TAX LAWS OF OHIO As Codified and. Revised for 1908 So far as the same relate to THE ASSESSMENT OF PERSONAL PROPERTY by. County Auditors and their Powers and Duties as Members of Boards of Appraisers and Assessors for Railroad Prop- erty, and Appraisers of Shares of Incorporated Banks; also the Powers and Duties of County and City Annual Boards of Equaliza- tion, with Introductions, Notes, and Supreme Court Decisions. THE AUDITOR OF STATE OTHE TAX LAWS OF OHIO AS CODIFIED AND REVISED FOR 1908. SO FAR AS THE SAME RELATE TO ASSESSMENT OF PERSONAL PROPERTY By County AUDITORS, AND THEIR POWERS AND DUTIES AS MEMBERS OF BOARDS OF APPRAISERS AND ASSESSORS FOR RAILROAD ,PROPERTY AND APPRAISERS OF SHARES OF INCORPORATED BANKS; ALSO THE POWERS AND DUTIES OF COUNTY AND CITY ANNUAL BOARDS OF EQUALIZATION, WITH INSTRUCTIONS, NOTES, SUPREME COURT DECISIONS. BY THE AUDITOR OF STATE CotumBus, Ouro: F. J. Heer, State Printer, 1908 Bd frre + ig? nm Be = Aupitor oF STATE’S OFFICE, Cotumsbus, Ouio, April, 1908. To the County Auditors of Ohio: On account of the large and constantly increasing amount of taxable personal property of incorporated: companies, subject to taxation under the laws of this state, and returnable to the county auditors of the re- spective counties, whose duty it is to value said property for taxation, I have deemed it advisable to issue these “instructions,” containing such sections of the Revised Statutes as are applicable to the valuation of such property, together with the law applicable to the powers and duties of annual county and city boards of equalization; also, the laws defining the powers and duties of boards of appraisers and assessors for railroad prop- erty; also, as to returns and valuation of national banks, and banks in- corporated under the laws of the State of Ohio. The decision of the supreme court in the case of Bradley et al. v. Bauder, auditor (36 O. L., 28), being explanatory of the meaning of sec- tion 2746, Revised Statutes, explanatory of the meaning of the term “credits” as defined in section 2730, Revised Statutes; the decision of the same court in the case of Payne v. Watterson, etc. (37 O. S., 121), the decision of the supreme court commission in the case of Wilson v. Pelton, regarding action to recover back taxes paid, illegally assessed; also, decision of Judge Sage, in United States District Court of Cin- cinnati, Ohio, in relation to back taxes, all of which may be of interest to county auditors or boards of equalization, I have deemed of sufficient importance to be published in full in these “instructions,” hoping that auditors will give the same a careful consideration, and thereby be en- abled to determine for themselves many cases that are constantly being presented under the provisions of said sections. The valuation of the railroad and bank property of the state, as valued for taxation in 1907, as set forth in detail, together with certain other data connected therewith, to enable boards of auditors to, as far as possible, appraise this class of property in an intelligent manner. With the law, and such instructions as have from time to time been issued from this department in reference to the assessment of property for taxation, commendable progress has been made as to uniformity and equality in valuation, and by united effort on the part of county auditors and boards of equalization, much greater equality than now exists, may be accomplished. TAX LAWS OF OHIO. e CORPORATIONS GENERALLY—THEIR RETURNS. Corporations Sec. 2744. The president, secretary, and principal ac- ee cera: counting officer of every canal or slack water navigation company, turnpike company, plank road company, bridge company, insurance company, telegraph company, or other joint stock company, except banking or other corporations whose taxation is specifically provided for, for whatever purpose they may have been created, whether incorporated by any law of this state or not, shall list for taxation, veri- fied by the oath of the person so listing, all the personal property which shall be held to include all such real estate as is necessary to the daily operations of the company, moneys and credits of such company or corporation within the state, at the actual value in money, in manner following. In all cases return shall be made to the several auditors of the respective counties where such property may be situ- ated, together with a statement of the amount of said prop- erty, which is situated in each township, village, city, or ward therein. The value of all movable property shall be added to the stationary and fixed property and real estate, ~ and apportioned to such wards, cities, villages, or town- ships, pro rata, in proportion to the value of the real estate and fixed property in said ward, city, village or township, and all property so listed shall be subject to, and pay the same taxes as other property listed, in such ward, city, vil- lage or township. It shall be the duty of the accounting off- cer aforesaid, to make return to the auditor of state, during the month of May of each year, of the aggregate amount of all property by him returned to the several auditors of the respective counties in which the same may be located. It shal! be the duty of the auditor of each county, on or before the first Monday of May, annually, to furnish the aforesaid president, secretary, principal accounting officer, or agent the necessary blanks for the purpose of making aforesaid returns ; but no neglect or failure on the part of the county auditor to furnish such blanks shall excuse any such presi- dent, secretary, principal accountant, or agents from mak- ing the returns within the time specified herein. If the county auditor to whom returns are made, is of the opinion 4 5 that false or incorrect valuations have been made, or that the property of the corporation or associations has not been listed at its full value, or that it has not been listed in the location where it properly belongs, or in cases where no return has been made to the county auditor, he is hereby required to proceed to have the same valued and assessed ; provided, that nothing in this section shall be so construed as to tax any stock or interest in any joint stock company held by the state. Express, telegraph and telephone com- panies shall not be required to make returns under, and shall not be governed by the provision of section 2744 of the Revised Statutes. Sec. 2746. Personal property of every description, moneys and credits, investments in bonds, stock, joint stock companies, or otherwise, shall be listed in the name of the person who was the owner thereof on the day pre- ceding the second Monday of April in each year; but no person shall be required to list for taxation any share or shares of the capital stock of any company, the capital stock of which is taxed in the name of such company. [56 v. 175, Sec. 59.] See appendix. Sec. 2747. The listing of all personal property, moneys, credits, investments in‘ bonds, stocks, joint stock companies, or otherwise, shall be made between the second Monday of April and the third Monday of May, annually ; and the assessor shall, on or before the first Monday of May, annually, leave with each person resident in his town- ship or ward, of full age and not a married woman or in- sane person, or at the office, usual place of residence or busi- ness of each person, a written or printed notice requiring such person to make out for the assessor a statement of the property, which by law, he is required to list, accompanied with printed forms, in blank, of the statement required ; and the assessor shall, at the time he delivers such notice and blank forms, demand and receive such statement, un- less such person shall require further time to make out the same, in which case he shall call for the same before the third Monday of May. [56 v. 175, Sec. 17.] Sec. 2748. Every such statement shall be verified by the oath of the person making the same. [56 v. 175, Sec. 17.| a UNINCORPORATED BANKS AND BANKERS, Sec. 2758. Every company, association or person, not incorporated under any law of this state, or of the In whose name property to be listed; but stock in com- panies which make return of capital not to be listed by shareholders. When lists to be made. Notice and forms to be given by as- sessors. Statement to be verified by oath. Who deemed bankers, ete. Shares or capital of banks, incor- porated or unincorpor- ated to be listed at true value in money. Taxes on real estate. Names of stockholders and number of shares held by each. Return to be made by cashier, man- ager or owner to auditor. 6 United States, for banking purposes, who shall keep an office or other place of business, and engage in the business of lending money, receiving money on deposit, buying and selling bullion, bills of exchange, notes, bonds, stock, or other evidences of indebtedness, with a view of profit, shall be deemed a bank, banker, or bankers, within the meaning of this chapter. [64 v. 204, Sec. 12;S. & S., 763.] Sec. 2759b.. That the provisions of section 2759 shall apply to and govern saving banks incorporated under the act of April 16, 1867. [O. L., 87 v. 215.] SEc. 2762. All the shares of the stockholders in any in- corporated bank or banking association, located in this state, whether now or hereafter incorporated or organized under the laws of the state or of the United States, and all the shares of the stockholders in any unincorporated bank lo- cated in this state the capital stock of which is divided into shares held by the owners of such bank, and the capital em- ployed, or the property representing the same, in any unin- corporated bank the capital stock of which is not divided into shares, located in or that may be hereafter located in this state, shall be listed at the true value in money, and taxed in the city, ward or village where such bank is located, and not elsewhere. [97 v. 279.] SEc. 2763. The real estate of any such bank or bank- ing association shall be taxed in the place where the same may be located, the same as the real estate of individuals. [ 64. V.204;: Sees 2; Ss & Soe) Sec. 2764. There shall at all times be kept in the office, where the business of such bank or banking associa- tion is transacted, a full and correct list of the names and residences of the stockholders therein, and the number of shares held by each, which shall be at all times, during business hours, open to the inspection of all officers who are or may be authorized to list or assess the value of such shares for taxation. [64 v. 204, Sec. 3;S. & S., 763.] SEC. 2765. The cashier of each incorporated bank, and the cashier, manager or owner of each unincorporated bank, shall make out and return to the auditor of the county in which every such bank is located, between the first and second Mondays of May, annually, a report in duplicate under oath, exhibiting in detail, and under appropriate heads, the resources and liabilities of such bank at the close of.sbusiness on the Wednesday next preceding the said sec- ond Monday, together with a full statement of. the names and residences of the stockholders therein, with the number 7 of shares held by each and the par value of each share, and of the amount of capital employed by unincorporated banks not divided into shares and the names and residences and proportional interest of each owner of such bank. [97 v. 279.] SEc. 2766.. Upon receiving such report the county auditor shall fix the total value of the shares of such banks, and the value of the property representing the capital em- ployed by unincorporated banks the capital stock of which is not divided into shares, each according to their true value in money, and deduct from the aggregate sum so found, of each, the value of the real estate included in the statemnt of resources as the same stands on the duplicate, and thereupon he shall make out and transmit to the annual state board of equalization for banks a copy of the report so made by the cashier, manager or owner together with the valuation of such shares of property representing capital employed as so fixed by the auditor. [97 v. 280.] SEc. 2769. If any bank shall fail to make out and furnish to the county officer the statement required, within the time herein fixed, it shall be the duty of said officer to examine the books of said bank; also to examine any officer or agent thereof under oath, together with such other per- sons as he may deem proper, and make out the statement. Any bank officer failing to make out and furnish to the county auditor the statement, or wilfully making a false statement as required in section 2765, shall be liable to a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars together with costs and other expenses incurred by the auditor or other proper officer in obtaining such statement aforesaid; and said auditor shall have the same powers, and the probate judge of the county shall exercise the same powers and perform the same duties in aid of the auditor, in the performance of his duties under this section, as are authorized by law, in cases where the county is informed, or has reason to be- lieve, that any party has failed to make any return, or has made a false return for taxation; and the statement so made out by the auditor shall, in all respects, stand as the state- ment required to be made by the cashier. [64 v. p. 204, see) Oi(S.&°S,,'673:] RAILROAD COMPANIES, SEC. 2770. The county auditors of the several coun- ties in this state, in which any railroad company now has, or hereafter may have its tracks or roadway, or any part Auditor to fix value of bank shares or property and report to board of equalization. / Proceedings when bank fails to make return. Board of ap- praisers for railroad com- panies, x President df board of ap- praisers for railroad com- pany. Quorum, Secretary. Votes of members to be recorded on all motions fixing valua- tions. Minutes of proceedings to be kept on file in each county, etc, Board of valu- ation of rail- road to meet annually in May. 8 thereof, shall constitute a board of appraisers and assessors for such railroad company; any railroad company having its road, or any part thereof, in one county only, the auditor of such county shall constitute such board. [59 v. 88, Sec. - Tv. 05.5 7005] . SEC. 2771. The auditor of the county where such rail- road company has its principal office, if such principal office is in this state, and if such principal office is not in this state, then the auditor of the county having the largest city or village upon the line of such road, shall be the president of said board, whose duty it shall be to appoint the time and place for the meeting of such board, and notify the proper county auditors of the same, at least five days before the time appointed for such meeting. In the absence or inabil- ity of the president, the board shall appoint one of its mem- bers president pro tempore. In all meetings of any such board, a majority of such county auditors shall constitute a quorum, and a majority of those present at any meeting having a quorum, shall decide all questions submitted. Each board shall appoint one of its members secretary, and full minutes of its proceedings shall be kept, which shall consist of a full and complete record of the votes of each member of said board. The valuation of the property shail be fixed only on motion made and duly seconded. On all such motions, the yeas and nays shall be called, and each member’s vote shall be recorded by the secretary. Imme- diately after the board has adjourned, the secretary shall make a complete record of all the transactions of the pro- ceedings of the board, and set forth therein the names and official capacity of the officials of the railroad present at such meeting. And a certified copy of such proceedings, signed by the president and secretary thereof, shall be for- warded at once to the county auditor of each county consti- tuting a member of said board, and the same shall be re- corded in a book kept in the county auditor’s office, subject to the inspection of any person during office hours, and the certified copy shall alike be kept on file in said county audi- tor’s office, and for like examination. [O. Li wie S8ppeaiz4 SEC. 2772. It shall be the duty of such board to meet in the month of May, in the present and each succeeding year, at such time as the president thereof may appoint; and if no meeting be appointed by him before the second Tuesday in May, the several county auditors shall meet on that day, in the place where the proper railroad, for which said auditors constitute the board, as aforesaid, has its prin- > cipal office, or in the principal city or village upon the line of such road, as the case may be, and proceed to ascertain all the personal property, which shall be held to include roadbed, water and wood stations, and such other realty as is necessary to the daily running operations of the road, moneys and credits of such company, and the undivided profits, reserve or contingent fund of said company, whether the same may be in moneys, credits, or in any manner invested, and the actual value thereof in money; and also locomotives and cars not belonging to the com- pany, but hired for its use or run under its control on its road by a sleeping car company, or other company; but as to such rolling stock not belonging to it, but under its con- trol, the railroad company may return the same separate from its own property, and if so returned the board shall fix the valuation of such property separated, but include the amount in the aggregate valuation. Such board shall have power to require from the president, secretary, treasurer, receiver, and principal accounting officers of the road a detailed statement, under oath, of all the items and particu- lars constituting such property, moneys, and credits, and the value thereof, and may examine the books and papers of such road and any or all of its officers, receivers, serv- ants, or agents under oath, touching any matter relating to the same. Any county auditor present at such meeting is authorized and empowered to administer such oath. It shall be the duty of such board of appraisers and assessors to report annually, on or before the first Monday in the month of June, to the auditor of state, the amount assessed upon each railroad company, specifying the total sum and amount distributed to each county; which shall be, by the auditor of state communicated to the general assembly with his annual report in tabular form. [64 v. 114, Sec. 3; Bakes, 700. | SEC. 2773. Any president, secretary, receiver, ac- counting officer, servant or agent, of any railroad company, having any portion of its roadway in this state, who shall refuse to attend before the proper board of. appraisers and assessors, when required to do so, or refuse to submit to the inspection of said board any books or papers of such railroad company in his possession, custody, or control, or shall refuse to answer such questions as may be put to him by said board, or its order, touching the business, property, moneys and credits, and the value thereof of said railroad company, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, on convic- Duties of the | board. Penalty for officers, etc. Contempt of board; pun- ishment, Hi gottihinnee ad of valuation of railway property. fe) tion thereof before any court of competent jurisdiction, shall be confined in the jail of the county, not exceeding thirty days and be fined in any sum not exceeding five hundred dollars and costs; and any president, secretary, re- ceiver, accounting officer, servant or agent, as aforesaid, so refusing, as aforesaid, shall be deemed guilty of contempt of said board, and may be confined, by order of said board, in the jail of the proper county until he shall comply with: such order, and pay the costs of his punishment. [59 v. 88, SOC) 43, BES 70a | SEc. 2774. The value of such property, moneys, and credits of any railroad company, as found and determined by such board, shall be apportioned by said board among the several counties, through which such road or any part thereof, runs, so that to each county and to each city, vil- lage, township, and district, or part thereof therein, shall be apportioned such part thereof as shall equalize the rela- tive value of the real estate, structures and stationary per- sonal property of such company therein, in proportion to the whole value of the real estate, structures, and stationary personal property of such railroad company in this state, and so that the rolling stock, main track, roadbed, supplies, moneys and credits of such company shall be apportioned in the same proportion that the length of such road in said county bears to the entire length thereof in all said coun- ties or county, and to each city, village and district or any part thereof therein, provided, that if the line of any rail- road company is divided into separate divisions or branches, so much of the rolling stock of such company as belongs to or is used solely upon any one of such divisions or branches shall be apportioned in the same manner to the county or counties, and to each city, village or district, or any part thereof therein through which such branch or di- vision runs, and the board shall certify to the county audi- tor of each county, and to each city, incorporated village, township and district, or-any part thereof therein interested, the amount apportioned to his county, and the board shali make and forward a like certificate, together with all the reports of the various railroad officers, and other papers and evidence which formed the basis of their valuation, to the auditor of state, for the use of the state board of equali- zation of railroad property. It shall be the duty of the county auditor, upon receiving the certificate aforesaid, to. apportion the amount therein stated to the cities, villages, townships, districts, or parts thereof; but the auditor shall! II not put the same on the tax list until he shall have been ad- vised of the action of said state authority, when the proper amounts shall be entered on the tax lists. [82 v. 160.] SEC. 2775. Each county auditor shall be paid from the treasury of his county the sum of three dollars for each day’s attendance as member of any board aforesaid under this chapter, and five cents a mile going to and returning from its place of meeting. [59 v. 88, Sec. 7;S. & S., 766.] SEc. 2776, When any railroad company has part of its road in this state and part thereof in another state or states, the proper board shall take the value of such prop- erty, moneys and credits of such company so found and de- termined, as aforesaid, and divide it in the proportion the length of such road in this state bears to the whole length of such road, and determine the principal sum for the value of such road in this state accordingly, equalizing the value thereof in this state, as above provided. [59 v. 88, Sec. 8; S. & S., 766.] c SEC: 2777. Any person or persons, joint stock asso- ciation or corporation, whenever organized or incorporated, engaged in the business of conveying to, from or through this state, or any part thereof, money, packages, gold, silver plate or other article, by express, not including the ordinary lines of transportation of merchandise and property in this state, shall be deemed to be an express company ; any person or persons, joint stock association or corporation, whereyer organized or incorporated, engaged in the business of tratis- mitting to, from, through, or in this state, telegraphic mes- sages, shall be deemed to be a telegraph company; and any person or persons, joint stock association or corporation, wherever organized or incorporated, engaged in the busi- ness of transmitting to, from, or in this state, telephonic mesages, shall be deemed to be a telephone company. [Vol. QI, p. 220.] SEC. 2778. Every express, telegraph and telephone company defined in section 2777, doing business in this state, shall annually, between the first and thirty-first days of May, under the oath of the person constituting such company, if a person, or under the oath of the president, secretary, treasurer, superintendent or chief officer in this state of such association or corporation, if an association or corporation, make and file with the auditor of state a state- ment, in such form as the auditor of state may prescribe, containing the following facts: 1. The name of the company. Compensation of members of the board. How portion of value of this state found when part of road in another. Express, tele-— graph and tel— ephone com-— panies defined.. Annual state- ment to audi- tor of state, 12 2. The nature of the company, whether a person or persons, or association or corporation, and under the laws of what state or county organized. 3. The location of its principal office. 4. The name and postoffice address of the president, secretary, auditor, treasurer and superintendent or general manager. . 5. The name and postoffice address of the chief officer or managing agent of the company in Ohio. 6. The number of shares of the capital stock. 7. The par value and market value, or if there be no market value, the actual value of its shares of stock on the first day of May. : | ‘ 8. A detailed statement of the real estate owned by the company in Ohio, where situate, and the value therof as assessed for taxation. g. A full and correct inventory of the personal prop- erty, including moneys and credits, owned by the company in Ohio on the first day of May, where situate, and the value thereof. 10. The total value of the real estate owned by the company and situate outside of Ohio. 11. The total value of the personal property owned by the company and situate outside of Ohio. 12. In the case of telegraph and telephone companies, the whole length of their lines, and the length of so much of their lines as is without and is within the state of Ohio, which lines shall include what said telegraph and telephone companies control and use under lease or otherwise; also, the miles of wire in each taxing district in Ohio. 13. In the case of telegraph and express companies, the entire gross receipts of the company, from whatever source derived, for the year ending the first day of May, of business whatever done. 14. In the case of telegraph and express companies, ‘the gross receipts for the year ending the first day of May, from whatever source derived; of each office within the state of Ohio, and the total gross receipts of the company for such period in Ohio. 15. Inthe case of express companies, the whole length of the lines of rail and water routes, over which the com- pany did business on the first day of May, and the length of so much of said lines of land and water transportation as is without and is within Ohio, naming the lines within Ohio. 16. Such other facts and information as the auditor Ae a ‘ re » — a a bee. 4 5 ; “a 13 ~ of state may require in the form of returns prescribed by him. Blanks for making the above statement shall be pre- pared, and, on application, furnished any company by the auditor of state. Express, telegraph and telephone com- panies shall not be required to make returns under, and shall not be governed by the provisions of section 2744 of the ikevised statutes..." [Oo L.j;-v. 91; p. 220.] Sec. 2778a. The-auditor of state, treasurer of state and attorney-general shall constitute a board, named the state board of appraisers and assessors, of which board the auditor shall be ex-officio president. In the absence or in- ability of the auditor, the board shall appoint one of its members president pro tempore. The board shall appoint a secretary and full minutes of its proceedings shall be kept. The board shall, annually, on the first Monday in June, meet in the office of the auditor of state, for the purpose of as- sessing the property of express, telegraph and telephone companies in Ohio. On the meeting of the board, the audi- tor of state:shall lay before the board the statements and schedules returned to him under section 2778. The said board shall proceed to ascertain and assess the value of the property of said express, telegraph and telephone compa- nies in Ohio, and in determining the value of the property of said companies in this state, to be taxed within the state and assessed as herein provided, said board shall be guided by the value of said property as determined by the value of the entire capital stock of said companies, and such other evidence and rules as will enable said board to arrive at the true value in money of the entire property of said compa- nies within the state of Ohio, in proportion which the same bears to the entire property of said companies, as deter- mined by the value of the capital stock thereof, and the other evidence and rules aforesaid. The board may ad- journ from time to time until the business before it is finally disposed of. In case any company fails or refuses to make the statement required by law, or furnish the board any information requested, the board shall inform itself, as best it may, on the matters necessary to be known, in order to discharge its duties with respect to the assessment of the property of such company. At any time after the meeting of the board on the first Monday in June, and before the assessment of the property of any company is determined, any company or person interested shall have the right on written application, to appear before the board and be State board of appraisers and assessors ; constitution, powers, duties, etc, Method of fix- ing assess- ments. Correction of assessments. Penalty for failure to file the statement. Further powers of state oard. 14 heard in the matter of the valuation of the property of any company for taxation. After the assessment of the prop- erty of any company for taxation by the board, and before the certification by the auditor of state of the apportioned valuation to the several counties, as provided in section 2780, the board may, on the application of any interested person or company, or on its own motion, correct the as- sessment or valuation of the property of any company, in such a manner as will, in its judgment, make the valuation thereof just and equal. The provisions of section 167 of the Revised Statutes shall apply to the correction of any error or over valuation in the assessment of the property for taxation by the state board of appraisers and assessors, and to the remission of taxes and penalties illegally assessed thereon. [O. L., v. 91,:p, 221.] SEc. 2779. In case any company required to file a statement under the provisions of section 2778, fails to make and file such statement on or before the thirty-first day of May, such company shall be subject to a penalty of five hundred dollars, and an additional penalty of one hun- dred dollars for each day’s omission after the thirty-first day of May to file such statement, said penalty to be recovered by action in the name of the state, and, on collection, paid into the state treasury to the credit of the general revenue fund. The attorney-general, on the request of the. state board of appraisers and assessors, shall institute such action against any company so delinquent in the court of common pleas of Franklin county. ‘That the state board of apprais- ers and assessors shall have power to require the president, secretary, treasurer, receiver, superintendent or managing agent, or other officer, or employee or agent, of any express, telegaph and telephone company to attend before the board, and bring with him for the inspection of the board, any books or papers of such company in his possession, custody or control, and to testify under oath touching any matter relating to the business, property, moneys or credits and the value thereof, of such company. Any member of the board is authorized and empowered to administer such oath. Any officer, employee or agent of such company who shall refuse to attend before the board when required to do so, or shall refuse to bring with him and submit for the inspection of the board any books or papers of such company in his possession, custody or control, or shall refuse to answer any question put to him by the board or any member there- of, touching the business, propérty, moneys and credits and ~ 15 the value thereof, of such company, shall be guilty of a mis- demeanor, and on conviction thereof before any court. of competent jurisdiction shall be fined not more than five hundred dollars or imprisoned not more than thirty days, or both; and any officer, employee or agent of such com- pany so refusing, as aforesaid, shall be deemed guilty of contempt of such board, and may be confined, by order of said board, in the jail of the proper county until he shall comply with the requirements of the board and pay the costs of his imprisonment. The state board of appraisers and assessors shall have and may exercise all the powers possessed by county auditors under sections 2781 to 2785 saclusive, of the Revised Statutes; and said express, tele- graph and telephone companies shall be subject to all the provisions and penalties of said.sections. [O. L., 91, p. 222.] Sec. 2780. The state board of appraisers and asses- sors shall, on or before the first Monday in August, report to the auditor of state the total value of the property of express, telegraph and telephone companies in Ohio, as ascertained and assessed by the board; at the same time, the board shall file with the auditor of state the statements of the various companies and other papers before it. The auditor of state shall deduct from the total value of the property of each of said companies in Ohio, the value, as assessed for taxation, of any real estate situate in Ohio and owned by such company. The value of the property of said companies in Ohio, after deducting the value of the real’ estate, shall be apportioned by the auditor of state, among the several counties through or into which the lines of such telegraph or telephone companies run, so that to each county shall be apportioned such part of the entire valuation as will equalize the relative value of the property of the company therein, in proportion to the whole value of the property of the company in the state, and in the proportion that the length of the lines of wire owned by the company, or in the county bears to the whole length of the lines of wire in the state. The value of the property of any express company shall be apportioned by the auditor of state among the sev- eral counties in which the company does business, in the proportion that the gross receipts in each county bear to the entire gross receipts in the state. The auditor of state shall, on or after the fifteenth day of August, certify to the county auditor the amount apportioned to his county, and the county auditor, upon receiving such certificate shall appor- tion the amount therein stated among the cities, villages, Certain provi- sions Revised Statutes made applicable to board arid companies. Report of board; filing of statements, ete. Deduction of value of real estate. Apportionment and taxation of valuations. Board of ap- praisers an assessors for suburban or interurban electric rail- road com- panies. President of board, Quroum Secretary, Record of votes, 16 townships or other taxing districts, after the same method! used for the apportionment of the valuation in the state among the counties; and the county auditor shall place the apportioned valuation on the tax duplicate, and taxes shall be levied and collected thereon at the same rate and in the same manner as taxes are levied and collected on other per- sonal property in the taxing district in question. [O. L., v. QI, p. 223.] INTERURBAN AND SUBURBAN ELECTRIC RAILROAD | COMPANIES. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio: SECTION 1. The county auditors of the several counties. in this state in which any suburban or interurban electric railroad company now has, or hereafter may have its track and roadway, or any part thereof, shall constitute a board of appraisers and assessors for such company; where any suburban or interurban electric railroad company having its road, or any part thereof, in one county only, the auditor . of such county shall constitute such board. SECTION 2. The auditor of the county where such sub- urban or interurban electric railroad company, has its prin- cipal office, if such principal office is in this state, and if such principal office is not in this state, then the auditor of the county having the largest city or village upon the line of such road shall be the president of said board, whose duty it shall be to appoint the time and place for the meeting of such board and notify the proper county auditors of the same, at least five days before the time appointed for such. meeting. In the absence or inability of the president the board shall appoint one of its members president pro tem- pore. In all meetings of any such board, a majority of such county auditors shall constitute a quorum, and a majority of those present at any meeting having a quorum shall decide all questions submitted. Each board shall appoint one of its members secretary, and full minutes of its proceedings shall be kept, which shall consist of a full and complete record of the votes:of each member of said board. The valuation of the property shall be fixed only on motion made and duly seconded. On all such motions the yeas and nays shall be called, and each member’s vote shall be recorded by the secretary. r Immediately after the board has adjourned, the secre- 17 tary shall make a complete record of all the transactions of the proceedings of the board, and set forth therein the names and official capacity of the officials of any such com- pany present at such meeting. And a certified copy of such Copy of min- proceedings, signed by the president and secretary thereof, kept in audi- shall be forwarded at once to the county auditor of each : county constituting a member of said board, and the same shall be recorded in a book kept in the county auditor’s office, subject to the inspection of any person during office hours, and the certified copy shall alike be kept on file in said county auditor’s office, and for like examination. SECTION 3. It shall be the duty of each board to meet Board of val- uation of elec- in the month of June in the present and each succeeding tric railway to meet annually year, at such time as the president thereof may appoint; in June; du; and if no meeting be appointed by him before the second Tuesday in June, the several county auditors shall meet on that day, in the place where the proper road for which said auditors constitute the board, as aforesaid, has its prin- cipal office, or in the principal city or village upon the line of such road, as the case may be, and proceed to ascertain all the personal property, which shall be held to include roadbed, stations, power houses, poles, wires, and such other realty as is necessary to the daily running operations of the road; moneys, and credits of such company, and the undivided profits, reserved or contingent fund of said com- pany, whether the same may be in moneys, credits, or in any manner invested, and the actual value thereof in money ; and also locomotives, motors, and cars not belonging to the company, but hired for its use or run under its control on its road by a sleeping car company or other company ; but as to such rolling stock not belonging to it, but under its control, the suburban or interurban electric railroad com- . pany, may return the same separate from its own property, and if so returned, the board shall fix the valuation of such property separated, but include the amount in the aggregate valuation. Such boards shall have power to require from the president, secretary, treasurer, receiver, and principal accounting officer of such road, a detailed statement, under oath, of all the items and particulars constituting such property, moneys, and credits, and the value thereof, and may examine the books and papers of such road, and any or all of its officers, receivers, servants, or agents, under oath, touching any matter relating to the same. Any county auditor present at such meeting is authorized and empow- ered to administer such oath. It shall be the duty of said PPh aN a EY Penalty for officers, etc., refusing to comply with requirements of board; con- tempt of board; pun- ishment. sp sit biaee S of valuation of railway prop- erty. 18 board of appraisers and assessors to report annually, on or before the first Monday in the month of July to the audi- tor of state, the amount assessed upon each suburban or interurban electric railroad company, specifying the total sum and amount distributed to each county; which shall be by the auditor of state communicated to the general assembly, with his annual report, in tabular form. Section 4. Any president, secretary, receiver, ac- counting officer, servant, or agent, of any suburban or inter- urban electric railroad company, having any portion of its roadway in this state, who shall refuse to attend before the proper board of appraisers and assessors when sequired so to do, or refuse to submit to the inspection of said board any books or papers of such suburban or interurban electric railroad company, in his possession, custody or control, or shall refuse to answer such questions as may be put to him by said boards on its order, touching the business, prop- erty, moneys, and credits, and the value thereof, of said suburban or interurban electric railroad company, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, on conviction thereof, before any court of competent jurisdiction, shall be confined in the jail of the county not exceeding thirty days, and be fined in any sum not exceeding five hundred dollars and costs; and any president, secretary, receiver, accounting officer, servant, or agent, as aforesaid, so refusing, as afore- said, shall be deemed guilty of contempt of such board, and may be confined by order of said board in the jail of the proper county until he shall comply with such order, and pay the costs of his imprisonment. SEectTion 5. The value of such property, moneys, and credits, of any suburban or interurban electric railroad com- pany,'as found and determined by such board, shall be apportioned by such board among the several counties through which such road, or any part thereof, runs, so that to each county and to each city, village, township and district, or part thereof therein, shall be apportioned ‘such part thereof as shall equalize the relative value of the real estate, structures, and stationary personal property of such company therein, in proportion to the whole value of the real estate, structures, and stationary, personal property of such suburban or interurban electric railroad company in this state; and so that the rolling stock, main track, roadbed, power houses, poles, wires, supplies, moneys and credits of such company shall be apportioned in the same proportion that the length of such road in such county \ 19 bears to the entire length thereof in all said counties, or ‘county, and to each city, village and district, or any part thereof therein, provided that if the line of any suburban or interurban electric railroad company is divided into sepa- rate divisions or branches, so much of the rolling stock of such company as belongs to, or is used solely upon any one of such divisions or branches shall be apportioned in the same manner to the county, or counties, and to each city, village, and district, or any part thereof therein, through which such branch or divison runs, and the: board shall certify to the county auditor of each county, and to each city, incorporated village, township and district, or any part thereof therein interested, the amount apportioned to his county, and the board shall make and forward a like certificate, together with all the reports of the various officers of said companies, and other papers and evidence which form the basis of their valuation, to the auditor of state, for the use of the state board of equalization of rail- road property. It shall be the duty of the county auditor, upon receiving the certificate aforesaid, to apportion the amount therein stated, to the cities, villages, townships, dis- tricts, or parts thereof; but the auditor shall not put the same on the tax list until he shall have been advised of the action of said state authority, when the proper amounts shall be entered on the tax lists. SECTION 6. Each county auditor shall be paid from the treasury of his county the sum of three dollars for each day’s attendance as a member of any board aforesaid under this chapter, and five cents a mile going to and returning from its place of meeting. SEcTION 7. When any suburban or interurban electric railroad company, has part of its road in this state and part thereof in any other state or states, the proper board shall take the value of such property, moneys, and credits of such company so found and determined, as aforesaid, and divide it in the proportion the length of such road in this state bears to the whole length of such road, and determine the principal sum for the value of such road in this state accordingly, equalizing the relative value thereof in this state, as above provided. SEcTION 8. The auditor of state, treasurer of state, commissioner of railroads and telegraphs and the attorney- general, shall also constitute a board of equalization of the values of the property of interurban and suburban electric railroad companies as the same are fixed by the county Compensation of members of board. How portion of value for this state found when part of road in another. Annual state board of equalization for electric railroads; how consti- tuted and their meeting. Powers of board, Annual County Board. Messengers and clerks of board. Their compensation, Powers and duties of board. 20 auditor or auditors; and for this purpose they shall meet at the office of the auditor of state, on the Wednesday after the tenth day of July annually, and examine the returns and documents sent to the auditor of state by the county auditor or boards of county auditors in this behalf. SECTION 9. The said board shall hear complaints and equalize said value by adding to the valuation of the prop- erty of such companies as have been undervalued, and de- ducting from the valuation of the property of such as have been overvalued; provided, that the board, in such equal- ization, shall not reduce the aggregate of the yalue of the property of such companies within the state below the amount returned by the county auditor or the board of county auditors. [97 v. 572.] BOARD OF EQUALIZATION. SEC. 2804. There shall be an annual county board for the equalization of the real and personal property, moneys and credits in each county to be composed of the county commissioners and county auditor, who shall meet for that purpose at the auditor’s office, in each county, on the Wed- nesday after the third Monday in May, annually. The auditor shall appoint such messengers and clerks as the said board shall deem necessary, who shall receive not to exceed $3.00 per day for their services for the time actually employed, which shall be paid out of the county treasury. . Said board shall have power to hear complaints, and to equalize the valuation of all real and personal property,’ moneys and credits within the county, and shall be gov- erned by the rules prescribed for the government of decen- nial county boards for the equalization of real property; provided, that said board shall not reduce the value of the real property of the county below the aggtegate value thereof as fixed by the state board of equalization, nor below its aggregate value on the duplicate of the preceding year, to which shall be added the value of all new entries and new structures over the value of those destroyed, as returned by the several township assessors for the current year ; provided, further, that except «as to new structures, and structures destroyed, and lands and lots brought onto the tax list since the preceding decennial state board of equalization, the an- nual county board shall not increase or reduce the valuation of any real estate, except upon reasonable notice to all persons directly interested, and an opportunity for a full 21 hearing of the question involved. Said board is authorized, by its president, or presiding officer pro tem., to admin- ister oaths, call persons before them, and examine them under oath as to their own or other’s property, moneys, credits‘and investments to be placed on the duplicate for taxation, or the value thereof, and order any property, moneys, credits or investments to be placed on the dupli- cate, which have not been listed for taxation, and fix the value thereof according to law, and increase the valuation of such property, moneys, credits and investments as have, in their judgment, been listed at less than their true value in money, and reduce the value of such as have been ap- praised above their true value in money; and if any person notified to appear before them refuse or neglect to appear at the time required by said board, or appearing, shall refuse to be sworn, or to answer any question put to him by said board, or by its order, the presiding officer of said board shall make complaint thereof, in writing to the probate judge of the county, who shall proceed against such per- son in the same manner as is provided for in section 2783 of this title ; and the said board shall call each assessor before them, at least one day in each year, to aid them in their duties, and to furnish them information relative to the lists returned by him; and it shall be the duty of each assessor to appear before said board at least one day in each year, at the time required, and to furnish them with such in- formation as he can, pertinent to the matters coming before them; provided, that this board shall not be authorized to and shall not equalize the real and personal property, moneys and credits in cities. [94 v. 319; 86 v. I91; R. S., of 1880; 71 v. 92, Par 44;5.&58., 755; S.&S., 1456.] SEC. 2804a. The notice provided for in section 2804 shall describe the real estate whose tax value is to be acted upon by the description thereof in the tax duplicate of the current year, and shall state the name in which it is taxed and that the tax value thereof will be acted upon by the board on the tenth day after said notice shall have been served as next herein provided. [8g v. 174. | SEc. 2804b. Said notice shall be served (1) by deliv- ering a copy thereof to the person or persons interested in said real estate, or by leaving such copy at the usual place of residence or business of such person or persons; or if no such place of residence or of business shall be found in the county, (2) by delivering such copy to the agent in charge of said real estate and collecting the rents thereof; or if no Notice, con- tents of, Service of notice. Duties of au- ditor and state board of equalization, Equalization of assessments. 22 such agent shall be found in the county, (3) by advertise- ment thereof inserted one time in a newspaper of general circulation in the county in which said real estate is situated ; and notices to the respective persons interested in differ- ent pieces of real estate may be united in one advertisement under the same general heading. Notice served in accord- ance with any of. the above provisions shall be sufficient [89 v. 175.] DUTIES AND POWERS OF ABOVE BOARDS. Sec. 2806. The county auditor shall lay before each of the above named boards, for the territory they respec- tively have jurisdiction over, the returns of the assessors for the current year, and such returns as are required to be made to the county auditor, as is provided in section 2744, and also the valuation of the real estate as the same was en- tered on the duplicate of the preceding year, or as fixed by the state board of equalization, with such maps, returns, lists, abstracts and other papers that may be in the audi- tor’s office pertinent to their duties, and each of said boards shall keep a regular journal of its proceedings, which shall be deposited with the auditor. [80 v. 54.| Sec. 2807. The said boards shall hear complaints and equalize the assessments of all personal property, moneys and credits, new entries and new structures returned for the current year by the township assessors and county audi- tors; and they shall have power to add to, or deduct from the valuation of personal property, or moneys or Credits, of any person, returned by the assessor or county auditor, or . which may have been omitted by them, or to add other items. upon such evidence as shall be satisfactory to the said boards, whether said return be made upon oath of each person or upon the valuation of the assessor or county auditor, but when any addition shall be ordered to be made to any list returned under oath, a statement of the facts upon which such addition was made shall be entered upon the journal of the boards. Provided, that no such addition shall be made to such list returned under oath without the board having first given reasonable notice to the person or persons (if their residence be within the county) whose personal property is sought to be added to, or the valuation thereof increased, to appear before said board at a time and place to be fixed by said board, and show cause why such addition should not be made, or why such valuation should not be increased; and when any reduction shall be ordered to be 23 made in the amount of personal property, or moneys or credits of any person, whether such return be made by such person or by the assessor or county auditor, a statement of the facts on which such reduction was made shall be en- tered on the journal of the boards. And such boards shall have power, whenever it is made to appear to their satis- faction that any personal property returned by the town- ship assessors or county auditors, for the current year, has been destroyed by fire, flood, tornado or otherwise, after the second Monday in April and before the final adjournment of said boards, to deduct from the valuation of the personal property, or moneys or credits of the owner of such de- stroyed property so returned, the value of the personal prop- erty so destroyed. [92 v. 218; 83 v. 231; 80 v. 54; 77 V. Vesa TOP, «192; Rey. Stat, 18803 s6rvt.075)-Pato4b3\ 9: SAC. 1457.] DEDUCTION FOR INJURED BUILDINGS. Sec. 1038a, The county auditor shall, whenever after the second Monday in April, and before the first day of October in any year, it is made to appear by the oath of the Owner, or one of the owners of any building or structure, and by the affidavit of two disinterested persons, resident of the city or township in which such building or structure is or was situate, that such building or structure has been injured or destroyed by fire, flood, tornado or otherwise, since the second Monday in April of the current pear, de- duct from the tax list and duplicate, the value of such buildings or structures, or such part of the value thereof as shall correspond to the extent of such injury. BOARD OF REVIEW FOR MUNICIPALITIES. [2819-1] Sec. 1. Upon the written application of the county auditor of any county to the state board of appraisers and assessors, for the appointment of a board of review for any municipal corporation of such county, for the equali- zation of real and personal property, moneys and credits within such ‘municipal corporation, Said board of appraisers and assessors may appoint said board of review, to be composed of three citizens, freé- holders of such municipal corporation, not more than two of whom shall belong to the same political party, one member of such board to be appointed for the term of one year, one member for the term of three years, and one member for the term of five years; and thereafter at the expira- Reduction of destroyed per- sonal property, Deduction from tax list and duplicate for destroyed and injured buildings. State board of appraisers and assessors to appoint board of review for municipal cor~ poration, when. Number of members; qualifications; term, vacan- cies; removals, Powers and duties of board. Sessions of board. Board of re- view for mu- nicipalities; compensation of members; meetings, where held. 24 tion of the term of any membef, there shall be appointed by the said state board of appraisers and assessors, a freeholder of such municipal corporation as sticcessor to such member for the term of five years, and all vacancies in said board shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as the original appointment. The state board of appraisers and assessors may, at its discretion, remove any member of said board. Said board of review shall within and for their respec- tive municipalities have all the powers and perform all of the duties heretofore conferred upon or required of the annual city board for the equalization of the value of real and personal property, moneys and credits; the decennial city board, for the equalization of the value of real prop- erty; and the annual city board of revision; and the de- cenhial city board of revision, under any and all laws now in force, pertaining to such municipalities. And said board of review shall be the successor of said board of revision, said annual city board and said decennial city board, all of which boards shall, upon the appointment of a board of re- view in any municipal corporation under this act be abol- ished, Said board of review shall have power to hear com- plaints and to equalize the valuation of real and personal property, moneys and credits within such municipal corpo- ration as said board of review may be located, and shall be governed by rules prescribed for the government of decen- nial county and city boards, and annual county and city boards, for the equalization of real and personal property. I95 v. 481, May toth, 1902.] \ [2819-2] Sec. 2. Said board of review shall meet an- nually at the office of the county auditor on the first Monday in June, and shall continue in session from day to day (ex- cept Sundays and legal holidays) until the Saturday pre- ceding the first Monday in June of the following year; pro- vided that the state board of appraisers and assessors shall have the authority to fix the time within which the work shall be completed. [95 v. 482, May t1oth, 1902.] SEc, 3. The county commissioners shall fix the salary of the members of such board of review, which salary shall not be less than three dollars and fifty cents per day for each and every day the board shall be in session, and not to ex- ceed two hundred and fifty ($250.00) dollars per month for the time such board may be in session, which salary shall be payable monthly out of the county treasury upon the order of said board and the warrant of the county auditor; 25 And said board shall meet in rooms provided by the county commissioners, and shall, when in session, devote their entire time to the duties of their office, and no member thereof shall be engaged in any other business or employ- ment during the period of time covered by the session of ‘the board. Said board shall have power to employ a chief clerk and appoint such other clerks not exceeding six (6), such messengers, not exceeding six (6), as it may deem neces- sary, and fix their compensation, which shall be paid out of the county treasury upon the order of said board and the warrant of the county auditor, and such incidental ex- penses as said board shall deem necessary, shall be paid out of the county treasury in like manner. [97 v. a i [2819-4]. Sec. 4. The county auditor of any county in which any of such municipal corporations are located shall be secretary to such board, and shall in addition to his other duties provided by law, be present at each meeting of the board in person or by deputy; he shall keep a correct record of the proceedings of the board in a book to be kept for that purpose, and perform such other duties as the board may order, or as may be incident to his position. For his services as secretary to such board he shall receive out of the county treasury upon the order of the board five ($5.00) dollars per day for each and every. day the board shall be in session. [95 v. 482, May toth, 1902] SEc, 2808. The governor, auditor of state and attorney general shall constitute a board of equalization of the shares of incorporated banks and also the shares of unincorporated banks the capital stock of which is divided into shares each of which shares is on [is an] aliquot part of the capital so divided and of the property representing the capital em- ployed by unincorporated banks the capital stock of which is not divided into shares, and for this purpose they shall meet on the third Tuesday of June, annually, at the office of the auditor of state, and examine the returns of said banks to the county auditors and the value of said shares and of the property representing the capital employed as fixed by the county auditors, as the same shall have been reported by the county auditors to the state auditor. [97 vy. 280.] Sec. 2809. Said board shall hear complaints and equal- ize the value of said shares and property representing capi- tal employed according to the rules prescribed by their title for valuing and equalizing the values of real and personal Clerks and other em- ployees. County auditor to be secretary of board; duties and compensation. Annual state board of equalization for banks; how consti- tuted and du- ties. Powers of board. State auditor to report to county auditors. 26 property, and if in the judgment of the board, or a ma- jority of them, the aggregate value of all the bank property so reported to said board by the county auditors is not its true value in money, they may increase or diminish the value of said shares and property representing capital em- ployed by such a per cent. as will equalize each to their true value in money; provided that said board shall not increase or reduce the grand aggregate value of bank shares and property representing capital employed as returned by the several county auditors by more than twenty (20) per centum. [97 v. 280.] Sec. 2810. The auditor of state shall forthwith after such equalization shall have been made, certify to the audi- tors of the proper counties, the valuations, as equalized, of the shares of, and property reppresenting capital employed by banks situated in such counties, which valuation shall be placed upon the proper tax list. [97 v. 280.] OPINION OF ATTORNEY GENERAL RELATIVE TO POWERS OF BOARDS OF REVIEW, COUNTY AUDITORS AND TAX INQUISITORS. STATE OF OHIO, OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL. Co_umBus, Outo, February 15, 1905. Hon. W. D. GUILBERT, Auditor of State, Columbus, Ohio. Dear Sir: You have submitted to this office the following ques-. tions coming from the Auditor of Hancock County: 1. Have the board of review and the auditor the right to increase the returns made on stocks of merchandise by assessors, where such stocks have been seturned by the owner with-- > out being sworn to as required by law? 2. Can the board of review take this matter out of the hands of the auditor and fix the amount ? These two questions may be considered and answered together. Section 2784 R. S. provides that in every case in which any person, company or corporation refuses or neglects to swear to his return the assessor shall report the 27 fact of such refusal and the auditor shall add to the amount returned, or ascertained, 50 per cent. of such amount; and the amount thus increased shall be the basis of taxation for the year. I am of the opinion that this language must be construed to mean that the return can not be increased beyond the 50 per cent. additional; but that the proper con- struction of the same is to regard such returh as any other made by an individual, company or corporation and subject to review by the proper taxing authorities. As to who are the proper authorities to increase, equal- ize or review personal property returns, I beg to advise you as follows: ' The new Boards of Review for the cities of the State established by the Act of May roth, 1902 (95, OL, at), have superior and final authority in all such matters within the municipal corporation for which they are appointed. This-act gives to such boards all the powers heretofore con- ferred upon and exercised by the Annual City Boards for the Equalization of the Value of Real and Personal Prop- erty, Moneys and Credits; the Decennial Boards for the Equaliatizon of the Value of Real Property; the Annual City Boards of Review; and the Decennial City Boards of Revision, under any and all laws theretofore in force in the municipalities ‘where the new boards of review are estab- lished. Among the powers thus succeeded to by the boards of review is that of calling before them the owners of prop- erty, moneys, credits and investments for the purpose of ascertaining the value thereof; of equalizing the value of real and personal property ; of placing upon the tax duplicate any real or personal property which has not been listed for taxation, and of increasing the value of all property, moneys, credits and investments which have, in their judgment, been listed at less than their true value in money. It is clear, therefore, that the new boards of review have original and final jurisdiction to increase, decrease and equalize the values of real and personal property within the municipality of which they are appointed. Now, as to the powers and duties of the county audi- tor. In the first place it is his duty to lay before the city boards of review the assessors’ returns and any information he may have with respect to inequalities or under or over valuations of property within the municipality for which such board of review is appointed. In the next place the county auditor is empowered by Section 2781 and 2781a to enter upon the tax duplicate all_omitted personal prop- 28 erty; it would seem that by Section 2781a the county auditor has the further power to enter on the tax lists any propery not returned according to the true value thereof in money. But the power of the auditor and that of the board ‘of review to increase the value of personal property returned for taxation must not be construed so as to produce a.con- flict between the respective juridiction of these two taxing authorities. Therefore, if section 2781a confers upon the auditor the right to do more than to list omitted property, that is to say to increase the values of property which, in his judgment, have not been returned acording to their true value in money, this authority is subject to the superior jurisdiction of the board of review, created specifically for the purpose of passing upon such questions, and if the board of review has fixed the value of personal property whose owner’s return was insufficient, there is no power in the auditor to disturb such valuation, for it is not to be asumed that the legislature intended to subject the owners of per- sonal property to a review of their returns and a hearing upon the question by the two different taxing authorities, Now, as to the power of the county auditor under sec- tion 2781a to fix for five years next preceding the year in which a return is corrected, the value of personal property, I beg to advise you that, in my judgment this. power is clearly conferred, and may be exercised by such auditor, whether the correction for one year is made by the county auditor or by the board of review. It may be well to add, however, in order to prevent any misunderstanding of this statute, that the taxes thus discovered ‘are due to the public treasury only, and no commission or compensation what- ever should. be paid to a tax inquisitor in this behaif, unless he has personally procured the evidence which results in the increased or omitted valuations. The law authorizing contracts with the so-called tax inquisitors contemplates that the persons with whom such contracts are made shall, in every instance, perform some actual service in return for the compensation paid; and if the county auditor upon his own motion increases the tax duplicate by adding omitted property, or by increasing the values contained in returns of personal property, or if the board of review supplies such omissions or makes such additions, the tax inquisitor is not entitled to receive any remuneration for the same, either for the next preceding five years or for any other period. Very truly yours, Wave H. ELLis, Attorney General. AN ACT PROVIDING AGAINST THE EVILS RESULTING FROM THE TRAFFIC IN INTOXICATING LIQUORS. (Passed May 14th, 1886. As amended March a2ist, 1887, March 26th, 1888, and'April }4th, 1888, and April 28th, 1890, and February 2oth, 1896, and May gth, 1902, and March 28th, 1906. [*] * 1. Beit enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That section 1 of an act entitled, “An act providing against the evils resulting from the traffic in intoxicating liquors,’ as amended March 26th, 1888, (O. L., vol. 85, p. 117), and also section 9 of said act, as amended April 28th, 1890 (O. L., vol. 87, p. 357). [4364-9] * 1. That upon the business of trafficking in spirituous, vinous, malt, or any intoxicating liquors, there shall be assessed, yearly and shall be paid into the county treasury, as hereinafter provided, by every person, corporation or co-partnership engaged therein, and for each place where such business is carried on by or for such person, cor- poration or co-partnership, the sum of $1,000.00. [4364-10] * 2. That said assessment, together with any increase thereof, as penalty thereon, shall attach and operate as a lien upon the real property on and in which such business is conducted, as of the fourth Monday of May, each year, and shall be paid at the times. provided for by law for the payment of taxes on real or personal property within the state, to-wit: one-half on or before the 2oth day of June, and one-half on or before the 20th day of December of each year. Sec. 3. (Sec. 4364-11.) That when such business shall be com- menced in any year after the fourth Monday in,May said assessment shall be proportionate in amount to the remainder of the assessment year, except that it shall be in no case less than two hundred dollars, and the same shall attach and operate as a lien as provided in section 2 of said act of May 14, 1886, and be payable on the date of such commencement, and whenever any person, corporation or co-partnership, engaged in such business who has been assessed as aforesaid, and who has paid the full amount of said assessment discontinues such business, the county auditor, upon being satisfied of that fact, shall issue to such person, corporation or co-yartnership a refunding order for a proportionate amount of said assessment, so paid, but in no case shall the amount of such assessment retained be less than two hundred dollars. 290 30 SEC. 3a. (4364-11a.) That each railway corporation, which shall maintain or conduct dining or buffet cars upon any of its trains or shall permit the same to be maintained or conducted, in which spirituous, vinous, malt or other intoxicating liquors are dispensed, within the state of Ohio, shall annually be assessed by the auditor of state and shall pay into the state treasury, on or before the roth day of June, the sum of one thousand dollars, when such railway corporation maintains, operates or controls not to exceed two hundred miles of railway within this state, and the sum of fifteen hundred dollars, when suth railway corporation maintains, operates or controls over two hundred miles of railway within this state, and in case of the neglect or refusal of any such railway com- pany, so assessed as aforesaid, to pay said assessment when due, it shail be liable for such assessment, together with a penalty of fifty per cent. in addition thereto, to be recovered in an action brought in the name of the State of Ohio by the attorney general against such railway corporation in any court of record, in any county of the state in which a line or lines of such railway corporation run. [4364-12] * 4. That if any person, corporation or co-partnership shall refuse or neglect to pay the amount due from them under the pro- visions of this act within the time therein specified, the county treasurer shall thereupon forthwith make said amount due with all penalties thereon, and 4 per cent. collection fees and costs, by distress and sale, as on execution, of any goods and chattels of such person, corporation or co-partnership ; he shall call at once at the place of business of each per- son, corporation or co-partnership, and in case of the refusal to pay the amount due, he shall levy on the goods and chattels of such person, cor- poration or co-partnership, wherever found in said county, or on the bar, fixtures or furniture, liquors, leasehold and other goods and chattels used in carrying on such business, which levy shall take precedence of any and all liens, mortgages, conveyances, or incumbrances hereafter taken or had on such goods and chattels, so used in carrying on such business ; nor shall any claim of property by any third person: to such goods and chat- tels, so used in carrying on such business, avail against such levy so made by the treasurer, and no property, of any kind, of any person, corpora- tion or co-partnership liable to pay the amount, penalty, interests and costs due under the provisions of this act, shall be exempt from said levy. The treasurer shall give notice of the time and sale and the personal prop- erty to be sold under this act, the same as in cases of the sale of personal property on execution; and all provisions of law applicable to sales of personal estate on execution shall be applicable to sales under this -act, except as herein otherwise provided; and all moneys collected by him under this act shall be paid, after deducting his fees and costs, into the. county treasury. In the event of the treasurer, under the levy provided for under this act, being unable to make the amount due thereunder, or a | . . au any part thereof, the county auditor shall place the amount due and un- paid on the tax duplicate against the real estate in which said traffic is carried on, and the same shall be collected as other taxes and assessments on said premises. [4364-13] * 5. That every assessor shall return to the county au- ditor, with his other returns, a statement upon a blank to be furnished by such auditor for that purpose, as to every place within his jurisdiction where such business is conducted, showing the name of the person, cor- poration or co-partnership engaged therein, a brief and accurate descrip- tion of the premises where the same is conducted, and by whom owned; said statement shall be signed and verified before such assessor by such person, corporation or co-partnership. And if such person, corporation or co-partnership shall, on demand, refuse or fail to furnish the requisite information for*such statement, or to sign or verify the same, such fact shall be returned by the assessor, and thereupon such assessment on said business shall be fifteen hundred dollars. And if any assessment aforesaid shall not be paid when due, there shall be added a penalty thereto of 20 per centum, which shall be collected therewith. SEC. 4364-14. The county auditor shall make and preserve dupli- cates of such assessments, alphabetically arranged, showing the amount and date of each assessment, by whom to be paid, and the premises -whereon the same is a lien. And upon receiving satisfactory information of any such business liable to assessment or increased assessment, as aforesaid, not returned by the assessor, he shall forthwith enter the same upon such duplicate and upon the county treasurer’s copy thereof. By the first Monday of June of each year, he shall make out and deliver to the county treasurer a copy of such duplicate, charging him with the full amount of such assessment to be collected, and also with any “additional assessments or increased assessments and penalties thereon. The county commissioners of the respective counties shall allow their county auditor compensation for the discharge of the duties imposed upon and performed by him under this act, as follows: Where the amount of assessments charged upon the duplicate in any county in any year aggregates twenty thousand dollars or under, a compensation equal to three per centum of any such aggregate, and where in any county in any year the ageregate so charged exceeds twenty thousand dollars, a like compensation on twenty thousand dollars, and, in addition thereto, an amount equal to one and one-half per centum on any amount in excess of twenty thousand dollars. All compensation so allowed shall at the next settlement of taxes to be deducted by the county auditor, ratably, from all the funds entitled to share in the distribution of such assessments, including the state, county, townships, municipalities, school districts and other organizations entitled thereto. All laws requiring any county auditor to account for and pay his fees, costs and allowances or any part thereof into the county 32 ‘ treasury for the use of the county shall govern and apply to the compen- sation herein provided for. SEC. 4364-14a. The assistant commissioners and inspectors ap- pointed by the dairy and food commissioner under section 409-10 of the Revised Statutes of Ohio, in addition to their duties under that section, shall determine from information furnished by the auditor of state or by personal visitation or otherwise, the names of all persons, firms or cor- porations liable to such assessment or increased assessment not already on the duplicate, and forthwith report the same to the auditor of state, to- gether with a description of the real estate upon which such business is carried on; and thereupon the auditor of state shall cause the same to be entered upon the assessment duplicate of the proper county by the auditor thereof, together with the penalty of twenty per centum, which shall be collected the same as other assessments. And ten per cefit. of the amount so placed upon the duplicate and collected shall be set apart and paid into the state treasury to the credit of the general revenue fund, and the re- mainder thereof shall be distributed the same as provided in section 4364- 17 of the Revised Statutes of Ohio. SEC. 4365-15. The county treasurer shall collect and receipt for all assessments so returned to him, and if any assessment shall not be paid when due, he shall forthwith proceed as provided in section 4364-12 of _ the Revised Statutes of Ohio, to collect the same, and in case he shall fail to make such assessment from the goods and chattels therein described, then said treasurer shall immediately proceed as provided in section one thousand one hundred and four of the Revised Statutes of Ohio, to en- ‘force the lien for the same with the penalty thereon. And the provisions of said section one thousand one hundred and four and all other provi- sions of the law of this state relating to the assessment and collection of taxes are hereby made applicable to the enforcement of liens and the col- lection of such assessments and penalties. The fact that the person, firm or corporation against whom suit may be brought to enforce the collection of such assessments, has paid the special tax required by the laws of thee United States for engaging in the sale of intoxicating liquors, as shown by the public records in the office of the internal revenue department, may be offered in evidence as proof that he so engaged for the time for which such special tax has been paid, and shall be prima facie evidence that such person, firm or corporation is actually engaged in the business of traffick- ing in intoxicating liquors as defined in sections 4364-9, 4304-10, 4364-11, 4304-12, 4364-13, 4364-14, 4364-15,°4364-16, 4364-17, 4364-18, 4364-19, 4364-20, 4364-21, 4364-22 and 4364-23 of the Revised Statutes of Ohio, but nothing in this act shall be construed as applying to a regular drug- gist selling intoxicating liquors upon prescription, issued in good faith by a reputable physician, in active practice, or for exclusively known mechanical, pharmaceutical or sacramental purposes as defined in section 33 4364-16 of the Revised Statutes of Ohio. The treasurer shall charge ~ himself with all such assessments placed in his hands for collection, and shall account to the auditor for the same, together with all penalties col- lected thereunder. SEC. 4364-16. The phrase “trafficking in intoxicating liquors” as used in this act, means the buying or procuring, and selling of intoxicat- ing liquors otherwise than upon prescription issued in good faith by rep- utable physicians in active practice, or for exclusively known mechanical, pharmaceutical ar sacramental purposes; but such phrase does not in- clude the manufacture of intoxicating liquors from the raw material and the sale thereof at the manufactory by the manufacturer of the same in quantities of one gallon or more at any one time. SEC. 4364-17. That the revenues and fines resulting under the pro- visions of this act shall be distributed as follows, to-wit: In every county three-tenths of the money paid, as herein provided, into the county treasury on account of any business aforesaid, carried on in any city, vil- lage, hamlet or township therein, shall be passed to the credit of the general revenue fund of the state and paid into the state treasury by the county treasurer, as is provided in other cases; five-tenths of the money so paid, shall, upon.the warrant of the county auditor, be paid on account of any business aforesaid, carried on in any such municipal corporation, or township into the treasury of said corporation or township, one-half to the credit of the police fund, and one-half to the credit of the general revenue fund thereof; provided, in corporations having no police fund the entire five-tenths shall be passed to the credit of the general revenue fund thereof, and in townships having no police fund, said one-half of five-tenths shall be passed to the credit of the poor funds thereof; and the remaining two-tenths part thereof, together with all other revenues resulting hereunder in said county, shall be passed to the credit of the poor fund of said county ; provided, that in all counties in which there is no county infirmary said remaining two-tenths part thereof shall be passed to the credit of the infirmary fund or the poor fund of the town- ships, village or city in which the same shall have been collected; and in such counties, when the money is paid on account of any business car- ried on in any township outside of any such municipal corporation, said five-tenths, also, shall be passed to the credit of the infirmary fund or the poor fund of said township; and provided, that in counties having a city of the first grade of the first class with a city infirmary and a county in- firmary, the above two-tenths part shall be divided as follows: The city infirmary fund shall have passed to its credit two-tenths of all the money so paid in said city of the first grade of the first class; the county infirm- ary fund shall have passed to its credit two-tenths of all the money so paid in by any village, hamlet or township in said county outside of said BMI Ta C7 A, 34 city of the first grade of the first class ; and the above five-tenths part of all the money so paid in by any township outside of any municipal cor- poration shall be paid into the treasury of such township, to be distrib- uted by the order of the trustees of said township to the general revenue fund and poor relief fund, in such proportions as said trustees may deem proper. ; Sec. 4364-20. That the sale of intoxicating liquors, whether dis- tilled, malt or vinous, on the first day of the week, commonly called Sunday, except by a regular druggist, on the written prescription of a regular practicing physician for medical purposes only, is hereby de- clared to be unlawful, and all places where such intoxicating liquors are on other ‘days sold or exposed for sale, except regular drug stores, shall on that day be closed, and, whoever makes any such sale, allows any such place to be open or remain open on that day shall be fined in any sum not exceeding ‘one hundred dollars, and not less than twenty-five dollars, and be imprisoned in the county jail or city prison not less than ten days, and not exceeding thirty days. In regular hotels and eating houses, the word “place” herein used, shall be held to mean the room #r part of room where such liquors are usually sold, or exposed for sale, and the keeping of such room or part of room securely closed shall be held, as to such hotels and eating houses, as a closing of a place within the meaning of this act; and any municipal corporation shall have full power to regulate, restrain and prohibit ale, beer and porter-houses, and other places where intoxi- cating liquors are sold at retail, for any purpose, or in any quantity, other than is provided for in section 8 of this act, as amended March 21, 1887. But if any municipal corporation shall prohibit ale, beer and _porter- houses or other places where intoxicating liquors are sold within the limits of such corporation, a ratable proportion of the tax paid by the proprietors thereof for the unexpired portion of the year shall be re- turned to such proprietors. Sec. 4364-21. Whoever sells intoxicating liquors to a minor, ex- cept on the written order of his parent, guardian or family physician, or to a person intoxicated or in the habit of getting intoxicated, shall be fined not more than one hundred nor less than twenty-five dollars, and imprisoned not more than thirty nor less than five days. Sec. 4364-23. The county treasurers of this state, on or before the first day of January and the first day of July in each year, shall report to the auditor of state the amount of money paid into the county treasury under the provisions of sections five and nine of an act to provide against the evils resulting from the traffic in intoxicating liquors, passed May 14, 1886, as amended March 26, 1888; and such treasurer shall, on or before the tenth day of January and the tenth day of July of each year, remit by draft or otherwise, as the auditor of state may direct, to the treasurer of state the money due the state as shown by such statement. 35 IMPOSING A COLLATERAL-INHERITANCE TAX. [Passed January 27, 1893, and amended April 6, 1900. ] SECTION 1. That all property within the jurisdiction of this state, and any interest therein, whether belonging to inhabitants of this state or not, and whether tangible or intangible, which shall pass by will or by the interstate laws of this state, or by deed, grant, sale or gift made or intended to take effect in possession or enjoyment after the death of the grantor, to any person in trust or otherwise, other than to or for, the use of the father, mother, husband, wife, brother, sister, niece, nephew, lineal descendant, adopted child, or person recognized as an adopted child and made a legal heir under the provisions of section 4182 of the Revised Statutes of Ohio, or the lineal descendant thereof, or the lineal descendant of any adopted child, the wife or widow of a son, the husband of the daughter of a descendant, shall be liable to a tax of five per centum of its value, above the sum of two hundred dollars, seventy-five per centum of such tax to be for the use of the state, and twenty-five per centum. for the use of the county wherein the same is collected; and all administrators, executors and trustees, and any such grantee under a conveyance made during the grantor’s life, shall be liable for all such taxes, with lawful interest as hereinafter provided, until the same shall have been paid as hereinafter directed. Such taxes shall become due and payable immedi- ately upon the death of the decedent, and shall at once become a lien upon said property, and be and remain a lien until paid. But the provisions of this act shall not apply to property, or interests in property, transmitted to the state of Ohio under the interstate laws of this state, or embraced in any bequest, devise, transfer or conveyance to, or for the use of the state of Ohio, or to or for the use of any municipal corporation or other politi- cal subdivision of said state for exclusively public purposes, or public institutions of learning, or to or for the use of, any institution in said state for purposes of purely public charity or other exclusively public purposes ; and the property, or interest in property so transmitted or em- braced in any such devise, bequest, transfer, or conveyance is hereby de- clared to be exempt from all inheritance and other taxes, while used exclusively for any of said purposes. [As amended April 6, 1900. ] Sec. 2, When any person shall bequeath or devise any property to or for the use of father, mother, husband, wife, brother, sister, niece, nephew, lineal descendant and adopted child, the lineal descendant of any adopted child, the wife or widow of a son, or the husband of a daughter, during life or for a term of years, and the remainder to a collateral heir, or to a stranger to the blood, the value of the prior estate shall. within sixty days after the death of the testator, be appraised in the manner hereinafter provided, and deducted, together with the sum of two hun- dred dollars from the appraised value of said property. [As amended April 20, 1894. ] 36 Sec. 3. Whenever a descendant appoints one or more executors or trustees, and in lieu of their allowance makes a bequest or devise of property to them which would otherwise be liable to said tax, or appoints: them his residuatry legatees, and said bequests, devises, or residuary lega- cies exceed what would be reasonable compensation for their services, stich excess shall be liable to such tax, and the court of probate having jurisdiction of their accounts shall fix such compensation. Sec. 4. All taxes imposed by this act shall be paid into the county treasury of the county in which the court having jurisdiction of the estate or accounts is situated, by the executors, administrators, or trus- tees, or other persons charged with the payment thereof, and if said taxes are not paid within one year after the death of said decedent, in- terest at the rate of eight per centum shall be thereafter charged and collected thereon, and if said taxes are not paid at the expiration of eighteen months after the death of said decedent, it shall be the duty. of the prosecuting attorney of the county wherein said taxes remain unpaid, to institute the necessary proceedings to collect the same in the court of common pleas of such county, after first being duly notified in writing by the probate judge of said county of the non-payment of such taxes, and it is hereby made the duty of the probate judge to give such notice in writing; but if said taxes are paid before the expiration of one year after the death of said decedent, a discount at the rate of one per centum per month for each full month that payment shall have been made prior to the expiration of said year, shall be allowed on the amount of taxes found to be due under the provisions of this act. [As amended April 20, 1894. | Sec. 5. Any administrator, executor, or trustee, having in charge or trust any property subject to such tax, shall deduct the tax therefrom, or shall collect the tax thereon from the legatee or person entitled to: said property, and he shall not deliver any specific legacy, or property subject to said tax to any person until he has collected the tax thereon. Sec. 6. Whenever any legacies subject to such tax shall be charged upon or payable out of any real estate, the heir or devisee, before paying the same, shall deduct said tax therefrom and pay it to the executor, administrator, or trustee, and the same shall remain a charge upon said real estate until it is paid; and payment thereof shall be enforced by the executor, administrator, or trustees, in the same manner as the payment of the legacy itself could be enforced. Sec. 7. If any such legacy be given in money to any person for a limited period, such administrator, executor, or trustee, shall retain the tax on the whole amount; but if it be not in money, he shall make an application to the court having jurisdiction of his accounts to make an apportionment, if the case require it, of the sum to be paid into his hands by such legatee on account of said tax and for such further order as the case may require. of Sec. 8. All administrators, executors and trustees shall have power to sell so much of the estate of the deceased as will enable them to pay said tax in the said manner as they may be empowered to do for the payment of his debts. Sec. 9. Within ten days after the filing of the inventory of every such estate, any part of which may be subject to a tax under the pro- visions of this act, the judge of the court of probate in which such inven- tory is filed, shall make and deliver to the county auditor of any such county, a copy of such inventory; or, if the same can be conveniently sepa- rated, a copy of such part of such estate with the appraisal thereof; the county auditor shall certify the value of said estate, subject to taxation hereunder and the amount of taxes due therefrom, to the county treasurer, who shall collect such taxes, and thereupon place twenty-five per centum thereof to the credit of the county expense fund of said county, and pay seventy-five per centum thereof into the state treasury, to the credit of the general revenue fund, at the time of making his semi-annual settle- ment. [As amended April 20, 1894.] SEC. 10. Whenever any real estate of a decedent shall so pass to another person as to become subject to said tax, the executor, adminis- trator or trustee of the decedent shall inform the probate judge thereof within six months after he has assumed the duties of his trust, or if the fact is not known to him within that time, then within one month from the time that it does become so known to him. Sec. 11. Whenever for any reason the devisee, legatee or heir who has paid any such tax shall refund any portion of the property on which it was paid, or 'it shall be judiciously determined that the whole or any [part of] such tax ought not to have been paid, said tax, or the due proportional part of said tax, shall be paid back to him by the executor, administrator or trustee. SEc. 12. The value of such property as may be subject to said tax shall be its actual market value as found by the court of probate; but the state through the prosecuting attorney of the proper county, or any person interested in the succession of said property, may apply to the court of probate having jurisdiction of the estate:.and on such application the court shall appoint three disinterested persons, who, being first sworn, shall view and appraise such property at its actual market value for the purpose of said tax, and shall make return thereof to said court, which return may be accepted by said court in the same manner as the original inventory of such estate is accepted, and if so accepted it shall be binding upon the person by whom this tax is to be paid, and upon the state. The fees of the appraisers shall be fixed by the judge of probate and paid out of the county treasury upon the warrant of the county auditor. In case of an annuity or life estate, the value thereof shall be determined by the so-called actuaries’ combined: experience table and five per centum com- pound interest. 38 Sec. 13. The court of probate having either principal or auxiliary jurisdiction of the settlement of the estate of the decedent, shall have jurisdiction to hear and determine all questions in relation to said tax that may arise, affecting any devise, legacy or inheritance under this act, subject to appeal as in other cases, and the pros«cuting attorney shall represent the interest of the state in any such procvedings. Sec. 14. The judge of each probate court shall, as often as once in six months, render to the county auditor a statement of the property within the jurisdiction of his court that has become subject to said tax during such period, the number and amount of such taxes as will accrue during the next six months, so far as the same can be determined from the probate records, and the number and amount of such taxes as are due and unpaid; and each probate judge shall keep a separate record, in a book to be provided for that purpose, of all cases arising under the pro- visions of this act. [As amended April 20, 1804. | Sec. 15. The fees of all officers having duties to perform under the provisions of this act, shall be paid: by the county from the county expense fund thereof, and shall be the same as now allowed by law for similar services; in the calculation of amounts due the state, seventy-five per centum of the cost of collection and other necessary and legitimate expenses the county in the collection of such taxes, shall be charged to the state and deducted from the amount of taxes to be paid into the state treasury. [As amended April 20, 1894.] Sec. 16. No final settlement of the account of any executor, admin- istrator or trustee shall be accepted or allowed by the court of probate unless it shall show, and the judge of said court shall find, that all taxes imposed by the provisions of this act upon any property or interest therein, belonging to the estate to be settled by said account, shall have been paid; and the receipt of the county treasurer shall be the proper voucher for such payment. Sec. 17. In the foregoing act the word “person” shall be construed ‘to include the plural as well as the singular, and artificial as well as natural persons; the word “property” shall be construed to include both real and personal estate, and any form of interest therein whatsoever, in- cluding annuities. Sec. 18. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. [O. L., v. 91, pp. 169-171. ] I desire to call especial attention to the county auditors and boards of equalization of the state to the following decisions in the U. S. supreme court, some of which decisions materially affect the taxation of certain stocks, etc., etc., heretofore held to be non-taxable. Read the same care- fully. W. D. GUILBERT, Auditor of State. ee ee a oor en SUPREME COURT OF OHIO. No. 674— Ocroser Term, 1882. The First National Bank of Youngstown, Ohio, ) Appellant, Appeal from the Circuit Court of the United r States for the North- ern District of Ohio. Vv. James B. Hughes, late Auditor cf Mahoning county, Freeman H. Sherer, present Auditor of Mahoning county, and Monroe W. Johnson, Prosecuting Attorney of Mahoning county, Ohio. On motion to dismiss: Mr. Chief Justice Waite delivered the opinion of the court. Section 2782 of the Revised Statutes of Ohio (1880) provides, that if a county auditor has reason to believe or is informed that any person has given a tax assessor a false statement of his personal property, moneys, etc., or that the asses- sor has made an erroneous return of any property, moneys, etc., which are by law subject to taxation, he may proceed to correct the return, and to charge such persons on the tax duplicate with the proper amount of taxes; to enable him to do which he is authorized and empowered to issue compulsory process, and require the attendance of any person or persons whom he may suppose to have a knowledge of the articles, or value of the personal property, moneys or credits, investments in bonds, stocks, joint stock companies, or otherwise, and examine such person or persons, on oath, in relation to such statement or return.” Section 2783 provides for process of subpoena in case any person shall neg- lect to appear and testify when called on by the auditor, and for punishment for contempt. Under the authority of this statute, the auditor of Mahoning county, in the exercise of his power to charge persons on the tax duplicate with the proper amount of taxes, called on the cashier of the First National Bank of Youngs- town to appear and testify, and because he could not testify without, to bring with. him the books of the bank, showing its deposits. Thereupon the bank filed a bill in equity, to enjoin the auditor, alleging for cause that such a proceeding on his part would unlawfully expose its business affairs, lessen public confidence in it as a depository of moneys, diminish its deposits, and greatly impair the value of its franchise. The Circuit Court dismissed the bill and the bank appealed. A motion is now made to dismiss the appeal for want of jurisdiction, because the value of the matter in dispute does not exceed five thousand dollars. In Barry v. Mercein, 5 How., 120, it was decided that to give this court juris- dietion in cases dependent upon the amount in controversy, “the matter in dis- pute must be money, or some right, the value of which, in money, can be c¢alcu- 39 40 lated and ascertained.” To the same effect are Pratt v. Fitzhugh, 1 Black, 278; DeKraff v. Barney, 2 Id., 714; Potts v. Churmasero, 92 U. S., 361. The present suit is not for money, nor for anything, the value of which can be measured by money. The bank has no interest in the taxes to be placed on the tax duplicate. There is no property in dispute between the auditor and the bank. If the cashier is compelled to testify and to produce the books to be used in evidence for the purposes required, the damages, if any, resulting to the bank, would be, in the highest degree, remote and speculative. Certainly no suit for even nominal damages could be sustained against the auditor on account of what he had done. All the cashier is required to do, is to give’testimony in a proceeding instituted under the authority of law, by the auditor, to perfect the tax lists of thercounty. It is supposed the books of the bank contain evidence pertinent to this inquiry, and appropriate measures are taken to have them pro- duced for examination. The case is in no respect different in principle from what it would be if the evidence was called for in an ordinary suit in a court of justice between individuals. Affidavits can only be used to furnish evidence of the value not appearing on the face of the record when the nature of the matter in dispute is such as to admit of an estimate of its value in money. The motion to dismiss, is therefore, granted, * 4I BANK TAXES. On the 8th ‘of February, 1884, Judge Sage, in the United States District Court, delivered his decision in the case of the Exchange Na- tional Bank against the treasurer of Hamilton county. The case is a very important one, involving as it does the question of the payment of certain taxes by the national banks. There are a number of such cases in the northern and southern districts of the state, and this decision is a precedent for the other cases. The following is the decision: OPINION BY JUDGE SAGE. Circuit Court of the United States, Southern District of Ohio. The Exchange National Bank, v. Charles A. Miller, Treasurer of Hamilton County. In Chancery. The tax from which the complainant prays to be relieved was assessed on the duplicate in 1882, under the following sections of the Revised Statutes of ‘Ohio: “Section 2765. The cashier of each incorporated bank shall make out and teturn to the auditor of the county in which it is located, between the first and ‘second Monday of May, annually, a report in duplicate, under oath, exhibiting in detail, and under appropriate heads, the resources and liabilities of such bank at the close of business on the Wednesday next preceding said second Monday, together with a full statement of the names and residences of the stockholders therein, with the number of shares held by each, and the par value of each -share. “Section 2766. Upon receiving such report the auditor shall fix the total ‘value of shares of such bank according to their true value in money, and deduct ‘from the aggregate sum so found the value of the real estate included in the statement of resources as the same stands on the duplicate: and when the bank is located in any city of the first or second class, he shall thereupon make out and transmit to the City Board of Equalization, otherwise to the County Board ‘of Equalization, a copy of the report so made by the cashier, together with the waluation of such shares as so fixed by the auditor.” The complainant contests the validity of the tax on the general ground ‘that its shares are assessed at a higher rate than other moneyed capital in the hands of individual citizens, specifying — 1. That the shares are valued too high, compared with the other property on the tax duplicate; and, 2. That the assets of the complainant consist in part of United States bonds not subject to taxation, but nevertheless, included in the valuation made by the auditor and placed on the duplicate. In support of the first objection the complainant has introduced testimony telating to a meeting of the decennial assessors from all parts of the state, held at Columbus in 1880, preparatory to the appraising of real estate, at which meeting, according to the testimony of two witnesses, the conclusion or general understanding was that real estate should be assessed at two-thirds to three- 42 fourths of the value, and that by that rate the assessment would represent the true cash value in money, taking into consideration “that real estate is almost always sold on long terms, and the losses occuring thereby.” A third witness testified that he was present, but that, to the best of his recollection, no rate was fully agreed upon. One of the witnesses states that the meeting was quite large, but how many assessors attended, or how many localities were represented does not appeear, nor does it appear that assessors were guided in their valuations by the action of the meeting in opposition to their judgment of the money value of the prop- erty by them appraised. One of the witnesses testifies that the object of the meeting was to make the assessment of real estate uniform. And whether two- thirds to three-fourths of what is spoken of by witnesses as the value of real estate sold upon payments— part in cash and part on time— would be what is spoken of as true cash value in money, does not appear. There is also testimony tending to show great inequalities in the valuation for taxation of real and personal property, including shares in national banks, but in no instance does a witness testify that any assessor has been governed in making an assessment by any other rule than his judgment of the true money value of the property assessed. It is contended for the complainant that this testimony brings the case within the rule of Pelton v. National Bank (101 U. S., 148) and Cummings v. National Bank (101 U. S., 153). That is not our view. In Pelton v. National Bank it was held that the systematic and intentional valuation of all other moneyed capital by the taxing officers was far below its true value, while shares of the national banks were assessed at their full value, was a violation of the act of Congress, which prescribes the rule by which they were to be taxed by the State. In that case the court found that the valuation of national bank shares was intentionally higher than the valuation of other personal property, and that this discrimination was neither an accident nor a mistake, but that it was a principle deliberately adopted in the valuation of all the shares in national banks, and that it was applied without exception, and therefore the decree below in favor of the complainant was affirmed. In Cummings v. National Bank the Supreme Court found that the assessors cf real property, the assessors of personal property, and the auditor of Lucas county, Ohio, concurred in establishing a rule of valuation by which real and personal property, except money, was assessed at one-third, and money or invested capital at six-tenths of its actual value, and that the assessments on the shares of incorporated banks, as returned by the State Board of Equalization: for taxation to the auditor of Lucas county, were fully equal to their selling price and to their true value in money, and the decree enjoining the collection of the excessive tax was affirmed. No such state of facts is shown in the case now before this court. It is true, as shown by the testimony, that although the shares of the complainant were valued for taxation at 86.7 per cent. of their true value in money, they were valued higher than other personal property, but the error, or inequality is not shown to arise otherwise than from a mistake in judgment on the part of the assessing officials. It would, perhaps, be more exact to say that the judgment of the assessors in their official valuation, differs from the judgment of the witnesses in their tmofficial valudtion as expressed in their testimony. The differences are no greater than frequently arise between witnesses in cases on trial on questions of value. And there is no certain standard by which the court can determine which is correct. Valuations, excepting of money and of standard marketable articles, are at best uncertain. The influences which affect salable values are various and com- oe 43 plicated. Much depends upon who is the owner or vendor, as well as upon who is the purchaser. The shrinkage in the value of estates results in many in- stances largely from the consideration that the. salable value imparted by the fact of the ownership of the deceased is gone. A thousand influences, tangible and intangible, so affect the salable value of property, real and personal, in the city and in the country, as to make its true valuation a work of exceeding difficulty, and is not to be wondered at, nor is it a circumstance of itself war- ranting an appeal to a court of chancery, but there are great inequalities in valuation for taxation. To correct these the State has provided for appeals to appropriate tribunals, whose duty it is to equalize valuations and the burden of taxation. When these are exhausted all that can. be done, practically, is done, except in cases of intentional discrimination. We are of the opinion that the rule laid down in National Banks v. Kimball (103 U. S., 732), applies here. There it was held that no case for relief was made by averring that the assessments are unequal and partial, and that some other property is rated for ‘taxable purposes at less than one-half of its cash value, unless it is further shown that the officers appointed to make assessments com- bine together and establish a rule or principle of valuation, the necessary result of which is to tax one species of property higher than others, and higher than the average rate. It has been held, and we think correctly, that inequality in valuation may be so great as to authorize the court to conclude that they are the result of intention, but we do not think that the testimony warrants such conclusion in this case. : To the same effect as National Bank v. Kimball is Wagoner v. Loomis (37 O. S., 571), where it was decided that inequalities in the valuation made under a valid law, of property for taxation, do not constitute grounds for enjoining the tax, in the absence of fraudulent discriminations by the agents and officers making such valuations, and that a petition for such injunction, which shows that the plaintiff's property was valued at only 80 per cent. of its true value in money, while property in the country was valued at only 40 per cent. of its value, and avers that such valuations were unequal, unjust and illegal, is sufficient. 3. Is the assessment invalid for the reason that the assets of the com- plainant consisted in part of United States bonds, not subjected to taxation, but nevertheless included in the valuation made by the auditor and placed on the duplicate? . The Legislature, in providing for the taxation of shares in national banks, is subjected to two classes of restriction. First, those imposed by Congress and contained in Section 5219, Revised Statutes of the United States; and second, those imposed by the constitution of the State of Ohio. If the act under which the assessment was made éxceeds any of these restrictions, it is invalid, at least to the extent of the excess. ~ The valuation of shares in national banks, under Sections 2765 and 2766, Revised Statutes of Ohio, quoted above, is fixed by deducting the resources of the bank, its liabilities and also the value of the real estate, included in the statement of resources, as the same stands on the duplicate. There are the only deductions. It is urged on behalf of the complainant that, by the Constitution and stat- utes of Ohio, taxation is limited. to tangible property, subject to ownership and capable of definite money valuations, and that corporate franchises are not recog- nized as subjects of taxation. To those propositions, as stated, we agree, and, in our opinion, they are recognized by the Legislature of Ohio in providing by the law already referred to, for the taxation of shares in national banks. Nothing is taken into account in the valuation of the shares for taxation but the tangible property of the bank. From the sum of its resources is deducted 44 the sum of its liabilities, and the assessed value of real estate. The remainder is divided by the total number of shares, and the quotient is the amount which the law fixes as the taxable value of each share. It is also urged that. the taxable. property of corporations in Ohio is taxed on valuation, like property of individuals, and not otherwise, and that shares in any corpcration are considered and treated as “portions” of the taxable prop- erty of the corporation, and not otherwise, and are not required to be listed by the owner when the property of the corporation is listed. The Constitution of Ohio declares that the property of corporations shall be subject to taxation the same as the property of individuals (Art. 13, Sec. 4), and the law (Revised Statutes of Ohio, Sec. 2746), exempts from taxation the shares of the capital stock of any company, the capital stock of which is taxed in the name of such company. If the taxation of the property of the corporation be regarded as indirect taxation of the shares, it is perhaps true that the shares are considered and treated as “portions” of the taxable property of the corporation, but the direct and proper view is that the property of the corporation, in the case stated, is taxed and the shares are exempt. In cases where the property of the corpora- tion is not taxed, we do not agree that the shares are considered and treated as “portions” of the taxable property of the corporation. By Section 2736 of the Revised Statutes of Ohio, each person listing prop- erty is required to include in his statement all investments in bonds, stocks, joint stock companies, etc., in his possession. Section 2737 provides that such statement shall truly and distinctly set forth the amount invested in bonds, stocks, joint stock companies, etc., and Section 2739 provides that investments in bonds, stocks and joint stock companies shall be valued as the true value thereof in money, These sections prescribe the standard for the valuation of shares for taxa- tion. It is their true value in money, and not the proportion which they bear to the taxable property of the corporation. If the property of the corporation is taxed, the shares are exempt. But Congress does not permit the property of national ‘banks, excepting their real estate, to be taxed, and it cannot be taxed without authority from Congress. It does permit the taxation of shares as the property of their owners or holders. And one of the points decided by the supreme Court of Ohio, in Frasier et al. v. Sicbern et al. (16 O. S., 614), is that shares in national banks liable to taxation in the State of Ohio “are to be under- stood as the individual property or choses of the stockholders, as contradistin- guished from aliquot parts of the capital and property of the bank, and as such they may be taxed at their full- value, without deduction for the: franchise, or for real estate otherwise taxed, or for untaxable bonds, owned by the bank.” We do not see how language could be more explicit. In Bradley v. Bauder (36 O. S., 28), the question was whether a person residing in Ohio and owning shares of stock in a foreign corporation was required to list the same for taxa- tion, notwithstanding the capital of the corporation was taxed in the state where the corporation was located. The argument was that the capital of the corpora- tion was invested in property taxed in the name of the corporation, that the shares only represented proportions of that property, and therefore that taxing the shares was, by another mode, taxing the property of the corporation. But Judge Boynton, pronouncing the opinion said: “This argument, however plaus- ible, has never met with favor from the courts,” and the legality of the tax upon the shares, as property, distinct and separate from the property of the corpora- tion, and therefore, not “portions” of the same was affirmed. In Wagoner v. Loomis (37 O. S., 571), Judge McIlvaine intimates, on page oe rT 45 580, that the officers of the law violated their sworn duty in placing the national bank shares of the plaintiff in error on the duplicate at their par value, “instead’ of their true value in money (as the Constitution requires), which was 125 per cent. of their par value.” In each of these cases there is clear recognition that the shares are entirely distinct, as taxable property, from the property of the corporation, and in Frasier v. Siebern and in Wagoner v. Loomis, that intangible constituent of value —as the franchise — may be included in fixing the true money value of the shares for taxation. But by the law under which the shares of the complainant were valued for taxation, everything intangible is excluded. The aggregate tax value of all shares is equal, to the net value of the capital of the bank, less the assessed value of the real estate. The non-taxable bonds owned by the bank are not excluded. How that affects the validity of the assessment is a question which we shall now consider. Congress authorizes taxation upon the shares in national banks by the states within which they are located under two restrictions. First, “that the taxation shall not be a greater rate than is assessed upon other moneyed capital in the hands of the individuals within such state,” and, second, “that the shares of any national banking association, owned by non-residents of any state” shall be taxed in the city or town where the bank is located, and not elsewhere. The real estate of the bank is also taxable as other real estate. [Rev. Stat., U. S35 ‘pec. 5219.] By Section 2759, Revised Statutes of Ohio, the county auditor is required to allow to ‘every individual banker and to every unincorporated’ bank, in addition to the credits allowed in the valuation for taxation of national bank shares “the average amount of United States Government and other securities that are exempt from taxation,” held by such banker or unincorporated bank. Wherefore it is argued that the taxation upon the national bank shares is in violation of. the first restriction imposed by Congress, in that it is a greater rate than is assessed upon other moneyed capital in the hands of individual citizens. No complete definition of “other moneyed capital” has been given. It must, however, be held to mean other taxable moneyed capital. Otherwise the law of Congress, permitting taxation of the shares, would defeat itself, for they could not be taxed a greater rate than individual investment, in United States bonds, which are exempt. Unincorporated banks and individual bankers can be taxed only upon their property. The statement they are required to make and return to the auditor shall, the law says, set forth not only their taxable property, but also United States bonds and other non-taxable securities held by them. The auditor is required to deduct from the statement so made and return that which the State has no power to tax. The statute creates no exemption. It lays hold upon every item of property which it can reach, and taxes every item which it can tax—allowing only the credits allowed to other individual taxpayers. The auditor, accordingly, in fixing the amount for taxation, deducts from the state- ment which the law compels the unincorporated bank and the individual banker to make, the securities which the State could not tax if it would. If it were material to inquire why the law requires that non-taxable securi- ties shall be included in the return, the answer might be suggested by Sections 139 and 1522 of the Revised Statutes of Ohio, relating to the statistical duties of the Secretary of State and assessor. Every taxpayer is required at the time of listing his property, 1o make to the assessor a verified statement, which shall in- clude among other things, “the amount of United States bonds owned, the amount of legal-tender notes or money exempt from taxation, and-the amount of State bonds or certificates.” As the unincorporated bank and the individual ca 46 banker make their returns to the auditor, it is provided that the returns shall contain the items which the assessor is required to take from every individual taxpayer in the discharge of his statistical duties. Unless the taxation on the shares in the national banks is directly a tax on the property of the bank there is no discrimination in favor of the individual banker and the unincorporated bank. But in Van Allen v. The Assessors, (8 Wallace, 473), the Supreme Court of the United States decided that “the tax on the shares is not a tax on the capital of the bank.” They state as familiar law, that “the corporation is the legal owner of all the property of the bank, real and personal,” and that. the interest of the shareholders is “a distinct independent interest on property” held by the shareholders like any other property that may belong to him, and that “it is this interest which the act of Congress has left subject to taxation by the States,” Chief Justice Chase, for himself, and Asso- ciate Justices Wayne and Swayne, in a dissenting opinion, argued with great power that taxation on shares in national banks, without reference to the amount of their capital invested in bonds of the United States was “actual though indirect taxation of the bonds,” but the holding of the majority of the court was affirmed in People v. The Commissioners (4 Wallace, 214), and has since remained as settled law, so that the dissenting opinion of the Chief Justice only strengthens the authority of Van Allen v. The Assessors. 1n People vw. The Commissioners, the only question before the court was whether the holder of the bank shares was entitled to deduct from their value a due proportion of the sum which the bank had invested in government bonds. This was decided in the negative. Mr. Justice Nelson, who pronounced the opinion of the court, said that “the meaning and intent of the law-makers was that the rate of taxa- tion of the shares should be the same or not greater than upon the money capital of the individual citizen which is subject to or liable to taxation.” Eliminating from the return made by the unincorporated bank or individual banker every item of property and moneyed capital exempt from taxation is not deducting, nor is it discriminating in favor of such bank or banker and against the holder or owner of shares in a national bank. What is such a discrimination is clearly shown in People v. Weaver (100 U, S., 539). The case was taken to the Supreme Court of the United States from the Court of Appeals of New York. Mr. Justice Miller, delivering the opinion, said: “It cannot be disputed —it is not disputed here—nor is it denied in the opinion of the state court, that the effect of the state law is to permit a citizen of New York, who has money capital invested otherwise than in banks, to de- duct from the capital the sum of all his debts, leaving the remainder alone sub- ject to taxation, while he whose money is invested in shares of bank stock can make no such deduction. Nor inasmuch as nearly all the banks in the state, and iniall others, are national banks, can it be denied that the owner of such shares who owes debts, is subject to a heavier tax on account of those shares than the owner of moneyed capital otherwise invested, who also is in debt, because the latter can diminish the amount of his tax by the amount of his indebtedness, while the former cannot?” In accordance with this view the judgment of the state court was reversed. It was within the power of the Legislature of. New York to allow or disallow a reduction from the listed value of the property of the taxpayer equal to the amount of his indebtedness; and to allow it to one and refuse it to another, was by intentional discrimination to make the taxation unequal. But in the case of an unincorporated bank, or of an individual banker in Ohio, the State levies its taxes upon every dollar’s worth of property which it has power to tax, at the same rate and by the same method as in the taxation of 47 national bank shares, leaving untouched only the property which it has not power to tax. It is claimed that upon a proper application of the decision of Frasier v. Siebern (16 O. S., 614), the assessment must be held illegal. We do not think so. The act of Congress then in force authorizing taxation upon shares in national banks contained the following restriction, not to be found in the present law: “That the tax so imposed under the laws of any state upon the shares of any of the associations authorized by this act shall not exceed the rate imposed upon the shares of any of the banks organized under the authority of the state where such associations are loc4ted.” The State of Ohio imposed no tax upon shares in the State banks, which were then in existence. On the contrary, by the fifty- ninth section of the Act of 1861, then in force, they were expressly exempted. But the State banks themselves were taxed upon their capital, subject to a deduction for the value of their real estate, and of their non-taxable bonds of the United States, while the tax on shares in ‘national banks was upon their nominal or par value, without any deduction for real estate, which was taxed separately against the banks as real estate, and without deduction for United States bonds owned by the banks. The court, recognizing that the equivalent taxation necessary to justify a tax upon shares in national banks might be either upon the shares in the State banks, and assessed against the shareholders, or upon the capital of the bank, and assessed against the bank itself, provided only that it be equiva- lent, held that “the tax against the owners of shares in national banks must not exceed that imposed in some form upon the State banks of their stockholders.” And finding that the tax upon the shares in the national: banks was in excess of that assessed against: the State banks, the court enjoined the collection of the excess. The restriction in the present act of Congress authorizing the tax on shares in national banks is, that the taxation “shall not be a greater rate than is as- sessed upon other moneyed capital in the hands of the individual citizens of the state,” and as we have already found that “other moneyed capital’ refers to tax- able capital, the failure to levy a tax against a citizen of the state, whether a banker, a manufacturer, a merchant, or a capitalist, upon property in invest- ' ments which the State has no power to tax, does not make out a case of dis- crimination against the owner or holder of shares in a national bank. Our conclusion is that the bill must be dismissed, and it is so ordered. vay aA @ | OPL | OSP‘9L Oc OL G10°28 GLO‘ 000'S2 sete aeee Juowpog Hee neeeeee U0}19UI0S ala gta pa jeuonjen SIT O16‘ 9L Pee steee O16‘ 9L O16‘ 9L COP‘ LS ZOE 'S 000 ‘SZ re yuow log te eee ueyeyMog [meet 5 8 Sensi Ses ye ]euoneN ySILy 049°88 | O4L'S 00P 8 00P ‘€8 &4L‘ OPT Ll ‘OF | 000‘00L Rr id hae ol | “"* qrodespiig |*""''""**"* [euoReN jsodesprig 09¢‘S% OFO'T 069‘Z% 06S ‘Zo F9S ‘9S F9S‘TI 000°&% pais sneer yuowyjog a ed epssy}eg ieee eee wee eee [euojeN SIL 06S‘ 6L ogo's 099‘ 9L 09¢‘9L LE9‘LZ LE9'S 000‘SZ weet eee yuOoW yay tte ee ee wee yuoullog fs re . > [euonjeN quoWlag 019‘ S41 | ogg‘ 2s 0Z0‘99L 0Z0‘99L CGP “686 GCF ‘68 000‘ 00% ween eee yUuOW Ig Pee eee ewww ee arre[ [og eee eee eee jeuoneN ISI O9T‘TL ear ce] OE Ed OOT‘TL S16‘ STL 816‘ST 000‘ 00L PORN aed 6c Dae ‘c** orre[[eq |[eUONeN sjuvyoiaW XY Siowmsey 092‘ 16 | oss ‘3 OLF ‘S88 OLP ‘88 €86 ‘TST €86 ‘IS 000‘00T see . yUOW Ig if wee wees a [fAsoureg ee tee [euonjeN au 086‘ 201 0g0‘8 006 ‘66 006 ‘66 226‘ 09T G66 09 000‘00L wee eee yuoWyag a [IAsouseg ed JeuoneNy SIT 00 ‘48 018“9 080‘T8 080‘T8 Shr CST Shp‘ se 000‘00T AS OSE TEEBRY [St oo? 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