo da Siena. Testo di Lingua, 12mo. Brescia, 1818 — Salviati (L.) Lo' Nfarinato secondo ovvero dello 'Nfarinato Accademico della Crusca Eisposta al Libro intitolato Eeplica di Camiilo Pellegrino, &c. scarce, vellum, Svo. Firenze, 1588 — Castiglione (B.) il Libro del Cortegiano, vellum, Svo. Vineffia, GioUto, 1556 (3) 7037 Testi di Lingua. Aristotile, Ethica, tradotta in Lingua Fiorentina et comentata per Bernardo Segni, vellum, quoted hy the Crusca, 4^0. Firenze, L. Torrentino, 1550 — Albertano, Giudice da' Brescia, Tratatti tre. Testo di Lingua scritto nel Secolo 'KJl\,foolsca2) Svo. Milano, 1830 — Machiavelli (P.) Discorsi sopra la prima Deca di T. Livio, s. I. 1550 — I sette libri dell' Arte della Guerra, ivi, 1550 — L'Asino D'Oro, con tutte I'altre sue operette, ivi, 1550, {No. 3 of Gamha's list), the last three in one vol. Mo. (3) 7038 Testi di Lingua. Bernardo (San) Della Miseria TJmana, Volga- rizzamento (inedito) nel buon Secolo della Lingua Svo. Firenze, 1832 7039 Testi di Lingua. Caterina Da Siena (S.) Epistole, coUe Annotazioni del F. Burlamacchi, 2 vol. Milano, 1842-43 — Storia di Tobia e Sposizione della Salveregina, Testi di Lingua, citati nel Vocabolario della Crusca ora per la prima volta pubblicati da G. Poggiali, uncut, Livorno, 1799— Yegezio (Flavio) Dell' Arte della Guerra, Volga- rizzameuto di Bono Giamboni. Epistola di M. T. Cicerone a Quiuto suo Fratello sul Proconsolato d'Asia Volgarizzamento anonimo (ambedue del secolo XIV ed inediti), Firenze, 1815 Svo. (4) 7040 Testi di Lingua. Corsini (Matteo de') Eosaio deUa Vita composto nel 1373, first edition of this Testo di Lingua 12mo. Firenze, 1845 7041 Testo di Lingua. Dalle-Celle (G.) Volgarizzamento inedito (del secolo XIV) di alcuni Scritti di Cicerone e di Seneca ed alcune Lettere dello stesso. Testo di Lingua pubblicato dall' Abb. G. Olivieri, uncut Svo. Genova, 1825 7042 Testi di Lingua. Leggenda di Tobia e di Tobiolo (scritta nel secolo XIV), ora per la prima Volta pubblicata con Note e con un Indice delle Voce piu' notabili : Testo del buon Secolo della Lingua large dutch 'sa.t^^u, format Agenda, unique imp. Svo. Milano, 1825 7013 Testi di Lingua. Leggenda della Beata Umiliana De Cerchi (scritta nel Secolo XIV) Testo inedito (pubb. da D. Moreui) half morocco Svo. Firenze, 1827 7014 Testi di Lingua. Meditazioni della Vita di Jesu Cristo, Testo iuedito del buon Secolo (XIV) della Lingua large paper, uncut Svo. Milano, 1823 7045 Testi di Lingua. Meditazione sopra I'Albero della Croce, Testo di Lingua del buon Secolo, large pa2Jer, uncut, liSmo. Verona, 182H — Meditazione sopra I'Arbore della Croce, Testo di Lingua citato a Penna ora novamente recato in Pubblieo dall' Abate G. Maniizzi, coir Aggiunta degli Ordiuamenti della Mccsa altro Testo non jjiii stampato, uncut, Svo. Firenze, 1S36 (2) THE LIBRI LIBEAEY. 745 704G Ti'STi Di Lingua. Passavanti (Jacopo) Lo Speccliio della vera Peniteiizia (scritto nel Secolo XIV), portrait half calf, uncut 4:to. Mrenze, 1725 Best edition of tliis Testo di Lingua, and containing for the first time " il Parlamento tratto da Tito Livio." 701-7 Tethi (C.) Discorsi delle Fortificationi divisi in Libri otto, tvoodcuts of ancient fortresses, (Sfe. scarce, vnJcnown to Cicognnra folio. Yenetia, 1588-89 Tliis copy has besides the title dated 1589 the cancelled one dated 1588, in which the Avork is described as in four Books. By an error of the binder Books I and III follow the eighth. 7018 Tetragonismus id est Circuli Quadratura per Campanum, Archimedem Syracusanum atque Boetium Mathematicae perspicasissimos adinventa scarce 4to. Venetiis, J. B. Sessa, 1503 7019 Te Water (J. G.) Bibliotheca Te Waterana sive Catalogus libroruin Selectorum, 2 vol. in. 1 (containing many manuscripts and an immense number of autographs), half calf , uncut 8i'o. Lnrj. Bat. 1823 7050 Theatre Fran9ais au Moyen-Age (XI — XIV Sieeles) publie d'apres les Manuscrits de la Bibliotheque du Eoy, par INIM. L. J. N. Mon- merque et F. Micliel royal Hvo. Paris, 1839 7051 TiiEOC'ETTT Eclogse et de inventione Bucolicorum. Catonis Sententise. SententisB septem sapientum. De Invidia. Theognidis Sententia?. Sententise Monostichi. Aurea Carmina Pythagorfe. PhocylidiTePoema. Carmina Sibyllae ErythrfPte. Differentia vocis. Hesiodi Theogonia. Scutum Ilerculis et Greorgica. Omnia Greece in old French citron morocco, gilt edges, Ijy Be Borne {slightly stained) folio. Venet. Aldus, m.cccc.xcy. With the autograph signature and notes of " Herculis Doyoni (or Doglioni) Bellunensis." This edition, described by Brunet as " pre'cieuse," and by llenouard as " tres rare," contains most of the works contained therein, printed for tlie first time. This copy is one of those vnt\\ the corrected sheets z f and G, similar to that, or most probably the same, which sold for £ 13. 13s. in Sir Mark Sykes' sale. 7052 Theodoaianus Codex cum perpetuis Commentariis J. Gothofredi, Opera et Studio A. Marvilii, 6 vol. in 3 half hound folio. Lugduni, 1665 7053 Theodosius de Sphaericis a J. Vogelin restitutus et Scholiis illustratus, xooodctit diagrams Mo. Viennce, 1529 This scarce book is not mentioned by Brunet, who quotes subsequent editions of the same work. 7054 Theodosii Tripolitje Sphserica Gr. et Lat. per J. Penam, cuts riRST EDiTTox, rare, vellum 4