„■ J 1 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2018 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/ruralarchitecturOOplaw I / ■ RURAL ARCHITECTURE OR DESIGNS, FROM THE SIMPLE COTTAGE TO THE DECORATED VILLA INCLUDING SOME WHICH HAVE BEEN EXECUTED. BY JOHN PLAW, ARCHITECT and SURVEYOR. ETCHED AND SHADED IN AQUA-TINTA, ON SIXTY-TWO PLATES. London; PUBLISHED BY J. TAYLOR, At the Architectural Library, High Holborn, m.dccc.i I. Price Two Guineas , Vfl* S. Gosnell, Printer, Little Queen Street, Holbor CONTENTS The Frontispiece, designed by the Author, the Figures drawn by Mr. Deare, Sculptor at Rome ; the Landscape by Mr. Barrett. The Subject is Taste, accompanying Rural Simplicity, and pointing to one of the most beautiful Scenes this County can boast of, viz. The Lake of Winandermere; on the largest Island in which, is built a circular Villa after a Design of the Author’s; the Plans, Elevations, 8cc. are in this Work. PLATE I* Plan, Elevation, and Sections of an Hermitage, in the Garden of the Green Park Lodge, London. PLATE I. Two Cottages designed for his Grace the Duke of Gordon Plans and Elevations. PLATE II. Design for a Cottage, Shooting or Fishing Lodge:—The principal and Chamber Floor Plans. PLATE III. The Front and back Elevations of the same, supposed to be covered with Thatch. PLATE IV. Design for a Cottage or Shooting Lodge, &c.—The principal and Chamber and Floor Plans. JSf. B. The Kitchen Wing is supposed to he sunk about four Feet, which admits of two Chambers over, for Servants ; a Landing on the Staircase leads into them. PLATE V. The Front and Back Elevations of the same. A 2 PLATE ( 4 ) PLATE VI. Design for a larger Cottage or Farm House :—The Plan of the Ground Floor. JSf. B. The Chambers for the Farming Servants are over the Servants' Kitchen , having a Staircase to themselves , and a Party-Wall dividing them from the Body of the House. PLATE VII. Front Elevation of the same. PLATE VIII. The Plans of the principal and Chamber Floors of Selsdon-House, near Croydon, in the County of Surrey, being an Addition made to the old Farm House, which, with the Wing Walls, serve as a Facade before the old Buildings and Farm Yard ; designed by, and built under the Author’s Direction, for Thomas Lane, Esq. PLATE IX. Elevation of the same, towards the South-West. PLATE X. Design for a small Villa :■—The principal and Chamber Floor Plans. JV. B. The Offices are intended to he sunk ; hut may he very conve¬ niently placed on the common Parlour Side , by a Communication under the Staircase. PLATE XL Front Elevation of the same. PLATE XII. Design for a small Villa :■—The principal and Chamber Floor Plans. N. B. The Offices to this Design may he also sunk, or built as Wings ; the Dressing-Room, Cabinet, &c. which are intended only one Story high, may he omitted, as Family or Circumstances may require. PLATE XIII. Front Elevation of the same. PLATE XIV. The principal Floor Plan of a Villa at South Lambeth, near Vauxhall ; designed by, and built under the Direction of the Author. PLAT.E ( 5 ) PLATE XV. Front Elevation of the same towards the Road. PLATE XVI. Design for a small House, in the Environs of a Town or Village, suit¬ able for a Family, or a genteel Profession.—The principal Floor Plan. PLATE XVII. Front Elevation of the same. PLATE XVIII. Design for a Villa :—The principal Floor Plan. N. B. The Servants sleeping Rooms are intended over the Kitchen PLATE XIX. Front Elevation of the same. PLATE XX. Back Elevation of the same. PLATE XXI. Design for a Villa:—-The principal Floor Plan. N. B. The best Staircase receives Light by a concealed Sky-Light, and communicates with the back Stairs from the Half Space. PLATE XXII. Elevation of the same towards the Lawn. PLATE XXIII. Design for a Villa near Town The principal Floor Plan. N. B. The Kitchen Wing to be sunk sufficient to admit an Atlie Story , for Servants' sleeping Rooms ; the Withdrawing Room Wing being only one Story , and level with the principal Floor. PLATE XXIV. Front Elevation of the same. PLATE XXV. Plan of the sunk Floor, open Area and Offices therein, of the Circular House, on the great Island, in the Lake of Winandermere, in West¬ morland, designed and built by the Author. N. B. There are Apartments for the Butler, and an additional Wine-Cellar , in a Mezzanine over the Housekeeper s Apartments , Scul¬ lery and Passage , as appear by the Section. PLATE ( 6 ) PLATE XXVI. The principal Floor Plan of the same. PLATE XXVII. The Chamber and Attic Floor Plans of the same. N. B. There are exceeding good Garrets in the Dome Roof \ sufficient for several Beds for Servants. PLATE XXVIII. The Elevation towards the South-East. P L A T E XXIX. The Elevation towards the South-West. PLATE XXX. Section from South-East to North-West. PLATE XXXI. Design for a Villa made for a Gentleman:—The principal Floor Plan. PLATE XXXII. Front Elevation of the same. PLATE XXXIII. The facade Building, an Addition to Wootton Court in Kent, designed by the Author, for the Rev. Edward Tymewell Brydges. The Plan on the principal Floor consists of a Vestibule, 20 by 25 Feet, and two additional Rooms, 27 Feet by 20 each ; the Chambers above are divided. PLATE XXXIV. Design for a Villa The principal Floor Plan. N. B. The Kitchen may he a little sunk to admit an Attic Story over t for Servants' sleeping Rooms. PLATE XXXV. Front Elevation of the same. PLATE XXXVI. Design for a Villa, with a half-sunk Story in the Basement: the Kitchen and Part of the Offices are detached, and sunk as the Basement, with an Attic over, for Servants’ Lodging Rooms; a Communication to the said Rooms from the first Landing of the backStairs, where a Water- Closet may be placed, if preferred to that on the principal Floor. N. B. The Wing Offices may he concealed hy a Plantation. PLATE ( 7 ) PLATE XXXVII, Front Elevation of the same ; the Observatory on the top may be omitted. PLATE XXXVIII. Design for a Villa or Parsonage House:—The principal Floor Plan. PLATE XXXIX. Font Elevation of the same. PLATE XL. Design for a Shooting Farm, made for a Gentleman in Yorkshire :—-The principal Floor Plan. PLATE XLI. Elevation of the same. PLATE XLII. Design made for Robert Colt, Esq. M. P. intended to be built in Scot¬ land.—Plans of the two Floors. jV. B. The lower or Ground Floor may he built on the natural Sur¬ face of the Ground , to avoid Damp , and the Earth raised about it the Height shewn in the Elevation, leaving a Fosse or Area any desired Width ; or if on an Eminence or dry Situation , may be sunk the half Story according to Circumstances. PLATE XL 1 IL The Front and back Elevation of the same. PLATE XLIV. Design made for — - - Scott, Esq. of Ireland.—The principal Floor Plan. N. B. It was Mr. Scott's Intention to execute this Plan without the Wings , and make the Kitchen Offices in the lower Story. PLATE XLV, The Entrance Front of the same. PLATE XLVI. Design for a Villa, on a similar Plan to the former. N. B. The Kitchen Offices may be detached and half sunk, with Ser¬ vants' sleeping Rooms over , and planted out. PLATE XLVII. Front Elevation of the same. PLATE XLVI IF Design for a Casine, calculated fora Connoisseur : the Octangular Room in the one Pair Story, receives Light from the Top, and would be well adapted for Pictures, Drawings, Curiosities, he. P L A T E < 8 ) - PLATE XLIX. Front Elevation of the same. N. B. This Idea originated from a Hunting Casine , designed by Mr. Soane, in a small Book published by Mr. Taylor, of Holborn. PLATE L. Design for a Villa.—The principal Floor Plan. JM. B. The Chambers and Attics receive Light from the back and side Elevations . PLATE LI. The Front Elevation of the same. PLATE LII. Design made for Glenfiodich, in Scotland, a Seat of his Grace the Duke of Gordon.—The principal Floor Plan. PLATE LIIL The Front Elevation of the same. PLATE LIV. Design for a capital Mansion House.—The principal and Chamber Floor Plans. N. B. The Kitchen Offices are concealed in a Wing by a Plantation. PLATE LV. The Front Elevation of the same. PLATE LVI. Design made for Humberstone Mackenzie, Esq. M. P. intended to be built in Scotland.—The principal Floor Plan. PLATE LV 1 I. The Front Elevation of the same. PLATE LVIII. Design for a Villa, suited for a small Family, capable of Additions, as in the next Plate. PLATE L 1 X. The same Plan with Additions. PLATE LX. The Front Elevation to the above Plans. S. Gos'nell, Printer, Little Queen Street, Holborn. FINIS. PLJLTJC, r /‘/.at/. I . J*IA TE. JII. % I 1 1 '■ !: i 1 J/Z/ju /hi/i ',{■ K/t / t ■ /'/. . / '/•/■: / 7 IDEATE V1L. r 'V/rS/ 1 I' la t k • HSlr IT ffiiiffrifwS \n?i ^ as - .'^33 Jumm ||pS /X//■/•; A'//. .S N 1 % iX N S' s % Pf. L TE XI IT. ■ hj. vij TAX ■dJ.l'TJ Plate XVJl. /a te xyiji. X ■ 9 : 9 9 1 -LJN^ \ ' . , /^/v: X L\ /V..rr/::~X\. /‘/..IV'h'XXl. 40 t&ee/~ P -L A te-XXIL. PnbTvftiil May 2 ? YJ 8«5\ 77FXX ^ vr d >i s o N k I S % $ S 'k. 4 / JJ tf 0 ' °9 _,_ Off _ ojr _ Of _ oz 2 } z,t tkKXIV . / /v /•//. vvr/ Pla te XX V/!. ♦ Plate I 'j.A 7 A. XXi PiiBlUkU Mav 2'.'I78J / { •A. '/‘/ATE XXX. Tla tk XXXJl : Pui.l.iiid M.-u-oi, io> 178^: PlaTE:YM-V. :>'\r ™yv>£ ^ _ _’J' } HAYYX srzrrj Fla t.e XXW’///. rjL,'crz.x&:iz ( I* LA TJu X.LII. . r/.A J i'. :/U 1) Juk-e-r J\ t/u«■ F-lateXMV. I'lLAli * HAT X ajcv' - / \TJE. nl>\i r->'n>r ;■/ __ . _'_ . v~ f 7T ■ I * /‘/..I YJi _LZ. Fla T j e ■ IF. ■inn n,n/T ( £ I JuL I A Tl-nxv’ij PLATE: i JIT AT xJ-vij i / Tmf OAzr/t ' ' ■’} A April 18, 1804. CATALOGUE OF MODERN BOOKS architecture, THEORETICAL, PRACTICAL, and ORNAMENTAL; VIZ. BOOKS of PLANS and ELEVATIONS for COTTAGES, FARM-HOUSES, MANSIONS, &c. TEMPLES, BRIDGES, &c. Of ORNAMENTS for INTERNAL DECORATIONS, FOLIAGE for CARVERS, &c. ON PERSPECTIVE. BOOKS of Use for CARPENTERS, BRICKLAYERS, and WORKMEN in general, &c. WHICH, WITH THE BEST ANCIENT AUTHORS, ARE CONSTANTLY ON SALE AT J. TAYLOR’S Architectural Library, No. 59, High Holborn, London: WHERE MAY BE HAD The WORKS of the most celebrated FRENCH ARCHITECTS and ENGINEERS. P LANS, Elevations, Sections and Views of the Church of Batalha , in the Province of Eflremadura, in Portugal, with an Hiftory and Defcription, by Father Luis de Soufa, with Remarks; to which is prefixed an Introductory Dif- courfe on the Principles of Gothic Architecture, by James Murphy , Architect. Illuftrated with 27 elegant Plates, printed on Imperial folio, and hot-prefled, Price 4I. 14s. 6d. The Architecture of this Structure is of the bejl Gothic , and one of the moji elegant Specimens of the Style exifling; and well deferves the Attention of the Antiquary and the Artifl, for its Purity of Defign and Elegance of Ornament. Specimens of Gothic Architecture , fele£ted from the Parifh Church of Lavenham, in Suffolk, on 40 Plates quarto. Price 18s. half bound, and on large Paper il. 5s. Gothic Ornaments of the Cathedral Church of York, by J, Halfpenny , 105 Plates, large Quarto, 61. 10s. half bound. The Ancient Buildings of Rome, accurately meafured and deli¬ neated, by Antony Defgodetz , with Explanations in French and Engliffi; the Text tranflated, and the Plates engraved, by the late Mr George Marjhall , Architect, 2 vols. imperial folio, with 137 Plates. Price 5I. 5s. half bound, or 4I. 14s. 6d. fewed.— Defgodetz 1 s Antiquities has ever been highly valued by Amateurs and Profeffors, for the Accuracy of the Meafurementi , and the Choice of elegant Subjects. The IVork includes Deftgns at large of the following celebrated Structures, viz. the Pantheon , Temple of Bacchus, Temple of Vejla at Rome ; Temple of Vefa Bt Tivoli , Temple of Fortunes Virilis , Temple of Antoninus and FauJUna,\ Temple of Concord , Temple of Jupiter Stator, Temple of Jupiter Tmans, Temple of Mars the Avenger, Frontifpiece of Nero , Baftlica of Antoninus, Forum of Nerva, Portico of Sept i mi us Sever us , Arch of Titus , Arch of Septimus , Arch of the Goldfniths, Arch of Confantine , The Colifeum , The Amphi¬ theatre at Verona. The Theatre of Marcellas , The Baths of Diocirfian, and the Baths of Paulas Emilius. 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A new Edition, corrected; by an Experienced Sur¬ veyor. Sewed, as. 6d. The New Vitruvius Britannicus, confiding of Plans and Eleva¬ tions of modern Buildings, public and private, erefled in Great Britain by the moll celebrated Architects, engraved on 72 Plates, from original Drawings. By G. Richardfon, Architect. Imperial Folio, half bound, 5I. 15s. 6d. N.B. Thefirft and fecond Parts of the fecond Volume, contain¬ ing 14 Plates each, are publifhed. It will be continued in Parts, at li. is. each. Sketches for Cottages, Villas, &c. with their Plans and appro¬ priate Scenery, by John Soane ; to which is added fix Defigns for improving and embellifhing Grounds, with Explanations by an Amateur, on 54 Plates, elegantly engraved in Aquatinta. al. 12s. 6d. half bound. Plans, Elevations, and Seflions of Buildings, executed in the Counties of Norfolk, Suffolk, Torkjhire, IVUtfhire, Warwick- fbire. Stafford/hire, Somerfet/hire, &c. by John Soane, Arcliitea, on 47 folio Plates. 2I. 12s. 6d. 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