he SS ee BAUOYDO SALIG Ao 24 An affirmation designed to safeguard the unity and Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2022 with funding from Princeton Theological Seminary Library https://archive.org/details/affirmationdesigOOunse ~~ AN AFFIRMATION designed to safeguard the unit) and liberty) of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America -with all signatures and the Note Supplementary May 5, 1924 ‘ \ APR 1S 2006 I Ww, S “EOLocicat SEW The Jacobs Press Auburn, NAYS ne ace i - i vis ey oy i. i La te <' oY. i iS i al it a emt be ~ ; F | Ba a Pe ee Hee ithe sninsti MB fe) hu te he : ae lini aly re iV ist ees | Nenileaae® leh ib, ; a, mai ‘ys i> ‘ hy rey = ‘ 1a 7 4) Hi y 2 ey \ . *) née hel Me) i te Jigs Reh) SON mae ‘ } ¥ LF ‘et. Pe ba \ bi ; ; | Wear : , 7 %. , } vi ' ; ne be ‘ mak Mt “ ae Ps nant “a ‘we yh eae Kh My ty hake De 7 tees | Popa 31) 7 alae Ste aa » j : . ole) Lee ~ ba) 1 > " i aa ‘ & easy : eS L ere 4 4 rN" ” : we ‘4 | ! : [ ie ; at yn J ray : 4 + y ‘ rh Z) 4 ae? e D Nit: v9 4% * ~~ , ; ie at all: ‘ak 5 L, Sy >. 7 Mane th Ve : : ; , y : aN 4 =F 4 iu ' . < 7 4 y J \ } \ oo Py a i = ' b 7. } ai a, “+ hs 7 s i ' ») ay myth ‘ yer - ‘ i PF ‘ | ‘i q » ALS 2 BS - - f ~ , f A snail er ! ere I te sare [> Hive 4 } i ni ee, Wh) ee : oni 4730 0 YS App» oh Ne 47 yer i are rae (a: Hah 4 TA A Win, & 9 ; ne fy ot a | ; ‘> | ; 3 ‘ , hen ./) 7 we AGI 'e ys ‘ A cs ps td 74 ; anal aa | ay { ! | | The church’s guarantees of liberty (1) concerning the interpretation of the Confession of Faith, and AN AFFIRMATION designed to safeguard the unity and liberty of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America Submitted for the consideration of its ministers and people We, the undersigned, ministers of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, feel bound, in view of certain actions of the General Assembly of 1923 and of persistent attempts to divide the church and abridge its freedom, to express our convictions in matters pertaining thereto. At the outset we affirm and declare our acceptance of the Westminster Confession of Faith, as we did at our ordinations, “as containing the system of doctrine taught in the Holy Scriptures.” We sincerely hold and earnestly preach the doctrines of evangelical Christianity, in agree- ment with the historic testimony of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, of which-we are loyal ministers. For the maintenance of the faith of our. church, the preservation of its unity, and the protection of the liberties of its ministers -and people, we offer this Affirmation. | I. By its law and its history, the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America safeguards the liberty of thought and teaching of its ministers. At their ordina- tions they “receive and adopt the Confession of Faith of this Church, as containing the system of doctrine taught in the. Holy Scriptures.” This the church has always esteemed a sufficient doctrinal subscription for its ministers. Manifestly it does not require their assent to the very words of the Confession, or to all of its teachings, or to interpre- tations of the Confession by individuals or church courts. The Confession of Faith itself disclaims infallibility. Its authors would not allow this to church councils, their own included: “All synods or councils since the apostles’ times, whether general or particular, may err, and many have erred; therefore they are not to be made the rule of faith or practice, but to be used as a help in both”. (Conf. XXXI, iii). The Confession also expressly asserts the lib- erty of Christian believers, and condemns the submission of the mind or conscience to any human authority: “God alone is lord of the conscience, and hath left it free from the doctrines and commandments of men which are in any- thing contraty to his Word, or beside it, in matters of faith or worship. So that to believe such doctrines, or to obey such commandments out of conscience, is to bet:ay true . liberty of conscience; and the requiring of an implicit faith, and an absolute and blind obedience, is to destroy lib- erty of conscience, and reason also.” (Conf. XX, ii). mall Yo (2) concerning the interpretation of the Scriptures - The formal relation of American Presbyterianism to the Westminster Confession of Faith begins in the Adopting Act of 1729. This anticipated and provided for dissent by individuals from portions of the Confession. At the forma- tion of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, in 1788, the Westminster Confession was adopted as. the creed of the church; and at the same time the church publicly declared the significance of its organization in a document which contains these words: “There are truths and forms, with respect to which men of good characters. and principles may differ. And in all these they think it the duty, both of private Christians and Societies, to exer- cise mutual forbearance towards each other”. (Declaration of Principles, v). Of the two parts into which our church was separated from 1837 to 1870, one held that only one interpretation of certain parts of the Confession of Faith was legitimate, while the other maintained its right to dissent from this interpretation. In-the Reunion of 1870 they came together on equal terms, “each recognizing the other as.a sound and orthodox body.” ‘The meaning of this, as understood then and ever since, is that office-bearers in the church who maintain their liberty in the interpretation of the Confes- ' sion are exercising their rights guaranteed by the terms of the Reunion. A more recent reunion also is significant, that of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church and the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, in 1906. - This reunion was opposed by certain members of the Presby- terian Church in the United States of America, on the ground that the two churches were not at one in doctrine; yet it was consummated. Thus did our church once more exemplify its historic policy of accepting theological differ- ences within its bounds and subordinating them to recog- nized loyalty to Jésus Christ and united work for the king- dom of God. With respect to the interpretation of the Scriptures the position of our church has been that common to Protest- ants. “The Supreme Judge,” says the Confession of Faith, “by whom all controversies of religion are to be determined, and all decrees of councils, opinions of ancient writers, doctrines of men, and private spirits, are to be examined, and in whose sentence we are to rest, can be no other but the Holy Spirit speaking in the Scripture”. (Conf. I, x). Accordingly our church has held that the supreme guide in the interpretation of the Scriptures is not, as it is with Roman Catholics, ecclesiastical authority, but the Spirit of God, speaking to the Christian believer. Thus our church lays it upon its ministers and others to read and teach the Scriptures as the Spirit of God through His manifold min- = Whe thority under } constitution ‘| the declara- ‘in of doctrine rst Presbyte- in Church of Ww York City istries instructs them, and to receive all truth which from time to time He causes to break forth from the Scriptures. There is no assertion in the Scriptures that their writ- ers were kept “from error.” The Confession of Faith does not make this assertion; and it is significant that this asser- tion is not to be found in the Apostles’ Creed or the Nicene Creed or in any of the great Reformation confessions. The doctrine of inerrancy, intended to enhance the authority of the Scriptures, in fact impairs their supreme authority for faith and life, and weakens the testimony of the church to the power of God unto salvation through Jesus Christ. We hold that the General Assembly of 1923, in asserting that “the Holy Spirit did so inspire, guide and move the writers of Holy Scripture as to keep them from error,” spoke with- out warrant of the Scriptures or of the Confession of Faith. We hold rather to the words of the Confession of Faith, that the Scriptures “are given by inspiration of God, to be tne tue ottaitheand Jife.’ -(Conteli a). II. While it is constitutional for any General Assem- bly “to bear testimony against error in doctrine,” (Form of Govt. XII, v), yet such testimony is without binding author- ity, since the constitution of our church provides that its doctrine shall be declared only by concurrent action of the General Assembly and the presbyteries. ‘Thus the church guards the statement of its doctrine against hasty or ill- considered action by either General Assemblies or presby- teries. From this provision of our constitution, it is evi- dent that neither in one General Assembly nor in many, without concurrent action of the presbyteries, is there authority to declare what the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America believes and teaches; and that the assumption that any General Assembly has authorita- tively declared what the church believes and teaches is groundless. A declaration by a General Assembly that any doctrine is “an essential doctrine” attempts to amend the constitution of the church in an unconstitutional manner. III. The General Assembly of 1923, in asserting that “doctrines contrary to the standards of the Presbyterian Church” have been preached in the pulpit of the First Pres- byterian Church of New York City, virtually pronounced a judgment against this church. The General Assembly did this with knowledge that the matter on which it so ex- pressed itself was already under formal consideration in the Presbytery of New York, as is shown by the language of its action. ‘The General Assembly acted in the case without giving hearing to the parties concerned. Thus the General Assembly did not conform to the procedure in such cases contemplated by our Book of Discipline, and, what is more serious, it in effect condemned a Christian minister without using the method of conference, patience and love a Sie The doctrinal deliverance of the General Assembly Extent of the liberty claimed The spirit and purpose of this affirmation enjoined on us by Jesus Christ. We object to the action of the General Assembly in this case, as being out of keep- ing with the law and the spirit of our church. IV. The General Assembly of 1923 expressed the opin- ion concerning five doctrinal statements that each one “is an essential doctrine of the Word of God and our stand- ards.” On the constitutional grounds which we have before described, we are opposed to any attempt to elevate these five doctrinal statements, or any of them, to the position of . tests for ordination or for good standing in our church. Furthermore, this opinion of the General Assembly at- tempts to commit our church to certain theories concerning the inspiration of the Bible, and the Incarnation, the Atone- ment, the Resurrection, and the Continuing Life and Super- natural Power of our Lord Jesus Christ. We all hold most earnestly to these great facts and doctrines; we all believe from our hearts that the writers of the Bible were inspired of God; that Jesus Christ was God manifest in the flesh; that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto Himself, and through Him we have our redemption; that hav- ing died for our sins He rose from the dead and is our ever- living Saviour; that in His earthly ministry He wrought many mighty works, and by His vicarious death and un- failing presence He is able to save to the uttermost. Some of us regard the particular theories contained in the deliv- erance of the General Assembly of 1923 as satisfactory ex- planations of these facts and doctrines. But we are united in believing that these are not the only theories allowed by the Scriptures and our standards as explanations of these facts and doctrines of our religion, and that ali who hold to these facts and doctrines, whatever theories they may em- ploy to explain them, are worthy of all confidence and fel- lowship. V. We do not desire liberty to go beyond the teachings of evangelical Christianity. But we maintain that it is our constitutional right and our Christian duty within these limits to exercise liberty of thought and teaching, that we may more effectively preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the World. VI. Finally, we deplore the evidences of division in our beloved church, in the face of a world so desperately in need of a united testimony to the gospel of Christ.. We earnestly desire fellowship with all who like us are disciples of Jesus Christ. We hope that those to whom this Affirmation comes will believe that it is not the declaration of a theo- logical party, but rather a sincere appeal, based on the Scrip- tures and our standards, for the preservation of the unity and freedom of our church, for which most earnestly we plead and pray. ee in SGN Eanes AAD AD permere hes Fors Maes. Ce First Church, Odebolt, Iowa PTE eA IO GU oe ete ete ates Beg rah alate Ge rosin nai'd Missionary, Chefoo, Shantung, China SOUT CRSA OLS eee era teed LHe CO LO lara Sat elmGhe Bias. Sade pate High Point, N. C. James HANS) SONS oeteare ee aoe slurs Carriso Mission, Shiprock, N. M. Robert rrrAdair etsn. PR CR WA Win awl oo bia ei od Be Goodlettsville, Tenn John Quincy Adams... o.. Chaplain of Clifton Springs Sanitarium, Clifton Springs, N. Y. Hd ward tA driance f2% shree eve trere Presbyterian Church, Conrad, Montana Harris “HilyeAGrian Ge rele res ches ee ee oe amen ae Oa ae Englewood, N. J. Royal Clyde Afnes a5 ages eee oe American Red Cross, Washington, D. C. Charles Carroll Albertson........ Lafayette Avenue Church, Brooklyn, N. Y. Frederick A. Alden........ Schoonmaker Memorial Church, Stillwater, N. Y. Albert Fe AlSk anders 245. See ate doe ee eek ee Ue ye First Church, Beaver, Pa. George C. Alexander......... Highty-Third Street Church, Birmingham, Ala. Ropeéert Alexander. se ees Pa ea First Church, Wolf Point, Montana TUGLON AOS ANd er.” c Sartre a wal aera ates ORS Lie First Church, Milan, Tenn. Walters ewiexander). OP sis ae ee Pine Avenue Church, Findlay, Ohio PLAY SVT I ULL es 5a ¥ a aaa Re Aoiele oete ent ee First Church, Petoskey, Mich. Davidhye lene. PVP eh Taholah Indian Church, Taholah, Washington George Heatlens JTir iis fad tet dla ads Lakes Presbyterian Church, Bath, N. Y. Po SACL ies Ce es CON Te Ee or ee ee Presbyterian Church, Marengo, Iowa Pe We ALLOY Ses es ten oS reves ee eee ...Presbyterian Church, LaGrange, IIl. Georce* Wiliam A llisone SHuse. oer ee & Irvington Church, Indianapolis, Ind. Bees ATIISON Orr es one Sees oled PE oe bee ie eee ee First Church, Maryville, Mo. eNO ALG ALLOM ar ci Sela fein actos OAL Ee ose ORS Missionary, Hama, Syria DE ELL MUL OL OS Cotte ce ctate oo tie ee cte ee aie Bald HTT RTE Cu ie a a Palestine, Ill. Charics 7A; PANGErSOn, fee eee Presbyterian Student Pastor, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. VO Geer eTBOL. ets Cek FU h5 8585454 % Presbyterian Church, Unionville, Mo. POUND eCANOOLGOT Os eta eet Poles pits Presbyterian Church, Fox Lake, Wis. Louis iM; Andersones chen, at eae, 4 Presbyterian Church, Tillamook, Oregon TATOO Re PATICLE WSs rr og chet cae ne eels Dee First Church, Ashland, Ohio Tie He PATIL Beene. oe tet tee oe eee ae ere First Church, Washington, Ill. Joseph Andrews.......... ENS arenas S Presbyterian Church, Randolph, Nebr. VV AL ETORITL te ARTI ee ee ae LT oiler het hc First Church, Huntington, Ind. Alpert eantnonys. Oly cl yy Pe, Benn Sev glen, First Church, Liverpool, N. Y. MODAL CW se COOL Yh. caches sarees) eee First Church, Schenectady, -N. Y. BeaTOs: ReeA DEAT One eis oe Sree eee Bensonhurst Church, Brooklyn, N. Y. Poe RALUIBTLOUS eh. ee Be Cee tle ee Middle Creek Church, Winnebago, Ill. WAS Hea yyl Rhee a OES a Sa ag Sl ee 8 Beverly Church, Brooklyn, N. Y. Lop Tere We: 6 ()<) cneek- petra insicget: Nan 9 aie AB ee ER AER OSs. 9 ma Athens, Ohio Pere ASTIN Ser rae ees OLR et, oh ee Presbyterian Church, Norman, Okla. UM ee eM CLO Sc ss es tte aie Sites ee one EHmbudo Spanish Church, Dixon, N. M. Py tsa A RIBBON oo res eee terete Presbyterian Church, Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Anson P. Atterbury....Pastor Emeritus West Park Church, New York City SPUAU IAI seer NOTIN LOLs es f25 SO ee as Peewee re ely 2 ane ae Glens Falls, N. Y. PEG VICN ree A UStiibete es. sais cs eee fei ee ee College Hill Church, Cincinnati, Ohio Alibettese Baconsed. was Mere oie ce First Church, Niagara Falls, N. Y. BPD DACOM Sree alte SU SO REEG FR2 Presbyterian Church, Portville, N. Y. FL es Maes LLU CIEe Pia te Sota St cneistovdus suena latoversiss Near Hast Mission, St. Louis, Mo. ROMUC Dannsen Vase ce sce iiaes ee becsts Miles Park Church, Cleveland, Ohio Se LAT MRL Veet se Se iis « an ee Wns @ahaiemeees First Church, Kasota, Minn. James G. Bailey...............:....New Era Organization, New York City WiitELDOnIAse Fale. JOR ete. tee Presbyterian Church, Franklinville, Md. Gintipel Pe BaIie say, Sst. joes es . Leite Second Church, Bloomington, Ill. John Baillie...... Professor in Auburn Theological Seminary, Auburn, N. Y. Henry W. Bainton........ -,...sabbath School Missionary, Lingle, Wyoming Sameer, Gaird. . stds ss ed. Oey cs Pie Maid ete Mer aeee First Church, Boise, Idaho AF PuUT Ma Daker ir. COS Als h s. Ge reais © First Church, Martinsville, Ind. MPAULUL. Bakeries sb, 305 Ss). Nig Morningside Church, New York City Fie Fl.) RAL WLI Say eee weet ats MEL Ble © wo pow lea eae Y. M. C. A., Kalamazoo, Mich. San Francisco, Calif. Frank’ BE. Bancrorei ss 3 astse tases tte oc eee as anes Le Willis) G. + Bankerie sweats CWE A oie aia Srerertt eters sate Te ae et wsere 6 © Tahlequah, Okla. Joseph FE. Barker........ University Pastor, University of New Hampshire, Durham, N. H. Charles a) Barnests tee sees anes eee ie Presbyterian Church, Corfu, N. Y. Hidwarde).) Barness. < ae +c oeias see ete ek ea nee First Church, Ilion, N. Y. George Emerson Barnes......-..cseees Overbrook Church, Philadelphia, Pa. JOSeph VPAIsBRarnGsi reo sw es inte ene + eile in ee ee. eee ek ',..Livingston, Mont. William *}’.) Barnes 2c s)o. ae ele etuteterae ck oe ere ets First Church, Waverly, N. Y. fra. W. ‘Barnett. eet. ss seat Meas ke ere Calvary Church, Riverside, Calif. Alfred. “PB arp eeeetatue isl aiels cass a ia’ wieke First Church, Thompsonville, Conn. Norman Gb) Barra. Re AME TLRS COL RI te Olivet Church, Chicago, Ill. Thomas !Ehe Dartrece ae. Te tents We ent Re CS ewes First Church, Osceola, Nebr. SidneysH. Barrettgia oer ae eee First Church, Sag Harbor, N. Y. Alexander R. Barron...... Walcott Memorial Church, New York Mills, N. Y. Frank "Pu. Barty cana. ie tees Woodland Avenue Church, Cleveland,. Ohio John J.@Barsant Hee ea ke eee New Scotland Church, Slingerlands, N. Y. Henry: HABarstO yi. paeren other ices sue. ate ens Calvary Church, Auburn, N. Y. Alois Bartel.’ tem. Bohemian Brethren Presbyterian Church (Independent), Silver Lake, Minn. A. R. Bartholome warren oe Presbyterian Church, Falls Creek, Pa. William 5.’ Baskervilles sneered suet & hot ech a Bandon, Oregon Howard? JS Baumeartel 250 oe ts ea Presbyterian Church; Parnassus, Pa. JAMES We BEANS... sits init oh vietartiere Dayton Avenue Church, St. Paul, Minn. Lee W. Beatiietier ener ea. Madison Square Church House, New York City Robert Brewster Beattie....First (Munn Avenue) Church, Hast Orange, N. J. Robert: He Beattioste. este ates Fi Se. Gals, Seuss First Church, Ithaca, N. Y. HONTy y TAR CALC Vette tel sh ile Fictcse: «0h ee iistiinee SRE we hee First Church, Hoboken, N. J. C. : Harrisons Beckers. a das vane iiaitiGun « tareveeruns Elmira Church, Toulon, fl. We Holand yRelirey ec. ee oe eee Westminster Church, Rogers City, Mich. Allan Belt 22 Pate eae ee ieee eee, Sey, Geaheeae eee Denver, Colo. SMS Bennbting eo Sees eve SAT eae Presbyterian Church, Arlington, Texas WilliamtRussellsBennetus. . cc. sits -wstetaak First Church, Morristown, N. J. Hi. BONSOMs as sarin eh. < Meee eee) ithe ea at aaa cies od Cees ce -.. Portland, Oregon James Bensonmeoreny vs. wemtas’ sare hie ere Arcadia Avenue Church, Peoria, Ill. Waltér, O+Benthing a737), Sosa. eee St. John’s Church, Camas, Wash. Livingston Bentley....... sichaiar P25 po. sia Missionary, Hamadan, Persia Harry -He Bergeneesrid reese 6 oe es South Church, Cleveland, Ohio Edward."Betrer heave knee see, vee ee ee. Mont Eagle, Tenn. John. Vai EmansBereer) fi37ses. 2 oa eee Lakeside Church, Duluth, Minn. Charles . Si Bergenennngh ie ek aude eens First Church, Coquille, Oregon Chariles..T. “Berry pieses 3s Wee WIE eo Lee Richmond Hill, N. Y. V.1K. Besbeetoonaeaie ns. . fas oo. eee Near East Relief Work, Alma, Mich. Georges .Bidevanserey, . dover: steno ete Greystone Church, Elizabeth, N. J. James HMRigelowsiG cs eee? First Church, Oceanside, New York City Barton BaBiglormrrise.. t6cck oe: Memorial Church, St. Augustine, Fla. J. A. Billingsley #? sae i Sao nees sleet oe ee. Basie ee Portage, Wash. Louls. .R.einderiee eee. ee oe. Ward Street Church, Paterson, N. J. Henry © CHGBIird gat eek aah tin, Sits Acumee cle s os alas RUG He eos Laurel, Md. ise Xi. IPE ices d aicte oS ate oki tale dane ee ets Presbyterian Church, Abington, Pa. Philip: Smead ‘Bird ee Pere. . ave in oe ier el ee. First Church, UticaeNin ys Remsen D. Bird... ..... President of Occidental College, Los Angeles, Calif. Douglas Putnam Birnie aE es Sieg ee aMwin. COED hay anch kcoke Meiers dais Washington, D. C. J. W, BIBCHOTE Uiase OTS, VES ae oe ree First Church, Hamburg, N. J. Lemuel Bissell vrais oie Wa aes Ee a a ee a Lansing, Mich. J. H., Bla, Oo ic) ee cg EE ea et First Church, Baldwin, Wis. John A, Black tserr a cia Presbyterian Church, Orchard Park, N. Y. Willlam’H. Blatki 27.2%. President of Missouri Valley College, Marshall, Mo. Robert /M.: Blackbhurny <7. ele ce eee ee First Church, Reading, Pa. R.-H. Blackshear, Gea: t: Director of Religious Education, Brooklyn- Nassau Presbytery, Brooklyn, N. Y. » Ansley. B.*Bladesve oo al ke, ae Presbyterian Church, Ash Grove, Mo. John Allan Blair Foo ti ees Tabernacle Church, Philadelphia, Pa. A. W. Blogmmnold Pees ee ee sleet Sa ee ee Union Church, Owego, N. Y. William Eo Boddyewges Sie. eee; . Riverside Church, Hood River, Oregon —S—. PA VIC POUITeSs “HORSHAM OLE % ANS os, CR RENTS oe Hale Center, Texas Walter, PBOUA ies Adee ae he ina tigbaisie oe ees First Church, Clovis, Calif. Harry ay. Bonner tier i in ses ewes e ees Presbyterian Church, McGraw, N. Y. Fisher Howe Booth....:...Presbyterial Missionary, Jersey City Presbytery, Englewood, N. J. - : Ts) MyTORSBOOZEL ATy « eeseGales jee st ke ee, Collegiate Church, Ames, Iowa Harold 4ie Bortlest : foe hare ate. bch a Presbyterian-Church, Red Creek, N. Y. PPROM aS 8 VV oe OW ODI: Se OT alee ee eh Sele erases First Church, Manilla, Iowa. Harold Leonard Bowman.......... ee First Church, Portland, Oregon JONNEDOV COM ear eiMs Caw Aaee tak Tecan? Presbyterian Church, Pittsford, N. Y. Tesligl LOLUSIb OMG wis. ees Hone Ces Fee eee First Church, Baker, Oregon TY PERE ATCPae tad On bel ot hu wrstins tanzanite -,Haymount Church, Fayetteville, N. C. Cli Cargony BIaneDY A. saaiiey stacels ce he Homewood Church, Pittsburgh, Pa. IJOOL EERE AS aritie ss sek tie ee tie vise, od cuca GLa Presbyterian Church, Alton, Iowa BAMNVESS HYOGO HS avis stad. cares oMaeraa Sethe so aee spe a's Crawfordsville, Ind. JVOSSCRIYULCNA tra. Wis Sehr age 5 Hus Memorial Church, Cedar Rapids, Iowa Sons: DBVIOR OR ri, etre Oeie Saas eee mea cee Community Church, Marvel, Ala. Berras SRS aT) OMG tena Pe" hand rah whe bt deeb gp crane Bike oie es First Church, Champaign, III. Walter Gt Brock tr «Wives. ys eee Presbyterian Church, Union Springs, N. Y. VY ME EATOCIG WE Yueh sldie i id's 0 Soho tatShe' e's oo aloe West End Church, Albany, N..-Y. PRAIDNE WaeDLOKaW sajaicdlds oak ik ss Pastor Emeritus First Church, Utica, N. Y. NAPPI Hee aS TOO Gare od aia ist h 5 seviatet oat eee re vee ano First Church, Morgantown, W. Va. R. A. Brotemarkle..... SS She eve tal ice Sateen oe Lo arere First Church, Mount Holly, N. J. Hugh*Brower sant . viens Pelee reece Professor in Parsons College, Fairfield, Iowa Oo VOBrowlba oniiest. Ta Ee ae ae a First Church, Cody, Wyoming Ps DEROY -Browliee se. sis Washington Avenue Church, Terre Haute, Ind. (FOOT S RIN LO Wal oe eee Aan alate y oie at ans Presbyterian Church, Ellsworth, Ohio GEOTSetvy UMAMFrBrOWN 2.55 «ews elas sos Presbyterian Church, Ben Avon, Pa. See e EEL © Sy ats sites ote a a oe So elie eld oe ahe do ales ERE ie een Columbus, Ohio ray OU SESE O Wl ieieale 6 ele a td ciated «es Presbyterian Church, Unadilla, N. Y. FLO ye Ce EO WD Ae Oe eis el Saleh oS: Fullerton Avenue Church, Chicago, IIl. William Adams Brown.......... Professor in Union Theological Seminary, New York City WIM esCOW te git ese ce k os cess Presbyterian Church, Taos, N. M. Te vi ebey alte. bale i se ss wee .....Presbyterian Church, Humboldt, Tenn. James Craig Buchanan a abet PIROY OL RR ete td'. ela ekelaut’s First Church, Gowanda, N. Y. Rte UCDAN ALLER. Js s8 ae cee eee ER ae ee eas Weequahic Church, Newark, N. J. John Baxter Clyde. 22. ss ae te eee ee First Church, Leavenworth, Kansas WAMOS Sh COsIe. fo. Executive Secretary, Presbytery of Baltimore, Balti- more, Md. Edward VV COD Gr Laas a ee eens. CL Bethel Chapel, Plainfield, N. J. OrriniGuaioces: -.0. er « one Past «as aa Presbyterian Church, Wellsboro, Pa. We Wards erCody ee ens etre ts eeu en Linn Street Church, Cincinnati, Ohio RAMS OUMitet votes eee eek. Pete eran Presbyterian Church, Dyer, Tenn. Henry S. Coffin...... AAT Pa whe Madison Avenue Church, New York City Frank H. Coffran..... Instructor in Masten Park High School, Buffalo, N. Y. W esleyeW OGG, Soi.c kes cece cc Presbyterian Church, Petersburg, Mich. ih owe Aid prt A PO wy a ‘ m . ~ ey ee Bereta ele inland epg Cag HaANicholaseCamflorivh...c.es ces » ts Presbyterian Church, Croton Falls, N. Y. WIBTPILRIE A ONS OONIR Sa eee ee easier k 5. betore: Didi star Gins @ bole waa Albany, N. Y. Chaurcoey) HaCourad so. % < seaiciiie.. Persie First Church, Benton Harbor, Mich. Harry E. Coombs....Presbyterian Church, West Milton; Ballston-Spa, N. Y. Berry (Copeland<:>) anecite. He. Geek ou chiwree ek Copeland Church, Athens, Ala. Dod steers Gorneile. firey >. ae ele Sb Re sls Paha arte 0 soo are. oe wba Glencoe, Il. Willian H. Cornett. “fasta: sais fedan sh First Church, Santa Monica, Calif. Perberie@?. CoTrmneol oi foo Sh eee scams Presbyterian Church, Elwood, Ind. AYtDuT Ta Cortese eee ere tees. ans First Church, Cape Vincent, N. Y. Harlan Dazes Corgn.w. Seer: 26k Se OCA. RRR First Church, Benson, Ariz. ) Be nL Te a sk otesimices Sue .....I[nglenook Church, Birmingham, Ala. Mra Ks sO Walls sah hee «cules obs ildue owas oes First Church, Glen Cove, N. Y. Pe JeAnSUstus: GOxe eae. Mate: 22066 on fon’ Second Church, Mebane, N. C. DavidtAs Graig nict schtec: (oeeedas Presbyterian Church, Hamden, N. Y. PTET SOT BUDO ys Vs fs) co « Sacite oth ones ene & Oeeta ey Mt. Shasta Church, Weed, Calif. GEOrseea. CrapullOy: 392%. ce ees ene ote -....Union Church, Endicott, N. Y. Eid wine Graven tri. oes. ae rot rniegieet eae sinlets d Gee tsi se Sse Findlay, Ohio 1 OT thn On eS wer PERE bir. Presbyterian Church, LaGrange, Ind. Harry PssG 2 Cra wlOrd Foi Fe erate a tarctetata eins ence Scher was bed cosets Farmington, IIl. William Day Crockettr eT aerer. Professor in Pennsylvania State College, State College, Pa. Normaned -s-Crortts S.A tes Presbyterian Church, Mayfield, Kansas. Wo SOrOLES urns shoe outa ere Pierce Avenue Church, Niagara Falls, N. Y. uth er wCross . os. tye eek eee Euclid Heights Church, Los Angeles, Calif. LOMITA TORSOL meee. 5 se er COs w Seats FUCA RIS arate aia wid wb oh elgg Millport, Ohio D. E. Culley....Professor in Western Theological Seminary, Pittsburgh, Pa. “alae VES Up, Gia rics Doe ape rei Cae a eet AOA First Church, New Brunswick, N. J. ARS ALOT Cig & bi eas Hie mnie aura Abr de Gibson Memorial Church, Martinsburg, Pa. Mattoon Curtis®. 22.2 Professor in Western Reserve University, Cleve- land, Ohio. HisAeDalzelizern ©. SRE UIP AEE CN bras’ al oat SEDER Nad Orch tg) bratean ah on she Chicago, IIl. DashiaTiylanion ee mene ete cn ees He wes Riverdale Church, Glenwillard, Pa. THREGHOLG POATUGl ail ees. Sectoid ote a oo ale ee te lets First Church, West Newton, Pa. Goeorsea Me Day ser re Professor in Occidental College, Los Angeles, Calif. : James Shackelford Dauerty...........0000. First Church, Moorestown, N. J. Pe ee aE Perr es ee Ct ke a ee ts Welsh Church, Toronto, Canada CEPI AV ICS Sos da ees a ee Se ees bales SASHES First Church, Fairbury, Il. Dia teiiarios ya ViCS 2.4.6 se ee eee First Church, Richfield Springs, N. Y. ie Pmt VIC DOTL. «oo ote e 2 Utes wale esis Bethany Union Church ,Rockford, Il. ALSO Vase eNalL DAVIS sce ors oe eee en eles Hyde Park Church, Chicago, Ill. WY SILO. DIA VISON: wn. es eee. Arlington Avenue Church, East Orange, N. J. Prats rT WROD cote Sere eters 2 so afe a aie calor evene ty ouude First Church, Newark, N. J. POOR AY, wt .c =: tees bite AE At Tk SAO eer a San Anselmo, Calif Cingerbors Fiame A VILOM si, 28s es og. oes hc bo eres Presbyterian Church, Bergen, N. Y. Sere Ce IO SSL er tt ee, ee ane ics Cee Cea eges First Church, Marlborough, N. Y. Francis DeSimone......... er eT wn. ts Church of the Saviour, Cleveland, Ohio POC tgOCLY one oes se tee oes oe bares on Laurel Church, White Rock, N. C. EEE LE LLIOX OCT, cin Sa Re eile & dco h olethieks: Aloe NNER Sietace ane Tuscarora, N. Y. CUPiA UDO see ce os eek Pastor Emeritus Presbyterian Church, Perry, N. Y. W. Frederick Dickens-Lewis..... Cleveland Heights Church, Cleveland, Ohio TOW EL PIC RANGOON 5c 5c die sieta.e F500 ole te atats haus. omer tates Geneva, N. Y. Berea Ty Lee Gh) Re ao a ak ac cag nes kn oie, & gIaea Te & ebalideee Occ gne Baltimore, Md. Uy epee SS Tet a) aT: 9 CoWare cae an a Paseell Street Church, Nashville, Tenn. PLO OLe sO ae . cts pstes 0 3> x asi 6 n wignletal chal tatetatN ete ta «tats Bloomfield, Conn. Pe aeLeda iy IOUS Go wctis o ctsiac sdcn » 0.» fos oa; bisleee bia Bethany Church, Utica, N. Y. Rim eMeL VAT Ce ee ced Ay vnc we nce wre Magyar Church, Canton, Ohio SRT OMIM OLO SOG wile tial ta a, idinn.s « sw ace, ¢ Utena «vite eee ee Grantwood, N. J. John B. Donaldson........ Pastor Emeritus Park Boulevard Church of Oak- land; Palo Alto, Calif. George P. Donehoo............ ARRAS pe State Librarian, Harrisburg, Pa. Drencreretne | SOT OI U ia Siete tay bg ain a in’s 6.5 :5-auate eo aie 64.0.0 P New Brunswick, N. J. Boma heA DOVlisw, «sia 22k + A SANE re yd Oe ae Choctaw, Okla. Die Serer yev ess rel POLIOLE « Sis'cln.c.eciethateu © vss 0's 0.2 Presbyterian Church, Ripley, N. Y. New York City Har Ui DOURIARS cee cia ote ate ail ieiaes. oh oeetes atenora’ «feta amet Sonat ssl ear ety Date Georges “He Douglas ee, ate an Presbyterian Church, Seven Mile, Ohio Gharlés «Biebprivers 4 28 La ea ee eee Presbyterian Church, Jesup, lowa CG Pe DUD OLS es state re eee cates eters Second Church, Los Angeles, Calif. William's: wBourdicus. cis wds 4 < eae Jefferson Park Church, Chicago, Il. Garl “HY eDudleye lee eres eee es ae Presbyterian Church, Silver Creek, N. Y. Howard Wunelan sets... ....Pastor Emeritus First Church, New York City JOON “Ro Diutheld oe 4 oe an Pa ee ae eee Presbyterian Church, Malone, N. Y. Davidssb. Duncans. PORTA ROSS Che opeeslis le Ke ders Soko 's he Richfield, Idaho George S. Duncan. Professor in American University, Washington, D: C. William Y. Duncan. ee ae New York City Mission Society, New York City Irvine Th. Dan ea ee eee ee seek pale ee RRS oi tak xe First Church, Troy, Ohio Simeon, JB? Dune Seem Pee ie Ok ode dpa a ale ' Siasls hie Forest Hills, N. Y. John. Pw se DUunnin Se Beier GA loans First Church, Kalamazoo, Mich. W. EEE DVSAPE Series eee. ete eee se Presbyterian Church, Belden, Nebr. Tit FSH OS ae ere ce atcha eet a oie, «p50 ee, = First Church, McPherson, Kansas Frank*Hiakinesewem. sss Professor in Western Theological Seminary, Pitts- burgh, Pa. Fred Masri titers ae men 8 obs ch rerevere nen ixielils vi kia sont og? East Williston, L. IL, N. Y. Samuel /Haton sie. 2 Sais. West Fayette Church, MacDougall, Geneva, N. Y. Parry *SOMck ere tee te eee ee Bee Oe eee Olivet Church, Reading, Pa. James#Hidee. Arai eee see First Church, Pleasant Plains, Staatsburg, N. Y. » Henrys Me Hadmonds et Coarse Independent Church, Birmingham, Ala. Boyd *Hiwards ro. Ser. 2". Head Master of The Hill School, Pottstown, Pa. DD Hnehea eica wards. ont ss otk Church of the Redeemer, Paterson, N. J. Maurice D. Edwards........ Pastor Emeritus Dayton Ave. Church, St. Paul, Minn. ; AlfredtRovvhomatine. = fesse +). te htas New Era Organization, New York City GardneresS? Widrideess: wise: Sees Calvary Church, Buffalo, N. Y. Willis er tere ees arn) nine eye otis Presbyterian Church, Dexter, Iowa Cari Shes MOC ue camer stata sida fee's «ot kiana ae First Church, Ypsilanti, Mich. Carl sae Cre ia eran oar ifecseiecenss3.c.c06 sre ani ee Roundout Church, Kingston, N. Y. JOR UY Millis terres herd le be wee First Church, Washingtonville, N. Y. Carl Honkinsa blm ore ye sia): eee Englewood Church, Englewood, N. J. Georgelwelisibly. Acxie fs oni Nes SE Presbyterian Church, Columbia, Pa. Herbert ek oe neclandtyee: ei ie Sees sic fae First Church, Roselle, N. J. M.S ppereon fesse sis ees ee ee eek Ss bk a tice eee San Angelo, Texas JOHN VA? Mricksone sce. 2 Penick ie aa aaa ear ad Faith Church, New York City Harry Bf Eremance, wii oes Presbyterian Church, Broadalbin, N. Y. Joe NB Var omercirk, . clatter ee. eee First Church, Dayton, Kentucky A. Grant Jhivans ist iit ett Presbyterian Church, El Montecito, Calif. Albertebehvansead > ee. < Captain Chaplain U. S. Army, Camp Lewis, Wash. Albert iva nrinente. “rccutk sae Kanawha Church, Charleston, W. Va. ANTHON YEE WErvans 37 sealey sss. ree these West Park Church, New York City D; LutherHvans>:). s2 Instructor in Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio HD REG EVans onies Go ree ee. wer ae Presbyterian Church, Conklin, N. Y. Jon: Piven 6 Br ete. 2s Gas PRS. 4 ee ee .First Church, Boonville, N. Y. Charles Everett........ Pastor Emeritus Presbyterian Church, Belmar, N. J.; Dayton; N. J. ; Finis AM Wink iis steele es om three och Qire Rh eaehl wad tee ee fe eee Waco, Texas Charles P. Fagnani........ Professor in Union Theological Seminary, New York City Willlamighn. harmer:. 0... . Professor in Western Theological Seminary, Pittsburgh, Pa. Aligu a Wise eeUSe re ge Ce oe eee Nee Presbyterian Church, Chidester, Ark. GOOTkO 3b ab Olle. atta» wiee sania cans Presbyterian Church, Waterford, N. Y. Goorgé: We Bender... s crus eC nee Pine Street Church, Texarkana, Texas Laurence Fenninger.......... Chaplain of Hampton Institute, Hampton, Va. JGINGSULMIOML Mere UROL cacnc ask cee sa eee Central Church, Houston, Texas Josephs inereuson.: . o.oo tas ck es See ee ...Elizabeth, N. J. PTOURAE APIO VE OLUIS. ac a cine see cca ee First Church, East Cleveland, Ohio Walter Rockwood Ferris.............. Park Central Church, Syracuse, N. Y- Adela TRPOCry aa Mals «so 6 airs o0. hea cee Edgewater Church, Chicago, III. \ ua hay oy tj “2d ADD hy Bela aes es eyes? ped dang wey ante et ba gcagiapede! danas nO vomnd ch vuthechene 2 ’ ’ e : Te a aT Tn A a Sperav en ty Sten sae ey Wy ae ' et i pte esse alin = epee ran NOLL OO RTI | tee RLOPACO ME CLE. Cok sce a pes chted s Presbyterian Church, Marquette, Mich. Petey POE SONUCIE . pee eee nin aare eie ms si oo First Church, San Bernardino, Calif. SLOUDGLUP INCI 2: Ce ee oe oe tk ea ck ween Presbyterian Church, Cuba, N. Y. PyreRet ee NG PIC ITICIe site ee tt tae aos ae es First Church, Medina, N. Y. BUC mV e IGlOy sees re eae oe ee hee Morgan Park Church, Chicago, Il. JOUR eY MAY SOL +o Pate fe ee cite ee Coes 7 eee Manito Church, Spokane, Wash. IS ORNS 6 iy eae etapa ga em ata a eae Boca aaa sg adn ah Radiat on napen ih? 0 3 Monroe, N. Y. Walia Tr) Risibyra. «27% uss cate West Adams Church! Los Angeles, Calif. George McVey Fisher........ Presbyterian Churches at Coram and Creston; Kalispell, Mont. PAE Je eee at er me ee TE ok at First Church, Ventura, Calif. et MMP ILO OT Teme ae ee tee ete ete ffs eee Fourth Church, Albany, N. Y. PRPALUCCL ACE CE rt ts oo cite dee tiene Highland Park Church, Highland Park, Il. Pbner Sr ies a ee eee eect as Presbyterian Church, Santa Cruz, Calif. DaIfrpieminer..... Professor in Union Theological Seminary, New York City JVOSSEDI OME OISON woe ee eee te eres Clinton Avenue Church, Newark, N. J. MIMO ever es te fot ea te oe ete eee First Church, Burkburnett, Texas James Jr Ord frees ee skeet eee South Hollywood Church, Los Angeles, Calif. WV ALLEL MOBS Sees 8 alo oe soe Tan ete Chariton Church, Ballston Lake, N. Y. James Everett Frame........ Professor in Union Theological Seminary, New York City ; ERT rah oe ete on ee Se ares ee ee Presbyterian Church, White Haven, Pa. R. W. Frank.......Assistant Professor in McCormick Theological Seminary, Chicago, Ill. f ' ee Lat an ites es es ee a eta te ee First Presbyterian Church, Haynesville, La. Groorse ear taure se rants oe oe el rss ee ee Presbyterian Church, Van Wert, Ohio MPOIP WICK Tis IOS. ster cc's es ne tee ake Presbyterian Church, Romulus, N. Y. TSE IC eer Caml oe a1. Nees ot tts ole aie eek Presbyterian Church, Poland, Ohio TROUT CME OUP Pee et ts Geog > ces mn cs Presbyterian Church, Pasadena, Calif. Ne CUT NT OLC hcat oi, oie cet tae s cae Presbyterian Church, Potsdam, N. Y. Pa ee Le eLT CE errata < glee cc ass cho a5 c Se 0 e's First Church, Tishomingo, Okla. Galvin: H. erence... Noo. soba ese Madison Avenue Church, Albany, N. Y. PrederickeVecrisvie.. 3s 2.2). Sparta First Church, Groveland Station, N. Y. James Froman........ Presbyterian Church, Stewartsville, Mo; Trimble, Mo. CHATIGSMNODLO@E TOsts ste. se Pastor Emeritus Central Church, A VOI GINeny. Cor Oran Ones se ee aie wate tiie a's bles oo oe First Church, Carthage, N. Y. George Canfield Frost: .s....3.: Waterbury Memorial Church, Oriskany, N. Y. RPOOrr Geren MACHCr shi hee eee he da tee ea cease First Church, Okmulgee, Okla. AINGriteee MICO. 6’. eat. e Formerly missionary in China; Pasadena, Calif. PARCTORURMECUICOT Por er tke te sc ccc es tase cate. First Church, Syracuse,. N. Y. a cehee OUTED eres sc che so woe North Liberty & Center Churches, Grove City, Pa. Henry Natsch Furnald........ St. Nicholas Avenue Church, New York City PPE DOD EL oe ee veces ese sais as Jahesneie Presbyterian Church, Cow Creek, Ky. Wale SUAS oe. hl load SEIS ae Presbyterian Church, Clearwater, Calif PeeWee Sie DISIGD «cis a c's ofepnpp sels a2 om Emmanuel Church, Amsterdam, N. Y. oW., SS. Gamertsfelder.....2...... Professor in Ohio University, Athens, Ohio Sp MeI ICRI ULST 9 23 ree ie ees nk oe Sats ons. mest o- ams eebnecorad ate Leavenworth, Washington Ree D BITRATE TOL BOCK oct cctv clspetecak Cornea sh idms HEN Goto ce Maplewood, N. J. oR PaSAET ICL err eats a ce ee Professor in College of Missions, Indianapolis, Ind. TCO MAP Vb CBC CS yn Pell ee aoa ein ole ee Ris wieisl 3. wie pooiieie = South Church, Buffalo, N. Y. WAIST) BISIRLO aL OS. fob 6. ute at bi oeinid ls cea t «ATR Church, Olean, N. Y. PRAT OI Rare eiRag a cote? 2's W's, wo ote'y: #auathtade First Church, Moundsville, W. Va. Paul-W.-Gauss... <....- Rare fy Tea ee ais oy AD First Church, Bellefontaine, Ohio HGRA eae OC Art, 0% sa 'che os bin us © SAE Wine es s aor ae eats Amherst, Mass. DT RAs a a tS! oo hn a pots © ve a eee Presbyterian Church, Afton, N. Y. ARPES SOE nls kath << psn eininhs 0% Western Reserve Academy, Hudson, Ohio POLS TV POLL Cok gia aha laieinieln’ vn: 0, Sint, oa ara he aun First Church, Tuckerton, N. J. SIME OUBUD IL Veter eres ain: 2 G5: SonttTN bee '> a ous niece tsa sb eheg neem tig a «tha Alma, Mich. SEL GIOIGLON eae esc creek | inn Foe 0 B4 pe So Fos rah First Church, Alma, Mich. GRR TOOL Oe es cut sie aah ti a tonis eB oss bie ptedath es ith Ghee dae & oo nce es Miami, Fla. QMCIN EGIL BS diva 5 aur Cities Aiets oie e 2% alc.s eine ee Italian Church, Berwick, Pa. Perr en NATH Met DOUS kta t,t s'.'ss's'n x's e ce cea t che he tae es Princeton, N. J. Oliphant Gibbons.......... Presbyterian Church, Sloan, N. Y.; Buffalo, N. Y. Ey Ct GLO UOU a ec teas wb Atha, bake case Sense arte Hllington Church, Quincy, Ill. BYUCG rss GILG L gare as Presbyterian University Pastor, University of Oregon, Eugene, Ore. JORKD GUEST ate eis aes Superintendent Albany City Mission, Albany, N. Y. BV SUG GEE sy oon careirdsa pasar e+ eaves leis cache ot MuRE re cer First Church, Independence, lowa James P.’Gillespie.7....s:.. Assistant Secretary, Board of National Missions, New York City f MS L) Gillespie coe ne assk wlaete hae cre esate he Central Church, Fayetteville, Ark.. Charles BR. Gillett. os suede Dean of Students, Union Theological Seminary, New York City Ly16. Hie Gilliam tas a\cfata bladed extent eis «aie ales First Church, Teague, Texas Hilton Bea Guage ly iericassety ss aihs Hillside Church, Orange, N. J. esa Ard EEL GUE yn eee ee, oe ee are ae en Te oe :-Camby, Ind. AIT AOL ve cet. hues ari che es re 5 Presbyterian Church, Watkins, N. Y. Charles Mynderse Herrick........ —ytonketecd-wt daar First Church, Fulton, Ney. PEC rePeW emake to TET: Reh ep arene aie kes St. Cloud Church, West Orange, N. J. Gra), OREN Vln es feck oe Agee RI AOE CIS ...Third Church, Rockford, II. BL MAE ESET YY atheist las cs aus oa ¢ stele leas Presbyterian Church, Carlisle, N. Y. John Grier Hibben...... President of Princeton University, Princeton, N. J. ESSE MO PERIRENS se sos es tars 6 4’ 3 Sa yo © tcaioe Bethany Church, Minneapolis, Minn. Le REE toe a rene ee uae tc ce eka © o's. 2 2) stes oae Second Church, Troy, N. Y. FURS ee re eBEULU RULE ons os a oes ne on oe Professor in Wells College, Aurora, N. Y. TT RE A Bae whe Seta ee x ge: Zn Sh tas a gn ese Secs First Church, Fowler, Calif. (APE BETA A Te Piles ck cn ne 2 ce net asa ee ee Calvary Church, Cleveland, Ohio TERE aes IR LLL weeks chs rstac @ secs tks ous, 9 abe ee ee First Church, Philadelphia, Pa. PROD OV ADE ag con hn, «. ane New York State Board of Charities, Albany, N. Y. William J. Hinke, Professor in Auburn Theological Seminary, Auburn, N. Y. George Clifton PeuLC LUCK Se ap ge ae Presbyterian Church, Bowling Green, Mo. foe ae G8 To Ts od RS eS I ie RL RS ae ee First Church, Belvidere, Ill. POLE RSENS Oba ke I RE Reto tL PL, Shc gm ae East Orange, N. J. Charles “Pierlock.s 260 80% «6x Professor in Bloomfield Theological Seminary, Bloomfield, N. J. ALCLUUY, Rea rLOOe Ce oh, ot aneeieig | seksi sia ese Presbyterian Church, Union, Oregon Perk Lenore radeors eee. Sor eles eel one First Church, Baltimore, -Md. BRABEOURESs see ult he os ces see exe PER A WE Grace Church, Temple, Texas JAMGS. 5S) EOdzest. Fos. is eo. SS ee ae First Church, Denison, Texas TULA ALO LAL eee EET ES onc swaemeun meipobaitree ces ee ke Chicago, Ill James.d eeofiman fie : ..2 PR a ah al Tale Hope Church, Watertown, N. Y. VAILGT. Fer FL O20 Oo bietote SRE, shih e chats 2 cleteld te. wcoris-anm sacesmaess First Church, York, Pa. Joseph Hillman Hollister................ First Church, Mount Vernon, N. Y. ee Fac PLLA LSUOL shebeil ch center atte tae bdate a boi cy'= ie suai, nspronnn, oes -....signal Mountain, Tenn. Samual VAVOeLOIMmes Poet ies eR Westminster Church, Buffalo, N. Y. PUA COV. PWGTAGLLANAG Sok obits OF ole olds sleeve. an North Church, Cleveland, Ohio AlGsanO or SHOOM SEL. see ee. See Presbyterian Church, Wellpinit, Wash. sg Fh Georze: Hood Wise ae oa Missionary, Nanhsuchou, Anhwei, China J. Turner Hood? {08 6s au. aes «Be > sins care First Church, Cairo, Ill. OrvillesHet Hood:%"..2 3... seiner: Community Presbyterian Church, Flint, Mich. Williamils Food . qed. so ge OI fokeevicne ttn) cota < First Church, Bison, S. Dak. WilliameB shooter ye. sity. eeeieeoes .....Presbyterian Church, Peotone, Il. William Herman Hop kinsay Wie. Soc ces oss First Church, Albany, N. Y. Paul Rehloppe Staite adkiriaees. oceania Chelsea Church, Atlantic City, N..J. Ernest, Je Houghtones 2) ij. wate Bryn Mawr Park Church, Yonkers, N. Y. Williamthp Houstgtinwe sii et cee fee ne oe kes First Church, Chester, Pa. James Me Howardigui. cttn xgientsees South Street Church, Morristown, N. J. Jets: FLOWS teats le cies eee President of Highland College, Highland, Kansas J. CoBowensteine 70... mia fa rata av Oe gs dtatiah vaeelts Pu Presbyterian Church, Edri, Pa. Murray Shipley Howland.......... Lafayette Avenue Church, Buffalo, N. Y. *Arthur S. Hoyt..Professor in Auburn Theological Seminary, Auburn, N. Y. GharleshKim ballet ayitas seise eaeetes 3 oc cs a 5 cle ebb able o eneledomecacs ATDULD, aN. wy. ranks Be Ei OvC meee ee etc sek Wig Saved wettvrcinis ale ke iret dee ae ok eins te ehe, ¢ Bias AILDUED Ieee Harry. Hopkingsshubbell, stent). an Lafayette Avenue Church, Buffalo, N. Y. WilliamsbHenryvebubeiiwet acai ach Lemeicie A oteatd wavs First Church, Akron, Ohio Wwine Sih dso vt ie ae see oleate bit ete Presbyterian Church, Manteno, Ill. Ered. shir pie as e's oo as e's We gs es Presbyterian Church, Leeds, Ala. Sam ely Huweck Gt wees tevea a asvar teva er cise rs tetene Market Street Church, Lima, Ohio ATTHUT GVA SNS saee eres = tetereal: «Avie ek y cottw First Church, Mansfield, Ohio Js Lp HU Shean een elt ote) Beiniedvietn bs o Yiee ote 06 First Church, Newburgh, N. Y.’ JTACOD& Limees he Ie Vaaar. mete. © ciaiG sy via g's Den BIR a's a aim G2 ok o.n Oreo lehare McLeansboro, Il. BTA Th CE is ene be no. gos o Ciese bein tims sla atelala tens ‘Phisiahe otahene ets Presbyterian Church, Greenfield, Iowa GHIA VEIGEHIM PDLOV SEAT. «state si fos > cet Les ye ees eed Nineveh, N. Y. CFOOPrE Oy He PR UD Eris’ a odesets Airis susaitol a sam ene Oe Christ Church, Madison, Wis. Graham Osburn sft ates el antes sivietion Presbyterian Church, Fullerton, Calif. JODn. DD rumten es 2 as. = Presbyterian Churches at Baldwyn, Nettleton, Shan- non, Verona; Tupelo, Miss. JOSOD DCH UM COr Mages «'s'. ss sis co o's 5 + nie ee Fifth Avenue Church, Newark, N. J. Robert: JOHMPHUMCC AAs. Wehlaiess ct.. A Ds eS pe ce Williams Bay, Wisconsin Ed Win (icc QD Rares wise oe eas POTS. First Church, Omaha, Nebraska Win ERGO GEYe ae GEL TELE oe he 0 eu std o Ate cher crchet dni aiphon ra First:Church, Germantown, Pa. Wire 5. aF6TOM Giese ees te rE ee A ee, 3 First Church, Garwood, Texas Pal JOnSeoe sey Ges seco es eae. slg Westminster Church, Lincoln, Neb. *Deceased March 15, 1924 — te RODt. Uwe OUDSLON. kn Rice’ 3s Presbyterian Church, Randallstown, Md.. WellUSre OUNSTON.. Seis wis os cdeis ep atk haa ei nie ata et First Church, Charleston, Ill. ATtRUPs od ON OS ing « Mebii eas. SeGls. é Hopewell North Church, Flora, Ind. TAO ICAE eal ONO Sethe Ge tise ntoas & tiene «tars nie 6 Sans First Church, Dunkirk, N. Y. Hi Lad DIES Rs AIRE AE och) ca a ts Ottawa Church, Dousman, Wisconsin H LAOVO+ ONES # eek BoE eho a eee First Church, Meridian, N. Y. Hiv ri aa ODO S bier Sed BE rep eiege ncaaeay cl Sek apav oro areesiaed ale First Church, LeRoy, N. Y. Wenton: G. sOnGs a uri. cate Genta noe k seo deirst; Church, Waynes Neb: Bion. Bethesda Church, Philadelphia, Pa. Liymanin® Demi er oie pinieus. a tenliets Presbyterian Church, Worthington, Pa. William e@Phiineigemon weiss stees cats oles Andrew Church, Minneapolis, Minn. RrankO, ¥Le0n are cine ott. ae ute Presbyterian Church, Hamburg, N. Y. Ed winsi aiewis ng aremere Les hier fee Giga oa First Church, Orwell, Ohio Henrys wisigi tee itt tite weston as wee yegh hts Westminster Church, Madison, Wis. Lesa) «Li WAS TERA s, «oles sivistels olds wists ile» wel aighitengiens First Church, Seward, Neb. Frederic N. Lindsay... .. RANE oF Ta en aise Me watt S = aateea New York City JOSEPH OSAY See cate etal. semeeoe a ee Presbyterian Church, Edinboro, Pa. John sbinka generat First Bohemian Church of Brule County, Academy, S. D. Otis x inn ies Superintendent of Sabbath School Missions in Nevada, Reno, Nev. (FOOT SEW) WE CULGM ED, Los iever acces » bet eta se ie w lois cs wip’ wie wes © Sokp Be oaieln & Washington, D. C. Henryalittiow ReneS wrens oe unr, 28 Calvary Church, Springfield, Missouri PLL Vie VhC WELLL Tis EL CLO ccs i's is: 0) 6c6 oo. s io vere om 'h caca tear ste tere ors meee ‘A banivy, wIN.8ye Robertlittlese fmt. we ee ok eee eee First Church, Fort Wayne, Ind. [rasp Vin SSiOnes b ...fies asiiie « Stsis kiee ie Wb kre was First Church, Rushville, Ill. Pz.Lewiselloydired. % . sak? so eee ree. Second Church, Wyalusing, Pa. FloydeHmersonsmorced a ce cnre s.r wane « First Church, Circleville, Ohio GeorgeiO .lione tae. . ees. (i eee Presbyterian Church, Vail, Iowa Ward. Willisshionge se. ioe utwisee st) fj Saree Se ee First Church, Salem, Ore. (Res ROLE DEAK GIO. h. .eeeeaee «alte Lenox Federated Church, Jefferson, Ohio DUB OTsh OU et SP a, caw, 6) i cc shes dbe ms Seen Reanon an ane Evangelist, Jackson, Mich. AV 3? BAGO Viner rok Sheela «tle wa cg caracedtia eae Presbyterian Church, Sidney, Ohio Giber@Lovellienw. cise. sce ee Board of Christian Education, Oberlin, Ohio Andrew iUMaHiOWLy «ss Pelee Ss ese ecolecelouaass First Church, Lapeer, Mich. ArthureC eiudlow i: aes Pastor Emeritus Miles Park Church, Cleveland, O. James M. Ludlow...... Pastor Emeritus First (Munn Avenue) Church, East Orange, N. J. Davis We Luskiiesnk .2 Superintendent, Presbytery of Newark, Newark, N. J. JObni Wie Dy Ons teak wie ay J dere Librarian of McCormick Theological Seminary, Chicago, III. JOUTS Res sVOn See. seit es ee Fairmount Church, Cleveland Heights, O. RovertalipeMacAining. |<. sco. seve os en eee Central Church, Buffalo, N. Y. J. A. MacCallimecss \ Awsik. aot Walnut Street Church, Philadelphia, Pa. i *Langsvnccammoniny.) bec eee ee ce eee New Florence, Pa. GeorgerlusMacGClelland < sci Wis Se First Church, Jamestown, N. Y. Alexander -MaeColl.ix . 4 aieo? ate Second Church, Philadelphia, Pa. Albert Wacdonaldss ny. seks.’ eee State Street Church, Schenectady, N. Y. Royals MacGowan... hte cae ee eee First Church, Andover, N. Y. Jobn "Al Macintosh 3s .37% stig Professor in McCormick Theological Seminary, Chicago, Il. Allan’ Mackey. isec i's ot Atos ae eae Oe eee Oakland, California John RaMatkayieses vax. ABs ge A pte em be North Church, New York City We M.- Mackawennsrd atic beer Presbyterian Church, Ishpeming, Mich. Donald Ha, - Mack enzo: c. . Sel ere ieee Westminster Church, Auburn, N. Y. Joseph: BaGsiMackle: ?. has ta Fee Northminster Church, Philadelphia, Pa. CharlessCs’ MacLean erates chew eek Sune eee First Church, Batavia, N. Y. D. "ASV MGOhGO0 mie a its. ee os oe ee First Church, Sullivan, Il. JObD MAMGCLOOR! oo sh sertcte-. 8a ete eee First Church, Rensselaer, N. Y. Md). “RGB OO 2 taivee sc cake eeek ccs siaeeeteeee Central Church, Avon, N. Y. pee See ae 1 PREMACISROOR Mad ore ee « fais dh. Presbyterian Church, Clifton, Va. PMMACHAUSLLADIS s cc aeee see bares Made Ca Fes bas ee bee olen oie eile Chatham, N.. J. WinwBishep MacNoelke. ise xe: 3 Tupper Lake and Piercefield Presbyterian Churches, Faust, N. Y. MaicolniaraiiacPhail cease secre ee ee oe First Church, Auburn, N. Y. Duncan cA "MacPhie whe 30 sd. Secretary and Evangelist, Wakefield, Mass. DAVIE Poe ACU ALTIG se Rte he cies ol ca oshs cg bce tie ca cde plein Pittsburgh, Pa. DPV MA CWURETIO HN i i536 6 '8i60,8,-< Clifton Heights Church, St. Louis, Missouri JPA SoneMaGRuryek sees Sees oe First Church, Woodhaven, New York City SOMMUPAT MACS DOLEAN Sse tet ys SAA eek LA aes 8 pe Hillside Church, Orange, N. J. Berea sary Rae aa sods o ABE oh ee. First Church, Cedar Rapids, Iowa GSoreei Maines sales aoe eh eta eee. Bedford Park Church, New York City OW eM ERCO LER EDs Ie ele ea wi ere eee oie tote lees First Church, Beaver Dam, Wis. ob eV LIAL tree taat Aho oletaeeliede PUNE ass eo ae se ts Forest Church, Arkinda, Ark. FPrankeMielven nies os pre. 45 aRe Presbyterian Church, Pleasant Valley, N. Y. LoniseMannellits ce.) Jas een Pee Church of the Redeemer, Auburn, N. Y. FEeee Pea TATOO) aoe ete fade de elvis ted" co tate ere het anamat Crerar Memorial Church, Chicago, III. ICs MaApSOle ert: catatecte «aes lee House of Hope, New Duluth, Minn. HIOEM SE MBER CVs. Pasa. RM oe a First Church, Bartlesville, Okla. Benjamin T. Marshall....... President of Connecticut College, New London, Conn. Thomas F. Marshall...... ....President of Glendale College, Glendale, Ohio {FOOT LST Mar SH ev eh es west e hr eee etek Bae Pele tie 'e e's ace Muskegon, Mich. TP eee TAI AT LOIS cert re elite acta ss 2°06 snapa ee oy ave ie wna First Church, Nappanee, Ind. HOTS NET EIN teers ats tae Meet hs rare cle SRD Presbyterian Church, Stanford, Ill. sel TAAL ULI Ree. SOS. s cetavolete 2 otitis cee eee First Church, Seymour, Ind. Glarente WiwiMason ois sis. been Lumbercamp Missionary, Board of National Missions, Ithaca, N. Y. James bertyMason 4.4645. face A aeek First Church, Metuchen, N. J. William beeMasond s. ofsaaddss wae eas tusk. Presbyterian Church, Bethany, IIl. Willian reasons... cis beset Warren Avenue Church, Saginaw, Mich. OliversJa Math or risa e eestererais tie stele San Gorgonio Church, Beaumont, Calif. PARTI ORM ETM IV AX WELL ie ohetes a eli al sce oo eomiaieteu bet First Church, Oxford, Kansas Tie VAY GLE > ghsherel te cirtsehs ste. 3 S26 UTERE eds Gilgal McKahan Church, Bearden, Tenn. BSE RE DCN Ee CTE ed oy, Meee ty ae Mattoon Church, Greenville, S. C. a) OD)T1 ALC PL OG oer ieig eo) aiere a/c. 0 sag heroine Westminster Church, Topeka, Kansas Ralph C. McAfee......... Executive Secretary, Council of Churches, Kansas City, Mo. HawineA, McAlpin Jnasusti 28 , eae Presbyterian Church, Madison, N. J. Dee NCO TATOOS. Sheets ys pes oe iS eS le aie wg chalets Grand Rapids, Mich. Pen LOL ree lh, OS eirett s «SW StSS dose East Side Church, Rochester, N. Y. rece ee Pee CCN OLAN CG... Sato .cls ho sate Wal nfs IR ieee al Worcester, Mass. sO Tece COLO ANGs esl Wis 32a be First Church, Knowlesville, N. Y. Barry eG eel oGuusky stores eid oc accen First Church, Plattsmouth, Nebr. ira Henderson McClymonds...... Mesilla Park Church, State College, New Mexico Daniel Spencer McCorkle........ Sheldon Jackson Memorial Church, Clark, Wyo. ‘Samuel B. McCorinick....... Chancellor Emeritus, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. TIEOPE OS LCOULIOCN SSG eS Feeney Olivet Church, Jamestown,’ N. Y. George’ DirMcCulloch isn. Loree Presbyterian Church, Batavia, Ohio De EPMOSteM CON IT ys ees Ss 3 eRe Wells Memorial Church, Brooklyn, N. Y. BFE McobDowelldat: sativa. fou Bowers & Walkers Chapel, Greenville, S. C. PEAT Ses O LO WOE eet ae ete) ig ths)! s, we stair casein ot pre-xasieccceceeosénttcn Canyon, Texas Alexander; Mcherran.)). |. Pus wk owes First Church, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa Alexander McGaffin...J.6:5....6.% Church of the Covenant, Cleveland, Ohio William C. McGarvey........ Executive Secretary, Presbytery of Buffalo, Buffalo, N. Y. Weve MC GPO. ersten ates pi St Presbyterian Church, Staplehurst, Nebr. Meacnemel MoGitin anata oh. ba okt Sse Union Church, St. Peter, Minn. Robert Gardner McGregor....... North Avenue Church, New Rochelle, N. Y. ete ET OBLON TM COLODTy Sain ee Mariners’ Church, Philadelphia, Pa. oat hae "Thomas #“MeiIntyre ech... Presbyterian Chapel, Huntington ‘Station, Long Island, «N+; Charleés’R. McKean rene tees Presbyterian Church, Raton, New Mexico Joseph Oo MOK GLV6V oe ints is reitok gone nr ts oe Heh ey Peete Wem La Mesa, Calif. Gharles¥McKhenzre oer crete ts te sens Presbyterian Church, Johnstown, N. Y. Cordome MK GN Ze Te ee ela: ce tee cnct Mee th eo als) a wicks otk ata o Sear ee Utica, Nove Peter MGHET ZIG Ula yo carne ile ee alate tele aie tet Tote dats Olivet Church, Utica, N. Y. George At MCHINIAy oa Pett owe state ete edhe Cite Sorina labete late". elalatate Salem, Oregon AZ HY McKinney 2-4 oe ek Superintendent of New York City Mission Society New York City ; Samtlel” Rie MGKANSIPY 10% ree tee ae ce ee tees First Church, Marion, N. Y. A OHO MCISCAM, ore ce tala w ecrene care ehe ee Presbyterian Church, Markville, Minn. Willian Five Ric ren attri ey creche tartan te stele = oes Welcome Hall, Buffalo, N. Y. Charlies "Mer MeManis tere eee rei ea kee First Church, Mitchell, S. Dak. BoE A MCMiCaite s,s eset tas tee aes Presbyterian Church, Manchester, Kansas Duncan J. McMillan........ Secretary New York Sabbath Committee, New York City JOUN PM CINA Dee ete ee ete a eee Seca ea ss tate eas Third Church, Trenton, N. J. BD Pied Belahs Kees Wik geet ece ae cic atc ae Te uch RO eRe Ge First Church, Freeport, Ill. S "AZ" MGPHErSON 6 Sv oe sieve eee eee iets aN Pore arete are etehattets Waxahachie, Texas SS eit. MCONOWIie rer oie tue Sorces ak ES Presbyterian Church, Walters, Okla. Calvin "Ata MCR Gat, terres te tetra code okie ceenernae « Knox Church, Detroit, Mich. William J. Mesurely.. ere: Pastor Emeritus Presbyterian Church,. Hillsboro, Ohio; Oxford, O. James A. McWilliams...... ee Shee Presbyterian Church, Honey Brook, Pa. GOOSEN Wer LGAG Te clits cee cle Sodte ce ele dene phetate First Church, Bel Air, Maryland Do Te NECA ee ee ae OS er eA ay Oe re Presbyterian Church, Sayre, Okla. FUULC OLDE Olen erat er erie tes cic G crete care eerere Lakeview Church, Paterson, N. J. Andrew*B. Meidrium oe. wee... ss First (Old Stone) Church, Cleveland, Ohio Willards Goenbellins . er Seer ee ee eat ake Bethesda Church, Rimersburg, Pa. J ASIIOIPOS Ci eee aera s Siesta Ses Presbyterian Church, Janesville, Wis. Grant Merchant....... McFarland Memorial and Mountain Brook Churches, White Salmon, Wash. Roberts DP Merril. ste ee aw ele Presbyterian Church, Seneca Falls, N. Y. William teieMerrill ee Vee cM eke ce et Brick Church, New York City Williamyeniey Gry Pie’ eek BS ee ree ee ita ia it ane hana Tecumseh, Okla. G. Her Michelsenry i. Pe er eee Presbyterian Church, Ellicottville, N. Y. William; So Middiemass. 72). f2s. Presbyterian Church, Eagle Rock, Calif. ‘William AaVii6d em ate oie ties ctetetotate satan oe eke re ‘,..First Church, Oxnard, Calif. COE HS MIGraneoicte. Moy av ewde se eecteeaesr ene First Church, Detroit, Mich. Het Cl METAR APR a. cretion. cree ere ten First Church, Chandler, Okla. Edward Waite Miller........ Kingsboro Avenue Church, Gloversville, N. Y. Prank dianiilier faa ewan eh Chaplain, U. 8. Army, Fort Sherman, Canal Zone GeOre Gers MALL er eee oe Gath totae store arora tae. koeeberets First Church, Warsaw, N. Y. Js SMUG att. catetal te ehetetot ead aanaeieats ate Emerson Chapel, Blackville, S. C. weal OS CPL CWVIALLGY SIMILILGT, (0. s cicrs a tahcee aero crete tne ener ane Princeton, Nie. Kenneth tk Miller. 3. 2eouee. Jan Hus Bohemian Church, New York City Pere LL Te rete ie ce ee eta te ste tee ect Presbyterian Church, Cochranton, Pa. Duncans Milnertc Serre eee Ravenswood Church, Chicago, IIl. OSS MVALOO Tits lercs ater e aon Second Church, Indianapolis, Ind. B.’G? Mitchells Pah, eects Se oes Presbyterian Church, Greenfield, Tenn. WilliamrG. Mitchell. 2G are Bethany Church, Menands, Albany, N. Y. Alexandentin Mivat.. ore.) fae ae, eee First Church, Madelia, Minn. Prank MMixsellfutt fSvert yy KER Idyllwild Church, Palm Springs, Calif. DA MMODIE cre eA ces wie ceed olivetenscitar he oo ae ae First Church, Vallejo, Calif. JOD. ELie LIVGOMSULE. gts siete aie ae Presbyterian Church, Harlem, Montana Je Vy MOLOSRNe Were.” -Ceeres te ay Westminster Church, Albany, N. Y. JOUN* Jee DLOImeDD, see. ee cies ee Crescent Avenue Church, Plainfield, N. J. Samuel 7S MoOntsoOmery. tc te eee ee ee eee Eagle Rock, Calif. David’ We Mody io. Ste A Presbyterian Church, Summerville, N. Y. Winfred Pettit Moody. oo o200. Extension Board, Brooklyn-Nassau Presbytery. St. Albans, N. Y. Blias, LAM pore ur.) Pathe 8 Presbyterian Church, Enterprise, Oregon cn hoa Ol ee ie EE Boat Frank W. Moore Feta whats Assistant Professor in Auburn Theological Seminary, sAuburn,! N. «¥. HWRrOMMOOre het sores eo een be ae een i eA i First Church, Davis, Okla. TOraniial cI GUNG, cay arte aiele sien case wene t Aransas Pass, Texas Wad Ia Pe IM OOL Oe . rene ho SEIS ex ee oop Bee es First Church, Newton, Iowa Hugh AS Moran. siae3 Presbyterian University Pastor, Cornell University, Ithaca,’ NxeY- James Harold More. Cuneta d. ae tcas alvaliston, Cnurcno, Cincinnar, Ono LEG WIS pels EOL Yee ie Rie Sle a enerele a cise c,d eee wee 6.8 San Antonio, Texas Nathaniel J. Moring:....... MATT oakley. Northminster Church, St. Louis, Mo. ee LOGC WIL OL. Lae et) SNE es RIG i ON. rineteen ee SCs SUNT Ss io. 0 ete suas ogee nme Dayton, Pa. pike devel tape fo 3 Weg Be Ca 2 ae ash ta a New York City ATPULOULRMOLtONn SON Wh ists ta houtes wis © estas» Normal Park Church, Chicago, Ill. SP LIV CLL he eT, oo ee Ae ote Ce ad ote fen ee ere kao enahe coi Taylorville, Ill. Charleag Mica MGrereis iorase «jens S «wees First Church, Pine Plains, N. Y. PATIer VV LISP LOULG » ote feet ew. Professor in Elmira College, Elmira, N. Y. TLL Ee VEEL A Le on ee oe ae ee ae re ten pele le rage: Sussex, New Jersey a CSI Wi eee iis eh ate Acres asc tise First Church, Halstead, Kansas (Feorgesl)--Mullendore ses ee fee Presbyterian Church, Knob Noster, Mo. Tero Glic © tie oti aoc atte ee et ect onal) le a ee deine ee > Pasadena, Calif. Bassas Murra Vt es is ss Appleby Manor Memorial Church, Ford City, Pa DIAC See NEL TRV etel ale hie tie? se cee nee First Church, Chillicothe, Texas TATIOPEW WCC ee bare te ite). a ghee! lable. tals Presbyterian Church, Bryn Mawr, Pa. POA LY ers isewiy. Professor in Hartford School of Religious Pedagogy, Hartford, Conn. JamosoMyersseisss.:. Executive Secretary, Board of Operatives, Dutchess Bleachery Inc., Wappingers Falls, N. Y. George W. Mylne........ We ee Presbyterian Church, Ellicott City, Maryland TROON TL ENE BLOT) ovis cave) sel Site Sete Ure see ahaha ne First Church, Morrisville, Pa. Fen IN ALLO ee ee tre 2 Wier a er erate ate GAL CR ae men ee TS ae cent y Se Palatka, Fla. Pea eee CLE OIC ef arte coe cis crete ae toe os Presbyterian Church, Lewistown, Ill. CST Osste® BIN OWCOLLD 6 ee tcc are oe ee oa ae o Re Presbyterian Church, Parma, O. PEOU LG sO WILL oat eee cc eee es een Presbyterian Church, Shelby, Iowa HYed DC eNewimrany.A2). +3. SU oat Presbyterian Church, Tunkhannock, Pa. PICU VeLLY IeWICUOIAS ser. lee oes Pees eae First Church, Summit Hill, Pa. hee PEALE LIN CLOSE cue se geen cele f.0e Setar bee eine Immanuel Church, Cincinnati, O. Robert Hastings Nichols........ Professor in Auburn Theological Seminary, Auburn, N. Y. Boils NICDOIBON, 2.32 fee one ek HERS Boe ae GEAR bis ce RS bie DeKalb, Miss. Dea TE CE ROTE Cota hee Le evs aes ee ete hohe ve tah oma tah gree fo lola ote Sta ese New Haven, Conn. Henry E. Nicklen...... Congruity and Slickville Churches; Greensburg, Pa. eed ERCP IMACS L E535 GS SC ea cy. gaa ane eae APG oa alo ha ty ate live Ola eae aparateee ae Chicago, IIl. REL RIERY eee CEL Se ok ome Seer oc oh a ate hel uf chee Mahandls Federated Church, Goleta, Calif. ORNEE OTS hate tp SSS heel EU Aa AL Presbyterian Church, Roscoe, N. Y. AD a oe OL CLES one's Fao ere wo ot ta Mohs ae Presbyterian Church, Port Henry, N. Y. Wii PatINOY OSs... ce sss Superintendent Hastern Canada Chinese Mission, - Toronto, Ont. DSO Lee NY COn 6 08-8 26:2 05's Mal aia. weaenpeie aye First Church, Lincoln, Neb. BLOT Are ee VAAL Soe et BR cae Satatee oe dc tate Missionary, Barranquilla, Colombia PP LINS TMCMN PELE hy ci tudes a ¥ehe eral widse Gos) aw a OS Sees First Church, Washington, Iowa AT GAUL CIO OLL G2 dans. x: whatie a ieibPe' eemmesbonn bin ts . Westminster Church, Detroit, Mich. DORSET OOOO ile ooh s wis coe sigs dae eR bees eee Wilmington, Delaware Owen LDmOd SU 0s © aie ened anlage dedy yt BE Fe First Church, Sewickley, Pa. MISTI BV tO PEGI pice o5tii19 aisteioicbda’e «ordoare veto 8 South Shore Church, Chicago, II. OV RUT Pa) ETD ate oa ca ats no shore, beatae SRE Meee Bethany Church, Chicago, III. SMR OO) UOT te ie wales ufliw.«, Sh '« ....Park Boulevard Church, Oakland, Calif. Ppt ae OR i bi attee ein tle Rew sfeis'd.0 tate ddgenalle Synodical Executive, Nashville, Tenn. SEES THT) Py GPE Ay i ins bs » enh < % FSR ee oe Ree eG Buhl, Idaho Charles K. Orsborn eae Pa E> ee Presbytertan Church, River Forest, Ill. TROP Ye ELCOTE Lia ee oi dik in ee aus in oe 2.2 vio Oe Memorial Church, Bellona, N. Y. ge ok CISETOOOOL ves eiblsucsters eine a os co's a ok do Se Oe a oe he Fe ES, Bugene, Ore. Liens SLT ANG Glide 6st woe 26 a ',.Pastor Emeritus First Church, Lyons, N. Y. SS ORMAT Fa is hn tie & aed pclchoit lee aaccrelails «2 se a First Church, Slaton, Texas CGAL oP iige bd Poot She Tc) oa aS phe Tn Tie ee Welsh Church, Middle Granville, N. Y. PM TRRPEA PUY BALL BhSTE Es aaa ervenshot nhs aafatakel ora’ ot in er Presbyterian Church, Brockwayville, Pa. Se aS oie First Church of Genoa, King Ferry, N. Y. Stanley. Ce Pacek aisha tice eealen Frederick A. Palmer..... Ly OE paket eepi bbs waa Faith Church, Irvington, N. J. SamuclG-iPaim ene. Aun cellivid cemietee eee Presbyterian Church, Lima, N. Y. Stephens). s Professor in Lake Forest College, Lake Forest, Ill. ALE EaeEA LLUTLO WW wit o's wins, « aonue ote ora First Church, Ridgewood; Brooklyn, N. Y. Pee AR TL OGG? wine G calc secs canis suet net tte Second Church, Amsterdam, N. Y. Charles Elbert Rhodes........ Principal-elect, Bennett High School, Buffalo, Now Ya PAT CUE RCO en tions feces coat Presbyterian Church, Klamath Falls, Oregon PROT AR ee ICOM are ste a's ens. eines a8 4 er agreens Westwood Church, Cincinnati, O. COB ATIGMAIVVA TLC Ca cto o cre os cctie ote on shee fate ere eee ae Cleveland, O. WE BON EG eee adie echo aa cols aa nes et nee Dek te anes Grand Junction, Colo. Charles Ori APR ICOSLUS sce te. er ce See Rogers Park Church, Chicago, III. Welsh Church, New York City Tia OTS ARETLICUATOS c octets s t's eee Se eee ee (oD Ar iat s Mee TeRGUATU SOI), wired, occ clata cectatct, ota tecs First Church, El Cajon, Calif. UT OCU OLEOT Lt tas siete dic .gunes bs ea te a Ce ek Kenmore Church, Buffalo, N. Y. Charles Ashichmond........ President of Union College, Schenectady, N. Y. Harryewe Richmond,....: Director of Friendship House, Lackawanna, N. Y. ROU eer es II OIL xscape pc tpn « ....Westminster Church, Greensburg, Pa. OUR et SACOM icky o's cane ona o eces we eer ee Pastor at large, Glendale, Calif. Be REEL SNe % or. a sete s's.c Goon «nie ee tea ana First Church, Oxford, Ohio aE H ITE SP) Oh aa Ra ea Auburn Theological Seminary, Auburn, N. Y. _ SMO TLO TLL EL fed akn. s sk sole esa hinettet s eae TT East Orange, N. J. CDATIORPOUALILOY .0. 0c ys ap.ncs.s edictes cs Flower Memorial Church, Theresa, N. Y. PUn AMER MM IN Gedy vires po cra eo a Clie oo Gre Cee Mt. Nebo Church, Lone Star, S. C. MA) VEAP LON Bui. craig 3 ccs op ns cee ¢ ee ee ee First Church, Sioux City, lowa PE REOIT OE coh Wid! sa als wpa yes ore a's Austin Avenue Church, Brownwood, Texas ey AeEELS ET Lott yew aie a,c ete sc ee eee ee First Church, Waterloo, N. Y. Rae CMELIQTIE ELS cathe < ptir sso ¢ 6. eM 0 0 ot era ate Presbyterian Church, Lake Forest, II]: (PADRE OE OLOLLAGA apace onde Saeenoae bate the First Church, Aurora, Ind. MA AWA OELOUOLTE oo deca cc's che cee chars ..Presbyterian Church, Oxford, Iowa EPA E ECORNELL DUNT) Cabal Sta at oo in sieibia Sc a ecote te Mehta Tees First Church, Fargo, N. -D. SAUIES MLOUELLEOU cick. crc sie dics s 3 Scotch Church of Waddington, Lisbon, N. Y. MODOTiADAROGK fh. dc 5's onc a Presbyterian Church, New Providence, N. J. DAI EVV COC ct Ela gos ow ee ne egos eens Central Church, Montclair, Nees. Danieliet cROOLARaUei) tp ms ce bce te ES First Church, Flanders, N. J. PLOTS OL ames on tn as Gents ovine Presbyterian Church, Vinton, Iowa SOAS Tt Greed ty FLOOS Gaeatr yaa nce a aeadh ators o.0' cae eS ote bee etd HamburgseNvAyY. ner) ome AIOxXaNO Gr LORS so. cleus ce nlc ae eee First Church, Rutherford, N. J. Ee edt REL OR LOCI sh waste aoste * shai dt cae © are eto sale ete ete ee ee ena Chicago, Ill. PCUNIFE MU ettAh te. > ck EE ote a oko = tare vo, Windermere Church, East Cleveland, O. Henry Rumer............ eer Creek Harbor Church, Darlington, Maryland PMO TIIG SOS) or ta em abla a Sate n afe core Presbyterian Church, Oneonta, N.Y. Ja wolmer, RUSSO. cee eew ca ccn cones ss North Church, Binghamton, N. Y. First Church, Jersey City, N. J. A lired' Is Sadlerwrerccs cota w spelt ote Gale nee Pas Byron? GPSas ene y ois ean’ Wea we aenctd tema ote Missionary, Tares, Porto Rico Stanton W. Salisbury........ Chaplain U. S. Navy, U. S. S. Bridgeport, New York City MoorerSanbvoriime. «oes sauicn oat First Church, West View, Pittsburgh, Pa. iW. Ra Sanderson oes et Waa eee ok es First Church, Marshfield, Ore. Wi, Saneree rer: oO Ren Nh aeete ee las. Ste PT Ee oN 4s les caterer ae rs Buffalo, N. Y. Josepl’ Sanna e ete sheebaaiy tae ee First Italian Church, Chicago, II1. Harry ?JSSarkissremdoe dd uw. asia eee cto First Church, Mt. Sterling, II. Theodore F. Savage........ Secretary, Church Extension Committee, Pres- bytery of New York, New York City Alvin +G; Ss wieliensry mek oe de bees se Second Church, Paterson, N. J. Win. ha Sawtellaaiie ee... cee eee. te een First Church, Scranton, Pa. Samuel*+Garlyiesscnaciiercs |! oosmacdear ss eS First Church, Lompoc, Calif. USS. Schawlteeee ee Se ee Second Church, Oklahoma City, Okla. R.+PaulkeSchearvervwt veac. Geo ee ok ee ae Presbyterian Church, Endicott, N. Y. George Wer SCRErant kin. icucrc cites Missionary, Suk-el-Gharb, Lebanon, Syria AVBsSchmavonianetee. Ane leaks ose ee First Church, Cazenovia, N. Y. EL OnE Y GRU Seas Ss ieee isd oo Meare ie tea e Cee ade a atdts Sota Freeport, © Il. Frederick Cues Chor 26 Pye ae ee as First Church, Skaneateles, N. Y. Charles H.'Sehwarzbach.. «4.40... eet! Street Church, Brooklyn, Ne eee GZOOree" Ela COMEl Craw ett Pits alee cies Sooekate ehh First Church, Goshen, N. Y. LAWS COLLARS aint. 78 ay mee ata Presbyterian Church, Franklinville, N. Y. William FESS GOuia rch Adc Swen ie sche winetan< Glen Avon Church, Duluth, Minn. RG6CHSY HS CULL ere Ssh Ss WAy a oO, . Mexican Church, Globe, Arizona Herbert L. Searles........ Student Pastor, State University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa Theodore daoearis 42s 46. ee HESSD yan Church, Sacket Harbor, N. Y. PréederickeigegSGiden sti? : heerakieasate oe Ravenswood Church, Chicago, II. O. R. Sellers....Professor in McCormick Theological Seminary, Chicago, Il. a ESS CL Gir eee Ree RT oe Presbyterian Church, Le Seueur, Minn. VINGent Seratini yeni sere cy eee em Immanuel Church, Trenton, N. J. Charles: G@: Sawallace pda aten: Acme an. ....Presbyterian Church, Rye, N. Y. Grenville (PeSewalley Valea aecras faces tiee e oee ee en ae Aurora, N. Y. Maysou i ySawelle sce uewe eras Setgeies oe Presbyterian Church, Attica, N. Y. Hdward «Mo Sharnicse. 2 see ae: Presbyterian Church, Monterey, Calif. Js UR SRALD eae ia ie). fea not SY cletiats eee First Church, Hereford, Texas CharlesebranklinsSha whee semataidaceee. First Church, Asbury Park, N. J. - Edwards BPiStawisd. 1 Mews dakbadueee.. Lecce a ieee First Church, Dawson, Pa. HdWardis Sua wer wanes aa yates see North Church, Philadelphia, Pa. Ce SEB Wiel, ce ete dee hota Timothy Darling Church, Oxford, N. C. Robert, Pe SRA ns aie ic asi baids ols ile lene CRT oe Tacoma, Wash. Garland iSnelite cee’ smecaidis s doniouce er akincne First Church, Childress, Texas LS Bumeye Shells 5 Pict coe Cleveland Street Church, Nashville, Tenn. RAE PUSrmnan Se et) ees Cle gente Ge Presbyterian Church, Delta, Colo. LOULS We SREP win Fish). acme cia oi ee cok ae Second Church, Oil City, Pa. Robert L. Shepherd..... Professor in Missouri Valley College, Marshall, Mo. Alberti Sn epnerdeGiw eo tea we ce, First Church, Forest Hills, L. L, N. Y. Md Gar FOP On Gta tan ite tweens nt oe ee eee ee Ee St. Paul, Minn. NicholasiS.’Sichtermany.24 - <2... tae First Church, Port Huron, Mich. : Robert S. Sidebotham eae oe Church of the Redeemer, Manistique, Mich: GUM. Simonse sie tna ak. ee First Church, Middletown, Ohio Arthur H. BTR SOR aT kee. corde Mer h tere eee First Church, Pottstown, Pa. AOUG SING Alar toni k Mn coed ark eee First Church, Bloomfield, N. J. Jo MAD EID D Bie Gimerd . Jeondstts smaccre'sa saa en ne First Church, Stockton, Calif. Lary BY AMISL ye, ita ae DOK ich chance tee First Church, Mineville, N. Y. Gilbert A. Smith Pee are et Pek c Sele ocle Soe ee First Church, Rudyard, Mich. Hal PAS uw Seeeeecioer 6d. oe ae ee First Church, Winters, Texas FLOUT Yk. Pte ee Presbyterian Church, Springville, N. Y. ENG, Bim ities. we wee. ae Presbyterian Church, Coffeeville, Miss. Matthewilreniitiin ocecre vv a oe... << e First Church, Indianapolis, Ind. ThOmMas-VASmitii aes « eras nc ob Westminster Church, Jacksonville, Il. W. Clyde (Smithievs. +. Associate Superintendent, Church Extension Board, Chicago Presbytery, Chicago al Bl George Hugh Smyth.......... Hitchcock Memorial Church, Hartsdale, Wits Langecliffe Church, Avoca, Pa, PS VE cena lt Vaal On chee aes Oivisiatsinie lic tiskire's #0 m 9.¢ es PAGE I Ol etait Ades 0 io al tielane Nak m6 3 5seee Presbyterian Church, Canton, Ill. VEL SSIES DEL are.c iia eiiiWel sis a iiia ls cee 6 8 min ale aus Gini 3 are a tain pa dteta ticiers Gee eters Pottstown, Pa. Invint Prag klinw.vWacner..... ot ee Elsmere Church, Wilmington, Del. Charles C. Walker...... Concord Grammar School, Brandywine Summit, Pa. Howard Weaker ces ere Presbyterian Church, Ben Lomond, Calif. GeONse Wie alkene... tte Presbyterian Church, Margaretville, N. Y. ABA Cy Walker St pRu lain 6s, 6.0 cba: Sande a dP cies St. Paul’s Church, Chicago, I. Nathaniel FeaWalker... o. e ee on et Eat en ne ae Cincinnati, Ohio Weel sVERLR Gates css ci Ce ee First Church, West Liberty, Iowa Lite BWV GLROP a neon s cc's sabe t cone ee re en re Sawtelle, Calif. CMW AIRCON. See divas Cane rn eee First Church, Tipton, Ia. De Ce vValUacetn. ) a) ents ce ee Pee First Church, Rockdale, Texas AE VV OAM Bie tes oD ne gat Sage and Baptiste Missions, Hemet, Calif. NOSCDH Howard. AValsh... 20. 28s ees he ee ree First Church, Whippany, N. J. J. Grant Walter 5s Aepdek Mai Niece weeaete iittae Mayflower Church, Hast Cleveland, Ohio Ernest Louis WIRES ereteton ote City Park Branch of First Church, Brooklyn, N. Y. Or Prankiinawierd i... et. ....Presbyterian Church, Mount Kisco, N. ¥ Bie LR WECH ARV BIL ve ates ones tae ak Pe ee ee ted ee Los Angeles, Calif. Geores; Wiawerrel....c.cc.a Presbyterian Church, East Boston, Mass. HaroldsG Wrerran: saa ecce ce et Trumbull Avenue Church, Detroit, Mich. ie Central Church, Paris, Texas PP a VV OUI... 5 Qaskainty Catertecnrs irae puesta ts ow, apace 8 POllratiets WW EALLOL Glo ce ae ate ee ccs Fo + bee Ge cle wren lets 3 Eagle Rock, Calif. Ds Peco ORO DOUL Me occtek lake Gta alk seteas. gutinveigeis ss on First Church, Lamesa Texas Bart iw WS VAG. bo eoble seies wa ee te olsis Community Church, Louann, Ark. Wr Rig ee Pee OM GRID IS en ae Rae atc tig S's on a atetg ans setpte «eee ae Geneva, N. Y. JETOMStH A W.GDDGE tas aes ce a ae ss Presbyterian Church, Royal Oak, Mich. Henry J. Weber...... Ce ey a As Dean of Bloomfield Theological Seminary, Bloomfield, N. J. TUMOTY SU: WEDSLOT aso seek bts (pe ie Haare First Church Brockport, N. Y. ee IVA RN de a A RT ee ee a GE sys ces a are fae Bowling Green, Ohio AE VOR LS Citta A ER 5 etn te oti}. baled e dhe choses Laurel Hill Church, Dunbar, Pa. CnarléssC a W Cit rs srs c eee abuts Gatch ais see a ee First Church, Ardmore, Okla. JOUTPiLey Ona WelCh ily be cere te bie we Presbyterian Church, Dansville, N. Y. GeOr Pos Wer WG UTIs 5. ices sae Sia sie eye vies ae Second Church, Scranton, Pa. BOUT AGE OL1GT as a inn hin a “ots 9) odie mab ot 6, 5 Community Church, Havre, Mont. Soir es Cee VV CLLOT Bean crus a ad poor e et Presbyterian Church, Woodburn, Oregon OP UELPE TIE IE VV WY GUL grees a aoe Sore ce ee Ee te toes wh olete es ours Rochester, N. Y. eV OT sae WLS eo cds es Yelei areata Instructor in High School, Montclair, N. J. ERAT ie OW GR OBL a) ren Fa o kres ocho mal 6 cee gs Puy oft First Church, Vernon Center, N. Y. ers VSS Dee Cerin conve ncet@e sterol ciskclumacen eee eb co tetere > First Church, Ashmore, III. First Church, Geneva, N. Y. PTA POL OLE YT SVV GSLO LL Aires eieroid a re rectpe SPMe Ueeear ate, wie ats Wii arm WeRLW O00 be oss calese ae « Lb tae First Church, Sandpoint, Idaho YY TING INI SON GAL trata tis fy 5 vlchtdradiPire cutee a ee ree ee ess Bentonville, Ark. Clyde Randolph Wheeland..... BE F555 Irving Park Church, Chicago, Til. eS AOR ite eee Pas atc! ac sie aotearoa ties ae Chee ee At as a ee Cleveland, Ohio CIBOT eS Cae ANY TIGL) eats 9 x nh Ls WO domaine Dee First Church, Palo Alto, Calif. GaylordeS se WILLS os vtes ce ee Union Theological Seminary, New York City SIGOFe Gee WV UIT. ee sis + «i baie Sabbath-School Missionary, Missoula, Mont. ETC Arie ie VEE te a Pear bly a: oct eg eal tho horn Saw te sah oe OER Sean i ae 456 Tacoma, Wash. ADIT Ts WV MANY LEI LOSE, eR ta CIA» wan decte Stepan wih sis 6s First Church, Plain View, Texas Vena 2o oa Sah bao Bake ee 9 tb ig ae ee Meridian Heights Church, Indianapolis, Ind. VV ULL EATS VA LENG aha bo dein teed ccs Wok 4 khaki Secretary, Philadelphia, Pa. RONSIE is VV OVA O er. feel Oe Si: essiig dae stone Calvary Church, Philadelphia, Pa. Ha Warden. sw iC Or. sence oo. 5s Professor in San Francisco Theological Semin- - ary, San Anselmo, Calif. TIOOL EO SA TAVV ICR ITC ccs ci bee bau atiewelenn Community Church, Dakota, II. Thomas. A, Wiesinton, ..2./. 2... Washington Avenue Church, Evansville, Ind. POT Tey LAL. $0.0.k oso ule viele University Heights Church, New York City GE) bitad SMART OLYS Cee ca oh os se alec etal thy: ghia Bre. pBoiata 4. Cah ; First Church, Athens, O. SeGiih eR NA IBON) vcs Gis cin avs 6 ee le eee cece Pirst-Church, “1 urin, Ney. OSB AWTS tot. PRA ie tee Sete Urata eee ce Presbyterian Church, Osceola, Pa. BPrecariom cay sms ees bo .. ak ee ee First Church, Monroe, N. Y. Sama eT MILEIATOS a5 yes ds oak 6 Eke Fe A ed os ee ek Freeport, O. MMA REIS inal a scons Sho, 5: cieia ts pinta ae tb 3 5 Presbyterian Church, Dawn, Mo. WATE OW WulnImS . 3s ee ee et Presbyterian Church, Morristown, S. Dak. AFUE RRE ON TIEROITIC. cog stale els nls’ o ove deo ee oot Oe Welsh Church, Oakland, Calif. VM ce TLE VY LUNLASIDE 0, cca s salves soo viele Presbyterian Church, Covina, Calif. vk PETTY WV LELE IT eS re are an aaa eer First Welsh Church, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. C. R. Williamson...............+... Westminster Church, West Chester, Pa. James D. Williamson........ Acting President, Western Reserve University, Cleveland, O AV ATL SOE VV ALLIES amen een cit se ts ee ce eR ee First Church, Stanford, New York Feeseranarm Wius0nt 9.4 oe or. oe oe tle Ce ee First Church, Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Reet s, «VN UTE ee rt Gt, Seat is 2 -....MacAlester College, St. Paul, Minn. J. Nesbit Wilson........ ees En Aer epe ages... T Ee Te As tee as ee Cleveland, O. eta Od Vs WIISON ©. 5 sins soe nes cae St. James Church, Bellingham, Washington Matthew Hale Wilson.............. Professor in Park College, Parkville, Mo. Thee PaO RNY UDI. sy ait taittoer tate es Walnut Grove Church, Farmington, Ark. RIVAL Cos ols Sree ee Be eee ee, ee eee First Church, Orrville, O. Cagereierancis VW isnereo metecee cit a evs 24 dhs en ee es Berkeley, Calif. BIO RIMNV JONG. e so ark iae ach, , Sees Third Church, Grand Rapids, Mich. PUREE T ES VLD OLh ., «haere cat gos ns beens fee ee ee Rushville, N. Y. M. M. Witherspoon.........-.. Chaplain, U. S. Navy, U. S. S. Colorado, Navy yard, Ni-¥.' 7 Wabi wWitherspordn. sek ge wee ee First Church, Crystal River, Florida | Teds WILD VOM setae orl ata et w.< © eee First Church, Columbus, Kansas AYTthuUuts Bay ILEEN DOreeriet dees ewckels vce es tec dies Knox Church, Cloquet, Minn. JOU ee WW OLE VOL. te Rio rete ccste a, pte cue ehuceday she ia 6: ¢ us ¢ eed rete gc. t Tuscola, Ill. Pau PAs WOU wear vere ue halsetal tee comtteaa cso mtecea ss Saranac Lake, N. Y. JL S sO OLLI. cracioane acutiens eis aie alae Manalapan Church, Freehold, N. J. Charles ayy ood arts. ecu bee lees din Church of the Covenant,-Washington, D. C. Giarlés a sevVO0U Se seve we cree coos bac Cadillac Avenue Church, Detroit, Mich. Charl Gain BVVOOU sr niet aan Sane Paras a ee Saree « First Church, Phelps, N. Y. DW. WOGdS i tae tilts cates << 3 Lower Marsh Creek Church, Gettysburg, Pa. Frank CHUrCoUIAW OOUESigts «teat let ges Ses Severna Park Church, Boone, Md. W: B.PWorrele ec on, CPO Bap oe arr Presbyterian Church, Steeleville, Ill. ATTP OC Rie Vir Te eer gee. elo Give he tes deere es Presbyterian Church, Lakewood, O. OSC VIS eee tke seas Secretary of Federated Churches, Cleveland, O. FRCS CLA AVA eens oe ee re cee eae Central Church, Montclair, N. J. Harold Worden Wylie.......... Presbyterian Church, Circleville, New York ABE AW YTOO Dkr tace gis sels bce are ae Pa pe oy oir caine tag ea Pi aietene ceed Albany, N. Y. WilllampYstcn. o2.05 Fenske cates tes Presbyterian Church, Newberry, Mich. FIOWATO sy ay Cleln 4.5 a cae ces Church of the Covenant, New York City Calyin HV EOUNE wate econ ne co wae ack eee Presbyterian Church, Irmo, S. C. COLUMEOr Gs dow OULl as cet cas eee ae Presbyterian Church, Rockville Centre, N. Y. UG WAFORC ALOUD Eco aa lea fed Cd etal tare ser a ene Sean anne North Ridgeville, O. JaWalaceur ules a to As te eae Presbyterian Church, Ballston Spa, N. Y. R. Spencer Youngs. '...... Bey epee se wig Yellow Frame Church, Newton, N. J. Salud Wat Ey Ole. hitch, frie cee eee ee 6 ei oe Bedford Church, Brooklyn, N. Y. patie eS ab hdr oy be ah) 10 a Aad alae ag General Missionary for Alaska, Juneau, Alaska IW ilamiiaiosay ey OUNS ee eet. er University Pastor, State University, Missoula, Montana TRE ay OU Lente tarot ae t,t Presbyterian Church, Marble Hill, Missouri JOD NEDA Un beet ee sa et ar tte eae Presbyterian Church, Cabery, IIl. Karl eZ Giclee eae oe care tee eee ee ioe cone Union Church, Berea, Ky. Robert Ha7elsiorte cis ke ee one ’. Harvey Federated Church, Harvey, III. John SheridantZehiaos. a. oder: cee cee ee cette First Church, Troy, N. Y. HMmery 7H cu mmerm all. ten ee ee ee ee First Church, Manning, Iowa ha NOTE SUPPLEMENTARY TO AN AFFIRMATION designed to pereauadd the unity and liberty of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America In view of certain features of the discussion which has followed the publication, of “An Affirmation designed to safeguard the unity and liberty of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America,” the.Conference Committee, which had charge of the publication of the Affirmation, desires to call attention to (I) some important utterances of one of our church’s greatest leaders, Dr.Charles Hodge, for more than half a century professor in Princeton Theological Seminary, (II) a part of the constitution of the church, and (III) an historic action taken on the ground of this part of the constitution by the General Assemblies of the Presbyterian Church in the U. S. A. and the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, as the basis of the reunion of these churches. All of these things are relevant to statements made in the Af- firmation. I. The subject of the. authority of the deliverances of General Assemblies was discussed by Dr. Charles Hodge in articles in the Princeton Review of July and October, 1865. There will be no difference of opinion as to Dr. Hodge’s loyalty to the Presbyterian Church or his competence to expound its law. His discussion was occasioned by an action of the General Assembly of 1865 concern- ing matters of civil right and duty; but from his words it will be seen that he held that the authority of the deliverances of General Assemblies “on all points of truth and duty,” to use his own lan- guage, is constitutionally limited. Dr. Hodge speaks as follows: “It is an axiom in our Presbyterianism that the General Assem- bly can make no law to bind the conscience. It cannot alter by adding thereto or detracting therefrom the constitutional terms of ministerial or Christian fellowship. ‘Those terms are laid down in express words in our Form of Government, which we are all bound to obey. Assent to the truth or propriety of the deliverances or testimonies of the Assembly is not one of the terms prescribed... . We have no security for liberty of conscience, no protection from the tyranny of casual majorities, if the principle be once admitted - that the Assembly can make anything beyond what the constitution prescribes, a condition either of admission into the ministry of our church or of continuance in it. This is too plain to be questioned.” (Princeton Review, vol. xxxvii, p. 508). cael 1 Rae “The Assembly of course has the right to express its judgment and give instructions on all points of truth and duty. So has every presbytery and every minister or Christian. But such judgments have only the authority due to the advice or opinions of those from whom they proceed. They have no legal force on any man’s con- science or conduct. ... The Popish doctrine of the infallibility of church courts does not suit Americans. It is high time that these simple principles of religious liberty should be clearly announced and openly asserted.”’ (Princeton Review, vol. xxxvii, p. 510). “The next question is, What is the authority due to the deliver- ances of our ecclesiastical judicatories, and specially of the General Assembly. As to this point we do not believe that there is any real difference of opinion among true Presbyterians. “1. It is admitted that church courts are not infallible. ‘AII synods or councils,’ says our Confession, ‘since the apostles’ times, whether general or particular, may err, and many have erred; therefore they are not to be made the rule of faith or practice, but to be used as a help in both.’ Ii not a rule of faith or practice, acquiescence in their deliverances cannot be made a term either of Christian or ministerial communion..... “2. If the deliverances of ecclesiastical bodies be not infallible, then there must be a judge of their correctness, and a standard by which that judgment is to be formed. The judge is every man who chooses to exercise the privilege. If Paul recognizes the right of private judgment, even in reference to the preaching of an apostle, or of an angel from heaven, surely this will not be denied with regard to the acts of any body of fallible and sinful men. The standard of judgment is of course the holy Scriptures. Our Con- fession tells us the decrees and determinations of councils are to be received only when ‘consonant to the word of God.’ As an exposi- tion of the word of God, admitted as authority among Presbyter- ians, we have our Confession of Faith and Form of Government, which constitute our ecclesiastical constitution.” (Princeton Re- - view, vol. xxxvii, pp. 647-8). “Any action of the Assembly in contravention of the compact contained in our Constitution, is of no binding force. [Here fol- low examples illustrative of this principle] ..... But if the As- sembly should assume the prerogative of altering the terms of ministerial communion in our church, it would be an arrogation of a power which does not belong to it.” (Princeton Review, vol. xxvii, pp. 649-50). | _ “Yet every member of the Assembly would, on reflection, read- ily admit that it is the right, not only of subordinate ecclesiastical bodies, but of the humblest member of the church, to express in re- spectiul language their judgment onthe acts of our highest court. This is a privilege which we all claim, and which we all freely exer- cise, and which no Presbyterian ever will give up.” (Princeton Review, vol. xxxvii, p. 507). : Dr. Hodge opposes “the Assembly’s making its own deliver- ances the test of orthodoxy and loyalty,” and goes on to say, “We are persuaded that not a member of the body, when he comes calmly to consider the matter, will hesitate to admit that the Assem- bly, in so doing, transcended its power.” (Princeton Review, vol. Xxxvil, p. 507, p. 508). In its words concerning the authority of the deliverances of General Assemblies, the Affirmation merely states the plain prin- ciples of the law of the church. It is submitted that Dr. Hodge and the Affirmation hold exactly the same position on this subject. II. With regard to the meaning of the subscription to the Confession of Faith made by ministers, the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America has authoritatively spoken, in the Declaratory Statement of 1902, which is a part of the constitution of the church. The Declaratory Statement begins thus: “While the ordination vow of ministers, ruling elders and deacons, as set forth in the Form of Government requires the reception and adoption of the Confession of Faith only as containing the System of Doctrine taught in the Holy Scriptures,”. (Constitution of the Presbyterian Church U. S. A., 1922, p. 140). This therefore is the church’s interpretation of the subscription to the Confession of Faith. The Confession is received and adopted “only as contain- ing the System of Doctrine taught in the Holy Scriptures.” These words of the Declaratory Statement, which was made part of the constitution of our church by action of two General Assemblies and more than two-thirds of the presbyteries, have authority superior to the authority of any deliverance of any General Assembly or of any number of General Assemblies. Thus it appears that the statement of the Affirmation concerning the meaning of the sub- scription to the Confession of Faith finds support in an explicit provision of our constitution. III. The interpretation of the subscription to the Confession of Faith contained in the Declaratory Statement was made one of the terms of the reunion of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America and the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. In 1904 the General Assemblies of both churches adopted, as the basis of the reunion, certain “Concurrent Resolutions,’ which thereby became of permanent authority in the reunited church. In the Resolutions are found these memorable words: “It is also recog- nized that liberty of belief exists by virtue of the provisions of the Declaratory Statement, which is part of the Confession of Faith of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, and which states that the ordination vow of ministers, ruling elders and deacons, as set forth in the Form of Government, requires the re- ception and adoption of the Confession of Faith only as containing the system of doctrine taught in the Holy Scriptures’.”’ (Const. Presba (Che. S.Ay 19225 p..496). Te In issuing for the second time the Affirmation, first published in January 1924, the Conference Committee is fulfilling its promise to publish all signatures received up to April 15th. That the record may be complete, the Note Supple- mentary, issued in March, is also included. The Committee urges on the atten- tion of the ministers and people of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America these considerations: 1. The number of signatures, 1274, is far greater than the Committee had anticipated. Furthermore, the Committtee has certain knowledge, through many letters and conversations, that beside the signers there are in our church hun- dreds of ministers who agree with and approve of the Affirmation, though they have refrained from signing it. 2. No one can read this long list of signatures, containing honored names of men whose Christian character is known to all and whose ministries have been blessed with abundant fruits, without recognizing that these ministers cannot justly be charged with unfaithfulness to their ordination engagements, with revolt against rightful authority in the church, or with forsaking Christian belief. The support of such a company makes it evident that the principles re- stated in the Affirmation are in accord with the standards of our church. 3. The signers of the Affirmation are not a theological party. Among them are men who call themselves and are called conservatives, and men who call themselves and are called liberals. Differing as to certain theological interpre- tations, they are one in loyalty to our church, in devotion to the kingdom of God, and in faith in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. 4. These signatures constitute an appeal to the church, both at large and as represented in its commissioners to the General Assembly, for a general adop- tion of this same spirit of mutual confidence and unity, for a recognition of the fact that our church is broad enough to include men honestly differing in their interpretation of our common standards and yet loyal servants of Jesus Christ, and for a new consecration of the whole church to work for the world in obedi- ence to our Lord. Murray SHIPLEY HowLanp Ropert BREWSTER BEATTIE Puintiep SmMeEAD Birp » JAMES E. CLARKE JoHN J. LAWRENCE ALEXANDER MacCott, Matcoym LL. MacPuatt, WiLiaAM P. MeErriLy WiiiamM: L. SAWTELLE Ropert Hastincs NicHors GrorcE B. Stewart Conference Committee Correspondence regarding the Affirmation may be addressed to the Confer- ence Committee, 10 Nelson St., Auburn, N. Y. har a essotod pots sb bt i nee Pilsen uLy, tos x07 si Bae Aub 34 Ve dy na até ctiondeitty v ~~ Abe ea hig fe 7 awd Jo ’ Lae ’ y a Ye “i co e } ' AS wee . aD 7 y A. : 7) Y f , - j d i ci 7 i : hm ay i \ ae ens or c A ..* ; vc : re : ce le a 22099 Tih > fy r : ye a Ve 5 ie 7 nt a 1 me? sb rr a i LP ts Pa ; iy meh" : th Ve ae ; i - ae i RC i ‘ ‘ Herd oo i. i i i F ’ ' A iY] j yh : a, 4 ; ; : wl ws . a acy" * ’ in? ‘ An Fee rn 4 Sha Aloe & ye =v ve. es i<3 ® i ashi . tts 8 “abeespined he 4 ee a hei cee 1.’ Oe AS Pea Ca pes Bis } at wit”. patie we AUB opr ba ns me NibEad amen O84 hy ier 4. tn +) SArirns ¢ ebay. alts aye ta: b tex ddiat'3 as ee NVROONRIAE | HSA PROTE oie) St eenert Ml) sore islede AY Vaiss jdabacee eae aeihe Pe ae | aR rtletyng ybT sie I st ey pete! 8 a Sa es Sa ra renee Rs he ae ~~ oe abeloge Re Pos 4 Fe re } Pinuatiis : ih. 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At alg rie ak nics : Os¢ ‘ okt Ur | a 71 ay a ‘ dotig 1 a dre WA yf a ad Mini #4) Slot «hp Fe a,08 ee eee ers PPS ’ : fein, ME 8 vi vad byte : vss eps via j he ‘A pir iS oe re ay ~ The Conference Committee believes that these quotations from Dr. Charles Hodge and from constitutional documents, confirma-_ tory of the Affirmation, are worthy of consideration . by His min- isters and people of our church. ADDITIONAL SIGNATURES To THE AFFIRMATION received after the printing of the pamphlet containing the list of signatures had started: PIER AD ere Mire ates cette ta ee eae ne ean Missionary, Bogota, Colombia (Carl FS Crusittspe eee ae a cree Cee .... Belden Ave. Church, Chicago, Ill. SMES eiicrite eee ernest [ah ena Third Church, Paterson, N. J. larence as ordas.tey Ce. ss Vapi fat IN Aah kan he eta Dies ea Auburn, N. Y. PLUS eh Clea hy eee Mae Tee ee ea ok oy eR First Church, Pueblo, Colorado Harlyihamlin eee wes Signs et Cee ee First Church, Buffalo, N. Y. SoA INTC eas LAY Cece stew ott bis! Oa: eet chs hota hee ke aia eee Watertown, N. Y. Calvin Hazlett <.5...: Missionary, Ewing Christian College, Allahabad, India WiTlerte FlGGiih tt cents s cous emer eee Presbyterian Church, Middleport, Nu Se MoLBs Hienok sah ane. Moca eokate Lower Path Valley Church, Fannettsburg, Pa. James: Postewelle sn sce. ae ek ee ae Presbyterian Church, Corwin, Kansas VW tila rrr Rs VCE reat cocices «cect fot teers eevee eee Missionary, Seoul, Chosen James Macria bere res oe ee en en ae ME ee Sate oes Roseburg, Oregon ArchibaldsMeGhire ssa at. ue ete Se: First Church, South Bend, Ind. Tohs: CatwaniM cGoveete tens. ih aati cr eee First Church, Marysville, Ohio De Vie Boling ate kee cal aperste one a Se a eee First Church, Albany, Oregon ELOMTU INV ALLS Vette rte ae career eee try ae the Presbyterian Church, Suffern, N. Y. Maurice S$. White ...... SY Pa a ar Pg sath tt Pea 8 iy 8 Whe Washington, a: DEW alligims Siete ry ae eae Miami Avenue Church, Columbus, Ohio x Cal ig ist er riecae he it a ce Presbyterian Church, Libby, Montana The request of the Rev. George E. Caesar, of Little Rock, Arkansas, that his name be not published as that of a signer of the Affrmation, was received after the printing of the.pamphlet. He should not be regarded as a signer. ‘Total number of signatures, 1293. 04-84-86 321 82 MS 6884CH ia 7 J ¥ . F é ae tay hy 4 ; f iF 4 ’ yi 4 ; 1 Ae i fi 1? ie yi ay bran ay +9 Py le T r . uf j i wy ey i ue 4 j a 4 My i ; Le . rp) i lat : . j i ( ? PY { wes i j yt ee ie, f “\ 2 ih” Uy ald : ms a y wai Hy | r ] ‘ » | my ' Pa ‘ 4 i 4 Mie F tb e ) i : vig ot t 1 } ! fh ogo wi a Le oe a *s q cy. i> tz Bast Taek, hk 2 Tee 2 Ale ta ran ; Ky ' oo, Sate Bria tal 7 rh : Na an ’ 7 f Ta 4 ain, ‘ 5 7 Oe ae ‘Ss i? 1 59 46 $< | i, Hi) = —S=O 2==— ————_= if ] = | i a ~ : es ik i he eS | t \ } r ee ee,