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Z2>, si / 22^-t fX’ S*' y's't^tx. > /Z / faZ ~^3/ I A CATALOGUE OF A Genuine and Valuable Colle6tion, THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN; CONSISTING OF About Thirty Pictures of the Firfi Clafs of the different Schools of Italy, Recently arrived from Rome and Naples; TOGETHER WITH A Capital Sele£lion of the moft perfect Cabinet Pi&ures, Of the Flemish and Dutch Schools , Collected by Him with great Tafte and Liberality, during feveral Journies on the Continent, at different Periods, fince the Beginning of the French Revolution, with the niceft Attention to their State of Prefervation, and by the moft favourite Mafters. COMPRISING THE WORKS OF Giorgione, Scbiavoni, Paduanino, Domenichino, Carracci, Parmegiano, N. Pouffin y Guido, Baroccio, Polydore, S. Ferrato, Rubens, Rembrandt, G. Dow, Wouvermans, Du Jar din. Ojladey Sega, Poelembergy Waterloo, A. V. de Velde, Palamedes, Pynaker, &c. PARTICULARLY THREE EXQUISITE CABINET PICTURES by Domenichino, and a CAPITAL PORTRAIT by Giorgione. Among them are very few Pidtures ever on View in this Country; of thofe few, are the FIDLER, by G. Dow, from the Orlean’s Collection, and feveral firft-rate Pictures from the fame and from the Collections of Monf. De Calonne, Baron Nagel, &c. WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. CHRISTIE, At his Great Room, Pall Mall, On FRIDAY, MAY gth, 1800, and following Day , AT TWELVE O’CLOCK. j_ ,£> Tin May be Viewed Two Days preceding the Sale, when Catalogues may be had (Price One Shilling, to be returned to Purchalers) in Pall Mall. d/y D b4 ob W i ll i niiil. I'l. . CONDITIONS of SALE. I". ^TP'HE higheft Bidder to be the Buyer; but flxould any Difpute arife between Two of more Bidders, the Lot fo difputed (hall be put up again and re-fold. II. No Perfon to advance lef* than is. above Five Pounds, as. 6 d. and fo on in Proportion III. The Pin-chafers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, if required, and to pay down 20I. per Cent, in Part of Payment of the Purchafe Money; in DefauU of which, the Lot or Lots fo. purchafed, to be-immediately put up again, and re-fold. IV- The Lots to be taken away at the Expence of the Purchafers> within One Day after the Sale. ♦ ' - v * t V. To prevent Inconveniences that frequently attend long and open Accounts, the Remain¬ der of the Purchafe Money to be abfolutely paid on or before the Delivery. VI. Upon Failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money depofited in Part of Payment (hall be forfeited; all Lots uncleared within the Time Ipecified, Ihall be re-fold by Public or Private Sale; and the Deficiency (if any) attending, fucb Re-fale, (hall be made.good by-the Defaulters at the prefont Sale. A Catalogue, &c. « L11 - il • ‘ aa ==== a =^^ - -—=—■*■■■ | - aa Firft Day’s Sale, FRIDAY, MAY the 9th, 1800. PICTURES. «£ - 73 * <& Manglart and Dietrich 1 Two 2 * 70 -■ Solomon Ruyfdael — 2 A Tea view / 27 " .Spagnolett & Rottenhamer 3 Two '7 -*■ 72 -■ 6 F. Zucchero — 4 Portrait of the two Zuccheri ' -Rembrandt and Eckhoudt 5 Two, Rembrandt 7 ~ - Braamer — 6 A Moon-Light 3 " 3 - Raphael — 7 The Holy Family, after S - ^J° Ili — 8 Two Italian Sea Ports 3 ■' 3 ~ Caravaggio — 9 The Death of Lucretia < 3 / ,. 7 /t .. 7 > Polydore — 10 Two fmall lengths of Evangelifts >4 . ,/t — Luinez — 11 A Female Portrait, highly finifhed y 0- y - Vandyke — 12 A fine Portrait, its companion, after --Michaud — *3 Two Landfcapes with Cavalry 4- ^ .. /4 _ ^ySirani — 14 St. Paul S .,2 • 76 ' Lanfranc — 15 St. Peter 3 /-• //.w/ P- Neefs — 16 Interior of a Church, with figures of the Ridh Man / / and the Publican, by Teniet$tf ~~ Steenwyck — 17 An Interior, by candle light 4 - Poelemburg 1 18 A Landfcape with a Repofo % — / 5 ~ ~ Van Hoet — 19 A Ditto, its companion $ 7 - 77 <■ 4? erru s ino — 20 A curious ancent Altar-Piece, with an Adoration, &c. -- -77 *•- w Titian — 21 St. Girolamo .. y^.. ySebaftian Concha — 22 An Allegorical Subject, highly finilhed 8 ( + ) ■f") Ay 4 +/ ; >i' M~ - /f - * /tf - Z4 * /t> - /3 - / A Converfation/2. The Madona Holy Family, &c. A Female Head with a Funeral Urn The Triumph of Galatea A beautiful Magdalen; a whole-length figure 20 A Saint with a Crofs. N. B. This Picture is etched by Caracci Sophonifba with the Cup 34- A Dutch Kitchen, highly finifhed 34 A Portrait A7 A Ditto / ThqApotheofis of St. Cecilia, an exquifitely finifhed model for the Cieling in the Chapel of the Church ef St. Luigi di Parigi at Rome End of the Firft Day’s Sale. ( 5 ) Second Day’s Sale, SATURDAY, MAY the ioth, 1800. . 7 / •* // o Rembrandt — 3 ' - Callot — 3 • /O —- Raphael — ^Luca'Giordano Domenichino • -- Andrea di Mantegna ^ ^ w ~ Waterloo — /&- / «• A Caracci — 6 '■ /O — Simonini — /2> •• ■-Swaneveldt — A -> A — S. Ruyfdael — p J — Vandyke — ». /p « ^Titian —- t- - Polydore — g ^ Tintoretto — 2 ~ Spagnoletto — /T- /&• ^chiavoni — /i\ /Mola — /A ~ 3aroccio — t /p v- /£/ - Nicolo Pouffin Ditto —— •• ^Canaletti — « 3 ‘ Rubens — - A? - Titian — A MISER, after Witches at Nigh: y*/ A fmall Sketch for the Picture of the Laft Supper The Virgin furrounded with Angels St. Cecilia, after A curious ancient Chiaro Scuro, of the Nativity y A fmall Landfcape Venus and Cupid A fpirited Sketch of a Cavalier A Landfcape A Ditto, afterjj A hne Vorirah,’ AitiuM*' A Ditto, its companion// The^Hiftory of Tobit The Annunciation St. Peter, very highly finifhedj? A curious Landfcape, with an Allegory of the Four Ages of Man A fine Landfcape, its companion A beautiful Model for the Figure of our Saviour, in the Picture of the laft Supper A fine Study for the Picture of the Plague 2* A Ditto of Architecture// 22 A Mountebank in St. Mark’s Place, Carneval Time, very fpirited j} ‘ 23 A fpirited Sketch /3 24 A finifhed Sketch of the celebrated Picture of St. Peter the Martyr 1 ~ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 *3 14 15 16 U 18 19 20 21 / -v 2o ■ • 3/ •• /f/ *9 I/O y • ■ / Jlega — 2-J Waterloo /y Agricola -Bartolomeo Sq — Wouvermans /2. -'Oftade ^ — ’Filippo Laura /V Karyl du Jardin Mommers Wouvermans /q —■. A. Vanderveldt *— >4 -25~- -* ^ Elfheimer ^2. -_Parmegiano S vi - S- — 7/ ■■ ^ - .. ^ - Zucchero Ludovico Caracci Annibal Caracci Gerard Dow 25 26 27 .28 29 3° 31 32 33 34 35 3 6 37 3* 39 40 ( ^ ) A highly-finiihed Dutch Scene # A fiie Landfcape, with the Finding of Mofef 23 A beautiful Scene near Rowe /? A finall elegant Dittos A Halt, with Horfes 31 Boors Drinking 32 A Landfcape and Figures^? A Landfcape; from the .Colle&ion of Monf. -De /a - Mier-is — 42 /J >7 - Giorgione — 43 '< /o Domenichino ■— 44 Calonne Afo &&**-** An Italian Market, its companion^ The Lady going out a-Hawking, from the Orlean’s colle&ion 22 o An exquifitely-finilhed Landfcape with Cattle, un¬ commonly beautiful 2f)o The Baptifm of our Saviour^-4 A fine Head; a Study for a well-known Piaure, now in this Country A very fine ancient Copy of the Transfiguration; un¬ commonly fpirited ; and fuppofed to be by St. Catherine^ A beautiful Cabinet Piaure of a Holy Family A Portrait of the Painter himfelf, touching a Violin at a W'nJoTr J M«n grinding his Colours in the Back-Ground; and a beautiful Bas-Relief in the ‘Fore Ground: A mod: fpirited and elegant, as well as finifhed Pifture; from the Orlean’s Colle&ion 3/CT A Woman at a Window, with Poultry, Ac. an ele¬ gant Companion to the former A capital Portrait of a Venetian Senator, in fine pre- fervation Two exquifitely-finifhed Cabinet Pi&ures, of the iit- moft Rarity, and in the higheft State of Prefervation^ 2 ^ FINIS, t fwV/' *