/ /' ' A CATALOGUE k CHOICI C^ittECf lOIr OF PORTRAITS : By the Moft Emnent EngUJh Artijlsy lAc* As Paf^,. .F,aithoj:no, Hollar, Qaywood, Loggan* White, Virtue, Hottbracken, Bartolozzi, Bcckct, Smith, Faber, Ardell, &c. &c. &c, Amongft them are many of the greateft Rarity and Beauty—. , ^r^^cularly ft yersd j before the Letters by Faithotne, fi^pHar, Wf^te, Vertuc, Houbracken,' &c. TIfl WHO&i JISS£MFL£D,' AT A GREAT CXPENCB, ‘ TH€>8. ALL.EN, Es by Vertue, a prefentation fet to Mr. Weft, whofe ,< initials are on the back', many of them being more highly finilhed'from ihe^ drlgihals, parti* cularly Edward III. and, Oliver Cromwell z Eleven, the curious fet of Scotch Kings, See, be^ ginning with Robert II. and ending with Mary, and her fon J ames VI. with his Queen-^Scoich inferiptions in borders, including the arma of Scotland, fmall folio,, fine and extra rare ^ Eight, the five firft Jame&'a of Scotland, by Qay- wood, and two of Jane Queen of Scotland, proof and htten 4 thirty-one of Painters, from Lord ^ Orford’s works, yirji imprejfione 5 Thirteen of llluftrious Heads, by Houbracken and Vertue, fne 6 Thirty-one ditto of Harding’s publication;, &'c« Before the Conquejl. O <7 Fifteen Saxon Kings, by Vertue, Strutt, &c. 8 Six, Edward the Confeflbr and Harald II. Pope ‘ 3 - /r - s . ■ // • /o / ^ . /o- ‘ 7 - ■/if ■ t 3 ■ ■? Joan, and two of St. pun^an,— from MonU faucoq and HicksVThefaurus, &c. /caret Before the Union of the Honfes of York and Lancafier. f 9 Fonrtee^, William the pbiitjuferor and other fuc- ceediiig Kings, by Vertue, Pine, Faber, &c. . 10 Philippa, Queen of Edward III. whole length, by 1^2i\^tyjine and /caret I I Five, of Edward III. Edward the Black Prince, John King of France, Richard II, and Henry IV. by White, &c, fine ' ' 32 Thirteen, of Heery V. and VI. and their Queens^ Humphrey Duke of Gloucefter, Sec, by Hard- ing, &c. 13 Two, of Henry VI, by BrethOrton and Green, the latter whole length, ^ 14 Six of Edward' IV. and his Queen, Edward V, and Richard III. By White and Harding Two, Edward V. and Richard III. by Hollar, , fine and fcaree * ■ ^ 16 Ten, Duke and Duchefs df Ireland, Earl and Countefs of Shrewfbury, 1478, &c. proo/i and letters 17 Eleyen, Richard Duke of York, and John Earl 9f ShrewIBury, and their Wives, Cardinal peaofort, &c. by Bafire and Harding 1$ Sir John Fortefc^e, by'Faithorne, htiiliant imprefi iq $c\Wf Jwdte Eittlecon, Gafeoigne, Count Mont- loit ancfhis wife, pref and letters. Sec. to Chaucei?,, Houbrachen, proof before the eetters Three, of Ffoifard the Hiftorl^n, by LarmeiEon, Sec* /cares $ is) 22 Foa!!) bj Sedtti 9 nd three of Caxton the Pijpter L- 2$ Four, ,of Joaai of Arc and Jane Shore, by Dc Marcenay, Bartolozzi, &c. very fine 24 Three, of Pope Hadrian IV, and four of Thotnag a Beckett by Huret, &c. fomefcarce 25 William'df^Wyckham, hy'Houbracken, afinepreof nuithout any letten , . ^ 26 William Waynfleet, by ditto, preeft *utryfine 37 Njne, ofFouadera, &c. by Faber, &c. old imprefi fiont 38 Two very curious old prints of Dun .Scotus, from Mr. Weft’s collection. /f ^ - /. // - ’ ' /(P ' * x'i ' Reigm 6f the 1udors„ • < ? '■ ’H'i i.'s> 29 iNine, of King Henry VH, and his Queen, and Perkin Warbcck, by P^ne, Lafnc, Goltzius, &C. fomefearte j 30 Nine, of Henry VllI, and bis Queens, by Faber, .White, &c. [.‘V 31 Six; of Henry VIII, by Hollai*, Faithome, fine < 32 Ditto, by Hc^ubtacken, d fine proof before the name ^ of painter, engramer, dndpublifiter 33 Catherine of Arragon, by ditto, a beautiful proof 34 Ann Bnllen, ditto, ditto ‘ ^ ' 35 Catherine Howard, ditto, ditto . _ 36 Ann of Cleves, ditto,, ditto - 3; Ditto, by Hollar.^arrr, ^ 38 Khier of Henry ^^Vni, <^e^hs, &c. by Hou- ^brapken^ &c. ^ 3^ Fl^e; by Bartolozzi; -'OfCadlerine Howard, Prince Edward, Duke pf Suff6tlc*s Children, &c. 46 Four^ the Emperors MaxHniJian; and Charles V, by Faithorne, &c. one a pf'b'of 41 Three, of' Charles V. by Var^ JCeflel and Hall, very fine imprejjiont 4Z Stafford Duke of Buckingham, by^Hoabrackefi, a beautiful proof voithout any letters . /6 - 43 • . /J . 45 . / / /7 46 2 . > 47 - /(^ (* 48 • >r 49 . 74; /T 5° 7 * ' ,- S» 1 ^ 5^ /. 2 /i S4 • A- (f 56 • /r- 57 ' 2 • S9 . ^ ' 60 • X / - 61 \ / i '62 ^ ^ 6 ;e • . 64 • /7 . 65 • //. C 6 > Tw 6, Thomas Duke of Norfolk, by Vofteriiian/ ‘z/^r> fine, and Earl of Surry, by Vertue Six, by Bartolozzi, of Ormond, Carew, Bedford^ &c. fine Six, ditto, of Ladies, Barkley, Henigham, &c* fine Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey, by Houbrackeny a beautiful proof, nuithoui etny letters Ditto, by Hollar, fcarce, and remarkably fine ' ‘ Cromwell, Earl of EiTex, by Houbracken, proof, without any Utters Eight, Duke of Suffolk, Lord Audley, &c. Two, Sir Henry Guildford and his Lady, *uery fine, by Hollar Lady Guildford, by Hollar, proof 'very fcarce Six, Sir Anthony Denny, by Hollar, &c, very fins Eleven, Sir Thomas More, Sir Thomas Wyatt, fen. and jun. &c. Dr. Chambers, by Hollar, and very fine Seven, l)r. Butts, Dr. Linacre,. &c. fame proofs Six, by Hollar, Hans Van Zurch, &c. from Hoi-* bein, very fine ' ■ Three, of Holbein, ,by Hollar, Stokins, and Vof* terman, remarkably fine Three ditto, by BiHey, &c. onfM poof - Will. Sommers the Jefter, whoIeT length, by Dela* fine and rare ^ , ^ Five, Grafton, Pinfon'i and Copland, the Printers, &c. fine w , . Two, of Cardinal Woolfey, by Houbracken, one a proof, before iht^Addrefs Seven, of Cardinals Woolfey and Campeius, me fcarce. Ego Mens et Rex Six, by Vertue, Houbracken, &c. of Warham, Cranmer, Gardner, &c. Two, of Biihop Eiftier, by Vaughan, very fine ^ viith variations Eight, by Faithorne, Vertue, &c» of Collet, Sle- den, and M. Agrippa Three, of Ignatius Loyola, by Weirx, Poilly* aod Thomas, ( 7 ) ^7 Seven, of Edward VI. and John fome /caret ^8 Four, Duke of Sornerfet, and Earl of Bedford, b}’- Houbracken, the latter very fine, cn India paper, and two of Sir John Cheke ^9 Three, of Blfhop Latimer, by Pafs, Gifford, and Savage, very fine 70 Eight, of Whitehet, AlnfcO, Bocer, and Martyr •ji Four, oi^hilip and Mary, two of them whole 72 Two, of Queen Mary, by Delaram, one very fine and fcarce, before the aheraiion 73 Two, very fine, of Philip II. after Titian and Sir Anthony More A ■ ■ ' / ' 2*^ ' • » 74 Three, of Queen Elizabeth, by Faithorne, Paber, &c. very fine, one front the Fbthergill colleSlion 75 Two, of ditto, one whole length, other with a fea- ther fan, bothfin^^^ 76 Two, of ditto, very ^e, one entitled her laft: Speech to her Parl^ment, 1601, . the oth^r thought to be by Hogenberg 77 Three, ditto, very fine, by Crifp, De Pafs, and Weifx 78 One^ ditto, whole length, in the rich drefs Ihe went , y to St. Paul's in, to return thanks for the defeat ^ of the Spanifli Armada, by Ifaac Oliver and Qrifp, De Pafs, fine, very rare One, ditto, a fmall half Iheet of her Monument, ^ in a border, Eliza that great May den ^eene lyes here, extra rare So Eight, various, of Queen Elizabeth, and Mary Queen of Scots 81 Mary Queen of Scots, by Vertue, the gold plate, printed on brown India paper, fine and rare 82 One, of ditto, with View of her-HExecution, by Coway , a very fine old imprejfion 83 Mary Queen of Scots, by Houbracken, a beautiful proof before the letters ^ 84 Ditto and her fon, whole length, by Bartolozzi, fine^ • /s f / /o / ^ O » • % / / /a A • S ■ ■ / ■ ( 8 '. ) / P ^5 Two of Henry III. and IV. of France^ the latter touching for the evil, /r f S 6 Duke of Norfolk, by Houbrackefi, jrdof before the letters, *very fine ^ // /^ ^7 Four, of ditto, and Henry Fitzallan, Earl of ^ Arundel, the old prints ♦ 88 Francis Earl of Bedford, by Houbracken, a beaum tiful^of before the letters y \ §9 George Earl of Cumberland, whole length, dfelTed y / for a tournament, by White, a proof extra rare y ^ go Three, of Robert Earl of Eflex, by Gunii, Hou* bracken, and Bartolozzi Jl- /ji • 91 One, of ditto, and fcariCt from the Fothcrgill colleftion, fold by Compton Holland 0 //y . 92 Two, of Robert Earl of Leicefter, by Houbrackep, one a curious unfinijbed proof ' //^ 93 Nine, of ditto,, and other Nobility^ &c, / jf* ('t 94 Two, of Lord Leicefter and Burleigh, from the " ' Bifliop’s Bible, fcarce and fine K //,A 95 Lord Burleigh, by Houbracken^ a fine proof , ^ * before the letters * Nottingham, by ditto, ditto . ^ /f, ^ 95r Tarl of Morton, half-lheet, by ditto, ditto 1 /4f i 98 Eight, of Nobility, by Houbracken,/«tf • 'j 2 (i 99 Sir Nic. Bacon, by ditto, a beautiful proof before the * Utters J 2 , /(f 300 Sir John Clench, by Hollar, extra fine if Seven, Judge Anderfon, by Faithorne, Lords ^ fr Cobham and Hunsdon, &c. ^ ^ ^ 102 Three, of S 4 r Thomas Candifli, all fine^ two of A ^ * them with globes, rare . yy ^ 103 Sir Francis Drake, by Houbracken, a curious ^ proof without any letters ^ 104 Three, of ditto, and*very fine, by Weirx, ^ Deleu, &c. * //* U 10? Five, of ditto, Hawkins, &c. , y/^ 106 Five, by Vertue, Houbracken, &c.yf«^, of Sif ' ^ Nic. Throgmorton and Lady, &c. • J'l 0 107 Sir Thomas Grelham, by Vertue, a curious proof ♦ 108 Sir Philip Sidney, by Houbracken, a fine proof y ' before the letters S .9 ’ Six, Sir Philip Sidney', by Vertw, &c. oue/taftt ‘tro Ditto, with Bacon, &c. by Faithorne, *ctfy fine 1 1 1 Four, of the Veres and Ogle, by ditto and Gay < wbodv an eectta fine fet 112 SHakfpeare, by Marfhalt',/^ anJ rare 115 Ditto, ,by‘Houbracken, a beautiful proef, before the letters . I . ^ • 1 14 Seven, of ditto, &c. by Trotter, &c, -lay Six,' Sir Thomas Gargrave, dranjoing and prints, Buchanan, by White and Blokhuy fen,* &c. 1 6 Buchanan, ^ Moubracken, tt wry fine prbef, he^ fore the lettes^ V 117 Two, of Gerard the Herbalid, by Paynfe and Ro- gers, fine and fcmtei 115 Three, Maic Garrard^ by Hollar, extra fine^ and Zttcchro V. iv ■’ . :< ■ iui i , 119 Seven,' by FaithoVne, &q. of Bilhops arid Clergy, fine ^ 120 Eighty of FoxUhe Martyrologid, rind otheiis, by ‘Glover, &c. 421 Twoi of WilD Perkins,^, by Elftrack • rind Simoh Pafs, fcarce^ and f before the letfers 128 Ditto, laying in State, her hand upon Jacob’s Rone, fmall half-iheet, by Elllrack, extra ftaree and curious 229 Henry Prince of Wales, by Houbracken, a beau- iiful proof, hefort the letters 130 Six, of ditto, and Prince Charles, one of the latter on horfeback, by Delararn, rare .151 Four, of Prince Charles, different, by Simon Pafs, fine, and fame fcarce J32 Three, fine, of the King and Queen of Bohemia, by Pafs, iiC. one curious of their Coronation 135 Bacon Earl of St. Alban’s, by Houbracken, a beautiful proof, nuitbout any letters ^34 Four, Jine, of ditto, by Hollar and Vertue, one a variation 233 Seven, of ditto, by Crofs, &c. Lords Chicheder and Dorfet, &c. 136 Seven, Marquis Hamilton, Count Gondomer, Countefa of Somerfet, &c. by Delararn, Ver- tue, &c. 137 Car. Earl of Somerfet, by Houbracken, a beauts* ful proof, ^without any letters 138 Sir Edward Coke, by ditto, a *tttrp fine proof he* fore the letters I 39 Ditto,, by iiOggan, mryfne • ; f ) 140 Three, by Delff and Faith orne, &c. fine, of Sir Dud. Chrleton and Sir Francis More 141 Sir Hugh Middleton, by Vertue, fine 142 FivCj Sir John Cuts, Sir Paul Pindar, Sir Ralph Winwopd, and Trumbil, by Vertue, &c. 143 Sir Walter Raleigh, by Houbracken, a beautiful proof, before the letters 144 Eight, of ditto. Sir Thos. Overbury, Sir Rob. Shirley and Lady, &Cc 345 Two, of Oldcnbarnevelt, by Delffi &c. one v^rith his . execution, ( » ) <4^ Orte, 'of' ditto, half-fheet, after Mira?eIt, ^orftv and txtra fine ' J47 Aldefmaa Leate« by Payne, a beautiful old impref Jton^ from Mariecte’s Collediion, 1674 14S ^aptam John Smith, by Simon Pafs, in the map, fcarce^ and very fine 149 Tbree» of Arthur Severus O’Toole Nonfuch, «ri- ginal^ very rare, and two copiee 150 Three, Will. Burton, by Delaram, and Rob. Bur« ton, by Le Blon, both very fine, and a eopp 151 Vise, fine, of Will. Camden, by Gay wood, Whiter Vertue, &c. Ip Will. Camden, folio, by Rob. White, /er be/bre the letters, vety/edree 153 Sir Henry Spelman, by Faithorne, a beautiful proof rlefoft the letters ip Three, of John Barkley, and Speed the Hiftorian, very fine " 155 Two, Coryate, by Hole, and Ruggle, by Crofs, > ditt(y' 156 Ben JohnfonI by Houbra'cken, a very fine proof, before the letters 157 Two, John Parkinfon, the wood-cut, and the one by Marihall, both uncommon 153 Will, Harvey, M.D. by Houbracken, a beautiful proof, before the letters ^ 159 Seven, ditto by Faithorne, and hx various j6o Two/ D arcy Wentworth and George Wither, by Pafs and Payne, yfaf 161 Ten Heads, by Houbracken, /hr • 162 ArchbiOiop Abbot, by Houbracken, a very fine proof before the letters 163 Four, fine. Cardinal Barberina and his Nephews, and Bifhop Lake, by Payne and Hollar, &c. ^ 164 Two, Bilhop King, by Pafs, and Andrew Wilier, very fine, from the Fothergill Collection 165 Seven, BiQiop Mountaine, Dr. Donne, three dif- ferent, and two of Krafmus Williams 166 Two, of John Carter, by Vaughi^n and Duollall, fine, the former fearce I ( It I 167 Eight, of Charles I, and his Queen, by Fai»» ' thorne, Hollar, See, 168 Two, extra fine, of Chajrlcs I, and, his Queeu, bv Delph ^ ‘ 1^9 Charles I, and his Queen, by Hollar, oyals, a beautiful impfejfion hefort the' plate *was cut in i'wo, extra rare 170 Charles I. and his Queen, playing at Cards with the Spaniards, arid ^etfy fine 17 X Three, Charles I. hy Becket, ditto, and Sir Edw. Walker, and his Statue at Charing Ctofs,/»e 172 Twx), of Charles I. by Hollarand Faithorne, both in ovals* fverj fine ^ 573 Seveo» of ditto, by Marihalland Gay wood, fame euricus 174 Charles L in his Study, Dr, Gordon, &c, near him, fhe Curtain's dramone, ^e, /caret 17^ Three, of Charles I. and'his Family, by Baron, and his Death Warrant, by Vertue, on India paper,7{«e 176 Mary Princefs of Orange, holding up hef drapery after Vandyke, by Faithorne, wry fine and tare 177 Two, ditto, and her Hufband, by ditto, and extra fine 178 William Prince of Orange, whole length, by Sailliar, a *very fine proof 179 Four, of Prince Charles, by Van Dalen, Sec. fine^. one a ‘variation 180 Two; of ditto, by Hollar, extra fine^ from the Fo- tbergill Oolleaion 181 Princefs Elizabeth, by Hollar, Jfffe, and/carce 182 Ditto, an Angel unveiling her, by Gay wood, 4 ditto I 1 83 Three, of Maria de Medices, by Weirx, Deleu, Sec. ‘very fine 184 Nine, Guftavus Adolphus, ChrifHan Duke of Bruhfwick, &c. by Maro, Meriao, ’&c. one a- proof 185 Duke of Richmond, by Houbracken, a verj fiae proof before the letters ' , 186 Duke of Buckingham, by ditto, ditto ( 15 ) 187 Tl^ree^ the Marquis of H^miltoiiy by Lifebetluf« ' •oeryfinti ^c, 188 Marquis of Montrofs, by Houbrackeni a beautiful procfi before the (ettert 189 Six, of .cUtto^ Earl Manchojfter, and Lady Falk* land, &c* 190 Earl of Arundel^ by Houbracken, a very fine preofy hefire the letters 19 1 Earl of Bedford, ditto, ditto 191 Seven, Countefsof Arundel, Cpuntefs of Exeter^ Countefs of Holland, fom proofs 193 Three," of the Earl of Effex, by Marlhall, &c. fney two of them from the FothergUl Col* leAion , 191 The Earl of EiTex, on horfeback, by Hollar, a remarkably fine firfi imprejfion, •atrj fiaree , 195 Count Harcourt, by 196 Earl of Lindfay, by Houbracken, a beautiful proafi before the letters \ ^ 197 Earl of Northumberland, by ditto, ditto • 198 Philip Earl of Pembroke, by Hollar, fine^ and fcarce 199 Three, by Baron, the Pembroke Family, &c. a99*Baron*s Drawing of Pembroke Family, from Vandyke’s pidture 200 Fourteen, by Lombart and Gan H, .of Ladies, CarliBe, Chellerfield, Morton, &c. 201 Five, fmall ovals, by Hollar^ of Earls of Dorfet ^ and Middlefex, Yifcount Say and Seal, &c« njery fine 202 Four, ditto, Cottington, Newport, Hartford, and Standford, the latter fcarce 203 Three, by Hollar and Faithorrje, of Earl of Mon- mouth and Earl and Counteiis of Portland, . 308 Four, of Charles IT. and his Queen, by Hollar, yr &c. very fine A v 2-^9 Two, of Queen Catharine, and Alphonfus, of / Portugal, in ovals, fine and fcarce^ F. Stent, ex, 310 Queen Catharine, by Blooreling, aieautifulproof, *" rare / ^ . 3‘ * Ditto, Anne Hyde, Mary, of Hefle, &c. / ^ ’ 312 Henry, Duke of Gloucefter, by C. Van Dalen, / fQ ‘ fine as a proof ^^3*3 Two, of James, Duke of York, by Faithorne ^ and White, the formeryf«?*<7»y r"• .... /•? 344 ' .. 345 / / //•7 ^ / ' /^.

R, Thompfon, ex. Dryden, by Houbraken, a very fine proof before the letters Fife of ditto, one by Geo, White, i&. fine proof Nell Gwyn and her Sons, after Gafcar ; — Ihe is lying at length in a curious lace Ihift. This fine and extra rare print is from the Duchefs of Portland’s Colledion Nell Gwyn, the 4to. print, by Valck, farce and fine Noah Bridges, by Faithorne, Valentine Greatrakes, by Ditto, ditto Six, by Ditto, Nanteuil, &c. of Cowley, Eve- lyn, See. fine Five, by Faithorne, &c, of Collins, GlilTon, and a Drawing, by Stukely, of B, Hamaeus, M. D. &c. Two, by F'aithorne, very fine^ of Hoobs and Kerfey Killegrew and his Dog, by Faithorne, very rare, thought to he the fine ft extant ' t *I ) 359 Ditto, Whole Length, by Hollar, Portraits of his various MiftrefTes upon his Kohct fine and extra rare 360 Milton, by Houbracken, a ^ery fiyie pro^f before the letters 361 Four, of Ditto, by Faithorne and Venue, &c. 36a Three, of Locke, by Vertue, h. fli. and folio, the former a proof and a neat Drawing by G. Bickham 365 Mace, by Faithorne, as pojfihle 364 Otway, by Houbraken, a beautiful imprefion uuitb* out any letters 365 Sydenham, by Ditto, a *very fine proof before the letters 366 Two, of Simpfon.by Faithorne, 367 Carew Reynell, by ditto, a beautiful old impref- fion, extra rare 368 Five, by Faithorne and Vertue, Davenant, Ogil- by, Orinda, and Wa]ler,yf/ire 369 Five, Mary Carleton, the German Princefs,yraA'r#, and four other Ladies 370 Eight, Sir George Rawdon, by White, Sir Har- bottle Grimfton, . 371 Six, by Gay wood, Crofs, V/hite, drc. of Morgan, Gadbury, Partridge, See, fine 372 Six, by Loggan, Lombart, &c. of Carleton, Som- ner, Waterhoufe, kz, fine 373 Fourteen, St. Evremond, by Gunft, from the Fothergill Colledion, &c- 374 Eight, Dr. Everard, Smoaking, Heydon, Bryes, Markham, &c. / // /'^ ■ cF • ' . /r d f'/r y/ ( « } Fourth Day’s Sale. Wednesday, May 20th, 1807. 2 vr - / / f /o 0 / ^ ■ / / / - /. - . /rr • 0 4^r • /r^ LOT 275 BISHOP PEARSON, by Loggan, fcarce and esitraji^ie 376 Two Bithops, Lloyd and Wilkins, by Vertuc and Blooteling, remarkably fine 377 Two Bilhops, Compton and Crewe, by Simon and Fiiber, the lormer from the Fothergill CoL leition 378 Four, by Edelinck, Faithorne, ofDe Retz, Gran- ville, Backet, and Carve, 379 Batluirll, by Loggan, /caret and extra fine 380 Two, by Faithorne a#id Loggan, Bate and Bar- low, both fintt the latter from the Fothergill Coilecfion 3S1 Titus Oates, in the Pillory, feven ovals of Jefuits round him, 8 cc,/carce and*oery fine 382 Three, by Faithorne, Boys, Elys, and Glaii« vill 383 Edjnund Callell, by Faithorne, •very fine 384 Henry More, by Ditto, ditto 385 Two, by Ditto, and Loggan, of Wallis, dim 386 Five, by White, &c, of Baxter Clark and Good- win, ditto 387 Four, of Eunyan, by White, Haid, &c. one a curious whole length I ( *3 ) jSS Three, of James 11 . and his Queen, by White and Williams, the latter from the Fothergill Jf f O Collection 389 Three, of the Earl of Charlemagne kifling the Pope’s Toe, and Count d'Adda, by Becket, / very fine j. 390 Two, of the Earl of Ailfbury, Engraving and / ^ Metzotinto, the latter fitarce and fine 391 Laurence, Earl of Rochefter, by Houbracken, a very fine proof before the letters _ 392 Wriothelly, Lord Ruflell, by Becket, fcarce and 2 ^ ' ^ extra fine 393 Four, by Smith, Faber, and While, of Lord Eullon, Carreras, Vandrebanck, the latter from the Fothergill Collection 394 Two, by Becket and Faithornc, Jun. of Bever- land and Gomeldon, very fine ^ 395 Three, by Faithorne, Jun. of Cooper’s Children, one a proof very fine 396 Three, of William and Mary, Whole Lengths, by Gale, very fine» voith a variation 397 Four, of Ditto, by Smith and Gale, very fine 398 Duke of Schonberg, by Houbracken, a beautiful t ^ proof voithout any letters 399 Earl of Godolphin, by Ditto, afne proof, before the letters 400 Two, by Vertue, very fine^ Lord Sommers and the Speaker Powle, the former a proof 401 One fcarce^ by R. White, of Biby and Mary Lake, fine 40Z General Talmalh, by Houbracken, a very fine proof before the letters 403 Archbilhop Tillotfon, by Ditto, ditto, voithout any / f 3 letters ' 404 Four, of Ditto and Burnet, by White, Vertue, . &c. very fine 405 Bilhop Burnet, h. fli. by Smith, extra fine *405 More,'Biftiop of Norwich, by Faithorne, Jun. ' ditto - 406 Fouj, of Queen Anne, and George, of Denmark, by Smiti), ditto /it- A • A - //' ' /a - / /?■ / / • r A / /S' ■ /3 / 'Z • ( *4 ) 407 Two, of Queien Anne, by Simon, wery cm in profile^ fcarce 408 Duke of Marlborough, after Vander Werf, extra fine ^ *408 Four, Duke and Duchefs of Ormond, &c. by Smith, &c. ditto 409 Boyle, Lord Clarendon, by Houbracken, a very fine proof before thfe letfefe H, 410 Finch, Earl of Nottingham, by Ditto, dim ^ 411 Ruffel, Earl of Orford, by Ditto, ditto 412 Mordaunt, Earl of Peterborough, by Ditto, f Bing, Earl of Torrington, by Ditto, ditto ^A'^A Charles, Lord Talbot, by Ditto, ditto f %y /A^S Two, by Vertue, very fine. Lord Derwent water, ^ and Thomas, Earl of Strafford / /C ^ 4 *^ Two, by Ditto, Earl of Winchelfea,y?«rr^’, and Dr. R add iff, extra fine >■4 e « /?. Jd / / d- A d J? d - 7 , 417 Dr. Garth, by Houbracken, a very fine proof be^ fore the letters 418 Addifon, by Ditto, 419 Two, by Vexiut, extra fine, of Prior and Pope 420 Pope, the h, fti. by Houbracken, a very fine proof before the letters azi Five, of Ditto and Steele, by Vertue, &c. very / fi^^ • 1^422 Steele, by Houbracken, a very fine proof before the letters ^ 423 Eleven, of Nobility, &c. by Ditto j 424 Talbot, Bifhop of Salifbury, by Vertue, fearce * , and extra fine • ^ Two, by Ditto, of W hi lion and Taylor, the lat- ter on India paper, ditto /f'', 426 Three, by Ditto, of Dr. Sacheverell and S^inckej, ' proofs, c, ditto . /a ^ ^426 Ten, various, by Smith and Williams, Houfe of Hanover^ 427 Five, of George 1 . by Vertue, Chereau, &c. very fine, one by the former, a fearce proof 428 Four, of Robert and Edward, Earls of Oxford, by Vertue, one a proof / t H ) 429 Sit Ifaac New.tori, by Houbracken, a heautiful proof he/ore the Utters 430 Sir Will, Wyndham, by DiUo, ditto 451 Samuel Clarke« by Ditto, (without any letters) ditto 432 Three, by Vertue, of Harris and Tenifon (one a variation) from the Fothergill Cdlledtion 433 George II. by Houftoii, a beautiful proof nuithoue any letttrs 434 Two, of Frederick, Prince of Wales, and his Princefs, Whole Lengths, by Baron, after Vanloo 433 One, hy 'FdhtTi /caret and ‘Uityfiney of the Chil- dren, of Ditto \ 436 Two, by Vertue and Mac Ardel, of Countefs of Orrery, and the Puehefs of Ancafter.w^' fne 437 Three, by Vertue, of the Portland Family, in- cluding the arms, extpa fine>^pri*oate plates 438 Three, by Vertue, Baron, &:c. of Lords Macclcf* field and Hardwicke, one of the latter a proof 439 Four, by Ditto, of Judges, Jekyll, Reeve, VVil- les, &c« 440 Two, by Vertue, the Coningfby Family, and Colflon, both from the Feihergill Colleilion, ^ery fine i *440 Examination of Sir Robert Walpole, after Sir J. Thornhill, a fine proof 441 Two, by Vertue a!nd Faber, Sir Watkin Williams Wynne, and Humphry Parfons, both extra f^ne 442 Two, by Vertue, of BifhopTanner, fm. folio, one a proof nxjithout any letters 443 Four, by Ditto, of Ditto, BiiTe, Gibfon, and Pot- ter, -f V><; Wl 449 i>:x, various, by Faber,/®#, one a prooj^ by Wyni^ , 450 Eight, of Thomas Britton, fmall-coal man, John Philips, Hannah Snell, Bright, &c./®# « 451 Twelve, Henry Rogers, Pixley, Sheppard, Mil- lar, &c. //452 George III. whole lengthy by Ryland, a beautiful proof before any Utters 0 453 Three, of Queen Charlotte, byRyland, Burke, and Collyer 454 Four, of the Royal Family, at the Exhibition, &c. one a proof 455 Six, of the Prince and Princefs of Wales^ and Daughter, /r<73^ > 456 Two, by Bartoiczzi, of the Prince of Wales and ^ ' Duke of Clarence, O 4S7 Pdnce of Brunfwick, K.G* a very fine proof twith* out any letters - 45S Seven, of the Duchefs of Devonfhire, k.c.*fine 459 Duke of Leeds, whole length, by Meadows, a ’ fine proof ^ 460 Four, Duke of Marlborough, Marqs. Cornwallis and Rockingham, &c. by Bartolozzi, &c. proofs ^61 Seven, Lords Chatham, Granby, Rodney, Ma- cartney, and Naas,/»w# proofs 462 Five, Lords Percy, Lifford, Lady Manners, &c. 463 Tv/o, Lords Bathurll and Louthborough, fine proofs yjf ^'"464 Lord Mansfield, whole length, by Martin, on * " India paper, very fine 465 Lord Thurlow, by Bartolozzi,/®#, as a proof 466 Two, Lord Heathfield, by ditto, /»#, proof and letters 467 Two, Sir Rob. Boyd, by Hall, very fine^ proof and letters, the latter on India paper 468 Mr. Pitt, from Gainfborough, by Bartolozzi, a beautiful proof 469 Mr. Fox, after Sir Jofhua, by Jones, ditto /z ' /z ■ / - ' ' r- 2 - ^ ■ f • . ' 0*0 470 Ditto, the Bud, by Pether, on India paper 471 Ditto, the whole length, by Reynolds, from Smith ( *7 ) 4^2 Two, of Sir John Fielding, from Peters, &c. /tant and finti proofs 473 Four, of Sir Thomas Pafley, proof and lettersy &c. by Smith, &c. 474 Teri, Ndfon, Bligh, Pierfoft, Cooke, &c. finty fome proofs 475 Four, of General Wafhington, whole lengths, by Cheefman, Heath, 8 cQ»fine 476 Six^ Raikes, Jenner, Cooke, Rodlam, &c. fine^ form proofs 477 iftfi, Aftle, Baker, Malone, Monro, &c. ditto ^ 478 Ten, of Hallings, Sec^fome proofs 479 Six, of Bartolozzi, &c, of Beckford, Turkifh Am- baBador, Szc* ditto 480 Six, of Boulton, Burton, Cumberland, Race, Tatterfall, &c. ditto 481 Twelve, Mrs. Cowley, Gulfton, Montague, Ray, See. ditto 48* Three, Mrs, Whitbread, Arbuthnot, &c. by Rej^- nolds, &c. fne 483 Seven, Fiftier, Macauley, Keighley, Tofier, Smith, &c, by Mac Ardell, Faber, &c. fomt fcarct 484 Two, Bilhops Barrington and Seabury, by Sharp and Jones, 485 Twelve, of various Clergey, by Worlidge, Skel- ton, &c. ditto 486 Six, Handel, Arne, Opie, Northcoate, Greci>) and Ramfden, ditto 487 Three, of Nathaniel Chauncy, by Caroline Wat- ^ , {on, proofs, on IndiB paper, ^c. /carce, and •vsry /. ^ /» fine 488 Five, Allen, Boydell, &c. by Faber, Sec. fame proofs 489 JohmNicholfon, by Caldwell, a 'very fine prof x. Seven, ditto, wit); letters, Cranch and Adams, proofs, 491 Ten, John jay, Xom Paine, Chevalier D’Eon, ditto 492 Omai, by Bartolozzi, and the original drawing of Peter the Wild JB.oy, by Falconet, /z ^ . ^ • // ^ ■ cT * (f ■fi-. J ■ i’. • (p . , r- • ’ I tP \ 4.93 Twenty, various, one a drawing 494 Sixteen, fatirical, &c. of the Pretender, \ ( 28 J t 495 Sixteen, by Woflidge, Nixon, &Q, fme ^ropp 496 Twenty, of Bithops and Clergy 497 Twelve, various, by Faber, Mac iSrdell, Watfon, . ^ Hall, 8tc. o 498 Fifteen, various, foreign Portraits, fme curiout Portfolios^ that contained the Collection. 499 Five, Atlas ^ze, haJpho^nd^ ^ujpa hdckt und esr>» nerjy *voitbflafii lettered. Britifo. VoHrmtt #>0 Seven, little foialler, nuhalt hound in •wrttppm (f fine cUtht lettered^ Briiijb Vorirain FINIS, Printed by Barker and Soa> Great RuBeU-ibrcet, Covent-garden*