MURRAY’S FOREIGN HANDBOOKS. HANDBOOK— TRAVEL TALK,— English, French, German, and Italian. lGmo. 3a. 6d. HANDBOOK— HOLLAND AND BELGIUM.— Map. Po9t8vo. 6*. HANDBOOK — THE RHINE AND NORTH GERMANY, The Black Forest, The Hartz, ThOringerwald, Saxon Switzerland, ROokn, The Giant Mountains, Taunus, Odenwald, Elsass, and Lothringen. With Map and Plans. Fust 8vo. 10a. LIVES OF THE EARLY FLEMISH PAINTERS. With Notices of their Works. By CROWE and CAVALCASELLE. With Illustrations. Post 8 vo. 7a. 6d. HANDBOOK OF PAINTING.— THE GERMAN, FLEMISH, AND DUTCH SCHOOLS. By J. A. CROWE. With 60 Illustrations. 2 vols. Crown 8vow 24s. HANDBOOK— SOUTH GERMANY, Wurtemburg, Bavaria, The Tyrol, Salzburg, Styria, Hungary, and The Danube, from Ulm to the Black Sea. Maps and Plans. Post Svo. 10«. HANDBOOK— SWITZERLAND, The Alps of Savoy and Piedmont. Thb f Italian Lakes and Part of DauphinS. Maps and Plans. In two Parts. Post Svo. 10a. 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HANDBOOK — ROME AND ITS ENVIRONS. Maps and Plans. Post Svo. 10s. HANDBOOK OF PAINTING — THE ITALIAN SCHOOLS. By LADY EASTLAKE. With 140 Illustrations. 2 vols. Crown Svo. 30s. HANDBOOK— SOUTH ITALY,, N aisles and its Environs, Pompeii, Her- culaneum, Vesuvius, Sorrento, Capri, &c. ; Amalfi, P^estum, Pozzuoli, Capua, Taranto, Bari, Brindisi, and the Roads from Rome to Naples. Maps and Plans. Post Svo. 10s. HANDBOOK — EGYPT, including Descriptions of The Course of the Nile, through Egypt and Nubia, Alexandria, Cairo, The Pyramids and Thebes, The Suez Canal, Thb Peninsula of Sinai, The Oases, The Fyoom, Ac. In two Parts. Maps and Plans. Post Svo. 15s. HANDBOOK — GREECE, The Ionian Islands, Continental Greece, Athens, The Peloponnesus, The. Islands of The 2Eq.ean Sea, Albania, Thes- saly, and Macedonia. Maps, Plans, and Views. Post Svo. 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PROVINCES, BURM AH— Calcutta, Orissa, Rangoon, Moulmein, Mandalay, Darjiling, Dacca, Patna, Gaya, Benares, Allahabad, Cawnpore, Lucknow, Agra, Gwalior, Naini Tal, Delhi, Khatmandu, Ac. Maps and Plans. Post Svo. 20*. HANDBOOK— HOLY LAND, Syria, Palestine, Sinai, Edom, The Syrian Deserts, Jerusalem, Petra, Damascus, and Palmyra. Maps and Plans. Post Svo. 20*. *** Handbook Travelling Map of Palestine. In a Case. 12$., July, 1882. From the Library of Frank Simpson HANDBOOK FOE TEAYELLEES m NORTHAMPTON SHIEE AND RUTLAND. HANDBOOK FOB TBAVELLERS ^ IN NORTHAMPTONSHIRE AND RUTLAND. WITH MAP. LONDON: JOHN MURRAY, ALBEMARLE STREET. 1878. The right of Translation is reserved. LONDON : PHINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, STAMFORD STREET AND CHARING CROSS. PREFACE. The present Handbook for Northamptonshire and Rutland has been drawn up after many visits to both counties. The general arrangement is the same which has been followed in other volumes of the English series. It would be impossible to mention in this place all those from whom the Editor has received valuable assistance. But his thanks are especially due to Sir Henry Dryden, of Canons Ashby ; to the Venerable Lord Alwyne Compton ; to the Rev. Nicholas Lightfoot, Rector of Islip ; the Rev. Henry Ward, Rector of St. Peter’s, Aldwinckle ; the Rev. H. J. Bigge ; the Rev. F. Curgenven, Rector of Byfield ; and to Samuel Sharp, Esq., of Dallington Hall. ... . • - CONTENTS. Introduction .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ix-xxxi SECTION I.— NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. ROUTE PAGE 1. London to Northampton , via Blisworth (London & N.W. Railway) . . . . . . 1 2. Northampton to Peterborough (Earl’s Barton , Higham Fer- rers , Fotheringhay . Exc. from Peterborough, Crow- land), London and N.W. Rail- way . . . . . . . . 14 3. Peterborough to Stamford (Burghley, Barnack) . . 86 4. Northampton to Rugby ( Wee- don, , Baventry ), Railway . . 105 5. Northampton by Towcester to Stratford-on-Avon ( Canons Ashby , Edgehill). Railway 123 6. Banbury to Northampton, Farthingho to Brackley. Railway . , . . . . 152 7. Northampton to Rugby, by Road ( Althorj i, Holdenby) . . 157 ROUTE PAGE 8. Northampton to Market Har- borough (Railway). Brix- wortk , Naseby . . . . 173 9. Northampton to Kettering , by Aoac? . . . . . t 182 10. Kettering to Stamford, by Aoa