Ex Libris 'Dycviv L The Bernard and Jane Schapiro Professor of Ancient Near Eastern and Judaic Studies Cornell University Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/selectedtempledoOOkeis YALE ORIENTAL SERIES BABYLONIAN TEXTS Volume IV YALE ORIENTAL SERIES. BABYLONIAN TEXTS Vol. IV SELECTED TEMPLE DOCUMENTS OF THE UR DYNASTY BY CLARENCE ELWOOD REISER, Ph.D. MEMBER OF THE YALE BABYLONIAN SEMINARY NEW HAVEN: YALE UNIVERSITY PRESS LONDON: HUMPHREY MILFORD OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS MDCCCCXIX COPYRIGHT. 1919 BY YALE UNIVERSITY PRESS To MY MOTHER In Gratitude and Affection PREFACE. The texts here presented belong to the large collection acquired, in recent years, by Yale University through the efforts of Professor Clay. They have been selected because generally they offer material and data of value for the reconstruction of the political and civil history of the people who lived in southern Babylonia in the third millennium B. C. The purpose of this series being mainly to present the texts of the Yale Babylonian Collection to scholars, only a brief statement of the contents is given in the catalogue. Though most of the texts are comparatively clear, on the whole they offer interesting material for the future study of the specialist. The copies have been made to conform, as nearly as possible, to the original. My special and sincere thanks are due to Professor Clay for his constant encouragement in my work, his experienced advice and direction in the arrangement of this material, and making possible its publication. Clarence E. Keiser, New Haven, Conn. ( 7 ) CONTENTS. Page Abbreviations 11 Introduction, General Remarks and Provenance 15 Classification of the Texts 16 List of New Patesis 16 New and Variant Date Formulae 17 Variant Names of Months 21 Name Indices. Personal Names 23 Deities 39 Temples and Houses 42 Places 43 Canals and Gates 44 Catalogue 45 Autographed Texts Plates I-XC ( 9 ) ABBREVIATIONS. A BE BRM CT DACL DSGl EAH EBH HAV HLC ITT ITT ITT JA KBA LTD NBC OBI OBTR PSBA RA RT RTC SAKI SSB ST TRU TT UDU YBC YBT Pinches, The Amherst Tablets. Myhrman, Sumerian Administrative Documents from the Temple Archives of Nippur; Vol. 3, Part I, Babylonian Expedition of the University of Pennsylvania. Keiser, Cuneiform Bullce of the Third Millennium B. C.; Part III, Babylonian Records in the Library of J. Pierpont Morgan. Cuneiform Texts in the British Museum. Nikolsky, Documents de Comptabilite administrative de la Chaldee, faisant partie de la Collection Likhatcheff, Part II (in Russian). Delitzsch, Sumerisches Glossar. E. A. Hoffman Collection in the General Theological Seminary, New York. Radau, Early Babylonian History. Hilprecht Anniversary Volume. Barton, Haverford Library Collection, Part II, Part III. Genouillac, Textes de I’epoque d’Agade et de Vepoque d’Ur; Tome II, Inventaire des Tablettes de Telloh. Genouillac, Textes de Vepoque d’Ur; Tome III, Inventaire des Tablettes de Telloh. Delaporte, Inventaire des Tablettes de Telloh conservees au Musee Imperial Ottoman, Tome IV. Journal Asiatique. Landsberger, Der kultische Kalendar der Babylonier und Assyrer. Genouillac, La Trouvaille de Drehem. Nies Babylonian Collection, Brooklyn, New York. Hilprecht, Old Babylonian Inscriptions. Lau, Old Babylonian Temple Records. Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology. Revue d’assyriologie et d’ archeologie orientate. Recueil de Travaux relatifs a la philologie et a V archeologie. Thureau-Dangin, Recueil de Tablettes Chaldeennes. Thureau-Dangin, Sumerische-Akkadische Koenigsinschriften. Kugler, Sternkunde und Sterndienst in Babel, II Buch, I Theil. Hussey, Sumerian Tablets in the Harvard Semitic Museum; Part II, Time of the Ur Dynasty. Legrain, Le Temps des Rois d’Ur. Reisner, Tempelurkunden aus Telloh. Contenau, Umma sous la Dynastie d’ Ur. Yale Babylonian Collection. Clay, Miscellaneous Inscriptions in the Yale Babylonian Collection; Vol. I, Yale Oriental Series, Babylonian Texts. ( 11 ) SELECTED TEMPLE DOCUMENTS OF THE UR DYNASTY INTRODUCTION. The last few years have witnessed great progress in the study of Sumerian. Many of its complicated constructions, complex forms, and ideographic meanings have become intelligible by the aid of grammatical texts and syllabaries. While various problems remain unsolved, the many published texts furnish us with a con- siderable knowledge of many phases of Sumerian life. Thus, on the religious and literary side, there are hymns, prayers, votive inscriptions, epics, etc.; and for the legal and administrative there are contracts, judicial decisions and the thousands of documents from the temple archives. The last are by far the most numerous, and the most important for a detailed study of the organization of the temple, and the administration of its business affairs. The temple, as is recognized by all, was the great center of not only the religious life of the people, but of the civil and commercial as well. To this the large number of temple records testify. These disclose extensive business and commercial relations; in short, they are the most fruitful source for a study of the pursuits and practical life of the people. It is to this general class of temple records that the present texts belong. Their provenance can, in a general way, be determined from a study of the names of the months. The calendars used at the chief centers varied as is proved by the published texts. ^ A comparison of the names of the months in the present texts with these known calendars, shows then that they come chiefly from Jokha and Drehem; some from Nippur;^ and a few from Telloh.® The texts show the same general characteristic features common to the many published from this period. More especially are they of interest and value in that they offer new and variant date formulae; some variant names of months; new names of patesis, as well as new dates of patesis previously known; and in a general way supplement our knowledge of the administration of the affairs of this time. 1 For the calendar used at (a) .Jokha, see Thureau-Dangin, RA VIII, p. 152; Langdon, PSBA XXXV, p. 47 f., Plate IV; KBA, pp. 80-81. (b) Drehem, see Thureau-Dangin, RA VIII, p. 85; KBA, pp. 65-80. fc) Telloh, see Thureau-Dangin, RA IV, p. 8.3 ff. and No. 77, ibid. Plate XXVIII; Radau, EBH, p. 287 ff.; Kugler, SSB, p. 874 ff.; KBA, pp. 40-65. id) Nippur, see Myhrman, BE III, p. 51; KBA, pp. 22-40. 2 Nos. 6, 8, 9, 2.3, 26, 28, 37, 38, 4.3-45, 50, .59, 88, 100, 20.3, 281, 283. ^ No. 17, and perhaps No. 41. ( 15 ) 16 YALE BABYLONIAN TEXTS, VOL. IV For convenience the texts have been arranged in six general groups: 1. Contracts and loans, Nos. 1-55, 57-59; 11. Those relating to patesis. Nos. 56, 60-78; III. Those offering chronological data. Nos. 80-111; IV. Orders (u-na-a-gu), Nos. 112-147; V. Those concerning temple employees hired out for various purposes. Nos. 148-196, 198-206; VI. Those of a miscellaneous character: inventories, accounts of shepherds and individuals, lists of employees, etc.. Nos. 79, 197, 207-323. A few‘ in the last group are also of interest chronologically. The new data, offered by the second group for the reconstruction of a chrono- logical list of the patesis^ of this dynasty, are summed up in the following two divisions: A. Names of Patesis Hitherto not Mentioned. Place Patesi Year Text No. Hu-ha-mer-si-U. 1 Gimil-Sin. 63:2. Unnamed. 54 Dungi. 66:3. Ka-zal-lu’‘\ I-za-H-ig. 43 Dungi. 75:6. a Kal-la-mu.^ 56 Dungi. 72:3. a Ibni-ilu. 1 Bur-Sin. Text in NBC.-* Sippar. Nu-ur-^Da-gan. 7 Bur-Sin. 76:7. Tupa(?) Za-H-ig.^ Undated. YBC 7278.^ Ur-\-u^\ [Aza\g{f) anna (r) 6 Gimil-Sin. 69:9. Not given. E-a-ba~ni. 42 Dungi. 79:10. (i l-U-andul. 2 Ibi-Sin. 60:3. B. New Dates of Known Patesis. Adab Unnamed. 54 Dungi. 66:5. a Ha-ba-lul. 2 Bur-Sin. 64:7. ii 6 Bur-Sin. 62:2. Ai-nun~na’'\ Kal-la-mu. 9 Bur-Sin. 61:5. ii I-tu-ri-a. 1 Ibi-Sin. 73:3. Babylon. Ar-§i-ih. 54 Dungi. 66:11. u ^ a 7 Bur-Sin. 65:6. Gah-gab-ni’'' . Hu-li-bar. 2 Gimil-Sin. 71:2. Jokha. Ur-’^N e-gun. 6 Bur-Sin. 70:7. 1 Nos. 250, 280, 286, 310, 313, 320. 2 For a discussion and chronological list of the patesis of this dynasty see the writer’s forthcoming, Patesis of the Ur Dynasty: Vol. IV, part II, Yale Oriental Series, Researches. ^ A patesi by this name was previously known, but not for this place. ^ All these texts are unpublished. Their use has been kindly permitted by Prof. Clay, and Dr. Nies. REISER— SELECTED TEMPLE DOCUMENTS 17 Place Patesi Year Text No. Jokha. A-a-kal-la. 5 Bur-Sin. YBC 7273.1 (( (t 8 Gimil-Sin. YBC 7271.1 Kish. A-hu~um-ba-ni. 8 Bur-Sin. 78:6. Marad. W a-a-da-ru-um . 47 Dungi. Text in NBC.i Nippur. Lugal-me-ldm.'^ 1 Bur-Sin. 68:5. a Da-da. 5 Gimil-Sin. 77:4. u (< 7 Gimil-Sin. 237:231. Shuruppak. Azag-'^N anna{r) . ' 2 Ibi-Sin. 60:1. U ru-sag-'pa-kab-du’^' . Ur-mes. 7 Bur-Sin. 76:5. In this connection are also to be noted the names of two Sakkanakku who were previously not mentioned: 1. Gir-ni{?),^ sakkanakku Kimash’‘\- 2. A-bu-ni* Sakka- nakku, place not given. The seals, in as complete form as possible, have been added to their respective texts. They show the general characteristics common to the seals of this period. The one on No. 35 is to be especially noted. This impression shows that the inscription was not engraved on the cylinder in the usual way, i. e., the signs written from right to left; but rather just the opposite is the case here, the signs were engraved from left to right, as they appear in the reverse order in the impression. New and Variant Date Formula. The date formulse for the reigns of the kings of the Ur Dynasty have been classi- fied by Myhrman {BE III, p. 33 ff.), Thureau-Dangin {SAKI, p. 228 ff.), and Kugler {SSB, p. 160 ff.). These lists have been supplemented from time to time. The present texts offer the following new and variant formulse, new at least as far as the writer has been able to determine. 1. mu Ha-ar-si^‘ ba-hul a-rd2-kam, 1^0. S4:. Year when HarshP' was destroyed for the second time. 2. mu u§-sa a-rd 3-kam Si-mu-ru-um^' ba- The second year after Simurhm‘‘‘ was hul mu us-sa-bi, No. 87. destroyed for the third time. ‘ All these texts are unpublished. Their use has been kindly permitted by Prof. Clay, and Dr. Nies. ^ This pate.si was known from RA X, p. 210, BM 103, 413 III:7, 16, but not identified with any place. No. 68 of the present texts identifies him with Nippur. ^ No. 207, date broken away. ■* No. 298, dated mu Sd-ds-ru’^^ ha-hul. 18 YALE BABYLONIAN TEXTS, VOL. IV 3. mu ‘‘Dun-gi an-kalam~ma-ge Sd-§u-ru- ]^o. 92. 4. mu ^En-ki Ga-M e-an-na ba-tu{r), No. 98. 5. mu u§-sa e-Bd-M-Da-gan ha-du mu 2- kam uS-bi, No. 99. 6. mu us-sa bdd ma-da “Su-'^En-zu lugal-e mu-du, No. 104. 7. mu a-rd 2-kam, No. 109. 8. mu An-M-an!^' a-rd 2-kam ba-}),ul, No. 286. Year when Dungi, the lord of lands, destroyed Shashurum“. Year ‘‘Ea of Gasha was brought into her temple. The third year after the building of the temple of Basha-Dagan. Year after Gimil-Sin built the wall of the land. Year the second time. Year when Anshan’'* was destroyed for the second time. Most of these formulae can be classified with certainty. Thus No. 2 designates the 44th year of Dungi. This formula is of interest in its connection with those for the preceding year. For the 43rd year we have the usual us-sa form of the 42nd, i. e., “the year after Simurum*"* was destroyed for the third time.”* However, the distinctive formula adopted for the 43rd year was, “the year Ganhar’^* was destroyed for the third time.”^ We would then more naturally expect a form like “the year after Ganhar'^' was destroyed for the third time,” used before the new formula, “the year Anshan'^’ was destroyed,”^ for the 44th year came into use. From No. 87, however, it seems that the scribe, writing in the 3rd month, did not know of the use of the formula, mu Gdn-har'^' a-rd 3-kam ba-hul^ No. 3 no doubt is a fuller form for the 52nd year of Dungi. Note the variant Sd-su-ru-um for the usual Sd-ds-ru-um. In this connection we may note other variant writings of this place name : a. Sd-su-ru-um, in mu lugal-e Sd-su-ru-um^^ mu-hul, No. 91; a variant for the 6th year of Bur-Sin. b. Sd-ru, in mu '^Bur-'^En-zu Sd-ru mu-hul, No. 81; also to be assigned to the 6th year of Bur-Sin. c. Sd-ds-ru-um, in mu Sd-ds-ru-um!"' ba-hul. No. 102; probably for the same year as a and b. d. Sd-ru, in mu Sd-ru’"', TRU 68. e. Sd-ds-um-ru, in mu Sd-d^-um-ru’"' ba-}yal, ITT II 4090. ' mu us-sa a-rd 3-kam Si-mu-ru-um!^ ba-hul, DACL 90, 331. 2 mu Gdn-har^' a-rd 3-kam ba-hul, RTC 329, TT 133 1:3. ^mu An-sd-ar!"^ ba-hul, TRU 292; TT 172; ITT IV 7603. * This seems evident from RTC, 329, which is dated in the sixth month. REISER— SELECTED TEMPLE DOCUMENTS 19 f. Sd-ds-ru, in mu Sd-di-ru’^^ha-^ul, OBI 127; ITT 11 2653; TRU 314; TT 294; UDU 31, 109. g. Sd~ds-§u -ru, in mu Sd-di-Su-ru’^^ a-rd 2-kam ha-]iul, BRM III 166. h. A§-§u-ru, in mu a-rd 2~kam As-M-ru'^^ ba-hul, “the year Ashshuru^ was destroyed for the second time,” No. 97. With this formula are to be com- pared mu Sd-ds~ru^^ a-rd 2-kam ba-hul,^ and mu . . . -'^En-zu lugal-e.... 2-kam~d§ Sd-§u{?) . . . .mu~hul, No. 282. Nikolsky {DACL, p. 67) has sug- gested the 52nd year of Dungi for this formula. That this is not the case, however, is clear from No. 282. The space on the tablet does not seem to permit of the reading Ibi-Sin. It is then either Bur-Sin or Gimil-Sin, more probably the former.^ No. 5 designates the 52nd year of Dungi. It is interesting to note the use of this form in the sixth month along with the form mu Sd-dS-ru-um''" ba-hul in the first (HLC II 4) and ninth {HLC III 219) months. No. 6 is the uS-sa form of mu '^Su-^En-zu bdd ma-da mu-du (ITT 11 3683), and so to be assigned to the 5th year of GimiLSin. The 4th year of Gimil-Sin and the 47th year of Dungi are designated by formulae referring to the building of the wall; the former by “the building of the west wall,”® and the latter by “the building of the wall of the land.”^ In addition to the above exception, to this general distinction, is also to be noted the form “the year the west wall of the land was built.”** No. 7 is an abbreviated form, and possible for several years of Dungi’s reign. With it we can compare mu u§-sa a-rd 2~kam (DACL 363). Nos. 1, 4 and 8 are not classified. No. 1 is, perhaps, to be assigned to the 58th year of Dungi. Other variant forms are : a. mu '*[ ]-‘^En~zu lugal, “the year [ ]-Sin became king,” No. 83. Here the scribe omitted the first part of the king’s name. Probably it is meant for Bur-Sin. Cf. RA IX, p. 158, 1. 6 where **[ ]-‘^En-zu is also written for ^Bur-'^En-zu. An analogous omission occurs in No. 95, mu uS-sa \ ]-^En-zu lugal~e bdd-tu mu-dii, “ the year [ ]“Sin built the west wall.” This, however, clearly is Gimil-Sin. b. mu ‘‘Nanna(r), “the year ^Nanna(r),” No. 86; an abbreviated form possible for the 17th, 22nd or 46th years of Dungi. 1 BRM III. 45, 166; DACL 247, 263, 375. 2 In BRM III, p. 18, n. 1 the writer suggested Bur-Sin. ^ bdd mar-tu ha-dii, ITT IV 7287. ^ bdd ma-du mu-du, RA XII, p. 47 £E., No. 11; TT 164''*. ® mu bdd mar-tu ma-da ha-dd, RA VIII, p. 156, AO 5650. 20 YALE BABYLONIAN TEXTS, VOL. IV c. mu md-mah ba-du-a, “the year the great ship was built,” No. 89; for the 8th year of Gimil-Sin. . d. mu A-ii-ma-num'^^ ha~hul, “the year Ashimanum*^* was destroyed,” No. 88; for the 3rd year of Gimil-Sin if we regard A-H-ma-num = Si-ma-num; compare two other variants Si-ma-nu-um (TRU 18), and Si-ma-num (DACL 146, 511) . e. mu u§-sa mu azag gu-za ha-dim, “the year after the year the bright throne was built,” No. 90; for the 4th year of Bur-Sin. f. mu Si-bu-ru-um’'^ ha-hul, “the year Siburum*^’ was destroyed,” No. 96; for the 35th year of Dungi. For other variant writings of Simurum!"* compare mu Si-bu-um’"' a-rd 9-kam ba-hul (OBTR 147), and mu Si-mu-ru-um-ma"* a-rd 9-kam ba-hul, No. 111.' g. mu md-sig-zu-ap ^En-ki ba-ab-du, “the year the ship-sig-apzu of ‘‘Ea was launched,” No. 106; mu md-lu-zu-ap ^En-ki ha-ah-du, “the year the ship- lu-apzu of ‘^Ea was launched,” No. 108. Both are variants for the 2nd year of Gimil-Sin. 2 h. mu us-sa en, “the year after the priest,” No. 93; mu en mai-e-ni~pdd, “the year the priest was installed,” No. 103; mu en ba-tug,^ “the year the priest was invested,” No. 107. All are abbreviated forms. The first is possible for years of the reigns of Dungi, Bur-Sin, and Ibi-Sin; the second probably is for the 53rd year of Dungi; the third is possible for the reigns of Dungi and Bur-Sin. Of minor importance are : mu ^I-bi-'^En-zu lugal-dm. No. 6; for the 1st year of Ibi-Sin. mu ^Su-^En-zu lugal-dm. No. 26, and mu '^Su-'^En, No. 317 ; for the 1st year of Gimil-Sin. mu am-gal '^Innana ha-tug. No. 27 ; for the 5th year of Bur-Sin. mu u§-sa dumu-sal-lugal,^ No. 311; possible for the 41st year of Dungi. * With this compare mu us-sa Si-mu-ru-um^^ a-rd Q-kam ha-hul, A 41. ^ Cf. mu us-sa md-gur-zu-ap, HLC II 58a. 2 Cf . mu us-sa en ha-lug, No. 312. * Cf. mu dumu-sal-lugal, BE III 141; ITT IV 7805, 7950; UDU 4, assigned by Delaporte to the x+28 year of Dungi (ITT IV, pp. 75, 83). For a possible fuller form of this formula see ST 100 and ITT IV 7072: mu dumu-sal-lugal pa-te-si An-sd-an’^^ ha-tug, for the 40th year of Dungi. Year Ibi-Sin became king. Year Gimil-Sin became king. Year when the great lord of Innina was invested. Year after the daughter of the king. REISER— SELECTED TEMPLE DOCUMENTS 21 mu Ur-bil-lum'^' Lu-lu- a-rd9-kam Year Urbillum and Lu-lu-X were de- ba~hul,^ No. 278; for the 55th stroyed for the ninth time, year of Dungi. The formula, mu en Ga-eS'"' ba=tug, “the year the priest of Gaesh“ was invested,” occurs in the published texts also on Nos. 309, 313, 320. In the date lists this formula is not classified. Genouillac has assigned it to the reign of Ibi-Sin {LTD, p. 18, n. 2). From Nos. 313 and 320, however, it is clear that this date designates the last year of Bur-Sin. Thus in No. 313:12-13 mu d-kam mu [en G]a-e§'‘^ ba-tug mu md '^En-ki ba[-ab-du], i. e., “three years (from) the year the priest of Gaesh*'* was invested (to) the year the ship of ‘‘Ea was launched,” the latter being the 2nd year of Gimil-Sin ; and in No. 320 it precedes the formulae for the first four years of Gimil-Sin. A few variant names of months are also to be added : Itu Ezen, 80:7. The name of the festival is omitted by the scribe. Itu Ezen-Ri, 82:6. This month usually is written Itu Ri. Itu Hu-ne-ku, 228:5, for Itu U-ne-ku. Note other forms of this name: a. U-ne- hu-ku, No. 60:15; EAH 134; RA VIII, p. 198, 22:R.2; b. Ub-ne-hu-ku, ITT II 849:9. Itu Ma§-du-su, 94: 18, for Itu Ma§-du-ku. Itu Numun-ka, 26:7, and Itu Su-bal-na, 99:10, for Itu Su-numun (-na). Itu Se-gdl4a, 55:14, for Itu Se-kar-ra-gdl-la. Itu Se-§e-kin-kud, 18:3, for Itu Se-kin-kud. Cf. Itu Se-h-kin-a of the Sargonic Period {EBH p. 289). Itu Ses-da-nak; 247:9, for Itu SeS-da-ku. The date in No. 105:6, itu dingir dumu-lugal, indicates several scribal omissions. Attention must also be called to No. 245. Here, apparently, we have the abbreviated forms for several months. Thus Itu A, for Itu A-ki-ti; Itu Ezen-'^Dun for Itu Ezen- '^Dun-gi; Itu Ezen-'^Su for Itu Ezen-'^Su-'^En-zu; and Itu Ezen-'^Me-ki for Itu Ezen- "^Me-ki-gdl. In No. 280 the month Ur is mentioned. This, as is well known, designated the seventh month in the Telloh calendar in the Sargonic Period, and as late as the early years of Dungi’s reign. No. 280 is dated in the 38th year of Dungi; but this tablet is from Jokha and not Telloh, as is clearly proved by the name of the other month, Itu Kur-u-e, the 11th month in the Jokha calendar. This text then identifies * See the amplified forms in CT V 12231 X: 1.5-25; RA IX, p. 42, S.4 9, which Dhorme (RA IX, p. 42) and Nikolsky (DACL, p. 107) assign to the 55th year of Dungi. 2 7/LC III 205; DACL Sm; RTC 378, 379] ITT 11 3977] /TT III 5059. 22 YALE BABYLONIAN TEXTS, VOL. IV the month Ur with the 9th month of Jokha,‘ and indicates the survival of an older form at an entirely different centre from that, where according to the published texts, it was commonly used. So far as the writer knows, this is the first text from Jokha in which this month occurs. * Another variation in the Jokha calendar is seen in the name Itu Ezen-'^Bur-'^En-zu (BRM III 2.3: 19), the identification of which is not certain. An analogous change took place at Drehem, where Itu Su-'^En-zu was substituted for Itu Su-es-sa (see LTD, p. 16; BRM III, p. 19). NAME INDICES. Abbreviations: b., brother; cf., confer; d., daughter; f., father; gf., grandfather; gs., grandson; h., husband; m., mother; mas., master; n., name; 0., obverse; p., page; PN., proper name; R., reverse; s., son; w., wife. Determinatives: d., deus, dea; ki, place; pi., plural. I. Personal Names. A-a-dingir-mu, gd-su-du, gir, 94:14. A -a-dingir-ra , 130:1. A-a-gi-na, 173:1. A-a-^kal-la, 12:12; 49:16; 51:7; 135:1. 1. dam — , 212:9. 2. gir, 239:7. 3. na-kid, 237:173. 4. pa-te~si, 237:229. 5. pa-te-si Umma^*, 193: seal. 6. s. of Ur-sag, 89:seal. A-a-ki-lul, 83:3. A-a-lu-dug, 232:32. A-a-mu, 304:21. su-ha, 300:14. A-ab-ba, 202:4; 305:25; 317:4. 1. sabra, 305:5. 2. b. of Lugal-e-mah-e, 42:7. A-ab-ba-mu, idg-gud, 309:3. A-ab-ba-ni, dup-sar, Sabra “Nin. . . .s. Ur. . . ., 229:6, seal. A-ab-e, ku-dim, s. of A-gu-za-na, 2:12. A-an-du-ru, 143:1. A-an-ni, f. of Lu-dingir[-ra], 149: seal. A-ba-a-ni (n. of Ki-SU), 55:15. A-ba-ar[-ra{?)], gir, 71:8. , A-ba-sag, 2:21. A-bUa, 267:1. 1. na-kld, 237:133. 2. ni-du, nita Ki-dg-mu, 91:3, seal. A-bil-ll (or A-bi-ni), 246:30. A-bil. ..., 212:65. A-bu-ni, sakkanakku, 208:98. A-da-da, 10:6. A-da-ldl, 138:4; 212:74(?); 224:11. gir, 76: 10. A-da-ta, 52:10. A-du, 149:9. A-du-du, 20:6; 264:63. 1. s. of Lugal[-ezen\, 20: seal. 2. s. of tJ-ma-ni, 232:71. 3. s. of Ur-e-Ia-zi(d)-du, 208:95. A~dug-[ ], f. of Ur-'‘Gu[-Id], 281: seal. A-gi, 298:1. A-gid-dai'P'N?), 185:2. A-gu, 222:10; 323:22. A-gu-a, na-kid, 254:4. A-gu-du, 232:115. A-gu-gu, 167:3; 172:1; 198:8. A-gu-gu-tum (or = title?), 246:23. A-gu-gul{f), 269:5. A-gu-za-na, f. of A-ab-e, 2:13. A-ha-ni, 37 tablet: 10, case. 11. A-}},u-ni, 14:9; 55:5; 289:2. 1. nu[-banda{?)], 55:7. 2. s. of Ur. . . ., 55:seal. A-hu-um-ba-ni, pa-te-si Kis'‘*, 78:6. A-hu-um-ma (n. of a-sdg), 246:19. A-}),u. . . ., 107:8. A-i-li, 212:24. ( 23 ) 24 YALE BABYLONIAN TEXTS, VOL. IV A-kal-la, 15:11; 156:4; 'passim. 1. dup-sar, s. of Ur-nigln-gar, 156: seal; 157: seal; 282: seal. 2. gin-md, 264:20. 3. 'n,u[-banda{f)], 282:9. 4. f. of Lu-sag-?ii[-zu], 172: seal. 5. s. of Gimil-^Sara, 232:97. 6. s. of Lugal-itu~da, 232:68. 7. s. of Ur-apzu, 42:8. 8. s. of Ur-p'u-mah, 150:1. A-a-kal~la min, 264:11. A-lul, 129:5. gala, 218:67. A-lid-lul, 50 case: 7, tablet: 8. A-lul-lul, 80:6; 213:14; 272:20. 1. ab, 96:4. 2. s. of Inim-'‘Sara, 80: seal; 96: seal. A-mur-ilu, pa, 284:28. A-na-Iu, 214:32. A-na-na, 61:4; 285:4. A-'ni, 258:6. A-ni-ta-inim-mer, f. of Lu-'^Sara, 232:21. A-pi. ..., 284:7. A-ta, su-i, 208:83. A-ta-ta{f), 79:2. A-tu, 2:4; 46:5; passim. 1. dup-sar, s. of Lugal-sag-ga, 151: seal. 2. pa, 278:5; 310:11. A-zi(d)-da, 54:12. Ab-ba, 124:1; 294:6. 1. edin, 98:3. 2. engar, 294:1. 3. s. of Gub-ba-ni, 3:1, seal. Ab-ba-gi-na, 179:5; 227:4; 230:13; 232:6, 26; 256:81. 1. dup-sar, s. of Lugal[-e]-ma}}{-e\, 179: seal. 2. dup[-sar], s. of Lugal-gis-gur{?) , 256: seal. 3. na-Hd, 237:28. Ab-ba-kal-la, 304:29; 310:2. Ab-ba-sag-ga, 62:18; 64:9; 65:9; 68:4; 78:5; 318:4. na-kid, 237 : 109. Ab-ba-sig, 20S:S7; 246:74; 274:10. s. of Da-du-mu, 42:10. Ab-guior dug)-^Sara, 232:19. Ab-ta-ab-e, 28:4. Ab-ta-bi, s. of L'u-kal{f)[-la{f)], 28: seal. Ad-da, 307:22. 1. I'd, 292:37. 2. I'd, s. of Ge'me-'na, 208:58. A d-d a-kal-la, 35 case: 8, tablet: 10; 43:8. sdr-ra-ab-du, 71:15. Ad-da-tur, 10:7. Al-ba-'ni-ka, 159:1. Al(f)-ba-'ni-mu, 304: 16. Al-la, 270:4; 322:8. Al-la-gu, 246:104. Al-la-m[u. . . .]-du'n.-gi, 55:12. Al[-la]. . . s. of Lu-. . . ., 26:14. AWm(PN?), 95:6. _ Am-ma-mu, 21:6. Ama-bdr, 79:9. Ama-kal-la, ge'me Lugal-gar-si{f)-e pa u§- bar, 215:7. Ama-kin, m. of Tab-sd-la, 246:8. Ama-ni-ba-an-sag-gi, 54:5. Amar-suba, f. of Lngal-ezen, 37: seal. An(Dingir)-ba-ru-ub, 254:74. An(Dingir)-bd-zi, 305:19. Ari~gd, nita Gu-gin-'ni, 232:37. An{Dingir)-gdl-kus, 153:3. An-kdr-ad, 156:1. An-ki{f).. . ., 289:11. An(Di'ngir)~la-a, md-ldh, 308:6. An-ni-ba-tu, s. of Ur-dul-azag-ga, 9: seal. A'n{Dmgir)-sir-gl-ni-kal, 306 : 2. An-zi-zi, s. of Ma-du, 13:5, seal. Andul-'ua, f. of Lu-'^Nin-'dr-ra, 2:11. Ar-si-ih, pa-te-si Kd-dingir'‘\ 65:6. Azag-dun, 98:5. Azag-ga~ni, 292:17 {?); 310:14. A zag-'^N anna (r ) , 1 . pa-te-si, 60:1. 2. pa-te-si 69:9. Azag-'^N in-gal, 292:23. Azag-'^Sara, 123:4; 264:13. Ba-al-li-mu, f. of Ld-ka-gi-na, 232:10. Ba-an-sag, 5:12; 32:13(?). Ba-an-zi-gi-e, 38 case: 4, tablet: 4. s. of Ld{f) . . . . , 38: seal. REISER— SELECTED TEMPLE DOCUMENTS 25 Ba-ha, 203:5. Ba-ba-ti, dup-sar, 101:10, seal. Ba-da-ga, 189:5. Bd-ga, 314:6. Ba-ga-ga, f. of Ur[-'^Su-mah{f)], 59: seal. Ba-gan, 113:12. Ba-gan-na, 128:11. Ba-i-li, f. of Lu-'^Sara, 7:15. Bd-sd-an-tag, 128:16. Bd-sd-ga-ga, 14:7. pa, 254:116. Bd-sd-ir-ra, 254:85. Bd-sd-is-tdr, 62:6; 245:20; 247:3. giri?), 217:12. Bd-sd-ma-ma, 254:44. Bd-sd-tab-nu-um, gir, 217:17. Ba-sag, 87:6; 213:2; 249:85. 1. gir, 94:17; 298:42. 2. pa, 242:10. Ba-sag-ga, na-Md, 237:21. Ba-sag. . . s. of Lu-‘‘ . 26:16. Bd-u-a{?), 246:95. Bd-u-ga, 20:5: 224:10. 1. dim, 178:1. 2. s. of . . . . , 20: seal. Bd-za-ra-a, 224:8. Ba-zi-gi, f. of Ur-e-nun-na, 267:17. Bd-zu-lum, 224:3. Ba. . . f. of Lugal-alim, 160:seal. Babbar-ki, 212:20, 57, 71(?). Bar-ra-an, f. of Ur-’^qigir, 1:12. Bl-bi, 32:14. Bi-ga-ti, dam — , 212:37. Bi-la-ti-ud-lam-ma, 304:18. Bu-la-lum, 246:76. Bu-lu-zu-um, 2AQ: 123. Bu-za, 44 case: 5, tablet: 6. Bu...., 246:68. ‘^Bur-<^En-zu, 57:7; 78:10; 81:8; 258:10. lugal, 15:16; passim. ‘‘Bur-'^En-zu-ni-gi-in, s. of Ur-'^Dumu-zi-da, 232:99. '^Bur-’^En-zu-'^Sara-ki-dg of a-sdg), 225:72; 282:4. Da-a, 224:4. Da-a-a, 224:5. Da-a(?)-da-mu, 115:3. Da-a-ga, 153:11; 312:26. dup-sar, s. of Ur-gis-sag-ga, 153: seal. Da-a-gi, dup[-sar], 81:5, seal. Da-a-ti, f. of Ur-^Dumu-zi-da, 208:54. Da-da, 284:6, 8(?); 289:5; 312:4. 1. pa-te-si Nibni’^\ 77:4. 2. sig-girim, 41:10^?); 246:21, 85. 3. f. of Lu-'^Sara, 165:2. 4. f. of Lugal-d-zi{d)-da, 186: seal. 5. f. of Lugal-ezen, 167: seal. 6. f. of Lugal-gar-si{?)-e, 213:66. 7. f. of Ses-a-ni, 159: seal; 161: seal. 8. f. of Ses-kal-la, 249:60. 9. f. of Ur-dun, 223: seal; 246:36. 10. s. of "Sara-ni-sag, 2:3. Da-da-a, 190:5; 252:7; 268:2; 308:13. 1. dup-sar, 190: seal. 2. dup-sar gud, 2.52: seal. Da-da-ga, 127:1; 168:5; 173:5; 207:156, 184; 213:60, 71; 249:28; 299:27. 1. dup-sar, s. of U r-nigin-gar , 299: seal. 2. gir, 239:8. 3. pa-te-si, 237:231. Da-du-mu, 208:70; 232:16; 242 R. 1:16, 11:16; 246:116; 249:18, 65. 1. pa, 264:53. 2. f. of Ab-ba-sig, 42:11. 3. f. of Lu-ka-ni, 2.59: seal. Da-gi, 186:1. Da-hi-din-ni, 149:14. Da-ti, 52:11. Da-ti-is-tdr , 226:13. Da-zi{g)-gi-na, f. of Lu-'^Sara, 58:7, seal. Da. . . ., f. of Ur[-dun(f)], 97: seal. Di-ni, 208:2, 6; 212:22. Dingir-ra, 41:5; 178:8; 183:6; 222: 7(?); 292:9. 1. dup-sar, s. of Lu...., 178: seal; • 183: seal. 2. pa, 92:5. Dingir-sukal, 147:3. Du-du[-mu{f)], 20:4, seal. Du-u, gd-si-du, 260:10. gir, 207:42. .(t #7 26 YALE BABYLONIAN TEXTS, VOL. IV Du-u-du, s. of Lugal-azag-zu, 160:3. Du-u-na, s. of Ur-‘^Zi{d)-da, 7:7, seal. Z)?4:5; 213:27, 87, 89. 1. f. of Dun-ge, 30: seal. 2. f. of Lxigal-munhb{f)-e, 187: seal. Lu-bi-mu, 147:1. Lu-bulug-gd, 98:9; 290:20, 24. Lu-dingir-ra, 12:13; 15:7; passim. 1. dup-sar, s. of A-an-ni, 149: seal. 2. dup-sar, s. of Lu-gi-na, 174: seal. 3. dup-sar, s. of Ur-nigin-gar, 196: seal. 4. gu-za[-ld], gir, 93:10. REISER- SELECTED TEMPLE DOCUMENTS 29 5. na-kld, 237:56. 6. h. of '^En-zn-azag-gi, 267:9. 7. f. of Lw-“Sara, 232:90. 8. f. of Ur-'^Alim, 49:6, seal. 9. s. of tjru-kib-la, 267:10. 10. s. of Lugal-ba~ta~e, 267:6. Lu-dug-ga, 16:13; 170:2; 193:4; 222:1; 269:2; 271:4. 1. dup-sar, s. of Nigin[~gar(?) . . . .] 168: seal. 2. kal he-dur, 264:49. 3. uhd, 310: 10. 4. s. of Lugal-ba-ta-ra-e-a, 263 ease: 5. Lu-'‘Dimm-zi(d)-da, su-ha, 200:1. Lu-'^Dun-gi, 291:11, 315:6. Lu-e-mah, dup-sar, s. of Ur-‘'Ne-gun, 315: seal. Lu-^En-ki, 1. lu-ur, 112:6. 2. nar, 29: 10. Lu-'^En-lil-ld, 208:78; 227:2; 323:19. Cf. Lu-^En-lil, 22:10; 28:7. Lu-^En-zu, 4:9; 132:4; 155:1; 212:18. 1. na-kid, 237:157. 2. f. of Lu-ib-gal, 27: seal. 3. s. of Lugal-gar-si(f)-e, 188:2. 4. s. of Ur-^Su-mah, 26:10. Lu-gd, 222:9. Lu-ga-me, 312:32. Lu-ga-mu, 219:4. su-ha, 98: 14. Lu-gar-si ( ?) -e-es, 4:4. Lu-gi-na, 1:1,5; 17:5; 47:9; 123:8; 145:1; 213:10; 224:15. f. of Lu-dingir-ra, 170: seal. Lu-gin (PN?), 137:6. Lul-^Hayni, dup sar, s. of Ur-gibis (or en)-[e], 163: seal. Lu-hegal, 13:10; 24:7; 213:17(?); 232:53; 308:17. Lu-ib-gal, 27:4; 32:10(?); 134:3; 164:6; 264:7. 1. dam — , 212:11. 2. gin-md, 264:25. 3. na-kid, 237:53, 75. 4. sib, 212:. 54. 5. f. of Ur-'^Iskur, 232:94. 6. s. of Lu-‘‘En-zu, 27: seal. 7. s. of Lugal-gar si{?)-e, 2:8. Lu-igi-ma su, 116:5. Lu-igi-sag-sag , 3:12; 102:5. Lu-in, engar, 125:10. Lu-'^Innana, 229:5; 259:5. 1. dam — , 212:41. 2. f. of Mer. . . .-na, 26:13. Lu-^Iskur, 1. dup-sar, 9:8; 43:10. 2. s. of Ses-kal-Ia, 6:2. Lu-isib bil, gin md, 264:21. Lu-ka gi na, s. of Ba al-li-mu, 232:9. Lu-kani, 244:4; 259:6; 323:16. 1. gir, 301 :24. 2. dup-sar, s. of Da du{f)-mu{f) , 259: seal. 3. f. of [Ur{?)]-pu-ta, 306:9. Lu-kal-la, Al-.Z; 157:1; 221:5; 249:79. 1. ga-sii du, 1:7. 2. na-kid, 237:9. 3. i. oi Ab ta bi, 28:. seal. 4. s. of Ur sUUnu}\ 232:45. Lu-kal. . .., 237:93. Lu-mah, 267 : 50. Lu-me-e-a, gin md, 264:26. Lu-me-ldm, 212:32. Lu-na-me, 115:6, 10. Lu-'^Nanna{r), 7:10; -23:12; passim. 1. gd-su-du, gir, 207:37. 2. s. of Gal-gal[-i]-li, 33: seal. 3. s. of Ge'me-'^Sara, 232:66. Lu-‘‘Ne-gun, 232:73. Lu{f)-ni-bi, 15:8. Lu-nin-gd, 12:14. Lu-’^Nin-gir-su, 1. ah, f. of Ur-azag-nun-na, 73:seal; 130: seal. 2. sib na-gub-him, f. of Dug-ga, 133: seal. Lu-'‘Nin-subur, 116:1; 124:5; 126:1; 150:7; 232:17; 260:60; 308:3; 323:29. dup-sar, s. of Ses-kal-la, 150: seal. Lu-'‘Nin-ur-7'a, 308:10. s. of Andul-na, 2: 10. 30 YALE BABYLONIAN TEXTS, VOL. IV Lu-rl-har-ra, 212:13. Lu{?)-sa. 246:48. Lu-sag-ga, 1. dup-sar, s. of Ur-'^Ba-u, 137: seal. 2. f. of tr-ilu, 235: seal. 3. f. of Ni-kal-Ia, 162: seal. Lu-sag~ni-zu, 172:9; 207:195. dup-sar, s. of A-kal-la, 172: seal. Lu-'‘Sara, 32:4; passim. 1. dayn-gdr, 48:10. 2. dup-sar, s. of Ur-sag-ga, 230: seal. 3. engar, 305:2; 309:25. 4. gir, 225:77. 5. lu-sum-nia, 307:29. 6. na-kld, 237:48, 117. 7. sag-engar, f. of Id-pa-e, 202: seal; 210: seal. 8. sdg-gud, 309:10. 9. sdg-mar-sa, 264:33. 10. urn-mi-a, 3:14. 11. s. of A-ni-ta-inim-mer , 232:22. 12. s. of Ba-i-U, 7:15. 13. s. ol Da-da, 165:1. 14. s. of Da-zi-gi-na, 58:6, seal. 15. s. of Lu-dingir-ra, 232:89. 16. s. of Lugal-ka-gi-na, 310:13. 17. s. of Ses-kal-la, 208:55. Lu-'^Sara min, 310:6. Lu-'‘Sara-e-sag~il-la, 16:14. Lu-se-UniA\ 208:71. Lu-Hg, 212:34; 264:53; 308:7. 1. asgab, 279:4. 2. pa, 232: 134. 3. ses-tab-ba pa us-bar, f. of I-ta-e-a, 232:1. Lu-su(f)-nir, 4:8. Lu-um{f)-mu-ni{f) , 19:2. Lu-ur-sdg-ga, 323:25, 38. Lu-us-gi-na, s. of Gir-i-U-sag, 232:41. TA-'^Utu, 170:1; 203:6; 283:4. 1. dup-sar, s. of. . . ., 283: seal. 2. b. of Nig-^Ba-u, 19:9. Lu-zah, 208:92. Lm-L . . ., 49:15. 1. dup[-sar], s. of Ur. . . ., 144:seal. 2. su-}}a, 200:5. 3. f. of A^Ka], . . ., 26:15. 4. f. of Ba-sag ....,26:17. 5. h. of Nin-dup-sar, 7:3. Lu-[ ], 269:4. Lu. . . . , 212:72. 1. b. of. . . ., 284:12. 2. f. of Ba-an-zi(g)-gi[-e], 38: seal. 3. f. of Dingir-ra, 178: seal; 183: seal. Lugal-d-zi{d)-da, 136:1; 186:11; 218:14; 249:8, 55, 61, 69, 76. 1. nita Lugal-gar-si{f)-e paus-bar, 215:1. 2. dup-sar, s. of Da-da, 186: seal. 3. engar, 305:8. 4. sahar, 218:77. 5. sutug, nita '‘Sara, 208:34. Lugal-ab-ha, 208:80. Lugal-alim, 148:6; 199:3. 1. dup[-sar], s. of Ba. . . ., 160:seal. 2. Cf. Lugal- , 160:9; and Tmgal-^^^^^, 323:9. Lugal-amar-azag, 1. dup-sar, 77:9. 2. dup-Ar, s. of Na-sag, 77: seal. 3. gir, 69:11. Lugal-An-ni, 280 tablet: 7. 1. lii-sim+gar, 280 case: 7. 2. s. of Ur-sUUniA', 232:48. Lugal-azag-ga, 1. i. of Lugal-Umah-e,Sb'.&osl\ 278: seal. 2. f. of Ur-'‘En-lil, 191 ‘.seal. 3. f. of Ur-^. . . ., 124: seal. Lugal-azag-ga-ni, 127:6. sabra, 305:11. Lugal-azag-zu, 242 R. 1:14, 11:14; 249: 43, 78, 82. 1. nu-banda gud, 164:3. 2. pa, 155:6; 187:1. 3. sib f. of Du-u-du, 160:4. 4. f. of Lu-^Ab-u, s. of Za-^Ha-ni, 161:3. Lugal-ba-ra-ab-e, s. of Ti. .. ., 109:5, seal. Lugal-ba-ta-ab-e, 246:43, 91. Lugal-ba-ta-e, f. of Lu-dingir-ra, 267:7. Lugal-ba-ta-ra-e-a, 263 tablet: 5. f. of Lu-dug-ga, 263 case: 6. Lugal-bdd, 232:61; 264:59 REISER— SELECTED TEMPLE DOCUMENTS 31 Lugal-du, 308:26. f. of Uru-mu, 315:4. Lugal-dug. . . s. of Gu-du[-du(?)], 232:58. Lugal-e, 117:1. Lugal~e~ba~an~sag , 213:29; 222:11; 255:12; 269:7; 313:30. Lugal-e-mah-e, 32:9; 41:2; passim. 1. dam — , 246:52. 2. dup-sar, 170: seal. 3. dup~sar, s. of Lu-azag-ga, 146: seal. 4. dup-sar, s. of Lugal-azag-ga, 85: seal; 278: seal. 5. na-Hd, 237:2, 38. 6. pa, 170:6. 7. pa uru, 265:5. 8. sabra, 213:63. 9. b. of A-ab-ba, 42:6. 10. f. of Ab-ba[-gi]-na, 179: seal. Lugal-engar-dug, 304:13. Lugal-ezen, 12:15; 29:2, 6; passim. 1. dup-sar, s. of Amar-suba, 37: seal. 2. dup-sar, s. of Da-da, 167: seal. 3. engar, 183:2. 4. sabra, 149:4; 213:15. 5. f. of A-du-du, 20: seal. 6. s. of Lugal-sag{?)-ga, 292: seal. Lugal-gar-da , 43:9; 100:3. dup-sar, s. of Ur-'^Nidaba, 100: seal. Lugal-gar-ni, kal he-dur, 264:38. Lugal-gar-si{fy-e, 32:20; 200:8; 208:13, 85; 268:4; 292:5. 1. ab-hal, 313:10. 2. gir, 298:40. 3. pa, 85:8; 223:3. 4. ' pa us-bar, 215:8. 5. sdg-gud, 309:2. 6. sutug, 300: 17. 7. f. of Lu-^En-zu, 188:3. 8. f. of Lu-ib-gal, 2:8. 9. f. of Ses-a-ni, 316: seal. 10. s. of Da-da, 213:65. Lugal-^^gigir-ri, 185:4; 218:27. Lugal-gis-gur{?) , f. of Ab-ba-g[i-na\, 256:seal. Lugal-gis-sar, 213:39; 322:5. f. of '‘Sara-kam, 195: seal. Lugal-gu-de, 194:1. Lugal-gu~en-e, 321 case: 2, tablet: 5. Lugal{?)-'^Gud, 69:8. Lugal-gud-e, 232:114; 249:7, 38, 73. pa, 242 0. 111:20. Lugal-he-gdl, 9:7; 19:11; 23:3; '35 case:6, tablet:9; 61:1; 98:2; 129:1. 1. dam-gar, 37 case: 10. 2. mus . . . 93:2. 3. nagar, 264:66. 4. s. of Kalam~da{f), 37 tablet: 11. Lugal-he-gu-ul, 310:5. Lugal-ib-gu-ul, 175:1; 180:1. Lugal-im-ru{f) , na-kld, 237:99. Lugal-inim (or ka), 305:16. Lugal-inim-dug-ga, 32:12. Lugal-itu-da, 151:1; 208:30; 232:81. 1. pa, 177:7; 194:6; 225:71. 2. f. of A-kal-la, 232:70. 3. f. of Gru-'^Sara, 232:70. 4. f. of Inim-Hnnana, 111: seal. Lugal-^Ka-di, 15:10; 191:1. pa, 154:4. Lugal-ka-gi-na, 267:31; 312:28, 39. 1. gir, 274:12. 2. f. of Lu-^Sara, 310:12. Lugal-kisal, 308:8. sdg-gud, 309:8. Lugal-ku-mah, gir, 296:45. Lugal(f)-ldm{ov ne)-e, 37 case:7(?), tablet:?. Lugal-md-gur-ri, 16:11; 28:6; 232:79; 255: 7; 308:11. Lugal-mas-su, 308:5. Lugal-me-a, 1. pa, 152:4. 2. pa mu...., nita ^Nin-ni, 152: seal. 3. f. of Ur-'^En-zu, 182:2. Lugal-me-dug-ga, 8:3; 28:3; 38 case: 3, tablet: 3; 44 case: 2, tablet: 3; 45:3; 50 tablet: 3 (cf. Lugal-me-dug , case: 3) ; 281:4; 283:3. ’ Cf. Z)ACL 262: R. 4, where it is clearly 6a,' also ibid. 274:12; 321:14. See also t'DL' 10:4; 15:7; 104:5, where it is clearly si. 32 YALE BABYLONIAN TEXTS, VOL. IV Lugal-me-ldm, pa-te-si Nibni''\ 68:5. Lugal-me-na, 232:29. Lu(jal-mii{f) , 32:11. Lugal-mti-ma-dg (cf. Lugal-niu-ma-an-dg , 156:3), pa, 84:5; 157:3; 172:8; 185:5; 232:103. Lugal-mur, 44 case: 3, tablet: 4. Lugal-murub{?)-e, dup-sar, s. of Lu~banda {-da), 187: seal. Lugal-yier-gal, sdg-mar-sa, 264:35. Lugal-ni-sag, 212:31. nita Lugal-eze7i engar, 183:1. Lngal-nir, dup sar, s. of Ur-'^Sara, 176:8, seal; 177:8, seal. Lvgal-ra 7ii, 7:17(?); 165:5, 7; 232:4, 43; 242 R. 1:4, 11:4. Lugal-si-di, 310:9. Lugal sag, f. of Us mu, 148: seal. Lugal sag ga, 286:3. 1. dam-gar, 287:6. 2. erigar, 297:8. 3. sabra, f. of Lugal-ezen, 292: seal. 4. f. of A-tu, 151: seal. 5. f. of Us-7nu, 103:seal(?); 181: seaU?); 314: seal. L'ugal-sag(?)-gi, f. of Ur-'^Ka-di, 257: seal. Lugd-mr-gub, 221:3; 305:20. sdg-gud, 309:9. Lugal-ses, uku-il, 198:10. Lugal-ur-ra-ni , 264:64. LugaI-uru{or ri)-ni, 300:23. Lugal-usum-gal, 214:46. gir, 217 : 15. LugaUUtu, 212:25. Lugal-X\ 232:36; 244:49(?). Lugal-X^-e, 148:1; 187:5; 242 R. 1:2, 11:2; 249:31; 261:3. 1. dup-sar, s. of Lu-banda[-da], 187: seal. 2. pa, 179:4. Lugal . . . . , 246:67. 1. dup[-sar], s. of Lugal...., 200: seal. No. 63 in Soheil, Kecucil de Si())ief<. Read reads ymirnh '{DA('L, p. .51). 2. f. of Ur-'‘Sara, 90: seal; 139:seal(?); 173: seal. 3. s. of Ur~‘‘En. . . ., 44: seal. Lul-a-dim-mu, 208:37. Lul-a-mu, 61:17. Lul-lul-U, 213:45, 57. f. of Ur-'^Sara, 249:52. Lul-tur-tur, 9:3. Ma-an-ba, 208:74. Ma-an-gig, 310:7. Ma-an-suni, 46:3. 1. f. of Gu-u-gu-a, 194: seal; 205: seal; 225: seal. 2. s. of Ur-‘‘Nim[-gaT\, 46: seal. Ma-du, f. of An-zi-zi, 13: seal. Md-gur-ri, 93:1. Ma-ldl-abzu, 243:5. Ma-ma, 1. na-Hd, 237:138. 2. s. of ^Sara-ni-sag , 2:3. Ma-7na-ser , 246:28. Ala-num-ki-’^Dun-gi , gir, 63:9. Ma-smn, gd-su-du, 233:1. Mer-An-ni, dup-sar, s. of Inim-'^Sara, 2:14. Mer-gan-id, engar, 309:23. Mer. . . .-na, s. of Lu-'^hmana, 26:12. Mu-ni, gir, 96:6. Mu-mp{ov ru)-pi, sukal, gir, 63:4. Na-a-a-ti, gUmc Lu-En-zu s. of Lugal- gar-si{?)-e, 188:1. AA-ab-ni-gis-an, 254:8. Na-An-7ia, 224:7. Na-ba-di, 193:1. Na-ba-di-e, dup-sar. s. oi . . . .-gu-ga, 275:1, seal. Na-ba-Iul, sdg-gud, 309:11. Na-ba-sag, 208:32,39; 214:100; 242:92. Na-bi. ..., 246:94. Na~di, 98:11. 1. f. of Ses-kal-la, 47:8; 213:4. 2. f. of Ur-dm-ma, 158:seal; 199:seal. Na-M, 106:4. by Delapoite in J A, Xov.-Dec., 1914; while Nikolsky REISER— SELECTED TEMPLE DOCUMENTS 33 A'a-ra-am-i-Ii, 75:5. maskim, 226:14. Na-sag, 226:20. ab, f. of Lugal-amar-azag, 77: seal. Nam-ha-ni, 14:1; 37 case: 6, tablet: 6; 59:3; 103:3. Nam-ha-ne-in-gu, 3:11. Na m~ta r-ib-u I, 22:11. Nam-zi-tar, 54::ll; 113:1(?). “Nannarl-ab? . . . .], dup-sar, gir, 60:18. “Nannar-azag-zu, gir, 304:22. ‘^Nannar-ki-dg, 86:3; 141:4. '^Nannar-lu 62:11. '^Nannar-ma-ba, 65:10. “Nannar-mu-tah, 292:28. “Xannar-nu-gis-sar, 17:8. '^Nannar-zi-ta-hus, 276:8. Ke-dug-ga, 103:6; 185:6; 191:4 (ga written bi); 249:4; 267:13. 1. dup-sar, s. of La-a-sag, 185: seal. 2. gir, 298:37. Xi{f)-ha-h.a-sd, gir, 198:9. Xi-kal-la, 13:9; 162:6; 323:11. dup-sar, s. of Lu-sag-ga, 162: seal. Xig-'^Ba-u, b. of Lu-'^Utu, 19:10. A'lg-dug-ga-rnu, 42:9. sib, 246:100. Kig-sag-ga-ur (PN?), 121.5. Nigin-gar-ki-dug, 82:2 (cf. Nigvn-gar ki, 142:1). f. of U-da, 208:49. Nigin-[gar? . . . .], te. . . ., f. of LA-dug-ga, 168:seal. Xin-a-ni, 129:6. Xin-d-ni-ta, nu-gis-sar, m. of U r-zikmn-ina , 208:17. A'in-ad-da, 8:4:; 49:17. Xin-du-du, 149:10. Xin-dup-sar, w. of Lm-". . . 7:4. Xin-Xgal-e, 231:8. Xin-ka-gi-na, 149:11. d. of Hab-ba-gar-ni, 2:17. Xin-ma-a-rd, 112:5. Xin-me-a, m. of "Ezinu-zi-^tm, 204:5. ! ‘‘Xin-subur-ama-mu, lu Lugal-ezen sabra, 149:3. ’^Nin~mhur-ama-pa{?), lu Ur-'^En-zu sib, 149:1. '‘'Nin-subiir-andiil , ^ 153:6. X in-ukkin-ni , d. of Ur-nigin-gar, 2:19. ’^Xin-ur-ra-ama-mu, ge'nie sd-dug '‘Gu-la, 201:1. Xin-zag-gi-si, ge'me Lugal-gar-si{f)-e pa ^^s-bar, 215:5. Nir-gdl-ga-il-'^Bur-‘^En-zu, 232 : 5. Xir-ni~da-gdl, 79:7. Xu-ur-^Da-gan, pa-te-si Sippar^\ 76:7. Xu-ur-i-li, m:2; 62:8; 254:106. Xri-ur-^Iskur, 289:9. Xu-iir-zu, dup-sar, 304:19. Pdd-da, 270:2. dam-gdr, 295:18. Pi{f)-tur~tur, na-kid, 237:12. Pu-ta, 232:72. Ri-ba-a, 56:12. Ri-bar-ra, 246: 117. Ri-tug(?)-ga-da, 289:3. Ri-ze-num, 152:1. Rim, Q6:17; 133:4; 201:6; 232:65. Sag-du, f. of Ur-^Gis-gibil-ga-mes, 232:76. SalAkA-ab-ba-jia, 13:2. SaI-\-tug-gal, 267:27. Sib-gl-ra(f), 254:86. Slg-bu, 90:2. nu-banda, 1:11. Sum-mu, 246:38. Sd-ad-da, 264:1. Sd-da, s. of Ukkin-ni, 2:16. Sd-igi-ge (PN?), 268:9. Sd-la-gaz, 2.54:16. Sd-luvi, 145:3. Sdg-azag-gi, 313:40. na-kid, 237:43, 59, 71 Sar-ru-uni, 16:5. Sar-ru-um-i-li, gir, 86:9. ''Sara a-mii, 104:10; 161:9; 171:1. 1. kal he-dur, 264:45. ‘ To be read e.-gi {HAV, p. 168, n. 3). 34 YALE BABYLONIAN TEXTS, VOL. IV 2. pa, 182:4; 264:65. 3. s. of 104: seal. ^Sara-andul, s. of t)ni-nm, 232:8. ^Sara-ba-zi(g)-gi, 132:1. 1. kal he-dur, 264:48. 2. f. of Ur-'‘Nin-mug-ga, 232:64. ’^Sara-he-gdl, 18:7. ‘’Sara-kam, 128:13; 195:5; 264:57; 299:26; 323:6. 1. dup-sar, s. of Liigal-gis-sar, 195: seal. 2. kal he-dur, 264:43. 3. na-kld, 237:35, 106. 4. pa-te-si Gir-su’‘'\ 70:9. 5. s. of Ur-se~Unu’^\ 232:47. ‘^Sara-mu-du, engar, 309:24. '‘Sara-ni-sag , 1. gir, 132:3. 2. f. of Da-da, 2:1. 3. f. of Ma-ma, 2:1. ‘^Sara-ni-zu, 255:3; 264:17. ‘‘Sara-za-me, 292:7; 308:4. Ses-a-ni, 7:14; 12:8; 20:11; 159:6; 161: 10; 232:27; 308:14. 1. dim, 176:1. 2. dup-sar, s. of Da-da, 1.59: seal; 161: seal. 3. dup-sar, s. of Lugal-gar-si{f)-e, 316: seal. 4. s. of Ge'me-'^Ezinu, 204:6. 5. s. of ‘‘Nin-tu{?) (or An-nin-tu?) , 12: seal. 6. s. of Un-nu-sdr-an, 232:24. 7. s. of Ur-id-edin-na, 232:11. Ses-da-da, 8:7; 50 case: 4, tablet: 4. s. of Ur-^Nin-gdl, 50:seal. Ses-e-ma-an (or b. of E-ma-an), 212:63. Ses-kal-Ia, 5:14; 24:4; pass m. 1. gu-za-ld, 213:20. 2. na-kid, 237:123, 190. 3. pa, 184:5. 4. sib, f. of Lu-^N^ml-subur], 150:seal. 5. sa6ra, 213:12. 6. f. of Lu-'^Iskur, 6:1. 7. f. of Lu-‘^Sara, 208:55. 8. f. of Ur-‘‘Dumu-zi(d)-da, 126:seal. 9. f. of Ur-' Sara, 1.54: seal; 182: seal. 10. s. of Da-da, 249:60. 11. s. oiNa-di, 47:7; 213:4. 12. s. of Ur-lugal, 24:seal; 2.5:seal. 13. s. of Zu-zu, 164:1. Ses-ki-dg, 264:8. Ses-ki-lul-la, 11:6. Sir-ga, 160:8. ''Su-''En-zu, 1. dumu-iugal, 246:33. 2. ha-zi-hab, 284:4. 3. Jugal, 3:16; passim. Su-ga-ga, 14:8. Su-nu-nu, 35 case: 9, tablet: 11. "Su-ra-ne, 246:114. Su-sukal, 9:6. "Su-zi-An-na, 246:115. Su-zu. .. .-a, 208:44. Ta(f)-za-an, 264:47. Tab-sd-la, 104:9; 222:3. s. of Ama-kin, 246:8. Tab-sd-u{?)-lu, f. of Ur-^Sara, 192: seal. Temen-ni, f. of Ur-°'^gigir, 51: seal. Ti-e-mah-ta, 112:4; 129:4. Ti. . . ., f. of Lugal-ba[-ra-ab-e], 109: seal. Ti(l)~li-abzu-tu, maskim, 16:8. Ti{l)-li-dur-ra-at, ni-du, 239:5, seal. Tir-gu, engar, 305:15. Tir-ta (PN?), 161:7. T%i-[ra-]am-i-li, 254:102. Tug-ga{?)-nin. . . ., f. of Ur-''En-zu, 23:seal. Tug-gi-bu-um, nu-banda, 246:14. U-a-ti, f. of Ur-iar, 198:4. U-bar, 254:54. gir, 240:6. U-bar-e, 208:63. U-bi-mu-u-tum, gu-si-gu, s. of tJ-ma-ni, 2:6. O-da, s. of Nigln-gar-ki-dug, 208:49. (7-, a, 246:59. U-li, 260:59. U-ma-ni, 10:4; 93:3; 131:1; 137 :2(?); 208:77; 232:39; 262:3; 292:13; 305:14. 1. engar, 191:3. 2. f. oiA-du-du, 232:71. 3. f. of U-bi-mu-u-tum, 2:7. 4. f. of Ur-sukal, 5: seal. KEISER— SELECTED TEMPLE DOCUMENTS 35 Ud-da~ga, 218:84. Vkkin-ni, f. of Sd-da, 2:16. Uku-il, 2:22. Um-ma-kam, su~ha, 200:2. tJrd-nu-sdr-an, f. of Ses-a-ni, 232:23. Ur-'^A-dug, 192:1; 232:102. s. of Ur-sukal, 162:1. Ur~a~edin{f) , 38 case:?, tablet:?. Ur~^A~zi~a, 208:90. Ur-ab-ba, s. of Ur-nigin-gar , 57:4, seal. Ur-ab~ba-ra, 16:6. U r~ab~ba-sig , 258:4. Ur-abzu, 232:18. 1. dwp-sar gudAQ, 311:3. 2. b. of mu, 98:12. 3. f. of A-kal-la, 42:8. Ur-abzu-ka, 312:25. U r-abzu~lugal{?) , f. of Ur-mes, 2?9:seal. Ur-ab. . . dup-sar, s. of. . . 92: seal. Ur-Alim, s. of Lu-dingir-ra, 49:5, seal. Ur-dm-ma, 158:5; 199:4; 246:87. 1. dup-sar, s. of Na-di, 158:seal; 199: seal. 2. pa, 205:5. 3. §dg-gud, 309:7. Ur-ama-na, 255:5; 264:14. Ur-An-ni, 258:2. Ur-an{or dingir)-ma, pa, 159:5. Ur^Azag, sim, 37 case: 9, tablet: 9. Ur-azag-nun, 73:5, cf. Ur-azag-nun-na, seal. Ur-azag-nun-na, 60:12; 72:8; 144:1. dup-sar, s. of LuANin-gir-su, 73: seal. Ur-ba-ab, 213:54. UrABa-u, 21:5; 30 case: 3, tablet: 4; 56:14; 128:1(?); 200:6. 1. dup-sar, f. of Lu-sag-ga, 137: seal. 2. essad, 3:13. 3. f. of Ur-^En-zu, 249:51. 4. f. of UrALugal[-nibanda] (-da), 22: seal. 5. s. of Gu-du-du, 29:4. Ur-'^Ba-uANin-kiir-ra-§i-gal, 248:5, cf. Ur- ^Ba-u .... ^Nin-kur-ra . . . . , seal. Ur-da-da, kal J}e-dur, 246:50. Ur-da-ga, 218:84. s. of Oru, 166: 1. Ur-'^Da-mu, 206:2; 212:43. s. of Ur-dingir-ma-an-is-mr-zu, 232:13. [Urf]-'^Da-ni, 249:3. Ur-dingir-ma-an-is-sdr~zu, f. of UrADa-mu, 232:14. , Ur-dingir-ra, 305:29. 1. mg-mar-sa, 264:36. 2. s. of Ur-dun, 300:19. : Ur-dingir-ri-da, s. of Haz-za-an, 43: seal. Ur-dub-ld, 264:5. Ur-dul-azag, 6:4; 23:8; 43:3. Ur-dul-azag-ga, f. of An-ni-ba-tu, 9:2, seal. UrADumu-zi(d)-da, 47:4; 232:25, 52. 1. dup-sar, s. of Ses-kal-la, 126: seal. 2. na-kld, 237:102. 3. f. of ‘^Bur-'^En-zu-ni-gi-in, 232:98. 4. s. of Da-a-ti, 208:53. Ur-dun, 4:11; 97:5; 223:4; 305:23; 323:13. 1. dup-sar, s. of Da-da, 223: seal. 2. dup[-sar\, s. of Da. . . ., 97: seal (?). 3. kal he-dur, 264:39. 4. f. of Ur-dingir-ra, 300:19. 5. s. of Da-da, 246:36. Ur-^Dun-pa-e, 19:8; 47:5; passim. 1. dim, 178:2. 2. sdg-gud, 309:13. 3. s. of . . . . , 136:3. Ur^Dun. ..., 237:96. Ur-e-An-na, 213:S, 42; 232:106; 312:11. 1. f. of Ur-sukal, 309:17. 2. s. of Ur-se-Unu^\ 232:46. llr-e-ba-ab-ul, 38 case: 6, tablet: 6. Ur-e-bdr-bdr-ra, 212:23. Ur-e-gal, 218:5. Ur-e-la-su-du, f. of A-du-du, 208:95. Ur-e-mah, 80:4; 212:35. Ur-^-mas, dup[-sar], s. of Ur-tar, 169:7, seal. Ur-e-nun, 213:24. Ur-e-nun-na, s. of Ba-zi-gi, 267:16. UrAEn-ki, sdg-mar-sa, 264:31. UrAEn-ld, 191:6, cf. seal Ur-^En-Ul. ' For this reading see DSGl, p. 53. Also read un by Legrain in Hu-un^nu-un ' {TRU 27:6) and Hurun-um {ibid. 25:2); and by Genouillac in Hu-uin-^ {ITT II 926:6). 36 YALE BABYLONIAN TEXTS, VOL. IV Ur-'‘En-lil (cf. Ur-’‘En-ld, 6), dup-sar, s. of Lugal-azag-ga, 191: seal. Ur-^En-lil-ld, 26:3; 208:68; 232:80; 242 R. 1:10, 11:10; 294:8. Vr-^En-zu, 23:9; 133:1; passim. 1. nig-du-du “Sara, 169:1. 2. sib, 149:2. 3. sdg-mar-sa, 264:30. 4. f. of Ur~“Gis-gibil-ga-nies, 232:92. 5. s. of Lugal-me-a, 182:1. 6. s. of Tug-ga{?)~nin . . . ., 23: seal. 7. s. of Ur-“Ba-u, 249:51. Ur-En-zu inin, 212:30. Ur-“En. . . ., f. of Lugal. . . ., 44: seal. Ur-^Ezinu, 264:15; 308:9; 312:9. f. of Ur-mes, 309: seal. Ur-“Gdl alim, 306:5. 1. ab{or es)-sa-tam gir, 94: 15. 2. dup-sar gar, 304:23. 3 f. of U r-nigin-gar , 70:12. Ur-ge-kisal, 17:6; 47:11(?), 264:62. Ur-gibmor en)-e, 1S:5; 131:5; passim. 1. dup-sar, s. of U r-nigin-gar, 184: seal; 189:seal; 197:seal; 198:seal. 2. pa, 237:186. 3. f. of Lu[-“Ha\-ni, 163: seal. Ur-“Gis-zi-na. . . ., f. of Ur-nigm, 147: seal. Ur-gis-gibil, 264:54. Ur-“Gis-gibil-ga-mes, 126:6; 206:3. 1. kal he-dur, 264:41. 2. lu Ur-“Ba-u, 29:3. 3. f. of Ur-«^gigir, 232:91. 4. s. of Sag-du, 232:75. 5. s. of Ur-“En-zu, 232:91. Ur-“^^gigir, 51:4; 143:5; passim. 1. isib, 16:12. 2. nu-banda gud, 232:111. 3. nu-banda gud, pa, 242:21. 4. sabra, 249:25. 5. sabra, pa, 242 O. 1:20. 6. sii-id, 32:5. 7. f. of Lu-bal-sig, 160:2. 8. s. of Bar-ra-an, 1:12. 9. s. of Gu-ub{?)-ba, 52:4. 10. s. of Temen-ni, 51: seal. 11. s. of Ur-“Gis-gibil-ga-nies, 232:93. 12. s. of. . . ., 52:seal fcf. s. of Temen-ni, 51: seal). Ur-gis-sag-ga, f. of Da-a-ga, 153: seal. Ur-gu, 6:8; 214:75; 222:2(?); 280 case: 6, tablet: 6 (n. of SU). Ur-gu-edin-na, 122:1. 1. engar, 2:9. 2. sdg-gud, 309:6. Ur-“Gu-ld, s. of A-dug-[ ], 281:5, seal. Ur-gu-ne-na, f. of Ur-mes, 232:112. Ur-“Gu-nu-ra (or um), 267:3. Ur-“Gun-An-na, 20:3: 27:3; 33:3; 40:4; 51:3; 52:3; 55:2. 1. gin-md, 264:22. 2. su-ha, 200:3. Ur-gun-gun, 305:21. Ur-“Gun-na, 5:3; 24:3; 39:4. Ur-“Gun-nun, 213:68. Ur-“Ha-ni, sukal, gir, 71:4. Ur-ib. ..., 284:9. Ur-id-da, 218:50. Ur-id-edin-na, f. of Ses-a-ni, 232:12. Ur-in. . . .da, f. of Ur-“. . . ., 26:19. Ur-“Iskur, 154:1-, 304::12. s. of Lu-ib-gal, 232:95. Ur-“Ka-di, 212:25-, 214:17; 257:7; 264:59. 1. pa har, 105:4. 2. f. of En-du, 66: seal. 3. f. of En-nigi, 201: seal. 4. s. of Lugal-sag{f)-gi, 257: seal. Ur-kd-gal, 100:2. Ur-ki-gu-la, 11:3. Ur-“Kur-mu-du (or Ur-“Hal-mu-du), 7:16; 208:8. Ur-“Lama, 116:8; 212:45. Ur-“Lama-kal (or lama), 12:16. Ur-lugal, 118:5; 119:4; 199:1. 1. gir, 277:7. 2. pa, 183:5. 3. sdg-gud, 309:14. 4. f. of Ses-kal-la, 24: seal; 25: seal. Ur-“Lugal-banda{-da), dup-sar (cf. Ur- “Lugal-ni~banda {-da) , 22:5). gir, 71:13. REISER— SELECTED TEMPLE DOCUMENTS 37 Ur-‘^Lugal-ni-banda{-da), 22:5; cf. Ur- ‘‘Lugal~banda{-da), 71:13. s. of Ur-'^Ba-u, 22: seal. Ur-ma-di, s. of Dug-Jcud, 45: seal. Vr-'^Ma-mi (cf. Ur-ma-mi, 36:6), 80:5; 323: 33. viu, 213:19. Ur-mes, 20:12; 32:8; 'imssim. 1. dup-sar, 203: seal. 2. dup-sar, s.oi Ur-''Sc[-m(.?)] ( = Ezinu), 165: seal. 3. dup-sar, s. of Ur-‘‘Ezinu{f), 309: seal. 4. gin-md, 264:23. 5. pa, 111:3; 150:6; 252:6. 6. pa-te-si Uru-sag-pa-kab-did\ 76:5. 7. sim, 308:22. 8. s. of Igi-sag-sag, 26:5. 9. s. of La-na-ab, 106: seal; 108: seal. 10. s. of Ur-abzu-Iugali?), 279: seal. 11. s. of Ur-gu-ne-na, 232:113. Ur-mes min, gin-md, 264:24. Ur-mu, 256:79. Ur-na-gd, s. of Ha-ma-ti, 232:87. Ur-^Ne-gun, 218:75: 312:39. 1. pa-te-si Umma!'^ 67:10; 70:7; 86:4; 102:seal: 151:seal; 167:seal; 168: seal; 265: seal. 2. pa-te-si Umfna''‘ nita ‘‘Dun-gi lugal UrU', 86:.seal; 141:seal; 142:seal; 164: seal. 3. pa-te-si UrnnuU, f. oi ''Lit-Umoh, 315: seal. Ur-'^Ne-gun-na, 4:3; 13:4; 114:1; 117:3. U r-'‘N idaba , 304:6. f. of Lugal-gar-da, 100: seal. Ur-Nidabai?), 232:104. Ur-ni-gin, 264:2. Ur-nigm, 50 tablet: 7 (cf. Ur-nigin-gar, case: 6). s. of Ur-'‘Gis-zi-ma . . . ., 147: seal. Ur-nigin-gar, 50 case: 6 (cf. Ur-nigin, tab- let:7); 70:3; 208:6, 73; 232:16; 276:4. 1. darn-gar, 267:29. 2. dim, f. of Ur-ab-ba, 57:5. 3. dim, gir, 273:7. 4. engar, 297 : 14. 5. sdg-mar-sa, 264:28. 6. sahar, f. of A-kal-la, 156:seal; 157: sell. 7. sahar, f. of Uru-mti, 131: seal. 8. sahar, f. of Da-da-ga, 299: seal. 9. f. of Uru-rnu, 129:seal(?); 143:seal. 10. f. of Gu-[d€]-a, 84: seal. 11. f. of Lu-dingir-ra, 196: seal. 12. f. of Nin-ukkin-ni, 2:20. 13. f. of Ur-ab-ba, 57: seal. 14. f. of [/?-r/i5is(or 184:seal; 189: seal; 197: seal; 198: seal. 15. s. of Ur-'^Gdl-alim, 70:11. Ur-^Nin-a-zu, s. of Uru-rnu, 232:109. Ur-’^Nin-da, 43:4. ^ Ur-^Nin-gdl, f. of Ses-da-da, 50: seal. Ur--‘‘Nin-gis-zi-da, maskirn sakknnakku, 17; 10 . Ur-'^Nin-gun, 25:3. Ur-‘‘ N in-gun- An-na, 49 : 3. Ur-^Nin-kdr, 267:14. Ur-‘‘N i n-rnug-ga , 3:15. s. of '‘Sara-ba-zii g)-gi, 232:63. Ur--<‘Nin-su, 125:1; 213:. 32. 1. na-kid, 237:79. 2. nu-banda gud, 210:81. Ur-'^Nin-tu, 41:4; 149:18; 188:5; 201:5; 292:11. dup-sar, s. of Dug-ga, 188: seal. Ur-''Nin-tu(r)-rn, 16: 10. Ui-“Nii-:i{l), 111:2. U r--'^ N ir-gal (n. of a-sdg), 225:73. Ui'-^Nu-tnus-da, 196:5; 305:28; 310:3; .323:3. Ur-''^ Nun-gal, 155:7. 1. dup-sar, s. of Ut'-'‘Eara, 155: seal. 2. kal he-dur, 264:40. 3. pa, 195:4; 237:193. 4. sib-lugal, 300:5. 5. f. of Ma-an-sum, 46: sea . Ur-pa, engar, 288:14. Ur-<‘Pa-sag, 208:67. Ur-pu-mah, f. of A-kal-la, 150:2. Ur-pu-sag, 264:58. 38 YALE BABYLONIAN TEXTS, VOL. IV [Ur?]-'pu-ta, s. of Lu-ka-ni, 306:9. tJr-ra-ni, kal he-dur, 264:44. Ur-rm{or g%d)~dur, 139:3. Ur-rum{or as), kal he-dur, 264:46. Ur-^Sahan, 61:21. Ur-^Sahan-tah-hu, 309 : 21 . Vr-sar-a, 206:1. Ur-si-gar, 218:35. §dg-mar-sa, 264:29. Ur-sukal, 5:4; 23:11; 88:4; 208:76. 1. md-Idh, 264: 18. 2. simug, 48:8. 3. f. of Inim-'^Sara, 232:28. 4. f. of Ur-‘‘A-dug, 162:2. 5. s. of tl-ma-ni, 5: seal. 6. s. of Ur-e-An-na, 309:17. Ur-sag, f. of A-a-kal[-la], 89:seal. Ur-sag-ga, 17:9. 1. ab sangu, 318:2. 2. dug-gur, 34:16. 3. f. of Lu-'^Sara, 230:seal. Ur-sag-sag-ga, engar, 305:6. Ur-sag{f)-ta-ni, 55:10. Ur-sag. . . s. of Lr-'*. . . 171: seal. Ur-^Sakan, 232:74, 82. Ur-'^Sara, 41:7; 90:4, 6; passim, 1. dup-sar, s. of Lugal...., 90:seal; 173 '.seal. 2. dup-sar, s. of Ses-kal-[la], 154: seal; 182: seal. 3. dup-sar, s. of Tab-sd-u{f)-lu, 192: seal. 4. gir, 212:109. 5. mu, 213:25. 6. na-kid, 237 : 14. 7. nu-gis-sar, 190:1. 8. pisdn-dub-ba, 207 : 189. 9. pisdn-dub-ba-sag, f. of Lugal-nir, 176:seal; 177:seal. 10. pisdn-dub-ba-sag, f. of Ur-^Nun-gal, 155: seal. 11. um-ge-a, 3: 14. 12. s. of Lul-lul-U, 249:52. Ur-^Se[-in{?)].{ = Ezinu), 42:13. f. of Ur-mes, 165: seal. Ur-^e-Un1^ ■ ^ '*? ^_l .? -i, ■■'..v’/i:: <-'V'; • 'iv:. ■■ ■ ■''r V- - J- mi PLATE I 1 Erasure Erasure 3 PLATE II OBV. REV. 7 PLATE III REV. 11 PLATE IV OBV. REV. 16 PLATE V 14 15 PLATE VII 25 26 27 PLATE VIII 1 PLATE IX 34 OBV. REV. PLATE X 36 OBV. REV. 37 PLATE XI 39 % PLATE XII PLATE XIII OBV. 48 REV, I PLATE XIV PLATE XV 61 PLATE XVI 60 61 PLATE XVI 60 PLATE XVII PLATE XVIll 7 2 73 10 , 75 TT0 T ^ 1 ^ . 1 c 1 / / 1 PLATE XX 84 85 PLATE XXIII 102 103 PLATE XXIV 106 107 PLATE XXV PLATE XXVI 1 i 8 119 120 121 123 122 PLATE XXVII 124 125 126 PLATE XXVIII PLATE XXIX PLATE XXX PLATE XXXI 148 PLATE XXXII 153 ^Omit, mistahe of scribe r T < V 10 '^M ff f>W- 166 154 155 PLATE XXXIII 159 160 161 o' r ' '.V ' '■/ . " . •f VV .' .' ^ v;4' I ■■ ’ PLATE XXXIV 167 Obverse 165 166 « 'h- i \ \ x" - -iS^ '} If. a’' « f- , ' •#> j-f-. is X PLATE XXXV 170 171 i - :- ' '• ' - ^ r, ■ ' . ’.'i ■ " ' .■ ■ ■ ■ ■ '-P } ■•< 1 \ < ■ ■ ^ ■ » :.: 4 > ■ ■■, V. . . -.■■■ - • *■ ■■.:.• PLATE XXXVI 176 177 178 PLATE XXXVII 182 183 184 PLATE XXXVIll 188 / i - » \ ^ : , - -i" ■•• :»r\L T PLATE XXXIX 192 195 r nw PLATE XL 196 197 PLATE XUI 201 202 203 OBVERSE PLATE XLII o 207 CONTINUED REVERSE COL. V III COL. V 1 1 COL. V I PLATE XLIII OBVERSE PLATE XLIV OBVERSE REVERSE COL. I COL. II COL. IV COL. Ill PLATE XLV PLATE XLVI O CM PLATE XLVIl CVJ OBVERSE REVERSE COL. I CO L. I I COL. I V PLATE XLVIll OBVERSE COL. IV COL. n , , , . PLATE XLIX PLATE U o o u CO X LJ > LU X > J o u o^ o CM 215 216 OBVERSE PLATE LI OBV. REV. 218 OBVERSE PLATE LI I 218 CONTINUED 219 TOO Erasure 2 21 M PLATE LIII 222 2 24 223 PLATE LIV 2 25 COL. IV CONTINUED REVERSE COL. Ill 226 PLATE LV 229 f)# 230 /?. #-1 T 232 OBVERSE 231 a" ■ ' w: '..VrrVK-- •>•.>’, ■’iv- V'* . ’■ V e'- .{ • >’ S'S'tl m^ :K'A \ M COL. IV 2 3 2 CONTINUED REVERSE COL III PLATE LVI 233 PLATE LVIl 237 OBVERSE COL. II COL. Ill OBVERSE COL. IV 2 3 7 CONTINUED REVERSE COL. V PLATE LVIll COL. VI COL. V n I 2 3 7 CONTINUED REVERSE 238 PLATE LIX Col VI! i r i ► 4 \ '\m , 241 PLATE LX 240 242 OBVERSE 243 Obuerse PLATE LXI 244 Obuerse PLATE LXII 245 OBV. REV. W 20 COL. 1 ^ ||/| fl.. M , M .1 ' ;i^^M '70 T , M f >f^ ^fe^¥%r R , 1^ Tff mmk ■ 35 w S [tfr 'I mv^ W Erasure PLATE LXIIl 247 246CONTINUED REVERSE COL. VI COL. V COL IV mistake of scribe PLATE LXIV •’ . ■ • PLATE LXV 249 CONTINUED 250 REVERSE • i ' I \ - .SSJSe -• ’ *>r 253 PLATE LXV! 50 55 65 PLATE LXVIl 25 4 CONTINUED REVERSE COL V 115 PLATE LXVIll OBVERSE Col. I Col. II 256 REVERSE Col. IV Col. Ill PLATE LX IX 260 261 OBVERSE PLATE LXX 264 265 OBVERSE 267 OBVERSE 268 PLATE LXXI Col. I Col. II PLATE LXXll PLATE LXXI!! 275 276 277 PLATE LXXIV PLATE LXXV OBV. 284 REV. i 288 PLATE LXXVI OBV. OBV. ‘^Omit, mistake of scribe 289 REV. REV. PLATE LXXVIl OBV. 290 REV. 292 PLATE LXXVtII OBV REV. OBVERSE 29 4 OBVERSE 20 295 PLATE LXXIX OBV. REV. [ PLATE LXXX O B V. 297 REV. PLATE LXXXI 299 OBV. REV. PLATE LXXXII 301 OBV REV. PLATE LXXXIII 303 OBV. REV. PLATE LXXXIV 306 OBV. REV. REV. I PLATE LXXXV OBV 307 REV. PLATE LXXXVI OBV. 309 REV. OBV. 310 REV. PLATE LXXXVI 311 313 PLATE LXXXVIII PLATE LXXXIX Erasure V ■k ■