iiliiii s' •'fersf’v Sales in this volume are bound in chronologically from Dec. 18, 1802, through Apr. 23, 1807, except Mar. 21, 1806, which is the fourth from the end and June 12, 1806, which is at the end. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/catalogueofselecOOchri ,*v .■ l /A \ (p 0-tAAt Z i/t sr ‘ «' <•/ f 7 Wc'fA'^zs p '7 /e — c/e e /aP*- J (? ^ /f t ? i 'A Sy A /rfS . / C/i x m. S/'/S S / * s>t 4 27^2 A /#/) ./ /J f.t y * v 2s//t-r'srzz ji / ' •/ rl i stS/s <**' , ,-»-'‘X As sn /s r- /Si*, s'/. ,/S //A? x/^ y / X? ^ Y 7<'( /x {f S At'*. ’ .1 / . > • / / '' t e t/ z / xx _ / «. Zl •! t. A z y y.<. $ \ \ \ // / // ^ / / / / • £■ t - t C 'it At t’ 11, ; y 1 y. • XX» ' z s t t ' t J , A /V// r^fi/ y^L 2 /. //A. r y/svz/c-t; .*/ i. ■ y O'- . t''. L C S , ^ O / * i ( // r 4 / y y x>'y A - - xpt <■ /. 1 x'XX /x* V 1 f r Sc t~*> 6 , A X- i St f t •" 4 / / * y«y « y^, / x '.Ah'/,, sy z' 1 yc ^ X"i » .^ 7 s s /' J+/4/. // r~/ 11 y — z z> 4 ^^' A 7 /// z z S’ A s %s , ■.'■'/.? / i S' 22 . '/AS ^ 9^ y x /?■ / 'Aset. -a y t , *? A i /z Sc'/o' c. //is*- 2 22 . //A 2> - — y'St'zy*' (■/ t-Ai'ecS z^-S S'/s r x St OS *_ / z*. y X> A/A 2t r // ' lCc/'/S /s't t *s/A z.’S\ t S*.‘ Xss x f _ a-/ /Vi z , s St e s siy Za'. //A 3 * l/ C-€>4? 'X . \ . 'zt t / s/z cs \ 's A, tt .it y 2A/ " / / A 2s 4. /zrAAs/z . >’ •>■ i , t l <■ c^-y L^/^" / x» /■ * ^ A *> *- X/i? c < z. 2 . S/A A t C_ ' /' - c < ~*'' *■ it. ■ *y / rcS< a t / sXt c- Ac t-t zz t/s*-'*.SySi //st-y - *X/' * ^ ' S'trjc cJ> A y //A Sj — c L_ ^ ^ v. // ’ //* cz /a tt z\ jL ~y si'/ . /1 r <' St c t //a// <—7 j? t/ 'Zi/l,t / ^ S/Hs/r^ +S «*./«*'/As. /Zn^-e,/ / . /A/S^ 2 - ' / /V' A* _ tV - ,^/7 ’9 y*r / 2r 7 2/7 s / /AS s /// / /2.r /2y s> SJ cr- / v. /a. 7y , zPtt / ^ ^ ^x.; y 'yryy . '/o /' * / A' t, ms / / :a2, .,. ^ <■- >• v^ 7 ty/t s .y# is/ 22 ./za //y f/a A/ a/ /°A-t*t-*r / <■-*■ 2$ ^ /f &J- — _ 2 2 / * - 2 A e.Jt'tru. / p&s^'sA. &/>. ~S- ■*: . ^.,,>v:;^y , t y /^a's,s,s/ ysr>- J/‘ 1 ’y y /##j~ - - zzy /fs>J- -- ^s^ssi s r *.j *'V-/*-> /Ztsl^s . '/#&/ .2yj ^y?a , C s^ssy S^y»s^ss/ts-e~^.^ J 2? /Zyyy a / o/ss^ s s/er s,JXsu> AcTsssTss .X^s/2^ 2A2 %^'^2/ > ' \.2hJZr^s~o 2^2x2? sy^j a/ 2%/Zr /2rjc^s ^y^ sty 2^ S/tfy r - -- 22^2 (2*~ s /ys-r ^ ^fs-t'A/ty 2ryA s^/ sZZ * i as / v *s ^-2?A-*-s^/y 2/ ■ /2 <9 2 — - 22 2~“ 2^A-c, Polemberg, Pc met. Wynants, Ruysdacl, Panin', Rubens, • Moucheron, J. Steen, J. Mid . mtlud) Will be Sold by Auction, By Mr. CHRISTIE, AT HIS GREAT ROOM, PALL MALL, On Friday, January the 28th, and following Day, AT TWELVE oCLOCK. May be Viewed Two Days preceding the Sale, when Catalogues may be had at the Rainbow, Cornhill, and in Pall MaH. tLP\PS5-D Lii'fl - CONDITIONS oe SALE i T HE highe/t Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any Difpute atife between two og more Bidders, the Lot fo Difputed (hall be immediately put up again and -re-lold. XL No Perfon to advance lefs than is. Above Five Pounds 2 s. 6 d. and fo on in Proportion, JIL The Perchafers to give in their Names and Place* of Abode, and to pay down 5 s. in the Pound in part of Payment of the Purchafe Money; in Default of which, the Lot or Lota •fo purchafed, to be immediately put up again and re-fold. XV. The Lots to betaken away with all Faults, at the Buyer’s Expenco, within One Day after the Sale. • * 4i ; j. ^ 1|K ♦ ., ” i V. To prevent Inconveniences that frequently attend long and open Accounts, the Remainder of the Purchafe Money to be abfolutely paid on cr before the Delivery, VI. Upon Failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money depofitedin Part of Payment ih.,11 be forfeited? all Lots uncleared tvithin the d ime aforefaid, fnall be rc-fold, by public or private Sale ; and the Deficiency (if any) attending fueh Re-falc, fhall be meale .good by the Defaulters at this Sale. s 3 ^ CATALOGUE, %C. %c. <§■5 i ipright warm Landfcape, and- fenaklo and Artnida A Fete Champetre Fortune, a pleafing Copy, after Two circular Cattle Pieces An Italian Landfcape ** r A fine Copy of the Magdalen of Guido A Shepherd with his Flock Portrait of a Lady with a Dog - Ju A Battle Piece ) A large Landfcape, View in Italy Salvatdr Mundi A Landfcape and Figures Venus attended by Cupids A View on a Coart with Figures A warm Landfcape and Figures // I 4 ] ^ . ✓ . / / . . y / . 2 . y . A //. — /Smith of Chichefter /J . /'Vi. Baifano / * 3 _ ^ - f y. 2 •4 . y.. -4 2 . 3 . .4 yy 4 A / y. A y c* y . 2 22 t. /' 2j> /# / /# S. di Pelaro S. Bourdon Rubens -Fegan Teniers I — - - C. Veroncfe - Hermann ^ Cafliglione y.'i- Berghem <0 . Ferg 22 • 6 Rubens 2 - Brooking - 22 *>V. de Velde /P — Roos - - Vernet • ^ "/- - y• ^French ' — C. Van Haerlem - • // - Cuyp Mille • 'Mode rn 2 « C.Janfen - •— — . Cav. d’Arpino - R ubens ' «^ - C. Milrratti . - 4^ - V. Dyck - 4 n - (.auercino /2 - Diepe nbeck 26 * Canaletti ~/J. /V cniers - A*> Dyck 22 - r erghem - - Z - Yyernet • ~ Schweickhardt . /A YParmcgiano • 2/f -Giorgione - 2S -/Carre -x 5 *7 18 *9 20 21 22 2 3 2 + 25 26 52 53 54 55 7 s 4 *-2 View of a Bay with Figures, Style of S. Rofa A Landfcape cYp t.2 t *. 22 Peafants and Cattle n /• Virgin and Child Holy Family, fmall oval A Woman’s Head Y °22iz^J&j 4 Women in the Coflumc of Albano Peafants in a large Landfcape * /ty< 26 rt-*//- Chrifl preaching to the Multitude A Landfcape . Flight into Egypt Halt of a Traveller at an Inn A Landfcape and Figures 2^ r ''2} a■? 2? Silenus and a Groupe of Satyrs 6 c A Brifk GaTe Deftruftion of an Enemy’s Fleet A Landfcape, Horfes and Figures A Sea View -26r'2i a„ View 11 a River in Holland An Interior with Peafants at Backgammon Perfeus and Andromeda 2/**-*^2* A fmall Landfcape and Cattle ^./c y c ^ S2cf A Landfcape, View in Italy, and Figures A Pair of upright pleafing Landfcapes A Portrait The Meeting of the Virgin and St. Elizabeth — 2l’ / Z.< Portrait of Charles V. /&■{../& A Subject from the Roman Hiftory ^ s King Charles and Family, after 'Sf*222s A Female Saint ^ 4 *^^ y. A Lady’s Portrait A View in Venice « » A Landfcape with Buildings and Figures Portrait of Gafpar Crayer the Engraver 50 A Landfcape with Figures and Cattle 51 A Sea Storm , A Landfcape and Figures L - ^ Virgin and Child, alter A Mufical Couverfation 2/7 , T ^ s2ca- z *-i—< -2^ - 27 28 29 3° 3 1 32 33 '34 35 3 6 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Cattle in a Landfcape [ S ] 2 . /S , •r. .r - jf . /cO /.&• 3~/5> 2 -/P . «: r r V./p 7- / r - V/.///. 2#. y. /# • /* :Z- <^- Z- / 7 - z // «.? . 7». - / - . Z2 . 7? . yV //.// jr.s ?'?’ 22 . . 7? . / - N. Morell ^ - y, - Claude - - 9 /. J? . Rubens 10 Z . z - Modern IX y f- L. Giordano 12 S' yd - ^Deckar *3 z . A - Ferg 14 y . '/& - Rembrandt *5 /d - Sachtleven 16 4 - 4 - Cuyp - % - *7 ?- S' oP. Neefs 18 cP . - G. Pouflin *9 Bamboccio 20 S) ~yp, 4\ Brill 21 2. yr- - Swaneveldt 22 S — V. der Neer 23 3> - ■- Old Weenix 24 y. — Grifher • 25 Small Landscape, -without a frame A ditto ' A Pair of fmall upright Landfcapes, the Figures by Morland . , A fmall pleafing Landfcape with Figures A View on a River in Holland with Figures t-c-*-*-/ Apollo and Daphne . aS? c* < Se.^ A Pair of fmall Sea Ports ' > A fmall Flower Piece St. Peter walking on the Sea. Holy Family, after —^ A Landfcape with Cows Angel appearing to the Shepherds w Ss A View on a River with buildings A fmall upright Landfcape, with Figures «_ ' & c Sr Syt An old Woman with a Book, School of A View on the Rhine %~ /6? - A warm Landfcape with Figures A Church Piece ,— 2$ a -c A Romantic Landfcape with Figures Going out to the Cliafe A Landfcape and Figures A Bold Landfcape, in his early flyle A View in Holland, Moonlight A Sea Port with Hiflorical Figures A Pair of Dead Game in a Landfcape C 7 ] 2* /z . /ft 2. /o 2/- / 2Z. / /. / /. // J -fts /. //. /• ? jfot eemx - S. Rofa - Rubens - Swaneveldt - P. Panini - Dicpenbeck /Rubens - Breemberg _ Lairefie /Polemberg V. Huyfuni a Rubens / • //* /&. /ff - Breughel ft - ft - Breemberg — — Vanderpool 2 • S/ ^ S^eenwyek • # /Brjdel ftj . /ft . ftS. Ruyfdael *3 . /3 sZLe Nain (ft • (ft - Oftade 3 — - Teniers ft - ft - Cuyp (ft~ — _ Van Harp 2* - ft* - V. dcr Werff" *3 . Xy — J. Oftade , T. Mi cl 2 . ^Steenwyck 2 - — Rubens ft r / A. V. Oftade -c» • .ft ~ Alignonne /(? - ft~ - Ruyfdael $ — Ph : de Champagne 2ft- 2 - 6 Claude y • - P. w ouvermans ft - /ft - Gonzales 2.5 ~ Stella d . ft/. ftMWic 26 V aS 29 3° 3 1 32 33 34 3* 3 6 37 33 39 4° 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 4S 49 5° 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 Dead Game A Pair of grand Landfcapcs Portrait of Ruben’s Wife A warm Italian Landfcape with Figures A Pair of Ruins and Figures A Prince of the Iloufe of Orange on Horfeback Chrift with his Crofs An upright Landfcape with Cafcade and Fifticrm'ea A Landfcape with a group of Figures at a T omb The Adoration of the Shepherds A Landfcape View, on a River —* -ft A Group of Infants with Lions, a fpirited (ketch View of a Village and a Horfe Market in a moun¬ tainous Landfcape, very accurately and highly fini died A Landfcape and Figures, a morrting Scene ♦ A Cottage on fire St. Jerome ft . A Pair of high finifiied Battle Pieces A View on a River in Holland with Boats Boys blowing bubbles ft*2 An Interior with Boors ^ 2ft A Pair of Pilgrims, fmalt 2/rr/*>* Interior of a Stable \ A Female Sacrifice with many Figures «. *2 Nymph and Satyr c- // Strolling Muficians at a Cottage Doof 23 a.'* ■? ^^22 A Landfcape and Figures A Church Piece The AITumption of the Virgin, after Interior of a Dutch Farm Houfe *^22* A Vafe w'ith Flowers, capital A Woody Scene i—- 7 -V 7 — 7Z ./Z 5 d) . J) 2Z./ 2

85 Vander Werff 86 %2>/ . /o - P. Wouvermans t * . : J 87 — Yefnet • 88 . l -t « 1 • TT ,V. A Capital Landfcape A Girl’s Head The Flight into Egypt ' ” ’ 1 The Garden of Love 77^ ^~r) A Pair of Italian Landfeapes and Figures, oval A View on a Canal in Holland with boats Ditto, the Companion A Groupe of Figures, humorous A capital Landfcape and Figures The Country Barber * The Finding of Mofes, very highly'finifhed A Landfcape with Buildings, highly finilhed An Interior with Herbage * Cattle in a Landfcape, capital A warm Landfcape AS* *i-*i * j&- A Farm Houfe with Peafants and Sheep, highly finifhed View of a River in Holland, boats, A Pair of Peafants and Cattle in a Landfcape Villon of St. Catherine from Lord Darnley’s colle&iog A Woody Scene, View on a River The AlTumption of the Virgin Ditto, the Companion w. /7 7 Holy Family with Saints an elegant compofition, very capital Venus and Cupid an exquifite Cabinet bijou , in the higheft Style of finifhing of this very eftcemcd Maher A capital large Landfcape, an extenfive Scene, with Figures engaged in the Chafe, a very capital Pi&ure, equal to Philip Wouvermans - A Sea Port, a warm foggy Scene, with Veflels and Figures FINIS. | J. Smeeton, Printer, 148, St. Martin’s Lane. ( i >«k '%$*&?%&&&■