SRN SER = SSN aa oe ~~ SS st ot See nx 3 oO ~ A a “a oe Ys SS SN ‘ SS SS \ . \ SS SS A see, tis eae Yes Sh sas Ze ee \ Lie ee, RAV x RAV SQV SOS Jah 4 ie 4 Bae y a a ne! * S38ld¥l GNV SHOOLS AG ‘VINYOSITVD 4O SNVIGNI > is >= Lae NVIWVYALA NVANOHSOHS |__| NWOSWd WHY NVIMNOSTY | i@] N39 a1 S3IIIWY4 {JHL GNV YINYOSINVO 4O SdnOHy9 DILSINONIT ADOTONHLS NYOINSWY JO nvauns 5 ar i Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2022 with funding from _ Princeton Theological Seminary Library httos:// 2 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY 7 clara_feiver 5 ganktem7" aunao” San Gabriel Siba Akura Hout Apachia R | N & ibaha Ahau Pubu Shua ong Baach Toibi oPomona NATIVE SITES IN PART OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA oS \ i + “N el a) 3 %\ Wahinu-t yOucamonga Pk ao ~ x \\Mulbku- pia-bit } BULLETIN 78 PLATE 57 aa - o.0Y? a Sm ee / ( i} / v4 242 Atan-pa-t Tat a 3: B di Gai Bernardino \ an bBpernaraino ,. Ve RTOS ipui Yo sKhetaipac? Nilen®ii Ieihigcc * Fn an ase %* San Gorgonio Mt ra Colton Cha-vak % \ Arhangk oRedlands . %, \ Hikavand-t a2 { 9 Yukai-pa-t arbnga / ojo! ka- bi poe 8 ‘ Pasino : ; Opn a ORiverside = Pa { ue \Ka-va-t Malki & . \ oy . pee io P. Ss ) S Banning (o7 \. San Gorgonio Pass os \ DP ni | oe sok’ nae, re) DS Corona’ m~, \ o ‘ 0 Pe, \ 5. \ yy ~&> miwu ° \ ol ir # San Jacinto Pk / \ Ser * NS = ss ‘.. - % Pahav Hers San Jacintog _ _ Sechi \ got NSovovo #Tahquitz Pk ga es Santiago Pk { ( ! . ( - 7) sree eX Pal >; che L U l Ss ee or ju Palasakeuna ra ye, Gghuilla Pk veg aki 3” Bawi Lookout Mt ~~ \\Temecula LY ¥ ee fi ; ~s pre od naan tea ae emeku a py” Tule Pk U SS, ae ~~ —~ Beauty Mt / a * tale é pie H y ges Panh ) pro’. SBS ONO ay : Sug % \Hechmai 5 Malamai? , < vy e Tay 5% i] : *Palomar Mt o ‘ yo/ % I +8 stom umo Takwish-po-shapila 2 4 = J 7 tomkav : % y pur t Springs SF x apontal om : “A ae Katukto ((Kwalam . Ushmat rs a -Walhau mai sé iasamai aN San Luis Rey San Ysidro Br Wiawo Keish ct” Met-hwai ne Vise ae = put Aa Mesa Grande falamai yeaiondas J Shakishmai ‘ukumak 59 ae are Panakar Setmunumin \ C= itlt 7 Shikaps ehel-om-pom-pauvo } fens chy ipa . zo Y Escondido re Atikwan@n \ SanVas, yer -- . ie es -- RY =" Sinyau-tehwir & Ahmukat!l kat! Hakutl ito we Sinyau-pichkara Pamo 4. osmit Kulauma sof Hapai wo th- Pk okwi #Middle Pk Pauwai ! Gyvamacd Px Ekwianfak * Elcajon Mf D I = pieg?——- se / A Ex Wilesion. im motaretuwe
use made of manuscript data would leave serious vacancies in any
list of references to particular passages. Intending students are the
only ones, it has seemed, who may now and then be seriously inclined
to deplore the lack of citations to the original sources; but their
needs, I am convinced, will on the whole be better served by the
bibhography which has been appended. This bibliography makes
less pretense to completeness than to being an aid to discrimination.
With this feature in mind, I have ventured to add brief appraisals
to the titles of many of the works there listed.
If it is remembered that at least nine-tenths of the printed infor-
mation on the Indians of California, certainly in quantity of facts,
perhaps also in number of pages, is contained in three sets of peri-
odical publications—those of the University of California in Ameri-
can Archaeology and Ethnology, the Bulletin of the American
Museum of Natural History, and the publications of the Federal
Government, particularly those of the Bureau of American Eth-
nology and the National Museum under the auspices of the Smith-
sonian Institution—together with a small group of books not
exceeding 8 or 10 in number, it becomes apparent that the problem
of authorities and bibliography for the subject dealt with in this
work is in the main a simple one.
I should not close without. expressing my sincere appreciation of
my one predecessor in this field, the late Stephen Powers, well known
for his classic “ Tribes of California,” one of the most remarkable
reports ever printed by any government. Powers was a journalist
by profession and it is true that his ethnology is often of the crudest.
Probably the majority of his statements are inaccurate, many are
misleading, and a very fair proportion are without any foundation
or positively erroneous. He possessed, however, an astoundingly
quick and vivid sympathy, a power of observation as keen as it was
untrained, and an invariably spirited gift of portrayal that rises at
times into the realm of the sheerly fascinating. Anthropologically
his great service lies in the fact that with all the looseness of his
data and method he was able to a greater degree than anyone be-
fore or after him to seize and fix the salient qualities of the mentality
of the people he described. The ethnologist may therefore by turns
writhe and smile as he fingers Powers’s pages, but for the broad out-
lines of the culture of the California Indian, for its values with all
their high lights and shadows, he can still do no better than consult
the book. With all its flimsy texture and slovenly edges, it will always
remain the best introduction to the subject. It is a gratification to
remember that there was once a time when an unendowed periodical
published in California felt able to command the support of its pub-
lic by including among its offerings almost the whole of a work of
this merit. The “Tribes of California” was first issued in the Over-
land Monthly of San Francisco.
New information on the Indians of California has of course
become available during the five years since this manuscript was
written. To incorporate even a summary of this would have meant
the alteration as well as the addition of numerous passages—an
unfeasible procedure. I have therefore only corrected errors, and
here and there added footnotes indicating the range or significance
of the recent acquisitions to knowledge, and their sources. These
notes will serve to guide the reader to the literature that is
gradually filling the gaps in the world’s knowledge of the tribes
in question. Only the bibliography has been brought as fully as
possible up to date.
The chapters on the Yurok, Yuki, Yokuts, and Mohave consist
almost wholly of previously unpublished data collected by myself.
The chapters on the Karok, Wiyot, Kato, Huchnom, Coast Yuki,
Pomo, Yahi, Wintun, Maidu, Costanoans, and Serrano combine
similar data in greater or less amount with materials from pub-
lished sources. The chapter on the Miwok embodies a considerable
block of unpublished data put at my disposal by E. W. Gifford.
The section of the chapter on Prehistory dealing with cultural
stratification in the San Francisco Bay shell mounds is based on
unpublished preliminary computations by N. C. Nelson.
Certain parts of the present volume have been utilized, with the
approval of the Bureau and with changes of greater or less moment,
in other publications. Chapter 53 forms the basis of an article,
“Yuman Tribes on the Lower Colorado,’ in volume 16 of the
University of California Publications in American Archaeology
and Ethnology; chapters 54-56, of “ Elements of Culture in Native
California,” in volume 13; and chapter 59, “California Culture
Provinces,” in volume 17 of the same series.
A. L. Krorper.
BerKe ey, Cauir., Pebruary 1, 1923.
. The
. The
. The
. The
. The
. The
(EAE WATTS ger VSB ol aT CAE) FAS, aaah Ga Oe Ee Oe, een nee ce EC
. Athabascans: the Hupa, Chilula, and Whilkut________________ rates
. Athabascans: southern groups
. The
. The
. The
. The
;» ahe
~ che
. The
. The
. The
. The
. The
. The
. The
. The
. The
. The
. The
. The
. The
. The
. The
. The
. The
. The
. The
. The
. The
Yurok: land and civilization
Yurok: law and custom
Yurok: religion
RY Gere wee ee ee © Ree ee Oe Ren A eS eee 4
CEE) Be Ee BET se eh BOIS SER se ee al See eee ee
POETS Lee OT OBR C) Ries SESS S Le SRE ee ae eee ee pe es
Oe LIC er COr aD Gates ce rer ee Oe ad Ne Se yc Lee
SEER TIS 2D gee 2 be Re oe Fie PE Pe ey Se ey SOE ae es BS peep!
VUES” SSN Ea Cel een OAD OL See Ty aps Be ee RN Bae ee Seen oe oe err ae ee
Beit Om OOS tae CURD a eee ee ae ee ee 2
SUC W AYR e ie, oo 2 SOT ees so de, Pe ae fh Se Sage ea Mee eo
Tere Oot A Vertu DOLILICN = 5 eo ee th ees eS a is
POD OLV LIZ UL Ole eee oes ese Gere Pa ee feted 7 igd Ue be
POCO LLO LOD) ieee nk cia 4 ir ee gee ee Bh rag = ah oat ea he
ie iat see eV WOKEE. tear fee. See Soe ie ee oe
peer COTU EU) mieten heh ee eee ee me ere dhe wo EE ee
ph (it oN ie eae eect de ea eg Ba eek a on ON ere! SS ge eS. A
Wena WL anieAtsugewiow Ge fo ee) ie
Oy laf eee ae Se ae POE ee rr eee Fo ka
ert EHe silane Latent ee ee ee ee ee SIS Oe
IZOTAE CIT inetd LULL Ye eee eee een ed, Seesaw SANT RT 8 St ee
Wintun: geography and culture
SURED UE TI Tics FSCULICH PRC) UL) Capstone EOS Meet By) SE TER SY Wn! I wie FS)
Malu: wand, ANC sSOCICE Va foe te emer tees eee EE) Ele
Nei Ar iseanUs i piculeni see sse seme eterna wet ee a, eh Aes
Mia Tene iors ANGCKNOWLEd@eRe spate ee ae ei ee
Nps) ara. 2a ae a ad eas Oe eds! eg ke on A ee
URLS. s SOO CTH vies sete Sor Sareea oe reer teh. OA ets
Yokuts: social institutions
EN ate CRD LS her eos RO Re Te, ee pe A NES
Yokuts: the concrete basis of life
Esselen and Salinans
Paiute, Mono, and Koso
CRT eee TAY Lane ek en ae et Seed, oe. Sa en
PR 29 a baal BSW LE 1, bet dioed UN Re lees ee eae. Se ae
a3) Serrano divisions... 4425-25 Sse ee ee ga pene ee i ae
44 ‘The Gabrielino 22220 i2 UL 2 ae a
AB The Juanefnioa st wk a ee ee
46. The Luisefio: elements of civilization._--_-__._-___-_--_--------------
47. The Luisefio: organization of civilization_______-_------------------
48. The Cupefio and Cahuilla__-:.____+4---._-___—-_-- = + 5
49. The Dieguefio and Kamia___-___-____------------------------------
50. The Mohave: concrete life_____- ee ie ee he bs 2 ot i eee
Fi The Mohave: dream»life: 2... 2s so a ee eee
BD EDT ies VIDLENYEL et Fs hoe a ele ee nanan pene ene 5 enn
mor Other Yume. trives. << ee a i ee
BA. ATit OL iieseeet athe ss te Samet oh ATE Pare REE ee, See ee ee
BD. Society ae ee a
nO. Religion and Rnowledgesés-s=.°3*s-saeseSsest se ee
Di evOpilatons: ees ee eee rays Rebates Sep eye eee Ltn Roe &
Dh PLAC ond Nes Critnn oe mit pee ents ee eee
Bor Culture provilic@s:2-se-so. 2 22C2 52.2 ee re re ea
Boh Prehistory cca 008 scr a te ea a ee
Appendix: Pronunciation of Natiye words. —— 2-2 2S ee
Bipliograpny 222255 21 hos 2 SSeS a ee eee
Classification of titles by: subjeetsa2ese>s sree eee oe oe eee ee
Classified subject index. =>. 252s eee ee ee eee ee
APBTIGT EH) ANCOR se en eh ag le
1. Principal dances and ceremonies of the Kuksu system of the cen-
tral “tribesu ss 2 et ee ee ee ee
. Principal spirit impersonations in the Kuksu system of the cen-
tral tribes22. BEG Sen eee See
. Maidu spirit impersonations
4. Sequence of Maidu dances and ceremonies___—_-_____________-_____
ow Northern Maidusealendars 2224 52 ee a ee
. California shell bead money measures
: Sens of es in southern California
11, Indian population of California, 1770. and: 1910s _ure = Sie t7 ieee
12. Source of some California place names of Indian origin_-___-_.._____
18. Coast cultures of northern California, Oregon, and Washington
14. Percentage composition of California shell mounds_____-~__________*
15. Molluskan proportions (by weight) in shell mounds________________
16. Percentages of total artifacts constituted by certain implements
according -to depth jin shell monnds-04. 0 2 = eee eee
17%. Percentages of classes of artifacts according to locality of shell
mounds |
bh) bo bo eee ee a ee ee ee
. Yurok house fronts and interior
. Karok house; Yurok sweat house interior
. Yurok town and graves; Hupa measuring money__
. Karok sacred houses; Yurok carved door___—__-- de
. Chilula sweat house; Yurok canoe
. Hupa woman leaching acorns; Karok sweat house___-
Ps vom purse. box,-and~poatvornament 22 2 oe else
. Yurok pestle, arrow straightener, knife, grease dish
. Yurok acorn gruel stirrers
. Karok in armor and shooting__-
. Yurok stool, adzes, and mauls____-___-
. Yurok carved spoons of elk antler
Peer eA CATs ee wh ee SABA e
. The Karok center of the world
wAyinobbaskers Dele ae
. Lassik basketry
. North central Californian types: Pomo, Wintun, Modoc, Huchnom__-_
. Map: Yukian divisions f
. Map: Settlements of the ashe and Lake Miwok_
Rey Ue iy es el
. Central and northern California ty nea alma Yana, Rone
. Sierra Nevada types: Miwok, Yokuts, Mono, Washo_______~_
Pee iolt Le apis ae es es
. Cradles__ eS
. Map: The Pond: ane their subdivisions_______ te SES eee
7. Map: Territory and villages of the Maidu and Miwok___~_
. Miwok acorn granary
CBT g CE Oi pF eel) Mle ae Se a
Hupa Deerskin dance; Yurok making boat______
Yurok fishing for salmon in Klamath River_____~ Pease.
Mouth of the Klamath; canoe shooting rapids______-
Fishing at fall of Klamath; altar
Karok fishing from scaffold
Karok deer head decoy
SOG eho 0 a Oe eo ee
weyooden ‘smoking “pipes...2..2... — ook a
. Map: Southern part of the territory of the Wintun__
Eg ha an oe ok Meh In pocket.
. Yurok treasures: ee sass ee BOL ee ee a
beth skeet
bo DO bo
Or Ol
Cradles tent eS ae ea ee ee eer 446
Cord-wrappedvleg remains. 2222-812 Sao eee 508
Heathers dance -skilts.-- eo ee ee ee 508
Wrhutes: 6 2 ohn ee ee ee ee ee 508
Mortar hopper; acorn gruel stirrers; bull roarers_________--------- 508
Miwok mortars in bedrock; Yokuts mortar of oak_-______--2____ 524
Cahuilla house; Yokuts booth for snaring pigeons______-______-____- 524
; Map: The- southern, and? centralsYokulss22 23". 22 526
. Map: Habitat of the: Chumash and Alliklik = 22 2_2 2) 2222 == 526
WEATTOW SLA SO LONG S ae. eee ee ee a 2 5380
MY OKUtSDaSK Obi yuew ee te ee eee eee a rae ete Dt 530
Yokuts: pottery) 225 5 hee ee ee ree 530
~ GOhumash basketry 2.202 22032. 2 ee ee eee 560
. Chumash cap and asphalted water baskets_________-_______---- tee OOO
. Chumash burden and storage baskets; Mohave beadwork____-~-~--- 560
_ Head net; baskets from various ‘tribes 2-2-2 2) ee eee 560
. Mohave house interior; Koso sweat house__--------- Lo) bee eee 590
. Map: Native sites in part of southern California________________ In pocket.
Quill headbands . 22622 Sl 2 ee ee ee eee 590
. Patwin headband; Mohave fish scoop; Chemehuevi Bee M325, 596
. Hupa pounding acorns; Cahuilla granary; Serrano sweat house____— 596
. Dieguefio dancer; Pomo woman parching caterpillars______-__-_____- 664
> -Cahuilla sandal and painted. jaTins S52 es ee ee + ¢ (664
; PHable bag, Buena: Vista “Lake. 25. 2 ee ee eee 728
pivlohave ty peso) 2s a a ee eee sees cht he end ae ee ‘728
> Mohave ty peS2. 2s. 245.522) oe ee ee eee eis
. Metates and grinding slabs —~2- 2. 22 ee eee eee 728
. Mohave farm tools; Pomo rattles; Yurok, Pomo, Modoc paddles__-. 740
» Mohave’ pottery DOWIS_222.__ 2-2 ee ee eee 740
“Mohave cremation —_ 22-22) a ee eee eee 740
. Yurok woman and old *menu2 2 2 ose ee ee eee 740
; Hupa woman-and ment lo a eee eee 808
« Head net and rolled hair; cotton blanketl__—--2 = =) ae 808
, Baskets and caps from various. tribes 420-- = 3 eee S808
» Map: Ritual cults-of California 2229-2 ee 808
SEY URL baskets 2222 eo a ee ee 822
.Miwok. colled-baskets_2—~ 2) 2" he ee eee 822
» Karok using fire drill; Patwin Hesi dancers_ eee 822
Yahi’ shooting and drilling fires 22) ee ee ee ee eee 822
..Hupa -double-ball shinny =~ = "se ee ee eee 848
Se MIW OK CA CHOY ICA DGS nee eee ee eee ee 2.3 ee 848
>; Skull from Buena Vista Lake region. —_ eee See ee 934
. Petroglyphs fromthe Sierra, Nevada 2. 232 525 ee eee 934
. Lhe Painted Rockrofr Carrizo Plains 42-2 eee yee gee eee 938
oe UrOkstowns «and sterritony 2a ee ee 9
. Yurok town of Weitspus and associated settlements__________-______ 12
. Blanket . SS eres eS et apr ans an Se ee 8
EVEL. Ss aa Pen Sp gen Ss Seneereheee So eee ae 648
Weokaweake (reek 3. st oak 143, 151
CLE ATURE eo see oe 484
BGRISe ROOK Style 8 oe ee 220,.221
WIE is A ne ee 232, 270
THES LES Ad Oe aie eng ek ane 130
1S VETTE LE See Se ee oe Ren Speen ae 70
G1). a ee 7, 8, 10, 11, 25, 69, 70, 72, 73, 74, 83
TREVOSE aS ec Re at 895
RB eae a oe a in Se 895
MSSTV OUI Mra hte + Bas an cents 2 a eo SO 129
PRS ns fe Soh Re eo FG or a 100
RSP Gleets te 555 ee soe So oe ee 8,
10, 11, 14, 16, 17, 18, 53, 58, 59, 69, 70, 72, 102, 105
ACOTIALES a2 tes 8 el Sy St eS ee ee 59
ISCTORINGD Ket aoe sis od oe ee, Ste 75
ROBOT VICI cs Be 48 Wy aa At SUC ate 129
ierrit Wali Sapte gi eA 5 ol 2 “479
PRE Ina iak Gates ot Go 8 ea Bare ee ee 478
COT GRU CRS a yee 475, 476, 576, 577, 602, 607
Kern River Shoshoneans__.._........._--- 577, 605
COTTE GILL CES Wate pL hep ap Hoe 2 os Ma a ae 607
ies SP) 2 eee oe Sees A ee as 445
CRS KES a eek danke let eS i ee 10
PA GOEL E cee kee ce eet he Che ae fh yey ie 212
1euatre Seer 2e eae ee ee Oe Seen etal 445
KewG-N0.AGano eo etole eee ed Se ee 445.
KiG Wel timate: oat cote. ae EN PR oe 64
HewetsWLOUN TAIN G3. ee ee ees 57, 74
PE SSESSEAIE] pe terrae el rane a ST, $e RG Bes a ay 480
BC Cte ee ae ers Be a ee St A Se 607
IGG vec CN a eee eee tn ROC MEO, Mitreiean hte 895
CT GIST UCIT 0 oe et ee ed 710
TCH GN UISNES 205 ee ee ee ee eS et, a 480
LECciNe ah ele mes aN wee Dek eee os ae ee 8 165
Reaichili komm ues es aoe eee 165
PT GST ese eae I ag ae nee 286
Gab sake Sie eS Dee we, aie ey ee 4 eee CD 796
Gist oyrading Sesacc peek A ee eae cee 72
KOEI ae aie a nts ee eek Ae 145
GW CalH 3. 8 piney reat DRONES 1p Ae eee ee Oe PED 164
GI UINOAI oe ae 8s ae eek ee 165
CL EW iene eich Ge ere: Pe, ce pec ee 709
alaievoding sexton) 3 0b o bed eee 99
GATS OV ee ene eS nee pe ee 895
Kanshontandings 2... 222-2 sel. see 138
nS DMIChi est beet eee te ee eee eee 552
Im CHT yal ket Sie eee 2 Ale bee 2 oe 129
Rancksvyoldiga ss = een ele tet oe 138
Kanes Riveises soe 475, 476, 478, 480, 483, 484, 585
FSM St OTe eee ee ee len tke eae 483
Kangstons\lounbains = 222 == == eee eee 595
TAN SSvTOMMENAN SOL See we eae ee we Sees 594
Heine vik OmMlUng ae eee le eee 138
LGhilats Se eee ee eee ae | oS yess ed 621, 649
Ramin aneci be ae eee te eee 621
Reranch ok ee Se ee 345
Khatri Onelodd € eerte bi 8 et oar cds SPOS 803
FO OU GOGs shee ee eee ee eee See 231
KG DAV Uae ee ee ee 480
FCA ICS Reet Ene Gi ead ane ee be A oe 394
ME AIO ee pe ee 577, 611-613, 883
Kabaneniitke servanOe fase see ae ee 595
ent ATO TLIC tee ee ee 694
| Roa ac sty eae ee te ee ee Dense Ree Bh eS 5 445
Gil WEIN IS ay ae eee Se oe ee eee Fine
{Sue kes | ays eee ete ee Se Pee See SS eee 72
Keaweshonamegerotiss 22.2.0 =. ot. eee cee es 74
aan athe eee eee Ue coc coe eee 895
KigmatbncakOecceopee leak tae eee 318, 319
lamin ialgakes: 2-2. soe ck et ee 321, 325, 913
Ramah Us Wia te bo ere eee oe eee 318, 319, 324, 325
LET a aR Nag BOR aie Oe Be ie ee ae ul
6, 8, 28, 51, 84, 116, 280, 286, 287, 294, 318, 902
Ralammathr River eee 8 oo eens 99
GlAmMAtHE UL Deze eee Osean ke ee 318
emt Kan Clipe see e se ete eee kd te ee 322
PRGA CS Wil to tee eee ee eee kee tit LE es oe 124, 125
iKkKmeclandeerairies. 2=s2 oe ot ee ee aLilay 7
Knewoleteu™ Wemee ve a pt a ee Je ees 75
KI PH tS eLh years =. eo eas es eee 485
TKS GS ey Cn eae oe eee re 385
NCODLC Ree ae ee et ees ae 230
ICOCH GY ali Sane s se eee eel ee ee eee 481
COCOA etree pet ee ae ee ed Wnt 0, Ee 232
NO GO VAIO ee wea aetna ee See 183
Moh eS SF se 8s Be be th i hed be Oui BEE 394
HOH ORCS 2st = eee eee |e ee eee 593
On pCi same aero See ree Oe a dae 13, 124, 125
ARGON GI ike oe eee eee eee lee oo re 145
KOH OLAw a eee one ra ee eee 70
ICOWtSAWEUSEL. =f tee Oars ee ol eee 75
Kohtse wets ene ee oe eh ee ae er ee 75
Kohuana_-____- 594, 709, 742, 744, 783, 796, 798, 799-802
Kghvotiz=s.. 43. tie sce cat oe 2 484
KO WaAlt=t Ms 2a 2 See ee Be eee eee 648, 710
OH Walton oe fete oe eens Aen es Sty eee we ee 730k
AK Olio eee. ee a ae 232
CONDE 222 Peek on Pou 895
Kokohebaseeu. Fist eh. Pie ee Soe oe ee ee 585
Kokomattce - 230 Se = e582 eee 789
ok witl M228 ae on ee et A aed eee eeu 711
Kolin ne 2 ey er eS oe ee oe ee ee 188
NG eA Sie MN ea A er See Bese! 553, 554
AKOLOKO Sets are = ee ae Bao fe. ee 220, 233
TCOlO-IN1A 2 Bae eo ee ee 394
KIOMACN OL ee a ee ee eee eee a 231
KOMaChO-POMOscer ss toss ee eee eee 231
Kig mp0 sree sis. NEL kre ee 2 Sn eee 342
TCOMG S22 at eine on cee Oe ee ees 648
OTN Tere es ee ee oe A ee 231, 235, 236
FCOMONMEMUG= KU VU K oe ee =e eee 203
COTO GA Sete: Skee oe ta, May |e gs ee 760
FOOT tals See a eae Cee ek ree 2 ee a 443
ACOn Kat Bt es ee i eee hee ee eee 394
KON O-11 Kin Bek Seale a Pes = a tae ce 482
FOONOMINU se Cee a ee ee ee 280, 283-284, 883
IOLOMEN ob aS en = Sere... er ee eee 99
KiOuOLODstses se ae 8, 10, 11, 16, 18, 19, 25, 51, 52, 59, 62
Koshkatinik 2 ) 83 23221 eee a eee 145
ACOSO see de oe a te ee Ree Lael Eee ee ee tn 589
IKIOSTMIGAS Soe ete een ee ea ee ee 485
KOSOE See 3th. i Aue VP SEN eR 577, 586, 589-592, 883
KeOso=Banamintses 24566 8 ees eee eee 595
Kiosolmuno-ntl 222 o_o eee a oe ee 445
DC O-COSL 2) whet MIME Sys SU Sener deep eee 393
FCOCLING a eee fee te os ee Le ae eee 355
KcoOuSNOMOta Te see see ot ee See ee ee 219, 220
FGotoplanase whet ee ee a ee eee era 445
KO UST Sa Pee a so coe re aa A eet 115
Kowichkow1cho -a ene ae ee eae eee ene 481
Keowishal attests oo aden oN ae ak eee 234
ROWOMMU 4s 8ee 22 5 pen ee) a ana ee 482
KG yet Qe oo oO to ee eee 482, 491
AC OVULW O-Kim one 2b See tee te ae ees eee 444
Kitlonech Ka." 9" 2 8 2k. fe a ee 116
Kbahmore: 2630222 2 sock eee eee 233
KiChavigtam See ee ne i oe 618
KGGiChi anda visas vee ae cee = ee 782
Cun a=1e pO. eee ee eee 228, 229, 232, 237, 257
Kuhblanapoits-. oksese eee ae eee 221
Kika. wanse ee. 2 22 wee oe 686
Koulakal .°- 2. ee ee 230
Kulalamae:* 92 co" eas Oe 552
Kulamu: 23.230. a et ee 445
Kulanapan stock.s..2 0.22) eee ee 228
Kqilayapto vice... eee ee eee 394
Kulkumishi!s. 25. 23220. ee eee 394
POOIUUL I 6 eee 445
Kumachisi.. cls 2 aoe ee 479, 482
Kumaidada. 2... 2.005 Aes 116
CUMS WC? 22 gone eda 13, 100
KumbateAte es. 2 oe onee tee 319
Kumshume. | 3 ee eee 163
KUNG. 2c A eee 895
KoUnUSU seen fc oe ee ee 445
Ko pats sas 2 ee ae 689
Kupacha: 2522.22 28 23s ty Oe 618
Fourpacham 22) 2s a 618
Kish wee. Ses es Re oe Se ae 398
Kyshna.. 2 osteo See 394
Kusta. 2022 oo ho eee 286
Kutsastsus....92 20 38 Oh ee 286,
Ku yamuzt< "2. Soe ee 553
Kilyebisio 2s. foo oe 482
Kalyoi. 22. A eee 482
Kuyui-dikas. 2.0 ?s) 2" 2 eee 584
Karyuka-chi x82. 2 eee 445
Kwalams.2222o8 2 ke 3 See 648
Kiwalhwit io sos. es a eee TAL
KwaniSa-Viteo2 2 ete oe eee 636
Kowasttk.2 22... 2 ce a ee 286
Kewich Vana. acto 2 eee oe eee 782
Kowikapace 2o..cce aloo). dee ee 710
Keworatem= 0 ee a ee 100
KwiltS: 22 2 ee ie ee 589
Koyincko8 = ee ee ee 145
Kyintigesoik02. 2) eee ee ee 145
Ky0l..t232 4 ee eee 150
Kyuwitleding..2....2..42 22 eee LAR ae
Wa, agune. 2 Oe os ee 710, 711
Woe IMGeS6. 2). oho ee 694, 706
Wa, POSta.32 2. sao se oo oce ee 710, 711, 719
a Presa: 22.2822 3 ete eee 621
a. Purisima Concep clone. 22.2.4 551
Lch0.22 te atest eee eee 49]
Dachupds 2823-0. e octal eee 232,
Maguna de Santa R0sa:2-. 2 {se ee 233
Baguna de. Tache:_-...--- = ee 483, 484
WMaikiut fo 2 2 kee 612
Traka?amul 24-2 oe6i.c -2ebesete eee 554
Wake Miwokie*. cee eee ot eee 272-273, 883
Vako Taboes su. okcactick cou .ctt Se 391
bakeportwce 5-22 cae eee eee 2315232
DLakisam nits) toate ee ee 485
Lali oa et 212
Lapaliagocc ttt du. ik A eee 552
Larrabee, Creek... 2 cen eee 123, 143, 145
Das ;Pulgas 2)... eee 636
Tasseck == .o.stote J eee 896
assik. tz. ucaee Bee tee ee 143-144, 883
Lassik. Peak. -22/-.-h. tet ee 143
Wate sce on 232
Datelatefpw.1.u = Awe eee 491
awilvani <2 ook a he ee 694
Tawrence ‘Creek. 2: 4 20 22 2 ee 113
Baytonvilles + +..e cues eee eee 155, 212
hegetkuweceieccectGte cw ete eee 115
BMPR CIRO ther thro OL 2 oe 233
APOE ea Oe Gs 5 «renee ie > A SP 445
MRC Lo hore 9 eal Se e's an EE A 444
POCURT EL tee rr 5 er We cee BOA re PR 164
(fl ol hte), yn ele a a a a 394
AEA ey ee ee ee eae As Oe 75
Were eee Sb tec es nw 232, 547
RING yi de Ree Os re Doe
Dye U1: T0) Wt Lees ee ca a 231
EATS TO VSN er fe 480
err Omeee wee 8 ek Re os Fe et Ce 484
RS UOTige Rem ee es SES ee oF EY ois 115
LEO oe ee ee ee en ee ae 555
| biG Uj Gye" SS ted apt i pe a el 394
CLEOEUG TT eek aes bot Fs Or A Dooy ale
METAUST CITT yl eben lee ow Se en NE 157
| io NUS E) Se a A ee oe 217, 219, 220, 221, 222
AUT DBC Ue atte See art se tc 554
OY ee Meee we ee See ie DIZ
MELO) ee bee nr re Te ee nn gt 203
TLS OATES Ieee ee ee ele ee Ran ss a 212
WSs TG Irie i ee Se Oe 161, 166, 167
Lvl SasNcow alas 10 = 2 aoe eee Se eee Ee ee ee 165
JLslicayel cell Wed Os ve) cp eer a One ee ee eee ee Al 586
HORT eer ee ec WN OE 554, 555
HoUIA UIT Pen Nii ile a von ee en oe ee 554
EIDE] SAV eee ie a te 28S rd ie et 479
EVI Sm VOI OVie wiee mone as ends ee 479
ABV OpIA TTL yaa ee ee NE oe 553, 554
MISHA CHOW oe 2h cee Soccer se astec oe 229
MISTI y skeen eek ole c= th nh ee os cla SIR 444
NEipulee bs ULeOT Oreck ts 42 6 2a 4 een n se S28 286
mbt los@ow OTe Kk sSo8 2 eles saci soe ts 339
NET OM ivr @TCOK 1eo 4 2.3 nee re oo 481
Lith Neal We Wie ay Ss gine eh, Sane eae Slee een aa 230
NMipUOMEVIV Ole sees thee). os eS oe ot 14, 116, 230
Auber Stoll Yy ©1eCCK 2s sec. 22082255222. = 229, 355, 356
SEW ell =U meee es ee A en PT LN 356
OI UT eames wi satertd am oss nh = 555
LOGE Sg oe oe ae el te 478
HAO COA OM ween ae a STIS Se to oo Le 896
GO COMOII Aas eee teas -w 88 thane ee eke 896
OPT Ob lseaee 24 (Bay eo bebo kee dees des lee 1245125
HOO ReTroli ees ae EPS = eae one eddie tee 219
Lolonko. See Sinkyone.
IUGHEGIN a 8 St oie le ee ee oa 356
RAD CE metastases eS 896
BOL ED CAC Iam See mets cee ae es 621
Ones Valleys ssceS2a5802 stele a 212, 270, 356, 357
Wong Walleya@reek<-+ 922-8: Sec. 2 ee 391, 570
RO LOD () sere ne ees b> Se ea Bees Soe * Bg 14
EO OLCZ OMeen ry cde te Sei he oa EEN eS 57
ARSE AN OTTITD OG ae See eS Pl Pa O's 637
GSAT Peles COUN bY as4=- 2: a2 es SEs eee 620
I OOVOCOS ere 2 oA nad kk See CO Eee 694
EOSHINIGHOS™ «ee Se Ste £ tae ser SET 638
NOUS Tar eS meee ee wees wat cee eos See ets eS 476
CROCE ene ee ee 2 ee Ls ees ea Nees 896
TLS PSRE ABU igs) 2) hic a sale te lal tee aah ae 305, 318, 319
Lb G]ETC ly 1b 1 Dement ee ae ale et ee ee, eee See vill, 115
Tower mismatn Wakes. covens sss 22eh228 305, 319
eG Were a KOe ss =e oe oy enemas = SEES 224, 226, 232, 272
BRUNI Siee tor eke cet ee tee er see 445
ICU CLIN en ae pine eee ee Seeds ee 554
Plier ee Ee ee ee oe ee 577
SOLE Ty isl eee eee ne ee ee eg 444
cE Capen eA - Sak Mee OR APS seth BL 115
EACUa ee. ee ees Le es ee 319, 334, 335, 886
ISOb IATA SLOGK? eee ee ee ear eee 318, 913
Oris: GATLIVOne es ee tte eee eee 618
ESA OL ome eee ee ee Su ee eee 115, 116
iG CA y ya a eta ES Waa hE oe ee ee 554
NIG O1Oudt Teak ers ee ae ee pth ee ee 352
NCGlovd Rivera oe. ss 280, 282, 284, 306, 354, 356
NebDonnldCreckaen ee) 2a sare ae 151
MoDewell Greck-29t = te ee ee 232
NUCICCL TLS VV Ce eer eee ne 2S eer ea 358, 363
AV ECHSTULLICK see cee teen eee a ee 478
AVTCIN DS, CTOE Kemeny ene ee eee er 232
Mad River. 61, 112, 113, 115, 116, 118, 141, 143, 145, 352
IVER CIETY EL: Cha) te sae ee meee ee eee dhe
IVES 6 HS ieee eee ee ae ee eee 307
INEScelintes Plains ae. a eee eee ee 306
WETTING ee ee etre AE Saye ee 183, 270
LGN RSL ee op pd eet ee oe hare cpp sarincd us Bited orden 5 552
Manel Chelers ers meee. ere nas eee Rees 232
IWC RIAV CUA eee ee ee eee See e ee Serer 791
NICIGII SEE See eee ek er 391-441, 864, 876, 883, 885
IA UE TIEEW WO OKO) Sparel ge at ee bh a SPO ye et PBB OAT
LNW ei aes, cepa a Gat Ae San, deo ah epee ig are, sire 711
Vin ate eee ene ae ede Soe Een e 356
Wialalachahll See = ae eee Seas bee eee 220
INEGI AV ae oe eet See eee ee Oe ce eer 648
INT ALS Ura Ree eee ee ere te ea ee eee 896
Malibur Canyorss te eee meee ee een ce 551
Nraltpur Cree ae sass on set nares sarees ae ere 621
NES ACOMICS amet ee = eae te. Seen eee ee 896
Iams b1S in) Sees ee eee eee 163
VETS 1] Seen eae eee fl eer ee eee 229
NMatlchalnowns sess aes Se eee 165
NANO Me ee ee eee ee Sees ee She ee we 188
INES DUNO) ee eee ee eee ee nes a Pee Neen 165
NaN Z antares See + OR ee ere ee eA he 710; 711, 725
Maquinanog se: a5 seen oak Se eRe eee bbe
Wiardce -e ae aaa oe he Se pero Ya ees 618
WiarANIOLGO ee eee een ons eee. ee ee eee reel
NiariCOpa Metre eee seen eee 709, 742, 744, 786, 800
INTaTICOPARVV els sane =) seen eee nano o snes 801
VERT ieee eee eRe Re fe eee 896
INarine COUNTY sees coer ek ewes ee eer eee 273
IVEAT ING ae ae eee SN wae Peete ees 616,618
INVALIN EA Voces eee eee ee ee ee eee es 616, 618
NUSTApCsa eOUNt ys 2a. 2=- fs eee batten. 5 - 488
DEariposare stereos Stee sont eee so ones oeeee 488
Wrerkiosee mete peed teas 3 Pe el ee Pe 617
INEATLINGZ eee saaeie eee et eee ee oe Eee 694, 706
Miartines Reservation: .es.62c+<..+2. <5. Ee
IME Ve wllesBiitesa <=) ee eae ee peer ee 439, 472
Mish chinlemers} 2c Ae 5 Se eae 554
VERS tUa Ul ener a ee ce = aoe 480
WMissonse Dre J ALOGN Se eee ee VIL
INDRS Garin Ome eet ee ® oe ee 754, 791
IM GGL s Ca en ee ee eee ee ee 230
Vac ALLW A UclS eens eos oe ae (an!
IEG ey Ul ene Cee lane nto eae rs 719, 896
Wa tain outa ee eon = eran noe Scone een 166
TG RTE TA 0 ee ees peya ee A te | a pe ae Pa 711
ae Vi ly ee eee eee ne ee eee ee 754, 789
Vea pill shiatee =o4s 2 eee ee ee ee eee 547
Wratilisawe ees = ce ee Se eee SL ee eee 899
QISci On Gee Le oeee Le eo eel ees 129
VI One ee ee er ee ee 230, 238
IVES tbOs eee eee Stee see eames SE Lee ee 142
Vit LOG moaeee tees ee ee 142-143, 883, 896
INEATTOIOMR EW Clee dere eae ee see 116, 123, 142, 145
SME DR BT cae >. eee ee Oe ee he pane REISS fA 707
LCG gh EN AYER GR: re 5 .cUOROe 0 te SERRE tle pany Seah aN SH 618
AVIRX Cee ee hte Ee ee ee ee ee Sag 554
SADE Ral Coie TNS REN ta CAN i ie Pa at OE FSi a ae 218
IVE GRY CVG) See te = ne Aeon Cee a = rage once 515
IN gone ne is ce eS ele tal errs oe eet 444
OVE Giada ee Rie ae Ee ee eae ee 231
Mia yioltades ses aor eee eee, ant a oe een othe 789
VEGCCHic ae an eee tes ee a eee eR ae 706
Miedtlding sis 5 ee see ere ek are ee 129, 131
SIGE WOMOLS... Att ae ea ee ae 73, 74, 134
MMelhorietkem, 22. £5 lobe hose e ad ee 212
AMelitheriten sce ater ee ee ee 125
IM eMMpPONNa 224 Sees een eee ee Fee 345
Mendocino Countys.c ce patel ee ee 144
Mendocino Reservations. --eseesteseeeee a= 221237
EVLeTCeGUR LV er eae ene eee ee 442, 476, 485
Wher Ki wigs 5 ee ses cee te 270
Metipcls Stecy mies tte to 10, 11, 59, 69, 70, 71
INTEL OY Biase ene Ce ee Note, sae Re eee 75
IVESEDOPMOr ULE sea sera eet Ok eee eye ee 129
IMiGVactnodiem Din (Os Je ynre Phe ee bee ok oe 880, 885, 891
Mesa Grande._-.------- ABST TS See 709, 710,719
IVT GI TT See oes ie es oe ere 129
Whestet esters fee = ae ee ee 124
iota re Ae eee ee 11, 16, 18, 25, 51
IV Gt erie =. 50 st ose Se es see Pe a 234
IVEGL OUI O aenee ek cok eee epee ee See ee ee 125
IVE Gti We one et acho Ss AC eae ae eee 711
INGCUICUL YK oa eee ae) Dee ee 93 ee eine eee 212> tee cee a= a eee 212
INF GESKIW.O Same Seater ee See eee oe 10, 14, 113
Wetted 2.2 2 eee ee es 896
Wichalaiase =22e ees ee 2 eee oe ee 480, 585
Miho els 40 4 a8 kee ee ee ee ee 219, 220
INTIGHI CanwB ar sae=tes see Ae Re ee eee 443
Mich Opd 022 se 2e8ee Bele Soe ese ee een eee 394
VII C OIE s Oar dened eS 2 hs eee 5ao
Middle Oreeks 252. 2 8 Sai eee ae ee 231
Middle: Fork of the Gualala.._-2...2:--.22 233, 234
IWFid dletownat 222255. 32 eee es 219, 273
IVEICGtSI is sae herpes oes a = ee 483
MTNEhot-eme uses ss Sy Se eee Dk2.
IVT SIRO «1 creak na aul woes 194, 196, 197, 199
Mill Creek o2_8 230, 339, 341, 342, 345, 475, 480, 585
NGI Creeks Indians: s-62ss-5 ae eee 342
Millerton. 2s esses vss ee wah Soe eee as 481, 484
Wd vill@22 sees Woe ot ee eee Se ee ae 339
TIVELY a eh ot ie he oe al ee a le 394
NMingkekyoding ss=ss>se=seeesaeees see aenee ae 11
Mingkutwme iss dened a 2 . 3oat ere ee eer 442-461, 864, 876, 883, 885.
See Coast Miwok.
Miwok bake. 22000: 6s 2 es 272
Moal-kai-pomo. 2... 2 3A oe 231
MOG OC 371-58. . e ee 318-335, 864, 876, 883, 896
Mohavetin.2:2-232 5.30. Se 594,
595, 612, 709, 726-780, 781-782, 786, 794-795
796, 865, 877, 883, 896.
Mohave: Deserta. 2255.2 feo aoe 594, 611
Mohave Desert Serrano. 2-2-2 ee 602
IM Ona We. RIV CLs 22 eee a re ae eee 602, 614, 618
Mohave Valleys Seto e2e ee eee 726, 801, 802
Mohivyanin os coe eee 614, 618
Mokelumne 222225 tle ee eee 476, 896
Mokelumne’ Rivers 2s. 22. 22 a eee 442
Mokel\(-umni) +o-2 ss eee 445
Mokelumni 2222-2 - <2 5 2 ee eee 444
MokKos-umnice A oe et ee eee 445
Mokosumni = see ee eee 444
Mokwats.. 2.3. (S22 eee 595
Mokwonmals 2007 2 aes eee 648
Motkusic oS a2 os a eae ee 164
Mola... 4 eos ee eee eee 394
Molonen= 2% Se eee 481
Monache.. 2. i229 5. 22 eee 896
Monachi. = =<). ae 25. lee eee 581, 582, 584, 585
Woona-SUe - oe one soo 282 ee a ee 445
Men Osseo =a 444, 577, 581, 582, 584-589, 877, 883, 896
Mono; . Western. 22 =.) Ses ee 580
IMiono=Bannocke fe ests. 577, 581, 584
Mono -Countyic. = Ss2 2. ee 586
IMOnOquakOw 9) 5 et se ee 586
Monterey Seek ee 4638, 470, 546
Montgomery: Créck 5... ee eee 339
Mooney; J ames 2 382e8- sa ee ee 884, 885
Midoreke 222.2 fe ie ee eee 896
Mooretown «221 seine oo. ae Soe oe 398
Moqudlumnan:. 444
Mloristull £240 Sk Se eee 896
INE OTOL 0 222 Le ee a 616, 896
M OtWiss -< 2 ee 203
Mio’ t-huyupee a Oe ea eee 164
Mot-kiyuk esis. se ee a | 2
Mount: Diablo... 2 ee 472
Mount! DiablogRancve2. 2.22. = 22... eee 462, 476
Mount: Massen fs Ao ee 338
Meunt (Pitti es-0 05. boas e es 285 -
Mount San Amtonios 222s. aoe. ee ee 621 |
MountiSan. Gorgonioe. se. 5s e ee 615
Mount:San-lacintos.f0 2s ee ae 616, 711
Mount Shastageee. 26. -rsee = eee ees 72, 284, 306, 318 —
Mount) Teettyacs 220. 2 ee eee 552
Mountew hitney 12222 228 ee 607
Mountain Branehia te. seis t ner eee 345
IMountainkG abuilla Sa se eee 577, 694, 703 —
Movaatsiee:. oi Se eee 595
Mioyides . <. ... ueet ts a ee 164
MOVOHU 2s 20. diene 484
Mtom-kai-pom0.. 22.242. 26 2c07- soae eee 230
Miia 2) See De ee ee 896
Miupitsuegh! ces si tie.) Sa ee 553, 896
Mihiatnim 325.22 2. 4s 618
MME ATs te eet eC de Cathe eee, Se 614
Min RAMA WOIAdINg 2s. fs... oe ees 11 ae
pemkurdanehiwa. 29.0 ce eee 345
RATS RL 20 os oe ao tae CA ee eo 618
CP ELER ETUC E12 6): ep ee ae Comes Se Se 394
SATULER eb sara ae ey a ia ee Ce a 202
TOTS SS Ee A Retell Sens 203
[A CCEESE ACERS ik a ON oon Se en eee 345
Uaioe o's aed OF, ne ooo: 61
or aL” ae oS se Ae te 554
A Te ee See ees 203
IINER GIN Ota Se pat ob Gy Ah 8) ie eS 445
POINTE Wie Pets ee se 10, 11, 16, 18, 25, 45, 59, 68
OU SS ee a a ne eee eae! ty
ROS OCIRIME gee a bie to SSL is a 896
ES ES 1 ee oo Peewee ere 896
aT ete TEt (0G) ee RN oe eR ge el es oe 212
RV tin Aner trene 1 be es oe Sk ee bead 483
aati Me pee el es ee Cee 218
DVITTESTIT Meee ene ot oe eae, Sot 444, 463
POETICS Tee ees oe es oe ka 2 Ae 466
TRC eee eet a. 2 es a 129
Tiny | ae ates ee a ar lee eee ee es 596
Wiisaral . 5S aE 11
SES = 2 Ee ee ere aree eS 75
GND OS) MRE Fa ee > Oa ee eee 230
SEG Chote, = a ee a Seep eee pees Dre SE 553
MBcimibniOsivelre.e-—. oo 2 29s 5e. 2 eae 547
DSEECELERVG: CVO | SS arene es eee te ele rm ree 150, 155, 182
Ot: SLs Sa ee a eee me ee 8
SRL OU Ree ee en ey eee eee 7s
Te ae Se re ey ee 617
A 22: i a ne aE eS fa 896
Digiensaal oye oe A ee ee eee 398
OES a ee a a a an eee aes 393
ye a ee er oa 621
Parmael Obras eee ed Se JL Es le 612
ne ORIN Sg 2 ou bd eS 356, 896
EINE a Se ob ane was eae ee 221
AES Se ener 218, 353
ERO ie batho gee oo feos haces 933
thn. Se ee a ee 145
Sie uel Pon i eee eee ee eee Se 230
Miser tice nek 2 ea Se lS 394, 896
BCA OME VOLE eit See Seer Mesa ee 231, 2a2
IIGECIDU OO Kate es ne te Sea ae 145, 212
RSet Gi EV O-ICALy Oe tet coo «ate eee ee 151
tats | eee Pee ne es ua Ars Bee ee
Ta \ sa nehelanYel (2) 00 eee ey ne eee eee ee 212
RR Or Sits Nor as ope Seen nee —-ahate Vu
eri wert ee 2 GA ee et ee 545
PMeryitmuorm =. o2--.--- <= --s24-++----naree 10
NatiniOlse we od wh co. et one i ee 711
TSR RO ed gale eo = 110, 280, 282, 709, 724
rawe hive pastas: =a. ee ee 109, 280, 282
Newey Or VL OUntallS.---25-—-seesn---=+n = 760
Newberry Mountain ------------------------ HAs
Pete ee ee Oe et mee 445
Pale OA Rina, al. Oe ee Lr eee oe 602
IS e ey | Se eee ae es ree ease 554
Lb a er rote 554
ONE EN pg ect ce Sn ee eR cee a 8 ee 125
Sp heii), Oe eee. See a eee 554
Nilchwingakading---_--.--------------------- 99
Pimninlge 22 vee CRS 2 ee See 554
init heabh 70} 6124 Oe ene Res Se ORCI ape EGE, SSUES | 3 554
iit Olmert ke ee ae tlhe. 2 ee 554
Pana ly", 4 a ee ale eee ae ee ee PRET « < 394
BUMS TIO Wee ee ee SD) Se A ke 896
Paar ii ee el ok eS 17
BAPTIST CIN Pr ee 6 ok ee eee oe 11
NATTY es ane chee, Soe on ee ba 554
Siva Uh Wyeth NTA CY or ee el 11
INDO IG = Se area 8 2S ot) a tole, 896
INGUIN DOSE Se oye tg pt ee 554
USCA TGR 0 40 Ge See Re Oee ee e 392
USACE © ORI Set he Ok Ae ete, pl 554
INAUDLE Eee et ee rhc ney ee SS) SS ee 135
TS Ye aa eh bane oe ee ee Sates See agent cee © 231
NRG) clGhet. 2c, h. et aN ee a ee We 584
INI OGUUTI ACT Bem ok let hd > oe 445
INGCOSM eats 3 b>. Be as Oe ee Seas 553
THOLOS CE = acuk, SO Ree ps a Se ee ere Pee, Shee. 75
IN ONES KAT i= eee ee SE he el ee 16, 18, 25, 71
INGE UIs aber se Oe ere Se eS 11
ISSO] O Pitre eerie Se ee eh es 896
EST OLO CLIN ies pete ee Ci en ae ee Rae 138
IN OTT OMe Sa ee en be DE oe ee 445
INOUE CUT eet oe ee ee Re oh ee 896
SCO TH) RCI se tuna OR eet a) nh es 356
ONT OT Va eee eens aoe cd ig eat eae 356, 359
INFO na ae ee ee ee he ee Pade ee ee 164
IN DANA DOebL eon 36 pone bua ae Seen 229
Rionspotie ss wedkas hk os pease means 232
Nongat! iS ies co ee ste 143, 883
INGnhoOnOUL wae Seek 2. 52. ae ee eS oe 203
IN Onlaenn Oss ee Oe = Bee 165
IGT es oe ti aoe sale eae en Fae Re 896
INGO UG ee ses eee cee Ue Sa tees 485, 491
INGOT POSH aa tee ne ee eee 356
INCOTGLITIO Katte ees Se ee are a 356
INIGETINO Ki, See A oe re ee eS ee ee 356
NiGronpeks ase oe ean eG See Gee 124, 125
Norther ofc of lel Rivers eo. 2 ees eae 148, 151
North Fork of Kaweah River--:------------ 586
Nortietork of san. JOaqduin= 22-2 2-424 s022= 585
Northern ealtbe=sscsee- case 570, 571, 577, 583, 883
INFO SH WIeSE OGAL OC Kee ee eee eae 124
i hoy 5) 6 Moka AO. Set eae ee de ew ee eg 232
INSURE ook ee ON ES eee soe aoe = 491
INO SOREHIN Gs Cae eee re eee =e ke eee oe 445
INT Oa 6G Oe eee ee eR Ee seer 273
INO WCities Se te ee ee oon EU eck ee 445
TSO 0 icy cae ee Sea Sees - ce 2 ===> 213, 896
NoyouRi Wie: 22 s- sbae see ~22-5-<2----5 212, 224, 230
IN 0-V Ube eet eee ok 2 2 3 Se oe e- 22-5558 356
gla 0 ts, a ee sere neni 356
ue CHOI aoe ee eee ee oe eee ee a ee 212
ICH KON eee cee ee ae ee eee 166
INIT tr@ Koesnen ee 2 ane Anes Se Le ae eee ee 356
NTU eee ee ee ees 397
Nth ile = ee ees ee ee oe 554
PULTE ETO Kae ees ee Bee ee ee 356
Nupatsu. ...-=2+4..------+4--------+-------- 100
Nupchenche--.-...--------------------------- 491
Nupchinche- _---.--------------------------- 485
Nushalt-hagak-ni-__.---.--------------------- 319
PNT Eerste eee ee we ee RE ee SE eee 479
Daatta ae tee eee taka tte es - 584
INGER ener ae eee ber EES Sete aes 483, 491
IN UUW CAIN C See ee oe hs a ee ee 485
TIN Ui V-2:1 Gales eee ore eee AC Re ke 596, 600
OS KR ID cities ert ch l. e e t S 339
CO CHEN aK Ae caidas cesaie a een ae Fee 445
©chehaniniss 4: Sas. See ee ae 444
OOCDe|aM NGS a ten: Gare en eee 445
Ochohoisx Band tea ee ae ee ee 584
OCHO POU ae oe tee eee ee es ee A 481
O Tal Ue ae Ce ee De 2 ee Sa 138
Ohpa Pewee OF sete a Ps re 138
OVA OINS*KO yO. -e wees eee Sy. in ee he ee 393
OlGree kw Beck fed Oe cee pe et carte LAS aG
Ojai ek 2 OR ee eS 896
EAS ew a Reet ee eee ey ee 73
ORE CORR ee htt BL, the in ek oe ed 70, 73
Oketo So teks ee red ge 10, 11, 52, 61
Oketurs te ee ee ae oe 99
ORNUtL. oe ee gi ee cee be le Ree 70, 115, 129
Ob Ometa a ees. . See Sees Pikes Se eee 212.
OROn ite Te UO ss oat eee fe Sec ee 100.
Ok pas! A Set aes tee! ee 394
Sitltsitako-esss2iiS sos eee 145
Siuhturlaivs rs srs Se eee 553
SIUC S see Son ees Sens eee 553
Sivel 4 SS ee Do ee ee ee 694
Sivvinitars! <5 Sr oe ae 593
Siwashve! 2 eS eee 308
Siwim-pakan 22 as eee 394
SIx- Dit MOndes $2 <2 eee ee 345
Skonon. 2222202222 eee 552
Sktikoum asf. a ee ee eee 897
Sla-kalyal. S22 a eee dkagh
Slate Creek 222 i ees eaee eeee 356
SMG RLV OTess cae ee eee 52, 123, 124) 12527
Smithsonian Institution 2 222---- 22 --s eee 1b
Smoké Creekc: 22s 3 eee 584
Snatyakneeee 5 oe ee ee eee 719
Snow Canyon 22). eee 618
So’=bida=mest at ee 2 eee 229
Sokeakelt: 20 ose ee en 129
DOKOW RUE i wee 232:
Sokut Nten yi 22 ee ee 694
SOLED itt Se ye oe ee ee SOs 394
SoldiemB asin. | eee ee 143.
Soledad hte) Se ee ee 463.
SOMMISss< Woo: to cac ce pe een ee 897
SOn4 se. ote ot note 164
SONG As Seeee on eee gee 621
SONnG-00 ice teen cae cee ee eee 356
Sonkash: + sos os See ee eee 164
Sonlasino’ms. 2 asi ee ene eee 165
SONOMA owe ee wenscinm ante ee eee ae 897
Bbc Co OUTY Snide oo oe 144
Pen leks 218
OSL re a. eS 237, 274, 353
RT nt ey i he Cog 445
AS SE Eg eee ee aR PT he 445
0 TT ERG RES Oe a ee eee eT 445
1G ERs DEORE eet Sees ae OREE ee LT 553
en Fr ee ek it! ay > Lae 897
SS oS Shoes Aad ut ash 589
0 ea a ae ee ae 233
SS ee ce ee ee oe eS, 233, 897
ee SS nd 445
LS TSE 6 bc) a a ee ee 202, 203
eouen Mork.of Wel River... ee 154
South Fork of Trinity River__________ 144, 352, 354
SMT SINTOG ss et ceded 593
A EN Se a re ee eee ara 720, 723
| Se a eaees oF 120
COAST E STG 2 oS ha rene lar oe 318
Pram reek eo oo dake 233, 284, 339, 352
De SS or eek le cn 480
SOL 10, 11, 16, 18, 33, 51, 59, 71
Ls. a as eee So 10
ete RT A od eee ee ML 62
OL SG a 442, 476, 570
Sep mee AIS ee eu ERO 443
Brevens Piolow 26. cs cee ceen ncn ee a aes 345
OTST EC re 286
OO eT bn a oe es 234
“a OF 7a 0 SS Se ne 356
RTM 5 Fn sting GLEE rede 486
pO NSPE. eo co eee wecenn 10, 52, 116
Stony Creek___.___.__- (166, 167, 224, 232, 236, 352, 369
pC SSG. Se ae ee ay 232
per meen No tk eck we SS 10
i 3 Cee oe, 2 ee oe roe ee 621
NICER Ee es ee a, 621
NAL ME eh oa ba i ae Re PY 711
TS) a: 445
Op 2 eet 3 sa ee 897
LS on yo Rae 11
RMR er i ee teeth ® 129
WS SS A ed ei ae 356
Soro is I > i eee | 897
EO oa rr 353, 463
Me Oe is, Be ch Sas Fe ps te ey yee os 188, 189
MRE IM IT ER Seite 2 et ee 445
Se CE es eg er ra 165, 166
C8 OIG Fe OE Se ee 444
RESEDA e dere fet bows eye. P| 482
Pani AAnG Mo Jeeta) eee 161
rere RCA Sec Sees eee tery tN 483
DORR AE ten l Su eee ye 445
Pert aK ye Sohn wae = es Set 270
merpnurbank- Islands: .22i 2.22800 )2-0 232
meapiiv Grek. 2st o22--.cshsc.c. co. 218, 219, 233, 237
OLS Se ee 286
URE PEEE Se fete sy ete oc le he 74
MTN RGRO 2 osc Vee ee 484
ee rc i 483
anne errant ise a De 5 de Pee 444
SAELD D2 NG Rn oe Aiea hea ape ee aad 545
arrears ese) <2 ahh OE oe yee sy me 897
ePIOPIMOPN HEY toe oe ee 584
BIISAT, Ct ee ee ee 391
2 ee TE Sad ee me. 316, 392
PUT OR Te es lt 391
2 a ae ae ee we. Meee eee. Pi 897
peetiebany J)> 6 gh ee SP ee 212
PRR os Uk ek a ae 553
aR nt a 445
A ee Og oe Ne ET ek ea 554
oS 81 a ae ee i NM BC nT 484
Sycamore Creek__.____ ee te ae 585
Stata Kwa ee nS et 115
Dh. eee ba ee ee ee aL
Co 8] a nace. o 115
(iON Cui a7 hc eh a er rs | 481
AUS etcerc: ey ie a al ee 897
mon aa 2 tense os 2k oe Te 99
SOC RE oie ie, ee ae es 484, 897
Dieter 475, 476, 483, 484, 492
ead Hige eee se Ts eee 484
SPC Net) Sen 25d ea! ee Oe 394
eee Ota £210 ao ee ee A se ee 125
oS: Ce Ee yc oe oe a ee ay eee Fe 478
ANG SU GOW Sere s<< ja) | ate sod Oe nn Moree OE UR 124
TOs Pe iid a es bs do Seas 897
EUS See ee a ST eM GAP gr, 897
ALC Ac, eh ne Fort 617
Mahtininm ne eee 928 tos ae el 491
oe en ee eee ng a) eee ee 648
INT: ko ee Ame Ree, ese mate 8! 394
TET Teg 0 Ep POP ee ON ee ie One Oe 897
Taikomol._ 150, 155, 182, 184, 186, 204, 206, 207, 216, 270
SN) t: 5h Bey eens ee NEC - Set 394
dT EE? a a ee re ee ee. a. we 394
Pereloweltl le Acoust. ules 2. Soe 116
TEESCLING: Soe G6 ae ee. eres oe 897
MIRON 22 hc cose oe el a ee ok 445
Takimitlding_______ 50, 102, 126, 129, 131, 132, 134, 135
ANON A Os ES Ee SOT ES re Ake” 552
la ae See a es eee 394
POWER, see Sn oe ee eS 129
RASA RO Wt 2 os Sie ee ae 129
REGIS eee ole et on ae 117
Mari noses Fe oc ah ees 274
PI OIGS Ae ara oa | Rt ee 897
ANN GhE eee ee i cee See a Prey aes 463
PTD A ATG oe a 185
ATUL VOT 0 8s tS se eel 617
SET as iene ee a ee 444
Manataptiaverawak Wes os ico. ce-cce nese ee 117%
fA UTASNL AR LY rn ee a tae 480
AWE Shoe ce Se Ry ee arm Oe ee ae ee? 145
Abeer aioe Mee ae eee mote cea ee 394
AN Ay elas ey PS ee ee eee alee 161, 165, 166
pO ST CL a pe oe Oe rT ere er 145
{VS NE Se ie er SE ee ee ee ee oe 711
glo Certs: C2, De ewe eee ean oe eee a vee 648
gE RS GTO) 25 a ae ee a ee ne eee 129
PRCT 2 OWS BeOS AT adc yee eee 897
Py BUSS So ots ee ee hg ir Comoe 552
ARCO TR ELIOT geek Cen Oe meee 552
JOLT CUS ROU conan) (D5 ee eine aie? 129
BEE ae ee Se oer ae pee es 393, 398
gf WET are SPN SS Se ee nee ae ee 345
SWAT TOET CL JA Ra NOY Re ae Se ore aA 99
1g ae Es Re ee ee ny ee ae 124, 125
TPAUALN, Sc see Se eter wee sae ee as Sea ee 125
PAUGIN 238 py oes No eR ee aerate oe 232, 235
Mia tesadingwees. she okt Soe ae oe 2S ees ll
Watini oe Saks reas 2 Sassen a obese SR 124
Tatintin ys som ses ee ee aa a 125
Matishozkaya koeseo cea hee ee coe ae ee 151
pp at la to) ee ea ee ae 124
AGU Beck oe ee ee ee oe ee eee ee 897
SPOR Y wks coecdigeecen Cee ac ae aca nee + eee 145
WAU CUIMNeS . ee eee a eee ee 445
ANN bhyig Cab oe arial Sp mail SMR MRI FOE Le 8 a 719
SRA VOSK ANE C522. WEA led alt cee nae 759
ADA WalSak tio soe 2 Sk eee a ses Seen a ee 355
Maywalimni2 Ani leteeete: . oo as 485
IDA VALAIS coco ele ere ieee eee eee 596
Pa vaninerel ice coo e de ee ee 356
(Da VIO SWING 0 ia Sneece eke cere eee eee ee 398
EP CHOKO VET ee sien Sen eee te eae eee 274
FRENOLO VON es ee eae at dae 486
Mechahot? 24.0 cesta sacle ee ee eee 710
WeCUY3..3.< cesta ee ee 897
Merwe elee eek h aout eet eee 115, 116
Sehachaple. 2. ee ae ee Se ree 602, 897
Tehachapi Moeuntalnseceas.- eee == eee 601, 611
Menachsa Piseassia-e—-e ee eee eeeee 475, 574, 602
WéehachaplPeak.- 22242. eee ae ee 612
Mehamia se ce Sa eer errr et 897
(Tehama County leenseesoae eee eee 353
Teh pites. 3. sot eoc ek dee eee 897
TREJON sowohl ge behets ie eens oe 518, 602
Wejonu@reekt sot 22 Seeds es ee EE 611, 612
MejonmuGdignss.. ee aes Lee eee eee 612
the] ON -PAaSSiec- cetera cone ee ee _ 612
EPejon s¢Ranchoces seal’ sacs aes ee eee 612
Tejon Jveservation 2...) 20a. ane 612
(Rejonehos. cece ek: aeeee ee ee aera ae eens 482
Pejungase. aise Pele oT ea EN eee on ee 897
Tekenan-tSo0-N0ma ---<--_ ee se eee ee 219
WOkta 22. enews Seen eee ee eee 10
Telam. 2 ede tetestes ce eee Cee ee ee 482
Moelame. 2... sete sae ee eee ee 491
"RelamM cet ene Pee eee ae Le eee 482, 491
Mela-ng-k’ Wm = ae ee eee ee eee 398
“MOlOSC-NOs2 2. he Shee ee eee ee ee 445
eCelommni 23 ees ee ee ee ae 482
Pella... ete eee eee Se ee ees 445
‘Pemalwahish-rcckt Lee eek eee eee eee 694
Temecula ae ee ee ee ee 897
SRE Nee. sae te: eee ae eee eee Se 801
“Keni Mile: River: 28 s2s22: = Se ees eee 212, 213
SPONGY s08 wae olor PE ree ene ee ee er 897
“PENNA See fee ea eee 552
SEG DUSC UG Geren ee se eee eee eee eee 897
‘POGUE DISS 2 eet Se renee Sr ee nee ee ee 897
'Terwertce 22 oa eee ee aes ihe a PEE eee 10, 73
DerwerrCAm pase 2 2 oe eae we om ee tees Barnes ae 11
SP OS Wy acer oe en ee ree eS aetna re 137
‘Tea h poste See Fe ae ae ers aa eee 115
FR EWADLESIN AS tein & ke (eee se ence rene Cees 145
"Beall Gs Meee = es Ae abi aie ys Sinee Sa hae eee 308, 319
Herma ltess = tears Ley oe Pon eet Site ee 706
‘Thomas @reckGeenes are tr sate ae eee oe 166, 176, 356
‘Thompson Grecks-0n sears tee tee eee 100
ThreeiGabinse wens sereese see io) one ee 117
‘Phun ers Mae Sewer crh es Meee Se Se aa 207, 216
ELLE Skok a. SUSE Ie Eee eae 100
Pientienc.we soo eee 356
Timbalakees:_22 02.2. ee edo oes 274
Timber, COVO-s2 2. oe od eee ee 234
Timpashauwagotsits -- 200220 See 595
ASDACUBIC.~ 22. ptc.8 cee CLL Ree ee ae 897
TINCT SN 5b Soe he Pe ee eee 897
(Pinkinin 2": 7232. ese ee eee 482
Timi liv eee ee eS ee ee 482
Tinyam-kwacha-kwacha-.--.-.__..-_-..5--= 5 801
Pipotoy assess so ea ee 445
(Pishechii 8 t t OSe kiec ue eae ee 475, 480
Tishechtiehi. {24 2 2. J Aas 475
Tishlinik. 2. ous ce ee ee 552
Tishrawa_22_.-2. Lt ee ee 100
Tishtangatan’-): 22asds 2 ee eee 129, 897
Wissaack {.. 6 ek es oe 897
Miwa) soso ee ee 164, 234
lelding...-. <>. Se ae es ee 130, 131
Memelewetl. 2.222._._.3 4 2 eee 8, 10
Tlemalding: 242.3 eo il
APlitsusme=: oo 225222. 2 ee eee 124
Wkelikera® J. A: We Ge. © oe ee 74
Miocheke.- se. eA at 138
Mochime 22222 5 eee 138
TVokamewe sw Lee ee ee 130
Tlokuchitding-.= 3s. 52... i
THIsme se ee de ls de 124
SPMerin. 232. 0 6 ee ee oe 10
Tocaloma,.2.0 2252.55.22 2 oe 897
Tecan os 4.2 owes ee eee 553
Wodannang-kiyahang._ 6 22. 2 se eee 151
Mahohsigss 2 a 2 ee eer
Toholo. se _ CH AOe tet moe 484
Tomnichs..6 ote 2 ee es 480
Pokamal: owt... S30 pee Se ee 648
Mokelomigimit). 29) 255-0 sae eee ee 115
Pokin' ss 546+ + one = Ge ee ee er 552
‘Wokyah-kiyabang:--..2.2- 2), eee 151
Lolakwe i223 cose eck es eee 125
Bolen £ SOR wo Ta ee 356
Tolenas:c =. 32 eee eee 897
TROLOK We cs 2: tea ea | es 124, 125, 126
Tolokwe-wonekwl . ..-<-22e22c<24-)- sea ee 124
"Loloma site, Pie lpi a 582
LOLONV A tee Caen eee ele ee 123-127, 864, 876, 883
Toltichi. 2.8.5) te 2h see ea 481
Tomales#f 2) 205 se 2 a 897
Tomales .Bay2t. 2b 2.22 _ bees o noe ae 273
Tomichae ts.5 2) 2. te os Be 394
Tomki,Greekits. ©. 2. ves ©. fs 2) eee 202, 203
Tondinunding’ 222 26. eee 138
Tonimbutuk > 23-.5:- 32.) 6 ee 394
Tontoz2e veidesou la fsL eee ee 709
TNOOW 9-2-2 ou wtbacs oo es ee eee 897 ios 6... toe eo 897
Topaidi-selese 0.55) ome 5 356
TopamMal, & - 22. ce ee ee 648
Mopanga lo. ew oe ee 897
Topanga Creeku. 22-2 2 eee 621
Topi pabite. 2.9 e2ee oc. eee 615
TPOTT OS, ROSOr WatlOD 2 22 sae) 6: oa 706, 707
Potltsdsding 7. 2. .o eee a oe ee 129
TOGOee! 32 hens sakes eee 394
Toto-Ma. 20.2 6 Se SL ee Chee 394
DOV E22 meee date Dh ee ee e 694
Towinchebas St eS ieee 585
6 bs ES SAS a eS 7S aes” 10, 15, 61
PoE TIONG civabewe eke Ae uff 8, 114, 116
OS ky ae ee re, ele mee Ce 356
Co Le 2 Ee rts]. a a eer a 357
PRG ARE WOE hth hc al 6, 10, 15, 51, 70,
71, 109, 116, 123, 129, 145, 349, 352
EIN a Reed oth Oak Sees Bee 547
pata eerie s Seek ok tual naam nhl 897
ere RU WOES she ce cele conc oct dest lee ne 568
MTOR E ne ci cedem nn Boose Le 10, 14, 116
Pep OA ee Pee ee coe e TS 230
CUTS SSE ee ee a ee ee a 394
PRIMERA Os SPP. cS ot ini ee 394
PROP VRUPAGIM te 2e snes tee 2k 394
PeRID WN Soe Actress s-sc cet eel 230
Pena aieD S os ere Seni ecnth ung 2b 99
EMRE. Sacyes 7d shears awesen bs 2a 356
SS ee ee ee 394
LUSS a toprct EE a a Oe eae Se ae 116
od gh ae 2 SN Ee ee eee Rl 70
Brea W Op aera to SE SMS SE et 8 10
WHI We ge Se ee oe SS 75
RPMOEMIINOE N25. peo kde J onecenesce tee iuigyal
Ch Ee os a er ae 8, 10
eam on aining ore 129, 131
Proy OR ODONUU We ee a 70
ULSAN CSS 2s oe ee ee ee 547
Gt biti see ares He SET Aes Cae 482
PESTA ChE) ee yh Sie Sate Pa eee “ee 138
CLS at SS eee 116
NALS «1 Sh a a a a ne ea Ee 231
SS ORCA Arn ern ee 8S po ee 99
EPELW GU A 5 eee UE 75
LO CSTE DS Oe ee ee 481
Pera wie atia so Se 14
CO UAE Sl Oe ee a ee rr 229
TOS oc C0 i a SE Sle eee or = Os meee 109
US ECU Sop sc a yea rr rr 612
CVSS ae 2 ee, ot Se ee ee en 2 394
A Sivonil eeotene nt 8 br VN Soe a 482
Steer mis WO toe oe 394
MERAY eo ek ak 8, 10, 11, 14, 15, 52, 61, 116
‘Pubatulabalo-+ 2. 482, 577, 605-610, 864, 877, 883
UP uijedpatck 22"). 22 Uae Re eee era ee a 553
OE alt Te aati et gl Re RE 618
BCIn nn CAT es eens ee ee, 618
CHU epee Man lpne os Se i ee 789
“TT UTI ee Sok a or sp a ea 553
ALOE pa ba 8 Se are cl ene aac RE 478
oo Mia 5 Ep la y. ReRiialie S08 pea ae A 478
UNE HUE Dae bt Ss SS i al a a ee Cea Me ST 307
LEG U8 seats So ec cre see le =k MER Se 99
Sia kit Meee er ee ee oe ee 553, 554
Choe SGU EL Tebe, aete Nits oo. ee: Nala a eae Oey ees RE 444
MERICULUMG PSI ete te See a Reet eB IC 445
AS vnag hitherto aed sal abe Ye ee el ee 476
CUCL A Sa dB) oe aa gee aa oe RR ah coe oem 478
UE Layee eG) at) 2 pani Ae a a ee 445
Tulare Lake_...../-_--- 323, 474, 475, 476, 483, 490, 607
2G it SES PERS FOE 476, 488
AN vil OLE! tie: 0, ha ee ys: ewe tie ae ae a 145
BUS Ley Derek cy See ne ee Spr i eee 318, 319
Serricee vn eee wees ee ee ee 480, 482
eee ver Reservation — 2-20-25. 479
SOT Grae ee ee eo eS Se See eed 272
0 a a es eee ee eee Ss 232
Pye VES A ated ee ie 345
PER ee ek Oe 709
TOR Pen Sc sen rel eee 607
Lg Cl et ee a ee eee oe ERS SED A < 445
iT ils oO AES ca eer enh e 897
LN rT ae ay ka SRE CLE LAD ee oa 3 274
PEP ULTT1 Gr eee ae ec, | TS eS annals 394
PICGLEITI Cogan ee ee Se ERE Ao eR aed 100
PICRIITL CY ate eek Pe hs Ou Ss ee 607
Wali pisepaw stitial isk ea 595
SEINE GO TTOIBIEAEL A Ge Geo a pace ee eee ee 617
RECT S a ae), TT eee Peel ok HUE SRS 445
Topchiwingkis-hyndines 0 ee 11
ANIC IT WIR 1 eee eee tae ey oe 11
PORCHWHICE YOUNG ogee sok os ese ee 11
Supciwmits ching 3-4 4. ae 11
ane bAChem es ey eee en a ee 483, 491
ECCT OSE Cae oe eae ae Bek et hn 479
PantK- Chie et. Sia poy lei oe ed 445
sRvoiiupalar 2: ethene aber Beg a eae 483
SE MIGUITRINAE. age 1a eek. th eu oy Oo Sete 897
PRGMIINNG Haven os b2 oe ee tee ee ay 442, 476
papal Vinioe 25.0 i a. oo ee 617
LPIviD = ee wee 8, 10, 11, 16, 18, 19, 25, 59, 60, 61
RT Kin, Meee pt Pe I a kk 618
ESP UNTIRAL DIG gies ao er Oo ok re be eae 232
pRuatukswi tired te ex Ae Le eo 648
pSuivase knits ue! oy ae Le eee ins 2 Py 621
(Puiy ierti-tia xc, Feat oie Seek pinoy 445
STS ZAM TE @ NE eae cs es ee 584
fewer yaninesice Wises eee ee ee 594, 595, 616, 618
PISS LG TLS ira ie Pe ey Sas Sela. fet et ar a ee 443
TERESA SiON ON ees = ou ga a, Aig ly a ot 145
Welt yin eeten.jo4 7 ee os ee be ees 479
AU KG Wik La een Cee mee SE ht, Oe ee emery & W)c 2 484
MOTT ey tha el dee OFS 2 oo oh Be 483
(WIN GIASIAS: noire inept 3 C= hens NE 2 ee 491
Wika chim1io!In 21 & epee dn et Se eae 165
LOM 25 001550). A ee 5 eR ee See ee ein: Sem Sos. Fi
TOR ST Ih eh i eh gS gal 212
WR tae Bg Gen ge I Se 231, 897
ita heVyalleiyee ae eee Se ae 200 2a0; 200
ONC OLUTO) ieee aie eke Wa eee To 163, 166
KERN a0 Nk et es ee Ee eee 229
RU SULIT TD ge is Se ae a nn ee 203
DORESUITL CLT epee 2 Ret ot vy 2) Sipe] A ae 479
Wilsinolne? mies oet Ce i ee ene 165
WH AAUO Sie cet ah oi an SS ie ee eee td 356
URL eater ep oo OE el ed Am 897
RELIST AG te he 6 Bee Fe 3 yor nee I e _ 897
hilaztoe eee ee Ae See ee Le 356
MMI NO WacIVers ose eos eS meee 90
NOE eA eee A Oe on on En ee Ee eee 286
WUC? eee ees et Da > 5s a ee 444
TMU CHET S- ces ie 8 ets oe ee) oe ee 444
Way ould yy) eT Re en a ee eer see 897
LW ursy Ls, 2) Oe SRN Se eden Ree aha Se coe RNS 621
Ein Sov griae ears alates are ae as Sa BE Wee he es 621
[Stal evil cage eee Oe ee eee eee Ie bee ee 100
Mniversity:of-Callformia | 2-2 - - eae Ix, 411
NinG [yew eee) er Se Bes 5s os Se 552
WER OOTY C TGA! So ate wees. 7 soe eee 233
Wa Oise a kOe ets tn herd ee 224, 231
NESTE week te ae Eee 445, 448
EP a a I par ae eng Cee techs Saree se 145, 212, 897
De saNational Museum. -.- 35.2 emacs Ix.
Page Page
WSSINTS: Tie Se Ree Cee Sees ak oe ae 100%) « WieltiSpustess- s+ 2322 ace oe eee 7, 10, 11, 14;
LB Sy orga ehets Wien ROE ley co Suk ere eee 394 25, 34, 38, 42, 50, 51, 52, 57, 58, 72, 102, 116
Wite-Chemehuevicumeees ssn) ee ee it~) uWieldon. 3. saoU ie ae ee eee 607
USE UAG a Se ea ce eee ae 168/166 1; Wemuree:. 2 Jno. cake eee 711
Whto-Aztekanwtamilly seuss eee 3 te ee OVO.) WiSHE TOO 258 oo eS ee 553
Oia bu i bbeween Ueeee UENO Wen oe ate CMV eE Nene ory Ts 286) |. VWVenote Bet se 2 ek ee Fo ee ee 621
ES Cer) pera an ie Sine Re ERMA, Per eae 1G) |. Wettspit ant oo cere Mee Se 74
WR WG eae as el ee ee es bee 163,0164;234: | Wiesliui 2 238 Sed © |. ae 484
OL CNO2 11 ke Ne i ee reg a am 163°" |UWesnak 9.6 ode 394
Wiel OCitOS. < ayel.o aot det omen te eee ee “ly |) West'Berkeleyjmound 22222220 -) es 923, 924, 932, 933
Wan Dusen Oreck 2 o-oo ea oes $23 .| Woestern(M 0n0 2. 2a... .sce2ccee eee See 580
Van Dusen Fork___-_____- re tee ae ae L42e 43145 ul SWiestport= 2. = 20. a Se 212, 213
Vancouver Island: 22.2 2o) See eee 23 Wietlkwatlss. 7.2322 10, 11, 16, 17, 18, 52, 60, 61, 71
Wan yiMetae se eee eee 577, 690, '602.614-615,883)) || Wetlowasse2 2). 2 2 2 ee 75
VanyumerSerrano.- 22-2. a ee ee B95” || ao Wietlwaus..1\2. 2022-3282 ae 53
Wauphn te tei2 Sn oe. a eee eared GOe| aWietsets és. 2 Pe sk ee oe ee 70
WiGITGM ROI. 4. eee eer Ee ee ae Hose HOO |) AWICUSILSIKO 22 2522 25 2 es fe ee 99
IMICLORVINCH A. Oe ye ea eee on oe ee 6022015" “i Wertson so ce 2 Ss ee 115
VSI ee Oe ee ee ee se ee ASS! |) WeWAYOSe220 22: oe. i eee 483
WiSsiLacionunOund.s ease tena eee 9299932) | “Wewutnowhtl22. = eee 694
AVVWa] OCNAW sss ceh 2s he ey eee ee Gllg~ |! Wey ietes == 0 3-0 3 ee er 621
BV VAAL Call) OSes nus Soe ne ee 356. | Wihitewater Canyon...) 1 ae 618
SVWieille Kelton ey Sea tent en Meri 1L5IELS4; S76ES83) | SWianekat.s. ee 2 oe eee ee 596
Wraltarshul wie ete ee tat eee ene 483°) Wichuman nas22-5 | * eae ee ee 339
MVCN GD ies.» a Oe ON NT OR Neha ON cee Tes tL 484 8 Wika oe 3 2 le Wg 715
ASW iaiey naeaee nal Cee OE wa ik. Sones eels 90 Ly pe 142° | Wikchamni.2 es. oe so eee 480
IWinka-cheelvet tet. 0220 a ee ceeeee A4Bie Wikyolt7. 2 tes S82’ Se ae oe 648
RVWrakasinan. SGOC kg 2a ies sees eee 913-| Wilakalew to.) ou 2 3 7 eee 689
ASICS ee) (eyeeeenoueaee aes ak RE Eg ET ie cote hae act te AS16484 =) Wilaksel 25 28-32) Se ee 356
Wiaksachi Aer Se 8) ie 2 ee ee ee 586. ecWilics 23 So oe. Sone | oe So Se 394
Wik kts eS eek eee ee eee 618. |