1 MANUFACTURERS OF AVER1LL PAINT. New York, Boston, Chicago. * OPPiees SACKETI WILHELMS & UETZlG -16'5t ROSES' 1 If \\ i ^ Y A \A ■ . \ 1 " • V J V£^V If • l) k\l y k ^ •L v >)1 A J ■i \<\ J \ v -<, ■ ■ //// | ^vj 1- 1

[tlNT CHb\lISTS I]sf THE COUN'TpY. PROF. CHARLES F. CHANDLER, Professor of Chemistry in the School of Mines, Columbia College, N. Y. ; $lso President of the Health Department, City of New York, etc., etc., says:—“I consider the invention one of great value.” PROF. J. LANG- CASSELS, Professor of Chemistry in the State University, Cleveland, Ohio, writes:—“ Such durable ingredients, so scientifically combined, were never before found in paints. ” PROF. L. LANSZWEERT, of San Francisco, Cal., by far the ablest Chemist west of the Rocky Mountains, writes :—“ No other paint could stand the severe tests I have subjected this to. I am confident of its ultimately superseding the use of all other paints.” PROF. BENJAMIN S. HEDRICK, Chemical Examiner in the United States Patent Office at Washington, deposes:—“It is one of the most valuable and scientific inventions known to the arts.” In the Averill Paint will be found the following GOOD OIJA UTILS: IT DOES NOT FADE or CHALK OFF, but RETAINS ITS FRESHNESS and BRILLIANCY for many years, and will last MUCH LONGER than the best Lead and Oil mixed in the old way. -‘•Ht is a Pure Linseed Oil Paint, and Warranted entirely Free from Adulteration-^- Heady for Use , Convenient, Permanent, Handsome, Easily Applied, Economical, Fire-proof, Water-proo , Preservative of Iron, Wood, Plaster, Ac. SUITABLE FOB ALL CLIMATES. PfjbPhphi) fo-i; imuldi.vit: application Requiring no Oil, Thinner or Drier, IS SOLD BY TIB GALLON ONLIty IN PACKAGES TO SUIT, from 1 to SO GALLONS. -H|t TJ~ EEST T77" H ITE!$<- This Company manufactures TWO kinds of White Paint; one for EXTERIOR, the other for INTERIOR use. In ordering, please be particular to specify which you desire. Our INSIDE WHITE is a snow-white, and does not finish with a high gloss. O SEELEY BROTHERS SPECIALLY DESIGNED FOR New and Old Roofs made Water-tight and to last for years SAVE MONEY, TIME AND LABOR is the MOST ECONOMICAL and the BEST! —^AND HAS BEEN SUCCESSFULLY IN USE FOR OYER 16 YEARS BOSTON NEW YORK CHICAGO 5 )™ mMiMiilV ARE YOU GOING TO PAINT? BY TTSXUSTG- THE AYEEilLL * -5s== YOU WILL M dp* V- t w ^ 4 V .a Vt V ox (p' THE AVERILL PAINT has been before the public over nineteen years, and since its first introduction has been constantly growing in favor. It has been thoroughly tested by chemists, and ' applied on over ONE MILLION residences throughout the United - States, and is pronounced by all who have used it to be the most BEAUTIFUL, DURABLE AND ECONOMICAL Paint for either Wood, Iron, Brick, Stone or Plaster. JVot being affected by the atmosphere, it is suitable for all climates. IT DOES NOT FADE OR CHALK OFF, but RETAINS ITS FRESHNESS and BRILLIANCY for many years, and will last MUCH LONGER than the best Lead and Oil mixed in the old way. Its convenient form, superior wearing properties and great beauty, has established for it the reputation of being the BEST PAINT evei' placed before the public. IT IS TIE OILY THOROUGHLY RELIABLE MIXED PAINT MADE. It works easily, and any one can apply it. DO NOT BE DECEIVED BY LOW-PRICED PAINTS, WHICH ARE INFERIOR IN QUALITY AND UNRELIABLE. The market is flooded with worthless paints. BEOTHBES, BOSTON. NEW YORK. CHICAGO. -He AVERILL PAINT* submitting this book to our friends and the public, our object is to show the effect of different combinations of colors on the exterior of buildings. Within the limited space at our command we are only able to give a few Illustrations, sufficient, however, in connection with our Sample Cards and Sample Boards , to convey a fair impression of the effect of any of our colors when applied. As we were the first to manufacture and introduce a Paint ready for the brush , we desire very briefly to refer to its origin and its influence upon the Paint Trade. About twenty years ago Mr. I). It. AVERILL conceived the idea that a Paint prepared ready for use was not only practicable, but would also serve as a valuable contribution to the economic arts. Mr. Averill, being a practical chemist, with a large experience in the manu¬ facture and manipulation of colors, began a series of experiments with a view of producing a practical Mixed Paint , which resulted in what is now known throughout the country as the “AVERILL PAINT A The first effort made to introduce it to the Trade was met by violent and virulent oppo¬ sition on the part of Paint Manufacturers and Painters. Its advantages, however, in the mailer of convenience, together with its superiority in point of durability, soon became apparent, and the formidable opposition organized ' to arrest its introduction yielded from necessity before convincing evidence. Wherever used it produced the most satis¬ factory results, and within a brief period' found its way to nearly every town of any importance within the limits of our country. Manufacturers of the old style of Paints, realizing that the “new idea ” was taking, and that the art of producing Paint was not altogether unprogressive, found it expedient to abandon their opposition to Mixed Paint, and at once began manufacturing it; and', in face of their former assertions of its worth¬ lessness , urged ' it upon the public with all the vehemence of new converts. They did, not, however, cease their attacks upon the “AVERILL.” They could, not successfully oppose the introduction of Prepared Paints, but in order to introduce their own products, and because of the unparalleled success of the “AVERILL,” and the favor with which it was regarded by the public , they were not specially conscientious concerning the, means they employed to injure 0lir business. Pamphlets containing mean insinuations were written and extensively circu¬ lated; salesmen were surcharged with vile epithets and slurs to be exploded on every favorable opportunity, until from temporary exhaustion they have called a halt foi reinforcements. While it is not agreeable to our notion of mercantile dignity to refer disparagingly to our competitors or their products, we are nevertheless constrained\ to say that the course pursued by many manufacturers in characterizing the AT PRILL” has clearly demonstrated the utter littleness of human nature as found' in the Paint Trade. The fact that the AVLRILL PAINT has been on the market for nearly twenty years, being more extensively used than any other bi'and of Mixed Paint , and with a - constantly increasing demand, ought to be, in connection with our ample guarantee, convincing proof of its superiority. The growing desire of the American people to enhance the attractions of home in the way of exterior finish is quite apparent. To attain that which is most beautiful, and at the same time the most durable, is the legitimate object of those who study the art of exterior Painting. The advances made in this respect since the introduction of the A VERILL PAINT are remarkable. Twenty years ago it was difficult to find a country house attractively Painted, the prevailing style being White with Green blinds; now many of our country houses are models of art and harmony as exhibited in the selection and arrangement of colors. This improvement has been accomplished through the medium of Sample Cards— first introduced by us—showing a variety of colors and shades, from which the house owner was enabled to study the effect of combinations, and from which he could make such selections as his taste approved. The House Painter has also, through the opportunity thus afforded improved his taste and been lifted out of the rut of prejudice and old-fashioned notions. We desire to say, in conclusion, in connection with our remarks referring to our competitors, that it was with extreme reluctance we made any reference to their attacks. They have been so presistent, however , in their unfair methods, that we deemed it but justice to ourselves to say what we have. As a rule, ive do not approve of noticing any uncompli¬ mentary remarks concerning our goods, believing the public will not be influenced by such considerations. Respectfully, S IE 313 Hi IE 3ST IB IR, O T HI IE IR S , BOSTON. NEW YORK. CHICAGO. i ii 1 1 11 ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 it 1 11 111 1 1 ii : liiiiiiiiiiii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiHiiiiiiiiii miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii>iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iiii , .iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin 11 ■ 11 1 11111 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 11 1 11 11' ' 1111111 .1111 1 1:! <:! w |!I>' II11 I'11111 WEIGHT OF PAINT. OME of our competitors in the manufacture of Mixed Paint are unceasing in their attacks upon our goods, using among other arguments the fact that our product is lighter in weight than that made by them. This we concede. This argument, however, is either employed through ignorance or from a malicious desire to injure us. Paint should not he heavy to produce a durable job. The opposite of this is true. It should be light in weight, containing only sufficient pigment to cover the surface, with as large a quantity of Oil as possible. The durable or wearing element of Paint is Linseed Oil. Pigments, except when in combination with Oil for painting purposes, possess no durability, and are used only to cover and beautify the surface ; the Oil is to hold them, and constitutes the wearing and enduring property. Paint is readily made heavy by the use of a cheap pigment called “Barytes,” and the object of its use is to deceive the purchaser and cheapen the product. This pigment is largely used as an adulterant , particularly by those most extravagant in their talk about heavy Paint and pure Paint, and if their goods are analyzed, they will be found to contain a large percentage of this useless and deleterious stuff. Should any of our customers desire to have what is called a “heavy Paint,” we will cheerfully manu¬ facture it for them, and at a less price than we charge for the “ AVERILL,” provided they will order a sufficient quantity; but we will not guarantee it equal in quality for reasons before stated. We simply desire to say to our friends, and to those who may be disposed to use our Paint: First , that we guarantee our goods to be equal, if not superior, to any Paint made. Next , that manufacturers who rely for the sale of their products upon their capacity to disparage the goods of their competitors are neither deserving of respect or confidence. Respectfully, SIKEEUXjDE'Y' BROTHERS. iimiiimiiiiimimiimiiiiiiimiimii i mu 111 in mil;; 1111 ii in in 11 n 111 nr i limiiiMilllllllllillllilliliiiliiililiiin ii 11 m 111 ii! i iii ! iiiii 1111 ii iiiii iimi uni mi mini 111 ii i'Mi i 1 Hi ii I ii n ill 11 n in inn i nil m 11 ii (111:1111111 n ii n 11 mum n £ If ? 72 / offering to our friends the accompanying Illustrations, we have selected and arranged the colors in such combinations as, in our opinion, are best calculated to favorably impress the public, and have in most instances employed only new, popular and fashionable tints. In doing so we are prompted by the demand for a change from the usual 07' common colors ordinarily used for body and trimming, and. are simply following the present taste in House Painting. Fashions change in all things , and to conform to the various changes in taste is the necessity of both the Manu¬ facturer and Dealer. The beauty and attractiveness of a house depends largely upon the colors selected for Painting, and the study in this art, together with the marhed improvement in Architectural design of external construction dining the past few years, calls for a departure from the old style of Painting, and hare resulted, in an improved taste in the selection of colors suitable and appropriate to the design of the structure. t These colors are manufactured from the best materials, and are GUARANTEED to g ire sails faction. Respectfully, SEELEY BROTHERS, Manufacturers of “The Averill Paint.” » iiiiiiiiniiiiiimiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiimiiiitiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiii> :'MII;III||IIII!II!II||||||1I|||||||HI|||;M||||||||||||||||||M|||||||||||||I||| Sample •vtc* Golor ___ Lr these samples are painted from the tanks from which our customers are daily supplied, should any shade be desired,not FOUND ON THE CARD,BY FORWARDING A SAMPLE OR DESIGNATING AS NEARLY AS POSSIBLE THE TINT OR COLOR,THE SAME WILL BE FURNISHED. !*.i— 1 ) cdJ c±J cz Ll c=d J according to Guarantee j ■’ ppiied - buiou '- guaraniee “ b ™«** Our friends ' - whom this paint may be purchased are authorized to protect this guarantee sj^j-3_rs_rsra-ci ^EELEYfiRC MANUFACTU Add the number of feet in width [front and rear] to the number of feet in length [both sides] ; this mltiplied by the average height, gives the number of square feet to be painted. This divided by 200— s one gallon of this Paint covers 200 square feet, [two coats , j gives the amount required in gallons. I Example I Rule for ascertaining the amount of Paint you require. •<*- Front, 20 feet, 120 Rear, 20 “ | Multiply | Height, 20 Side, 40 “ Side, 40 “ 200)2400 120 “ 12 12 gallons for two coats. Remarks. —There can be no definite rule established as to the exact quantity it will require ; but the bove is sufficiently near for all practical purposes. Should the surface be smooth and hard, less than the •• bove would suffice; if rough and porous, more. .Notwithstanding the assertions of others interested in the manufacture of Paints that their goods will over a third or half more surface than any other, we assure the public that our Paint will positively cover as inch — if not more surface—gallon for gallon, than any other known Paint. -K-t: PUT FOR SHIPMENT IMfa* Barrels of 30 to 50 Gallons. Half Barrels 20 to 25 Gallons. Kegs 5, 10 to 15 Gallons. Pails 2 and 3 Gallons. Cans of 1 Gallon, 6 in a Case. Cans of 1 /s Gallons, 6 or 12 in a Case. WHEN ORDERING PLEASE GIVE EXPLICIT SHIPPING DIRECTIONS. ^GENERAL DIRECTIONS^ 1. Paint, only in clear weather, and on dry surfaces. 2. Cover knots with shellac, and putty nail-holes before applying first or priming coat. 3. Stir the Paint thoroughly before using. 4. Put the Paint on smoothly with as little rubbing as possible, flowing it on like varnish. 5. Be sure first coat is thoroughly dry before applying the second. As ive designate oar colors by numbers, reference should be made to our painted sample card, which will be found in the front paid of this book. Any discrepancy that may be visible in colors between the Plates and our Samples representing same, is the difference between paint itself and the closest approximation which can be obtained with printing ink, without however, materially changing the effect. PLATE I. Body, -------- No. 15 Trimming, ------- No. 27 Sash, Striping and [Blinds, - - - No. 60 Roof, -------- No. 115 Cresting, ------- No. 60 To produce a similar effect, Nos. 36 or 10 can be substituted for No. 15 as Body Color, and Nos. 8, 24 or 47 for Trimming. Other pleasing effects may be produced by using for Body, No. 44; Trimming, No. 33; Sash, No. 5;. Roof, No. 105; Or, for Body, No. 41 ; Trimming, No. 46; Sash, No. 60; Roof, No. 115; Cresting, Blue or Black. *♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦-♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Ns Upon every package of the A VEJULL PAINT” will be found the following H e guarantee the Paint in this package will prove satisfactory to the purchaser when applied according to directions. We do not mean a guarantee of satisfaction only when the paint is first applied— as any Paint is satisfactory when first applied — but our guarantee embraces a sufficient time to properly test its merit. Our friends from whom this Paint may be purchased are authorized to protect this guarantee. BEE LEY B R O THEE S, Man a fart avers. . / . \ As we designate onr colors by numbers, reference should, be made to our painted sample card, which will be found in the front part of this book. Any discrepancy that may be visible in colors between the Plates and our Samples representing same, is the difference between paint itself and the closest approximation which can be obtained, with printing ink, without however, materially changing the effect. PLATE II. Upper Body, ------ No. 53 Lower Body, ------ No. 60 Upper Trimming, - No. 27 Lower Trimming, ----- No. 6 Roof, -------- No. 115 To produce a similar effect, Nos. 10 or 36 can be substituted for No. 53 as Upper Body Color, and Nos. 7 or 11 can be substituted for No. 60 as Lower Body Color. Other pleasing effects may be produced by using for Upper Body, No. 44; Lower Body, No. 46; Upper Trimming, No. 60; Lower Trimming, No. 27 ; Roof, No. 115; Or, for Upper Body, No. 6; Lower Body, No. 60; Upper Trimming, No. 34; Lower Trimming, No. 4; Roof, No. 105. Upon every package of the “ A VJJHILL PAINT" will be found the following He guarantee the Paint in this package will prove satisfactory to the purchaser when applied according to directions. We do not mean a guarantee of satisfaction ONLY when the paint is first applied— as any Paint is satisfactory when first, applied—but our guarantee embraces a sufficient time to properly test its merit. Our friends from whom this Paint may be purchased are authorized to protect this guarantee. SEELEY BROTHERS, .)/ nnufa ct avers. y mi mm 32m s .^.Vw ■ tty ? ’ s -. -f 'f/ - ^; P^jSSbbss S^fcii^TWWBB'Wi . ■ • jls WC designate 0U1' Colors blj NUMBERS, refCrenCC should loo mad 6 to our PAINTED SAMPLE CARD, which will 1)6 found in the front part of this book. Any discrepancy that may be visible in colors between the Plates and\ our Samples representing same, is the difference between paint itself and the closest approximation which can be obtained with printing ink, without however, materially changing the effect. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ PLATE III. Body, -------- No. 4 Trimming, ------- No. 46 Blinds, ------ No. 60 Roof, -------- No. 115 To produce a similar effect, No. 12 can be substituted for No. 1 as Body Color, and Nos. 34 or 60 for Trimming. Other pleasing effects may be produced by using for Body, No. 49; Trimming, No. 34; Roof, No. 115 ; Blinds, No. 26; Or, for Body, No. 45; Trimming, White; Roof, No. 105; Blinds, No. 60; Or, for Body, White, and for Blinds, Green or No. 60. Upon every package of the “A nut ILL PAIN. jv ill be found the following G-UAEArTTEE. We guarantee the Paint in this package will prove satisfactory to the purchaser when appliedaccording to directions. We do not mean a guarantee of satisfaction only when the paint is FIRST APPLIED— as any Paint is satisfactory when first applied—but our guarantee embraces a sufficient time to properly test its merit. Our friends from whom this Paint may be purchased are authorized to protect this guarantee. SEELEY BROTHERS, 4 Man nfactarerso / fiVi EBMB |fjg| . As we designate oar colors by numbers, reference should be made to our PAINTED SAMPLE card, which will be found in the front part of this booh. Any discrepancy that may be visible in colors between the Plates and our Samples representing same, is the difference between PAINT itself and the closest approximation which can be obtained\ with printing ink, without however, materially changing the effect. PLATE IV. Upper Body, - Lower Body, - Trimming and Shading, Roof, ------ Cresting, - No. 21 No. 27 No. 53 No. 115 No. 60 To produce a similar effect, Nos. 5, 7 or 11 can be substituted for No. 21 as Upper Body Color, and Nos. 8, 14 or 24 for Lower Body Color, and No. 10 for Trimming. Other pleasing effects may be produced by using for Upper Body, No. 56; Lower Body, No. 34; Trimming, No. 60; Roof, No. 115; Cresting, No. 53; Or, for Upper Body, No. 17; Lower Body, No. 18 ; Trimming, No. 6; Roof, No. 105; Cresting, Black. Upon every package of the (( AVERILL PAINT” will be found the following GUAEA1TTEE. We guarantee the Paint in this package will prove satisfactory to the purchaser when applied according to directions. We do not mean a guarantee of satisfaction ONLY when the paint is first applied— ns any Paint is satisfactory rvhen first applied—but our guarantee embraces a sufficient time to properly test its merit. Our friends from whom this Paint may be purchased are authorized to protect this guarantee. SEELEY BROTHERS, Manufacturers. ■ ■ ’ • , * As we designate our colors by numbers, reference should be made to our painted sample card, which will be found in the front part of this booh. Any discrepancy that may be visible in colors between the Plates and our Samples representing same, is the difference between paint ITSELF and the closest approximation which can be obtained\ with printing ink, without however, materially changing the effect. PLATE V. Body, - No. 37 Trimming, i o 18 Sash and Striping, No. 6 Blinds, - - No. 60 Roof, - No. 105 Cresting, Black. To produce a similar effect, No. 17 can be substituted for No. 37 as Body Color, and No. 41 for T RIMMING. Other pleasing effects may be produced by using for Body, No. 15 ; Trimming, No. 24; Blinds, No. 21 ; Roof, No. 110; Cresting, Red or Blue; Or, for Body, No. 14; Trimming, No. 8; Blinds, No. 60 ; Sash, No. 53 ; Roof, No. 105 ; Cresting, Blue or Black. Upon every package of the “ AVERILL PAINT” will be found the following We guarantee the Paint in this package will prove satisfactory to the purchaser when applied according to directions. We do not mean a guarantee of satisfaction only when the paint is first APPLIED— as any Paint is satisfactory when first applied—but our guarantee embraces a sufficient time to properly test its merit. Our friends from whom this Paint may be purchased are authorized to protect this guarantee. SEELEY BROTHERS. % Man ufa drivers . As we designate our colors by numbers, reference should be made to our painted sample card, which will be found in the front part of this booh. Any discrepancy that may be visible in colors between the Plates and our Samples representing same, is the difference between paint itself and the closest approximation which can be obtained, with printing ink, without however, materially changing the effect. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ -*****Xa^ ♦— 4 ^ PLATE VI. Body, - i i i i 2 o 56 T RIMMING, - No. 46 Sash and Striping, No. 60 Roof, - No. 115 Cresting, No. 60 To produce a similar effect, No. 20 can be substituted for No. 56 as Body Color, and No. 34 for Trimming-. Other pleasing effects may be produced by using for Body, No. 41 ; Trimming, No. 51 ; Roof, No. 110; Cresting, Black; Or, for Body, Nos. 14 or 24; Trimming, Nos. 10 or 45; Roof, 120; Cresting, No. 53 or Blue. Sash, No. 21; Sash, No. 60; ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦-♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Upon every package of the “ A VEliILL PA I XT" will be found, the following OrTj- We guarantee the Paint in this package will prove satisfactory to the purchaser when applied according to directions. We do not mean a guarantee of satisfaction only when THE paint is first APPLIED— as any Paint is satisfactory when first applied— but our guarantee embraces a sufficient time to properly test its merit. Our friends from whom this Paint may be purchased are authorized to protect this guarantee. SEELEY BROTHERS, Man n fact u rers. JXPXCCW miilara MW mmrjTzi fmXiXiXQ? mmSSSS 'mrnrm ri tigumia 3 O 099*9 n in As we designate oar colors by numbers, reference should be made to our painted sample card, which will be found in the front part of this book. Any discrepancy that may be visible in colors between the Plates and our Samples representing same, is the difference between paint itself and the closest approximation which can be obtained with printing ink, without however, materially changing the eff ect. ^**1*39^fit- ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ *-♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ * ♦ ♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦-♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ PLATE VII. Body, - - No. 60 Trimming, - No. 27 Sash and Striping, No. 53 Roof, - No. 120 Cresting, No. 60 To produce a similar effect, Nos. 11 or 21 can be substituted for No. 60 as Body Color, and Nos. 33 or 8 for Trimming ; Cresting, Blue. Other pleasing effects may be produced by using for Body, No. 18 ; Trimming, No. 37 or White; Sash, No. 21; Roof, No. 105; Cresting, No. 53 or Blue ; Or, for Body, No. 44; Trimming, No. 24; Sash, No. 21; Roof, No. 105; Cresting, Black. Upon every package of the “ A VElilLT PAINT” will be found the following K! F! J- W'e guarantee the Paint in this package will prove satisfactory to the purchaser when applied according to directions. We do not mean a guarantee of satisfaction only when THE paint is first applied— as any Paint is satisfactory when first applied—but our guarantee embraces a sufficient time to properly test its merit. Our friends from whom this Paint may be purchased are authorized to protect this guarantee. SEELEY BROTHERS, Man nfacturers. t . * As we designate oar color* by numbers, reference should be made to oar painted sample card, which will be found in the front part of this booh. Any discrepancy that may be visible in colors between the Plates and our Samples representing same, is the difference between paint itself and, the closest approximation which can be obtained' with printing ink, without however, materially changing the effect. PLATE VIII. Upper Body, Lower Body, Trimming, Roof, Cresting, - No. 15 No. 6 No. 46 No. 105 Black. To produce a similar effect, Nos. 10 or 36 can be substituted for No. 15 as Upper Body Color, and Nos. 5 or 7 can be substituted for No. 6 as Lower Body Color. Other pleasing effects may be produced by using for Upper Body, No. 45; Lower Body, No. 32; Trimming, No. 8; Book, No. 105; Cresting, Black; Or, for Upper Body, No. 27 ; Lower Body, No. 5; Trimming, No. 53; Roof, No. 105; Cresting, Black. Upon every package of the “ AVERILL PAIAT” will be found the following We guarantee the Paint in this package will prove satisfactory to the purchaser when applied according to directions. We do not mean a guarantee of satisfaction only when the paint is first APPLIED— as any Paint is satisfactory when first applied—but our guarantee embraces a sufficient time to properly test its merit. Our friends from whom this Paint may be purchased are authorized to protect this guarantee. BROTHERS, Man ufactu rers. ► . As we designate oar colors by NUMBERS, reference should be made to oar painted sample card, which will be found in the front part of this book. Any discrepancy that may be visible in colors between the Plates and our Samples representing same, is the difference between paint itself and the closest approximation which can be obtained with printing ink, without however, materially changing the effect. ► **♦♦♦***»****■*♦*■*♦♦<• PLATE IX. Upper Body, Lower Body, Upper Trimming, Lower Trimming, Roof, Cresting, No. No. 4 21 No. 41 No. 10 No. 115 No. 60 To produce a similar effect, Nos. 32 or 10 can be substituted for No. 4 as Upper Body Color, and Nos. 7 or 11 can be substituted for No. 21 as Lower Body Color. Other pleasing effects may be produced by using for Upper Body, No. 6; ‘Lower Body, No. 34; Upper Trimming, No. 27; Lower Trimming, No. 10; .Roof, No. 120; Cresting, Red; Or, for Upper Body, No. 105; Lower Body", No. 115; Upper Trimming, No. 120; Lower Trimming, No. 110; Roof, No. 115; Cresting, Red. *♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦ ♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦<■♦♦♦♦ ♦-»♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦ * ♦♦ ♦♦*♦>♦♦♦«• ! Upon every package of the “ A VURILL PAINT” will be found the followin 6 We guarantee the Paint in this package will prove satisfactory to the purchaser when applied ' according to directions. We do not mean a guarantee of satisfaction only when the paint is FiBST APPLIED— as any Paint is satisfactory when first applied—but our guarantee embraces a sufficient time to properly test its merit. Our friends from whom this Paint may be purchased are authorized to protect this guarantee. SEELEY BROTHERS, Matt ufact, avers. ini- 8 rn 1 H | rm f 1 ! j L_i ft $mp r 1 , ~--i —a—a—err M . , As we designate oar colors by numbers, reference should be made to our painted sample card, which will be found in the front part of this booh. Any discrepancy that may be visible in colors between the Plates and our Samples representing same, is the difference between paint itself and the closest approximation which can be obtainedwith printing ink, without however, materially changing the effect. PLATE X. Body, - No. 15 Trimming, - No. 34 Brickwork, No. 34 Sash and Striping, - No. 60 Roof, - Nos. 115 AND’ 105 To produce a similar effect, Nos. 10 or 44 can be substituted for No. 15 as Body Color, and Nos. 46 or 60 for Trimming. Other pleasing effects may be produced by using for Body, No. 36 ; Trimming, No. 27 ; Brickwork, No. 115; Sash and Striping, No. 60; Roof, Nos. 115 and 105; Or, for Body, No. 4; Trimming, No. 34; Brickwork, No. 115; Sash and Striping, No. 60 ; Roof, Nos. 115 and 105; Or, for Body, White, and for Blinds, Green or No. 60. Upon every package of the “ AVPRIIL PAINT” will be found the following We guarantee the Paint in this package will prove satisfactory to the purchaser when applied according to directions. We do not mean a guarantee of satisfaction ONLY WHEN the paint is first applied— as any Paint is satisfactory when first applied—but our guarantee embraces a sufficient time to properly test its merit. Our friends from whom this Paint may be purchased are authorized to protect this guarantee. SEELEY BROTHERS, Mann fa vturers. As we designate our colors by numbers, reference should be made to our painted sample card, which will be found in the front part of this booh. Any discrepancy that may be visible in colors between the Plates and our Samples representing same, is the difference between paint itself and the closest approximation which can be obtained with printing ink, without however, materially changing the effect. PLATE XI. Body, - No. 20 Trimming, - No. 46 Sash and Striping, No. 53 Blinds, - No. 59 Roof, - No. 105 Cresting, Black. To produce a similar effect, Nos. 13 or 56 can be substituted for No. 20 as Body Color, and Nos. 34 or 59 for Trimming. Other pleasing effects may be produced by using for Body, No. 32; Trimming, No. 59; Sash, No. 60 ; Roof, No. 115 ; Or, for Body, Noe. 17 or 63; Trimming, No. 41 ; Sash, No. 21 ; Roof, No. 105 ; Cresting, Red, Blue or Black. ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦-♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Upon every package of the “ AVBltlLL PAINT 99 will be found the following We guarantee the Paint in this package will prove satisfactory to the purchaser when applied according to directions. We do not mean a guarantee of satisfaction ONLY WHEN THE paint is first applied.— as any Paint is satisfactory when first applied—but our guarantee embraces a sufficient time to properly test its merit. Our friends from whom this Paint may be purchased are authorized to protect this guarantee. SEELEY BROTHERS. Mann fa ct urers. / • As we designate our colors by numbers, reference should be made to our painted sample card, which will be found in the front part of this book. Any discrepancy that may be visible in colors between the Plates and' our Samples representing same, is the difference between paint itself and the closest approximation which can be obtained with printing- ink, without however , materially changing the effect. PLATE XII. Upper Body, ------ No. 34 Lower Body, ------ No. 4 Upper Trimming, ----- No. 37 Lower Trimming, ----- No. 46 Roof, -------- No. 105 To produce a similar effect, Nos. 41 or 59 can be substituted for No. 34 as Upper Body Color, and Nos. 32 or 6 can be substituted for No. 4 as Lower Body Color. Other pleasing effects may be produced by using for Upper Body, No. 24 ; Lower Body, No. 45 ; Upper Trimming, No. 6; Lower Trimming, No. 60; Roof, No. 105 ; Or, for Upper Body, No. 21 ; Lower Body, No. 32; Upper Trimming, No. 13; Lower Trimming, No. 34; Roof, No. 115. Upon every package of the “ A VPRILL PAINT 99 will be found the following We guarantee the Paint in this package will prove satisfactory to the purchaser when applied according to directions. W e do not mean a guarantee of satisfaction only when the paint is first applied— as any Paint is satisfactory when first applied—but our guarantee embraces a sufficient time to properly test its merit. Our friends from whom this Paint may be purchased are authorized to protect this guarantee. SEELEY BROTHERS, Manufacturer . XL TZZ tl&M i±m wmm m? J® «S3S§SiiiKiaSra HM . ' . As we designate our colors by numbers, reference should be made to our painted sample card, which will be found in the front part of this book. Any discrepancy that may be visible in colors between the Plates and our Samples representing same, is the difference between paint itself and the closest approximation which can be obtained ■with printing ink, without however, materially changing the eff ect. 4 PLATE XIII. Body, -------- No. 56 Trimming, - - - - - - -No. 18 Blinds. ------ No. 60 Roof, -------- No. 120 To produce a similar effect, No. 11 can be substituted for No. 56 as Body Color, and No. 18 for Trimming. Other pleasing effects may be produced by using for Body, No. 63; Trimming, No. 34 ; Blinds, No. 60; Or, for Body, Nos. 17 or 37; Trimming, No. 18; Roof, No. 120; Blinds, Body, White, and for Blinds, Green or No. 60. Roof, No. 21 No. 115 ; ; Or, for ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Upon every package of the “ A VEli ILL PAINT” will be found the following lie guarantee the Paint in this package will prove satisfactory to the purchaser when applied according to directions. We do not mean a guarantee of satisfaction ONLY when the paint is first APPLIED— as any Paint is satisfactory when first applied—but our guarantee embraces a sufficient time to properly test its merit. Our friends from whom this Paint may be purchased are authorized to protect this guarantee. SEELEY BROTHERS, Manufact avers. . * As we designate our colors by numbers, reference should be made to our painted sample card, which will be found in the front yurt of this booh. Any discrepancy that may be visible in colors between the Plates and our Samples representing same, is the difference between paint itself and the closest approximation which can be obtained with printing ink, without however, materially changing the effect. PLATE XIV. Upper Body, ------ No. 4 Lower Body, ------- No. 34 Trimming and Shading, - No. 24 Roof, -------- No. 105 Cresting, ------- Black. To produce a similar effect, No. 32 can be substituted for No. 4 as Upper Body Color, and No. 46 as Lower Body Color, and Nos. 8 or 27 for Trimming. Otlier pleasing effects may be produced by using for Upper Body, No. 44; Lower Body, No. 14; Trimming, No. 60 ; Boor, No. 105; Cresting, Black; Or, for Upper Body, No. 53; Lower Body, No. 21; Trimming, No. 47 ; Roof, No. 115; Cresting, Red. Upon every package of the “ AVEUILL JPAINT” ivill be found the following G-TJAEAITTEE. We guarantee the Paint in this package will prove satisfactory to the purchaser when applied according to directions. We do not mean a guarantee of satisfaction ONLY when THE paint is first APPLIED.— as any Paint is satisfactory when first applied—but our guarantee embraces a sufficient time to properly test its merit. Our friends from whom this Paint may be purchased are authorized to protect this guarantee. SEELEY BROTHERS. Manufa ct avers. . t As we designate our colors by NUMBERS, reference should, be made to our PAINTED SAMPLE CARD, which will be found in the front part of this booh. Any discrepancy that may be visible in colors between the Plates and our Samples representing same, is the difference between paint itself and the closest approximation which can be obtained with printing ink, without however, materially changing the effect. ♦♦♦♦♦♦ PLATE XV. Body, -------- No. 4 Trimming, ------- No. 60 Sash and Striping, ----- No. 27 Roof, -------- No. 115 Cresting, ------- No. 60 To produce a similar effect, No. 32 can be substituted for No. 4 as Body Color, and Nos. 21 or 46 for Trimming. Other pleasing effects may be produced by using for Body, No. 13; Trimming, No. 46; Sasii, No. 60,* Roof, No. 115; Cresting, Red; Or, for Body, No. 53; Trimming, No. 21; Sash, No. 33; Roof, No. 110; Cresting, Red. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Upon every pachage of the ” A VPIULL PAINT” will be found the following He guarantee the Paint in this pachage will prove satisfactory to the purchaser when applied according to directions. We do not mean a guarantee of satisfaction only when the paint is first applied— as any Paint is satisfactory when first applied—but our guarantee embraces a sufficient time to properly test its merit. Out friends from whom this Paint may be purchased.\ are authorized to protect this guar ant ee. SEELEY BROTHERS, M an a fact lifers. ■ ■ . As we designate oar colors by numbers, reference should\ be made to our painted sample card, which will be found in the front part of this book. Any discrepancy that may be visible in colors between the Plates and our Samples representing same, is the difference between paint itself and the closest approximation which can be obtained with printing ink, without however, materially changing the eff ect. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ PLATE XVI. Body, -------- No. 63 Trimming, ------- No. 34 Sash and Striping, ----- No. 53 Roof, -------- No. 105 Cresting, ------- Black. To produce a similar effect, Nos. 17 or 49 can be substituted for No. 63 as Body Color, and No. 41 for Trimming; Cresting, Blue. Other pleasing effects may be produced by using for Body, No. 4; Trimming, No. 34; Sash, No. 60; Roof, No. 115; Cresting, Red; Or, for Body, Nos. 13 or 20; Trimming, Nos. 18 or 46; Sash, No. 60; Roof, No. 105 ; Cresting, No. 10, Black or Blue. Upon every package of the “ A V Ell ILL PAINT ’ 9 will be founds the following QTJiiE^lTTEE. lie guarantee the Paint in this package will prove satisfactory to the purchaser when applied according to directions. We do not mean a guarantee of satisfaction only when the paint is first APPLIED— as any Paint is satisfactory when first applied— but our guarantee embraces a sufficient time to properly test its merit. Our friends from whom this Paint may be purchased are authorized to protect this guarantee. SEELEY BROTHERS, Man afacturers. trrnrn mXwXw iXOXCCr mMttg rim ivvisw,, (J tf V» U w V - JiUiH t) o O O ° ° °_ . (' ' r »v'-- *•: .*?•**.•... As we designate our colors by numbers, reference should be made to oar painted sample card, which will be found in the front part of this book. Any discrepancy that may be visible in colors between the Plates and our Samples representing same, is the difference between paint itself and the closest approximation which can be obtained, with printing ink, without however, materially changing the effect. PLATE XVII. Body, -------- No. 24 Trimming, ------- No. 10 Sash and Striping, ----- No. 56 Roof, - - - - 1 Nos. 115 and 105 Cresting, ----- - Black. To produce a similar effect, No. 14 can be substituted for No. 24 as Body Color, No. 36 for Trimming and No. 20 for Sash. Other pleasing effects may be produced by using for Body, No. 6 ; Trimming, No. 46; Sash, No. 21 ; Roof, Nos. 110 and 105; Cresting, Black or Blue; Or, for Body, No. 32; Trimming, No. 60; Sash, No. 53; Roof, Nos. 115 and 105; Cresting, Blue. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Upon every package of the “ A VPIiILL PAINT” will be found the following We guarantee the Paint in this package will prove satisfactory to the par chaser when applied according to directions. We do not mean a guarantee of satisfaction only when the paint is first applied— as any Paint is satisfactory when first applied—but our guarantee embraces a sufficient time to properly test its merit. Our friends from whom this Paint may be purchased are authorized to protect this guarantee. SEELEY BROTHERS, Mamifact avers. lr It ll • | 1 msM AsJ s s>y » « As we designate oar colors by numbers, reference should be made to our painted sample card, which will be found, in the front part of this booh. Any discrepancy that may be visible in colors between the Plates and, our Samples representing same, is the difference between paint itself and ' the closest approximation which can be obtained with printing ink, ivithout however, materially changing the effect. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦■ PLATE XVIII. Upper Body, ------ No. 21 Lower Body. No. 27 Trimming, No. 53 Roof, -------- No. 115 Cresting, - No. 60 To produce a similar effect, Nos. 7 or 11 can be substituted for No. 21 as Upper Body Color, and Nos. 8 or 24 can be substituted for No. 27 as Lower Body Color. Other pleasing effects may be produced by using for Upper Body, No. 53; Lower Body, No. 60; Trimming, No. 47; Boor, No. 115; Cresting, Red; Or, for Upper Body, No. 10; Lower Body, No. 8; Trimming, No. 60; Roof, No. 110; Cresting, Red. Upon every package of the “ A VERILL PAINT” will be found the following We guarantee the Paint in this package will prove satisfactory to the purchaser when applied, according to directions. We do not mean a guarantee of satisfaction only when the paint is first applied— ws any Paint is satisfactory when first applied—but our guarantee embraces a sufficient time to properly test its merit. Our friends from whom this Paint may be purchased are authorized to protect this guarantee. SEELEY BROTHERS, Manufacturers. ' ■ As we designate oar colors by numbers, reference should be made to our painted sample card, which will be found in the front part of this book. Any discrepancy that map be visible in colors between the Plates ana\ our Samples representing same, is the difference between paint itself and the closest approximation which can be obtained, with printing ink, without however, materially changing the effect. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ PLATE XIX. Upper Body, No. 34 Lower Body, - - No. 41 Upper Trimming, No. 53 Lower Trimming, - - No. 60 Roof, - No. 105 Cresting, Black. To produce a similar effect, No. 59 can be substituted for No. 34 as Upper Body Color, and No. 34 can be substituted for No. 41 as Lower Body Color. Other pleasing effects may be produced by using for Upper Body, No. 14; Lower Body, No. 44; Upper Trimming, No. 4; Lower Trimming, No. 21; Roof, No. 105; Cresting, Black; Or, for Upper Body, No. 115; Lower Body, No. 105; Upper Trimming, No. 110; Lower Trimming, No. 120; Roof, No. 105; Cresting, Black. . ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦ Upon every package of the “ A VJERILL PAINT” will be found the following GFCT.A.IES.A.^TTE We guarantee the Paint in this package will prove satisfactory to the purchaser when applied according to directions. We do not mean a guarantee of satisfaction only when the paint is first APPLIED— as any Paint is satisfactory when first applied—but our guarantee embraces a sufficient time to properly test its merit. Our friends from whom this Paint may be purchased are authorized to protect this guarantee. SEELEY BROTHERS: Man a fact avers. ^SSSSwSwrf ^ S ji ■’ Li JtcW ‘^SqI 11 1 ^■;,irg •-•.*••<• ■■ - ' . -• - - ' ; As we designate oar colors by numbers, reference should be made to our painted sample card, which will be found in the front part of this booh. Any discrepancy that may be visible in colors between the Plates and our Samples representing same, is the difference between paint itself and the closest approximation which can be obtained with printing ink, without however, materially changing the effect. *♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ;C< PLATE XX. Body, -------- No. 37 Trimming, ------- No. 60 Brickwork, ------ No. 115 Sash and Striping, ----- No. 53 Roof, ------ - No. 110 To produce a similar effect, Nos. 17 or 51 can be substituted for No. 37 as Body Color, and Nos. 21 or 11 for Trimming. Other pleasing effects may be produced by using for Body, No. 45; Trimming, No. 8; Brickwork, No. 115; Sash and Striping, No. 60; Roof, Nos. 105 and 115 ; Or, for Body, No. 13; Trimming, No. 41; Brickwork, No. 105; Sash and Striping, No. 4; Roof, No. 105; Or, for Body, White, and for Blinds, Green or No. 60. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Upon every package of the “ A VP RILL PAINT” will be found, the following We guarantee the Paint in this package will prove satisfactory to the purchaser when applied according to directions. We do not mean a guarantee of satisfaction ONLY when the paint is first APPLIED— as any Paint is satisfactory when first applied—but our guarantee embraces a sufficient time to properly test its merit. Our friends from whom this Paint may be purchased are authorized to protect this guarantee. SEELEY BROTHERS, Man nfacturers. tzzzZ- wmmm 1 1 H mm si IMPORTANT. - Add the ALABASTINE to the water, NOT the water to the ALABASTINE. Stir while pouring it in the water. /Y,' _ V A it" REISSUED* -^P/\TENTED 'o MANUFACTURED ONLY BY THE ALABASTINE CO. NEW YORK CITY. GRAND RAPIDS,MICH 3ACKETT. WILHELMS & BETZIC,45-51 ROSE ST N.V. I liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitimiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimdiiiiiiiimiiiiiii I ....imimmimnn.ii.Hiiiiimnmininni« in H i ii« MWiMiii |l FOR WALLS AND CEILINGS SUPERIOR TO KALSOMINE. ~^S6 CAW + R m * APPill » + If * A W V • If H ® Its convenience and utility will be appreciated when it is considered tliat •****»& ANY HOUSEKEEPER can apply it, without the aid of skilled labor, and at a moderate cost. ALiiBASTirrE Is an article designed for Walls and Ceilings, and is rapidly superseding all preparations usually employed for this purpose. The objections to the use of Whitewash and the ordinary Kalsomine, are so well known, that any reference to the subject is almost unnecessary. AL ABA STINE is a valuable discovery. It constitutes a permanent finish for Walls, assimilating with the plaster, and will not rub off. It does not deteriorate by age; in this respect it is unlike all other preparations of a similar character. ALABASTINE is a disinfectant , and renders apartments healthful. It is the only natural and durable material with which to finish Walls and Ceilings. It is cheaper than Kalsomine; works easier, and may be applied by anyone. After cleaning, no sizing or other preparation for the Walls is necessary, and one coat can be applied upon another as soon as dry. It is whiter than any other material, and the tints are more clear and more delicate. The White will not turn yellow , nor the tints fade. Cracks in Walls can be easily filled with the brush and a little thick ALABASTINE, while applying the first coat. This cannot be done with Kalsomine. AEABASTINE can be applied over old Kalsomine or Whitewash, which, however, should be washed or scraped off, to insure a first-class job. It is the most suitable article for using over Wall Paper, or soiled painted Walls. W 7 ood Ceilings, whether painted or not, can be made whiter with one coat of ALABASTINE than with three coats of Lead or Zinc. -ar¬ il - --; The Best Coating For A Solid "Hard Finish” On Wood Ceilings,, Over Old Wall Paper; On Brick, New, Smooth Hard Finish, On Rough Plaster; On Painted Walls, On Rough Boards, On Canvas, Etc, Etc,. SAMPLES OF TINTS SHADE SHADE These Samples are made by spreading ALABASTINE on paper with a common Kalsomine Brush. Pounds of, 'esnot MANUFACTURED ONLY BY Ijrfflfih THE ALABASTINE CO. NEW YORKCITY. GRAND RAPIDS,MICH 8ACHITT WUHCIMS * BETZIC.45-61 »0«l 5T N.Y. IT CAW BE MIXED AND APPLIED BY ANY ONE m • m m pH 11 MI 1 iii lit Miiiiiiiai: ■ 'IBM ii tl llliiUtnl ■