% v'->' BIBLIOTHECA REEDIANA CATALOGUE ^ OP THE CURIOUS & EXTENSIFE LIB R^RY OF THE LATE ISAAC REED, ESa. OF staple inn. DeceaCeo- Editor of the La/l Edition.of Shakfpeare. Comprehending ^ rooft Extraordinary Colledion of Books, in Englifh Literature ; particularly relating to the Englilh Drama, and Poetry, many of them extremely Scarce, and enriched by his MS. Notes, and Obfervations. Together with his Man'u- feripts. Prints, Books of Prints, Book Cafes, &c# he ^olh hp auftton, By Mejfrs and LOCHEE, AT THBIR GREAT ROOM, JI30. 38, KING-STREET, COVENT-GARDEN, On MONDAY, NOV. 2, 1807, AMD 38 FOLLOWING DAYS> (SUNDAYS SXCEPTfiD.) AT TWELVE o’clock. May be viewed on Monday, ()d. 26, and till the Time of Sale, and Catalognes had at the Room, illuflra* ted With a Portrait of Mr. Reed, price ,5s. J. Barktr, Printer, Grevt RttilcUStreet, CoTeBt«Gai<[eo. Conditions of Sale ', j. The higlieft Bidder to be the Buyer; and, if any Difpute arifes between two or more Bidders, the Lot (o difputed ihall be immediately put up again and-re-fold. 11. No Perfon to advance lefs than 6d ; above One Pound, IS. ; above Five Pounds 2 S. 6d. and fo on in Proportion, JIL The Purchafers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound in Part ot-t^ayment ol the Purchafe-money ; in Default of -which tlie Lot or Lots lo purchafed to be immediately put up again and re-fold ; and all Lot? to be cleared at the Boyer’s E^pence, at the expiration of one Day alter the Sale, IV. T he Books are prefumed to be perfeft, unlefs otherwife exprelled ; but if upon collating, at THE Place of Sale, any (hould prove defec- tive, ihe Purchafers will be at Liberty to take or refufe them. Upon Failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money depofited in Part of Pay- ment ftiall be forfeited ; and all Lots uncleared within the rime aforel^aid, lhall be re-fold by public or private Sale, and the Deficiency (if any) attending fuch Red'ale ihall be made good by the PelauUers at this Sale. Gentlemen who cannot attend the Sale may have theii Comnnllions faithfully executed by their humble iiervants^ / King arid Lochee.- Advertijement^ HAT has been faid of the late Dr< Farmer’s books, may, in a eonfiderable de- gree, be applied to the following colledion ; it being premifed, that what is further offered concerning Mr. Reed or bis Library, relates to, both with a view particularly to Englifh Literature. “ For the improvement of Sale Cata- logues, it has been ufual to exhibit fuch manufeript remarks as occurred in volumes that had been the property of diftingUifhed charaders. Sometimes, however, the ob- fervations of the Lte Mr. Reed, refpeding the rarity of his books, or the authors and fubjeds of them, are fo extenfive, that the introduftion of all fuch memoranda would have encreafed the prefent Catalogue per- haps three-fold. Thcfe notices, therefore^ are cited only on particular occafions j but the reader will, find fuch information at the beginning 2 Advertisements beginning, or in other parts, of many works enumerated in the following pages/* Nor will the reader often, if ever, have’ occafion to complain of a mifplaced confi- dence in the value and authenticiiy of the in- telligence, which thefe remarks afford. Ac- cuftomed to exercile the minuteft accuracy^ in afeertaining the hiftory as well as the charader of publications, Mr. Reed has recorded circumflances relatir)g to fome, of which the authors were anonymous; to others, of which miftaken notions had been formed ; and to feveral in which erroneous affertions have been ffated : there are alfo fome, in which he has inferted brief remarks of other writers on the fubjed, and the interefting epiftolary correfpondence of au- thors. He had been a judicious colledor * more than forty years ; and few days pafled, in which he was free from illnefs, that did not witnefs, within that period, fome curious addition of this kind to the literary hiftory - of his country. Of his ingenuity and found judgment the world h^s received abundant proof in his notes on the re-publi(hed Old Plavs Advertisement. 3 Plays, which Dodfley had firft colledled ; as well as in thofe on Shakspeare : and the ufeful occupation of his time will be fur- ther exemplified, not only by thefe notices in printed books, but alfo by the contents of a few manufcripts in the prefcnt collec- tion. And, while thus employed himfelf, he was at the fame time never more happy than in encouraging the literary purfuits of others. To Mr. Reed no man ever applied in vain for the information which he could give ; and no man retired from an interview of this nature witliout confefling himfelf, if not gratified by the immediate acquifition of the knowledge required, at lead improved by the uncommon erudition of the critic, and delighted with the frank and friendly temper of the man. He was, indeed, a xnoft friendly man; endeared to all who knew him by his unafluming manners, his inflrudive converfation, and his honed heart. He w^as dern, and judly dern, only when he dete8ed in others the violation of truth, and obferved fophiftry afluming the place of argument. VVith an independent fpirit he difplayed alfo a truly modeft and retired difpofition ; 4 Advertisc^ntnu difpofition : furrounded with books, and content with a very moderate income, to him, as Profpero fays, . hit library Was dukedom large enough. I This colleSion, it may be added, confifts^ without any intermixture, entirely of Mr. Reed’s books ; and is clalTed in a manner conformable to an opinion on this fubjedt whic^i he had ofien exprefled. To fpecify the rarities in it, would be here unneceflary# Thdy fpeak for themfelves. And, upon the whoW, it may be affirmed, that, in curias EngUih literature, a more intereding collec- tion has not often been amaffed, and will not eafily perhaps be equalled* ( s ) GENERAL INDEX. D ictionaries, Grammars, Treatlfes on Edu« cation. Catalogues, &c. 3 vo, page i Ditto, 4to, ^ 7 Ditto, folio <— «— 10 Latin and French, 8vo, — — > 1 1 Ditto, 4to. — , . — iz Divinity, 8vo. — — ' 20 Ditto, 4to, / , — 18 Ditto, folio — — 19 Arts and Sciences, Medicali Botanical, Trade, Coin, &C. 8 VO. «-i — 4Q Ditto, 4to, — — 38 Ditto, folio — 29 Mliceilaneous, 8vo. — • ^ Ditto, 4to. , — — 38 Ditto, folio — . V «« jg Periodical Works, folio — 4^ Magazines, 8vo. — — lo8 Englilh and Foreign Hiftory, Voyages and Travels, 8 VO. Ditto, Ditto, 4to. folio Romance^, 4to. Witches, 4to. Trails, iingle, Poetiy, 8 VO. Ditto, 4to. Ditto, folio Plays, 4to. finglillr Theatre, Ditto, 4to. Ditto, folio Manufcripts Prints 8vOi Hidory of the Stage, 8vo, * 5 * *47 69 «<3 201 300 505 236 340 360 390 39 * 393 402 ( V ) THE ORDER OF THE SALE. / ^ ^ Firft Day, Monday, November 2, A. D. 1807. J ' t - y. V ^ d J /d> 6 V 8vo, Diction naries. Grammars, Catalogues, &c. Am to X 4to. Ditto, A. to W» folio Ditto, B, to ^T. page I 10 Second Day, Tuesday, November 3. 8vo. Latin and French, A, to Z. 4to. Ditto, A* to T*. Divinity, A, to D. folio Latin and French, B, to page 16 19 Third Day, Wednesday y November 4. 8ro. Divinity, A toN 4to. Ditto D, to 5 . folio Arts and Sciences, B. to P, page 19 29 Fourth D A. to B* page 57— —70. fol. Eighth Day, Tuesday, November lo, 8 VO. Trad^ cbntinued, X» to W Arts and Sciences, A. to B, 4to. Ditto, T, to r. Mifceliane- ous, A, to 5 . folio. Hiftory, J?. to C. page 70 %o Ninth Day, (Vednesday, November 11. 8vo, MifcelUneouSj B. to D. 410. C. to F, folio. Hiftory, C. to Da, page 80—86 Tenth Day, Thurfday, November 12. / Svo. Mifcellaneous, DE. to CU. 410. Do GA, to ML folio. Hiftory, EC to GR, page 86 — 97 '/y // Eleventh Day, Friday, November 13. 8vo. Mifcellaneons, GU, to LE, 4to. Ml to PR, folio. Hiftory, GR, to HER, p. 97 106 J Twelfth Day, Saturday, November 14. 8yo, Mifcellaneous, LE* to MU, 410. Do. including Romances, R, to T, fo.io. Hiftory, to HU, page 107 — 116 6 c /Z Thirteenth Day, Monday, November 16, Svo. Mifcellaneous, MUS» to SP. 410. Do. fFE. to T. folio. Hiftory, /. to LIFE, page 1 17— ir j Fourteenth Day, Tuefday, November ij, Svo. Mifcellaneous, SP* to T, including Trads, ^.to. Tradsjfolio. Hift. to O/V. 126 — 138 //O ^ — Fifteenth Day, Wednejday, November 18. 8va. Mifcellaneous, Trads concluded, &. to IF, 4to. Do. TRI, to IF, Hiftory, A. to BO, 7 folio. Do. LIF, to MIL, 149 Sixteenth Day, l^hurfday^ Ntyvember 19. //)3 /d u *vo. Mifcellaneous, W A » to Z* Hiftory, A* to BO, 4to, Do. BO. to CO. folio. PH, to RO. page 150 159 y/ // / Seventeenth Day, Friday ^ November 20, £vo, Hiftory, BOL, to COL, 410, COR, to EH, folio. SA, to SL, page 106 170 Eighteenth Day, Saturday ^ November 21. 8vo. Hiftory COL, to TR 410. ENG, to GR, folio. SP, to STEF, page 170—' 179 Nineteenth Day, Monday^ November 23. Svo. Hiftory, FAL, to HIsT, 410. GR, to lA, folio. Trails, page 179 190 Twentieth Day, Tuefday^ November 24. Svo. Hiftory, HIST, to JOH, 4to. IND, to LIE. folio. Trails continued, page 190— 199 Twenty-Firft Day, Wedneflay, November 25. 8vo. Hiftory, JO, to LIFE, 4to. LIPES, 200—207 Svo. Hiftory, LIVES continued. 410. LONDON to MEN, folio Traas, WEST, 208—217 Twenty-Third Day, Friday^ November 27. Svo. Hiftory, LIVES to MET. 410. MEN to PAR, folio. WEEV to X. page 217—271 J Twenty F9urth Day. Saturday^Novmher 28, gvo. Hiftory, ML to POL. 410. PAS, to PUB, foio. Poetry, AST, to page 2^7 23O S / / J ' 0' “- //_ /A / - ! // - J- 4 ?' J C yj^/^ / I ( xi ) Twenty-Fifth Day, Monday, Novmher 30- 8vo. Hiftory, POLI, to SH, 4to. RjiL. to SOL, folio. Poetry, TAS, to TRACTS 237-— 145 Twenty-Sixth Day, Tiiefday, December i. Syo. Hiftory, SMI, to TRACTS 4to. SO, to TRACTS^ folio. Poeixy^TRACTS to Wl, 245—260 Twenty-Seventh Day, Wednejday, Dec, 2. 8vo. Hiftory, TRACTS continued. 4to. Do. Do. 261 273 Twenty-Eighth Day, Thurjday, Dec, 3.* 8vo. TRACTS — 373^^289 Twenty-Ninth Day, Friday, Dec, Svo. Hiftory, VI. to Z, 4to. TRACTS to Z, page 290—300 Thirtieth-Day, Saturday, Dec, 5. Sro. Poetry, A, to C 06 ,' 410. Do. A, to GO. page 3C0 ^309 Thirty-Firft Day, Monday, Dec, 7. 8vo. Poetry, COLL, to HOL, 410, GRA, to RE^ page 309 318 Thirty-Second Day, Tuejdayy Dec, 8. 8vo, Poetry, HOL, to MUS, 410. POEMS to RED, page 319^ 330 Thirty-Third Day, IFednefday, Dec, 9. 8vo, Poetry, REE to RE, 4to. ROG, to W. Plays, Anonymous, page 331 341 e ^33/1 .. / f >^ -- /3/ /// fl J . 0 A'Z 3 / 3/0 /O' - / i • i| 3 // // / i'i ^ i' , /33 / 3 - / ( xii ) Thirty-Footth Day, Thutfday, Dec. id. 8t6. Poetry, POE, to ST, 4to. Plays, Anonymous^ continued to page 34.1 Thirty-Fifth Day, Friday^ JDec» 11. 8 VO, Poetry, ST A, to T, 416, Plays, CkA, to HON^ page 352 360 Thirty- Sixth Day, Saturday, Hec. 12. Svo. Englilh TheSCfe, A, to KOT, 416 Plays, JE, to PL, page 361 371 Thirty-Seventh Day, Monday ^ lyic. 14, 8vo, Englifh Theatre, LAN, to R/C. 410. Plays, Port, to fP’J, 37 2 382 Thirty-Eighth Day, Tuefday, Dec. 15. Svo. Ehgliih Theatre, RIC, to T, 4to, Plays, WL to Z, Theatre, B, to IV, folio. Theatie, B. to S, page 382 393 Thirty-Ninth Day, Wediie[day, Dec. i6* Manufcrrpts, page 393 to 402. Prints, 402 405. Bookcofes, 405. A CATALOGUE, Firft Day’s Sale, DiSiionaries^ Grammars, Treatifes on Education, Catalogues, OCTAVO ET INTRA. lOT / ^ A LPHABETIC Writing (Origin and Progrefs X \. of) 1772 g 2 Baretti (Jofeph) Introduftion to the European Lan- guages — ~ *77* — yC C ^ — ■ 1 3 Bcttefworth (J.) on Naval Education, 1782. Edu-r ^ y I cation at Elphin /ion’s Academy Blount (Thos.) D<< 5 iionary of Hard Words 165^. — y y 5 Brerewood on Languages — 1674 A / 6 Bright (Tim.) on Biorte, fwifte, and fecret ^ ting, by Charafter 1588 fj ^ ^ 7 Browne’s Englifli Expofitor, 1707^ and Bullokar . imperfea /y __ 8 Browne (David) New Invention, or Art of faire j Writing St» Andrenues 1622 C 6 9 Carpenter (Thos.) Scholar’s Spelling Affiftani c<, // < / 1 J Diaiovaties, Grampian^ Oftavo. 6 10 Catalogue, Addifon (Jofeph) Lihrary 179^ Ames (jofeph), 1760, and Thos, w ( I? / ^.*6 37 s / ^ 1 / / / 6 *7 / - j8 *9 ^ /30 / - .31 /c/'(^32 / 33 ^ ^34 37 // ^8 39 /. * t Allen ditto, 1795 ^ > / A ; •' ■ I ...1.— - Andrews (Jas. Pettit) 797^'^ ■ Ellis (John) 179a. John Henderfon,^^^ Faimer (Rich.) Library 1798 large paper, iKtth Folkes (Martin) Xii«rjr — 1756 Forftei^ch.) ditt o, large faper, yuh^ ^ ^ Gems (of) — ‘ ~ ^ Glynn (Roht.) irirary — GuifefSam.) of Oriental MSS. Geo. Sale, MSS. in Arabic, &c. - - - ' Harley, E. of Oxford, 5 vols. 174s > Mariey, rs. or ^ wa.^. Hoblyn(Robt.) Library, a parts, / DiBionarUs, QrammatSt — O£lavo, 40 / 41 6 42 Catalogue, Jacob (Edw.) Rkbard Jebb, and Samuel y Johnfon’s /./^rariW, &c. JekyU\Thos.) Library, ijT <)9 and 24 y other n € ly // 47 / /-y 50 5 ' -52 / /fA / << 55 ^ - 56 Of 9 53 59 ^ 60 / 61 y 6> ()z 2 —63 J// - 6 s /f 67 Glen - Keate (Geo.) Furniture, iSoc, and John , King, — ■ .rSSV/^' /'' king, t^iuruTj/ y Lor (Mich.) > — - Mead (Rich.) Library, Coins, Gems, ^cs lxr t Mores (Edw. Rowe) Library i 779 f ? J * ^ — — Paris Library , — — * 79 ^ Pearfon (Thos.) ditto, large paper * 7 ^^ / 9 s ^ A t - — nvitir ^ ' / ' the prices and portrait — ^ ^ J ^ — RatclifFe (John) Z/irory > 77 ^ Rawlinfon (Rich.) — -7 .’7S^ //'Z/f/g ^ i. Reufs (Jer. Dav.) Regjfier of Authors, ^ , with Cat. of their Publications Berlin - c Ritfon (Jofeph) jy^ Southgate (Rich.) 2795 Stcevens (Geo.) ditto iBoo e/ /• / — - Urge paper ib. /L/> i —^Uhthc : largejl paper ib. (J) / 6 ^/y ,, — - TayloUr (John) Library, 1793. Henderfon, /./^r^ary, 1 786 9 ./( d i Tighe (Stearnc) Portraits, &c; i79^ Tutet (Mark Cephas) Library jDc OeY./ Tyfen (Sam.) Portraits ^ 1802 prices Various Auction, Edward.Wpine, &c. viz. St. Julius' Csefar's MSS» Hut^ton’s Library, and Hoirley’i Af 6 ' 5 . the two firft priced, in I vol. viz. Martin Folkes, 1756. Jas. Weft, with prices, ' Anty, yy, * A&ew and John Campbell, Libraries, in i vol. .Si) e // / James D . of Chandof , 1746. Peter Le Neve, Phil. Cart; Webb, y Yy ' Gregory Sharpe, &c. in I vol. ' .^/cYYe> John Warburton, John Wilkes, John Ives, Robert Hoblyn, &c. in ^ yj i vol. ^ ^ f ^ Di^ionariet, Grammar! , 0£lavo. / 68 Catalogue, by Voght, of rare Books HamB, 1747 1 1 Y « n •v\ c* f •% IT • t^«i • o A • . ^ ^ ^ 69 70 7* 72 / / /V / 73 74 Williams (Dan.) Library 1801 Worrall’s, of Law Books, a vols. 1788 Wright (Rich.) Library 1787 J 2 )L^/yCt’i ^ — " ■ ■■'■ —— wiViJ prices t ^ tb» ■■■ ' — ' I ^1.. large paper £2> cr " — ^ twith the prices t ^ tb» 75 Chapman (Geo.) Abridgment of Ruddiman’s Ru- diments 76 Rudiments of Latin Edin, 1799 Jh »793 77 Clarke (John) Supplement to the Introduftion to the making Latin — j 799 a-ie , 78 Cleland’9 Analytic Method to retrieve the An- _ / cient Celtic — — - 1768^* ^ 79 Corkeram (Hen.) Englifli Didlionary, or Inter- ^ . pretcr of hard Englilh Words X. o / 80 81 Cockins on Reading — 82 Cole (Elifha) Engliih Di^lionary / ^83 Devis (Ellen) Accidence — ^ ^ 84 Dapre (Wm.) Neological French Didlionary ^ i8ory ^ 277? 1803 > i y/ - 85 Durie^(John) Reformed School, and Reformed. y 'y Librarie Keeper — 1651 - ^ -^86 Dyche (Thos.) Engliih Diflionary 1737 s L ^ 4 87 Education of a Young Gentlewoman ^ (Letter on) ^ - / I89 (Maxims of) (90 Engliih Grammar (Introduflion to) ^794.7 ’ )gi Entick (John) Latioand Englifli Dictionary 17715 T >Pnaa f A tvkol r\T\ t'l n rv *VlA Ploo f 4 11 Olimtb . 92 L*Epee (Abbe) on educating the Deaf and Dumb * //' i8oi^ // 93 Faureau (Robt.) on the French Tongue , Oxford 1618 d’ J 6 94 Felton on the Clafllcs J95 Le Fevre, Governefs '^96 Fordyce on Eklucation, 2 vols. , (97 Free'(John) Hiftory of the Engliih Tongue \ ^198 Freke (Wm.)on Learning i 6 g%J^ ^ S 99 Gerdil on Education — — 1765 /f / Di^ionarUsy Grammars, ^^*-«i06lavo. 5 • .£00 Gibbon (Edw.) Effaifur TEtude dc la LiteratTirf ' ) y. 1 201 ■ ■ . wifff portrast, ana I ' extraEis irovi\ Newfpapers 1777/ / loz — EfTay on the Study of Literature y j 1764. L / 6 103 Giles (James) Englifli Parfing / (1 04. Granifnar (Short Introdu€lion to) ' ^ / Oxford 1 679 A / ^05 Grammatical Trails, viz. Sharpe (Gregory) on J \ ^ Languages, and Power of Letters, 1751* \(ry^ • y / Lowth’s Englifti Grammar, firft edit, 1762. I f d i 4 .^ t 7 P Cockins Art of delivering Written Language, 1 1775, in 1 vol. * j- 6 io6 Grofe’ir Clascal Diftionary of the Vulgar Tongue / 1785 107 . . . I .1 - ■ — 1 — ■ I ■■— — ■■ « 17^ yj 108 ■ — Provincial Gloflary — lyg^ M ^ log Harris (James) Hermei •— 1771. 1 10 Harwood’s Greek and Roman Clafficks 178* ^ III Henley on Univerfity Learning, 1756. Ditt / 1X£ Compleat Linguilt, No. 1 . \ Compleat LinguiRi No. I. III. tnd IV* C 1719— U'j yy / 113 HclTe (E.) Vocabulary of the German * 7 Vf ^ ~ ^ 114 Hoolc’s Cato’s Diftichs, 1749. Hornfey’s Gram* ^ mar of the Eaglilh Language J c t/ V **5 JSnglilh Didionary, 2 vol. in one ^ 1786 {u t>/ X - 116 Jones (Wm.) fur la Literature Orientale, 1771, ^ ^ ' / ct Lettre dans rExamen des Livres attribues a l/j y3* >33 / 534 / 6 *3S - ^ 136 - .r . ?40 y. — 141 Z/ *42 Z ^ H3 Mitford (Wm.) on the Harmony of Language .. t71i 3 Murray (Lindley) Englifh Grammar Tork i8oay - Exercifes i6. 1803/ ^ Nares on the Pronunciation of the Englilh ^ 179* Nicholfon (George) Juvenile Preceptor 1800 Nochden (George Henry) German Grammar i8oo ty<>785^^ Robinfon (John) on the Englifh Language 1 800 <25 4*' [*49 (150 1>5* - 6 >5* Rouffeau (S.) Diriionary of Mohammedan Law, Shanferir, Hindoo Words, &c. Ruddimann (Thomas) Latin Grammar Edin, 172.0 /f? c Salmon (Nic*) Guide pour la Langue Angloife et pour la Langue Francoife ■■ ^197) Grammaire Angloife, compare!^ avee la Gram. Francoife ^791\ I'^c Shaw (Sam.) Grammatical Didllonary 1726/ *53 Sheridan (Tho.) Eafy Introduftion of Grammar . Dublin 1714 cZl ^Ayj Plan of Education for the No* bility 769.3 Di^hnariet, Grammars, O^lavo, 7 1769'j / / «54 Sheridan (I’Jho.) Brltifli Education *7^9^ J55 Sherry (Rychard) Treatife of Schemes and Tropes ii;6 Sibfcota (Geo.) Deaf and Dumb Mans Difcourfe \ A cr 1^7 Stepney (Wm.) Spaiiilh Sohoole Mafter 1591 158 Tayler (J.) Childrens True Guide 1805^ 6 W9 Tocquet Latin Scholars Guide Sooy / 360 Tooke (John Horne) Diverfions of Purley, Pt. I. ^ yy ^ 1786 € cr f^C C / |6i Vox Oculis Subjefla, or Artof Imparting fpeech^ / A-\ ^ ^ ^62 Walker (John) Melody of Speaking 1787/ ^ ,J ^ *63 Key to the Ciaffical Proiiunclatio* of Greek and Latin Proper Names, portrait 1 798 /J .<5^ / ^ 164 Ward (John) 4 Eflays on the Englifti Language 1758 / 6 Webb (John) Language of China the Primitive^^^^^^^^^ One / /ji66 Weftminfter Greek Grammar 0 .^167 Whitchurch on Education 6 168 White’s Englifh Verb — 1669 *798 / // ^ ^69 Williams (David) on Education — ^ 170 Willich, Three Philofophical Eflays ^ 17 1 Woldonccraft on the Education of Daughters 1787 6 172 Words made Vifible — 1679 173 Worrall (John) Law Catalogue — 174 Xenophon on the Education of Cyrus, engliflied / ► by Wylliam Barkar, b. L 155^0 QUARTO. ^ J75 Afcham (Rog.) Scholc Mafter, printed hy J, / jyaye ■ ■ Lond^ 1 5 70 6 ^76 Alberici Gentiiis de Legationibns Land, 1585 — 377 Ames^Jofeph) Typographical Di£lionary, aug- * mented by William Herbert, with Remarks, &c, by Mr. Reed, 3 vol. flates 1 785 y c/%-y S DiilionarUti Grammars, Quarto. ^ 6. 178 180 Bibliotheca Norfolclana — Land, 1681^$^ ...,-' ■■■■■. I.- AmericaiiaE Primordia ,h / 6 ^ i8j J // - >82 Brerewood (Edw.J On the Diverfity of Language ih* I ^ Burrow (James) Effay on Punftuation ib. 1772 Canting Dictionary, and Scoundrel’s Dictionary, interleaved, with Additions in Print and ^ ^ 183 / 184 C? 183 j 186 fome by Mr, Reed Catalogus Librorum in Bibliotheca ofter leinfe ■ A. C. Duke of Argyle ^ ^ Glafg. \^i^%yYc^C — Edition urn Horatii quae in Biblioth. „ J. Douglas adferv^ntur Lond, *739 /\i87 liSS / rj'/ >89 ^ - 6 X *9* 190 191 Librorum Bibliothecae, Senate Judicnm in Scotia — — - Edin, cAeL/rf^ 4 ?r Catalogue of Mr. Weft's Mufeum >773? — Monthly, 3 vol. in t, 1725, 26, 4; — ■ of the PiCinres in the Shakefpeare ✓ Gallery, with the Prices, by Mr. Reed 1 803 U Cowell (John) the Interpreter Land, 1637 Coxc (Will.) Catalogue of the MSS, in Lord Hardwicke's Library with the Appendix Davys (John) on the Art of Decyphering Lend, >737^5^ cJ / 6 193 .4 ~ 194 49 s Dodd (Charles) Lift of Eminent Writers Englilhe and Frensftie (here beginneth a Lytel >737 Treatyfe for to Icrne) b, L emprynted at , hn de Words, curious fronti/piece, minjier by me Wynken «(7 VERY RARE / ^ J96 Gifford (W.) an Examination of the Strictures of the Critical Reviewers, on the Tranflation of y ’ y Juvenal 1803 Hartlib (Sam.) True and Ready Way to learne ' , the LatineToogue — _ Lond. 0 >97 3 - >98 \>99 / - Henftiall (Sam.) the Saxon and Eiiglilh Langua gesilluftrative of each other Lend, 1798 Hampton's Extracts from the Six Books of Poly bius Lend, ^co /S- c/:/* Holdfworth's Pharfalia and Philippi, in Virgil Georgies, attempted to be explained lb roiy-7 .>764< 'irgiPsi^ . 176^ A DiShnariis^ Grammars^ .Quarto- / J a SOI Horace, Diflortation on, 2 Odes, 1789. Barcttl's Carmen Secularc. Whitfield on the Tyndaris ^ of Horace, 1777 / 202 Language (Foundation for a New and Univerfal) . /y , 16 p JlcyV^^ JO 203 Lemon (Will.) Englifli Etymology, or Derivative ^ . . . / Dictionary — Land. 1783 J — 204. Littleton (Adam) Latin Dictionary, no title 20§ Montucci (Antonio) Merits of the Chinefe Lan- ^ guage — 1801 ^ 206 Mulcafter (Rich.) Pofitions which are neceffary ^ for training of Children — Land. i;8i ^4 ^ 207 ■ ■■ — firft Part of the Elementaria, yc / b.U 1578 C ^ _ 2ti Peacham (Henry) Garden of Eloquence, h,L which entreateth chefelie of the right writing y . y of our Englilh Tung. 1582 Jy / ^ ^08 Nafmith (Jacobus) Cat. Lib. Manufcript. in Acad. Cantabrigicnfi Legavit, Barker 1 ^. — /'// Tyfon’fi Account of an Illuminated Manufcript, hound together 209 Parr (S.) Difcourfeon Education and on the Flans yy purfued in Charity Schools ^ y ~ 210 Ploieke (Peter) Introduflion to the French Tongue, ^ ^ / Loud, t^gs ‘ y Jo ^ 212 Pcrcyval (Rich.) Bibliotheca Bifpanica,^.. /. 1591, ^ containing a Grammar and Diflio nary ^213 Saufeuil (Chev. de) Analylis of French Ortho-^ / I 14 SheriJan (Tho.) Diflionary of the Englilh Lan>\ ( guage, /flr/rtfiV Load, . - 6 215 Steele, Profodia Rationalis ^*119 /j / 216 Stevens (Don Juan) New Diftlonary, ^panijh and^ ^ / Exgli^M anct_ Englifit and Bfanijh Lord, 1726 6 217 Taylor (John) Comment, a L. Decemviralem -- 1741 cyf <*^ • / 218 Thomas (Will.) Rules of the Italian Grammar, , Lond.hyH,F/yesi-,t-, (/) ’ b, /. /: (219 UlTer (Jacob) Vet. Epill. Hibernicarum Sylloge '/y ^ Dublin it>3a9 E20 Walker (John) Critical Pronouncing Diftionary / /J/i ' V ^ ^ Lond,i-fgi) i//. y: / % V I 10 DiSioHaries, Grammars, Folio. J ^ / ^ 0 221 Withals (John) Short Diftionarie in Lat. and Englifli, by Lewis Evans and Abr, Fleming. L T. Purfoot I ggo / tiz Wotton’s Short View of Geo. Hickes’s Trea- fury of the Ancient Northern Languages loud. 1737 FOLIO. ■J 22 ^ Baretti's (John) Alvearie or Quadruple Oi^lion* ary, Englijh, Latin, Greek, and French, b, 4 ,'T7/7 . y Land* / ^ 224 ClaveFs Catalogue of Books, Two Parts / 6 22; j Cotgrave (Randle) Diftionary of the French and y Englilh Tongues — — * London 1611 O J 6 226 >■ _ ' ~ — 1632 ..^/^^ V / 227 Cottonian Library (Report from the Committee appointed to view the) i732 0a#/^^>Wj^ 3 228 Florio (John) a Worldc of Wordcs Land* V _229 Harleian Colled^ion of Manuferipts (Catalogue‘s , of)2Vol. — Land. , amended ^ ^ 230 Huloet Diftionarie, newelye corrected and enlarged, by John Higgins Land, / 231 Junius (Francifea) Etymologicum Anglicanum, Chart Max, — J *y - _.232 Miege (Guy) the Great French Di£iionary Londm 1688 Cc f 233 Minflieu (John) The Guide into Tongues 234 Oratio Dominica in pins centnm Linguas 235 hkinner (Stephano) Etymologicon Linguse Angli- ^ * canae Land, 167; J’. - < 3 " •• *' ^ ' c c A - ftL ^ A - ^ J . ^ fr 'I- " r iT 336 Tanner (Thomas) Bibliotheca Britannico-Hiber- nica five de Scriptoribus qui in Anglia. Scotia , y et Hibernia florueront A, Wilkinfon, Land, 1748 ;tUD or THE FIRST OAY’s SA|rA« /A ♦ tf' 7 / Second Day s Sale, Latin and Frmchy Octavo et infra. A GRIP? A (Corn.) de Incertitudine Sclenta* rum Com, 1662 AUatii Romans -ffidificatlones Patavii 1 644 Analyfe Raifonnec de Bayle, 8 tom. Land. 1755 Anquetil Louis XIV . fa Cour et le Regent, tom. 1 . ^ Parit 1789 ^ Aretino Raglonamento ■ ■ ■ Arpe Apologia pro Vanino Co/mopoU 1712. ^ ^ Arret du Confeil d’Etat du Roy Parit *757) Paris ^ z66.) ^ < / .149 - /*SO / - 252 / *53 *54 Ariftotelis Problem ata Baconi (Fr.) Sermones Fideles Ball (Nath.) re£\e Vivendi Ratio BapUzandi Ordo juuna, 1000^ yy( Bateo (Geo.) Elenchus Motuum Nuperorum ia Anglia — — - . — ..I,,, — — ■ ■ » fwitb portrait of Cbas, I, Lond. 162.6^ 1661 AXfC/i Antiq. Britannicaruin, eum yy • 17*9 *• 1726 f t //- / Bellifajre, par MarmoiRel, avecfg* Parit Baxter! GloiTarium effigie ^ ^ Reliquis Belle Foreft Hiiloires Tragiques, tom. 3, 4 Beverovicii de Calculo Return et Vefics ^ ^ !• Bat, 1^38 LattHi French, 5sf^.-*06lavo. nte A 'ix 1669 < 1694.^ 0.4 / Bicals la Maniere de Rcgler la JSante Aix Bigotiert Coutcrmede Br e t ag n e Bifani Lettres fur divers Endroits *790 . Boecleri de Scriptoribus Graecis et Latinis I'joo) Buchanano de Maria Scotorum adulteria cum « Bothuelio Bulftrodotentamcn da Tranfmigratione, ^ gie Bufbequii Epiftolas —— Oxon, 1660 Caii Opufcula Varia ' * 1568 •— Opera a Jebb 1729 Capitolini Antoninua Gcta I/ca Dunmonm, 1714 Carionrs Chronicorum Faris >565^^^ Carmina Proverbialium ^6 y/^ Edin* I74( t' ^ *73 Caefar de Bello Gallico notis Scaligeri Z. Bat, a Elzevir Chryfoftomo de Tabaco Com, i6;8v Charletoni Matrona Ephelia a Harris 16651 S ^ Cicero de Oratore, Libxos ties* notis Geo. RoiTe ^ Gh/. 1749. *■' * Epiftola ad Familiares, 2 tom. ) y L. Bat. a Elzevir Sele^ Oratioffs^ Lat. and Englilh, b/ / —(277 - 6 >79 fi80 6 1*81 Diincan Clerici Compendium Hidoris Univcrfalis Collier Contes et Pocfics, 2 tom. Saverne Comte de Gabalis — Conftitutions de TAbbaye de la Trappe Cowclli Inilit. Juris — Crebillon Lettres ■ Sopha, 2 tom. 176^? ^^11) , yoru^ 166*3 1761 >74. D’Argenfon Confiderations fur le Goovernemcn’t ' jasat //I*'* ><5 <5 286 1 766*^ del C4^-A 1766/ /-j: / de la France Dathe L’Hiftoire de Hamfbourg — — 1 766 David on l*Hiftoire de PHomme felon le Cours Dicu Defehlio Regia pro Garolo Frima ad Car. Se-^ buhda — — — 16494^ Delices de Pais Bas, tom. 2 & 4, avecfg* 1 7*0' Dialog! ab Eufebio Philadclphb Edin* 1574 Laiiity French i >3 (288 / j289 y *90 391 ' 6 294 y *95 /(2g6 “(297 6 398 (7 DIgnan (D. Browne) EiTai fur les Principes Poli- tiqnes, with Account of the Author from Newf. papers — 1776 Divasi Antiquitat. Belgicafe — • 1 566^ Dodd (Wm.) Synopfis GroHi dc Jura Belli, &c. \ Cantab* 1751/ DbdwelU JuUi Vitalis Epitaphium, Comment. y I c/^ A i O £/ y Mufgrave Egarcmens du Cfleur, et de PEIprit Elogia Thuinca — Epiftola Critica ad Francifcum Hare Canu Erafmi CoUoquia, z com. Z. Bdti a Elzevir ^299 Fieno de Imaginatlonis Filefaci de Idololatria Magica Florus I Z. Bat* a Fowler Opufcule 1736 1671 1723 1636 i66* 1635 u SCO 301 Amfi* L* Bat* Paris 1609 Elzevir 163S 1791 Paris 1628 / 6 / 503 y / /I 304 )B 05 - 306 (307 I308 , I309 ✓ - 310 /I 3 » 6 { 3*2 13*3 / 3*4 3*5 / 316 Frey Admiranda Galliarura Fricx Defcripiion de la Ville du Bruxelles, por^ traits — 1743 Gamboa fur les Moyens de Retablir les Sciences et les Lettres cn Portugal — « 1762 Gaultier Coursde Le^ures pour les Enfans, 6 tom. 1798 Geflhcr Mort d'Abel 1761 Gouverneur (le) ou Effai fur PEdtication 176B Grsecarum Sententiarum Delectus 1798 Grotius de Veritate Religionis Amfi* 1675 Grotit Annales et Hiftorise de Rebus Belgici%« Amjl* 1658 Heers Fons Spadanus — L, gat, Herbert Expeditio in Ream Infulam Hiftoire de Zulime — M. Bertin Paris ’• Amoureufe et Badine des Campagnes du Suworow^ 2 *$45 1696 176J '753 tom. HiftoriJC AngUcae Polydoro Virgilio notls Thyfiu Z. Bat, i6$i Horatii Ope^», tom. 2, interleaved, with MS, netes u 6 3*7 Latin, French, Csf^.—Oftavo# Horatii Aniroadverfiones Bentleii Huetiana - — / 318 (319 L’lfle Taciturne et I’lfle Enjouee ® l3*o Johnfon Ariftarchus Antl-Bentleanus <321 fflelt de Bello Colonienfi Cunigamii in nota? Hag, Com* 172 a — Amji. 1723 Jmji, 1759 1717 1584 / / / <322 Jurifprudence Griminelle, traduit du Latin de Rifi, 1768. Raurici Rem Criminalcm, 1777 323 Juftiniani Inftiiionum — X. Bat, 1670 / 324 Juftitia Britannica, 1584. L’Inocolation du Bon Sens — ■ . ..I ■ - 1761 325 Keegan Negociant Univerfel *799 (326 L*Abbc Notitia Dignitatum Imperii Romani Paris 1651 J327 Langueti EpiftoIfB L, Bat, 1646 328- / 330 33 * 6 332 j 333 ^>34 Lettres d’Ariftenete — — ' du Carleton, 3 torn. Liturgia Anglicana corio turcico *739 *759 1574 1116 1616 / Longini Trinum Magicum Lower de Febribus, i666. Logica, Introduftio ad, 1752. Lucani Suppm. a T. Maio, 1646 Luciani Gr. & Lat, nolis Riollay Oxon, 1776 335 Maii Hiftori® Parliament! Anglia? 336 Marcel Tablettes Chronologiques 1682 37 Mafearon Oraifons Funebres ^ *745 338 Matharelli RefponBo ad Franc. Hoiomani Franco Galliam luM- *575 f ^Js 39 ^^iivor Hiftoire Naturelle a Pufage dcs Ecoles 1340 Memoirea pour la Vie des Moines ^ 1676 1 de la Regence, tom. premier, portraits A Amjl, 1749 \q42 Mercier Sermons, fur le Culte Public, 2 tom. r* 1801 g43 Metamorphofis Anglorum -7— *^53 cJ ^ -^,^4 Meurfit Elegantiae Latini Sermonis, 2 tom. r Birming, 1 770 Milt mi Liters Cromweliii ^ *67^ . Defenlio Populo Anglicano, 1651. Pro / Rege et Populo Anglicano contra J« Miltono, 165 a Latin, French, 0£lavo. / ^ 347 Miltoni Literae Cromwellii, 1647, Artis Logicaj, cum ejfigie, 1672 ^>348 Le Moine Secularil'e . 1678 ^349 Monte Meayor (Geo, de) Pari: 1487 . 350 More (Thos.) Utopia - — Oxon» 1663 35 1 Mufgrave Belgium Britannicum, 7%. 1719 352 Necker de Tlmportance des Opinions Rcligieufes ^ 1788 ^.353 Nennii Eulogium Britanniae Haunia 1758 6 354 Novum Teftamentum a Beza — Amfl, 1631 <355 La Nuit et le Moment — * 75 ^ ^ Oeuvres Badines du Compte de Caylus, tom pre- / raier, a■ 1782 368 Propos Ruftiques — 173* .369 Raynal Reponfe a la Cenfurc de la Faculte de j Theologie de Paris — 1782 6^370 Reflexions fur le Generation, 1751. Reflexions, \ *778. Reflexions d"un Francifcain, 1752. V Relation de la Maladie du Jefuite Bertier, 1760 o 371 Receptes (Baftimens de) — — / -372 Refpablicae, 4 tom. ^73 Revolution Francaife Abrege /p 74 Riccoboni Pieces detachees — 6 Hiftoire de Mifs Jenny, Ridicules des Nations -■ " du Siecle 1378 Rohan (Memoires du Due de) 1560 1796 >765 4 tom. Paris I j 64. AmJi. 1766 1752 109a i6 Latin, French, -Oflavo. 379 380 381 382 ! 0 '383 i3*4 /■ 38 ? p86 )3*7 ^8 ^89 , / f390 ^ f j39, 392 / 34 ^ 43 | / / 436 QUARTO. Apitii de Re Culinarla, &c« BafiL 1541 Barberini Poenrata - *■ Romte 1643 Catullus, apud John Wilkes, only 100 copies printed — — 1788 Cicero de Atnicitia 1 ■ » Paris 1550 Demohhenes, Gr* &c Lat* a Taylor, tom. tertius Cant, 1741 Euripides, Gr. & Lat. notis Valckenari, edidit. F, H. Egerton —• Oxon, Hebenilreit Sermo Academtcus, RoBiati Lat* Petrapoli Hermani Vulgaria — Lond* Livii HiRoria decadis prims, liber primus Paris 1538 Scaligeri Epiftolae L, Bat, 1594 Sigeberti Chronicon. Paris, ^zi Hen, Steph,. *5*3 Theophraftus, Gr. edidit. John Wilkes, only 150 copies ptinUd * * 7 S®^ f D DIVINITY. Divinity »*mQ\Uirto; Divinityi /<37 / HJS / 439 / 440 A g' 44« ^ 443 -144 (i.UARTO. Articles of Religion, in Elizabeth and James'e R'Sign •■ >57 ■» >607 Barclay (Robt«) Apology, ru£ia Birmingham^ by Bajktrville, 1765 Barwick (John) Sermon at the Funeral of the Bilhop of Durham, with his Life, tujjiai gilt leaves — ■ ■■■ 1660 Behmen (Jacob) Signatura Rcrum 1651 Borrow (Capel) Theological Differtations 177? Bible (Holy) imprinted.by Barker • 579 ' Bible«Bearer (The) — 1607 Blair (John) Lefiures on the Canon of the Scrip- tures 1785 ^ ^ 445 Broughton (Hugh) Baniers Chaldaic Vifions^ y 7S4 ^ ^ 523 Church (Tho.) Vindication of the Miraculous Powers •— — 1750 / ' (524 Clarendon’s Defence of Dr. StiJlingfleet 1674 ^ '^25 Clapham (Henoch) Bibles Brlefe — 1596 j(a6 Le Clerck Five letters on the Infpiration of the Holy Scriptures 1690 J527 Coade (G.) Letter to a Clergyman relating to his ' Sermons on the 3oih of January 1747 kaS Collins Scheme of Literal Prophecy 1727 G29 — ■ — Ground and Reafons of the Chriftians r Religion — — •— " ■ 1724 530 — — on the Thirty-nine Articles, M.S. Notes^ by Mr. Bowyer 1724 531 Confett (Tho.) Regulations of the Church of Ruffia, 2 vol. 1729 (^532 Conftitutions and Canons of the Church 1739 y 533 Conybcarc (John) Defence of Reveal’d Religion , / * 73 * ^ / 534 Cooke (John) Preachers Afiiilant, 2 vol. 1783 (635 Cooper (Sam.) on Charity &c. • 1764 y '536 Coventry (Henry) Future Re^vards and Punilh- 1 ments — _i» 1740 ^ 537 — — — Philemon to Hydafpes^ — 1753 .4^ ^ 538 Councellys Holden in Greece, Germania, byj. LeMairc, /. 1519 :39 Courayer Declaration of my lad feotinients on Religion ■ —■ — 1787 jj^4o Deifin (the Growth of) in England >709 ^54.1 Dirquifitions (Free and Candid) relating to the Church 1749 ^4.2 Dobbs (Fr.) view of the Great Predictions in the Sacred Writings — 1800 ^ / 543 Doddridge (Philip) Rife and Progrefs of Religion in the Soul — 1761 / ^ / f 44 Dodwell (Hen.) Two Letters of Advice for the Sufeeption of Holy Orders ■ ■ ^ ■ 1691 (Wm.) Reply to Mr. Tole’s Defence of Middleton's Free Inquiry ■ ' 1751 ' ‘ of Reli- 1699 146 Dojrington (Tbeo.) on the Prefent State gion in the Romilh Church ^ «47 Douglas (John) Criterion, or Miracles examined r • 757 5 48 Duncan to the Rational Advocates for the Church of England - 1769 49 Dudley Lord North, Light in the Way to Paradife 168a 550 Ecclefiadical JurirdiClIon land of the Kings of Eng* — 1689 5 1 Elflob (Eliz.) Engllih Saxon Homily, pUtts 1709 552 Erafmus Commune Crede 553 Erondelle Remonllrance and Exhortation Catho- lick aux Princes Chriftiens — 1586 ^ 554 Evans (John) Sketch of Denominations of the Chriftian World, yrowr. tvuith pmfmtt 1803 _ y 555 Evanfon (Edw.) DilTonance of the four Evange- liils ■ 1 79X / -.556 — — ih . 557 Faier (Tho.) Regiment of Lyfe, 3 . /. 1567 ^ 558 Fell (John) Damoniacs ■ .■ 1779 559 Idolatry of Greece and Rome 1785; / / ^ 5 ^® Filher (Johan) Mornynge Remembrance, and Ser- ^ mon Margaret Countefs of Richmond 1708 561 FJeuryon the Excellency, &c. of Ecclefiaftical Hiftofy — - — lyai I # ^ Fordyce (Dav.) THeodorus, or Art of Preaching ) >755 - ^ 5^3 Fothergill (Anthony) Wicked Chriftians practical Atheifts — ■ ■ II ■ ■■■■■■ ^ — 1755 , 564 Frarin (Peter) Oration Againft the Unlawful! / Injun^ions of the Proteftants — Anu 1566 ^65 Gadbury (John) on the Holy Fcaft of Eafter, / morocco gilt leaves - 566 Gavin’s Mailer Key to Popery, 3 tol. 1726 - / 567 — — 1724 / <5 5 ^® Gibfon (Edw.) Vifitations Parochial and’Gencral, morocco gilt leaves — — — *7*7 569 Gildon (C.) Deilts Manual * 7^5 .^4 '570 Grotiusonthe Chriilian Religion, by Le Clerc, englifhed by Clarke - — — *7br J / 57 * Vetfe 1686 ,572 Hale’s (Matthew) Three Epiftics to hh Children ) *759 1700 1640 te73 — (John) on Schifm • ^ <3 574 Hall (Jofeph) Chriilian Moderation y / 575 Hanway (Jonas) Letters on the Importance of ^ ^ RiAng Generation, 2 vol. * 7^7 ^ / 576 Harman Outlines of Commentary on Solomon’s ^ ^ Song — ^ *775 P - 577 Haw’^cis (T.) Hiftory, DeclenAon, and Revival ^ of the Church of Chrill, 3 vo\. portrait - 1800 ^ 578 Hawkins (W.) Trails in Divinity, 3 vol 579 3 vol 1758 )h. r3 580 Heath (James) Glories of the blcffed Reflituiion . of King Charles II. ~ ^ e8i Hicks (Geo.) Spirit of EnthuAam Exorciled ^ *709 '582 Hieragonifticon, or Corah’s Doom 1672 583 Hildrop’s God’s Judgment upon the Gentile Apoilatized Church * 7*3 .584 Hill’s Treatife on the Propagation of the Soul X007 Divinity 25 ^ 585 Hiftory of the Man after God’s Own Heart, 1762. Letter to Dr. Chandler, on Ditto, 1762 / 6 586 — our Lady of Loretto — 1608 - —'ll * Religion 1694. “ (588 Hidorical Collcdlions concerning Changes of Re- 5 ligion ■— — - i686 S Hobbes (Tho.) of Libertie and Neceflity 1654. Hody (Humphrey) Hiftory of Englifli Councils 1701 How (Charles) Devout Meditations 1754 Hnghe (Willyam) Troubled Man’s Medicine, b* /• morocco^ gilt leaves Hume (David) on Natural Religion, 1779. Hay- ter’s Remarks on Ditto, 1780 Hurdis (James) on the Nature of Pfalm and Prd- /590 /534 Vol. I. 1720 Jones (Edw.) Narrative of the Proceedings againfl: thcBilhop of St. Afaph 1702 Jortin on the Truth of the Chriftian Religion 1752 Remarks on Ecclefiaftical Hiftory, 5 vol. > 75 * of the of the 1708 of the Tcfta- ments — 1770 Kennet (WhiteJ Sermon at the Funeral Duke of Devonlhire, with Memoirs Family of Cavendiih — Kennicott (Ben.) Ten Annual Accounts Collation of Hebrew MS. of the Old . . / / w / 6 604 Kcnrick (W.) on Soame Jenyns View of the In- ternal Evidence of the Chriftian Religion . 1776 / '^^05 Klopftock’s Mefliah, 2 vol. — 1763 / y A *^06 Knox (John) Firft Biaft of the - Trumpet againft the Monftrous Regiment of Women, Appella- tion of John Knox — 1558 C £ j»6 Divinity t’^OGtd.vo: 607 Lacy (John) Cry from the Defart i-joii 608 Lavington Enthufiafm of Methodifts and Papifts . compared, 2 vol. 1754 6^ 609 Law (Wm.) on Regeneration 1756 4 6io Demonifration of Errors, in a Book called the Nature and End of the Sacrament 1737 ■■■ . !. Theory of Religion 1 759 ^ ,78^ Lemoine (Abraham) on Miracles 1747 611 ^ >612 613 Lefly's Short and Eafie Method with the Deifts . . 1699 ^615 Letter to Lady Shovcll on the Lofs of her Huf- band 1708 ^ 616 Levi YDavId) Rites^ and Ceremonies of the Jews, ^ portrait *784 617 Lewis (John) Hiftory of the Tranflations of the ^ Bible, large plate — — — — 1739 o 618 Life of Ambrofe Bonwicke — — 1729 / 6/9 Silas Told — ■ > t— 1786 ^ 620 Loftus Reply to Gibbon on the Truth of Chrif* tianity — — Dublin ^ ^ 621 Lowman (Mofes) on the Government of the He- ^ brews -1- — — — 1745 ^ 622 Lupton (Donald) Daily Imployment for the Soul 1634 y (J623 Madan’s Letters to Prieftlcy — 1 787 /i — '^24 Mandeville on Religion, morocco, gilt leaves ' > 7*9 625 Mann (Ifaac) Four Gofpels 1783 / 6 626 Mafon (Wro.) CoUeftionof Anthems 1782 9 ^ 627 Maflillon’s Charges to his Clergy, by the Rev. ^ St, John ^ 1805 { 628 Mayhew (Jonathan] on the Society for propagating the Gofpel -- — 1763 629 Meditations Divine and Morall 1653 ^ 630 ■’-- colledted from the Sacred Books >730 63 1 Melanchton (Phyly p) on J unification by Faith, b, /• / -^32 Melmoth (Wm.) Great Importance of a Religi- ous Life, 2 vol, ' * 74 ® Divinity^ — Quarto* (63 j / -'pje • 637 / 638 ^ -<539 ^40 (641 / 643 ^ / ^ 4 S Mcjmoth (Wm.) Great Importance of a Religious Life, 2 vol. /»rrrfl/f — 1798 Men before Adam — • 1656 Meriton (G.) Immorality, Debauchery, and Pro- , fanenefs Expofed — 1698 Middleton (Conyers) Controverfy with Water- land, &c'. — . 1731 Moravians (Account of> by Andrew Fry, Henry Rimius, &c. / Mofaical Account of the Human Fall J 779 . Mount Tabor, or Private Exercifes of a Penitent Sinner . — 1639 Murray (Lindley) Power of Religion on the Mind — i8oi Mutter Roll of the Evill Angels embattled againft St. Michael . 165S Naphtali or the Wreftlings of the Church of Scotland — , ' — 1667 Neal (Daniel) Hiftory'of the Puritans, 4 vol. - nation of, by Grey and Maddox, 4 vol. 1733—36. New Tettament — ^ BMn, 1648' quarto: ^ ^ 646 Divine Tragedy lately A£led, or God’s Judgment on Sabbath-breakers — i63($' / ^ 647 Ellys (Anthony) Tracts on Spiritual and Tempo- ral Liberty — — ■ » 1765' J ^648 — — ib . J — 649 Fletcher (Phinees) Way to Bleffednefs' 1632 ^ /650 Fottcr (James) Difeourfes on Natural Religion, y 2 voL — — — ,7.* 651 Fowler (Chritt.) Satan at Noon *6cc' <^652 Gataker (Tho.) Spiritual Watch *619 ^ 653 Geddes (Alexander) Profpeftus of a NewTranf-' latioo of the Bible, 1 786. Ditto General An- ^ fwer to Queries, 1790 y/ $34 Hale (John) Golden* Remains — 1673’ 28 Quarto. / / 6f5 Harrifon (Threni Hybernlci, or Ireland in a fad Lamentation for the Lois of their Jofeph, in a Sermon on the Death of the Protedtor 1659 656 Heath (Tho.) Verfion of Job » 1756 h 657 Herbert (Ed w.) de Veritate Lond, V ^658 Hiftorie of the Reformation of the Church of y' Scotland — 1644 ^ — 659 Hifloriee6 et les fimulchres Faces dcla Mort, a^vee fig. — ' — — lyoui^^^ // 660 Hift. Veter is Inilrumenti hones ad wi - I . i- C 1 . /J- ' S'. ' 7 - J£>. /'f - Bulleyn (Will.) Bulwarke of Defence againft all* SickneBe, &c. B»L Land. By T. Marjbe 1579 Digby (Kenelme) Treatifes on the Nature of Bo- dies — Baris 1644 Gefner (Conrad) The Hiftorie of four-footed / Beads, by Edward Topfell, fwood^cuts Lond. 1607 Gibbs (James) Bibliotheca Radcliviana, plates Land. 1747 Morris (Corby n) Plan for arranging Accounts of Landed Eftates Land. 1759 Plinius, Hiftoriae Naturalis Bajila in Officina FroBeniana 1 539 INO OF THE THIRD DAV’s SALE. / ( 3 Fourth Day’s Sale tor « 6go - 4 *” / -- 794 Parfbns three Converfions of England, 2 vol. 1603 Pafleran Philofophical Diflertation upon Death Percy, (Thos.) Key to the NewTeftament 1773 Perfecution againft the Catholike Chriilians in the Kingdome of Japonia 1619 Phillips, (Thos.) Study of Sacred Literature Pilkington, (Mrs.) Scripture Hillories 1798 Pillars of Prieftcraft and Orthodoxy (haken, 4 voL 1768 Plato Phsedon, by Crawford 1774 Pluralities, (Abolition of) — 1802 Pope, (John) on Divine Worlhip 1792 Preaching, (the InefHcacy of) — 1771 Prideaux (Humphrey) on the Original and Right of Tithes 1 736 Diredlions to Church War- dens 17*3 ■ — Conneffion, 4 vol. * 749 ^ Prieftley (Jofeph) on Revealtd Religion *794 Pfalms (Johnfton’s) Supplement to the Prefatory Difeourfe to « 174* Z./J: 3* ^ J?c8 Pfalterlum ad Ufum Sarifburienfis, Jit, nigrit 5 709 Raftrick (John) Nonconformity of 1705 710 Reflections on the Spirit, &c. of Religious Con- troy erfy^ ^ igo^ mil Religio Laici, 1683. Religio Clerici, 1681 6)712 Reynolds, (Geo.) on the Government of the _ / Church of England — 174^ 71J Revelations, (Expofition of the) 1719 / — 714 Ricaut (Paul). State of the Greek and Armenian Churches — 167^ Rivers, (D.) Beauties of Saurin Roberts (Peter) Chriftianity Vindicated 1800 / ^ 7*7 Rome’s Glory, or a Collection of Popifli Mira- cles - — — Ruft's Lux Orientalis, front, by Faithorne 1682 - ^^715: ~ 6 yi 6 y 718 - <^ 7'9 / 720 ^ -7721 J ^ 722 *^723 / - 724 <^725 i (728 ~ 172.9 y —730 ^^^732 - -e 735 /<737 ■- ^738 A J 739 O — 740 Rutherforth, (T.) Defence of a Charge concern- ing Subfcriptions ^.1 , . ^ 2767 Schola Cordis, 1 5 plaits * Scott (Thos.) Book of Job, in Englifli Verfe 1771 Sermons by Abernethy, 2 vol. — — 1757 — — Alhton, with-/orrmr> 1770 Barlowe, (Wm.) at Panic’s Croflb 1601 Barrow (Ifaac) of Contentment, /ar- ■■ ^ 7^4 Bentley, at Boyle’s LeClures Cam, 1735 Brown, (John) (3) Burton Oxford 1760 trait Butler, (Jofeph) Clapham (Samuel) — Clarke, (Jas. Stanier,) Naval Claude, 2 vol. — . , Dalton, (John) Fordyce (James) 2 vol. Francklin (Thos.) — Gauden Goddard ■ , Godwin, (Wm.) Hurd, at Lincoln’s Inn on the Prophecies, 2 «749 2805 ^ 79 * 1788 *757 1767 1770 1660 1781 *784 1776 vol. *773 I 32 ,74* hi / / 745 ^ mi /748 -y (749 // 7SI J — 75* '? -,753 // / 754 J - 755 J —756 -7,-757 - <5 762 7-763 7764 - / 76 | 4^ /766 / ^767 ^769 v>^<6 770 / 771 Z)r»/«;(7.— Oftavo. Sermons by Jewel (John) iJ. /. — — Jones (Robt.) kennett (White) ■ " — ' Knox " ■■■ Lever (Thos.) b. U - Littleton (Edward) Mainwaring — Maty — MorelKT.) — Moir (John) — Mudge — Nichols (John) h, /• Ogden (Samuel) 2 vol Polwhele (Rich.) 2 Powel (Wm. Sam.) Scougal (9) Seeker 4 vol. vol. — • Glaf* Seed, Poflhumous 77* y ^773 • y J 775 /y "’77 778 ^ -779 780 Sermons and Trafts, by. Fleetwood, See (Eight) Wedding — - Various, by Parker, &c. — — - Faft, by Gilbert, &c. — — Various, by Fothergill, &c. ■ r ■ — by Betty, &c. — — ~ Collection of, or Domeftic ■ ■■■■ — by Sherlock, 2 vol. — — Sharpe (Gregory) — — Smith ( Sam. Stanhope) Sterne, 7 vol. in 4 — — Two — ^ — — — Stebbing, 3 vol. — (6) Stockdale » 58 | 1659 1708 1792 1^50 1749 1700 1788 1737 1776 »739 1581 1780 i7j6 >75« 1780 1770 1770 . 1712 *73* *75* *757 1756 • . '7*9 Divinity 1791 1759 1772 1801 ' *747 1788 *777 Walker (Anthony) (12) Whichcot — — 4 vol; — — Select (Eight) with portrait 1 788 Aberdeen Bath — i.. — White, at Bampton Lectures Serres Sufferings for the Sake of 1678 1721 *75* *773 *789 Confcicnce 1723 0£lavo» 35 / ^ ^8 1 Sharpe (Gregory) on Chriftianity 1755 ‘ 782 — — — — Second Argument on ditto ' 783 — 1762 ibl y 784 (Thos.) on the Rubric in Com. Prayer 1753 ^ 785 Sherlock (Thos.) Vindication of the Teft A^ts 1718 ^ -786 — —— (Wm.)on a Future State, 2 vol. Glaf, 1764. / ^ 787 on Death — 1731 _ ^ 788 Shower (John) Life of Gearing, SermoiiB, and on Earthquakes — 1 703 y 789 Simon Critical Hi ftory of Religions 1685 ^ *790 Simpfon (David) Plea for Religion and the Sa- cred Writings — — 1802 y is 791 Sinclair (Geo.) Satan’s Invifible World difcovered Gla/, 1769 ^ ^ ^92 Smith (John) Seleft Difcourfes Edin, 1750 j Lectures on the Sacred Office Glaf, 1798 y 794 Solomon^s Song, newly tranflated 1764 ^795 Spclman,^Hen. on the Rights and Refpefls due to ^ Churches —1616 ^ 796 Spelman (Hen.) Hiftory of Sacrilege 1698 /\797 Spence, (Wm.) EiTays on Divinity, &c. 1792 " ^ .798 Spinoza Treatife, partly Theological, &c. 1689 / 799 Squire (Sam.) Indifference for Religion inexcufa- ' ble — 1758 800 Stackhoufe (Tho.) Miferies of the Inferior Clergy, / * 7*6 - 6 801 Staveley (Tho.) Romilh Horfelech 1769 g02 Stebbing (Hen.) Trails, 1766 803 Stedman (Tho.) Letters to and from Doddridge 1790 / 804 Stewart (Walter) Colleftions relative to the Chufeh of Scotland — — 17^0 / 805 Stillingfleet (Edw.) Eccleliaftical Cafes, 2 voL / 1702 6 ,806 Stock (.lofeph) Reply to Dr. CampbeU’s Vindica- tion of the Prefbyterians of Ireland 1787 F 34 0£lavo . // 807 Stocker (Tho.) Cautelefs Canon and Ceremonici y oftheMaffe — — 1584 , ^ 808 — ^ ih', ^ 809 Swedeoburg (Emanuel) Do 1747 « Gifford’s Remarks on Ditto ^^35 Foller on Church Power, 1733 Sec. S34 Trails, viz. Woodward’s Remarks on Modern . Prophets, 1708 See. y 83^ Conformity between Popery and Pagamfm, 1746, Lyttleton ort the Converfzon of St. Paul, 1747, &c. 836 Whillon’s Letter to the Earl of Notting- ham, on the Eternity of Chrift, 1721. An- fwer to Ditto, &c. 837 — . The Pfalms by Merrick, 1766. Talbot’s Effays, 177a " ,838 — - Stackhoufe on the Miferies of the Inferior _ ' Clergy, ditto — — 1722 ^ 839 on Methodifm, by Dodd, Green, &c. 1760 / g|0 — — — Judging for Ourfelves, or Free Thinking, 17J9. The Rsfarrsilion confidered, 1744, See, ^841 Valliere (Dutchefs de la) Meditations *774- cj 842 Veron (Ihon) Huhtynge of Purgatory® to Death, 6 , /• ^843 Vicars (John) SinfuHnefs of making the Piilure , of Chrifts Humanity — ^ 1641 ~ ^844 Vincent’s Gods Terrible Voice in the City, title *w anting Unity, the Bond of Peace 1802 //.gs Wake (Wm.) E pi (lies of the Fathers / 847 *48 4849 / 851 / z A /J.. / 854 ^53 1710 Warburton (Wm.) on Grace — 1763 ' ■ Remark on Stebbing and Sykes, relative to the Divine Legation, 1745, Examination of Ditto, by Morgan, Bott, Sykes, and 2 other, in alio vol. Ward (Thomas) Controverfy of Ordination 1719 Ward and Lardner, on Paffages of Scripture 1762 Warner (Ferdinando) on Englifh Reformation Warwick (Arthur) Refolved Meditations 1634 Waterland and Sykes, Controverfy $6 Z>/w«/(f—Quarto, / ^ 854 - (® 5 $ . 856 ^ - 857 L 858 ^ —859 y 860 _ 4 86i 862 863 A A 6 864 p ^ 865 866 867 868 y - / 1869 // 870 Waterland on the Eucharift •— 1737 Watfon (R.) Ancient Liberty of the Britannick Church — — — 1661 — Apology for Chriftianity 1777* -I. I the Bible ' >799 Weft (Glib.) on the RefureAion, and LordLyttei* ton's Letter on the Converfton of St» Paul *747 Wefton (James) Horae Biblicas — 1797 Wild (Henry) Mahommed’s Night Journey Wilkins (John) on Natural Religion /or/rai/ 173^5. JiYufalem 1734 Wharton (Henry) on Errors and Defedts« in Burnet’s Reformation — 1693 Willan (Rob.) Hiftory of the Miniftry of Chrift 1786 Witherby (Tho.) on Prejudices concerning the Jewilh Nation — 1804 Wither^ (Geo.) Hymnes and Songs of the Church Wollafton’s Religion of Nature, portrait 175a Woolfton’s (Thomas) Life and Trafts, 2 vol, *733 — — — — - Old Apology for the Truth of the Chriftian Rdigion 1705 Free Gift to the Clergy, &c. — — ^ 1722. Zuinglius Confeffion of Faith, b, 4 *SS5> j ~ 871 / ^ 872 874 y 6 ^ 8,75 J ^ 876 Divinity. QUARTO. Sermons by Aftiburnham, Deniie> Staynoe, Lucas, &c. in 4 vol. Sermons fingle, before the fons of the Clergy t parcel before both Houfes of Parliament ■ — a large Parcel — at an Anabaptift Meeting at Wapping* &c. a large parcel Various, a large parcel — and Trades in 1 vol, at the Funeral of Duke of Albemarle, portrait^ 1670* AccouiU of Dr« Hough, i743».&c. Quarto;. 37 877 Stukcley (Wm.) Palsographiae Sacra, No. 1, 1736 1878 Toleration, Letter on 1689^ '^1879 Torquemeda (Anth.) Spanilh Mandevile of My- / fades, by Walker ^ 880 Trafts, viz. King Edward’s InjunfVions, 1547* Queen Elizabeth Ditto, 1559. Book of Ca- nons, 1571, &c. ^ 881 — (^een Elizabeth Injundions, 1559. Booke of Canons, 1571, &c. ^ 88a - — -■ — ! . Troubles at Frankfort, about the Common Prayer, b» /• 1574* Colet’s Sermon before the Convocation,, ad. edit. 1701. Hif- ^ y torical Effay, by Andrew Marvel, &c. X 883 — Antonio de Dominis, his Shiftings in Religion, 1624. Barlow’s Choice of Books in Divinity, 1699, and i a other j-f 884 — iingle, a parcel, various. Divinity, the Fourme and manner of making Bifhops, &c« b. 1 . 1559, &c. / ■■ and Sermons, by Keydell, &c. a par- cel . 386 — M , - by ahd Concerning- Dr. Watfoii cb 887 Tundall (James) Led urcs on Religion 176^ O 7 888 Warburton (Wm.) Works, 7 vol. hoards^ 1788 / / with 3 original M.S. Letters, by the Bifhop, / - 889 Wollafton’s Religion of Nature, hiad and Index 1731 Arts and Scunees* QUARTO. // 890 Agriculture (Communications to the Board of) Vol. III. Pt. I 1802 891 Agrippa (Hen. Corn.) Vanitie of Arts and Sciences, englifhed by Ja. San, 1569 189a Atwood (G.) Review of the Statutes and Ordin- rj - } ances of Affize 1801 . ^93 Auden (Ra.) Treatife on Fruit Trees 1657 // 6 894 Bacon (Roger) Mirror of Alchymy 1597 / 6 ^95 Bainbridge (John) Aftronomical Delcription of the Comet plate — •-— « 1618 /A//,. / Mi/cellaneous^ ^999 Debtor and Creditors A fiiftant — 1795 ]iooo Decker (Matthew) Effay on Foreign Trade 1751 jooi Derham Phyfico and Aftro-Theology, 3 vol. i8mo y — 2002 — Artificial Clock-maker , / ^1003 ■■ Ilmington Waters / ^ )ioo4 Diflionarium Rafticnm • (1005 Dimfdale on Inoculation y )2oo5 — — — *-749 1714 - X6B5 1704 1779 1781 ^ X007 Dodd Synopfis Compendiaria, Lib. H. Grotii &c. ■■■■ ■ 1751 il0o8 Dodfley Humans Vits CEconomia, Lat. red* ^ ' dita a Maftey ■ ■ — *■ — ■— 1752 ^1009 Douglas (Japies) Bibliographic Anatomies 1715 y ^ 1010 Dropc (Fr.) on Fruit Trees Oxford 1672 y^ fy/ *0** Frefnoy’s Art of Painting by Dryden ' ^ 1012 Duboft (Chriftopher) Commercial Arithmetic 1803 / 1013 £d awards (George) EfTay 8 on Natural Hi ft ory . 1770 — 1014 Eaft India Trade, Confidcrations on 1701 ^ 1015 — Effay on — • 1696 j 1016 Elyot (Thomas) Caftell of Health, L / / ' . *57^ 6 41017 Emblems of Rarities ■ ' ■■ 1636 # Enchyridion Phyficae Reftitutas — — 1651 ' ' ^019 Engliih Military Difcipline abridged i6;6 Arts and Sciences » Oftavo. / 6 loao Englifti Medicines for Cure of / / y / s 1021 Connoifeur, 2 vol. 1022 Engravers, Marks of 1023 Everard’s Divine Pymander — 1024 — Virtues of Tobacco 6 1025 Falconer (Wm.) on the Paflions j'1026 —Bathwaters 1027 ~T (John) Art of Secret all Difeafes 15B0 ■ — — 1766 — 1730 — 1650 i6jg 178S 1798 Information 1685 1028 Fairmaii (William) Stock examined and Com- 102Q Farmer’s Calendar 1802 lojp — - Magazine, 2 voL — 1802 i 1C31 Febure on Rawleigh’s Great Cordial 1664 / y 1032 Feltham (John) or the Strufture of the Human y y s ji033 Body Fencing Mailer’s Advice to his . ji034 Ferriar (John) Medical Hiflories ^ 1035 Fletcher judgment of Urines y- 1036 Floyer (John) on Cold Bathing ^ 1037 Fontenelle’s Plurality of Worlds 71038 — - 6 1039 Formey Philofophicat Mifcellanies y 1040 — — 1803 Scholars 169* 1792 1641 1722 Duhlitt iBoi 1761 >759 ibm 1041 Fortification, or Handfull of Knowledge in Martiall Affaires, cuts 1042 Foflil Shells (Account of) Coward de Fermenti . Volatili Nutritio *^95 o 1043 Fothergill (John) Works •— ^ y 1044 Fraud Detected, or the Hibernian Patriot, mo» rocco, gilt leases — — 4 1045 French (John) Yorkfhire Spaw 1046 Freind’s Hillory of Phyfick, 2 vol, / _ 1047 Fulke (Wm.) Booke of Meteors, /, ^(1048 Fuller (Fr.) Medicina Gymnaffica / o |io49 Gaffarel (Jas.) Unheard of Curioli lies y - 1050 Gallini Art of Dancing — 3 1051 Gamefter, Compleat j — 1052 Gamefter, Compleat •— i* y 1053 Gaubius on the Paffions *725 1652 1750 1602 >705 1650 176s l680r 4 ^ Arti and Seiincis, / 4 1055 / 6 1056 ^ 1057 ^ io$8 J ^ 1059 ^ 2060 / o 1061 6 1062 / (>063 >064, / / 1065 / ^1066 6^1067 , , (io68 ;Jr (1069 O - 2070 1071 J / X 107a / 073 1074 / 1075 y - 1076 / >®77 ^ 1078 1079 f ( A :^ 1080 ^ ao8i 3 ^ 6 1082 1083 y'Z-/ 1084 1085 Gee /Jofhua) on Trade Glaf, Gerbier Counfel to Builders 1663 ■■ " ' ■ '■ ' ib» on the three Principles of Building 1661 Gilpin (Wm.) on Pidurefque Beauty 1791 Gilborne Principles of Moral Philofophy 1789 Gould (Wm.) on Englifti Ants 1747 Grew (Nath.) on the Nature of Mixture 167^ Goodridge (John) Phoenix — 1781 Goodwin (Tho.) on Hampftead Waters 1804 Guidott (Tho.) on Bath Waters 1 725 Gurney (Tho.) Short-hand, fecond edition Hargrove’s Anecdotes of Archery Tork 179X Harle (Jonathan) State of Pbyfick 1729 Harris on Money and Coins — - *757 -(James) Philofophical Arrangements 1775 Harvey (Rich.) Ahrologlcal Difcourfe on the Conjun^ion of Saturn and Jupiter, April 28, 1583^ b. /. — (Gideon) Anatomy of Confumptions^ portrait - - — 167* I—— Family Phyfician 1678 Haworth (Sam.) Defcription of the Duke’s Bag- nio " ' — - ■ ' ■ — 1683 Hawes (W.) Tranfadlions of the Royal Humane Society, Vol. I. Hayes (Rich.) Intereft — 1747 Heberden (Wm.) Hiitory and Cure of Difeafes 1802 Heydon (C.) New Aftrology — 1786 Hippocratis Aphorifmorum Lugduni 1543 Hiiftory of the firft Inventors of Arts in the World — — 1686 — ■■■■'ll Jewels '■ — - 1671 moft Manual Arts 1661 Profefibrs of Painting in Ireland, by Pafquin — _ Quadrupeds, cuts, by Bewick 1 790 Hobbes (Tho ) Ten Dialogues on Natural Phi- lofophy ■■ ■■ ■- 1678 j-/// rj / Artt and Scitnces, Quarto, 45 1086 Hodges (Nath.) Apology of Phyfick 1666 1087 — — — (J.) on Coin and Public Charges 1697 fio88 Hooke (Andrew) Eflay on Phyfick 1734 71089 Houghton (Thos.) compleat Miner 1681 1090 Hoyle’s Games, twelfth edition 1091 Huber Notices des Graveurs etdes Feintres Dr 4 !/dc 1787 / QUARTO. 1092 Capper (James) on the Winds and Monfoons, 1801— and Thos, Forreft on ditto Calcutta 1782 1093 Carter /Wm.) on the Woollen Manufafture, me* rocco, gilt leaves - 1 689 / // ^ - / 1094 Catalogues of the Earl of Oxford, 1741— and 1% other of Pifturcs 1095 Catalogue of the Pidtures of Villiers D. of Buck* ingham — 1 758 1096 Catalogues, Exhibition from the Commence- ment in 1761 to 1806, not regular 1097 ■ ' ' ' half bound, with Ba- tetti’s Guide to the Royal Academy 1769-^4 1098’ Catalogue by Bonnel Thornton. The Bee,' or the Exhibition exhibited in anew Light, 1788. The Ear-wig, or an Old Woman’s Remarks, 2781 — and three other y j *099 Caraufius and Oriuna, Obfervations on 1756 ^ j 1 too Chambers DiiTertation fur la Jardinage de POrient 1772 / 1101 Charnock (John) Profpedtus of a Hiftory of Ma- y line Architedture — . m ^ § 7^6 / o 1102 Clarke (Wm.) on Coins ' y 11 103 Clubbe’s Phyliognomy ^ *7^3 ^||104 Collins (John) Plea for, bringing in Irilh Cattle, and keeping out of Fifh caught by Foreigners 1 680 - 1105 Corn Diftillery ftated 178^ y- 6 1106 Decker (Matt.) on the Decline of Foreign Trade *744 Laws and / A 1107 Dirom (Alexander) on the Corn Trade J. £din, 1 7 915 46 Jrfs and ScienetSf ^/.-^Quarto. / / t / y ri 3 J /- / -- // 4/d'- //^ 108 Dodoen’sNewHerbal,orHiftorleofPlants, 5 . /. 109 Electricity, Account of Expeiknents made at the Pantheon on Conductors 1778 no Elephant, Anatomical Account of the 1682 111 Evelyn’s (John) Silva and Terra, by Hunter, * vol. hoards — ' ■ ■ 1776—87 1 12 Exportation (Fraudulent) of Debenture Goods *795 I ibm 1,3 1 1 4 F alconet and Diderot on Sculpture 1 777 115 — — ib , 116 Folkingham (W.) Surveying 1 17 Forfet (Edw.) on Bodies Natural and Politique 1600 118 Gaming, Art and Myftcry of 1726 1 19 Garnett (Tho.) Zoonomia, or the Laws of Ani- mal Life, por/rai/ 1804 120 Goodall (Cha.) Royal College of Phyficians 1684 121 Graine, Orders by the Quecne, for the Relief and Stay of the prefent Dearth, h 1586 122 Green (Val.) Review of the Polite Arts in France 1782 123 Hardy (John) Lift of Captains of the Navy *779 124 . ■ — moroctOt gilt lea39 140 141 142 *43 144 145 146 *47 148 *49 150 151 *5* *53 *54 Periodical Works* FOLIO. Binglcy’s Journal, from 1770 to 1772 Briton, Twenty-nine Numbers. The Indepen* dent Whig, Thirty. two Numbers. Freeholder, Number 4 to 54. Britifli Journals, 4 vol. 1723 to 1728 Calcutta Chronicle, or General Advertifer 1757 Centinel, by T. Franklin and G. Steevens, from 1 786 to 1 787 Covent.gardcn Journal, Sixty.eight Numbers Craftfman, or Country Journal, by Caleb Dan- vers, 1750 to 1756 Englilhman, Seventeen Numbers Free Finquirer, by Peter Annet, 1761, vide Note by Mr. Reed ■ '■ 1761 Freeholder’s Journal «— — 1722 Gray’s Inn Journal, laft Fifty-two Numbers by A. Murphy Grub-ftreet Journal, 2 vol. — 1730 How do you do ? Eight Numbers St. James’s Journal, Twenty-fix Numbers — — — — Chronicle, 4 vol. Literary Fly, by Herbert Croft *779 — ■ — — — I. — tb» London and Country Journal — 1741 Daily Advertifer and Literary Gazette, fundry Numbers — — ly^i— Looker-on — — 1792 Lounger — — Edmb» 1785—86 Lounger’s Mircellany,/flr/rfl/r — 1789 y' / H ^ j /.V JL .. /# . /A id < f * i .. - J . £ . 6 4* . /«. ^ END OF THE FIFTH DAY’s SALK. Jrts and Scienees, / A // y y /*) /x- y y/ i- ^ n 1200 Medical (Biography, viz. Life of Dr. Mead, by Haty, portrait^ 1755. Ditto of Dr Monfcy* portrait^ 1789. Ditto of Zimmerman, 1797 1201 ‘Medley (John) EiTay on Matlock Bath *73<> 3 S202 Memoirs of the Royal Academy*^ at Paris 172* --'1 203 Mengs (Anr. Raphl.) Works, 2 vpl. 1796 ^ ^204 Merchandizes (Rates of) 1:642 \l*05 M’lis (John) EBay on the Weather 1773 > 1206 M'lward (Edw.) Letter to Sir Hans Sloane 1734 1207 Mines (Account of) 1721. Familiar Difcoarfe of the Mine Adventure, 1700 2208 Moffct Well in Scotland, Defcription of 1664 1209 Money fa Difcourfe of) — 1696 6 1210 ■ ib» o 1211 MofFet (Thos.) Health's Improvement 1746 1212 Morbo Gallico (De) or the Wood called Guia- com, that healeth the French Pockes, b. I, *539 ^ 1213 Mortimer Every Man his own Broker 1762 1214 Mofely (Ben.) on Coffee — — 179* 1215 Sugar 1799 j2i 6 — r ~ "™ ' ■■■■'I. . 1800 ^1217 Mun (Thos.) England's Treafure Gla/, 1753 1218 Murrel's Two Books of Cookerie and Carving — i%8 1219 Murry (Ann) Sequel to Mentoria 1799 1220 Mufeum Tradefcantium, with both portraitt and tbi Arms 1656 1211 National Merchants ■ ' ■ 1736 - )i22a Naudaeus Hiftory of Magick *^57 1323 Newton (Ifaac) Theory Light and Colours, a vol. ■■■■' ■' " ■ ' ■ 1739 2224 ■■■' — a vol. 1741 _ 1225 — — ^ Tables for Renewing, &c. the Leafcs of Cathedrals and Colleges ' 1742 1226 Niohoifon (Geo.) Short Hand — 1806 / 1227 Nickolls (John) on Commerce of France and Great Britain — • 1734 j 2 28 Northcote (W.) Hiftory of_A^atomy 1772 by Holcrofc >784 ^*’^9 D’Obfonville Philofopbic ElTays, Aftt^ Btiencet 'i (Sfr.— Oftavo# 9^ xtSO 123' 1232 / / 1233 1*34 . / **3S / **36 **37 u p 2238 / , i*39 6 ^^^o V “ 4 » .^' ^ t24* **43 / **44 y **45 / 2246 Z (**47 ^Ji248 « _**49 - 1250 — 12^1 / *»s* 11S3 / i *54 ^ /**SS O 1256 ^ *857 ^ f ^ •* ^ Oliver (Wm.)on the Bith Waters 1747 OptickGlafle ofHumorSy/ron/ Panciollus on Memorable Things Loft, 2 vol. *7»S Parker on the Hanging of Gates, plaut 1804 Parkinfon (James) Medical Admonitions. 2 vol. »799 Parfons Chronological Tables 1718 Parfons (James) on Heiihaphrodites, plates * 74 » Paxton on Trade — ^ — 1704 Pegge (Samuel) Forme of Cury 1780 Peirce (Robert) Hiftory of the Bath 17*3 Perkins on Metallic Traders 1799 Petty (Woi.) New Inventions and Improve- ments — 1^9* Phaire (Thomas) Regiment of Life, b» /. 1560 ■ I., I - 5, /. iiji, proved by How Philal^thes Fame of the Fraternity of the Rofie Crofs, 1653. The Ph'ylofopher’s Banquet, title •wanting Pilkington on the Knowledge of Painters 1778 Pinkerton on Medals ■ t " ■ 1 Plantanum circa Harefield Plantae Woodfordienfis — — — Price (Uvedaie; pn the Pldurerque Letter to Repton 1784 >737 1771 >794 *795 >783 Pringle (Sir John) Six Difeoveries Ray (John) Philofophical Letters, by Derham 1718 Wifdom of God in the Creation >743 Reece (Richard) Domeftic Medical Guide 1805 Reed (J.) Tradefman’s Companion 176* Richards (J.) Pradical Arithmetic Richardfon's Account of StatueS| ka 2 7734 / 1258 / / 1259 / 1260 ■/"/ ^ 1*6* 1263 y ^ 1264 / 4 1*65 / 1266 '3 t > 1267 y 1268 j (1169 J1270 * 7»9 i 79 » /- 279 u86 • O * Atti^ Seienuf, ^c»»^O(iir 0 k- Regimen Sanitatis Salerni, cngliflied by Payntll ^. /. ~ — 1575 Robinfon Views of Nature Rollo (John) Diabetes Mellitus Rofe (Giles) In ft motions for the Mouth i68x — (John) Engllfh Vineyard 1666. Rofs (Alexander) Arcana Microcofmi 1652 Ruddiman Introdu£lion:to Anderfon's Diploma Scotise ■ — ” 1663 Rumford (Ben.) Effays ■■■' ■ — 1795 Rural Improvement mu ! ■ ■ ■ ■■ *777 Ruthuen Ladies Cabinet 1654 Rowzee (Lod.) Queens Wells 1675 Ryding (Wm.) Veterinary Pathology 1801 Saunders (Wm.) on rhe Liver 1795 Sea Officers (Lift of) — 1777 Sharpe (Gregory) Defence of Dr. Clarke *744 Sheffield (Lord) on the Commerce of the Ame- rican States . _ 'VS* Short (Thomas) Obfervations on the Bills of Mortality — 1750 Slare (Fred.) on the Bezoar Stone * 7 *S‘ Smith (William) Liters de Re Nummaria * 7*9 Spirit of Legiflation (Eftays on the) 177a Starkey (George) Pyrotechny Alferted 1658 Stevens (John) Spaniffi Rule of Trade to thct Weft Indies — - — — 1702 Stewart (Alexander) Medical Difeipline 1798 Strange (Robert) on the Rife of the Royal Aca- demy — 1775^ Stukeley (Wm.) on Earthquakes 1756 Taylor (Jofeph) Character of the Dog 1804 Taylor (Brook) Contemplatio Philofophica, with his Life, by Sir William Young, portraits * 79 $. Tentamen Mcdicinale * .* 70 $- Theophraftus Hiftory of Stones, by Hill * 774 . Stances $ 53 SS87 Thompfou (Thomas) on the Small Pok ^ 1752 JtaSS Thoufand Notable Things — 1791 ^789 Thunberg (Car* Pet.) Prodromus Flantarum I Capeniiom — ■ ■■■ Up/alia 1794 ^ )»I90 Tiffot (8. A.) on the Difeafes of Literary Per- r Tons 1768 / ^ 1291 — ' ' mi ij - on Health, by Kirkpatrick 1768 ^ _ 129* Tonftall (George) Scarborough Spaw, Anato« mized > ■ —» 1670 / 1195 Toulmin (G* H.) Antiquity of the World 178$ 4 1294 Trafts, viz. Pembroke’s Method of Breaking Horfes, 1761. Thompion’s Rules for Bad Horfemen, 1763, &c. ^ a.299 — « ■■ Lucina ConcubitUt 1750. Boer* haave of Magnetical Cures, 1743* Midriff on Spleen and Vapours, 1721 ^ ^296 — Gwyn's Effay on Delign, 1749. Ideal Beauty in Painting and Seolpture, 1769, . Allen's Thoughts on Painting, 1750, &c. 1 297 — — — (Ancient) on the Management of Landed Property 1767 Effay on Harmony, by Morris, 1739* /•< A 1299 — — Rouquet State of the. Arts, lyjj* Chronological Series of Engravers, 1770. Chelfam on Engraving in Mezzotinto, 1786 ^ 2300 — Randolph on Briftol Water, 1 750. Su« therlandon Briftol Water,, 1758. Ditto oft. Waters in General, 1763# Lucas on Bath and ^ Briftol Waters, &c. ^ S301 —— Medical, viz. Lind on the Fen Fever, 1772. James on Fevers, 1758. . Robinfon on a Cruft of Bread, 1757. Cooke on Foifons, . 2770, &c. ^ c> *3®* juice* of the Grape, by Shaw, 1724. Hoffman on the Teeth, Sir Hans Sioane on the Eyes, HiU on Valerian, Chandler on a Cold^, . &c. M ijog /d 1304 1305 /{? 1306 //Z- *307 ^ 1308 1309 4 * 3'0 4 » 3 ” 4 ^ *3* a Z / * 3'3 Artu Sdmet, &^««»Q2iartoJ 2 Vfl 5 /, viz.— On the Uncertainties in Phyficfey by Feyjoo, 1751, Berkeley on Vifion, 1733. Hales, Jackfon, Berkeley, and Prior on Tar Water, 1744, Flemyng on Corpulency, 1760, — — . > — ■ Pointer on the Weather, 173?* Shepherd of Banbury’s Rules for the Weather, by Claridge, 1744. Mills on the Weather, 1770, See, Tra^ty viz — Eflays on the Public Debt, Sec, 1755. Effay on Mon^y, by Hewitt, Con- duit, &c. - ' ■■■■■ ■ ■ De Malynes Canker of England’^ Commonwealth, 1601. Locke on Money, i6g;, &c. Eight, Relative to the Rabbit Woman of Godaiming, with M.S. of St. An- dre's Mifcarrbge, a Poem, &C. in Trade, viz. The Spinfter, in Defence of the Woollen Manufafturcs, 1719- Reafons for improving the Fiflierie* and Linen Manufactures of Scotland, &c. ■ Account of the African Trade 1713, &c. — Treatife on Trade, 1750. Dif* fertation on Commerce, 17 54 * Temple on Commerce and the Arts, 1758, &c. on the Eaft India Trade, 1697^. Paxton on 'Trade, 1704. Confiderations on railing the Value of Money, 1695, &c. Free, 162Z. ObfervatioM on Ditto, by H. R* 1668 Gee on Trade and Navigation, 1729. True State of England, 1729 QUARTO. ^ / 1314 Hill (Wm.) Infancieof the Soul, or the Soute * of an Infant «6?5 / _ 1315 Hiftory of Coffee, Thee, Chocolate, and To- bacco — — “ . ^ y / / / Scimej, Quarto. 55 ^316 Hogarth (Wm.) Analyfis of Beauty, with Co- pies of the Two Plates — >753 7 1317 Horflcy (Wm.) Britilh Merchant, title •waniing 1318 Horfemanfliip (a Difcourle of) and the Art of Riding 1584 1319 Houfholder’s Philofophie, >588 1320 Hughes (Wm.) Cojnpleat Vineyard 1665 / 1321 Jones (John) Bathes of Bathes Ayde, b»hi^T2t and Buckftone’s Bathes Benefyte 1322 Jordan (Edw.) on Bathes and Mineral Waters 1631 ^1323 KeppePs Freedom Bo» (Dcfcrlption of) *with plates 132 j King (Edw.) on Stones faid to have fallen from the Clouds ■ >79^ 1325 on the Signs of the Times 1798 ^1326 Langham (Wm.) Garden of Health,^. /, 1^78 J327 Langwith on ArbuthnoPs Coins 1747 1328 Latham's Faulconry, 1633 1329 Leather (a Difeourfe of) — — 1629 _ 1330 Legerdemaine, or the Art of Juggling, byS. R. b. /. — 1612 1331 Leigh (Valentine) Surveying, L /. 1588 1332 Lettfom (J. C.) Origin of Medicine, tokured plates 1778 2333 — - » ■ — — Hiftory of Hard Drinking J7S9 1334 Levett( John) on Bees — 1634. 2335 Lite of Sir [faac Newton, by Fontenelle 1728 y 6 e> 2336 Marchant (Nathaniel) Catalogue of roo gems^ plate » by Bartolozzi — ,1337 Markham (Gervafe) Hulbandry 1631 1338 Marib (John) Decimal A rithmetick ^ J339 Martyn (Thomas) on jffirollatick Globes, plate 1784 2340 Mafcall (Leonard) on Cattel, in 3 bookes, b, /. 1596 1341 — — Arte of Planting and Graft- ing, — 159* 1342 Mai&eJJ.) on the Poor Laws — • 17^3 *343 (®^w.) Relation of a Serpent found in the Left Ventricle of the Heart of John Pennant, plates — 1639 j6 Arily Sditices, ^<««»PoTio, ^ ^ 1344 Mead (Rich.) Medical Works, t vol. portrait 1762 ^ - 1345 Mercurialis de Arte Gymnaftica, Amfi» i6yz / 1346 Money, (Regulations for the Intereft of) 1785 FOLIO. / ,i ^ 6 1347 Medley, 43 Numbers / *348 Middlefex Journal, or Chronicle of Liberty, si2 Numbers lyy 1—177* *349 Mift’s Weekly Journal, 17*5 to 1728 yyy >350 Moming Chronicle for 1775 and 1776 1351 Occafionalift, 14 Numbers 1352 Owen’s Weekly Chronicle — 1738 1353 Portfolio, by Oliver Old School Pbiladdphia 1802 1354 Pafquin aferibed to Duckett, by Pope 17a* ^ /Z *^1355; Public Advertifer, from 1784 to 1792, lOVoK A — 1356 Ledger, 1761 and 1765 / // Z 1357 Scraps from Newfpapers J — 1358 Spendthrift, fuppofed to be by Lord Holland, vide Note> — • — — • 1766 // 1359 Tomahawk, or Cenfor-General i79i*-»96 C .5 0 1360 Traiteur — 1780 X X/""— 1361 True Patriot 174^ y y _ 1^62 Various Periodical Papers, in i vol. viz,— Pro- tefter, by Ralph, 175 3— Teft, by Murphy, 1 786 — Contcll, by Ruffhead, 1756— Bufy Body, by Gqldfmith— Old Maid, by Mrs, Brooke, 175^ —Man, by Dr. Shaw, 175;: Z /*363 viz.— New Spcflator, ^ ^ 1784— Templar, 1773— Periodical Effays, 1780 Covent Garden Chronicle, No, IL 1768— Jc- fuit, 1783 — Citizen, 1 788— Whipping for the Welch Parfon, 1773 ,^64 — Crab Tree, 1757 ////^ »J6S —Devil, 1753— Speflator, Five Firll Numbers, Entertainer, 1734— Microcofm, 1737, &c.— Yorkihire Freeholder, 1780 ■■■■■■ I. - Mercurios LatL HUS, 1746— Jacobite Journal, 1747— Covent ( S 7 J Garden Journal, 1752— Three Papers rerative to the Theatres, &c.— Sec Note 1566 XJniverfal Chronicle -7- * 75 ^ 1367 Weekly Mifcellany, by R. Hooker, 2 vol. 1712—7 J368 Whig (The Old) 160 Numbers, half ‘bounds 1734 to 1738— Dauk*8 News Letter, fundry Numbers, 1703— 4— The Medler, SMD OP T^IB SIXTH DAY^S SALBV / / » fr ~C (i . fo . i, [ Seventii Day’s Sale,- Tra^lSf OCTAVO ET INFRA. fcOT 1369 T^RACTS, by Wefley, 2 vol. 17^^ ' * 37 ® ^ — ■ Controverfial, 4 vol. 1371 Trafts — Annett's Conception of JefuS conli- derM,^ 1744. Daniel’s Prophecy, 1744, &c, ia 1 vol. X 3372 Immorality of the Moral Philofophers^ 1737. Ancient Hiftory of the Hebrews Vin- ^ dicated, 1741, &c. in 3 vol. J373 on Gibfon’s Codex «« 17^6 / 1374 Diflertation on Prophecy, 1749, Scqc in* s vol. I A / ^ ^ 4 i 1 , *376 >377 / 1378 / *379 / 1380 < 138 > / 1382 4 >383 t 1384 52^f*»*06lavo,' TraSh^hy Middleton and Pcarfc 1731 on Jofcphus, by Bryant, Bufgefs, &c. - 1 780 Deidicalj in i vol. .6 by Peter An nett, /or/r^j/V relative to the Roman Catholics, by J- / ■ 1385 1386 Brooke, Sykes, Berkeley, &c, Butler’s Charge to the Clergy, 1786. Blackburne’s Anfwer to Ditto Miracles of Jefus, vindicated by Pearlc, 1749, and 7 other in i vol. byBalguy 1734 Spirit of Infidelity Detedled, 1735, and. 9 other, in i vol, ^ * * 779 * ■ / Sturgefs on Church Eftablifliment and 3 other, in 1 vol, by Dr. Dodd, in i vol, 1*763, ■* Five Papers relating to the Quaker’a”^ Tythe Bill, and 4 other, in i vol. 173!^ relative to Dr. Bentley’s Humanity; &c, 1699 — from a Blackfmith to the Minifter and Elders of the Church of Scotland, 1761, &c, by Arife Evans, Voice from Heaven, &c.' 165} — Analyfis of Lord BoHngbroke, Philofo* phical Works, 1755, &c. The Theatre. Royal turn’d into a Mounte- bank’s Stage, 1718. Learned Difiertation ofi Old Women, by Gordon, 1720. Life of Rich* ard Savage, by Charles Buckingham, 1727, &c. Divorce, by Kenrick, &c. 3 voU 1771 Colledlion of Moral Sentences, by Al- cock, 1775* England’s Genius or Wit Tri- umphant, 1734. Ecclefiadical Tranfaftions, a Colleftion of Reverend Jokes, 1742 — i— - i Stukeley’s Philofophy of Earthquakes, 1750. Sir Hans Sloane’s Will, 17^3. Cafe of Authors, by Ralph, 1758, &C* in 1 vol. — Minifterial, 1798 / /(/ / 1397 139 ^ ^399 Tra^j, 0£lavo. 59 Tracis — by Geo. Stubbes, 1731. A Philofophical Dialogue on the Moon, by Hayes, 1761, and 5 other, in i vol* ~ ' — — on the Poor 1775 by Tickcll, Anticipation, &c. ^ 1778 — William Hay, Rcligio Medici, &c. ^ 1^00 The Temple of Fame, or Scandalous Chronicle, 1748. Dean Swift’s Will, &c. A *401 — Hazard of a Death^bed Repentance, 1708, Burying in Churches, &c. 17Z1, &c. / 1402 Speech of Mr. John Checkly, on his Tryal, 1730, and 8 other, 1730 — 64 / 1403 ...I '■ ■ Innes on Moral Virtue, 1728, &c, ^ ■ / 1404 Armllrong’s (Economy of Love. Ed- ^ ward’s Canon of Criticifm, 1748. Myftery of Rhetoric, 1739, &c. / 1405 *■■■ Lewis’s ElTay on the Confecratioii of Churches, 1719, &c. // 1406 ——The Repolitory,' 1752. The Enter- ^ tainer, 1746. The Publilhcr, 1745 ./ 6 1407 " — — Voltaire in the Shades, 1770, &c. 1408 ■ ■ — - Narrative of the Proceedings in France, for"^difcovcring the Murder of the Englilh Gentlemen/ 1723* Lifeof Eugene Aram, 1760, Lives of Blewer, &c. 1726, Mylleries Re- veal’d, or Tranfaftions of the Cock-lane Ghoft. Life of Thomas Mun, 1750. Narra- tive of the Thief-takers M‘c Daniel, &c, 1 756, and 6 other, in i vol. ' ^ 1409 Catalogues (Ten) of the Libraries of James / Weft, Anthony Alkew, Jofeph Robertfon, John ^ Woodhoufe, &c. 1410 — (Sixteen) of St. Julius Caefar’s M.S. / &c. // / 1411 Abridgment of Polidore Vergile, h, L 1551. Erafmus Enchiridion Militis Chrifti, b» L Common Places of Scripture tranftated by Taverner, /. 1553 141 2 Smith’s Memoirs of Secret Service, 1699, &c. 6 o TraRSf &c.«^Oflavo.‘ O J ^1413 Smith (John) Travels in Paleftinc, 1795, Falconar's Journey from Joppa to Jerufhlem, / *753 . . ^ S414 — — Vindication of the Prefent Miniftry, 1 740. Arlus and Adolphus, &c. Memoirs of Sir John Berkeley, 1699, 1415 1416 J4I7 1418 and 5 other ■ by Bentham — - ■ — ■ ' Moderate Churchman, other 1710, 1776 and 15 j / / / « 4 ** —— Peter Milton’s Edidls, i6ij. Sir James (Ley on Wards and Liveries, 1612. Vernon on the Exchequer, 1642. Brooke Reading on the Statute of Linutations, i647« Wren Mo- narchy AiTcrted, i66o (Twelve) by and concerning Dennfs relative to Dr. Parr, 1792—5; ■■ ■ ■ - Tyers, 1781, &c. - Fergufon, Idea of the Material Univerfe, Defeription of the Solar Syftem, by Balllie on the Sublime, 17479 V / * 754 * Ditto, 1743. &c. y 1423 Edward Livelie. Chronologie of the Perfian Monarchic, 1597, &c. 1424 -■■■ ■ Relation of the Poyfoning of Sir Tho. mas Overbury, 1651. Life of Dr. Thomas Fuller, 166 1* Life of Elias Afhmole, i7i<7.«— Life of John Milton •425 — ■ Obfervations on the AfFayres of Hol- land, jbzu True La we of Free Monarchies^ 1603. Andronicus, by Thomas Fuller, 1646 1426 ■' Standard of Equality, 1647. Rights and Prerogatives of Kings, 1612. Rights of the People, 1658. Rule to keep Inferior Courts within their jult Bounds, 168.. Ad of Com- mon Council for paving the City, i67ii 7427 Recantation of John Nichols, 4 i58i. True La we of Free Monarchies, 1603 7428 ■ ■ by Urquhart Edin, 1774 1429 ' ■ " — Colton's Morall Philofophy of the Stoicks, 1671, Loredano’s Life of Adams, i 639,& c . Z/ {d w 55fr.-*^£lavOi 6 t Newe { *4^0 — Rofs Medicus Medicatus, 1645^. Booke of Common Prayer, 1644, &c. y// 1431 An Antiquodlibet, 1602, &c. y’ >43* Triumph of Mercy in the Chariot of Praiie,. ^ i 6 yy, Fletcher’s Reftauration of Ifrael, 1677, &c. ^ C *433 The Hurte of Bering Mafle, b» I, 1561. A Warning againll the dangerous Pradlifes of Papiftes, b, /. &c. Arraignment of the Popifli Traiteur Everard Haunce, 1531. Confeflion of the Proteftantes of Scotlande, b, /. 1561 Direftion or Preparative to the Study of the Law, 1600. Bellamie Plea for the Com- monalty of London, 1645. AA of Common Council for paving and cleanfing the C fy, 1671. Reafons for the Abatement of Inte- reil, 1692 Critical J- «436 H37 / - 1438 ^ ^ H39 Remarks on Four Plays, by Corinna, 1719. Diflertation on the Ufe and Abufe of Tobacco, 1720. A Wonderful Won- der of Wonders, 1721, &c. Jackfon on Human Liberty, 1730. Re- marks on Waterland's Defenfe of fome Que- ries, 1723* &c. by Lowth and Edwards 1765 — 6 — - I Tunbridge Mifcellany, 1712. Adts of Parliament no Infallible Security to bad Peace- Makers, &;c. (Six) for and againft Lord Bolingbroke, Dennis Refleftions, Critical and Saty- rical, Homerides, 171 Dennis Remarks on Pope’s Homer. Ditto on the Dunciad, 1729, /// «442 / '443 // Ut4 *445 &c. Clark? (Six) relative to John Dennis, &c. (Sixteen) relative to State Affairs 1712 (Six; by Thos. Hervey — 1742 (Eight) Whillon’s Memoirs of Dr* I 6z Tra^s, .Odavo, J'~ • 44 <' /" ”47 X ”48 Tra£i» (Seven) Genealogical ElTay on the Fa- mily of the Hams, 1730. The Petticoat, i;i6. ArtofDrefs, 1717. Life of a Norfolk Dump- ling, &c. — Apology for a late Refignation. Hare on the Study of the Scriptures, &c, in 2 vol. Nesfield’s Oration at the Opening the Iron Bridge at Wearmouth, 1796. DilTcttation on Anecdotes, 1793. Playfair on the Finances of Great Britain, 1796. On the Improvement of the Fiftiery in the Thames, 1787. The In- dians, a Tragedy, 1790, in i vol. Tucker’s, on enriching the Principality M55 / / «456 / «457 1458 of Wales, 1762 — Ditto on the Benefits and Da- mages of Spirituous Liquors, 1751, &c. Lewis Hifiorical E/Tay on the Confecra- tion of Churches, 1719— -Life of John Sage, 1714, &c. Life of Henry Compton— Dialogue on Kennicott’s Method of correfting the printed Hebrew Text, 1760, in 2 vol. — .■■■ Rules of the Maritime School, 1781 —Plan for Manning the Navy— Sir John Moore Poetical Trifles, 1778. Prieftcraft in Perfedion, 1710— Punch turned Crititk, 17*2 — True Charader of Edm. Grindal), 1709— and feven other ■ ■ Aiifwer to the Country Paribn’s Plea— Tryal between J. G. Biker and M. Morley, 17^1— -Woodman’s Ratcatcher of Chellea Col- lege* 1740^ on Oflian, by Gordon, Warner, Shaw, Clark, &c. ■ — - 1762—84 — (Seven) on Mary Tofts, the Rabbet Woman, by Howard, Ahlers, Manningham, Douglas, Gulliver, Brathwaite— with St. An- dre’s Cafe by Maflie iVS ©— 57 Hiftory of Sir Robert Walpole, 1738— Ditto of Nadir Cha, 1741— Bancks Remarks on Voltaire’s Life of Charles XII. i 74 *» tfr.— Oflavo. 1459 Trafls, or Critical Memoirs of the Times / J [1460 J1461 1462 1463 ^1464 / 146s 1466 *467. 1468 ^ ^ >469 / V 1470 1471 / Royal Matins 1768, &c. - (Eight) by Cibber, Sheridan, and Lord Hervey, on Pope, &c. 1753 relative to Crefwell and Scrope 1749 / >47* / / »47J V ^ >474 >475 1476 ■ ■■ ■ by Northouck— Hiftory of the Man after God’s own Heart 1764, &c. The Confpirators, or the Cafe of Cati- line, 1721— Addrefs to the People of Great Britain, 1745, ^ ■ Truth ftifled, 1741— Survey of the County of Down, 1740— The Tranfadlioneer, 170C— Hittorical Account of Mandrakes, 1741, &c. — ' Confutation of Witchraft, 1712— The Proteft, &c. Letter to Horace Walpole 17679 &c. ■ ' ' Several Affertions proved, in order to create another Species of Money than Gold or Silver-Catalogue of Knights, &c. 1640, &c. — Life of Gilbert Burnet, 1713— Sewell’s fecond Letter to Ditto, 1713— and Mifcella- neous Works by Addifon, vol. 4, 1750 Treatife of Humane Reafon, 1674— Pourtraift of the Politicke Chrtkian Favourite, 1647 — Difeourfe by Geo. Downing, 1672—- Tprriano Italian Proverbs, 1642, &c. in 3 vol. r — Gelli, Fearefull Fanfies of the Florentine Cooper, b, L 1 1599— Circes, b, /. ^^557 Baylie Conference between Charles f. and Henry Earl of Worcefter, 1649— Worcef- ter’s Apopthcgme,/re«r. 1650 Wilhart on a Holy and Good Life *753» Johnfon (Robt.) Effaies, 1613 — Micro- cofmographia, 1628 — Modern Policies, 1652— Raleigh’s Maxims of State, in 2 vol. — ■— (Four) relative to the Police by Dcnne 1772, &c. Jortin’s Remarks on Spenfer, 1 734- Col ledlion of Verfes, Eflays, &c, 1728 — Bur- ton’s Genuinenefs of Lord Clarendon’s Hif» ^4 TraSis, C5fr,^0ftavo^ / fory of the Rebellion vindicated, 1744— Effajf on the Manner of Writing Hiftory, 1746, &c» ^ 6 ?477 Trafls, Letter from a Clergyman in Ireland, giving an Account of taking great Numbers of Fifli and Sea Monfters, in the County of Clare, 1721— Life of Thomas Lord Cromwell, 1715 —Letter to a Rev. Gentleman in Oxford on drinking Healths, 1722 — Leonhardi Accoan& of the Grifons, 171 1— Four Kings of Canada, 1710, &c. 1478 — — Belcarras Account of Affairs in Scot- land, 1714— Hiftory of the Count de Gabalis, 1714, &c. Lexiphanes, 1767— Sale of Authors, 1767 — ■ Citizen of the World, and Pcrfian Let- ters - I —- 1793 — par de Mifley — — *769 Remarks on the Speech of Dupont, by Hannah More ■ — - 1 793, &c;' — — Effay on Public Credit, 1710— AfgilPs Trafts, &c. — — Hen. Hammond Nineteen Letters, 1739 —Letters of Dr. Wm. Sancroft, 1757— Letters, four, from Newton to Bentley, 1756, &c. — Fovargue Catalogue of Vulgar Errors, 1767— Anti-Canidia, or Confutation of the Opinion concerning Witches, &c. Naked Truth, 1755— Mafonry Diffefled H79 7 / >480 ^ 1481 / >48* / *483 / 1484 *485 1486 1487 —Hooke on the National Debt, 175 r, &c Effay on Civil Government, 1728— / . 14S8 Arbor Vita?, or the Tree of Life, 1741— The Moufe Trap, a Poem, 1720— Hoglandia, 1728— Humours of the Road, €om. — — Pidlore of a Modern Whig, 170J— 1489 1490 Fragment of Ancient Poetry, 1760— Life of Lord Lovat, 1746 &c. Sooth Sea Trade, 1711— SediUon and Defamation difplayed, 1731, &c. in 2 vol. — — Merry Philofophcr, or Thoughts on Jefting, 1765— Effay on Laughter, by Hiffer- nan, 1769 P M9» / * '49* V M9J ^ '494 >6'__'49S / J496 c'' /1497 J ^ *498 // >499 ^ ^ 1500 / 'SO' y' ^ 150 * j- '503 / '504 '5*5 S / *506 ^raSi^ O£lavo* Trafts (Four) by Tucker 1776 — . ^ 1774 — relative to Trinity College, Cambridge 1710 Poems, by Mifs Carter, 176s— Burnet’s Thoughts on Education, 1761— Voltaire on the Civil Wars of France, 1727— Geffncr’s Rural Poems, 1762 — ■ Life of John Dennis, 1734— Letters be- tween Pope and Hill, 175 1— Collection of Wclfti Travels •———Faith of a converted Atheift, 1712— The Burning of London, 1714— Tunbridge Mifcellany, 1713, &c. — Character of Sheffiejld Duke of Bucking- haralhire, 1729 — with four other relative to, 1721, &c. — Letter on Earthquakes, 1750 — and fix other on ditto — Letter onEnthufiafm, 1708— Soliloquy, &c,— Vindication of the Corporation and Teft Acts, See, in 2 voL T- Trenchard’s Eflays, 1755— Howard’s Thoughts, EiTays, and Maxims, 1768 Francis Lord Bacon, on Private and National Corruption and Bribery, 1721— Confpirators, or the Cafe of Catiline, 1721 ■ " — Old England, or the Conititutional Jour- nal* Did you ever fee the Like ? or Fun upon Fun, 1735— Accountof the Town’s Hofpital in Glafgow, 1742— Gairdnec Hiftorical Account of the Old People’s Hofpital, Editt, 1728, &c. on Mahomet, by Toland, Alcock, 1713—96 Enquiry into the Reafons of the ConduCl of Great Britain with refpeCt to Europe, 1727 — Miege Utrum Horum, 1705, &c. in 2 vol. — The Vauxhall Affray, front, 1773 — Fitzgerald’s Appeal to the jockey Club, &c. — relative to the Living to Aldwinckic 1767 K ( >^6 TraSif^ CsTr.—Oflavo* / ^ 1507 Propofal for relieving the Poor, 1-721-^ Obfervations on the Writings of the Craftfman, 1750, &c. 2 vol, ^ ^ 1508 ■ (16) relative to the South Sea Scheme ^ >509 // 1510 , ^ (a 1511 ^ / - >S'3 1720 — — " ■ HifFetnan on the Sttud^ure and Paffions of Mail — 1748, &c. — ■'■■■ ■ (3) in Favour of Infidelity 1720 — 34 — — (32) relative to the Difienters 1732 — Account of Dilpute between Hume and RoufTeau, 2766, and 3 other relative to RoufTeau — ■ (6) on Mandeville’s Fable of the Bees / - *514 *S*5 /S»7 1715 — Yorke on the Law of Forfeiture, i746* Reports in Verfe of Sir Edward Coke, 1742. Algernon Sydney Letters, 1742, &c.. Memoirs of George Leyburn, Hifiorical Memoirs on the liiih Rebellion *765 Rcafons for Hindering the Home Con- fumption of Eaft India Silks, 1697, A Difeoverye of a CounterfeAe Con* / ference, helde at a Counterfe^e Place, by Counterfeiie Travellers, Colltn, 1600. Fal- ihbod in Friendfhip, or Unions Vizard, or Wolves in Lambikins, 1605 151$ iM-.— > Modern Anecdote, by Lady Craven, 17 81. Real Characters and Genuine Anecdotes, 51769. Tiiller, by Vprtigern Crancoxe, 1772. Leap Year LeC^ures, 1773 3 O Tom Double returned out of the Country, I ;02. Petticoat Government, &c. <6 1520 — — — Howard’s Letter to Mr. Samuel Johnfon, 1692. Difeourfe on Uniting Scotland with Eng- land, 1702, &c. 1511 — Hiftory of Living Men, 1702. Shorted Way with W Wes and Rogues, <703. New- ton's Theory of the Moon’s Motion, 1702 ^ S522 — Langbaine's Lives of the Dramatick Poets. John Bull in his Senfes ~ 1712 C 67 ) Arts and Sciences* QUARTO. 2523 Montefiore (Jofiiua) Commercial Di^lionary »8oj Mudge (Thomas) Defeription of a Time-Keeper, plates — — 1799 / 1525 National Debt (State of) December, 1716# printed 1727 - 3^26 Naturalift's Journal 1527-Neandri Tabacologia, t*Bat 1626 y y/iSzS Nicola (Thomas) Hillory of Pretious Stones ^ ^ Cant* 1652 J- 1529 Nicholfii (Fran.) Vita,/^. 1780 / 3530 Norden (John) Surveyor's Dialogue 1610 ^ ^1531 Norfolk Militia, plates — 1768 / / / / / /Z A-. ^532 Painting (Du Frefnoy’a Art of) 1765. By Birch, 1765. Ditto, by 'Mafon, in Verfe, 1783— Ditto, by Churchey. Hayley’s ElTay on Ditto, 1781, Poetical Epiftle to Sir Jofliua Rey- nold's, 1777. Keate’s Epiftle to Angelica Kauffman, 1781, nuitb portraits^ and extracts from nenu/papers 1533 Peacham (Hen;) Compleat Gentleman, front, 1627 3534 — 1634 1555 Pecham (H.) Art of Drawing with the Pen, and Limning in Water Colours — 1606 1536 Pegge (Sam.) on the Coins of CunObelin, 1769 -«S 37 — ih. ^'1538 Penkethman (John) Aftizeof Bread, hy 1638 *539 ib* y J540 Peterkin (Jofhua) on Planting, front* 5 /. Chrifiepher*s 1790 ^1541 Philofophical Tranfaftions, No. 144, 365, 382, / 387 J 3 54* Phyftc (Canons of the Art of) Calcutta / 68 Arts and 5 r;^w^;.«MQuaito« ^1543 Pinto’s Eflay on Circulation and Credit 1544 Plattes ^(Gabriel) Difcovery of Treafure Subterranean 1679 J ^ 1545 Puckell (Stephen) Table tdF Fees due to the Bi- ihop of London ■■■ 1610 / h * 54 ^ Querfitanus Chymicall and Hermeticall Phy- ficke, by Timme — — 1605 -^1547 Raper (Matt.) Meafure of the Roman Foot 3 p 1548 Rates of Marchandizes in King James’s Reign Xy 1549 Refta Series of Eminent Painters *739 ^ 1550 Rueffi (Jac.) de Conceptu et Generationis Ho- ^ mini Frank. 1587 _ X551 SavioIo(Vincentio) of the Rapier and Dagger^ and of Honor, and Honorable Quarrels, cutty / very /caret — >595 /y 6^^552 Saunders Oratio ex Harveii Inftituto 1797 /'/ '^552 Scot (Reynolde) perfitte Platforme of a Hoppe ^ Garden, 1578 ^53 Simon (Jas.) Account of Irilh Coins, 1749— Journal from Grand Cairo to Mount Sinai, / *743 6 ^554 (Tho.) Medals, Coins, and Great Seals, engraved by Vertue — 1780 // //? 1355 Smith (John) Memoirs of Wool, 2 voU in i '0 / *757 6 1556 Somerville, Farmer’s, Grazier’s and Butcher’a Ready Reckoner 1796 ^ *557 Spices (the bad Garbelling of) ufed in thefe Dales — " 1591 '6 1558 sprat (Tho.) Hiftory of the Royal Society, 1667 3 — 1559 Stcuart (James) Political CEconomy, 2 vol. 1767 yt ^ 1560 Stubbe (Hen.) Lord- Bacon’s Relation of the Sweating Sicknefle, examined, 167 1« Ditto Difcourleon Phlebotomy, 1671 J ig5i I ■ " -» Account of Cures performed, by VaU Grcatarick, 1666. Thomfon's Letter to Stubbe, 1672. Reply to the Letter written to Mr. Henry Stubbe, 1671 0 1562 Stubbe (Hen.) Miraculous Conformift, or Cures by Greatarick — Oxford 1666 ( «9 ) / ^ 1565^ ■ '■ » ■ « »■■■■ Legends, no Hi (lories, and foo- dry Trails, by Ditto — 1670 1^64 — ■■ I II ■ morocco, gilt kavet ' ' - 1670 c / - 1565 — — - Traftg, ib» j 1566 Surphlet (Richard) on Melancholike Difeafet ' *599 J: 1567 Tabacco (The Trial of) by E. Gardiner, 1610, and Work for Chimney-fweepers, or a Warning for Tabacconifts, i6oa Englijh and Foreign Hijlory, Voyages^ and Travels* FOLIO. ^ si;68 ^milius (Pauli) Hid. Rebus Geftis Francorum Paris 1545 £569 Antverpiae Spe6laculorum Mirificus Apparatus, fig* / 1570 Baillie (Tho.) Solemn Appeal to the Public, red morocco — — Lond, 1779 1571 Bedford (Hilkiah) Right of the Crown of Eng- . land ■ ■ - Loud, 1713 _ 157» Biographia Britannica, 7 vol. illufirated *with a number of portraits^ arid enriched bjf many additions, in Mr* Reed^s hand-579lBrown (Edward) Travels in Europe, ' Lond, 16H5 ♦ ( 70 } <& ^ 1580 Buck (George) Hiftoiy of the Life and Reigno of Richard III. portrait by Cr^ft Lond» 1646 y 51581 Burchett (Jofiah) complete Hiftory of remarkable y TranfactioBS at Sea, Lond> 1720 /3" - £NI> OP THE SEVENTH DA Y^t SALE# , /J^ - 4. 2 - J /y- Eighth Day’s Sale. s«j / >J84 y y 1585 - y 1586 T racts — L ife of William Parfons, pot* traits *751* Eliftory of James Maclean, portrait. Life of Thomas Bilby and Thomas Slack. Ditto of William Smith, 1750. Life of Lord Lovai, 1747, &c. ■ Evelyn on Navigation and Commerce, 1674. Hiftory of 3 famous Impoflors, 1669* Evelyn on erecting a Library 1661 — ■ Langhorne’s Effufions of Friendfliip and Fancy, 1763. The Philofopher, by Williams, . *77* — Richard Gardiner’s Specimen Orato« rium, Ox0». 1675. Orations of ArfanesagataR Philip the treacherous King of Macedon, b. U Tradls, Arguments to prove the Affections of the People of England the beft Security of Govern^ ment, 1714. Rule a Kingdom and have » Kingdom, &c* 0£lavo* 71 v^’ 33 - 6 1634 1636 / 1637 J - 1658 /O / 1640 y^(p 1641 J642 / 1643 Wfcellanks* 73 Vertue’s Anecdotes of Painting, by Walpole, portrait ■ ■■ ■ — 178* Underhill (John) Account of Briftol Hot-Well 1703 Walker (Sayer) on Nervous Difeafes 1796 Waller on the Mines of Sir Carbery Price 1698 Walton (Izaak) Complete Angler, by Hawkins, fecond edit# cuts^ marble leases 1766 Warburton on Prodigies and Miracles 1727 Weaver on Dancing 1712 Weflon (R.) Traiffson Agriculture and Garden- ing 1773 Whateley on Gardening — 1770 White (Jas,) Anatomy of the Horfe’s Foot 1801 Whitaker (To.) Blood of the Grape *654 Wittie (Robt.) Survey of the Heavens 168 1 Withcf's (Fabian) Palmeflry and Phyfiognoroy, cuts Whitlock (Rich.) prefent Manners of the Eng- lifli Anatomizing the Living, front, 1654 Wittie (Robt.) Survey of the Heavens 1681 Wood (John) Orders of Columns 1750 ' Defeription of the Exchange of Brillol, plates *745^ Wood's Survey of Trade — 1718 World in the Moon — — 1638 Worcefter (Marquis of) Century of Inventions Glaf i767 Wylde (Zach.) EnglKh Mafter of Defence 1711 Wyntcr (John) on Baths at Bathe 1728 Mifcellames, ^ 1645 Academy of Belles Lettres, feleft Difeourfes y / *'74^ <^1646 — ^ Complements 1650 ^ 1647 Adamina, 2 vol. i8or / 1648 Addilbn (Jofeph) Mifcellaneous Works, with Life, by Tickell, 4 vol. 8vo. 1765 f 1649 Adventures of Covent-garden — ■ . 1699 / 1650-^ * Mr, Geo, Edwards 1751 II 74 y ^ i6p ^ H653 <^165+ -t — *655 2 -^ 1656 2. >657 1658 2-' 1659 *660 1661 ^ — 166* - 6 665 / 1666 2 1667 / y 1668 j -4 >669 te 'Z - 6 1672 - / 167s 1676 y^/ *‘‘77 / 1678 2 / >679 ^ / ;6,8o Mifcdlamei* Adventures of Alexander the Correftor 1754 Advertifements refpeiling the Regulation of Af- femblies -- ' 1^15 Aikin’s Poems, Mifcellaneous Pieces in Profe, 1773 1791 1584 and Devotional Pieces — — — Alciphron’s Epiftles — Allen’s Defenceof Englifh Catholiques Almanacks and Court Regifters (15) Alwyn, or the Gentleman Comedian, vol. 1780 1605 1788 New 7*9 Ambaflador (The) Amicable Quixote, 4 vol. — Amufenients, Serious and Comical, or Colle6lion of Bons^Mots Andrews (John) on the Manners, Tafte, and Amufements of the two laR Centuries in Eng- land — 1782 — ■ — - j — ib^ — Analyfis of the Duties of Social Life 178s Annet (Peter) gn Free Thinking 1739 Antoninus (Marcus Aurelius) Meditations, 2 Tol. — — Glaf, 1764 Argyle’s Inftruflions to his Son Glaf. 1743 Art of Wheedling, or Proteus Redivivus 1675 ■ — ■■ Memory, by D’Affignyj/roir/. 1706 ■ - Cuckoldoro, or the Intrigues of the City Wives *^97 Artificial Beauty (Difeourfe of; — 1662 — 11- I I .. front* ih* Afchami (Rogeri) Epiftola 1590 Affociation Papers, a Parts 1793 Aftell (Mrs.) Effay in Defence of the Female Sex, portrait *696 Atalantis (New) 4 vols. 1720 Atterbury (Francis) Epiftolary Corrcfpondence, 4 vols. — 1783 Aubrey (J.) Mifcellanies — 1714 ' ■ ' — — — — 17*1 Auften (W.) Hac Homo, front* with portrait 1638 Mi/cetlanie9, 75 ■ / // 1 68 1 Bacon (Fr.) Wifdome of the Ancients, i6i9^b F ather's Bleffing. Hifpanus Reformatus 1621 i6ga Effaies, 1598. Come — Wallys / 1683 /1684 Eflayes 1600 1619 i 5 iz *737 1708 1656 4 ^1685 Bachelor of Salamanca, by Lockman, cuts J> 1686 Baker (Thos.) on Learning 1687 Balzac (Lettres de) 4 » 1688 Bank Note (Adventures of a) 4 vols, in 2 1771 / 1689 Baretti (Jofeph) Tolondron — 1786 ^1690 Barnes (Jolhua) Good OldCaufe 1703 / 0 1691 Batchelor (Eflays from the) 3 vols. Dublin 1772 / ^1692 Bandwin (Wm.) Moral Philofophy, 4 1579 ^ 1 693 Bazilikon Doron 1603 / 1694 Beau Philofopher 1751 ^ 1695 Beaumont (Robert) Love's Miilives to Virtue , j66o C1695 Beauties of the Adventurer, Vol. II, 697 Hume and Bolingbroke 2782 1698 Beauty (of) ^757 J —1699 Beccaria on Crimes and Punifhments *767 // — 1 700 Bedell's Original Letters 174 ^ O ^ ^701 Bshn (Mrs.) Hiftories and Novels 1700 ^ 2702 Bellham (W.) ElTays, Philofophical and Moral, 2 vols. ^ ^ 1799 /4 6 703 Bellum Erafmi, tranflated into Englilh, b, /. 1533 / - 704 Bentley (Richard) on the Epiftles of Phalaris, *777 1703 — Free-Thinking,^;// leavis^ 1743- 1706 Bentham (Jer.) Panoptican, or the Infpedlion Houfe, 3 vols. — — 1791 /(1707 Bentivoglio's Letters — i;oi ^ ^1708 ' ■ I' ■■ ■ ■!■ - — ■ ■ ■ *753' / ^ 1709 Berkley (Geo. Monck) Literary Relicks 1789 6 1710 Birch (Sam.) Thoughts on feveral Subjefts 1786 ^ J71 1 BiiTet's Lives of the Authors of the Spectator, *793 ^ 171 2 Blackwell's Letters on Mythology 1740 (a 1713 Blount (Chas.) Mifcellaneous Works *^9^ // — * 7«4 (Sir Thos. Pope) ElTays 169a 76 Atu and Quarto • ^ / 1716 Blundeville (Thos.) of Councils and Counfellory, / title nvanting ^^^1717 Boaylluaa (Peter) Thcatrum Mundi, 1 . title fwrate Boccace’s Decameron 2 vols. /. / -^720 / —172+ / —17*5 / —17*6 J -' 1^1 4 1728 1729 Boetius Confolation of Philofophy Boileau Infernal Obfervator Boling broke Spirit of Patriotifm on Parties 1741 1804. 1684 •775 1749 1762 y/f ji730 ^173* / (*733 ^1734 - ^ 1735 Bolton's Letters and Tracts — — ■ ' " (Robt.) Charter of Trinity College, Dublin 1753 Boke of Wifdome, called the Flower of Virtue, “tranflated by John Larke, ^ 1565 Bonafus Vapulans — — — 1672 Booihby (Brooke) Obfervations on the Appeal from New to the Old Whigs 1792 Bofton Orations — Bojlon Bolero (John) Caufe of the GreatnefTe of Cities^ Bouhours Art of Logick and Rhetorick 1728 ■ Criticifm 1705 Boulainvillavilliers Hiftory of the Parliaments of France, 2 vols. 1739 Boyle (Chas.) againd Bentley’s DilTertatlons on Phalaris — 1745 Art$ and Sciences. QUARTO. / 7 36 Taxation (Principles of) 1790 / ~ 1737 Taxes and Contributions (a Treatife of) 1667 / 1738 (Theory of) and Elements of Commerce X1739 Taylor (John) Drink and Welcome, or Hiftoric ^ of Drinks 1637 ^740 I .. ■■ - - Marmor Sandvicenfe Cant. 1743 / !i74i Tracts, (on Trade) by Trevers, 1677. Defence f of Trade, in a Letter to Sir Thomas Smith, 1615, Againll the high Rate of Ufurie, 1641, Culpeper on Ufury, 1668. Child on Trade, 1668. Manley on the Exportation of Wool), Artt and 7^ 1677* Ufury at 6 per Cent* examined, 1669* ^ other /•^ -S742 Trafts, on Coin, by Mark Noble, 1730. Arch- bifhop Sharpe, 1785. By Sir John Barnard, Wm. Shirley, and Sir Wm. Browne, 1771. . Lord Mahon on Gold Coin, 1775* Bound together / 1743 — 1 1. on the Plague, by Brownrigg, 1771, Or- ders for Stay of further Incrcafe of Ditto, h, /. yj' 1744 — Medical, viz. The Anatomies of the True Phyfition, 1602. Prefages of Divine Hippocrates, 1611. Jorden on Natural Bathes, 1631. Pulley on Animal Impregna- tion, 1801 • Catalogue Medicorum, Argents iSgo. Madan on the Waters of Tunbridge, 1637, and five other P 1745 viz, A Urological Speculation of the late Prodigy, or Comet, by Thomas Jones, 1681. Fredi^ions out of Partridge’s Almanack, 1688. The Bloody Almanack, i6f5» Ufe of Aftro- nomy — 1764 j)'" J746 ■' viz. Jacob on Broad Wheels. Le^ure ' on Perpetual Motion, 1771. Meafuremeiit of n Degree of Longitude and Latitude under the Tropic, 1796; and eight other fingle Trads. / J ^747 viz. Hufbandriein Brabant and Flan- ders, 1652. Digby on the Vegetation of Plants, 1669. Ellis on Seeds and Plants, 1770. Gordon on the Ufe of Cudbear, Haf- fal’s View of Agriculture of Carmarthen, 1794, Effay on the Situation of Gardens, 17741 and three other fingle Tr ads, 6 1748 on Coin. &c. viz. Catalogue of Coins of Canute, 1777* Montague on an Antique Bull at Turin, 1763. I) i iTer tatio de Menu- menus Romanis in Britannia parte, Edin» 1750. Nixon Marmor Etonianum, 1744. Vindication of the Apamean Medal, 1775. Afliby on a Coin of Nerva, 1774; and three other. ,8 /i 749 Z 4 1750 / »75' Mijallania, A Trade from Great Britain to Africa, by a Mer^ chant, 1772. — ■ ■ . (Difcourfes on) 1691 Tyfon (Edward) Anatomy of a Pygmie, ra/i 1699 Vergillii (Polydori) dclnventoribus Rerura ArgtnU IJ12 3752 Vertue’i Anecdotes of Painting, by Walpole^ Additions to, 3 plates /j733 »■■■■"'■■ — Account of Pidnres, Hen. VII, &c. / 0 *754 Vu!(^nos, or Burning and Fire-vomiting Moun- , tains, plate 1669 / 6 »755 Watte (John) on Draining the Fens,/ 4 *» 756 Webb (Phil, Cart. ) Account of a Copper Tablci plates -- — — - 1760 Wedgwood ( Jofiah) Defcription of the Portland Vafe — 1790 Wheeler (John) on Commerce, i6ot. Difcourfc on Trade to the Eaft Indies, Circle of Commerce, 1623, Malynes Centre of the Circle of Commerce 1 623 Whitworth (Sir Charles) Abftraft of the Sinking Fund 1764 Williams, Mudge, 2nd Dalby’s Trigonometrical Survey in 1791, 2, 3, 4, plates Wilfon (Thomas) Art of Rhetorike, h. /, 1584 Wotton (Henry) Elements of Architecture, 1624. Wydowe’s Natural Philofophy — 1621 ^ 1764 Yarranton’s Englands Improvement, cuts 1677 Z, 1765 — — 1^. Mijcellanies* 1766 Achitophel, or the Pifture of a Wicked Politician ^ 1767 Alter and Idim, a new Review 1794 /{/ ^ 1768 Archaeologia, or Mifcella neons Trafts relative to Antiquity, 1 5 vols. with the Wardrobe Ac- count of Edward I. and Ordinances of the Royal Houlholde, z vols. in all 17 vols. uncut • 1779^1806 v/ 6 *769 Afcham (Roger) Englifli Works, by James Bcn- net 1770 Afiatick Mifcellany, Vol. I, Calcutta i^St 2 ^757 3758 j»759 1760 /A 1761 C ^ 1762 J ^ 2763 Mi/ctllatties^^YoMo* 79 * 77 * 177* *773 AiTembly portrait — — l68t Bacon (Francis Lord j Effayes Lond, 1622 Baldeflar (Count) the Courtier, tranjlated By Hobby — — ^ 1605 ^ *774 Barckley (Sir Richard) Difcourfe of the Fellcitie of Man Lond. 1598 1775 Beattie (James) Effaysj /cr/r^// £658 [1788 Cabala, or Myfterles ofState Land. i 65 j 1789 Cambride (Trails relating to) — a Step to Stir- bitch Fair, 1700. Cambridge, a Poem, Terra; Filius, and the Scrutator /y Carew (George) Fraud and Violence difeoyered and detedled Lond, 1662 — 1791 Fraud and Oppreflion detected and arrayned Lond, 1676 22 . Jz ^ 8o / // -- 1792 Carte (Tho.) General Hiftory of England, vols. — / 6 ^793 Chardin (Sir John) Travels into, Perfia and the portrait and plaUt Lond. i66(> 1794 Charles (King) the Reign of 1655 / / *795 Churchill Collection of Voyages and Travels, 6 vols. p/aUf, Jim fopp — 1744 J' ^ 1796 Clarendon (Edward Earl of) Collection of Trafts, / land. 1747 ^ 1797 Clarke (James) Survey of the Lakes, maps 1789 ^^1)98 Cleaveland (Ezra) Genealogical Hiftory of the Family of Courtenay IW. 1735 / ^ *799 Coke (Sir Edward) Commentary on Littleton, ^ . portrait Lond. 1629 xly - 2800 ■■II ■■ ■■■ I y / ^ i8or by Hargrave and Butler >775 Inftitutes Third and Fourth 1669 Memoirs of Affairs of State, lond. 1733 Lond, 1734 *804 Commines (Philip de) Hiftory r3. 1601 y _ ^805 Cotton (Charles) Life of Duke of Efpcrnon, Part, portrait ^ x8o 2 Cole (Chriftian) /. p. — Z. ^1803 Collins (Arthur) Precedents t ^ f' Ur ^ i ' 4-S portraits — — Lond. 1670 i J /C rti fo'' Ninth Day’s Sale. . V 7J. y~ Mifcellaniti. OCTAVO. JLOT / 1806 "O RADLEY (Thomas) Appeal to Casfar Jo Torh 1661 / 1807 Bright (T.) on Melancholy — v *586 " ^ 1808 Briton (The) — 1724 3 — 1809 Brooke’s Juliet GrenvilUj 3 vol. 1774 - ' • /I ^ Mi/cellanieu"^0^2yo', Brown (H.) Map of the MIcrocofme 1B14 i8i< .1816 Jo 1817 f O 1818 ^1819 ^ 1820 ^ - 1821 1822 1823 / 1834 ^1825 J 1826 ^ 1827 ^ 1828 ^ ^*829 / 1830 ^ 1831 6 183* - 1833 71834 ,,7*835, J 6 1836 / -1837 ^ ($^1838 ^ — 1859 / 1840 6 1842 J ^ *843 8x 1642 ib% ■ — ' (Thos.) Dialogues — ^ 1704 Browne Eliimate of the Manners and Principles of the Times, 2 vols. — 1760 ■■ in I vol. with Defence of Ditto 1758 " '■ Thoughts on Civil Liberty 1765 ■ , I ■■ II EiTays on Charafteriftickg 1751 Bruyerc’s Works, 2 vols. — 1713 Bucer on the Apparel of Minifters, b, /. morocco^ gilt leaves BudgelPs Letter to ClcomeSj/r^?^/. —— — Liberty and Property 1732 Buoni (Tho#J Problems of Beautie 1 606 Burgh’s Political Difquilitions, 3 vols. 1774 Burton’s Anatomy of Melancholy, 2 voli. /. p, 1800 Buckingham (George Duke of) Works, 2 vols. 1704 B uncle (John) Junior, 2 vols 1778 Burke on the Sublime and Beautiful 1770 Calves Head Club (fccret Hiftory of) 1705 Camilla, 5 vols. — — 1796 Campbell (Archibald) on the Origin of Mora! Virtue •— 1733 (John) Rational Amufement 1754 Campaign, 2 vols. — 1759 Camus Loving Enemy, engliihed by Wright 1690 Canting Academy 1674 ■ I ■ — Dictionary Captive Captain, or the Reftralned Cavalier Card, 2 vols 173^ Carlenca’s Hiftory of the Belles Lettres 1740 Carpenter (Richard) Experience, Hiftorie, and Divinitie 1642 Cafaubon (Meric) of Credulity 1668 Cafaux (Marquis de) on the Mechanifm of So- cieties c Caftlemain (Earl of) Manifefto Catelby's Letters Cato’s Letters, 4 vols M 1786 i68t 1764 ^ 15 $ 1844 / 1845 1846 // 1847 1848 / 6 ^849 1850 / J851 1852 Mifcellanies.^Od.z\o^ Cato (Precepts of) with Notes of Erafinus^ b» U 156.0 Ceres (ColoiTal Statue of) Tcftimonies of Caw., 1803 Certaine ferious Thoughts in Verfe, and Chro- nological] Catalogue,, frunt, by Marftiallvi647 Chamberlain (Robert) Noaornall Lucubrations 1638 Champion, 2 vols, — 1741 Chambre Knowledge of Bcafts 1657 Art to know Men, tranfiated by Da- vies, — i66y Chapone (Mrs.) Mifcellanies 177c Mind, 2 vols. - on the Improvement of the 1773 Z ' Charafterof a Whig, /m/. 1709. Ditto of a - 1854 // 7*85? <^1856 /j 8 s 7 /4 / ‘858 / *859 J V / —1861 ^ |i86z ^ 11863 1864 i86y Di/Tenter Charadleri flicks of Great Britain Chefterfield’s Letters, 4 vols. - Art of Plcafing — // ^ 1866 1867 4 / 1868 ^Si87. ^^^1872 >873 1715 175^ 1774 1783 .'■ — '■I ■' " ' ■ — —— ih^ Chryfal, 4 vols. — — — 1768 Cicero Three Bokes of Duties to Marcus hU Sonne, turned out of Latinc into Englifli by Nicholas Grimaldc, ^, /. icc6 ^ h. U 1596 — — • Treatife on Old Age — — *744 Prince, by T^ R. 1668 J ■ ih. ■— ■ — ih% '■ on the Complete Orator, with Notes by Barnes 1762 ' ■ ■ Letters by Melmoth, 3 vols. 5th edit. - on Old Age and Friendlhip, by Ditto, 2 vols. — ^ — 1773—7 ■■■ ' — of the Nature of thjc Gods, by Franck* iin / — 1775 — Epiftlesto A tticus, 2 voh. 1752 City Remembrancer, 2 vols. in i 1769 Clarke (James Stanier) Naufragia, or Hiftorical Memoirs of Shipwrecks, 2 vols* 1806 Cleland Surprize of Love — — . 1765 Clio, or a Difeourfe on Tafte 1767 O^^avo. i974 Clio* or a fecret Hitlory of the Life and Amours of Mrs. Sanfom ii (*875 Clifford on Humane Reafon 1675 ji876 'Cockburn (Catherine) Works/2 vols. 1751 - *877 Collier (Joel) Mufical Travels through England *78? (1878 (Arthur) Clavis Univerralls 1713 ^[879 Collins on Freethinking — 1713 ^ 1880 —and Bentley on Ditto > 7 > 3~-'43 / ^ 1881 ■ ■ ■■ (Ruth) Friendly Writer, portrait / 1682 Colman (Geo.) Works, 3 vols. 1787 ^1883 Common-Place- Books (Method of making) 1706 / -1884 — — — Senfe, 2 fols. — - — 1739 ^ _ 8885 Comparative Difplay of the Opinions of Britilh Writers on the Subje6l of the French Revolu- . tion, 2 vols, i» / 6 a 886 Comte de Gabalis Amft, - iSSy Concannon (Matt.) Speculatift ' e 1888 Confucius (Morals of) ^^1839 Congreve, Love and Duty reconciled / -i89oConnoifeur, 4vols. ^ 1891 Conftantia, or the Diftreffed Friend / —*892 Contrail , — / / 1893 Cooke (Edward) Reprefentation,of Naked Breads ^ and Shoulders , — r- 1678 ^2894 Cooper (Thomas) Reply to Mr, Burke’s In vec- X tive againft Mr. Cooper, &c. Manchejier lygz Cl 895 Cooper’s Letters on Tafte • 17C7 y 1896 ■' (Thos.) Trails Ethical, Political, y - / .1 7^9 // 1897 Correfpondence between Frances Countefs of Hartford, and Louifa Countefs of Pomfret, 3' *793 * 7 * f 1730 1724 1713 1770 1765 /? vols. portrait 1898 Cornewalcys (Wm.) Effayes /^/■*» J 1900 1805 1600 1610 ^632 1759 1901 Corry (Wm.) on Liberty and Necellity A^ci Cotton (Nathaniel) Pieces in Verfc and Profe / Y 1791* ,(1903 Country Speftator Gai^Jl^or ou^h ^6 1904 Converfations 1604 J 6 1905 — /O >906 Gentleman’s Vade Mcc urn 1699 d 4 — - 64 / 1907 ^ 1908 / // ^ 1909 / 1910 ^ 19U y 1912 MiJcellanUSk^^O^'^Om^ Courtizans (Characters of) — 1 780 Coyer Letter to Dr. Maty on the Patagonians 1767 Craftfman, 14 vols. — 1^31 Crawford (Wm.) Remarks on the late Earl of Chefterfield’s Letters to his Son 1776 Crebilloii’s Sopha . 174a ————— Letters of the Marchionefs de M*** 1758 Critlcks (The) being Papers upon the Times * 7*9 Crito, or EfTays on various Subjects, 2 vol. 1766 Crumpe (Samuel) on the belt Means of provid- ing Employment for the People 1795 / 1916 Cumberland’s GlolTary, 1788, and View of the Lancalhire Dialed ■ ■ — Obferver, 6 vols. 1 798 ■ ■ ■ Arundell, 2 vols. ' 1 789 — Henry, 4 vols. 1795 D’Alembert's Mifcellancous Pieces 1764 — Account of the DeltruCtion of Jefuits in France _ — 1760 1913 J / » 9>4 /-/ *915 /4 Z ^ 1918 4 i » 9»9 / — * 9*0 * 9 *« Z - ^ 9 *® , f9»3 Z |gz4 / 1926 // »9*7 / 1928 929 1930 J ‘*931 - feled Eulogies on Members of the French Academy, 2 vols, 1799 D’Argens Lettres Morales _ Amft* 1750 / 3 / 193* 1933 /*934 *935 Ocellus Lucanus, Gr. et Fr, Utrecht 1762 D’Argenlbn's Eflays — 1789 Davies (John) EpiCtetus Junior 1760 ■ — (Thos.) Mifcellaneous and Fugitive Pieces, Vol. III. 1774 Dauncey (John) Englilh Lovers, a Romance Dawes' Fugitive Pieces, title ^wanting Defence of the Female Sex De Foe (Daniel) fecret Hiftory of the White Staff — — 1714 . . I..., — . Great Law of Subordination, 1724 ■ Memoirs of a Cavalier Ufe and Abufe of the Marriage — — 1727 Bed f -6 19 j6 ^ *937 / / >938 Z i *939 Z «94<> ciations 2 ^ >943 c/' .»944 ^ 4 j 949 i- 4*946 ^ 6 1947 J /_*948 y;4'*949 ''I /Ilf? / / - »9S* //, /«9S3 '^^J 9 S 4 6 19 J 5 alties A[/ftf//tfa/(fi, 9 ii^Quarto# De Foe (Daniel) Political Hiftory of the Devil 1726 ” — Life of Duncan Campbell 1720 ■ — Tour through Great Britain* 3 -7— 1724 " ■■■■■ Plan of Engliih Commerce* 1730 Minutes of Mefnager Nego- 1717 — Jure Divino 1706 — Storm, or Colleaion of Cafu« . * 7 ^ 4 ; — Confolidator 1705 — Complete EfigUlh Tradcfman, rTT*. — *727 Keligious Courtfliip 1707 - '■ II ElTay on Frojeas 1607 ^ Hiftory of AddreiTes 1709 —■ — Appeal to Honour and Juftice, or Account of hi# Life, with MS. additions in Mri Reid ' , " - " , , " Life of, in a Dialogue between him, Robinfon Crufoe, and his Man Friday* ' 1710 — ' ' Moll Flanders 1722 ■ Hiftory of Roxana 1724 ' ■ — — — Col* Jaque 1724 Robinfon Crufoe- 2 vols. z'/. ro 2d part, 1719. Serious Refleaions in Life of Ditto " ■* ' 1720 (Writings of) colleaedjVol. IL De Laune’s Plea for the Nonconformifts 1712 QUARTO. J t / Capitulations and Articles of Peace betweenc the King of England and the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire Conjiantinoph 1662 Cafa (j. D.) Galateo, b, /, — — 1576 Cafe (The) is altered* How? Aske Dalio and Millo, b^ /. >9S7 / 3 &. 86 ^ >959 Caftilio (BaldeiTar) Courtier^ englifhed by Heb® by, — 1598 Z o f 960 Catalogus Cantabrigienlis, Graduat 1787 a 3 >9^^ Catterpillars of this Nation Anatomized, in « Difcovcryof Houfe-Brcakers, Pick-Pockcts, Sec, — — 1659 1962 Ceremonies tis* *d in the Time of Henry Vll. for / healing the King’s Evil Land, 1686 ^ / 1963 Cervantes (Michael) Hiftory of Don Quixotte, / r 1964 1965 2 vols. by Thomas Shelton 1620 2 vols. i6l2— 20 by T. Smollett, 2 vol. flatis after Hajman and Coypeij Defigm hy Grignion Piedfit and Tnuo original Letters of Dr, and Anne Smollett 17^5 rKanion (Tohn) Merchandifes of Popilh 2966 ChariTanion Priefts Popi 1629 // / 1967 Charon (Peter) of Wifdome, by S. Lerinard 1640 1968 Chcftcrfield (Philip Dormer Stanhope) Mifcella- neous Works, 2 vol. /0r/r«/// 1778 1969 Choife of Change, containing the Trjplicitic of Diviniiie, Philofophie, and Pdelrie 1598 1970 Cibber (Colley) Charafler and Conduct of Ci- cero -7— 1747 6 1971 Cicero Cato Major. Philadelphia, printed and fold by B, Franklin — 1744 *744 1972 // / / 4 /3 1973 Clarendon (Edward Earl of) View of Leviathan Oxon, 1676 *974 Cleland (James) Inftitutlon of a Young Noble* man ^ ^ Oxford 1607 *975 Coach and Sedan pleafantly difputing for Place • . and Precedence, the Brewer’s Cart being Mo- dci?XQX,fronti/pieee — 1630 1976 Collignon (Charles) Mifcellaneous Works ' Cambridge t>jSS 0 1977 Contre-league, and Anfwers to certaine Letters fent to the Maifters of Reues 1589 1978 Court Career, Death fliadow’d to Life, or Sha** dowes of Life and Death, a pafquil Dialogue i6s9 Mi/aUamet,—Q^9,x\ol 87 / / J': S979 Corbet (John) the Ungirding of the Scottifh Armour Dublin 1639 1980 Court of Good Counfell, b, /. 1607 1981 Cupid’s Mcflenger, or a trufty Friend ftored w ith fundry Sorts of Amorous Letters, b. U fronti/piece 1982 Dallas (R. C.) Mifcellaneous Works 1797 1983 Dekker (Thos.) Knight’s Conjuring don^ in 2 9 ‘984 earneft and difcovered in Jeft, printed by T, C. Wonderful Yeare 1603, where- / / 1985 j 1986 __ 4987 J // 1988 in is (hewed the picture of London being fickc of the Plague, b, I, printed by Thos* Creede ■ magnificent Entertainment given to King James, Que^n Anne his Wife, and Henry Frederick the Prince, on the Day of his palfage from the Tower through Lon- don, 1603. Impd* by T* C, 1604 : Seven deadly Sinnes of Lon- don, b, /• 1606 Newes from Hell, brought by the Divells Carrier — — 1606 '/y 1989 / 1990 — O per fe O, or a new Cryet pf Lanthorne and Candle-Lights Printed for John Bujbie 16 1 a ■ ■ " ' Rod for Run-awayes, with the Run-awayes Anfwer, curious front, 16 2§ Englifli Villanies feven feveral Times preft to Death by the Printers, b, /. Printed by M, Par/ons 1638 J 1991 Devil’s Cabinet broke open, or a new Difcovery of the Highway Thieves 1658 ^ *99* to pay at St. James’s, or Account of a horrid and bloody Battle between Madam y Fauftina and Madam Cuzzoni, &c, 1727 6 1993 Dibdin’s Muiical Tour Sheffield 1788 ^ J'" *994 Dickenfon (John) Arifbas, Euphries amidft his Slumbers, or Cupid’s Journey to Hell, b, L Z.i I, . *594 *995 Dilfenter’s Sayings in Requital for L’Eftrange Sayings — 1681 1996 Donne (John) on S el ('homicide, &€. 1648 Mi/ceUanieu^YoViOi i./ »997 Donne (John) Letters, portrait hy Lmhart 1651 c 1998 Dove (Caleb) Birds of a Feather flock together / // ^^999 Dogdalc (Gilbert) Difeourfe of the Fra^ices of . Elizabeth Caidwall, &c. /• 1604 X o 20®o Dutton (John) Farewell to Temple-Bar 1694. yy _^fooj Erafmus Praife of Folic, englifhed by Sir Thos* Chaloner, b. /. 1549 ^ ^ 2002 Eflay on Women, with KedgelFs Account, Wilkes* Anfwer, and fix Tra^s j 2003 EfTayes of certaine Paradoxes 1617 'v' 2004 Eflex (Earl of) PraAices and Treafons, with the yr very Confeflioiis — i 5 oi ^ 2005 Filmer (Sir Robert) on Government 1652 ^ 2006 Falconer (Wm.)on Climate, Situation, Popula- tion, &c. /lJ 2007 Fleur de Luce, A 1593 / 2008 Fofter (Wm.) to wipe away the Weapon-Salve ' 1631 FOLIO. ^ , 2009 Cox (Richard) Hiftory of Ireland, portraits y Land* 1689 Jo 1010 Cragii (Thomac) Jus Feudale,/sr/i*aiV 1*732 / 10 1 1 Craig (Sir Tho.) Right of Succeflion Lond. 1703 / / 2012 Cunningham (T.) New Law Diftionary, 2 voU. Lond, 1764 J'~' 1013 Daniel (Sam,)iColIe£lIon of the Hiftory of Eng- land, 1626. Truflell’S Continuation to Ditto ' i6gt 4 / 2014 Dart (John) Hiftory and Antiquities of St. ^ ^ Peter*s, Weftminftcr, 2 vols. * 7 * 5 ' y aoK Davila (H. C.) Hiftory of the Civil Wars Lond, ifjS i /aoi6 Dee (Dr. John) General and Rare Memorials c/ o pertayning to the perfeft Arte of Navigation. Annexed to the Paradoxal Cumpas, in Playne, now firft publilhed, 24 years after the firft invention thereof, nuith curious engraved from* ti/piece^ printed at London by John Daje, See Beloi^s Anecdotes of LiteraSurey Vol. IL p. 263 157; I 06 lavo. 86 \Q^/Z^^ ^ cP. /c 5 . r>. J • c ■ /f ^ /d) ~ (Z. (f , i'. /^. / 2 . ^ 2017 Diftionary (General) ro[vol. \ *j\\, hoar is ^ uncut y/ 20i8 Drummond (William) of Haw'thornden, Works, portrait — Eiin, 1711 ^ 2019 (Alexander) Travels, plates^ uncut ZW. 1754 / / ^ 2020 Ducarel (And. Cotte) Anglo Norman Antiqui- ties, confidered in a Tour through Normandy, additional plates and portrait Land, 1767 / /X, _ 2021 Dogdale (Sir William) Monaflicon Anglicanum, plates by Hollar^ vol. i, a fine copy Lond» 1655 Tenth Day’s Sale. Mifcellanies. OCTAVO. LOT r20Z2 D ELAMER (Lord) Works Delany on Polygamy " ■ ■ ■ — — — 6 2025 Demofthenes, engUlhed by feveral Hands <^2026 Dennis’s Letters J, / 2027 Dellandes Dying Merrily ■■■ " '■ ■* / - 2028 Devil upon Crutehes in England / 12029 Dialogues of the Dead with the Living w Lnin Diderot ( Tamest the Fatalift. i vol. / 169+ •739 1796 1 70s 1721 ms *779 1797 ^2030 Diderot (James) the Fatalift, 3 vol. 2031 Difcovery of a New World, or a Defcription of .y th^ South Indies, hetherto unknowne ^2032 Divorce (Cafes of) for feveral Caufes >12033 Donne (John) Ignatius his Conclave *^52034 Dodd (William) Works. Vol. IL 2033 Dodfley’s Fugitive Pieces, 2 vol, 2036 — Trifier, 2 vol. portrait N *735 163+ 1761 >745 50 O^^avo* 1730 1754 - 1 1*037 Drapier’s Letters — / " 12038 Dreamer (The) . g 2039 Drunkennefs rthe Praife 1723 /j / 2040 Dfyden (John) Mifcellaneous Works, 4. vol. tot^ // traits 1760 2041 — edited by y . Malone, 4 vol. ■■ ■ ■ i8oo 6 2042 Dublo’s Manners of the prefent Age, z vol. 774 1737 700 ~ £?21I7 / -2118 / / —2120 ^ — 2121 / -^2122 6 2123 / - 2124 J 2125 ^ 2126 Freeholder Fuller (Thomas) Contemplations Galateo, or Treatife of Politenefs Gallick Reports — Gaultier (Abbe) Amufing Converfations Gaya’s Marriage Ceremonies in all the World > 7>9 Geddes (James) on Compofition Glafgo714 ' — againft Popery 1715 Gerard (Alexander) Effay on Genius 1774 — — — — Tafte Edin* 1764 ^ 1764 Genlis. The Duchefs of La Valliere, 2 vol. 1804 German Princefs, or Memoirs of Mary Carleton 1673 / (2127 - >1.8 6 2129 / ^ 2130 V 2131 (2132 >33 portrait — — German Spy — - — Spaw, 2 vol. plates GelTner’s Death of Abel Gil Bias Corrige, 4 tom. Gildon (Charles) Letters no title ib, >738 >745 1763 1798 1694 2134 — Poltman robbed of his Mail J7>9 Gilpin (William) Effay on Prints 178 r Mifcellanies^^O^zvo, 93 /j j f i35; Gipliantia, or a View of what has pafled, is now palfing, and what will pafs 1761 "^136 Gleanings, or Colleftion of memorable Paflages r 1651 2137 G^oethe (Barton) Sorrows of Werter, tranllated by William Render — — 1801 ^ 2138 Goldfmith (Oliver) Mifcellaneous Works, 4 voh 1801 Z 2139 — — E%s 1765 2140 '■ 3 vol, 1798 j 2141 Bee — - 1759 (2142 Goodman (J.) Winter Evening Conference 1720 ^2143 Good Things, partly fele£ted, partly original ^2144 Gordon (Thomas) Trafts, 2 vol. >2145 ■ ■■— — Three Political Letters ^ /\ Noble Lord — ytT ^6 Government of the Tongue 1803 1757 to a 1721 1674 1756 1790 (2147 Gray’s Inn Journal, 2 vol. ^ 2148 Groves (Richard) the Afpiring Plebeian y 2149 Greaves (John) Mifcellaneous Works, 2 vol. / ' ^737 ® 2150 Gregory’s Comparative View of Man ‘ 1766 // 2151 GrevUle (Fulk) Maxims ■■ 1756 /- ~ai 5 j 1757 / _ 2153 Grey’s Love Le^tters, 2 vol. ~ ■ ' 1765 ^ S154 Griffiths (Richard) Pofthumous Works, 2 vol. 1770 (2155 — — (Mrs.) Effays to Young Married Wo- men 1782 , ^156 Grofe (Franck) Olio *793 ^ ^2*57 Guide to Health 1785 2158 Grove’s Dialogues — — 1^61 J" 6 2159 Grub Street (Memoirs of a Society in) z vol. / . . . ^737 ^ 2160 Guide to Domeftic Happinefs — — I793 o 2161 Guiglelmo, or the Villa of Abuzzo 1798 / 2162 Gulliver revived — 1786 2163 Gulliver’s Travels, 2 vol. 1731 ^ ?i 64 Gulliveriana — ^ — — 1738 Mifcellaniest*-^Q^ arto, / J y ^ i //// 2./ZJ ^ 2176 2,6 2'77 2 / “'78 ^ / s «79 QUARTO. ^ 2»6s Gallienus Redivivus, or Murther will out 169; 2166 Gaultier (Abbe) Method of making Abridg- ments, 3 parts — i8or 2167 Gerardo the unfortunate Spaniard 1622 3168 Gladwin (Francis) on the Rhetoric Profody and Rhyme of the Perfians Calcutta 1801 2169 Golden Fleece i6a6' 2170 Grahame (Simion) Anatomic of Humours Edin*. 1609 Grant (James) Eflays 1785 Greene (Robert) Tullies Love, b» /. 16128 — - Ghoft Haunting Conie-catch- ers, b. 1. " — 160a Metamorphofis, b,L 1617 Farewell to Follie, b. h 1617 — • Arcadia, or Menaphon i6i6 . Never too Late, 2171 2172 2»73 2174 2»75 s 2180 3181 // 2182 Z, 2‘8j b, 1. defeBi've I ■ ' — 2 parts, b.L . Pandefto, of Triumph of Time in the Hiflory of Doraftus and Faunia, b* /. 1609 Philomela, the Lady Fitzwaf- ter’s Nightingale, h, /. 1592 Spanilh Mafquerade, h* 1 . 1^89 / / Grellman (Heinrick) on the Gipfies, tranflated by Math, Roper — *787 Guard (Theod.) the Simple Cobler of Aggawar in America — »:647 2184 Guazzo (Stephen) Civile Converfation, by 2185 /z ^ 2186 / W — 3187 2188 — 2189 ^ 2190 X J ^ 2193 T Kaft Guevara (Antonie) Familiar Epiftles, h, /. — Golden Epiftles, b^ 1 . Hall (Thomas) Downlall ofMay.Games Han way (Jonas) Citizen’s Monitor Defeats of Police Earneft Appeal Coa>mon Senfe Harleian Mifceliany, 8 vol. a fine fet — Library, a Catalogue of Pamphlets 1586 1582 1582 1660 1780 *775 1760 1775 1744 Quarto. /// 6 ^ Harvey (John) on the Prophecies, Helveiius ( ) on the Mind 95 1588 »759 ^ 2 / 2196 HHlorical Obfervaiions on the Parliament 1648 2197 Hiftory of the Gentlemen of the Back-Door Or- , der, or Vices of the Town Dilplayed 1745 (2198 Hiftory of the Revolution 1706 )2I99 Howard (Hen.) againft the Poyfon of fuppofed Prophecies,^,/. ' ' ■■■ —■ '■' 1583 ^ 2200 Huarte(}ohn) Examination of Men’s Wits 1604 jf'/ 2201 Hurault(jaqu€s) Politicke Difcourfes by Golding / . . *^95 ^ S 2202 Jones (William) Speeches of Iraeus *779 2203 Kepple (Jofeph) the Maidenhead loft by Moon- Light ■ — . -■■■■■ « ■ » ■ 1672 2204 King (Wm.) Works, containing the Toaft, with the Key in MS. Templum Libertatis, Epifto* lae objurgatoria. Dr. King’s Apology, &c. • large paper i uncut *73^ V, B, This Vol, mjas never pnhlijhtd, mid on the Death of the Author all the copies except 60 ^were dejiroyed J, R» 2205 Koran, by George Sale 173^ 1206 La Primaudaye (Peter de) French Academic 2207 15S9 16:4 /2 - 2208 Letters (Conceyted) newly laid open 1618 O 2209 Linche (Rich.) Fountain of Ancient Fidion ^ / *599 1607 1768 /^22io Lloide (Lodowicke) Linceus Spectacles ^ ^9 2211 Locke (John) Works, 4 vol. hoards J London Chronicle from 1759 *772? 26 vol. ^ /^2i3 Looke on me London, I am an honeft Englilh- 1 ripping up the Bowels of Mifchiefe, lurk- 1613 man, ing in thy Sub-urbs, b, /. // ^ 2214 Lupton \Tho.) Too good to be truSt though fo at a •vevoey yet all that 1 toldeyou, Is true I uphold you^ Nonv cea/e to ajke nuhy^ for I cannot lye, b, /. 1587 f 2215 Maccartney’s Letter on the Duel between the , the Duke of Hamilton and Lord Mohun 1713 o 2216 Magazine tGen.) for November 1747 / 96 MiJcellanieSi^^ olio /. (2217 Magdalen Hoafe, (Thoughts on) ^22i 8 Manzime Difcourfes ^2219 Marat. Chains of Slavery. Marat. Chains of Slavery. See Note 2220 Marten (Henry) Letters to his Lady 2221 ■■■■' *758 i6j5 >774 1663 ib* 1640 (f y/iP y / ^ . ^ 2222 Martin (Mar.) Prelate, a Dialogue _ 2223 Marvel (Andrew) Works, 3 vol. portrait , hoards 1776 _ 2224 Mathew (Francis) Mediterranean Paflage by Wa- ter from London to ^xiQioXt portrait of Charles //. by Heftocks 6 2225 Meeting of Gallants at an Ordinaire, or the Walkes in Powles, b, /. — ■ . 1604 2226 Memorials (Weekly) for the Ingenious 1683 2227 Mercurius Aulicus, Acaderaicus, Medicos, &c. 1643-48 _ 2228 Melancholicus, or Newes from Weft- minfter, and other Parts, 59 Numbers 1647*8 2229 Politicos, Publicus, Intelligencer, Newes publilhed for the People, &c. 1656-63 2230 — Menippeus 1682 2231 — Aquaticus, 164^ Rafticus, 1634 2232 Meredith (Sir Wm.) on the Taxation of Free States 1778 2^233 Merry-Andrew, or Britifh Harlequin, 4 No. , 1720 — 2234 Middleton (Conyers) Mifcellaneous Works, and Life of Cicero, 6 vol. large paper^ uniformly bou^y a fine copy^ *wiih federal MS, Notes, printed Papers, Letters, FOLIO; ^”^ 2235 Echard (Laurence) Hiftory of England Lend, 1720 / 2236 Enfield (William) Elfay towards the Hiftory of Liverpool, Warrington s’] / .2237 Equity (Treatil'e of) London 2238 Evelyn (John) Difeourfe of Medals, plates 1697 703 / _ 1225? (2256 1717 o 9 ^ ^ 22C7 ?a258 // 2259 io 2260 ^ 2 z 6 i J -,— 2262 ^ ^ 2263 3 6 2264 / ^ 2 Z 6 ^ / 6. 2266 ]Zy O 2267 , [2268 - 6 ) 2269 x;/ 2270 ^ 2271 (2272 >*73 2274 2275 2276 2277 / - 4^ / - 44 ^ _ 22 bO ^ ^ -- 2281 X — 9282 2278 2279 Afrr/653 *774 1640 i688 1766 >753 1697 1697 1707 •7«$ Court 1684 Pamela, Clarifa, and Grandifon 1756 Chriftina, Queen of Sweden Lewd Women Pamphlets, five Icon Libellorum the Amours of the French Tom Fool, 2 vol, the Devils of Loudon the Amftrath Gutirian an Atom, z vol. — Ismenia — ■ a Woman of Quality Jonathan Wild, cuts /CI2306 Hiftorical Sketch of Prerogative O)2^0’} Hobbes (Thomas) on Neceffity «— ^ 2308 Hogarth (Anecdotes of ) by G. Nichols 1761 1703 1799 *747 1736 >75> lyBS 1677 Steevens and J. 1 781 2309 //- 23‘0 2782 S3I2 4 4 ^y 23*3 6 1785 -■ — ■ ■*— Explanation of feveral of his Prints, 1785, and 3 other relative to Hogarth — — Illuftraied, by John Ireland, plates^ 3 vol. — - lygS Holland (Sam.) a Romance on Romances 11660 Holloway (W.) Baron of Lauderbrooke iSco lOO MijfeelIanies»>^0Q.2iV0, Home (Har,) Elements of Criticifm, 2 voL 1769 a Novel, 5 vol. 1802 Hope (John) Thoughts in Profe and Verfe 1780 / / aji? / 2J.8 J 6„ as '9 6 2320 ^.2321 2322 ' <(^2323 / 6 2324 Hughes (John) Letters, 2 vol ^ / 2325 Hull (Thomas) Selcd Letters, 2326 Human Adion (Freedom of) ^ ^ *327 Hume (David) Eflfays Diflertations Effays, 2 vol. Horn Exalted, or Roome for Cuckolds Horne’s Letters on Infidelity Howell (James) Letters Howard (G. E.) Works, 3 voL Huet on Romances 2 vol. 2-^ 2328 /3 —2329 ^ 2330 // - 333« -^*333 Edin, 1661 1*784 1754' 1782 1672 1783 1788 1791 1787 1757 1764 1742 1693 Humours and Converfations of the Town, Remarks on Ditto, 1673. Animadverfions^ on Ditto, 1673 Humourifi 2 voL ^ 2334 Hunter (Thomas) on Tacitus —2335 Hurd (Rich.) Dialogues — . / r 2336 — Letter to Mafon, 17573 Bowles* A rfwer, 1766 2337" Dialogues, 3 vol. — 8338 Hutchefon (Fran.) T houghts on Laughter y. ^ 2339 on Beauty and Virtue — 2340 Jacobs (Giles) Mirrour 1763 1741 1752 ‘759 and I- // • j 2341 Jackfon (William) Four Ages 2342 — Letters 1771 1758 1738 5733 1798 1784 1598 1787 *757 2343 James (Thomas) Philofophie of the Stoics 2344 jebb (John) Works, 3 vol. — - 2345 Jenyns (Soame) on Evil — 2346 — on the Chriftian Religion, 1776 and other Pieces by Jenyns, with Anfwers, in 3 vol. 2347 Jenner (Charles) Placid Man, 2 vol, 1773 2348 Jewdh Spy, j; vol. — 1766 2349 Independent Whig, 4 vol. — — 1753 2350 India Courier, 6 vol. 2351 Iiifpcftor - ■ 1799 OflavO. ^2j;2 Intelligencer 12353 X^'/ 2356 Jocabella 2357 Johnfon (Robert) Effaies / lOl . 1729 / ' 53^4 Jones (Mary) Mifcellanies — — 1750 // 255^ (Jo^") Narrative of the Iri(h Rebellion j8oo 1640 1601 1751 1788 1785 — (Life of), with Johnfoniana — (Anecdotes of), by Mrs. Piozzi 1786 - Letters, 2 voL - (Beauties of) - Table Talk .«« Striflures on Gray / 2358 X / *559 / 3360 J - 2361 (Samuel) Rambler, 4 vo]. Works, Vol. XIV. *363 - 2364 J'S 2365 Z-i> , (2366 'J3367 Johnfoniana, Vol, I 1788 1787 1798 1781 793j &.C. / / 2368 Johnilone (James) the Death Song of Lodbrog 1782 336^ ■ I. — — — Reverie, or Flight to the Pa- radife of Fools, i vol. S 3370 Jortin (John) Trails, z vol. y y'J 2371 — on Authors, 2 vol. *73li / marks on Ditto, by Samuel Pegge ^2372 Julian (Two Orations of the Emperor) ^ ® ^373 Junius’s Letters — — 23^4 — 2 vol. plates — 2375 Juniper Leilure, wherein all Women / i-. J' K0 • 763 1790 and Re- ' >73' •793 1770 •799 are de(^ 1652 1740 1788 721 cribed / 2376 Keith (Sir W.) Colleilion of Papers ^ 2377 Keilett (Alexander) Seleilion 2378 Kelley (James) Scotifh Proverbs 2379 King (William) Original Works, 3 Vol. morocco gilt lea 3387 7/3388 6 2389 / -f 3390 J 6 3391 , o 2392 / 3393 y 2394 V 239s Oflavoi Lavater’s Aphorifms on Man, fronti/piece 1788^ Lawfon (John) Leflures on Oratory 1 *7 cq' Lay Monaftery . | « j? Legal Recreations Le Grand's Tales, t vol. — . 1786^ — — ■ .III. of the Minftrels Leifure Hours’ p 396 P397 ^ DMml'jSo Leland (John) againfl; Bolingbroke <753 ‘ (Thomas) on Human Eloquence 1765 Letters from an Old Man to a Young Prince, 3 vol. ,7^5 Familiar ■■■■ *705 of Themidocles, by Lord Mountmorris, / “398 J 6 2399 V ,400 6 2401 / (2402 - 6 <2403 Z. 4 3404 / ^ £406 /2407 '2408 with Original Letters in MS, — by Hughes, 3 vol. by Lady Montague, 4 vol, in 2 ■ ■ - c vol, Vol. III. from Orinda to Poliarchus and Life of Madam Maintenon, ms 17^9 1803 1729 vol, >754 of a Mameluke, 2 vol., — 1804 to and from the Countes du Barry 1780 of Pope and Hill from the Living to the Living 1703 (Lambert's) to her Son and Daughter <749 on feveral Occafions, publilhed by Den- — — * _ i 6 g 5 out of Mill's Weekly Journal, 4 vol, 1722 (Original) fent to the Taller and Spec- /(^ ^ 2412 7 / St >4 7 / / “ 4‘7 y 24*8 24' 9 tator, 2 vol. between Erfkine and Bofwell and Eflays of the Marchionefs Pompadour from Fog’s Weekly Journal,yro»r. (Original) 2 vol, (Seleft) 4 vol, from William III, to Charles 11 . Eflays, publiftied by 1725 1763 1696 1732 nS5 &c. 1704 Blac^burne, — 1774 MiJcellanies»^Q^9iXio, 103 y ^ «4ao Letters between Si. Evremond and Waller, z vol. ™ — — 1769 / ^ 2421 of Sir John Falflaff, fronti/piece 1796 ^ ^ 2421 « > — of Lady Luxborough to WHliam Shen- ftone — — 1771; QUARTO. /P4J3 ='■(3424 ^ » 4 *S s4«6 3427 / / V * 4*8 J — 24*9 J - 2430 * 43 ' Miles (Mr. A.) Political Mirror for 1780 Milton (John) Eikonoklaftes £^/f, Baron 1756 Mifcellaneous Letters, giving an Account of the Works of the Learned — ■ .. 1696 Montaigne (Effais de) 3 tom. Land, 1724 Monthly Mifcellany, or Memoirs for the Curious 1707.8 — Chronicle, 4 vol. in 2, 1728.31, and No. il. for February 1775 Mifcellany, or Gentleman’s Journal, 2 vol. in 1 1691.x ■ — ' ib, 4 vol. 2432 2433 2434 2435 0 £ 2436 / ^ - 2438 ^ - 2439 /// / ^440 /fe d 1691-2-3-4, Moon-Shine, or Reflauration of Jews-Trumps and Bagpipes 1762 — ■ .11 ibm Munday (A) Defence of Contraries ^S 93 Murder (hellilh) by a French Midwife on her Hulband, 1687-8. Murder on the Body of ' a Traveller about 30 Years fince in the Weft of England — — *1^78 Mufes* Mercury, or Monthly Mifcellany 1707 Mynftiul (Geffry) Characters of a Prifon and Prifoners, front, nuith portrait 1 638 Nallie (Thomas) Anatomie of Abfurditie, h, U Printed by J, CharU^wood 1589 — Pafquill and Marforio ib, '■■■■■ — Pierce Penilefle his Supplica- tion to the Divell, b, I, Printed bj 4bel Jeffes 1 593 /• / // — _ 104 Mijcellanies^wm.Q^ 2 LXXQi 2441 Naflie (Thomas) Pierce Penileffe his Supplica* tion to the Divell, b, /. Printed for Nicholas Ling 1595 Have with you to SaiFron-WaU den> or Gabriel Harvey’s Hunt is up 1596 wonderful, llrangc, and mira- culous Aflrologicall Prognoftication for 159I5 L Imprinted by Thomas Scarlet Foure Letters, and certaine 2442 2443 2444 4'/^/ 2445 Sonnets, efpecially touching Robt. Greene Imprinted by John Wolfe Pierce’s Supererogation, or a 2 - 2446 J / y y '447 2448 new Prayfe of the old Afle Imprinted by John Wolfe 1593 ' ' — >— New Letter of notable Con- tents ib* — — — Returne of the Knight of the Pofte from Hell, b, /. Printed by John Windet x6o6 — — — — — Chrift’s Teares over Jerufalem Printed for Thomas Thorpe 1613 /- ^ c/"' 2449 Newes from the New Exchange, or the Com- monwealth of Ladies London, printed in the Tear of Women •without Grace ——1 — 1650 2450 Newes from ParnalTus *■■■ —■ • 1622 2451 Niccholes (Alexander) of Marriage and Wiving X 6 2452 Oldifworth’s Accomplilhed Senator 1733 A ^ 2453 Pappe with a Hatchet, alias, a Figge for my Godfon, or cracke Me th^ Nut, title ^wanting 2454 y/ 4 compleat 2^55 Parke’s (W,) Curtain«Drawer of the World 161Z 2456 Parliament of Ladies — ' 1647 2457 Parfons (James) Remains of Japhet 1767 2458 Pafquine in a Trance, 1584 2456* Peachum (Henry) Compleat Gentleman i66r * 457 * Petrarch Phyficke againft Fortune, by Twync, b.h — - 1579 Htjiory ^—‘VoWo. lo^ / 2458* Philpot (John) Catalogue of the Chancellt)rs of ^ England — — 1636 ^499 Philocothonifta, or the Drunkard opened, &c. front, — 1635 / / 3460 Plato, t/anflated by Spens Glafgow 1763 — by Sydenham^ viz. Meno, Ri- vals, Firft and Second Alcibiades, Dialogues, 2 parts. Greater and Lefler Hippias, Ban- quet, io, Differtation on the Dodlrine of Heraclitus, Onomafticon, Theologicum, and Synopfis 2462 Pliny's Panegyricke, by Stapylton Oxford 1644 / 6 24^3 Political Quacks Advice, with Merry Andrew's Packet — — . — — 1705 ^ _ 2464 Powell f Thomas) Myfterie of Lending and Bor- rowing — — 1623 / 6 ^ 4-^5 (Robert) on the Antiquity of ContjLeet 1642 J 2466 Port-Folio, by Oliver Oldfchool Philadelphia i8oi y ^ 2467 Primaudaye French Academic, Part II 1594 ^ 2468 Proftor and Parator, their Mourning, frontifpiece 1641 / 2469 Prefs (neceflity of regulating the) Oxford 1699 HiRory. FOLIO. ^ 2470 Grotii (Hugonis) Annales et Hift.de Rebus'* ^Q\g\^h,ejiges per Dellf dm ft, ap. Blaeu^w 1657 ^ 2471 Guiciardin’s HiHorie of Italy, engliflied by F,ep.. ton ' ” Londt 1 5 99 • ^ 2472 Hakluyt (Richard) Principal Navigations, ^ , Voyages, and Difcoveries of the Englifh Na- tion, Vol. I. — — 1^8^ / -io6 »473 2/i- /*474 / *475 *476 ^ 2477 J / *478 i/ Its 4 *48 « 4 / *48* <>_ *483 ■7 f ^ . / f P, ft,, 4 rC . 5 S\ // ' fc. c 6.C //. i ''o - i f b . - f I . X /S'. C u. - Folio. Halle (Edward) Chronicle of England, h* L im» perfea 1 548 ■ ' ■ ■■ ^i ^ — no title or end Hanmer (Meredith) Edmund Campion, and Ed- mund Spenfer’s Hiftorie of Ireland Dublin 1633 Harley (Earl of Oxford) Collection of Voyages and Travels, plates, elegant in RuJJia, 2 vol. a fine copy — - Lend, 1745 Hargrave (Francis) State Trials, 11 vol. boards Land, 1781 Harrington (James) Oceana, and other Works Lond. 1747 Hat’s Complete Hiftory of Cornwall, Part II. Hawkins (Sir Richard) Obfervations in his Voyage into the South Sea Londm 1622 Heath (James) Chronicle of the late Inteftine War — — . — — Lond» 1676 Herbert (Thomas) fome Ycarcs Travels into • Africa and A/ia, plates — Lond, 1638 Herbert (Edward Lord of Cherbury) Life and Raigne of King Henry the Eighth Lond, 1649 END OF THE ELEVENTH DAV’s SALE* Twelfth Day’s Sale, Mifcellanies. OCTAVO ET INFRA. tot "I2486 2487 //2488 /J ^2489 / ^ 2490 Dinguet's Analyfis of Voltaire’s Works / / -A ETTERS on the Eloquence of the Pulpit >765 by the Author of Clarin?fc Cathcart, 2 voL — — — — 1788 " » ■ ~ on the Foundation of Virtue 1 Glaf^onv 1 77 2 by the late Earl of Chatham, to Thomas Pitt - ' i8of Letfom’s Hints on Beneficence, &c. 3 vol. i8of Lever (Raphe) on Witchraft. h. L , 1573 249? — — 1790 ih. / 2492 / *493 / / *494 Linnecar (Richard) Mifcellaneous Works , Leedt 1789 Lives and comical Adventures of Gameilers 1714 fronU 2495 ^ 2496 'ib, and Ditto of Highwaymen, Vol. IJ. — — — — laying Words of Remarkable Perfons Convi^ed of Murder, &c. 3 vol. 1746 — of the Convifls, 2 vol. 1760 loS Mifcellaneous^^O^^yOt i/ / / /^ — 2 _^ *497 Locke on the Undcrftanding, abridged G/^ 1752 2498 Longinus on the Sublime, by Smith 1752 4 - ^ 2499 Looker On, 3 vol. 1794 3 4 — — —— — / 2501 Love at Firft Sight, or the Gay in a Flutter 1751 Z, 2$o2 Loves of Carmarupa and Camalata, an Indian Tale 1795 Z . 2503 Loves of Othniel and Achfah, 2 vol. 1769 2504 Lucas* Addreffes to the Citizens of Dublin 1748 / 2505 ([Wm.) Duellidsor Men of Honour, yro«/. / . . . S 2506 Lucubrations or Eflays and Reveries in Profe and Verfe ■ — 1786 4 - Lupton (D.) London and the Country Carbona- doed — 1632 J - 2508 Lyly (John) Falfe Friend, and Inconftant Mif- trefs — 1718 4 2509 Lytileton (Lord) Dialogues of the Dead, 1760* Brown’s Additional Dialogue, aud Fenelon’s Ditto 4 2510 " — — — — — ^ Mifcellaneous Works, 3 vol, pcrtrak ' >777 /2511 Macaulay on Sovereign Power, and Liberty of ) Confcience ■ — 1781 2 git MachiaveFs Works, with notes by Farneworth 4 vol. — 1775 2513 Mac Mahon Candor and Good Nature of En- gliftimen — — — — 1777 /25J4 on the Depravity of Human Nature ) >774 ^2515 Madan’s Thelyphthora, 2 vol. 1780. and An- ( fwers to Ditto, By Towers, Haweis, &c. 2516 Magazines, American Mufeum, 12 vol. _ 2517.— — Annual Regifter, from the Com- mencement 1758 to 1793, and from 1800 to 1804, with 2 vol. of Index, 43 vol. 2518 — — 1790, &c, and Vol. IL of Index 2519 — — I — ^ — Annual Regifter, New, 1780. 1792 2520 — I Afiatic, 1799. / /-- iBoq, 180U i8oz. Mt/cellaneous — vo ^ y l^AOAZiNBs.Anthologia Hibernica, 4 vol. 1793*4 Vol. 1, and 4 nos; ^ / 2522 / ~ 3S2J . J- »S*4 ■ / 6 252c 2526 2527 2^ 2388 - //— 2529 . / 2530 . V / *53» ■ ' J o 2532 /— *533 //_»534 *335 y 2536 /^-*S37 *538 y/ J? _ 2540 *54» 2J+2 *343 /^? J /4 —2544 - / / -*54S - -2^ —*546 - ^ -*547 - — Anti Jacobin, fundryNos. — - Anti Galilean, dr the Standard of Britifli Loyalty r- — 1804 Bee, 4 vol. 1733, and fundry Nos. Beauties of, 2 vol. 1-773 5 : Boyer’s Political State, 27 vol. I — Britifh 9 vol “ , - “ ^ (North) 2 vol. 1804 Chriftian 7 vol, Conftitutional ■ Critical Review from the Com- mencement in 1755 to 1788, Vol. XLII. and XL VIII, and fundry Nos. to 1797, fomc wanting •I^ubHn Magazine, Vol. I. II. and IV. , *755 15 vol. and Edinburgh Review Magazinei various Numbers — — Englifh Review from Commence- ment, 10 vol. and fundry Nos. (Every Man’s) 4 vol. 177X — — European, Vol. 1. 11. HI. IV. fundry Numbers, many Duplicates — from 'the Commence- ment to 1806, plates^ 50 vol. uncut General Review ^ *752 Gentleman’s, from the Commence- ment in 1731, to 1 806, Vol. I. in Nos. no z wanting^ the reft hctlf bounds uncut to 1791, tht other in Nos, January wanting of j 798^ OMer, Nonjember and December, of 1797 ~ 1731 and 32, 11 numbers Grand Magazine, 2 vol. and fundry numbers Hiftorical Regilier, *4 vol. St; James’s 5 vol. and fundry nos; Intr^id 1^84 Kentifli Regiflcr, 2 vol, 1791 110 Mi/ceUaneou5^0Q.2iXoi /O j.o Z 13 / /d ^ 4 / ^ /j J J 2;4.8 Magazines. Literary, 8 nos. 2549 2550 * 55.1 *552 2553 25 S4 2555 *556 »!57 2558 2559 / 2560 Journal, 3 vol. London, various nos. from the Commcncemenjf in 1732 to 1771, wiihlndex from 1732 to 1758 — Review, Vol. I. and fun- dry numbers - Mercury — 1780 — Mufeuin, 2 vol. 1770. 1771 Magazine of, 2 vol. 1755 various in 4 bundles com pleat Mafachufet's, 2 vol. Maty’s Review, 9 vol. Mid wife, or Old Womans, 3 vol. Nos. fundry ^ 2562 / — 2563 / o 2564 j (3 /a — sst’fi , ^ #5^7 ^ XT’— 2568 y // 6 *569 // - *570 J '4 257* J —257a yd ^2573 Z 6 257+ / — 257s — ^ Monthly, Vol. I. and II. half heundt and fundry Nos. - ■ ' — Epitome, fundry Nos. — Mercury — — 1755 I .11, Mirror from the Com- mencement in 1793, to November i8o6,/4*/r/, O^ober 1806 nuantmg "" • ■■■ — ■ fundry Nos. Review from the Com* mencement in 1749. to 1789, with Ayfcough'e Index, and the enlarged Series up to 1801, and fundry Nos. to 1806, a remarkable fne Set — — — Mufeum, by Dodfley, 3 vol. 1746 — Naval Chronicle, 97 Nos. Parliamentary Regifter, fundry Nos. and vol. XL XII. XIII. XIV. — Political Regifter, 1 1 vol. in 6, and fundry Nos. — : — Controverfy, 3 vol. 176* — - I Herald, 3 vol. 1785 — — Pi Magazine, 1780 to 1789 Repofitory, 3 vol. and fundry Nos. Royal, Vol. 11. — Sentimental, 2 vol. — 1773 — Thefpian, 4 voL and fundry Nos. Town and Country, 1769 to 1782 — Univerfal Vifitor MifctManuu — 0£la vo J III J yy 2580 Magazines. Weftminfter, 177310 1785, 14 vol. ^ , and fundry numbers y 2581 — — Weekly Amufements, 8 vol. 1763 ^ 258a Mainwaring (Thomas) Legitimacy of Amicia, 1679. Anfwer to Ditto by Sir Peter Ley- cefter, 1673, and Anfwer to Sir Peter, by T.M. — — — 1675 / ^ 2583 Malkin (Ben* Heath) Effays on Civilization // 2584 Malyncs (Gerard de) of the Canker of England’s 179? 1601 2585 ^ 2586 2?87 2588 y 3589 2590 J / 2591 1775 *773 1804 180Z '75» >733 3 Jt - 2J9J

^OS.iLSO» 3 h 2608 Memoirs of the Marchionef# of Pompadour, ^ . 2609 // ^ 2610 2611 / y 2612 y 6 a6i3 ;) y/ ^ //f -^2615 ^ 2616 /' 7-2S17 O 261k / o 2619 775 vol. 1609 1770 179a 1783 1720 1742 true Iii- 4 2624 3 2625 / 2626 2627 Mirabeau (R.) Gallery of Portraits, Mirror, 3 vol. — — Mifcellanea Aurea — — Mifcellaneous Correfpondence — Mitre and Crown, or Great Britain’s tereft Modern Fine Gentleman — 1727 Mode’s Treadle upon, or a Farewell to French Kicks — — ' — 1715 Molefworth (John) Lots and Numbers in the Adelphi Lottery Monk’s Hood pulled off, or the Capuchin Friar defcribed — — 1671 Monro (Thomas) Eflays - >790 Montaigne (Michel) Eirays,by C. Cotton, 3 vcL *743 Montefquieu (Charles) Works, 4 vol. 1777 Morality (Nature and Obligation of) Edin. 1763 Morall Philofophye (Treatife of) 3 . /. *550 Moral State of England — — 1670 Philofcphy of the Stoicks 1664 Refledions — — *707. and Hiftorical Memoirs — *779 — I’ales, 2 vol. — — *797 Mordaunt (Harry) Mo.dell Defence of Publick Stews — — *724 Mere (Thomas) a fruiefoll, pleafauiit, and wit- tie Worke of the beft State of a Publique Weale, b, L — — 1556 Invedive agenfte Treafon, ^./. *539 y2628 6 2629 / ^ — 2630 -2641 J- .2642 Mozeen (Thomas) Young Scjarron o 2643 Mifcellanies US 1791 1726 1727 1752 1762 y ^ 2644 Mulfo (Thomas) Callifthus, or the Man of Faihion 1768 / ^ 2^5 Murdock (Jolin) on the Revolutions of Litera- ture 1^2646 Murray (Lindley) Englilh Reader i799 (2647 ■■ ■■ — — ■— Sequel to the Englifh Reader I2648 ■ ■ - — Introdudioa to Ditto 1800 2801 Romancti* QUARTO. / 2649 Amidis of Gaule, Firft and Second Bookes, b. /. defeSivt , i 2650 Arnalte and Lncenda, entituled, the Evil-intreat« ed Lover, or the Melancholy Knight, tranf- lated into Englilh Verfe by Leonard Laus- . . rena — ■ *639 ^ 4 2651 Barclay (John) his Argenis, tranflated by Sir Robert Le Grys and Thomas May, 1629.— MS, commendittoij Note^ iittfaSled from the Lift of Cvwper 21652 Camus (J.P.) Admirable Events, tranflated by Du Verger • — * — . 1639 2653 Dellruftion of Troy, in three books, b, /. 1680 ^ ^ 2654 Gerardo, the Unfortunate Spaniard, tranflated by Leonard Digges — •— 1622 — 2655 Hiftory (moft ancient and famous) of King Arthur and bis Knights of the Round h'&'LY.jfine copy^bA, — *634 / / 2 ^ 2656 ■ ■■■ of the famous Evordanus Prince of Denmark, with the ftrange Adventures of lago Prince of Saxonie, b* /, 1 605 / 114 ^1. — Qua r to. 6 • / j „ / ^ Jr rJJ-^ Z^— /i/ JJ/- c// 2657 Hiftory of Don Quichotte, 2 parts, tranfiated by Shelton, /row/. Lamberto (Don Juan) b* /. title ^wanting L>dy (John) Euphues and his England and Anatomy of Wit, b, I, Imprinted by Canxjoad 1^82 2660 Mandeville (Sir John) Voyages and Travels, b»L •wood cuts, defeBme 2661 Myrrour of Knighthood, Second Part of the Firft Booke, b, 1. Imprinted by Thomas Efie 1585 2662 Painter (Will.) Palace of Pleasure, 2 vol. b, 1 . fuj/ia, perftiled in MS* by Mr. John Hen- derfon Imprinted by Marjhe and Bynneman 1566-7 2663 Palmerin of England, 2 parts, tranflatedjby Act. Monday, *639 2664 Palmerin D’Oliva, tranfiated by A. Munday, b. L Imprinted by Charle Argalus and Parthenia,y)'o«/j(^/V<“e 2669 Sidney (Sir Philippe) Countefs of Pembroke's Arc.z.d\2ifrji edit, printed for William Ponfon-- hie, 1590» ^ee Dr. Farmers memorandum in MS. extraQed by Mr. Reed 2670 Seven Champions of Chriftendome, by Richard Johnfon, Part II. firfi edit. b. 1 . Printed for Cuthbert Burbie 1^97 2671 Theophani, i 6 i; 5 . See MS. note 2672 Tables Genealogiques des Heros des Romans, avec un Catalogue des principaux Ouvrages en ce Genre Londres, chtz Edvoards j (2673 Robinfon (Perdita) Letters to John King 1781 V2674 Rutherford (Thomas) EfTay on Virtue ^ Cambridge 1744 /3 Romances*^ Folio, // Rych (Barnabe) Hone (lie of this Age /// /- / 2676 2677 / 1678 ■^5 161; 1578 Englifn Hue and Crie — — i6’i z — — — — — Faultes, Faults, and nothing elfe but Faultes — — 1606 Alarm to England, b* I, - Irifti Hubbub, or the / -.2679 iitk '. 7 ■ XJ - I O 6 2703 4 2704 270s /2707 6 ^ 27(38 2709 4 ^ c Hiftory* FOLIO. Heylln (Peter) Hiftory of the Life and Death of William Archbilhop of Canterbury London 1 668 Hill (Aaron) Account of the Ottoman Empire, flutes •— •- 1720 Holinshed (Raphaell) Will Harrifon, &c. Chronicles of fenglani, Scotland, and Ire- land, continued to the year 1586, by John Hooker, alias Vowel, b» L 2 vol. 1^87, Jlno C0/y, marble leaves Horfmaii (Gilbert) Precedents in Conveyancing, 2 vol. in I Lond, 1768 Howell (James) Hiftory of Naples Lotid. 1654 — — Survey of Venice, portrait ib, 1651 , 1 . ,. — — — . Difeourfe of Kings / 3 . 1664 I , .. London, portrait 1657 w ■ (William) Hiftory of the World, 3 vol. Lond. 168; Hutchins (John) Hiftory of Dorfet, 2 stA, plates Lond, in^ END OF THE TWELFTH DAY S SALE. /2_ Xlo Thirteenth Day’s Sale. Mifcellanles^ LOT a7ti 6 ^ 2712 / ^2713 / 6 - 6 / OCTAVO. / USGRAVE (Samuel) on the Grecian My. thology — ^ ,782 Nettleton (Thomas) on Virtue and Happlnefs 1 Edin* 1776 Neville (Hen,) Plato Redivivus 1763 Newmarket, or an Effay on the Turf, 2 vol. Norris (John) Mifcellanies — 1717 North (Dudley Lord) Obfervations and Advices (Economical ' — r66g Notes (Fellivous) on Don C^uixotte 1768 Occhinus (Bernard) Dialogue of Polygamy 1617 (Ewnomy (New) of Human Life 1766 Ogilvy (John) on Compofition* 2 vol, 1774 Oldy’s Britifh Librarian — 173S Olivet’s Thought on Cicero — net Olla Podrida 1788' Origin and Progrefs of Defpotifm Amft, 1764 Recherche fur I’Origine du Defpotirme Oriental _ 1 763 Oirery (Roger Boyle, Earl of) State Letters i 763 — 1682 1689 — *7,9^ 2716 2717 (2718 ^719 2720 22722 / “ 3723 2724 , 9 *72? _ ^ / 6 2726 Olborn (Fran ) Works 6 2727 —.—I / —1728 — , 2729 Ofwald (John) Cry of Nature /a ai8 MifcellanUs* — 'Ofta vo« ^^2 7 ^373^ Overbury (Sir Thomas) Mifcellaneoas 6 2731 Pack (Richardfon) Mifcellanies 2732 Pagett (Lord) Mifcellanies — (2733 Pallavicino (Ferrante) Celellial Dove p734 Farrhailana .1. 2735 Parker’s View of Society, 2 vol. ^2736 Parliament of Criticks — ^■p 737 1756 1724 1741 1717 1700 1781 1702 ib» 1669 1674 ^ 2738 Parrots (the Land of) > 3 i 273Q Pafquin rifen from the Dead — 3 z *740 Patterfon (Samuel) Journey through the Nether- lands, 3 vol. in two — 1767 ■ — Joineriana, or Book of Scraps, 2 vol. ■— ■ — 1772 Paulus Jovius, the Worthy Tra6t of 1585 Peacham (Henry) Valley of Varietie 1638 2744 Penn (William) Fruits of Solitude 1778 ^ Pennington (Mifs) Mother’s Advice to her ab« y C = 74 » / 2742 >0 2743 (2746 fent Daughters Pennyinan (Margaret) Mifcellanies “ Hau Kiou Choan, or the Hiftory, 2 vol, — — • , /(27 / o J2747 Percy Dr. Hau Kiou ^ 2748 ^ /s 749 1770 1740 pleafing 1761 4 vol. 1761 / y Mifcellaneous Pieces, relative to the ✓ Chinefe, 2 vol.. — — 176a ^2750 Peregrinations of the Mind — >770 ^2751 Perplexed Prince 275a Perfeis, or Secret Memoirs of Perfia *745 ^2753 Petronius’s Satyr — — 1694 2754 Pettus (Sir John) Volatiles from the Hiilory of ^ Adam and Eve 273; Phalaris’ Epi flies ^ — 2756 Phenix, 2 vol. — /(f" ^p757 Philanthrope — ^758 Phillips (Thomas) Philemon / — 2759 (Theres Count) Apology, 3 vol 1674 1634 1708 ^797 1761 174S 1761 / 2760 Philological Mifcellany f 76i Philpot (Charles) Introduflion to the Literary Hiftory — — 1798 12762 Pilkington (Letitia) Memoirs, 3 vol, 1749 Mi/ceUanieu'^0(\^\o» 119 /3 - Pinkethman^s Jefts ' ■ '■ " ■ ^715 / 3764 Pinto’s Effay on Luxury — I76f> ^ 2765 Plain Dealer, 2 vol. ■ ■ — 1734 / 2766 Plato’s Dialogue of the Immortality of the Soul * 7^3 2767 — — - A ppologie of Socrates Camb, 1775 3768 Pleafures of Matrimony — 1688 2769 ?2LXiH. plates 1684 } ya 'J - 12770 Pliny’s Letters, by William Melmotb, 2 vol, if / / i / »747 1748 1694 1804 1751 1771 , - - 1^77 ^2777 Popery (Method to prevent the Grovt'th of) *774 ^2771 — — 2772 Plutarch’s Morals, 5 vol. 2773 Polyanthea, 2 vol. 774 Pompey the Little (Hiftory of) 2775 2776 Poor Robin’s Vnlons 778 Poft-Captain, or the Wooden Walls well Manned 1 806 ^2779 Pofton (Edvv.) the Pratler 6 2780 Prater - 0^6 2781 Pratt (William) Family Secrets, 5 vol, 3 ^^ 2782 — 3 ^ 2783 — Gleanings — *747 *757 1798 ib. l8or 1776 .(2784 Price (Rich.) on Liberty / / ]2785 Prieftley (Jofeph) Letters relating to Wefley 1791 ^^^2786 ' Examination of Dr. Reid, Dr. Beattie, and Dr. Ofwaid — 1774 y 2787 Prince of Love, title luanting ■2788 Prior (Thomas) Refledions for the Gentlemen ^ 1 of Ireland — 1738 ^ (2789 Public Happiness, 2 voL ■ — ■ *774 .2790 Furfuits of Literature (Irifh) 1799 6 279* Pye (Henry James) the Democrat 1,96 3 ^79^ Pylades and Corinna, or Memoirs of Richard j Gevennett, vo). Efq, and Mrs. Eiiz. Thomas, a J 73 * -- 16^1 2793 Quarles (Fra.) Encliiridion 2794 Quintillian, his Inftitutes of Eloquence, by W, Guthrie, 2 vol, f793 Racine’s Letters m i , ,, , — . 1^85 rao / O 2707 J ^ *798 . (*799 i.8oo / 2801 - 2802 y ' ')28o4 / 2805 MiJcellanieSt^Oj^^ VO • Raillene a la Mode 1673 '75* 6 2806 — 2807 (2808 |28og O 28 lO _ 2811 Ralph (James) Cafe of Authors Ramfay Allan) Colledion of Scots Proverbs £638 ^ ^878 Sophyie ou de la Philofophie — 1798 y 72879 Southey (Robert) the Flagellant 1792 y 2880 Spaniih Libertines, iranflated by John Stevens / 1707 Speftator, Tatler, and Guardian, 13 vol. 1747-57.9 ■ ' by BiiTet, Vol. II. 1793 Vol. IX. 17*1 ^ ^ 2883 2884 — Tatler, and Guardian (Mottos of) ^ / *737 yy6 2885 — . — — (General Index of) 1757 / - 2886 Speculift (Adventures of) 2 vol. 178 ' // // ttJ/t ^ttcbet, (^arto.' **j’ Witches, &e. QUARTO. / / J. / /J A / ^ / s / yj / y / •i?. y., / ^887 Witches of Warboyfe, h. I, difeainje 158^ 2888 Roberts (Alexander) Treaiif^^ on Witchcraft, with a true Narration ot the Witchcrafts which Mary Smith did pra^life 1616 2889 Scot (Reginald) Difcovery of Witchcraft, b, /. i?S4 2890 Giffard (George) Dialogue concerning Witches and Witchcrafts, h. /. i6oj 2891 Difcoverie (Wonderfull) of the Witchcrafts of Mary and Philip Flower, daughters of Joan Flower, /ro«/, 1618 2892 Witches of.Northanfptonlhire, b, U front, printed by Purfoote ■■ ■■■■ - '^ 2893 Lover (Peter de) Treatile of Spefters, Vifions, and Apparitions, appearing fenfibly to Men *605 2894. Lavaterus of Ghoftes and Spirites walking by Night, b* /. printed by Henry B-nneyman 572 2895 " ^ ihm 2896 Popifh Impoftutes, praflifed by Edmunds, alias Wefton, under the pretence of cafting out Devils *<^03 2897 Darrell (John) on the ftrange and grevous Vex- ation by the Devil, of 7 Perfons in Lanca- fhire, and William Somers of Nottireham 1600 2898 Harfnct (SamuelJ Fraudulent Praflifes of John Darrell concerning tbe pretended Pro'effions and DifpolTeffions of W;iliam Somers, &c. ’599 2899 Darrell (John) Deteflion of that fihfuL ly’ng, and ridiculous Difcourfe of Samuel Ha:fnet, entituled the Fraudulent Praftifei of J. D, 1600 2900 Acontius (Jacobus) Satan's Stratagems 124- Witches y Quarto# y 2902 A? S 290J 2904 ^ - *905 / 2906 y- 29>7 2908 2909 0 2910 2911 J 2912 yy - 2913 2914 29'5 / 29^6 / 2917 / SQlS / 2919 Tra^^s, viz. Relation of Informations &c. of the Witches executed in Eflex, 1645. Strange and Wonderful! Vifions and Predidlions of William Juniper, of Gosfield in Eflex, roha. Relation of a Horrid Murder on Thomas Kiddermiudcr, of Tupfley in Hereford, 1654 printed »68S, The Boy of Bilfon, a parts ~ ■— 1622-98 Cotta (John) on Witchcraft, &c. 1612 Lithobo'ia, or the Stone-Throwing Devil 1698 Apparition (Strange and Dreadful) which iii- fefted and funk a Ship bound for New Caftle, 1672. Remarkable Paffagcs of Providence concerning Thomas Sawdie, polTelt with an unclean Spirit, 1664 Hopkins (Matt.) Difcovery of Witches 1647 Bower (Edm.) Doctor Lamb Revived, or Witch- craft Condemn’d in Arne Bodenham 1653 Relation of one John Tonken, of Penfans in Cornwall, faid to be Bewitched, i686. Ditto of a Young Woman poffeft with the Devil, by name Joyce Dovey, 674 Sadduc’fmus DcbeIIatus,or Narrative of the Sor- ceries and Witchcrafts exercifed on Mrs. Chriftian Shaw 1697 Witch at Greenwich (Strange) — 1630 Diabolical Praftiles of above 20 Wizards and Witches, of Renfrew in Scotland 1697 Mather (Cotton) Tryals of Witches in New- England 1693 and Increafe, Mather on Evil Spirits, 1693 Withall (Ben.) Detection of Public Frauds 1717 Women f Apologue for) — 1^09 Wonder of Wonders, being a Relation of a Wo- man of 95 years of age who is now quick with Child 1671 Worming of a Mad Dogge, or a Soppe for Cer- berus, the Taylor of Hell — — *617 Wybarne ( jof.) New Age of Old Names 1609 Young (Dorothy) Tranflations from the French Ijnn 1770 .1 .—Folio# 1^5 Hiflory. FOLIO. / 2920 James I. and Charles I. (Annals of ) Land, 168 f y / 2021 johnftoni (Robert; Hiftoria Rerum Britannicanum' ♦ * Am ft., I 5 5 ^/3 2922 Irifli Rebellion (Hiflory of) Duhlin 1743 y / 2923 Kennet (Balil) Re^ifter and Chronicle, Ecclefi- aftical and Civil 1728 ^ 2924 King (Eaward) Veftiges of Oxford Caftle, plates 2 , // 2925 Kippis ( Andrew) Biographia Britamica^ 5 vol. y/ Land* ^ 71 ^ / 3926 KnoUes (Rich.) General Hiftorie of the Turkes, portraits. Vide Note, Loud 1631 ^ 2927 Lane (Rich.) Reports in the Court of Exchequer Loud, 1657 2 ^ 292B Lavardin (Jaquesde) Hiftorie of George Caflriot, furnaaied Scanderberg Loud, y _ 2929 Legenda Aurea, or Golden Legend, b, 4 imper-- fed beginning and end y y 2930 Leghorn (Anfwer to the Merchant’s Petition at) 1704. y 2931 Leo (John) Geographical Hiftorie of Africa Land, 1600 ^ 2932 Life of James Uftier, Bilhop of Armagh, portrait Land, j686 J ^ ^33 — " Richard Baxter, by Matthew Sylvefler, portrait > ■■ '»'■ ■ Loud, 1696 J. /• / ; tZ. A fSr d BHX) OP THE THIRTEENTH DAY’s SALE. Fourteenth Day’s Sale. Mifcellanits^ /IrOT ;;; ^3934 /3935 >6 2936 . ^2937 J y 2938 6 2939 / (2940 |a94i / / / / OCTAVO. S PENCER fjohn) on Prodigies 1665 Spirit of the Journals, 7 vol. 1799 Stael on Literature, 2 vol. 1803 the influence of the Palfions 1728 Steele (Sir Rich.J Ladies* Library, 3 vol. 172a . . ..i M . Chriftian Hero 1701 — - Tale of a Tub reverfed 170^ E^iftolary Correfpondence, 2 1787 vol. 2942 2943 2944 Z. ^946 / 2947 5 ^948 12949 / 29 50 /V -^ 2951 S ^ 2952 / 2953 -*954 the Lover and Reader Freeholder — — Lover - Town Talk, &c. - Letters, 2 vol. — Freeholder — ’ Engliihman 1789 •75* i7'S • 7*9 1787 1716 ib. 1615 Sterne (Laurence) Triftram Shandy, »o vol. in ^ 1760 176S and 12 Stephens (John) Satyricai Eflayes New Eflayes Sentimental Journey Letters, 2 vol. 17791 other Pieces relating to Sterne Stevens (G. Alex.) LeSure on Heads 179^ / Mif(.eUattitt>— 0 &Avo. 127 2955 Stillingfleet (Edw.) Mifcellaneous Difcoarfes / ) _ >.735 <7^ , ib, 1778 b.l. *583 ^ 2960 Student, or Oxford and Cambridge Mifccllany 1750 / (2961 Suicide (Effays on) 1783 6 12962 Swift (Jonathan) Works, Vol, II. and XX V. ^ 1762 [2956 Stockdale (John) Trial — 6 2957 — - — 2958 > ' (Percival) Mifcellanies 2959 Stubbe’s Anatomy of Abufes, 2 parts. / 'i- y y J y 2963 — Mifcellanies, 2 voU 1727 2964 ■ " ■■■ Art of Punning 1719 2965 Fourlaft Years of Queen Anne 1758 2966 11 Political Trails, 2 vol* 1738 1^967 III —— I..*— ■ Mifcellaneous Pieces 1 789 ^^968 Supplement, Vol* XXIV. ' ^77^ 2969 . Works, 27 vol. 6 th wanting 1766 ^2970 Taciturna and Jocunda 1760 p97i Tales, 2 vol. — ^ — — — 1769 2972 Tale (Second) of a Tub, or Hiftory of Powell the Showman, fronti/piece 2973 Talle of the Town /■ / >715 1731 1693 171s 1786 1772 1805 / ^ 2974 Tate (N.) Prefent for the Ladies ^2975 Tatler, Vpl* V* — — [2976 6 vol* — — 2977 Taylor (Henry) Trails — .^2978 (J.) Summary of Duties 32979 (Jer.) Offices of Friendfliip, portrait ^ *657 / / ^2980 Teagueland’s Jells, or Bogg Witdcifms 1690 / ^^981 l^ears of Senfibility 1773 *779 *757 2982 Temple (Wm. Joiuifon) Memoirs — ^2983 - ■ - ■ (Sir Wm.y Works, 4 vol, ^ 2984 Terrae Filius, or Hiftory of Oxford, 2 y ^2985 Thelwall (John) the Peripatetic, 3 vol. ^ 6 2986 Theocritus, by Polwhele, 2 vol. vol. 1726 *793 1792 1^8 / 2987 >989 / / b -^991 ( / _ 2992 ^2993 ^2994 <^2095 6 2996 /X— 2997 / v2998 0 12999 / 3000 / 3Cor ^ 3002 . 3003 3004 3005 Odlavo* Theophraftus, by Euftace Budgell 1714- the Englifli — — 1702 Therry of Agreeable Seufatioos — *774 — — — ~ the Ear^K . 1685 Thii kneEe (Mrs.) School forFafliion, 2 vol. i8oa Thompfon (Hen. Fred.) Intrigues of a Nabob 1770 Thoughts on the Times - ■ - ■ 1779 Tcland (John) Pantlieifticon Co/mopoli 1720 land* 1751 Mifcellaneous Works 1747 Tooke (John Horne; Letters — ' — 1768 Tour of Valentine . Tower ( ) Dialogues concerning the Ladies 1781 Tracts, fingle Webb on Education, 1 782, and 14 other on the fame fubjeft » ■■■■ — - ■■■■■'. » ■■ Effay on Oriental Learning, 1739, and a other — Moor on the Greek Prept^- tions, 1766. W^ebb on the Chinefe Lan* guage, 1787, 2 copies The Scoundrel’s Diftionary, J" /f 300b 1754, and 7 other — » Grammatical Eflays, 1768, and 7 other — — Mafon’s Eflays on Elocution, 176 . New Guide to Eloquence, 1762, and 7 other I i.r— Swift’s Art of Punning, tjig* Eflayonthe Irifti Language, 1782, and 3 other Chartonis Bellovacae Oratio, 551, and 13 other Latin Relation dune Jeune fille Sue- doife, 1711, and 57 other French -- — — . D’lvernois Etat des Finances, 1796, and 3 other by the fame Voltaire la Taftique, 1714, and 7 other by Voltaire .0£lava, 129 / 3011 / 3012 30»3 i- 30*4 Jo ^ 3015 ^ 3016 4 30*7 6 301S / / 3019 (3' / ' t020 Tracts, fingle, Le Bovdel ou le Jean foutre Pun’s, 1736, and 23 other — “ Hilchof on the Second Pfalin, 1742, and 26 other Herrieson Suicide, 1781, and 31 other —“—7— — Adams* EflTay on Hume on the * Miracles, 1752* and 22 other — Bateman on Tythes, 1778, and 8 other on Tyihes Roiheram on Faith, 1772, and 9 other by Rotheram , . ■— — ^ Watlon’s Charge to the Clergy of LandafF, and 1 5 other by and againd Wat- fon — DIredions for Young Students in Divinity, 1766, and 7 other on the fame lubjeft " ' Cafe of the Corporation and Telt A^s, 1736, and ii other Fofter’s fjames) Anfwer to j302i // 302* 30*3 / 3024 30*5 ^ 302S // 3027 // 3028 A- Stebbing, 1737, and 6 other by fame Weft on the Converfion of Saint Paul, 1747. Difeourfe of the Chriftian Religion, 1747 Invocations ^0 the Deity. Complaint againft Mr. Fogg, by the Inhabi- tants of Kew Green, and 28 other „ Jones’s Hiftory of Religious Houfes, 1779, and 34 other Brothers’ Prophecies, 1 794 and 1 5 other relative to fame 1 ?owen on the Neceffity of Mo- ral Difcipline in Pri^fons, 1797, and 27 other Lindfey’s Examination of Ro- binfoii s Cambridge Plea, 1789, and g other . by and againft Lindfey - Rational Account of the Lord^s Supper. 1761 and 67 other Cowe’s Religious and Philan- thropic Trafts, 1797, and ai other S — * 0 < 5 lav 0# / ISO ^ 3029 Tbax:ts, fingle, Trifl. Memoirs of Religious Diflenfion, 1791, and 14 other Sykes Innocency of Error, 3030 / 303* // 3033- 3034 / 3035 3035 1729, and 16 other — Berington’s Rcfleflions ad- dreifed to John HawKins, 178^, and 28 other Patten’s Vindication of King David, 1762, and 14 other Holwell on Divine Providence 1786, and 28 other Account of the Converfioii of Solomon Duitfet, 1771,’ and Thirty-four other Wefley, Account of John Fletcher, 1786, and 26 other by and relative to Wefley Price, Evidence of the Im- provement of Mankind, 1787, and Twenty- one other / d 3® 3 7 View of Dr- Beveridges Writings — 1711 — — Kennicott’s State of the He- brew Manufcripts, and 5 other, by Same — Thirty-three, Trafts, by and Relating to Prieftly Ditto Relating to Warbur- ton of the Liturgy / 3044 (Five) Relative to the Review Scotch Frefljyterian EIo- quence Difplayed, 1738. Englilh Ditto *720 — Sharp and Bate of the Hebrew Words Aohim and Berith * 75 * Keeling on the Harmony of the Evangelills, and Fall of Scepticifm Life of Gilbert Wakefield, 1792, and 14 relating to the fame. 7 3044*Sermons fingle (320) T OSavo. / 30+5 X 3046 3047 3048 4 3049 // 3050 / 305' Z 3052 j 3033 / 3053 ^ 3056 Z/f 3057 y' 3058 /Z 13* Tracts, fingle. Narrative of the Condufl: of the Tea Dealers j 1785, and 3 other relating to Tea ■ ■■ — Claridges Rules to Judge the Weather, 1744, and 15 other Mathema- tical and Philofophical Every Man his own Brewer, Laws agaiiril Ingroffing, Stc. *765, and 17 other — The London Gardener, Effay on poor Soils, 1 796, and 1 1 other — — Inftru^tions for Collefting Infedls, , 1771, Effay on the above, 1759, and 9 other ; Real Improvements in Agri- culture, 1772, and 9 other Aguicultural Annals of Agriculture, 9 Numbers bers Mufeum Runicumfej num«' — Propofals for mending the Road, I753» and i<; other relative to Draining- Canals and Enclofing Higgins on Bleaching, 1799 Juice of the Grape preferable to Water, 1728. Account of the Beech Oil Invention, 1716, and 7 other — Rees on Short Hand, 1798, Wefton’s Ditto, and Williamfoii’s Ditto 1780 ■ Effay on Hunting, 1733, Book of Sports, 1733. Hiftory of Eclipfes, 1715. Prophecies of Noftradamus, 1715, Plain Dealing Linen Draper, portrait^ 1698, &c. - '' Anecdotes cf Hogarth, cu- rious MS» notes by Mr Reed and 1 1 other (Twelve) on Corn and the Corn Trade .^S9 (Four) on the Filheries / 3 ^ 3061 — // 3062 — rr / 3064 — . 3065 — 3066 — ^ ' 3067 — 3068 — /f 3069 — / 3070 — J' 3071 3072 - 3073 - 3074 - 3075 - ^ 3076 - 3077 - / 3078 - * 3 * 3060 Tracts, fingle, StsrteofTrade in th Nortli- ern Counties, 1748, and 13 other relative to Trade — — — (Sixty-two) on Coin, Money, and Paper Currency ■ (Thirty-five) on Trade Method of Tanning with- ^ 3079 ////._ out Bark, 1729, and 16 other Prefent State of Brewery, 1757, and 3 other on fame Treatife on Coal Mines, 1769, and 14 other relative to Coals (Twenty-eight) on Wool Comparison between French and Italian Mufick, 1709, and 26 other Mufical Obfervations on the Wade Lands in Great Britain, 1773, and 16 other relative to P ovifions (Twenty-five) on the Dear* nefs of Provllions — — (Eighteen) Medical by Dr. Hill Refleflions on the Putrefac- tions of Dead Bodies, I75i( and 28 other Cure of Mary Maillard, and Elizabeth Savage, and 21 other — — — Greatrak's Account of Strange Cures performed by him, 1723, and 20 ether — — (Twelve) on the Plague — . — On the Ufe and abufe of Tobacco, 1720, and 30 other Cadogan, Hurdy. Baker, &c. on the Gout (Seventeen) on Inoculation, and 5 cn the Cow Pock Foot on Difeafed Bladders, 1798, and 9 other ■ (Fifteen) on Mineral Wa- ters Quarto, *33 //^/^3o3o Tracts, fingle, Efience of Malone, 1800, and 30 other Anitnaciverfions of Brown’s '/ 3081 3083 Z ^ 3084 Effays on the Charaaeriitics, 175,2, and 30 other Art of Growing Rich, 1796, and 39 other (Eighteen) On Literary Property, and on the Marriage A^l Defcripiion of Merry Land with the Map. CEconomy of Love, Dil« doides Beautiful Adulterefs, and 28 other QUARTO, // 30S5 /^_ 3086 BrunflielPs Cafe, Parliarnent, Cafe A 3087 A / 3188 // 3089 / J - 3090 Trails. Vindication of Mr. 1695. Remonftrance to of the Troopers, &c, in i vol. ... ■ - .. .. Political Cathechifme, 1643, Trade, if’45* Prynne on the Common Prayer, and 20 other, in j vol. — Gratulatio Acdemiae, Cantab, ad Car. II. 1660, ♦ Narrative of the Differences between Mr. Bufby, and Mr. Bnglhawe, Firft and Second Matters of Weftmintter School, *659, &:c. Peck’s Catologue of Difeourfes againfi; Popery, temp. Jac. II. 1735. Atterbury’s Anfwcrto Luthci, 1687, &c, i vol, Rates for Wharfage, &c. at Bridewell Dock, 1676, Orders, Rules, and Ordinan- ces by the Stationers Company, b, L 1692. Opprettiens of the Market People, 1720, &c. in I vol. — ' * Laft Will and Teftament of that Mqn- ttrous Blouciy, Cruel Par^ament, May 1648. Declaration of James Earl of Darby, con- cerning his Refolutton to keep the Ille of Man^ 1649, ^ndis other, in 1 vol. »34 3091 / 3092 -4^ 8093 3094 y 3095 / 3096 3097 J '(^ 3098 / 0 3099 / J 3100 ’ Trafts. Enquiry, into the Puke of Ormondes Condua, 1712. Saiyry on Old Maids, i'7* *4.^ Count Damma, Cafe, 1714. and 9 other in 2 vol, Traas, ciifcellaneous, viz. Americans no Jews, 1652, Jews in America, or Probabilities that Americans are Jews, and 5 other in one vol. " " Diary of the Siege of Vienna, by Peter, 2684. Expedition in Hungary, 2684, &c. in 1 vol. ■ — Mercuries Politicos, 185 Nou Millrefs Parliament prefented in. her Bed, by Mercurius Melencholicus, 1648. Loyall Convert, Oxford 1643, &c. in one vol. ' ■ Webb on Difcharg* ing Mr, Wilkes for being the Author of No. 45 North Briton, 1763, &c. in 1 vol. — " — — Du Moulin, Confor- mity of the Difeipline and Government of the Independants to that of the Primitive Chrillians, &c. 1680, &c. in 1 vol. — Life of Wm, Fuller, 1692. Treatife of Wool, 1685. Groans of the Poor, 1696. Advice to the Com- mons, by Bury, 1685, and thirty-three othera * in 1 vol. — Petition of Lord Fairfax, 1649. Viftory by his Majeftys Fleet in the Mediterranean, 1670. Pre- pofitions, by the Citie of London for Rai- ling a Million of Money, 1642, &c. in i vol. — Dr. King’s Apo- logy, or Vindication of Himfelf, 1755- Caftrated Letter of Thomas Hanmer, 1753# and 7 other iingle trads Trafis, viz. Relation of the putting to Death one Matter Boys, a Citizen of London, at Red- ding, 1642. Good and True News from Redding, 164,3, Manner of Elefting and Rnftalling the Knights of the Garter, 16619' Cj r/ 6 Quarto ^ 135 Windfor Caftle, a Poem, by Otway, plate^ 1685, and feveral others in 1 voK Trails, viz. The Jefuit*s Loyalty, 1677, De- fence of the Rights and Privileges of the Univerfity of Oxford, 1690. Neceflity of regulating the Prefs, Oxford 1699, and Nine other in i vol. — Randolph de Grascae Linguas Audio, 1782, Journal of William Dowfing, 1786. jekyll a polit. Eclogue, 1788, &c. — Pieces pour le Chev D*Eon, 176^. Petition of an Etiglifliman, 1765. See Note Certain PalTages at Newport, i6go. Oldmixon’s ReHexions, 173*9 and Four other — Shute de Studio Philofophae, 1698, de Theocratia Civili, 1697, &c. Difpenfary, i ft edit. Trial of J* ^ Zenger, 1738, Otway’s Windfor Caftle, 1685, Ssc, / 3106 Epiflola Critica, 1726. Dr. Mid- dleton’s Letter from Rome. The Martiniade and Dunciade, &c, ^^3108 ■ Plebeian, 1719. Old Whig, 1719. Moderator and Patrician 3109 Political (a V.ol. of) /i ^3110 — — — Murther of Mafter Robert Yeo- ^ man and George Bowcher, 1643. Trial of N. Frennes, 1644. Anfwer to Col. Frennes’ Relation, 1643. Frennes* Reply to Ditto; Check to the Checker, 1644. Sathan In- throned, 1657 ^ 3HI Cobbet on the Power of Civil Ma- giftrates, i65;3. Petition of the Mayor. &c. 1641. Quarle’s Solomon’s F 4 ecantationj/»r- trait hy Marjhall, 1 648, &c. — 3M2 - — — — Poll Angel, 1701. White’s Speech in Parliament, &c. in 2 vol. V 2113 — — — Prynne’s Briefe Survey, i 6 i 6 , Pre- / late’s Tyranny, 1641. Anfwer to the Lords, portraits, &c. ^ — - 3*14 — Poite with a Packet of Mad Letters, 4607. Secretaries* Studie, 1616. Cupid’s Meflenger r / 3101 / J- 3«o* jy . 3«03 ^lOJ STfa^/.—Quartij. / 6 31*5 Trails viz. Downing on Ihe Babanan Party# Peter’s Relation cf the Siege of Vienna, 16S4, Sic, / / 3**^ — Letter from Mercurius Curcut, *64.3# and other Trafts, in z vol. 31*7 * "Lhe overthrow of Stage-Piayes, 1599. John Northbrooke on Dicing, Dauncing, Vaine Plaies, and other Idle Pa (limes ufed on ihe Sabbath, 6 , /. 1579* Hinde Prophecie of Obadiah, 1615, &c, •verj jcarce < Notitia Oxonienfis, 1675. Con- flagratio Londinenfis, 1667. London’s Re- mains, iSjc, and Four other 1 rafts on Lon- don, &c. Kis Majefty’s Manifeftation, 1641, / /Z 3 h 8 — : 3' '9 / ^ 3120 _ 3 '*i y 3*82 31*3 «/ 3'24 Z 3'25 Z Z 3 '*7 / ^ 3'*8 Sir Edward Decring’s Speeches, 1642, and other Political Trafts ■ ' Pym’s ^eafons of the Houfe of Commons, 1641. Declaration of Colonel Gorina, 1641, &;c. in 4 vol. Ulher on Epiicopacy, 1656. Letter from no far Country, 1660, &c in 4 vol. — Eflex’s Honour vindicated, /or- /raifs, 1690. Vindication of J, Colmar, 1691, &c. — . . J, Milton, in anfwer to Eikon Bali- licon, 1645. GoodwMn’s Defence of the Sentence againft the King, portrait by Gay •wood, 1649. Pourtraiture of Truth’s moll facred Majefty fuffering, portrait^ 1649 — . I I Ludlow’s Letters. King James’s Tranfaftions in Ireland, 1690, &c. — Public Regiller, 1741. Characters of the Age, 1758, and Eight other Vv^it’s Miferie and the World’s Madnefie, by Lodge, 1596. Euphaces* Gol- den Legacie, 1612 Negociaiion of France and England, 1 761, &c. in 2 vol. Obfervations on the Vagrant Laws, 1742. Colleftion of Accounts of Wheat, *37 FoiiOi / / Bread, Malt, See, 1748. Of Troy and Avoir* ^ dupois Weiglits, platei» Sheridan’s Oration in Firtiamble Street, 1758. Ducarel’s Four through Normandy, 1754* Account of the Mea lures at Venice, 1752. BeveU's Acco unt of the Robbery at Lord Harrington’^, &c. 3129 Tradls, viz. On Literary Property 3130 Bellen on Univeffal * L?!w, 1754* 3131 3*32 / / 3*33 Hiftory of the Colonization of free State 1777, &c. — — — Baildori’i Rarities, 1651. Holy Bull of Rome, 1588, &c. ■■■■■■■ . — Cafe of Ship Money, 1640. Rela- tion of the Parliament Time of Richard II. portrait^ Sec, in 3 vol. Montelion’s Prediftions, 16721 Night Walkers’ Declaration, or the Diftreifed Whore’s Advice to all their Sifters, i676f Catalogue of the Rarities at Leyden, 1701. Reafons for Liberty of Unlicenfed Printing, 1693. Gadbury’s juft and pious Scorpijjnift, or the Nativity of Sir Matthew Hale, 1677. Palace of Pleafure, (a Fragment of) and two other lingle Trails Hiflory, FOLIO. 3134 Montluc (Blaize de] Commentaries of, portrait and plates /m 3*35 Monro (Robert) his Expedition with the worthy ^ ' Scots Regiment, called Mac Keyes Regiment, / levied in Auguft, 1626 ^ 3136 Mori (Thomae) Omnia Lalini Opera 1674 >rthy lent. Land, 1637 Lo^anii 1565 yt S 3*37 Moryfon (Fynes) IiineraryK containing Ten Years Travell through Germany, &c. Loud, 1617 y J ^*3^ Moutraye (Aubry dela) Travels, 3 vol. plates Lvnd, i730-» \ . t i igS Tra^s.—OOnvo. /' y /4 3139 Nafh’s Hiftory o£ Wovc^Rerdnie, plates ^ 3*40 Fqfti Ecclefiee Anglicana bond. 1716

and 13 other Jy//,. / Octavo. m 3156 Tra£ls, fingle. Bolingbroke on Patnotifm, and 44 other Effay on ^he Right of Anglingt and / / . 3*57 ^3*58 . 3*59 e 3160 3161 3162 3163 3 ' 6 + 3 '®? 3166 3167 ^ 3168 <^.3169 Jy 6 3170 3tji /6 3 » 7 * / J 3173 / 3<74 J- 3'7S / 3'7® 38 Other lifted (6) by James Fordyce, never pub- — (3) on Mafonry — — — (5) by Jacob llive (4) relating to Elizabeth Canning (9) by Mrs. Hey wood (4) Whately — — ' (23I on Oratory — • . — (5) relative to RoulTeau — ■■ The Gentleman Apothecary, 1718, and 23 other — — — (5) relative to Dr. George Horne, viz. State of the Cafe between Sir Ifaac Newton and Mr. Hutchinfon, 1753# &c. ( 15) on the Rebellion in 1 745 (j 6) on the Riots in 1780 (39) Law > — Hiftory of Nadir Cha, 1741. Me.* moir^ of the late Czarina Emprefs of Ruffia, 1727. Memoirsof Field Marftal Keith, 1759. Difcourfe on the Death of Ditto, 1764, and 5 other — — Account of Hugh Peters, 1751 Paflau, or the German Prince, 1720, and 7 other - — Sir John Sinclair on the Naval 1782, and Strength of the Britift Empire 20 other relative to the Navy Papers relative to Naval Architec- ture, as publifted in the European Magazine, 2 parts •— — 1792-2 Eflay on Eah India ^rade, 1 770. Plan for extending the Commerce pf this Kingdom and of the Eaft India Company, by Alexander Dalrymple 1769, and other Obfervations on the Caufes of the prefent Dlfcontents of the Merchants of the Ifland of Bombay, 1794, and 27 relative India Affairs 140 Odlavo. ^ 3177 Trafts, viz. The Trade to India critically and calmly confidered, 1720, and 25 other Ditto 3178 — — England and Eaft India inconfittent in their Manufadlures, 1697, and 43 other Ditto 3179 “ Thoughts on the Government of the Britilh Territorial Pofleffions in the Eafl In* dies, 1780, and 35 other Ditto j 3180 Treatife on the Monfoons in India* ^ by Captain Thomas Forreft, 1783# Account of the Company of Mifliflipi, 1720. Journal of William Daniel to Surat, 1702, and five other ^ 3181 — ~ ' The National Mirror, or Eflays on the Eaft India Company, 1771. Vindication ofjohn Braddyll, 1746. Confiderations on ^ Eaft India Trade, 1701, in 3 vol. 3182 EfTay on Eaft India Trade, 1696, England and Eaft India inconfiftent in Ma- ^ nufaiftures, 1697, and 4 other, in 2 vol. A 3183 (10) relative to Eaft India, 1750 to 70, in one vol. J ^ 3184 — - The True Alarm, 1770* Memoirs of the Revolution in Bengal^ *757* Byl^r. John Campbell, 1764. Scrafton on the Government of Indoft^n, 1763, % vol. (f' 3185 Narrative of the Mutiny of the Officers in the Army at Bengal, by Strachey, 1*73. Cafe of Sir Robert Fletcher. Me- moirs of the Revolution in Bengal, 1764. Narrative of Mahrattah State, (782, in 2 vol* ^ 3186 — ' Narrative of the Sufferings of James Briftow, 1793# Ditto of the Treatment of the Engliih at Bedmore, by Captain Oakes, ^85# Additions to Ditto. Scratton on the Government of Indoitan, 1770. Sketches of the Mythology, &c. of the Hindooi, by George Forfter, 1785, in two vol. 3187 — . Short Hi (lory of Barbadoes, 1768.’ Remarks on Ditto* Hiftorical Account of , the Virgin Iflands, by Suckling, 1780. Hif- tory of Tobago, and 7 other on the Weft lnd;es Tra^s*•^Oti^vo• 3188 Trafts, fingle. Raynal oa the Revolution of Ame- rica, 1781. Hillory of ihc Infurredtions in MalTachufets, by Minot, 1786, and 8 relative to America Memorkl addrefled to the Sovereigns ;? 3‘89 3190 3'9« 3 ‘9* 3193 3*9+ / / / 3»9J 319S J J J / 3 '97 3198 3'99. 3JCO 3201 of America, by Pownall, 1783, and 45 rela- tive to Ditto Prefeut State of Maryland, 1787. Account of the Provinces of Sonth-Carolina and Georgia, 1733. Difcovery of a large Country in the North America. New Voyage to Georgia, i737« and 7 other relative to Ditto —— Montefiore’s Account of the Ex- pedition to Bulam, 1794. Conliderations on the Trade to Africa, 1 771 (39) on the Slave Trade, by Ram- fey, Lord Sheffield, &c. Strictures and Remarks on the Me- moirs of Baron de T9tt, 1786, and 13 other Voltaire on the Age of Lewis XIV. 1739. Hillory of the War, 1756. The Wlute Bull, 1774. Hiftoire de Chas. XII. 1732, Hiftorical Remarks and Anecdotes on the Baliile, 1784, and 3 othe^r Sir William Fitzherbert’s Short Inquiry into the Nature of the Titles con- ferred at Portfmouth and in the Camps by his Majefty in *773, 24 copies. The whole Irapieffion except this dellroyed Smith on the Laws relative to Debtors and Felons, 1777, and 12 other Depofitions uken ou the Body of Duke of Hamilton, 1712. Dnel between Duke of Harailtcn and L6rd Mohun. D^ fence of Mr* Macartney, 171a The Tocfin of Social Life, by Stewart, 1803, and *5 — — Hiftory of the Egyptians, 1730. Ditto of Nadir Cha, 1741, and 13 other — — Memoirs of John Duke of Melfort, 1714. Curious Faits and Anecdotes nor /z.- t 4 z ^raSli* — 0£lavo, /d 0 3202 3203 // 3204 -S' 3205 c/'^ 3206 /l 3207 J ^ 3208 J 3209 3210 3ZI2 3212 / 3215 / - 3216 contained in the Memoirs of Philip Thick- neffe, portrait, 1790, and 10 other Trafts, fingle. Fears of the Pretender turned into Fears of Debauchery, 1715, and 6 other re- lative to the Pretender — — Well on the Origin and Manner of creating Peers, 1782, and 6 other ■■ Inquiry into the Bloody Execution at Thorn, by Sir Richard Cocks, 1727, and 7 other —7 Cafe of Mrs. Frances Shaftoe, 174^ Ditto of Mary Edwards, 1763, and 4 other Relation of the River Nile, 1791. Dix on the conftruding and copying all kinds of Geographical Maps. Houftoun’s Obfervations on the Coaft of Guinea, 1725 (4) by Dr, FranckJin. Narrative of the SulTerings and Efcape of Charles Jackfon, 1799, and 4 other — Le Neve's Difinterment of Milton’s CciRn, 1790, and 3 relative to Mrs. Gun- ning Narrative of the Reduflion of Ma- nilla. Defeription of Pyrmont, 1768, and Z- other Critical Hiftory of the Lord Trea- furers of England, 1713, and 5 other Uleful Inliruftions for Travellers, 1 793, and 9 other • Hiftorical Account of the Order of the Bath, 1715. Beauties of England, 1776* and 7 other Cafe of the Genoefe, and two other relative to Genoa Paris in Miniature, 1782, and four other Du Halde’s Defeription of China, 1740. Travels through Flanders, &c. and 9 other Hiftory of Mennthia, 1715, Ac- count of the Siege of Gibraltar, 1728, andr4 other T raSIs»—0^avol / _ 3218 / 3*19 3220 - 32a* /> 3222 r 0 .3223 c 3224 3S25 3226 / 3227 3228 3229 'v / 3230 ^ / 3 * 3 » MS 3817 Trails, fingle. Colleflion of Welfli Travels Sur- vey ot Roman Antiquities, »726. Defcrip- tion of Towns and Villages, 1782 _ Difcourfe on Witchcrafc, 1736. Laird of Cool’s Ghoft, •'1786. Witch of Walkerne, 1712, and 3 other — Brief Charader of the Low Coun- tries — ^ 1671 — — — Ruffian Catechifm, Elogium of Peter the Great, 1728, and 6 other relative to Ruffia — — — - Hurd’s Letters on Romance, 1762, and 6 other Defcription of the Ifland of Ma- deira, 1783, and 8 other Animadveriions upon Sir Richard Baker’s Chronicle, 1672, and 6 other Myftery of the Good Old Caufe, 1660, and 4 other Succint Chronology of the Adions and Exploits, Battles, Sieges, &c, 1657. Rela- tion of Rome, 1664, and 4 other Fletcher’s Account of the Stoppage of the River Severn, 1 773, View of Paris, 1 701, and 4 other — — Footfteps of Blood, or the March of the Republicans, 1803. Horrid Cruelties of the Indians, 17639 and 3 other — Hiftory of the College at Doway, 1713. Account of the Death of Tom Twig, 1710. Phaeton Entertainment, and two other — — Eflay towards the Hiftory of the princi- pal Comets in 1742, and i6 other Whimfical Hiftory of the Iron Age, 1 727, Story of Elizabeth Canning, 1753. Can- ning’s Magazine, 1753. Footman’s Friendly Advice — Sir R. Manningham’s Diary concerning / Mary Toft, 1726. Account of a Storm of Thunder and Lightning, 1711. Learned DilTertation on Dumpling, &c. ^ 3232 — Remarks on the Voyage in Search of a North-Weft Pajfage, 1780, and 6 other 144 • ^3»33 'r - 3*34 / S 3*40 ^ 3*41 3»4® // 3*43 OiJIava, Tra^^s. E/piy on BleacVmg, 17^, and 4 other Phipp*s Journal ©f a Voyage to the North Pole 1774. Journal of the Duke of Cumberland. Captain Robert Ofborne, 1750. John Taylor’s laft Voyage, imptrfeS* Pre- fervation of a Gentleman from Shipwrack coming from Altona '■ Sequel to Bulkeley and Cummins* Voyage to the South Seas, by Campbell, 1747 Phipps* Journal of a Voyage to the North Pole, 1774. Greathead’s Life-Boat, portrait^ 1804. Sraearonon Hexham Bridge* The Unfortunate, or Voyage, &c, of William Morales, >743 Matthew’s moft glorious Star, or Charles Waine, nvith nvhole length portrait ^ and print of his giving thanks to God, May 29, 1630* Balkfdale’s Memorials of Worthy Perfons O^ord 1663 Reafons for fupprefling May-Fair, 1709. u ^ 3244 / Cruel Son, or the Unhappy Mother, 1707 Tyburn’s Worthies, and 3 other — — Bofthwick on Britifh Antiquities, Rigge on Regiftering Wills, &c. 1778 quiry into the enormous Increafe of Attor- 17S5, and 9 other Trial of Humphrey Finnimore, 1779. 1776. En- nies, Ditto of George Barrington, and 4 other — of Henry Stanton, i8z6. Trial of Mr. Savill, 1800, and 5 other Trials between j. G. Biker and M. Morley, 1741. Trial of Branfon for an At- tempt to committ Sodomy, 1760. Tryals, &c. of John Shepherd, 1786, and 6 other *■■— — . of Katherine Nairn and Patrick OgUvie, 1765. Ditto of John Parry, 1754. Ditto of Charles Spcckman, 1763. Ditto of Elizabeth Brownrigg, 1767. Ditto of Lord George Sackviile — 1760 — ■ M,. , ofjofeph Gerrald for Sedition, Edin. 1794. Thornes Fyfhe Palmer, 1792. Thomas Muir and Wm. Skirving 1 794 5 VO. M 5 / / 5246 $247 3248 J U 324^ Trails, Trial of Mauritias Vale, 1736, and lo other Charles Drew, 1740, and 21 other for Murder — ■I — 1— Eugene Arani, * 7 ^ 9 > and 17 other Thomas Smith and John Ken- nedy, 1787, apd IQ other — William Patrick, 1 740, and 1 5 < S 25 32^* ^ 3254 3 *js Other Traite des 3 Impolieiirs, imperjeil Travels of the Imagination — Treaties (Colleftion of) Vol. II. Trencbard fjohn) ElTays — Trials (Seleft) 2 vol. 1773 177a 2755 174a and Lord Cafe of 757 between Sir William Manners A. Fitzroy, for Crim. Con. 1742 Mrs. Weld, 1734. Trial of Captain G^. ^ 3256 Tfiu;nphant Lady, or the Crowned Innocence 1656 3 3257 Triumvirate, or Memoirs of A. B. and C. 2 vol. 1764 Trublet (Abbe) Effays — 1744. Tfyon (Thomas) Letters 1700 / -3258 '6 3»59 3260 / jA/ 326! 4 — 3262 / 3263 / 3*64 / gi66 / 73*67 / 6 3268 4 / 3*69 3270 / 3 * 7 > 4 ^ 3272 ^ — 3*73 I /4 '< ^ - Tunftall (James) Obfervations on the Epiftles of Cicero and Brutus — — — *744 Turkifh Spy, 8 vol. in 4 — 1718 Tytler (Eflay on) Tranflation — — lygt Valour (a Moral Treatife on) 1694 Variety, a Collection of EiTays 1788 Vere (James) on the Caufe of Reftleffhess in Man 1778 Vertot’s Mifcellanies, by J. Henley 1723 Veron (John) of Predeftination, L /. *5 5 7 Victim ' — 1800 Vilions and Prophecies concerning England i66r of Quevedo - ■■ 1715 Vives (Lodov,) Office and-Duetie of an Huf- band, by J, Payncll, /. Voltaire, Candid ■■ ■ Vulgar Errors ....i , U *759 1659 94 ^ 3274 Univerfal Speftator, 4 vol. — 175^ / 3^15 WagftaflFe (Wm.) Mifcellaneous Works 1726 ,3276 Wakefield (Dan.) Efl'ay on Political CEconomy j) ) ^ 1804' ^ 3277 Waldron (F. G.) Literary Mufeum, containing r Down’s Rofcius Anglican us >79* 6 3278 Wallace { ) Letters to a Young Nobtoan ' 1762 p 3279 Walpole (Horace) on .the Liberty of the Press, on the different Ideas of the French and Englifli in Cruelty ■ 1759 Walpoliana, 2 vol. ^ 3280 / 3181 V 328a 3283 .4 - 3284 J 6 3285 — 7 ^ 'W Wandesforde (Chrift.) Book of Inftruftions 1777 Warburton, and a Warburtonian (Trails by) — Apology for Sir R, Sutton Ward (John) Syftem of Oratory, 2 vol. • (Edw.) Hiftory of Club^ r-— Mifcellaneous Writings, 5 vol // 3*86 3287 Wafe {Chriftopher) on Free Schools 1789 1733 *759 1709 1732 1678 QUARTO, //^ 3289 Z // — 3290 3292 J '' ^ 6 3293 ZZ Z ' 3*94 / 6 3295 /Z / 3*96 3*97 Trial of the Ladies Hyde Park, May-Day, or the Yellow Books Partner — 1655 Triumphs over Death - ■ 1J95 Vaichi (Benedetto) Blazon of Jealoufie i6j^ Univerfal Chronicle, or Weekly Chronicle *759 Ufe and Cuftom (Treltife of) — 1638 Walpoic (Horatio Earl of Orford) Works, 5 \o\. platei — — — 1797 Wandering Jew telling Fortune to Englifhmen, ffontijpiece Wild Irifti Captain, or Villany Difplayed 169* Welimir.fter Election (Hiftory of) plai€$ by Row latiajon ■ . >784 Wing (John) Crowne Conjugal — 1725 ZeJ// /// ingUjB and Foreign Hiftoryi Quarto^# 14^ Eilglijh and Foreign Hijlory^ V yyages, and Travels. QUARTO, / V/ 3298 Acofta (Jofeph) Hldorie of the Eaft and Weft Indies, riMa — 1604 3299 Anderfon (iEneas) Journal of the. Forces in Egypt, platei 280a / 3300 Andrews (James Petit) Hiftory of Great Britain 2 vol. — 1794 / /A 330* Afidrowes (Lancelot) Apologie for Jurifdiftion Ecclefiaftical 1593 c/ 3302 Antiquarian Repertory, 4 vol, in 2, nuith plates^ in boards ■■■ —— ■ — r— >775 3303 Anftis (jolin) on the Knighthood of the Bath 1725 ^ /j _ 3304 Anti Duello, or a Treatife on Single Combat, nxiith platiy the portrait o/Gaije ^ Warwick » /4 6 3305 Anti-Spaniard, b/l. — > 59 ° » ^ 33Q6 Appian's Hiftosie of the Romane Warres, h»l. by Bjnniman — 1578 y 3307 Ariftotle on Government, by Ellis 1776 7 . B308 Alhley (Robert) Gochin-China 1633 ^ ^ 3309 Bacon (Sir Fran.) Letters 170s / 3310 Bale's Pageant of Popes, Snglilhed by Studley, ^ ^ b. I, " ■ — 1574 33H Ballard (Geo.) Memoirs of Ladies Oxford 1752 3312 Barriffe (VVm.) Millitary Difcipline, portrait ^ 33>3 33*4 / J'' 33*5 4 33*6 , // 1639 Barrington (Daines) Obfervations on the Sta- tutes . " — — - S775 ■ — — Mifcellanies, portrait *781 Battels f Famous) colle^led and improved by Bio- neman, b, I, Battely (Joan.) Antiquitates Rutupinae fig. Oxjn. 1745 Beatfon (Alex.) on the War with Tippoo Sui- ta uHj . ■ — — . >! ■ " ■ ■■» »* 1800 148 Foreign WJtery^ C^^««i»Quar£0« 33 *^ JBede*s Hiftory of the Charch of Englande, mo-* recco, gilt leaves Antwerp » 565 BedweJl (VVm.) Mahomet unmafked 1624 ^ 33^9 A' — 3320 / ^311 ///^?_ 33 » 33“3 /t - 33»4 / / / / 3 j 33*S 3326 3327 33*8 S3»9 3330 Bell (Tbo.) Anatomic of Popifti Tyrannic 1603 Bengal (Zemindary Tercevesin) - Bentham (James Hiftory and Antiquities of the Church of Ely, oMiib plates,^ the portrait of the Author by Facius, and MSS* Letter from him to Mt. Doddey relative to iht public at ion ^ December 6th, 1762 Cambridge Berkenhouf (John) Biographia Literatia 1777 Bertii (P,) Comment. Rerum Germanicarum,, cum mult* fig* Amft* i6l^ Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica. 8 vol. in numbers as firft publifhed, a few wanting Bigland on Marriages, &c. as preferved in Parifti Regiders — — 1746 th» ihm Birch (Thomas) Memoirs of Queen Elizabeth^ *vol. — 1754 Blackhead and Young's Contrivance againft the Lives of feveral Peifons, morocco^ gilt lea^et 169Z See MSS. Note and Extracts from News.** paper relative to Young, Blackllone (Wm.) Commentaries, 4 vol. 1766 Blainville’s Travels. 3 vol,^/<»/^/ 1757 MSS. Note relative to the Lofs of the 4th vol, Bligh Narrpiive of the Mutiny on board the Bounty, wtb charts^ *790* Trial of Ten Mutineers, 1794, &c, /3 o 3334 Blomefield (Francis) Colieftions relative to Cam- bridge, 1751 Bocinus' Marners and Cuftrmes of Nations^ tranflated by Afton i6ii Bolton (R.) Elements, of Armories, cuu 1610 Bolts and VeneUl on India Affairs 1772 Borlafe (Wm.) on the Iflandsof Scilly, plates i7j6 /Z^ 333* / t. 333* /I. 3333 // 3335 / / 33 J 6 3337 3338 U/d' A Folio< H 9 /4 // 3340 Boflewell (]ohn) Works of Armorce, hA. luu Bougainville’s Voyage round the WorW, cuts >597 334 > 77* to Falkland Iflands, in 1763-4, plates, 1773, and Falkner’s Defcrip tion of Patagonia, 1774 FOLIO. / //J - 334 * 3343 3344 13345 3346 Life of John Williains. by John Hacket, Lond, 1693? Lindefay (Robert) Hiftory of Scotland EcUuh, 1728 Mackenzie (Sir George) Obfervations on Pre- cedency 1 Edin. itSo , — -- Works, portrait ib. 1716 ^ 3347 — — — (George) Lives and Characters of the Scots Writers, 3 voU — ‘ ib, 170S Madox (Thomas) Baronia Anglica, Hiftory of Land -Honours and Baronies, wgnettes^ elegatU inrujffta — — Land, 1741 f' ^ 334 ® Maitland (William) Hiftory of London, with Continuation, 3 vol. plates^ fine copy ib. ^ , y ■ ^ > 77 J 3349 / ^ 3350 / 335 ^ 1 . 335 * / X 3353 ^ / 3354 / / 5335 Mannucius (Paulli) Antiquitamm Romanaruai^ portrait and frontif piece Brononiet 1585 Markham (Francis) Booke of Honour ♦ 'Land, i6z^ Martyn (William) Hiftorle of Twenty Kings of England — 15 Mayo (Charles) Chronological Hiftory of the European States Bath 179^ Mexio (Pedro) Treafurie of Auqcieiit and Mo- derne Times, 2 vol. — Lond, i6fg Middlcfex Antiquities of 2d part ib. 1706 Milles (Tho. Catalogue of Honor, plates ib, 16 1» END OF THE FIFTEENTH DAY’s 8ALE» O. // - C4.fl. C /S-- r ' tr. p ^ Sixteenth Day’s Sale.' I Mifcellanies, ! LOT /| 3356 3357 OCTAVO. ATERHOUS (Edw.) Gentleman’s Moni- tor, portrait — — — — . 1665 Way to Promotion, or the Young Man’s Guide . ' 1682 Webb (Danieiy Works — — . — — SeIe£lions from Pauw 3358 / /3359 1^3 360 ^3361 /O - 3362 fJI / 3366 Wieland Socrates out of his Senfes, 2 vol. 1771 6 5367 ^^3368 ^ -3370 ^ _337« Weftern Mail — W'himzies, or a New Caft of Charadlers Whifperer ■ ' '« ■■ Whyte (S.) Mifcellany — ■ ' — Widow of the Wood • - Dialogues 1761 »795 1789 1801 1631 1770 *799 *755 *775 < 5 ! ^3372 y ! 5373 V 6 3374 y, , 3375 yj^4'3376 / U — ' Wilkes (John) Speeches, with his Autograph 1786 1777 Controverfial Letters 1771 — Papers and Letters, 1769, and 3 other Trails relating to — North Briton, » vol. - 3 vol, Letters Speeches — 176$ iP* 1769 tp, *777 3377 3378 3379 ^ 3380 ^ 3381 6 3382 /- 3383 i ^3384 j 63385 i. 3386 //3387 y 3388 / j ' 3389 ■ ^./3390 ^ - 339» Cl 3392 V/ 3393 ^ 6 3394 y 7^395 4 y 3396 J''~ 3 i 97 / 4 3398 Hif.ory^ EngUJh and Foreign, {^r.-^ 06 lavo.' i|t 'Wilkins (Charles) Fables Williams (SirC. Hanbury) Trails Wilfon (Tho.) Difcourfe upon Ufurye. Tottel, L 1 . 1 - Wit and Morals (Confiderations on) Wits of France and Italy Witchcraft, the Devill of Mafcou — Brinley of the Import ures of Witches 1680 — Difcourfe on Witches 1786 — of Bugbears, no title Blow at Modern Sadducifin 1668 WagftaiFe the Queflion of Witch- — — — 1671 Glanvill on Witches 17*6 1787 , *799 by R. 1572 178S 1678 1658 craft / ^ 3399 2 - 3400 Worlde poffcffed with Devils, XT “ — «‘i «3 Narrative of the Sufferings of a Young Girle molefted by Evil Spirits 1698 — — ■— Perkins Difcourfe of Witchcraft ^ ' 1610 — Gaule’s Cafes of Confcience ori 1640 1718 » 7 !r 3 *599 *782 Modern 1697 inbi Witches — Hutchinfon on, Wollafton (George) Life of a Pilgrim Woman’s Worth ^ World, 4 vol. Wotton (William) on Ancient and I^earning . Xenophon’s Memoirs of Socrates ^ Yorke (Hen. Redhead) Elements of Civil Know- ledge Zimmerman on Solitude - - Hijlory, Zngltjh and Foreign. — Voyages and ‘ Travels. OCTAVO. 340i Abbot (Geo,) Defcription of the Whole World 1636 , 5 3402 Ads of Parliament relative to the the Colonies Av /3403 3406 / 3407 / 3408 / 3409 ^ / 34 'O [3411 /<^ 34'5 <5 3416 /| 3417 9 34»o ii _ 34*' . 34s* - 4 ' - 3443 / 34H / 34*5, / 3426 / 33*7 1^1 3418 (ij— 34*9 4 ^ Bifioryi Englijh and Foreign, 0 £iaVOi Adams (John) HHlory of Great Britain, map 1803 Addreffes (Colleftion of) to the King 176010 70 Adolphus’s Biographical Memoirs of the French Revolution, t voU r— 1799 ^lian (his various Hiftory) — — 166c Africa (Short Account of) Philadelphia 1765 (Proceedings of the Affociation for) 1791 Algarotii’s Letters, 2 vol. ■ — 1769 Alien Priories, 2 voL 1779 Alley (Jerom.) on the Government, &c, of Great Britain — — Dublin 1793 Allifon (Thomas) Account of Voyage from Arch- angel in Ruilia 1699 Amboyna (Proceedings agarnft the Englilh at) i65r Ambulator, or Pocket Companion round Lon- don, nuith map ■ ^794 America (an exaft Defcription of) 1655 (Conftitotions of) Philadelphia 1781 Anderfon (James) Hiftorical Eflay on the Crown and Kingdom of Scotland £79^ Ayfcough (G. Edw.) Letter from an Officer in the Guards to his Friend in England. V de Note 1 778 /^ - 2445 /i/ £ 344 (' -3447 /- 3+49 3450 /:/ ^+51 345 ^ Bahington (Zachary) Advice ro Grand Jurors in Cafe of Blood 1677 Bacon (Francis Lord) Felicity of Queen Elizi- beth and her Times — — 1651 — Law Tradls 1741 3 ^/ 3 n 6 X , >54 // 345 } ffifiory, Eugi^ and Foreign ^ ^^^rTO£lav®* Baillie (Robert) Letters and Journals, 2 voI*t 1775 3454 Balcarras lEarlof) Account o£ the Affairs of Scotland — — 1714 rr — ' J Udin* 1754 3455 t/' 3456 *■ 3457 3458 ^ 6 3459 / 3460 / 3461 J 346* 4 _ 3463 J 4 3464 J <3466 ^ (3467 J 6 3468 <3469 / \ /3470 (347 • / -1447* J 3473 /4 3474 13475 ^ I3476 4 /J .4 " Bale (John) Aits of the Imprinted at London by f ' ■■■ — ■ '■■ ■■ Brefe Chionyc^ pf Syr Johan Olde- caftell, the Lord Cobhara — ^729 — Antiquities of Conftantinople, f^tee ^*9 Baltimore (Lord Frederic) Topr ]to |the Ea(l 1767 Baratti (Giacomo) late Travels ^1670 Barclay (Robert) Genealogical Account of the Barclays of Wrie, formerly of Mathers Aberdeen ij (0 Baretti (Jofeph) Accounts of the Manners and CuHomb ot lt?’y, 2 vol. *7^9 — — Journey from London to Genoa, 4V0L — — 1770 Barkfdale (C .) Memorials of WQfthyPj^rions i66t Barlow (Joel) Advice to the Privilj^ged Orders 1795 Baronetage of England, 3 vol. 1769 Barnard (John) Account of the Strange Adven* tures of Philip Aihtop , *726 Barruel 'Abbe) Memoirs of Jacobinifm, Parti V. Vol. IV, ' ‘ •. — 1798 Ba.rtram ( Vhn) Travels from Penfylyania 1751 Bath (New) Guide — — 1784 Baudier (Michael) Hiftory of Margaret of Anjou ' *737 Bearcroft (Philip) Hifforical Account of Thps. Sutton, Efq. and his Foundation of Charter- Houle ^ 1737 Beatfon (Robert) Political Index, 2 yol. 1788 Reautoy (Henry) Speech, a8th March 1787 1787 Beauties ot England — ^ 1764 ^ / Englijh and Pcriign, Wr.— Oflavo.' i j^ ^ 3477 Beauties of England and Wales, a vol. plaies ■Sot Wiltihire, 2 vpl. ;4»/« tSoi ■// 3478 / 3479 J 3480 J 3481 3482 ^3483 / 3484 -■ ; .3485 13486 3487 / ' 3489 ,349* i^i349* Ijm d'/d . 3494 /J & 3495 // 349^ ^ 3497 4 t 349S / 3499 /ai /^dp yd /> ^3S«> ISSO* Bcckford (Williani) Memoirs of Extraordinarj? Painters — — 1780' Bedford Leyel (Pethion to tlie Houfe of Com- mons on) Beeiikmah (Daniel) Voyage to the Ifland of Borneo — ■ , — 1718 Beeke (H.) on the Income Tax , 1800 Betdgh (Wilfiam) Voyage rtfund the World ... ^ 1728 Belleifle (Duke of) Political Teffamenf 1762 Bellendenus' Remarks on the New Edition 1787 — Tranflatiori of the Preface 1788 Bernard (Governor) Letetrs on America 1774 Bernier (F.) Hiftory of the Empire of the Great Mogul, 4 parts icbmpleat — 1676^ Bertram (Carolus; Britannicafum Gentium Hif- toriae Aniiquae Scriptores tres Hauni *767’ ■ Anecdotes of Eminent Perfons^ publiflied by Almon^ 3 vol. 1797 - of the Founders of the French Republic* 2 vol. 1798 Diftionary, by Stephen Jones 1799 Biographia ClalTica, z vol, 1740 Birch (Thomas) View of the Negotiations be- tween England arid France *749 — Inquiry into the Share King Charles I. had in the Earl of GiamorganV Tranfaftions — — r75<' 1^6 Quarto. ^ 3502 Biflet (William) Modern Fanatick * 1710 ^ 3503 Blackftone (Sir W.) (Appendix to) Commen- taries •— AmerUa 177* 3504 Blake (Sir Francis) Political Trafts *795 ^ 3503 Blenheim (Guide to) — 1789 3506 Blome (Ric^rd) Qefctiption of the^ Ifland of 'Jamaica, ^xr/ra/V 1678 / <>3507 Bocage (Madame du) Letters concerning Eng- land, 2 vol. — \ , — { 1771 60 3508 Bodly (Sir Thomas) Genuine Remains 1703 Z-0 3509 Boke of Prefidentes, b, L by R. Grafton X i, 3510 — '■ b, /. by W. Powell / ^ 35 ** Bolingbroke (Henry St, John) Letter to Sir.W, Wyndhain — 1755 / 35 1 j — -u, — — - — 1753 / 35*3 on Spirit of Patriotifm 1752 y ^35*4* ' ' — t — — — on the Study and Ufe of Hiftofyv 1752,' Anfwer to -Ditto by Lord Walp^C — — — 1^63 3 35*3 — — Remarks on the Hiftory of ’ England — — 1747 Hijlory^ QUARTO. / 3516 Bouquet (Henry) Account of the Expedition againft the Ohio Indians, plates 1 766 / / 3517 Bower (Archibald) Hiftory of the Popes, yvol. 1749 / ^ 3518 Brand (John) Hiftory of Newcaftle upon Tyne, 2 yoU platti — — 1789 6 3^19 Brewfter (SamueH Colleflanea Ecclefiaftica 1752 / 35 *® (John) Hiftory oj Stockton upon Tees, . plates r *796 -^^3521 Briftol Charters — — 3522 Britaine's Bufle, by E, S. 1615 / 35*3 Bromley (Henry) Catalogue of Britifti Portraits *793 c/Vy V 3524 Brace (James) Travels, 5 yo\, plates Ediss, 1790 Wakc^ V 3S*5 Bryant (Jacab) on tbe War of Troy. field’sX^tter to Ditto, 1^97 ^ 3526 Buchan (Speech of the Earl of ) on Plan for the ' Peerage of Scotland — Edin, 1780 / 3527 Buckinghamihire (Sundry relative to) ^ 35^8 Butke (Edmond) Eflay towatds an Abridgment . ‘ of Englbh Hiftory, with MS, Account of the fame ^ ^ 3529 Burn and NicholfonVHiftory of Weftmpreland and Cumberland, 2 vol. •“— ^777 / 3530 Buching (A. F.) Geography, 6 vol. 1762 ^ // 353 * Bylhop (John) Beautiful BlofTomes, ^. /. 1577 Caefar's Commentaries, tranflated by Golding, 3 . /, — ' — . — 1590 ^ <^3533 Caii de Antiquitate Cantabrigienfis 1574 / * 3534 Callis (Robert) on SewOrs 1647 J '.3535 Cambridge Graduates (Catalogue of) 1800 3536 — (Richard Owen) War in India, //«/« 1761 ^ 3537 Camden '(William) Remaines 1605 '^6 3538 ’-^portrait 1657 3539 Camdeni et lUuft. Virorum Epiftolae, cum Vita Camdenij per Tho. Smithe — 1691 ^ 354® Campanelle (Thomas) Advice to the King of Spain for attaining univerfal Monarchy,with Preface by Pry nne — — 1659 / c, 354* Campbell (John) Political Survey of Britain, a vol. ' — ” — — 1774 / /J. 354 * Campion fEdward) Conference with A. Nowell and William Dacie, — ,585 ^ 3543" Canterbury (Survey and Demand for Delapida- tions in the See of) — 1 7 : y / 3544 Capper (James) on the Paflage to India 1783 ' ^ 3545 Canal (intended) from tlie Tent to the Merfey,, pUtee / ^ 3546 ib, 3547 Carew (Richard) Survey of Cornwall I7JS'9 3548 Carleron (George) thankful Remembrance of / G )d*s Mercy ,/rowr. hy C, Eafi 3549 Carftares (Wdliam) State Papers 35 $0 Cartwright (J.) Preacher’s Travels Edin^ 1624 *774 1611 HiAorjfmQ^^tio* A j > 355 * Charles (Prince) Arrival at Madrid j, and JoyrAll Returne — 1623 ^ 335 * ™ '■■ (King) the Firft no Man of Blood 1649 ^ 3553 “' ' ' . ■ . .. 1 . Defended by Boiling- • worth, 1692. Lodlow’s Letter to Ditto, 1692, and 9 other fingle Trails on the fame 6 3§54 Charleton (Walter) Stone Henge, plaU 1663 ^ $555 Charmilly, Refutation of Edwards Survey of Su Domingo — ■. — ?79| / $556 Chccke (Sir John) True Snbjeft to t^e Rebel 1641 ^ 3557 Chefliire (Sketch for a new Hiilory of) //«/# 17-71 <^3538 Chichele (Hen.) Vita Oxou, i6if ^ 3559 Clarendqn’s Hiilory of King Charles 11 . 2 vol. 3560 Clarke (Edward) Letters on the Spanilh Nation 176^ ✓ 3561 Colynet (Ant.) Civill Warres of Fj-auce, 3562 Confctt (Mathew) Tour through Sweden, cu/s 1789 , ^ 35^3 Confpiracie by Hocket, Coppinger andA;rthmg« ton i592f " 3564 Cook and King’s Laft Voyage to the South ^eas 3 voLfrfi ediu — ^ 1 784 c/' 3565 r 3 vol. with /ci: '3S6<5 Atlas vol. oi platet 9 firft and very 1784 — (Jchn) Account of the Earl of Sandwich’a Vo3/age round the Mediterranean, plates *799 12567 Cope (Sir John) Proceedings R-lative to ^ - y ■ 1749 " ^568 Coopeir (Thomas) Epitome of Chronicles, b.h L ^ 1560 ■r— ■■■..— Admonition to the People of England — ' — » 1589 ■j'a 3369 ( <59 ) FOLIO. / / 357 ® Philoftratus Concerning the Life of Appolloniot Tyvaneus, by Charles Blount Lsnd. 1600 i 357 * Wayfair (James) Syftem ol Chronology, flaUt *“ Mdirtifurgb 1784 3572 Plowden (Edmund) Reports, portrait bond. 1 76 1 573 Plutarch's Lives, hy Thomas North Land. 178$ 3574 Pococke (Richard) Defeription of Jthe Eaft, 2 vol. in 3, plates, half-bound, uncut $ Land, 1743 J ^3575 Polwhele tRichard) Hiftory of Devonfliire L^nd ^797 3576 Polano (Pretro Soave) Hiftory of the Council of Trent, by N, Bren t — ^ 1640 3577 Prynne (William) ^th part of the Inftitutes of the Lawes of England Land, 1669 3578 Raleigh (Sir- Walter) Hiftory of the World 1014 3579 (James) Hiftory of England, 2 vol, * ■ *744 ^ 3580 Rapin (de Thoyro?) Hiftory df England, by Tin- ^ dal, 2 vol, heads — * 3581 Raftatl (William) Statues, b /; printed by Barker, bond. 6 3 ^^* Reports from Committees of the Houfe of Com- mons, ? vol. X 3583 Reynold's (J^ihn) Triumphs of God's Revenge againft Murder — 3584 Roe (Sir Thomas) Negociations Lond, 1740 tUrc 3^ in ' SND OF THE SIXTEENTH DAY's SALE. d . n ‘ ^ /f . d - ^ / / // // .cr Seventeenth Day’s §alei'" • ' '' ' Hijlory. OCTAVO ET INFRA. LOT y 3585 ^ . 3586 / 3587 / 3588 / 3589 / h 3590 - 359 * V 359* ^ 3593 ^3594 y /\^595 /($j3596 3597 ^ ^98 ^ 3599 A/A^ Bolton (SoIomon) Peerage of England ' :• . J769 Book of Oaths 1689 Booth (Nath.) God and the King> Bos (Lambert) Antiquities of Greece 1772 ■ ■ ■ ■ . ■' ^ , ib» Bofman (William) Defeription of the Coaft of Guinea, V • ^ ^ 1721 Bofwell (James) Britiih' Eflajs in Favour of the Corficans ; / *769 — — — Account of Corfica, portrait .. ' ... ii.i. ’ .. ..-i: vr. - 1769 Journal to the Hebrides, 1785, notes Reed p and portrait Bouille (Marqui^) Memoris of the French Revo- lution . — r-r — ^ 191 . Boulter (Hugh) Letters '• '77® Bourget (John) Hiftory of the Abbey of Bee 1779, Bowrrit (T.) Relation of a Journey to the Gla- - tiers N 6 r*wich i775> Bowdler (Thomas) Letters written in Holland ^ 1780 Bowles (John) Reflexions on the Political and Moral State of Society — 180® <• % A» ... \ • <. 0£lav o. 61 / 6 360® Boyde (Henry) Voyages to Barbary, maps // 3601 Boyfe (Sam.) Review of the Tranfaftions of Eu- rope, 2 vol. — 1- 1747 ^ ;j6o 2 Braddon (Laur.) on the Partiality of Burnet's ^ Hiliory — ; — 1725 3605 ■■ — Propofal for Relieving the Poor 1722 ^ 3604 Brathwaite (Capt.) Hlftory of the Revolutions of the Empire of Morocco — 172J5 3605 ^ — — large paper^ elegant in morocco *729 3606 Bramhall (John) the Confecratioii of Protcllant Bifhops 1644 / ^ . 3607 Brand (John) Obfervations on Popular Autiqui- ties Newcaftie ^ 360S — Alteration of the Conlfitution of 793 / / the Houfe of Commons iiSoQ Bray (Will.) Sketch of a Tour in Derbyihire. and Yorkfliire — — 1-^83 6 ^610 Brett (Thongs) Hiftory of the World 1732 3611 BriiTon (M.De) Account of the Shipwreck and Captivity of . 1789 , 13612 Briftol (John) on the Union — 1641 ]36i 3 Britannia Triumphalis ^ 16^4 . [3614 Britifh Parliamentary Regifter 1753 // - 3615 Britilh Chronologift, 3 voL 1773 / 3616 Brockwell (Charles) Hiftory of Portugal 1726 6 3617 Brome (James) Travels 1707 ‘ Z 3^* ^ Bromley Remarksin Travels thro France and Italy 1695 c/ 3619 (Sir G.) Royal Letters, 1777 ([3620 Brome (Ralph) Impeachment of Warren Haftings . . ^79© pSzi Brook (Sir Rob.) Reading upon the Stat. of Li- mitations • 1647 , ^622 Brown (T.) Mifcellanea Aulica 1702 ^■'^623 — (Ed.) of the Coflacks 167# / 3624 —— (Sir Thomas) ChrilUan Morals *756 ^ 3625 — Pofthumous Works, /or/M/V i /A * 7^2 ( 3636 3637 "6 3638 HiJfory^^O^AVo, Bruce (J745 3639 Buldrode (Rich.) on the Reigns of Charles I. and- ^n. — - — 1721 (3640 Buonaparte in Britain y .3641 — - — Intercepted Letters, 1799. Hiftory f of the Deporta' ions to Guiana, 1800. New Memoirs ot Ditto, 1799* Original Letters from the BTench Army in Egypt, 1800 ^ 3642 Burfeury (John> Relation of a Journey of piy Lord Howard from London to Vienna 1671 / (3^43 Burchett (Joftah) Tranfaftions at Sea 1703 I3644 — withjuf- tificacion of his Naval Memoirs 1704 / 3645 Burges (Jas. Bland) on the Law Of Infolvency 1783 / 3646 Burke (Edw.) European Settlements in Ameticaj^ 2 vol. 1760 / j 6 3^47 Burn (Richard) Juftice of the Peace, 3 vol. 1764 0 ^648 ; — — . Ecclefiaftical Law, 4 vol. 1767 ^649.^- — Poor Laws — ; — 1764 HiJiory»--^OS.K\o. / V 3655 Burnet (Reciarks on) .. ^3651 (GilberO E flay on Queen Anne . 169^5 ^ 365 i — 7 — Vindication of the Conftitution: of^^cotland — 1775 3^53 ■■■■ I— ■ Eflay on Government 1718 — ' Letters on Switzerland 17*4. own Time, 4 vol. 1753, MS, Notes by J, Reed 3656 Burr "(Thomas Benge) Hiftory of Tunbridge Wells — — *770 ^^3657 Burrifh (Owen) Batavia lUurtrated 1742 , 3658 Burroughs (Samuel) Legal Judicature in Chan- cery — « 1727 3659 — — — on the Office of Matter of ^ the Rolls •— — 1722 j - 3660 BurtoiV (Robert) on the Prefent State of London 1730 3^61 1684 / ^ 3662 ‘ Court Favourites 1706 3663 Biiffiegunuis (Aly) Four Epiflles concerning his j^inbafly in Turkey — — 1794 6 3664, Bufwell (John) Account of the Knights of the Garter — ^737 3665 Butler (Charles) on the Legality of Impreffing *778 ^ 3655 • — -»• (Weeden) Memoirs of Mark Hiddefley / . ■ . . . . . *799 / 3667 Junior (Weeden) Zinnao the African 1800 ^ / 3668 Butcher (Richard) Survey and Antiquities of ^ Stamford in Lincoln and Tottenham High Crofs * 7*7 ^3669 Byng (Sir G.) Account of an Expediticn to • 6 \ Sicily — — 1739 (3670 — rTTT": n — , ’* 73 a / 1 ) 367 : 367 1 Calamy (Edmund) Abridgment of Baxter’s Hifi tofy — — ^ 1702 - — Letter to Archdeacon Echard 1718 3673 Calthorp (Sir H.) Reports on the City of Lon- don — — — *655 ^3674 Cambridge Univerfity Calendar for 1802 / . (Accurate Defcnption of) „ j.__ 164 z . C 3676 Z C 3677 / 3678 ^3679 ^'13680 / 3681 / 3*58* / 3683 / 6 3684 / 6 3% v' 36S6 / 3687 / b 3688 /, 3689 ^3690 /-w 3692 >3693 ^^i 3694 13695 /tp 3(’g6 ^ 3697 ^ 3898 X, 3699 h 3100 i./37o. Odlavo. Camden (Guill.) Britannia — 1590 — — Annales Lugd^Bat* 1639 Campbell (Donald) Narrative of Extraordinary Adventures — — 1*796 — , — (Archibald) on the Government of Eng- land — — — 1705 — — — (John) on the Sugar Trade 1763 Prefent State of Europe 1761 Cape B. reton (Advantage of) — 1746 Carleton (George) Hiftory of Two Warsagainft France and Spain — /741 Carlifle (Earl of ) Three Embaffies 1669 Caron (Francis) Dcfcription of Japan and Siam 1671 Carr (William) on the Government of Germanie 168S Cart (Jane) Copies of the Deeds, Will, and Co- dicil of — — ^ 1761 Carter ; Edmund) Hiftory of the Univerfity of Cambridge — — 1753 Cartes (Thomas) Colledlion of Letters, 2 voL > 739 - Cartwright (John) Commonwealth in Danger ^ — iEgis — 1804 Cary (Sir George) Reports in Chancery 1665 Cafe of the Royal Martyr, 2 vol. 17^8 — • — of not raking the Oaths in Popifti Re- cufancy — 1717 — — — - the Bankers and their Creditors 1675 Caftel (Charles) Political Annak, z voL 1762 Caftle of portrait *' — ■ >7^5 Caftlemain (Earl) Account of the War between the Euglilh and Dutch — 167a Venetians and Tmks (3702 {3703 / ^ ‘3704 — 1666 : — 1666 Catalogue of the Lordi, Knights, and Gentlemen 1635 — coo Celebrated Authors 1788 , ,788 — — - interleaved in 4 vol. — — 1788 in 4 vol. HlJlory»^OdkVJO* 165 y 37®5 Captalogue ^new^ of Living Engllfh Authors, Vol. I. — 1799 2706 — — of all Graduates ia* Divinity, Law, and Phyfick rr -r- Oxford 1772 r / 37^7 — — toe Dukes, Marquefies, Earles, &c* 1642 C 3708 Cantaneo’s Strength of the Spirit of Laws 1753 f ^ 3709 Catron’s General Hiftory of the Mogul Empire * 709 / 3710 Caufe between Charles Stnxti Efq. and Marquis of Bland ford 1801 ^3711 Caefaris (Julii) Portus Iccius Oxon* 1694 ^ -.3712 Csefar, tranflated by Golding, h, L title nuanting f ^ 37*3 Chalon’s Hiftory of France, z vols, 175* 3714 Chamberlayne (Edward) prefent State of Eng land — — — y 37*5 y ^ 3716 - ^5717 2 ^ 37'8 1669 Great Britain, third edition — — ■ >715 5th edit. 1723 8th edit. 1738 37th edit. 1748 ^3719 Chamberland on the Manners, &c. of the Greeks Oxford 1784 3720 Chancel (A, D.) Journey over Europe 1714 / 3721 Chapman (Thomas) on the Roman Senate ^ « Camb, ^ 3722 Charlevoix's Letters to the Duchefs of Lefdi- guieres — — *7^7 < ~ 37*3 Charles Stuart and Oliver Cromwell united 1653 ^ .3724 ; ib. r' 3725 — thcFirft, his Character, with portrait i65o / 3726 — the Second’s Prefervation afier the Bat- tle of Worcefter — — 1766 / 3727 Charter of Confirmation granted by Charles II, to the City — — 1769 V <^3728 — Romney Marfti 1686 ^3729 Cheifum (James) Remarks on Gibbon Oxford 1778 y — 3730 Chevalier’s Difeourfe of Duels 1724 y ^73 1 Chevreau's Mirror of Fortune — 1676 i66 Hifiory*^ Oftavoi 373* Chriftoferfon (John) Exhortation againft Reb^f* lion, b. L — - — • Chronica Juridicialia — — Chronicle from Brute to this Day, b» /, Chronologift of the prefent War Cities great Concern, of Honour and whether Apprenticefliip extinguiiheth Gentry '—front. — 1974 / /3 — 3737 Churchyard (Thomas) Report of the Taking of Macklin \ii Flanders yh. I . 1^80 City Law 1658 Biography ■■ 1799 , t 3733 y/ 73734 t 3735 P ^ 3736 *554 1685 *559 *797 Arms, > >738 ^ (3739 ^ a 740 Clancarde’s Memoirs, large paper^ only 250 copier printed — 172 * 3741 Clarendon’s Hiftor}*^ of the Rebellion, 7 vol. Oxford 17O3 - ■ vindicated by Burton 1744 — Wars in Ireland 374* 3743 " 3744 / t 3745 // 3746 0 0 3747 s 0 3748 // 3249 /t/'l 375° ^ 375 ' / 375* 17ZI Valuable Pieces, Vol. I. *727 Charafters of Eminent Men *793 — — — — (Henry Earl of) State Letters, 2 vol. — — Oxford 1765 Clubbe (John) Hiftory of Whcatfield, &c. 2 vol. Ipf^ich Cockburn (John) Travels — 1735 Colden’s Hiftory of the Five Indian Nations, 2 vol. — — 1755 Collectanea Curiofa, 2 vol. — 1781 — — Juridica, 2 vol. — *79i Cole ^Thomas) on Luxury, &c. 1761 Hifkry. QUARTO. (J ^ 3753 Coryat (Thomas) Crudites, plates and portrait^ Cr^mbe, or his Colwort twice fodden,* The Odccmbian Banquet, ?nd Thomas Co- ry ate ’s Traveller from Afmere, original edit.. bound in 1 vol. '■ 1611 V / S75? / / 3756 ^ 6 3757 3758 0 3759 3760 / 3761 . V 3763 e 3764 / £. 3765 2 x^-^3766 /^> 3767 ^ /3768 y // 3769 Quarto. 167 --^-^'■^Tt2iVt\\eY, fac^mile edit, cuts 1616 the Manu/cript Notes in ihefe three ^volumes , , Ccverte (Robert) Voyages and Travels, b, /. 1612 Court Leet, and Court Baron {Order of) 1650 Coxe (Wm.) Memoirs of Lord Walpole, i8oz Crawfurd (Geo.) Hiftory of the Shire of Ren- frew I 'Paijley I78z Cromwell (Oliver) Hue and Cry after, and 6 Angle Trafts relative to ditto Crompton on Courts / 3770 377 « 3772 Z <^3773 /Z 6 Bin JV 311! »594 Crowne(Wm,) Relation of the Travels of Tho- mas Lord Howard, Earl of Arundell 1637 Cunningham (Alexander) Hiftory of Great Bri- tain, 2 vol. 1787 Dale (Samuel) Hiftory of Harwich and Dover- Court, Eftex, plates 17321: Danet (Thomas) Continuation of the Hiftory of France — — 1600 Darley (John) the Glory of Chelfea Colledge re- vived, curious fronti/piece, very rare ;66z Darcie (Abraham) Annales of Queen Elizabeth, front ifpiece ■ " ■ 1625 Daunce (Edward) Briefe Difcourfe of the Spa- nifti State i 1590 De Bry (Theo.) Narratio Regioiium Indicarum per Hifpanos, mult, fig. See Note, Franef, 1598 Deerlng (Charles) Hiftory of Nottingham, plates Nottingham 1751 Deliverance of 266 Chrlftians by John Reynard, Engliftiman, from the Turks 1608 Dickinfon (William) Hiftorical, Architediural, Chronographical, and Itinerary of Southwell and Newark, — 1801 Diggs (Dudley) unlawfulnefs of Subjects taking up Armes — — — 1647 Diaz (Bernal) Hiftory of the Conqueft of Mexi- co, tranflated by Keatinge i8oo Difcoverie of Dr, Allen’s Seditious Drifts 1588 1 68 / / 3776 Drxon (George) Voyage round the World, p/affs 1789 3777 Dobfon (William) Defign for Draining the Great Level called Bedford Fens 1665 3778 Douglas (James) on the Celts and other Arms of the Arttients — — i785 377Q Cafe 3780 Do\\’glas (Robert) Coronation of Charles II. ' 1660 3781 Downfall of Ambition, Adultery, and Murder, in 3 Sinners, Wefton, Turner, and Franklin, in the Murder of Sir Thomas Overbury, froniifpiece 3782 Dralymont (J. D.) Treatife Praanetical, by a Pil- grim Spaniard 1598 3783 Dreadful Newes, or Relation of the Earth-quake at Calabria *638 3784 Drurie, the Doleful Even Song, or Calamity which befell the Preacher, Mr. Drury, a Jc- fuite, and the great part of his Auditory, by the Downefalle of the Floore at an Aflembl)r in the Blackfrier.s — ^ 1623 3785 Docarel (And. Coltee) Mifcellaneous Paper on Engiifh Antiquities /V 3786 — Hiftory and Antiquities of y Lambeth and Croydon, /•/<»/« 1783-5 ^ 3787 Durham (Enquiry into the Stale of) ^7*9 4 O 3788 Dutch Cruelties at Amboyna, (Defence of) with the Reply 1632 3789 — ■■ (Second part 656 Charles, portrait Hiftory of the Life of King ih, 1658 / ^ 13809 ( J 38'° 3811 3812 yo' 3814 Sandy’s (George) Journey in the Turkifli Em- pire»//«a/« __ ih^ 1635 Sandoval (Prudencio) Civil Wars of Spain ih. 1652 Segar (W.) Honor, Military and Ci\il, plates 1602 Sheffer (John) Hiftory of Lapland, plates Oxford 1674. Semedo ( Alverey) Hiftory of the Monarchy of China, portrait — . 16^5 Sibbald (Sir Robert) Treatifes concerning Scot- land ■ Edinh, 1739 — — — — — Hiftory of Fife and Kinrofs ib. 1710 — ■ I. . — — - Hiftorical Inquiries con- cerning the Roman Antiquities in Scotland Edinb, i 767 ihs 0£lavo. y 6 3816 Sigifmund Remtn Mofcoviticarum, cum figurU BafiL 1571 'Zt 3^*7 Skene (John) Expofitioti of the Termes in Regens Mageftatem — — Edinb* 1597 . 7^38 1 8 Slave Trade (Subftance of the Evidence on) 1789 >3^*9 ■ - - — (Reports on) ib. Eighteenth Day’s Sale. Hiftory. ^'/6>> - / . // - J. - 4 . j -- z ^ f - f 3 .rf - 1 Ci 6-C jLOT $8*0 / 38*1 // 4 381* ci'/ 3®»3 / 6 38*4 4 ^ 38*5 .^—3826 <33827 J 3828 (/ 3829 (3830 A831 / 3832 OCTAVO. C OLLINS (Arthur) Peerage of England, 8 vol. 1779, with Longmate’s Supplement, 1784 , . Colquhoun (Patrick! on the Police 1796 — — 1800 - on the Commerce and Police of the Thames — ’ — i8oo Columbus, or Discovery of America 1799 Comerford (T.) Hiftory of Ireland Dublin 1766 Complaint of Roderyck Mors, b, 1 . Geneve Condamine’s Journal of a Tour to Italy Congreve (Thomas) Propofal for Navigable Communication between the Trent and Severn, plan — , '7^7 Connexion (The) being choice Colleftions of Matters in King James his Reign r68i Conftitution Francaife Paris l^gl Cook’s Voyages, abridged, 2 vol. »7^+ Coomb’s Narrative of the Britifli Embafly to China, 2d edit, by Anderfon 179S ry . — O £l avo. i8g / 3S33 Cooper (George) Letters on tlie Irlfh Nation 180? / ^ 3834 (Thomas) Information relpefling Ame« . rica — — i<7g^ / 6 3835 Corke (Earl of) Letters from Italy, Notes by Duncombe, MS. Notes by Mr. Reed 1774 /f3836 Congrefs at Raftadt — 1800 / ^'^3837 Correfpotidence of Frederic King of FruiUa with. ^ U. F. de Suhm — — 1787 / / 3838 Correfpondence of Sir Robert Cecil with James VI. , — . 1766 ^3839 Corfica (Defeription of) — 1739 / 3840 Cortez, or the Conqueft of Mexico, by J* H. Campe — 1799 / 3841 Cotton (Robert) Difeourfe of Foreign War 1690 /'/3842 Court and Kiichin of Elizabeth, or Joan Crom- ^ ^ well 1664 ■ (George) Attempt to deferbe Hafod ^ 3854 » -■>■- -- Anecdotes of Julio Bona- , foni — 1793 / 3855 — (R.) Saachomatho's Phcenician V Hiftory — — — . 1720 Z 3856 Dagge (Henry) on Criminal LaW;, 3 vol. 1774' X — 41 iTi //r 3837 / 3858 3 A 3859 Sii 3861 y^'3862 y 6 3863 ^ 3864 y 3865 y 3866 y yy ^3875 J 4 3876 -/ /3877 y 4 3S78 /ft879 -6^880 /S .4 HiJ}ory*^OS.2L\o* Dalrymple (Sir John) Memoirs of Great Britaui and Ireland, 3 vol, *79© — - — (Major Will.) Travels through Spain and Portugal *777 (John) on Feudal Property 1759 — (Sir David) Remarks on Scotland 1775 (Sir James) Colledlioiis concerning the Scottifli Hiftory — — - *705 Damberger (Chriltian Frederick) Travels in Af- rica — — 1801 Danilh Laws (Code of) ^ — 1756 Davies (Miles) Hi (lory of Oxford and Cam- bridge — — 1716 1716 — (J.) Ceremonies on the Pope’s Death 1671 Davis (Henry Edward) Reply to Gibbon’s Vin- dication, 2 vol. — — *779 Dawfon (Thomas) Memoirs of St. George and the noble Order of the Garter 1714 Debate at large between the Houfe of Lords and Commons in 1688 1695 Debates ’(exaft Colleflion of ) — 1689 — in Parliament, publilhed by Debret, 7 vol. — — — 1792 ■i — » (Private) in the Houfe of Commons «■ 1702 Debes (Lucas Jacobfon) Defeription of the Ifland of Foeroe — — — 1676 Debia (James) Account of the Religion of^the , Muscovites — — 1710 Debts of the Nation (ElTay on) 1720 Decifions in the High Court of Admiralty, Vol. I. 1801 Defoe (Daniel) Ways for advancing the Nation 170* De la Croix’s Review of the Conftitutions of Europe, 2 vol- — 1792 De la Ncuville’s Account of Mufeovy 1699 Delaware Indians. Inquiry into their Alienation >759 ^ 3882 C? 32^3 / 5388+ / ^388? /c. ?886 2-3887 (3888 J > I3889 ^3890 6 3891 / 3892 (3893 Denmark (Account of) — — Denon (Vivant) Travels, by Kendal, 2 vol. Derrick (Samuel) Letters ■ Defcription of the Seraglio — , —Low Countries «73 *739 1802 1767 i6$o *593 1746 * 75 * 1700 De Wit (John) Political Maxims Dicey (Thomas) Account of Guernfey Difcourfe upon Giants and Redemptions — . of the Confpiracie of Lord Gpwrye 1600 Divae (Petri) de Gallic Religicae Ant'voerp 1584 Diver nois (Sir Francis) Les 5 PromelTes 1802 . 5 Promifes 1805 Dobbs f Arthur) Remark's on Capt. Middleton’s i Defence — . — . — 174^ ^^894 Dobfon ( ) Annals of the War C Oxford 1 ^ 6 $ —5895’ Doftor and Student, b, 1 . by Berthht *531 3 ^ 3896 Dodd ( J. S.) Hiftory of Gibraltar 1781 2 ^ 3897 ( W.) Beauties of Hiftory >795 2 ^ 3898 Doig (David) Two Letters on the Savage State 1792 3 ^3899 Doleman (R.) Conference about the Succeffion to the Crowne of Ingland — 1594 ,681 2 -jgoO / -J9OI /39O6 J 6 3907 3908 ^3909 3910 Dorney (John) Speeches made on the Eledtion of Odicers for Gloucefter Douglas (Andrew) Notes of a Journey from Berne to England — — 179^ « ■ (Arichibald) Cafes in the Court of Sef* fioa — — — ij6g (William) Summary, Hiflorical and Political, 2 vol. — — 1760 Downing (Sir George) Difcourfe in Vindica- tion of the King — — 1672 Down (Antientand Prefent State of) Dublin Drake (Captain Peter) Memoirs — 175J Drummond (William) Review of the Govern. ments of Sparta and Athens 1794 Dryden, Jun. (John) Voyage to Sicily and Malta 1775 Du Bourdieu (John) on the Theban Legion 1696 II 391* / ' / / 3913 J -.39*4 <^39»3 HiJlofy-mO€tZMO» Duchy of Lorraine , — 17^0' Dugdale (Sir William) Antient Ufage of Arms ^ 1682 ib» Duhalde (P.) Hiftory of China, 4 vol. plates Duigenan (Patrick) of the State of S9'7 - 39«8 /3919 39*0 3 ^'39” (39** ^ < |39*3 / ^ 39*4 ^ 39*5 4 ^ 39*6 ^ 39*7 >744 Ireland *799 Dummer (Jcr.) Defence of the New England Charters — — 1721 Duncombe (John) Antiquities of Reculver 1774 Duppa (Rich.) Journal of Occurrences in Rome Du Pleffis’ Memoirs Durham (Antiquities of the Abbey of) >767 (Ancient Rites and Monuments of the Cathedral Church of) — 1672 Dutch (Summary and Philofophic View of the) 1788 Drawn to the Life — 1664 Earbery (Mat.) Vindication of the Hiftory of Clemency, portrait — 1720 Earthquake at l.ima, plates — — 1748 Eafton (James) Human Longevity 1795 Echard (Laurance) Clascal Geographical Dic- tionary — — . 1715 Eden (Will.) 4 Letters to the Earl of Carlifle 1 780 — : — Principles of Penal Law 1771 Edid of the Grand Duke of Tufeany for Reform of Criminal Law — 1789 ' ■ — ■■■ — >• - Edmera de Vita Anfelmi Ekilion (Rights of) afferted Elenchus moiuum nuperorum Antwerp 1551 • 'a r in Angliae ■649 Ellis (Henry) Voyage to Hudfon’s i&y, plant '748 Eilynge (Hen.) Manner of Holding Parliament 1768 *75 Hipry'^O^^vo. /Jo S9S7 (Thomas) Boke named the Governor, b» /• >534 Emblems of Rarities 163$ England (Character of) — • 1659 - ^ > (National Excellencies of] 165S 3938 .3939 2^^, 3940 394 > — 394* 3943 3 3944 S' ( 3945 <;> ^>3946 ^3947 "6395° / i39$* |395* 4 - 3953 4. -3954 // ^ 3955 ^3956 / 3957 / ^ 3958 ^ - 3959 63960 , 7(396' / 0)3962 J 3963 •j. 3964 4 3965 — . Glory, or a Catalogue of Nobility i66q — and Wales (Defcription of) 10 vol. iuterlea75> 1676 1696 1672 1608 1681 rvy, cuts ■■ •— Gazetteer, 3 vol. — Engliih Adventures ■ Chronology — Marty rologie Mens Lives (Security of) — Eaft India Company (Vindication of) i6S3 Entick (John) Hiftory of the War, 5 vol, cuts ^779 Epidolae Jacobi Quarti, 2 vol, &c. Ediff, 1722 Erdefwicke (Sampfon) Survey of Staffordlhire 1717 Efie (C.) Journey in the Year 1795, through Flanders, &c. 1795 Evelyn (John) Gardners Almanac and Philofophi- cal Difcourfe of Earth Excurfion to the Lakes ■ 1 wm * from Paris to Fontainebleau Feudal Law (Summary View of) Filmer (Sir Rob.) Patriarcha — ■ — ■■ - ■' on Government Finett (Sir John) Choice Obfervations Fitzherbet (Anthonie) New Bokeof Juflices, bJl, 1546 ^ 1676 >774 1786 1720 '6»5 1696 >656 I 176 ^ ^3966 (^3967 / & 3968 y -'39*9 ^3970 y- 3971 / 6 397* / 3973 y^ — 3974 / 3975 3 3976 /(3977 “ P978 , 2/^3979 6 3980 Fleckno (Richard) Relation of Ten Years Tfa=* vels Fletcher (G.) Hiftory of Ruffia — (Andrew) Political Works Fleury ( ) Hillory of the Ifraelites 1657 1737 1756 Ford (Simon) Difcourfe concerning thjg Mao whofe Hands and Legs lately rotted of in the 1678 1766 1773 An. 1672 Parifh of Kings-Swinford Fornoey, Ecclefiaftical Hiftory, 2 vol, Forfter (I, R.) Travels through Sicily Fortefcue (Sir John) de Laudibus Legum gliae — — . — — — — — — of the Politique Lawes of 1507 Englandc, b,L — — Abfolute Monarchy France (Defolation of) — — — Painted to the Life — (Charadfer of) .»»». (State of) — I7H 1697 1656 165 a Hijlory, /6 3981 // ^ 3982 39^3 3984 ;^3985 / 3987 QUARTO. Enquiry whether St. Peter were ever at Rome 1687 Erondelle’s Nova Francia, or Defcription of New France which is One Continent with America -i— 1609 Europae Speculum — — 163* Eflex (Robert Earl of) his G'^o^,printed in Para^ di/e, 1624. Pradifes and Treafons^ by Ditto iboi. Effex’s Innocenfy and Honour Vin- dicated, — — 1690 ■'■ ■ I " .11 - — Praftifes and Treafons 1601 Falconar (David) Journey from Joppa to Jerufa- lem — — 1753 Fannarit (Tho.) Hiftory of the Memorable Par- liament which Wrought Wonders 1641 Hijlory'-Q^zfio* nr 3588 Fenn (John) Letters of the Pafton Family, cutt 3 Vol, — * -- — . 1787 ^ 3989 Feme (John) Blazon of Gentrie, Lp^ 1586 ^ ^ 3990 — y Z 399 * Flaming Ifland, or Fire in the Ifland of Fyal ,, 1672 ^ 3992 Floating Ifland, by Frank Carelefs 1673 ^^3993 Florida (a Difcovery made on the Coaft oQ by Wm, Hilton — — *664 jT^ 3^94 Fornication (Eflay on improving the Strength of Great Britain by) — — 1735 3995 Forfter (Geo.) Reply to Mr, Wales, Remarks 3 * 7 "^^ jRggS Fox (John) Book of Martyrs abridged 1589 / / 3997 Frampton (John) Joyful! Newes out of the New Found World, 6 , /. -r * 59 ^ > 3998 France ^Survey of) 4 1592* View of France^ / 1604 ^ 3999 ■ " ■ (Mutable and, Wavering Eftaie of) ngr / ^ — and Europe (Review of the Affairs of) 3 voL — 1705 J'' 4001 Francklin (Wm.) Hiftory of the Reign of Shah- Allum — — 1798 / 6 4002 Fulbecks (Wm.) Law of nations 1602 4003 Funeral of Henry Prince of Wales 1613 y ^ 4004 Gainsfordfe (Tho,; Hiftory of the Earlei of Tirone / 1619 / ^ 4005 ■ Glory of England 1618 3 - 4006 — ;; — — 1620 <4007 Gander (Jofeph) Glory of Queen Anne Uoo§ Garrard (Wm,) Arte of Warre^ Hniflied by Hich- ^ cock, 4 — — :^5 9I 9 ^4009 Geoffrey of Monmouth, de Origine et Gellis / Britannorum — —4- 4010 German Hiflory continued, the 7th part y ] , *^34 f oil Gibbon (Edward) Expofiticn of the Motives of the Conduct of the King of France towards F^igland, Fr, and Eng, J780 A a y' , 'Hiftory^ — Folio. 4012 Gibfon (Matthew) A ncient-«id Prefen t State o£ the Churches of Door, Horne, Lacy, and Hempftead — — 1727 / 4013 Gilbert (Thomas) Voyage from New South Wales to Canton, cuts ' 1789 ^ ^ 4014 Gillingwatcr (Edmund) riiftory of Loweftoft \a 40*5 Glafs (George) Hittory of the Canary Iflands 1764 /I 4016 Gloucefter (Hiftory of the Military Government ; of) ~ - ,647 4017 Godwin (Francis) Catalogue of Bilhops, /. 6'4oi 8 (Thomas) Roman Antiquities 1661 y /A ~ 4019 Gough (Richard) Britifli Topography, a vol* ^ 178Q yy ^ 4020 Granger (J.) Biographical Hiftory of England, with Supplement, 5 vo\, boards 1769 FOLIO. 4021 Speed (John) Hiftory of {Great Britain, y _ Londm 161 1 4022 Spelman (Johan) ^Ifridi Magni Oxon, 1678 y' 4023 " (Sir Harry) Englilh Works, fortrait Land, 1727 ‘ yy 4024 Spon (Ifaac) Hiftory of Geneva, plates Land* 1687 v/ / 4025 Spotfwood (J.) Hiftory of Scotland, portrait Lond, 1677 /yy 4026 Statutes, l,U — — 1327-1483 y y 4027 Stephen (Henrie) a World of Wonders Land, 1607 y 4028 Stillingljeet (Ed.) Origines Britannicae Lond, 1 68 3 y yy 4029 Stow (John) Annales, or Chronicle of England; y " b.L — . — W. 1631 y / V ( >79 ) J* 4^30 Strad (FamiariuO Hiftory of the Low Countrey^ portrait — — Lond* 1656 4031 Stiype (John) Hiftory of the Rerormatioh, form traiu — . ' — — 1725 ^ 4032 Life and Afts of John Whitgift, portrait — — - Lond 1718 4^33 ■■■ — — — Matthew Parker,’ portrait — — — ib» > 7 * * y^4034 — — ^ Edmund Grindal!, portrait ' 1710' . /S' C rii L,:-:;. ■ — ■ r lu. 'j ^^a^. . S'. C - C y c. c Nineteenth Day’s Saley 4/». ^ lH/lory. OCTAVO ET infra; lot / 4635 JJ^ABRICIUS (Baron) Genuine Letters ^ 4036 Falkiand Review of the Charadlers- of the Irifh' Houfe of Commons 1789 / 4037 Falle (Philip) Account of the Ifle of Jerfey 1694 / 4038 — — / plates — — — 1734 04039 Family of the Butlers — 1716’ /4040 Fardleof Facions, containing the Cullomes of , AfFrike and Ahe, b, L ■ *555 4041 Farre (Marquis de) Memoirs and Reflections y ^ iSo Oftavo; O ^041 Farmer (J.) Hiftory of the Town and Abbey of ' Waltham, \ *74$ y 4043 Fawket (James) Account of Dr, George Seig- nior — — — i68i / 4044 Fell (R.) Four to the Batavian Republic 1801 Feltham (Owen) Charaftcf of the Low Coun- tries — — — 166* ^ ^ 4046 Feltham fjohnj Tour to the Ifland of Man O'' O A 1798 ^ (4047 Fennell, Review of the Proceedings at Paris ^ 4048 Fenwick (Sir john) Proceedings upon a Bill for r High Treafon — — 1698 ^4049 Fergufon (Rob.) Proceedings on an Information againft Lord Thanet, Robert Fergufon, &c. 1799 France Confideratlons on) — — (Commerce and Finances of) ■ (Hiftory of'^ 3 vol. — (Tour through) o 788 >739 1790 1789 I'r 4 * 1694 *795 3 6 /40 s 2 /^ 40 i 3 / '-40^4 Frafer (James) Hiftory of Nadir Shah 3 —4055 Franck (Richard) Northern Memoirs y_ 4056 Frederick’s Defcription of Corfica y / 4057 — — — Code of Laws, 2 vol. Edinburgh 1 76 1 4058 French (Account of the Charaflers and Manners of the) 2 voL — >770 4059 Fulbecke (William) of the Study of the Law y 1620 04060 Fullarton (William) View of the Interefts in Indiat — 1788^ / 4061 G arden (Francis) Travelling Memorandu ms Edinburgh 1791 y 4062 Geo (Ed.) Jefuits’ Memorial 4 4063 Geneva (t^refent State of) 4 i /;4 /i S i 1690 1681 1730 j66j^ ^// y 4065 Gent (T.) Hiftory of Yorke — 4p66 Gentry (Vinciication of the Degree of) / 4067 Geography and Hiftory, feie^Ied by a Lady, yy^4o68 Gerbicr (JBalthO Affiftance to a Traveler Ox/iord /Z6 / Hijiory* *— 0£tavo. 14069 German Politicks — U070 — War (Confiderations on) 1^1 • >744 1760 . > 73 * Ifaac Watt, IjScf y <^^4071 Germany (Preleiu State of) 2 vol. 4072 Gibbons (Thomas) Memoir of / portrait - — — 64073 Gibbon (Johan) Introdudlio ad Latinam Blafol niam — — — v(iZz j 4074 I Hiftory of Rome, abridged, 2 vol, 1789 ^^4075 Gildas (Epiftle of) portrait — * *638 f /i^o’j6 Gildon (Charles) Review of her Royal Highnefs / . the Princefs Sophia’s Letter / 4077 Giraffi (Alexander ) Hiftorie of the Revclutioii in Naples, 2 parts — — 1650 y ,^4078 Gladwin /Fr.) Epitome of Mahommedan Law Calcutta 1786 y 4079 Glanville (Ran.) de Legibus — 1.604 y 4080 (John) on Eleftipns — >77^ ^4081 Goddard (Wm.) Extract from the Seffions Rolls ') of Somerfet — — 1^6^ Letters of 2 v oU ^54 ^o82*Goodall (Walter) Examination of Lett ^ Mary Queen of Scots to Earl Botkwell, ^ /4082 Gordon (C. A.) Hiftory of theHoufeof Gordon, / morocco gilt leaves — >734 < 4083 — ‘ y 4084- 754 (Alex.) Hiftory of Peter the Great, 2 vol. Aberdeen 1755 — Hiftory of Amphitheatres, cuts td, edit, _ 4085 Goftling (VVm.) Walk in and about Canterbury, 2 d* edit, cuts — ... >777 /4086 Government (Tteatife of) — 1^03 ^087 Gray's Supplement to the Tour through Great oritaiii — >787 Catalogue of Antiquities, 182 ^ 409* / / 4093 (4094 W 4096 ^4098 /2 4099 4100 // 4 ' 0 * 4*03 ^ 4104 <2 4106 ^/4'07 ^4108 t c;? / 4'‘>9 -^/ 4 '>o “0£lavoJ Gray (Robert) Letters through Germany, &c: 1794 Greene (George) Relation of Circum fiances in Lower Normandy during the Revolution 1802 (Edward) Spirit of Bankrupt Laws 1769^ ■ " (Valentine) Survey of the City of Wor- cefter, cuts — — 1764 Greenland (View of the) Trade — 1722 Gregory (G.) Effays Hiftorical and Moral 4788 (John Mack) Account of the Sepulchers of the Ancients — 17 it Grey (Zachary) Defence of the Antient and Modern Hifiorians — 1725 Grey (Architel) Debates, to vol. 1769 Grofe (Francis) Antiquities of Engiand and Wales, 8 vol. plates (John Henry) Voyage to the Eaft Indies^ 2 vol. — — 1766 Grofley*sTour to London, by Nugent, a vol, 177* Grofvcrnor (Narrative of the Lofs of)by Carter^ 1791, and by Dairy mple, 1783 Grotius (Hugo) Annals., portrait 1665 Guillatiere's Account of Voyage to Athens 1676 Gunpowder Treafon, with a Difcourfe of its Difcovcry — — 1679 Gufdon's Hiftory of Parliament, 2 vol. Haberci (Elias) Partition of the Dominions of the Popes — Calcutta 17901 Hagley Envil and the Leafowes (Defcription of) Hakewcll^W.) on Holding Parliaments Hale on the Power of Parliaments (Matthew) Pleas of the Crown, a 3 1 4»H 41 15 ibyr i7oy vol i?7» Halifax and its Gibbet Law, Hall ( J.) on Monarchy — Hifiory, Octavo. 185 ^ Hamilton (Charles) Tranfadlions during the Reign of Queen Anne Edin. 1790 / 4117 Hanbiny's Hiftory of Charitable Foundations at Church Langton, 1767, with Sermon at meeting of the 'ftuftees t4ij 8 Hanger (George) Addrefs to the Army 1789 /'^4ii9 H an fon’r. Trial relative to the Railing in the ( Green Park — — 1 799 4120 Hanwny (jonas) Account of the Society for en- couragement of Britifli Troops in Germany 1760 :i2i Hardwick (William) Hiftory of the Third SelTion of Parliament — — 17 [4122 Harrington (Sir John) View of the Church in Queen Elizabeth's Reign — — 1653 4123 Nugae Antiqu®, 2 vo). 1769 y 64124 Hartly Houfe, Calcutta, 3 vol. in one 1789 J 4**5 Haffel (J.) Tour in the Ifle of Wight, a vol. plates y in aquatint — — 1 790 ^4126 Hailings (Warren) on the State of India, portrait / *787 0 21 „ . Articles of Impeachment againft —— 1795 Zf 4128 Haflings (The) Guide, 1794 / 4129 Hatton (Sir Chtiftopher) on Adis of Parliament, ^ > 1677 1 7^4 William Henry Duke of Gloucefter — — 1789 6^4132 Hayward (Sir John) Right of Succeflion 1683 ^^4133 Hearne ( Thomas) Life of Alfred the Great, portrait — — *709 ; — ^ Annales ^Ifridi, a Wife, cum effigies — — Oxo». lyzz — Alluredi Beverlacenfis An- ^130 Hawks (Sir John) Englilhmans’s Right / ;4i3i Hayes (Phdip) Memoirs of Willii / ^ ♦•34 J/4 naies 4*37 ib. 1716 -—-7— — Robert de Avefbury Hilloria ib, 1720 - ■■ Caii yindiciae Academiae Oxonienfis, 2 tom. « ib, 284 ^ ^ / 4 u 8 4»39 ^ 4*40 /X/'' 4 * 4 ' J'J^ 414 * 4 - . 4143 / Ji'/ff 4'44 /X/' 4 ' 4 { ^4M6 /X 4‘47 4^8 /J 4 4149 X- / 4>5'> X i 4‘5* ya 4 4 «s* X? X 4'53 / X 4'54 XX^-4‘55 ‘J 3 - 4»56 Odlavo* Hiarne (Thomas) Camdeni Annales, 3 tom. effigies — — 1 7 1 7 — - ■ Dodwelli de ParmaEqueftri, morocco, gilt leases — ib, ,^1$ Chronicon, five Annales de Dunftaple, 1 tom. — — 17J3 — Thomse de Elmham, c^art, max, — — i 6 , 1727 - — For !un Scotichronicon, 5 tom. — — 1722 Johannis Glaftonienlis Chro- nica, 2 tom. — — ib, 1726 — — Robert of Gloucefter, 2 vol. it. l^^, J 4 4 »S 7 " ■ ■ — Hemingii Chartularium Ec* clefiae Wigornienfis ib, 1723 — — Lelandi Colle^lanea, 6 tom. ■ Comment, de Scrip- toribus Britannicis nent Antiquaries, a vol. — Livii Fero Henrici Quioti toria, 3 tom. ■Oxon, 1709 Leland's Itinerary, 9 vol in 3 Oxford 1770 — Difeouries of Emi- — 1771 Julienfis Vita Oxon, 1716 chart. max. Gulielmi Neubrigenlis Hif- Oxon, 1719 Liber Niger Scaccarii, 2 tom. — 1771 - — — Sprotii Chroniea Oxen, 1719 — — Textus Roffenfis ib, 1720 — — ■ ■ — Triveti Annales, 2 tom. ib, 1722 Johannis de Whethamftede et Thomas Ot eiburne Chronica, 2 tom. ib, %*ii 6 Life‘ Antiquities of Windfor, 4 4's8 /a,- 3: - Vindication of the Allegiance, and Claren- don Family vindicated, in one vol, with por- traits, 4731 ,^ 0 , Heath (James) of Loyal EngUfh Martyrs Htfioty. — O^lavot ,85 Heath (Robert) Account of the lilands of Scilly 1750 Hell openMi or the Infernal Sin of Murther . Punifhed — — . 1676 Help to Hiftory — — 1711 Henault abrege de L’Hiftoirc de France, 3 tom. Parit 1768 Herne (Samuel) Account of the Charter Houfe, portraii — - — — 1677 Herbert de Rcligioiie Gentilium Amji, 1700 Hereford (Dcfcriptioii of) — *770 Herodian’s Imperial Hiftory 1635 Heron (Robert) Hiftory of Scotland Perth 1794. — on the Strength, &c, of the Powers at War — — 1794- Herport^s Eftay on Truths — 1 76S Heylin (Peter) Voyage of France >679 I,,-. Help to Englifti Hiftory, by Wright, //«/« 1773 Heywood (Thomas) England’s Elizabeth 1641 Hibernica V^uriofo, plates Dublin 1769 — — - or Antient Pieces relating to Ireiaud, ib. 1770 Higden (William) View of the Englifti Conftitu- tion — — 1756 /<^/4176 Higgons (B.) Remarks on Burnet’s Hiftory of hii own Time — - «— 1727 ■ ib. 4 . 4*59 4160 / 4164 -4*65 / j^4i66 y /5 4*67 /4 i68 A 14.^69 / 6 4170 4-/4* J 64173 4«74 4' 71 (4177 , 4*78 4179 4180 ^ ^4181 ^ 4182 4‘83 4*84 / 6 4185 4186 . ) 4'87 •2. {4188 Hiftorians Guide - View of Englifh Hiftory 1734- 1676 Hiftory of Europe, 14 vol. 1701 to 1711 t\iQ large papetf fronts 1684 «■ — His Majelty’s lllnefs — ■ M l. — .1, Charles James Fox — — Spain, 3 vol. ■ ■■■■ ■ ~ China — California, 2 vol. «— the Minority r— of Guiana — 1789 1783 >795 *75 *759 1767 1769 Bb { i86 ) X 4193 y 4194 4195 _ 4196 Hijlory. quarto; cF __ 41189 Green (Cafe of Capt. Thomas) and his Crew^ for Pyracy, &c. — — 1705 y 4190 — (Val.j Hidory of .»Vor«efte^> 2 'vol. plates — — w 1796 y y' 4191 Grieve (James) Hiftory of Kamfchatka, //«/«, 1764. Voyages from Ada to America, pub- iilhed by Jefferys, wa/i 1761 y , 4192 Grimeiion (Edward) Hiftory of the Ellate of the Grand Seigneurs — 1635 Guard (Theodore de la) fimple Cobler of Ag- gawam in America — 1647 Guthrie (Wijliam) EngUfh Peerage, / 4 ir/f 1763 ' » Geography, ptaps coloured 1786 Goynn (John) London and Wettminfter im- proved, maps coloured. See MS, Note, rela- tive to Dr. Johnfon’s Afliflance in this Work * 1766 Habeas Corp^iiis (A,rguments on the Writ of) 1649 Halftead (N. B.) Code of Gentoo Law# 1776 Hamilton (Count) Memoirs of Grammont, *witk portraits, morocco, gih leases* MS, Remarks, Additions, fcfr. Hanway (Jonaj) Travels, 3 vo\, plates 1762 Hardy (John) Lift of Captains in the Navy 1779 Hardwicke (Lord) State Papers, 2 vol. boards 1778 Hargrave (Francis) Law Trails — 17B7 Harris (Walter) Defcription of the King’s Palace at Loo — — 1699 — — - ih, Harris (George Owen) Genealogy of King James — — 1604 4207 Harwood (Thomas) Catalogue of the Provofts of Eton and King*# College, Cambridge 1797 y 4 '97 +198 4199 4200 4201 /S’ ^4*0J y 4*04 y^ 4*05 4206 y j... Quarto* iSf i ^^62 Hafting's Narrative of the Infurreflioh in Sana* ris Calcutta i 782 ^ ^ 30 g — Trial, with additional plates y Ticket of ^ Admiffion, and the following Note by Mr. Reed.— V olume nvas given U> mcy at the requeft of Mr* Senuardy by Mr* Haftings^ who Hejired it might he trau/mitted to Pojlerity in such a manner as nuould be leaf liable to be lofl^ / knovo no better nuay than to order it to be foldy mjith the rejl of my Library ; by that means it is moft likely to fall into proper hands,— It deferves a very ferious attention as a Memorial of National Folly y Madnefsy and Ingratitude y 4210 Hatfell (John) Precedents in the Houf^ of Com- mons — — — 1781 y 4211 Kay (Richard) Origin of the Family of the Stewarts — — — 1781 y^ 4212 Haward (J.) Lives of thq Three Norman Kings 1 6 1 5 ^^^^4213 — Life and Raigne of King Henry IV, 1599* Hiftoris Brytannicie, a Joan Prifco 152$ 4114 Henry VH. (The Will of)publi{hed by Thomas Aftle -• — t775 J 4215 — — ib, 4216 Herodian his Hiftory of Twenty Roman Csefars and Emperofs — 1629 4**7 Herodotus (Famous Hiftory of) b, L *5^4 ^ ^4*18 Heylyn (Peter) Survey of ths Eftate of France , > 1656 J p /^2ig — of St. George, 1633 ^ 4220 HickeringilPs Jamaica Viewed 170; ^4221 Hird (W.) afFeftionate Tribute to the Memory ^ J of Dr. John Pother gill — 1781 {4222 Hiftoria Orientales, Haylhoni Helmftadii 1585 4*23 Hiftorical Defcriptionof the moft Famous King- doms and Common Weaies in the World 0 o 4**4 Hiftoire de Louis XL Roy de France, portrait 1620 / . 4229 Hiftorie of Great Britannic 1601 6 4226 — I —. —, the Court of the King of China’ i88 .Quarto. :t 422 7 Hiftory of the Great Emperor Tamerlane 1597 ^^4228 ——the Quarrels of Pope Paul V. with 4229 the State of Venice — the Britilh Dominions in 1626 North 1773 America — — • y y 4230 Hiftorical Defcription ot the Conqueft of Buda 1686 4231 Hodges (William) Travels in India, }lates in boardt — — *793 4232 HollancPs Leagner, /rcw/. — — *632 4233 Holweil’s India Trafts — 1764 4234 Hornby (Charles; Three Letters, containing Re- marks on fbme of the numberlefs Errors and DefeSis in Dugdale*t Baronage, 8voi interleaved •with •writing paper ^to,fi%e, with M 5 . additions by the Author, original Letter from him to John Anftis, and Note by Mr. Reed. 4235 Howard (David) Anciennes Loix des Francois, 2 tom, — — — Rouen 1766 4236 — (Leonard) Letters and State Papers, 2 y y- y /y y vol. in I — — — 1756 4237 -7 (John) on Prifons, 1784 y y 42 ■t — ~ on Lazarettos, plates *789 4239 Howgrave (Francis) Ancient and Prefent State y y 4240 Hooke’s Obfervations on the Senate of Rome 1758 y 4241 Hume (David) Hiftory of Great Britain, Vol. I, Ed/n» 1754 y y 424^ Hunting of the Foxes from New-Market and Triploe Heaths to White-Hall 1649 y 4243 Hingberts (Adrian) Corner Stone laid towards the Building of a new College for Phyficians in London — — — > 167^ ^ 4244 James (John) Arraignment and Execution of 1662 - 4*45 '^=— — (Ring) tbe Sixth of that Name King of Scotland, and Queen Anne his Wife, into the Towns of Lyeth and Edenborough, jB of - May, L/, — 1590 Tra&ii 1S9 FOLIO. ^ 4.246 Tra£ls, viz. The Happy future State of Eng- ^ land. The Obligation refulting from the ^ Oath of Supremacy 1688 2/ 4247 — • London Spy, Vols. I. and II, in 17 parts, 1 693*9. Sots’ Paradife, or Humours of a Detby Alehoufe, 1698. FroHck to Horn- Fair, 1700. Poet’s Ramble after Riches. The Rambling Rakes and Infinuating Band, 1700. Walk to Iflingion, 1699. Divorce between the Duke of fsTorfolke and Lady Mordant, and 19 other, in one voU ^ 4248 — — ■ chiefly Political (14) 1744, &c. / y' 4249 relating to Ireland, chiefly fingte Ua’ViSi and n)ery curious, jbSg, &c ^ 4250 — ■ Cafe of Monopolies by the Eafl: India Company, i68g. Trial of Robert Lowick for Confpiracy to alfaflinatc King William, 1696, Examination of the Birth of the Pce- tender, and 20 other, chiefly Political, in one vol. 4251 i / 4*53 4*54 ^ _ 4*55 4*56 (State) in the Reign of King Charles II. — — . 1689 Rye Houfe Plot, nvit^ plate of the houje — — 1685 Sherlock’s Option, 1756. Cafe of the Methodifts ftated. Vindication of the Dutch Well India Trade, Amfi* 1759, &c. in one vol, — ^ on Weights and Meafures, 1744-50 — Trial of Hickeringill, 11681. Confeffioii of Lieutenant Stern for the Murder of Thomas Thynn, 1681. and feveral other Tryals, &c,, in one vol. — Nicholl’s Original Letters, addreflTed to Oliver Cromwell, 1743. Morrice’s Life and Death of the Earl of Orrery, Depofitions of Titus Oates, I ^4272 ^4273 4274 ^74275 7^^ 4276 4277 <^4278 / -4279 y - 4280 4^ — 4281 4282 ' 42^3 ,4284 J <^425,5 ' / ^^4286 * ^4287 ^ ^ 4288 ^4289 ^4290 ^^4292 . ^4195 / “4296 ^— 4=97 64298 4^ /4299 nal 1786 1738 1761 1762 *757 *744 2788 the City of York, 2 vol. * C^^hedral of York, 2 vo\»plaies Rochefter Cathedral - Rochefter, ^ • -- - Winchefter, 2 vol. plates , ParHament _ D^gns and Confpiracies a8:ainft his Majefties Perfon and Government i6g^ ' ib» — — Knarelborough, with Harrowgate, by Hargrove, p/a/r/ ^ Europe, by Gibfon Hooker, Triumvirates ^ “ Maurice Count Save, 2 vol. lya Scotland, by Drake ^ ,^q| 'Edin, 1760 r . . tiuin, 17OC Cambel. — 1736 .< 2 ”, igz ^4300 / 64301 ? ,4302 / ^ 4303 /V ■4304 >305 ■/ ^4306 / 4307 4308 / <^4309 / —4310 J- 43>3 A 3'4 - 43' 5 /6 4316 /^ 3*7 ^> 3*8 / 43*9 ^"^^43 20 c;?^ 432 i y 4322 Hi^ory»^ 06 i&vo, Hidory of Barbadoes ■ ..— Ayder Ali Khan, 2 vol. — — — Bedford Level " I France . — - the Happy Revolution 4323 4324 1^^4325 / / 4326 -2^ 4327 / 4328 / 4329 ^ 4330 ^/ 433 ' / 4332 1760 1784 1685 1671 1715 the latter T ymes of the Jewes, ^.41567 Genoa, 3 vol, the Tartars — > — Chriftina Queen of Sweden 1791 1679 1766 i6s8 1653 — — . — Cardinals, portrait «— • ^ Monfieur Berlin Fortunatus — Duhlin 1778 — the Feuds of the Clans in Scotland Gla/gon» 1764 — His Maiefly’s Affairs in Scotland •649 — — the Pi(fls Edin, 1706 ■■■■-- Rebellion in 1745 Edin» *748 Cardinal Mazarine — 1773 French Prophets — 1709 — the Confpiracyof the Spaniards again it Venice — — Gla/go^ * 75 * ■■ — Henrietta Maria — 1660 — the firll Fourteen Years of King James \, frontifpiece — 1694 — - Confpiracy againft the King 1696 Parliament at Weftminfter J700 — of Mulkovie — - 1674 the Commons Warre of England, 1662 1643 166 c 1722 1790 fronts Jrontt/piece by Marjhall Portugal — — Henrietta Princefs of England — — Tottenham High Crofs , I . George a Gieen Pindar, of Wakefield, cuts — — * 7*5 Hiliorical and Genealogical Account of the Family of Greville, — 1766 — — i — — Account of Hugh Peters, 1751. Cafe of Ditto ; and Pithy Exhortation to the Watry Generation, aboard their Admiral at Gravefend, by Ditto — *^49 193 ^333 Hiftorical Extrafts reladng to the Laws, &c, 1769 74334. — — — Review of the Government of Pen- / ^ fylvania — . — — ^42 .. View of the Conllicutlon, &c. of Ge- neva . 1784. / <^4336 #337 ^ Ls / 4339 neva •— — . Relation of the Roh ilia Afghans 178S — Survey of the Lo/Tes of the French Nation in Population, &c, — 1799 —^— Sketch of the French Revolution 1792 — :: — Enquiry into the Evidence againft Mary Queen of Scots — £//«. 1772 /"> 4340 — — Account of Sturbriege Fair, with Nundinx Sturbrigienhs, 1702, with copious Account in MS, by Mr, Reed, relative to the fame y 4341 Account of theDifeovery of the liland of Madeira — • — 1750 J 4342 ib . ^4343 — — — — — — — — Taxes — 172J X 774 1763 178s 1805 1760 4368 r4369 437* . 4372 ^ 6 4373 J 4374 Home’s Eflays on Britilh Antiquities Edin Homer (Hen.) Traftatus Varii Latini Hood (Nathaniel) Elements of Wat Hooke (Colonel) Negotiations Hornby (Charles) Three Letters, containing Remarks on Errors in DugdaU't Baronage^ er V 4384 / / 4387 //4388 J 438^ 4390 y ^439* ^♦392 ^^^^"4393 ,, &394 / /4395 2^4596 4397 / 4398 / 4399 y 4400 X 44b I Hutchinfon’s Hiftory of Maflachufet’s Bay 1760 (John) Obfervations (Ben } Biographia Medica, 2 voL 1799 Hutton (W.) Hiftory of the Roman Wall 1 802 — Deiby,/»/(3/7^4 Jones (D.) Secret Hiftory of White-Hall, 2 vol, 1717 — (Will.) Eflay on the Law of Bailments 178/ (John) Lawyers unmalked - Judges Judged John St. John on the Land Revenue 1650 1792 / ( 196 ) Hiflory. QUARTO. ' .0 4 P 441a India CoQipany. Capdi 4 Reafons for depriving •it of the Charter — 1779 (Anticttt Monuiflcnts of) by Gough, 178? I— (Analyfis of the Political Hiftory of) 1779 — (Charters granted to the) 1756 to 1772 4416 Indies (ftrange News from) or Eaft India Pa£- fages further difcovered by J>. Darell 1652 Inquifiiion (fubtilc Pradlices of the) )44*3 -AOl ^ 44*8 o 4419 ^ f / / 0 44,20 / - 4 ‘HJ 14422 X/ 44*4 162^; ■■■■ . ■ — — — Inflrudlions to the Mailer and Counfell of the i6io 1770 Court of Wards and Liveries Jones Hilloire de Nadir-Chah, 2 tom. John (lone (James) Chronicle of Man and the Hies ~ — 1786 Johndon (Nathaniel) King’s Vilitatorlal Power aflerted — — . 1688 Jorri (Pauli) Defcriptio Brittania» Scotiae, Hy* berniae et Orchadum *74^ Ireland (Hiftory of) during the. lall two years 1691 4425 (Plots hatched in) /ro^i, 1641. Lad Newes from Ditto, 1641. Worfe and Worfa Newes from Ditto, 1641, and fix fiqgle ^ Tradls relative to Ditto y y/'" 4426 Juftinian's Inllitutions, by Harris, fecond edition y . 64427 Kearney (Michael) Ledlures on Hiftory 1776 J ^ 4428 Kennedy (James) Defcripiiou of Antiquities ancL Cutiofities in Wilton-Houfe, * 7 ^. y y 4429 Key Her (John George) Travels, 4 vol. plates ,, \ ' 75 ® yy 4430 Kilburne (Richard) Survey of Kent, /cr/ru// 1659 V — 4431 ICnight (Richard Payne) on the Worlhip of Pnapus, 1786 Quarto. 397 ^4432 Knox (John) Hiftory of the Reformation in Scot- land, ^ 1790 / / /. 4433 Lambarde( William) f^eiaaibuiation ofKent, h* L 1576 44J4 — Alphabetical Defctiption of chief Places in England and Wales, portrait 1730 ^ ^ 4435 Lamberto(Don Juan) or a comical Hiftory of ^ the late Times ^ ^ 443^ Teflaments and laii Wills, 8vo. inttf ^ leansed 4/0 Jize *744 o 4437 Lechford (Thomas) plain Dealing, or Newes from New-En gland 164a 7^4438 — Jl— zb. ■4439 Leon (Jacob Jeh.) Relation of the Tabernacle ofMofes -« — Amfi. 167^ [440 Letter from Sir Lewis Dyve to the Marquis of Newcaftlc — — Ha^ut 1650 O' 6444* Lewis (John) Hiftory and Antiquities of Faver- ^ lham Abbey — 1727 ^ 444a — — of the Ifle of Tenet, platti 1736 A443 Lewkenor (Lewes) Commonwealth and Govern- \ ment of Venice — . — 1599 1641 zb. / 6 J4444 Leyceller’s Common-WeaUh 4445 portrait y 6 4446 Life of Almanfon King of Spaine, by Alhley 1627 4447 William Bowyer, by Nichols, with traits of both i balfhoundt uncut 1782 y ^ 4448 — Francis Cartwright, with his Confeffioii and Repentance for killing one Mafter Storr 1621 Cervantes, by Gregorio Mayans 1738 Chaucer, by Godwin* 2 vol. 1803 — - William Chiliingworth, by Cheynell ~ Peter Collinfon — 1770 Cowper, by Hayley, 3 val. with the fup- plementary page', 1 \o\, portraits 1803-6 — Captain George Culack, the great Sea- Robber 1676 — Edmund Dickinfon, by Bloraberg 1737 ^ 4449 // << 4450 J ~ 4450 {445* ^4452 ✓ ( ^^4453 ^'4454 yiO/r y. ^4455 Death of the merry Devil of Edmonton, with the pUaJant Prancks of Smug the Smithy 'Siryohttzwdi mine Ho/i of the about the Healing of Ventfoii, b. /. 1631 / 445 ^ ’■ George Edwards, /^yr/ra// 1776 c 4457 ’ — John Elliot, M, D. •— 1787 44^8 ■ Queen Elizabeth, by Browne, with /or- trait — 1629 J ^ _4459 *" Erafmus, by Jortin, 2 vol. with portrait, balybount/, uncut 1758-60 FOLIO. 4/ /J o 4460 Trails, lingle, viz. The Pope's Wareljoufe, or the Merchandife of the Whore, of Rome, by Titus Oates, 1679, and 46 other, chiefly Political A large Parcel, relative to the Eafl India 4461 446j J ~ 4463 4464 4465 Trade and Company — — Turnbull’s Analogia Legum, 1745. Fleta, 173^, Kelyng’s Reports, 1708, and fundry Political and Law Trafts The Rambling Rakes, or London Li- bertines, 17CO. Anfwer to the Depofitions conrcrnirg the Birth of the Prince of Wales, with Map of St James's Palace, i68g, and 3 Parcels various Great and bloody News from Turnham Green. Barbarous and bloody Murther at the White Crofs Tavern, Eaft SmitMeld. Ladies Journey to Oxford, or fecret Hillory of a silver Chamber Pot. Account of a flrange and wonderful Fi(h, left on fhore at Dubholm, Odlober 24, 1721. A Walk from St* James's to Covent Garden, the Back- way, 1717, and a Parcel of curious Tra6h, chiefly Angle leaves — • Felibien s Tent of Darius explained, 1704. Maritime Campaign of 1778, with 6 plate 1 779* Gordon on the Figures of Ancient Mummy, //a/er 1737 .Folio. *99 J-' 4466 Tra6ls, fingle. Cafe of the Earl of Argyll, 1683. T ryals of Dawfon, &c. for Piracies aad Robbe- ries, 1696. Ditto of Swendfcn, &c. for ftealing Mrs. Pleafant Rawlins, 1703. Tryal of Arun- del Coke, for flitting the Nofe of Edward Crifpe, 1722, Ditto of Sacheverell for a Riot 'at Nottingham, 1720, and Six other Tryals 4467 — f — The Tryals of Lord Balti- more, Duke of Cumberland, and John Donnellan yoS 4468 — Sele£l Obfervations of Sir Wal- ter Raleigh, Relative to Trade, Commerce and Coin, 1696. Narrative of the Cafes . of Sir William Conften, and Sir Paul Pyn- dar, 1679. Prynne’s Life of William Ladd, . 1644, and 23 other ^ 44^9 — — Cafe of Elizabeth Canning, with ballads relative thereto, and Sundry Scraps from Newfpapers ^ 447P ■ Relative to Oxford, and Cam- bridge J~/Z London, and Weft- minfler, many curious j'. J C J , - J. /4 ~ 4 - ^ ' /J . - /z^ . ro - f y ^ Topographical, va- rious Counties, with the lafl leaf of Froy • fart’s Chronicle Twenty-firft Day’s Sale Hiflory^ OCTAVO. LOT j3473 l»474 / ^ 4475 //4476 X 4477 0478 §479 y-pl ^ 4485 ^ 4486 - J OHNSON (John) Ecciefiallical Laws I7ie ■■■■ (Samuel) Journey lo the Wett- crn Illands, />iates — 1775 — the Falfe Alarm plates }710 - (Charles) Hiftory of the Pyrates, — — 1724 • (William) Narrative of a great Deliverance at Sea — 1672 Johnfton (Nath.) Affurancc of Abbey Lands 1687 Journal of the two laft Campaigns into Heffe 1762 ■■I ' ' ■ Book of the Houfe of Commons j68o of the War with Holland Journals of the Houfe of Commons Journey to the Highlands of Scotland — ' England and Holland into Spain — ■ '■■ ■ ■ ■ * *» to Naples — 1663 1778 I 7711 1670 1691 Hiftory,^ O^Slx'o* ^[44^7 Journey to the Auftrian Netherhnds 6^ >488 6 4489 449*0 through Germany and France England — Mequinez x/ /449> Ireland, (Profpefl of the State of) ^ 4492 — (View of the State of) z vol, ^ ^ 4493 ■■ Debates (relative to) 2 vol, y ^ 4494 ■ - — ' ( Sara.) Views on the River y plates — — X J" 449S plates Thames, 201 1732 1786 172* >73^ 1682 1765 1^66 Medway, *793 2 vol, 1791 - Graphic Illuftrations of Hogarth X . . . y ^ 4497 Irwine (Alex.) Inquiry into Emigration 1802 /Z' 4498 Irwin (Eyles) Scries of Adventures, 2 vol. 1787 / /4499 Italy (Journey to) ~ 1741 'C/A\00 Itineraria Symonis et Wilhelmi de Worcellre Cantab. <3 4501 Ives (John) Remarks on the Romans ^774- ^562 Judgment of Whole Kingdoms and Nations K 17*3 ^ Judicature of the Houfe of Peers 1669 £504 Jttrifdiftion of the Houfe of Lords 1676 V 4505 Juftilicatioa of the Prince of Orange, by J, Day, y — — 1575 X ^4506 Izacke (Richard) Regifter of Divers Perfons 1736 y 4507 Kaim (Lord) Law Trafts — 1761 / 4508 Kearlley’s Complete Peerage, 1794 / ^ 4509 Keate (George) Account of Geneva 1761 ■!?^^45io Keepe (H.) Account of St. Peter of Weftmiofter . 1682 ^ 451 1 Kennet (Bafil) Antiquities of Romh, plates . 1754 Z 451Z Kentllh Travellers Companion ^^777 Y 4513 Kincaid (Alexander) Hiftory of Edinburgh *787 4514 Kindctfley (Mrs.) Letters from the Eaft Indies 1777 (Edward) EiTay on the Englifli Conftitution < _ . >767 S02 Oftayo i ^^^45i6^Knox (John) View of thp Britiih E^jipire, 2 voh 1785 .4^ 45*7 Kolben (Peter) Prefent State of the Cape of ^ Good Hope, 2 yol. — 1738 4518 Laing (Malcolm) Hillory of Scotland* 2 vol. 4519 Lambard (William) J?ifcpurfe of Jufticc 4520 Eirejnarchia a 800 iejj 1610 ( 4521 Langhorne (John) on the Republics of Italy > *773 ^ s4522 Langlade (James) Memoirs of the Duke of Bol- I ton and Turenne — — 1^93 hp3 Langle 'Marquis) Sentimental Journey through ^ Spain — — • 1.786 . ^4524 l^affels (Richard) Voyage of Italy 1686 ^ 4525 'Langier (Abbe de) Hiftory of the Peace at Bel- grade — — 1770 y 4526 Lawrence (Richard) Interell of Ireland 1682 / 4527 , Laws concerning Mailers and Servants 1767 ^ 44529 — Hereticks 172J hSi^ ——of Honour -r — 17.14 c? 4551 Lawes and Statutes of Gpnevaj A. /, 1562 AS 3 ’^ —-of Jamaica — ^ <4533 Leblanc's Letters on the Englilh and French Na- I tions, ? vol . in ^ — Jf 4534 L^ JRichjof Captures of War ^ .4535 Legend of St. Cuthbert > ^4516 < A A c 7 •> rjrotttf/piece *747 *759 1663 (^ 4537 Leigh (Edward) England Defcribed 1659 4538 r— Diatribes* or Difeourfes of Tra- vels, &c. — — 1671 y ^ 4539 -i”“ — ^ .Obfervations of all the Kings 1661 ' / 4540 Lempriere (William) Tour from Gibraltar 1791 /4541 Le Neve (John) MonumentaAnglicana, 2 vol. * 7*7 ^ / 14542 * 79 * 4543 Lellie Treatife Touching the Right of Mary Queen of Scots 1 HiJiorj * — O £la va« 203 /4$44 V4546 A » 5*7 4 (■4548 ^j49 ^ 4550 i4JS« / 4553 4 4554 #^4555 / 4556 J (4564 Letter to the Earl of Caftlehaven 1681 ■I ■ — » from Sooth Carolina 1718 ■ — Shewing that Biihops are not Judges , i6t9 Letters by a Calm Obferver — 1793 ■ ■■■■ - from an American Farmer 178a of Valens — — 1777 ■ from Sef eral Parts of Europe, 2 vol. * and Negociations of Count D’Eftrades ^755 — ^ by Sir A* Balfour ’ — ^ 1700 of Algenon Sydney ■ 1 742 from Snowden — - 1770 to a Nobleman 1709 to Dr, Mead concerning a new edition of Th nanus 1728 from a Young Painter, 2 vol, 170J to Warren Haftings and Negociations of Sir Ralph Sadler 1720 from Several Parts of Europe, and, the Eaft, 2 vol. — 1753 from Edinburgh 1776 and Negotiations of Sir Rv Fttudhaw, 2 vol. - — *724 — from a Gentleman in Scotland,* 2 vol. *759 from Earl Danby -i' 1710 from a Moor at London by Dr. Henry Moor6 — from Jofeph Jl. of the late Thomas Rundle, 2 / 4569 / As?® / 4S7‘ ^ 457“ / 4S73 1736 1694 1790 vol. 1 780 — between the Rev. Mr. Granger, and £m- minent Men — igoj — • of Hugh Boulter, 2 vol — 1770 — j. I. RoulTeau 3789 — of a Lady’s Travels into Spain,, 2 vol. *735 from a Lady at Parisj at Avignon 1716 a 04 Hijlory^ 0£i:avo. j 4<>74 Letters Concerning the State of Italy i688 ^575 on a Tour thro* Scotland 1704. / 4576 Lewis (Thomas) Hiftory of the Parthian Empire / ( 4577 . Lex Parliamentaria <^^578 Leyceller*s Common Wealth, Conceived 1641 / 4579 por. / / . — ib, ^ <^45^0 Life ot Mr. William Whifton, portraits 1753 Sir Thomas Pope, by T. Wharton 177* Charles II, by William Harris, z vol. 1760 Lady Warner, portrait ^hy Van Sbuppen y f, /vf /4 s86 4587 ^ 4588 ///_d 5«9 /// ^ 4590 <^4594 6 4595 ' J 4596 4s97 6 64598- ^ ^4599 ^^4600 J -2 4601 jA\ elegant in rujjta Reginald Pole 1692 1766 1769 1714 J004 1803 of Henry 11 . by Lyttelton, 6vol. Count Gramroont, by Boyer Gilbert Wakefield, 2 vol. T. Reid, by D. Stewart -ww, Erafmus, by S. Knight, portrait and plates Camb. 1736 Dr, John Collet, by S, Knight, *724 Sir T. More — — — . . Dr. Henry More, by R, Ward Philip Doddridge, portrait Lord Lovat — ' 1 1726 1710 1766 *785 1800 1725 Burke, by R. Biffet, 2 voL T. Crammer, abridged — Petrarch, by Dobfon, 2 vol. plates Swift, by Thomas Sheridan 1787 Jonathan Swift, by Deane Swift 1755 — — Remarks on by Orrery « 75 * Sir John Leake, by Stephen Martin Leake, only ,0 copies vsere printed — — - Voltaire, by Chaudon — Sir Francis Bernard — — John Johnfon 1786 1790 1748 0£lavo. 20S Jf 4605 Life of Samuel Johnfon, by James Bofwell, 3 vol, _ — 1793 — by Hawkins 1707 - and Writings of Alexander" Geddes^ by J. Mafon Good, portrait — ^ 1803 — - Robinfon Crufoe, z vol. 1785 ^'^4606 p. /4607 / 4608 4609- S ^610 64611 c/ /4612 / .4^13 ^^4614 Z- 4615 / /^6i6 ^ 64617 ^ 4618 ^ .4619 4620 / 4621 - 462Z y 4 /462J /4 - 4624 ^4625 /d’ ' 46^7 Edward Earl of Clarendon, 3 vol. Ok ford IT Donald Macleod — 1791 I - James II. * 1704 Seth Bilhop of Salilbury 1697 — ' Solomon Mafon Birmingham - - ■ Archbiihop Williams — — . 1715 • i James Lackington, /cr/rfl/V ——— Henry VIII. by Lewis — 1769 — — Fcrrar, by P. Peckard — 1 790 — — James I. by W. Harris 177Z ■■■— Homer, by Blackwell, platet 2730 St, Wenerridi,/fo«//)^/^r^ 1655 — Lord Chatham, 4 vol. — 1792 ■ Samuel Johnfon, by Bofwen,4 vol, 1799 Guftavus Adolphus, by W. Harte 2 vol. 1767 " — ■ ' ■■ the Earl of Chatham, 3 vol, 1797 Chriftopher Wagftaffe, 2 vol. in i 1 762 ■■ Will of Wykeham (with the Supple* ment) by Lowth — — 1758 * ■ ■ Captain John Porteus 1737 — Singleton — * 1720 Hijlory, QUARTO. J J - 4619 — — . Robert Earl of ElTex, wiih his Death and Funeral, plates , 1646, Life of Colonel Edward Harwood) 1642 2o6 1.4, 4631 /❖ 463 * y y 4633 ^/4634 O ’ r 4635 - 4636 J 4637 ^ / 4 <> 5 « ^ 4639 / ^ 4640 ^ 4641 4^42 f 4643 /j ^ 4644 y <^4645 xC - 4646 yz / 4647 6 4648 J ~ 4649 y <^.4650 ^ p 4651 46 s* J — 4653 y/ 4654 // y 4655 y 4656 y/ 9 0£lavo. Life of George J'rederick Handel, arid John Chriftopher Smith, . 1799 - ■ ■■ Henry IV. of France, by Grimeftone I 1612 Lord Herbert, of Cherbory, by Walpole, 1770. Hidoric Doubts on Richard III. by Ditto, with the Anfwer thereto, by Dickens, iottftd together - — ■■■■ William Hinton — 1665 Andrewe Hyperius, by Ludham, h. U 1577 — — Jackfon, the Highwayman, with his Re- cantation — — 1674 - John James, with Account of his Execu- tion — 166* '■ — » George Lord JeiFeries, by Bent ' ■ - Earl of Kellie, by Gleig Edin, 1797 — — « Elizabeth Duchefs of Kingfton, 2 per- traits - — Peter Lambert, executed for killing Thomas Hamden, fhewing the fuccelle of Siuaggerixg, Dtihg, Drunktnne/if and Whoring ^ 1610 ■ — Stephen Marihall ■ ■ — 1680 — . Milton, by Hayley 1796 Thomas Farr, the old, old, very old Man — Philip of Maccdon, 2 vol, in portrait 1758 Seganus — — Paris 1628 > — — ■ Spencer, by Birch — — Henry Lord Stafford — 1640 Colonel James Turner, with Account of his Execution — — — 1665 — Richard Earl of Tyrconnel 1689 — Monfieur Du Val 1670 Ralph Wallis, Cobler of Glocefter 1670 — I. — Sir Thomas Wentworth, Earl of Staf- for det front i/piece - 1641 SirWerburgh, — Cbefterij^g John Whitgift — — 1612 — William Laud, portrait by Marjhalt 164.5 Sir John Eardley Wilmot, portrait 1802 207 — Quarto. // 46^7 Life of Alice Duchefs DuHdeley, 1669. Life of Margaret, Wife of Richard Baxter 1681 ^ UC58 Lilio (George) Chroaicum Franck, 1565 14659 Lincoln (Sheriffs of) 1779 > ^4660 Lincfay (John) Voyage to the Coall; of Africa, plans . — J759 ' ^ 4661 " ' ' — ■ ,*3. 4662 Lifter (Thomas) condudt refpefting the Borough of Clitheroe. Anfwer to ^^^4663 Lithgow (William) 19 Yeares Travayles, plates and portrait — 1632 4? 4664 — — painfull Peregrination from / ' Scotland to the Kingdomes in Europe, Alia, and Africke — 1614 / 4665 Lives of the Popes, and their Doctrine 1600 / yj — Nineteen Py rates, — — 1608 ^4667 — Living Authors of Great Britain, inter- ^ leaved with large MS, Additions by Mr. Reed — 1702 4668 Loder (Robert) Hiftory of Framlingham, p/a/cs 1798 4669 Lloid (Lodowick) Diall of Dales, /. 1 590 4670 I — Pilgrimage of Princes, /. 1586. Marrow of Hiftory or Pifgrimage of Ditto, corredled by Codrington, 1653 4671 Lodge (Edmund) Xlluftrations of Britilh Hiftory, ^ VOI0 with porn a/ts 1791 4672 De Lolme on the Union of Scotland with Eng- land — — 1787 . — /> / . /i. - 4./;. ^ cry. / >. / J c t2. '//• ^ SND OF THE TWENTY-FIRST DAY*S SALf. Twenty-fecond Day’s Sale Hijiory, OCTAVO. LOT ^^4673 L ife of Dr. peter Heylyn, by G. Vernon 168* 6 4674 Life of James Duke of Monmouth 1683 Fauftus Socjnus — 1653 King Charles, the Non Such Charles 1651 1707 / 4675 Cf ^676 -■7 (4677 ,4678 J 6 4679 <14680 14681 -4682 4685 J ,4686 J <^.4687 <:^ 4688 ^^^4689 '/y ^ 4690 ^ /469* ry^ 4692 — Sir G. Rook — — — Hugh Peters, by W. Younge Grammont — — Waller — — — Alfred, by Powell — — — Peirelkius, portrait — Louis XiV. — — . — - Sir F. Drake — Sufannah Perwich, no title W. Bedell — — Richard II, — — - — Fenelon 1663 1760 177* 1634 *^57 1715 • 1685 1681 Mary Stewart, Queen of Scotland, por^ trait — — . — *^36 — of David Hume, by various Authors 1777 — Smollett, by R. Anderfon 1803 Lewis XV. by Juftamond, 4 vol. 1781 / 4693 ^ 4^94 / / 4^95 ^ 6' 6 A697 o/'* 4698 1 4699 ^ 4700 <^/ 47 oi /^64702 ^ -4703 . 4 iH 7°4 ^^^705 / 4706 ^4707 ^4708 ^ ,4709 7^4710 ^■4471 « ‘^^ 47 «* i~Al ’3 y-‘h 4714 ' J -^ 1^5 /J 4716 HtfiQtytm^OCx2i\0» Life ofT, Emiyn . “■-■■ ■ Commodus — _ Zimmerman, by Ti/Tot ^ James Beattie, by A, Bovrcr -7— Theodofius the Great — — Earl of Shaftfbury — W. Shcnftone Samuel Johnfon, by R. Anderfon of Leicefter -1. John Kettleivell ^ _ 299 1746 1789 1797 1804 1693 1683 1788 1795 1727 1718 1766 79* Cardinal Pole "" of Thomas Day ^ Cecil, by Arthur Collins, John Wicliffe, by Lewis — Hai Ebn Yokdhan, plates George Bull, by R. NTelfon Nadir Shah, by W. Jones General Monk Oliver Cromwell, by W. Harris — — St. Francis Xavier Towgood, by J. Manning ' «» — ''j j* iviaumng — Cardinal Pole, by T Neve 2 vol. Benvenuto Cellini, by T. Nugent, 2*vol! I7ZO 1708 1713 1773 1723 1772 I68S 1792 1766 1767 4717 ;47»8 47*9 4720 74721 .4722 ,4723 <4725 4727 4728 1729 ^730 173* i73^ > Lord Crewe - ■ Arthur Mayn waring • Grotius, by De Burigny Voltaire, by Condorcet ■ Sir Thomas Cantilupe the Earl of Crawford -■ Cluchele _ Robert Price Agricola, by J. Aikin Servetus Vanioi Henry Prince of Wales, by Spinofa _ W. Morrell W, Bedloe £ e Cattt 1771 1790 '7«S >754 1790 1674 1769 1783 *734 ^ 714 - J 7 H n. Birch 1760 1706 1694 310 O^lavo* ^ 4753 Life of Daubigne 1772 / 4734 — Thomas Ellwood 179* 3 d 4735 Richard Lyde — 173 » / 4736 — T, Ruddiman, by C. Chalmers 1794 / 4737 ' Count Bruhl Cornwallis — 1641 /'^ 4739 Williams^ by A. Philips, portrait 1700 / / 4740 — — Timothy Ginnadjrakc, a Fidler, 3 vol. 1771 / J 474* — Sir Stephen Fox, 1717, and Sermon at his Funeral, 17 »6, rare ^ / 4742 — — Henry Chichele, by Duck 1699 4743 Frederick William of Prullia,by Phelips / I *750 ^ ^4744 — . James Houftoun — 1747 J 6 474J — George Whitfield, 177* ;? 4747 Thomas Manion, by Will, Harris, . *72? ^ ^4748 and Pbilofopby of Epifletus 1670 6 1^4749 — of Mademoifelle de la Sarre 1751 ^ 4750 — Sir Philip Sydney 1652 ^ 475 * * — Mr. John Jackfop — 1764 \J 4752. — Nathaniel Lardner 1769 / 6 4753 "■ '*'yaneus, by Tillemont — 1702 ^ /4’54 —Will, Fuller 1752. Dittp by Ooldfmith, 1770 /O -'4756 — Dr. Bar wick, /. /. — 1724 4757 Pope Sixtus the V, — 1766 ^<^ 4758 — George Horne, by W. Jones 1795 4759 Philip Duke of Wharton, 2 vol, 1732 / Moitley, 1744 -476J Emperor Juli^ia */ 7 ® ,^^.4762 Hyder Ally, by Francis Robfon i 6 g 4 ^ T homas Ruddiman, by Chalmers 1794 ,4,64 John Bernard! — — *729 ^ Thomas Kerr, /cr/m/r — * 7*3 y / 47^6 Alheton, by T. W alts ^ — r— *7*4 ■ Guftavus Vafa, the African 1793 ’V Itiflory Quarto • 211 / 4768 / 4.769 / 4771 4 6 ^ 11 ^ , ^,^4773 4 4774 / / 477 ^ /S 4 ^ 77 ^ ^/4777 J^4778 / 4779 2 H7^o /<^478i i <^4782 ^'/4783 //4784 7^4785 / 4786 //4787 jr-4788 6-4789 . /-^479o ^^4791 J^479a y 4793 4794- // -4795 / 4;9«> 4797 V/V4798 ^/4799 ' / 4800 . ^ 4^o> ^/ 48 o 3 48*^4 Life of Mr John Shower — — 1716 — Thomas Bray — — *• ^74^ — Mr. Chriftian Davie? — 1740 Thomas Firmin — 169S — Queen Aime, * vol. — - 1741 — Erneftus the Pious, morocco^ gilt leases 174O — Ralph Bathurft, by Thomas Wartori, portrait — — 1761 — Sir Thomas More, by Warner 1758 Will, Fuller^- 1701, and ii other Tra^s relative to Sir John Perrott . - — Duke of Wharton, ^c. 1728 1731 1721 1787 1748 — Rev. Ifaac Milles — John Hanway, by Pugh — Humphrey Prideaux — Mr, John Le Clerc, and his Writings 1712 — St, Edward ■ ■■■— 1710 — Samuel Johnloh ——a 1805 — Buonaparte, — — Mahomet — — 1718 — — John £lwes, by Topham, foHrctit 1791 — John Barber, City Printer 174* — Hugh Latimer, by Gilpin 1 780^ — — Boerhave, by Burton, Richard Earl portrait William Robertfon, portraits Rynold Pecock John Aylmer, ^ 1803 i8ot 17^4 1701 Magliabechi Stra^valerry Hill 17/^8 Mrs* Pafchal, 2 vol > 744 Lord Cameltbrd, and Account of his Death Archbifliop Cranmer, by Gilpin William Temple, portrait Earl of Chatham i8o|. 1784 1714 1784 and Death of King James V. of Scotland 1710 — John Fothergiil, by Letcfom 1786 Mr. Law — 1721 212 kJ 480; 4806 a 4807 / / 4808 /3 c/ ^4814 ^ 4814' / /48I6 4817 4818 / .48*9 y-' '^4820 / 4821 ei 6 4822 y 48*3 X 4827 yU828 ^<^*k829 y 6 p 3 t ^ ^4832 x/4833 / 4834 ^4835 . (4836 . W 37

778 178, 1678 1651 1661 x66i 1685 1723 164c *773 1727 1776 >775 leaved Lindfay (Robert) Hiftory of Scotland Linguet's Memoires of the Baftile LiAe (Francis) Legend of the Cardinal of Lor- *577 ,699 1697 1604 raine LiAer (Martin) Journey to Paris Lilt of Offices, Civil and Military Littleton’s Tenures, b% /. — C B13 ) Hiflory. QUARTO. - ^ 43j8 London. J’ ^ 4839, / / 4840 ^ 4841 4842 — . 2,/4843 ^ - 4844 Brief Defcriptlon of the Royal Ex- change. London’s Gate to Piety. Ditto Remains, in Latin and Engliih, 1667 True Account of Informations rela- tive to the late Burning of the City, 1667;, A6l for preventing Fires in Ditto, 1668. Fumifugium, or Smoke of London diffipated, 1661. London’s Flames, 1679 — I I Order for preventing the Plague, by the Lord Mayor, • Difcourfe on Ditto, by- Harvey and Garencieres. London's Com- plaint againft her Children, 1665. The Countrie Ague, or London her Welcome Home to her retired Children, fronti/pieee, 1625, London’s Complaint againfi; her Chil- dren in the Country, 1634 ■ (Charter of) 1680. Dangers and Mifchiefs from the Bank of England^ 1707^. Apologies for the Builder, 1685 — Relation of the Devil’s appearing to Thomas Cox, a hackney coachman, who lives in Cradle Alley, in Baldwin’s Gardens, 1684. Great and wonderful Miracle, wrought on George Brokingham, who had fold his foul to the Devil for 21 years, 1663. Infor- mations relative to. the Burning of the City, 1667 — ■ Lift of Prifoners of the Upper* Bench Prifon, 16^3. Second Attempt of Prifoners in the Compter, 1670. Livery Man’s Rea- fcns why he did not give his Vote for a cer- tain Gentleman to be Lord Mayor or Parlia- ment Men for London, 1701, and 2 other — Orders and Ordinances for the Go- vernment of the Hofpitall of Bartholomew, Orders for Orphans, and Difcourfe of the laudable Cudomes of London, 1652 2j 4 Quarto; 4845 London. Lifts of the Liveries of the fifty-fix Companies, 1701. Aft of Common Council for regulating the Eteftion of Sheriffs, 1685 yjl 4846 Explication of the King’s Diall, at London, by Hall, Liege 1673. Cafe of the free Scriveners, 1749. Commiflion for com- pounding for Wards, Idiots, and Lunaticks, 161 J. Propofals for extending the Public Keys and Wharfs, and 2 other 4847 Trap ad Crucem, or the Papift’s Watch Word, 1670. Papift’s Plot of Firing difeovered, in a perfeft Account of the Fire in Fetter Lane, 1679. Account of dreadful Fire at Mr. Seaton’s, Whitecrofs Street, 1687. Aft for preventing Fires in the City, i668. Obfervations on the Burning of London, 1666 y ^4848 — ■ '> Troia Redeviva, or the Glories of / London furveyed. an Heroick Poem, 1674. London’s Remains, and Conflagration, poe- tically deferibed, 1667. London’s Refur- reftion, 1669 4849 ■■ ■ Orders, &c, of the Company of Sta- tioners, 1692, Will of Sir Thomas Greftiam, Kalender of Prifoners committed to the Cuf- tody of Sir John Lenthall. On extending, the public Keys and Wharfs of London* Lambe’s Account of Charity School of St. Katherine Cree Church, 1718. Arraignment, Tryall, &c. of Francis Deane, a Slater, and of John Faulkner, a ftrong Water-Man, 1645 0^^4850 Vox Civitatis, or London’s Com- plaint again ft her Children in the Country, 1625. City Law, 1647* Proceedings of the College of Phyficians relative to the Sick Poor, 1697. Informations relative to the late Burning of the City, 1667 A851 .■■■ - . . — ^ Orders for fetting Roges and Idle Perfons to Worke. b, I, Aft of the Com- mon:, for Reliere of the Poor, 1652, Cheap- fide v^rcife cenfured and condemned, 1641. . News from Puddle Dock, ill London, 1674 (y// o 2*5 4$52 London, Modeft Enquiry concerning the Elec- tion of the Sheriffs of London, 1682, Vefm, and his Mermydons, or the Linen Draper Ca* potted, 1679. Charter granted to the Apo- thecaries, 169^. Hunt’s Defence of the Charter of London, Dialogue between a Liveryman and a Freeman. !695, Salomon’s Peft Houfe, or Toure Royall 1635 ^3^3 I ■ ■ Decree of Starre Chamber, concerning Inmates, and Divided Tenements in London 1636. Widfmore Enquiry into the Firll Foundation of Weftminfter Abbey, 1743. Reges, Regins, Nobiles et alii Sepulti in £c- clefla Weftmii. 1606 Lord (Henry) Difcoverie of the Scft of the Ba- nians, — ■ 1635 Lylie (John) Eupbues, and his England, /. defe£li /. ^ 3 i ( ff'7 c . y- -Twenty-third Day’s Sale. 7 'T; Hijlory^ OCTAVO ET INFRA. lot 4896 y / 4897 T u IVES of the Admirals, by Campbell, 4V0U . ‘744 . — Emminenc Antiquaries, Le- land, Hearne, and Wood, 2vol. large paper^ plate t — Otcjbrd I'jjz 2lS O 4898 ^ 4899 5000 ^ 5001 . //^ /5°®3 c ? and Queen Mary^, by Burnet 1774 ' '■ " and Writings of Fletcher, of Salt- on, portrait ■ ■ ■ 1792 Walton Donne, Wotton, Hooker, &c. by 16^0 Scotifli Authors, by Irving Edin\ 1801 — Illuftrious Men Oxon 1684 — — and AAions of Notorious Coun- terfeits, frontifpiece I, njoitb portraits 1686 — — — Regicides — — — > i66i . ■ ■■ — A'exaiiticr, Caefar, Scipio 1602 — — — — Arrie, Paulina* &c. 1639 — Henry Duke of Gloucefter, and Mary Princefs of Orange 1661 J' 5029 Living Authors (Literary Memoirs of) 2 vol iJ ' 5020 1798 // 5021 Livius Roman Hiftory, b» /. title *waMting MS* note, by Dr Farmer Lloyd (David) State Worthies, 2 vol. 1766 Lqbo (Jeromej Voyage to Abyffinia 1735 '219 Htftory.^O&.2MQ^ ^ *5023 Logan and the Earls of Gowry, Confpiracies again ft Janies VI. £^ecutors and Ad- miniftratorsof Freemen, &c. h, /. 1682 and its Environs Defcribed, 6 vol. cuts 17S1 Long (Thomas) Hiftory of ^Plots, &c. 1684 Lord’s Proteft of Ireland * * — Dublin 1772 Low Countries (Prefent State of the) 1609 Ludlow (Edmund) Memoirs, 3 vol, Edin* J751 LufFman (John) Account'of Antigua 1789 Lupton (l)onald) Hiftory of the Proteftant Di« vines, portraits " ■ . 1637 Lyndewode Conftitutiones Angliae ^557 Mably ( Abbe de) on the Manner of Writing Hiftory ‘ ■ — - 1783 — — — ———Romans 1751 -i— Remarks on America 1784 Macaulay (Kenneth) Hiftory of St. Kilda 1764 Macdonald (John) Travel^ in Europe, Afia, and Africa " *790 England (Thomas) on Civil ImpWonment in ^042 179* 46 4 /-/ 5046 / S047 / 5048 Mackerell (B.) Antiquities of Kings Lynn 1738 Mac Nicol (Dnnal,d) Remarks on Dr. Johnfon’s Tour — ^ 1779 Maepherfon (James) Introdudlioo to the Hiftory of Great Britain 1771 2 vol. Hiftory of Great Britain, State Papers, 2 \ 77 ^ vol. 1775 Macqueen (Dr.) Letters on Hume's Hiftory *756 Madden (Martin) Thoughts on Executive Juftice 1785 20 Hiftory, — 06 lavo. Maguillans (Gabriel) Hiftpry of China 1688 Mahumedifm (Firil State of) — 1679 IVlalden (Henry) Account of King’s College Chapel, 1769 Mallet’s Northern Antiquities, 2 vol. Malynes (Gerrard) of the Canker of England’s Commonwealth — — — 1601 Mandeville’s Enquiry into Honour 1732 ib. Mangalore (Account of the Defence of) 1786 Manley (Sir Roger) Hiftory of Rebellions from 1640.101685 — 1691 (Mrs.) Life — — — — 1725 / ^059 Manuell of Rights and Privilcdges of Parliament *647 Man Trade (2 Dialogues on) ' 1760 Manufcripts in the Library of the Kings of France, 2 vol. ■ ■ — 1789 March (John) Commonwealth’s Friend 165 1 Marcus P'laminius, by C. Knight, 2 vol, 1792 Marloorough (Conduit, of the Duke of) 1712 Marriot (James) Cafe of the Dutch Ships Con6- dercd 1759 ^049 / 5050 5051 ^ ^5053 5055 yS— 5056 5057 ^058 ;; / (^506* / 5063 / , • (5064 ^ Isot; ^066 / ]so 67 rf ^ ^5069 ^ S070 507. / so?* //5073 //SO74 ib. 77 * Marlhall ( Jofeph) Travels, 4 vol. Martial Review " ■ ■--- ■ - ■' ' - 1763 Martin (Samuel) Plan for the National Militia 174 ? Martin (Martin) Conqueft of China 1654 Maffachufet’s Hiftorical Society (Colleftions of) BofloK 1804 Maffey (James) Travels > 1743 Maftin (John) Hiftory of Nafely Cambridge 1792 Mathews (John) Voyage to Sierra Leone 1788 X —507s Mathifon (Fred.) Letters on the Continent, by Anne Plumptree « ■ " ' ^ 1799 Uijiory^ 0£la vo. 2 Zl y^/s° 7 i //, 5078 5079 ^ 5080 <^08 1 / J082 / 508 j /5084 y<^ ^08; 6 5086 / 5087 / 5088 / 5089 y / 5C90 / 5 ° 9 * 5092 / 5093 J y 5094 // _5°9i 5°96 X 5097 5098 y'XS 099 Maudult (Ifrael) Apology for General Wolfe ' I 765 Maundeville (Sir John) V oyage and Travaile /• ■ — - ■ ■ ■ .1— 1725 Maundrell (Henry) Journey from Aleppo, to Jerufalem, plates Oxford ijaq Mawman (J.) Excurfion to the Lakes, plates 1 May (Thomas) Hiftory of the Parliament ’ Meadowe (Philip) Wars bettvixt Sweden 'and Denmark Meifter (Henry) Letters - Melcombe's Diary by Wyndham, portrait Memoirs of the Revolution in 1688 JOublin 1677 1799 1784 haven Monfieur Deageant — Relating to the Royal Navy James Lord Audley, Earl of Cahle- 1709 ib, 1690 169c Danuoy portrait •— the Family of the Boyles A . Dublin 17^4. — Affairs of Scotland, by Moyfel ? Edinburgh 1 7 c r — Nicholas Gabrini de Rienzi ~ the Houfe of Brandenburgh, 2 vol. — Albert Haller, portrait — a Social Monfler, portrait ijS 6 — Cardinald de Retz, 4 voU portrait, — Guy Joli, 3 vol. the D,^ and Ds, of O, by Madam Gue-Trouin^ — James 11 . f’ Thomas Comber, Dean of Durham, 32 i / 5 ' 0 * 4 /si°* y 5 '05 S'04 y'sio; ..C/S'o® ,J* 5 '07 yy^5io8 J S'O? Hiftory.— Oflavo. Memoirs of John Ker, 2 vol. — — — a Cavalier 1^26 Mark Noble « ' the Court of England in Charles II. Reign ■ — John Froiflart 1795 King 1708 Baron de Tott. (Appendix to) keid 5110 — / $111 4 5 <‘* ^ .5*H 45**5 / 5116 <5**9 / 5*20 / 5*21 5*23 / 5124 / 5126 / 5**7 / ^ 5*»9 445‘30 786 Henry Guthroy late Bilhop of Dun<» Gla /, 1747 Charles Lee 1792 the Reverend Thomas Baker, by Robert Matters — , *7®4 — — Arthur Aftiley Sykes, by Difney 178; the Twentieth Century Bafliaw Count Bonneval - Marquis of Torcy, 2 vol. Count D* Eftrades, 3 vol. — — North Britain 1733 1750 *757 1711 i7«5 1699 1712 1788 1705 1676 — Denzil, Lord Hollis, portrait — Britifh and Foreign — Jofeph BorufeUki — — — Marquis de Guifcard the Dutchefs Mazarine Two laft Years of the Reign of King Charles 1 . — 17 ” Ladies of Great Britain, by Amory *75? Duke of Rohan II Vifcount Dundee — . 1714 Major Alexander Ramkins 1719 the Court of France and Paris Thomas Chubb — in a Journey through China, by Compte,// 1 778, N, 1 2 4:i3pies printed — — ■ — Ireland — * ■ " 1708 Anec- B. only 1716 the Life and Writings of Sir Rich. 1731 — Campaign in Sweden 1788 ■ - Philip ThicknelTe, Vol. III. 1791 James Graham, Marquis of MonU toie, portrait Edin, 1756 -4, — — — . Denmark 1700 / o 5146 — — — the D* de Ripperda ^74^ Steele S' +7 / 6*48 y 5 '49 ^ S'SO Duke of Shrewfbury fS'S' — Denzil, Lord Hollis Marquis de Hautefort — - — — a late Eminent Advocate, by Mel- moth, - — - — 1796 1718 1699 1763 Relative to the Campaign of 1788 [5152 Memoire fur la Population — — 1768 5153 Memorialls for the Governments of the Royall Burgh’s in Scotland — Aberdeen 1685 5154 Memorials of Occurences in the Family of Sir George Sondes ^ 5*55 — — and Letters Relating to the Hiilory of Britain Gla/gonu 1766 v/6 — 4/ 5*57 — of the Family of Tufton / ^ 5158 Mcnin Defcription of the Coronation Kings and Queens of France ib. 1800 of the £24 Quarto# ?*59 Mercurius Rufticus,/rtf»r. ; 1646 ~ ^ 5*60 Metarnorphofis Anglorum — 1660 QUARTO^ y y <^5161 Mendoza Theorique and Praflifes of War / , *597 /s / 5 ^^^ — — — (Copie of a Letter/ent out ofEng- . land to Don) ^. /• — 1^88 ^ 5163 Merbury (Charles) Difcource of Royall Monar- chic —1— — . — — ijSr ^ 5164 Middlefex, Petition of the Inhabitants of Ifle- worth againft William Grant, 1941. Ma- lice Defeated, or Tryal of the Reverend Mr. Richardfon, 1712. Muriher of Sir Ed- mondberry Godfrey, 1678 ^15^ . Strange and Wonderful Relation from Shadwell, or the Devil vizible, 1674, The Witch of Wapping, or Relation of the life and Devilifh Pradtices of Joan Peterfoii, ) 1652. Declaration in Anfwer to Lying Pamphlets, Concerning the Witch of Wap- ping, 1652. Zealous Expreflions of Sir Bal- ihazei Gerbier >'<^5166 — — — Defign for bringing a Navigable River from Rickmanfworth, 1720. Rules and Orders lor Afcertaining the Right of every Proprietor at Ranelagh — ■ 1754 y ^ ^167 Miidmay (Sir Wm.) Trafts — 1765 ^ 5168 Millar (John) Hiftorical View of the Englilh Government — 1790 <5 J171 ^S»7* Milles (Jer.) Obfervations on the Wardrobe Ac- count — — — . 1770 Milton (John) Tenure of Kings — 1649 Minadoi (John Thomas) Warres of the Turkes and Perfians — Minfhull (Rich.) Vienna Qu ar to . 225 5173 (Herman) Atlas Manuale — 1713 — Maps of England and Wales *749 / 6 5*74 More (Sir Thomas) Utopia — 1624 5175 Mores (Edw. Rowe) Nomina et Infignie Genti- litia — — — — *749 ^5176 Morgan (J.) Phoenix Britanniens 1732 / 6 5^71 Munday (Ant.j Watch Word to Englande, b, L 1584 ^ 5178 Narrative of the Late Parliament 1657 / 5179 Navy ^ Effay on the) — — 1702 ^ 5180 Nevylli (Alex.) De Furoribus NorfolcienGum Ketti Duce — — — . 1575 5181 Newcaftle (Duchefs of) Life of Cavendilhe Duke of Newcaftle — 1675 i §182 Newcome (Peter) Hiftory of the Abbey of Su Alban's, 1795 5183 Newton (Sir Ifaac) Chronology — 1770 5184 Nicolfon (William) Engliih, Scotch, and Irifh, Hiftorical Libraries — — J776 ^ y 5185 Nifbet (Alex.) Ellay on Armouries, €uU Edin, 1718 ^ ^ 5186 Noble (Mark) Genealogy of the Stuarts . ‘795 , '/ 5187 Norden (John) Speculum Brittannise, 1723. Ralphe Brooke’s Errour in N orden’s Brittan- / VAXt portrait — - — — 1723 o 5188 Norfolk (State ofFafts in Defence of the King’s Right to) Fee Farm Rents in / 5189 North (Roger) Examen, — 1740 _ ^190 Life of Francis North, Lord Guildford, portrait — — * 74 % , 5191 ' — Sir Dudley North, por- trait — — .i. * 7 44 . / 5192 Noue (dela) Politickeand Militarie Difeourfes, hi , 1587 ^ o 5^93 NotiinghamfliifC (Tradls Relative to) Rook’s Account of Oaks at Wclbeck, &c. ^ 790 ^ 5 ‘94 Nugent (Thomas^ Hiftory of Vandalia,2 vol. 1769 195 Orange (The Apclogie of Prince Wm. of) , Delft. 1581 G g 2z6 Folio. ^ 5196 Orme’s Military Tranfaflions in Indoftan, 3 vol. plates in hoardt . 17^9 y 5197 Oofterreich Pcfcription, Des Deux Palais De Sans Souci i..,. 1773 / 5198 Overbury (Sir Thomas) Obfervations 1626 6 5^99 Owen (Lewis) Funning Regifter 1626 5200 Oufoldc (Walter) Varietie of Memorable and Worthy Matters 1605 j? ^5201 Oxford (Hiftory of the Univerfity of) 1773 y 5202 — (Vindication ofj from the afperfions of Mr. Gibbon i ^5203 ■■ the Hiftoriographer of. / . . . . *^93 6 5204 Oxonienfis (Notitia Academiae) Zend. 1675 —5205 Packe (Chriftopher) Chart ofEaftKent 1743 ' 3^206 Pagitt (E.) Herefiography,yro«/. 1654 ^ O -,5207 Park (Mungo) Travels in Africa, I 799 /// 5208 Parke (Robert) Hiftorie of the Kingdome of Chi- ^ na,^./. - — 1588 ^ 5209 Parker’s Evidence of Tranfadlions in the Eaft ^ Indies 1782 ^ 5210 Parliamentary Tranfaflions, fM/i — 1654 ^ 5211 Parliament (One and Thirty new Orders of) 1659* Phillip’s Long Parliament Revived i66i J 5212 (Diurnall of) No. 243. to 294 // 5213 Parry (William'i Declaration of Horrible Trea- fons Pradtifed by. S, /. 1584. Earle of Nor- thumberland’s Treafon — 1585 FOLIO. / 3214 Weever (John) Funeral Monuments of Great Briain, Ireland, &c, portrait, Land. 1731 Se- gar on Honour, 1602 5215 Wilford (John) Memorials and Lives of Worthy Perfons '■ — * Zo/td, 1741 ( “7 > /;’ fzt 6 Whitworth (Rob.) Report on the Ca»al Waltham Abbey 5217 Wilkes ( John) Eogiifh litberty 5218 Wicquefoft on EmbalTadors, by Digby Lond, 5219 Wilfon (Afthur) Hiftory of Great Britain. trait — Lond* /d 6^5220 from 1762 1740 1653 Windwood (Sir Ralph) Memorials of Affairs of State, /ar/r^ir/, 3 vol. Land. 1725 ^ ^ 5221 Wood (Anthony) Atherne Oxonienfis, z vol. in i Land* 1721 5222 Wright (Mich.) Account of the Erabaffy of Lord * . Caftlemaine, portraits v Land* 1688 ✓ 6 5223 Xenophon Cyropcdia — Land, 1632 52*4 (Hiftorie of) by John Bingham ' Lond* 1623 r ^c- ^ c. 6r.c ^ ^ : ^ ^ ^ — l Twenty-fourth Day’s Sale. 60 • ff ^ - Hijiory. OCTAVO. lot ' / ^5 225 M ITCHELL (Charles) Principles of Legif- lation •— I <796 / 3226 Middleton (Chriftopher) Vindication of the ^ Condiift of 1743 6 5227 Mildmay (Sir William) on Eleftions 1743 - «28 Oftavo. , $*28 Military Hiftory of Gteat Brltaiti, fbr 1756, aitd .*757 £ 5229 Mrllan*s Lift f)f his Majefty'S Fdrccst Lift of the Flag Officers, 1782 5230 Arms of the Englifli NoHilhy 1752 6 5231 Milton (Johti) Hiftory of Mufcovia i68'4 ^232 Mirabeao, Speeches of 1792 ^23 3 Mirabile Pecce, or the Wonder of the Peak ^5254 MifFon’s Memoirs and Obfervations in his Tra- vels — — 1719 5255 Model of the Province of New Jerfey 1685: ^5236 Modeft Plea for ati Eq|ual CtWninon wealth 1659 5237 Molcfworth (Lord Vife.) Standing Buies for the ^ Army 1744 £ 5238 Moleville (Bertrand) Annals of the French Re- volution, vol. L ■ — / 6 5239 Molloy (Charles) De Jure Maritimo /'«240 Mol>neux (Wm.) Cafe of Ireland / <^45241 5242 Monarchy Afferted 5243 ■ — ■ Grounds and Reafons of J~ 6 5244 Monafticon Hibernicum, — 5243 Monipennie (John) Summary of the /- y / Chronicles 5246 Monmoulhftiire (Memdirs of) 1800 2744 1725 ^ 7*5 1660 1650 1722 Scotch 1612 1708 5247 Montague (E. W.) on the Rift and Fall of An- cient Republics *759 / // ^ 5248 Montrofe Redivivus, /ffr/ra/V — - 1652 / 5449 Moore (John) View of Manners in France, 2 ^ vol. ■ " — 1780 5250 —— — — on the French Revolution, 2 vol. *795 y 5251 More (Richard) Relation of the Murders com- y mitted by Enoch ap Evan 1641 Xj 5252 Moritz (Charles) Travels in 1^82 1795 y 5*53 Moiiris (Valentine) Narrative of the Official Condudof 1787 J/ 5254 Mortimer ^Thos.) Student’s Pocket Diftionary, ' / *777 o 5255 Mottley (John) Life of Catherine II. 1744 Octavo. / 5256 Motraye (de la) Remarks on the Hiftory of Charles XII. ■ 1732 / c*c7 Muret Rites of Funeral — 1683 /. 5258 ^ >683 y ^ Mufcovy, Ancient and Prefent State of 1698 5260 Mufgrave (Wm.) Hiftory of Sir Robt. Walpole, 1738 £261 Narrative of what pafted at Klllala, Dublin^ V 1800 ^ 5 262 — the Ruffian Expedition ngainft the Turks — r 1772 S' 5263 Converfion and Death of Count Struenfee, psr/rtfz/ — >775 y 5264 Natura Breviuxn, 5 . /. — — 1540 S 263 Naylor {F. Hare) Hiftory of Helvetia,^ voU 1801 /S 5 *^^ Neckar on Executive Power, 2 vol. 1792, and Review of the Adminiftration of Ditto 1791 ^5267 Nedham’s Excellency of a Free State , >76^ ^ 5268 Neubrigenfis (Gul.) Kerum Anglicarum, AnU ^ 1567 ^ 5269 Newton (R.) Rules for Gentlemen of Hertford College ■ ■■■ — ■ Oitford 1747 5270 Nicholfon CWm.) Border Laws — 1705 /y- / //. / 6 ? / 5271 Nimmo (Wm.) Hiftory of Sterlingshire, map, *777 5272 Noble (Mark) Memoirs of the Houfe of Crom- well, 2 vol, plates, 1787, Richard’s Review of Ditto, 1787 i 4r*73 ■ —■■■■■■. Lives of the Regicides, z vol. 1798 5274 Norden (Fred, Lewis) Travels in Egypt and Arabia, //am — ^ *757 ^275 -- ■ ■ ■ ( john) Northamptonihire 1720 5276 Norfolk Town — Norwich 1786 5277 North Wales, Account of Romantic Parts of 1777 5278 Nova Scotia, with an Account of Canada, / 1787 ^ 5279 Norwich (Defcription of) Norfolk Furies, Ef- y y fay on the Antiquity of Norwich 1728 ^ 3280 Noy (Wm.) Compleat Lawyer, portrait 1674 yy S//' 230 ^^528 1 /O 5282 o 5*83 5284 / 5283 05286 ^ 5287 7/5288 lor .y 5289 / 5290 ■j 5*9* /S *93 Zj . 5 ^ 9 + J 6 5^95 ^ 5296 4 S *97 2 y 5298 4 53 ®' J /5302 36 5303 5304 /, 0 JO 5 , ^5306 ^/''S 3 o 8 Noy (Wm.) Grounds and- Maxims of Law Nugent (Thos.) Travels through Germany 2 voL cuts — — 1768 • — Obfervations in Italy, z vol. 1769 0 * *Beirne (Thos. Lewis) on the Engliih Catholics i78t Obfervations on fome Points of Law, Edinhm *759 — the Office of Lord Chancei- ■ ■ — — " the Affairs of Holland 1622 '■ ■ the Report of the Board of Trade. Account of the Grenada Laws 1770 Oakley (Simon) Hiftory of the Saracens, 2 voL ^ *757 — - Jews 1707 Offices of Sheryffes, Bailiffes, &c. U pion (Saint) Prefent State of Morocco *^95 Onflow (Arthur) on the Laws of Nifl Prius *789 Orleans (F, I, D*) Hiftory of the Revolutions in England 1722 Orme (Robt.) Hiftorical Fragments of the Mo-* gul Empire, 1782 Orrery (Earl of/ State Letters, vol, II. 1743 Ofbeck (Peter) Voyage to China and the Eaft Indies, 2 vol, 1771 Owen (John) Travels, a vol. 1796 Oxford (Companion for) — — ■ *789 cuts — 1 763 I Cafe of Founders Kinfmen with rela- tion to the Statutes of All Souls College Painter's Voyage of Italy Palaye (St.) Memoirs of Chivalry Palmer 4 Months Tour through France Paris, View of ■ — Modern Rough Sketch of — • Journal of a Party of Pleafure to Parker (Robt.) Memoirs of Military Tranfac- tions from 1683 to 1718 1746 1679 1784 1776 1701 1803 i802 9 ' HiJIory . — 061 1 v«* 231 ■5309 Parker (Robt.) Memoirs of Military Tranfac- tions from i68^ to 1718 1747 (Thos.) Hiftory ot Tranfaftions in the Eafl; indies — — - *776 — ( Richard) Antiquities of Cambridge 1622 — Hiftory of his own Time 1727 (Sam.) de Rebus Suis ■' ■- 1726 5314 Parkyn Hiftory of Yarmouth — * 77 ^ 5315 Parliament Lift of Places that fend Members to 1724 i3'6 S3«9 5310 53*1 5312 ( 53*3 no title Opinion of fundry Learned Anti- quaries on - Proceedings in — the Conftitution of 5320 P^Hiamentary. Hiftory 24 vol, — ^5321 Parfon's Counfellor ■■ — — 0^532* Parthenay (Abbe) Hiftory of Poland J/ 53*3 (Charles) Travels y 53*4 Patcrfon (Daniel) Defcription of G 53*5 Patriotic Fund, Firft and Second 1658 1792 1 680 1761 1703 *734 1701 Roads 1776 Report of 803 the y 5326 Patten (Robert) Hiftory of the late Rebellion 1717 (■5327 Paul's Rights of Sovereigns ■55328 Paufanias's Defcription of Greece, 3 vol 329 Peace of Nimieguen , /U3 30 Peerage of England 1 ^ " ■ ^ 1533 * 5J2 • (Pocket) of Great Britain 5333 Ireland, vol. I. — 334 Scotland — — — 1725 *794 1679 *709 *711 1778 1768 *767 1803 / 5336 Penhallow (Samuel) Wars of New England / o 5337 Penn (Wm.) Account of Travails 1694 J ^ 533 ^ Pennant (Thos) Tour in Scotland, 1772 -5339 Additionj'to the 410 edit, X/.,/ ■ / 5335 Peltier (John) Trial 6 /» / 5340 Percgrmo de Turcarum 1 Z 6 ^3*41 Perkins (Joha) Trad. 1541, Magna Charta ^. 7 . 154a ,5342 Perraul t Charafters — — — 1-704 ^j 5343 Perfy (Jo^») Sute of Ruffia 1716 j 5344 — _ ,< 7 i 5 5345 — — Account of the Stopping of Dag- genham Breach, •with the map 1721 (5346 Peterborough (Earl of) Conduct in Spain 1705 )5547 Petty (Sir W.) Tracts relating to Ireland 1767 5348 " ■ on the Commons of England y 1 680 (0 5349 — Prefidents 1680 4 5350 Peyton (Sir Edward) Kingly Family of the Stu- arts — 1652 5351 Phenix or Solemn League and Covenant 5352 Philipps (J. T.) Conftituiions of Seven States *752 5353 ■ — — on Families who have been raised by Law •— 1686 5354 (Morgan) Right of Mary Queen of ^ - Scotland ... 1571 ^ 5355 Account of Malabar — 1717 ^ ^ 535 ^ Voyage to Botany Bay, 1790 / (5357 Philofophical Sketches on Government 1795 j535S Philpot (Thos.) of Heraldry — — 1672 5359 Pickering’s Statute at Large, 31 vol. and part 2 of 3 2, with index y 5360 Pierreville (George) State of Denmark 1683 'i C361 Pilkington|(Mrs7 HiHorical Beauties for Young Ladies — 1798 / 53^* Pinckard (George) Notes on the Weft Indies, 3 vol. — 1 80b y 5363 Pineda (Peter) Genealogy of Douglas 1754 y/ 5364 Pitts (Jofeph) Account of the Mahometans, 1738 / 5365 Pizarro, or the Conquell of Peru *799 (5366 Plain Fa6ls into the Rights of the Indian Nation //) ^*15367 Plaifted (Bartholomew) Jouroal from Calcutta , , ' *758 / 5368 Plea for an Equal Commonwealth 1059 •QMrto* ^ (5369 «370 V ,537' 537Z / / /■ J373 557 + 537? 5376 5377 5378 /, / 5379 / 0^5380 Plowden (Francis) Hiftory of the Britifli Empire '794 Plutarch’s Lives, 5 vol, 17 Pointer (John) Britannia Rom?«na 1724 of the Univerfity of Oxford 1749 - M l Chronological Hiftory of Eng- land, 3 vol. — — 17*4 Poifet -'Abbe) Travels thro’ Barbary Pole (Cardinal) Obfervations on 1606 Political and Satirical hittory of the Years 1756, and 1757, with 75 prints, ralative to' Lord ’ Bute State of Europe, 3 vol, and Military Rhapfody Polybius, by Hampton, 4 vol. — — Fragment of the 6th. Book 179* ib, 1761 1743 QUARTO. /‘^538‘ ,2,/ 53S* //53|3 / 6 5384 y y 5385 7 5386 / / O' Pa ft on Letter , 25 copies Paterfon (William) Four Journeys to the Coun. try of the Hottentots and Caffraria ^790 PauPs Church Yard, Lilri Theologici Pcacham (Henry) Commons Complaint i6ii Peck (Francis) Defiderata Cuiiofa, plates in haards * 77^ Life of Oliver Cromwell, portrait^ 1740. Life of John Mil to a, /or/ bound together, 1740 5387 Pegg^ (Samuel) Fitz-Stevens Defeription of London. Fumigium or Smoak of London, by John Evelyn, i 772 — — * Curalia. 2 parts, 1782. Ditto part 3d, 1791. Account of the Chamberlain 5588 5389 of Scotland, 1771 Pedigree and Defcent of General Monck 1659 Hh «34 / / 5390 , > /S39' J s? 9 z . S393 . S 394 ^ 539 ' 4? 5396 y J 5597 -Quarto. Pennant’s London, ift. edition with the Addi« ti ns, 2 voI.^/41/ei — 1790 Tour in Scotland, 1772, part 2, 1776 — — North Wales, 2 vol. journey from Chefttr, to London, ^uis 1782 ■' ' — to Snowdon, ra/i 1781-3^- — — — Literary hUe, portrait 1795 Perneau X (Alexander) Hiftory of the Shire of Tweedale^or/rai/ — 1715 ^ Perfia and Georgia (Hiftory of) 1756 53 ;8 Pefliall ( j j Antient and Prefent State of Oxford 1773 Phillips (John) on Inland Navigation, ^ithplan 1785 (Fabian) on Praeemptipn and Pourvey*- encc of the King 1663 — (Thomas) Long Parliament Revived .^5399 540 ^^540* ^ 5403 J ' ^ 5404 / o 540^ /j 5407 J, «4o8 a ^409 y (54 0 J / 54*4 1661. Lamentable Difeourfe on the Paricide, &c of Henry the IV. pf France 1610 Piazze (H Bartholomew) Account of the Inqui* fition of Italy, French and Englifh, gilt leases 1722 Filkingron (John Carteret) Real Story, nvith of Mrc Pilkington 1760 Pitman 'Henry) Strange Adventures 1689 Pocock (R.) Hiftory ofGravefena and Milton, plates — ^ — . — *797 Pocket Guide to the Englifh Traveller, or Roads of England, on too plates <7*9 Poroponius Mela, englifhed by Golding, b. L *590 Pomponii Melae de Situ Orbis 1711 Polimanteia, or Means to Judge of the Fall of a Common Wealth 1595 Polynias (de Pa^e' 1607 Polwhele Hiftorical Views ol Devonfhire Exeter 1 793 Poor ^Colledlion of Pamphlets concerning the) • ' '7^7 UiHarj* —Quartb. sgj 54*3 Portlock (Nathaniel) Voyage Round the Worlds y platet — 1789 / 54*4 Proceedings of His Majefty’s Fket under Earl Howe ^ 179G 54*5 Pofitions and Proceedings in Britaine under Pre- tence of Reformation — 1^93 54*6 PownalPs Antiquities of Provincia Roman<*of Gaul, //a/e/ — — 1 88 ^ 5417 Preftwich's Refpublica 1787 ^ ^ 54 *® Prideaux (Humphrey . A Ward of King Char es I. betling 2S, in the Pound of Houfes in Norwich for Maintenance of the Clergy there 1707 J419 Proceedings of His Majefty*s Ecclefiaftical Com- I moners againll the Biftiop of London and I the Fellows of Magdalen College 1688 ^5420 Againft Garnet the J fu't and Con- federates — t6o6 (54*1 P tb» / ^ 5422 Proclamation for Reformation, publilhed by Philip IV. of Spain — 1625 5425 Prynne (William) Declaration againft the New TaxofExcife — |f’54 ^ 5424 ■ Demurrer to the Jews 16^6 5425 ■»" — Sword of Chrillian Magif- tracy Supported, and 8 other Tracts, by Ditto 642 ^426 ■ ■■ ■ »— — Soveraigfte Power of Par- liaments, and f I other Tracts, with Catalogue of his Books 1643 6 5427 Soveraigne Power of Par- liaments — . 5428 Publiek Regifter, or Weekly Magazine 1741 I ( ) Poetry, FOLIO. S 4*9 543 “ 5431 / ^5411 5433 J / J 434 X> 5435 15436 Of) / ' i;437 ^^5438 y' 5439 5440 J - 544' /f 544* 5443 A 5444 Jy 5445 J. - 4 . fi-y 4 . y ' 4 --. ' • ' J\ 4 '. 4 ii. /p. 4 /t>. 4 . ^ y. - /> 4 - /o . - Arlofto (Lud.^ Orlando Furlofo, by Harrington', fivood cuts, befi edit, — *634 additiopal plates ib, Du Bartas (Sylvefter) his Divine Weeks, fmntif- piece by Eljiracke Chaucer (Geoftiey) Works, by X^xxzy ^ plates (GloiTary to) i> p- lol. The Mar- gin full of Manufeript Additions. Colleded by the late Learned Mr. Bowyer, as Mr- Reed informed the Rev, Mr. Todd Daniel (Samuel) Works bond. 1602 Drayton (Mat.) Works, m title Georgi Secondo Academia Cantabrigienfis Cantab, 174B Homer, tranflated by G. Chapman — — Battaile of Frogs and Mice, &c. by G,* Ch prran, «o//V/? Kiligrew (Mrs, Anne) Poems Lond, 1686 Lucan Phaifalia, by Sir Arthur George’s Lond* 1614 Manilius (Marcus) the Sphere tranflated by Edw. Sherburne ^ >677 Montemayor (George) Diana, traofla'ied by Bar- tholomew Young — — Lond, 1 598 Settle (Elkanah) Hanover Su.'ceffion, an Heroick. Poem, Lond, 1705. Thalia Triumphans 1734 Spenfer (Edward! Faerie Queen Lond* i6n Sydney (Sir Phil.) Couiitefs of Pembroke’s Ar- cadia — . Lond, 1598 Twenty-fifth Day’s Sale. Hijlory^ OCTAVO ET INFRA. lOT J yf544^ ^ OLITY of England (EfTay on the) 1785 ' 04+6*Poncet (Monfieur) Voyage to ^Ethiopia 1709 \5447 Poole (R,> Journey from Holland, 2 vol. plates 1750 ^5^448 Pope’s Supremacy confuted 1682 p 449 Porter Sir James) Obiervations 1771 6 5450 Portugal (fefent Slate of) ^ 5451 Poffevini de fte Mofcovia . Antm), 1587 /y y 545 * Potter (John) Antiquities of Greece, 2 so\,plates . . ' 7^4 5453 Powell (Manfell) Proceedings in Equity againlt ^ *750 y 5454 Pownal (Thomas) of the Britifh Colonies, 2 vol. - 1774 (5455 of the Court of Chancery \5456 — " " «■ ■ Exchequer ^5457 Pratt (Thomas) Gleanings, 4 vol. o 5458 — in England i / 1652 1658 1795 1801 569 5469 Prefidents (Booke of) b»h 5460 Price (John) Myftery of His Majefty's Reftoura- t\on, portrait j68o j;46i Prince (Thomas) New England Annals 1736 5462 — — . (Dan.) Debates in the Commons, 2 vol. 1765 338 5463 5464 54^5 J 3466 • V '' 5467 ; 4 ./S 468 J 6 ' 5*^9 y 5470 HrJlofy,'^0£iSLVO, Prior (Matthew) Mifcellaneoos Works, 2 ?o!. Proceedings in the Houfe of Commons againft Lord Clarendon — — 1700 Protefts of the Lords of Ireland, 1654, to 1770 Protcftants of Holland (Rehcarfal of the ViAory of the) 6 , 1 , — Pruflia (King of) Campaigns 1763 Pfalmanazar (George) Defcription of Formofa *704 ■■■ . en- qniry into the Obje^lions Againft Do* plate 1705 ' i ' *■■■ Eflays, 1753, and Dialo- 5471 y y^ ~ 447* S47J 4 fi 4’4 S 6 5474 /^.5479 J 6 5480 S48« ■J" 548* / - 5483 ^^'5484 ,5485 / 5486 gue between a Japanefeand a Formofan 1707 - ' - (Memoirs of) portrait 1764 Public Charaflers from 1798, to 1805,7 voL Puffendorf’s Hiftory of Europe, by Saycr, a vol. — 1764 Quintus Curtius, tranllated by JohnBremll 1592 — ■ 1614 Rabaud de Su Etienne Revolution of France • 79 * Rabutin (Roger de) Hiftory of the Gault 1725 Rack (Ed.) Eflays — 1781 RadclifFe (William) Introduflion to Univerfal Hiftory — ’ 1787 ■ ' ■ ■ ■ ■ (Anne) Journey thro Holland, 2 vol. •795 Raleigh (Sir Walter) Hiftory of the World 17,02 ■ ■ — Eflays 1650 Ralph (James) Ufe and Abufeof Parliamentt, 2 vol. — 1744 Ramble (a Fortnight’s) to the Laket 1792 179s Ramfay (Chev*) EFay on Civil Government • 73 «^ OAavo, *59 / A > ^487 Rapin’s Hiftofy of England, 21 vol. portraiti^in Rujjta 1 7 ^7 45488 Raynal (Abbe) Hiftory of the Eaft and Weft In- dies, by Juftamond, 8 vol. 178J 5488* Ray (John) Travels thro* the Low Countries, 2 vol. — — 1738 ^^89 Seled R mains, by Scott 1760 5490 RaymondfHen Aug.) Hiftory of Guftavus Kmg of wedcn -- -.-.k 4761 5491 Rayner < J.) Biographical Hiftory of Sir William .5492 ' 5493 B 1 ckftone Reeves (John) Hiftory of Newfoundland on Navigation 1782 1795 1792 1736 1703 1 79* 5494 Review ot Public Buildings, p/a/e/ 549t RegTcides no Saints, nor Martyrs 5496 Regulations of His Majeft/’s Forces y 5497 Remarks upon the Reigns of Several of our Eu- glifh Princes 1^09 ,(549^ — — — on the Manifeftos 1779 / <^<5499 Encroachments of the Thames near Durham Yard 1711 5500 — — Liberty and Neceffity 1765 , 5501 Renaudot (Eufebius) Accounts of India and China — — • t 735 / £ 55 ®* Report of the Lords Committee*s to View the Records — — » 7 » 9 O 5502*Relation of the French King’s Expedition into the Spanifh Netherlands 1669 55®3 that Unfortunate Expedition of Kent, " Effex, and Colchefter — 1650 5504 6 no title 55®5 5506 S 5°7 the EmbafTy of de Chammont late Horrid Rebellion Rome, as to the government / £ 5508 Remembrancer of Excellent Men ZA 55®9 P emarkable Providences, no title o 5510 Report from the Secret Committee / 5511 — of the Commiffioners tor Fees Rerefby (lobn) Memoirs — y 5S‘3 Revolution in Fiance (Letters on the) tb* 1687 1650 1664 1670 1:93 *795 * 7.5 *792= 2^0 Of^aroi SS^ 4 : Ricaut (Sir Paul) Hiftory of the Ottoman Empire ^ . ^86 75:5 Z ^ 55 ^* Robinfon (Thomas) on the Natural Hiftory of Weftmorland and Cumberland 1709 ^ s5*j — ~,r~7 Gavelkind — — 1741 y ^ 5^24 Robfon ( Jofeph) Six Years Refidence in Hud- / . fon's Bay ' — — 1752 e 5525 Rcch (Thomas) on the Abufe of Corporation Government — — 1760 #5p6 Rocque (J.) Traveller’s Affiftant 1763 / if -]55a7 Rogers (Robert) Account of North America C * 7 % ^ 5528 Rohan of the Intereft of Provinces 1641 ^ 5529 Roile tSamuel; on the Burning of London ^ 5 J30 Rolt (Richard) Hiftory or the War, 1739* 4 vol, . • * 7 J 4 Z' 5531 Roman Law (Summary of) 1772 ■ " 11 — Hiftory (DilTertation on the Uncertainty of) ^ ^ i 7 iO Z 5^33 Rome’s Rarities 1684 y 5534 and London Compared 1710 5535 (Alex.) View of all Religions in the World ?'536 — Animadverfions on Sir Walter Ra- leigh y «/ 5537 Ruffian Empire (Anecdotes of the) 1734 / ^ 553 ^ Ruffian Empire (Prefent State of) y- 1539 Ruffe Commonwealth, by G. Fletcher ^ /5540 Ruflia (Pr feht State of) 241 167* 1595 1711 r- 5541 Rtttty (John) of the County of Dublin, 2 vol. ^ 177* j CC42 Rye Houfc Plot f Declaration of the Cotifpiracy ^ \f) - 1686 (5545 Riyfwick (A£ls and Negociations of the Peace * ) of) — — * 1698 ^ |S 544 Sacheverell (William) Account of the Ifle of Man (5544 Sackville (Lord) Trial J 546 Sadeut (James) New Difeovery, or the Southern I World ' — — — 1693 / ^ 5547 Saintfoix Hiftorical Effays upon Paris, 3 vol. i'766 / 5548 Sallnft, by Rowe • 6549 " ‘ ' Maflett JJ550 Salilbury Guide, 1798. New Sarum, 1795* — 175 * — Dublin 1772 Account of Old and Defeription of Stone* 5551 555 * henge Salmon’s Examination of Burnets Own Thnei, 2 vol. — Hiftory of his 1724 Survey of England — 1728 y 5553 Salter (Samuel) Moral and Religious Aphorifms «753 y 1554 Saltoun (Alexander Lord) on the Difqualifica- tion of the Eldeff Scots of the Peers of Scot- land — — 1788 //555s 2d. edit. — — (5556 Savage's Hiftory of Germany, portrait ffiSST 00 Hiftory^^of the Prefent State / /O Commerce of Great Britain 5558 Savile (George) Charafter of Charles II 5559 Savary Letters on Egypt, 2 vol. 5560 Saunders (Robert) on the Poor Laws 5561 Schomberg (Alexander) Hiftoricai and Chronolo- gical View — — Oxford 1784 3362 — (laac) Naval Chronology, 5 vol. 1803 1789 1702 of the 1803 I7SO 1787 1799 «42 0 £lava ^ 55^3 Scott (George) Meo^oirs of Sir James Melvil Edin, 1735 y 1464 ( John) Staggering State of ihe Scott StatefiDcn for O/ie Hundred Years Edinburgh 1754 5565 Scots (The DeiigQ for Colony at Darien 1699 ^566 Scotland (Memoirs of) — ^ 1714 // y / 5567 5568 5469 (Short Account o() by Mofer ifos gilt leavet morocco^ th. y 5571 5^2 5573 5574 SMb The JateExPEDicioN in) made by the Kynges Hyghnys Army, under the condait q£ the ryght hcnorable the Erie of Hertfordeg the Year of our Larde God IC44. b» /. See Note, in which is aid a Copy of this Book fold at Woodhoufe*s fale for bixTEair GuiNFAS. ■ impartial Account of Affairs ip 1705 (Intereft of, confidered 1733 736 J SS76 / S578 — Proceedings in the Parliament of 1704 r Prefent State of r- — ^ >48* — Soveieignty Afferted, by Ridpath . ' *695 Principles of the tjie Law of . Edtnb, 1 764 S.ottllh Regifter for J794 (5579 j>*air.an (Wm.) Reign of Orchan King of the T urks X 5580 Search (Edward' Free Will and Fate / 5581 558* 5583 >795 176J Sewnrd Anecdotes of Diftinguifiied Perfons, j vol, — — r — «?9y ib‘. — (Anna) Memoirs of the Life of Dr. Dar- win ■ 1804 5584 Sharp (Samuel) Letters from Italy 1766 585 Granville on Crown Law — 1773 §|8o Shaw (S.) Tout to the Weft of England 1789 Quarf6. 24$ J o 55^7 Shelvocke (George) Voyage Round the World -^iSSS > ^ 5589 i 5590 ' 7!7 Sheridan (J. R.) Account of the Revolution in Sweden — 178* — (C. F.) Revolution in Sweden ^783 /SS9> / SS 9 * / 5S9i y sf9* y 559S /SS96 ^)S591 4^' 5598 Sherlock (Martin) Letters from an Englifh Tra- veller, 2 vol. ■ — 1802 Shirley (William) on the Commerce of the Kingdom — ■ — 1771 Shower ( |^>hn) Refiefiions on the late Earth- quakes — — i i6g3 Sicily and Malta Prefent State of, 1788 Siege of Antwerpe, no title Vienna, Account of the morocco^ 1688 Sierre Leone Company. Report of, &c, 1794 Simeon (John) Law of Eledtions 1789 Skrine (Henryk Account of the Rivers of Great Britain — ■■ ■ — - igof y / SS99 Slave Trade, for and againft 7 vol. OyARTO. y 5600 Raleigh (Walter) Difeovery of Guiana •596 ^ 56©! Raleigh (Geo.) Albania, or Concernroeut of Gt. ^ , Britanny 1641 560s Randolph t Ber.) State of the lHands in the Archi- pelago Oxford 1687 4 / 5603 Raftall’d Hiftory and Antiquities of Southwell, plates — — 1787 J ^ |i6o4 Rauthmeil (RicK.) Roman Antiquities of Over- borough — — 1 745 ^605 Records (Copies of) in King’s Bench, Weftm, y r 1763 /5606 Regiftrum Regale ■ ' ' E/o», 774 // 5607 Relation of the State of Religion in the World 1605 1641 / 6 5608 RemouRrances, Declarations, &c* *44 5609 > 5610 y 5611 c/ 5612 5613 ^ 5621 / J / / 56*3 56*4 56*3 Reply (P* U's) Reply, to the Perfon of Qyality^f Answer to the Duke of Ormond 664 Report of th^ Proceedings in Error, Harrifon againft Alexander 1768 Richardfon (Robt.) ftate of the Evidence in the Caafe of D. Hamilton, &c. 1769 Ridley (Glo.l Life of Nicholas Ridley 1763 Rimius Memoirs of the Houfe of Brunfwick * 75 d River (Dellgn for a Navigable) from Rickmanf- worth to St. Gyles in the Fields 1641 Robertfon’s (Wm.) Hiftory of Scutland, 2 vol. 1760 Rowe (John) Tragi Comedia or Wonderful Hand of God at Witney — * <^(1 Royal Legacies of King Charles 1 . tp his Persc> Ctttors and Murderers — • 1649 Robinfon (T.) Anatomy of the Englilh Nunnery at Liibon 162a Rowland (Hen.) Antiquities of the lileof An* glefcy, p/atet — 1 7 66 — " (Supplement to) with Memoirs of Owen Glendour »775* Short Account of Holyhead. Depolitions againft Dr. Bowies^ to remedy the grievance of peribns not on* derftanding the Britiih Language, holding Livings in Wales 1773 Ryther (A.) Difeourfe concerning the Spaniih Fleet invading England in 1588,^. /• Salgado (James) defeription of the Market place of Madrid, and the Bull-baiting there 168 Sallufl: on the Confpiracie of Catiline, tranftate by T. Paynell, i./. rujfia — i;4i Scotland (Lertam Matters concerning) Genea* logy of the Kings, &c. *603, ■ - True and New Intelligence from 1679. Hiftory of his Majcfty*s Affairs onder Montrofe 1648 — (Account publilhed by the Affembly of) 1641. Difcoverie of a Plot in Scotland, Inhuman Cruelties by the Rebels, 1679* Quarto. *45 .rf6a7 f6*8 y «6*9 j 63 o S6j> Difcovery of a bloof’y Confplracie at Edin« burg, related by Mr. Pym, 1641, with /or/« rtait^ and 5 other — — Scheme for augmenting the ftiper^d o£ the Clergy of) E^iin. Scots Scouts Discoveries, 2 parts 164a EM », 179S 4 voU 1)46 y/ / / j6j* 5633 1^34 y y> 5^35 5636 637 / 5638 // 6®i!> > / 5649 y 5641 ^4? 364* / d' i6^i j / $644 Scottish Hiftory (Fragment of) SelHon Papers and Dying Speeches to 65 viz. Tryals of London Apprentices for pulling down Bawdy.houfes, 16O8, Trial of feverdl Perfons, 1678. Trial of John Co- xnyn and Chadwick Chambers, 1707. Ditto of perfons for the attenxpt to murder Mrs. Bridget hyde, Confef&on and Execution of 7 Prisoners, 1677. Sherlock (Martin) Letters Sherley ^Sir Anthony) Travels into Perlia, 1615 Shute (John) Two Commentaries, of the Otto- man Empire, and Wars againlt Saiideibeg, S /. ^ — « 561 Simplicitte's Defence againft feven-headed Po- licy ^ 1646 Sinclair (John) Appendix to the Hiflory of the Public Revenue — *789' Sleiden (John) Chronicle, — 1563 Smith (J‘3hn Choir Gaur 1771 Smith h, F.) Account of Mahratta Wit, plata eoloureJ, Calcutta Smollett ^T.) Hiftory of England continued, t vol — — 1 766 Smith (Thomas) de Republica Anglorum, I, 4 *585 " ' 1 - Curtain Difeour'es on the Forms of Weapons, 1590, and Orders Mylitafic M95 Solomon (Temple of) with‘/ 4 x/rr, morocco ziU ftavit — ' — 1724 f 246 ) FOLIO. / J' 5645 Taflb(Trog.) Godfrey ofBnIIogne, tranflate^ by Edward Fairfax, notes, Lond, i6od ^ ^ 5^46 Taylor (John) the Water Poet, all the Workes, front. ^ ^ Lond. 1630 X 5^47 Tillet (Titon) Defcription do Parnaffe Francois, 2 tom, ^ — — ■— — Bari* 1760 5648 Trafts, Political Hamiilato Cesario and 12 other in 1 vol. . 5649 — TickelPs Poem on the Lord Pri- vy Seal, and 14 other, 1 vol. ^ ^>5650 — Thonghts on the Four Laft / Things. Pope*s ElTay on Man. Pope's Cha- racters of Women, 1735* Epiftle to Lord Cobham, 8 rc, // ^6^1 ' Ode on the late SucceiTes at fea, 1745. Advice to Mr. L- n, 1740. Lordt Lamentation, Plaid Hunting, Richmond, &c. > ^652 I II Dodington's Friendly Advice to « Child unborn. EpiiUe from John Moore, and 18 other in 1 vol. / / Z/ 6// ^ Z- f' ^ ft. c - Twenty-fixth Day's Sale.’ jV. >. e Hifiory. OCTAVO ET INFRA. /I.OT 65653 QMEATON (John) Report on RamPgato . ^ Harbour '■■ m ■— *792 / 65654 ^ # 4 * ■d.^. Hifloryl^OdLViQ • »47 /- S® 5 S - 5656 $657 / / 5658 / /S*S 9 /// 6 5660 Smellic (William) Lives of John Greogry David Hume, &c. Smith (Alex.) Lives of the moft noted Bayliffs *723 ■ (Wm.) Annals of Univerfity College, 1728 — Natural Hiflory of Nevis, Camb, 174 ^ — (Charles) State of Kerry Dublin 1756 ^ . Cork 2 vol. 1750 I I ■— — i — . Waterford/^, 1746 / - / / 5670 I 567* / d 5‘73 (Thos. on the Turks — iCyg (Sir Thos.) the Commonwealth of Eng- land Smollett (Tobias) Travels thro’ France & Italy, 2 voL — 1766 Snelgrave (William) Account of Guinea 1734 Soldier's Journal — 1770 Solicitors Pradtice in Chancery — 1758 — 1775 Somner (William) of the Roman Forts Oxford 1695 lb, Sor bier’s Voyage into EngIand(Ob5ervations on) 1665 " Solis r Anthony) Conquest of Mexico, 2 vol, plaits ■ — *738 y -5674 Sou fa Man) Hiftoryof India, 3 tom. 169^ Southey Robert) Letters on Spain and Portugal / •t 3675 5676 ■^5677 ^/ 568 o *799 Soutboufe (Thomas) oft he Monaflery of Faver- ftiam 1671 Spain (Account (T) — 17©^ Papers Relative to the Rupture of 176^ Enquiry into the War of — 1712 Spalding (John) Troubles in Scotland, 2 vol, 792 1769 5681 Spaniards Conrpiracy of againll Venice *48 I /568j' (568, ‘’7^684 /i5685 ' ,5686 ,5687 / |S688 (5689 /• |5690 (5691 /(569J *7*4 ■ " ■ ■ " (Charles Earl) the Rights of Juries 179a Stanyan (Temple) Grecian Hiftory* a toI, 1751 Account of Stvitzerlandi7i4 >794 1730 171a »757 1746 »77J 571 * State Papers, Colleflion of State Priibners, dying fpeeches of Papers — Statute Law of Scotland ^ — relating to High Treafon Stavely ( Thos.) on Churches ■■ ■ Stebbing (Shaw) Tour 101787 to the W.If* lands Steele (Sir R.) Hillory of Late Years 1714 Stephens (John; Hiftory of Perfia lyig Stewart (Gilbert) on the £ngli(h Conflitution 1770 — — Critical Obfervations on Buildings * 77 * S^ockdale (John) Parliamentary Guide 1784 Stone (John; on Bankrupts — >695 Stow (John) Chronicles, b, /. imperfeS Strange (Sir John) Cafes relating to Evidence, *754 Sutherland (J.) Letter to the Electors of Great Britain 1791 Soworrow (Alex.) Campaigns, s voL 1799 Symes (Michael) EmbolTy to Ava, 3 voL with atias — 180* Symmons Reftituius - 1693 Hijioty.—O&ivo. *49 /^57i4 3 Sympfon (William) Voyage to the Eaft Indies ... (David) Account of the Name of Stuart 1712 5715 Tacitus, tranflated by Aikin — 1777 5716 Talbot (Sir R.) Letters, 2 vol. — 1771 5717 Talma (J,; on the French Revolution 5718 Tangier, Prefent State of _ 7x9 TauJbman (Nath.) Memoirs of the Fleets in 1708-1709 17*0 / Taylor and SWnner*s Maps of the Roads of Ire- land . — ^ 1777 / 5721 " tr ■■■■'■■ (John) Travels, 3 vol. — 1761“ /5722 Temple (Launcelot) Ramble thro* France and Italy — ^ 1771 95723 Tench (Major) Letters in France 1796 5724 Terry (Edward) Voyage to the Eaft lodias 1655 / Thickneffe (Philip) a Years’s Journey thro’ the , Netherlands, 2 vol. 1 786 / 51 ^^ ■■ on the French Nation 1766 //) A S 1^7 — — Memoirs and Anecdotes, 2 vol. — — 1788 0 - 57 ^® Thomas (Pafcoe) Voyage to the South Sea* / -5729 Thomfon (Henry) Intrigues of a Nabob 1780 ^ -^730 — — (Edward) Sailors Letters, 2 vol. 1767 ^^ 573 * — — ( Thomas) Account of 2 Miffionary Voyages, — - 1750 ^732 Thorclby (Ralph) Hiftory ot the Church of Leedes, plates 1724 Z 5733 Thoughts on Executive Juftice ^ 1785 5/34 Throfby (J.) Memoirs of the Town and County y ol Leiceder, 3 vol. 1777 ‘ /J .5735 Thucydides by Will Smith, 2 vol. 1781 / 5736 Thynn (Fran ) Concerning AmbalTadors 1683 ’ 5737 Todd (Henry John) Account of the Deans of ^ Canterbury — — •— 1793 , 3573^ Toland i John) Anglia Libera 1701 ^^5739 Mifcellaneous Works 1747 Hiftory— Odavo. Tolcndal (Comte de Strafford) , ; Tooke's Account of Ruffia, 4 vols Topographef, 4 vol flaitt — ^ Topographical Letters — Torr (James) Antiquitiefe Of York Tour through Ireland - Great Britain* 4 vol. -- to the Caves - of Holland — - in Teefdale — France and Flanders Cheltenham 1780 *789 1757 17* *9 1746 1760 1769 1781 1772 1804 1780 1783 <794 T owers (Jofeph) Trails, j Vol. Tradls, A moil Curious ColUSion of, viz. Ad- vice to Parliament imf>r» at Savoy 1545. A Letter written by the King of Na- varre to the French King 1585. A true Re- port of Three ftrange Wells lately found at Ueunbam RegtSy in. the Coiintie of Warwicke, *579* ‘A® Example oiGod^s Judgment on two Children born in high Dutch Lands in the Citie of Lutt/ioloff, tranflated by Cornelius Pet, h, /. cuts, A detedion of dammable Driftes praftifcd by three Witches at Chelmis- forde^ t» /. 1 1;79. Fadls of Witchcrafts ap- proved on Margaret Haskett , of StanmorSt b, /. 1585. A Propbesie uttered by the daughter of an honed Countryman called Adam Krause, b, L 1580. Antwerpes Unitye, b, U 1579* George Buchannan, aga'ind Mary Queen of Scots ajid Earl BothwelT, b. /, The Second Part of the painefufl Jorney of the poors Pilgrim into Ada, and the drange won- ders that he faw, b. 1 . 1579. A P leo/ant Dia- logue between a Lady called Lifter and a Pil- grim, b, /. 1 579. A True Report of the gteat towne and Cadele of Polotzko, by the King of Polonia, b^ 1 . A true Report of the general Imbarrefments of all the Englidi i^i ihippes, 158^. A Prayfe 2iXi^keport of Maifiet Marty ne Ferboifheri Voyage to Terra Incognito by Thomas Church yards, b, /. I578« A true Reporte of the laft Voyage into the Weft, by Captain Frobiftsers, b. /. 1577* The moft true Reporte of James Fitz, Maurice Death, by • Thomas Church-yarde, b, /. Reply tp Ste- phen Gqflbn’s School of Abufe, b, /. 3 fmall irol. j 8 mo, / ^ ^ 5755 Trails, The Hart of Sedition^by Sir John Cheeke b.l, I ^6g» A difcourfe of the adfault of the Prince of Orange, b. 1. 1582. Life of Jafpei Colignie, Admiral of France, bJ, Dircftion for the ftudy of the Law 1620. Bird’s Magazine of Honour 1642. Sit John Davies on Tonnage, Poundage, &c. 1656 — Memorials of Thomas Lord Fairfax 1699 May’s Breviary of the Hillory of the Parlia- ment 1680. on Patronage — — Edin, 1770 —— A Letter to Sir 1 , B. |>y Mr. Benfon* Titles of Honour by Simon Seager, &c, — Some Reflexions on the Adminiftratioh oi Government, by Lord Paget 1740, and 5 other on the fame fubjeX, by Tho, Barnett, Owen Ruffhead, &c. / 5761 - — Memorials between the Czar and Geo. I. 1720. Letters and Memorials which pafl'ed between the Courts of Great Britain, France and pain, 1727, &c« 5762 Laurence on Eftates opon Lives & Years,^ whether in Lay or Church-hands, 1730. Newton’s Tables for renewing and purcha- fiqg Xfeafes, 1735^ and ,8 other on College Leafes, &c, by Hen, Gaily, Dr. Colbatch, Roger Long, &c. 57^3 — Four relative to Captain Inglefield, and his Narrative of the Lois of the Centaur / . 5756 / 5757 -5758 3759 ^760 *s* 5764 / 5765 r:. 5766 J'/s767 5768 ^ / 5769 // / S770 6- 577* 4 577* Aim Hiftory.— Oflavo. Trails, Cafe of the Hanover Forces, by Lord Chefterfield 1745. Mifcellaneous Thoughts by Lord Hervey, and 6 other, ■ — — General Hiftory of all the Rebelli- ons in England 1717. Some Account of the two night's court at Greenwich 1716. Colleftions of original Letters relat- ing to the Rebellions 1715 ————Four on the Difpute between the Eng- lilh and Irifh House of Lords,on the extent of Judicature, 1720, &c. —— — J. Gardner’s Tour to Manheim 1791. T. F, Hill’s Journey from Spa to Paris in 1791. Twifs’s trip to Paris in July and Au- gull 1792 ■■ — four on Vefuvius, by Sir Wm. Hamilton Fordyce, Abbe Wincklesman, &c, Five on Botany Bay, by Capt. Tench, Geo, Thompfon,&c. »!■-> — Seven on Rebellion, viz. Account of the Behaviour of Simon Lord Lovat 1747. Forfter’s Account of Lord Kilmar- nock 1746. Dying declarations of Lord Balmerino, &c. Gabriel Thomas, Hiftorical and Geo- graphical Account of the province of Pen- fylvania 1968, French and Indian cruelty, in the Life of Peter Williamfon Gl(^. 1758 -A— Rife and prefent State of the Inquili- tions 1730, Hiftory of the fucceffion to the Ccnintries of Juliers and Berg 1738. Hif- tory of the Revolutions in Perfia 1727. Rouifet on the Sea or Pile Worms, plates, 1733. Cafeof Mifs Cadiere 1732, &c. ,1,1.. — Rouffet’s Hiftorical Account of the great Revolution in Holland, in 1747. Authentic Hiftory of the late Revolution at Amfter- dam, 1748* m 5774 Trafts, HI (lory of the Confpiracy againft King William, by Sir Richard Blackmore 1723. Memorials of _ State Affairs during the latter end of the reign of King William 1730. N.B. This laft is a very fcarce pamphlet. — Six relative to Warburton and Louth 5775 5776 5777 / .r 5778 - ■5779 • ^780 • -5781 . f 5781 2 / 578 $ y 5774 /S775 / O/’/ 176567. — Nine on the Game Laws 1753-84 Plain Account of the Tranfaftions between Captain Roche and Lieut. Fergu- fon 1775. Cafe of Nicholas Migert, 1776, &c. Four on the German war, by Horace Walpole 1 760-6 !• — Vue fur la Juffice Criminelle par Let- roone Paris 17 77# Plan de Legiflation, Amji, 1779 Parliamentary, and Political by Sir Robt. Atkins 1 741* — — Life of Dean Lynch 1748* Suffer- ings aud Death of Henry Roberts, Dublin 1748.' Memoirs of an Inquiiition begun at Exeter 1743, and continued to 1745, England, 174^* See note, in which the above is ffated as a fcarce and curious colledlion of Scandal, — • Relative to the Public Accoutns of the Kingdom 171 1, &c. — Nine Relative to Ld. Sackville 1760 &c. ’ — Letters from Lord Shaftefbury to Robt. Molefworth 1721. Ditto to aYoung manat the Univerfity 1761 — Three Letters to the People of Ireland on Tythes 1758. Precedency of Peers of Ire. land in England lybr. Caldwell on the Queftion whether Papifts Ihould be enabled to take real fecurities for money which they may lend 1764, &c. VC... m J7»« 5787 ^ 578* 5789 / / 579° , - 579‘ /<'■ 579* J 5796 / 5797 S / 5758 HiJlory^^^^2L\o» Trafts# Life of General Dumourier* 1791*-^ Anecdotes of General Pichegm. Life of Abbe Sieyes, 1795 — (Fifteen) on Libels 1764-71 Addifon’s Present Hate of the Jews, 1675. Ditto Weft Barbary, 1671. Ockley South- Weft Barbary, J713 — - — on the Poor Laws, by Burn, North, ^cc• in 3 vol. Conftitutional viz. Trial of the Dean of St. Araph,&c. 17^3*4 Wood on the Study of the Laws of England, 1727. Sadler on Parilh Fees, 1742. Carriers Guide and Companion, 1760, The Coroners Guide, 175^* Bohun’s Tithing Ta* ^ 735 * Collet on the Laws of England, * 754 > * — (Four) relative to the Duke of Port- land, and Sir James Louther 176S — (Eight) on Earthquakes, by Dr, Stukc- ley, Zachary Grey, Stephen )Hales, John Flamftead, &c. — " ■ Geographical Defeription of the Coafts, &c. of the Spanifti Weft Indies, 1740. Poin» ti’s Account of Carthgena, 1740 — Verfes on the Death of D. Swift, 1741. Cyder, a Poem 1708. Homer Traveftie, 1720 Cymbalum Mundi, 1712. Hiftory of bagun- tum, 1727. No Fool like the Old Fool, i73i* Genealogical Eifay on the Family of the Hams, 1780, &c. — ' Copies of Buonaparte’s Letters, in 5 parts — 1798-1801 ■ ■ — Letter to Two Great Men. Burke’s Remarks on Ditto, Franklin’s Intereft of Great Britain Confidered, 1760. Minifteiial Uf^urpation Difplayed, by Rufthead, 1760, &c. ders Political, viz. Declaration, (Fifteen) The 1755, &c. Preten- Hiftoi7*^P£Uvor 255 //^ / 5799 Tfadls, Thoughts on Money» Circulation and Paper Currency, Edinburgh 1758. Pitcairn on the Scots Fiiheries, i 785» Cooper on the Slave Trade, 1787, &c, jgoo — : Relation of the peath of David Rizzi, 1699. MifcellanebiK Remarks on Tytlers En- q'^iry, 1784^ Sonnet fuppofed to have been written, by Mary Queen of Scots to the Earl of Bothwell, 1790, «8rc. ' ^ 5801 Tour through Holland and Flanders, by Cayley, Short Ramble through France,. and Italy, by Dr, Armftrong. Relation of a Voy- age toBuenos Ayres, 1716, &c. — — New Bath Guide, Defeription de L*Ho- tel de Ville D’Amftcrdani — Violet on Gold and Silver Coin, 1650. Whateley on Trade in General, 1769 « Relative to the Scots Settlement at Da- Edin* 1699 5?04 i 580s c?- 5805 ^5806' ^ ' \ ^807 580? 5809 nen — Condamlne Journal of a Tour in Italy, 1763* Somis's Hiilorical Narrative of the De- liverance of Three Women who were Buried 37 Days in the Snow, 1765 i— — Mercurius Rufticus, 1647. Querela Can- tabrigienfis, 1647 — (Three) by Ben Robins, viz. Narrative of what paffed in the Common Hall for the Eledlion of Lord Mayor, 1739, &:c. — ' Fowler's Account of the Calamities, by Hurricanes and Earthquakes in the Weft India IHands I781. Account of the Lofsof the Deal Caftle, I 787 by Thomas Efikine, Reflexions on Ga- ming, 1778, &c — JrWin's Enquiry into the Feafibiirty of the fuppofed Expedition of Buonaparte to tiie Eaft, 1798, Buonaparte in Egyyt. Morier's Memoir of a Campaign with the Ottoman vJ?, ^ - 256 Army in Egypt, i8oi. Importincc of Malti, by Geo. Orr. 1803. &c. ^ 5810 Trafts, Swift’s Advantages by Repealing the Teft. 1732. Ellis Practical Farmer, 1732. Effay on Inclofmg Commons, 1732. City Cries, 173s. Humours of the Court, 1732, &c. ^gji Letter to the People of Great Britain I from the Delegates of the American Con* ^ ^ grefs, 1774, 8cc, IS I* ■— (12) Political ^ ^813 — (10) Ditto ^ c8i 4 .■■■■ - - (10) on Slavery and the Slave Trade ^ 1764-73 ^ ^8iy II ■— Haywood (Mrs.) Life of Mary Queen of Scots, 1725. Letters of Ditto to the Earl of Bothwell, 1726. Lord Molefworth's Nar* lative Count Patkul, 1717, QUARTO. 5816 Sommers (Lord) abridged ,5817 / / / * 79^1 with (Life of (by Cookfey, hol^, MS, Account of Ditto, by Mr. / 5818 Rcedi and Four Original LetUrt relative to the fame, by Thomat Warton (Argument of Lord) In the Bankers Cafe — — — *733 5819 Somner (William) on Gavelkind, with his Life, by White Kennett 1726 5820 Spanilh Pra£li(es (Difeoverie of) 1682 5821 Speculum Crape Gounorum — i68z 5821 Spencer (Thomas) Relation of the Expedition Againft the French in the Caribby lilands 1691 ‘Quar to. asr Z ^58^3 Spencer (John) Difcourfe of Petitions Delivered S into the Hands of King James and Charles ♦ i66i N. B. by miilake of Printer dated ^ >461 ✓' 5824. Speeches &c. ofjohn Barkifead, John Gkey, and Miles Coibet, when Executed l66^ //;> 5825 — _ (Five) Spoken to His MajeiHe Returning out of Scotland' •— 1641 5826 Statutes (Buffhead) Appendix to the Z ^^827 of the Order of the Bath ' 1744 *~r 5828 Staunton (Sir George) Account of Lord Macart*^ ney’s Embaffy to China, 2 vol. large paper, , ' boards, 'w\\h. \o\, oiplatet fine imprejjiont • r ' 1797 >*65829 Staunford (Sir William} on the King’s Preroga- ^ ' tive — f— 5830 Strahlenberg (John) Hiftory of Siberia, plaies ^ 1738 d 5331 Story (George) Wars in Ireland 1693 7^5832 Stuart (Gilbert) on the Reformation in Scotland . ' . *780 / ^^5833 (Andrew) Letters to Lord Mansfield *3.. 1773 5 ^ 3 f (James) Pifturefque Tour through part of Europe, Afia, and Africa, 1793 // 5835 Stubb’s Juftificationof War in the Netherlands, fu/i — — . — 1672 » 5836 Succelfion (Broken) of the Crown of England ^ Sutcliffe, Againft Parfons, or a Defence of Queen ( . Elizabeth, &c. — •— 1604 ^ ^ 5838 — (Mathew) Pradice and Lawesof Arms b . /. ' 1^93 ' Swedifh Intelligencer 163^ Swinden (Henry) Hiflory of Great Yarmouth ‘ , Nornvich 1 772 y ; 5841 Sydney (Algernon) on Government, ntjjia mar* / bit leases HolHs edit, 1763 6 5^4* Talbot (John) (Robbery and Murder of) 1^69 / L 1 .Quarto* 4 5843 Tarbat (George Vifcoant) Vindication of Ro- bert 111 . Kihg of Scotland, Tfierocco tiltieaves / ^695 // 584.4 Tarleton’s Campaigns in America 1780-81 ( 5^45 TatifchefF (Michael) New Code ol Laws for the ) Ruffian Empire — i^68 y'M /'/ 584 5846 Taylor (Johni Elemenrs of Civil Law Cambridge J ^8-8 5^49 sSto (Silas} on Gavelkind 665 ib* 1713 / •738 ick^ Temple ( 4 .ir John ) Irilh Rebellion Thomas (Wm ) Hiftorie of Italie, b, i. rujjia *549 58^1 Thompfon (George) Defcription of the Efcurial* plaie^t MS* letters to Mr. DodJlej^ relative to rhe Book — i7§o 58;^* i imm,e ( Thomas) Commentaries of the Civil Wfirres of France, 3 parts, b* L '*574 Tindal (bir John) Relation of the Murder of, ftonrijpitee — 1766 ^ ^854 Tovey V Hiftory of the Inns in England Oxford // 585s Tradts relative to Prynrte, Burton, and Baftwh VIZ. Archbilhop Laud’s Speech in the Star Chamber, 14th. of Jure 1633, only ^opiet printed* Briefe relation of PalTages and Spee- ches in the Starre printed abroad, .1638. Life of Henry Burton, 1643, in 1 vol. 4 / viz. True relation of the Fadlion at Wtffiich, by Fa. Edmonds, -alias Wefton, a Jefuite, 149^5, and other tradls relative to the Jefuits, 1610, in 1 vol. Robert Paterfon on the Greatnefs of Cities, »6o6. Contareno’s Commonwealth of Venice, i f 1^9 ^ 5858 De Jure Regni apud Scotos, and Defence of Liberty againft Tyrants, 1689, 1 yol. \ F Fblio# *59 J / 5859' Tcafts, viz. AHarme to Englande, by Barnabe Riche, 1578. Digges Stratiocos, 1590. Di Graifi his True Arte, of Defence," with Dedication by Churchyard, i vo). ’ 594 - Bridge of Romaa Hiftories, 1608. 4 5S60 ^5161 Beginning, Continuance and Decay of Efta« tes, by De Luting, 1606. The Travailer, by Thomas Palmer, ^606, i vol. Digitus Dei, exemplified in the Life | s 862 and Death of James Duke of Hamilton^ 1649,^ * Briefe Defcription of the Whole World, 1617. Relations of the moR Famous Kiogdomsj 1630, 1 vol. / 4 Modern Demagogue, Modefty, and Honefiy* Letter from General Ludlov^r, 1691. Sam. Butler’s Plagiary expofed, 1691. Vindica* tion and Defence of King Charles I, 1697, &c. in I vol. _ 5864 ■-* Survey of the Kingdome of Sweden, por»cut^ 1632. New Star of the North, 1632 and Two Famous Battels o/Lyphcb, andLut- zcDj by Rulleli,i634 FOLIO. J ^ 6^45 Tracis, Poetical ManfelPs Poein on the Coron-» ation of King James II, and one other fingle Single ihects Ballads, &c. J A? , '^'/O 5867 / 5869 nnQod cuts Jomt curious — — Di to in ’Portfolio by and relative to Alexander Pope a6o Uijioty ^ — Foliei i /: 1^8^ Trails Poetical. Gideon on the Redoration of I ^ Ifrael. Epigrams in Diftich, 1740. PoctU cal Novels, 1705. Mawell's Poems, 1681 ' — — — Sir John Harington’s Wittie Epigrams, 1633. Dryden’s Tears of the Bri- tiih Mufes ' ■ 1700 — " ■ Thomas Redivus, or life of Th'omas- Thumb — 1726 Caledoniaj a Poem 1706 /a 5871 587* 5873 Theatrical, Killigrew’s Siege of • • Ur bin, TV. Cm. 1666, Green Room laid open, 1767, and feveral other 5874 Carmina ad Thoinam Holies ,s\ A’ - ' 75 * ^ [5874 — — Horace, ift. ode of, by Orrery, 1741. An Imitation of Horace, 1739. Are //•' /- ■587^3^ 5877 - thele things fo, 'i740. Yes they are, 1740 Stag chace, 1739, &c. — Life of Swift, and a parcel of fingle Andey’s Eleilion Ball, and a parcel Ditto / yj ^5878 Virgil, tranllated by Gawin Douglas, Edin% 171O ' X - with his Life, by T. Ruddiman y 6 5879 Withers (George)' Emblems, titU ', 1,1 z . - 4 , fo. - Jt . // • ^ 4 . / / * ^ J. /f % ' c. fy-c c . y. ' /f . ft. c 7 - - ( } . fe ■ - '/y. i/'*' 4. y -/.y in END OF THE TWENTYFIFTH DAV’s sAI.E< /ilf'. ft,. Twenty-festk Day*s Sale.' Hiftory. OCTAVO ET INFRA. LOT /5880 nr EACTS, Jurifdiftion of the Chancery 1736. Stock Holders Lawyer, &c. / .ggi Hiftorical, by Sir John Davies Dublin I'jS'j ^ ^ c88» Commodore Byron’s Narrative of the Lofs of the Wager, 1768. Sequel to Bulkeley ahd Cummins Voyage, by Alex. Campbell, 1747. Narrative of the Dangers and Diftrcffes of Ifaac Morris, and Seven other of the Crew of the Wager N B. See Note in which the 2 laft are faid to be very fcarce P / 5883 Account of the Kingdom of Pegu, by Hunter, 1789. Narrative of a Shipwreck on the ideof Cape Breton, by S. W Prenteis 1783, Ditto of the Lofs of che Halfewcll , 1786 / / J884 — Mydery of the Good old Caufe, br feflv unfolved, t66a. a very turious and Jcarct trai^t at logue of the Lords, Knights &c. who have Compounded for their Eftates, 1651;. A New Catalogue of D^kes, Mar- qoifles, See, it6^. Catalogue of the Nobility fince the Keftoration, 165S j. /-• / , , 4 26 i fl^ofy.-^Odavo. 4 ^ 5885 Tfa£ls, Inquiry into the Manner of Creating Peers, 1719* Animadveriions on DittOj • 1724. Oifcourfe on Treafons, &c, /5885 Condud of the Alies, and of the late ' Miniftry, 17 ii. Propofal for Correding, Improving, &c. the Englifli Tongue, 1712* &c. — Defcriptlon^of fTSl^kftone, 1784, Poc. ketVade Mecuii|^;2^rQ^b Monmouthihire, plate, 1785 7 5888 ■ Difcourfe on the Bookland, and Folk- land of the Saxons, 1775. Three Differta- tions on the Folklande and Booklande of the Saxons, with Notes, by Ibbetfon 1782 ■-P 5889 Narrative of the Shipwreck of the Nottingham Galley, by John, Deane, 1726, and 8 other on the fame fubjed y 5890 - — ■ The Works of William Thomas, 1774- New Lights thrown on the Hiftory of Mary Qneen of England, 177; y / 5891 ■ 1 " ^— Military Difcourie, by Wtiford. Mant, on theufe of defenkve Arms, 1770. Hale*6 Letter to the People of England, 1781. Poli- tical and Military Rhapfody on the Invafion and Defence of Great Briuin and Ireland, / / ,894 / 5895 / / 5*96 / / -S ,?99 1790, &c. — — Political, by Lord Boliiig 1 {xroke 1748 — Hiftorical, by Burchett, Calamy, Cock- burn, &o. relative to the Bavarian Controverfy, z vol, — (Thirteen) relative to the Militia 1745-62 — — (curious, coltedioD of) on the Rebellion in 1715, with MS. by Mr. Reed — (Eight) Political, by White, Kennet. Carbery, ^4C. — ^ (Seventeen) Law, by Yorkc, Kelham, Simpfon, Perry. &c. 2 vol. 1744 ^6 (Four) on Libels, by Towers, Bowles, Earl Stanhope OftavG. 263 /tr 1900 Trafis, (Seven) on Preffing Seamen, by Butler, &c. (Four) relative to Scotland, viz. Dai- ry no.pie on Entail, 1764. Law ot Ditto 5^01 /590* /S90i / 5904 . 39 °i ^ / 5906 H 5907 1765, Sec, Calamy’s Letter to Echard on his own Hi dory of England 171S. Grey’s Defence* of Antient and Modern Hiftorians, 1725* Remarks on Burnet’s Hiftory ofhis otvn Time, &c. Abftra^ of Sir Ifaac Newton’s Chrono- logy, 1752. Introduftion to the Hiftory anfl Antiquities of Scotland, 1761) Henderfon on the Royal Line and firft Settlers of Scot« land, 1717 — Memoirs of Cardinal Fleury, Sec, *705-4 — • Fothergill on the intended School at Ackwordi in Yorkftiire, 1779. Gilbert’s Plan of Police, 1776 — — Life of Robert Cary Earl of Monmouth 1759. Haniimbhd’s Letters, 1764. Sa- vile’s Charafter of King Charles II. ^ 750 — — The Antidote, or Enquiry into the / ? ^ Merits of D’ Auteroche’s Journey; into Sibe. ria, 177a. Wraxall’s Tour through Europe,^ 1775 5qo8— — relative to Frederick III. King of Pruffia, 1738, &c. 5QO9 Life of Dr. Samuel Clarke, by Whifton 1748. Efogc of Boerhaave, and Difcourfe on Biography, front, 1749. Patching’s 4 Topographical Letters, 1757. LifeofTho. Chubb, 1747, &:c. jg,o (3) relative to Ireland, by Walter Harris ' and Charles Lucas, 1749 ^3 3911 Tour in Ireland in 177?. Hibernica Curiofa, platet 5qi2 ' ' Proceedings of the Commons in Ireland &c. 1744. 3913 Trip to Kilkenny, 1778. Month’s Tour ill North Wales, Dublin and its Environs, 1781 264 Hijorymm Oi^avOi ^ 59*4 Trafts, relative to the French Revolution, by Price, Burke, Mickintofh, Priellley, Rous« ^ in 3 vol, 1789, &c. relative to Do. and the Deportations to Guiana, 2 vol. 1800 {4) on France, by Corbyn Morris, Hor-* Hey, &c. . — . 1742-4 — “ (4) o** 1 ^ 0 * Tho. Frankz, 173$. Do* 59 J 5 5916 ^ / f5i97 ■ — JefFerys,&c. ;eoi8 — — on Do. byLouvet, Bri{rot,and Defmou- lins / ^ 59*9 relative to the African Trade 1746-78 2 / 5920 (3) Ditto to America, viz. Sir Hen. • Clinton's Narrative, Reply to Ditto, &c. *783 (6) on America, viz. Journal of Majo£ George Waihington.- Clarke’s Obfervations on the Coiled u6t of the French, 175J, &c. ■ Importance of Gaining Friendfhip, of the Indians, 1752, 0 (j 5921 5922 ' State of Penfylvania, 1755, ice. , 5925' — ^ Raynal on the Revolution of America, Pbiladelpbia 1728. Paine’s Letter to Ditto, 1742. Adams on theDifpute with America, 1784. &c. ^gg24 — Importance of the Britilh Plantations in America, to this Kingdom, 1731. Account of the Provinces of South Carolina and Geor- gia, 732^ Cafe of the Planters of Tobacco in Virginia, 1733. Enquiry into the Methods to Retrieve the Sugar Trade, 1733. State of the Sugar Planters of Barbadoes and Le- ' ward Jflands, 1732, &c. 5925 — Coxe's Delcription of Carolina, mapi 1741. Voyage to Georgia, (737. Ditto, by Francis More, 1744. Defeription of South Carolina, 1761, &c. y 5^26 — — - Travels through the Middle Setlements in North America, by Burnaby, 1775; moirs of Lieutenant Henry Timberlake, ^ /f 6 , 59*7 ,'S 9*8 o 59*9 ^ 5950 S 93 ' / 593 * J -5933 . / 5934 / 5935 ^/5936 b 5937 y 5938 . / 5939 Hiftorf%^O^zso* 26J 176^* Some Account of the North Ameri- can Indians. Bartram's Obfervations, 1751 &c. Trails, Poems chiefly written in the Weft Indies Kingfton 1792, Bryan Edwards on the Slave Trade, 1789 ^ ■ « Condaihine’s Abridgement of a Voyage made in the Inland Barts of South America 1747. Prefent State of Lquifiana 1744 — — on the AlTiento and other Affairs of Ja- maica, 1716, Memorial of the Council of Do. 1716, &c. Tobago, or a Geographical Defcription, Natural and Civil liiftory. Account of the Prefent Flourifliing State of the Colony of Tobago, 1774 (Nine) relative to the Weft Indies, viz. The Privileges of thelfland of Jamaica vin- dicated, 1766. ^Thoughts on the Trade to the Weft India Iflands, by Brian Edwards 1789, &c. (Eight) relative to Sugars and Rum, 1783, &c. Tracts, fitigle. a large and cnrbus colle^Ion of Political and Mifcellancous^ from 1698 to 1796, Chronologically arranged, by Mr, Reed, 770 in number (Fifteen) relative to the Rioti at Birmingham 1,1. (Eight) ditto to Burke and Haf- tings ■ ■ ^ — (Twenty-four) ditto to the Po- lice - ' ' Fielding on the Increafe of Rob- bers, 1751. Welch on the Office of Confta- ble, 1758. Leroux on Prifons, and Four other (Seventeen) on the Poor, and Poor Laws — " — (Ten) by David Williams. Ef- fays on Public Worftiip, &c. M m 266 594-0 1 / 5941 ,/ o 594 ? //; 5943 ;; 5944 5645 / , 5946 -t 5947 / 59+8 59+9 J 5950 .J 595 * -// 595 ® O£lav 0 . Trafls; Angle. (Nine) by Horne Tooke, Herbert, Crott, and Cartwright, relative to the Prince’s Debts, Regency, &c. — — — (Nine) Philip Withers, Philo Theodofius, &c, ^790 (Seventeen) by Dr. Price, ElTay on the Population of England — 1780 'Ten) by Henry Fielding, The Plain Truth, 1741, &c. - — (Eighteen) relative to the Poor, by Applegarth, Howlet, JLe Brocq, &c. State Anatomy of Great Britain, and 54 Political Confidcrations on the Eleftions for Weftminfter and Middlefex, 1802, and 31 other Linde’s 3 Letters to Dr, Price, 776, and 26 other Patton on the Bafis of Freedom, Edin, 1793* and 66 other — - — Effay on Government, 1751, and 79 other - Colleftion the Laws of England 1754 and 39 other — — (Twenty-fix) by and Againft Ed. Burke A few Days in Paris 1802, and Price on Civil Liberty 1776, and Tucker’s 4 Letters on National fubjedls 1783, and 31 other — Grelljer’s Terms of the Loans 57 other 28 other 1799, and 38 other ^ — — Nairativc of the Events of the fiege of Lyons 1794, and 52 other — — . Du Pan’s Dangers which threat** cn Europe, and 48 other Parliaitentary Portraits 1795, & 73 other Baker on the Cuftoms and Maq* ners of the T urks 1 796, and 3 1 other tliJierji—O&ivo, * 6 ? J ^960 Tracis, lingle. Price on the Population of Eng- land 1780, and 24 other Liberty 1793, and 33 other - 54 other j59®3 ■ ^5964 - the People 1756, &c. — (4) by Miles, condudl towards Great Britain examined, 17939 &c. tianway, &c. 0 "■ / / 5967 - cq68 — cide Peace 1796, and 5 other (11) relative to Thonias Paine if j y w w / j" 5969 - / 5970 - Public Debts, for relief of the South Sea Company, and 51 other Lord, by Diogenes 1805, and 29 other Houfe of Commons 1794 and 29 other Geo. In. i79>> and 26 other 597 * 5973 5974 v /‘6 5975 /> 5976 5977 5978 5979 / 5980 —— 1,0ft on the cfFeft of a diflblution of Parliament 1791, and 37 other — — — - — Price on the defence of Property 1797, and 85 other — — Henderfon’s Letter to Samuel Johnson, and 71 other JohnfoiPs Falfe Alarm 1770, & 50 other Subftance of the fpeeches of Ld. Auckland 1800, and 49 other “ — ~ Wales on the Population of Eng- land and Wales 1781, and 26 other ~ Obfervations on the high price of Corn 1795 and 35 other Trial of Waddington, 1800, and a I other Humours of the Old Bailey, and y' „ / 30 other 268 /:> 59®* -- /, 59®* ) 5983 y , ./ 5984 t 5985 y ^ 5986 A 5987 6 5988 5989 / // / 5990 y/ 599* Trails, fmglc, Reid on the Rife and DiiTolutioii of the Infidel Societies 1 800 and 40 other . Hill on the means ofreforming the Morals of the Poor 1801, and 42 other Trails, Biographical, viz. Life of Sir Thomas Deveil 1748. Life of James Nailer 1719- Life of Dr. Swift. Memoirs of John Mur» ray . Life of Duncan Forbes 1748. Memoirs of Baron Trenck 1747 Life of Dr. Dodd 1777- Ditto of Richard Scrop ^722. Ditto of Dr. Nathan Alcock 1780. Ditto of John Shower, 1716. Ditto of George Berkeley 1776. Ditto of John Roberts 1746, and 3 other Life of Griffith Jones 176a Ditto of Henry Grace 1764. A. B. C. Dario Mufico 1780, and 6 other ■ ' — ' Life of Jeb, by Bluet 1734. Ditto of Anthony Wro# Boehm i735* Ditto of Dr. Burnet 1715. Ditto of Bifhop Sprat 17 1 Ditto of Sir Ifaac Newton 1728, and 6 other — — Life of John Wilkes 1775 Ditto of Lord Irnham 1769. Ditto of Geo» Lord C arpenter, /or/ra/f 1736, Ditto of Lord Kenyon 1802 ■ ■ ■ — Life of Matt. Parker, 1 . L imperjeti. Ditto of Biflxop Ufher 1712. Ditto of Richard Cumberland 172c. Ditto of R* Bentley 1712, and 6 other Life of Dr. Mead 175s. Ditto of John Philip Barsetier 1744* Ditto of Ur, Goidfmith 1774, and 3 other ■ — ' I Life of Lord George Car* penxor portrait 173 6. ol Philip Duke of Wharton portfaif^3\. Ditto of the D. of Somerfet. Ditto of the Earl of Barrymore portrait 1793. and 2 other — ■ ■ — Life of Daniel de Foe 17 ig. Ditto of John Lord Fave fham. D737‘ Js. Duke of Ha- / milton, portrait^ 1742 0^6 6029 Trafts Topographical, &c, Hiftory of Inland Navigations, particularly the D. of Bridge- whaler’s 1779 ■—■■■■ ' Duke of Bridgewa- ter’s Navigation plan 1766, Dodd’s Hif- ^ / S72 6oi* 6031 6053 6034 / Z '^ 603s . / c/" 6036 /// 6037 Mf^^X—Q.uarto; wry of Canals 1795. Hiftory of tlie great level of the Fens 1685, and feven other rela- tive to the fame. , , — Buckinghamshire I>efcription of Stowe, 1763. Stowe, a Poem 1756, and z other — Cambridgeshire, Miller's Account of the Univetfiiy 1717. Malden’s Account of King’s College Chapel 1769. Matters Catalogue of Piaures in the College Fifty*two relative to theUnivcrfity and 8 other — Six relative to Frend, .-i Battle between Dr. Farmer and Peter Mufgravc the Cambridge Taylor, portrait 1792* The Stilton Hero. — Nine relative to Ely and the Fens Three ditto to Wa- terbeach, by Matter’s 1795* 6039 QUARTOj / //! 6038 Traas, viz. Tragicall Hiftorie of the Wares of / ^ the Low Countries, tranflated by Sticker,^. /. I eg?. Hiftorie of the Governors in the Ne- therlands, h, /. 1602. Siege of Oftend, tranf- lated by Grimefton i6o4» i vol. Goulart Admirable Hittories tranfl. by Grimefton 1607. The Forefte or collec- tion of Hittories, tranflated by T. f ortefeue, 157 •> I vol. Machiavel's Arte of Wane, W Withorne, b. 1. IS73* Pol'ticke and Mill- tairc Difcources of the Lorde de la None, b* I, 1587, &c. in 1 vol. //; / 604.1 Vox C»li, or News from Heayeji 1624. Vc^ tivae Angliae 1624. Sir Walter Raleigh s Ghoft 1626, Aphorifros offtate by Thomas Quarto* 267 / 4 ^o 4N /// 6043 f 6045 6046 6049 y 6 ^. (> Scott 1624. Spaniih praftices id part &€• in 1 vol. — — — — Difcourfe on the Prefent State of France i^8S. Roger Afcham on the ft ate of Gerirany, L 15^2. Certayiie matters concerning the Realme of Scotland 1603. Wadfworth's Prefent State of Spayne 1630. Survey of the Great Duke*s Ellate of Tuf- cany 605, &c. in 1 vol. - — Milton again ft Prelacy, and Apo- logy for Smeetymnecus 1654. Anfvver to ditto 164. >. Relation of the death of Laud Archbiftiop of Canterbury 1644, &c. — — " Praftices of (he Inquifinoo in Spayne b» L 1,568. Spanith Colcnie or Chronicle of the Aile and Gedel of the Spaniards in the We%t Indies^ it. / 1583. Short Admonition on the Detejiahle Trea/on of Sir Wm, Stanley Sc Rorutland Torke, portrait» Englifli* Spanifh Pilgrine 16^9 A new Southern Difcoverie 1617, and four other relative to Spain in i vol. ' ■ — London’s Flames Revived 1689* Earthquake in Sicily <693, Allen’s killing no murder 1689, 1 vol. The Stage of Popifji Toyes, h,l» 1581. Subtilitie of the Italians, / 1591. Variance between the Pope and Segniory of Venice :6o6. Holy Bull and Crufado, b*J» 1588, in I vol, — True Relation of the mod Inhuman and bloody Murther of Mafter James in Nor- folke 1609. Nairative of the State of the Cafe of John Cromwell, &c. 1652, 1 vol. — • - The way to be rich, according to the pradfice of the great Audiey 1662. Poor Robin’s Perambulation from SafFron- Walden 6^8, m » vol. — ' - — Tryals of Tonge, Geo Phillips, &c. 1662. Narrative of the Tryals of Tho. Sadler, &c« 1676-7. Sadler’s Memoires or Life and Death of Thos, Sadler, the famous Thief, &c. 1 vol. Nn Hiftory'^Q^zxiOt , 6ojO Tracts, viz. Joumiil of the Brcft expeditloa 1694. The 'Juftification of the Affertbn of the senate, &c. pf Amfterdam, &c. in 2 vol. / 6051 - // ,6oja - 6053 - y/ 6054^ - Jy/Z % 5 - / 6056 - Z//^' - )5 c >57 - / / 6058 - ^ 6059 » — Hiftory of the Inqujfitipn by Se* rv’ua 639 Difcourfe cf the Reflation ta- ken in the Valteline againft the tyraniiy of the Gnfons 1628, 1 vol. — — Remonftrance of the ftatc of the Kingdom, by Elfing 1642 A Winter Dreame 1649. Foyall Apologie 1648, m i vol. — — — — Par lament C'enfure fo the Jefuites 1642. Relation of the Earle of Manchefter^s fervices and fucceffes 1644. 4 r — Tuke againft Painting and Tinc- turing of IVlen and Women 1616. Smith’s Wonder of Wonoei8,yr«»/. 1642 — Voyage and f ravail of Csefar Fre- de ick into the Eaft India, /. •5^8. Re« port of the Kingdom of Congo, by Lopez, €uts, I 97, Hiftory of the Court of the King of china — Memorab'e Tranfadions in Parlia- ment in l^7S. Debates in ditto relative to bribery ana corruj-t practice^, 169 , t v6!.' — An Hour Lilaffe of Indian News, by John Nicholl, b, /. 1607. Ha‘coiirt*s Voyage to Guinea iPog. Henry Nichols Bpiftle tent to two Daughters of Warwick j6o»<. Defcriptionof the Whole World 1608. &c. in 1 vol. — Sir Edward Herbert Account of the Authorities in Law inHS. Free Cuftoms of Stepney and Hackney '675. Paris reLtioti of the Battle of Linden 1693. C-mpbeJl on the Trade with Turkey, map^ *734* Ram- bling Fuddle Caps 1706. Seled Maxims, portrait, 10 Life of Mr. Locke 1 66« EfTay on Wool 693, and 16 other in i vol.. . The S mple Cobler of Aggawamm in America 1647. Baiting of the Pope’s ‘Quarto. Bull front, Afinus Ciuftus 1642, &c. in I tola ' y 6060 Brerewood on Lartguages 1635. Relation of the late fiege and taking of Babylon by the Turks i639> and 3 other in 1 vol. ^ ^ 6061 »■ — — Paght’s Hercfiagraphyy>o»/. 1048* The EngHfti Romagne Life, piate, b, /, !582. The Volcanos or burning and fire vomiting Mountains 1669, A Ward-Word to Haft- ing*s Watch- Word ‘i599. Leycefter’s Com* monweaith, &c. in i vol. 6062 ■ ■ ■ Lewkenor on Univerfities i6oo. Hi (lory of the fiege of Oiten d 1604. The Low Countries Commonwealth, i6o6^ dfc. in 1 vol 6063 PownalPs principles of Polity 1752. ✓ Account of Doomfday Book, by P. C. Webb, Account ofDanegeld by ditto 1756, &c. in t vol. /// 6 6064 Chiefly unpubliflied ones, viz. The Cafe of John Tennant, M.D. 1743. Ditto of Henry Roberts, Maria Swordfeager, &c# in I vol. > 6065 — — Burges on the Roman Senate 1729.’ Letters between Lord Hervey and Dr. Mid- diet n portrait ^Lord Hervey •778. Hooke ^ on the Roman Senate 1758, in i vol. ^^6066 — Law of Libels 1765. Rayner’s Readings on the Statutes 1775^ &c. in i vol. ^ 6067 6 6068 6069 — Beaver on Jurifprudence and Civil Law 176b. Enquiry into the ufe and prac- tice of Juries among the Greeks and Romans, by Pettingall 1769. UilTertation on the Ju- dicial Cuftoms of the Saxon and Norman l^y James Ibbetfon 17 o. Ditto on the' National Aflcmblies under ditto' 1781, in 1 vol. — — Relative to India 1757 Hillory of the Britifli Plantation, in America by Keith, 1738. Account ;870 6070 6071 / 6071 / 6 6073 J '' 6074 /” / 6075 5^ ^ 6076 / . /6077 6o;8 . .Quarto# of the Glacieres or Ice Alps in Savoy 1744,^ I vol, — — Bigland on Marriages, &c. 1764, Stemmata Chichcleana 1765, 1 vol. — — — ' Pegg’s Memoirs of Roger de Wef- chani i '?6f. Hampton on Ancient and Mo- dern Hiflory 1746 Launer’s Letter ta Douglas 17J1. Clubbe Phyliognomy 1763, with original Letters by the Author. Ske- leton of Human Bodies difcovered in France, plate^ 1760. Diflertation on Barley Wine, and on Decency 1750-51, and 24 other in I vol. — Bibliotheque Univerfelle des Hifto- ieres par Du Pin, Amji» 1708. Proceedings in the Univerfity of Cambridge againft Dr. Bentley, &c. in 1 vol. ' Catalogue of Lords of Seflion 1798, Private Correfpondence of Bifliop Atterbury 1768. Canons of the Church of Scotland 1769. Duke of Newcaftle's Letter 1753, &g» in 2 vol. — — Gardiner’s Account of the Expedi. tion to the Weft Indies, by Bajkerville 1762. Roberts Account of the firft Difcovery of Florida 1763. Bairam’s defcnption of Eaft Florida 1766, in i vol. Ditto Rebus Geftis Richards An- glas Regi, in Paleftine edidit, P. J. Burns, Oa-ow. 1780. Anales Elias de Trickingham, edidit. Samuel Pegge 1789. Extra^Is from the Journal of Sir Simon Dowe 1783# Hiftory of the Spanifti Armada 1759. Inftruc- tionsby Henry VII. to his Embafladors 1761.- ill I vol. Durham, relative to the County, Life of Richard Trevor, /©r/r<7/V, 1776, in i vol. BedpordshiRu, containing theP^- riflies of Reddington, Luton, and Dunllable, and parifti of Wimmington 1785. ' « ■' . n il Westminster, critical examina- HiJidry^Q^?LXiQ. 271 /d ^79 nation of thofe two Paintings in the Banquot- ing Houfe, by J. Highmore 1754, and 5 other in i voL Derbyshire, Hiftory of the Mai 60S0 ^ 6 nor of South Winfield, by Thomas Blore, plates, 1793. Sketch of the Hiftory of Bols- over and Peak Caftles r785, &c. with fome MS, additions by Mr, Reed, in i vol; — Berkshire, Colleftion towards a Parochial Hiftory of, by J. Nichols 1783, Account of the Parifti of Great Coxwell 1783, Wife on the White HorfC; &c. 1742, ini vol. 6081 Trafts, lingle Account relating to the nature of the Englifli Government 1690, and a parcel chiefly political confiderations on the advantage 6082 6083 6 ^ ^084 £ / 6085 6086 ^ Z 6087 £/ <) of free Ports 1794, and a parcel ditto. — ' ■ Ives feleil Papers relative to Bri- tifli Antiqu. 2 nos. 1773 — Kearney’s Leflurcs concerning Hiftory 1776, Carolina, a defcription of 1682. Firft fettlement of Virginia, &c. 17 33. Tour through Normandy 1754, and differ- tatioR on the Government, &c, of Alia, 1787 — relative to Scotland and Ireland, viz. Modern Account of Scotland 1679. Ca- ledonia, or the Pedlar turned Merchant, a tragic-comedy 1700. Maffacre of Glenco 1703. Griffith Villaire Hibernicum 1690, &c. — — Topographical, viz. Chorogra- phic, or a Survey of Newcaftle 1649. De- fcription of the Lake ^ Kefwich 1772. ■■ ■ ‘ ‘ 'Idine Hauksmoor on the Buildings at Greenwich Hofpital 1728 and 8 other. on Coins and Trade, viz Raper on Greek and Roman Money 1772. Hough- ton on the Alteration of Coyn 1695, and 11 other 6088 Quarto. Tra£ts, viz. Rafpe on Oil-Painting 1781^ Needham on the generation, denomination, &c, of Animal ana Vegetable fubffances .749 Boyle on the degradation of Gold 1739. Stracha on different (1 ata of Earths and Minerals 1727 6089 Tracts, fingle, viz. Higginfon Floating Ice 1776 Pringle on Attradlion of Mountains, and the ’ ' Torpedo, on Air, and prefer ving the health of Mariners. Brownrigg on the Plague 177 1. Daines Barrington on Singing Birds 1773* Four Letters on Cheinut Trees, 1771, &c. / ^090 - V09 1 " and a parcel of odd nos. Philofophical Tranf* adlions 37 > 8. 9 The Canterbury Patriot ,773. short Trip into Kent, in Hudibraftic Verfe leaf Hiftory o< the Kentiih Petition. Charter of Romney Marlh 1686 — Canterbury preferred, or a Plot dif- covered. The Canterbury Patriot Canterbury Wells 1702, and 3 other Defcriplion of the Cathedral of Can, terbary,778. Duccarel’s Repertory ,ye" Catalogos Lib, Bib, Ecclefis Chrilli Can tuarenfis 1743 van- and 3 Companion 1798. — Smeaton’s Account of Ramfgate Bar- Dourj^/aret lygi and 3 other ^ Jacob’s Hiftory of Faverlbam 1774 Arden of Faverlbam,' by Liilo 1762 - 1770 and 4 plates of Faverlham Abbey Newton’s Hillory and Amiquiliesof Maidllone, //are. 174,, and 4 other relative to ditto, m 1 vol i-eauvc £,/Z,/ - The Tunbridge Weils Guide „go Defcription of ditto ib. Water Poetry, in 1 Oo /■ Si . / / X/ L /y^ - / ^76 Hiflory^^OdL 2 iv.o, 6128 Trafts, The New Margate and Ramfgate Guide, Pefcription of the Iflc of Thanet 1758. Hiftory of Dover Cattle 1787, and 2 other in ! vol. 6129 — — L ' NCASHiRE, Remarks on the Hi f- tory of Manchefler 1771* View of Agri- culture in the County of Lancatter 1795 and 10 other 6130 ■■ ■ — Leicestershire, Macaulay’s Hif- j tory and Antiquities of Claybrook, piatet, 1691 16131 — Lincolnshire and Monmouth- ( SHIRE, &c, Hiftory of the Antiquities of St, Mary Lincoln. Defcriptive Accounts of Persfield and Chepftow 1793, and 3 other 6132 — — London and Westminster, Pro- pofals for ettablifhiiig a Charitable Fund in the City of London 1 706. Smith’s ftate of the Gaols 1776, and 9 other 6133 *' "" Nevt^ Review of London 1722, Hif-- tory of the Sheriff-room of Ditto 1703. Aft for Paving and Cleaning the City 1671, and 3 other 6134 — Guy Grefham, and Bancroft’s wills, » — New Review of London 1928. Trip through ditto ib» View of London 8 c Weft- minfter, or the Town Spy 170^ 6136 ■ ■ ■I — Reafons for the punftuat limiting of Bartholomew Fair 1708, and bother 6137 Remarks on the ancient and present ftate of London 1723. Hiftory of the Tower of London 1771 • Warbqrton London and Middlesex 1749, and 3 other 6138 Miferies of the Marlhalfea, White- chapel and other inferior prifons. Defcrip- tion of Newgate. Remarks on the Fleer 1723. Prefent ftate of the Prifon of Ludgate and 2 other 6139 — London’s Gratitude 1783, Charter of the Stationers* Company 174I3 and b other Hilary v o. 2^7 6f46 ' / 6141 / 6142 y 614, (0 6144 /& ^'45 ? it 6146 //J 6147 / 6148 / / 5 i 49 6150 6151 / 6152 6 ij3 Corporation Plan for rendering the Militia ufeful and refpedable, by Bernard Turner 1782, & 4 other (3) on the Bridge ol Blacktriars 1757, and 2 other ObfervatioDS on the Repott relative to building a Manfion Hoafe and 6 other — London what it is, not what it was. Public Nuifance conlidered. Obfervations on the buyers or recovers of Stolen Goods ^ 75 ^ Cale of the Patron of St, Andrew’s Holborn 1722, and 4 other, relative to St. Andrew's (4I by Jofaiah Durihfofd to the Livery^ &c. (6) on St. Paul's Cathedral 1712*16, in 1 vol. Computation of the increafe of Lon- don 1719. Critical Review of Public Build* itigs 1734. Public Nuifance confidered. Morning Walk, or City encompafled, a Poem 1751* and i other, with M 5 , notes, by Mr, Reed, in i voi. Critical Review of the Public Build. ings, plates added 1783, Hiftory of the Tower 1787, in I vol, — (6) on the Wet Docks, by Vaughan, &c. with plate\ 1 797. Letters on the Britilh Mufeum 1767, Inftruftions- by the Burgeffes to the Aniioy-^ ancejury 1763. Weltminfter Abbey, a Poem, 1721, and bother Account of the Ele£l!on of Members of Parliament for Wellcninfter 1741, and 5 other relative to the fame ■ " " Gibfoa's CoLilitutional Pamphlet to the Inhabitants of Covent Garden 17 $4* The felcdt Vellry juftilied 1754, and 4 other .4 278 HiJiorj%^0^2ivo» / 6154 Trails, Obfervatlons on the Weftminfter Pav- kg Aft 1771, and 5 other relative to Paving and Cieanfing ditto ^ 6155 — — l^anglev’s DeOgn for a Bridge at New Palace-yard, plate 1736. Reafons againft building a Bridge from Lambeth to Weft- ininfter 1742. The Weftminfter Bubble, a Merry Tale, in a Dialogue between an Old Bridge and a New 1722* Langley’s furvey of Weftminfter Bridge 1743* Labalye on ditto 1739-51. and 5 other y / 6156 — — Middlesex, Ifleworth*s Syons Peace 1657 reprinted. Hampftead Wells, by Soame, 1734, and 26 other y 6157 — Norfolk, Records of Norwich 1736, The Noifolk Tour, Brown on Urn Burial 1736. The Lynn Magaeine 1768 6158 Hiftory of Norwich 1728. Appendix y to the Chronological Hiftory of Ditto 1728, Defeription of the Diocefs of Norwich 1735. Hiftory of Kelt’s Rebellion in 1549 and 7 other V ^'59 ,"'/6i6o y — — NoRTHAMHTON ’ & NoRTHUM BER« RAND ftatutes of the County Hofpital in Northampton 1743. Defeription of Alnwick Caftle Northumberland 1776, ElTay on the Charter of Newcaftle 1777 and i other — Oxfordshire, Pointer’s Account of a Roman Pavement found at SturnBel 1713. Account of the Oxford Riots 1715, Depofitions concerning ditto 1716, Memoirs of Ofney Abbey 1769. Account of Earth- quakes at ditto 1750, and 3 other ^ Wharton (Thomas) Companion to the Guide, and a Guide to the Companion, Mercurius Oxonienfis 1707. Acadamie, or the Humours of Oxford 17 i6. The Legend, a Poem ^ _ 6162 Oxford Honefty, and 42 other relative to the Univerftty /f 6163 Piftura Oxonienfis, and 10 other in I vol. 2768-9 /a,- / Oftavo. 2^9 // 6164 Traaa, (6) relative to the County 1757-61 ^ ■— i— Hiftory of the Univerfity 1772* Cata-* ^ logue of the Graduates 1770 to 82. Aft for amending certain Mile Ways leading to Ox- ford 1772 ^ 5,56 Somersetshire, the Rival Ball- Rooms. The Bath Conteft, and 3 other / 6,5^ Delman's Contemplations amongft St. ^ Vincent's Rocks 1755. The Brihol Riot '1714. Goldwin's’Defcription of the City of Briftol, a Poem 1751 and 6 other 410. and oftavo // 6168 — BriftoHia, or Memoires of the City, by Andrew Hooke 1748.. Randolph on Brif. tol Water 1745* Defeription of Penpark- Hole I7g2. Life of Jonathan Britain 1772, and 3 other m 1 vol. and Briftol Guide, New Bath Guide po> trait of Nalh. New Prose Bath Guide for 1778. Hiftoryof the Church 1778,. ill I vol. Narrative of the extraordinary cafe of Geo. Lukins, of Yatton, pofleiTed of evil spirits for near 18 Years 178S. Relation of the Cafe of Edmund Millard of Langport^ 1725, and 6 other « (4) on Bath and Briftol Waters y 6172 Saunders on the Curiofities of Glas- tonbury 1781, and 3 other >9 6173 Shropshire & Suffolk, Shrewf- y bury Quarry, a Poem 1769. Statutes of the Salop Infirmary 1753. Defeription of Bury St. Edmonds 1782 y/ 6174 — SVRRY, Hillory and Antiquities of St. Saviour, Southwark 1765. Life and / death of John Overs 1774, and 4 other ^^<^'6175 Surry, Defeription of Epfom 1711, ^ Ditto of Richmond Gardens, and Narrative of the tranfadions at btOvkweli 1772 6176 — — Hillory of Gildford 1777. of Geo. Abbot with Defeription vf the Hof- pital at Guilford 1777. Popifti Intrigues, &c. 3 So in the cafe of Mrs.Shaftoe 174^, &c. and f. other in 1 vol. ^ Tracts, Sussex, fhort Hiftory of Brighton, by Relhan 1761, Medical Properties, &c. of the Sea, &c. by Loftus Wood 1782. Cafe of Richard Thomas, Brighton Directors, in e V ol. / S ' 6178 6 *'79 ,i>/ 6180 6181 / J 61 8, 6183 ./ ) 6184 J " 6185 /L 6186 // 6187 — Paffage of the Hurricane from Bexhill 1730. Antiquities of Arundel 1766. Hif- tory of Chichefter, and 4 other in 1 vol. Warwickshire, Salin’s Defcription of the Church of St. Mary. Hiftory of Ke- nilworth Caftle 1777. Swinney's Birming- ham Dire^ory. Account of benefaftions to Coventry 1733, &c. — Wiltshire, Antiquities of the De- vizes 17^4. Differtation on the Antiquity of Stone Henge 1730, and i other — — Yorkshire, Hiftory of the Cathedrai of St. Peter, plates 1768. Defcription of part of the County of York. Defcription of Buxton 1795. Tour to the Caves 1780 * Hiftorical Guide to Scarborough. The Rarities of Richmond 1736. TheYork- fhire Spy, and 3 other ■ Hiftory of Karesborongh 1775. Ditto by Hargrove 1782. Tryal of Eugene Araia in I . vol. Index to Towns, &c. in Yorkfhire 1768. Account of the taking Pontefract Caftle 1747. Scarborough Mifcellany 1731- 3, 4, and 9 other in i vol. Wales, Doddridge’s Hiftory of Wales, Sec, 1714. Journey to Llandridod Wells 1746 Propofals for enriching the Principa- litity 1762. Journey to Llandridod Wells, 1746. On fortifying Milford Haven, 1759, and 3 other - ■■ The Head of the Rock, a Welch Land- fcape, by Williams 1775* Caermarthenfhiro a Sketch of, 1792, in 1 vol* 0£tavo. 281 y 6 6188 Trafts, Owen’s Britifh Remains 1777. Mal- / colm’s Letters and Traifts 1744 — Scotland, Ruddiman on the com- petition between Bruce and Baliol for the Crown 1748. Animadverfions on ditto 1749, Laws and Judicatures of Scotland 1718* Borthwick on the Feudal Dignities of Scot- land /7?5> and 1 other Letters on the Trade and Manufac- 6 6190 ' ^ 6 : 9^ tures of Scotland 1774, and 8 other relative to The Highland Vilions 1712. Strange news from Scotland *1712. Defence of the Scots Settlement at Darien 1699, and 3 other / fii 92 / 6 6193 «I94 / C195 / S196 // 6197 6198 Hiftory of the King’s Majeftie’s Af- fairs 1644. Account of the Proceedings at Perth 1716. Difcourfe on uniting Scotland with England 170? and 2 other Free Difquifition on the Law of En- tails in Scotland 1765. Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides. Prefent State of the Peerage of Scotland 1771, and 6 other Chronology of the King’s ofScotland 1773. Short Account of Scotland 1706. Mo- dern Account of Scotland. HiHorical Re- marks on the City of St. Andrew’s 1728. Caledonia, a Poem 17707. Defeription of the Parifh of Melrose 1743 — Hiftory of Caledonia, or the Scots Colony in Darien, and 5 other relative to Bachan’s Defeription of St. Kilda 1752. Account or the Chapel of Rofiin 1778. Defeription of the Parifh of Melrose 1769, in 4 vol, — Cant’s Mufes Threnodie, 2 vols in i, Perth 1794 — ■ ' Marlin’s Voyage to St. Kilda 1753- Knox on the Northern Filheries 1786. Fea on the Filheries in the Scotch Illands 1787. M^CulIagh on the Herring Filheries 1788, in 1 vol. SS2 Hjlory* — 0 £la VO J 6200 ^ 6201 ^ 6202 y t 4 7 4 6*04 >7 - 6205 ^ 6206 Trafts, Hiftory of the Ifle of Man 1773, and 3 other, in i vol. — Ireland, Dcfcription of Dublin 1732 Survey of the County of Down 1740. The Irifh Rebellion 1679, and 3 other — Lucas, Magna Charta Civitatis Wa- terford 1752. Pollock’s Letters to the In- habitants of Newry 1 793 Stock’s Narrative of Killala 1800. Whateley on the Irilh Filhery 1803. Prefent ftate of Ireland 1730, and 4 other Cursory obfervations on Ireland 1779 Lift of the abfentees in Ireland 1769, and 6 other Ferman on the Courage, &;c, of the Irifli Nation 1767, and 6 other — Hiftory of Limerick 176 7. Deferip- tion of Killarney 1776, Perry’s Anfwer to objeflions againft making a bafon for better- ing the harbour of Dublin 172 1 and 2 other Dobbs Efiay on the trade, &c. of Ire- land 1729. Survey of the County of Dowq 1740, and 3 other — Warton’s defeription of Winchefter. Defeription of the Ille of Tbanet 1765, Windfor and its Environs 1768, in i vol. Four Topographical Letters, by Rafta Patching 17.57, and a fhort Tour in the Mid- land Counties 1775, i vol. —— — Thicknefle’s Guide through France, €207 / ^ 6209 Letter from South Carolina 1732. Scheffer’s Hiftoryof Lapland 1751, and 7 other 3 ^ 6310 Travels of Anacnarsis, the younger, in Greece, *797 — Edw. Brown, 2 vol, 1753 before the Flood, z vol, 1796 into France and Italy, 2 vol. 1771 of a Philofopher 1769 Treafon againft Queen Elizabeth, h, /. 1572* T(,eaties of Peace and Commerce 1772 Trial between Lockyer and Bream 1796 — — of Henry Ybrke 4 ii 9 / 0220 ^ t 6221 / -6222 6223 ./)62t4 jia •/ 6227 6228 / 6229 6230 <^6231 6232 /d - 6233 y (^6236 // 6*37 / A 6*38' 0£lavo* Trafts, Richard Patch, — ' ■ " Warren Haftings, ■■ ■■' for Murders, &c. 2 voL — .of Sam. Petrie, Efq. ' — Triennial Adi, Speech on the Trip to Paris - ■ - — Portugal Holland, a vol. 6 6242 >6*44 ' ^ ] 6*46 / 6*47 6*48 * 8 } 1806 1796 1742 1782 1782 1793 1704 1786 TroiPs Letters to Iceland — 1780 True Causes of the great troubles in England 1592 Truller'i Voyages — v- 1778 Tryals, 3 vol. —■ 17*0 Tucker ( Joiiah) Treatife on Governments 1782 Turkilh Empire, a new Survey of 1663 Turler (Jerome) the Traveller — 1575 Turrcau (Lewis) Memoirs of La Vendee 1770 Tyranny (Difplay of) 2 parts 168^ Vallancey (Charles) de Rebus Hibernicis 1770 Vanliitart (Henry; Tranfadlions in Bengal, 3 voU 1766 Varaiuunrl (Emect) of tfcc ouutfgcs of France 1575 Varillas (Per.) Hiftory of the Houfe of Medicis j686 Vaughan (Sam.) Appeal — . Velleius Paterculus, by Le Guys : ■ Newcomb Venice, City and Republic of — — — the Fall of *773 1632 1724 1699 1804 *754 Vertot (Abbe) Revolutions in Portugal the Roman Repub« lie, 2 vol. 173^ Viaud (Pierre) Shipwreck and Adventures 1771 Vie (la) du Gen Monk . . — 1712 View of London, 2 vol. 1708 pp ( *84 ) OyARTO. / 62 p Trades, Angle, Pettingal on the Tasqa t) 6 $f Vindication of the Aparnean Medal //«/< 1775^* Differtation on a Angular Coin at Nerya 1774, and 6 other on Coins — Propofals for fettling the Eaft lodia Trade ^696.. Hiftory of the Company 1793, and 19 other relative to India Aftairs relating to Cambridge, a large parcel — - Oxford (21 j 1756 to 177a — — • Weftroinfter .9) Obfervations on the Royal Academy 1790, and 6 Discourses by Siy J. Reynolds, 623} 6232 6253 6a54 6*55 6256 y d/ 6257 / 6258 6260 yy — 626* /6262 // /^263 / 6264 r /Orr ^ / &c, — ^ Gilsnon’s Letters concermng Dageffham Brea.h iyi 6 , Hiftory of EATex, 2 numbers, and » other relative to the r?me county — Captain Paulin's Account of the l^ng of roncerradt Oaftie i64«. primed 1702. Cooke on Druidicial Temples 17551 2nd f Topographical Short Account of the Company of Gro« cers 16^9, and 26 m folio and quarto relstire to London — — » Critical Obfervations 1771, and other re« lative U) London (9) relative to K^nt (3) relative to Draining the Fens Charter of Liverpool, and 8 Topogri« phical — — • DiAertation on memorable Occurrences in the Hiftory of Scotland, Glaf^onj^ <7851 and 12 other relative to Scotland Archdale defcription of Carolina 1707# Bullock’s Virginia examined 1649. Letter from Dr, Moore relative to Peofylvani^ ; . • P87 fit! ^271 Traftsi Martyn on eftablifhing tbe colony of Georgia 1733, and 13 relative to America ■■■ ■■■ Thoughts on the African Trade 1749# and 3 other relative to Africa — — ■ Difcourfe concerning the Eaft India Trade 16961 and 16 other relative to the fame ■ Thoughts on the Prefent State of France 1792, and a parcel political ■ '■■■■ Magna Charta (appeal to) and a large parcel mifcellaneous — — ■■ Journal of Blanchard’s Fourth Voyage 1784. Ditto Third Voyage, and fundry Narratives^ &c. /i 6276 /6 fi«77 — Swammerdam on the Ephemeron i68i« Price*8 Experiments on Mercury 1782. Rife and fall of Pot- Ash in America 17581 and 10 Medicinal — • Rise and Antiquity of Cathedral Wor- fhip 1699* ^flcAions moral, canonical, and Satyrtcal 1 708. Sicknefs and death of Dr* Wardnard 1719* aiid a mifceilaneous Viz. Trial of Wm. Spiggot, Sec, for the murder of Wna. Powell 1770. Memoirs of John Collington who was executed at Maid- ftooe 1750. Trial df Mr. Wm. Mitchell for Perjury 1754» and a parcel of Seflions Pa* pers > Sherlock’s Letters 1780", dnd a parcel mifcellaneous The Surry Impodor by Taylor, portrait 1697. Indication of the Surrey DesUoniack 1698, and Lancafhire Levite rebuked 1698 —— Holwell’s Catailrophe Mandi 1682* Wharton’s Ireland’s Wafre Astrologically demonftrated 1647. Second year of Prodi- gies 1662^ Lilly’s Ancient and Modem Pro- phecies 1 643. Booker’s blood y Irifli Alma-^ naek 1646. Lilly’s AHrorological Predic-«' tion 1648. and 5 other — — College of Miratria, Torkt ta other 386 , ^ 6*78 / 6 6279 / / 6280 ^ 6281 6282 ^ 6285 / 6286 / 6287 Trafts, colledlion of Cannonkal Thoughts 1726. Inllructious for Mailer a and Armes 16239 & 6 other Jefuits Looking GlalTe 1629. Daniel the Prophet no Conjurer 1 705. Memoirs of James Wadsworth 1679 Addifon on Ancient and Modern Learn- ing 1739* Confiderations on Street Walking, and parcel mifcellaneous — — * Joyful News from Litchfield. Stafford- ihire’s mifery fet forth 1643. Shrewfbury taken 1645. Speeches and Confelfion of Capt. John Cade, and John Mils 1645. The Petition and Articles exhibited in Parliament againft John Pocklirigton, fronti/piete^ 1641. Vicar’s England Remembrancer 1641, and a parcel in the time of the Commonwealth — ■ ' Royal Charter and Statutes of the Society of Antiquaries 1800, and 3 other relative to the fame Enquiry into the origin of the Feudal T^nnrps 1764, and a parcel hiftorical Exact rkf tho attempt of John Allen 166 An alarme for Sinners, or con- feffion of Robeit Faulkes 1679, and 7 other / 6288 6 6289 — Reafons for Caftratiem of Roman Catho- lick Priefts 1700. Jew turned Chriftian 1679. Relation of things in the Tabernacles of Mofes 1675, and i other Defeription of Surinam 1667. Late new* from Rarbary 1613. Hiftory of Achia 1673, and 3 other — - Eaft India Trade, a moft profitable one, 1677 and ^ other — — Hunting of the Foxes from Newmarket and Triploe Hestbi to Whitehall, 1649, 20 other — The Secret Hiftory of the Calves Head Club 1703^ and a parcel mifcellaneous — — Efiay on Fornication 173s . Origin and Antiquity of Barley Wine' 1750. Philofo* phical Dialogue on Decency 1751 ^ 6291 Tra^s, (Ten) on Coin and Trade y 6292 — White’s Civil and Military InftituteS'of Tamerlaine, 1780. Inftru^lions for Travel- lers, 1757. and fundry mifcellaneous y 6293 Sketches from Nature, 1779, and a par- cel Mifcellaneous y 6294 — — Life of Dr. Saunderfon, 1741; Me- moirs of Sir John Barnard, 1776* Life of Dr. Duncan Liddel, portrait, 1790. and 7 of Biography 6295 Account of Browne Willi* with /cr/rntT/, itched, by George Steevenh Letters of SirR« Shelley, portrait // 6296 — - — Pringle on the Torpedo, 1773, Ditto on the Health of Mariners, 1776. Clarke on a Piece of Money found at Eltham, 1751, ^ and fundry Medical, 6297 — — - Philofophical ElTay on Mufick, 1677. Euterpe or Remarks on the Ufc and Abufe of Mufic, Modes, or Tones in the Ancient Gre- cian Muiic, by Styles, 1761, and 2 other Z 6298 ■ lingle^ viz. View of Towns in Dor- fet, 1773. Faft* Greenwich Hof- pUal, 1779, and fundry topographical , ^ / 6299 Memoirs of the Mint and Queen’s Bench, 1712, and Seven relative to London 6300 The Moderator, 7 nos. The Patrician, 4 nos. Mercuria Civicus, Politicus, and Pragmaticus, Mufes Mercury, 1708. The Tickler, No. 2, &c, ^ 6301 — ■ — The French Herald, i6ii and Four relative to France /6302 " - 1^. Oxford and Cambridge, /' / / 5 relative to ^ — — ■ — — — News from Wales, 1652. ' Bulhell on the Mines Roy all, 1642, and 3 other yp ^304 — — — (Twenty-feven) relative ^ to Ireland m ^ 6305 , / 6306 o 6308 ^ 6309 / 6310 / 6311 Zc> 6312 / 6313 4 ^ 3*4 Qttartoi Tracts, flng^e viz. Narrative of the ApprCe , bending. Execution, &c. of John James* ^ i66*. Life of William MorreK 1692. Do* of William Fuller, 1692. Hiftory of CoU Chartres, portrait - Wine, Beer, Ale, and f Tobacco contending for Superiority, fronU ^ ^ Book of Sports, *63 3 Good and True Newes# ' from Bedford, 1643, and 14 other I/Jm- — Letter cf Comfort to Richard Cromwell, 1^59. aud fundry rela^ tive to the Commonwealth Journal of Lord Edward Cecyl on the Coaft of Spain, 1626. Cata- logue of Dukes, MarquIiTeb, Earls, &c. 163R Treatife on the Flexion of Popes, 1605. Death of the Duke of Mecklenburg 1634; and 10 other ■■■ ■ ■ ■■ — Relation of Wicked Plots and Pra^ifes of the Spaniards In the Ne- therlands. . 1624. Stubbe’s Juftificdtion of the War in the lands, piates^ 1672, and 17 relative to Low Countries ' rhe Duke of Mayennes Ghoft, 1722. GeeNewvShred of the Old ^ Snare, containing the Apparitions of 2 Fe- male Gbods, &c. 1624. Thre? Tracts con- cerning Zachary Crofton, charged with Whipping his Maid Servant, 161^7 ————I 11.. — — Treatife on Wool and , Cattel, 1677. The Royal Filhinj- Revived, 1670* on the Manuta^ory of Linen Cloth, 1677, and 2 other —■I ■— iw ■— ■ . -II Strange Predidions of James Ufher, 1678, Lilly’s Aftro.ogicall Predi^on, 1648-9-50 The York Buildings Dragons, 1726. A Murctc^ by Thomas White on the Body of his Wife, 68a. Newes from Gaunt, or a molt Bloody Murder, 1678# Barbarous Murther* by Henry Jones, and Quarto. 289 Mary Jones on the Body of their Mother, 1672. Murder of the Duke of Hamilton, 1712, and I other /S' Tracts, iingle, viz. True relation of the late Commotion in Hereford fli ire, b, /. 1605* Strange Newes indeed from Mitcham, 1664; True relation of John Leech who Tved in Huntingtonlhire, who was carried la Miles In the jfyrehy two Fairies, 166a* Tryai and Examination of Mary Motders, the Gdrman Friiikefs, 1663. Narrative of a College of Jefuits at Come, in Hereford, 1697, and 1 other / 6316 Mifchcif of PerfccutioB in the Life and End of Mr. John Cnild, 1688. The York Buildings Dragons, 1726* Varieties of Villainy, 1698. Condudl of Re- ceivers and Thief Takers in London, 1718, and I other , 6J17 — — Relation of the Journey of Charles Earl of Nottingham to Spain, 1605* Converfion of a Noble Lady of France, Madame Gratiana, x6o8. The Turkes Secretarie, 1607, and 4 other 6318 — — » New Plot Diicovered in Ireland, 1642. News from Sea, or the Tak- ing of the Cruel Pirate, Captain Ceulicke, 1674. Relation of the late Dreadful Tem- peft, 1704, and 3 other 6319 — — Injun^ions, by Queen Elizabeth, 1559. The Favourite’s Chronicle 1621. Duke Hamilton his Cafe, 1649. and ^ 4 other 6 6320 — — — — Sir Thomas Overbury, Obfervations, 1626. Four for a Pennv, or Poor Robin’s Character, 1678. Poor Robin’s Intelligence Revived, 1^78. Dangerfield’a Memoirs, Speculum Crape Gouno- 70m, 1682, and 3 other * , t do 4 sgo ) Twenty-ninth Day’s Sale. Hijlory. OCTAVO ET INFRA. iOT ^ 6321 / 6322 6323 / C324 Z o 6325 (i 6326 ^6327 66323 / /63a9 ^ ^ 6330 / 6331 ^ ,633* - ‘‘ 4 ?. ^ 6335 • (-> 61^6 • / 6338 • 2 6339 • V lEW of the Real Grievances 1772 Coafti of the South Sea Com- 1711 777 pany Vigow (Mrs ) Letters from Raffia Vincent (T.) God’s Terrible Voice in the City |668 Voltaire, Age of Lewis XIV. 2 vol. 175* I - Letters on the Englilh Nation 173^ — on the Civil Wars of France 1731 Von Lowen on Nobility _ ■ " > 1754 Voyage to North America in 1768, and 1769 •777 — the Wed Indies — ■■■ » ■ 1762 Galph of Mexico, by De la Sale 1714 .,1 North Round the World to the Levant Ifle of France Ruffia the Maiirituis Beugala 1706 »795 1702 1650 i8od *739 1775 1682 / r/ /t " — HiJioryi-^O^ZiVo ^ 251 Voyage of the late King of Swedti^ 1698 — to Arabia, the Happy, ' '■ 17 :0 of Captain Sharp — >— 16S4. Udal ap Rhys Account of Spain and Portugal 1749 Unclaimed Dividends, Names of Proprietors Uncertainty of Death, 1746 Univerfities (Advice to the) .1783 Union, Difcourfe on 1702 Wafer (Lionel) Voyage to America 1704 Wake (Ifaac) Political Difcoveries 1655 Wakefield (Prifcilla) Juvenile Travellers 180I Waldron (George) Defcriptions of the Ide of Man — - — — 1744 Wales (William^ Remarks on Forfter’s Account of Cooke’s lad Voyage — 1778 / 6353 Walker (Hovenden) Expedition to Canada 1729 — (A.) Tour to the Lakes •— 1792 Wall Parliainentary Charafters 1777 Waller (Sir William) Vindication of the Cha- rafter of — 1793 Wallace op the Numbers of Mankind 1753 Walpole (Horace) Catalogue of Noble Authors, 2 yoL -r- 1759 War in America (Enquiries into) 1778 — — Alia Memoirs of from 1780, to 1784 1789 Difguife * _ 1803 1638 /-is*. 6 6342 / 6343 <^6344 / 6/>m (4 6346 I / 1^48 . .^349 / ^16350 / 635 < / 6352 ^ ->6354 ^.6355 / / 6356 ^357 J h 6358 /\6359 ^ ^360 / ^ 6361 S — 6362 / 63C3 .V ' 6364 3 4 6:65 ^6 6366 Warmftry (Thomas) the Baptifed Turk W^arner (Rich.) Tour round Lymington — . Hiftory of the llle of Wj« :ht 795 ib. cT— 6367 ^ "6368 (6369 ^|7o Warwick (Sir Phil.) Walk through Wales, plates *799 ih. Warning againft Papiftes, b, I, W arren (Borlafe) View of the Marine Force 1791 Memoirs of Charles I. 1 701 Qq 29 ^ Hifiary^^O&.Z\ o. 6371 Waterhotife (Edward) of Arms and Armoury . 1660 / 6372 Watkins (John) Hiftory of Bideford /, , 6375 — ^ ^ 6174 Watkinfon (John) Survey of Ireland 6375; Watfon (R'.chard) Hiftory of Affairs in land 1792 iOm 1778 Scot- 1657 6375^Warton (Thos. ) Companion to the Guide, and Guide to the Companion 6376 Weeks (J. Eyre) Gentleman’s Hour Glafs 1750 (6377 Weld (Ifaac) Travels through America ^379 Wells (Edward) freatife on Geography 6 6380 — — / 6381 Wellwood (James) Memoirs of England /d 638- Wentworth (Peter) Pithie Exhortations 'V 63B3 Pleadings, 7 vol, ✓ ^ o 63'<4 Weft (Rich.) on Treafons 6383 — Guide to the Lakes /’ 6386 Whitaker Hiftory of the Britons 6387 6388 — — (Jdhn) Courfe of Hannibal 1799 /’&• 1726 1716 17s* 1598 ij ^ 6389 / 6390 1716 1784 177 * 1783 2 voL 1794 Hiftory of Manchefter, 2 vol, 1773 Mary Queen of Scots Vindicated . 1789 /— 6391 Whitworth (Charles) Lift of Nobility 1763 ^392 —— V Colle^fion of the Supplies /) *763 o "16393 — — — — Succeffion of Parliaments 1794 6394 Wilcox (Jofeph) Roman Converfation, 2 vol. 1797 y <6395 Williams (Vi alter) Jus Appellandi 1084 ^ ~ William 111 . Original Letters — 1704 \63)7 Wilton tioufe (Defcripiion of) 1788 ' ^6398 Windfor Guide ■ ■— 1783 U »-v«a*V2lWJ VJUiUC^ Ml 111 iiii^ " ' (6399 Wi/hart (A.) Commentaries on the Way in Italy ) 1753 Wood (John) Choir Gauge {i. e.) Stonehenge Oftavoi 29^ 6401 Wood (Hatton) Decrees In the Exchequer, 2 voL *798 ■ '} 6402 — A— ♦ (John) Defcription of Bath, 2 vol. 1768 6403 Woodward (David) Narrative of Four Seamen 1804. 6404 Woodes (Captain) Voyage round the World 1712 640^ Woodfall (Wm.) Debate on the Houife of Com- y } mens of Ireland — - >785 (6406 WoUon (Sir Henry) Remains, portrait 1685 / 6407 — (Wm.) Hiftory of Rome lyot V6408 Worfat (Will de) Bran new Work 1785 > P409 Worthies of England — — 1684 / 6410 Wright (John) Annales for 7 Years 168^ y 64 1 1 — . ■ (Thomas) Antiquities of Hallifax / . *738 / O 6412 Wright Martial Law of Tenures — 1768 /' h Wyndham (H. P.) Picture of the Me of Wight /i, <, 6414 / 6415 A .. 6416 // 6417 /%4«9 / 6420 6421 642} o *4^4 i 6425 1794 Wynne (Edward) Eunomus, or Dialogues on the Laws of England, 4 vol. — 1774 — ■■■ ■ ■ on the Degree of Sargeant at Law Law Trafts ■ — 1765 Xenophon, the Afccnt of Cyrus 1738 Yair (James) Account of the Scotch Trade 1776^ Yearly Chronicle, for 1761 Yearwood (Randolph) the Penitent Murderer 1657 Young (Arthur) Reign of George I. ^763 I I,-,—, Six Months Tour in the North, 4 vol. 1770 ■ ' ■ - Six Weeks To in the South 1769 Letters on the French Nation ' 7^9 Zooch (Rich.) on the Jurifdi^lion of the Admi- ralty — ' i66j ( m ) QUARTO. J 6426 Tracts, Angle. The Dlfcoveries of John Le« derer, in Virginia, 1672, Difcourfe con- cerning the Spaniftie Fleet, 1588. Relation of Two mod Strange Sea Fights Againtt the Turkes, 1636, and 2 other . 6427 ■ ■ Knights of the Bath (Lift of ^ the) 1661. Ceremonies at Creating Ditto. Demeanor, &c. Sir Walter Raleigh, j6i8, and 4 other 6428 — Newes from the Jews or a True Relation of a Great Prophet, 1671. Arraignment of the jefuites in France, i?y4. Hiftory of the Perfecution of the Valleys Piedmont, 1688. Earthquake in Sicily, and 5 other / 6429 ' Record of Sufferings for ^ Tythes, 1658. Forerunner of Revenge, 1642. and 9 other / 6430 ■■ — Inftrudlion to Judges and Law- yers, and fundry Law trafts 0 6431 - — ■ News from the Channel, or / Difcovery of the Ifle of Serke, 1673. Capi- tulations, &c. of Peace betweene the Sultan of the Turks and King of England, Cov fiantinople 1663. True' State and Title of the Comptroller or Portmafter of England. Overton’s Arrow Shot from Newgate, 1646. ^ and 2 other relative to Scotland ^ ^ 643a 1^ ■■■ — ^The Foure Petitions of Hunt- ingionfliire, Norfolk, Suffolk, and Effex, 1642. Fight at Torrington, 1645. Whip for the Marftiells Court, by Robins. Inftruc- tions for compounding for Wards, Ideots & Lunaticks, 1618, and 3 other ^ ^ k > r Quarto^ ^95 j y ^ 6|53 Tracts, Angle. Wonderfull Newes or Relation. y. of a Churchwarden of Tofceler, whole Wife firft Died Strangely, and himfelf fell Mad and Died, 1642, and 3 other relative to Northamptonlhire 6434 — ■ Reafons for caftrating Popilh Ecclefiafiics, 1700, and a parcel mifceliane. ous J i ^436 / J ' 6437 6438 / 6439 / 6440 6441 ~ ^44® Jm " 6443 — — — Colonel Titus, Killing no Murder, 1708, and a parcel relative to the Popiih Plot, &c. «« The Carriers Cofmographic, by John Taylor,. 1657 The TripUcitie of Triumphs, b, /. — 1610 — — Three Trafts, on the Propo- f«d Union between England and Scotland 1604 Account of the Pretended Prince of Wales, 1688. ElTex’s Innocency vindicated, /ro«r. i6qo. Enquiry into the Murther of Ditto, 1684, &c. — Hufley Plea for Chriftian Ma* giftracie, 1646. An Impeachment for High Treafon, Againft Oliver Cromwell, &c. 1649, ^ The Sounding of the Laft Trumpet, 1650. The Cry of a Stone, or Something fpoke, by Anne Trapnel 1694 The Boke of Jufticesof Peas, b.L 1515. Carla Feodi Simpiicis, h, h by Wynkyn de Worde, MedusTenendi Cur Baron by Pynjon, and 2 other rare trails, b» I, — — viz. Van Reenen Journal from the Cape of Good Hope, in Search of the Wreck of the Grofvenor, ’ivith notes, by Rivu, 1792. Swinney’s Account of 7 Churches, in Alia, 1769. Narrative of Extraordinary Efcape from the Indians, in the Gulph of St. Lau- rence, 1774. Letter from Mr. Dalrymple to Dr. Hawkefworth, 1773. . Excurlion to the Peake of TenerifFe in a Letter to Jofcph Jekyll, 1 793 tg6 Qaartdi / / >6444 Tracts, (13) relative to Johh Lilburne, ponraitt (71) in King Charles I, Time, 6445 6446 <447 many curious (24) relative to Oxford, many ^very curioufy *643, &c. The Fruitful Wonder, or a ftrange Relation from Kingfton upon Thames, of a Woman who was Delivered of Four Chil- dren at one Biith,' 1674. The Lord's Loud Call to England, 1660. Narrative of Pro- ceedings of Juftices againft People at Lewes, 1670. Captivity of Thomas Phelps, 1685, Relation of the Unjuft Accufation of certain French Gentlemen, 1671 The Popilh Champion, or Life of Rich. Earl of Tyrconnel, 16S9, Hiflorical Colleftions of the Church in Ireland, i68r0 The Great Pyrate, or Life and Death of Captain George Cufack, 1676. Life of d/> / Captain James Whitney, and 13 other Tingle ^ TraCls 0 6449 Trelsi AnftrafiaeReges et Lotharingiae Duces, with'65 portraits Colom643 / 6495 Wicsmi (Gul.) Vitum ac Res Geftas Oxonien/is 1 690 /(/ ^ 49 ^ Widmore (Richard) Hiftory of Weftminfter Abbey, t75i. Enquiry into the hrft Foundation of Ditto, 1743, m Manu/cript note / 6497 Wilkes (John) Hiftory of England from the Re- volution " " — 1768 y y 6498 Williams ^Sir Roger) briefe Dilcourfe of Warre I RQO, and Aftions of the Lowe Couiltreys 16.8 — Qnarto. /6499 Williams (Sir Roger) Adions ) Coun treys 'f>m* of the 299 Lowq 1618 // ^ 6500 Wilmot (John Eardley) Notes and Opinions in different Courts — 1802 / -6501 Wills (Royal and Noble) - 1780 , ' 1 6502 Wilfon (Robt. Thos) Britifh Expedition to Egypt platet • — " ■ * — 1802 Winter (A) Dreame — 1649 '7 0 Wintoiii (Stephani Gardineri Epifcopi) de Vera Obedientia — — — 1535 S Wife on the Learning, &c. of Europe Oxford 17^3 6506 Wonders of this Windie Winter, b, l» frontif^ / piece y ’ 6507 Wood (Anthony) Hillory of the Colleges and Halls in Oxford, continued byGutch, % voL Oxford 1786 90 y o 6508 — — (M.) Review of the War in the Myfore ]8oo 6509 Wright (Thos.) Antiquities of Ireland, . ^758 '^6510 (Leonard) Hunting of Antichrifl, b.L 1589 ^^65 II — — (Edward) Travels, 2 vol. in one, plates J730 J 6^12' Wyndham (H. P.) Tour through Monmouth* fhire and Wales, plates 781 y /2 ^>6513 Wyfley ((Wm.) True Ufe of Armorie, with the Glorious Life of Sir John Chandos 1592 / 6514 Wylfon 3 Orations of Demollhenes, 1573, Do. ^ Arte of Logique and Rhetorique, b* L 1555* with Autograph of Edward Earle of Oxen- , forde . t. • \ ^ . /l. tfC i ^ . f - ^ n . ^7. C , Thirtieth Day’s Sale^, Poetry. LJT ^6519 o 6520 6521 /65S2 774 >799 1638 1803 1789 1782 1718 Alves (Kobt.) Edinburgh, a Poem Amhorft (Nicholas) P/oteftant Popery Anacreon — Oxford and Sapho, by Burnaby Greene 1768 — by Fawkes — by Urquhart Analedts, in Verfe and Prole, t vol, Apollonius Rhodius, by Francis Fawkes 1760 1713 1777 1770 1780 Foetry — OOavo« 30E • 1 Sj 34 Ano(!o (Lud.) Orlande Fariofo, by Hoole, Vol, 5^32 — voi. 1791 ^9 6536 plates, ^ I 7 Q 9 6537 Ariftaenetus, the r.ove Epidles of 177c .6538 Armftrong (Richard) Art of Preferving Health ./) 744 i6^$g ■ ' - (John) Mifcellanies, 2 vol. 1776 ^ ^^654.0 Arfy-Verfy, or the Martyrdom of the Rump, m title 3 h y ' fe4' Afylum foi fugitive Pieces — 1785 — vol. I 1776 43 ......... I I 2 vol, ib, 6544 — — and Foundling Hof- pitalofVVit, 19 vol. 17B5-1786 6545 Atterbury (Bilh) Seleda Poemata 1684 6 <^61546 Aviary or Magazine of Britifli Melody 3 6 6547 Ayres (Philip) Lyric Poems — 1687 J 6 65^8 Bacchus and Venus, or the Harmony of Love & Wine / ^ . 6549 Baker (Dan.) Poems / <>' 6550 (Hen.) Poems / » 6551 Medulla, 2 vol. — ' ■¥ 66 Beloe(WiIl} Poems and Translations 1788 y 6567 Bennett John) Poems 17^^ > 6563 Benfon (Jofeph/ Battle of Floddenficld 1774 y 6569 Bidlake (John) Countiy Parfon — 1797 6570 — — Summer's Eve 1800 6571 Blacklock's Poems, 2 vol — 1762 / 6572 Blackmore (Sir R.) Poems — 1723 Z 6<;75 Poems ^ 1718 ' 6s74 — — Paraphrafc on Job 1716 y ,6^75 — Creation — 1715 " o 6576 — - ■■■■ Prince Arthur 1714 y ^577 Blake's Poetical Sketches — 1783 / 6578 Blondet’s Comparifon of Pindar and Horace, 1696 Bloomfield (Rob.) Farmer’s Boy 1800 Boileau Works with his Life by Ozell 1712 — the Lutrin, by N. Rowe ^ 175* Bold (Henry) Latine Songs — 1685 Bcoker (Luke the Hop Garden Boffu of the Epic Poem, 2 vol. * 7 * 9 . Bofworth ( Will) Chafte and loft Lovers *655’ Bon tier (Hugh) a Panegyrical Poem 1745 Bounden (Jofeph) Fatal Curiofity i8o( Bowden (Sam.) Poetical Eflays 1733 Bowles (W, L.) Sonnets — — Bath 1794 Boyd (Henry) the Penanceof Hugo 1805 Boys (John ) .^neas his Errours 1661 Boyse (S.) Poems — 1738 Bray (Edward) Idyls 1800 Brooke (Henry) Poems and Plays, 4 vol. 1789 Brome (Alex.) Songs and other Poems 1661 Browne (Ifaac Hawkins) the Immortality of the Soul — 1795 (Mofes) the Works and Reft of the Cre- yy y y 6579 6580 6581 <^6582 ^ 6583 6584 6585 —6586 ^ 6587 y 4?/ 6589 / 6 6590 Z / 6591 X 6 6592 / 6 6593 / ;^594 / 6595 y 6596 // ^597 3 6598 ^6599 ^6600 ^ ^6601 6602 ation Poems (Will) Works, 3 vol. — * (John) on Poetry and Mufic Buchannan (G.’i Psalmorum — Burns (Rob.) Works, 4 vol. — — — — Poems ' ■ ■' - Z 6603 Z ^ 6604 Buftie (H.) Socrates *752 1739 1772 1789 *583 1800 1801 17^2 Oftavo." 303 ^ Butler (Samuel) Hudibras, 2 parts 1663-1664 .6606 ; /6607 _ *6608 7 ^ /6609 '/ ^610 6611 ib. ib» ib» ib. MS, nates 6612 , — — id part 1664, n»ith — 3d part .1678 ■——— en Francois 1757 1709 by Grey, a vol. 1744 ) abounding nuitb manu/criptnotes , by Mr, Reed, Dr, Farmer, and many curious print* ed references and allusions, inferted in their ref- pe£ii*ue places, — 2 vol. plates M 1799 »754 vol, 1759 1682 ib, 177s 1737 77S / 6613 V /66t4 — — Remains ^ ; 6 6615 — / - 6616 — Ghoft / ^6617 // <^6618 Byrom (John) Poems, 2 vol. in i ^ 6619 Byfshe (Edw.J Art of Poetry — s fytbto Caledonia, 3 vols __ 66a I Callander (John) two ancient Scottifti Poems, Edin, 1782 6622 Cambridge Prize Poems, fine paper, only 12 copies printed ^ 1773 ^ ^6623 Carcw (Thos.) Poems 1772 a -7 - 6624 Cary (Henry) Poems — 1713 ^ - 6625 Caroloiades, an Heroic Poem — 1689 / 66626 ■■■■ > ■■"■■■ ib, / ^6627 Cartwright (Edmund) Armine and Elvira, a Le- gendary Tale, yrc/?/. — 1803 / / -66e8 Carysfort (Lord) Revenge of GuendoHn, 12 copies printed Ikhil 6629 Chalkhill (John) Thealma and Clearchus 1683 y . 6630 Chamberlayne (William) Pharonnida, portrait, ^ 4659 / 6 6631 Chandler (Mary) defcription of Bath, a Poem, 1738 / €63 304 pQetrj"^OdLS.vQ« 6633 Chatterton (Thomas) Revenge, a Burktta 179^ /b 6634 - Works, 3 vol 1803 6635 Poerns and Trads, a large colledion of, In 5 vol. 1778, with many ma- ^ nuscript and printed papers added. / 6 6636 — — Love and Madnefs 1780 6637 Life of, — 1789 ^ ^ 6638 Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales portrait 1737 V 6639 :^/664o 6641 y 6642 6 6643 // by Tyrwhit, 5 vol, ‘77C — — — — — in a modern verfion 3 vol. ■ ' ■ — ■ Oxford 1795 — Lives of Troilus and Crelfeid 1796, and other Poems, in i vol, Ghoft new painted by Wm. Painter Comments on 2 Tales of 6644 6645 > 6646 ■ ■ ' ' ' ✓ " 6 6647 Chudleigh (Lady) Poems / ^' 6648 Churchill’s Poems, Bell’s edit. 3 vol in iGyz ihm 166^ ib. 1709 Edm» >779 1804 >755 6649 2 vol. — ycf — 6650 Cibber’s Lives of the Poets, 5 vol. ^ / 6651 Clark (John) Works of the Caledonian Bards' 1783 6652 Cleveland (J.) Poems 1653 4 / 6653 . 195J y / 6654 — — •• 1654 / o" 6655 Cobb (Sam.) Poems — I707 /6656 Cockin (W.) attempt in Verfe 1776. Fall of ln- ^ fidelity. Sec* 1785 /f" 6657 Cockayn (Sir Afton) Chain of Golden Poems 1659 Jo 6658 Collier (W.) Poems, 2 vol. 1800 6659 Collins (Wm.) Works 1765, nvitb manufeript and printed papers at beginning and end J 6660 Colvil (Samuel) Whigs Supplication, Gla/gow >75> 6661 Colman (W.) Death’s Duel, (ront, 4 S' 666t Congreve (Wm.) Works, 3 vol. edavo 1710 Quarto. / / !B66^ Cooke (Thos.) Tales, &c. — / 6664 Cookfey (Rich.) Mifccllaneous Poems 6 6665 Cooper’s Mufris Library / 6666 Coppinger (Matt.) Poems - --w // ,6607 Corbet (R.) /"undry Pieces irt Poetry 7 6668 — Poems — ■J /666q — — / 6670 — — — / 6671 - ^ /66-;t Cotter (George Sackville) Poems, 2 vol, Cork / Cotton (Charles) Wonders of the Peak, No:titig» ^ . ^725 6674 ■ — Poetical Works 1734 30 f 1729 1796 1737 1682 1 64.8 1672 ihm ib, ib. QUARTO. 3 ^6679 yj - 6676 / 6677 / c > 6678- // 6679 6680 6681 /I / //? 6682 /<> .^ 6^4 Anacreontic Magazine, 7 No«. <— 179^ Annefon (|s.) Carollann^, a Poem, in honour of our Kings Charles, James, Qaee.i Anne, and Prince Charles Ariofto (Annotations cn the Orlando Furiofo of) 1758 Arnold (C.) Poems on feveral Occafions 1757 Ariftotle’s Treatife on Poetry, by Thos. Twining 1759 Affizes (great) holden in Parnaflus, by Apollo, *645 Baldwin (Wm.) Myrrour for Magiftrates, h, 1. 1^65 Baltimore (Lord) Gardi.a Poetica, Lat. ^ng. et Gallica, nuith plaits, extremely rare, fee note — — Coelefles et Infern, cuts, Vene, 1771 Bancroft (Thomas) Two Books of Epigrams &: Epitaphs - 1639 5o6 Quartoi ^ 6685 Barnefield's AffeShnate Shepherd^ containing the Complaint of Daphnis for the love of Gany- mede extremely rare ^$94 ^^ 6686 Beeriad (The) or Progrefs of Drink^ Go/port, 173^ / 6687 Beggars (The) Apt ^ /rent, — — 1627 ^ / 6688 Birkhead (Henry) Verfes on the Death of Sir Bevill Grenville 1684 6689 Bloomfield (Robeit) Farmer’s Boy, Vignettet^ 1800 ^ yj 6690 Blount (Thomas Pope) remarks on Poetry, with MS. additions of Mr. Wm. Oldys 1694 / 669.1 Booker (Luke) Malvern, — 1798 y 6692 ■ ibm >> ^6693 Bourne (Vincent) Mifcellancous Poems 177a , 777 Cotswold Hilk (Annalia Dubrenfia upon the Yearly Celebration of Mr. Robert Dovers Olympic Games upon) ■ ■ - 1636 Counter Scuffle, whereunto is added the Counter Rat front tfpieces * ^3 7 Cowley (Mrs.) the Siege of Acre, an Epic Poem i8oi Coxwell (Henry) the Odes of Horace, Oxford :7 8 Cranley (Thomas) Amanda or the Reformed S s $oS / ,6729 S /®730 .6731 , 5 " 673* 6733 ■ ^ 6734- // ,6735 ^0//^MQuarto« Whore, 1625. Clavell (Jolm) Recantation of an ill led life with portrait 1630 Crawford (Charles) Sophronia and Hilario 1774 Cumberland (Geo.) Levina the Maid ofSnowde ^ o *793 Danyel (Sam.) Political Effayes •!— 1599 — whole Workes — 1623 Dante, tranflated by Chas. Rogers, with 2 por* traits 1782 Darwin’^ Botanic Garden, 2 v6\.jplatest 1791 Davies ( John) Microsmos, the Difcovery of the little World Oxf, 1605 '6736 Deftruftion of Jerufalem green turkey <^6737 Z- 0 6738 / ^739 D’lfraeli (J.) Narrative Poems Donne ( John) Poems / A# '' y'. 6740 — 1803 '633 Dover (Robt.) Olimpic Games upon Cotswold Hills 1636 674* f 6742 -/ 6 6743 Dowrich (Anne) French Hiftorie Drayton (Michael) Owle,/rfl«r. ■ ' Mufes Elizium ib. 1589 1604 1630 / Pns /J ^ 6^46 Z 6747 , 6748 Z 4 6749 6750 J / 6?5« Z. 6752 / //— 6753 ■Z f >754 yir 55 3Q" jC — y Du Bartas his Divine Weekesby Sylve(ler,yjr«>»/. by Hole 1613 Eneas, his Defcent into Hell, Englifhed by Boys 1661 Epigrams by H. P . de/eSinse Evan Evans fpecimen of the Poetry Welch Bards 1608 of the 1764 1762 1616 Falconer (Wm.) Shipwreck — Farley (Henry) Complaint of Paules Fennor (Wm.) Defcriptions of certain Speeches before the King t6i6 with the Compters Commonwealth Fletcher (Phineas) whole Works fim copy, with copy of his will, and other MS. 1627 Forde (Jo.) Fame’s Memofiall 1606 Folbrooke (T. D.) Economy of Monaftic Life Gafcoigne (Geo.) Whole Workes, /« rnffia^bmL 1367 ( i °9 ) yj / $756 Gayton (Edmund) Art of Longuevity i6j;9 /6 c 57 Genethliacon, Ducis Cornubff, &c,motocco. Cant, 1688 / 6758 I , hound in ^vehiU 6759 Godfrey (Tho.) Poems Thiladel. 176^ /J 6760 Goldfmith (Oliver) Poems, wood cuts by Be- ^ Viick znd portrait *' — 1795 ^ - /• />■ /. d /. ' - / . r s~ jy . a. C /if. C 3.^, Thirty-firlt Day’s Sale^' Poetry, OCTAVO ET INFRA. • tOT 6761 /676* Cotton (Chas.) Poems — — 1689 — — (Nathaniel) Various Pieces, vol. I. 1791 y 6763 Courtenay (John) Juvenile Poems, portrait 1795 Courtier Pleafures of Solitude 1800 Courtney (J.) Poetical Epiftles 1704. Coward (W.) true Teft of Poetry 1709 Cowley (Abraham) Works, 2 \oh, portraits 1707 ■ by Hurd, 2 vol, * 77 * Cowper (Wm.) Poems 1782 66764 7 /(6765 ^^>6766 6767 ^ 6768 / / 6769 /d / €770 Ilkkrated by a feries of Views 180J yt $10 deyji J 6772 ;f 6773 iht 1638 - -//- Cntts (Lord) Poetical Exercises 1687 o ^777 Cynthia, with certain Sonnets, * 593 “ Dairy mple (Alex.) extraft from Withers* Juve- nilia — — J785'., — — — (Hugh) Rodondo, or the State Jug- lers i':63 Daniel ^Sam.) Delia and Rofamond augmented, Cleopatra — — — ^ / 6774. 6775 ^ ^ 6776 d 6777 i 6778 4 6779 J ^ 6780 4 4 6781 / 4 6782 i 6783 6784 ^785 ^786 <^6787 ^6788 ^ 6789 /3 /6790 6791 J 679* //6793 / 6794 ^'^6795 14 < 7 - 0 '' Oclavo. Crafiiaw (Rich.) Poetry - 1 , 1757 Steps to the Temple 1670 Crompton (Hugh) Pierides or the Shepherd’s Mount — 1658 Cuiiofity, or Gentleman’s and Ladies Library, York small Poems, with the Tragedie of Philotas, and a defence of Ryme 1603-5 (Rich.) on the Pfalms — 172?^ Davenant (Wm.) Madagafcar, and other Poems 1648 Davies (Si*- John) Poetical Works 1773 Davies (John) on the Immortality of the Soul, and Hiftorical Relations concerning Ireland *733 Denham (Sir John) Direflions to a Painter, 1667 Poems and Tranflations 1709 Denis (Charles) Fables 1754 Dennis[(John) on Poetry, &c. vol. I, Lp, no more pubiiihed — >727 Advancement and Reformation of Modern Poetry, morocco ^ gilt leavet 1701 — Mifcellany Poems 1697 ' .1. - 11 ^ Britannia Triumphans 1704 Diarium, or Jourj'al divided into t2 Jornadas in Buileque Rhv me 1656 Diflionnarum Foeticum morocco, gilt leaves Paris ap H, Stephans 15^0 Dodd (William) Thoughts in prifon, portrait 1789 Taesrymm.0^2iVQ^ 311 / 6796 Dodd (William) Poems, portrait 1767 , * 6797 Dodfley*s CoHeftion of Poems, 6 vol. 1758 '' ^798 and Pearch's Poems, 10 vol. bound, 1768 w,' 6799 Donne (John) Satyr i66i 6800 Poems * 7*9 <5 6801 — ib, Z 68c2 — 1669 o 6803 Downmon (Hugh) Poems to Thefpia, Exeter . / * 79 * - 6804 Drayton (Mich.) Poems — 1610 o 6805 — ' — 161a / ~68o6 ■ , Works, 4 vol. 1753 6807 — England Hercoical Epiftles 1788 / 6808 Drollory (Grammatical) — 6809 Drummond (Wm.) Poems — ^”06811 Dryden (John) Mifcellany Poems, 6 vol. <^68 1 a — — — „ „ — vol. I. ,6814 Duck (Stephen) Poems — 6 6815 Duffett i.Thos.) Poems, Songs, &c. 1682 1656 ^6810 portrait * 79 * 1716 ih, 6813 — ■■■■ ■ — Year of Wonders 1667 1736 1676 4 ^ 6816 Dunkin (William) Poetical Works, 2 vol. Dublitt 1769 J 6817 Durfey (Thomas) New Opera’s Poems, comical ^ Stories «— — 1721 ->* 6818 New Ballads, g/ 7 r >715 Za 6819 — Pills to purge Melancholy, vol. 1 — 1719 6820 Dwight (Timothy) Conqueft of Canaan, Hartford 1785 J - 6821 Dyer (John) Poems 1761, many particulars in MS^ relating to him, and original letter from him to Dodjley /o 6 6822 Echoes from the Sixth Trumpet, imp» in ih^Tear LorD haVe MerCle Upon Ut yZ" 6^23 Edinburgh Fugitive Pieces 6824 Ekins (J.) Medea and Jafon ^ 6825 Elegant ExtraCls in Verse y ~ - — - / /j: 1 . _ ^ 62t( — 1791 - 1772 — 1791 Ellis (John) Surprize, or the Gentleman turned Apothecary, — 1739 SIX Poetrj*m^^2i^ot ^ 68*7 Elwood (Thos.) Davidds 6 6828 Elphinftone (Js.) Education in 4 books y y 6829 y J y>'' 6830 England’s Parnaflus 6831 6832 Epictetus, by Walker Religion, a Poem I 7 i< 1763 1754 1600 ih, 1697 6833 Epigrams, (collection of) *witb manu$cviptmte3^ 1694 6834 — ^ 8 735 6835 Epitaphs, Ancient and Modern, in 4 parts /-/^6836 Efprit de L’Hiftoire de r Europe 1793 ® ^6837 Evans’s Old Ballads, 2 vol. — 1777 6838 Evans (Thomas) Oedipus three Cantoes 16 5 /6839 Falconer (Wm.) Shipwreck, with his Life, by ^ ^ , Clarke,/./. — - 1804 ^6840 Farrago — 1739 - 6841 Fawkes (Francis) Poems and Tranflations 176* 6842 Fenelon, Adventures of Telemachus, in blank verfe, by J. Youde, 3 vol. Chedef 1791 6843 Fiflier (John) Valley of Llanherne 1801 - ^6844 Fitzgerald (Gerald) Poems — 1797 y6845 — (Thomas) ditto, by Win thorn Ox/ord 1781 J 6846 Flatman (Thomas) Poems and Songs, portrait^ 1686 y J /Z / 6847 Flacknoe (Rich.) Epigrams — ^ 6848 6849 - - ■ Mifcellania — ^Enigmatical Characters ^6851 Fletcher (Giles) Purple Ifland, &c. ^4 6852 Floddon (Battle of) »— yj 6853 Florence Mifcellany y / 6854 Flower Piece — / 685? Flowerdeu (A.) Poems — y/ 6856 Fordyce (James) Poems, y '/ — 6857 Foundling Hofpitalfor Wit, 6 vol. in 3 ^ ^858 voL 3, Z 6859 Francis (Ben.) Poems, «/686o Free (John^ Poems 1670 1673 1653 1665 1783 1/74 1785 I 7 ?‘ 1803 I 86 1778 /Wff topiet 1 86 1660 »;s 7 /y, y Pw/ry.— Odlavo. 3*3 ^636i Free (John) Poems — — ^757 //686» Frceth (John) Political Songfter, portrait ^ Birmingham 179® ^ 686j Fugitive Mifcellany — 177-$. J / 6864 Gahagan Tentamen cle Arte Critica and Temp'e ^ of Fame from Pope — 1747 / 6861; Gallantry A la Mode < — — 1674- ^ .6866 Gallus (Corn.) Elegies on Old Age 1688 /// 6 6867 Garrick (David) Poetical Works, ft vol. 1785 6868 Gay (John) Poems and Plays, Vol. III. IV. 1773, curious note in Vol, 4. at the begin* i^g g86g ^ .. . — IV. // / / / / 6 3 / ih, iSo^ 1772 1800 1747 1787 y 6870 Gent (T.) Poetic Sketches — - 6871 Gibbons (Thomas) ChrilVian Minifter 6872 Gifford (W.) Baviad and Maeviad (>6873 Gilbert (Thomas) Poems — — » 16874 Gillum (William) Mifcellaneous Poems 6875 Gifborne (Thomas) Poems, Sacred and Mora! 1798 16876 Glover (Richard) Leonidas, iSmo. / Glajgonu 1 769 [^6877 — portrait 1738 6878 Athenaid 3 vol. *787 6879 GomerfaU{Rob.) Poems, with Tragedie of Lod. Sforza, front, — — — 1633 6880 : fronti/pieces^ by Cecil ^ /8881 Gould (Robt.) Works, 2 vol. ^ ^ 6882 Graves Euphrofyne, 2 vol. <^6883 Gray’s Poems - — <^.6884 y 6883 6886 / // // with Notes, by Wakefield <^6887 Greene (Edward Barnaby) Poetical Effays 6888 Griffith (Amyas) Works 6889 Grub-ftreet Memoirs, by Bavius . 6890 Habington (William) Callara,^-^? 6891 Hacket(john) Epitaphs, a voJ. 6892 Haddington (Lord) Poems — iK 1709 1776 1768 ih, 1778 1786 1771 *7^3 1732 17^.7 •73; 1 3H .Odavo. y S 6893 Hagthorpe (John) Vifions of Things 1623 6894 HalJifax (D.) Poetical Works, and Life 1716 ^ 6895 Hall (John) Poems — Camh. 1646 yj- 6896 (Jofeph) Satire?, in Six Books Oxford 1753 / Z 6897 — (John) Works, 3 vol. mith aMS, Poem, at the begining ^ — j <79 '^6898 Haller’s Poems, by Mrs. Howorth *794' Z 6899 Hamilton (William) Poems, portrait, Edinburgh i 760 6899*Hammond Love Elegie? ib, '759 y J __690o Hardinge (Nicholas) Latin Verfes, never public ' this was Dr Johnfon’s Copy. 1780^ / 6901 Harley (Geo. Davis) Ballad Stories, Sonnets, ^ — — — Bath 1799 6902 HalTop (Edward Atkins) Mifcellaneous Poems ^ 1796 6903 Harte (Walter) Amaranth, or Religions Poems 1767 6904 ib. ^ 6905 Harvey (John) Life of Robert Bruce Edinburgh 17^8 6906 Hawkins (Sir John) Probationary Odes 1786 ^>6907 - - (Wm.) Poems Oxford 1781 / 16908 Hayes (Daniel) Works, in Verfe 1769 6 ■J6909 Hayley (Wm.) Poetical Works. 3 vol. * Dublin 1785 <^^^6910 Headley (Hen.) Beauties of Antient Englilh Poetry — ■■■ 1787 y 6911 l\tiLi\Qy morocco gilt leaves 1714 6912 Hervey’s Meditations, in blank Verfe, by New- comb, 2 vol. — ■ ■■■ 1764 ^'^6913 Hewardine (Wm.) Hilaria, or the Feftive Board, portrait — — — 1798 ^9.14 Hewitt (John) Mifcellanies Briftol *7*7 ^ 6915 Heywood (Thos.) Pleafant Dialogues and Dram- C as 1637 ^^69 16 Hieracles on the Golden Verfes of Pythagoras Glaf. 1756 <$>6917 Hincheliffe (Wm.) Poems — 1718 3*5 / // Hoddesdon (John) Sion and Parnaffus, portrait^ a fac JimiUy Drawing, by George Steevens / ... ... . ‘^ 5 ° (>6919 Hogaei (Gul.) Principis Ar^iuri liber primus a Rich, di Biacworus 1700 / 6920 Hoglandia ' — 1711 ^ 6921 Holbom Drollery, MB* title 1673 QIJARTO. ^6922 Granville, Lord Lanfdowne’s Works ' >732 6923 Gray’s Odes Strafvjberry-Hill 1757 'V 6924 Works with Life, by MaLn, portrait^ ^ nuiih manu/cripty and printed papers^ index, by Cole, &c. — — •— 1775 Greville (Fauike) Reflexion ^ 1790 Habington (Wm.) Caftara — 1634 Hardyng (John) Chronicle of Englande, b, L fine copy, rujfta — ^ — 1543 (j "j 6928 Harneii (Gab.) Gratulatlonjs Valdinenfium Lond. 1678 Hayley (Wip.) Occafional Epiftl.es to, by Eyles Irvyin — — — <733 I — Triumph of Mufic 1804 ■ Poetical Epiftle to an Eminent Painter 1778 * . Effay on Sculpture i8co 692c /Z 6926 '6929 I6930 / —6931 6931 6633 y -6q3 4 y/;^_-6935 / /- 6936 2 2 6937 ^ — ^< 95 ^ Heard (Wm*) Sentimental Journey to Bath, Brif- toi ' — *778 Hepwith (John) Calldonian Forell 1641 Hefiod, by Chapman i 6 i 3 Hey woode (John) Spider and File, cuts, b. /, imperfeSl Proverbes and Epigrammes ■ . i5f>6 Higins (jolin) Fables of Unfortunate Piinces { 6 20 T t Ji6 Quarto, 6939 Hoccleve (Tbos.) Poems, ed 6940 b 6941 ? j 694s . 6 69)3 '0 — 69 i4 .? -69»S o 6946 by Geo. Mafoi» 1796 Homer's Iliad, by Langley, 1767. by Tremen- ircie, Book I. 1792. by Afhwick, 8th Book, 17,0. and Scott's EBay towards a Tran- llation of Ditto, in Blank Verfe tyj*; Homer Burlefqued, by Thomas Bridges 1772 Horace Odes, tranflated by Sir T. l 4 . 1625 — — njoanti title — his Satyres, by Drant. b. /. — Art oi Poetry, by Colman Hackell (J.) Avon, printed by Bajktrvillc Jafher (the Book of) 6 6947 — (>948 Jeffery (George) Mifcellanies y.6944 < V ^ 95 ° 6951 6553 (6654 jerningham Ancient Englifh Wake Jenfenus Viibius ■ ^6955 4 / 6956 / 6 69,8 2 ®939 Jordan (Thomas) Poetical Vanities Julia, or Laft Follies — - Juvenal, Ten and Thirteen Satyrs, Higden by 1566 1783 1758 1767 1770 t 6 iB 1638 Jb 37 1798 Henry 1686 Satires, by William Gifford, portrait , T8o» Knight (R. P.) Landfcape — 1794 1795 — Prog refs of Civil Society 1796 Lawyer (Amilia) Salve Deus Rex Ifudaeornm 1 64 I / ^ 6960 Layng and Langhornc's Poems, Manujcript note I 748 Legend of Capt, Jones, — ^^48 Lelandi (Joan.) Cygnea 'Cantica, &c. London 1 346 6963 Leolinc and Sydaris, an Keroick Romance, by Sir Edward Kinaflori 1641 Lilli’s Propheticall Hiftory i64Si Lithgow fW^) Gofhii-g Tears of Godly Sorrow ' Edin. {640 Lloyd (E.) Pow’crsof ihe Pen, and other Poems frcnt. — ™ / 6 , 6 . • 6964 J J 6965 6966 /j, yt..— Poetry^ Quaf toi 3 ; 7 ^*^^5907 Lonciofl Artiilerie j 6968 London King Charlei his Augufta, or City Roy all — i6a1 all / 6969 Love (the) of Glory ■ / ^ 6970 Lovelyng's llatin and Englilh Poems /' 6971 Lucas Poems — , — — 1648 I806 1738 <779 S972 Lyfe, apd Hidory of Saynt Worburge, /. /V»- printed by Pynfon * 5*1 ,(6973 Macgiloray {John) Poems 1787 9y74 Maepherfen ( js.) Eingal and Temora, a voL 1762-j 16975 Manning (Francis) Poems — 175* ^ P976 Marloe (Chriftopher) Herb and Leander 1609 6977 Maurice (Thos.) Poems <779 ^6978 — Elegiac on Sir William Jones 1795 i59';g Merryman (Do6ler) or Nothing biit Mirth 1637 6980 Mickle (Wm. Julius) Pocttis 1794 6981 Miller’s Mifcellanoops Works — — ? *74^ 6982 Middleton (Chriftopher) Hiflorie of Heaven * 59^ (6983 Milton (John) Paradife Loft, Book I. 1 Gia/gsw 1790 / t / ^ J 4 4 / 6985 / / 5g86 6988 I4 — — — — ——I—.— notes, by Capel Loft, Book 1. Burjt 1792, Paraphrafe on the firft Book, 1738 — - ^ — " ■ — » firft Book, Lat. and Englilh, by Michael Bold *73^< — — • in 10 books, >^ith portrait fine copy _ 1669 — in 12 books, by Bentley ^ 1732 Paradife Regaioed, by Charles / / 6989 D under, with p nr ait ^ front, and map <799 L’AlIegro ct le Penferoroj Fr. ^nd — — • 1766 ,/ 5990 Moallakat (the) tranllatcd by William Jones *7^3 6991 Moore (Edward) Poems, Fables, and Plays 3i 8 Quarto* / {^ f 992 More (Hannah) Ode to Dragon, 1777. Florio, a tale, 1787 A 6093 Mudgc (Zachary) Efiay towards a New Verfion ^ of the Pfalms — — ^ 1744 / ^^994 Mufaeus, the Loves of Hero and Leander, Gr. et y Eng, ■■ — — ^797 / ^ ^995 Naboth’s Vineyard , 169^ ^ _ 6996 Naogeorgus (Thomas) Popifh Kingdome, or Reigne of Antichriil, by Barnabe Googc, h,L 1570 (3 /) ^997 Narcifius, a Fable from Ovid, tranflated into / , Englylh Metre, b, /• — 1560 / S 6998 Nautical Odes — — 1801 / (:^6999 Newcomb (Tho.) Poems *75^ J 7000 Nofee Teipfum ^ ^ 7001 Obfequies to the Memorie of Mr. Edward King, 1638, in which the Lycidasoi Milton iirft ap- peared, 'ueryfcarce y 3 7002 Oclando (Chriftopher) Anglorum Praelia //^ 7003 Oxford and Cambridge Verfes, on the Death of Henry Prince of Wales, 1660. Princefs Mary, 1668. Monck D. of Albemarle, 1670 f 8 parts / /f Ovid’s Metamorphofis, 1 5 Bookes tranflated by Arthur Golding, b. I, 1575 ^ /A Palingenius Zodiake of Life, by Googe, b, /. 1576 y 7006 Parkhurfti (Johan.) Ludicra, live Epigraromata Juvenilia 1573 / yj 7007 Peacham (Henry) Period of Mourning 1613 / ^ 7008 Perfiaii Literature (Flowers of) by Roufleau 1801 7009 Petowe (Henry) Eliza’s Funerall 1603 y /f^ 7010 Pierce Plowman (The Vifion of) b, 1 . imprinted by Crowley 9 j 550, fee Manu/cript note by Mr, Reed - ' / y' 701 1 Pietas et Gratulaiio Coll. Cant, apud Novangles Bojioni 1701- ( 3'9 ) Thirty-fecond Day’s Sale. Poetry. OCTAVO. tOT Z' Z / ^013 J - 70*4 /70IS i / 70'6 //7017 ^ 7018 7019 J 7020 7021 J 7022 / / 7023 / 7024 HoLLWAY (William) Peafants Fate,/«a/. 1802 Homer a la Mode — Oxford 1665 “ ■ th. — — — Iliad Difcourfe on, by Theobald, 1714. Do. by Fiddes — • 1714 — Batracomyomechia, Fr* and Eng. by Co- hen — — (Tradls on) by Kedington, &c. 1759, fee note by Mr, Reed — Tiaveftie, 2 vol. — — 1^5^ and Virgil not to be compared with the two Arthur’s — — 1700 ib* Horace Odes and Epodes, by Henry Rider 2638 — — - — with Tr. of Nero — 16^^ — the bed of Lyrick Poets, by Barten Holy- day 1659 A^/^.*^0£lavo. 320 ^7025 Horace Goes and Satyrs J717 7026 — — Epodes. and Carmen Seculare / '719 ^ yoi’j •— — — —' .I ■■ 11 I1 11,— -I — j .. — I ^7028 — — Art of Poetry, by Henry Ames 1727 ' ^7029— Englilhed by Creech, por/r^/V 171; j j / 70J I — — — by Han way j- 'jQlt —- Towers, a vol, “'7033 — — Hurd, 2 vol. / 7034 3 vol, pojij — — — Smart, VoLir / X. J 67030 ——Latin and Englifh by z vol. 171S 1730 >714 1767 1766 1656 17 S 7 1765 I 75 d 1684 1669 ibm 166© 1696 •J 6 ^7036 — * /V 7037 — i8mo. — Duncombe. 2 vo!. Francis, 4 vol. / ”7038 — — Imitations of, by Neville 6 7039 Hopkins (Charles) Epiftolary Poems 7040 Howard (Edward) Britiih Princes 7041 7042 — •i— — (Sir Robt.) Poems 7043 — — — ^ ^ — — (Nathaniel) Bickleigh front* Xtrk 1804 7045 Howel (James) Poems, 1663,/#^ Mr* Reeds note to y it as •very fcaree ^ 6 ^046 Herbert (Life of )/ra«/. — — . 1795 7047 — — - (Richard) Life and Death of Edward II. 162^, fee note ^ 7Q4S — — — (F.) Hiflorie of Edward II. portrait 1629 ^ ^ 7049 HuddeTord (George) Poems, 2 vol. 1801 4 6 7o;o Hudibrafs (the Dutch) 1674 3 i 70(51 Hudl'on*s Poems Netvcajile upanTyne 165s 2 ^ 7052 fiughes (John) Poems, 2VoL — 17*? / 70C3 — * 7*9 // /7or,4. Hannis (William) Seven Sobs of a SorrowfuU ^ Soule for Sinne ' *615 X 7055 Hunt (J.H L.) Juvenilia,/rov/. 1801 / 7056 Hufbands (J.) Mifccllany of Poems * ^ Oxford 1731 7057 Hutton (Henry) Follie's Anatomic, or Satyres and SatyricaU Epigrams, rare 1619 i J / 3 // ^ y, ^ 70s* - 7059 /.V ’ 7060 // 7 o 5 i got 2 / j f9^i / ^ 70^4 /^“^7o66 7067 / 7068 / 7069 J J 7070 ^ J 707* ^ 707* / / 7073 / / -7074 /^ 67075 . / ^7076 ^-7077 ^ 7^78 ^7079 / 7080 708 1 Kyftorie of the Famous Priucca of tl-ie World, Afiinnax and Poiixenat and the Worthie Hy» Aorie of the moft Noble aod V^liaunt Pia» Jidau gathered in Englilh Verfe, by John Partridge, h, L impro^vid bj Henry Denham 1366 James (Charles) Poems, 2 vol, parfM/t 1789 — — the FirA, King of Scotlaodj Poetical Re- mains, with Life, by Wm. Tyder,pyrrra/f Mdin. 1783 Idea of ChriAian Love — i 6 H 3 Jefferfon's Poems — — — 1773 Jenkyn (Pat,heticke} Amorea, or I.oA Lover i 66¥ JeSiiti ib, Jennyngs (Soamc) Poems, edit, — 4 yol. 1790 Johnfon (Samuel) edition oFthe EngliAi Poers, 75 vol. — — i7g<3, Lives, of the Poets, hi 8vo, (proof Iheets io) twiib MS. car regions by Mr, Reed r — 4 vol, interleaved with MS, additions, by Mr, Reed — — • *779 Jones (Mary) Poems •— Oxford — — (Sir William) Poems.from the Aliatick ib, 1772 — — (T.) poems, with Phantoms, or tbe Irilh. man in England,/rc«/. — — 1803 Jonfon (Ben) Poems — — . j6^j Jordan (Tho.) Rofary of Rarities — — Pictures of Paffions, &c. Lola (AgoAino) Pieces from the Italian Poets Cam. 1784 Juvenal and PetAos, by Dryden, iSmo. lyj^ Satyrs, by Stapylion, /'/ 9 * / /3 7093 / 6 7094 -7095 3 — 7006 ■ 7097 9 / 709* •V 6 7099 3 b 7100 / 9 7101 X? — 7102 / 3 ~ 7103 / 7104 J i 7 ‘°S ^7106 / 6 7107 /S-Tioi oyiwo / 7111 / 7112 ^ 7 - * 3 _^i «4 1770 1759 1 r/i/i *763 Kirkpatrick (J.) Sea Piece, a poem 1750 Lachrymse Mufarum, the Tears of the Mufes, in Elegies on the Death of Henry Ld. Haf- tings , rare — — — 1650 Lanfdowne (Lord) Works, 3 vol. <73^ Leapor (Mrs.) Poems — — 1748 Legend of Captain Jones, front*, nvith portrait Leflie (John) Killarn^y — Dublin ^772 Lefly (George) Divine Dialogues 1684 Letters from an Engliih Traveller in Spain, on the Origin and Progrefs of Poetry, portrait 1781 Leveridge’s Colle^lfon of Songs 17*7 Lewis (D.) Mifcellaneous Poems 1726 Life of Edward 1 1 . />*«»/. — — 1721 Lindfay (Sir David) Works, b, /. Gla/gonu 1683 Llewellyn Men Miracle. — 1656 — • — tb* Lloyd and Charles Lamb, Blank Verfe 1 798 (Robt.) Poetical Works, 2 vol. fee note at the beginning of vol. 1 ^774 Love (James) Poems * Zdin* 1754 Lovelace (Rich.) Lucafta — 1659 — front* ^649 Loviband |£dw.) Poems 1785 Lucan, engliftied by Muy tfronti/fece by Huljius 1627 iB, Luck continued till the Death of Caefar — by Rowe, 2 vol. — • — (R ) Pcems — — — Lucretius, by Evelyn — — — tranflated by Creech, 2 vol. LytcUon (George Lord) Poeticiil Works '^Maepherfon, the Highlander, a Poem, 'i'lifet Mr* Reed's MS* note .63 1657 ^ 75 ' *793 *733 1657 1714 1706 >758. / 7”5 ^ -7116 JQ 7120 ^ * J 7121 7122 t 7 ' V ^7*23 . .7124 ^ 7*25 / 7126 / 7127 07128 / 7129 7130 /z 7*31 / 713* ^■^ 7*33 J 67134 ^/ 7 ' 3 S ^-7136 0'37 44*40 / 7141 / - 7142 y 7143 y/{?_ 7 i 44 Pc.— Odlavo* 325 Mallet (David) Works, 3 vol. — 1759 Manlove (Edward) Divine Contentment 1667 Manner.-; o'f the Age, in Thirteen Satires 1733 Maphaeus tranflated by ). Ellis 1758 Margate Guide ' — — 1797 Martial, Epigrams, by W. Hay 1755 Mafon (Win ) Poems — — 1764 Englilh Garden^ 1783. on Gar- dening, 1768 Mathias (Thomas James) Odes Maurice (Thomas) Poems, Epiflolary, &c May (T.) Reigne of Henry II. May (Thos.) Poems, Henley^ and King Asa, z vol. May lie (John) Glafgow, a Poem Medea and Jafon, by J. Ekiiis — Meditations — — - — Mendez (Moses) Collection of Poetry Menins (J.) Mufes Recreation Merry Mulician — — Metaftafio, by John Hoole, 2 vol. Mickle (W. JO Poetical Works Mills (Harrey) Bagatelles — Milton (John) Paradife Loft, La/. & ift, — — — plates and portraits , i 7 i 3 1798 1800 1633 1803 1772 1750 1767 •655 1716 >754 1767 1806 1767 Book I7«2 171 1, and Regained, 2 vol, ParadifeLoft, cuts 7>45 JO 3 7 146 ^ 7147 — — is.egaine ■ Poetical Works,; vol. plates by Reed with Additions, largt paper ^ 6 voL' - — 1707 > 77 > Glafgo’W 175 2 U u by Newton, 4 and MS, notes, >757 by H, J. Todd, — ‘ 1801 — 164? — ik% S *4 Jt 7148 J'- 7 S 7 /7158 i <^ 7*59 i-f 7160 6 ^7161 / 7161 ^7163 7*64 -7165 y 7166 J 7167 y 7168 1/7169 /- 7 « 7 o 0 £lavo. Milton (John) Poems by T. Wharton 1786 1791 1798 — — Remarks on Paradife Loft, by Maney 176^ — I — — by Paterfon >744 Confiderations on his Early Reading, by Charles Dunfter 1800 — Paraphrafis Poetica autore, G Hogaeo — 1690 Trafts on, by Benfon» Lauder, Richardfon, Meadowcouit, Douglas, &c. z vol. , Delcjftus Auflorum Sacrorum a Laudero atom. — — 1753 — ■ Life of by Dr.Johnfon, filackburnes Re- marks on Ditto 1700 — Life of, by Toland — 1761 Minot (Lawrence) Poems — 1795 Mitchell (Jofeph) Poems, 2* vol, 1732 Monk (Mrs.) Poems — 1716 Montague (Lady Mary) Poetical Works 1768 Montgomery (Alexander'^ Poetical Works 1754 Moore (James) Colurobiad — « > 79 ^ More (Henry) Poems — 1647 Morrice (Bezaleel) Mifcellanies in Verfc and profe Muise Britannicae — 1711 MufesMirrour, 2 vol, in i — 1788 QUARTO. y y// 7171 Poems, lingle, viz. The DiaboJiad, by Mr. Combe, 1777, and 12 other by the fame Author 72~-— — — '■■■ Geddes Ver Vert, or the Par- rot of Ne vers, 1793 & a large parcel poetical Quarto. 38 S ‘im J -im 717s r 7176 Poems, fingle, viz. Smith (Charlotte) Elegie Sonnets, 1786, and, a parcel Do. Epirtle of Paul the Paifoii to the Romans, 1716, and a parcel Ditto The Caledonian Heroine^ 7177 7178 7'79 //71S0 J 471^3 // 7'84 / 7 « 8 S J 7186 /_ 7187 ^ 7*88 / 7189 i’/r‘ 9 o and a parcel Do. and a Parcel Do. Weft Indian Eclogues, 1787,’ Amufemcnt, by Henry James Pye, 1790. and a parcel Do. The Force of Preaching. or St. John in the Defart, 17457 and a par- cel Do. Fables for Grown Gen- tlemen, 1770, and a parcel Do. The Diaboliad, by Mr# Combe, 1777, ^ parcel Do. — — — — — Fables for Grown Gen- tlemen, 1 770, and a parcel Do. Manners of Paphos, 1777 and a parcel of Do. 1776, and Do. Solitaire, and Do. Sir Eldred of the Bower Alonzo, or the Youthful by Jas. Woodhoufe 1788 '■ — Purfuits of Literature,- 1794, and a parcel Do. Solomon’s Song, by and Do, Hodgfon, 1786. Evelina, a Sacred Elegy, 1774. Humanity, 1788 ' An Elegiac Poem Sacred to the Memory of Sir William Jones, 1795» and a parcel Do. Ode to the Genius of the Lakes, 1780. Anna and Edgar, by Mrs. Inglis, 1781, fir the Maid of Arragon, by Mrs. Cowley, 1780 " Amana, a Dramatic Poem, & 1764, and a parcel political I 326 / 7191 719a 4 ^ 7*93 y 4 '^ 7‘94 / y io 7^95 ^ 7196 Quarto, Poems, Hngle, viz. Hayley’s Occafional Stanzas- 1 788, and a fiarccl ditto — — Bagley, a Defcriptive Poem, Oxford 1777, and ditto ■I Gray’s Ode«j Stra^wherry^ Hill 1 757, and 9 by and relative to — - Pope (Aiex.)Supremacy,&c. examined, fronti/pUce 1729, and a parcel ditto Ancient Rome and Modern Z 7>97 y ■ 7198 S 7 '99 J ^ 7*0° Z / 7*04 7205 / ^^o 6 // 7*07 ^ 7208 /, / Britain compared, 8 copies 1793 Louifa, a Poetical Novel 1792. Llangollen Vale 1796, and Oiiginal Sonnets I79yi by Mifs Seward Poems by Lipfccmb 1784. Jacobinifm, a Poem 1801. Triumphs of Po- etry, by Hubbard *803. Sotheby's Poems 1790 and 5 other Sir Thomas Mount 1774, and 5 other by Eyles Irwin by Peter Pindar (13) — — Hermit of Warkworth 1771, and a parcel poetical Ode to the Genius of the Lakes, by W, Cockin, and a parcel ditto The Diftrcfled Poets, by Keate 1787, and 7 other ■ » '■■■■ M New Book of the Dunciad, by Dr.Dodd 1750. The cld Woman’s Ditto, by Ken- rick 1755 .i—.i. Golden Age from Virgil 1703, and 5 other relative to Horace, &c. - Wartoni|Tho.) ^ Palioral Eclogues 174^. Anftey’s Eletlion Ball, fronts 1776. Pye’s Carmen Seculare 1800, &c. — ^ — Hardy kute Glafgovj, 1748, and a parcel poetical r- Acadernie, or the Humours of Oxford 1691, and ditto — to the memory of Waller j688, and a parcel ditto Piwf/C— Quartoi 327 ^ ^^'7209 ^^'72'° 72" ^V 72‘2 /6 7213 / ^ e> 7*^4 vV.72'J //J 72>6 / ^ /- 7*21 7217 7218 ^7219 220 Poems, Young Rofciad 1805, and a parcel ditto Hackwood Park Clito 1702, Verdift k 71;^, with MS* letter from David Hume to Mr. Dodfley. Poems by the Rev. Mr. Canthorne »77T.'^ith MS. Letter from him to Mr. Dodfley iu 1 vol. 2 ,^ 3*5 Poetry. ’^QQZTto* /. ^ ^233 — Browne de Animi Immortalitate i754,& 4 Tranflations by Hay, Gray, Granville and Byrom, Fribleriad, by Garrick I'jbit T'wo Partoral Eulogies by Thomas Warton 1745, and 33 other iii 1 vol, y ?234 Heroic Epiftle to Sir Wm. Chambers ' ^ 1773* with his Differtation on Oriental Gar- dening, by Bartolozzi 1772. Travellers . ' and Defertcd Village by Goldsmith* The Minftrell by Dr. Beattie 1771. St. Martyn by Mickle 1777. The pried dilTccted, by Chrid. Andy 1774. Note, this Pamphlet may be edeemed a euriositji as the publication of it was fuppreaed by the Author, on finding that he was midaken in the Foem he had ya- iyrized, and 10 other in i vol, J 7255 — Poeta de Tridibus, or the Poet’s Com- plaint 1682, and 13 other by Dryden, in i ^ vol. /Z d 7236 ■ ■■ ■ — St. Peter’s Complaint, and other Poems, Marie Magdalen’s Funerall Tear 1609 in i vol. ' / 7*37 A 7*88 017*39 7®40 7241 / yi>''-7*42 . Jt 7*43 Z / 7*44 yz / 7*47 yy/j„y — — Abfolem and Achitophel, the Medall, &c, by Dryden 1682. The Hind and Pan- ther 1687.' Auctio Davisio Oxonii Nabita 1689. The Ephefian Matron 1793 in 2 vol* Pope (Alex.) Dunciad — lyzg Pope (A.) excerpta quaedam Lat, rcdidit, per Kirkpatrick Po T fon (Ric h.) Eloifa cn Didiabille Pratt, Bread or the Poor, with notes Psalms of David, b, /. — — (fird fifteen) by Dr. J749 1801 iK Gibbs; 1701 copies 7245 7246 Psyche, in imitation of Spencer, 10 folded Puttenham’s Art of Poetry, title wanting ,Pye (H. J.) Commentary illudrating the Poetry of Aridotle ■ _ , 1792 Pye (J, W. Naacratia,or Naval Dominionsyr<7»/ •j-Luo M ^ 33<3 Quarto. / 7248 Quarles (Fran.) Hrftorie of Sam pf-n (7249 R-aynor ( William) Milcellanies, tp^'voich / 17250 Ridlsy (GloHer; Melampus, with notes '*--7231 - ^ / / c /o. j y /c . / S - ^ / Thirty- third Day’s Sale, //'. fS. c 1631 1767 1781 ih. PotSry , OCTAVO ET INFRA. LOT ^725* ^7.53 \7254 j725? ^7256 ^ 7257 6 7258 y (7259 17260 J* ^261 ^ 7262 6 7263 EEDLER (H.) Works Neville (Tho.) Imitations of Juvenal fius Georgies of Virgil and Per- 1769 ib» -767 Newburgh (Thomas) Effays Moral and Critical 1769 Nicholls fj.) Colleftion of Poems, 8 vol. 1780 Nichol (Alex.) Poems, Edinburgh 1766 Otiand ^Chrill.) Anglorum Pralia 1758 Odes on peace and war 1795 Ogihie (John) Poems, 2 vol. 17&9 Oldham (John) Compcfition in Profe and Verse g vol. 277® Oldifworih Loyal Mourner 171 Poetfj»^O^avoB 33 ^ ^ 7*61 Opplan Halieuticks, or the Nature of Fifties, Oxford 1722 Otw3y 'Sylveller) Poems 1789 OviJ Heroids, by James Ewen Li^g^es by L. Marlow, Middleburgh — — . Fad? by Mafley — — 1757 — — Feliivals, or Romance Callendar by John Gower — 1640 — Banquet ' > *^39 6 7268 // 7269 / o 7270 Epillle- by George Turberville, h* /. — — — John Sherburne 16^9 ■■■— - — 1680 / - 7*7 « yz -/ 7»73 ^ ^274 ■' ■■■■* ~ ' d — 7275 Ovid Art of Love ^-7*76 — ^ <5 7*77 ^ -7278 — — ^7279 — — Paraphrased f 7280 1677 1709 - *719 *747 Z 7281 / 7282 .>'^7286 ^ ^ 7287 - Metamorphofes, by Garth, 2 vol. plaus * 75 * Owen (Wil.) on the Welch Bards, m title (John) Epigrammatum Amft^ Elzevir — Epigrams — 1677 Oxford Sausage' *777 Verfes -»• * 75 * Palingerips (Marcellos) Zodiac of Life, b, 4 jtratijlated by Bafnaby Gogge 1 560 H, penham 1:65 Park ( Thomas) Sonnets ?nd other Poems 1797 Parnaft'i.s (the Shrubs op 1760 Parfons (Wm.) Poems 1787 / ^ 7288 / 7289 ^7291 Patch Work or the Comprehenfion iii four Can- / 7292 cos / 7*93 7*94 Patti Ion (William) Poetical Works, 2 vol. 1728. Pear 73 I O 73** J 73 *^ / ^7313 c/''' 73*4 / ^7316 ^7318 . ojiig / 73»P i- 73 ^' / 7322 ^ 73*3 / 73*4 ' 73*i y 73*0 Peifius by W. Drummond — T. Sheridan Barren Holyday Satires of, imitated 1796 1799 1739 *635 *779 *777 1710 1748 1670 76% Petrarch Son nets and Odes — Phillips (Katherine) Poems — yAmbrote) Paliorals — ■ (Edward) Theatrum Pbetarum — ■■ — — ( John) Poems - — ■ Cyder, by Charles Dunfter 1791 ■ ' (Edward) Theatrum Poetarum 1660 PhiloiDel a Colledlio’i of Englilh Songs *744 Pieces of Antieni Englilh Poefic 1764 Pilkirgton (Matt ) Poems, morocco, gilt Uaves, Publin 1730 Pipdar Odes, by James Banifter 1791 - Gilbert Weft, 2 vol. 1753 Pinkerton Rimes 1781 . ib. — Select Scottilh Ballads, z vp|. 1783 Pilpatory Eclogue, by Fletcher 1771* and Mofea Browne * — — 1773 —Fletcher — »774 Plantageret’s Tragical Story cf the Death of Edward IVT. — — 1649 Poetic I rifles *79^ Poems, Mariiage 1738, and 4 other — — by Sam. Derrick 1755* Mifs Whateley 1764, 'Patriotism 1765, by J, Woodhoule / -}j27 i ?3»8 73*9 - ’'/733I / / 733* o 7333 i_7334 / / 7}j6. . X '^337 ^7338 J/7339 <^7340 / / 734> 7342 7343 / ^ 7344 ^-2 7345 /7|46 * / 7347 / <<7348 / 7349 4 /7350 / 735' j.yj- - Poetry — 3 35 i*oems# Mlfcellaneous, by feverat Hands, 2 voU 1730 by Samuel Bowdert 1755* and Myles Cooper 1761 by Pearch, vol. it, — i 7* Se’edt T775 — by Jerningham 1767. Union Oxford Savage —■■■■■ " Original 1801 Virtue the Source of pleafure, &c. U57 - - Univerfe, the Deity 1739* Ogle oii Happinefi, &c. 1738 ■■■■ Elfrida 175^4 Pleafores of Imagina- tion 1744. CEconomy of Love, &c, 1736 — Windfor Foreft 1708, 1720, &c by Dr. Marriott 1760. Whatel -y 1764 — — by Hughes 1737. Triumph ot Love^ 1747, &c* ^ ' — ■ New Bath Guide 1766. The Shipwreck 1764, /5rc. Mifcellaneous 1724 — — Cyder 1708/ The Apparition, &c. Village Curate 1788* Adrjano 1790 — — — Ariofto’s Satires 1 799. Arillanetus I77i« Medeaand Jafon 1771, &c. — — ~ Richjago (784, by Jofeph Giles 1771 — — Colledion of *989 the Loyal Mourner 1716. Prior’s Poems — — Paftorals of Purnev tyt^. p at Battle 1698, Steeleids 1714. Stinking Filb, &c. Judith 1735. Song of Three Children 1728, &c. Mary Collier 1762, by J. Beonet 1774* by Bryant 1787 on the Conflagration 1720. Defcriptiori of Hogland 1709, and 12 other - — Foundling Hofpital for Wit and Abufe in Livery 1731, &c. J14 ^ 735 * -4 6 7353 /i 7 / 7354 ^7355 / 9,7356 ' ^ 7357 ^ 735* 6 9,7359 7^7360 y Oftavo. Poems, Mifcellaneous ^ 7 ^ by H. Headley 1 786 ■ — the Cherry and the Sloe 1751. Frag- mcDts of Ancient Poetry 1760 — — — by Rich. Cralhavv 1670. By J, Milton; 1673, The Wonders of the Peak 1678 by Anthony Pafquin 2 vol. ■ — - A Tale ''■■■■ >685 ■' ' and Ballads 7 J 6 i ^ 73 ®* 4 Z 7363 Z 736 + 9 ^ 7365 73®6 ^<>'7367 ^ 7368 / 6 7369 ^ 7370 / / 737 I ^ 6 n^^^ ^^67111 yz 7374 ^ 7375 by Eminent Ladies, i vol. Durfey’s Songs, 2 parts', Crafiiaws Poems — — . 1670 Turkifh Tale 1770. Vernons Glory, parts 1 740. New Miniftry j parts Sacred, 1751, &c. — Songs at Courf and in the Theatres 1675. Ditto 1675. Tory Pills 1715. Mug- houfe DI verfion 1717 Epiftic to the Chevalier 171^. Proteftant Popery 1718, &c. — on fcveral occafidns 1710 — — Reignc of Edward III. 1635. Battailes of CrelTey 1633. Hiftoryof Henry VII. /ar- iratt 1638 — — Ancient Scottiih, 2 vol# 1786 . by Dodfley, &c. 7 vol. — Oxford and Cambridge ' — the Grove 1721. The Petticoat 1716, &c. in 3 vol. Jovial — —— Delights of the Mufes — — — State, 2 vol. — — Mifcellaneous — .. . by Gerttlemen of Devonihire, & wall, 2 vol. 1682 173S 1692 Corn- 1792 . Sir y — containing John the Baptift 1795 ' Malcolm and Alla on feveral occafioni — — 1696 — Mifcellaneous 1685 ToWer of Babel 1718. Court Poems 1717 , Beads in Power . — 1709 7377 737* 7/ 7879 33 > Oflavo. / / 738® 7381 7382 7?83 / 7385 i 7386 7387 / 7388 —— Beauty and Virtue 1716. Songs and Soaettcp, by Henry Havvard, late Earl of Surrey 1717, &c. Mtl’cellaneous, 13 in 1 vol. 1790 ■ Military . 1716 Sacred and Moral, on the Deity 1789 or Epigrams, Satyrs, Elegies, and Son- nets ibjS — — and Songs, a new Colleflion 1674 State Songs 1716 by Jerningham, Potter, Pye, and Shaw, 1767, 1774, and 1776 « relative to State Affairs 1705 Vifions in Verfe 175s* Th® Anglers by Scott 1758. Grave by Blair 1761, and * Cooper’s Poems 1764 ^ 7391 — by Pope at^d Wycherty — Garth’s Difpensary and 5 other — Cadenus and Vanefa, and 7 other — — Brufiad I769« Chriftiad 1771 CoUcftion of Scots 1766 by J, Hawkins Browne and Mich. Wodhull with phtes, fee note, a few copies only printed, none for fale, the plates de* figned by Sterne’ — Battle of the Sexes 1723. Mandragora J S 7389 .? ; 739® o — 7391 ^7393 //. 739 + /7395 ^ 7396 / 397 1718. Mufcipula 1709, and 6 other / / 7398 — - — by James Beattie Minftrell by T. VVarton 1770, by W, Smythe 1786 7399 01^ various Subjefts by T. Sadler / 74^0 / ^ 7401 _7402 / 7403 several Occafions, 2 vol, 1730 and 1740 Mifcellaneous 171a /yy<^ 7404 ‘ a piteous platforme of an oppreffed mynde, b, i, Paflions of the Spirit I5:'79, Bullokar of the Paflion of our Saviour, 1622, &c, — — fingie, Horace of the Art of Poetry 1735 and 15 other relative to Horace Merry Thoughts, or the Glafs Window and Bog Houfe Mifcellany, and 4 other $i6 4W heyden 1^86 Yy 340 ^74^5 Williams (Anna) Mifcellanies "[7484 Whvte (Samueh Shamrock Vuhlin 1772 /■ 7485 ^ 6 / 7+86 y ' / 7487 7488 P/ijyx.— ^Qnarto* na) Mifcellanie hyte (Samuel) Shamrock Plays^ QUARTO, Anonymous,^ Lady Alimony, or the Alimony Lady, Com. 1659 ^ ..^^,-1,- Amorous Old Woman, Com^ 1674 Apollo and Daphne, an Opera 1634 ■ — — Battel of Alcazar, with the Death of Capt. Stukeley — — 1 594 >■' ^ — Bloody Duke, Tr, Com. 1690^ Caledonia, or the Pedlar turned Merchant, / //o' 74*9 *Tr, Com* 1700 Caffandra, or the Virgin Pro- phetefs, 0/rra, 1702, Courtney EarlofDe* von (hire, Tr, / /// V 7490- Cinna’s Confpiracy, Tr. 1713. Conftant Nymph, Pajioral, 1678. Courtnay Earl of Devonlhire, Tr. 7491 - Ordering our New State, Irag. Com* 164)8 y 3 749* "■ nufcript 7493 " old. Com, Fairy (^ueen, Optra^ 169^* French* Conjurer, 6cVz. 1678 S- y 7494 7495 “■ fedlive, Tragedy of Hoffman, no title Wife from a Bad, Co»3. — ^ 1634 /y/" T •iminoli'. r>v »Vii» r»f 7490 Light, a Ma/que — ~ 1638 // /s„ _ Quarto. 34® / 7500 AnonVmous, Muccdorus, Com, ^ * 5^9 Mercurius Britannicus, Tr, Com^ J 6 not 7502 / i ■ / at Paris, 1641. Mercurius Britannicus, Lat, Monfieur de Pourasaagnac, or 7503 7504 7505 Squire Trcelvoby, 1704. Mercurius Briu anniciis, Tr. Com, Lat, The Mall, or the Modi Ih Lovers Com, 1674. Tha Miffion from Roine, in Great Britain Nero, Tr, ^ •— 1635 MS, title ^ 1607, Ne- 7So6 ^ / 7507 / 7 $o* / 7509 ^ h'o gle^ied Virtue, 1696 ^eglefted Virtue, 1696, Poeta infamis, or a Poet not Worth Hanging, 1692 Porfmouth Heirefs, Com, 1704*' R^volter, Tr. Com. 1687. Reformation, Com» >673 ^ Revolution Tr.Com. 1690. Rival Brothers, Tr, 1704 Rival Brothers, Tr, 1704. Royal Flight, Foree^ 1696 Rome’s Follies, or the Amorous / IStt Fryars, Com, 1681. Romulus and Heriilia, Tr, 1683 SwetnaiB, the Woman Hater, /.IT Jf- /C. S . iX - fj. y - arraigned by Womeni Com^ 1610 ’d ^ c c 11 ^ Jc. f C iMO Of THE THlRTy-THiaD ©AV’s SALB* n. 7 ^ LOT / / 75/* /; 75*3 / / 73M 75*5 4 / 75*6 75*7 / 7518 Thirty-fourth Day’s Sale, Poetry. ■ OCTAVO ET INFRA. '^OEMS, The Story of A 1 Racul, 1799, & 3S - other ' — — « — Hawkins Poems, chiefly Paflora], 1786. Life of Alexander Pope, 1744* The Windfor Medley, 1734, and 40 other — — — — Johnftone's Death Song ofLodbrog, 1782. Crazy Tales, and 22 other The Speculum, 1806. Windermere, 1798, and 37 other Ovid de Triftibus, tranflated by Cal- lin, <639. Perfjus his Satyres, by Holyday, 1617. and 7 other — — Ethelftcn’s Suicide, a Poem, with other, 1803. Huddefford’s Bubble and Squeak, *799. Do. Topiy Turvey, 1793* and 3 other Portal’s Poems, 1781, Walter’s Do. . V ^ 7519 / j y 7S20 // 7521 .7522 / 75*3 ^ / 75*4 - ^ 75*5 7J26 1780, Abbey of Kilkhampton, 1788 Poetical Magazine — Xialendar, 12 vol. in 4 ■ ■ ■■■ «— Regifter, for 1801 Amuferaents at Bath, 3 vol. — — Mifcellany, 2 vol. — Tour — ^ 7 ^, / Poets (Carfory Remarks on ) — , (The Seflion of) — — 1764 1763 1776 *754 1787 1789 1696 Poetry . 345 3 / TS’? 6 7$2» ^ 75*9 ^ 7530 /7753> / 7533 ^- 7534 (7535 0536 -t ^7537 / 7539 J'^/7S40 / ^ / 7541 Poet® (Minor,) i vol. Poetry (The Laws of) — -. Various, by R. of the World, t vol. — Anti Jacobin — Anna Matilda Polignac (Welch) Anti Lucretius, * tom Political Merriments, 2 parts Polvvhele Grecian Profpedls — of Local Attachment, 2 vol. Old Englifh Gentleman Pomfret (John) Poems 1750 — I72t Fergufon, &c. 3 vol. i7?8 J7S8 *799 1788 -I 7 ? 4 . *7H-5 1799 1793 7^. J797 175* j -754* xi'*' 7543 / 7544 ,, ,17545 <7' /p546 ^547 ^^i7548 / 6 7549 //7550 y755' V55* J 6 7553 J 4'7!54 4^755'i / /7;56 • J7557 A* 7558 ^ 7559 Pope (Alexander) Works, by Warburton, nvitJ^ additiont in plates ^ and many notes printed^ MS, g vol. 1751 9 vol. i2mo./4z/e/ by Jofeph Watton, 9 ‘797 Gilbert Wakefield vol, — 1794, 00/7*6 Mr. Steevens MS. notes — 1742 — — Supplement to 171^ EiTay cn Man, in French *736 Commentary on '*738 Mifcellaneous Poems, 2 vol. 172* ib. tings of, by Ayre, 1 vol, — — Dunciad Pott (Jofeph Holden), Elegies, Pratt Harveft Home, ^ vol, Prefent State of the Nation Additions to, i vol. 1776 — ib. Life of, by RufFhead 1769 Memoirs of the Life & Wri- 1782 174? 1728 1805 1772 34 + ^ ^ 7560 <^756 1 - // S ' ^.7562 7/1^7563 y ^7564 6 75 ^^ 6 7567 67569 ,y- 7 ? 7 o -> 775 7 > /,<>. 7 S 7 » C 7 7573 /'^574 Z 6 7576 ^ .7577 ^j 7 S '/9 J 7c8o ^<7581 Xc^7^82 /^| 7 S 84 /■ 7585 <^7c86 /^-; 7 s 87 / 7/7588 ^■-7589 //7590 ./759« , i-759* ^ /<7— 7S93 ^ •477594 /y -7596 y ^ 7597 ‘Oaavo. Prefton (Wm.) Poems — Preftwick (Edmund) Hippolitus Prince ofLove — — Prior (Mathew) Poems, 2 vo\,^/ates Prior ^Math.) Poems — ,. .. ■ — i— . no iitk Propertius — Pye (H, J.) Sketches — — — Poems, 2 vol. — — . (Mrs.) Poems Quarles (John) Kingly Bed of Mifery —(Francis) Argalus and Parthenia — Divine Poems 1651 - 1660 1779 1727 1782 J79S <787 1771 1659 . 1679 l62t 1669 1696 1727-9 1729 1800 * 79 ® 1751 1747 1640 1668 Rapin Sufferings of Chrift — Reflexions on Anftotles Tteatife of Poefie 1694 Recreation Head Pieces, or a Pleafant Grove 1667 Relph (Jofiah) Mifccllany of Poems * *747 Repofitory of Fugitive Pieces, 4 vol. >777 Richards (Nathaniel) Poems *641 (George) Poems, 2 vol. 1804 Richardfon (J.) Remarks on Milton, ferttait *734 1781 ^ « *776^ Ritfoa (Jofeph) Bi&opric Garland *784 Englifh Songs, 3 vol. 1783 of Antient Popular Poetry 1791 — Robin Hood, 2 vol. Specimens of Early Engiiih Poets, by G. Ellis, 2 vo). *^®f RadclifFe (Alex.) Works Ralph (James) Poems — Ramfay (Allen) Poems, 2 vol. — Gentle Shepherd Poems, 2 vol. — (Charlotte) Poems Randolph (Thomas) Poems Poems — Morning Thoughts Ps£trj,^0&iVQ, j 7598 Ritfon (Jofeph) Ancient Metrical Romances, 3 ^ / vol. — iSo? // 6 7599 ' Bibliographia Poetica, 2^02 7)5oo Roberdeaa (John Peter) Pcems, 2 vol. Roberts (Dr.) Judah Reftored, a vol. ^5o2 — » - — Poems / o / / ,7603 Robertfon (J.) Poems 6 7604 ' . — ^ 76c 5 Pxobinfon (Mary) Sapho and Phaon /J ^ 7606 - -■■■* — Poems. 2 yo], portrait / 6 O - / o / 7607 Rochefler (Earl of) Works 7608 Rogers (S.) Poems, 2 yol. 7609 Rolliad, Criticifm on 1&04. *774 1776 ^775 1780 1796 1793 1714 178* 1787 7610 Rofs (Alexander) The Fortunate Sbepher defs 1768 ^6u — Mel Heliconium or Poetical — 76 Honey — 7612 Rous (Francis Thule or vertue Hiftojrie 7613 Rowe (Henry) Poems, a vol, — ^614 T— — - ■ . Works (Elizabeth) Works, 4 vol. (7616 Rugeley (Rowland) Poems 17617 Rump, or an Exa^t Coiiedion of Poems /Z 6 7618 Ryraer Prophecies —i — / 76*9 Ryves (E!iz ) Poems 7620 Sabbath (The) — Edinb, 1805 ^^7621 Sannazirius on the Birth cf our Saviour, by 1646 1598 J79S 1796 I7t)j 1662 1718 ‘777 Edward Walpole y —7622 Satires (Remarkable) ^ —7623 Savage (Rich.) Mifcellaneoos Poems ' 7624 ,2 Works, 2 vol. — / .7625 Savillon's Elegies / — 7626 Sawyer (Anna) Poems 67627 Sayers (T.) Poems <^^7628 Scot (Eiiz.) Alonzo and Cora /"o 7629 — ; — (Thomas) Philomythie O o 7630 Scots Poems 7631 — 7632 ' /7^}3 Scot (John) Poetical Works / o - — — Critical Elfays >756 1726 *777 *795 iSo: 1H03 I 80 i 16,6 1706 ^7 3 1782 * 75 ^ 346 Poetry-^OB^2MQ, Q (^ 7635 Scottifii Poems 75 * 1722 1722 *789 I70J •737 •704 A —7648 //w 7649 6 7650 (7652 ^ ^ 7^55 ^7656 /<^7957 < 7^59 ^ 7660 766. ^ ,7662 / ^ 7663 4 7«>64 ^^7665 7666 ^ 7667 (7668 ' 6 {7669 /V 7670 1775 1651 1683 1646 1792 Sherburne (Edward) Poems ^ Shipman (Thomas) Loyal Poem^ Shirley (James) The Triumph of Beautie Simpkin (The Second) Letters from, Singleton (J.) Defcripiion of the Weft Indies 1777 Skelton (Master) Piihy Workes Skene (George) Donald Bane Smart (Chriitopher) Poems, 2 voK Smedley (Jonathan) Poems Smith Poems //>/ — 1736 1796 1791 1721 > 7*3 1802 1 702 *725 1782 1603 1805 — — — 1 806 Southey (Robert) Poems — >795 Spencer (John) Hernias, or the Acadian Shep- herdes - — • J??* Sparke Small Poems, intedean^ed ' Spence cn Pepes Odyftey — 1737 Spencer (Mrs.) Poetical Trifles 178* Spenler (Edmund) fairy Queen , 1687 — Works, by Hughes, 6 vol. 1750 — Eaglesfield Poetical Works (M.) the Vifion Sophocles Philoctetes •— Songlter, the Convivial ^ — Neweit ’Colledtion of — Sorrows of Seduftion — 347 Poe/ry.^ 0 d. 3 .vo, // 7671 Spenfer (Edmund) Faerie Queen, by Ralph Church, 4 vol. — 1758 ^ ^ — — — Works, by H. I. Todd, 8 vol. /. p. 1805 /Zj 7673 Brittains Ida, IVMey — 1628 X 7674 —-■'■■■ — Shepherds Calendar 1732 /O 6 — Tracts /elating to 4 1759 /^76;6 Obfervations on, by T. W^rton, 2 vol. — 1762 0 7677 Spooner (L av^O a Looking Glafs for Smoakers ✓ 1703 / J'" 7678 Stanley (Thomas) Poems — 1647 ^ 7679 . — — 165/, ^ery fcarce and ^ beautiful copy Plays, QUARTO. j/7680 Anonymous, TheSophifter, Com, 1639, The School Boy, or Comical Rival *7^7 / 76^* — Tom Tyler and his Wife, an ex- cellent Old Play, tmperfed f 66 1 / 7682 ^ Triumphs of Virtue, TV. Com, 1697. Unnatural Mother 1698 ^ -^683 — — — Unnatural Mother, i6g8. Zel- mane, er the Corinthian Queen, Pr, 1705 / 7684 — Youths X*'2^gedy, 3d. edition 1 67^ // ^ 7685 Adams (Geo) Heathen Martyr, orjDeath of So- crates — 1746 76S6 Addison (Jofeph) Drummer, Com-, with very X curious preface by Steele - 1722 ^7687 — Cato, Tr, |■>13. Obferva- tions on Cato Ditto- examined, Life and Cha- rafter of Ditto, Mr. Addifon turn'd Tou-y 1713 3+8 4 ^7^88 P//5'/.— Qaarto. /■ Addison fjnfeph) Cato, ^r, 1713. Life Cato. 1713. Rofamond, an Opera^ 2 cop?e 170 Alexandfr (William) Monarchick Tragedies Sec, lb” 4, with his Aurora, rare , * Armin (Robert) Hiftory of the Two Maids of More cla -ke, front. 1609 Akrowsmith. The Reformation, Com, 1673 — — — . — I » , . — z copies, 7693 Baker (Thomas) Fine Lady’s, Com, 1 copieJ. Tunbridge Walks, Com, 1703 Hurrjour of the Age Com, i 4- 7489 i/o- 7690 -■ (7691 ^ (799* 7695 7696 1701. T u.nbridge Walks Com, 703* An A. 1699, Love’s Laft Shift, Conk 1702. Love maker ^ / a Man, Com, i70r ^7757 — : — Plays, 2 vol. 1721 -77 — (Theodore) Harlot’s Progrefs, 1733* Triumph of Peace, by R. Dodfiey, & choice of Apollo 7760 CocKAYN ;^Sir Aihton) Obftinate Lady, Com. - '^57 7761 Congreve, Old Batchelor. Double Dealer. Way of the World. Mourning Bride. Love for Love — — 1707 -C 35* ) ^ J^ 6 z Corneille, Heraclius, 7 *r. engliflied by L» Carlell, 1664. Nicomeda, TV. Com» Ditto, by John Dancer — 1671 / 7763 ————— Nicomeda, Tr, Com. by Do. 1671 and The Coronation of Queen Elizabeth, , afled — — 1680 ^ 7764 Corye (John) Generous Enemies, Com. 1672, , _ ^ The Guaidiao, by Cowley, Com, 1650 s'. ^ c . ^ 9 , c f z. '’J' ' /a . rr - * — — //> . - fc Jo c Trfe^ Thirty-fifth Diy’s Sale. Poetry. OCTAVO. LOT <^7765 (gjTATIUS a Stephei)8 Cantab. 1651 4 7766 ©Statius Tranflated by Lewis, 2 vol. 1773 J 7767 — — ovit nuith portrait 1648 / 7768 Stapylton (Sir.) Mufacusor the Loves of Hero Sc Leanuer *647 ^7769 — — — — — — — — — — — ih , ^ _«7770 Sterling ( James) Poetical Works * 734 - (7771 — — ■' I - Speech of Lucifer ^772 — (Jofeph) Poems — 17 ^9 / ^ 7773 ■' ■' .1 — — — ^ ^ 7774 Stevens (Geo. Alex.) Songs, Comic & Satyrical 5 <^7775 Stevenfon (M.) Poems, no title (7776 Stockdale (Percival) on the Nature of Poetry i/) *778 \7777 Struan (Alex.) Poems V Potiry.'r^OSt^vo, 3n / 7778 Suclvli’iig (Sir John) Poems . J ^7789 2 vol. / yj Surrey (Henry Earl of) Poems ^7781 Sweets ot Society — 1646 1770 1717 iSoi 1781 1802 7782 Swiney (J. M.) Juvenile Mufe — / 7783 'I ansillc ‘Luigi) the Nurfe, by Rofcoe ^ 7784 Tasker (Wm.) Odes and Letters, of Pindar and ' Horace, 4 vol, — — 1790 7785 Taffo (Tor ) Jerufalcm delivered, by Hoole, 2 ^ vol, — — 1767 — Aminta, by John Dawer 1660 — — — by Will Ayre Rinaldo by HooJe — 1792 /nil / ,#7788 4? -6 7789 V- / 779° J7V 779 • / / Jerafalem delivered by Hoole, 2 2 vol, — — 1797 — by Doyne, t vol. — > 1761 — by Fairfax, 1749 7792 Tare (Nath,) Art of Angling — 1697 7793 Taubman (Mat.) Loyal Poems — 1685 7794 T'a>lor (John) Verfes — ’795 Merry Bill oPaii uncertaine Jour- ney by Land with' his Aqua Mufa, no title ..^^7796 Tlieocitus by Francis Fawkes — / — <7797 — Creech — / 7798 Theodofia s Poems / 7799 Theuphralfus Imitations of / 7800 Thomas (Eliz?beth) Poems ^ ^ 7801 Thomfcn (Edward) Court of Cupid, 2 voL / ^ .7801 7803 Jt 7804 / 7805 (Ifaaci Poems (Will) Poems (James) Seafons 1767 1713 1760 1726* in r, 1770 More »757 1726 Stridures on, by 1777 ’744 1776 J , ^806 — — Seafons ^7807 Liberty J 7808 Thortius (Raphael) Poem in honour of Tobacco 3 J 4 Oclavo. / 'V / / y / 7809 Thorlus (Raphael) Poem hi honour of Tobacco 1651 7810 Thurfton (Jofeph) Poems 1737 ^ 7811 Tibullus, by James Grainger, 2 vol. 1759 /7812 Tobacco battered and the pipes (battered about their ears, that idly idolize fo bafe and barba- rous a weed 7813 Tolderoy’s Epitaphs, 1 vol. — *755 .7814 Toilet (Eliz.) Poems — 1755 ^ 781 ^ Tovern (H.) Poems — 1731 7816 Trumpet of P’ame or Sir Francis Drake and Sir John Hawkins farewell, b. 1 . ^595 7817 Tryphiodoris Deftruilion of Troy by Merrick Oxford- 7818 TumllalUJ.) N&tes on Hudibras '175* 7819 Tnrberville*s Songs and Sonnets, /.»«9 /iV/? 7820 TulTer (T ) 500 Points ofHulbandry defeded 1 744 7821 Tutchin (John) Poems — 1685 7822 Typhon, or the Gyants War with the Gods 1665; 17823 Vernon (Wm.) Poems J7824 Verfes Spoken at St. Pauls y 67825 Vida (Marcus Hieron) the Chrifliad / ^7826 /;^<^ 78 s 7 / 7828 ^ ^7829 J -7830 ^7831 .V -7832^ -^V 7833 4 t / 7834 4 7835 3 4 7837 —7838 Game of Chefs Art of Poetry Violenta, or the Rewards of Virtue Virgil, Twelve <^neids, by J. Vicars — Eclogues — — Paftorals, by James Hamilton — Georgies, by Ogilby iEneid, by Pitt, 2 vol, — — - by Lauderdale, 2 vol. Hulbandry, by Eenfon by Biady *— Georgies, by Sotheby — — — Works, by Jofeph Warton, of Wanon • — — ^neid, by W. Hawkins trails relating to vol 1758 1802 2768 *570 1742 1704 1632 1628 *745 1684 *743 * 7*5 1716 1800 . nuith *778 *774 . ,r840 3 '^7841 — * — (notes on Dryden’s) by Wilbournc 1698 - 4 784i*Virgil DifTercation upon the Eneids of, by John .Marty n — 1770 4 t ^4 c 35S Virgil, (the Paesion of Dido as expreft by) 1650 Obfervations on the 410, Eclogue, by S, Z iHz //7844 / ,7»4S 7846 / ^ 7847 7848 3 7849 6 7*1° 7853 4’ 7855 S <7 7®5® 78f7 ^<•^-7858 /<^ 7859 7860 - 786 1 7862 /(/7863 / 7864 / 786J •Z /3 / 7866 y / 7867 7/ 7868 / 7869 / 7870 y -7871 / -7871 y J 7873 y4'-7874 / -,7876 7877 ^ / 7878 /a-.: Henley — Travcflie, by J. Phillips 1 Vocal Mifcellany U^edale (Thomas) Remedy of Love Waldron (T* G.) 11 Luctuoso — Wallace, or the Vale of Ellerflie Walbech (Will.) Fables — Waller (Edm.) Works — — Poems — WalKli (E.) Bagatdles — Walter (John) Poems Warburton (W.) Tranllations — Ward (Edward) Nuptual Dialogues Britilh Hudibras «— (Thomas) England's Reformation Poems — 1788 167* 1678 *734 1704 i8ot 1804 »777 1643 ib, *793 1760 1724 >723 1711 1716 1706 1790 ?6S4 Warren IM. ) Poems Ware (Cbrilt.) Cyriegeticon Warton (Thomas) Poetical Works, 2 vol 1802 ■ . — Poems 1748 u - ' on the Faerie Qiwene 1754 - ■■■« (Joleph) Sir P, Sydney ’sDefence of Poetry — — ^ 1787 ElTay on the Writings of Pope, 2 voU 1772, firfi *ool, fall of Manufcripts notes Watts (Kaac) Beauties of Webb (T.) Epitaphs, 2 vol, AmuTements — Weekes (J. Eyic) Poems — Welded (Leon,) -Works Weft (Mrs.) Mifcellaneous Poems Weflcy (Samuel) Maggots, or Poems Weftminfter Quibbles — Whaley (John) Poems — Whitehead (William) Poems, 2 vol. 1782 *77S 1787 *743 1787 1791 1672 *73* *79f i7»8 1774 A a a 356 Poetfj^^O^SLVo* Whltehoufe (John) Poems -- 1787 Whyte (Samuel) Poems, 3 voU 1795 Wi^neli (J.) Original Pieces 176^8 Wild CE- and R.) Rome Rhym’d to Death 1683 i45S / 7881 //.ySSz / / 7883 — — — Xter Boreale 7884 ; / 7885 Wilkie (William) Epigoniad 7/7886 / 7887 William (Earl of) Pembroke Poems, '1 ^7/ 7889 Williams (Sir Charles Hanbury) Odes yy/ 7890 / J / y ^ 7^9 * A 7892 ^ -7893 A 78 f 4 <<^7895 4 -7896 *^77897 4/7898 /- 7899 // 7900 y / I y ^ 7902 ^903 ti rUfi ftoies (Helen Maria) 1 cems, 2 vol. M'iccherfea’s Poems — V* inttaniey 757 1769 1660 1780 1660 1748, la- 4 ^7904 y ^ 7 Qo; >^-.7906 / 6 7907 « /(? 7912 / /,r 7 91 J / . 79>4 , 4.79' > a . 6 ;9J6 1786 > 7>3 » 7 S> 1751 Mufes Cabinet 1656 W'thcis (George) Pioiettor -r *655 iibuie Stript and Whipt 1622 — — — — Pfalm* of David 1632 — Verfes to the King’s Majefty 1662 ..I A Memorandum to London i66y _ Fides Anglicana ' 1660 - Britain’s Remembrancer 1620 Wit’s Interpreter — 1671 Wolferllon (Francis) Ovid’s Art of Love 1661 Wollaften Ecclefiaftes — 1691 r- ib. Woodward (Geo.) Poems Oxford 1730 Woty (Wm.) Blollbms of Helicon ^ 7 ^ 3 ■ Poetical Works, 2 vol* 1770 — — Amufemcnts 1789 _ — Poems — >780 1. 1-^ Fugitive Poems 1786 Wyntown (Andrew) Cronykil of Scotland, 2 vol. Yearfley (^^nn) Poems 1786 ib, ibu ( 357 ) y^^79*7 Yorkihire Ale, thePraifeof /Z Young (Edward) Works, 6 volt 1697 *757 Plays. QIJARTO. . (7919 / ^7920 ^ 79*1 79 ** ^ 79*3 Cranford (David) Love at Firft Sight, Crowne, W^arrieci Beau, Com, 1694. City Po- litiques. Com, 1688. Sir Courtly Nice, C’aoto 1685. Deftruflion of Jerufalem 1703 —— Darius, Yr. 1688. Hiftory of Charles' VIII. 1672. Married Beau Cc/w. 1694# City Politiques, Ccfflr. 1688 ' ' ■ The Countrey Wit, Com, 1693. Charles Vlll, i672t Married B^au, Com. 1694. Ci;y Foiiuqaes, Com, i688. De- flru^ion of Jerofalem, 1677 Ambitious Statefinan, 1679. Calilla, J9H /2 ^ 79^5 ' /2 ^ 79*6 / / ,-7927 S 7928 i - 79*9 J" 7930 / // 793' //793* ^933 . 1699. A Plot ^ , & no Plot, Com* 7939 ^ P>ot& no Plot, Com. Remarks on Cato, 1713 y / — 7940 Works — 1702 y 7941 Diderot, Father, Com. — *77^ y 7942 Digby (Lord) Elvira, Com. 1667. Pretenders, by Dilke, 1693 J 7943 Duke, City Lady, Com* i697» Pretenders, Cam. i 6 gS. Lovers Luck, Com* 1696 /Z 7944 Dryden (John) Hufhand his own Cuckold, Com. 1696, and Seventeen liiiglc plays, by Ditto 7945 —————— Con^ueftof Granada, 2 parts morocco gi/t Ua*oti — 1672 7946 — — Pluys, 2 vol. 1684 7947 Drue (Thomas) Life of the Dutchefs of Suf* folk — — 1631 7948 Drummond (Gul.) Polerno Middiana, Carme« Macaron:cum — Oxoni 1691 7949 Dufpett (Thomas) Spanilh Rqgue <674 7950 Dunster (C.) Frogs, Com, Oxford 7951 Durpey (Thomas) Marriage— Hater Matched, Com. 1692. Love for Money, Com. 1691, Injured Princefs, 1682. Modern Prophets, Com. Virtuous Wife, Co»i. 1680. Fond Hof- band. Com. i he Bath, Com 1701. Siege of Memphis, Tr 1676. Madam Fickle, Comedy A Fools Preferment, Com* 1688. The Campaigners, Com. i6y8. Love for Money, Com. 1691, 2 copies. The Roy- aiift, Com 1682. Madam Fickle, Com* <682 7953 EaTEvuRT, Fair Example, 1706. Pru-. nelia, an Interlude Quarto. 359 7954 Ether EOE (George) Man of Mode, Com, 1676 Faithfull General, 7r. by a Young Lady, z copies — -'1 706 ^ 7955 Fane (Francis) Love in the Dark, Com, 1675. The Sacrifice, STr. 1687 / — ; 7 “ " 7 “ / /; 19 bl Farqumar (George) Sir Harry Wildair, Com, 1701 V 7958 ■ — ■■ Love in a Bottle, Com, y 1699. Inconftant, Com. 1702. Sir Hariy WTldair. Com, 170U Conftant Couple, 1700 / 7959 Field (Nathaniel) Amends for Ladies, Com, / 1639 7959^Film ER (Edward) Unnatural Brother, 2 copies J 7960 Fletcher (John) Elder Brother, Com, 1637. The Coronation, Com. — - 1640 / 7961 Two Noble Kinfmen. Rule a Wife, Com, — • >^97 — . Elder Brother, Com. (a) / 1 ^ 37 - 5 * / ^^7965 - — (Phineaa) Sicelides, a Pifcatoryi63r O ' 79^4 Ford (John) Broken HelirC, imp, Tis a Pity ^ She*sa Whore — 16a 3 796s 1635 - — — — * Love’s Sacrifice, Yr« i633« Lovers Melancholy — 1639 Fancies Chaft and Noble, 1638. 7967 Chronicle History of Perkin Warbecki634. Tis a Fity Shee’s a Whore, 1633, . The Suns Darling, a moral Mafque 1657 ^ .7968 Freeman (Ralph) Imperiale, Yr, 1655 3 a 7969 Gay (John) Wife of Bath, Com. 1713. Love’s Vidim, Tr. by Gildon, 1701 J 7970 Gjldon (Charles) Patriot, Yr. Love’s Viftim, 1701. Meafure for Meafure 1700 y^^^jj?797i Glaft HORNE (Henry) Hollander, Com. 1640, l adies Priviledge, 1640. Wit in a Conftable ^ Com . {639 ID 7972 Gcffe (TnomaO Raging Turke, YV. 1631, Couiagious Fuike, Yr. 1632. Ortltes, Tr. ■ //. ^ / 7977 / 7978 •>/7979 360 Quarto# y/ ^973 Green (Robert) Hiftory,of Frier Bacon, arscf Frier Bungay, fronts 2 ^ 7974 Grimston (Lord) Lawyers Fortune, Com* 7975 Guarini Faithtuil Shepherd, a trans» lated by Fanftiaw,^o,»^rrfl/r 1647 Gwinne (Mathew) Vertumnus 1607 Harrison (W.) Pilgrims, or the Happy Converts 17OE Harris (Jofeph) Miftakes, 2V. Com, 1691 Haynes (Jofeph) Fatal MiHakes, TV. 1692# y Account of ihf: Author, by Mr- Reed y 7980 Hemings (Wm ) Eunuch^ Pr. 1687. Fatal Con- trail, TV, 1653 y 7981 ■ ■ ' ib, 2 copies / /798a Heywood (Thomas) Royal! King & Loyal Sub^ jett — — 1637 ^ ^7983 Sliver Age 1613 — Iron Age, 2 parts 163* y yj 7985 - — If you know not Me, you know Nobody. /row/. — 1639 ^ ynQ^(> Wife Woman of Hogfdon Com. — — 1638 c/ <^7987 — — • 2 Z- 7988 Firft and Second part of King Edward IV, contayning his Merry Paf« time, with the Tanner of Tamworth 1626 - — ■ Fay re Maide of the Ex« change — — 1625 ' i- — - ■ ■ ■ ' "" " ib. Z 7990 y /- 799> hlZ J 6 7994 J’/7995 — Maydenhead Well Loft, 1654, the title drawn and written by John . Henderfon Englilh Traveller 1633 Loves MiftrelTe 1540 — — ib. and Rowley Fortune by Land and Sea, Tr, Com — 1655 Higgons (Bevill) Generous Conqueror, Tr. 1702 Hopkins, Pyrrhus, Tr. 1995* Boadica, Tr, 1657. Freindlhip Improved, TV, 1700 ( 3^0 ) ^99^ Holiday (Barten) Marriage of the Arts, Com, 1730 7999 — S «ooo Honeft Lawyer, by S. S. -»- 1616 8001 Howard (Edward) Man of Newmarket, 1678. Womens Conqn^ft Tr, Com, Ufurper, Tr. 1668 ^ 6 3 co 2 ■ . Englifti Mouniieur, Com, 1674. All Miftakcn, 1710 /.8p03 a. y'^ ■/ ■ _ // /6 Thirty-fixth Day’s Sale, Englifh Theatre^ Hijiory of the Stage^ ^c. ;LaT X *8004 /80O5 d 8006 ^ 8007 y Apology for her Life, Vol. I. * 7 ^ 5 ', .8024 Bellers (Fcttiplace) Injured Innocence, TV. B025 Betterton (Thomas) Hiftory of the Engliflv Stage, and Life of Mrs. Oldfield, portraits / 174I' S o Boa6 BickerftafFe Plavs (18) 1767, &c. 8027 Brand (Hannah) Plays and Poems ^ ■ Nomjoicb 1798 J 8028 Brome (Alexander) Plays i vol. title ^wanting ' ‘ / , y — S029 — — (Richard) Plays, a vol* <^ 53-9 / 0 8030 Brown and Dow's Plays *770 y 8031 Brounfmith (J.( Dramatic Time Piece 1767 /y Buckingham (Villiers Duke of) 2 vol. portrait ijTg ,/ y 8033 Capell (Ed.) Prolufions — 1760 / 8034 — . — ib. ' 8035 Carlifle (Fred. El. of) Tragedies & Poems, /or- trait — — 1801 ✓ / 74S / / J — 8118 — — - 2© Plays / / — Si 19 • — — — » 12 trafts for & Againft yZ /8120 German Theatre, 20 nos, large paper ^ mtstth platst 280Q » r, /V V *«*• / 6 Siza ' 81*3 / 81Z4 8125 ^ — 8126 /y o 8^27 /6‘ 8ia8 8129 / 8130 ^ ^ 8131 s y 8132 2 4 - *'33 366 EngUJh Theatrt, Odavo* German Mifcellany^ confiding of Dramas, &c, Perth 1796 GofFe (Tho.^ Raging Turk — 1656 j oi»3 Goldoni (Charles) Plays, Italian and Englijb 1757 Goldfmith (Oliver) Plays and Poems, with Ori- ginal Letter of the Author, and portrait 1777 Goodhall (Js.) Florazene Stamford 1754 Green Room (Hiftory of the) 2 vol. 1792 Grifiiths (Eliz*) 5 Plays, & Variety, by Richard Griffiths, 1765, &c, Guarini, Faithful Shepherd, by Grove 1782 Havard, 3 Plays — 1733 Hawkins (Thos.) Origin of theEngliffi Drama, 3 vol. — Oxford 1773 Haywood (Eliza) Wife to be Let, &c, 1729 ■ 4 Plays, 1721, &c. Hcnderfon (John) Letters and Poems with Life, by John Ireland, 1786. Davies Life of Do. 1777. Pilon on Ditto in the character of Hamlet, 1779* Catalogue of his Library, with the priceti 1786, and Extradls relative to Ditto, from Newfpapers, &c. in MS, by Mr. Reed in 1 vol. / « 8134 Hill (Aaron) Dramatic Works, 2 vol. /,/. morot^ CO gilt halves — 1 760 J"' y 8135 Hilton (William) Poetical Works & Plays, Vol, II. — 1776 y 8136 Hiftory (Secret) of the Green Rooms, 2 vol. % . ‘ 79 ® — 81 57 of the Theatres of London, 2 vol. 1796 y 8138 Hitchcock (Rob.) Hiftory of the Irifli Stage, z vol. . 1794 y 6 8139 Hod Ion’s ^ Plavs 1775: ^ y 8140 Home (John Dramatic Works, portraits 1760 J'' y 8141 Hcole and Har'fon’s 4 Plays in r vol. / 8142 How ad ( 5 ir Kobeti) Dramatic Works, portrait 172Z / 8143 Hughes Calypfo and Telemachus, an Opera ; . 171a P/i^j.-^Quaito. 367 <^144 Hughes (Mrs.) Moral Dramas — I790 >/? Su? Irilh Stage (Familiar Epiftles on thC) 1804. Anfwer to Do. Few Reflexions on Do. Theatrical Tears on Do. 4 vol, " 8146 Jacobs (Giles) Lives of the Englifli Dramatick Poets, 2 vol. — — 1725 ,/ 8147 Joddrell’s 6 Plays — — 17S7 / 8148 Johnfon (Ben) 3 Plays, with Catalogue of ^ ^ Plays to 1732 ^ .I...— Gla/gonu 1752 / Sj^o — Every Man in his Humoar, with Remarks on 3 Plays — 1749 ' A 8151 — Works, by Whalley, 7 vol. / with /W 5 . nott of B, J* writing 1756 815a Keefe (John O) ii Plays 8153 Kelly (Hugh) 11 Do. >, 1594. Lower (Wm.) Phcenix in her F'lames, Tr, 1639 Polyeufles, 7 >. 1655. Horatius, Tr, 1656 Lucas (Hen.) Earl of Somerfet, 7 >. with Poems — — Macklin (Chas.l Man of the World, portraits — — portrait 1779 *793 ib* 1680 Amorous 8'8i . . - / 8182 Maidwell (L.) Loving Enemies, Xf^8i83 Maine (Jafper) City Match, Com* W'arre, STr, Com, 1658 ^ 8184 Manley, A lmina, 7 ir, 1707. Lucius, Tr. 1717; Laft Liver, Com, \ 694 I. — Lucius, Tr, 1717. Almyna, Tr, 1707 Manning, Generous Choice, Com* 1700, 3 / 8185 y 8186 copies / yz 8187 Mar M YON (Shackerley) Holland’s Leaguer, Com* 1632. Fsiie Companion, 1633. An- tiquary, Com, 1641. Holland’s Leaguer*, an Hiftorical Difcourfe, /w«/. 1632 0 Quarto, , 3 iS 3 ( 8289 ✓ S19O ^7 8X91 / 8192 / 8 93 ^ 8194 ^8195 y 8^96 /• ^ ^'8197 8'98 ^ 8199 8200 ^ O ^201 ^ u C203 / /i?— 8204 / 8203 /(^ 8206 /{? 8207 .'V' 8208 / ^ 6 8209 Markhaivi and Sampson, Herod and Antipa- ter — ■— 1622 Marlo (Chriftr.) Jew of Malta, TV. 1633. Ditto, tide wanting Marston (John) Malcontent — 1604 ^ — ,i..i — — — ih. Mason (John) Mulleafes the Turkc 1632 Ditto, written title tb. / ^ / <2. ,8210 Massinger (Phil.) New Way to pay Old Del>ts, Com, — ^ ^1633 May (Thos.) Heire, Com. *1633 Mead (Rcbt.) Combat of Love and Friendftitp, Com J684. Mercurius Britanlcus, TV, Com. Meriton (Thos.; Love and War, TV. Wan- dering Lever, Com. '6.58 Mermion (Shackerley) Antiquary, Comi title *wr 7 te — — 1641 Middleton, Game at Chefs, imperf. The Changeling, 1668 Michaelmas Termc, 1630. Game ac Chefs, title nvantittg Mayor of Quinborough, Com, 1661 ■ ■ — Mad World my Matters 1608 ' ' World tott Tennis, front, ' .1 .-,1— — and Rowey, Faire Quarrel!, 2 copies — «— i5;99. 1622 Mol ‘ERE, Love’s Contrivance, Com, 1703 The Metamorpholis, Farce — 1704 Moire (Edwd.) Plays, Poems^ and Fables, 1756 Motteuse, Beauty in Diftrefs, 1698. Love’s a Jett, 2 copies, /i//^r *wanting. The No- velty, 1697 ' Arfinoe, an Opera^ 1707. Tho- rn vris, Opera, 1707. Britain’s Happinefs, Interlude, 1707. Love’s a Jett, Com. 1696. T he Novelty, ;6g7. Na bbfs (Thos.) Piayes, Markes, &c. in 1 vol. 1639 / 3 j 8 Nero, Trrgcdy, newly Written Norton. Paufanias, TV. 2 copies 1696 Old MIXON, Grove, or Love’s Paradice, an Opera I yoo Oratorios, Entertainments, &c. a parcel Orrery (Ld.) Mark Anthony, fCow. 1690, and The Ragged Uproar, or Oxford Roratory Otway (Thos.jl Souldier’s Fortune, 2 parts, 1681.4 Heroick Friendihip. TV. 1719. Don Car- los, TV. 1704. Orphan, TV. 1705 Oxford Roratory, or the Ragged Uproar Paine (Nevil) Siege of Conftantinople, TV. ‘675 Morning Ramble. Com, 167 5* 6 8211 / 8212 / 82*3 / ^ 8214 S215 / 6 8217 /S218 X .8^9 / ^8>2ao J »*** 6 8222 / / / j 8124 .ccttt;-." (/ 8225 8226 / 8227 8228 'Siege of Conftantinople, TV. 1675 Reaps, Love in its Edlafte, 1649 Per A BO (Ant.) Valfei offia L’Eroe Scozzexe, Parma Philips (Ambrofe) Diftreft Mother, TV. 2 co- pies Fix (Mrs.)~Conqucft of Spain, TV. Deceiver Deceived, Com, 1698* Ibrahim, TV. 1696. Adventures of Madrid, Com, Spanifti Wives, Com, 1696. Queen Catherine, TV. 1698* -Innocent Miftrefs, Com, 1697. — *1— Ibrahim, Tr. 1696. Double Diftrefs, TV. 1701. Czar _of Mufeovy, Tr. 1701. Falfe Friends, TV. 1696. Queen Cathe- rine, 1698. Innocent Miftrefs, Com, 1697, Spanifti Wives, Farce, 1696, 2 copies Plays, imperfeft, viz, Heywood’s Iron Age, 2 parts, 8 zc, Mifcellanies. The Maid the Miftrefs, Com, Conqueft of Spain, TV. 1705. Love and Friendihip, a Serena/a, . t7S4, Lycida, a Ma/que, 1762. Inftitution of the , Order of the Garter, 1742, &c. — Siege of Rhodes, 2 parts, 1633. Hamlet, TV. in I vol. 1677 — The Baftard, Tr. 1612. The Loyal Lo- vers, Tr. Com, by Manuche, 1652. The 37 * P/<^/iii.Quarto. The Juft General, Tr. Cam. by Ditto, 165?. Alphonfus, Tr. by Chapman, 16^4. The Hedors, Com. 1456. The Changeling, by Middleton and Rowley, 1653. The Spanifti Gipfie, by Ditto, 1653. The Widow, Cow, by Ben Johnfon, J. Fletcher, and T. Mid- dleton, 1652, in I vol. Edgar, T r, by Rymer, 1678. Tamerlane, Tr. % Saunders, 1681. Valentine, TV. 1685, The Traytor, TV, by Rivers, 2692, in 1 vol. 8231 — She-Gallants, Com, 1696. Heroick Love, TV. by George Granville, 1 698. jew of Ve- nice, Com, 1701. Britifti Enchantes, TV. a 706, in 1 vol. 8232 •— by John Leonard, in i vol. 8j 233 John Barnaby, in 1 voL o 8234 — — Corey, in 1 vol. 8233 Plays, (39) by Crown, Durfey, Brown, Bet- terton, &c. in 3 vol. uniformly bound, and ^ No. vol, 20, a i, 23 — - (26) by Wilfon, Dryden, Steele, Dur- , fey* &c, in 3 vol, / / 8237 (20) Beaumont and Fletcher, in 1 voL // 8238 (9) by D’Avenaot, Dryden, and Joyner, y , in vol morocco^ gilt Uavei — 1663 /6 6 8239 — (22) by Cowley, Porter, &c. in 2 vol. y (5 8240 Pleafant Comedie, called a Woman will have her Will - - ,6at #. i /c - ly. C- ^ 4 t. / e - /3 . $..7 / 7 . t 2. - jC EUD OF THE THIRTY-SIXTH DAY's SALE, Thirty-feventh Day’s Sale, Engli/h Theatre, Hiflory of the Stage, (3c, LOT 'til ztit y / 8*43 / O 8*44 8*45 yj —8*46 4 8*47 824.8 a / 8*49 8 * 5 © ^ / «*$i yj 6 /d /3 J' J- yf ■yj: 8 * 5 * 8*53 8*54 8 * 5 ! 8*56 8*57 8*58 OCTAVO ET INFRA. LaNGBAINE (Gerard) Lives of Englifli Dramatick Poets, continued by Gildon ■I Morocco^ gilt lea*veSf Oxford i6gi Lee (Nathaniel) Works, 2 vol. — * 7*3 Lewis (David) Philip of IVlacedoa <—— • * 7*7 Life of James Haynes — 1701 Robert Wilks, ^or/r/a/V — 1733 Thomas Betterton, portrait 171P William Congreve, with his Last Will and Chara^fers of his Writings ^ 1730 George Anne Bellamy, 6 voL in 3 1785 David Garrick, by Davis, 2 vol 1784 ■■ by Murphy, 2 vol. por- trait — *801 Lillo (George Works, 2 vol. — *775 1 illy ( ]ohn) fixe Court Comedies 163* Love and Honour, a Dramatick Poem, 1742. Cure for Love, a Comedy, 1739* Me Donald CA.) Plays and Mifcellaneous Works 1791 Macklin (Charles) Memoirs of, portrait 1804 Life of, by Kirkman, 2 vol. portrait — - ~ *799 9 Plays, with Catalogue of his Books ^*59 / /f ^ ^ 8260 ^ — 826f 8262 / 8263 8264 ,8265 S266 /* 8267 8268 8269 8270 £,' 8 fjl 8272 , ;2 6 Englifitbeatn, lic.—O&iyO. 373 Mackliniana, as feUaed from Ae European Magazine, 2 vol, Marfli (Charles) Amafis, King of Egypt ipS Marfton (John) Workes *^33 Mafon’s Elfrida, with Remarks on Duto, m Maffenge*f (Philip) Three New Playes, -■■ AAnr 5 'r. I 7 *J Works, by Coxeter, with critical Reflexions on old Dramatic Writers, by George Colman, 4 vol. with .portra^*U^ - Works, with notes, by W. Gifford, 4 vol. /or/raiV — ?^.5 - — Life, with Account of his Writings — ^ May (Thomas) Agripina — ir. 1039 Meilan (Mark Ant.) Dramatic Works - Memoirs of Hippolite Glairon, m 2 yol. i»oo Samuel Foote, 3 vol. with poriratt X0O5 Memoires de Jean Monnet, 2 tom. i 77 * ‘'I /e 8274 8275 Men (Humours of) an Interlude at a Cp'intry School — Middleton (Thomas) more DifTemblers behdes Women, Com, — *037 Middleton (Thpmas) Witch, Tr^ Ccm, 8276 J’ ^zTj 8278 ^-^8279 8280 6 8281 / ^ 8282 / d 8283 / d 8284. 828y 6'^ 8286 e,/ 8287 6 8s88 by Mr. Reed, 16 copies folded 20 do* do. 20 do. do. 20 do. do. 10 do. dio, fine paper 10 do. do. dp. 8 do. do. Numbered ^J^tfine paper, /enjOtd Do. 66, do. . 67, do^ 68, do. — 69, do. — - 5 copies, fine paper^ fevitd ... c do. do. 374 Engmk Tbiairt, (sfr.— O^^avo* 1730 , in 8 voU 173* iJ 8189 Middleton (Thomas) Witch, TuCom, reprinted by Mr. Reed, 5 copies, /»r paper ^fewed O 6 8290 ■■ ■■- — — with MS. Lift of Perfons to whom Mr. Reed has pre- y. / Tented copies 7 ^ 8291 Mitchell (Jofeph) 3 Plays / 8292 Moliere’s Plays, French and Englilh plates by Hogarth, Csfc. — / 6 8*93 Mom us turned Fabalift — .vjf -8294 Moore (Edw.) Dramatic Works, portrait ^ <^8299 More (Hannah) Sacred Dramas — ^ (^.8296 Mountague (W.) Shepheard's Paradife /V 08297 Mountford*s Six Plays — ■ ^ 8298 Murphy (Arthur) 15 Plays ^ —* 8299 Works, ^ vo\, portraits 1786 V 68300 Mylne (James) Plays and Poems 17QO 3 8301 Nelfon (James) Affeftionate Father, Com, / 1786 ^^^102 Newcaftle (Duke of) Country Captaineand the Varietie, 2 Comedies — 1649 ^ ^ P303 O’Brydcn and O’Beirne’s Plays 1783, &c. 8304 Oratorio’s (7) by Handel, &c. y"' '8305 Orrery (Boyle Earl of) Dramatic Works 1729 1788 1782 1659 1720 /j 1^,8306 Otway (Thomas) Works, 3 vol./fir/rflrVr ,J 6 8307 Pandora, Com, — — - 8308 Pafquin (Ant.) Children of Thefpis / 8309 Paftor Fidoj by Fanftiawe — j ? 6 8310 Paftor Fido, by Waterloo — . ^/83Ii — 7 — S — 8311 Periandcr, Tr, morocco, gilt leaves y ,“8313 Perfidious Brother, TV. — >^^8328 (50) do- larao ^ 8389 (46) do. Dodfley’s Colleftions, as £rfi; edited with the MS. correftions and addi- tions by Mr. Reed - (40) Various, 8vo - (32) do. do. - 142 ) do. do. (34.) do. do. do, 8vo.andi2mo do. 8 VO. and imo do- 8vo (21) Various, 8vo (24) Anonymous, from 1730 to 1740 (21) Do. 1752 to 1769 (24) Do. 1770 to 1779 (22) Do. 1781 to 179* - -8330 "y 8331 ^ 8332 8333 ^ 6 8334 (47) 8335 (72) (40) 8336 8337 /v ^8338 /O t 8339 — 8340 6 8341 /4 - -8342 (22) Do. 8vo 8343 /d 6 • 4 ^ The Death of Adam, 1763. The Fatal Prophecy, 1765. Old Bachelor, 1723. All Vows kept. Amorous Widow. Hurlo- thrumbo, Eurydicc hifs’d. Three Hours after Marriage, &c. in 3 vol. 8344 — ~ The Quakers Wedding, 1723. Ignoramus, fronU 1736. Lawyer’s Fortune, 1736. Phi!ota«, &c. in i voL 6 ^345 Country Lafleb. Perplexed Couple. The Doubting Lovers. The Gotham Eledlioo. Fortune Hunters Matches in Newgate, The Lucky Prodigal, &c. in 3 vol. ^ 8346 — - Fair Circaffian, Abra Mule. Sir Walter Ralci, h, portraits Ajax, Electa, Oedipus, &c. 2 vol. 376 Englifi Titalre,f^e.-~OB.ivo, O 4^ ^ 6 /C 8547 Piays, Love and Duty, The Compromifea Sefoftris. Female Fop. Rival Modes. The School Boys Ma&. Les Fantomes et Le Jaloux, in 2 vol. 5^48 _ Virginia. Appias. Serairamis, Sir Tho» Overbory, i vol. 8349 — Humours of Oxford, Mother in Law. Man of Tafte. Hofpital for Fools, Bath Unmalked. Capricious Lovers. FateofVil- lany. Modifh Couple. DiiTembied Wanton &c. 2 voL 8350 in Latins Loiola, Seoicus Vapulans, Cancer et Faria, in 1 vol. 1648 8351 — Love’s Dominion, by Fleck no, Mariamne» &c, 1 vol. 8352 — Lady’s Triumph, 17x8, City Ramble^ by Knipe, 1715, 1 vol. 8353 School for Scandal, Duenna, &c Dublin J 786 83S4 835s Secret Plot, 7 >. by Rupert Green, 1776. Redowald, 1707. Oroonoko alter’d by Fr. Gentleman, Gla/gcfiu 1760 8356 — The Sailor’s Daughter, by Cumberland, and the Soldier’s Daughter, by Cherry in 1 vol. 8357 •— The Chambermaid, 1730. Author’s Farce 1730. Hurlo Thrumbo, 1729, Tom Thumb the Great, 1731. The Slips, a &c. in 2 vol. 8358 — Four, by Francis and Glover, in 1 vol, «_ Twenty-feven Xfagedies, viz. Antonio, by Godwin, i8co. Arminius, by Murphy, 1798. Panthea, The Siege of Crezeo, 8vo. — - (Five) Juvenile Friendlhip, i8oa. The Fair Quaker, &c. 8vo. 8^51 . (7 wenty-one) Deaf and Dumb, 1801. The Indiicreet Lover, 1768. The School for In- gratitude, &c. in 8 vo. /4 836a — — (Fortv-fivc) The Point of Honor, i8oo* Crofs Parnadian Bagatelles, 1791, The Cot- tagers, &c. Englifi Theatre, ^r.—Oftivo.' 377 Sj6| — ^ Thirty-four) The King cannot Err, The Hermit converted. The Capricions Lady, &c. in 8vo. ^ >3 5364 — — (Twenty. fix) The Royal Acadernicians, 1786. Barnaby Brittle, &c. 5365 — - (Thirty-eight) The Tragedie of Cleopa- tra, by Thomas May, 1639, See, in 12 mo. 5366 (Six) Agrippina, TV*. Cleopatra, 7r* by Thomas May, 1654. The Cid, 1650* The Fool would be a Favourite, by Lod. Carlell, 1657, Love’s Labyrinth, by Tho- mas Forde, 1666. Bellum Grammaticale 1729 5367 — — — by Robert Jephfon, Julia, Tr, 1787 ^ . 8368 -y— (Nine) by Jofeph Reed, The Superannua- / ted Gallant, 1745. Tom Jones, 1766. The RegifterOffice, 1761, &c, ^ 8369 (Five) by Mr, Johnfoii. The Cobler of Prefton, 1716, Love in a Foreft, 1723, &c. ✓ V ^ — (Nineteen) various, by Morton, Macken- zie, Macnaliy, Martin, Miles, More, Mo- rell, Mottley, Murray, &c. 3 8371 — (Six) by Newton, Neville, Odell, and Og- borne ^ 8372 yj / 8373 y ^ -8374 y /) / 837s 8376 8377 / ^ 8378 / O 8379 8380 ^ 838 I Oftara, The Golden Pippin, faid by Mr. Reed to be a Curiofity, &c, in i vol. — (Eighteen) by Phillips, Paterfon, Pottinger Porrett, Pratt, &c* — (Eleven) by Pitcairne, Richardfon, Roomc Rafpe, Rogers, &c* — (Twenty-one) by Smythe, Taverner, Toofey, Thomplbn, Thurmond, &e8 Waldron, Weddell, Wood, Walwyn, Wallace, Warwick, &c. The Tufean Treaty, Tr, 1733, and Por- traiture of Socrates Playhoufe Pocket Companion 1779 Polyxena Prologues and Epilogues a Colle^lion of 4 vol. Ralph’s 3 Plays 3^® Qaarto. / 483 ® 3®4 R*'«Pfe and Provoked Wife (Vindication oo''* . ^ 838s Riccoboni's Hifloryof the Stage Plays. QPARTO. W g) Vil,.„, r,. C».w (» S388 PotvELL (Georee^^Xi^aehM. u i^e. acopiei Brothers, Tr. A very Goo^ Wifc ^ tap~«d. for Honedy ,g ■“ ^"“’PP“s* *635. Hey 8394 Rave KscROFT (Edward) Italian Huftand Tr bu?yGu®rV?:‘’'’T* '684. ctS: ’ ■ *^91. Titus Andronicus, // S396 — 1687 c.«. Carelef. Lovers, c"®'?!,,. "-s”;:"' Citizen tur^d Gentle- a om, 1672, Titus Andronicus, Tr» //'ff’S (Thomne) Rebellion. TV. \fl 4 8399 Ri” «'(W.’{SL! ieZj 349 6 / 0 c> 8399 Rowe (Nich.) Jane Shore, Tr. 1 copies. Lady Jane Gray, ^r. 1715. Ambitious Step Mo- ther, 1702, Tamerlane, Tr. 1703. Fair Penitent, 7 >. 1703. The Biter, 1705. Ulyffes,' STr. 1706. Royal Convert, 1708 7 (y 8400 Rowlby (Samuel) Noble Souldier. 7 *f. 1634 8401 ' — When you fee Me, Yoa know Mee, Jroftt, — 1632 8402 - — (William) New Wonder, a Woman ne- ver vexed, Com, — 1632 8403 Rymer (Tho.) Edgar, or the Englilh Monarch, 1678, & 9 other ^ 8404 Sampson (Wm,) Vow Breaker, or Faire Maidc of Clifton — 1636 8405 Saunders (C.)TamerlaDe the Great, TV. 1681 8406 Scott, Mock Marriage, Com* 4 copies 1696 8407 Sedley (Charles) Anthony and Cleopatra, TV. 1677 8408 Seneca’s Troas, TV. i686. Thebais Hippolitus 6 , /• impt 8409 - ■ — Odavia, h, /. imprinttd hy Henry Denham 8410 — fc his 10 Tragedic#, 4 ij;8i 8411 Saint Serfe (Thomas) Tarago’s Wiles, Com. 1668 8412 Settle (Elkanah) Emprefs of Morocco, Tr. 1698. City Ramble, Com, World in the Moon, Opera, 1697. Cambyfes, TV, 169a. Virgin Prophetefs, Opera, 1701. Paftor Fido . >677 8413 ' ■ — ' — 1673 Ambitious Slave, TV, 1694/ Herod and Ma- riamne, T'r. 1673. City Ramble. Female Prelate, TV 1680, Diilrefl’d Innocence, TV. 1691 2 copies. ^ 6 i 8414 Female Prelate. Pallor Fido, and City Ram- ble a 8413 Shadwell (Thomas) Amorous Bigot, Com, 1690. Pfyche, TV. a copies, 1675. Royal Shepherdefi, TV. Com, 1069. Epfom Wells C#;w. 1676. Bury Fair. Com, i686 $ P/flj?/.— Quarto. /J / ® 4'7 84^ ^ / 6 8419 >- 8420 <^8421 / ^ 8422 Shadwell (Thomas) Woiks, in i vol. can tain* mg '7 Plays — 1693 Shakespeare (William) Hamlet, TV. 1676. X\leaime for Meafure, 1700. Birth of Merlin 1662 . , ■ Loves Labour Loft, title nuaniing^ 1631* Birth of Merlin. 1662. Meafure for Meafure, 1700. — Chronicle Hiftorie of King Leir, reprinted on U p% from 1603 ib. for, Com, Merry Wives of Wind- — 1619 J “ 8423 / - 84*4 84*5 ^ 84*6 8427 / // 8428 8429 68430 ^ 84)1 / 8432 J 8433 1630 Sharpe (Lewisl Noble Stranger 1640 Shipman (Thomas) Henry IIL of France 1678 Shirley (James) Conftant Maid, Com* 1640. The Gamefter, 1637. The Grateful Servant Com* 1630 — ■ , Martyr'd Souldier, ^ 1638^, Conftant Maldj Com, 1640. The Flekie, riV/tf ^wanting )6iO The Opportunitic, Com, The Martyr'd Souldier, i63g, Gratefull Servant, Com, 1637 Triumph of P^8463 JE^ICHARDSON (William) Maid of Lochlin / 1801 / 8464 Roach’s Hifiory of the Stage 1 796 MS, addition v« by Mr. Reed /^Q ^66 Robinfcii’s Intriguing Milliners and Attornies Lhicki, /rang, — >7j8 <^8467 Roll's Seleft Pieces — *77* J 8468 Rowe (Nicholas) Works, * vol. 1 1747 / 9469 Roxana, TV. a Gul AlabalUo,/re«/. 1632 Theattiy ‘Oflavo* ^470 Ruggle’fi Ignoramus,yVo/if/ 7/847* 1630 1737. Ignoramus Lamen- / 8472 /: 8473 7 8474 xO S476 J- 8477 ■^/8478 / ,8479 Jo tatio 7 /" S48 1 7 8482 7 . t S483 ^/8484 //848J 8486 y 7^^/8487 ^ — 8488 8489 £yy 0 0* 00 ■4 / 8491 7// 849* 8493 ■ by Hawkins, fronti/piect Rymcr and Gildon View of the Stage 1693 Saul et David> 7r. •— 1760 Seneca’s Thyeftes, Tr, — *^74 Serre, Tho. Morus — Paris 1657 Settle (Elkanah) Siege of Troy, a Banhiomew Droll Schiller Don Carlos, Tr, — 1798 Fiefco, Tr, — 1796 — Robbers, T r* The Minifter, Tir„ 1798 Shadwcll (Charles) 5 new Plays 1720 — ' ■ ■ Works, Vol. I. /. p. Dublin 1720 ShakbspbAre (William) Works, by Rowe, ^ vol././, — 1709 ■■■ ' * Theobald, 7 VoL 8vo. MfttHf — — *785 — - ■■ Hanmer, Vol. III. V. VI. VII. IX. i8mo. 1 747 - Warbur. ton, VoU III. IV. VI. VIII. vol. elegant copy, marble lea^ves 8 vol. uncut — Dublin ib* Capell, 10 - Johnfon, *765 and Steevens, lo vol. senved by Bell, 9 vol. with plates *773 publiihed “ joh?i-oi and Steevens, 10 vol. torrefied for the Prefs with Supplement, by Malone, 2 vol. boards *778 10 vol. with plates uncut iS / /7 — 1785 — publiftied by Bell, in 5^ number8,/«e paper, with plates ib. y 384 8494 8495 // /8496 j 'J' *497 >/ 8498 EngUfo theatn, OAavo* Shakespeare (William) Works, by Malone^ II \o\, t, p, hoards *79® — — — — Johnfon and Steevens, 15 vol. large paper, with Har- ding’s very boards 1793 N. B. only 25 copies printed on this paper ■ • from Ste- ven’s laft edition, q vol. i8mo. boards 1798 — — . johnfo and Steevens, edited by Mr. Reed, 21 vol. boards — fundry of the Plays, 7 ^ ^ 1499 ;oo 8501 y /*50* / 8503 ^<^8504 //— 8505 / 8506 ^ ' 8507 J 8508 / 8509 y // / 8510 lp y^ — and proof Iheets — Twenty Plays, as printed in 4to. publilhed by> Geo. Steevens, 4 vol. — — 1766 Six old Plays pobli- Ihed by Do. 2 vol. — 1774 Five Plays, publi- lhed by Jennyngs, plates — *7?^ Lctkr ond Cymbeline with notes of Various Commentators, 2 vol, 1703 Tempeft, and Two Gentlemen of Verona, by Chalmers, with plates — 1803 Macbeth altered by Lee, and Rowe, with portrait of the Laft 1699 (Nine) as altered by J. P. Kemble various various hands ( 12 ) (*7) Anthony and Cleopa- tra, fitted for the Stage by abridging only 1758 I Malone’s Supplement to, 2 vol. — *780 2 vol. ib. Englijb Theatre, tsf f *— O£lavo. 385 Shakespeare (William) Malone’s Supplement ^ to 2 vol. imperfe^ — — Concordance to 1778 (Index to) by Ayf- cough — — 1799 I — • — — I ■■ Twifs, 2 vol. — -*• 1805 8512 S413 y j ^ 84*4 // 85 '> // 8S‘6 ^ -8517 / S 8518 .//S519 ^ 8520 d 8521 8522 d 8j23 y/ 8SH / 8 p 5 / 8526 8527 8528 if 1^ 8529 c/' 85JO . — Catalogue of Capell^ 1777. Ditto of Pidures in the Gallery 1779 and Gloffarial Index to the edit' in 15 vol. — Catalogue of Capell, 4 copies — — J777 — > — — — Rape of Lucrece 165s (Beauties of) 5tJi, edition Dodd, 2 vol. Lennox, 3 vol. for 1778, by by — 1757 llludrated by Mrs. — *753 Modern Chara^ers Illuftration of fome of the Remarkable Charadlers 177^ Effay on the Hiftori- cal Plays of, with Origin of the Englifli Stage — — 1793. — i7o6r ^ ^ Refleflions on Do. 1699, Condemn'd and Acquitted 1698 / 78554 Stages (Antient and Modern) furvey’d, 1699. ^ ^ Comparifon betnreen the two Stages, 1702 ^ 55 $ Stanley (Edw.) Elmira, a Dramattck Poem J 1790 J y ^556 Stayley (C«o* Life an Adtor, 2 vol. Dublin [ 1762 8557 Steele (Richard) Dramatick Works, portrait 1736 portrait y ■ — ^ — i Theatre, with the Anti-Thea- tre, 2 vol. — — 1791 8560 Stevens (Geo. Alex,) Plays, &c, 1751-80 ^ ^ /8561 StiilingBeet (Ben) Plays, never either fimjbed er y? yy h publijhedy the only copy Mr. Reed ever faw & 8562 Strathmore (Lady) Siege of Jerufalem, 1774. Note, this Play, never puhlijhed, a very few Copus only printed, and given away. The Siege of Jerufalem, by Mrs. Mary Lutter, ^ 1763. yfj^ 8565 Stubbe, Fraus Honefia, Com, — 1/^30 ^ ^ ^564 Tatham (John) Fancies Theatre 1642 ^ / 8565 Taylor (Eelw.) Remarks on Tragedy 1774 cy E e e 3^8 Englijh Theatn, 0 £lavo. X S566 Terence, a new Tranflatlon of- the Self-Tor^ mentor and the Brothers Oxford 1777 y ^ 8567 de Dacier, 3 ‘tom. avec fig* morocco nn yj 8568 by Colman, 2 vol. — 1768 ^68569 Ternary of choice Englifli Plays i66e ^i)7^ Theatre (Britilh) a voi. with additions in'MB, Dublin 1750 ^ jSf'/i — — -in I vol. — 1752 ^ ^8372 .. .. .. . — - ibt ^1^-8573 in France, England, and Italy 1760 — Prancois, a tom. ' — kmft* 1739 ^ —85' 5 Theatres of London, by Oulton, 2 vol. 1796 — B576 Theatrical Portraits ( 138) ^ 8577 — Review, 2 vol. — 1772 4 ^ 8578 — — — Biography, 2 vol. in one ?772 ^-8579 kecords, 1756. Ditto Diftionary ^ part of 8580 — Di£lionary — 1792 J -8581 Remembrancer, by Egerton, 2 vol. inicrUaved 1788 4 /85R2 ■ vol. I , interleaved, rwitb MS» addftiom by Mr* Ktcd 1788 / yf 8583 - Tradts, viz. Memoirs of the Life of Samuel Foote. Life of Barton Booth, 1733. Do. of Robert Wilks, 1733. Memoirs of Thomas Wellon, 1706. Do. of the Couii- tefs of Derby, 1797. Do of Thomas She- ridan. Do. of Mrs.. BHlington, 1792. _ , Beauties C l Mrs, Siddons, 1786, and other 8584. Duncan on the Lawfolnefs of the Stage, 1787. Rofeius Anghcanus, 1789, and 2 ; other J 3 8585 The Stage, the High Road to Hell, and 34 other /O 4 8585 — L-fe of Barton Booth, 1733, and 11 other 9 8587 — (ro) in 7 vol, 1744 to 1763 ///8588 in 2 vol. 1716 to 1750 Number I and 5 Englijb Theatre, Od^avoi 3^9 / / *589 yV::^ ^ 59 ° , ■/' 8y9‘ /// 9 S 9 ’^ Theatrical Tra^ls, Sketch of the Theatric alLife of John Palmer 1788, and other — — Statement of the Differences be- tween the Preprietors of Co vent Garden, iSce. Effay on Plays and Mafquerzde^, and 50 other on the Scottifli Stage' 5795 Viz. The Life of James Quin, y" 8593 -y — *594 /»S9S ^ 8{()6 4 ^591 /> 6 85.99 y /8600 8601 1766. Rofalind, or an Apology for Mrs, Dancer, 1759. Effay ofi Tragedy, by Guthrie Life of Thomas Betterton, 1749. &c. ■■ ' Relative to Douglas, in i / <^602 / ,8603 / o 8604 /4 /8605 ^-8606 ^ ^.8607 4 ^ 8609 >.^>'^8610 //8611 //8612 / 861; / voL Themiftocles, TV. by Samuel Madden, morocco, gilt leaves — — *729 Thefaurus Dramaticus, a vol, — 1724 Thefpian Didtionary, or Dramatic Biography, portraits — — — 1 8oz Vanbrugh (John) Plays, zxoX, portrait ' 1759 Vidlor (Ben) Dramatic Pieces, 3 vpl. , -1776 — — Hiftory of the Theatres, 2 vol. in one, 1761, and Supplement, 1771 . 1761.71 , , Supplement J771 Voltaire on Dramatick Poetry Glaf. 1761 Waldron (Francis) Sad Shepherd, &c. 1783 Walpole (Horace) Myfterious Mother, portrait, 178 Eleanora, or a tragical but true Cafe of Inceft in Great Britain, 1751 Warboys (Thomas) Preceptor, Cow.l t777 Ward (Henry) Dramstick Pieces, &c, 174^ (Wm.) Biilet-Mafter — Edim. 1787 Whincop (Thomas) Scanderbeg, with Lid of Dramatick Authors, //a/er r747 Whitehead (Wm.) Plays -i- V ’774 Whyte (Samuel) Theatre, a didadlic Effaj, &c. plates — Dublin 1 792 Wilkes, alia6 Samuel Derrick’s View of the Stage — 1759 Wilkinfott (Tate) Wandering Patentee, 4 vol, Tork 1795; 390 Englijh Tbeairef ^c.*<-^0£lavo, ^ 8614 Wilkinfon Tate, Life of, 4 vol. tb* 1790 ^ / 6 861 5 Willett (Edw.) Letters tp Mrs, Bellamy / ^ 8616 Wilton’s Contrail, performed at Calcutta % ^789 — 8?I7 Wits, or Sport upon Sport, 2 parts 167a _-86i8 Wycherley )Win.) Plays — 1735 ^ / 8619 Young (L) Memoirs of Mrs, Crouch, 2 vol.^r- trait ^ — — j8o6 Plays. QUARTO. J~ 8620 Wilson (John) Cheats, Com, 1671, 00*1684; Bclpheguor, TV, Com, 1691, ^8621 — ■— — Ditto ^ 8622 Wily Beguilde, Com, •— *655 _ / 8621 Wiseman (Jane) Antiochus the Great, Tr. . 170* /<^ e 8624 WyCHBRLiY (william) Country Wife, Com. Plain Dealer, no title. Gentleman Dancing Master, 1673. Plain Dealer, Com. 1678 862^ ■' — Love in a Wood, Cm. 1694, Country Wife, Com. 167 j;. Gen* tieman Dancing Master, Ceav* 1702* Blain Dealer, Com. 1081 8626 ZoucH, Sophister, Com. — ^ 16^9 Iheatricah. y ^ 8627 BnxMOT’i Greek Theatre, by Mrs. Lennox^ . 3 vol. — — 1759 y y 86a7*Catalogue of Comedies, Tragi Comedies, &c. printed till 161 1* Do. tul 1675. Ode to Tragedy, by Boswell, 1761. Reflections on the pretended Parallel in the Play of the D.of Guife, 1683. Couduct of the Foujr Managers of Covent Garden^ 1768, and two other \ Eng^Jb Theatre, / 8629 8^30 86*8 Companion to the Pay-houfe, vol. 2d, 4/fi» fize, »Lmih njery considerable additions, by Mr, Reed Heywood (Thomas) A< 5 lof 8 Vindication, their Antiquity, Antient Dignity, Sec, A Refu- tation of the Apology tor Actors, by J, G. 1615 Langbaine (Gerard) Account of Englilh Dra- matick Poets, 3 vol. Ado.Jize, ^voith very ex* tenfive additions, in MR, by William Oldyt and Mr, Reed / / 8631 Marmontel, Chefs.«^D’Oeuvre’s Dramatiqaes Paris 1773 Oldfield {Life of Mrs.) — 1730 Pry line (Wm.) Players Scourge, or A£lors Tra- gecics — 1633 : : Defence of Stage Plays, 1649. Treatise againlt Stage Playes, 1925. Shakespeare, P'armer’s Eflay interleaved ’with his ovun MS, additions for another edition 1767 (Contes Moraux tiree’s) par Perrin 1783 (a Fragment on) by Sherlock, 1786. A Letter to George Hardinge on « PalTage, in Mr. Stevens's Preface, 1717 (MS. Papers relative to) Refiored by Theobald 1726 Trads on, by Samuel Felton, &c. / 8632 8633 ^ 48638 / V39 J y _ 8640 t 8641 8642 // 8645 with Account of Capeil, in MS. by Mr. Reed, and his acknowledging the Book a Prefent from David Garrick (various readings on) by CapeU, part I St 8644 4 8645 3 vol. portrait by Bartoloxxi ...I ■■■■■— an Mifcellany, by Waldron, par* traits — — — igOZ Theatres, Francois, par Beauchamps Paris 173^ Theatrical Tradls, viz, Momus Triumphans, by Langbaine, 1688, The Stage Detended, by Dennis, 1726, and 25 other, in 1 vol. La ^9* ^heafre, O£lav’o. />' ^ 8646 Trafts (47) Poetical relative to the Theatrej; 3 vol. 8647 Dennis, Impartial Critick^ 1693, and 25 relative to the Theatres ^ / 8648 Winftanley (Wm.) Lives of the Poets, large MS, additions — . ■— 1687 - -6649 Walker on Italian Tragedy, plates — 1799 / JL 8650 Play Bills (Country) including a large collefiicti of Stirbitch Fair, Winftay Theatre, drc, J Af — 8651 I. Drury-lane, Coycnt-garden, and Hay. market, from 1794 to 1806 AA 8632 — curious, fome in the time of Garrick, and Advertifements from the Newspapers in the time of Cibber, Quin, &c. <^8653 ■——— Sadler’s Wells, Aftley’s Circus, &c, 8654. — Advertifements from the Newfpapers in the time of Cibber, Barry, Quin, &c. FOLIO. /r- 86 j5 8656 .2 -8657 / - S658 - 8659 ^ ^ 8660 ^ '8661 J/ — S662 8663 ✓‘U /y Beaumont (Francis) and John FletcHer, Come- dies and Tragedies Land, 1647 j be ft edit^ portrait — ■ — ^(fj9 Q and Country, a Play of 7 Adis, with Downfall of Sejanus, wood cuts, rare 1735 Davenant (Sir William) Works, portrait bond, 1767 Hill (John) Orpheus, an Engliih Opera bond, 1740 Kiligrew (Thos.) Comedies and Tragedies London 1664 » (Will.) 4 Newe Plays Oxford 1666 Newcaftle (Lady Maichionefs) Playes bond, 166 s Plays, City Match, 1639. Queen of Arrogan, The Sophy, 1642 Shakespeare (Will ) Comedies, Hiftorics and Tragedies, firft edition, bound in 3 vol. elegant in RpJ/ia, and beautifully inlaid by tht late Mr^ Henderfon^ additional portraits^ fond, 1623 ✓ M^nu/criptsl m J' ~ ^664 Shakespearb (Will.) Comedies, Hlftories and Tragedies, ad. edition, additional plates » and . /ome printed and manujcript references / ^-'8665 — ad. edition, fn 8666 - ■ ■'■ ■■ ' ■ — — » as pub- li(bed by Boy dell, 9 vol. with the fmall plates and fome additional, half bound, ruIJta bath and corners, uncut ^ mm ■ . ■ . large plates to ditto, imprefions, in port folio — ' by Boydell, proof (beets to Corialanus, Antony and Cleopatra, and Julius Cxfar i / , J 8666*- P ■il- k - j-r. V* - /o • ^ 1 « . / C " /A /7- 4 V. j/- ^S'- 2 Thirty-ninth Day’s Sale. j/ y. fS^ Manufcripts, LOT y2L ^ 8668 ^VbRIDGEMEMT of Polybius, Englifh trauflatioin, 4to. ^ 8669 Proceedings in Ej^ament, Law Cafes, &c. in Mr. Reed’s own hand-writing, oblong 4to. Ifaac Reed, June ^8. .'761 86^0 Letters from Mr.'Haitlib to Dr. Worthington, 8vo. copied at Emanuel College, Sept. 1788, from Baker’s MS* J, R. 8771 Mecnolisol the molt remarkable palfages in the Lite and Ceath bf the Right Hon. Roger, Earl of Orrery, written by Thomas Mor- tice, his Lordihip’s chaplain, 8vo. This <'A m / 2 8672 -V 8675 8674 /j 8675 /- S 6 j 6 idawtfiripUm ilf 5 . differs very materially from the aiccoont of Lord Orrery, prefixed to his State Papers, and is apparently the authentic copy, con- taining many particulars which are omitted in the printed account Difcourfe of Witchcraft, as it was a^ed in the family of Mr. Edward Fairfax, of Fey* ftone, in the county of Yorke, in the year 162 1. From the original copy, written with his own handy 8vo. volume in Svo. which belonged to William Shecftone, Efq. Note by Mr. Reed. I pur* chafed it of Tom Danjtet^ *Uiho Iwtght his Li» btary. The fir ft two Epiftlts are in Shenft one's enjun hand-njoriting aroccus Extaticus, or Bankes Bay Horfe in a Trance, 4to. believed to be Mr. Steevens's band-writing, with printed extrads alfo and portrait phabeiical Index of Names, with the dates of the birth and death of each perfon, 4to. Mr. Ji*ed*J ham A >/ by John Ellis, fciivener and tranflator of Maphoeus. Note by Mr. Reed. Itwasghten ' to me by Mr* John Eenuell* bookfellert to nvhom Mr, Ellis bequeathed his Manufcripts, See my Account of Mr, Ellit in the European Magazine, Jan, 1792, large 4to. The volume is en- riched with fine engravings, appropriate to each fable 8676*The Hiftory of king Richard HI. comprifed in five bookcs, written by Geo. Bock, Efq. fbl, /f / 8^77 The Surprize, or the Gentleman turned Apothe- cary, 4to Latin and Englilh. The Englifh tranflatio» in verfe $678 Statuta Ecclefiae Cathedralis Efienfis recognita ^ per Dorn. Regem Car, 11 . 4to. 8^79 Of Algebra, oblong i2mo. 8680 Cafting Book of Plays at Wynnflay, 4to. MS„ and primed y Maniifiriptu 395 8681 Mere begintieth a merry gcfte of the Frere and the Boye, 4to, Steevens's hand-writing- Metricai J 8682 Anecdotes, Memoranda, &c. relative to the Lives of fuiidry eminent pedons, 3 vol. 8vo. / 8683 / 8684 V 868j ^ ^ ^ 86S6 /y 8687 / / I. 8688 y ,/ 8689 / 86go •? 8691 * j 8693 / ^8694 8695 > 8696 ' *0^ o cT 8698 Mr, Reed's own hand The SnufF-Box, a Poem, MS. note by Mr. Reed. This is an original unprinted Poenti by Wm. Shenstone, Efq. in his own hand- writing. See what is faid of it by Mr. Graves in his Recoil eftion,*' p. 90 Pamphilia to Amphilanthus. Songs, Sonnets, &c. written in the time of Elizabeth, or James I. beautifully nuritten and bound in mo- roeco \ta» An Account of the Plays performed at the Theatre Royal in Covent Garden, 1 748, &c. izmo. The Death of the Black Prince, a Tragedy, 410, Mr. Reed’s Note. This MS Tragedy^ the author of nuhich is uvknonun» njoas bought at the Hale of Dr^ Sharpens Library The Sham Philofopher, or Country Gambol, a Comedy of two A£ls, taken from Marmon- tel, 4to. Craft and Credulity, a Comedy of three Adis, 4to. A New Peep behind the Curtain, or a faithful Narrative of the Theatrical Hardfhips fuf- tained by the author of Dido, 4to. The Generali, a T^ag. Com, fol. Od^s of Anacreon, imitated in blank verfe, 410. One Word for the Country Gentlemen, or an Examination into the Confequences of en» larging Farms, 410. Materials for an EBay on Tragedy, in fix Sec- tions, 4to. MS, Plays anon, in 2 fmall 4to. vol. Madrigal and rrulletta, a Mock-Tragedy, 410- Green-Room Chic Chat, a Prelude, 4to. The Schemers, a Farce of two Afts, 410. The Ifland of Fools, a Farce of two Adis, 4:0, . . . - f tJt- ; .r 1. 9 * I. ^ . 4 . i4»‘. .if’ iV i ..V 39 ^ Mdnu/cripti, / 8699 The original eopy of part of Grafs Poems, in hit own hand-writing* J?. y 8700 The Gofpel of the infancy, or the Apocryphal Book ot the Infancy of our Saviour. Tranf- lated from the Latin Verfion of Henry Sike, from the Arabick MS. 8vo, Note by Mr. Reed, This MS, is by old Ellis, the fcrvvener, and in his hand writing. See an Account of him in the Europ Mag. He was a deter- mined unbeliever in the Scriptures, which, I fuppofe, was his inducement to this tranf- lation Odes and Imitations from Horace, &c. 4to, Letter of David Garrick againft Mr. Steevens, with Obfervations and Explanations, by Mr, Heed, MS. and printed A MS, of Dr. Goldfmith, in his hand-writing, ' given to Mr. Reed by Mr. Steevens, fol. Catalogue of Mr, Capel’s Shakelperiana, prc- - * Tented by him to Trinity College, Cam- bridge, 4to- Glvotk to IVilr. Rflpr! by Mf, Steevens, by whom the MS. is written . Brief Hints and Memoranda concerning Englifli Poets, 4to. Mr. Recd^s hand-writing. The Beauties of Modern Poetry, containing a fele^fion of the moft beautiful and firiking paffages from the works of Akenlide, Anfty, &c. apparently intended for publication. All in Mr. Reed’s handwriting, 410. Receipts of Drury Lane Theatre for Sep- tember 15, 1747, the commencement of the management of Garrick and Lacey, to May 30, 1754, 4to. Mr, Reed's own MS. The Boke of the Soldan, conteyninge Hrange matters touchynge hys Lyle and Deathe, and the Ways of his Courte, in two partes, 1 2 mo. MS Note by Mr. Reed. Th^ fore- going was written by Gearge Steevens, Efq. from whom I received it. It was compofed merely to impofe on “ a literary friend," an4 had its effeflj for he was fo faj: deceived as I eyaC. \ ^ ♦Ut' ^ ^ (Un./ ^ 8701 / /y 8702 8703 / yy 8705 y 8706 8707 ^8708 Manufcripts* 397 8709 / 8710 / j 8711 8713 ~ 87*4 / 8715 ^ 8716 / 8717 / r * 7*8 ' y to Its authenticity, that he gave implicit credit to it, and hath himfe?f put down the perfon’s name in whofe poffeffioii the ori- ginal books were fuppofed to be, J. Reed, 1780 Ambler and Birtha, or Drollery Tung to the foolifh Loves of two County Turtles, billing in an odd Hundred in EfTex, iz^vo, Obfervations Hiftoricall and Chronologicall on the Confirtution, Cuftoms, and Ufage of the Middle Temple, Charles Word ey, May lo, 1734, 4to. coaft. p, 2r7 Poems on feveral Occalions, fol. conft. p. agS A Note of all Maher’s Frizes^ Provott Prizes, Schollers Prizes, and other necelTary Mat- ters, &c. Tranfcript by Mr. Reed, S'ward and Dagger prizes^ 16 pages 4to. ends with 1585 . , Theatrical Memoranda in 4to, MS. and printed. Note at the beginning. Thcfe Theatrical Meticranda will be ufeful to any perfon who may be inclined to write a Hiftory of the Stage, J. Reed The Earle of Leycefter’s Gholle, fol. A Poem, printed in 1641. A Difeourfe on Tragedy by VIncenzio Gravina, to his Mod Serene Highnefs, Prince Eugene of Savoy, Englifti Trand. foi, pages 163 Poetry on a few lolio flieets A Play in 4to. Eater Anienor and Learchus Theatrical DupUciry: or a Genuine Narrative of the Condud of D. Garrick, Efq. to Jo- fepb Reed, on his Tragedy of Dido, con- taining all h:s Letters, &c-. 4to. pages 107. Note, ** The Author’s Original Copy given to me by his fon John Watfon Reed, Ifaac Reed.” Here foioweth how a merchende dyd hys wyfe betray. Tranfcript by Mr. Steeveus, from Univofity Library, Cambridge, Ff. 2*— 38«r Metrical 39* Manufcriptt 4 J 8^20 t 'ft of Roger Bacon’s Works, in different Li- braries, on a half (heet of paper 8-ai Infc'ipiions on Monuments in Churches, &c. on 2 oi 3 leaves ^ 8822 Notes by Mr. Steevens and Mr. Pegge, on Dodfley’i old Plays / 6 8823 The Precedency of the Peerage of England, great Officers, &c. iiino. ^ 88^4 Demanues Joyous, 1511. Tranfcript by Mr. Steevens from D. 5, 2* Univerfiiy Library, Cumbndge, 4.to. 8825 Extrafi'i qusdain e Regiilro Prioratus Caftleacre in Com, Norfolk, olim Bibiiotheca Daeve- fia a nunc A Dm 1721, in B.b, Harl. 410. _ V rhartac. conft p. 90 8826 Poems and Tranllations, on a fev^ folio leaves J- J 8827 Obituary of liteiary Men. Mr. Reeds own writing y ^ 8828 MS. Extrafts by Mr. Steevens, from a MS, be- longing to King’s College Library, Cam- bridge, of which Mr. Bryant gives the fol- low ing account. “ It fiems to be wTitten in the provincial dia- Jedl of one of the weftetn Counties, and ia many refpefts fimilai to that of Pierce Plow- man. 1 he fubjtft of the Poem is the Hiftory of William, a P yal Foundling and of Wer- wolf, by whom he waspreferved. By a Wer- wolf is meant a 'W izard Wolf, T^vnuv^^uiroq of , the ancients; which was fuppoiea to have bi^ en a wolf fo changed from a Man, and to be girted with human inteileft. The whole is a tranf ation from a Romance Poem in French for which we ate indebted to Humphrey Bo- huo, Earl of Hereford, who was nephew to ' King Edward the becond, as we are informed in the Poem, 4to. 1 8 (heets 8829. MS. Tranliations which have never been pub- lilhed of Dr. KingV Templum Libertatis, by John Eilis, tne ftrivener, tranftator of Mapha:us. They were given to me by Mr. Sewell, to whpm he left his MS, J. R. 410. 8830 Reed’s Law Notes, 410. <4 / 88 j I ^ £831 J833 8834 ^ 883 s 8836 ^ 8837 8838 8830 / SdiJ.O J 8%i 6842 8843 / / 4^ 8 84 4 / 8845 J> ^ Maftufiriptu 399 Chronological Memoranda relating to the Stage, izmo. Mr. Resd’s own hand- writing. Ditto, of Plays and Authors, 4to. Mr. Reed’s own MS» Notitia Dramatica, both printed and m -nufcript. Containing! a Chronological Account of the chief incidents rel ting to the Sng^ifh Theatres, from Nov, * 734 » to 3 ‘If Dec. 17B5 Collected from various fources, but chiefly the Pu'vlick Advertizers wnich were lent me by Mr, Woodfall, for the purpofe. This volume tonvains the moft fads re- lating to the Theatres for the lafl fifty yrars^ and will be u etui to any perfon who may wifli to coTnpi:e a Hiltory of the 'tage. ISAAC REED> Staple’ Aug. 6, 1 784. Notitia Juridita; or \ccooni of eminent law- yers, with line Portraits, MS. by Mr, Reed^ large 4 to. with 1 1 w p inted papers Tde v^ountrv v Opera, in three Afts, and diftiiuSl book , «to. Theatrical Obituary, 4tD. Mr. Heed’s own MS» alph- betica y arranged Mr. Reed’s Lilt and Remaiks of Eng'ifb ti-iiif- lations of the C. allies, 410. Trai fl .tion cf the : lad, 7 pafto, 2 in gvo. i in 4to. Eng i(h Blank v'erfe Notes on .h?ke^pearc, ttvo, anon Coins, VVeignts and Meafnres cf Bengal, fol. Sundry Law Cales, Vvjl s, &c. Articles against Ricb-ifu '^erdey, &c. The Angler’s AflilL ’H, or the LpTicme of ths whole Art of AngUng, wiittej on VcUiiro, and fandry Mifcelhnies, on pap^j- Letw. morocco gilt leanjes, and four other y y 8881 Shakefpeare (propofed Emendations to) Supple^ ment to the Comment on Shakefpeare, by 1 Monck Mafon, & a parcel relative to the Sta^e y // o 8882 Blank Paper hook in rujjia, In which are inferted , Three curious Leuers, of David Garrick, John fllis, and Edw. V/ortley Mountsgue, with Flint of Chuich at St. Mary Leicefler y y 8883 Deetis various (14) Privy Seal of King henry VIII. &c. 402 Manufcrtpiu 3 8884 Deeds relative to the Arpolntment cf Samuel Browne as one of the Governors of the Charter-boufe, with the Autoe-aph of va- rious Noblemen, &c, 164^;. Ditto grant of Arms to Anthony Jenkinfcn^ emblaxoned , / «S68 v-7 ^ 8885 Seals '8) in Wax Sc Metal 3^ /J ^ 8886 Roman Coins and Medals, 200 in No. /<3 8887 An Excellh NT Gold Watch, by Mudge ^ 8888 Genealogy i 01 hineall Dejcent, of the Family of the Skip WITHES, in the County of Tork, about the time of Henry I, or Stephen, col- leded-outof the Charter?, in the Caftody of William a large Manufrript ' roll Oh ‘vellum, with the Armt beamifuUy #«• blazoned Prints. J 6''8889 I /^SSgo X .8891 J 8892 '7 8893 . /889+ ^ A 889 s ^ 8896 ^ a E8g7 ' / 8898 -8899 J ^ S900 8901 4 - Six, A Moonlight after Vanderneer, by Miller^ Turkifh Mofque, hy Walker, (5fc, Nire various. Two by Canot, of Sea Engage- ments, &c. Six, by Bvfirc, Antiquarian Prints Two, by Bogarth^'^Ci\\.\h\\. of Ben. Hoadley, and The Taii Piece Twelve, Viewt in Venice, after Cannalette Seven, various, Muliciens Ambulans, by Cook, a proof. Kenpeclc’d Hufband, &c. Ten of Shikfpeare's Characters, by Mortimer, fine FouraftfV Titian, Triumphis Mortis, &c. Six, by Mcrgheny Antichita di Pefto Seven, after Sal’vator Roja Five, Englifh Topography, View of London and Southwark, &c. Six Ditto, Chirk Caftle Denbighfhire, hy Toms, Haflar. Hofpital, &c. Eight, Plans and Elevations of Rookby Houfe, &c. Priutt, 403 ^ 88902 Seven of the Lakes, &c. by Snsith, Beno^Ji^ and y ’ Roberts \ yj ^ 8903 Six large Views, by T; Smith O --8904 Seven Ditto, in Cambridge, by Loggan^ 8905 Nine various Views, &c. by Rooker, ^ 8906' Four of Stanton Harcourt by Nenvnham y ^ 8907 Eigeteen Views of Noblemens Seats, by Kip, r 890S Nine Portraits, Sir Tho. More, Archibald D. of Argyle, &c. / ^ 8909 Two — Thomas Tyrwhitt, me%, by J nes^ Drummond of Hawthornden, mez, by Fin* layfon 8910 Five — William Lord Ruflel, by Houbra* ken^ J. Wilkes, by Miller, Ld. Geo. Gordon &c. 8911 Three Robert Mailers, by Facius^ David Hume, mez, Martin, proof, Chas. Rogers, by Ryland y 891? Eight Grinlin Gibbons, mez, by J, Smith, y Arcangellus Corelli us, me^, by Do, Eyle Irwin, drc. ^ 8913 Four — : — — Hon, Mf. Juftice Wilfon, hy Mur* phv, Peter Ld. King,' & Tho El, of Macclef- field, by Fertue ^ 8914 Seven Sir James Burrow, by Bafre, Sir Jofeph Jekyll, Sir Francis Page, by Fertue, &c. S91 5 Five John Taylor, by Houhraken, ^Rich. Smalbroke, by Vertue, &c. / S 8916 One ' — Dr. Boyce, after Hudfon, by Brom* ley, fne proof // ^917 Three Mils Catley, as Euph refine, by Dunkerton, Mr. Woodwatd as the Fine Gentleman in Lethe, mez. by Me Ardell, and Mifs Kenible, by Jones 8918 Eight .• of Ladies, various ' y 8919 Eleven George I. by Chereau, William IlL mtz. by J. Smith, Mary II. mez. by J. Smith, Frederick Prince of Wales, mez. bv Fader ^ y, Smith, Queen Anne, mez. by Smith ^c, 6 8920 One — of jn. PJeuderfon in Macbkh, by Jones, fine proof Gg g /.v/ 404 /. ^ 8921 f 891} ^ 8924 i ^’*5 ^ . 8926 yj y 8927 y 3 — 8928 8929 /'P 6 8930 _«93i TrintSm Two, A Viewof the Temple Gardens in 1671. and the Portrait of Cumberland, 640 /y 6 ^93^ Biographical Mirroor, No, I. Bellamy’s Pi€lur- efque Magazine, 3 No. Antiquaries Mufeum No. t , Deflgns to a Series of Ballads, by Hay- ley^ engraved by Blake, 2 No, 1802, &c. BoQk% of Prints. / / j /j >y 8937 Churches in London (A Cata’ogne of) built by Sir Chrift. Wren, from 1668, to 1718, eii- y graved by Hulibcrg y 6 8938 Lewis Deflgns on Archi tenure, ti plates 1780 ^ 8939 Portfolio with leaves, bound in rough calf S940 Antiquities of Jonia, by the Society of Dilett- anti, part 2d. ///t/rr — 1797 8941 Hogarth’s original on 10 ^ plates^ publi- Jbed by Boy dell — *795 894* Venuii Frofpefls in Italy, Aeneas Vico Gems, &c. pet L)e Rubeis, ^^priuts 8943 Views in England, by Rooker, Grignion, &c. g9l4. of Churches (50) from Deflgns of Chate. lain x? / Prinft* 40 ? : V/ / 8945 Caricatures, by Bretherton, 38 Etchings with their Names, by Mr. Reed // / 8946 Watts colleftion of Views of Noblemen and ^ Gentlemen’s Seats , *779 Prints^ framed and glazed. *947 Three Portraits, Two in Oil Colours, One in Pencil, I. Reed, Mrs. Cibber / €948 Pof trait of David Garrick, after Pond, by Wood I ^ 8949 Ditto in the Character of Richard IIL by Ho- garth . . / - *950 Four, The E(e£lion Prints, by Hogarth ^ 8951 Two, The Repeal of the Tell yift, and TeU bary Church Struck with JUghtening y 6 895* Cne, by Scott, Taking of Porto Bello y *953 One, King John’s Magna Charta, by Pine j ^ -Ji954 Two, The Medley of Portraits for the European Magazine^ with Index y — 8955 A Deal Painted Bookcafe, 5 ft. 10 in, wide ' 7 ft# high, the upper part green wired y // y . c Zc. 4o -V u, r. V: ?■ cP ^ z ^ 7 ^ 8956 A Ditto, 4 ft. wide, 8 ft. 10 inches high with Drawers 8957 'A large Mahogany Library Bookcafe, 8 ft. wide, 7 ft 10 inches high, with Chinefe glazed Doors, in the upper part, and Wardrobe in the under middle Compartments FINIS. Coveat Garden. 1 i. ' - "/J r / a ^ jr *7 / |4 — ^ z ZC /> Co C i'.'.V // /ip c 2 - - i /o 'V /f ^ f£r /J. ' t}o 3 /J ^ ' • fcT - /4 -- / "? 9 - /^ * - fC 3 Co / ff c r 'l-:: f 3 - S~ y ““ IS — Cf /4r — ' fc ^ - ? - -.. fo 7 c fc Jc • ' '• s C - > • 7 C •• ' ffS^ y - •- - /5r - f