EGERTON LEIGH, ESQ #? Dr. BROOK TATLOR's Method of PERSP ECTIVE Made Eafy, Both in Theory and Practice, In TWO BOOKS, BEING An Attempt to make the Art of Perspective eafy and familiar i T o Adapt it intirely to the Arts of Design 5 AND To make it an entertaining Study to any Gentleman who fhall chufe fo polite an Amufement. By JOSHUA KIRBY, Painter. Illuflrated with Fifty Copper Plates; moil of which are Engrav'd by the Author. The Practice [of Painting] ought always to be built on a rational Theory > of which Perspective is both the Guide and the Gate, and, without which, it is impojjible to fucceed, either in Defgning y or in any of the Arts depending thereon. Leonardo da Vinci upon Painting, p. 36. The Second Edition* — — — ~ ■ — — ^ ' ■ - 1 ■ ~i ' ' • — IP S W 1 C H : Printed by W, CraiChton, for the A V T h g r. Sold by the Author, at the Golden Eagle in Great Queen's -Street, Lincoln s -fan Fields-, London ; and alfo by J. and P. Knafton, on Ludgate Hill; T. Osborn and Co. in Grafs-Inn; T. and T. Lokcman, in Pater --nofier Ro; W. Ow^en, at Temple-Bar ; J. Swan, near Northumberland- lloufe in the Strand; F.Noble, in King's -Street, Convent- Garden; and J. Noble, in St. Martins Court. At Cambridge, by W. ThurlbourK; at Oxford, by J. Gresn, Engraver ; at Norwich, by J. Glebh ; and at I?swigh, by W. Craighton. Mcccir, T O Mr. HOGARTH. S I R, IF your extenfive Knowledge and Genius in the Art of Painting did not entitle you to a Dedication of the following Theory of Pe rsp EC t i v E, the great Obligations which I am under for your Friendfhip and Favour, would claim not only this, but every other Token of my Gratitude and AfFe&ion. But this Work in a peculiar Manner has a Right to your Patronage and Protection, as it was You who firft encouraged me to write upon the Sub- ject: And if it has any Merit, the Publick, in a great Meafure, are obliged to you for it. I fhall not follow the common Method of Dedicators, by attempting a Panegyrick upon your DEDICATION. your amiable Qualifications j which might ap- pear like Flattery, and offend your Modefty : I fhall only beg Leave to fay, that your own inimitable Performances are greater Inftances of your Genius in the Arts of Defign, your Know- ledge of the Human Paffions, and your Con- tempt of Vice and Folly, than it is in my Power to exprefs ; and that, Jam, SIR, With the greateft Efteern and Gratitude, Tour mofi obliged. And obedient Servant, JOSHUA KIRBY. A LIST of Subscribers. N. B. Thofe ivhofe Names are Academy of Painting, Sculptur A QIR Thomas Allen, Bart: Nathaniel Acton, Efq; Mr. George Adams, Mathematical- Iriftrument- Maker Mr. David Adkinfon Mr. William Aldrich *Mr. Allen, Painter Mr. Richard Allick, Painter Mr. Henry Anderfon Mr. Thomas Ailing Mr. H. Atkinfon Mr. James Audley. B Right Hon. Earl of Bute John Bagnall, Efq; William Baintun, Efq; Mr. Andrew Baldrey, Painter Mr. John Banks Mr. T. Bardwell, Painter Miles Barne, Efq;. Mr. John Barnard, Ship-Builder Mr. Chriftopher Barry *Mr. James Bafire, Engraver Mr. R. Bateman, Painter Mr. W. Bathurft John Battie, Efq; Mr. John Bayley, Engraver The Rev. Mr. Charles Beaumont Mr. James Bencraft Mr. John Bennet, Mathematical- Ih- ftrument- Maker The Rev. Mr. Ralph Blois Mr. William Blois *Mr. Jacob Bonneau, Drawing- Matter, 6 Books- Boteldale Book-Club Mr. Thomas Bowell Mr. George Bowling, Mafon Mr. Edward Bowman The Rev. P. Bracebridge, D. D. Mr. Bernard Broadbelt Mr. Richard Brompton,, Painter Philip Broke, Efqj ma^k'd thus * are Members of the e, Architecture, &c. in London. Rev. Mr. John Broke Mr. Wm. Browne, Architect Mr. John Browne Mr. Jofeph Browne Mr. Daniel Brown a Mr. Nathaniel Bucke Mr. John Burrel James Burrough, Efq; F. R. S. Mr. William Butcher, Engraver Robert Butler, Efq; The Rev. Mr. Robert Buxton Mrs. Ann Buxton C Turner Calvert,. Efq; Rev. Mr. Richard Canning Mr.. William Caftleton The Rev. Mr. Philip Carter The Rev. Mr. Samuel Carter *Mr. Thomas Carter, Statuary *Mr. Charles Catton, Painter *Mr. Wm. Gazal, Drawing-Matter Richard Charlton, Efq; *Mr. Charles Cheere The Rev. Mr. Chriftian The Rev. Mr. Church Mr. George Church, Bricklayer John Clarke,. Efq; Mr. William Clarke Mr. William Clarke Mr. Samuel Cleverly The Rev. Mr. Henry Clofc Mr. Robert Clowes Mr. Butler Clowes, Engraver The Rev. Mr. John Clubb *Mr. Francis Coates, Painter Thomas Coggefhall, Efq; *Mr. William Collins, Statuary Mr. William Collingwood Mr. John Cooke Mr. Jofeph Cooper, jun. Painter Mr. John Cooper, jun. Mr. T. Coopley The Rev. Mr. Daniel Copland Mr, Henry Copland, Engraver Mr. John Cornifh, Painter Mr. William Craighton Mr. -Edward Crane, Painter Mr. Richard Crawley Philip Crefpigny, Efq; D The Right Hon. Earl of Dyfart John Dade, Efq; Dr. William Dade *Mr. Richard Dalton, Painter Sir Francis Dafliwood, Bart. Mr. Eleazer Davy James Dawkins, Efq; Henry Dawfon, L. L. D. Mr. Richard Dawfon, Painter Mr. R. Deard Peter Del me, Efq-, Robert Del ton, Efq; Mr. Arthur Devis, Painter Mr Robert Dingley Mr. P Dixon *Mr. John Donowell, Architect Mr. F. Drummond E Theodore Eccleftone, Efq; *Mr. John Eccardt, Painter Milefon Edgar, Eiq; Robert Edgar, Efq; Mr. G. L. Edwards Mr. George Elliott Mr. Robert Ellifon Mr. William Elfden, Carver Mr. J. Etty Mr. T. Evans. F Sir Gordel Firebrace, Bart. Mr. Andrew Fergulon Mr. Jofeph Finley Mr. Thomas Finley, Architect Mr. Zachariah Fifke, Painter Mr. William Fokard Mr. Ingham Fofter The Rev. Mr. Richard Fowller Mr. George Fowley Mr. Richard Francklin Mr. J. Francklin Mr. William Franks Mr. M. Freak« ( a ) Cha. Frederick, Efq; Surveyor General of his Majefty's Board of Ordnance. G Sir Thomas Gooch, Bart. *Mr. Thomas Gainfborough, Painter Mr. Thomas Gardner Mr. James Gillingham Mr. G. Glynn Mr. John Gorham Mr. John Gravenor The Hon. Col. Gray Mr. James Green, Engraver *Mr. Charles Grignion, Engraver Jofeph Grove, Efq*, *Mr. John Gwyn, Architect. H Mr. Hailftone Mr. Gavin Hamilton, Painter Mr. Hamilton, Architect Mr. William Hammond Mr. William Hammond Mr. Hammond, Painter Mr. John Hammond Mr. Hannan, Painter Robert Harland, Efq; Mr. Jofiah Harris Mr. Can ham Hart Mr. William Havard *Mr. Franeis Hay man, Painter *Mr. Richard Hayward, Statuary- Mr. Nathaniel Hedges Mr. Thomas Henderly The Hon. Nicholas Herbert, Efq; The Rev. Mr. Thomas Hewett Mr. Jofhua Highmore, Painter Mr. Edward High moor Mr. John Hingefton The Rev. Mr. Robert Hingefton The Rev. Mr. Peter Hingefton Benjamin Hoadley, M. D. Mr. William Hoare, Painter *Mr. Hogarth, Painter, 6 Books Rowland Holt, Efq; *Mr. Nathaniel Hone, Painter Mr. Peter Houltum, Painter The Rev. Mr. Henry Hubbard, FeWow of Emmanuel College, Cambridge* Mr. Thomas Hudfon, Painter Mr, Hunt, ( ifl ) Mr. Samuel Jacomb Mr. Jeffreys Mr. R. Ingham Mr. Thomas Jolly Mr. Owen Jones Henry Ifaacs, Efq; Mr. Richard Jupp, jun. Mr. Bartholomew Juftinier K Sir John Kemp, Bart. *Mr. Wm. Keable, Painter, 3 Books Samuel Kent, Efq; Mr. Samuel Kilderbee Mr. Dover Kilderbee Mr. William Kirby Mr. Knapton, Painter. L Sir James Lowther, Bart. Sir Richard Lloyd, Knt. Mr. George Lambert, Painter Mr. J. P. Lamborn Mrs. Lancafter Mr. Robert Lane Mr. Robert Larwood Robert Lcman, Efq; Offley Lewis, Efq; Mr. William Leflie Library of Catherine Hall, Cambridge _ CorpusChrifti College, ditto ■ Emmanuel College, ditto ■ Jefus College, ditto — St. Peter's College, ditto Trinity College, ditto Mr. Littleton Richard Savage Lloyd, Efq; The Rev. Roger Long, D. D. Matter of Pembroke Hall,Camb. Lowndes's Profefifor of Aftronomy, and F.R.S. Mr. J. Lovatt William Lynch, Efq; M Right Hon. Lord Vifcount Middleton *Mr. Robert Maberly, Painter *Mr. James M'Ardell, Engraver, 2 Books *Mr. Thomas Major, 2 Books Mr. Jonathan Mallet Mr. G. Manning Mr. John Manning Mr. Marquand, Architect Mr. Marquois Mr. Marfden Mr. Thomas Martin, F. R. S. Mr. Jofeph Martyr The Rev. Charles Mafon,D.D. Senior Fellow of Trinity Coll. and Wood- wardian Lecturer of the Univerfity of Cambridge The Rev. Mr. Mafterman Mr. John Meadowe John Middlemore, Efq; Mr. Charles Middleton, Chafer *Mr. J. S. Miiller, Engraver Mr. T. Miller Robert Milner, Efq; Montague, Efq; Mr. T. Moore. Mr. James Morris Mr. Benjamin Morris *Mr. G. M. Mofer, Chafer, 2 Books Mr. Thomas Mulliner Hutchenfon Mure, Efq; N Right Rev. Lord Bilhop of Norwich Hon. Richard Savage NafTau, Efq; *Mr. F. M. Newton, Painter Mr. Nichols Mr. Edward Nickfon Mr. Robert Stiles Norman O Robert Onebye, Efq; Mr. John Oldfield, Writing-Matter Mr. Thomas Olborne, Bookfcller. P Mr. Thomas Paddington *Mr. James Paine, Architect Mr. John Palgrave Mr. Thomas Palmer, Plaitterer Mr. John Parlons Mr. Robert Parfons, Carver Mr. Francis Patton, Engraver Mr. Thomas Patty, Carver Mr. Pennie, Painter Mr. R. Pennifon Mr. Francis Perry Mr. F. Peters Mr, A. Pond, F.R.S. Mr. Peter Pullyn Mr. Robert Pyle, Painter His Grace the Duke of Qaeenfbury R His Grace the Duke of Rutland Sir John Rous, Bart. *Mr. Benjamin Radeliffe Humphry Rant, Efq; Mr. John Redgrave, Architect The Rev. Mr. William Reeve Mr. E. Reeves, Carver *Mr. Jofhua Renolds, Painter Mr. Nicholas Revett Mr. William Richards Mr. Richards, Painter *Mr. Peter Roberts, Chafer *Mr. Edward Rooker, Engpaver Mr J. Rofe, PlaiuW *Mr. F. L. Roubiliac, Statuary Capt. Robert Rowning The Rev. Mr. Tobias Ruftat. S Mr. Thomas Sanby, Draughtfman to his Royal Highnefs the Duke of" Cumberland Mr. P. Sanby *M ,i . Samuel Scolt, Painter Mr. Scullard Mr. Seldon Mr. Seton, Engraver *Mr. Seton, jun. *John Shackclton,Efq; Principal Pain- ter to his Majelty John Sheppard, Efq; Mr. Robert Sherman Mr. George Silverfide Mr. John Simmons, Painter Mr. John Simpfon Mr. Thomas Singleton, Carver Mr. John Slarke, Painter Mr. Henry Smart The Rev. Mr. Juftice Smith Robert Sparrow, Efq; Thomas Staunton, Elqj Mr. Stuart, Painter Mr, Stevens Mr. Stevens ^ Mr. Luke Sullivan, Engraver, 4 Booki Mr. John Swan, Bookfeller, 6 Books. T The Right Hon. Lord Talbot Maj®r Taylor The Hon. Horace Townfhend Philip Thicknqfs,- Efq; Michael Turkic, Efq; Mr. R. Trevor Mr. Samuel Trcw 1 - Mr. N. Tucker, Painter : v ; The Right Hon. Lord Villieres The Hon. Ed ward Vernon, Elq; E. Venn, M. D. The Rev. Mr. Edward Ventris Mrs. Sarah Un'ett c Mr. Urell ' Mr. T. Urlihg W •Mr. Sam. Wale, Painter, 4 Books Mr. Charles Walf'ord Mr. William Walford *Mr. A. Walker, Engraver John Warburton, Efq; Somerfet H?- rald and F.R.'S. Mr. Francis Warden, Plaifterer Juftly Watfon, E(q; Engineer Mr. Weecks Weftern, Efq; Mr. Wieland, Chafer *JVIr. Benjamin Wilfon, Painter, and F. R. S. 4 Books Robert Wilfon, Efq-, Gray's-Inn Mr. R. Wilfon *The Rev. Mr. James Wills Mr. Wolfe, Architect Mr. Jofeph Wood, Engraver Mr. John Woods Mr. James Woridale, M after Painter to his Majefty's Board of Ordnance Mr. Thomas Wright Wiiliam Wyndham, Efq; Y *Mr. Yeo, Engraver, 2 Books Mr. R. Young. PREFACE. * k HE many Treatifes already puhlijhed upon Perspective, Ji may make it appear needlefs to augment the Number ; it is there- fore necejfary to give the Reafons that induced me to undertake fuch a JVork. The Defign of the following Treatife, is, by exhibiting a New System of Practical Perspective, to make this hitherto intricate, but ufeful Art, eafy and familiar to every Capacity : And to drefs it in the mofl fimple Garb ; that its Parts may be clearly feen^ and its whole De- jtgn (f° f ar as it relates to Painting, &c.) eqfily under flood. For cer- tain it is, that no Subject hath been treated in a worfe Manner than this, notwithstanding the many Volumes which have been wrote upon it ; fome purely Mathematical, and therefore unfit for the generality of Perjons who are concerned in the Arts of Defign , and others wholly Mechani- cal, made up of incoherent Schemes, unapplicable Examples, and fuch a Confufion of unnecejfary Lines, as tend only to puzzle and difcourage the Learner. My Intention, therefore, is, to fleer between the abflrufe mathematical Reafoning of fome, and the tedious andfalfe Explications of others and from thence to produce a Syftem of Perjpettive upon cer- tain and fimple Principles, eafy to be underflood and applied to Prac- tice. This is a general Account of the following Work; which is the Pro- duel of feveral Tears Study and Application : And how I have fucceeded in the Attempt, is fubmitted to the Candour of every ingenuous Reader. But that fuch an Undertaking was necejfary, is fufificiently teftified by the many eminent Painters, and other curious Artifls, who perfuaded me to projecute my Defign, and have generoufly encouraged the Publi- cation of this Work. I have intitled this Treatife Dr. Brook Taylor's Perspective, &c. out of Gratitude to that ingenious Author, for furnijhing me with Principles to build upon and becaufe his, though a very Jmall Pam- A phlet, PREFACE. phlet, is thought the mofi correct, concife, and comprehenjive Book upon the Subject, i have not proceeded exactly in his Method ; for that was not agreeable to my Plan : Nor have I explained his Proportions, Theorems, &c. in a regular Manner Jince that alfo was inconfiflent with the Order of my Work : But I have had Regard to his Principles in general, fo as to make his Meaning more intelligible, and that kind of Perfpective of more univerfal Ufe. This Book of Dr. Taylor's was firfi publifhed in the 7 ear 1715, and was intitled Linear Per- spective ; and in the Tear iyig he publifioed another fmall Tract, which he called, New Principles of Linkar Pfrsplctive j and which he intended as an Explanation of his firfi Treatife. But, not- withfianding both thefe Treatifes are fo curious and ufeful, few have been able to underfiand his Schemes j and when they have underfiood them, have been as much puzzled in applying them to Practice. And in the Tear 1738, Mr. Hamilton favoured the World with two Volumes in Folio, intitled Stereography, which he has explained in the Manner of Dr. Taylor, and which, though a very curious Work, and worthy the Perufal of every good Mathematician, yet, I may ven- ture to affirm, that but very few of thofe Perfons who are Students in the Arts of Defign can comprehend it j and were they qualified with a fufficient Stock of Mathematical Knowledge, it would take up more Time than they either could, or would chuje to fpare. However, I mujl frankly acknowledge, that I think it the befi Syftem of Mathematical Projection * that ever was, or, perhaps, ever will be, made public j and I Jhould be very ungenerous in not conf effing that it has been of great Service to me in fever al Parts of my Work j and that I am indebted to it for fome Things which 1 Jhould never have thought of had not that ingenious Gentleman pointed them out to me ; and I hope, that this publick Acknowledgment will prevent the Imputation of Plagiarijm, and be a fufficient Satisfaction for the Liberties 'which I have taken with his Work. * Mathematical Projection comprehends all kinds of Projection whatfoever ; fuch as the Projection of the Sphere, the Cylinder and its Sections, Conic Section* and the PREFACE. iii The Plan which I have proceeded upon in the Profecution of my Dcfgn, is this : 1 have divided the whole Work into two Books j the Jirft I have called A compleat System of Perspective, which contains the Theory and its Application to Practice and the fecond, The Practice of Perspective, which contains the practical Part only. This Method of treating the Subject feemed to me the moft eligible ; becaufe there are fome who do not like to take Things for granted, but chooje to be convinced by Demonftration, and to have the Reafon of Things explained upon certain Principles. For fuch, I intend the firjl Lock ; and for others ;, who either want Time or Capacity to go regularly through the theoretical Part, I have wrote the fecond Book ; that fuch Per/ens may be enabled to determine the Appearance of all Kinds of Objecls upon the Picture with the greatejl Eafe and Expedition : So that the whole together (if I am fo happy as to have fucceeded in my Attempt ) may be called a compleat Syjlem of PerJpecJive, fo far as it relates to the Art of Paintings ($c. In the firjl and fecond Chapters of the fir ft Book, I fuppofe my "Reader a mere Novice , not enly in Perfpeclive, but in every Thing which it is necejjary he Jhould know as previous thereto j and therefore I have begun with an Explanation of Mathematical Inftr uments, and have Jloewn their different Ujes ; after which I have explained a few Geometrical Defini- tions and Propofitions, and from thence I have proceeded to /hew how to defcribe (in a mechanical Manner) fuch Geometrical Figures as may occur in the following Work. And becaufe PerJpecJive is an optical Science, 1 have given fome Jhort Abjlracts from the moft eminent Wri- ters upon Opticks j by which Means the unlearned Reader will have a general Notion of tbe Eye and the Nature of Vifion, the Refection and Refraction of the Rays of Light, and of the Caufe of Colours. I fay the unlearned Reader, becaufe 1 do not prefume to give InftrutJions to Perfons who are well acquainted with the Mathematicks or PhiloJophy 9 but only to fuch as are ignorant in thefe Matters, but are neverthelefs defirous of feeing the Foundations upon which Perfpe&ive is built ; and therefore, all that hath been hitherto advanced, may be omitted by the learned Part of my Readers, as an imperfect Abfiraft of what they ere infinitely better acquainted with than myfelf A 2 PREFACE. The Third Chapter of the fame Book begins with an Introduction to Perfpective, which 1 have endeavoured to explain in a familiar Manner ; by fuch Objects as we are every Day converfant with ; and then 1 have proceeded to the Theory >, which I have ranged under the following Heads, viz, it Of Objects which are in Planes perpendicular to the Pic- ture ; 2. Of Objects which are in Planes perpendicular to the Ground ; And 3. Of Objects which are in Planes inclined to the Ground ; becaufe there are no other Situations in which Objects can be difpofed ; that is, they mujl be either perpendicular ; parallel, or inclined: And every Example, which I have produced, is immediately applied to Practice and by that means the Theory and Practice are fo clofely con- nected, that they ferve to explain each other, and to fix both very Jlrongly in the Memory. And thus having explained the Theory and general Practice of Per- fpettive, I have in the fourth Chapter of the fame Book, confidered t'e different Kinds of Perfpective, viz. when the Picture is either perpen- dicular, parallel, or inclined. The perpendicular PiSlure is what is commonly made ufe of, and is placed perpendicular to the Ground ; the parallel Picture is placed parallel to the Ground, (fuch as Ceilings, and the like -,) and the inclined Picture, is fuppofed to be inclined to the Ground, and is rather more curious than ufeful. I have next given an eafy Method of determining the Reprefentation of any Objects upon Domes, vaulted Roofs, and other uneven Surfaces, by means of Reticulation or "Net-Work ; which is all that is contained in this Chapter. The fifth Chapter of the fame Book contains the Perfpective of Shadows, both in Theory and Practice and this I have treated in the very jame Manner as I have done the Perfpective of Objects : So that what is contained in this Chapter, is deducible from what hath been already advanced in the third Chapter, and follows like fo many Corollaries from thofe general Proportions . The fixth Chapter of the fame Book contains fame general Inftruttions for choofing a proper Diflance for the Eye, &c. and the bad Effects of viewing a Picture from any other than the true Point of Sight -> and the feventh and lafl Chapter, is principally copied from Mr. Hamil- ton, and contains an Explanation of Aerial Perfpective, the Chiara Ofcura, and Keeping in Pictures.— And thus having gone through the The- oretical PREFACE. oretlcal Party I have proceeded to the fecond Book, which contains the practical Part only ; in which 1 have obfcrved much the fame Order and Method as in the Theory, and therefore that needs no farther Explanation. The Figures I have made choice of to demonflrate and explain this Syjlem of Perfpeftive, are not fet off with Ornaments, to attract the Eye, but are done with Simplicity, to inform the Under/landing ; and are fuch as every common Mechanick has clear and determinate Ideas of and confequently of the mofl univerfal ZJfe : For the Square, the Triangle, and the Circle, are not only the Foundation of mofl geometrical Figures, but are aljo the fimple Materials of Shapes in general, and of which regular Buildings, in particular, are always compofed. And I may, without the leaft Arrogance, affirm, that, had the fever al Writers upon PerfpecJive Jhewn how to find the Reprefenta- tions of thofe three Figures only, upon different Planes, and in various Situations, their Works would have been more intelligible, and of much more Service, than they now are with fuch a Multiplicity of orna- mental Schemes and unapplicable Examples. In jhort, the Principles of Perfpeflive are few and fimple, and therefore to explain them by a vaji Number of ornamental Figures, would ferve only to divert the Eye and mijlead the Judgment, and to make that appear obfeure and difficulty which in its own Nature is extremely clear and eafy. And here it may not be improper to obferve, that the Learner is de- fired to draw out every Figure as he proceeds, which will ferve to fix them in his Memory, and to make their Explanations more eafy and fa- miliar to him. It is a Method I have always praBifed myfelfi with Succefs ; and therefore think it may be of Service to others : However, thofe who by an extraordinary Capacity, can carry on a long Train of Ideas together, and can recollect, compare, and combine them as they pleafe, need not give themf elves this Trouble. This is a general Account of the following Work : But before I quit the Subjecl, I JJjall beg leave to fay Jbmething upon the Ujefulnefs of Per- Jpeclive to every Per/on that is any. ways concerned in the Arts of Defign, and to recommend the Study of it in particular to every Tyro in the Art of Painting-, which I could wijk might put a Stop to that Ridicule and PREFACE. Contempt with which it has been treated by a fort of People* who art too ready to condemn a Branch of Science, which they have negleBed to gain a jkfficient Knowledge of. Thefe Per fans bring to my Mind a Story of Leonardo da Vinci, a famous Italian Painter who fjourijhed in the latter End of the fourteenth Century *. He tells us, that a Friend of his, named Boticello, had a peculiar Pique againfi Landfkips, thought them much beneath his Application, and looked upon them in a mojl con- temptible Light : But, fays Leonardo, the Reafon was, becaufe he was a very forry Landfkip Painter : And our Author udds, that for this Reafon his Merit in other Matters was the lefs regarded. That PerfpeBive is an efential Requifite in a good Painter, is aitefled by all our mojl eminent Artijis, and is moreover confirmed by almoft every Author -f* who his wrote upon Painting ; my, the very c lerm Painting implies PerfpeBive. For to draw a good PiBure is to draw the Repre- fentation of Nature, as it appears to the R e ; and to dr ^w the Per- fpeBive Reprcfentation of any ObjeB, is to draw the Reprefent Jtion of that ObjeB as it appears to the Eye : Therefore the Terms Painting and PerfpeBive feem to be fynonymous, though I know there is a critical Dif- ference between the Words. Tet this will Jerve at leafl to jhew the near Alliance between P inting and PerfpeBive ; that if the one doth not com- prebend the other, PerfpeBive, howtver, may be faid to be the Bafis upon which Painting is built ; and therefore he who attempts to paint a Pic- ture without having a general Knowledge of it, will always wander in the Mazes of Uncertainty, be JubjeB to the greatejl Errors, and his Works, like thofe of Boticello, will be the lefs regarded. And what is fi. id of the Ufefulnefs of PerfpeBive to Painters in particular, may be applied to Artijis in general ; fucb as Engravers, A, chiteBs, Sta- tuaries, Ch Jers, Carvers, &c. It will alfo be an entertaining Study to any Gentlem. «, who has either a Tajle for Drawing, or is a Lover of Painting ; as it will enable him to draw cut the Reprefent at ion of any Building or \ roJptB, and to form a tolerable judgment of a PiBure without any other AJiJlance. 1 would not be underjiood to mean, that a * Vid. Leonardo da Vinci upon Painting, p. 31. i Ibid. p. 29. Frefnoyt Poem upoa jramting, p. 19, v. 115. And Du Piht ttpon Paint, ifig, Cb.ap. 18. Perfm \ PREFACE. Perfon is always to follow the rigid Rules of Perffiecthe, for there are fome Cafes in which it may be necejfary to deviate from them j but then he muji do it with Mode fly, and for fome good Reafon, as we have Jhewn in fome Parts of this Work. Nor would I be thought to defire the Artijl to make life of Scales or Compafes upon all Occafions, and to draw out every Line and Point to a Mathematical Exaclnefs ; no, the Defgn of this Work is quite the Reverfe ; it is to teach the general Rules of Perfpective, and to enforce the Practice of it by eafy and felf-evident Principles ; to afjifl the Judgment, and to direSl the Hand, and not to perplex, either by unnecejjary Lines or dry Theorems. Upon the whole : He that has a true Genius, and will take Pains to learn the Principles delivered in this Treatife, will be taught to See Objects with fuch Exaclnefs, and his Judgment will be founded upon fuch folid Prin- ciples, that he will be enabled to draw out any Reprefentation with more Eafe, and with much more Correclnefs, than the greatejl Genius who is ignorant of Perfpettive, or he who defpifes the Rules of fuch a necejfary Art. Con- CONTENTS. Compleat System of Perspective. book jr. Chap. I. Containing Matters previous to Perfpe&ive. SECT. I. — 2 SECT. III. Practical Geometry, - . - . Chap, II. Some Optical Obfervations. SECT. I. Of the Eye and the Nature Vifion, - 8 SECT. II. Of the Reflection and Refra&ion of the Rays /Light, — 15 SECT. III. Of the Caufe of Colours, . r 8 [ a ] Chap. CONTENTS. Chap. III. The Theory of Perfpe&ive. SECT. I. Introduction to ^Theory c/Terfpective, .. Page 20 SECT. II. Definitions, Theorems, &c. » ■ 2 6 SECT. III. Of Objects that are in Planes perpendicular to the Picture, 30 SECT. IV. Of Objects that are in Planes perpendicular to the Ground, 33 SECT. V. Of Objects that are in Planes inclined to the Ground, ■ 37 Chap. IV. Of parallel inclined Pictures. sect. 1. Of the Parallel Picture, . ■ 43 SECT. II. Of the Inclined Picture, ■ ■ 47 SECT. III. Of Vaulted Roofs, Domes, &c. ; 51 Chap. CONTENTS. Chap. V. The Perfpe&ive of Shadows. » Introduction to the Theory of Shadows, ■ Page 56 SECT. I. Of Shadows projected by the Sun, — , ■ General Rules applied to Practice, ■ „■ 63 SECT. II. Of Shadows projected by the Candle, &c. 6 5 Chap. VL Containing feveral eflential Requifites. 1. Of the Diftance of the Eye, ■ __. , 66 2. Of the Height of the Eye, ■ , 67 3. The Confequence of viewing a Picture from any other 1 than the true Point of Sight, t ° 4. Of the Size of the Picture, — ibid. 5. Some Confiderations upon the Appearance of round or cy- 7 , lindrical Objects upon the Picture, J 9 Chap. VIL _ Of Aerial Perfpective, the Chiara Ofcuro, and Keeping in I Pictures, . * 74 [ a 2 ] BOOK CONTENTS. BOOK II. The Practice of Perspective. Chap- L Introduction to the Practice of Perfpective, ■ Page 5 Chap. II. SECT. L To Prepare the Picture, GV. r. Of the Size of the Picture, — — 2. For the Height of the Eye, — — ■ ibid. 3. For the Diflance of the Eye, — « . 10 SECT. II. To find the Reprefentation of Objefls which He flat upon the Ground, fuch as the S qua r e, the Tr i a n g l e, and the Circle, &c 3 1 . Of the Projection of a Point ; — by two Methods ; 1 1 2. Of a Line that is perpendicular to the Picture j by two Methods, 1 2 3. Of a Line that is parallel to the Picture; — by two Methods , ib. 4. Of a Line that is oblique with the Picture j — -by two Methods, 13 5. Of an Equilateral Triangle, when one of its Sides is pa- I rallel to the Picture ;— by three Methods, — — ' 6. Of an Equilateral Triangle, when all its Sides are \ oblique with the Picture ; — by three Methods, . : ' 1 $ 7. Of a Geometrical Square, having fome of its Sides parallel I to the Picture j — by three Methods, * lb * 8. Of a Geometrical Square, having fome of its Sides oblique ? , with the Picture; — by three Methods, ■ • « * 9. To find the Reprefe?jtation of a Square of any determinate \ Width, * l 7 10. Of a regular Hexagon ; — by two Methods, 18 11. Of Circles — by three Methods, ■ ■ ■ ■ 19 SECT. CONTENTS. xiii SECT. III. To find the Reprefentation of objects that are perpendicular to the Ground. 1. Of a Plane perpendicular to the Picture, ■ Page 21 2. Of Planes parallel to the Picture, 22 3. Of Planes oblique with the Picture, — 23 4. 5, Of T riangular folid Figures, 24 6, 7. Of Cubes and Parallelopipeds, 1 25 8. Of Hexangular Figures, 27 9. Of Octangular Figures, ■ ib. 10. (^Cylindrical, or round Objects, > 28 SECT. IV. To determine the Reprefentation of Objects that are inclined to the Ground. 1. Of a Square; — by three Methods, ■ ■ 29 2. To find the vanifhing Lines and vaniftring Points of a Roof, 3 1 3. To find the Appearance of a Square by the vanijhing Points^ ^ of its Diagonals ; — by three Methods. — 4. General Rules for Roofs, and other inclined Objects, 1 H> 5. General Rules for the Projection of the Regular Solids, &c. 36 viz, — of Cubes refting upon one Edge only, ■ *b* of a Cube /landing upon one Corner only, 37 »■ of a regular T ?trahedron y 39 ■of a Canted Cube, 4° 6. Of the Double Crofs, 4 1 Chap. III. The Practice ofPerfpe&ive abbreviated. sect. 1. , General Rules, &c. — 4 2 1. When any vanijhing Point is out of the Picture, to draw^ ^ a Line that jhall tend to that Points 1 : 2. To CONTENTS. 2. To make one Line equal to another Line given. Page 43 3. To cut off a Line in any given Proportion, _1 , ^ 4. To prove if an ObjeB be properly di mint/bed, /: 5. To fid the Length of any Reprefentation by Calculation only, 4 6. To find the Diftance of any Picture by means of the va-l . nifiing Points of a Square, ■ , - 3 7. To find the vanifhing Lines and vanifhing Points of in- 1 clined Planes, together with their Centers and Diftances, — _ * ib - £ See alio 8. General Rules for all Kinds of vanifhing Lines, * ° P * 11 9. A Method taken from Marolois, ufeful in fome Cafes, - 47 SECT. IL The foregoing Rules more particularly applied to common Practice 1. Inputting a Tufcan Pedeftal into PerfpeBive, .3 ' . 2 ; -Circular Mouldings, the Tufcan, Bafe, WCa- ? pital, and the Corinthian Capital,. . . j 51 3- Columns in general, 4- ~ Stairs in general, , 5. An Arch and Pediment, . H 6' Houfes in general, . . r, 7. The infide of a Room, ~~ * Chap. IV. Horizontal Perlpe&ive. ri 1 \j t °Jj aW r a ^ ece P tion u P° n * Cieling, which Jhatt appear I like the Sides of a Room continued upward?, 1 PP i 2. To put two Cylinders into PerfpeBive, . , 3. O/Pilafters, J lb - 60 4. Of oblique Objects, ^ 5- Of Arches, lb * 6. Of Windows, m . lb * 7. Of Mouldings, 62 ib. 8 > 9> Of CONTENTS. 8, 9. QfBafes and Capitals, 1 ■ Page 62 10. Of the Human Figure, • 63 1 1. Of the Reprefent 'attorn of Domes upon flat Cielings, &c. — 65 Chap- V- The Perfpe£tive of Shadows. sect. 1. Of Shadows projected by the Sun. — — — 66 1. When the Light comes in Planes parallel to the Picture, 67 2. When the Light conies from behind the PiBure, 68 3 . When the Light comes from before the Picture, ib. From whence are deduced the Jollowing general Examples, viz. To find the Shadow of a perpendicular Object, when it is l , cafl upon the Ground only, ■ * " To find the Shadow of an oblique Object, when it is caft I upon the Ground only, To find the Shadow of a perpendicular Object, when it is caft upon an inclined Plane, \ ' To find the Shadow of an inclined Object upon a perpendi- j cular Plane, To find the Shadows of perpendicular Objects, when they are l ib. cafl upon Planes that are every Way oblique with the Picture, — * j l Of Shadows projected by the Candle, &c. ib, SECT. II. Some Confiderations upon the Degree and Colour of Shadows, ? &c. and of Reflections in Water, — — — — 3 - 1. Oj the Colours and Degrees of Shadows. — ib. 2. Of Reflections in Water, 74 Chap- VI. Of ScENOGRAPHY J Or S C E N E-P AINTING, 76 CHAP. xvi CONTENTS. Chap. VII. Several Methods of Perfpe&ive, by the moft eminent Authors- 1. Vignola* Method, — 2. Marolois'j Method, - 3 . Vredeman Friefe'j Method, 4. 'The Jefuit'j Method, 5. Andrea Pozzo'j Method, APPENDIX. Page 82 ib. 83 ib. ib. A Com- Compleat SYSTEM of PERSPECTIVE. BOOK I. CHAP. I. ♦ ♦ » * » ♦ ■> * * 1' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * » ***** Of Inftruments ufed in Drawingy Geometrical Definitions and Propofitions 9 and Practical Geometry. S E C T. I. Of Instruments ufed in Drawing. THE Inftruments necenary in Drawing are as follows, viz* i. A Tee-Square. Fig. i. Mi A Parallel Ruler. Fig. 2. 3. A Drawing-Board ; which is a fmooth Board made exactly fquare at the Corners. 4. A Sector. Fig. 3. 5. A Pair of Compares and a Drawing-Pen. 6. A Semi-Circle, or Protractor. Fig. 4. This Instru- ment is half a Circle, divided into 180 equal Parts, which are called Degrees. Thefe are all the necenary Inftruments in Drawing, and may be had at any Mathematical-Inftrument Maker's *. In regard to their different Ufes : They are almoft univerfal ; but I fhall only confider them as applied to particular Purpofes ; and firft, of the Tee-Square and Drawing-Board. 1! Let it be required to draw one Line CD, perpendicular to Fig. 5; another Line AB. . After having fixed a Piece of Paper upon the Drawing-Board, apply the fquare Arm ED of the Tee-Square to the Side of the Board, and draw the Line AB; then lay it in the fame Manner asainft the Top or Bottom cf the Board, and draw a Line touch- ing the other Line in the given Point. Thus, let D be the given * Mr. John Bennet, at the Globe in Crown Court, between St. Ann's and Golden Square, London, has had particular Directions from the Author, for making a very firaplc and uieful Cafe of Inftruments, fit for the above Purpofe. © • <. Book I. A r°int 5 i Of Instruments, Point; then draw CD, and the Line CD will be perpendicular to the Line AB. — And if an oblique Line AC k wanted; lay the Arm AB of the Square, which turns upon a Screw C„ againft the Edge of the Board, and move the Ruler backwards and for- wards, 'till you have got it to the Inclination you want. Tig, 2. 2. The Parallel Ruler is to be ufed when we would work upon a loofe Paper, without ufing a Drawing-Board : Thus, let it be required to draw one Line CD, Fig. 8, parallel to a given Line AB ; and let C, or D, be the Diftance it is to be from AB : Lay the Edge AB of the Ruler, to the given Line AB, and keep the Limb ab, fixed -> then move the other Limb cd, to the Diftance propofed, and draw a Line, as CD, which will be parallel to AB. So that having given only one Line, and erected a Perpendicular thereon, we may draw any Number of parallel Lines, or Perpen- diculars to them ; only obferving to fet off the exact Diftance of every Line by a Prick of the Compares, like C or D. 3. The Sector is made of two brafs Rulers, AB, AC, artifici- ally fixed upon a Center A: This Inftrument is ufually filled with a great Number of different Scales, which, tho' very ufeful in many Parts of the Mathematicks, are neverthelefs foreign to our Purpofe; and therefore, I fhall confider it only as having what is called a Line of Lines on one Side, and a Line of Poly- gons on the other ; which different Scales are exprefled upon the Sector, by the Letters LL and PP, as in the Figure; LL ftands for the Line of Lines, and PP for that of Polygons. The Line of Lines ferves as an univerfal Scale for dividing any Line into equal Parts, or into any given Proportion ; for inftanee, divide F fr H- the Line AB into fix equal Parts : Take the Length of the Line in your Compafles, and fet one Leg of them in the Point 6, upon the Line of Lines ; then open the Sector 'till the other Leg of the Companies coincides with the Point 6, which is on the Line of Lines upon the other Limb of the Inftrument ; in this Pofition keep the Sector fixed, till you have taken the Diftance from 1 to 1 ; which Diftance will be one fixth Part of the Line given. And in the fame Manner, a Line may be divided into any Number of equal Parts, even though they mould exceed the Numbers upon the Sector; fuppofe, for inftanee, it was required to divide a Line into 24 equal Parts; then fet the Length of the Line from 12 to 12 and divide the i-i2th Part into two Parts, which will anfwer the Purpofe. The Of Instruments, * The Line of Polygons is called fo from its Ufe ; which is, to di- vide a Circle into any Number of Parts, as in Fig. 27. which Fi- gures are called by the general Name of Polygons ; and the Method of ufmg this Scale is extremely eafy. For having firft defcribed a Circle, take the Radius (that is half its Diameter) and fet it upon thefe Lines from 6 to 6 in this Pofition keep the Sector fixed, and you will have a Scale for dividing any Circle of that Radius into any Number of equal Parts ; for if you want a feven-fided Figure, (or Heptagon) take the Diftance from 7 to 7 ; if an eight- iided Figure, (or Octagon) take the Diftance from 8 to 8, and fo on. 4. The laft Inftrument is the Semi-Circle or Protractor, Fig. 4; which is ufed in drawing all kinds of given Angles, and in the following Manner. Let it be required to make a right Angle* CAB, from the Fig. m Point A, upon the given right Line AB. Lay the lower Side BC of the Inftrument, exactly even with the Line AB, and in fuch a manner, that the Point, or Center A, will coincide exactly with the Point A upon the Line AB ; then make a prick at 90, ana* draw AC, and the thing propofed is done. — And after the fame Manner any other given Angle may be drawn, which a little Ex- perience will make much more eafy than Words can do. SECT. II. {Jeo metric At Definitions and Propositions, princU pally from SimpfonV md Pardie'j Geometry. t. A N Angle is the Inclination of two right, or ftraight Lines, Fig. $; ± \ AD, CD, meeting each other in a Point, as D ; and the middle Letter D always denotes the Angle. z. When one right Line CD, falling upon another AB, makes the Angles on both Sides equal, thofe Angles are called right An- gles, and the Line CD is faid to be perpendicular to AB ; and if any Line AC be drawn from a Point A in one Line, to any Point C in the other, the Line fo drawn is called the Hypothenufe. 3. An acute Angle BDE, is lefs than a right Angle BDC 4. An obtufe Angle ADE is that which is greater than a right Angle ADC, 5. Parallel Lines are fuch as are equally diftant from each Fig. $ qther, as AB, CD, * For right Angle, fet Geometrical Definitions m tte next Seftion. A 2 & A g Geometrical Definition's, Gff. 6 A plane Figure is that which lies evenly between its Bounds or Extremes ; thus any fmooth Surface is a plane Surface, and is therefore called a Plane. . Fig. 9 , io. 7. All plane Figures bounded by three right Lines, AB, AC, BC, are called Triangles. . . r _ , c . , Kg.,0. 8. An equilateral Triangle ABC, is that whofe Bounds or Sides Fie 11 are o a Lerypiane Figure ABCD, bounded by four right Lines, is called a Quadrilateral) and if its Sides and Angles are equal, it is called a Square. „ . 10. Any quadrilateral Figure, whofe oppofite Sides are parallel, but not equal, is called a Parallelogram-. Fig. 12. 1 1 A rieht Line is faid to be perpendicular to a Plane when it flands on it at right Angles y thus the right Line EF is perpendi- cular to the Plane ABCD, when it ftands like a Pillar upon the Ground, and is inclined no more to any one Side of the Plane* than to the other. , , , - Fig. ,5. 12. One Plane ABCD, is right and perpendicular to another EF, when, like a well-made Wall, it inclines and leans on one Side no more than it does on the other. Fig. 9 ,!o. 13. Two. right Lines, if they meet fo as to cut or crofs each other, are in the fame Plane > wherefore all the Angles, A B, C, and Sides AB, BC, CA, of every Triangle, are in the fame Plane. Fig. 14, 14. If two Planes ABC, EFGH, cut or mterfedl one another they mall do it in a right Line EF, which Line is caned their C Tc m if a'ShtLine FG, be perpendicular to two right Lines FD, FE, which are in the fame Plane ABC, that Line is alio per- penchcular to ^hat Phme^ ^ kr three right Lines, FI FE, and FD; thofe three Lines are all in the fame Plane, ABC. t 7 . If two Lines FG, EH, are perpendicular to the fame Plane ABC, they will be parallel to one another. Fig. 15. ,8. Two Lines EG, FH, perpendicular to the fame Plane ABCD, cannot be drawn through the fame Point Fi g . 16. 10 If two parallel Planes. ABCD, EFGH are cut by a third Plane IKLM, the common Seaions, OP, QR, are parallel. FJg 17 20. If the Lines GM and HN, are divided by paralle Planes, F £ ' 7 ' then GI will have the fame Proportion toIM, as HL has to LN, and the Seclion MN, IK, of any plane Triangle MGN two parallel Planes, is always in a given Ratio; that is, IK is m tne fame Proportion to IG, as MN is to MG. Geometrical Definitions-, &c. S *, A folid Angle E, is made by the meeting of three or more Fi g . ,8, l^SWiniig m a Point; like the Pomt of almond, W a f ^^I^EB, fixt above in the Point E *> UnC>h ^vTt^ Tbef 0 v e , move round a Circle, AB, it Fig. .9 m1 3 hX^ F gTe tha is call'd. a Cone s and the Circle is its r1 and a lL dfawn from the Vertex C, to D, is called its Axis. t\ If a Lbe A d7 move uniformly about two angular Figures, Fig. *. ABC DEF which are every Way equal having their Sides id Andes mutually parallel "and correfponding exactly to one and Angles mmu j f then that Lme by lts ^^Vdefame^f it\ath three Sides, a Prifrn; if four, a C t Tf P aT!!S° P m P ov d e- uniformly round two equal and parallel Fig., Circles it lha"l defcribe or generate a Cylinder } and the Lme Circles, it miu & ^ lkd lt£ , Axls> ,0 T S I^ ^ 'foUd Ldy is kid with one Face upon another Plane, Fig. i the Space whS that y Face takes up is called its Seat ; thus *e Gube CG refts with its Face CDEH, upon the Plane IK ■ there- fore CDEH is the Seat of the Cube on that Plane , and thus the Points C and D, are the Seats of the Lines C A, DB; , as are alio GD DE, the Seats of the Lines AB and BF; and fo hkewrfe, the Seat of the oblique Line DF, is the Line DE. SECT. III. Of Practical Geometry. To ereSt a Perpendicular CD, from D, near the Middle of a right Fig Line AB. T^ROM D.fet off on the Line AB, any Diftance DA, DB, F equal to each other-, then from A, defcribe at Pleafure the Ire cd! and with the fame Diftance from B, defcribe the Aic ab , and then from the Point C, where they cut each other, draw CD; fo will CD be perpendicular to AB. to let fall a Perpendicular CD upon a Line AB, from a Point C, Fig. •without the Line. From the given Point C, defcribe the Arc AEB at pleafure an! frl The Points A and B, defcribe two other Arcs cutting each etltrTn F i draw CF, then are CD and FD perpendicular to AB 1 Geometrical Definitions, & c . m 7- Toereff a ?erpendicukr AC, upon the Extremity A, of a Line AS With any Diftance, .defcribe the Arc e fa- ft™ Xf A B * A, and fet off the fame Diftance upon A c ll ?7\ P ° in * fronvf to g f then from the Points^, f, defcrihc fell if* *!* and A from the, Sedion C, draw C £ which fift JjJ^ffl & «« CD, P„W d, ^ | „ ^ Draw, as you think proper, the obliaue Line A n t |iven Point D cutting An in ? A, and £guj m^A 5g 5* Sis steals ir^S ^aUo B.D{ ana^^^te^Df^^ Or it may be done yet eafier, by defcribine; two Arc, r n , % 9- make. «ny Triangle, as ABC, Lines, AF, fi E CD Xi?eT F a Xn^ 21 3nd make AB to the gS Lme A * \ tben from the Point B, with the Radim RP Lr -l m A f the Radius CD, fiXSST3Sri£S? tther Arc ab, cutting the former Arc in C • ther Tfrct , c a Lines to A and B ; and then will ABC be a Triani Thofe tT are refpediively equal to the given Lines AF, BE, f nd CD? * iS " l °' ~rll 7f e T eq i lat T al * rian Z k I*"* a Li ™ S™n, AR Pobts A a nH R Cn | r $ AB in I™ Co^ffe,: and from the Triangle. C '* n ^ u "ateral fffc-u 7i make* Geometrical Square ABCD, «, jfo- ab From the Point B erea the Peroendicular rp r D . , Jta Radius AB, defcribe IfjJjKSfeffi Serpent -cular ui C, from A and C, (with the fame Radius) defcribe tw» gore Arcs cutting each other in D } then draw DA,' DC, 5 the Figure prqpofed is compleated. ' ' rne *%■ tfi *^^-§ifc Line AB, ^ *, ^ Angle jg. © ^ 1 ?° mt o '7 lth Radius > defcri ^ the Arc cdf from M, mth the iame Radius, 4efcribe the Arc a b, take the Length Geometrical Definitions, &c. y of a b, and transfer it from c to d, and through d draw a Line to A j then is the Angle BAC equal to the given Angle aDb. To bifecJ, or divide an Angle A intd two equal Parts. Fig. 2 $; From the Point A, with any Radius, defcribe the Arc BG3 di- No * * % vide BC into two equal Parts, and draw AD. To divide a right Line AB into any Number of equal Parts. Fig. 24; From the Point A draw at pleafure the Line AC, and make BD parallel thereto j then carry as many equal Parts along the Line AC, from the Point A, and along the Line BD, from B, as you would divide the Line AB into (for infrance, fix Parts) and draw the tranfverfe Lines, which will divide the propofed Line as was required. Or, it may be done by drawing a Line AB, parallel to a given Fig. 2$, Line CDj then by fetting as many equal Parts upon the Line AB as CD mould be divided into, and by drawing Lines from thence to a Point, as E, from every Divifion, and in fuch a Man- ner, that the outward Lines AE, BE, mail touch the Ends of the Line CD, as in the Figure. I fay then, the Line CD will be divided into fix equal Parts. To infcribe a Circle within a Square ABCD. Fig. 26. Draw the Diagonals AD, B C, and where they crofs each other will be the Center of the Square, which confequently is the Center of the Circle alfo. To infcribe a Square in a given Circle. Fig. 26. Draw the Diameter AB, from A and B defcribe the Arcs a, b, No ' 2 ' and draw DE ; from A, D, B, E, draw Lines as in the Figure, which will be the Square required. As to the Geometrical Contraction of Polygons, I mall not Fig. 27. take up the Reader's Time about them ; for they may be defcribed very eafily by Means of the Scale upon the Sector for that Pur- pofe, as has been obferved before, under the Word Sector. CHAP. ISii w ; li CHAP, II. Of the Eye and the Nature of Vifion y the Reflection and RefraBion of the Rays of Lights and the Caufe of Colours. S E C T. I. Of the E y b and the Nature of V i s i o n. THE Defign of this Chapter is, to explain to the unlearned Reader the Conftruction of the Human Eye, and to give him a general Idea of the Nature and Caufe of Vifion ; and not to proceed in a regular Manner upon Opticks, but only to take Notice of fome particular Parts of it, by which he will be enabled to fee more clearly -the Nature of Perfpeclive. In order to which, I mail take Quotations from the moil eminent Writers upon that Subject, and not prefume to give him much of my own, as ^nothing which I can offer will be new, or fo much to the Purpofe. " /Every vifible Body emits or reflects inconceivably fmall Par- cc tides of Matter from each Point ; of its Surface, which iffue from at the Diftance of three Spaces, " nine Times thinner, and fo on : The Reafon of which is, be- " caufe they fpread themfelves in a twofold Manner, viz. upwards V and downwards, as well as fide-ways."* This may be the Fig. more clearly comprehended by the following Experiment. " Let the Light which flows from a Point A, and paffes through " a fquare Hole bcde, be received upon a Plane, BCDE, parallel " to the Plane of the Hole j or, if you pleafe, let the Figure BD, " be the Shadow of the Plane bd; and when the Diftance AB is " double of Ab, the Length and Breadth of the Shadow BD will u each be double the Length and Breadth of the Plane abj and " treble, when AB is treble of Ab, and fo on; which may be " eafily examined by the Light of a Candle placed at A. " Therefore the Surface of the Shadow BD, at the Diftance -** double of Ab, is divifible into four Squares, and at a treble • Vid« Rowning't Ojpt. Part 3, p. 4, B •« Diftance Of the Eye and the Nature of Vision. ■« Diftance into nine Squares, feverally equal to the Square bd, as « reprefented in the Figure. The Light then which falls upon » the Plane bd, being fuffered to pafs to a double Diftance, will be uniformly fpread over four times the Space, and confequently " will be four times thinner in every Part of that Space, and at " a treble Diftance will be nine times thinner, and at a quadruple 6 < Diftance fixteen times thinner than it was at firft; and fo on c< according to the Increafe of the fquare Surfaces bcde, BCDE, « or of the fquare Surfaces Abf g, ABFG, &c. built upon « the Diftance Ab, AB, &c. Confequently the Quantities of this " rarified Light, received upon a Surface of any given Size or ££ Shape whatever, removed fucceffively to thofe feveral Diftances, " will be but one quarter, one ninth, one fixteenth, of the whole « Quantity received by it at the firft Diftance Ab. Or in general <« Words, the Denfities or Quantities of Light, received upen any " given Plane, are diminifhed in the fame Proportion as the « Squares of the Diftances of that Plane from the luminous Body ** are increafed; and on the contrary* are increafed in the fame " Proportion as thofe Squares are diminifhed. For the Lights of <1 the feveral Points of the Body, which feverally follow this Rule, e< will compofe a Light which will ftill follow the fame Rule."* Having thus far explained what we are to underftand by the Rays of Light, we will now proceed to a Defcription of the Hu- man Eye, and confider the Nature of Vifion. < . 5 « ATYC is the Heprefentation of an Human Eye, differed through its Axis f , all the Parts being twice- as big as the Life. " Here the tranfparent Coat, called the Cornea, is ABC; the « Remainder ATYC being opake, and a Portion of a larger J£< Sphere. Within this outward Coat Anatomifts diftinguiih two " others; the innermoft of which is called the Retina, being like « a fine Net, compofed of the Fibres of the Optick Nerve YVT «" woven together, and is white about the Parts p, q, r, at the C{ Bottom of the Eye. The Cavity of the Eye is not filled with " one Liquor, but with three different Sorts. That contained in ■« the outward Space ABCOEGFD is called the Aqueous Hu- « mour, being perfeftly fluid, like Water,; the other, contained * Vide Smith's Opt. P. 17, Art. 57, 58. t The Axis of the Eye is a Line drawn through the Middle of the Pupil and of the Cry- stalline Humour, and confequently falls upon the Middle of the Retina. And the Axes of iboth Eyes produced, are sailed. the Optick Axes .; which will be better underftoed after the ^Qefcription of the Eye. *" in Of the Eye. and the Nature from whence tlie y came -" II ,,1, The PicluTe of an Objea upon the Retina being; produced much in the fame Manner as a Piaure by a Lens, viz. in both Caies by Means of the Refraaion of the Rays of Light, we will therefore, firft (hew how by the Paffage of thofe Rays through a Lens a Piaure maybe produced; as this will be one considerable Step Towards plaining the Nature of Vifion : For which Purpofe I fhau ouote an Experiment from the incomparable Sir Ifaac Newton. } « Let PR reprefent an Objea without- doors, and AB a Lens Fig. * 9 , « placed at a Hole in the Window-mutter of a dark Chamber, « whereby the Rays that come from any Point CL of that Object, « are made to converge and meet again in the Point q; and it a « Sheet of white Paper be held at q, for the Light there to faU « upon it, the Piaure of that Objea PR will appear upon the « Paper in its proper Shape and Colours. For, as the Light «« which comes from the Point goes to the Point : q . fo i he « Light which comes from other Points P and R of the Object, « will go to fo many other correfpondent Points p and r> io « that every Point of the Objea mail illuminate a,^^^^ « Point of the Piaure, and thereby make a Piaurehke the Object * By a Lens in this Place is meant a Glafs which collet the Rays of Light into a Point, "I W™ay rf Lfgnl paffes cut of one Medium into another of a different 1 Den%, it wil be bent near y the Su?fac« of thofe, which bending » called R^*"' . 1 If feveral Rays approach each other fo as to meet in a Point, they are faid ^ converge J Tf they proceed from a Point and go further off continually, they are then faid to diverge. (j Vide Smith's Opt. p. 26 § Vide Newton's Opt. p. 11. B 2 in Of the Eye and the Nature of Visiosr, f in Shape and Colour, this only excepted, that the Picture fhaB " be inverted. And this is the Reafon of that vulgar Experiment cc of catting the Species of Objects from abroad upon a Wall, or y .confequence paint in the Bottom of the Eye a M confufed Picture.—This is the Reafon of the Decay of Sight in " old Men, and fhews why their Sight is mended by Spectacles. xc For thefe .Convex GlalTes (or Lenfes ) fupply the Defect of £C Plumpnefs in the Eye, and by increafmg the Refraction make the Rays converge fooner, £o as to convene diftinctly at the et Bottom of the Eye, if the Glafs has a due Degree of Convexity. " And the Contrary happens in ihort-fighted Men, whofe Eyes rc are too plump. For the Refraction being now too great, the " Rays converge and convene in the Eyes before they -come at the Bottom ; and therefore the Picture made in the Bottom, and the «< Vifion caufed thereby, will not be diftinft, unlefs the Object be brought fo near the Eye as that the Place where the converging Rays convene may oe removed to the Bottom, or that the * f Plumpnefs of the Eye be taken off, and the Reflations dimi- * A Perfon may eafiiy fathfy himfelf of the Truth of this, by only talcing a common Butb- sng-GJafs in one Hand, and a Piece of white Paper in the other, and let him hold the Glafr before any Objeft, and the Paper on the oppofite Side of the Gkfs ; then by moving tfieGlafs or Paper backwards and forwards 'till he gets the Rays to their proper Focus, he will fee the > x\e Objea.upon the Paper, but is will not be fo diftintt as in the dark Chamber. " niih'd Of the Eye and the Nature ef Vigrotf. f j rt mfhed by a Concave-Glafs of a due Degree of Concavity ; or *' laftly, that by Age the Eye grows flatter, 'till it comes to a due l Body; fo when they illuminate other Bodies, on which they 4< fall, they are alfo inceflantly thrown back from every Point of " thofe Bodies. Far the Points of opake Bodies fo enlightened, " are vifible to the Eye at any Point of Space and in any Point of «' Time, as well as the Points of the luminous Body that en- •« lightened them. The numberlefs Rays which flow fre-m all '* yifible Bodies, called Objects, may be methodically diftributed " in this Manner. The Surface of the Object is confidered as " confifting of Phyfical Lines, and thefe Lines as confirming of «« Phyfical Points, and thefe Points are conceived to radiate all *' manner of Ways. It is ufual to make ufe of nothing elfe fox *« an Object hut a Phyfical Line. For by how much that Line is w increased or dirninifhed in apparent Magnitude, or Brightnefs, *' or Diftinctncfs, fo much the Diameter, or Length, of any Ob- " ject, in its Place, would be increafed or diminished. Fig. 36. " The Point from which Rays diverge, or towards which ** they converge (being made to go back towards the fame Point, " though Of Reflection and Refraction, ** though they may never meet at it) is called their Focus. And ** in both Cafes any Parcel of thefe Rays, as QJB C,, or QB A, fft confidered apart from the reft, is called a Pencil of Rays. C{ This Figure reprefents the Manner in which the Rays of a Pen- " ciL, Q^A B y diverging from any Point of an Object Q, and " falling upon a ftrait Line ABC, or upon a polifhed Plane re- ** prefented by it, do all diverge after Reflection as if they came •« from another Point q. The Ray Q^C, which falls perpendicu- " larly upon the Plane AB, is reflected back again along the % f <2>$ " Q^q, lie at equal Diftances on each Side of the reflecting Plane, fC fo the Focufes P, p lye on each Side at other equal Diftances, " and R, r at other equal Diftances, in Lines P p, R r, drawn ** perpendicularly through the Plane AB. Hence it is eafy to " underftand by Infpection of the Figures, that thefe Focufes " P» r > w ^ tn innumerable others, lying all in the fame Order as <£ the correfponding Points P,QvR, compofe an imaginary Line of *' the fame Length and Shape as the Line P Q^R ; and that the " Situation of the Line p q r, with refpect to the back fide of the * f reflecting Plane, is the very fame as that of PQ^R with refpect " to the fore fide of it. This Line pqr is called an Image or " Picture of the Objeft PQR."* This may fuffice to fhew the Nature of the reflected Images of Objects from polihYd Planes , the Knowledge of which is abfo- * Vide Smith's Opt. p. 7, C lutcly 1 8 Of R ET LECTION R EPR AC T I O M- lutely necelfary in feveral Parts of Painting, efpecially in Landfkips* where Water is often introduced; the Tranfparency of which, depends upon giving the Reprefentation of that Fluid its true or local Colour, and in giving the Reflections their proper Depths and Appearances. — Proceed we now to a farther Consideration of ithe Refraction of the Rays of Light, as introductory to the Caufe of Colours. In the 35th Figure we obferved, that if a Ray of Light went out of Air into Water, it would not proceed ftrait forward, but foe bent and turned out Of its direct Courfe at the Point of Inci- dence C; and that the Reafon of this Refraction, or bending of the Ray, was owing to its palling out of a rarer or thinner, into a denfer or thicker Medium ; and in Proportion as this Medium into which the Light enters, is more or lefs denfe, the Ray will be snore or lefs refracted. Now what is faid of one Ray, will hold .equally true as to any Number of Rays : But fince the Rays of Light arc not alike, but diffimilar, fome greater and others lefs, they will be differently refracted at their Exit out of one Medium into another Medium ; and being thus feparated, each Species of Rays will exhibit a Colour peculiar to itfelf ; which is the Subject of the next Section. SECT. III. Of the Cause of Colours. 4 Originals, but feverally diminifhed in proportion to their Diftance from the Picture; and therefore the Reprefentation of their oblique Sides TO, XS, which muft join tx, os, to compleat the Repre- fentation of the whole original Figure, cannot be parallel to their Originals, but will be oblique in the Picture, and would, if con- tinued towards the Top of the Picture, converge into an imaginary Point C, exactly as high above the Bottom of the Picture, as the Eye is above the original Plane OP. Now thefe Points, into which we fuppofe the Reprefentations of the Sides of Objects do vanifh 2 2 Introduction to the ^Theory ^Perspective.. vanifh upon the Picture, are called by the general Name of Va mining Points. From hence then, we may form an Idea of the Nature of thet Perfpeclive Plane or Piclure, and of Perfpeclive Reprefentations • which Reprefentations are nothing more than the Seclion which the Mure makes with the Rays of Light in their Paffage from original Objefts to our Eyes; and that the whole of this Art depends upon finding the exact Section, or true Shape, which that cutting of the Rays makes upon the Picture in all kinds of Situ- ations, and in giving them their proper Force and Colour But to dluftrate this by a very familiar Inftance. Suppofe a Spectator to be looking at a Profpeft without Doors, from within, through a Glafs-Wmdow ; he will perceive not only the vaft Ex- tent which fo fmall an Aperture will admit to be feen by his Eve but the Shape Size, and Situation, of every Objeft upon the- G ais: If the Ob;ecT:s are near the Window, the Spaces which thev take upon the Glafs will be proportionably larger than when thev are at a greater Diltance; if they are parallel to the Window, then their Shapes upon the Glafs will be parallel alfo; but if they are oblique, then their Shapes will be oblique, and fo on. And he will always perceive, that as he alters the Situation of his Eye the Si- tuation of the Objecls upon the Window will be altered alio: If he raifes his Eye ever fo high, the Objecls will feem to keep pace with his Eye, and rife higher upon the Window ; and the contrary, if he places it ever fo low. And fo in every Situation of the Eye, the Objecls upon the Window will feem to rife higher or lower: and confequently, the Depth of the whole Profpeft will be proportion ably greater or lefs, as the Eye is elevated or deprelTed; and the Horizon will, in every Situation of the Eye, be upon a Level with it: Inat is, the Horizontal Line, or that imaginary Line which appears to part the Earth and Sky, will feem to be raifed as far above the Ground upon which the Spectator ftands, as his Eye is removed from the fame Place. 7 Fig. 43- Let us now fuppofe two Planes ABab, CDcd, of the fame Height, and parallel to each other, one to pafs through the Eye E the other through any Point as e, and both to be perpendicular to the Ground ABCD; and let us imagine another Plane, abed, to be laid upon thefe two Planes, ABab, CDcd, as in the Figure, GrluL W ^ abcd is P^l to* the Oround A BCD becaufe it lies upon two Planes ABab, CDcd of the lame Height, Now if we fuppofe this Plane, abed, to be con - tinued Introduction to the Theory, ^Perspective. tinned at an infinite Diflance, and the Line cd to reprefent a Part of the real Horizon, and then imagine a Picture GLPP, to be placed between the Eye E, and the Horizon cd then its Section HL, with the horizontal Plane abed, will be the indefinite Re- prefentation of the Horizon cd, upon the Picture; and this Re- prefentation is called the Horizontal Line. Now fince all Objects which lye flat upon the Ground, or are parallel to it, ieem to vanifh into the real Horizon, therefore the Reprefentation of all fuch Objects upon the Picture, mufr. vanifh into this Horizontal Line j becaufe it is the perfpective Reprefentation of the real Hori- zon : And for the fame Reafon, the Ground, or whole Extent be- tween the Eye and the real Horizon, will not appear to lye flat, but to rife upwards. For let E be the Eye, ABCD the Ground, f and HI the utmoft Extent which the Eye can diftinguifh ; now, I fay, the Ground will not appear to lie flat, as ABCD, but to rife upwards, like A Bed, till it cuts the Plane abed, which is drawn through the Eye E, parallel to the original Plane ABCD j and the Section c d, which the Planes A B c d and abed make with each other, will reprefent the real Horizon. And, as before, if we fuppofe a Picture, GLPP, to be fixed between the Eye and the faid Horizon ; then the Section H L, which the Picture makes with the parallel Plane abed, will be the indefinite Reprefentation of the Horizontal Line upon the Picture j becaufe the Rays of Light, in their Paflage from the Section cd, or real Horizon* would cut the Picture in the Line HL. From hence then, we may fee, the grand Principle on which Perfpective depends ; namely, on finding thofe Lines and Points into which Objects feem to vanifli upon the Picture. And whoever will give himfelf the Trouble to underftand the following fhort Theory, will have maftered all the Difficulty in Perfpective : For it only requires to have a clear Idea of the Nature and Property of vanifhing Lines and vanifhing Points, and a few other Requisites as previous thereto ; which he may partly conceive by what has been faid already, and by confidering, that as the Horizontal Line H L, is produced by means of the Plane abed, which panes through the Eye parallel to the Ground, or original Plane ; fo, in the very fame Manner, all other vanifhing Lines are determined 5 namely, by imagining a Plane to pafs through the Eye, parallel to thofe Planes whofe Reprefentations are required upon the Picture* — Again, in regard to vanifhing Points ; they are determined by drawing Lines from the Eye, parallel to the original Lines, till Introduction to the theory o/*Perspectiv?, they cut the Picture ; in order to which, we muft alvays fuppof© thefe Lines to lie in fome Plane, and then, having found the va- nifhing Line of that Plane, the vanifhing Point of any Line, in. that Plane, may be found alfo. And from hence we inay obferve,. that the Horizontal Line is of the fame Nature with any other va- nifhing Lines, and differs from them only in being nore ufeful, becaule, many more Objects are perpendicular and parallel to the Picture, than oblique with it : And therefore, the great Strefs which hath been laid upon this Line by mo ft Writers, is not fo very fignificant as they apprehended j for, in fome Cafes, it is of no ufe at all in a Picture. For let us confider a little. If vanifhing Lines upon the Picture, are always to be produced by Planes- paffing through the Eye, parallel to original Figures, then no- original Plane can have its vanifhing Line in th« Horizontal Line, unlefs it is parallel to the Ground j but, if any Object be obliquely fituated with regard to the Ground, ther., the Plane which is to pafs through the Eye, parallel to the Original, in order to determine its vanifhing Line, will be oblique with the Ground alfo; and therefore it cannot pafs through the Horizon:al Line, but will be either above, below, perpendicular to it, or crofs it in an oblique manner : All which may be conceived by infpecting the following Figures. In Fig. 45, the original Object, TOSX, lies upon the Ground ; therefore, the Plane, abed, which pafTes through the Eye E, parallel to the Ground, cuts the Picture in the Horizontal Line HL. In Fig. 46, the Original, TOSX, is* fuppofed perpendicular to the Ground, and to be perpendicular to the Picture alfo ; therefore, the Plane ABPD, which paries through the Eye E, parallel to the faid Plane, will be perpendicular to the Ground and perpendicular to the Picture ; and therefore will pafs through the Center C of the Picture, and produce the vanifhing Line PD, which will be perpendicular to the Horizontal Line HC. But, if the original Object is perpendicular to the Ground, and oblique with the Picture, as in Fig. 47, then its vanifhing Line PD, will be perpendicular to the Horizontal Line HL, but, will not pafs through the Center or Middle of the Picture, but will be on one Side of it. Again, if the fquare Object A B T S, Fig. 48, (which is, inclined to the Ground, at the Angle ATO, but reclined to the Picture) have two Sides A B, T S, parallel to the Picture ; then the Plane OPVL, which paffes through the Eye E, parallel to the original ABTS, will produce a vanifhing Line V L, above the Horizontal Line H C 3 and exactly parallel to it. But if the fame Objeft, Introduction to the Theory of Perspective. Object, (Fig. 50.) be turned fo as to have all its Sides oblique with the Picture, then the Plane EPL V, which panes through the Eye E, parallel to the original ABTS, will produce a vaniftiing Line VL, which will be aflant the Horizontal Line HL. Again; if the Object ABTS, (Fig. 49.) be inclined both to the Ground and the Picture, but have its Sides AS, BT, parallel to the Pic- ture, (as in Fig. 48.) then its vaniftiing Line, VL, will be parallel to the Horizontal Line HL, but below it. And To in regard to the vaniftiing Points of any original Lines : As thefe Lines are fuppofed to lie in fome Planes, therefore, having found the vanifh- ing Lines of thofe Planes, as above, the vaniftiing Point of any Line in thofe Planes may be eafily found alfo; viz. by drawing Lines through the Eye, parallel to fuch Lines, 'till they cut the Piaure: Thus, in Fig. 45, EL is drawn from the Eye E, pa- rallel to the Original el, and therefore L is the vaniftiing Point of el upon the Picture. And fo again in Fig. 47, Es, EL, and Eo, are parallel to the Originals ST, SX, OT and OX, and therefore will produce the correfponding vaniftiing Points ; viz. s for the Line ST, L f or the Lines SX and OT, and O for the Line XO. In like Manner the Points L, in Fig. 48, 49, 50, are determined* viz. "by drawing the Lines EL, from the Eye, parallel to the Ori- ginals el and SB. — From hence, then, we may perceive, that the various Situations of Objects may be reduced under three general LIeads * viz. 1. When they are perpendicular to the Picture, or parallel to the Ground. 2. When they are parallel to the Picture, or perpendicular to the Ground. 3. When they are obliquely iituated, both as to the Picture and the Ground, or any other Plane upon which we fuppofe them: All which I ftiall now endeavour to explain in their feveral Orders, and apply them to Practice. SECT. Definition «• SECT. II. DEFINITION S. I. ryiHE Point of Sight, is that Point where the Spectator V Eye A is placed to look at the Picture. Thus the Point E, of all the Figures in Plate 6, is the Point of Sight, or Place of the Eye. 45« 2. If from the Point of Sight E, a Line, EC, be drawn per- pendicular to the Picture GLHL, the Point C, where that Line cuts the Picture, is called the Center of the Picture* |. The Dijlance of the Picture, is the Length of the Line EC which is drawn from the Eye, perpendicular to the Picture. F'g- 4«, 4. If from the Point of Sight E, a Line EP be drawn perpen- 49, S 0 ' dicular to any vaniming Line VL, the Point P, where that Line cuts the vanifliing Line, is called the Center of that vanijhing Line. 5. The Dijlance of a vanijhing Line, is the Length of the Line BP, which is drawn from the Eye perpendicular to the faid Line. 6. By Original Object, is meant the real Object whofe Repre- fentation is fought, whether it be a Line, Point, or plane Fi- gure : And by Original Plane, is meant that Plane upon which the Fig. 45. real Object is fituatedj thus the Ground OP, is the Original Plane, and TOSX the Original Object. 7. The Line GL, where an original Plane OP cuts the Pic- ture GLHL, is called the Section of the Original Plane, or the Ground Line. 8. If any Original Line OT, be continued fo as to cut the Picture; the Point G, where it cuts the Picture, is called the Inter- fection of that Original Line. 9. The Vanijlring Line of any Original Plane,. &c. is that Line,, where a Plane drawn through the Eye, parallel to that Original Plane, cuts the Picture : Thus HL in this Figure, and VL in Fig.48, 49, 50, are the vanifliing Lines of their feveral Original Planes, TOSX and ABTS. 10. The Vanijhing Point of any Original Line, is that Point where a Line drawn from the Eye, parallel to that Original Line, cuts Pig. 48. the Picture : Thus EL, being parallel to the Original el, produces the vanifhing Point L ; and fo on. Theorem i. % 5 t. If two or more Planes, ABCD, EFGH, are parallel to each other, they will have the fame vanifliing Line HL. For Theorems, &c* vj For let GHLL be the Picture, E the Spectator's Eye, and ABCD an original Object. Imagine the Plane HIKL to pafs through the Eye E, parallel to the original Object ABCD, and it will cut the Picture in the Line HL, which will be the vanifhing Line of the original Plane ABCD : And fmce the other original Plane EFGH, is parallel to ABCD, therefore the Plane HIKL is parallel to that alfo ; and confequently HL is the vanifhing Line of the Plane EFGH, and of every other Plane which is parallel to ABCD, Theorem 2. The vanifhing Points, H and L, of Lines AC, BD, in any ori- ginal Plane ABCD, are in the vanifhing Line HL, of that Plane. From the Eye E, draw EH, EL, parallel to BD and AC; then becaufe the original Plane ABCD, and the Plane HIKL, are parallel ; therefore the Lines EH, EL, that are drawn from the Eye E, parallel to the original Lines BD, AC, will be in the Plane HIKL; and confequently muft, cut the Horizontal, or va- nifhing Line HL, in the Points H, L, and thereby produce the proper vanifhing Points of the original Lines B D, A C. Theorem 3. If the original Plane ABCD, is parallel to the Picture GHLL, fig. $z< it can have no vanifhing Line upon it, and therefore its Repre- fentation will be parallel, as in Fig. 42. becaufe its parallel Plane abed, which panes through the Eye E, can never cut the Picture, and confequently, will not produce a vanifhing Line upon it. And fo in regard to the Line BD : It can have no vanifhing Point upon the Picture, but its Reprefentation will be parallel to the Original, as o s, t x, in the above Figure. Theorem 4. The Reprefentation ab, of a Line AB, is a Part of the Line Fig. 53, GC, which panes through the interfering Point G, and the va^ 54- nifhing Point C, of the original Line AB. For imagine the Plane AHEF, to pafs through the Eye E, and the original Line AB, and it will pafs through both the in- terfecting Point G and the vanifhing Point C, and cut the Picture in the Line GC: And if the vifual Rays AE, BE, are drawn from the Object to the Eye, they muft be in the Plane AHEF, E a and a g Theorems, &c. and confequently, their Section a b with the Picture, will be m the Section GC of that Plane with the Picture j therefore, ab„ which is a Part of the Line GC, is the Reprefentation of the Line A B, C O I O L l r When the Original is perpendicular, as AB, Fig. 53, then its vanifhing Point will be in die Center C of the Picture becaufe a Line drawn from the Eye perpendicular to the Picture, deter- mines its Center j and therefore, fince AB is perpendicular to the Picture, EC is parallel to it, and confequently will produce the Center G, for the vanifhing Point of A B» CoR O L. 2. If the Original A B is in a Plane OPB, perpendicular to the Picture, but lies obliquely in that Plane in regard to the Picture, *ig. 54- as AB ; then its vanifhing Point L, will be in the Horizontal Line HL> but on one Side of the Center C : And fo whatever be the Si- tuation of any original Line, its Reprefentation upon the Picture will always be in that Line which is drawn through its Interfectioa and vanifhing Point, C O R O L, 3> yi s- jrs» For let AB be inclined to the original Plane OP, at the Angle ABD. Continue AB till it cuts the Picture in G, and from the Eye E x draw EF parallel to it* which will cut the Picture in the vanifhing Point F ; then draw FG, and the vifual Rays AE, BE, cutting FG, in a and bj, then will the Line ah be the Reprefentation of the Original AB, and is a Part of the Line FG, which pafles through the interfering Point G, and the vanifhing Point F, of the Original AB. This, from what was, obferved above, is felf- evidentj becaufe the Rays AE, BE, are in the Plane AFEG> which pafles through the Eye and the original Object, and there- fore muft cut the Picture in the Section FG, COXOL 4. From hence it follows, that all Lines which are parallel to each other, but not parallel to the Picture, will have the fame vanifhing Point j becaufe a Line which panes through the Eye, being parallel to one, is parallel to all the reft; and therefore can produce but one- Theorems, &c. 29 one vanifhing Point, let the Number of parallel Lines be ever fa many This I have explained by Paper Planes, where OPHL is 5 6 - the Picture, TPE a Plane which pafles through the Eye parallel to the Picture, and AB, CD, EF, three original Lines parallel to each other. Now if we raife the Picture OPHL, and the Plane TPE, 'till they are perpendicular to the original Plane A E K I» and then turn the other Planes, which pafs through the ori- ginal Objeas AB, CD, EF, 'till they coincide with the Eye at E ; they will all meet upon the Picture in the Point C, which is the common vaniftiing Point of all the original Lines AB, CD and EF. And by obferving the vifual Rays, which are drawn from the Extremities of every original ObjecT: to the Eye, at E, we may perceive that the Reprefentation of the Line AB, will be ab upon the Piaure j of CD, cd> and of EF, ef : All which Repre- fentations will tend to the Point C, as a common Center, and there vanifti into the Pi&ure. And we may moreover obferve, that fmce the original Lines AB, CD, EF, are not only equal and pa- rallel to each other, but at equal Diftances from the Pidure or Section GLj that therefore their Reprefentations will be at the fame Diftance from the Section, GL, of the original Plane, and between the fame parallel Lines a e, b f. This laft Theorem, and the Corollaries deduced from it, are the principal Foundation of all the Practice of Perfpeaive; and there- fore the Reader will do well to make it very familiar to him : And to help his Reflations upon it, I have annexed the laft Figure. But although I have confined myfelf in this Figure to an original Plane which is perpendicular to the Piaure, yet the fame Rules will ferve for any other original Planes, be they ever fo obliquely fituated in regard to the Piaure; provided they are parallel amongft themfelves: As muft appear extremely obvious, by a Httle Attention in examining the Figure. Theorem 5. The Reprefentation ab, of any Line AB, that is parallel to the Fig. 56, Piaure, is to its original Line AB, as the Diftance EC of the No. 2. Reprefentation ab is to the Diftance ED of the original Figure. For let the original Figure AB be two Parts, and the Diftance ED (or which is the fame Thing, AH) five Parts; and the Dif- tance EC, (or HG) of the Reprefentation ab, two Parts ; then will AB be to its Diftance ED as five to two. For if we divide the 3<> Theorems, ®c. the Diftance CE of the Reprefentation ab, into five Parts, then the Reprefentation ab will be equal to two of thofe Parts; that is, as five is to two. Again, the Diftance Ca, between the vanifhing Point C, of a Line AO, and any Point a in its Reprefentation O a ; is to the Diftance CO, between the vanifhing Point C and the Interferon of that Line, as the Diftance EC (or HO) of the Eye, is to the Diftance HA of the original Point. For let HA be five Parts, and HO two Parts; divide OC into five Parts; and the Diftance C a, between the Reprefentation a of the Point A, will be two of thofe Parts; therefore, Ca is to CO, as HO is to HA ; that is, as two is to five : As is evident by mfpe&ins: the Figure. J r 6 From hence, then, we mayobferve, that the perfpe&ive Repre- fentations of Obje&s are diminifhed upon the Picture in an har- monkal Proportion; and that, if the Length of any original Ob- jed, its Diftance, together with the Diftance and Height of the Eye, are known, that then the Appearance of thofe Objects upon the Picture may be found by Calculation ; which will be exempli- tied in the pra&ical Part. Proceed we, therefore, in our propofed Order*, to determine the Reprefentations of Objects which are in Planes varioufly fituated in regard to the Picture, SECT. IIL Of Objects which are in Pkncs perpendicular to the PiBure. f 1-Ji Plane OGLP and let E be the Eye, and EC its Diftance. *rom what has been -faid already it is manifeft, that abed it & v-rfp ntat prL ABCDj for the P <^ts a,b,c,d, are where the vifual Rays BE, flfr. are cut by the Pitfure, as was obferved in i 1 !' 4 *' 42 ' the Reprefentations ab, cd, arc Parts of the Lines 1 bt, which are drawn from the interfe&ing Points T and S and the vammmg Point C, of the original Lines AB, CD ; as was" fhewn in Fig. 53 f + . and confequently ad, be, are the Reprefen- tations of then- Originals AD, B C. r • Vid« Page 25. Now Kg- 57- Of Perpendicular Objects. Now let us fuppofe the original Plane OGLP to be turned upon its Section GL ; and the parallel Plane HIKL to be turned alfo upon the vanifhing Line HL, 'till thofe Planes and the Picture become one ftrait Plane, like flD^llt j then it is manifeft that the Eye E, will be tranfpofed into the Point €, and €C will be equal to its Diftance. And if we moreover fuppofe the original Figure ABCD, to be drawn upon the under Side of the Plane OGLP^ and exactly in the fame Situation as in the Plane JJDGLp } then, I fay, if Lines are drawn from the feveral Points in this tranfpofed Plane, to the tranfpofed Place of the Eye, that their Sections a, b, c, d, with the Lines TC, SC, will be in the •irery fame Points, in which thofe Lines are cut by the Rays, which go from the original Points A,B,C,D, in the Plane OGLP, to the Eye E : Thus the Ray BE cuts the Line TC in b; and if a Line is drawn from % to draw GL to its vanifhing Point, and from the Extremities T, O, of the Seat TO, draw two parallel Lines at pleafure, cutting the Section GL in 1 and 2 ; from E, draw E3, parallel to T 1 and O2, cutting the horizontal Line in 35 then draw 13, 23, which will give the Reprefentation ot ; again, from t and o, draw the Lines tx, os, parallel to the vanifhing Line AB : And then, by means of the vanifhing Points A and B, the whole Reprefentation may be compleated, as in Fig. 62. This Figure alio deferves the Learner's particular Attention ; for if he obferves, in Fig. 62, the vaniming Line AB pafTes through the Center of the Picture, and therefore the Diflance CE of that vanifhing Line, is equal to the Diflance of the Eye, or principal Diflance : But in this lafl Figure, fince the vanifhing Line does not pafs through the Center of the Picture, therefore, the Diflance E L, of that vanifhing Line, is greater than the principal Diflance CE, and will be proportion ably greater and greater, as the vanifh- ing Line is removed farther and farther from the Center of the Picture. For the principal Diflance EC, is one Side of a right- Fig. 64. angle Triangle ECL j but EL, the Diflance of the vanifhing Line E 2 AB, Of Parallel Objects, AB, is the Hypothenu-fe of that Angle, and therefore greater than either of the Sides EC or C L : From whence it follows, that if a line CL be drawn from the Center of the Picture, perpendicular to any vaniming Line AB, the Point L, where that Line cuts the Picture, will determine the Center of that vaniming Line j and if a Line be drawn from the Eye to that Point, as E L, it will determine its Diftance *. Let us now, without any Regard to the Theory, find the Ap- pearance of a fquare Object fituated like TOSX, in Fig. 63. *%• 64. Let T O be the Seat of the Object propofed, FI L the horizontal Line, C the Center of the Picture, CE the principal Diftance, and GL the Section of the Ground Plane with the Picture. Con- tinue the Seat O T, 'till it cuts the Section in G, and parallel to OT, draw EL from the Eye, cutting the horizontal Line in the vaniming Point L; then draw GL: Finally, draw Ti, O 2, and and alfo their Parallel E 3 ; by which means the Heprefentation ot, may be found. Again, through the vaniming Point L, draw B A, perpendicular to HL, and continue the horizontal Line towards , cutting the vanifhing Line VL, in SD; then is SD the vanifhing Point of the Diagonal of a Square : Therefore (fince the inclined Plane was fuppofed to be a Square) draw BDt, cutting oV in z; from L, through the Point z, draw Lzy, cutting tV in y ; then draw y z, parallel to H V, which will compleat the whole Reprefentation, not only of the inclined fquare Plane, but the whole Appearance of a Figure like 6 5, 67, but in a different Situation. Since Of Inclined Objects. 4* Since this Figure is as difficult in regard to the Practice of Per- spective, as any I can think of, I have annexed the Paper Planes in the 72d Figure, to help the Reader's Reflections upon it ; and to affift him ftill further, we will now find the Reprefentation of fuch an Object without any Regard to the Theory. Let E be the Eye, C the Center of the Picture, CE its Dif- Fig. 7 i, tance, HL the horizontal Line, and t o one Side given of the inclined Face. . Any where apart draw AB, Fig. X. parallel to the horizontal Line HL, and draw CB perpendicular to AB; then make an Angle at A, equal to the Angle of Inclination (as TYX m Fig. 70) and draw AC. — Continue ot to its vanifhing Point L, and from L draw LE to the Eye ; then at E make a right Angle with the Line LE, and then, becaufe the Side whith lies upon the Ground is fquare at the Corners, therefore H is the vanilhing Point of the two Sides tx and o s, and L is the vanifhing Point of the other two Sides to and sx.— From the vanifhing Point H, draw HV perpendicular to the horizontal Line, and continue the horizontal Line towards 1. From H fet off HI, equal to the Diftance HE of the vanifhing Line H V ; then from 1 draw IV, parallel to AC in Fig. X ; which will cut HV in V, and give HV for the vanifhing Line of the perpendicular Plane t y x ; and by drawing a Line through the Points V and L, we fhall have VL for the vanifhing Line of the inclined Plane t o z y : Therefore from C the Center of the Picture, draw CC, perpendicular to the vanifhing Line VL, and continue it at pleafure; then is C the Center of that vanifhing Line. Again, from C the Center of the Ficture, draw CI perpendicular to CC, and make CI equal toCE the principal Diftance, and then draw IC, which is the Diftance of the vaniming Line VL; therefore, make €<£ equal to Cl and from the vanifhing Points V and L, draw V then the Reprefentation will be like the Original, and muft be found by the fame Rules as Objects thus fituated are determined upon the perpendicular Picture. Thus, let LGPO be the Picture, E the Eye, C the Center, and CE its Diftance, and ABCD the original Plane parallel to the Picture. From A, B, C, D, draw Lines perpendicular to the Picture, in- terfering it in the Points G, L, P, Oj then from thofe Points draw Lines to the Center of the Picture; and from the Points A, B, C, D, draw Lines to E, which will interfect GC, LC, PC, and OC, in a, b,c, d, and thereby determine the Reprefentation required. Now let us turn this Figure alfo, and call ABMK the Ground Plane ; then this Picture is an upright one, and the Reprefentation a, b,c, d, of the parallel Plane ABCD, in either Situation of the Picture is the fame ; and confequently the Reprefentation of all parallel Of the Parallel Picture. 45 parallel Objects are to be determined after the fame Manner as in the upright Pifture. ' Now, fince the Rules for drawing the Appearance of Objects upon the parallel Picture, are exaaiy the fame as thofe for drawing the Appearance of Objects upon the perpendicular Picture, it fol- lows, that the fame Rules will do in both Cafes, and therefore the Artift has nothing more to remember than this, viz. thofe Objects which in the parallel Pidure are to be reprefented as erect, muft be determined as thofe which lie flat upon the Ground in the per- pendicular Picture ; thofe which are parallel in one Picture, as thofe which are parallel in the other ; and thofe which are oblique, after the fame Manner : Or in other Words, however original Planes are fituated, the Reprefentations of them muft always be deter- mined by imagining a Plane to pafs through the Eye parallel to thofe Planes, which will give their feveral vanifhing Lines, from which the whole Reprefentation may be compleated. Thus, the Plane FGVL, which panes through the Eye E, parallel to the Fig. ni original Plane ACLG, produces the vanifhing Line VL of that Plane; and therefore having the Diftance EC of that vanifhing Line, the Reprefentation of any Lines which can be drawn m the original Plane are eafily found alfo. And here we may obferve, that if the original Plane ACLG were infinitely extended, the Triangle GLC would be its indefinite Reprefentation, and confequently the Appearance of all Lines which can be drawn in that original Plane, will be fomewhere within that Triangle. And fo like wife, if perpendicular Planes are erected on the other Sides LP, PD, DG, of the Picture, their indefinite Reprefentations will be the feveral Triangles LCP, PCD, and DCG, and the Center C will be their common vanifhing Point. — For draw the original Plane ACLG upon the Side LG of the Fig. 7 # Pi&ure, and let every thing elfe remain as in the former Figure. —Through E draw the Plane FHGLV, parallel to the Plane ACLG, which will cut the Picture in VL; then is VL the va- nifhing Line of that Plane. Again, from E draw EC, perpendi- cular to V L ; then is C the Center of the Picture. And fince EC is parallel to AG, BS and CL, therefore C is the vanifhing Point of thofe Lines ; and therefore, from C, the Center of the Piaure, draw Lines to G, S, L ; and from A, B, C, draw Lines to E, which will cut the former Lines in the Points a, b, c ; then is a G the Reprefentation of A G, bS of BS, and cL of CL ; and G a c L is the whole Reprefentation of the original Plane ACLG. And Vf the Parallel Pictur f ; And after the fame Manner any other Lines, as xz, may be found iiipon the Picture. And from hence alfo, we may obferve, that if perpendicular Planes are fet on each Side of the Picture, the Reprefentation of thofe Planes will appear like the Sides of a Room continued up- wards j from whence it follows, that by fuch Deceptions as this, & Room may be made to appear of any Height, by drawing a Reprefentation of this Kind upon a Ceiling with Accuracy and Judgment,' and viewing it from the proper Point. One Example of which I mail give in this Place, by way of Practice, and then refer the Reader again to the fecond Book for more Examples of this Sort. 76. Let GLPO be a Ceiling, E the Eye, EC its Diftance, and C the Center of the Picture. Through the Center C draw Lines parallel to LP, LG, and continue them at pleafure ; then with the Diftance CE defcribe a Circle, cutting thofe Lines in D, F, H: Then DCH is the vanifh- ing Line for the original Planes, which ftand upon the Sides GL :and OP; and ECF is the vanifhing Line of the Planes which ftand upon the Sides GO and LPj and the feveral Lines EC, DC, F C and H C, are the Diftance of the Eye from thofe Lines. Having fettled the vanifhing Lines of the four Sides, their Center and Diftance, it matters not upon which Side we begin to work ; for upon any Side, as G L, draw out one of the original Planes, as ACLG, and upon it draw the Lines XZ, BS, which will make it like the Plane ACLG, Fig. 74. From the feveral Sections G, S, L, draw L ines to Cj and from A, B, C, draw l ines to E, cutting GC, SC, LC, in the Points a, b, c; then from a to c draw a£, and then will Ga be the Reprefentation of GA, S b of SB, and Lc of LC: Therefore, GacL is the Reprefentation of the whole original Plane GACL, and the Triangle GCL is the Reprefentation of that Plane infinitely extended. — In like Manner x z is the Reprefentation of its Original X Or the Operation may be fhortned thus. From the extreme Point B of any Perpendicular in the original Plane, draw a Line, EI, at pleafure, cutting the Section in I; then from E draw EK parallel thereto, cutting the vanifhing Line DH in K j from the Sections, of the Perpendicular SB, draw SC; and from the Sec- tion I draw IK, cutting SB in b : Then is bS the Depth of the Reprefentation ; therefore, by drawing GC, LC, and by drawing a Line through b, parallel to GL, the Thing propofed is done. Now, Of the Para an Picture. 47 Now, in order to transfer this Reprefentation unto all the other Sides, proceed thus. From O and P draw Lines to the Center C ; then will the re- maining Part of the Ceiling be divided into three Triangles, GCO, OCP„ PCL; which Triangles may reprefent three Planes perpen- dicular to the Ceiling, infinitely extended, and at right-Angles with each other ; and GC, O C, PC, and LC, reprefent the joining of thofe Planes : For GC and LC are the Representations of GA and LC infinitely extended ; and therefore, having found the Depth (as G a) of the Reprefentation of any given Plane, as above, from the Point a, which determines that Depth, draw a Line, as a e, parallel toOG; and from e, where a e cuts O C, draw another Line e d parallel to OP; and from d, where e d cuts P C, draw dc, which will cut L Cine ; then will GaeO, OedP, and P d c L, be the Reprefentations of three perpendicular Planes of the fame Height as ACLG, and fituated in the fame Manner ; that is, upon the feveral Sides GO, OP, and PL ; and confequently, to an Eye placed at E, and at the Diftance EC, the Sides of a Room will appear to be continued above the Ceiling by the Length of the Perpendicular GA, $. e. the Height of the original Plane ACLG, SECT. II. Of the Inclined Picture. I Have before obferved, that by an inclined Picture, I would be underftood to mean when the Perfpe&ive Plane is neither per- pendicular nor parallel to the Ground, but inclined to it. Indeed, this Situation of the Picture is very feldom made ufe of , yet as there are fome Cafes which may require the Knowledge of this kind of Perfpe&ive, I have therefore given it a Place in this Work, Let O P H be the Ground or original Plane, H L G L the Pic- Fig 77 , ture, inclin'd to the Ground Plane at the Angle PLL; and let E be the Eye, EH its Height, and H its Seat upon the Ground. Continue the Picture HLGL downwards at pleafure, as GLFO. From the Seat H of the Eye draw HS perpendicular to the Section GL, cutting GL in S; then through S draw SD, perpendicular to GL alfo, and continue it at pleafure towards FO ; and then from E draw E D, parallel to H S, cutting the Picture in D, and continue EH 'till it cuts DS in V; then from V draw VI, parallel to ED, and from D draw D I, parallel to EV : And then will EDIV be a r Plane 48 Of the Inclined Picture. Plane which panes through the Eye perpendicular to the Ground Plane OPH, interfering the Picture in the Line DV; and there- fore the Section DV will be the vanishing Line of all Planes that are perpendicular to the Ground Plane and parallel to the Plane EDIVj and for the fame Reafon, V will be the vanifhing Point of all Lines that are perpendicular to the Ground Plane OPH, be- caufe EV which is drawn through the Eye parallel to thofe Lines, will cut the Picture in the Point V: For as in the upright, or pa- rallel Picture, lb alfo in this, the vanifhing Line of any original Plane muft be determined, by imagining a Plane to pafs thro' the Eye parallel to that original Plane 'till it cuts the Picture. And fo alfo in regard to the Center and Diftance of the Picture, or the Center and Diftance of a vanifhing Line j the firft is found by drawing a Line from the Eye, as EC, perpendicular to the Picture, and the latter, by drawing a Line from the Eye, as ED, perpen- dicular to that vanifhing Line : The Method for doing either is as follows. 1. For the Center and Diftance of the Picture. Having continued the Picture downwards as above directed, and drawn the vertical Plane EDIVj from E, draw EC, perpendicular to the Section DV; then will C be the Center of the Picture, and CE its Diftance: For fince the vertical Plane cuts the Picture at right Angles, andfince EC is in that Plane, and perpendicular to the Section D V, therefore EC is perpendicular to the Picture alfo, and confequently C is the Center of the Picture, and CE its Diftance. 2. For the Center and Diftance of a vani/hing Lme. Let the Plane ABHL pafs through the Eye E, parallel to the Ground Plane OPH, and it will cut the Picture in H L, which Line HL is the vanifhing Line of the original Plane OPH; and if from E, a Line, as ED, be drawn perpendicular to HL, then D, where it cuts HL, is the Center of that vanifhing Line, and DE is its Diftance. Fig. 78. Now, let it be required to find the Reprefentation of the ori- ginal Plane ABGL upon the inclined Picture GLHL; and let E be the Eye, H its Seat upon the original Plane, E C its Diftance, and C the Center of the Picture. From H, the Seat of the Eye, draw HS, perpendicular to the Section GL; from S, draw SD perpendicular to GL, and con- tinue it at pleafure; then from the Eye E, draw ED parallel to H S, cutting S D in D finally, through D, draw H L, parallel to GL, Of the Inclined Picturs. 49 BL, then is HL the vanning Line : of the original Plane : ABGL, , * and D Is the vanhhing Point of the Sides AG, B L , therefore, from G and L draw GD, LD, and from A and B draw AE EE, cutting GD, LD, in the Points a and b 5 then is GabL the Re- ^S^iilS^i^M be the Pianre laid F % .,o. fiat as fn fome of the preceding Fignres.-Bifea the Bottom GL, and draw cD perpendicular thereto, and continue it atpleafure: Then from the 78th Figure take SC, CD, and transfer them turto c D in this Fisure, beginning at the Point c ; draw HL ; then is C the toter of the Pifture, cD the Height of the vamftiing Line, and D its Center. Again, make D* equal to the Diftance of the Eye and AG equal tl the Length of the original Plane, (tha . , eaual to AG Fig. 78.) then from G and L draw GD, LD, and fr q om A draw A't, cutting GD in a; finally, from a draw a b, parallel to GL; winch will compleat a Reprefentation GabL, exaaiy like GabL Fig, 78. pj„ w rF nualld Or it may be done thus.— From the Center C draw CE, parallel to GL and make CE equal to the Diftance of the Picture and ED equal to^the Diftance of the vanning Line HL ; then from D whh the Radius DE, defcribe the Arc EL«H 5 and from G, with the Radius GA, defcribe the Arc Ac; and ther jfrom c and H draw He, which wilkcut GD 111 a, and give the Depth of the "Renrefentation ; from whence the whole may be compleated. Tnhke Manner, let it be demanded to find the Proctor , of a F*. 7 ,. Line AB, which ftands perpendicular to the Ground I Plane OPH. From B, the Seat of the Line AB, draw a Line BH to the Seat of the. Eye H ; and from V draw Vd, through the Seftion c, and Continue it at pleafure; then from A and B draw Lmes to he F^eT cu tinged in a and b; and then is ab the Reprefentation ol the Original AB. For fince EV is parallel to the Original AB, the efore tie Point V, where it cuts the Pifture, is the vanilhmg Point of AB, and of all other Lines which are parallel to AB . 1 And if we imagine a Plane ABHE to pafs through the original AB, anX the Lme HE, it will cut the Figure m cai«fc ^there- fore, fince the Rays AE and BE are in that Plane, the Section n h will be the Reprefentation of AB. ,•■,„.„ To app y this to Praaice.-Let MNGL be the Piaure, laid F,,. ... flat as before. Then C is its Center, CE its Diftance V the va- nifliing Point of Lines perpendicular to t^ Ground P ane HL the vamfliing Line of Planes parallel to the Ground Plane, D the G t>f the I *M C L I MED f'lCTUEE, Center of that vanishing Line, and DE its Diftance. Now, fet it be required to find the Reprefentation of a fquare Plane which; ftands perpendicular to the Ground Plane, having one Side, a b,, of the Reprefentation given. From D, the Center of the vanifhing Line HL, and with the Diftance DE, defcribe an Arc ELFH, cutting the vanifhing Line in H and L ; then is H the vanifhing Point of the Sides ad, be: Therefore, draw aH, bH, and from H draw HV; fo will HV be the vanifhing Line of a Plane perpendicular to the Ground* and by finding A ( the vanifhing Point of the Diagonal of a Square) the whole Reprefentation may be determined.. The 8 2d Figure reprefents a Cube upon the inclined Picture : For having determined the Appearance of one Face abed, as in the laft Figure, the whole Reprefentation may be compleated, by means of the vanifhing Lines HL, HV, and LV, and the vanifhl ing Points of the Diagonals, B, D, G. I have hitherto confidered the Picture as reclined from the Eye; let us now fuppofe it to be inclined to the Eye, as in Fig. 83* where E is the Eye, LV the Picture, C its Center, CE its 'Dis- tance, V the vanifhing Point of Lines perpendicular to the Ground,, and DL the vanifhing Line of Planes parallel to the Ground.--— In the 84th Figure the Picture is laid flat, and the Reprefentation of one Face of a Cube is determined: ~And in the 85th Figure, the Proje&ion of the whole Cube is compleated. — -Thefe Figures need no Explanation, being only as it were the Reverfe of the others j and therefore a little Attention mufr. render them extreme- ly ohvious. From hence then it follows, that the Method of determining the Reprefentation of a Cube upon an inclined Picture, is exactly the fame as in finding the Appearance of a Cube any ways in- clined to the Ground ; and therefore the Rules which ferve for the one will ferve for the other alfo : For Which Reafon the Learner is defired to compare this with what has been faid in Sect, c. Chap. j. r" iECf, Qf Vaulted Roq**, 0om*su * S E C T. HI, Of Vaulted Roofs, Domes, &c. TO draw Perfpective Reprcfentations upon vaulted Roofs, Domes, or any other uneven Surfaces, has always been efteemed a Work of great Difficulty ; and among all the Methods which have been given us for this Purpofe by different Authors, none feems fo practicable as that by Mr. Hamilton, in his ingenious, Treatife intitled Stereography; where he directs us to *Re- ticulate the propofed Surface, in fuch a Manner as may be beft fuited to its Shape, and can with the moft Eafe be done ; then to draw out, on a Plane properly chofen, a Picture of the intended Defign, by way of Model; after which, to draw on this Model f the Image of that Reticulation, by the common Rules of Perfpec- tive ; which will divide the Defign on the Model, into fuch Parts, as are proper to be transferred into each correfponding Cell of the original Reticulation ; and finally, by means of this Reticulation, to transfer the Work unto the Dome or Roof, in the fame Manner as one Picture is copied from another, by the common Methods of Reticulation. Thus, fuppofe it was required to paint fome perfpective Repre- fentation upon a vaulted Roof, HOIKPG. Let this Figure be a Model drawn out upon Paper, of a vaulted Fig. 86, Roof ; and let G H I K reprefent a Plane, which is fuppoled to pafs through the Foot of the Arch, parallel to the Horizon. Now, if we fuppofe the Spectator's Eye to be placed directly under the Middle of it at E, and then imagine a Plane ABLQM to pafs through the Eye, perpendicular to the Ground Plane AB, it will cut the Picture in ML; and therefore, by drawing EC perpendicular to the Section ML, we (hall have C for the Center of a parallel Picture, and CE for its Diftance. Let us next divide the Roof into any Number of Squares, or Parallelograms, as in the Figure ; and then imagine a Line to be drawn from the Angte of every Square to the Eye E ; and it muft appear extremely evident, that the Sections of thefe Lines with the Plane, or parallel Picture GHIK, will be the Projection of thofe Points upon the Picture ; and it muft alfo appear as obvious, that, when the Pro- jection of the Angle of every Square is determined upon the Pic- ■* To Reticulate any Surface, is to divide it into Scares like Net-Work G 2 ture, Of V a ti l t e b R o o f s, Domes, ture, the whole Reprefentation of thofe Squares may eafily he compleated. But farther, fmce the perpendicular Plane ABLQM pafles through the Eye, and cuts the Pi&ure in a ftrait Line;, therefore the Projeaion MCL, of the Arch MQL, will be a ftrait Line upon the Piaure ; but the Projeaion of all the other Arches, 1R4 HOI, &c. will be curve Lines. Again, fince the tranfverfd ftrait Lines 7 5, PO, 6 8, are parallel amongft themfelves, and are alfo parallel to the Piaure ; therefore the Reprefentation of thofe Lines upon the Piaure, will be ftrait Lines, and parallel to each other. • Thefe Things being premifed, let us now fuppofe this Figure removed to the 87th Figure.— About the Arch HOI, defcribe the Parallelogram HIPN; and through the Points 5, O, 6, draw the Lines 17 O 8, 29, perpendicular to the Pidhire, and cutting the Piaure in the Points 7, 8, 9; then through 5, 6, draw QR parallel to HI, and from the feveral Seftions H, 7, 8, 9, 1, draw Lines to C, and from N, O, P, Q, R, draw Lines to the Eye E which, wilt determine the Projeaion of the Parallelograms by which means the Reprefentation HaocI, of the Arch HOI, may be compleated; After the fame Manner, the Projeaion of all the other Arches may be found; but as one is fufficient for our Purpofe, we will now fuppofe this parallel Piaure to be laid down flat in the 89th Figure/where C is the Center, CE the Diftance of the Piaure, and H, 7, 8, 9, 1, the Seaions of the Perpendiculars NH, 1 7, &c m Continue IH (Fig. 89,) atpleafure, towards N, and maRe HQN in this Figure equal to HQN in the 87th Figure; then from H, 7, 8, 9, 1, draw Lines to C, and from N and O^draw Lines to E, which will cut HC in n and t, and thereby give the Depth of the Parallelogram Hnpl j by which Means the Points H, a, o, c I, will be determined : Which being fo many Points m the Reprefen- tation of the Curve, they will be a fufficient Guide for drawing it, as in the Figure. After the fame Manner, the Reprefentaiion of the other Front Arch is to be found : From whence it follows that the Projeaion of the whole curved Roof upon this parallel l ie- ture, will be contained within the two curved Lines Hoi, GgK, and the two ftrait Lines GH and IK; and therefore GHoIKg is the whole Space allotted for the Defign. Now having determined this Space, let us next find the Projeaion of the feveral Squares which were fuppofed to be drawn upon the original Root. From Of^ Vaulted R o o f s, Doom s> &c. , from a, o, c, draw Lines parallel to the Side GH, or IK ; then will a f og, cd, be the Projeftions of the tranfverfe Divifions (or ftrait Lines) which are parallel to the Piaure • and by dividing the feveral Lines HG, af, og, cd, and IK, into four equal Parts, we fhall have the Points given, through which the other Curve Lines are to be drawn, as in Fig. 883 by which Means the whole Repre- fentation may be compleated. If it be required to paint any Perfpective Reprefentation upon a Dome, that alfo may be done after the fame Manner, viz. by ima- gining' the Dome to be divided into feveral perpendicular Seftions, drawn at equal Diftances from the Bafe, through the Center of the Dome- and by fuppofmg thofe Seaions to be cut by other Seaions-, which are made by Planes that are fuppofed to pafs through the Dome parallel to the Horizon : Then by making a Model upon Paper in a given Proportion, and taking the Diftance of the Eye accordingly, we may find the Projeaion of thofe Se&ions upon the parallel Plane, as in the former Figures : For then we mail have a parallel Piaure, which we fuppofe paffes under the Bottom of the Dome properly reticulated, and by that Means, whatever is drawn upon it, may be transferr'd unto the real Dome or Cupola. Thus, let ABDE, Fig. 90, reprefent the circular Plane (or pa- rallel Piaure) which we fuppofe to lie under the Bottom of the Dome; and let AacegfdbB, Fig. 91, reprefent one of the perpen- dicular Seaions above-mention'd ; and let us imagine the Dome to be divided perpendicularly by four of thefe Planes, and horizon- tally by four Planes, the Seaions of which horizontal Planes are expreffed by AB, ab, c d, e f : Then let us divide the Circumfe- rence of the Plane, or Piaure, ABDE (Fig. 90) into eight equal Parts and from each Part draw Lines through the Center C ; and then Will thefe ftrait Lines be the Projeaions of the perpendicular Seaions upon the Piaure. And in order to find the ^Projections of the parallel Seaions j from C, the Center of the Pifture, draw CE F.g perpendicular to AB, and equal to the Diftance of the Eye j then from ab, cd, ef, and g, draw Lines to the Eye E which cutting the Piaure, will give 1 6 for the Projeaion of ab, 2 5 for that of cd 7 4 for that of ef, and C the Center of the Piaure for g the Center of the Dome; therefore, from the Line AB transfer the feveral Divifions Ai, 1 2, &c. unto the Line AB in the 90th Fi-ure i and from the Point C, defcribe the feveral concentric Cir- clet through the Points 1, 2, .3; and fo will the whole Mure be properly divided for the Work : For each Reticulation upon the tif Vaulted Hoof s, BoM£s, tM Picture, is the exact Projection of its correfponding and original Reticulation upon the Dome ; and therefore, all that now remains is, only to divide the Picture into an agreeable Number of Parts, and to confider each Part as a parallel Picture, whofe perpendicular Sides will vanifh into the Center of the Picture ; and to be always careful to take the Center of the Model perpendicular to the fup- pofed Place of the Eye s and the Diftance to be work'd with, muft be the fame as that between the Eye and the Plane AB, Fig. 91, as well for describing the Model itfelf, as for the Reticulation. * ! We have hitherto confidered the Eye as placed under the Center of the Dome, in which Cafe the Reticulation upon the parallel Picture is done with great Eafe 1 But if it were placed obliquely, the Reticulation would become a little more troublefome ; in re- gard that in fuch a Polition of the Eye, the perpendicular Sections of the Dome would not form {trait Lines upon the parallel Plane, but Curves. ^ Thus, let A g B, be a perpendicular Section of the Dome, and a b, c d, e f, its Sections with the horizontal Circles, as before^ and let E be the Place of the Eye. Then Lines drawn from E, to the Vertex g of the Dome, and to the Centers and either Extremity b, d, f, of the horizontal Dia- meters, will cut the Bafe of the Dome AB in correfponding Points; which being transferred by Perpendiculars to the Diameter A B of the parallel Plane, will give the apparent Vortex C, and the Cen- ters and Radii of the Images of the horizontal Circles, on the parallel Plane ; and thefe being drawn, and each divided into the fame Number of equal Parts, as the Bafe of the Dome is fuppofed e the Ground Plane, GO the Picture, E the Eye, EC Fig. 9J ; the Diflance of the Picture, C the Center of the Picture, HC the * What is here faid to be given, is exclufive of the Diftauce of the Eye, the Center of th« 4?i£turc, &c. which, it U prefumed, will be taken for granted, without mentioning them. H hori- Of Shadows by the Sun.. horizontal Line, ABOD a Plane of parallel Rays interfecling trie Picture at right Angles in the Line BO 3 and let RL be a Ray of Light, and RLA the Angle of Inclination which the Rays make with the Ground Plane. Through the Eye E, draw E F parallel to any of the Rays, as RL, cutting the Picture in F; then is F the vanifhing Point of all the Rays of Light j for EF being parallel to one Ray, is parallel to all the reft. — Now, fince the Plane of Rays ABOD is perpendi- cular to the Picture, and panes through C the Center of the Pic- ture, therefore the Plane BFEH, which paries through the Eye, will be perpendicular to the Picture, and will pafs thro' its Center alfo; and therefore BO, the common Section of thefe two Planes, will be the indefinite Reprefentation of the Plane ABOD; and confequently, F, where EF cuts the Picture, will be the vanifhing Point of the Rays RL, &c. C o r o l. 1. ' Since the Plane of Rays panes through the Center of the Pic- ture, the vanifhing Point of the Rays will be in a Line drawn from the Center of the Picture perpendicular to the horizontal Line- \ C o r o l. 2. From hence alfo we may perceive, that C may be the Repre- fentation of the Seat of the luminous Point ; for the Seat of the real Luminary is fuppofed to be in a Plane parallel to the Plane of the Horizon ; and therefore, if we confider A, the Seat of R, as at an immenfe Diftance, and fuppofe R a real luminous Point, then will C be the Reprefentation of the Seat Rj that is, the Re- prefentation of the Seat of a luminous Point upon the Picture, which is fuppofed to be at an immenfe Diftance from it : Or, in other Words, fince C is the vanifhing Point of LA infinitely ex- tended, therefore, it is alfo the vanifhing Point of any Point in that Line at an immenfe Diftance. C O R O L 3. And here likewife we may obferve, that in order to find the va- nifhing Point of a Ray of Light, or of any Number of parallel Rays, we need only have the Angle of Inclination given ; then by fetting off the Diftance of the Picture upon the horizontal Line, and making an Angle at that Point of Diftance with the horizontal Line, equal to the given Angle of Inclination, we may determine Of Shadows by the S u n» the vamftiing Point of thofe Rays; as is ihewn in the 98th Figure 5 which will be more fully explained hereafter. Lemma 2. In the laft Figure wc confider'd the Rays as coming in a Plane perpendicular to the Picture ; we will now fuppofe them to come in a Plane oblique with the Picture. Let ABOD be a Plane of Rays which cuts the Picture obliquely Fig. 96; in the Line OB, every thing elfe remaining as in the former Figure. Through the Eye E draw the Plane HLLE parallel to the Plane of Rays, cutting the Picture in LL; then continue LL upwards beyond F, at pleafure, and from E draw EF parallel to the Ray of Light RL; then is F the vaniming Point of that Ray, Be. C O R O L. I. From hence it follows, that when the Light comes from behind the Picture, the Shadows of Objects will be thrown towards the Bottom of the Picture. Lemma 3. When the Rays come from behind the Spectator's Eye towards the Picture, (that is, when the Spectator is between the real Lu- minary and the Picture) then the vaniihing Point of thofe Rays will be below the horizontal Line. Let FHIL be the Picture, E the Eye, C the Center of the Pic- Fig. 97. ture, and EC its Diftance ; and let ABOD be a Plane of parallel Rays whofe Seat upon the Ground Plane is in the right Line LH continued : Or in other Words, fuppofe the Plane of Rays was continued towards the Picture in the Line BL, it would pafs thro* the Eye E, and would cut the Picture in the Line LI. Through the Eye E, and its Seat H, draw EC, HL, parallel to AB or CD; and from L, where HL cuts the Section GL, draw LC parallel to AD ; then is EHLC a perpendicular Plane which paffes through the Eye parallel to the Plane of Rays ABOD, cutting the Picture in LC ; therefore LC continued will be the in- definite Reprefentation of the Plane ABOD, and it will alfo be the vanifhing Line of all the Rays which can come in that Plane ; and if EF be drawn parallel to RL, then is F the vanifhing Point of that Ray, and C the Reprefentation of its Seat upon the hori- zontal Line H L* H 2 For Of Shadows by the' Su n. For fuppofe the Plane ABOD to be tranfpofed into the Line' XZ, then it will be like the Plane ABOD in the 95th Figure, with this Difference only, that the Rays coming in a contrary Direction, will have their vanifhing Point upon the Picture below the horizontal Line. Corollary. When the Light comes from behind the Spectator's Eye towards the Picture, the Shadows of Objects upon the Picture will be 1 thrown towards the horizontal Line ; and fmce the Light is gene- rally fuppofed to come upon the Front of the Picture, and not from behind it, therefore thefe Kind of Shadows are more gene- rally ufed. I fhould have been more particular in the Explanation of this Figure, if there appeared the leaft Difficulty to me in understand- ing it : Indeed, as the Eye is fuppofed to be between the Picture and the original Object, it may feem to contradict our general Definition of Perfpective, in which- we have always eonfider'd the Picture as placed between the Eye and the original Object ; and therefore this Lemma may appear not to be fo aptly drawn from the preceding Theorems* as it really ought to be : Yet, fmce the Method for determining a vanifhing Line, or Point, is the fame in either Cafe, viz. by imagining a Plane to pafs through the Eye, parallel to the original Plane, 'till it cuts the Picture, &c. I have, therefore, only explained that lingle Article, and endeavoured to make myfelf underffood, in the raofl familiar Manner; not much regarding ftrict mathematical Demonftration, nor yet that Order or Method which would be necefFary were this Treatife purely Mathematical. Lemma 4. When the Rays of Light come in Planes parallel to the Picture, they can have no vanifhing Point ; becaufe a Plane which paifes through the Eye parallel to thofe Planes, and which in other Cafes would cut the Picture, and thereby produce a vanifhing Line, in this Cafe can never cut the Picture, and therefore cannot produce any vanifhing Line : From whence it follows, that when the Rays come in this Direction, the Appearance of their Shadows upon the Picture will be parallel, for the very fame Reafon that the Repre- * Chap. 3, Seft. 2, of this Book. fentation Of Shadows by the Sun, 6i fentation of any original Plane which is parallel to the Pidure, is exa&ly like its Original.. We will now give fome general Rules for applying to Practice what has been faid upon this Head. In order to do which, let AB reprefent a Piclure laid flat, as in the preceding Examples ; Fig. 9 t. and let HL be the horizontal Line, G the Center of the Pi&ure, and CE its Diftance. Method i. To find the vanifhing Point of a Ray of Light, when it is fup- pofed to come from behind the Piclure towards the Spe&ator's Eye, in a Plane like ABCD, Fig. 95, which cuts the Pifture in its Center * Any where apart, draw NP parallel to the horizontal Line HL, $>*• and draw NO, at pleafure, for the Ray of Light; then is ONP the Angle of Inclination.— Through C the Center of the Picture, draw EK perpendicular to HL, and continue it at pleafure ; then make CH equal to the Diftance EC, and from H draw HD pa- rallel to the Ray NO, cutting CE in D; and then is D the vanifhing Point of the Rays, of Light. For fince EK is the ya- nifhine Line of the Plane of Rays, C the Center of that vanifhing Line and CH equal to its Diftance, therefore H may be con- fidered as the Eye ; and confequently, fince HD is drawn from that Point parallel to the original Line NO, the Point D, where it cuts the vanifhing Line ED, is the vanifhing Point of that original Line. Method 2. When the Rays come from before the Picture, as in Fig. 97; Every Thing remaining as before, -Let TW be a Ray of Light, Fig. 98, and VTW its Angle of Inclination. — From H draw HK, parallel to the Ray TW, cutting, the vanifhing Line EK in Kj then is K the vanifhing Point required. Method 3. When a Ray of Light comes from # behind the Ficlure in a Plane oblique with the Picture, as in Fig. 96 ; Let IG be the vanifhing Line of a Plane of Rays, RS a Ray Fig. 98. of Light, and RSQjts Angle of Inclination.-- Continue the hori- zontal Line beyond L at pleafure, and from F, the Center of the vanifhing Line, draw FE 5 then is FE the Diftance of that va- 62 Of Shadows by the Sun, nifhing Line; therefore by making FL equal to the Diftanee FE, and by drawing LI parallel to the Ray R S, we fhall have I for the vanifhing Point of that Ray. Method 4. When a Ray comes from behind the Spectator's Eye towards the Picture, in a Plane oblique with the Picture. -Fig 98. Let IG be the vanifhing Line of that Plane, ZY a Ray of Light, and XYZ its Angle of Inclination. — From L, the tranf- pofed Place of the Eye, draw LG parallel to the Ray ZY, which will give G for its vanifhing Point. Corollary. From hence let us remember, that the Center C, or F, of a vanifhing Line EK, IG, of a Plane of Rays, will be the vanifh- ing Point of all Shadows which are cart by perpendicular Objects upon the Ground 3 becaufe that Point * muft be in the horizontal Line, and alfo in the vanifhing Line, of the Plane of Rays 3 fuch are the Points C and F, 1o find the Shadow ef an Object which is fuppofed to fiand perpendi* cular to the Ground^ when the Rays come in Planes parallel to the Picture. ^'g- 99- Let FG be the Picture, AB the Reprefentation of a perpen- dicular Object whofe Shadow is fought j and let HL be a Ray of Light, whofe Inclination with the Ground is equal to the Angle HLC. — Through B, the Seat of the Object, draw Ea at pleafure, but parallel to the horizontal Line ; and through A draw R a parallel to the Ray HL, cutting Ea in a; then is Ba the Sha- dow of BA. "3Tig. too. Again, Let abed be a perpendicular Plane, whofe vanifhing Point is C the Center of the Picture, and let HL be a Ray of Light. — Through the Seats a, b, of the Perpendiculars ad, be, draw a f, be, parallel to the horizontal Line, and through d, and c, draw Lf, Re, parallel to the Ray HL, cutting af, be, in f and €; finally, from f and e, draw fe, then is abef the Shadow of the Plane abed, and f e continued will vanifh into C, the vanifh- ing Point of ab, and c d. * See the Appendix to Shadows, Book II. Now, Of Shadows by the Su N* 63 Now, when the Shadow of any perpendicular Object is produced by Rays which are fuppofed to come in Planes parallel to the Pic- ture, that Shadow may be found by Calculation : Thus, when the Angle of Inclination is 45 Degrees, then the Shadow will be equal to the Height of the Object, as in the two laft Figures ; therefore, by putting Unity for the Height of the Object, we may have the following Proportions, viz* Angle of Inclination. Length of the Shadow. Deg. Min. 'No Shadow. i-5th Part of the Object. 2~5ths ditto, b-ioths ditto, is; The Height of ditto. 1 2-4th?. once the Length of ditto and Half* 2 4~9ths. twice the Len. of ditto and 4-Qths. 5 Times the Length of ditto. Infinite. 90 00 78 45 67 30 5 6 15 45 00 33 45 22 30 11 15 00 00 From hence, then, we fee the Reafon why the Shadows produced by the Sun are very long in a Morning and Evening, and why they grow fhorter and fhorter the nearer the Sun approaches to the Meridian. The foregoing Rules applied to PracJice. To find the Shadow of an Obje6r, when the Light comes from behind the Spectator towards the Picture. Let AB be the Picture, C its Center, CE its Diftance, IK a Fig. iot. Ray of Light, D the vanifhing Point of the Rays of Light, abed a perpendicular Plane whofe Shadow is fought, and L the vanifh- ing Point of the Shadow which is call: upon the Ground by the perpendicular Sides ad, be. From a and b, the Seats of the Perpendiculars ad, be, draw Lines to L, the vanifhing Point of the Shadow ; and from d and c, the Extremities of ad, be, draw Lines to D, the vanifhing Point of the Rays 5 then from where they cut aL and b L, draw ef, and then is abfe the Shadow of abed ; which if continued will vanifh into C, the vanifhing Point of ab, cd. To Of Shad o w £ by the S u n .' To find the Shadow of a perpendicular Object when the Light comes from behind the Picture. In this Figure, H is given for the vanifhing Point of the Shadow, KI for a Ray of Light.— —Draw FD parallel to IK, which will give D for the vanifhing Point of the Rays of Light j then from the Point H of the Shadow, draw i ines through all the lower Corners, a, e, f, of the Object, and continue them at pleafure ; then from D, the vanifhing Point of the Rays of Light, draw Lines through the upper Corners b, c, d ; which will give the Points g, h, i, from whence the Shadow a g h i f, may be compleated. In the two laft Figures, I have drawn out every Line and Point which is neceffary in the Work, and have alfo added the Angles IGK, IKL, for the Inclinations of the Rays, to make the Thing more intelligible. Here let us obferve, that as the Shadow of every perpendicular Line, will vanifh into the vanifhing Point of the Shadow ; fo alfo the Shadow of every oblique Line, will vanifh into the vanifhing Point of that Line : Thus ag is the Shadow of the Perpendicular ab, and gh of the oblique Line cbj and gh, c b, will both vanifh into G : For fmce the Shadow is caft upon a Plane perpen- dicular to the Object which projects it, therefore the Shadow hg, and the Edge c b, are to be confidered as parallel, and confe- quently will tend to the fame vanifhing Point. I have hitherto confidered Shadows as projected upon the Ground, and the Planes which project them as perpendicular to it; but by the fame Rules any other Shadows are to be deter- mined, whether the Planes upon which they are caft are perpen- dicular, parallel, or oblique, or however the original Objects are lituated : And therefore, thus much might have fufficed to explain the Theory and Practice of Shadows, fo far as is generally necef- fary in a Picture ; but that this Part of Perfpective may be made as familiar as poffible, I have added feveral ufeful Examples in the •Practical Treatife, Book the Second, S E C T, < Of Shadows by the Ca ndle, £fo SECT. II. Of Shadows frojeBed by the Cakdli, Lamp, &c. THE Rays of Light from a Candle may be conceived to flow from a Angle Point, like the feveral Radii of a Circle from its Center. The 94th Figure reprefents a Plane of thefe Rays, which is fuppofed to ftand perpendicular to the Ground Plane HP; where L is the luminous Point, and S its Seat upon the Ground. Now lince thefe Kinds of Light are but feldom chofen for a Pic- ture ; and fince the Method for determining Shadows projected in this Manner, is extremely eafy; there needs but very little to be faid upon it ; I mall therefore treat this Section with the utmoft Brevity. The firft Thing neceilary in order to determine the Shadow by a Candle, is, to give a luminous Point, and its Seat in the Picture ; then by drawing Lines from thofe Points through the Extremities of any Object, their mutual Interferons with each other will give the Appearance of that Shadow. Thus, let L be a luminous Point, S its Seat, and abed the Fig. Reprefentation of a fquare Plane : From S and L draw Lines through the Extremities a, b, c, d, and their Interfections at e and f will give the Shadow a e f b. Again, let L be a luminous Point, S its Seat, and ab, cd, ef, gh, Fig. be the Reprefentations of feveral perpendicular Objects whofe Shadows are fought : From S and L draw Lines through the Extremity of each Line, and the Points where they cut each other, will mew the Length of the Shadows, as in the Figure. I CHAP CHAP. VI. Of the Diftance and Height of the Eye, of the Size of the PiSlure^ and of the true Point of Sights QyV. with fome Confederations upon the Appearance of circular Objects upon the PiSlure. i. Of the Distance of the Eye. THE choofmg a proper Diftance for the Eye is fb effential in all Perfpective Reprefentations, that without a nice Obfervance thereof every Object will appear unnatural and prepofterous, be the Rules by which it was drawn ever fo true in Theory, or fo exactly obferved in Practice. And the Reafon of this will appear extremely obvious, if we confider that there is a certain Diftance at which the Eye can fee an Object with more Diftinctnefs than in any other Point of View. Now, That Dif- tance may be called the true Point , of Sight in refpect to That Ob j eel: j and what is faid of one Object will hold equally true of any Number of Objects : And therefore, as it is the Buhnefs of Perfpective to draw the Reprefentations of Objects, as they appear to the Eye, under the moft agreeable Shape, it follows, that the Diftance to be work'd with upon the Picture, fhould be chofen in fuch a Manner that each Reprefentation fhall make the fame agree- able Figure to the Eye, as the Originals themfelves would do were they feen under the fame Angle, ffig. 105. To explain the Senfe of this more fully, let ADFK be a Pic- ture, C its Center, NL the horizontal Line, AB one Side of a geometrical Square parallel to the Picture ; and let it be required to find the Reprefentation of that Square as feen at the feveral Diftances CG, CI, CE. From A and B draw Lines to C, the vanifhing Point of the oblique Sides ; and from C fet off the feveral Diftances of the Eye upon the horizontal Line in the Points O, N, H ; then from thefe Points draw Lines to B, cutting AC in the Points a, d, ej and from a, d, e, draw Lines parallel to A B : Then fhall we have the Reprefentation ABab as feen at the Diftance CE, the Reprefenta- tion ABcd as feen at the Diftance CI, and the Reprefentation ABfe as feen at the Diftance CG. Now, Of the Distance of the Eye. 67 Now, by infpecting the Figure, we fhall find that the apparent Depth Ae, of the Reprefentation Abf e, which ought to be fore- fhorten'd, is longer than the parallel Side AB, fo that the Figure which fhould reprefent a Square, is a Parallelogram 5 and therefore this Reprefentation will not appear to be true : And if the Diftance be at I, then the Depth will be longer than it ought, becaufe the Figure AB c d will ftill look like a Parallelogram : But if the Dif- tance be taken at E, then the Reprefentation will appear of a more proper Depth ; and therefore the Diftance CE is properer for a Picture of this Dimenfion. And if Lines are drawn from the feveral Points of View G, I, E, to the Extremities N and L of the Picture, then thefe Lines will mow the Angles under which the Picture is feen at thofe Diftances j viz. that at G will be an obtufe one, that at I a right one, and that at E an acute one : And therefore from hence we may conclude, that the Angle under which any Picture is to be feen, ought never to be fo great as a right one and, by making an Experiment, we mail find, that if it is much lefs than an Angle of 50 Degrees, the apparent Depths of fquare Objects will be too much foremorten'd, by which Means thofe Ob- jects which mould reprefent fquare Bodies, will appear like fo many Parallelograms : However, in fome Cafes, fuch as in painting De- ceptions for Gardens, or for Pictures with curvilinear Objects, the Diftance lhould be taken as great as poffible ; which is left to the Difcretion of the Artift. There are feveral other Reafons to be given for choofing a proper Diftance for the Eye ; but as one Example is fufncient to fhew the Abfurdity and Inconveniency of difregarding, or not knowing, this eftentialPart of Perfpective, it becomes needlefs to produce any others. 2. Of the Height of the Eye. > r "pIS the Height of the Eye that determines the Height of the JL horizontal Line from the Bottom of the Picture 5 and there- fore, it is that which gives the whole Space for the Reprefentation of the Ground. And in taking the Height of the Eye, we muft be careful not to let it be fo great as. the Diftance of the Eye ; fince the fame bad Confequences will follow from thence as in choofing an improper Diftance. For let PP be a perpendicular Section of the Picture, AP an original Line perpendicular to it, and HE the Fig. tel. Height of the Eye. — Draw AE, and then will Pc be the Reprefen- tation of PA : But if the Eye be placed at I, fo as to be equal to its Diftance IP, then will the Reprefentation PC be too long in I a the 68 Of the Height of the Eye, &c. the Picture ; and the nearer the Eye is brought to P, (fuppofe atQ) that is, the more the Height QR exceeds the Diftanc« QP, the more prepofterous will the Reprefentation P a appear. Indeed if any Fig. j 07. original Object, as AB, be parallel to the Picture, the Height of the Eye will have no Effect upon this kind of Reprefentations, pro- vided the Eye moves in the fame perpendicular HI 5 for the Repre- fentation ab, is equal to the Reprefentation CP. 3 . The Conferences of viewing PiBures from any ether than the true Point of Sight. FROM what has been faid upon the Diftance and Height of the Eye, it mull be manifeft, that no Perfpective Reprefenta- tions will appear fo natural as when viewed from the true Point of Sight 5 becaufe, at that Point, all the Rays which are fuppofed to come from the original Objects, and produce their feveral Projec- tions upon the Picture, will concur at the Eye in their proper Point, and thereby exhibit a Picture upon the Retina exactly fimilar to that of their Originals. Sut again, If the Eye is not placed in the true Point of Sight, the Projection of all Objects which are not parallel to the Picture, will not feem to tend to their proper vanifhing Points ; and for that Reafon fuch Reprefentations will feem to Hart .out of their proper Places, will lofe their juft Proportions, and confequently, will con- vey a jumble of confufed Appearances to the Eye : And to this we may add alfo, the mocking Effect it will have upon the horizontal Line in particular, which is always governed by the Place of the Eye. What has been faid upon this Head, relates principally to Pic- tures painted upon uneven Grounds, fuch as Domes, vaulted Roofs, irregular Walls, &c. where the leaft Variation from the true Point of Sight, will be productive of the above, and other bad Confe- quences : For as to flat Pictures, the Fancy will be ready to give fome Afliftance towards correcting what is not ftrictly right in them i and therefore, a little Variation of the Eye from the true Point of Sight, is allowable in fuch Cafes : For no great Inconve- niency will appear, fo long as the Eye keeps upon a Level with the liorizontal Line. 4. Of the S 1 z e of the Pj ct u r e. THE Size of the Picture is to be governed by the Diftance and Height of the Eye. Thus, let CE be the Diftance of the iEye, and CP its Height, With t)f the Size ^ ^ Pict.ur e. 69 With the Liftance CE defcribe the Circle FKAD, and make CI equal to CP; through P and I draw AK, DF, parallel to the horizontal, cutting the Circle in A,K,D, F; from which Points draw tie Lines AD, FK : Then mall we have a Square, which will give the uttnoft Size a Piclure mould be of if feen from no greater Dilance than CE. But if the Height of the Eye be lefs than CP, then the Piclure will be a Parallelogram, which is the moil general Shape given to Piclures. — This Method of limit- ing the Size of the Piclure to the Diftance and Height of the Eye, will be of great Ufe in feveral Operations. |. Some Conjiderathns upon the Appearance of round Objects upon the Fiffiure. Y?ROM what has been faid upon the Diftance of the Eye, &c* I. it may feem very improbable that any perfpeclive Representa- tion mould have a difagreeable Effecl, if the Rules we have laid down be nicely obferved : Yet there are fome Cafes, perhaps, in which the Artift will think it better to be guided by his own Judg- ment, than to follow the ftricl Rules of Perfpeclive. This feems to have been the Opinion of Monfieur Frefnoy : For in his excellent Poem upon Painting, tranflated by Mv.'Dryden, he fays, « Though " Perfpeclive cannot be called a perfect Rule for Defigning, yet it s: is a great Succour to Art, and facilitates the Difpatch of the " Work; tho, frequently falling into Error, it makes us behold ■«« Things under a falfe Afpecl ; for Bodies arc not always rcpre- " fented according to the Geometrical Plane, but fuch as they ap- *' pear to the Sight." But as there are different Opinions upon this Subjecl, I fhall beg Leave to offer my Thoughts upon it. Snppofe it was required to draw the Reprefentation of a Range of Columns parallel to the Piclure ; if they are drawn according to the {Irici Rules of Perfpeclive, then that Column which is in the Center of the Piclure will be the leafl, and confequently, thofe on each Side of it will be larger and larger continually, the farther they are removed from the Center of the Piclure. But to explain this more fully: Let KLMN be a Plane which panes through the Eye Fig. 10& parallel to the Ground ; then will PP be the horizontal Line, and C the Center of the Piclure : And let AB, H, g, be three Co- lumns cut by this Plane ; then let Lines be drawn from the Extre- mity of each Circle to the Eye; and the Seclions ab, cd, ef, with the 70 Some neeejfary Obfervations^ &c. the Picture, are the Projections of thofe Circles up>n the Picture % and by meafuring the feveral Reprefentations we fh;ll find, that cd, and ef, are much longer than ab. From whence v e m ay conceive, that the farther any Column is removed from tte Center of the Picture, the larger will be its Reprefentation j anc we may more- over conceive, that this Increafe of the apparent Magnitude of the Columns, is owing to the Obliquity of the Line? g h, ik, with the Picture, which Lines meafure their apparent Widths.. Now the Queftion is, Whether Columns fituated in this Minner are to be thus reprefented upon the Picture, or not ? The Definition I have given of the Word Perfpective, is this; viz. To draw the Reprefentations of Objects as they appear to the Eye, &c. and I have avoided the more general Definition, viz, of drawing the Reprefentation of Objects by the Rules of Geometry, &c* as the former appeared to be more fignificant of what I intended to ex- prefs by the Term Perfpective. For lince the Fallaces of Vifion are ib many and great*, and finee we form our commor. Judgment and Eftimation of the Appearance of Objects from Cutom and Expe- rience -fy and not from mathematical Reafoning ; therefore it feems reafon- * The ingenious Dr. Smith, in his Treatife upon Opticks, has given us feveral Inftances of the Fallacies in Vifion, amongft which, he fays, " We are frequently deceived in our Eftt- " mates of Diftance by any extraordinary Magnitude of Objects feen at the End of it : As in ** travelling towards a large City or a Caftle, or a Cathedral Church, or a Mountain larger " than ordinary, we think they are much nearer than we find them to be upon Trial. For ** fince by Experience the Ideas of certain Quantities of known Diftances are ufually annexed " to the apparent Magnitudes of known Obje&s of a common Size ; and fince the apparent " Magnitudes of thofc larger Obje&s at a greater Diftance are the fame as of the fmaller at " a fmaller Diftance, it is no Wonder they fuggeft the ufual Idea of fmaller Diftance annext " to more common Objetts. This is further evident, becaufe we are ignorant of the Coua- ** try, and of the Inequalities in the Ground interpofed." Again, he obferves, " the Part of " the Monument extant above the Tops of the adjoining Houfes, I am told, is five times *' longer than the Height of the Houfes, and yet from below that Part appears but two or *' three times longer at moil ; becaufe of its unufual Magnitude and Obliquity to the Sight." And the fame curious Gentleman adds, " I remember a red Coat of Arms, upon the Top of " an Iron Gate at the End of a Walk, was taken for a Brick Houfe in the Fields beyond " it". Vide Smith's Of ticks, Book I. /. 6 1, 62. f In regard to Perception, that acute and judicious Reafoner Mr. Locke, obferves, ** We " are to confider concerning Perception, that the Ideas we receive by Senfation are often in " grown People alter'd by the Judgment, without our taking Notice of it. When we fet " before our Eyes a round Globe, of any uniform Colour, v.g. Gold, Alabafter , or Jet, 'tis- " certain, that the Idea thereby imprinted in our Mind, is of a flat Circle varioufly fhadow'd, " with feveral Degrees of Light and Brightnefs coming to our Eyes. But we having by ufe " been accultom'd to perceive, what kind of Appearances convex Bodies are wont to make in " us ; what Alterations are made in the Reflections of Light, by the Difference of the fenfible «< Figures of Bodies, the Judgment prefently, by an habitual Cuftom, alters the Appearances " into their Caufes : So that from that, which truly is Variety of Shadow or Colour, collecT:- w ing the Figure, it makes it pafs for a Mark of Figure, and frames to itfelf the Perception, i " oi Some necajfary Obftrvatiom, ®C« reafonable not to comply with the ftricl: Rules of Mathematical Perfpective in fome particular Cafes (as in this before us) but to draw the Representation of Objects as they appear to the Eye; and therefore, I pre.ume, a Painter mould represent thofe few Objects which are an Exception to the General Rules of Perfpe&ive, in fuch a Manner as may not offend the Eye of any common Spec- tator. For if the above Columns are to be reprefented according to the ftricl Rules of this Art j then the Columns as they recede from the Center of the Picture will grow thick and clumfy, their Intercolumnations will be continually growing lefs and lefs, and the whole Beauty of the Building will be intirely deftroyed. * " of a convex Figure, and an uniform Colour; when the Idea we receive from thence, is *« only a Plane variouily colour'd, as is evident in Painting. To which Purpofe I (hall here " infert a Problem of that very ingenious and ftudious Promoter of real Knowledge, the lear- " ned and worthy Mr. Molineuxi and it is this : Suppofe a Man bom blind, and row adult, " and taught by his Touch to diftinguifh between a Cube and a Sphere of the fame Metal, *' and nearly of the fame Bignefs, f@ as to tell when he felt one and t'other, which is the *' Cube, which the Sphere. Suppofe then the Cube and Sphere placed on a Table, and the " blind Man be made to fee : Quaere, Whether by his Sight, before he touched them, he " could now diftinguifh, and tell, which was the Globe, which the Cube. To which the *' acute and judicious Propofer xnfwers : Not. For though he has obtained the Experience *« of, how a Globe, how a Cube, affe&s his Touch ; yet he has not yet attained the Ex- 44 perience, that what affedts his Touch fo or fo, mult affeft his Sight fo or fo : Or that a *' protuberant Angle in the Cube, that preffed his Hand unequally, mail appear to his Eye as *» it does in the Cube. I agree with this thinking Gentleman, whom I am proud to call my *« Friend, in his Anfwer to this his Problem ; and am of Opinion, that the blind Man, at «' firft Sight, would not be able with Certainty to fay, which was the Globe, which the Cube, ** whilft he only faw them, though he could unerringly name them by his Touch, and cer- '* tainly diftinguifh them by the Difference of their Figures felt. This I have fet down, and «« leave with my Reader, as an Occafton for him to confider how much he may be beholden '« to Experience, Improvement, and acquired Notions, where, he thinks, he has net the '* leaft Ufe of, or Help from them." Vide Locke's EJJay upon Human Underjianding, Vol. I, Ch. 9. But this is no new Opinion; for fo old an Author as Lucretius, takes particular Notice of it ; for he, after having given innumerable Inftances of the Errors in our Judgment, in regard to Sight, fums them up in the following Lines. tCeetera de genere hoc mirando tnulta uidetnus, ££uce &c*- What has been faid upon this Subject, relates principally to rounds or cylindrical Bodies, fuch as Globes, Columns, ©r the like ; but as to? angular ones, (efpecially thofe that are Square) fince their apparent Widths are perpetually increafed the more diagonally they are feen by the Eye, therefore, the Reprefentations of fuch Objects upon the Picture mould continually grow larger and larger in Width the more they are removed from the Center of the Picture. Thus the Reprefentation of the Square which is feen only in Front, cannot appear fo large as the Reprefentation of the Square R, which is viewed as a Triangle. I fay, that the apparent Magnitude of Objects that are Square or Triangular, will be greater when view'd Angle-wife, than when feen in Front : But the apparent Magnitude of Columns, or any other round Objects, will always be the fame at the fame Diftance ; becaufe, in the firft Cafe, the Diagonal of a Square (which in fome Views meafures its apparent Width) is longer than its Sides j but in the latter Cafe, the Diameter of a Circle (which constantly meafures its apparent Width) is always of the fame Length ; and therefore to reprefent Columns, &c. larger and larger, when they are at a greater and greater Diftance, is, I prefume, falfe in Theory, (I mean in an optical Senfe only) and cannot be true in Practice. To this it may be faid ; Why then fhould they not be reprefented lefs and lefs in proportion to their feveral Diftances, fmce in fact they are fo ? To which I anfwer again, that by a Habit of judging, and from the prevailing force of Experience, we are taught to think, they are all of the fame Size, becaufe they are upon the fame Parallel with the Eye. Thus, for Inftance ; when we ftand before the Middle of a Building of any considerable Length, we apprehend the Ends to appear exactly as high as the Middle of it, though in fact they cannot, becaufe the Angle fubtended at the Eye from the Middle, is greater than thofe fubtended at the Corners. Again, fuppofe it was required to draw the Reprefentation of round Balls, or Globes, which are fup- pofed to be at the fame Diftance from the Picture, according to the ftrict Rules of Mathematical Projection : Then the Projection of that Ball only which is in the Eyes Axis vs ill be a Circle, and, being properly fhaded, will appear like a Globe j but all the other Projections, which are not in the Eye's Axis, will be Elliptical, and, made them how you will, they can never appear like Globes to any common Spectator : I fay to any common Spectator, becaufe fuch Appearances contradict the common Idea which Men in ge- neral have form'd to themfelves of Rotundity. In fhort, Perfpective, Sme necejjary Ofyervattons, &C0 In a ftrictly Mathematical or Optical Senfe, is one Thing 5 and Perfpe&ive, according to the Acceptation of that Word among Painters, is another : The Firft teaches how to defcribe on a Plane, to a mathematical Exactnefs, the Projections of any Objects ; but the Second, like a modeft and judicious Matter, teaches the moil limple and general Principles of Arts and inftead of leading us into the Mazes of Lines and Angles, and lofmg us in the Laby- rinths of mathematical Rcafoning, directs us only to the Study of Simplicity, which is the Foundation of Grace and Beauty. I know it may be faid, that if we make choice of a proper Pittance, all Inconveniencies of this Kind may be avoided: But let the Diftance be ever fo proper, yet ftill the Projections of Co- lumns, &c. as they are removed farther and farther from the Center of the Picture, will grow larger and larger continually ; which furely ought not to be admitted. Thefe are the Reafons which induced me to confider this Sub- ject in a particular Manner ; but whether they are fufficient, or not, to anfwer the intended Purpofe, is fubmitted to the Candour gf every ingenuous Reader, C H A P, CHAP. VII. Of Aerial Perspective, Chiara Qscuro,. and Keeping in Piffiures. JFrom Mr. Hamilton. tc ^ Aerial Perspective is meant, the Art giving a " Hi ^ ue Diminution or Degradation to the Strengh of Light, «. JL-# Shade, and Colours of Objects, according to their difFe- " rent Diftances, the Quantity of Light which falls ipon them, " and the Medium through which they are feen. " The Chiara Oscuro confifts more particularly in* ex- C£ prefiing the different Degrees of Light, Shade, ani Colour of €< Bodies, arifing from their own Shape, and the Ponton of their. " Parts with refpecl: to the Eye and neighbouring Objt&s, where- Ki by their Light or Colours are affected. " And Keeping, is the Obfervance of a due Proportion in <£ the general Light and Colouring of the whole Picture ; that no C£ Light or Colour in one Part, may be too bright 01 ftrong for €£ another ; but that a proper Harmony amongft them all together t£ may be preferved. « All thefe are neceflary Requifites to a good Picture, and may " be properly enough included within the general Name of Aerial " Perfpective, as they all relate to the different Degrees of Strength « of the Light and Colouring, according to the Circiimftances of « the Shape and Pofition of the Objects with regard to each other, <£ the Eye, and the Light which illuminates them. ££ The Eye does not judge of the Diflance of Objeds barely by " their apparent Size, but alfo by their Strength of Colour and <« Difrinction of Parts j it is not, therefore, fufficient to give an <£ Object its due apparent Bulk, according to the Rules of Perfpec- " tive, unlefs at the fame Time it be expreffed with that proper t£ Faintnefs and Degradation of Colour which that Diflance <{ requires. ££ Thus, if the Figure of a Man at a Diflance were painted of « a due Size for the Place, but with too great a Diftinclion of * But it is the Opinion of fome very eminent Painters, that the Words Ckiara O/curo, mor« gfoperly iignify a Clearuefs of Shadow. « Parts, Of AejrulPbr.spective, ChiaraOscuro, &c» " Parts, or too flrong Colours, it will appear to ftand forward, " and feerm proportionably lefs, fo as toreprefent a Dwarf fituated " nearer the Eye, and out of the Plane on which the Painter in- " tended hie (hould ftand. " By the Original Colour of an Object, is meant that Colour. fure with the faint blueifh Cart, or with the Dimnefs or Hazi- * c nefs of the Body of Air through which the Rays pafs. " 2. From the greater or lefs Degree of Light with which the « Object is enlightened ; The fame Original Colour having a dif- " ferent Appearance in the Shade from what it has in the Light, *' although at an equal Diftance from the Eye, and fo in Propor- ** tion as the Light or Shade is rtronger. " 3. From the Colour of the Light itfelf which falls upon it, " whether it be by the Reflection of coloured Light from any neigh- " bouring Object, or by its PalTage through a coloured Medium ; ie which will exhibit a Colour compounded of the Original Colour " of the Object, and the other accidental Colours which the Light f { brings with it. " 4. From the Pofition of the Surface of the Object, or of its li feveral Parts with refpect to the Eye j fuch Parts of it as are " directly expofed to the Eye appearing more lively and dirtinct f than thofe which are feen flanting. " 5. From the Clofenefs or Opennefs of the Place where the Ob^ * c ject is fituated, the Light being much more varioufly directed *' and reflected within a Room, than abroad in the open Air; *' every Aperture in a Room giving an Inlet to a different Stream " of Light with its own peculiar Direction, whereby Bodies in fuch " a Situation will be very differently affected with refpect to their " Light, Shade, and Colours, from what they would be in an f * open Place. " 6. Some Original Colours naturally reflect Light in a greater 11 Proportion than others, though equally expofed to the fame K. 2 *« Degrees Of Aerial Pirspective, Chiara Oscuro 3 ^. ,£ Degrees of it; whereby their Degradation at fevera ]D>iftance$ cf will be different from that of other Colours which reflect lefs «« Light. " From thefe feveral Caufes it arifes, that the Col.oms of Ob- " jeCts are feldom feen pure and unmixed, but general^ arrive at <* the Eye broken and foftened by each other; and tlerefore, in " Painting, where the natural Appearances of Object: are to be « defcribed, all hard or fharp Colouring ought to be avoided. " A Painter, therefore, who would fucceed in Aeral Perfpec- « tive, ought carefully to ftudy the Effects which liftance, or <* different Degrees or Colours of Light, have on eacl particular « Original Colour, to know how its Hew or Strengthis changed < £ in the feveral Circumftances above-mentioned, and to reprefent CK it accordingly; fo that in a Picture of various-coloucdl Objects^ " he may be able to give each Original Colour its own proper Di- « minution or Degradation according to its Place. " Now, as all Objeftsin a Picture take their Meafuiss in Pro~ " portion to thofe placed in the Front, fo, in Aerial Perfpective, « x the Strength of Light, and the Brightnefs of the Colours of Ob- < £ jects clofe to the Picture, muft ferve as a Meafure, vith refpect «« to which, all the fame Colours at feveral Diflances, mufl: have &c. By JOSHUA KIRBY, Painter. %he PraBice [ of Painting ] ought always to be built on a rational Theory, of which Perspective is both the Guide and the Gate y end without which it is impojjible to fucceed either in Defigning, or in any of the jirts depending thereon. Leonardo da Vinci upon Painting, p. 36 , . , . * The SECOND EDITION. IPSWICH: Printed by W. Craightqn. Mdcclv* TO THE ACADEMY O F PAINTING, SCULPTURE, ARCHI- TECTURE, Sec. in London. Gentlemen, AS Perspective is abfolutely neceflary to a Just Desjgn, give me Leave to dedicate this Book to You on the Subjedl, It is the Product of many Years Application and Study, and wrote with an Intention to render that hitherto perplexed, but ufeful Art, eafy and familiar. How I have fucceeded in the At- tempt, is fubmitted to your Candour and Judg- ment 5 and I hope that this Dedication will be received as an Inftance of my Gratitude, for the Favour of that Encouragement and Recommen- dation, which you have been pleafed to give to the Work. I do not prefume to offer any Thing new to the Principal Members of the Society 5 for I am Book II. A not DEDICATION. not fo vain as to think I can give any Inftruc- tions to Perfons of fuch fuperior Abilities : But if I can contribute a little towards inftru&ing the Pupils in the firft Rudiments of Defign, it may fpare fome Time and Trouble, and I hope will be accepted as a Token of my Regard for You, and AfFe£tion for thofe Arts. 1 mall only add, that it is my fincereft Wifh, that every Encouragement may be given to your in- defatigable Endeavours, in promoting the Arts of Painting, Sculpture, Architecture, $PV. That the Pupils may do Honour to their feveral Masters, and become Ornaments to their Country; and that every other Advantage may concur to raife the iGlory of the English Academy to the higheft Pitch. / am, Gentlemen, Tour moft Obliged, Humble Servant, JOSHUA KIRBY. PREFACE. IN this PraBical Book upon Perspective! Jhall endeavour to give fome general Methods for finding the Reprefentations of all Kinds of Objects, however they are ftuated in regard to the Eye or the Pifiure, or however irregular they are amongft themfelves. And find great Care has been taken to adapt every Example in this Part to the Theory, the Reader may be fatisfied that every Figure is ftriclly true, and capable of a Mathematical Demonjlration ; fo that thoje whom Curiofty will not invite, or Leifare permit, to go regularly through the preceeding Theory, need not trouble themfelves about it, becaufe what follows will be fufficient for their Purpofe. But let them confder, that it is in this as in all other Studies, with which, if a Perfon defres either to be thoroughly acquainted, or to profit by his Study, he mujl read with Attention, draw out every Fi- gure as he proceeds, and be well acquainted with one Example before he begins with another* And flnce it is prefumed that every Example in the following Work, may be as eqfily underjlood and applied to Practice by every Student in the Arts of Defign, as are the common Principles of Arithmetick by every ordinary Mechanick j therefore it is hoped that Perspective will be no longer thought an abjlrufe and difficult Study, nor be difregarded as trifling and infignijjcant but that the young Tyroes in the above Arts will firfi mak/P erspective familiar to them, and treat her •with the RefpeSi which Jhe deferves, as the Parent of the noble Art of Painting ; and upon whofe general, though not rigid Precepts, every Dejign mufl be regulated, if the Arttfl intends it Jhall appear a true Reprefentation, of Nature. A aU THE THE RACTICE of PERSPECTIVE made Easy, &c BOOK II. CHAP. I. « t if ft t< ft - ft ft ' 1' * '* 1 1 1 An Introduction to the PRACTICE of PerfpeSiive. TN order to convey a general Idea of PBW«^ I much Eafe as the Nature of the Thing wil admit, let ABCD F* . J. reprefent a fquare Board ftanding perpendicularly upon the Ground, which is reprefented by H M, and fuppofe the Figure EH to be looking at It , then it will be e Vl dent that he muft fee it by means of In infinite Number of Rays of Light which are continually reffeaed from every Point of the laid Objea to his Eve But fince the Rays which come from the four Corners only will be fufficient for our Purpofe, we will fuppofe that he fees it by means of the four Lines AE, BE, CE and DE which repre- fent thofe four Rays of Light : And, if we fuppofe a tranfparent Plane like a large Piece of Glafs, to be placed between the Objeft ABCD and the Skater's Eye, it mull be obvious, that this Plane will cut the Rays of Light in their Paflage to his Eye. Now, the Shape abed, which that cutting of the Pifture makes with he Rays, is called the ProjtMon of the real ObjeSl ABCD, upon the Glafs. And if inftead of this tranfparent Plane, we fuppofe GLOl to be a Canvas, and the above Projeftion to be drawn upon it in the very fame Manner as it was projeaed upon the Glals, then the Fieure fo defcribed is called the PerfpeBiw Appearance of the real ObieB ABCD ; for the Rays of Light coming to the Eye from the Points a. b, c, d, which are drawn upon the Piaure, m the very fame Manner as they do from the correfponding original .oints A, B, C, D, of the real Figure ; therefore, if they are painted with Introduction to the PraBice ofVt, rspectme. the fame Strength of Colour, &c. they will to the Spt&ator EH, appear like that original Object : So that the whole \rt of Per- fpective confifts, in determining thefe, and the like Appearances, upon the Picture, and in giving them their proper Force and Colour. Now let us ohferve, Firft, If the original Figure be parallel to the Picture, then its Reprefentation will be exactly like it thus, ABCD is parallel to the Picture, therefore, abed, its Reprefenta- tion, is exactly like it. For which Reafon, the Reprefentations of the Sides of all Objects that are parallel to the Picture, will not tend to any Points upon the Picture, but will be parallel amongft themfclves, and only proportionally diminished as their Diftance from the Eye is greater or lefs : But the Reprefentations of the Sides of all Objects that are not parallel to the Picture, will vanifh into various Points upon the Picture, which, are therefore called, the mani firing Points of fuch ObjeBs. Secondly. The Projections A B c d and e f g h, of the Squares ABCD, E F G H, which lie fiat upon the Ground, HM, will to the Spectator, EH, be the perfpective Appearance of thofe Objects : And the Reprefentations of the Sides AB, cd, e h and f g, will be parallel to the Bottom of the Picture, but will be federally dimi- nifhed in proportion to their Diftance from the Picture. Thus AB is even with the Bottom of the Picture, and therefore its Repre- fentation is the fame as the original Line A B, and confequently equal to it : But the Reprefentations cd, eh, and f g, will be per- petually diminilhed in the Degree of Diftance they are from the Picture ; as is evident by infpecting the Figure. For which Reafon, the Reprefentations Ad, Be, ef, and gh, of Lines AD, BC, E F, and G H, which lie flat upon the Ground, and are parallel amongft themfelves, but not parallel to the Picture, will conti- nually approach towards each other, till they vanifh into a Point C, exactly as high above the Bottom GL of the Picture, as the Eye is removed above the Ground HM. Thus, FC is equal to the Height of the Eye E H, and the Sides Ad, Be, @fi will va- nifh into the Point C. From hence then, we fee the Reafon why the Reprefentations of Objects are more and more diminilhed upon the Picture, the farther thofe Objects are fuppofed to be from it. Thirdly, We have obferved that the Reprefentations Ad and Be, of the oblique Sides AD and BC of the real Object, will vanifh into the Point C upon the Picture and therefore the Point C may very properly be called the vanifhing Point of the Lines A D and BC, IntroduSiion to the FraSlice ^Perspective, f BC— — Now, in order to determine the vanifhing Point of any Line, we muft always draw a Line from the Eye parallel to that Line: Thu.< EC is parallel to AD, or BC, and therefore, C, where EC cats the Picture, is the vanifhing Point of AB, or BC. And in like Manner, E J being drawn parallel to the Line BK, Fig. i. which is oblique with the Ground, will give J for its vanifhing Point upon :he Picture. For, from K draw the Ray KE to the Eye, which will cut the Picture in k ; then is k the Reprefentation or K, and b is the Reprefentation of B j therefore, k b is the Re- prefentation of KB: And, if kb was continued upwards upon the Picture, it would cut E J in the Point J, and therefore J is its vanifhing Point. Fourthly, If thro* the vanifhing Point C, a Line HL be drawn parallel to the Bottom of the Picture, then that Line will be the vanifhing Line of all Objects that lie flat upon the Ground, or ar& parallel to it. Now this Line, HL, hath always been called the Horizontal Line, and therefore, I fhall call it by that Name in the following Work. Indeed, it is the moft ufeful of all vanifliing Lines ; but neverthelefs, too much Strefs hath been laid upon it by almoft all Writers upon this Subject ; who have paid no Sort of Regard to any other vanifhing Lines. But had they confider'd, that there are feveral Objects whofe Reprefentations cannot be correctly determined upon the Picture, without a general Knowledge of all Kinds of vanifhing Lines and vanifhing Points, they would not have confined themfelves to the Horizontal Line only; and had they built their feveral Syftems of Perfpective upon as folid Principles as Dr. Taylor or Mr. Hamilton, their Works would not have been crouded with fuch a Confufion of Lines, nor with fuch a Number of ufelefs Examples ; but they would have been more true, Jimple, and of more general Ufe. But to return from this Digreffion. Fifthly, Since the Horizontal Line is level with the Eye and pa- rallel to the Ground, and, for that Reafon, the vanifhing Line of all Objects which lie flat upon the Ground, or are parallel to it; fo, for the very fame Reafon, the vanifhing Line of any other Object will be parallel to that Object. Thus, fuppofe ABK to be a tri- Fig. t. angular Plane, which flands upon the Edge AK, perpendicular to the Ground : Then the vanifhing Line of this perpendicular Plane will be perpendicular to the Horizontal Line and if this Plane be perpendicular to the Picture alfb, then its vanifhing Line will pafs through the Center of the Picture 3 thus JE is the vanifhing Line of ABK. Thus 3 ' Definitions, & Thus much, I prefume, may fuffice to give the unlearied Reader a tolerable Idea of Perfpedive.— We will now give an Explanation of a few Terms made ufe of in the following Work ; and then proceed to the Mechanical Part of Perfpeclive. DEFINITIONS. i Hp HE Point of Sight, is that Point where the: Spectator's Eye Fig< I( ' 1 is placed to look at the Pi&ure. — Thus E is the Point 0f 2 Sl ^f t from the Point of Sight E, a Line EC is drawn from the Eve perpendicular to the Picture, then the Point C, where that Line cuts the Picture, is called the Center of the PiSlure. 7 The Dijlance of the PiSlure, is the Length of the Line E C, which is drawn from the Eye perpendicular to the Piclare. 4. If from the Point of Sight E, a Line EC be dravn perpen- dicular to any vanifhing Line : HI, , or JF, then tb Point C where that Line cuts the vanifhing Line, is called the Center of that vanifhing Line. . « » c U, T . c The Dijlance of a vanijhing Ltne, is the Length cf the Line EC which is drawn from the Eye perpendicular to the faid Line- And if PO was a vanifhing Line, then EJ will be the Diftance of that Line. ' . . . ^ c r - 6 The Diftance of a vanifhing Point, is the Length or a Line drawn from the Eye to that Point: Thus, EC is the Diflancc of the vanifhing Point C, and EJ is the Diftance of the vanning Point Jo 7 By Original Objett, is meant the real Object whofe Repreien- tation is fought : And by Original Plane, is meant that Plane upon which the real Objeft is fituated: Thus, the Ground HM is the Original Plane of A B CD, &c. Fig. i, 2, AXIOM S. Fis> 20 i The Reprefentations of all Lines that are parallel to each other, but not parallel to the Picture, will have the fame vanifhing Point: Thus, the Reprefentations Ad, Be, of the parallel Lines AD, BC, have the fame vanifhing Point C. 2 . The Reprefentations of all Lines that are parallel to each o&er, and parallel to the Picture alfo, will not vamfh into any Point upon the Piaure,. but will be parallel to each other : Thus, i AB, cd, eh, and f g, are parallel to each other, becaufe the Ori- ginals AB, CD, EH, and FG, of thofe Lmes, are parallel to each other. CHAP* r, CHAP. IL Practical Perspective sect. I. To prepare the Picture. 1. Of the SrzE of the Picture. 2. Height of the Eye.. 3. Of the Distance of the Eye. I. r ■ i H E Size of the Picture muff be adapted. ta the Diftance of the Eye, if it be an immoveable Picture, like the Side of a Room, Ceiling, or the like ; which may very eafily be done by means of Frames, or other Compartments : But, if the Picture be an Eafel-Piece, * then the Bignefs of it may be left to the Artift's Difcretion. The Height of the Eye, rauft always govern the Height of the Horizontal Line from the Bottom of the Picture ; and particular Care muff be taken not to let it be fo great as the Diftance of the Eye, fince it will be productive of very bad Confequences. And great Regard muft be had to the choohng a proper Diftance to be worked with; for Other wife, every Perfpective Reprefentation will have a very bad Effect. 2. Of the Height of the E y e. SuppofeGLTP to be a Canvas, reprefenting the Size of the. Fig, Picture.' Divide the Bottom of it, GL, into two equal Parts in P, and draw FI perpendicular to the Bottom GL ; then from F fet off FC, equal to the Height of the Eye from the Ground, and draw HL, through the Point C, parallel to the Bottom GL : And then will HL be the Horizontal Line, and C the Center of the Pic- ture. Now, though the Height of the Eye in Eafel-Pictures is left intirely to the Difcretion of the Artift ; yet, in general, low Horizons have a much better Effect than high ones j for which Reafon, the Height of the Horizontal Line mould never exceed one half of the Height of the Picture; and, I believe, a little Ex- perience will teach any one, that if it is made equal only to one third Part of the Height of the Picture, it will be the moft proper Height of any : I mean only in regard to Eafel-Pieces ; for if the * The Inflrumcnt upon which a Picture is placed to be painted, is called an Ea/el ; and therefore, every Pi£«re which is moveable, is called zn Eafel-Piete. Book II. B Pidure "The D i s T a n c e of the E r Picture be a fixed one, then the Height of the Horizontal Line muft he exactly level with the Spectator's Eye. 3.. Of the Distance of the Ey e. The choofing a proper Diflance for the Eye is fuc3i an effential Requifite, that without a nice Obfervance thereof, every Perfpec- tive Reprefentation will appear a fhocking Deformity ; therefore, we fhall be the more particular in fettling a proper Diflance for the Eye; the Neceffity of which will appear by the following Example. , ■ In the 4th Figure I fuppofe A B E t> a real Square upon the Ground, and CE one Diflance of the Eye, and CI another. Now, by putting this Square into Perfpeclive, agreeable to thofe different Diflances, we fhall have a b E D for the Reprefentation of the Square as feen at the Diflance CE, and EDcd for the Reprefen- tation of the Square as feen at the Diflance C I ; and by infpecting the Figure, we may perceive, that the Reprefentation EDcd, which is feen by the Eye at the Diflance CI, does not appear like a Square, but looks much longer than 'tis wide, and therefore, it is a falfe Reprefentation ; but the Reprefentation a b E D, which is feen by the Eye at the Diflance CE, has a more agreeable Appear- ance, and looks like a Square feen in Perfpeclive, and therefore is a more jufl Reprefentation. Now, that this Difference between the two Reprefentations of the fame Object is wholly owing to the different Diflances of the Eye, is apparent from the Figure ; and therefore, this one Inflance, out of many, may fuffice to fhew the Neceffity of choofing a proper Diflance to be worked with ; In order to do which, the following Method feems the mofl eafy, and the mofl ufeful, of any I can think of, Having drawn the horizontal Line HL, and fixed the Center C, of the Picture ; draw a Line (as CP) from the Center C, to one of the farthefl Corners (as P) of the Picture; drawalfo the Per- pendicular C D, and continue it at pleafure ; then from C, fet off the Length CP, upon CE, and call CE the leafl Diflance : Again, from C, fet off C D, upon the Line C D, equal to the longefl Di- menfions of the Picture, and call CD the greatefl Diflance. That is, never let the Diflance you work with be greater than C D, nor lefs than C P $ beeaufe, as was obferved before, if the Diflance be lefs than C E, the Reprefentations will be too deep $ and if it be more than CD, the Reprefentations will not be deep enough and, 1 think, if a Medium between thofe two Diflances be taken as a general TO? Dis tance of the Eye. ri general Rutlr, it will produce the moft agreeable Shape of any Dis- tance whatfrever. Thus, the Reprefentation ED mn, (Fig. 4.) is determined by fuch a Diftance. In this Place it may not be improper to take Notice, that the Diftance of the Picture is fometimes placed upon a Line as CD, Fig. 3; perpendicular to the horizontal Line, and fometimes upon the horizontal Line itfelf; as the Nature of the Work may require. And I will alfo obferve, that the Diftance generally made ufe of in this Work, is the lean: Diftance, for the Conveniency of having as many Figures upon each Plate as was pofllble. And the Reader is defired ta remember, that the Letters CE will always ft and for the Diftance of the Eye, E for the Eye, or Point of Sight, C for the Center of the Picture, HL for the horizontal Line, and GL for the Ground Line, or Bottom of the Picture. For, to avoid Pro- lixity, I Ib.aU not mention either of thofe Terms but upon fome particular Occafion. And that he may fix them the eafier in his Memory, I have made every Letter as fignificant as porlible : Thus E is the Eye, C the Center, HL the horizontal Line, &c. And I fhall, moreover, always fuppofe a Picture, as GLTP, (which may be confidered as a large Picture in Miniature) to be laid flat, and that we are actually at work upon it, in determining the Repre- fentation of the following Figures. SECT. II. Of 0 ( B jects which lie fat upon the Ground, or that are in Planes perpendicular to the Piclure, I. To find the Reprefentation of a Point upon the Piclure, after having prepared the Pifiure as above directed. Method i. By one tanijhing Point only, LE T A be the Point upon the Ground. From A draw any Fig. 5 Line at Pleafure, as A 1 , cutting the Bottom of the Picture in 1 j and from the Eye E, draw EL parallel to A 1, cutting the horizontal Line in L then is L the vanifhing Point of A 1 j there- fore, draw the Line L 1, then from the Point A, draw a Line to E, cutting Li, in a; and then is a, the Reprefentation of the original Point A. Method 2. By two vanifing Points, Draw A 1, A 2, at pleafure, cutting the Bottom of the Picture in 1 and 2 -„ and from the Eye E, draw EL parallel to Ai, and B 2 EH 12 Vf O b j e t t s ugen the Grou *d>; EH parallel to A2; then draw L 1 and Ha, whxfo will cut each other in a, and fo give a, for thue Reprefentation of A. $lg. IL ¥0 find the Reprefentation of a Line KB, ivhid its perpendicular to the Bottom of the Picture. Met h o d 1 . By one vanijloing Po'mtt. Let AB be the real Line upon the -Ground. — !So>w (ince AB is iperpendicular to the Bottom of the Picture, therefore EC is pa- rallel to it j and therefore C, where E C cuts the horizontal Lme, is the vanishing Point of AB. — Draw AC, and fronn B draw JBe[ cutting AC in b ; and then is Ab the Reprefentation of AB. Method 2. By two vaniflring Pdnts. From B draw B 1 at pleafure, cutting the Bottom of the Picture in 1 ; and from the Eye E, draw EH parallel to B 1, cutting the horizontal Line in H; then is H the vanifhing Point of Bi ; there- fore draw 1 H, cutting AC in b which will determtine the Repre- fentation propofed. In like manner, the Reprefentation Fd, of FD, which lies -direct- ly againft the Middle of the Picture, is to be determined. For C is the vanifhing Point of FD, and H is the vanifhing Point of D2. From hence then we may conceive, that if there were ever fo many Lines parallel to AB, they would all vanifh into the Center of the Picture ; and that the Reprefentation Fd, of any Line that ties directly againft the Middle of the Picture, will be perpendicular to the Bottom of the Picture j that is, will be Part of the Perpen- dicular FC, which is drawn from F to the Center C but in pro- portion as any other perpendicular Lines (as AB) are more and more removed from the Middle F, the Reprefentation s Ab of fuch Lines will be more and more oblique with the Bottom of the Picture, III. Of a Une parallel to the Bottom of the PiBure. Method i. By one vanifhing Point. XFig. 7; Let AB be the Original Line. — Draw Ai, B3, perpendicular to the Bottom of the Picture; then is C their vanifhing Point $ therefore draw iC, 3C; and from the Extremities of the Line AB draw Lines (as AE) to the Eye, cutting iC, 3C, in a and b; then draw a.b, which will be the Reprefentation of AB. — Or it may be done by finding one End only of the Reprefentation (as a) .and then drawing ai> parallel to the horizontal Line, 'till it cuts Met hop. tf Objects upon the G r o xj n d; Method 2. By two vani/hing Points, Draw A . 2, \ 4, at pleafure, (but parallel to each other) cutting the Bottom of the Picture, as before: Then draw EH parallel to ft 2 5 and then is H the vanifhing Point of A 2 and B4 ; therefore draw 2H, 4H cutting iC and 3C in a and b; finally, draw* the Line ah, vhich is the Reprefentation propofed. — Or, finding one Point orily (as a) and then drawing ab parallel to the hori- zontal Line, ai before, will be fufficient. IV,. Of a Line AB oblique 7 fef yi, Equilateral Triangle AB C, whofe Sides are all oblique fig. »®i /itf Picture. Method i. By having the Original Figure drawn out upon the Ground, Continue the Sides of the Triangle to the Bottom of the Pic- ture, as i, 2, 3, and draw EI parallel to AC, EF parallel to AB, and EK parallel to B C, which will feverally cut the horizontal Line in the vanilhing Points then is ac equal to ae. Again, from F fet off the Diftance FE, (as FP) and draw f P, cutting aFinb; then is a b -equal to af; finally, draw be, which will compleat the Reprefentation a be. VII. Of a Geometrical Square A B C D, having one Side A B parallel Fig. iu to the Picture, Method 1. By a Plan ,; that is, by having the Original Square drawn out upon the Ground. Draw AC, BC, to the vanifhing Point C, of the perpendicular Sides AD, BC; and from the JEye E, draw EH and EL parallel to the Diagonals BD and AC ; then from A and B draw Lines to L and H, cutting AC in d, and BC in c; then draw dc, which compleats the Reprefentation. Having found the Reprefentation of i6 Of Objects upm the Gro ttn eC of one Square, any other Square, as ik, may be found alfo. For let L ik be one Side of the Reprefentation given. — -From i and k draw i C and kC then from i draw i L, and from k draw kH 5 which will give the Depth of the Square, as in the Figure. Or* one Diagonal only will be fufficient. Thus, A L cuts B C in cl therefore draw c d parallel to the horizontal Line. From hence we may obferve, that when original Squares are thus fituated, the vanifhing Points H and L of their Diagonals, are exactly as far from the Center of the Picture, as the Eye is from the Center of the Picture. Thus HC and LC are each equal to the Diftance C E ; and therefore, by fetting off CH, or C L > equal to C E, the Lines EH and E L may be omitted. Method 2. By having only the Depth FI of the Square F I L given. Set off IL and 1 1, equal to the Depth FL From I; and L> draw Lines to C, and make C L equal to CE 5 then draw 1 L, cutting 1 C in f j then is If cutoff equal to Il ; therefore draw f e parallel to the horizontal Line* and the Reprefentation will be compleated* Hethod 3, By having only one Side, as G K, given. From G and K, draw Lines to C j continue G K, and make K 2 equal to GK ; then make CH equal to C E, and draw H 2, cutting KC in b ; finally from b, draw ab parallel to the hori- zontal Line, and the Thing "propofed is done. In like manner any other Square, m n o, may be found. VIII. Of a Geometrical Square, when its Sides are oblique with the Picture* 1*. Method i. By a Plan ABCD. Parallel to the Sides A B, CD, AD, BC, draw E L and E H 5 then are L and H the vanifhing Points of thofe Sides ; for con- tinue the Sides of the Square 'till they cut the Bottom of the Pic- ture in 1, 2, 3, 4 ; then from 1 and 2, draw Lines toH, and from 3 and 4, draw Lines to L, and their mutual Interfe&ions a, b, c, d, will g lve the Reprefentation propofed. Or the original Square may be made at the Eye, as in the Figure. Me tho» Of Objects upon the Groitn d; Method 2. By having only one Side, as G i, given upon the FiSiure* Continue G i till it cuts the horizontal Line in H, and from H therefore by drawing AF and BD perpendicular to the Bottom of the Picture, we mail have the Reprefentation of a Plane, fix Feet high, and four Feet and a Half wide. If the vanifhing Point L is out of the Picture, the Figure may Fig. 21 be draw thus. — Let BA be the Reprefentation of one Side given, and AD its Height. — Continue AB at pleafure, and anywhere upon it draw ab perpendicular to the Bottom of the Picture ; then make cb to ca, as FD is to FA, and draw Db; which will give the Length of BC ; for if DC be continued it will vanifh into L*. From hence then it is evident, that the Reprefentation of any perpendicular Plane may be immediately determined upon the Pic- ture, without having Recourfe to the tedious Methods of Plans, Elevations, &c. and but very few Lines are required, even when the Reprefentation is to be of any given Dimenfion, or however it is to be fituated upon the Picture: But, if the Reprefentation is not to be of any particular Dimenfion, being left to the Difcretion of the Artift, then nothing can be more fimple than the Operation. For let AB be one Side given, and AD its Height 5 then from A Fig. it and B draw AD, B C, perpendicular to the Bottom of the Picture 5 and from C, draw CD; which will compleat the Figure. Here let us obferve again, that the vanishing Point C of the Line AB, is the vanifhing Point of every Line DC, NM, &c. that is parallel to AB; agreeable to the fecond Axiom. Having fhewn how to find the Reprefentation of Square Planes perpendicular to the Ground ; let us now proceed to join them together, which begins the Perspective of folid Figures. * Suppofe FD is equal to FA, then cb muft be made equal to ea. IV. .* IV. To find the Reprefentation of Triangular Pieces of Woody &c. //vy E to MF, as AB is to AR* ; then draw BE,, which compleafs the Side AB»ED; finally, draw EF, which finiflies the Reprefen- tation. For, if AD and BE were continued, they would both, vanifh into the fame Point in the horizontal Line 1 as was obferved; in Fig. 21. Case 2. When it is above- the Horizontal Line. Let HO be one Edge gjvsn,, whofe vanifhing Point is out of the Picture, and let L be the vanifhing Point of the Edge HN. Make HN ejual to- HO, as before; and from N, H; 0> draw Lines perpendicular to the Ground , then make FFK equal to the propofed Height, and drawKL, which will give one Side : Again, make PQ.J the Part above the horizontal Line) to PO- (£he Part below the horizontal Line) as IX is to* IH (which- in 'this Fi- gure is as z is to, 3), and draw K% which will compl eat the Re- prefentation propofed. For if HO. and K Qjvere continued, they would meet in a Point upon the horizontal Line^. This Method of determining the Appearance of any Line, when its vanifhing Point is out of the Picture,. is> extremely ufeful ; and therefore, the Reader cannot make, it too familiar to him; the general Method for which I have, farther explainednn Figure 4 u VI.- To find the Reprejentativns of Cubes^ both above and below the Horizontal Line, when feme oj their Sides are parallel to the PiBure. Case. Iv When below the Horizontal Line. Let abeg Be one Side given. Draw bC, eC, and gC, and Fig. H: find the vanifhing Point H of the Diagonal e f, by Figure 1 1 ; and draw eH cutting Cginf; then from f, draw fd parallel to the horizontal Line, cutting eC in d ; and then draw d c parallel to ebi and the Reprefentation is compleated. And for the Cube E-Make the front-fide like the Cube A, and draw Lines from the upper Corners to the Center V C ; then by continuing eg and fd we may compleat the other alfo ; as in the Figure. And therefore^, having got one Reprefentation, That will be fufficient for any, Number of thefameKind, provided theyftand all in the fameLine, a n j that is, at the fame Diftance from the Bottom of the Picture. * Suppofc A B fa four Parts, and BR one Parr- then divide JfcH int« five Parts ; . and thea a nh to £ D as R B to B A ; that is, as one to four. Book II. D Cass z& Of O ejects perkndieular ftp the Q'k^vu 3*. Case 2. When above tke Horizontal Line, as B*md D. Here let the Reader obferve, that the Rule in either Cafe is tne fame and therefore he is to proceed in the fame Manner in firtd* ing the Heprefentation of a Cube above the Eye, as we have done in determining the Appearance of a Cube below the Eye j which is fufficiently explained by the Figures.— And fo likewife for the Depth m o, of the Parallelopiped F ; wfcich is found by drawing a Line from the Corner n, to the vanishing Point of the Diagonal H. VII. Of a Cube and Parallelopiped, whofe Sides &re all oblique with the Picture, Case i» Of .the Cube. if ig. 24. Let a b be given, whofe vanishing Point is L; and let H be the vanifhing Point of the other Side ag. From a, draw a 1 parallel to the horizontal Line, and make L A equal to the Diitance LE; tthen through b, draw A 14 cutting A 1 in 1 ; and then is a 1 equal to a b ; and from a and b draw Lines perpendicular to the .horizontal Line, and make a e equal to a 1 j then from e, draw «L, cutting be in c; and then we fliall have one Side : Again, from c and e, draw Lines to H, and from e, draw a Line to C, and from h draw a Line to L, which will cut each other in k, and fo finifh the Reprefentation ; which will be three Feet long, one Foot thick, and one Foot high. VIIL ?p @f Q b J e*c T s perpendicular to the G r o u n d. 2 ^HT.. To Reprefentation of an Hexangular Figure \ both above and below the Eye. Case i .. When below the Eye. Let ab be one Side given, and; let H and L be the vanifliing Fig. Points of the other Sides. — Continue ab on cither Side, at plea- fore, and make ai, b 2, equal to ah ; then cut off a e and bf>, equal to 1 a and 2b; and from e, a, b, f, draw Perpendiculars to ab ; then make ad equal to the propofed Height, and draw c d. parallel to ab; then from c and d, draw Lines to L and H, cut- ting f h and eg in h and. g; and from g and h, draw Lines to L and H, and from c and d, draw Lines to C, cutting them in ju and k.j; finally,, draw ik, which will be parallel, to cd, and: will, fee the Reprefentation propofed. Case 2.. Whm abme the Eye,. Let m n be one Side given, and H, L, the vanimihgPoihts of the other Sides, as before.—- Continue mn, at. pleafure, as 3 4, from whence the other Sides may be found, , and confequently, the whole Reprefentation; as is evident, by the Figure:: In which I. have put every Line in the Operation, to make it eafy to be under- stood without any further Explanation* Erom hence then it follows, , that the Appearance of any Objects may be as eafily determined ■ above, the horizontal Line as below it;: fmce one Rule ferves in both Cafes;, and therefore it matters not whether, we begin our Work at the Bottom or at the Top of the Pifture.. Now, this Method of finding the Reprefentation of, Ob- jects is of prodigious Ufe. . For fuppofe it was required to draw the Reprefentation of the Top of any Building; we need notfketch. out any more of it than is to appear upon the Picture ; but we may begin in the very Place where that Top is to be, without, undergoing the tedious Tafk of beginning at the Bottom of fuch . & Building, and afterwards rubbing out what is not to appear.. IX. To put an Off angular Building into Perfpe5live. Let ah be one Side given, and let H, C, L, be the vaniftiing Fig. Points of the feveral Sides. — Find the Reprefentations of the Sides, as ah, be, and cd, which are vifible to the Eye (by Fig. 15.) and from the feveral Points h, a, b, c, d, draw Perpendiculars to the Bot- tom of the Picture; then make ak equal to the propofed Height, and draw kg parallel to ab, which compleats one Side; then from k D z draw £f Of Ob ject s 'perpendicular to the nor Pozzo, not JL many others, feem to have had the leaft Knowledge of ; for they have confined themfelvcs wholly to the horizontal Line, with* out confidcring any other vanifhing Line ; and therefore, when they have fhewn how to find the Appearances of inclined Objects, they did it by means of Plans, Elevations, &c. which is not only a tedious, but an uncertain Method. But, Dr. Taylor has fhewn us, that inclined Objects have their proper vanifhing Lines and Points, as well as thofe Objects which lie flat upon the Ground, or are perpendicular to it ; and that the Method for determining the Appearance of Objects in either Cafe, is exactly the fame. Which wc are now going to demonftrate. I n Of Objects inclined to the Q R p u p; fig. 3©- I, fo fnd the Representation if a Square, by means of its. Diagonals only, when it is fituated like G H I K, Fig. 18. Method i . Let a b be the lower Edge. Continue ab to its vanifhing Point C, and through C, draw EV perpendicular to HL, which will be the vanifhing Line ef the propofed Plane ; then make C€ equal to the Diftance of the Eye, and draw AB parallel to the horizontal Line , upon which make the Square ABC D of any convenient Bignefs, and draw its Dia- gonals AC, BD-, then from draw e drawn within thofe Squares, w ill vanifh into this Line, for the ame Reafon that all the oblique Lines which can be drawn within a Square that lies upon the Ground, will vanifh into the horizontal Line. And from hence alfo we may conceive, why Roofs, Pedi- ments, &c. will have their proper vanifhing Points as well as any other Objects. For let a b e be the End of a Roof or Pediment, then is E the vanifhing Point of the Side a e which is next the Eye, and V is the vanifhing Point of the other Side b e ; and if Lines are drawn through E and V, parallel to the horizontal Line, then thefe Lines will be the vanifhing Lines of the Sides of the Roof, for the fame Reafon that E V is the vanifhing Line of its Ends : As is. evident from the next Figure. 11. r$ Of Objects Inclined to the Ground. tl, find the vani/hing Lines and vanifhing Points of a Roof, when Fig. 31. the End of the Building is fituated like abed in the laft Figure, Draw the vanifhing Line I J, as before taught, and make C€ equal to the Diftance of the Picture. — -Parallel to the horizontal One, (or if you pleafe upon the horizontal Line) draw AB, upon which, draw the End of the Roof, as ABC ; tlien from (£, draw (£V, <& L, parallel to AC y BG, cutting the vanifhing Line in V and *L j then are V and L the vanifhing Points of the inclined Edges ac, b e. Again, through V and L draw Wlfy and v j parallel to the horizontal Line, and then will WL % be the vanifhing Line of the inclined Side aecd, and vl will be the vanifhing Line of the inclined Side bed. Now in order to find any vanifhing Point upon either of the vanifhing; Lines oft %, or vl, we muft proceed exactly in the fame ■manner as in finding any vanifhing Point upon the horizontal Line; namely, by fetting off* the Diflance of the vanifhing Line,' and then drawing Lines from thence parallel to any original Linea whofe vanifhing Points are required. Thus, let it be required to find the vanifhing Points of the Diagonals of a Square, whofe Sides vanifh into the Center V, of the vanifhing Line cEX > like ab, dc, Figure 32.— Make VI equal to V<£, and LJ equal to L<£j then at I and J, with the Lines VI, LJ, make Angles of 45 De- grees each, as in the Figure, and draw the Lines IU, l% y Jv and J„l ; which will give the vanifhing Points propofed. — Or it may be done by making BV, HV, ^r. equal to the Diflance Vdc^ which comes to the fame Thing. For fuppofe the Picliire removed into the Place of the gal Figure; where U% is the vanifliing Line of Fig. & the Square abfg, and WL and % the vanifliing Points of its Diago- nals; and let ab be one Edge of the Square, which ftands upon the Ground. — FrOm a and b draw "Lines to V, which is the vanifli- ing Point of the Sides a e, bd; and then from b draw a Line to 511, and from a, draw a Line to U, cutting aV and bV in f and g* finally, draw gf; and then will abfg be the Reprefentation of a Square inclined to the Ground, like the Line A C, Fig. 31. And in like Manner, if another Square was required, as fged, it may be found by repeating the laft Operation ; that is, by means of the Diagonals, as is evident by infpe&ing the Figure : Or any Number of Squares may be found by the fame Method. From whence it is manifeft, that the Reprefentation of any inclined Object may 'very eafily be determined, and made of any given Proportion. And 32 (yO-BjrcTs inclined to the Gro^n-d» And what has been faid about the inclined Side abect, is equally applicable to the oppofite inclined Side ;, fmce the only Difference confifts in working below the horizontal Line, inftead of -above it i For vl is its vanifhing Line, and' v and 1 the vanifhing Points of the Diagonals, &c.~ I have added the Figure A, which reprefenti, as it were, the Frame-work of the other and will ferve to explain the Thing more fully. The principal Difficulty in determining the Reprefcntation of any inclined Planes, lies in finding the Center and Diftance of their* peculiar vanifhing Lines j therefore, before we proceed any further, we will give fome general Rules for that Purpofe, as is moreover explained by the 50th Figure. I. To, find the Center of a vanifhing Line. Pig^ M> Let fl&L be a vanifhing Line given. — From C the Center of? the Picture, draw C H perpendicular to the vanifhing Line L, and? then is H the Center of that vanifhing Line. Again, lelSML be d vanifhing Line given. — From C the Center of the Picture, draw CO perpendicular to WL% y and then is O the Center of that vanifh- ing Line.. sr. To find the DiHance of a vamping Line. Continue the Perpendicular C H, at pleafure, towards draw HE, with which, at E, make a right Angle, and draw EH; then is % the vaniihing Point of the Side ae which rells upon the Ground ; therefore, draw aH and b % ; then find the vaniihing Point of the Diagonal of a Square, whofe vaniihing Points are H and %, and from a, draw aD, cutting b% in d; then from WL draw a Line through d, which will cut aH in e, and thereby com- pleat the Reprefentation propofed. M e t hod 3* By cutting off one Line equal to another Line given. From the Corner a draw af parallel to the vaniihing Line Wi% 3 and make af equal to one Side of the intended Square then fet off UF equal to 5111, and draw Ff, cutting aflfl in b; and then is ab equal to af. Again,, from a and b draw ■t}f Objects Inclined to the Ground; draw alt, b% y and from a draw ag parallel to the horizontal Line, and make it equal to af; then fet off %G equal to %E f and draw Gg, cutting aH in e ; then is ae equal to ag, that is, equal to af* therefore, draw e0, which compleats the Squarp gibed ; finally, draw aH and bL, which will finifh the whole Figure, Method 4. By having the vani/hing Line <&% given, at pkafure* From the Center of the Picture draw CO perpendicular to the vanifhing Line WL %, and fet off the Diftance of the vanifhing Line -fiom O to I, and let ab be one Side given,— Continue ab 'till it cuts the vanifhing Line in its proper vanifhing Point iti, and from WL draw 3131; then at I make a right Angle, and draw IH; and then is % the vanifhing Point of the Sides ae, bd; and by finding the Point D, the Square may be compleated, as before. Again, for the upright End j— Continue the horizontal Line at pleafure, and make IX € equal to 32, 33; when they are inclined to the Ground, "but have fome of their Edges parallel to the Picture, like a b, ed, Fig. 32. they will then vanifh into Lines parallel to the horizontal Line; and will be above the horizontal Line when the Plane leans from the Eye, and below the horizontal Line when the Plane leans towards the Eye; but when the inclined Planes are every way oblique with the Picture, the Eye, and the Ground, like Fig. 34, then the vanifhing Points of thek feveral inclined Sides will vanifh into Lines aflant the horizontal Line, like (E %. Now, thefe being all the Variety of vanifliing Lines which can ever happen in common Practice, it were needlefs to produce any other Examples E a o£ Of O b J e c T s inclined to the G r o u n d; of this Kind : But to affifl the Curious in determining the Repre- fentations of Regular Solids, * or fuch-like complicated Bodies, I have added the fix following Figures ; which may be omitted by the Generality of my Readers, as Things more curious than ufeful; and which are not in the leaft eflential to common Practice ; and therefore, they are. now referred to the next Chapter. 3*. V. Tq fni the Reprefentation of a Cube that refy upon one of its Edges a b. Example i . When fame of its Edges > as a b, c d, f e, are parallel ' to the Pi&ure*. Let ab be one Edge given-, which let us fuppofe refts upon thc„ Ground. Now, becaufe the Edges ab, &c. are parallel. to the Pic- ture, therefore the End adf g will be perpendicular to the Picture;, and confequently, the vanifhing Line VL of that. End will pafs through the Center of the Picture,, and will be perpendicular to the horizontal Line l And. if we fuppofe the Diagonal af to be. perpendicular to the Ground, then the vanifhing Point of the other Diagonal dg will be the Center of the Picture, becaufe it is pa- rallel to the Ground. Therefore, through C draw the vanifhing; Line VL, and make C<£ equal to theDiftance of the Eye 5 then at C make a Square, in fuch a manner that its Diagonal 1 2 may be parallel to the vanifhing Line VL; or, which is the fame thing) make the other Diagonal a Part of the horizontal Line then draw <£ V and then from L draw Lines through a and b, and continue them at pleafurej and from 1, (which is the vanifhing Point of the Diagonal) draw a Line through b, cutting Ld in d ; then from d, draw dc parallel to ab, which will com- pleat the Face abed. Again, from a and d draw Lines to V, and from d draw another Line to C, cutting a V in g 3 and from L * Regular Solids, are Bodies terminated by regular Planes, and are five in Number, viz. h the Tetrahedron ; 2. the Hexahedron, or Cube; 3. the O&ahedron ; 4. the Dodecahe- dron j and y. the leofahedron : The firft of which is compofed of four equal and equilateral Triangles; thefecond, of fix geometrical Squares ; the third, of eight equal and equilateral Triangles ; the fourth, of 12 regular Pentagoas ; and the fifth, of a* eq«al and equilateral Triangles. * * draw Of Ob j fi c r s inclined to the O r © u n d. f a Cube in the above Situation. Let us now, without any Regard to a particular Situation of the fube, iuppofc ab one Edge-given, 0 its vanifhing Point, .and .01 its vanifhing Line 5 and let C be the Center of the Picture, and CE its Diflance.— Find the Center and Diflance of the vanifhing Line SI I, and draw^C; then, at * make a right Angle, and draw (tU and Of Ob j e c t s inclined to the Grounc, 39 and then will I be the vanifhing Point of the Edge ac; and by finding tlie vanifhing Point H of the Diagonal be, the Face abed may be compleated. For,, from the- vanifhing Point !, draw a Line through the Center of the Picture, and continue it at pleafure, (as IKj) then from C draw a Line perpendicular to IK, and make CE equal to the Diftance of the Eye; then draw IE, and at E make a right Angle ; then draw E K , cutting IK in K 3 finally through. K draw a Line parallel to CE, which will pafs through the vanifhing Point P, and produce the vanifhing Line fill % of the Face c d e f. Again, from % and I draw %I, which will give the vanifhing Line of the other Side ac f g.. I have dwelt the longer upon this laft Figure, as it is a very curious Example, and, as it were,, opens theJWay to the Projection ©f all the regular Solids. Example 4, To find the Representation of a regular Tetrahedron, Big. 38, repofmg upon one of its Faces. This alfomay be done eafieft by finding a perpendicular Plane which is fuppofed to pafs through the Middle of the Body, as ade.-- Now in order to find the Inclination of the Sides of this perpendi- cular Plane, draw an Equilateral Triangle A G F, and divide the Side G F into two equal Parts, and draw A E ;. then at E, with the Diftance EA, defcribe an Arc; and at A, with the Diftance AG, defcribe: another Are, cutting the former Arc in D; then draw AD* ED; and then will AD be the Inclination of the Edge ab, and is 55 Degrees; and ED is the Inclination of the Edge ed, and is 70 Degrees. Having thus got the Inclination of the above Edges, the next thing is to find the Reprefentation of the Face a b c, the va- nifhing Points of whofe oblique Sides are H, L. Bifect the Angle HEL, and draw E C ; then is C the vanifhing Point of a Line that will divide the Side b c into two equal Parts ; and therefore C is the vanifhing Point of ae, that is, of the Bottom of the perpendicular Plane a de. Again, through C draw WL D perpendicular to the horizontal Line, and continue it at pleafure ; and then is OX D the vanifhing Line of the Plane ader Then at E, the Diftance of the vanifhing Line 5L1 D, make an Angle with the Line CE equal to 55 Degrees, and draw E 511 ; and then is 0 the vanifhing Point of the Edge ad. Again, make another Angle at E of 70 Degrees, and draw ED; and then is D the vanifhing Point of the Side de, by which means the Plane a d e may be compleated ; and by draw- ing bd, and cd 3 the whole Figure will be finifhed. — Or it may be done 4® Vf Objtects incfined to the Ground; . the Incli- nation of the Edge ad, which, we obferved before, was 4a Angle of 55 Degrees. Thus, make an Angle of 55 Degrees at E, and draw E5U ; then fmce H is the vanifhing Point of the Edge sb, and 3ft is the vanifhing Point of the Edge ad, therefore by draving 211 H, and continuing it at pleafure, we (hall have the vanifhing Line U% \ and by rinding the Center and Diftance of that vanifhing Line, and making two Angles of 60 Degrees each at C, we mall have the va- nifhing Points of all the Edges of the Side abd; and confequently, by joining d c, the Figure will be compleated. — What is faid of the vanifhing Line 311 % } may be faid alfo of the other vanifhing Line Exa.mple 5. to put a Canted Cube \ into PerfpeBive, refting upon one of its Square Faces, T,et a c be one Edge of its under Face, A its vanifhing Point, and H the vanifliing Point of another Edge of the under Face ; that is, let A and H .be .the vanifhing Points of a Square that lies flat upon the Ground. — Through H draw F I perpendicular to the horizontal Line, and make H<£ equal to the Diftance of the vanifliing Line FX Then at torn of the Picture ; and then, by drawing Lines to the proper va- nifhing Point of each Line, as in the Figure,, the whole Reprefen- tation may be compleated, exactly in the fame Manner as if the original Figure had been drawn out under the Picture. In the next Place, I fhall lhew how to determine the Appear- ance of thofe Sorts of Objects which moft frequently occur in common Practice ; for this will explain more fully the Ufe of the preceding Rules, and at the fame Time, will mew the Shortnels and Expeditioufnefs of this Method of Perfpective. And as I have by former Examples, fo I mall likewife, in the next Section, make ufe of fuch Objects as are fimple in their Parts, and of the moft gene- ral Ufe. To explain my felf more fully. A Pedeftal, for inftance, is but one Part of an Order in Architecture, and the Idea we have of it is, of its being the Bafe, or Support, of a Column; but by enlarging the Idea of a Pedeftal to that of a large fquare Building, enriched with Mouldings, &c. we may then eonfider it as fuch a Building y and therefore, we may conceive, that the fame Rules by which the Appearance of a Pedeftal is determined upon the Pic- ture, will ferve for finding the Reprefentation of any Building which is fimilar to it. In like manner, as to the Situation of Ob- jects which are perpendicular to the Ground, (fuch as the Walls of Buildings, and the like) they muft be either perpendicular to the Picture, parallel to the Picture, or oblique with it ; as we have (hewn before : And therefore, one Example in each Situation, adapted in a general Manner, will be of much more Service than 4en thoufand. different Schemes by way of Examples ; for the one fixes 48 General Rules, &c, fixes our Attention to a particular Set of ufeful and general Ideas but the other diffracts the Mind with Confufion and Obfcurity. * The fame Arguments will appear equally true, if we apply them to the particular Parts of any Building, fuch as Columns, Mould- ings, and the like. For, nrft, in regard to Columns; by this Method, we have no Regard to Plans, Elevations, &c. and there- fore, it matters not where we begin the Operation, whether at the Top, the Bottom, or at the Middle of it ; fb that one Rule alfo in this Cafe will appear to beuniverfal: And in refpect to Mouldings, they mull be either plain or curvilinear, either above or below the Eye ; and therefore, one Rule in either Cafe will be fufficient for our Purpofe. The fame may be faid of every other Example in this Section ; but what has been faid already, will, I hope, be fufficient to explain the Senfe of the following Figures, and to filence any Objections which may be made againft my not having fwell'd my Work with more ornamental Schemes, or, as they are generally called, Curious Examples, The firft Example which I fhall produce, is the Tuscan Pkbestal, in order to fliew how to find the Representation of ftrait Mouldings, when they are either parallel, perpendicular, or oblique with the Picture, or when they are either above or below the Eye. In the 5 2d Figure one Side is parallel to the Picture, the other perpendicular to it ; and in the 53d Figure, both Sidet are oblique with the Picture. SECT. II. The foregoing Rules of PerfpeSfhe more particularly applied to common Practice. I. fc 5 Tuscan Pedestal into Perfpettive. 1. When one of its Sides is parallel to the Picture, then the other Side will he perpendicular to it*, fo that one Rule will do in both Cajes. Tig. 52. T ET AB reprefent the Bottom of the Plinth in Front.— -Now, 1 j from this one Line AB, the Appearance of the whole Pedeftal may be found: For continue AB at pleafure, and draw a i ine I K perpendicular thereto, and make I K equal to the Height of the Pedeftal ; then, upon IK, draw the Capital and Bafe iif their proper Proportions ; This being done, continue Lines from each* Moulding, General Rules applied to common FraBice. Moulding, which will form feveral Rectangles, and thereby -divide the Planes i 2 34, 56 78, into a Sort of Net- Work ; then, by- putting thefe Planes into Perfpeclive (as iia the Figure) we mail have fufficient Guides for drawing all the Mouldings. But to be more particular in the Operation. Make AD equal to AB, and cut off AE equal to AD ; from whence the Plinth may be com- pleated. — In like Manner, for the Die. — Draw the Diagonals upon the Top of the Plinth, and any where upon the Edge hg, fet off" the Projection of the Plinth, as 1 9 ; then draw one Line from 1 to C, and another Line from 9 to L, which will give the Projec- tion 1 2; then, if you draw a Line through 2 parallel to hg, it will cut the Diagonals ah, bg, and give the Corners of the Front Side; and if you draw a Line from b to C, it will cut the Diagonal dc, and give the further Corners ; therefore, by drawing Perpen- diculars from a, b, c, we mail have all the Edges of the Die which can appear in this Situation. — As to the Height of the Die, or the Height of the feveral Mouldings, they may be found by drawing a Perpendicular from the neareft Corner of the Reprefentation, as B H, and transferring thereon the feveral Heights from I K, as in the Figure ; then by drawing Lines from the feveral Points upon B H (which meafures the Height of each Moulding) to the vanifh- ing Point of the Diagonal ah, we ftiall have thofe Heights tranf- ferred unto the Edge am of the Die; thus ai and km are the Heights of the Bafe and Cornice ; fo that by finding the Appear- ance of the Planes 1234, 5678, and drawing the Mouldings therein, and by drawing the triangular Planes at the Corners, we may finifh the whole Reprefentation with the utmoft Eafe'and Expedition. But before we begin to draw out any Object in Pcripeclive, we muft firft confider, whether the Whole, or only a Part of it, is to appear ; and muft fketch out the Size we intend it fliall be of, or, at leaft, give one Line for its greateft Dimenfion. Thus, if the whole Pedeftal is to appear, then give AB, which is neareft the Eye, and call it the utmoft Length of the Plinth : But if only the Top is to appear, then give H O, and call it the utmoft Extent of the Cornice ; then, by cutting off O r equal to O M, that is, equal to O H, we ftiall have the Depth O r of the Cornice, &e. from whence, and with the Affiftance of the Plane 5678, (which is found exactly in the fame Manner as the Plane 1 2 3 4) we may compleat the whole that is wanted. Book II, G Now £0 General Rules applied to common Practice. Now, in order to do all this, it is neceflary that the Artift fhould (as was obferved before) be able to apply: the preceding Rules with, the greater!: Readinefs particularly That which teaches how to, cut off one Line equal to another Line given. 2. When both Sides are oblique with the Picture. Fig- 53. In this Figure, let A be the neareft Corner of the Plinth, AC, AB, the Length of two Sides A G, AF, and Ak the Height of the whole Pedeftal properly divided ; (that is, like BH in the laft Figure.} — Cut off AF, AG, equal to AB, AC, and draw the Plinth and the Diagonals upon the upper Square ; then draw i b parallel to A B, and make it equal to the Projection of the Plinth then cut off i c equal to i b, and from c draw Lines to H, and from i draw a Line to C, (the vanifhing Point of the Diagonal I 2) which cutting each other in 2, will give the Edge 2 7; and by drawing Lines from 2 to their proper vanifhing Points L and H, they will cut the Diagonal k g, and thereby give the other Corners of the Die, as in the Figure. For the Height of the Mouldings ; draw Lines from 4 and 5 to C, which will cut 2 7 in the Points required; by which means the triangular Planes aik> f b g, &c. may be found, and from thence the Mouldings may be compleated. Here alfo, if we want only the upper Part, we may begin at the Point 8, making 8E, 8D, each equal to the Length of the Cap, &c. then, by finding the Plane 5678, as in the former Cafe, we jhall have funicient Guides for compleating the Figure. Here let us obferve, that when the Pedeftal has one Side parallel to the Picture, then the Plane 1234, (Fig. 52) which is a Guide for the Moulding, may be begun any where upon the Edge a b ; But when it is oblique with the Picture, then we mufl begin from the neareft Corner, as a ; and by attending to the Figures, we may conceive, that in the firft Cafe, the Mouldings in the Directing Plane, are like the Ends of Mouldings cut off fquare ; but in the latter Cafe, they are like Mouldings cut off at what is called the Mitre Joint. And from hence we may alfo obferve, that all the Difficulty in putting Mouldings intoPerfpective, lies in finding the little Planes 1234, &c. and therefore the Reader fhould confider them attentively before he proceeds any farther. II. Of General Rules applied to common PraBice* II. Of Circular Mouldings, &c* The Method for determining the Appearance of Circular Mouldings, is much the fame as that for finding the Reprefentation of ftraight Mouldings, viz. by imagining a Plane to pafs through the Mouldings in a perpendicular Manner, and then putting that Plane into Perfpeclive : As in the two laft Figures. i . To put a Tuscan Base into Perjpetfive. Give one Line for the Width of the Plinth, and draw out the Fig. 54, proper Projection of the Mouldings, and the Plane ABCD ; then cut off the oblique Side equal to the Front, and compleat the Plinth ; after which, draw the Diameters and the Diagonals upon the Top of the Plinth, as in the Figure ; and then draw the Reprefenta- tion of a Circle for the Seat of the lower Torus. Again, for the Bottom of the Shaft of the Column 5 from the Center H of the Column, draw the Perpendicular HL, and from a, where the Diameter ae cuts the Plinth, draw ad parallel to H; then make ad equal to the Height of the Mouldings AD, and from d draw a Line to C, which will cut HL in I ; then will I be the Center of the Square for the Bottom of the Column : Therefore, upon the upper Edge of the Plinth, and from the Point a, make a 1 equal to the whole Projection of the Mouldings j then cut off ab equal to a 1, and draw be parallel to ad, which will give the little Plane for the Mouldings j within which draw the Mould- ings; and then we mall perceive that c is the Middle of the neareft Edge of the upper Square : Therefore, through c draw a Line EF parallel to the Edge B 1 of the Plinth ; then from H draw a Line through the Center 1, cutting EF in E, and then is cE half the Width of the Square : Therefore make cF equal to cE, and from thence compleat the Square, and within it draw the Repre- sentation of the Circle, as in the Figure : Finally, from the Extre- mity of each Circle draw the two oblique Lines 2, 3, which toge- ther with the little Plane for the Mouldings, &c, will be fufficient Guides for compleating the whole Bafe, as was propofed ; which is evident by infpecting the Figures 57 and 59. As for making Columns, &c . of any given Proportion, or at any Diftance ; the Rule for cutting of a Line in any given Propor- tion, in the 43 d Figure, is fufficient for that Purpofe* 2. TV General' Rules applied to common Practice. 2. To put # Tuscan Capital into Perfpe&ive. Fig. $$. Let K be the Center of the Square for the Bottom of the Capi- tal. — Through K draw a Line AB parallel to the horizontal Line at pleafure, and from f and e of the Bafe, draw Lines parallel to- the Axis HI of the Column, cutting the above Line in E and F^ then is EF the Diameter of the Column : Therefore diminifh it ia its proper Propertion, as 3 4 ; then is 3 4 the Diameter of the Neck of the Column : Therefore with the Line 3 4 draw the Appearance of a Square, and in that Square draw the Reprefentation of a Circle as before directed ; fo mall we have a Guide for the under Part of the Capital. Again, make KI equal to KF, (that is, equal to Half the Diameter of the Column) and through I draw.GH parallel to AB, then make IG, IH, each equal to KA, or KB, (that is, equal to Half the Diameter of the Top of the Abacus) and then with the Line GH draw the Appearance of another Square, which will reprefent the Top of the Abacus : Finally,, from C draw a Line through I, cutting the Edge 5 6 in a, and from a fet off a 1 for the Projection of the Capital, and draw the little Plane abed for the Mouldings, as before : From whence the remaining Part of the Capital may be compleated, as in the 56th and 59th Figures*.. I mall juft mention a Method for finding the Point where the. Diagonal of a Square will be cut by a Circle inferibed in that Square ; which may be of ufe in this and fome other Cafes. It is Fig. 54. this: Divide the Edge BG into feven equal Parts; then fet one Part from each Corner, as B4, G5, and draw Lines to C, which will cut the Diagonals in the Points required. I do not fay, this is mathematically exact, but, I prefume, it is near enough for the intended Purpofe. Thefe are the moft limple, as well as the moft general Methods I can think of for mix'd Mouldings ; and I believe any Perfon who is but tolerably fkilled in Drawing, will find them fufficient for his Purpofe, upon all Occafions. 3. To find the Reprefentation of a Corinthian Capital. 1 Fig. 62. Let AB be the Diameter of the under Part of the Capital, and let ca be the Center, or Axis, of the Capital, properly divided for the Height of its Leaves, Volutes, and Abacus. — From the Line *' In this Cafe tne Projection of the Capital, (according to Mr. Gibbs, from whofe Book I have taken my Proportions) is one fixth Part cf its Length, and the Projections of any other Mouldings may be determined in the fame ctfy Manner by a Scale and Compafles.S AB, Qeneral Rules applied to common Practice* 53. AB„ which is given, find the Appearance of a Square, in which,, draw the Diameters and Diagonals, and then the Reprefentation of the Circle ; which will determine the Places for the Stalks of the great Leaves, as reprefented by the Dots : Again, through o draw bd parallel to AB, and make ob, od, each equal to half the un- der Part of the Abacus with which Line b d, draw the Appear- ance of another Square, and divide it like the Plan 1234, Fig. Z. of the under Part of the Abacus, and then draw the Reprefenta- tion of it, as in the Figure : Again, through a, draw another Line parallel to bd, and make it equal to the upper Part of the Abacus 5 then, by finding the Reprefentation of the Square a b c d, Fig. Z, we may draw the Appearance of the upper Part of the Abacus, and from thence compleat the Abacus, as in the 60th Fi- gure: Finally, find the Middle of each Face of the Abacus, as n, e, and draw Lines n 1, &c. to the correfponding Points at the Bottom of the Capital; then find the Height of the Leaves by drawing Lines from C through the Dots in c a, 'till they cut 1 n in 2 and 3 s after which draw the Bafket; then, by a nice Eye, compleat the Capital beginning as is exemplified in the 60th Figure. — The Lines drawn from the Corners of the upper and under Square, will ferve as Guides to prevent our giving the Leaves too much Projection. In Fig. 61, the Capital is compleated, and the Figures X and Z are added to explain the Thing more fully ; one of which is the Plan, and the other Half the Profile of a Capital. Here it is necefTary to take Notice, that upon Account of bring- ing the Diftance of the Pifture within the Compafs of each Plate, and to make the Figures as large as poflible, feme of them have not that agreeable Shape which could be wifhedi but if the Reader will choofe a greater Diftance, and follow thefe Rules, he will find every Objection of this kind, that may arife, immediately vaniih, III. Of Columns parallel and oblique 'with the Eye. I. Let it be required to find the Appearance of two Columns in Front , Fig. 63. and let a b. be the Diameter of the under Part of the Plinth », and € the Center of the Column^ Continue ab at pleafure, and any where upon it, as at A, draw a Line AB perpendicular to Ab; upon which Line fet the feveral Heights for the Bafe, Capital, Entablature, &c. then from c>, the Center of the Column, draw a Line cd parallel to AB, and 'General Hu7es applied to common TraSfiee. and from tlie feveral Divifions upon AB, draw Lines parallel to the horizontal Line, which will cut cd, and give the Heights of the Bafe, Capital, and Entablature. Now, having got the ieveral Heights, we are to confider cd as the Axis of the Column, (that is, a Line which paries through the Middle of it) and then at every Dot make a Square, equal to the Diameter of that Part of the Column, &c. which that Dot ftands for : Thus ab is the under Part of the Plinth, and by means of H, and the Diagonal i 2, we may compleat the firft Square. So alio, r is the Square for the Bottom of the Shaft, p for where the Column begins to di mi- nim, t for the Top of the Shaft, and v for the Top of the Abacus ; and therefore, having got thefe feveral Squares, we mall have fufficient Guides for compleating a Column of any Order. Again, for the other parallel Column ex. — From c to e, and upon the Line AB continued, fet off the Diftance which the Center of one Column is from the other, and draw ex* upon which, fet off the feveral Heights, as before, from the Line AB, and then find the feveral Squares, as before directed, 2. For oblique Columns. Upon AB continued, fet off the Diftance which the Centers of thofe Columns are from the Center of the Corner Column, and draw a Line from e to C; then cut off e m, en, equal to ef, eg, and from the oblique Sides of the Square e, draw Lines to C; from whence the other Squares m and n may be compleated, as before. — For their Heights,-- -Draw mo and nq, parallel to ex, and from x draw xC, which will give their feveral Heights. Now, if we would put an Entablature over the Columns ; then, the Height of the Architrave, Freeze, and Cornice, may be drawn from their refpective Divifions, upon the Line AB ; and the Ap- pearance of the Mouldings peculiar to each Part, may be found by the Rules already laid down for that Purpofe. Or, they may be found thus,— Let agbf, in the Figure %, re£refent the upper Part the real Picture may either be laid flat upon a Floor; or elfe have Rules made to fix upon the back Part of the ftraining Frame by Screws, or fome fuch Contrivance, whereby, and with the Aflif- tance of fmall Twine fixed upon Pins at each vanifhing Point, we may produce almoft every Reprefentation which can be defired. Book II. H The General Rules applied to common Tradlice* The three following Figures I have not only given as Examples in Perfpefrive, but have attempted to difpofe each Object in fuch a Manner as to produce agreeable Shapes, EfFecT:, &c. — The firft reprefents a Variety of Figures tending to various vanifhing Points in the horizontal Line, below the horizontal Line and above it : amongft which, are the five regular Solids y and the whole together, contains all the Rules and Principles of Perfpec- tive. The next Figure is a View of Framlingbam Caftle in Suffolk \ a Place of great Antiquity, and formerly the Seat of the Howards, Mowbrays, &c. which is produced in this Place as an Example of a Building that tends to feveral vanifhing Points upon the hori- zontal Line only : And the laft Figure is an Example of a Land* ikip, by a very great Genius in that Way. CHAP; B2. XV. CHAP. IV. Of the Parallel Picture, fuch as Cielings, or the like $ or what is ufually c ailed > Hori- zontal Perfpe£tive> THIS Kind of Perfpective is extremely eafy, becaufe little more is required to be known than what has been already taught in Seel. II. Chap. II. of this Book ; viz. How to find the Appearance of Objects which are fuppofed to lie upon the Ground. For mod Objects which are drawn upon Cielings, are fuppofed to be perpendicular to them ; and therefore, the Rules for determining the Reprefentations of Objects in this Manner, are exactly the fame as thofe for determining the Reprefentations of Objects which lie flat upon the Ground, in the perpendicular Pic- ture j and confequently, the Rules which ferve in one Cafe, will ferve in the other alfo. The firft Things to be coniidered in thefe and the like Repre- fentations, are, the Diftance of the Eye, and the Center of the Picture. — As to the Diftance of the Eye, that is unalterable, be- caufe the Picture is fixed therefore, if the Cieling be fo large, or fo low, as to fubtend too great an Angle at the Eye ; that is, if ■ the longeft Dimenfions of the Cieling be much greater than the Diftance at which the Spectator is to look at it; then, in this Cafe, the Cieling fhould be divided into Compartments, which may ferve as Frames for the intended perfpective Reprefentations : And we muftbe always careful, when we take the Height of any Cieling from the Floor, to deduct the Height of the Spectator's Eye there- from, which is ufually about 5 Feet 6 Inches. And in regard to the Center of the Picture, the general (and, I believe, the beft) Method has been, to fix it in the Middle of the Picture, unlefs any Thing prevents the Eye from feeing it conveniently from that Place j becaufe then there will be a Uniformity of the Parts, which will agree with each other, and be more likely to deceive the Eye. And it is to be obferved, that in thefe Kinds of fixed, or im- moveable Pictures, the Spectator ftiould always fix his Eye directly againft the Center of the Picture ; for otherwife the Reprefenta- tions will not have their defired Effect, H 2 £Tow, 6o Of Horizontal Perspective. Now, in order to draw any Piece of Perfpective upon a CieliW the belt Way feems to be this, viz. Take the Dimenfion of the Cielmg, and make an exact Calculation of the Diftance and Height of the Eye j then draw out the intended Defign upon a large Piece of Paper, by Way of Model, and from thence transfer it unto Canvas, with the Addition of Colouring, Effect, &c. and finally, from thence draw it upon the Cieling, by Net- Work. I. To draw upon a deling a Deception, which, viewed from a proper Point, Jhall appear like the Sides of the Room continued upwards. FlS 74' Let ABFD be a Cieling drawn upon Paper to a certain Scale • ' 4 * and let E be the Eye, EC its Diflance, and C the. Center of the Pi&ure.^ Now, let it be required to make the Cieling appear as if the Sides of the Room were continued upwards equal to the Length A B.— Through the Center of the Picture draw E 1, E 2, parallel to A B, which maybe confidered as the horizontal Line \ then draw Lines from the Corners A, B, F, D, to the Center C y and make CEi equal to CE ; by which means A a may be cut off equal to the given Length AB, and confequently, from thence all the Reprefentations may be compleated, as in the Figures: Thus, ab being drawn parallel to AB, gives the Side ABab, and ad being drawn parallel to AD, complcats the Side AD ad, &c. In the 73d Figure, the Center lies out of the Middle of the Pic- ture ; but in the 74th Figure, the Eye is directly in the Middle. Here we may obferve, that if Lines are drawn thro' the Center of the Picture parallel to the Sides of a Room, then thofe Lines may be confidered as fo many horizontal Lines, and may be made ufe of accordingly. Thus, E1CE2 will ferve as a horizontal, or vamming Line, for all Obje&s which can lie upon the Planes ABab, DFdfi and ECE3 will ferve as a horizontal Line for any Objects which can lie upon the Planes ADad, BFbf. By turning the Figures we may conceive this very clearly 5 but in the next Figure it is more fully explained. In this Figure I mall mew how to find the Reprefentation of fuch Objects only as may occur in common Practice, fuch as Co- lumns, Pilafters, Arches, and Windows. And fir!* of Columns. 2. To find the Appearance of Two Cylinders upon a Cieling, 75- Let the Circles H, I, reprefent the Ends of two Cylinders, and let E2CE4 be the vanifliing Line of the Plane ABab, CE3 the Diftance, and C the Center of the Picture.— About each Circle H, I, Of Horizontal Perspective. H, I, defcribe a Square, and make CE4 equal to C E 3 ; then draw a Line from each Corner of the Square to Cj and then, by means of the Point E4, a Parallelopiped may be made of any Length, which will be a Guide for compleating the Cylinder 5 as is fhewn in Figure 29 of this Book. Now, by the fame Method, the Ap- pearance of Columns may be determined, with this Difference only, that three Squares muft be found as Guides inflead of two 5 that is, one for the Bottom of the Column, another where it begins ta diminifh, and the Third at the Neck of the Column. 3 . To fnd the Reprefentation of Two Pilasters.. Let F and G be the Ends of the Pilafters. — From each Corner draw Lines to C, and, by means of the Point E 2, cut off each Pilafter to its proper Length. 4, To determine the Appearance of a Square Object which lies oblique with the Picture. Let 5 be one Corner, 5 7 the given Length, and E 2, E4, the vanifhing Points of the Sides. From the Corner 5 draw Lines to the above vanifhing Points, and cut off 5 6 equal to 5 7 j from whence the Figure may be compleated. : On the oppofite Side DEde, I have finifhed thefe Reprefenta- tions with Shadows, &c. 5. To put an Arch into PerfpeBive. Let KM be the Width of the Arch, Mh the Height to where the Arch fprings, and hi the Height of the circular Part 3 and let E 1CE3 be the vanifhing Line, C E 2 the Diftanee of the Pic- ture, and C its Center.— From K and M draw Lines to C, and cut off Mn, no, equal to Mk, ki, then draw the Parallelogram nopq, which will be a Guide for drawing the Arch. Again, for the Depth of the Opening,— From K draw a Perpendicular to D A, and make it equal to the propofed Depth 5 and from its Extremity z draw a Line to C; then from q draw a Line parallel to K z, which will cut Cz, and thereby give the proper Depths do the fame on the other Side; then draw the bottom Curve for the other Side of the Arch, parallel to the upper Curve, as in the figure; and fo will the Reprefentation be compleated. 6. To 62 Of Horizontal Perspectives 6. To find the Appearance of # Window, the Top of which we will fuppcfe to be even with the Top of the Arch, and to be tw9 Diameters in Height, Set off the real Width L f, and its Height L g, and from the Points L, f, g, draw Lines to Cj then continue the Line op to r, which will give the Top rs, and from E i draw a Line through the Corner r, cutting g t in w ; then from w, draw w v parallel to rt, which compleats the Window rs ox. The Depth is found in the fame Manner as the Depth of the Arch, viz. by the Perpen- dicular L. On the oppofite Side to this alfo, are the above Figures wholly compleated. 7. To put a Cornice into Perfpefiive. Draw out the Projection, &c. of the Cornice, about which de- Fig. 76. f cr - be the p] ane a BCD; then put that Plane into Perfpective, as FGHI; from whence all the Mouldings may be determined, as in the Figure, S. To put a Base and Capital into Perjpetfive. Fig. 77 . For the Bafe, Altho' nothing more than the Plinth can in general be feen by the Eye, yet I have here given a Method for determining the whole Projection. — Let AB be the Diameter of the Plinth, and B F the Height of the Bafe ; make a Square with AB, and from B draw a Line to C, and cut off BD equal to BF, and from D draw D C parallel to A B, and with D C make ano- ther Square ; then divide A B into eight equal Parts, and one of thofe Parts (according to Gibbs) is the Projection of the Mouldings : Therefore, make B 1 equal to one of thofe Parts, and from 1 draw a Line to C, cutting the Edge of the fartheft Square in 3 ; then from 3 draw a Line parallel to C D, and fet off the Diflance 3 D upon the other three Sides of the parallel Square; then, by drawing Lines through thofe Points, we fhall have a Square equal to the Diameter of the Column ; and from thefe two Squares the whole Appearance is to be compleated. The Figure G reprefents it as nnifhed, 9. To put a Capital into Perjpeffive. Let AB be the Diameter of the Bottom of the Capital, 1 2 the Diameter of the Abacus, 1 3 the Height of the Capital, and B 2 the Projection of the Capital. — Set off B b equal to B 2, and make the Of Horizontal Perspective. 6;J the Square abed; then draw iC, 2C, and cut off iD equal to 1 35 then draw DF parallel to AB, and with DF make a Square ; finally, from the Corner of one Square draw Lines to the corref- ponding Corners of the other, as in K j then mail we have fufficient Guides for compleating the Capital. 10. To put the Human Figure into PerfpeBive, Having made a Defign of the Figure, defcribe the Frame about Fig.. 73 it, as AB C D, and then reticulate it in a proper Manner; after which, put that Frame and the Reticulation into Perfpective, as abed, which will give all the Forefhortnings, as in the Figure. I am very fenfible, that 'tis impoffible to give Rules for putting, the Human Figure correctly into Perfpective, and that the greateft Part muft be left to the Judgment of the Artift 5 yet the above Hint may be of fome Service in defigning Figures for the above Purpofes. So likewife, as to the Size of Figures which are to be feen at a confiderable Diftance; I know of no Rules by which they can be correctly determined ; and therefore, in fuch Cafes, the beft Way is, to fketch out feveral Figures of different Sizes upon the intended Picture; then, by furveying them from the Point of View 3 the Eye will immediately inform the Artift which is of a proper Proportion. * In Book I. Chap. IV. Sect. 3, we have given fome general Rules from Mr. Hamilton, for drawing any Perfpective Reprefen- tations upon vaulted Roofs, Domes, or other uneven Surfaces y and therefore, if the curious Reader would inform himfelf of that Kind of Perfpective, he mult refer to thofe Figures, where this Article is conficlered at large ; which will fufficiently explain the 78th and 79th Figures, fince they are thofe Rules applied to Prac- tice. But as I have faid very little upon drawing a Dome, &c. \iDon a flat Cieling, and as the Operation is quite Mechanical, I fhall therefore introduce it in this Place. In order to find the Reprefentation of Domes, &c. it is neceffary to draw out the Plan, and Half the Elevation, of the Defign which we intend to reprefent, to a proper Scale, upon Paper: Thus, let the 80th Figure be the Section, or Half the Elevation, of the in- tended Defign ; and let the two outward Circles,* and the fmall *Fig. t Squares and Circles within them, reprefent the Plan of it : From which two Figures we may perceive, that the Defign confifts of* eight Columns upon Pedeftals, with an Entablature, in the Co- rinthian Order j that thofe Columns are fuppofed to Hand againft a per- Of Domes. a perpendicular Wall A e, Fig. 80 j and that the Dome Is a Semi- circle, and begins to fpring from the Top of the Cornice. Now- having drawn out the Plan and Elevation, as above directed the Representation of any Defign may very eafily be determined in the following Manner. ^ 11. To draw upon aflat Cieling the Reprefentativn of a Dame * Having given the Elevation and Plan, choofe the Center and Dinance of the Picture. Thus EC, Fig. 81, is the Diftance of the Mure , and C is its Center j that is, EC is the Diffance at winch the Eye is to view the Dome when painted, and dire&ly under C is the Point from whence the Eye fhould be placed to 1 ° JL Pi # ure - Now, this Point C being taken out of the Pifture, will give a greater Length for the Columns, Gfr. and will prevent fome Confufion, which would be occafioned by placing the Center within the Picture. Thefe neceffary Points being iettied, let us next defcribe the Parallelogram ABCD about the Elevation, Fig. 80, and then draw Lines parallel to AD, from the feveral Heights g, f, e, &c. as in tlie Figure : After which from the Center of the Picture C, (Fig. 81) draw CD perpendi- cular to EC, and from EdrawEA, parallel to C D ; then from A draw AD parallel to EC, and continue it beyond D at pleafure- and then will EA be a Line for the Plan, and AB a Line for the Elevations: Therefore, from the Point A fet off the feveral Meafures from AD, Fig. 80, which are the Meafures of the "Plan- and from AB of the fame Figure, fet off the feveral Diftances, which are the feveral Meafures for the Elevations: Thus Ad Fij? 81 is the Width of the Plan AD, and AB the Height of the whole De- fign, properly divided for the Height of the feveral Members, which may eafily be conceived by comparing the two Figures 80 and 81. Having proceeded thus far, the next Thing is to put the Elevation into Perfpedive, as the 8 iff Figure; where Abed, &c. is the Representation of ABCD, Fig. 81. This is done by drawing Lines from A and d to the vanifhing Point C, and then drawing other Lines from the feveral Divifions upon A B, which cutting A C in correfponding Points, will give the apparent Depth of each Part ; JlTiT M 5 thod / 0 v r find j n g *e Reprefentatian of a Don* upon a flat Cieling, is princi- pally taken from Andrta Po ZZO \ Firft Book upon Petfpeffive, publilhed by MujJnSturt SSTni 11 l 7 7L an V he , refore > if I am going to advance upon the Sub/eft fhouTd appear not to be fufhciently dear, the Reader is referred to the above JSook. from Of Domes. from whence the whole Elevation may Be reduced into Perfpe&ive^ as in the Figure. Having proceeded thus far, the next Thing: (and indeed the Principal of all) is* to. defcribe feveral Circles* each from a different Center, and each of a different Diameter which is done thus : From the feveral Divifions, as n, m, k, draw- Lines parallel to AE, cutting d C in r, p, o j then from d, r, p, o y draw Lines parallel to AB, cutting the Perpendicular CD in h 2 > 1> 4 > tnen * s r tne Center of the outward Circle, and i D- (which is equal to Ad) is its Radius therefore, defcribe the outward Circle,, and from the fame Center defcribe the fecond; Circle, and then, within thofe two Circles, draw the Plan, as in the Figure.. Again, for the Height of the Pedeftal 5 draw 56, r2^ paralleL to AB, cutting CD in 2 and 6 ; then is 2 the Center, and 2 6 the Radius of that Circle which governs the Heights of the: Pedeftals. In like Manner, 3 is the Center of the Circle which limits the Length to where each Column begins to diminifh, and ; 4 is the Center of the Circle for the Nofe of the Cornice 5, and fo - of the reft : All which may be made very familiar by drawing out the Figure. As to the Returns of the Pedeftals and Mouldings,, they all vaniftr into the feveral Centers of thofe Circles which, determine their Heights : Thus 2 is the Center of the Circle for the Height of the Pedeftals 5 and therefore, the oblique Sides of thofe Pedeftals terminate in that Point. And as to the Ornaments which may be drawn upon the Dome, they alfo are to be deter- mined in the fame Manner s as will be evident by a very little Attention to the Figure, and by applying thefe Rules to Practice in a larger Scale than this upon the Plate. The 80th Figure is the Reprefentation more nearly compleated, and between each Co- lumn I have introduced a Pannel to fill up the Vacancy, and to give a Hint how to introduce Ornaments proper for this Kind of, Reprefentations j for whether Figures, Feftoons, or any other kind of carved Ornaments, are intended by infcribing Squares about each, and by dividing them into fmaller Squares, we may reticu- late each Cell, which will be fufficient for forefhortning all Kinds of Ornaments. Book II. 1 CHAP. CHAR sr. 173fe Perspective / Shadows, ^ SECT. I. THIS Part of Perfpectivc has been very little attended to by moft Writers upon the Subject, and yet it is very neceflary to be known, and very eafy to be underftood ; for it is built upon the fame Principles as the Perspective of Objects, and, therefore, is deducible from the fame Rules. But I would not be underftood to mean, that the Shadow of every particular Object upon the Picture is to be determined in the following Manner ; z\o; my Intention is, only to give forae general Principles, in order to explain the Reafon and Nature of fuch Shadows as are neceflary in the Arts of Defign ; by which means the Artift will form a general Idea of the Perfpective of Shadows, and will be the better qualified to difpofe them in a Picture. Shadows are either projected by the Sun, or elfe by a Candle* Torch, or fome fuch luminous Point. But fince thofe produced by a Candle, &c. are but feldom wanted, I fhall therefore princi^ pally have regard to fuch Shadows only as are projected by the Sun : Which may be reduced under the following Heads. i. When the Light comes in parallel with the Picture. Z. When the Light comes from behind the Picture towards the Spectator. 3. When the Light comes from before the Picture. In the firft Cafe, the Shadows will be parallel to the Bottom of the Picture ; but in the fecond and third Cafes., fince the Light comes in oblique with the Picture; therefore, both the Rays of Light^ and the Shadows projected by them, will have their proper vaniming Points ; and confequently the Shadows produced thereby will be oblique with the Bottom of the Picture. The vanishing Point of the Rays of Light will be either above the horizontal Line or below it ; and thofe Points will always be in Lines drawn perpendicular to the horizontal Line * : And we may moreover ob- ferve, that when the Light comes from behind the Picture, then the vaniming Point of the Rays of Light will be above the horizon- * See the Additions apcra this Head in the Appendix, p, «* tat The Per spe cti.vs of Shadows. tj tat Line ; but when the Light comes from before the Picture, then the vanifhing Point of the Rays of Light will be below the hori- zontal Line :. All which is exemplified in the following Figures. For in Figure 83, the Light is fuppofed parallel to the Picture y therefore the Shadows are parallel: In Figure 84, the Light is fuppofed to come from behind the Picture, and S is taken at plea- fure for the vanifhing Point of the Shadow of the perpendicular Sides, and L for the vanifhing Point of the Rays of Light : In the 85th Figure, the Light is fuppofed to come from before the Pic- ture ; and here S is the vanifhing Point of the Shadow, and L the vanifhing Point of the Rays of Light*, which are both taken at pleafure. From hence then, and from the following Examples, it will be obvious, that after having drawn out any Perfpective Reprefen- tation, the Shadow of it may be very eafily determined upon the Picture 5 therefore let us now apply what nas been faid to Practice. Case t». When the Light comes in parallel to the PicJure, To find the Shadows of the Objefls A and B, which are fuppofed to be Fig. $3; cafi upon the Ground, Through all the Corners of the Bottoms of the Objects draw Lines parallel to the horizontal Line, and through every Corner of the Top of the Objects draw Lines parallel to each other for the Rays of Light ; and their Intersections with the loweft parallel Lines will determine the Appearance of the Shadows, as in the Figure : Thus a is the Shadow of A, and b of B. From hence we may obferve, that fince EB is confidered as a Ray of Light, therefore EBD is its Angle of Inclination with the Ground ; or, in other Words, with the Plane of the Horizon. And wc may alfo obferve, that in Proportion as this Angle of Inclination of the Rays is greater or lefs, the Shadows will be longer or fhorter ; which accounts for the Reafon why the Shadows of Objects are longer in a Morning and Evening, than when the Sun is at any confiderable Height above the Horizon : All which may be clearly apprehended by attencjing to the Figure ; or by drawing out other Figures, and then giving different Inclinations to the Rays of Light. I 2 Case 2. The r sTic tive c/ Shadows; Casx 2. When the Light comes in from behind the Picture. Tig. «4« To find the Shadows of the Objects A and a, which are fuppofed to be caji upon the Ground. Take S at plcafure in the horizontal Line, for the vanifhing Point of the Shadows which the perpendicular Edges call: upon the Ground (for as the Shadow lies upon the Ground, it muft va- nifh into the horizontal Line;) and from this,Point S, draw a Line SL perpendicular to the horizontal Line: Then will SL be the vanifhing Line of the Rays of Light, and, confequently, fome- where in this Line will be the vanifning Point of thofe Rays. Now, in this Cafe, the vanifhing Point of the Rays is above the horizontal Line j therefore, take L at pleafure for that vanifhing Point, and from thence draw Lines thro' all the upper Corners of the Figures j then from the vanifhing Point S of the Shadow, draw Lines through all the Bottom Corners ; and their Sections with each other will be fufficient Guides for compleating the Shadows, as in the Figure : Thus, L3 being drawn through 1, and S 3 be- ing drawn through 2, will give the Point 3 for the Shadow of the Point 1, and 2 3 for the Shadow of the Edge 1 2, Gfc. Here let us obferve, that in order to determine any Shadow, nothing more is required than to find the Places of a certain Number of Points upon the Picture, which Points are to repre- fent the Shadows of all the upper Corners of any given Objects : Thus, 3 is the Shadow of 1, and 4 is the Shadow of A; there- fore, draw 3 4, which is the Shadow of the upper Edge 2 A ; and fo of the refr. C A s t 3. When the Light comes from before the Picture. Fig. «$, To find the Shadow of the Object A, which is fuppojed to be caji upon the Ground. Here S is given for the vanifhing Point of the Shadow, L S for the vanifhing Line of the Rays of Light, and L for their vanifh- ing Point i which, in this Cafe, is below the horizontal Line. From S draw Lines through all the lower Corners of the Object, and from L draw Lines through all the upper Corners of the Object^ as in the Figure ; and then their feveral Sections with each other will be fufficient for compleating the Shadow, as before. From The Perspective of Shadows^ 69 Prom thefe two laft Figures alfo, we may obferve, that the far- ther the vanifhing Point of the Rays is taken from the horizontal Line, the fhorter will be the Projection of the Shadows; and the contrary, the nearer it is placed to the horizontal Line : That is, the nearer it is to the horizontal Line, the 1efs is the Angle of In- clination which the Rays make with the Ground ; and the contrary, the farther it is from it. Again, by infpecting the two laft Fi- gures, we may perceive, that when the Light comes from behind the Picture, the Shadows will be caft towards the Bottom of the Picture, and grow wider and wider continually, and the Front of every Obj eel: will be in Shadow ; but in the laft Figure, the Sha- dows will be caft towards the horizontal Line, and will grow nar- rower and narrower continually, and the Front of every Object will be enlightened ; and therefore, thefe Kind of Shadows are the moft proper for a Picture, and confequently, deferve the mofl Attention: For which Reafon, I fhall henceforth fuppofe the Light to come in this Direction only; and fhall now proceed to mew how to determine the Appearance of Shadows as they are projected by ^different Planes, &£. In the laft Figure the front Side is parallel to the Picture, and the Method for finding the Shadow has been fhewn already; there- fore proceed we to a Figure whofe Sides aie oblique, though the fame Rule is ufed in both Cafes. To find the Shadow of the ObjeB A, which is fuppofed to be caft upon the Ground. From the vanifhing Point S of the Shadow, draw Lines thro* the Bottom Corners, and from the vanifhing Point L of the Rays of Light, draw Lines thro' the Top Corners, which (as before) will cut each other, and thereby give feveral Points, as Guides for com- pleating the Shadow.— If only the Shadow of the Top was required, then the Seats of each Corner muft be found upon the Picture ; and from thence the Appearance of the Shadow may be deter- mined: Thus 2 is the Seat of i, and 3 is its Shadow ; and a is the Shadow compleated. "To find the Shadow of an oblique Qbje&, which is fuppofed to be caft upon the Ground. Here A is the oblique Side, S the vanifhing Point of the Shadow, 8 7 . and L the vanifhing Point of the Rays of Light.— From d draw dS> and from a draw aL ; then will dc be the Shadow of the Perpen- dicular da j therefore by drawing be, the Shadow will be corn- pleated. §c~ but as that is handled at large in the laft Chapter of the- nrft Book, the Reader is now referred to that: However* by way of Supplement to what is there advanced upon the Subjecl, I mall beg leave to make the following Obfervations, For, fince various have been the Opinions about the Colour of Shadows, and as va- rious the Methods purfued by Painters and other Artifts, I mall therefore only offer a few Hints taken from Nature, which perhaps may be of Service to the young Tyros m the Arts of Defign. By Shadow then, in this Place, I mean the Colour of that Part only of an Objea, which is either turned from the Light, or is 94- wholly in the Shade. Suppofe, for Inftancc, the Pillar W to be placed near this Side of the Wall b, and fuppofe alfo, that the Rays ot Light came from the other Side of the Wall ; then, it will be evident, that Part of this Objea will be enlightened, and Part will be wholly m Shadow. Now, that Part which is wholly in. Shadow, is of the fame Colour as the whole Objea would be of were the Sun not to mine upon it; or, in other Words, 'tis of the fame Colour which the whole Objea would be of in common Light. From whence I infer, Firft, (allowing for the different Ac- cidents of the Sun's Light, the Air, &e.) that the Shadow of the Pillar W, is the real Colour of that Objea in common Light, but being oppofed to a fuperior Light, is, in comparifon of that fupc- nor Light, a Shadow. Secondly, That therefore the Colour of all Shadows muft be proportionably lighter or darker, as that Objea to which it is a Shadow, is of a lighter or darker Colour. This I have explained in the following Manner. The Objeas W W I fuppofe to be White; the Objea Y, to be Yellow; the Object G* Green; the Objea R, Red; the Objea B, Blue ; and the Objea 25 Black. — Here the fhadowed Parts of each particular Objea are made darker and darker, in proportion as the Colours of the feveral Objeas proceed from White to Black; which is evident by the Figure. Thirdly, Since then the Shadows of all the above Objeas are nothing more than the EfFeas of common Light com- pared with the EfFeas of the fuperior Brightnefs of the Sun j and fince Objeas are as diftinaiy feen by a common uniform Light, as they are in the Sun-mine; therefore thofe Objeas which are in Shadow, mould be as highly finiflied, and their Parts as well made out, P E R 3 P EIJTIVE Of SHADOWS. ©lit, in the Picture, as the Parts of the neighbouring Objects, which are in the highert Light. And fourthly, from hence it fol- lows, that the Shadow of every Object muff partake of the real Colour of that Object; and therefore, Black can never be the. Shadow of White, nor of any other Colour than that of Black. By thus ranging, the Colours in their proper Orders, we may eafily conceive the Degree of Darknefs which is peculiar to the Shadow of each Colour. And if any one would moreover fatisfy himfelf of the Truth of this, let him have a Number of fquare Pieces of Wood, painted of different Colours ; then, by oppofing one Side to the Light, the Degree of Shadow will be very vifible. And from hence alfo we may obferve, that the jftronger the Light fhines upon any Object, the darker will be its Shadow ; for in Proportion as the Sun fhines ftronger or fainter upon an Ob- jeci:, the Oppofition of the Light and Shadow will be greater or lefs; and confequently, the more perceptible will be the Shadow. And this accounts for the Blacknefs of Shadows by Candle or Torch-Light ; becaufe the violent Oppofition between real Light and total Darknefs, together with the Faintnefs of the Reflections from the Smallnefs of the Luminary, muff produce that Effect. From thefe Obfervations then it appears, that the Colour and Degree of Darknefs to each Shadow, is abfolutely neceffary to be known, and ought to be well underftood, in order to produce a good Effect in a Picture, or to reprefent any Object as it appears in Nature. It is in this, and in a proper Diftribution of the Lights and Shadows in a Picture, that the Chiara Obfcuro confifls ; and it is this, and this only, which can give a Clearnefs to any Shadowy whether in a Painting, Print, or Drawing. I mall juft offer a few Hints for determining the Appearances of the Reflections of Objects in Water, &c. and fo put an End to this Chapter. The Reflections of Objects in Water, or any other transparent Medium, may be conlidered, Firft, as to their Colour 3 and, Secondly, as to the Length of their Reflections. As to their Co- lour, If the Medium be very clear and tranfparent, the Colour of the Reflections is very near the Colour of the Objects ; but in a thick or dirty Medium, the Reflection of an Object very fen- fibly changes its Colour, and partakes more and more of the Co* lour of that Medium in, proportion as it is more denfe and muddy, Book II. K till I 74 O/* Reflections in W ate r; 'till, at laft, the Reflection will entirely difappear. And in order to make Water appear tranfparent (which is done principally by means of Reflections ) the Reflections fhould be as perfect as poflible* To determine the Reflection of any Dbjedi in Water. Fig. 93. Let 1 be an Object ftanding upon a Hill, and a its Bottom ; then comtinue the Sides of the Object downwards, at pleafure (as the prickt Lines in the Figure) and fuppofe c is where the even Ground cuts the Bottom of the Hill; then fet off cd equal to c 1, which will give the Length of the Reflection. Again, for the Object 3, which ftands upon the flat Ground; make the Length of the Reflection f equal to that Object. The Object 4 is too far from the Water to be reflected by it ; and the Reflections of the Objects o, n, g, which are floating upon the Water, are each equal to the Height of its peculiar Object. So alfo as to the inclined Object 2 ; the Reflection of that muit have the fame An- gle of Inclination with the real Object, and be of the fame Length, as in the Figure. From which it appears, that all Kinds of Reflections are very eafily determined ; fince nothing more is required, than to fet off the perpendicular Height of each Object, downwards, upon the Water, &c. What has been advanced upon Reflections, relates only to a ftagnating Medium ; that is, a ftill or fmooth Water, or the like 5 which is the fitted for an Explanation of this Matter, and will be fuflicient for giving the Learner a general Idea of Reflections : But when either the Objects, or the Water, or both together, are in Motion, then, though the Reflections will be wavering and uncer- tain, yet the above Rules will be of great Service in fuch Cafes ; and efpecially, if they are joined to the 5tudy of Nature. I cannot conclude this Head without the following Quotation from Mr. Pope s Second Paftoral ; which, to me, feems an inimi~ table Picture of Nature, and much to our prefent Purpofe, " A Shepherd's Boy (he feeks no better Name) " Led forth his Flocks along the filver Tbame^ " Where dancing Sun-Beams on the Waters play'd, " And verdant Alders form'd a quiv'ring Shade." I have €^f Reflections in Water; I have now gone through with all I intended to advance upon^ the Subject of Perfpective, and wifli the Work may anfwer the Expectations, of my worthy Friends and generous Subfcribers ^ and that the great Pains, Labour, and Expence it hath coft me, may not prove in vain. I fay, that here I intended to have put an End to my Subject but, by the Defire of fome particular Friends, I ihall take a Tranfcript from Pozzo and Mr. Hamilton, in relation to S c e n e-P aintingj and then mall add the different Methods of the moft confiderable Authors upon Perfpe6tive ; : which may either ferve to divert or inflrucT: the Reader ; and, at: tiie fame Time,, will mew him, which are the preferable Methods* mine a or theirs, cither as to Eafe or Expedition, CHAPj CHAP, VI Of Scenography,; or Scene-Painting, SCENOGRAPHY is the Art of Painting upon feveral Planes, or Scenes, at different Diftances, and in various Pofitions with refpect to the Eye, in fuch a Manner that * a ^°°k s u P on Perfpe&ive, has alfo been very copious upon the v Here Of S C E N O G R A P H Y. Here APFD is that Part of the Theatre which is allotted for Fi & 9I« the Spectators, KGLM the Profcene, LMON the Curtain, abed the Aperture in the Curtain through which the Scenery is feen, ML ml the Floor upon which the Scenery is placed, PQRS the farther End of the Theatre, E the Eye, EH its Height above the Floor AB-DF, h its Seat upon the horizontal Plane ef QJP, and T the Center of Contraction for the Scenes, Floor, &c. Now let ABCD be a Plan of the Theatre, ee the Seat of the %- 9 6 » Curtain, ML the Opening of the Curtain, bb, the Grooves for the Scenes to Aide in, H the Eye, and T the Point of Con- traction. — Here the Diftance C H of the Eye from the Curtain, is not taken fo great as in the laft Figure j for, was the Point of Sight placed at one End of the Houfe, then the moft ordinary Part of the Company would have the beft View of the Scenery; and therefore, about the Middle of that Part of the Houfe which is allotted for the Spectators, is thought the moft proper Place for the Eye as in the Figure. And having determined the Plan for the Scenery, and fixed the Point of Sight and Center of Contraction, let us next determine the Height of the Eye, and the Height of the feveral Scenes. Let ABCD be a perpendicular Section of the Houfe in the Line %-97- OT (Fig. 96.) — Draw Lines perpendicular to HT from the Points H and T, till they cut the Line CS of the 97th Figure in the Points h and S ; then is h the Seat of the Eye, and S the Seat of the Point of Contraction : Again, continue the parallel Lines through the Seats of the Scenes till they cut the Line CS in I, 1, 2, 3, 4, which will give the Diftance between each Scene ; and from the Point I draw I e, for the Inclination of the Stage, and continue it beyond T, at pleafbre : Then, for the Height of the Eye and Point of Contraction, make E h in this Figure equal to E h in Fig. 95 * and draw E T parallel to C S, cutting I T in T; then is Eh the Height of the Eye, and T the Point of Contraction. From hence it is evident, that fince the Floor I c is fixed, the Point of Contraction muft be governed by the Height of the Eye. For let xh be the Height of the Eye; draw &e parallel to hS, and then is e the Point of Contraction ; and in Proportion as the Height of the Eye is greater or lefs, the Point of Contraction will be nearer or farther off. By this Method of varying the Height of * The Reafon why Eh is taken for the Height of the Eye, and not E H, is, becaufe Fig. 95* *e"F QP is confidcred as the Ground Plane Upon which the Picture is fuppofed to itand. the 78 €>/ SCENOG R APf Y. the Eye, great Variety of Scenery may be introduced ; but bow, far 'tis allowable to alter the Height of the Eye in Scenes for the fame Entertainment, muft be left to Experience to decide : How* ever, this we may obferve, that it ought never to be above the Middle of the Opening of the Curtain, (that is, above s in Fig. 95) nor much below the Face of an Actor upon the Stage. And in. regard to the Point of Contraction ; it is not neceflary to have it upon the End of the Wall, at t, but it may, and ought in general, to be placed beyond it : For when it is placed at the End of the -Houfe, then the Scenes will be too fuddenly diminifhed, and will have a difagreeable Effect, befides other Inconveniencies. Fig. 97. Again, for the Height of the Scenes.— The Line r s is the per- pendicular Section with the Curtain ; and the Curtain being con- sidered as a Picture, therefore C is the Center of the Picture ; and: therefore, upon the Line r s fet off the feveral Diftances from s» for the hanging Scenes and Tops of the fide Scenes; thus c is for the Tops of the Scenes, and c a for the Widths of the hanging Scenes; therefore from s, e, a, draw Lines toT, which will give the Height of each Scene, &c. as in the Figure. Fig. 96. The Side Scenes are made to project beyond the Line M m, &a which meafures the Opening of the Curtain ; and they mould be brought fo forward upon the Stage, that a Line Hb, drawn from the Seat of the Eye thro' the Corner of the fir&. Scene a, may meet; the fucceeding Scene in the Point b, where it is cut by Mm : For, by this Means, the Spaces between the Scenes will not be vifible to. many of the Spectators ; but the whole together will appear lite Fig 97> one continued Picture. In like Manner, Lines drawn from the Top Corner of each Scene, as b of the Scene f b, to the Eye, whlrgive c a for the Width of the hanging Scenes. Fig. 96. Again, if Lines are drawn through the Points f, g, h, i, till; they cut the Line eD, then thefe Points f, g, h, i, will be the Pro* jections of the Points i„ 2, 3, D upon the Floor of the Stage; and confequently, the oblique Line e i, will, to the Spectators at H, appear to be equal to the Line eD ; fo that the Back Scene in the Line ik, will appear to be as far from the Eye as the End of the Houfe CD ; and, by that means, the Depth of the Theatre will appear to be much greater than it really is. Having made thefe neceflary Preparations, we will now proceed to (hew how to draw the Reprefentations upon each Pair of Scenes, fo that the whole, when viewed from a proper Point, mall appear as one continued Picture, To Of Sgenographv. To prepare a Pair of Side Scenes for Painting. Draw a a at pleafure, which call the Line of Interfection that 'Fig* 9* the Scenes make with the Floor of the Stage ; then from any Point c, erect the Perpendicular cE, and from the Plan (Fig. 96) take the Diftances dx, dx, which the Scenes xb, xb, are from HT, and transfer them from c to b ; take alfo the Width of each Scene, and transfer it from b to a, as in the Figure; then continue Cc downwards, and make eg equal to f 1, (Fig. 97) and draw^ f h parallel to a a : Then are ab, da, the Seats of the fecond Pair of Scenes, and gc their Height from the horizontal Plane efQJP, (Fig- 95.) And fo alfo for the Height of the Scenes; From a, b, d, a, draw Lines parallel to gE, then take the Height f b of the fecond Scene, (Fig. 97) and fet it from b to i; which gives the proper Height. Again, for the horizontal Line and Center of the Picture ; — Take 1 d (Fig. 97) and fet it from g to C, and through C, draw HL parallel to a then is HL the horizontal Line, and C the Center of the Picture. In like Manner, the Diftance of the Eye for each Pair of Scenes is to be determined j— Thus Ed (Fig. 97) is the Diftance of the Eye from the Scene f b ; therefore, fet off CE in this Figure equal to Ed in the 97th Figure : And having got the proper Diftance of the Eye for one Pair of Scenes, &c. we are to proceed with our Work in the very fame Manner as if it was an upright Picture. And the fame Methods are to be taken for all the other Side Scenes, the Back Scene, &c. taking their Breadths from the Plan, and their Heights from the Elevation : All which may be very eafily done by drawing a fmall Model, according to the above Rules, and then transferring the feveral Parts unto each •Scene, &c. Or this may be done by confidering the Curtain as a Picture which is to reprefent the whole Defign, and upon which are drawn the feveral Parts proper for each Scene ; then by reticulating the whole, as in the ioift Figure, we may transfer the Part peculiar to each Scene, in the fame Manner as one Picture is copied from another by the common Method of Net- Work : But we muft take great Care to divide each Scene exactly in the fame Manner as that Scene is divided by the Reticulation upon the Curtain. And here it is neceffary alfo to obferve, that fince the Space I f, {Fig. 97) which is the Diftance between the Scenes In and f b, repi efents the whole Space from I to o ; therefore, no £art of the Diftance Io fhould be drawn \ipon the Scene fb; but all that comes Of Scenography; comes within that Diftance, fhould be painted upon the Scene Tm And fo of the reft. Again, we muft take Care to give each Scene fuch a Proje&ion, that a Line drawn from the Eye through the Edge of one Scene' may cut its fueceeding Scene in a proper Manner ; as was obferved before : For which Purpofe we may ufe the following Method. m- $9- Set off the feveral Widths for the Opening of the Curtain, and Width of the Scenes, from the 96th Figure, upon the Line a f, (which I here fuppofe the Bottom of the Model ; ) draw alfo the horizontal Line, &c. then, from the Points a, b, c, d, e, f, draw Lines to C, and make ag equal to In (Fig. 97 5) then draw gm parallel to af, and fet off the feveral Divifions gh, hi, &c. from g towards m j then draw Lines from all thofe Points to C, as in the Figure. Thus again, fuppofe n o the Seat of the firft Scene i then draw np, cutting Ck in p ; and then is np the Height of the firft Scene. Again, from the Point 2, where the Edge of the firft Scene cuts eC, draw 1 2, which will cut Cd in i 5 then is i 2 the apparent Breadth of the fccond Scene : And fo of the reft. — In the 100th Figure is a Set of Scenes complcatedi where. C is the Back Scene, which parts in the Middle; r, 2, 3, 4, the Side Scenes and the prickt Lines ab; &c> are the Hanging Scenes. CHAP; CHAP. VII. An AbfiraB of feveral Methods of PerfpeBive ; tran- fcribed from the mofi eminent Authors. T H E oldeft Books which I have met with upon the Subject of Perfpective, are, one by Vignola *, and another by Ma- rolois -f*. And thefe two Authors feem to me, to have laid the Plan for every Syftem of Perfpective (except Dr. Taylors and Mr. Hamilton s) fince their Times though few of the Authors who have built upon their Principles, have been fo generous as to acknowledge their Obligations to them but, on the contrary, have fet off their Books with pompous Titles, to allure the Public, and to raife in them an Expectation of finding fomething new and curious. This, though a Practice too common among Authors, is, in my Opinion, an unpardonable Tranfgreflion of the Rules of Modefty and Plain dealing j and therefore, to avoid any Impu- tation of this Kind, I have conftantly acknowledged my Obligations to every Author who has lent me any Affiftance. It was for this Reafon, principally, that I gave my Book the Title of Dr. Brook Taylor's Perspective, &c. But though I muft acknowledge my Work to be generally built upon the Principles of that inge- nious Author, I hope, I may at the fame Time affert, that who- ever will compare my Schemes with thofe that have been before made publick, will find very few but what are intirely of my own Invention. The following Examples, which are taken from Vignola, Marolois, Vredeman Friese, thejFsuiT, andPozzo, will be fufficient to mew how one Author has copied from another, and the various Methods which have been published. I mail begin with Vignola's. * Vignola was a famous Italian Architeft, who flourimed in the Beginning of the 15th Cen- tury : He wrote a Treatife upon Perfpeaive, which was publimed in 1644, by Ftlippo de Roffi, with Annotations by Ignatius Danti. It was printed in Folio at Rome, and is in the Italian k^'I his Work was printed in Folio at the Hague, is in Latin, and was engraved and pub- lifted by Henry Hondius in 1 615 j and though tedious in its Operations, is neverthelefs a very curious Performance. L I. VIG- ?2 Different Methods of PerfpeBive. I. VIGNOLA's METHOD. To put a Cube into PerfpeSfive. Fi 102 Here AC is a perpendicular Se&ion of the Picture, AB is the JS ' Bottom of the Picture, and C the Center of the Picture, E the Eye, and ES its Height, D is the Elevation of the Cube, and F its Plan upon the Ground. Now, having fettled the above Requi- lites, draw Lines from every Corner of the Elevation D, to the Eye E, and from the Plan F draw Lines from every Corner to the Seat of the Eye at S j and their feveral Interferons upon the Line BC, will give the proper Meafures for the Height and Depth of the propofed Reprefentation. Thus, from the Points i, 2, 3, 4, on the Line of Elevation AC, draw Lines parallel to the horizon- tal Line j then from the Line AB of the Plan, take A b, b a, and fet from 1 to a, and take Ac, cd, and fet from 2 todj which will give the proper Heights and Depths, as in the Figure. Or, by fetting off A 5, 5 6, equal to 7 8, 8 9, and drawing Lines to C, we may get the Depth of the Plan abed. By this Method, we are taught how to make a perfpective Scale for any Reprefentation : For having drawn the Elevations and Plans of the propofed Objects, the Line AB may be conlidered as a Scale for the Plans, and the Line AC as a Scale for the Elevations. II. MAROLOIS'sMETHOD, To put *z Double Cross into Perfpeflive. Fig- 103 Here ce is the Ground Line, DC the horizontal Line, C the Center of the Picture, and CD the Diftance of the Eye. Draw out the Plan of the Crofs, as A, and put it into Perfpective, as in the Figure ; then, at any convenient Diftance c, raife a Perpendi- cular cd upon the Ground Line, and fet the Elevations a, 1, 2, b, upon it; then from c, 3, 4, d, draw Lines to any Point H in the horizontal Line j after which, draw Lines through every Angle of the Plan, parallel to the horizontal Line, which will cut the Line c H, and thereby give the Points by which the Perfpective B of the Elevation may be compleated j finally, from every Angle of the Plan draw Lines perpendicular to the horizontal Line, and from every Angle of the Elevation draw Lines parallel to the horizontal Line ; and then, their mutual Interferons with each other, will produce the propofed Reprefentation, as in the Figure, The Reader is dented to compare this with my Method in the 40th Figure- III. JAN Different Methods of Perfpective, 83 III. JAN VREDEMAN FRIESE's METHOD. * T ? put jCube into Perfpective. Make the Bottom BP of the Picture a Scale of Feet, from whence Fi S- I0 4« find the Reprefentation of any Number of Geometrical Squares, as in the Figure. Now let it be required to find the Appearance of a Cube abed, equal to two Feet in Diameter, and let it be one . Foot from the Bottom of the Picture.— Make the Front Face abed two Squares wide and two Squares high, then give two Squares for the Depth, and from thence compleat the Figure. IV. The JESUIT'S METHOD, f To put a Cube into Perfpective. Draw the Plan A BCD, which put into Perfpective, asabcdjFig. 105; from thence draw another Plan e f g h, then, by Maroloiss Method, find the Elevation, and from thence compleat the Figure. And this fame Method is taught by Kircher, in his Work, entituled, Jlrs magna Lucis et Umbra, Chap. 3. V. ANDREA POZZO's METHODS. || 1. To put a Parallelopiped into Perfpective, Draw the Elevation A, and from thence the Plan B ; then put Fig. 10& the . Plan into Perfpective, as a g f d j from the Corner a of the Plan, erect the Perpendicular ab, and continue the Top of the Elevation A 'till it cuts a b in c; from whence the Perfpective Ele- vation may be compleated by Maroloiss Method : And having got the Depth of one Plan, and the Height of the Elevations, the whole Reprefentation may be compleated by Fignolds Method. 2. To put a Parallelopiped into PerfpeSfive, which will ex- plain Pozzo'i other Method. Here in Conformity to Vignolds Perfpective Scale, A C is the Fig. ioy. Section of the Picture, AB the Ground Line, D the Eelevation of ,an Object, and F, H, the Plans of two Objects parallel to the Pic- * This Book is a Folio, in Trench, was printed at the Hague [in 1619. It was corre&ed ; by Marolois, and engrav'd by Henry Hondius. t This Book is in Quarto, was wrote originally in French by a Jefuit at Paris, was tran- slated into Englijh by E. Chambers, and was printed at London in 1726. j| His firft Book was publifhed in Latin and Englijb by John Sturt, Engraver, in 1707; and >is fecond Book was publiihed by himfelf, in Latin, in 1700 j and are both in Folio. h* ture "5 #4 Different Methods of Perfpeftive. ture 5 fo likewife, E is the Eye, E S its Height, and I is confidered as the Seat of the Eye. From the feveral Angles of the Ele- vation draw Lines to the Eye E, and from the feveral Angles of rhe Plans draw Lines to I, which will cut BC, and thereby give the Ele- vations and the Depths of the Plans j from whence the 108th Figure may be compleated. Thus, A i, A 2, A3, A4, are each equal to their correfponding Divifions, A 1, A2, A3, A 4, upon the Line of Elevation A C, Fig. 107 j and 10, it, &c. are equal to K o, K t, &c. of the fame Figure ; and A C is equal to the Height of the Eye S E. But I have put every Line and Point, to explain the Thing the better. There are feveral other fmaller Treatifes upon Perfpective, and particularly one by Bernard Lamy, entitled, Perfpefiive made Eajy> which, as it contains fome curious Obfervations upon Painting, &c. is worthy of Notice. FINIS. * APPENDIX. TH E favourable Recteption of the firft Impreffion of this Work had been a flifficient Inducement for publifhing a fecond Edition, if the Number of my Subfcribers had not made it abfolutely neceffary. When I firft engaged in this Undertaking, I much dreaded the Difficulties which prefented themfelves, both from my own Inca- pacity, and from the Nature of the Subject : For although I had made Perfpe&ive my particular Study for feveral Years, and was fatif- fied in my own private Opinion as to the fhortnefs and clearnefs of the preeeeding Method ; yet to make it intelligible to others, and ufeful in general, were Things not to be accomplifh'd without much Study, Labour, and Expence. I therefore determined to proceed very cautioufly, to view every Article in various Lights, and not to print any thing without having it firft approved of by competent Judges. As this feem'd the mo/t likely Means to prevent my publiming any ufelefs or undigefted Figiures, fo I thought it alfo a very likely way of avoiding the little ill-rnatured Criticifms, which are fo often made upon the Works of a yomng Author:. And I muft confefs (with the utmoft Gratitude and Thanks) that my Succefs hath abundantly ex- ceeded, my utmoft Expectations ; for I. have been fo fortunate as to have the Work approved of in general, and recommended in fuch a peculiar Manner, oy Gentlemen of great Genius and Knowledge, that I now begin to think it fecure^from public Cenfure, under their kind, an.d powerful Protection. But it may be neceffary to inform my Reader of the Additions which, he may expert to find in this Appendix : And, in the firft place, I have more largely and more fully con£dered the Perfpective of Shadows 5 I have alfo given one Figure to mew why a Down-hill (if merely con- fidered as fuch) cannot be reprefented upon the Picture ; then I have added another Figure, to explain the nature of what is called a Bird's- eye-view, a fort of Perfpective ufed in drawing Fortifications, and the like. I have alfo (hewn the Ufe of an Inftrument of my own Invention,, EST which: APPENDIX. which may be of Service in Drawing extenfive Views, large Build- ings, &c. and, lafUy, I have given the Conftru&ion of a fmall Pocket Camera Obfcura. To begin therefore with the Additions to the Perfpective of Shadows. In both the Theory and Practice of Shadows, I have frequently^ made Ufe of this Expreffion, viz. " The vanifhing Point of the Sha- " dow -," which, poffibly may require fome farther Explanation : Be- caufe the Shadows of any Objects which are compofed of perpendi- cular or parallel Planes, will, when put into Perfpective, vanifh into- various Points upon the horizontal Line ; and therefore this Article may not feem fo very fignificant, as in fact it is* By the vanifhing Point then of the Shadow, is meant the vanifhing Point of fuch Shadows only, as are fuppos'd to be carl: upon the Ground Plane (or upon a Plane parallel to it) by the perpendicular Edges of Objects. For fince thefe Species of Shadows will always vanifh into the Center of the vanifhing Line of the Plane of Rays, therefore this particular vanifhing Point will be found to be more ufe- ful than any other; as will appear by the following Examples. And, as I found it neceffary to make fome confiderable Additions to this Part of Perfpective, fo I have made Choice of fuch Figures as might contain the moil general Rules, and have given fome of the moft curious and difficult Examples which can be propofed : And that they may be the more clearly comprehended, we will range what we have farther to advance, under the following Heads, viz. •I. When the Shadow is cafi upon the Ground, or upon a Plane paral- lel to it. ■ II. When the Shadow is cafi upon a perpendicular Plane, III. When the Shadow is cafi upon an oblique Plane. C A S E I. When the Shadow is caft upon the Ground, &c. — • — -Firfl, by a perpendicular Object ; fecondly, by a parallel Object ; and tliirdly, by an inclined Object. Example I. When it is cafi by a perpendicular Objedl. , _ * Here R S is given for the vanifhing Line of the Rays of Light, ' R for the vanifhing Point of the Rays, and A B for the perpendicular Object, whofe Shadow is fought. * The Line R S, whether continued or not, will always fignify the vanifhing Line of the Plane of Rays, and R the vanifhing Point of the Rays of Light. From APPENDIX. From A and B draw" A S, and B R, cuting each other in b ; then is A b the Shadow of A B. -j- Example II. When it is caft by a parallel Objetf, as the Plane 1234. Find the Seats of the four Corners upon the Ground, as a, e, n, f j Fl S- < then from thofe Seats draw Lines to S, and from 1, 2, 3, 4, draw Lines to R, which will interfed each other, and thereby give the Appearance of the Shadow m. — Now becaufe S and H are the va- nilhing Points of the Plane 1234, therefore the Sides of the Shadow will vanifh into thofe Points. Example III. When it is cafi by an inclined ObjeSt. Let 1 2 3 4 be a Pyramid, whofe Shadow is required.— From Fig- 7- n, the Seat of its Apex or Top 3, draw a Line to S, and from 3 draw a Line to R, cutting 118mm; then from 1 and 2 draw Lines to m, which will compleat the Shadow.-- And in the fame Manner the Shadow of the inclined Edge A B, of the perpendicular Plane A B D, is to be determined. CASE II. When the Shadow is caft. upon a perpendicular Plane.-— FirhS when it is caft by a perpendicular Objetf: ; fecondly, when it is caft by a parallel Object and thirdly, when it is caft by an inclined Object. Example h When it is caft by a perpendicular Objetf. Let ab be an Object perpendicular to the Plane A B C D, and let Fig. 4. it be required to find the Shadow of the ObjecT: a b upon this Plane. From a and b draw the Perpendiculars a f, b g, and through f, where af cuts the Bottom AB, draw Cg, cutting bgingj then + Now that S, die Center of the vanilhing Line R S, is likewife the vanifhing Point of the Shadow of A B, may be thus demonftrated. The Lines A B and R S being parallel there- fore the Plane ABRS will pafs through them both ; and fince the Shadow of AB is cait upon the Ground, it muft vanifh into the horizontal Line : And becaufe RS is the vanilhing Line of the Plane of Rays which projefts the Shadow, the Point S muft likewile be in that Line, and therefore S, the common Sedtion of the vanifhing Line RS, with L S the vanilhing Line of the Plane upon which the Shadow is caft, muft be the vanifhing Point of the Shadow upon that Plane. And in the fame Manner all the foregoing Figures upon this Head may be demonftrated, r JST 2 fr° m APPENDIX. from g draw g S cutting A B in h, and from h draw a Line at plea- fure, but parallel to a f, then from b draw a Line to R cutting h e in e ; finally, draw a Line from e to a, which will be a Guide for corn- pleating the Shadow, as in the Figure. Example II. When it is caft by a parallel Objecl. Fig- u Here A B is the Objecl:, and i 2 3, the Plane upon which the bnadow is caft.— From A draw A S cutting the lower Edge 1 2, in a, and from B draw BR, and from a, draw ag parallel to A B • then will af be the Shadow propofed : And was the Plane 1 2 % 'continued as high as g, then would ag be the Shadow of A B.~- The fame may be faid of the Shadows a, c, in Figures 2, 3. Example III.- -When it is caft by an inclined Objecl. h * S ' j In thls figure 1345, is an inclined Obje£t, which cafts a Sha- dow upon the Planes A, C— F«d the Shadow of the perpendicular Plane 1 2 3, upon the Ground, which will cut the lower Edge of the Plane A in a j continue a a till it cuts the horizontal Line in f • then is f the vanifhing Point of the Shadow of the Edge 1 3, there- fore from R draw a Line through f, and continue it at pleafure, which will pafs through C, (the vanifhing Point of the inclined Face J 3 4 5) then from H, the vanifhing Points of the perpendicular Planes A, C, draw H V perpendicular to the horizontal Line, which will cut R V in V, and thereby give V for the vanifhing Point of the Shadows ab and cdj therefore from a draw aV, and from b draw b S, from c draw cV, and finally, from 3 draw 3 R, which will give the Point d for the Shadow of the Corner 3.— And in order to find the vanifhing Point of the Shadow which is caft upon the Plane G by the Top 34 of the inclined Plane, continue V S below the hori- zontal Line, and draw a Line from R parallel to the horizontal Line which will cut V S in S, and thereby give S for the vanifhing Point of that Part of the Shadow ; as is evident by the Figure. CASE III. When the Shadow is caft upon an inclined Plane.— Firft, by an Objea perpendicular to the Ground ; and fecondly by an Obied in- clined to the Ground. J EXAMP. APPENDIX. Example I. When it is cafi by a perpendicular Objedi ; which will admit of great Variety. ift If the vanifliing Point S of the Sides i 5, 3 4-*%^ vanifh-Fig. u W Point of the Shadow upon the Ground, then will S be alfo the vanifliing Point of the Shadow upon the inclined Plane -Thus the Shadow cd which is call: by A B upon the inclined Plane will va- *fl into S 111 2dlv° If the vanifliing Point S of the Shadow be taken within Fig . t , the vanifliing Point H of the Edges 15, 34, then the vanifliing Points of the Shadow cd, will be above the horizontal Line ; and may always be found in this Manner 5 viz, find the Shadows A a, ac, and continue the vanifliing Line R S above the horizontal Line at Pleafure 5 then from the vanifliing Points H, V, of thr inclined Plane draw HV, cutting Rs in s, and then is s the vanifliing Point or Cd ^dlv If the vanifliing Point S of the Shadow be taken without Fig. 3^ the vanifliing Point H of the Edges 15, 3 4> then the vanifliing Point 1 of the Shadow c d will be below the horizontal Line : And this is found by drawing a Line through the vanifliing Points V and H of the Edges 13, 15 of the inclined Plane, till it cuts the vanifli- ing; Line R S in 1. , c Now the Reafon of all this muft appear extremely evident, it we confider, firft, that however a Shadow is caft upon any Plane, it muft vanifli into a Point or Points in the vanifliing Line of that Plane ; becaufe the Boundaries or Out-lines of every Shadow, are confidered only as Lines drawn upon a Plane. And fecondly, becaufe the va- nhW Points of the Sides of any Shadows, and the vanifliing Point of the* Plane of Rays which projects thofe Shadows, muft always be in the fame Plane : But, as we obferved before, this will more fully aP ^tSy^ y To e fiXhe Shadow of A BCD upon the inclined Plane Fig. 4 1 74.— Here VL continued will be the vanifliing Line of the inclined Plane : And to find the Shadow cd, firft determine the Sha- dow of A B C D upon the Ground, which will cut the lower Edge or the inclined Plane ; then continue R S till it cuts V L in V and from R draw R L parallel to the horizontal Line which will cut VLmL; and then are L and V the vanifliing Points of the Shadow, as m the r ig APPENDIX. Figure.-- — From this Figure we may obferve, that the Line V L paffes through the vanishing Point H of the Edges i, u anc j therefore the vanifhing Point V may be found by drawing L V through H. ■ 6 j*- * Fig. 6. 5thly. To determine the Shadow of the Pillar A, when it is can: upon two inclined Planes. Here HF and FL are the vaninW Lines of the inclined Planes 124, 23 4. Find the Shadow of the Pillar upon the Ground which will cut the lower Edge of the Plane 124 in a b ; then continue HF till it cuts R S continued in V and then is V the vanifhing Point of the Shadow abed, and fo alfo s where the vaniming Line F L cuts R V; is the vanifhing Point of the Shadow c d e f. to Example II.- -When the Shadow is cqft by an inclined Line AB 3 upon an inclined Plane 123. Fi ? . 7. . ^ a . vin g fo " nd the Shadow of A B upon the Ground, continue it till it cuts the horizontal Line in s j then from R draw a Line thro' s cutting the vanifhing Line H V of the Plane 1 2 3, in f, and then is f the vanifhing Point of the Shadow a b ; And if L f be continued it will cut the vanifhing Line N U in U. 8. To find the Shadow of a perpendicular ObjecT: when it is cafl upon a Tetrahedron. Determine the Shadow A b of A B upon the Ground, and draw the Seat a e n f of the Plane 12345 then from where the Shadow cuts a f , draw Lines parallel to A B cuttino- the Edge 1 4, which will be a Guide for drawing the Shadow upon the upper Face, to S. And for the Shadow on the Face 1 4 D continue the vanifhing Line HM of 14D, and S R the vanifhirV Line of the Plane of Rays, and their Interferon with each other will be the vanifhing Point of that Shadow. As to the Shadows which are cart upon the Ground by the above Objects, it is prefumed, that they want no farther Explanation. • Thefe are a few of the many Examples which might be produced as a farther Illuflration of the Perfpedive of Shadows j for this Part of Perfpedive might be extended to Infinity : However thefe Figures contain fome of the moft general Principles that I can think of, and are abundantly fufficient to fhew how the Appearances of any Sha- dows are to be exadly determined, upon all forts of Planes, and in £he molt difhcult Situations, Borne APPENDIX. Some Confiderations upon drawing the Reprefentation of an inclined Plane going from the Eye, or what is ufually called a Down-hill. To reprefent a Down-hill hath always appeared a Matter of great Difficulty to Painters, and thits will ever remain impracticable, iince, in the Nature of the Thing, :it is impoffible to be done. For let HL be the horizontal Line, and let Fi, F2, F3, F4,Fig. and F H, reprefent the fevenal Angles, or Inclinations of five differ- ent Hills : Then we may conceive thefe Hills to be like fo many inclined Planes. And if theyr are fuppofed to vanim into Lines paral- lel to the horizontal Line, th