-- ■ 7b QQ D oo"o 32068 1 AYTON ART L_ GALLERY MILWAUKEE Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2018 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/catalogueoflaytoOOmilw LAYTON ART GALLERY. CuJr A\ CATALOGUE OF THE LAYTON ART GALLERY MILWAUKEE, WIS. VwXA^UJ*. \mJUWm.— < ^cvsW^”- ^VAxj^ ' QC. ^cSuo)uWT TRUSTEES. J ^M-E 3 K . I L3LEY. Pi.VS . Howard Greene, Vice-Pres. Charles F. Dickens, Secy. Oha - rleo It.SV . ( ~^uo .13 Cu*. b OUIB J r PeT IT . 0 v cjt> *V*j MX> STANDING L> "\Trrijj-p W - FM i L* i H II. gf.UIUClIAIIIJT i Alfred James. Miss Charlotte R. Partridge. i*uV ' U ti'EL 0. Bum NEB . AHftf-PII Futiillr. "tA, c .VoA COMMITTEES. ON FINANCE. George P. Miller. Louis J. Petit. Charles F. Dickens. ^^^Acuul«b*«_ on art C^*VWfcM,ta. TT S, " l ri " i ' "^ S**« m 7 n Alfred James. ON THE BUILDING. Howard Greene. Adolph Finicler. Charlotte R. Partridge. CURATOR —George Raab. FORMER TRUSTEES IN MEMORIAM Eow. Sanderson - 1889 W. II. Metcalf - - 1892 Dr. Keene - - 4893 Horace Rublee - - 1890 J. R. Brigham - - 1896 B. K. Miller - 1898 George Dickens 1900 John Tiiorson - - 1902 W. I*. McLaren 1904 Capt. Fred Pabst - 1904 John L. Mitchell - 1904 Charles F. Ilsley - 1904 John C. Spencer - 1905 Wm. Plankinton - 1900 John H. Van Dyke 1909 Alfred Dawson - - 1913 Charles Allis - 1918 Frederick Layton - 1919 Horace A. ,T. Upham 1919 Judge .T. G. Jenkins 1921 INDEX OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED. SCULPTURE HALL. Catalogue No. Albano, Salvatore. 1-2 Ciniselli, G. 6 j Fedi, Prof. 3 ( Gaetano Trentanove, Prof.. 5-7 | Catalogue No. Megret, Louis N. A. 4 Moignier T. 8 Powers, Hiram . 9 Romanelli, P. Prof. 10 PICTURE GALLERY. Catalogue No. Achenbach, 0. 147 Achenbach, A. 154 Alma-Tadema, L . 149 Anders, E. 67 Ansdell, R.88-217 Armenise, R. 17 Armstrong, L). M. 222 Artz, D. A. C. 81 Back, G. 243 Bail, J. 120 Baratti, F. 63 Barillot, L. 220' Barber, C. B. 69 Bastien-Le Page, J. 102 Bechi, L. 91 Binet, V. 4 Bierstadt, A. 157 Blaas, E. Yon. 174 —-Blakelock, R. A.195-196 Blommers, B. J. 178 Bokelmann, L. 53 Bonheur, Juliette. 18 -Bonheur, Rosa . 110 Boughton, G. H.19-153 Bouguereau, W. A. 13 Breakspeare, W. A.35-56 Bristol, J. B. 208 Brown, J. G. 61 Browne, Mile. II. 167 Buchbinder, S. 155 Burgess, J. B.51-109 Castres, Edouard . 146 Cazin, J. C. 129 Chartran, T. 57 Chase, H. 29 Chialiva, L. 77 Church, F. E. 107 Clays, P. J. 112 Col, D. 210 Cole, G. 12-52 Cole, V. 1-39 Colman, S. 232 Coleman, W. C.250-251 Catalogue No. ’Constable, J. Conti, T. . Cooke, E. W. Cooper, T. S. Corot, J. B. C. Corra, G. Couture, T. Crochpierre, A. A. . Crow, F. . 7 28 . . .14-213-214 . 46 . 156 . 71 . 133 . 124 . 212 Davis, H. W. B. . . . .78-177 DeCock, C. . 76 Defregger, F. von. . . 93 De Iloog, B. . 189 DeKeyser, N. . 164 De N'oter, David . . . 15 Desgoffe, B. A. . 11 Dieterle, M. .185-191 Duncan, E. . .229-230-231 Duprg, Jules. Dupre, Julien . . 9 Dupre, L. V. . 54 Durand, A. B. . 105 Faed, T. Firle, W. . 166 Fouace, G. Fripp, C. E. .. 236 Frith, W. P. Gay, E. Gebler, 0. F. Gifford, S. It. .203-204 Gignoux, R. Gilbert, Sir J. . . . . . Goodwin, A. Goodwin, II.. Gourdon, R. . 121 Graf . Graham, P. Haines, W. II. Ilalswelle, K. uaiowene, tv. . 113-114-115-116-117-118-215-216 Hardy, H. 70 4 LAYTON COLLECTION. Catalogue No. Hart, J. M. 31 Harpignies, H. 182 Heffner, K. G. 140 Henseler, E. 84 Herring, J. F. 221 Hicks, T. 48 Hill. T. .. 86 H'oll, F. .. 103 Holland, Jas. 151 Holmberg, Prof. A. 138 Homer, W. 99 Howland, A. C. 37 Hume, Mrs. E. 43 Hunt, W. H. 253 Huntington, D. P. 60 Catalogue No. Paul . 160 Parsons, A.162-183-190-256 Pecrns, E. 92 Pettie, J. 79 Phillip, J. 137 Pillsbury, Wilmot . 244-245-246-247-248 Pinchart, E. A. 26 Piot, A. 132 Pott, L... 2 Pradilla, F. . 141 Preyer, Emilie .. 205 Pushman, Hovsep .. 197 Quartley, A. ......94-95-96-97-98 Inness, G. 163 Israels, J. 192 Jacque, C. E. 170 Jenkins, .1. 235 Johnson, C. E.100-101 Johnson, E.36-50 Jones, H. B.. . . . .3-41-225 Kaufman, H. .126-211 Keith, W. 200 Kensett, J. F. 106 Ninth, R. 34 Knight, D. R. 122 Kowalski, yon W. A. 33 LaLyre, N. 59 Landell, E. 20 Law, D. 226 Leader, B. W.10-90 Leighton, Sir Frederick. . . . 150 Leys, H. .. 5 Lorenz, R.181-199 Marks, II. S... Marr, C. Marshall, H. . . Mauve, A. ... McCord, G. H. McEntee, J. Merle, H. Mesdag, I-I. W. Meyerheim, P. Michel, G. Millet, F. D. Minor, R. C.. . . Monchablon, J. Moran, T. Mtiller, C. L. . . Munkacsy, L. Munthe, L. ... Nicol, Erskine Nicol, J. C_ Noble, ,T. S... Normann, A. . . 8 ... 173 . 237 .127-193 . . ..55-142 . ..22-201-202 . 75 . 135 . 148 . 187 . 30 . 206 .21-119 . 198 . 130 Mihaly_139-144 .89-131 .45-85-104 . 44 . 65 . 83 O’Neil, G. B. 80 Ortlieb, F. 72 Os, Jan Van. Ill Os, G. J. J. Van. 158 Reed, Joseph C.227-228 Roberts, H.240-241 Rondel, F. 128 Rotta, S. . 219 Rousse, F. 261 Roybet, F. 74 Salmson, H. F. 23 Schendel, P. Van.. .. 123 Seherrewitz, J. 184 Schreyer, A. 108 Slingent . 168 Smillie, G. H. 145 Smith, C. F. .. 82 Stannard, L. 260 Stark, J.. 194 Stevenhoff, F. I’. 252 Struys, Alex. 152 Ten Kate, H... 242 Tissot, J. 32 Thompson, L. 258 Thompson, W. 64 Thoren, O. von. 24 Thorne, W. R...233-234 Tommasi, A. 87 Trood, W. H. 66 Van Boskerck . 169 Van Marcke, E. 6 Verboeckhoven, E. J. . . . . . 16-218 Vianden, FI. 49 Vollon, A.161-186 Voltz, F. 172 Walker, W. E. . .. 259 Wapfner, J. 179 Waterlow, E. A. 257 Weber, O. .. 255 Weber, T. A. 27 Weeks, E. L. 73 Whittredge, W. 209 Wiggins, C. 207 Williamson, F. ..238-239 Wood, 0.223-224 Wiist, A. 134 Wyant, A. H.58-143 Yewell, Geo. II. 62 HE LAYTON ART GALLERY WAS ORGAN- ized as a corporation under the laws of the State, by articles executed March 1, 1888. The purposes of the corporation, declared in the articles, are “maintaining, regulating and managing a public art gallery in the City of Milwaukee, to be known as the Layton Art Gallery, and taking and holding, managing and controlling any real estate or other property which Frederick Layton, of Milwaukee, shall convey and give to such corporation for the purpose of providing and maintaining a public art gallery in said city, and also any other property which may come to such corporation by gift 01 giant, devise or bequest, or otherwise, for the benefit of said public art gallery.” The articles provide for twelve Trustees, the signers of the articles to be the first Trustees and to continue for life, except in cases of resignation or removal, vacancies by death or otherwise to be filled by the remaining Trustees, a concurrence of a major¬ ity being necessary to an election. The articles contain a pro¬ vision also that in case of neglect or failure of the Trustees to fill any vacancy within two years, the Judge of the Circuit Court for Milwaukee County shall appoint. The officers of the corporation, provided by the articles, are a President, a Vice-President and a Secretary, and in addition to the officers, the articles provide for three Standing Committees, each composed of at least three Trustees; a Committee on Finance, a Committee on the Building and a Committee on Works of Art. The signers of the articles were: Frederick Layton, Charles F. Ilsley, George Dickens, John L. Mitchell, James Clinton Spencer, William PI. Metcalf, Francis B. Keene,* B. K. Miller, William P. McLaren, Edward Sanderson, William Plankinton and Jerome It. Brigham, who were the first Trustees. 6 LAYTON COLLECTION. The organization of the corporation was completed by the election, March 3, 188S, of Frederick Layton, President, Charles F. Ilsley, Vice-President, and Jerome R. Brigham, Secretary, and by the appointment, March 14, 1888, of Standing Commit¬ tees, as follows: On Finance, Messrs. Ilsley, Miller and Brig¬ ham ; on The Building, Messrs. Spencer, Dickens and McLaren; on Works of Art, Messrs. Metcalf, Mitchell and Keene. On the 10th day of March, 1888, Mr. Layton, by deed of him¬ self and wife, conveyed to the corporation the lots at the north¬ east corner of Jefferson and Mason Streets, on which he had already erected the Art Gallery Building, in which had been hung the paintings, numbered from 1 to 65 in the catalogue, be¬ ing gifts by himself and different friends, as indicated in the catalogue. On the afternoon of Thursday, April 5, 1888, the simple cere¬ monies of the formal presentation to the corporation and of the opening to the public of the Gallery were had in the new build¬ ing, and were attended by about three hundred interested spec¬ tators, including a number of invited guests from Chicago. The Souvenir of the opening, prepared by the Rev. Dr. Keene, and printed for distribution at the time, now -very scarce, gives a pleasant account of the affair. It contains the address of Mr. Layton on the occasion, which is reproduced here, giving the facts of the origin of the Gallery and its earliest history, not to be found elsewhere. The abstract of the deed of Mr. Layton and his wife, here given, is taken from the same source and re¬ printed because of its interesting detail of Mr. Layton’s gifts to the public and its recital of his purpose and plan in making them. The following is Mr. Layton’s address: “Ladies and Gentlemen and Fellow Citizens: Just before leav¬ ing home to cross the Atlantic in June, 1884, the late Alexander Mitchell and myself were invited by a few friends to a dinner party at the Milwaukee Club, and after dinner I was called upon to respond to a toast to my health and safe voyage. In replying I said, among other tilings, that I had thought at some future time to do something in regard to building an Art Gallery for the public, in our city. Yet on that occasion 1 had no idea that it would be in the near future. Newspaper men, however, are very quick to find out what has been said. I was called on the next day by a reporter of one of our news¬ papers, to know how soon I intended to commence the Art Gallery. I told him to say but little about it, since the whole matter was yet but an intention. Nevertheless it was forthwith spread abroad that I was going to build an Art Gallery, and so I myself began to think LAYTON COLLECTION. 7 about it as something soon attainable. On my voyage across the Atlantic Mr. I. W. Audsley sat next to me at table. His brother, . • iuXley in Liverpool, now of London, s an architect, and so it came about quite naturally that I should meet him. Mr. Audsle J sh ™ e * me some very beautiful buildings he had designed, and I asked hun t draw me two plans for a Gallery-one for a lot 60x120, and one fo 1-0x120. I liked his style of architecture very much, but did not accept either of the plans, as they were two stories a^ve tbe grou , and the Gallery had to be on the upper floor inordei to admit proper light. Later on, my neighbor on board ship paid me . and we talked over the situation and looked over the gi'oun ’ * asked: Can we not have a building one story above the ^sement, about 80x100 feet, in the center of our ground that will o ' Mr. Audsley thought he could, and so we sketched out my idea, and in due time received the design for our present building. This p a accepted with the understanding that Messrs. E. Townsend ix r ■ should work jointly with him in carrying out his design, but to aria 0 and plan certain parts of the building as they thought best. “Our building is now about completed, and I think I may say w have one of the most beautiful Art Galleries, of its size, on this side of the Atlantic. No money or labor has been spared to make it as near fire-proof as possible; the walls are twice the thickness of ordinaly walls, and will stand for ages. The ground on which it is built is a well-known landmark, where our first Episcopal Church, o d S . au , stood for many years. This site (120x120 feet) was offered to me for the Gallery and bought for $25,000. The ground and building with all appliances, have cost in round numbers about $115,000, which I have deeded to the Trustees of the Gallery for the public. “1 also give to the Gallery thirty-eight oil paintings, which are val¬ ued at $50,000, with $100,000 for an endowment fund, the interest to be used for the support and maintenance of the building, or, if any money remains after paying all expenses, it shall be applied to the purchase of such works of art for, the Gallery as the Trustees may deem best, together with any other gifts of money donated by our citizens or friends of the Gallery. “Our first gift to the Gallery was from Mr. John Hargreaves, ot Liverpool, a very old carved oak English clock, now in the Trustees Room, and should be highly prized by us. Mr. Hargreaves paid all charges and delivered the clock free to us. “P jx Armour, of Chicago, a former fellow citizen, did not forget us. He was the first to send me a check for $5,000 for the Gallery. This was three years ago last October. I attended the Seney sale of paintings in New York, three years ago this spring, and bought the Van Marcke picture ‘La Vanne’ for $7,000; and I felt very proud to have secured it. On my return home I called on Mr. Armour and told him I had spent his $5,000 and $2,000 more with it. He very gener¬ ously told his clerk to draw me a check for $2,000, and has since told me to buy another picture for about $2,000. “We are largely indebted to Mr. Samuel Page, of Surbiton, near London, an esteemed friend of mine, for the time and interest he has 8 LAYTON COLLECTION. taken in helping me to secure paintings I bought in England. He has also donated to the Gallery a very beautiful painting. “Other friends outside of our city have donated pictures to the Gallery, namely, John Cudahy and Wm. Kirkwood, of Chicago, and some of our fellow citizens have also given paintings and money to buy such paintings as I might deem best. These are now in the Gallery, except Guido Pfister’s gift of $1,000, not yet expended, his painting having not yet been selected. I trust other donations will continue to come forward from our citizens, and others who can well afford it, and that the Gallery, as time goes on, will be filled with none but choice works of art in paintings and sculpture from the best masters. We open our Gallery without a single piece of statuary in the beautiful room intended therefor ; but I trust some of our citizens, who can well afford it, will donate a good round sum for several pieces of fine marble sculpture from the best sculptors, and that the subjects may be well chosen. “It is going on four years since the inception of the plan, and I have done my very best, from the commencement, to build a beautiful structure, such as should stand for ages to come, and to open it with a good, though small, collection of paintings by well-known artists ; and I trust the standard will not be lowered In the future, but rather be raised. My gift to the public will, I trust, be of benefit to our working people, as well as to the more wealthy, since all may come and find pleasure and recreation in paying a visit to the Gallery. It will be open to the public, free of charge, three days in the week, and only a small fee of admittance will be charged two days in the week to help pay, in a slight degree, the Gallery’s running expenses. On these two days artists, under certain regulations, will be allowed to copy paint¬ ings, free of charge. With God’s will I trust that which He has enabled me to do may prove a lasting benefit and pleasure to the public. “I now wish to deliver to the Trustees of the Layton Art Gallery the deed of the property and building, my gift of oil paintings, and a check on Messrs. Marshall & iisley’s bank for $100,000. The Rev. Dr. Keene, on behalf of the Trustees, please accept my gift. “The Gallery will be open free to the public this week, to-morrow and Saturday, from nine in the morning till four in the afternoon.” The following are the recitals of the deed of Mr. and Mrs. Layton, presented to the Trustees on that occasion, omitting the formal language of conveyance: “Whereas, in pursuance of a cherished plan to devote to the benefit of the City of Milwaukee, and the public, some of the property which he has acquired in business, carried on in said city, the said Frederick Layton has recently erected a building intended for an Art Gallery, on lots seven (7) and eight (8), in block twenty-one (21), in the Seventh Ward of said city, and has placed therein a number of paintings which he thinks will be valuable for the instruction and gratification of the public, ana has also placed therein other paintings and works of art, presented by other persons, to be placed in the gallery for the same purpose; and, LAYTON COLLECTION. 9 “ Whereas, the party of the second part has been created and organ¬ ized as a corporation under the laws of the State, for the purpose of maintaining, regulating anu managing a public Art Gallery in the City of Milwaukee, to be known as the Layton Art Gallery, and of taking and holding, managing and controlling any real estate or other property, which Frederick Layton, of Milwaukee, shall convey and give to the corporation, for the purpose of providing and maintaining a public Art Gallery in the City of Milwaukee, and also any other prop¬ erty which may come to such corporation by gift or grant, devise or bequest, or otherwise, for the benefit of such Art Gallery ; and, “whereas, said Frederick Layton believes that by placing the Ga - lery and its contents in the hands of the corporation, his object of providing an Art Gallery in the City of Milwaukee, for the public, which shall be and remain a means of creating and encouraging among its people, a taste for the fine arts, and affording high and improving gratification to all by the constant exhibition of choice works of art therein ; and, “Whereas, the wife of said Frederick Layton is in full sympathy with this plan of her husband.” (Here follows the formal phraseology of grants and war¬ rants of title conveying the lots with the building to the cor¬ poration for the purpose of a public Art Gallery.) The deed contains also a statement of the wishes and pur¬ poses of Mr. Layton, as follows: “While leaving the details of the management and control of the property hereby conveyed for an Art Gallery to the judgment and dis¬ cretion of the Trustees of the party of the second part, the parties' of the first part herein indicate, in a general way, the wishes and plan of Mr. Layton in reference to the same. “1 It is his wish that the Gallery shall receive and keep for public inspection, under such regulations as the Trustees of the corporation may adopt, to secure the safety of the property and the convenience of the public, in addition to paintings and other works of art now in the Gallery, paintings and other works of art which may be hereafter given or bequeathed for that purpose, but that in all cases a careful judgment be exercised that only such paintings and other works of art as are of high order of merit and calculated to elevate and Instruct the public taste, be received, and that any which, in the judgment of the Trustees, or of a proper committee of the Trustees, are not of such merit, be declined and not received. “2. It is his wish that, subject to proper rules and restrictions, to be adopted by the Trustees of the corporation, the paintings and other works of art in the Gallery be open to public inspection without any charge for admission, at proper and convenient hours, on not less than three days in each week, and that, on not exceeding two days in each week, a small charge for admission to the Gallery be made, the moneys so received to be applied to the care and maintenance of the property. “3. It is his wish that upon two days in each week, proper facili¬ ties be afforded to art students, under such regulations and restrictions 10 LAYTON COLLECTION. as the Trustees may deem best, to study and copy any painting in the Gallery. “4. Together with this convenience, Mr. Layton gives to the corpo¬ ration $100,000, for a permanent endowment fund, the annual income of which may furnish the means of meeting the necessary expenses of the care and management of the Gallery, and of maintaining and keep¬ ing the building and property always in good order and condition, and it is his wish that, if at any time, in the judgment of the Trustees, any part of such incomei is not required for such care and maintenance, and may be safely used for other purposes, such excess be set apart to be used as a fund for the purchase by the corporation, from time to time, of such works of art as the Trustees shall determine to add to the collection in the Gallery, and that the corporation also make additions to the collection by purchase, when it is able to do so, by funds provided from any other source.” At the session of the Legislature in 1889, an act was passed “Exempting from taxation all real and personal property of any public Art Gallery, or of any corporation created without capi¬ tal stock, for the sole purpose of maintaining, regulating and managing a public Art Gallery, provided the public shall have access to such Art Gallery, free of charge, not less than three days in each week.” This general act, so phrased as to apply to the Layton Art Gallery, was procured to be passed by the Trustees, and under its provisions the corporation property has been exempt from taxation. According to the By-laws as originally made, the Gallery was opened to the public, without charge, three days in each week, and two days an admission fee of twenty-five cents was charged. It was not open on Sunday. Later the usefulness and convenience of opening the Gallery at least a part of the day on Sunday, was urged in the public press and otherwise, with such effect that at a special meeting of the Trustees, held November 2, 1891, called by the President for the purpose of determining the question of opening the Gallery on Sundays, after full consideration, a resolution was adopted that the Gal¬ lery be opened to the public, without charge for admission, on the afternoons of Sunday, for the period of one year, the pur¬ pose being to determine, by trial, the usefulness and conveni¬ ence of the change. The result has been that the Gallery has continued to be open on Sunday afternoons ever since, and it does not seem likely that the practice will be changed. The Catalogue shows the additions to the Gallery’s collection since the opening. At that time the Gallery was possessed of LAYTON COLLECTION. 11 the paintings numbered in the Catalogue from 1 to and in¬ cluding 65. All the statuary and the paintings, bearing higher numbers than 65, have been since acquired, either by gift oi by purchase, as is indicated in the Catalogue. The endowment gift has been kept invested under the direc¬ tion of the proper committee, and up to August, 1897, thqre has been expended, out of the income, in addition to the Gallery, the sum of about $21,945 in the purchase of paintings for the Gallery. Tlje paintings which have been so purchased with in¬ come of the endowment gift are the following: ' “Winter,” by Ludwig Munthe. • “Interviewing the Member,” by Erskine Nicol. “In the Catskills,” by Asher Durand. “Lakes of Killarney,” by J. F. fcensett. “A Passing Shower,” by Frederick E. Church. “The Frolic After the Wedding,” by John B. Burgess. “The Latest Acquisition,” by Prof. JJolmberg. “Convoy of Prisoners,” by Edouard Castress. “View Near Rome,” by Oswald Achenbach. “A Darwinian Prehistoric Social Party,” by Paul Fremerich Meyerheim. The following three works were purchased with income ot the endowment gift in April, 1897 : j “Landscape and Lake,” by J. B. C. Xorot. “Wind River,” Nebraska, by Albert Biersjtjdt^ ^ “Prosperine,” Bust, by Iiiram Powers. Besides the above named, a part of the price of A Roman Art Lover,” by Laurenz Alma-Tadema, was paid by the Gallery, the remainder by individual Trustees. “At the Fountain, . Sir Frederick Leighton, was purchased with contributions known as the People’s Fund, aided by individual contribution ,, and a small sum paid by the Gallery. _ . The record of annual attendance averages between thirty and forty thousand. THE GALLERY IS OPEN k > Summer : April 15 to October 15. 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. Sunday, 2 to 5 p. m._ Winter : October 15 to April 15. 10 a. m. to 4 P. M Sunday, 2 to 4 p. m. Free _Tuesdav, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday p. m. Admission, 25 cents—Wednesdays and Fridays. __ LAYTON COLLECTION. /v. '^NXxaVajuc^ at» B . r ~^«wsS^«*l . s, % L>l\ ^CW«s\\a < ^ s ^* S VgCKp.\kjU.W>U>0«^ ^\^ *« ai 4 JLa , C*JuW^T" " Ou^0uMtY^V ,, Vuix 5> V^SklVju*^, ^UXy. q^jfr sVur* . ^cJ& 2U* t*L*Nvo*, ^jujo-ui^W , H W*4«zk«. - . afc* sJK,cWA*.l JLXjuum>.i»—. M ti^ . . X io^w ' VUOJl^Juj-- < >, OAKS'S jh„. %u^, Sculpture Hall 1 ALBANO, SALVATORE. Florence—1889. Portrait Bust of Frederick Layton. Presented by Frederick Layton. 2 ALBANO, SALVATORE. Florence—1888. The Secret. Presented by John H. Van Dyke. 3 PROF. FEDT. Florence—1882. Cupid Begging. Presented by Mrs. John D. Peck for Mrs. Jason Downer. 4 MEGRET, LOUIS NICOLAS ADOLPHE. Born at Paris. Pupil of Jouffroy. Honorable mention, Salon, 1887. Medal: Universal Exposition, 1889. Cupid in Rebellion. Life-size marble group. Presented by P. D. Armour. 14 LAYTON COLLECTION. 5 TRENTANOVE, PROF. GAETANO. Born in Florence, 1858. Pupil of Florentine Academy and of Giovanni Dupre. Elected Professor in Florence, 1889, and at Parma in 1890. Received gold medal, Florence, 1880. Honor¬ able mention. Paris, 1889. Second Class medal, Munich, 1891. Created Knight of the Crown of Italy, January, 1897. Art. Presented by Frederick Layton. 6 CINISELLI, PROF. G. Rome. “Ruth.” Presented by Charles Ray. 7 TRENTANOVE, PROF. GAETANO. (See No. 5.) The Last of the Spartans. Marble. The Artist, here symbolizes the courage and self-sacrifice of the Spartans, an ancient Greek people, who resisted invasion at the pass of Thermopylae. The Spartan law bade each soldier return home either with his shield,_ or on it, that being their emblem of honor. This one, the last of the three hundred, fatally wounded, throws himself upon his shield, and with bloody hand writes thereon, “Nikat”, meaning, I conquer. A moral victory in death over defeat. Presented by William E. Cramer. LAYTON COLLECTION. 15 8 MOIGNIER, T. “Hunting the Boar” (Bronze). Presented by Mrs. von Spiegel. 9 POWERS, HIRAM. Born at Woodstock, Vermont, July 29, 1805. Died in Flor¬ ence, Italy, June 27, 1873. One of the earliest American sculptors. * The Greek Slave was his most important work. Bust, “Proserpine.” Acquired by the Gallery. 10 ROMANELLI, PROF. P. Pupil of Bartolini, Professor at Florence. Faust and Marguerite. Marble group. Presented by Miss Elizabeth A. Plankinton. 16 LAYTON COLLECTION. NOTE. -The figures represent the measure, in inches, of the size of the canvas, the first indicating the width. Whether painted on wood or canvas, it is so stated. When the picture has been dated by the artist, the year is given. 1 D Picture Gallery 1 COLE, VICAT, R. A. Born at Portsmouth. Eng., in 1833; died, 1893. Son and pupil of George Cole; exhibited first picture at British Institu¬ tion in 1851, and at the Royal Academy in 1854; elected an A. R. A. in 1870 and R. A. in 1880. Cornfield at Abingdon, Berks. 1874—Canvas 39 x 25. Presented by Samuel Marshall. 2 POTT, LASLETT J. Born in Nottinghamshire, 1837. First exhibited at Royal Academy in 1880. News of the Victory. ¥ Canvas 69 x 41. Presented by Frederick Layton. 3 JONES, HUGH BOLTON, N. A. Born in Baltimore, Md., 1848. Elected an A. N. A. in 1881 and N. A. in 1883. The Salt Meadow. Canvas 41 x 23. Presented by Frederick Layton. 18 LAYTON COLLECTION. 4 BINET, V. Near Quilleboeuf, Normandy. Canvas 36 x 21. Presented by Frederick Layton. LEYS, BARON HENDRICK. t\/t B 1 01 ' 11 “i^werp, 1815 ; died, 1869. History and genre painter. Medai, 1846. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1847. Grand Medal of Honor, 1855. One of the eight Grand Medals of Honor (E. U.), 1867. (E. U.), 1878. Interior of a Carabet. 1842—Wood 34 x 30. Presented by. Frederick Layton. 6 VAN MARCKE, EMILE. Born at Sevres, France, 1827; died, 1890. Pupil of Troyon. Medals, 1867-69-70. Legion of Honor, 1872. First- class Medal (E. U.), 1878. The Water Gate. Canvas 86 x 70. Exhibited at the Salon. 1881. From the Seney Sale. Presented by P. D. Armour. 7 CONSTABLE, JOHN, R. A. Born at East Bergholt, Suffolk, Eng., 1776 ; died in London, 1837. Founder of the Modern School of Landscape Painting. Pictures now in the National Gallery, Lon¬ don, and the Louvre, Paris, English Landscape. Canvas 26 x 24. From the Morgan Sale. Presented by Frederick Layton. LAYTON COLLECTION. 19 8 MARKS, HENRY STACY, R. A. Born in London, 1829; died, 1898. Genre pamter. Pui' 11 at the Royal Academy, London, and of Picot in Pai , 1853; elected an A. R. A. in 1871, and R. A. in 1878. Three Fishers. Canvas 48 x 25. Presented by Frederick Layton. DUPRE, Jl LIEN. Born in Paris, 1851. Pils. Medals: Landscape and genre painter. Pupil of Third-class, 1880; second-class, 1882. Minding the Flock. Canvas 78 x 53. Presented by Edward Sanderson. 10 LEADER, B. W., R. A. Born in Worcester, England, 1831. Elected an A. R. A. in 1883. Autumn Evening After the Rain. 1886—Canvas 48 x 29. Presented by Edward Sanderson. 11 DESGOFFE, BLAISE ALEXANDRE. Born in Paris, 1830; died, 1886. Still-life painter, pupil of Flandrin. A most skillful imitator of near objects, bis subjects belli" finished with microscopic exactness. Medals: Third- class, 1801; second-class, 1863. Legion of Honor, 1878; Hon¬ orable Mention (E. U.), 1878. Objects of Art. 1877—Wood 25 x 19. From the Stewart Sale. Presented by Frederick Layton. 20 LAYTON COLLECTION. 12 COLE, GEORGE. B °rn at Portsmouth, Eng., 1810; died in London 1883 Self fn r T n aS ? o p0rtrait and animal painter exhibited of’ British t /• T emb f in 1850 of the Society of British Artists, of which hh became vice-president. Waiting for the Ferry. 1875—Canvas 60 x 41. Presented by Chas. F. Ilsley. 13 BOUGUEREAU, WILLIAM ADOLPHE. Paris. Loin at La Rochelle, France, 1825" died 1005 p 11ri :i frf; 0f Rome ’ 185 °- Medals: (Tu.) 1855 'iSS? of France IsV^Offi f J 859 ’ Member of tlle Institute of Honor VF 8 ff i °S Le ?‘ 011 of Honor, 1876. Medal / l \' 7 u -)> 18 ' 8 - knight ot the Order of Leopold 1881 Giand Medal ot Honor, Paris, 1885; Medal of Honor Antwerp’ Homer and His Guide. 1874—Canvas 56 x 82. Salon of 1874. From the Stewart Sale Presented by Frederick Layfon. 14 COOKE, EDWARD WILLIAM, R. A. Born in London, 1811; died in 1880. Son and Pupil of George Cooke; first exhibited at Royal Academy in 1835. Elected an A. R. A. in 1851, and R. A. in 1864. Pictures in the National Gallery, London, and in S. Kensington Museum. The Pilot Boat. 1839—Canvas 56 x 40. Presented by Frederick Layton. LAYTON COLLECTION. 21 15 NOTER, DAVID DE. Born in Ghent. Still-life painter of distinction in his time. Medals: 1845, 1852. Still-life—Interior. Canvas 25 x 32. Presented by W. P. McLaren. 16 VERBOECKHOVEN, EUGENE JOSEPH. Born in West Flanders, 1799; died, 1881. Son and pupil of the Sculptor Barthelemi Verboeckhoven. Medals : 1824-’41-’55. Legion of Honor, 1845. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold, St. Michael of Bavaria, and Christ of Portugal. Decorated with the Iron Cross. Member of the Royal Academies of Belgium, Antwerp and St. Petersburg. Summer Evening. 1873—Canvas 54 x 35. Presented by Frederick Layton. 17 ARMENISE, R. Contemporary Italian School. After the Baptism. Canvas 77 x 39. Presented by Hon. John L. Mitchell. 22 LAYTON COLLECTION. 18 BOXHEUR, JULIETTE (Madame Peyrol). Born in Paris, 1830. Pupil of her father and sister Rosa. Medal: 1855. Rosa's Herd. Canvas 26 x 16. Presented by Frederick Layton. 19 BOUGHTOX, GEORGE HEXRY, A. R. A. Bom in England in 1834; died, 1905. Genre painter; taught. Elected N. A. in 1871, and A. R. A. in 1879. self- Departure of the Mayflower. 1873—Canvas 31x19. Presented by Frederick Layton. 20 LAXDELL, E. Choice Fruit. Canvas 11 x 13. Presented by Mrs. W. H. Bradley. 21 MOXCHABLOX, JAX. (See No. 119.) Harvest Time in Xormandy. Born in France, 1854. Medals: First-class, Paris. Hors Conc-ours Salon, 1920. 1886—Canvas 21 x 14. Presented by Mrs. Edward Tooker. LAYTON COLLECTION. 23 22 McENTEE, J., N. A. Born at Rondout, N. Y., 1812. Began tlie study of New York in 1850, under F. E. Church. Academician in 1861. of Art in City Elected Autumn—V ermont. 1883—Canvas 29 x 17. Presented by Frederick Layton. 23 SALMSON, HUGO FREDRIK. Born in Stockholm in 1843. History, genre and portrait painter. Pupil of the Stockholm Academy under Boklund, and in Paris of Charles Comte. Medal: Third- class, 1879. Legion of Honor, 1879. Morning. Canvas 19 x 24. Presented by Edward Sanderson. 24 THOREN, OTTO VON Bo’-n in Vienna, 1828. Studied in Brussels and Paris, taking un Painting in 1857, after having served in the Austrian Army in the campaigns of 1848-’49. Member of Vienna and St. Peters¬ burg Academies. Medals: Paris, 1865; Munich, 1869; Vienna, 1882; Order of Francis Joseph, Russian Order of Vladimir. Horses. Canvas 39 x 22. Presented by Frederick Layton. 24 LAYTON COLLECTION. 25 GIGNOUX, REGIS. Born in Lyons, France, in 1816 • died in isso • strueled at Frieburg, then at the Lyons Academy and in Paris to ImeScfin e il5? aUX ^ Pupil of Pa "> Laroche. Went New Hampshire Mountains. Canvas 83x47. From the Stewart Sale. Presented by Frederick Layton. 26 PINCH ART, EMIL AUGUSTE. Born at Cambri, France. Pupil of Gerome. History, genre and portrait painter. Medal: Third-class, 1884. At the Fountain. Canvas 63 x 67. Presented by William Plankinton. 27 WEBER, THEODOR ALEXANDER. Bom in Leipsie, 1838. Pupil in Berlin of Krause. Member of Societas et Amicitise. Medal: Rouen, 1886; Havre 1886; London, 1871; Philadelphia, 1876. The Wreck and Diver. Canvas 37 x 22. Presented by Frederick Layton. LAYTON COLLECTION. 25 28 CONTI, TITO. Florence. A Pleasant Reflection. Canvas 20 x 25. Presented by Edward Sanderson. 29 CHASE, HARRY, A. N. A. Born in Woodstock, Vermont, 1853. Studied in Munich and at The Hague, and in Paris under Soyer. Elected A. N. A. in 1883. Breezy Day Near Scheveningen. Canvas 29 x 15. Presented by Frederick Layton. 30 MILLET, FRANCIS D., N. A. Born at Mattapoisett, Mass., in 1846. Lost on the S. S. Titanic, 1912. Pupil of Van Lerius and De Keyser at the Royal Academy, Antwerp, where he won medals of honor in 1872-3. Elected A. N. A. in 1882 ; N. A. in 1885. A Hymn. Canvas 11 x 17. Presented by Frederick Layton. 31 HART, JAMES M., N. A. Born in Kilmarnock, Scotland. 1828; died in 1901. Pupil of his brother William, and in 1851 of Schirmer of Diisseldorf. Elected A. N. A. in 1857, and N. A. in 1859. Landscape. Canvas 8 x 14. Presented by Edwin C. Eldridge. 26 LAYTON COLLECTION. 32 TISSOT, JAMES. France, 1836—1902. Pupil of Flandrin and Lamothe. Medal, 1866. Verv clever genre painter ; afterwards turning to religious subjects. London Visitors. Canvas 24 x 34. Presented by Frederick Layton. 33 KOWALSKI VON WIERUSZ, ALFRED. Eorn in Warsaw, Poland. Pupil at the Warsaw, Dresden and Munich Academies, at the latter under Alexander Wagner and Joseph Brandt. Medal: Second- class, Munich, 1883. Winter Scene in Russia. Canvas 29 x 39. Presented by Frederick Layton. 34 KLUTH, R. Hardanger Fjord. 1887—Canvas 63 x 44. Presented by John Thorsen. 35 BREAKSPEARE, WILLIAM A. Born at Birmingham, Eng., in 1856. Studied in the Birming¬ ham School of Art and at Paris under J. P. Laurens and Munkacsy. Arranging the Marriage Settlement. 1883—Canvas 43x31. Presented by Samuel Page, London. LAYTON COLLECTION. 27 36 JOHNSON, EASTMAN, N. A. Born in Lowell, Me., 1824; died, 1906 . Studied taDttffleldOTf in 1849-51; later in Italy, Pans and Holland. Elected N. A. in 1860. Portrait of Frederick Layton. Canvas 47 x 79. Presented by the Marshall & Ilsley Bank. 37 HOWLAND, ALFRED C., N. A. Born in Walpole, N. H„ 1838. Pupil of Professor Flann, in Diisseldorf, and of Lambinet, in Pans. Elected A. N. A. in 1874, and N. A. in 1882. Driving a Bargain. Canvas 24 x 17. Presented by Frederick Layton. 38 FRITH, WILLIAM POWELL, R. A. Born at Studley, England, in 1819; died, 1909. Pupil of tne Roval Academy, London. Elected A. R. A. in 1845, and R. A. in 1853. Member of the Royal Academies of Vienna, Belgium, Sweden and Antwerp. Medal: Paris, second-class, 1855; Legion of Honor, 1878. Swift and Vanessa. 1881—Canvas 36 x 49. Illustrating an episode in the life of Dean Swift, an English writer of the 18th Century. Presented by J. M. Durand. LAYTON COLLECTION. 39 COLE, VICAT, K. A. (See No. 1.) At Arundel, Sussex. 1887—Canvas 52 x 32. Presented by J. M. Durand. 40 GILBERT, SIR JOHN, R. A. Born at Blackheatb, Kent, Eng., in 1817- died 1807 smir taugbt. Elected mi Associate of tlie Water Color Society in tv if ^ ei D ber 111 1853, and President in 1872, when be ^vas Kinghted Became also an A. R. A. in 1872 and R. A in 187(1 Medal: Paris, Tbird-class, 1878 ; Legion of Honor, 1878 The King’s Trumpeter. 1883—Canvas 53 x 67. Presented by Frederick Layton. 41 JONES, HUGH BOLTON, N. A. (See No. 3.) Late Autumn. Canvas 42 x 24. Presented by Frederick Layton. 42 FRITH, WILLIAM POWELL, R. A. (See No. 38.) Sleep. 1873—Canvas 44 x 33. Presented by Wm. P. and Elizabeth Merrill. LAYTON COLLECTION. 29 43 HUME, MRS. E. Gathering the Waifs and Strays. Canvas 24 x 17. Presented by Guido Pfister. 44 NICOL, J. (’., N. A. Born in New York. Pupil of M. F. H. de Haas and Kruseman Van Elten. Elected an A. N. A. in 1881; N. A. in 1885. Sunset After the Rain. Canvas 24 x 13. Presented by Frederick Layton. 45 NICOL, ERSKINE, A. R. A. Born at Leith, Scotland, 1825; died, 1904. Pupil at the Edinburg Academy. Resided four years in Dublin, where he treated Hibernian subjects with great sueess. Elected A. R. A. in 1806. Medal: Second-class, Paris, 1867. The Price of the Pig. 186 4—C a n v a s 20 x 20. Presented by P. D. Armour. 46 COOPER, THOMAS SIDNEY, R. A. Born at Canterbury, England, 1803; died, 1902. Pupil of Royal Academy, London. Elected A. R. A. in 1845, and R. A. in 1867. A Summer’s Day in the Meadows. 1853—Canvas 72x48. Presented by Frederick Layton. 30 LAYTON COLLECTION. 47 GRAF. Vienna. Still Life. Canvas 31 x 25. Presented by Rudolph Nunnemacher. 48 » HICKS, THOMAS, N. A. Korn at Newton, Penn., 1823. Pupil of the National Academy of Design, later at Couture in Paris. Elected N. A. in 1851. Dropped in to Hear the News. Canvas 16 x 13. Presented by Frederick Layton. 49 * VIANDEN, HENRY. Milwaukee. Born at Bonn, on the Rhine, 1814; died, 1899. Studied at Munich, under Cornelius, from 1836 to 1841, and at Antwerp, under Wappers, from 1842 to 1845. View on the Fox River, Wisconsin. Canvas 31 x 25. Presented by friends of the Artist. 50 JOHNSON, EASTMAN, N. A. (See No. 36.) Old Stage-Coach. 1871—Canvas 60 x 35. Presented by Frederick Layton. LAYTON COLLECTION. 31 51 BURGESS, JOHN B., A. R. A. Born in London, 1830; died, 1897. Son of H. W. Burgess, land¬ scape painter to King William IV.; pupil in London of Mr. Leigh, and at the Royal Academy. Elected an A. R. A. in 1877. Gossip, Afternoon Tea. 1884—Canvas 19 x 23. Presented by Frederick Layton. 52 COLE, GEORGE. (See No. 12.) Sunset in Surrey. 1878—Canvas 23 x 1G. Presented by Mrs. W. H. Bradley. 53 BOKELMANN, LUDWIG, (Christian Louis). Born at St. Jiirgen, near Bremen, in 1844; died, 1894. Pupil of Diisseldorf Academy, under Sohm. Medals: London, Vienna (1873), Ghent, Berlin and Brussels. The Broken Bank. 1877—Canvas 51 x 38. Presented by Frederick Layton. 54 DUPRE, LEON VICTOR. Born at Limoges (Haute Vienna), 1816. Brother and pupil of Jules Dupre. Medal: Third-class, 1849. Philadelphia Exhibition, 187G. Landscape. 1868—Canvas 21 x 18. Presented by Frederick Layton. 32 LAYTON COLLECTION. 55 McCORI), GEO. H., A. X. A. Born in New York in 1840. Landscape painter. Pupil of Prof. Morse. Exhibited first at National Academy in 1868. Elected an Associate in 1880. Winter Scene. Canvas 29 x 17. Presented by Frederick Layton. 56 BREAIvSPEARE, W. A. (See No. 35.) The Young Washing Girl. 1882—Canvas 17 x 30. Presented by Frederick Layton. 57 CHARTRAX, THEOBALD. Born at Besancon, France. Pupil of Cabanel. Won the grand Prix de Rome in 1877. Medals: Third-class, 1877; second-class, 1881. Ave Marie Stella. 1887—Canvas 26 x 38. Presented by Miss Elizabeth G. Marshall. 58 WYANT, ALEXANDER H„ X. A. Born in Port Washington, O.. 1836: died. 1892. Pupil of llans Gude, in Carlsruhe. Elected A. N. A. in 1868 and X \ in 1869. Summer Landscape. Canvas 22 xl6. Presented by Frederick Layton. LAYTON COLLECTION. 33 59 LA LYRE, N. Paris. La Yierge aux Fleurs. 1887—Canvas 67 x 43. Mystic scene drawn from a legend of the Sixteenth Century, in which St. Anna, in the foreground, beholds her daughter, the Virgin Mary, in her youth, extending her hands to the Holy Spirit, symbolized by the dove. Presented by Arthur Tooth & Son, London. 60 HUNTINGTON, DANIEL P., N. A. Born in New York, 1816; died, 1906. Pupil of Prof. Morse in 1835; later of Inman. Elected A. N. A. in 1839, N. A. in 1840. President of the National Academy of Design, New York, in 1862-’69-’77. Widman Palace, Venice. 1883—Canvas 21 x 26. Presented by Frederick Layton. 61 BROWN, JOHN G., N. A. Born at Durham, England, 1831; died, 1903. Genre painter ; pupil at Edinburgh Academy and National Academy, New York. Elected A. N. A. in 1862, and N. A. in 1863. A Cosey Corner. Canvas 19 x 24. Presented by Frederick Layton. 62 YEWELL, GEORGE, A. N. A. New York. Gen. Grant’s Last Home. Canvas 10 x 13. Presented by Frederick Layton. 34 Born LAYTON COLLECTION. 63 BARATTI, F. London. Waterloo Place and Pall Mall. 188G—Canvas 49 x 37. Presented by Frederick Layton. 64 THOMPSON, WORDSWORTH, N. A. in Baltimore, Md„ 1840. Pupil of Charles Gieyre, Lambi- net and Passini, in Paris, 1S61-'G4. Elected A. N. A. in 1873, and N. A. in 1874. Arab Fountain. 1884—Canvas 20 x 12. Presented by Frederick Layton. 65 NOBLE, J. S. Waiting for the Pony. 1882—Canvas 29 x 24. Presented by Frederick Layton. 66 TROOl), W. H. London. Unity is Strength. 1S8G—Canvas 46 x 21. Presented by William Kirkwood. LAYTON COLLECTION. 35 67 ANDERS, E. Diisseldorf. Contemporary. A Game of Chess. Canvas 27 x 30. Presented by John Cudahy. 68 GAY, EDWARD, N. A. Born in Ireland, 1837. Pupil of James Hart, in Albany, N. Y., in 1862-’67; studied in Germany under Schirmer, in Carls- ruhe and Lessing, in Diisseldorf. Elected an A. N. A. in 1870. Washed by the Sea. 1885—Canvas 71x47. Presented by Frederick Layton. 69 BARBER, C. BURTON. London. Wake Up—An Early Call. 1883—Canvas 29 x 24. Presented by Frederick Layton. 36 LAYTON COLLECTION. 70 HARDY, HEY WOOD, R. A. English School. A Summer Holiday. 1882—Canvas 22 x 29. Presented by Miss Grace Hayrnan. 71 CORRA. GUILO. Italian. Enjoying Vacation Hours. Canvas 26 x 19. Presented by S. Mic-belbacber. 72 ORTLIEB, FRIEDRICH. Born in Stuttgart, in 1839. Pupil of Stuttgart Art School, (lien in Berlin. Monks at the Rowling Alley. Canvas 24 x 19. Presented by S. Michelbacher. 73 WEEKS, EDWIN LORD. Born in Boston, in 1849; died, 1903 Pupil in Paris of Bonnat and Gerome. Blacksmith Shop at Tangiers. 1876—Canvas 52 x 34. Presented by Frederick Layton. LAYTON COLLECTION. 37 74 ROYBET, FERDINAND (Victor Leon). Born at Uzes (Gard) France, 1840. Pupil in Lyons of theEeole Beaux Arts. Medal in salon, 1866. Medal of honor, 1893. A Lord in Waiting. Wood 14x23. Presented by Frederick Layton. 75 • MERLE, HUGHES. Born at St. Marcellin (Isere). Died in Paris in 1881 Pupil of L. Cogniet. Medals: Second-class, 1861, 1863; Legion of Honor, 1866. Beatrice and Benedick. 1876—Canvas 45 x 63. Presented by Frederick Layton. 76 DeCOCK, CfESAR. Born in Ghent', Belgium. Medals: Paris, 1867, 1869. The Washerwoman. 1876—Canvas 17 x 11. Presented by Frederick Layton. 77 CHIALIVA, L. Italian. Feeding the Chickens. Canvas 17 x 11. Presented by J. M. Durand. 38 LAYTON COLLECTION. 78 DAVIS, HENRY, W. B., R. A. Born in Finchley, England, 1833. Pupil of Royal Academy. Elected an A. R. A. in 1873, and R. A. in 1877. In Ross-Shire. 1882—Canvas 60 x 33. Presented by Mrs. W. H. Bradley. • 79 PETTI E, JOHN. R. A. Born in Edinburgh in 1839; died, 1893. Pupil of the Trustees’ Academy, Edinburg. Elected an A. R. A. in 1867, and R. A. in 1874. Drum-Head Court-Martial. 1865—Canvas 26x16. Presented by Frederick Layton. 80 O’NEIL, G. B. Let Me Think. Canvas 17 x 24. Presented by Mrs. Frederick Layton. 81 ARTZ, D. ADOLPH C. Holland. Born at The Hague, Holland, 1837; died, 1890. Pupil of Royer and of Israels. Faint-Hearted. Canvas 31 x 43. Presented by Guido Pflster. LAYTON COLLECTION. 39 82 SMITH, C. FKITHJOF. Born in Norwav. Studied in Munich; gold medal at national Exhibition, Munich, 1888. Professor at Weimar Academy Art, 1890. The Hospital Garden. Canvas 115 x 72. Presented by W. II. Metcalf. 83 NORM ANN, ADELSTEEN. Born at Bodoe, Norway, 1848. Landscape painter. chiefly subjects from his native country. Midnight Sun at Bodoe, Norway. Canvas 108 x 72. Presented by Mrs. W. H. Metcalf. 84 HENSELER, ERNST. German. The Benefactress. 1887—Canvas 60 x 36. Presented by Mrs. G. D. Norris. 85 NICOL, ERSKINE, A. R. A. (See No. 45.) “Barney, You’re Sulking Now.” 1887—Canvas 17 x 23. Presented by Frederick Layton. Inter- Paints 40 LAYTON COLLECTION. 86 HILL, THOMAS. San Francisco. Born at Birmingham, Eng., in 1829; went to America in 1841; pupil in Paris of Paul Meyerheim, but mostly self-taught. The Gates of the Yosemite. 1888—Canvas 53 x 42. Presented by J. A. Roundy. 87 TOMMASI, ADOLFO. “Farm Scene in Tuscany.” Canvas 110 x 61. Presented by Frederick Layton. 88 ANSDELL, RICHARD, R. A. Born in Liverpool, Eng., 1815; died, 1885. Genre and animal painter. Self-taught. Exhibited first at Royal Academy in 1840; elected an A. R. A. in 1861, R. A. in 1870. Medal: Paris, third-class, 1855. Pet of the Rothie. 1875—Canvas 44 x 59. Presented by David Ferguson. 89 MUNTHE, LUDVIG. Born at Aaron, Norway, in 1841; died, 1897. Landscape painter. Self-taught, in Dfisseldorf. He paints chiefly autumn and winter scenes. Gold medals: Berlin, 18(2; London, 18(6, Paris, first-class, 1878; Legion of Honor, 1878; Order of Leopold, 1875. Winter. Canvas 33 x 21. Acquired by the Gallery. LAYTON COLLECTION. 41 90 LEADER, B. W., R. A. (See No. 10.) Sabrina’s Stream. 18S9—Canvas 72 x 44. Presented by J. H. Van Dyke. 91 BECHI, LUIGI. Born 1856. Member of tbe Institute of Florence. Six different medals. A Flirtation. Canvas 31 x 46. Presented by Mrs. John D. Peck for Mrs. Jason Downer. 92 PECRUS, E. Fancy Head. Wood 5% x 7. Presented by Mr. P. B. Veiller. 93 DEFREGGER, FRANZ VON. Born at Stronaeh, Tyrol, 1835. Genre painter. Pupil at the Munich Academy, under Anschutz; afterward m Pans, and again in Munich under Piloty. Medal: Paris third-class, 1878. Honorary member of tbe Munich, Vienna and Berlin Academies , ennobled in 1883. Sunday Afternoon. Canvas 20 x 25. Presented by Miss Elizabeth A. Plankinton. 42 LAYTON COLLECTION. 94 QUARTLEY, ARTHUR, N. A. Born of English parents in Paris, 1839. Died in New York in 1886. Self-taught. Elected an A. N. A. in 1878; N. A. in 1886; member of Society of American Artists. Summer Morn on the Chesapeake. Canvas 26 x 14. Presented by Frederick Layton. 95 QUARTLEY, ARTHUR, N. A. (See No. 94.) Port of New York—Queen Victoria’s Birthday. 1883—Canvas 76 x 43. Presented by Frederick Layton. 96 QUARTLEY, ARTHUR, N. A. (See No. 94.) Plymouth Fishing Boats. Canvas 30 x 16. Presented by Frederick Layton. 97 QUARTLEY, ARTHUR, N. A. (See No. 94.) Hackensack. 1878—Canvas 21 x 13. Presented by Frederick Layton. LAYTON COLLECTION. 43 98 QUARTLEY, ARTHUR, N. A. (See No. 94.) Pool, Cornwall. Canvas 30 x 17. Presented by Frederick Layton. 99 HOMER, WINSLOW, N. A. Born in Boston, 1836; died, 1910. Genre painter. Pupil of Frederick Rondel and National Academy. Elected A. N. A. in 1864, and N. A. in 1865. Member of Society of Painters in Water Colors. Hark, the Lark! 1887—Canvas 30 x 35. Presented by Frederick Layton. 100 JOHNSON, C. E. Grouse Shooting. 1890—Canvas 39 x 27. Presented by James Clinton Spencer. 101 JOHNSON, C. E. Deer Stalking. 1890—Canvas 27 x 39. Presented by Frederick Layton. 44 LAYTON COLLECTION. 102 BASTIEN-LEPAGE, JULES. France, 1848-1884. Punil of Cabanel; medals, 1874, 1875; Legion of Honor, 1879. 1 Portrait and figure painter. Represented m the'Metro¬ politan Museum by “Joan of Arc” ; in the Luxembou » j Haymakers.” The Wood Gatherer. Presented by Mrs. 1881—Canvas 70 x 75. E. P. Allis and daughters, Edward Phelps Allis. in memory of 103 HOLL, FRANK, R. A. Born in London, 1845; died, 1888. Genre and portrait best historical painting. Elected A. R. A. in 18,8, ana in 1883. Want-—The Pawnbroker’s Shop. 1873—Canvas 54 x 39. Presented by Frederick Layton. 104 NICOL, ERSKINE, R. A. (See No. 45.) Interviewing the Member. 1879 —Canvas 54x41. Acquired by the Gallery. 105 DURAND, ASHER B., N. A. Born in South Orange,. N. J. painter. President of National , 1791; died, 1877. Academy of Design, to 1861. Landscape from 1845 In the Catskills. 1857—Canvas 36 x 24. Acquired by the Gallery. LAYTON COLLECTION. 45 106 KENSETT, JOHN F., N. A. Born in Cheshire, Conn., ISIS; died in New York, 1872. Land¬ scape painter. Elected N. A. in 1849. Lakes of Killarney. Canvas 34 x 24. Acquired by the Gallery. 107 CHURCH, FREDRIC E., N. A. Born in Hartford, Conn., 1826; died, 1900. Landscape painter. Elected N. A. in 1849. Medal: Second-class, Paris, 1867. A Passing Shower. 1860—Canvas 30x16. Acquired by the Gallery. 108 SCHREYER, ADOLF Born in Frankfort-on-the-Main, 1838; died, 1899. Animal painter. Pupil of Stadel Institute, Frankfort. Member of Ant¬ werp and Rotterdam Academies. Medals: Brussels, 1863; Paris, 1864-'65-’67; Munich, 1876; Order of Leopold, 1866. The Wallachian Post Carriza. Canvas 77 x 46. Presented by Washington Becker. 109 BURGESS, JOHN B., A. R. A. (See No. 51.) Born in London, 1830. Genre painter. The Frolic After the Wedding. 1884—Canvas 48 x 75. Acquired by the Gallery. 46 LAYTON COLLECTION. 110 BONHEUR, ROSA. Born at Bordeaux, 1822; died, 1899. Animal painter. Daughter and pupil of Raymond Bonheur. Elected a member of Antwerp Institute in 1868. Medals: Third-class, 1845; first-class, 1848, 1855 ; second-class. 1867 ; Legion of Honor, 1865 ; Leopold Cross, 1880; Commander’s Cross of Royal Order of Isabella, 1880. Two Goats. Canvas 28 x 36. Presented by Frederick Layton. Ill OS, JAN VAN. Born at Middlebarnis, 1744 ; died at The Hague, 1808. Fruit and flower painter. Pupil of Aart Schouman. Flowers. Wood 27 x 34. Presented by Frederick Layton. 112 CLAYS, PAUL JEAN. Born at Bruges, 1819; died, 1900. Marine painter. Medals: Brussels, 1851; second-class, Paris, 1867, 1878; Legion of Honor, 1875 ; Officer, 1881; Order of Leopold. Marine. Canvas 53 x 33. Presented by Frederick Layton. 113 HALS WELLE, KEELEY, A. R. S. A. Born at Richmond, Surrey, 1832. Landscape, marine and figure painter. Pupil at the Royal Scottish Academy. Moonrise at Venice. Canvas 54 x 32. Presented by Frederick Layton. LAYTON COLLECTION. 47 114 HALSWELLE, KEELEY, A. R. S. A. (See No. 113.) In the Danbury Park, England. Canvas 22 x 15. Presented by Frederick Layton. 115 HALSWELLE, KEELEY, A. R. S. A. (See No. 113.) Loch Maree, Scotland. Canvas 23 x 13. Presented by Frederick Layton. 116 HALSWELLE, KEELEY, A. R. S. A. (See No. 113.) On the Ouse—Water Lilies and Rushes. Canvas 13 x 23. Presented by Frederick Layton. 117 HALSWELLE, KEELEY, A. R. S. A. (See No. 113.) Gypsy Encampment, Danbury Common. 1880—Canvas 22 x 15. Presented by Frederick Layton. 48 LAYTON COLLECTION. 118 HALSWELLE, KEELEY, A. R. S. A. (See No. 113.) Cardinal Antonelli at St, Peter’s During the Sitting of the Ecumenical Council, Rome, 1869. Canvas 60 x 37. Presented by Michael Cudahy. 119 MONCHABLON, JAN. (See No. 21.) The Little River. Canvas 36 x 25. Presented by Michael Cudahy. 120 BAIL, JOSEPH. Born in France. Medal: Paris. Still Life—Eggs. Canvas 29 x 23. Presented by Frederick Layton. 121 GOURDON, R. Born in France. Exhibited at Paris Salon. Pot au Feu. Canvas 25 x 21, Presented by Frederick Layton. 49 LAYTON COLLECTION. 122 KNIGHT, DANIEL RIDGWAY. Born in Philadelphia, Pa., 1850. Contemporary. Genre painter. Pupil of Gleyre and Meissonier, and at Ecole des Beaux Arts. Honorable mention, Paris Salon, 1884. Medals: Taris. 1888; Munich International Exposition, 1889; Paris, (E. TJ.) 1889; Legion of Honor, 1889. Hors Concours. The Shepherd and His Friends. 1891—Canvas 99 x 75. Presented by Timothy A. Chapman. 123 SCHENDEL, PETRUS VAN. Born at Ter Heyden, North Brabant, 1806; died in Brussels, 1870. History and Genre painter. Well known through his market scenes with candle-light effects. Received medals in Amsterdam ; Brussels, 1845; Paris, 1844, 1847. Fish Market in Holland. 1866—Wood 22x30. Presented by Frederick Layton. 124 CROCHPIERRE, ANDRE ANTOINE. Born at Villeneuve sur Lot. Pupil of W. A. Bouguereau and T. Robert Fleury. Medal: Paris Salon, 1891. The Spinner. Canvas 30 x 39. Presented by Charles T. Bradley. 50 LAYTON COLLECTION. 125 DUPRE, JULES. Born at Nantes in 1812; died, 1889. Landscape painter; one of the originators of the so-called Pay sage intime. Medals: Second-class, 1833 and 1867; Legion of Honor, 1849; Officer, 1870. His works are found in the Louvre and Luxembourg Galleries, Paris, and in the principal public and private Gal¬ leries of America. “The Cabaret.” Canvas 16 x i3. Presented by Rev. David Keene, D. D. 126 KAUFFMANN, HUGO. Born in Hamburg, 1844. Genre painter, son of the painter Hermann Kauffmann, pupil of Stadel Institute, Frankfort. The Zither Players. 1879—Wood 18x15. Presented by Frederick Layton. 127 MAUVE, ANTON. Holland, 1838-1888. Pupil of P. F. Van Os. Medals: Paris, Vienna, Antwerp. Painter of landscape and cattle subjects, and esteemed for his fine atmospheric quality, and tender pastorals in tones of silver grey, brown and green. The Water Mill. Canvas 11 x 17. Presented by Rev. David Keene, D. D. 128 RONDEL, FREDERIC, A. N. A. Born in Paris, 1825. Landscape painter. Pupil of Auguste Jugelet and of Theodore Gudin. Elected Associate of the National Academy in 1860. West Point on the Hudson. Wood 10 x 6. Presented by Edwin C. Eldridge. LAYTON COLLECTION. 51 129 CAZ1N, JEAN CHARLES. Born at Samar (Pas-de-Calais), 1840; died, 1900. Contem¬ porary. Landscape painter. Pupil of Lecoq de^Boisbauclran. First-class medal, 1880; Legion ot Honor, 1882 ; Officei, 1889. Evening. Canvas 18 x 15. Presented by Mrs. Frederick Layton. 130 MULLER, CHARLES LOUIS. Called Miiller of Paris. Born 1815; died, 1892. History and portrait painter. Pupil of Cogniet, Gros, and the Ecole des Beaux Arts. Medals: Third-class, 1838; second-dass. 1846, first-class, 1848, 1855; Legion of Honor, 1849; Officer, 1859 , Member of the Institute of France. At the Opera Ball, 1792. 1878—Canvas 39 x 49. Presented by Frederick Layton. 131 MUNTHE, LUDVIG. (See No. 89.) “Sunset in Norway.” Wood 16 x 21. Presented by Frederick Layton. 52 LAYTON COLLECTION. 132 PIOT, ADOLPH. Born in France. Figure painter. Contemporary. The Knitter. Canvas 28 x 32. Presented by A. A. L. Smith. 133 COUTURE. THOMAS. Born at Sends (Oise), 1815; died in Villiers le Bel, 1879. History and Genre painter. Pupil of Gros and of Paul Delaroche. Won second Grand Prix in 1837. Principal work, “Romans of the Decadence,” (formerly in the Luxembourg Museum). First-class Medals in 1847 and 1855; Legion of Honor, 1848. Portrait Study. Canvas 11 x 14. Presented by Frederick Layton. 134 YViiST, ALEXANDER. Born at Dordrecht, 1837; died at Antwerp, 1876. Landscape painter, particularly noted for liis Norwegian scenes. Pictures in the Museums of Dordrecht and Antwerp and the Metro¬ politan Museum, New York. Mountain Torrent, Norway. Wood 9x7. Presented by Edwin C. Eld ridge. LAYTON COLLECTION. 53 135 MESDAG, HENDRIK WILLEM. Born at Groningen in 1831; died, 1915. Marine painter, pupil of Alma Tadema; lived at the Hague. Medals: Paris, 1870-78. At the Coast of Scheveningen. 1890—Canvas 70 x 54. Presented by Frederick Layton. 136 EOl ACE, G. Paris. Contemporary. Fasting Days. 1892—Canvas 45 x 31. Presented by Frederick Layton. 137 PHILLIP, JOHN, R. A. Born in Aberdeen, 1817; died at Kensington, 1867. History and portrait painter. Pupil in London of T. M. Joy in 1836, and of Royal Academy in 1837. La Senorita. 1886—Canvas 20 x 24. Presented by Frederick Layton. 54 LAY TOW COLLECTION. 138 HOLMBERG, PROF. AUGUST. Born in Munich, 1851. Genre painter, pupil of the Munich Academy under Wilhelm Diez. “The Latest Acquisition.” Canvas 56 x 44. Presented by Frederick Layton. 139 MUNKACSY, MIHALY. Born in Hungary, 1846; died, I960. His real name was Michael Lieb and was apprenticed to a carpenter. After study ing under a local painter, he entered the Vienna Academy. Then at Munich, Diisseldorf, Paris, where, in 1872, he estab¬ lished his fame. Salon Medals, 1870 ’ ; Med ^ ^ H< J“qQ 1878; Legion of Honor, 1877; Officer, 18<8; Commander, 1890. Painted many large religious canvases. The Rivals. Wood 45 x 37. Presented by Frederick Layton. 140 , HEFFNER, K. G. PROF. Born in 1843. Pupil of Diez. Professor m the Academy at Munich Different Medals at Munich, Berlin, London. Member of the Academies of Munich and Hanover. An Autumn Evening on the Thames. Canvas 56 x 29. Presented by Frederick Layton. LAYTON COLLECTION. 55 141 PRADILLA, FRANCISCO. Born at Villanueva cle Gall ego, Saragossa, 1847. History and Genre painter. Pupil of Academy in Madrid and in Rome; one of foremost painters of modern Spain. Medal of Honor, Taris, 1878. Medals at Munich, Vienna, Berlin, etc. At the Munich Exhibition of 1883 he received the gold medal for this picture. The Surrender of the Moors at Granada, A. D. 1492. Canvas 47 x 36. Presented by Frederick Layton. 142 McCORR, GEO. H., A. N. A. (See No. 55.) Sunset, Devonshire Coast. Canvas 28 x 18. Presented by Miss Annie S. Ilsley. 56 LAYTON COLLECTION. 143 WYANT, A. H., N. A. (See No. 58.) Landscape. Canvas 20 x 16. Presented by Frederick Layton. 144 MUNKACSY, MICHAEL. (See No. 139.) This superb canvas shows interesting genre portraits of Mun- kacsy and his wife Madame la Comtesse Munkacsy. It is one of the artist’s best known works. “In the Studio.” 1876—Canvas 80 x 63. Presented by Frederick Layton. 145 SMILLIE, G. H., N. A. Born in New York, 1840. Landscape painter. Sou of James Smillie, the engraver, and pupil of James Hart. First exhibited in the National Academy in 1863; elected an A. N. A. in 1864, and N. A. in 1882. Member of Society of American Artists. “Landscape.” Canvas 23 x 15. Presented by Frederick Layton. 146 CASTRES, EDOUARD. Born at Geneva. Pupil of Zamacois and Menn. First-class medals at Paris in 1872-’74. Hors Concours. Convoy of Wounded. Canvas 30 x 21. Acquired by the Gallery. LAYTON COLLECTION. 57 147 ACHENBACH, OSWALD. Born in Diisseldorf. 1827; died, 1904. Landscape painter. Brother and pupil of Andreas Aelienbach. View Near Rome. Canvas 58% x 37. From the John Wolfe collection. Acquired by the Gallery. 148 MEYERHEIM, PAUL FRIEDRICH. Born in Berlin, 1842; died, 1915. Genre and animal painter. Son and pupil of Friedrich Edouard Meyerlieim, and of the Berlin Academy. Member of Berlin Academy and of the Belgian Water' Color Society. Medals: Berlin, 1866, 1872; Paris, 1867; Munich. 1883. A Darwinian Pre-Historic Social Party. 1865—Canvas 44% x 20%. Acquired by the Gallery. 149 ALMA-TADEMA, LAURENZ, R. A. Born at Dronryp, Friesland, 1836; died, 1919. Pupil at the Royal Academy, Antwerp, and of the Baron Henry Leys. Mem¬ ber of the Royal Academies of Amsterdam, Munich, Berlin, London, Stockholm, Vienna and Madrid. Paris, first-class Medal and Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878. A Roman Art Lover. 1870—Wood 39% x 29. Presented by Messrs. Frederick Layton, Sam. Marshall, J. H. Van Dyke, William Plankinton, George Dickens and P». K. Miller. 58 LAYTON COLLECTION. 150 LEIGHTON, SIR FREDERICK, BART. P. R. A. Born at Scarborough. Eng., Dec. 3, 1830; died, 1896. History and portrait painter. Studied four years at Paris under Ary Scheffer. Elected an A. R. A. in 1861, R. A. in 1869, and President of the Royal Academy in 1878, in which year he was knighted. Created a baronet of the United Kingdom in 1885. and raised to the peerage in 1896. Medal: Second-class, Paris, 1859; Officer Legion of Honor, 1878; Medal of Honoi, Antwerp Exposition, 1885. At the Fountain. Canvas Al 1 /* x 54V2. “The People's Gift.” 151 HOLLAND, JAMES. Born at Burslem, Eng., in 1800; died in London in 1870. “View of Venice.” Canvas 70 x 25 l /o. Presented by Frederick Layton. LAYTON COLLECTION. 59 152 STRUYS, ALEXANDRE (THEODORUS HONORE). Born at Bercliem, Belgium, 1852. Genre and history painter. Pupil at Royal Academy, Antwerp. Professor at Weimar Art School in 1878. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold. Medals: First-class at Paris, Antwerp, Brussels and Munich. Medal ot Honor at Antwerp Exposition, 1885. Death of Martin Luther. Canvas G0x51%. Presented by E. P. Bacon. 153 BOUGHTON, GEORGE HENRY, A. R. A. (See No. 19.) “The Canterbury Pilgrims.” Canvas 71 x 4G. Presented by Angus Smith. 154 ACHENBACH, ANDREAS. Born in Cassel in 1815. Landscape and marine painter. Pupil of Diisseldorf Academy, under Schirmer. One of the most distinguished artists of the Diisseldorf School. Member of the Berlin, Amsterdam and Antwerp Academies. Pans Salon. Medal, first-class, 1855 : Legion of Honor, 18G4. “Fish Market at Ostend.” Canvas 40 x 82. Presented by Miss Elizabeth A. Plankinton. 60 LAYTON COLLECTION. 155 BUCHBINDER, S. “The Astronomer.” Canvas 10 x 7. Presented by Miss Elizabeth A. Plankinton. 156 COROT, JEAN BAPTISTE CAMILLE. Born in Paris, 1796; died, 1875. Pupil of V. Bertin. Medals, 1838, 1848, 1855, 1867. (E. U.) Legion of Honor, 1846. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Diploma to the memory of deceased artists, Universal Exposition, 1878. “Landscape.” Canvas 46 x 35. Acquired by the Gallery. 157 BIERSTADT, ALBERT, N. A. Born in Diisseldorf, 1830; died, 1902. Landscape painter. Elected N. A. in 1860; Medals in Austria, Germany and Belgium ; Legion of Honor, 1867. Noted for his Rocky Mountain scenes. “Wind River Mountain.” Canvas 18 x 12. Acquired by the Gallery. 158 VON OS, GEORGIUS JACOBUS JOHANNES. Born at the Hague in 1782, died in Paris in 1861. Landscape, flower and fruit painter. Son and pupil of Jan Van Os. Gold Medals: Paris, The Hague, 1841, member of Amsterdam Academy. “Fruit and Flowers.” Wood 27 x 34. Presented by Frederick Layton. LAYTON COLLECTION. 61 159 GOODWIN, HARRY. England. “The Old Church at Sunrise, Maidstone, Kent.” Canvas 34 x 26. Presented by Frederick Layton. 160 “PAUL,”- Pupil of Old Crome, Norwich School, England. View of Norwich Cathedral from the River Yare. Canvas 21 x 17. Presented by Alfred Page, London. 161 VOL LON, ANTOINE. Born in Lyons, France, in 1833, died 1899. Genre, landscape and flower painter. Pupil of Ribot. Medals: Paris, 1865, 1868, 1869. First-class, 1878. Legion of Honor, 1870. Officer, 1878. “Still Life.” Canvas 45 x 59. Acquired by the Gallery. 162 PARSONS, ALFRED, A. R. A. Born in England, 1847 ; died, 1920. Represented in the Tate Gallery, London. Landscape. Canvas 18 x 14. Presented by Horace A. J. Upham. 163 INNESS, GEORGE, N. A. Born at Newburg, New York, in 1825, died in 1897. Land¬ scape painter. For a short time pupil of Regis Gignoux. Elected A. N. A. in 1853 and N. A. in 1868. Sunset in Georgia. Canvas 24 x 18. Presented by Frederick Layton. 62 LAYTON COLLECTION. 164 DE KEYSER, NICAISE. Belgium, 1813-1S82. Pupil of J. Jacops. Medals at Brussels and Paris, and recip¬ ient of many orders. Painter of battle and of historical genre subjects. “Rove’s Young Dream.” Canvas 56 x 53. Presented by Frederick Layton. 165 GRAHAM, PETER, R. A. Born in Edingurgk in 1836; died, 1912. Landscape painter. Pupil of School of Design, of Edinburgh. Elected A. R. A. in 1877, and R. A. in 1882. Noted for his Highland scenes with cattle, and rocky shores. “Twilight.” Canvas 49 x 36. Presented by Frederick Layton. 166 FIRLE, WALTHER. Munich. Born 1859. Genre painter and pupil of Royal Academy, Munich.’ Contemporary professor in the same academy. “Be it ever so humble, there’s no place like home.” Canvas 68 x 45. Legacy from B.. K. Miller, Sr. LAYTON COLLECTION. 63 167 BROWNE, MLLE. HENRIETTE. The Sick Child. Canvas 31 x 39. Presented by Frederick Layton. 168 SLINGENT. Paris. Still Life. Canvas 43 x 3-. Presented by Frederick Layton. 169 VAN BOSKERCK, ROBERT W. American. Born. 1855. Landscape. Canvas 23 x 15. Presented by Mr. Harry L. Horton. 170 JACQUE, CHARLES EMILE. Born in Paris, 1813; died in 1894. Animal and landscape painter, engraver and etcher. Medals: Paris, 1861, 1863, 1864. Legion of Honor, 1867. Minding the Sheep. Canvas 39 x 27. Presented by Charles F. Pfister. 64 LAYTON COLLECTION. 171 GEBLER, FRIEDRICH OTTO. Born in Dresden, 1838. Animal painter. Pupil of Dresden Academy and at Munich Academy, under Piloty. Picture in New Pinakotliek, Munich. “Good Friends.” Canvas 52 x 37. Presented by Miss Elizabeth A. Plankinton. 172 VOLTZ, FRIEDRICH. Born at Nordingen in 1817; died in Munich in 1886. Animal and idyl painter. Son and pupil of the history and gentj 1 painter Johann Michael Voltz. Gold Medals: Berlin, 18o >. 1861; Wiirtemburg medal for art. Orders of Red Eagle and St. Michael, 1867. Lake Sternberg. Wood 36x15. Presented by Miss Elizabeth A. Plankinton. LAYTON COLLECTION. 65 173 MARK, PROF. CARL. Born in Milwaukee, 1858. Studied in Weimar under Gelirts, in Munich under Zeitz, Lindensckmitt and Piloty. Gold medals at Antwerp. Dresden. Vienna, Berlin. Munich and Madrid. Order of St. Michael, and Professor at Royal Academie, Munich. Painter of historical and genre subjects. “Silent Devotion.” Canvas 56 x 45. Presented by Mrs. Frederick Pabst. 174 VON BLAAS, EIGEN. Born in Albano, Italy, 1848. Studied at Venice, Rome and Paris. Genre painter of the popular Italian subjects. “A Street Scene in Venice.” Canvas 58 x 42. Presented by Mrs. Henry F. Avers. 66 LA YTOX COLLECTION. 175 FAEI), THOMAS, R. A. Born iu Burley Mill, Scotland, 1826; died. 1900. Genre painter of popular Scotch life and the Highlands. Represented in Tate Gallery, London. “Seeing Them Off.” Canvas 34% x 46%. Presented in Memory of Matthew Keenan by Mrs. M. Keenan. 176 FA ED, THOMAS, R. A. “The Forester’s Family.” Canvas 27% x 40%. Presented by Frederick Layton. 177 DAVIS, HENRY W. B., R. A. (See No. 78.) “Morning in Brittany.” 1887—Canvas 30 x 20. Presented by Daniel Wells, Jr. LAYTON COLLECTION. 67 178 BLOMMERS, B. J. Born at The Plague, Holland, 1845. Pupil of Chr. Bisschop. Gold Medal at Paris, 1900. “The Old, Old Story.” Canvas 28 x 22. Presented by Frederick Layton. 179 WAPFNER, JOSEPH. “Going to the Rescue.” Canvas 71 x 45. Presented by Janies Patton. 180 GRAHAM, PETER, R. A. (See 165.) “Ocean Surges.” Canvas 54x41. Presented by Ogden Armour. 181 LORENZ, RICHARD. Milwaukee. Born in Saxe-Weimar, Germany, 1858; died, 1915. Studied in Weimar under Struys, Thedy, Brendel. Horses and genre sub¬ jects of characteristic western life are bis field. “Coining Spring.” Canvas 30 x 22. Presented by Frederick Layton. 68 LAYTON COLLECTION. 182 HARPIGNXES, HENRI. Born in France, 1819; died, 1916. Landscape painter. Medals: 1866, 1868, 1869, 1878. Officer of Legion of Honor and represented in the Luxembourg Gallery, Palis. “Morning on the Loire.” Canvas 32 x 26. Presented by Frederick Layton. 183 PARSONS, ALFRED, A. R. A. (See No. 162.) “An English Flower Garden.” Canvas 42 x 60. Purchased for the Charles G. Stark Legacy. 184 SCHERREWITZ, JOHANNES. Born in Holland, 186S. Painter of landscape with animal Pupil of Poggenbeek. “Gathering Winter Fuel.” Canvas 50 x 34. Purchased for the Charles G. Stark Legacy. LAYTON COLLECTION. 69 185 DIETERLE, MADAME MARIE. Born in France, 1860. A daughter of the painter Emile Van Marcke. “Cows Beside a Pool.” Canvas 16 % x 12 %. Purchased for the Charles G. Stark Legacy. 186 VOLLON, ANTOINE. (See No. 161.) “Still Life.” Canvas 19% x 24. Purchased for the Charles G. Stark Legacy. 187 MICHEL, GEORGES. French 1763—1843. Represented in the Luxembourg, Paris. “An Old Oak.” Canvas 19 x 24. Purchased for the Charles G. Stark Legacy. 188 PIOT, ADOLPH. (See No. 132.) “Sisterly Care.” Canvas 26 x 33. Presented by Frederick Layton. 70 LAYTON COLLECTION. 189 DE HOOG, BERNARD. Born in Holland, 1868. Painter of Dutch peasant life, after the manner of Israels. “Dutch Interior.” Canvas 60 x 40. Acquired by the Gallery. 190 PARSONS, ALFRED. (See No. 162.) “Willows.” Canvas 72 x 48. . Purchased for the Gustave Streckewald Legacy. In Memory of Mrs. Mary H. Streckewald. 191 DIETERLE, MADAME MARIE. (See No. 185.) “Cattle in Pasture.” Canvas 32 x 26. Presented by Patrick Cudahy. 192 ISRAELS, JOSEF. Dutch School. Born, 1824; died, 1911. The greatest figure painter of Modern Holland. Received distinguished honors. “Anxiously Waiting.” Canvas 29x23. Presented by Mrs. Samuel Field. LAYTON COLLECTION. 71 193 MAUVE, ANTON. (See No. 127.) “Cattle in Harlem Meadows.” Canvas 3G x 24. Presented by Mrs. Samuel Field. 194 STARK, JAMES. English School. Born, 1794; died, 1859. “Landscape.” Canvas 20 x 18. Presented by Frederick Bay ton. 195 BLAKE LOCK, RALPH A., N. A. Born, 1847 ; died. 1919. American landscape painter. Self- taught. Represented in nearly all notable collections. “Indian Encampment." Panel 32 x 18. Presented by the bequest of Mrs. G. II. D. Johnson in memory of her husband, George H. D. Johnson. 196 BLAKELOCK, RALPH A., N. A. (See No. 195.) “The Harvest Moon.” Panel 10 x 12. 72 LAYTON COLLECTION. 197 PUSHMAN, HOVSEP. American artist born in Armenia. Pupil of Lefebvre, Fleury and Dechenard in Paris. Third-class medal in Salon of 1914. “The Incense Burner.” Canvas 25 x 32. Presented as a memorial to Frederick Layton by Messrs. J. K. Ilsley, C. F. Dickens, C. Kay, G. Miller, F. Vogel, H. Greene, I.. .T. Petit. 198 MORAN, THOMAS, N. A. American artist. Born, 1837. in England. Brother of Ed¬ ward and Peter Moran, artists. Painter of famous American scenery. “Grand Canon of the Colorado.” Canvas 20 x 1G. Presented by a Friend. 199 LORENZ, RICHARD. (See No. 181.) “Prairie Twilight.” Canvas 60 x 40. Presented by Louis Mayer. 200 KEITH, WILLIAM. American artist. Born in Scotland, 1839; died, 1911. Noted for bis colorful and dramatic painting of California landscape. Represented in many galleries. “Highland Landscape.” Canvas 40 x 30. Purchased for the Clarence 11. Young legacy. Supplementary Catalogue O F TH E PRIVATE COLLECTION PRESENTED BY FREDERICK LAYTON J* 201 McENTEE, J. (See No. 22.) “Autumn Woods.” Canvas 18 x 10. 202 McENTEE, J. (See No. 22.) “Autumn.” Wood 32 x 20. 203 GIFFORD, SWAIN it., N. A. American. Born 1840. Died 1905. Painter of landscape and Oriental life. “View in Algiers.” Wood 10 x 6. 204 GIFFORD, SWAIN R., N. A. “Landscape.” Canvas lSxlO^. LAYTON COLLECTION. 205 PRYER, EMILIE. Born 1849. German, Duesseldorf School. “Fruit Piece.” Canvas 12 x 10. 206 MINOR, R. C. American. Born 1840. Landscape painter. “Landscape.” Canvas 10 x 12. 207 WIGGINS, CARLTON, N. A. American. Born 1S48. Painter of landscapes and animals. “Under the Apple Trees at Barbizon.” Canvas 16 x 12. 208 BRISTOL, J. B., N. A. American Contemporary. “View on the Delaware.” Canvas 18 x 10. 209 WHITTREDGE, WM., N. A. American School. Born 1820. “Under the Trees.” Canvas 10 x 7. LAYTON COLLECTION. 75 210 COL, DAVID. Belgiau School. Born 1822. “The Wine Tasters.” Wood 10 x 12. 211 KAUFFMAN, HUGO. (See No. 126.) “Making a Sale.” Wood 10x8. 212 CROW, F. English School. “Boys of Blue Coat School, London.” Wood 10 x 7. 213 COOKE, EDWARD W. (See No. 14.) “Venice.” Canvas 26 x 15. 214 COOKE, EDWARD W. (See No. 14.) “Bonchurch.” Wood 13x6y 2 . LAYTON COLLECTION. 215 HALLS WELLE, K. (See No. 113.) “The Bridge.” Canvas 23 x 15. 216 HALLS WELLE, K. (See No. 113.) “The River.” Canvas 23 x 15. 217 ANSDELL, R. (See No. 88.) “The Sick Lamb.” Canvas 20 x 24. 218 VERBOECKHOVEN, E. J. (See No. 16.) “Sheep and Lambs.” Canvas 29 x 22. 219 ROTTA, S. Italian School. “La Nonna.” Canvas 19 x 16. LAYTON COLLECTION. 77 220 BARILLOT, LEON. French Contemporary. “The Farm Yard.” Canvas 40 x 28. 221 HERRING, J. F. English. 1795-1865. “Farm Y T ard—Cambridgeshire.” Canvas 36 x 21. 222 ARMSTRONG, D. M. American School. “Bar Harbor, Mt. Desert.” Canvas 47 x 24. 223 WOOD, OGDEN. American Contemporary. “Homeward.” Canvas 27 x 37. 224 WOOD, OGDEN. American Contemporary. “Lowlands in Picardy.” Canvas 24 x 18. 225 JONES, H. BOLTON. (See No. 3.) “Autumn Landscape.” Canvas 31 x 22. 78 LAYTON COLLECTION. WATER COLORS. 226 LAW, DAVID. English School. Born 1831. Died 1902. “Henly on Thames.” 28 x 18. 227 REED, JOSEPH C. English School. Born 1822. Died 1877. “Harvest Scene.” 22 x 13. 228 REED, JOSEPH C. English School. Born 1822. Died 1877. “Sheep Washing.” 22 x 12. 229 DUNCAN, EDWARD. “Sea Shore.” 14 x 10. LAYTON COLLECTION. 79 230 DUNCAN, EDWARD. “The Harbor.” 14x9%. 231 DUNCAN, WALTER. English School. Son of E. Duncan. “Reading from Shakespeare.” 14 x 10. 232 COLMAN, SAMUEL, N. A. American School. Born 1833. “Bay of Naples.” 20 x 9. 233 THORNEWAITE, R. English School. “Hayflehl—Sussex.” 18 x 11. 234 THORNEWAITE, R. English School. “Sussex Downs.” 21 x 1.7. 80 LAYTON COLLECTION. 235 JENKINS, JOSEPH J. English School. Born 1811. Died 1855. “Girl at the Stile.” 13 x 19. 236 FRIPP, C. E. English School. Contemporary- “Landscape.” 14x7. 237 MARSHALL, H. English School. Contemporary. “Cavendish Square.” 18x12. 238 WILLIAMSON, FRED. English School. Contemporary. “Cattle.” 14 x 7 Vz ■ 239 WILLIAMSON, FRED. English School. Contemporary. “Sheep.” 13 x 17%. LAYTON COLLECTION. 81 240 ROBERTS, H. English School. “Girl with Kitten.” 10 x 13. 241 ROBERTS, H. English School. “Candlelight.” 10 x 14. 242 TEN KATE, HERMAN. Dutch School. Born 1803. Died 1856. “Taking the Captain’s Portrait.” 10 x 7. 243 BACK, GUIDO. Italian School. Contemporary. “Rosa.” 9 x 13. 244 PILSBURY, WILMOT. English School. “Farm Scene.” 2.3 x 13. 82 LAYTON COLLECTION. 245 PILSBURY, AVU.M()T. English School. “Village Street.” 23 x 1G. 246 PILSBURY, AVILMOT. English School. “Chapel in Canterbury Cathedral.” 9 y 2 x 14. 247 PILSBURY, AVILMOT. English School. “Landscape.” 14x91/2 248 PILSBURY, AVILMOT. English School. “Landscape.” 14x91/2- 249 HAINES, W. H. English School. Died 1884. “Testing the Sword.” 5x8 ■ LAYTON COLLECTION. 83 250 COLEMAN, W. C. English School. Contemporary. “The Cottage.” 7 x 9. 251 COLEMAN, W. C. English School. Contemporary. “Springtime.” 7x9. 252 STEVENHOFF, F. P. Dutch School. “Falstaff and His Friends.” 9 x7%. 253 HUNT, WILLIAM H. English School. Born 1792. Died 1804. “Fruit.” 11x9. 254 GOODWIN, ALBERT. English School. Contemporary. “Stratford on Avon.” 20x14. 84 LAYTON COLLECTION. 255 WEBER, OTTO. German. Died 1888. t “Cows in Pasture.” e 20 x 13. 256 PARSONS, ALFRED (See No. 162.) “On the North Esk, Wales.” 21 x 14. 257 WATERLOW, E. A. “Fishing Village at Stone Haven.” 20 x 14. 258 THOMPSON, L. “Snowden, Wales.” 23 x 12. 259 WALKER, W. E. “Ulswater, Cumberland.” 18 x 13. 260 STANNARD, LILLIAN. “The Terrace Walk.” 14 x 10. 261 rousse, f. “Whitby, near Scarborouge.” 15 x 10. WISCONSIN PRINTING CO. MILWAUKEE 36 PORTRAIT OF FREDERICK LAYTON. EASTMAN JOHNSON. ■1TUK. 4 SCULPTURE HALL. ADOLPHE MEGRET. CUPID IN REBELLION. KMILiE VAN MARCKE. THE WATER-GATE. CONSTABLE. ENGLISH LANDSCAPE. JULIEN DUPRE. MINDING THE FLOCK. 13 W. A. BOUGUEREAU. HOMER AND HIS GUIDE. BREAKSPEARE. ARRANGING- THE MARRIAGE SETTLEMENT 40 SIR JOHN GILBERT. THE KING'S TRUMPETER. FRITHJOF SMITH. THE HOSPITAL GARDEN 99 W. HOMER. HARK, THE LARK! 102 J. BASTIEN-LEPAGE. THE WOOD GATHERER. 108 ADOLF SCHREYER. THE WALLACHIAN POST CARRIZA. KNIGHT. THE SHEPHERD AND HIS FRIENDS. 135 W. H. MESDAG. COAST OP SCHEVEMENGEN. 138 PROF. AUGUST HOLMBERG. THE LATEST ACQUISITION. 141 FRANCISCO PRABXLLA. SURRENDER OF THE MOORS AT GRANADA, A. D. 1492. 144 M. MUNKACSY. IN THE STUDIO. 149 ALMA-TADEMA. A ROMAN ART LOVER. 150 FREDERICK LEIGHTON. AT THE FOUNTAIN. 153 GEORGE H. BOUGHTON. THE CANTERBURY PILGRIMS. COROT. LANDSCAPE. 163 GEORUE 1NNESS. SUNSET IN GEORGIA. 170 CHARLES JACQTJE. MINDING THE SHEEP. 173 CARL MARK. SILENT DEVOTION. 178 B. J. BLOMMERS. THE OLD, OLD STORY. 182 H. HARPIGNIES. MORNING ON THE LOIRE. 192 JOSEF ISRAELS. ANXIOUSLY WAITING. 197 H. PUSHMAN. THE INCENSE BURNER.