BL 263 C37 1925 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2022 with funding from Princeton Theological Seminary Library BEV OF URPTON As It Relates To THE ORIGIN OF MAN By J. LIMUEL CASEY 2705 Caldwell Avenue Milner Heights BIRMINGHAM, ALA. 4, Bs se oe . Evolution As It Relates To The Origin Of Man Some fine day a million or two, or maybe three million years hence, this little world is going to go “on the rocks” and be wrecked so completely there won't be a thing left for later souvenir hunters. This sentiment was expressed by Prof. J. Hadamard, French mathematician, member of the French Academy and of the faculty of the College de France, in Bloomington, Ind., before the Indiana section of the Mathematical Association of America, meeting at Indiana University recently. He drives out any and all fears, (lest some perchance might become “hys- terical’’ over the immensity of such giving away of our solar system), with the comforting thought: “this destruction will not occur in the immediate future, or even in the distant future.” Let us rest then in sweet repose, as the only way you and I or any of our descendants in ages and ages to come, as time ticks its way on down the milestones of millions of years hence, can only be affected by far off dreams,—and we can rest peacefully as we have the assurance that our dreams “will ne’er come true.” Mr. Hadamard, who has studied this intricate mathematical problem for years. announced himself in perfect accord with Montaigne, the philosopher, who said: “It is too ambitious to say I don’t know anything, for I am not even sure I know nothing.” (Feb. 1533 to Sept. 1592). We are told as recently as in 1860 just sixty-five years ago, there was a de- bate in the University of Oxford; the speakers were Bishop Wilberforce, of the Church of England, and Professor Thomas H. Huxley, biologist; the subject was Evolution. Darwinism was brand-new, and the idea that man sprang from monkeys was about forever to be wiped off the face of the slate by the greatest and most eloquent of all British theologians. Although the Darwinian theory is that man and ape had a common ances- tor, quite a strange coincidence that two unlike things should spring from the same thing, especially man the handy work of God, the creature made after His own image should come from that, that produced a monkey. According to my way of thinking and my thoughts are based upon the word of “God Himself;”. I do not believe it. To you that believe it (or think you believe it) you may hurl your broadside after broadside into the ears of the man of straw which you have set up. You may cry unto the winds of time to waft your message to the distant shores of new worlds, you may speak in tongues of golden hue, and may ring the bells on foreign shores with eloquence that would lull to sleep the mes- sage of this mighty Man O’War, but like a mighty thunder in the clouds that are hovering over us, the echo of this great British theologian brings back to us the message, “that he still speaks and bids us to carry on the work and instead of rising as did the biologist in the interest of Science, rise in the defense of the Constitution of “God Almighty” and herald its message to the four corners of the earth and let its flavor and sweetness perfume and soften the hearts of men and bring them humbly at His feet, and there lay down their claim which they have termed Evolution, as it relates to the origin of man, and give glory and honor to our God in the creating of man in His own image. Then, and not un- til then, you may, if you please, take up evolution and theorize upon it as much as you wish. It has been a wonderful study and has accomplished marvelous things in our generation and all due credit to the distinguished scientists who in their wisdom have wrought many wonderful discoveries and have revealed many new inventions; but ’tis through the power and knowledge given them by ™ the Great Creator, that they have been able to apply this knowledge and have revealed these scientific truths to us in this day and time. Stand back, oh scien- tist, and give heed to our God and acknowledge to Him the tribute of praise in His masterpiece, in the creation of man after His own image. There have been many eminent scientists who have been unable to accept the Darwinian theory, the failure to discover the missing link has been the weak point in the evolutionary hypothesis and until that’ discovery is made man will be justified in his adherence to the Biblical idea of creation. Prof. James Dwight Dana, the eminent American scientist says: “Man’s origin has thus far no scientific explanation from science,” and I may say it needs no scientific explanation as we have the supreme authority of Almighty God that He created man in His own image. It is reported that the eminent Dr. Adolph Schultz, Associate Professor of Psychical Anthropology, following a conference in Baltimore recently, of de- fense counsel and distinguished scientists of Johns Hopkins University, in the coming trial of Prof. John T. Scopes in Tennessee for teaching evolution in a public high school, in violation of the law, Dr. Schultz said: “Man and the apes are related. They are first cousins. Man and the apes came from the same an- cestors, only man went one way and the apes another. With the development of man’s brain came the shortening of his tail which disappeared entirely as evolu- tion progressed.” Immediately after arriving at the conference in Baltimore, J. W. Gaines, one of the galaxy of legal lights who will defend Scopes announced their case would largely center about the “dangerous” effect the anti-evolution law would have on the teaching of medicine, and securing all of the latest available data from headquarters,” on the evolution theory in an effort to round out what is claimed to be “iron-clad” proof that man and monkeys are first cousins—All of this must be so as this statement comes from a distinguished gentleman of cul- ture, versed in the rudiments of psychical anthropology, and is sanctioned by the golden hue orator who is one of the leading lights and defenders of the cause. You cannot prove your statement for it is not in accord with the teachings of God. . What has medicine to do in this case? Do not muddy the waters with this substance as it would taint your vision and dull your sensibilities and possibly disqualify you to represent your client to his best interest, as you will need all of the best qualities you may command with promptings from your colleagues, to meet the onslaught of the modern Joshua of our day and time, and the de- fender of the Constitution of our God, the Hon. William Jennings Bryan. We are told that a criminal lawyer from Chicago by the name of Clarence Darrow will also represent the defense in the coming trial in Dayton, Tenn., July, 10, 1925. From reports circulated, this distinguished legal light has made quite a reputation in defending criminals in one part of the country and another, the last of which that has come up before us in a forcible way was in his home town in Chicago in defense of the noted case, ““Leopold-Loeb.” It is rather strange that this criminal attorney should represent a professor for teaching evolution in violation of the law of Tennessee. This is not a capital offense, punishable by death if found guilty, but it is a very serious offense and and one that needs to be looked into. It is an acknowledged truth that Mr. Dar- row is an agnostic. An agnostic is one who denies that man possesses any knowledge of the ultimate nature of things; one who neither affirms nor denies the existence of a personal Deity, and this is the attorney that was chosen to rep- resent a cause that scientists hold so dear and so sacred in the education of this 4 present generation, and the generations that are to follow. He cannot look you in the face with faith and potency in his expression with the assurance and knowledge that he has the moral support of a “Higher” power to give him cour- age in fostering the cause he is trying to represent. He cannot lean upon faith in guiding him in the presentation of truth that he is trying to bring home in the defense of science, because he neither affirms nor denies the existence of a per- sonal Deity. Mr. Darrow made a speech a few nights ago to an audience of about 75 of Dayton, Tenn., town’s business men and made the statement, “that he was still seeking with an open mind and expressed the hope that he may still find the answer.” If he lives the life of an average man he admits that he hasn’t much longer to live, and believes nothing exists without cause and further states he believes the cure of the world is not in hatred but in love and understanding. Mr, Darrow, permit me to say to you that your message has appealed to me so forcefully as I have read it with the interpretation of your earnest desire to find “the answer” and if I, an humble servant and layman of the God who gives us our daily blessings, and gives you and me the very air that we breathe and in Him we move and have our being, can help you find the answer I shall be more than happy. A confident and abiding faith in this loving God will lead you and will lead me and will lead all men upon the face of this earth to a higher and better love one for another, will drive out all hatred, and then you and I and all that love and fear God will have found the cure of the world and will better understand. I want to say to you humbly, that I or no other man has the key to all, hu- man knowledge, or that my judgment is infallible. My judgment is too frail to offer as a support that can be relied upon authoritatively as to whether evolu- tion is or is not contrary to the teachings of the Bible, as to the origin of man. I can only point you to the cause of giving the weight of any influence I may have to the support of the Biblical teachings as to the origin of man. We have no constituted authority that I or any other man have even been able to find or that Science in all of its research has ever been able to alter the unimpeach- able declaration and constitutional authority as laid down by “God Almighty,” when He said: “He created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him.” And God said, let the earth bring forth living creatures after ‘their kind, cattle, and creeping things, and beasts of the earth after their kind; and it was so. And God made the beast of the earth after their kind; and the cattle after their kind, and. everything that creepeth upon the ground after its kind; and God saw that it was good. And God said, let us make man in our own image, after our likeness. And God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him. Mr. Darrow read the paragraph again just preceding this one, and you will better understand | believe the declaration of God in handing down to you and to me and all men everywhere that he in his wisdom of creation used the simple method of conveying to us the unimpeachable truth that in the creation of less animal life such as cattle, beast, birds, fish and creeping things on the earth that they were all made after its kind—and God saw that it was good. And then read again, if you please, this paragraph and you will better understand, I be- lieve, the declaration of God in handing down to you and to me and all men everywhere that he in his wisdom of creation used the simple method of con- véying to us the unimpeachable truth that in the creation of man God made him in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them; and God blessed them. 5 The message from Jehovah that has been counded from the beginning of time on down the ages to this good day, is that his handy work in the crea- tion of all lesser animal life were all made after its kind and God saw that it was good, and on the wings of time from the beginning of creation of man comes the message from our God to you and to me and to all men everywhere that in the creation of the Keystone of his handiwork, man, God created him in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and famile created he them; and God blessed them. In the creation of less animal life, all made after its kind, it pleased God and he saw it was good. In the creation of man, the higher animal life, God made him in his own image, in the image of God created he him and it pleased God and He pronounced his blessing upon him. He gave man dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the heavens, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. A Superior Intelligence has guided the develop- ment of man in a definite direction and for a definite purpose. In the making of one, God saw it was good. In the making of the other it pleased God and He blessed him. In one it was good, in the other a blessing. Stand back, ye scientists of this world, and all that are defending the cause of science, in so far as it relates to the origin of man, and hail the “King of Kings” and bring in your theory and humbly laying it down at his feet and as- cribe unto Him the honor and glory in His, creation of man. With this ac- knowledgment and the surrender of your scientific theories relating to the origin of man our God will bless you and will reveal unto you more wonder- ful scientific truths than you have ever dreamed. I have heard it argued that if evolution is contrary to the teachings of the Bible, as to the origin of man, then astronomy and geology are likewise in con- flict and these should also be barred from public schools. In the discussion of evolution the evolutionist will invariably refer to the teachings of astronomy, geology, and to the spherical shape of the earth, indictment of Galileo in 1663 for teaching that the earth revolves on its axis and moves around the sun, and the Tennessee affair is an outbreak of ignorance in opposition to knowledge. i should like to ask you, Mr. Well-Informed Evolutionist and Scientist, where you get your knowledge from? Who told you about astronomy, geology, the earth being flat and proved to be round and the teachings that the earth re- volves on its axis and moves around the sun? Who told you these things? Did you or do you, believe them to be true? You say you have studied these things and found them out in your research for scientific truths, and that you have proven them to be scientific and they are now captioned as Science. Then you have acknowledged the true declaration “that a Superior Intelligence has guided the development of man in a definite direction and for a definite purpose,” and that God has revealed these things unto you, beginning at the creation of man and a gradual development guided by a Superior Intelligence that has unfolded to you a better understanding as to the accomplishment of your great scientific truths. Man, the handiwork of God as described in Creation is crowned as the sole title to the position at the head of the Kingdom of Life. Then reconcile the statement if you please, that the “Tennessee affair is an outbreak of ignorance in opposition to knowledge.” Read again the declaration just quoted and it will lead you to understand that the hand of God has guided the development of man and has revealed unto him the knowledge of ways to a better understand- ing, and you may judge for yourself on which side is ignorance displayed. 6 God has never said, anywhere in the “Holy Bible” that the earth was round or flat, He has never said the earth turned on its axis, and revolves around the sun, He has never said or told any one the distance from the earth to its farthest off-clouds of the distant stars, or the distance from this earth to Jupiter, or when the sun or moon would be in eclipse, and what part of the earth would be af- fected and how much and how long! No, these things have not been directly re- vealed to us by God, but He has guided the development of man and has re- vealed unto him the knowledge of measuring the distances of far away King- doms and to tell us the time of the eclipse of the sun. A gradual development by a Supreme Intelligence of our understanding, by our loving God, has shown us the way of understanding these great scientific truths. But God did say in the “Holy Bible” that He created man in His own image, in the image of God creat- ed he him; male and female created He them; and God blessed them. In our morning paper of June 26, 1925, prominently displayed on its first page is the announcement that Dr. H. F. Osborne, heads list of scientists to go to aid of evolution law violator, and this research professor of Zoology, Colum- bia University, author of “Evolution and Religion” and “The Earth Speaks to Bryan,” the most active opponent of Mr. Bryan in the present discussion and goes on giving list of names that are to come and help him in meeting the wit and wisdom of this modern Josiah in the defense of education and the Constitution of our God. He will need all the promptings and support of his colleagues, as well as to draw upon all of his resources and his best qualities in the presentation of the support he has to offer in the defense of evolution. Why is it these little fel- lows are so afraid of Mr. Bryan? I have seen him three or four times in my life, and have heard him speak as many times. I have never seen anything about him that appears to be frightful. He looks to be normal, his manner of speech is pleasing and full of wisdom and drives home the truths he is presenting, and yet “Mr. Osborne” the author of “The Earth Speaks to Bryan,” is afraid of this kind-hearted gentleman, as he clucks for his brood, and they come pattering at his command and say here am I, “speak,” and we will defend you from get- ting hurt at the hands of this nobleman. II] tell you why they are afraid of this noble man of God, it is because his abiding faith rests with the “Eternal God” and he has the moral courage to meet the sneers and rebuffs of his opponeats and stands out today as one of the very greatest of all living exponents of the true Christian religion of our Christ. This eminent doctor of “Zoology” has the temerity to come out in the same paper and in the same piece of the 26th of June and say: “Bryan is defendant in Evolution case.” And the real question is “Did God use evolution as His plan.” Go and read the creation of the world as laid down by Almighty God, and learn from the Great teacher the truths of creation and come unto Him and lay down your theory as it is not a science and thanks be unto God it will never be, for it is contrary to the teachings of Almighty God as it relates to the origin of man. This Doctor is not yet satisfied, he states: “The earth speaks, clearly, dis- tinetly, and, in many realms of nature, loudly, to William Jennings Bryan,” but he fails to hear a single sound.” Keep your ears close to the ground and think not it out of order to “tap in” on the 10th of July, A. D., 1925 and catch the whisperings as they come trickling through the breezes bringing to you and to me the message he speaks yonder in Dayton, Tenn., in the defense of educa- tion and the Constitution of our God. If Mr. Osborne is anywhere about, if he has not already been scared off the roost, then he had better hold on tight, as I am afraid he might fall and lose some of his thunder; but if he is fortun- ate enough to stand the message which I am sure he wll say, “sounded loud 7 enough for him to hear” and for all of his supporters gathered around the table to lament the cause they hold so dear. I have voted three times in the last three city elections in Jefferson County in the State of Alabama, for the support of the Public Schools and have paid my share of increased taxes as many times in each year, and I| count it as worthy for a righteous cause and will vote for such a measure again as many times as it may be necessary. I believe our Public School is one of the best institutions for the development of our children as can be found on the face of the earth. They should have the moral as well as our financial support and should be dear to the hearts of all right-thinking people. Especially do I speak of our schools in Jefferson County and the City of Birmingham which cannot be surpassed anywhere. This subject is so far reaching and so sacred I cannot in the least give it justice, but it is one dear to my heart. In the training of our children we want them to have the best opportunities in the development of their Christian charac- ter. We want them taught the truth, and no scientific theory as it relates to the origin of man, should be tolerated as it poisons their young minds and leads them to believe in a false doctrine. We want them brought up to believe in a true doctrine as it is taught by the Great Teacher when he said: Man is made after His own image, not after the false doctrine that scientists are trying to put off in every public school in our land. Science has been, and is a wonderful study. It has accomplished many marvelous things and has revealed many new discoy- eries and inventions and should be supported by all men everywhere, for it has brought to light these things that have been hidden in darkness, but ’tis through the gradual development of man that God created after his own image and guid- ed by a Supreme Intelligence that he has been able to show these things unto us, and any other doctrine preached by scientist or any other man or set of men, should not have the support of any man. You cannot prove your theory, for it is not in accord with the word of God. In one of our daily papers of the 27th of June, a display across its front page says: “Malone Flays Bryan in Speech.” Some of you may not know who “Malone” is, and that you may know and better understand who is flaying Mr. Bryan, I want to acquaint you with this distinguished, brilliant attorney from New York City. At a recent meeting of defense attorneys to prepare a list of scientific witnesses in the coming “Scopes” trial in Dayton, Tenn., this distinguished legal light was chosen as the one to prepare this list. Dr. H. F. Osborne, research-professor of Zoology, Columbia University, and author of “The Earth Speaks to Bryan” was chosen by Mr. Malone as the head of the list of scientific experts. You will observe that I have just paid my respects to this distinguished professor of “Zoology” and the calling together of his supports in the defense of a “theory.” And now this brilliant lawyer from New York, goes down to Knoxville, Tenn., and makes an address to the mothers of children in a state that has taken a great forward position which deserves and which will certainly receive the admiration and appreciation of the Christian world, and he said: “The Women of America can take care of the morals of their children without the help of Mr. Bryan or state legislatures,” and I want to say to this distinguished New York attorney, God Almighty has spoken in unmistakable terms to the women of America, and to the world: “She is the golden gem of all creation, and to her, her child is the Jewel of Life. Yes she will take care of the morals of her children and any good loving mother will cherish with fondest hope that her child’s best interest is dear to the heart of a Christian leader. And then if Mr. Malone is not satisfied, let us exercise our right to say through our 8 law-making body that the faith and religion of our children shall not be de- stroyed by teachers who poison their minds with “bunk” that no science has ever established. The trouble with Mr. Malone is, “he is jealous of Mr. Bryan,” as he states “Mr. Bryan seeks to capitalize his views on Christianity for the sake of his own popularity.” I am just as good as Mr. Bryan, I believe in Christianity, the Virgin Birth, the holy Trinity and the resurrection, and I am going down to Tennessee to do what I can in the defense of Prof. Scopes who has taught the children down there stuff that we have tried to put off on all public schools, and it has gotten our Professor into trouble, as the State of Tennessee is wise to our movements, as the lawmakers down there said our Professor could not teach the theory we hold so dear,” but I will tell you what I am going to do: “I am going to call Dr. Osborne and his associates to prove that our theory of evolution should be taught, and then if Tennessee “bucks” we will declare that the Ten- nessee affair is an outbreak of ignorance in opposition to knowledge. But we are going “four square” up against this “Nobleman” who stands so strongly and so forcefully to fight our theory that he knows is not a science. It is no fault of Mr. Bryan that you or any of your adherents are not as great as he. You are privileged to read and study your “Bible” the same as Mr. Bryan, and if you interpret it differently and do not rise as high, be not angry, and do not expect to be as popular in the Christian world. It will not do for us to fall out with each other on account of our views, but I just want to say: “Possibly” if you will come and see the light as it casts its rays from yonder heavens down upon the pages of the “Holy Bible” and read and understand Creation, you may after a time be just as popular. Place this “Holy” word among your volumes of law, as upon it your library is founded, and from it you go in and out and have your being and make your daily bread. It will set a good example to your colleagues in the profession of law and your distin- guished scientists all over this world. It will unfold unto them a better under- standing of the teachings of God in the creation of man. Hope and trust in God as to the creation of man as recorded in the “Bible,” will not interfere with any one’s religion or faith in Him. It denies no one of their personal liberty, you can serve and worship God according to the dictates of your own conscience. It acknowledges to the “Great” teacher and the “Giver” of life the honor this world is due to Him. It is the only written record under heaven that reveals unto all men everywhere the creation of man and by the au- thority of “Almighty God” when He said: “Let us make man in our own image and in the image of God, created he him; male and female created he them; and God blessed them. Every lover of God on the face of this earth cannot but love and respect him more for such honor and glory, as to make man after His own image and in so doing God has crowned man with the sole title to the posi- tion at the head of the “Kingdom of Life.” I say any attempt by man that God has made, to change or alter this declaration and Constitution of Almighty God, is on dangerous ground. Men of this world due him homage, respect his authority, and strike from your records your attempted teachings which are contrary to the teachings of our loving God. This thing has been brought upon us by scientists in their research to prove that the teachings of God are untrue, as it relates to the origin of man, then let us settle now and once for all time, settle the false doctrine they are trying to set up against the Holy Word of God, and show to the world that we believe in and will support with all our souls, minds and bodies, the teachings of our “Great” 9 teacher and the acceptance of his “Holy Word” and that we will defend it from all attacks from whatsoever source. Then—let us all be more concerned as to whither we goeth, than from whence we cometh—always looking forward and not backward. God moves in a mysterious way, His wonders to perform; He plants his foot-steps on the sea And rides upon the storm. Just as I was ready to go to press, I received a message from an expert on international affairs and one who enjoys a reputation as a student of science and religious history, and an evolutonist and therefore strongly defends the hypothesis, explaining the evolutionary theory. He states that Prof. Scopes has been summoned before the bar of Tennessee for teaching that life has self-de- veloped from low beginnings to high levels of versatility and progress by means of evolution. I believe it fair in the discussion of the subject of evolution which seems to be very prominent at this time in the minds and thoughts of men. The experts in their writings on this subject should speak in terms of short words that the uneducated who have not been so fortunate as to have been able to understand many of the phrases used in the discussion. Of course the scientists and the educated can readily understand, but let us speak in a human- ized way and convey our thoughts and knowledge of the subject in such form and fashion that all may understand. The scientist and the high-ups in their. vocabulary of expostulation can speak in terms of congruity as to expostulate and articulate in such a way that the versatility may not be understood by all. I believe in fair play and let us meet it on common ground. The Tennessee sit- uation would never have reached its present crisis if the scientists had not ex- postulated the versatility in their attempted dumping of this stuff on the intel- ligence of the people of Tennessee as to the origin of man. They had a right to resent this imposition by these scientists who are trying to dump this stuff of turning readily from one thing to another in all of our public schools all over our land. It is a false doctrine and one they cannot prove, as it is not in accord with the word of God. God don’t do business that way. He is not a trick hand worker. When he made man it was not necessary for him to turn him from one thing to another, first a monkey and then a man. He made him at the begin- ning in hs own likeness for we have his written word for proof recorded in the “Holy Bible”, and it is the only written word under the stars of his creation of man. Accept this message, thou student of science and religious history and let your light shine in the realms of your international affairs as it will burn with brightness and glow with beauty if you honor God by accepting his word, rather than the theory of man. Permit me to say to you in all frankness and in love for all men, that any attempt to infringe upon the “Constitutional” authority of our loving God in placing the teachings of other doctrine than that laid down by God himself as it relates to the origin of man, in our public or private schools, colleges, uni- versities and all seats of learning, should be restrained by an enactment of our law-making body, and incorporated into the “Constitution” of every state in the Union and forbid this false doctrine of Evolution being taught to the precious “Jewels” of our land. And in addition to this, carry this message yonder to the capital of this Union and present it to the House of Congress and to the Senate of these United States and say: “Write this message in your Federal Constitu- tion, restraining all persons in these United States of America or from any parts of this world in the teaching of other doctrines than that, that is laid down 10 by our Great teacher with his “Constitutional Authority” as it is the only writ- ten record in the pages of history under heaven when he said: “Let us make man in our own image, after our likeness. And God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them,” and God blessed them. Pay due homage to “Jehovah” and acknowledge His Author- ity and he will more wonderfully enrich our land, and pronounce a greater blessing upon the Golden Gems of all Creation, and he will lead our precious “Jewels” by the still waters and place a larger Crown and Title upon the head of the “Kingdom of Life.” Oho, ye ministers of the gospel, ye liberal interpretors of the scriptures, teachers of our children in all schools, colleges, universities and all seats of learning everywhere,—Columbia University, Princeton, Yale, Brown and Syra- cuse, and all others. All scientists and all people everywhere who support the false doctrine in oppositon to the word of God! Let me call upon you in His name to give the weight of your influence and knowledge that our Great Teacher has revealed unto you, to the word of God as to the origin of man, for he so loved you and pronounced his blessing upon you way back in the beginning of time and has made you ruler over all things that move upon the face of this earth. Take heed, Oho, men, and remember “THE LEADERS DO CAUSE THE PEOPLE TO ERR”! Great Britain, France, Germany, Austria Italy, and all Europe, Asia, Africa, Canada, Central and South America, and to all the far off isles of the seas, to men everywhere and to the four corners of this earth; we send greetings, and bid you to accept the “Holy Word” of our God when he said: Let us make man in our own image. And God made him in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them; and God blessed them. This is the only written record under heaven of the creation of man and it is by the Power and Authority of Almighty God. Let me call upon you that live across the seas and on distant shores to pay homage to this Great Teacher, respect his authority, and accept no other doc- trines of men that are trying to prove that His message is untrue as to the origin of man, for this they cannot do, as it is not in accord with the holy word of God. He so loved you and loved us that he gave us dominion over all things upon the face of this earth, and he has honored you and he has honored us by creating us after his own image, and we should love and respect him more for bestowing this honor upon us. Settle this for all time in accepting the word of God rather than the theory of man, and then concern yourself more as to whither we goeth, than from whence we cometh—Always looking forward and not back- ward, God will more wonderfully enrich your land and will bestow a greater blessing upon the Golden Gems of all Creation, and will lead your precious “Jewels” by the still waters and will place a larger Crown and Title upon the head of the “Kingdom of Life.” J. LIMUEL CASEY, 2705 Caldwell Avenue, Milner Heights. Birmngham, Ala. June 30, 1925. ll