eaassasj! a ■ • m w: Mil Vv./.'M ^ HI Iiiiii»ii^i4 SpMBI • :<; : r'-: PIK ■ nummmtlmuMbi bf 'MM vtfMlSSiffli lipWp ^«i« A GUIDE TO ENGLISH PATTERN GOINS IN GOLD, SILVER, COPPER, AND PEWTER, FROM EDWARD I. to VICTORIA, WITH THEIR VALUE. BY The Rev. G. F. CROWTHER, M.A. (Member of the Numismatic Society of London). WITH ILLUSTRATIONS. London : L. UPCOTT GILL, 170, STRAND, W.C. LONDON : PRINTED BY A. BRADLEY, 170 , STRAND, W.C. PREFACE. By the title pattern coins are meant such coins as would be called by French numismatists pieces d'essai , that is, trial pieces. Strictly speaking, only those pieces which were designed to be issued from the Royal Mint, and to pass as current money, should be called pattern coins. But the name has been given to several pieces which should properly be classed as medals, or jettons, and also to a few which may have been in circulation. I have, therefore, found it difficult to draw the line between medals and pattern coins on the one hand, and between patterns and current coins on the other. In deference, however, to the suggestions of correspondents, I have ad- mitted into this list several pieces which I do not believe can be fairly classed as patterns. It has not been my object to write a treatise on pattern coins, but merely to draw up a list giving the value of the different varieties. In such a list many lesser distinc- tions, which ought to be noticed in a complete treatise, have unavoidably been passed over ; but the description will, it is hoped, be found sufficient to enable the col- lector to identify, and form an estimate of the value of, most of the specimens that come under his notice. It is scarcely necessary to add another warning against the many false coins now rejected from most cabinets. IV Preface. Forgeries of the Anne farthings, of various types, both in silver and copper, are often met with. These are generally cast ; but there are a good many re-strikes of several of the later patterns. Fullerton money seems to be getting more plentiful, and patterns by Droz and Wiener are not so scarce as might have been expected. On pages 59 and 60 of this book will be found notes of a few prices realised in November and December of this year. Many of the prices quoted in this list are high, if not fancy, prices ; but it must be borne in mind that some of the coins are unique. In fact, although several catalogues have been searched for some of the scarcer varieties, only a single quotation has been discovered. The number of references for each specimen will therefore, in some cases, afford a slight indication whether it be comparatively common or scarce. The prices given refer chiefly to specimens in the finest state, although, it need scarcely be said, the catalogues are not always a safe guide as to the condition of coins offered for sale. The collections are referred to by name, and the year when each was dispersed is added in brackets. This will allow those who are so disposed to verify the quotations at any time, and will ensure the correction of any errors that may have crept into the list ; but no pains have been spared to make it as accurate as possible. I am much indebted to Mr. R. A. Hoblyn, who kindly revised the proof sheets, and also to the late Colonel W. Stewart Thorburn and Mr. Verity, for many valuable suggestions. G. F. CROWTHER. Christmas , 1886. English Pattern Coins. Edward I. Groat. — Silver . Obv ., king’s bust, front face, crowned, in a quatrefoil : EDWARD VS . DI . GRA . REX . ANGL. Rev., cross fleurie, three pellets in each angle. (Hawkins, XXII. 290.) Weight varies from 80 to i38gr. Price:— Higgs (1830), 5s.; Durrant (1847), £%; Bergne (1873), ^7 ; Shepherd (1885), ^3 10s. Edward III. Half-Groat. — Silver. A very thick piece, struck from the half-groat die. Weight, 32igr. Price: — Cuff (1854), £ 6 ; Chaffers (1857), £ 7 2s. 6d. Henry VII. Groat. — Silver. Obv., full-faced bust, with arched crown ; m.m. cross. Rev., a large portcullis in the centre ; m.m. lys: CIVITAS LONDON . POSVI, &c. (Ruding, Supplement, Part 2, XVI. 16.) Price: — Thomas (1844), ^14 10s. ; Sept., 1845, £*9 I 9 S * Perkin Warbeck. Groat. — Silver. Struck by the Duchess of Burgundy. Obv., shield with royal arms, crowned ; lys on left, rose on right, each crowned : DOMINE . SALVVM . FAC . REGEM ; m.m. lion Rev., lys, lion and B 2 English Pattern Coins. Perkin Warbeck. — Continued. Groat. — Continued. rose, crowned: MANI . TECKEL . PH ARES . 1494 ; m.m. lion. (Ruding, Suppl. III. 33.) Price:— Cuff (1854), £9; Martin (1859), £z\ Mur- chison (1864), £ TI 5 s -j Maynard (1885), ^14 15s. Henry VIII. Crown. — Silver. Obv ., half-length figure of king, crowned, holding sword and orb : HENRIC’ 8 . DEI . GRACIA . ANGLIE . FRANCI . Z . HIBERN . REX ; m.m. lys. Rev., arms of France and England quarterly, crowned ; supporters, a lion and dragon ; on tablet below H^; m.m. lys: ANGLICE . Z . Fig. 1. — Henry VIII. Crown. HIBERNICE . ECCLESIE . SVPREMVM . C.APVT. Weight, 4 56gr. (See Fig. 1.) (Ruding, VIII. 1.) This is not a coin, but a medal struck to commemorate the royal supremacy. Price: — Cuff (1854), ^140. Penny. — Silver. A thick piece from the die of the Durham penny, sovereign type. Rev., arms with C.D. at sides. Weight, 44gr. Price: — Devonshire (1844), jQ 6 ios.j Cuff (1854), /A- Edward VI. 3 Edward VI. Double Sovereign or Three-Sovereign Piece. — Gold. Obv ., king seated, holding sceptre and orb, at his feet a portcullis : EDWARD . VI . D . G . ANGLIE, Fig. 2. — Edward VI. Double Sovereign. &c. ; m.m. a dragon’s head. Rev., shield with royal arms, within a full-blown rose : IHESV AVTEM TRANSIENT &c. Weight, 4 77gr. (See Fig. 2.) (Ruding, VIII. 1.) Price: — Hollis (1817), ^99; Devonshire (1844), ^40; Cuff (1854), Bergne (1873), £ l 6 5 - Fig. 3. — Edward VI. Six-Angel Piece. Six-Angel Piece. — Gold. Obv., the Archangel Michael, trampling on and spearing the Devil : EDWARD . 4 English Pattern Coins. Edward VI. — Continued. Six- Angel Piece. — Continued. VI, &c . ; m.m. rose. Pen., a ship : PER . CRVCEM . TVAM, &c. Weight, 473gr. (See Fig. 3.) (Ruding, VIII. 3.) Price: — Pembroke (1848), ^185. Half-Sovereign. — Gold or Silver. Obv., bare-headed bust to right : SCVTVM . FIDEI . PROTEGET . EVM. Rev., rose, crowned, E . R . at sides : EDWARD . VI . D . G . REX . AGL . FRA . HI., &c. Weight, ii7gr. Price: — Gold, Cuff (1854), £5 5s.; Murchison (1864), ^30 1 os. , Silver, Cuff (1854), £4 2s. Noble (?) — Gold. Obv., double rose on a stalk, with six leaves, crowned, E . R. at sides : EDWARD . VI . REX, &c. Rev., inscription, in five lines across Fig. 4.— Edward VI. Noble. the field : INSIGNIA . POTENTISSIMI . REGIS . ANGLIE . 1547. Weight, 7i^gr. (See Fig. 4.) (Ruding, VII. 14.) Price : — Pembroke (1848), ^£57 • Arnold (1877), Half-Crown. — Gold. Obv., bust to right. Rev., double rose on a stalk, with six leaves, crowned, E . R . at sides : SCVTVM . FIDEI . PROTEGET . EVM . Price: — Devonshire (1844), £39. Edward, VI. — Elizabeth. 5 Edward VI. — Continued. Shilling. — Silver. Obv ., king on horseback : EDWARD VI . D . G . AGLIE . FRAN . Z . HIB . REX. ; m.m. bird’s head. Rev., arms crowned between E . R. Leg. , TIMOR DOMINI FONS VITE . M.D.L.I. ; m.m. bird’s head. (Hawkins, XXXII. 419-) Price : — Earl of Morton (1830), £4 4s. Philip and Mary. Half-Crown. — Silver. Obv., bust of Philip. Rev., bust of Mary, 1554. (Hawkins, XXXIV. 438.) Only two specimens are known. Elizabeth. Quarter-Sovereign. — Gold. Obv., bust to left. Rev., arms crowned between E . R. ; m.m. a star of six points. Weight, 53gr. (Ruding, X. 8.) Price : — Pembroke (1848), ^5. Half-Crown. — Silver, milled. Obv., crowned bust to left. Rev., shield of arms, divided by cross fourchee ; m.m. lys on both sides. (Ruding, XIII. 16.) Shillings. — Silver. Obv., bust to left, with flowing hair ; m.m. a key. Rev., plain shield. (Hawkins, XXXV. 44°.) Price : — Durrant (1847), ^7 5s . ; at Coventry, 1884, ^7 12s. 6d. Silver. Obv., as above. Rev., garnished shield. (Ruding, XIV. 4.) Price: — Durrant (1847), ^5 17s. 6d. ; at Coventry, 1884, ^9 19s. 6d . ; Wakeford (1884), J^6. Sixpences. — Gold or Silver. Obv., bust to left, richly or- namented ; rose behind the head, a portcullis in front : QVID . NOS . SINE . TE. Rev., a castle with three towers, and flags flying, E . R . at sides, arms of Portugal beneath: QVID . HOC . SINE . ARMIS. Price: — Gold, Trattle (1832), £1 ns. 6d. ; Silver (1885), 5s.; 1886, doubtful, £$. 6 English Pattern Coins. Elizabeth. — Continued. S ixp ences . — Contin ued. Silver. Obv ., large bust to left, crowned ; m.m. star. Rev., broad cross, dividing shield, 1574 or 3:575 above. (Ruding, XIII. 13 and 14.) Price: — Cuff (1854), fine, £14. Groats. — Silver. Obv., crowned bust to left, within inner circle; lys behind head ; m.m. bell: E.D.G. ROSA . SINE . SPINA. Rev., shield of arms; m.m. bell: CIVITAS LONDON. (Snelling, Pattern, V. 12.) Price : — Devonshire (1844), £\o 5s. Silver. — (Sometimes called Half-Groat). Obv., bust of queen, three-quarter face, to left, crowned : VNVM . A . DEO . DVOBVS . SVSTINEO. Rev., Elizabeth, in a monogram, crowned, 16-01 : AFFLICTORVM . CONSERVATRIX. (Ruding, XV. 9.) Weight, 66Jgr. Price : — Pembroke (1848), £ 2 19s.; Cuff (1854), £1 is.; Bergne (1873), £5 10s. ; Young (1881), £2 5s.; Horne (1885), £4 10s. This piece is generally cast. A specimen in Gold, at the Hon. Mrs. Grieve’s sale (1862), realised £20. Threepence. — Silver. Obv., large bust to left, crowned ; m.m. star. Rev., broad cross, dividing shield, 1574 or 1575 above. (Ruding, XIII. 12 and 13.) Price: — Cuff (1854), very fine, ^19. Half-Groat, Penny, or Farthing. — Silver. Obv., crowned rose : ROSA . SINE . SPINA. Rev., shield with cross of S. George : PRO . LEGE . REGE . ET . GREGE. Weight, 2 9 Jgr. Price: — Durrant (1847), £ 2 i Pembroke (1848), £1 19s; Christmas (1864), £1 12s. Half-Groat (?) — Silver. Obv., rose, crowned, between E.R. Leg., EL D’ . G’ . ROSA . SINE . SPINA. Rev., shield, with the cross of S. George : TVRRIS LONDINENSIS ; m.m. cross. Elizabeth. 7 Elizabeth. — Continued. Half-Groat. — Continued. Price : — Devonshire (1844), £8 5 s. ; Durrant (1847), £6 10s. This piece was also struck in copper. Penny. — Silver (pattern for copper coinage). Obv ., bust of queen, three-quarter face, to left, crowned : THE . PLEDGE . OF. Rev., Elizabeth, in a monogram, crowned, 16-01 : A . PENNY. Weight, 32gr. (Ruding, XV. 10.) Price: — Pembroke (1848), £1 16s. ; Murchison (1864), £3 5S. j Bergne (1873), £2 ns.; Young (1881), ^5 5s. ; Wakeford (1884), £3 2s. Also struck in copper. Price: — Cuff (1854),^! 16s. ; Christmas (1864), very fine, 14s. Halfpenny. — Silver (pattern for copper coinage). Obv., Elizabeth, in a monogram, crowned : THE . PLEDGE . OF. Rev., rose, crowned : A . HALF- PENNY. (Ruding, XV. 11.) Weight, 2 4 gr. Price: — Pembroke (1848), £3 8s. ; Cuff (1854), £2 15s.; Addison (1855), £1 15s.- Murchison (1864), £2 I os. ; Bergne (1873), £3 ; Wrightson ( 1 S7 4), £5-, Young (1881), £5 5s. Farthings. — Silver (pattern for the copper coinage). Obv., Elizabeth, in a monogram, crowned. Rev., portcullis, 1601. (Ruding, XV. 12.) Weight, I 7g r - Price : — Pembroke (1848), £3 ; Christmas (1864), £2 1 os. ; Bergne (1873), £3 is.; Young (1881), £4 4 s * Silver. Obv., bust to left, crowned. Rev., monogram, crowned ; below a small rose. No legend. (Snelling, Pattern, V. 9.) Price: — Cuff (1854), £1 16s. A variety with three small roses instead of one below the mono- gram : — Devonshire (1844), £6 15s. 8 English Pattern Coins. Elizabeth. — Continued. Farthings. — Continued. Silver. Obv ., bell, between E.R., crown above. Rev., rose. No legend. (Snelling, Pattern, V. io.) Price: — Devonshire (1844), £6 15s. James I. Unit. — Gold. Obv., laureated bust to left: IACOBVS : D : G : MAG : BRIT : FRA : ET : HIB : REX. Rev., square shield of arms, crowned, over a cross fourchee. (Snelling, Pattern, V. 16.) This piece is small, thick, and in good relief. Price : — Hollis (1817), ^38 6s. 6d. Halfpenny. — Silver. Obv., I.R., crowned, between rose and thistle. Rev., portcullis, crowned. (Ruding, XVI. 5.) Price: — Durrant (1847), £2 2s. ; White (1848), £ 1 17s. ; Murchison (1864), £ 2 10s. ; Bergne (1873), £ 2 3S-; Young (1881), £2 8s. Charles I. Five-Pound Piece.— Gold. By Rawlins. Obv., bare- headed bust, in armour, to left : CAROLVS, &c. Rev., oval shield, garnished and crowned : FLORENT . CONCORDIA . REGNA .; m.m. rose. Weight, ioz. lodwt. iogr. (Presented by Charles I., on the scaffold, to Bishop Juxon.) Price : — Cuff (1854), ^260; Brown (1869), ^ 354 - Sovereign. — Gold or Silver. By Rawlins. Obv., bare- headed bust to left, XX behind head. (There is also a variety without the numerals, m.m. lys.) Rev., oval shield, garnished and crowned. Weight, i35gr. (See Fig. 5.) Price '.—Gold, with numerals, Cuff (1854), ^10 ; Murchison (1864), jQ 16 16s.; Bergne (1873), from the Cuff collection, £19 10s. Gold, without numerals, Cuff (1854), ^7 15s.; Murchison (1864), £14 Bergne (1873), £ 12 . Silver, without Charles I. 9 Charles I— Continued. Sovereign. — Co?itinued. numerals (1885), jQ 1 5s., £ 2 10s. One, Gold, rather different, with m.m. plume, Bergne (1873), £$°- Fig. 5.— Charles I. Sovereign. Crown. — Silver . By N. Briot. Obv ., bareheaded bust to left. Rev., king on horseback : HAVD . VLLI . VETERVM . VIRTVTE . SECVNDVS. Price : — Tyssen (1802), ^31 10s.; Trattle (1834), the same coin, ^34 10s.; Durrant (1847), the same coin, ^58; Cuff (1854), £ 20 ; Murchison (1864), the same coin, £9; Young (1881), jQ 20 ; Brown (1869), ^43. Fig. 6. — Charles I. Half-Crown. Half-Crown.' — Silver. By N. Briot. Obv., king on horse- back to right : O . REX . DA . FACILEM . 10 English Pattern Coins. Charles I. — Continued. Half-Crown. — Continued. CVRSVM. ; below, N . BRIOT . F . Rev., oval shield, crowned, 16-28 : ATQVE . AVDACIBVS . ANNVE . CCEPTIS. (See Fig. 6.) (Ruding, XXII. 2.) Evelyn considers this to be a medal struck to commemorate the second proposed ex- pedition to La Rochelle. Price: — Durrant (1847), £ 4 ns.; Murchison (1864), £4-, Bergne (1873), £6 10s.; Young (1881), £8 10s. Exeter Half-Crown. — (Ruding, XXV. i.) There is a very beautiful and rare half-crown of Charles I., of the Exeter mint, on which the king appears mounted on horseback, with his face turned nearly to the front, and holding a truncheon in his right hand. The horse is prancing amidst arms strewn on the ground. On the Rev. is an oval shield, garnished, and the date (1642), in small figures, may be noticed in the lower garniture of it. The m.m. on both sides is a rose. Hawkins (“Silver Coins,” p. 325) says: “This piece is round, neatly executed, generally in very good preservation, and probably not adopted for circulation.” There was no half-crown of this type in the Shepherd collec- tion, recently dispersed. The coin is much prized, and specimens have realised the following prices at sales : Dimsdale (1824), £\% 10s.; Durrant (1847), £\^ ; Cuff (1854), £ 8 2s. 6d.; Dymock (1858), £ 6 ; Murchison (1864), £7 12s. 6d.; Bergne (1873), £22 1 os.; Young (1881), £32. Half-Crown. — Silver. Obv., king on horseback, to left. Rev., royal arms, within garter, crowned; sup- porters, lion and unicorn; below, date, 16-45. (Ruding, XXVI. 3.) Price: — May, 1830, £2 19s.; Bentham (1838), £2 /s.; Christmas (1864), “well preserved,” £3 4s.; Bergne (1873), ,£5 10s. Charles /. 1 1 Charles I. — Continued. Shillings. — Silver. By N. Briot. Obv., large bust to left, bareheaded. Rev., shield, garnished and crowned : AVSPICIIS . REX . MAGNE . TVIS . 1630, a small B after legend ; m.m. S. George and Dragon. Weight, i9ogr. (Ruding, XXI. 9.) Price: — Wakeford (1884), £10 10s. Another. Obv. s crowned bust. Rev., as above. Price : — Trattle (1832), £ 6 8s. 6d. ; Young (1881), £15 10s. ; Wakeford (1884), “well pre- served,” £3 1 2S. Gold, same type. Price: Cuff (1854), very fine, £4 4s.; Bergne (1873), ^15. Silver. By N. Briot. Obv., laureated bust to right, a small B underneath. Rev., three crowns, tied together by one knot, a rose beneath : VNITYE INVICTYE. (Ruding, XXII. 3.) Price : — One, “ well preserved,” sold for 4s. in 1884. Silver . Obv., laureated bust to right ; R., under bust, for Rawlins : CAROLVS, &c. Rev., sword and olive branch, crossed in saltire, between C. and R., crowned : IN . VTRVMQVE . PARATVS. In the exergue, 1643. Weight, 106-Jgr. (Ruding, XXII. 4.) Price : — One, rather worn, sold for 4s. 6d. in 1884; Simpson (1885), very fine, 16s. With the above, the two sold together: Christmas (1864), £1 5s.; Bergne (1873), £1 10s. Silver. By N. Briot. Obv., crowned bust of the king, in armour, to the right : CAR . D . G., &c. Rev., square shield of arms, crowned, within the garter, with the motto : HONI . SOIT . QVI . MAL . Y . PENSE., and in larger letters, FIDEI . DEFENSOR. Weight, i2igr. (Ruding, XXII. 5.) Price : — Devonshire (1844), £8 10s.; Durrant (1S47), £ 7 ; Cuff (1854), £7 5s.; Murchison 12 English Pattern Coins . Charles I. — Continued. Shillings. — Continued. (1864), £4 14s.; Bergne (1873), £<) 9s.; Young (1881), £5 5s. Silver. By N. Briot. Obv ., crowned bust to left : CAROLVS, &c. Rev., square shield, crowned, 16-35: ARCHETYPYS . MONETAE . ARGENTS . ANGLIC.; small B after legend. (Ruding, XXII. 6.) Price : — Rich (1828), £6 18s.; Trattle (1832), £2 1 6s.; Cuff (1854), £1 is.; Bergne (1873), £*o 1 os. Gold or Silver. By N. Briot. Obv., bust to left, radiated crown; beneath, pq . Leg., CAROLVS . D . G . MAG . BRIT . FR . ET . HIB . REX. Rev., sceptre and trident in saltire, between C.R., both crowned; below a rose: REGIT . VNVS . VTROQVE. Silver. By N. Briot. Obv., shield of Great Britain, crowned, within collar of the Order of the Thistle, all within the garter : CAROLVS . D . G . ANG . SCO . FRAN . ET . HIB . REX . FIDEI . DEFENSOR. Rev., sceptre and trident in saltire : REGIT . VNVS . VTROQVE. In exergue, 1628. Silver. By N. Briot. Obv., bareheaded bust to left, in armour and lace collar : CAROLVS . D . G . MAGN . BRITANN . FRANC . ET . HIB . REX. ; m.m. a rose. Rev., from same die as the preceding coin. Groats. — Silver. By N. Briot. Obv., crowned bust to left; rose, IIII. and D behind head. Rev., square shield, 1634 above: CHRISTO . AVSPICE . REGNO . (Snelling, Pattern, V. 32.) Price : — Murchison (1864), very fine, £1 10s. Silver. By N. Briot. Obv., crowned bust to left : CAROLVS, &c.; m.m. bell. Rev., oval shield, garnished: CHRISTO . AVSPICE . REGNO. (Snelling, Pattern, V. 33.) Charles I. ^3 Charles I. — Continued. Groats. — Continued. Price : — Durrant (1847), £ 2 9 s - > Bergne (1873),. £1 1 6s . ; Young (1881), £1 18s. ; (1885), £1 5s. Threepences. — Silver. By N. Briot. Obv ., crowned bust to left, rose behind the head ; or III., with a rose above ; m.m. a bell. Rev., oval shield, garnished,. 1634: SAL VS . REIPVBLICH5 . SVPREMA . LEX. Weight, 20-Jgr. (Ruding, XXII. 10.) Price: — Durrant (1847), jQ 1 9 s - Silver. By N. Briot. Obv., crowned bust to left : rose, III. and D behind head : CAR . D . G., &c. Rev., square shield, divided by cross fourchee 1634 above : SALVS . REIPVBLIOE . SVPREMA . LEX. (Ruding, XXII. n.) Price: — Durrant (1847), 9 s - Half-Groats. — Silver. Obv., bust to left. Rev., large plume, between 16-46 : IVSTITIA . THRONVM . FIRM AT. (Ruding, Suppl. V. 6.) Price: — Murchison (1864), £1. Silver. By N. Briot. Obv., bareheaded bust of king to right : CAR . D . G., & c. Rev., radiated rose: FLOREBIT . IN . JEW M. Weight, 25^. (Ruding, XXII. 14.) Price: — Bergne (1873), £> 2 I2S -i Young (1881), £1 ns. Silver. By N. Briot. Obv., bareheaded bust of king to right : CAR . D . G., &c. Rev., sceptre and trident in saltire : REGIT . VNVS . VTROQVE. (Ruding, XXII. 15.) Price : — Bergne (1873), £2 4s.; Young (1881), 18s. Another. Rev., a crowned C at each side of sceptre and trident. Silver. By N. Briot. Obv., bareheaded bust to right : CAR . D . G., &c. Rev., two C’s inter- linked under a crown : FIDEI, DEFENSOR. (Ruding, XXII. 16.) 14 English Pattern Coins . Charles I. — Continued. Half-Groats . — Continued. * Price: — Bergne (1873), “ fine,” 7s. ; June, 1885, very fine, 13s. Silver. By N. Briot. Obv ., a rose, crowned, between C. R., crowned, with B below. Rev., a thistle, crowned, between C . R., crowned, 1640. Weight, 23gr. (Ruding, XXII. 17.) Price: — Durrant (1847), £1 3s.; Christmas (1864), £1 19s.; Bergne (1873), ^2 l8s C Young (1881), £2 10s. Six-Farthing Piece. — Silver. By N. Briot. Obv., crowned bust to left, breaking through inner circle : CAR . D . G., &c. Rev., rose, within inner circle : CHRISTO . AYSPICE . REGNO. In exergue, VI. F. Price: — Murchison (1864), £9. Five-Farthing Piece. — Silver. By N. Briot. Obv. and Rev. like the preceding, but with V . F. in exergue. Price: — Murchison (1864), ^10 10s. Halfpennies.- — Silver. Obv., C.R., crowned. Rev., full- blown rose. (Snelling, Pattern, V. 18.) Price : —Murchison (1864), very fine, £3 3s. Silver. Obv., rose, crowned : CAROLVS, &c. Rev., rose, crowned : A . HALF . PENI. (Ruding, XX. 6.) Price : — Durrant (1847), £2 9s.; Cuff (1854), the same coin, £2 6s.; Murchison (1864), the same coin, £3 14s.; Bergne (1873), tlie same c °i n > £ 4 4S-; Young (1881), £2 10s. Farthings. — Copper. Obv., crown and sceptre : FAR- THING TOKENS. Rev., crowned rose, two sceptres, and three lys. Price: — Devonshire (1844), £4; Durrant (1847), £5 I2S - 6d - Charles I. — Commonwealth. 15 Charles I. — Continued. Farthings. — Continued. Copper. Obv., helmeted bust to left : CAROLVS, &c. Rev., arms, in oval shield. Price : — Durrant (1847), £ 4 IOS - Copper . Obv., crowned rose between two swords, the points downward; date 1644: CITTIE OF LONDON. Rev., two sceptres in saltire, a crown above, and a lion passant in each of the lower angles : TYPVS . MONETAE . ANGL . ^ERIS. Price : — Trattle (1832), jQ 2 15s. Commonwealth . Half-Crowns. — Silver. By Blondeau. On the edge : TRVTH : AND : PEACE : 1651 : PETRVS : BLOND.dEVS : INVENTOR : FECIT. Weight, 234gr. (Ruding, XXXI. 3.) Price: — Trattle (1832), ^27 10s. ; Murchison (1864), £12 \ Young (1881), ^25 ; sale at Coventry, 1884, “very fine,” £9 9s.; Wakeford (1884), ^5 12s. 6d. ; Shepherd (1885), £26. Silver. By Blondeau. On the edge : IN . THE . THIRD . YEARE . OF . FREEDOME . BY . GODS . BLESSING . RESTORED .1651. Weight, 2 33g r - Price : — Edmonds (1834), ^14; Murchison (1864), £11 15s.; Young (1881), ^11 15s.; Wakeford (1884), ^19 8s. 6d. ; Shepherd (1885), ^12 15s. Shilling. — Silver. By Blondeau. 1651. Edge grained. Weight, 93gr. (Ruding, XXXI. 5.) Price: — Pembroke (1848), £13 10s. ; Young (1881), Rn ios. ; sale at Coventry, 1884, R4 8s. ; Wakeford (1884), “ fine,” £3 3s. Sixpence. — Silver. By Blondeau. 1651. Edge grained. Weight, 4 6igr. (Ruding, XXXI. 7.) Price: — Edmonds (1834), £2 15s.; sale at Coventry, 1884, £4 8s.; Wakeford (1884)5^4 18s. ; June, 1885, ^5 2S. 6d. i6 English Pattern Coins. Commonwealth. — Continued. Half-Crown. — Silver . By Ramage. Obv., similar to the ordinary type. Rev ., angel holding shields of England and Ireland: GAYRDED . WITH . ANGELES .1651. On the edge : TRVTH . AND . PEACE . 1651. Weight, 28 9-Jgr. (Ruding, XXXII. 2 -) Price: — Murchison (1864), ^27; Young (1881), ^27; Shepherd (1885), ^52. Fig. 7. — Ramage’s Shilling. Shilling. — Silver. By Ramage. Struck from the same dies as the half-crown, but the edge grained. Weight, 94gr. (See Fig. 7.) (Ruding, XXXII. 3.) Price :— Higgs (1830), ^30 ; Trattle (1832), ^38 ; Murchison (1864), ^23; Young (1881), from the Durrant and Bergne cabinets, ^35 10s. Sixpence. — Silver. By Ramage. Obv., shield of England : TRVTH . AND . PEACE. Rev., shield of Ireland: TRVTH . AND . PEACE. Weight, i26igr. (Ruding, XXXII. 1.) Price: — Higgs (1830), ^10; Devonshire (1844), £S 5s. ; Young (1881), ^18 10s. Halfpenny. — Pewter. Obv., shield of England within branches of palm and olive. Rev., shields of England and Ireland, 1649. Price : — A well-preserved specimen was sold with five other coins for 16s., in 1884. Commonwealth. r 7 Commonwealth. — Continued. Farthings. — Pewter. Obv ., English shield : J OVNCE . OF . FINE . PEWTr Rev., Irish shield : FOR . NECESSARY . CHANGE . (Ruding, XXXI. 12 .) Price: — Lewin-Sheppard (1861), £ 2 5s.; Mur- chison (1864), £1 is. Copper. Obv., shield with cross of S. George : THE . FARTHING . TOKENS . FOR. Rev., shield with Irish harp : THE . RELIEFE . OF . THE . PORE. Price: — Tyssen (1802), £ 2 19s. Copper. Obv., shield of England : FARTHING . TOKENS . OF . ENGLAND. Rev., shield of Ireland : FOR . NECESSITY . OF . CHANGE . 1649. (Ruding, XXXI. 13.) Price : — Trattle (1832), £1 17s. ; Durrant (1847), £1 ns.; Cuff (1854), £3. Brass, with plug of Copper. Obv., shield of England, laurel wreath above : ENGLAND’S . FARTHING . or FARDIN. Rev., shield of Ire- land, wreath above : FOR . NECESSARY . CHA’, CHAN . or CHANG. (Ruding, XXXI. 15.) Price: — Bentham (1838), £2 9s.; Lewin- Sheppard (1861), £1 10s. ; Thomas (1862), £2 4s. ; Murchison (1864), £3. Copper. Obv., three pillars, united : THVS . VNITED . INVINCIBLE. Rev., ship in full sail to left : AND . GOD . DIRECT . OVR . COVRS . or CORSE. (Ruding, XXXII. 12.) Price: — Cuff (1854), £3 is.; Lewin-Sheppard (1861), £1 3s.; Thomas (1862), £2 3s. Obv. of Brass, and Rev. of Copper. Obv., arms of England and Ireland : SVCH GOD LOVES. E . R. Rev., arms of England and Ireland : PITTY THE POORE 1652. Price :— Trattle (1832), £3 9s. c i8 English Pattern Coins. Commonwealth. — Continued. Farthings. — Continued. Obv. of Brass , and Rev. of Copper . Obv ., arms of England and Ireland : THE COMONS PETICION. Rev., arms of England and Ireland between the letters E.R. Leg ., THE POORES RELEFE. Price: — Trattle (1832), £4 5s. Cromwell. Fifty-Shilling Piece. — Gold. By Simon. Obv., laureated bust to left. Rev., arms : PAX QVvERITVR . BELLO . 1 656. Edge inscribed + PROTECTOR. LITERIS . LITERS . NVMMIS . CORONA . ET . SALVS. Weight, 351^. Price : — Trattle (1832), £s.oo\ Pembroke (1848), ^76; Cuff (1854), ^41 10s. ; Murchison (1864), £l°; Young (1881), Farthings. — Copper. Obv.. laureated bust to left: OLIVAR . PRO . ENG . SC . IRL. Rev., arms, crowned: CHARITIE . AND . CHANGE. (Ruding, XXXII. 9.) Price: — Edmonds (1834), £3 7s.; Bentham (1838), £ 8 12s. 6d. ; Durrant (1847), £10 10s. ; Cureton (1851), £ 1 is.; Murchison (1864), £ 6 5s. This piece was also struck in Silver. Copper. Obv., laureated bust to left : OLIVER . PRO . ENG . SCO . & IRE. Rev., arms, crowned : CONVENIENT . CHANGE . 1651. (Ruding, XXXII. 10.) Price: — Tyssen (1802), £6 6s. Copper. Obv., laureated bust to left : OLIVAR . PRO . ENG . SC . IRL. Rev., three pillars, united, with cross, harp, and thistle at the top : THVS . VNITED . INVINCIBLE. (Ruding, XXXII. n.) Price: — Durrant (1847), £8 12s.; Cuff (1854), “well preserved,” £2 12s. Charles II. 19 Charles II. Sovereign. — Gold. Obv ., laureated bust to left, S below, for Simon. Rev., square shield, crowned, 1662. (Ruding, XIV. 8.) Price: — White (1848),^! ns.; Thomas (1862), £2 12s. ; Bergne (1873), £\ 13s.; Wrightson ( i 8 74)>;£6 15s.; Young (1881), £7 ; slightly varied, £9 5 s - Crowns. — 1662. The usual type, but in Gold. Edge in- scribed. Price: — Devonshire (1844), £11 15s.; Cuff (1854), £6 6s. ; Duncombe (1869), ^18. Silver. By Simon. The Petition Crown. Weight, 547gr. Fifteen specimens only are known. (For description, see Thorburn’s “Guide to the Coins of Great Britain and Ireland,” p. viii. (L. Upcott Gill, 170, Strand, London). Price: — Trattle (1832), ^225; Durrant (1847), £155; Lewin-Sheppard (1861), “fair,” ^40. Silver. Instead of the Petition, a variety has the edge inscribed : REDDITE . QVIE . C^ESARIS . OdESARI, &ct POST * 0 . Price: — Edmonds (1834), ^42; Cuff (1854), £74. Struck in Tin — Price: — Devonshire (1844), £9 1 os. ; Chetwynd (1872), £11 5s. Pewter A variety of the Petition Crown. Edge inscribed: RENDER . TO . CAESAR . THE . THINGS . WHICH . ARE . CAESAR’S, &c. Only two specimens are known. Price: — Cuff (1854), £& 8s.; Dymock (1858), the same coin, £10 15s. ; plain edge, Shepherd (1885), ^ 3 i. Broad, Half-Crown, or Shilling. — Silver. By Simon. Obv., laureated bust to left, a star above, s. beneath : CAROL VS II. REX. Rev., four small shields, with interlinked C’s, crowned, between them : 1660 . c 2 20 English Pattern Coins. Charles II. — Continued. Broad, Half-Crown, or Shilling. — Continued. MAGNALIA . DEI. (See Fig. 8.) Edge plain or grained. (Ruding, XXXIV. 2.) Fig. 8. — Charles II, Half-Crown. Price: — Durrant (1847), £9 j Lake-Price (1880), £SSs.; Wakeford (1884), £13 13s. Others have the edge inscribed : RE VERS VS . SINE . CLADE . VICTOR . T . S. Price : — Edmonds (1834), £9 9s. ; Durrant (1847), £y, Murchison (1864), £6 15s. Half-Crown. — Gold. Same type, but grained edge. Price: — Trattle (1832), £23; Edmonds (1834), £9 5s.; Cuff (1854), £6 6s. Broads, Half-Crowns, or Shillings. — Silver. By Simon. Obv ., laureated bust to right, s. below : CAROLVS . II . D . G., &c. Rev., square shield, crowned : 1660 . MAGNA . OPERA . DOMINI. (Ruding, XXXIV. 1.) Price: — Edmonds (1834), £2 7s.; Durrant (1847), £?>\ Wakeford (1884), very fine, £3 2s.; Montagu (1886), £6 6s. Silver. By Simon. Obv., crowned head. Rev., like preceding. Price : — Edmonds (1834), £23 10s. ; Cuff (1854), fine, £2. Charles II. 2 Charles II. — Continued. Halfpennies. — Silver. Obv ., head to right : CAROLO . SECUNDO. Rev., a rose tree with a full-blown rose : ANTE . OMNES. Price: — Taap (1884), ^3 10s. Silver. Obv., draped bust of king : CAROLVS II. REX. Rev., draped bust of queen : CATHE- RINA REGINA. Price: — Taap (1884), £2 10s. Silver . Obv., head to right : CAROLO . SE- CUNDO., and initials, P.R. Rev., a sleeping lion : QUIESCIT. In exergue, BRITAN. Price: — Taap (1884), jQ 2 10s. Copper. Exactly like the silver halfpenny last described. Price : — Taap (1884), £1. Silver or Copper. Obv., laureated bust to left : CAROLVS . A . CAROLO. Rev., Britannia, seated, to left : QVATVOR . MARIA . VINDICO. In exergue, BRITANNIA. Price: — In Copper — Edmonds (1834), the half- penny and farthing, 12s . ; Nation (1885), the halfpenny, £1 10s. Copper, with rim of Brass', also brass with rim of copper, all brass, or all copper. Obv., ship 22 English Pattern Coins. Charles II. — Continued. Halfpennies. — Continued. in full sail : CAR . II . D . G . M . B . FR . ET . HI . REX. Rev ., S. Michael and the Dragon : SOLI . DEO . GLORIA. (See Fig. 9.) Price : — Bergne (1873), 16s. ; Nation (1885), 1 6s. Silver. Type and legend exactly like that last described. Price: — Durrant (1847), £1 13s . ; Johnston (1876), £2 2S. Farthings. — Gold. Obv ., laureated bust to left : CARO- LVS . A . CAROLO. ; 1665 below. Rev., Britannia, seated, to left : QVATVOR . MARIA . VINDICO. In exergue, BRITANNIA. Edge grained. Price: — Trattle (1832), £4 ns.; Edmonds (1834), £2; Cuff (1854), £2 4s. Silver. Type and legend as before. 1665. Plain edge. Weight, 98jgr. Value: — Wyndham (1886), 12s. Copper. Type and legend as before. 1665. Plain edge. Value : — About 14s. Silver. Same type and legend, but a larger and thinner coin. Plain edge. Date, 1675 or 1676; the former date very rare. Value : — Christmas (1864), 5s . ; Wyndham (1 886), I 2 S. Copper. 1676. Same as above. Plain edge. Value : — About 14s. Silver. Obv., crowned head : CAROLVS . II . REX . ; m.m. a rose. Rev., three pillars : THVS . VNITED . INVINCIBLE. Price : — Bentham (1838), £1 9s. ; Durrant (1847), £1 9s.; Christmas (1864), 17s. Charles II. 23 Charles II. — Continued. Farthings.' — Continued. Silver. Obv., rose, crowned, between C and R, crowned: TRVTH . AND . PEACE. Date, 1660, 1661 ; or without date. Rev., three columns : THYS . VNITED . INVINCIBLE. Weight, 8oigr. Price: — Durrant (1847), ;£i: another, dated 1661, £1 is.; Cuff (1854), jQi 13s.; Christmas (1864), £*• Copper. Obv. and Rev., three columns ; no in- scription. Price : — Durrant (1847), j£i 16s. Copper. Obv., a crown : THE . KINGS . GRACE . IS. Rev., the royal oak : THE . POORES . RELIEFE. Price: — Durrant (1847), £ 2 I 7 S - Copper. Obv., laureated bust to right, 1663. Rev., rose, crown, thistle, and lys : MAG . BR . &c. (Snelling, Pattern, PI. VI. 17.) Price: — Durrant (1847), £5 l White (1848), 9s.; Bergne (1873), “well preserved,” 10s. Copper. Obv., crowned bust to left : SVCH . GOD . LOVES. Rev., rose, crowned, between C . R . 1660: TRVTH . AND . PEACE. Price: — Durrant (1847), jQ 6 17s. 6d. Copper. Obv., crowned bust to left : SVCH . GOD LOVES. Rev., three columns: THVS . VNITED . INVINCIBLE. Price : — Devonshire (1844), ^3 5s.; Cuff (1854), £3 12s. Copper. Obv., rose, thistle, lys, and harp, each crowned : CAROLVS . A . CAROLO. Rev., ship of war in full sail : QVATVOR . MARIA . VINDICO. On edge: + MONETAE . IN- STAVRATOR . 1662. 24 English Pattern Coins. Charles II. — Continued. F arthings. — Continued. Price: — Cuff (1854), ns. ; Bergne (1873), 17s.; Nation (1885), £1 10s. A variety with edge grained. Price: — Durrant (1847), ns. Copper. Same type, inscription, and date, but on the edge : ISTA . FAMA . PER . 2ETHERA . VOLAT. Price: — Durrant (1847), £3 is. Pewter. Obv ., two C’s and two R’s, interlinked and crowned : CAROLVS II. &c. Rev ., figure of Charity : THE . POORES . RELEIFE. Price : — Durrant (1847), £ 2 is. Pewter, with a ring of Copper inserted. Obv., two C’s and two R’s, interlinked and crowned : CAROLVS . SECVNDVS . DEI . GRATIA. Rev., two sceptres, crossing two similar sceptres : MAG . BRIT . FRA . ET HIB . REX. Price : — Bentham (1838), £4 is . ; Durrant (1847), £2 2S. ; Cuff (1854), £2 8s. Pewter. Similar type, but reading on Rev. : ENGLAND . SCOTLAND . FRANCE . IRE- LAN. Price: — Durrant (1847), £2. Copper. Obv., two C’s and two R’s, in mono- gram, crowned : CAROLVS . II . D . G . &c. Rev., the moon shining among the clouds : EX . NOCTE . DIEM. Price: — Trattle (1832), £1 is. Copper. Obv., a crown : CAROLVS II &c. Rev., four C’s, interlinked : TERRAS . CHARITAS . REVISIT. Price: — Bergne (1873), 8s. James III . — William and Mary. 25 James III. Crown. — Silver. Obv., bust to right : IACOBVS . Ill . DEI . GRATIA. Rev., oval shield of arms, crowned : MAG . BRI . FRAN . ET . HIB . REX . 1709. Edge plain. Only one specimen known, bought, by British Museum, from the Wigan cabinet. Shilling or Guinea. — Silver. Obv ., bust to right : IACOBVS TERTIVS. Rev., four shields, crowned, sceptres in angles : SCO . AN . FRA . ET . HIB . REX . 1716. Only twenty exist, all of which were struck by Mr. Matthew Young, in 1828. Price: — Henderson (1884), £2 6s.: Wakeford (1884), £1 1 6s. William and Mary. Halfpennies. — Copper. Obv., busts to right : GVLIEL- MVS . ET . MARIA. Rev., on a shield, crosses of S. George and S. Andrew, combined : ENGLISH . COPPER. Price: — Trattle (1832), 18s. ; Cuff (1854), £1 13s.; Bergne (1873), ^5 10s. Copper. Obv., draped busts to right. Rev., Britannia, seated, 1694, with broad rim. Price:— Cuff (1854), £1 5s.; Taap (1884), £1 10s. Copper. Obv., bust of William to right. Rev., bust of Mary to right. Edge plain. Weight, I 4°gr. Price: — Murchison (1864), 8s.; Bergne (1873), 8s. Brass. Obv., an elephant. Rev., arms of the City: GOD . PRESERVE . LONDON. Price: — Oct., 1884, 7s., 8s. There is another variety with LONDON only. Silver , Copper , or mixed metal. Obv., laureated busts to right. Rev., crown, supported by three pillars: HISCE SVFFVLTA. Price: — Silver— Bergne (1873), ns.; Copper — Bergne (1873), 5 s - 26 English Pattern Coins. William and Mary. — Continued. Halfpennies. — Continued. Silver , Copper, or Pewter. Obv., laureated busts to right. Rev., two arms, issuing from clouds, grasping a sceptre, which passes through a crown : IVNGIT . AMOR . PATRIiEQ . SALVS. Value: — In Silver, about £1 is. Copper, Mur- chison (1864), very fine, 19s. William III. Farthings. — Silver. Obv., laureated bust to right : GVLIELMVS . Ill . DEI . GRA. Rev., ship, with royal flag of France at stern, in flames : IGNIBVS IMPAR. Weight, 48gr. Commemorative of the blowing up of the “ Soleil Royal,” at the battle of La Hogue, 1692. The French ship bore the motto, NEC PLVRIBVS IMPAR, to which the inscription on the farthing is a caustic allusion. Price: — Bergne (1873), 12s. Silver. Obv., as above. Rev., sun, shining : NON DEVIO. Value : — 9s. William and Mary. Farthings. — Silver. Obv., busts of William and Mary to right: GVLIELMVS . ET . MARIA. Rev., Britannia, seated, to left : BRITANNIA. In exergue, 1694. Plain edge. Price : — Webster (1886), jQ 1 2s. Fig. 10.— William and Mary Farthing. Silver or Copper. Obv., laureated head of William William and Mary — Mary II. 27 William and Mary. — Continued. Farthings . — Continued. to right : GVLIELMVS . Ill . DEI . GRA. Rev., head of Mary to right : MARIA . II . DEI . GRA. (See Fig. 10). Value : — In Silver , about 9s. ; in Copper , 6s. William III. Farthing. — Silver. Same type as the current copper farthing, 1698 or 1699. Price: — (1885), a proof. £1. Mary II. Farthings. — Silver. Obv ., her head : MARIA . II . DEI . GRA. Rev., sun breaking through the clouds : EX . NOCTE . DIEM. Weight, 48gr. Price:— (1884), £1. Silver or Copper. Obv., head to right : MARIA . Fig. 11. — Mary II. Farthing. II . DEI . GRA. Rev., a rose : EX . CANDORE . DECVS. (See Fig. 11.) Price: — Murrell (1886), Silver, ns. Value in Copper , about 6s. Pewter. Obv., head : MARIA . II . DEI . GRATIA. Rev., her monogram. Value : — About 10s. 28 English Pattern Coins. Anne. Guineas. — Gold. 1702. Obv ., bust to left, a lock of hair falling over bare neck. Rev., yR, in centre. Edge plain. (See Fig. 12.) (Ruding, Suppl. VI. 27.) Fig. 12. — Anne Guinea. Price: — Devonshire (1844), £12 12s.; Cuff (i 8 S 4 ), £i' 1 ; Bergne (1873), £42 10s. ; Young (1881), .£15 15s. Gold. 1702. Obv., like the preceding coin. Rev., rose, in the centre. Edge plain. Price: — Edmonds (1834), ^13; Cuff (1854), ;£n 1 os. ; Bergne (1873), £10. Fig. 13. — Anne Halfpenny. Halfpennies. — Copper. Obv., draped bust to left : ANNA . D . G . MAG . BR . FR . ET . HIB . REG. Rev., Britannia seated to left on a globe, under a crown. (See Fig. 13.) Anne. 29 Anne. — Continued. Halfpennies. — Co?itinued. Price : — Durrant (1847), £3 12s. ; Cureton (1851), £1 16s. * Chaffers (1857), £2 8s.; Sheriff Mac- kenzie (1883), £4; Wyndham (i886) ? £4 17s. Copper. Obv., draped bust to left : ANNA . D . G . MAG . BR . FR . ET . HIB . REG. Rev., a rose and thistle on one stem. Price: — Durrant (1847), £4 4s. ; Chaffers (1857), £2 8s.; Wakeford (1884), “very fine,” £3 15s. Copper. Same as above, but rose and thistle crowned. Price Durrant (1847), £3) Chaffers (1857), £3. Copper. Obv., Britannia. Rev., rose and thistle. No inscription. Price: — Miller (1829), £2 2s.; Durrant (1847), 17s- Copper. By Croker. Obv., draped bust to left, hair beaded : ANNA . DEI . GRATIA. Rev., same as Obv. (See Fig. 14.) Price: — Durrant (1847), £4 16s. ; White (1848), £1 8s.; Lewin-Sheppard (1861), £4; Murchison (1864), Copper. Same as above, but edge inscribed : 30 English Pattern Coins. Anne. — Continued. Halfpennies. — Continued. ANNO . REGNI . DVODE . DECVS . ET . TVTAMEN. Price : — Miller (1829), £4 5s. ; Devonshire (1844), £7 1 os. ; Durrant (1847), £4 14s.; Cuff (1854), £4 2s. ; Hawkins (1868), £6. Farthings. — Silver. Obv ., draped bust to left, hair beaded : ANNA . DEI . GRATIA. Rev., Britannia, seated, Fig. 15. — Anne Farthing. to left, under portico : BRITANNIA. In exergue, 1713. (See Fig. 15.) Price: — In Silver (1829), £2 17s.; Durrant (1847), £2 is.; Chaffers (1857), £2 15s.; Brice (1881), £4 7s. 6d. Copper. Same type as above. Price: — Durrant (1847), 8s.; White (1848), £2 is. ; Murchison (1864), £$. Fig. j6. — Anne Farthing. Gold. Obv., draped bust to left, hair beaded : Anne. 3i Anne. — Continued. Farthings. — Continued. ANNA . AYGVSTA. Rev., Peace in a biga : PAX . MISSA . PER . ORBEM. In exergue, 1713. (See Fig. 16.) Price : — White (1848), £2 13s. Stiver. 1713. Same type as before. Price (1829), £4 6s. ; Durrant (1847), £z 3S. ; Chaffers (1857), £3; May, 1885, £5 15s.; Montagu (1886), £<) 9s. Copper. 1713. Same type. Price : — May, 1834, £4 4s. ; Lewin-Sheppard (1861), £1 1 8s. ; Christmas (1864), £5 5s. ; Wakeford (1884), £j 10s. Copper , with broad rim. Date in legend, 1713. Obv. : ANNA . DEI . GRATIA. Rev., Britannia, seated: BRITANNIA, and date. (See Figs. 17 and 18.) Fig. 17. — Anne Farthing. Fig. 18. — Anne Farthing. Price: — Bank of England sale (1877), £2 2s.; Sheriff Mackenzie (1883), £2 4s . ; Wakeford (1884), ^2 2S. 32 English Pattern Coins. Anne. — Continued. Farthings. — Continued. Silver , with broad rim. 1713. Same as above. Price: — Chaffers (1857), £1 10s. ; Brice (1881), £3 15s. ; (1886), £S 8s. Gold. Obv ., draped bust to left : ANNA . DEI . GRATIA. Rev., Britannia, seated, to left. Date in legend, 1713. Price: — Trattle (1832), £. 4 ; Edmonds (1834), £2 I 2 S. Silver or Copper. Same type as above, but date in exergue, 1714. Price: — In Silver — Chaffers (1857), £1 2s.; in Copper — Wakeford (1884), £1 8s. Fig. 19. — Anne Farthing. Copper. Obv., draped bust to left : ANNA REGINA. Rev., Britannia. Date in exergue, 1714. (See Fig. 19.) Price: — Thomas (1844), £1 is. Fig. 20. — Anne Farthing. Copper. Obv., draped bust to left, under the Anne . — George II. 33 Anne. — Continued. Farthings. — Continued. head a scroll. Rev., Britannia, standing : BELLO ET PACE. In exergue, 1713. (Fig. 20.) Price: — Bergne (1873), not very fine, £3 (this piece was of mixed metal ) ; Shorthouse (1886), ^19 17s. 6d. George I. Guinea. — Gold. 1727. The bust on this guinea is in higher relief than that on the current coin. Edge grained with oblique lines. Price: — Devonshire (1844), £3; Cuff (1854), £j 10s. ; Bergne (1873), the same coin, £13. Half-Crown. — Silver. 1715. Plain Rev. and plain edge. Price: — Devonshire (1844), ^12 15s.; Cuff (1854), ^11 ; Hawkins (1868), £9 10s. ; Wakeford (1884), £13 15s. Sixpence. — Silver proof. 1717. Rev., roses and plumes. Edge, plain. In the Royal Mint. Halfpenny and Farthing. — Silver. Obv., laureated bust to right. Rev., Britannia, seated, to left. In exergue, 1717, 1718, or 1719. Price : — Bentham (1838), halfpenny and farthing, 1717, the two, 17s. ; Durrant (1847), farthings, 1717 and 1718, two, ns. ; Bergne (1873), halfpenny and two farthings, £1 14s. Halfpenny. — Copper. Obv., bust to right. Rev., sceptre and trident in saltire : REGIT . VNVS . VTROQVE. 1 7 2 4 ; Price: — Dimsdale (1824), £1 is.; Cuff (1854), £2 3s. ; Bergne (1873), £4 2s. 6d. A pattern for Irish money. There is also a farthing of similar type. George II. Two-Guinea Piece. — Gold. 17 33. With plain edge. Price: — Cuff (1854), £3; Murchison (1864), the same coin, £3 ; Bergne (1873), ^12 5s.; Young (1881), £12 i 2s . ; Williamson (1886), £13 5s. D 34 English Pattern Coins. George II. — Continued. Guinea. — Gold. 1727. Obv., large bust to left. Rev., shield, garnished and crowned. Price:— Cuff (1854), £5 2s. 6d. ; Bergne (1873), ^5 7s. 6d. ; Young (1881), £8. Half-Guinea. — Gold. 1728. With plain edge. Price: — Cuff (1854), £5 12s. 6d. ; Murchison (1864), very fine, £3 5s.; Bergne (1873), £6 7s. 6d.; Young (1881), £i ss. Crown. — Silver. 1732. Young head. Rev., roses and plumes. Edge plain. Price : — Murchison (1864), £2 10s. ; Young (1881), £3 9s. ; Brice (1881), £ 4 12s. 6d. Half-Crown. — Silver. 1731. Young head. Rev., plain. Edge, plain. Price : — Durrant (1847), proofs of crown and half-crown, £ 6 12s. 6d. ; Wakeford (1884), half- crown only, £5. Sixpence. — Silver. 1728. Obv., Young head. Rev., plain. A proof with plain edge. Price : — Devonshire (1844), £ 2 10s. ; Bergne (1873), the same coin, £5 is. ; Marshall (1875), £ 2 - Proof Set. — Silver. 1746; with old head. Crown and Half-Crown, edge : VICESIMO. Shilling and Sixpence, edge grained. Price : — Durrant (1847), £ 4 8s. ; Murchison (1864), £3 10s. ; Barnes (1885), crown, half-crown, and shilling, £3 ; May, 1885, crown and half-crown, ^5 5s. ; Shepherd (1885), crown, £4 12s.; Montagu (1886), crown, £4 19s. ; in 1886, crown, ^5 15s. j Wyndham (1886), set of four, £10 15s. Halfpenny. — Silver. Obv., young head to left. Rev. : BRITANNIA, 1729. Price : — Proofs of halfpenny and farthing, Mar- shall (1875), £1 3s.; Hastings (1880), £1 3s. Farthing. — Silver. Same type, but date 1730. Price : — White (1848), 6s. George III. 35 George III. Five-Guinea Pieces. — Gold. By Tanner. Obv ., young laureated bust, with flowing hair, to right : GEORGIVS III DEI . GRATIA. Rev., garnished shield, surmounted by crown. Date, 17-70 or 17-73. Edge, plain. Weight, 59o^gr. (Ruding, G. 7.) Price : — Edmonds (1834), £29 10s. ; Cuff (1854), £*9 5s. ; Bergne (1873), £24 ; Young (1881), £ 2 3 1 os. ; Shepherd (1884), ^44. Gold. By Yeo. Obv., bust to right, rather wiry hair. Rev., shield of arms, garnished and crowned. Date, 17-77. Edge, plain. Price : — Murchison (1864), £26 10s. ; Bergne ( j8 73 )> ^24 ; Young (1881), ^25 10s. Two-Guinea Pieces. — Gold. By Tanner. Date, 1768 or 1773. Edge plain. Obv. and Rev. similar to Tanner’s five-guinea piece. Weight, 256gr. Price: — Dated 1768 — Edmonds (1834), £S 1 os. 6d. ; Cuff (1854), £3 17s. 6d. ; Bergne ( i8 73 )> £9 1 os . ; Young (1881), ^8 15s.; May- nard (1885), £27. Dated 1773 — Edmonds (1834), £9 ; Cuff (1854), £3 14s. ; Bergne (1873), £ 10 5 s - i in 1885, ^24 10s. Gold. By Yeo. Date, 1777. Edge, plain. Obv. and Rev. similar to the larger piece of the same .date. Price: — Durrant (1847), £ 11 I 5 S - i Cuff (1854), £7 7s.; Murchison (1864), £S ; Bergne (1873), ^14; Young (1881), ^,'15; Shorthouse (1886), £17 10s. Guineas. — Gold. By Tanner. Date, 1761, 1763, or 1765. Price :— Bergne (1873), £2 4s., £2 5s., £2 ns. ; in 1884, £7 10s. Silver or Copper. By Kiichler. Date, 1782, 1791, or 1798. Gilt or bronzed proofs, with broad rim and incuse legends. Obv., bust to right. Rev., a spade-shaped shield, crowned. Price : — Silver, Marshall (1875), two, £1 6s. ; d 2 36 English Pattern Coins. George III. — Continued. Guineas. — Continued. Copper , Bergne (1873), two, IOS - \ in 1884, two, £' 3 s - Gold. By L. Pingo. 1787. Obv ., laureated head to right, with long, flowing hair. Rev., arms, within garter. Edge, plain. Price : — Murchison (1864), £8 2s. 6d. ; Bergne (1873), the same coin, £10 5s. Gold. By L. Pingo. 1813. Rev., royal arms, on flag. Edge, plain or grained. Price : — Murchison (1864), £4 4s. ; Bergne (1873), £& 2s. 6d. ; Marshall (1875), £ 4 12s., £4 i5 s - Half-Guineas. — Gold. 1762. By Yeo, or a pupil of his. Price : — Wyndham (1886), £9 12s. 6d. Copper. 1782. Obv., laureated bust to right: GEORGIUS . Ill . DEI . GRATIA. Rev., garnished shield of arms, crowned : M . B . F . ET, &c. Edge, plain, or inscribed MDCCLXXXII, repeated four times. Another. — Obv. : GEORGIUS III . DEI . GRATIA. Rev. : MDCCLXXXII above, and I below. No device on either side. These pieces, known as Lord Mahon’s patterns, are of little value. Seven-Shilling Pieces. — Gold. By Yeo. Obv., laureated bust to right. Rev., lion, crowned, standing on a crown. Date, 1775 or r 776; the former date very rare. Price: — Dated 1775 — Trattle (1832), £3; Mar- shall (1875), £3. Dated 1776 — Wrightson (1874), £ 2 ios. ; in 1884, £1 ios.; Shorthouse (1886), £2. Gold or Silver. By L. Pingo. Obv., bust to right. Rev., four oval shields, with date, 1789, between them. The figures are incuse, and arranged in retrograde order. Edge, plain or grained. George III . 37 George III. — Continued. Seven-Shilling Pieces. — Continued. Pri<^e : — Gold , Cuff (1854), £6 10s. ; Murchison (1864), ; Bergne (1873), £12 ' 5s. ; Marshall (187O, £6 6s. Silver , Cuff (18^4), £2 ; Murchison (1864), £2 1 6s. ; Marshall (1875), ^3 IIS - Quarter-Guinea. — Gold. By Tanner. 1764. Edge, plain. Price: — Trattle (1832), £3 6s.; Durrant (1847), £3 13s.; Marshall (1875), £2 15s.; Wyndham (1886), £9 17s. 6d. Five-Pound Piece. — Gold. By Pistrucci. Obv., laureated head to right ; under bust, pistrucci. Leg., GEOR- GIUS III D : G : BRXTANNIAR : REX F : D : 1820. Rev., S. George and Dragon. In exergue, pistrucci. On the edge : DECVS, &c., ANNO REGNI LX. (Ruding, R. 1.) Only twenty-five were struck. Price -.—Edmonds (1834), £21-, Durrant (1847), £23 10s. ; Cuff (1854), £20 5s. ; Murchison (1864), £27 1 os. ; Young (1881), ^31 ; Shepherd (1884), ^48 10s. Double Sovereign. — Gold. By Pistrucci. 1820. Obv. and Rev., similar to the larger piece. Edge, inscribed. About sixty were struck. Price: — Durrant (1847), £4 12s.; Cuff (1854), £2 1 8s. ; Bergne (1873), £7 ; in 1885, £11; Maynard (1885), ^13. Sovereigns. — Gold or Copper. By T. Wyon. Obv., laureated head to right. Rev., square shield, crowned and decorated with rose, thistle, and shamrock. Date, 18-13. Edge, plain or grained. Price: — Gold, Cuff (1854), £2 15s.; Murchison (1864), the same coin, ^4 10s. ; Bergne (1873), plain edge, £5, grained, £ 5 7s. 6d. Copper, Wakeford (1884), £3. Gold or Silver. By T. Wyon. Obv., head as on current sixpence of 1816. Rev., square shield, crowned : BRITANNIARVM . REX . 38 English Pattern Coins. George III.— Continued. Sovereigns. — Continued. FIDEI . DEFENSOR. Dated 1816, or no date. Edge, plain or grained. Price: — Gold ’ Edmonds (1834), £8 8s.; Bergne ( 1 873), £6 6s. Silver , Edmonds (1834), £2 2s. ; Bergne (1873), £1 ; Wakeford (1884), £5 5s. Half-Sovereigns. — Silver. By T. Wyon. Obv., like the sovereign last described. Rev., shield, within garter, crowned : 18-16. BRIT : REX . FID : DEF : Edge, grained. Price : — Edmonds (1834), £2 2s. ; Bergne, (1873), £1 17s.; Wakeford (1884), ^10. Gold. 1820. By Wyon. Obv., head to right : GEOR .III, &c. Rev., rose, thistle, and shamrock, on one stem, crown above. Edge, plain. Price Bergne (1873), ^13; Marshall (1875), £S 17s. 6d. Crowns. — Silver. 1817 or 1818. Like the current coin, but a proof, with edge inscribed LVIII., or plain. Silver. By Pistrucci. Type like current coin, but letters much larger. Rev., the Garter, ruled with horizontal lines. Price : — Marshall (1875), £9 2S * 6d. ; Wakeford, (1884), £20 9s. 6d. Struck in Gold. Cuff (1854), said to be unique, 5s.; Marshall (1875), ^55. Silver. By Mills, engraved for James Mudie. Obv., laureated bust to right. Rev., four shields, crowned, with rose, shamrock, thistle, and horse between them, S. George and the Garter in the centre. Edge, plain. Price : — Chaffers (1857), 12s. ; Sharp (1883), £3 5s.; Roach (1884), £3 7s.; Wakeford (1884), £3 4s. ; May, 1885, £4 10s. ; Maynard (1885), £3; Montagu (1886), ^5 17s. 6d. ; another, £8; Wyndham (1886), £4 ; Shorthouse (1886), £4 10s. George III 39 George III. — Continued. Crowns. — Continued. Gold. By Wyon. Obv., laureated bust to right : W. Wyon, 1817. Rev., England, Ireland, and Scotland, personified as the Three Graces : FOEDVS INVIOLABILE. Edge plain. Only three were struck in gold. Price: — Higgs (1830), £\o 5s. ; Sainthill (1870), £41 ; Marshall (1875), £ 28 - Silver. As before, FOEDVS INVIOLABILE. Price : — Chaffers (1857), £1 15s. ; Murchison (1864), £3 12s. ; Speed-Davies (1881), £3 16s. ; Wakeford (1884), £7 7s. ; Maynard (1885), £9 10s. ; Wyndham (1886), £10 17s. 6d . ; Short- house (1886), £9 17s. 6d. Lead. As before. Price : — About £ 6 , in 1886. Copper. As before. Price: — About £12, in 1886. Gold. By Wyon. Obv., laureated bust to right : 1817. Rev., shield of arms, crowned : INCOR- RVPTA FIDES . VERITASQVE. Only seven were struck. Price:— Higgs (1830), ^13 5s.; Barclay (1831), £\o 5s. ; Durrant (1847), £ 10 5 s - 1 Edmonds (1854), £7 5s. ; Sainthill (1870), £41 ; Marshall (1875), £* 9 5 s - Silver. As before, INCORRVPTA, &c. Only twenty-five were struck. Price:— 1831, £3 4s.; Edmonds (1834), £2; Durrant (1847), £ 4 I2S - j Murchison (1864), £3 12s. 6d. ; Marshall (1875), £4 10s. Silver. By Droz. Obv., Hercules breaking the bundle of sticks : VIS . VNITATE . FORTIOR . 1820. Rev., shield with royal arms, crowned: DEC VS . ET . TVTAMEN. Edge, plain. 40 English Pattern Coins. George III. — Continued. C ro wns . — Continued. Price: — Rich (1828), £6 10s. ; Cuff (1854), £\ 9s.; Chaffers (1857), £$ 14s.; in 1874, £ 6 . Copper ; bronzed proof. As before, VIS, &c. Price : — Chaffers (1857), 8s. ; Marshall (1875), silver and copper, the two, £4 10s. Half-Crowns. — Silver. 1816. Proof, with plain edge. Price : — Wakeford (1884), £2 2s. Silver. By Kirk. Obv ., small bust, with flowing hair ; kirk beneath. Rev ., quite plain. Price : — Cuff (1854), £2 9s. Shillings. — Silver. By Tanner. Date, 1764. Obv., laureated bust to right. Rev., four shields, ar- ranged cruciformly. Edge plain. Price : — Edmonds (1834), £1 17s. ; Durrant (1847), £2 7s. ; Murchison (1864), £1 10s. ; Bergne (1; 873), £1 14s. ; Johnston (1876), £1 16s. ; Wake- ford (1884 ), £5 15s. ; Wyndham (1886), £5 10s. Silver. 177 5. Said to be by Tanner. Price: — Lake Price (1880), £6 15s. Silver. By Yeo. 1778. Obv., older bust to right. Rev., four shields. Price : — Durrant (1847), £ 2 6s. ; Murchison (1864), £1 14s.; Bergne (1873), £1 6s.; Speed- Davies (1881), £2 2s.; Young (1881), ^5 5s.; Wakeford (1884), £4 15s. ; Wyndham (1886), £5 IQ s. Silver. By Pingo. Ordinary type, but dated 1786. Edge grained. Price:— Cuff (1854), £4 4s. ; Marshall (1875), £?>- Sixpence. — Silver. By Pingo. 1786. Price:— Cuff (1854), £3 15s.; Marshall (187 5), £3. Shilling. — Silver. By Pingo. 1787. Proof, with plain edge. George III. 4 George III. — Continued. Sixpence. — Silver. By Pingo. 1787. Proof, with plain edge. Price of the two : — Bergne (1873), 16s. ; Marshall (1875), 18s. ; June, 1885,^1 9s.; Wyndham (1886), £*• Shillings. — Silver. By Droz. 1787. Obv., laureated bust to right. Rev., G. R., crowned. Price: — Marshall (1875), £1; Wakeford (1884), with the sixpence date 1790, ^5 15s. Silver. By Milton. 1798. Obv., large head, with short hair, laureated, to right. Rev., large shield, in six divisions, crowned : M , B . F . ET . H . REX., &c. Edge, plain. Price : — Marshall (1875), £1 10s . ; Young (1881), £1 is. ; Wakeford (1884), £1 5s. Copper. By Milton. 1798. As before. Silver. Dorrien and Magens. 1798. Similar in type to the common shilling of 1787, but the letters larger, and no dots between the words. Obv., bust, in armour, to right. Rev., four shields. Edge, grained. Price: — Marshall (1875), £* I 5 S G in r 884, £5 !5S.; Wyndham (1886), £7 15s. Gold. 1816. Type of the ordinary shilling of this date. Edge, grained. Price: — Marshall (1875), £3 I2S * Sixpences. — Gold or Silver. By Droz. 1790. Obv., mono- gram, G . R., crowned. Rev., Britannia, seated : BRITANNIA. Edge, plain. Price : — Gold, Marshall (1875), £ l 4 s - Silver, in 1884, 10s. j June, 1885, £1 15s. Gold. 1816. Type of the ordinary sixpence of this date. Edge, grained. Price : — Marshall (1875), £$ 10s. 42 English Pattern Coins. George III. — Continued. Maundy Threepence and Twopence. — Gold. 1795. Struck on broad flans. Edges, grained. Price : — Marshall (1875), the two, £3 5 s - Penny and Halfpenny. — Copper. By L. Pingo. Obv., bust, in armour, to right. Rev., Britannia, facing, standing between globe and shield. In exergue, 1788. Edge, plain. Price: — Bergne (1873), the two, £1 16s. ; Brice (1881), the penny only, £2 15s. These two coins also occur, but more seldom, with grained edges. Penny. — Copper. Obv., laureated bust to right, the neck dividing the date, 17 — 99. Rev., inscription, in four lines : VIGEBIT . IN . OMNE . ^VVM. Price: — Bergne (1873), 4 s - Proof Set, in Gold, Silver, or Copper. Twopence, Penny, Halfpenny, and Farthing, with broad rim. 1797- Price: — Gold, Marshall (1875), twopence, £n \ penny, £3 17s. 6d. ; halfpenny, £4 2s.; farthing, £3 ns. Silver , set of four, Marshall (1875), ^5 6s.; Johnston (1876), £4 4s.; Lake Price (1880), £ 4 10s. Very few undoubtedly original impressions have been offered for sale since 1880, but proofs of un- certain genuineness have realised good prices : — Silver, Shorthouse (1886), penny, £ 2 8s. ; half- penny, £ 2 9s. ; farthing, £1 6s. Copper, set of four, in 1884, £ 2 15s. Pennies. — Silver. By Kiichler. 1797. With hair curling below truncation of neck. SOHO on the rim, incuse. Price: — Johnston (1876), £1 6s.; Brice (1881), £2 12s. ; Wakeford (1884), £3 14s. Copper ; bronzed proof. By Kiichler. Obv., bust to right, with flowing hair. Rev., Britannia, seated. In exergue, 1797. SOHO on the rim, incuse. George III. 43 George III. — Continued. Pennies. — Continued. Price : — Chaffers (1857), two varieties, £4; Taap (1884), £ 1 1 6s. ; Wakeford (1884), £1 2s. Copper. By Kiichler. Obv ., laureated bust to right : GEORGIVS III, & c. Rev., Britannia, seated: BRITANNIARUM. In exergue, 1805. Price : — Murchison (1864), £1 3s. ; Bergne (1873), 16s. Proof Set, in Silver. Penny, Halfpenny, and Farthing. By Kiichler. 1806. Edges, plain. Price: — Marshall (1875), penny, halfpenny, and two farthings, £3; Lake Price (1880), set of three, £ 2 ios. Halfpennies. — Silver. 1770. Type of the ordinary half- penny of this date. Price : — Marshall (1875), £1 5s. Copper. By Moore. Obv., laureated bust to right : GEORGIVS . Ill . REX. Rev., Britannia, seated, holding cornucopia ; a lion behind her. No legend. In exergue, 1788. Edge, grained. Price: — Bergne (1873), I 9 S - Silver. By Droz. Obv., laureated bust to right ; below, D.F. Rev., Britannia, seated: BRI- TANNIA. In exergue, 1788 or 1790. Edge, plain, grained, or inscribed : RENDER TO CESAR THE THINGS WHICH ARE CESARS. Price: — Marshall (1875), i 7 s -j £> l IS -> 2S - 1 Lake Price (1880), two halfpennies, 14s. ; one in Gold, with inscribed edge, Chetwynd (1872), £2\ 5s. ; Marshall (1875), £4. Copper ; bronzed proofs. By Droz. Price : — In 1884, two, £1 6s.; in 1884, plain edge, eagle’s head below bust, £1 14s.; Wakeford (1884), three, £1 6s. The figure of Britannia on the halfpennies by 44 English Pattern Coins. George III. — Continued. Halfpennies. — Continued. Droz is very graceful. To ensure the agreement of his work with the rules of anatomy, Droz first engraved a nude figure, and afterwards added the drapery. There is a rather uncommon pattern, struck from the dies by Droz, in illustration of the principle on which he worked : this piece bears on one side the nude, and on the other the draped, figure. All the halfpennies with the nude reverse were struck by Mr. Taylor. This is one of the dies which had not been hardened when it came into his possession, and it is also one of the dies which has now been destroyed. Amongst some old iron, which had been the property of Mr. Boulton, of the Soho Mint, and which was purchased by Mr. Taylor, were found several dies for halfpennies by Droz, and other patterns. A few of these dies had never been used, nor even hardened. Mr. Taylor caused them to be hardened, and, after striking several specimens from them, some of the dies were in- tentionally defaced. But it is not generally known how many specimens of each variety were struck; nor has it been proved that all the dies were defaced. Silver. By Kiichler. With broad rim and incuse legends. Obv., bust to right, SOHO beneath. Rev., Britannia, seated. Date, in exergue, 1795 or W97- Price: — Wakeford (1884), £3 7s. 6d., £ 2 16s. Copper ; bronze proof. By Kiichler. As before. Price : — In 1884, £1 7s. Copper. By Kiichler. Obv., crowned bust to right. Rev., Britannia. Date, 1797 or 1799; the latter date very rare. Price: — In 1846, one dated 1799, £ 2 is.; in 1884, one dated 1797, £1 12s.; Wakeford (1884), £ l 14s. 45 George III. — George IV. George III. — Continued. Halfpennies. — Continued. Copper. By Kiichler. Rev.'. BRITANNIARUM. Price: — Bergne (1873), I2 s. ; Brice (1881), £1 15s. Silver or Copper. By Moore (?). Obv ., bust to right, with curl in front of neck : GEORGIVS . Ill . REX. Rev., no design, but VI VAT ! across the field. No date. Edge, inscribed : ARMIS . TVTERIS . MORIBVS . ORNES., in incuse letters. Price : — Silver, Marshall (1875), £1 7s. Copper, Bergne (1873), 5s. Farthings. — Copper ; bronzed proof. By Droz. Obv., laureated bust to right. Rev., Britannia, seated : BRITANNIA, 1790. Price: — In 1884, halfpenny and farthing, £1 18s. The farthing is said to be a forgery. Silver. With broad edge. Same type as the current penny of 1797. Date, 1797 or 1798. Price: — Wakeford (1884), £ 2 12s. Bronzed or Gilt proof. As above. Value about 1 os. Gold. By Kiichler. 1806. The ordinary type. Edge, plain. Price: — Marshall (1875), £1 8s. George TV. Five-Pound Pieces. — Gold. By W. Wyon. Obv., bare head to left: GEORGIUS IV DEI GRATIA. 1826. Rev., arms on shield, within mantle ; crown above: BRITANNIARUM REX FID: DEF : Edge, inscribed : DECUS, &c SEPTIMO. (Ruding, R. 9.) Price: — Bergne (1873), £ 6 12s. 6d. ; Young (1881), ^8 ; in 1885, £10 15s.; Shepherd (1885), £11 5s.; Wyndham (1886), £11 5s. A rare variety, with plain edge. Price: — Marshall (1875), ^14 10s. 46 English Pattern Coins. George IV. — Continued. Five-Pound Pieces. — Continued. One with large head, 1829, and W. W. in raised letters on neck. Edge, plain. Price: — Marshall (1875), £> 10s. George IV. as Prince E-egent of Scotland. Proof Set. — Silver , Copper , or Pewter. Half-Crown, Shilling, and Sixpence. By Milton, for Colonel Fullerton. Obv ., bust to left : GEORGIVS . P . S. S . C . D . 1799. Rev., four shields, crowned, arranged in a cross ; plumes in the angles. Fig. 21. — Fullerton Halfpenny. There is a halfpenny of the same type (Fig. 21). Price: — Silver , Bentham (1832), set of four, ^2 10s . ; Murchison (1864), without the halfpenny, three coins, £ 2 6s. ; Marshall (1875), set °f f° ur > ^7 1 os. ; Wakeford (1884), without the halfpenny, £i r 5s. The halfpenny, in Silver , Wakeford (1884), £ 2 ; in Copper and Pewter, the two, Wakeford (1884), £1 I os. George IV. Crowns. — Copper. Obv., large head to left. Rev., arms, upon a mantle, crowned. No date. Edge : DECVS, &c. . . NONO. Or dated 1828. Edge: OCTAVO. George IV. 47 George IV. — Continued. Crowns . — Continued. Price: — Bergne (1873), £1 7s.; Marshall (1875), £ 4 4s. 3 Wakeford (1884), £8 15s. Gold. By Mills 3 published by Whiteave. Obv ., large bust to left: GEORGIUS . IV . DEI . GRATIA . 3 below, MDCCCXX. Rev., the royal arms, crowned, with supporters : BRITANNIA- RUM . ET . HAN . REX . FIDEI . DEFENSOR. Price: — Higgs (1830), supposed to be unique, £16 5s.; Marshall (1875), ^13 15s. Silver. By Mills. Type as above. Only twenty were struck. Price: — Bentham (1838), £ 6 3 Chaffers (1857), £ 4 2S. 3 Wakeford (1884), £ 6 10s. 3 Ford (1884), £8; Montagu (1886), £13 5s. A scarce variety, with necktie and collar. Marshall, (3; 875), £6 1 os. 3 Wakeford (1884), ^19 19s. Silver. By Pistrucci, 1820. A variety with streamer of hair from helmet of S. George. Edge, plain. Price: — Marshall (1875), 5 s - Silver. By Pistrucci. A proof, of the ordinary type, but with date, 1821, and TERTIO. The third year did not commence until 29th Jan., 1822. Price: — Marshall (1875), £ 2 18s. 3 Wakeford (1884), £6 15s. Silver. By Wyon. Obv., bust to left. Rev. (by Merlin), square shield, ornamented exactly like the half-crown of the same date. Edge, plain, 18253 SEPTIMO, 18263 NONO, 18293 or edge plain, 1829. Price: — Edmonds (1834), plain edge, £5 5s. 3 Lewin-Sheppard (1861), plain edge, £1 4s. 3 in 1884, inscribed edge, £1 19S.3 Wakeford (1884), £3 10s. 3 Ford (1884), £3 ns. 3 May, 1885, ^5 3 Shepherd (1885), ££>-, Wyndham (1886), £6 12s. 6d 48 English Pattern Coins . George IV. — Continued. Crowns. — Continued. Dated 1829, NONO. Marshall (1875), £> I ^- Dated 1829, edge plain. Marshall (1875), ^18. Silver. By Wyon. 1829. Obv ., head to left : GEORGIVS, &c. Rev., square shield of arms, surrounded by collar of Garter : BRITANNIA- RVM, &c. Edge, plain. Price : — Bergne (1873), £*9 IOS * i Marshall (1875), ^18. Half-Crowns. — Silver. Rev. (by Merlin), 1820. Edge, grained. Price : — Wakeford (1884), a proof, £1 8s. Silver. By Pistrucci. 1822, with ground under the dragon. Edge, grained. Price: — Marshall (1875), £9. Shillings. — Silver. 1820. Rose, shamrock, and thistle. Only a very few specimens known. Edge, grained. Price : — Wakeford (1884), a proof, ^12. Silver. By Wyon. 1824. Obv., bare head to left. Rev., square shield of arms, crowned, with scroll, bearing royal motto, below. Edge, grained. Price: — Marshall (1875), ^9. Silver. 1825. By Wyon. Legend on Rev. divided by the lion. Price : — Wakeford (1884), ^3 18s. William IV. Double Sovereign. — Gold. By W. Wyon. Obv., bare head to right : GULIELMUS, &c. Rev . (by Merlin), shield on a mantle, crown above : ANNO 1831. Edge, plain. (Ruding, R. 19.) Price Bergne (1873), £4 ; in 1885, £ 5 5s. ; Maynard (1885), ^4 18s. ; Wyndham (1886), £5 los- William IV. 49 William IV. — Continued. Crowns. — Silver or Gold. Proof, by Wyon. Obv ., head to right. Rev., square shield of arms ; below, ANNO 1831. Edge plain. Price: — Chaffers (1857), £3 16s. ; Roach (1884), £9 5 s - > Kirk ( i 88 4 ), £13 15s-; May, i 88 5 > £14; Shepherd (1885), £15; Maynard (1885), ^14 10s. ; Murrell (1886), ^16 16s . ; Wyndham (1886), £18 1 os. ; Shorthouse (1886), £20 10s. Gold. Price : — Edmonds (1854), £13 15s. ; Forster (1868), ^26; Marshall (1875), ^14 5s.; Young ( i88i ) 5 £ 3 1 IOS - i May, i 88 5 j ^42. Silver. As above, but dated 1834. Edge plain. Price: — Murchison (1864), £6; Bergne (1873), £10 5s.; Wakeford (1884), £18 10s. Silver. 1834. Edge inscribed : DEC VS &c. . . SEPTIMO. Price : — Marshall (1875), £l 5 s - i Wakeford (1884), £8 1 os. A damaged specimen in each case. Silver. Without date. Rev.: BRITANNIARUM. REX. FID : DEF. Price :— Cuff (1854), ^10; Bergne (1873), £\2 12s. ; Young (1881), ^12 5s. Pewter. Impression of the undated crown, as above. Price: — Wakeford (1884), £8 2s. 6d. Lead. The undated crown, as above. Price : — Sparkes (1880), £2 2s. Groats. — Silver or Gold. Obv., head to right. Rev., Bri- tannia, seated ; behind her 4, and in front P. In exergue, 1836. Edge, plain or grained. Another variety has FOUR-PENCE, continuously, over the head of Britannia. Edge, plain or grained. e ’ 50 English Pattern Coins. William IV. — Continued. Groats. — Continued. Price : — Bergne (1873), with proof of ordinary groat, set of three, plain edges, £1 ns.; grained edges, £1 iis. ; Marshall (1875), set of three, plain edges, £2 8s.; grained edges, £1 16s. ; Wakeford (1884), the two patterns, £3 15s. Gold. With plain edge, 4 and P. Price: — Cuff (1854), £1 12s.; Chaffers (1857), £ 2 ; Chetwynd (1872), £ 8 8s.; Bergne (1873), £i- Gold. With plain edge, and FOUR-PENCE, continuously. Price: — Bergne (1873), ;£i iis.; Marshall (1875), the two patterns, £4. Maundy Set. — Gold. 1831. Four pieces. Price: — Marshall (1875), £?> 4 s * Victoria. Five-Pound Pieces. — Gold. Silver , Pewter , Bronze, or Britannia Metal. Obv ., bust to left: VICTORIA, & c. Rev., the Queen as Una, standing by a lion : DIRIGE DEUS GRESSUS MEOS. In exergue, MDCCCXXXIX . W. WYON . R.A. Edge, plain or inscribed. Price: — Gold, Chaffers (1857), £6 2s.; Murchison (1864), £S; Bergne (1873), £10 15s. ; Young (1881), £12 10s. ; Shepherd (1885), ^15 10s. ; Shorthouse (1886), £12 17s. 6d. Scarcer variety, edge more ornamented, Garter on shoulder. Price: — Murchison (1864), £13 10s. ; Bergne (1873). ^ 3 ; in l886 > £*S 5 s - Silver, Sainthill (1870), £\2 12s.; Bergne (1873), £3 2S. 6d. ; Marshall (1875), ^12; Wakeford (1884), £9. Only one specimen in Pewter is known ; it has the edge inscribed. Victoria. 5i Victoria. — Continued. Ducat. — Gold. Pattern for an international coinage. Obv., bust of Queen, with coronet, to left. Rev., within a wreath : ONE DUCAT ; above, ONE HUNDRED PENCE; below, 1867. Edge, plain. Price : — Marshall (1875), £ I 3 ■> Lake Price (1880), £6 8s. 6d. Quarter-Sovereigns. — Gold. 1853. Obv., head from die of Maundy twopence. Rev., arms, crowned : QUARTER SOVEREIGN. Price: — Bergne (1873), £z : Marshall (1873), ^13 1 os. ; Young (1881), ^14; in 1885, £17. Gold. 1853. Obv., head from die of Maundy twopence. Rev. : FIVE SHILLINGS . 1853 ., in three lines, under a crown ; below, rose, shamrock, and thistle. Price : — Bergne (1873), £6 ; Marshall (1875), £n ; Young (1881), ^14 10s. Crowns. — Silver. By Wyon. 1839. Obv., small head to left; W. Wyon, R.A., in raised letters, on neck. Rev., shield of arms, crowned. Edge, plain. Price Bergne (1873), £3 4S. ; Marshall (1875), £*3 !° s . Silver. By Wyon. 1844. Obv., small head to left, with W. W. on truncation of neck. Rev., as before, but the legend in very small letters. Edge, plain. Price: — Bergne (1873), £2 10s. ; Marshall (1875), ^17 15s. Silver or Gold. Gothic, type like the florin. Dated 1846, 1847, or 1853 ; the former date very rare. Edge, plain, or inscribed in Gothic letters, DECVS, &c. The 1846 type has the robe plain. Price: — (i.) With lettered edge. Sharp (1883), £1 3s. ; Roach (1884), £1 ns., £1 13s., £1 17s. ; Henderson (1884), £1 19s. ; Wakeford (1884), £2 ; May, 1885, £2 10s. E o 52 English Pattern Coins . V ictoria. — Continued. Crowns. — Continued. (ii.) Proof, with plain edge. Roach (1884), £ 2 14s. ; Henderson (1884), £ 2 15s. ; Wakeford (1884), £ 2 2s., £2 ios. ; May, 1885, £3 8s. ; Montagu (1886), £4 3s. ; Wyndham (1886), £3 is. ; Shorthouse (1886), £4 14s. (iii.) With plain edge; dated 1846. Murchison (1864), £j ; Sainthill (1870), £8; Wakeford (1884), £™ 5 s - (iv.) Dated 1853, with edge inscribed. Bergne (1873), £2 19s; Horne (1885), £3 2s. 6d. Gold. 1847. With plain edge. Price : — Forster (1868), £12 5s. ; Chetwynd (1872), ^35 ios.; Marshall (1875), ^29; Lake Price (1880), £26. Silver. 1839. The ordinary type. Proof, with plain edge. Price: — Christmas (1864), £2 is.; May, 1885, £3; Shepherd (1885), £5; Montagu (1886), £l 78 - Double Florin. — Gold. Pattern for an international coinage. Obv. y head of Queen to left. Rev., within a wreath : DOUBLE FLORIN, 1868 ; above 5 FRANCS; below, INTERNATIONAL. Edge, plain or grained. Price: — Marshall (1875), £11; Lake Price (1880), £3 ; at Coventry, 1884, bought in, £ 1 2 12s. ; Shorthouse (1886), the two varieties, £ 22 - Half-Crown. — Silver. 1864. Edge grained. Price: — Marshall (1875), £3 ios. Florins. — Gold. Proof of the small “graceless” florin, 1848. Edge, plain. Price : — Marshall (1875), £\o 2s. 6d. Victoria. 53 Victoria. — Continued. Florins. — Continued. Silver. 1848. Plain edge. There are many varieties of this coin, all of about equal rarity. It occurs with the following Obverses : — (i.) Crowned bust to left. (ii.) Bust to left, hair bound with fillet. (iii.) Laureated bust to left. On the Rev. is : — (i.) A wreath of oak ; or (ii.) A quatrefoil, enclosing rose, shamrock, and thistle ; or (iii.) Four shields, in form of a cross, each crowned, rose, shamrock, thistle, and plumes in the angles ; or (iv.) V.R., entwined by rose, shamrock, thistle, and plumes. The Rev. reads variously : (i.) ONE DECADE, 100 MILLES, ONE TENTH OF A POUND. (ii.) ONE DECADE, ONE TENTH OF A POUND. (iii.) ONE CENTUM, 100 MILLES, ONE TENTH OF A POUND. (iv.) ONE FLORIN, ONE TENTH OF A POUND. (v.) ONE DECADE, ONE TENTH OF A POUND, V.R. (vi.) ONE FLORIN, ONE TENTH OF A POUND, V.R. (vii.) ONE CENTUM, ONE TENTH OF A POUND, V.R. (viii.) ONE FLORIN, TWO SHILLINGS, V.R. (ix.) ONE DIME, ONE TENTH OF A POUND. Price: — Brice (1881), ^3 3s.; Roach (1884), £3 15s.; Taap (1884), £3 17s.; Ford (1884), 4s. ; Wakeford (1884), a rare variety, formed of two Reverses , supposed to be unique, 5 s. Shillings. — Silver. By Wyon. 1838. Obv ., a small bust 54 English Pattern Coins. V ictoria. — Continued. Shillings. — -Continued. to left, with W.W., in raised letters, on truncation of the neck. Edge, grained. Price: — Marshall (1875), £ 2 12s.; Wakeford (1884), ^5 2s. ; Montagu (1886), £ 6 2s. 6d. Silver. By Wiener. 1863. Obv., mature head of Queen to left, with wreath of roses, thistles, and sham- rocks, and tie end resting on neck. Rev., like the ordinary shilling. Edge, plain. Price: — Bergne (1873), jC 1 6s.; Marshall (1875), Silver. By Wiener. 1863. Type as above, but with C.H.W., in raised letters, on neck, and without tie ends. Edge, plain. Price: — Bergne (1873), £* 1 Marshall (1875), £$', Wakeford (1884), £ 4 7s. 6d. Silver. By Wiener. 1863. Type as above, but with C.H.W., in incuse letters, on neck. Edge, plain. Price : — Marshall (1875), £5. Silver. By Weiner. 1863. Type similar, but read- ing, VICTORIA . DEI . GRATIA, in large letters, and with C . H . W ., in raised letters, on the neck. Edge, plain. Price: — Bergne (1873), £1 10s. ; Marshall (1875), £ 3 ns. The above are original impressions from the dies of C. H. Wiener, engraver of the Belgian Mint. The following are “ re-strikes,” with reverses which were never used in striking the original impressions : Silver. . By Wiener. Obv., head to left, crowned: VICTORIA REGINA. Rev., shield, within garter. Price: — 1886, £1 16s. Silver. By Wiener. Obv., head to left, crowned : VICTORIA DEI GRATIA. Rev., crowned shield, within garter. Victoria. 55 Victoria. — Continued. Shillings. — Continued. Price : — 1886, £1 16s. Silver. By Wiener. Obv., mature head to left, crowned : VICTORIA DEI GRATIA. Rev., arms, crowned, within a tressure of six arcs, disposed upon a cross fleurie : HALF . FLORIN . 1863. Price Wakeford (1884), £ 2 5s. Silver. By Wiener. Obv., mature head to left, crowned : VICTORIA REGINA. Rev., arms, within Garter, crowned. Edge, grained. Price : — Wakeford (1884), £3 10s. Silver. By Wiener. Obv., mature head to left, crowned : VICTORIA DEI GRATIA. Rev., large 1 : ONE SHILLING, in sunk letters. Price: — Wakeford (1884), £ 2 15s. ; 1886, £3 3 s - Copper. By Wiener. Obv., mature head to left, crowned : VICTORIA REGINA, 1863. Rev., arms, in square shield, crowned, between two branches of laurel : BRITANNIARUM REGINA FID : DEF. Tin. By Wiener. Price : — Wakeford (1884), four, Obv. only, £1 is. Franc. — Silver. Obv., crowned bust to left : VICTORIA D : G : BRITANNIAR : REG : F : D : 1867. Rev., royal arms, between oak branches : ONE FRANC— TEN PENCE. Edge, plain. Price: — Marshall (1875), £1 6s. ; Wakeford (1884), £3; Henderson (1884), £4 18s. Groat. — Silver. Proof, with plain edge. 1862. Rev., Britannia. Price: — Wakeford (1884), £2. Half-Groat. — Nickel. Obv., a crown : VICTORIA D : G : BRIT : REGINA F : D : Rev., within a thick wreath of laurel, TWO PENCE. Price : — Wakeford (1884), £3 10s. 56 English Pattern Coins. Victoria. — Continued. Maundy Set. — Gold. 1838. A proof set of the four coins. Price: — Marshall (1875), £l I2S * 6d. ; Lake Price (1880), £$. Pennies. — Gold or Silver. Proof of current penny. i860 or 1861. Price: — Gold Marshall (1875), £3 12s. Silver , Christmas (1864), £$ ; Marshall (1875), set of penny, halfpenny, and farthing, £9 5s. Silver, By Wiener or Moore. Obv., laureated head to left : VICTORIA QUEEN . i860. Rev., Britannia, seated : GREAT BRITAIN — ONE PENNY. Price : — Wakeford (1884), ^5 10s. ; Shorthouse (1886), £2, 3 s - Copper. By Wiener or Moore. As above. Price : — Wakeford (1884), gilt and bronzed proofs, the two, 6s. Silver. By Wiener or Moore. Obv., laureated head to left : VICTORIA QUEEN . i860. Rev., Britannia, seated, without inner circle or inscription. Price: — Wakeford (1884), ^5 10s. Copper. Gilt proof. By Wiener or Moore. Like the preceding coin. Silver or Copper. Gilt or bronzed proof. By Wiener or Moore. Obv., diademed head to left, i860 below. Rev., Britannia, seated, to right: GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND— Id., or ONE PENNY — 1860; incuse on broad rim. Price : — Silver, Shorthouse (1886), £3 3s. Copper, in 1884, 18s. ; Wakeford (1884), two, £ 1 7s.; two, £1 8s. ; Montagu (1886), two, £1 12s. Also struck in Britannia Metal. Price : — Shorthouse (1886), three varieties, £3 5s. Victoria. 57 Victoria.' — Continued. Pennies. — Continued. Copper. Proof. Obv., crowned head to left : VICTORIA, &c. Rev., Britannia, seated : DECI- MAL PENNY— ONE TENTH OF A SHILLING. Price: — Wakeford (1884), ^3 15s. Copper. Proof. Obv., crowned head, 1870. Price: — Wakeford (1884), ^3 15s. Halfpennies. — Gold or Silver. Proof of current half- penny. i860 or 186 l Price: — Gold, Marshall (1875), ^4 4s. Silver, Lake Price (1880), halfpenny and farthing, Wakeford (1884), halfpenny only, Copper. Bronzed proof. Obv., diademed head to left: VICTORIA D : G : BRITANNIAR REGINA : F : D : Rev., Britannia, seated : DECIMAL HALFPENNY— MDCCCLVII. Price: — Wakeford (1884), jQi 16s. Copper. Bronzed proof. Obv., diademed head to left : VICTORIA, &c. ; 1859 below. Rev., Britannia, seated : HALF DECIMAL PENNY, ONE TWENTIETH OF A SHILLING. Price : — Wakeford (1884), jQ 2 16s. Nickel. Obv., a crown : VICTORIA D : G : BRIT : REGINA F : D : Rev., within a wreath : \ PENNY, 1859. Price: — Wakeford (1884), ^3 10s. Farthing.— Gold. Proof of current farthing. 1861. Price : — Marshall (1875), £a 5 s - Quarter-Farthing. — Nickel. The same type, style, and size, as the model quarter-farthing in copper. Date, 1862. Price : — Frentzel (1881), with the half and quarter farthing in copper, the three coins, jQ 1 2 s. ADDENDA. Since the first part of this List was printed the undermentioned Patterns have been Offered for Sale. Commonwealth. Farthing. — Pewter. \ OVNCE . OF . FINE . PEWT? (Ruding, XXXI. 12.) Price : — Bergne (1873), ^5 ; Shorthouse (1886), £ 4 ! 5 S - Charles II. Broad, Half-Crown, or Shilling. — Silver. MAGNA . OPERA . DOMINI. (Ruding, XXXIV. 1.) Price: — Ignatius Williams (1886), 2 3s. Farthings. — Silver. Obv ., crowned head. Rev., three pillars: THVS . VNITED . INVINCIBLE. Price Ignatius Williams (1886), ffS 10s. Pewter , with ring of Copper inserted. Obv., two C’s and two R’s, interlinked and crowned. Rev., two sceptres, crossing two similar sceptres : MAG . BRIT., &c. Edge grained. Price: — Shorthouse (1886), “very fine,” 2s. 6d. ; another, not as fine, 2s. 6d. Pewter , with ring of Copper inserted. Similar 6o English Pattern Coins. Charles II. — Continued. F arthings. — Continued. type to the preceding coin, but reading on Rev. : ENGLAND . SCOTLAND &c. Price: — Shorthouse (1886), “very fine,” jQ 4 15s. Pewter. Obv. and Rev. nearly the same, four C’s interlinked, rose, thistle, lys and harp, radiating crosswise, each surmounted by a crown : MAG . BR . FRA . ET . HI . REX . 1676. Price : — Bergne (1873), jQi ; Shorthouse (1886)5 the same coin, ^5 17s. 6d. Pewter. Obv., a rose, crowned : CAROLVS . A . CAROLO. Rev., a ship in full sail : NVMORVM . FAMVLVS. Edge grained. Price: — Bergne (1873), “fine,” 19s.; Shorthouse (1886), the same coin, jQ 6 2s. 6d. Anne. Halfpennies. — Copper. Like Fig. 13. Rev., Britannia. Price: — Shorthouse (1886), 5s.; another, £5 ios - Copper. Rev., rose and thistle on one stem, a crown above. Price: — Shorthouse (1886), ^5 5s. Copper. Obv., Britannia. Rev., rose and thistle. Price. — Shorthouse (1886), £7 5s. Copper. Like Fig. 14. Obv. and Rev., draped bust. Price : — Shorthouse (1886), £7. Copper. Same type as the preceding coin, but edge inscribed. Price :— -Shorthouse (1886), ^7 8s. 6d. Catalogue of Practical Handbooks Published by L. Uftcott Gill ' i/O, Strand \ London , W. C. ANGLER, BOOK OP THE ALL-ROUND. A Comprehensive Treatise on Angling in both Fresh and Salt Water. In Four Divisions, as named below. By John Bickerdyke. With over 220 Engravings In cloth , price 5s. 6d., by post 6s. (A few copies of a Large Paper Edition, bound in Roxburghe , price 25s.) Angling 1 for Coarse Pish. Bottom Fishing, according to the Methods in use on the Thames, Trent, Norfolk Broads, and elsewhere. Illustrated. In paper , price Is., by post Is. 2 d. Angling for Pike. The most Approved Methods of Fishing for Pike or Jack. Profusely Illustrated. In paper , price Is., by post Is. 2d. ; cloth, 2s. (uncut), by post 2s. 3d. Angling for Game Pish. The Various Methods of Fishing for Salmon ; Moorland, Chalk-stream, and Thames Trout ; Grayling and Char. Well Illustrated. In paper, price Is. 6d., by post Is. 9 d. Angling in Salt Water. Sea Fishing with Bod and Line, from the Shore, Piers, Jetties, Bocks, and from Boats ; together with Some Account of Hand-Lining. Over 50 Engravings. In paper, price Is., by post Is. 2d. ; cloth, 2s. (uncut), by post 2s. 3d. AQUARIA, BOOK OP. A Practical Guide to the Construction, Arrangement, and Management of Fresh-water and Marine Aquaria ; containing Full Information as to the Plants, Weeds, Fish, Molluscs, Insects, &c., How and Where to Obtain Them, and How to Keep Them in Health. Illustrated. By Bev. Gregory C. Bateman, A.K.C., and Beginald A. E. Bennett, B. A. In cloth gilt, price 5s. 6d., by post 5s. lOd. AQUARIA, FRESHWATER: Their Construction, Arrangement, Stocking, and Management. Fully Illustrated. By Bev. G. C. Bate- man, A.K.C. In cloth gilt, price 3s. 6d., by post 3s. lOd. AQUARIA, MARINE: Their Construction, Arrangement, and Manage- ment. Fully Illustrated. By B. A. B. Bennett, B.A. In cloth gilt, price 2s. 6d., by post 2s. 9d. AUSTRALIA, SHALL I TRY ? A Guide to the Australian Colonies for the Emigrant Settler and Business Man. With two Illustrations. By George Lacon James. In cloth gilt, price 3s. 6d., by post 3s. lOd. AUTOGRAPH COLLECTING: A Practical Manual for Amateurs and Historical Students, containing ample information on the Selec- tion and Arrangement of Autographs, the Detection of Forged Specimens, &c., &c., to which are added numerous Facsimiles for Study and Eeferenee, and an extensive Valuation Table of Auto- graphs worth Collecting. By Henry T. Scott, M.D., L.B.C.P., &c. In leatherette gilt, price 7s. 6d., by post 7s. lOd. BAZAARS AND FANCY FAIRS: Their Organization and Manage- ment. A Secretary’s Fade Mecum. By John Muir. In paper, price Is., by post Is. 2d. 172 C 4/96 2 Published by L. Upcott Gill, BEES AND BEE-KEEPING: Scientific and Practical. By F. R. Cheshire, F.L.S., F.R.M.S., Lecturer on Apiculture at South Kensington. In two vols., cloth gilt , price 16s., by post 16s. 8 d. Vol. I., Scientific. A complete Treatise on the Anatomy and Physiology of the Hive Bee. In cloth gilt, price 7s. 6d., by post 7s. lOd. Vol. II., Practical Management of Bees. An Exhaustive Treatise on Advanced Bee Culture. In cloth gilt , price 8s. 6d., by post 9s. BEE-KEEPING, BOOK OF. A very practical and Complete Manual on the Proper Management of Bees, especially written for Beginners and Amateurs who have but a few Hives. Fully Illustrated. By W. B. Webster, First-class Expert, B.B.K.A. In paper , price Is., by post Is. 2 d . ; cloth, Is. 6d., by post Is. 8