bp ZZb M • Co. I* but S]^&r- IV. Y. LfS /2^° JojijiJl.JfycM. # Co P 3 - TKILJIDELPKU.. l-JOFFICE l CENTENNIAL CATALOGUE -ctsl CO. X 3- PUBLISHERS of the OFFICIAL [CATALOGUE.| —OFFICE—j |S. M. PETTEHGIIUC LcVEFfISING AGEil UoR THE OFFICIAL CATALOGIir A«u*id - American — I newspapersH BUILDING No. '41, OCCUPIED JOINTLY BY THE C^^TTE3iTXTX-^.Ij C.^'X'.A^OGK’C’E CO AND S. IvlI. D^ettem-grill <£& Co., ILTe-wo^^a-per -A.a.Trextis i n g ' -A.gren.ts, South of East End of Machinery Hall. Advertisements taken at this office for the Official Catalogue and all newspapers of the: Vnited States and Canadas. The principal papers of the country kept on file for inspection and c\f r- y hi -■ ri H v^itnre £T<»nr rail V ■»- Centennial Catalogue Co. S. W. Cor. Fourth and Library Sts., Philadelphia, PUBLISHERS OF THE OFFICIAL CATALOGUE OF THE INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OF 1876. This Company owns the exclusive right to publish, sell, and distribute the “Official Catalogue of the International Exhibition of 1876 ,” the work being printed under the 1 direction of, and com¬ piled from manuscript furnished by, the “U. S. Centennial Com¬ mission. 0 Advertisements taken on application to S. M. Pettengill & Co., Advertising Agents. JOHN S. MORTON, President . MORDECAI D. EVANS, Treasurer . L. L. HYNEMAN, Secretary. S. HENRY NORRIS, Solicitor . JOHN R. NAGLE, Publishing and Advertising Manager , 524 Market St., Philadelphia. S. M. PETTENGILL & CO., Advertising Agents , No. 701 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, No. 87 Park Row, New York, No. IO State Street, Boston, Exhibition Grounds—South of East end of Machinery Hall, Building No. 41. J. M. JOHNSON & SONS, Limited, Sole European Agents, No. 8 Castle St., Holborn, London. DIRECTOBS: John S. Morton, Wm. II. Pennell, M. Rosenbach, Stephen F. Whitman, George T. Jones, John R. Nagle, Joseph Heilbrun. Office of the Company on Exhibition Grounds, Building No. 41, South of East end of Machinery Hall. ART GALLERY, OR MEMORIAL HALL. llttitfdi Jftatw ®eate»mial (Btoamtoiim. International Exhibition. 1876 Official Catalogue. IP -A. 3El> T IX. ART GALLERY, ANNEXES, AND OUT¬ DOOR WORKS OF ARTiZ __ DEPARTMENT IV-ART. SECOND AND REVISED EDITION. Q n PHILAIffliH/; Published for the Cenkfrinial By JOHN R. K^GLE o* $Jrmtttt at tin JUbcrsibt JJrtss, 1876. hie Company OMPANY. !mbribge, glass. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1876, by the UNITED STATES CENTENNIAL COMMISSION, in the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Centennial Catalogue Company Assignees of Copyright. ft . jX * CONTENTS List of Buildings and Special Exhibits,.. 6 Subject Index, National Exhibits,.%. 8 The Memorial Hall and Annex, ..~.9 Synopsis of the Classification,.12 Classification of the Department of Art,.. 13 Catalogue of the Department of Art,.. 17 Photographic Exhibition Building.. ... 137 Out-Door Works of Art, .146 NOTE. —The alphabetical list of Exhibitors in the Department of Art is included in the General Index at the conclusion of Part IV. of the Official Catalogue. 5 BUILDINGS AND SPECIAL EXHIBITS WITHIN THE EXHIBITION GROUNDS. [Note.—T he buildings bear the numbers prefixed to them in this table, being the numbers adopted by the Centennial Guide Book Co. (Limited).] Buildings South of the Avenue of the Republic. 1. Main Exhibition Building. 2. Machinery Hall. 3. Machine Shop. 4. American Boiler House. 5. Corliss Boiler House. 6. British Boiler House. • 7. Shoe and Leather Exhibition Building. 8. Office Centennial Board of Finance. 9. Office U. S. Centennial Commission. 10. Centennial National Bank. 11. Weimer Machine Works. 12. Bartholdi Fountain. 13. Catholic Total Abstinence Union Fountain. 14. Fuller,Warren, & Co., Heating Apparatus. 15. Gillender& Sons, Glassware Manufactory. 16. Camp of West Point Cadets. 17. Iron Pipe. 18. Liberty Stove Works. 39. Annex, Saw Mill. 20. Boiler House. ai. Railway Engine House. 22. St. Cecilia Organs. 23. Automatic Railway. 24. Monument—American Soldier. 25. Gunpowder Pile-Driver. 26. Jesse Star & Son, Iron Works. 27. West End Railway Offices. 28. Pneumatic Tubes. 29. New England Granite Co/s Exhibit. 30. Railroad Crossings. 31. State of Nevada Quartz Mill. 32. Store House. 33. Friction Drum. * 34. Stokes & Parrish, U. S. Hoisting Machine. 35. Chilean Amalgamating Machinery. 36. Campbell Printing Press. 37. Old Locomotive and Car. 38. Car House. 39. Police Station. 40. Averill Paint Co. 41. Centennial Catalogue Co. 42. Stokes & Parrish, Boiler House. 43. Ehret’s Waterproof Roofing. 44. Tombstones. 45. Terra Cotta Pipe. 46. Mineral Annex, 1 and 2. 47. Fireproof Ventilated Building. 48. Swings. 49. Ornamental Stone Work. Buildings North of the Avenue of the Republic, and West of Belmont Av. 51. United States Government Building. 51 y 2 . Bartholdi Electric Light. 52. United States Hospital. 52^4. Howe Monument. 53. United States Hospital Tent. 53^4. Jerusalem Bazaar. 54. United States Laboratory. 54%. Office Philadelphia “ Times/* 55. ^Pennsylvania State Building. 55J4. Hungarian Wine Pavilion. 56. Ohio State Building. 56 J 4 - Police Station. 57. Indiana State Building. 57^4. Sponge Fishers of Turkey. 58. Illinois State Building. 58 y 2 . Bethlehem Bazaar. 59. Wisconsin State Building. 5954. Fog Horn and Bell. 60. Michigan State Building. 61. New Hampshire State Building. 62. Connecticut State Building. 63. Massachusetts State Building. 64. Delaware State Building. 65. Maryland State Building. 66. Arkansas State Building. 67. Japanese Dwelling. 68. West Virginia State Building. 69. Canadian Log House. 70. Missouri State Building. 71. British Government Building. 72. British Government Building. 73. British Government Building. 74. New York State Building. 75. Lienard’s Relief Plans, Paris, Jerusa¬ lem, Italy, etc. 76. Pop-corn Stand. 77. Cigar Stand. 78. Soda Water Stand. 79. Tunisian Cafe and Bazaar. 80. Columbus Monument. 81. Drinking Fountains. 82. Restaurant “Trois Freres Proven- gaux.” 83. Office New York “Tribune.** 84. World’s Ticket Office, Cook, Son, & Jenkins. 85. Loiseau’s Pressed Fuel Company. 86. Spanish Government Buildings. 87. United States Signal Office. 88. Tennessee State Building. 89. Mississippi State Building. 90. George’s Hill Restaurant. 91. Bishop Allen Monument. 92. Office of the Boston “ Advertiser** and Boston “ Herald.” 93. Rowell's Newspaper Exhibition B’ld'g. 94. California State Building. 95. Centennial Fire Patrol, No. 1. 96. Turkish Cafe. 97. Office Frank Leslie's Publications. 98. Iowa State Building. 99. Rhode Island State Bqilding. 100. Vermont State Building. BUILDINGS AND SPECIAL EXHIBITS WITHIN THE EXHIBITION GROUNDS. Buildings East of Belmont Avenue, and South of Fountain Avenue. 101. Art Gallery. 102. Art Gallery Annex. 103. B’nai B’rith Monument of Religious Lib¬ erty. 104. Photographic Art Building. 105. Vienna Bakery and Coffee House. 106. Principal Annex to Main Exhibition Building. 107. Swedish Government Building. 108. Japanese Bazaar. 109. The Judges’ Hall. no. Centennial Photographic Company, in. Sheet-metal Pavilion. 112. German Government Building. 113. Railroad Ticket Office. 114. Office United States Centennial Commis¬ sion. 115. Brazilian Government Building. 116. The Dairy. 117. Restaurant “ La Fayette.” 118. House of Public Comfort. 119. Empire Transportation Company. 120. French Government Building. 121. Centennial Fire Patrol, No. 2. 122. Pennsylvania Educational Building 123. Telegraph Office. 124. American Fusee Company. 125. Klautscheck, Thomas, & Stewart’s Glass Magazine. 126. Moorish Villa. 127. American Bible Society. 128. Hunter’s Camp. 129. Office Water Department. 130. Soda Water Stands. 131. Cigar Stands. 132. Singer’s Sewing Machines. 133. Centennial Medical Department. 134. Portugal Government Building. 135. Bankers* Building. 136. French Glass Exhibit. 137. Kindergarten. 138. Centennial Police Station. 139. Philadelphia City Building. 140. Music Pavilion. 141. Burial Caskets. 142. Perforated Metal Building. 143. Rubber Roofing. 144. Cuban Acclimation Office. 145. Naval Group. 146. The Dying Lioness. Buildings East of Belmont Avenue, and North of Fountain Avenue. 151. Horticultural Hall. 152. Agricultural Hall. 153. The Women’s Pavilion. 154. The Women’s School House. 155. New Jersey State Building. 156. Restaurant of the South. 157. Kansas and Colorado State Building. 158. New England Farmer’s Home 100 years ago, and Modern Kitchen. 159. Great American Restaurant. 160. German Restaurant. 161. Tea and Coffee Press. 162. Butter and Cheese Factory. 163. Soda Water Stand. 164. Cigar Stand. 165. Farm Wagon Building. 166. Pomological Building. 167. Brewers’ Building. 168. Model House Apiary. 169. Guano Company. 170. Special Flower Exhibit Building. 171. Wind Mills. 172. Office “ Ohio Farmer.” 173. Hay Press. 174. Police Station. 175. Elevated Railroad. 176. Boiler House. 177. Virginia State Building. 178. Protective Fire Apparatus. 179. Pop-corn Stands. 180. J. L. Mott Co. Fountain. SUBJECT INDEX, NATIONAL EXHIBITS. DEPT. IV.—ART. NATIONS. Sculpture, Carvings, Medals. Oil Paintings. Water Colors. Engraving, Lithogra¬ phy, Chromo-lithog¬ raphy. Drawings, Etchings. Architectural Designs. Ceramic Decorations, Mosaics, Stained Glass. Art Applied. Photographs. • Out-Door Works of Art. United States. 21-59 17-54 25,48 58 54 32 52 , 53 , 57 55 i 37 , 145 146 65 67 67 TAT 142 France. 74-81 72-79 79 79 82 74 , 76 73 i 43 146 Germany. 85,87 83 86 86 86,87 86,143 148 Austria. 90,91 88,91 OO OI OI 11^ ****** Switzerland. 143 Belgium. 93-95 92-99 .99 98 98 98 98 97 98 Netherlands... 103 100 103 103 Denmark... 104 Sweden. 105 105 107 144 Norway. 108, 108 109 I taly. no- ni- 112, 118 120 n 9 Japan. 145 x Brazil. 121 121 121 121 144 Argentine Republic. 122 122 144 Mexico. 124 123 145 Spain. 125, 125, 130 126 127 Russia . 135 136 142 N. B.—The Art exhibit of the following countries is installed, wholly or in part, in the Main Building and catalogued in Part I., viz.: Great Britain. New South Wales. Queensland. Victoria. South Australia. New Zealand. Cape of Good Hope. France. Germany. Austria. Denmark. Egypt. China. Italy. Japan. Hawaii. Switzerland. Argentine Republic. Chili. Spain. Portugal. Russia. The Spanish Government Building contains additional works of art. The Women’s Pavilion contains works of art from the following countries (Official Catalogue, Part III.), viz. : United States. Italy. Great Britain. Sweden. Canada. Norway. France. ( 8 ) No. ioi. ART GALLERY. Size 365 by 210 feet. Architect , H. J. SCHWARZMAN. Contractor ; R. J. Dobbins. Iron work furnished by Edgemoor IRON Co., PENCOYD ROLLING Mills, Kittredge Cornice Co. Stone work furnished by SARGENT & Co., WESTHAM GRANITE Co., Consho- hocken Stone Co., S. F. Prince & Co., Excelsior Brick Co. Glass furnished by BENJAMIN H. SHOEMAKER, WARD &Co., and J. M. ALBERTSON. MEMORIAL Hall, built at a cost of $1,500,000, by the State of Pennsylvania and City of Philadelphia, is placed at the disposal of the Centennial Commission, to be used during the Exhibition as an Art Gallery, after which it is designed to make it the receptacle of an Industrial Art Museum, similar to the South Kensington Mu¬ seum, at London. The design is modern renaissance, and the structure is fire¬ proof. It covers an acre and a half, and is 365 feet long, 210 feet wide, and 59 feet high, over a basement 12 feet high. A dome, rising 150 feet above the ground, surmounts the centre, capped by a colossal ball, from which rises the figure of Columbia. The main front of this building looks southward, displaying a main entrance in the centre consisting of three arched doorways, a pavilion on each end, and two arcades connecting the pavilions with the centre. The entrance is 70 feet wide, to which there is a rise of 13 steps. Each of the doorways is 40 feet high and 15 feet wide, opening into a hall. In each pavilion there is a window 1254 feet by 34 feet, eight in all, which will be used for the display of stained glass, glass paintings, etc. The arcades designed to screen the long walls of the galleries each consist of five groined arches, and form promenades looking outward over the grounds and inward over open gardens extending back to the main wall of the building. These garden-plots are each 90 feet by 36 feet, ornamented in the centre with fountains, and intended to display statuary. The rear or north front of the building is of the same general character as the main front, but, in place of the arcade, has a series of arched windows, twelve in number, with the entrance in the centre. Between the pavilions is the grand balcony, a promenade 275 feet long and 45 feet wide, elevated 40 feet above the ground', and overlooking to the northward the grounds of the Park. On each front of the buildings the entrances open into halls, 82 feet long, 60 feet wide, and 53 feet high. These, in turn, open into the centre hall, 83 feet square, the ceiling rising over it 80 feet in height. From the east and west sides of this central hall extend the galleries, each 98 feet long, 48 feet wide, and 35 feet high. These galleries have temporary divisions for the better display of paintings, and, with the central hall, form a grand hall 287 feet long and 83 feet wide, capable of comfortably accommodating 8000 persons. From the galleries ( 9 ) DESCRIPTION OF THE ART GALLERY. IO doorways open into two smaller galleries, 89 feet long and 28 feet wide. These open north and south into apartments connecting with the pavilion rooms, and forming two side-galleries 210 feet long. Along the whole length of the north side of the main galleries and central hall extends a corridor 14 feet wide, opening on its north line into a series of rooms, twenty-three in number, designed for studios and smaller exhibition rooms. All the galleries and the central hall are lighted from above; the pavilions and studios from the sides. The pavilions and central hall are designed .especially for the exhibition of sculpture. This building gives 75,000 square feet of wall space for painting, and 20,000 square feet of floor space for statues, etc. The sky¬ lights throughout are double, the upper being of clear glass and the under ©f ground- glass. The erection of the building was begun July 4, 1874, and finished March 1, 1876. No. 102. ANNEX TO ART GALLERY. Great as is the space afforded in the Memorial Hall, the applications from Ameri¬ can and foreign artists proved so greatly in excess of its capacity as to require the erection of a much more spacious building. This, though only of brick, harmo¬ nizes architecturally with the Memorial Hall, and is to be permanent. It stands just in the rear of the original Art Gallery. It affords 60,000 square feet of wall space available for paintings, and contains 30 galleries, each 40 feet square, besides 4 gal¬ leries, each 100 feet long by 54 feet wide, and two transverse central corridors, 20 feet wide. MEMORIAL HALL.—Ground Plan. A. Italy. B. United States, Gt. Britain, Germany, France, Italy. C. United States. D. Great Britain. E. France. F. Germany. G. Austria. H. Spain and Sweden. I. France. . Germany. . United States, Norway. L. Great Britain. M. Belgium. N. Italy. O. Belgium. P. Great Britain. Q. Great Britain. R. Great Britain. S. Great Britain. T. Great Britain. U. Italy. V. Italy. W. Italy. X. United States. Y. United States. { Great Britain. United States. Germany and France, ART GALLERY ANNEX.—Ground Plan. 1. Italy. 2. Italy. 3. Italy. 4. Italy. 5. Netherlands. 6. United States, 7. Norway. Denmark. 8 . United States. 9. Argentine Republic. Chili. Mexico. 10. United States. 11. Sweden. 12. United States. 13. Netherlands. 14. United States. 15. Netherlands. 16. United States. Superintendent's Office. 17. Italy. 18. United States. 19. Italy. 20. United States. 21. France. Netherlands. 22. United States. 23.. Belgium. Netherlands. 24. United States. 25. Spain. Sweden. 26. Canada. 27. Pbrtugal. Argentine Republic. Brazil. 28. United States. 29. Portugal. Brazil. 30. United States. 31. Spain. 32. France. 33. Belgium. 34. France. 35. France. 36. France. 37. France. 38. France. 39. Belgium. 40. United States. 41. Belgium. 42. United States. 43. France. 44. United States. 45. France. >2 SYNOPSIS OF THE CLASSIFICATION. LOCATION. departments. CLASSES. GROUPS. I. Mining and Me¬ tallurgy. ioo—109 no—119 120-129 Minerals, Ores, Stone, Mining Products. Metallurgical Products. Mining Engineering. Main Building. II. Manufactures. 200-205 206-2l6 217-227 228—234 235—241 242—249 250—257 258-264 265—27I 272—279 280—284 285—29I 292-296 Chemical Manufactures. Ceramics, Pottery, Porcelain, Glass, etc. Furniture, etc. Yarns and Woven Goods of Vegetable or Mineral Materials. Woven and Felted Goods of Wool, etc. Silk and Silk Fabrics. Clothing, Jewelry, etc. Paper, Blank Books, Stationery. Weapons, etc. Medicine. Surgery, Prothesis. Hardware, Edge Tools, Cutlery, and Metallic Products. Fabrics of Vegetable, Animal, or Mineral Materials. Carriages, Vehicles, and Accessories. III. Education and Science 3OO—309 310—319 320—329 330—339 340—349 Educational Systems, Methods, and Li¬ braries. Institutions and Organizations. Scientific and Philosophical Instruments and Methods. Engineering, Architecture, Maps, etc. Physical, Social, and Moral Condition of Man. Art Gallery. IV. Art. 400—409 410—419 420—429 430—439 440—449 450—459 Sculpture. Painting. Engraving and Lithography. Photography. Industrial and Architectural Designs, etc. Ceramic Decorations, Mosaics, etc. Machinery Building. V. Machinery. 500-509 510—519 520—529 530—539 540—549 550-559 560—569 570—579 580—589 590—599 Machines, Tools, etc., of Mining, Chem¬ istry, etc. Machines and Tools for working Metal, Wood, and Stone. Machines and Implements of Spinning, Weaving, etc. Machines, etc., used in Sewing, Making Clothing, etc. Machines for Printing, Making Books, Paper Working, etc. Motors, Power Generators, etc. Hydraulic and Pneumatic Apparatus. Railway Plant, Rolling Stock, etc. Machinery used in Preparing Agricul¬ tural Products. Aerial, Pneumatic, and Water Trans¬ portation. Machinery, and Apparatus, especially adapted to the requirements of the Exhibition. Agricultural Building. VI. Agriculture. 600—609 6lO-619 620-629 630-639 640-649 650-662 665—669 670-679 680—689 690-699 Arboriculture and Forest Products. Pomology. Agricultural Products. Land Animals. Marine Animals, Fish Culture, and Apparatus. Animal and Vegetable Products. Textile Substances of Vegetable or Animal Origin. Machines, Implements, and Processes of Manufacture. Agricultural Engineering and Adminis¬ tration. Tillage and General Management. Horticultural Building. VIY .Horticulture. % 700—709 710—719 720—729 730—739 Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, and Flowers. Hot Houses, Conservatories, Graperies. Garden Tools, Accessories of Gardening. Garden Designing, Construction, and Management. CLASSIFICATION Department IV -Art. SCULPTURE. CLASS 400. —Figures and groups in stone, metal, clay, or plaster. CLASS 401. —Bas-reliefs, in stone or metal; electrotype copies. CLASS 402. —Medals, pressed and engraved; electrotypes of medals. CLASS 403. —Hammered and wrought work— repousse and rehausse work, embossed and engraved relief work. CLASS 404.—Cameos, intaglios, engraved stones, dies, seals, etc. CLASS 405.— Carvings in wood, ivory, and metal. PAINTING. CLASS 410. —Paintings in oil on canvas, panels, etc. CLASS 411. —Water color pictures ; aquarelles, miniatures, etc. CLASS 412.—Frescoes, cartoons for frescoes, etc. CLASS 413. —Painting with verifiable colors. Pictures on porcelain, enamel, and metal. ENGRAVING AND LITHOGRAPHY. CLASS 420. —Drawings with pen, pencil, or crayons. CLASS 421. —Line engravings from steel, copper, or stone. CLASS 422.—Wood engravings. CLASS 423. —Lithographs, zincographs, etc. Class 424.—Chromo-lithographs. PHOTOGRAPHY. CLASS 430.—Photographs on paper, metal, glass, wood, fabrics, or enamel Surfaces. CLASS 431.—Prints from photo-relief plates, carbon prints, etc. CLASS 432. —Photo-lithographs, etc. Class 433.—Photographic apparatus and supplies. INDUSTRIAL AND ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNS, MODELS, AND DECORATIONS. CLASS 440.—Industrial designs. CLASS 441. —Architectural designs; studies and fragments, representations and pro¬ jects of edifices; restorations from ruins and from documents. CLASS 442. —Decoration of interiors of buildings. CLASS 443. —Artistic hardware and trimmings, artistic castings, forged metal work for decoration, etc. DECORATION WITH CERAMIC AND VITREOUS MATERIALS, MOSAIC AND INLAID WORK. CLASS 450.—Mosaic and inlaid work in stone. Class 451.—Mosaic and inlaid work in tiles, tessarae, glass, etc. Class 452. —Inlaid work in wood and metal, parquetry, tables, etc. Class 453.—Stained glass. Class 454.—Miscellaneous objects of art. PAGE. INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. Appleton, D., & Co.... Appleton, D., & Co....... Appleton, D., & Co. Burke, Edward and John,.:... Brooke Hall Female Seminary,... Brook, Jonas, & Brothers,. Blood, Wolfe & Co...-... Bailey’s Pure Rye Whiskey. Cheney Brothers,...... Connecticut General Life Insurance Co. Centennial Restaurant,. Charter Oak Life Insurance Co.;. Cornelius & Sons,. Drown, W. A., & Co. Friedberger & Strouse,. French Restaurant,. Goode, Thomas, & Co ...*. Great Combination Store,. Haseltine Galleries,. Humphreys’ Homoepathic Medicine Co. Kelsey & Co.. Knight’s Cooking Extracts,.;. Keogh, C. B., & Co. Lippincott, J. B., & Co. Lehigh Valley Ra'il Road,.. Longacre & Co. McGee, John G., & Co. . New York Belting and Packing Co.. Philadelphia Demokrat.. Philadelphia Evening Chronicle,. Provident Life and Trust Co.. Pennsylvania Rail Road,.. Presbyterian Journal,... Queen, James W., & Co. Radway’s, Dr., Medicines.,.. Schenck, J. H., & Son,. Shaw, Jas. M., & Co.,... The New York Daily Bulletin,. The Hardman Piano,... The American Newspaper Union,. The Sun Newspaper,.*. Tobias’, Dr., Venetian Liniment,. Wishart’s Pine Tree Tar Cordial,. Whitman, Stephen F., & Son,. Wilkins, Wm., & Co . West Philadelphia Passenger Railway Company,, . 23 ..... 29 . 53 . 64 . 22 . 65 . 64 .. 83 •'. 17 ... 22 . 34 .76 .Fourth page of cover. .••. 34 . 40 .. 76 .. 64 ..Third page of cover. . 34 ... 77 . 35 .. 35 .. 4i .. 35 . 94 . 35 ... 76 . 22 . 35 . 35 . 94 .. 7i . .. 89 .. 58 . ..... 47 .. 82 ..— 83 .:. 22 . 28 .. 52 ... 59 ... 70 . 46 . 88 . 41 Second page of cuver. 1836 . 1876 . Cheney Brothers, Silk Manufacturers, JAills at J1art.ford$South Manchester COUUECTICTJT. 477 BROOME ST., NEW YORK, 19 FRANKLIN ST., BOSTON. GROS GRAIN DRESS SILKS in Black and Colors of all Shades. FIGURED AND TWILLED SILKS for the Millinery Trade. FLORENTINES AND MARCELLINES, of all colors, qualities, and widths, for the use of Manufacturers of Parasols, Hats, Caps, and Furs. SILK HANDKERCHIEFS AND MUFFLERS, Plain or with Woven or Printed Borders. SILK FLAGS of various sizes, from 7 x 10 to 30 x 48 inches, hemmed and boxed in dozens for the trade. BONNET RIBBONS, Black and Colored, of all widths and shades. SASH AND BELT RIBBONS. MACHINE TWIST AND SEWING SILK. ORGANZINES, TRAMS, AND FINE PATENT SPUN SILKS, for Silk Mixture, Cassimeres, and for all other fabrics in which Silk is used. Particular attention given to orders for special kinds of Silk used by manufacturers. Specimens of all the above-mentioned fabrics and threads can be seen in the show-case of Cheney Brothers, in the American Silk Department of the Centennial Exhibition in the Main Building. UNITED STATES 17 UNITED STATES. [Works of Art marked with an asterisk (*) are for sale. Information may be obtained at the Art Bureau, Memorial Hall.] (Memorial Hall % Central Gallery , West.) OIL PAINTINGS. NO. ARTIST. TITLE. OWNER. 1 Story, G. H., New York, The Young Student. David Groesbeck. la Healy, G. P. A., Chi¬ cago, Portrait. 2 Dolph, J. H., New York The Antiquarian. Artist. 3 Pohle,H.,New York, *The Burning Castle. E. Franke. 4 Whittredge, W., New York, The Window. R. L. Stuart. 5 La Farge, John, New York, Bishop Berkeley’s Rock, Newport. Artist. 6 Townsend, Chas. E., New York, *Lion and Lioness. Artist. 7 Perdicaris, Ion,Tren¬ ton, N.J., Moorish Interior. Artist. 8 Hicks,Thomas, New York, Portrait—Mrs. MacDaniel. • 9 Hubbard, R. W., New York, *Coming Storm. Artist. IQ Matthews, W. T., New York, Globe of Fish. Artist. 11 Bunner, A. F., Mu¬ nich, ^Bavarian Landscape. Artist. 12 Van Elten, K., New York, Clearing Off— Adirondacks. G. Chesterman. 13 Du Bois, C- E., New York, *Willows at East Hampton, L. I. Artist. 14 Colman, S., New York, *The Merchants of Laghouat en route between Tell and the Desert, Algeria. Artist. 15 Pine. Theodore, Chi¬ cago, Portrait of Mrs. Doane. 16 Miller, Charles H., New York, Sunset at Queen’s, N. Y. Robert Gordon. 17 Kensett, J. F. (de¬ ceased), Narragansett Coast. R. M. Olyphant. 18 Hamilton, J., Phila¬ delphia, *“ Break, break, break. On thy cold gray stones, 0 sea l" Earle & Sons. 19 Durand, A. B., New York, Studies from nature. Artist. 20 Boughton, G. H., New York, The Pilgrims* Sunday Morning. R. L. Stuart. 21 Baker, G. A., New York, Portrait—C. L. Elliott. New York Academy of De¬ sign. 22 Benson, Eugene, New York, Sirocco, Venice. Artist. 23 Gifford, S. R., New York, Bronx River. H. C. Fahnestock. 24 Gifford, S. R., New York, On the Nile. J. J. Nesmith. 25 De Haas, M. F. H., New York, Moonrise and Sunset. E. D. Morgan. 26 Bellows, A. F., New York, ^Sunday in Devonshire. Artist. i8 DEPT. IV.—ART NO. ARTIST. 27 Gifford, S. R., New York, 28 Mayer, Constant, New York, 29 Conarroe, G. W., Philadelphia, 30 Audubon, J. J. (de¬ ceased), 31 Beeson, Miss E. L., Pittsburg, 32 White, Edwin, New York, 33 Cole, Thomas (de¬ ceased), 34 Huntington, D., New York, 35 Van Elten, K., New York, 36 Holbrook, H.J., New York, 37 MacKnight, Mrs. S. R., New York, 38 Hubbard, R. W., New York, 39 Cropsey, J. F., New York, 40 Johnson, David, New York, 41 Lambdin, G. C., Philadelphia, 42 Furness, W. H., Jr. ^(deceased), 43 Wood, T. W., New York, 44 Wood, T. W., New York, 45 Huntington, D., New York, 46 Perry, E. Wood, New York, 47 Kensett, J. F. (de¬ ceased), 48 Johnson, Eastman, New York, 49 Eakins, Thos., Phil¬ adelphia, 50 Waugh, S.B., Phila¬ delphia, 51 Wood, T. W,, New York, 52 Stuart, Gilbert (de¬ ceased), 53 Loop, H. A., New York, 54 Thompson, A., Bos¬ ton, 55 Whittredge, W., New York, 56 Birch, Thomas (de¬ ceased), 57 White, Edwin, New York, 58 Miller, C. H., New York, 59 Durand, A. B., New York, 60 Allston, Washington (deceased), 61 Weisman, W. H., Philadelphia, TITLE. Pallanza, Lago Maggiore. ♦Love’s Melancholy. Ethel. Canada Otter. ♦Ophelia. ♦The Bargello, Florence. The Mountain Ford. Portrait. The Grove in the Heath. Portrait. Winter. Early Autumn. Old Bonchurch, Isle of Wight. Scenery on the Housatonic. Roses. Portrait. The Veteran. The Recruit. Portrait—G. T. Trimble. Young Franklin. View near Northampton. Heel-Taps. Chess-Players. The Cabinet. The Contraband. Portrait—Mrs. S. Eliot. ♦Aphrodite. ♦View near Honfleur, Normandy. A Hundred Years Ago. Marine. ♦The Antiquary. Returning to the Fold. Portrait—Gouverneur Kemble. Landscape. Cape Ann Rocks. OWNER. M. Southwick. S. M. Schafer. Artist. Edward Harris. Artist. Artist. J. Taylor Johnston. Artist. G. Chesterman. Artist. Artist. Judge Benedict. Artist. Mrs. J. Bullard. Artist. H. H. Furness. C. S. Smith. C. S. Smith. New York Hospital. Artist. R. L. Stuart. Artist. Artist. C. S. Smith. C. W. Eliot. Artist. Artist. R. M. Olyphant. Thos. Birch. Artist. Mrs. J. M. Miller. Gouverneur Kemble. Family oYMrs. S. A. Eliot. F. Gutekunst. UNITED STATES 19 NO. ARTIST. 62 Miller, C. H., New York, 63 Guy,S.J., New York, 64 Thom, J. C., New York, 65 Thom, J. C., N ew York, 66 Perry, E. Wood, New York, 67 Thompson, A. Wordsworth, New York, 68 Maynard, G. W., New York, 69 Anderson, A. A., New York, 70* Anderson, A. A., New York, 71 Benson, Eugene, Rome, 72 Johnson, Eastman, New York, 73 Gifford, S. R., New York, 74 Twibill, G. w' (de¬ ceased), 75 Stuart, Gilbert (de¬ ceased), 76 Stone, W. O. (de¬ ceased), 77 Allston, Washing¬ ton (deceased), 78 Mount, W. S. (de¬ ceased), 79 Gray, H. Peters, New York, 80 Morse, S. F. B. (de¬ ceased), 81 Woodville, R. C. (deceased), 82 Greene, E. D. E., New York, 83 Copley, J. S. (de¬ ceased), 84 Morse, S. F. B. (de¬ ceased), 85 Copley, J. S. (de¬ ceased), 86 Allston, Washing¬ ton (deceased), 87 Stuart, Gilbert (de¬ ceased), 88 Allston, Washing¬ ton (deceased), 89 Newton, Stuart (deceased), 90 Newton, Stuart (deceased), 91 Copley, J. S. (de¬ ceased), 92 Smibert, J. S. (de¬ ceased), 93 Stuart, Gilbert (de¬ ceased), 94 Blashfield, E. H., Brooklyn, 95 Brown, J. G., New York, 96 Johnson, Eastman, New York, TITLE. Old Mill at Springfield, L.I. Evening. Day (panel). Night (panel). Kept In. On the Sands, East Hampton, L.I. ♦Vespers in Antwerp. Scene in Cairo. Roumanian Peasant Girl. The Strayed Masquers. What the Sea Says. Lake Geneva. Portrait—Colonel Trumbull. Portrait—Mrs. N. Coffin. Portrait—Charles King. Portrait of himself when young. Husking Corn. The Model from Cadore. ) Portrait. Card-Players. Ideal head. Portrait—Mrs. T. Boylston. Portrait. Portrait—John Adams. Spalatro’s Vision of the Bloody Hand. Portrait—James Rivington. Rosalie. The Importunate Author. Portrait—Washington Irving. Portrait—T. Boylston. Portrait—Bishop G. Berkeley. Portrait—Chief-Justice John Jay. ♦T reasure-T rove. Curling Match. ♦Prisoner of State. OWNER. Mrs. J. M. Miller. J. M. Falconer. James M. Burt. James M. Burt. Artist. Artist. Artist. J. J. Milbank. J. J. Milbank. C. H. SnefF. B. Field. Wm. Goddard. New York Academy of Design. Nath. Appleton. Union Club, New York. Mr. Kemble. E. Mitchell. Dr. D. Olyphant. W. J. Hoppin. Artist. Harvard University. Dr. D. Olyphant. Harvard University. J. T. Johnston. W. H. Appleton. N. Appleton. E. N. Perkins. Mr. T. W. Storrows. Harvard University. Massachusetts Historical Society. J. C. Jay. Artist. Robert Gordon. Artist. 20 NO. 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 DEPT. IV.—ART ARTIST. Hubbard, R. W., New York, Maynard, G. W., New York, Lawrie, Alex., New York, Johnson, David, New York, Irving, J. B., New York, Parton, A., New York, Bridgeman, F. A., New York, Brown, G. L., Bos¬ ton, White,Edwin, New York, Machen, W. H., Toledo, Granbery, Miss V., New York, Johnson, Frost, New York, Whittredge, W., New York, Gifford, R. Swain, New York, Brenner, C. C., Lou¬ isville, Durand, A. B.,New York, Perry, E. Wood, New York, Niemeyer, J. H., New Haven, Moran, Edward, New York, Stewart, J. L., Philadelphia, Fitch, J. L., New York, Johnson, Eastman, New York, Whittredge, W., New York, De Crano, F. F., Philadelphia, Cameron, Miss K., Paris, Wright, Geo., Phil¬ adelphia, Shade, W. A., New York/ Gifford, R. Swain, New York, Moran, Edward, New York, Minor, R. C., New York, Miller, C. H., New York, McEntee, J., New York, Guy, S. J., New York, Henry, E. L., New York, Gignoux, R., New York, Champney, J. W., Boston, TITLE. Glimpse of the Adirondacks. OWNER. R. M. Olyphant. * “ 1776." Artist. Autumn in the Hudson Highlands. Henry Marks. Scenery on the Housatonic. L. A. Lanthier. The Bookworm. A. McL. Agnew. Solitude. Wm. D. Judson. Kybelian Woman. Hon. Alex. McCue. ^Venice. Artist. *Sabbath of the Emigrant. Artist. Still Life—game. Artist. *Spring Flowers. Artist. A Thirsty Party. Artist. A Home by the Sea. * S. J. Harriott. Boats at Boulah, on the Nile. L. Tiffany. Landscape. Artist. 11 Pappagallo. Artist. The Weaver. Artist. *Gutenberg Inventing Movable Types. The Hawk’s Nest. Artist. Mrs. H. E. Lawrence. Miguel. W. S. Stewart. In the Woods. Artist. The Old Kentucky Home. R. L. Stuart. The Old Hunting-Grounds. J. W. Pinchot. The Celestial Model. Artist. *Happy as a Queen. Artist. One too Many. Artist. Tantalizing. Artist. ^Egyptian Fountain. Artist. Minot Ledge Light. Mrs. H. E. Lawrence. Daybreak. Artist. The Road to the Mill. J. L. Melcher. October Afternoon. H. G. De Forest. Solitaire. J. M. Falconer. Morning Cali in 1800. C. S. Smith. Spring. T. Messenger. “ Your Good Health." T. Wiggleworth. UNITED STATES 21 NO. ARTIST. 133 Brown, J. H., Phil¬ adelphia, 133* Cooper, P. F., Philadelphia, 1333 Munger, Geo., 134 Cariss, H. T., Phil¬ adelphia, 135 Benson, Eugene, Rome, 136 Benson, Eugene, Rome, 137 Morse, S. F. B. (deceased), 138 Woodville, R. C. (deceased), NO. ARTIST. 139 Roberts, Howard, Philadelphia, 140 Bailly, J.W., Phila¬ • delphia, 141 Connelly, P. F., Florence, 142 Connelly, P. F., Florence, NO. ARTIST. 143 Johnson, Eastman, New York, 144 Benson, Eugene, Rome, 145 Hart, Wm., New York, 146 Baker, George A., New York, 147 Sully, Thomas (de¬ ceased), 148 Bristol, J. B., New York, 149 Gay, W. Allen, Bos¬ ton, 150 Vanderlyn, J. (de¬ ceased), 151 Thompson, Harry I., New Haven, 152 Waugh, S. B., Philadelphia, 153 Elliott, C. L., New York, 154 Page, Wm., New York, 155 McEntee, J., New York, 156 Waterman, M., Boston, 157 Morrell, Mrs. I. Robinson, Paris, 158 Briscoe, F. D., Philadelphia, 159 Jones, H. Bolton, Baltimore, 160 Moore, H. H., New York, 161 Nilson, H. M., Paris, TITLE. OW Case of miniatures on ivory. Artist. *Madonna—on ivory. Artist. Nathaniel Jocelyn—miniature on N. Jocelyn, ivory. Blind-Man’s-Buff. San Giorgio, Venice. Afternoon on the Lagoon. Portrait—Major Paulding. Fancy head. Artist. Artist. Artist. New York City Hall J. T. Johnston. (Memorial Hall , Gallery C.) * SCULPTURE. TITLE. OWNER. The First Pose. Artist. *Spring. Artist. *Honor arresting the Triumph of Artist. Death. ^Ophelia. - Artist. OIL PAINTINGS. TITLE. Catching the Bee. Interior of St. Mark’s, Venice. Keene Valley, Adirondacks. Portrait of a child. Portrait—Miss Rosalie Sully. *Lake Memphremagog. *Windmills of Delftshaven, Holland. Ariadne. Portrait. General Grant. Portrait. Shakspeare, after the Death-Mask. November. *GulIiver in Liliput. *First Battle of the Puritans, won by Miles Standish. Breezy Day off Dieppe. ,*The Ferry Inn. The Moorish Merchant. Portrait. Miss Jones. Mrs. M. L. Pickinson. Rev. F. L. Robbins. Mrs. D. C. Sturgis. Mrs. Darley. Artist. Artist. W. H. Eisenbrey. Artist. E. D. Morgan. Artist. Artist. Artist. Artist. Artist. 22 DEPT. IV.—ART TITLE. Portrait. Portrait—Gilbert Stuart. East Park, Philadelphia. The Winning Yacht. The Attorney and his Clients. ♦Hollyhocks. Battle of Gettysburg. “ Don’t touch!” I Flower of the Harem. Portrait. Portrait. Portrait. Rome, from Marino. Elaine. ♦View near Meriden, Connecticut. Snap the Whip. The Golden Horn. ♦Forest Scene in Pennsylvania. The Portage—Waiting for the Boats. 162 Thompson, H. I., • New Haven, 163 Neagle, John (de¬ ceased), 164 Lewis, E. D., Philadelphia, 165 Moran, Edward, New York, 166 Beard, J. H., New York, 167 La Farge, J., New York, 168 Rothermel, P. F., Philadelphia, 169 Champney, J. W., Boston, 170 Bridgeman, F. A., New York, 171 Winner, W. E., Philadelphia, 172 Alexander, F., Bos¬ ton, 173 Healy, G. P. A., Chicago, 174 Mifflin, Lloyd, Co¬ lumbia, Pa., 175 Rosenthal, T. E., Munich, 176 Williams, I. L., Philadelphia, 177 Homer, Winslow, New York, 178 Gifford, S. R., New York, 179 Hetzel, Geo., Pitts¬ burg, 180 Tait, A. F. , Long Lake, N. Y., and Hart, J. M., New York, 181 Armstrong, D. M., New York, 182 McEntee, J., New York, 183 Suydam, J. A. (de¬ ceased), 184 Hill, Thomas, San Francisco, 185 Johnson, Eastman, New York, 186 Gifford, S. R., New York, 187 Irving, J. B., New York, 188 Richards, W. T., Philadelphia, 189 Pearce, Charles S., Boston, 190 Kollock, Miss M., New York, 191 Clowes, Miss C. M., Poughkeepsie, 192 Kollock, Miss M., New York, 193 Guy, S. J., New York, 194 Huntington, D., New York, 195 Johnson, Eastman, New York, ♦Twilight on the Tiber. Saturday Afternoon. Hudson River. Donner Lake. The Wandering Fiddler. Fishing Boats of the Adriatic. The End of the Game. The Wissahickon. ♦L’ltalienne. ♦Midsummer in the Mduntains. ♦Cattle at the Brook. Early Morning in the Mountains. Supplication. Sowing the Word. The Old Stage-Coach. OVVJ4ER. Col. Juan Lewis. Boston Athenaeum. Artist. W. A. Cauldwell. G. F. Gilman. Artist. Commonwealth of Penn-i sylvania. Mr. Cheny. H. E. Nesmith. Artist. W. Willard. Artist. Mrs. R. E. Johnson. Artist. J. H. Sherwood. W. J. Peake. Artist. J. B. Blossom. Artist. M. C. D. Borden. Smith Clift. Hon. L. Stanford. J. T. Johnston. C. S. Smith. J. H. Sherwood. George Whitney. Artist. Artist. Artist. Artist. J. H. Sherwood. Anson P. Stokes. Gecrge Whitney. UNITED STATES 23 NO. ARTIST. 196 Moran, Thomas, Newark, N.J., 197 Suydam, J. A. (de¬ ceased), 198 Colyer, V., New York, 199 Sully, Thomas (de¬ ceased), 200 Gray, H. Peters, New York, 201 Whittredge, W., New York, 202 Lea, Anna M., Phil¬ adelphia, 203 Martin, H., New York, 204 Seligman, Mrs. E., Tarrytown, N. J., 205 Miller, C. H., New York, 206 Waller, Frank, New York, 207 Bierstadt, A., New York, 208 Smillie, George H., New York, 209 Parton, Arthur, New York, 210 Cole, Thomas (de¬ ceased), 211 Story, G. H., New York, 212 Waugh, Ida, Phila¬ delphia, 213 Story, G. H., New York, 214 Staigg, R. M., Bos¬ ton, 215 Weir, J. F., New Haven, 216 Rothermel, P. F., • Philadelphia, 217 James, Frederick, Philadelphia, 218 Neagle, John (de¬ ceased), 219 Smith, T. Henry, Philadelphia, 220 Healy, G. P. A., Chicago, 221 Johnson, David, New York, 222 McEntee, J., New York, 223 S hat t u ck, A. D., New York, 224 Gardner, Miss E. J., Paris, 225 Loop, Mrs. H. A., New York, 226 Le Clear, Thomas, New York, 227 Dix, C. Templeton, New York, 228 Herzog, H., Phila¬ delphia, 229 Leutze, E. (de¬ ceased), 230 Wood, T. W., New York, TITLE. ♦The Mountain of the Holy Cross, Colorado. Berkeley's Seat, Newport. Pueblo—Indian village. Portrait—Mrs. T. Sully. The Apple of Discord. Twilight on the Shawangunk Moun¬ tains. Portrait. Adirondacks. Love and Pride. A Long Island Homestead. Tombs of the Caliphs, Cairo. The Settlement of California, Bay of Monterey, 1770 . Lake in the Woods. Stirling Castle. Kenilworth Castle. Echoes of the Sea. An Egyptian. The Young Mother. ♦The Chestnut-Gatherer. The Gun-Foundry. Amy Robsart interceding for Leices¬ ter. ♦Interior of a Smoking-Car. Portrait of John Taggart, First Presi¬ dent of Farmers’ and Mechanics' Bank, Philadelphia. Portrait. Portrait. Old Man of the Mountain, Franconia Notch, N.H. Autumn. Lake Champlain. Corinne. Portrait. Portrait—Parke Godwin. Capri. ♦Sentinel Rock, Yosemite. The Iconoclast. Village Post-Office. OWNER. Artist. New York Academy of Design. Artist. Miss Sully. R. Olyphant. W. B. Smith. Mrs. Potter. Century Club. Artist. F. Sheldon. Mrs. M. Waller. Artist. T. Robertson. Bryce Gray. J. T. Johnston. Artist. Artist. Artist. Artist. R. P. Parrott. C. Blanchard. Artist. Farmers' and Mechanics’ Bank. M. Drinker. Mr. Taft. George Whitney. J. M. Telford. Artist. Mrs. Alexander. Artist. Century Club. Artist. R. M. Olyphant. C. S. Smith. 24 NO. 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 DEPT. IV.—ART ARTIST. Kensett, J. F. (de¬ ceased), Hicks', Thos., New York, Colyer, V., New York, Minor, R. C., New York, Hunt, William, Boston, Hart,Jas. M., New York, Waugh, S.B., Phil¬ adelphia, Bridgeman, F. A., New York, Inman, Henry (de¬ ceased), Brown, C. V., Phil¬ adelphia, Satterlee, W., New York, De Luce, P., New York, Wharton, P. F., Philadelphia, Van Elten, K., New York, Johnson, David, New York, Lippincott, W. H., Philadelphia, Millet, F. D., Bos¬ ton, Heade, M. J., New York, Moran, Peter, Phil¬ adelphia, Sonntag, W. L., New York, Bridgeman, F. A., New Vork, Schussele, C., Phil¬ adelphia, Moran, Edward, New York, Hicks, Thos., New York, Elliott, C. L. (de¬ ceased), Miller, C. H., New York, Weber, Philip, Phil¬ adelphia, Henry, E. L., New York, Johnson, Eastman, New York, Sartain, Emily, Philadelphia, Irving, J. B., New York, Beard, W. H., New York, Baker, G. A., New York, Eakins, Thomas, Philadelphia, Haseltine, W. S., Philadelphia, TITLE. ♦Conway Valley, N.H. General Meade. Cascade Mountains. ♦Evening. Portrait. A Summer Memory of Berkshire. Lost Jewels found. Nubian Story-Teller. Hackett as Rip Van Winkle. Portrait. ♦Marguerite. A Dish for my Lord. Perdita—Winter’s Tale. ♦Russell Falls, Adirondacks. ♦Brook study. Orange Co., N.Y. The Ducks’ Breakfast. ♦Turkish Water-Seller. ♦Off the California Coast. Return of the Herd. ♦Sunset in the Wilderness. Bringing in the Corn. The Iron-Worker. Moonlight in New York Bay. Portrait—Dr. Gray. # Portrait—Dr. Cheesman. High Bridge, New York. ♦Twilight. Old Clock on the Stairs. ♦Milton and his Daughters. ♦The Reproof. Cardinal Wolsey and his Friends. March of Silenus. Portrait. Portrait—Dr. Rand. ♦Ruins of Roman Theatre, Sicily. R. E. Moore. Artist. J. M. Stearns. Artist. Mr. Schlesinger. E. D. Morgan. Mrs. Joseph Harrison. S. H. Keep. Miss C. C. Hackett. W. J. Clark, Jr. Artist. Artist. Artist. Artist. Artist. Artist. Artist. Artist. Artist. Artist. A. A. Low. Mrs. Joseph Harrison. Artist. Mrs. B. Knower. New York Hospital. Artist. Artist. R. Gordon. Artist. Artist. P. Van Volkenburg. Buffalo Fine Art Gallery. Walter Hatch. Dr. Rand. Artist. UNITED STATES 25 266 Lambdin, G. C., Roses. Philadelphia, Artist. 267 Homer, Winslow, The American Type. New York, Artist. 268 Thompson,! A. Virginia in the Olden Time. Wordsworth, New York, D. H. McAlphine. 269 Markham, C. C., My Grandmother (93 years old). New York, Artist. 270 La Farge, J., New Wreath of Flowers. G. V. Hecker. York, (Annex, Gallery No. 7 ( 5 .) AMERICAN SOCIETY OF PAINTERS IN WATER COLORS, OF NEW YORK, OWNER. Mrs. Charles Post. Mrs. C. P. Hemenway. Artist. NO. ARTIST. TITLE. 271 Hennessey, W. J., The By-Path. New York, 272 Hennessey, W. J., An Old Song. New York, 273 Scott, Wm. Wal- *Margaretta B. Moore. lace, New York, 274 Fenn, Harry, New Old Convent Gate, St. Augustine, Joseph Wilde. York, Florida. 275 Burling, Gilbert, *Study of Owl and Ducks. Artist. New York, 276 Tiffany, Louis C., The Old and New Mosques, Ali J. Holme Maghee. New York, Hassimin and Sultan El Carmel, Cairo. 277 Tiffany, Louis C., Lazy Life in the East—Gate of the John Taylor Johnston. New York, Sub-Treasury, Tangiers. 278 Fal coner, J. M., *No. 78, Cross Street, Boston. Artist. Brooklyn, 279 Smillie, Janies D., Study from Nature, Ausable River. Artist. New York, New York, Magrath, Will New York, Perry, E. W New York, dolman, Sair New York, De Golier, R New York, De Golier, N New York, riffany, Louis New York, 3oughton, Ge< H., London, £aton, J. O., 1 York, riffany, Louis New York, 'Jicoll, J. C., 1 York, Pal coner, J. Brooklyn, 3aldwin, A. New York, dolman, Sam New York, dart, Willi New York, New York, 296 Farrer, Henry, 297 Jones, Alfred, T., Philadelphia, Dignity in Servitude. J. T. Smith. An Irish Thatched Cottage. Charles S. Smith. *Anne Hathaway’s Kitchen. Artist. Mosque of Sidi Hallui, Tlemcen, J. Jacob Astor. Algiers. Purple Iris. Artist. Wild Flowers and Grasses. Artist. *Street Scene, Dinan. Artist. Normandy Girl caught in a Shower. Robert L. Stuart. Out of Mischief. E. M. Clark. As Good as New. (Swiss scene.) J. Milbank. Moonrise. Bryan H. Smith. *Robert Fulton's House in Philadel¬ Artist. phia, 121 South Second Street. *An Unskilful Gardener. Artist. Corpus Christi Day, Seville, Spain. John Sherwood. Mount Madison, N.H. Nicholas Saltus. *One Hundred Years Ago. Artist. *Windy Day on Long Island. Artist. Feeding Dolly. Jas. D. Smillie. Old Trees at Atlantic City. Geo. Whitney. 26 NO. 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 DEPT. IV.—ART ARTIST. TITLE. OWNER. Boughton, George H., London, By the Sea. Wm. T. Richards. McDonald, Marga¬ ret, New York, ♦Head of a Shepherd Dog. Artist. Fisher, Ellen Thayer, New York, American Velvet Leaf. Artist. Farrer, Henry, New York, *Sunrise, East River. Artist. Colman, Samuel, New York, Street Scene, Morlaix. Artist. Perry, E. Wood, Jr., New York, ♦A Month’s Darning. Artist. Bricher, A. T., New York, *Foggy Morning, Grand Menan. Artist. Homer, Winslow, New York, ♦The Trysting-PIace. Artist. Gifford, R. Swain, New York, ♦Early Morning. Artist. Homer, Winslow, New York, *In the Garden. Artist. Smillie, James D., New York, ♦A Scrub Race on the Western Plains. Artist. Thomas, Mrs., New York, Phlox and Larkspur. Artist. F.’alconer, J. M., Brooklyn, ♦House where Thomas Jefferson lived. Artist. Thomas, Mrs., New York, Flowering Almond. Artist. Scott, Wm. Wal¬ lace, New York, An Old Salt. J. McDougal. Colman, Samuel, New York, Street Scene, Dinan. Artist. Fredericks, Alfred, New York, The Scare-Crow. Jas. R. Osgood. Brown, J. G., New York, Watering-Place Pleasures. I. T. Williams. Magrath, William, New York, On the Hill-Side. A. Foster Higgins. Fredericks, Alfred, New York, ♦Romeo and Juliet. Artist. Nefflin, Paul H., New York, Boy’s Dream of Christmas. Artist. Colman, Samuel, New York, Street Scene, Caen. Mrs. Horace Waters. Eaton, J. O., New York, The Little Prisoner. Mrs. J. O. Eaton. Colman, Samuel, New York, Distant View of Rome. Robert Gordon. Symington, James, New York, ♦Dolly’s Breakfast. Artist. Homer, Winslow, New York. ♦Flower for the Teacher. Artist. McDonald, Marga¬ ret, New York, Primroses. Townsend Cox. Hill, J. W., New York, Hollyhocks. Miss H. Ripley. Smith, F. Hopkin- son, New York, * “ In the Darkling Wood.'* Artist. Nicoll, J. C., New York, ♦A Calm Morning. Artist. Fenn, Harry, New York, Old Fireplace of the Author of “ Home, Sweet Home.” Samuel Wilde. Burt, Martha, New York, Homely Flowers. Artist. Farrer, Henry, New York, ♦Highlands of the Hudson. Artist. Bellows, A. F., New York, Autumn Woods. S. W. Bocock. Silva, F. A., New Brace’s Rock. I. T. Williams. York, t UNITED STATES 27 NO. ARTIST. TITLE. OWNER. 334 Falconer, I. M., Brooklyn, *William Penn’s Mansion. Artist. 335 Bricher, A. T., New York, ^Summer Morning, Grand Menan. Artist. 336 Bridges, Fidelia, New York, Kingfisher and Catkins. Wm. B. Kendall. 337 Magrath, William, New York, Grandad’s Visit. I. T. Williams. 338 Nicoll, J. C., New York, The Deserted Farm. Artist. 339 Brown, J.'G., New York, Fresh-Water Sailor. Rush D. Hawkins. 340 Durand, F. F., New York, Falls of the Ausable. Artist. 341 Magrath, William, New York, “ Nora.” I. T. Williams. 342 Bellows, A. F., New York, The Ferry. Edward P. Borden. 343 Richards, Wm. T., New York, Paradise, Newport. George Whitney. 344 McDonald, Marga¬ ret, New York, Fruit. J. O. Thurston. 345 Gilbert, S. D., New York, Flowers of the Poets. Artist. 346 Smith, F. Hopkin- son, New York, Brook study from Nature. F. H. Smith. 347 Bricher, A. T., New York, Gathering Water-Lilies. Artist. 348 Robbins, Horace W., New York, *An Old Connecticut Bridge. Artist. 349 Bellows, A. F., New York, The Willow Wagon. John Taylor Johnston. 350 Gifford, R. Swain, New York, The Roc's Egg. Walter Brown. 351 Richards, Wm. T., Philadelphia, Sand-Hills, Atlantic City. George Whitney. 352 Gilbert, S. D., New York, Begonia Leaves. Artist. 353 Hill, J. W., New York, Blackberries. I. T. Williams. 354 Colman, Samuel, New York, Arch of Constantine, Rome. Artist. 355 Brown, J. G., New York, Got a Nibble. Artist. 356 Gifford, R. Swain, New York, *Venetian Companions. Artist. 357 Bellows, A. F., New York, Study of a Head. Artist. 358 Van Elten, Kruse- man, New York, * Autumn in the White Mountains. Artist. 359 Smith, F. Hopkin- son, New York, Old Cedars, Franconia Mountains. .... » John C. Townsend. 360 Smillie, George H., New York, Study, Sentinel Rock, Yosemite Valley. James Smillie. 361 Falconer, John M., Brooklyn, *No. 15 Chatham Street, New York. Artist. 362 Robbins, Horace W., New York, *New England Autumn. Artist. 363 Bricher, A. T., New York, Cliffs at Cape Ann. Artist. 364 Fenn, Harry, New York, Toilers of the Sea. Horace Waters. 365 Perry, E. Wood, Jr., New York, *Quilting. Artist. 366 Farrer, Henry, New York, ♦Old House on the Hill. Artist. 367 Bridges, Fidelia, Brooklyn, *Corner of a Rye-Field. Artist. 368 Smith, Henry P., New York, Sultry Morning on Long Island Sound. Artist. 28 DEPT. IV—ART. NO. ARTIST. 369 Hill,John W., New York, 370 Bridges, Fidelia, Brooklyn, 371 Satterlee, Walter, New York, 372 Colman, Samuel, New York, 373 Burling, Gilbert, New York, 374 Fenn, Henry, New York, 375 Van Elten, Kruse- man, New York, 376 Moran, Thomas, Newark, N.J., 377 Tiffany, Louis C., New York, 378 Gifford, R. Swain, New York, 379 Boughton, George H., London, 380 Wyant, A. H., New York, 381 Bridges, Fidelia, Brooklyn, 382 Darley, F. O. C., New York, 383 Bellows, A. F., New York, 384 Nicoll, J. C., New York, 385 Newberry, Rose, New York, 386 Scott, Wm. Wal¬ lace, New York, 387 Nicoll, J. C., New York, 388 Homer, Winslow, New York, 389 Scott, Wm. Wal¬ lace, New York, 390 Gifford, R. Swain, New York, 391 Smillie, George H., New York, 392 Baldwin, A. H., New York, 393 Magrath, William, New York, 394 Hill, John W., New York, 395 Smith, F. Hopkin- son, New York, 396 Harmon, Amelia, New York, 397 Colman, Samuel, New York, 398 Wood,Thomas W., New York, 399 Bellows, A. F., New York, NO. ARTIST. 400 Robbins, H. W., New York, 401 Rafter, Susie J., New York, TITLE. Study of Quail. OWNER. Miss E. Ripley. *Flock of Snow-Birds. Artist. *Far-away Thoughts. Artist. Twilight, Gilead, Maine. Miss Schuyler. Study of a Dead Bird. F. H. Smith. Study of Boats. Samuel "NVilde. ^Evening, Long Island Sound. Artist. *Hot Springs of the Yellowstone, Wyoming Territory. Street Scene in Cairo, Egypt. Artist. George D. Morgan. Egyptian Twilight. Philip J. Sands. Looking out to Sea. H. B. Smith. Sunset on the Prairie. M. R. Schuyler. Daisies and Clover. George Whitney. Street Scene, Rome. Artist. Sunday Afternoon in New England. H. J. Welling. *Foggy Morning on the Coast of Newfoundland. Tuberose. Artist. Artist. ^Getting Dry. Artist. *On the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Artist. *The Busy Bee. Artist. *Fair Daughter of Columbia. Artist. Guerande. Mrs. A. B. Stone. Study on the Ausable River, New York. *Desdemona's House, Venice. Artist. Artist. Mussel-Gatherers. Robert Gordon. Landscape. George W. Lane. Study from Nature. Artist. Violets. Artist. Rome, looking down the Tiber. I. T. Williams. *The Leader's Call. Artist. Safely Landed. Charles V. Whitten. (Annex, Gallery No. 6.) OIL PAINTINGS. TITLE. OWNER. *Study from Nature — Farmington Artist. River, Connecticut. String of Onions. Artist. NO. 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 UNITED STATES. 2< ARTIST. Marshall, W. E., New York, Sellstedt, L. G., Buffalo, Gifford, S. R., New York, Cropsey,J. F., New York, Bispham, H. C., New York, Flagg, J. B., New York, Gifford, S. R., New York, Thompson, Jerome, New York, Parker, J. A., Brooklyn, Ritchie, A. H., New York, Vaini, Pietro (de¬ ceased), Shattuck, A. D., New York, Hamilton, H., Buf¬ falo, La Farge, J., New York, Dolph, J. H., New York, La Farge, J., New York, Stone, W. O. (de¬ ceased), Beard, W. H., New York, McEntee, J., New York, Baldwin, A. H., New York, Johnson, Frost, New York, Johnson, Eastman, New York, Granbery, Miss H. A., New York, MacKnight, Mrs. S. R., New York, Ogilvie, Clinton, New York, Beard, J. H., New York, Mathews, W. T., New York, Henry, E. L., New York, La Farge, J., New York, Cole, Thomas (de¬ ceased), Cole, Thomas (de¬ ceased), Cole, Thomas (de¬ ceased), Smith, T. L., New York, McEntee, J., New York, McEntee, J., New York, TITLE. Portrait—Abraham Lincoln. Portrait of the artist. Twilight in the Adirondacks. * 01 d Mill. *The Stampede. Portrait—Commodore Vanderbilt. Santa Maria della Salute, Venice. *The Old Oaken Bucket. *Sunset in the Adirondacks. President Lincoln’s Death-bed. The Jealous Duchess. The White Hills in October. The Valley of Fountains. St. Paul at Athens. *The Return from Pasture. Portrait—Boy and Dog. Portrait. Lo! the Poor Indian. Scribner's Mill. ^Baptistery of St. Mark's, Venice. Good Weight. Sabbath Morning. * Autumn Flowers. * “ When the Cat's away," etc. In the Woods. Out All Night. Dahlias. Taking a Night-Cap. Water-Lilies, *The Cross and the World, Youth. *The Cross and the World, Manhood. *The Cross and the World, Old Age. Eve of St. Agnes. Winter. November. OWNER. Artist. Buffalo Fine Art Gallery. C. H. Luddington. Artist. Albert Hayden. f W. H. Vanderbilt. Mrs. H. Salisbury. Jane M. Hodges. Charles Baxter. Artist. Sarony. Artist. Artist. St. Paul's Church, Ne\ York. Artist. Artist. Union Club, New York. Artist. Robert Gordon. Artist. G. W. Hollis. R. L. Stuart. Artist. Artist. Artist. M. B. Dash. Artist. W. O’Brien. G. V. Hecker. Vincent Colyer. Vincent Colyer. Vincent Colyer. Artist. J. W. Pinchot. Henry James. 3 ° NO. 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 NO. 448 449 450 451 452 453 NO. 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 DEPT. IV.—ART ARTIST. Suydam, J. A. (de¬ ceased), Huntington, D., New York, Thomson, A. W., New York, Church, F. E., New York, Hays, W. J. (de¬ ceased), Elliott, Charles L., (deceased), Trumbull, G.,Hart¬ ford, De Haas, M. F. H., New York, Warner, Miss W., New York, Coleman, C. C., Rome, McEntee, J., New York, ARTIST. Lewis, A. J., Phila¬ delphia, Kemys, E., New York, Kemys, E., New York, Griffin, Julia, New York, Gifford, Miss I. G., Syracuse, New York, Pardessus, E. V., Brooklyn, TITLE. Twilight on the Coast. Portrait. Desolation—St. Cloud. Chimborazo. *Bison at Bay. The Cavalier. The Critical Moment. Drifted Ashore in a Fog. Lilies. The Troubadour. The Woods of Ashokan. ( Annex , Gallery No. 6.) SCULPTURE. TITLE. Colossal statue of Washington. Coyote and Raven. Playing Possum. Bust of Rev. Dr. Chapin. *Bust of Rev. S. J. May. Bust of Hon. E. B. Washburne. OWNER. R. M. Olyphant. Chas. Tracey. Artist. Mrs. W. J. Hays. F. Carpenter. W. C. Prime, LL.D. Artist. Alex. Warner. Mrs. W. Wilkeson. R. Hoe. OWNER. Geo. F. Gordon. Artist. Artist. Artist. {Annex, Gallery No. 14.) OIL PAINTINGS. ARTIST. TITLE. Huntington, D., Titian and Charles V. New York, Gay, Edward, New *Late Afternoon near Albany. York, Hicks, Thomas, E. Delafield, M.D. New York, Boughton, G. H., London, Kensett, J. F. (de¬ ceased), Whittredge, W., Mew York, Whittredge, W., New York, Gifford, S. R., New York, Johnson, Eastman, New York, Colman, Samuel, New York, Silva, F. A., New York, Weir, J. F., New Haven, Going to Seek his Fortune. Lake George. The Pilgrims of St. Roche. Woods of Ashokan. San Giorgio, Venice. Bo-peep. Twilight on the Western Plains. New York Harbor. Lago Maggiore. OWNER. S. Hawk. Dr. S. L. Close. New York Society for the Relief of Widows and Orphans. Geo. Whitney. M. K. Jessup. Winthrop B. Smith. S. A. Foot. R. Butler. H. Richmond. Wm. A. Hamilton. J. S. Shultz. J. B. Cauldwell. NO. 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 UNITED STATES 3 1 ARTIST. Smith, T. L., New York, Armstrong, D. M., New York, Lawrie, A., New York, Shattuck, A. D., New York, McEntee, J., New York, Bridgeman, F. A., New York, Moran, Edward, New York, Bierstadt, A., New York, Durand, A. B., New York, Gifford, R. Swain, New York, Durand, A. B., New York, Huntington, D., New York, Pease, Alonzo, Utica, Ward, E. M., New York, Kensett, J. F. (de¬ ceased , Montalant, J. O. de, Rome, Oertel, Rev. J. A., Lenoir, N. C., De Haas, M: F. H., New York, Thom, J. C., New York, Hart, J. M., New York, Bricher, A. T., New York, Kappes, Alfred, New York, Bierstadt, A., New York, Gifford, S. R., New York, Huntington, D., New York, Whittredge, W., New York, Gray, H. Peters, New York, Mignot, L. R. (de¬ ceased), Brooks, S., San Francisco, Huntington, D., New York, Ritchie, A. H., New York, Weir, R. W., West Point, Gifford, S. R., New York, Cropsey, J. F., New York, TITLE. The Deserted House. ♦Column of St. Mark’s, Venice. Monk playing the Violoncello. Sheep and Cattle. Frosty Morning. Women on the Nile. ♦Coming Storm over New York Bay. The Great Trees, Mariposa Grove, California. Brook study. ♦Mosque of Mohammed Ali, Cairo. Kaaterskill Clove, Catskill. Lake George. Portrait—Hon. S. Campbell. Brittany Peasants Washing Clothes. New Hampshire Scenery. ♦Constantinople. The Shadow of a Great Rock in a Weary Land. Brig hove to for a Pilot. Going to Church, Christmas Eve. Landscape and Cattle. Morning at Narragansett. ♦Waiting. Western Kansas. Tivoli. Philosophy and Christian Art. Rocky Mountains, from the Platte River. The Wages of War. Snow Scene. California Fish. Lake George. Preparing Moses for the Fair. Taking the Veil. Sunrise on the Sea-Shore. Italy. OWNER. W. H. Hamilton. Artist. H. Marks. J. H. Sherwood. S. D. Coykendall. W. W. Kenyon. R. E. Moore. Artist. Artist. Artist. Artist. D. W. Bishop, Robert Gordon. Century Club. Artist. Artist. Artist. J. M. Burt. J. H. Sherwood. J. Suydam. Artist. Walter Richmond. C. H. Luddington. Robert Hoe. Century Club. Metropolitan Museum. Century Club. A. Bierstadt. G. N. Stayner. Artist. A. C. Alden. Robert Hoe. James M. Mills. 32 NO. 500 501 502 503 504 NO. 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 DEPT. IV.—ART ARTIST. (Annex, Gallery No 14.) SCULPTURE. TITLE. OWNER. Cusachs, P., New Christ in the Sepulchre. Artist. York, Hess, George, New *The Water-Lily. Artist. York, Turini, G., New York, ^Angelica and Medora. Artist. Turini, G., New *The Rainbow. Artist. York, Ives, C. B., Rome, Nursing the Infant Bacchus. (Annex, Gallery No. 8.) ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNS. ARCHITECT. Cummings & Sears, Boston, Thayer, S., Boston, Howe, F., Bryant & Rogers, Boston, Mitchell, John A., Boston, Bryant & Rogers, Boston, McArthur, John, Jr., Philadel¬ phia, Hobbs,J. H., & Son, Philadelphia, Hobbs,J. H., & Son, Philadelphia, Thayer, S. J. F., Boston, Thayer, S. J. F., Boston, Cabot & Chandler, Boston, Cabot & Chandler, Boston, Thayer, S., Boston, Moeller, F. G., Nanuet, N.Y., Thayer, S. J. F., Boston, Tilden, George T., Boston, Tilden, George T., Boston, Levy, Thomas S., Philadelphia, Newcomb, L., & Son, Boston, Putnam, J. P., Boston, Tilden, George T., Boston, Levy, Thomsa S., Philadelphia, Sturgis & Brigham, Boston, Newcomb, L., & Son, Boston, Bryant & Rogers, Hartford, Sturgis & Brigham, Boston, Sturgis & Brigham, Boston, Sturgis & Brigham, Boston, Clark, H. P., Sturgis & Brigham, Boston, Putnam, J. P., Boston, Putnam, J. P., Boston, Ware & Van Brunt, Boston, Ware & Van Brunt, Boston, Ware & Van Brunt, Boston, Ware & Van Brunt, Boston, Ware & Van Brunt, Boston, Dudley, Henry, New York, TITLE. Old South Church. Design for Turner Library, Randolph, Mass. Perspective View of the Latin and English High Schools, proposed for the City of Boston—south¬ west angle. City Hall, Providence, R.I. Designs for Library of Congress. (Two drawings.) View of the Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company’s Building in Hartford, Conn. View of the New Public Buildings, Philadelphia. Design of State Capitol. Memorial to General George G. Meade. The Mutual Life Insurance Company’s Building, New York. City Hall, Providence, R.I. House at Beverly Farms, Mass. House at Beverly Farms, Mass. Plan of Unitarian Church, South Boston. Country-seat at Bernardsville, N.J. Perspective View. House for Milton Hill. Block of five houses, Longwood, Mass. Residence on Fortieth Street—elevation. Elevation of a country residence. Memorial tablet to the organist of a church. Designs for cottages. Eighth National Bank, Philadelphia. Interior of a church. Design for a corner-lot building. State Capitol, Hartford, Connecticut. Chicago Court-house. Design for a church. Design for a church. Restoration of the Tomb of Mausolus. Five designs for cottages. House on Irving Street, Boston. House on Marlboro Street, Boston. Design for a house. Design for a house. Memorial Hall of Harvard College. Southeast view of Memorial Hall of Harvard College. Vestibule of Memorial Hall of Harvard College. St. John's Church, Waterbury, Connecticut. UNITED STATES 33 NO. ARCHITECT. 544 Dudley, Henry, New York, 545 Earle & Fuller, Boston, 546 Cummings & Sears, Boston, 547 Cummings & Sears, Boston, 548 Cabot, Edw. C., Boston, 549 Cabot, Edw. C., Boston, 550 Putnam, J. P., Boston, 551 Cady, J. C., New York, 552 Cady, J. C., New York, 553 Upjohn, Richard M., New York, 554 Upjohn, Richard M., New York, 555 Upjohn, Richard M., New York, 556 Upjohn, Richard M., New York, 557 Upjohn, Richard M., New York, 558 Upjohn, Richard M., New York, 559 Upjohn, Richard M., New York, 560 Upjohn, Richard M., New York, 561 Upjohn, Richard M., New York, 562 Upjohn, Richard M., New York, 563 Upjohn, Richard M., New York, 564 Upjohn, Richard M., New York, 565 Upjohn, Richard M., New York, 566 Upjohn, Richard M., New York, 567 Clinton, Charles, New York, 568 Clinton, Charles, New York, 569 Upjohn, R. M., New York, 570 Upjohn, R. M., New York, 571 Clinton, C. W., New York, 572 Clinton, C. W., New York, 573 Longfellow, W. P. P., 574 Clinton, C. W., New York, 575 Clinton, C. W., New York, 576 Clinton, C. W., New York, 577 Clinton, C. W., New York, 578 Hunt, R. M., New York, 579 Clinton, C. W., New York, 580 Clinton, C. W., New York, 581 Hunt, R. M., New York, 582 Hunt, R. M., New York, 583 Hunt, R. M., New York, 584 Clinton, C. W., New York, 585 Clinton, C. W., New York, 586 Clinton, C. W., New York, 587 Hunt, R. M., New York, 588 Hunt, R. M., New York, 589 Hunt, R. M., New York, 590 Hunt, R. M., New York, 591 Jennings, A. B., New York, 592 Hunt, R. M., New York, 593 Hunt, R. M., New York, 594 Hunt, R. M., New York, 595 Hunt, R. M., New York, 596 Hunt, R. M., New York, 597 Hunt, R. M., New York, 598 Hunt, R. M., New York, 599 Hunt, R. M„ New York, 600 Fernbach, Henry, New York, 601 Fernbach, Henry, New York, TITLE. St. Peter’s Church, Auburn, N.Y. Interior of All Saints' Church, Worcester, Mass. Shillaber Building, Boston. Porch of Old South Church. Design of a house. House in Brookline, Mass. Summer residence. Country house. New York Tribune Building. Trinity Church, Princeton. Stable. St. Paul’s Church, Brooklyn. St. Chrysostom Chapel, New York. Central Congregational Church, Boston. Presbyterian Church, Rye, N.Y. Monument. Trinity Parish School. St. Thomas’s Church, New York. The West Middle School, Hartford. Part of Central Church. Entrance to Greenwood Cemetery. The State Capitol, Hartford. State-House, Hartford, Conn. Architectural design. Architectural design. Design of a house. Design of a house. House on Fifth Avenue, New York. House on Fifth Avenue, corner of Fifty-Eighth Street, New York. Soldiers’ Memorial at Brookline, Mass. House on Fifth Avenue, New York. House on Fifth Avenue, New York. House on Fifth Avenue, New York. House on Fifth Avenue, New York. Architectural design. Portico of house on Fifth Avenue, New York. Design for a house. Design for Central Park. Design for Central Park. Entrance to Central Park. House at Yonkers, on the Hudson. Architectural design. Design for a house. Design for entrance to Central Park. Design for Central Park. Design for Central Park. Design for Central Park. Country residence. Design for Union Telegraph Office. Designs for entrance to Central Park (two draw¬ ings). Designs for the Lenox Library (four drawings). Designs for a public building. View of Lenox Library. Design for Holy Trinity Church. Design for an iron building. The Tribune Building, New York. Temple on Lexington Avenue. Mutual Life Insurance Company’s Building, Philadelphia. DEPT. IV.—ART 34 TITLE. Centre pavilion of the Mutual Life Insurance Company’s Building, Philadelphia. Main stairway of Mutual Life Insurance Com¬ pany’s Building, Philadelphia. German Savings Bank, Fourth Avenue, New York. New York Staats Zeitung Building, New York. Vault, Salem Fields Cemetery. Library and Lyceum Building, Morristown, New Jersey. Front elevation of the Troy Savings Bank, Troy, New York. View of State Capitol, Hartford, Connecticut. Western Union Telegraph Company. Church, Worcester, Massachusetts. State-House for the State of Connecticut—front elevation. Side elevation of the Savings Bank, Syracuse, N. Y. Free Art Gallery—design made for the late Henry Keep, New York. The Evening Post Building, New York. New York Hospital, New York. Presbyterian Hospital, New York. Design for five houses. Residence, Englewood, N.J. Swiss cottage. Alexander Mission, New York. Buffalo State Asylum for the Insane, Administra¬ tion Building. Saratoga, New Villa at Montreal, N.Y. Saratoga, New Villa. Saratoga, New Villa at Hudson, N.Y. Saratoga, New Villa at Saratoga Springs. Saratoga, New Villa at Rhinebeck, N.Y. NO. ARCHITECT. 602 Fernbach, Henry, New York, 603 Fernbach, Henry, New York, 604 Fernbach & Kendall, New York, 605 Fernbach, Henry, New York, 606 Fernbach & Kendall, New York, 607 Post, George B., New York, 608 Post, George B., New York, 609 Post, George B., New York, 610 Post, George B., New York, 611 Congdon, H. M., New York, 612 Post, George B., New York, 613 Post, George B., New York, 614 Post, George B., New York, 615 Post, George B., New York, 616 Post, George B., New York, 617 Post, George B., New York, 618 Jennings, A. B., New York, 619 Jennings, A. B., New York, 620 Jennings, A. B., New York, 621 Cady,J. C., 622 Gambnll & Richardson, New York, 623 Croff & Camp, York, 624 Croff & Camp, York, 625 Croff & Camp, York, 626 Croff & Camp, York, 627 Croff & Camp, York, 628 Croff & Camp, Saratoga, New York, 629 Croff & Camp, Saratoga, New York, 630 Smith, M. L., 631 Croff & Camp, Saratoga, New York, 632 Croff & Camp, York, 633 Croff & Camp, York, 634 Haight, Ch. C., 635 Post, George B., 636 Renwick & Sands, 637 Potter, W. A., 638 Potter, W. A., 639 Dudley, Henry, New York, 640 Potter, W. A., 641 Congdon, H. M., 642 Potter, E., 643 Potter, W. A., 644 Potter & Robertson, 645 Potter & Robertson, 646 Potter & Robertson, 647 Potter, W. A., 648 Potter & Robertson, 649 Cady, J. C., New York, Design for a grand hotel at Santa Barbara, Cal. Competitive design for Promenade, etc., Con¬ gress Spring Park, Saratoga. Michigan House of Correction, Ionia. Villa at Saratoga Lake. St. Luke’s Cathedral, Portland, Me. Savings Bank, Williamsburgh, N.Y. Church of St. Bartholomew, New York. Design for a church. Proposed design for Trinity Church, Boston. St. Peter’s Church, Niagara Falls, N.Y. Design for a church. St. Andrew’s Church, Harlem, N.Y. Harvard Church, Brookline, near Boston. Villa. Design for a library. Hotel at Princeton, N.J. Dormitory of Princeton College. Princeton College Library. Berkshire Athenaeum, Pittsfield, Mass. Peabody Museum, Yale College. Saratoga, New Villa at Burlington, Vt. Saratoga, New Villa at Hudson, N.Y. NO. 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 UNITED STATES 35 ARCHITECT. Potter, Edward, Bloor, A. J., New York, Bloor, A. J., New York, Pfeiffer, Carl, New York, Pfeiffer, Carl, New York, Pfeiffer, Carl, New York, Pfeiffer, Carl, New York, Congdon, H. M., Eppinghousen, C., Terre Haute, Indiana, Eppinghousen, C., Terre Haute, Indiana, Eppinghousen, C., Terre Haute, Indiana, Eppinghousen, C., Terre Haute, Indiana, Kendall, Edward H., Eppinghousen, C., Terre Haute, Indiana, Eppinghousen, C., Terre Haute, Indiana, Myers, E. E., Detroit, Michigan, Hallet, William T., New York, Hallet, William T., New York, Hallet, William T., New York, Hallet, William T., Nefr York, Hallet, William T., New York, Hallet, William T., New York, Hess, Julius, Detroit, Myers, E. E., Detroit, Myers, E. E., Detroit, Myers, E. E., Detroit, Myers, E. E., Detroit, Hobbs, I. H., & Son, Philadelphia, Le Brun, N., New York, Le Brun, N., New York, Howe, Frank M., Gambrill York, & Richardson, New Gambrill York, & Richardson, New Moffitt, John M., Gambrill York, & Richardson, New Gambrill York, & Richardson, New Holly, H. Hudson, New York, Gambrill York, & Richardson, New Gambrill York, & Richardson, New Gambrill York, & Richardson, New Holly, H. Hudson, New York, Sims, H. A. & J. P., Sims, James P., Gambrill & Richardson, New York, Sims, H. A. & J. P., Sims, H. A., Sims, James P., Hatfield, R. G., New York, TITLE. Tower of Harvard Church, Brookline, near Bos¬ ton. Villa. Villa. New Presbyterian Church, Fifth Avenue. New Presbyterian Church, Fifth Avenue. New Presbyterian Church, Fifth Avenue. Osseo Lodge, West Virginia. Design for a church. Perspective for Indiana State Capitol. Flank elevation for Indiana State Capitol. Market House and City Hall, Terre Haute, In¬ diana. McKean & Minshall’s Bank, Terre Haute, In¬ diana. Competitive ^drawing for the German Savings Bank. Normal School, Sullivan, Indiana. Interior of Indiana State Capitol. Court-house in Marshall, Michigan. Church in Forty-Fifth Street, New York. First National Bank, Norwich, Conn. Villa near Stamford, Conn. Villa near Stamford, Conn. Macy House, Harrison, N.Y. Residence, Hartford, Conn. Michigan Centennial Building, Philadelphia. Insane Asylum, Pontiac, Michigan. Michigan State Capitol. Model farm-house. Lansing High School. Ravensburg Seminary. Masonic Hall, New York City. Sanctuary and Grand Altar of the Cathedral of St. Pe»er and St. Paul, Philadelphia. Country house. Trinity Church, Boston. Competitive design for Town Hall, Brookline, Mass. The Delavan Monument at Sleepy Hollow Cemetery. Court-house, Springfield, Mass. Trinity Church, Boston—interior view. Design of villa. Dwelling at Owego, New York. Cottage at Newport, R.I. Competitive design for State-House, Hartford, Conn. Three designs for villas. Design for a villa. Cottage at Atlantic City. Design for the Tower of Trinity Church, Boston. Study for a country church. Residence at Mount Holly. Design for a church. Design for a market. 36 NO. 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 DEPT. IV.—ART ARCHITECT. Hatfield, R. G., New York, Hatfield, R. G., New York, Hatfield, R. G., New York, Hatfield, R. G., New York, Earl & Fuller, Boston, Thayer, S. J. F., Pohl, G. R., Philadelphia, Pohl, G. R., Philadelphia, Pohl, G. R., Philadelphia, Pohl, G. R., Philadelphia, Pohl, G. R., Philadelphia, Luce, C. S., Boston, Fairfax, J. S., * Fairfax, J. S., Fairfax, J. S., Fairfax, J. S., Fairfax, J. S., Fairfax, J. S., Fairfax, J. S., Mitchell, J. A., Beeler, J., New York, Thayer, S.J. F., Fairfax, J. S., Schwarzmann, H. J., & Kafka, H., Philadelphia, Schwarzmann, H. J., & Kafka, H., Philadelphia, Schwarzmann, H. J., & Kafka, H., Philadelphia, Schwarzmann, H. J., & Kafka, H., Philadelphia, Schwarzmann, H. J., & Kafka, H., Philadelphia, Schwarzmann, H. J., & Kafka, H., Philadelphia, Schwarzmann, H.J., & Kafka, H., Philadelphia, Schwarzmann, H. J., & Kafka, H., Philadelphia, Schwarzmann, H. J., & Kafka, H., Philadelphia, Schwarzmann, H. J., & Kafka, H., Philadelphia, Schwarzmann, H. J., & Kafka, H., Philadelphia, Schwarzmann, H.J., & Kafka, H., Philadelphia, Schwarzmann,, H.J., & Kafka, H., Philadelphia, Schwarzmann, H.J., & Kafka, H., Philadelphia, Schwarzmann, H. J., & Kafka, H., Philadelphia, Schwarzmann, H. J., & Kafka, H., Philadelphia, Schwarzmann, H. J., & Kafka, H., Philadelphia, TITLE. Office building, Broad Street, New York. Seaman’s Savings Bank, New York. Warehouse, Broadway, New York. Country house, Scarsdale, New York. Hall in a cottage in Worcester. Architectural design. Design for the proposed Centennial Exhibition Building—front on Elm Avenue. Design for the proposed Centennial Exhibition Building—diagonal perspective. Design for the proposed Centennial Exhibition Building—exterior perspective. Design for the proposed Centennial Exhibition Building—interior view. Design for the proposed Centennial Exhibition Building—end elevation. Tomb of Governor Hayden, Haydenville, Mass. State Capitol of West Virginia. Premiated design for the International Exhibition, Philadelphia—ground plan. Premiated design for the International Exhibition, Philadelphia—block plan. Premiated design for the International Exhibition, Philadelphia—side elevation. Premiated design for the International Exhibition, Philadelphia—front elevation. Premiated design for the International Exhibition, Philadelphia—Art Gallery. Premiated design for the International Exhibition, Philadelphia—Memorial Building. Architectural design for a memorial window. Ceilings. Somerville High School Building. Proposed Miller Manual School, Virginia. Design of a villa. Dining-room decorations. Dining-room decorations. Design for building. Original building with alteration. Women’s Pavilion. Centennial Building. Interior of Judges’ Hall. Architectural design. Judges’ Hall. Horticultural Hall. Interior of Horticultural Hall. Interior. Memorial Hall. Competitive design, Vienna Exhibition. Architectural design. Architectural design (house). UNITED STATES 37 NO. ARCHITECT. 738 Schwarzmann, H. J., & Kafka, H., Philadelphia, 739 Schwarzmann, H.J., & Kafka, H., Philadelphia, 740 Schwarzmann, H. J., & Kafka, H., Philadelphia, 741 Schwarzmann, H. J., & Kafka, H., Philadelphia, 742 Schwarzmann, H. J., & Kafka, H., Philadelphia, 743 Schwarzmann, H. J., & Kafka, H., Philadelphia, 744 Schwarzmann, H. J., & Kafka, H., Philadelphia, 745 Schwarzmann, H.J.,& Kafka, H., Philadelphia, 746 Schwarzmann, H.J.,& Kafka, H., Philadelphia, 747 Schwarzmann, Kafka, H., Philadelphia, 748 Schwarzmann, H.J.,& Kafka, H., Philadelphia, 749 Schwarzmann, Kafka, H., Philadelphia, 750 Schwarzmann, Kafka, H., Philadelphia, 751 Schwarzmann, H.J.,& Kafka, H., Philadelphia, 752 Howe, Frank M., 753 Fehmer, Carl, Boston, 754 Richards, Henry, 755 Richards, Henry, 756 Hartwell, Swasey & Co., Bos¬ ton, 757 Cummings & Sears, 758 Cabot & Chandler, Boston, 759 Howe, F. M., 760 Whitney, L. W., Boston, 761 Whitney, L. W., Boston, 762 Fehmer, Carl, Boston, 763 Hartwell, Swasey & Co., Bos¬ ton, 764 Luce, Clarence S., Boston, 765 Richards, Henry, Boston, 766 Longfellow, W. P. P., Boston, 767 Whitney, Lewis W., Boston, 768 Newcomb, L., & Son, 769 Earle & Fuller, Boston, 770 Earle & Fuller, Boston, 771 Earle & Fuller, Boston, 772 Longfellow, W. P. P., 773 Longfellow, W. P. P., TITLE. Memorial Hall. Memorial Hall. Interior of Memorial Hall. Original building with alteration. Original design for the International Exhibition, 1876. Judges’ Hall. Board of Finance Building. Centennial Bank. Architectural design. Residence in Munich. Designs for villas. Dining-room decorations. Dining-room decorations. Designs for building. House in Cambridge. Howe Building, Boston. House at Beverly Farms, Mass. Homoeopathic Hospital. Design for proposed Central Church, Fall River. Montgomery Building. Soldiers’ monument at Brookline, Mass. Proposed City Hall, Providence, R.I. Residence on Fairfield Street, Boston. Residence on Boylston Street, Boston. Building for the Simmons Estate, Boston. Dexter Building, Pawtucket, R.I. Monument at Brookline, Mass. Proposed High School, Providence, R.I. Design for a house. Child’s book-case and cabinet. Library. Buildings at Worcester, Mass. Dining-room. All Saints* Church, Worcester. Hall in Fiskdale. Town library. {Annex, Gallery No. 12.) LOAN COLLECTION OF OIL PAINTINGS. NO. ARTIST. TITLE. OWNER. 774 Vandyke, Anthony, *The Crucifixion. Mrs. M. Garner. 775 Erpikum, Paris, Portrait—Madame Houssaye. C. B. Moore. 776 Domenichino, *Judith. G. H. Schneider. 777 Cabanel, Alex., Paris, Francesca di Rimini. Mrs. A. E. Kidd. 778 Madrazo, Madrid, Portrait—Mrs. D. M. Barringer. L. M. Barringer. 779 Gudin, T., ^Marine. A. Bierstadt. 780 Madrazo, Madrid, Portrait—D. M. Barringer. L. M. Barringer. 38 DEPT. IV.—ART NO. ARTIST. TITLE. 781 Makart, Hans, Vi- * Abundance of the Sea. enna, 782 Schidone, *Charity. 783 Navelot, Victor, *Cavalry Charge. 784 Robert, Leopold Pilgrims on their Way to Rome. (deceased), 785 Vernet, Jos. (attrib- Landscape. uted to), 786 (Unknown), Old Woman’s Head. 787 Murillo (attributed St. Francis in his Cell. to), 788 Muraton, A., Paris, *The Devotee. 789 Wolf, G., *Portia. 790 Dubufe, E., and * Autumn. (Figure by Dubufe, B o n h e u r, Rosa, sheep by Rosa Bonheur.) Paris, 791 Brion, G., Paris, *Bridal Procession in Alsace. 792 Max, Gabriel, Mu- *The Anatomist. nich, 793 Sain, E. A., France, Italian Girl. 794 Van Schendel, P., *The Annunciation. Brussels, 795 Nicoll, E., London, Paying the Rent. 796 Saltau, L., Paris, Consolation. 797 Volk, Douglas, Chi- In Brittany. cago, 798 Verboeckhoven, E., Driving Home the Sheep. Brussels, 799 Kunath, Oscar, *Still Life. Munich, 800 Pauwels, F., Wei- The New Republic. mar, 801 Duval, V., Paris, Gallery of Apollo, Louvre. 802 Nys, P. (deceased), *Dutch Interior. 803 Diirer, Albert, St. Jerome. 803<* Del Sarto, Andrea, *St. Andrew bearing his Cross. *Christ stilling the Tempest. 804 De Haas, J. H. L., *Cattle in the Meadows of Holland. Brussels, 805 Seitz, Prof. Otto, *Faun and Nymph. Munich, 806 Makart, Hans, Vi- *Abundance of the Earth. enna, 806« Porporati (de- *Adoration of the Magi, ceased), 807 Courbet, Gustave, *The Huntsman. Paris, 808 Courbet, Gustave, *Castle of Chillon, Lake Leman (i). Paris, 809 Courbet, Gustave, *Castle of Chillon, Lake Leman (2). Paris, 810 Courbet, Gustave, *The Bather. Paris, 811 Wouvermans (at- War Scene. tributed to), 812 Maccari, C., Rome, Fond Memories. 813 Maccari, C., Rome, Music hath Charms. 814 Ortmans, Miss F. An Opening in the Forest of Fon- A., Paris, tainebleau. 815 West, Benjamin Moses Striking the Rock. (deceased), (Annex, Gallery No. 12.) SCULPTURE. NO. ARTIST. TITLE. 816 Gould, T. R., Flor- The West Wind. ence, OWNER. A. & C. Kaufmann. Estate of Dr. Chapman. Dr. George Reuling. Miss S. L. Guerber. E. S. Conner. F. L. Robbins. E. S. Conner. L. Rabillon. Dr. George Reuling. Dr. George Reuling. M. Knoedler & Co. Demas Barnes. Theo. Lyman. Demas Barnes. F. O. Day. Mrs. E. V. Machette. Artist. W. J. Bates. Artist. W. S. Stewart. T. C. A. Dexter. E. V. Machette. Mrs. L. G. Franklin. Myers & Hedian. Myers & Hedian. A. & C. Kaufmann. P. F. Cooper. A. H. Reitlinger. A. H. Reitlinger. A. H. Reitlinger. A. H. Reitlinger. E. S. Conner. J. Raymond Claghorn. J. Raymond Claghorn. John Welsh. Dr. H. Billings. OWNER. Demas Barnes. MM NO. 817 818 819 NO. 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 843 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 UNITED STATES 39 ARTIST. Gould, M. S., Flor¬ ence, Gould, T. R., Flor¬ ence, Gould, T. R., Flor¬ ence, ARTIST. Mayer, F. B., Bal¬ timore, Darrah, Mrs. S. T., Boston, Healy, G. P. A., Chicago, Birch, Thos. (de¬ ceased), Tompkins, Clemen¬ tina, Paris, Seitz, Otto, Mu¬ nich, Tilton, J. R., Rome, Tompkins, Clemen¬ tina, Paris, Coleman, C. C., Rome, Graham, W., Ven¬ ice, Gregory, J. Elliot, Paris, Bloomer, H. B., Paris, Chase, W. M., Mu¬ nich, Inman, H. (de¬ ceased), Healy, G. P. A., Chicago, Du Bois, C. E., Paris, Bierstadt, A., New York, Coleman, C. C., Rome, Sully, Thos. (de¬ ceased), Benson, Eugene, Rome, Healy, G. P. A., Chicago, Brown, H. B., Vedder, Elihu, Rome, Robinson, Thos., Boston, Parker, S. H., New York, Lang, Louis, New York, Spencer, Mrs. Lily M., Newark, N. J., West, P. B., Cleve¬ land, Andrews, E. F., Paris, Thouron, H., Philadelphia, TITLE. OWNER. Water Babies. The Rose. The Lily. (Annex, Gallery No. io.) OIL PAINTINGS. TITLE. The Continentals. ♦Sunset. Portrait—Hon. E. B. Washburne. Marine. ♦The Little Musician. ♦Neptune’s Bridal (Loan Collection). ♦The Lagoons of Venice. ♦An Artistic Debut. Nuremberg Towers—fifteenth cen¬ tury. ♦Angle Column of Ducal Palace, Venice. Portrait. El Dorado. “ Keying up”—The Court Jester. Portrait—Bishop R. C. Moore. Portrait—Lord Lyons. ♦Palisades, Hudson River. Yosemite Valley. The Young Monk. Portrait—Mrs. T. Sully. ♦Interior of St. Mark’s, Venice. Portrait—Ex-President Thiers. The East Highlands. The Greek Actor’s Daughter. Bull’s head. Portrait—Mrs. H. W. Hills. Landing of the Market-Boat at Capri. ♦Earth, Air, and Water. Still Life—game. Portrait. Charlotte Corday—The Eve of her Execution. OWNER. Artist. Artist. Artist. Myers & Hedian. Artist. Artist. H. Sampson. Artist. Dr. J. S. Delavan. Artist. S. M. Dodd. Trinity Chapel, N.Y. Artist. Artist. J. H. Coleman. Miss Sully. Artist. H. Sampson. H. C. Angell. Artist. Artist. Artist. Mrs. M. L. Dickinson. Dr. S. H. Linn. Artist. 40 DEPT. IV.—ART. 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 NO. 871 872 873 874 NO. 875 876 877 878 879 880 ARTIST. Tait, J. R., Cincin¬ nati, Coleman, C. C., Rome, McEntee, J., New York, Andrews, E. F., Paris, Elliott, C. L. (de¬ ceased), Meeks, Eugene, Florence, Andrews, E. F., Paris, Andrews, E. F., Paris, Tait, J. R., Cincin¬ nati, Montalant, J. O. de, Rome, Marchant, E. D., Philadelphia, Andrews, E. F., Paris, Shirlaw, Walter, Munich, Shirlaw, Walter, Munich, Middleton, S. G., Paris, Tilton, J. R., Rome, Willard, A. M., Cleveland, Rothermel, P. F., Philadelphia, Senat, P. L., Paris, Coman, Mrs. C. B., New York, Weir, J. F., New Haven, ARTIST. Bartholdi, Paris, Ezekiel, M., Rome, Ezekiel, M., Rome, Ezekiel, M., Rome, ARTIST. Smith, F. Hill, Bos¬ ton, Daniels, G. F., Bos¬ ton, Benson, Eugene, Rome, Staigg, R. M., Bos¬ ton, Brown, W. W., Boston, Higgins, George F., Boston, TITLE. Summer. Still Life. Virginia during the War. Little Leonie. Portrait—Ex-Governor Bouck. Little Nell and her Grandfather. Portrait—General Torbert. Portrait. Autumn. ♦The Parthenon, Athens. Portrait—H. C. Carey. Portrait. Toning the Bell. Feeding the Poultry. Sketch at Cernay, near Paris. Kem Ombres, Upper Egypt. Yankee Doodle. Trial of Sir Harry Vane. ♦Moonrise near Rotterdam. ♦A French Village. ♦The Confessional. (Annex, Gallery No. io.) SCULPTURE. TITLE. Proposed Monument to Washington. Grace Darling. Sailor Boy. Infant Mercury. (Annex, Gallery No. 28.) OIL PAINTINGS. TITLE. ♦Sunset on the Giudecca, Venice ♦Crown Point and the Narrows, Lake Champlain. ♦The Reverential Anatomist. ♦Cornice Road, Italy. ♦Spurwink River. ♦Forest Interior, Adirondacks. OWNER. Artist. J. H. Warren. Mrs. H. W. Cary. Artist. City Hall, New York. Artist. Dr. B. J. Bing. Artist. Artist. J. G. Fell. W. E. Macalister. J. F. Gookins. J. F. Gookins. Artist. Hon. H. P. Baldwin. Artist. J. L. Claghorn. Artist. Artist. E. E. Salisbury. OWNER. L. J. Workum. L. J. Workum. L. J. Workum. OWNER. Artist. Artist. Artist. Artist. Artist. M. M. Farrer. NO. 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 UNITED STATES 4i ARTIST. TITLE. OWNER. Staigg, R. M.,J3os- *Empty Nest, ton, Artist. Shapleigh, F. H., Kenilworth. Boston J. C. Howe. Millet, F. D., Bos- *In the Bay of Naples, ton, Artist. Millet, F. D., Bos- Lady in Costume of 1740 . ton, Mrs. E. S. Keith. Shapleigh, F. H., On the Seine. Boston, J. C. Howe. Cole, J. Foxcroft, Twilight, Melrose Highlands. J. Sayles. Boston, De Blois, F. B., October in Canada. Boston, T. F. Brooke. Cole, J. Foxcroft, *Cows Ruminating. Boston, Doll & Richards. Enn eking, J. E., *Moonlight on the Giudecca, Venice. Boston, Artist. Tuckerman, S. S., *Beach at Hastings. Boston, Artist. Monks, J. A., Bos- *Trees in Blossom, ton, Artist. Champney, Benja- ^Artists’ Brook, North Conway, min, Boston, N.H. Artist. Elwell, D.J., Bos- *Downs near Ostend. ton, Artist. Cole, J. Foxcroft, *Pastoral Scene. Boston, Doll & Richards. Allston, Washing- Isaac of York —“ Ivanhoe.” ton (deceased), Boston Athenaeum. Porter, B. C., Bos- Portrait, ton, Artist. Brackett, W. M., *The Rise. Boston, Artist. Brackett, W. M., *The Leap. Boston, Artist. Brackett, W. M., *The Last Struggle. Boston, Artist. Brackett, W. M., *Landed. Boston, Artist. Key, J. R., Boston, The Golden Gate, San Francisco. Artist. Hinckley, T. H., *End of the Chase. Boston, Artist. Freeman, J. E., Study for an Angel. Boston, C. C. Perkins. Porter, B. C., Bos- The Hour-Glass, ton, Artist. Cole, J. Foxcroft, *Coast Scene in Normandy. Boston, Artist. Elwell, D. J., Bos- Port of Antwerp, ton, S. E. Sawyer. Robinson, T., Bos- New England Farmer, ton, John Foster. Weeks, E. L., Bos- *Arab Story-Teller, ton, Artist. Gay, Walter, Bos- *Fall Flowers, ton, Artist. Boott,Eliz., Boston, Portrait. Artist. Baker, Miss M. K., *Azaleas. Boston, Artist. Alexander, Fanny, Madonna. Boston, James Davis. Ames, Jos., Boston, Portrait —President Felton. Staigg, R. M., Bos- Portrait, ton, Staigg, R. M., Bos- Portrait, tony Harvard University. Billings, E. T., Bos- *Portrait—Wendell Phillips, ton, Artist. 42 DEPT: IV—ART. NO. ARTIST. TITLE. OWNER. 917 Jarvis, Melicent, Portrait. Boston, Artist. 918 919 Tuckerman, S. S., ^United States Frigate “ Constitu- Boston, tion” escaping from the British Fleet, 1812. Staigg, R. M., Bos- Portrait, ton, Artist. 920 Parker,Edgar,Bos- Portrait—J. G. Whittier, ton, Xrtist. 921 922 Hale, Ellen D., Boy Reading. Boston, Robinson, T., Bos- Dog’s head, ton, Mrs. E. E. Hale. 923 Hunt, W. M., Bos- The Boot-Black, ton, J. H. Wright. 924 Robinson, T., Bos- Sheep in Pasture, ton, William Appleton. 925 Ames, Joseph, Bos- Portrait—Daniel Webster, ton, B. S. Moulton & Co. 926 Brown, G. L., Bos- *Sunset—Genoa, ton, Artist. 927 Norton, W. E., *Fog on the Grand Banks. Boston, Art|st. 928 Champney, Benja- *At Glenora, N.Y. min, Boston, Artist. 929 Billings, E. T., Bos- Wheelwright Shop, ton, Artist. 930 Longfellow, E. W., *CMd Mill at Manchester, Mass. Boston, Artist. 931 Stuart, Gilbert (de- Portrait—Fisher Ames, ceased), Harvard University. 932 Stuart, Gilbert (de- Portrait—Judge Story, ceased), Harvard University. 933 Stuart, Gilbert (de- Portrait—Bishop Chevenix. ceased), Mrs. H. Greenough. 934 Harding(deceased), Portrait—Washington Allston. S. Batchelder. 935 Bannister, E. M., *Under the Oaks. Providence, Artist. 936 Champney, J. W., “ Speak, Sir !” Boston J. L. De Wolf. 937 Champney, Benja- * 01 d Willows at Manchester, Mass, min, Boston, Artist. 938 Darrah, Mrs. S. T., *Lake Champlain. Boston, • Artist. 939 Allston, Washing- Head of a Jew. ton (deceased), Boston Athenseum. 940 Stuart, Gilbert (de- Portrait—Mrs. E. C. Cushing, ceased), Mrs. L. L. Chickering. 941 Gerry, S. L., Bos- *American Tourists, ton, Miss E. J. Gerry. 942 Petersen, J. E. C., Collision at Sea. Boston, {Annex, Gallery No. 28 .) SCULPTURE. Manufacturers’ Insurance Company. NO. ARTIST. TITLE. OWNER. 943 Prench, D. C., Con- The Minute-Man, 1775. cord, Mass., Doll & Richards. 944 945 Whitney, Annie, Sketch—Charles Sumner. Boston, Portrait bust. Artist. 946 French,D.M.,New- Bust—J. G. Whittier, buryport, Mass., Artist. 947 Whitney, Annie, Roma. Boston, Artist. UNITED STATES 43 (Annex, Gallery No. 42 .) OIL PAINTINGS. NO. ARTIST. TITLE. OWNER. 948 Kendricks, D. T., *Foggy Day at the Beach. Boston, Artist. 949 De Blois, F. B., Licola, Italy. Boston, Artist. 950 Leland, Henry, Portrait, Boston, H. Thouron. 951 Way, C. Granville, An Old Friend. Paris, Artist. 952 Martin, Miss L. E., Flowers (panel). Boston, Mrs. Martin. 953 Champney, J. W., Grandma’s Pet. Boston, T. Wiggleworth. 954 Martin, Miss L. E., Flowers (panel). Boston, Mrs. Martin. 955 Jarvis, Melicent, Jeannette in her Studio. Boston, Artist. 956 Snowe, Francis, A Cloudy Day. Boston, G. H. Chickering. 957 Robinson, T., Bos- *An Old Team, ton, Artist. 958 Willard, William, Portrait. Sturbridge,Mass., Artist. 959 Cobb, Darius, Bos- Portrait, ton, Cyrus Cobb. 960 961 Holmes, P. H., The Adirondacks from Vermont. Gardiner, Me., Bacon, Henry, *The Boston Boys and General Gage, Paris, 1775. Artist. 962 Willard, W., Bos- Portrait—Charles Sumner, ton, E. L. Bgtes. 963 Wild,H.G.,Boston, *Banks of the Nile. Artist. 964 Cole, J. G. (de- Portrait—Commodore D. Turner, ceased), J. V. P. Turner. 965 Ulke, Henry, Portrait—Charles Sumner. Washington, Artist. 966 Weber, Carl, Phila- ^Morning in the Alleghanies. delphia, Artist. 967 Ulke, Henry, ^Portrait—General Grant. Washington, Artist. 968 Pierson & Poincy, Firemen’s Parade in New Orleans, 1871. Weber, Carl, Phila- *Reichenbach Falls, Switzerland, delphia, W. McNeely. 969 Artist. 970 Andrews, E. F., Portrait. Paris, W. T. Carter. 971 Fowler, T. T., Phil- Work for the Day is Over, adelphia, Artist. 972 Raupp, Carl, ^Approaching Storm. Dr. George Reuling. 973 Bierstadt, A., New California Spring. York, ►Artist. 974 975 Kaufmann, Theo- Influence of Electricity on Human dore, Washing- Culture (ten subjects), ton, Smith, Miss Mary, Cluck and Chickens. Jenkintown, Pa., Artist. 975# Wilson, Oregon(de- ^Woman’s Devotion, ceased), Dr. W. A. Wilson. 976 Moore, H. H., New Almeh, a Dream of the Alhambra. York, Artist. 977 Brown, G. L., ^Niagara by Moonlight. H. N. Barlow. 978 Guthers, Carl, St. Awakening Spring. Louis, Artist. 979 Birch, Thomas (de- Perry’s Victory on Lake Erie, ceased), Thomas Birch. 44 DEPT. IV.—ART NO. ARTIST. TITLE. OWNER. 980 Johns,C. M.,Pitts¬ burg, “ To Tubal-Cain came many a one, And each one prayed For a strong steel blade.’* Artist. 981 Noble, T. S., Cin¬ cinnati, The Tramp. Artist. 982 Boyle, F.T. L., Brooklyn, *The Prayer of Judith. Artist. 983 Bartlett, Jennie M., Minneapolis, *Callas and Amaryllis (two panels). (Annex, Gallery No. 42 .) SCULPTURE. Artist. NO. ARTIST. TITLE. OWNER. 983* Calverly,C., N.Y., Bronze bust of John Brown. Union League Club. 984 Richards, D., Chi¬ cago, Satisfaction. 985 Fillans, Miss W., Wisconsin, Portrait bust. Chief - Justice Dixon. Wisconsin. 986 Richards, D., Chi¬ cago, Disgust. 987 Whitney, Annie, The Model. 987* Kretschman,E.A., Philadelphia, The “Continental” Soldier and two portrait bronze medallions. {Annex, Gallery No. 40 .) OIL PAINTINGS. NO. ARTIST. TITLE. OWNER. 988 Volkmar, Chas., Jr., Baltimore, The Passing ’Shower (near Vichy, France). Artist. 989 Rothermel, P. F., Philadelphia, Macbeth meditating the Murder of Duncan. Thomas Dolan. 990 Coleman, C. C., Rome, Interior of St. Mark's, Venice. Artist. 991 Healy, G. P. A., Chicago, Portrait—Princess of Roumania. E. B. McCagg. 992 Lea, Anna.M., Philadelphia, Portrait. F. Macauley. 993 Furness, W. H., Jr. (deceased), Portrait. H. H. Furness. 994 Morrell, Mrs. I. Robinson,Paris, *Washington Welcoming the Pro¬ vision-Train. Artist. 995 Winters, Miss Anna, Philadel¬ phia, *Daisies. Artist. 996 Galvan, Mrs. S. M., Philadel¬ phia, *Roses. Artist. 997 Willcox, W. H., Philadelphia, One Hundred Years Ago. Artist. 998 Spencer, Mrs. Lily M. , Newark, N. J., * “ Will you have some fruit?” Artist. 999 Galvan, Mrs. S. M., Philadel¬ phia, *Roses. Artist. 1000 Shaw, Annie C., Chicago, *An Illinois Prairie. Artist. 1001 Gunnison, MissM. D., New York, Portrait—Captain J. W. Gunnison. Artist. 1002 Lambdin, J. R., Philadelphia, Portrait—Bishop Alonzo Potter. 1003 Hill, Thomas, San Francisco, Home of the Eagle. John A. Faull. 1004 Julio, E. B. D., New Orleans, Gathering the Sugar-Cane. Artist. 1005 Bierstadt, A., New York, Mt. Hood, Oregon. UNITED STATES 45 TITLE. OWNER. “ Ecce Homo.” Portrait. Portrait. Dr. Wilson. Admiral Farragut. *Hypatia, the Neo-Platonic Philoso- Artist, pher, stripped and torn to pieces by the Christian mob of Alexan¬ dria. Portrait. H. H. Furness. Venice. Mrs. W. Wilkeson. NO. ARTIST. 1006 Guthers, Carl, St. Louis, 1007 Waugh, S. B., Philadelphia, 1008 Wilson, Oregon, (deceased), 1009 Kaufmann, Theo¬ dore, Washing¬ ton, 1010 Rothermel, P. F., Philadelphia, 1011 Furness, W. H., Jr. (deceased), 1012 Coleman, C. C., Rome, 1013 Furness, W. H., Jr. (deceased), 1014 Peale, Rembrandt (deceased), 1015 Stanley, D. M., Detroit, 1016 Galvan, Mrs. S. M., Philadel¬ phia, 1017 Elkins, H. R., Chicago, 1018 Sword, J. B., Philadelphia, 1019 Hill, Thomas, San Francisco, 1020 Galvan, I. Ernest, Philadelphia, 1021 Smith, T. Henry, Philadelphia, 1022 Audubon, J. J. (deceased), 1023 Simon, H., Phila¬ delphia, 1024 Herzog, H., Phila¬ delphia, 1025 Smith, Xanthus, Jenkintown,Pa., 1026 Eberhardt, W., Boston, 1027 Wild, H., Boston, NO. ARTIST. 1028 Mundhenk, A., Cincinnati, 1029 Kemys, E., New York, 1030 Swayne, W. M., Philadelphia, 1031 Swayne, W. M., Philadelphia, 1032 Swayne, W. M., Philadelphia, 1033 Hess, Geo., New York, Portrait—Rev. W. H. Furness. Portrait of the artist. The Indian Signal. *Flowers. {Annex, Gallery No. 40 .) SCULPTURE. TITLE. “ Auld Lang Syne.” *Panther and Deer. *Bust of W. H. Seward. *Bust of Abraham Lincoln. *Bust of Salmon P. Chase. Bust of Bayard Taylor Rev. W. H. Furness. Mrs. R. Peale. Artist. Artist. Artist. Artist. Artist. Edward Harris. Artist. Artist. Citizens of Boston, who* intend to present it to Memorial Hall. H. H. Furness. OWNER. Artist. Artist. Artist. Artist. Aitist. Shasta, an extinct volcano of North California. Trenton Falls, N.Y. *Yosemite Valley. *Roses (two panels). Mind and Matter. *Covey of Blackcock. “ Steady.” ^Norwegian Waterfall in Halling- dal. The Kearsarge and Alabama. Portrait—Rear-Admiral Winslow, former Commander of the Kear¬ sarge. El Majo de Granada. 46 DEPT. IV.—ART {Annex, Gallery No. jo.) OIL PAINTINGS. NO. ARTIST. TITLE. OWNER. 1034 Ropes, Joseph, Tivoli. Philadelphia, Artist. 1035 Stewart, J. L., Marie. Philadelphia, W. S. Stewart. 1036 Healy, G. P. A., Portrait. Chicago, 1037 Schussele, C., Zeisberger preaching to the Indians. Philadelphia, J. Jordari. 1038 Trotter, N. H., *Wounded Buffaloes pursued by Philadelphia, Prairie Wolves. Arfist. 1039 Moran, Thos., “Fiercely the red sun descending Newark, N.J., burned his way along the heavens.” Artist. 1040 Haseltine, W. S., Natural Arch at Capri. Rome, 1041 Briscoe, F. D., Wreckers. Philadelphia, 1042 Fassett, Mrs. C. Portrait—Chief-Justice Waite. Adele, Wash¬ ington, 1043 Gardner, Miss E. The Fortune-Teller. J., Paris, 1043« King, Geo. W., View in the Tyrol. Philadelphia, 1044 Lambdin, G. C., On a Summer Sea. Artist. Philadelphia, 1045 Leland, Henry, Portrait. Boston, C. M. Leland. 1046 Harrison, Henry, Portrait. Jersey City, Miss Belle Dodd. 1047 Moran, Thos., *Valley of the Rio Virgen, Utah. Newark, N.J., Artist. 1048 Rothermel, P. F., ^Christian Martyrs in the Colos- Philadelphia, seum. Artist. 1049 Moran, Thos., * Dream of the Orient. Newark, N.J., Artist. 1050 Eakins, Thos., Portrait. Philadelphia, Artist. 1051 Leland, Henry, Portrait. Boston, C. M. Leland. 1052 Machen, W. H., Still Life—Ruffed Grouse. Toledo, O., Artist. 1053 Craig, Thos. B., Indian Summer. Philadelphia, Artist. 1054 Rothermel, P. F., The Virtuoso. Philadelphia, Artist. 1055 Mayer, F. B., Bal- The Attic Philosopher, timore, Artist. 1056 Coleman, C. C., The Troubadour. Rome, Henry Sampson. 1057 Smith, T. Henry, Portrait. Philadelphia, Mrs. Jos. Harrison. 1058 Healy, G. P. A., Portrait. Chicago, E. B. McCagg. 1059 Lea, Anna M., *A Patrician Mother. Philadelphia, Artist. 1060 Randle, Fred., Flowers. 'Philadelphia, 1061. Porter, S. C., Study of a Child. Philadelphia, 1062 Heaton, A. G., Washington as Ambassador at Fort Philadelphia, Duquesne. 1063 Kunath, Oscar, * “He won’t bite.” Munich, Artist. 1064 Kunath, Oscar, Portrait. Munich, UNITED STATES 47 i>u. rVXVAlOJL. « 1065 Richards, F. De B. , Philadelphia, 1066 Coleman, C. C., Rome, 1067 Waugh, S. B., Philadelphia, 1068 Lea, Anna M., Philadelphia, 1069 Bonfield,W.V. der V.Philadelphia, 1070 Way, A. J. H., Baltimore, 1071 John, Joseph, Philadelphia, 1072 Moran, Peter, Philadelphia, 1073 Weir, J. F., New Haven, 1074 Peale, Rembrandt (deceased), 1075 Waters, Mrs. S. C. , Bordentown, N.J., 1076 Rosenthal, T. E., Munich, 1077 Smith, Russell, Jenkintown,Pa., 1078 Waugh, Ida, Phil¬ adelphia, 1079 Wood, .G. B., Jr., Germantown, Pa., 1080 Smith, Russell, Jenkintown,Pa., 1081 Pettit, G. W., Philadelphia, 1082 Winner, W. E., Philadelphia, 1083 Rothermel, P. F., Philadelphia, 1084 Williams, I. L., Philadelphia, 1085 Weir, J. F., New Haven, 1086 Volk, Douglas, Chicago, NO. ARTIST. 1087 Rogers, Randolph, Rome, 1088 Passage, A. du, Paris, 1089 Richards, D., Chi¬ cago, 1090 Reniers, P. C., Pittsburg, 1091 Hess, Geo., New York, 1092 Richards, D., Chi¬ cago, NO. ARTIST. 1093 Reynolds, Sir Joshua (de- ceased), 1094 Reynolds, Sir Joshua (de¬ ceased), TITLE. Campagna di Roma. Grand Canal, Venice. Portrait *Genevieve de Brabant. Drifting Snow. Grapes (two panels). The Minstrel. Settled Rain. Portrait. Washington; from life. *Still Life—Mallard Ducks. “ Remind me not that I alone Am cast out from the Spring.” Mount Vernon in 1836. Cosette. Freddy Liechtenstein's Shop. Cave at Chelten Hills. Cremation of Julius Caesar. Portrait. The Landsknecht. *October. The Column of St. Mark’s, Venice. Vanity. SCULPTURE. TITLE. Atala. Return from the Boar-Hunt. 11 Penseroso. Bust—Col. T. A. Scott. ^Lizzie's Pet. Portrait bust. I Annex, Gallery No. 44 .) OIL PAINTINGS. TITLE. Portrait—Mr. Groves. Portrait—Mrs. Groves. OWNER. 'Artist. James Bayley. Artist. Chas. P. Herring. Artist. W. E. Schmertz. Artist. Artist. C. J. Harrah. Artist. Matthew Baird. Artist. Geo. W. Jewett. Artist. OWNER. Mrs. J. H. Johnson. # Artist. Mrs. Laird Colyer. OWNER. Mrs. A. S. Hughes. Mrs. A. S. Hughes. 4 8 NO. 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 NO. 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 DEPT. IV.—ART ARTIST. TITLE. OWNER. Peale, C. Wilson (deceased), Wertmuller (de¬ ceased), Smibert, John (de¬ ceased), Kndller, Sir God¬ frey (deceased), Plantou, Mrs. (de¬ ceased), Truman, E. (de¬ ceased), Sargent, Henry (deceased), (Unknown.) Tenney, U. D., New Haven, Conn., Portrait of Washington; from life. Portrait of Washington ; from life. Portrait—P. Faneuil. * Portrait—Lord Baltimore; pre¬ sented to the City of Annapolis by Queen Anne. Triumph of America, or the Treaty of Ghent. Portrait—Thos. Hutchinson. Portrait—General B. Lincoln. Portrait—Alexander Hamilton. Portrait—General Stark. * Andrew L. Robinson. S. Wagner. Massachusetts Historical Society. Titian R. Peale. Miss Plantou. Massachusetts Historical Society. Massachusetts Historical Society. E. Newland. City of Manchester, N.H. {Annex, Gallery No. 44 ). WATER COLORS, DRAWINGS, ETC. ARTIST. TITLE. OWNER. Herrick, H. W., Manchester, N. H., Herrick, H. W., Manchester, N. H., Herrick, H. W., Manchester, N. H., Herrick, H. W., Manchester, N. H., Herrick, H. W., Manchester, N. H., McMurtrie, Miss L. G., Boston, Bliss, Lucia S., Boston, Story, Annie B., Boston, Bartlett, G. H., Boston, Story, Annie B., Boston, Bliss, Lucia S., Boston, Bliss, Lucia S., Boston, Eddy, G. F., Bos¬ ton, Bliss, Lucia S., Boston, Bliss, Lucia S., Boston, McMurtrie, Miss L. G., Boston, Robbins, Ella, Boston, Stengel, G. A., Boston, Alexander, Fan¬ ny, Boston, Steinhaus, Wil¬ liam, New York, Bruckner, Henry, Steinhaus, Wil¬ liam, New York, Grave of General Stark (water color). General Stark at Bunker Hill (water color). General Stark’s Last Charge at Ben¬ nington (water color). General Stark as Trapper, captured by the Indians (water color). General Stark at Trenton (water color). Geraniums (water color). *Lilium Auratum (water color). *Carnations (water color). Oak leaf (drawing). *Cherokee Roses (water color). ^Campanula. . Double Poppies. *Gladiolus. *Fringed Gentian and Golden Rod. ^Cardinal Flowers. Rhododendrons. *Vase of Flowers. Stuart’s Washington (pen drawing). Nella Feeding her Doves (pen drawing). Vienna Exhibition. (Two drawings.) Commemorative Allegory (etching). Wm. C. Bryant (pen drawing). City of Manchester, N.H. City of Manchester, N.H. City of Manchester, N.H. City of Manchester, N.H. City of Manchester, N.H. H. McMurtrie. Artist. Artist. Artist. Artist. Artist. Artist. Artist. Artist. Artist. Artist. Artist. G. Kaan. Rev. Arthur Lawrence. Henry Schile. NO. 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 ARTIST. Alexander, Fan¬ ny, Boston, Bartlett, G. H., Boston, Benham, C. C., New Haven, Galindo, R. E., Hyatt, Mrs. Del¬ la, Boston, Wood, G. B., Philadelphia, Cabot, E. C., Bos¬ ton, Eddy, G. F., Bos¬ ton, Sterling, Mrs. C. H., Cabot, E. C., Bos¬ ton, Cat 1 in, George (deceased), Peacon, W. V., New York, Venino, Franz, New York, Cohen, T.T., Phil¬ adelphia, Doolittle & Corte- lyn, New York, Doolittle, E. S., New York, Greatorex, Mrs. Eliza,New York, Faber, Hermann, Philadelphia, Burns, C. M., Philadelphia, Eakins, Thomas, Philadelphia, Eakins, Thomas, Philadelphia, Field, R. (de¬ ceased), Hartwick, Her¬ mann, New York, De Rose, A. L., Robbins, Ella' Boston, Miller, E. F., Co¬ lumbus, O., Robbins, Ella, Boston, Darrah, Mrs.S.T., Boston, Miller, E. F., Co¬ lumbus, O., Brown, G. L,., Boston, Wood, G. B., Jr., Germantown, Brown, G. L., Bpston, Hurtel, P., Adams, Miss E., Boston, UNITED STATES. 4< TITLE. OWNER. September (pen drawing). Caroline Brewer. Details from Andernach Church Artist. Door. ^Nubian Girl (burnt in wood). J. H. Benham, Jr. Arabesque design. Ion Perdicaris. Stork Tower in Reutlingen (water Mrs. A. Hyatt, color). Rittenhousetown (water color). Artist. Puddingstone Boulders, Brookline, Mrs. S. Cabot. Mass, (water color). *Drummond Phlox (water color). Artist. Oak leaves (water color). Artist. Baker’s Road (water color). Mrs. S. Cabot. One hundred and twenty-six Ulus- Heirs of G. Catlin. trations of Indian Life. Declaration of Independence (pen¬ manship). Fall of Carthage (crayon). Artist. The First Centennial (crayon). Artist. ^Soliloquy of Friar Pacificus, Golden Artist. Legend (illumination). *Prayer to the Virgin (illumination). Artist. *Eighteen pen drawings illustrating Artist. Old New York. Daniel in the Lions’ Den (water Artist, color). The Power behind the Throne Artist. (water color). / *Base-Ball (water color). Artist. *Whistling for Plover (water color). Artist. Thomas Jefferson — water color T. J. Miles, sketch from life, in the first year of his Presidency. American Cedar Forest (water color). Artist. Portrait—D. Crockett; with Auto- John Durand, graph (water color). ^Primroses (water color). Artist. Landscape (water color). *Pansies (water color). Artist. *After the Storm (water color). Artist. Winter {water color). *Ariccia, near Rome (water color). Artist. The Old Tinker (water color). Artist. *Study from Nature (water color). Artist. Sketch (water color). Artist. Study of a Head (water color). Artist. 5 ° DEPT. IV.—ART {Annex, Gallery No. 44 .) OIL PAINTINGS. NO. ARTIST. TITLE. OWNER. 1163 Peale, C. Wilson (deceased), Portrait—Mrs. General Cropper. J. Cropper. 1164 West, Benjamin (deceased), Portrait—Stephen Carmick, Signer of the Non-Importation Act. Louis Carmick. 1165 Vanderlyn, J. (de¬ ceased;, Portrait—General Armstrong. William Astor. 1166 Dunlap, William (deceased), Portrait—Thomas Eddy. New York Hospital. 1167 Morse, S. B. F. (deceased), Portrait—General Lafayette. City Hall, New York. 1168 Sully, Thomas (deceased), * Portrait—Commodore Decatur. City Hall, New York. 1169 Jarvis, J. W. (de¬ ceased), Portrait—Commodore Macdonough. City Hall, New York. 1170 Trumbull, John (deceased), Portrait—General Washington. City Hall, New York. 1171 Waldo (deceased), Portrait—General Jackson. City Hall, New York. 1171*3 Jarvis, J. W. (de¬ ceased), Portrait—Commodore Perry. SCULPTURE. City Hall, New York. NO. ARTIST. TITLE. OWNER. 1172 Broome, Isaac, Pittsburg, Base-Ball Players (Parian). Ott & Brewer. 1173 Park, R. H., Flor¬ ence, ♦Birdie (bust). Artist. 1174 Park, R. H., Flor¬ ence, ♦Summer. Artist. 1175 Park, R. H., Flor¬ ence, ♦Purity. Artist. 1176 Park, R. H., Flor¬ ence, ♦First Boots. Artist. 1177 Park, R. H., Flor¬ ence, *Gardener's Daughter. Artist. 1178 Park, R. H., Flor¬ ence, ♦First Sorrow. Artist. 1179 Park, R. H., Flor¬ ence, ♦Sunshine. Artist. 1180 Park, R. H., Flor¬ ence, ♦Sappho (statuette). Artist. 1181 Park, R. H., Flor¬ ence, ♦Good-Morning. Artist. 1182 Park, R. H., Flor¬ ence, ♦Sappho (bust). Artist. 1183 Park, R. H., Flor¬ ence, *Rosebud. Artist. 1183*3 Rush (deceased), Bust of Washington (clay model from life). . Alfred Young. 1183£ McDonald, W., 1183^ Este, Mary God¬ dard,Cincinnati, 1183*/ Henning,H.D.A., Baltimore, 1183* Jacquier, Eli, Cin¬ cinnati, Bust of Washington. Iolanthe,King Rene’s blind daughter. Happy Days in the Valley of Nysa. ♦Bust of Shakspeare. Artist. Artist. {Memorial Hall , Grand Central Hall , Gallery D.) SCULPTURE. NO. 1184 ARTIST. Story, W. Rome, w.. ♦Medea. TITLE. OWNER. 1185 Foley, Miss Rome, M., ♦Jeremiah. Artist. UNITED STATES 51 f NO. ARTIST. TITLE. OWNER. 1186 Turner, W. Florence, G., ♦Fisherman’s Daughter. Artist. 1187 Connelly, P. Florence, F., *Horse’s head. Artist. 1188 Haseltine, J. Rome, H., *Fortune. Artist. 1189 Connelly, P. Florence, F., *Queen Philippa. Artist. 1190 Connelly, P. Florence, F., Thetis thinking how she may regain the birthright of her son Achilles. New York Museum. 1191 Connelly, P. Florence, ' F., *Lady Clare. Artist. 1192 Powers, Preston, *Bust of Charles Sumner. Florence, Artist. 1193 Connelly, P. Florence, F., *Helen of Troy. Artist. 1194 Connelly, P. Florence, F., *Diana Transforming Actaeon. Artist. 1195 Connelly, P. Florence F., *The Thread of Life. Artist. 1196 Connelly, P. Florence, F., ♦Viola. Artist. 1197 Lawlor, John, *The Emigrant. London, Artist. 1198 Haseltine, J. Rome, H., *Spring Flowers. Artist. 1199 Haseltine, J. Rome, H., *Lucretia. Artist. 1200 Haseltine, J. Rome, H., *Captivity. Artist. 1201 Foley, Miss Rome, M., *Cleopatra. Artist. 1202 Turner, W. Florence, G., *Transition. Artist. 1203 Haseltine, J. Rome, H., *Cleopatra. Artist. 1204 Handley, Rnmp M., America Honoring her Fallen Brave. 1205 Stone, Horatio, Bronze vase. Dr. (deceased), J. C. Hoadley. 1206 Story, W. Rome, W., *Beethoven. Artist. 1207 Handley, Rome, M., *Spring Crowning herself with Flow¬ ers. 1208 Handley, Rome, M., *Giotto. 1209 Handley, Rome, M., *Autumn Flowers. Artist. 1210 Haseltine, J. Rome, H., Duke of Leuchtenberg (equestrian statuette). G. H. Schneider 1211 Haseltine, J. Rome, H., * Lucia di Lammermoor. Artist. 1212 Park, R. H., Flor- The Mechanic—bronze portrait ence, statue. 1213 Palmer, E. D., Albany, Bronze statue of Robert Living¬ ston. 1214 Stone, Horatio, Dr. (deceased), 1215* Bailly,J. A., Phil¬ adelphia, Two bronze vases. J. C. Hoadley. Equestrian statue of Antonio Guz¬ man Blanco, President of Vene¬ zuela. 1216 St. Gaudens, Aug.,New York, 1217 Rogers, Ran¬ dolph, Rome, 1218 1219 Ream, V i n n i e, Washington, Mills, Theodore 1220 Ream, V i n n i e, Washington, Bust of Hon. William Evarts. Ruth. ♦Spirit of the Carnival. Eve. ♦The West. James Douglas. Artist. Artist. 52 DEPT. IV.—ART NO. ARTIST. TITLE. OWNER. 1221 Smith, R. C., Bust of President J. M. Sturtevant, of Illinois College. 12^2 Ream, Vinnie, Washington, Miriam. 1223 Rogers, Ran¬ dolph, Rome, Nydia, the Blind Girl of Pompeii. Jatnes Douglas. 1224 Ream, Vinnie, Bust of Senator Morrell. Washington, 1225 Warren, O. L., New York, Medallion of Edwin Forrest. 1226 Harnisch, A. E., Bust of William Mullen, first presi¬ W. W. Mullen. Philadelphia, dent of a college for women. 1227 Connelly, P. F., Flnrpnrp St. Martin Dividing his Cloak. Mrs. B. Lawrence. 1227# Fettweis, C. L., Jr., Cincinnati, *Cast Away. Artist. (.Memorial Hall, Grand Central Hall,.Gallery B.) OIL PAINTINGS. NO. ARTIST. TITLE. OWNER. 1228 Van Reuth, E., Baltimore, ^Homage of America to the Spirit of her Institutions. Artist. 1228# Stuart, Gilbert, The original portrait, from life, of Washington, painted in 1796. The only picture from life by Stuart,' except the unfinished portrait in the Boston Athenaeum. J. Delaware Lewis. 1228^ Travers, W.T.K., Abraham Lincoln, W. P. Webster. (.Memorial Hall, Grand Central Hall , Gallery B.) ARCHITECTURAL MOSAICS. NO. ARTIST. 1229 Leonardi, Valew- ski, Rubicondi, Italy, NO. • ARTIST. 1230 Calverley, 1231 Lewis, Miss Ed- monia, 1232 Harnisch, A. E., Philadelphia, 1233 Fillans, Miss W., 1234 Foley, Miss M., Rome, 1235 Turner, W. G., Florence, 1236 Turner, W. G., Florence, 1237 Meynen, F., Philadelphia, 1238 Tassara, 1239 Graef, Jos., New York, 1240 Graef, Jos., New York, 1241 Graef, Jos., New York, 1242 Harnisch, A. E., Philadelphia, 1243 Graef, Jos., New York, 1244 Foley, Miss M., Rome, 1244# Ream, Vinnie, Washington, TITLE. OWNER. Memorial Altar. * Ordered for St. Clement’s Church, Philadelphia. (.Memorial Hall , Gallery A'.). SCULPTURE. TITLE. OWNER. Bas-relief likeness of Peter Cooper. *Death of Cleopatra. Artist. Statue of Wm. Mullen. W. W. Mullen. Medallion portrait. Two medallions of Mary and William Artist. Howitt. *Night. Artist. ^Morning. Statuette of the Madonna. *Singing Angels (alto-rilievo). Model of a monument to Dr. Wales. Artist. Artist. Stephen H. Perkins. *Saint Mary. „ Artist. *The First Step. Artist. Sketch for a monument to the Pris- Artist, oner’s Friend. *Infant Bacchus. Artist. Medallion—Mrs. T. B. Read. Bust of a child. UNITED STATES 53 1245 Ghetti, Antonio, New York, 1246 Gerardin, G., Philadelphia, 1247 Meyer, H., New York, 1248 Meyer, H., New York, 1248* Waugh, Ida, Phil¬ adelphia, 1248^ Gordon, Joseph C.,Philadelphia, 1248^ Gordon, Joseph C.,Philadelphia, 1248^ Kappler, Tobias, New Haven, Conn., 1249 Hartley, J. S., New York, 1250 Benton, J. Dean, Philadelphia, TITLE. *Monument to a child. *Bouquet. Portrait of a boy. Portrait of a girl. Saint Agnes. Inspiration (bas-relief). Rosebud (alt-relief). Medallion—Professor Agassiz. The Young Samaritan. Metal model of Independence Hall. OWNER. L. de V. Judd. Artist. Artist. Artist. E. C. Knight. STAINED GLASS. NO. EXHIBITOR. 1250* Falck, Otto F., & Co., Boston, 1250^ Slack, S., & Co., Glass Stainers, Orange, N.J., 1250^ West, Samuel, Boston, 1250^ Gibson, Geo., Philadelphia, TITLE. The Prodigal Son. Specimens of figure subjects and arabesque designs. This firm has on exhibition in Me¬ morial Hall some fine specimens of their work in antique and rolled cathedral glass, an article' used extensively by them in the production of their principal work, such as figure, symbolic, heraldic, and decorated windows, for both ecclesiastical and domestic purposes. Specimens * of figure subjects and arabesque designs. Saint Michael. ( West Arcade, on Fa fade of Memorial Hall.) SCULPTURE. NO. EXHIBITOR. TITLE. *Leda. *Rebecca. ^Hercules and Antaeus. *Ruth. *Juno. *Genius of the Vatican. Aesculapius (spelter). Cupid (spelter). A vase (spelter). (East Arcade , on Fa fade of Memorial Hall.) 1251 Eyre, M. Dickerson, Florence, 1252 Eyre, M. Dickerson, Florence, 1253 Eyre, M. Dickerson, Florence, 1254 Eyre, M. Dickerson, Florence, 1255 Eyre, M. Dickerson, Florence,' 1256 Eyre, M. Dickerson, Florence, 1256* Seelig, M. J., & Co., Williams¬ burg, N.Y., 1256^ Seelig, M. J.,*& Co., Williams¬ burg, N.Y., 1256 Solitu.de. View in Cairo (water color). White Hen and her Chickens (pastel). The Great Fall at Chartreuse (water color). View at Fribourg (crayon). Road from Biskra to Tooggoort, Algeria (water color). [Annex, Galleries Nos, 34 , 36 , 45 .) SCULPTURE. ^0. ARTIST. 477 Bartholdi, A., Paris, 478 Bartholdi, A., Paris, 479 Bartholdi, A., Paris, 480 Blanchard, I., Paris,. 481 Martin, Felix, Hermes, 482 Cambos, J., Paris, 483 Cambos, J., Paris, 484 Itasse, A., Paris, 485 Ringel, D., Paris, 486 Moulin, H., Paris, 487 Arson, A., Paris, 488 Itasse, A., Paris, 489 Bertaux, Mrs. Leon, Paris, 490 Chartrousse, E., Paris, 491 Barrias, L. E., Paris, 492 Doublemare, A., Paris, 493 Ross, A., Paris, 494 Pautrot, I., Paris, 495 Leschesne, Paris, 496 Cain, A., Paris, 497 Roubaud, L., Paris, 498 Moreau, Vouthiere, Paris, TITLE. Genie funebre (bronze). Peace (bronze). Genius in the Grasp of Misery (bronze). The Juggler (bronze). Loui^ XI. at Peronne (bronze). “ He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her" (bronze). La Cigale. The Birth of Cupid (marble). The Flute-Player (silvered bronze). A Discovery at Pompeii (bronze). Island Birds (silver stand). Sleeping Cupid (marble). # The Bather (bronze). Helo'ise and Abelard (bronze). Spinning-Girl of Megara (silver bronze). Scapin, after Moliere (bronze). Bohemian at the Spring (bronze). Falcons Fighting (bronze). Lapwings (bronze). Pheasants' Nest (bronze). Winter (bronze). Young Italian Shepherd (bronze). 82 DEPT. IV.—ART {Annex, Gallery No. yj.) ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNS. NO. ARTIST. TITLE. 499 Devrez, Desire Henri Louis, Paris, 500 L’Heureux, Paris, 501 Devrez, D. H. L., Paris, 502 Devrez, D. H. L., Paris, 503 Devrez, D. H. L., Paris, 504 Devrez, D. H. L., Paris, 505 Crepinet, A., Paris, 506 Etex, Antoine, Paris, 507 Penel, Jules, Paris, 508 Penel, Jules, Paris, 509 Lalande, Ch, de, Paris, 510 Picq, H., Paris, 511 Picq, H., Paris, Nine architectural designs for the church of the Sacre Cceur at Montmartre. Eight architectural designs for La Faculte des Sciences'. Architectural drawings and photographs. Two architectural water colors. Two views at Mont St. Michel (water colors). Two church designs for the diocese of Orleans. Four architectural designs for the church of the Sacre Coeur at Montmartre. Photographs of public monument. Engravings of sculpture in the church of Vezelay. Engraving of Holy Trinity Church. Eight architectural designs for the Theatre de la Renaissance, Paris. Wall drawing of the Grand Salon Louis XVI. Design of a monument to be erected at Lisbon in memory of the Emperor Dom Pedro IV. GERMANY 83 NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 NO. 37 38 39 GERMANY. [Information regarding works for sale will be given at the desk in Gallery F, Memorial Hall.] (.Memorial Hall , Central Gallery, East. ) ARTIST. OIL PAINTINGS. TITLE. Jaeckel, H., Berlin, Koken, G., Berlin, Mali,C., Berlin, Haber, R. von, Weimar, Pixis, Theodore, Munich Farbarius, F. W., Diisseldorf, Hallatz, E., Berlin, Douzette, L., Berlin, Bellermann, Frd., Berlin, Hahn, J., Munich, Jungheim, C., Diisseldorf, Jungheim, C., Diisseldorf, Molnar, J., Pesth, Ruths, V., Hamburg, Deutsch, R. von, Berlin, Preller, L., Weimar, Hagn, L. von, Munich, Schauss, F., Weimar, Seybold, G. von, Munich, Gebhardt, L., Munich, Gebhardt, L., Munich, Thiersch, L., Munich, Fries, B., Munich, Becker, C., Berlin, Begas, O., Berlin, Koerner, E., Berlin, Dietz, Th., Carlsruhe, Giiterbock, L., Berlin, Willich, C., Munich, Souchon, W., Weimar, Deutsch, R. von, Berlin, Heck, R., Stuttgart, Reichert, F., Dresden, Fischer, Helene von, Bremen, Conrad, A., Berlin, Fries, B., Munich, Court-yard in Venice. Landscape. Evening. Thomas the Shepherd. The Car of Thespis (Strolling Players' cart) in a Dilemma. Departure of Dutch Herring-Fishermen for the Dogger-Bank. Harvest Festivities in Westphalia. Ship on the Strand. American Forest. Moonlight Landscape (Sternberg Lake). The Gosau Lake, with the Dachstein, in the Aus- trian Salt Regions. Lake of the Four Cantons. Consolation. The Glacier of Argentieres, Swiss Alps. Sir John Falstaff. Port of Safety, Norwegian Coast. Monastery Festivities. Saint John. Wanderers. Lake Sim. Lake Constance. Easter Morn. Suburbs of Naples. Venetian Nobleman tuning a Guitar. Pauline Lucca. Mahmudi Canal near Alexandria. Flight of an American Family (Revolutionary scene). The Daughter of Herodias with the Head of John the Baptist. Girl from the Sabine Mountains. Marguerite (Faust). ** Know whom you trust." The Crater of Vesuvius and Bay of Naples. The Blinding of Arthur. Flowers. Landscape Studies. The Tiber at Rome. (.Memorial Hall , Gallery F.) OIL PAINTINGS. ARTIST. TITLE. Kappis, A., Munich, Fishermen surprised by a Storm. Ockel, E., Berlin, Oxen Ploughing (Mark of Brandenburg). Swieszewslci, A. von, Munich, * View of Pompeii, with Mount Vesuvius. 8 4 NO. 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 DEPT. IV.—ART. ARTIST. Eschke, H., Berlin, Hertel, A., Berlin, Briicke, G., New York, Boyen, O. von, Munich, Wider, W., Berlin, Harach, Count von, Berlin, Bosch, E., Diisseldorf, Laar, Ulrica, Berlin, Erdmann, M., Berlin, Moras, W., Berlin, Laar, Ulrica, Berlin, Wider, W., Berlin, Steffeck, C., Berlin, Plockhorst, B., Berlin, Schaus, F., Weimar, Graf, G., Berlin, Deiker, J., Diisseldorf, Graf, G., Berlin, Pohle, H., Diisseldorf, Horst, L., Stuttgart, Meissner, E., Munich, Poschinger, R. von, Munich, Bechtolsheim, G. von, Munich, Geibel, C., Weimar, Harling, E. von, Munich, Lier, A., Munich, Preller, N., Weimar, Jordan, R., Munich, Starkenborgk, J. N. T. von, Diis- seldorf, Ortlieb, F., Munich, Heger, H., Munich, Ockel, E., Berlin, Hallatz, E., Berlin, Miicke, C., Diisseldorf, Ewers, H., Diisseldorf, Seibels, C., Diisseldorf, Meyer, F., Munich, Hildebrand, E., Carlsruhe, Steffeck, C., Berlin, Xylander, W., Schleissheim, near Munich, Seibels, C., Diisseldorf, Hiddemann, F., Diisseldorf, Miicke, C., Diisseldorf, Hirschfelder, S., Munich, Frey, W., Munich, Spangenberg, G., Berlin, Becker, Q., Berlin, Hiddemann, F., Diisseldorf, Dielitz, K., Berlin, Steffeck, C., Berlin, Kretzschmer, H., Berlin, Marc, W., Munich, Frey, W., Munich, Meyerheim, P., Berlin, Schlesinger, F., Munich, Kretzschmer, H., Berlin, Boser, F., Diisseldorf, Risse, R., Diisseldorf, TITLE. Coast of Capri. Summer Evening at the Brandenburger Gate, Berlin. Columbus discovering America. Neptune riding the Waves. Taking the Veil in Rome. Capitulation of Sedan. The Old Shepherd and his Granddaughter. The Lesson Hour. Morsum Cliff, on the Isle of Sylt. Moonlight in the Harbor of Elsinore. Caught in the Rain. Girl Reading. Mares in Pasture. Franz Liszt. A Dryad. Penserosa. Dog with Fox. Lady with Rose. Landscape. Portrait of the German Emperor. “ Young Ones.” Environs of Munich. Landscape (Upper Bavaria). Concert in a Beer-Room. An Evening Melody. Autumn Landscape. Autumn. Happy Old Age. Tobacco-Gatherers. The Last Rehearsal previous to going to the Singers* Festival. Audience-Hall in the Doge’s Palace, Venice. The Critical Moment. Snow-Storm in the Pustha (Russia). Lullaby. Duet in a Village Blacksmith’s Shop. Cattle. • Carousal after the Fair. A Sentinel. Steeple Chase. Mouth of the Thames. ’ Cattle. Nothing but Practice makes Perfect. The Sailor’s Home. Unexpected Issue. Cattle. The Flirtation. After the Christening. In the Park. A Smoker (Upper Bavaria). The Crown Prince of Germany, on the battle-fields of Worth and Weissenburg. Vanity. Disagreement. Cattle. The King of the Forest. Convalescent. Buying the Cradle. The Rural Sunday Toilet. The God and the Bayadere. . GERMANY. 85 NO. ARTIST. 98 Reichert, F., Dresden, 99 Meyer von Bremen, Berlin, 100 Kornbeck,J., Stuttgart, 101 Neustatter, L., Munich, 102 Neustatter, L., Munich, 103 Eggert, S., Munich, 104 Wider, W., Berlin, 105 Kornbeck, J., Stuttgart, 106 Kornbeck, J., Stuttgart, 107 Souchon, W., Weimar, 108 Boser, F., Dusseldorf, 109 Behmer, H., Weimar, 110 Lutteroth, A., Berlin, 111 Lutteroth, A., Berlin, 112 Achenbach, A., Dusseldorf, 113 Boser, F., Dusseldorf, 114 Eckenbrecher, Th. v., Munich, 115 Becker, Q., Berlin, 116 Hacker, H., Munich, 117 Hacker, H., Munich, 118 Grund, J., Baden-Baden, 119 Lasch, C., Dusseldorf, 120 Richter, G., Berlin, 121 Amberg, W., Berlin, 122 Sturm, F., Berlin, 123 Sturm, F., Berlin, 124 Faber du Faur, Otto von, Mu¬ nich, 125 Schrader, Jul., Berlin, 126 Schwarz, A., 127 Molnar, J., Pesth, 128 Starkenborgk, J. N. T. von, Dus- seldorf, 129 Dietrich, A., Dresden, 130 Wider, W., Berlin, 131 Ruckart, F., Hamburg, 132 Grund, J., Baden-Baden, 133 Heck, R., Stuttgart, 134 Braun, L., Munich, 135 Harach, Count von, Berlin, 136 Plockhorst, Prof., Berlin, 137 Folingsby, G. F., Munich, 138 Wilberg, C., Berlin, 139 Lutteroth, A., Berlin, 140 Behmer, H., Weimar, 143 Weber, P., Munich, 144 Mayer, T., Munich, 145 Hearth, S. D., Munich, TITLE. The First Proof-Sheet. The Gossips. Sheep in the Pasture. The Strong Inclination. The Mouse. Visit to the Village Artist. Child and Doll. Good Friends. Sheep on the Mountain. Imogene. The Orphans. Interior of a House in Bethlehem. Lake Chiem, Italy. Near Naples. Storm at Vlissingen (Holland). Early Affliction. Picnic in Asia Minor. Before the Christening. Konig Lake, from the Kessel-Alp. Lake of the Four Cantons at Brunnen. Diana and Endymion. The Orphans. Hon. G. Bancroft. Ophelia. A Storm. Pilot-Boat. Departure of Frederick V. from Prague after the Battle of the White Hills. Queen Elizabeth signing the Death-Warrant 01 Mary Queen of Scots. Broken Flowers. Misty Veil. Harvest in Holland. Faust and Marguerite (Prison Scene). Return from Skating. After the Chase. Queen Esther. Natural Arch at Capri. Capitulation of Sedan. Luther Intercepted. Christ appearing to Mary Magdalene. Lady Jane Grey’s Triumph over.Bishop Gardiner. Grotto of Egeria, near Rome. Bismarck on his Estates in Lauenburg. Girl with Wild Roses. View near Munich. Statue of Cincinnatus. Evening in the Woods. (.Memorial Hall , Gallery F.) NO. ARTIST. 146 Schulz, M., Berlin, 147 Reusch, F., Berlin, SCULPTURE. TITLE. Love conquers Strength. Group for fountain (bronze). (Memorial Hall , Gallery J.) NO. ARTIST. 148 Herter, E., Berlin, 149 Herter, E., Berlin, SCULPTURE. TITLE. Orestes (bronze). Antigone (bronze). 86 DEPT. IV.—ART NO. ARTIST. 150 Silbernagel, C., 151 Brunow, L., Berlin, 152 Andressen, E., Dresden, 153 Brunow, L., Berlin, 154 Schweinitz, R., Berlin, 155 Ezekiel, M., Rome, 155^ Toberenz, R., Berlin, TITLE. Statuette of Prince Bismarck (bronze). Statue of Count Moltke (bronze). Boy and Frog (group). Marble bust of Count Moltke. Marble bust of the Crown Prince of Germany. Relief in plaster. Ideal bust (marble). GALVANOPLASTY. NO. ARTIST. TITLE. 156 Bavarian Museum of Art, Nu- Galvanoplastic representations of ancient art, remberg, especially of gold and silver. WATER COLORS. NO. ARTIST. TITLE. 157 Meyerheim, P., Berlin, Rhenish Landscape. 158 Meyerheim, P., Berlin, French Village: 159 Meyerheim, P., Berlin, Glass-Works in Bohemia. 160 Meyerheim, P., Berlin, Evening in the Park. 161 Meyerheim, P., Berlin, At the Brook. 162 Meyerheim, P., Berlin, Twilight. 163 Spangenberg, L., Berlin, Glacier in Engadin. 164 Spangenberg, L., Berlin, Capuchin Cloister near Salzburg. 165 Spangenberg, L., Berlin, Mount Pilatus, on the Lake of the Four Cantons. 166 Lage, Julia von der, Berlin, Flowers. 167 Skarbina, F., Alpine Hospitality. 168 Friedrich, C. F., Dresden, Thirteen water colors. PORCELAIN PAINTINGS. NO. ARTIST. TITLE. 169 Ens & Greiner, Lauscha, Porcelain paintings. 170 Deininger, C. H., Munich, Portrait of a lady. ENGRAVINGS. NO. ARTIST. TITLE. 171 Dinger, F., Coblentz, Cinderella. 172 Bartehlmess, N., Diisseldorf, In a House of Mourning—copper engraving after Vautier. 173 Krausse, A., Leipsic, Engravings. 174 Duncker, A., Berlin, Engravings. 175 Graf, C., Dresden, Thirty-six engravings. 176 Boehm, Hannah, Berlin, Silhouettes. PHOTOGRAPHS. NO. ARTIST. TITLE. 177 Berlin Photograph Co., Stroefer Madonna San Sisto, after Raphael; Angels, after & Kirchner, New York, Agents, R'aphael; St. Sixtus, after Raphael; St. Bar¬ bara, after Raphael; Morning Prayer, after Rosenthal; Elaine, after Rosenthal; Marie Stuart, after Neal; The Broken Pitcher, after Greuze. CHROMO-LITHOGRAPHS. NO. ARTIST. TITLE. 178 Zettler, F. X., Munich, Four frames containing chromo-lithographs. 179 Duncker, A/, Berlin, Chromo-lithographs. GERMANY 87 NO. ARTIST. 180 Zettler, F. X., Munich, 181 Zettler, F. X., Munich, 182 Zettler, F. X., Munich, STAINED GLASS. TITLE. Stained glass window, Christian church. Stained glass window, Mohammedan temple. Stained glass window, Persian temple no. Artist. * 183 Jungfer, A., Berlin, MEDALS. TITLE. Collection of coins and medals. NO. ARTIST. 184 Jungfer, A., Berlin, MINERALOGY. TITLE. Pieces of amber, inclosing antediluvian insects, —ants, flies, gnats, sugar-mites, moths, scarabaei, spiders, etc. (Memorial Hall , Gallery B .) NO. ARTIST. 185 Manger, H., Berlin, STATUARY. TITLE. Colossal statue of Prince Bismarck (bronze). 88 DEPT. IV.—ART AUSTRIA. [Works of Art marked with an asterisk (*) are for sale. Information may be obtained at the Austrian office, in Gallery G, Memorial Hall.] (Memorial Hall , Galleries G and Z.) OIL NO. ARTIST. 1 Makart, Hans, Vienna, 2 Engl, Hugh, Lienz, 3 Russ, Robert, Vienna, 4 Parmentier, Louisa von, Vienna, 5 Brunner, Joseph, Vienna, 6 Schilcher, Fred., Vienna, 7 Rumpler, F., Vienna, 8 Amerling, Fred., Vienna, 9 Schodl, Max, Vienna, 10 Schodl, Max, Vienna, 11 Friedlander, Fred., Vienna, 12 Canon, John, Vienna, 13 Hlavacek, Anthony, Vienna, 14 Ruben, Francis Leo, Vienna, 15 Thoren, Otto, von, Paris, 16 George-Mayer, Augustus, Vienna 17 Parmentier, Louisa von, Vienna, 18 Minigerode, Lewis, Vienna, 19 Hoegel, Minna, Vienna, 20 Lichtenfels, Edward, Chevalier Vienna, 21 Graf, Lewis, Vienna, 22 Graf, Lewis, Vienna, 23 Schaeffer, Augustus, Vienna, 24 Riedel, Charles, Vienna, 25 Biihlmayer, Conrade, Vienna, 26 George-Mayer, Augustus, Vienna, 27 Kratzer, Charles von, Vienna, 28 George-Mayer, Augustus, Vienna 29 Ribarz, Ralph, Vienna, 30 Gross, Augustus, Vienna, 31 Munsch, Leopold, Vienna, 32 Berres, Joseph von, Vienna, 33 Schilcher, Fred., Vienna, 34 Hlavacek, Anthony, Vienna, 35 Ribarz, Ralph, Vienna, 36 Graf, Lewis, Vienna, 37 Berres, Joseph von, Vienna, 38 Lafite, Erneste, Vienna, 39 Halauska, Lewis, Vienna, 40 Lafite, Erneste, Vienna, 41 Berres, Joseph von, Vienna, 42 Russ, Francis, Vienna, 43 Stocker, Francis, Vienna, 44 Schilcher, Fred., Vienna, 45 Otto, Henry, Vienna, PAINTINGS. TITLE. ♦Venice paying Homage to Caterina Cornaro. ♦Still Life—game. ♦Mill near Mals, South Tyrol. ♦Landscape—suburbs of Munich. ♦Landscape. ♦Austrian Harvesters. ♦The Friends. ♦Ideal female. ♦Still Life. ♦Still Life. ♦Tasting the Wine. ♦Girl with Fruit. ♦View in the Palatinate of the Rhine. ♦Roman Woman selling Pomegranates. ♦Norman Pasture. , *Bathsheba. ♦Interior of the Castle Ruin “ Taufers,” in the Tyrol. ♦Sleeping Nymph. ♦Still Life—game. , *Castle Court. ♦Nursery Maid. ♦The Love-Letter. ♦“At the Sea” (desolate beach). ♦An After-Dinner Nap. ♦Landscape, with animals. , *Cupid’s Warning. ♦Return from Hunting—Scene in Carinthia. , *Art going a-begging. ♦Cow and Sheep. ♦Villa d’Este, at Tivoli, near Rome. ♦Alp Gschloss, looking towards the Gross-Vene- diger. ♦Caravan in the Caucasus. ♦Bas-relief. ♦Moonrise. ♦View in Venice. ♦An Interior. ♦Husking in Hungary. ♦Peasant Woman of Upper Austria. ♦Village Road. ♦Girl of Upper Austria. ♦Children’s Tenderness. ♦Girl and Cat. ♦Overwhelmed with Grief. ♦Bas-relief. ♦View near Naples. AUSTRIA 89 NO. ARTIST. 46 Muller, Charles Leopold, Vienna, 47 Gaul, Gustavus, Vienna, 48 Blaas, Charles, Vienna, 49 Oeconomo, A., Vienna, 50 Ribarz, Ralph, Vienna, 51 Penther, Daniel, Vienna, 52 Pausinger, Francis von, Munich, 53 Oeconomo, A., Vienna, 54 George-Mayer, Augustus, Vienna, 55 Hoffmann, Joseph, Vienna, 56 Fux, Joseph, Vienna, 57 Penther, Daniel, Vienna, 58 Lichtenfels, Edward, Chevalier, Vienna, 59 Schaeffer, Augustus, Vienna, 60 Schweninger, Rosa, Vienna, 61 Schaeffer, Augustus, Vienna, 62 Felix, Eugene, Vienna, 63 Russ, Francis, Vienna, 64 Lichtenfels, Edward, Chevalier, Vienna, 65 Nemes-Ransonnet, Eliza, Count¬ ess, Vienna, 66 Geyling, Ralph, Vienna, 67 Parmentier, Mary von, Vienna, 68 Obermiillner, Adolphus, Vienna, 69 Probst, Charles, Vienna, 70 Obermiillner, Adolphus, Vienna, 71 Gaul, Gustavus, Vienna, 72 Pausinger, Francis von, Munich, 73 Gaul, Gustavus, Vienna, 74 Schonreither, George, Vienna, 75 Mayer, Louis, Vienna, 76 Seelos, Godfrey, Vienna, 77 Amerling, Fred., Vienna, 78 Gevling, Ralph, Vienna, 79 Grabowski, Andrew, Lemberg, 80 Obermiillner, Adolphus, Vienna, 81 Ruben, Francis Leo, Vienna, 82 Berres, Joseph von, Vienna, 83 Ribarz, Ralph, Vienna, 84 Fritsch, Melchior, Vienna, 85 Schrodl, Anthony, Vienna, 86 Graf, Lewis, Vienna, 87 MUller, Charles Leopold, Vienna, 88 Nemes-Ransonnet, Eliza, Count¬ ess, Vienna, 89 Hansch, Anthony, Salzburg, 90 Aigner, J. M., Vienna, 91 Schrodl, Anthony, Vienna, 92 Blaas, Charles, Vienna, 93 Blume, Edmund, Vienna, 94 Swoboda, Edward, Vienna, 95 Reichert, Charles, Vienna, 96 Reichert, Charles, Vienna, TITLE. ♦Monte Pelegrino, near Palermo. ♦Satanella. ♦Centaur carrying off a Nymph. Portrait of the artist. ♦Fish-Market at Chioggia. ♦Portrait (Darwin). ♦A Chamois killed by a Fall. ♦A Study (head). ♦A Study (female head). ♦Ideal landscape. * “Sans-Souci” (strolling minstrel). ♦Portrait (Schopenhauer). ♦Village Road in Upper Austria. ♦Winter Landscape in Styria. ♦A Neapolitan. ♦November Evening in the Prater, Vienna. ♦Pan and Bacchantes. ♦Life in a Castle (Middle Ages). ♦Copper-Mines of Agordo. ♦Interior of St. Stephen’s, in Vienna. ♦Garden Scene (Jesuit College). ♦Village Scenery in the Tyrol. ♦“Welcome Sounds,” a hunting episode of the Austro-Hungarian North Polar Sledge Expe¬ dition, 1872-1874 (after Julius Payer). ♦A Study (female figure). ♦The Lake of Constance seen from the Gebharts Mountains, Tyrol, at the beginning of a storm called “ Folinwind.” ♦A Study (female head), ♦Distrustful. ♦A Shepherdess. ♦View of the High Tauern, Austrian Alps. ♦The Judgment of Paris. ♦The Vogelweidehof, near Botzen, South Tyrol, birthplace of Walter von der Vogelweide, the greatest lyric poet of the Germans in the Middle Ages. ♦Counsellor of the Middle Ages. ♦Roman Pomegrandte-Seller. Portrait. ♦View of the Grum Alpe, with the Paluglacier, Upper Engadin, in Switzerland (morning). ♦Venetian Society. ♦Exhibiting a Foal (England.) ♦Ox-Team. ♦The Leopoldstein Lake in Styria. ♦An Interior at Hallstadt, in Upper Austria. ♦A Study (boy). ♦Scene in the English Garden, Palermo, Sicily. ♦A Study (female head). ♦The Weissbachhorn, in the Pinzgau, Austrian Alps. Portrait of the artist. ♦Animals and Girl—scene in the valley of Fer- leithen, near Gastein. ♦Ulysses and the Sirens. ♦The Grandmother’s Tales. ♦The Mermaid’s Home. ♦A Bull-dog. ♦A Bull-dog. J 90 DEPT. IV—ART NO. ARTIST. 97 Hansch, Anthony, Salzburg, 98 Schams, Francis, Vienna, 99 Berres, Joseph von, Vienna, 100 Graf, Lewis, Vienna, 101 Haanen, Remi van, Vienna, 102 Graf, Lewis, Vienna, 103 Parmentier, Louisa von, Vienna, 104 Kuntz, G. A., Vienna, 105 Blaas, Charles, Vienna, 106 Parmentier, Mary von, Vienna, 107 Friedlander, Camilla, Vienna, 108 Parmentier, Mary von, Vienna, 109 Schonn, Aloysius, Vienna, 110 Stainer-Knittl, Anne, Innsbruck, 111 Friedlander, Fred., Vienna, 112 Huber, Ralph, Vienna, 113 Friedlander, Camilla, Vienna, 114 Rumpler, Francis, Vienna, 115 Friedlander, Camilla, Vienna, U6 Russ, Robertus, Vienna, 117 Canon, John, Vienna, 118 Fritsch, Melchior, Vienna, 119 Nemes-Ransonnet, Eliza, Count¬ ess, Vienna, 120 Hlavacek, Anthony, Vienna, 121 Wertheimer, Gustavus, Vienna, TITLE. *The Great Oetz Valley, Ferner (glacier), and Gurgl Lake. ♦The Newly-Elected Mayor. ♦Trader in Cattle of the Campagna di Roma. * “ He loveth me.” ♦View of a Dutch town by Moonlight. ♦Rural Sports. ♦Landscape. ♦The Nun’s Revery. ♦A Summer’s Day in the Woods. ♦A Mill in the Tyrol. ♦Still Life (ham, etc.). *Village of Gaaden, near Vienna. ^♦Siesta of an Oriental Woman. Alpine Flowers. ♦A Bashful Declaration of Love. ♦In the Pasture. ♦Antiquities and Books. ♦Smiling Girl. ♦Still Life (fancy ware). ♦View in the Prater,Vienna, previous to the Exhi¬ bition of 1873. *The Page. ♦Mountain Landscape (autumn). Portrait of the artist. ♦Under the Maple-Tree. ♦The Moor and his Horse. NO. 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 (Memorial Hall , Galleries G and Z .) STATUARY. ARTIST. Zumbusch, Caspar, Vienna, Gliber, James, Vienna, Pilz, Vincenz, Vienna, Costenoble, Charles, Vienna, Costenoble, Charles, Vienna, Wagner, Anthony, Vienna, Gliber, James, Vienna, TITLE. His Majesty the Emperor of Austria (marble bust). ♦A Study (marble head). A Portrait (plaster bust). ♦Charles V. (marble bust). ♦Maximilian I. (marble bust). ♦Michael Angelo (bronze statue). ♦Madonna (wood). WATER COLORS. ARTIST. Tepa, Francis, Lemberg, Tepa, Francis, Lemberg, Alt, Francis, Vienna, Alt, Francis, Vienna, Alt, Francis, Vienna, Alt, Francis, Vienna, Stockier, Emanuel, Vienna, Stockier, Emanuel, Vienna, Stockier, Emanuel, Vienna, Stockier, Emanuel, Vienna, Hoffmann, Joseph, Vienna, Hoffmann, Joseph, Vienna, Hoffmann, Joseph, Vienna, Alt, Ralph, Vienna, Alt, Ralph, Vienna, Pitner, Francis, Vienna, Pitner, Francis, Vienna, Tepa, Francis, Lemberg, Tepa, Francis, Lemberg, Tepa, Francis, Lemberg, TITLE. ♦The Polish Cavalry Captain Jastrzebiec. ♦A Portrait. ♦The Landing at Lucerne. ♦The Ancient Fish-Market in Rome. ♦Interior of the Cathedral, Milan. ♦The Cursalon in the Stadt Park, Vienna. ♦Girl at the Window. *Campanile of San Marco, Venice. *Fishmonger in Venice. *The Grand Canal, Venice. ♦View in the Herrengarten, Darmstadt. * “ The Beautiful Chestnut-Tree,” Theaterhof, Darmstadt. ♦Oberwesel on the Rhine. ♦Cathedral in Orvieto. ♦Arch of Constantine, Rome. ♦Tambourine-Girl, Molo di Gaeta, near Naples. ♦Punished Fickleness. ♦A Peasant of Zolkiew, Galicia. ♦Peasant Woman of Truskaviec, Galicia. ♦The Polish General Josef Zaluski. NO. 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 NO. 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 NO. 163 NO. 164 NO. 165 166 NO. 167 AUSTRIA. . gi ARTIST. Tcpa, Francis, Lemberg, Lauer, Joseph, Vienna, Ponninger, Miss C., Vienna, Ponninger, Miss C., Vienna, Ponninger, Miss C., Vienna, Schuster, Miss Adele, Vienna, Schuster, Miss Adele, Vienna, TITLE. *A Study (boy). *Brier Bush (oil painting). *Still Life (a duck, in water colors). ^Flowers (water colors). *Flowers (water colors). *Alpine Flowers (oil painting), *The Four Seasons (oil painting). ARTIST. Unger, W., Vienna, Unger, W., Vienna, Unger, W., Vienna, Unger, W., Vienna, Unger, W., Vienna, Unger, W., Vienna, Unger, W., Vienna, ETCHINGS. TITLE. *Marine view (after Van der Capellen). ^Portrait (after Velazquez). *Portrait (after Palma Vecchio). ^Landscape (after Hobbema). * Jacob’s Blessing (after Govaers FI ink). ^Catharine Cornaro (after Hans Makart). *Katharina Formann (after Rubens). ARTIST. Pezzicar, F., Trieste, ARTIST. STATUARY. TITLE. *The Abolition of Slavery in the United States, 1863 (statue in bronze). PHOTOGRAPH. TITLE. *Catharine Cornaro. OIL PAINTINGS. ARTIST TITLE. Angeli, Henry von, Vienna, Portrait. Angeli, Henry von, Vienna, • Portrait. MEDALS. (.Memorial Hall , Gallery O.) ARTIST. TITLE. Scharff, Anthony, Vienna, *Collection of medals. 92 DEPT. IV—ART BELGIUM. [Information regarding the sale of Works of Art can be obtained at the office of the Belgian Commission, Main Building.] (Annex, Gallery No. jj.) OIL PAINTINGS. NO. ARTIST. 1 Portaels, Jean, Brussels, 2 De Biseau, Aristide, Brussels, 3 Gerboux, Auguste Charles, Mons, 4 Roffiaen, Francis, Brussels, 5 Slingeneyer, Ernest, Brussels, 6 De Schampheleer, Edmond, Brus¬ sels, 7 Musin, Franqois, Brussels, 8 Huygens, Francis Joseph, Brus¬ sels, 9 De Heuvel, Theodore, Brussels, 10 Soubre, Charles, Liege, 11 Coosemans, Joseph Theodore, Brussels, 12 Barnaba, Louis, Brussels, 13 Mols, Robert, Antwerp, 14 Dauriac, Henry, Arlon, 15 De Keyser, Nicaise, Antwerp, 16 Verhas, Jean, Brussels, 17 De Bylandt, Count Alfred, Brus¬ sels, 18 Langlet, Mrs. Caroline, Brussels, 19 Cardon, Charles Leon, Brussels, 20 Robbe, Henry, Brussels, 21 De Meester, Raymond, Brussels, 22 Wagner, Jules, Antwerp, 23 Walckiers, Gustave, Brussels, 24 Verhoeven-Ball, Antwerp, 25 Kuhnen, Victor, Brussels, 26 Vinck, Franz, Antwerp, 27 De Pratere, Edmond, Brussels, 28 Slingeneyer, Ernest, Brussels, 29 Tschaggeny, Charles, Brussels, 30 Van Keirsbilck, Jules, Brussels, 31 Steens, Edmond, Brussels, 32 Unterberger, F. R., Brussels, 33 Roosenboom, Albert, Brussels, 34 Robbe, Henry, Brussels, 35 Cogen, Felix, Brussels, 36 Keelhoff, Fran$ois, Brussels, 37 Walraven, Jean, Brussels, 38 De St. Cyr, Georges, Brussels, 39 Vinck, Franz, Antwerp, 40 Stroobant, Francis, Brussels, 41 Dandoy, Armand, Namur, TITLE. Morning. The River Semoy (Ardennes). The Mill of Lens, near Mons. Morning, Lake Koenigsee (Bavaria). A Christian Martyr in the Reign of Diocletian. Nymwegen, on the River Wahal, Netherlands. Harbor of Rotterdam in Rainy Weather. Bouquet of Thorn-Blossoms. The Prayer. Insurrection of St. Martin (history of Liege). Sunset. Coast of France. The Dome of “ Les Invalides," Paris. Madonna. Rebecca. Sea-Shore at Blankenberghe. Mountain View in Switzerland. Lighting Candles to the Holy Mother—Italian woman. The Smoking-Room. The Destroyer. Landscape. Griseldis. The Town-House in Alost. Preparing the Christmas Plum-Pudding. Steen Street in Antwerp. The Pink Domino. Stop ! The Night of St. Bartholomew. Flemish Stallion. Crime and Superstition. Poultry. Posilippo, near Naples. Motherly Love. Flowers and Fruit. Fisherwoman of the Zuyder-Zee, Netherlands. Autumn. The Right of Way. Sentinel at the Entrance of the Harem. The Confederates *in the Presence of Marguerite of Parma. The House of the Society of the Archers in Bruges. The Banks of the River Meuse. BELGIUM 93 NO. ARTIST. TITLE. 42 Stroobant, Framjois, Brussels, Dordrecht—View from the River Meuse. 43 Tschaggeny, Charles, Brussels, . Fire in the Stable. STATUARY. NO. ARTIST. TITLE. 43# Vin 90 tte, Thomas, Brussels, The Female Captive (bronze statue). {Annex, Gallery No. 39.) OIL PAINTINGS. NO. ARTIST. TITLE. 44 Van den Broeck, Miss Clemence, Brussels, 45 Berlin, Jean Joseph, Brussels, 46 Madiol, Adrien Jean, Brussels, 47 De Beughem, Count Charles, Brussels, > 48 De Schampheleer, Edmond, Brussels, 49 Lagye, Victor, Antwerp, 50 Raoux, Albert, Brussels, 51 Sodar, Franz, Dinant, 52 Bellemans, Joseph, Antwerp, 53 Van Luppen, G. Joseph, Antwerp, 54 Col, David, Antwerp, 55 Dekeghel, Jules, Ghent, 56 Goemans, Gustave, Melle, near Ghent, 57 Asselbergs, Alphonse, Brussels, 58 Weber, Theodore. Alexander, Brussels, 59 Stallaert, Joseph,-Brussels, 60 Van Lil, Joseph, Antwerp, 61 Berlin, Jean Joseph, Brussels, 62 Van Hove, Victor, Heyst-sur-Mer, 63 Starck, Jules, Brussels, 64 De Keyser, Albert, Antwerp, 65 Cleynhens, Theodore, Antwerp, 66 Pauwels, Ferdinand, Antwerp, 67 Nisen, Felix, Liege, 68 Carlier, Modeste, Brussels, 69 De Vigne, Miss Malvina, Ghent, 70 De Burbure, L., Brussels, 71 Beernaert, Miss Euphrosyne, Brussels, 72 Robert, Alexander, Brussels, 73 De Schampheleer, Edmond, Brussels, 74 De Loose, Basile, Brussels, 75 Van Luppen, G. Joseph, Antwerp, 76 Mellery, Xavier, Brussels, 77 Gerard, Theodore, Brussels, 78 Beernaert, Miss Euphrosyne, Brussels, 79 De Vigne, Miss Emma, Ghent, 80 Genisson, Georges, Namur, 81 De Loose, Basile, Brussels, 82 Asselbergs, Alphonse, Brussels, 83 Carabain, Jacques Fran The House of La Infanta at Sara- Museum of gossa. Madrid. Fine Arts, 40«£‘ Puebla, D., The Landing of Columbus. Museum of Madrid. Fine Arts, 40^ Domingo, F., A Duel in the Seventeenth Century. Museum of Madrid. Fine Arts, 40*’ Cano, E., Christopher Columbus in the Monas- Museum of tery of La Rabida. Madrid. Fine Arts, 40/ Castellano, M., Death of the Count of Villamediana. Museum of Madrid. Fine Arts, 40/ Vera, A., Burial of San Lorenzo at Rome. Museum of Madrid. Fine Arts, 40???Casado, I., Last Moments of Don Fernando IV., Museum of el Emplazado. Madrid. Fine Arts, 40 n Valles, L., Insanity of Donna Juana de Castilla. Museum of Madrid. Fine Arts, 40* Mercade, B., 41^Haes, D. Carlos, Madrid, 41/ Haes, D. Carlos, Madrid, Translation of Saint Francis of Museum of Assisi. Madrid. Suburbs of Madrid. Artist. Reminiscences of the Pyrenees. Artist. Fine Arts, 42# Morales, Divino, 42^ (Unknown), 42* Cano, Alonzo, 42^ Murillo, Bartolome Esteban, The Nazarene. Saint Bruno. The Trinity. Christ. Moreno y Galindo, Tomas, Madrid. Moreno y Galindo, Tomas, Madrid. Moreno y Galindo, Tomas, Madrid. Moreno y Galindo, Tomas, Madrid. 126 DEPT. IV.—ART NO. ARTIST. 42 Miravent y Gatell, Grapes. Artist. Jos6, Barcelona, 28c Miravent y Gatell, Grapes. Artist. Jos6, Barcelona, 29a Rabada y Vallve, Banks of the River Ter. Artist. Juan, Barcelona, '29 b Rabada y Vallve, Banks of the River Llobregat. Artist. Juan, Barcelona, 30^ Arrau, Viuda de, Fruits. Artist. Barcelona, 30<5 Arrau, Viuda de, Fruits. Artist. Barcelona, 30^ Arrau, Viuda de, Fruits. Artist. Barcelona, 30^ Arrau, Viuda de, Fruits. Artist. Barcelona, 30 e Arrau, Viuda de, Fruits. Artist. Barcelona, 30/ Arrau, Viuda de, Fruits. Artist. Barcelona, 31 Catal&, Federico, Madonna (Virgen del Carmen), Artist. Barcelona, 128 DEPT. IV—ART NO. ARTIST. TITLE. 32 Talarn, Pelegrin, A Flower-Girl. Barcelona, 33« Moragas y Valero, Fortune and the Boy. Manuel, Barcelo¬ na, 333 Moragas y Valero, The Topers. Manuel, Barcelo¬ na, 33